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HANSON, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1864, by CROSBY AND AINSWORTH, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1866, by J. H. HANSON, tI the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. PREFACE. THE preparation of this volume was commenced some years since in the belief that the Latin preparatory course for college, both in the variety and arrangement of the materials composing it and in the materials themselves, could be improved; and that, by comprising in a single volume what is usually obtained from three or four, the expenses of the young student could be very considerably lessened. A desire to awaken a deeper interest in classical studies as well as to promote thoroughness in their pursuit, and to contribute something towards placing the advantages of a liberal education within the reach of all, is my apology, therefore, for adding another to the already numerous list of school-books. The idea which I have endeavored to keep constantly before me, is that of a drill-book; and, in strict accordance with this idea, nothing has been introduced, whether by way of grammatical references, synonyms, notes, history, or geography, which it is not deemed important that the student should make himself acquainted with. The references at the foot of the page are made to the Revised Edition of Andrews and Stoddard's and to Kiihner's Latin Grammars. The former of these works is too widely known and too extensively used to need any commendation of mine: of the latter I would say, as the result of some ten years' trial and almost daily reference, that it is not so widely known nor so extensively used as it deserves to be; and if the result of my humble effort shall be to call attention to its merits and give it a wider circulation, I shall be highly gratified. Besides giving teachers a choice in the use of grammars, it is iv PREFACE. believed that no inconsiderable advantage may be derived from consulting two so different in many respects as are these, which could not be gained from the use of one. They will be found constantly to explain and illustrate each other, and thus, by throwing light upon the classic page, to afford both teacher and pupil that kind of help which they most need. The introduction of synonyms, to any considerable extent, into a work so elementary as this, is a feature almost, if not wholly new; and it is hoped that it may not prove unacceptable to those of my fellow-teachers especially, who are engaged in preparing young men for college. The practice of discriminating between words whose general meanings are the same, or similar, cannot fail to have a most salutary influence upon mental development and accurate scholarship. Nearly all of this portion of the notes has been taken, without material alteration, from D6derlein's Hand-Book of Latin Synonyms. Questions on these extracts have been introduced among the references to intimate that they should be learned and recited by the pupil; and to facilitate reviewing, and thereby secure thoroughness here, these questions are repeated throughout the work. In the preparation of the notes, my aim has been to do neither too much nor too little; to render such assistance, and such only, as seemed to be necessary to enable the pupil, by the full exercise of his own powers, to master his task. I have not hesitated to translate, where translation was really needed, but have, in general, relied more upon the various other means of elucidating the meaning of the text, than upon this. In cases of a free translation of idiomatic expressions, a strictly literal, or more literal translation is usually added. The vocabulary, which has been compiled chiefly from Kaltschmidt's Latin Dictionary, has been prepared with much care, and with special reference to that numerous class of scholars who wish to acquire some knowledge of Latin, but do not intend to go to college. Such are thus enabled to accomplish their object without the necessity of incurring the expense of a lexicon. But the editor is fully of the opinion that it is better for those, who contemplate a more extended classical course, to become early accustomed to the use of a complete lexicon; for this PREFACFE V reason, he has thought it best, in making up the vocabulary, to omit entirely the orations. For all the rest of the text, it is hoped that it will be found amply sufficient. In regard to the text, my purpose has been to follow the latest and best recensions: the Caesar is chiefly that of Koch; the Sallust, that of Dietsch; the Cicero, that of the second edition of Orelli. Other excellent editions of these classics have been constantly consulted, and, in some cases, followed. The orthography is, for the most part, that of the editions of Caesar, Sallust, and Cicero, from which the text has been chiefly taken. This will account for the want of uniformity in the spelling of a few words. As to the quantity of Latin prose necessary for entering college, there is, and will, doubtless, continue to be, some difference of opinion. Our colleges are not all uniform in their requirements. The end aimed at by all is, however, very much the same; viz., a sufficient knowledge of the Latin language to enable the student to pursue with ease and profit the college classical course. The experience of some twenty years in this department of teaching and the preparation of some hundreds of young men for college, have convinced me that this end can be most successfully accomplished by taking the pupil over so much surface only as can be thoroughly studied. Any other course has a tendency not only to defeat this particular end, but also, by inducing loose and superficial habits of thought and study, to unfit the mind for success in all the other departments of a college course. These are substantially the views by which I have been governed in determining the quantity of text in the present volume. I think it will be found not only ample in itself, but all that can possibly be read in the time usually given to preparation for college, if the constant use of the grammar and the general thoroughness which the plan of the book supposes, shall be strictly carried into practice. Fewer of Cicero's orations have been introduced than are usually contained in the school editions of his Select Orations, but it is believed that more than an equivalent will be found in the thirty-five letters which have been substituted for them. These cover a period of twenty years, commencing with the vi PREFACE. year succeeding his consulship and ending with the year of his death. Besides throwing much light upon the orations and affording to the pupil a pleasing and interesting variety of readingmatter, these letters reveal more of the heart and true character of Rome's greatest orator, philosopher, and scholar, than any number of his orations could possibly do. These letters have been arranged in chronological order, and there has been prefixed to those of each year a brief history in Latin of the principal events of that year. This will aid very much in understanding many of the allusions in the text. I hope this slight departure from the old beaten track may prove acceptable to both teachers and scholars. In conclusion, I wish to say that very little is claimed on the score of originality. Mine has been the far humbler task to condense and arrange the materials which have been produced by others. I have had constantly before me the various editions of Caesar, Sallust, and Cicero, which are in common use in the schools of this country, and, in making the notes, have drawn freely from these and all other sources within my reach whatever. was suited to my purpose. In many instances credit has been given; and it would have been agreeable to my views and feelings always to do this; but it was in sdme cases very inconvenient, and in others quite impossible. A large portion of the notes on Cicero's letters, and all of the Roman history which is placed at the beginning of each of the years covered by these letters, have been taken without much alteration from a selection of Cicero's letters by T. K. Arnold, A. M. Besides my indebtedness in general to those who have preceded me in this department of literary labor, I am under special obligations to the Rev. J. T. Champlin, D. D., President of Waterville College, for many very valuable suggestions. With this general statement of the plan and design of the work, and of the sources from which it has been compiled, the editor offers it to the public in the hope that it may meet with a favorable reception, and prove useful in promoting the true interests of sound learning. PORTLAND, November 3, 1860. PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. A DESIRE has been expressed by many teachers, that the Vocabulary might be made to cover the Orations, as well as the other portions of the text, so that the whole volume might be studied without the aid of a Lexicon. To gratify this desire, an Appendix has been added at the end of the volume, containing all the words of the text which are not found in the Vocabulary. PREFACE TO THE ELEVENTH EDITION. AN extensive correspondence with classical teachers of high rank in different parts of the country has resulted in a New Edition of the Preparatory Latin Prose Book, containing several additions and changes, which, it is hoped, may be regarded as improvements. At the suggestion of W. J. Rolfe, A. M., Principal of the High School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and many other teachers, who discard the Latin Reader because it is not classical Latin, ten pages of short and easy extracts from the first four books of Caesar have been added at the beginning. It is believed that the thorough mastery of these extracts and of the portions of the Grammar referred to in them will render the transition from the Latin Grammar or Latin Lessons to the portions of the book which follow sufficiently gradual and easy. Four Orations have been added at the end of the volume, making ten in all. This will be deemed by many an unnecessary addition; but the book, having been adopted for the English Department of the Cambridge High School, has been enlarged at the request of the Principal of that School (and that of other teachers who prepare their pupils specially for Harvard College), that it may be used in the Classical De PREFACE, ix partment also. With this addition, it contains the maximum amount required for admission to Harvard College; for the University Professor of Latin in that College expressly says, that "the Catiline of Sallust shall be counted as an equivalent for the last three books of Caesar de Bello Gallico." The text of these Orations is mainly that of Orelli's Second Edition; and many of the notes are from the excellent Commentary of George Long, A. M. It has not been thought best to provide any vocabulary for the four added Orations; and the Appendix contained in this and former Editions will, at no distant day, be incorporated with the Vocabulary, unless the general opinion of those teachers best qualified to judge shall be found to favor its entire omission. The body of the work has not been at all changed. This Edition, therefore, may be used with former ones without inconvenience. PORTLAND, May, 1864. PREFACE TO THE THIRTEENTH EDITION. THE suspension of the publication of Kiihner's Latin Grammar having rendered that portion of the grammatical references in this volume, which was originally made to that Grammar, useless, they have been removed, and parallel references to the new Latin Grammar of Professor Harkness substituted for them. The author considers himself most fortunate in being able thus early to avail himself of a substitute for Kiihner which is so rapidly winning popular favor, and which is, in his opinion, far superior to any of its predecessors. WATERVILLE, July, 1865. PREFACE TO THE TWENTY-FIRST EDITION. IN addition to the grammatical references found in previous editions of this work, parallel references to the excellent Latin Grammar of Bullions & Morris have been inserted. In the careful and thorough examination of this Grammar made by the author while preparing the copy for this edition, he has been very favorably impressed by its merits, and hopes his labors may prove acceptable to those teachers who prefer this to other Grammars. The order of the references to the three Grammars is uniformly Harkness, Bullions & Morris, Andrews & Stoddard; and they may be readily distinguished from each other by the kind of figure employed for each, this being nearly the same as that used to number the sections in the respective Grammars. Besides, the semicolon is employed to separate the references to the different Grammars, while the comma separates the references to the same Grammar, in case there are more than one. WATERVILLB, April, 1868. CONTENTS. PAG0 REFERENCES TO THE PASSAGES FROM WHICH THE ECLOGAE CICERONIANAE ARE TAKEN..... xi TABLE OF CICERO'S LIFE...... xii TABLE OF CAESAR'S LIFE....... XV ECLOGAE CAESARIANAE... 1 ECLOGAE CICERONIAN....... 11 C. JULII CAESARIS COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. LIBRI IV........ 39 C. SALLUSTII CRISPI CATILINA. 137 M. TULLII CICERONIS ORATIONES. 1. IN L. CATILINAM ORATIO PRIMA HABITA IN SENATU 184 2. IN L. CATILINAM ORATIO SECUNDA AD QUIRITES 199 3. IN L. CATILINAM ORATIO TERTIA AD QUIRITES 212 4. IN L. CATILINAM ORATIO QUARTA HABITA IN SENATU 226 5. ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA AD QUIRITES.. 238 6. PRO A. LICINIO ARCHIA POETA ORATIO AD JUDICES 266 CICERONIS EPISTOLAE XXXV...... 281 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS...... 336 NOTES......... 337 LATIN-ENGLISH VOCABULARY...... 613 GEOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL INDEX.... 746 M. TULLII CICERONIS ORATIONES. 1. PRO M. MARCELLO, IN SENATU AD C. CAESAREM 779 2. PRO Q. LIGARIO, AD C. CAESAREM...789 3. PRO REGE DEIOTARO APUD CAIUM CAESAREM ORATIO.....00 4. PRO T. ANNIO MILONE ORATIO AD JUDICES 814 NOTES........... 849 REFERENCES TO THE PLACES FROM WHICH THE PASSAGES IN THE ECLOGUE CICERONIANAE ARE TAKEN. Narrations. I De Senect 18.- II. De Or. ii. 68. - III. Tusc. Disp. i. 47. - IV. De Or. i. 61.- V. De Or. iii. 56. - VI. De Fin. ii. 30.- VII. a. De Senect. 7. -VIII. a. Acad. Qusest. iv. I, De Fin. ii. 32; b. De Or. ii. 74; c. De Amicit. 12. —IX. De Off. iii. 11. —X. De Senect. 17.-XI.a. Tusc. Disp. v. 12; b. i. 43; c. v. 32; d. v. 108; e. Acad. Quaest. i. 4; f. Tusc. Disp. v. 34. —XII. De Off. iii. 22. —XIII. Tusc. Disp. v. 7.-XIT. Tusc. Disp. v. 34.- XV. De Off. iii. 26, 27.- XVI. Tusc. Disp. v. 21. -XVII. a. Tusc. Disp. v. 42; b. i. 42; c. v. 34. -XVIII. Tusc. Disp. ii. 25. —XIX. De Inv. ii. 4. —XX. Tusc. Disp. v. 23. —XXI Brat. -80, 90, 91. Maxims. 1. Ad Attic. xii. 28.- 2. xii. 5.- 3. De Fin. ii. 46. 4. De Fin. v. 24. 5. Orat. 34.- 6. Ad Attic. iv. 13.- 7. De Nat. Deor. i. 44.- 10. De Nat. Deor. ii. 66.-11. Tusc. Disp. i. 29. -12. De Orat. ii. 44. —13. De Off. i. 26.-14. De Off. i. 43.-15. De Fin. v. 16.-16. Ad Fam. v. 7.17. Tusc. Disp. iv. 26.-19. Pro Arch. 7.-20. Tusc. Disp. ii 5.21. De Orat. i. 25.- 22. i. 15.- 23. Acad. Quest. iv. 41. Descriptions. XXm. Verr. ii. 2, 1.- XXIV. De Senect. 15.- XXV De Div. ii. 27, 28.- XXVI. a. De Inv. i. 1; b. De Orat i. 8. — XXVII. a. De Nat. Deor. ii. 2; b De Legg. i. 8 c. De Nat. Deor. i. 32; d. iii. 39; e. ii. 22; f. De Legg. ii. 7; g. De Nat. Deor. ii. 28.- XXVIII. De Senect 23. TABLE OF CICERO'S LIFE. B.C. A.U.C. tero 106 648 MARCUS TULLIUS CICERO was born at Arpinum on the 3d of January, in the consulship of M. Servilius Caepio and C. Atillius Serranus, and was thus a few months older than Pompey, who was born on the last day of September in the same year, and six years older than Caesar, who was born B. C. 100. He was removed by his father at an early age to Rome, where he received instruction from some of the most celebrated rhetoricians and philosophers of his time, and particularly from the poet Archias. After he had assumed the toga, he studied law under Q. Mucius Scaevola, the Augur, and subsequently under the pontifex of the same name. 89 665 17 Served under Pompeius Strabo, the father of the great Pompey, in the Marsic war, and was present when Sulla captured the Samnite camp before Nola. 88 666 18 Heard Philo and Molo at Rome. 81 673 25 Made his first appearance as an advocate, delivered his speech Pro Quinctio. 80 674 26 Defended Sextius Roscius, who had been accused of parricide. 79 675 27 Went to Athens, and received instruction from Antiochus of Ascalon, a philosopher of the old Academy, and from Phaedrus and Zeno of the Epicurean school. 78 676 28 Visited Asia Minor, and heard Molo at Rhodes. 77 677 29 Returned to Rome: married Terentia: was engaged in pleading causes. TABLE OF CICERO'S LIFE. XT I Age of B.C. A.U.C. Ciero. 75 679:31 Quaestor in Sicily. 74 680 32 Returned to Rome. 70 684 36 Accused Verres. 69 685 37 iEdile. 66 688 40 Praetor. Spoke in favor of the Manilian law, by which the command of the war against Mithridates was transferred to Pompey. Defended Cluentius. Betrothed his daughter Tullia, who could not have been more than ten years old, to C. Piso Frugi. 65 689 41 Declined the government of a province in order to devote his energies to the attainment of the consulship. 63 691 43 Consul with C. Antonius; Suppressed Catilie's conspiracy. Opposed the Agrarian law, which had been proposed by Rullus. Defended C. Calpurnius Piso, who had been consul B. C. 67, and L. Murena, the consul elect. 62 692 44 Defended P. Sulla, who was implicated in the crimes of Catiline, but was screened from punishment by the aristocratical party. 59 695 47 Defended L. Flaccus, who had been praetor in the consulship of Cicero, and who was accused of extortion in the province of Asia. 58 696 48 Cicexo went into exile towards the end of March. He first proceeded to Brundisium, crossed over to Dyrrhachium, and thence went to Thessalonica, but returned to Dyrrhachium towards the close of the year. 57 697 49 Recalled from exile. 56 698 50 Defended Sextius, who had been instrumental in his restoration from banishment. Attacked, in a speech in the senate, Vatinius, who had been one of the chief witnesses against Sextius. 55 699 51 Attacked Piso, who had been consul at the time of his exile. Composed his work De Oratore, in three books 54 700 52 Defended Plancius, who had received him in his exile, and was now accused of bribery. Composed his work De Republica, in six books. 52 702 54 Defended Milo, who was accused of the murder of xvi TABLE OF CICERO'S LIFE. B. C. A.U.C. icero. Clodius, and about the same time wrote his treatise De Legibus. 51 703 55 Appointed against his consent to the government of Cilicia. 49 705 57 Returned to Rome on the 4th of January. The senate had just passed a decree that Caesar should dismiss his army; but on the rapid approach of Caesar towards Rome, the consuls fled from the city, accompanied by Cicero and the chief men of the aristocracy, with the view of defending the southern part of Italy. Cicero undertook to defend the coast south of Formiae and the country around Capua, but, repenting of his resolution, made terms with Casar. He changed his mind again, and in the early part of June quitted Italy to join Pompey in Greece. 48 706 58 After the battle of Pharsalia, at which he was not present, he returned to Brundisium, where he remained till the arrival of Caesar in Italy in September, B. C. 47. 47 707 59 Met Caesar at Brundisium, and afterwards proceeded to Rome. 46 708 60 Wrote his dialogue on famous orators, called Brutus. Spoke in defence of M. Marcellus and Q. Ligarius. 45 709 61 Divorced his wife Terentia: married a young ward, named Publilia: lost his daughter Tullia. He completed in this year his AcademicaeQuaestiones, his treatise De Finibus, and his Orator. Spoke in defence of Deiotarus, king of Galatia, who had incurred the resentment of Caesar by his support of the Pompeian party. 44 710 62 Composed many philosophical works: the Tusculanae Disputationes, the De Natura Deorum, the De Dihnatione, the De Senecute, and the De Officiis. After the assassination of Casar on the 15th of March, Cicero retired from Rome for a short time, but returned in the beginning of September, and delivered his first Philippic against Antony. 43 711 63 Assassinated by command of Antony, on the 7th of December. TABLE OF C^SAR'S LIFE. B. C.A.U.C. tCewr. 100 654 CAIUS JULIUS C&ESAR, the dictator, son of C. Julius Caesar and Aurelia, was born on the 12th of July, B. C. 100, in the consulship of C. Marius (VI.) and L. Valerius Flaccus, and was consequently six years younger than Pompey and Cicero. He was closely connected with the popular party by the marriage of his aunt Julia with the great Marius. 87 667 13 Elected to the dignity of flamen dialis, or priest of Jupiter, through the influence of his uncle Marius. 86 668 14 Death of C. Marius. 84 670 16 His father, who had been praetor, died at Pisae. 83 671 17 Married Cornelia, the daughter of L. Cinna, one of the chief opponents of Sulla. He had previously been married to one Cossutia, a wealthy heiress, whom he divorced in order to marry Cinna's daughter. This open declaration in favor of the popular party so provoked the anger of Sulla, that he 82 672 18 Commanded him to divorce Cornelia, which he refused to do. He was consequently proscribed, and deprived of his priesthood, his wife's dower, and his own fortune. Pardoned by Sulla. 81 673 19 Went to Asia, where he served his first campaign under M. Minucius Thermus, who was engaged in the siege of Mytilene. Sent by Thermus to Nicomedes III. in Bithynia to fetch his fleet. 80 674 20 Took part in the capture of Mytilene, and was rewarded with a civic crown for saving the life of a fellow-soldier. 78 676 22 Served under P. Sulpicius, in Cilicia; but in the XVll TABLE OF CAESAR'S LIFE. Age of B. C. A.U.C. CAsmar. early part of the campaign, on the death of Sulla, he returned to Rome. 77 677 23 Accused Cn. polabella, who was of Sulla's party and had beben onsui in B. C. 81, of extortion in his province of Macedonia. He gained great fame by this prosecution, and showed that he had powers of oratory which bid fair to place him among the fimirt spaluai at Roie. 76 678 24 Accused C. Antonius, who was afterwards consul, in B. C. 63, with Cieero, of extortion in Greece. To perfect himself still more in oratory,;he went to Rhodes to study under Mol, who was' also one of Cicero's teachers: on the voyage was captured by pirates off Miletus; obtained his liberty by the payment of fifty talents, manned some Milesian vessels, overpowered the pirates, and shortly afterwards crucified them. 74 680 26 Crossed into Asia, and engaged in the Mithridatic war:was elected pontiff in the place of C. Aurelius Cotta, his uncle, and in consequence returned to Rome. Was made military tribune. 70 684 30 Assisted Pompey in- carrying the Aurelian law: also the Plotian law, by which the followers of Marius, who had been. exiled by Sulla, were recalled. 68 686 32 Quaestor. Lost his aunt Julia, the widow of Marius, and his own wife Cornelia. Went into Further Spain. 67 687 33 Returned to Rome-: married Pompeia, the daughter of Q. Pompeius Rufus and Cornelia, the daughter of Sulla. Supported the proposal of the tribune Gabinius for conferring upon Pompey the command of the war against the pirates with unlimited powers: was elected one of the superintendents of the Appian Way. 66 688 34 Supported, along with Cicero, the Manilian law, by which the Mithridatic war was committed to Pompey. 60, 689 85 Curule.Edile with M. Bibulus: furnished public games surpassing in magnificence all that had preceded them: restored the statues of Marius. TALBE OPF CESAR'S LI3FI. Xix Age of F. C. A.U.C. Casar. 6X 6fi0 at6 Appointed judex questionis in trials for murder. 13 691 87 Supported the Agrarian law of P. Servilius Rullus, which Cicero spoke against on the first day of his consulship: instigated an accusation "for treason against C. Rabirius, an aged senator, whom Cicero defended in the speech Pro C. Rabirio; also an acesation against C. Piso, who was consul in' B. C. 67, for executing unjustly a Transpadane Gaul: was chosen pontifex maximum 62 692 88 Priator. Divorced Pompeia. 61 693 39 Propretor of Further Spaip. Subdued the mountainous tribes of Lusitania, aad took Brigantium, a iown in the country of the Galeci. Was saluted as Imperator by his soldiers, and honored by the senate with a public thanksgiving, 60 694 40 Returned? to Rome:' claimed a triumph, but relinquished it to become a candidate for the consulship. Was sucessful, and after his election, probably, entered into that coalition with Pompey and Crassus, usually known as the fit triumvirate. 59 695 41 Consul along with M. Bibulus, who had been his colleague in the gedileship. Gave his daughter Julia in marriage to Pompey. Married Calpurnia, the daughter of L. Piso, who was consul in the following year. Obtained the ptovinces of Cisalpine Gaul and Illyricum with three legions for five years; and the senate afterwards added the province of Transalpine Gaul with another legion for five years. 58 696 42 Proconsul of Gaul and Illyricum. Conquered the Helvetians, and totally defeated Ariovistus) the King of the Germans. 57 697 43 Belgic war. Compelled the Suessiones, Bellovaci, Ambiani, and other Belgic tribes to submit: conqueted the Nervii, with a loss of 60,000 men. Subjugation of the Veneti, Unelli, and other Armoric states. Thanksgiving at Rome of fifteen days. 56 698 44 Reconquered the Veneti and other Armoric states, who had revolted, reduced to subjection the greater part of the Aquitanian tribes, and marched against XX TABLE OF CASAR'S LIF. Age of B. C. A.U.C. Cesar. the Morini and Menapii and drove them into their forests and marshes He was now master of all Gaul. 55 699 45 By the law of Trebonius, obtained the provinces of Gaul and Illyricum for another five years; namely, from the 1st of January, B. C. 63, to the end of B. C. 49. Conquered the German tribes, Usipetes and Tenchtheri, who had crossed the Rhine for the purpose of settling in Gaul: crossed the Rhine by a bridge of boats, ravaged the country of the Sigambri, returned to Gaul in eighteen days and destroyed the bridge: invaded Britain with two legions: on his return punished the Morini for their revolt during his absence. Thanksgiving of twenty days decreed by the Roman senate. 54 700 46 Second invasion of Britain. Revolt of the Eburones led on by their chiefs Ambiorix and Cativolcus. Defeat of the Eburones. Indutiomarus, a chief of the Treviri, slain. Lost his daughter Julia, the wife of Pompey. 53 701 47 Compelled the Nervii, Senones, Carnutes, Menapii, and Treviri, who had revolted, to return to obedience: bridged the Rhine, and made a second expedition into Germany. 52 702 48 General conspiracy and revolt of the Gauls, led by Vercingetorix, a young chief of the Arverni. Besieged Alesia, in which Vercingetorix had fortified himself, and took' it together with Vercingetorix. Submission of the 2Edui and Arverni. Thanksgiving of twenty days voted by the Roman senate. 51 703 49 Suppressed new conspiracies of the Gauls, and reduced in succession the Carnutes, the Bellovaci, the Armoric states, and Aquitania 50 704 50 Left his army in Transalpine Gaul, and repaired early in the spring of this year into Cisalpine Gaul: soon returned to Transalpine Gaul and reviewed his army. Sent two legions to Rome at the command of the senate, after he had made each soldier liberal presents. Intrigues of Pompey and the senate against him. TABLE OF CESAR'S LIFE. XiX Age o B. C. A.U.C. Clmr. 49 705 51 Ordered by the senate to disband his army. War declared. The management of it given to Pompey. Crossed the Rubicon, the boundary of his province; marched into Italy; took Corfinium; pursued Pompey to Brundisium. Panic at Rome. Laid siege to Brundisium, but Pompey embarked for Greece on the 17th of March. Went to Rome. In three months was master of all Italy. Proceeded to Spain, where he conquered Afranius and Petreius, the legati of Pompey, and reduced the whole country to submission in forty days. Appointed dictator by the praetor M. Lepidus, who had been empowered to do so by a law passed for the purpose. Returned to Rome. Entered upon the duties of his dictatorship, which he resigned after eleven days: having in the mean time caused the consular election to be held, in which he, together with P. Servilius Vatia Isauricus, was elected consul for the ensuing year. Went to Brundisium in December, in order to cross over into Greece. 48 706 52 Set sail from Brundisium on the 4th of January, and arrived the next day on the coast of Epirus. Defeated Pompey at the battle of Pharsalia in the month of August. Pursued him to Egypt, where he was murdered before the arrival of Caesar. Ap. pointed dictator for a year. Alexandrine war. 47 707 53 Alexandrine war brought to a close in March. Marched through Syria into Pontus to attack Pharnaces, whom he utterly defeated on the 2d of August, near Zela. Returned to Rome in September, having settled the affairs of Syria, Cilicia, Asia, and Cappadocia, on the way. Appointed dictator again for one year. Elected consul along with M. JEmilius Lepidus for the next year. Set out for Africa just before the end of the year, in order to carry on war against Scipio and Cato. 46 708 54 Took Utica. Brought the war to a close by the battle of Thapsus, on the 6th of April, in which the Pompeian army was completely defeated. Returned to Rome in July. Undisputed master of the Roman XXii TABLE OF CAESAR'S LIFE. Age o B. C. A.U.C. Caesar. world. A public thanksgiving of-forty days decreed in his honor. Appointed dictator for ten years, and censor for three years. Celebrated his victories in Gaul, Egypt, Pontus, and Africa, by four magnificent triumphs. Reformed the calendar. Set out for Spain. 45 709 55 Insurrection in Spain under the command of lompey's sons, Cneius and Sextus. Brought the Spanish war to a close by the battle of Munda, on the 17th of March. Returned to Rome in September. Enjoyed a fifth triumph on account of his victories in Spaim. Thanksgiving of fifty days. Received the title of Imperator for life: nominated consul for the next ten years, and both dictator and praefectus moron for life. To reward his followers, he greatly increased the number of senators, augmented the number of public magistrates, so that there were to be 16 pretors, 40 questors, and 6 lediles, and added new members to the priestly colleges. 44 710 56 The month Quintilis called Julius in honor of him. Prepared for an expedition against the Parthiauns and other barbarous tribes on the Danube. Refused the diadem offered him by his colleague in the consulship, M. Antony. Slain in the senate-hoise on the Ides of March, by Brutus, Cassius, and other conspirators, to the number of sixty. ECLOGAE CAESARIANAE. I. (Paoe 50, line 14.) Divicoa respondit.b- (55, 9.) Caesar ejusC dextramd prendit.- (70, 25.) Non respuit conditionemd Caesar.- (40, 1.) Gallia est omnise divisa in partesf tres.e- (56, 7.) Caesar suas copias in proximumg collemf subducit, aciem instruit.h - (72, 17.) Ariovistus ad postulata 5 Caesarisi pauca respondit. - (79, 8.) Item Marcus MettiusJ repertus et ad eum reductus est. - (71, 3.) Dies colloquiok dictus est ex eo die quintus.' - (40, 4.) Gallos abm Aquitanisn Garumna flumen,~ a Belgis Matrona et Sequaina dividit. - (136, 28.) Caesar in Belgisf omnium legionum' hiberna 10 constituit. - (76, 6.) Equitum milia erant sex.- (40, 5.) Horum omnium fortissimi sunt Belgae. II. (109, 3.) Itaque sea suaque omnia Caesaria dediderunt.- (110, 10.) Multae resb ad hoc consilium Gallos hortabantur. -(49, 21.) Hisd Caesar ita respondit.c - (54,15.6.) His omnibus rebusf unumg repugnabat.h- (79, 16.) Hibernis' Labienumj praeposuit. - (86, 17.) His' Quintum Pedium etk Lucium Aurunculeium Cottam legatos' praefeecit.m I. a343, 344, 345, T., 347, 367; 1399, 1400, 633; 200, 201.b353, 460; 1404, 634; 209 (n) & (b). - 186; 243; 134.-d371; 12; 229. - 438; 650; 205. —f435 & 1; 98'; 235 (2). —g66; 222; 126, 1. - h704, I. & 1; 138, 1st; 278, R. 6.- i395; 751; 211.-j 12, 2; 14, 4; 12, Exc. —k384; 818; 223.-172; 206; 119, II.m-306; 468; 195, 1.-n434; 470; 241. —363; 622; 204. II. a354, I. 3; 1405; 203, 5 & I. 1 (2). -b352, I.; 1401; 202, 1, 2, 3, & 6, I. 1 (3). —221; 304; 142, 4.-d346, I.-e354, I. 2 & II. 1; 203, 1, 2, & 3. —f385; 831; 223,. 2. —g441; 658; 205, R. 7, (2).h460; 634; 203, 5, II. 1. -386; 826; 224.- i 371; 712; 229.k309, I., 587 & I.; 1369; 278.-1363; 622; 204. —m361, 3; 1404; 203, 5, III. 1. 2 ECLOGAE CAESARIANAE. Titum Labienum1 legatum' cum legionibus0 tribusP subsequi jussit. - (56, 22.) Iter ab Helvetiis avertitq ac Bibracter ire contendit. —(110, 23.) Sabinus suos8 hortatus, cupientibust signum dat. —(111, 6.) Civitatesqueu omries sev statim Ti5turio dediderunt.- (85, 1.) Palus erat nonW magna inter nostrumX atque hostium exercitum. III. (47, 2.) Ob eas caussas ei munitioni,a quamb fecerat, T. Labienum legatum praefecit. - (43, 24.) Erant omnino itinera duo, quibus" itineribusd domoe exire possent. - (109, 10 7.) Dum haecf in Venetisg geruntur, Quintus Titurius Sabinus cum his copiis, quasb a Caesare acceperat, in finesg Unellorumh pervenit. - (40, 18.) Belgae ab extremisi Galliae finibus oriunturJ: pertinentj ad inferioremi partein fluminis Rhenik: spectanti in septentrionems et orientem solem.g 15 Aquitania a Garumna flumine ad Pyrenaeos montes1 et earn parteml Oceani,h quaeb est ad Hispaniam,l pertinet: spectatj iater occasum' solis et septentriones.1- (105, 15.) Itaque Titum Labienum legatum in Treviros, quib proximim flumini" Rhenok sunt,J cum equitatu mittit. 20 IV. (108, 27.) Quo proelioa bellumb Venetorume totiusqued orae" maritimae confectum est.e- (40, 3.) Hi omnes lingua,f institatis,f legibusf inter se differunt. - (59, 6.) Helvetii, omnium rerum inopiaa adducti,g legatos de deditione ad II. "375; 1136; 239. - 434; 982; 241.- P72 & 1; 201,1; 117, I. —q 361, 2; 1404, II.; 203, 4. -r379; 938; 237. -441, 575; 658; 205, R. 7 (1), 274, 1. - t384, II.; 855; 223. - u 26, 2. 3) (a); 505; 15, 2.-v449, I.; 1018; 133. —602, IV.; 1390; 279, 15 (b). -x 185; 236; 139, 1. IIL. 386 & 1; 826; 224. b445, 371; 683, 712; 206, 229.c445, 1 & 8; 685, 688; 206, R. 19 (b).-d414; 873; 247.-424, 2; 993; 89.-f441, 2; 658; 205, R. 7 (2).-g435 & 1; 988, (2) 987; 235 (2).-h395; 751; 211.-' 163, 3; 222; 125, 4. -i 466; 1080; 145, I. —363; 622; 204.-1433; 469; 235 (1).-"166; 222; 126, 1.-"391 & 1; 860; 222, R. 1. IV. "414; 873; 247.-b352, II.; 1401; 202, 3. — 395; 751; 211. -d149; 191; 107. - 471, I. & II.; 267; 145, IV. - f429; 889; 250, 1. — 574; 1343; 148 (1) & (2). ECLOGAE CAESARIANAE. 3 eum miserunt.e — (45, 13.) Interea ea legione,h quami secumj habebat,k militibusque,h quii ex provincia convenerant, a lacu Lemanno, quit in flumen Rhodanum influit, ad montem Juram,m quii fines Sequanorum ab Helvetiis dividit, miliae passuum0 decem novemP murum in altitudinem pedumq se- 5 decim fossamque perducit.r - (55, 26.) P. Considius, quii rei8 militaris peritissimust habebatur,k et in exercitu L. Sullae et postea in MI. Crassi fuerat,l cum exploratoribus praemittitur.r V. (58, 24.) Ibi Orgetorigis filia atque unus e filiisa cap- 10 tus est.b - (59, 17.) Primac nocte e castris HelvetiSrum egressid ad Rhenum finesque Germanorum contenderunt.b - (47, 12.) Inde in Allobrogum fines, ab Allobrogibus in Segusianos exercitum ducit.b Hi suntb extra provinciam trans Rhodanum primi. Helvetii jam per angustias et fines Sequa- 15 norum suas copias traduxerant,b et in Aeduorum fines pervenerantb eorumque agros populabantur. —(50, 18.) Postero dief castra ex eo loco moventb: idem facitb Caesar. - (74, 28.) Biduog posth Ariovistus ad Caesarem legatos mittit.b — (100, 12.) Eum locum valloi fossaque munivit.b- (106, 3.) 20 Ipse eo pedestribus copiis contendit.b VI. (83, 6.) In eo fluminea ponsb erat. Ibi praesidiumc ponit, et in altera parted fluminis Q. Titurium Sabinum legatum cum sex cohortibusd relinquit: castra0 in altitudineme pedumf duodecim vallo fossaqueg duodeviginti pedumf munire 25 IV. 1414, 4; 873; 247, 3. -i445; 683; 206.- -434, 5; 986; 133, R.4.-k468; 1087; 145, II.-472; 1096; 145, V.-"363; 622; 28, 3. —378; 958; 236. —396, III. 2, 2); 771; 212, R. 2.P174; 208; 118, 3 (a).-q396, IV. & 1; 757; 211, R. 6.-r467, III. & 1; 1082; 145, I. 3.-'399, 1, & 2, 2) (2); 765, 767; 213.-t160; 215; 122, R. 4. V. a398, 4; 775; 212, R. 2, N. 4.-b474, 463, I.; 1079, 644; 259. c441, 6; 662; 205, R. 17.-d574; 1343; 148, 1 (4). —221; 304; 142, 4.-f426; 949; 253.-g427, 1; 954; 253, R. 1.-.436; 474, 4; 235, R. 10.-i414; 873; 247. VI. a113; 168; G6.-b 110, 1; 165; 64, 1. -c47; 71;46.-d110; 159; 62. —eOO, 1; 153; 597 2.-f104, 396, IV.;152, 757; 58, 211, R. 6.-944; 53; 41. 4 ECLOGAE CAESARIANAE. jubet. Ab his castris oppidum RemSrum, nomineh Bibrax, aberat miliai passuumj octo.k Id ex itinere1 magno impetum Belgae oppugnare1 coeperunt.- (85, 15.) Caesar certior factus ab Titurio, omnem equitatum et levis armaturae0 Nu5 midas,P funditores sagittariosque pontemq traducit, atque ad eos contendito Acriterr in eo loco pugnatum est.s Hostes impeditos nostrit in flumine aggressi, magnum eorum numerum occiderunt. VII. (111, 26.) Hi nostrosa disjectosb adortib proelium 10 renovarunt. —(75, 19.) Conantesb dicered prohibuit et in catenas conjecit. - (84, 27.) Hostes item suase copias cx castris eductasb instruxerant.- (50, 17.) Hoc respo'sof dato,g discessit. - (70, 22.) Cognitog Caesaris adventu,f Ariovistus legatos ad eum mittit.- (82, 29.) Hisf manda15 ti,g eum ab see dimittit. - (79, 10.) Hoc proeliof trans Rhenum nunciato,g Suevi, quih ad ripas Rheni venerant, domumi revertid coeperunt. - (59, 4.) Ipse triduof intermisso,g cum omnibus copiis eos sequid coepit. —(112, 24.) Armisf obsidibusquef acceptis,9 Crassus in fines Vocatiumk 20 et Tarusatiumk profectus est. - (120, 10.) Ref frumentaria comparatag equitibusquef delectis,g iter in ea loca1 facered coepit, quibusm in locis esse" Germanos0 audiebat. VIII. (63, 23.) His rebus cognitis,a Caesar Gallorumb animos~ verbisd confirmavite pollicitusque est, sibif earn VI. h429; 889; 250, 1. - 378; 958; 236. - 396, III. 2, 2); 771; 212, R. 2.k 175, 2; 203, 4; 118, 1.-1103, 2; 157; 60, 2.m414, 3, 118; 137, 873; 247, 87. - "552 & 1; 1138; 271.- c396, IV.; 757; 211, R. 6. -P35, I.; 33; 28,.- q374, 6; 718, 2d; 233 (1). —_335 & 2; 595; 192, II. 2.- S298, 301, 3; 451, 453; 184 (a), & 2 (b).-t441 & 1; 658; 205, R. 7 (1). VII. a371; 712; 274, 1.-b571, 572, 574; 1343; 274, 2. —234; 315; 162, 7 (a).- d552, 1; 1138; 271. -e449, I.; 1020; 208, R. 37 (a). —f430, 431, 1 & 2; 964, 965; 257.-9438 & 1; 651; 205.h445 & 1; 683; 206. —379, 3 & 1); 943; 237, R. 4.-J452; 1035; 135.-k 89, 5; 117; 83, IT. 2, & R. 2.-1141; 186; 92, I. 2. —m445, 8; 688; 206 (b), & (1). —551, 1; 1152; 272.-0545; 1136; 239. VIII. a430, 431, 1 & 2; 970; 257, R. 1.-b395, 396, I.; 744; 211. — _371; 712; 229.-d414; 873; 247.-e464; 261, 262; 141, I.f390; 848; 227, & R. 3 (a). ECLOGAE CAESARIANAE. 5 remg curaef futuramh: magnam seg haberei spemc et beneficio suo etj auctoritatte adductum Ariovistumg finemc injuriisk facturum.h Hac oratione habita," concilium dimisit.-(91, 15.) His difficultatibusf duae res erant subsidio,f scientia' atque usus' militum.b- (136, 12.) Qua re nunciata,a Caesar 5 omnem ex castris equitatum suisf auxiliof misit. - (115, 1.) Hac auditaa pugna, maxima pars AquitaniaeT sese Crassok dedidit obsidesque ultro misit; quo in numero fuerunt Tarbelli, Vocates, Gates, Ausci, Cocosates: paucae ultimaen nationes anni temp6re0 confisae, quod hiems suberat, hoc facereP 10 neglexerunt. IX. (81, 1.) Re frumentaria comparata, castra movet, diebusquea circiterb quindecim ad fines Belgarum pervenit. (136, 13.) Interimb nostri milites impetum hostium sustinuerunt atque amplius" horisd quatuor fortissime0 pugnaverunt, et paucis vulneribuse acceptis, complures ex hisf occidcrunt. Postea vero quam equitatus noster in conspectum venit, hostes, abjectis armis,e terga verterunt, magnusque eorum numerus est occisus. Caesar postero dieg Titum Labienum legatum cum his20 legionibus, quas ex Britannia reduxerat, in Morinos, qui rebellionem fecerant, misit. X. (46, 5.) Relinquebatur una per Sequanos via, qua," Sequanisb invitis, propter angustias irec non poterant. — (41, 3.) Apud Helvetios longe nobilissimus fuite et ditissi-25 mus Orgetorix. Is, M. Messalab et M. Pisoneb consuliVIII. g545; 1136; 239. - h545, 3; sc. esse; 270, R. 3. —1551, 2; 1148; 272. - 587, I. 5; 13r4; 278, R. 7. - k384 & II.; 855; 223. —1363; 622. 204.-m396, II. & 2, 1); T71; 212. —166; 222; 126, 1.-o419, II.; 833, 5th, N.; 245, II. 1.-P552, 1; 1138; 270. IX. a378, 1; 950; 253.-b582; 996; 277.-c305; 462; 194, 2. — d417; 895; 256, 2.-e430; 965; 257. - f 398, 4, 2);''75; 212, R. 2, N. 4. —426; 949; 253. X. a414; 8T3; 255, 2.- b430: 964, 965; 257, R. 7. — 552, I,; 1138; 271. - d289, 1 & 2; 412; 154, R. 7 (a) & (b) - e471, II.; 1093; 145, IV. & R. 6 ECLOGAE CAESARIANAE. bus,f regni cupiditateg inductus conjurationem nobilitatis fecit et civitatih persuasit, ut de finibus suis cum omnibus copiis exirent.i - (57, 17.) Caesar, primum suo,? deinde omnium ex conspectu remotis equis,J ut, aequsto omnium periculo, spem 5 fugae tolleret, cohortatus suos, proelium commisit. Milites, e loco superiorek pilisj missis, facile hostium phalangem perfregerunt. Eaj disjecta, gladiis' destrictis in eos impetuin fecerunt. - (112, 10.) Qua re impetrata,J arma tradere jussi faciunt. Xt XI. (58, 13.) Ita ancipitia proeliob diu atque acriter pugnAtum est.c- (58, 16.) Nam hoc toto proelio,d quum ab hora septima ad vesperum pugnatum sit,e aversum hostem videre lemo potuit. Ad multam noctem etiam ad impedimenta pugnatum est. - (59, 23.) Helvetios,f Tulingos,S 15 Latobrigosf in finesg suos, unde erant profecti,h reverti jussit.i - (60, 2.) Id ea maximeJ ratione fecit'; quod noluit,i eum locum, unde Helvetii discesserant,h vacare,k ne propter bonitatem agrorum Germani, qui trans Rhenum incolunt, e suis finibus in HelvetiSrum fines transirentl et finitimi Galliae 20 provinciaem AllobrogibusqueT essent.1- (75, 15.) His" mandavit, ut, quae0 dieeret Ariovistus, cognoscerentl et ad se referrent.1 XII. (78, 15.) Tertiam aciem laborantibusa nostrisb subsidiob misit. —(94, 27.) Et T. Sabinus castris0 hostium 25 potitus, et ex loco superiore, quae res in nostris castris gererentur,d conspicatus, decimam legionem subsidiob nostrisb X. f362, & 3, 3); 972; 210. —414, 2 & 3), (2); 8'3; 247.-h385; 831; 223, R. 2.-i489, 492, 345, 1 & 2, 357; 1066, 1205; 262, 201, 6, 7, & 8.-i 430; 965; 257.- k 156, 1; 19'; 113, 2. -1414; 873; 257, N. 1. XI. i155, 3,2), 156, 1; 194; 113, Exc. 3. -b414, 3; 8'3; 247.c301, 3; 453; 184, 2 (a) & (b).- 426, 1; 950; 253. —e518, I.; 1282; 263, 5 & R. l. —f545; 1136; 239.-g435 & 1; 986; 235 (2).h472; 1096; 145, V.-'471, II.; 1093; 145, IV.-i 305; 464; 191, 4.k551, II.; 1153; 273, 4 (a). —489; 1205; 262. —m391 & 1; 860' 222, R. 1.-"385; 831; 223, R. 2.-~451 & 1; 689; 206 (4). XII. -575, 576; 1348; 274, 3 (a). - b390 & 1, 2); 848; 227. - c419, I.; 880; 245, I. —525; 1182; 265. ECIOGAE CAESARIANAE. 7 nisit. —(51, 9.) Interim quotidie Caesar Aeduose fiumentume quod essentf publice polliciti, flagitare.g - (52, 17.) Caesar hac orati6neh Lisci Dumnorigem,i Diviti'ici fiatremj designarik sentiebat, sed, quod pluribus' presentibus eas res' jactari nolebat, celeriterm concilium dimittit, Liscum retinet: 5 quaerit ex solon ea, quae in conventu dixerat. Dicit liberius0 atque audacius.0 - (57, 5.) Postquam idP animumP advertit, copias suas Caesar in proximum collem subducita equitatumque, qui sustineretr hostium impetum, misit. XIII. (58, 22.) Diu quum esset pugnatum,a impedimen-10 tisb castrisque nostric potiti sunt.d- (71, 18.) Planitiese erat magna, et in ea tumulus terrenus satis grandis. Hic locus aequo fere spatiof ab castris Ariovisti et Caesaris aberat. Eo,g ut erat dictum,'a d colloquium venerunt.d Legionem Caesar, quam equish devexerat,' passibusf ducentisj ab eo tu- 15 mulo constituit. Item equites Ariovisti pari intervallof constiterunt. Ario^istus, ex equis ut colloquerenturk et praeter se denos1 ut ad colloquium adducerent,k postulavit. - (43, 10.) Post eius mortem nihilom minus Helvetii id, quod constituerant.i faceren conantur.0 20 XITV (45, 5.) Caesar,a quod memoriab tenebat, L. Cassium" consalem occisurnd exercitumque ejus ab Helvetiise puliumd et sub jugum missum,d concedendumf non putabat. xII. e374; 734; 231.-f483; 1161; 260, & I. —545, 1; G41; 209, R1. 5.- h414; ST3; 247. - i545; 1-136; 239.-j 363; 6,22; 204.-k 55, I. 1; 1148; 272.-1430; 965; 257.-m335 & 2; 595; 192, II. 2.-"149; 191; 107. —~305; 462; 194, 2.-P374, 6;'18, 2d; 233, & (1). — 467, III.; 1082; 145, I. 3.-r500; 1205; 264, 5. XIII. a301, 3, 518, II. 1; 453, 1244; 263, 5, & R. 2, 184, 2 (a) & (b).- b419, I.; $80; 245, I.-c441, 1; 658; 205, R. 7 (1).-d471, II.; 1093; 145, IV.-e 19; 146; 90.- 378, 2; 958; 236, R. 4. —g336; 600; 192, lIT. R.-h414, 4; 873; 247, 3.-i472; 1096; 145, V.j 77; 203, 4; 113,. k489 & 1,492 &3; 1205; 262. -1172, 3, 179; 207; 119, III. - m418; 99; 256, R. 16. - "552, 1; 1138; 271. —467, II.; 1082; 145, I. 3. XIV. a367; 633; 209 (a). —b414; 83; 247. — 545; 1136; 239. -1a45, 3; sc. esse; 270, R. 3.-e414, 5; 868; 24, I.-f 229, 551, I. 1; 329, 1148; 162, 15, 272. ~8 ~ ECLOGAE CAESARIANAE. - (45, 11.) Legatisg respondit, diemh se1 ad deliberandumj sumpturumd: si quidk vellent, ad Idus1 Aprilism reverterentur. -(61, 17.) Locutus est pro his Divitiacus Aeduus: Galliae totius factidnesC essen duas: harum alterius princi5 patum tenere Aeduos," alterius Arvernos.c - (63, 7.) Hac oratione ab Divititcoe habita, omnes, qui aderant, magno fietub auxilium a Caesaire0 petere coeperunt. Animadvertit Caesar, unos ex omnibus Sequanosc nihil earum rerumP facere, quas ceteri facerent,q sed tristes, capiter demisso, terram 10 intueri. Ejus rei quae caussa esset,8 miratus ex ipsiso quaesiit. Nihil Sequani respondere,t sed in eadem tristitia taciti permanere.t XV. (47, 17.) Aedui quum se suaque ab iis defendere non possent, legatos ad Caesarem mittunt rogatuma auxilium. 5 — (60, 22.) Bello Helvetiorum confecto, totius fere Galliae legati, principesb civitatum, ad Caesarem gratulatum' convenerunt.- (100, 1.) HuicC permisit, si opus esse arbitraretur, uti in his locis legionem hiemandid caussa collocaret.e (74, 15.) Dum haec in colloquio geruntur, Caesari nunciatum 20 est, equites Ariovisti propius turnalumf accedere et ad nostros adequitare, lapidesg telaque in nostros conjicere. Caesar loquendid finem facit, seque ad suos recepit, suisqueh imperavit, ne quod omnino telum in hostes rejicerent.e - (92, 3.) Atque in alteram partem item cohortandid caussa profectus, pugnan25 tibusi occurrit. XVI. (83, 18.) Nam quum tanta multitudo lapides ac XIV. g384; 818; 223, R. 2.-h371; T'12; 229. - 545; 1136; 239.-j 196, II. 2, 565; 265, 1337; 148, 2 (a) & (b), 275, III. R. 3.k189, 190, I.; 249; 138, N. & 2. -1118, 1, 708, I. 3; 138, 1526; 326, 2 (1), 88, 1.-708, III. 2, 88, III. 1; 1527; 326, 2 (5), (b), 114, 2.-n528, 530, I. & 1; 1296; 270, R. 2 (b), 266, N. & 2.-~374, 3, 4); 738; 231, R. 2.- P395, 396, III. 2, 1); T7; 212. —q 476, 477; 1162; 145, I.-r430; 965; 257.- 525; 1182; 265.-t 545, 1; 1137; 209, R. 5. XV. a 567, 568, 569; 1360; 148, 3, 276, II. - 363; 622; 204.'384; 818; 223.-d559, 560, 563, 395; 1327; 275,., 211. —489, I.; 1205; 262. —f437, 1; 86; 238, 1 (a). — 371; 712; 229. —h385; 831; 223, R. 2.-1386; 826; 224. ECLOGAE CAESARIANAE. 9 tela conjicerent,^ in muro consistendib potestas erat nulli." Quum finem oppugnandib nox fecissetd Iccius Remus,e summaf nobilitateg et gratia inter suos, quih turn oppidoi praeerat, unuse ex his, quih legatiJ de pace ad Caesarem venerant, nuncium ad eum mittit.k - (125, 15.) Navium1 magnam copiam $ ad transportandumm exercitum" pollicebantur. - (66, 24.) Quum tridui viam~ processisset,d nuntiatum est ei,P Ariovistumq cum suis omnibus copiis ad occupandumm Vesontionem," quodr est oppidum maximum Sequan6rum, contendere triduique viam~ a suis finibus profecisse. Id ne accideret,5 magno 10 operet sibiu praecavendumv Caesar existimabat. XVII. (41, 21.) His rebus adducti et auctoritate Orgetorigis permoti constituerunt ea, quaea ad proficiscendumb pertinerent,c comparare.d- (42, 2.) Ad eas res conficiendase biennium sibif satis esse duxerunt: in tertium annum profec- 15 ti6nem legeg confirmant. - (40, 5.) Horum omnium fortissimi sunt Belgae, propterea quod a cultu atque humanitate provinciae longissimeh absunt, minimequeh ad eos mercatores saepe commeant atque ea, quae ad effeminandosb animos pertinent, important; proximique sunt Germanis,i qui trans 20 Rhenum incolunt, quibuscumj continenter bellum gerunt: qua de caussa Helvetii quoque reliquos Gallos virtute praecedunt, quod fere quotidianis proeliisk cum Germanis contendunt; quum aut suis finibus' eos prohibent, aut ipsi in eorum finibus bellum gerunt. 25 XVI. a461 & 1; 648; 209, R.11.-b563, 395; 1327; 275,T., 211. c387; 821; 226.-d5518, II 1; 1244; 263, 5, R. 2.- e363; 622; 204. —f63, 3; 222; 125, 4. —428; 888; 211, R. 6.-h445; 683; 206.-i386; 826; 224. — 362; 666; 210, R. 3 (2), & R. 4.-k467, III.; 1082; 145, I. 3.-189, 3, 1); 11; 83, II. 2.-m562; 1322; 275, II.- n433; 981; 235 (1).- ~371, 1, 3); 713; 232 (1).- P383, 384; 818; 223.- 545; 1136; 239.-445, 4; 69i; 206 (10). — s489, I.; 1205; 262.-t414; 873; 247. - u388, I.; 847; 225, III. 229; 329; 162, 15. XVII. a445; 683; 206.-b559, 560, 565; 1337; 275, II. R. 2, & III. R. 3. — 500 & 2; 1218; 261, 1 (a). -d552, 1; 1138; 271.e562; 1324; 275, II. —384; 820; 223. —414, 4; 873; 247, 3.h305; 462; 194, 2. —391 & 1; 861; 222, 3, R. 1. —434,3; 986; 241, R. 1.-k414, 3; 873; 247.-'425 & 2, 2); 916; 251. 10 ECLOGAE CAESARIANAE. XVIII. (91, 9.) Caesaria omniab uno temporec erant agenda.d - (65, 20.) Ad haecb Ariovistus respondit, jus esse belli, ut, quie vicissentf his,g quos vicissent,f quemadm6dum vellent,f imperarenth: item popilum Romanum victisg non ad 5 alterius praescriptum, sed ad suum arbitrium imperarei consuesse. - (78, 8.) Reperti sunt complures nostri milites, qui in phalangas insilrent,k et scuta manibus revellerent,k et desuper vulnerarent.k - (89, 10.) His rebus cognitis, exploratores centurionesque praemittit, qui locum idoneum castris1 0 deligant.m - (110, 2.) Huicg magnis praemiis pollicitationibusque persuadet, uti ad hostes transeat,h et," quidP fieri velit,q edocet. XIX. (116, 13.) Suevorum gens est longe maxima et bellicosissima Germanoruma omnium. Hi centum pagos ha15 bere dicuntur, ex quibus quotannis singulab milia armatorumc bellandid caussa ex finibus educunt. Reliqui, qui domi manserunt, se atque illose alunt. Hie rursus in vicem annof post in armis sunt, illie domi remanent. Sic neque agricultura nec ratio atque usus belli intermittitur. Sed privati ac separati 20 agrig apud eos nihil est, neque longius annoh remanere uno in loco incolendid caussa licet.i Neque multumj frumento,k sed maximam partemj lactek atque pecorek vivunt multumque sunt in venationibus: quae res et1 cibi generem et1 quotidiana exercitationem ett libertatem-vitae, quod a pueris nullo officio 25 aut disciplina assuefacti nihil omnino contra voluntatem faciant, et1 vires alit et' immani corporum magnitudine homines efficit. XVIII. 388, I.; 847; 225, ITI. — 441 & 2; 658; 205, R. 7 (2).c426; 949; 253.-d229; 329; 162, 15.-e445, 6; 689; 206 (4).f531; 1291; 266, 2.- g385; 831; 223, R. 2. - h489, I.; 1218; 262.-'552, 1; 1138; 271.-i 551, 530, I.; 1296, A.; 272. —k501, I.; 1218; 264 & 1 (a).& (b). —391 & 1; 860; 222, 3. -m500 & 1; 1205; 264, 5. - h(2)1205. —-587; 1369; 278.-~545; 1136; 239.-P 525; 1182; 265. XIX a395, 396, III. 2. 3), (2); T771; 212, R. 2. -b179; 20O; 119, III.-c441; 658; 205, R. 7 (1).-d559, 563; 1327; 275, I. & IIT. R. 1. —e450 & 1; 1028, 1029; 207, R. 23 (a).- f427 & 1 (2); 954; 253, R, 1. —396, III. 2, 1); 751; 212._h417; 895; 256, 2. —298; 638; 209, R. 3 (5).- 380, 2; 731; 234, II. R. 3.k414, 4; 873; 245, II. 4.-1587, 5; 1374; 278, R. 7. —m414, 2; 873; 247. ECLOGAE CICERONIANAE. NARRATIONS. I. The Lacedemonians in Athens. Lysandruma Lacedaemoniumb dicerec aiunt solitum,d Lacedaemonema esse honestissimum domiciliume senectuitisf; nusquam enim ltantum tribuitur aetati,g nusquam est senectush honoratior. Quin etiam memoriae proditum est,i quum Athenisj 2udisk quidam in''theatrum grandis natum venisset,n in 5 magno consessu locuma ei0 a suisP civibus nusquam datum; quum autem ad Lacedaemonios accessisset,n qui,q legati quum essent, 4in loco certo consederant, consurrexisse omnes,1 et 5senemr illum sessums recepisse. Quibust quum a cuncto consessu plausus esset" multiplex datus, dixisse ex iis quen-10 dam,a Athenienses" scire, quaeu recta essentv sed facerec nolle.' I. a 545; 1336; 239. - b363; 622; 205, R. 7, (1). - 552, 1; 1138; 271.-d551, I. 2;545, 3; 1148, sc. esse; 270, R. 3, 272.- e362 &3, 1), 355; 666; 201, 3, 203, 2, 210.- f395; 751; 211.- g384; 818; 223.- h73, Exc. 2, 115, 2; 171; 67, 2. -1301, 3; 451; 184, (a),184, 2 (a), 209, R. 3 (5). — 421, II.; 933; 254. —k426 & 1; 949; 253, & N. 1.-1435 & 1; 987; 235, (2). —m429; 889; 250, 1. —518, II & 1; 1244; 263, R. 2. - 451; 243; 207, R. 26 (a).-P449, II. 2; 1021; 208, R. 37 (7) (a). - q445; 683; 206, R. 19. - (2)*581, I.; 1251; 263, R. 1. —r371 712; 229. —567, 568, 569, 1 & 4; 1360, 1363; 276, 1.-t453; 701; 206 (17). —445, 6; 689; 206 (4). -'528, 529; 1291; 266, 2. 4 It sometimes occurs, that what is expressed in one Grammar under a single head, is expressed in the other under several. In such cases the same reference letter which has been used once, is introduced again in the proper place among the references with a numeral placed after it, thus: n_(2), signifying second use of n. 12 ECLOGAE CICERONIANAE. II. Nasica and Ennius. Nasica quum ad poetama Ennium venisset,b eiquec ab ostio quaerentid Enniume ancilla dixisset, domif non esse, Nasica sensit, illamg dominih jussui dixisse, et illum intus esse. Paucis post diebusj quum ad Nasicam venisset Ennius, et eum a 5 janua lquaereret, exclamatk Nasica, se' domi non esse.m Turn Ennius, 2 Quid? ego non cognosco, inquit,0 vocem tuam? Hie Nasica,P Ho-mo es impu'dens. Ego quum te quaererem, ancillaeq tuae credi'di,3 te domi non esse; tu mihiq non credis ipsi III. Cle obis and Bito. Argiae lsacerdotis,a Cleobis et Bito, filii, praedicantur. iO Nota fabila est. Quum enim 2illamc ad sollemne et 3statum sacrificium currud vehic jus esset,O 4satis longe ab oppido ad5 fanum, 6morarenturquee jumenta, tune juvSnes iif quosg modo nominavi,h vestei posita, corpora oleoj perunxerunt: ad jugum accesserunt. Ita sacerdos advecta in fanum,k quum 15 currus e.ssetO ductus a filiis,l precatam a dea dicitur," ut illis0 7praemium daretP pro 8pietate, quod maximum homini dariq possetr a deo: post, epulatos cum matre 9adolescentes, somno sel dedisse, mane inventos esset mortuos. II. a363; 622; 204. - b518, II. & 1; 1244; 263, R. 2. - c451; 243; 207, R. 26 (a).-d576, 578; 1350; 274, 3 (a).-e575; 1343; 274, 1.-f424, 2; 943; 221. R. 3. — 545; 1136; 239.-h395; 751; 211. - i414, 2, 3); 8T3; 247, & R. 2.- J427, 1; 954; 253, R. 1.k467, III.; 1082; 145, I. 3.- 449, II.; 1024; 208, R. 37 (a). - m528, 530, I.; 1295, 1296, A.; 266, N.-"460,2, 1): 1013; 209, R. 1, (a) & (b). —297, II. 2; 442; 279, 6.-P460, 3; 639; 209, R. 4. q385; 831;223, R. 2. III. a395; 751; 211. —b363; 626; 204, & R. 5. —C545, 549, 1, (1); 1136, 1135; 239, 269, R. 2.-d414; 87'3; 247, 3. —e518, II. 1.; 1044; 263, R. 2. —f451; 243; 207, R. 26 (a). —g445; 683; 206.h471, I.; 267; 145, IV. & R. -430, 431, 2; 964, 965; 257, & R. 3 (a).-i 414; 873; 249, I.- 435, 1; 987; 235 (2).-e(2)517, I.; 1251; 263, R. 1.-4144, 5; 8'8; 248, I. - sc. esse; 270, R. 3.-"547 & I. 2; 1155; 271, R. 2.- 384 & II.; 855; 229, R. 1.-P489, I.,492, 3, 1205; 262.- q 552, 1; 1138; 271. —527; 1291; 66, 1. — 371. 1136; 229.-t704, I. 1; 1378, 1st; 278, R. 6. NARRATIONS. 13 IV. Demosthenes. Orator imiteturO illum,b cuiC sine dubio summa vis dicendid conceditur, Atheniensem Demostheneme; in quo tantum studium fuisse tantusque labor dicitur,f ut impedimenta~ naturae diligentiah industriaqueh superareti; quumque ita balbus essetJ ut ejus ipsius artis,1 cuiC studeret," primam literam 5 non posset dicere, perfecit'meditando,o ut nemo planius eoP locutus putaretur.q Quir etiam, ut memoriae proditum cst, eonjectis in os calculis,s summa vocet versus multos uno spirituu pronuntiare consuescebat; 2neque is consistens in loco, sed inambuilans atque. ascensuv ingrediens arduo. 10 V. zschtnes and Demosthenes. Aeschines orator quum cessisscta Athenisb et se Rhodumc contulisset, rogatusd a Rhodiis,e legisse ferturf orationem illam egregiam, quam lin Ctesiphontem contra Demosthenem dixeratg; quah perlecta, petitum est' ab eo postridie, ut legeretJ illamk etiam, quae erat contra a Demosthene pro Ctesiphonte 15 edita; quam' quum suavissima et maxima voce" legisset,a admirantibus omnibus,h Q&uanto,n inquit, magis 2miraremsni,~ si audissetis~ 3ipsum! IV. A487; 1193; 260, R. 6. —b450, 5; 1030; 207, R. 24.- 384; 818; 223. - d559, 563; 1327; 275, I., 211. -e363; 622; 204.f463, I.; 644; 209, R. 12 (2). —g371; 712; 229.-h414; 873; 247, 3.-i494; 1218; 262.-J 515; 1282; 263, 5, & R. 1.-' 395; p51; 211. - 527; 1291; 266. - ~566, 1.; 1340; 275, I. & Ill. R. 4. - P417; 895; 256, 2.-q492; 1205; 262. -r453;'01; 206 (17).s430; 965; 257.-t414, 3; 873; 247, 2.-"378; 950; 236. —422, 1, 2); 992; 255, 2, V. 518, II. 1; 1244; 263, R. 2. —421, II.; 941; 255, 1.-_379; 938; 237, R. 5 (b). - d575; 651; 205. - e414, 5; 878; 248, I, - f549, 4 & 1); 1145; 271, R. 2. - g472; 1096; 145, V. - h430; 965; 257.- i301, 3; 458; 209 (5) (a). - i 489, I.; 1205; 262. - k450, 5; 1030; 207, R. 23 (a).- 1453; 701; 206 (17).- "414, 3; 8'3; 247, 2.-"418; 929; 256, R. 16. —510; 1'67; 261, 1. 14 ECLOGAE CICERONIANAE. VI. Death of Epaminondas. Epaminondas, Thebanoruma imperator,b quum vicissetl Lacedaemonios apud Mantineam, simulque ipsed gravi vulneree exanimarif seg'videret, 2ut primum dispexit, quaesivit, salvusne esseth clypeus? Quum salvum essef flentes suit 5 respondissent, rogavit, essentne fusi hostes? Quumque id quoque, ut cupiebat, audivisset, evellik jussit ear, quae erat transfixus, hastam. Ita, multo sanguinel profuso, in laetitia et in victoria est mortuus.m VII. Sophocles Sophocles ad summam senectutem tragoedias fecit. Quoda 10 propter studium quum'rem familiarem negligereb videretur,6 a filiisd in 2judicium vocatus est, ut, 3quemadmodum nostro moree male remf gerentibusg patribush bonis' interdici solet, sic illum, quasi 4desipientem, a re familiari removerentj judices. Tur senexk dicitur'eam fabilam, quam in manibus 15 habibat,l et 6proxime scripserat,m O7edipum" Coloneum, recitasse judicibus, quaesisseque,~ num illud carmen hominisP desipientis esse videreturq? Quor recitato, sententiis judicur est liberatus. VIII. Themistocles. (a.) Memoriam in Themistocle fuisse singularem ferunt; TI. a395, 396, II.; 751; 211. b363; 622; 204. - ~518, II. 1; 1244; 263, R. 2.- d452 & 1; 1035;207, R. 28 (a). —e414; 873; 247.- f550, 551, I.; 1148; 272.- g449, II.; 1024; 208, R. 37 (a). h525, 52, I.; 1182; 265, & N. 2. — 441, 1; 658; 205, R. 7 (1). - k551, I. 1; 1153; 273, 2 (d). - 430; 965; 257. - 471, II.; 1093; 145, IV. VII. a453; 701; 206 (17).- b549, 4 & 1), 552, 1; 1138; 271, & R. 2. —518, II. 1; 1244; 263, R. 2. — d414, 5; 878; 248, I.-e414, 2; 873; 249, II. -f 371, 575; 712; 274, 1. —577; 1350; 274, 3 (a). - h386; 826; 224. - 425, 2; 916; 251, & R. 2. - i 489, I.; 1205; 262. -k 441; 658; 205, R. 7 (1). -1468; 1087; 145, II.m472; 1096; 145,V. —n363; 622; 204. — 234; 317; 162, 7 (a).P401; 780; 211, R. 8 (3).-q 525, 526, I.; 1182; 265, N. 1, & 2.r430; 965; 257. NARRATIONS. 15 ita ut, quaecumque audieratb vel viderat, in ea haererent.0 Itaque quum ei Simonides,'and quis alius, artem memoriae polliceretur, quae turn primume proferebatur,f 20blivionis, inquit, malleam.h Nam memnnii etiam, 3quaea nolo: oblivisci non possum, 3quae volo. 5 (b.) Apuc Graecos fertur 4incredibili quadam magnitudinej ronsiliik atque ingeniik Atheniensis ille fuisse Themistocles; ad quem quidam doctus homo atque imprimis eruditus accessisse dicitur, eique arterm memoriae, quae turn primume proferebatur, pollicitus esse se' traditurum.m Quum ille 10 quaesisset, quidnam" illa ars efficere posset,1 5dixisse illum doctorem, 6ut omnia meminisset0; et ei Themist6clem 5respondisse, 7gratius sibi illum esse facturum, si se oblivisci, quae vellet,P quam si meminisse, docuisset. Videsne,q quae vis in homine acerrimi ingenii, quam potens et quanta mens 15 fuerit,r 8qui ita responderit,8 ut intelligere possimus,t nihil ex illlus animo, quod semel esset infusum, unquam effluere potuisse? (c.) Quisu clarior in Graecia Themistoclev? quisu potentior? qui. quum imperator bello" Persico servituteX Graeciam 20 liberasset, propterque invidiam in exsilium missus esset, 9inrratae patriae injuriam non tulit, quam ferre debuit: l~fecit idem, quod viginti annisyante apud nos fecerat Coriolanus. VIII. 453, 2; 699; 206 (4). - b474; 264, I.; 259, R. 4 (3). - 0489, I., 494; 1218; 262. —d198, 11 (e). —e181, 2; 596; 192, 4 (b). -f468; 1087; 145, II. — g395; 51, 755; 211. -h485, 486, I.; 1177; 260, II. R. 2.-i471, 3; 436; 183, N. 3.-J 428 & 1, 2); 888; 211, R. 6.- k395; 51; 211.- 1449, II.; 1024; 208, R. 37 (a).m551, I. 2; 115; 272, 270, R. 3. - n524, 525, 1; 1041, 1182; 265, & N. 1 & 2. - ~489, I., 495 & 1; 1223; 262. - P528, 529; 1291; 266, 2. - q346, II. 1 & 1); 1104-5; 198, 11 R. (c). -r525; 1182; 265.-8519; 1251; 264, 8 (1).-t494; 1218; 262.-u 367, 3; 639; 209, R. 4. —'417; 895; 256, 2. —426 & 1; 949; 253, & N. 1.-x425; 916; 251.-Y418 & 2; 954; 253, R. 1. 16 ECLOGAE CICERONIANAE. IX. Themist'cles and Arist7des. Themist6cles post victoriam ejus belli, quod cum Persis fuit, dixit in concione, sea habere consilium reipublicaeb salutare, sed id sciric lnon opus' esse. Postulavit,e ut aliquem poptilus daret,f quocum communicaret.g Datus est Aristides. 5 Huich 2ille,h classem Lacedaemoniorum, quae subducta esset' ad Gytheum, clam incendi possej; quo facto, 3frangi Lacedaemoniorum opes necesse 4esset.k Quod1 Aristides quum audisset, in conci5nem 5nagna exspectati6nem venit, dixitque, perutilen esse consilium, quod Themist6cles afferret,i sed 10minime honestum. Itaque Athenienses, quod honestum non esset,' id ne0 utile quidem putaverunt; totamque eam rem, quam ne0 audierant quidem, auct6re Aristide,P repudiaverunt. X. Cyrus and Lysander. Socrates narrata in 1Xenophontis Oeconomico, 2Cyrum minorem, regemlb Persftrum, praestantem ingenioc atque'imperii 15 gloria,c quum Lysander Lacedaemonius, vir summae 4virtutis," venissete ad eum 5Sardis,f eique dona a sociis attulisset, etg ceteris in rebus comem erga Lysandrum atque humanum fuisse, et ei quendam conseptum agrum, diligenter consitum, ostendisse. Quum autem admiraretur Lysander etg proceri20 tatesh arb6rum, et 6directos in quincuncem ordines, et humum 7subactam atque puram, et suavitatem odorum, 8qui afflarenturi e floribus; tum um c'dixisse, mirari se non modog diligenIX. "449, II.; 1024; 208, R. 37 (a). —b391; 860; 222, 3, R. 1.c351, 545; 1118, 1136; 2G9, R. 2. d419, 3, 2) (2); 927; 243, R. 1. —471, II.; 1093; 145, IV. - f492 & 3; 1205; 262.- g500; 1212; 264, 5.-h450; 1029; 207, R. 23 (a).-i531; 1291; 266,2. -J 530, I.; 1296, A,; 266, 2.- k485; 1177; 209, R. 3 (5), 260, II. -1453; 701; 206 (17). - 414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. - "340; 482; 197, 13.- -602, 1II 2; 1390 & Obs. 3; 19], R. 3. - P430; 972; 257. R. 7 (a). X. a467, 3; 10;; 145, I.-b363; 622; 204.- 414 & 2; 873; 247, 1.-d395 & IV. 1; 57; 211, R. 6.-e518, II. 1; 1244; 263, R. 2.-f 88, III. 1, 379; 114, 938; 237, 85, Exc. 1. —587, I. 5; 1374; 278, R. 7.-h 371; 17T(2); 95, R. — 531; 1291; 266, 1.-(2) 277, R. 10. NARRATIONS. 17 tiam, sed etiam sollertiam ejus, a quo essenti illaJ dimensa atque l~descripta; et ei Cyrum respondisse, Atqui egok omnia "istaJ sum dimensus; meik sunt ordmnes, meak descriptio; multae etiam llistdrum arborum mea manu1 sunt satae. Tum Lysandrum intuentem ejus purpuram,m et l'nitorem corporis 5 ornatumque Persicum multo aurod multisque gemmis,d 9dixisse, Recte vero te,n Cyre, beatum ferunt, quoniam~ virtiti tuae fortuna conjuncta est. XI. Socrites. (a.) Socrates, quum esset ex eo quaesitum,a Archelium, Perdiccae filium, qui tum fortunatissimus haberetur, nonneb 10 oeatum putaret, Haud scio, inquit; nunquam enim cum eo collocatus sum. lAin'C tu? an tu aliter id scire non potes? Nullo modo.d Tu iglitur nee de Persarum quidem rege magno potes dicere, beatusneb sitf? 2An ego possim, quum ignorem,h quami sit doctus, quam vir bonus? SQuid? tu in eo sitamj 15 vitam beatam putas? Ita prorsus exist'mo: bonos, beatos; improbos, miseros) Miser ergo Archelaus? Certe, si inJustus. (b.) Idem quum de immortalitate animorum disputavisset, et jam moriendik tempus 4urgeret, rogttus a Critone, quemad- 20 m6dum sepeliri1 vellet,f Multam vero, inquit, operam, amici, frustra consumpsi. Critonim enim nostro non persuasi, men hinc avolaturum, neque quidquam0 mei? relictirum) VerumX. i 445, 3, 1); 654; 205, R. 2 (2).-k446, 447; 1013, (2)1027; 209, R. 1 (b).-1414; 873; 247, 3.-m575; 71?; 274, 1.-d(2)428 & 1, 1); 88S. — 373 & 3; 715; 230 & N. 3. —311, 7, 520, I.; 1250; 198, 7, R. (b). XI. a 301, 2, 374, 3, 4); 451; 184, 2 (a), 231, R. 4. - b346, II. 1, 525; 1105, 1106; 265, N. 2, 198, 11. — 297, II. 1, N. 2; 1104; 183, N. 4. d414; 873; 247, 2.-e602, III. 2; 1390, Obs. 3; 191, R. 3. —526, I.; 1182; 265.-h518, I.; 1251; 263, 5.-'525, 1; 996f; 265, N. 2.-i 545, 3; 1152, sc. esse; 270, R. 3.-k563; 1327; 275, I., 211.- 550; 1148; 270. —m385; 831; 223, R. 2. —545; 1136; 273, 2. —371; 712; 229.-P396, III. & 2, 3), (3); 771; 212, R. 3. 18 ECLOGAE CICERONIANAE. tamen, Crito, si me 5assequi potueris,q aut sicubi nactus eris, utr tibi videbitur, sepelito. Sed, mihis crede, nemo me vestrum,t quum hinc excessero, consequ6tur. (c.) Socrates, in pompa quum magna vis auri argentique 5 Wferretur, Quam multa non desidero! inquit. (d.) Socrates, quum rogaretur, 7cujatem se esse diceret, 8A3unddinum, inquitU; totius enim mundi se incolam et civem arbitrabitur. (e.) Sapientissimusv Socrates dicebat, scire se nihil,prae10ler hoc ipsum, quodW nihil sciret: relzquos hoc etiam nescare. (f.) Socr'item ferunt, quum usque ad vesperum 9contentiusx ambularet, quaesitumque8 esset ex eo, quare id faceret,' respondisse, se, quo melius coenaret,Y ~0obsondre ambulandoz famem. XII. Pyrrhus and Fabricius. 15 Quum rex Pyrrhus populoa Romano bellum ultro intulisset, quumque lde imperio certSmen esset cum rege generoso ac potente, perfuiga ab eo venit in castra Fabricii, eique est pollicitus, si praemium sibi 2proposuisset,b se, ut clam venisset,c sic clam in Pyrrhi castra rediturum,d et eum veneno" 20 necatirum.d Hunc Fabricius reducendumf curavit ad Pyrrhum; idqueg factum ejus a senatu laudatum est. Atqui si 8speciem utilitatis opinionemque quaerimus,h magnum illud XI. q473; 1098; 145, VI.-r311, 2; 501. —'385; 831; 223, R. 2. - t396, III. 1; 1016; 212, R. 1. - u297, II. 2; 444; 279, 6.F441, 363; 658, 622; 205, R. 7 (1). —554, IV.; 1291; 273, 5 (2). — 444, 1; 902; 256, R. 9 (a). -Y489, I., 497; 1205; 262, R. 9.566, I.; 1340; 247, 3. XII. 386; 826; 224. - b533, 4; 1296, I.; 259, R. 2, 266, R. 4. — 529; 1296, E.; 266, 2.- d530 & T.; 1296, A.; 266, N. & 2.e414; 873; 247, 3. —f 565, 3, 2); 1315, 1316; 270, R. 3, 274, R. 7 (a). —587 & I.; 1369; 198, II. & 1.- 511, I.; 1259, 1263: 261, R. 1. NARRATIONS. 19 bellum perfuga unus et gravem adversarium imperii 4sustulisset; sed magnum 5dedecus et flagitium, quicumi laudis certamen fuisset, eumn non virtute,e sed sceleree superatum. XIII. Xerxes. Xerxes quidem refertus omnibus praemiis" donisque fortuinae, non equitatu,b non pedestribus copiis,b non navium 5 multitudine,b non infinito pondereb auri contentus, praemium proposuit, Iquic invenissetd novam voluptatem. 2Quab ipsa non fuit contentus; neque enim unquam finem inveniet libido. 3Nos velleme praemio elicere possemusf qui nobis aliquid attulisset,g quo hoch firmius crederemusd: virtutem ad beate vi- 1 vendum1 se ipsa esse contentam. XIV. DIarus. Extenuantur magnificentia et sumptus epularum, quod parvo'cultu natura contenta sit.a Etenim quisb hoce non videt: desideriis omnia ista condirid? Darius in fuga, quum aquam turbidam et cadaveribus inquinatam bibisset, 2negavite 15 unquam se bibisse jucundius. Nunquam 3videlicet sitiensf biberat.g Nec esuriensh Ptolemaeus ederatg; cui, quum peragranti Aegyptum,i comitibusj non consecutis,4 cibarius in casa panis datus esset, nihil visum est illo panek jucundius. XV. Regulus. MI. Atilius Regilus, quum'consul iterum2 in Africa ex 2 XII.'187, 1 & 2; 245, N.; 136, R. 1.- 545; 1136; 239.- 549; 1147; 269, R. 2. XIII. a419, 2 & 1); 907; 249, I.-b419, IV.; 919; 244.- c445, 6; 689; 206 (4). - d501 & I.; 1218; 264, 1 & (b). - e485, 486, I.; 1177; 260, II. & R. 2. —f493, 2; 1204; 262, R. 4. —g489, II., 500; 1205; 264, 5.-h450, 3; 240; 207, R. 22.-'565; 1337; 275, III. R. 3. XIV. p520, II.; 1255; 266, 3, 198, 7, R. (b).-b454; 1041; 137, 1. —450, 3; 240; 207, R. 22. - d553, II.; 630; 204, R. 9. —'471, II.; 1093; 145, IV.-f 578; 1350; 274, 3 (a). —472; 1096; 145, V.-h332, III.; 589; 187, 3.- 575; 712; 274.-J 430; 965; 257. -k417; 895; 256, 2. XV.'583, 2; 997; 277, R. 1. 20 ECLOGAE CICERONIANAE. insidiis captus esset,b duce XanthippoC Lacedaemonio, 2juratusd missus este ad senatum, ut, nisi redditi essentb Poenis captivi nobiles quidam, rediretf ipse Carthaginem.g Is quum Romamg venisset, utilitatis speciem videbat,h sedi ear, ut 3res 5 declarat,J falsam judicavite; quae erat 4talis: 5manere in patria; esse domik suae cum uxore, cum liberis; 6quam calamitatem' accepisset inm bello, communem fortanae bellicae judicantem, tenere consularis dignitatis gradum. Quis haec negetn esse utilia? Quem censes? Magnitudo animi et fortitudo 10negat.0 NumP locupletiores quaeris auctores? Harum enim est virtftumq proprium, nil extimescere,r omnia humana despicere,r nihil, quod homini accidere possit,r intolerandum putare. Itaque quid fecit? In senatum venit, mandata exposuit: 8sententiam ne diceret,t recusavit: quamdiu jure15jurando hostium teneretur,8 non esse 9se senatSrem. Atque illud etiam (o stultum hominem,w l~dixerit quispiam, et repugnantem utilitati suae!) reddi'captivos, negavit esse utile; "illos enim adolescentes esse et bonos duces, se jam confectum senectute. Cujusx quum valuisset auctoritas, captivi retenti 20sunt: ipse Carthaginemf rediit: neque eum caritas patriae retinuit, nec suorumn.Y Neque vero tur ignorabat,h se ad crudelissimum hostem, et ad "exquisita supplicia proficisci; sed jusjurandum conservandum putabat.h Itaque tur, quum'3vigilando necabatur,h erat in meliore causa, quam si domik 25 senex captivus,z perjuirus consularisz remansisset. XV. b480; 1164; 258, I., 2. —430; 965; 257, R. 7 (a).-d578; 1350; 274, 3 (a).- 471, II.; 1093; 145, IV. -f489, I.; 1205; 262. —379; 938; 237.-469, I.; 1087; 145, II.-i309, I., 310, 3; 1369; 198, I., & 9, R. (a). -J 466; 1080; 145, I.-424, 2; 943; 221, R. 3.-1453, 2; 687; 206 (3).- -426, 2, 1); 953; 253, N. 1."486, II.; 1180; 260, R. 5.- 463, I.; 644; 209, R. 12 (2).-P346, II. 1, 3); 1105; 198, 11, R. (b).-q 399, 3, 3); 863; 222, R. 2 (a). — r549; 1147; 209, R. 3 (5), 269. -'531; 1291; 266, 2. - t489, I., 499,2; 1205; 262, & R. 11. —v453, II.; 630; 204, R. 9. —381; 725; 238, 2.-. 453; 701; 206 (17).- 7441, 1; 758; 205, R. 7 (1). -- 362'; 64r A10. NARRATIONS. 21 XVI. The Tyrant Dionysius. Dionysius major, Siciliae tyrannus, ipse indicavit, quam esseta beatus. Nam quum quidam exb ejus assentatoribus, Damocles,c commemorareta in sermone copias ejus, opes, majestatem dominatus, rerum abundantiam, magnificentiam aedium regiarum; negaretque,a unquam beatiorem quemquam 5 fuisse; Visned igitur,e inquit,f Damocle,? quoniam haec te vita delectat,h ipse eandem degustare,i et fortuinam experirii meam? Quum se ille cupere dixisset, collocariP jussit hominem in aureo 2lecto, stratok pulcherrimo' textili straguilo,m magnificis operibusm pictok; 3abacosque complures ornavit 10 argentom auroque caelato. Tur ad mensam 4eximia forma" pueros delectos jussit consistere, eosque, nutum illius intuentes diligenter, ministrare. Aderant unguenta, coronae: incendebantur 5odores: mensae conquisitissimis epulism exstruebantur. Fortunatus sibi Damocles videbatur. 6In hoc medio0 appa-15 ratu fulgentem gladium e lacunari setaP equlna aptum demittij jussit, ut impenderet illius beati cervicibus.q Itaque nec pulchros illos ministratores adspiciebat,r nec plenum artis5 argentum; nec manum porrigebatr in mensam. Denique exoravit tyrannum, ut abire liceret, 7quod jam beatust nolletu 20 esse. 8Satisne videtur declarasse Dionysius, 9nihil esse eiv beatum, cuiq semper aliqui terror impendeatw? XVII. The Lacedcemonians. (a.) Lacedaemonii, Philippo minitante per litteras, sea XVI. a480, 481, II. & 1; 1164; 258, I., 2. - b398, 4, 2); 7,75; 212, N. 4.-c363; 622; 204. - d346, II. 1 & 1); 1105; 198, 11, R. (c). —602, III.; 1391, Exc. 2; 279, 3 (b). —f528, 2; 1295 (1); 279, 6. —g94, 1 (2); 129; 81, R. — h466; 1080; 145, T.-i550; 1148; 270. -i 551, II. 1; 1153; 273, 2 (d). - k577; 1350; 274, 3 (a).1163, 1; 218; 205, R. 16 (a) & (c). - m419, 2 & 1); 911; 249, I.n428; 888; 211, R. 6.-0441, 6; 662; 205, R. 17.-P414; 873; 247, 3.-q386; 826; 224.-r469, I.; 1087; 145, II. —399, 2, 2); 776; 213. —t547 & I.; 1142; 271, R. 4. —520, II.; 1255; 266, 3.- 384; 820; 223. —531; 1291; 266, 1. XVII. a449, II.; 1024; 208, R. 37 (a). 22 ECLOGAE CICERONIANAE. omnia, quae conarentur,b prohibiturum,C quaesiverunt, num se essetd etiam morie prohibiturus? (b.) E Lacedaemoniisf unus, quum 1Perses hostis in colloquio dixisset glorians; Solem prae jaculorum multitudine et 5 sagittarum non videbitis,1n umbra igptur, inquit, pugnab'mus." (c.) Lacedaemonei quum tyrannusj coenavisset Dionysius, 2negavit, sea jurek illo nigro, quod1 3coenae caput erat," delectatum.c Tur is,n qui 4illa0 coxerat, Min'zme mirumn; condimenta enim defuerunt. Quae 5tandem, inquit ille? Labor 10 in vendtu, sudor, cursus 6ad.Eurotam, fames, sitis; his enim rebus Lacedaemoniorum epulae condiuntur. XVIII. Posidonius the Stoic. Pompeius solebata narrare se, quum Rhodumb venissetc'decedens ex Syria, audire voluissed Posidonium; sede quum audivissetf eum graviter essed aegrum,2quod vehementer ejus 15 artus laborarent,f voluissed tamen nobilissimum philos6phum visere. Quem ut vidissetc et salutavisset, honorificisque verbis prosecitus esset, molesteque se dixisset ferre,d quod eum non possetf audire; at ille, Tu vero, inquit, potes; 3nec committam,h ut dolor corporis efficiat, utfrustra tantus vir ad me 20 venerit. 5Itaque narrabat,a eum graviter et copiose 4de hoc ipso, nihil esse bonum,d nisi quod honestum essetf cubantem disputavissed; quumque 6quasi faces ei doloris admoverentur, saepe dixisse, Nihil agis, dolor! quamvis sisk molestus, nunquam te esse confitebor malum. XVII. b481, II. & 1; 1164; 258, I. 2.-"545, 3; 1148; 270, R. 3. -d525; 1182; 265.-e551, 11. 1; 1152; 273, 4 (a).-f398, 4,2); 775; 212, N. 4. —528, 2; 1295 (1); 266, N. —421, II.; 933; 254. -J 363; 622; 204.-k414; 873; 247, 1. —445; 683; 201, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 9. —m468; 1087; 145, II. —460, 3; 639; 209, R. 4.-~678 206 (11) (b). XVIII. a 357 & II.; 1066; 201, 5.-b379, 3, 2); 947; 237, R. 5 (b). - c476, 478; 1162; 201, 6, 7, & 9, 263, R. 2.- d530, I.; 1148; 272. —e587 & III. 2; 1369; 278, 198, 9, & R.-f531; 1291; 266, 3. — h470; 1090; 145, II. — d (2)553, II.; 630; 204, R. 9. — 465, 1; 1073; 248, R. 1 (2). —k515, I.; 1282; 263, 2 (3). NARRATIONS, 23 XIX. Circumstantial Evidence. In itinere quidam proficiscentem ad mercatum quendam et secum aliquantum nummoruma ferentem est consecitus.b Cum hoc, ut fere fit, in via sermonem contulitb; ex quo factum est,c ut illud iter familiariusd facere vellent. Quare quum in eandem ltabernam devertissent, simul coenare et 5 in eodem loco somnum capere voluerunt. Coenati discubueruntb ibidem. Caupo autem, (2nam ita dicitur post inventum, quum in alio maleficio deprehensus esset,e) quum 3illum alterum, videlicet qui nummos haberet,f animadvertisset, noctu, postquam illos artiusg jam, ut fit, 4ex lassitudine dormire 1o sensit,h accessit,b et 3alterius eorum, qui sine nummis erat,f gladium'propter appositum e vagina eduxit,b et 6illum alterum occidit,b nummos abstiulit,b gladium cruentatum in vaginam recondidit,b 7ipse se in suum lectuilum recepit.b Ille autem, cujus gladioi occisio erat facta, multoJ ante lucem surrexit,b 15 comitemk illum suum inclamavitb 8semel et saepius. Illum somno impeditum' non respondere existimatvitb: ipse gladium et cetera, quae secum attulerat, sustulit,b solus profectus est. Caupo non multoj post conclamavitb homnemm esse occisum, et cum quibusdam deversoribus illum, qui ante exierat, con- 20 sequitur.1 In itinere hominem, comprehendit,n gladium ejus e vagina educit,n reperit' cruentatum. Homo in urbem ab illis deducitur" ac reus fit." XX. Cicero finds the Grave of Archimedes.'Archimedis ego quaestor" ignoratum ab Syracusanis, 2quum esse omnino negarent, septum undique et vestitum vepribusb 25 XIX.'396, III. 2, 3) (3); 760; 212, R. 3.-b471, II.; 1093; 145, IV. —438, 3, 35, III. 2; 640; 209, R. 3 (5) & (a).- d305; 462; 192, II. 2, 194, 2.-e518, II. 1; 1244; 201, 6, 7, &9.-f477; 1162; 145, II.-g444, 1; 902; 256, R. 9 (a).- h1094; 259, R. 1 (2) (d).-'414; 873; 247.-i 418; 929;' 256, R. 16.- 371; 712; 229.-1578 & II.; 1350; 274, 3 (a).-m545; 1136; 272.-"467, III.; 1082; 145, I. 3. XX. a363 & 3; 622; 204, R. 1 (a). —b419, 2 & 1; 911; 249, I. 24 ECLOGAE CICERONIANAE. et dumetis,c indagavi sepulcrum. 3Tenebam enim quosdam 4senariolos,d quose in ejus monumento esse inscriptos acceperam; qui declarabant, in summof sepulcro sphaeram esse positam cum cylindro. Ego 5autem, quum omnia collustra5 rem ocilis, (est enim 6ad portas Achradinas magna frequentia sepulcrorum,) animadverti columellamd non multumg e dumis eminentem, in qua inerath sphaerae figura et cylindri. Atque ego statim Syracusanis (erant 5autem principes mecum) dixi, me illud ipsum arbitrari esse, quod quaererem.i Immissi cum iofalcibus multi purgarunt et aperuerunt locum. 7Quo quum patefactusJ esset aditus, Sad adversam basimk accessimus. Apparebat epigramma, 9exesisl posterioribus partibus versiculorum,d dimidiatis fere. Ita nobilissima Graeciae civitas, quondam vero etiam doctissima, 10suim civis unius acutissimi 15 monumentum ignorasset,n nisi ab homine 8Arpinate didicisset. XXI. Cicero's Teachers. Quum princeps Academiae Philo cum Atheniensium optimatibusa Mithridatico bellob domoc profugisset Romamqued venisset, totume ei me tradidi, admirabili quodam ad philosophiam studio concitatus; in quo hocf etiam commorabarg 20 attentius, quod rerum ipsarum varietas et rnagnitudo summa me delectationeh retinebat.- Eodem annob etiam Molonii Rhodiok Romaed ldedimus operam et' actorim summo causarum et magistro.m —Eramg cum Stoico Diod6to; qui, quum XX. c317 & 2; 538; 100, 7.-d315 & 2; 540, 543; 100, T. 3, A, 2.-e545; 1136; 239, 212.- f441, 6; 662; 205, R. 17.-d(2)315, 3; 544; 100, I. 3, A, 3.-g380, 2; 731; 232 (3).- h386, 3; 830; 224, R. 4.-531; 1291;266, 2.-i279; 429; 180, &N.-k85, III.4; 128; 80, IL-1430, 431, 2; 965, 1350; 257, 274, 3 (a).-d(3) 315, 4, 2); 542; 100, I. 3, B, 3.- m449, I.; 1020; 208, R. 37 (a).-"510; 1267; 261, 1. XXI. -414, 7; 982; 249, III.-b426, 1; 949; 253 & N. 1. —c424, 2; 943; 255, R. 1.-d379; 938; 237. —e443; 663; 205, R. 15 (a)& (b). - f414 & 2; 8'73; 247, 1.- g468; 1087; 145, Ir. - h414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. -1463, I.; 644; 209, R. 12 (2). -j 384 & II.; 855; 229, R. 1.- 441, 5; 579; 128, 6 (h). —3(2) 421, If.; 932; 221.-1587, 5; 1374; 198, 1, R. (e).-m363; 622; 204. NARRATIONS. 25 habitavisset apud me mecumque vixisset, nuper esi domi meae mortuus; a quo 2quum in aliis rebus, tur studiosissime in dialectica exercebar.g Huic ego doctbri et ejus artibus variis atque multis ita eram 8tamen deditus, ut ab exercitationibus oratoriis nullus dies vacuus esset. 4Commentabar i 5 declamitans saepe cum AM. Pisone et cum Q. Pompeio aut cum aliquo quotidie; idque faciebamg multum etiam Latine, sed Graece saepius, vel quodq Graeca oratio, plura" ornamenta0 suppeditans, consuetudinem 5similiter Latine dicendiP afferebat, vel quodq a Graecis summis doctoribus, nisi 10 Graece dicerem, neque corrigi possemr neque doceri. Erati eo temporeb in lnobis summa gracilitas et infirmitas corporis: procerum et tenue collum: quis habitus et quae figura non procul abesse putatur' a vitae periculo, si accediti labor et 6laterum magna contentio. Eoquef magis hoc eos, 15 quibus eram carus, commovebat, quod omnia sine remissione, sine varietate, vit summa vocis et totius corporis contentione, dicebam. Itaque quum me et' amici et medici hortarentur, ut causas agere desisterem, 7quodvis potius pericilum mihiv adeundum,u quam a sperata dicendi gloria discedendum putavi. 20 Sed quum censerem, remissi6new et moderationew vocis, et Bcommutatox genere dicendi, me et perictlum vitare posse, et temperatius dicere; ut consuetudinem dicendi mutarem, ea causa mihi in Asiam proficiscendiP fuit. Itaque quum essem bienniumy versatus in causis, et jam in foro celebratum meum 25 nomen esset, Romad sum profectus. Quum venissem Athenas,d sex mensesy cum Antiocho, veteris Academiae nobilissimo et prudentissimo philos6pho, fui, studiumque philosophiae numquam lintermissum, a 0lprimaque adolescentia cultum et semper auctum, hocz rursus summo auctore et doct6re, 30 XXI. n165, 1; 197; 110.-"575; 712; 274, 1.-P559, 560, 563; 1327; 275, I. & R. 3.- q 588, VII., 520, I.; 1250; 198, 7, R. (b).r510; 1267; 261,1.-'445, 8; 687; 206 (b) (3)& (17).-t 8.8,3; 109; 82, Exc. 2. (a). -298, 530, I.; 324, 1148; 270, R. 3. —388, I.; 847; 225, 1II. —414, 4; 873; 247, 3.-579; 1357; 274, R. 5 (a). — 378; 950; 236.- d(2) 421, II.; 941; (3) 255. —430; 965; 257, R. 7 (a). 26 ECLOGAE CICERONIANAE. renovavi. Eodem tamen tempore Athenisd apud Demetrium Syrum, veterem et non ignobilem dicendi magistrum, studi6se exerceria solebam. Post a me Asia tota peragrata est, cum summis quidem oratoribus, quibuscum exercebaraa 12ipsis lu5 bentibus; quorum erat princeps Menippus Stratonicensis,k meo judicio,bb tota Asia,cc illis temporibus, disertissimus; et, "si nihil habereda molestiarumee nec ineptiarum, Atticorumf est,"g hic orator in illis numerari recte potest. Assiduissime autem mecurm fuit Dionysius Magnes. Erat etiam Aeschylus 10 Cnidius, Adramyttenus Xenocles. Hi tur in Asia rhet6rum principeshh numerabantur. Quibus" non contentus, Rhodum veni, meque ad eundem, quem Romae audiveram, Molonem applicavi, 2quum actorem in 4veris causis scriptoremque praestantem, turn 5in notandisjj animadvertendisque vitiis et 15instituendo docendoque prudentisslmum. Is dedit operam, (l6si modo id consequi potuit,) ut nimis 17redundantes lnos, et superfluentes juvenili quadam dicendik impunitatee et licentia, reprimeret, et quasi extra ripas diffluentes coerceret. Ita recepi me bienniol"m post, non modo exercitatior, sed prope 20 mutatus. Nam et contentio nimia vocis resederat, et quasi deferverat oratio, lateribusque"" vires et corpori medi6cris habitus accesserat. XXII. MAXIMS. 1. Mea mihia'conscientia 2plurisb est, quam omnium sermo. 2. Cujusvis hominisc est errared: nullius,c nisi insipientis,C 25 in errore perseverare.d XXI. d(4)421, II.; 932; 254. — a465, 1; 305; 248, R. 1 (2).k(2)128, 6 (a).-bb414, 2, 1); 873; 249, II. —422, 1 & 1); 937; 254, R. 2 (b).-dd549; 1147; 269.-ee396, III. 2, 1; 71; 212, & R. 1. - ff401; 780; 211, R. 8 (3).- "g507, 508; 1261; 261, R. 1. - hh362; 666; 210. — i419, IV.; 919; 244. -ii 562, 1 & 2, 566, I.; 1322; 275, II. & R. 2. —kk559, 563; 1327; 275, I. & R. 1. —'1419, 2; 907; 250, 2 (2). —mm418; 954; 253, R. 1.-nn386; 826; 224. XXII. a 384; 820; 223. - b401, 402, III.; 799; 214.-"401 & 1; 780; 211, R. 8 (3).-d549; 1147; 269. MAXIMS. 27 3. Natura cupiditatem ingenuit hoininie veri videndif: his initiis ducti omnia vera diligimus; vana, falsa, fallentia odimus. 4. Fortitudo in laboribus periculisque cernitur; temperantia, in praetermittendisf voluptatibus; prudentia, in delectu 5 bonorum et malorum; justitia, in suo cuique tribuendo.f 5. Nescire,d quid ante quam natus sisg acciderit,h 3id est semper essei puerum. 6. Alia omnia incerta sunt, caduca, mobilia. Virtus est una altissimis defixa radicibus,k quae nunquam ulla vik la-10 befactari1 potest, nunquam dimoveri loco.m 7. Nihil est virtuten amabilius. Quam~ quiP adeptus erit,q 4ubicunque erit gentium,r a nobis diligetur. 8. Si beatam vitam volumus adipisci, virtuti opera dandas est, sine qua neque amicitiam, neque ullam rem 5expetendam 15 consequi possumus. 9. Vir bonus non modo non facere,t sed ne cogitaret quidem quidquam audebit,u quod non audeatv praedicare. 10. Nemo igitur vir magnus sine aliquo afflatu divino unquam fuit. 20 11. Deum agnoscis ex operibus ejus. 12. Omnium regina rerum oratio. 13. In rebus prosperis et ad voluntatem nostram fluentibus, superbiam, fastidium, arrogantiamque magno opere fugiamus.' 25 14. Prudentia est rerum 6expetendarum fugiendarumque scientia. XXII. e386; 826; 224.- f562, 563; 1322, 1324; 275, II.g523, IL; 1241; 263, 3. -h525; 1182; 265, & N. 1.-'362, 553, I., 545, 2, 2); 666, 1118, 1141; 269, R. 4. - 362, 3, 546; 666; 210.-k414; 813; 247, 3. -1332, I. & 2; 585; 18, II., 1 (a) & (e).- "425, 3, 3); 916; 251. — 417; 895; 256, 2. —~453; O01; 206 (17).-P445, 6; 689; 206 (4). - q 473; 1098; 145, VI.-r 396, 4) (2); 1005; 212, R. 4, N. 2. —227, 229; 329; 162, 15.-t552, 1; 1138; 271.- "465, 4; 312; 142, 2.- v501 & I.; 1218; 264, 7."487, 488, I.; 1193; 260, R. 6. 28 ECLOGAE CICERONIANAE. 15. Ut medicina valetudinis, navigationis gubernatio, sic vivendix ars est prudentia. 16. Nulla reY tam laetari soleo, quam 7meorum officiorum conscientia.Y 5 17. Sapientia est rerum divinarum et humanarum scientia, 8cognitioque, quae cujusque rei causa sit.h 9Ex quo efficitur, ut divina imitetur, humana omnia l~inferiora virtuten ducat. 18. Omnia scire,t cujuscunque modiz sunt, cupere,d curiosorumc; ducid vero majorurn rerum contemplatione ad cu10 piditatem scientiae, summorum virorume est putandum. 19. Saepius ad laudem atque virtutem llnatura sine doctrina, quam sine natura valuit doctrina. 20. Ut ager, quamvis fertilis, sine cultura fructuosus esse non potest, sic sine doctrina animus: ita est utraque res sine 15 altera debilis. 21. Et quaeP bona sunt, fieri meliora possunt doctrina,k et quaeP non optima, aliquo modo acui tamen et corrigi possunt. 22. Ad ear doctrinam, quam suo quisque studiok assecutus est, adjungaturw usus frequens, qui omnium magistrorum 20 praecepta superat. 23. Est'2animorum ingeniorumque naturale quoddam quasi pabulum consideratio contemplatioque naturae. DESCRIPTIONS. XXIII. Sicily as a Roman Province. Omnium natiinuma exterarum lprincepsb Sicilia se ad amicitiam fidemque popuili Romani applicavit. Primab om25 nium, id quod ornamentum imperii est, provinciac est appelXXII. x 559, 563: 1327; 275, I., R. 3, & III. R. 1. —Y414; 873; 247, 1 (2).-'396, IV. 1, 1); 757; 211, R. 6 (5). XXIII, a 396, III. 3: 77-1; 212, R. 2.-b Distinguish between primus andprinceps. V. n. 1. —c362; 666; 210. DESCRIPTIONS. 29 lata: primab docuit maj6resd nostros, quam praeclarum esset,~ exteris gentibusf imperareg: sola fuit ea fide benevolentiaqueY erga poptlum Romanum, ut civitates ejus instlae, quae semel in amicitiam nostram venissent,i nunquam postea deficerent, pleraeque autem et maxime illustres in amicitia perpetuo 5 manerent. Itaque majoribusk nostris in Africam ex hac provincia gradus imperii factus est. Neque enim tam facile opes Karthaginis tantae concidissent, 3nisi illud et rei frumentariae subsidium et receptacilum classibus nostris pateret."' Quare P. Africanus, Karthagine deleta, Siculorum urbes 10 signis" monumentisque pulcherrimis exornavit, ut, quos victoria" popili Romani maxime laetari arbitrabatur, apud eos monumenta victoriae plurima collocaret. Denique 4ille ipse M. Marcellus, cujus in Sicilia virtatem 5hostes, 5misericordiam victi, fidem 5ceteri Siciili perspexerunt, non solum sociisP in 1s eo bello consuluit, verum etiam 6superatis hostibusP temperavit. 7Urbem pulcherrimam, Syracusas, quae 8quum 9manu munitissima esset, turn lloci natura terra ac mari clauderetur, quum vi consiliique cepisset, non solum incolumem passus est esse, sed ita reliquit ornatam, ut esset lidem monumentum 20 victoriae, mansuetudinis, 2continentiae, quum homines viderent,q et 13quid expugnasset, et quibusP pepercisset, et quae reliquisset.'4Tantum ille hon5rem Siciliae habendumB'Sputavit, ut net hostium quidem urbem ex sociSrum insfila tollendams arbitraretur.u Itaque ad omnes res Siciliav provincia25 semper usi sumus; ut, quidquid 16ex sese posset efferre, id non apud eos nasci, sed domiw nostrae'7conditum, putaremus. XXIII, d374, 1; 734; 231. What is the ace. of the thing?-e525; 1182; 265. —385; 831; 223, R. 2.- g549; 1147; 269. - h428 & 1, 2); 888; 211, R. 6.- i486, 5; 1291; 266, 1. -j 494; 1218; 262. - k388 & IL; 844; 225, II.-1510; 1267; 261, 1. —m463, I., 477; 644, 1162; 209, R. 12 (2).- n419, 2, 1); 873; 249, I.-~414; 873; 247, 1 (2).-P385; 831; 223, R. 2.- q517, I.; 1251; 263, 5, R. 1.- -229, 551, I.; 1304, 1148; 162, 15, 272. —t602, III. 2); 1390, Obs. 3; 279, 3 (d). —Dist. bet. puto and arbitror. V. n. 15.-'419, I.; 880; 245. —424, 2; 943; 221, R. 3. s0 ECLOGAE CICERONIANAE. Quando illa frumentum, quod deberet, non ad diem dedit? quando id, quod opus esse putaret, non ultro pollicita est? quando id, quod imperaretur, recusavit? Itaque 4ille M. Cato sapiens,x cellamy penariam reipublicae nostrae, nu5 tricemY plebis Romanae, SiciliamY nominabat.Z Nosa vero experti sumus, Italico maximo difficillimoque bello,bb Siciliam nobiscc non pro penaria cella, sed pro aerario illo majorum veteredd ac referto, fuisse. Nam sine ullo sumptu'8nostro l9coriis, tunicis, frumentoque suppeditando,ee maximos exercitus 0 nostros vestivit, aluit, armavit. 2Quid? illa, quae forsitan net sentimus quidem, judices, quanta sunt! 2lquod multis locupletioribus civibusv utimur, quod habent propinquam, fidelem, fructuosamqueff provinciam, 2quo facile excurrant,? ubi libenter negotium gerantgg; 2quos illa partim mercibushh 15 suppeditandis cum 2quaestu compendioque dimittit, partim retinet, 25ut arare, ut pascere, ut negotiari libeat, ut denique sedes ac domicilium 26collocare. Quodiu commodum non mediocre popili Romani est, 27tantur civium Romanorum numerum tam prope ab domo, tam bonis fructuosisque rebus 20 detineri. Et quoniam 28quasi quaedam praedia populi Romani sunt 2vectigalia nostra atque provinciae, quemadmodum vos propinquis vestris praediis maxime delectamini, sic popilo Romano jucunda suburbanitas est hujusceii provinciae. 83Jam vero hominum ipsorum,kk judices, 31ea patientia, virtus frugali25 tasque est, ut proxime ad nostram disciplinam illam veterem, non ad hanc, quae nunc increbruit," videanturn"in accedere. 2Nihil ceterorum simile Graecorum; nulla desidia, nulla luxuries: contra, summus labor in publicis privatisque rebus, XXIII. x 363; 622; 205, R. 7 (1).- Y 373; 715; 230. — 469, II.; 1088; 145, II. 1. - a446; 1013; 209, R. 1 (b).- bb426, 1; 949; 253, & N. 1. —c390 & 2; 820; 227 & R. 4.-dd156, I.; 194; 113, 3. — ee439, 566, I.; 656, 1340; 205, Exc. to R. 2, 275, II. & R. 4. - ft323; 570; 128, 4.gg485, 486, III.; 1218; 260 & II.-hh414, 2; 873; 247, 1.-11453; 01; 206 (17). — 186, 1; 241; 134, R. 4.kkWhat does ipsorum contrast hominurm with? V. Sail. Cat. XXIII, n. 5.-11332, II; 588; 187, II. 2.-_mm489, I., 494; 1218; 262. DESCRIPTIONS. 31 summa parsimonia, summa diligentia. Sic porro nostros homines diligunt, ut his"n solis neque publicanus neque negotiator odion" sit. XXIV. Pleasures of a Country Life. Venio nune ad voluptates agricolarum, quibus3 ego incredibiliter delector; quae nee ulla impediuntur senectute, letb 6 mihi ad sapientis vitam proxime videntur accedere. 2Habent enim rati6nem cum terra, quae nunquam 3recusat imperium, nee unquam sine usura reddit, quod accpit, sed 4alias minire, plerumque majore cum fen6re. 5Quamquam me quidem" non fructus modo, sed etiam ipsius terrae vis ac natura delectat.d 1o Quae, quum gremio 6mollito ac subacto semen sparsum excepit, primum id 7ccaecatum cohibet; 8ex quo occatio, quae hoc efficit, nominata est: 9deinde tepefactum vapore et compressu suo diffindit et elicit herbescentem ex eo viriditatem, quae, nixa fibris' stirpium, sensim adolescit, culmoquef erecta 15 geniculato, vaginisf jam quasi pubescens includitur; e quibus quum emersit, fundit l~frugem spici ordineh structam, et contra avium min6rum morsus munitur vallo naristarum. 2Quidi ego vitium satus, ortus, incrementa commemoremj? Satiari 13delectationek non possum, l4ut meae senectutis requietem 20 oblectamentumque pernoscatis. Omitto enim vim ipsam omnium, quae generantur e terra, quae ex fici tantilo grano aut ex acino vinaceo aut ex ceterarum frugum ac stirpium minutissimis seminibus tantos truncos ramosque procreat: 1malleoli, plantae, sarmenta, viviradices, propagines, nonne125 ea efficiunt, ut quemvis cum admiratione delectentm? Vitis quidem, quae natura caduca est, et, nisi fulta sit, ad terrani XXIII. ""390; 848; 22T. XXIV. a414, 2; 873; 247, 1.-b587; 13'5; 198, 1 (e). — 602, II.; 1391, Exe. 2; 279, 3 (d). —d463, 3; 644; 209, R. 12 (2), & N. 9. -e419, II.; 880; 245, II. 1.-f414, 4; 873; 247. - h414, 3; 873; 247, 2, 3d paragraph.-'454, 2; 731; 235, R. 11.-J 486, II.; 1180; 260, R. 5. k419, 2 & 1); 907; 249, I. -1346, II. 1, 2); 1106; 198 11, R. (c). — 489, I.; 1223; 262. 32 ECLOGAE CICERONIANAE. fertur, eadem, ut se erigat," claviculis suis, quasi manibus, quidquid est nacta complectitur; quam serpenterm 1multiplici lapsuh et erratico, Z7ferro ampitans coercet ars agricolarum, ne silvescatm sarmentis et "8in omnes partes nimia fundatur.m 5 Itaque, ineunte0 vere, 19in iis, quae relicta sunt, 20exsistit tanquam ad articulos sarmentorum ea, quae gemma dicitur; a qua oriens uva sese osteudit; quae et succo terrae et calore solis augescens.P primo est peracerba gustatu,q deinde maturata dulcescitP; vestitaque pampinis 2'nec modico teporer 10 caret, et nimios solis defendit ard6res. 2QuaW quid potest esse quum 2fructut laetius, turn adspectut pulchrius? Cujus quidem non utilitas me solum, ut ante dixi, sed etiam cultura et ipsa natura, delectat: adminiculorum ordines, 24capitum jugatio, religatio et propagatio vitium, sarmentorumque ea, 15 quam dixi, aliorum amputatio, aliorum 2immissio.'2Quid' ego irrigati6nes, quid fossiones agri, 2repastinationesque proferamJ quibus fit multo" terra foecundior? Nec vero segetibusa solum, et pratis,a et vineis,a et arbustisa res rusticae laetae sunt, sed etiam hortis" et pomariis: 7tum peciidum 20pastu,a apium examinibus, florum omnium varietate. Nec consitionesv modo delectant, sed etiam insitiones,v quibuss nihil invenit agricultura sollertius. Possum persequi multa oblectamenta rerum rusticarum; sed ea ipsa, quae dixi, fuisse sentio longiora.W Ignoscetis autem; nam et studio rerum 25 rusticarum provectus sum, et senectus est natura loquaciorw; ne ab omnibus eam vitiis videar vindicare. XXV. Some Wonderful Phenomena. Sanguinema pluisse senatui nuntiatum estb: Atratum etiam fluvium fluxisse sanguinea; deSrum sudasse simulacra. Num" XXIV. "451, 3; 1034; 207, R. 27.-m(2)1205.-o431, 2 (2); 965; 257, N. 1.-P332, II.; 588; 187, II. 2.- q570; 1365; 276, III.r419, III.; 907; 250, 2 (2). -'417; 895; 256, 2.-t429 & 1; 889; 250, 1.-418; 929; 256, R. 16. — 177 (2); 95, R. —444, 1; 902; 256, R. 9 (a). XXV. a 371; 712; 232 (2).- b549, 1; 1151; 209, R. 3 (5) (a).a(2)414; 873; 247. — 346, II. 1, 3); 1105; 198, 11, R. (b). DESCRIPTIONS. 33 eenses, his nuntiisd Thalene aut Anaxagoram ant lquemquamf physicum credituirum fuisse? Nec enim sangiuis nec sudor, nisi e corpore, est; sed et decoloratio quaedam 2ex aliqua contagi6ne terrena maxime potest sanguiuig similis esse, et humor 3allapsus extrinsecus, 4ut in tectoriis videmus austro,h 5 sudorem1 imitari. Atque haec in bello plura et maj6ra videntur timentibus: eadem non tam animadvertuntur in pace. "Accedit illud etiam, quod in metu et pericutlo 6quum creduntur facilius, turn finguntur impunius. Nos autem ita leves atque inconsiderati sumus, ut, si mures corroserint aliquid, 7quorum 10 est opus hoc unum, monstrurn putemus. Ante vero Marsicum bellum, quod clypeos Lanuviij mures rosissent,k maximum id portentum harusplces esse dixerunt. 8Quasi vero quidquam intersit, mures, 9diem noctem aliquid rodentes, scuta an cribra corroserint.H Nam si ista sequimur, quod'~Plat6nis Politiam 15 nuper apud me mures corroserunt,k de republica debui pertimescerem; aut, si Epicuri de voluptate liber rosus esset, lputdrem" annonam in macello cariorem fore. 12An vero illa nos terrent, si quando aliqua portentosa aut ex pecuide ant ex homine nata dicuntur? quorum0 omnium, lne sim20 longior, una ratio est. Quidquid enim oritur, qualecumque est, causam habeatP a natuira necesse est; ut etiam si praeter consuetudinem exstiterit, praeter naturam tamen non possit exsistere. Causam igitur investigatoq in re nova atque admirabili, si poteris: si nullam reperies,'4illud tamen explora- 25 tumr habeto, nihil fieri potuisse sine causa; eumque terrorem, quem tibi rei novitas attulerit, lSnaturae ratione depellito. Ita te nec terrae fremitus; nec 6coeli discessus, nec lapideus ant sanguineus imber, nec trajectio stellae, nec faces visae terrebunt. XXV. d385; 831; 223, R. 2.- e93, 3; 128; 80, IV.- f457; 1061; 207, R. 31 (a). -391 & 1; 860; 222, R. 1.-h414, 2; 873; 247, 1. -1371; 712; 229. - 421, II.; 932; 221, 1. -k520, II.; 1255; 266, 3.-1525, 526, II. 2; 1182; 265, & R. 2.-k(2) 520, 1.; 1250; 266, 2, R. 5. —m552, 1; 1138; 271.-"477; 1162; 145, II. - 453; 701; 206 (17).-P496, 1; 1204; 262, R. 4.-1 534, Il.; 1112; 267 (2).-r388, II. 1; 1358; 274, R. 4. 2* c 34 ECLOGAE CICERONIANAE. XXVI. Value of Eloquence. (a.) Saepe et multum hoc mecum cogitavi, boninea ai mali plus attuleritb hominibus et civitatibus'copia dicendi ac summum cloquentiae studium. Nam quum et nostrae reipublicae detrimenta considero, et maximarum civitatum veteres 5 animoc calamitates colligo, 2non minimam video perd disertissimos homines invectam partem incommodSrum; quum autem res ab nostra memoria propter vetustatem remotas 3ex litterirum monumentis repetere instituo, multas urbes constitutas, plurima bella restincta, firmissimas societates, sanctis10 simas amicitias intelligo, quume 4animi ratione, turn facilius eloquentia, comparatas. Ac me quiderm diu cogitantem, ratio ipsa in hanc 5potissimum sententiam ducit; ut existimem, sapientiamg sine eloquentia parum prodesse civitatibus,h eloquentiam vero sine sapientia nimium obesse plerumque, 15 prodesse nunquam. Quare si quis, omissis rectissimis atque honestissimis studiisi rationis et officii, consumit omnem operam in exercitatione dicendi, is inutilis sibi,h perniciSsus patriaeh civis alitur; qui vero ita sese armat eloquentia,J ut non oppugnare commoda patriae, sed pro his propugnare 20 possit, is mihi vir et suis, et publicis rationibush utilissimus, atque amicissimus civis fore videtur. (b.) Nihil mihi praestabilius videtur, quamk posse dicendo tenere hominum coetus, mentes allicere, voluntates impellere, 6quo velit; unde 7autem velit, deducere. s8aec una res in 25 omni libero populo, maximeque in pacatis tranquillisque civitatibus, 9praecipue semper floruit, semperque dominata est. Quid enim est aut tam admirabile, quam ex infinita multitudine hominum ~0exsistere unum, qui id, quod omnibus XXVI. 396, III. 2, 3) & (3); 760; 212, R. 2.- b525, 463, I.; 1182, 644; 265, 209, R. 12 (2).- C414; 83; 247.- d414, 5,1); 875; 247, R. 4. —eIn quum - tum, which is the more important notion? f495, 3; 1224; 262. —545; 1136; 239.-h385; 820; 223, R. 2. — 430; 965; 257.- h(2)391 & 1; 860; 222, R. 1.-i414, 4; 873; 249, I. - k417, 1, 549; 901, 1147; 256, 1, & R. 8. - 486, III.; 1291; 260, II. DESCRIPTIONS. 35 natura sit datum, vel solus vel cum paucis facere possitm? aut tam jucundum cognitu" atque auditu," quam sapientibus sententiisJ gravibusque verbis ornata oratio et polita? aut tam potens tamque magnificum, quam popiili motus, judicum'~religiones, senatus gravitatem 12unius oratione ~0converti? 5 Quid tam porro regium, tam liberale, tam munificum, quam opem'~ferre supplicibus, excitare afflictos, dare salitem, liberare periculis,~ l3retinere homines in civitate? Quid autem tam necessarium, quam l~tenere semper arma, quibus vel tectus ipseP esse possis, vel provocare impr6bos, vel te lO ulcisci l41acessitus? Age vero, neq semper forum, subsellia, rostra curiamque meditere,q quid esse potest in otio aut jucundius, aut'5magis proprium humanitatis, quam sermo facetus ac nulla in re rudis? Hoc8 enim uno praestamus'6vel lmaxime feris,t quod colloquimur inter nos et quod exprimrre 15 dicendo sensa posstmus. Quamobrem quis hoc non jurec mireturu summeque in eo elaborandum esse arbitretur," ut, quo8 unov homines maxime bestiist praestent, in hoc hominibust ipsis antecellat? 18Ut vero jam ad illa summa veniamus,w quae vis alia potuit aut disperses homines20 unum in locum congregare aut a fera agrestique vita ad hunc humanum cultum civilemque deducere, aut, jam constitutis civitatibus, leges, judicia, jura describere? Ac ne plura, quae sunt paene innumerabilia, consecterw 9comprehendam brevi: sic enim statuo: perfecti oratoris moderatione 25 et sapientiax non solum ipsius dignitatem, sed et privatorum plurimorum et universae reipublicae salutem maxime contineri. Quamobrem pergite, ut facitis, adolescentes; atque in id studium, in quo estis, incumbite, ut et vobisy honoriY et amicis utilitati et reipublicae emolumento esse possitis. 30 XXVI. m501, II.; 1218; 264 10. —"570 & 1; 1365; 276, III.0425, 3, 2); 916; 251.-P452 & 1; 1035; 201, R. 28 (a).-q489, I.; 496, 1205; 262, & R. 5.-'399, 3, 3); 863; 222, R. 2 (a). —s429; 889; 250, 1. - t386; 826; 224. - "486, II.; 1180; 260, R. 5. - vForce of uno? V. n. 17. —w489, I.; 1205; 262, R. 8. —-414; 873; 247, 3. —390; f48; 227. 36 ECLOGAE CICERONIANAE. XXVII. The Deity. (a.) Quid potest esse tam apertum tamque perspicuum, quum coelum suspeximus coelestiaque contemplati sumus, quam lesse aliquod numena praestantissimae mentis,b quo haec 2reganturc? Quodd qui 2dubitet,c haud sane intelligo, cur 5 non idem,e sol sit,f an nullus sit, dubitare possit. (b.) Ex tot generibus nullum est animal praeter hominem, quod habeatg notitiam aliquam dei; ipsisque in hominibus nulla gens est neque tam immansueta neque tam fera, quae non, etiam si ignoret,h qualem habere deum deceat,f tamen 10 habendum sciat. (c.) 3Rogesk me, quid aut quale sitf deus; auctore utar Simonide; de quo quum quaesivisset 4hoc idem tyrannus Hiero, 5deliberandi1 sibi unum diem postulavit. Quum idem ex eo postridie quaereret, biduum petivit. Quum saepiusm 15 duplicaret numerum dierum, admiransque Hiero requireret, cur ita faceret, " Quia, 6quanto," " inquit, " diutius considero, tantoe mihi res videtur obscurior." (d.) Nihil est, quod deus efficere non possitg et quidem sine lab6re ullo. Ut enim hominum membra nulla contentione, 20 mente ipsa ac voluntate moventur, sic numine de6rum omnia fingi, moveri mutarique possunt. (e.) (7Deorum providentia) haec potissimum providet et in his maxime est occupata; primum ut mundus 8quam aptissimus sit ad permanendum0; deinde ut nulla reP egeat; 25 maxime autem, ut in eo eximia pulchritudo sit atque omnis ornatus. XXVII. a545; 1136; 239. —b396, IV.; 757; 211, R. 6. —527 & 3; 1291; 266, 1. —d453; 701; 206 (17).- e451, 3; 1034; 207, R. 27. - f524; 1182; 265. - 501, I.; 1218; 264, 7.- h515, III.; 1281; 263, 2 (4). -J 500, 2; 1221; 264, 1 (a) & N. - k503, 1; 1279; 261, & R. 1, 260, R. 3.-1563; 1327; 275, III., R. 1. —444, 1; 902; 256, R. 9 (a). -"418; 929; 256, R. 16.-~565 & 1; 1337; 275, III., R. 3. —P419, IIIL; 907; 250, 2 (2). DESCRIPTIONS. 37 (f.) Sit hoc a principio persuasumq civibus,r dominos esse omnium rerum ac moderatores deos,s eaque,8 quae gerantur, eorum geri judicio ac numine; eosdemques optime de genere hominum mereri, et aualis quisque sit,f quidt agatf 9quidt in se admittatf quat mente, quat pietate 10colatf religiones, in- 5 tueri; piorumque et impiorum habere rationem. (g.) Deos et venerari et colere debemus. Cultus autem deorum est optimus, idemquee castissimus atque sanctissimus plenissimusque pietatis, ut eos semper pura, integra, incorrupta et mente et voce veneremur. Non enim philosophi 10 solum, verum etiam majores nostri, superstitionem a religione separaverunt. XXVIII. The Immortality of the Soul. Nemo unquam mihi, 1Scipio, persuadebit, aut 2patrem tuum Paullum, aut 3duos avos, Paullum et Africanum, aut 4Africani patrem aut patruum, aut multos praestantes viros, quos 15 enumerare non est necesse, tanta 5esse conatos, 6quae ad posteritatis memoriam pertinerent,a nisi anmob cernerent, 7posteritatem ad se pertinere. 8An censes, (9ut de me ipso aliquidc mored senum glorier,e) me tantos labores diurnos nocturnosque l~domif militiaeque suscepturum fuisse, llsi iisdem 20 finibus gloriam meam, quibus vitam, essem terminaturusg? Nonneh melius multot fuisset, otiosam aetatem et quietam sine ullo labore et contentione traducereJ? Sed, nescio quomodo, animus 2erigens se posteritatem ita semper prospiciebat, quasi, quum excessisset e vita, tur denique 13victurus esset. 25 4Quodk quidem ni ita se haberet, ut animi immortales essent, XXVII. q 488, I.; 1193; 260, R. 6. - r385; 831; 223, R. 2.-'558, VI. 2; 1136; 239, 273, 2.-t525, 1; 1041; 265, N. 2. XXVIII. a500; 1218; 264, 1 (a).-b414, 4; 83'3; 247, 3. —c371, 1, 3) (2); 717; 232 (3).- d414, 3; 873; 247, 2. - e489, I.; 1205; 262, R. 8. —424, 2; 943; 221, R. 3. -g227, 228; 328; 162, 14.h346, II. 1, 2); 1106; 198, 11, R. (c). - 418; 929; 256, R. 16.J 549; 1147; 269, R. 2.-k453; 701; 206 (17). 38 ECLOGAE CICERONIANAE. baud optimi cujusquel animus maxime ad immortalitatem gloriae niteretur.m 15Quid, quod sapientissimus quisque 1aequissimo animon moritur, stultissimus iniquissimo? Nonne vobis videtur animus is, qui plus cernat' et longius, videre, 5 T]se ad meliora proficisci;'8ille autem, cujus obtusior sit acies, non 19vidare? Equidem 20efferor studio patres0 vestros, quos colui et dilexi, videndiP; neque vero eos solum 21convenlre aveo, quos ipse cogn6vi, sed illos etiam, de quibus audivi et legi et ipse conscripsi. 22Quo quidem me proficiscentem haud 10 sane quis facile retraxerit.r 23Quod8 si quis deus mihi largiatur,t ut 24ex hac aetate repuerascam et in cunis vagiam, valde recisem. Quid enim habet vita commodiu? 25quid non potius laboris? 2Sed habeatv sane: 27habet certe tamen aut satietatem aut modum. Non lubet enim mihi 28deplorare 15 vitam, quodw multi 29et ii docti saepe fecerunt. Neque me vixisse poenitet; quoniam ita vixi, ut non frustra me natum existimem; et ex vita ita discedo, tanquam 3ex hospitio, non tanquam ex domo. 31CommorandiP enim natfra deversorium nobis, non habitandi locum dedit. O praeclarum diem,x quum 20 ad illud divinum animorum concilium coetumque proficiscar, quumque ex hac turba et 32colluvione discedam! Proficiscar enim non ad eos solum viros, de quibus ante dixi, verum etiam ad 3Catonem meum; quoY nemo vir melior natus est, nemo pietate praestantior; cujus a me corpus crematum est; 25 (4quod contra decuit ab illo 3meum;) animus vero non me deserens, sed respectans, in ea profecto loca discessit, 6quo mihiz ipsi cernebat esse veniendum. Quem ego meum casum fortiter ferre visus sum; 37non quo aequo animo ferrem, sed me ipse consolabar, existimans, non longinquum inter nos 30 digressum et discessum fore, XXVIII. 1458, 1; 1052; 207, R. 35 (b).-m510; 1267; 261 & 1. — 414, 3; 8'3; 247, 2. —559; 712; 275, I.-P563; 1327; 275, 1.; 211.- q 386, 3; 719; 233, R. 1. - r473, 1; 1099; 259, R. 1 (5).-'453, 6; 702; 206 (14).-t1509; 1265; 261, 2.-u396, III. 2, 3) (3); 760; 212, R. 3.-v 516, II. 1; 1281; 260, R. 3.- 445, 7; 693; 206, (13) (a). — 381; 725; 238, 2.-Y 417; 895; 256, 2. — 388, I.; 847; 225, III. C. JULII CAESARIS COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. LIBER I. ARGUMENT. I. INTRODUCTION. Gaul in the time of Caesar, Chap. 1.-II. HELVETIAN WAR. Insurrection of the Helvetians at the instigation of Orgetorix, Chap. 2, 3. His premature death, 4. The march of the Helvetians through the Roman province attempted, but, having been prevented by Caesar's forces and fortifications, is undertaken through the territory of the Sequani, 5 -9. Caesar's plans to prevent them from going through the territory of the Sequani. The Gauls complain of the wrongs done them by the Helvetians, 10, 11. Defeat of the Tigurini at the Arar, 12. The Helvetians send ambassadors to Caesar: their demands and threats, 13. Caesar's answer: the indignation of the Helvetians that he should require hostages, 14. Gallic cavalry repulsed by the Helvetians: march of both armies, 15. Caesar's complaint against the chiefs of the Aedui: excuse of Liscus; perfidy of Dumnorix, the Aeduan, 16-18. Pardon granted to Dumnorix for the sake of his brother, 19, 20. A favorable opportunity of overthrowing the Helvetians lost through the mistake of P. Considius, 21, 22. Defeat and flight of the Helvetians, 23-26. Their surrender: punishment of the fugitives: return of the Helvetians and their allies to their own territories. The establishment of the Boii among the Aedui, 27, 28. Number of the Helvetians before an& after the war, 29. - II. WAR WITH ARIOVISTUS. Common council of the Gauls: complaints against Ariovistus, king of the Germans, 30 - 32. Caesar requests an interview, which the king declines, 33, 34. Caesar makes known his demands by ambassadors: Ariovistus's reply, 35, 36. Caesar's march towards Ariovistus: occupation of Vesontio, 37, 38. Panic in the Roman camp: Caesar's speech to the soldiers: march, 39-41. Interview between Caesar and Ariovistus suddenly broken off by an attack of the Germans, 42 - 46. At the request of Ariovistus for a second interview two Gauls are sent to him: they are thrown into prison, 47 Caesar 40 DE BELLO GALLICO. offers battle, which Ariovistus declines: skirmishes with the cavalry. 48 The Romans make two camps: attack upon the smaller: the cause of Ariovistus's declining a battle, 49, 50. Recapture of Procillus and Mettius. Caesar's winter quarters: march to hold the assizes in Cisalpine Gaul, 51- 54. I. 1Gallia est 2omnisa 3divisab in partes tres; quarum unam incolunt Belgae, 4aliam Aquitani, tertiam, qui ipsorum linguac Celtae, nostra Galli appellantur. Hi omnes lingua,d institutis,d legibus 6inter se differunt. Gallos ab Aquitanis Garumna 5 flumen, a Belgis Matr6na et Sequana7 dividit.e Horumf omnium fortissimi sunt Belgae, 8propterea quod a 9cultu atque humanitate 0lprovinciae longissime absunt, "minimeque ad eos mercatores saepe commeant atque ea, 12quae ad effeminandosg animos pertinent, important; 13proximique sunt Germanis,h qui 10 trans Rhenum incolunt, quibuscum continenter bellum gerait: qua de causqa Helvetii quoque'4reliquosj Gallos virtetei praecedunt, quod i5ferek quotidianis proeliisl cum Germanis contendunt; quum aut 16suisn finibusm eos~ prohibent, aut l6ipsiP in corum finibus bellum gerunt.'7tolrumn1 una pars, quam 16 Gallosr obtinere Nsdictum est, initium capit a flumine RbodAno: l9continetur Garumnat flumine,s Oceano, finibus Belgarum; 20attingit etiam ab Sequanis et Helvetiis flumen Rhenum: vergit ad septentriones. Belgae ab extremis 21Galliae 2finlbus oriuntur: pertinent ad inferioremf partem. fluminis 20 Rheni: spectant in septentrionem et orientem solem. \ Aquitania a Garumna 3flumineu ad Pyrenaeos montes et earn I. aDistinguish between omnis, universus, cunctus, and totus. V. n. 2.bDist. bet. divido, dirimo, dispertio, distribuo, andpartior. V. n. 3. —414 & 4; 83; 247, 3. —d429; 889; 250, 1. —_463, 3; 644; 209, R. 12 (2). —396, III. 2, 3) (2); 771; 212, R. 2.- g562, 565 & 1; 1322, 1324; 275, II. & R. 2.-h391 & 1; 860; 222, R. 1.-1414, 2; 873; 247, 1. - Dist. bet. reliqui and ceteri. V. n. 14. - Dist. bet. fere, ferme, paene, and prope. V. n. 15. - 1414, 3; 873; 247, 2. -'"425, 2 & 2); 916; 251. -" 449, II.; 1024; 208, R. 37. - ~449, 1 & 1); 1033; 208, R. 37 (6) (a). - P452; 1035; 135, R. 1. -q 395, 396, I.; 747; 21], & R. 1. What kind of genitive? - r545; 1136; 239.-'363; 622; 204. - t414 & 2; 873; 247. - "Dist. bet. flumen, fluvius, and amnis. V. n. 24. LIBER PRIMUS. 41 partem Oceani, quae est 2ad Hispaniam, pertinet: spectat inter occasum solis et septentriones. II. Apud Helvetios longe nobilissimus fuit et ditissimus Orgetorix. Is, 31.'Messala et MI. Pis6nea consulibus, 2regnib cupiditate' inductus conjurationem nobilitatis fecit et 3civitatid 5 persuasit, 4ut de finibus suis cum omnibus copiis 5exirente: perfacile esse,f qunn virtiteg omnibush praestarent, totius Galliae imperioi potiri. 61d hoc facilius eis persuasit, quodk undique 7loci natura, Helvetii continentur: 8una ex parte flumine Rheno, latissimo atque altissimo, qui agrum Helve- 10 tium a Germanis dividit; 9altra ex parte monte Jura altissimo, qui est inter Sequanos et Helvetios;'~tertia lacu Lemanno et flumine Rhodano, qui provinciam nostram ab Helvetiis dividiQ lHis rebus fiebat,m ut et 12minus late vagarenturP et minus facile finitimis bellum inferre possent; 15 qua de caussa homines l3bellandio cupidi magno dolore afficiebantur.m Pro 14multitudine- autem hominum et pro'6gloria belli atque l7fortitudinist angustos sea fines habere arbitrabantur,m quit i'longitudinem mliar passuum8 CCXL, in latitudinem CLXXX patEbant.m 20 III. His rebus addlihti et auctoritate Orgetorigis permoti constitu6runt 6a,'quae ad 2proficiscendumn pertinereatt, compararec: 3jument6ruim et carr5rum 4quam maximum numerum coemerec; sementes quam maximas facere,C ut in itinere II.'430, 431, 2; 972; 257, R. 7 (a). —b396, II.; 746; 211. —414; 2, 3) (2); 873; 247, R. 2 (b).-d385; 831; 223, R. 2.-e489, I., 492; 1209; 262. Why plural.-'558, VI. 2; 1153; 273, 3 (a). Subject acc.? —g414, 2; 873; 247, 1. — h386; 826; 224.-1518, I.; 1251; 263, 5, & R. 1.-i 419, L; 880; 245,. - k520, I.; 1250; 273, 5.-'414, 2; 873; 247. —m48; 1087; 145, II. —489, 495 & 2; 1222; 262, R. 3. —563, 2); 1327; 275, I., R. 1, & III., R. I (2).-P419,2, 1); 873; 249, I. —449, II.; 1024; 208, R. 37 (a). —r378; 958; 236. -'396, 2, 2); 771; 212, R. 2. —tDist. bet. virtus, fortitudo, &c. V. n. 17. III. a 565 & 1; 1337; 275, I., R. 3, & III., R. 3.-b500 & 2; 1218; 264, 1 (a). — 552, 1; 1138; 271.-dDist. bet. proficiscor, iter facio, and peregrinor. V. n. 2: also bet. pecus, jumentum, armentum, and grex. V. n. 3. 42 DE BELLO GALLICO. copia frumenti suppeteret; cum proximis civitatibus pacem et amicitiam confirmare.c Ad eas res conficiendase biennium sibi satis esse duxerunt: in tertium annum profectionem legef confirmant. Ad eas res conficiendas Orgetorix 5deligitur.g 5 Is sibih legatiinem'ad civitates 6suscepit. In eo itinere persuadet Castico,i Catamantaledis filio, Sequano, cujus pater Sregnum in Sequanis multos annosj obtinuerat et a senatu popiili Romani amicusk appellatus erat, 9ut regnum in civitate sua occuparet,1 quod pater ante habuerat; itemque Dumnorigii o0Aeduo, fratri Divitiaci, qui eo temporem lOprincipatumo in eivitate obtinebatn ac maxime plebi lacceptusP erat, ut idem.conaretur,l persuadet, eique filiam suam in matrimonium dat. "2Perfacile factuq esser illis probat conata perficere,8 propterea quod ipse suae civitatis imperium obtentuirus lSessett: non 5 esser dubium, quin 14totius Galliaeu plurimum Helvetii possentv: se suis'15opiis suoque exercitu illis "regna conciliaturum confirnat. Hac oratione adducti inter se fidem et jusgurandum dant et, l6regno occupatow per 17tres potentissimos ac firmissimos populos totiusx Galliaey sese potiri posse 20 sperant. IV.'Ea res ut est Helvetiis per indicium enunciata, morlbusa suis Orgetorigem 2ex vinculis caussam dicire coiegrunt. SDamnatumb poename sequi 4oportebat,d ut igni cremaretur. IIT. e562 & 1; 1322, 1324; 275, II.-f414 & 4; 8'3; 247,. — gDist. bet. deligo and eligo. V. n. 5.-h 386; 826; 224. —385; 831; 223, R. 2. —j 378; 950; 236. -k362 & 2, 2); 666; 210.-1489, I.; 492, 558, VI.; 1205; 273, 2, 258, 2, R. 1 (a). —m426; 949; 253."468; 1087; 145, II.-~Dist. bet. imperium, principatum, and regnurm. V. n. 10.-PDist. bet. gratus, jucundus, and acceptus. V. n. 11. — 570 & 1; 1365; 276, III.-r551 & I. 2; 1152; 272.-'548, 549, 2, 545; 1136, 1150; 269, R. 3.-t520, II., 228; 1291, 328; 266, 3, 162, 14.-"396, 2, 3) (3); 771; 212, R. 2. —498 & 3, 1232; 262, R. 10. - 430, 431, 2: 965; 257, & R.. 1- V. I. n. 2. - Y409, 3, 882; 220, 4. IV. a414 & 2; 8r3' 249, II - b578, III.; 1350;274, 3. —c545; 1136; 239.-' 468: 108;: 145, II. 2. Dist. bet. necesse est, oportet, opws est, and debeo. V. n. 4. LIBER PRIMUS. 43 Diee constitita 5caussaef dictionisf Orget6rix ad judicium omnem suam familiam, 6ad hominum milia decem undique co0igit, et omnes clientes obaeratosque suos, quorum magnum numerum habebat,d 7eodem conduxit: perg eos, 8ne caussam diceret, se eripuit. Quum civitas, ob ear rem incitata, armis 5 jus suum exsequi conaretur, multitudinemque hominum ex agris magistratus cogerent, Orgetorix mortuus est; neque abest suspicio, ut Helvetii arbitrantur, quin ipse sibii mortem consciverit.h V. Post ejus mortem nihiloS minus Ielvetii id, quod 10 constitueraut,b facere conanturf, lut e finibus suis exeant. Ubi jam se ad ear rem paratos esse arbitrtti sunt,d oppida sua omnia, 2numeroe ad duodecim, vicos ad quadringentos, reliquaf ~privata 4aedificiag 5incendunt,"l frumentum omne,;praeterquam quod secur portatfuri erant,1 comburunt," ut,15?domumj reditionis spek sublata, paratiores ad omnia pericfcla subeunda' essent: 8trium mensiumP molita cibaria sibim quemquen domoJ efferre jubent. - Persuadent Rauracis et Tulingis et Latobrigis finitimis, uti, eodem usi consilio,o oppldis suis vicisque exustis, una cum 9iisq'proficiscantur; 20 Boiosque,r qui trans Rhenum incoluerant et in agrum Noricum transierant Noreiamque oppugnarant, l0receptos ad se sociosr sibi adsciscunt. VI. Erant omnino itinera duo, lquibusaitineribus domo IV. e120 & Exc., 426; 146, N.; 949 90, 1, 253. - f395: T51; 211. —414, 5, 1); 876; 247, R. 4 —h498, 3 & 1); 1231; 262, R. 10. -1384 & II.; 855; 223. V. a418; 929; 256, R. 16. - b472; 1096; 145, V. - C467, III,; 1082; 145, I. 3.-d471, II.; 1093; 259, R. 1 (2) (d).-e429; 889; 250, 1. —Dist. bet. reliqui and ceteri. V. Chap. I. n. 14. —Dist. bet. aedificium, domus, and aedes. V. n. 4.-hDist. bet. accendo, incendo, inflammo, comburo, and cremo. V. n. 5. —228, 230; 328; 162, 14. -i 379 & 3, 1); 943; 237, N. (b).-k430; 965; 257.-1565 & 1; 1337, 275, II. &III., R. 3. - m384; 818; 223. - 545; 1136; 273, N. 4 (d). - i(2)424, 2; 255, R. 1.-o419, I.; 880; 245, I. -P395; 751 211, R. 12.-q Explain iis. V. n. 9; 208, R. 37 (6) (c). — 373 & 1; 715; 230, R. 2. VI. a445, 8; 688; 206 (1). 44 DE BELLO GALLICO. exire possentb: unum per Sequanos, angustum et difficile, inter montem Juramnet flumen Rhodanum, vix 2qua singuli carri ducerentur,b mons 3autem altissimus impendebat, ut facile perpauci prohibere possentd: alterum per provinciam nostram, 5 multoe facilius atque expeditius, propterea quod inter fines Helvetiorum et Allobr6gum, qui 4nuper pacati erant, Rhodinus fluit isque nonnullis locisf vadog transitur. Extremum oppidum Allobr6gum est proximumque Helveti6rum finibus, Geneva. jx eo.oppido pons ad Helvetios 5pertinet. Allo10 broclbu sgse vel persuasuros,i quod nondum 6bono animoj in popuilum Romanum 7viderentur,k existimabant, vel vi coacturos,i ut per suos fines eos' ire paterentur. Omnibus rebus ad profectionem comparatis, diem dicunt, qua diem ad ripam Rhodani omnes conveniantP: is dies erat 8a. d. v. Kal." Aprilis, 15 L. Pisone,0 A. Gabinio0 consulibus. VII. Caesari quum id nunciatum esset,0 eos per'provinciam nostram iter facereb conari, matirate ab 2urbe proficisci,b et, 3quamd maximis potest itineribus,e in 4Galliam ulteriorem contendit, et adf Genevam pervenit: sprovinciaeg toti quam 20 maximum potest militum numerumh imperat; (erat omnino in Gallia ulteriore legio una;) pontem, qui erat ad Genevam, 6jubeti rescindi.j Ubi de ejus adventu Helvetii 7certiores facti sunt,k legatos ad eum mittunt nobilissimos civitatis,1 Ir. b501, I.; 1218; 264,1 (a)&(b). —363; 622; 204.-d489, I., 494; 1218; 262. - e418; 929; 256, R. 16.- f422, 1 & 1); 937; 254, R. 2 (b). —414 & 4; 873; 255, 2. —h391 & 1; 860; 222, R. 1.1545, 3, 551, I. & 1; 1148; 270, R. 3. - 428 & 1, 2); 888: 211, R. 6._ k520, II.; 1291; 266, 3.- Why not se? V. n. 9, Chap. V, last part; 1026; 208, R. 37 (6) (c.)- m120, Exea, 426; 146, N., 949; 90, 1, 253. - 708 & 1 & 2; 1526-'7; 326, 2 (1) (2)..- ~430; 972; 257, R. 7.-P500 & 1; 2122; 264, 5. VII. a481, IV. & 2; 1164-7. - bDist bet. iter facere and its syn. V. III. n. 2. —c467, III.; 108?; 145, I. 3. —d444, 3, 2): 1003; 127, 4.-e414, 3; 873; 247, 2.- f379, 1, 1); 469; 237, R. 2 (a). —s384; 818; 223, R. 2. —h371; 712; 223, R. 2 (1) (b). -'Dist. bet jubeo, impero, praecipio, and mando. V. n. 6. - 551, II. 1; 203; 273, 2 (d).k417, II.; 1094; 259, R. 1 (2) (d). —396, 2, 3) (2); 771-2; 212, R. 2, 205, R. 12 (c). LIBER PRIMUS. 45 eujus legatiSnis Nameiss st Verudoctius principem locum obtinebait, 8qui dicerent4 sibin 9esse in animo, sine ullo maleficio iter pee provinciam facere,O propterea quod aliud iter haberent nullum: l~iogare, ut ejus voluntateP id sibiq facere liceat. Caesar, quod memoriar tenebat, L. Cassiums consulem 5 "occisum exercitumque ejus ab Helvetiis pulsum et sub 2jugum missum, concedendum non putabat; neque homines inimico animo,t data" facultate per provinciam itinerisv faciundi,w temperaturos ab injuria et maleficio existimabat; tamen, ut spatium intercedere posset, dum milites, quos imperaverat, 10 convenirent,x legatis respondit,'3diem s& ad deliberandum sumpturum: 14si quidY vellent, ad Idus Aprilis reverterentur.z VIII. Interea ea legiSne,a quam secum haLebat,b militibusque,a qui ex provincia convenerant,0 a lacu Lemanno, qui ind flumen Rhodanum influit, 2ad montem Juram, qui fines 15 Sequanorum ab Helvetiis dividit,e 3miliaf passuum decem novem 4murumg in altitudinem pedumh sedecim fossamque perduiciti. Eo operej perfecto, praesidia dispSnit, castella 5communit, quo facilius, si 6sel invito transire conarentur, prohibere Tpossit.k Ubi ea dies,m quam constituerat cum legatis, 20 venit, et legati ad eum reverterunt, 8negat, se more" et exem plo" popuili Romani posse iter ulli per provinciam dare et, si vim facere conentur, prohibiturum" ostendit. Helvetii, 9ea speP dejecti, ~0navibusJ junctis ratibusqueJ compluribus factis, VII. m500; 1212; 264, 5. - 387; 821; 226. - 545, 549, 2; 1136, 114'7; 269, R. 3. - P414, 2; 873; 249, II. - q 384; 840; 223. -r414 &4; 873; 247, 3.- -545; 1136; 239. — t428; 888; 211, R. 6.- 431, 2, 1); 970; 274, 3 (a) — 395; 751; 211. - 562, 563; 1327, 324; 275, II., 162, 20. - x 522, II.; 1238; 263, 4 (1). Y455 & 2; 1048; 137, R. (3).-Z529; 1200-2; 266, 2, R. 1 (a). VIII. a414; 873; 247, R. 4, last part. - b468; 1087; 145, II. -'472; 1096; 145, V. —435, I.; 987; 235 (2).-eDist. bet. divido and its syn. V. 1, n. 3. - 378; 958; 236. - gDist. bet. murus, paries, aud moenia. V. n. 4. - h396, IV.;'57; 211, R. 6. - 1467, III.; 1082; 145, I. 3. —j 430; 965; 257. -k489, I., 497; 1205; 262, R. 9.1431, 2 (2); 972; 257, R. 7. - m120, Exc.; 146, N.; 90, 1, & N. - n414, 2; 873; 249, II.-~551, I. 2; 721; 270, R. 3.- P425, 2; 916; 251. 46 DE BELLO GALLICO. "alii vadisr Rhodani, qua8 minima altitado flumiinis erat, nonnunquam interdiu, saepius noctu, l2sit perrumpere possent, conati, 13operis munitione et militum concursu et telis repulsi, hoc conatuP" 4destiterunt.u 5 IX. Relinquebitur una per Sequanos lvia,a qua, Sequanisb invitis, propter angustias ire non poterant. His quum sua 2sponte persuadere non possent," legatos ad Dumnorigem Aeduum mittunt,d ut, eob deprecatore, a Sequainis 3impetrarent.e Dumnorix 4gratiaf et largitionef apud Sequanos pluri10 mum poterat; et Helvetiisg erat amicus,h quod ex ea civitate Orgetorigis filiam in matrimonium duxerat; et, cupiditate regni adductus, *novis rebusi studebat, et quamJ plurimas civitates suo sibi beneficiok habere obstrictas volebat. Itaque rem suscipit et a Sequanis impetrat, ut per fines suos Helve. 15 tios ire patiantur; obsidesque uti 6inter sese dent perficit: Sequani, ne itinerel Helvetios prohibeant: Helvetii, ut sine, maleficio et injuria transeant. X. Caesari lrenuntiatur,a 2Helvetiisb essee in animo, per agrum Sequanorum et Aeduorum iter in Santonum fines o0 facere,c qui non longe a Tolosatium finibus absunt, quae' civitas est in provincia. Id si fieret, intelligebat,3magno cum periculo provinciaee futurum,f ut homines bellicosos,g popuilih VIII. r414, 4; 873; 255, 2. —Explain qua. V. VI. n. 2.-t525 &, 1182; 265, 198, 11, R. (e). —Dist. bet. desino and desisto. V. n. 13. IX. aDist. bet. iter, via, trames, semita, and callis. V. n. 1. - b430; 972; 257, R. 7. —518, IT. 1, 481, IV. 2; 1244, 1167; 263, 5, 258, I., R. 1 (a).-d467, III.; 1082; 145, I. 3. -e489, I.; 1205; 262.f414; 873; 247, 1 (2).- -391 & 1; 860; 222, R. 1. - hNonn or adj.? — i384 & I.; 831; 223, R. 2. - 444, 3, 2); 1003; 127, 4. - k414; 873; 247. —425 & 2, 2); 916; 251. X. "What is re-nuntiare? V. n. 1. Subject of it?- b387; 821; 226. -c549, 1; 1147; 269 (b). What case is esse? - c(2)549, 2; 1136: 269, R. 3. What case isfacere? - d445, 8; 701; 206 (8).-e396, II. 746; 211, & R. 2, & 12.-f 551, I. 1; 115; 239, R.4. Sub.?-323: 570; 128, 4. h395; 751; 211. Dist. bet. adversarius, hostis, and inimicus. V. n. 5. LIBER PRIMUS. 47 Romini Sinimicos locisi patentibus maximeque frumentariis 6finitimosj haberet. Ob eas 7caussas ei Smunitioni,k quam fecerat, T. Labienum legatum praefecit: ipse in 9Italiam magnis itineribus contendit, duasque ibi legiones conscribit, et tres, quae circum Aquileiam hiemabant, ex hibernis edicit, 5 et, qua ~proximum iter in ulteriorem Galliam per Alpes erat, cum his quinque legionibus ire contendit.' Ibi Centrones et Graioceli et Caturiges, locis superioribus occupatis, itinere exercitum prohibere conantur. Compluribus his1 proeliisT pulsis, ab Ocelo, quod est citerioris provinciae extremum, in 10 fines Vocontiorum ulterioris provinciaen die septimo pervenit: inde in Allobr6gum fines, ab Allobrogibus in Segusianos exercitum ducit. Hi sunt extra provkiciam trans Rhodanirn primi. XI. Helvetii jam per angustias et fines Sequanorum suas 15 copias traduxerant, et in Aeduorum fines pervenerant eorumque agros lpopulabantur. Aedui, quum se 2suaque ab iis defendere non possent, legatos ad Caesarem mittunt rogatum" auxilium: 3ita sed 40mni tempore de poptilo Romano meritos esse, ut paenee in conspectu exercitus nostri agri vas- 20 tari,b liberi eorumf in servititem abduci, oppida expugnari non Sdebuerint.g Eodem tempore 6Aedui Ambarri, 7necessariih et consanguinei Aeduorum, Caesarem 8certiorem faciunt, sese, depopulatis agris, non facile ab oppidis vim hostium prohibere. Item Allobroges, qui trans Rhodanum vicos pos-25 sessionesque habebant, fuga se ad Caesarem recipiunt et X. i391 & 1; 860; 222, R. 1.- i Dist. bet. vicinus, finitimus, and confinis V. n. 6.-k386;826; 224. - 1430; 965; 257. -- 414, 2; 873; 247, 1. —396, IV.; 757; 211, R. 8 (5). XI. bWhy imperf.? Dist. bet. populor, vasto, diripio, and spolio. V. n. 1.c569; 1360. 276, II. —d545; 136'; 239, 270, R. 2 (b). —eDist. bet. paene and its syn. V. I. n.'l5.-f Why not sui? V. V. n. 9. —g482, 3; 1296, I.-h Dist. bet. necessarius, propinquus, cognatus, consanguineus, and affinis. V. n.. 48 DE BELLO GALLICO. 9demonsrrant, libii praeter agri solum nihil esse reliqui.i Quibusk rebus adductus Caesar "non exspectandum sibi1 statuit, dum, omnibus fortunis sociorum consumptis, in Santonos Helvetii pervenirent.T" 3 XII. 1Flumen est Arar, quoda per fines Aedu6rum et Sequan6rum in Rhodinum influit incredibili lenitate,b ita ut oculis, 2in utramc partem fluat,d judicari non possit.e Id Helvetii, ratibus ac lintribus junctis, transibant.f Ubi per exploratoresg Caesar certior factus est, tres jam partes copi10 arum Helvetiosi id 3flumenh traduxisse, quartam vero partem citra flumen Ararim reliquam esse, 4de tertia vigilia cum legionibus tribus e castris profectus,1 ad earn partem pervenit, quae nondum flumenk transierat. Eos impeditos et inopib nantes aggressus, magnam eorum partem concidit: reliqui1 15 sese fugae mandarunt atque in proximas silvas 5abdiderunt.m Is pagus appellabaturf Tigurinus, nam omnis civitas Helvetia in quattuor pagos divisa est.n Hic pagus unus, quum domo exisset, patrum nostrorum memoria0 L. Cassium consulem interfecerat et ejus exercitum 6sub jugum miserat., Ita sive 20casu sive consilio deorum immortalium, 7quae parsP civitatis Helvetiae insignem calamitatem popilo Romano intulerat, ea 8princepsq poenas persolvit. Qua in re Caesar non solum publicas, sed etiam privatas injurias ultus est, 9quod ejus soceri L. Pisonis avum, L. Pisonem legatum, Tigurini e6dem 25 proelio, quo Cassium, interfecerant. XI.'387; 821; 226. - J 396, III. 2, 1); 760; 212, R. 3, N. 3.-, k453; 701; 206 (17).-1388 & I.; 847; 225, III., 162, 15. —m521, I.; 1238; 263, 4, XII. 1445; 694; 206 (9). —b414, 3; 873; 247, 2. — 188, 4; 1045; 212, R. 2, N. 1 (b)-4-525; 1182; 265. —e494; 1218; 262. —468; 1087; 145, II. —-414, 5, 1); 876; 247, R. 4. —h374, 6; 718; 233 (1). -545; 1136; 239. -J Dist. bet. proficiscor and its syn. V. III. n. 2. -k 371, 4, 1); 7182 233 (3). — Dist. bet. reliqui and ceteri. V. I. n. 14."Dist. bet, occulto, abdo, condo, abscondo, and recondo. V. n. 5.-"471, I.; 1092; 145, IV.- 0426 & 1; 949; 253.- P445, 8; 687, 690; 206 (3) & (a).-q443; 663; 205, R. 15 (b). Dist. bet. princeps and primus. Ec. Cic., XXIII. n. I, LIBER PRIMUS. 49 XIII. Hoc proelio facto, reliquas copias Helvetiorum ut consequi posset, pontem 2in Arare facienduma curat, atque ita exercitum traducit. Helvetii, repentino ejus adventub commoti, quum id, quod ipsi diebus viginti aegerrime confecerant, 3ut flumen transirent, uno illumr die fecisse intelli- 5 (Terentd legaltos ad eum mittuntf; cujus legationis Divico princeps fuit, qui 4belloe Cassiano dux Helvetiorum fuerat. Is ita cum Caesaire5agit: si pacem poptilus Romanus cum Helvetiis faceretf, in earn parterm ituross atque ibi 6futlU'os' Helvetios, ubi eos Caesar 7constituissetf atque esse voluissetf; 10 sin bello persequih perseveraret, 9reminisceretur' et l~veteris incomm6dik popili Romani et "pristinaeJ virtutisk Helvetiorum. Quod' improvlso unum pagum'2adortus esset,r quum ii, qui flumen transissent, suis auxilium ferre non'3possent,ne ob'eam rem aut'suae magnopere virtiti tribueret', aut 15 ipsos'Gdespiceret': se ita a patribus majoribusque suis didicisse, 17ut magis virtite,n quam dolon contenderent aut insidiis0 niterentur. 18Quare ne committeret,' ut is locus, ubi constitissent, ex calamitate popili Romani et interneciSne exercitus nomen caperet aut memoriam proderet. 20 XIV. lHis Caesar ita respondit: eoa sibi minusb dubitationis. 2dari, quod eas res, quas legati Helvetii commemorassent,d 3memoria teneretd; atque 4eo" gravius ferre, quoe minus me'ito" poptuli Romani accidissent: 5qui si alic-ijus injuriaef sibig conscius fuisset, non fuisseh difficile Gcavere'; sed eo 25'deceptum, quod neque 5corumissum a se intelligeret, quare XIIT. a551.sI. 1; 1315-6; 274, R. 7.-b414, 2, 3) (2);'873; 247, 1, R. 2 (b). — 545; 1136; 239. -d518, IT. 1; 12414-5; 263, 5. e426 & 1; 949; 253, & N..-f 531, 533, 2, 1); 1296, E. & I.; 266, 2, & R. 4.-g530, I., 533, 2, 2); 1296, A.; 266, 2, 270, R. 3. —h552, 1; 1138; 271. —530, II.; 1296, D. & I.; 266, 2, R. 1 (a). -j Dis. bet. antiquus, vetus, priscus, vetustus, and pristinus. V. n. 11. k 406, IT.; 788; 216. -1554, IV., last sentence; 502; 273, 5.-m Why imperf.? "414 & 4; S3; 247, 3.~~419, II.; 880; 245, II. 1. XIV. a 414 & 2; 873; 247, 1.-b545; 1136; 239. —396, III. 2, ) (3): T60; 212. — d528, 529; 1296, E. & I.; 266, 2.- e48; 929; 256, R. 16, & (2).. - 399, 2, 2) (2); 765; 213. —391 & 5; S64; 222, R. 1.-h530, I.; 1296, A.; 266, 2. — i549, 2, 545; 1118, 1136; 269 (b), 239. 3 D .70 DE BELLO GALLICO. tiniret, neque sine caussa 9timendum putret. Quocd si vea teris contumeliaek oblivisci vellet, l~num etiam recentiuma injuriairum, quocd,' eo invito,"' iter per provinciami per vim tentassent, quod Aeduos, quod Ambarros, quod Allobrioas0 5 vexassent, memoriam deponere posse"?'2Quod sua victoriaP tam insolenter gloriarentur quodque tam diu se impune injurias tulisse admirarentur, e6dem pertinere; consuesseq eniml deos immortldes, quo gravius homines ex'3commutatione rerum doleant,r quos pro scelere eorum ulcisci velint," his'4secunIO diores interclun res et ciuturniorem impunitfLtem concedere.6 lQuum ea ita sint, tamen, si obsides ab'iis sibi dentur, uti ea, quae polliceantur, 17facturos' intelllgat, et si Aeduis de injuriis, quas sipsis" sociisque eOrum intulrint, item si Allobrogibus satisfaciant, sese cum iis pacem esse factLrumm." Divico re-:5 spondit: ita I-Ielvetios a majoribusv suis institutos esse, uti obsides acciplre,' non dares consuerint: ejus rei populum Romanum essel testestm." Hoc responso dato, discessit. XV. Postero die" castra ex eo loco lnovent: iden facit Caesar; equitatumque omnem, ad nuimrum quattuor milium, 20 quem ex omni provincia et Aeduis atque eorum sociis coactumn habebat,c praemlittit,l" quif videant," quas in partes hostes iter faciant.m Qui"' cupidius' novissimum "iLgmenj insectti 6alieno locok curm equittttu Helvetiorum proelium committunt; et pauci de' nostris"' cadunt. 7Quo Sproelio" XIV. i 453, 6; 702; 206 (14).k-406, I1.; $88; 216.- What does quod explain?- m430; 9,g; 257, iR.7. 7. — n3, Il. &; 129 6, C.; 266, 2, R. 1 (c).-~98; 133; 85, Exc. 2.- P44 & 2; 2 73; 24s, 1 (2). 1 234; 315; 162, 7 (a). - 489, I., 497; 1205; 262, I.. 9 —S552, 1; 1 3S; 271. -t551, I. & l; 1J48; 272. - uAhy used? - v414, 5; 78'; 218, I.- 362; 66; 210 (b). XV. a426;,949; 253. - b388, II. 1; 1358; 274, R. 4. - 468; 1087; 145, 11. —d466, III,: 1082; 145, I. 3.-500;,1205; 261, 5. —f445, 5; 698; 206 (11) (a).-g 525; 1182; 265. - 4h53; T0 1; 20(6 (17). -'444, 1; 902; 256, R. 9 (a). - i Dist. bet. agme'z, exewrcits, and ccies. V. n. 5. - k422, 1, 1); 93;; 254, R. 2 (b). - 1398, 4, 2);'5'; 212, N. 4. - m441, 1; 658; 205, R. 7 (1) - "Dist. bet. pugna, proelium, and acies. V. n. 8. LIBER PRIIMUS. 51 sublati Helvetii, quod quingentis equitibus tantam multitudinem equitum propulerant, 9audacius subsistere, nonnunquam 0ex novissimo agmine proelio~ nostros"l lacessere, coeperunt. Caesar suosm a proelio continebat ac "satis habebat in praesentia, hostem rapinis,P pabulationibus" populationibusqueP 5 prohibere.q Ita dies' circiter quindecim iter fecerunt, uti inter novisslmum hostium agmen et lnostrum primum non amplius lquinisS aut seniss milibust passuum interesset. XVI.'Interimn''quotidie' Caesar Aeduose fiumentum,c quod essentd'publice polliciti, 3flagitaree; nam propter frigora,f 10 quod Gallia 4sub septentrionibus, 5ut ante dictum est, posita est, non modo frumenta in agris matutra non erant, sed ne pabrili quidemna satis magna copia'suppetebat; eo 7autem frumento," tquod flumine Arlare navibus subvexerat, propterea uti minus poterat, quod iter ab Ariare Helvetii avertdrant, a 15 quibus discedere nolebat.'Diem ex die duceree Aedui:'~conferi, comporftri, adesse dicere." Ubi se dliutius ducli intellexit et diem instalre, quo die "frumentum militibus metiri oporteret,j convocatis eorum principibus, quorum magnam copiam in castris habebat, in his Divitiiico` et Lisco,k qui 20 13summo magistratui1 praeerat, (quem Yergobretum'n appellant Aedui, "4qui creatur annuus"1 et vitae necisque in suos habet potestaLtem,) graviter eos acec-sat, quod, quum neque emi, neque ex agris sumi laposset~ tam necessario temp6re, tam propinquis hostibus," ab iis non sublevatur': praesertim 25 XV. ~4l4 & 4, 8b3; 247,, - P425, 2 &2); 916; 251.- q 550; 148S; 2O0. r 378; 950; 236. - sWhy distributives? V, n. 13.178, 417; 204, 89; 118, 6 (a), 256, 2. XVI. a Dist. bet. interin and interea. V. n. 1. —Dist. bet. quotidie and,in si2uge'dlos dies. V. n. 2.-~ 374 &1 34-G; 23oi 3486, 5; 1251; 2(64, 12. —545, 1; 1137 209, R.. &. -.. f30, 2;' 2 (2); 95, R.-g602,.IT. &; 2; 1390, Obs. 3; 279, 3 (d).-h4i9, I.; 880 245, I. — 4i44, 1; 902; 256, R. 9 (a).-i 53E; 1,?291; 266, 2. —430; 96S, 257. Se. convoctis.- 386; 820; 224.-m373 & 1; T1J; 230. —n443; 643; 205, R. I15 (a). o518, II.; 1244; 263, 5.-P431; 92;; 257, R. 7.-q 520, II.; 12?3; 266, 3. 52 DE BELLO GALLICO., quum magna ex parte eorum precibus adductus bellum suam ceperit, multor etiam gravius, quod l6sit destitutusc queritur. XVII. Turn demum Liscus oratione Caesaris adductus, iquoda antea tacuerat, proponit: esseb nonnullos,c quorum 5 auctoritas apud plebem 2plurimum valeat5; qui 8privatim plus possint,a quam ipsi magistratus. 4Hos 5seditiosa atque improba oratiOne multitudinenm deterrere, ne frumentum conferante; quod?praestare debeat, si jam principatumf Galliae obtinere non possent, Gallorulm quam Romanlrun imperiaf perferre; 10 neque dubitare debeant, quin, si Helvetios superaverintg Romanni, una cum reliqualh Gallia Aeduisi libertatem sint erepttiri) Ab 7eisdem nostra consilia Squaeque in castris gerantur, hostibus enuncidari: hos 9a se coerceri non posse: quin etiam, quod 1~necessario rem coactus1 Caesari enunciarit, 1intelli15 g6re"' sese, quanto id cum pericuilo feclrit," et ob earn caussam, quam diu potuerit,' tacuisse.b XVIII. Caesar hac oratione Lisci Dumnorigem, Divitiaci fratrem, designari sentiebat, sed,quod Ipluribus" praesentibus eas res' jactari nolebat, celeriter conciliuni dimittit,c Liscum 20retlnetc: quaerit1 ex 2solo ea, quae in conventu dixerat.3 Dicit0 liberiusf atque audacius.f Eadem secreto ab aliis quaeritd; reperit esse vera: 3ipsum esse Dumnorigem, summa audacia," magna apud plebem propter liberalitatem gratia,? cupidurn 4rerum novarum: compluris1s annosi 5portoria XVI. ~418; 929; 256, R. 16. XVII. a445, 6, 2), 371; 689, 716; 206 (4), 232 (2). - b551, I. 2, 530, I.; 1296, A.; 272, 266, 2. -c585, 1; 998; 277, I., R. 5 (c).a531; 1296, E & I.; 266, 2.-e489, I., 499, 1 & 2 1205; 262, R. 5.-f Dist. bet, principatus, imperium, &c. V. III. n. 10.- 480, 481, Io 2; 1164; 258, I 1. —h441, 6; 662; 205, R. 17. - i386, 2; 855; 222, 2, 224, R. 2.-i 498, 3; 1230-3; 262, N.. - 1704, II.; 1379; 323, 2 (a). - mDist. bet. intelligo, sentio, and cognosco. V. n. 11.-"525; 1182; 265. XVIII. a430; 965; 257.-b545; 1136; 239. —467, II.; 1082; 145,.. - d374, 3, 4); 738; 231, R. 4. -e472; 1096; 145, V.f305; 462; 192, II. 1, & 2, Exc., 194, 2. - -428; 888; 211, R. 6, & R. 8 (2). —h54, 88, III.; 114, 193; 114, 2.-'378; 950; 236. LIBER PRIMUS. 53 reliquaque omnia Aeduorum 6vectigalia parvo pretioi 7redemptak habere, propterea quod, illo licente,l contra liceri audeat nemo. His rebus et suam rem familiarem auxisse et 8facultates ad largiendum magnas comparasse: magnum numerum equitatus suo 9sumptum semper ~0aleren et circum se 5 habere; neque solum domi,0 sed etiam apud finitimas civitates "largiter posse; atque hujus "potentiaeP caussa matrem in Biturigibus hominiq illic nobilissimo ac potentissimo L3collocasse; ipsum l4ex Helvetiis uxorem habere; "5sororem ex matre et propinquasr suas nuptums in alias civitates.collocasse: 10 favere et cupere Helvetiist propter ear affinitatem; odisse etiam'6suo nomineu Caesarem et Romanos, quod eorum adventu potentia ejus deminfta, et Divitiacus frater in antiquum locum gratiae atque honoris sit restitutus.. Si quid l7accidatw Romanis,, summam in spem per Helvetiosx regni obtinendiy is venlre: 1Simperioz poptli Romnni non modo de regno, sed etiam de ea, quam habeat7 gratia.desperare.'9Reperiebat" etiam 20in quaerendo Caesar, 2iquodbb proelium equestre adversum paucis ante diebusc esset factum, initium 22ejus fugae factumdd a Dumnorige atque ejus equitibus, (nam equitatui, 20 2quem auxilioee CaesarieeAedui miserant, Dumnorix praegrat,) eorum fuga reliquumff essed equitstum perterritum, XIX. Quibus" rebus cognitis, quum ad has suspioiones certissimae res accederent, quodb per fines Sequanorum HelXVIII. J 416; 884; 252 & R. 3. — 388, II. 1; 1358; 274, R. 4.1430; 965; 257. - mDist. bet. sumptus and impensae. V. n. 9.- nDist. bet. alo andcnutrio. V. n. 10.-~424, 2; 943; 221, R. 3.-PDist. bet. potentia, potentatus, potestas, vis, and robur. V. n. 12. -q 384 & II.; 855; 223 & N. - TDist. bet., necessarius, propinquus, &c. V. XI. n. 7. - 56,; 1360; 276, IL -t385; 831; 223, R. 2. - u414, 2; 873; 247, 1.v531; 1291; 266, 2. - Dist. bet. accido, evenio, contingo, &c. V..n 17. - 414, 5, 1); 876; 247, R. 4. - Y562, 563; 1322-3; 275, II. - Z426, 1; 949; 257, R. 9 (2).- -Dist. bet. invenio, reperio, &c. V. n. 17. bb554, IV., last sentence; 1258, a.; 206 (14). —c418 & 2, 427; 954; 253, R. 1.-dd551, I. 1; 1148; 272, 270, R. 3.-ee390 & 1, 2); 848-9; 227.- f441, 6; 662; 205, R. 17. XIX. 453; 701; 206 (17). - b554, IV.; 1250; 273,, & R. - cWhat does quod explain? 54 DE BELLO GALLICO. vetios traduxisset, quodb obsides inter eos dandosd curasset,* quodb ea omnia non modo injussue suo et civitatis, sed etiam, inscientibus ipsis,f fecisset,c quodb a magistratu Aeduorum accusaretur,c satis esse caussaeg arbitrabatur, quare in eum aut 5 ipse animadvertereth aut civitatem animadvertere juberet. His omnibus rebusi 3unum repugnabat, quodb Divitiaci fratris summum in popilum Romanum 4studium, summam in se 4voluntatem, egregiam fidem, justitiam, temperantiam cognoverat; nam nej ejus supplicioe Divitiaci animum offenderet, 10 verebatur. Itaque prius quam quicquam conaretur,k Divitiacum ad se vocari' jubet,m et, quotidianis interpretibus remotis, pere C. Valerium Procillum, 5principemo Galliae provinciae, familiarem0 suum, 6cuiP summam omnium rerum fidem habebat, cum eo colloquiturm" ysimul commonefiacit,T" 15 quae ipso praesente in concilio Gallorum de Dumnorige sint dictah et ostendit,m quae separatim quisque de eo apud se dixerit.h Petitm atque hortatur,"t ut 7sine ejus offensione animi vel'ipse de eo, 9causa cognita, statuat,q vel civitatem statuere jubeat.a 20 XX. Divitiacus multis cum lacrimis Caesarem complexus obsecrare" coepit, ne quidb graviusC in fratrem statueret: 2scire se, 3illa esse vera, nec quemquamd 4ex eo plus, quam se, dolorise capere, propterea quod, quupa 5ipse gratia plurimum domif atque in reliquag Gallia, ille minimum propter XIX. C520, II.; 1255; 266, 3.- d551, II. 1; 1315-6; 274, R. 7 (a). —414; 873; 247.- f430; 965; 257, R. 7 (a). — 396, III. 2, 4) (1); 1005-8; 212, R. 4. —525; 1182; 265. Dist. bet.jubeo, impero, praecipio, and mando. V.VIT. n. 6. — 385; 83:; 223, R. 2.-J492, 4, 1); 1215; 262, R. t. - k523, II. & 2; 1241-3; 263, 3, 258, R. 1 (a).-1551, II. 1; 1203; 273, 2 (d). — 467, III.; 1082; 145, I. 3.n414, 5, 1); 876; 247, R. 4.-0363; 622;204.- P384& II. 855; 223. — 492 & 2; 1205; 262. XX. aDist. bet. rogo, oro, obsecro, obtestor, precor, and supplico. V. n. 1. b455, 2; 1048; 138. —444, 1; 902; 256, R. 9 (a).-d457; 1061; 207, R. 31.-e396, III. 2, 3) (3); 760; 212.- f424, 2; 943; 221, R. 3. —s441, 6; 662; 205, R. 17. LIBER PRIMUS. 55 adolescentiam posset,1 per Tseh crevisset,i quibus opibus ac nervis non solum ad minuendam gratiam, sed paenei ad perniciem suam 8uteretur'; sese tamen et amore fraterno et existimatione vulgi commoveri. Quodk si quidb ei a Caesare gravius accidisset, 9quum ipse eum locum amicitiae apud eum 5 teneret, l~nemineml existjmaturum,nm non sua voluntaten factumm; qua ex re futurum,m uti totius GalJiae animi a se averterentur. Haec quum pluribus verbis flens a Caesare peteret, aesar ejus dextram prendit: consolatus rogat finem orandi faciat~: tantiP ejus apud se gratiam esse ostendit, uti 10 et lreipublicae injuriam et suum dolorem ejus voluntatiq ac precibusq condanet. Dumnorigem ad se vocat, fratrem l2adhibet: quae in eo reprehendat, ostendit; quae ipse intelligat, quae civitas queratur,r proponit: monet, ut in reliquum tempus omnes suspiciones vitet: praeterita se Divitiacoq fratri 15 condonare dicit. Dumnorigiq custodes ponit, ut, quae agat,r quibuscum loquatur, scire possit. XXI. Eodem die ab lexploratoribusa certior factus, hostes sub monte consedisse 2milia passuum ab ipsius castris octo, qualis essetb natura montis et qualis 3in circuitu ascensus, 4qui 20 cognoscerent,c misit. Renunciatum est, 5facilem esse. 6Do tertia vigilia T. Labienum 71egatum pro praetore cum duabus legionibus et 8his duclbus, qui iter cognoverant, summum jugum montis ascendere jubet: 9quid sui consiliid sit,b ostendit. Ipse 6de quarta vigilia eodem itinere, quo hostes ierant, ad 25 eos contendit equitatumque omnem ante se mittit. P. Considius, qui rei0 militaris peritiosimus habebatur, et in exercitu L. Sullae et postea l~in M. Crassi fuerat, cum exploratoribus praemittitur. XX. h414, 5, 1); 876; 247, R. 4. - i531; 1291; 266, 2. -j Dist. bet. fere, ferme, paene, aud prope. V. I. n. 15.-k 453, 6; 702; 206 (14). -1585 & 1; 998; 277, I. R. 4. - 530, I.; 1296, A.; 270, R. 3.n414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. —493, 2; 1208, 1201; 262, R. 4. -P401, 402, II. & 1; 799, 800; 214, & R. 1 (a). — q 384 & II.; 855-6; 223.-r525; 1182, 1192; 265. XXI. a Dist. bet. explorator, speculator, and emissarius. V, n. 1.-b525 1182; 265. - c500; 1212; 264, 5. - d401; 780; 211, R. 8 (3).e399 & 2, 2); 765-7; 213. 56 DE BELLO GALLICO. XXII. Prima luce,a quum summusb mons a T. Labieno teneretur,c lipse ab hostium castris non longius mille et quingentis passibusd abesset, neque, ut postea ex captivis comperit, aut ipsius adventus aut Labieni cognitus esset, 5 Considius, 2equoe admisso, ad eum accurrit: dicitf montem, quem a Labieno occupari voluerit,g ab hostibus tenerih; id se a 3Gallicis armis atque insignibus cognovisse.h Caesar suas copias in proximum collem subducit,f aciem instruit. Labienus, ut erat ei praeceptumi a Caesare, ne proelium com10 mitteret, nisi 4ipsius copiae prope hostium castrak visae essent, ut undique uno tempore in hostes impetus fieret, monte occupato nostros exspectabat proelioque abstinebat. 5Multo denique diea per exploratores Caesar cogn6vit, et montem a suis teneri et Helvetios castra movisse et Considium, timore i5 perterritum, 6quod non vidisset,g pro viso sibi renunciasse. Eo die, 7quo1 consuerat, intervallol hostes sequiturf et milia passuum tria ab e6rum castris castra ponitf XXIII. 1Postridie ejus diei,a quod omnino biduum supererat, quum exercituib frumentum metiri oporteret,; et quod a 20Bibracte, oppido Aeduorum longe maximo et copiosissimo, non ampliusd milibuse passuum xvIII aberat, reif frumentariae 2prospiciendum existimavit: iter ab Helvetiis avertit ac Bibracteg ire contendit. Ea res per 3fugitivosh L. Aemilii, decurionis equitum Gallorum, hostibus nunciatur. Helvetii, 254seu quod timore perterritos Romanos discedere a se existimarent, 5Feoi1 magis, quod pridie superioribus locis occupatis XXII. a426 & 1; 949; 253. b441, 6; 662; 205, R. 17. —C518 & II. 1; 1244-5; 263, 5, & R. 1. -d417; 895; 256, 2.-e430; 965; 257.-f467, III.; 1082; 145. I. 3.-g 53.1; 1291; 266, 2. —h530, I.; 1148-52; 266, 2.-i301, 3; 453; 184, 2 (a).-J 492 & 2; 1205; 262.-k433; 474; 235.- 1378, 2; 958; 236, R. 4. XXIII. a411, 2; 1010; 212, R. 4, N. 6.-b384 & II.; 855; 223.cDist. bet. necesse est, oportet, opus est, and debeo. V. IV. n. 4. - d378; 596; 205, R. 10.-e417; 895; 256, 2.-f 386, 2; 831; 224. —379; 938; 237.-hDist. bet. perfuga, transfuga, profugus, and fugitivis. V. n. - -414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. LIBER PRIMUS. 57 proelium non commisissent, sive eo,i quod rek frumentaria intercludi 6posse confiderentJ commutato consilio atque itinere converso nostros 7a novissimo agmine insequi ac lacessere coeperunt. XXIV. Postquam lid animum advertit,a copias suas 5 Caesar in proximum collem subducitb equitatumque, qui sustineretc hostium impetum, misit. Ipse interimd in colle medioe 2triplicem aciemf instruxit legionumg quatuor veteranirum, ita, uti supra se in summoe Sjugoh duas legiones, quas in 4Galliaciteriore proxime conscripserat, et omnia auxilia collocaret; 10 ac totum montem hominibusi compleri et interead sarcinas in unum locum conferrij et 5eum ab his, qui in 6superiore aeie constiterant,k munirij jussit. Helvetii, cum omnibus suis carris secati, impedimenta in unum locum contulerunt: ipsi 7confertissima acie,l rejecto nostro equitatu,' 8phalange1 facta,1 9sub 15 primam nostram aciem successerunt. XXV. Caesar, primum'suo, deinde omnium ex conspectu remotis equis,3 ut, aequato omnium periciilo,a spem fugae tolleret,b cohortatus suos, proelium commisit.C Milites, e loco superiored pilisa missis, facile hostiume phalangem perfreg- 20 runt." Eaa disjecta, gladiis destrictis in eos impetum fecerunt.c, Gallisf magno ad pugnam eratg impedimento,t 3quod pluribus eorum 2scutish uno icfi1tpilorum transfixis et colligatis, quum ferrum se inflexisset,? neque evellere,k neque, sinistraa XXIII. J 520, II.; 1255; 266, 3.-k425 & 2, 2); 916; 251. XXIV. a374, 6; 1094; 259 (2) (d).-"467, III.; 1082; 145, I. 3. — 489, II., 500; 1212; 264, 5. —dDist. bet. interim and interea. V. XVI. n. 1.-e441, 6; 662; 205, R. 17. —fDist. bet. agmen, exercitus, and acies. V. XV. n. 5.-g395, 396, IV. 1; 757; 211, R. 6.-hDist. bet. mons and jugum. V. n. 3.-i419, III. & 2,1); 911; 249, I. -J 551, II. 1; 1203; 273, N. 4 (d).-k What from? —'40; 965; 257. 1 XXV. a 430; 965; 257.- b491, 480 & 4~1, II.; 1205, 1164; 262, 258, I. 2. —471, II.; 1093; 145, IV. & R.-d156, 1; 193, 197; 113, 2. - e89, II. 3, 1); 115; 83, IT. 2.- f390 & I.; 848-9; 227.gSubject of erat? - hDist. bet. scutum, clypeus, and parma. V. n. 2. - i414; 873; 247. -i 518, II. 1;244; 263, 5, & R. 1;- k552 &; 1138; 271. 58 DE BELLO GALLICO. impedita, satis commnde pugnarek poterantl; multi ut, diu jactato brachio,a praeoptarent'" scutum manu emittere et 4nudo corp6re" pugnare. Tandem vulneribus0 defessi, et 5pedem referrek et, quod mons suberat' circiter 6milleP passuum,q eo 5 se reciperek coeperunt.c Capto monte3 et succedentibus nostris,a Boii et Tulingi, qui homlnumn milibust circiter xv 7agmen hostium claudebant1 et novissimisf prasidiof erant, ex itinere nostros 91aterer aperto aggressi, circumvenere; et id conspicati Helvetii, qui in montem sese receperant,8 rursus 10 instarek et proelium redintegrarek coeperunt. Romnani 10conversa signa bipartito intulerunt: prima et secunda acies, ut lvictis ac submotis resisteret, tertia, ut "venientes sustineret. XXVI. Ita lancipiti proelio diu atque acriter pugnatum est., Diutius quum sustinere nostrorum impetus non possent, 15 2alterib se, ut coeperant, in montem receperunt, alterib ad impedimenta et carros suos se contulerunt; nam hoc toto proelioc 3quum ab 4hora septima ad vesperum pugnatum sit,d aversum 5hostem videre nemo potuit. GAd multam noctem etiam ad impedimenta pugnatum est,' propterea quod pro 20 vallo carros objecerant et e loco superiore in nostros venientes tela conjiciebant, et nonnulli inter carros rotasque mataras ac tragilas subjiciebant nostrosque vulnerabant. Diu quum esset pugnatum,a impedimentisf castrisque nostri potiti sunt. Ibi Orgetorigis filia atque unus e filiisg captus est. Ex eo 25 proelio circiter hominum milia cxxx superfuerunt, eaque tota noctec continenter ierunt: nullam partemh noctis itinerei intermisso, in fines Lingonum die quarto pervenerunt, quum, et propter vulnera militum, et propter sepulturam occisorum, XXV. 1468; 108Z; 145, II. - m494; 1218-20; 262, R. 1.4414 & 3; 873; 247, 2.- ~414 & 2; 873; 247. 1 (1).-P 178; 204; 118, 6 (a) & (b).- q 395, 396, III. 2, 2); 771-2; 212. -- r422, 1, 2); 937, 992; 254, R. 3.- -472; 1096; 145, V. - t414 & 4; 873; 247, 3. XXVI. a 301, 3; 453; 184, 2 (a) & (b). —b459; 665; 212, N. 1 (b). -c378, 1; 950; 253, N. 1. -d515, I.; 1282; 263, R. 1 (a) & (b).f419, I.; 80; 245, I.-398, 4, 2); 775; 212, N. 4. -h378; 950; 236.-'430; 965; 257. LIBER PRIMUS. 59 nostri, triduum morati, eos sequi non potuissent.d Caesar ad Ling6nes litteras nunciosque misit, ne eos frumento neve alia re juvarentJ: quik si juvissent, 7seseodem loco, quo Helvetios, habiturum. Ipse, triduo intermisso, cum omnibus copiis eos sequi coepit. 5 XXVII. Helvetii, omnium rerum linopiaa adducti, legatos de deditione'ad eum miserunt. Qui quum eum in itinereb convenissent seque ad pedes projecissent suppliciterque locuti flentes pacem petissent, atque 2eos in eo loco, quo turn essent,c suum adventurm exspectare jussisset, paruerunt. 4Eo post-10 quam Caesar pervenit, obsides, arma,d servos,d qui ad eos'perfugissent,h poposcit. Dum 6ea conquiruntur et conferuntur, 7nocte intermissa, circiter hominum milia vI ejus pagi, qui Verbigenuse appellatur, sive timore perterriti, ne armis traditis supplicio afficerentur, sive spe salutis inducti, quod in tantal15 multitudine dediticiorum suam fugam aut occultari aut omnino ignorari posse existimarentf primag nocte e castris Helvetiorum egressi ad Rhenum finesque Germanorum contenderunt. XXVIII. Quod" ubi Caesar resciit,b quorum. per fines ierant, his,d uti conquirerent et reducerent, Isi sibie purgati20 esse vellent,f imperavit: reductos in hostium numero habuit: reliquosg omnes, obsidibus, armis, perfuigis traditis, in deditionem accepit. Helvetios,h Tulingos,h Latobrigosh in fines suos, unde erant profecti, revertih jussit,i et quod, omnibus fructibus amissis, domij nihil erat, quok famem tolerarent, Al- 25 XXVI. d(2)518, I.; 1250-1. -J 489, 490; 1205-7; 262.k453; 701; 206 (17). XXVII. aDist. bet. paupertas, inopia, egestas, and mendicitas. V. n. 1. -bDist. bet. iter, via, &c. V. IX. n. 1. - 531; 1291; 266, 2.-d704, I. 1; 1378, 1st; 278, R. 6 (b). —e362, 2 & 2); 666; 210, R. 3 (3) (a). -f520, I.; 1255; 266, 3.- 9441, 6; 662; 205, R. 17. - h501, I.; 1218; 261, 1 (a) & (b). XXVIII. a453; 701;206 (17). —b471, II.; 1094; 259, R. 1 (2) (d). — cAntecedent?- d385; 831; 223, R. 2.- e388, II.; 844-5; 225, II.-f 531; 1291; 266, 2. —gDist. bet. reliqui and ceteri. V. I. n. 14.h545, 530, 3 & 1); 1203; 273, N. 4 (d).-'Dist. bet. jubeo, impero, &c. V. VII. n. 6. -J 424,2; 943; 221, R. 3.- k414 & 4; 873; 247, 3.501, I.; 1218; 264, 7 60 DE BELLO GALLICO. lobrogibusd imperavit, ut hism frumenti copiamm facereut: 2ipsos oppida vicosque, quos incenderant, restituere jussit. Id ea maxime ratione fecit; quod noluit, eum locum,h unde Helvetii discesserant, vacare,h ne propter bonitatem agrorum 5 Germani, qui trans Rhenum incolunt, e suis finibus in Helvetiorum fines transirent et finitimi Galliaen provinciae Allobrogibusquen essent. 3Boios, petentibus Aeduis, quod egregia virtiite0 erant cogniti, ut in finibus suis collocarent, concessit; quibusm illi agros dederunt, 4quosque postea in parem juris 0 libertatisque conditi6nem, atqueP ipsi erant, receperunt. XXIX. In castris Helvetiorum ltabilae repertae sunt 21itterisa Graecis confectae, et ad Caesarem relatae, quibus in tabulis nominatim 3ratio confecta erat, qui numerus domob exisset" eorum, qui arma ferre possent,0 et item separatim 154pueri, senes mulieresque. Quarum omnium 5rerum summa erat 6capitum Helvetiorum milia CCLXIII, Tuling6rum milia xxxvI, Latobrigorum xIv, Rauracorum xxiII, Boiorum xxxII: 7ex his, qui arma ferre possent, ad milia LXXXII. Summa omnium 8fuerunt ad milia CCCLXVIII. Eorum, qui 20domumd redierunt, 9censu habito, ut Caesar imperaverat, repertus est numerus milium c et x. XXX. Bello Helvetiorum confecto,totiusa fereb 1Galliae legati, principes civitatum, ad Caesarem 2gratulatumc convenerunt: 3intelligere sese, tametsi pro veteribus 4Helvetiorumd 25 injurils populid Romani ab his poenas bello repetisset, tamen ear rem non minus "ex usu terrae Galliae quam populi Romani accidisse; propterea quod eo consilio, fiorentissimis rebus,e domos suas Helvetii reliquissent, 6uti toti Galliae belXXVIII. m384, II., 371, 2; 855; 229, R. 1. - h(2)545, 551, II. 1; 1204; 273, 4 (a).-"391 & 1; 860; 222, R. 1.-~428; 888; 211, R. 6, & R. 8 (2).-P451, 5; 1376; 198, 3, R. XXIX. a414 & 4; 873; 247, 3.- b424, 2; 943; 255, R. 1.- 525; 1182; 265.-d 379, 3, 1); 943; 237, R. 4. XXX. aDist. bet. totus, omnis, &c. V. I. n. 2. - bDist. bet. fere, feerme. paene, and prope. V. I. n. 15. - 569; 1360; 276, II. - d397, 2; 754; 211, R. 10. —430; 965; 257, R. 7 (a). LIBER PRIMUS. 61 lum inferrent imperiSque potirentur, locumque domicilio 7ex magna copia deligerent, 8quem ex omni Galliaf opportunissimum ac fructuosissimum judicassent, reliquasque civitates stipendiarias haberent. Petierunt,g uti sibi concilium totius Galliae in diem certam indicere idque Caesaris voluntate 6 facere liceret: sese habere quasdam res, quas 9ex communi consensu ab eo petere vellent. Ea re permissa, diem concilio constituerunt et 0ljurejurando, ne quishenunciaret, llnisi quibus communi consilio mandatum esset, inter se sanxerunt. XXXI. Eo concilio dimisso, iidem princlpes civitatum,10 qui ante fuerant ad Caesarem, reverterunt petieruntque, uti siNi lsecreto in occulto de sua omniumque salute cum eo agere liceret. Ea re impetrata, sese omnes flentes Caesaria ad pedes projecerunt: 3non minus 2seb id contendereb et laborare,b ne ea, quae dixissent,c enunciarentir, quam uti ea, quae vel 15 lent,c impetrarent; propterea quod, si enunciatum esset, summum in crAciatum se venturos'viderent. Locltus est pro his Divitiacus Aeduus: Galliae totius 4factiones 3esseb duas: harum alteiusd principatume 5tenereb Aeduos, alteriusd Arvernos. 6Hi quum tantopere de potentatu inter se multos20 annos contenderent, 7factum esse,b uti ab Arvernis Sequanisque Germani mercedef 8arcesserentur.g Horum primo circiter milia xv Rhenum transisseb: posteaquam agros et 9cultum et copiash Gallorurm homines feri ac barbari adamassent, traductosi pluresb: nunc esseb in Gallia 10ad c et xx 25 milium numsrum:: cum his Aeduos eorumque clientes semel atque iterum armis contendisseb; magnam calamitatem'pulsos accepisse, omnem nobilitatem, omnem senatum, omnem XXX. f398, 4, 2; 775; 212, N. 4. —s234 & 1; 317; 162, 7(b).h455, 2; 1217; 278, R. 9. XXXI. 3.98, 5; 855; 211, R. 5, N. & (1). V. Sail. XXXII. u, 3.b545, 530, T. & 1; 1296, A., 1136; 239, 272, 266, 2. —c531; 1291; 266, 2.-d459, 149; 665; 212, N. 1 (b), 107. —eDist. bet. priacipatzs, imperium, and regnum. V. III. n. 10.- f414 & 4; 873; 247, 3. - gDist. bet. arcsso, accio, evoco, and accerso. V. n. 8. - h 32; 179; 95, R.-iSc. esse. 62 DE BELLO GALL1CO. equitatum amisisse. Quibus proeliis calamitatibusque 12fractos, qui et sua virtute et populi Romani'3hospitio atque amicitia plurimum ante in Gallia potuissent, coactos esseb Sequanis obsides dare, riobilissimos civitatis, et jurejurando 5 civitatem obstringere, sese neque obsides repetituros, neque auxilium a popilo Romano imploratuiros, neque recusataros, quo.ninus perpetuo sub illorum ditione atque imperio essent. 4Unum se esseb ex omni civitate Aeduorum, qui addaci non potucrit,c ut juraret, aut liberos suos obsides daret. Ob eam 10 rem se ex civitate profugisseb et Romamk ad senatum venisseb auxilium postulaturm,,quod solus neque jurejurando-neque obsidibus teneretur. Sed'5pejus victoribus Sequanis quam Aeduis victis accidisseb; propterea quod Ariovistus, rex Germanorum, in eorum finibus consedisset tertiamque partem 15 ari Sequ.ani, qui esset optimus totius Galliae, occupavisset, et nunc de altera parte tertia Sequanos decedere juberet, propterea quod paucis mensibusm ante Haradum milia hominum xxiv ad eum venissent,'6quibus locus ac sedes pararentur. -'Futurumn esse paucis annis, uti omnes ex Galliae 20 finibus pellerentur atque omnes Germani Rhenum transirent; neque enim'conferendum esseb Gallicum cum Germanorum agro, neque Ighanco consuetudinem victus cum illa~ comparandam., Ariovistum autem, 20ut semel Gallorum copias proelio vicerit, quod proelium factum sit ad Magetobriam, 25 superbe et crudeliter imperare,b obsides nobilissimi cujusqueP liberos poscereb et 21in eos omnia exempla cruciatusque edere,b si qua res non ad nutum aut ad voluntatem ejus facta sit. Hominem esseb barbarum, iracurlum, temerarium: non posse ejus imperia diutius sustineri. Nisi 22quid in Caesalre 30populoque Romano sit auxilii, omnibus Gallisq idem esseb faciendum, quod Helvetii fecerint, 23ut domo emlgrent, aliud domicilium, alias sedes, remotas a Germanis, petant, 24fortunamque, quaecunque accldat, experiantur. Haec si enunXXXI. 499 & 1; 1236; 262, R. 11.-k379; 938; 237.-1569; 1360; 276, II. - m418; 954; 253, R. 1. ~ n544 & 1, 556, II. & 1; 1133; 268, R. 4 (b).-~450, 1; 1029; 207, R. 23 (a)&(b).-P458, 1; 1052; 207, R. 35 (b). — 388, I.; 847; 225, III. LIBER PRIMUS. 63 ciata Ariovisto sint, non 25dubitare,b quin de omnibus obsidibus, qui apud eum sint, gravissimum supplicipm sumat. Caesiirem vel auctoritate sua atque exercitus, vel recenti victoria, vel nomine populi Romani 26deterrere posse,b ne major multitudo Germanorum 27Rhenum traducatur,r Galliamque omnem ab 5 Ariovisti injuria posseb defendere. XXXII. Hac oratione aba Divitiaco lhabita, omnes, qui aderant, magno fletu auxilium ab CaesAre petere coeperunt. Animadvertit Caesar, unos exc omnibus Sequanos nihil earum rerum facere, quas ceterid facerent, sed tristes,capite 10 demisso,terram intueri. Ejus rei quae caussa esset,e miratus exb ipsis quaesiit. i Nihil Sequani respondere,f sedin eadem tristitia taciti permanere. Quum abb iis saepius quaereret neque ullam omnino vocem exprimere posset, idem Divitidcus Aeduus respondit: hocg esse miseriorem et gravio3em fortu- 15 nam Sequanorum, quam 2reliquorum,d quod soli neh in occulto quiaemh querl neque auxilium implorare auderenti absentisque Ariovisti crudelitatem, velut si coram adesset, horrerenti; 3propterea quod reliquiSd tamen fugae facultas daretur, Sequanisj vero, qui intra fines suos Ariovistum recepissent, 20 quorum oppida omnia in potestate ejus essent, omnes cruciStus essent perferendi. XXXIII. His rebus cognitis, Caesar Gallorum animos verbis confirmavit pollicitusque est, lsibia ear rem curaea futuramb: magnam 2se habere spem et beneflcio suo et auc- 25 toritate adductum Ariovistum'finem injuriisd'facturum.b Hac oratione habita, concilium dimisit. 4Et secundum ea multae XXXI. r499, 2; 1205-7; 262, R. 7, N. 3. XXXII. 414, 5; 878; 248, I. - b374, 3, 4); 738; 231, R. 2. - c398, 4, 2); 775; 212, N. 4. —dDist. bet. ceteri and reliqui. V. I. n. 14. -e525; 1182; 265.-f 545, 1; 1137; 209, R. 5, & N. 7.-g414 & 2; 873; 247, 1 (1). - h602, III. 2; 1390, Obs. 3; 279, 3 (d). - i531; 1291; 266, 3.-i 388, I.; 847; 225, III. XXXIII. a 390 & I.; 848; 227.-bSc. esse. - c545; 1136; 239.d384 & 11.; 855; 223. 64 DE BELLO GALLICO. res eum hortabantur, quare sibie ear rem cogitandamb et suscipiendamb putaretf; imprimis quod Aeduos, fratres consanguineosqueg saepenumero a senatu appellatos, in servitute atque in ditione videbat Germanorum teneri, eorumque obsides 5 esse apud Ariovistum ac Sequ'inos intelligebat; quodh in tanto imperio poptli Romani turpissimum sibi et rei publicae esse arbitrabatur. 5Paullatimn autem6Germanos consuescere Rhenum transire et in Galliam magnam eorum multitudinem venire, popalo Romano periculosumb videbat; neque 7sibi 10 homines feros ac barbaros temperaturosb existimabat, 8quin, quum omnem Galliam occupavissent, ut ante Cimbri Teut6nique fecissent, in provinciam exirent atque inde in Italiar contenderent; praesertim quum Sequanos a provincia nostra 8RhodAnus divideret: quibus rebusJ quam maturrime "occur15 rendumb putabat. Ipse autem Ariovistus tantos sibi spiritus, tantam arrogantiam sumpserat, ut fe\lendus non videretur. XXXIV. Quamobrem'placuit ei, ut ad Ariovistum legatos mitteret, qui ab eo postulairent,a uti 2aliquem locum medium utriusque colloquio diceret: 3velle sese de re publica et 20 summis utriusque rebus cum eo agere. Ei legationi Ariovistus respondit, si quid ipsib a Caesare opus esset, sese ad eum venturum fuisse: 4si quid ille se velit, ilium ad se venire' oportere.d Praeterea se neque sine exercitu in eas partes Galliae venire audere, quas Caesar possideret, neque excr25 citum sine magno comnmeatu atque emolimento in unum locum contrahere posse sibi autem mirum videri, 5quid in sua Gallia, quam bello vicisset, aut Caesarif aut omnino populof Romano 5negotiie esset. XXXIII. e388, I.; 847; 225, III. —f 525; 1182; 265. —Dist. bet. propinquus, affinis, consanguineus, &c. V. XI. n. 7. — h445,; 693; 206 (13) (a). What does quod refer to?-'Dist. bet. paullatim, sensim, gradatim, and pedetentim. V. n. 5.-i 386; 826; 224. XXXIV. ^500; 1212; 264, 5.-b387, 419, 3, 2) & (1); 820; 226. — 549, 2, 545; 1118, 1136; 239, 269, R. 2. -d556 & I.; 1296, A; 266, 2. - e396, III. 2, 3) (3); 760-2; 212, R. 3.- f387; 821; 226. LIBER PRIMUS. 65 XXXV. His responsis ad Caesarem relatis, iterum ad cum Caesar legatos cum'his mandatis mittit: quoniam tanto euo populique Romani beneficio affectus, quum in consulatu suo rex atque amicusa a senatu appellatus esset, 2hanc sibi populoque Romano'gratiam referrete ut in colloquium venire 5 invitatus 4gravaretur,b 5neque de eommuni re dicendum sibi et tognoscendum putaretb; haecd esse, quae ab eo p|tularet: primum, ne quame multitudinem hominum amrplius trans..Rhenum in Galliam traduceretf; deinde obsldes, quos haberet ab Aeduis, redderetf Sequanisque permitteret,f ut, quos illi 10 haberent, voluntate 6ejus reddere 6illisg liceret; neve Aeduos injuria lacesseret,f neve his sociisque eorum bellum inferret.t Si 7id ita 8fecisset, sibih populoque Romano perpetuam gratiam atque amicitiam cum eo futuram: si non 9impetraret, sese, quoniam, M. Messala, M. Pisone consulibus, senatus cen-15 suisset, uti, quicunque Galliam provinciam l~obtineret, "quod' eommodo rei publicae facere posset,' Aeduos ceterosque amitos poptli Romani defenderet, sese Aeduorum injurias non hegecturum. XXXVI.'Ad haec Ariovistus respondit, jus esse belli, 20 Ut, qui& vicissent, his,b quos vicissent, quemadmodum vellent, imperdrent": item poptlum Romanumi victisb non ad alterius praescriptum, sed ad suum arbitrium imperare consuesse. Si ipse populo Romano non praescriberet, quemadm6dum suo jure 2uteretur, non 3oportered sese a poptlo Romano in suo25 jure impediri. Aeduos sibi, quoniam belli fortunam tentassent et armis congressi ac superati essent, stipendiarios esse factos. MBagnam Caesarem injuriam facere, qui suo adventu vectigaXXXV. a362; 666; 210. - b495 & 3; 1218; 262, R. 1.- C Dist. bet. gratias agere, habere, referre; gratari, and gratulari. V. n. 3. —d 545; 1136; 239. -e455, 2; 1048; 207, R. 31 (a), last sentence. -{530, II.; 1200; 266, 2, R. 1 (b). —384; 840; 223, R. 2.-h387; 821; 226.-i 513; 1280; 264, 3. XXXVI. a 445, 6; 689; 206 (4). - b385; 831; 223, R. 2. —Dist. bet. impero, jubeo, praecipio, and mando. V. VII. n. 6. - d556 & I.; 1296, A; 266, 2. E 66 DE BELLO GALLICO. lia 4sibi deteriora 5faceret.e Aeduis se obsldes redditurum non esse, neque his neque eorum sociis injuria bellum illaturum, si in eo manerent, 7quod convenisset, stipendiumque quotannis penderen.t: si id non 8fecissent, 91onge his fraters num nomen populi Romani afuttrum. l~Quodf sibi Caesar denunciaret, se Aedu6rum injurias non neglectfrum, neminem secum sine sua pernicie contendisse. Quum vellet, congredereturg: intellecturum, quidh invicti Germani, exercitatissimi in armis, qui inter annosi quatuordecim tectumj non subissent, 10 virtute possent. XXXVII. Haec'e6dem tempore Caesari 2mandata referebantur,a et legati ab Aeduis et a Treviris veniebanta: 3Aedui questum,b quod Harudes, qui nuper in Galliam 4transportati essent, fines eorum 4popularenture; sese, ne "obsidibusd 15 quidem datis, 6pacem Ariovistie redimere 7potuissef: 8Treviri autem, 9pagos centum Suevorum ad ripas Rheni consedisse,/ qui Rhenum transire l~conarentur; hisg praeesse Nasuiam et Cimberium fratres. Quibush rebus Caesar vehementer commotus maturandum sibii existimavit, ne, si nova manus 20 Suevorum cum veteribus copiis Ariovisti sese conjunxisset, minus facile resisti "posset. Itaque, re frumentaria, quam celerrime potuit, comparata,d magnis itineribusj ad Ariovistum contendit. XXXVIII. Quum tridui viama processisset, nuntiatum 25 est ei, Ariovistum cum suis omnibus copiis ad occupandumb Vesontionem, quod" est oppidum maximum Sequanorum,'contendere triduique viam a suis finibus'profecisse. Id ne XXXVI. e519; 1251; 264, 8 (1). —f554, IV., last paragraph; 702; 273, 6 (a). —530, II.; 1200-2; 266, R. I (a).- h380, 2; 717; 232 (3).-'378, 1; 950; 236, R. 5. -j 371, 4, 2; 718; 233 (3). XXXVII. a468; 1087; 145, II.- 569; 1360; 276, I.- c520, II.; 1255; 273, 5, R.-d430, 431, 2 (2); 965-6; 257.-e395, 396, I.; 751; 311, R. 2. - 530, T. & 1; 1296, A; 272. — 386; 820; 224.-h453; 701; 206 (17).-'388, I.; 847; 225, III. -i 414 & 4; 873; 247, 2. XXXVIII.'371, 1, 3); 713; 232 (1). - b562, 2, 565 & 1; 1322, 1327; 275, II. —445, 4; 695; 206 (10). LIBER PRIMUS. 67 accideret, 2magno opere sibi praecavendum Caesar existimabat. Namque omnium rerum, quae ad bellum usuid erant, summa erat in eo oppido 3facultas, idque natira loci sic muniebatur, ut 4magnam ad ducendumb bellum daret 5facultatem,e propterea quod flumen 6Alduasdibis, 7ut circmno circumductum, 5 paenef totumg oppidum cingit: reliquum spatium, quod est non amplius 8pedum sexcent6rum, qua flumen 9intermittit,h mons l0continet magna altitudine, ita ut radices montis ex utraque parte "ripae flummiis contingant.'2HuncJ murus circumdatus arcemj efficit et cum oppido conjungit. Hue o1 Caesar magnis nocturnis diurnisque itineribus contendit, occupatoque oppido, ibi praesidium collocat. XXXIX. Dum paucos dies ad Vesontionem rei frumentariae commeatusque caussa moratur, 2ex percontatione nostroruma vocibusque Gallorum ac mercatorum, qui ingenti 15 magnitudineb 3corporumc Germanos, incredibili virtfteb atque exercitati6neb in armis esse praedieabant, saepenumero sese cum his congressos ne 4vultum quidem atque aciem ocul6rum ferre potuisse, tantus subito 5timord omnem exercitum occupavit, ut 6non mediocritere omnium mentes animosque pertur-20 baret. Hie primum ortus est a tribunis militum, praefectis, reliquisque, qui ex urbe amicitiae caussa Caesarem secati non magnum in re militari usum habebant; 7quorumf alius aliag caussa illata, quam sibi ad proficiseendum necessariam esse diceret, petebat, ut ejus voluntate discedere liceret: nonnulli 25 pudore adducti, ut timoris suspicionem vitarent, remanebant. Hi neque 8vultum fingere neque interdum lacrimas tenere XXXVIII. d390, 2; 848, 853; 227, R. 4. eDist. bet. occasio, opportunitas, potestas, copia, and facultas. V. n. 4. - f Dist. bet. fere, ferme, paene, andprope. V. I. n. 15.-g 149; 191; 107.- hDist. bet. intermitto and omitto. V. n. 9.-428; 888; 211, R. 6.-J 373 & 1 & 2, 1); 715; 230, R. 2. XXXIX. -441; 658; 205, R. 7 (1). - b428; 888; 211, R. 6, & R. 8 (2).-C395; 751; 211.-dDist. bet. metus, timor, horror, andformido. V. n. 5.-*What is litotes? V. Sail. XXIIT. n. 2; 324, 9. - 396, III. & 2, 3) (1); 771; 212, R. 2. —459, 1; 664; 207, H. 32 (a). 68 DE BELLO GALLICO. poterant: abditi in tabernaculis aut suum fatum querebantur, aut cum familiaribus suis commune periculum miserabantur. 9Vulgo totis castris testamenta obsignabantur. Horum voci bus ac timore paullatim etiam hi, qui magnum in castris usum 5 habebant, militesh centurionesqueh quiqueh equitatui praeerant, perturbabantur. Qui' se ex hisj minus timidos existimari volebant, non se hostem lovererik sed angustias itineris et magnitudiern silvarum, quae inter eos atque Ariovistum intercederent, aut lrem frumentariam, ut satis commode supportari 0 posset, l~timerek dicebant. Nonnulli etiam Caesari'2renunciabant, quum castra moveri ac signa ferri jussisset, non fore dictol audientes milites neque propter timorem signa laturos. XL. Haec quum animadvertisset, convocato consilio lomniumque ordinum ad id consilium adhibitis centurionibus, 15 vehemeiter eos incusavit: primum, quod aut quam in partem autquo consilio ducerentur,' sibib quaerendumc aut cogitandumc putarent.d 2Ariovistum, see consule, cupidissime populi Romani amicitiam appetissef: cur hunc tam temere quisquam ab Sofficio discessurumc judicaret? Sibig quidem persuaderi,1 20 cognitis suis postulatis atque 4aequitate conditionum perspecta, eum neque suam neque popiili Romani gratiam repudiaturum. Quodi si 5furore atque 5amentiaj impulsus bellum intulisset, 6quid tandem vererentur? aut cur de 7sua virtite aut de 7ipsius diligentia desperarent? 8Factumc ejus hostis 25 periculum patrum nostrorum memoria,k quum, Cimbris et Teutonis a Caio Mario pulsis, non minorem laudem exercitus, quam ipse imperator, meritus videbaturl; 9factumc etiam XXXIX. h363; 622; 204. —445, 6; 689; 206 (4).-J 398,4 & 2); 775; 212, N. 4. kDist. bet. vereor, metuo, and timeo. V. n. 10.-1 391 &4; 831;222, R. 1 (d). XL.'525; 1182; 265.- b388 & I.; 847; 225, III. - 530, I.; 1296, A; 270, R. 3.- d520, II & 1; 1291; 266, 3.-e430, 431 & 1; 972; 257, R. 7 (a).- 530, I.; 1296, A; 266, 2, 270, R. 2 (b).9385; 831;.223, R. 2. — h301, 3; 453; 223, R. 2, N. (c). - 453, 6; 702; 206 (14). -J Dist. bet. amens, demens, furor, delirium, and rabies. V.'n. 5.-k426 & 1; 949; 253, & N. 1.-1531,4; 1293; 263, 5, 266 2, R. 5. LIBER PRIMUS. 69 nuper in Italia'lservili tumultu,k lquos 12tamen'3aliquidm usus ac disciplina, quam a nobis accepissent,. sublevrent. Ex quo judicari posset, quantum haberet in se boni" constantia; propterea quod, quos aliquamdiu inermos sine caussa timuissent, hos postea armatos ac victores 14superassent.0 5 Denlque hos esse eosdem, quibuscum saepenumero Helvetii congressi, non solum in suis, sed etiam in illorum finibus, plerumque superarint,~ qui 13tamen pares esse nostro exercituiP non potuerint. Si quosq adversum proelium et fuga Gallorum commoveret, hos, si quaererent, reperirer posse,f diutur- 10 nitate belli defatigatis Gallis, Ariovistum, quumn multos menses castris8 se ac paludibuss tenuisset lsneque sui potestatem fecisset, 6desperantes jam de pugna et 16dispersos subito adortum, magis'7ratione et consilio quam virtute`vicisse.O~ ~Cui rationit contra homines barbaros atque imperitos locQs Auisset, 16 hact ne ipsum quidem sperare nostros exereitus capi possef Quiu suum timorem'9in rei frumentariae simulationem angustiasque itinerum 20conferrent, faceref arroganter, quum aut de "officio imperatoris desperare aut praescribere viderentur. Haec sibiW esse curae1: frumentum Sequanos, Leucos, Lin- 2 gones subministrare,f jamque esse in agris frumentaw matira: de itinere ipsos brevi tempore judicatufros! Quodx non fore dicto 2audientes [milites] neque signa laturi dicantur, nihil se ea re commoverif;'scire enim, quibuscunque exercitus dicto audiens non fuerit, aut male re gesta fortunam defuisse, aut 25 aliquo facinore comperto avaritiam esse convictam: suam 24innocentiam perpetua vita,y felicitatem Helvetiorum belloY esse perspectamf Itaque se, 2quodu in longiorem diem collaturus esset, repraesentaturum,c et proxima nocte 26de quarta vigilia castra moturum,c ut quam primum intelligere posset, 30 XL. m374, 5; 739; 231, R. 5 (a). - n396, III. & 2, 8) (3); 760; 212, R. 3. - oDist. bet. vinco, supero, opprimo, evinco, and devinco. V. n. 14.-P391 & 1; 860; 222, R. 1. — 455, 2; 1048; 138 & N.- rDist. bet. reperio, invenio, &c. V. XVIII. n. 19.-'422, 1; 992; 254, R. 3.t387; 687, 690; 206 (3) (a). - t(2)414. - 445, 6; 689; 206 (4).-'390; 848; 227. wl30, 2; 177 (4); 95, R. —554, IV., last poragraph; 1258, a.; 273, 6 (a). —426 & 1; 950; 253, N. 1. 70 DE BELLO GALLICO. utrum apud eos pudor atque officium an timor valeret. Quod' si praeterea nemo sequitur, tamen se cum sola decima legione itirum,c de qua non dubitaret, sibiquez earn 2praetoriam cohortem futuram.c Huic legioni Caesar et indulserat 2sprae5 cipue et propter virtutem confidebat 29maxime. XLI. Hac oratione habita mirum in modum conversae sunt omnium mentes, summaique alacritas et cupiditas belli gerendi innata est,a princepsqueb decima'legio perc tribinos militum ei gratias egit,d quod de se optimum judicium fecis10sete; seque esse ad bellum gerendum paratissimam confirmavit. Deinde reliquaef legiones per tribunos militum et primorum ordinum centuriones 2egerunt, uti Caesari satisfacerent: 3se nec unquam 4dubitasse neque timuisse neque de 5summa belli suum judicium, sed imperatorisg esse exis15 timavisse. Eorum satisfactione accepta et itinere exquisito per~ Divitiacum, quod 6ex aliis eih maximam fidem habebat, 7ut milium amplius quinquaginta circuitu l8ocisi apertis exercitum duceret, de quarta vigilia, ut dixerat, profectus est. Septimo die, quum iter non intermitteret, ab exploratoribus 20 certior factus est, Ariovisti copias a nostris milibusJ passuum quatuor et viginti abesse. XLII. Cognito Caesairis adventu, Ariovistus legatos ad eum mittit: quod antea de colloquio'postulasset, id 2per se fieria licere, quoniam propius 3accessisset; 4seque id sine per25icuilo facere posse existimare. Non respuit conditionem Caesar; jamque eum ad sanitatem 5revertib arbitrabdtur, quum id, quod antea 6petenti denegasset, ultro polliceretur; XL. Z390, 2; 851; 227, R. 4. XLI. a463, 3; 644; 209, R. 12 (2).-bDist. bet. primus and princeps. V. Ec. Cic. XXIII. n. 1. —414, 5,1); 876; 247, R. 4.- dDist. bet. gratias agere, habere, referre, &c. V. XXXV. n. 3. - e520, II.; 1255; 266, 3.-fDist. bet. reliqui and ceteri. V. I. n. 14.- -401; 780; 211, R. 8 (3).- h384; 855; 223.- i422, 1 & 1); 937; 255, 2. - i 378, 2; 958; 236, R. 4. XLII. a 549, 1 & 2; 1136, 638; 269, R. 3. - bDist. bet. revertor, revenio, and redeo. V. n. 5. LIBER PRIMUS. 71 magnamque in spem veniebat, pro suis tantis populique Romani in eum beneficiis, cognitis suis postulatis, fore," uti pertinaciad desisteret. Dies colloquio dictus est ex eo die quintus. Interim saepe ultro citroque quum legati inter eos mitterentur, Ariovistus postulavit, ne quem peditem ad 5 colloquium Caesar adduceret: vereri se, nee per insidias ab eo circumveniretur: uterque cum equitatu veniretf: alia Tratione sese non esse venturum.g Caesar, quod neque colloquium, 8interposita caussa, tolli volebat neque salutem suam Gallorum equitatui committere audebat, commodissimumh esse 10 statuit, omnibus equis Gallis equitibus detractis, 9eo legionarios milites legionis declmae, cui1i lquam maxime confid6bat, imponere, ut praesidium l~quam amicissimum, si quid opus factoJ esset, haberet. Quod quum fieret, non irridicuile quidam ex militibus decimae legionis dixit, plus, quam pollicitus esset, 15 Caesarem facere: pollicitum, se in cohortis praetoriae loco decimam legionem habitirum, [nunc]'ad equum rescribere. XLIII. Planities erat magna et in ea tumulus terrenus satis grandis. Hic locus aequo fere spatioa ab castris 1Ariovisti et Caesaris aberat. Eo, ut erat dictum, ad colloquium 20 venerunt. Legionem Caesar, quam equisb devexerat, passibusa ducentis ab eo tumtilo constituit. Item equites Ariovisti pari intervalloa constiterunt. Ariovistus, 2ex equis ut colloquerentur et praeter se denost ut ad colloquium adducerent, postulavit. Ubi' eo ventum est,e Caesar initiof orati6nis sua 25 senatusque in eum beneficia commemoravit: 3quod rex apellatus esset a senatu, quod amicus, quod 4munera amplissima missa; quam rein et paucis contigisse et 5pro magnis hominum XLII. c544 & 1; 1133; 268, R. 4 b). - 425 & 2; 916; 251.. —'492, 4 1);1215; 262, R. 7. f530, II.; 1200; 266, 2, R. 1 (b). g530, I. & 1; 1296, A; 266, 2, 270, R. 2 (b).- hWhat does coen. agree with?-'385; 831; 223, R. 2.-i 419, 3 1); 926; 243, R. 1 (a). XLIII. a378, 2; 958; 236, R. 4.- b414 &4; 8$3; 247, 3. -c74. 2, 1); 201, 3; 119, ITr.-d 304, 1.; 461, 2; 259, R. 1 (2) (d).- e30, 3; 453, 1094; 184, 2 (a) & (b).-f426; 949; 253, & N. 1. 72 DE BELLO GALLICO. officiis consuesse tribui docebat: ilium, quum neque 6aditum neque caussam 7postulandi justamn haberet, beneficio ac liberalitate sua ac senatus ea praemia consecutum. Docebat etiam, quam veteres quamque justae caussae necessitudinis 5 8ipsisg cum Aeduis intercederent: quae senatus consulta, 9quotiens quamque honorifica, l~in eos facta essent: "ut omni tempore totius Galliae principatuml Aedui tenuissent, prius etiam quam nostram amicitiam appetissent. Popiili Romani hanc esse consuetudinem, 12ut socios atque amicos non modo 0ilsuii nihil deperdere, sed gratia, dignitate, honore aucti6res velit esse; 14quod vero ad amicitiam populi Romini attulissent, id iisg eripi quis pati posset? Postulavit deinde eadem, quae legatis 15in mandatis dederat; ne aut Aeduis aut eorum sociis bellum inferretd; obsides reddereti; si nullam partem 15 Germanorum domumk remittere posset, "6at ne'7quos amplius Rhenum1 transire pateretur. XLIV. Ariovistus ad postulata Caesaris pauca respondit;'de suis virtutibus multa praedicavit: 2transisse Rhenum sese non 3sua sponte,^ sed rogatum et arcessitum a 4Gallis: noa 20 sine magna 5spe magnisque praemiisb domum propinquosquee reliquisse: sedes habere in Gallia ab 6ipsis concessas: obsides ipsorum voluntated datos: stipendium capere jure( belli, quod victores victis imponere consuerint: non sese Gallis, sed Gallos sibi bellum intulisse:'omnes Galliae civitates ad se 25 oppugnandume venisse, ac contra se castra habuisse: eas omnes copias a se uno proelio fusas ac superatas esse. Si iterum experiri velint, se iterum paratum esse decertare: si pace uti velint, iniquum esse 8de stipendio recusare, quod sua XLIIL g386; 826; 224. —hDist. bet. principatus, regnumn, and imperiuim. V. III. n. 10.- i395, 396, 2, 1); 760-2; 212, R. 3, N. 3.s(2) 386, 2; 855; 224, R. 2. - J 530, II.; 1200; 266, 2, R. 1 (b). - k379, 3, 1); 943 237, R. 4.-1371, 4, 1); 718; 233 (3). XLIV. aDist. bet. sponte, ultro, sua sponte, voluntate, and libenter. V. n. 3. - 704, II. 2; 1379, 2d; 323, 2 (3). V. n. 5. - cDist. bet. propinquus, necessarius, cognatus, consanguineus, and affinis. V. XI. n.. —d4{4 & 2; 873; 249, II. —565 & 1; 1322, 1337; 275, II. & III., R. 3. LIBER PRIMUS. 73 voluntated ad id tempus pependerint. Amicitiam poptli Romani sibif ornamentof et praesidiof non detrimentof esse oportere, 9idque se ea spe petisse. Si per popuilum Romanum stipendium remittatur et 10dediticii subtrahantur, non minus libenter sese recusaturum poptili Roinmni amicitiam, quam 5 appetierit. "Quodg multitudinem Germanorum in Galliam tradfcat, id se sui muniendi,e non Galliae impugnandaee caussa facere: ejus rei testimoniof e6se,h quod 12lisi rogatus non venerit et quod bellum non intulerit, sed 13defenderit. Se.._prius in Galliam venisse, quam 14poptlum Romanum. r Nunquam ante hoc tempus exercitum popili Romani 5Galliae provinciae fines egressum. Quid'sibi vellet: cur in suas possessiones veniret? Provinciam suam 17hatci qsse G.alliam, siqut illami nostram. Ut ipsi concedi non oporteret, si in n6stros fines Impetum faceret; sic item nos esse iniquos, quij 15 in suo jure se interpellaremus. Quodg fratres [18esenatus consulto] Aeduos appellatos diceret, non se tam barbarum neque tam imperitum esse rerum,k ut non sciret, neque bello1 Allobrogum proximo Aeduos Romanis auxilium tulisse, neque'9ipsos in his contentionibus, quas Aedui secum et cum Sequa- 20 nis habuissent, auxilio populi Romani usos esse. -~Debere se-suspicari, simulataTm Caesarem amicitia, quod exercitum in Gallia habeat, sui opprimendie caussa habere. Qui" nisi 2tdecedat atque exercitum dedacat ex his regionibus, sese illum non pro amico, sed pro hoste,habiturum. 22Quod0 si eum 25 interfecerit, multis, sese nobilibus principibusque popiti Romani 3gratum. esse factourum: id se ab ipsis per eorum nuncios compertum 24habereP; quorum omnium gratiam atque amicitiam ejus morte redimere posset. Quod si 5decessisset et liberam possessionem Galliae sibi tradidisset, magno se30 XLIV. f390; 848;227. —g554, IV.;1258,a.; 273, 6 (a).- e(2)563; 1327; 275, III. R. 1.- (2) 390, 2; 853; 227, R. 2. - hSubject of esse?-i450, 1; 1029: 207, R. 23 (a).-J517, I., 1251; 264, 8 (1).k399 & 2, 2), (2); 765-7; 213.-1426 & 1; 949; 253, N. 1. —m431, 2, 2); 965-6; 257, N. 1. - n453; 701; 206 (17). - 0453, 6; 702; 206 (14).-P388, II. 1; 1358; 274, R. 4. 74 DE BELLO GALLICO. ilium praemio remuneraturum et, quaecunque bella geri vellet, sine ullo ejus labore et periculo confecturum. XLV. Multa ab Caesare lin ear sententiam dicta sunt, quare negotio desistere non posset; 2et neque suam neque 5 poptli Romani consuetudinem pati, uti optime meritos socios desereret; neque se judicare, Galliam potius esse Ariovisti' quam popilia Romani. Bello superatos esse Arvernos et Rutenos ab Q. Fabio Maximo, quibs popilus Rominus 3ignovisset, neque in provinciam redegisset, neque stipendium i0 imposuisset. Quod si antiquissimum quodqueb tempusE spectari oporteret,' populi Romani justissimum esse in Gallia imperiume: si judiciumc senatus observari oportiret, liberam debered esse Galliam, 4quam bello victam suis legibus uti voluisset.f 15 XLVI. Dum haec in colloquio geruntur, Caesari nunciatum est, equites Ariovisti propius tumuluma accedere et ad nostros adequitare, lapldes telaque in nostros conjicere. Caesar loquendi finem'facit, seque ad suos recepit, suisque imperavit, ne quod omnino telun in hostes rejicerent. Nam 20 etsi sine ullo pericilo legionisb delectae cum equitatu proelium fore videbat, tamen 2committendumc non putabat, ut, pulsis hostibus, dici posset, eos ab se 3per fidem in colloquio circumventos. Posteaquam 4in vulgus militum elitum est,'qua arrogantia in colloquio Ariovistus usus 6omni Gallia Ro25 manis interdixisset, impetumque in nostros ejus equites fecissent, eaique res colloquium ut diremisset, multo major alacritas studiumque pugnandi majus exercituie injectum est. XLVII. Biduo" post Ariovistus ad Caesarem legatos mitXLV. a401, 402, I.; 70; 211, It. 8 (3).- b458 & 1; 1052; 207, R. 35 (b).-c545; 1136; 239. —dDist. bet. oportet, debeo, &c. V. IV. u. 4._-eDist. bet. imperium, regnum, &c. V. III. n. 10. - 531; 1291-2; 266, 2. XLVI. a437, 1 867; 238, 1 (a). —396, I.; 745; 211, R. 2. —551 &., 1; 1148, 1152; 270, R. 3, 272.- d549 & 1; 110; 269, R. 2. -e425, 2; 916; 251, R. 2. —f386; 826; 224. XLVII.'418; 954; 253, R. 1. LIBER PRIMUS. 75 tit: Ivellec se de his rebus, quae inter eos agi coeptaeb neque perfectae essent, agere cum eo: 2uti aut iterum 3colloquiof diem constitueretd aut, si id minus vellet, ee suis legatis aliquem ad se mitteret. Colloquendi Caesari caussa 4visa non est; et eog magis, quod pridie ejus 5diei Germani retineri non 5 poterant, 6quin in nostros tela conjicerent.,h Legatum ee suis sese magno cum pericuilo ad eum missurum, et hominibus feris objecturum existimabat. Commodissimum visum est, C. Valerium Procillum, C. Valerii Cabiri filium, summa virtutet et 7humanitatei adolescentem, cujus pater a C. Valerio 10 Flacco 8civitatej donatus erat, et propter fidem et propter linguae Gallicae scientiam, 9qua multa jam Ariovistus longinqua consuetudfnek utebatur, et quod in eo ~0peccandi Germanis' caussa non esset, ad eum mittere, et Marcum Mfettium, quillhospitio Ariovisti utebatur. His mandavit,m ut, quae 15 diceret Ariovistus, cognoscerent et ad se referrent. Quos quum apud se in castris Ariovistus conspexisset, exercitu suo praesente, conclamavit: Quidn ad se venirentO? L"an speculandi caussa? Conantes dicere prohibuit et in catenas conjecit. 20 XLVIII. Eodem die castra promovit et milibusa passuum sex a Caesaris castris sub monte consedit. Postridie ejus dieib Ipraeter castra Caesaris suas copias traduxit et milibusa passuum duobus ultra 2eum castra fecit, eo consilio,c 3uti 4frumentod commeatuque, qui ex SequAnis et Aeduis'supporta- 25 retur, Caesarem intercluderet. Ex eo die dies Ocontinuose XLVII. b297, 1; 439; 183, N. - c530, I. & 1; 1296, A.; 272. d530, II.; 1200; 273, 2.-e398, 4, 2); 775; 212, R. 2, N. 4. —Dist. bet. sermo, colk)quium, and oratio. V. n. 3. - g414 & 2; 873; 24T, 1.h498 & 1; 1230-1; 262, R. 10.-'428; 888; 211, R. 6.- 419, III. & 2, 1); 911-2; 249, I.-k414 & 2; 873; 247, 1.-1387; 821; 226. mDist. bet.jubeo, impero, praecipio, and mando. V. VII. n. 6.- "380, 2; 717; 235, R. 11. —529; 1296, B.; 266, 2, R. 1 (c). XLVIII. a378, 2; 958; 236, R. 4.-'411 & 2; 1010; 212, R. 4, N. 6.- 414 & 2; 873; 247, 1 -- d425, 2; 916; 251. Dist. bet. frumentum and commeatus. V. XXXIX. n. 1. - eDist. bet. continuus, perpetuus, sempiternus, and aeternus. V. n. 6. 76 D:; BELLO GALLICO. quinque Caesar pro castris suas copias produxit et aciem instructam habuit, ut, si vellet Ariovistus proelio contendere, eif 7potestas non deesset. Ariovistus his omnibus diebusg exercitum castrish continuit, equestri proelioi quotidie contendit. 5 Genus 8hoc erat pugnae, quo se Germani exercuerant. Equitum milia erant sex: totidem numeroj pedites velocissimi ac fortissimi, quos ex omni copia 9singuli singuilos suae salutis caussa delegerant. Cum his in proeliis versabantur: ad hos se equites recipiebant hi, si quid erat durius,k concurrebant: 0o si qui, graviorek vulnere accepto, equo deciderat, circumsistibant: 10~i quo erat longiusk prodeundum aut celeriusk recipiendum, tanta erat horum exercitatione celeritas, "ut jubis equorum sublevati cursum adaequarent. XLIX. Ubi eum castris se tenere Caesar intellexit, no. 15 diutius commeatu prohiberetur, ultra eum locum, Iquo in loco Germani consederant, circiter passusa sexcentos ab his castris 2idoneumb locum delegit, acieque'triplici instructa, ad eum locum venit. Primam et secundam 4aciem in armis esse, tertiam castra munire jussit. Hic locus ab hoste circiter 20 passusa sexcentos, uti dictum est, aberat. Eo circiter'hominum numeroc sedclcim milia expedita cum omni equitatu Ariovistus misit, 6qua copitae ostros perterrerentd et munitione prohiberent.d Nihiloe secius Caesar, ut ante constituerat, duas acies hostem propulsare, tertiam opus perficere jussit. 25 Munitis castris, duas ibi legiones rellquit et partem 7auxiliorum, quattuor reliquas in castra majora reduxit. L. Proximo die institutoa suo Caesar e castris utrisqueb copias suas eduxit; paullumque a majoribus castris progressus, XLVIII. 386, 2; 820; 226, R. 2.-s378, 1; 950; 236.-h422, 1; 992; 254, R. 3.-iDist. bet. pugna, acies, and proelium. V. XV. n. 8.J 429; 889; 250, 1. —444, 1; 902; 256, R. 9 (a). XLIX. a 378; 958; 236. -bDist. bet. idoneus and aptus. V. n. 2. - c429; 889; 250,. —d500; 1212; 264, 5.e418; 929; 256, R. 16. L. a414 & 2; 873; 249, II. —b91, 3; 681; 207, R. 32 (c). LIBER PRIMUS. 77 aciem instruxit hostibusque pugnandi potestatem fecit. Ubi ne tur quidem eos prodire intellexit, circiter Imeridiemc exercitum in castra reduxit. Turn 2demum Ariovistus partem suarum copiarum, quae castra minora oppugnaret,d misit. Acriter utrimque usque ad vesperum pugnatum est. Solis 5 occasue suas copias Ariovistus, multis et illatis et acceptis vulneribus, in castra reduxit. Quum ex captivis quaereret Caesar, quam ob rem Ariovistus 3proelio non decertaret, hane reperiebat caussam; quod apud Germanos ea consuetudo essetg; ut 4matresfamiliaeh eorum sortibus et vaticinationibus 10 declararent,i utrum proelium committi 5ex usu esset,f nec nek: eas ita dicere: non 6sse fas,' Germlanos superare, si ante novam lunam proelio contendissent. LI. Postridie ejus di6i Caesar praesidio1 utrisque castris,a quodb satis esse visum est, reliquit: omnisc'alarios in con- 15 spectu hostium pro castris minoribus constituit, quod 2minus multitudined militum legionariirum pro hostium numero valebat, ut 3ad speciem alariise uteretur: ipse, triplici instructa acie, usque ad castra hostium accessit.,4Tum demum necessario Germani suas copias castris eduxerunt, generatimque 20 constituerunt paribus intervallis,' Harfdes, Mlarcomannos, Triboccos, Vangi6nes, Nemetes, Sedusios, Suevos, omnemque aciem suam rhedisg et carris circumdederunt, ne qua spes in fuga relinqueretur. 5Eo mulieres imposuerunt, quae in proelium proficiscentes milites, passis manibus, flentes implo- 25 rabant, ne se in servitutem Romanis traderent. LII. Caesar Isinguilis legionibusa singulos legatos et quaeL. Dist. bet. meridies and medius dies. V. n. 1 —500; 1212; 264, 5.-e426; 949; 253.- f525; 1182; 265.- g520, II.; 1255; 266, 3.-h 125, 2; 176; 91.-1495 & 3; 1224; 262, R. l.-J 549 1150; 269, R. 2.-k526, II. 1); 1187; 265, R. 2.-1Dist. bet. concessum est, licet, and fas est. V. n. 6. LI. a390 & II. 2; 848-50; 227. - b445, 6; 689; 206 (4). — 154, 88, III.; 114, 193; 114, 2.- d414 & 2; 873; 247, 1 (2). —e419, I.; 880; 245, I.- f378, 2; 958; 236. - g414 & 4, 384, II. 1; 859, 873; 249, I. LII. a 386; 826; 224. 78 DE BELLO GALLICO. storem praefecit, uti eosb testesb suae quisque virtutis haberet: ipse a dextro cornu, quod earn partem 2minime firmam hostium esse animum adverterat, proelium commisit. Ita nostri acriter in hostes, signo dato, impetum fecerunt, 4itaque hostes 5 repente celeriterque 5procurrFrunt, ut 6spatium pila in hostes conjiciendi non daretur. Rejectis pilis, comminus gladiis pugnatum est. At Germani, celeriter ex consuetudine sua 7phalange facta, 8impetus gladiorum exceperunt. Reperti sunt'complures nostri milites, l~qui in "phalangas insilirent,c 10 et scuta manibus revellcrentc et desuper vulnerarent.c Quum hostium acies a sinistro cornu pulsa atque in fugam conversa esset, 2a dextro cornu vehementer multitudine su6rum nostram aciem premebant. Id quum animadvertisset Publius Crassus adolescens, qui equitatui' praeerat, quod 3expeditior 15 erat, quam hi, qui inter aciem versabantur, tertiam aciem laborantibus nostrisd subsidiod misit. LIII. Ita proelium restitutum est, atque omnes hostes terga verterunt, neque prius fugere destiterunt, quam ad flumena Rhenum milia passuum ex eo loco circiter quinquaginta 20 pervenerunt. Ibi perpauci,b aut viribusc confisi tranare contenderunt, aut, lintribus inventis,d sibi salutem repererunt.d In his fuit Ariovistus, qui naviculame deligRtam ad ripam nactusd ea profugit: reliquos omnes equitatu consecitid nostri interfecerunt. 1Duae fuerunt Ariovisti uxores, unah Sueva 25natione,f quam domog secum duxerat, alterah Norlca, regis Voctionis soror, quam in Gallia 2duxerat a fratre missam: utr'aque in ea fuga perierunt.i Duae filiae harum, alterah occisa, alterahcapta est. Caius Valerius Procillus, quum a custodibus in fuga 3trinis catenis vinctus 4traheretur, in ipsum 30 Caesarem hostes equititu persequentem incidit. Quae quiLIL b373; 715; 230.- c50, I.; 1218; 264, 1 (a) & (b).-d 390; 848; 227. LIII. a Dist. bet. flumen, fluvius, and amnis. V. I. n. 24.-b441; 482; 127, 2.-C419, II.; 83; 245, II. (1), or 223, R. 2.-d Dist. bet. invenio, rerperio, nanciscor, &c. V. XVIII. n. 19.- e315, 4 & 2); 542; 100, 3.f429; 889; 250, 1.-g424, 2; 943; 255, R. I. —h363; 629; 204, R. 10.-1461 & 3; 681; 209, R. 11 (4). LIBER SECUNDUS. 79 dem res Caesari non minorem, quam ipsa victoria, voluptatem attfilit; quod hominem honestissimum provinciae Galliae, suum familiarem et hospitem, ereptum e manibus hostiun, sibi restititum videbat; neque ejus 6calamitate de tanta voluptate et gratulatione quidquam fortuna deminuerat. Is, se 5 praesente,3 de se ter sortibus consultulmk dicebat, utrum igni statim necaretur, an in aliud tempus reservaretur: sortium beneficio se esse incolimem. Item Marcus Mettius repertus et ad eum reductus est. LIV. Hoc proelio trans Rhenum nunciato, Suevi, qui ad 10 ripas Rheni venerant, domum reverti coeperunt; quos ubi Ubii, qui proximi Rhenuma incolunt, perterritos senserunt, insecuti magnum ex his numerum occiderunt. Caesar, una aestate duobus maximis bellis confectis, maturius paulo,b quam tempus anni postulabat, in hiberna in Sequanos exercitum 15 deduxit: hibernis Labienum praeposuit: ipse lin citeriorem Galliam 2ad conventus agendos profectus est. LIBER II. ARGUMENT. I. CONSPIRACY OF THE BELGIANS AND WAR WITH THEIM. Conspiracy of the Belgians, Chap. 1. Surrender of the Remi at the approach of Caesar, 2, 3. Origin and forces of the Belgians, 4. Caesar's march to the river Axona: his camp, 5. Attack upon a town by the name of Bibrax: Caesar relieves Bibrax, 6, 7. Favorable situation of Caesar's camp, 8. Unsuccessful attack upon Titurius: departure of the Belgians to defend their own territories: their defeat, 9 -11. Surrender of the Suessiones and Bellbvaci, 12 - 14. Surrender of the Ambiani: customs of the Nervii, 15. Nervian war: defeat: surrender, 16-28. War with the Aduatuci: the blockading of their town: their perfidy: tlr complete overthrow, 29- 33. —II. EXPEDITION OF P. CRASSUS INTO ARMORICA. LIII. 430; 965; 257, R. 7.-k301, 3; 453; 270, R. 3. LIV. a 391, 2, 2); 867; 238, 1, a). —b418; 929; 256, R. 16. 80 DE BELLO GALLICO. Several maritime states are conquered by Crassus, 34.- III. TRANSACTIONS AFTER THE BELGIANS WERE SUBDUED. Opinion of this war among the Germans: they send ambassadors to Caesar: he marches into Italy and Illyricum: winter quarters: thanksgiving at Rome, 35. I. Quum esset Caesar in citeri6re Gallia in hibernis, ita uti lsupra demonstravimus, 2crebria ad eum rumores afferebantur, litterisque item Labieni certior fiebat, omnes Belgas, 3quamb tertiam esse Galliae partem 4dixeramus, contra pop5 ulum Romanum conjurare obsidesque inter se dare. Conjurandi has esse caussas: primum, quod vererentur,c ne, tomni pacata Gallia, ad eos exercitus noster adduceretur: deinde, quod ab nonnullis Gallis sollicitarentur,c 6partim qui, ut Germanos diutius in Gallia versari noluerant,d ita populi Romani iOexercitum hiemare atque inveterasceree in Gallia moleste ferebant,d partim qui mobilititef et levitate anlmi 7novis imperiisg studebant,d ab 8nonnullis etiam, quod in Gallia a potentioribus atque his, qui 9ad conducendos homines facultates habebant,d vulgo I~regnah occupabanturd; qui minus 15 facile eam rem limperioi nostro consequi poterant.d II. His nunciis litterisque commotus, Caesar duas legiones in citeriore Gallia novas conscripsit, et, linita aestate, in interiirem Galliam 2qui deduceret,a Quintum Pedium legatum misit. Ipse, quum primum pabuli copia esse 3inciperet,b ad 20 exercitum venit: 4dat negotium Senonibus reliquisque Gallis, qui finitimi BelgisC erant, 5uti ea, quae apud eos gerantur, cognoscant seque de his rebus certiorem faciant. Hi 6constanter omnes nunciaverunt, manus 7cogi, exercitum in unum locum 7conduci. Tur vero 8dubitandum non existimavit, quin ad I. Dist. bet. saepe, crebro, frequenter, frequentare, ceebrare, &c. V. n. 2. b445, 4; 695; 206 (10). - c520, II.; 1255; 266, 3.- 531, 4; 1293; 2* 2, R. 5.-e332, TL.; 588; 187, II. 2 (a) & (c). —f414 & 2; 873; 247, 1 (2) — g384; 831 223, R. 2.-hWhy plural? V. n. 10.-'426, 1; 949; 257, R. 9 (2). II. a 500 & 1; 1212; 264, 5. - bDist. bet. incipio, ordior, inchoo, and coepi. V. n. 3. — 391 & 1; 860-2; 222, R. 1. LIBER SECUNDUS. 81 eos proficisceretur. Re fiumentaria comparita, castra movet, diebusqued circiter quindecim ad fines Belgarum pervenit. III. Eo quum de improviso celeriusque omni opinione venisset, Remi, qui proximi 2Galliaea ex Belgisb sunt, ad eum legatos, Iccium et 3Andocumborium, primos civitatis, miserun, 5 qui dicerent,0 4se suaque omnia in fidem atque in potestatem poptli Romani Spermittered; neque se cum Belgis reliquise consensisse, neque contra populum Romanum conjurasse; paratosque esse et obsides dare, et imperata facere, et oppldisf recipere, et frumento ceterisque rebus juvare: reliquos omnes 10 Belgas in armis esse; Germanosque, qui cis Rhenum incolant, sese cum his conjunxisse; tantumque esse eorum omnium furirem, ut neg Suessi6nes quidem, fratres consanguineosque suos, qui eodem 6jureh et eisdem legibus utantur, unum imperium unumque magistratum cum ipsis habeant, deter-15 rere 7potuerint, 8quin cum his consentirent.1 IV. Quum ab'his quaereret, quae civitates 2quantaeque in armis essenta et quidb in bello possent,a sic reperiebat: 8plerosqued Belgas esse ortos ab Germanis; Rhenumquee antiquitus traductos, propter loci fertilitatem ibi consedisse, 20 Gallosque, qui ea loca incolerent, expulisse; solosque esse, qui patrum nostr6rum memoriaf omni Gallia vexata, Teutonos Cimbrosque intra fines suos ingredig prohibuerint: qga ex re fieri, uti earum rerum memoriah magnam sibi auctoritatem magnosque spiritus in re militari sumerent. De numero 25 eorum omnia se habire explorata Remi dicebant; propterea II. d378, 1; 90; 253. III. a391 & 1; 860-2; 222, R. 1.b398, 4, 2); 775; 212, R. 2, N. 4. — 500 & 1; 1212; 264, 5. - dDist. bet. fido, confido, fidem habeo, committo, andpermitto. V. n. 5.-e441, 6; 662; 205, R. 17.-f422, 1; 992; 254, R. 3. —602, III. 2; 1390, Obs. 3; 279, 3 (d).-hDist. bet. jus and lex. V. n. 6.- 498 & 1; 1230-1; 262, R. 10, N. 7. IV. 525; 1182; 265.-b380, 2; 731; 232 (3).-dDist. bet.plerique and plurimi. V. n. 3.-e374, 6; 718; 233 (1), 234, I. R. 1 (b).-f426 & 1; 949; 253. - 551, II. & 1; 1204; 262, R. 11, N. - h414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. 4* F 82 DE BELLO GALLICO. quod 4propinquitatlbus affinitatibusque conjuncti, quantam quisque multitudinem in communi Belgarum concilio ad id bellum pollicitus sit,a cognoverint. Plurlmum inter eos Bellovacos et virtutei et auctorittei et hominur numeroi valere: 5 hos posse conficere 5armata milia centum: pollicitosJ ex eo numero 7electa 6sexaginta, totiusque belli imperium sibi postulare. Suessi6nes 8suos esse finitlmos: fines latissimos feracissimosque agros possidere. Apud eos fuisse regem nostra etiam memoriaf 9Divitiacum, totius Galliae "potentissi10 mum; qui "quum magnae partis harum regionum, tur etiam Britanniae, imperium obtinuerit: nune esse regem Galbam: ad hunc propter justitiam prudentiamque suam totius belli 2summamn omnium voluntate deferri: oppida habere numerok xII; polliceri milia 5armata quinquaginta: totidem Nervios, 15 qui maxime feri inter ipsos habeantur, longissimeque absint: quindecim milia Atrebates: Ambianos x milia: Morinos xxv milia: Menapios ix milia: Caletos x milia: Velocasses et Veromanduos totidem: Aduatucos xxix milia: Condrusos, Eburones, Caeroesos, Paemanos, qui uno nomine Germani 20 appellantur,1 l3arbitrari ad XL milia. V. Caesar, Remos cohortatus, lliberaliterque oratione prosecutus, omnem senatum ad se convenire, principumque liberos obsidesa ad se adduci jussit. Quaeb omnia ab his diligenter ad diem facta sunt. Ipse, Divitiacum Aeduum 252magnopere cohortatus, docet, 2quanto opere rei publicaec communisque salutisc intersit, 3manus hostium distineri, ne cum tanta multitudine uno tempore 4corfligendum sit. Id fieri posse, si suas copias Aedui in fines Bellovacorum introduxerint, et eorum agros populari coeperint. His? mandatis, eum 30 ab se dimittit. Postquam omnes Belgarum copias in unum locum coactas ad se venire vidit, 5neque jam longe abesse ab his, quos miserat, exploratoribuse et ab Remis cognovit, IV.'414 & 2; 873; 247, 1 (2).-j 545, 3; 1296, A.; 270, R. 3.k429; 889; 250, 1.-531, 4; 1293; 266, 2, R. 5. V. a362; 666; 210 & (b).-b453; 701; 206 (17). —406, III. & 1; 809; 219.- d430; 965; 257. - eDist. bet. explorator, speculator, and emissarius. V. I. 21, n. 1. LIBER SECUNDUS. 83 flumen 6Ax5nam, quodf est in extremis Remorum finlbus, exercitum traducere matunavit, atque ibi castra posuit. 7Quae res et latus unum castrorum ripis fluminis muniebat et, post eum quae essent, tuta ab hostibus reddebat et, commeatus ab Remis reliquisque civitatibus ut sine periculo ad eum 8portarig 5 possent, efficiebat. In eo flumine pons erat. Ibi praesidiumn ponit, et 9in alterah parte fluminis Q. Titurium Sabinum legatum cum ~0sex cohortibus relinquit: castra in altitudinem pedum' duodecim vallo fossaque "duodeviginti pedumi 12munirej jubet. 10 VI. Ab his castris oppidum Remorum, nomine2 Bibrax, aberat milia passunm octo. Id'ex itinere magno impetub Belgae oppugnare coeperunt. Aegre eo die sustentatum est. Gallorum 2eadem atque Belgarum oppugnatio 3est haec. Ubi, circumjecta multitudine hominum totis moenibus,c undique 1, lapides in murum jaci coepti sunt murusque defensoribusd nudatus est, 4testudine facta, portas succedunt murumque subruunt. Quode tur facile fiebat. Nam quum tanta multitudo lapides ac tela conjicerent,f in muro consistendi potestas erat nulli.5 Quum finem oppugnandi nox fecisset, Iccius Remus, 20 summa nobilitateh et gratia inter suos, qui tum oppido praeerat, unus ex his, qui legatii de pace ad Caesarei venerant, nuncium ad eum mittit: nisi subsidium sibi submittatur, sese diutius sustinere non posse. VII. TEo de 2media nocte Caesar, iisdem ducibus8 usus, 25 qui nuncii" ab Iccio venerant, 3Numidas et Cretas sagittarios V. f445, 4; 694; 206 (9).-gDist. bet. fero, porto, and gero. V. n. 8. _hl49; 665; 212, R. 2, N. 1 (b). -'395, 396, IV.; 757; 211, R. G. -i 545, 2, 1), 551, II. 1; 1203; 273, 2, N. 4 (d). VI. a429; 889; 250, 1. b414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. - 386, 2; 855; 224, R. 1 (a). Dist. bet. murus, moenia, and paries. V. I. 8, n. 4. d419, III.; 911; 251. — eWhat does quod refer to?-f461 & 1; 648; 209, R. 11, & (1) (a). —387; 821; 226.-h428; 888; 211, R. 6, & R. 8 (5).-i362; 666; 210, R. 3 (2) & R. 4. VII. a363; 622; 204, R. 1 (a). - (2) 362; 666; 210, R. 3 (2) & R 4. 84 DE BELLO GALLICO. et funditores Baleares subsidiob oppidanisb mittit; quorum adventuc et Remis cum spe defensionis studium propugnandi accessit, et hostibus eadem de caussa spes potiundid oppidi discessit. Itaque paulisper apud oppidum morati, agrosque 5 Remorum depopulati, omnibus vicis aedificiisque, quose adire potuerant, incensis, ad castra Caesaris omnibus copiisf contenderunt, et 4abg milibush passuum minus duobus castra posuerunt; quae castra, ut fumo atque ignibus significabatur, amplius milibush passuum octo in latitudinem patebant. 10 VIII. Caesar primo et propter multitudinem hostium et propter eximiam lopini6nem virtatis proelioa supersedere statuit; 2quotidie tamen equestribus proeliis, quidb hostis virtute posset, et quid nostri 3auderent,e periclitabatur. Ubi nostros non esse inferi6res intellexit, locod pro castris ad 15 aciem instruendam natura opportuno atque idoneo, (quod is collis, ubi castra posita erant, paululume ex planitie editus tantume 4adversus in latitudinem patebat, 5quantum locif acies instructa occupare poterat, atque 6ex utraque parte lateris dejectus habebat, et'in fronte leniter fastigatus paulatim ad 20 planitiem redibat,) ab utroque latere ejus collis transversam fossam obduxit circiter passuumg quadringentorum; et ad extremash fossas castella constituit, ibique 8tormenta collocavit, ne, quum aciem instruxisset, hostes, quod tantumb multitudine poterant, 9ab lateribus pugnantes suos circumvenire possent. 25 Hoc facto, duabus legionibus, quas proxime conscripserat, in castris relictis, ut, si quoi opus esset, subsidioj duci possent, reliquas sex legiones pro castris in acie constituit. Hostes item suas copias ex castris'~eductas instruxerant. VII. b390 & II. 2; 848; 227.-c414 & 2; 873; 247, 1 (2). —d562, 4; 1325; 275, II. & R. 1.- 386, 3; 830; 233 (3).-f414, 7; 8$3; 249, III. R. —378, 2; 963; 236, R. 6. —417; 895; 256, R. 6. VIII. 425, 2 & 1); 916; 242.-b380, 2; 731; 232 (3). —CDist. bet. audeo, conor, and molior. V. n. 3.-d 422, 1 & 1); 937; 254, R. 2 (b).e378; 958; 236. - f396, 2, 3) (3); 760; 212, R. 3. - -396, IV.; 757; 211, R. 6. —h441, 6; 662; 205, R. 17.-'419, V.; 923; 243.j 390 & 2; 853; 227, R. 2. LIBER SECUNDUS. 85 IX. Palus erat non magna inter nostrum atque hostium exercitum. Hane lsi nostri transirent,0 hostes exspectabantb; nostri autem, si ab illis initium transeundi fieret,c 2ut impeditos aggrederentur,d parati in armis erant. Interim proelio' equestri inter duas acies contendebatur. Ubi neutri tran- s seundi initium faciunt,h secundiore equltum proelio' nostris, Caesar suos in castra reduxit. Hostes protinus ex eo loco ad flumen Axonam contenderunt, quod essej post nostra castra demonstratum est.f Ibi, vadis repertis, partem suarum copiarum traducere conati sunt, eo consilio,k ut,' si possent, castel- 10 lum, cuim praeerat Quintus Titurius legatus, expugnarent pontemque interscinderent: 3Si minus potuissent, agros Remorum 4popularentur, qui magno nobisn usui" ad bellum gerendum erant, commeatuque0 nostros 4prohiberent. X. Caesar certior factus ab Titurio, omnem equitatum et 15 levis armaturae0 Numidas, funditores sagittariosque pontem traducit, atque ad eos contendit. Acriter in eo loco pugnatum est. Hostes impeditos nostri in flumime aggressi, magnum eorum numerum loccideruntb: per eorum corpora reliquos audacissime transire conantes multitudine telorum repulerunt: 20 primos, qui transierant, equitatu 2circumventos interfecdrunt. Hostes, ubi et de expugnando oppido et de flumine transeundo spem se fefellisse intellexerunt, neque nostros in locum iniquidrem progredi pugnandi caussa viderunt, atque ipsos res frumentaria deficere coepit, concilio convocato, constituerunt 25 3optimum esse,d domumc suam quemque reverti, et, 4quorum IX. a 480, 481, II., 525 & 1; 1164-6, 1182; 258, I. 2, 198, 11, R. (e), last sentence. - b468; 1087; 145, II. - c503, III., 512 & I; 1272-3; 260, II. — 489, I.; 1205; 262.- e414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. -f 301, 3; 453; 184, 2 (a). - h467, III.; 1082; 145, I. 3. -'431; 92; 257, R. 7. -i 549; 1151; 269, R. 2. —-414 &2; 873; 247,1. -1What does ut explain? — m386; 820; 224. - 390; 848; 227.~425 & 2; 916; 251. X. e 396, IV.; 757; 211, R. 6.-b Dist. bet. /nterficio, perimo, interimno, neco, occido, jugulo, obtrunco,. trucido, and percutio. V. n. L- 379, 3, 1); 943; 237, R. 4.-d 550; 1148; 270. Subject of emse I 86 DE BELLO GALLICO. in fines primum Romani exercitum introduxissent, ad eos defendendos undique convenirent, ut potius in suis quam in alienis finibus decertarent, et 5domesticis copiis rei frumentariae uterentur. Ad eam sententiam cum reliquis caussis 5haec quoque ratio eos deduxit; quod 6Divitiacum atque Aedios finibus Bellovacorum appropinquare cognoverant: rhise persuaderi,e ut diutius morarentur neque suis auxilium ferrent, non poterat. XI. Ea re constituta, secunda lvigilia magno cum strepitu 10 ac tumultu castris egressi nullo certo ordinea neque imperio, 2quum sibi quisque primum itineris locum peteret et domum pervenire properaret, fecerunt, ut consimilis fugae profectio videretur. Hac re 3statim b Caesar per speculatoresc cognita, insidias veritus, quod, qua de caussa discederentd nondum 15 perspexerat, exercitum equitatumque castris continuit. Prima luce, confirmata re ab exploratoribus,c omneml equitatum, qui 4novissimum agmen moraretur,e praemisit. lHisf Quintum Pedium et Lucium Aurunculeium Cottam legatosg praefecit. Titum Labienum legatumg cum legionibus tribus subsequi 20jussit. Hi 4novissimos adorti, et multa milia passuum prosecuti, magnam multitudinem eorum fugientium conciderunt, 6quum ab extremo agmine, ad quosf ventum erat, consisterent fortiterque impetum nostr5rum militum sustinerenth; 7priores, quod abesse a periculo viderentur,1 neque ulla necessitate 25 neque imperio continerentur,' exaudito clamore, perturbatis ordinibus, omnes 8in fuga sibi praesidium ponerent.h Ita sine ullo periculo tantam eorum multitudinem nostri interfecerunt, 9quantum fuit diei spatium, sub occasumque X. e385, 301, 3; 831, 453; 223, R. 2 (c). XI. a 414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. —bDist. bet. repente, subito, extemplo, e vestigio, illico, statim, protinus, confestim, and continuo. V. n. 3. - Dist. bet. exploratores, speculatores, and emissarii. V. I. 21, n. 4. d 525; 1182; 265.-e500 & 1; 1212; 264, 5.-f 445, 5; 678; 206 (11) (a). — 363; 622; 204.- h518, IL 1; 1244-5; 263, 6. -'520, IL; 1255; 266, 3. LIBER SECUNDUS. 87 solis destiterunt, seque in castra, ut erat imperatum, receperunt. XII. Postridie ejus ldiei Caesar, priusquam se hostes ex terr6re ac fuga 2reciperent,a in fines Suessionum, qui proximi Remis erant, exercitum duxit, et magno itinere confecto, ad 5 oppidum Noviodunum contendit. Id 3ex itinere oppugnare conatus, quod vacuum ab defensoribus esse audiebat, propter latitudinem fossae murique altitudinem, 4paucis defendentibus, expugnare non potuit. Castris munitis, 5vineas agere, quaeque ad oppugnandum usuib erant, comparare coepit. Interim o10 omnis ex fuga Suessionum multitudo in oppidum proxima nocte convenit. Celeriter vineis ad oppidum actis, 6aggere jacto, 7turribusque constitutis, magnitudined operum, quae neque viderant ante Galli neque audierant, et celeritated Romanorum permoti, legatos ad Caesarem de deditione mittunt, 15 et, petentibus Remis, ut conservarentur,e impetrant. XIII. Caesar, obsidibus acceptis, lprimisa civitatis atque ipsius Galbae regisa duobus filiis," armisque omnibus ex oppido traditis, 2in deditionem Suessiones accepit, exercitumque in Bellovacos 3ducit. Quib quum se suaque omnia in oppidum 20 Bratuspantium contulissent, atque ab eo oppido Caesar cum exercitu circiter miliac passuum quinque abesset, omnes majores natu,d ex oppido egressi, manus ad Caesarem tendere et voce significare coeperunt, 4sese in ejus fidem ac potestatem venire, neque contra populum Romanum armis contendere. 25 Item, quum ad oppidum accessissete castraque ibi poneret,f pueri mulieresque ex muro, passis manibusg suo more,h pacem ab Romanis petierunt. XIV. Pro his Divitiacus (nam post discessum Belgarum, dimissis Aeduorum copiis, ad leum reverterat) 2facit verba:30 X[[. a523, II. & 2; 1241-3; 263, 3.- b390 & 2; 853; 227, & R. 4. - Dist. bet. interim and interea. V. I. 16, n. 1. - d414 & 2, 3) (2); 873; 247, 1.-e481, IV. 2; 1167; 258, R. 1 (a). XIII. a363; 622; 204. —453; 701; 206 (17). —C378, 178; 958, 204; 236, 118, 6 (a). —d429; 889; 250, 1.- e478; 1162 (2); 145, V. —f477; 1162 (1); 145, II.-g430; 965, 257.- h414 & 3; 873; 247, 2, or 249, II. 88 DE BELLO GALLICO. BellovAcos omni tempore 3in fide atque amicitia civitatis" Aeduae fuisse: impulsos ab suis principibus, qui dicerent,b Aeduos a Caesare in servitatem redactos omnes indignitates contumeliasque perferre, et ab Aeduis 4defecisse et populo Roi mano bellum intulisse. Quic ejus consilii 5principes fuissent,b quod intelligerent,b quantam calamitatem civitati intulissent, in Britanniam profugisse. 6Petere non solumr BellovAcos, sed etiam pro his Aeduos, ut sua 7clementia ac mansuetudined in eos 6utatur. Quod si 6fecerit, Aeduorum auctoritatem 0 apud omnes Belgas 8amplificatarum; quorum auxiliis atque opibus, si qua bella 6inciderint, sustentare 6consuerint. XV. Caesar'hon6ris Divitiaci atque Aeduorum caussa sese eos in fidem recepturum et conservatarum dixit; sed quod erat civitas magna inter Belgas auctoritate," atque hom5 inum multitudineb praestabat, sexcentos obsides poposcit. His traditis, omnibusque armis ex oppido collatis, ab eo loco in fines Ambianorum pervenit, qui se suaique omnia sine mora dediderunt. Eorum fines Nervii attingebant; quorum de natura moribusque Caesar quum 2quaereret,c sic repe20 riebat: nullum aditum esse ad eos mercatoribuse: nihil pati vinif reliquarumque rerumf ad luxuriam pertinentium inferri, quod iis rebus relanguescere anirnos et remitti virtutem exis. tinmarent: esse homines feros magnaeque virtutis: increpitare atque incusare reliquos Belgas, qui se popilo Romano dedi25.dissentg 3patriamque virtatem projecissent: 4confirmare, sese neque legatos missuros, neque ullam conditionem pacis aceeptUros. XVI. Quum per eorum fines triduuma iter fecisset, inveXIV. a 396, IT.; 746; 211, R. 12. - b531; 1291; 266, 2.- C445, 6; 689; 206 (4).-d Dist. bet. mansuetudo and cementia. V. n. 7. XV. a428; 888; 211, R. 6.- b414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. -Dist. bet. quaero, scrutor, rimor, investigo, and indago. V. n. 2.-e387; 821; 226. — f396, 2 & 1); 760-2; 212, R. 1. —519; 1251; 264, 8 (1). XVI. a 378; 958; 236. LIBER SECUNDUS. 89 niebat ex captivis, Sabim flumen ab castris suis non ampliusb miliaa passuum decem labessec: trans id flumen omnes Nervios consedisse, adventumque ibi Romanorum 2exspectare una cum Atrebatibus et Veromanduis, finitimis suis: (nam his utrisqued persuaserant, uti eandem belli fortunam experiren- 5 tur:) exspectari etiam ab his Aduatucorum copias, atque esse in itinere: mulieres, quique per aetatem ad pugnam inutiles viderentur, in eum locum Sconjecisse, 4quo propter paludes exercituie aditus non esset. XVII. His rebus cognitis, exploratores centurionesque 10 praemittit, qui locum idoneuma castrisb deligant." Quumque ex dediticiisd Belgis reliquisque Gallisd complires, Caesarem secuti, una iter facerent, quidam ex his,d ut postea ex captivis cognitum est, leorum dierume consuetudine itinerise nostri exercitus perspecta, nocte ad Nervios pervenerunt atque his 15 demonstrarunt, inter singulasf legiones impedimentorum magnum 2numerum intercedere, 3neque esse quidquam negotii,g quum prima legio in castra venisset reliquaeque legiones magnum spatium abessent, 4hanc sub sarcnis adoriri: -qua pulsa impedimentisque direptis, futurum,h ut reliquae contra 20 consistere non auderent. 6Adjuvabat etiam eorum consilium,i 7qui rem deferebant, quod Nervii anGfquitus, quum equitatu nihilP possent, (neque enim ad hoc tempus 8ei rei student, sed, quidquidj possunt, pedestribus valent copiis,k) quo facilius finitim6rum equitatum, si praedandi caussa ad eos venisset, 25 impedirent,, 9teneris arboribusm incisis atque inflexis, crebris in latitudinem ramismenatis et rubis sentibusquem interjectis, efecerant, ut instar murin hae sepes munimentum praeberent, XVI. b417, 3; 900; 256, R. 6 (a). —CDist. bet. absum, desum, and deficio. V. n. 1. —d385; 831; 223, R. 2.-e387; 821; 226. XVII. a Dist. bet. idoneus and aptus. V. I. 49, n. 2.- b391; 860-2; 222, 3.-c500; 1212; 264, 5.-d 398, 4, 2); 775; 212, R. 2, N. 4.e397, 2; 7T54; 211, R. 10. - f 74, 2, 1); 201, 3; 119, IIM.-g396, 2, 3) & (3); 760-2; 212, R. III. - h544; 1133; 268, R. 4 (b).-'385, 1; 834; 223, R. 2 (2). - i 380, 2; 731; 232 (3). - k414 & 2; 8'3; 247, 1 (2).-1489, I., 497; 1205; 262, R. 9.- m430; 965; 257.n395; 521; 211. 90 DE BELLO GALLICO. 10quo non modo~ intrari, sed ne perspici quidem posset. His rebus quum iterP agminis nostri impediretur, non omittendum sibi consilium Nervii aestimaverunt. XVIII. Loci natara erat lhaec, 2quem locum nostri castris 5delegerant: collis ab summo aequaliter declivis, ad flumen Sabim, quod supra nominavlmus, vergebat. Ab eo flumine pari acclivitate collis nascebatur, 3adversus huic et contrarius, passus circiter ducentos: 4infimus apertus, ab superiSre parte silvestris, ut non facile introrsus perspici posset. Intra eas 10silvas hostes in occulto sese continebant: in aperto loco:secundum flumen paucae statiSnes equitum videbantur. Fluminisa erat altitudo pedumb circiter trium. XIX. Caesar, equitatu praemisso, subsequebatur omnibus copiisa; sed ratio ordoque agminis laliter se habebatb ac 15 Belgae ad Nervios detulerant. Nam quod ad hostes appropinquabat, consuetudined sua Caesar sex legiones 2expeditas ducebat: post eas totius exercitus impedimenta collocarat: inde duae legiones, quae proxime conscriptae erant, totum agmen claudebant praesidi6quee impedimentise erant. Equites 20 nostri cum funditoribus sagittariisque flumen transgressi, cum hostium equitatu proelium commiserunt. Quum se illi identidem in silvasf ad suos reciperent, ac rursus ex 3silva in nostros impetum facerent, neque nostri longius, quam 4quem ad finem porrecta ac loca aperta pertinebant, 5cedentes insequi 25 auderent, interim legiones sex, quae primae venerant, opere dimenso, castra munire coeperunt. Ubi prima impedimenta nostri exercitus ab his, qui in silvis abdlti latebant, visa sunt, (6quod tempus inter eos committendih proelii1 convenerat,) XVII. 0587, 5; 1000; 277, I. R. 6 (a).-PDist. bet. iter, via, trames, semita, and callis. V. I. 9, n. 1. XVIII. ^401; t80; 211, R. 6, & R. 8 (1). - b396, IV.; 757; 211, R. 6. XIX.'414, 7; 877; 249, III. R.-b463, 3; 644; 209, R. 12 (2).e459, 2; 906; 198, 3, R.-414 & 2; 873; 247, 1; or 249, II.-*390; 848; 227.-f435 & 1; 987; 235 (2). —e221, 2; 1346; 142, 4 (b).h563 & 1, 1); 751, 1322; 211, 275, II. LIBER SECUNDUS. 91 ifa ut intra silvas aciem ordinesque constituerant, atque ipsi sese confirmaverant, subito omnibus copiis' provolaverunt, impetumque in nostros equites fecerunt. 8His facGe pulsis ac proturbatis, incredibili celeritate ad flumen decucurrerunt,i ut paene3 uno tempore et ad silvas et in flumine et jam 9in 5 manibus nostris hostes viderentur. Eadem autem celeritate, l~adverso colle,k ad nostra castra atque eos, qui in opere occupati erant, contenderunt. XX. Caesaria omnia uno tempore erant agendab: lvexillum proponendum,b quod erat insigne, quum ad arma concurri 10 oporteret; 2signum tuba dandumb; ab opere revocandib milites; quic paullod longiuse 8aggeris petendi caussa processerant, arcessendib; acies instruendab; milites cohortandib; 4signum dandumb: quarum rerum magnam partem temporis brevitas et 5successus hostium impediebat.f His difficultatibusg 15 duae res erant subsidio,g scientia atque usus militum;quod superioribus proeliis exercitati, 6quid fieri oporteret, non minus commode ipsi sibi praescribere, quam ab aliis doceri poterant; et quod ab opere 7singulisque legionibus singiilos legatos Caesar discedere, 8nisi munitis castris,h vetuerat. 20 9Hi propter propinquitatem et celeritatem hostium nihil jam Caesaris imperium exspectabant, sed per se, quae l~videbantur, administrabant. XXI. Caesar, necessariis rebus imperatis, ad cohortandos milites, lquam in partema fors obtulit, decucurrit, et ad legio- 25 nem decimam devenit. Milites 2non longiore orationeb cohortatus, quam uti suae pristinaec virtatis memoriam retiXIX.'254 & 1 & 5; 344-7; 163, Exc. 1. - i Dist. bet. fere, ferme, paene, and prope. V. I. 1, n. 15.-k430; 972; 257, R. 7. xx. a 388, I.; 847; 225, III. - b229; 1305-6; 274, R. 8 (a). - 445, 6; 689; 206 (4). - d418; 929; 256, R. 16. - e444, 1; 902; 256, R. 9 (a). - f463, 3; 644; 209, R. 12 (2). - 390; 848; 227. - h431, 3; 965; 257, & R. 10. XXI. a 453, 2; 687; 206 (3).-b414 & 4; 873; 247, 3. —Dist. bet, vetus, vetustus, antiquus, priscus, and pristinus. V. I. 13, n. 11. 92 DE BELLO GALLICO. nerent, 3neu perturbarentur animo,d hostiumque impetum fortiter sustinerent, quod non longius hostes aberant, quam 4quo telurn adjci posset, proelii committendi signum dedit. Atque in alteram partem item cohortandi caussa profectus, 5pugnan5 tibuse occurrit. Temporis tanta fuit exiguitas, hostiumque tam paratus ad dimicandum animus, ut non modo ad 6insignia accommodanda, sed etiam ad galeas induendas scutisquef'tegimenta detrudenda tempus defuerit. Quam quisque ab opere in partem casu' devenit, quaeque prima signa conspexit, load haec constitit, ne sin quaerendis suis pugnandi tempus dimitteret. XXII. Instructo exercitu, magis ut loci natura dejectusque collis et necessitas temp6ris, quam ut rei militaris ratio atque ordo postulabat, quum, ldiversis legionibus,a aliaeb alia 15 in parte hostibus resisterent, sepibusque 2densissimis,c ut ante demonstravimus, interjectis, 3prospectus impediretur, neque'certa subsidia 5collocari, neque quid in quaque parte opusd esset 6provideri, neque ab uno omnia imperia 7administrari poterant. Itaque in tanta rerum iniquitate fortunae quoque 20 eventus varii sequebantur. XXIII. Legionis nonae et decimae milites, ut in sinistra parte aciea constiterant, pilis emissis, icursub ac lassitudine exanimatos, vulneribusque confectos Atrebates (2nam his ea pars obvenerat) celeriter ex loco superiore in flumen compu25 lerunt, et, transire conantes insectti gladiis, magnam partem eorum impeditam interfecerunt.'Ipsi transire flumen non dubitaverunt, et, in locum iniquum progressi, rursus resistentes hostes, redintegrato proelio, in fugam dederunt. Item alia in parte 4diversae duae legi6nes, undecima et octava, XXI. d429; 889; 250, 1.- e386; 826; 224.- f425 & 2; 916; 242, or 251.-g414 & 3; 873; 247, 2, last sentence. XXII. 431; 972; 257, R. 7. - b459, 1; 664; 207, R. 32 (a).*Dist. bet. angustus, arctus, densus, and spissus. V. n. 2.-d 419, 3, 2) (1); 925; 243, R. 2. XXIII. — 119, 4; 149; 90, 2.-b414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. LIBER SECUNDUS. 93 profligatis Veromanduis, quibuscum erant congressi, 5ex loco superiore in ipsis fluminis ripis proeliabantur. At tur, totis fere a fronte et ab sinistra parte 6nudatis castris, quum in dextro cornu legio duodecima et non magno ab ea intervallo septima constitisset, omnes Nervii 7confertissimo agmine,0 5 duce Boduognato,c qui summam imperii tenebat, ad eum locum contenderunt; quorum pars saperto latered legiones circumvenire, pars summum castr6rum locum petere coepit. XXIV. Eodem tempore equites nostri levisque armatiuraea pedites, qui cum iis una fuerant, quos primo hostium 10 impetu pulsos'dixeram, quum se in castra reciperent, 2adversis hostibus occurrebant, ac rursus aliam in partem fugam petebant; et calones, qui 3ab decumana porta ac summob jugo collis nostros victores flumen transire conspexerant, praedandi caussa egressi, quum respexissent et hostes~ in nostris castris 15.ersaric vidissent, praecipites fugae sese mandabant. Simul eorum, qui cum impedimentis veniebant, clamor fremitusque oriebatur,d aliiquee aliam in partetn perterriti ferebantur. Quibus omnibus rebus permoti equltes 4Treviri, 5quorum inter Gallos virtutis opinio est singularis, qui auxilii caussa ab 20 civitate ad Caesarem missi venerant, quum multitudinef hostium castra nostra compleri, nostras legiones premi et paene circumventas teneri, calones, equites, funditores, Numidas, 6diversos dissipatosque in omnes partes fugere vidissent, desperatis nostris rebus, domum 7contenderunt: Romanos pulsos 25 superatosque,g castrish impedimentisque eorum hostes potitosg civitati renunciaverunt. XXV. Cae'sar, lab decimae legionis cohortatione ad dextrum cornu profectus, ubi 2suos urgeri, "signisquea in unum XXIII. 0430; 972; 257, R. 7. - 1 422, 1, 2); 992; 254, R. 3. XXIV. —- 396, IV.; 757; 211, R. 6.-b441, 6; 662; 205, R. 17.*545, 551 & I.; 1136, 1148-9; 239, 272.-d 463, 3; 644; 209, R. 12 (2).- e459, I.; 664; 207, R. 32 (a). - 419, III.; 911; 249, I.g530, I.; 1143; 270, R. 3.-h419, I.; 880; 245, I. XXV. 431; 965; 257. 94 DE BELLO GALLICO. locum collatis,duodecimae legiSnis confertos milites sibib ipsosC ad pugnam esse impedimento,b quartae cohortis 4omnibus centurionibus occisis signifer6que interfecto, signo amisso, reliqua. rum cohortium omnibus fere centurionibus aut vulneratis aut 5 occisis, in his 5primipilo, P. Sextio Baculo, fortissimo viro, multis gravibusque vulneribus confecto, ut jam se 6sustinered non posset, reliquos esse tardiores; et nonnullos 7ab novissjmis 8desertos proelio excedere ac tela vitare; hostes 9e a fronte ex inferiore loco'~subeuntes intermittere, et ab utroque 10 latere instare; et rem esse in angusto vidit, neque ullum esse subsidium, quod submitti posset: scuto ab novissimis "uni militie detracto, quod ipse eo sine scuto venerat, in primam aciem 12processit, centurionibusque nominatim appellatis, reliquos cohortatus milites l3signa inferre et manipilos laxare i5jussit, quo facilius gladiis uti possent. Cujus adventuf spe illata militibus ac redintegrato auimo, quum pro se quisque in conspectu imperatoris'4etiam in extremis suis rebus operam navare cuperet, paullum. hostium impetus tardatus est. XXVI. Caesar, quum septimam legionem, quae juxta 20constiterat, item urgeri ab hoste vidisset, tribanos militum monuit, ut paullatim sese legiones conjungerent et'conversa signa in hostes inferrent. Quo facto, quum alius alii subsidium ferret, neque timerent, ne 2aversi ab hoste circumvenirentur,a audacius resistere ac fortius pugnare coeperunt. 25 Interim milites legionum duarum, quae in novissimo agmine praesidiob impedimentis fuerant, proelio nunciato, 3cursu incitato, in summo colle ab hostibus conspiciebantur; et T. Labienus castrisc hostium potitus, ct ex loco superiore, quae res in nostris castris gererentur, conspicatus, decimam legioXXV. b390; 848; 227.- c452, 1; 1035; 207, R. 28 (a). -d Dist bet. fero, tolero, perfero, perpetior, sustineo, sino, and sustento. V. n. 6.e 386, 2; 855; 222, 2 (b), 224, R. 2. —f414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. —380, 2; 0966; 192, II. 4 (b). XXVI. a 492, 4 & 1); 1215; 262, R. 7.-b390; 848; 227. —419, I.; 880; 245, I. LIBER SECUNDUS. 95 aem subsidiod nostris misit. 4Quie quum ex equitum et calonum fuga, quo in'loco res esset,f quantoque in periciul et castra, et legi6nes, et imperator 6versaretur,g cognovissent, Tnihil ad celeritatem sibi reliquih fecerunt. XXVII.'Horum adventua tanta rerum commutatio est 5 facta, ut nostri, etiam qui vulneribusa confecti procubuissent, scutisb innixi, proelium redintegrarentC; tum calones, perterritos hostes conspicati, etiam inermes armatis occurrerent"; equites vero, ut turpitudinem fugae virtate delerent, 2omnibus in locis pugnae se legionariis militibus praeferrent.c At 1l hostes etiam in extrema spe salutis tantam virtitem praestiterunt, ut quum 3primi eorum cecidissent, proximi jacentibus insisterent, atque ex eorum corporibus pugnarent; 4his dejectis et coacervatis cadaveribus, quid superessent, 5ut ex tumAlo, tela in nostros conjicerent et pila intercepta remit-15 terent; 6ut non nequidquam tantae virtutis homines judicari deberet ausos esse transire latissimum flumen,e ascendere altissimas ripasy subire iniquissimum locume: 7quaef faciliaf ex difficillimis animi magnitudo redegerat. XXVIII. Hoc proelio facto, et prope ad interneci6nem 20 gente ac nomine Nervi6rum redacto, majores natu,a quos una cum pueris mulieribusque in aestuaria ac paludes collectos'dixeramus, hac pugna nunciata, quum victoribus 2nihil impeditum, victis nihil tutum arbitrarentur, omnium, qui supererant, consensu legatos ad Caesarem miserunt, seque ei 2 dediderunt, et, in commemorandab civitatis calamitate, ex sexcentis ad tres senatores, ex horninurn milibus LX vix ad XXVI. &390, II. & 2); 848-9; 227, R. 1. - e445, 5; 698; 206 (11) (a), 323, 3 (4).- 525; 1182; 265. - 463, I.; 644; 209, R. 12 (4).-h396, 2, 1); 760-2; 212, R. 1, & R. 3, N. 3. XXVII.'414 & 2; 873; 247, 1.- b419, II.; 873; 245, II. 1. - c494; 1218-21; 262. —d445, 6; 689; 206 (4). —e371, 4&l); 718; 233 (3).-f 373 & 1 & 3; 715; 230; & N. 3. XXVIII. a429; 889; 250, 1.-'566, II. & 1; 1340; 275, II. 96 DE BELLO GALLICO. quingentos, qui arma ferre possent, sese redactos esse dixerunt. Quos Caesar, ut in miseros ac supplices ususc misericordia videretur," diligentissime conservavit, suisque finibus atque oppidis uti jussit,d et finitimis imperavit,d ut ab injuria et ma5 leficio se suosque prohiberent. XXIX. Aduatuci, de quibus supra scripsimus, quum omnibus copiisa auxiliob Nerviisb venirent, hac pugna nunciata, ex itinere domumc reverterunt: cunctisd oppidis castellisque desertis, sua omnia in unum oppidum egregie natfira munitum 10 contulerunt.'Quod quum ex omnibus in circuitu partibus altissimas 2rupese despectusque haberet, una ex parte leniter acclivis aditus in latitudinem non amplius 3ducentorum pedumf relinquebatur: 4quern locum duplici altissimo muro munierant; tum magni ponderisf saxa et praeacutas trabes in muro 5 collocarant. Ipsi erant ex Cimbris Teutonisque prognati; qui, quum iter in provinciam nostram atque Italiam facerent, iis impedimentis, quae secum 5agere ac portare non poterant, citra flumen Rhenum depositis, custodiaes ex suish ac praesidio sex milia hominum 6una reliquerunt. Hi, post 7eorum 20 obitum, multos annos a finitimis exagitati, 8quum alias bellum inferrent, alias illatum defenderent, consensu eorum omnium pace facta, hunc sibi domicilio locum delegerunt. XXX. Ac primo adventua exercitus nostri crebras ex oppido excursiones faciibant, parvulisque proeliisb cum nostris 25 contendebant: postea, vallo 1pedum xii in circuitu quindecim milium crebrisque castellis circummuniti, oppido sese continebant. Ubi 2vineis actis, 3aggere exstructo 4turrimc procul constitui viderunt, primum irridered ex muro atque increpiXXVIII. C547, I. & 2, 549, 4 & 1); 1142, 1145-6; 270, R. 3, 271, N. 2.-dDist. bet. jubeo, impero, and praecipio. V. I. 7, n. 6. XXIX. ^414, 7; 8'77; 249, III. R.-b390; 848; 227.-c379, 3, 1); 943; 237, R. 4. —dDist. bet. omnis, cunctus, universus, and totus.. I. 1, n. 2.- eDist. bet. saxum, rupes, cautes, petra, scopuli, and lapis. V. n. 2. -f396, IV. & 1;'757; 211, R. 6.-g390, 2; 853; 227, R. 2.-h398, 4; 775; 212, R. 2, N. 4. XXX. a426, 1; 949; 253, N. 1. - b414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. - 85, III. 3; 111; 79, 3.-d545, 1; 113'7; 209, R. 5, & N. 7. LIBER SECUNDUS. 97 tai-ed vocibus, Squo tanta machinatio eabe tanto spatiof institueretur! quibusnam manibus aut quibus viribus, praesertim homines tantulae staturae,g (nam plerumque omnibus Gallis" prae magnitudine corp6rum suorum brevitas nostra contemptuih est,) tanti onerisg turrim in muro sese collocare ) vonfiderent! XXXI. Ubi vero'moveria ct appropinquare moenlbus vidrunt, nova atque inusitata specie commoti, legatos ad Caesarem de pace miserunt, 2qui ad hunc modum locfti: nonl Lexistimare Romanos sine ope divina bellum gerere, qui tan- of tae altitudinisC machinationes tanta celeritated promovire possentb: se suaque omnia eorum potestati 3permittere dixerunt. Unum petere ac 4deprecari: si forte'pro sua clementia" ac mansuetudine, quam ipsi ab aliis 6audirent, statuisset Aduaticos esse conservandos, ne se armis despoliaret. Sibi 1s omnes fere finitimos esse inimicos ac suae virtuti invidere; a quibus se defendere, traditis armis, non possent. ISibi praestare, si in eum casum deducerentur, quamvis fortunam a populo Romano pati, quam ab 8his per cruciatum interfici, inter quos dominari consuessent. 20 XXXII. Ad haec Caesar respondit, se magis consuetudinea sua, quam, meritoa eorum, civitatem conservaturum, si prius, quam murum laries attigisset, se dedidissent; sed dediti6nis nullam esse conditionem, nisi armisb traditis. Se id, quod 2in Nerviis fecisset, facturum, finitimisque imperaturum, 26 ne quam dedititiis poptili Romani injuriam inferrent. Re nunciata ad suos, quae imperarentur, 8facere dixerunt. Armorum magna multitudine de muro in fossam, quae erat ante oppidum, jacta, sic ut prope summam muri aggerisque altjiudinem acervi armorum adaequarent, et tamen circiter parte 30 XXX. e436; 963; 236, R. 6.- 378, 2; 958; 236, R. 4.-g396, IV. & 1; 757; 211, R. 6. —h390; 848; 227. XXXI. a465, 1; 305; 248, I. R. 1 (2). Subject? - b519; 1251, 264, 8 (1). -c398, IV.; 757; 211, R. 6. -d 414 & 3; 873; 247, 2.eDist. bet. clementia and mansuetudo. V. 14, n. 7. XXXII. 414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. —b430; 965; 257, & R. 10. 98 DE BELLO GALLICO. tertia, ut postea perspectum est, celata atque in oppido retenta, portis patefactis, eo die pace sunt usi. XXXIII. Sub vesperum Caesar portas claudi militesque ex oppido exire jussit, ne quam noctu oppidani ab militibus 5 injuriam acciperent. Illi, ante inito, ut intellectum est, consilio, quod, deditione facta, nostros praesidia deductaros, laut denique indiligentius servaturos crediderant, par.tim cujn his, quae retinuerant et celaverant, armi., partim scutis ex cortice factis aut'imlnibus intextls, quae subiro, ut temporis exiguitas lopostulabat, 2pellibus induxerant, tertia vigilia, qua minime arduus ad nostras munitiones ascensus videbatur, omnibus copiisa repentino ex oppido eruptionem fecerunt. Celeriter, ut ante Caesar imperarat, igmnbus significatione facta, ex proximis castellis eo concursum est, pugnatumque ab hostibus 15 ita acriter est, ~ut a viris fortibus in extrema spe salutis, iniquo loco, contra eos, qui ex vallo turribusque tela jacerent,b pugnari debuit, quum in una virtfte omnis spes salatis consisteret. Occisis ad hominum milibus quatuor, reliqui in oppidum rejecti sunt. Postridie ejus 5diei refractis portis, 20 quum jam defenderet nemo, atque intromissis militibus nostris 5sectionem ejus oppidi universam Caesar vendidit. Ab his, qui emerant, capitum numerus ad eum relatus est milium quin. quaginta trium. XXXIV. Eodem temp6re a Publio Crasso, quem cum 25 legione una miserat ad Venktos, Unellos, Osismos, Curiosolitas, Sesuvios, Aulercos, Rledones, quae sunt maritimae civitates'Oceanumque attingunt, certior factus est, omnes eas civitates 2in deditionem potestatemque popiili Romani esse redactas. 30 XXXV. His rebus gestis, omni Gallia pacata, tanta hujus belli ad barbaros opinio perlata est, uti ab his nationibus, quae trans Rhenum lincolerent," mitterentur legati ad Caesarem, qui se obsides datuiras, imperata facturas pollicerentur.b XXXIII. a414, 7: 877; 249, II. R. —b501, I.; 1212; 264, 1 (a). XXXV. a527; 1291: 266, 1. —500 & ]; 1212; 264, 5. LIBER TERTIUS. 99 Quasc legationes Caesar, quod in Italiam Illyricumque properabat, 2inita proxima aestate,d ad se reverti jussit. Ipse, in Carnutes, Andes, Turonesque, quae civitates propinquae his locise erant, ubi bellurn gesserat, legionibus in hiberna deductis, in Italiam profectus est; ob easque res ex litteris 5 Caesaris 3dies quindecim supplicatio decreta est; quod ante id tempus accidit nulli. LIBER III. ARGUMENT. I. WAR WITH THE ALPINE TRIBES. Winter quarters of Servius Galba among the Veragri and Nantuates, Chap. 1. Revolt of the Gauls, 2. Perilous position of the Roman legion: victory: march into the province, 3-6.-II. WAR WITH THE VENETI. New war in Armorica instigated by the Veneti: preparation for this war, 7- 11. Situation of the towns of the Veneti, 12. Construction and equipment of their ships, 13. Naval engagement: defeat of the Veneti, 14-16. - III. WAR WITH THE UNELLI. March of L. Titurius against the Unelli: camp, 17. The Unelli overcome by stratagem, 18, 19.-IV. EXPEDITION OF P. CRASSUS INTO AQUITANIA. Satiates conquered by Crassus: account of the Soldurii, 20 - 22. Surrender of the principal part of Aquitania, 23 - 27. -V. EXPEDITION OF CAESAR AGAINST THE MORINI AND MENAPII. Caesar's march to the enemy: their withdrawal into the forests: attack upon the Romans, 28. Caesar's plans frustrated by storms: winter quarters, 29. 1. Quum in Italiam proficisceretura Caesar, Servium Galbarn curm legiione duodecima et parte equitatus in Nantudtes, Verigros Sedunosque misit, qui ab finibus Allobr6gum et lacu 10 Lemanno et flumine Rhod'lno ad summasb Alpes pertinent. Caussa mittendi fiit, quod iter per Alpes, lquo magno cum periculo 2magnisque cum portoriis mercatores ire consuerant, XXXV. c453; 701; 206 (17).-d431, 1 & 2 (2); 965; 257, & N. 1. -e391; 860; 223, R. 2. I. a Dist. bet. proficiscor, iter facio, and peregrinor. V. I. 3, n. 2.-b441, 6; 662; 205, RI 17. 100 DE BELLO GALLICO. patefieriC volebat. Huic permisit, si opus esse arbritraretur, uti in his locis legionem hiemandid caussa collocaret. Galba, secundis aliquot proeliis factis, castellisque compluribus eorum expugnatis, missis ad eum undique legatis, obsidibusque datis, 5 et pace facta, constituit cohortes duas in Nantuatibus collocare, et ipse cur reliquis ejus legionis cohortibus in vico Veragrorum, qui appellatur Octodurus, hiemare; qui vicus, positus in valle, non magna adjecta planicie, altissimis montibuse undique continetur. Quum 3hic in duas partes flumine 10 divideretur, alteramg partem ejus vici Gallis ad hiemandum concessit, alteram,g vacuam ab illis relictam, cohortibus attribuit. 4Eum locum vallo fossaque munivit. II. Quum dies hibernorum complures ltransissent, frumentumque 2eo comportari jussisset, sublto per exploratores 53 certior factus est, ex ea parte vici, quam Gallis concesserat, omnes noctu discessisse, montesque, qui impenderent," a maxima multitudine Sedunorum et Veragr6rum teneri. 31d aliquot de caussis acciderat, ut subito Galli bellib renovandib legionisque opprimendaeb consilium caperent: primum, quod o2 41egionem, neque earn plenissimam, detractis cohortibus duabus et compluribus singillatim, qui commeatus petendib caussa missi erant, absentibus, propter paucitatem despiciebantc; tum etiam, quod propter iniquitatem loci, quum ipsi ex montibus in vallem 5decurcerentt et tela conjicerent, ne primum quidem 25 posse impetum suurn sustineri existimabant. GAccedebat, quod suos ab se lilbros abstractosd obsidum 7nominee dolebant, et Romanosf non solum itinerum caussa, sed etiam perpetuae possessionis, culmina Alpium occupare conarif et ea loca finitimae provinciae adjungere 8sibi persuasumg habebant. I. ~294, 3; 429; 180, N. —d559, 563; 1327; 275, I. R. 1.-e414 & 2; 873; 248, II. - fDist. bet. divido, dirimo, dispertio, distribuo, and partior —459; 665; 212, R. 2, N. 1 (b). II. - 531; 1291; 266, 2. - 562 & 2, 563; 1327, 751; 275, II. — Dist. bet. sperno, contemno, despicio, aspernor, and recuso. V. I. 13, n. 16. —d551, III.; 1154; 273, N. 7.- e414, 3; 873; 247, 2, 230, N. 4 (5). -f545, 550; 1136, 1148; 239, 270. -'388, 1; 1358; 274, R. 4. LIBER TERTIUS. 101 III. His nunciis acceptis, Galba, quum neque lopus hibernorum munitionesque plene essent perfectae, neque de frumento reliquoque 2commeatu 3satis esset provisum, quod, deditione facta obsidibusque acceptis, nihil de bello timendum existimaverat, consilio celeriter convocato, sententias ex- 5 quirere coepit. Quo in consilio, quum tantum repentini perictili praeter opinionem accidisset, ac jam omnia fere superiora loca multitudine armatorum completa conspicerentur, 4neque subsidiob veniri, neque commeatus supportari, interclusis itineribus, possent, prope jam desperata salute, non- 10 nullae hujusm6dic sententiae dicebantur; ut, impedimentis relictis, eruptione facta, iisdem itineribus, quibus eo pervenissent, 5ad salutem contenderent. Majori tamen parti placuit, hoc reservato ad extremum consilio, interim 6rei eventum experiri et castra defendere. 15 IV. Brevi spatio interjecto, vix ut'his rebus, quas constituissent, collocandis atque administrandisa tempus daretur, hostes ex omnibus partibus, signo dato, decurrere,b lapides gaesaque in vallum conjicere.b Nostri primo, integris viribus,c fortiter repugnare,b neque ullum frustra telum ex loco20 superiore mittereb; ut quaeque pars castrorum nudata defensoribusd premi videbatur, eo occurrereb et auxilium ferre"; sed 3hoce superari,b quod diuturnitate pugnae hostes defessi proelio 4excedebant,f 5alii integris viribus succedebant; quarum rerumg a nostris propter paucitatem fieri nihil poterat;25 ac non modoh 6defesso ex pugna excedendi, sed ne saucio quidem ejus loci, ubi constiterat, relinquendi" ac 7sui recipiendia facultas dabatur. V. Quum jam amplius horisa sex continenter pugnaretur,b ac non solum vires, sed etiam tela'nostris deficerent,30 III. - 396, 2 & 3) (3); 760; 212, R. 3.-b390 & 2; 848, 853; 22'., & R. 2.-c396, IV. 1 & 1); 757; 211, R. 6 (5). IV. a 564; 1332; 275, II. - 545, 1; 1137; 209, R. 5. - 430; 972; 257, R. 7.- 419, III.; 911; 251.-e414 & 2; 873; 247, 1.f469, I.; 1087; 145, II.- 9396, 2 & 1); 760-2; 212, R. 1. —587, 5; 1000; 277, R. 6 (a). V.'417; 895;256, 2.-b301, 3; 457; 184, 2 (a). 102 DE BELLO GALLICO. atque hostes acriusc instarent, languidioribusque nostris,d vallum scindere et fossas complere coepissent, resque esset jam 2ad extremum perducta casum, Publius Sextius Bacilus, 3primi pili centurio, quem Nervico proelio compluribus con5 fectum vulneribus diximus, et item Caius Volus6nus, tribinus militum, vir et consiliie magni et virtutis,e ad Galbam accurrunt atque 4unam esse spem salutis docent, si, eruptione facta, Sextremum auxilium experirentur. Itaque, convocatis centurionibus, celeriter milites 6certiores facit, paullisper intermit10 terentf proelium, ac tantumm6do tela missa exciperent,f seque ex labore reficerent,f post, dato signo, ex castris erumperentf atque omnem spem salutis in virtute ponerent.f VI. lQuoda jussi sunt,a faciunt; ac, subito omnibus portisb eruptione facta, neque cognoscendi, quid fieret,c neque 2sui 15colligendi hostibus facultatem relinquunt. Ita commutata fortuna, eos, qui in spem potiundorumd castrorum venerant, undique 3circumventos interficiunt; et ex hominum milibus ampliuse triginta, quem numerumf barbarorum ad castra venisse constabat, pluse tertia parte interfecta, reliquos per20 territos in fugam conjiciunt, ac ne in locis quidem superioribus consistere patiuntur. Sic omnibus hostium copiis fusis armisqueg exutis, se in castra munitionesque suas recipiunt. Quo proelio facto, quod saepius fortunam tentare Galba nolebat, atque 4alio se in hiberna consilioh venisse meminerat, 5aliis 25 occurrisse rebus viderat, maxime frumenti commeatusque inopiag permotus, postero die omnibus ejus vici aedificiis incensis, in provinciam reverti contendit; ac nullo hoste prohibente aut iter demorante, incolimem legionem in Nantuates, inde in Allobroges perduxit, ibique hiemavit. V. 0305, 335 & 2; 462; 194, 1 & 2. - d430; 972; 257, R. 7.e395, 396, IV.; 757; 211, R. 6. - 530, II. & 3; 1200-4; 262, R. 4. VI. ^549, 4, 1); 1203; 272, R. 6, 234, N. 1 & I. Sc.facere.-b422, 2; 916; 242. The verbal noun has here the construction of its verb.c525; 1182; 265.-d 238; 324; 162, 20.-e417, 3; 900; 256, R. 6 (a).-f 545, 549 & 1; 1136, 1148-51; 239, 269, R. 2.-419, 2 & 1); 911; 251. —414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. LIBER TERTIUS. 103 VII. His rebus gestis, quum omnibus de caussis Caesar pacatam Galliam lexistimaret, superatis Belgis, expulsis Gernainis, victis in Alpibus Sedunis, atque 2ita, inita hieme," in Illyricum'profectus esset, quod eas quoque nationesb adire et regiones cognoscerec volebat, subitum bellum in Gallia coortum 5 est. Ejus belli 3haec fuit caussa. Publius Crassus adolescens cum legione septima proximus mared 40ceanum in Andibus hiernarat. Is, quod in his locis inopia frumenti erat,'praefectos tribunosque militum complures in finitimas civitates frumenti [commeatusque petendi] caussa dimisit; quo in numero 10 erat Titus Terrasidius, missus in Sesuvios, Marcus Trebius Gallus in Curiosolitas, Quintus Velanius cum Tito Silio in Venetos. VIII. Hujus est civitatis longe amplissima auctoritas omnis orae maritimae regionum earum, quod et naves habent 15 Veneti plurimas, quibus in Britanniam navigare lconsuerunt,a et scientiab atque usu nauticarum rerum reliquos antecedunt, et 2in magno impetu maris atque aperto, paucis portibus interjectis, quos tenent ipsi, omnes fere, qui eo mari uti consuerunt, habent vectigiles. Ab his fit initium retinendi Silii 2 atque Velanii, quod per" eos suos se obsides, quos Crasso dedissent, recuperaturos existimabant. Horum auctoritate finitimi adducti, (ut sunt Gallorum subltad et repentina consilia,) eadem de caussa Trebium Terrasidiumque retinent, et, celeriter missis legatis, per suos principes inter segonjurant,25 nihil nisi commiuni consilio'acturos eundemque omnise fortinae exitum esse laturos; reliquasque civitates sollicitant, ut in ea libertate, quam a majoribus acceperant, permanere, quam Romanorum servitutem perferre mallent.f Omni ora mariVII. 431; 965; 257, & N. 1. - b386, 3; 718, 993; 233 (3). - cDist. bet. intelligo, sentio, and cognosco. V. I. 17, n. 11. -'( 391, 2 & 2); 867;238, 1 (a). VIII. a Dist. bet. soleo and consuesco. V. n. 1.- b414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. —414, 5, 1); S7Ti; 247, R. 4. -dDist. bet. subito and repente. V. II. 11, n. 3. - el54, 88, III.; 114, 193;114, 2. - 480, 481, IV. 2; 1164-7; 258, R. 1(a). 104 DE BELLO GALLICO. tima celeriter ad suam sententiam perducta, communem legationem ad P. Crassur mittunt: si velitW suos recipere, obsides 4sibi remittat.h IX. Quibus de rebus Caesar ab Crasso certior factus, 5 quod ipse aberat longius,a naves interim longas aedificarib in flumine Ligere, quod influit in Oceanum, remiges ex provincia'institui,b nautas gubernatoresque comparari jubet. His rebus celeriter administratis, ipse, 2quum primurn per anni tempus potuit, ad exercitum contendit. Veneti reliquaeque 0 item civitates, 3cognito Caesaris adventu,c certiores facti, 4simul quod, 5quantum in se facinus admisissent,d intelligebant, 61egatos, quod nomen ad omnes nationes sanctum inviolatumque semper fuisset, retentose ab se et in vincuila conjectos, 7pro magnitudine pericuili bellum parare, et maxime 1s ea, quae ad usum navium pertinent, providere instituunt: 8hoef majore spe,g quod multum naturah loci confidebant. Pedestria esse itinera concisa aestuariis, 9navigationem impeditam propter inscientiam locorum paucitatemque portuum sciebant, nequei nostros exercitus propter frumenti inopiam 20 diutius apud se morari posse confidebant; ~1ac jam, utJ otnnia contra opinionem acciderent, tamen se plurimum navibusf posse; Romanos neque ullam facultatem habere navium, neque eorum locorum, ubi bellum gesturi essent, vada, portus, instilas novisse; ac longe laliam esse navigationem 12in con25 cluso mari atquek in vastissimo atque apertissimo Oceano perspiciebant. His initis consiliis, oppida muniunt, frumenta ex agris in oppida comportant, 13naves in Venetiam, ubi Caesarem primum esse bellum gesturum constabat, quam plurimas possunt, cogunt. 14Socios1 sibi ad id bellum Osismos,' VIII. 531; 1296, E & I; 266, 2. —h530, II.; 1296, D &I; 266, 2, R. 1 (b). IX. 444, 1; 902; 256, R. 9 (;). b530, 3, 1); 1203; 273, 2, N. 4, d.- c431; 965; 257. -dDist. bet. admitto and committo. V. n. 5.-'580; 1357; 274, 2, R. 5 (a). - f414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. - g430; 972; 257, R. 7.- h419, II.; 833, N; 245, II.- i587, I. 2; 1375; 198, 1. -i 515, I.; 1282; 262, R. 2.- k459, 2; 1376; 198, 3, R.373 & 1; 622-3; 230, R. 2. LIBER TERTIUS. 105 Lexovios, Nannetes, Ambiliatos, Morinos, Diablintes, Menapios adsciscunt: auxilia ex Britannia, quae contra eas regiones posita est, arcessunt. X. Erant lhaea difficultates belli gerendi, quas supra ostendirus, sed 2multa Caesarem tamen ad id bellum incitabant: 5 3injuriaeb retentorumc equitufn Romanorum; 4rebelliob facta post deditionem; defectioe datis obsidibus; tot civitatum conjuratiob; in 5primis, ne, hac Gparte neglecta, reliquae nationes sibi idemf licere arbitrarentur. Itaque quum intelligeret, omnes fere Gallos 7novis rebusg studere, et ad bellum mobi- 10 liter celeriterque excitari, omnes 8autem homines 9naturah libertatig studere et conditionem servitutis odisse, priusquam plures civitates conspirarent,i partiendumin sibik ac latius distribuendum' exercitum putavit. XI. Itaque Titum Labienum legatum in Treviros, qui 15 proximi flumini Rhenoa sunt, cum equitatu mittit. Huic mandat, Remosb reliquosque Belgas adeate atque in officio contineat,c Germanosque, qui auxiliod a Belgis arcessiti dicebantur, si per vim navibus flumen transire conentur, prohibeat.c P. Crassum cum'cohortibus legionariis duodecim et magno20 numero equitatus in Aquitaniam proficisci jubet, ne ex his nationibus auxilia in 2Galliam mittantur ac tantae nationes conjungantur. Quintum Titurium Sabinum legatum cum legionibus tribus in Unellos, Curiosolitas Lexoviosque mittit, 3qui earn manum distinendam curet.e Decimum Brutum 25 4adolescentemf classig Gallicisque navibus, quas ex Pictonibus X. a450; 1028; 207, R. 23 (a).- b363; 622; 204. —580; 135'7; 274, 2, R. 5 (a). —eDist. bet. rebellio and defectio. V. n. 4.- 545; 11 36; 239.- 9384; 831; 223, R. 2. - h414 & 2; 873; 247, 1.-'523, II.; 1241; 263, 3.-J 229; 1304, 1143; 270, R. 3.-k388, I.; 1305; 225, III.- Dist. bet. distribuo and partior. V. I. 1, D. 3. XI. a391; 860; 222, R. 1.-b386, 3; 718; 233 (3). -c530, 3 2); 1200; 262, R. 4. - 390, 2; 853; 227, & R. 2.-e500 &1; 1212; 264, 5. - Dist. bet. puer, infans, adolescens, juvenis, vir, vetus, and seneec. V. n. 4.- 386; 855; 224. 106 DE BELLO GALLICO. et Santonis reliquisque pacatis regionibus convenire jusserat, praeficit, et, quum primum posset, in Venetos proficisci jubet. Ipse eo pedestribus copiis1 contendit. XII. Erant ejusm6di fere situs oppidorum, ut, posita in 5extremisa lingulis pronontoriisque, neque pedibusb aditum haberent, quum ex alto'se aestus incitavisset, quod bis accidit semper horarum 2duodecim spatio, neque navibus,b quod, rursus 3minuente aestu," naves in vadis afflictarentur.d Ita 4utraque re oppidorum oppugnatio impediebatur; ac si quan10do magnitudine %operis forte superati, extruso mari aggere ac molibus, atque 6his oppidi moenibuse adaequatis, suis fortunisf desperare coeperant, magno numero navium appulso, 7cujus rei summam facultatem habebant, sua deportabant omnia, seque in proxima oppida recipiebant: ibi se rursus iisdem 15 opportunitatibus loci defendebant. Haec eog facilius magnam partemh aestatis faciebant, quod nostrae naves tempestatibus detinebantur, summaque erat, vasto atque aperto mari, magnis aestibus,i raris ac prope nullis portibus,i difficultas navigandi. eo XIII.'Namque ipsorum naves ad hunc modum factae armataeque erant: carinae aliquanto" planiores quam nostrarum 2navium, quo facilius vada ac decessum aestus 3excipere possentb; prorae admodum erectaec atque item puppes, ad magnitudinem fluctuum tempestatumque accommodatae; na25 ves totae factaec ex robore 4ad quamvis vim et contumeliam perferendam; 5transtra pedalibus in latitudinem trabibusd confixac clavise ferreis Mdigitid pollicis crassitudined; ancorae pro funibus ferreis catenise revinctaec; 7pellesc pro velis XI. h414, 7; 877'; 249, TIT. R. XII. a441,?; 662: 205, R. 17.- b414 & 4; 873; 247, 3.- c430; 965; 257. d 520, II.; 1255; 266, 3.- e386; 826; 223, R. 2 (1) (c).-f386, 2; 829; 224, R. 1 (a). -g414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. — h378 950; 236.-'430; 972; 257, R. 7. XIII. 8418; 929; 256, R. 16.b497; 1205; 262, R. 9. —460, 3; 639; 209, R. 4. -d 428; 888; 211, R. 6.- e414 & 4; 873; 247, 3. -: (-) 428, 2; 757; 211, R. 6 (1). LIBER TERTIUS. 107 alutaeque tenuiter confectae; 8haec sivef propter lini inopiam atque ejus usus inscientiam, sive eo, quod est magis verisimile, quod tantas tempestates Oceaini tantosque impetus ventorum sustineri ac tanta onera navium regi velise non 9satis comm6de posse arbitrabantur. ~0Cum his navibus nostrae s classih ejusmodid congressus erat, ut "una celeritate et pulsu remorum 12praestaret, 3reliqua 14pro loci natura, pro vi tempestatum'5illisi essent aptiora et accommodatiora. Neque enim hisJ nostrae'6rostro nodere poterant, (tanta in his erat firnitudo,) neque propter altitudinem facile telum adjicieba- 10 tur, et eadem de caussa minus commode T7copulis continebantur. Accedebat, ut, quum saevire ventus coepisset,k et se vento dedissent,k et tempestatem ferrent1 facilius, et in vadis consisi;erentl tutius, et, ab aestu relictae, nihil saxa et cautes timerIent; quarum rerum omnium nostris navibusm 18casus erat ex- 15 timescendus. XIV. Compluribus expugnatis oppldis, Caesar, ubi intel-.bxit, lfrustraa tantum laborem sumi, neque hostium fugam, (,aptis oppidis, 2reprimi, 3neque hisb noceric posse, statuit exspectandam classem. Quae ubi convenit ac primum ab20 hlostibus visa est, circiter CCXX naves eorum paratissimae atque 5omni genere armorum ornatissimae, profectae ex portu, nostris adversae constiterunt; neque satis Bruto, qui classid praeerat, vel tribunis militum centurionibusque, quibus singulae naves erant attributae, constabat, quid agerente aut 25:quam rationem pugnae insisterent.e Rostro enim noceri non p)osse cognoverant; 7turribus autem excitatis, tamen has altitido puppium exf barbaris navibus superabat, ut neque ex inferiore loco satis commode tela adjici possent, et missa ab XIII. f What do sive- sive, seu- seu often connect? V. I. 23, n. 5.g414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. - h384; 820; 223.-d (3) 396, IV. 1 & 1).1391 & 1; 860; 222, R. 1. — 385; 831; 223, R 2.-k518 & IL 1; 1244; 263, 5, R. 2.- 556, & II. & 1; 1222; 262, R. 3.- m388, I.; 847; 225, II1. XIV. Dist. bet. frustra, nequidquam, irritus, and incassum. V. n. 1.b385; 831; 223, R. 2. - c549, 2; 1118, 1136; 239, 269, R. 3.d 386; 820; 224.-e525; 1182; 265.- f398, 4; 77J; 212, R. 2, N. 4. 108 DE BELLO GALLICO. Gallis gravius acciderent. Una erat magno usuig res praeparata a nostris, 8falces praeacutae, insertae affixaeque longuriis; l9on absimili formah muralium falcium. His quum funes, qui antemnas ad malos destinabant, comprehensi adductique 5 erant, navigio remis incitato, praerumpebantur. Quibus abscisis, antemnae necessario concidebant; ut, quum omnis Gallicis navibusi spes in velis l~armamentisque consisteret, his ereptis, omnis usus navium uno tempore eriperetur. Reliquunmi erat certamen positum in virtute, qua nostri milites o0 facile superabant, atque eo magis, quod in conspectu Caesaris atque omnis exercitus res gerebatur; ut nullum lpaullok fortius factum latere posset; omnes enim colles ac loca superiora, unde erat propinquus despectus in mare, ab exercitu tenebantur. 15 XV. Dejectis, ut diximus, antemnis, quum singulas" binaea lac ternaea naves circumsteterant, milites summa vib 2transcendere in hostium naves contendebant. QuodC postquam barbari fieri animadverterunt, expugnatis compluribus navibus, quum ei rei nullum reperiretur auxilium, fuga salutem 20 petere contenderunt; ac jam, conversis in eam partem navibus, quo ventus ferebat, tanta subito malacia ac tranquillitas exstitit,d ut se ex loco commovere non possent. Quae quidem res ad negotium conficiendum maxime fuit opportana; nam singulasa nostri consectati expugnaverunt, ut perpaucae ex 25 omni numero noctis interventu ad terram pervenerint, quum ab 3hora fere quarta usque ad solis occasum pugnaretur. XVI. Quo proelio bellum Venetorum totiusque orae maritlmae confectum est. Nam quum omnis juventus, omnes etiam gravioris aetatis," in quibus aliquid consiliib ant dignita30 tis fuit, eo convenerantftum 2naviumb quod ubique fuerat, in XIV. g390, 2; 853; 227, & R. 2. —428; 888; 211, R. 6 —384, 398, 5; 818; 223, 211, R. 5, N.-i 441, 6; 662; 205, R. 17. —k418; 929; 256, R. 16. XV. a 174, 2, 1); 201, 3; 119, III.-b414 & 3; 873; 247, 2.-c453; 701; 206 (11). —463, 3; 644; 209, R. 12 (2). XVI. a 396, IV.; 757;211, R. 6. —b396, III. 2, 3) &(3); 760 212, R. 3. LIBER TERTIUS. 109 unum locum coiegerant; quibus amissis, 3relhqui neque quo se reciperentc neque quemadm6dum oppida defenderent,0 habe bant, Itaque se suaque omnia Caesari dediderunt. In quos 0eo gravius Caesar vindicandum statuit, quo diligentius in reliquum tempus a barbaris jus legatorum conservaretur. 5 Itaque, omni senatu necato, reliquos 5sub corona vendidit. XVII. Dum haec in Venetis geruntur, lQuintus Titurius Sabinus cum his copiis, quas a Caesare acceperat, in fines Unellorum pervenit. His praeerat Viridovix ac summam imperii tenebat earum omnium civitatum, quae defecerant, ex 10 quibus exercitun 2magnasque copias coigerat; 3atquea 4his paucis diebusb Aulerci 5Eburovices Lexoviique, senatu suo interfecto, quod auctores belli esse 6nolebant, portas clauserunt seque cum Viridovice conjunxerunt; magnaque praeterea multitudo undique ex Gallia perditorum hominum latronumque 15 convenerat, quos spes praedandi studiumque bellandi ab agricultura et quotidiano labore revocabat. Sabinus idoneo 7omnibus rebus0 locod castrise se tenebat, quum Viridovix contra eum 8duum milium spatiof consedisset, quotidieque productis copiis pugnandi potestatem faceret; ut jam non solum hosti- 20 busg in contemptionem Sabinus veniret, sed etiam nostrorum militum vocibus 9nonnihill carperetur; tantamque'~opinionem timoris praebuit, ut jam ad vallum castrorum hostes accedere auderent. Id ea de caussa faciebat, quod cum tanta multitudine hostium, praesertim "eo absente, qui summam imperii 25 teneret, nisi aequo loco aut opportunitatei aliqua data,'2legatoJ dimicandum non existimabat. XVIII. Hac confirmata opinione timoris, idoneum" quenXVI. c485, 486, III.; 1182; 265, 264, 7, N. 3. XVII. a How is atque used? V. n 3.-b378, 1; 950; 253.-c429; 889; 250, 1. - d422, 1 & 1); 937; 254, R. 2 (b). - e422, 1; 992; 254, R. 3.- 378, 2; 958; 236, R 4.-g384; 818; 223.-h585, 1, 380, 2; 998, 731; 277, R. 5 (c), 232, (3).- 430; 965; 257, R. 10. -i 388, I.; 847; 225, III. XVIII. aDist. bet, idoneus and aptus. V. i. 49, n. 2. 110 DE BELLO GALLICO. dam hominem et callidum delegit, Gallum ex his, quos auxilii caussa secum habebat. Huicb magnis praemiis pollicitationibusque persuadet, uti ad hostes transeat, et, quid fieri velit,' edocet. Qui,d ubi pro perftgaf ad eos venit,e timorem Roma5 norum proponit, quibus angustiis ipse Caesar a Venetis prematur, docet, lneque longius abesse, quin proxima nocte Sabinus clam ex castris exercitum educatg et ad Caesarem auxilii ferendi caussa proficiscatur.g Quodd ubi auditum est, conclimant omnes, occasionem negotii bene gerendi amitten10dam non esse: 2ad castra iri oportere. Multae res ad hoc consilium Gallos hortabantur: superiorum dierum" Sabini cunctatio, perfigae confirmatio, inopia cibariorum, cui rei parum diligenter ab his erat provisum, 3spes Venetici belli, et 4quod fere libenter homines id, quod volunt, credunt. His 15rebus adducti non prius Viridovicem reliquosque duces ex concilio dimittunt, quam ab his sit concessum, arma uti capiantl et ad castra contendant. Qua re concessa, laeti 5ut explorata victoria,i sarmentis virgultisque collectis, 6quibus fossas Ro, manorum compleant, ad castra pergunt. <'. 20 XIX. Locus erat castrorum editus et paullatim ab imo acclivis, circiter passusa mille. Huc magno icursub contenderunt, ut 2quam minimum spatii ad se colligendos" armandosque Romanis daretur, exanimatique pervenerunt. Sabinus, suos hortatus, cupientibus signum dat. Impeditis hostibus 25 propter ea, quae ferebant, onera, subito duabus portisd eruptionem fieri jubet. Factum estf opportunitatee loci, hostiur inscientiae ac defatigatione, virtutee militum et superioruni pugnarum exercitatione,e ut ne unum quidem nostrorum XVIII, b385: 831; 223, R. 2. —525; 1182; 265.-d453; 701; 206 (17).-e471, II.; 1094; 259, R. 1 (2) (d).-fDist bet.perfuga, transfuga, profugus, and fugitivis. V. I. 23, n. 4. - g498 & 3; 1230-1; 262, R. 10, & N. 7-h397, 2; 754; 211, R. 10.-'414; 873; 247.500; 1205; 264, 5. XIX. a378; 958; 236.- b414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. -565&1; 1337; 275, II. - d422, 2; 916; 242, V, VI. b. - e414 & 2; 873; 247, 1 (2).-f 495 & 2, 556 & II.; 640; 209, R. 3 (5). Subject of factum est? LIBER TERTIUS. 111 impetum ferrent, ac statim terga verterent. Quos impeditos integris viribus milites nostri consecuti, magnum numerum eorum occiderunt; reliquos equites consectati, paucos,'qui ex fuga evaserant, reliquerunt. Sic uno tempore et de navali pugna Sabinus et de Sabini victoria Caesar certior 5 factus;civitatesque omnes se statim Titurio dediderunt. Nam ut ad bella suscipiendac Gallorum alacer ac promptus est 4animus, sic 5mollis ac minime resistens ad calamitates perferendas' mens eorum est. XX. Eodem ferea tempore P. Crassus, quum'in Aquita- 10 niam pervenisset, quae pars, ut 2ante dictum est, et regionum latitudineb et multitudineb hominum 3ex tertia parte Galliae est aestimanda, 4quum intelligeret in his locis sibic bellum gerendum, ubi 5paucis ante annisd L. Valerius Praeconinus legiatus, exercitu pulso, interfectus esset, atque unde L. Mallius 15 proconsul, impedimentis amissis, profugisset, non medi6crem sibic diligentiam adhibendam intelligebat. ItAque, re frumentaria provisa, auxiliis equitatuque comparato, multis praeterea viris fortibus Tolosa,e Carcasonee et Narbone,e quae sunt 6civitates Galliae provinciae, finitimae his regionibus,f nominatim 20 evocatis, in Sotiatum fines exercltum introduxit. Cujus advcntu cognito, Sotiates, magnis copiis coactis equitatuque, quog plurimum valebant, in itinere agmen nostrum adorti primum equestre proelium commiserunt: deinde equitatu suo pulso atque insequentibus nostris, subito pedestres copias, quas in 25 convalle in insidiis collocaverant, 70stenderunt.h Hi nostros disjectos adorti proelium renovarunt. XXI. Pugnatum est diu atque acriter, quum Sotiates, superioribus victoriisa freti, in sua virtute totius Aquitaniae salutem positam putarent; nostri autem, quid sine'mperatore 30 et sine reliquis legionibus, adolescentuilob duce, effic'ere posXX. aDist. bet. fere, ferme, paene, and prope. V. I. 1, n. 15. - b429; 889; 250, 1.-C388, I.; 847; 225, III.-d427 & ]; 954; 253, R. 1. -e421, II.; 941; 255. — f391; 860; 222, R. 1.- 414 & 2; 873; 247, 1 (2). —hDist bet. ostendo, monstro, and declaro. V. n. 7. XXI. a419, IV.; 919; 244. —b431; 972; 257, R. 7. 112 DE BELLO GALLICO. sent,C perspici cuperent: tandem confecti vulneribus hostes terga vertere.' Quorum magno numero interfecto,Crassus ex itinere oppidum Sotiatum oppugnare coepit. Quibus fortiter resistentibus 2vineas'turresque egit. Illi, atas eruptione 5tentata, alias cuniculis ad aggerem vineasque actis, 5ujus reie sunt longe peritissimi Aquitani, propterea quod multis locis apud eos aerariae 6structarae sunt, ubi diligentia nostrorum nihil his rebus profici posse intellexerunt, legatos ad Crassum mittunt, seque in deditionem ut recipiat, petunt. 10 Qua re impetrata, arma tradere jussi faciunt. XXII. Atque in ea re omnium nostrorum intentis animis, alia ex parte oppidi Adiatunus, qui summam imperii tenebat,'cum sexcentis devotis, quosa illi solduriosa appellant, (quorum haec est conditio, ut omnibus in vita comm6dis una cum his 5 fruantur, quorum se amicitiae dediderint; si quid his per vim accidat, aut eundem casum una ferant, aut sibi mortem consciscant; neque adhuc hominum memoriab repertus est quisquam, qui eo interfecto, cujus se amicitiae devovisset, mortem recusaret,) 2cum his Adiatanus eruptionem facere 20conatus, clamore ab ea parte munitionis sublato, quum ad arma milites concurrissent, vehementerque ibi pugnatum esset, repulsus in oppidum, 3tamen uti eadem deditionis conditione uteretur, ab Crasso impetravit. XXIII. Armis obsidibusque acceptis, Crassus in fines Vo25 catium et Tarusatium profectus est. Turn vero barbari commoti, quod,ppidum let natara loci et manu munitum paucis diebus, 2quibusa eo ventum erat, expugnatum cognoverant, legatos quoquoversum dimittere, conjurare, obsides inter se dare, copias parare coeperunt. Mittuntur etiam ad eas civi30tates legati, quae sunt citerioris Hispaniae,b finitimae Aqui^aniae: inde auxilia ducesque arcessuntur.0 Quorum adventud XXI. c525; 1182; 265. d 545, 1; 1137; 209, R. 5 - e399, 2, 2); 765-7; 213. XXII. a 373; 715; 230. - b426 & 1; 950-1; 253. - c501, I.; 1218; 264, 7. XXIII. a 427, 4; 956; 253, N. 4. - b401, 403; 780; 211, R. 8.cDist. bet. arcesso, accio, evoco, and accerso. V. I. 31, n. 8. - d414, 2; 173; 247, 1. LIBER TERTIUS. 113'magna cum auctoritate et magna cum hominum multitudine bellum gerere conantur. Ducese vero ii deliguntur, qui una cum Q. Sertorio 4omnes annos fuerant, summamque scientiam rei militaris habere existimabantur. Hi 5consuetudinef poptli Romani loca 6apere, castra munire, commeatibus nostros intercludere 7instituunt. 8Quod ubi Crassus animadvertit, suas copias propter exiguitatem non facile diduci, hostem et vagari et vias obsidere et castris satis praesidiig relinquere, ob earn caussam minus commode frumentum commeatumque sibi supportari, 9in dies hostium numerum augeri, non ~0cunctandum 10 existimavit,'lquin pugna decertaret.h Ilac re ad consilium Aelata, ubi omnes idem sentire intellexit, posterum diem;pugnaei constituit. XXIV. Prima' luce,b productis omnibus copiis,'duplici acie instituta, auxiliis in mediama aciem conjectis, quid hostes 15 consiliic caperent,d exspectabat. Illi, etsi propter multitudinem et veterem bellie gloriam paucitatemque nostrorum se tuto dimicaturos existimabant, tamen tutiusf esse arbitrabantur, obsessis viis, commeatu intercluso, sine ullo vulnere victoria potiri; et, si propter inopiam rei frumentariae Romani 2sese 20 recipere coepissent, 3impeditos in agmine et sub sarcinis infirmiore animog adoriri cogitabant. Hoc consilio probato ab ducibus, productis Romanorum copiis, sese castris tenebant. Hac re perspecta, Crassus, 4quum sua cunctatione atque opinione timidiores hostes nostros milites alacriores ad pugnandum ef-25 fecissent, atque omnium voces audirentur, Sexspectarih diutius non oportere,i quin ad castra iretur, cohortatus suos, omnibus cupientibus, ad hostium castra contendit. XXIII.'362 & 2, 2); 666; 210. - f414 & 3; 873; 247, 2, or 249, II. —396, 2 & 4) (1); 1005, 1008; 212, R. 4. — h498 & 1; 1230; 262, R. 10.-i384; 855; 223. XXIV. a441, 6; 662; 205, R. 17. - b426, 1; 949; 253, N. 1.-'396, 2, 3) &;,(3); 760-2; 212, R. 3.- d 525; 1182; 265.- e395; 75,1; 211, R. 12. —fWhat does tutius agree with? - 428; 888; 211. R. 6, & 8. - h301, 3, 549 & 2; 451, 1147; 184, 2 (a), 269, R. 3.i530,. & 1; 1148-9; 270, R. 2 (b), 272. —J 301. 3, 498; 453, 1230; 184, 2 (a), 262, R. 10. H 114 DE BELLO GALLICO. XXV. Ibi quum alii fossas complerent, alii, multis telis conjectis, defensores vallo munitionibusque depellerent, auxiliaresque, quibusa ad pugnam non multum Crassus confidebat,b lapidibus telisque subministrandisc et ad aggerem cespitibus 5 comportandisc speciem atque lopinionem pugnantium praeberent; quum item ab hostibus constanter ac non timide pugnaretur, telaique 2ex loco superiore missa non frustra acciderent; equites, circumitis hostium castris, Crasso renunciaverunt, non eadem esse diligentiad 3ab decumana porta 10 castra munita facilemque aditum habere. XXVI. Crassus, equitum'praefectos cohortatus, ut magnis praemiis pollicitationibusque suos excitarent," quid fierib vellet,c ostendit. Illi, ut erat imperatum,d eductis quatuor cohortibus, quae, praesidioe castrise relictae, 2intritae ab l5 labore erant, et longiore itineref circumductis, ne ex hostium castris conspici possent,a omnium oculis mentibusque ad pugnam intentis, celeriter ad 3eas, quas diximus, munitiones pervenerunt, atque, his prorutis, 4prius in hostiurn castris constiterunt, quam plane ab his videri aut, quid reig gereretur," 20 cognosci posset. Tum vero clamore ab ea parte audito, nostri, redintegratis viribus, quodh plerumque in spe victoriae accidere consuevit, acrius impugnare coeperunt. Hostes undique circumventi, desperatis omnibus rebus, se per munitiones dejicere et fugai salutem petere intenderunt. Quosi 25equitatus apertissimis campisk consectatus, ex milium quinquaginta nu;nero, quaet ex Aquitania Cantabrisque convenisse' constabat, vix quarta parte relicta, 5multa noctem se in castra recepit. XXV. a 419, II.; 833, N.; 223, R. 2. - bDist. bet. fido and confido. V. II. 3, n. 5. - C562, 566, I.; 1322, 1340; 275, II. - d414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. XXVI.'492 & 2; 1205; 262. - b551, II.; 1153; 273, 4 (a). - 0525; 1182; 265.-d301, 3; 451; 181, 2 (a). —e390; 848; 227.f414& 4; 873; 255, 2. - (2)491; 1205-7. - g396, 2 & 3) (3); 760; 212, R. 3.-h445, 7; 693; 206 (13) (a). —i414 & 4; 873; 247, 3. — 453; 701; 206 (17).-k422, 1 & 2); 992; 255, 2.-1545, 549, 1; 1136, 1151; 239, 269, R. 2.-m426; 949; 253. LIBER TERTIUS. 115 XXVII. IIac audita pugna, maxima pars Aquitaniae sese Crasso dedidit obsidesque ultro misit quo in numero fuerunt Tarbelli, Bigerriones, Ptiani, Vocates, Tarusates, Elusates, Gates, Ausci, Garumni, Sibuzates, Cocosates: paucae ultimae nationes anni tempore" confisae, quod hiems suberat, hoc 5 facere neglexerunt. XXVIII. Eodem ferea tempore Caesar, etsi propea exacta jam aestas erat, tamen, quod, omni Gallia pacata, Morini Menapiique supererant, qui in armis essentb neque ad eum unquam legatos de pace misissent,b arbitratus, id bellum ce- 10 leriter confici posse, eo exercitum adduxit: qui Ilonge alia rationeface reliqui Galli, bellum gerere instituerunt. Nam quod intelligebant maximas nationes, quae proeliod contendissent, pulsas superatasque esse, 2continentesque silvas ac paludes habebant, eo se suaque omnia contulerunt. Ad qua-15 rum initium silvarum quum Caesar pervenisset castraque munire instituisset, neque hostis interim visus esset, dispersis in opere nostris, subito ex omnibus partibus silvae evolaverunt et in nostros impetum fecerunt. Nostri celeriter arma ceperunt cosque in silvas repulerunt; et, compluribus interfectis, 20 longiuse 3impeditioribus locisf secuti, paucos ex suis deperdiderunt. XXIX.'Reliquis deinceps diebusa Caesar silvas caedere instituit; et, ne quis inermibus imprudentibusque militibusb "ab latere impetus fieri posset, omnem eam materiam, quae25 erat caesa, 3conversam ad hostem collocabat, et pro vallo ad utrumque latus exstruebat. Incredibili celeritate magno spatio paucis diebusa 4confecto, quum jam pecuse atque extremad imXXVII. a419, II.; 833, N.; 245, II. 1. XXVIII. Dist. bet. fere, prope, ferme, and paene. V. I. 1, n. 15.b501, I.; 1218; 264, 1 (a & b). - c459, 2; 1376; 198, 3, R.- 414, 3; 873; 247, 2. —e444, 1; 902; 256, R. 9 (a).-f422, 1 & 2); 937; 255 (2). XXIX. a378, 1; 950; 253.-b384; 855, 1075; 223.- Dist. bet. pecus, armentum, jumentum, and grex. V. T. 3, n. 3. - d441, 6; 662: 205, R. 17. 116 DE BELLO GALLICO. pedimenta ab nostris tenerentur, ipsi densiores asilvase peterent, ejusm6di sunt tempestates consecutae, uti opus necessario intermitteretur, et continuationef imbriume diutius %ub pellibus milites contineri non possent. Itaque, vastatis omnibus eorum 5 agris, vicis aedificiisque incensis, Caesar exercltum reduxit, et in Aulercis Lexoviisque, reliquis item civitatibus, quae proxime bellum fecerant, in hibernis collocavit. LIBER IV. ARGUMENT. I. WAR WITH THE USIPETES AND TENCHTHERI. Passage of the Usipetes and Tenchtheri into Gaul: manners and custorns of the SueviL Chap. 1 -3. Expulsion of the Menapii, 4. Caesar undertakes a war with the Germans, 5, 6. Embassy of the Germans to Caesar, 7 - 9. Description of the Mosa and Rhenus, 10. Perfidy of the Germans: defeat: flight, 11-15.-11. PASSAGE OF CAESAR INTO GERMANY. Bridge over the Rhine, 16, 17. Caesar's arrival among the Sigambri: return to Gaul, 18, 19.-III. CAESAR CROSSES INTO BRITAIN. Caesar's design of going into Britain: Volusenus sent forward to explore the coast, 20, 21. Morini reduced to subjection: passage to the island: flight of the Britons: surrender, 22-27. Roman fleet shattered by a storm, 28, 29. Revolt of the Britons: mode of fighting from their chariots: defeat of the Britons: Caesar's return into Gaul, 30- 36. -IV. WAR WITH THE MORINI AND MENAPII. Perfidy of the Morini, 37. Country of the Menapii laid waste: thanksgiving at Rome, 38. I. Ea, quae secuta est, Ihieme,a qui fuit annus, Cn. Pompeio,b Marco Crassob 2consulibus, Usipetes 8Germanic et item 10 TenchthFri magna cum multitudine hominum flumen Rhenum transierunt, non longe a mari, 4quo Rhenus influit. Caussa transeundi fuit, quod ab Suevis complures annos sexagitati bello premebantur et agricultura prohibebantur. Suevorum XXIX. e Why plural? V. n. 5.-f414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. I. a426; 949; 253. - b431 & 1; 972; 257, N. 1, & R. 7.-'363; 622; 204. LIBER QUARTUS. 117 gens est longe maximad et bellicosissimad Germanorum omnium. Hi centum pagos habere 6dicuntur, ex quibus quotannis 7singula milia armatorum bellandi caussa ex finibus educunt. Reliqui, gui domi manserunt, se atque 8illos alunt. Hif rursus in vicem annoe post in armis sunt, illif domi rema- 5 nent. Sic neque agricultura nec 9ratio atque usus belli intermittitur. Sed privati ac separati agrig apud eos nihil est, neque longius annoh remanere uno in loco incolendi caussa licet. Neque multum frumento,i sed maximam partemi lacte' atque pecore1 vivunt ~0multumque sunt in venationibus: quae 10 res etk cibi generel et quotidiana exercitationel et libertatel vitae, quod a pueris nullo officiom aut disciplinam assuefacti nihil omnino contra voluntatem "faciant,n et vires alit etk immani corporum magnitudineo homines efficit. Atque in 2eam se consuetudinem adduxerunt, ut locis frigidissimis neque 1i vestitusg praeter pelles habeant quidquam, quarum propter 3exiguitatem magna est corporis pars 14aperta, et lavanturP in fluminibus. II. Mercatoribus1 est ad eos aditus magis eo,b ut Lquae bello ceperint," quibus vendant,c 2habeant,d quam 2quo ullam 20 rem ad se importari desiderent.e Quin etiam jumentis,g quibus maxime Galli delectantur, quaeque impenso parant pretio,h Germani 3importatis his non utuhtur; sed quae sunt apud eos nata, 4prava atque deformia, haec quotidiana exercitatione, usummi ut sint laboris,' efficiunt. Equestribus proeliisJ saepe 25 ex equis desiliunt ac pedibusk proeliantur; equosque eodem I. d444; 671, 205, R. 12 (a).-e427 & 1; 954; 253, R. 1.-f450, 2; 1029; 207, R. 23 (a). — 396, 2 & 1); 760-2; 212, R. 1.- h417; 895; 256, 2.-414 & 4; 873; 245, II. 4. - 380, 2; 731, 234, II. R. 3.-k587,. 5; 1374; 198, 1, R. (e).-'414& 2; 873; 247, 1.m414 & 4; 873; 245, II. 3.- 520, I.; 1255; 266, 3. —428; 888; 211, R. G. —g(2)396, 2, 3) (3).-P465, 1; 1073; 248, R. 1 (2). II. a 387; 821; 226. —414 & 2; 873; 247, 1 (2). —c527; 1291; 266, 1. —d491; 1205; 262, R. 1.-e497; 1205; 262, R. 9.-419, I.; 880; 245, I.-h416; 884; 252.-'401; 780; 211, R. 8 (2).-i 426, 1; 949; 253, N. 1. — 414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. 118 DE BELLO GALLICO. remanere vestigio assuefecerunt, ad quos se celeriter, quum 6usus est, recipiunt; neque eorum moribus' 7turpiusm quidquam aut inertius habetur, quam ephippiis uti. Itaque 8ad quemvis numerum ephippiatorum equitum, quamvis pauci, adire au5 dent. Vinum ad se omnino importari non sinunt, quod ea re ad laborem ferendum remollesceren homines atque effeminari arbitrantur. III.'Publice maximam putant esse laudem, quam latissime a suis finibus 2vacare agros: 3hac re significari,a magnum 10 numerum civitatiumb suam vim sustinere non posse. Itaque una ex parte *a Suevis circiter milia passuum sexcenta agri vacare dicuntur. Ad alteram partem succedunt Ubii, (quorum fuit civitas ampla atque florens, 5ut est captus Germanorum,) 6e paullo, quam sunt ejusdem generis,,sunt.ceteris i5 humahiores, propterea quod Rhenum attingunt multumque ad eos mercatores ventitant,e et ipsi propter propinquitatem Gallicis sunt moribusd assuefacti. Hos quum Suevi, 7multis saepe bellise experti, propter amplitudinem 8gravitatemque civitatis'finibus expellere non potuissent, tamen vectigales 20 sibi fecerunt ac multof humiliores infirmioresque redegerunt. IV. In eadem'caussa fuerunt Usipetes et Tenchtheri, quos supra diximus, qui compliires annos Suevorum vim sustinuerunt; 2ad extremum tamen agris expulsi, et multis Germaniae locis triennium vagati, ad Rhenum pervenerunt; quas 25 regiones Menapii incolebant, et ad utramque ripam fluminis agros, aedificiaa vicosque habebant; sed tantae multitudinis aditu perterriti, ex his aedificiis, quae trans flumen habuerant, demigraverunt et, cis Rhenum dispositis praesidiis, Germanosb II. 1414 & 2; 873; 249, II. - mDist. bet. teter, foedus, turpis, and deformis. V. n. 7.-n332, II. & 2; 588; 187, II. 2. III. a549, 2; 1136; 269, R. 3. Subject? - b89, 5, 2); 117; 83, II. 4 (1). —332, I. & 2; 584; 187, II. 1.- d 414 & 4; 873; 245, II. 3. —414 & 4; 873; 247, 3.-f418; 929; 256, R. 16. IV. a Dist. bet. aedificium, domus, and aedes. V. I. 5, n. 4.-b545, 551, II. & 1 1136, 1204; 239, 273, 4 (a). LIBER QUARTUS. 119 transire prohibebant. Illi omnia experti, quum neque vie contendere propter inopiam navium, neque clam transire propter custodias Menapiorum possent, revertid se in suas sedes regionesque simulaverunt; et, tridui viame progressi, rursus reverterunt, atque, omni hoc itinere una nocte equita- 5 tu confecto, inscios inopinantesque Menapios oppresserunt, quide Germanorum discessu per exploratores certiores facti, sine metu trans Rhenum in suos vicos remigraverant. His interfectis navibusque eorum occupatis, priusquam ea pars Menapiorum, quae citra Rhenum quieta in suis sedibus erat, 10 certior fieret, flumen transierunt, atque, omnibus eorum aedificiis occupatis, reliquam partem hiemis se eorum Scopiif' aluerunt. V. His de rebus Caesar certior factus et linfirnnitatem Gallorum veritus, quod sunt in consiliis capiendisa mobiles et 15 novis plerumque rebusb student, 2nihil his committendmrexistimavit. Est autem'hoc Gallicae consuetudinisf 4uti et viatores etiam invitos consistere cogant, et, quod quisquc eorum de quaque re audieritd aut cognoverit,d quaerant, et mercatores in oppidis vulgus circumsistat, quibusque ex 2 regionibus veniantd quasque ibi res cognoverint,d pronunciare cogant. His rebus atque auditionibus permoti de summis saepe rebus consiliae ineunt, quorumg eos e vestigiof poenitere necesse est, 5quum incertis rumoribush serviant et 6plerlque ad voluntatem eorum ficta respondeant. 25 VI. Qua consuetudine cognita, Caesar, ne gravioriabellob occurreret, maturius, quam consuerat, ad exercitum proficiscitur. Eo quum venisset, ea, quae fore suspicatus erat, factao IV..414 & 4; 873; 247, 3. d 551 & I.; 1148; 272. - e371, 1 & 3); 713; 232 (1).-f414 & 4; 873; 247, 3.. a 562, 566, IT. & 1; 1322, 1340; 275, II.-b384; 831; 223, R.. -- 0401, 402,.; 780; 211, R. 8 (3). - d 525; 1182 | 265.-'371, 4, 1); 718; 233 (3).-fDist. bet. repente, subito, extemplo, e vestigio, illico, statim, protinus, confestim, and continuo. V. II. 11. n. 3.- 410 & III. 1; 805-6; 215, 1.-h385; 831; 223, R. 2. vr. -444, 1; 902; 256, R. 9 (a). - b386; 826; 224. - 551,.; 1148; 270, R. 3. 120 DE BELLO GALLICO. cognovit: missas' legationes ab nonnullis civitatibus ad Germanos, invitatosquec eos, luti ab Rheno discederent, omniaque, quae postulassent, ab se fore parata. Qua spe adducti Germani latius jam vagabantur et in fines Ebur6num et Con5drusorum, qui sunt Trevirorum clientes, pervenerant. Principibus Galliae evocatis, Caesar ea, quae cognoverat, dissimulanda" sibid existimavit, eorumque animis permulsis et confirmatis, 2equitatuque imperato, bellum cum Germanis gerere constituit. io VII. Re frumentaria comparata equitibusque delectis, iter in ea loca facere coepit, lquibus in locis esse Germanos audiebat. A quibus quum paucorum dierum itera abesset, legati ab his venerunt, quorum 2haec fuit oratio: 3Germanos neque priores popflo Romano bellum inferre,b neque tamen re15cusare,b si lacessantur, quin armis contendantC; quod Germanorum consuetfdo haec sit a majoribus tradita, quicunque bellum inferant, 4resistere neque 5deprecari. Haec tamen dicere: venisseb invitos, ejectos domo; si suam gratiam Romani velint, 6posseb eis utiles esse amicos; vel sibi agros 20 attribuant,d vel patiantur' eos tenere, quos armis 7possederinte; sese unis Suevis concedere, quibus ne dii quidem immortales pares esse 7possinte: reliquum quidem 8in terris esse neminem, quem non superare 7possinte. VIII. Ad haec, quae'visum est, Caesar 2respondit; sed 25exitus fuit orationis: sibi 3nullam cum his amicitiam esse posse," si in Gallia remanerent; neque 4verum esse," 5qui suos fines tueri non potuerint,b alienos occupare; neque ullos in Gallia vacaree agros, qui dari tantae praesertim multitudini sine injuria possintb; sed 6icere,a si velint, in Ubiorum finibus 39 considere, quorum sintb legati apud se, et de Suevorum inVI. 4388, I.; 847; 225, III. VIL 378; 958; 236. —b530, T. & 1; 1296, A.; 266, 2, 270, R. 2 (b).-c498 & 1; 1230; 262, R. 10. d 530, II.; 1200; 266, 2, R. 1 (a). —e531; 1291; 266, 2. VIIL a 530, I.; 1296, A; 266, 2.-b531, 482, 3; 1291; 266, 2. LIBER QUARTUS. 121 juriis querantur,b et a se auxilium petantb: 7hocc se Ubiisd imperaturum.1 IX. Legati haec se ad suos relaturos dixerunt et, re deliberata, post diem tertium ad Caesarem reversuros: interea ne propius sea castra moveret, petierunt. Neb id quidem 5 Caesar ab se impetrari posse dixit. Cognoverat enim magnam partem equitatus ab iis aliquot diebuse ante praedandid frumentandique caussa ad Ambivaritos trans Mosam missam: hos exspectari equites atque lejus rei caussa moram interponi arbitrabatur. 10 X. Mosa profluit ex monte Vosego, qui est in finibus Ling6num, et, parte quadam ex Rheno recepta, quae appellatur'Vahalis, insulam efficit Batavorum, neque longius ab Oceano milibus passuum LXXX in Rhenum influit. Rhenus autem oritur ex Lepontiis, qui Alpes incolunt, et longo spatio" 16 per fines Nantuatium, Helvetiorum, Sequanorum, Mediomatricorum, Tribocorum, Trevirorum 2eitatus fertur, et, ubi Oceanob appropinquat,'in plures defluit partes, multis ingentibusque insulis effectis, quarum pars magna a feris barbarisque nationibus incolitur, ex quibus 4sunt, qui piscibusd atque ovisd 20 avium vivere existimantur, multisque scapitibuse in Oceenum influit. XI. Caesar quum ab hoste non amplius passuum xii milibus abesset, lut erat constitutum, ad eum legati revertuntur; qui, in itinere congressi, magnopere, ne longius progrederetur, 25 orabant. Quum id non impetrassent," petebant, uti ad eos equites, qui agmen antecessjssent,^ praemitteret eosque pugnab prohiberet, sibique uti 2potestatem faceret in Ubios legatose VIII. c371; 712; 229.-d 384, IT.; 831; 223, R. 2 (1) (b). IX. a437 & 1; 867; 238. 1 (a).-b602, III. 2; 1390, Obs. 3; 279, 3 (d). —427 & 1; 954; 253, R. I. —d559, 563; 1330; 211, 275, I. X. a 378, 2; 958; 236.-b386; 826; 224.-i 414 & 4; 873; 245, II, 4.-e414 & 4; 873; 247, 3. XI.'478; 1162 (2); 145, V. - b425, 2 & 1); 916; 251.- 6559, 561; 13027; 275, I. 6 122 DE BELLO GALLICO. mittendi; quorum si principes ac senatus sibi jurejurando 3fidem fecissent,d ea 4conditione,e quae a Caesare ferretur, se usuros ostendebant: ad has res conficiendasf sibi tridui spatium 5daret. Haec omnia Caesar Geodem illo pertinere arbitra5 batur, ut, tridui mora interposita, equites eorum, qui abessent, reverterentur; tamen sese non longius milibus passuum quattuor aquationis caussa processurum eo die dixit: huc postero die 7quam frequentissimi convenirent,g ut de eorum postulitis cognosceret. Interim ad 8praefectos, qui cum omni equitatu 10 antecesserant, mittit, quih nunciarent,i ne hostes proelioj 91acesserentk et, si ipsi lacesserentur, sustinerent, quoad ipse cum exercitu propius accessisset. XII. At hostes, ubia primum nostros equites conspexerunt, quorumb erat quinque milium" numerus, quum ipsi non.5ampliusd octingentos equites haberent, quod ii, qui frumentandi caussa ierant trans Mosam, nondum redierant, nihil timentibus nostris, quod legati'eorum paullo ante a Caesare discesserant atque is dies induciis erat ab his petitus, impetu facto, celeriter nostros perturbaverunt. 2Rursus 3resistentibus, 20 consuetudinee sua ad pedes desiluerunt, 4subfossis equis compluribusque nostris dejectis, reliquos in fugam conjecerunt atque ita perterritos egerunt, ut non prius fuga desisterent, quam in conspectum agminis nostri venissent. In eo proelio ex equitibus nostris interficiuntur quattuor et septuaginta: in 25 his vir fortissimus Piso, Aquitanus, amplissimo generef natus, cujus avus in civitate sua regnum obtinuerat, 5amicus ab senitu nostro appellatus. Hic quum fratri intercluso ab hostibus auxilium ferret, illum ex pericuilo eripuit; ipse equog vulnerXI.' 533, 4; 1296, I.; 260, II. R. 1 (4), 266, 2, R. 4, e419, I.; 880; 245, I. - 562, 565, 1; 1322, 1337' 275, II. - 530, II.; 1200; 266, 2, R. 1 (a). —h445, 6; 689; 206 (4).-i500; 1212; 264, 5 -i 414 & 4; 873; 247, 3. - kDist. bet. lacesso, irrito, and sollicito. V. r, 9. XI[. a471, II.; 1094; 259, R. 1 (2) (d).-b395;'51; 211. —c401; 80; 211, R. 6, & 10. —d417, 3; 900; 256, R. 6 (a).-e414& 2; 873; 249, II., or 247, 1.-f425 & 3. 1); 918; 246. —431; 965; 257. LIBER QUARTUS. 123 ato dejectus, quoad potuit, fortissime restitit. Quum circum ventus, multis vulneribus acceptis, cecidisset, atque id frater, qui jam proelio excesserat, procul animadvertisset, incitato equo, se hostibus obtulit atque interfectus est. XIII. Hoc facto proelio, Caesar neque jam sibi" legatos 5 audiendos neque conditiones accipiendas arbitrabatur ab'his, qui per dolum atque insidias, petita pace, ultro bellum intulissentb: exspectare vero, dum hostium copiae augerentuir equitatusque reverteretur," summae dementiae esse judicabat; et, cognita Gallorum infirmitate, quantum jam apud eo. 10o 2hostes uno proelio auctoritatise essent consecuti,f sentiebat; quibus ad consilia capienda nihil spatiie dandum existimabat. His constitutis rebus et consilio cum legatis et quaestore communicato, ne quem diem 3pugnaeg praeterinitteret, opportunissima res accidit, quod postridie ejus 4diei mane, eadem et 15 perfidia et simulatione usi, Germani frequentes, omnibus principibus majoribusque natuh adhibitis, ad eum in castra venerunt, 5simul, ut dicebatur, 6sui purgandi caussa, quod 7contra atque esset dictum et ipsi petissent, proelium pridie commisissent, simul ut, si quidi possent, 8de induciis fallendo impetra- 20 rent. Quos sibi Caesar oblatosj gavisus, illos retineri jussit: ipse omnes copias castris eduxit, equitatumque, quod recenti proelio perterritum esse existimabat, agmen subsequi jussif. XIV. Acie triplici instituta, et celeriter octo milium itinere confecto,'prius ad hostium castra pervenit, quam, quid 25 2ageretur, Germani sentire possent. Qui omnibus rebus subito perterriti, et celeritate adventus nostri et discessu 3suorum, neque consijii habendi neque arma capiendi spatio dato, 4perturbantur, copiasne adversus hostem educere, ana castra XIII..388, I.; 847; 225, III.-b500 & 2; 1218; 264, 1 (a). —521 & I.; 1238; 263 4 (1). —d401, 402 & I.; 780; 211, R. 8 (3). Subject of esse? Dist. bet. amentia and dementia. V. I. 40, n. 5. -e396, 2; 760; 212.-f'525; 1182: 265. - -384; 818; 223 & N. —h429; 889; 250, 1. -'380, 2; 731; 232 (3).-i 551 & III.; 1154; 273, N. 7. XIV.'346, II. 2; 1186; 265, R. 2. 124 DE BELLO GALLICO. defendere, an fuga salutem petere praestaret. Quorum timor quum fremitu et concursu significaretur, milites nostri pristini diei perfidia incitati in castra irruperunt. Quo loco quib celeriter arma capere potuerunt, bpaullisperc nostris restite5 runt atque inter carros impedimentaque proelium commisserunt; at reliqua multitiido puerorum mulierumque (nam cum omnibus suis domo excesserant Rhenumque transierant) passim fugere coepit; ad quos consectandos Caesar equitatum misit. XV. Germani, post tergum lclamore audito, quum suos 10 interfici viderent, armis abjectis signisque militaribus relictis, se ex castris ejecerunt; et, quum ad confluentem Mosae et Rheni pervenissent, 2reliqua fuga desperata, magno numero interfecto, reliqui se in flumen praecipitaverunt, atque ibi timore, lassitudine, vi fluminis oppressi perierunt. Nostri 8ad 15 unum omnes incolumes, perpaucis vulneratis, 4ex tanti belli timore, quum hostiuma numerus capitumb ccccxxx miliume 5fuisset, se in castra receperunt. Caesar his, quos in castris retinuerat, discedendi potestatem fecit. Illi supplicia cruciatusque Gallorum veriti, quorum agros vexaverant, remanere 20se apud eum velle dixerunt. His Caesar 6ibertatem concessit. XVI. Germanico bello confecto, multis de caussis Caesar statuit sibi Rhenum esse transeundum; quaruma lilla fuit justissima, quod, quum videret Germanos tam facile impelli, ut 25in Galliam venirent, 2suis quoque rebusb eos timere voluit, quum intelligerent et posse et audere popili Romani exercitum Rhenum transire. 3Accessit etiam, quod illa pars equitatus Usipetum et Tenchtherorum, quam 4supra commemoravi praedandi frumentandique caussa Mosam transisse 30 neque proelio0 interfuisse, post fugam suorum se trans Rhenum in fines Sigambrorum receperat, seque cum iis conjunxerat. XIV. b445, 6; 689; 206 (4).- cDist. bet. parumper and paullisper. V n. 5. XV. a395; 751; 211. - b396, 2 & 2); 771; 212, R. 2. - C401; 780; 211, R. 6,& 10. XVI. a 396, 2 & 3) (2); 771; 212, R. 2. b385 & 3; 831, 8^'6' 223, R. 2. —386; 820; 224. LIBER QUARTTUS. 125 Ad quosd quum Caesar nuncios misisset, qui postularent,e eos, qui sibi Galliaeque bellum intulissent, sibi dederent,f responderunt, populi Romani imperium Rhenum finire: si, se invito, Germinos in Galliam transire non aequumg existimaret, cur suih quidquam esse imperiii aut potestatis trans Rhenum po- 5 stularet? Ubii autem, qui uni exj Transrhenanis ad Caesarem legatos miserant, amicitiam fecerant, obsides dederant, magnopere orabant, ut sibi auxilium ferret, quod graviter ab Suevis premerentur,k vel, si id facere 5occupationibus rei publicae prohiberetur, exercitum modo Rhenum transportaret: id sibi' 10 [6ad] auxilium spemque reliqui temporis satis futurum. Tantur esse nomen atque opinionem ejus exercitus, Ariovisto pulso et hoc novissimo proelio facto, etiam 8ad ultimas Germanorum nationes, uti opinione et amnicitia populi Romani tuti esse possint. Navium magnam copiam ad transportandum 15 exercitum pollicebantur. XVII. Caesar his de caussis, quas commemoravi, Rhenum transire decreverat, sed navibus transire neque satis tutum esse arbitrabatur, neque Isuae neque populi Romani dignitatis" esse statuebat. Itaque, etsi summa difficultas faciendi pontis 20 Oproponebatur propter latitudinem, rapiditatem altitudinemque fluminis, tamen id sibib contendendum aut aliter non traducendum exercitum existimabat. SRationem pontis hanc instituit.'Tigna bina sesquipedalia, paullum ab imo praeacuta, 5dimensa ad altitudinem fluminis, intervalloc pedum duorum inter se 25 jungtbat. Iaec quum machinationibus immnissa in flumern defixerat 7fistucisque adegerat 8non sublicae modod directa ad perpendicuilum, sed prona ac fastigata, 9ut secundum naturam fluminis procumberent, hise item contraria duo ad eundem moXVI. d453; 701; 206 (17).- e500; 1212; 264, 5. - f493, 2; 1200; 262, R. 4.-g438, 3; 660; 205, R. 8 (a). - h401; 780; 211. R. 8-396, 2 & 3) (3); 760; 212, R. 3. - 398, 4; 775; 212, R. 2. N. 4.-k520, II.; 1255; 266, 3.-1390, 2: 851; 227, & R. 4. XVII. 401, 402,I.; 780; 211, R. 8 (3).-b388,.; 847; 225, III. -- 378, 2; 958; 236. - d414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. - e391; 860-3; 222, R. 1. 126 DE BELLO GALLICO. dum juncta intervallo" pedum quadrageSnumf'~ab inferiore partc lcontra vim atque impetum fluminis conversa statuebat.'1Haec utraque, insuiper "bipedalibus trabibusg immissis, 14quantumh eorum tignorum junctura distabat, "binis utrimque 5 fibtlis1 ab extrema parte distinebantur;'6quibus disclusis atque in contrariam partem revinctis, tanta erat operis firmituido atque 1ea rerum natura, ut, quoi major vis aquae se incitavisset, hocJ artius illigata tenerentur. l-IIaec directa materia injecta contexebantur, et longuriis cratibusque consternebantur; 19ac 10 nihilo\ secius 20sublicae et ad inferiorem partem fluminis oblique agebantur, 2lquae,,,pro arikte subjectae et cum omni opere conjunctae, vim fluminis exciperent,k et 22aliae item supra pontem mediocri spatio,c ut, si arborum trunci sive naves "dejiciendi operis' essent a barbiris missae, his defensoribus 15 earum rerum vis minueretur, neu ponti nocerent. XVIII. Diebus* decem, lquibusb materia coepta erat comportari, omni opere effecto, exercitus traducitur. Caesar, ad utramque partem pontis firmo praesidio relicto, in fines Sigambrorum contendit. Interimc a compluribus civitatibus 20 ad eum legati veniunt, quibus pacem atque amicitiam petentibus liberaliter respondit, obsidesque ad se adduici 2jubet. At Sigambri ex eo tempore, quob pons 3institui coeptus est, fuga comparata, hortantibus iis, quos ex Tenchtheris atque Usipetibus apud se habebant, finibus suis excesserant suique omnia 25 exportaverant seque 4in solitudinemd ac silvas abdiderant. XIX. Caesar paucos dies in corum finibus moratus, omnibus vicis aedificiisquea incensis frumentisque succisis, se in fines Ubiorum recepit, atque his auxilium suum pollicitus, si ab Suevis premerentur, haec ab iis cognovit: Suevos, posteaXVII. f 179; 207; 119, III. —431 & 1; 965; 257.-h378; 958, 2;'6.-~414 & 4; 873; 247, 3. - 418; 929-30; 256, R. 16. —k500 1212; 264, 5.-'563, 5; 1330; 275, III. R. 1 (5). XVIII. a378, 1; 950; 253. —427, 4; 956; 253, N. 4. —CDist. bct. interea and interim. V. I. 16, n. 1.-dWhy ac.? V. n. 4. XIX'Dist. bet. aedificium, domus, and aedes. V. I. 5, n. 4. REENANI PONTIS ICHNOGRAPHIA. Prima Pontis ectio. Sectio Secunda. a. Bina tigna sesquipedalia prona ac fastigata secundum fluminis naturam. —b. Alia bina ex adveirso defixa. —c. Trahes bipedales. - d. Binae fibulae. —e. Materia directa. -f. Sublicae obliquae. — g. Defensores. —h. Longurii. -- Crates. LIBER QUARTUS. 127 quam per exploratores pontem fieri comperissent, more0 suo concilio habito, nuncios in omnes partes dimisisse, uti de oppidis demigrarent, liberos, uxores suaque omnia in silvis deponerent atque omnes, qui arma ferre possent, unum in locunl convenirent: hunc esse delectum lmedium fere regionum 5 earum, quas Suevi obtinerent: hic Romanorum adventum 2exspectare atque 3ibi decertare cconstituisse. Quodd ubi Caesar comperit, omnibus rebus his confectis, quarum 4rerum caussa traducere exercitum constituerat, 5ut Germanis metum injiceret, ut Sigambros ~ulcisceretur, ut Ubios 7obsidione libc- 10 raret, diebus omnino decem et octo trans Rhenum consumptis,'3atis et ad laudem et ad utilitatem profectum arbitratus, se in Galliam recepit pontemque rescidit. XX. Exigua partea aestatis reliqua, Caesar, etsi in his locis, quod omnis Gallia ad septentriones vergit, Imaturae sunt 15 hiemes, tamen in Britanniam proficisci contendit, quod omnibus fere Gallicis bellisb hostibus nostris 2inde subministrata auxilia intelligebat; et, si tempus anni ad bellum gerendum deficeret, tamen magno sibi0 usuic fore arbitrabatur, si modo insulamd adisset et genus hominum perspexisset, loca, portus, 20 adituse cognovissete; quae omnia fere Gallis erant incognita. Neque enim 3temere praeter mercatores 4illo adit quisquam, neque Shis ipsis quidquam praeter oram maritimam atque eas regiones, quae sunt contra Gallias, notum est. Itaque, evocatis ad se undique mercatoribus, neque quanta essetf insilae 25 magnitudo, neque quae aut quantae nationes incolerent,f neque Squem usum belli haberentf aut quibus institutis uterentur,f neque qui essentf ad majorum navium.multitudinem idonei portus, reperire poterat. XXI. Ad haec cognoscenda, priusquam perictlum face- 30 XIX. b414 & 3 873; 247, 2, or 249, II.-c530, I.; 1296, A: 266, 2. —d453; 701; 206 (17). XX. a430; 972; 257, R. 7 (a).-b426, 1; 949. 253, N. 1.-c390; d845 227.-d 386, 3; 718; 233 (3).-e704, I. 1; 1378, 1st.; 278, R. 6 (b). — 525; 1182; 265. I 128 DE BELLO GALLICO. ret," idoneum esse arbitratus Caium Volusenum, curn navi longa'praemittit. Huic mandat,b uti, exploratis omnibus rebus, ad se quam primum revertatur. Ipse cum omnibus copiis in Morinos proficiscitur, quod inde erat brevissimus in Britan5niam trajectus. 2Huc naves undique ex finitimis regionibus et, quam superiore aestate ad Venetlcum bellum 3effecerat, classem jubet convenire. Interim, consilio ejus cognito et per mercatores perlato ad Britannos, a compluribus insulae civitatibus ad eum legati veniunt, qui polliceanturc obsides 4dare 1e atque imperio popuili Romani Sobtemperare.d Quibus auditis, liberaliter 6pollicitus hortatusque, ut in ea sententia permanerent, eos domume remittit; et cum his una Commium, quem ipse, Atrebatibus superatis, regemf 7ibi constituerat, cujus et virtutem et consilium probabat, et quem sibi fidelem esse arbi15trabatur, cujusque auctoritas in 8his regionibus magnig habebatur, mittit. HIuic imperat,b quas possit,h adeati civitates 9horteturque,i 10ut populi Romani fidem sequantur, llseque celeriter eo venturum nunciet.i Volusenus, perspectis regionibus omnibus, 12quantum ei facultas dari potuit, qui navi 20 egredi ac se barbiris committere non auderetJ quinto die ad Caesarem revertitur, quaeque ibi perspexisset, renunciat. XXII. Dum in his locis Caesar navium parandarum caussa moratur, ex magna parte Morinorum ad eum legati venerunt, qui se'de superioris temporis consilio excusarent,8 25 quod homines barbdri et nostrae consuetudinisb imperiti bellum poptilo Romiano fecissent,e seque ea, quae imperasset,d facturos pollicerentur." Hoc sibi Caesar satis opportune accidisse arbitratus, quod neque post tergum hostem relinquere volebat, neque belli gerendi propter anni tempus facultatem XXI.'523, II. & 2; 1241, 1243; 263, 3.-bDist. bet. jubeo, imero, praecipio, and mando. V. I. 7, n. 6.- 500; 1212; 264, 5.-dDist. bet. pareo, obedio, dicto audiens sum, obsequor, obsecundo, and obtempero. V. n, 5.-e379, 3, 1); 943 237, R 4. —f373 & 1; 715; 230. —g402, III, 403, 2- 799-801 214 - h531; 1291; 266, 2.- 530, 1I. 3, 2); 1200; 266, 2, R. 1 (b). - 519; 1251; 264, 8. XXII. a 500; 1212; 264, 5 — b399, 2,2); 765-7; 213.-c520, II.: 1255; 266, 3.-d531; 1291; 266, 1. LIBER QUARTUS. 129 habebat, neque 2has tantularum rerum occupationes Britanniaee anteponendas judicabat, magnum iisf numerumg obsidum imperat. Quibus adductis, eos in fidem recepit. Navibus circiter LXXX onerariis 3coactis contractisque, quot satis esse ad duas transportandas legiones existimabat, quod praeterea 5 naviumh longarum habebat, quaestori, legdtis 4praefectisque distribuit. Huc accedebant xvIIi onerariae naves, quae ex eo loco 5ab milibus passuum octo vento tenebantur, quo minus in eundem portum venire possenti: has equitibus distribuit. Reliquum exercltum Quinto Titurio Sabino et Lucio Aurun- 10 culeio Cottae, legatis, in Menapios atque in eos pagos Morinorum, ab quibus ad eum legati non venerant, deducendumj dedit: Publium Sulpicium Rufum, legatum, cum eo praesidio, quod satis esse arbitrabatur, portum tenere jussit. XXIII. His constitutis rebus, nactusa idoneam ad navi-l gandum tempestatem, tertia fere Ivigilia %solvit, equitesque in ulteriorem portum progredi et naves conscendere et se sequi jussit. A quibus quum paullob tardiuse esset administratum, ipse hora circiter diei quarta cum primis navibus Britanniam attigit, atque ibi in omnibus collibus 3expositas hostium copias 20 armatas conspexit. Cujus loci haec erat nattura: 4adeo montibusd angustis mare continebatur, uti ex locis superioribus in litus telum adigi posset. Hunc ad egrediendum nequaquam idoneum locum arbitratus, dum rellquae naves eo convenirente ad horam nonam in ancoris exspectavit. Interim legatis tri- 25 bunisque militum convocatis, et quae ex Voluseno cognosset, et quae fieri vellet, ostendit, 5monuitque, ut rei militaris ratio, maxime ut maritimae res postularent, ut [quae] celerem atque XXII e386; 826; 224.- f384 & II.; 831; 223, R. 2 (1) (b). - g371 712 229.-h396, 2. 3) & (3); 763; 212, R. 3.- 499; 1236; 262.-) 578, V.; 1315; 274, R. 7 (a). XXIII. 1 Dist. bet. invenio, reperio, deprehendo, nanciscor, adipiscor, consequor, and assequor. V. I. 18, n. 19.-b418; 929; 256, R. 16. —444, 1; 902; 256, R. 9 (a). -- 414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. — 521, I., 522, II., 1238; 263, 4 (1). 130 DE BELLO GALLICO. instabilem motum haberent,f ad nutum et ad tempus omnes res ab iis administrarentur. His dimissis, et ventum et aestum uno tempore nactus secundum, dato signo et sublatis ancoris, cirelter milia passuum septem ab eo loco progressus, 5 aperto ac piano litore naves constituit. XXIV. At barbari, consilio Romanorum cognito, praemisso equitatu et lessedarii, 2quo plerumque genere in proeliis uti consuerunt, reliquis copiisa subsecuti nostros, navibus egredi prohibebant. Erat ob has caussas summa difficultas, io quod naves propter magnitudinem 3nisi in alto constitui non poterant; 4militibusb autem, ignotis locis," impeditis manibus,' magno et gravi 5armorum onere oppressis, simul et de navibus desiliendum et in fluctibus consistendum et cum hostibus erat pugnandum; quum illi, aut ex arido, aut paullum in aquam 15 progressi, omnibus membrise expeditis, notissimis locis,C audacter tela conjicerent et equos 6insuefactos incitarent. Quibus rebus nostri perterriti atque hujus omnino generisd pugnae imperiti, non eadem alacritatee ac studio, quo in pedestribus uti proeliis consuerant, nitebantur. 20 XXV. Quod ubi Caesar animadvertit, naves longas, quarum et species erat barbaris inusitatior et motus ad usum expeditior, paullum removeri ab onerariis navibus et remis incitari et ad latus apertum hostium constitui, atque inde fundis, sagittis, tormentis hostes propelli ac submoveri jussit; quae 25 res magno usui" nostris fuit. Nam et navium figura et remorum motu et inusitito genere tormentorum permoti barbari constiterunt, ac lpaullumb modo pedem retulerunt. Atque nostris militibus cunctantibus, maxime propter altitudinem maris, 2quic decimnae legionis aquilam ferebat, contestatus sodeos, ut 3ea res legioni feliciter eveniret, Desilite, inquit,d commilitones, nisi vultis 4aquilam hostibus prodere: ego XXIII. f519 & 3; 1253; 264, 8 (2).- 9493, 2; 1200; 262, R. 4. XXIV. ^ 414, 7; 873; 219, III. R. - b388, I.; 847'; 225, III. - 431; S965; 257.-d399, 2, 2); 765-7; 213.-e414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. XXV. a 390; 848; 227.- b378; 958; 236. —445, 6: 689; 206 (4).-, 528, 2; 1295 (1); 279, 6. LIBER QUARTUS. 131 %certee meum rei publicae atque imperatori officium 6praestitero.f Hoc quum voce magna dixisset, se ex navi projecit atque in hostes aquilam ferre coepit. Turn nostri cohortati inter se, ne tantum dedecus admitteretur, universig ex navih desiluerunt. Hos item ex proximis 7primis navibus 8quum 5 conspexissent, subsecuti, hostibus appropinquarunt. XXVI. Pugnatum est ab utrisquea acriter. Nostri tamen, quod neque lordines servare neque firmiter insistere neque signa subsequi poterant, atque 2alius alia ex navi, quibuscunquc signis occurrerat, se aggregabat, magnopere per- 10 turbabantur; hostes vero, notis omnibus vadis, ubi ex litore aliquos 3singulares ex navi egredientes conspexerant, incitatis equis, impeditos adoriebantur: plures paucos circumsistebant: alii 4ab latere aperto "in universos tela conjiciebant. Quod quum animadvertisset Caesar, scaphas longarum navium, item 15 speculatoria navigia militibus compleri jussit et, quos laborantes conspexerat, his subsidia submittebat. Nostri, 6simul in arido constiterunt, suis omnibus consecutis, in hostes impetum fecerunt atque eos in fugam dederunt; neque longius prosequi potuerunt, quod 7equites cursum tenere atque insuilam 8capere 20 non potuerunt. Hoc unum ad pristinam fortunam Caesarib defuit. XXVII. Hostes proelio superati, simul atque se ex fuga receperunt, statim ad Caesarem legatos de pace miserunt, obsides daturos quaeque imperasset facturos sese polliciti 25 sunt." Una cum his legatis Commius Atrebas venit, quem isupra 2demonstraveram a Caesare in Britanniam praemissum. Hunc illi e navi egressum, quum ad eos 3oratoris modob Caesaris 4mandata deferret, comprehenderant atque in vinctila XXV. e582; 996; 192, N. 1. - f473, 1; 1099; 259, R. 1 (5). - gDist. bet. omnis, cunctus, universus, and totus. V. I. 1, n. 2.-h87, III. 1; 111; 82, Exc. 3 (a). XXVI. a 414, 5; 878; 207, R. 32 (). —b386, 2; 820; 224, R. 1. XXVII. a 704, I. 1; 137'8, 1st; 278, R. 6.- b414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. 132 DE BELLO GALLICO. conjecerant: tur, proelio facto, 5remiserunt, et in petenda pace ejus rei culpam in multitadinem 6contulerunt, et, propter imprudentiam ut ignoscereturc petiverunt. Caesar questus, quod, quum, ultro in 7continentem legatis missis, pacem ab 5 se petissent, bellum sine caussa intulissent,d 8ignoscere imprudentiaee dixit, obsidesque imperavit; quorum illi partem statim dederunt, partem ex longinquioribus locis arcessitam paucis diebus sese daturos dixerunt. Interea suos 9remigrare in agros jusserunt; principesque undique convenire et 10 se civitatesque suas Caesari commendare coeperunt. XXVIII. His rebus pace confirmata, post diem" quartum, quam est in Britanniam ventum, naves xvIII, de quibus'supra demonstratum est, quae equites 2sustulerant, ex 3superiore portu leni vento solverunt. Quae quum appropinquarent 15Britanniae et ex castris viderentur, tanta tempestas subito coorta est, ut nulla earum cursum tenere posset, sed aliae eodem, unde erant profectae, referrentur, aliae ad inferiorem partem insilae, quae est propius solis occasum,b magno 4sui cum periculo dejicerentur; 5quae tamen, ancoris~ jactis, quum 20fluctibus 6complerentur, necessario adversa nocte in altum provectaed continentem petierunt. XXIX. Eadem nocte accidit, ut esset luna plena, qui dies maritimos aestus maximos in Oceano efficere consuevit; nostrisque id erat incognitum. Ita uno tempore et longas 25 naves, quibus Caesar exercitum transportandum" curaverat quasque in aridum subduxerat, aestus complebat, et onerarias, quae ad ancoras erant deligatae, tempestas afflictabat; neque ulla nostris facultas aut 2administrandi aut auxiliandi dabatur. Compluribus navibus fractis, reliquae quum essent, funibus, so ancoris reliquisque armamentis amissis, ad navigandum inutiles, magna, id quod necesse erat accidere, totius exercitus XXVII. c301, 3; 453; 184, 2 (a). - d 520, II.; 1255; 273, 5, R. & (3). —e385; 831; 223, R. 2. XXVIII. a427, 1 & 3; 954-5; 253, N. 3. b437 & 1; 867; 238 1 (a). —c431; 965; 257.-d579; 1350; 274, 3 (b). XXIX. 551, II. 1; 1315-6; 275, R. 7 (a). LIBER QUARTUS. 183 perturbatio facta est. Neque enim naves erant aliae, quibus reportari possent,b et omnia deerant, quae ad reficiendas navesc erant usui,d et, 3quod omnibus constabat hiemare in Gallia oportere, frumentum his in locis in hiemem provisum non erat. XXX. Quibus rebus cognitis, principes Britanniae, qui post proelium [factum] ad Caesarem convenerant, inter se collocuti, quum equites et naves et frumentum Romanis deesse intelligerent et paucitatem militum ex castrorum exiguitate cognoscerent, quae hoc" erant 2etiam angustiora, quod sine im- 10 pedimentis Caesar legiones transportaverat, optimum factub esse duxerunt, rebellione facta, frumentoc commeatuque nostros prohibere et rem in hiemem producere, quod, iis superatis aut reditud interclusis, neminem postea belli inferendi caussa in Britanniam transiturum confidebant. Itaque rursus conjura- 15 tione facta, paullatim ex castris discedere ac suos clam 3ex agris deducere coeperunt. XXXI. At Caesar, etsi nondum eorum consilia cognoverat, tamen et'ex eventu navium suarum, et ex eo, quod obsides dare intermiserant, fore id, quod accidit, suspicabatur. Itaque 20 ad omnes casus 2subsidia comparabat. Nam et frumentum ex agris quotidie in castra conferebat, et, quae gravissime afflictae erant naves,a earum materia atque aere ad reliquas reficiendas utebatur, et, quaeb ad eas res erant usui' ex continenti conportari jubebat. Itaque, quum summo studiod a 25 militibus administraretur,e duodecim navibus amissis, reliquisf ut navigarie commode possetg effecit. XXXII. Dum ea geruntur, legione lex consuetudine una XXIX. b501, I.; 1218; 264, 7.-c565 & 1; 1337; 275, III. R. 3. -d390, 2; 853; 227, R. 2. XXX. a414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. —b570 & 1; 1365; 276, III. —Dist. bet. frumentum and commeatus. V. I. 39, n. 1.-d425 & 2; 916; 251. XXXT. a594, It.; 1386, Exc. 2d; 206 (3) & (a). - b445, 6; 689; 206 (4). —390, 2; 853; 227, R. 2.- 414 & 3; 873; 247, 2.-e301, 3; 451; 284, 2 (a). -f414 & 4; 873; 247, 3. -g549; 640; 209. R. 3 (6). 134 DE BELLO GALLICO. frumentatum" missa, quae appellabatur septima, neque ulla ad id tempus belli suspicione 2interposita, quum pars Shominum in agris remaneret, pars etiam in castra ventitaret,b ii, qui pro portis castrorum 4in statione erant, Caesari nunciaverunt, pul5 verem majorem, Squam consuetado ferret, in ea parte videri, quam in partem legio iter fecisset. Caesar id, 6quod erat, suspicatus, 7aliquid novi a barbaris initum" consilii,d Scohortes, quae in stationibus erant, secum in eam partem proficisci, 9ex reliquis duas in stationem cohortes succedere, reliquas armarie 10et confestim sese subsequi jussit. Quum paullo longius a castris processisset, suos ab hostibus premi atque aegre sustinere et, conferta legione, ex omnibus partibus tela conjici animadvertit. Nam quod, omni ex reliquis partibus demesso frumento, pars una erat reliqua, suspicati hostes, hue nostros 15 esse venturos, noctu in silvis delituerant; tum dispersos, depositis armis, in metendo occupatos, subito adorti, paucis interfectis, reliquos, l~incertis ordinibus,f perturbaverant: simul equitatu atque essedis circumdederant. XXXIII. Genus hoc est ex essedis pugnae: primo per 20 omnes partes perequitant et tela conjiciunt, atque lipso terrore equorum et strepitu rotarum ordines plerumque perturbant, et, quum se inter equitum turmas insinuaverunt, ex essedis desiliunt et pedibusa proeliantur. Aurlgae interim paullatir ex proelio excedunt, atque ita currus collocant, ut, si 2illi a 25 multitudine hostium premantur, expeditum ad suos receptum habeant. Ita'mobilitatem equitum, sVabilitatem peditum in proeliis praestant, ac tantum usu quotidiano et exercitatione efficiunt, uti in declivi ac praecipiti loco 4incitatos equos sustinere, et brevi moderari ac flectere, et per temonem percur30 rere, et in jugo insistere, et inde se in currus citissime recipere consuerint. XXXII.'569; 1360; 276, II.-b332, T. & 2; 584; 187, II. 1 (a & c). —551, I.; 1152; 270, R. 3.-d 396, 2 & 3) (3); 760; 212, R. 3, -'465, 1; 1203; 248, R. 1 (2). —f430; 972; 257, R. 7. XXXIII., 414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. LIBER QUARTUS. 135 XXXIV.'Quibus rebus perturbatis nostrisb novitate pugnae, tempore opportunissimo Caesar uxilium tulit; namque ejus adventuc hostes constiterunt,,nostrid se ex timore receperunt. Quo facto, ad lacessendum et ad committendum proelium alienum esse tempus arbitratus suo se locoe continuit, 5 et, brevi tempore intermisso, in castra legiones reduxit. Dum haec geruntur, nostris omnibus occupatis, qui erant in agris 2reliqui, 3discesserunt. Secutae sunt continuos complures diesf tempestates, quae et nostros in castris continerentg et hostem a pugna prohiberent.J Interim barbriri nuncios in 10 omnes partes dimiserunt paucitatemque nostrorum militum suis praedicaverunt, et, quanta praedae faciendae atque in perpetuum 4sui liberandi facultas daretur, si Romanos castris expulissent, demonstraverunt. 5His rebus celeriter magna multitudine peditatus equitatusque coacta, ad castra venerunt. 15 XXXV. Caesar, etsi idem, quod superioribus diebus acciderat, fore videbat, lut, si essent hostes pulsi, 2celeritate periculum effugerent; tamen nactus equites circiter triginta, quos Commius Atrebas, 3de quo ante dictum est, secum transportaverat, legiones in acie pro castris constituit. Commisso 20 proelio, diutius nostrorum militum impetum hostes ferre non potuerunt, ac terga Averterunt. Quos tanto spatioa secuti, quantum cursu et viribus efficere potuerunt, complures ex iis occiderunt; deinde omnibus longe lateque aedificiis incensis, se in castra receperunt. 25 XXXVI. Eodem dierlegati ab hostibus missi ad Caesarem de pace venerunt. Hisa Caesar numerum obsidum, quem lantea imperaverat, duplicavit eosque in continentem adduci jussit, quod, propinqua dieb 2aequinoctii, infirmis navibus,b XXXIV. a 414 & 2; 873; 247, 1._b430; 965; 257. —c414 & 2, or 426; 873, or 949; 247, 1, or 253, N. 1. -- d704, I. 1; 1378, 1st; 278, R. 6. —e422 & 1; 937; 254, R. 2 (b).- f378; 950; 236. —501, I.; 1218; 264, 1 (a) & (b). XXXV. a 378, 2; 958; 236. XXXVI. a 384; 855; 223.-b430; 972; 257, R. 7. 136 DE BELLO GALLICO. hiemi navigationem subjiciendam non existimabat. Ipse idoneam tempestatem nactus paullo post mediamc noctem naves solvit, quae omnes incoltmes ad continentem pervenerunt; sed ex iis onerariae duae 3eosdem, quos reliquae, portus ca5 pere non potuerunt, et paullo 4infra delatae sunt. XXXVII.'Quibus ex navibus quum essent expositi milites circiter trecenti, atque in castra contenderent, Morini, quos Caesar in Britanniam proficiscens 2pacatos reliquerat, spe praedae adducti primo non ita magno suorum numero circum10 steterunt, ac, si sese interfici nollent, arma ponere jusserunt. Quum illi, orbe facto, sese defenderent, celeriter ad clamorem hominum circiter milia sex convenerunt. Qua re nunciata, Caesar omnem ex castris equitatum suisa auxilio misit. Interim nostri milites impetum hostium sustinuerunt atque amplius 15 horisb quattuor fortissime pugnaverunt, et paucis vulneribus acceptis, complures ex his occiderunt. 3Postea vero qufam equitatus noster in conspectum venit, hostes, abjectis armis, terga verterunt, magnusque eorum numerus est occisus. XXXVIII. Caesar postero die Titum Labienum legatum 20 cum his legionibus, quas ex Britannia reduxerat, in Morinos, qui rebellionem fecerant, misit. Qui quum propter siccitates paludum, lquo se reciperent, non haberent, quo perfugio 2superiore anno fuerant usi, omnes fere in potestatem Labieni pervenerunt. At Q. Titurius et L. Cotta legati, qui in Menapio25rum fines legiones duxerant, omnibus eorum agris vastatis, frumentis succisis, aedificiis incensis, vcod Menapii se omnes in densissimas silvas abdiderant, se ad Caesarem receperunt. Caesar in Belgis omnium legionum hiberna constituit. 3Eo duae omnino civitates ex Britannia obsides miserunt: relio0 quae neglexerunt. His rebus gestis, ex literis Caesaris dierum viginti supplicatio a senatu decreta est. XXXVI. C441, 6; 662; 205, R. 17. XXXVII. 390; 84S; 227.- 417; 895; 256, 2. C. SALLUSTII.CRISPI CATILINA. ARGUMENT. THE INTRODUCTION, 1-4. The character of Catiline, 5. Virtues of the ancient Romans, 6-9. Degeneracy of their posterity, 10-13. Cat!line's associates and supporters, and the arts by which he collected them, 14. His crimes and wretchedness, 15. His tuition of his accomplices, and resolution to subvert the government, 16. His convocation of the conspirators, and their names, 17. His concern in a former conspiracy, 18, 19. Speech to the conspirators, 20. His promises to them, 21. His supposed ceremony to unite them, 22. His designs discovered by Fulvia, 23. His alarm on the election of Cicero to the consulship, and his design in engaging women in his cause, 24. His accomplice Sempronia characterized, 25. His ambition for the consulship, his plot to assassinate Cicero, and his disappointment of both, 26. His mission of Manlius into Etruria, and his second convention of the conspirators, 27. His second attempt to kill Cicero: his directions to Manlius well observed, 28. His machinations induce the senate to confer extraordinary power on the consuls, 29. His proceedings are opposed by various precautions, 30. His effrontery in the senate, 31. He sets out for Etruria, 32. His accomplice Manlius sends a deputation to Marcius, 33. His representations to various respectable characters, 34. His letter to Catulus, 35. * His arrival at Manlius's camp: he is declared an enemy by the senate: his adherents continue faithful and resolute, 36. The discontent and disaffection of the populace in Rome, 37. The old contentions between the patricians and plebeians, 38. The effect which a victory of Catiline would have produced, 39. The Allobroges are solicited to engage in the conspiracy, 40. They discover it to Cicero, 41. The incaution of Catiline's accomplices in Gaul and Italy, 42. The plan of his adherents at Rome, 43. The Allobroges succeed in obtaining proofs of the conspirators' guilt, 44. The Allobroges and Volturcius are arrested by the contrivance of Cicero, 45. The principal conspirators at Rome are brought before the senate, 46. The evidence against them, and their consignment to custody, 47. The alteration in the minds of the populace, and 138 C. SALLUSTII CRISPI the suspicions entertained against Crassus, 48. The attempts of Catulus and Piso to criminate Caesar, 49. The llans of Lentulus and Ccthegus for their rescue, and the deliberations of the senate, 50. The speech of Caesar on the mode of punishing the conspirators, 51. The speech of Cato on the same subject, 52. The condemnation of the prisoners: the causes of Roman greatness, 53. Parallel between Caesar and Cato, 54. The execution of the criminals, 55. Catiline's warlike preparations in Etruria, 56. He is compelled by Mctellus and Antonius to hazard an action, 57. Iis exhortation to his men, 58. His arrangements, and those of his opponents, for a battle, 59. His bravery, defeat, and death, 60, 61. I. Omnisa Ihomines,b qui sese" student praestared ceteris anirnalibus,~ 2summa opef niti decet, ne vitamg Ssilentioh transeanti veluti pecora, quae natura 4prona atque ventri obedientia finxit. Sed nostra omnis vis in animo et corpore sita est: 5'animi imperio, corporis servitio magis utimur: alterumJ nobisk1 cum diis, alterumr cum beluis commune est. Quom mihi rectius" videtur, 6ingenii quam virium opibusr gloriam quaerere, et, quoniam vita ipsa quaq fruimur brevis est, 7memoriam nostlrir 8quam maxume longam efficere. Nam diviti10 arum ct formae gloria 9fluxa atque fragilis est, virtus'~clara aeternaque habetur. Sed diu magnum inter mortalisa certamen fuit, llvine corporis an 12virtute animi res militaris magis procederet.8 Nam et priusquam incipias,t consulto, et ubi consulueris, mature factou opus est. Ita'3utrumque, per se 15 indigens, alterumv alterius auxiliow eget. II. lgitura initiob reges, (nam in terris nomen imperii id I. 154, 88, III.; 114, 193; 114, 2.-bDist. bet. homo, vir, and mas. V. n. 1. — 545, 184, 4; 1136; 239.-d 264, 2; 373, 2; 165, sto.-e386; 826; 224. —414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. - 371, 4, 1); 718; 233 (3).h414 & 3; 873; 247, 2, end of last paragraph. - 491; 1205; 262, & R 5. — 459; 665; 212, R. 2, N. 1 (b). —k 391; 863; 222, 3. —1 49; 191; 107.- m414 & 2; 873; 247, 1 (2). — r438, 3; 660; 205, R. 8 (a).- 549, 1; 640; 209, R. 3 (5).-P414 &4; 873; 247, 3.-'1419, I.; 880; 245, 1. —396, II.; 746; 211, R. 3 (a).-'525, 526, II 1; 1182, 1186; 265, & R, 2.-t523, II. & 1; 1241-2; 263, 3.-"419, V. 3, 1); 926, 1359; 243, R. 1 (a). - v363; 622; 204, R. 10.w419, III.; 907; 250, 2 (2). II. a602, III.; 1391, Exc. 2; 279, 3 (b). - b426, 1; 949; 253, N. 1. CATILINA. 139 primum fuit,) 2diversi, 3parsc ingenium, aliic corpus exercebant: etiamtum vita hominum sine cupiditate 4agitabatur; 5sua cuiqued satis placebant. 6Postea vero quam in Asia Cyrus, in Graecia Lacedaemonii et Athenienses coepere0 urbes atque nationes subigere, ilubidinemO dominandif caussamg 5 belli habere, maxumam gloriam in maxumo imperio putare, tur demum Spericuloh atque negotiis compertum est in bello plurimum ingenium posse. Quodsii regum atque imperatorum 9animi virtus in pace ita ut in bello valeret, aequabilius atque constantius sese res humanae haberent, l~neque aliudj 10 alio ferri, neque mutari ac misceri omnia cerneres.k Nam imperium facile iis "artibus retinetur, quibus initio partum est. Veruml ubi pro labore desidia, pro l2continentiam et aequitate lubido atque superbia invasere, fortuna simul cum moribus immutatur. Ita imperium semper ad optumum quem- 15 que" a minus bono'ltransfertur. 14Quae homines arant, navigant, aedificant,'5virtuti omnia parent. Sed multi mortales, dediti ventri atque somno, indoeti incultique vitam'6sicuti peregrinantes transiere; quibus profectoP contra naturam corpus voluptati,q anima oneriq fuit. Eorum ego vitam mor- 20 temque'Tjuxta aestimo, quoniam de utraque siletur. 8Verum enim vero "9is demum mihi vivere atque frui anima videtur, qui 20aliquo negotior intentus praeclari facinoris aut artis bonae famam quaerit. Sed in magna copia 2'rerum 22aliud aliij natura iter ostendit. 25 III. Pulchrum est bene facere reipublicaea; etiam bene dicere'haud absurdum est: vel paceb vel bello clarumn" fieri II. 0363; 629; 204, R. 10. - d385; 831; 223, R. 2. - e297; 1094; 259, R. 1 (2) (d).-f563; 1327; 275, 1., and III. R. 1. —373; 715; 230. - h414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. - 453, 6; 702; 206 (14). - 459, 1; 664; 207, R. 32 (a). - k510 & 1; 1267; 209, R. 7 (a). -'587, III. 2; 1369-71; 198, 9, R. (a). - mDist. bet. moderatio, continentia, and abstinentia. V. n. 12.- n602, T. 2; 1052; 207, R. 35 (b). -~235, 295, 2; 414; 162, 7 (b). -P335, 4 & 2); 594; 191, III.q 390; 848; 227.-r414 & 4; 873; 247, 3. II. ^385; 824; 225, I. & N. - b426, 1; 949; 253, N. 1.- C545, 2, 2); 546; 1142;269, R. 5. 140 C. SALLUSTII CRISPI licet; et qui 2fecere, et qui facta aliorum scripsere, multi laudantur. Ac Smihi quidem, tametsi haudquaquam par gloria sequitur scriptorem et auctorem rerum, tamen imprimis arduumd videture res 4gestas scribere: primum, quod 5facta 5 dictisf exaequanda sunt: deinde, quia plerique 6quaeg delicta reprehenderish malevolentia' et invidia dicta putant; ubi de magna virtute atque gloria bonorum memores, quae sibij quisquek facilia factul putat, aequo animom accipit; 7supra ea, veluti ficta pro falsis ducit. Sed ego adolescentulus initio,b 10 sicuti plerique, 8studio ad rempublicam latus sum, 9ibique mihi multa adversa fuere. Nam pro 0lpudore, pro abstinentia, pro virtute audacia, largitio, avaritia vigebant. Quae tametoi animus aspernabatur insolens malarum artium,n tamen inter tanta vitia imbecilla aetas ambitione "corrupta tenebatur; 15 lac me, quum ab reliquorum malis moribus dissentirem, nihilo0 minus honoris cupido, eademque quae ceteros, famai atque invidiai vexabat. IV. Igitur ubi animus ex multis miseriis atque periculis requievit, et mihia reliquamb aetatem a republica procul ha20bendam decrevi, non fuit consilium lsocordiac atque desidia 2bonum otium conterere, neque vero agrum colendod aut venando, servilibus officiis,e intentum aetatem agere, sed a quof incepto studioque me ambitio mala detinuerat, 4eodem regressus, statui res gestas populi Romani 5carptim, ut quae25 queg memoriah digna videbantur, perscribere; eoi magis, quod mihij a spe, metu, partibus reipublicae animus liber erat. III. d438, 3; 660; 205, R. 8 (a).- e549, 1;640; 209, R. 3 (5).f414 & 4; 873; 247. - g445, 6; 689; 206 (3) (a). - h531; 1291; 266, 2, 209, R. 7 (a). —414 & 2; 83; 247, 1. -i 391 & 1; 860; 222, R. l.-k602, I. 2; 1050; 279, 14.-1570 & 1; 1365; 276, III.m414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. —n399, 2, 2) (2); 765-7; 213. —~418; 929; 256, R. 16. IV. ^388, I.; 847; 225, III.- b441, 6; 662; 205, P. 17.- cDist. bet. ignavia, inertia, segnitia, desidia, socordia, and pigritia. V. n. 1.d564; 1332; 275, III. R. 2 & (1). - e363; 622; 204. - f445, 8; 690; 206 (3) & (a). - 445, 5; 678; 205, R. 7 (2), N. 1.- h419, IV.: 919; 244.- 414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. -J 391; 860; 222, 3. CATILINA. 141 Igitur de Catilinae conjuratione, quam verissume potero, paucisk 6absolvam. Nam id facinus imprimis ego memorabile existimo sceleris atque periculi novitate.i De cujus hominis moribus pauca prius explananda sunt, quam initium narrandi faciam.1 s V. Lucius Catilina, nobili generea natus, fuit magna vib et animi et corporis, sed lingenio' maloc pravoque. Huic ab 2adolescentia bella intestina, caedes, rapinae, discordia civilis, gratad fuere, 3ibique juventutem suam exercuit. Corpuse 4patiens inediae,f algoris, vigiliae, supra quam cuiquam credi- 10 bile est. Animuse audax, subdolus, varius, 5cujus rei lubet simulatorg ac dissimulator, alienif appetens, suih profusus, ardens in cupiditatibus: satis eloquentiae,i sapientiaea parum: 6vastus animus immoderata, incredibilia, nimis alta semper cupiebat. Hune 7post dominationem L. Sullae lubido maxu- 15 ma invaserat reipublicae capiundaek; 8neque id quibus modis assequeretur,' dum sibi regnum pararet,m quidquam pensi" habebat. Agitabatur magis magisque 9in dies animus ferox inopia rei familiaris et conscientia scelerum, quae~ utraque ~iis artibus auxerat, quas supra memoravi. IncitabantP prae- 20 terea corrupti civitatis mores, quos pessuma ac "diversa inter se mala, luxuriaq atque avaritia,q 2vexabant.P 13Res ipsa hortari videtur, quoniamrde moribus civitatis 14tempus admonuit, 5supra repetere, ac paucis instituta majorum domi militiaeque,8 16quomodo rempublicam habuerint' quantamque 25 reliquerint,' ut, paulatim immutata, ex pulcherruma atque optuma, pessuma ac flagitiosissuma facta sit,' disserere. IV. k414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. - 1523, II. & 2); 1241, & Obs. 3; 263, 3. V. a425, 3 & 1); 918; 246. - b428 & 2; 888; 211, R. 8 (2), & R. 6. - "Dist bet. mnalus, pravus, and nequam. V. n.. -d 439, 3; 654; 205, R. 2 (2). —460, 3; 639; 209, R. 4.-f 399 & 2, 1); 765; 213.IDist. bet. simulator and dissimulator. V. n. 5.-h399, 2 & 2);'776; 213. - i396, 2 & 4) (1); 1005; 212, R. 4. -i 441, 2; 658; 205, R. 7 (2). — k238; 324; 162, 20.-1525; 1182; 265. —m505; 1259; 263, 2 (1).-"396, 2 & 3) (3); 760; 212, R. 3.-~439, 3; 697; 205, R. 2, N. — P468; 1087; 145, IT. -q 363; 622; 204. —r311, 7; 1250; 198, 7, & R. (b). —424, 2; 943; 221, R. 3. 142 C. SALLUSTII CRISPI VI. Urbem Romam, sicuti ego accepi, condidere atque habuere initio Trojani,. qui, Aeneaa duce, profiugi,'sedibusa incertis, vagabantur, cumque iis Aborigines, genus hominum agreste, sine legibus, sine imperio, liberum atque solutum. 5 Hi postquam in unab moenia convenere, 2dispari genere,a dissimili lingua," 3aliusC alio more viventes, incredibile memoratud este quam facile coaluerint.f Sed postquam 4res eorum civibus,h moribus, agris aucta,g satis prospera satisque pollens videbatur, 5sicuti pleraque mortalium habentur, invidia ex 10 opulentia orta est. Igitur reges populique finitumi bello tentare': pauci exj amicis auxiliok esse: nam ceteri metu perculsi a periculis aberant. At Romani dorni' militiaeque intenti 6festinare,m parare,i aliusc alium hortari,i hostibus" obviam ire,i libertatem, patriam parentesque armis tegere.1 Post, ubi peri15 cula virtute propulerant, sociis atque amicis 7auxiliao portabant, magisque dandisquarn accipiundis beneficiis amicitias parabant. 8Imperium legitumum, nomen imperii regium habebant: delecti, quibusP corpus annisq infirmum, ingenium sapientiaq validum erat, reipublicae 9consultabant. Ii vel aetate vel curae 20 similitudine patres appellabantur. Post, ubi regium imperium, quod initio l~conservandae libertatisr atque augendae reipublicaer fuerat, in superbiam dominationemque convertit,8 immutato more, annua limperia "binosque imperatores sibi fecere: eo modo minime posse putabant 13per licentiam insolescere 25 animum humanum. VII.'Sed ea 2tempestatea coepere 3se quisqueb extollere VI. a430; 972; 257, R. 7 (a). —b176, 1; 203,3; 118, R. 2. —459, 1; 664; 207, R. 32 (b), 204, R. 10. - d570 & 1; 1365; 276, III. - eSubjectof est?-f 525; 1182; 265.- 704, I. 2; 1378, 2d; 323, 1 (b) (2) (a;).-h429; 889; 250, 1. - 545, 1; 1137; 209, R. 5, & N. 7. i398, 4; 775; 212, R. 2, N. 4.- k390, 2; 853; 227, & R. 2.-1424, 2; 943; 221, R. 3. -mDist. bet. propero and festino. V. n. 6.- 392 & 2; 870; 228 & 1. 0132; 177 (2); 95, R. - P391; 860; 222, 3.-'i 414 & 2; 873; 247, 1 (1). - r563, 5; 1330; 275, III. R. 1 (5).-'471, iI.; 1094; 259, R. 1 (2) (d). VII. a Dist. bet. dies, tempus, tempestas, diu, and interdiu. V. n. 2.b451 & 3; 681; 209, R. 11 (4). CATILINA. 143 magis, 4magisque ingenium in promptu habere. Nam regibuse'boni quam mali suspectiores sunt, semperque iis aliena virtus formidolosa est. Sed civitas, incredibile memoratud est,e adeptaf libertate, quantum 6brevi creveritg: tanta cupido gloriae 7incesserat. Jam primum juventus, simul ac 8belli pa- 5 tiens erat, in castris per laborem usu militiam "discebat, magisque in decoris armis et militaribus equis quam in scortis atque conviviis lubidinem habebant.h Igitur talibus viris non labos insolitus, non locus ullus asper aut arduus erat, non armatus hostis formidolosus; virtus omnia domuerat. Sed gloriae 10 maxumum certamen inter'~ipsos erat: sei quisque hostem ferire,i murum ascendere,i conspici,i dum tale facinus faceret, "properabat: 12easj divitias,J eamj bonam famamj magnamque nobilitatemj putabant: laudisk avidi, pecuniae' liberales erant: ~gloriam ingentem, divitias honestas volebant. Memorare pos- 15 sem,m quibus in locis maxumas hostium copias populus Romanus parva manu fuderit,g quas urbes natura munitas pugnando ceperit,? 13ni ea res longius" nos ab incepto traheret.m VIII. Sed profecto fortuna in omni re dominatur: Lea res cunctas 2ex lubidine magis quam ex vero'celebrat obscurat- 20 que. Atheniensium res gestae, sicuti ego aestimo, satis amplae magnificaeque fuere, verum 4aliquantoa minores tamen quam fama feruntur. Sed quia provenere ibi scriptorum magna ingenia, per terrarum orbem Atheniensium facta 5pro maxumis celebrantur. Ita eorum, qui ea fecere, virtus tanta habe- 25 tur, quantum ea verbis potuere extollere praeclara ingenia. At populob Romano numquam 6ea copiafuit, quia7prudentissumus quisquec maxume negotiosusd erat: ingenium nemo sine corpore exercebat: optumus quisquec faceree quam dicere,e VII. ~391; 860; 222, 3.-d570 & 1; 1365; 276, III. —Subject of est? — f 221, 2; 1346; 162, 17 (a). — g525; 1182; 265. - h461; 648-9; 209, R. 11 (2).-i545, 551, II. & 1; 1136, 1153; 239,273, 4 (a). - 373; 715; 230. - k 399; 765-6; 213. - 1399, 2, 2) (3); 77'6; 213, R. 5 (1). -"m10; 1267-8; 261, 1.-"444, 1; 902; 256, R. 9 (a). VIII. a 418; 929;256, R. 16. —b387; 7'21; 226. —458, 1; 1052; 207, R. 35 (b).-d 323; 570;, 128, 4.-e545, 2 & 1), 552; 1148; 270. 7 J 144 C. SALLUSTII CRISPI sua ab aliis bene factaf laudari quam ipse 8aliorum narraree malebat. IX. Igitur domia militiaeque boni mores colebantur: concordia maxuma, minuma avaritia erat: jus bonumque apud 5 eos non legibusb magis quam naturab valebat.c Jurgia, discordias, simultates cum hostibus exercebant: cives cum civibus de virtute certabant: 2in suppliciis deorum magnifici, domi parci, 3in amicis fideles erant. Duabus his artibus, audacia in bello, ubi pax evenerat, aequitate, 4seque remque publicam io curabant. Quarum rerum ego maxuma documenta haec habeo: quod ind bello saepius 5vindicatum est in eos, qui contra imperium in hostem pugnaverant, quique tardius revocati proelio excesserant, 6quam qui 7signa relinquere aut pulsi 81ocoe cedere ausi erant; in pace vero, quod 9beneficiis quam 15 metu imperium agitabant, et, accepta injuria, ignoscere quam persequi malebant. X. Sed ubi labore8 atque justitia respublica crevit,b reges magni belloc domiti,d nationese ferae et'populi ingentes vic subacti,d Carthago, aemula imperii Romani, ab stirpe interiit,b 20 cuncta maria terraeque patebantf; saevire fortuna ac miscere omnia coepit. Qui labores, pericula, dubias atque asperas res facile toleraverant, iis,g otium divitiaeque, 2optandah aliis,i onerig miseriaeque fuere. Igitur primo pecuniae, deinde imperii cupido crevit: eah quasi 3materies omnium malorum 25 fuere. Namque avaritia fidem, probitatem ceterasque 4artes bonas subvertit: pro his superbiam, crudelitatem, deos 5neglegereJ omnia venalia haberej edocuit: ambitio multos mortalis falsos fieri subegit; aliud clausum in pectore, aliud in lingua VIII. f545; 1136; 239, 273, 4 (a). IX.'424, 2; 943; 221, R. 3. - b414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. —463, 3; 644; 209, R. 12 (2). —d426, 2, 2); 953; 253, N. 1.-e425, 2; 916; 251. X. a414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. b471, II.; 1094; 259, R. 1 (2) (d).0414 & 4; 873; 247, 3.-d 460, 3; 639; 209, R. 4.- eDist. bet. gens, natio, civitas, and populus. V. n. 1. - f468; 1087; 145, II. - g390; 848; 227. —h439, 2 & 3); 654; 205, R. 2 (2).-'388, I.; 847; 225, IIr.-J 550; 1148; 270, 229, R. 5. CATILINA. 145 promptum habere; amicitias inimicitiasque, non 6ex re, sed ex commodo, aestimare, magisque 7voltum quam ingenium bonum habere. Haec primo paulatim crescere,k interdum vindicarik: post, ubi 8contagio, quasi pestilentia, invasit,b civitas immutatad; imperium ex justissumo atque optumo crudele intole- 5 randumque factum.d XI. Sed primo magis ambitio quam avaritia animos hominum exercebat, 1quod tamen vitium propius virtutema erat. Nam gloriam, honorem, imperium bonus et ignavus aeque sibi exoptant; sed illeb 2vera viac nititur, huicb quia 10 3bonae artes desunt, dolis atque fallaciis contendit. Avaritia pecuniae studium 4habet, quam nemo sapiens concupivit: ea, quasi'venenis malis imbuta, corpus animumque virilem effeminat; semper infinita, insatiabilis est; neque copia neque inopia minuitur. Sed postquam L. Sulla, 6armis recepta re- 1 publica, 7bonis initiisd malos eventus habuit, raperel omnes, traheree: domum alius, alius agros cuperee: neque modum neque modestiam victores haberee: foeda crudeliaque 8in civibus facinora facere.e Huc accedebat, quod L. Sulla exercitum, quem in Asia 9ductaverat, quo sibi fidum faceret,f contra mo-20 rem majorum luxuriose nimisque liberaliter habuerat. Locag amoena, voluptaria facile'~in otio feroces militum animos molliverant. Ibi primum insuevit exercitus populi Romani "amare, 12potare,h signa, tabulas pictas, vasa caelata mirari, ea 3privatim ac publice rapere, delubra spoliare, sacra profa- 25 naque omnia polluere. Igitur hi milites, postquam victoriam adepti sunt, 4nihil reliquii victisj fecere. Quippe secundae res sapientium animos 15fatigant, l6ne illi corruptis moribus victoriaek temperarent. X. k545, 1; 1137; 209, R. 5, & N. 7. XI. a391, 2, 2), 433; 867; 238, 1 (a). —b450, 2 & 1); 1029; 201, 23 (a). —414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. - 430 972; 257, R. 7.- e545, 1; 1137; 209, R. 5, & N. 7. - f489, 497; 1205; 262, R. 9. -'141; 186; 92, I. 2. - hDist. bet. poto and bibo. V. n. 12. - i396, 2 & 1); 160-2; 212, & R. 1. - 384 & I.; 818; 223.-k 385, 3; 831; 223, R. 2, & (1) (a). 146 C. SALLUSTII CRISPI XII. Postquam divitiae honoria esse coepere et eas gloria, imperium, potentia sequebatur,b hebescere virtus, paupertas probroc haberi, linnocentia pro malevolentia duci coepit. Igitur 2ex divitiis juventutem luxuria atque avaritia cum superbia 5 invasere: rapere,d consumered; sua parvie pendere,d aliena cupere,d 3pudorem,f pudicitiam,f divina atque humanaf promiscua, nihilf pensig neque moderatig habere.d 40peraeh pretium est, quum domos atque villas cognoveris in urbium modum exaedificatas, visere templa deorum, quae nostri majores, re0 ligiosissumi mortales, fecere. Verum illik delubra deorum pietate, domos suas gloria decorabant, neque victisi quidquam praeter injuriae licentiam eripiebant. At hik contra ignavissumi homines per summum scelus omnia ea sociisi adimere,d quae fortissumi viri victores reliquerant; proinde quasi inju15 riam facere 5id demum esset1 imperio uti. XIII. Nam quida ea memorem, quae, nisi iis qui videre, nemini credibilia sunt: a privatis compluribus'subversos montes, maria constructa esse.c Quibusd mihi videntur ludibriod fuisse divitiae, 2quippe quas honeste habere licebat, 203abuti per turpitudinem properabant. Sed lubido stupri, ganeae ceterique 4cultus non minor incesserat: * * * * * 5vescendi caussa terra marique omnia exquireree; dormiree priusquam somni cupido esset; non famem aut sitim, neque frigus neque lassitudinem opperiri,e sed ea omnia luxu ante25 capere.e Haec juventutem, ubi familiares opes defecerant, ad facinora incendebant. Animus imbutus malis artibus 6haud facile lubidinibus carebat: eof profusius omnibus modis 7quaestui atque sumptuig deditus erat. XI[. a 390, 2; 853; 227, & R. 2.-b463, I.; 644; 209, R. 12 (2). — c390, 1, 2) & 2; 850; 227, R. 1. d545, 1; 1137; 209, R. 5. — e402, III. & 1; 799; 214.- f373 & 1; 715; 230. - 396, 2 & 1; 760; 212, R. 1. - h395; 751; 211.-'386, 2; 855; 222, 2 (b), 224, R. 2.-k450, 1; 1029; 207, R. 23.-1503, II.; 1277; 263, 2. XIII. a454, 2; 731; 235, R. 11.- b485, 486, II; 1180-1 260, R, 5. —363, 553, II.; 622,'1148; 204, R. 9.-d390; 848; 227.-'545, 1; 1137; 209, R. 5. - f414 & 2; 873: 247, 1 - gDist. bet. sumptus and impensae. V. Caes. I. 18. n. 9. CATILINA. 147 XIV. In tanta tamque corrupta civitate, Catilina, ida quod factub facillimum erat, omnium lflagitiorum atque facinorum circum se, tamquam 2stipatorum,c catervas habebat. Nam quicumque impudicus, adulter, ganeo, 3manu, ventre,* * bona patria laceraverat; quique 4aes alienum grande conflaverat, 5 quo 5flagitiume aut facinus 6redimeretf; praeterea omnes undique parricidae, sacrilegi, 7convicti judiciis, aut pro factis judicium timentes; 8ad hoc, quos 9manus atque lingua perjurio aut sanguine civili alebat; postremo omnes, quos flagitium, egestas, ~0conscius animus exagitabat; ii Catilinae "proxumi o1 familiaresque erant. Quodsi quis etiam a culpa vacuus in amicitiam ejus inciderat, quotidiano usu atque illecebris facile 1par similisque ceteris efficiebatur. Sed maxume adolescentium familiaritatesg appetebat; eorum animi molles et aetateh fluxi dolis haud difficulter capiebantur. Nam ut cujusque 15 studium 13ex aetate flagrabat, aliis scorta praebere,i aliis canes atque equos mercari,i postremo neque sumptuij neque 14modestiae suae parcere,i dum illos'5obnoxios fidosque sibi faceret.k Scio fuisse nonnullos, qui 6ita existimarent,1 juventutem, quae domum Catilinae frequentabat,m'7parum honeste pudicitiam20 habuisse; sed ex aliis rebus magis, quam quod cuiquam id compertum foret, haec fama valebat. XV. Jam primum adolescens Catilina multa nefanda stupra fecerat cum virgine nobili, cum sacerdote Vestae, alia hujuscemodi contra Ijus fasque. Postremo captus amore25 Aureliae Orestillae, cujus praeter formam nihil umquam bonus laudavit, quod ea 2nuberec illib dubitabat timens 3privignum XIV. a44.5, 7; 243; 206 (13) (a) & (b), - b570 & 1; 1365; 276, III. - cDist. bet. stipator and satelles. V. n. 2.- eDist. bet. maleficium, facinus, flagitium, scelus, and nefas. V. n. 5. - f489, I.; 497; 1205; 262, R. 9. —130, 2; 177 (2); 95, R.-b414& 2; 873; 247, 1 (1)-'545, 1; 1137; 209, R. 5. - i 385; 831; 223, R. 2.- k521, I., 522, ][.; 1259; 263,2 (1). — 529; 1291; 266, 2. - 531, 4; 1293; 266, 2, R. 5. XV. ^ 396, 2 & 1; 760; 212, & R 1. — b385 & 2 831; 223, R. 2. "Dist. bet, nubere and ducere. V. n. 2. 148 C. SALLUSTII CRISPI adulta aetate,d pro certo 4creditur,e necato 5filio, vacuam domum scelestis nuptiisf fecisse. Quae quidem res mihi in primis videtur caussa fuisse 6facinoris maturandi. Namque animus impurus, diis hominibusque infestus 7neque vigiliisg neque 5 quietibus sedari poterat; sita conscientia mentem excitam vastabat. Igitur color ejus exsanguis, foedi oculi, citus modo, modo tardus incessus, prorsus in 9facieh vultuque vecordia inerat. XVI. Sed juventutem,a quam, ut supra diximus, illexerat, 10 multis modis mala facinoraa edocebat. Ex illis testes signatoresque 1falsos 2commodareb: 3fidem, 4fortunas, pericula vilia habere, post, ubi eorum famam atque 5pudorem attriverat, majora alia imperabat: si caussa peccandi in praesens 6minus suppetebat, nihilo minus 7insontes sicuti sontes 8circumvenire,b Isjugulareb: scilicet, ne per otium torpescerent manus aut animus, 9gratuito potius malus atque crudelis erat. His amicisc sociisque confisus Catilina,'~simul quod "aes alienum per omnis terras ingens erat, et quod plerique 12Sullani milites, largiusd suo usi, rapinarum et victoriae 13veteris memores, 20 civile bellum l4exoptabant,e opprimundaef reipublicae consilium cepit. In Italianullus exercitus: Cn. Pompeius in 5extremis terris bellum gerebat: 16ipsig 17consulatum petenti magna spes: senatus'8nihil sane intentus: tutae tranquillaeque res omnes; sed 19ea prorsus opportuna Catilinae. 25 XVII. Igitur'circiter Kalendas Junias, L. Caesare et C. Figulo consulibus, primo singulos appellareb: hortari alios, Salios tentare: opes suas, imparatam rempublicam, magna XV. d 428; 888; 211, R. 6.- e704, III. 4; 1380, 6th; 323, 3 (5). -f 131, 1, 4); 855; 96. —414 & 4; 873; 247, 3.-hDist. bet. facies, os, oculi, and vultus. V. n. 9. XVI. a 374; 734; 231.- b545, 1; 1137; 209, R. 5. - c385 & 1; 833, N.; 223, R. 2. —444, 1; 902; 256, R. 9 (a).-eForce of ex in this word? — 238, 562 & 1; 324; 162, 20, 275, II. —387; 821; 226. XVII. a 708, 2; 1527; 326, 2. (1), & (5) (b). - b545, 1; 1137; 209, R. 5. CATILINA. 149 praemia conjurationis docere. Ubi satis explorata suntc quae voluit, 4in unum omnis convocat,d quibus maxuma 5necessitudo et plurimum audaciae inerat. Eo convenere senatorii ordinis P. Lentulus Sura, P. Autronius, L. Cassius Longinus, C. Cethegus, P. et Servius Sullae, Servii filii, L. Vargunteius, 5 Q. Annius, M. Porcius Laeca, L. Bestia, Q. Curius: praeterea ex equestri ordine M. Fulvius Nobilior, L. Statilius, P. Gabinius Capito, C. Cornelius: ad hoc multi ex coloniis et municipiis domie nobiles. Erant praeterea complures paulo occultius consilii hujusce participes nobiles, quos magis domi- 10 nationis spes hortabatur, quam inopiaf aut alia 5necessitudo. Ceterum 6juventus pleraque, sed maxume nobilium, Catilinae inceptis favebat: quibusg in otio vel magnifice vel molliter 7vivere copia erat, incerta pro certis, bellum quam pacem malebant. Fuere item 8ea tempestate, quig crederent,h M. Lici- 15 nium Crassum non ignarum ejus consilii fuisse; "quia Cn. Pompeius, invisus ipsi,i magnum exercitum ductabat, cujusvis opes 0voluisse contra illius potentiam crescere; simul confisum, si conjuratio valuisset, facile apud lillos principem se fore. 20 XVIII. Sed lantea item conjuravere pauci contra rempublicam, in quibus Catilina fuit; 2de qua, quam verissume potero, dicam. 3L. Tullo, M'. Lepido consulibus, P. Autronius et P. Sulla, 4designati consules, legibus8 5ambitus interrogati, 6poenas dederant. Post paulo Catilina, 7pecuniarum 25 repetundarum reus, prohibitus erat consulatum petere, quod intra legitimos dies profiteri nequiverat. Erat eodem tempore Cn. Piso, adolescens nobilis, summae audaciae,b egens, factiosus, quem ad perturbandam rempublicam inopia atque mali mores stimulabant. Cum hoc Catilina et Autronius circiter 30 xvrI.'471, II.; 1094; 259, R. 1 (2) (d).-d467, III.; 1082; 145, I. 3. - e424, 2; 943; 221, R. 3. - Dist. bet. paupertas, inopia, egestas, and mendicitas. V. Caes. I. 27, n. 1. - g445, 6; i89; 206 (4). — 501 & I.; 1227; 264, 6.-'391 860; 222, 3. XVIII. a 414 & 2; 8"'3; 247, 1.-,395, 396, IV. 757; 211, R. 6. 150 C. SALLUSTII CRISPI'Nonas Decembrisf, consilio communicato, parabant in Capitolio Kalendis ~Januariis L. Cottam et L. Torquatum consules interficere, ~'ipsi, fascibus correptis, Pisonem cum exercitu ad;obtinendasd duas "Hispanias mittere. Ea re cognita, rursus.5 in Nonas Februarias consilium caedis transtulerant. 12Jam turn non consulibus modo, sed plerisque senatoribus perniciem machinabantur. lQuodnie Catilina maturasset pro curia signum sociis dare, eo die post conditamf urbem Romam pessumum facinus patratum foret: quia nondum frequentes 10 armati convenerant, ea res consilium diremit. XIX. Postea Piso in'citeriorem Hispaniam quaestor 2pro praetore missus est, 3adnitente Crasso, quod eum infestum 4inimicumque Cn. Pompeio cognoverat. Neque tamen senatus provinciam invitus" dederat, quippe foedum hominem a repub15 lica procul esse volebat: simulb quia boni complures 5praesidium in eo putabant; 6et jam turn potentia Pompeii formidolosa erat. Sed is Piso inC provincia ab equitibus Hispanis, quos in exercitu ductabat, iter faciens occisus est. 7Sunt qui ita dicunt, imperia ejus injusta, superba, crudelia barbaros o0nequivisse pati; alii autem equites illos, Cn. Pompeii veteres fidosque 8clientes, voluntated ejus Pisonem aggressose; numquam Ilispanos 9praeterea tale facinus fecisse, sed imperia saeva multa antea perpessos.e Nos eam rem "in medio relinquemus. De superiore conjuratione satis dictum. 25 XX. Catilina, ubi eos, quos lpaulloa ante memoravi, convenisse videt, tametsi cum singulis multa saepe egerat, tamen 2in rem fore credens universos" appellare et cohortari, in abditam partem'aedium secedit, atque ibi, omnibus arbitiis procul amotis, orationem hujuscemodic habuit. " Ni virtus fidesque XVIII. c708, 2; 1527; 326, 2 (5) (b). —d565 & 1; 1337; 275, II. e453, 6; 702; 206 (14).-f580; 1357; 274, R. 5 (a). XIX. a 443; 663; 205, R. 15. -'Force of simul alone? V. Caes. 11. 9, n, 4. - 435, 1; 988; 235 (2).- d414 & 2; 873; 247, 1.e530, I.; 1152; 270, R 3. XX. a 418 * 929 256, R. 16 (3).-bDist. bet. omnis, universus cunctus, and totus. V. Caes. I. 1, n. 2. —396, IV. 1 & 1); 757; 211, R. 6 & (5). CATILINA. 151 vestra spectatad mihie forent, nequicquamf opportuna res cecidisset, spes magna, dominatio in manibus frustra fuissent; neque egog 5per ignaviam aut vana ingenia incerta pro certis captarem. Sed quia multis et magnis 6tempestatibus vos cognovi fortes fidosque mihi, eo' animus ausus est maxumum i atque pulcherrumum facinus incipere,j simul quia vobisk eadem 7quae mihik bona malaque esse intellexi; 8nam idem velle atque idem nolle, ea' demum firma amicitia est. Sed ego quae mente agitavi, omnes jam antea 9diversi audistis. Ceterum mihi"m in dies magis animus accenditur, quum considero, 10 quae conditio vitae futura sit,n nisi nosmet ipsi~'~vindicamus in libertatem. Nam postquam respublica "in paucorum potentium jus atque ditionem concessit, semper illis reges, tetrarchae vectigales esseP 12populi, nationes stipendia pendereP; ceteri omnes, strenui, boni, nobiles atque ignobiles 3vulgus 15 fuimus, sine gratia, sine auctoritate, iis obnoxii, quibus,a si respublica valeret,r formidiniq essenus. Itaque omnis gratia, potentia, honos, divitiae apud illos sunt aut, ubi illi volunt: nobis reliquere pericula, repulsas, judicia, egestatem. Quaes quousque 14tandem patiemini, fibtissumi viri? nonnet emori per20 virtutem praestat, quam vitam miseram atque inhonestam, ubi alienae superbiaeq ludibrioq fueris,u per dedecus amittere? 5Verum enim vero pro deumv atque hominum fidem' victoria in manu nobism est: viget aetas, animus valet: contra illis'" annis atque divitiis 6omnia consenuerunt: tantummodo in-25 ceptox opus est; 7cetera res expediet. Etenim quis mortalium,y cui virile ingenium inest, tolerare potest, illis divitias XX. d439, 3; 654; 205, R. 2, N. -e388, II.; 844-5; 225, II.fDist. bet. frustra, nequidquam, and incassumn. V. Caes. III. 14, n. 1. -- 9446; 1013; 209, R. 1 (a) & (b). -'414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. -i Dist. bet. incipio, ordior, inchoo, and coepi. V. Caes. II. 2, n. 3.-k 389; 838-9; 228, N. - 1445, 4; 695; 206 (13) (c). - m398, 5 392, 1; 818; 211, R. 5 (1). —525; 1182; 265.- 452,1; 1035; 207, R. 28 (a). - P545, 1; 1137; 209, R. 5. - q 390 848; 227. -r510; 1267; 261, 1. -453, 701; 206, R. 17. - t346, I. 1, 2); 1106; 198; 11, R. (c). - u485, 486, III.- 1218; 260, & N. - 45, 6; 66; 53. —381 725; 238, 2.- X419, V.; 926; 243. - 396, 2, 3) (1); 771; 212, R. 2. 7* 152 C. SALLUSTII CRISPI Ssuperare, quas profundantz in l9exstruendo mari et montibus coaequandis, nobis rem familiarem etiam ad necessaria deesse? illos binas aut 2amplius domos continuare, nobis 21larem familiarem nusquam ullum esse? Quum tabulas, signa, 5 22toreumata emunt, nova diruunt, alia aedificant, postremo omnibus modis pecuniam 2trahunt, vexant, tamen summa lubidine divitias suas vincere nequeunt. At nobis est domi inopia, foris aes alienum, 24mala res, spes multo asperior: denique quid reliqui habemus praeter miseram animanm? 25Quin o igitur expergiscimini! En illa, illa, quam saepe optastis, libertas, praeterea divitiae, decus, gloria in oculis sita sunt! fortuna omnia ea victoribus praemiaaa posuit. Res, tempus, pericula, egestas, belli spolia magnifica magis quam oratio mea vos hortentur.bb Vel imperatorea vel milite me utimini; 5 neque animus neque corpus a vobis aberit. Haec ipsa, ut spero, vobiscum una consula agam, 26nisi forte me animus fallit, et vos servire magis quam imperare parati estis." XXI. Postquam accepere ea homines, quibus mala abunde omnia erant, sed neque res neque spes bona ulla, ta20 metsi illis'quieta movere magna 2merces" videbatur,b tamen postularet plerique, ut proponeret quae conditio belli foret, quae armis praemia peterent, 3quid ubique opis aut spei haberent. Tur Catilina polliceric 4tabulas novas, proscriptionem locupletium, magistratus, sacerdotia, rapinas, alia omnia quae 25 bellum atque lubido victorum Sfert.d Praeterea 6esse in Hispania 7eiteriore Pisonem, in Mauritania cum exercitu P. Sittium Nucerinum, consiliie sui participes; 8petere consulatum C. Antonium, quem sibi collegam fore speraret, hominemf et familiarem et omnibus 9necessitudinibus circumventum; l~cum 30 eo se consulem initium agendi facturum. Ad hoc maledictis XX. z501. I.; 1291; 264, 1 (a) & (b). -" 363; 622; 204, R. 1.bb487, 488, L; 1193; 260, R. 6. XXI. -Dist. bet. praemiium, pretium, and merces. V. n. 2. - b556, I.; 66'7; 210, R. 3 (3) (c).-c545, 1; 1137' 209, R. 5. —d463, 3; 644; 209, R. 12 (2).-e399, & 2, 2); 776; 213.-f 363 622; 204. CATILINA. 153 increpat omnis bonos; suorum unumquemque nominans laudare": admonebat alium egestatis,g alium lcupiditatisg suae, complures periculig aut ignominiaeg multos victoriaeg Sullanae, quibush ea praedaeh fuerat. Postquam omnium animos alacres videt, cohortatus ut 2petitionem suam curaei haberent, 5 conventum dimisit. XXII. Fuere ea tempestate, qui dicerent," Catilinam, oratione habita, quum ad jusjurandum'populares sceleris sui adigeret, humani corporis sanguinem vino permixtum in pateris circumtulisse; 2inde quum post 3exsecrationem omnes 10 degustavissent, sicuti in sollemnibus sacris fieri consuevit, aperuisse consilium suum, atque 4eo, dictitare, fecisse, quo inter se fidi magis forent,'alius aliib tanti facinorisc conscii. Nonnulli ficta et haec et multa praeterea existimabant ab iis, qui 6Ciceronis invidiam, quae postea orta est, leniri credebant 15 atrocitate sceleris eorum, qui poenas dederant. Nobisd ea res 7pro magnitudine parum comperta est. XXIII. Sed lin ea conjuratione fuit Q. Curius, natus 2haud obscuro loco," flagitiisb atque facinoribus coopertus, quem censores senatuc probri 3gratia moverant. Huic hominid non 20 minor 4vanitas inerat quam audacia: neque reticeree quae audierat, neque suametf 5ipseg scelera occultaree: 6prorsus neque dicere neque facere quidquam pensi habebat. Erat eih cum Fulvia, muliere nobili, 7stupri vetus consuetudo; cui quum minus gratus esset, quia inopia1 minus largiri poterat, repente 25 glorians 8maria montesque 9pollicerij coepit, minari interdum ferro, nisi obnoxia foret, postremo ferocius l~agitare quam solitus erat. At Fulvia, "insolentiae Curii caussa cognita, tale XXI. 9410; 793; 218.- h390, 848; 227.1-390, 2; 853; 221, R 2 Sc. sibi. XXII. 501, I.; 12'27: 264, 6.- b391; 864; 222, R. 1.-c399 & 6; 65; 213, 222, R. 3.-d388, 11.; 844; 225, II. XXIIL a425 & 3, 1); 918 246.- bDist. bet. facinus and flagitium. V. XIV. n 5.-c425 & 3, 3): 916; 251. d 386; 820; 224, - e545, 1; 1137; 209, R. 5. —f 185, 1; 233; 139, R. 1. —gForce of ipse? V. n. 5.-h387; 821; 226. —'Dist. bet. paupertas, inopia, egestas, and mendicitas. V. Caes. I. 27, n. 1. - i Dist. bet polliceor, promitto, and recipio. V. n. 9. 154 C. SALLUSTII CRISPI periculum reipublicae haud occultum habuit, sed, 12sublato auctore, de Catilinae conjuratione,quae 13quoque modo audierat, compluribus narravit. Ea res in primis studia hominum accendit ad consulatum mandandum M. Tullio Ciceroni. 5 Namque antea'4pleraque nobilitas invidia 15aestuabat, et quasi pollui consulatum credebant,k si eurn, quamvis egregius, 16homo novus adeptus foret. Sed ubi periculum advenit, invidia atque superbia t7postfuere. XXIV. Igitur, comitiis habitis, consules declarantur M. 1o Tullius et C. Antonius; Iquod factum primo populares conjurationis concusserat; neque tarnen Catilinae furor minuebatur, sed in dies plura agitare,a arma per Italiam locis opportunis parare,a pecuniam, sua aut amicorum fide 2sumptam mutuam, Faesulasb ad Manlium quemdam 3portare,a qui 15 postea 4princepsC fuit belli faciundi. Ea tempestate plurimos cujusque generis homines adscivisse sibi diciturd; mulieres etiam aliquot, quae primo ingentise sumptus stupro corporis toleraverant, post, ubi aetas tantummodo quaestui 5neque luxuriae modum fecerat, aes alienum grande conflaverant. Per 20eas se Catilin4 credebat posse servitia urbana sollicitare, urbem incendere, viros earum vel adjungere sibi vel interficere. XXV. Sed in iis erat 1Sempronia, quae multa saepe virilis audaciaea facinora commiserat. Haec mulier 2genereb atque 25 forma, praeterea virob atque liberis satis fortunata fuit;literisb Graecis atque Latinis docta, psallerec et saltare elegantius, quam necesse est 3probae, 4multa alia,C quae instrumenta luxuriae sunt. Sed ei cariora seniper omnia quam decus atque pudicitia fuere: pecuniaed an famae minus parceret,e baud XXIII. k461 & 1, i64-9; 209, R. 11 (2). XXIV. a 545, 1; 1137; 209, R. 5.-b379; 938; 237. — Dist. bet. princeps and primus. V. Ec. Cic. XXIII. n. 1.- d 549, 4 & 1); 1155; 271, R. 2. —e154, 88, III. 1; 193; 114, 2. XXV. a 396, IV. & 1, 395: T57; 211, R. 6.- b429: 889; 250, 1. — 374 & 1 & 4; 1075; 269 (b), 234, I. -d385; 831; 223, R. 2.e525, 526 & II. 2; 1182; 265, & R. 2. CATILINA. 155 facile Sdiscerneresf: lubidine sic accensa, ut saepius peteret viros quam peteretur. Sed ea saepe antehac fidem prodiderat, 6creditum abjuraverat, caedish 7conscia fuerat, luxuria atque inopia 8praeceps abierat. Verum ingeniurn ejus 9haud absurdum: possei versus facere, jocum movere, sermone uti 5 vel modesto vel molli vel procaci: prorsus multae l~facetiaej multusque lepos inerat.k XXVI. His rebus comparatis, Catilina nihiloa minus'in proxumum annum consulatum petebat, sperans, 2si designatus foret, facile se ex voluntate Antonio usurum. Neque interea 10 quietus erat, sed omnibus modis insidias parabat Ciceroni. Neque 3illi tamen ad cavendum 4dolus aut astutiae deerant. Namque a principio consulatus sui multa pollicendo per Fulviam effecerat, ut Q. Curius, de quo 5paullo ante memoravi, consilia Catilinae sibi proderet.b 6Ad hoc 7collegam suum 15 Antonium pactione provinciae perpulerat, ne contra rem publicam sentiret: circum se praesidia amicorum atque clientium occulte habebat. Postquam dies comitiorum venit et Catilinae neque petitio neque insidiae, quas 8consuli in 9campo fecerat, prospere cessere, constituit bellum facere et extrema omnia20 experiri, quoniam quae occulte tentaverat l~aspera foedaque evenerant. XXVII. Igitur C. Manlium Faesulasa atque in eam partem Etruriae, lSeptimium quemdam, Camertem, in agrum Picenum, C. Julium in Apuliam dimisit: praeterea 2alium 25 alio, quem 3ubique opportunum [sibi] fore credebat. Interea Romaea multa simul moliri,b consuli insidias tendere,b parareb incendia, opportuna loca armatis hominibus obsidere,b ipse 4cum telo esse,b item 5alios jubere,b hortarib uti semper intenti XXV. f485,486, 4; 1177; 260, R. 2, 209, R. 7 (a). - r460, 3; 639; 209, R. 4.- h 399; 765; 213. -i 545, 1; 1137; 209, R. 5.J Dist. bet. lepos and facetiae. V. n. 10. —463, I.; 644; 209, R. 12 (3). XXVI. ^418; 929; 256, R. 16. —489, I., 492 & 1; 1205; 262. XXVII. a379; 938; 237.- a(2)421, Il.; 932; 221, 1.- b545, 1 1137; 209, R. 5. 156 C. SALLUSTII CRISPI paratique essent, dies noctesque festinare,b vigilare,b neque insomniis neque labore fatigari.b Postremo, ubi multa 6agitanti nihil procedit, rursus intempesta nocte conjurationis principes convocat per M. Porcium 7Laecam, 8ibique, multa 5 de ignavia eorum questus, docet, se Manlium praemisisse ad ear multitudinem, quam ad capiunda arma paraveratC; item alios in alia loca opportuna, qui initium belli facerentd; seque ad exercitum proficisci cupere, si prius Ciceronem oppressisset: eum suis consiliise multum officere. 1o *XXVIII. Igitur, perterritis ac dubitantibus ceteris, C. Cornelius, eques Romanus, operam suam pollicitus, et cum eo L. Vargunteius senator, constituere, ea nocte paullo post, cum armatis hominibus,'sicuti salutatum,^ introire ad Ciceronem, ac de improviso domib suae imparatum confodere. Curius, 15 ubi 2intellegit quantum periculum consulit impendeat,d propere per Fulviam Ciceroni dolum qui parabatur enunciat. Ita illi, januae prohibiti, tantum facinus frustra susceperant. Interea Manlius in Etruria plebem sollicitare, 3egestatef simul ac dolore injuriae novarum rerum cupidam, quod 4Sullae dominati20 onef 5agros bonaque omnia amiserat: praeterea 61atrones cujusque generis, quorum in ea regione magna copia erat, nonnullos ex Sullanis colonis, quibus lubido atque luxuria ex magnis rapinis nihil reliquig fecerant. XXIX. Ea quum Ciceroni nunciarentur,1 lancipiti malo 25 permotus, quod neque urbem ab insidiis privato consilio longius tueri poterat neque, exercitus Manlii quantus aut quo consiliob foret, 2satis compertumc habebat, rem ad senatum refert 3jam antea vulgi rumoribus exagitatam. Itaque, quod plerumque 4in atroci negotio Ssolet, senatus decrevit, darentd XXVII. c531, 4; 1293; 266, 2, R. 5.- d 489, II., 500; 1212; 264, 5. —'386; 826; 224. XXVIII. 569; 1360; 276, II.- b424 & 2; 943; 221, R. 3.6386; 826; 224.- d 525; 1182; 265.-e414 & 4; 873; 248, II.f414 & 2; 873; 247, 1 (1). —g396, 2 & 1); 760; 212, & R. 1. XXIX. a 518, II. & 1; 1244-5; 263, 5, R. 2. - b414 & 2; 873; 247, 1 (2). - c574; 1358; 214, R. 4. - d489, I.; 493, 2; 1200-1, 1208; 262, R. 4. CATILINA. 157 operam consules, ne quid respublica detrimenti caperet.e Ea potestas per senatum, more Romano, magistratui 6maxuma permittitur,f exercitum 7parare, bellum gerere, coercere omnibus modis socios atque cives, dorni militiaeque 8imperium atque judicium summum habere: 9aliter sine populi jussu 5 nullius earum rerum consulig jus est. XXX. Post paucos diesa L. Saenius senator in senatu'literasd recitavit, quas Faesulisb allatas sibi" dicebat, in quibus scriptum erat, C. Manlium arma cepisse cum magna multitudine 2ante diem VI. Kalendas Novembres. Simul, id 10 quodf in tali re solet, alii 3portentae atque 4prodigia nunciabant, alii conventus fieri, arma portari, Capuaeg atque in Apulia servile bellum moveri. Igitur senatih decreto Q. Marcius Rex Faesulas,g Q. AIetellus Creticus in Apuliam 5circumque ea loca missi: 6ii utrique 7ad urbem imperatores 15 erant, impediti, ne triumpharent,i calumnia paucorum, 8quibus omniaj, honestak atque inhonesta, vendere mos erat. Sed 9praetores, Q. Pompeius Rufus Capuam,g Q. Metellus Celer in agrum Picenum; iisque permissum,' uti 10pro tempore atque periculo exercitum compararent: "ad hoc, si quis indicavisset 20 de conjuratione, quae contra rempublicam facta erat, 12praemiumm servon libertatem et 13sestertia centum,~ liberon impunitatem 4ejus rel et sestertia ducenta~; itemque decrevere uti lgladiatoriae familiae Capuamg et in cetera municipia distribuerentur 16pro cujusque opibus; Romae per totam urbem 25 vigiliae haberentur, iisquec 17minores magistratus praeessent. XXIX. e489, I., 492 & 1; 1205, 1217; 262, R. 5. - fDist. bet. committo and permitto. V. Caes. II. 3, n. 5. —387; 821; 226. XXX. a427 & 1; 954; 253, R. 1.-b421, II.; 941; 255, 1. —c386; 826; 224. —dDist. bet. literae, epistola, and codicilli. V. n. 1.-eDist. bet. auguria, auspicia, prodigia, ostenta, portenta, omina, and monstra. V. n. 3. -f445, 7; 683; 206, 13 (b). —421, II.; 932; 221. —h117, 3; 139; 89, 2.-i489, T., 499, 2; 1205; 262, & R. 11. —J 441, 2; 658; 205, R. 7 (2).-k363; 622; 204. - () 379; 938; 237.- 1460, 3; 639; 209, I. 4. - 363; 622; 204, R. 1, 230, R. 2.- ~384; 855; 223.~713 & III.; 1558; 327, R. 5. 158 C. SALLUSTII CRISPI XXXI. Quibus rebus permotae civitas, atque immutatas urbis facies erat: ex summa laetitia atque lascivia, quaeb diuturna lquies pepererat, repente omnisc tristitia invasit: festinare,d trepidare: neque loco neque homini cuiquam satis 5 credered: neque bellum gerered neque pacem habere: suo quisque metue pericula metiri.d Ad hoc, mulieres, quibusf 2reipublicae magnitudineg belli timor insolitus incesserat, afflictare sese, manus supplices ad coelum tendere, miserari parvos liberos, 3rogitare,h omniai 4pavere, superbia atque odeliciis omissis, sibij patriaeque diffidere. At Catilinae crudelis animus 5eadem illa movebat, tametsi praesidia 6parabantur et ipse 71ege Plautia interrogatus erat ab L. Paulo. Postremo dissimulandi caussa et 8ut sui expurgandi, 9sicuti jurgio lacessitus foret, in senatum venit. Tum 1!I. Tullius 15 consul, sive praesentiam ejus timens sive ira commotus,'~orationem habuit luculentam atque utilem reipublicae, lquam postea scriptam edidit. Sed, ubi ille assedit,k Catilina, ut erat paratusa ad dissimulanda omnia, demisso voltu,' voce supplici postulare coepit, patres conscripti ne quid de se temere 20 crederentm: ea 12familia ortum, ita se ab adolescentia vitam instituisse, 13ut omnia bona in spe haberet: ne aestimarentm sibi,~ patricio homini,'4cujus ipsius atque majorum plurima beneficia in populunm Romanum essent, 15perditaP republica opus esse, quum eaim servaret 1I. Tullius, 16inquilinus civis 25urbis Romae. Ad hoc maledicta alia quum adderet, obstrepered omnes, hostem atque parricidam vocare.d Tur ille furibundus, Quoniam quidem circumventus, inquit,q ab inimicis praeceps agor, 17incendium meum ruina restinguam. XXXI. a 575; 162, 12 (2). They are not pluperfects. - b439, 3; 697; 206 (15) (a). — 154, 88, II.; 114; 114, 2.-d545, 1; 1137; 209, R. 5. - e414 &4; 873; 247, 3. -f386; 826; 224. -g414 & 2; 873; 247, 1 (1). - h332, I. & 1; 584; 187, II. 1 (b).- i371; 716; 232 (2). What does Dietsch say of pavere? -i 385; 831; 223, R. 2. -- 471, II.; 1094; 259, R. 1 (2) (d). —431; 965; 257. —m530, II. & 3; 1200, 1208; 266, 2, R. 1 (a). —387; 821; 226.-P580, 419, V.; 1357, 923; 243, R. 1 (a), 274, R. 5 (a). - q 528, 2; 1295 (1); 279, 6. CATILINA. 159 XXXII. Deinde se ex curia domum proripuit.. Ibi muTta secum lipse volvens, quod 2neque 3insidiae consuli procedebant eta ab incendio 4intellegebat urbem vigiliis munitam, 5ptumum factub credens exercitum augere, ac priusquam 6egiones scriberentur" multa antecapere quae bellod usui forent,f nocte in- 5 tempesta 7cum paucis in Manliana castra profeetus est. Sed Cethego atque Lentulo ceterisque, quorum cognoverat promptam audaciam, mandat,e 8quibus rebus possent, opes factionis confirment,? insidias 3consuli maturent,g caedem, incendia aliaque belli facinora parentg: sese propediem cum magnolo exercitu ad urbem accessurum.h Dum haec Romae geruntur, C. Manlius ex suo numero legatos ad Marcium Regem mittit cum 9mandatis 0~hujuscemodi.i XXXIII. Deos hominesque testamur, imperator, nos arma'neque contra patriam cepisse, neque quo periculum aliis face- 15 remus, sed uti corpora nostra ab injuria tata forent,'qui miseri, egentes, violentia atque crudelitate feneratorum 3plerique 4patriae,~ sed omnes famaa atque fortunis expertes sumus; neque cuiquam nostrumb licuit more0 majorum 51ege uti, neque, amisso patrimonio, liberum corpus habere: tanta 20 saevitia feneratorum atque 6praetoris fuit. Saepe majores vestrum,b miseriti plebisd Romanae, decretis suis inopiaee ejus 7opitulati sunt, ac novissume memoriaf nostra propter magnitudinem aeris alieni, volentibus omnibus bonis, 8argentum aere solutum est. 9Saepe ipsa plebes, aut dominandi25 studio permota aut superbia magistratuum, armata a patribus secessit. At nos non imperium neque divitias petimus, quaXXXII. ~587, I. 5; 1375; 198, 1 (e). —570 & 1; 1365; 276, 11. - C521, II., 523, II.; 1241; 263, 3.- d390; 848; 227. -eDit. bet. jubeo, impero, praecipio, and mando. V. Caes. T. 7, n. 6.- {501, I.; 1218; 266, 1. —530, 3, 2); 1200-1; 262, R. 4.-h530, 1; 1296, A; 272, 270, R. 2 (b).-i396, IV. 1. 1); 757; 211, R. 6, & (5). XXXIII. a399 & 2, 2), & 5, 3); 777, c.; 213, & R. 5 (2), 250, 2 (1). -b446, 3; 1016; 212, R. 2, N. 2.-c414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. d 406, L; 783; 215 (1). —385; 831; 223, R. 2. —426 & 1; 949; 253. R, 160 C. SALLUSTII CRISPI rum rerum caussa bella atque certamina omnia inter mortalis sunt, sed libertatem, quam nemo bonus nisi cum anima simul'lamisit.g Te atque senatum obtestamur, consulatish miseris civibus, legis praesidium, quod iniquitas praetoris eri5 puit, restituatis, neve nobis ear necessitudinem imponatis, ut quaeramus, l'quonam modo maxume ulti sanguinem nostrum pereamus. XXXIV. Ad haec Q. Marcius respondit: si quid ab senatu petere vellent, ab armis ldiscedant,a Romam supplices 10 proficiscantura; ea mansuetudineb atque misericordia senatum populumque Romanum semper fuisse," ut nemo umquam ab eo frustra auxilium petiverit. At Catilina 2ex itinere plerisque consularibus, praeterea'3ptumo cuiqued litteras mittit: se, falsis criminibus circumventum, quoniam factioni inimico15 rum resistere nequiverit, fortunae cedere.~ Massiliam in exilium proficisci,c 4non quo. sibie tanti scelerisf conscius esset, sed uti respublica quieta foret, 5neve ex sua contentione seditio oriretur. 7Ab his longe diversas literas Q. Catulus in senatu recitavit, quas sibi nomineg Catilinae redditas dicebat: 20searum exemplum infra scriptum est. XXV. 1L. Catilina Q. Catulo. 2Egregia tua fides, re cognita, grata mihi magnis in meis. periculis, fiduciam commendationi meae tribuit. 3Quamobrem 4defensionem 5in novo consilio non statui parare; satisfactionem 7ex nulla conscien25 tia de culpa proponere decrevi, 8quam mediusfidius veram slicet cognoscas.a Injuriis l~contumeliisqueb concitatus, quod fructuc laboris industriaeque meae privatus "statum dignitatis non obtinebam, publicam miserorum caussam pro mea consuXXXIII. rDist. bet. amitto andperdo. V. n. 10.-b493 & 2; 1200-1, 1208; 262, R. 4. XXXIV. a 530, II.; 1200; 266, 2, R. 1 (a). —b428; SS; 211, R. 6 & (7). —1530, I.; 1296, A; 266, 2.-d458, 1: 1052; 279, 14, 207, R. 35 (b).-*391; 864; 222, R. 1, & 3.- f399; 765; 213, & R. 7.c414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. XXXV. a 496, 1; 1222; 262, R. 4. - bDist. bet. contumelia and in. juria. V. n. 10.-,41, III.; 911; 251. CATILINA. 161 etudine suscepi;'2non quin 13aes alienum meis nominibusd ex possessionibus solvere possem, 14quum et alienis nominibusd liberalitas Orestillae suis filiaeque copiis persolveret, sed quod'5non dignos homines honoreb honestatos videbam, meque falsa suspicioned'6alienatum esse sentiebam. l7Hoc nomined satis 5 honestas 18pro meo casu spes reliquae dignitatis conservandaef sum secutus. Plura quum %9scribere vellem, nunciatum est vim mihi parari. Nunc Orestillam 20commendo tuaeque fidei trado: ear. ab injuria defendasg per liberos tuos rogatus. " Haveto.h 10 XXXVI. Sed'ipse paucos dies commoratus apud C. Flaminium in agro Aretino, dum vicinitatem, antea sollicitatam, armis exornat, cum 2fascibus atque aliis imperii insignibus in castra ad Manlium contendit. Haec ubi Romae comperta sunt, senatus Catilinam et Manlium 3hostesa judicat; ceterae 15 multitudini diem statuit, ante quam 4sine fraude liceret ab armis discedere, 5praeter rerumb capitalium condemnatis. Praeterea decernit, uti consules delectum habeant, Antonius cum exercitu Catilinam persequi maturet, Cicero urbi praesidioe sit. Ea tempestate mihi imperium populi Romani20 6multo maxume miserabile visum est; cuid 7quum ad occasum ab ortu solis omnia domita armis parerent, domi 8otiume atque divitiae, quae primaf mortales putant, affluerent, fuere tamen cives, qui seque remque publicam obstinatis animisg perditumh irent.i Namque,'~duobus senatij decretis,k ex tanta25 multitudine neque praemio inductus conjurationem patefecerat neque ex castris Catilinae quisquam omnium discesserat: XXXV. d414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. - e419, 2 & 1); 873; 249, I. - f562, 563; 1327; 275, II. - 487, 488, II.; 1193; 260, R. 6. - hDist. bet. ave, salve, and vale.-V. n. 21. XXXVI. a Dist. bet. adversarius, hostis, and inimicus. V. Caes. I. 10, n. 5.-b410, & 2 & 5; 793, 1075; 217. —c390; 848; 227.-d385; 831; 223, R. 2.-eDist. bet. otium, pax, and concordia. V. n. 8. —373; 715; 230. —414 & 3; 873; 247, 2.- h569; 1360; 276, 1I.-i501, I.; 1218; 264, 1(a)&(b).- 17,3; 139; 89, 2. - 430; 972; 257, R. 7. 162 C. SALLUSTII CRISPI tanta vis morbi, luti tabes, plerosque civium animos inva serat. XXXVII. Neque solum illisa aliena mens erat, qui conscii conjurationisb fuerant, sed lomnino cunctac plebes nova5 rum rerum studiod Catilinae incepta probabat. 2Id adeo more suo videbatur facere. Nam semper in civitate, quibuse opes nullae sunt, bonisf invident, malos'extollunt, veterag odere, novag exoptant, odiod suarum rerum mutari omnia student, turba atque seditionibus 4sine cura aluntur, quoniam egestas io facile habetur sine damno. Sed urbana plebes, 6ea vero 7praeceps ierat multis de caussis. *Primum omnium, qui ubique probro atque petulantia maxume praestabant, item alii, 9per dedecora patrimoniis amissis, postremo omnes, quos flagitium aut facinus domo expulerat, ii Romam sicuti l~in senti16 nam confluxerant. Deinde multi memores Sullanae victoriae, quod ex gregariis militibus "alios senatores videbant, alios ita divites 2ut regio victu atque cultu aetatem agerent, sibi 13quisque,' si in armis forent, ex victoria talia sperabant. Praeterea juventus, quae in agris manuum mercede inopiam 20 toleraverat,'4privatis atque publicis largitionibus excita, urbanum otium ingrato labori praetulerat: "5eos atque alios omnis malum publicum alebat. "Quo minus mirandum est, homines egentes, malis moribus,J maxuma speJ reipublicae 7juxta ac sibi consuluisse. Praeterea quorume victoria 25 Sullae parentes proscripti, bona erepta, sljus libertatis imminutum erat, haud sane alio animo belli eventum exspectabant. Ad hoc quicumque aliarum atque' senatus partiumk erant, conturbari rempublicam quam minus valere ipsim malebant. "Id adeo malum multos post annos in civitatem reverterat. so XXXVIII. Nam postquam, Cn. Pompeio et M. Crasso XXXVII. a391; 860; 222, 3, or 211, R. 5 (1). - b399; 65; 213. -cDist. bet. omnis, niversus, cunctus, and totus. V. Caes. I. 1, n. 2. - d414 & 2; 873; 247, 1.-e453; 689; 206 (4).-f 385; 831; 223, R. 2. - s441 & 2; 658; 205, R. 7 (2). - i363 & 2; 681; 204, R. 10. - J 428; 888; 211, R. 6. —k401; 780; 211, R. 8 (2).-'459, 2; 1376; 198, 3, R. —m452 & 1; 1035; 207, R. 28 (a). CATILINA. 163 consulibus, tribunicia potestas'restituta est, homines adolescentes 2summam potestatem nacti, quibus aetas animusque ferox erat, coepere senatuma criminando plebem 3exagitare, deinde largiundo atque pollicitando magis incendere: ita ipsi clari potentesque fieri.b Contra eos summa opec nitebatur 5 4pleraque nobilitas, 5senatus speciec pro sua magnitudine. Namque, 6uti paucis verum absolvam, per illa tempora 8quicumque rempublicam agitavere, honestis nominibus,d aliie sicuti populi jura defenderent, parse quo senatus auctoritas maxuma foret, bonum publicum simulantes pro sua quisquee 10 potentia certabant: neque illis 9modestia neque modus contentionis erat: utriquef'victoriam crudeliter exercebant. XXXIX. Sed postquam Cn. Pompeius ad'bellum maritumum atque Mithridaticum missus est, 2plebis opes imminutae, paucorum potentia crevit. 41i magistratus, provincias alia- 15 que omnia tenere: ipsi 3innoxii, florentes, sine metu aetatem agere, 5ceteros judiciis terrere, quo plebem in magistratu placidius tractarent. 6Sed ubi primum, dubiis rebus,^ novandi spes oblata est, 7vetus certamen 8animos eorum arrexit.'~Quodsi primo praeliob Catilina superior aut aequa manu discessisset,0 20 profecto magna clades atque calamitas rempublicam oppressissetd; "neque illis,e qui victoriam adepti forent, 12diutius ea uti licuisset, "3quin defessisf et exsanguibus, quig plus posset,h imperium atque libertatem extorqueret.' Fuere'4tamen extra conjurationem complures, qui ad Catilinam initio profecti sunt: 25 in iis erat A. Fulvius senatoris filius, quem retractum ex itinere parens necarijussit. Iisdem temporibus Romae Lentulus, sicuti Catilina praeceperat, quoscumque moribusj aut fortuna XXXVIII. a 559; 1321; 275, I. —b545, 1; 1137; 209, R. 5. —414 873; 247, 2.- d430; 972; 257, R. 7. - e363; 629; 204, R. 10.fi91, 3; 191; 207, R. 32 (c). XXXIX. a431; 972; 257, R. 7. —b425 & 2; 916; 251. — 0510, 1267; 261, 1. - d 463, 3; 644; 209, R. 12 (2). - 384; 840; 223, R. 2.-f386, 2; 855; 224, R. 2, 222, 2 (b). - g453; 689; 206 (4).b501, I.; 1291; 264,1. —498 & 3; 1230; 262, R. 10, & 2.-J414 & 2; 873; 247, 1 (1). 164 C. SALLUSTII CRISPI novis rebusk idoneos1 credebat, aut per se aut per alios'5sollicitabat; neque solum cives, sed 16cujusque modi genus hominum, quod modo bello usui foret.m XL. Igitur P. Umbreno cuidam'negotium dat, uti legatos 5 Allobrogum requirat, eosque, si possit, impellat ad societatem belli: existimans, 2publice privatimque aere alieno oppressos, praeterea, quod natura gens Gallica bellicosa esset," facile eos ad tale consilium adduci posse. Umbrenus, quod in Gallia negotiatus erat, 3plerisque principibus civitatiumb notus erat 0 atque eos noverat; itaque sine mora, ubi primum legatos in foro conspexit, percontatus pauca de statu civitatis, et 4quasi dolens ejus casum, requirere coepit, quem exitum 5tantis malis sperarent? Postquam illos videt queri de avaritia magistratuum, accusare senatum quod in eo auxilii nihil esset,i mise5 riis suis remedium mortem sperare, At ego, inquit, vobis, si modo viri esse vultis, rationem ostendam qua tanta ista mala effugiatis. Haec ubi dixit, Allobroges in maxumam spem adducti Umbrenum 7orare,C ut suid misereretur: nihil tam asperum neque tam difficile esse, quod non cupidissume facturi 20 essent, dum ea res civitatem aere alieno liberaret.e Ille eos in domum D. Bruti perducit, quod foro propinqua erat 8neque aliena consiliif propter Semproniam; nam tur Brutus ab Roma aberat. Praeterea Gabinium accersit, quo major auctoritas sermoni inesset. Eo praesente, conjurationem aperit, 25 nominat socios, praeterea multos cujusque generis 9innoxios, quo legatisg "~animus amplior esset, deinde eos pollicitos operam suam "domum dimittit. XLI. Sed Allobroges'diu in incerto habuere quidnam consilii caperent.'1 In altera parte erat aes alienum, 3studium XXXIX. k391 & 1; 860; 222, R 1. - lDist. bet. idoneus and aptus. V. Caes. I. 49, n. 2.-m503, I.; 1259; 263, 2. XL. a 531; 1291; 266, 2. -b89, 5, 2); 117; 83, IT. 4 (1). —545, 1; 1137;209, R. 5.- d406, I.; 783; 215 (1). -'503, I., 505; 1296, G; 263, 2. —399, 3 & 3); 776; 213, & R. 5 (4). —391; 860; 222, 3. XLI. "524, 525, 1 & 2; 1182; 265, N. 1 & 2. CATILINA. 165 belli, magna merces 4in spe victoriae, at in altera 5majores opes, tuta consilia, pro incerta spe 0certa praemia. Haec illis volventibus, tandem vicit fortuna reipublicae. Itaque Q. Fabio Sangae, 7cujus patrocinio civitas plurimum utebatur, rem omnem, uti cognoverant, aperiunt. Cicero, per Sangam 5 consilio cognito, legatis 8praecepit,b ut studium conjurationis vehementer simulent, ceterosc adeant, bene polliceantur, dentque operam, uti eos quam maxume manifestos habeant. XLII. Iisdem fere temporibus in Gallia citeriore atquc ulteriore, item in agro Piceno, Bruttio, Apulia motus erat. 10 Namque illi, iquos antea Catilina dimiserat, inconsulte ac veluti per dementiam 2cuncta simul agebant: nocturnis consiliis, armorum atque telorum 3portationibus, festinando, agitando omnia, plus timoris quam periculi effecerant. Ex eo numero complures Q. MIetellus Celer praetor ex senati con- 15 sulto, 4caussa cognita, in vincula conjecerat; item in ulteriore Gallia 5C. Murena 6qui ei provinciae legatus praeerat. XLIII. At Romae Lentulus cum ceteris, qui principes conjurationis erant, paratis, ut'videbantur, magnis copiis, constituerant,a uti, quum Catilina in agrum Faesulanum cum20 exercitu venisset, L. Bestia tribunus plebis, 2concioneb'habita, quereretur de 4actionibus Ciceronis, bellique gravissumi invidiam optumo consuli imponeret; 5eo signo,c proxuma nocte, cetera multitudo conjurationis 6suum quisqued negotium exsequeretur. Sed ea 7divisa 8hoc modo dicebantur, Statilius et 25 Gabinius uti cum magna manu duodecir simul opportuna loca urbis incenderent, quo tumultu facilior aditus ad consulem ceterosque,quibus insidiae parabantur, fierete; Cethegus Ciceronis januam obsideret, eumque vi adgrederetur, 9alius autem alium; sed ~0filii familiarum, quorum ex nobilitate maxuma 30 pars erat, parentes interficerent; simul, caede et incendio XL. b482, 3; 1296, I. —371, 4, 1); 718; 233 (3). XLTII. a461 & 4; 645; 209, R. 12 (6).-bDist. bet. concilium, concio, comitia, coetus, and conventus. V. n. 2.-c414 & 2; 873; 24'7,.-d 363; 622; 204, R. 10. —e489, I. 497; 1205; 262, R. 9. 166 C. SALLUSTII CRISPI perculsis omnibus, ad Catilinam erumperent. IDter haec parata atque decreta Cethegus semper querebatur de ignavia sociorum, lillos dubitando et "dies prolatando magnas opportunitates corrumpere, factor non consulto in tali periculo opus 5 esse, seque, si pauci adjuvarent, languentibus aliis,g impetum in curiamfacturum. Naturah ferox, vehemens, manu promptus maxumum bonum in celeritate putabat. XLIV. Sed Allobroges ex praecepto Ciceronis'per Gabinium ceteros conveniunt: ab Lentulo, Cethego, Statilio, item 1o Cassio postulant jusjurandum, quod 2signatum ad cives perferant: 3aliter baud facile 4eos ad tantum negotium impelli posse. Ceteri nihil suspicantes dant, Cassius semet 5eo brevi venturum pollicetur ac paullo ante legatos ex urbe proficiscitur. Lentulus cum iis T. Volturcium quemdam, 6Crotonien15 semn, mittit, ut Allobroges, priusquam domum pergerent,a cum Catilina, data atque accepta fide, societatem confirmarent." Ipse Volturcio 7literas ad Catilinam dat, quarum exemplum infra scriptum est. " 8Quis sim,b ex eo quem ad te misi, cognosces. aFae cogitesc in quanta calamitate sis,b et'~memine2o rise te virum esse: consideresc quid "tuae rationes postulentb: auxilium petasc ab omnibus, etiam ab 2infimis." Ad hoc 3mnandata verbis dat: Quum ab senatu hostis judicatus sit, quo consilio servitia repudietd? in urbe parata esse, quae jusserit; ne cuncteturd ipse 14propius accedere. 25 XLV. His rebus ita actis, constituta nocte, qua proficiscerentur,'Cicero, per legatos cunctaa edoctus, L. Valerio Flacco et C. Pomptino praetoribus imperat, uti in ponte Mulvio per insidias Allobrogum comitatus deprehendant: rem omnem aperit, cujus gratia mittebantur: 2cetera,b uti facto0 XLIII. f419, V. & 3, 1); 926; 243, R. 1 (a). - r431; 965; 257.h414& 2; S73; 247, 1 (1). XLIV. a481, IV.; 1167; 258, R. 1 (a).- b525; 1182; 265.c493, 2, 535, 1, 1); 1115, 1198; 262, R. 4, 267, R. 3.-d 529, 530, I1.; 1296, B; 266, 2, R. 1 (c). - e530, I.; 1296, A; 266, 2. - (2) 1296, D; 266, 2, R. 1 (b). XLV. a374 & 1; 1071, IV.; 234, I. - b380, 2; 731; 234, II. - 8419, V. & 3, 1); 926; 243, R. 1 (a). CATILINA. 167 opus sit, ita agantd permittit. 3Illi, homines militares, sine tumultu praesidiis collocatis, sicuti praeceptum erat, occulte pontem obsidunt. Postquam 4ad id locie legati cum Volturcio venerunt et 5simul 6utrimque clamor exortus est, Galli, cito cognito consilio, sine mora praetoribus se tradunt. Volturcius 5 primo cohortatus ceteros gladio se a multitudine defendit; deinde, ubi a legatis desertus est, multaf prius de salute sua Pomptinumf obtestatus, quod ei notus erat, postremo timidus ac vitaeg diffidens, velut hostibus, sese praetoribus 7dedit. XLVI. Quibus rebus confectis, omnia propere per nun-10 tios consuli declarantur. At ilium ingens cura atque laetitia simul occupavere; nam laetabatur lintelligens,a conjuratione patefacta, civitatem periculis ereptam esse; 2porro autem anxius erat ldubitans,a in maxumo scelere tantis civibus deprehensis, quid facto opus esset: poenam illorum Ssibib oneri, 15 impunitatem 4reipublicaeC perdundae fore credebat. 5Igitur, confirmato animo, vocari ad sese jubet Lentulum, Cethegum, Statilium, Gabinium, item Coeparium quendam, Terracinensem, qui in Apuliam ad concitanda servitia proficisci parabat. Ceteri sine mora veniunt: Coeparius paullo ante domo-egres- 20 sus, cognito indicio, ex urbe profugerat. Consul Lentulum, quod praetor erat, 6ipse manu tenens in senatum perducit; reliquos cum custodibus in aedem Concordiae venire jubet. TEo senatum advocat, magnaque frequentiad ejus ordinis, Volturcium cum legatis introducit: Flaccum praetorem scrinium cum 25 literis, quas a legatis acceperat, eodem afferre jubet. XLVII. Volturcius interrogatus de itinere, de literis, postremo'quid aut qua de caussa consilii habuisset, primo fingere 2alia, dissimulare de conjuratione; post, ubi 3fidea publica dicere jussus est, omnia, uti gesta erant, aperit, docetque 30 XLV. d493, 2; 1204; 262, R. 4. —396, 2, 3)&(3); 760; 212, R. 3. — 374; 734; 231. —385; 831; 223, R. 2. XLVI. a 578 & II.; 1350; 274, 3 (a). - b390; 848; 227. —563, 5; 1330; 275, III. R. 1 (5).-d431; 972; 257, R. 7. XLVII. a 414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. 8 168 C. SALLUSTII CRISPI 4se paucis ante diebus a Gabinio et Coepario socium ascitum nihil amplius scire quam legatos; tantummodo'audire solitum ex Gabinio, P. Autronium, Servium Sullam, L. Vargunteium, multos praeterea in ea conjuratione esse. Eadem Galli fa5 tentur, ac 6Lentulum dissimulantem coarguunt praeter literas sermonibus, quos ille habere solitus erat: ex libris Sibyllinis regnum Romae 7tribus Corneliis portendi; 8Cinnam atque Sullam antea, se tertium esse, cui fatum foret urbisb potiri; praeterea ab incensoc Capitolio ilium esse vigesimum annum, 10 quem saepe ex prodigiis haruspices respondissent bello civili cruentum fore. Igitur perlectis literis, quum prius 9omnes signa sua cognovissent, senatus decernit, uti, ~0abdicato magistratu, Lentulus, itemque ceteri "in liberis custodiis haberentur. Itaque Lentulus P. Lentulo Spintheri, qui turn aedilis 15erat, Cethegus Q. Cornificio, Statilius C. Caesari, Gabinius M. Crasso, Coeparius, nam is paullo ante ex fuga retractus erat, Cn. Terentio senatori, traduntur. XLVIII. Interea plebes, conjuratione patefacta, quae primo cupida rerum novarum nimis bello favebat, mutata 20mente, Catilinae consilia exsecrari, 1Ciceronem ad coelum tollere;veluti ex servitute erepta 2gaudiuma atque laetitiam 3agitabat. Namque alia belli facinora 4praedaeb magis quam detrimentob fore, incendium vero crudele, immoderatum 5ac sibi maxume calamitosum putabat, Gquippe cui omnes copiae 25 in usu quotidiano et cultu corporis erant. 7Post eum diem quidam L. Tarquinius ad senatum adductus erat, quem ad Catilinam proficiscentem retractum ex itinere 8aiebant.c Is, quum se 8diceret indicaturum de conjuratione si fides publica 9data esset, jussus a consule, quae sciret edicere, eadem fere 30 quae Volturcius de paratis5 incendiis, de caede bonorum,'0de itinere hostium senatum docet; praeterea se "missum a M. Crasso, qui Catilinae nunciaret, ne eum Lentulus et Cethegus XLVII. b409, 3; S80; 220, 4. —580; 1357; 274, R. 5 (a). XLVIII. aDist. bet. gaudiumn and laetilia. V. n. 2. - b390, 2; 85/3: 227. R. 2. -eDist. bet. dico and aio. V. n. 8. -d580; 1357; 274, R. 5 (a). CATILINA. 169 aliique ex conjuratione deprehensid terrerent,' eoquef magis properarete ad urbem accedere, quo et ceterorum animos reficereth et 12illi facilius periculo eriperentur.h Sed ubi Tarquinius Crassum nominavit, hominem nobilem, maxumis divitiis,i summa potentia,i alii rem incredibilem rati, pars 5 tametsi verum existimabant,J tamen quia ink tali tempore 13tanta vis hominis magis leniunda quam exagitanda'4videbatur, plerique 15Crasso ex negotiis privatis obnoxii conclamant, indicem falsum esse, deque ea re postulant uti L6referatur. Itaque,'Tconsulente Cicerone, frequens senatus 10 decernit Tarquinii indicium falsum videri, eumque in vinculis retinendum, 18neque amplius potestatem faciundam, nisi de eo indicaret, cujus consilio tantam rem esset mentitus. Erant eo tempore, qui existimarentl indicium illud a P. Autronio machinatum, quo facilius appellato Crasso, gper societatem 15 periculi reliquos illius potentia tegeret. Alii Tarquinium a Cicerone immissum aiebant, ne Crassus, more suo 0suscepto malorum patrocinio, rempublicam conturbaret. Ipsum Crassum ego postea 2lpraedicantem audivi, tantam illam contumeliam sibi ab Cicerone impositam. 20 XLIX. Sed iisdem temporibus Q. Catulus et C. Piso [neque precibus]'neque pretio neque gratia Ciceronem impellere potuere, uti per Allobroges aut alium indicem C. Caesar falso 2nominaretur. Nam uterquee cum illo graves inimicitias exercebant: 3Piso, 40ppugnatus in judicio pecunia- 25 rum repetundarum propter cujusdam Transpadani supplicium injustum; Catulus,5ex petitione pontificatus odio incensus, quod extrema aetate,b maxumis honoribus usus, ab 6adolescentulo Caesare victus discesserat. 7Res autem opportuna videbatur, quod is 8privatim egregia liberalitate, publice 9maxumis mu- 30 neribus grandem pecuniam debebat. Sed ubi consulem ad. XLVIII. e530, IT.; 1200; 266, 2, R. 1 (a).-f414 & 2; 873; 247, ].-h489, 1., 497; 1205; 262, R. 9.-i428; 888; 211, R. 6.-i 461. 1;648; 209, R. 11. - 426, 2 & 1); 953; 253, N. 1. -501, I.; 1227; 264, 6. XLIX.'461, 3; 681; 209, R. 11 (4), 204, R. 10.-b428; 888; 211, R. 6. 170 C. SALLUSTII CRISPI tantum facinus impellere nequeunt, ipsi singulatim circumeundo atque ementiundo, l~quae se ex Volturcio aut Allobrogibus audisse dicerent, magnam illi invidiam conflaverant, usque adeo, ut nonnulli equites Romani, qui praesidii caussa 5 cum telis erant circum aedem Concordiae, seu periculi magnitudine seu animi nobilitate impulsi, "quo studium suum in rempublicam clarius esset, egredienti ex senatu Caesari gladio minitarentur. L. Dum haec in senatu aguntur et dum legatis Allobro10 gum et Tito Volturcio, comprobato eorum indicio, praemia decernuntur, Ilibertia et pauci ex clientibusb Lentuli diversis itineribus 2opifices atque servitia in vicis ad eum eripiendum 3sollicitabant; partim exquirebant duces 4multitudinum, qui pretio rempublicam vexare soliti erant. Cethegus autem per 15 nuncios Sfaniliam atque libertos suos, lectos et exercitatos in audaciam, orabat, ut, grege facto, cum telis ad sese irrumperent. Consul, ubi ea parari cognovit, dispositis praesidiis, ut res atque tempus monebat,c convocato senatu, refert quid de his fieri placeatd qui in custodiam traditi erant.e Sed eos 20 paullo ante frequens senatus judicaverat 6contra rempublicam fecisse. Tur D. Junius Silanus, primus sententiamf rogatus, quod eo tempore consul 7designatus erat, de iis qui in custodiis tenebantur, et praeterea de L. Cassio, P. Furio, P. Umbreno, Q. Annio, si deprehensi forent, 8supplicium sumendum 9decre25 verat; isque postea permotus oratione C. Caesaris, ~0pedibus in sententiam Tib. Neronis iturum se dixerat, qui de ea re, "praesidiis additis, referundum censuerat. Sed Caesar, ubi ad eum ventum est, rogatus sententiam a consule 2hujuscemodi verba locutus est. 30 LI. "Omnis homines, Patres conscripti, qui de rebus dubiis consultant, ab odio,". amicitia, ira atque misericordia L. a Dist. bet. libertus and libertinus. V. n. 1. —398, 4;'75; 212, R. 2, N. 4. - c463, 3; 644; 209, R. 12 (2). - d 525; 1182; 265. - e527, 2, 1); 1294; 266, R. 5. —374 & 1; 10O5, IV.; 234. I. LI. a399, 5, 3); 213, R. 4 (4). CATILINA. 171 vacuos esse decet.'Haud facile animus verum providet ubi illa officiunt; neque quisquam omniurnb lubidini simul et usui paruit. Ubi intenderis ingenium, valet: si lubido possidet, ea dominatur, animus nihil valet. Magna mihi copia est memorandi, 2P. C., 3quae reges atque populi ira aut misericordia 5 impulsi male consuluerint; sed ea malo dicere, quae majores nostri contra lubidinem animi sui recte atque 4ordinec fecere. Bello lacedonico,d quod cum rege Perse gessimus, Rhodiorum civitas magna atque magnifica, quae populi Romani opibus creverat, infida et adversa nobis fuit; sed postquam, 10 bello confecto, de Rhodiis consultum est, majores nostri, ne quis divitiarum magis quam 5injuriae caussa bellum inceptum diceret, impunitos eos dimisere. Item bellisd Punicis omnibus, quum saepe Carthaginienses et in pace et per inducias multa nefaria facinora fecissent, numquam ipsi per occasionem 15 talia fecere: magis quid see dignum foret, quam quid in illos jurec fieri posset quaerebant. Hoc item vobisf providendum est, Patres conscripti, ne plus apud vos valeat P. Lentuli et ceterorum scelus quam vestra dignitas, 7neu magis iraeg vestrae quam famae consulatis. Nam si digna poena pro factis 20 eorum reperitur, 8novum consilium approbo; sin magnitudo sceleris omnium 9ingenia exsuperat, l~iis utendum censeo, quae legibus comparata sunt. Plerique eorum, qui ante me sententias dixerunt, composite atque magnifice casum reipublicae miserati sunt: quae belli saevitia esset, quae victis acciderent, 25 lenumeravereh; rapii virgines, pueros, divelli liberos a parenturn complexu, matres familiarum pati quae victoribus collibuissent, fana atque domos spoliari, caedem, incendia fieri, postremo armis, cadaveribus, cruore atque luctu omnia compleri. Sed, per deos immortalis, 12quo illa oratio pertinuit?30 13an uti vos infestos conjurationi faceret? 14Scilicet quem res tanta et tam atrox non permovit, eum 15oratio accendet. Non ita est; neque cuiquam mortalium injuriae suae parvae videnLI. b396, 2, 3) & (1); 77'1; 212, R. 2. —414 & 3; 873; 24', 2.d426, 1; 949; 253, N. 1. —e419, IV.; 919; 244. —f388 & I.; 847; 225, III. - 9385 & 3; 836; 223. - h704, I. 2; 1378, 2d; 323, 1 (b) & (2) (a). —530 & I.; 1296, A; 266, 2. -J 531; 1291; 266, 2. 172 C. SALLUSTII CRISPI tur: multi 16eas gravius aequo habuere. Sed 17alia aliis licentia est, Patres conscripti: qui demissi in obscuro vitam habent, si quidk iracundia deliquere, pauci sciunt; fama atque fortuna eorum pares sunt: qui magno imperio' praediti in 5 excelso aetatem agunt, eorum facta cuncti mortales novere. Ita in maxuma fortuna minuma licentia est: neque 18studere neque odisse, sed minime irasci decet: quae apud alios iracundia dicitur, ea "9in imperio superbia atque crudelitas appellatur. Equidem ego sic existimo, Patres conscripti: omnis locruciatus minores quam facinora illorum esse; sed plerique mortales 20postrema meminere, et 21in hominibus impiis scelerisn eorum obliti de poena disserunt, si ea paullo severior0 fuit. D. Silanum, virum fbrtem atque strenuum, certe scio, quae dixerit studioP reipublicaeq dixisse; neque ilium in tanta re 15 gratiam aut inimicitias exercere: 22eos mores eamque modestiam viri cognovi. Verum sententia ejus mihi non crudelis (quid enim in talis homines crudele fieri potest?), sed:3aliena a republica nostra videtur. Nam profecto aut 24metus aut injuria te subegit, Silane, consulem designatum, genus poenae 20novurn decernere. De timore supervacaneum est disserere, quum praesertim diligentia clarissumi viri, consulis, tanta praesidia sint in armis. 2De poena possum equidem dicere, 2id quod res habet, in luctu atque miseriis mortem aerumnarum requiem, non cruciatum esse,1 eam cuncta mortalium 25 mala dissolvere,i 2ultra neque curae neque gaudio locum esse.i Sed, per deos immortalis, quamobrem in sententiam non addidisti, uti prius verberibus in eos animadverteretur? An, quia Slex Porcia vetat? At aliae leges item condemnatis civibusr non animam eripi, sed exilium permitti, jubent. 2An, quia s0gravius est verberari quam necari? Quid autem acerbum aut nimis grave est in homines tanti facinoris convictos? WSin, quia levius est, 3lquiP convenit in minore negotio legem timere, quum eam in majore neglexeris? 32At enim quis reLI. k371, 1, 3) (2); 17'; 232 (3).-1419, III.; 919; 244. — 406, II.; *88; 216.-0444, 1; 902; 256, R. 9 (a).-P414 & 2; 873; 247, l.-q 396, II.; 746; 211, R. 2. —r386, 2; 855; 224, R. 2.-'188, 2; 246; 136, R. 1. CATILINA. 173 prehendet quod in parricidas reipublicae decretum erit? 3Tempus, dies, fortuna, cujus lubido gentibus moderatur. 4Illis merito accidet, quicquid evenerit; ceterum vos, Patres conscripti, quid 35in alios statuatis, considerate. Omnia mala exempla ex bonis orta sunt; sed ubi imperium ad ignaros aut 5 minus bonos pervenit, novum illud exemplum ab 3dignis et idoneis ad indignos et non idoneos transfertur. Lacedaemonii devictis Atheniensibus triginta viros imposuere, qui rempublicam eorum tractarent.t Ii primo coepere pessumum quemque et omnibusu invisum indemnatum necare: ea' populus 10 laetari et merito dicere fieri. Post, ubi paaliatim licentia crevit, juxta bonos et malos lubidinose inr-rficere, ceteros metu terrere. Ita civitas servitute oppresa stultae laetitiaew graves poenas dedit. Nostra memoriad victor Sulla quum 37Damasippum et alios ejusmodi, qui maloP reipublicae cre-15 verant, jugulari jussit, quis non factum ejus laudabat? Homines scelestos et factiosos, qui seditionibus rempublicam exagitaverant, merito necatos aiebant. Sed ea res magnae initium cladis fuit. Nam uti quisque domum aut villam, postremo vas aut vestimentum alicujus concupiverat, dabat ope- 20 ram, ut is in proscriptorum numero esset. Ita illi, quibus Damasippi mors laetitiaex fuerat, paullo post ipsi trahebantur; neque prius finis jugulandi fuit, quam Sulla omnes suos divitiis explevit. 8Atque ego haec non in M. Tullio neque his temporibus vereor sed in magna civitate multa et varia 39ingenia 25 sunt. 40Potest alio tempore, alio consule, cui item exercitus in manu sit, falsum aliquid pro vero credi: ubi hoc exemploP per senati decretum gladium consul eduxerit, quis illi finem statuet aut quis moderabitur? Majores nostri, Patres conscripti, neque consilii neque audaciae unquam eguereY; neque 30 illis superbia obstabat,Y 41quo minus aliena instituta, si modo proba erant, imitarentur. 42Arma atque tela militaria ab Samnitibus, insignia magistratuum ab Tuscis pleraque sumpLI. t500; 1205; 264, 5.-"39; 860; 222, 3. — 371 & 3; 717; 232 (2). - w395; 751; 211, R. 12. - x390; 848; 22'. —471, II., 468; 1093, 1087; 145, II. & IV. 174 C. SALLUSTII CRISPI serunt: postremo quod,ubique apud socios aut hostes idoneum videbatur cum summo studio domi exsequebantur; 4imitari quam invidere bonis malebant. Sed eodern illo tempore,Graeciae moremn imitati,verberibus animadvertebant in cives, de 5 condemnatis summum supplicium sumebant. Postquam respublica adolevit et multitudineP civium factiones valuere, circumveniri innocentes, aliaque hujuscemodi fieri coepere; tum lex Porcia aliaeque leges paratae sunt; quibus legibus exsilium damnatis permissum est. Hanc ego caussam, Patres 10 conscripti, 45quominus novum consilium capiamus,z imprimis magnam puto. Profecto virtus atque sapientia major in illis fuit, qui ex parvis opibus tantum imperium fecere, quam in nobis, qui 4ea bene parta vix retinemus. Placet igitur eos dimitti et augeri exercitum Catilinae? Minume; sed ita 15 censeo: publicandas' eorum pecunias, ipsos in vinculis habendos 47per municipia, quae maxume opibusP valent; "neu quis de iis postea ad senatum referataa neve cum populo agat; qui aliter fecerit, senatum existimare, 49eum contra rempublicam et salutem omnium facturum." 20 LII. Postquam Caesar dicendi finem fecit, lceteri verbo aliusa alii varie assentiebantur; at M. Porcius Cato, rogatus sententiam, hujuscemodi orationem habuit: "2Longe mihi alia mens est, Patres conscripti, quum res atque pericula nostra considero et quum sententias nonnullorum mecum ipse reputo. 25 Illi mihi disseruisse videntur de 3poena eorum, qui patriae, parentibus, aris atque focis suis bellum paravere; res autem monet, cavere ab illis [magis] quam, quid in illos statuamus, consultare. Nam cetera malefacta turn 4persequare,b ubi facta sunt; hoc, nisi providerisc ne accidat, ubi evenit, frustra 5judicia 30 imploresb: capta urbe, 6nihil fit reliquid victis. Sed, per deos immortalis, vos ego appello, qui semper domos, villas, signa, LI. z499; 1236; 262, R. 9. aa 530, II.; 1200; 273, 3 (a), 266, 2. R. 1 (a). LII. 459, 363; 644, 681; 207, R. 32 (a), 204, R. 10. - b485; 1177; 209, R. 7 (a), 260, R. 4. —c509; 1265; 260, II. —d396, 2 (1); i60; 212, & R. 1. CATILINA. 17~) tabulas vestras 7plurise quam rempublicam fecistis, si 8islt,: cujuscumque modig sunt,h quae amplexamini, retinere, si voluptatibus vestris otium praebere vultis, expergiscimini aliquando et capessite rempublicam. Non 9agitur de vectigalibus neque de sociorum injuriis; libertas et anima nostra in dubio. est. Saepe numero, Patres conscripti, multa verba in hoe ordine feci, saepe de luxuria atque avaritia nostrorum civium questus sum, multosque mortalis ea caussa adversos habeo.'0Qui mihi atque animo meo nullius umquam delicti gratiam fecissem,' haud facile alterius lubidini malefacta condonabam. mtj Sed "ea tametsi vos parvie pendebatis, tamen respublica firma erat; 2opulentia neglegentiam tolerabat. Nunc vero non id agitur, 3bonisne an malis moribusj vivamus, neque quantum aut quam magnificum imperium populi Romani sit, 14sed, cujus haec cumque modig videntur,h nostra,k an nobiscum una, 1t hostiuml futura sint. 15Hic mihi quisquam mansuetudinem et misericordiam nominat. Jampridem equidem nos vera rerum vocabula amisimus; quia bona aliena largiri liberalitas, malarum rerum audacia fortitudo vocatur: 6eo respublica in extremo sita est. Sintb sane, quoniam ita se mores habent,20 liberales ex sociorum fortunis, sint misericordes 17in furibus aerarii; ne illi sanguinem nostrum largiantur,b et, dum paucis sceleratis parcunt, bonos omnis perditum eant. Bene et composite C. Caesar paullo ante in hoc ordine de vita et morte disseruit:'8credo, falsa existimans ea, quae de inferis memo- 26 rantur: 9gdiverso itinere malos a bonis loca tetra, inculta, foeda atque formidolosa habere. Itaque censuit pecunias eorum publicandas, ipsos per municipia in custodiis habendos: 20videlicet timens, ne si Romae sint aut a popularibus conjurationis aut a 2lmultitudine conducta per vim eripiantur. 30 Quasi vero mali atque scelesti tantummodo in urbe, 22et non per totam Italiam sint, aut non ibi plus possit audacia, ubi LTI. *402, III. & 1, 403; 799; 214, & R. 1 (a) (1). - r450, 4; 1031; 207, R. 25. —396, IV. 1 & 1); 757; 211, R. 6, & (5). —b475. 3; 259, R. 4 (3). - 519; 1251; 264, 8 (1). -J 414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. -398, 3; 756; 211, R. 3 (b). - 1401, 402, I.; 780; 211, R. 8 (3). _b(2)487, 488, I.; 1193; 260, R. 6. 8* L 176 C. SALLUSTII CRISPI ad defendendum opes minores sunt. Quare vanum equidem hoc consilium est, si periculum ex illis 2metuit; sin in tanto omnium metu solus non timet, eo magis refert me mihi0 atque vobis timere. Quare quum de P. Lentulo ceterisque statue5 tis, pro certo habetote,P vos simul de exercitu Catilinae et de omnibus conjuratis decernere. 24Quanto vos attentius ea agetis, tanto illis animus infirmior erit: si paullulum modo vos languere viderint, 2Ujam omnes feroces aderunt. Nolite existimare, majores nostros armis rempublicam ex parva maglOnam fecisse. 2Si ita esset, multo pulcherrumam nos eam haberemus, quippe sociorum atque civium, praeterea armorum atque equorum major nobis copia quam illis est. Sed alia fuere quae illos magnos fecere, quae nobis nulla sunt: domi industria, foris justum imperium, animus in consulendo liber, 15 neque delicto neque lubidini obnoxius. Pro his nos habemus luxuriam atque avaritiam, publice egestatem, 28privatim opulentiam: laudamus divitias, sequimur inertiam: inter bonos et malos discrimen nullum: omnia avirtutis praemia ambitio possidet. Neque mirum; ubi vos separatim 3sibi 20 quisque consilium capitis; ubi domi voluptatibus, 3hic pecuniae aut gratiae servitis: eor fit ut impetus fiat 32in vacuam rempublicam. Sed ego haec omitto. Conjuravere nobilissumi cives patriam incendere: Gallorum gentem infestissumam nomini Romano ad bellum accersunt: dux hostium cum 25 exercitu 33supra caput est: vos cunctamini etiamnunc, quid intra moenia deprehensis hostibus9 faciatis? M34isereaminit censeo, (deliquere homines adolescentuli per ambitionem,) atque etiam armatos dimittatis.t 3Ne istaf vobis mansuetudo et misericordia, si illi arma ceperint, in miseriam vertet. 30 36Scilicet res ipsa aspera est, sed vos non timetis earn. 7Immo vero maxume; sed inertiar et mollitia animi alius" alium exspectantes cunctamini, videlicet diis immortalibus confisi qui hanc rempublicam in maxumis saepe periculis servavere. LII. 0385 &3; 836; 223, R. 2 (1) (a).- P537, I.; 1117'; 267 (3). — r414 & 2; 873; 247, 1 (2).-'384 & II.; 855; 222, 2 (b).-t492, 3, 493, 2; 1208; 262, R. 4. CATILINA. 177 Non votis neque suppliciis muliebribus auxilia deorum parantur: vigilando, agendo, bene consulendo omnia prospera cedunt: ubi socordiae te atque ignaviae tradideris, nequicquam deos imploresb: irati infestique sunt. Apud majores nostros T. Manlius Torquatus 88bello Gallico filium suum, 5 quod is contra imperium in hostem pugnaverat, necari jussit, atque ille egregius adolescens immoderatae fortitudinis morte poenas dedit: vos de crudelissumis parricidis quid statuatis cunctamini? 39Videlicet cetera vita eorum huic sceleri obstat. 4Verum parcite dignitati Lentuli, si ipse pudicitiae, si famae 10 suae, si diis aut hominibus unquam ullis pepercit: ignoscite Cethegi adolescentiae, nisi iterum jam patriae bellum fecit Nam quid ego de Gabinio, Statilio, Coepario loquar? 4quibus si quidquam unquam pensi fuisset, non ea consilia de republica habuissent. Postremo, Patres conscripti, 2si mehercule 15 peccato locus esset, facile paterer vos ipsa re corrigi, quoniam verba mea contemnitis; sed undique circumventi sumus. Catilina cum exercitu 3faucibus urget: alii intra moenia atque in sinu urbis sunt hostes: neque parari neque consuli quicquam potest 44occulte; quo magis properandum est. Quare 20 ita censeo: quum nefario consilio sceleratorum civium respublica in maxuma pericula venerit, iique indicio T. Volturii et legatorum Allobrogum convicti confessique sint, eaedem, incendia,aliaque se foeda atque crudelia facinora in civis patriamque paravisse, de confessis sicuti de manifestis rerum" 25 capitalium more majorum supplicium sumendum." LIII. Postquam Cato assedit, consulares omnes itemque senatus magna pars sententiam ejus laudant, virtutem animi ad coelum ferunt, lalii alios increpantes timidos vocant, Cato clarus atque magnus habetur, senati decretum fit sicuti ile30 censuerat. Sed mihia 2multa legenti, multa audienti, quae populus Romanus domi militiaeque, mari atque terra praeclara facinora fecit, forte lubuit attendere, 3quae res maxume LII. u399 & 3, 1); 765; 213. LIII. a 385; 840; 223, R. 2. 178 C. SALLUSTII CRISPI tanta negotia sustinuisset. Sciebam, saepe numero parva manu cum magnis legionibus hostium 4contendisse: cognoveram parvis copiis bella gesta cum opulentis regibus; ad hoc saepe fortunae violentiam toleravisse; facundiab Graecos, i gloriab belli Gallos 5ante Romanos fuisse. Ac mihi multa 6agitanti constabat, paucorum civium egregiam virtutem cuncta patravisse; eoque factum, uti divitias paupertas, multitudinem paucitas superaret. Sed postquam luxu atque desidia civitas corrupta est, rursus respublica magnitudinec 10sua imperatorum atque magistratuum vitia sustentabat, ac, 7sicuti effeta parente, smultis tempestatibus baud sane quisquam Romae virtute magnus fuit. Sed memoria mea ingenti virtute,d diversis moribusd fuere viri duo, M. Cato et C. Caesar; 9quos, quoniam res obtulerat, silentioe praeterire non fuit 15 consilium, l~quin utriusque naturam et mores quantum ingenio possem aperirem. LIV. Igitur iis genus, aetas, eloquentia prope laequaliaa fuere; magnitudo animi par, item gloria; sed 2alia alii. Caesar beneficiisb ac munificentia magnus habebatur; integritateb 20 vitae Cato. Illec mansuetudineb et misericordia clarus factus; huicc severitas dignitatem addiderat. Caesar dando, sublevando, ignoscendo; Cato nihil largiundo gloriam adeptus est. In altero miseris perfugium erat, in altero malis pernicies; illius 3facilitas, hujus constantia laudabatur. Postremo Caesar 254in animum induxerat laborare, vigilare: negotiis amicorum intentus, sua neglegere: nihil denegare, quod dono dignum esset: sibi magnum imperium, exercitum, bellum novum exoptabat, ubi virtus enitescere posset.d At Catoni studium modestiae, decoris, sed maxume severitatis erat. Non divitiis 30 cum divite neque factione cum factioso, sed cum strenuo viu-. LII. b429; 889; 250, 1. —414 & 2; 873; 247, 1.-d428; 888; 211, R. 6.- 414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. —f498 & 3; 1230; 262, R. 10, 2. LIV. a 439, 2 & 3); 654; 205, R. 2 (2). Dist. bet. aequalis and par. V. n l.-b414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. -450, 2 & 1); 1029; 207, R. 23. 4500 k 1; 1213; 264, 5, R. 2. CATILINA. 17' tute, cum modesto pudore, cum innocente abstinentia certab:t: esse quam videri bonus malebat: ita quo minus petebat gloriam, eo magis ilium 5sequebatur. LV. Postquam, ut dixi, senatus lin Catonis sententiam discessit, consul optumum factua ratus noctem, quae instabat, 5 antecapere, 2ne quidb eo spatio novaretur, 3triumviros, quae supplicium postulabat, parare jubet: 4ipse, dispositis praesidiis, Lentulum in carcerem deducit: idem fit ceteris per praetores. Est in carcere locus, quodc Tullianum appellatur, "ubi paullulum ascenderisd ad laevam,e circiter duodecim pedes humiflo depressus. Eum muniunt undique parietes, atque insuper 6camera lapideis fornicibus vincta; sed'incultu, tenebris, odore foeda atque terribilis ejus facies est. In eum locum postquam demissus est Lentulus, vindices rerum capitalium, quibus praeceptum erat, laqueo gulam fregere. Ita ille patri- 15 cius ex gente clarissuma Corneliorum, qui consulare imperium Romae habuerat, dignum moribus factisque suis exitum vitae invenit. De Cethego, Statilio, Gabinio, Coepario eodem modo supplicium sumptum est. LVI. Dum ea Romae geruntur, Catilina'ex omni copia, 20 quam et ipse adduxerat et Manlius habuerat, duas legiones instituit, cohortes pro numero militum complet; deinde, ut quisque voluntarius aut ex 2sociis in castra 3'enerat, aequaliter distribuerat, ac brevi spatio legiones 4numero hominum expleverat, quum initio non amplius duobus milibus habuisset. 25 Sed ex omni copia circiter pars quarta erat militaribus armis instructa: ceteri, ut quemque casus armaverat, sparos aut lanceas, 5alii praeacutas sudes portabant. Sed postquam Antonius cum exercitu adventabat, Catilina per montes iter.ficerea; modo ad urbem, modo in Galliam versus,b castra 80 movere; hostibus occasionem pugnandi non dare; sperans LV., 570 & 1; 1365; 276, III. - b380, 2; 731; 232 (3). —445 4; 695; 206 (10). - d485; 1161; 209, R. 7 (a).- e441, 3; 658: 205, R. 7 (1).-f424, 2; 944;221, R. 3. LVI. "545, 1; 1137; 209, R. 5.-b474; 235, R. 9. 180 C. SALLUSTII CRISPI propediem magnas copias sese habiturum, si Romae socii incepta patravissent. Interea 6servitia repudiabat, 7cujus initio ad eum magnae copiae concurrebant, opibusc conjurationis fretus, simul 8alienum suis rationibusd existimans, videri 5 caussam civium cum servis fugitivis communicavisse. LVII. Sed postquam in castra nuntius pervenit, Romae conjurationem patefactam, de Lentulo et Cethego ceterisque, quos supra memoravi, supplicium sumptum, plerique, quos ad bellum spes rapinarum aut novarum rerum studium illexerat, to dilabuntur: reliquos Catilina per montes asperos magnis itineribusa in agrum Pistoriensem abducit, eo consilio,b uti per tramitesc occulte profugeret in Galliam Transalpinam. At Q. Metellus Celer cum tribus legionibus in agro Piceno lpraesidebat, 2ex difficultate rerum 3eadem illa existimans, quae 5 supra diximus, Catilinam agitare. Igitur, ubi iter ejus ex perfugis cognovit, castra propere movet, ac sub ipsis radicibus montium consedit, qua illi descensus erat in Galliam properanti. Neque tamen Antonius procul aberat, 4utpote qui magno exercitud locis aequioribus 5expeditus in fuga sequere20 tur. Sed Catilina, postquam videt montibus atque copiis hostium sese clausum, in urbe res adversas, neque fugae neque praesidii ullam spem, optumum factu ratus in tali re fortunam belli tentare, statuit cum Antonio quam primum confligere. Itaque, concione advocata, hujuscemodi orationem habuit. 25 LVIII. Compertuma ego habeo, milites, verba virtuten non addere, neque ex ignavo strenuum, neque fortem ex timido exercitum, oratione imperatoris, fieri. Quanta cujusque animo audacia naturab aut moribus inest, tanta in bello patere solet: quem neque gloria neque pericula excitant, ne30 quicquam horterec; timor animi auribus officit. Sed ego vos, LVI. "419, IV.; 919; 244. —d391; 860; 222, R. 1. LVII. a 414 & 3; 873; 247, 2.-b414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. —Dist. bet iter, via, trames, semita, and callis. V. Caes. I. 9, n. 1.-d-414 & 7; 873; 249, III. R. LVIII. a 1358; 274, 2, R. 4.- b414 & 2; 873; 247, 1 (2). —485; 1177; 260, R. 4. CATILINA. 181 quo pauca monerem, advocavi, lsimul uti caussam 2mei consilii aperirem. Scitis equidem, milites, socordia atque ignavia Lentuli quantam ipsi nobisque cladem attulerit, quoque modo, dum ex urbe praesidia opperior, in Galliam proficisci nequiverim. Nunc vero quo in loco res nostrae sint, 3juxta mecum 5 omnes intellegitis. Exercitus hostium duo, unus ab urbe, alter a Gallia obstant; diutius in his locis esse, 4di maxume animus ferat, frumenti atque aliarum rerum egestas prohibet. Quocumque ire placet, ferro iter aperiundum est. Quapropter vos moneo, uti forti atque parato animod sitis, et, quum o0 praelium inibitis, memineritis, vos divitias, decus, gloriam, praeterea libertatem atque patriam in dextris vestris portare. Si vincimus, omnia nobis tuta erunt, 5commeatus abunde, municipia atque coloniae patebunt; sin metu cesserimus, eadem illa adversa fient; neque locus neque amicus quisquam u1 teget, quem arma non texerint. Praeterea, milites, non eadem nobis et illis necessitudo impendet; nos pro patria, pro libertate, pro vita certamus; illis supervacaneum est pugnare pro potentia paucorum. Quo audacius aggredimini, memores pristinae virtutis. Licuit vobis cum summa turpitudine in20 exilio aetatem agere; potuistis 6nonnulli Romae, amissis bonis, talienas opes exspectare: quia illa foeda atque intoleranda 8viris videbantur, 9haec sequi decrevistis. Si haec relinquere voltis, audacia opus est, nemo nisi victor pacee bellum mutavit. Nam in fuga salutem sperare, quum arma, quibus corpus 25 tegitur, ab hostibus averteris, -~ea vero dementia est. Semper in praelio iis maxumum est periculum, qui maxume timent: audacia pro muro habetur. Quum vos considero, milites, et quum facta vestra aestimo, magna me spes victoriae tenet. Animus, aetas, virtus vestra me hortantur: praeterea necessi- 80 tudo, quae etiam timidos fortes facit. Nam multitudo hostium ne circumvenire queat,g prohibent angustiae loci. "Quodsi LVIII. d428 & 1, 2); 888; 211, R. 6, & R. 8 (2). - 416, 2; 887; 252, R. 5. —485 ~ 1161; 209, R. 7 (a). — 491, 499, 2; 1205; 262, & R. 11. 1W2 C. SALLUSTII CRISPI virtuti vestrae fortuna inviderit, 12cavete inulti animam amittatis, neu capti potius sicuti pecora trucidemini, quam virorum more pugnantes cruentam atque luctuosam victoriam hostibus relinquatis." 5 LIX. Haec ubi dixit, paullulum commoratus'signa canere jubet, atque instructos ordines in locum aequum deducit. Dein, -remotis omnium equis, quo militibus, exaequato periculo, animus amplior esset, ipse 3pedes exercitum 4pro loco atque copiis instruit. Nam, uti planities erat 5inter sinistros montes 10 et ab dextra rupe' aspera, octo cohortes in fronte constituit, reliquorum 6signa in subfidio artius collocat. TAb his centuriones, omnis lectos,b et evocatos, praeterea ex gregariis militibus optumum quemque armatum in primam aciem subducit. C. Manlium in dextra, Faesulanum quemdam in si15 nistra parte curare jubet: ipse cum libertis et scolonis propter aquilam adsistit, quam bello Cimbrico C. Marius in exercitu habuisse dicebatur. At ex altera parte C. Antonius, pedibuse aeger, quod praelio adesse nequibat, M5. Petreio legato exercitum permittit. Ille cohortes veteranas, quas tumultid caussa 20conscripserat, in fronte, post eas ceterum exercitum in subsidiis locat: ipse equo circumiens unumquemque nominans appellat, hortatur, rogat, ut meminerint se contra latrones inermes pro patria, pro liberis, pro aris atque focis suis certare. 9Homo militaris, quod amplius annose triginta tribunus, aut 25 praefectus, aut legatus, aut praetor cum magna gloria in exercitu fuerat, plerosque l~ipsos factaque eorum fortia noverat: ea commemorando militum animos accendebat. LX. Sed ubi, omnibus exploratis, Petreius tuba signum dat, cohortes paullatim incedere jubet: idem facit hostium 30 exercitus. Postquam eo ventum est, unde a ferentariis praelium committi posset, maxumo clamore cum infestis signis concurrunt, pila omittunt, gladiis res geritur. Veterani, pristinae virtutis memores, cominus acriter instare: lilli haud LIX. a414 & 2; 873; 247, 1 (1).-363; 622; 204.-c429; 889; 360, 1. - 117, 3; 139; 89, 2. - 378, 417, 3; 900, 950; 256, R. 6 (a). CATILINA. 183 timidi resistunt. maxuma vi certatur. Interea Catilina cunl expeditis in prima acie versari,f laborantibus succurrere, integros pro sauciis accersere, omnia providere, multum ipse pugnare, saepe hostem ferire. Strenui militis et boni imperatoris officia simul exsequebatur. Petreius, ubi videt Catili- 5 nam, 2contra ac ratus erat, magna vib 3tendere, 4cohortem praetoriam in medios hostes inducit, eosque perturbatos atque 5alios alibi resistentes interfecit: deinde utrimque 6ex lateribus ceteros aggreditur. Manlius et Faesulanus 7in primis pugnantes cadunt. Catilina postquam fusas copias seque 10 cum paucis relictum videt, memor generis atque pristinae suae dignitatis, in confertissumos hostes incurrit, ibique pugnans confoditur. LXI. Sed, confecto praelio, tur vero cerneres,^ quanta audacia quantaque vis animi fuisset in exercitu Catilinae. 15 Nam fere quem quisque vivus pugnando locumb ceperat, eum,b amissa anima, corpore tegebat. Pauci autem,'quos medios cohors praetoria disjecerat, 2paullo diversius, sed omnes tamen adversis volneribus conciderant. Catilina vero longe a suis inter hostium cadavera repertus est, paullum20 3etiam spirans, ferociamque animi, quam habuerat vivus, in voltu retinens. Postremo ex omni copia, neque in praelio neque in fuga quisquam civis ingenuus captus est: ita cuncti suae hostiumque vitae 4juxta pepercerant. Neque tamen exercitus populi Romani laetam aut incruentam victoriam adep- 25 tus erat; nam 5strenuissumus quisque aut occiderat in praelio, aut graviter volneratus discesserat. Multi autem, qui de castris visundi aut spoliandi gratia processerant, volventes hostilia cadavera, amicum alii,c parsc hospitem aut cognatum reperiebant: fuere item, qui inimicos suos cognoscerent. Ita 30 varie per omnem exercitum 6aetitia, moeror, luctus atque gaudia agitabantur. LX. a 545, 1; 1137; 209, R. 5.-b414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. LXI. a 486, 4; 1177; 209, R. 7 (a).-b445, 8; 687, 690; 206(3) (a). —c363; 629; 204, R. 10. M. TULLII CICERONIS IN L. CATILINAM ORATIO PRIMA HABITA IN SENATU. I. 1.'Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientiaa 2nos tra? quamdiu 3etiam furor 4isteb tuus nos 5eludet? 6quem ad finem 7sese effraenata jactabit audacia? sWihilne te nocturnum praesidium 9Palatii, nihil'~urbis vigiliae, nihil "timor populi, 5 nihil concursus bonorum omnium, nihil hic munitissimus habendic senatus "locus, nihil l3horum orad vultusque moverunt? Patere tua consilia 14none sentis?'Constrictam jam omnium horum conscientia teneri conjurationem tuam non vides? Quid 16proxima, quid superiore, noctef egeris,9 ubi fueris,g l0 1quos convocaveris,g'8quid consiliih ceperis,g quem nostrumi ignorare arbitraris? 2. 0 tempora! 0 mores! Senatus haec intelligit, consul videt; hic tamen vivit! Vivit?'9Immo vero etiam 2in senatum venit: fit publici consiliiJ particeps: notat et designat 15 oculis ad caedem unumquemque nostrum.' Nos autem, fortes 2viri, satisfacere rei publicae "videmur, si`istius furorem ac tela vitemus.k I.'419, I.; 880; 245, I.-b450; 1028; 201, R. 25. —e562, 563; 1322-4; 275, II. - dDist. bet. facies, os, vutus, and oculus. V. Sail. XV. n. 9. eDist. bet. non and nonne in direct questions. V. n. 14.f426; 949; 25:. -- 525, 480; 1182, 1164; 258, A & B I. 1, 265. h396, 2, 3) & (3); 76'f; 212, R. 3.-'446, 3; 1016; 212, R. 2, & N. 2. — 399, 2 & 2); ji 6; 213 —k503 & 11.; 1271; 261, 2. ORATIO I. IN L. CATILINAM. 18S Ad mortem te, Catilina, duci 2jussu consulis jampridem %oportebatl: in te cgnferri pestem, quam tu in nos 2[jamdiu] machinaris.m 3. 2'An vero vir amplissimus, P. Scipio, 2pontifex maximus, 2Ti. Gracchum, mediocriter labefactantem statum rei publicae, privatus interfecit: Catilinam, orbem 5 terrae caede atque incendiis vastare cupientem, nos consules perferemus? w~Nam illa nimis antiqua praetereo, quod C. Servilius Ahala 1Sp. Melium, 32novis rebus studentem, manu sua occidit. 3Fuit, fuit ista quondam in hac re publica virtus, ut viri fortes acrioribus suppliciis civem perniciosum quam 10 acerbissimum-hostem coercerent." Habemus senatus consultum in te, Catilina, vehemens et grave: non deest rei publicae0 3consilium, neque auctoritas 5hujus ordinis: nos, nos, dico aperte, consules desumus. II. 4. Decrevit quondam senatus, ut iL. Opimius 2consul 15 videret,8 ne quid res publica 3detrimentib caperet.l Nox nulla intercessit: interfectus est propter quasdam seditionum suspiciones C. Gracchus clarissimo'patre," avo,z majoribusc: occisus est cum liberis M. Fulvius consularis. Simili senatus consulto, C. Mariod et L. Valerio consulibus est permissa20 res publica. Nume unum diemf postea L. Saturniuum tribunum plebis, et C. Servilium praetorem mors ac rei publieaeg poena remorata esth? At no1 vicesimum jam diem' patimur hebescereJ aciem horum auctoritatis. Habemus enim hujuscemodi senatus consultum, verum inclusum in tabulis,tamquam 25 in vagina reconditum; quo 8ex senatus consulto confestim te interfectum esse, Catilina, 9convenit. Vivis; et vivis non ad deponendam,k sed ad confirmandam audaciam. Cupio, L IDist. bet. necesse est, oportet, opus est, and debeo. V. Caes. I. 4, n. 4. — 467, 2; 1083; 145, I. 2, —489, I., 494; 1218; 262. —395; 751; 211. II. 8 489, I, 492; 1208; 262. - _bDist. bet. damnum, detrimentum, and jactura. V. n. 2. -'428,; 888; 211, R. 6, & R. 8 (2). - d385; 1075, II.; 223, R. 2.- e346, II. 1, 3); 1105; 198, 11, R. (b). - f378; 950; 236. —395; 751; 211.-h463, 3; 644; 209, R. 12 (2).'446; 1013; 209, R. 1 (b). -J551, II. & 1; 1153; 273, 4 (a).k562, 565 & 1; 1337; 275, II. 186 ORATIONES CICERONIS.'~Patres Conscripti, "me1 esse clementem; cupio in tantis rei publicae periculis me' non dissolutum videri; sed jam me ipse"' inertiae" nequitiaeque condemno. 5. Castra sunt in Italia contra populum Romanum 2in 5 Etruriae faucibus collocata: crescit in dies singulos~ hostium numerus; eorum autemPr 3castrorum imperatorem ducemque hostium intra moenia 14atque adeo in senatu videmus intestinam aliquam quotidie perniciem rei publicae molientem.q Si te jam, Catilina, comprehendi, si interfici, jusseror;'lcredo, 10 erit verendum mihi, nes non hoc potius omnes boni serius a me, quam cuisquamt crudelius factum esse 16j4cat. Verum ego hoc, quod jampridem factum esse oportuit, 17certa de causa, nondum adducor, ut faciam. Tur denique interficiere, quum jam nemo tam improbus, tam perditus, tam MstuiU simiS lis inveniri poterit, qui id non jure factum esse fateatur.v 6. Quamdiu S9quisquamw erit, qui te defendere audeat,v vives; et vives ita, ut vivis, multis meis et firmis praesidiis obsessus, ne commovere te contra rem publicam possis. Multorum te etiam oculi et aures non sentientem, sicut adhuc fecerunt, 20 speculabuntur atque custodient. III. Etenim quid est, Catilina, quod jam amplius exspectes,1 si neque nox tenebris obscurare coetus lnefarios,b nee 2privata domus parietibusc continere 3voces conjurationis [tuae] potest? si 4illustrantur, si erumpunt omnia? Muta jam 5istam 25 mentem; mihi crede: obliviscere caedisd atque incendioII. 1545; 1136, 1140; 271, R. 4. —m452 & 1; 682; 207, R. 28 (a). —410, II. & 1; 793; 217. —Diist. bet. quotidie end in singulos dies. V. Caes. I. 16, n. 2. - P587, III. 2 & 4; 1391, Exc. 2; 198, 9, R. (a). — q Dist. bet. audeo, conor, and molior. V. Caes. II. 8, n. 3. - r508; 1261; 261, R. 1. —492 4, 1), 121 5; 262, R.7.-t457; 1061-2; 207, R. 31.-"391, 2, 4 (2); 863; 222, R. 2 (b). — 50t 1218; 264, 1 (a). — Explain quisquam as here used. V. n. 19. III. a 501. I.; 1218; 264, 7.-bDist. bet. scelestus, scelratus, nefarius, impius, and nefandus. V; n. 1. - Dist. bet. murus, moenia, and pares. V. Caes. I. 8, n. 4. —406, II.; 788; 216. ORATIO I. IN L. CATILINAM. 187 rum. Teneris undique: lucee sunt clariora nobisf tua consilia omnia; 6quae jam mecum licet recognoscas.g 7. 7Meministine me 8ante diem XII. Kalendas Novembres,h dicerei in senatu, fore in armis certQ die, qui 10dies futurus esset "ante diem VI. Kalendas Novembres,h C. Manlium, audaciae 5 satellitem atque administrum tuae? NumJ me fefellit, Catilina, 12non modo res tanta, tam atrox tamque incredibilis, verum, 13id quodk multo magis est admirandum, dies? Dixi ego idem1 in senatu, 14caedem te optimatium contulisse in ante diem V. Kalendas Novembres,h turn quum multi principes 10 civitatis Romam non tam'5sui conservandi quam tuorum consiliorum reprimendorum causa profugerunt. Numn infitiari potes te 16illo ipso die meis praesidiis, mea diligentia circumclusum commovere te contra rem publicam non potuisse, quum tu'7discessun ceterorum'8nostra tamen, qui remansissemus,~ 15 caedeP te contentum esse dicebas? 8. 19Quid? quum te 20Praeneste 2'Kalendis ipsis Novembribus occupaturum nocturno impetu esse confideres, 22sensistine illam coloniam meo jussuq meis praesidiis,r custodiis, vigiliis esse munitam? 2UNihil agis, pihil moliris, nihil cogitas, quod 20 non ego non modo audiam,; sed etiam videama planeque sentiam.. IV. Recognosce tandem mecum inoctem illam superiorem: jam intelliges multoa me vigilare acriusb ad salutem quam te ad perniciem rei publicae. Dico te priore nocte25 venisse 2inter falcarios (non agam obscure) in M. Laecae domum: Sconvenisse eodem complures ejusdem amentiae scelerisque socios. Num negare audes? Quid taces? 4ConIII. 9417; 895; 266, 2.- 391: 860; 222, I. 1. —496, 1; 1222; 262, R. 4.-h-708, III. 2; 1527; 326, 2 (5) (b). —-Why present infin.? V. n. 9. -J 346, II. 1, 3); 1105; 198, 11, R. (b). - k 445, 7; 683; 206 (13) (a) & (b).-1451, 3; 1034; 207, R. 27 (a).-m421, II.; 941; 255, 1.-"426, 1; 949; 253, & N. 1.o-531, 445, 6, 3); 1291, 692; 266, 2, 209, R. 6, 206 (12). —419, IV.; 919; 244. -q414 & 2; 873; 24'7, 1.- 414 & 4; 873; 247, 3. IV. a 418; 929; 256, R. 16. —b305; 462; 194, 1 & 2. 188 ORATIONES CICERONIS. vincam, si negas; video enim esse hic in senatu quosdam, qui tecum una fuerunt. 9. 0 dii immortales! ubinam gentiume sumus? in qua urbe vivimus? quam rem publicam habemus? Hic, hic sunt 6 in nostro numero, Patres Conscripti, in hoc orbis terrae sanetissimo gravissimoque 5consilio, qui de 6nostro omniumd interitu quit de hujus urbis 7atque adeo de orbis terrarum exitio 8cogtent.i Hosce ego video [consul] et 9de re publica sententiam rogo; et quos ferro trucidari oportebat, l~eos nondum 10 voce vulnero. Fuisti "igitur apud Laecam illa nocte, Catilina:'distribuisti partes Italiae: statuisti quo quemqueg proficisci placereth:'3delegisti quos Romae relinqueres,i quos tecum educeresi: descripsisti urbis partes ad incendia: 14confirmasti te ipsum jam esse exiturum: dixisti Spaulum tibij 15 esse etiam nunc morae, quod ego viverem.k Repertil sunt'6duo equites Romani, qui te ista cura liberarent,m et sese illa ipsa nocte paulo ante lucem me in meo lectulo interfecturos pollicerentur."m 10. Haec ego omnia,'7vix dum etiam coetun vestro dimisso, 18comperi: domum meam majoribus praesidiis 20 munivi atque firmavi: exclusi eos, quos tu 19ad me salutatum~ miseras, quum illi ipsi venissent, quos ego jam multis ac summis viris ad me 20id temporis venturos esse praedixeram. V. Quae quum ita sint,a Catilina, perge, quo coepisti: egredere aliquando ex urbe: patent portae: proficiscere. 25 Nimium diu te imperatorem ltua illab Manliana castra desiderant. Educ tecum etiam omnes tuos; 2si minus, quam plurimos: purga urbem. Magno me metu liberabis, dummodo inter me atque te murus intersit. Nobiscum versari IV. c396, 2, 4) & (2); 1005-7; 212, R. 4, N. 2 (a). - d 397, 3; 628; 205, R. 13 (a). —e50, I.; 1227; 265, 6. - 045; 1136; 239. - 525; 1182; 265.-'500; 1212; 264, 5.-J 387; 821; 226.k520, II.; 1291; 266, 3.- IDist. bet. invenio, reperio, deprehendo, nanciscor, adipiscor, consequor, and assequor. V. Caea I. 18, n. 19. —m501, I.; 1218; 264, 1 (a) & (b). - nDist. bet. concilium, concio, comitia, coetts, and conventus. V. Sall. XLIII. n. 2. —569; 1360; 276, II. V. ^517, I.; 1251; 263, 5. —b450; 1028; 207, R. 23 (a). —503, I, 505'; 1271; 263, 2 (1). ORATIO I. IN L. CATILINAM. 189 jam diutius non potes: non feram,d non patiar, non sinam. 11. 3Magna diis immortalibus habenda est atque huic ipsi Jovi Statori, antiquissimo custodi hujus urbis, gratia,e quod hanc tam tetram, tam horribilem, tamque infestam rei publicae pestem 4toties jam effugimus. Non est saepius 5in uno homine 5 summa salus periclitanda rei publicae. Quamdiu mihi, 6consuli designato, Catilina, insidiatus es, non publico me praesidio, sed privata diligentia defendi. Quum 7proximis comitiisf consularibus me consulem 8in campo et 9competitores tuos interficere voluisti, compressi conatus nefarios tuos amicorum 10 praesidio et copiis, nullo tumultu publice concitato: denique, quotiescumque me "petisti, per me tibi obstiti; quamquam videbam perniciem meam cum magna calamitate rei publicae esse conjunctam. 12. 1Nunc jam aperte rem publicam universam petis: templa deorum immortalium, tecta urbis, vitam 15 omnium civium, Italiam "[denique] totam 13ad exitium et vastitatem vocas. Quare quoniam l4id, quod est primum et quod hujug imperiig disciplinaequeg majorum proprium est, facere nondum audeo; faciam 5id, quod est ad severitatem lenius et ad communem 20 salutem utilius. Nam si te interfici jussero, residebit in re publica reliquah conjuratorum manus; sintu, quod te jamdu. dum 16hortor, exieris, exhaurietur ex urbe'ltuorum comitum magna et perniciosa sentina rei publicae.i 13. "Quid est, Catilina? num dubitas id, me imperante, facere, quod jam tua25 spontei faciebas? Exire ex urbe jubet hostem consul. Interrogas me, num 19in exsilium? Non jubeo, sed, si me consulis, suadeo. VI. 1Quid est enim, Catilina, quod te jam in hac urbe delectare possit? in qua nemo est extra 2istam conjuratio-30 V. d Dist. bet. fero, patior, sino, &c. V. Caes. TI. 25, n. 6. eDist. bet gratias agere, habere, referre; grates, gratari; gratulari. V. Caes. I. 35, n. 3.- 426, 1; 949; 253, N. 1.- g399, 3 & 3); 863; 222, R. 2 (a).h441, 6; 662; 205, R. 17. -- 397, 2; 754; 211, R. 10.-i Dist. bet sponte, sua sponte, ultro, voluntate, aud libenter. V. aes. I. 44, n. 3. VI. 501, I.; 1218; 264, 7. 190 ORATIONES CICERONIS. nem perditorum hominum, qui te non metuata: nemo, qui non oderit.a Quae3 nota domesticae turpitudinis non inusta vitaeb tuae est? quod privatarum rerum dedecus non haeret infamiae? 4quae libido ab oculis, quod facinusc a manibus 5 umquam tuis, quod flagitium a toto corpore, abfuit? 5Cui tu adolescentulo,b quem corruptelarum illecebris irretisses,d non aut ad audaciam ferrum aut ad libidinem facem praetulisti? 14. 6Quid vero? nuper quum morte superioris uxoris 7novis nuptiis domum vacuefecisses, nonne etiam 8alio incredibili loscelere* hoc scelus cumulasti? quod ego praetermitto et facile patior sileri, ne in hac civitate tanti facinoris immanitas aut exstitisse aut non vindicata esse videatur. Praetermitto ruinas fortunarum tuarum, quas omnes impendere tibib proximis 9Idibusf senties: ad illa venio, quae non ad privatam 15 ignominiam vitiorum tuorum, non ad l~domesticam tuam difficultatem ac turpitudinem, sed "ad summam rem publicam atque ad omnium nostrum vitam salutemque pertinent. 15. Potestne tibig haec lux, Catilina, aut 2hujus coeli spiritus esse jucundus,1 quum sciasi horum esse neminem, qui nesciata 20 te S3pridie Kalendask Januarias, 14Lepido et Tullo consulibus, stetisse in 15comitio6 6cum telo?'7manum consulum et principum civitatis interficiendorum causa paravisse? sceleri ac furorib tuo 18non mentem aliquam, aut timorem, sed fortunam populi Romani obstitisse? Ac jam illa omitto; ('9neque enim 25 sunt aut obscura, aut non multa commissa): quotiens tu me designatum, quotiens consulem interficere conatus es! quot ego tuas 20petitiones ita conjectas, ut vitari non posse viderentur, 21parva quadam declinatione et, ut aiunt, corpore effugi! [Nihil agis,] nihil assequeris, [nihil moliris,]; neque tamen coVI. b386; 826; 224. —cDist. bet. naleficium, facinus, flagitium, and nefas. V. Sall. XIV. n. 5. —501, I.; 1218; 264, 1 (a) & (b). —419, IIL & 2 1); 911; 249, I.-f426; 949; 253. — 391; 860; 222, R. 1.hDist. bet. gratus, jucundus, and acceptus. V. Caes. T. 3, n. 11.-'517, I.; 1251; 263, 5.-k437 & 1; 1010; 238, 1 (b). - IDist. bet. comitium and comitia. V. n. 15. ORATIO I. IN L. CATILINAM. 191 nari ac velle desistis. 16. Quotiens tibiT jam extorta est sica ista de manibus! quotiens vero excidit casu aliquo et elapsa est! [2tamen eavcarere diutius non potes]; 3quae quidem quibus abs te initiata sacris ac devota sit nescio, quod earn necesse putas esse in consulis corporen defigere. 5 VII. Nunc vero, quaea tua est lista vita? sic enim jam tecum loquar, non ut odio permotus esse videar, quo debeo, sed ut misericordia, 2quae tibi nulla debetur. 3Venisti paulo' ante in senatum. Quis te ex hac tanta frequentia, tot ex tuis amicis ac necessariis salutavit? Si hoc post hominum lo MIemoriam 4contigitc nemini, 5vocis exspectas contumeliam, quum sisd gravissimo 6judicio taciturnitatis oppressus? 7Quid? quod sadventue tuo istaf 9subsellia vacuefacta sunt? quod omnes consulares, qui tibig persaepe ad caedem constituti fuerunt simul atque assedisti, partem istamf subselliorum nudam15 atque inanem reliquerunt, quo l0tandem animoh tibig ferendum putas?\ 17. "Servi mehercule mei si me isto pacto metuerent,i ut te metuunt omnes cives tui, domum meam relinquendam putarem: tu 12tibi urbem non arbitraris? Et si me meis civibus l3injuria suspectum tam graviter atque'4offen- 20 sum viderem,i carere me adspectu civium quam infestis omniulm oculis conspici mallem: tu,l5quum conscientiae scelerum tuorum agnoscas odium omnium justum et jam tibi diu debitum,'6dubitas, quorum mentes sensusque vulneras, eorum adspectum praesentiamque vitare? Si te parentes timerent' atque 25 odissent tui, neque eos ulla ratione placare p6sses, ut opinor, ab eorum oculis 17aliquo concederes: nunc te patria, quae communis est parens omnium nostrum, odit ac metuit et jamVI. m398, 5; 1075, II.; 222, 2 (b), 224, R. 2.-"435 & 1; 989; 241, R. 5. VII. a 454; 1043; 137, 1, & R. 3. - b418; 929; 256,,R. 16 (3.)cDist. bet. accidit, evenit, contingit, obvenit, and obtingit. V. Caes. I. 18, n. 17.d- d7, I.; 1251; 263, 5. —414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. —JWhy sta rather than haec or iUa?- g 388, II.; 844; 225, II. - h414 & 3; 873; 24,7, 2.-F(2) 388, I.; 225, III. —510; 1267; 261, 1 -J What are the constructions of dubito and non dubito? V. n. 16. 9 M 192 ORATIONES CICERONIS. diu de te nihil judicatk nisi de 18parricidio suo cogitare. Hujus tu neque auctoritatem verebere neque judicium sequer6 neque vim pertimesces? 18. Quael tecum, Catilina, sic agit, et quodammodo tacita loquitur: " Nullum jam aliquot annis"' 5facinus" exstitit nisi per teo~; nullum flagitium sine te: tibi uni multorum civiumm neces, fibi g9vexatio direptioque sociorum impunita fuit ac libera: 20tu, non solum ad negligendas leges et quaestiones, verum etiam ad evertendas perfringendasque valuisti. Superiora illa, quamquam ferenda non fue10 runt, tamen, ut potui, tuli: nunc vero 2me totam esseP in metu propter unum te, 2quidquid increpuerit,q Catilinam timeri,P nullum videri — contra me consilium iniri posse, -quod a tuo scelere abhorreat, non estr ferendum. Quamobrem discede atque hune mihi' timorem eripe: si est verus, ne opprimar; 15 sin falsus, ut 24tandem aliquando timere desinam." VIII. 19. Haec si tecum, ut dixi, patria loquatur, lnonne impetrare debeat," etiamsi vim adhibere non possit? 3Quid? quod tu te ipseb in 2custodiam dedisti? 3quod vitandaec suspicionis causa ad 4M.' Lepidum te habitare velle dixisti? a 20quo non receptus, etiam ad me venire ausus es; atque, ut domia meae te asservarem, rogasti. Quum a me quoque id responsum tulisses, me nullo modo posse 5iisdem parietibuse tuto esse tecum, qui magno in periculo essem,f quod iisdem moenibusg contineremur, ad 6Q. Metellum praetorem venisti; 25 a quo repudiatus, ad sodalem tuum, 7virum optimum, M. Metellum, demigrasti; quem tu'videlicet et ad custodiendume [te] diligentissimum et ad suspicandum sagacissimum et 9ad VII. 467, 2; 1083. - 453; 701; 206 (17).- m378, 1; 950; 253. -"Dist. bet. facinus and flagitium. V. Sail. Cat. XIV. n. 5.o414, 5,1); 87;; 247, R. 4.-P549; 1118; 269. — 486, 5; 1161;.260, II. —rSubject of est?-'386, 2; 855; 224, R. 2. VIII. a Why subj. present? V. n. 1. —452, 1; 682; 207, R. 28 (a). -562, 563; 1322, 1327; 275, II.-d424, 2; 943; 221, R. 3.*Dist. bet. murus, paries, and moenia. V. Caes. I. 8, n. 4. —517, I., 519; 1291; 264, 8 (1). —s414; 873; 248, II. ORATIO I. IN L. CAT1LINAM. 193 vindicandum fortissimum fore putasti. Sed quam longe 10yidetur a carcere atque a vinculis abesse debere, qui se ipseD jam dignum custodiah judicariti? 20. Quae quum ita sint, Catilina, dubitas, 11si emori aequo animoi non potes, abire in 12aliquas terras, et vitam istam,k 5 multis suppliciis' justis debitisque ereptam, fugae solitudinique mandare? "'3Refer," inquis,m "ad senatum;" id enim postulas; et, si hic ordo placere decreverit te ire in exsilium, obtemperaturum te esse dicis. 14Non referam, id quodn abhorret a meis 10 moribus; et tamen faciam ut intelligas, quid hi de te sentiant. Egredere ex urbe, Catilina: libera rem publicam metu: in exsilium, 15si hanc vocem exspectas,'6proficiscere. Quid est, Catilina?'1ecquid attendis, ecquid animadvertis horum silentium? Patiuntur, tacent. Quid exspectas auctoritatem 15 loquentium, quorum voluntatem tacitorum perspicis? 21. At si hoc idem huic adolescenti optimo, "sP. Sestio, si fortissimo viro, 19M. Marcello, dixissem, jam mihi consuli hoc ipso in templo senatus jure optimo 20vim et manus intulisset. De te autem, Catilina, quum quiescunt, probant: quum pati-20 untur, decernunt: quum tacent, clamant. Neque hi solum, quorum tibi auctoritas est 8videlicet cara, 21vita vilissima, sed etiam illi equites Romani, honestissimi atque optimi viri, ceterique fortissimi cives, 2qui circumstant senatum, quorum tu et frequentiam videre, et studia perspiq 9e, et voces paulo25 ante exaudire potuist]. 2Quorum ego vix abs te jamdiu manus ac tela contineo,0 eosdem facile adducam, ut te haec, quae vastare jampridem studes,0 relinquentem, 24usque ad portas prosequantur. IX. 22. 1Quamquam quid loquor? te 2ut ulla res frangata? 3s tu ut umquam te corrigasa? tu ut ullam fugam mediterea? VIII. h419, IV.; 919; 244.- i501, 1.; 1218; 264, 1 (a) & (b). - -J 414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. -kWhy istam?- 425 & 2, 2); 91 6; 251. "528, 2; 1295 (1); 279, 6. -'445, 7; 683; 206 (13) (a) & (b). - ~467, 2; 1083; 145,I. 2. IX. ^495, 2, 2); 1180; 270, R. 2 (a). 194 ORATIONES CICERONIS. tu ut ullum exsilium cogitesa? Utinam tibi istam mentem dii immortales 3duintb! tametsi video, si, mea voce perterritus, ire in exsilium animum induxeris, quanta tempestas invidiae nobis, si minus in praesens tempus, recenti memoriac scelerum 5 tuorum, 4at in posteritatem impendeat." Sed 5est tantif dummodo 6ista 7privata sitg calamitas et a rei publicae periculis sejungatur.g Sed tu ut vitiis tuis commoveare, ut legum poenas pertimescas, ut 8temporibus rei publicae cedas, non est postulandum; neque enim 9is es, Catilina, ut te aut l~pudor 10 umquam a turpitudine, aut metus a periculo, aut ratio a fiurore revocarit.h 23. Quamobrem, ut saepe jam dixi, proficiscere; ac si mihi inimico, ut praedicas, tuo conflare vis invidiam, "recta perge in exsilium. Vix feram 12sermones hominum, si id feceris: 15 vix molem istius' invidiae, si in exsilium jussuc consulis ieris, sustinebo. Sin autem servire meae laudij et gloriae niavis, egredere cum importuna sceleratorum manu: confer te ad Manlium: concita perditos cives: secerne te a bonis: infer patriae bellum: exsulta impio latrocinio, ut a me 13nonk ejec20 tus ad alienos, sed invitatus ad tuos isse videaris.' 24.'Quamquam quidm ego te invitem,b a quo jam sciam esse praemissos qui tibi ad 14Forum Aurelium 15praestolarenturn armati? cui sciam pactam et constitutam cum Manlio diem? a quo etiam l"aquilam illam argenteam, quam tibi0 ac 25 tuis omnibus confido perniciosam ac funestam futuram, cui domi tuae'7sacrarium scelerum tuorum constitutum fuit, sciam esse praemissam? Tu 2ut illaP carere diutius possis,a quam venerari ad caedem proficiscens solebas? a cujus altaribus saepe istam impiamn dextram ad necem civium transtulisti? IX. b239 & 3, 483, II. 1; 325, 1195-6; 162, 1, 263, 1.-4414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. —525; 1182; 265. —401, 402, III. 1; 799; 214. -g503, I., 505; 1271; 283, 2 (1).-h500 & 2; 1218; 262, R. 1.-'Why iste? - 385; 831; 223, A. 2.-C,02, IV.; 1390; 279, 15.-'489, T.; 1205; 262.- m380,';,3f9; 235, P 11. -.b(2) 485, 486, r.; 1180; 260, R. 5. - "D;st. bet. nin9,:^pgwl, praestolor, and opperor. V. n. 15.-~391; 860; 22a, R. 1.-?4i9, I i; 907; 260, 2 (2). ORATIO I. IN L. CATILINAM. 195 X. 25. Ibis ltandem aliquando, quo te jampridem tua ista cupiditas effraenata ad furiosa rapiebat. 2Neque enim tibi 3haec res affert dolorem, sed quandam incredibilem voluptatem: ad hanc te amentiam natura ~eperit, voluntas exercuit, fortuna servavit. Numquam tu non modo otium, sed ne bel- 5 lum quidem nisi nefarium concuplsti. 4.Nanctus es ex perditis, atque ab omni non mode fortuna, verum etiam spe derelictisa conflatam improborum manum. 26. Hic tu qua laetitiab perfruere! quibus gaudiisc exsultabis! quanta in voluptate bacchabere, quum in tanto numero 10 tuorum neque audies virum bonum quemquam, neque videbis. 5Ad hujus vitae studium meditatif illi sunt, 6qui feruntur, labores tui: 7jacere humi non modo 8ad obsidendumd stuprum, verum etiam ad facinus obeundum; vigilare non solum insidiantem somno maritorum, verum etiam bonis 9otiosorum. 16 ~Habes, ubi ostentesg tuam illam praeclaram "patientiam famis, frigoris, inopiae rerum omniumr; quibus te brevi tempore confectum senties. 27. Tantum profeci tum, quum te 12a consulatu repuli, ut exsul potius tentare quam consul vexare rem publicam posses; atque ut id, quod est abs te scelerate suscep- 20 tum, latrocinium potius quam bellum nominaretur. XI. Nunc ut a me, Patres Conscripti, quandam prope justam patriae querimoniam'detester ac deprecer," percipite, quaeso, diligenter quae dicam, et ea penitus 2animisb vestris mentibusque mandate. t Etenim 3si mecum patria, quae mihi 25 vitac mea multod est carior, si cuncta Italia, si omnis res publica loquatur, "M. Tulli,e quid agis? tune eum, quem esse hostem comperisti, quem ducem belli futurum vides, quem exspectari imperatorem in castris hostium sentis, auctorem X. a Force of de in derelictis. V. n. 4.-bDist. bet. laetitia and gaudium. V. Sall. Cat. XLVIII. n. 2. -e414 & 2; 873; 247,.- d562, 565, 1; 1337; 275, II. —221, 2; 306; 162, 17 (a). —525; 1182; 265. XI. Dist. bet. detestor and deyrecor. V. n. 1. —bDist. bet. anima, ammus, and mens. V. n. 2.-c417; 895; 256, 2. —-418; 929; 266, R. 16. — e45, 5, 2); 65; 52. 196 ORATIONES CICERONIS. sceleris, principem conjurationis, 4evocatorem servorum et civium perditorum, exire patiere, ut abs te non emissus ex Urbe, sed immissus in Urbem esse videatur? Nonne hunc in vincula duci, non ad mortem rapi, non summo supplicio mactari 5 5imperabisf? 28. Quid tandem te impedit? mosne majorum? at 7persaepe etiam privati in hac re publica perniciosos cives morte multaverunt: an leges, 8quae de civium Romanorum supplicio rogatae sunt? at inumquam in hc uerbe, qui a re publica 9defecerunt, civium jura tenuerunt. An invidiam 10 posteritatis times? 0lPraeclaram vero populo Romano refers gratiam, qui te, hominem r1per te cognitum, nulla commenda-, tioneg majorum "2tam mature ad summum imperium per omnes honorum gradus extulit, si propter invidiam aut alicujush periculi metum salutem civium tuorum negligis. 29. Sed si 15 quis"est invidiae metus, num est vehementius 13severitatis ac fortitudinis invidia quam inertiae ac nequitiae pertimescenda? An quum bello vastabitur Italia, vexabuntur urbes, tecta ardebunt, tur te non existimas invidiae incendio conflagraturum? " 20 XII. lHis ego sanctissimis rei publicae vocibus et eorum hominum, qui idem sentiunt, mentibus pauca respondebo. Ego, si 2hoc optimum factua 3judicarem, Patres Conscripti, Catilinam morte multari, unius usuram horae 4gladiatori isti ad vivendum non dedissem. Etenim si summi et clarissimi viri, 25 Saturnini et Gracchorum et Flacci et %superiorum complurium sanguine non modo se non contaminarunt, sed etiam Shonestarunt,b certe verendum mihic non erat, ned quid, hoc parricida civium interfecto, invidiaee mihi 7in posteritatem redundaret. Quodf si ea mihig maxime impenderet, tamen XI. fWhat is said of the construction of impero? V. n. 5. -'428; 888; 211, R 6. —h455 & 1; 1048; 138. XII. a570 & 1; 1365; 276, III. —bDist. bet. honero and honesto. V. n. 6. -'388, 1.; 847; 225, III.- d492, 4 & 1); 1215; 262, R. 7.*395, 396, III. 2, 3) & (3); 760; 212, R. 3.-f453, 6; 702; 206 (14). — 386; 826; 224. ORATIO I. IN L. CATILINAM. 197 hoc animoh semper fui, ut invidiam virtutei partam gloriam, non invidiam putarem.k 30. 8Quamquam nonnullil sunt in 9hoc ordine, qui aut ea, quae imminent, non videant,m aut ea, quae vident, dissimulentm; l~quin spem katilinae'lmollibus sententiis aluerunt, 5 conjurationemque nascenter non credendo corroboraverunt. Quorum auctoritatem secuti multi, non solum improbi, verum etiam imperiti, si in hunc animadvertissem, crudeliter l2et regie factum esse dicerent.0 Nunc intelligo, si l3iste, quo intendit, in Manliana castra pervenerit, neminem 4tam stultum 10 fore, qui non videatm conjurationem esse factam, neminem tam improbum, qui non fateatur.m,1; Hoc autem uno interfecto, intelligo hanc rei publicae pestem paulisper 15reprimi, non in perpetuum comprimi posse. Quodf si se ejecerit secumque suos eduxerit, et eodem ceteros undique L6collectos'7naufragos ag- 15 gregarit, exstinguetur atque delebitur non modo haec tam adulta rei publicae pestis, verum etiam stirps ac semen malorum omnium. XIII. 31. Etenim'jamdiu, Patres Conscripti, in his periculis conjurationis insidiisque 2versamur; sed 3nescio quo pacto,20 omnium scelerum ac 4veteris furovis et audaciae maturitas in nostri consulatus tempus erupit. 5Quod si ex tanto latrocinio iste unus tolletur, videbimur fortasse ad breve quoddam tempus cura et metu esse relevati, periculum autem residebit, et erit inclusum penitus in venis atque in 6Visceribus rei pub- 2. licae. Ut saepe homines aegri morbo" gravi, quum 7aestu febriquea jactantur, si aquam gelidam biberint, primo relevari videntur, deinde multo gravius vehementiusque afflictantur; sic hic morbus, qui est in re publica, relevatus istius poena, vehementius, vivis reliquis,b ingravescet.c 30 32. Quare secedantd improbi; secernantd se a bonis; unum X[I. h428; 888; 211, R. 6, & R. 8 (2).- -414 & 2; 873; 247, 1.J 373; 715; 230.-k495 & 3, 482, 1; 1218, 1171; 262.-'585, 1; 998; 277, R. 5 (c).- -m501,.; 1218; 264, 1 (a) & (b).- 453; 701; 206 (17). —504, 2; 1162 (1); 261, 1. XIII. a414 & 2; 873; 247, 1.-b431; 972; 257, R. /.-'332, IL; 588; 187, II. 2. —-487; 1193; 260, R. 6. 198 ORATIONES CICERONIS. in locum congregenturd; muro denique, id quod saepe jam dixi, discernantur a nobis: desinant insidiari domi suae consuli, circumstare tribunal 8praetoris urbani, obsidere cum gladiis curiam, 9malleolos et faces ad inflammandam urbem compas rare: sit denique inscriptum in fronte uniuscujusque, quid de re publica sentiat.e Polliceor hoc vobis, Patres Conscripti, tantam in nobis consulibus fore diligentiam, tantam in vobis auctoritatem, tantam in equitibus Romanis virtutem, tantam in omnibus bonis consensionem, ut, Catilinae profectione,a pmo0 nia patefacta, illustrata, oppressa, vindicata esse videatis. 33. l~Hisce ominibus,f Catilina, cum summa rei publicae salute, cum tua peste ac pernicie cumque eorum exitio, qui se tecum omni scelere parricidioque junxerunt, proficiscere ad impium bellum ac nefarium. "Tu, Juppiter, qui iisdem, qui5 bus 2haec urbs, auspiciis a Romulo es constitutus, quem Statorem hujus urbis atque imperii vere nominamus, hunc et hujus socios a tuis ceterisque templis, a tectis urbis ac moenibus, a vita fortunisque civium arcebis; et homines bonorum inimicos,g hostes patriae, latrones Italiae, scelerum foedero o inter se a6 nefaria societate conjunctos, aeternis suppliciis vivos mortuosque 13mactabis. XIII. e525; 1182; 265. —414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. —Dist. bet. adversarius, hostis, and inimicus. V. Caes. I. 10, u. 5. M. TULLII CICERO~IiS IN L. CATILINAM ORATIO SECUNDA AD QUIRITES. I. 1. 1Tandem aliquando, 2Quirites, L. Catilinam, furentem audacia," scelusb anhelantem, pestem patriae nefarie molientem, vobisc atque huic urbi ferrod flammaque minitantem, ex urbe vele ejecimus, vel 3emisimus, vel, 4ipsum egredientem, 5verbis prosecuti sumus. 6Abiit, excessit, evasit, erupit. 5 Nulla jam pernicies a 7monstro illof atque prodigiog moenibus ipsis intra moenia comparabitur. Atque hune quidem unum, hujus belli domestici ducem, 8sine controversia vicimus. 9gNon enim jam inter latera nostra l~sica illa versabitur: non in campo, non in foro, non in curia, non denique intra domes- 10 ticos parietes "pertimescemus. 12Locoh ille motus est, quum est ex urbe depulsus: palam jam cum hoste, nullo impediente, 3bellum [justum] geremus. Sine dubio perdidimus hominem magnificeque vicimus, quum illum ex occultis insidiis in apertum latrocinium conjecimus. 2. Quod vero 14non cru- 15 entum mucronem, ut voluit, extulit, quod, vivis nobis,i egresI. 414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. - bDist. bet. maleficium, facinzs, flagitium, scelus, and nefas. V. Sail. Cat. XIV. n. 5. - c385; 831; 223, R. 2. - d414 & 4; 873; 247, 3. -e587, 1I. 2; 1374; 198, 2, R. (a).- f450; 1028; 207, R. 23 (a). - rDist. bet. prodigium, ostentum, po tentum, and monstrum. V. Sail. Cat. XXX. n. 3.- h425, 3, 3); 916; 251. - i431; 972; 257, R. 7. 9* 200 ORATIONES CICERONIS. sus est, quod eiP ferrum de manibus extorsimus,k quod incolu. mes cives, quod stantem urbem reliquitk; quanto'5tandem illum moerorea afflictum esse et profligatum putatis? Jacet ille nunc prostratus, Quirites, et l'6e perculsum atque abjectum 5 esse sentit; et Tretorquet oculos profecto saepe ad hanc urbem, quam' e suis faucibas ereptam esse luget; quae quidem laetari mihi videtur, quod tantam pestem evomueritk forasque projecerit. II. 3. Ac si quis est talis, quales esse omnesa'oportebat, 10 qui in hoc ipso, in quo exsultat et triumphat oratio mea, me vehementer accuset,b quod tam capitalem hostem non comprehenderimc potius quam emiserimc; non est ista mea culpa, sed temporum. Interfectum esse L. Catilinam et gravissimo suppliciod affectum jampridem oportebat; idque a me et mos 15 majorum et hujus imperii severitas et res publica. postulabat.e Sed quam multos fuisse putatis, qui quae egog deferremf non crederentf? quam multos, qui etiam defenderentf? [quam multos, qui propter'improbitatem faverentf]? 4Ac si, illo sublato, depelli a vobis omne pericuium 5judicarem, jampridem 20 ego L. Catilinam non modo invidiae 6meae, verum etiam vitae periculoh sustulissein. 4. Sed quum viderem,i 7ne vobis quidem omnibus re etiam tum probata, si illum, ut erat meritus, morte multassem, fore,3 ut ejus socios, invidia oppressus, persequi non possem; 81em huc deduxi, ut turn palamk pug25 nare possetis, quum hostem apertek videretis. ~0Quem quidem ego hostem quam vehementer foris esse timendum putem,1 licet llhinc intelligatis,Tm quod 2illud etiam I. J 398, 5; 855; 224, R. 2, 222, 2 (b). —k520, I.; 1250; 273, 5, & R.-J 545; 1136; 239. —k(2) 520, II.; 1255. II. a 545; 1136; 239.-b500; 1218; 264, 1. —520, II.; 1255; 266, 3. —419, III. & 2, 1) 873; 249, I. -e463, I.; 644; 209, R. 12 (2).f531; 1291; 266, 2.-g446; 1013; 209, R. 1 (a) & (b).-h414 & 3; 873; 247, 2, The atpributiv-e gelnitive is equivalent to an adjective. - What fs the ot)ject o vrem.3 —j 544; 1133; 268, R. 4 (b). What is the sub. ace. of fore?-k Dist. bet. aperte, palam, and manifesto. V. n. 8. -1525; 1182; 265. —m496, 1; 1222; 262, R. 4. ORATIO II. IN L. CATILINAM. 201 moleste fero, quod ex Urbe 13parum comitatus exierit. Utinam ille omnes secum suas copias eduxissetn! "4Tongilium mihio eduxit, quem amare in 15praetexta coeperat;'1Publicium et Minucium, quorum aes alienum contractum in popina 17nullum rei publicae motum afferre poterat: reliquit quos viros! 5 quanto acreP alieno! quam valentes! quam nobiles! III. 5. Itaque ego illum exercitum, prae iGallicanisa legionibus et hoc dilectu, quem 2in agro Piceno et Gallico 3Q. Metellus habuit, et his copiis, quae a nobis quotidie 4comparantur, magno opere contemno, collectum ex 5senibus despera- 10 tis, ex 6agresti luxuria, ex rusticis 7decoctoribus, ex iis, qui svadimonia deserere quam illum exercitum maluerunt; quibus ego non modo si 9aciem exercitus nostri, verum etiam si'~edictum praetoris ostendero, concident. Hos, quos video volitare in foro, quos stare ad curiam, quos etiam in senatum venire, 15 qui llnitentb unguentis,c qui l2fulgent purpura, mallemd secum'Smilites eduxisset,e qui si hic permanent, mementote non tam exercitum illum esse nobis,f quam hos, 4qui exercitum deseruerunt, pertimescendos. Atque hoc etiam sunt timendi magis, quod quidquid cogi-20 tant me scire sentiunt, neque tamen permoventur. 6. Video,'cui sit Apulia attributa, quis habeat Etruriam, quis agrum Picenum, quis Gallicum, quis sibi 16has urbanas insidias caedis atque incendiorum depoposcerit. Omnia l7superioris noctis consilia ad me perlata esse sentiunt; patefeci in senatu hes- 25 terno die; Catilina ipse pertimuit, profugit: hi quid exspectat? ne illi vehementer errant, si illam meam pristinam lenitatem perpetuam sperant futuram. IV. Quod exspectavi, jam sum assecutus, ut vos omnes factam esse aperte conjurationem contra rem publicam vi e- 30 II. "488, 1 & 2; 1193, 1195-6; 263, 1 & R.-~389; 838; 228, N. (a).-P428; 888; 211, R. 6. II. aDist. bet. Gallicanae legiones and Gallicae legiones. V. n. 1.-bDist. bet. luceo, fulgeo, splendeo, and niteo. V. n. 11.-c414 & 2; 873; 24/. 1. — 485; 1177; 260, R. 2. - e493, 2; 1204; 262, R. 4.- 388, I.847; 225, III. 202 ORATIONES CICERONIS. retis; lnisi vero [si] quis est, qui Catilinaea 2similes cum Catilina asentire non putet.b Non est jam lenitati locus: severitatem res ipsa flagitat. Unum etiam nune concedam: exeant,C proficiscantur,c ne patiantur 4desideriod sui Catilinam 5 miserum tabescere. Demonstrabo iter:'Aurelia viae profectus est: si accelerare volent, ad vesperam consequentur. 7. O fortunatam rem publicamf si quidem hanc'sentinam urbis ejecerit! Uno mehercule Catilina 8exhausto, levata mihi et recreata res publica videtur. Quid enim mali aut seeleris o1 fingi aut cogitari potest, quod non ille conceperitb? quisg tota Italiae veneficus, quis gladiator, quis latro, quis sicarius, quis parricida, quis testamentorum subjector, quis circumscriptor, quis ganeo, quis nepos, quis adulter, quae mulier infamis, quis corruptor juventutis, quis corruptus, quis perditus inveniri po15 test, qui se cum Catilina non familiarissime vixisse fateaturb? quae caedes per hosce annos sine illo facta est? quodh nefarium stuprum non per illum'? 8. 9Jam vero l~quae tanta umquam in ullo homine juventutis illecebra fuit, quanta in illo? qui alios ipse amabat turpissime, aliorum amori flagitiosissime 20 serviebat, aliis fructum libidinum, aliis mortem parentum non modo "impellendo, verum etiam adjuvando pollicebatur. Nunc vero quam subito non solum ex urbe, verum etiam ex agris ingentem numerum perditorum hominum collegerat! Nemo non modo Romae, sed nec ullo quidem in angulo totius 25 Italiae oppressus aere alieno fuit, quem non ad hoc incredibile sceleris foedus adsciverit.b V. 9. Atque ut lejus diversa studia in dissimili ratione perspicere possitis, nemo est in ludo gladiatorio paulo ad facinus audacior,^ qui se non 2intimum Catilinae esse fateatur: nemo IV. a399, 3, 2); 863; 222, R. 2 (b). Dist. bet. the use of similis with the gen. and with the dat. V. I. 2, n. 18. -b501, I.; 121 2; 264, 6.t485; 1177; 260, R. 6.-d414 & 2; 8'3; 247,.- e414 & 4; 937; 255, 2.-f381; 725; 238, 2.-b(2) 264, 7.-g454, 1; 1042: 137, 1.e(2)422. 1 & 1); 254, R. 2 (b). - h454; 1041; 137, 1. -i414, 5, 1); 876; 247, R. 4. -i 385; 831; 223, R. 2. V.'444, 1; 902; 256, R. 9 (a). ORATIO II. IN L. CATILINAM. 203'in scena levior et neqiUor, qui se non ejusdem prope sodalem fuisse commemoret. Atque idem tamen, stuprorum et scelerum exercilationeb assuefactus, 4frigorec et fame et siti et vigiliis perferendis d 5ibrtis ab istis praedicabatur, quum industriae 6subsidia atque instrumenta virtutis in libidine auda- 5 ciaque consumeret. 10. Hunc vero si secuti erunt sui comites, si ex urbe exierint desperatorum hominum flagitiosi greges, 0 nos beatos! 0 rem publicam fortunatam! 0 praeclaram laudem consulatus mei! Non enim jam sunt mediocres 7hominum libidines, non 10 humanae ac 8tolerandae audaciaee: nihil cogitant, nisi caedem, nisi incendia, nisi rapinas. Patrimonia sua profuderunt, fbrtunas suas obligaverunt: 9res eos jampridem, fides deficere nuper coepit; eadem tamen illa, quae erat in abundantia, libido permanet. Quod si in vino et l~alea comissationes solum 15 et scorta quaererent, essent illi quidem desperandi, sed tamen essent ferendi. Hoef vero quis ferre possit, inertes hominesh fortissimis viris insidiari, stultissimos prudentissimis, ebriosos sobriis, dormientes vigilantibus? qui llmihig accubantes in conviviis, complexi mulieres impudicas, vino languidi, conferti 20 cibo, sertis redimiti, unguentis obliti, debilitati stupris, eructant sermonibus suis caedem bonorum atque urbis incendia. 11. Quibus ego confido impendere fatum aliquod, et poenam jamdiu improbitati, nequitiae, sceleri, libidini debitam aut'2instare jam plane aut certe appropinquare. Quos si meus 25 consulatus, quoniam sanare non potest, sustulerit, 3non breve nescio quod tempus, sed multa saecula propagarit rei publicae. Nulla est enim natio, quam pertimescamus; nullus rex, qui bellum populo Romano facere possit./ Omnia sunt externa 4unijus virtute terra marique pacata: domesticum bellum ma- 30 net; intus insidiae sunt; intus inclusum periculum est; intus V. b414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. - c414 & 2; 873; 245, II. 3. - d 439, 562; 656, 1322; 205, Exc. to R. 2, 275, II. -~130, 2; 177 (2); 95, R. -450, 3; 1028; 207, R. 22. -'389; 838; 228, N. (a).bDist. bet. homo and vir. V. Sail. Cat.. n. 1 204 ORATIONES CICERONIS. est 1ostip. Cum luxuria nobis,i cum amentia, cum scelere certandum est. Huic ego me bello ducem profiteor, Quirites: suscipio inimicitias hominum perditorum. Quae sanari poterunt, quacumque ratione sanabo: quae resecanda erunt, non 5 patiar ad perniciem civitatis manere. lProinde aut exeantj aut quiescant; aut, si et in urbe et in eadem mente permanent, ea quae merentur exspectent. VI. 12. At etiam lsunt, qui dicant, Quirites, a me in exsilium ejectum esse Catilinam. Quod ego si verbo assequi o1 possem, istos ipsos ejicerem, qui haec loquuntur. Homo enim 2videlicet timidus aut etiam permodestus vocem consulis ferre non potuit: simul atque ire in exsilium jussus est, paruit. Quid? ut 3hesterno die, quum domi meae paene interfectus essem, senatum in aedem Jovis Statoris convocavi, rem om. 15 nem ad patres conscriptos detuli, — quo quum Catilina venisset, quis eum senator appellavit? quis salutavit? quis denique ita adspexit ut perditum civem, ac non potius ut importunissimum hostem? quin etiam principes 4ejus ordinis partem illam subselliorum, ad quam ille accesserat, nudam atque inanem reli20 querunt: - hic ego, vehemens "ille consul, qui verbo cives in exsilium ejicio, quaesivib a Catilina, in nocturno conventu apud M. Laecam fuisset necne.d 13. Quum ille, 6homo audacissimus, conscientia convictus primo reticuisset, patefeci cetera: quid 7ea nocte egisset, quid 8in proximam constituisset, quemadmo25 dum esset e i9ratio totius belli descripta, edocui. Quum haesitaret, quum l~teneretur, quaesivi, quidf dubitaret proficisci eo, quo jampridem pararet,5 quum arma, quum secures, quum "fasces, quum tubas, quum signa militaria, quum aquilam illam argenteam, cui ille etiam sacrarium [scelerum] domi 30 suae fecerat, scirem esse praemissam.h 14. In exsilium ejiciebam,i quem jam ingressum esse in bellum videbam? Etenim, V. i388, I. 847; 225, III. - 487, 488, II.; 1193; 260, R. 6. VI. b374, 3, 4); 738; 231, R. 4. - d526, 1); 1187; 265, R. 2.e388, II.: 844; 225, II.-f380, 2; 731; 235, R. 11. —527; 1291: 266, 1. —h439; 656; 205, Exc. R. 2.-'468; 1087; 145, II. ORATIO II. IN L. CATILINAM. 205 12credo, Manlius iste centurio, qui in 13agro Faesulano castra posuit, bellum populo Romano suo nomineJ indixit, et ilia castra nunc non Catilinam ducem exspectant, et ille ejectus in exsilium se Massiliam,k ut aiunt, non in haec castra confergt. VII. 0 conditionema miseram, non modo adminisfritidae, 5 verum etiam conservandae rei publicae! Nunc si L. Catilina. consiliis, laboribus, Ipericulisb meis circumclusus ac debilitatus subito pertimuerit, sententiam mutaverit, deseruerit suos, consilium belli faciendic abjecerit, ex hoc cursu seeleris ac belli iter ad fugam 2atque in exsilium converterit,b 3non ille a me 10 spoliatus armis' audaciae, non obstupefactus ac perterritus mea diligentia, non de spe conatuque depulsus1 sed indemnatus, innocens, in exsilium ejectus, a consule vi et minis esse dicetur; et erunt, qui ilium, si hoc fecerit, non improbum, sed miserum, me non diligentissimum consulem, sed crudelissimum 15 tyrannum existimari velint. 15. 4Est mihie tanti,f Quirites, hujus invidiae falsae atque iniquae tempestatem subire, dummodo a vobis hujus horribilis belli ac nefarii periculum depellatur.g Dicaturrh sane ejectus esse a me, dummodo eatg in exsilium; sed mihi credite, non est iturus.' Numquam ego 20 a diis immortalibus optabo, Quirites, invidiae meae levandaec causa, ut L. Catilinam ducere exercitum hostium atque in armis volitare audiatis; sed triduo tamen audietis: multoque magis 5illud timeo, 6ne mihi sit invidiosumk aliquando, quod ilium emiserim1 potius, quam quod ejecerim.1 Sed quum sint 25 homines, qui ilium, quum profectus sit, ejectum esse dicant. iidem, si interfectus esset, quid dicerent? 16. 7Quamquam isti, qui Catilinam sMassiliam ire dictitant,m non tarn hoc queruntur, quam verentur. Nemo est istorum VI. J 414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. — 379; 938; 237. vIL a381; 725; 238, 2.- b704, I. 1; 1378, 1st; 278, R. 6 (b).-'562; 1322; 275, II. — d 419, III.; 911; 251.- e384; 820; 223. -f401, 402, III. 1; 799; 214.- 503 & I.; 1271; 263, 2.-h488 & I., 549, 4; 1193, 1155; 260, R. 6, 271, R. 2.-i228; 328; 162,14. -- 492, 4, 1); 1215; 262, R. 7. —k323; 570; 128, I. 4.-1556, 1I 520, II.; 1291; 266, 3. —332, I. & 2; 584; 187, II. 1 (c): 206 ORATIONES CICERONIS. tam misericors 9qui illum non ad Manlium, quam ad Massilienses ire malit. Ille autem, si mehercule'lhoc, quod agit, numquam antea cogitasset, tamen latrocinantem se interfici mallet, quam exsulem vivere. Nunc vero, quum ei nihil ad5 huc praeter ipsius voluntatem cogitationemque accidert, nisi quod, vivis nobis,n Roma profectus est, optemus potius, ut eat in exsilium, quam'queramur. VIII. 17. Sed cur tandiu de uno hoste loquimur, et de eo hoste, lqui jam fatetur se esse hostem, et quem, quia, quod 10 semper volui, murus interest, non timeo; 2de iis, qui dissimulant, qui Romae remanent, qui nobiscum sunt, nihil dicimus? quos quidem ego, si ullo modo fieri possit, non tam ulcisci studeo quam sanare4sibipsospplacare rei publicae; neque, id quare fieri non possit, si me audire volent, intelligo. Expo15 nam enim vobis, Quirites, ex quibus generibus hominum 3istae copiae comparentur: 4deinde singulis medicinam consilii atque orationis meae, 5si quam potero, afferam. 18. Unum genus 6est eorum,a qui 7magno in aere alieno majores etiam possessiones habent; quarum amoreb adducti 208dissolvi nullo modo possunt. Horum hominum 9species est honestissima; sunt enim locupletes; voluntas vero et causa impudentissima.'~Tu agris," tu aedificiis,c tu largento,c tu familia,c tu rebusc omnibus ornatus et copiosu s'is,d et dubitesd de'2possessione detrahere, acquirere ad fidem? Quid enim 25 exspectas? bellum? Quid? ergo in vastatione omnium tuas possessiones sacrosanctas futuras putas?'3An tabulas novas? Errant, qui istas a Catilina exspectant. I'Meo beneficio tabulae novae proferentur, verum auctionariae; neque enim isti, qui possessiones habent, alia ratione ulla salvi esse possunt. 30 Quod si maturius facere voluissent, 5neque (id quod stultissimum est) certare cum usuris fructibus praediorum, et 61ocuVII. D431; 972; 257, R. 7. ViIT. a401; t80; 211, R. 8 (1). V. n. 6. —b414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. — 419, III.; 776; 249, I.-d485; 1180; 260, R. 5. ORATIO II. IN L. CATILINAM. 207 pletioribus his et melioribus civibus uteremur. Sed hosee homines minime puto pertimescendos, quod aut deduci de sententia possunt; aut, si permanebunt, magis mihi videntur vota facturi contra rem publicam quam arma laturi. IX. 19. Alterum genus est eorum,^ qui, quamquam pre- 5 muntur aere alieno,'dominationem tamen exspectant: rerumb potiri volunt: honores, quos, quieta re publica," desperant, perturbata, se consequi posse arbitrantur. 2Quibusd hoce praecipiendumf videtur,g unum scilicet et idem, quode 3reliquisd omnibus, ut desperent,h id quod conantur se' consequi posse1: 10 prirum omnium,k 4me ipsum vigilare, adesse,.providere rei publicae; deinde magnos animos esse in bonis viris, magnam concordiam in maxima multitudine, magnas praeterea copias militum; deos denique immortales huic invicto populo, clarissimo imperio, pulcherrimae urbi contra tantam vim sceleris 15 Spraesentes auxilium esse laturos. Quod1 si jam sint id, quod cum summo furorem cupiunt,' aet num" illi in cinere urbis.et sanguine civium, quae mente0 conscelerata ac nefaria con cupiverunt, se consules aut dictatores aut etiam reges sperant futuros? Non vident id se cupere, quodP si adepti sint, 7fugi- 20 tivo alicui ant gladiatori concediP sit necesse? 20. Tertium genus est Saetateq jam affectum, sed tamen exercitatione robustum; quo ex genere est ipse Manlius, cui nune Catilina succedit. Sunt 9homines ex iis coloniis, quas Sulla constituit; l~quas ego universas civium esse optimorum 25 et fortissimorum virorum" sentio; sed tamen ii sunt coloni, qui "se in insperatis ac repentinis pecuniis sumptuosius insolentiusque jactarunt. Hi, dum aedificant, tamquam 1beati, dum praediis, "lecticis, familiis magnis, conviviis apparatis delectanIX. ^401; 780; V. VIII. a, & n. 6.-b409, 3; 882;220, 4. —C431; 972; 257, R. 7.- d453, 386; 826; 221, 206 (17). e545; 1136; 239. —f549; 1151; 270, R. 3.- -549, 1; 638; 209. R. 3, 5.-h492; 1205; 262. —545, 551, I. & 1; 1136, 1148-9; 272, 239. -J 552 & 1; 1138; 271.- k396, 2, 3) & (2); 771; 212, R. 2.- 1453, 6; 702; 206 (14). - m414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. - 346, II. 1, 3); 1105; 198, 11, R. (b). —o414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. —P545, 549; 1136, 1150 239.- 419, III.; 873; 249, I. PQ8 ORATIONES CICERONIS. tur, in tantum aes alienum inciderunt, ut, si salvi esse velint, Sulla sit [iis ] ab inferis excitandus. Qui etiam non'ullos agrestes, homines tenues atque egentes, in eandem illam spem'4rapinarum veterum impulerunt. Quos ego utrosque in eodem, genere praedatorum direptorumque pono; sed eos huer moneo: desinant furere ac proscriptiones et dictaturas cogitare. Tantus enim'5illorum temporum dolor inustus est civitati,d ut jam ista 16non modo homines, sed ne pecudes quidem mihi passurae esse videantur. 1) X. 21. Quartum genus est sane Ivarium et mixtum et turbulentum; qui 2jampridem premuntur, qui numquam emergunt; qui partim inertia,a partim male gerendo negotio,a partim etiam sumptibusb'in vetere aere alieno vacillant; qui 4vadimoniis, judiciis, proscriptionibus bonorum defatigati, "5 permulti et ex urbe et ex agris se in illa castra conferre dicuntur. Hosce ego non tam milites acres, quam 6infitiatores lentos esse arbitror. Quic homines primum si stare non possunt, corruant; sed ita, ut 7non modo civitas, sed ne vicini quidem proximi sentiant. Nam illud non intelligo. quamob0o rem, si vivere honeste non possunt, perire turpiter velintd; aut cur minore doloree perituros se cum multis, quam si soli pereant, arbitrentur.d 22. Quintum genus est 8parricidarum, sicariorum, denique omnium facinorosorum; quos ego a Catilina non revoco; nam 24 neque ab eo divelli possunt; et pereant sane in latrocinio, quoniam sunt ita multi, ut eos career capere non possit. 9Postremum autem genus est, non solum numero,f verum etiam generef ipso atque vita,f l~quod proprium Catilinaeg est, de ejus delectu, "limmo vero 12de complexu ejus ac sinu; quos 30 pexo capillo,h nitidos aut'3imberbes aut 14bene barbatos videtis, manicatis et talaribus S1tunicis,h 16velis amictos, non togis; IX. r410, 3 & 1; 739; 218, R. 1. X. a414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. - bDist. bet. sumptus and impensae. V. Caes. I. 18, n. 9.-c453; 701; 206 (17).-d525; 1182; 265. —e414 & 3; 873; 247, 3.-f429; 889; 250, 1.- g399, 3, 3); 863; 222, R. 2 (a).-h428; 888' 211, R. 6. ORATIO II. IN L. CATILINAM. 209 quorum omnis industria vitae et vigilandi labor in antelucanis coenis expromitur. 23. In his gregibus omnes'7aleatores, omnes adulteri, omnes impuri impudicique versantur. Hi pueri tam lepidi ac delicati non solum amare et amari, neque saltare et 18cantare,J sed etiam sicas vibrare et spargere venena didi- 5 cerunt; qui 19nisi exeunt, nisi pereunt, etiamsi Catilina perierit, scitotei hoc in re publica 20seminarium Catilinarum futurum. Verumtamen quid sibi isti miseri volunt? Num suas secum mulierculas sunt in castra ducturi? Quemadmodum autem illisk carere poterunt, his praesertim jam noctibus? Quo au- 10 ter pacto illi Apenninum atque illas pruinas ac nives perferent? nisi idcirco se facilius hiemem toleraturos putant, quod nudi in conviviis saltare didicerunt. XI. 24. O bellum magno opere pertimescendum, quum hanc sit habiturus Catilina scortorum'cohortem praetoriam! s1 Instruite nunc, Quirites, contra has tam praeclaras Catilinae copias vestra praesidia vestrosque exercitus; et primum gladiatori illi confecto et saucio consules imperatoresque vestros opponite; deinde contra illam naufragorum ejectam ac debilitatam manum florem totius Italiae ac robur educite. 20 2Jam vero 3urbes coloniarum" ac municipiorum 4respondebunt Catilinae tumulis silvestribus. Neque ego ceteras copias, 5ornamenta, praesidia vestra, cum illius latronis inopia atque egestate conferre debeo. 25. Sed si, omissis his rebus quibusb nos suppeditamur, eget ille, senatu,c equitibus Romanis, [pop- 25 ulo,] urbe, aerario, vectigalibus, cuncta Italia, provinciis omnibus, 7exterisd nationibus, si, his rebus omissis, ipsas causas, quae inter se confligunt, 8contendere velimus; 9ex eo ipso, ~quam valde illi jaceant, intelligere possumus.. "Ex hac enim parte pudor pugnat, illinc petulantia; hinc pudicitia, illinc30 stuprum; hinc fides, illinc fraudatio; hinc pietas, illinc scelus; X.'537, I.; 1117; 267 (2). — j Dist. bet. cano, canto, andpsallo. T. n. 18.-k-419, III.; 907; 250, 2 (2). XI, a396, V.; 631; 211, R. 2, N. - b419, III.; 907-9; 249, 1. - *363; 622; 204.-dDist. bet. externus and exterus. V. n. 7 210 ORATIONES CICERONIS. hinc constantia, illinc furor; hinc honestas, illinc turpitudo; hinc continentia, illinc libido: denique aequitas, temperantia, fortitudo, prudentia, virtutes omnes certant cum iniquitate, luxuria, ignavia, temeritate, cum vitiis omnibus: postremo, 5 copia cum egestate,'2bona ratio cum perdita, mens sana cum amentia, bona denique spes cum omnium rerum desperatione confligit. In ejusmodi certamine ac proelio nonne, etiam si hominum 3studia deficiant, dii ipsi immortales cogant l4abe his praeclarissimis virtutibus tot et tanta vitia superari? 10 XII. 26. Quae quum ita sint, Quirites, vosquemadmodum jam antea, vestra tecta vigiliis custodiisque defendite: mihi,a ut lurbi sine vestro motu ac sine ullo tumultu satis esset praesidii,b 2consultum atque provisum est. Coloni omnes municipesque vestri, certiores a me facti de hac nocturna 3ex15 cursione Catilinae, facile urbes suas finesque defendent: gladiatores, quamd sibic ille manum certissimam fore putavit, quamquam 4animoe meliore sunt quam pars patriciorum, potestate tamen nostra 5continebuntur. Q. Metellus, quem ego hoc prospiciens in agrum Gallicum Picenumque praemisi, 20aut opprimet 6hominem aut omnes ejus motus conatusque prohibebit. Reliquis autem de rebus constituendis, maturandis, agendis jam ad senatum referemus, 7quem vocari videtis. 27. Nunc illos, qui in urbe remanserunt, 8atque adeo [qui] contra urbis salutem omniumque vestrum, in urbe a Catilina 25 relicti sunt, quamquam sunt hostes, tamen, quia nati sunt cives, monitos 9eos etiam atque etiam volo. Mea lenitas si cui adhuc solutiorf visa est, hoc l0exspectavit, ut id quod latebat, erumperet. "Quodg reliquum est, jam non possum oblivisci, meam hane esse patriam, me horum esse consulem, mihi aut 30 cum his vivendum aut pro his esse moriendum. Nullus est portis custos, nullus insidiator viae: si qui exire volunt, conXI. e414, 6; 878; Why is ab necessary? V. n. 14. XII. 388, I.; 844; 225, II. —396, 2,4)& (1); 1005; 212, R.4. - 0390, 2; 853; 227, & R. 4. - d445, 4; 695; 206 (10). - e428; 888; 211, R. 8 (2).- f444, 1; 902; 256, R. 9 (a). - 445, 7; 693; 206, 13 (a). ORATIO II. IN L. CATILINAM. 211 nivere possum. Quih vero se in urbe commoverit, cujus ego non modo 12factum, sed inceptum ullum conatumve contra patriam deprehendero, sentiet in hac urbe esse consules vigilantes, esse egregios magistratus, esse fortem senatum, esse arma, esse carcerem, quem vindicem nefariorum ac manifestorum 5 scelerum majores nostri 3esse voluerunt. XIII. 28. Atque haec omnia sic agentur, Quirites, ut maximae res minimo motu,a pericula summa nullo tumultu," bellum intestinum ac domesticum, post hominum memoriam crudelissimum et maximum, ime uno togato duce et impera-10 tore, sedetur.b Quod ego sic administrabo, Quirites, ut, si ullo" modo fieri poterit, ne improbus quidem quisquamd in hac urbe poenam sui sceleris sufferat. Sed si vis manifestae audaciae, si impendens patriae periculum me necessario de hac animi lenitate deduxerit, illud profecto perficiam, quod in tanto et tam 15 insidioso bello 2vix optandum videtur, ut neque bonus quisquam intereat, paucorumque poena vos omnes salvi esse possitis. 29. Quae quidem ego neque mea prudentiae neque humanis consiliise frettis polliceor vobis, Quirites, sed multis et non dubiis deorum immortalium Ssignificationibus,e 4quibusf20 ego ducibus, in hanc spem sententiamque sum ingressus; qui jam non procul, ut quondam solebant, ab 5externo hoste atque longinquo, sed hic praesentes suo numine atque auxilio sua templa atque urbis tecta defendunt; quos vos, Quirites, precari,g venerari, implorare debetis ut, 6quamh urbem pulcherri- 25 mam florentissimamque esse voluerunt, hanc,h omnibus hostium copiis terra marique superatis, a perditissimorum civium nefario scelere defendant. XII. h445, 6; 689; 206 (4). XIII. 414 & 3; 873; 247, 2.- b463, I.; 644; 209, R. 12 (3). - "When are quisquam and ullus used after si? V. I. 2, n. 19. - What words are commonly used after si to express " any " V. ib. —d457; 1061; 207, R. 31. In what kinds of sentences is quisquam commonly used? -419, IV.; 919 244. - f431; 972; 257, R. 7. - gDist. bet. rogo, oro, obsecro, obtestor, precor, and supplico. V. Caes. I. 20, n. 1. - h687, 690; 206 (3) & (a). M. TULLII CICERONIS IN L. CATILINAM ORATIO TERTIA AD QUIRITES. I. 1. Rem publicam, Quirites, vitamque omniuma vestrum, bona, fortunas, conjuges liberosqueb vestros atqueb hoc domicilium clarissimi imperii, fortunatissimam pulcherrimamque urbem,c hodierno die deorum immortalium summo erga vos 5amore, laboribus, consiliis, 2periculis meis, e flamma atque ferro ac paene ex faucibus fati ereptam etb vobis conservatam ac restitutam videtis. 2. Et si non minus nobis jucundi atque 3illustres sunt ii dies, quibusd conservamur, quam illi, quibusd nascimur, quod salutis certa laetitia est, nascendi incerta conlo ditio, et quod sine 4sensu nascimur, cum'voluptate servamur; profecto, quoniam illum, qui hanc urbem condidit, ad deos immortales 6benevolentia famaque sustulimus, 7esse apud vos posterosque vestros in honore debebit is, qui eandem hanc urbem conditamf amplificatamque servavit. Nam toti 15 urbi,e templis, delubris, tectis ac moenibus subjectos prope jam ignes circumdatosque restinximus; iidemqueh gladios in rem publicam destrictos retudimus, mucronesque eorum a jugulis vestris dejecimus. 3. Quae quoniam in senatu 8illustrata, I. a446, 3; 1016; 212, R. 2, N. 2.-b587, I. 2; 1369; 198, 1, R. (a) & (b).-c363; 622; 204.-d426; 949; 253. -e386; 826; 224. -f578, 577; 1350; 274, 3 (a). —h451, 3; 1034; 207, R. 27 (a). ORATIO III. IN L. CATILINAM. 213 patefacta, comperta sunt per me, vobis jam exponam breviter, Quirites, ut 9et quanta et qua ratione investigata et comprehensa sint, vos, qui ignoratis'1et exspectatis, scire possitis. Principio, "ut Catilina paucis ante diebusi erupit ex urbe, quum sceleris sui socios, hujusce nefarii belli acerrimos du- 5 ces, Romae reliquisset, semper vigilavi et providi, Quirites, quemadmodum in tantis et tam absconditis insidiis, salvi esse possemus.J II. Nam tum, quum ex urbe Catilinam ejiciebam, (non enim jam vereor'hujus verbi invidiam, quum 2illa magis sit 10 timenda, quod vivus exierit,a) 8sed tum, quum illum exterminari volebam, aut reliquamb conjuratorum manum simul exituram aut eos, qui restitissent, infirmos sine illo ac debiles fore putabam.. 4. 4Atque ego, ut vidi, quos maximo furore et scelere esse inflammatos sciebam, eos nobiscum esse et Romae 15 remansisse, 5in eo omnes dies noctesque consumpsi, ut, quid agerent, quid molirentur, sentirem ac viderem; ut, quoniam auribusc vestris propter incredibilem magnitudinem sceleris 6minoremd fidem facerete oratio mea, 7rem ita comprehenderem, ut tur demum animis saluti vestrae provideretis, quum oculis 20 maleficium ipsum videretis.4 5. Itaque ut 8comperi legatos "Allobrogum belli'~Transalpini et ltumultus Gallici excitandi causa a P. 2Lentulo esse'sollicitatos, eosque in Galliam ad iuos cives "eodemque itinere cum l41iteris mandatisque ad Catilinam esse missos, comitemque iis adjunctum 15T. Voltur- 25 cium, atque huic esse ad Catilinam datas literas, facultatem mihi oblatam putavi, ut, quod erat difficillimum quodque ego semper optabam ab diis immortalibus, 16ut tota res non solum a me, sed etiam a senatu et a vobis manifesto deprehenderetur. Itaque hesterno die 7L. Flaccum et s1C. Pomptinum, prae- 30 tores, fortissimos atque amantissimos rei publicaef viros, ad I.'427 & 1; 954; 253, R. 1. - 525; 1182; 265. II. a520, II.; 1255; 273, 5 (2), 266, 3. What word does quod explain?- b441, 6; 662; 205, R. 17. - 384; 855; 223.- d 444, 1; 902; 256, R. 9 (a). — 517 II.; 1255; 266, 3.-f 399 & 2,1); 765; 213. 214 ORATIONES CICERONIS. me vocavi: rem exposui: quid fieri placeret ostendi. lli 19autem, 20qui omnia de re publica praeclara atque egregia sentirent,g sine recusatione ac sine ulla mora negotium susceperunt; et, quum advesperasceret, occulte ad pontem 21Mul5 vium pervenerunt; atque ibi in proximis villis ita bipartito fuerunt, ut Tiberis inter eos et pons interesset.h Eodem autem et ipsi sine cujusquam suspicione multos fortes viros eduxerant, et ego 2ex praefectura Reatina complures delectos adolescentes, quorum opera utor assidue in re publica, 23praesidioi 10 cum gladiis miseram. 6. Interim, tertia fere 24vigilia exacta, qunm jam pontem Mulvium cum magno comitatu legati Allobrogum ingredi inciperent unaque Volturcius, fit in eos impetus: educuntur et ab illis gladii et a nostris. Res praetoribus erat nota solis: ignorabatur a ceteris. 15 III. Tum interventu Pomptini atque Flacci pugna [quae erat commissa] sedatur. Literae, quaecumque eranta in eo comitatu, integris signis,b praetoribus traduntur: ipsi comprehensi ad me, quum jam dilucesceret,d deducuntur. Atque horum omnium scelerum improbissimum machinatorem, 1Cim20brum Gabinium, statime ad me, 2nihildum suspicantem, vocavi; deinde item arcessitus est 3L. Statilius et post eum 4C. Cethegus; tardissime autem 5Lentulus venit, credo, quod in literis dandis 7praeter consuetudinem proxima nocte vigilarat. 25 7. Quum summis et clarissimis hujus civitatis viris,f qui, audita re, frequentes ad me mane convenerant, literasg a me prius aperiri, quam ad senatum deferrem, placeret, ne, si nihil esset inventum, temere a me tantus tumultus injectus civitatih II. ~519; 1251; 264, 8 (1). —h463, 3; 644; 209, R. 12 (2).-'390, 2; 853; 227, R. 2. -J Dist. bet. fere, ferme, paene, and prope. V. Caes. L 1, n. 15, III, 475, 3; 259, R. 4 (3). - b431; 972; 257, R. 7. - d481, IV.; 1167; 258, R. 1. - eDist. bet. repente, subito, extemplo, e vestigio, illico, statim, protinus, confestim, and continuo. V. Caes. II. 11, n. 3. - f385; 831; 223, R, 2.-.545; 1136; 239. —h386; 826; 224. ORATIO III. IN L. CATILINAM. 215 videretur, 8negavi me esse facturum, ut de periculo publico non ad consilium publicum rem integram deferrem. Etenim, Quirites, si ea, quae erant ad me delata, reperta non essent, tamen ego non arbitrabar, in tantis rei publicae periculis, esse inihii nimiam diligentiam pertimescendam. Senatum fre- 5 quentem celeriter, ut vidistis, coegi. 8. Atque interea statim admonituJ Allobrogum, C. Sulpicium praetorem, fortem virum, misi, 9qui ex aedibus Cethegi, si quid telorum esset, efferretk; ex quibus ille maximum sicarum numerum et gladiorum extulit. 10 IV. Introduxi Volturcium sine 1Gallis: 2fidem publicam jussua senatus dedi: hortatus sum, ut ea, quae sciret, sine timore indicaret. Turn ille dixit, quum vix se ex magno timore recreasset, a P. Lentulo se labere ad Catilinam Smandata et literas, ut 4servorum praesidiob uteretur, ut ad urbem 15 quam primum cum exercitu accederet; 5id autem eo consilio,a ut quum urbem 6ex omnibus partibus, quemadmodum descriptum distributumque erat, incendissent, caedemque infinitam civium fecissent, praesto esset ille, qui et fugientes exciperet" et se cum his urbanis 7ducibus conjungeret.c 9. Introducti au-20 tem Galli, 8jusjurandum sibi et literas ab Lentulo, Cethego, Statilio, ad suam genter data esse dixerunt, atque ita sibi ab his et a L. Cassio esse praescriptum, ut equitatum in Italiam quam primum mitterent: 9pedestres sibi copias non defuturas; Lentulum autem l~sibi confirmasse ex "fatis Sibyllinis 25 haruspicumque responsis, se esse tertium ilium Cornelium, ad quem regnum hujus urbis atque imperium pervenire esset necesse; Cinnam ante se et Sullam fuisse; eundemqued dixisse 12fatalem hunc esse annum ad interitum hujus urbis atque imperil, qui essete annus decimus post "3virginum absolutionem, 30 post'4Capitolii autem incensionem vicesimus. 10. Hanc auIII.'388, I.; 847; 225, III. -J 414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. - k500; 212; 264, 5. IV. a414, 2, 3); 873; 247, 1, & R. 2 (a).-b419,.; 880; 245, I.c500; 1205; 264, 5. —d451, 3; 1034; 207, R. 27 (a).-e519 I; 1251; 264, 8 (1). 10 216 ORATIONES CICERONIS. ter Cethegof cum ceteris controversiam fuisse dixerunt, quod Lentulo et aliis, caedem SSaturnalibusg. fieri atque urbem incendi placeret, Cethego nimium id longum videretur. V. Ac, lne longum sit, Quirites, 2tabellas proferri jussimus, 5 quae a quoque dicebantur datae. Primum ostendimus Cethego signum: 3cognovit. Nos linum incidimus: legimus. Erat scriptum ipsius manu Allobrogum senatui et populo, sese, quae eorum legatis 4confirmasset,^ esse facturumb: orare,b ut item illi facerent, quae sibi eorum legati 5recepis10 sent.a Tum Cethegus, 6qui paulo ante aliquid tamen de gladiis ac sicis, quae 7apud ipsum erant deprehensa, respondisset dixissetque 8se semper bonorum ferramentorumn studiosum fuisse, recitatis literis debilitatus atque abjectus, conscientia convictus, repente conticuit. 15 Introductus est Statilius: cognovit et signum et manum suam. Recitatae sunt tabellae 9in eandem fere sententiam: confessus est. Tur ostendi tabellas Lentulo, et quaesivi, cognosceretne signum. Adnuit. "Est vero, inquam, notum quidem sig20 num, imago ~0avi tui, clarissimi viri, qui amavit unice patriam et cives suos; "quae quidem te a tanto scelere etiam muta revocare debuit.".' 11. 12Leguntur eadem rationed ad senatum Allobrogum populumque literae. Si quid de his rebus dicere vellet, "3feci potestatem. Atque ille primo quidem ne25 gavit; post autem aliquanto, toto jam indicio exposito atque edito, 14surrexit: quaesivit a Gallis, S1quid sibie esset cum iis; quamobrem domumf suam venissent; itemque a Volturcio. Quig quum illih breviter constanterque respondissent, per "quemi ad eum quotiensque venissent, quaesissentque ab eo, 30 nihilne secum esset de fatis Sibyllinis locutus, tum ille subito, IV. f387; 821; 226. —g426; 1; 949; 253, & N. 1. V. 529, 531; 1291; 266, 2.-b530, I.; 1296, A; 266, 2. —399 & 2, 2); 765; 213.-d 428; 888; 211, R. 6. - e387; 821; 226.f379, 3 & 1); 943; 237, R. 4. —453; ]01; 206 (17). —384; 831; 223, R. 2.-'414, 5, 1); 86; 247, R. 4. ORATIO III. IN L. CATILINAMI. 217 scelereJ demens,k quanta conscientiae vis esset, ostendit. Nam, quum id posset infitiari, repente praeter opinionem omnium confessus est. Ita eum, non modo ingenium illud et dicendi exercitatio, quam semper valuit, sed etiam propter vim sceleris manifesti atque deprehensi impudentia, qua" superabat om- 5 nes, improbitasque defecit." 12. Volturcius vero subito literas proferri atque aperiri jubet, quas sibi a Lentulo ad Catilinam datas esse dicebat. Atque ibi Tvehementissime perturbatus Lentulus, tamen et signum et manum suam cognovit.'8Erant autem [scriptae] 10 sine nomine, sed ita: 9QUIS SIM,~ SCIES EX EO, QUEM AD TE MISI. CURA, UT VIR SIS; ET COGITA QUEM IN LOCUM SIS~ PROGRESSUS; VIDE, QUID JAM TIBI SIT0 NECESSE, ET CURA, UT OMNIUM TIBI AUXILIA ADJUNGAS, ETIAM 2INFIMORUiM. Gabinius deinde introductus, 2lquum primo impu-15 denter respondere coepisset, ad extremum nihil ex iis, quae Galli insimulabant, negavit. 13. Ac mihi quidem, Quirites, 2quum 2illa certissima visa sunt argumenta atque indicia sceleris, tabellae, signa, manus, denique uniuscujusque confessio, tur multo certiora illa, color, oculi, vultus, taciturnitas. 20 Sic enim 24obstupuerant, sic terram intuebantur, sic furtim nonnumquam inter se adspiciebant, 5ut non jam ab aliis indicari, sed indicare se ipsiP viderentur. VI.'Indiciis expositis atque editis, senatum consului, 2de summa re publica quid fieri placeret. Dictae sunt a 3princi- 25 pibus acerrimae ac fortissimae sententiae, quas senatus 4sine ulla varietate est secutus. Et quoniam nondum 5est perscriptum senatus consultum, ex memoria vobis, Quirites, quid senatus censuerit, exponam. 14. Primum mihi gratiae verbis" amplissimis aguntur,b quod virtute, consilio, providentia mea 30 V. J 414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. —kDist. bet. amens, demens, furor, delirium, and rabies. V. Caes. I. 40, n. 5. m414 & 2; 813; 247, 1.- n463, I.; 644; 209, R. 12 (2).- ~525; 1182; 265.-P452, I.; 682; 207, R. 28 (a). VI. a414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. - bDist. bet. gratiam (gratias) habere, agere, and referre. V. Caes. I. 35, n. 3. 218 ORATIONES CICERONIS. res publica periculis maximis 6site liberata; deinde L. Flaccus et C. Pomptinus, praetores, quod eorum opera forti fidelique usus essem, merito ac jured laudantur; atque etiam viroe forti, 7collegae meo, laus impertitur, quod eos, qui hujus conjura. 5 tionisf participes fuissent,g a suis et 8rei publicae consiliis re. movisset.c Atque ita censuerunt, ut P. Lentulus, 9quum se praetura abdicasset, l~in custodiam traderetur; itemque uti C. Cethegus, L. Statilius, P. Gabinius, qui omnes praesentes erant, in custodiam traderentur; atque idem hoc decretum est 10 in L. Cassium, qui sibi procurationem incendendae urbis depoposcerat; in M. "Caeparium, cui "2ad sollicitandos pastores Apuliam attributam esse erat indicatum; in 13P. Furium, qui est ex his 14colonis, quos Fesulas L. Sulla deduxit; in Q. Manlium "'Chilonem, qui una cum hoc Furio semper erat in 15 hac Allobrogum sollicitatione versatus; in 16P. Umbrenum, libertinumh hominem, a quo primum Gallos ad Gabinium perductos esse constabat. 15. Atque 17ea lenitate senatus est usus, Quirites, ut ex tanta conjuratione tantaque hac multitudine domesticorum hostium 18novem hominum perditissimorum 20 poena, re publica conservata, reliquorum mentes sanari posse arbitraretur. Atque etiam "9supplicatio diis immortalibus pro singulari eorum merito meo nominei decreta est, quod mihi primum post hane urbem conditamj 20togato contigit; et his decreta 25 verbis est: QUOD URBEM INCENDIIS, CAEDE CIVES, ITALIAM BELLO LIBERASSEM.C Quae supplicatio si cum ceteris conferatur,k hoc 2Lintevsilt quod 22ceterae, bene gesta, haec una, conservata re publica, constituta est. Atque illud, quod faciendum primum fuit, 2factum atque 30 transactum est. 24Nam P. Lentulus, quamquam 25patefactus indiciis et confessionibus suis, judicio senatus non modo praetoris jus, verum etiam civis amiserat, tamen magistratum se VI. c520, II.; 1255; 266, 3. - d414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. - e386; 826; 224. - f399 & 2, 2); 776; 213.- g501, I.; 1291; 264, 1. - hDist. bet. libertus and libertinus. V. Sail. Cat. L. n. 1.-'414 & 2; 873; 247, 1.- 580; 1357; 274, R. 5 (a). —509; 1265; 261 (2).-1 509; 1265; 260, R. 4. —m425; 916; 251. ORATIO III. IN L. CATILINAM. 219 abdicavit; ut, quae 2religio C. Mario," clarissimo viro, non fuerat, 2quominus C. Glauciam, de quo nihil 2nominatim erat decretum, praetorem occideret,0 ea nos religione in 2privato P. Lentulo puniendo liberaremur. VII. 16. Nunc quoniam, Quirites, consceleratissimi peri- 5 culosissimique belli nefarios duces lcaptos jam et comprehensos tenetis, existimare debetis, omnes Catilinae copias, omnes spes atque opes, his depulsis urbis periculis,concidisse. Quem quidem ego quum ex urbe 2pellebam, hoc provideban animo, Quirites, remoto Catilina, non mihi esse P. Lentuli'som-10 num, nec L. Cassii adipes nec C. Cethegi furiosam temeritatem pertimescendam. 411le erat unus timendus ex istis omnibus, sed 5tamdiu, dum moenibus urbis continebatur. Qmnia norat, ompium aditus tenebat: appellare, tentare, sollicitare poterat, audebat: erat eia 6consilium ad facinus Tap- 15 tumb; consilio autem neque manus neque lingua deerat. 8Jam ad 9certas res conficiendase l~certos homines delectosd ac descriptosd habebat. "Neque vero, quum aliquid mandarat, confectum putabat: nihil erat, quod non ipse obiret, 2occurreret, vigilaret, laborarete: frigus, sitim, famem ferre poterat.20 17. Iunc ego hominem tam acrem, tam audacem, tam paratum, tam callidum, tam in scelere vigilantem, tam "lin perditis rebus diligentem, nisi ex 14domesticis insidiis in castrense latrocinium compulissem, (dicam id, quod sentio, Quirites,) non facile hane tantam molem mali a cervicibus vestris depu- 25 lissem. Non ille nobis Saturnalia constituisset 15neque tantof ante exitii ac fati diem rei publicae denuntiavisset; "neque commisisset, ut signum, ut literae suae testes manifesti sceleris deprehenderentur. Quae nunc, illo absente, sic gesta sunt, ut nullum in privata domo furtum umquam sit tam 30 palam inventum, quam haec tanta in re publica conjuratio VI. n387; 821; 226.-o489, I., 499; 1236; 262. VII. a 387; 821; 226. - bHow are aptus, ineptus, utilis, inutilis con. structed? V. n. 7. —562; 1337; 275, II.-d388, 1; 1358; 274, R. 4.-A 501, I.; 1218; 264, 7.- 418; A 929; 256, R. 16 (3). 220 ORATIONES CICERONIS. manifesto inventa atque deprehensa est. Quodg si Catilina in urbe ad hanc diemh remansisset, 17quamquam, quoad fuit, omnibus ejus consiliis occurri atque obstiti, tamen, 8sut levissime dicam, dimicandum nobisi cum illo fuisset; neque nos 5 umquam, quum ille in urbe hostis fuisset, tantis periculis rem publicam, tanta paceJ tanto otio, tanto silentio liberassemus. VIII. 18.'Quamquam haec omnia, Quirites, ita sunt a me administrata, ut deorum immortalium nutu atque consilio et gesta et provisa esse videantur. 2Idque quum conjectura 10 consequi possumus, quod vix videtur 3humani' consiliia tantarum rerum gubernatio esse potuisse, 4tumb vero 5ita praesentes his "temporibus opem et auxilium nobis tulerunt, ut eos paene oculis videre possemus. Nam, ut illa omittam, visas nocturno tempore ab occidente 7faces ardoremque coeli, 8ut 15 fulminum jactus, ut terrae motus, ut cetera, quae tam multa, nobisc consulibus, facta sunt, ut haec, quae nunc fiunt, canere dii immortales viderentur; hoc certe, quod sum dicturus,, neque praetermittendum neque relinquendum est. 19. Nam profecto memoria tenetis, TCotta et Torquato con20 sulibus, complures in Capitolio res'~de coelo esse percussas, quum et simulacra deorum "depulsa sunt et statuae veterum hominum dejectae, et q2egum aera liquefacta, et tactus est etiam ille, qui hanc urbem condidit, Romulus; 13quem inauratum in Capitolio parvum atque lactentem, uberibus' lupinis inhian25 tem, fuisse meministis. 14Quo quidem tempore, quum l"haruspices ex tota Etruria convenissent, caedes atque incendia et legum interitum et bellum civile ac domesticum et totiu. urbis atque imperii occasum appropinquare dixerunt, nisi dii immortales omni ratione placati suo numine prope fata ipsa 30 flexissent. 20. Itaque illorum responsise tum etf ludi per decem dies VII. g453. 6; 702; 206 (14).- h120, Exc.; 146; 90, 1, & N.-'388, I.; 847; 225, III. -i 414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. VIII. a 401, 402, I., 403, 2; 780; 211, R. 8 (3). - bIn quum-tum which is the more important notion? and what is the force of vero? V. n. 4.-c431; 92; 257, R. 7. -d386; 826; 224. —e414 & 2; 873; 247, 1.-f587, I. 5; 1375; 198, 1, R. (e) ORATIO III. IN L. CATILINAM. 221 facti sunt, nequef res ulla, quae ad placandos deos pertineret, praetermissa est; iidemque jusserunt simulacrum Jovis facere majus et in excelso collocare et 6contra, atque antea fuerat, ad orientem convertere; ac se sperare dixerunt, si illud signum, quod videtis, solis ortum et forum curiamque conspiceret, 5 fore,g ut ea consilia, quae clam essent inita contra salutem urbis atque imperii, illustrarentur, ut a senatu populoque Romano perspici possent. Atque 7Tillud signum collocandum consules illi locaverunt; sed tanta fuit operis tarditas, ut, neque a 18superioribus consulibus neque a'9nobis ante hodiernum 10 diem collocaretur. IX. 21. Hic quis potest esse tam aversus a vero, tam praeceps, tam'mente captus, qui negeta haec omnia, quae videmus, praecipueque hanc urbem deorum immortalium nutu ac potestate administrari? Etenim quum esset ita re- 15 sponsum, caedes, incendia, interitumque rei publicae 2comparari, 3et ea per cives, quae turn propter magnitudinem scelerum nonnallis incredibilia videbantur, ea non modo cogitata a nefariis civibus, verumi etiam suscepta esse sensistis.'Illud vero nonne ita praesens est, ut nutu Jovis SOptimib20 Maximi factum esse videatur, ut, quum hodierno die mane per forum meo jussu et conjurati et eorum indices in aedem Concordiae ducerentur, eo ipso tempore signum 2statueretur? quo collocato atque ad vos senatumque converso, omnia quae erant contra salutem omnium cogitata, illustrata et patefacta vidistis. 25 22. QuoC etiam majore sunt isti odio supplicioque digni, qui non solum vestris domiciliis atque tectis, sed etiam deorum Stemplisd atque delubris sunt funestos ac nefarios ignes inferre conati. Quibus ego si me restitisse dicam, pimium mihi 7sumamf et non simf ferendus: 8ille, ille Jupiter restitit: ille 30 VIII. g544; 1133; 268, R. 4 (b). IX. 500; 1218; 264, 1. - b704, I. 1; 1378, 1st; 278, R. 6.^414 & 2; 87'3; 247, 1 (1).- ( Dist. bet. templum, fanum, delubrum, aedes, and sacellum. V. n. 6. - e509; 1265; 261, 2. - 509; 1266; 260, R. 4. 222 ORATIONES CICERONIS. Capitolium, ille haec templa, ille hanc urbem, ille vos omnes salvos esse voluit. Diis ego immortalibus ducibus, 9hanc mentem, Quirites, voluntatemque suscepi atque ad haec tanta indicia perveni.'OJam vero illa Allobrogum sollicitatio sic a Lentulo 5 ceterisque domesticis hostibus, tanta res,g tam dementer credita et ignotis et barbaris, commissaeque literae nunquam essent profecto, nisi ab diis immortalibus lhuic tantae audaciaeh 12consilium esset ereptum. Quid vero? "ut homines Galli, ex civitate 14male pacata, quae gens una restat, quae 10 bellum Romano populo facere posse et 15non nolle videatur, spem imperii ac rerum maximarum ultroi sibi a patriciis hominibus oblatam negligerent vestramque salutem suis'opibus anteponerent, id non divinitus esse factum putatis? praesertim 7qui nos non pugnando, sed tacendo superare potue15 rint? X. 23. Quamobrem, Quirites, quoniam lad omnia pulvinaria supplicatio decreta est, celebratotea illos dies cum conjugibus ac liberis vestris. Nam multi saepe honores diis immortalibus justi habiti sunt ac' debiti, sed profecto justiores 20 numquam. Erepti enim estis ex crudelissimo ac miserrimo interitu, erepti sine caede, sine sanguine, sine exercitu, sine dimicatione: togati, 2me uno togato duce et imperatore, vicistis. Etenim recordamini, Quirites, omnes civiles dissensiones,c non solum eas, quas audistis, sed eas, quas vosmetb ipsi 25 meministis atque vidistis. L. Sulla 3P. Sulpicium oppressit; ex urbe ejecit C. Marium, 4custodem hujus urbis; multosque fortes viros 5partim ejecit ex civitate, partim interemit. 6Cn. Octavius, consul, armis expulit ex urbe collegam: 7omnis hic locus acervis corporum et civium sanguine redundavit.d 30 Superavit postea SCinna cum Mario. Tur vero, clarissimis viris interfectis, lumina civitatis exstincta sunt. Ultus est hujus victoriae crudelitatem 9postea Sulla, ne dici quidem IX. g363; 622; 204.-h386, 2; 105, III.; 224, R. 2.-iDist. bet. ultro and sponte. V. Caes. I. 44, n. 3. X. a 537, I.; 1112; 267 (3). - b184, 3; 233; 133, R. 2. —407, 1; 789; 216.-d 704, I. 2; 1378, 2d; 323, 1 (b) (2) (a). ORATIO III. IN L. CATILINAM. 223 opus est, quanta deminutionee civiurn et quanta calamitatee rei publicae. Dissensit'10. Lepidus a clarissimo ac fortissimo viro, Q. Catulo: attulit non tam "ipsius interitus rei publicae luctum, quam ceterorum. Atque illae tamen omnes dissensiones erant 12ejusmodi,f 5 quae non ad.delendam, sed "ad commutandam rem publicam pertinerentg: non illi nullam esse rem publicam, sed in ea, quae esset, se esse principes,h neque hane urbem conflagrare, sed se in hac urbe florere voluerunt. 25. [Atque illae 4tamen onines dissensiones, quarum nulla exitium rei 10 publicae quaesivit,'2ejusmodif fuerunt, ut'5non reconciliatione concordiae, sed internecione civium dijudicatae sint.] In hoc autem unoi post hominum memoriam maximo crudelissimoque bello, quale bellum nulla umquam barbaria cum sua gente gessit, quo in bello lex haec fuit a Lentulo, Catilina, Cassio, 16 Cethego constituta, ut omnes, qui salva urbe salvi esse possent, in liostium numero ducerentur, ita me gessi, Quirites, ut salvi omnes conservaremini; et, quum hostes vestri'6tantum civium superfuturum putassent, quantum infinitae caedi restitisset, 17tantum autem urbis, quantum flamma obire non potuisset, et 20 urbem et cives integrosJ incolumesque servavi. XI. 26. Quibus pro tantis rebus, Quirites, nullum ego a vobis praemium virtutis, nullum insigne honoris, nullum monumentum laudis postuloa praeferquam hujus diei memoriam sempiternam. In animis ego vestris omnes triumphos25 meos, omnia ornamenta honoris, monumenta gloriae, laudis insignia condi et collocari volo. 1Nihil me mutum potest delectare, nihil tacitum, nihil denique ejusmodi, quod etiam minus digni assequi possint.b Memoria vestra, Quirites, res X. e414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. - 401;';80; 211, R. 6 (5), & R. 8 (1). — 9500; 1218; 264, 1. —hDist. bet. princeps and primus. V. Ec. Cic. XXIII. n. 1. - i444, 3, 2). Explain the force of uno. V. Ec. Cic. XX, n. 10. -J Dist. bet. integer, incolumnis, salvus, and sospes. V. n. 18. XI. a Dist. bet. peto, rogo, posco, oro, postulo, exigo, and flagito. V. Caes. I. 16, n. 3. —b500; 1218; 264, 1. 10* o 224 ORATIONES CICERONIS. 2nostrae alentur, sermonibus crescent, literarum monumentis inveterascent et corroborabuntur; 3eandemque diem intelligo, quam spero aeternam fore, piopagatam esse et ad salutem urbis et ad memoriam consulatus mei, unoque tempore in hac 5 re publica duo cives exstitisse, 4quorum alter fines vestri imperil non terrae, sed coeli regionibus terminaret,b alter ejusdem imperil domicilium sedesque servaret.b XII. 27. Sed quoniam earum rerum, quas ego gessi, non eadem est" fortuna atque conditio, lquae illorum, qui externa _obella gesserunt, quod mihib cum iis vivendum est, quos vici ac subegi, 2illi hostes aut interfectos aut oppressos reliquerunt, vestrumc est, Quirites, si ceterisd facta sua prosunt, mihid mea ne quando obsint providere. 3Mentes enim hominum audacissimorum sceleratae ac nefariae ne vobisd nocere possent, 15 ego providi: 4ne mihi noceant, vestrum est providere. Qunmquam,e Quirites, mihi quidem ipsi nihil ab istisf jam noceri potest; magnum enim est in bonis praesidium, quod mihi in perpetuum comparatum est: magna in re publica dignitas, quae me semper "tacita defendet: magna vis conscientiae, 20 quam qui negligent, quum me violare volent, 6se [ipsi] indicabunt. 28. 7Est etiam nobis is animus, Quirites, ut non modo nullius audaciae cedamus, sed etiam omnes improbos ultro semper lacessamus. Quodg si omnis impetus domesticorum hos25 tium depulsus a vobis se in me unum converterit, vobisb erit videnduin, Quirites, qua conditione posthac eos esse velitis,h qui se pro salute vestra obtulerinti invidiae periculisque omnibus. Mihi quidem ipsi quid est, quod jam ad vitae fructum possit adquiri, quum praesertim neque 8in honore vestro neque 30 in gloria virtutis quicquam videam altius, quo mihi libeat ascendere? 29. Illud profecto perficiam, Quirites, ut ea, quae gessi in consulatu, privatus tuear atque ornem; ut, si XII. 463, I.; 644; 209, R. 12 (2). - b388, I.; 847; 225, III. *404, 1; 782; 211, R. 8 (3) (a). - d 385; 831; 223, R. 2.-eWhat is the force of quamquam? V. I. 9, n. 1. - f Force of istis? V. I. n. 4.s453, 6; 702; 206 (14).- 525; 1182; 265.-i 501, I.; 826; 266, 1. ORATIO III. IN L. CATILINAM. 225 qua est invidia conservanda re publica suscepta, laedat invidos, 9mihi valeat ad gloriam. Denique ita me in re publica tractabo, ut meminerim semper quae gesserim, curemque, ut ea virtute, non casu gesta esse videantur. Vos, Quirites, quoniam 10jam nox est, venerati Jovem, ilium 5 custodem hujus urbis ac "vestrum, in vestra tecta discedite; et ea,,quamquam jam est periculum depulsum, tamen aeque ac priore nocte; custodiis vigiliisque defendite. Id lie vobis diutius faciendum sit, atque ut in perpetua pace esse possitis, providebo. 10 M. TULLII CICERONIS IN L. CATILINAM ORATIO QUARTA HABITA IN SENATU. 1. 1. Video, Patres Conscripti,' in me omnium vestrum orab atque oculos esse conversos: video vos non solum de vestro ac rei publicae, verum etiam, lsi id depulsum sit, 2de meo periculo esse sollicitos. Est mihi jucundac in 3malis et 5 grata in dolore vestra erga me 4voluntas; sed ear, per deos immortales, deponite, atque obliti salutisd meae de vobis ac de vestris liberis cogitate. Mihi 5si haec conditio consulatus data est, ut omnes acerbitates, omnes dolores cruciatusque, perferrem, feram non solum fortiter, verum etiam libenter, o dummodo meis laboribus vobis populoque Romano dignitas salusque pariatur.e 2. Ego sum ille consul, Patres Conscripti, cui non forum, 6in quo omnis aequitas continetur; non 7campus consularibus auspiciis 8consecratus; non 9curia, summum auxilium omnium 15 gentium; non domus, l~commune perfugium; non "lectus, ad quietem datus; non denique haec sedes honoris, unquam vacua mortis periculof atque insidiis fuit. Ego 2multa tacui, multa pertuli, multa concessi, multa meo quodam dolore 13in vestro timore sanavi. I. a Explain this term. V. I. 2, n. 10. —bDist. bet. facies, oculus, os, and vutus. V. Sail. Cat. XV. n. 9.-c Dist. bet. gratus, jucundus, and acceptus. V. Caes. I. 3, n. 11.-d406, II.; 788; 216. e503, I., 505; 1271; 263, 2 (1), 209, R. 12 (2). —f399, 5, 3), 419, III.; 776; 250, 2 (1). ORATIO IV. IN L. CATILINAM. 227 Nunc, si hunc exitum consulatus mei dii immortales esse voluerunt, ut vos populumque Romanum ex caede miserrima, conjuges liberosque vestros 14virginesque Vestales ex acerbissima vexatione, templa atque delubra, hanc pulcherrimam patriam omnium nostrums ex foedissima flamma, totam Itali- 5 am ex bello et vastitate eriperem, quaecunque mihi uni proponetur fortuna, subeatur.h Etenim, si P. Lentulus 15suum nomen, inductus a vatibus, fatale ad perniciem rei publicae fore putavit, cur ego non laeter mneum consulatum ad salutern populi Romani prope fatalem exstitisse?'. 10 II. 3. Quare, Patres Conscripti, consulite vobis,^ prospicite patriae," conservate vos, conjuges, liberos, fortunasque vestras, populi Romani nomen salutemque defendite: Imihi parcere ac de me cogitare desinite. Nam primum debeo sperare, omnes deos, qui huic urbi praesident, 2pro eo mihi, ac 15 mereor, relaturos gratiam esse; 3deinde, si quid 4obtigerit, aequo animo paratoque moriar. Nam neque turpis mors forti viro potest accidere neque immatura consulari nee misera sapienti. Nee tamen ego sum'ille ferreus, qui 6fratris carissimi atque amantissimi praesentis moerore non movear ho-20 rumque omnium lacrimis, a quibus me circumsessum videtis. Nequeb meam mentem nonb domum saepe revocat exanimata 7uxor et abjecta metu filia et parvulus filius, quem mihi videtur amplecti res publica tanlquam obsidem consulatus mei; Sneque ille, quiexspectans hujus exitum diei, stat in conspectu 25 meo9gener. Moveor his rebus omnibus, sed l~in eam partem, ut salvi sint vobiscum omnes, etiam si me aliqua vis oppresserit, potius quam et illi et nos lluna rei publicae peste pereamus. 4. Quare, Patres Conscripti, incumbite ad salutem rei pub- 30 licae: circumspicite omnes procellas, quae impendent, nisi providetis. Non iTi. Gracchus, quod iterum tribunus plebis fieri L g446, 3; 1016; 212, R. 2, N. 2. - h487; 488, I.; 1193; 260, R. 6.-'485, 486, II.; 1180; 260, R. 5. II. a 385 & 3; 831; 223. —b585; 998; 277, R. 4. 228 ORATIONES CICERONIS. voluit; non l1C. Gracchus, quod agrarios concitare conatus est; non 14L. Saturninus, quod C. Memmium occidit,'5in discrimen aliquod atque in vestrae severitatis judicium adducitur: tenentur ii, qui ad urbis incendium, ad vestram omnium" cae5 dem, ad Catilinam accipiendum Romaed restiterunt. Tenentur literae, signa, manus, denique uniuscujusque confessio: sollicitantur Allobroges: servitia excitantur: Catilina arcessitur: id est initum consilium, ut, interfectis omnibus, nemo ne ad deplorandum quidem populi Romani nomen atque ad 0 lamentandam tanti imperil calamitatem relinquatur. III. 5. Haec omnia lindices detulerunt, rei confessi sunt; vos multis jam judiciisa judicavistis: primum, quod mihi gratias egistisb singularibus verbis," et mea virtute atque diligentia perditorum hominum conjurationem esse patefactam 15 decrevistis; deinde, quod P. Lentulum 2se abdicare praetura coigistis; turn quod eum et ceteros, de quibus judicastis, in custodiam dandos censuistis; maximeque, quod meo nomineC supplicationem decrevistis, qui honos'togato habitus ante me est neminid; postremo, hesterno die 4praemia legatis Allobro20 gum Titoque Vulturcio dedistis amplissima. Quae sunt omnia ejusmodi, ut ii, qui in custodiam nominatim dati sunt, sine ulla dubitatione a vobis damnati esse videantur. 6. Sed ego institui'referre ad vos, Patres Conscripti, tamquam integrum et de facto, quid judicetis,e et de poena, quid 25 censeatis.e Illa 6praedicam, quae sunt consulis. Ego 7magnum in re publica versari furorem et nova quaedam misceri et concitari mala jampridem videbam; sed hanc tantam, tam exitiosam haberi conjurationem a civibus, numquam putavi. Nunc, 8quidquid est, quocunque vestrae men3ates inclinant atque sententiae, statuendum vobis 9ante noctem est. Quantum facinus ad vos delatum sit, videtis. Huicg si. II. c397, 3; 628; 205, R. 13 (a). —d421, II.; 932; 221. lII.'414 & 3; 873; 247, 2.-bDist. bet. agere gratias, habere, and referre. V. Caes. I. 35, n. 3. —4414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. —388, II.; 844; 225, II. -e525; 1182; 265.- f401; 780; 211, R. 8 (3). —391, 2, 4); 860; 222, 3. ORATIO IV. IN L. CATILINAM. 229 paucos putatis affines esse, vehementer erratis. Latius opinioneh disseminatum est hoc malum: l~manavite non solum per Italiam, verur etiam transcendit Alpes et obscure serpens multas jam provincias occupavit. Id opprimi'1sustentando ac prolatando nullo pacto potest. Quacunque ratione placet, 5 celeriter vobis vindicandum est. IV. 7. Video duas adhuc esse sententias: unam D. Silani, qui censet eos, qui 1haec delere conati sunt, morte esse multandos; alteram C. Caesaris, qui mortis poenam removet, ceterorum suppliciorum omnes acerbitates amplectitur. Uter- 10 que et 2pro sua dignitate et pro 3rerum magnitudine in summa severitate 4versatur. Altera eos, qui nos omnes, [qui populum Romanum,] vita privare conati sunt, qui delere im perium, qui populi Romani nomen exstinguere, punctumb temporis frui vitac et hoc communi spiritue 5non putat oportere; 15 atque hoc genus poenae saepe in improbos cives in hac re publica esse usurpaturn recordatur. Altera 7intelligit mortem ab diis immortalibus non esse supplicii causa constitutam, sed aut necessitatem naturae aut laborum ac miseriarum quietem esse. Itaqued earn sapientes numquam inviti,e fortes saepe 20 etiam libenter %oppetiverunt. Vincula vero et ea sempiterna certe ad singularem poenam nefarii sceleris inventa sunt.'0Municipiis dispertiri jubet. Habere videtur "ista res iniquitater, si imperare velis; difficultatem, si rogare. Decernaturf tamen, si placet. 8. 1Ego enim suscipiam, et, ut spero, 25 reperiam, 13qui id, quod salutis omnium causa statueritis, non putetg esse suae dignitatish recusare. Adjungit gravem poenam municipibus, si quis.4eorum vincula ruperit: horribiles custodias circumdat, et 15digna scelere hominum perditorum sancit, ne quis eorum poenam, so III. h417, 6; 902; 256, R. 9. —Dist. bet. flu6o, mano, and liquere. V. n. 10., IV. a 459; 665; 212, R. 2,.. 1 (b. — 78; 950; 236. —419, I.; 880; 245,.- 587, IV.; 198, 6, R.-e443; 663; 205, R. 15.-f487; 1193; 260, R. 6. —g501,.; 1218; 264, 6. —h401, 402, I.; 780; 211, R. 8 (3). 230 ORATIONES CICERONIS. quos condemnat, aut per senatum aut per populum levare possit: eripit etiam spem, quae sola homines in miseriis consolari solet. Bona praeterea publicari jubet: vitarn solam relinquit nefariis hominibus; quam si eripuisset, 16multos uno s dolore dolores animi atque corporis et omnes scelerum poenas ademisset. Itaque ut aliqua in vita formido improbis esset posita, apud inferos 17ejusmodi quaedam illi antiqui supplicia impiis constituta esse 18voluerunt; quod videlicet intelligebant,'9his remotis, non esse mortem ipsam pertimescendam. 10 V. 9. Nunc, Patres Conscripti, lego meaa video quidb intersit. Si eritis secuti sententiam C. Caesaris, quoniam hane is in re publica viam, quae popularis habetur, secutus est, fortasse minus erunt, hoc auctorec et 2cognitore hujusce sententiae, mihi populares impetus pertimescendi; sin illam 15 alteram, 3nescio and amplius mihie negotiif contrahatur. Sed tamen meorum periculorum 4rationes utilitas rei publicae vincat.g Habemus enim a C. Caesare, sicut ipsiush dignitas et majorum ejus amplitudo postulabat,i sententiam 5tamquam obsidem perpetuae in rem publicam 6voluntatis. Intellectum 20est, 7quid intersit inter levitatem contionatorum et animum vere popularem, saluti populi consulentem. 10. Video 8de istis,J qui se populares haberi volunt, abesse non neminem,k ne de capite 9videlicet civium Romanorum sententiam ferat. l~Is et nudiustertius in custodiam cives Ro25 manos dedit, et supplicationem mihi decrevit, et indices hesterno die maximis praemiis' affecit. "Jam hoc nemini dubium est, 12qui reo custodiam, "quaesitori gratulationem, indici praemium decrevit, quid de tota re et causa judicarit. At vero C. Caesar intelligit 41legem Semproniam esse de civibus 30 Romanis constitutam; qui autem rei publicae sit hostis, eum V. 408, 1, 2); 809-10; 219, R. 1, & R. 2.-b408, 2; 811; 219, R. 4. —c431; 972; 251, R. 7.-d526, II. 2); 1188; 265, R. 3. —e386; 826; 224.-f396, 2, 3) (3); 760; 212, R. 3, —487; 1193; 260, R. 6. —hWhat objects are here contrasted by means of ipse V. Sail. Cat. XXIII. n. 5.-'463, I.; 644; 209, R. 12 (2).-J 398, 4; 775; 212, R. 2, N. 4. — 585, 1; 998; 277. I. R. 5 (c). —419, III., 873; 249, I. ORATIO IV. IN L. CATILINrM. 231 civem nullo modo esse posse; denique ipsum latorem Semproniae legis 15jussu populi poenas rei publicae dependisse. Idemm ipsum Lentulum 6largitorem et prodigum non putat, quum de pernicie populi Romani, et'7exitio" hujus urbis tam acerbe tamque crudeliter cogitarit, etiam appellari posse 18pop- 5 ularem. Itaque homo mitissimus atque lenissimus non dubitat P. Lentulum aeternis tenebris vinculisque mandare, et sancit in posterum, ne quis hujus supplicio~'levando se jactare et 2in pernicie populi Romani posthac popularis esse possit. Adjungit etiam publicationem bonorum, ut omnes animi cru- 10 ciatus et corporis etiam egestas ac mendicitas consequatur.i VI. 11. Quamobrem lsive hoc statueritis, 2dederitis mihi'comitem ad concionem populo carum atque jucundum; sive Silani sententiam sequi malueritis, facile me atque vos crudelitatis 4vituperatione populus Romanus exsolvet, atque 5obtine- 15 bo eam multo leniorem fuisse. Quamquam,a Patres Conscripti, quae potest esse in tanti sceleris immanitate puniendab crudelitas? Ego enim de meo sensu judico. Nam 6ita mihi salva re publica vobiscum perfrui liceat, ut ego, quod in hac causa vehementior sum, non atrocitate animi moveor, (quis enim20 est me mitior?) sed singulari quadam humanitate et misericordia. Videore enim mihi videre hanc urbem, lucem orbis terrarum atque 7arcem omnium gentium, subito 8uno incendio concidentem: cerno animod sepulta in patria miseros atque insepultos acervos civium: 9versatur mihi ante oculos aspectus 25 Cethegi, et furor in vestra caede'~bacchantis. 12. Quum vero mihi proposui "regnantem Lentulum, sicut ipse se ex "fatis sperasse confessus est, "3purpuratum esse huice Gabinium, cum exercitu venisse Catilinam, tum lamentationem matrumfamilias, tum fugam virginum atque puerorum ac 0 "vexationem virginum Vestalium perhorresco; et, quia mihi V. m451; 1034; 207, R. 27 (a). - nDist. bet. pernioies and exitium. V. n. 17. —414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. VL a How used? V. I. 9, n. 1.b566. II. 1; 1340;275, I. —c549, 4; 642; 271, R. 2. —414; 873; 247, 2.-e390, 2; 851; 227, R. 4. 232 ORATIONES CICERONIS. velementer haec videntur misera atque miseranda, idcirco in eos, qui ea pelficere voluerunt, me severum vehementemque praebeo. Etenim quaero, si quis paterfamilias, liberis suis a servo interfectis,f uxorp occisa, incensa domo, supplicium 5de servo non 15quamg acerbissimum sumpserit, utrum is clemens ac misericors, an inhumanissimus et crudelissimus esse videatur? 16mihi vero importunus ac ferreus, qui non dolore et cruciatu nocentis suum dolorem cruciatumque lenicrit.h Sic nos "7in his hominibus, qui nos, qui conjuges, qui 0 liberos nostros trucidare voluerunt, qui singulas uniuscujusque nostrum domos et hoc universum rei publicae domicilium delere conati sunt,'8qui id egerunt, ut gentem Allobrogum in vestigiis hujus urbis atque in cinere deflagrati imperii collocarent, si vehementissimi fuerimus, misericordes habebimur; 15sin remissioresi esse voluerimus, summae nobis crudelitatis'9in patriae civiumque pernicie 20fama subeunda est. 13. 21Nisi vero cuipiam L. Caesar, vir fortissimus et amantissimus rei publicae, crudeliori nudiustertius visus est, quum sororis 2suae, feminae lectissimae, 23virum praesentem et 20audientem vita privandum esse dixit, quum 24avum suum jussu consulis interfectum, filiumque ejus impuberem, 25legatum a patre missum, in carcere necatum esse dixit. Quorum quod 2simile factum? quod initum delendae rei publicae consilium? Largitionis voluntas turn in re publica versata est, 25 et partium quaedam contentio. Atque, eo tempore hujus 2avus Lentuli, vir clarissimus, armatus Gracchum est persecutus: 28ille etiam grave turn vulnus accepit, ne quid de summa re publica deminueretur; hic ad evertenda rei publicae fundamenta Gallos arcessit, servitia concitat, Catilinam vocat, 30 attribuit nos trucidandosj Cethegok et ceteros cives interficiendosj Gabinio,k urbem inflammandam Cassio, totam Italiam vastandam diripiendamque Catilinae. 9Vereamini' censeo, ne VI. f Dist. bet. interficio, perimo, interimo, neco, occido, jugulo, obtrunco, trucido, and percutio. V. Caes. II. 10, n.. - 444, 3, 2); 1001-3; 127, 4. —h517, I, 519; 1251; 264, 8 (1). - i444, 1; 902; 256, R. 9 (a).- 578, V.; 1315; 274, P. 7 (a). - k 386; 855; 223.- 1492, 3. 493, 2; 1208; 262, R. 4. ORATIO IV. IN L. CATILINAM. 233 in hoe scelere tam immani ac nefando nimis aliquid severe statuisse videaminim: multo magis est verendum, ne remissione poenae crudeles in patriam, quam ne severitate animadversionis nimis vehementes in acerbissimos hostes fuisse videamur.m VII. 14. Sed ea quae exaudio, Patres Conscripti, dissim- 5 ulare non possum. Jaciuntur enim'voces, quae perveniunt ad aures meas, eorum qui vereri videntur, ut habeama satis praesidii ad ea, quae vos statueritis hodierno die, transigenda. Omnia et provisa et parata et constituta sunt, Patres Conscripti, 2quum mea summa cura atque diligentia, turn multo 10 etiam majore populi Romani ad summum imperium retinendurn et ad communes fortunas conservandas voluntate. Omnes adsunt omnium ordinum homines, omnium denique aetatum: plenum est forum, plena templa circum forum, pleni omnes aditus 3hujus templi ac loci. Causa enim est 5 post Urbem conditamC haec inventab sola, in qua omnes sentirent unum atque idem, praeter eos, qui, quum sibi viderent esse pereundum, cum omnibus potius quam soli perire voluerunt. 15. Hosce ego homines excipio et secerno libenter, neque in improborum civium, sed in acerbissimorum hostium 20 numero habendos puto. Ceteri vero, dii immortales! qua frequentia,d quo studio, qua virtute ad communem dignitatem salutemque consentiunt! Quide ego hic equites Romanos commemoremf? qui vobis'ita 6%ummam ordinis consiliique concedunt, ut vobiscum de amore rei publicae certent; quos 25 7ex multorum annorum dissensione ad hujus ordinis societatem concordiamque revocatos, hodiernus dies vobiscum atque 8haec causa conjungit; quam si conjunctionem, in consulatu confirmatam meo, perpetuam in re publica tenuerimus, confirmo vobis, nullum posthac malum civile ac domesticum ad 30 ullam rei publicae partem esse venturum. Pari studio defenVI. "489, I., 492, 4, 1); 1205; 262, R. 7. VII. a 492, 4, l); 1215; 262, R. 7. - bDist. bet. invenio and reperio. V. Caes. I. 18, n. 19.-"580; 1357; 274, R. 5 (a). -d414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. —454, 2; 739; 235, R. 11. —485; 1180; 260, R. 5. 234 ORATIONES CICERONIS. dendae rei publicae convenisse video 9tribunos aerarios, fortissimos viros; 0~scribas item universos,g quos quum "casu haec dies ad aerarium frequentasset, video ab exspectatione sortis ad communem salutem esse conversos. Omnis ingenuorum 5 adest multitudo, etiam tenuissimorum. 16. Quis est enim, cui non haec templa, adspectus urbis, possessio libertatis, lux denique haec ipsa, et hoc commune patriae solum, quum sith carum, turn vero dulce atque jucundum? VIII. Operae pretium est, Patres Conscripti, libertinoruma 10 hominum studiab cognoscere; qui'virtute sua fortunam hujus civitatis consecuti hanc suam patriam esse judicant, quam quidam hinc nati et summo lococ nati non patriam suam, sed urbem hostium esse judicaverunt. Sed quidd ego 2hujusce ordinis homines commemoro, quos privatae fortunae, quos 15 communis res publica, quos denique libertas, ea quae dulcissima est, ad salutem patriae defendendam excitavit? Servus est nemo, qui modo tolerabili conditione site servitutis, qui non audaciam civium perhorrescatf; qui non 3haec stare cupiat; qui non quantum audet et quantum potest conferat ad salutem 20 voluntatis.g 17. Quare, si quem vestrum forte commovet hoc, quod auditum est, 4lenonem quendam Lentuli concursare circum 5tabernas, pretio sperare sollicitarih posse 6animos egentium atque imperitorum, est id quidem coeptum atque tentatum; 25 sed nulli sunt inventi tam aut fortunai miseri aut voluntatei perditi, 7qui non ipsum illum sellae atque operis et 8quaestusJ quotidiani locum, qui non cubile ac lectulum' suum, qui denique non cursum hunc otiosum vitae suae, salvum esse velint. VII. gDist. bet. omnis, universus, totus, and cunctus. V. Caes. I. 1, n. 2. -h463, I.; f44; 209, R. 12 (2). VIII. a Dist. bet. libertus and libertinus. V. Sail. Cat. L. n. 1. - -'130, 2, 177 (2); 95, R. - 425 & 3, 1); 918; 246.-d380, 2; 739; 235, R. 1.- e503, I., 505; 1271; 263, 2 (1). —501, I.; 1218; 264, 7. -g396, 2, 3) (3); 760; 212, R. 3.- h552 & 1; 1138; 271.- 429; 889; 250, 1. — Dist. bet. lucrum, emolumentum, quaestus, aud compen, dium. V.n. 8. k480, 481, I.; 1164; 258, I. 1.-1315, 1; 540-1; 100, 3. ORATIO IV. IN L. CATILINAM. 235 Multo vero maxima pars eorum, qui in tabernis sunt, 9immo vero, (id enim potius est dicendum,) genus hoc universum amantissimum est l~otii. Etenim omne instrumentum, omnis opera ac quaestus frequentia civium sustentatur, alitur otio; quorum si quaestus, locclusis tabernis, minui solet, quid 12tan- dem, incensis, futurum fuit? IX. 18. Quae quum ita sint, Patres Conscripti, vobis populi Romani praesidia non desunt: vos ne populo Romano deesse videamini, providete. Habetis consulem ex plurimis periculis et insidiis latque 10 ex mediaa morte, non ad vitam suam, sed ad salutem vestram reservatum: omnes ordines ad conservandam rem publicam 2mente,b voluntate, voce, consentiunt: obsessa facibus et telis impiae conjurationis, vobis supplex manus tendit patria communis; vobis se, vobis vitam omnium civium, vobis arcem et 15 Capitolium, vobis aras Penatium,c vobis ignem ilium Vestae sempiternum, vobis omnium deorum templa atque delubra, vobis muros atque urbis tecta commendat. Praeterea de vestra vita, de conjugum vestrarum ac liberorum anima, de fortunis omnium, de sedibus, de focis vestris hodierno die vobis 20 judicandum est. 19. Habetis ducem memorem vestri, oblitum sui; 3quae non semper facultas datur: habetis omnes ordines, omnes homines, universum populum Romanum, id quod 4in civili causa hodierno die primum videmus, unum atque idem sentientem. 25 5Cogitate, quantis laboribus fundatum imperium, quanta virtute stabilitam libertatem, quanta deorum benignitate auctas exaggeratasque fortunas una nox paene delerit.d Id ne umquam posthac, non modo non confici, sed ne cogitari quidem possit a civibus, hodierno die providendum est. Atque haec, non ut 30 vos, qui mihi studio paene praecurritis, excitarem, locutus sum, sed ut mea vox, quae debet esse in re publica'princeps, officioe functa consulari videretur. X. 20. Nunc, ante quam'ad sententiam redeo, de me IX. a441, 6; 662; 205, R. 17. -b429; 889; 250, 1. -c89, 5, 2); 117; 83, II. 4 (1). —d525; 1182; 265. —e419, I.; 880; 245, I. 236 ORATIONES CICERONIS. pauca dicam. Ego, quanta manus est conjuratorum, quam videtis esse permagnam, tantam me inimicorum multitudinem suscepisse video; sed eam judico esse turpem et infirmam et abjectam. Quod" si 2aliquando alicujus furore et scelere con5 citata manus ista plus valuerit quam vestra ac rei publicae dignitas, meb tamen meorum factorumc atque consiliorum numquam, Patres Conscripti, poenitebit. Etenim mors, quam illi fortasse minitantur, omnibus est parata: vitae tantam laudem, 3quanta vos me vestris decretis honestastis, nemo est 0 assecutus. Ceteris enim bene gesta, mihi uni, conservata re publica, gratulationem decrevistis. 21. Sit 4Scipio clarus ille, cujus consilio atque virtute Hannibal 5in Africam redire atque Italia decedere coactus est: ornetur 6alter eximia laude Africanus, qui duas urbes huic 15 imperio infestissimas, Karthaginem Numantiamque, delevit: habeatur vir egregius 7Paulus ille, cujus currum rex potentissimus quondam et nobilissimus Persesd honestavit: sit aeterna gloriae Marius, qui 8bis Italiam obsidione et metu servitutis liberavit: anteponatur omnibusf Pompeius, 9cujus res gestae 20 atque virtutes iisdem, quibus solis cursus, regionibus ac terminis continentur: erit profecto inter horum laudes aliquid locig nostrae gloriae,h "~nisi forte majus est patefacere nobis provincias, quo exire possimus,i quam curare, ut etiam illi "qui absunt habeant, 2quo victores revertantur.i 25 22. Quamquamj est 3Suno loco conditio melior externae victoriae, quam domesticae; 14quod hostes alienigenae aut oppressi serviunt, aut recepti in amicitiam beneficio se obligatos putant. Qui autem ex numero civium dementia aliqua depravati hostes patriae semel esse coeperunt, eos, quum a 30 pernicie rei publicae repuleris, nec vi coircere, nec beneficio placare 15possis.L Quare mihi cum perditis civibus aeternum X. a 453, 6; 702; 206 (14).- b410 & III.; 805; 229, R. 6.-410 & III.; 805; 215 (). —d43; 52; 44. —e428 & 2); 888; 211, R. 6 (T). -- 386; 1075, III.; 224.- g396, 2, 3) (3); 760; 212, R. 3. —b384; 820; 223. —500; 1213; 264, R. 2. -J Force? V. I. 9, n. 1. —485; 1177; 260, R. 4. ORATIO IV. IN L. CATILINAM. 237 bellum susceptum esse video: id ego vestro bonorumque omnium auxilio memoriaque tantorum periculorum, quae non modo in hoc populo, qui servatus est, sed in omnium gentium sermonibus ac mentibus semper haerebit, a me atque a meis facile propulsari posse confido. Neque ulla profecto 3 tanta vis reperietur, 16quae conjunctionem vestram equitumque Romanorum, et tantam conspirationem bonorum omnium, confringere et labefactare possit.1 XI. 23. Quae quum ita sint, lpro imperio, pro exercitu, pro provincia, quam neglexi, 2pro triumpho, ceterisque laudis 10 insignibus, quae sunt a me propter urbis vestraeque salutis custodiam repudiata, pro 3clientelis hospitiisque provincialibus, 4quae tamen urbanis opibus non minore labore tueor, quam comparo; pro his 5igitur omnibus rebus, pro meis in vos singularibus studiis proque hac, quam conspicitis, ad conservan- 15 dam rem publicam diligentia, nihil a vobis nisi hujus temporis totiusque mei 6consulatus memoriam postulo: quae 7dum erit in vestris fixa mentibus, tutissimo me muro saeptum esse arbitrabor. Quod si meam spem vis improborum fefellerit atque superaverit, commendo vobis parvum meum filium, cui pro-20 fecto satis erit praesidii non solum ad salutem, verum etiam ad dignitatem, si ejus, qui haec omnia 8suo soliusa periculo conservaverit, illum filium esse memineritis. 24. Quapropter de summa salute vestra populique Romani, de vestris conjugibus ac liberis, 9de aris ac focis, de fanis ac 25 templis, de totius urbis tectis ac sedibus, de imperio, de libertate, de salute Italiae, de universa re publica decernite diligenter,'~ut instituistis, ac fortiter. Habetis eum consulem, qui et parere vestris decretis non dubitet,b let ea quae statueritis, quoad vivet, defendere et per se ipsum praestare possit.b 30 X. 1500; 1218; 264, 1 (a) & (b). XI.a 397, 3; 6f28; 205, R. 13 (a). —b500; 1218; 264, 1. M. TULLII CICERONIS ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA AD QUIRITES. I. 1. Quamquam mihi semper'frequens conspectus vester multoa jucundissimus, 2hic autemb locus 3ad agendum amplissimus, ad dicendum ornatissimus est visus, 4Quirites; tamen "hoc adituc laudis, qui semper optimo cuiqued maxime patuit, 5 non mea me voluntas, sed 6vitae meae rationes, Tab ineunte aetate susceptae, prohibuerunt. Nam quum antea 8per aetatem nondume hujus auctoritatem loci attingere auderem, statueremque nihil huc nisi perfectum ingenio, elaboratum industria afferri oportere, omne meum tempus amicorum 10 9temporibus transmittendum putavi. 2. ~0Ita nequeg hic locus vacuus unquam fuit abf iis qui vestram "causam defenderent,h et meus labor, in privatorum periculis'2caste integreque versatus, ex vestro judicio "fructum est amplissimum consecutus. Nam quum propter'4dilationem comitiorum "5ter praetor! 15primus'centuriis cunctis renuntiatus sum, facile intellexi, Quirites, et quid de me judicaretisj et "7quid aliis praescriberetisJ Nunc, quum et auctoritatisk in me tantum1 sit,'8quantum"' vos honoribus" mandandis0 esse voluistis, et 3ad agendum I. "418: 929; 256, R. 16.-bForce of autern? V. Ec. Cic. XX. n. 5. - -425, 2 & 2); 916; 251. - 458, 1; 1052; 207, R. 35 (b).eForce of dum with negatives? V. in Cat. I. 4, n. 17.- 399, 5 & 3); 778; 213, R. 4 (4).- 198, 1, R. (e). h500; 1218; 264, 1.-'362; 666; 210.-i 525; 1182 265. -k396, 2, 3) & (3); 760; 212, R. 3. 1441; 761; 206 (16).-m- 545; 1136; 239.- "566, I.; 873; 247, 3. -~562; 1322; 275, II. ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 239 facultatisk tantum, quantum homini vigilanti ex forensi usu prope quotidiana dicendi exercitatio potuit afferre, certe, et, si quid auctoritatis in me est,'apud eos utar, qui eam mihi dederunt, et si quid 2in dicendo consequi possum, iis ostendam potissimum,P qui 21ei quoque rei fructum suo judicio tribuendum 5 esse duxerunt. 3. Atque 2illudr in primis mihis laetandum jureq esse video, quod in hac insolita mihi ex hoc loco ratione dicendi causa talis oblata est, in qua oratio deesse nemini possit.h Dicendum est enim de Cn. Pompeii singulari eximiaque 2virtute; hujus autem orationis difficilius est exitum 10 quam principium inveniret: ita mihi non tam 24copia quam 25modus in dicendo quaerendus est. II. 4. Atque ut inde oratio mea proficiscatur, unde haec omnis causa ducitur, bellum grave et periculosum vestris vectigalibusa ac sociis" a duobus potentissimis regibus infertur, 15 Mithridateb et Tigrane; quorum 2alter relictus, alter lacessitus, occasionem sibi ad occupandam 3Asiam oblatam esse arbitrantur. 4Equitibusa Romanis, honestissimis viris, afferuntur ex Asia quotidie literae, quorum magnae res aguntur, in vestris vectigalibus exercendis occupatae; quic ad me pro 6neces- 20 situdine, quae mihi est cum illo ordine, 7causam rei publicae periculaque rerum suarum detulerunt: 5. Bithyniae, quae nunc 8vestra provincia est, 9vicosd exustos esse complures; lregnumd Ariobarzanis, quod finitimum est vestris vectigaliI)us,e totum esse in hostium potestate; Lucullum,d magnis25 rebusf gestis, ab eo bello discedere; "huic qui successerit,. non satis esse paratum ad tantum bellum adrninistrandum; 1'unum ab omnibus sociis et civibus ad id bellum imperatoremd deposci atque expeti; eundem hune unumd ab hostibus Imetui, praeterea neminem.d 30 I. PForce ofpotissimum? V. Ec. Cic. XXVI. n. 5.-q 414 & 3; 873; 247, 2.-r371, 3; 717; 232 (3).- -388, I.; 847; 225, III.-t549; 1150; 269. II. ^386; 826; 224.-b363; 622; 204. —453; 701; 206 (17).d545; 1.136; 239. —e391 & 1; 860; 222, R. 1.-f431; 965; 257.9529; 1291; 266, 2. 11 P 240 ORATIONES CICERONIS. 6. "SCausa quae sit,h videtis: nunc, quid agendum sit,b considerate. Primum mihi videtur de genere belli, deinde de magnitudine, turn 4de imperatore deligendo, esse dicendum. Genus est belli'5ejusmodi,i quod maxime vestros animos 5 excitare atque inflammare 16ad persequendi studium debeat;'in quo agitur populi Romani gloria, quae vobis a majoribus, quum magna in rebus omnibus, tumk summa in re militari, tradita est: agitur salus sociorum atque amicorum, pro qua multa majores vestri magna et gravia bella gesserunt: aguns tur certissima populi Romani vectigalia et maxima; quibus amissis, et pacis ornamenta et subsidia belli,'8requiretis: aguntur bona multorum civium, quibusm est a vobisl et ipsorum et rei publicae causa consulendum. III. 7. Et quoniam semper appetentes gloriaea praeter 15 ceteras gentes atque avidi laudisb fuistis, delenda vobis" est ilad macula'Mithridatico bello superiore concepta; quae 2penituse jam insedit ac nimis inveteravit in populi Romani nomine; 3quod is, qui uno die, tota in Asia, tot in civitatibus, 4uno nuntio atque una significatione, cives Romanos necandosf o trucidandosque denotavit, non modo adhuc poenam nullam suo dignam scelere suscepit,g sed ab illo tempore annum jam tertium et vicesimum regnat; et ita regnat, ut se non Ponti neque Cappadociae nlatebris occultare velit, sed emergere ex 6patrio regno atque in vestris vectigalibus, hoc est, 7in Asiae 25 luce versari. 8. Etenim adhuc ita nostri cum illo rege contenderunt imperatores, ut ab illo 8insignia victoriae, non victoriam reportarent. Triumphavit 9L. Sulla, triumphavit L. Murena de Mithridate, duo fortissimi viri, et summi imperaII. h525; 1182; 265.-i401; 780; 211, R. 6 (5), & R. 8.-i 500; 1218; 264, 1. — 587, 1. 5; 1374; 277, I. R. 9.- 414, 5; 1310; 225, II. R. 2. —m385; 831; 223, R. 2. III. a399 & 2, 1); 765, T67, 2d; 213, R. 1 (2). —b399 & 2, 2); 767, 3d; 213, R. 1 (3). —388, I.; 847; 225, III. d450; 1028; 207, R. 23 (a). —eDist. bet. plane, omnino, prorsus, penitus, and utque. V. n. 2.fDist. bet. interficio, perimo, interimo, neco, occido, jugulo, obrunco, trucido, andpercutio. V. Caes. II. 10, n. 1.- s520, I.; 1250; 273, 5. What does this clause explain? ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 241 tores; sed l'ita triumpharunt, ut ille pulsush superatusque regnaret. Verum tamen illis imperatoribus laus est tribuenda, lquod egerunt, venia danda, quod reliquerunt; propterea quod ab eo bello Sullam in Italiam l2res publica, Murenam Sulla revocavit. 5 IV. 9. Mithridates autem lomne reliquum tempus non ad oblivionem veteris belli, sed ad comparationem novi contulit; 2quia posteaquam maximas aedificasset ornassetque classes, exercitusque permagnos, quibuscumque ex gentibus potuisset, comparasset, et se'Bosporanis, finitimis suis, bellum inferre 10 simularet,b usque in Hispaniam legatos ac litteras misit ad 4eos duces, quibuscum turn bellum gerebamus, ut, quum 5duobus in locis 6disjunctissimis maximeque diversis 7uno consilio a binisd hostium copiis bellum terra marique gereretur, vos ancipiti contentione districti 8de imperio dimicaretis. 15 10. Sed tamen 9alteriuse partis periculum, Sertorianae atque Hispaniensis, 10quae multo plus firmamenti ac roboris habebat, Cn. Pompeii "divino consilio ac singulari virtute depulsum est: 2in altera parte ita res a L. Lucullo, summo viro, est administrata, ut 13initia illa rerum gestarum magna atque 20 praeclara non felicitati ejus, sed virtuti, 14haec autem extrema, quae nuper acciderunt,f non culpae, sed fortunae tribuenda esse videantur.g Sed de Lucullo dicam alio loco; et ita dicam, Quirites, ut neque vera laus eih detracta oratione mea, neque falsa afficta esse videatur: 11. de vestri imperii dignitate 25 atque gloria, quoniam is est exorsus orationis meae, "videte, quem vobis animum suscipiendum putetis. V. Majores nostri saepe, mercatoribus aut naviculariis nostris injuriosius" tractatis, bella gesserunt: vos, ltot civiIII. h578, IV.; 1350; 274, 3 (a). IV. a453; 701; 206 (17). —bEc. Cic. II. n. 1. Why imper.?-d 174, 2, 3); 209; 120, 4 (a). —e665; 212, R. 2, N. 1 (b). —Dist. bet. accidit, evenit, contingit, obvenit, and obtingit. V. Caes. I. 18, n. 17. —549, 4, 1); 1146; 271, R. 2.-h386, 2; 1075, III.; 224, R. 2, V. 444, 1; 902; 256, R. 9 (a). -42 OORATIONES CICERONIS. um Romanorum milibus uno nuntio atque uno tempore necatis, quo tandemb animoc esse debetis? Legati quod 2erant appellati superbius," Corinthum patres vestri, totius Graeciae 3lumen,d exstinctume esse voluerunt: vos eum re5 gem inultum esse patiemini, qui 4legatum populi Romani consularem, vinculis ac verberibus atque omni supplicio excruciatum,f necavit? Illi libertatem'civium Romanorum imminutam non tulerunt: vos ereptam vitam negligetis? Jus legationis verbo violatumg illi 6persecuti sunt: vos legatum, io omni supplicio interfectum,g relinquetis? 12. Videte, ne, ut illis pulcherrimum fuith tantam vobis imperii gloriam tradere, sic vobis turpissirqum sit,h id quod accepistis, tueri et conservare non posse. 7Quid, quod salus sociorum 8summum in periculum ac dis5 crimen vocatur, quo tandem animo 9ferre debetis? Regno expulsus est'~Ariobarzanes rex, socius populi Romani atque amicus: imminent "duo reges toti Asiae, non solum vobis inimicissimi, sed etiam vestris sociis atque amicis: civitates autem omnes l2cuncta Asia atque Graecia vestrum auxilium 20 exspectare propter periculi magnitudinem coguntur: 1Simperatorem a vobis certum deposcere, quum praesertim vos'4alium miseritis, neque audent, neque se id facere sine 15summo periculo posse arbitrantur. 13. Vident et sentiunt hoc idem, quod vos, unum virum 25 esse, 16in quo summa sint' omnia, et eum T7propter esse; 8Squo3 etiam carent aegrius; cujus adventu ipso atque nomine, tametsi ille ad maritimum bellum venerit,k tamen impetus hostium repressos esse intelligunt ac retardatos.'9Hi vos, quoniam libere loqui non licet, tacite rogant, ut se quoque, 30sicut ceterarum provinciarum socios, 20dignos existimetis, quorum salutem tali viro commendetisl; 2latque hocj etiam V. bForce of tandem? V. Sail. Cat. XX. n. 14. — 428 & 1, 2); 888; 211, R. 6 & 8. —dDist. bet. lumen and lux. V. n. 3. -e462; 671. 205r R. 5 (b). - 579; 1350; 274, 3 (b). - g578; 1350; 274, 3 (a). - hSub. offuit? - 1529; 1291; 266, 2. - 414 &2; 873; 247, 1.515 & III.; 1281; 263, 2 (4). —501, III.; 1226; 264, 9. ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 243 magis, quod ceteros in provinciam 2ejusmodi homines 3cum imperio mittimus, ut, etiamsi ab hoste defendant, tamen ipsorum adventusm in urbes sociorum non multum 2ab hostili expugnatione differant,n hunc audiebant 25antea, nunc praesenter vident tanta 6temperantia, tanta mansuetudineC tanta 5 humanitate," ut ii beatissimi esse videantur, apud quos ille diutissime commoratur. VI. 14. Quare, si propter socios, nulla ipsi injuria lacessiti, majores nostri cum'Antiocho, cun 2Philippo, cum 3Aetois, cum 4Poenis bella gesserunt, quanto vos studioa convenit, 10 injuriis provocatos, sociorum salutem una cum imperil vestri dignitate defendere, praesertim 5quum de vestris maximis vectigalibus agatur! Nam ceterarum provinciarum vectigalia, Quirites, 6tanta sunt, ut iisb ad ipsas provincias tutandas vix contenti esse possimus; Asia vero tam opima est ac fer- 15 tills, ut et 7ubertate agrorum et varietate fructuum et magnitudine pastionis et multitudine earum rerum, quae exportantur, sfacile omnibus terrisc antecellat. Itaque haec vobis provincia, Quirites, si et Obelli utilitatem et pacis dignitatem retinere vultis, non modo a calamitate, sed etiam a metu ca-20 lamitatis, est defendenda. 15. Nam ceteris in rebus, quum l~venit calamitas, tum detrimentum accipitur; at "in vectigalibus non solum adventus mali, sed etiam metus ipse affert calamitatem. Nam quum hostium copiae non longe absunt, etiamsi irruptio nulla facta 25 est, tamen pecua relinquuntur, agricultura deseritur, mercatorum navigatio conquiescit. Ita neque l2ex portu, neque ex decuinis, neque ex scriptura, vectigal conservari potest; quare saepe totius anni fructus uno rumore periculi atque uno belli terrore amittitur. 30 16. Quo tandem igitur animod esse existimatis aut eos, qui vectigalia nobis pensitant, aut eos, l3qui exercent atque exiV. -"30, 2; 117 (2): 95, R. —489 & I., 494; 1218; 262. VI. a414 & 3; 813; 247, 2.- 419, IV.; 919; 244. —386; 826; 224. —d428 & 1, 2); 888; 211, R. 6 & 8. 244 ORATIONES CICERONIS. gunt, quum duo reges cum maximis copiis propter adsint? quum una excursio equitatus perbrevi tempore totius anni vectigal auferre possit? quum publicani 4familias maximas, quas in'5saltibus habent, quas in agris, quas in portubuse 5 atque 6custodiis, magno periculoa se habere arbitrentur? Putatisne vos illis rebus frui posse, nisi eos,'7qui vobisf fructui sunt, conservaritis, non solum, ut antea dixi calamitate, sed etiam calamitatis formidine liberates? VII. 17. Ac nea illud quidem vobis negligendum est, o1 quod mihi ego lextremum proposueram, 2quum essem de belli genere dicturus, quodb ad multorum bona civium Romanorum pertinet; 3quorum vobis pro vestra sapientia, Quirites, habenda est ratio diligenter. Nam 4etC publicani, homines honestissimi atque ornatissimi, 5suas rationes et copias in illam 15 provinciam contulerunt; Gquorum ipsorum per se res et fortunae vobisd curae esse debent. Etenim, si vectigalia nervos esse rei publicae semper duximus, eum certee ordinem, qui exercet illa, firmamentum ceterorumf ordinum recte esse dicemus. 20 18. 7Deinde ex ceteris ordinibus homines navi atque industrii 8partim ipsig in Asia negotiantur, quibus vos absentibus consulere debetis, partim eorumh in ea provincia 9pecunias magnas collocatasi habent. Est igitur humanitatisj vestrae, magnum numerum eorum civium calamitatek prohibere, sa25pientiae,J videre multorum civium calamitatem a re publica sejunctan esse non posse. Etenim primum'1illud' parvim refert, nos publicanis "amissis vectigalia postea victoria recuVI. l116, 4, 1); 140; 89, 5.-f390; 848; 227. VII. a 602, III. 2; 1390, Obs. 3; 279, 3 (d). - b311, 7, 520, I.; 1250; 198, 7, & R. (b). — 704, III. 4; 1380, 6th; 323, 3 (5).- d390; 848; 227.-e582; 996; 192, N. 1.-fDist. bet. ceteri and reliqui. V. Caes. I. 1, n. 14. -gForce of ipsi? V. Sail. Cat. XXIII. n. 5.-h396, 2, 4) & (1);1005; 212, R. 4.-'574; 1358; 274, R. 4.-J 401, 402 & I.; 780; 211, R. 8 (3).- 425 & 2, 2); 919; 251.-1408, 2; 811; 219, R. 4. —*408, 3; 812; 219, R. 5. ORBTIO PBO LEGE MANILIA. 245 perare; neque enim iisdem" 12redimendi facultas erit propter calamitatem, neque aliis" voluntas propter timorem. 19. Deinde, quod0 nos~ eadem Asia atque idem iste Mithridates 3initio belli Asiatici docuit, id quidem certe,e calamitate docti, memoriaP retinere debemus. Nam tum, quum 5 in Asia 14res magnas permulti amiserant, scimus Romae,a solutione impedita,'fidem concidisse. Non enim possunt una in civitate multi rem ac fortunas amittere, 16ut non plures secuni in eandem trahant calamitatem. A quo periculo prohibetc rem publicam, et mihi credite, 7id quod ipsi videtis, haec fides o1 atque'8haec ratio pecuniarum, quae Romae, quae 19in foro versatur, implicita est cum illis pecuniis Asiaticis et cohaerel: ruere'2illa non possunt, 16ut haec non eodem labefacta motu concidant. Quare videte, num dubitandumr vobis sit omni studio ad id bellum incumbere, in quo gloria nominis vestri, 15 salus sociorum, vectigalia maxima, fortunae plurimorum civium conjunctae cum re publica defendantur.s VIII. 20. Quoniam de genere belli dixi, nunc de magnitudine pauca dicam. Potest enim hoc dici: belli genus esseo ita necessarium, ut sit gerendum, non esse ita magnum, ut sit 20 pertimescendum. In quo maxime laborandum est, ne forte vobis,b quae diligentissime providenda sunt, contemnenda esse videantur. Atque ut omnes intelligant me L. Luculloc tantum impertire laudis, quantum forti Ivirod et sapienti homini et25 magno imperatori debeature dico, 2ejus adventuf 3maximas Mithridatis copias omnibus rebusg ornatas atque instructas fuisse, 4urbemque Asiae clarissimam nobisqueh amicissimam, Cyzicenorum, obsessam esse ab ipso rege maxima multitudine et oppugnatam vehementissime, quam L. Lucullus virtute, 30 VII. n387; 821; 226. —~374; 734; 231. -P414 &4; 873;247, 3. —421, II.; 932; 221. - Construction of dubito V. in Cat. I. 7. n. 16 - 517, I., 519, 1251; 264, 8 (1). VIII.'553. II.; 630,' 207, R 22. - b388, I.; 847; 225, III. - C386; 855; 224.-dDist. bet. homo and vir. V. n. 1, and Sail. Cat. I. n. l. —e529; 1291;266, 2-426, 1 949; 253, N. 1. -419, II.; 911;249, I.-h391, 860, 222, R 1. 246 ORATIONES CICERONIS. assiduitate, consilio summis obsidionis periculis liberavit; ab eodem imperatore classem magnam et ornatam, 5quae, ducibus' Sertorianis, ad Italiam studio atque odio inflammata raperetur, superatam esse atque depressam; 6magnas hostium 5 praeterea copias multis proeliis esse deletas, patefactumque nostris legionibusk esse 7Pontum, qui antea populok Romano 8ex omni aditu clausus fuisset; 9Sinopen atque Amisum, quibus in oppidis erant domicilia regis, omnibus rebus ornatas atque refertas, ceterasque urbes Ponti et Cappadociae pero1 multas ~0uno aditu adventuque esse captas; regem spoliatum regno l'patrio atque avito, l2ad alios se reges atque ad alias gentes supplicem contulisse; atque haec omnia, salvis populi Romani sociis atque 3integris vectigalibus, esse gesta. Satis 4opinorl haec esse laudis,m 15atque ita, Quirites, ut vos intelli15gatis, 6a nullon istorum, qui huic'7obtrectant legi atque causae, L. Lucullum similiter ex hoc loco esse laudatum. IX. 22. Requiretur fortasse nunc, quemadmodum, quum haec ita sint, lreliquum" possitb magnum esse bellum. Cognoscite, Quirites; non enim hoc sine causa quaeri videtur. 20 Primurn, ex suo regno sic Mithridates profugit, ut ex eodem Ponto 3Medea 2illa quondam profugisse dicitur; quam praedicant in fuga fratris sui membra in iis locis, quac se parens persequeretur, dissipavisse, ut 4eorum collectio dispersa moerorque patrius celeritatem persequendi retardaret.d Sic tM5 ithridates, fugiens, maximam vim auri atque argenti pulcherrimarumque rerum omniurn, quas et a majoribus acceperat, et ipse, belloc superiore ex tota Asia 5direptas, in suum regnum congesserat, in Ponto omnnem reliquit. Haec dum nostri colligunt omnia diligentius,f rex ipse e manibus effugit. VIII.'430; 972 257, R. 7. - 145, N. 3. V. Caes. I. 31, n. 16.k 384; 831: 223. - IDist. bet. censeo, judico, arbitror, aestimo, opinor, puto, and reor. V.n. 14. — 396, 2, 4) &(1); 1005; 212, R. 4. —"457, 2; 256; 207, R. 31 (c). IX.'441, 6; 662; 205, RI 17.-b525; 1182; 265. -336; 461, 4th; 206 (20). - 1463 & I.; 644; 209, R. 12 (2). - e426, 1; 949; 253, N, l.-f444, 1; 902; 256, R. 9 (a). ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 247 Ita illumg in persequendi studio moeror, hosg laetitia retardavit. 23. Huncg in illog timore et fuga Tigranes, rex Armenius, excepit, diffidentemque rebush suis confirmavit, et afflictum erexit, perditumque recreavit; cujus in regnum posteaquam j L. Lucullus cum exercitu venit,i "plures etiam gentes contra imperatorem nostrum concitatae sunt. Erat enim metus injectus iis nationibus,J quas nunquam populus Romanus 7neque lacessendas bello neque tentandas putavit; erat etiam alia gravis atque 8vehemens opinio, quae alimlos gentium bar-10 bararum pervaserat, 9fani locupletissimi et religiosissimi diripiendi causa in eas oras nostrum esse exercitum adductum. Ita nationes multae atque magnae'0novo quodam terrore ac metu concitabantur. Noster autem exercitus, tametsi lurbem ex Tigranis regno ceperat et proeliis usus erat secundis, tamen 15 12nimia longinquitate locorum ac desiderio suorum commovebatur. 24. lie jam plura non dicam. 13Fuit ellim illud extremum, ut ex iis locis a militibus nostris reditus magis maturus quam processio longior quaereretur. Mithridates autem et suam20 manum jam confirmarat [et'4eorum, qui se ex ipsius regno collegerant], et magnis adventiciis auxiliis multorum regum et nationum juvabatur. Jam hoc'fere sic fieri solere accepimus, ut regum afflictae fortunae facile multorum opes alliciant ad misericordiam, maximeque eorum, qui aut1 reges sunt, aut 25 vivunt in regno; ut iis nomen regale magnum et sanctum esse videatur.m' 25. Itaque tantum victus" efficere potuit, quantum 16incolumis nunquam est ausus optare. Nam quum se in regnum suum recepisset, non fuit eo0 contentus, quod ei praeter spem acciderat, 17ut illam, posteaquam pulsus erat, 30 terram unquam attingeret; sed in exercitumi nostrum clarum atque victorem impetum fecit. IX.'450 & 1; 1028; 207, R. 23 (a). - h385; 831; 223, R. 2. - 1094; 259, R. 1 (2) (d). -j 386; 1075, III.; 224.-'587, If. & 2 1374; 198, 2, R. (e). -m489, I., 494; 1218; 262. - 578, IV.; 1350; 274, 3 (a). —419, IV.; 919; 244. 11* 248 ORATIONES CICERONIS. Sinite hoc loco,P Quirites, sicut poitae solent, qui res Ro. manas scribunt, praeterire me 18nostram calamitatem; quae tanta fuit, ut earn ad aures'9imperatoris non ex proelio nuntius, sed 20ex sermone rumor afferret. 26. Hic in illo ipso malo 5 gravissimaque belli offensione, L. Lucullus, qui tamen aliqua ex parte iis incommodisq mederi fortasse potuisset,r vestro jussu coactus, qui 2limperii diuturnitati modum statuendum vetere exemplo8 putavistis,t partem militum, quijam 22stipendiis confecti erant, dimisit, partem Al'. Glabrioni tradidit. 10 Multa praetereo consulto; 23sed ea vos conjectura perspicite, quantum illud bellum factum putetis, quod conjungant reges potentissimi, renovent agitatae nationes," suscipiant integrae gentes,u novus imperator noster accipiat, vetere exercitu pulso. Satis mihi multa verba fecisse videor,' quare esset hoc 15 bellum generew ipso necessarium, magnitudinew periculosum: restat, ut 24de imperatore ad id bellum deligendo ac tantis rebus praeficiendo dicendum esse videatur. X. 27. Utinam, Quirites, virorum fortium atque innocentium copiam tantam haberetis,a ut haec vobis deliberatio diffi20 cilis esset, quemnamb potissimumc tantis rebus ac tanto bello praeficiendum putaretisd! Nunc vero, quum site unus Cn. Pompeius, qui non modo eorum hominum, qui nunc sunt,f gloriam, sed etiam antiquitatis memoriam virtute superarit,g quae res est, quae cujusquam animum in hac causa dubium 25 facere possith? 28. Ego enim sic existimo, lin summo imperatore quatuor has res inesse oportere, scientiam rei militaris, virtutem, auctoritatem, felicitatem) Quis igitur hoc homine 2scientior unquam aut fuit aut esse dobuit? qui, e ludo atque IX. P422, 1; 937; 254, R. 2 (b).-q385; 831; 223, R. 2 & (1) (a). -r485; 1218; 261, R. 4.-'414 & 2; 873, 249, II.- 460, 445, 6, 3);692; 206 (12). - uDist. bet. natio and gens. V. Sail. Cat. X. n. 1.v549, 4 & 1); 642; 271, R. 2. —414 & 2; 873; 247, I. (1). X. M487, 488, 1; 1193-6; 263, 1, & R. —b88, 3; 246; 137, 2.*Force of? V. Ec. Cic. XXVI. n. 5. —525 & 1; 1182; 265.-e517, I.; 1251; 263, 5.-f527, 2, 1); 1294; 266, R. 5. - 501, II.; 1291; 264, 10. h 501, I.; 1218; 264, 7. —i 704, I. 1;1378; lst; 278, R. 6 (b). ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 249 pueritiae disciplinis, 3bello maximo, atque acerrimis hostibus,' ad'patris exercitum atque in militiae disciplinam profectus est; qui extrema pueritian" miles in exercitu summi fuit imperatoris, ineunte adolescentia maximi ipse exercitus 6imperator; qui saepius cum hoste" conflixit, quam quisquamo 5 cum inimico concertavit, plura bella gessit, quam ceteri legerunt, plures provincias 7confecit, quam alii concupiverunt; cujus adolescentia ad scientiam rei militaris non alienis praeceptis, sed 8suis imperiis, non 9offensionibus belli, sed victoriis, non "~stipendiis, sed ntriumphis est erudita. Quod denique 10 genus esse belli potest, in quo illum non exercuerit fortuna rei publicae? 2Civile, 13Africanum, 14Transalpinum, 5Hispaniense, 6mixtum ex civitatibus atque ex bellicosissimis nationibus,'7servile, lnavale bellum, 9variaP et diversaP genera et bellorum et hostium, non solum gesta ab hoc uno, sed etiam 15 confecta, nullam rem esse declarant in usu positam militari, quae hujus viri scientiam fugere possit. XI. 29.'Jam vero virtutia Cn. Pompeii quae potest oratio par inveniri? quid est, quod quisquam aut illob dignum, aut vobisa novum, aut cuiquam8 inauditum, 2possitd afferre? 20'Neque enim illae sunt solae virtutes imperatoriae, quae vulgo existimantur, labore in negotiis, fortitudoe in periculis, industria in agendo, celeritas in conficiendo, consilium in providendo; quae tanta sunt in hoc uno, quanta in omnibus reliquis imperatoribus, quos aut vidimus aut audivimus, non fuerunt. 25 30. Testis est'Italia, quam ille ipse victor, L. Sulla, hujus virtutef et subsidio confessus est liberatam. Testis est 5Sieilia, quam multis undique cinctam periculis non terrore belli, sed X. 1431; 972; 257, R. 7.-m426, 1; 949; 253, N. 1.- Dist. bet. adversarius, hostis, and inimicus. V. Caes. I. 10, n. 5.-~457; 1061; 207, R. 31 (a).-PDist. bet. varius and diversus. V. n. 19. XI. a391 6; 860; 222, R. 1. b419, IV.; 919; 244. - d501, I.; 1218; 264, 7. —~363; 622; 204. —f414 & 4; 873; 247, 3. 250 ORATIONES CICERONIS. consilii 6celeritate explicavit. Testis est 7Africa, quae magnis oppressa hostium copiis eorum ipsorum 8sanguine redundavit. Testis est 9Gallia, per quam legionibus nostris iter in Ilispaniam Gallorum internecione patefactum est. Testis est'~His5 pania, quae nsaepissime plurimos hostes ab hoc superatos prostratosque conspexit. Testis est iterum et saepius Italia, quae, quum servili bello 2tetro periculosoque premeretur, ab hoc auxilium absente expetivit; quod bellum exspectatione ejus attenuatum atque imminutum est, 13adventu sublatum ac 0 sepultum. 31. Testes nunc vero 4jam omnes orae atque omnes exteraeg gentes ac nationes, denique maria omnia,'5quum universa, turn in singulis oris omnes sinus atque portus. Quis enim'6toto mari locus per hos annos aut tam firmum habuit praesidium, ut tutus esset, aut tam fuit'7abditus, ut lateret? 15 Quis navigavit, qui non se aut mortis aut servitutis periculo 8committeret,d 19quum aut hieme aut referto praedonumi mari navigaretj? Hoc tantum bellum, tam turpe, tam 20vetus, tam late divisum atque dispersum, quis unquam arbitrareturk aut ab omnibus imperatoribus uno anno aut omnibus annis ab uno 0 imperatore confici posse? Quam provinciam tenuistis a praedonibus liberam per hosce annos? quod vectigal vobis tutum fuit? quem socium defendistis? cui' praesidiol classibusm vestris fuistis? quam multas existimatis insulas esse desertas! quam multas aut metu relictas aut a praedonibus 25 21captas urbes esse sociorum! XII. Sed quid" ego longinqua commemoro?'Fuit hoc quondam, fuit 2proprium populib Romani, longe a domo bellare et 3propugnaculis imperil sociorum fortunas, non sua tecta defendere. Sociis ego nostris mare hosce per clausum annos 30fuisse 4dicam, quum exercitus vestri nunquam a 5Brundisio, Gnisi hieme summa, transmiserint? Quid ad vos ab exteris XI. gDist. bet. externus and exterus. V. in Cat. II. 11, n. 7.- i399, 2, 2); 77(6; 213. -J 517, I.; 1251; 263, 5. —k485, 486, & II.; 1180; 260, R. 5.-1390, 848; 227.-m414 & 4; 873; 247, 3. XII. 454, 2; 739; 235, R. 11. -b399, 3, 3); 863; 222, R. 2 (a). -c486 & 11; 1180; 260, R. 5.- d445, 6; 689; 206 (4). ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 251 nationibus 7venirent,e captos querar," quum legati populi Romani redempti sint? Mlercatoribus tutum mare non fuisse dicamC quum 8duodecim secures in praedonum potestatem pervenerint? 33. 9Cnidum aut Colophonem aut Samum, nobilissimas urbes, l~innumerabilesque alias captas esse comme- 5 moremC quum vestros portus atque eos portus, lquibus vitam ac spiritum ducitis, in praedonum fuisse potestate sciatis? t2An vero ignoratis portuml3Caietae 14celeberrimum ac plenissimum navium, inspectante 15praetore, a praedonibus esse direptum? ex l6MIiseno autem 17ejus ipsius liberos, qui cum prac- 10 donibus antea ibi bellum gesserat, a praedonibus esse sublatos? Nam quid" ego 8Ostiense incommodum atque illam labem atque ignominiam rei publicae querar, quum, prope inspectantibus vobis, classis ea, cui "consul populi Romani praepositus esset, a praedonibus capta atque oppressa est? Pro dii im- 15 mortales! tantamne unius hominis incredibilis ac divina virtus tam brevi tempore lucem afferre rei publicae potuit, ut vos, qui modo ante ostium Tiberinum classem hostium videbatis, 2~ii nunc nullam intra 2lOceani ostium praedonum navem esse audiatis? 34. Atque haec qua celeritate gesta sint, quam- 20 quam videtis, tamen a me in dicendo praetereunda non sunt. Quis enim unquam aut obeundi negotii aut consequendi quaestus studio tam brevi tempore tot locaf adire, tantos cursus conficere potuit, quam celeriter, Cn. Pompeiog duce, tanti 22belli impetus navigavit? qui, 23nondum tempestivo ad navi- 25 gandum mari,g Siciliamf adiit, Africam exploravit, inde Sardiniamh cum classe venit, atque haec tria frumentaria subsidia rei publicae firmissimis praesidiis classibusque munivit. 35. Inde quum se in Italiam recepisset, 4duabus Hispaniis et Gallia Cisalpina praesidiis ac navibus confirmata,i missis item 30 in oram Illyrici maris et in Achaiam omnemque Graeciam navibus, Italiae 2duo maria maximis classibus firmissimisque praesidiis adornavit; ipse autem, 26ut Brundisio profectus est, XII. e477; 1162 (1); 145, II. 4. - 371, 4, 1); 718; 233 (3). - r430; 972; 257, R. 7. - h379, 3, 2); 947; 237, R. 5 (b). - i439; 656; 205, Exc. to R. 2. 252 ORATIONES CICERONIS. undequinquagesimo die totam ad imperium populi Romani "Ciliciam adjunxit: omnes, qui ubique praedones fuerunt, partim capti interfectique sunt, partim unius hujus se imperio ac potestati dediderunt. Idem 28Cretensibus,? quum ad eum 5 usque in Pamphyliam legatos deprecatoresque misissent, spem deditionis non ademit obsidesquek imperavit. Ita tantum bellum tam diuturnum, tam longe lateque dispersum, quo bello omnes gentes ac nationes premebantur, Cn. Pompeius extrema1 hieme apparavit, ineunte verem suscepit, media' aestate 10 confecit. XIII. 36.'Est haec divina atque incredibilis virtus imperatoris. 2Quid 3ceterae, quas paulo ante commemorare coeperam, quantae atque quam multae sunt! Non enim 4bellandi virtus solum in summo ac perfecto imperatore quae15 renda est; sed multae sunt 5artes eximiae, hujus administraea comitesque virtutis. Ac primum quanta 6innocentiab debent esse imperatores! quanta deinde in omnibus rebus 7temperantiab! quanta fideb! quanta 8facilitateb! quanto 9ingeniob! quanta humanitateb! Quaec breviter, qualia sint in Cn. Pom20peio, consideremus.d l~Summa enim omnia sunt, Quirites, sed ea magis "ex aliorum contentione quam ipsa per sese cognosci atque intelligi possunt. 37. Quem enim imperatoreme possumus 12ullo in numero putare, cujus in exercitu centuriatus l3veneantf atque venie25 rintf? l4quid hunc hominem magnum aut amplum de re publica cogitare, qui pecuniam ex aerario depromptam ad bellum administrandum aut lSpropter cupiditatem provinciae magistratibus diviserit ant propter avaritiam Romae l6in quaestu reliquerit?'7Vestra admurmuratio facit,g Quirites, ut agXII. J 384 & II.; 855; 222, 1.-k Force of? V. Ec. Cic. XXI. n. 10. — 441, 6; 662; 205, R. 17. —430, 965; 257. XIII. 363; 622; 204.-b428 & 1, 2); 888; 211, R. 6, & R. 8 (2) — 439, 2, 3); 697; 205, R. 2 (2). -d 487; 1193; 260, R. 6. -eSc ess.-f 5 01, I.: 1218; 264, l.-9Object? ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 253 noscereh videamini, qui haec fecerinti; ego autem nomino neminem; quare irasci mihij nemo poterit, nisi quik ante de se voluerit confiteri. Itaque propter hanc avaritiam imperatorum quantas calamitates, quocunque ventum sit,' nostri exercitus ferant,' quis ignorat? 38. Itinera, quae per hosce annos 5 in Italia per agros atque oppida civium Romanorum nostri imperatores fecerint, recordamini: turn facilius statuetis, quid apud exteras nationes fieri l'existimetis.i Utrum plures arbitramini per hosce annos militum vestrorum armis hostium urbes, an hibernis sociorum civitates esse deletas? Neque 10 enim potest exercitum is continere imperator, qui se ipsem non continet; neque severus esse in judicando, qui alios in se severos esse judices non vult. 39. "Hic miramur 20hunc hominem tantum excellere ceteris,n cujus legiones sic in Asiam 2lpervenerint,o ut non modo 15 manus tanti exercitus, sed ne vestigium quidem cuiquam pacato nocuisse dicatur? Jam vero quemadmodum milites ~2hibernent,' quotidie sermones ac literae perferuntur: non modo, 3ut sumptum faciat in militem, nemini vis affertur, sed ne cupienti quidem cuiquam permittitur. 2Hiemis enim, non 20 avaritiae perfugium majores nostri in sociorum atque amicorum tectis esse voluerunt. XIV. 40.'Age vero, ceteris in rebus quali sit 2temperantia,8 considerate. Unde illam tantam celeritatem et tam incredibilem cursum 3inventum putatis? Non enim ilium exi- 25 mia vis remigum 4aut ars inaudita quaedam gubernandi aut venti aliqui novi tam celeriter Sin ultimas terras pertulerunt, sed eae res, quae ceteros remorari solent, non retardarunt: 6non avaritia ab institute cursu ad praedam aliquam devocavit, non 7libido ad voluptatem, 8non amoenitas ad delectatio-30 nem,9non nobilitas urbis ad cognitionem, non denique labor XIII. hObject? - -525; 1182; 265. - 385; 831; 223, R. 2.k455 & 2; 250; 138, & 137, R. (3).-'301, 3; 453; 184, 2 (a). m452 & 1; 682; 207, R. 28 (a). — 386, 2; 829; 223, R. 2. —519; 1251; 264, 8 (1). XIV. ~428 & 1, 2); 888; 211, R. 6, & R. 8 (2). 251 ORATIONES CICERONIS. ipse ad quietem; postremo signa et tabulas ceteraque ornamenta Graecorum oppidorum, l0quae ceteri tollenda esse arbitrantur, lea sibi ille ne visenda quidem existimavit. 41. Itaque omnes nunc in iis locis Cn. Pompeium sicut aliquem 5 non ex hac urbe missum, sed de coelo delapsum intuentur: nunc denique incipiunt credere, fuisse homines Romanos hac quondam 12continentiaa; quod jam nationibus exteris incredibile ac falso memoriae proditum 13videbatur: nunc imperii vestri splendor illis gentibus lucem afferre coepit: nunc intel10 ligunt non sine causa majores suos tur, quum ea temperantia magistratus habebamus, servire populo Romano quam imperare aliis maluisse. Jam verob ita faciles aditus ad eum privatorum, ita liberae'4querimoniaec de aliorum injuriis esse dicuntur, ut is, qui s dignitated principibuse excellit, 15facilitatef infimis par esse videatur. 42. Jam quantum 16consilio,d quantum dicendi gravitated et copia valeat, 17in quo ipso inest quaedam dignitas imperatoria, vos, Quirites l8hoc ipso ex loco saepe cognovistis.g Fidem vero ejus quantam inter socios existimari 20putatis, I9quam hostes omnes omnium generum sanctissimam judicarinth? Humanitate jam tanta est, ut difficilei dictuj sit, utrum hostes magis virtutem ejus pugnantes timuerint, an mansuetudinem victi dilexerint. Et quisquam dubitabit, quin huic hoc tantum bellum transmittendum sit, qui ad omnia 25 20nostrae memoriae bella conficienda divino 2lquodam consilio natus esse videaturk? XV. 43. Et quoniam auctoritas quoque in bellis administrandis multum atque imperio militari valet, certe nemini dubium est, quin ea re idem ille imperator plurimum possit." XIV. bHow used? V. Ec. Cic. XXIII. n. 30. —Dist. bet. querimonia and querela. V. n. 14. - d414 & 2; 873; 247, 1, or 250, 1. - 386, 2; 829; 223, R. 2.-t 429; 889; 250, 1.-Object? —h519; 1251; 264, 8 (1). - iWhat does it agree with? - 570 &;;1365; 276, III. - k527; 1291; 266, 1. XV. a498 & 3; 1230; 262, N. 7. ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 25.5 Yehementer autem pertinereb ad bella administranda, quid hostes, quid socii de imperatoribus nostris existiment,c quis ignorat,d quum sciamus homines in tantis rebus, ut aut contemnant aut metuant, aut oderint aut ament, lopinione non minus et fama quam aliqua certa ratione commdveri? Quod 6 igitur nomen unquam in orbe terrarum clarius fuit? cujus res gestae pares? de quo homine vos, id quod maxime facit auctoritatem, 2tanta et tam praeclara judicia fecistis? 44. An vero ullam usquamn esse oram tam 3desertam putatis, quo non illius diei fama pervaserit,e quum universusf pop- 10 ulus Romanus, referto foro completisque omnibus templis, ex quibus hic locus conspici potest, unum sibi ad 4commune omnium gentium bellum Cn. Pompeium imperatorem depoposcit? Itaque, ut plura non dicam neque aliorum exemplis confirmem, quantum auctoritas valeat in bello, ab eodem Cn. 15 Pompeio omnium rerum egregiarum exempla sumanturg; qui quo die a vobis maritimo bello praepositus est imperator, tanta repente'vilitas annonae 6ex summa inopia et caritate rei frumentariae consecuta est unius hominis spe ac 7nomine, quantam vix in summa ubertate agrorum diuturna pax efficere 20 potuisset. 45. 8Jam, accepta 9in Ponto calamitate ex eo proelio, de quo vos paulo ante invitus admonui, quum socii pertimuissent, hostium opes animique crevissent, satis firmum praesidium provincia non haberet,h amisissetisi Asiam, Quirites, nisi, ad 25 ipsum discrimen ejus'0temporis divinitus Cn. Pompeium ad eas regiones fortuna populi Romani attulisset. Hujus adventus et Mithridatem linsolita inflammatum victoria continuit, et Tigranem magnis copiis minitantem AsiaeJ retardavit. Et quisquam dubitabit, quid virtute perfecturus sit, qui tantum so auctoritate perfecerit? aut quam facile imperio atque exercitu XV. b550, 551, I.; 1148; 272. What is the sub.? —c525; 1182; 265. - d Object ace.? - e500; 1218; 264,.-f Dist. bet. omnis, tous, universus, and cunctus. V. Caes. I. 1, n. 2. -'487; 1193; 260, R. 6. -h Why imperf.? V. Ec. Cic. II. n. L.-510; 1262; 261, 1.-J 385; 831; 223, R. 2. 256 OItOATIONES CICERONIS. socios et vectigalia conservaturus sit, qui ipso nomine ac rumore defenderit? XVI. 46.'Age vero, 2illa res quantam declarat ejusdem hominis apud hostes populi Romani auctoritatern, quod ex 5 locis tam lorginquis tamque diversis tam brevi tempore omnes huic se uni dediderunt! quod 3Cretensium legati, cum in eorum insula noster imperator exercitusque esset, ad Cn. Pompeium in 4ultimas prope terras venerunt, eique se omnes Cretensium civitates dedere velle dixerunt!'Quid? idem loiste Mithridates nonne ad eundem Cn. Pompeium legatum usque in Hispaniam misit? 6eum quem Pompeius legatum semper judicavit; 7ii,a quibus erat [semper] molestum ad eum potissimumb esse missum, speculatorem quam legatum judicare maluerunt. Potestis igitur jam constituere, Quirites, hane 15 auctoritatem multis 8postea rebus gestis magnisque vestris judiciis amplificatam quantum apud illos reges, quantum apud exteras nationes valituram esse 9existimetis. 47. Reliquum est, ut de felicitate, quam "~praestare de se ipso nemo potest, meminissea et commemorare de altero possu20mus, sicut aequum0 est "homines 12de potestate deorum, "timide et pauca dicamus. Ego enim sic existimo,'4Maximo, "Marcello, "6Scipioni,'7Mario et ceteris magnis imperatoribus, non solum propter virtutem, sed etiam propter fortunam saepius imperia mandata atque exercitus esse commissos. 2518Fuit enim profecto quibusdam summis viris quaedam ad amplitudinem et gloriam et ad res magnas bene gerendas divinitus adjuncta fortuna; de hujus autem hominis felicitate, de quo nune agimus, 1'hac utar moderatione dicendi, 0non ut in illius potestate fortunam positam esse dicam,d sed ut praeso terita meminisse, reliqua sperare videamur, ne aut invisa diis immortalibus oratio nostra aut ingrata esse videatur. 48. Itaque non sum praedicaturus, quantas ille res 2'domi militiae,f terraf marique, quantaque felicitateg gesserit; 2ut XVI. a 704, I. 1; 1378, 1st; 278, R. 11. —bV. Ec. Cic. XXVI. n. 5. -549 & 1; 1150; 269, R. 2. -489, 1.; 1218; 262. - 424, 2; 944; 221, R. 3, 278, R. 6. -f422 & 1; 937; 254, R. 2 (b).-g414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 257 ejus semper voluntatibus non modo cives assenserint, socii obtemperarint,h hostes obedierint, sed etiam venti tempestatesque obsecundarint: hoc brevissime dicam, neminem unquam tam impudentem fuisse, qui ab diis immortalibus tot et tantas res tacitusi auderet optare, 2quot et quantas dii immor- 5 tales ad Cn. Pompeium detulerunt. Quod ut illi proprium ac perpetuum sit, Quirites, quum communis salutis atque imperii, tum ipsius hominis causa, sicuti facitis, 24vellej et optare debetis. 49. Quare, quum et bellum sit ita necessarium ut negligi non possit, ita magnum, ut accuratissime sit administrandum, 10 et quum ei imperatorem praeficere possitis, in quo sit eximia belli scientia, singularis virtus, clarissima auctoritas, egregia fortuna, dubitabitis,k Quirites, quin hoc tantum boni,l quod vobis ab diis immortalibus oblatum et datum est, in rem publicam conservandam atque amplificandam 2conferatis? 15 XVII. 50. Quoda si Romae Cn. Pompeius privatus essetb hoc tempore, tamen ad tantum bellum is eratc deligendus atque mittendus: nunc, quum ad ceteras summas utilitates haec quoque lopportunitas adjungatur, ut in iis ipsis locis adsit, ut habeat exercitum, ut 2ab iis, qui habent, accipere statimd pos-20 sit, quid exspectamus? aut cur non, ducibus diis immortalibus, eidem, cui 3cetera summa cum salute rei publicae commissa sunt, hoc quoque 4bellum regium committamuse? 51. 5At enimf vir clarissimus, amantissimus rei publicae, vestris 6beneficiish amplissimis affectus, Q. 7Catulus, itemque 26 summis ornamentisi honoris, fortunae, virtutis, ingenii praediXVI. hDist. bet. pareo, obedio, dicto audiens sum, obsequor, obsecundo, and obtempero. V. Caes. IV. 21, n. 5. -1443; 663; 205, R. 15 (b).-j Dist. bet. volo, opto, and expeto. V. n. 24.-k Construction of dubito and non dubito?. Caes. II, 2, n. 8, and in Cat. 1. 7, n. 16. - 396, 2 & 3) (3); 760; 212, R. 3. XVII. "453, 6;'702; 206 (14). - b510; 1267; 261, 1. —512, 2 & 2); 1273; 259, R. 3 (d). —dList. bet. repente, subito, extemplo, e vestigio, illico, statim, protinus, confestim, and continuo. V. Caes. II. 11, n. 3.-e485, 486 & II.; 1180; 260, R. 5. — Explain at enim. V. Sail. Cat. LI, n. 32. - g399; 765; 213. - 419, III. & 2, 1); 873; 249, I. -- 419, IIL; 919; 244. 258 ORATIONES CICERONIS. tus, 8Q. Hortensius, ab hac ratione dissentiunt; quorum ego auctoritatem apud vos 9multis locisJ plurimum valuisse et valere oportere confiteor; sed in hac causa, l~tametsi cognoscetis auctoritates contrarias virorum fortissimorum et clarissi5 morum, tamen, omissis auctoritatibus, Uipsa re ac ratione exquirere possumus veritatem; atque 12hock facilius, quod ea omnia, quae a me adhuc dicta sunt, 3iidem isti vera esse colncedunt, et necessarium bellum esse et magnum et in uno C1u. Pompeio 14summa esse omnia. io 52. Quid igitur ait Hortensius? Si uni omnia tribuelnd sint, dignissimum esse Pompeium; sed ad unum tamen omnia deferri non oportere. Obsolevit jam ista oratio, 1re multo magis quam verbis refutata. Nam tu idem,l Q. Hortensi," multa "6pro tua summa copia ac singulari facultate dicendi et W1in senatu contra virum fortem A. 7TGabinium graviter ornateque dixisti, quum is de uno imperatore contra praedones constituendo legem promulgasset, et'ex hoc ipso loco permulta item contra eam legem verba fecisti. 53. Quid? tum, per deos immortales! si plus apud populum Romanum auctoritas 20 tua quam ipsius populi Romani salus et 9vera causa valuisset, hodie hanc gloriam atque hoc orbis terrae imperium teneremus? a'An tibi tum imperium hoc esse videbatur, quum populi Romani legati, quaestores praetoresque 2"capiebantur? quum ex omnibus provinciis ncommeatuo et privato et publico prohi25 bebamur? quum ita clausa nobis erant maria omnia, ut neque privatam rem transmarinam neque publicam jam obire possemus? XVIII. 54. Quae civitas antea unquam fuit, non dico'Atheniensium, quae satis late quondam mare tenuisse dicitur, s non Karthaginiensium, qui permultum classea ac maritimis rebus valuerunt, non Rhodiorum, quorum usque ad 2nostram XVII. J422, 1 & 1); 937; 254, R. 2 (b). —k414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. — 451, 3; 1034; 207, R. 27 (a). - m45, 5, 2); 65; 52. - "469, II.; 1088; 145, II. 1. —425, 2 & 2); 916; 251. XVIIL ~ 414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. ORATIO PRO LEGE MAHILIA. 259 memoriam disciplina navalis et gloria remansit, 3quae civitas wnquam antea tam tenuis, quae tam parva insula fuit, quae non portus suos et agros et aliquam partem regionis atque orae maritimae per se ipsab defenderet? At hercle aliquot annos continuos ante legem Gabiniam 4ille populus Romanus, S eujus usque ad nostram memoriam nomen invictum in navali bus pugnis permanserit,c magna 5ac multo maxima parted non modo 6utilitatis, sed dignitatis atque imperii caruit: 55. nos, quorum majores 7Antiochum regem classe Spersenquee superarunt, omnibusque navalibus pugnis Karthaginienses, homines 10 in maritimis rebus exercitatissimos paratissimosque, vicerunt, iif nullo in loco jam praedonibusg pares esse poteramus: nos, qui antea non modo Italiam tutam habebamus, sed omnes socios in ultimis oris auctoritate nostri imperii salvos'praestare poteramus, tur, quum insula Delos tam procul a nobis 15 in Aegaeo mari posita, quo omnes undique cum mereibus atque oneribus commeabant, referta divitiis, parva, sine muro, Unihil timebat, iidemf non modo provinciis atque oris Italiae maritimis ac portubush nostris, sed etiam 12Appia jam via carebamus: et iis temporibus non pudebat magistratus populi Ro- 20 mani s3in hunc ipsum locum escendere, quum eum nobis majores nostri'4exuviis nauticis et classium spoliis ornatum reliquissent! XIX. 56. 1Bono te animoa tur, Q. Hortensi, populus Romanus et ceteros, qui erant in eadem sententia, dicere existimavit ea, quae sentiebatisb; sed tamen in salute communi 25 idem populus Romanus 2dolori suo maluit quam auctoritati vestrae obtemperare. Itaque 3una lex, unus vir, unus annus non modo nos illa miseria ac turpitudine liberavit, sed etiam effecit, ut aliquando vere videremur omnibus gentibuse ac nationibus terra marique imperare. so XVIII. b452 & 1; 682; 207, R. 28 (a). —c500; 1218; 264, 1 (a). — 419, II1.; 907; 250, 2 (2). —43; 52; 44. —Use of ii? V. XII. n. 20. —s391; 860; 222, R. 1. — l6, 4, 1); 140; 89, 5. XIX.- 414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. - b463, 1; 646; 209, R. 12 (7). - iDist. bet. gens, natio, and populus. V. Sail. Cat. X. n. 1. 260 ORATIONES CICERONIS. 57. 4Quod mihi etiam indignius videtur obtrectatum esse adhuc, Gabinio dicam anne Pompeio an utrique, id quod est verius, ne legaretur A. Gabinius Cn. Pompeio expetenti ac postulanti. Utrum ille, qui postulat ad tantum bellum lega5 tur, quem velit, 5idoneus non est qui impetret, quum ceteri, 6ad expilandos socios diripiendasque provincias, quos voluerunt, legatos eduxerint; an ipse, cujus lege salus ac dignitas populo Romano atque omnibus gentibus constituta est,e expers esse debet gloriae ejus imperatoris atque eju? exercitus, 10 quie consilio ipsius ac 7periculo est constitutus? 58. 8An C. Falcidius, Q. Metellus, Q. Coelius Latiniensis, Cn. Lentulus, quos omnes 9honoris causa nomino, quum tribini plebi fuissent, anno proximo legati esse potuerunt: 10in uno Gabinio sunt tam nIdiligentes, qui in hoc bello, quod lege Gabinia 15 geritur, in hoc imperatore atque exercitu, quem 12per vos ipse constituit, "etiam praecipuo jure esse deberet? 14de quo legando consules spero 1ad senatum relaturos. Qui si dubitabunt aut gravabuntur, ego 16me profiteor relaturum; neque me impediet'cujusquam inimicum edictum, quominus, fretus 20 vobisf svestrum jus beneficiumque defendamg; neque 19praeter intercessionem quidquam audiam; de qua, ut arbitror, isti ipsi, qui minantur, etiam atque etiam, 2quid liceat, considerabunt. Mea quidem sententia,h Quirites, unus A. Gabinius, 2lbelli maritimi rerumque gestarum Cn. Pompeio socius 25 adscribitur; propterea quod alter uni illud bellum suscipiendum vestris suffragiis detulit, alter delatum susceptumque confecit. XX. 59. Reliquum est, ut de Q. Catuli auctoritate et sententia dicendum esse videatur. Qui quum ex vobis quaereret, 30 si in uno Cn. Pompeio omnia poneretis, lsi quid eoa factum esset, in quo spem essetisb habituri, cepit magnum suae virtutis fiuctum ac dignitatis, quum omnes una prope voce 2in ipso vos spem habituros esse dixistis. Etenim Stalis est vir, XIX. d 414 & 2; 873; 247, 1. - e463, 3; 644; 209, R. 12 (2). -'419, IV.; 919; 244. - g499; 1236; 262. - h414 & 2, 1); 873; 249, II. XX. B 385, 5; 992; 250, R. 3. —b525; 1182; 265. ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 261 ut nulla res tanta sit ac tam difficilis, quam ille non et consilio regere et integritate tueri et virtute conficere possit. Sed 4in hoc ipso ab eo vehementissime dissentio, quod, 5quoC minus certa est hominum ac minus diuturna vita, hoc magis res publica, dum per deos immortales licet, frui debet summi viri vita 5 atque virtute. 60. At 6enirn ne quid novi fiatd contra exempla atque instituta majorum. 7Non dicam hoc loco, majores nostros semper in pace consuetudini, in bello utilitati paruisse; semper ad novos casus temporum 8novorum consiliorum rationes accom- 1o modasse: non dicam, duo bella maxima, 9Punicum atque Hispaniense, ab ~'uno imperatore esse confecta, duasque urbes potentissimas, quae huic imperio maxime minabantur, Carthaginem atque Numantiam, ab eodem Scipione esse deletas: non commemorabo, nuper ita vobis patribusque vestris esse 15 visum, ut in uno "C. Mario spes imperil poneretur, ut idem cum Jugurtha, idem cum Cimbris, idem cum Teutonis bellum administraret: in ipso Cn. Pompeio, in quo novi constitui nihil vult Q. Catulus, 2quam multa sint nova summa Q. Catuli voluntate constituta, recordamini. 20 XXI. 61. Quid tam novum, lquam adolescentuluma privatum exercitum difficili rei publicae tempore 2conficerea? confecit: huicb praeesse? praefuit: rem optime ductu suo gerere? gessit. Quid tam praeter consuetudinem, quam homini peradolescenti, 3cujus aetas a senatorio gradu longe abesset, impe- 25 riuma atque exercitum dari,a Siciliam permitti atque Africam 4bellumque in ea provincia administrandum? Fuit in his provinciis singulari innocentia,e gravitate, virtute~: bellum in Africa maximum'confecit, victorem exercitum deportavit. Quid vero tam inauditum, quam 6equitema Romanum trium-so phare? at earn quoque rem populus Romanus non modo vidit. sed 7omnium etiam studio visendamd et concelebrandam putavit. 62. Quid tam inusitatum, quam ut, quum 8duo consules XX. ~418; 929; 256, R. 16 & (2).-d487; 1193; 260, R. 6 & (b). XXI. 545, 549; 1136, 1150; 239, 269, R. 2.- b386; 820; 224. —c428; 888; 211, R 6, & R. 8 (2).-d551, I.; 1148; 187, 5. 262 ORATIONES CICERONIS. clarissimi fortissimique essent, eques Romanus ad 9bellum maximum formidolosissimumque'1pro consule mittereture? missus est. Quo quidem tempore, quum esset nonnemof in senatu, qui diceret, non oportere mitti hominem privatum pro 5 consule, LL. Philippus dixisse dicitur, non se illum sua sententia 12pro consule, sed pro consulibus mittere. Tanta in eo rei publicae bene gerendae spes constituebatur, ut duorum consulum munus unius adolescentis virtuti committeretur. Quid tam singulare, quam ut, ex senatus consulto legibusg 0osolutus, consul ante fieret,e quam 13ullum alium magistratum per leges capere licuisset? quid tam incredibile, quam ut 4iterum eques Romanus ex senatus consulto triumpharete? Quae in omnibus hominibus novah post hominum memoriam constituta sunt, ea tam multa non sunt, quam haec, quae in 15 hoc uno homine vidimus. 63. Atque haec tot exempla, tanta ac tam nova,'5profecta sunt in eundem hominem a Q. Catuli atque a ceterorum ejusdem dignitatis amplissimorum hominurn auctoritate. XXII. Quare lvideant, ne sit periniquum et non ferendum, 20illorum 2auctoritatem de Cn. Pompeii 3dignitate a vobis comprobatam semper esse, vestrum ab illis de eodem homine judicium populique Romani auctoritatem improbari, praesertim quum jam 4suo jure populus Romanus in hoc homine suam auctoritatem 5vel contra omnes, qui dissentiunt, possit 2 defendere; propterea quod, 6iisdem istis reclaynantibus, vos 7unum ilium ex omnibus delegistis, quem bello praedonum praeponeretis.^ 64. Hoc si vos temere fecistis, et rei publicae parum consuluistis, recte isti 8studia vestra suis consiliis regere conantur; sin autem 9vos plus turn in re publica vidis3otis,'vos, iis repugnantibus, per vosmet ipsos dignitatem huic imperio, salutem orbi terrarum attulistis, aliquando isti XXI. e489, I., 496, 2; 1218; 262, R. 3, N. 3. - 585, 1; 998; 277, R. 5 (c). —g425, 3, 2); 911; 251. - h441, 2; 658; 206, R. 19 (3) a (a). XXII. a 500; 1212; 264, 5. ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 26 nprincipes et sibib et ceteris populi Romani universi auctoritatic parendumd esse fateantur. Atque in hoc 2bello Asiatico et regio non solum militaris illa virtus, quae est in Cn. Pompeio singularis, sed aliae quoque virtutes animi magnae et multae requiruntur.'3Difficile 5 est in 14Asia, Cilicia, Syria regnisque'5interiorum nationum'6ita versarie nostrum imperatorerm, ut nihil aliud nisi de hoste ac de laude cogitet. Deinde etiam si qui sunt'7pudore ac temperantiaf moderatiores, tamen eos esse tales propter multitudinem cupidorum hominum nemo arbitratur. 65. Diffi-10 cile est dictu,g Quirites, quanto in odio simus apud exteras nationes propter eorum, quos ad eas per hos annos cum imperio misimus, libidines et injurias. Quod enim fanum putatis in illis terris nostris magistratibush religiosum, quam civitatem sanctam, quam domum satis clausam ac munitam fuisse? 15 Urbes jam locupletes et copiosae requiruntur, quibus 18causa belli propter diripiendi cupiditatem inferatur.' 66. Libenter haec l9coram cum Q. Catulo et Q. Hortensio, summis et clarissimis viris, disputaremi; noverunt enim sociorum vulnera, vident eorum calamitates, querimonias audiunt. Pro sociis20 vos contra hostes exercitum mittere putatis, an hostium simulatione contra socios atque amicos? Quae civitas est in Asia, quae non modo imperatoris aut legati, sed unius tribuni militum 2animos ac spiritus capere possit? XXIII. Quare, etiam si quem habetis, qui, lcollatis signis, 25 exercitus regios superare posse videatur, tamen, nisi erit idem, qui a pecuniis sociorum, qui ab eorum conjugibus ac liberis, qui ab ornamentis fanorum atque oppidorum, qui ab auro gazaque regia manus, oculos, animum cohibere possit, non erit 2idoneus qui ad bellum Asiaticum regiumque mitta-30 tur. 67. Ecquam putatis civitatem 3pacatam fuisse, quae locuples sit? ecquam esse locupletem, 4quae istis pacata esse XXIT. b388, I.; 847; 225, III.-C385; 831; 223, R. 2.-d301, 2 & 3; 453; 184, 2(a) & 3.- 549 & 1; 1150; 269, R. 2.-f414 & 2; 873; 247, 1 (1). —570 & 1; 1365; 276, III. —h391; 860; 222, R. 1. —485; 1177, 1278; 261, 1, & R. 4. 12 264 ORATIONES CICERONIS. videatur? Ora maritimna, Quirites, Cn. Pompeium non solumn propter rei militaris gloriam, sed etiam propter animi 5continentiam requisivit. 6Videbat enim, praetores locupletari quotannis pecunia publica praeter paucos, neque eos quidquam 5 aliud assequi classium nomine, nisi ut detrimentisa aceipiendisb majore affici turpitudine videremur. Nunc qua cupiditate homines in provincias, quibus 7jacturis et 8quibus conditionibus proficiscantur, ignorant 9videlicet isti, qui ad unum deferenda omnia esse l0non arbitrantur: quasi vero Cn. Pompeium 10 non "quum suis virtutibus, tur etiam alienis vitiis magnum esse videamus.c 68. Quare nolited dubitare,e quin huic uni credatis omnia, qui inter tot annos unus inventus sitf quem socii in urbes suas cum exercitu venisse gaudeant.g Quod si auctoritatibus hanc 15 causam, Quirites, confirmandam putatis,'2est vobis auctor, vir bellorum omnium maximarumque rerum peritissimus, 13p. Servilius; cujus tantae res gestae terra marique exstiterunt, ut, quum de bello deliberetis, auctor vobis gravior nemo esse debeat: est 14C. Curio, summis vestris 15beneficiis maximisque 20 rebus gestis, summo ingenio et prudentia praeditus: est Cn.'6Lentulus, in quo omnes "pro amplissimis vestris honoribus summum consilium, summam gravitatem esse cognovistis: est C. 8sCassius, l9integritate, virtute, constantia singulari. Quare 20videte, ut, horum auctoritatibus illorum orationi, qui dissenti25 unt, respondere posse videamur. XXIV. 69. Quae quum ita sint, C. Manili, primum listam tuam et legem et voluntatem et sententiam laudo vehementissimeque comprobo; deinde te hortor, ut, auctore populo Romano, maneas in sententia 2nevea cujusquam vim aut miXXIII. a Dist. bet. damnum, detrimnentum, and jactura. V. in Cat. I. 2, n. 3.- b562, 566, I.; 1322, 1340; 275, II. — 503 & II.; 1277; 263, 2 (1).- d538, 2; 1114; 267, N. & R. 3. -eConstruction of dubito aud non dubito. V. Caes. II. 2, n. 8, and in Cat. I. 7, n. 16. - -519; 1251; 264, 8 (1). —501, 11.; 1218; 264, 10. XXIV. a587, II. 2; 1113; 198, 8, 262, N. 4. ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 265 nas pertimescas. Primum in te satis esse animi perseverantiaeque arbitror; deinde quum tantam multitudinem cum tanto studio adesse videamus, quantam 3iterum nunc in eodem homine praeficiendo videmus, quid est quod aut 4de re aut de perficiendi facultate dubitemus? Ego 5autem, quidquid est 5 in me studii, consilii, laboris, ingenii, quidquid hoc beneficio populi Romani 6atqueb hac potestate praetoria, quidquid auctoritate, fide, constantia possum, id omne ad hanc rem conficiendam tibi et populo Romano polliceor ac 7defero; 70. testorque oinnes deos, et eos maxime, qui huic 8loco 9temploque prae- 10 sident, qui omnium mentes eorum, l~qui ad rem publicam adeunt, maxime perspiciunt, me hoc neque rogatuc facere cujusquam, neque quod Cn. Pompeii gratiam mihi per hanc causam conciliari putem, neque quod mihi ex cujusquam amplitudine aut praesidia periculis aut adjumenta"honoribus 15 quaeram; propterea quod pericula facile, nut hominem praestare oportet, innocentia tecti repellemus; honorem autem neque ab uno neque ex hoc loco, sed eadem illa nostra laboriosissima'ratione vitae, 14si vestra voluntas feret, consequemur. 20 71. Quamobrem, quidquid in hac causa mihie susceptum est, Quirites, id omne ego me rei publicae causa suscepisse confirmo;'5tantumque abest, ut aliquam mihi bonam gratiam quaesisse videar, ut multas me etiam 16simultatesf partim obscuras, partim apertas intelligam mihi non necessarias, vobis 25 non inutiles suscepisse. Sed ego me lh7oc honore praeditum, tantis vestris beneficiis affectum, statui, Quirites, vestram voluntatem et rei publicae dignitatem et salutem provinciarum atque sociorum 8smeis omnibus commodis et rationibus praeferre oportere. 30 XXIV. b587, I. 2; 198, 1, R. (a) & (b). Dist. bet. et, que, and atque. -c414 & 2, 3); 873; 247, 1, & R. 2 (a). -d489, I., 497; 1256; 262, & R.. 9. —e388, II.; 844; 225, IL -fDist. bet. inimicitia and simultas. V. n. 16. M. TULLII CICERONIS PRO A. LICINIO ARCHIA POETA ORATIO AD JUDICES. I. 1. Si quid" estb inc me lingenii,d judices,e quodf sentio quam sitg exiguum,h auti si qua 2exercitatio dicendi, in qua 3mek non infitior mediocriter esse versatum; aut si 4hujusce1 rei ratio aliqua 5ab optimarum artium studiis ac disciplina 5 profecta, a qua ego nullum confiteorm aetatis meae tempus abhorruisse; 6earum rerum omnium 7vel" in primis hic~ A. Licinius fructumP a me 8repetere 9propeq suo jure' debet. Nam quoad longissime' potest mens mea respicere spatium praeteriti temporis et l~pueritiae memoriam recordari ultimam, 0ollinde usque repetens hunc video mihit l2principemu et ad'3suscipiendam7 et ad ingrediendam'4rationem horum studiorum exstitisse. Quodw si haec vox, hujus "Shortatu praeceptisque conformata, nonnullisx aliquando salutix fuit, a quo I. a190 & 1; 1048; 138, & N.-b508; 1261; 259, N. —6435 & 1; 988; 241, R. 4. - d396, 2 & 3) (3); 760; 212, R. 3. - e369; 974; 240.-f453; 701; 206 (17). — 525; 1182; 265. —h438; 650; 205. -587 & II.; 1369; 198, 2, & R. (a). - 563; 1327; 275, I. & R. 3. -k545; 1136; 239.-1186, 1 241; 134, R. 4.- m466; 1080; 258, A & B. —Force of vel? V. Ec. Cic. XXVI. n. 16. —450; 1028; 207, R. 23 (a). — 116; 137; 87.-iDist. bet. fere, ferme, paene, and prope V. Caes. I. 1, n. 15.- 414 & 2; 873; 247, 1.-'305; 462; 194, 2.t390 & 2; 853; 227, R. 4.-"362; 666; 210, & R. 3 (2). —'562 & 2, 565 & 1; 1322, 1327; 275, II. Dist. bet. suscipio and ingredior here. V. n. 13. —w453, 6; 701; 206 (14). — 390; 848; 227. ORATIO PRO ARCHIA POETA. 267 id accepimus, quo l6ceterisY opitulari et alios servare possemus," huic protecto ipsi, quantum est situm in nobis, et opem et salutem ferre debemus. 2. Ac ne quis a nobis hoc l7ita dici forte miretur, quod salia quaedam in hoc facultas sit ingenii "9neque haec dicendi 5 ratio aut disciplina, ne nos quidem huic uni 2studio penitus unquam dediti fuimus. Etenim omnes "artes, quae ad 2humanitatem pertinent, habent quoddam commune vinculum et quasi cognatione quadam inter se continentur. II. 3. Sed ne cui vestruma mirum esse videatur,b mec lin 10 quaestioned legitima et 2in judicioe publico, 3quum resf agatur apud 4praetorem populi Romani, lectissimum virum,g et apud severissimos judices, tanto conventuh hominum ac frequentia, lhoc utic generei dicendi, quod non modo a consuetudine judiciorum, verum etiam a forensij sermonek abhorreat,' quaeso a 15 vobis, ut in hac causa mihi detis hanc veniamj accommodatam huic reo,m vobis,m quemadmodum spero, non molestam, But 7me pro summo poita0 atque eruditissimoP homine dicentem,q'hoc concursuh hominum literatissimorum, 9hac vestrar humanitate,8 8hoc denique praetoret l~exercente judicium, pa- 20 tiamini de studiis humanitatis ac literarum paulo loqui "liberius et 12in ejusmodi persona, quae propter otium ac studium minime in judiciis periculisque tractata est, uti prope novo quodam et inusitato genere dicendi. 4. Quodv si mihi a vobis tribui concedique sentiamw perficiam profecto, ut hune A. 25 Liciniumx non modo non segregandum, quum sity civis, a nuI. y385; 831; 223, R. 2.-z501, I.; 1218; 264, 1 (a). Ir. 446, 3; 1016; 212, R. 2, & N. 2. - "489, I., 480, 481, I.; 1205, 1164; 262, 258, I. 1.-c545, 549 & 1; 1136, 1118; 239, 269, R. 2. —d09, 3; 154; 59, 1.- e47; 58; 46. —120; 146; 90.g363; 622; 204.-h118, 430; 972; 257, R. 7 (a), 87. —419, I., 115; 880, 168; 245, I., 66. —i 156, II.; 193; 113, 1.-1 100; 152; 58. -'500; 1218; 264, 1 (a). -- 391; 860; 222, R. 1. -~44 (1); 53; 42, 1. - P162; 214-7; 124, 1& 2. -q571; 1350; 274, 2. — r185; 236; 139, 1. —105; 159; 62.-t431; 965; 257.-v453; 702; 206 (17). —470 & 2; 1090; 145, III. —545; 1136; 239.- 7517, I.; 1251; 263, R. 1. 268 ORATIONES CICERONIS. mero civium, verum etiam, si non esset, putetis adsciscendum fuisse.z III. Nam ut primum ex puerisa excessitb Archiasc atque ab iisd'artibus, quibuse aetas puerilis ad 2humanitatem infor5 marif solet,g seh 3ad scribendi studium contulit, primum Antiochiae,i (nam ibi natus est 41ocoJ nobili,) 5celebri quondam urbek et copiosa atque eruditissimis hominibus' liberalissimisque studiis affluenti,m celeriter antecellere omnibusn ingenii gloria0 6contigit. Post in ceteris Asiae partibus cunctaque 10 Graecia 7sic ejus adventus celebrabantur,P ut famam ingenii exspectatio hominis, exspectationem ipsius adventus admiratioque superaret.q 5. Erat 8stalia turn plena Graecarum artiumr ac disciplinarum, studiaque haec et in Latio vehementius tur colebantur, quam nunc iisdem in oppidis, et hic 15 Romae 9propter tranquillitatem rei publicae "~non negligebantur. Itaque hunc et lTarentini et Rhegini et Neapolitani civitatet ceterisque praemiis donarunt, et omnes, qui aliquid de ingeniis poterant judicare, cognitione" atque hospitio dignum existimarunt. 20 Hac tanta celebritate~ famae quum esset jam 12absentibus notus, Romam' venit, L3Mario consule et Catulo. Nactus est primum consules eos, quorum alter'4res ad scribendum maximas, alter quum 15res gestas, tum etiam 6"studium atque aures adhibere posset. Statim'Luculli, quum 8spraetextatus etiam 25tum Archias esset, eum domurn suam receperunt. 19Sed etiam hoc non solum ingeniiw ac literarum, verum etiam II. z229; 329; 162, 15. III. ^425; 994; 251, R..- b471, IT.; 1094; 259, R. 1 (2) (d). c43; 52; 44.-d451; 1038; 207, R. 26 (a).-e414 & 4; 873; 248.f552, 1; 1138; 271. —272, 3, 465,3; 312, 1081; 142, 2.-h449, 1. 1020; 208, R. 37 (a). -'423, It.; 932; 221, 1.-J 425 & 3, 1); 918; 246.-k423, 3, 3); 935; 204, R. 7.-1419, III.; 907; 250, 2 (2). —156, 1; 194; 113, 2.-"386; 82(6; 224. — 414 & 2; 87-3; 247, 1, or 250, 1 —P469, II.; 1087; 145, II. —463, 1., 481, II.; 644; 209, R. 12 (2), 258, I. 2. - r399 & 2, 2), 89, 11. & 4; 776; 213, 83, II. 3.-'414, 2; 873; 247,.-t419, III.; 859; 249, I. —419, IV.; 916; 244. — (2) 379; 938, 237. - V379, 3, 1); 943; 237, R. 4. -- 40t 780; 211, R. 8 (3). ORATIO PRO ARCHIA POETA, 269 naturae atque virtutis, ut domus, quae hujus adolescentiae prima fuit, eadem esset familiarissima 20senectuti. 6. Erat temporibusx illis jucundus 21Q. Metello illi Numidico et ejus nPio filio: audiebaturY a 23M. Aemilio: 24vivebatY cum Q. Catulo et 25patre et 2filio: a 2L. Crasso colebaturY: Lucullos vero 5 et 28Drusum et 9Octavios et 30Catonem et totam 3'Hortensiorum domum devinctam consuetudine quum teneret, afficiebatur summo honore, quod eum non solum colebant, qui aliquid 3percipere atque audire studebant, verum etiam si quiz forte 3simulabant. 10 IV. Interim satis longo intervallo,a quum essetb cum M. Lucullo in Siciliam profectus et quum ex ea provincia cum eodem Lucullo decederet," venitc l'eracleam. 2Quaed quum esset civitas aequissimo juree ac foedere,'adscribif sef in eam civitatem voluit; idque, 4quum ipse per se dignus putaretur, 15 turn auctoritateh et gratia Luculli ab Heracliensibus impetravit. 7. Data est civitas 5Silvani lege et Carbonis, sI QUI 6FOEDERATIS CIVITATIBUS ADSCRIPTI FUISSENT; SI TUM, YUIJM LEX FEREBATUR, IN ITALIA DOMICILIUI HABUISSENT; et, SI SEXAGINTA DIEBUSi APUD PRAETOREM ESSENT PRO-20 FESSI. Quum hic domicilium Romae 7multos jam annos1 haberet,m professus est apud praetorem 8Q. Metellum, familiarissimumn suum. 8. Si nihil aliud nisi 9de civitate ac lege dicimus,~ nihil dico ampliusP: l~causa dictaq est. Quid enims horumr infirmari, 25 Grati,t potest? Heracleaene esse turn adscriptum negabis? Adest vir summa auctoritatee et 11religionee et fidee M. LuIII. X426; 949; 253.- 469, II.; 1088; 145, II. - 190& 1; 1049; 137, R. 3. IV. 430; 972; 257, R.. - b478; 1162 (2); 145,. - c477; 1162 (1); 145, II. —()471, II.; 1093; 145, IV.-d453; 701; 206 (17).-e428; 888; 211, R. 6. — 545, 551, II. & 1; 1136, 1140; 239, 271, R. 4. —9517, I.; 1251; 263, 5. -- h414 & 2; 873; 247, 1.1426, 120, Exc.; 950; 253, 90, 1. -1378; 950; 236.- -481, II.; 1164; 258, I. 2. - n441, 3; 658; 205, R. 7 (1).-'508; 1261: 259, N.-P305; 462; 194, 2. -q 471, I.; 1092; 145, IV. R. —396, 2, 3) & (3); 760; 212, R. 2.-' 587, V. 3; 493; 198, 7, R.-t45, 5, 2)i 65; 52. 270 ORATIONES CICERONIS. cullus, qui se non opinari, sed scire, non audisse, sed v'dise,'2non interfuisse, sed egisse dicit. Adsunt Heraclienses legati, nobilissimi homines: 1hujus judiciih causa cum 14mandatis et cum publico testimonio venerunt, qui hunc adscriptum Hera5 cliensemv dicunt.'SHic tuw tabulas desideras Heracliensium publicas, quas'6Italico bello, incenso tabulario, interisse scimus omnes. Est ridiculumx ad ea, quae habemus, nihil dicere, quaerere, quae habere non possumus, et de 17hominum memoria tacere, l8lite0 rarum memoriam flagitare; et quum habeasg amplissimi viri religionem, 1integerrimi municipii jusjurandum fidemque, ea, quae depravari nullo modo possunt, repudiare, tabulas, quas idem dicis solere corrumpi, desiderare. 9. 20An domicilium Romae non habuit is, qui 21tot annis 15ante civitatem datamy sedem omnium rerum ac fortunarum suarum Romae collocavit? Atz non est professus. 2Immo vero iis tabulis professus, quae solae ex illa professione collegioque praetorum obtinent publicarum tabularum auctoritWtem. 20 V. Nama quum lAppiib tabulae 2negligentiuse asservataed dicerentur, 3Gabinii, 4quamdiu incolumis fuit, 5levitas, post damnationem 6calamitas omnem tabularum fidem 7resignasset, Metellus, homo sanctissimus 8modestissimusque omnium, tanta diligentiae fuit, ut ad L. 9Lentulum praetorem et ad judices 25 l0veneritf et uniusg nominis liturah se commotum esse dixerit. His igituri tabulis nullam lituram in nomine A. Licinii videtis. 10. Quae quum ita sint, quid est quod de ejus civitate dubitetis, praesertim quum "aliis quoque in civitatibus fuerit adscriptus? Etenim quum mediocribusj multis et aut nulla IV. u395; 751; 247, R. 2 (a).-' 362; 666; 210. — 446; 1013; 209, R. 1 (b).-'xWhy neuter? — 580; 1357; 274, R. 5 (a).-ZForce of at? V. Sail. Cat. LI. n. 32. V., 587, V., 602, III.; 493; 198, 7 P.-b395; 751; 211. —444, 1, 902, 194, 2, 256, R. 9 (a).-dSc. esse. —e428; 888; 211, R. 6, & t. 8 (2).-f482, 2; 1169; 262. — 149; 191; 107. —h414& 2; 873; 247, 1.-'587, IV. 3; 1391; 198, 6, R. -J 441; 658; 205, R. 7 (1). ORATIO PRO ARCHIA POETA. 271 aut humili aliqla artek praeditis gratuito civitatem in 2Graecia homines impertiebant, Rheginos l3credo aut Locrenses aut Neapolitanos aut Tarentinos, quod 14scenicis artificibus1 largiri solebant," u"id huic, summa ingenii praedito gloria, noluisse. Quid? quum ceteri non modo post'6civitatem datam,n sed s etiam post'legem Papiam aliquo modo in 18eorum municipiorum tabulas 19irrtpserint, hic, qui ne utitur quidem illis, in quibus est scriptus, qaod semper se0 HeracliensemP esse voluit, rejicietur? 11. 2Census nostros lequiris. 2Scilicet; 22estq enim obscu- 10 ium 2proximis censoribusr hunc cum clarissimo imperatore,8 L. Lucullo, 24apud exercitum fuisse, 5superioribus cum eodem quaestoret fuisse in Asia, 2primis, Julio et Crasso, nullam populi partemr esse censam." Sed quoniam census non jusv civitatis confirmatw ac tantummodo indicat eum, qui sitx cen-1s sus, [27ita] se jam turn gessisse pro cive, iis temporibus, 28quem tu criminaris ne ipsius quidemY judicioz in civium Romanorum jure esse versatum, et 29testamentum saepe fecit nostris legibus et adiit hereditates civium Romanorum et win beneficiis ad aerarium delatus est a L. Lucullo pro consule. 20 VI. Quaere argumenta, si quae potes; nunquam enim hic lneque suo neque amicorum jauicioa 2revincetur.b 12. Quaeres ac nobis, Grati, cur tantopere hoc homined delectemur. Quia suppeditat nobis, 3ubi et animus ex hoc forensi strepitu reficiature et aures conviciod defessae conqui- 25 escant.e 4An tu existimas aut 5suppetere nobisf posse, quodg quotidie dicamush in tanta varietate rerum, nisi animos nostros V. k419, III.; 919; 244.-1384; 855; 223.-m465, 3; 312; 142, 2. —580; 1357; 274, R. 5 (a). —545, 551, II.; 1136; 239. 271, R. 4.-P362; 666; 210.- 549 & 1; 1150; 209, R. 3 (5). -r426; 949; 253. - 414, 7; 982; 249, III. - 363; 622; 204, R. 1 (a).-'545, 549; 1136, 1147; 239, 269, R. 2.-v115; 168; 66. —520, I.; 1250, 198, 7, R. (b.) - x529; 1291; 266, 2. - r602, II. 2; 1390; 279, 3 (d). —414 & 2; 873; 249, II. VI. a414 & 2; 873; 249, II.-b470; 1090; 145, III. —374, 3, 4); 738; 231, R. 4.-d 414 &? 873; 247, 1.-e501, I.; 1218; 264,6, R. 3.-f 386; 826; 224. —445, 6; 689; 206 (3) (a).-h529; 1291; 266, 2. 12* B 272 ORATIONES CICERONIS. doctrina excolamus, aut ferre animos 6tantam posse contentionem, nisi eos doctrina eadem relaxemus? Ego vero fateor me his studiis esse deditum. Ceteros pudeat,' si qui ita se literisj abdiderunt, ut nihil possintk ex iis'neque ad commu5 nem afferre fructum neque in adspectum lucemque proferre; me autem quid' pudeat, qui tot annosm ita vivon judices, ut a nullius unquam me 7tempore aut commodo aut otium meum abstraxerit aut voluptas avocarit aut denique somnus retardarit? 10 13. Quare quis tandem me reprehendato aut quis mihiP jureq succenseat, si, quantumr ceteris ad suas res obeundas,' quantumr ad festos diest ludorum celebrandos,8 quantumr ad alias voluptates et ad ipsam requiem animi et corporis conceditur 8temporum, quantumr alii tribuunt 9tempestivis conviviis, 16 quantum denique alveolo, quantumr pilae, tantumr mihi ego, met" ad haec studia recolendas sumpsero? Atque hoc'1eo mihi concedendum est magis, quod ex his studiis lhaec quoque crescit oratio et facultas, quae, quantacunque in me est, nunquam amicorum periculisw defuit. "2Quae si cui levior 20 videtur, illa quidem certe, l"quae summa sunt, ex quo fonte hauriamx sentio. 14. Nam nisi multorum praeceptis 4multisque literis mihiY ab adolescentia suasissem, nihil esse in vita magnopere expetendum nisi laudem atque honestatem, in ea autem persequenda omnes cruciatus corporis, omnia pericula mor25 tis atque exsilii parviz esse ducenda, nunquam me pro salute vestra in tot ac tantas dimicationes atque in hos profligato. rum hominum quotidianos impetus objecissem. Sed "pleni omnes sunt libri, plenae sapientium voces, plena'6exemplorum vetustas, quae jacerent in tenebris omnia, nisi literarum lu. 30 men accederet. Quam multas nobis 17imagines non solum ad VI.'298, 299, 487; 1193; 184 (a), 260, R. 6. -J 414 & 4; 873; 247, 3. -481, I.; 1164; 258, I. 1.- 1454, 2; 717; 235, R. 11.m378; 950; 236. —467, 2; 1083; 145, I. 2.- ~485; 1180; 260, R. 5.- P385; 831; 223, R. 2. -q 414 & 3; 873; 247, 2. - r87, 7, 186,:4; 706; 139, 5 (2), R. & (3). -'562, 1 & 2; 1337; 275, II.t120, Exc.; 146; 90, 1.-"184, 3; 233; 133, R. 2. —473; 1098; 145, VI.- 386, 2; 820; 226, R. 2.-X525; 1182; 265.-Y 385; 831; 223, R. 2. —z40, 402, III.; 799; 214. ORATIO PRO ARCHIA POETA. 273 intuendum, verum etiam ad imitandum fortissimorum virorum 8Iexpressas scriptores et Graeci et Latini reliquerunt! quas ego mihi semper in administranda re publica proponens animum et mentem meam l9ipsa cogitatione hominum excellentium conformabam. 5 VII. 15. Quaeret quispiam, Quid? illi ipsi summi viri, quorum virtutes literis proditae sunt, istanea doctrina,b quam" tud effers laudibus, eruditi fuerunt? Difficile este hoc de omnibus confirmare; sed tamen leste certum, quid respondeam. Ego multos homines excellenti animof ac virtute fuisse 10 et sine doctrina, naturae ipsius 2habitu prope divino, perg se ipsos et moderatos et graves exstitisse fateor: etiam illud adjungo, 3saepius ad laudem atque virtutem naturam sine doctrina quam sine natura valuisse doctrinam. 4Atque idemh ego contendo, quum ad naturam eximiam et illustrem 5acces- 15 serit ratio quaedam conformatioque doctrinae, tum 6illudi nescio quid praeclarum ac singulare solerei exsistereJ: 16. ex hoc 7esse hunc numero, quem patres nostri viderunt,k divinum hominem, 8Africanum; ex hoc 9C. Laelium, ~1L. Furium, moderatissimos homines et continentissimos; ex hoc fortissimum 20 virum et illis temporibus doctissimum, 11M. Catonem ilium senemn; qui profecto, si 12nihil ad percipiendam colendamque virtutem literis l3adjuvarentur, nunquam se ad earum studium contulissent. Quod' si non hic tantus fructus ostenderetur,m et si ex his 25 studiis delectatio sola peteretur, tamen, ut opinor, hanc animi "4remissionem humanissimam ac liberalissimam 15judicaretis. Nam'6ceterae neque l7temporumo sunt neque aetatum omnium neque locorum; at haec studia adolescentiam alunt, VII. a346, II. & 1, 1), 450; 1028; 198, 11, R. (). - b414 & 4; 873; 247, 3.- 445; 683; 206, R. 19 (a) (b) & (2).- d446; 1013; 209, R. 1 (a) & (b). e549 & 1; 1150; 209, R. 3 (5).- e(92)525, 2; 640.-f428; 888; 211, R. 6.-gt44, 5, 1); 876; 247, R.4.-451, 3; 1034; 207, R. 27 (a). - i545, 530, I.; 1136, 1148; 239, 272.i552, 1; 1138; 271.-k 531, 3; 1293; 266, 1, R. 2, last sentence.1453, 6; 702; 206 (14). - m510; 1267; 261, 1. - ~401, 402, I.; 780; 211, R. 8 (3). 274 ORATIONES CICERONIS. senectutem oblectant, secundas res ornant, adversisP perfugium ac solatium praebent, delectant domi,q non impediunt foris, pernoctant nobiscum, peregrinantur, rusticantur. Quod si ipsi haec'sneque attingere neque sensu nostro gustare 5 possemus, tamen ea mirari deberemus, etiam quum in aliis videremus. VIII. 17. Quis nostruma tam animob agresti ac duro fuit, ut'Roscii mortec nuper non commovereturd? qui quum esset senex mortuus, tamen proptere excellentem artem ac venustaj0 tem videbatur omnino mori non debuisse. 2Ergo ille corporis motu tantum amorein sibi conciliarat a nobis omnibus: nos Sanimorum incredibiles motus celeritatemque ingeniorum negligemus? 18. Quotiens ego hunc Archiamf vidi, judices, (utar enimg vestra benignitate,h quoniam me 4in hoc novo,s genere dicendi tam diligenter' attenditis,) quotiens ego hunc vidi, quum literam scripsisset nullam, magnum numerum optimorum versuum de iis ipsis rebus, 5quae tum agerentur, dicere ex tempore! quotiens 6revocatumJ eandem rem dicere, commutatis verbisk atque sententiis! Quael vero accuratem @ cogitateque scripsisset, ea sic vidi probari, 7ut ad veterum" scriptorum laudem perveniret. Hunc ego non diligamP? non admirer? non omni ratione defendendumq putem? Atque sic a summis hominibus eruditissimisque accepimus, ceterarum rerum studia et doctrina8 et praeceptis et arte 8con25 stare, poitam 9naturat ipsa valere et mentis viribus excitari et quasi divino'lquodam spiritu inflari. Quare nsuo jureu VII. P384 & II.; 855; 223.-q 424, 2; 943; 221, R. 3. VIII. ^396, 2, 3) & (I), 446, 3; 1016; 212, R. 2, N. 2.- b428; 888; 211, R. 6, & R. 8 (2).-c414 & 2; 873; 248.-d481, II.; 1218; 258, I. 2.-e414, 2,3) (1), 875; 247, R. 1.-f43; 52; 44. —602, III.; 1391, Exc. 2 198, 7, R. (a). - h419, I.; 880; 245, I. -'335 & 2; 595; 192, II. 2. - J 578, I.; 1350; 274, 3 (a). —k431; 965; 257.i445; 690; 206, R. 19 (a).- m335 & 1; 591; 192, II. 1. —58, 3 & 2); 196; 114, 1.-P485; 1180; 260, R. 5.- qSc. esse.-'414 & 4; 873; 245, II. 5. - t414 2; 873; 247, 1 (2).- 414 &3; 873; 247, 2. ORATIO PRO ARCHIA POETA. 275 noster ille 2Ennius sanctos appellat podtas, quod quasi deorum aliquo 13donov atque munere commendati nobis esse videantur.W 19. Sitp igitur, judices, sanctum apud vos, humanissimos homines, hoc poetae nomen, quod nulla unquam barbaria vio- 5 lavit. Saxa et solitudines voci respondent; 4bestiae saepe immanes cantu flectuntur atque consistunt: nos instituti rebusx optimis non poetarum voce moveamur? Homerum Colophonii civem esse dicunt suum,y Chii suum vindicant, Salaminii repetunt, Smyrnaei veroz suum esse confirmant;10 itaque etiam delubrum ejus in oppido dedicaverunt: permulti alii praeterea pugnant inter se, atque contendunt. IX.'Ergo illia alienum, quia poita fuit,b post mortem etiam expetunt: nos hunca vivum, qui et voluntatec et legibus noster est repudiabimus? praesertim quum omne olim studi- 15 um atque omne ingenium contulerit Archias ad populi Romani gloriam laudemque celebrandam. Nam et 2Cimbricas res adolescensd attigit et ipsi illi'C. Mario,e qui duriorf ad haec studia videbatur, jucundus fuit. 20. Neque enim quisquamg est tam aversus a Musis, qui non mandari versibus20 aeternum suorum laborum facile praeconium patiatur.h Themistoclem 4illum, summum Athenisi virum dixisse aiunt, quum ex eo quaereretur, Squod acroama aut cujus vocem libentissime audiret, "ejus, a quo sua virtus optime praedicaretur."k Itaque ille Marius item eximie 6L. Plotium dilexit,l cujus in- 25 genio putabat' ea, quae gesserat, posse celebrari. 21. Mithridaticum vero bellum, magnum atque difficile et VIII. vDist. bet. donum and munus. V. n. 13.- W 520, II.; 1255;; 266, 3. —P()487; 1193; 260, R. 6.-X414 & 4; 873; 249, I.-Y449, II.; 024; 208, R. 37 (1).- -587, III. 2 & 4; 1391, Exc. 2; 198, 9 R. (a). IX. 450; 1028; 207, R. 23 (a). —b520, I.; 1250; 198, 7, R. (b). -414 &3; 873; 247, 2. - d363 & 3; 622; 204, R. 1 (a). - 391; 860; 222, R. 1.-f444, 1; 902; 256, R. 9 (a).- 457; 1061; 207, R. 31 (a) & (().-h500; 1218; 264, 1 (a).-'421, I. & II.; 933; 254. - j 525; 1182; 265. - k531; 1291; 266, 2. - 1471, II.; 1097; 145, IV. —(2)469, IL; 145, II. 1. 276 ORATIONES CICERONIS. tin multa varietate terram marique versatum, 8totum ab hoc expressum est: 9quin libri non modo0 L. Lucullum, fortissimum et clarissimum virum, verum etiam populi Romani nomen illustrant. Populus enim Romanus aperuit, Lucullo 5 imperante, 0lPontum, et regiis quondam opibus et ipsa natura regionis vallatum: populi Romani exercitus, eodemP duce, 1non maxima manuq innumerabiles Armeniorum copias fudit: populi Romani laus est, 12urbem amicissimam Cyzicenorum ejusdem consilio ex omni impetu regio acs totius belli orer 10ac faucibus ereptam esse atque servatam: l3nostra semper feretur et praedicabitur, L. Lucullo dimicante, cum interfectist ducibus depressat hostium classis et incredibilis l4apud Tenedum pugna illa navalis; nostra sunt tropaea, nostra monumenta, nostri triumphi: quae quorum ingeniis feruntur, ab iis i5 populi Romani fama celebratur. 22. Carus fuit'5Africano superiori noster Ennius; itaque etiam 6in sepulchro Scipionum putatur is esse constitutus ex marmore." At'7iis laudibus certe non solum ipse, qui laudatur, sed etiam populi Romani nomen ornatur. In coelum l"hujus'lproavus Cato tollitur: 20 magnus honos populi Romani rebus adjungitur. Omnes denique illi 20Maximi, Marcelli, Fulvii non sine communiv omnium nostrum laude decorantur. X.'Ergo illum, qui haec fecerat, 2Rudinuma hominem, majores nostri in civitatem receperunt: nos hunc Heraclien25 sem,a multis civitatibus expetitum,b in hac autem legibus constitutum, de nostra civitate ejiciemus? 23. 3Nam si quis 4minorem gloriae fructum putat ex Graecis versibus percipi quam ex Latinis, vehementer errat, propterea quod 5Graecac leguntur in omnibus fere gentibus, IX. "422, 1 & 1); 9317; 254, R. 2 (b). - "453; 701; 206 (17). -'587, I. 5; 277, R. 10.-P430; 972; 257, R. 7.-q 118 & 1; 138;88, 1. —'102, 2; 156; 61, 3. —'587, I. 3; 1369; 198, 1. R. (b).-t580; 1357; 274, R. 5 (a). —IOI, 2; 155; 61.-V56, II.; 193; 113, 1. X. ^441, 5; 576, 575; 246, R. 3.-b577; 1350; 274, 3 (a). ORATIO PRO ARCHIA POETA. 277 Latina" 6suis finibus,d exiguis sane, continentur. Quare si res eae, quas gessimus, orbis terrae regionibus definiuntur, cuperee debemus, quo 7manuum nostrarum tela pervenerint, eodem gloriamf famamque penetraref; quod quumg ipsis populis,h de quorum rebus scribitur,i haec 8ampla sunt, tur iisJ certe, 9qui 5 de vita gloriaek causa dimicant, hoc maximum et periculorum' incitamentum est et laborum. 24. Quam multos l~scriptores rerum suarum maghus ille Alexander secum habuisse diciturm! Atque is tamen, quum "in Sigeo ad Achillis tumulum adstitisset, " 0 fortunate," 10 inquit,o "adolescens, qui tuae virtutis Homerum praeconemP invenerisn! " Et vere; nam 12nisi Ilias illa exstitisset, idem tumulus, qui corpus ejus contexerat, nomen etiam obruisset. Quid? noster 13hic Magnus, qui cum virtute fortunam adaequavit, nonneq'4Theophanem Mitylenaeum, scriptorem rerum 15 suarum, in concione militum civitate donavit, et nostri illi fortes viri, sed rustici ac milites, dulcediner quadam gloriae commoti, quasi participes S1ejusdem laudis,s magno illud clamoret approbaverunt? 25. Itaque, "6credo, si civis Romanus Archias legibus non 20 esset, 7Tut ab aliquo imperatore civitate donaretur, perficere non potuitu! Sulla, quum Hispanos et Gallos donaret,u credo, hunc petentemv repudiasset! quemw nos in concione vidimus,'quum ei libellum malus poita de populo subjecisset, quod epigramma in eum fecisset tantummodo alternis versibusx lon- 25 giusculis, statim ex iis rebus, quas tune 19vendebat, juberew ei praemium tribui, sed ea conditione,t ne quid postea scriberet. X. e441; 658; 205, R. 7 (1). —d414; 873; 248.-e552, 1; 1138; 271. - f545, 551, II.; 1136, 1148; 239, 271, R. 4. - g587, I. 5; 13t4; 277, R. 9. —h391; 860; 222, 3.-1301, 3; 451; 184, 2 (a), & 248, R. 1 (1). - 390 & 2; 853; 227, R. 4. - k395; T51; 247, R. 2 (a). —393; 744; 211, R. 12.-m549, 4; 1155; 271, R. 2.-" 519; 1251; 264 8 (1).-~528, 2; 1295; 279, 6.-P363; 622; 230.q 346, II. 2; 1106; 198, 11, R. (c). —r414 & 2; 873; 248, II.- 399; 765; 213.- t414 & 3; 873; 247, 2.- u511, I.; 1271; 259, R. 3, & (d).-u(2) 518, II.; 1282; 263, 5.- 576; 1350; 274, 3 (a). — 545, 551, I.; 1136, 1148; 239, 272. —x428; 888; 211, R. 6. 278 ORATIONES CICERONIS. ~Qui sedulitatem mali poetae duxeritn aliquo 2tamen praemio dignam 22hujus ingenium et virtutem in scribendo et copiam non expetisset? 26. Quid? a Q. Metello Pio, familiarissimo suo, qui civitate multos donavit, neque perY se neque per Lu5 cullos impetravisset? qui praesertim 2usque eo de suis rebus scribi' cuperet," ut etiam 24Cordubaez natis poetis, 2pingue quiddam sonantibusv atque peregrinum, tamen aures suas dederet. XI.'Neque enim est hoc dissimulandum, quod obscurari 10 non potest, sed 2prae nobis ferendum: trahimur omnes studio laudis et optimus quisquea maxime gloria ducitur. Ipsi illi philosophi etiam in iis libellis, quos de contemnenda gloria scribunt, nomen suum inscribunt: in eo ipso, in quo praedicationem 3nobilitatemque despiciunt, 4praedicarib de se ac 15nominarib volunt. 27. 5Decimus 6quidem Brutus, summus vir et imperator, 7Attii, amicissimi sui, carminibus 8templorum ac monumentorum aditus exornavit suorum. 9Jam vero ille, qui cum" Aetolis, Enniod comite, bellavit, l~Fulvius, non dubitavit Martis manubias Mlusis consecrare. Quare, in quae 20 urbe "imperatores prope armati poitarum nomen et Musarum delubra coluerunt, in eae non debent togati judices a Musarum honore et a poetarum salute abhorrere. 28. Atque ut id libentius faciatis,f jam 12me vobis, judices, indicabo, et de meo quodam amore gloriae, nimis acri fortasse, 25 veruntamen honesto, vobis confitebor. Nam, 3quas res nos in consulatu nostro vobiscum simul pro salute hujus urbis atque imperii et pro vita civium proque universa re publica gessimus, 14attigit hic versibus atque inchoavit; quibus auditis, quod mihi magna res et jucunda visa est, hunc ad perficiO3endumg "5adornavi. Nullam enim virtus aliam mercedemh laborum periculorumque desiderat praeter 16hanc laudis et X. y414, 5, 1); 876; 247, R. 4.-Z421, II.; 932; 221. XI. ^458, 1; 1052; 207, R. 35 (b). -301, 3; 451; 248, R. 1 (1). -c414, 7; 982; 249, III. - d430; 972; 257, R. 7. —445, 8; 687, 690; 20G, R. 19 (3) & (a).-e(2) 451.-f489, I., 491; 1205; 262. - $565 & 1; 1337; 275, III. R. 3.-hlO4, 1; 158; 61, 1. ORATIO PRO ARCHIA POETA. 279 gloriae; qua quidem detracta, judices, 17quid est quod in hoc tam exiguo vitae curriculo et tam brevi tantis nos in laboribus exerceamusi? 29. Certe, si'8nihil animus praesentiret in posterum, et si, quibuse regionibus vitae spatium circuinscriptum est, eisdeme 5 omnes cogitationes terminaret suas, nec tantis se laboribus frangeret neque tot curis vigiliisque angeretur neque totiens'9de vita ipsa dimicaret. 20Nunc insidet 2lquaedam in optimo quoquea virtus, quae noctes ac diesk anirnum gloriae stimulis concitat atque admonet, nnon cum vitae tempore esse dimit-10 tendam commemorationem nominis nostri, sed cum omni posteritate adaequandam. XII. 30. 1An vero 2tam parvi animia videamurb esse omnes, qui in re publica atque in his vitae periculis laboribusque versamurC ut, quum 3usque ad extremumd spatium nullum 15 tranquillum atque otiosume spiritum duxerimus,f nobiscum simul moritura omnia arbitremurg? 4An statuas et imagines, non animorum simulacra, sed corporum, studiose multi summi homines reliquerunt, consiliorum relinquere ac virtutum nostrarum effigiem nonne multoh malle debemus, sumris ingeniis 20 6expressam et politam? Ego vero omnia, quae gerebam, jam turn in gerendo spargere me ac disseminare arbitrabar in orbis terrae memoriam sempiternam. 7Haec vero sivei a meo 8sensu post mortem abfutura est, sive, ut sapientissimi homines putaverunt, ad aliquam mei partern pertinebit, nune qui- 25 dem certe cogritatione quadam 9speque delector. 31. Quare conservate, judices, hominem l~pudore" eo, lquemk amicorum videtis comprobari quum dignitate, tur etiam vetustate, l2ingenioa autem tanto, quantum id' convenitm existiXI. i501, I. & 1; 1229; 264, 7, N. 3.-J 582; 996; 192, II. 4, N. 1, last sentence.- 378; 950; 236. XII.'401, 402, III.; 757; 211, R. 6, & R. 8 (2). -b485; 1180; 260, R. 5. - c332, I. & 2; 585; 187, II. 1 (a) & (d). -d441, 6; 662; 205, R. 17. - e323; 570; 128, I. 4. - f5(8 & I.; 1282; 263, 5.6489, I., 494; 1218; 262.-h418; 929; 256, R. 16 (3).- 587, II. 3, 13r4; 198, 2, R. (e). - i 582; 996; 192, II. 4. N. 1, list sentence.5(2)428 &4; 888; 211, R. 6. - k545; 1136; 239.-1545, 549 & 1, 1136, 1151; 239, 269, R. 2.-"301; 452; 184 (a) & (b). 280 ORATIONES CICERONIS. mari,l quod l3summorum hominum ingeniis expetitum essa videatis,n 14causa" vero ejusmodi, quae'beneficio legis, auctoritate'6municipii, testimonio Luculli, tabulis Metelli, comprobetur.s Quae quum ita sint, petimus a vobis, judices, si qua 5 non modo humana, verum etiarn divina in tantis ingeniis commendatio debet esse, ut eum,P qui vos, qui vestros imperatores, qui populi Romani res gestas semper ornavit, qui etiam'This recentibus nostris vestrisque domesticis periculisq aeternum se testimonium laudis daturum esse profitetur estque ex 10 eo numero, qui semper apud omnes sancti sunt habiti itaque dicti, sic in vestram accipiatis fidem, ut humanitate vestra levatus potius quam acerbitate violatus esse videatur. 32. Quae de causa pro mea consuetudine breviter simpliciterque dixi, judices, ea confido probata esse omnibusr: quae non fori, 15 neque judiciali consuetudine, et de hominis ingenio, 18et communiter de ipsius studio locutus sum, ea, judices, a vobis spero esse in bonam partem accepta; l9ab eo, qui judicium exercet, certoJ scio. XII. n519; 1251; 264, 8(1). - 428, 2; 888; 211, R. 6 (5).-' 500; 1218; 264, 1 (a).-PObject of what verb?-q 384 & II.; 855; 223.-r 388, II.; 844; 225, 1I. EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. EPISTOLA I.* (Scr. Romae A. U. C. 692.) A. U. C. 692. Ante C. N. 62. Anni Cic. 45. Coss. D. JTNIUS SILANUS, L. LICINIUS MURENA. Praett. C. JULIUS CAESAR, Q. TULLIUS CICERO (Marci'lwr). Trib. plebis, M. PORCIUS CATO. Catilina, adversus quem Antonius procos. cum exercitu missus erat, victus ab ejus legato M. Petreio perit. Antonius in Macedoniam, quae provincia ei obtigerat, proficiscitur. Pompeius confecto Mithridatico bello redit. Hoc anno Cic. habuit orationem pro P. Cornelio Sulla, a L. Torquato conjurationis accusato. M. TULLIUS M. F. CICERO S. D. CN. POMPEIO CN. F. MAGNO, 1IMPERATORI. 1. 2S. T. E. Q. V. B. E. Ex litteris tuis, quas Spublice misisti, cepi una cum omnibus incredibilem voluptatem; tantam enim 4spem otii ostendisti, quantam ego semper omnibus te uno fretus 5pollicebar. Sed hoc scito, tuos 6veteres hostes, novos amicos, vehementer litteris perculsos atque 7ex magna 5 spe deturbatos 8jacere. 2. Ad me autem litteras, quas misisti, quamquam 9exiguam significationem tuae erga me voluntatis habebant, tamen mihi scito jucundas fuisse; nulla enim re tam laetari soleo quam ~0meorum officiorum conscientia, quibus si quando non mutue respondetur, "apud me plus officii resi- 10 dere facillime patior. 2Illud non dubito, quin, si te "mea summa erga te studia parum mihi adjunxerint, res publica * Ad Fam. V. 7. 282 EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. nos inter nos conciliatura conjuncturaque sit. 3. Ac, ne ignores, quid ego in tuis litteris 14desiderarim, scribam aperte, sicut et mea natura et nostra amicitia postulat. Res 5eas gessi,'6qua. rum aliquam in tuis litteris et nostrae necessitudinis et rei 5 publicae causa gratulationem exspectavi; quam ego abs te praetermissam esse arbitror, quod'7vererere, ne 18cujus animum offenderes. Sed scito, ea, quae'gnos pro salute patriae gessimus, orbis terrae judicio ac testimonio comprobari. Quae, quum veneris, tanto consilio tantaque animi magnitudine a 10 me gesta esse cognosces, ut tibi 2~multo majori, quan 21Africanus fuit, tamen non multo minorem quam Laeliun faile et in re publica et in amicitia adjunctum esse patiare. Vale. EPISTOLA II.* (Scr. Romae A. U. C. 692.) M. CICERO 1S. D. 2C. ANTONIO M. F. IMP. 1. Etsi statueram nullas ad te litteras mittere nisi commendaticias, (non quo 3eas 4intelligerem satis apud te valere, sed 15ne iis, qui 5me rogarent, aliquid de nostra conjunctione imminutum esse ostenderem,) tamen, quum 6T. Pomponius, homo 70onium meorum in te studiorum et officiorum maxime conscius, tui cupidus, nostri amantissimus, 8ad te proficisceretur, aliquid mihi scribendum putavi, praesertim quum aliter toipsi Pomponio satisfacere non possem. 2. 9Ego si abs te summa officia desiderem, mirum nemini videri l~debeat. "Omnia enim a me in te profecta sunt, quae ad tuum commodum, quae ad honorem, quae ad dignitatem pertinerent. Pro his rebus nullam mihi abs te relatam esse gratiam, tu es 25 optimus testis: 12contra etiam esse aliquid abs te profectum ex multis audivi. Nam 13,, comperisse" me non audeo dicere, ne forte id ipsum verbum -4ponam, quod abs te aiunt 15falso * Ad Faam. V. 5. ATTICO. 283 in me solere conferri. Sed ea, quae ad me delata sunt, malo te ex Pomponio, cui non minus molesta fuerunt, quam ex meis litteris cognoscere. Meus in te animus quam singulari 1officio fuerit, et senatus et populus Romanus testis est: tu quam gratus erga me fueris, ipse existimare potes: quantum 5 mihi debeas, ceteri i7existimant. 3.'Ego quae tua causa antea feci, voluntate sum adductus posteaque constantia. Sed 19reliqua, mihi crede, multo majus meum studium majoremque gravitatem et laborem 20desiderant. Quae ego si non profundere ac perdere videbor, omnibus meis viribus 2lsustinebo; 0 sin autem ingrata esse sentiam, non committam, ut tibi ipse insanire videar. 2Ea quae sint et cujusmodi, poteris ex Pomponio cognoscere. Atque ipsum tibi Pomponium ita commendo, ut, quamquam ipsius causa confido te facturum esse omnia, tamen abs te hoc petam, ut, si quid in te residet 15 amoris erga me, id omne in Pomponii negotio ostendas. Hoc mihi nihil gratius facere potes. EPISTOLA III.* (Scr. Romae VI. Kal. Febr. A. U. C. 693.) A. U. C. 693. Ante C. N. 61. Anni Cic. 46.'Coss. M. PUPIus PIso, M. VALERIUS MESSALA. Clodins incesti crimine accusatus id amoliri studet, qhum diceret, se illa nocte non Romae, sed Interamnae fuisse. Cicero testis productus dicit illum eodem die ad se domum venisse; Clodius tamen absolvitur. Q. Ciceroni M. fratri ex praetura Asia provincia obtingit. Cicero Clodium in senatu tur oratione perpetua, tur altercatione frangit. Hoc anno idem orationem pro Archia poeta habuit. Pompeius III. et prid. Kal. Octobr. de Mithridate, Tigrane aliisque regibus victis triumphum agit. Caesar ex praetura Hispaniam obtinet. CICERO ATTICO 2S. 1. Accepi tuas tres 8jam epistolas: unam a M. Cornelio, quam Tribus Tabernis, ut opinor, ei dedisti; alteram, quam Att. I. 13. 284 EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. mihi 4Canusinus tuus hospes reddidit; tertiam, quam, ut scribis, 5ancora soluta, de phaselo dedisti: quae fuerunt omnes 6rhetorum. Pure loquuntur, quum humanitatis sparsae sale, turn insignes amoris notis. Quibus epistolis sum equidem abs 5 te lacessitus ad scribendum; sed idcirco sum tardior, quod non invenio 7fidelema tabellarium. 8Quotus enim 9quisqueb est, qui epistolam paullo graviorem ferre possit, nisi earn pellectione relevarit? ~0Accedit eo, quod mihi non perinde est, ut quisque in Epirum proficiscitur. Ego enim te arbitror, 0 caesis apud "lAmaltheam tuam 2victimis, statim esse 13ad Sicyonem oppugnandum profectum. Neque tamen id ipsum certum habeo, quando ad Antonium proficiscare, aut quid in Epiro temporis 14ponas. Ita neque Achaicis hominibus neque Epiroticis paullo liberiores litteras committere audeo. 2. 15 Sunt autem post discessum a me tuum res dignae litteris nostris, sed non committendae ejusmodi periculo, ut aut interire aut aperiri aut intercipi possint. Primum igitur scito "primum me non esse rogatum sententiam, praepositumque esse nobis'6pacificatorem Allobrogum, idque "7admurmurante se20natu neque me invito esse factum. Sum enim et ab observando homine perverso liber et l8ad dignitatem in re publica retinendam contra illius voluntatem solutus; et ille secundus in dicendo locus habet auctoritatem paene principis et voluntatem non nimis devinctam beneficio consulis. Tertius est 25 Catulus, quartus (si etiam hoc quaeris) Hortensius. Consul autem ipse parvo animo et pravo, tantum cavillator genere illo moroso, quod etiam sine l9dicacitatec ridetur, 20facie magis quam facetiis ridiculus, 2"nihil a gens cum re publica, sejunctus ab optimatibus, a quo nihil speres boni rei publicae, quia 30 non vult; nihil [metuas] mali, quia non audet. Ejus autem collega et in me perhonorificus et partium studiosus ac defensor bonarum. Quin nunc leviter inter se dissident. 3. Sed vereor, 2ne hoc, quod infectum est, serpat longius. Credo EPIST. III.' Dist. bet. fidus,fidelis, infidus, infidelis, perfidus, and perfidiosus. V. n. 7. -b Dist. bet. quisque, quivis, quilibet, unusquisque, and singuli. V. n. 9. -- Dist. bet. sales, cavillatio, dicacitas, lepos, and facetiae. V. n. 19. ATTICO. 285 enim te audisse, quunm 2apud Caesarem pro populo 2fieret, venisse eo muliebr vestitu virum; idque sacrificium quum 2virgines instaurassent, mentionem a Q. Cornificio in senatu factam: (is fuit princeps,d ne tu forte 2aliquem nostrum putes:) postea rem ex senatus consulto ad pontifices relatam, 5 idque ab iis nefas esse decretum: deinde ex senatus consulto consules 2rogationem promulgasse:.uxori Caesarem nuntium remisisse. In hac causa Piso amicitia P. Clodii ductus operam dat, ut ea rogatio, quam ipse 29fert et fert ex senatus consulto 3et de religione, antiquetur. Messala vehementer 10 adhuc agit severe. Boni viri precibus Clodii removentur a causa: aoperae comparantur: nosmet ipsi, qui Lycurgei a principio fuissemus, quotidie demitigamur: instat et urget Cato. Quid multa? Vereor, ne haec, neglecta a bonis, defensa ab improbis, magnorum rei publicae malorum causa sint. 15 4. 32Tuus autem ille amicus (scin' quem dicam? de quo tu ad me scripsisti, postea quam non auderet reprehendere, laudare coepisse) nos, ut ostendit, admodum diligit, amplectitur, amat, aperte laudat: occulte, sed ita, ut perspicuum sit, invidet. Nihil come, nihil simplex, nihil 33v ro70s 7roL7-LKOi honestum, 20 nihil illustre, nihil forte, nihil liberum. Sed haec ad te scribam alias 34subtilius; nam neque adhuc mihi satis nota sunt, et huic terrae filio 35nescio cui committere epistolam tantis de rebus non audeo. 5. Provincias 36praetores nondum sortiti sunt. Res eodem est 37loci, quo reliquisti. 38Toro7eooiav, quam pos- 25 tulas, Miseni et Puteolorum, includam 9Iorationi meae. 40A. d. III. Non. Decembr. mendose fuisse animadverteram. Quae laudas ex orationibus, mihi crede, valde mihi placebant, sed non audebam antea dicere; nunc vero, quod a te probata sunt, multo mi 41arTTrLKrepa videntur. In illam orationem 42Metelli- 30 nam addidi quaedam. Liber tibi mittetur, quoniam te amor nostri 430LXop iropa reddidit. 6. Novi tibi quidnam'scribam? 45quid? Etiam. Messala consul Autronianam domum emit 46HS. CXXXIV. Quid id ad me, inquies? Tantum, quod ea emptione et nos bene emisse judicati sumus et homi-35 EPIST. III. d Dist. bet. primus and princeps. V. Ec. Cic. XXIII. n. 1. 286 EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. nes intelligere coeperunt, licere amicorum facultatibus in emendo ad dignitatem aliquam pervenire. 47Teucris illa lenturn negotium est, sed tamen est in spe. Tu ista confice. A nobis liberiorem epistolam exspecta. 5 VI. Kalend. Febr. MI. Mlessala, I. Pisone coss. EPISTOLA IV.* (Scr. Romae A. U. C. 694.). A. U. C. 694. Ante C. N. 60. Anni Cic. 47. Coss. Q. CAECILIUS METELLUS CELER, L. AFRANII Initio anni Cicero effecit, ne Q. fratri in Asia succederetur. P. Clodius Ciceronis ulciscendi causa tribunatus cupidus transitionem ad plebem molitur. Cicero commentarium consulatus sui scribit; de eodem librum Graece scriptum edit; denique poema de consulatu tribus libris conscribit. Item Arati prognostica versibus Latinis interpretatur. Hoc anno ad finem vergente Pompeius cum C. Julio Caesare et M. Licinio Crasso coitionem facit. CICERO ATTICO S. 1. Nihil mihi nunc scito tam deesse quam lhominem eum, quocum omnia, quae me cura aliqua afficiunt, una communicem, qui me amet, qui sapiat, quicum ego etiam loquar, nihil fingam, nihil dissimulem, nihil obtegam. Abesta enim frater 10 2a(OreXararor et amantissimus; Metellus anon homo, sed litus atque aeSr et solitudo mera; tu autem, qui saepissime curam et angorem animi mei sermone et consilio levasti tuo, qui mihi et in publica re socius et in privatis omnibus 4conscius et omnium meorum sermonum et consiliorum particeps esse soles, ubi15 nam es? Ita sum ab omnibus destitutus, ut ~tantum requietis habeam, quantum cum 6uxore et filiola et mellito Cicerone consumitur. Nam illae 7ambitiosae nostrae fucosaeque amicitiae Att. I. 18. EPIST. IV. Where was Quntus? ATTIC O. 287 8sunt in quodam splendore forensi; fructum domesticum non habent. Itaque, quum bene l~completa domus est tempore matutino, quum ad forum stipati gregibus amicorum descendimus, reperire ex magna turba neminem possumus, quocum autjocari libere aut suspirare familiariter possimus. Quare te exspecta- 5 mus, te desideramus, te jam etiam arcessimus; multa sunt enim, quae me sollicitant anguntque, quae mihi videor, aures nactus tuas, unius ambulationis sermone exhaurire posse. 2. Ac domesticarum quidem sollicitudinum aculeos omnes et scrupulos occultabo, neque ego huic epistolae atque ignoto tabellariolo committam. Atque hi (nolo enim te permoveri) non sunt permolesti, sed tamen insident et urgent et nullius amantis consilio aut sermone requiescunt. In re publica vero, "quamquam animus est praesens, tamen voluntas etiam atque etiam ipsa medicinam refugit. Nam, ut ea breviter, quae post tuum 15 discessum acta sunt, colligam, jam'2exclames necesse est res Romanas diutius stare non posse. Etenim, post profectionem tuam, 13primus, ut opinor, introitus fuit in causam fabulae Clodianae; in qua ego nactus, ut mihi videbar, 14locum 15resecandae libidinis et coercendae juventutis, vehemens fui et20 omnes profudi vires animi atque ingenii mei, non odio adductus alicujus, sed spe rei publicae lcorrigendaeb et sanandae civitatis. 3. Afflicta res publica est 7empto constupratoque judicio. Vide, quae sint postea consecuta. 8Consul est impositus is nobis, quem nemo praeter nos philosophos adspicere 25 sine suspiritu possit. Quantum hoc vulnus? Facto senatus consulto de ambitu, de judiciis, nulla lex perlata, exagitatus senatus,'9alienati equites Romani. Sic ille annus duq firmamenta rei publicae, per me unum constituta, evertit; nam et senatus auctoritatem abjecit et ordinum concordiam disjunxit. 30 * * * * * * 4. Est autem C. Herennius quidam tribunus pl., quem tu fortasse ne nosti quidem; tametsi potes nosse; tribulis enim tuus est, et Sextus, pater ejus, 20nummos vobis dividere solebat: is 2lad plebem P. Clodium traducit; idemque 22fert, ut universus populus in campo Martio suffragium85 EPIST. IV. b Dist. bet. corrigo and emendo. V. n. 16. 13 s 2V88 EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. 23de re Clodii ferat. Hunc ego 24accepi in senatu, ut soleo; sed nihil est illo homine lentius. 5. Metellus est consul egregius et nos amat, sed imminuit auctoritatem suam, quod habet dicis causa Upromulgatum illud idem de Clodio. 26Auli 5 autem filius, O dii immortales! quam ignavus ac 2sine animo miles! 28quam dignus, qui Palicano, sicut facit, os ad male audiendum quotidie praebeat! 6.'Agraria autem promulgata est a Flavio, sane levis, eadem fere, quae fuit Plotia..Sed interea 3-oXLrcLKo, dvrvp ov8' ovap quisquam SO inveniri potest. Qui poterat, familiaris noster, (sic est enim: volo te'hoc scire,) Pompeius, 3ltogulam illam pictam silentio tuetur suam. Crassus verbum nullum 32contra gratiam. Ceteros jam nosti; qui ita sunt stulti, ut amissa re publica 3piscinas suas fore salvas sperare videantur. 7. Unus est, 15 qui 34curet constantia magis et integritate, quam, ut mihi videtur, consilio aut ingenio, Cato; qui miseros publicanos, quos habuit amantissimos sui, tertium jam mensem vexat, neque iis a senatu 5responsum dari patitur. Ita nos cogimur reliquis de rebus nihil decernere ante, quam publicanis responsum sit. 20 Quare etiam f3legationes rejectum iri puto. 8. Nunc vides, quibus fluctibus jactemur; et, si ex iis, quae scripsimus, 37tanta etiam a me non scripta perspicis, revise nos aliquando; et quamquam 8sunt baec fugienda, quo te voco, tamen fac, ut amorem nostrum tAnti aestimes, ut eo vel cum his molestiis 25 perfrui velis. Nar, 89ne absens censeare, curabo edicendum et proponendum locis omnibus. 4Sub lustrum autem censeri 4germani negotiatoris est. Quare cura, ut te quam primum videamus. Vale. XI. Ka) Febr. Q. Metello, L. Astaiio oos4 ATTICO. 289 EPISTOLA V.* (Scr. Romae exeunte Quintili A. U. C. 695.) A. U. C. 695. Ante C. N. 59. Anni Cic. 48. Coss. C. JULIUS CAESAR, M. CALPURNIUS BIBULUS. Cicero legationem sibi a Caesare oblatam aspernatur, idemque locum in XX. Viris agro Campano dividundo recusat. Quod Caesar aegre ferens Clodium, qui se P. Fonteio plebeio homini in adoptionem dederat, ad plebem traducit. H~ oc anno C. Antonins, post reditum e provincia accusatus, a Cicerone defenditur. Condemnatus tamen exsul abit in Cephaleniam. Postea Cicero Aulum Thermum bis defendit, effecitque, ut absolveretur. Dekide orationem habuit pro L. VALERIO FLACCO a D. Laelio repetundarum accusato, eumque de manifestissimis criminibus joci opportunitate exemit. Caesari consuli, rogatione P. Vatinii trib. pl., invito senatu, Gallia citerior cum Illyrico et tribus legionibus in quinquenium decernitur, quo facto senatus ei Galliam ulteriorem cum alia legione addit. P. Clodius comitiis tribunitiis trib. pl. designatur eumque tribunatum adit mense Decembri. CICERO ATTICO S. 1. De re publica quid ego tibi'subtiliter? Tota periit, atque hoc est miserior, quam reliquisti, quod tum videbatur ejusmodi dominatio civitatem oppressisse, quae jucunda esset multitudini, 2bonis autem ita molesta, ut tamen sine 3perniciea; nune repente tanto in odio est omnibus, ut, 4quorsus eruptura 5 sit, horreamus. Nam iracundiam atque intemperantiam illorum sumus experti, qui 5Catoni irati omnia perdiderunt. Sed ita lenibus uti videbantur venenis, ut posse videremur sine dolore interire. Nunc vero sibilis vulgi, sermonibus honestorum, fremitu Italiae vereor ne exarserint. 2. Equidem spe-10 rabam, ut saepe etiam loqui tecum solebam, sic 6orbem rei publicae esse conversum, ut vix sonitum audire, vix impressam orbitam videre possemus; et fuisset ita, si homines transitum rtempestatisb exspectare potuissent: sed quum diu occulte * Att. II. 21. EPIST. V. Dist. bet. lues, contagium, pestilentia, pestis, exitium,,ernicis, interitus, and exitus. V. n. 3. 290 EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. suspirassent, postea jam gemere, ad extremmm vero loqui omnes et clamare coeperunt. 3. Itaque ille 8amicus noster, insolens infamiae, semper 9in laude versatus, circumfluens gloria, ~0deformatus corpore, fractus animo, quo se conferat 5 nescit: lprogressum praecipitem, inconstantem'2reditum videt: bonos inimicos habet, improbos ipsos non amicos. Ac vide mollitiem S animi. Non tenui lacrimas, quum illum a. d. VIII. Kal. Sext. vidi de edictis Bibuli contionantem. Qui antea solitus esset jactare se magnificentissime illo in loco, summo o0 cum amore populi, cunctis faventibus, ut ille turn humilis, ut demissus erat, ut ipse etiam sibi, non iis solum, qui aderant, displicebat! 4. O spectaculum uni 14Crasso jucundum, ceteris non item! nam, 15quia deciderat ex astris, lapsus quam progressus potius videbatur; et, ut Apelles, si'6Venerem, aut 15 si Protogenes Ialysum illum suum coeno oblitum videret, magnum, credo, acciperet dolorem, sic ego hunc omnibus a me pictum et politum artis coloribus subito deformatum non sine magno dolore vidi. Quamquam nemo putabat, propter Clodianum negotium, me illi amicum esse debere; tamen tantus 20 fuit amor, ut exhauriri nulla posset injuria. Itaque'Archilochia in illum edicta Bibuli populo ita sunt jucunda, ut eum locum, ubi proponuntur, prae multitudine eorum, qui legunt. transire nequeam: ipsi ita acerba, ut tabescat dolore: mihi mehercule molesta, quod et eum, quem semper dilexi, nimis excru25 ciant, et timeo, tam vehemens vir tamque acer in ferro et tam insuetus contumeliae, ne omni animi impetu dolori et iracundiae pareat. 5. Bibuli qui sit exitus futurus, nescio. Ut nunc res se habet, admirabili gloria est. Quin quum comitia in mensem Octobrem distulisset, quod solet ea res populi volun30tatem offendere, putarat Caesar oratione sua posse impelli contionem, ut iret "8ad Bibulum: multa quum seditiosissime diceret, vocem exprimere non potuit. Quid quaeris?'9Sentiunt se nullam ullius partis voluntatem tenere; eo magis vis nobis est timenda. 6. Clodius inimicus est nobis. Pompeius 35 confirmat "eum nihil esse facturum contra me. Mihi periculosum est credere: ad resistendum me paro. Studia spero EPIST. V. b Dist. bet. ventus, procella, tempestas, vortex, and turbo. V. n. 7. -ATTICO. 291 me summa habiturum omnium ordinum. Te 2lquum ego desidero, tur vero res ad tempus illud vocat. Plurimum consilii, animi, praesidii denique mihi, si te ad tempus videro, accesserit. Varro mihi satisfacit: Pompeius loquitur divinitus. Spero nos aut certe cum summa gloria aut sine molestia s etiam discessuros. Tu, quid agas, quemadmodum te oblectes, quid'cum Sicyoniis egeris, ut sciam, cura. EPISTOLA VI.* (Scr. Brundisii prid. Kal. Maii A. U. C. 696.) A. U. C. 696. Ante C. N. 58. Anni Cic. 49. Coss. L. CALPURNIUS PISO CAESONINUS, A. GABINIUS. Clodius trib. pl. leges tulit 1. ut frumentum populo gratis daretur; 2. ne quis per eos dies, quibus cum populo agi liceret, de coelo servaret; 3. de collegiis restituendis novisque instituendis; 4. ne quem censores in senatu legendo praeterirent, neve qua ignominia afficerent, nisi qui apud eos accusatus, et utriusque ccnsoris sententia damnatus esset. Praeterea legem tulit, ut, qui civem Romanum indemnatum interemisset, ei aqua et igni interdiceretur. Quo facto, Cicero vestem mutat, et sordidatus populo supplicat. Multi senatores et XX millia hominum aliorum, imprimis equites fere omnes, vestitum mutant. Cicero mense Martio extremo urbe cedit. Post ejus discessum Clodius de ejus exsilio ad populum fert, edictumque proponit, ut illi aqua et igni interdiceretur, et ne intra quadringenta millia passuum ei liceret esse. Deinde Ciceronis domum in Palatio, item villam Tusculanam et Formianam incendit, bona diripit. Cicero Vibonem, Thurium, Tarentum, Brnndisium, petit, et X. Kal. Jun. Thessalonicam venit. Inde quum ei spes reditus facta esset, Dyrrhachium redit circa VI. Kal. Dec. Q. frater ante Kal. Maias Asia provincia decessit, quam per triennium obtinuerat. Cicerone expulso, Clodius legem tulit de Ptolemaeo, rege Cypri, utbona ejus publicarentur, et regnum in provinciae formam redigeretur; quod negotium M. Catoni mandatum est. TULLIUS TERENTIAE, ET TULLIOLAE, ET CICERONI SuIs'S. P. D. 1. Ego minus saepe do ad vos litteras, quam possum, propterea quod quum omnia mihi tempora sunt misera, tum vero, * Ad Fam. XIV. 4. 292 EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. quum aut scribo ad vos, aut vestras lego, conficior lacrimis sic, ut ferre non possim. 2Quod utinam minus vitae cupidi 3fuissemus! certe nihil aut non multum in vita mali 4vidissemus. Qiudsi nos ad aliquam alicujus commodi aliquando 5 reciperandi spem fortuna reservavit, minus est erratum a nobis; sin haec mala fixa sunt, ego vero te quam primum, mea vita, cupio videre et in tuo complexu emori, quoniam neque dii, quos tu castissime coluisti, neque homines, quibus ego semper servivi, nobis gratiam retulerunt. 2. Nos Brundisii 10apud M. Laenium Flaccum dies XIII. fuimus, virum optimum, qui periculum fortunarum et capitis sui prae mea salute neglexit, neque'legis improbissimae poena deductus est, quo minus hospitii et amicitiae jus officiumque praestaret. Huic utinam aliquando gratiam referrea possimus! habebi15 musa quidem semper. 3. 6Brundisio profecti sumus prid. Kalendas Maias: per Macedoniam Cyzicum petebamus. 0 me perditum! O afflictum! quid nunc rogem te, ut venias, mulierem aegram, et corpore et animo confectam? Non rogem? Sine te igitur sim? Opinor, sic agam: si est spes 20nostri reditus, ear confirmes et rem adjuves; sin, ut ego metuo, 7transactum est, quoquo modo potes ad me fac venias. Unum hoc scito: si te habebo, non mihi videbor 8planeb perisse. Sed quid 9Tulliola mea fiet? Jam id vos videte; mihi deest consilium. Sed certe, quoquo modo se res habe25 bit, illius misellae et 0~matrimonio et famae serviendum est. Quid? Cicero meus quid aget? Iste vero sit in sinu semper et complexu meo. Non queo plura jam scribere: impedit maeror. Tu quid egeris, nescio: utrum aliquid teneas, an, quod metuo, plane sis spoliata. 4. 1Pisonem, ut scribis, 30 spero fore semper nostrum. 12De familia liberata, nihil est, quod te moveat. Primum, tuis ita promissum est, te facturam esse, ut quisque esset meritus. Est autem in officio adhuc Orpheus; praeterea magno opere 13nemo. Ceterorum servorum ea causa est, ut, 14si res a nobis abisset, liberti EPIST. VI. Dist. bet. Gratias agere, habere, referre. V. Caes. I. 35, n. 3. - b Dist. bet. plane, omnino, prorsus, penitus, and utique. V. n. 8. TERENTIAE ET TULLIOLAE ET CICERONI. 293 nostri essent, 15si obtinere potuissent; sin ad nos'6pertineret, servirent, praeterquam oppido pauci. Sed haec minora sunt. 5. Tu "quod me hortaris, ut animo sis magno et spem habeam reciperandae salutis, id lSvelimn sit ejusmodi, ut recte sperare possimus. Nunc, miser quando tuas jam litteras acci- 5 piam? quis ad me perferet? quas ego exspectassem Brundisii, si esset licitum per nautas, qui tempestatem praetermittere noluerunt. Quod reliquum est, sustenta te, mea Terentia, ut potes, honestissime. Viximus; floruimus; non vitium nostrum sed virtus nostra nos afflixit. Peccatum est nullum, nisi 10 quod non una animam cum ornamentis amisimus. Sed si hoc fuit liberis nostris gratius, nos vivere, cetera, quamquam ferenda non sunt, feramus. Atque ego, qui te confirmo, ipse me non possum. 6. Clodium Philhetaerum, quod valetudine oculorum impediebatur, hominem fidelem, remisi. Salustius 15 officio vincit omnes. Pescennius est. perbenevolus nobis; quem semper spero tui fore observantem. Sicca dixerat se mecum fore, sed Brundisio discessit. Cura, quoad potes, ut valeas, et sic existimes, me vehementius tua miseria quam mea commoveri. Mea Terentia, fidissima atque optima 20 uxor, et mea carissima filiola, et spes reliqua nostra, Cicero, valete. Pridie Kalendas Maias, Brundisio. EPISTOLA VII.* (Data Thessalonicae a. d. III. Non. Octobr. A. U. C. 696.) M. TULLIUS S. D. TERENTIAE ET TULLIOLAE ET CICERONI SUIS. 1. Noli putare me ad quemquam longiores epistolas scribere, nisi si quis ad me plura scripsit, cui puto rescribi oportere. 25 Nec enim habeo, quid scribam, nec hoc tempore quidquam difficilius facio. Ad te vero et ad nostram Tulliolam non queo Ad Fam. XIV. 2. 294 EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. sine plurimis lacrimis scribere. Vos enim video.esse miserrimas, quas ego beatissimas semper esse volui idque praestare debui et, nisi tam timidi fuissemus, praestitissem. 2. Pisonem nostrum merito ejus amo plurimum. Eum, ut potui, per 5 litteras cohortatus sum gratiasque egi, ut debui. In novis tribunis pl. intelligo spem te habere. Id erit firmum, si Pompeii voluntas erit; sed Crassum tamen metuo. A te quidem omnia fieri fortissime et amantissime video, nec miror; sed maereo casum ejusmodi, ut tantis tuis miseriis meae miseriae subleven1 tur. Nam ad me P. Valerius, homo officiosus, scripsit, id quod ego maximo cum fletu legi, quemadmodum la Vestae 2ad tabulam Valeriam ducta esses. Hem, mea lux, meum desiderium, unde omnes opem petere solebant! 3te nunc, mea Terentia, sic vexari, sic jacere in lacrimis et sordibus! idque fieri mea 1 culpa, qui ceteros servavi, ut nos periremus! 3. Quod de domo scribis, hoc est, 4de area: ego vero turn denique mihi videbor restitutus, si illa nobis erit restituta. Verum haec non sunt in nostra manu. Illud doleo, 5quae impensa facienda est, in ejus partem te miseram et despoliatam venire. Quod 20si conficitur negotium, omnia consequemur; sin eadem nos fortuna premet, etiamne reliquias tuas misera projicies? Obsecro te, mea vita, quod ad sumptum attinet, sine alios, qui possunt, si modo volunt, sustinere, et valetudinem istam infirmam, si me amas, noli vexare. Nam mihi ante oculos dies 25 noctesque versaris: omnes labores te excipere video; timeo, ut sustineas. Sed video in te esse omnia. Quare, ut id, quod speras et quod agis, consequamur, servi valetudini. 4. Ego, ad qu4os scribam, nescio, nisi ad eos, qui ad me scribunt, aut ad eos, de quibus ad me vos aliquid scribitis. Longius, quo30 niam ita vobis placet, non discedam; sed velim quam saepissime litteras mittatis, praesertim, si quid est firmius, quod speremus. Valete, mea desideria, valete. D. a. d. III. Nonas Oetobres. Thessalonica. TERENTIAE SUAE ET TULLIAE ET CICERONI. 295 EPISTOLA VIII.* (Data Dyrrhachii prid. Kal. Dec. A. U. C. 696.) M. TULLIUS S. D. TERENTIAE SUAE ET TULLIAE ET CICERONI. 1. Accepi ab Aristocrito tris epistolas, quas ego lacrimis propea delevi. Conficior enim maerore, mea Terentia, nee meae me miseriae magis excruciant quam tuae vestraeque. Ego autem hoc miserior sum quam tu, quae es miserrima, quod ipsa calamitas communis est utriusque nostrum, sed cul- 5 pa mea propria est. Meum fuit offcium, vel Ilegatione vitare periculum, vel diligentia et copiis resistere, vel cadere fortiter. 2Hoc. miserius, turpius, indignius nobis nihil fuit. 2. Quare quum dolore conficior, tur etiam pudore. Pudet enim me uxori meae optimae, suavissimis liberis virtutem et diligentiam 10 non praestitisse. Nam mi ante oculos dies noctesque versatur squalor vester et maeror et infirmitas valetudinis tuae; spes autem salutis pertenuis ostenditur. Inimici sunt multi, invidi paenea omnes. Ejicere nos magnum fuit, excludere facile est. Sed tamen quamdiu vos eritis. in spe, non deficiam, ne omnia 15 mea culpa cecidisse videantur. 3. Ut tuto sim, quod laboras, id mihi nunc facillimum est, quem etiam inimici volunt vivere in his tantis 3miseriis.b Ego tamen faciam, quae praecipis. Amicis, quibus voluisti, egi gratias, et eas litteras Dexippo dedi, meque de eorum officio scripsi a te certiorem esse factum. 20 Pisonem nostrum mirifico esse 4studio in nos et officio et ego perspicio et omnes praedicant. 5Dii faxint, ut tali genero mihi praesenti tecum simul et cum liberis nostris frui liceat! Nune spes reliqua est in novis tribunis pl. et in primis quidem diebus; nam 6si inveterarit, actum est. 4. 7Ea re ad te statimc 25 Aristocritum misi, ut ad me continuo initia rerum et rationem * Ad Fam. XIV. 3. EPIST. VIII. a Dist. bet. paene, prope, fere, andferme. V. Caes. I. 1, n. 15. —bDist. bet. infortunium, calamitas, infelicitas, and miseria. V. n. 3. -~ Dist. bet. repente, subito, &c. V. Caes. II. 11, n. 3. 13* 296 EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. totius negotii posses scribere; etsi Dexippo quoque ita impe. ravi, statim huc ut recurreret, et ad fratrem misi, ut crebro tabellarios mitteret. Nam ego eo nomine sum Dyrrhachii hoc tempore, ut quam celerrime, quid agatur, audiam, et sum 5 tuto; civitas enim haec semper a me defensa est. Quum 8inimici nostri venire dicentur, tur in Epirum ibo. 5. Quod scribis te, si velim, ad me venturam: ego vero, quum sciam magnam partem istius oneris abs te sustineri, te istic esse volo. Si perficitis quod agitis, me ad vos venire oportet; sin 10 autem- sed nihil opus est reliqua scribere. Ex primis aut 9summum secundis litteris tuis constituere poterimus, quid nobis faciendum sit. Tu modo ad me l~velim omnia diligen. tissilne perscribas; etsi magis jam "rem quam litteras debeo exspectare. Cura, ut valeas et ita tibi persuadeas, mihi te 15 carius nihil esse nec unquam fuisse. Vale, mea Terentia, quam ego videre videor, itaque debilitor lacrimis. Vale. Pridie Kalendas Decembres. EPISTOLA IX.* (Scr. post initium anni A. U. C. 697.) A. U. C. 697. Ante C. N. 57. Anni Cic. 50. COSS. P. CORNELIUS LENTULUS SPINTHER, Q. CAECILIUS METELLUS NEPOS. Kalendis Januariis Lentulus Spinther cos. de revocando Cic. in senatu agere coepit, adjuvantibus fere omnibus tribunis plebis, in primis P. Sextio et T. Annio Milone. His studiis effectum est,ut primum S. Ctum fieret de ejus salute, deinde lex de eo revocando ad populum lata prid. Non. Sextil. omnium centuriarum consensu perlata est. Eodem die Cic. Dyrrhachio profectus Nonis Sextil. Tulliae natali Brundisium venit. Inde per Italiam omnium municipiorum, praefecturarum, coloniarum summa gratulatione et plausu exceptus Romam venit prid. Non. Sept. Postridie senatui, deinde populo, concione a consulibus data gratias egit. Prid. Kal. Oct. Cic. apud pontifices pro domo dicit. Domus in Palatio, Tusculana et Formiana villa, pecunia publica, aestimatione facta, aedificanda locatur. * Ad Fam. V. 4. Q. METELLO COS. 297 M. CICERO S. D. Q. METELLO Cos. 1. Litterae Quinti fratris et T. Pomponii, necessarii mei, tantum spei dederant, ut in te non minus auxilii quam in tuo collega. mihi constitutum fuerit. Itaque ad te litteras statim misi, per quas, ut fortuna postulabat, et gratias tibi egi et de reliquo tempore auxilium petii. Postea mihi non tam meorum 5 litterae quam sermones eorum, qui hac iter faciebant, animum tuum immutatum significabant: quae res fecit, ut tibi litteris obstrepere non auderem. 2. Nunc mihi Quintus frater meus mitissimam tuam orationem, quam in senatu habuisses, perscripsit; qua inductus ad te scribere sum conatus, et abs te, 10 quantum'tua fert voluntas, peto quaesoque, ut tuos mecum serves potius quam propter arrogantem crudelitatem 2tuorum me oppugnes. Tu, tuas inimicitias ut rei publicae donares, te vicisti: alienas ut contra rem publicam confirmes, adduceris? Quodsi mihi tua cementia opem tuleris, omnibus in 15 rebus me fore 3in tua potestate tibi confirmo; sin mihi neque magistratum neque senatum neque populum auxiliari propter ear vim, quae me cum re publica vicit, licuerit, vide, ne, quum velis revocare tempus omnium reservandorum, quum, 4qui servetur, non erit, non possis. Vale. 20 EPISTOLA X.* (Scr. Romae A. U. C. 697.) CICERO ATTICO S. 1. Quum primum Romam veni, fuitque, cui recte ad te litteras darem, nihil prius faciendum mihi putavi, quam ut tibi absenti de reditu nostro gratularer. Cognoram enim, ut vere scribam,'te in consiliis mihi dandis 2nec fortiorem nec prudentiorem quam me ipsum, nec etiam, pro praeterita mea in te 25 observantia, nimium in custodia salutis meae diligentem; 3eun* Ad Att. IV. 1. 298 EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. demque te, qui primis temporibus 4erroris nostri aut potius furoris particeps et falsi timoris socius fuisses, acerbissime discidium nostrum tulisse, plurimumque operae, studii, diligentiae, laboris ad conficiendum reditum meum contulisse. 2. 5 Itaque hoc tibi vere affirmo, in maxima laetitia et exoptatissima gratulatione unum ad cumulandum 5gaudiuma conspectum aut potius complexum mihi tuum defuisse, quem semel nactus nunquam dimisero; ac, nisi etiam praetermissos fructus tuae suavitatis praeteriti temporis omnes 6exegero, profecto 10 lha restitutione fortunae me ipse non satis dignum judicabo. 3. Nos adhuc in nostro statu, quod difficillime recuperari posse arbitrati sumus, splendorem nostrum illum forensem et in senatu auctoritatem et apud viros bonos gratiam magis, quam optaramus consecuti sumus. In re autem familiari, quae 15 quemadmodum fracta, dissipata, direpta sit, non ignoras, valde laboramus, tuarumque non tam 7facultatum, quas ego nostras esse judico, quam consiliorum ad colligendas et constituendas reliquias nostras indigemus. 4. Nunc, etsi omnia aut scripta esse a tuis arbitror aut etiam nuntiis ac rumore perlata, tamen 20 ea scribam brevi, quae te puto potissimum ex meis litteris velle cognoscere. Pridie Nonas Sext. Dyrrhachio sum profectus, ipso illo die, quo lex est lata de nobis. Brundisium veni Nonis Sext. Ibi mihi Tulliola mea fuit praesto natali suo ipso die, qui casu idem natalis erat et Brundisinae coloniae 25 et tuae vicinae sSalutis; quae res animadversa a multitudine summa Brundisinorum gratulatione celebrata est. Ante diem VI. Id. Sext. cognovi, quum Brundisii essem, litteris Quinti fratris, mirifico studio omnium aetatum atque ordinum, incredibili concursu Italiae legem comitiis centuriatis esse perlatam. 30 Inde a Brundisinis honestissimis ornatus, iter ita feci, ut undique ad me cum gratulatione legati convenerint. 5. Ad urbem ita veni, ut nemo ullius ordinis homo 9nomenclatori notus fuerit, qui mihi obviam non venerit, praeter eos inimicos, l'quibus id ipsum non liceret aut dissimulare aut negare. Quum EPIST. X.' Dist. bet. Gaudeo, laetor, and hilaris sum; laetus, hilaris, and alacer; laetitia, hilaritas, and alacritas; Gaudeo and laetor, and exsulto and and gestio; jucundus and laetus. V. n. 5. ATTICO. 299 venissem ad portam Capenam, gradus templorum ab infima plebe completi erant; a qua plausu maximo quum esset mihi gratulatio significata, similis et frequentia et plausus me usque ad Capitolium celebravit; in foroque et in ipso Capitolio miranda multitudo fuit. Postridie in senatu, qui fuit dies Non. 5 Septembr., senatui gratias egimus. 6. 1 Eo biduo quum esset annonae summa caritas, et homines ad theatrum primo, deinde ad senatum concurrissent, impulsu Clodii, mea opera frumenti inopiam esse clamarent; quum per eos dies senatus de annona haberetur, et 12ad ejus procurationem sermone non solum 1o plebis, verum etiam bonorum Pompeius vocaretur, idque ip.e cuperet, multitudoque a me nominatim,'3ut id decernerem, postularet; feci et accurate sententiam dixi, quum abessent consulares, quod tuto se negarent posse sententiam dicere, praeter Messalam et Afranium. Factum est senatus consul- 15 tur in meam sententiam, ut cum Pompeio 14ageretur, ut eam rem susciperet, lexque ferretur; quo senatus consulto recitato, quum continuo more hoc insulso et novo, plausum j5meo nomine recitando dedisset,'Ghabui contionem: omnes magistratus praesentes praeter unum praetorem et duos tribunos pl. 20 "dederunt. 7. Postridie senatus frequens et omnes consulares nihil Pompeio postulanti negarunt. Ille legatos quindecim quum postularet, me principem nominaxit et'8ad omnia me alterum se fore dixit. Legem consules conscripserunt, qua Pompeio per quinquennium omnis potestas rei frumentariae 25 toto orbe terrarum daretur; alteram Messius, qui omnis pecuniae dat potestatem et adjungit classem et exercitum et majus imperium in provinciis, quam sit eorum, qui eas obtineant. Ilia nostra lex consularis nunc modesta videtur, haec Messii non ferenda. Pompeius illam velle se dicit, familiares 30 hanc. Consulares, duce Favonio, fremunt; nos tacemus, et eo magis, quod de domo nostra nihil adhuc pontifices responderunt. Qui si sustulerint "religionem, aream praeclaram habebimus; 20superficiem consules ex senatus consulto aestimabunt; sin aliter, "demolientur, suo nomine 22locabunt, rem 35 totam aestimabunt. 8. Ita sunt res nostrae: 23ut in secundis, fluxae; ut in adversis, bonae. In re familiari valde sumus, 300 EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. ut scis, perturbati. Praeterea sunt quaedam domestica, quae litteris non committo. Quintum fratrem, insigni pietate, virtute, fide praeditum, sic amo, ut debeo. Te exspecto, et oro, ut matures venire, eoque animo venias, ut me tuo consilio 5 egere non sinas. Alterius vitae quoddam initium ordimur. Jam quidam, qui nos absentes defenderunt, incipiunt praesentibus occulte irasci, aperte invidere. Vehementer te requirimus. EPISTOLA XI.* (Scr. Romae a. d. XVI. Kal. Febr. A. U. C. 698.) A. U. C. 698. Ante C. N. 56. Anni Cic. 51. Coss. CN. CORNELIUS LENTULUS MARCELLINUS, L. MARCIUS PHILIPPUS. Initio anni Cic. in senatu agit, ut P. Lentulo Ciliciae procos. negotium daretur Ptolemaei regis in regnum reducendi. P. Sextius, Bestia, et alii a Cicerone defenduntur. C. Julius Caesar, exercitu in hibernis collocato, discedens in Italiam Lucae hiemat. Eo Pompeium et Crassum vocat, cum iisque paciscitur, ut ambo consulatum alterum petant, et hac ratione L. Domitium consulatu detrudant, qui minatus erat, se, si consul factus esset, Caesari exercitus adempturum. M. CICERO S. D. P. 1LENTULO PROCOS. 1. Idibus Januariis in senatu nihil est confectum, propterea 10 quod dies magna ex parte consumptus est 2altercationea Lentuli consulis et Caninii tribuni pl. Eo die nos quoque multa verba fecimus maximeque visi sumus senatum commemoratione tuae voluntatis erga ilium ordinem permovere. Itaque postridie 3placuit, ut breviter sententias diceremus. Videba15 tur enim reconciliata nobis voluntas esse senatus; quod quum dicendo, turn singulis appellandis rogandisque perspexeram. * Ad Fam. I. 2. EPIST. XI. aDist. bet. disceptatio, litigatio, controversia, contentio, altercatio, jurgium and rixae. V. n. 2. LENTULO PROCOS. 301 Itaque quum sententia prima Bibuli pronunciata esset, ut tres legati 4regem reducerent; secunda Hortensii, ut tu sine exercitu reduceres; tertiaVolcatii, ut Pompeius reduceret: postulatum est, ut Bibuli 5sententia divideretur. Quatenus de 6religione dicebat, cui rei jam obsisti non poterat, Bibulo as- 5 sensum est; de tribus legatis 7frequentes ierunt in alia omnia. 2. Proxima erat Hortensii sententia, quum Lupus, tribunus pl., quod ipse de Pompeio 8rettulisset, 9intendere coepit, ante se oportere discessionem facere quam consules. Ejus orationi vehementer ab omnibus reclamatum est; erat enim et iniqua 10 et nova. Consules neque concedebant neque valde repugnabant, diem consumi volebant; id quod est factum. Perspiciebant enim in Hortensii sententiam l1multis partibus plures ituros, quamquam aperte Volcatio assentirentur. Multi "rogabantur, atque id ipsum consulibus invitis; nam ii Bibuli 15 sententiam valere cupierunt. 3. Hac controversia usque ad noctem ducta, senatus dimissus; et ego eo die casu apud Pompeium coenavi nactusque tempus hoc magis idoneum quam unquam antea, quod post tuum discessum is dies honestissimus nobis fuerat in senatu, ita sum cum illo locutus, ut20 mihi viderer animum hominis ab omni alia cogitatione ad tuam dignitatem tuendam traducere. Quem ego ipsum quum audio, prorsus eum libero omni suspicione 12cupiditatis; quum autem ejus familiares omnium ordinum video, perspicio, id quod jam omnibus est apertum, totam rem istam jam pridem 25 a certis hominibus, non invito rege ipso consiliariisque ejus, esse corruptam. 4. Haec scripsi a. d. XVI. Kal. Febr. ante lucem. Eo die senatus erat futurus. Nos in senatu, quemadmodum spero, dignitatem nostram, ut potest in tanta hominum perfidia et iniquitate, retinebimus. 3Quod ad popula-30 rem rationem attinet, hoc videmur esse consecuti, ut ne quid agi cum populo aut salvis auspiciis aut salvis legibus aut denique sine vi possit. De his rebus pridie, quam haec scripsi, 14senatus auctoritas gravissima intercessit; cui quum Cato et Caninius intercessissent, tamen est perscripta. Eam ad te35 missam esse arbitror. De ceteris rebus, quidquid erit actum, scribam ad te, et, ut quam rectissime agatur, omni mea cura, opera, diligentia, gratia providebo. 302 EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. EPISTOLA XII.* (Scr. Romae A. U. C. 698.) M. CICERO S. D. P. LENTULO PROCOS. 1. A. Trebonio, qui in tua provincia magna negotia et ampla et expedita habet, multos annos utor valde familiariter. Is quum antea semper et suo splendore et nostra ceterorumque amicorum commendatione gratiosissimus in provincia 5 fuit, turn hoc tempore propter tuum in me amorem nostramque necessitudinem vehementer confidit his meis litteris se apud te gratiosum fore. 2. Quae ne spes eum fallat, vehementer rogo te commendoque tibi ejus omnia negotia, libertos, procuratores, familiam, in primisque ut, quae 1T. Ampius de 10 ejus re decrevit, ea comprobes omnibusque rebus eum ita tractes, ut intelligat meam commendationem non vulgarem fuisse. EPISTOLA XIII.t (Scr. Romae A. U. C. 699.) A. U. C. 699. Ante C. N. 55. Anni Cic. 52. Coss. CN. POMPEIUS MAGNUS II. M. LICINIUS CRASSUS II. Consules ex interregno magistratum ineunt. Provinciae iis in quinquennium decernuntur, Pompeio Hispaniae cum Africa, Crasso Syria, Galliae Caesari in alterum quinquennium prorogantur. Pompeius provincias suas per legatos Afranium et Petreium administrari jubet, ipse in Italia manet. M. Crassus ad bellum Parthis inferendum antequam paludatus in provinciam exiret, apud Ciceronem in Crassipedis generi hortis coenat. Hoc anno Cicero orationem habuit in Pisonem, scripsitque libros tres de Oratore. M. CICERO S. D. M. MARIO. 1. Si te dolor aliqui corporis aut infirmitas valetudinis tuae tenuit, quo minus lad ludos venires, fortunae magis tribuo * Ad Fam. I. 3. t Ad Fam. VII. 1. M, MARIO. 303 quam sapientiae tuae; sin haec, quae ceteri mirantur, contemnenda duxisti, et, quum per valetudinem posses, venire tamen noluisti, 2utrumque laetor, et sine dolore corporis te fuisse et animo valuisse, quum ea, quae sine causa mirantur alii, neglexeris; 3modo ut tibi constiterit fructus otii tui, quo quidem 5 tibi perfrui mirifice licuit, quum esses in ista amoenitate paene solus relictus. Neque tamen dubito, quin tu ex illo cubiculo tuo, ex quo tibi 5Stabianum perforasti et patefecisti Misenum, per eos dies matutina tempora lectiunculis consumpseris, quum 6illi interea, qui te istic reliquerunt, spectarent communes mi- o1 mos semisomni. Reliquas vero partes diei tu consumebas iis delectationibus, quas tibi ipse ad arbitrium tuum compararas; nobis autem erant ea perpetienda, quae scilicet Sp. 7Maecius probavisset. 2. Omnino, si quaeris, ludi apparatissimi, sed non tui stomachi; conjecturam enim facio de meo. Nam pri- 15 mum 8honoris causa in scenam redierant ii, quos ego 9honoris causa de scena decessisse arbitrabar. Deliciae vero tuae, noster Aesopus, ejusmodi fuit, ut ei desinere per omnes homines liceret. Is jurare quum coepisset, vox eum defecit in illo loco: Si sciensfallo. Quid tibi ego alia narrem? nosti enim 20 reliquos ludos. Quid? ne id quidem leporis habuerunt, quod solent mediocres ludi; apparatus enim spectatio tollebat omnem hilaritatem; quo quidem apparatu non dubito, quin animo aequissimo carueris. Quid enim delectationis habent 0~sexcenti muli in "Clytaemnestra? aut in 12Equo Trojano25 13craterarum tria milia? ant armatura varia peditatus et equitatus in aliqua pugna? quae popularem admirationem habuerunt, delectationem tibi nullam attulissent. 3. Quodsi tu per eos dies operam dedisti'4Protogeni tuo, dummodo is tibi quidvis potius quam orationes meas legerit, nae tu baud paullo30 plus, quam quisquam nostrum, delectationis habuisti. Non enim te puto'5Graecos aut Oscos ludos desiderasse, praesertim quum'6Oscos ludos vel in'1senatu vestro spectare possis, Graecos ita non ames, ut ne ad villam quidem tuam'8via Graeca ire soleas. Nam quid ego te athletas putem deside- 5 rare, qui gladiatores contempseris? in quibus ipse Pompeius confitetur se et operam et oleum perdidisse. Reliquae sunt T 304 EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. venationes binae per dies quinque, magnificae (nemo negat,) sed quae potest homini esse polito delectatio, quum aut homo imbecillus a'9valentissima bestia laniatur, aut praeclara bestia venabulo transverberatur? Quae tamen,20si videnda sunt, saepe 5vidisti; neque nos, qui 2'haec spectamus, quidquam novi vidimus. Extremus 22elephantorum dies fuit; in quo admiratio magna vulgi atque turbae, delectatio nulla exstitit. Quin etiam misericordia quaedam consecuta est atque opinio ejusmodi, esse quandam illi beluae cum genere humano societatem. 10 4. His ego tamen diebus, ludis scenicis, ne forte videar tibi non modo beatus, sed liber omnino fuisse, dirupi me paene in judicio Galli Caninii, familiaris tui. Quodsi tam 23facilem populum haberem, quam Aesopus habuit, libenter mehercule artem desinerem, tecumque et cum similibus nostri viverem. 5 Nam me 24quum antea taedebat, quum et aetas et ambitio me hortabatur et licebat denique, quem nolebam, non defendere, turn vero hoc tempore vita 25nulla est. Neque enim fructum ullum laboris exspecto, et cogor nonnunquam homines non optime de me meritos rogatu eorum, qui bene meriti sunt, de20fendere. 5. Itaque quaero causas omnes aliquando vivendi arbitratu meo, teque et istam rationem otii tui et laudo vehementer et probo, quodque nos minus intervisis, hoc fero animo aequiore, quod, si Romae esses, tamen neque nos lepore tuo, neque te, si qui est in me, meo frui liceret propter molestissi25 mas occupationes meas; quibus si me relaxaro, (nam,ut plane exsolvam, non postulo,) te ipsum, qui multos annos nihil aliud commentaris, docebo profecto, quid sit ahumaniter vivere. Tu mihi modo istam imbecillitatem valetudinis tuae sustenta et tuere, ut facis, ut nostras villas obire et mecum simul l01ecticula concursare possis. 6. Iaec ad te pluribus verbis scripsi, quam soleo, non otii abundantia, sed amoris erga te, quod me quadam epistola subinvitaras, si memoria tenes, ut ad te aliquid ejusmodi scriberem, quo minus te praetermisisse ludos poeniteret. Quod si assecutus sum, gaudeo; sin minus, s6 hoc me tamen consolor, quod posthac ad ludos venies nosque vises, 2neque in epistolis relinques meis spem aliquam delectationis tuae. Vale. TIRONI. 35 EPISTOLA XIV.* (Scr. Romae A. U. C. 700.) A. U. C. 700. Ante C. N. 54. Anni Cic. 53. Coss. L. DOMITIUS AHENOBARBUS, AP. CLAUDIUS PULCHER. Cicero Crassi causam in senatu defendit: orationes habet pro Vatinio, pro Messio et Druso, pro 1. Aemilio Scauro a C. Triario repetundarum postulato, pro Cn. Plancio, pro A. Gabinio repetundarum accusato (quem rogatu Pompeii defendit); pro C. Rabirio Postumo majestatis reo. Otium impendit libris de re publica scribendis. Q. Cicero legatus Caesaris in Galliam proficiscitur. Julia Caesaris filia Cn. Pompeii Magni uxor moritur. TULLIUS TIRONI S. Omnia a te data mihi putabo, si te valentem videro. Summa lcuraa exspectabam adventum Menandri, quem ad te miseram. Cura, si me diligis, ut valeas, et, quum te bene confirmaris, ad nos venias. Vale. IV. Idus April. EPISTOLA XV.t (Scr. Romae A. U. C. 700.) TULLIUS TIRONI S. 1. Andricus postridie ad me venit, quam exspectaram. Itaque habui noctem plenam timoris ac miseriae. Tuis litteris nihilo sum factus certior, quomodo te haberes; sed tamen sum recreatus. Ego omni Idelectationea litterisque omnibus careo; quas ante, quam te videro, attingere non possum. Me- 1* * Ad Fam. XVI. 13. EPIST. XIV. ~Dist. bet. cura, sollicitudo, angor, dolor, and aegritudo. V. n. 1. t Ad Fam. XVI. 14. EPIST. XV. a Dist. bet. oblectatio and delectatio. V. n. 1. 306 EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. dico 2mercedis, quantum poscet, promitti jubeto: id scripsi ad Ummium. 2. Audio te animo angi et medicum dicere ex eo te laborare. Si me diligis, excita ex somno tuas litteras humanitatemque, propter quam mihi es carissimus. Nunc opus 5 est te animo valere, ut corpore possis. Id quum tua, tur mea causa facias, a te peto. Acastum retine, quo commodius tibi ministretur. Conserva te mihi: dies promissorum adest; quem etiam 3repraesentabo, si adveneris. Etiam atque etiam vale. III. Idus hora VI. EPISTOLA XVI.* (Scr. Romae A. U. C. 700.) TULLIUS TIRONI S. 10 1. Aegypta ad me venit pridie Idus Apriles. Is etsi mihi nuntiavit te plane febri carere et belle habere, tamen, quod negavit te potuisse ad me scribere, curam mi attulit, et eo magis, quod Hermia, quem eodem die venire oportuerat, non venerat. Incredibili sum sollicitudine de tua valetudine; 15 qua si me liberaris, ego te omni cura liberabo. Plura scriberem, si jam putarem lubenter te legere posse. Ingenium tuum, quod ego'maximi facio, confer ad te mihi tibique conservandum. Cura te etiam atque etiam diligenter. Vale. 2. Scripta jam epistola, Hermia venit. Accepi tuam episto20 am 2racillantibus litterulis; nec mirum, tam gravi morbo. Ego ad te Aegyptam misi, quod nec inhumanus est et te visus est mihi Sdiligere,a ut is tecum esset, et cum eo cocum quo uterere. Vale. * Ad Fam. XVI. 15. EPIST. XVI. Dist. bet. diligo and amo. V. n. 3. C. CURIONI. 307 EPISTOLA XVII.* (Scr. Romae A. U. C. 701.) A. U. C. 701. Ante C. N. 53. Anni Cic. 54. Coss. CN. DOMITIUS CALVINUS, M. VALERIUS MESSALA. Hi consules non Kal. Januariis magistratum inierunt, sed post plura interregna mense Aprili demum creati sunt. Cicero, postquam M. Crassus, exercitu a Parthis deleto, perierat, in ejus locum augur factus est. M. T. CICERO C.'CURIONI S. D. 1. Epistolarum genera multa esse non ignoras; sed unum illud 2certissimum, cujus causa inventa res ipsa est, ut certiores faceremus absentes, si quid esset, quod eos scire aut 3nostra aut ipsorum interesset. Hujus generis litteras a me profecto non exspectas. Tuarum enim rerum domesticos habes et 5 scriptores et nuntios; in meis autem rebus nihil est sane novi. Reliqua sunt epistolarum genera duo, quae me magno opere delectant: unum familiare et jocosum, alterum severum et grave. Utro me minus deceat uti, non intelligo. Jocerne tecum per litteras? Civem mehercule non puto esse, qui 10 4temporibus his ridere possit. An gravius aliquid scribam? Quid est, quod possit graviter a Cicerone scribi ad Curionem, nisi de re publica? Atque in hoc genere haec mea causa est, ut 5neque ea, quae sentio, nec quae non sentio velim scribere. 2. Quamobrem, quoniam mihi nullum scribendi argumentum 15 relictum est, utar ea clausula, qua soleo, teque ad studium summae laudis cohortabor. Est enim tibi 6gravis adversaria constituta et parata, incredibilis quaedam exspectatio; quam tu una re facillime 7vinces,a si hoc statueris, quarum laudum gloriam adamaris, quibus artibus eae laudes comparantur, in 20 iis esse elaborandum. In hanc sententiam scriberem plura, * Ad Fam. II. 4. EPIST. XVII. a Dist. bet. vinco and supero; evinco and devinco; vinc. and opprimo. V. n. 7. 308 EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. nisi te tua sponte satis incitatum esse confiderem; et hoc, quidquid attigi, non feci inflammandi tui causa, sed testificandi amoris mei. Vale. EPISTOLA XVIII.* (Scr. Romae A. U. C. 702.) A. U. C. 702. Ante C. N. 52. Anni Cic. 55. Cos. CN. POMPEIUS MAGNUS III. Hoc anno Milo, P. Plautius Hypsaeus et Q. Metellus Scipio consulatum, Clodius praeturam petebat. Ambitus non more majorum, sed largitione aperta agebatur: denique res ad vim et caedem spectabat. XIII. Kal. Febr. quum Milo Lanuvium ad flaminem ibi prodendum proficisceretur, obviam ei fit Clodius Aricia rediens, et pugna coorta interficitur. Pompeius ab interrege Ser. Sulpicio V. Kal. Martias cos. creatus paullatim coepit se a Caesare avertere. Uxorem duxit Corneliam Q. Metelli Scipionis filiam, socerumque sibi in quinque extremos h. a. menses collegam in consulatu subrogavit. Cicero Milonem de vi accusatum defendit, sed ita, ut fori adspectu, jussu Pompeii militibus circumdati, et acclamationibts Clodianorum perturbatus parum constanter diceret. Ear quae exstat pro Milone orationem postea scripsit quum Milo condemnatus Massiliam exsulatum abiisset. Deinde defendit M. Saufeium, qui absolutus est. Mense Decembri T. Munatius Plancus Bursa, tribunatu plebis deposito, accusatus a Cicerone et condemnatus est. Hoc anno post Milonianum judicium scripsit Cicero libros de legibus. M. CICERO S. D. M. MARIO. 1.'Mandatum tuum curabo diligenter. Sed homo acutus 5 ei mandasti 2potissimum, cui expediret illud venire quam 3plurimo. Sed 4eo vidisti multum, quod praefinisti, quo ne 5pluris emerem. 6Quodsi mihi permisisses, qui meus amor in te est, confecissem cum coheredibus: nunc, quoniam tuum pretium novi, 7illicitatorem potius ponam, quam illud minoris 10 veneat. Sed de joco satis est. 2. Tuum negotium agam, sicuti debeo, diligenter. De 8Bursa, te gaudere certo scio; * Ad Fam. VII. 2. M. MARIO. 309 sed nimis verecunde mihi gratularis. Putas enim, ut scribis, propter hominis sordes minus me magnam illam laetitiam putare. Credas mihi velim magis me judicio hoc quam morte 9inimici laetatum. Primum enim judicio ~malo quam gladio, deinde gloria "potius amici quam calamitate. In primisque 5 me delectavit tantum studium bonorum in me exstitisse contra incredibilem contentionem l2clarissimi et potentissimi viri. 3. Postremo, (vix verisimile fortasse videatur,) oderam multo pejus hunc quam illum ipsum Clodium. Ilium enim oppugnaram, hunc defenderam. Et ille, quum omnis res publica in 10 meo capite discrimen esset habitura, magnum quiddam spectavit; nec sua sponte, sed eorum auxilio, qui, me stante, stare non poterant: hic simiolus 13animi causa me, in quem inveheretur, delegerat persuaseratque nonnullis invidis meis se in me emissarium semper fore. Quamobrem valde jubeo gau-15 dere te: magna res gesta est. Numquam ulli fortiores cives fuerunt, quam qui ausi sunt eum contra tantas opes ejus, 14a quo ipsi lecti judices erant, condemnare. Quod fecissent nunquam, nisi iis dolori meus fuisset dolor. 4. Nos hic in multitudine et celebritate judiciorum et novis legibus ita dis-20 tinemur, ut quotidie vota faciamus, 15ne intercaletur, ut quam primum te videre possimus. EPISTOLA XIX.* (Scr. in itinere ex castris ad Cybistra in Ciliciam medio Sept. A. U. C. 703.4 A. U. C. 703. Ante C. N. 51. Anni Cic. 56. Coss. SER. SULPICIUS RUFUS, M. CLAUDIUS MARCELLUS. Quum superiore anno senatus consulto cautum esset, ne quis praetorins aut consularis intra quinquennium in provinciam iret, coacti sunt ii provincias administrare, qui in eas e consulatu et praetura nondum iverant. Itaque Ciceroni obtigit Cilicia pro consule regenda, cum exercitu peditum XII. m., equitum MMDC. Successit.n proiincia Ap. Claudio. Laodiceam in provinciam venit prid. Kal. Sext. * Ad Fam. XV. 2. 310 EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. M. TULLIUS M. F. CICERO PROCOS. S. P. D. Coss. PRAETT. TRIBB. PL. SENATUI. 1. 1S. V. V. B. E E. Q. V. Quum pridie Kalend. Sext. in 2provinciam venissem neque maturius propter itinerum et navigationurm difficultatem venire potuissem, maxime convenire officio m.eo reique publicae conducere putavi, parare ea, 5 quae ad exercitum quaeque ad rem militarem pertinerent. Quae quum essent a me cura magis et diligentia quam facultate et copia constituta, nuntiique et litterae de bello a Parthis in provinciam Syriam illato quotidie fere afferrentur, iter mihi faciendum per Lycaoniam et per Isauros et per Cappa10 dociam arbitratus sum. Erat enim magna suspicio, Parthos, si ex Syria egredi atque irrumpere in meam provinciam conarentur, iter 3eo. per Cappadociam, quod ea maxime pateret, esse facturos. 2. Itaque cum exercitu per Cappadoeiae partem ear, quae cum Cilicia continens est, iter feci, castraque 15 ad Cybistra, quod oppidum est ad montem Taurum, locavi; ut Artuasdes, rex Armenius, quocunque animo esset, sciret, non procul a suis finibus exercitum populi Romani esse, et Deiotarum, fidelissimum regem atque amicissimum rei publicae nostrae, 4maxime conjunctum haberem, cujus et consilio 20 et opibus adjuvari posset res publica. 3. Quo quum in loco castra haberem equitatumqie in Ciliciam misissem, ut et meus adventus iis civitatibus, quae in ea parte essent, nuntiatus firmiores animos ornnium faceret et ego mature, quid ageretur in Syria, scire possem, tempus ejus tridui, quod in iis castris 25 morabar, in magno officio et necessario mihi ponendum putavi. 4. Quum enimn 5vestra auctoritas intercessisset, ut ego regem Ariobarzanem 6Euseben et Philoromaeum tuerer ejusque regis salutem, incolumitatem" regnumque defenderem, regi regnoque praesidio essem; adjunxis-etisque salutem ejus 30regis populo senatuique magnae curae esse, quod nullo unquam de rege decretum esset a nostro ordinl; existimavi me EPIST. XIX. Dist. bet. salvus, sospes, incolumis, and integer. V. Cic. in Cat. III. 10, n. 18. COSS. PRAETT. TRIBB. PL. SENATUI. 311 judicium vestrum ad regem deferre debere eique praesidium meumn et fidem et diligentiam polliceri, ut, quoniam salus ipsius, incolumitas regni mihi commendata esset a vobis, diceret, si quid vellet. 5. Quae quum essem 7in consilio meo cum rege locutus, initio ille orationis suae vobis maximas, ut de- 5 buit, deinde etiam mihi gratias egit, quod ei permagnum et perhonorificum videbatur, S. P. Q. R. tantae curae esse salutem suam meque tantam diligentiam adhibere, ut et mea fides et commendationis vestra auctoritas perspici posset. Atque ille primo, quod mihi maximae laetitiae fuit, ita mecum locu- 10 tus est, ut nullas insidias neque vitae suae neque regno diceret se aut intelligere fieri aut etiam suspicari. Quum ego ei gratulatus essem idque me gaudere dixissem, cohortatus, ut recordaretur 8casum illum interitus paterni et vigilanter se tueretur atque admonitu senatus consuleret saluti suae, tur a 15 me discessit in oppidum Cybistra. 6. Postero autem die cum 9Ariarathe, fratre suo, et cum paternis amicis majoribus natu ad me in castra venit, perturbatusque et flens, quum idem et frater faceret et amici, meam fidem, vestram commendationem implorare coepit. Quum admirarer, quid accidisset novi, dixit 20 ad se indicia manifestarum insidiarum esse delata, quae essent ante adventum meum occultata, quod ii, qui ea patefacere possent, propter metum reticuissent; eo autem tempore spe mei praesidii complures ea, quae scirent, audacter ad se detulisse; in iis amantissimum sui, summa pietate praeditum fra- 25 trem dicere ea, quae nie is quoque audiente dicebat, se sollicitatum esse, ut regnare vellet; id vivo fratre suo accipere non potuisse; se tamen ante illud tempus ear rem nunquam in medium propter periculi metum protulisse. Quae quum esset locutus, monui regem, ut omnem diligentiam ad se conservan- 30 dum adhiberet, amicosque patris ejus atque avi'0judicio probatos hortatus sum, regis sui vitam docti casu acerbissimo patris ejus omni cura custodiaque defenderent. 7. Quum rex a me equitatum cohortesque de exercitu meo postularet, etsi intelligebam vestro senatus consulto non modo posse me id35 facere sed etiam debere, tamen, quum res publica postularet propter quotidianos ex Syria nuntios, ut quam primum exer14 312 EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. citum ad Ciliciae fines adducerem, quumque mihi rex, patefactis jam insidiis, non egere exercitu populi Romani, sed posse se suis opibus defendere videretur, illum cohortatus sum, ut in sua vita conservanda primum regnare disceret; a 5 quibus perspexisset sibi insidias paratas, in eos uteretur jure regio; poena afficeret eos, quos necesse esset; reliquos metu liberaret; praesidio exercitus mei ad eorum, qui in culpa essent, timorem potius quam ad contentionem uteretur; fore autem, ut omnes, quoniam senatus consultum nossent, intelli10 gerent me regi, si opus esset, ex auctoritate vestra praesidio futurum. 8. Ita confirmato illo, ex eo loco castra movi; iter in Ciliciam facere institui, quum hac opinione e Cappadocia discederem, ut consilio vestro, casu incredibili ac paene divino regem, quem vos honorificentissime appellassetis, nullo postu15 lante, quemque meae fidei commendassetis et cujus salutem magnae vobis curae esse decressetis, meus adventus praesentibus insidiis liberarit. Quod ad vos a me scribi non alienum putavi, ut intelligeretis ex iis, quae paene acciderunt, vos multo ante, ne ea acciderent, providisse; eoque vos studiosius 20 feci certiores, quod in rege Ariobarzane ea mihi signa videor virtutis, ingenii, fidei benevolentiaeque erga vos perspexisse, ut non sine causa tantam curam in ejus vos salutem, diligentiamque videamini contulisse. EPISTOLA XX.* (Scr. Initio Januarii A. U. C. 704.) A. U. C. 704. Ante C. N. 50. Anni Cic. 57. Coss. L. AEMILIUS PAULUS, C. CLAUDIUS MARCELLUS. Ciceroni Romae pro re bene gesta supplicationes decernuntur. Ipse III. Kal. Sextil. de provincia decedens C. Coelium quaestorem ei praefecit. Epheso profectus Kal Oct. Athenas venit prid. Id. Patris Tironem ae. grum reliquit. Brundisium venit VII. Kal. Dec. * Ad Fam. XV. 4. M. CATONI. 313 M. T. CICERO IMP. M. CATONI S. D. 1. Summa tua auctoritas fecit meumque perpetuuma de tua singulari virtute judicium, ut magni mea interesse putarem et res eas, quas gessissem, tibi'notas esse, et non ignorari a te, qua aequitate et continentia tuerer socios provinciamque administrarem. Iis enim a te cognitis arbitrabar facilius me tibi, 5 quae vellem, probaturum. 2. Quum in provinciam pridie Kal. Sext. venissem et propter anni tempus ad exercitum mihi confestim esse eundum viderem, biduum Laodiceae fui, deinde Apameae quatriduum, triduum Synnadis, totidem dies Philomelii. Quibus in oppidis quum magni conventus fuissent, 10 multas civitates acerbissimis 2tributis et gravissimis usuris et falso aere alieno liberavi. Quumque ante adventum meum seditione quadam exercitus esset dissipatus, quinque cohortes sine legato, sine tribuno militum, denique etiam sine centurione ullo apud Philomelium consedissent, reliquus exercitus 15 esset in Lycaonia, M. Anneio legato imperavi, ut eas quinque cohortes ad reliquurn exercitum duceret coactoque in unum locum exercitu castra in Lycaonia apud Iconium faceret. 3. Quod quum ab illo diligenter esset actum, ego in castra a. d. VII. Kal. Septembr. veni, quum interea superioribus diebus 29 ex senatus consulto et evocatorurn firmam manum et equitatum sane idoneum et populorum liberorum regumque sociorum auxilia voluntaria comparavissem. Interim quum, exercitu lustrato, iter in Ciliciam facere coepissem, Kal. Septembr. legati a rege Commageno ad me missi 3pertumultuose, noque 25 tamen non vere, Parthos in Syriam transisse nuntiaverunt. 4. Quo audito, vehementer sum commotus quum de Syria, turn de mea provincia, de reliqua denique Asia. Itaque exercitum mihi ducendum per Cappadociae regionem ear, quae Ciliciam attingeret, putavi. Nam si me in Ciliciam demisis- 30 sem, Ciliciam quidem ipsam propter montis Amani naturam facile tenuissem; (duo sunt enim aditus in Ciliciam ex Syria, EPIST. XX. * Dist. bet. continuus, perpetuus, sempiternus, and aeternus. V. Caes. I. 48, n. 6. 314 EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. quorum uterque parvis praesidiis propter angustias intercludi potest, nec est quidquam Cilicia contra Syriam munitius;) sed me Cappadocia movebat, quae patet a Syria regesque habet finitimos, qui etiamsi sunt etiam amici nobis, tamen aperte 5 Parthis inimici esse non audent. Itaque in Cappadocia extrema non longe a Tauro apud oppidum Cybistra castra feci, ut et Ciliciam tuerer et Cappadociam tenens nova finitimorum consilia impedirem. 5. Interea in hoc tanto motu tantaque exspectatione maximi belli rex Deiotarus, cui non sine causa 10plurimum semper et meo et tuo et senatus judicio tributum est, vir quum benevolentia et fide erga populum Romanum singulari, turn praesentia, magnitudine et animi et consilii, legatos ad me misit se cum omnibus suis copiis in mea castra esse venturum. Cujus ego studio officioque commotus egi ei 15 per litteras gratias, idque ut maturaret. hortatus sum. 6. Quum autem ad Cybistra propter rationem belli quinque dies essem 4moratus,b regem Ariobarzanem, cujus salutem a senatu, te auctore, commendatam habebam, 5praesentibusc insidiis necopinantem liberavi; neque solum ei saluti fui, sed etiam 20 curavi, ut cum auctoritate regnaret. Metram et epm, quem tu mihi diligenter commendaras, Athenaeum, importunitate Athenaidis exsilio multatos, maxima apud regem auctoritate gratiaque constitui. Quumque magnum bellum in Cappadocia concitaretur, si 6sacerdos armis se, quod facturus putabatAr, 25defenderet, adolescens et equitatu et peditatu et pecunia paratus ex toto iis, qui novari aliquid volebant, perfeci, ut e regno ille discederet rexque sine tumultu ac sine armis, omni auctoritate aulae communita, regnum cum dignitate obtineret. 7. Interea cognovi multorum litteris atque nuntiis magnas so Parthorum copias et Arabum ad oppidum Antiocheam accessisse magnumque eorum equitatum, qui in Ciliciam transisset, ab equitum meorum turmis et a cohorte praetoria, quae erat Epiphaneae praesidii causa, occidione occisum. Quare quum viderem a Cappadocia Parthorum copias aversas, non longe EPIST. XX. b Dist. bet. maneo, moror, tardo, and detineo. V. n. 4.*Dist. bet. adesse, interesse, and presens esse. V. n. 5. M. CATONI. 315 a finibus esse Ciliciae, quam potui maximis itineribus ad Amanum exercitum duxi. Quo ut veni, hostem ab Antiochea recessisse, 7Bibulum Antiocheae esse cognovi: Deiotarum confestim jam ad me venientem cum magno et firmo equitatu et peditatu et cum omnibus suis copiis certiorem feci non 5 videri esse causam, cur abesset a regno, meque ad eum, si quid novi forte accidisset, statim litteras nuntiosque missurum esse. 8. Quumque eo animo venissem, ut utrique provinciae, si ita tempus ferret, subvenirem, tur id, quod jam ante statueram vehementer interesse utriusque provinciae, pacare 10 Amanum et perpetuum hostem ex eo monte tollere, agere perrexi. Quumque me discedere ab eo monte simulassemn et alias partes Ciliciae petere, abessemque ab Amano iter unius diei, et castra apud Epiphaneam fecissern, a. d. IIII. Idus Octobres, quum advesperasceret, expedito exercitu ita 15 noctu iter feci, ut a. d. III. Idus Octobres, quum lucisceret, in Amanum ascenderem, distributisque cohortibus et auxiliis, quum aliis Q. frater legatus mecum simul, aliis C. Pomptinius legatus, reliquis M. Anneius et L. Tulleius legati praeessent; plerosque necopinantes oppressimus, qui occisi captique sunt, 20 interclusi fuga. Eranam autem, quae fuit non vici instar, sed urbis, quod erat Amani caput, itemque Sepyram et Commorim, acriter et diu repugnantibus, Pomptinio illam partem Amani tenente, ex antelucano tempore usque ad horam diei decimam, magna multitudine hostium occisa, cepimus; cas-25 tellaque sex capta; complura incendimus. 9. His rebus ita gestis, castra in radicibus Amani habuimus apud Aras Alexandri quatriduum, et in reliquiis 8Amani delendis agrisque vastandis, quae pars ejus montis meae provinciae est, id ternpus omne consumpsimus. 10. Confectis his rebus, ad oppidum 30 Eleutherocilicum Pindenissum exercitum adduxi; quod quum esset altissimo et munitissimo loco ab iisque incoleretur, qui ne regibus quidem unquam paruissent; quum et fugitivos reciperent et Parthorum adventum acerrime exspectarent, ad existimationem imperii pertinere arbitratus sum comprimere 35 eorum audaciam, quo facilius etiam ceterorum animi, qui alieni essent ab imperio nostro, frangerentur. Vallo et fossa cir 316 EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. cumdedi; sex castellis castrisque maximis saepsi; aggere, vineis, turrib.us oppugnavi; ususque tormentis multis, multis sagittariis, magno labore meo, sine ulla molestia sumptuve sociorum, septimo quinquagesimo die rem confeci, ut omnibus 5 partibus urbis disturbatis aut incensis compulsi in potestatem meam pervenirent. His erant finitimi pari scelere et audacia Tibarani; ab iis, Pindenisso capto, obsides accepi; exercitum in hiberna dimisi. Q. fratrem negotio praeposui, ut in vicis aut captis aut male pacatis exercitus collocaretur. 11. 0 Nunc velim sic tibi persuadeas, si de his rebus ad senatum relatum sit, me existimaturum summam mihi laudem tributam, si tu honorem meum sententia tua comprobaris. Idque, etsi talibus de rebus gravissimos homines et rogare solere et rogari scio, tamen admonendum potius te a me quam rogan15 dum puto. Tu es enim is, 9qui me tuis sententiis saepissime ornasti; qui oratione, qui praedicatione, qui summis laudibus in senatu, in contionibus ad caelum extulisti; cujus ego semper tanta esse verborum pondera putavi, ut uno verbo tuo cum mea laude conjuncto omnia assequi me arbitrarer. Te 20 denique memini, quum cuidam clarissimo atque optimo viro'~supplicationem non decerneres, dicere te decreturum, si referetur ob eas res, lquas is consul in urbe gessisset. Tu idem mihi supplicationem decrevisti togato, non, ut multis, re publica bene gesta, sed, ut nemini, re publica conservata. 12.'2Mit25 to, quod invidiam, quod pericula, quod omnes meas tempestates et subieris et multo etiam magis, si per me licuisset, subire paratissimus fueris, quod denique'3inimicum meum tuum inimicum putaris; cujus etiam interitum, ut facile intelligerem, mihi quantum tribueres, Milonis causa in senatu defendenda appro30 baris. A me autem haec sunt profecta, quae ego in beneficii loco non pono sed in veri testimonii atque judicii, ut praestantissimas tuas virtutes non tacitus admirarer; (quis enim in te id non facit?) sed in omnibus orationibus, sententiis dicendis, causis agendis, omnibus scriptis, Graecis Latinis, omni denique va35 rietate litterarum mearum, te non modo iis, quos vidissemus, sed iis, de quibus audissemus, omnibus anteferrem. 13. Quaeres fortasse, quid sit, quod ego hoc nescio quid gratulationis et ho, M. CATONI. 317 noris a senatu tanti aestimem. Agamn jam tecum familiariter, ut est et studiis et officiis nostris mutuis et summa amicitia dignum et necessitudine etiam paterna. Si quisquam fuit unquam remotus et natura et magis etiam, ut mihi quidem sentire videor, ratione atque doctrina ab inani laude et ser- 5 monibus vulgi, ego profecto is sum. Testis est consulatus meus, in quo, sicut in reliqua vita, fateor ea me studiose secutum, ex quibus vera gloria nasci posset, ipsam quidem gloriam per se nunquam putavi expetendam. Itaque et'4provinciam ornatam et spem non dubiam triumphi neglexi; 15sacerdo-10 tium denique, quum, (quemadmodum te existimare arbitror,) non difficillime consequi possem, non appetivi. Idem post injuriam acceptam, (quam tu rei publicae calamitatem semper appellas, meam non modo non calamitatem, sed etiam gloriam,) studui quam ornatissima senatus populique Romani de me ju- 15 dicia intercedere. Itaque et augur postea fieri volui, quod antea neglexeram, et eum honorem, qui a senatu tribui rebus bellicis solet, neglectum a me olim, nunc mihi expetendum puto. 14. Huic meae voluntati, in qua inest aliqua vis desiderii ad sanandum vulnus injuriae, ut faveas adjutorque sis, quod 20 paullo ante me negaram rogaturum, vehementer te rogo, 16sed ita, si non jejunum hoc nescio quid, quod ego gessi, et contemnendum videbitur, sed tale atque tantum, ut multi nequaquam paribus rebus honores summos a senatu consecuti sint. Equidem etiam illud mihi animum advertisse videor; (scis enim, 25 quam attente te audire soleam;) te non tam res gestas quam mores, instituta atque vitam imperatorum spectare solere in habendis aut non habendis honoribus. Quod si in mea causa considerabis, reperies me exercitu imbecillo contra metum maximi belli firmissimum praesidium habuisse aequitatem et 30 continentiam. His ego subsidiis ea sum consecutus, quae nullis legionibus consequi potuissem, ut ex alienissimis sociis amicissimos, ex infidelissimis firmissimos redderem, animosque novarum rerum exspectatione suspensos ad veteris imperii benevolentiam traducerem. 15. Sed nimis haec, multa de me, 35 praesertim ad te,17a quo uno omnium sociorum querelae audiuntur: cognosces ex iis, qui meis institutis se recreatos putant; 318 EPISTOLAE C]CERONIS. quumque omnes uno prope consensu de me apud te ea, quae mihi optatissima sunt, praedicabunt, turn duae maximae clientelae tuae, Cyprus insula et Cappadociae regnum, tecum de me loquentur: puto etiam regem Deiotarum, qui uni tibi est maxime 5 necessarius. l8Quae si etiam majora sunt et in omnibus seculis pauciores viri reperti sunt, qui suas cupiditates, quam qui hostium copias vincerent, est profecto tuum, quum ad res bellicas haec, quae rarioraet difficiliora sunt, genera virtutis adjunxeris, ipsas etiam illas res gestas "'justiores esse et majores putare. 1016. Extremum illud est, ut quasi diffidens rogationi meae philosophiam ad te allegem, qua nec mihi carior ulla unquam res in vita fuit, nec hominum generi majus a deis munus ullum est datum. Haec igitur, quae mihi tecum communis est, societas studiorum atque artium nostrarum, quibus a pueritia 15 dediti ac devincti soli propemodum nos philosophiam veram illam et antiquam, quae quibusdam otii esse ac desidiae videtur, in forum atque in rem publicam atque in ipsam aciem paene deduximus, tecum agit de mea laude, cui negari a Catone fas esse non puto. Quamobrem tibi sic persuadeas 20 velim: si mihi tua sententia tributus honos 2ex meis litteris fuerit, me sic existimaturum, quum auctoritate tua, turn benevolentia erga me mihi, quod maxime cupierim, contigisse. EPISTOLA XXI.* TULLIUS TERENTIAE SUAE S. S. V. B. E. E. V. Valetudinem tuam velim cures diligentissime. Nam mihi et scriptum et nuntiatum est te in febrim 25 subito incidisse. Quod celeriter me fecisti de Caesaris litteris certiorem, fecisti mihi gratum. Item posthac, si quid opus erit, si quid accidert novi,'facies, ut sciam. Cura, ut valeas. Vale. D. IIII. Nonas Jun. * Ad Fam. XIV. 8. TERENTIAE. 319 EPISTOLA XXII.* (Scr. Athenis a. d. XV. Kalendas Novembres A. U. C. 704.) M. T. C. TERENTIAE ET TULL. SUIS S. P. D. 1. Si tu et Tullia, lux nostra, valetis, ego et suavissimus Cicero valemus. Pridie Idus Octobres Athenas venimus, quum sane adversis ventis usi essemus tardeque et incommode navigassemus. De nave exeuntibus nobis Acastus cum litteris praesto fuit luno et vicesimo die, sane strenue. Accepi 5 tuas litteras, quibus intellexi te vereri, ne superiores mihi redditae non essent. Omnes sunt redditae diligentissimeque a te perscripta omnia; idque mihi gratissimum fuit. Neque sum admiratus hanc epistolam,a quam Acastus attulit, brevem fuisse; jam enim me ipsum expectas sive nos ipsos, qui qui- 1o dem quam primum ad vos venire cupimus, etsi, in quam rem publicam veniamus, intelligo. Cognovi enim ex multorum amicorum litteris, quas attulit Acastus, ad arma rem spectare; ut mihi, quum venero, dissimulare non liceat, quid sentiam. Sed, quoniam subeunda fortuna est, eo citius dabimus operam, 15 ut veniamus, quo facilius de tota re deliberemus. Tu velim, quod commodo valetudinis tuae fiat, quam longissime poteris, obviam nobis prodeas.s;. 2De hereditate Preciana, quae quidem mihi magno dolori est, (valde enim illum amavi,) sed hoc velim cures: si auctio ante meum adventum fiet, ut Pompo- 2g nius aut, si is minus poterit, Camillus nostrum negotium curet. Nos quum salvi venerimus, reliqua per nos agemnus; sin tu jam Roma profecta eris, tamen curabis, ut hoc ita fiet. Nos, si dii adjuvabunt, circiter Idus Novembres in Italia speramus fore. Vos, mea suavissima et optatissima Terentia, si nos 25 amatis, curate ut valeatis. Vale. Athenis, a. d. XV. Kalendas Novembres. * Ad Fam. XIV. 5. EPIST. XXII. a Dist. bet. litterae and epistola. V. Sail. Cat. XtX. n. 1. 14* U 320 EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. EPISTOLA XXIII.* (Scr. ad urbem prid. Id. Jan. A. U. C. 705.) A. U. C. 705. Ante C. N. 49. Anni Cic. 58. COSS CQ CLAUDIUS MARCELLUS, L. CORNELIUS LENTULUS CRUS. Cicero prid. Non. Jan. ad urbem accedens in ipsam incidit flammam civilis discordiae inter Caesarem et Pompeium. Kal. Jan. factum est senatus consultum, ut ante Kal. Mart. Caesar exercitum dimitteret; si non faceret, eum adversus rem publ. facturum videri. Ei senatus consulto intercedunt tribuni pleb. M. Antonius et Q. Cassius. Senatus consulibus. praetoribus, tribunis pl. iisque qui pro consulibus ad urbem erant, negotium dedit, ut curarent, ne quid res publica detrimenti caperet. Cicero, quum frustra omnia esset expertus, quae ad concordiam pertinerent, postquam Caesar, Rubicone trajecto, complura oppida occupaverat, una cum consulibus aliisque optimatibus, qui Pompeium sequebantur, ab urbe discessit, et Capuam oramque maritimam a Formiis tuendam suscepit. Pompeius VIII. Kal. Mart. Brundisium venit. VII. Id. Mart. Caesar ad murum castra ponit. XXVI. Kal. April. Pompeius Brundisio cum omnibus copiis, navibus in Graeciam trajicit. Caesar postero die oppidum ingressus et concionatus, Romam proficiscitur, quo in itinere Cicero eum convenit. VII. Id. Jun. postquam Arpini filio togam puram dederat, Pompeium in Graeciam secuturus, navem conscendit. Caesar Hispania potitur, superatis Pompeii legatis, et a M. Lepido praetore dictator dictus Romae comitia habet, quibus ipse cum P. Servilio cos. creatur. TULLIUS ET CICERO, TERENTIA, TULLIA, Q. FRATER ET Q. F. TIRONI S. P. D. 1. Etsi opportunitatem operae tuae omnibus locis desidero, tamen non tam mea, quam tua, causa doleo te non valere. Sed quoniam in quartanam conversa vis est morbi, (sic enim scribit Curius,) spero te, diligentia adhibita, etiam firmiorem 5 fore. Modo fac, id quod est 2humanitatis tuae, ne quid aliud cures hoc tempore, nisi ut quam commodissime convalescas. Non ignoro, quantum ex desiderio labores; sed erunt omnia facilia, si valebis. Festinare te nolo, ne nauseae molestiam suscipias aeger et periculose hieme naviges. 2. Ego 3ad ur* Ad Fam. XVI. 11 TIRONI. 321 ber accessi pridie Nonas Januar. Obviam mihi sic est proditum, ut nihil possit fieri ornatius. Sed incidi in ipsam flammam civilis discordiae vel potius belli; cui quum cuperem mederi et, ut arbitror, possem, cupiditates certorum hominum, (nam ex utraque parte sunt, qui pugnare cupiant,) 6 impedimento mihi fuerunt. Omnino et ipse Caesar, amicus noster, minaces 4ad senatum et acerbas litteras miserat, et erat adhuc impudens, qui exercitum et provinciam, invito senatu, teneret; et Curio meus illum incitabat. Antonius quidem noster et Q. Cassius, 5nulla vi expulsi, ad Caesarem cum Curi- 10 one profecti erant. 3. Posteaquam senatus consulibus, praetoribus, tribunis pl. et nobis, qui 6pro coss. sumus, negotium dederat, ut curaremus, NE QUID RES PUBLICA DETRIMENTI CAPERET, nunquam majore in periculo civitas fuit; nunquam improbi cives habuerunt paratiorem ducem. Omnino ex hac 15 quoque parte diligentissime 7comparatur. Id fit auctoritate et studio Pompeii nostri, qui Caesarem sero coepit timere. Nobis inter has turbas senatus tamen frequens flagitavit triumphum; sed Lentulus consul, quo majus suum beneficium faceret, simul atque expedisset, quae essent necessaria de re 20 publica, dixit se relaturum. Nos agimus nihil cupide, eoque est nostra pluris auctoritas. Italiae regiones descriptae sunt, quam quisque partem tueretur. Nos Capuam sumpsimus. Haec te scire volui. Tu etiam atque etiam cura, ut valeas litterasque ad me mittas, quotiescunque habebis, cui des. 2 Etiam atque etiam vale. D. pridie Idus Jan. 322 EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. EPISTOLA XXIV.* (Scr. Minturnis VIII. Kal. Febr. A. U. C. 705.) TULLIUS TERENTIAE ET PATER TULLIAE, DUABUS ANIMIS SUIS, ET CICERO MIATRI OPTIMAE, SUAVISSIMAE SORORI S. P. D. 1. Si vos valetis, nos valemus. Vestrum jam consilium est, non solum meum, quid sit vobis faciendum. Si lille Romam modeste venturus est, recte in praesentia domi esse potestis; sin homo amens diripiendam urbem daturus est, vereor, ut 5 2Dolabella ipse satis nobis prodesse possit. Etiam illud metuo, ne jam intercludamur, ut, quum velitis exire, non liceat. Reliquum est, quod ipsae optime considerabitis, vestri similes feminae sintne Romae. Si enim non sunt, Svidendum est, ut honeste vos esse possitis. Quomodo quidem nunc se res ha0 bet, modo ut haec nobis loca tenere liceat, 4bellissime vel mecum vel in nostris praediis esse poteritis. Etiam illud verendum est, ne brevi tempore fames in urbe sit. 2. His de rebus velim cum Pomponio, cum Camillo, cum quibus vobis videbitur, consideretis. Ad summam, animo forti sitis. La15 bienus 5rem meliorem fecit. Adjuvat etiam Piso, quod ab urbe discedit et sceleris condemnat 6generum suum. Vos, meae carissimae animae, quam saepissime ad me scribite, et vos quid agatis et quid istic agatur. Quintus pater et filius et 7Rufus vobis salutem dicunt. t0 Valete. VIII. Kalend. Febr. Minturnis. Ad Fam. XIV. 14. CICERONI. 823 EPISTOLA XXV.* (Scr. Romae mense Maio A. U. C. 706.) A. U. C. 706. Ante C. N. 48. Anni Cic. 59. Coss. C. JULIUS CAESAR II., P. SERVILIUS VATIA ISAURICUS. Caesar prid. Non. Jan. Brundisio in Epirum trajicit, Pompeium Dyrrhachii obsidet, qui inde elapsus bellum in Thessaliam transtulit, ubi praelio ad Pharsalum prid. Kal. Oct. a Caesare victus in Aegyptum fugit ad Ptolemaeum puerum, ibique interficitur. Caesar bellum Alexandrinum gerit. Cicero ab armis discedens Brundisium venit. DOLABELLA CICERONI S. D. 1. 1S. V. G. V. et Tullia nostra 2recte V. Terentia minus belle habuit, sed certum scio jam convaluisse ear. Praeterea rectissime sunt 3apud te omnia. Etsi nullo tempore 4in suspicionem tibi debui venire, partium causa potius, quam tua, tibi suadere, ut te aut cum Caesare nobiscumque conjungeres, aut 5 certe in otium referres, praecipue nunc, jam inclinata victoria, ne possum quidem in ullam aliam incidere opinionem, nisi in eam, in qua scilicet tibi suadere videar, quod pie tacere non possum. Tu autem, mi Cicero, sic haec accipies, ut, sive probabuntur tibi sive non probabuntur, ab optimo certe animo ae 10 deditissimo tibi et cogitata et scripta esse judices. 2. Animadvertis Cn. Pompeium nec 5nominis sui, nee rerum gestarum gloria, neque etiam regum ac nationum clientelis, quas ostentare crebro solebat, esse tutum, et hoc etiam, quod infimo cuique contigit, illi non posse contingere, ut honeste effugere 15 possit, pulso Italia, amissis Hispaniis, 6capto exercitu veterano, 7circumvallato nunc denique; quod nescio an nulli unquam nostro acciderit imperatori. Quamobrem, quid aut ille sperare possit aut tu, animum adverte 8pro tua prudentia; sic enim facillime quod tibi utilissimum erit consilii capies. Illud 20 autem te peto, ut, si jam ille evitaverit hoc periculum et se * Ad Fam. IX. 9. 324 EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. abdiderit in classem, tu tuis rebus consulas et aliquando tibi potius quam cuivis sis amicus. Satisfactum est jam a te vel officio vel familiaritati: satisfactum etiam 9partibus et ei rei publicae, quam tu probabas. 3. Reliquum est, ut ubi nunc 5 est res publica, ibi simus potius quam, dum illam veterem sequimur, simus in nulla. Quare velim, mi jucundissime Cicero, si forte Pompeius, pulsus'lhis quoque locis, rursus alias regiones petere cogatur, ut tu te vel Athenas vel in quamvis quietam recipias civitatem. Quod si eris facturus, 10 velim mihi scribas, ut ego, si ullo modo potero, ad te advolem. Quaecumque de tua dignitate ab imperatore erunt impetranda, lqua est humanitate Caesar, facillimum erit ab eo tibi ipsi impetrare; et meas tamen preces apud eum non minimum auctoritatis habituras puto. Erit tuae quoque fidei et 15 humanitatis curare, ut is tabellarius, quem ad te misi, L2reverti possit ad me et a te mihi litteras referat. EPISTOLA XXVI.* (Scr. Brundisii A. U. C. 706.) TULLIUS TERENTIAE SUAE S. D.'In maximis meis doloribus excruciat me valetudo Tulliae nostrae. De qua nihil est, quod ad te plura scribam; tibi enim aeque magnae curae esse certo scio. Quod me propius 20 vultis accedere, video ita esse faciendum. Etiam ante fecissem; sed me multa impediverunt, quae ne nunc quidem expedita sunt. Sed a Pomponio exspecto litteras, quas ad me quam primum perferendas cures velim. Da operam, ut valeas. * Ad am. XIV-. 19. * Ad i'am. XIV. 19. C. CASSIO. 325 EPISTOLA XXVII.* (Scr. Brundisii mense, ut videtur, Sextili A. U. C. 707.) A. U. C. 707. Ante C. N. 47. Anni Cic. 60. C. JUL. CAESAR II. Dictator, M. ANTONIUS Magister Equitum. Caesar, bello Alexandrino confecto, mense Scptembri in Italiam rediit, eique Cicero obviam processit. Caesar ut eum sibi occurrere vidit, descendit, eumque salutavit, cum eoque colloquens multa stadia processit. Paulo post Cicero, qui hucusque Brundisii commoratus erat, in urbem venit. Tribus extremis h. a. mensibus coss. fuerunt Q. Fufius Calenus et P. Vatinius. Caesar VI. Kal. Jan. Lilybaeo in Africam trajecit, bellum adversus Pompeianos, Scipionem et Catonem et Jubam Mauritaniae regem gesturus. M. CICERO S. D. C. CASSIO. 1. Etsi uterque nostrum lspe pacis et odio civilis sanguinis abesse a belli necesarii pertinacia voluit, tamen, quoniam ejus consilii princeps ego fuisse videor, plus fortasse tibi praestare ipse debeo quam a te exspectare. Etsi, ut saepe soleo mecum recordari, sermo familiaris meus tecum, et item mecum tuus, 5 adduxit utrumque nostrum ad id consilium, ut uno proelio putaremus, si non totam causam, at certe 2nostrum judicium definiri convenire. Neque quisquam hanc nostram sententiam vere unquam reprehendit praeter eos, qui arbitrantur melius esse deleri omnino rem publicam quam 3imminutam et debili- 10 tatam manere. Ego autem ex interitu ejus nullam spem scilicet mihi proponebam, ex reliquiis magnam. 2. Sed 4ea sunt consecuta, ut magis mirum sit accidere illa potuisse, quam nos non vidisse ea futura, nec, homines quum essemus, divinare potuisse. Equidem fateor meam conjecturam hanc fuisse, ut, 16 illo quasi quodam 5fatali proelio facto, et victores communi saluti consuli vellent et victi suae; 6utrumque autem positum esse arbitrari in celeritate victoris. 7Quae si fuisset, eandem clementiam experta esset Africa, 8quam cognovit Asia, quam * Ad Fam. XV. 15. 326 EPISTQLAE CICERONIS. etiam Achaia, 9te, ut opinor, ipso allegato ac deprecatore. 1~Amissis autem temporibus, quae plurimum valent, praesertim in bellis civilibus, linterpositus annus alios induxit, ut victoriam sperarent, alios, ut 12ipsum vinci contemnerent. 5 Atque horum malorum omnium culpam fortuna sustinet. Quis enim aut Alexandrini belli "tantam moram huic bello adjunctum iri, aut 14nescio quem istum Pharnacem Asiae terrorem illaturum putaret? 3. Nos tamen in consilio pari casu dissimili usi sumus. Tu enim ear partem petisti, ut et 10 consiliis interesses et, quod maxime curam levat, futura animo prospicere posses. Ego, qui festinavi, ut Caesarem in Italia viderem, (sic enim arbitrabamur,) eumque multis honestissimis viris conservatis redeuntem, ad pacem 15currentem, ut aiunt, incitarem, ab illo longissime et absum et abfui. Ver5 sor autem 16in gemitu Italiae et in urbis miserrimis querelis, quibus aliquid opis fortasse ego 17pro mea, tu pro tua, pro sua quisque parte ferre potuisset, si 18auctor affuisset. 4. Quare velim pro tua perpetua erga me benevolentia scribas ad me, quid videas, quid sentias, quid exspectandum, quid agendum 20nobis existimes. Magni erunt mihi tuae litterae; atque utinam primis illis, quas Luceria miseras, paruissem! sine ulla enim molestia dignitatem meam retinuissem. EPISTOLA XXVIII.* (Scr. Brundisii XVII. Kal. Quinctil. A. U. C. 707.) TULLIUS S. D. TERENTIAE SUAE. S. V. B. E. V. Tullia nostra venit ad me pridie Idus Junias; cujus summa virtute et singulari humanitate graviore 25 etiam sum dolore affectus nostra factum esse Inegligentia, ut longe alia in fortuna esset, atque ejus pietas ac dignitas postulabat. Nobis erat in animo Ciceronem 2ad Caesarem mittere et cum eo Cn. Salustium. Si profectus erit, faciam te certiorem. Valetudinem tuam cura diligenter. 30 Vale. XVII. Kalendas Quinctil. * Ad Fam. XIV. 11. TERENTIAE. 327 EPISTOLA XXIX.* (Scr. Brundisii XII. Kal. Quinctil. A. U. C. 707.) TULLIUS S. D. TERENTIAE. Si vales, bene est. Constitueramus, ut ad te antea scripseram, obviam Ciceronem Caesari mittere; sed mutavimus consilium, quia de illius adventu nihil audiebamus. De ceteris rebus, etsi nihil erat novi, tamen, quid velimus et quid hoc tempore putemus opus esse, ex Sicca poteris cognoscere. Tul- 6 liam adhuc mecum teneo. Valetudinem tuam cura diligenter. Vale. XII. Kalendas Quinctil. EPISTOLA XXX.t (Scr. Brundisii pridie Idus Sext. A. U. C. 707.) TULLIUS TERENTIAE SUAE S. D. S. V. B. E. V. 1Redditae mihi tandem sunt a Caesare litterae satis liberales, et ipse opinione celerius venturus esse dicitur. Cui utrum obviam procedam, an hic eum exspectem, 10 quum constituero, faciam te certiorem. Tabellarios milli velim quam primum remittas. Valetudinem tuam cura diligenter. Vale. D. pridie Idus Sext. EPISTOLA XXXI.+ (Scr. Venusiae Kal. Octobr. A. U. C. 707.) TULLIUS S. D. TERENTIAE SUAE. lIn Tusculanum nos venturos putamus aut Nonis aut postridie. Ibi 2ut sint omnia parata. Plures enim fortasse 15 * Ad Fam. XIV. 15. t Ad Fam. XIV. 23. Ad Fam. XIV. 20. 328 EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. nobiscum erunt et, ut arbitror, diutius ibi commorabimur. Labrum si in balineo non est, ut sit; item cetera, quae sunt ad victum et valetudinem necessaria. Vale. Kal. Octobr. de 3Venusino. EPISTOLA XXXII.* (Scr. Romae mense Sept. A. U. C. 708.) A. U. C. 708. Ante C. N. 46. Anni Cic. 61. Coss. C. JULIUS CAESAR III., M. AEMILIUS LEPIDUS. Caesar initio mensis Aprilis Scipionem et Jubam vincit. Pancis diebus post M. Cato Uticae sibi mortem consciscit. Caesar, Africano bello confecto, Idib. Jun. classem conscendit, et die tertio in Sardiniam venit. Inde III. Kal. Quint. profectus Roman venit a. d. VII. Kal. Sext. Ibi quatuor triumphis actis rem publ., summam potestatem nactus, constituit. Extremo anno ad bellum Hispaniense adversus Pompeii liberos profectus est, et post XXVII. dies in Hispaniam venit. Eodem anno Caesar fastos correxit, et, ut in posterum ex Kal. Jan. temporum ratio magis congrueret, inter Novembr. et Decembrem menses duos alios interjecit, ita ut hic annus, servato vetere mense intercalario, XV. mensium esset. Cicero h. a. Partitiones Oratorias, deinde Laudem Catonis scripsit, cui Caesar Anti-Catonem opposuit. Deinde scripsit Oratorem ad M. Brutum, qui turn Galliae Cisalpinae praeerat. Prid. Kal. intercalar. priores apud Caesarem habuit orationem pro Q. Ligario, quem Q. Aelius Tubero accusaverat. Extremo anno cum Terentia uxore divortium fecit. M. T. CICERO S. D. 1M. MARCELLO. 5 I. Etsi eo te adhuc 2consilio usum intelligo, ut id reprehendere non audeam, non quin ab eo ipse dissentiam, sed quod ea te sapientia esse judicem, ut meum consilium non anteponam tuo; tamen et amicitiae nostrae vetustas et tua summa erga me benevolentia, quae mihi jam a pueritia tua cognita 10 est, me hortata est, ut ea scriberem ad te, quae et saluti tuae conducere arbitrarer et non aliena esse ducerem a dignitate. 2. Ego eum te esse, qui horum malorum initia multo ante videris, consulatum magnificentissime atque optime gesseris, *Ad Fam. IV. 7. M. MARCELLO. 329 praeclare memini; sed idem etiam illa vidi, neque te consilium civilis belli ita gerendi nec copias Cn. Pompeii nec genus exercitus probare semperque summe diffidere; qua in sententia me quoque fuisse memoria tenere te arbitror. Itaque neque tu multum interfuisti rebus gerendis et ego id semper egi, ne 5 interessem. Non enim iis rebus pugnabamus, quibus valere poteramus, consilio, auctoritate, causa, quae erant in nobis superiora, sed lacertis et viribus, quibus pares non eramus. Victi sumus igitur, aut, si vinci dignitas non potest, fracti certe et abjecti. In quo tuum consilium nemo potest non maxime lau- 10 dare, quod cum spe vincendi simul abjecisti certandi etiam cupiditatem ostendistique sapientem et bonum civem initia belli civilis invitum suscipere, extrema libenter non persequi. 3. Qui non idem consilium, quod tu, secuti sunt, eos video in duo genera esse distractos. Aut enim renovare bellum conati 15 sunt, hique se in Africam contulerunt; aut, quemadmodum nos, victori sese crediderunt. Medium quoddam tuum consilium fuit, qui hoc fortasse humilis animi duceres, illud pertinacis. Fateor a plerisque, vel dicam ab omnibus, sapiens tuum consilium, a multis etiam magni ac fortis animi judicatum. 20 Sed habet 3ista ratio, ut mihi quidem videtur, quendam modum; praesertim quum tibi nihil deesse arbitrer ad tuas fortunas omnes obtinendas praeter voluntatem. Sic enim intellexi, nihil aliud esse, quod dubitationem afferret ei, penes quem est potestas, nisi quod vereretur, ne tu illud beneficium omni- 25 no non putares. De quo quid sentiam, 4nihil attinet dicere, quum appareat, ipse quid fecerim. 4. Sed tametsi jam ita constituisses, ut abesse perpetuo malles quam ea, quae nolles, videre; tamen idcogitare deberes, ubicunque esses, te fore in ejus ipsius, quem fugeres, potestate. Qui si facile passurus esset te 30 carentem patria et fortunis tuis quiete et libere vivere, cogitandum tibi tamen esset Romaene et domi tuae,5cuicuimodi res esset, an Mitylenis aut Rhodi malles vivere. Sed quum ita late pateat ejus potestas, quem veremur, ut terrarum orbem complexa sit, nonne mavis sine periculo tuae domi esse quam cum 55 periculo alienae? Equidem, etiamsi oppetenda mors esset, domi atque in patria mallem quam in externis atque alienis locis. 88Q EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. Hoc idem omnes, qui te diligunt, sentiunt; quorum est rnagna pro tuis maximis clarissimisque virtutibus multitudo. 5. Habemus etiam rationem rei familiaris tuae, quam dissipari nolumus. Nam etsi nullam potest accipere injuriam, quae futura 5 perpetua sit, propterea, quod neque is, qui tenet rem publicam, patietur neque ipsa res publica; tamen impetum praedonum in tuas fortunas fieri nolo. Hi autem qui essent, auderem scribere, nisi te intelligere confiderem. 6. Hic te unius sollicitudines, unius etiam multae et assiduae lacrimae C. 10 Marcelli, fratris optimi, deprecantur: nos cura et dolore proximi sumus, precibus tardiores, quod jus adeundi, quum ipsi deprecatione eguerimus, non habemus. 6Gratia tantum pos-.sumus, quantum victi; sed tamen consilio, studio 7Marcello non desumus. A tuis reliquis non tadhibemur: 9ad omnia 15 parati sumus. EPISTOLA XXXIII.* (Scr. Asturae mense Maio A. U. C. 709.) A. U. C. 709. Ante C. N. 45. Anni Cic. 62. C. JULIUS CAESAR III. Dictator, M. AEMILIUS LEPIDUS Mag. Equitum. Caesar simul IV. consul sine collega fuit. Caesar, victis in Hispania Pompeii filiis, Sexto et Cnaeo, mense Octobri Romam reversus consulatu se abdicat, et Q Fabium Maximum et Trebonium sibi sufficit. Ultimo autem l)ecembris die quum Fabius decessisset, Trebonius autem abesset, C. Caninius Rebilus cos. renuntiatur, qui, ut Cicero jocabatur, adeo vigilans consul fuit, ut toto consulatu somnum non riderit. Cicero initio h. a. vel superiore exeunte, dimissa Terentia, Publiliam uxorem duxit. Tullia ejus filia post divortium cum Dolabella factum, Romae filiolum peperit, et paullo post diem obiit supremum. Cicero, vehementer ejus morte afflictus, Publilia dimissa, Asturae se abdit, doloremque suum partim fani Tulliae erigendi consilio, partim libris scribendis lenire studet. Scripsit igitur h. a. Consolationem s. librum de luctu minuendo, libros de finibus bonorum et malorum, Aclademicas questiones. Animum etiam * Ad Fam. IV. 6. SER. SULPICIO. 381 adjecit lbro ad Caesarem de re publ. ordinanda scribendo. Mense Aprili filium suum studiorum causa Athenas mittit; et paullo post Astura discedit, reliquosque menses partim in Tusculano, partim in Arpinati aliisque villis transigit, mense Octobri Romam se confert; mense autem Decernbri in Puteolanum, ubi XII. Kal. Jan. Caesarem ejusque comites hospitio accepit. M. CICERO S. D. SER. SULPICIO. 1. Ego vero, Servi, vellem, ut scribis, in meo gravissimo casu affuisses. Quantum enim praesens me adjuvare potueris et consolando et prope aeque dolendo, facile ex eo intelligo, quod litteris lectis aliquantum acquievi. Nam et ea scripsisti, quae levareluctumpossent, et inme consolando non mediocrem 5 ipse animi dolorem adhibuisti. Servius tamen tuus omnibus officiis, quae illi tempori tribui potuerunt declaravit et quanti ipse me faceret et quam suum talem erga me animum tibi gratum putaret fore; cujus officia jucundiora licet saepe mihi fuerint, nunquam tamen gratiora. Me autem non oratio tua 10 solum et societas paene aegritudinis, sed etiam auctoritas consolatur. Turpe enim esse existimo me non ita ferre casum meum, ut tu, tali sapientia praeditus, ferendum putas. Sed opprimor interdum et vix resisto dolori, quod ea me solatia deficiunt, quae ceteris, quorum mihi exempla propono, simili 15 in fortuna non defuerunt. Nam et Q. Maximus, qui filium consularem, clarum virum et magnis rebus gestis, amisit, et L. Paullus, qui duo septem diebus, et'vester Gallus et 2I. Cato, qui summo ingenio, summa virtute filium perdidit, iis temporibus 3fuerunt, ut eorum luctum ipsorum dignitas consolaretur 20 ea, quam ex re publica consequebantur. 2. Mihi autem, amissis ornamentis iis, quae ipse commemoras, quaeque eram maximis laboribus adeptus, unum manebat illud solatium, quod ereptum est. Non amicorum negotiis, non rei publicae procuratione impediebantur cogitationes meae; nihil in foro agere 25 libebat; adspicere curiam non poteram; existimabam, id quod erat, omnes me et industriae meae fructus et fortunae perdidisse. Sed, quum cogitarem haec mihi tecum et cum quibusdam esse communia, et quum frangerem jam ipse me, cogeremque illa ferre toleranter, habebam quo confugerem, ubi30 332 EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. conquiescerem, cujus in sermone et suavitate omnes curas doloresque deponerem. Nunc autem hoc tam gravi vulnere etiam illa, quae consanuisse videbantur, recrudescunt. Non enim, ut tur me a re publica maestum domus excipiebat, quae 5 levaret, sic nunc domo maerens ad rem publicam confugere possum, ut in ejus bonis acquiescam. Itaque et4domo absum et foro, quod nec eum dolorem, quem a re publica capio, domus jam consolari potest, nec domesticum res publica. 3. Quo magis te exspecto, teque videre quam primum cupio. 0 Major mihi levatio afferri nulla potest quam conjunctio consuetudinis sermonumque nostrorum; quamquam sperabam tuum adventum, (sic enim audiebam,) appropinquare. Ego autem quum multis de causis te exopto quam primum videre, tur etiam, ut ante commentemur inter nos, qua ra15 tione nobis traducendum sit hoc tempus, quod est totum ad 5unius voluntatem accommodandum et prudentis et liberalis et, ut perspexisse videor, nec a me alieni et tibi amicissimi. Quod quum ita sit, magnae tamen est deliberationis, quae ratio sit ineunda nobis, non agendi aliquid, sed illius concPnut 20 et beneficio quiescendi. EPISTOLA XXXIV.* (Scr. Romae exeunte Septembri A. U. C. 710.) A. U. C. 710. Ante C. N. 44. Anni Cic. 63. Coss. C. JULIiS CAESAR V., M. ANTONIUS. Primis anni mensibus Cicero absolvit Tusculanas disputationes. Caesar Idibus Martiis in Curia a conjuratis M. Bruto, C. Cassio aliisque interficitur. Conjurati se recipiunt in Capitolium. Dolabella in Caesaris locum cos. sufficitur. CICERO 1PLANCO. 1. Et afui proficiscens in Graeciam, et posteaquam de meo cursu rei publicae sum voce revocatus, nunquam 2per M. An* Ad Fam. X. 1. PLANCO. 333 tonium quietus fui; cujus tanta est, 3non insolentia, (nam id quidem vulgare vitium est,) sed 4immanitas, non modo ut 5socem, sed ne vultum quidem liberum possit ferre cujusquam. Itaque mihi maximae curae est, non de mea quidem vita, cui satisfeci vel aetate vel factis vel (si quid etiam hoc ad rem 5 pertinet) gloria; sed me patria sollicitat, in primisque, mi Plance, exspectatio consulatus tui, 6quae ita longa est, ut 70ptandum sit, ut possimus ad id tempus rei publicae 8spiritum ducere. Quae potest enim spes esse in ea re publica, in qua hominis impotentissimi atque intemperantissimi armis oppressa 10 sunt omnia, et in qua nec senatus nec populus vim habet ullam, nec leges ullae sunt, nec judicia, nec omnino 9simulacrum aliquod ac vestigium civitatis? 2. Sed quoniam l~acta omnia "mitti ad te arbitrabar, nihil erat, quod singulis de rebus scriberem. Illud autem erat amoris mei, quem a tua pueritia 5 susceptum non servavi solum, sed etiam auxi, monere te atque hortari, ut in rem publicam omni cogitatione curaque incumberes. Quae si ad tuum tempus "perducitur, facilis gubernatio est; ut perducatur autem, magnae quum diligentiae est, tum etiam fortunae. 3. Sed et te aliquanto ante, ut spero, 20 habebimus, et, praeterquam quod rei publicae consulere debemus, tamen tuae dignitati ita favemus, ut omne nostrum consilium, studium, officium, operam, laborem, diligentiam ad amplitudinem tuam conferamus. Ita facillime et rei publicae, quae mihi carissima est, et amicitiae nostrae, quam25 sanctissime nobis colendam puto, me intelligo satisfacturum. 4. 13Furnium nostrum tanti a te fieri, quantum ipsius humanitas et dignitas postulat, nec miror 14et gaudeo; teque hoc existimare volo, quidquid in eum judicii officiique contuleris, id ita me accipere, ut in me ipsum te putem contulisse. St 334 EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. EPISTOLA XXXV.* (Scr. Romae initio Quintilis A. U. C. 711.) A. U. C. 711. Ante C. N. 43. Anni Cic. 64. Coss. C. VIBIUS PANSA, A. HIRTIUS. XVII. Kal. Maias Antonius proelio ad Mutinam superatus est, in quo alter cos. Hirtius cecidit, alter Pansa vulneratus est et paucis post diebus Bononiae mortuus. Laeto autem nuntio de victoria Mutinensi Romam allato, Cicero ab ingenti multitudine, maximo plausu, in Capitolium ductus, in rostris collocatus, inde domum reductus est. IV. Kal. Jun. M Lepidus se cum Antonio, post proclium Mutinense Alpes transgresso, conjunxit, et prid. Kal. Quint. hostis judicatus est. Paullo post Caesar Octavianus causam optimatium deseruit, Antoniumque et Lepidum in Italiam arcessivit; et cum Pedio consul creatus X. Kal. Oct. consulatum adiit. Deinde pace facta inter Caesarem Octavianum, Antonium et Lepidum, apud confluentes inter Perusiam et Bononiam congressos, convenit, ut ipsi triumviri rei publ. constituendae per quinquennium essent, et ut suos quisque inimicos proscriberet. Itaque Antonius in Ciceronem, qui urbe relicta Asturam confugerat, percussores immisit Herennium centurionem et M. Popilium Laenatem, a quibus VII. Id. Decembres interfectus est. M. T. CICERO C. CASSIO S. P. D. 1. Lepidus,'tuus affinis, meus familiaris, pridie Kal. Quinetiles sententiis omnibus hostis a senatu judicatus est, ceterique, qui una cum illo a re publica defecerunt; quibus tamen ad sanitatem redeundi ante Kal. Septembr. potestas facta est. 5 Fortis sane senatus, sed maxime spe subsidii tui. Bellum quidem, quum haec scribebam, sane magnum erat 2scelere et levitate Lepidi. Nos de Dolabella quotidie, 3quae volumus, audimus; sed adhuc sine capite, sine auctore, rumore nuntio. 2. Quod quum ita esset, tamen litteris tuis, quas Nonis Mails 10 ex castris datas acceperamus, ita persuasum erat civitati, ut ilium jam oppressum omnes arbitrarentur, te autem in Italiam venire cum exercitu; ut, si haec ex sententia confecta essent, consilio atque auctoritate tua; sin quid forte titubatum, ut fit in bello, exercitu tuo niteremur. Quem quidem ego exerci* Ad Fam. XII. 10. C. CASSIO. 335 turn quibuscunque potuero rebus ornabo; cujus rei tum tempus erit, quum, quid opis rei publicae laturus is exercitus sit aut quid jam tulerit, notum esse coeperit. Nam adhuc tantum conatus audiuntur, optimi illi quidem et praeclarissimi, sed gesta res exspectatur; 4quam quidem aut jam esse aliquam 5 aut appropinquare confido. 3. Tua virtute et magnitudine animi nihil est nobilius. Itaque optamus, ut quam primum te in Italia videamus. Rem publicam nos habere arbitrabimur, si vos habebimus. Praeclare 5viceramus, nisi spoliatum, inermem, fugientem Lepidus recepisset Antonium. Itaque o0 nunquam tanto odio civitati Antonius fuit, quanto est Lepidus. Ille enim ex turbulenta re publica, hic ex pace et victoria bellum excitavit. Huic oppositos 6consules designatos habemus; in quibus est magna illa quidem spes, sed anceps cura propter incertos exitus proeliorum. 4. Persuade tibi igitur, 15 7in te et in Bruto tuo esse omnia; vos exspectari, Brutum quidem jam jamque. Quodsi, ut spero, victis hostibus nostris veneritis, 8tamen auctoritate vestra res publica exsurget et in aliquo statu tolerabili consistet. Sunt enim permulta, quibus erit medendum, etiam si res publica satis esse videbitur scel- 20 ribus hostium liberata. Vale. 15 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. A., Arnold. Jug., Jugurtha. Ad init., at the beginning. K. or Kuh., KUihner. Ad fin., at the end. Lit., literal, or literally. A. & S., Andrews and Stoddard. M. Matthiae. Arch., Archias. N. or n., note. A. U. C., anno urbis conditae. 0., Orelli. Bet., between. Opp., opposition, or opposed. C. or Chap., chapter. Praet., praetor. Caes., Caesar. Praett., praetors. Cat., Catiline. R., Remark. Cf., compare. Ramsh., Ramshorn. Cic., Cicero. Sail., Sallust. C. N., Christi natum. S. D., salutem dicit Cos., consul. Sc., scilicet, namely. Coss., consuls. S., Schiitz. D,, Dietsch. Sub., subject. Dist., distinguish. Subj., subjunctive. Dod, Doderlein. Syn., synonyms Ec. Cic., Eclogae Ciceronianae. Scr., scripta. Epp. Cic., Epistolae Ciceronis. Tr. pl., tribunus plebis. F., filius. V., vide, see. Gr., grammar. V. R. H., see references to Harkness. H., Harkness. V. R. K., see references to Kiihner. i. e., id est. Z., Zumpt. NOTES. ECLOGAE CICERONIANAE. Narrations. PaW Cri. I. 1. Tantumn tribuitur aetati = is so much respect 11 shown to age. 2. Ludis. The great festival of the Panathenaea is referred to. V. Smith's Dict. Gr. and Rom. Antiq., Art. Panathenaea. 3.. Theatrum. The Attic theatre is supposed to have been large enough to contain 50,000 persons. 4. In loco certo. In the theatre, the places for generals, the archons, priests, foreign ambassadors, and other distinguished persons, were in the lowest rows of benches, and nearest to the orchestra. The aged Athenian, therefore, on the present occasion, must pass by a large portion of the audience before reaching the lower seats of the ambassadors. 5. Senem ilium sessum recepisse = gave that old man a seat: lit. received that old man in order to sit. 6. Dixisse: depending upon proditum est. CH. II. 1. Venisset, quaereret. When the imperfect and 12 pluperfect subjunctive are thus united in the same construction, the imperfect is used to denote that the action was going on, and not completed, at the time marked by the tense of the verb of the principal clause. 2. Quid: sc. ais, or some word of similar meaning. 3. Te: sc. saying, when she said. CH. III. 1. Sacerdotis. Her name was Cydippe. 2. Illam -jus esset = it was the law that she; i. e. it was incumbent, absolutely necessary. 3. Statum = appointed, stated. " Stata sacrificia sunt, quae certis diebus fieri debent." Festus 338 NOTES. Page 12 4. Satis longe. It was forty-five stadia from the town to the temple. 5. Fanrim. The temple of Juno. 6. Morarentur = were delaying; i. e. they had not yet arrived. 7. Praemium - quod maxinium == the greatest reward which. It is very common to find the adjective which describes the subject or object of the principal clause, especially if it is in the superlative degree, standing in the relative clause and in agreement with the relative. 8. Pietate = filial affection. 9. Adolescentes - dedisse: sc. dicitur - it is said. 13 Ci. IV. 1. lleditando = by exercise, practice. 2. Neque is consistens = and he (was) not (accustomed to do this) standing. When some person or thing is to be repeated with an addition, is with et, atque, que, et quidem, and, if the clause is negative, neque or nec, must be used. Gr. 103'37 207, R. 26 (c). 3. Ascensu ingrediens arduo going up a steep ascent. CH. V. 1. In- contra = against- in opposition to. 2. 1iraremini. The imperfect is used here instead of the more common pluperfect, to denote that the action is conceived as going on simultaneously with that of the verb in the other clause. 3. Ipsum is here used to contrast emphatically Demosthenes with ]Eschines. We should express the idea by an emphatic him. V. Sail. Cat. XXIII. n. 5. 14 CH. VI. 1. Videret. V. c. II. n. 1. 2. Ut primuam = as soon as. CH. VII 1.. Ben familiarem = his property, estate. 2. In judiciuam vocatus est = was summoned to a trial. 3. uemuadmodum.... solet = as, in accordance with our usage, fathers who manage their affairs badly are accustomed to be forbidden the use of their property: lit. it is customary to be forbidden (the use of) their property to fathers. V. Caes. I. 46, n. 6. 4. Quasi desipientem = as if in his dotage. 5. Eamr fabulam = the play. 6. Proxime = most recently, last. 7. Oedipum Coloneum = entitled the CEdipus at Colonus. 1 C CH. VIII. 1. An quis alius = or some other one. An here seems to be used in the sense of aut, but this results from the omission of the principal verb, incertum est, which Zumpt says (V. Z. Gr., 354) is understood in such cases. V. also A. & S. 198, 11, R. (e). ECLOGAE CICERONIANAE. 339 Page 2. Oblivionis: sc. artem. 1 8. Quae - quae. Supply the ellipses thus: ea quae meminisse solo: ea quae oblivisci volo. 4. Incredibili.... ingenii = (a man) of extraordinary skill and natural capacity: lit. of a certain incredible greatness of skill, &c. 5. Dixisse: sc. dicitur. 6. Ut: sc. illam artem posse efficere. 7. Gratius.... facturum -- that he would have done a more agreeable service to him: lit. that he would have acted more agreeably to him. 8. Qui == since he. 9. Ingratae.... debuit = did not patiently endure the wrong inflicted by his ungrateful country, which he ought to have so endured. 10. Fecit idem; viz. became an enemy to his country. CH. IX. 1. Non opus esse==perniciosum esse; i. e. wotld 16 be disastrous: lit. would not be useful. An example of litotes. V. Sall. Cat. XXIII. n. 2; and A. & S. 324, 9. 2. Ille: sc. dixit. 3. Frangi.... esset = the resources of the Lacedemonians must needs be destroyed. 4. Esset. The subj. refers the thought to the mind of Themistocles. He thought this would be the result. 5. Magola exspectatione= amid great expectations; i. e. on the part of the people. CH. X. 1. In Xenophontis Oeconomico = in the Oeconomicus of Xenophon. This is the title of a treatise of Xenophon on the management of a household, and on agriculture. 2. Cyrum minorem, regem Persarum = that Cyrus the younger, the Persian prince. This Cyrus was called the younger to distinguish him from Cyrus the elder, or Cyrus the Great, the founder of the Persian empire. He was the son of Darius Nothus, and attempted to dethrone his brother Artaxerxes, but lost his life in the attempt. He was merely satrap over some of the western provinces of Asia Minor, and therefore the term regem in the text is to be regarded as having only the force of regulum, prince. 3. Imperil; i. e. his government as satrap or viceroy. 4. Virtutis ability. It cannot mean moral virtue here, for Lysander was especially deficient in this. 5. Sardis. The accusative plural for Sardes. 340 NOTES. Page 16 6. Directos in quincuncem = arranged in the form of a quincunx. This arrangement vas such that from whatever side it was viewed it presented the form of the Roman numeral V, as the following plan will show. * * * 7. S ata atqe pura smooth and clear. 7. Subactam atque puram = smooth and clear. 8. Qui afflarentur = which were breathed. The subj. refers the thought to the mind of Lysander: which were breathed as ha said; i. e. to those to whom he afterwards related the story. 9. Dixisse: depending upon narrat at the beginning. 17 10. Descripta = planned. 11. Ista; i. e. these things to which you allude. V. Cic. in Cat. I. 1, n. 4. 12. Nitorem.... gemmis =the elegance of his person, and the Persian garniture of much gold and many gems. CiI. XI. 1. Ain t = -dost thou say so? It is a formula expressive of wonder. 2. An ego possim! - Can I? i. e. Do you think I can? The subj. is used because the reference is to what is passing in the mind of the other. V. Caes. I. 47, n. 12. 3. Quid.. II.n. 2. 4. Urgeret = was near at hand. For the tense, V. II. n. 1. 18 5. Assequi - nactus eris - consequetur= to find by searching, by exertion - shall have come upon accidentally - will meet with, come up with. For the distinction between these synonyms, V. Caes. I. 18, n. 19. 6. Ferretur. V. Caes. I. 31, n. 16. 7. Cujatem se esse diceret -of what country he would say that he was a citizen. 8. MIundanum: sc. me esse dicerem. 9. Contentius- with more exertion than usual. 10. Obsoiare- famem = was catering for an appetite. CH XII. 1. De.... esset = the contest was for supreme power. 2. Proposuisset. In direct discourse this would be the fut. ECLOGAE CICERONIANAE. 841 Page perf.; which regularly becomes the plup. subj. in oblique discourse: 18 I will kill him, if you shall have offered me a reward (oratio recta): he said, that he would kill him, if he had offered him a reward (oratio obliqua). 3. Speciem utilitatis opinionemque = an appearance of advantage and a (mere) opinion. 4. Sustulisset = might have put an end to..19 5. Dedecus et flagitium. These words belong to the predicate after fuisset understood, and eum superatum with esse understood, is the subject. Translate, " that he, with whom the strife for glory had been, should be overcome, not by valor, but by a wicked act, would have been," &c. V. XXIII. n. 27. CH. XIII. 1. Qui invenisset = (to any one) who should discover. The indefiniteness of the antecedent renders the subj. necessary in the relative clause. The plup. is used here, where we should use the imperf., because the action is really completed before the action of the principal verb; i. e. the discovering must precede the giving of the reward: the Latin marking distinctions of time more accurately than the English. For another example see attulisset below. 2. Qua ipsa = with this. The force of ipsa is best given here by laying emphasis upon qua. 3. Nos.... possemus = I could wish that we were able to draw out (some one) by a reward. CH. XIV. 1. Cultu= refinement. It is opposed to a state of nature. 2. Negavit ulnquam se = affirmed that he never. 3. Videlicet =doubtless. With some irony. 4. Cibarius -panis = black bread. Cf. Isid. Orig. Panis cibarius est, qui ad cibuns servis datur, nec delicatus. CH. XV. 1. Consul iterum. Regulus was proconsul at the time (B. C. 255) he was taken captive in Africa. He had been consul the second time the preceding ear. 2. Juratus= after he had been bound by an oath. The sub- 80 jtantive sentence introduced by ut depends upon juratus. 3. Bes = the result, the sequel. 4. Talis -- as follows. 5. Manere in patria; esse domi, etc.; tenere. etc. These infinitive clauses are in apposition with speciem. G. Quam.... judicantem = regarding the defeat whicb he had met with in the war as common to the focralu of war. 342 NOTES. Pake 20 Judicantem agrees with eum understood, the suppressed subject ace. of tenere. 7. Locupletiores auctores = more reliable witnesses, better authority: sc. quam hae virtutes sunt. 8. Sententiam.... recusavit = he refused to give his opinion, to vote; i. e. to act as a senator. 9. Se =(saying) that he. The acc. with the infin. very often depends upon the idea of saying, or communicating, implied in some preceding verb or expression. 10. Dixerit quispiam = will any one presume to say? 11. Illos eniln = for (he said) that they. The idea is implied in negavit. 12. Exquisita = carefully sought out; i. e. skilfully contrived, and very severe. 13. Vigilando necabatur = he was worried to death by watching; i. e. by being deprived of his sleep. 21 CH. XVI. 1. Major: sc. natu. This Dionysius is called the elder to distinguish him from Dionysius the younger, his son, who was also tyrant of Sicily. 2. Lecto.... picto = a couch covered with a very beautiful wrought bed-spread (which was) embroidered with splendid works. 3. Abacos = tables. It properly signifies tables curiously adorned with mosaic-work, for vases, gold and silver vessels, &c. 4. Eximia forma = of excellent figure. 5. Odores =suffimenta, aromata, thura odorifera. The effect for the cause, by metonymy. 6. In.... apparatu =- in the midst of this magnificent parade. 7. Quod - nollet. The subj. refers the thought to the mind of Damocles: because (as he said), &c. 8. Satisne = nonne satis. V. Cic., in Cat. I. 3, n. 7. 9. Nihil.... beatun = that he has no peace: lit. that nothing is to him peaceful. 22 CH. XVII. 1. Perses hostis = a Persian enemy. 2. Negavit. V. XIV. n. 2. 3. Coenae caput = the chief part of the meal. 4. Ila = that and things like it: the plural referring rather to the class of things represented by the noun, than to the noun itself. 5. Tandem = pray. V. Sall. Cat. XX. n. 14. 6. Ad Eurotan = on the banks of the Eurotas. On the banks ECLOGAE CICERONIANAE. 343 Page of this river the Lacedemonian youth were accustomed to exercise 22 themselves. CH. XVIII. 1. Decedens ex Syria = on his journey from Syria. The present participle is here used to signify that he had the wish all the way from Syria to Rhodus. 2. Qnod.... laborarent = because his joints were in extreme pain. The disease here referred to was the gout. 3. Nec committam = nor will I cause. 4. De hoc ipso = on this very subject. 5. Itaque - et ita. 6. Quasi faces doloris = the flames, as it were, of the pain. An elegant metaphor for ardentissimi dolores. CH. XIX. 1. Tabernam = inn, tavern. 2. Nam..... iventum = for so the story goes after the dicovery. 3. Ilium alterum - the one: lit. that one of the two. 4. Ex. V. Sail. Cat. XII. n. 2. 5. Propter appositum = placed by his side. 6. Ilium alterum - the other. 7. Ipse places the subject in contrast with gladium. 8. Semel et saepius = repeatedly. 9 Reus fit — is accused. CH. XX. 1. Archimedis limits sepulchrum. 2. Qium.... negarent = since they declared that it did not exist at all. This clause depends upon ignoratum. 3. Tenebam = I recollected. 24 4. Senariolos = verses consisting of six feet. 5. Autem - now, moreover, and, &c. It is much used in the philosophical writings of Cicero as a mere particle of transition, the office of which is to prevent abruptness by connecting what follows with what precedes. 6. Ad portas Achradinas = near the Achradine gates. Achradina was the name of a part of the city of Syracuse. 7. Quo = thither, to this place. 8. Ad asiversam basim to the front part of the pedestal. 9. Exesis.... fere = although the latter parts of the verses, almost up to the middle, had been effaced by time. 10. Sui... acutissimi = of its most clear-sighted, intelligent citizen. Unus strengthens the superlative by marking out the individual (person or thing) of whom the statement is made from all 15* 34-I NOTES. Page 24 others. Unus omnium maxime and unus ex omnibus maxime are forms for the same idea, which also occur. 11. Arpinate. Cicero was from Arpinum. CH. XXI. 1. Dedimns operam = I gave attention to, listened to. Plural for singular. V. A. & S. 209, R. 7, (b). 25 2. Quum - turn not only - but also, but more particularly: the latter being generally the more important notion. 3. Tamnen =- nevertheless, however. It is adversative to what is said in the preceding sentence of his special attention to the dialectic art. 4. Commentabar.... cumi = while exercising myself in rhetorical delivery, I often debated with. 5. Similiter = similarly; i. e. after the Greek style, ornately. 6. Laterum contentio = exertion of lungs. 7. Quodvis.... adeundum = that I should expose myself to any danger whatever, rather. 8. Commutato genere dicendi = by changing the mode of delivery. 9. Ea stands for the clause introduced by ut, but takes the gender of the following noun. 10. Que =- but. Que (also afque, et) has sometimes an adversative force, especially after a negative clause followed by an affirmative one by which the same thought is expressed or continued. A. 11. Intermissuin - rursus - renovavi. By intermissum, Cicero means that the study of philosophy had never been entirely given up, but had been prosecuted privately and during his leisure hours; whereas by renovavi he refers to the renewal of the study as a regular employment. Rursus merely strengthens renovavi. 26 12. Ipsis lubentibus = to their own pleasure, joy. 13. Si.... est ==if to have nothing of affectation nor of vain display is characteristic of the Attic orators. 14. In veris causis = important causes; i. e. causes involving the defence of the government and laws, in opposition to those that were private and comparatively trivial: causes really worthy of the name. 15. In.... vitiis =in condemning and punishing vice. 16. Si.... potnit = if he could only accomplish this. Id stands for the clause introduced by ut. 17. Redundantes.... coerceret. The figure is that of a swollen and overflowing river. ECLOGAE CICERONIANAE. 345 Maxims. Page CH. XXII. 1. Conscientia = good conscience. 26 2. Pluris est = is worth more, weighs more. 3. Id: standing for nescire by a sort of apposition. V. A. & S. 27 209, R. 3, (5), (a), last sentence. 4. Ubicunqne erit gentium = wheresoever on earth he shall be. 5. Expetendam = that ought to be sought for. 6. Expetendarum fugiendarumque = that should be sought and avoided. 7. Meorum.... conscientia =- in the consciousness of my 28 kind offices; i. e. towards my friends. 8. Cognsitio.... sit =- acquaintance with the cause of everything: lit., acquaintance (with) what may be the cause of everything. 9. Ex quo efficitur - from this it follows. 10. Inferiora virtute - subordinate to virtue: lit. lower than virtue. 11. Natura -valuit. V. Cic. pro Arch. VII. n. 3. 12. Animorum ingeniorumque = of the soul and of the understanding. Descriptions. CH. XXIII. 1. Primus, princeps. Primus is the first, so far as, in space or time, he makes his appearance first, and others follow him: princeps, so far as he acts first, and others follow his example. Dod. 2. Quae - venissent. In narrative, the relative and adverb 29 are sometimes followed by the imperf. and plup. subj. when a repeated action is spoken of in past time. 3. Nisi.... pateret=unless that resource for (lit. aid of) corn and place of refuge had been accessible to our fleets. For the tense of pateret, see V. n. 2. 4. Ille = the well-known, the famous. The Marcellus here referred to is the celebrated M. Claudius Marcellus, who was five times consul, and the conqueror of Syracuse, B. C. 212. 5. Hostes; i. e. the Carthaginians under Himilco and Hippocrates and such of the Sicilians as had joined the Carthaginians. - M[isericordiam victi. When Marcellus took Syracuse, he spared the 846 NOTES. Page 29 lives of the free citizens. Victi is one of the subjects of perspexerun!. - Ceteri Siculi; i. e. the Sicilians who remained faithful to the Romans. 6. Superatis = after they were overcome. 7. Urbenl.... Syracusas =that most beautiful city, Syracuse. Observe the position of urbem. A noun in apposition with a proper name generally stands after it; but if the attention is to rest upon the apposition, or if it has a nearer relation to some preceding noun, it stands first. 8. Quum.... tun. V. XXI. n. 2. 9. Mlanu = by art. 10. Loci natura = by its natural situation. 11. Idem -- at the same time. 12. Continentiae = of his moderation, self-restraint; i. e. with reference to the plunder and destruction of the city. Cicero extols the clemency and moderation of Marcellus too highly. " The booty found in the captured city was immense: besides the money in the royal treasury, which was set apart for the coffers of the state, Marcellus carried off many of the works of art with which the city had been adorned, to grace his own triumph and the temples at Rome." V. Smith's C1. Diet., Art. M2arcellus. 13. quid, &c. The pupil should observe that quid expugnasset refers to victoriae, quibus pepercisset to mansuetudinis, and quae reliquisset to continentiae. 14. Tanttnl.... habendum = that so great honor should be shown to Sicily. 15. Puto, arbitror. Puto means to pass judgment under the form of a private opinion, to think: arbitror, to pass judgment as an arbitrator, to decide. 16. Ex sese possit efferre —it was able to yield, produce. 17. Conditim = stored up. O 18. Nostro - of ours. 19. Coriis.... suppeditando - by supplying skins, &c. Vestivit has reference to tunicis, aluit to frumento, and armavit to coriis. 20. Quid. V. II. n. 2. 21. Quod.... hatbent = that we have many richer citizens, because they have. This clause explains the preceding, illa, quae - sentimus. 22. QUo.... gerant = to which they may make excursions easily, and in which they may carry on business with pleasure; or, ECLOGAE CICERONIANAE. 347 Page to bring out more plainly the use of quo and ubi with the subj., such 38 that they may make excursions to it (quo) easily, and carry on business in it (ubi) with pleasure. 23. Quos partim - partim = some of whom - others. 24. Quaestus, compendium. Quaestus is the gain which we have sought for: compendium, the profit or saving produced by a careful management of business. 25. Ut.... libeat = in order that they may be pleased (inclined) to engage in agriculture, in tending flocks (pascere), and in trade. 26. Collocare: sc. libeat. 27. Tantun.... detineri. This sentence is in apposition with commodum. The infin. with its subject ace. may be regarded as, in all respects, a substantive in the nom. and ace. cases. V. XIL n. 5. 28. Quasi quaedam = so to speak. 29. Vectigalia - revenues. 30. Jam vero = moreover, besides. Used to mark transition. 31. Ea — talis. 32. Nihil.... Graecorum = they are like the other Greeks in nothing: lit. nothing of the other Greeks is like (them). CH. XXIV. 1. Et - and at the same time. 1 2. Habent rationemr = have an account, have to do, have dealings. 3. ltecusat imperium= disputes their right to command. 4. Alias - plerumque = at one time, sometimes - commonly (however). 5. Quamquam = and yet. V. Cic. in Cat. I. 9, n. 1. 6. lIollito ac subacto = softened and subdued. 7. Occaecatum = concealed. 8. Ex.... est = from which (i. e. occaecatum) that which does this (i. e. concealing) has been named harrowing. 9. Deinde.... includitur= then it splits it (the seed) made tepid by its warmth and pressure and draws forth from it the green blade (viriditatem) just beginning to sprout, which, supported by the fibres of its roots, begins gradually to expand, and, having shot up in a stem of many joints, now beginning to be pubescent, as it were, is inclosed by sheaths. 10. rrugem.... structam = the fruit of the ear arranged in rows. 11. Aristarum = of bearded spikes. 348 NOTES. Page 81 12. Quid - commemorem = why should I mention? 13. Satiari delectatione = to be satisfied with delight (at such a spectacle); i. e. I cannot have enough of it. 14. Ut - pernoscatis = that you may thoroughly know; i. e. to give you a full and complete idea of the recreation and amusement, &c. 15. Ialleoli.... propagines. These are different modes of propagating the vine. Malleoli = mallet-shoots, are the shoots of a vine cut off for planting, with a small piece of the old wood on each side, in the form of a little mallet; whence the name. Plantae. = suckers, are shoots of a plant springing from the main stock, or root. Sarmenta = cuttings, are young twigs cut off for the purpose of being set out. Propagines = layers, means branches bent down and fastened in the earth until they take root, when they are severed from the parent stem. By viviradices = quicksets, are meant plants set out with the roots; that is, having a quick, or living root. 3 16. Multiplici lapsu et erratico = with a luxuriant and erratic growth (lit. gliding). 17. Ferro amputans = by pruning. 18. In omlnes partes = in every direction. 19. In iis: sc. sarmentis. 20. Exsistit.... sarmentorn = -there appears at the joints, as it were, of the branches. 21. Nee.... ardores =it is neither deprived of a moderate degree of warmth, and at the same time keeps off the excessive heat of the sun. 22. Qua: sc. uva. - Quum - tun. V. XXI. n. 2. 23. Fructu laetius - adspectu pulchrius = more pleasant as a fruit - more beautiful as a sight. 24. Capitum jugatio = the yoking together of the tops (of these); i. e. of the props. 25. Immissio = the letting grow. 26. Bepastinationes = trenching; i. e. the digging up of the ground around the roots. 27. Turn = furthermore: sc. res rusticae laetae sunt. $3 Cu. XXV. 1. Quisquam may be used adjectively with designations of persons. 2. Ex.... terrena arising from some contact with the earth. 3. Allapsus extrinsecus = having come from some foreign source. ECLOGAE CICERONIANAE. 349 Page 4. Ut.... austro = as we see on plasterings, in consequence of la the south wind. 5. Accedit =- add to this also. 6. Qunum - turn. V. XXI. n. 2. 7. Quorum.... unum = of which this is the only deed, action; i. e. corrodere. 8. quasi.... intersit = as if, forsooth, there is any difference. 9. Diem noctem = day and night, continually. The conjunction is sometimes omitted when two single words, as comprehending the whole idea, are opposed to each other. 10. Platonis Politiam -- the State of Plato: the title of one of Plato's works. 11. Putarem. V. V. n. 2. 12. Al vero illa nos terrent = or do these things (= the following things; i. e. portentosa = unnatural things, monstrosities) in reality terrify us. The interrogative an, in direct interrogations, when no interrogative sentence precedes, supposes a previous question, or a preceding thought, which must be supplied by the mind, to which it forms an antithesis. In this passage we may suppose utrum aliud nos terret, or something similar, to be the thought to be supplied. V. Caes. I. 47, n. 12. 13. Ne sim longior = not to be too prolix. 14. Illud.... habeto = you should nevertheless consider this certain. 15. Naturae ratione = by reasons drawn from the nature of things. 16. Coeli discessus lightning. CHi. XXVI. 1. Copia dicendi = fluency of delivery. $4 2. Non minimam - invectam partem incommodorum = very great disadvantages have been occasioned: lit. not the least part of, &c. Non minimam = maximam; by litotes. V. A. & S. 324, 9; also Sail. XXIII. n. 2. 3. Ex.... repetere = to trace out from history. 4. Animi ratione = by the reasoning faculty of the mind. 5. Potissimum = in preference to all others. It refers to the act of choosing one thing in preference to another; and hence is used especially with verbs of choosing, preferring, &c. It follows the word whose meaning it strengthens, and its force would be often best given in English by putting emphasis on this word. A. 6. quo velit, unde velit. When the reference made by the 350 NOTES, FWge 34 relative (pronoun or adverb) is at'all vague or indefinite, the subj. must follow. 7. Autem. V. XX. n. 5. 8. Haec una res; i. e. eloquentia. 9. Praecipue (== prae aliis) properly speaks of actions done in a higher degree in one case than in any other; hence it properly stands with verbs. A. Here it refers to a distinction (floruit) which the art of eloquence enjoys above all others, and to the exclusion of all others: = particularly, exclusively. 10. Existere unum is the subject of est understood. V. XXIII. n. 27. 3 11. Religiones scruples. 12. Unius = of a single individual. 13. Retinere.... civitate = lit. to retain men in the state; i. e. to save them from exile. 14. Lacessitus = when you have been attacked. 15. Magis.... hinnanitatis= better adapted to human nature. 16. Vel = even. It is often used to strengthen the superlative. 17. Uno maxime = most of all. V. XX. n. 10. 18. Ut.... veniamus = but to come now to the chief point of all. 19. Comprehendam brevi == I will sum up the whole in a few words. 36 CH. XXVII. 1. Esse aliquod numen. V. XXIII. n. 27. 2. quo -regantur. V. XXVI. n. 6. 3. Boges = suppose you ask. When something is stated merely as a supposition, or as a fictitious supposition, the subjunctive is used. Schmitz's Gr. 346. 4. Hoc idem — this very same question. 5. Deliberandi = for deliberation; lit. of deliberating. It depends upon diem. 6. Quanto diutius - tanto obscurior = the longer - the more obscure. 7. Deorum providentia. These words are inserted in the text simply to show what haec stands for. They are the subject of discourse in the passage from which the extract is taken. 8. Quam is intensive and= —the very. It is much used to strengthen the superlative. 37 9. Quid in se admittat - what unlawful act he gives a free admittance to himself; i. e. what crime he commits. ECLOGAE CICERONIANAE. 351 Page 20. Colat religiones = he attends to his religious rites. 37 CH. XXVIII. 1. Scipio. P. Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus Africanus Minor; to whom, together with Laelius, the treatise De Senectute, from which this is an extract, is supposed to be addressed. 2. Patrem tuum Paullum. L. Aemilius Paullus Macedonicus. 3. Duos avos, Paullum et Africanum. L. Aemilius Paullus, who fell at Cannae B. C. 216, and P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus Major, the former his grandfather by nature, the latter by adoption. 4. Africani patrem ant patruum. Publius Cornelius Scipio and Cn. Cornelius Scipio Calvus, who fell in Spain B. C. 211: the former was the father of Africanus Major, the latter his paternal uncle. 5. Esse conatos = would have attempted. 6. Qnae - pertinerent = as to reach. 7. Posteritatem.... pertinere = that future ages concerned them. 8. An censes = or dost thou think? On the use of an, v. Caes. I. 47, n. 12. 9. Ut - aliquid -glorier =to boast a little. 10. Domi militiaeque = in peace and in war. In his civil capacity Cato had incurred many enmities by his stern and unflinching discharge of public duties; while in his military career he had been engaged in various and important wars. 11. Si.... terminaturus = if I had been going to limit my glory by the same bounds as my life. V. Cic. pro Arch. XI. 29. Vitam: sc. sim terminaturus. 12. Erigens se = stretching upward, striving to rise. 13. Victurus esset = it were going truly to live. 14. Quod.... niteretur - and, indeed, unless it were so, that souls were immortal, the soul of the very best would not most strive after an immortality of glory. The clause ut.... essent is explanatory of the quod. 15. Quid, quod (sc. dicam de eo) = what shall be said of 18 this, that? how is it that? The phrase may be translated more freely, furthermore, moreover, without the interrogative form. 16. Aequissimo animo - iniquissimo = with the greatest equanimity - with the least. 17. Se.... proficisci =that it is departing to a happier state. 18. Ille autem -- while that. Sc. videtur. w 352 NOTES. Ftge 8 19. Videre: sc. se ad meliora proficisci. 20. Efferor studio - videndi = I am transported with ea gerness to see. 21. Convenire - to meet. 22. Quo.... retraxerit == whither, indeed, as I proceed, no one assuredly shall easily force me back. 23. Quod = and. 24. Ex hac aetate = from this period of life. 25. Quid.... laboris = rather what trouble has it not? 26; Sed.... sane = but suppose it has them (commoda, advantages) if you like (sane). 27. Habet.... modum =- yet it assuredly has either satiety or limitation (of its pleasures). 28. Deplorare vitam = to deplore the loss of life. 29. Et ii = and those too. 30. Ex hospitio = from an inn. 31. Commorandi.... dedit = for nature has given it to us as an inn to stop at, not as a place to dwell in. 32. Colluvione = collection of impurities; i. e. sordid employments of humanity. 33. Catonem menum. His son, M. Porcius Cato Licinianus, who had died only a few years before. 34. Quod contra = instead of which, whereas. 35. Meum: sc. corpus cremari. 36. nuo.... veniendum = whither it saw that I myself was destined to come. 37. Non.... ferrem = hot that I bore it with equanimity. COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. BOOK I. 40 CH. I. 1. Gallia omnis. By all Gaul is here meant only that part of Gallia proper which had not yet been subdued by the Romans; hence it excludes Cisalpine Gaul, the Roman province in Transalpine Gaul, commonly called by Caesar provincia, or provincia nostra, and the country of the Allobroges. 2. Onnis, universus, and cunctus denote original indi COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 353 Page vidualities, which form a whole by their association; whereas totus 40 denotes that which is originally a whole, but which is liable to fall to pieces by accident. Omnes denotes all, without exception, merely as a totality, in opposition to nemo, unus, aliquot; universi, all taken collectively, in opp. to singuli and unusquisque; and cuncti, altogether, all in their combined reality, in opp. to dispersi. Dod. 3. Divido refers to a whole of which the parts are merely locally and mechanically joined, and therefore severs only an exterior connection: dirimo refers to a whole, of which the parts organically cohere, and destroys an interior connection: dispertio means to separate into parts with reference to future possessors; distribuo, with reference to the right owners, or to proper and suitable places: partior means to divide, in order to get the parts of the whole, and to be able to dispose of them. Dod. 4. Aliam = alteram. 5. Tertiam, qui: sc. ii incolunt. 6. Inter se = from one another. 7. Dividit is in the singular, because the two rivers form one common boundary. 8. Propterea quod (lit. on account of this; that) -- because. 9. Cultl!.... humanitate. Cultus here refers to the refinement and comforts of civilized life: humanitas to moral and intellectual culture. 10. Provinciac. That part of Transalpine Gaul which had been already conquered by the Romans: subsequently called Gallia Narbonensis. 11. Mlinime - saepe = very seldom. 12. Quae.... pertinent = which tend to enervate the mind. 13. Proximique.... Germanis: sc. propterea quod. A second cause is here assigned for the Belgae being the bravest of the Gauls. 14. Beliqui means the rest, as merely the remainder that complete the whole: ceteri, the others, as in direct opposition to those first mentioned. Dod. 15. Paene and prope serve to soften an expression that is much too strong, and as a salvo to a hyperbole: paene, in opp. to plane, = almost; prope = nearly; whereas fere and ferme serve only as a salvo to the accuracy of an expression, like "about." Dod. 16. Suis, the Helvetii. Eos, the Germani. Ipsi, the Helvetii. ]orinn, the Germani. 354 NOTES. Page 40 17. Eorum.... pars = one part belonging to these: referring to the preceding hi omnes; i. e. the Belgae, Celtae, and Aquitani. 18. Dictum est = we have said: lit. it has been said; i. e. in the first sentence above: nostra Galli appellantur. 19. Continetur - it is bounded. 20. Attingit.... Rhenum = -it extends also to the river Rhine, on the side of the Sequani and Helvetii. 21. Galliae here means only that part of the omnis Gallia mentioned in the first line, which was inhabited by the Galli or Celtae. 22. Extremis finibus = the farthest confines; i. e. with reference to Rome; hence the northern boundary of Gallia Celtica is meant. 23. Flumen and liuvius denote an ordinary stream, in opp. to a pond and lake; whereas amnis denotes a great and mighty river, in opp. to the sea. In fluvius reference is had more to the material, as an ever-flowing mass: in flumen, more to the flowing, as a permanent state. Dod. & Ramsh. 1 24. Ad next to. CH. II. 1. MI. Mlessala.... coss. = in the consulship of M. Messala and M. Piso. This was in B. C. 61, and three years before Caesar's arrival in Gaul. 2. legni = supreme authority, royalty. 3. Civitati = the people, the citizens. 4. Ut exirent: perfacile esse. The twofold construction after persuasit is deserving of special notice. In the first case, ut with the subj. is used, because a purpose, an aim, is intimated: he persuaded them to go forth; i. c. in order that they might go forth; in the second case, the ace. with the inf., because a bare circumstance, a possibility, is stated: he persuaded (== convinced) them that to possess themselves of the sovereignty of all Gaul was very easy. 5. Exirent: plural, because in agreement with the idea of plurality implied in civitati. Gr. 461; 648, 2; 209, R. 11 (1) (a). 6. Id.... persuasit = he persuaded them to this course the more easily on this account. Id stands for the antecedent clause beginning with ut, and hoc refers to the subsequent one beginning with quod. 7. Loci natura = by natural boundaries: lit. by the nature of their place, or situation. 8. Una ex parte - on one side: sc. continentur. 9. Altera — secunda. Common in divisions. 10. Tertia: sc. ex parte. COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 355 Page 11. His....fiebat = the consequence of these things was: 41 lit. on account of these things it happened. 12. Minus late - minus facile = less widely - less easily; i. e. than they wished. The second member of the comparison is very often suppressed. 13. Homines bellandi cupidi = being men fond of warfare. 14. Pro multitudine = in proportion to the number. 15. Autem = besides, moreover. A particle of transition. 16. Gloria.... fortitudinis = renown for war and bravery. 17. Ferocia and ferocitas denote natural and wild courage, of which even the barbarian and wild beast are capable; ferocia, as a feeling, ferocitas, as it shows itself in action; whereas virtus and fortitudo denote a moral courage, of which men only of a higher mould are capable; virtus, that which shows itself in energetic action, and acts on the offensive; fortitudo, that which shows itself in energetic resistance, and acts on the defensive. CH. III. 1. Quae.... pertinerent = which related to (i. e. were requisite for) their setting out. The subj. here refers the thought to the-minds of the Helvetians: it implies that they (not the writer) thought these things necessary for their departure. 2. Proficiscor denotes the starting-point of a journey, as to set out; whereas iter facio and peregrinor, the duration, as to travel. Iter facio applies to an inland journey, as well as to travelling abroad; but peregrinor supposes that one travels beyond the bounds of his own country; in which case the peregrinatio lasts, even when the point of destination is arrived at, and the iter ended. Dod. 3. Peces, pecoris, is the most general expression for domestic beasts: jumenta and armenta denote the larger sort; as bullocks, asses, horses: pecus, pecudis, the smaller sort; as swine, goats, and especially sheep. In the second place, jumenta denotes beasts used in drawing carriages; as bullocks, asses, horses: armenta, beasts used in ploughing, as oxen, horses. As a singular and collective noun, armentum denotes a herd or drove of the larger cattle; while grex denotes a herd or flock of the smaller animals. 4. Quam.... numerum - sementes.... maximas = as great a number as possible - as great sowings as possible. On this use of quanz, see Ec. Cic. XXVII. n. 8. 5. Deligo, eligo. The former means to choose, in the sense 42 of not remaining undecided in one's choice: the latter, in the sense of not taking the first thing that comes. 356 NOTES. Page 4 6. Is... suscepit = he took upon himself. Eas res here refers to all the before-mentioned points: the embassy he undertook himself (sibi); but the other matters he intrusted to the care of others. Schmnitz. 7. Ad civitates refers to the proximis civitatibus above. 8. Reignun - obtinuerat = had held the supreme power. 9. Ut.... occuparet is the direct object, or accusative after persuadet. 10. Principatum = first place, precedence. Imperium signifies, properly, the command, which demands implicit obedience; the command, as of an army, &c.; i. e. highest authority, supreme authority, which unites with supreme power irresistible will: principatus, supreme place, precedence: regnum, autocracy, royal dignity, government. Furthermore, the duration of the principatus is limited and variable; whereas the regnum continues through life. Ramsh. 11. Gratus means that which is acceptable only in reference to its value with us, as precious, interesting, and worthy of thanks; but jucundus, in reference to the joy it brings us, as delightful. Gratus refers to the feeling, as wished for; acceptus to its expression, as welcome. Therefore (V. Freund's Lex., acceptus) acceptus is related to gratus, as the effect to the cause: he who is gratus, i. e. dear, beloved, is on that very account acceptus; i. e. welcome, acceptable. Dod. 12. Perfacile.... perficere = he shows to them that to accomplish their undertakings is very easy to do. Perfacile factu is pleonastic. V. K. ~ 118, 5. Such cases of pleonasm are not uncommon in the classics. 13. Obtenturius esset. The subj. refers the thought to the mind of Orgetorix: it is his explanation of the perfacile esse conatu perficere, and not Caesar's. 14. Totius Galliae - omnium Gallorum. 15. Regna; i. e. in their respective states: hence the plural. Copiis = resources: including wealth and influence. 16. Regno occupato = when the sovereign power shall have been seized (in their respective states). 17. Tres populos; i. e. the Helvetii, Sequani, and Aedui. CH. IV. 1. Ea res; i. e. the conspiracy of Orgetorix. 2. Ex..... dicere = to plead his cause (i. e. to make his defence) in chains. Ex vinculis = vinctum. 3. Damnatum... cremaretur (the order is, oportebat, poenam, ut igni cremaretur, sequi (eum) damnatum) = it was necessary that the punishment, that he should be burned with fire (i. e. COMMENTARII,.DE BELLO GALLICO. 357 P:,ge the punishment of being burnt to death), should befall him, if he 42 were condemned. Ut igni cremaretur is the poenam which was the usual punishment of traitors among the Gauls and other barbarous nations. 4. 1. Necesse est denotes an obligation of nature and necessity: oporiet an obligation of morality and of honor: opus est, an obligation of prudence. 2. Oportet denotes, objectively, the moral claim which is made upon any man: debeo, subjectively, the moral obligation which any man is under. Dod. 5. Caussae dictio generally refers to the defendant. 43 6. Ad - about. 7. Eodem = to the same place; i. e. to the trial. 8. Ne.... diceret = in order that he might not make his defence. 9. Jus.... exsequi = to maintain its right, to enforce its authority. CH. V. 1. Ut...exeant: an explanation of id, quod. Such apparently superfluous explanations are common in Caesar. V. Zumpt's Gr. ~ 619. 2. Numero ad duodecim =- about twelve in number. 3. Privata aedificia = buildings which were isolated; i. e. apart from towns and villages. 4. Aedificium is the generic term for buildings of all sorts: donus and aedes (plural) mean a dwelling-house; domus, as the residence and home of a family, aedes, as composed of several apartments. Dod. 5. Accendo, incendo, inflammo mean to set on fire: accendo, from without, and at a single point; incendo, from within; injfammo, either from without or from within, but with bright flames. Comburo and cremo mean to burn up, or to consume with fire; comburo, with a glowing heat; cremo, with bright flames. Dod. 6. Praeterquam, The most read praeter. Herzog admits that most of the MSS. have praeterquam, although he reads praeter. 7. Domum reditionis. Verbal substantives expressing motion may be constructed with the acc. and abl. of names of places (together with domus and rus), in the same manner as the verbs from which they are derived. 8. Trium.... cibaria = ground provisions for three months; i. e. flour. 9. Cum iis. The regular construction would require secum; for when a dependent clause contains the sentiment of the subject, 358 NOTES. Page 43 of the leading sentence, or his own words, all references to him are expressed by the reflective pronouns sui and suus; but it not unfrequently occurs that a sentiment which should have been expressed in the form of dependence, being the sentiment of the subject, is expressed by the writer as if it were a remark of his own. From the view of the leading subject (i. e. Helvetii), se would be the proper word: from the view of the writer, it must be iis. V. Chap. XI: Liberi eorum in servitutem abduci non debuerint, and Chap XIV: Quod eo invito. This use of is for sui occurs more especially when the dependent clause has its own subject; for then the pronoun se or sibi might be referred to the subject of the dependent clause. V. Chap. VI: Ielvetii sese Allobroges vi coacturos existinabant, ut per suos fines eos ire paterentur: also Cic. p. Arch. 10, Sulla malo poetae, quod epigramma in eum fecisset, premium tribui jussit. Zumpt's Gram. ~ 550. 10. Receptos... adsciscunt = they receive and join to themselves as allies. The Latin often employs a participle and verb, when we should use two verbs connected by a conjunction. Cn. VI. 1. Quibus itineribus.... possent = by which routes they could go forth from home. The repetition of the noun to which the relative refers is more common in Caesar than in any other classical writer. 44 2. Qua (sc. parte) =.ubi, ut ea. 8. Autem. V.,c. II. n. 15. 4. Nuper. About two years before Caesar's entrance into Gaul. 5. Pertinet - extends. 6. Bono animo = well disposed: lit. of a good mind. 7. Viderentur. The sentiment of the Helvetii. The indic. would refer the statement to the mind of Caesar..8. A. d. v. Kal. Aprilis, for ante diem quintum Kalendas Aprilis - the fifth day before the Kalends of April; i. e. the 28th of March, B. C. 58. In explanation of the ace. in this phrase, Zumpt says (V. Gram. ~~ 868, 869):' This peculiarity, instead of the correct die quinto ante Kalendas, cannot be explained otherwise than by the supposition that ante changed its place, and that afterward the abl. was changed into the acc., as if it were dependent on ante, while the real ace., Kalendas, remained unchanged. The expression ante diem must be considered as an indeclinable substantive, since we often find it preceded by prepositions which govern the ace. or abl." Aprilis in the above phrase is properly an adjective in agreement with Kaleendas: the ending is for es according to Gr. 154, 88, III. 1; 114; 114, 2. COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 859 Page CH. VII. 1. Provinciam nostram. V. I. n. 10. 44 2. Urbe; i. e. Rome. 3. Quam.... itineribus by as long marches as possible. V. Ec. Cic. XXVII. n. 8. 4. Galliam ulteriorem = farther Gaul; i. e. Gallia Transalpina. Gallia is called ulterior and citerior with reference to Rome. 5. Provinciae.... imperat = he orders the whole province to raise as great a number of soldiers as possible. 6. Jubeo means to bid, merely in consequence of one's own wish and will, in opp. to veto: impero, to command, by virtue of a military supreme authority: praecipio, to enjoin, by virtue of an authority as a teacher, &c.: mando, to charge, in consequence of thorough confidence in a person. Dod. 7. Certiores.... sunt -- were informed. 8. Qui dicerent = in order that they might say, to say. 4$ 9. Sibi..... animo =- that it was their intention: more lit. that they had it in mind. 10. Rogare: sc. se: in the same construction with esse above. 11. Occisui: sc.fuisse: also, with pulsum and missunm. 12. The jugum, or yoke, consisted of two spears set upright in the ground, and one put across them at the top: under this the con. quered were compelled to pass without their arms, as a sign of sub. jugation. 13. Diem == tempus. 14. Si.......vellent. " By si quid vellent, Caesar pretends not to know what they are about." Schmitz. CH. VIII. 1. Qti.... influit. The river Rhone flows into and through Lake Lemannus; and, as Caesar has in view the point at which the river makes its egress from the lake, the lake may, with sufficient propriety, be said to flow into the river. 2. Ad == towards, in the direction of. 3. lilia.... novem = nineteen miles; i. e. Roman miles. The passus was 4 ft. 10.248 in., and consequently the milia passuum was 4,854 feet, or 1,618 yards, which is 142 yards less than the English statute mile contains. 4. Mlurus denotes any sort of a wall, merely.with reference to its form, without reference to its use: paries, especially a wall, as the side of a building, or as a partition to separate the rooms: moenia, the walls of a city, as a defence against the enemy. Did. 5. The student should notice the intensive force of corn (cum) in commnunit - fortifies on all sides, fortifies strongly. 16 360 NOTES. Page 45 6. se invito =- against his will. 7. Conarentur - possit. Disponit and communit being historical presents, the verbs dependent upon them might be either in the present or imperfect. In this case it is both: a construction which is occasionally met with. V. Chap. VII., above: quod aliud iter haberent nullun: ut ejus voluntate id sibifacere liceat. 8. Negat, se more et exemplo populi Bonlani posse, etc. = he declares that he cannot, consistently with the usage and example of the Roman people, &c. More refers more to the settled usage of the Romans, and exemplo more to their conduct on particular occasions. Negat, posse, &c. = declarat, ostendit, significat, non posse, &c. Often so. 9. Ea spe dejecti = disappointed in this hope: lit. cast down from this hope De in such compounds = down; i. e. from an elevation, real or.figurative: e. g. loco, gradu, opinione dejicere. 10. Navibus.... factis = by means of boats joined together, and many rafts constructed (for the purpose). 46 11. Alii some, a few. Most commentators on this passage say that another alii is understood before navibus; but Dr. Schmitz, whose interpretation we have adopted, says: "Alii, which is neither preceded nor followed by another alii, must mean' some,' or' a few'; so that the meaning is,the Ilelvetii generally, or most of them, tried to cross by boats, but some tried to ford the river." 12. Si - possent. Si often follows verbs signifying to see, to expect, to try, like the Greek El (= whether), in indirect questions. 13. Operis mnunitione by the strength of the fortification: referring to the murum, fossam, and castella mentioned above. 14. Desino denotes only a condition in reference to persons, things, and actions, as to cease; whereas desisto, an act of the will, of which persons only are capable, as to desist. Dod. CIi. IX. 1. 1. Iter denotes the progress which one makes, the going, the journey, in an abstract sense: via, the path on which a person goes, in a concrete sense. 2. Iter, in a concrete sense, denotes a way that leads directly to a particular point, whether beaten and trodden, or not; whereas via, a way, which, if not beaten, is the ordinary and usual way. 3. Via and iter may be narrow or wide; whereas trames, semita, and callis denote only a narrow way or path: trames, a by-road in a plain and town, by which one may arrive, partly in a shorter time, partly without being so much observed as in the open road, to a given point: semita, a foot-path which often runs by the side of the high-road: callis, a path over a mountain COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 361 Page or through a wood, which is scarcely passable, except for cattle. 46 Dod. 2. Sua sponte = by themselves; i. e. without the aid of others. 3. Impetrarent: sc. hoc; i. e. the privilege of passing through their territory. 4. Gratia.... poterat = on account of his popularity and liberality, had very great influence with the Sequani. 5. Novis.... studebat - desired a revolution. 6. Inter se - to each other. 7. Sequani. The construction completed would be thus: perficit uai Sequani obsides dent. So with Helvetii in the next clause. CH. X. 1. Renuntiare is to make an announcement to a person with reference to some commission received from him; and to report. 2. Helvetii.... animo that the Helvetii intended: more lit. had in mind. 3. Magno... ut - haberet = that it would be attended with great danger to the province, to have (lit. that it, i. e. provincia, should have). The clause ut.... haberet is the subject offuturum: sc. esse. 4. Locis.... frumentariis = to an open and very fruitful 47 country. 5. Adversarius is the generic term for every opposer, in the field, in politics, in a court of judicature: hostis is " the enemy" in the field and war, opp. to pacatus: inimicus, " an enemy" in heart, opp. to amicus. Dod. 6. Vicini are neighbors, in reference to house and yard; whereas finitini and confines, with reference to the boundaries of the land: finitimi, in a one-sided relationship, as the neighbors of others, who dwell near their boundaries, in a mere geographical sense: confines, in a mutual relationship, as opposite neighbors, who have boundaries in common, with the moral accessory notion of friendship associated with neighborhood. The finitimi are finibus dirempti; whereas the confines are confinio conjuncti. Dod. 7. Caussas; i. e. the homines bellicosos, the populi Romani inimicos, and the locis patentibus maximeque frumentariis Jinitimos. 8. MIunitione. V. Chap. VIII. 9. Italiam; i. e. Cisalpine Gaul. Consult Chap. XXIV., where it is said that the two legions here spoken of had been levied in Gallia citerior; which is the same as the citerior provincia mentioned below. 362 NOTES. Page 47 10. Proximum shortest. 11. Extremum; i. e. with reference to Rome. Sc. oppidum. CH. XI. 1. Vasto means to lay waste, from rage or from policy to destroy the property of an enemy; whereas populor and diripio, to plunder for one's own use: populor, on a great scale; for example, to lay waste all the crops, and drive off the herds: diripio, on a small scale; to break into the houses, and break open the closets. Furthermore, spolio and populor mean to plunder in a state of open warfare. Dod. 2. Sua = their property. 3. Ita se, etc.: depending upon the idea of saying involved in rogatum. Some say that dicentes is to be supplied in such cases; but this is unnecessary. 4. Onlni tempore; i. e. ever since they first formed an alliance with the Romans. The Aedui were the earliest friends, and the most steadfast allies of the Romans in Gaul. 5. Debuerint. As meritos esse depends upon a historical present, its time is really that of the pluperfect; and this tense regularly requires the imperfect to follow it; but in clauses with ut, containing a conclusion, the perfect is also properly placed instead of the imperfect, because such sentences are generally considered independent. V. Kreb's Guide, ~ 264. 6. Aedlai Ambarri. These were of the same stock as the Aedui. Some read eodem tempore quo Aedui, Ambarri quoque. 7. 1. Necessarius means any one to whom one is bound by a permanent connection, whether of an official kind, as collega, patronus, clieas, or of a private nature, asfamiliaris, amicus: propinquus, any one to whom one is bound by a family connection; a relation, as a species of cognatus and consanguineus, related by blood: affinis, a relation by marriage, or in law. 2. Cognatio is the relationship by blood existing between members of the same family: consanguinitas, the relationship of nations by derivation from a common origin. Dod. 8. Certiorem faciunt = inform. 48 9. Demonstrant = mention, say, inform: the usual sense in Caesar. 10. Sibi.... reliqui = they had nothing left. 11. Non.... sibi = that he ought not to wait CH. XII. 1. Flumen.... Arar = there is a river (called) Arar. Quod agrees withflumen because it is the more important word. V. Ec. Cic. XXIII. n. 7. COMMETTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 363 Page 2. Ill.... partemn = in which direction, which way. 48 3. Flumen is governed by trans in composition. Many verbs are followed by an ace. or abl. depending on a preposition in their composition. 4. De.... viglia = in the third night-watch. The Romans divided the night into four vigiliae: the first beginning at sunset, the second midway between sunset and midnight, the third at midnight, and the fourth midway between midnight and sunrise. Each vigilia was divided into three horae, making twelve horae in one night, which, of course, differed considerably in length at different seasons of the year, and were equal to our hour only at the equinoxes. De with expressions of time does not mark the point of beginning, but indicates that a portion of the time referred to is spent along with the time which follows. Hence, Caesar set out, not " at midnight," but in (in the course of, during) the third watch. V. Zumpt's Gr. ~ 808. 5. Occulto means to prevent any thing being seen, by keeping it covered; whereas abdo, condo, and abscondo, by removing the thing itself: afdo, by laying it aside, and putting it away: condo, by depositing it in a proper place of safety: recondo, by hiding carefully and thoroughly: abscondo, by putting it away and preserving it. Dod. 6 Sub jugum. V. VII. n. 12. The event mentioned happened B. C. 107. 7. Quae pars.... ea. Translate as if the order was thus: ea pars civitatis,Ilelvetiae, quae insignem.... intulerat, princeps poenas persolvit. 8. Princeps.... persolvit = was the first to suffer punishment. 9. Quod.... interfecerant = because the Tigurini had killed L. Piso, the lieutenant, grandfather of L. Piso, his (Caesar's) fatherin-law, in the same encounter in which (they had killed) Cassius. CH. XIII. 1. Consequi = overtake. 49 2. In Arare = over the Arar. 3. Ut.... transirent explains id, quod. V. V. n. 1. 4. Bello Cassiano. So called from Cassius, the leader of the Romans in that war. It was customary to name the war after the principal actor, or actors, in it. 5. Agit = discourses, treats. 6. Futuros (esse) = would remain. 7. Eos constituisset = should assign them a place. In indirect discourse (oratio obliqua) the pluperf. is used, when, in direct discourse (oratio directa), the future perfect would be required. 364 NOTES. Page 49 8. Sin bello (eos) persequi (Caesar) perseveraret. That Caesar is the subject is clear from the following pop. Rom. 9. Reminisceretur -- he should remember. In oratio directa it would be reminiscere, or reminiscaris. So, also, tribueret, despiceret, committeret below. 10. Veteris incommodi. Alluding to the defeat of Cassius. 11. 1. Aintiquus and priscus denote that which formerly existed, and is now no more, in opp. to novus: vetus and vetustus, what existed long since, and has no longer any share in the disadvantages or advantages of youth, in opp. to recens. Hence, antiquus honzo is a man who existed in ancient times: vetus, an old man. 2. Vetus refers only to length of time, and denotes age, sometimes as a subject of praise, sometimes as a reproach: retustus refers to the superiority of age, inasmuch as that which is of long standing is at the same time stronger, more worthy of honor, more approved of, than that which is new. 3. Antiquus denotes age only in reference to time, as a former age in opp. to the present: priscus, as a solemn word, with the qualifying accessory notion of a former age worthy of honor, and a sacred primitive age in opp. to the fashion of the day. 4. Antiquus and priscus denote a time long past: pristinus, generally, denotes only a time that is past. Dod. 12. Quod....esset = that he had attacked, as to his having attacked. 13. Possent. The imperf. marks a continuing possibility; whereas the pluperf., adortus esset and transissent, mark a completed action. 14. Eam rem; i. e. quod —adortus esset. 15. Ne.... tribueret = he should not ascribe it very much to his own valor. 16. 1. Spernimus rejicienda, fugienda; ut libidines: contemnimus magna, metuenda; ut pericula, mortem: despicimus infra nos posita; ut vulgi opiniones. Or, sperno, aspernor mean not to care for a thing, in opp. to appeto, concupisco; whereas contemno, not to fear a thing, in opp. to timeo, metuo; and despicio, despecto, not to value a thing, in opp. to suspicio, revereor, admiror. 2. Sperno denotes despising, as an inward feeling: aspernor, as an utterance of that feeling. In sperno, the notion of holding cheap, predominates: in aspernor, that of aversion or rejection/ 3. Aspernor is confined to the simple avowal of aversion; whereas recuso includes the decided declaration of unwillingness. Dod. 17. Ut.... niterentur = that they contended more by valor COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 365 Page than (they contended) by artifice, or relied upon ambuscades. Sc. 49 contenderent after virtute. 18. Quare.... proderet = wherefore he should not cause that that place, where they (the Helvetii) had taken their stand, should take its name from the overthrow of the Roman people and from the slaughter of his army, or transmit the remembrance (of the event to posterity). CH. XIV. 1. His; i. e. what Divico had said. 2. Dari; i. e. by the speech of Divico. 3. M1emoria teneret — he remembered. 4. Eo.... accidissent = he bore them the more heavily (i. e. he resented them the more indignantly), the less they had happened from the desert of the Roman people. The subject of accidissent refers to eas res above. 5. Qui (referring to populi R('nani).... fuisset = if they (the Roman people) had been conscious to themselves of any injury (i. e. of doing to them (the Helvetica any injury, however trifling). Quis is the usual form of the indefinite pronoun after si, nisi, ne, num, &c., but aliquis is here used because there is strong emphasis. Zumpt says (V. Gr. ~ 708), Aliquis is used after those conjunctions which usually require quis, when it stands in an antithetical relation to something else, and, accordingly, has a stronger emphasis. 6. Cavere (sc. ab iis) = to be on their guard (against them; i. e. the Helvetii). 7. Deceptum: sc. esse populum Romanum. 8. Commissum (sc. esse) is impersonal and = that any offence had been committed. 9. Timendum: sc. esse sibi; i. e. populo Romano. 0 10. Num memoriam.... posset = could he (Caesar) forget also? lit. could he lay aside the remembrance also? 11. Eo invito == against his (Caesar's) will. For the use of eo instead of se, V. V. n. 9. 12. Quod.... pertinere = their boasting so insolently of their victory, and their wondering that they had inflicted injuries so long with impunity, pertained to the same thing; i. e. to the way the gods conducted the affairs of men; as explained in the next sentence. Lit. that they boasted, &c.: the clauses beginning with quod being the subjects accusative ofpertinere. 13. Ex conmutatione rerum = from a change of circumstances. 14. Secimdiores res = greater prosperity. 366 NOTES. Page 50 15. QlUml.... sint = although these things are so. 16. lis, the Helvetii: sibi, Caesar. 17. Facturos: sc. eos esse. 18. Ipsis is used to contrast the Aedui with their allies. CH. XV. 1. Movent; i. e. the Helvetii. 2. Coactunl habebat - had collected. 3. Qui videant = to see. 4. Cupidius = too eagerly. 5. Novissimum agmnen = the rear; i. e. the part of the army which is "newest" to those pursuing, since they come in contact with it first. Agmen is properly an army on the march; while exercitus signifies a disciplined army, and acies an army in battlearray. 6. Alieno loco = in an unfavorable place: opposed to suo loco. 7. Quo proelio sublati = elated by this engagement. 8. Pugna denotes, in a general sense, any conflict, from a single combat to the bloodiest pitched battle: acies, the conflict of two contending armies, drawn up in battle-array with tactical skill, the pitched battle: proelium, the occasional rencounter of separate divisions of the armies; as an engagement, action, skirmish. Dod. ~1 9. Audacius subsistere coeperunt = began to take a bolder stand. 10. Ex.... agmine = on the rear. 11. Satis.... praesentia - deemed it sufficient for the present. 12. Nostrum primunm (sc. agmen) = our van. 13. Quinis aut senis = five or six each day. Distributives are used because the custom of several days is referred to. CH. XVI. 1. Interea refers to a business of some duration, which takes place in a space of time, as in the mean time: interim, to a momentary business, as in the midst of this. They have the same relation to each other as a point of time to a space of time. Dod. 2. Quotidie applies to things that are daily repeated; whereas in singulos dies, to things that, from day to day, are making an advance. Dod. 3. Flagitare = kept demanding. Publice = for the state, in the name of the state. 1. Peto and rogo are the most general expressions for asking anything, whether as a request or as a demand; and stand, therefore, in the middle between posco and oro, yet somewhat nearer to a request: peto generally refers to the object which COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 367 Page is wished for; whereas rogo, to the person who is applied to; hence 51 we say, petere aliquid ab aliquo, but rogare aliquem aliquid. 2. Postulo and exigo denote simply a demand without any enhancing accessory notion, as a quiet utterance of the will: postulo, more as a wish and will; exigo, more as a just claim; whereas posco and flaqito, as an energetic demand: posco, with decision, with a feeling of right or poiver; flagito, with importunity, in consequence of a passionate and impatient eagerness. Dod. 4. Sub septentrionibus = towards the north; more lit under the north. Said in reference to Italy. 5. Ut ante dictum est. V. I. ad fin. 6. Suppetebat = was at hand. 7. Autem. V. VI. n. 3. 8. Quod.... subvexerat = which he had conveyed up the river Arar in vessels: lit. which he had brought up with vessels by means of the river Arar. Navibus denotes the instrument, and flumine the means. Subvexerat, in its primitive sense: to bring up from below. 9. Diem.... ducere = put him off from day to day: more lit. were protracting (the affair) day after day. 10. Conferri.... adesse = that it was collecting (by individuals), bringing together (into one place), (and) at hand. Conferri refers to the delivery and the contribution from several subjects to the authorities of the place: comportari, the delivery of these contributions by the authorities of the place to Caesar. Dod. 11. Se.... duci = that he was put off too long; i. e. longer than he thought right. 12. Erumentum. The stipendium, or pay, of the Roman soldier consisted of money and an allowance of clothes, armor, and corn. V. Smith's Diet. of Gr. and Rom. Antiquities, Art. Stipendium. He had to prepare and make bread for himself out of the corn. 13. Summo.... praeerat = held the office of chief magistrate. 14. Qui: referring, not to the magistracy, but to the magistrate invested with it. 15. Posset: sc. frumentum. 16. Sit destitutus = has been left destitute. CH. XVII. 1. Quod.... proponit = discloses what he had previously passed over in silence. 2. Plurimum valeat = is very powerful. 3. Qui.... possint = who, though invested with no office, have more influence. Some read privati: the sense is essentially the same. 368 NOTES. Page 2 4. Hos; i. e. qui privatim. 5. Seditiosa.... oratione == by seditious and wicked speeches. 6. Quod.... perferre = because it must be better, (they say; i. e. the qui privatim,) if they could no longer continue to hold the sovereignty of Gaul, (V. Ch. XLIII.: ut omni tempore totius Galliae principatum Aedui tenuissent), to bear the dominion of the Gauls (i. e. the Helvetii) than that of the Romans. The text is here various. 7. Eisdem; i. e. qui privatim. 8. Quaeque = et quae. 9..A se = by himself; i. e. as Vergobretus. 10. Quod.... sese = as to his having, being compelled by necessity, made known the affair to Caesar, he clearly saw, &c. 11. Inteligo denotes a rational discernment, by means of reflection and combination: sentio, a natural discernment, by means of the feelings, immediate images, or perceptions, whether of the senses or of the mind: lastly, cognosco denotes a historical discernment, by means of the senses and of tradition. Dod. Cn. XVIII. 1. Pluribus praesentibus = in the presence of so many; lit. mbre (than usual) being present. 2. Solo: sc. Lisco. 3. Ipsum.... andacia, etc. = — that it was Dumnorix himself, a man of the greatest boldness, of great personal influence, &c. 4. Rerum novarum -- of a revolution. 5. Portoria = port duties, customs; i. e. duties on imports and exports. 3 6. Vectigalia is the general term for revenues, from whatever source derived. 7. Redempta habere = has farmed. The publicani, or farmers of the revenues, bought them of the government at the lowest price they could, and then collected them for their own use. 8. Faciltates ad largiendum magnas = extensive resources for bribery. 9. Sunptus means expense, so far as it diminishes wealth and capital; allied to prodigality: impensae, so far as it serves to the attainment of an object; allied to sacrifice. Dod. 10. Alo denotes nourishment, as conducive to development and growth: nutrio, only as it prolongs and secures existence. Dod. 11. Largiter posse =- has great influence. 12. Potentia, potentatus, and potestas denote an exte COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 369 Pae rior power, which acts by means of men, and upon men; whereas ~ vis and robur denote an interior power and strength, independent of the co-operation and good-will of others. Potentia denotes a merely factitious power, which can be exerted at will: potentatus, the exterior rank of the ruler, which is acknowledged by those who are subject to him: potestas, a just and lawful power, with which a person is intrusted. Vis is the strength which shows itself in moving and attacking, as an ability to restrain others: robur, the strength which shows itself in remaining quiet, as an ability to resin' attack, and remain firm. Dod. 13. Collocasse = had given in marriage. 14. Ex.... habere. The daughter of Orgetorix. V. III. 15. Sororem ex matre = his sister by his mother, or on his mother's side. 16. Slo nomine = on his own account; i. e. on personal grounds. 17. Accidit and evenit denote both favorable and unfavorable occurrences; but the accidentia, unexpected, overtaking us by surprise; the evenientia, expected, foreseen: contingit, obvenit, obtingit are generally confined to fortunate occurrences. The accidentia are fortuitous, the evenientia result from foregoing acts or circumstances: the contingentia are the favors of Fortune: the obtinqentia and obvenientia, the gifts of lot. Dod. 18. Imperio populi Romani = imperante populo Romano, under the government of the Roman people. Imperio may be considered the abl. of time, K. ~ 91, 10, or the abl. absolute, ~ 100, 4, and R. 3: the abl. absolute often expressing time, and the verb sum having no present participle. 19. 1. Invenio denotes, as a general term, to find: reperio and deprehendo suppose a previous concealment of the thing found, and an intention, and pains employed on the part of the finder; but the reperiens merely discovers what was concealed, and now lies before his eyes; the deprehendens, what was intended to be concealed, or to escape, and now is in his power. 2. Invenio, reperio, deprehendo imply a concealed object, which is discovered; whereas nanciscor, adipiscor, assequor, consequor, only a distant object, which is reached: the nanciscens arrives at his object with or without trouble, sometimes even against his wish; as to light upon: the adipiscens, only by exertion; as to achieve: the consequens arrives at the object of his wish with or without assistance: the assequens at the object of his endeavors by means of exertion. Dod. 370 NOTES. Page 3 20. In quaerendo -= on making inquiry. 21. Quod.... esset factum = with regard to the fact that an unsuccessful engagement of the cavalry had taken place a few days before. 22. Ejus fugae. The " flight" is implied in proelium adversum. CH. XIX. 1. Certissimae res accederent = the most undoubted facts were added. Res is explained by the clauses beginning with quod. co 2. Iljussu suo.... ipsis = without his (Caesar's) command and (that) of his (Dumnorix's) state, but even without their (the Aedui) knowledge. Ipsis refers to the idea of civibus implied in cwvitatis. 3. UnumI one consideration. Quod explains it. 4. Studiunt = attachment. Voluntatem -- affection. 5. Principem.... provinciae = a leading man in the province of Gaul. 6. Cui.... habebat = in whom he was accustomed to put tne highest confidence in all things. 7. Sine.... aninmi = without any offence to his feelings. 8. Ipse; i. e. Caesar. 9. Caussa cognita - now that the case had been investigated. CH. XX. 1. 1. Bogo and oro denote simply a request, as the quiet utterance of a wish; but the rogans feels himself on a par with the person whom he asks, and asks only a courtesy; the orans acknowledges the superiority of the other, and asks a benefit; whereas obsecro and obtestor denote a passionate asking, as to conjure; but the obsecrans asks urgently; the obtestans in a suppliant manner. 2. Precor denotes the calm act of prayer, in which one raises one's hand to heaven; but supplico denotes the passionate act of supplication, in which one throws one's self on one's knees, or on the ground, and wrings one's hands. By hyperbole, however, precor denotes any urgent request; supplico, any humble request, addressed to a human being. Dod. 2. Scire se depends upon the idea of saying implied in obsecrare. Translate, saying that he knew. 3. lia: the charges against Dumnorix, previously mentioned. 4. Ex eo; i. e. Dumnorige. 5. Ipse: sc. Divitiacus.' 6. Ille: Dumnorix. 5 7. Se: Divitiacus. COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 371 Page 8. Propterea.... uteretur = because, when he himself was J able to effect very much by (his) influence at home and in the rest of Gaul, (but) he (Dumnorix) very little on account of (his) youth, he (Dumnorix) had risen to distinction through him (Divitiacus); which distinction and power he was employing, not only to diminish his influence, but almost to his destruction. 9. Quum.... teneret - when he himself (Divitiacus) was holding so high a place in his (Caesar's) friendship. Eum = talem. Apud eum: lit. with him. 10. Neminem non - sua voluntate = every one - at his desire. 11. Reipublicae injuriam et suum dolorem- = the injury done to the state and the insult offered to himself. 12. Adhibet = brings in. CH. XXI. 1. Exploratores are scouts, publicly ordered to explore the state of the country or of the enemy: speculatores, spies, secretly sent out to observe the condition and plans of the enemy: emissarii, secret agents, commissioned with reference to eventual measures and negotiations. Dod. 2. Milia passnum octo. V. VIII. n. 3. 3. In circuitu = by a circuitous route. 4. Qni.... misit = he sent men to ascertain. 5. Facilem: sc. ascensum. 6. De tertia vigilia. V. XII. n. 4. 7. Legatum pro praetore = his lieutenant with praetorian power. Whenever the consuls were absent from the army, or when a pro-consul left his province, the legati, or one of them, took his place, and then had the insignia as well as the power of his superior. He was in this case called legatus pro praetore. 8. Et his ducibus = and with those as guides. 9. Quid... sit = what his plan is. 10. In: sc. exercitu. CH. XXII. 1. Ipse: Caesar: sc. et. ~ 2. Equo admisso = at full speed. 3. A.... insignibus = by the Gallic arms and ornaments. The insignia here were probably the decorations of the armor; as of the helmet and shield. V. II. 21. 4. Ipsius: Caesar. 5. Multo die = when the day was far spent. Cf. 26, and II. 26. 6. Quod.... renuntiasse = had reported to him (Caesar) 372 NOTES. Page 56 as seen (pro viso) what he had not seen. Pro viso: lit. for seen. On renunciasse, v. x. n. 1. 7. Quo coosuerat, intervallo = at the usual distance; i. e. at the distance described at the end of Chap. XV. CH. XXIII. 1. Postridie = postero die, and therefore has the force of a substantive, by virtue of which it governs the genitive. 2. Prospiciendun: sc. esse sibi. 3. 1. Perfuga and transfuga denote the deserter, who flees from one party to another; but the perfuga goes over as a delinquent, who betrays his party; the transfuga, as a waverer, who changes and forsakes his party; whereas profugus and fugitivus denote the fugitive who forsakes his abode; but profugus is the unfortunate man who is obliged to forsake his home, and, like a banished man, wanders in the wide world: fugitivus, the guilty person who flees from his duty, his post, his prison, his master. 2. The perfuga and transfuga are generally thought of as soldiers: the profugus as a citizen: the fugititus as a slave. Dod. 4. Sive - sive, sen - sen, seu - sive or sive - seu whether -or, either - or: properly, if it be this, or if it be that; be it this, or be it that. They often connect two words or notions, of which the speaker either does not know which is the right or more correct one, or chooses to leave it undecided. Also, they often stand in conditional sentences to express that, if either of the two conditions be realized, the consequence will follow. A. 5. Eo magis = and the more on this account: more freely, and the more. The clause with quod explains eo: giving an additional reason why the Helvetii thought that the Romans were departing from them through fear. The subjunctive refers the explanation to the minds of the Helvetii. 67 6. Posse: sc. eos; i. e. Romanos. 7. A.... agmine - on the rear. V. XV. n. 5. CH. XXIV. 1. Id depends on ad in advertit. Animum advertit is the same as animadvertit. 2. Triplicem - in three lines. 3. Mous denotes the mountain with reference to its dimension of height; whereas jugum with reference to its breadth and length: sometimes as the uppermost ridge, which, according as it is flat or pointed, is with yet greater precision called either dorsum or cacumen, in opp. to radices montis; sometimes as a range of mountains, particularly in an ascending direction, by which several mountains become joined, so as to form a chain, or pile of mountains, in opp. to the mountain itself. COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 373 Page 4. Gallia citeriore. V. X. n. 9..7 5. Eum: sc. locum. 6. In... acie = in the upper line. Constiterant from consisto: lit. had placed themselves, had taken their stand; i. e. stood. 7. Confertissima acie = in very close array. 8. Phalange. Not the celebrated Macedonian phalanx, but an arrangement similar to the Roman testudo, adopted probably from the Germans. 9. Sub.... aciem = close up to our front line. Primain. The first that they met, and, of course, the lowest on the hill. CH. XXV. 1. SUO: sc. equo remoto. 2. Scutum is a larger shield, covering the whole body: clypeus and parma, smaller shields, of a round form: clypeus, for foot-soldiers; parma, for horse-soldiers also. Dod. 3. Quod.... poterant. This clause is properly the subject of erat. The javelins pierced several shields at once, and bent: thus making it impossible to pull them out, and to fight with ease. It must be borne in mind that the shields were placed above their heads, so as to overlap each other; hence the javelins sent from the higher ground might enter several, and fasten them together. 4. Nudo = unprotected; i. e. by the shield. 58 5. Pedem referre -- to retreat. 6. Mille is here used as a substantive in the singular. 7. Agmel.... claudebant = brought up the enemies' rear. 8. Ex itinere = during the march. 9. Latere aperto ==on the right flank. This side is called aperto because the shield was carried on the left side. 10. Conversa.... intulerunt -- faced about and advanced in two divisions. V. V. n. 10. One division consisted of the first and second lines, which continued to advance in the same direction in which they were going, in order to offer resistance to the Helvetii who had been repulsed, and were returning to renew the fight: the other division consisted of the third line, and was the only one that faced about. This movement was made to meet the Boii and Tulingi, who were advancing to attack the Romans in the rear. 11. Victis ac submotis: sc. Helvetiis. Venientes: sc. Boiw et Tulingos Cn. XXVI. 1. Ancipiti proelio. The encounter is here called anceps, " double," because it was going on in two places at one time: that of the first division with the Helvetii, and that of the second with the Boii and Tulingi. 374 NOTES. Pang 2. Alteri - alteri. The former refers to the Helvetii, the latter to the Boii and Tulingi. 3. Quum = although. 4. flora septima. The Romans divided the day, like the night (V. XII. n. 4), into four equal parts, and each of these parts into three horae. The seventh hour would answer nearly to our one o'clock. 5. Aversum hostel- = an enemy's back: lit. an enemy turned away; i. e. in flight. 6. Ad.... noctem = till late at night. Compare XXII. n. 5. 79 7. Se habiturum (esse) depends upon the idea of saying implied in literas nunciosque misit. 8. Eodem loco, quo (habeat) Helvetios = in the same position as (he regarded) the Helvetians. CH. XXVII. 1. Paupertas denotes poverty only as narrowness of means, in consequence of which one must economize, in opp. to dives; whereas inopia and egestas denote galling poverty, in consequence of which one suffers want, and has recourse to shifts; inopia, objectively, as utterly without means, so that one cannot help one's self, in opp. to copia or opulentia; egestas, subjectively, as penury, when a man feels want, in opp. to abundantia; lastly, mendicitas, as absolute poverty, in consequence of which one must beg. The pauper possesses little enough: the inops and egenus, too little: the mendicus, nothing at all. 2. Eos: the Helvetii who sent the ambassadors. 3. Essent. The subj. here refers the thought to the mind of the ambassadors: " where they said they were." 4. E o: where the Helvetii were. 5. Perfugissent. The ind. would have made Caesar responsible for the assertion as a fact; whereas the subj. represents it as a conceived result of the character of the antecedent. 6. Ea includes the men as well as the arms. 7. Nocte intermissa = a night having intervened. CH. XXVIII. 1. Si.... vellent = if they wished to be exeulpated by him. l0 2. Ipsos = them; i. e. Helvetios, &c. 3. The order is, concessit Aeduis petentibus, ut (Aedui) collocarent Boios infinibus suis, quod (Boii) egregia virtute erant cogniti; quibus ili (Aedui), &c. 4. Quosque.... receperunt =and whom they afterwards received into the same condition with respect to their rights and freedom that they themselves enjoyed COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 375 Page CH. XXIX. 1. Tabulae = tablets, or lists. 60 2. Literis.... confectae - made out in Greek characters. 3. Ratio = an account. 4. Pueri; i. e. qui pueri, &c. essent. 5. Rerum refers to the different classes of persons mentioned above. Cf. ea in Chap. XXVII. 6. Capitum Helvetiorum = Helvetians: lit. heads of Helvetians. 7. Ex his, etc.; i. e. ex his (ii), qui arma ferre possent, (erant,) ad milia LXXXXII. The phrase ad milia LXXXXII. may be regarded as the predicate nominative after erant understood. 8. Fuerunt. The plural is used on account of the plurality of idea contained in the phrase, ad milia CCCLXVIII., which constitutes the predicate nominative. 9. Censu habito. Not a census in the Roman use of the term, but a mere enumeration. CH. XXX. 1. Galliae; i. e. Celtic Gaul, the third of the three divisions mentioned in Chap. I. 2. Gratulatum: sc. eum. 3. Intelligere: depending on the idea of saying contained in gratulatum. 4. Helvetiorum.... Romani = injuries which the Helvetians did to the Roman people. The former is the subjective, and the latter the objective genitive. 5. Ex usu = to the advantage. 6. Uti.... potirentur. This clause explains eo consilio. 7. Ex.... copia; i. e. of places. 61 8. Quem.... judicassent = the one which they should judge, &c. 9. Ex.... consensu = in accordance with general consent; i. e. if the general consent of their countrymen could first be obtained. 10. Jurejurando.... sanxerunt solemnly bound themselves by an oath. Jusjurandum, and the later word juramentum, denote a civil oath, by which a man confirms or promises something: sacramentum denotes a military oath, by which the soldier solemnly pledges and binds himself not to forsake his standard. Dod. 11. Nisi quibus: sc. ii. CH. XXXI. 1. Secreto in occulto = in a secret place without witnesses. In occulto is rejected by some, but the best texts retain it. Secreto means separate, or apart from others, remotis arbitris; but in occulto, the concealed or secret place of the negotiatioa. The passage is, therefore, not tautological. 376 NOTES. Page 61 2. Se... contendere. V. XXX. n. 3. 3. Non.... laborare = (saying) that they strove and labored not less for this. The clause, ne.... enunciarentur, is in apposition with id. 4. Factiones = parties. 5. Principatum tenere - stood at the head. 6. Hi; i. e. Arverni and Aedui. 7. Factum emg = it came to pass. 8. Arcessere and accersere denote, in the most general sense, merely, to send for: accire supposes a co-ordinate relation in those that are sent for, as, to invite: evocare, a subordinate relation, as, to summon. The arcessens asks, the acciens entreats, the evocans commands, a person to make his appearance. Dod. 9. Culturm =- manner of life. 10. Ad numerum is here the subject ace. of esse. 11. Pulsos: sc. Aeduos. 62 12. Fractos: sc. eos (Aeduos), the antecedent of qui and subject of coactos esse. 13. Hospitio. Hospitality between states is meant. There was, among the Romans, the hospitium publicum, as well as the hospitium privatum. 14. Unnnl se esse = that he (Divitiacus) was the only one. 15. Pejus = a worse thing. 16. Quibus.... pararentur = for whom a place and habitations were procuring; i. e. for whom he was procuring, &c. The English language being destitute of a passive form which expresses the continuance of the action, affords no exact equivalent for the Latin pres., imperf., and fut. passive, which always express that the act under which the person or thing spoken of is passive, is still going forward at the time supposed. " Were procuring" is not a common English idiom to express a passive idea, but it is the exact equivalent ofpararentur. 17. Futuruin esse - it would come to pass. 18. Conferendum esse = was not to be compared (in respect to fertility); i. e. it was so far superior to it as not to admit of a comparison with it. 19. Hanc: sc. Gallicam. Ila: sc. Germana. 20. Ut semnel = as soon as. 21. In.... edere = exhibited in them all sorts of examples and tortures. Edere exemplum in aliquem means to inflict a heavy punishment upon some one, in order that his punishment may be an COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 377 Page example or warning to others. Cruciatus is merely an explanation 63 of exempla: the examples consisting in the infliction of tortures. 22. Quid auxilii = some aid. 23. Jt..... emigrent explains quod. 24. Fortunamque.... experiantur = and make trial of whatever fortune may befall them. 25. Dubitare: sc. se; i. e. Divitiacum. 63 26. Deterrere: sc. eum; i. e. Ariovistum. Translate, could prevent a greater number of Germans from being led over the Rhine. 27. Rhenum is governed by the trans in traducatur. Cir. XXXII. 1. Habita = having been delivered. 2. Quam reliquorum - than that of the rest. Some read prae reliquorum = in comparison with that of the rest: fortunam being understood in the former case, andfortuna in the latter. 3. Propterea quod.... daretur = because the means of escape were still afforded to the rest (although they might not be able to offer resistance to Ariovistus). Some such thought as that expressed in the parenthesis is understood, to which the tamen refers. CH. XXXIII. 1. Sibi.... futuram -- that he would attend to this matter: lit. that this thing should be for a care to him. 2. Se habere: depending upon the idea of saying involved in pollicitus est. 3. Beneficio. In the consulship of Caesar, and through his influence, Ariovistus had been styled king and friend by the Roman senate. V. XXXV. and XLIII. 4. Et.... putaret = and after these things (the representations made by the Gauls) many (other) circumstances urged him to (lit. why he should) think that this business should be considered and undertaken by him. 5. Paulatim and sensim represent gradual motions under 64 the image of an imperceptible progress: paulatim, by little and little, in opp. to semel, at once; sensim, imperceptibly, in opp. to repente.; whereas gradatim and pedetentim, under the image of a self-conscious progress: gradatim, step by step, in opp. to cursim, saltuatinz, &c.; pedetentim, a foot's pace, in opp. to curru, equo, volatu, velis. Dod. 6. Germanos consuescere and multitudinem venire are the subjects ace. of esse understood. Periculosum agrees with them. 7. Sibi temperaturos - would restrain themselves. 8. Quin exirent = from going: lit. that they might not go. 378 NOTES. Page 64 9. Rhodanus; i. e. the Rhone alone; or, nothing but the Rhone; since it was fordable. V. VI. 10. Quarn. V. III. n. 4. 11. Occurendum = that he must meet, or counteract. CH. XXXIV. 1. Placuit ei - he resolved. 2. Aliquem... utriusque some place midway between both. Utriusque depends upon medium. A Grecism. Cf. IV. 19, medium regionum. 3. Velle: depending upon the idea of saying implied in legatos mitteret. 4. Si quid ille se velit = if he (Caesar) has anything to say to him (Ariovistus), if he wants anything of him. Se is not the abl., as some suppose, but the acc. and subject of facere understood. The phrase is colloquial and elliptical. 5. Quid negotii = what business. 65 CH. XXXV. 1. His responsis = this reply. The Latin employs the plural with reference to the parts which make up the whole: the English viewing them as a whole, requires the singular. So his mandatis below = this message. 2. Hanc -= talem. 3. Gratiam or gratias habere means to feel thankful; whereas gratias agere, to return thanks in words: lastly, gratiam referre, to show one's self thankful by deeds. Gratias agere is the usual, grates agere, a select and solemn form of speech. In the same manner gratulari denotes an occasional expression of thanks without oblation, and a congratulation without formality; whereas gratari, a solemn thanksgiving, or congratulation. Dod. 4. Gravaretur = he was unwilling to do it. 5. Neque.... putaret = and did not think he ought to speak concerning a matter of common interest, and investigate it. 6. Illis; i. e. the Sequani. Ejus; i. e. Ariovistus. 7. Id ita. A redundancy common in Caesar. 8. Fecisset. In direct discourse it would be the future perfect. 9. Si.... impetraret = if he (Caesar) did not obtain (it); i. e. what he demanded. Impetraret is here used absolutely. 10. Obtineret. The provinces were assigned to the consuls by lot. 11. Quod.... Posset - as far as he could do it consistently with the interests of the republic. 12. Sese. A repetition of the sese above for the sake of perspicuity. The passage which intervenes is parenthetical. COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 379 Page CH. XXXVI. 1. Ad haec. V. XXXV. n. 1. 65 2. Uteretur: sc. populus Romanus. 3. Oportere.... impediri = he (Ariovistus) ought not to be hindered by the Roman people in the exercise of his rights. 4. Sibi deteriora = less valuable to him. 66 5. Facere, faceret. These imperfects denote an endeavor or attempt. 6. Injuria = without just cause. 7. Quod convenisset = which had been agreed upon. 8. Fecissent. V. XXXV. n. 8. 9. Longe.... afuturunl = the name of brother given to them by the Roman people would be far from benefiting them: lit. far from them. 10. Quod.... denunciaret =as to Caesar's intimating to him. CH. XXXVII. 1. Eodem tempore - et at the same time - that. Et (more frequently atque) with adverbs and adjectives of likeness, unlikeness, and equality, may be translated that, or as. 2. Haec mandata. V. XXXV. n. 1. 3. Aedui: sc. veniebant. 4. Transportati essent, poptularentur. The subj. in these verbs refers the thought to the mind of the legati. 5. Obsidibus datis = by giving hostages. 6. Pacent.... redimere: lit. to purchase the peace of Ariovistus: we should say, to purchase peace of Ariovistus. 7. Potuisse. Questum is here followed by Quod and the subj. to denote the conceived ground of the complaint, and by the ace. with the inf. to denote the object of it. 8. Treviri: sc. veniebant questum. 9. Pagos. The district by metonymy for the inhabitants. It is generally supposed that only the army of the Suevi is here meant. We learn from Lib. IV. c. I. that each canton furnished one thousand fighting men, making an army one hundred thousand strong. 10. Conarentur. V. n. 4. 11. Resisti posset: sc. Ariovisto. 12. Quam. V. III. n. 4, and Ec. Cic. XXVII. n. 8. CH. XXXVIII. 1. Contendere, profecisse. The student will distinguish between the imperf. and pluperf. infin.: was hastening - had accomplished. 9 Magno opere is the same as magnopere. 67 380 NOTES. Page 67 3. Facultas = abundance. 4. Magnam.... facultatem = it afforded ample means for protracting the war. 5. Occasio and opportunitas are the opportunities which fortune and chance offer; occasio, the opportunity to undertake something in a general sense: opportunitas, the opportunity to undertake something with facility, and the probability of success; whereas potestas and copia are opportunities offered by men, and through their complaisance: potestas denotes the possibility of doing something with legal authority; copia, the possibility of doing something with convenience: lastly, facultas, as the most general expression, the possibility of doing something in a general sense. Dod. 6. Alduasdiibis. Most copies read Dubis. 7. Ut.... circumductium = as if drawn around by a pair of compasses; i. e. as if its circular course was traced by a pair of compasses. 8. Pedum sexcentorum: sc. spatio. 9. Intermittit = leaves an interval. Intermitto means merely to leave off for a time; whereas omitto, to leave out altogether. Dod. 10. Continet = comprises, fills. 11. Bipae, the gen. limiting parte. Some make it the nom. plural to contingant. Sc. earn; i. e. ripam, for the object of cortiligant. 12. Hunc: sc. montem. CH. XXXIX. 1. Rei.... commeatusque =- of corn and other supplies. Commeatus is the general term for the provisions and supplies of an army, including res frumentariae, or frumentum, which expresses the same idea; but when it is coupled with either of these latter expressions, it stands opposed to it, and means every kind of supplies not included in it. 2. Ex percontatione = from the inquiries. 3. Corporum == of body. 4. Vultum.... ocitlorlim = the expression of their countenances and the fierce look of their eyes. 5. 1. Mletus is fear only as the anticipation of an impending evil, and reflection upon it, the apprehension that proceeds from foresight and prudence, synonymously with cautio; whereas timor, the fear that proceeds from cowardice and weakness. Or, metus is an intellectual notion: fear, as from reflection, in opp. to spes; whereas timor is a moral notion: fear, as a feeling, in opp. to fiducia, animus. 2. Metus and timor have their foundation in reflection, whereby a person is made clearly aware of the object and ground of his appre COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 381 Page hension; whereas horror and formido is an immediate feeling, which 67 overpowers the understanding by the dreadful image of the nearness of some horrid object, and can give no account of the ground of its fear: formido expresses this state immediately as a state of mind; whereas horror, as the bodily expression of this state,, by the hair standing on end, the eyes wildly staring, &c. Did. 6. Non mediocriter. An instance of litotes. V. Sail. Cat. XXIII. n. 2. 7. Quorunm.... diceret - of whom one having assigned one reason, and another another, which they said was a necessary one (i. e. rendered it necessary) for them to set out (for home). 8. Vultum fingere = to change the countenance; i. e. for the purpose of dissembling: more freely, to assume a cheerful countenance. 9. Vulgo = as a general thing. 68 10. Vereor has its foundation in what is strikingly venerable: metuo and timeo, in the threatening danger of an object. The timens and metuens fear the danger: the verens, the disgrace and shame. Dod. 11. Reim frumentariam: a Grecism for ut satis commode res frumentaria supportari posset. 12. Renunciabant. V. X. n. 1. CH. XL. 1. Omnium -ordinum - centurionibus = The centurions of all ranks. Ordinarily a council of war consisted of the commander-in-chief, the legati, or lieutenants, the tribuni, or commanders of the legions, and the chief centurion of each legion. In this case, however, all the centurions were summoned, of whom there were sixty in each legion. The word properly signifies the commander of a hundred men, but as the number in a legion varied at different periods from about three thousand to about six thousand, the number in a century would vary likewise from fifty to a hundred. 2. Ariovistum, etc. The oratio obliqua depending upon the idea of saying implied in incusavit. This construction continues through the chapter; and, indeed, it is so common, that further remark upon it will not be necessary. 3. Officio = duty. 4. Aequitate - fairness. 5. 1. Amentia shows itself negatively and passively: dementia, positively and energetically. The amens is without reason, and either acts not at all, or acts without reason, like the idiot: the demens, while he fancies that he is doing right, acts in direct oppo 8?, NOTES. Page 68 sition to reason, like the madman. 2. Furor denotes mental irritation, ecstasy, as raging: delirium, a physical and childish remission of the mental faculties: rabies, a half moral condition of a passionate insanity, as frantic. The furibundus forgets the bounds of sense, the delirus babbles nonsense, the rabidus will bite and injure when he can. Dod. 6. Quid.... vererentur = what, pray, should they fear? 7. Sla -= their own: ipsius = his; i. e. Caesar's. 8. Factum (esse) periculum -- trial had been made. 9. Factuin: sc. periculum. i9 10. Servili tumultu = at the time of the insurrection of the slaves. 11. Quos relates to the idea of servi contained in servili. 12. Qulos tamen = and yet - them. 13. Aliquid = some, somewhat. 14. 1. Vinco means to drive an adversary from his place: supero, to win a place from an adversary. The vincens has more to do with living objects, with enemies: the superans, with inanimate objects, with difficulties. 2. Evinco denotes especially the exertion and duration of the conflict: devinco, its consequence, and the completeness of the victory. 3. Vinco means to conquer by fighting: opprimo, without fighting, by merely appearing, in consequence of a surprisal, or of a decided superiority of forces. Dod. 15. Neque.... fecissent -- and had given (them) no opportunity of fighting with him. 16. Desperantes, dispersos: sc. Gallos. 17. Ratione et consilio =- by stratagem and craft. 18. Cri.... posse = that not even he himself (Ariovistus) expected that our armies could be deceived by that stratagem, for which there had been room against rude and inexperienced men. 19. In.... simulationem = to a pretended anxiety relative to provisions: lit. to the pretence of provisions. 20. Conferrent = attributed. 21. Officio = ability. 22. Audientes -- obedient. 23. Scire.... convictam -- for he knew that to whomsoever an army has not been obedient to orders, either success has been wanting through (some) mismanagement of an affair, or avarice has been clearly proved (against them), in consequence of the discovery of some base deed. 24. Innocentiam = integrity, disinterestedness: opp. to avaritiam. COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 383 Page 25. Quod.... repraesentaturum = would perform imme- 69 diately what he was intending to defer to a more distant day. 26 De quarta vigilia. V. XII. n. 4. 27. Praetoriam cohortem. This was the general's body- 70 guard. They were distinguished by double pay and especial privileges. 28. Praecipue. V. Ec. Cic. XXVI. n. 9. 29. Maxime is emphatic, as it stands at the end of the sentence. CH. XLI. 1. Decima l4gio. The legions were numbered in the order in which they were raised. 2. Egerunt (sc. id) = (lit.) had this in view, aimed at this. The whole may be rendered, endeavored to excuse themselves to Caesar. 3. Se, etc. = saying (implied in egerunt) that they, &c. 4. Dubitasse.... timuisse: sc. de summa belli. 5. Summa = command-in-chief. Suum (esse) = belonged to them. 6. Ex aliis - of all others. 7. Itinere exquisito, - ut duceret = the route having been inquired into (and found to be such) that he could lead. Ut duceret depends upon exquisito; for the phrase in the parenthesis is implied in exquisito. 8. Locis apertis = through an open country. CH. XLII. 1. Postulasset. V. XXXIV. 2. Per se = through his (Caesar's) own means. 3. Accessisset: sc. Caesar. 4. Se; i. e. Ariovistus. 5. Bevertor and revenio denote properly only momentary actions; revertor, in opp. to proficiscor, the turning back; revenio, in opp. to advenio, the return; whereas redeo denotes a more lasting action, which lies between turning back and the return, in opp. to porro ire, the journey home. Dod. 6. Petenti = to him (Caesar) asking; i. e. to his request. 7. Alia rationke = on any other terms. 71 8. Interposita causa = under any pretext. 9. Eo = in eos: sc. equos. 10. Quam. V. III. n. 4. 11. Ad.... rescribere = he was transferring them to the cavalry. The equites occupied a more honorable position, and received higher pay, than the pedites, or infantry. CH. XLIII. 1. Ariovisti et Caesaris. Instead of these words, many copies have utrisque. 384 NOTES. Page 71 2. Ex equis = on horseback: lit. from their horses. 3. Quod rex - quod amicus - quod munera. The repetition of a word at the beginning of successive clauses renders each clause emphatic. The figure is called anaphora. V. A. & S., 324, 13. 4. Mnnera. When the Romans conferred the title of king upon any one, it was customary to make him rich presents as a token of their friendship. 5. Pro.... officiis = in consideration of important services of men. 72 6. Aditum: sc. ad senatum. 7. Postulandi: sc. ea; i. e. praemia. 8. Ipsis.... intercederent = existed between them (i. e. the Romans) and the Aedui. 9. Quotiens: commonly written quoties. 10. In eos = respecting them; i. e. to honor them. 11. Ut - how. 12. Ut velit = to wish. The clause introduced by ut explains consuetudinem. 13. Sui = of their own; i. e. rights, honors, privileges, &c. 14. Quod.... posset - but who could bear that that should be stripped from them, which they had brought to the friendship of the Roman people? i. e. which they possessed when they entered into the alliance. 15. In.... dederat had given in charge. 16. At = yet at least. 17. Quos amplius = any more. CH. XLIV. 1. De.... praedicavit = spoke many things boastfully of his own merits. 2. The whole chapter from transisse is in indirect discourse. 528; 1296; 266, 2, for the use of modes. 3. 1. Sponte means voluntarily; whereas ultro, in an over ready manner; so that sponte refers to the mind of the agent, ultro to the thing itself. Sponte accusare means to accuse of one's own accord; whereas ultro accusare means to obtrude one's self into the office of an accuser, when one should be satisfied with not being one's self accused. 2. Sponte, from choice, is in opp. to casu, or necessitate; whereas sua sponte, quite of one's own accord, in opp. to rogatus, provocatus, or invitatus. 3. Sponte and spontaneus paint the voluntary action as an act of the understanding: voluntate and voluntarius, as an act of the will, in opp. to invite: libenter and libens, as an act of feeling, in opp. to taedio. Dod. COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 385 Page 4. Gallis; i. e. the Arverni and Sequani. V. XXXI. 72 5. Hendiadys for magna spe magnorum praemiorum. This figure is the expression of an idea by two nouns connected by a conjunction, instead of a noun and a limiting adjective or genitive. 6. Ipsis: sc. Gallis. 7. Omnes.... civitates. This is not strictly true: only the Aedui and their allies fought against him. 8. De.... recusare. Caesar had made no such refusal directly, but he had demanded that he should restore the hostages; thereby depriving him of the only means of enforcing the payment of tribute. Hence (as Dr. Schmitz remarks), he says de stipendio recusare, and not stipendium recusare. 9. Id; i. e. amicitiam populi Romani. The id gives a more gen- 73 eral meaning than earn would. 10. Dediticii = those who have surrendered. 11. Quod traducat = with regard to the fact that he is leading over. So quod diceret below. 12. Nisi rogatus = without being asked. 13. Defenderet = has warded it off. 14. Populuim: sc. venisse. A false statement. 15. Galliae provinciae. V. I. n. 10. 16. Sibi; i. e. Caesar. Suas; i. e. Ariovistus. 17. Hanc Galliam - this part of Gaul. 18. E senatus consulto. Most copies read a senatu. 19. Ipsos; i. e. Aeduos. 20. Debere.... habere = that he ought to suspect that Caesar, under the pretence of friendship (towards, to the Aedui), inasmuch as he has an army in Gaul, has it (there) for the purpose of crushing him (Ariovistus). 21. Decedat. The student will notice that the tenses of this speech frequently change from the imperf. to the pres., and vice. versa: accordingly, the verbunm dicendi understood, on which the whole depends, must be supposed to be changed from the perf. historical to the pres. historical. 22. Quod.... interfecerit - if, however, he kills him (Caesar). Here the verbum decendi must be supposed to be in the present; consequently, what would be the fut. perf. in direct, becomes the perf. sub. in indirect discourse. 23. Gratum.... facturum = he shall do (a thing) pleasing. Caesar had many violent opponents at Rome, who had already become apprehensive of his insatiable ambition 386 NOTES. Page 7S 24. Compertum habere. V. XV. n. 2. 25. Decessisset. Now the verbum dicendi must be supposed to be changed to the historical perf., since the fut. perf. of the direct has become the pluperf. of the indirect discourse. 7 CH. XLV. 1. In.... sententiam = for this purpose; i. e. So show why (quare). 2. Et.... suarm, etc. -- and that neither his own custom nor that of the Roman people permitted, &c. 3. Quibus ignovisset - in provinciam redegisset. A conquered nation was said to be pardoned, when the people were permitted to enjoy their own laws and choose their own rulers: on the contrary it was said to be reduced to a province when they were deprived of their sovereignty, and compelled to pay tribute. 4. Quam.... voluisset = since they (senatus) had decreed (lit. willed) that it (quam), thoughl conquered in war, should enjoy its own laws. CH. XLVI. 1. Facit - recepit - imperavit. Such changes of tense in the same sentence are not uncommon among the historians; though the text seems to be quite unsettled in this place: some reading fecit, and othersfacit and recipit. 2. Committendum (sc. sibi) = that he should cause, that he should so act. V. XIII. at the end for an example of committo followed by ut. 3. Per fideni = on account of the appearance, or pretence, of faithfulness; i. e. on the part of Caesar. 4. In.... militum = among the common soldiers. 5. Qua arrogantia - usus = with what arrogance: lit. using what arrogance. The subjunctives, interdixisset, fecissent, diremisset, are all in the same construction; namely, indirect questions: the first two depending upon qua, and the last upon ut = how. 6. Omni.... interdixisset -- had forbidden the Romans the use of all Gaul. Interdico is constructed with the ace. and abl., the ace. and dat. (very rare), and, as in the present instance, with the dat. and abl. 73 CH. XLVII..Velle se- ut constitueret. The student will notice the twofold construction after legatos mittit. This expression implies saying, and therefore requires the ace. with the inf.: it also implies asking, and accordingly requires ut with the subj. V. II n. 4. 2. Uti = (asking) that. 3. 1. Sermo denotes a conversation accidentally arising, or at COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 387 Page least carried on without any fixed and serious purpose; whereas 75 colloquium, generally a conversation agreed upon for a particular purpose, like a conference. 2. Sermo is a natural mode of speaking: oratio, a speech premeditated and prepared according to the rules of art. Dod. 4. Visa.... est = did not appear good, sufficient 5. Pridie....diei. V. XXIII. n. 1. 6. Qulin - conjicerent = from hurling. 7. HIunanitate -- refinement. 8. Civitate = with citizenship. 9. lQua: sc. lingua. Mailta = multun, frequently, for the most part. 10. Peccandi - causa = ground for offending. 11. Iospitio = guest-friendship. 12. An.... causa = was it not to act as spies? lit. for the purpose of spying? This must not be considered a simple indirect question. With a single exception, (V. K. ~ 116, R. 3, and A. & S. ~ 198, 11, R. [e],) an is, in its proper sense, used only in a second, or opposite question, where we use or. Tle question to which it is opposed is often to be supplied by the mind. In the present case, the sentence completed would stand thus: utrum aliud venirent, an speculandi causa (venirent)? The not in the translation indicates that the answer cannot be doubtful; and this is the sense which the sentence gives when the part omitted is supplied. V. Ec. Cic. XXV. n. 12, and Zumpt, ~ 353. CH. XLVIII. 1. Praeter = by, or past. 2. Eum; i. e. montem. 3. Uti - intercluderet. This clause explains eo consilio. 4. Frumento commeatuque. V. XXXIX. n. 1. 5. Supportaretur = was on the way; lit. was in the act of being carried, or was carrying. V. XXXI. n. 1G. 6. 1. Continuum means that which hangs together without break or chasm: perpetuum, that which arrives at an end without breaking off before. 2. Perpetuus, sempiternus, and aeternus denote continued duration; but perpetuus, relatively, with reference to a definite end, that of life for example; sempiternus and aeternus, absolutely, with reference to the end of time in general: sempiternus means the everlasting, what lasts as long as time itself, and keeps pace with time; aeternum (from aetas), the eternal, that which outlasts all time, and will be measured by ages, for Tempus est pars quaedam aeternitatis. Dod. 388 NOTES. Page 76 7. Potestas = opportunity. 8. Hoc erat = was the following, was as follows: referring to the description about to be given. 9. Singuli singulos = each horseman one. 10. Si.... recipiendum = if it was necessary to advance farther, or retreat with greater speed than usual. 11. Ut.... adaequarent = that, supported by the manes of the horses, they could keep pace with them: lit. could equal their speed. Ci. XLIX. 1. Quo.. VI. n. 1. 2. Idoneus denotes a passive, aptus an active fitness for anything. Or, the idoneus is fitted by his qualifications, and, through outward circumstances, for any particular destination: the aptus, by his worth and adequacy. The idoneus is in himself inactive, and suffers himself to be employed for a particular purpose, for which he is qualified: the aptus himself engages in the business, because he is adequate to it. Dod. 3. Triplici. V. XXIV. n. 2. 4. Aciem -= line, division. 5. Hominum expedita = light-armed troops; i. e. without baggage, and lightly equipped. 6. Quae copiae = that these forces. 7. Anxiliorum. The auxilia, or auxiliares, were the troops furnished by the foreign states which were in alliance with the Romans. 77 CH. L. 1. Meridies denotes noon, as a point of time, which separates the forenoon from the afternoon: medius dies, the middle of the day, as a space of time which lies between the morning and evening. Dod. 2. Tam dermun = then at last, then at length: said of things long expected. Hand says, non antequan Caesar, frustra instructa acie, exercitum in castra reduxisset. 3. Proelio here = in a general battle. 4. Matres familiae. "The Germans treated their women with esteem and confidence, consulted them on every occasion of importance, and fondly believed that in their breasts resided a sanctity and wisdom more than human. Some of the interpreters of fate, such as Velleda, in the Batavian war, governed, in the name of the Deity, the fiercest nations of Germany." Gibbon's Rome, V. I. p. 268. 5. Ex us-l esset = it would be advantageous. 6. Concessum est means what is generally allowed, and has COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO..389 Pa. a kindred signification with licet, licitum est, which mean what is al- 77 lowed by human laws, whether positive, or sanctioned by custom and usage: fas est means what is allowed by Divine laws, whether the precepts of religion, or the clear dictates of the moral sense. CH. LI. 1. Alarios = auxiliaries. The foreign troops that served with the Roman armies were so called, because they were stationed on the alae, or wings of the army. V. Smith's Gr. and Rom. Antiq., Art. Ala. 2. Minus multitudine.... valebat = had fewer legionary soldiers than the enemy: lit. was less strong in the number of legionary soldiers in comparison with the number of the enemy. 3. Ad speciem _ for a show. 4. Turn demum. V. L. n. 2. 5. Eo = in iis; i. e. in rhedis et carris. CH. LII. 1. Singulis.... quaestorerm = a lieutenant and questor to each legion. 2. Minime firmam weakest. 71 3. Aniimum adverterat -- animadverterat. 4. Itaque = et ita. 5. Procurreru t == ran forward; i. e. to meet them. 6. Spatiaum; i. e. of time. 7. Phalange. V. XXIV. n. 8. 8. Impetus.... exceperunt = sustained the assaults (i. e. impetuous blows) of the swords. 9. Complures.... milites = many of our soldiers. 10. Qui - insilirent = so fearless, so daring, that they leaped upon. 11. Phalangas. As the Germans fought generatim (by nations), there would be, of course, as many phalanxes as there were nations. 12. A dextro cornu = on the right wing; i.e. of the army of the Germans. 13. Expeditior = more disengaged. CH. LIII. 1. Duae uxores. Among the ancient Germans polygamy was not in use except among the princes, and among them only for the sake of multiplying their alliances. 2. Duxerat — had married. 3. Trinis catenis a threefold chain. 4. Traheretur. V. XXXI. n. 16. 5. In ipsnm - incidit = fell in with Caesar himself. 6. Calamitate = by the loss; i. e. the death. 9 390 NOTES. Page 79 CH. LIV. 1. In.... Gallia. V. VII. n. 4, and X. n. 9. 2. Ad.... agendos = to hold the courts. To facilitate the administration of justice, each province was divided into a certain number of districts, in each of which the proconsul held a conventus, or court. At this court litigant parties applied to the proconsul, who selected a number of judges, generally from among the Romans who resided in the province, to try their causes. The proconsul himself presided at the trials, and pronounced the sentence according to the views of the judges. V. Smith's Gr. & Rom. Antiq., Art. Conventus. BOOK II. 80 CH. I. 1. Supra demonstravimn s. V. Bk. I. 54. 2. 1. Saepe denotes often, in opp. to semel, nonnunquam, semper; whereas crebro and frequenter, in opp. to raro: crebro, often, and in quick succession, and rather too often than too seldom; but frequenter, often, and not too seldom; for in general creber denotes a multifarious assembly, inasmuch as it is dense and crowded; whereas frequens, inasmuch as it is numerously attended. Consequently, frequens rather implies praise, like largus; creber, blame, like spissus. And frequentes senatores denote the senate, when represented as complete; crebri senatores as wanting room on account of their number, and forced to sit close. 2. Frequentare means to visit a place often, and not neglect it; whereas celebrare, to visit it often, and thereby to enliven it, and fill it with festive sounds. Dod. 3. Quam tertiam partem. Not a third part, mathematically, but one of the three divisions of Gaul made at the beginning of Bk. I. V. I. 1. 4. Dixeramus; i. e. diximus; but the pluperfect indicates that between the time when he said it and the present moment, something took place which is now past. Caesar is very partial to this use of the pluperfect dixeramus. V. XXIV. and XXVIII., and IV. 27. Schmitz. 5. Omni Gallia. In a restricted sense. Belgic Gaul must be excepted. 6. Partim qui - partim qui = a part of whom - others. 7. Novis imperils = a change of government. 8. Ab nonnullis: sc. sollicitarentur. 9. Ad.... facultates = means for hiring troops. 10. Regna = the sovereignty. Plural, because several states are referred to. COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 391 Page 11. Imperto nostro. V. I. 18, n. 18. 80 CH. II. 1. Inita aestate = in the beginning of summer. 2. Qui deduceret = to lead (them). 3. Incipio denotes the beginning, in opp. to the state of rest, which precedes and follows: consequently it is in opp. to cesso and desino,.desisto, finio; whereas ordior, in opp. to an advancement: consequently in opp. to continuo, and its intransitive pergo lastly, inchoo, in opp. to ending and accomplishing: consequently in opp. to perficio, consummo, perago, absolvo, &c. Coepi refers more to the action which is begun; incepi, more to the beginning which has been made. Coepi is a sort of auxiliary verb; incepi is emphatic; hence coepi has an infinitive, incipio a substantive for its object. Dod. 4. Dat negotium = he gives orders. 5. Uti cognoscant = to ascertain. 6. Constanter = uniformly. 7. Cogi - conduci = were raising - was collecting. V. I. 31, n. 16. 8. Dnbitandum.... proficisceretur = he thought that he ought not to hesitate to march to them. The construction of quin with the sub. after non dubito, in the sense of "I do not hesitate," occurs but a few times in Cicero and Caesar. The regular construction is the infinitive. V. Cic. Cat. I. 7, n. 16. CH. III. 1. Celeriusque.... opinione = and more quickly 81 than any one supposed. 2. Galliae; i. e. to Celtic Gaul. 3. Andocumborium. The common reading is Antebrogium. 4. Se. Another se must be supplied for the subject of permittere. The general rule requires the subject acc., when a personal pronoun, to be expressed; and the omission of se as the acc. of the subject (which would be ego in direct speech) is frequent only in a long oratio obliqua in historians. V. Zumpt, ~ 605. 5. 1. Fido means to trust; confido, to trust firmly, both with reference to strength and assistance; whereas fidem habeo, to give credit, and credo, to place belief; namely, with reference to the good intentions of another. 2. Fido, &c. denote trust as a feeling; committo, permitto, as an action: the committens acts in good trust in the power and will of another, whereby he imposes upon him a moral responsibility, to intrust: the permittens acts to get rid of the business himself, whereby he imposes at most only a political or juridical responsibility, as to leave to. Dod. 6. Jus means right, as the authorization of action founded in na17* 392 NOTES. Page 81 ture on law and custom, and as the aggregate of all binding laws: lex, a law, or binding precept of superior authority, for actions of free agents; it is a species of the genus jus. Ramsh. 7. Potuerint; i. e. the Remi. 8. Quin.... consentirent = from uniting with them (reliqui Belgae). CH. IV. 1. His; i. e. the legati. 2. Quantaeque = and how powerful. 3. Plerique means a great many in an absolute sense: plurimi, most, in a superlative sense. Dod. 82 4. Propinquitatibus.... conjuncti = united by ties of consanguinity and affinity. 5. Armata milia - armnatorum milia. 6. Sexaginta: sc. milia. 7. E lecta = picked men. 8. Snlos; i. e. Remorum. 9. Divitiacun. Not to be confounded with Divitiacus, the Aeduan. 10. Potentissimum: sc. hominem, or regem. 11. Quum - trum = not only - but also. 12. Summaim - the command-in-chief. 13. Arbitrari: sc. se; i. e. legatos Remorum. CH. V. 1. Liberaliterque.... prosecutus = having addressed them kindly. 2. Quanto opere = quantopere. MIagnopere = earnestly. 3. Manus.... distineri - that the forces of the enemies be kept apart. 4. Ne confligendum sit -that it may not be necessary to contend. 5. Neque.... abesse - cognovit = and knew that they were not now far distant. 81 6. Axonam. V. I. 12, n. 3. 7. Quae res = this position. 8. 1. Fero means to carry anything portable from one place to another: porto, to carry a load. 2. Fero and porto express only an exterior relation: that of the carrier to his load; whereas gero, gesto, an interior relation: that of the possessor to his property. Dod. 9. In.... parte - on the other side. 10. Sex cohortibus. Each legion was divided into ten cohorts. The number in a legion varied, at different periods, from three thousand to six thousand men: in Caesar's time it probably CO13IENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 393 Page consisted of about five thousand; and consequently the detachment 83 of Sabinus was about three thousand strong. 11. Duodeviginti pedum; i. e. in breadth; though some say( depth. 12. ]unire; sc. milites. V. Zumpt, ~ 617. Cn. VI. 1. Ex itinere. V. I. 25, n. 8. 2. Eadem atque. V. I. 37, n. 1. 3. Est haec. V. I. 48, n. 8. 4. Testudine facta. Testudo was a name applied to the covering made by a close body of soldiers, who placed their shields over their heads to secure themselves against the darts of the enemy. The shields fitted so closely together as to present one unbroken surface, without any interstices between them, and were also so firm that men could walk upon them, and even horses and chariots be driven over them. A testudo was formed either in battle to ward off the arrows and other missiles of the enemy, or, which was more frequently the case, to form a protection to the soldiers when they advanced to the walls or gates of a town, for the purpose of attacking them. Sometimes the shields were disposed in such a way as to make the testudo slope. The soldiers in the first line stood upright, those in the second stooped a little, and each line successively was a little lower than the preceding down to the last, when the soldiers rested on one knee. V. Smith's Dict. Gr. and Rom. Antiq., Art. Testudo. Cu. VII. 1. Eo = therefore, on this account. It may mean thither; viz. to Bibrax; but the former seems preferable. 2. De.... nocte = in the middle of the night. V. I. 12, n. 4. 3. Numidas - Baleares. The light-armed troops (levis armatura) of the Roman armies consisted, at this time and onward to the downfall of the republic, for the most part,of foreign mercenaries possessing peculiar skill in the use of some national weapon. They were formed into a regular corps under their own officers, and did not enter into the constitution of the legion. 4. Ab millibus - duobus = less than two miles off (ab). 84 After ab supply iis; i. e. castris Caesaris. CH. VIII. 1. Opinionem virtutis = reputation for valor. 2. Quotidie.... periclitabatur = yet he made attempts daily by skirmishes with the cavalry, (to ascertain) what the enemy could effect by their valor, and what our men had the courage (to do). 3. Audeo denotes an enterprise with reference to its danger, 394 NOTES. Page 84 and the courage of him who undertakes it; whereas conor, with reference to the importance of the enterprise, and the energy of him who undertakes it: lastly, molior, with reference to the difficulty of the enterprise, and the exertion required of him who undertakes it. Dod. 4. Adversus = opposite, facing (the enemy). An adjective agreeing with collis. 5. Tantum - quantuni.... poterat = as much space (loci) as the line drawn up in battle array was able to fill. 6. Ex.... habebat = had steep declivities on both sides: lit. had declivities of side on each part. 7. In.... fastigatus = gently sloping in front. 8. Tormenta. These were military engines for throwing stones and other missiles. 9. Ab.... pugnantes = on the sides while fighting. 10. Eductas instruxerant. V. I. 25, n. 10. 85 CH. IX. 1. Si. V. I. 8, n. 12. 2. Ut impeditos aggrederentur = to attack (them) embarrassed (with the difficulties of crossing). 3. Si minus potnissent = if they were not able. 4. Popularentur: sc. ut from the preceding sentence. CH. X. 1. 1. Interficio and perimo are the most general expressions for putting to death, in whatever manner, and from whatever motive, fame, veneno, suspendio, ferro, suppliciis, dolo; but interficio as a usual, perimo as an old, forcible, poetical expression. Interimo involves the accessory notion of privacy; as to remove out of the way: neco, that of injustice, or, at least, cruelty; to murder. 2. Occido, jugulo, trucido, obtrunco, percutio, denote a sanguinary death-blow: occido means by cutting down, especially the business of the soldier, in honorable open battle; jugulo, by cutting the throat or neck, or rather by a skilfully directed thrust into the collar-bone, especially the business of the bandit, after the pattern of the gladiator; obtrunco means to butcher, massacre, and cut to pieces, after the manner of the awkward murderer; trucido, to slaughter as one would a steer, after the manner of the blood-thirsty miscreant, who, without meeting resistance, plays the hero on the defenceless; percutio, to execute, as a mere mechanical act, after the manner of the headsman, or other executioner of a sentence of condemnation, or, at least, of a death-warrant. Dod. 2. Circumventos interfecerimt - surrounded and slew. V. I. 25, n. 10. COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 395 Page 3. Optimnm esse, - quemque reverti; et (sc. ut)- 8 convenirent. V. I. 2, n. 4. 4. Quorum in fines =- into whosesoever territory. 5. Domesticis.... frumentariae = the abundance of pro- 86 visions which they had at home. 6. Divitiacum.... appropinquare. This they were doing in accordance with the request of Caesar. V. V. 7. His.... poterat = it was not possible to persuade these (i. e. the Bellovaci) to stay longer, and not bear aid to their (countrymen at home). CH. XI. 1. Secunda vigilia. V. I. 12, n. 4. 2. Quum.... peteret = since each strove to obtain for himself the foremost place in the route. 3. Repente and subito denote suddenly: repens means sudden, in opp. to exspectatus, expected; but subitus, in opp. to foreseen, ante provisus, meditatus, paratus. Extemplo and e vestigio, in opp. to delay; extemplo, in a moment, with reference to time; e vestigio, on the spot, with reference to place. Illico and illicet, in opp. to slowness: illico (in loco) is used in prose; illicet, by writers of comedy and poets. Statim and protinus, in opp. to at a future time: statim, immediately, in opp. to deinde, postea; protinus, forthwith. Confestim and continuo, in opp. to ex intervallo. Dod. 4. Novissimum agmen. V. I. 15, n. 5. 5. His; i. e. equitatum. 6. Quum.... ventum erat = while those in the rear, with whom they had come up. 7. Priores: sc. et -- and the foremost. 8. In.... ponerent = caused their safety to depend upon flight. 9. Quantum.... spatium = as the length of the day al- 87 lowed: lit. as there was space of day. CH. XII. 1. Postridie ejus diei. V. I. 23, n. 1. 2. Reciperent = recovered. 3. Ex itinere. V. I. 25, n. 8. 4. Paucis defendentibus == although but few were defending it. 5. Vineas agere = to push forward the vineae. Vinea was a term applied by the Romans to a roof under which the besiegers of a town protected themselves against darts, stones, fire, and the like, which were thrown by the besieged upon the assailants. V. Smith's Diet. of Gr. and Rom. Antiq., Art. Vinea. 396 NOTES. Page 87 6. Aggere jacto = a mound having been thrown up. The agger was a mound, usually composed of earth, though sometimes of wood, hurdles, and similar materials, which was raised round a besieged town, and which was gradually increased in breadth and height, till it equalled or overtopped the walls. V. Smith's Dict. of Gr. and Rom. Antiq. 7. Turribus. Towers were either stationary, or movable: the former were employed to strengthen the fortifications of cities and camps, and also the agger formed around a besieged town: the latter were built so far from the besieged place as to be out of the enemy's reach, placed upon wheels (generally six or eight), situated for security inside of the towers, and then pushed up to the walls by men stationed inside of and behind them. They were six, ten, fifteen, and even twenty stories high, and contained slingers, archers, engines of war, scaling-ladders, bridges, missiles, &c. CH. XIII. 1. Prinis: sc. homilibus. 2. In.... accepit = received the Suessiones on surrender. 3. Ducit. V. I. 46, n. 1. 4. Sese.... venire = that they would place themselves under his protection and in his power; i. e. they would surrender at dis. cretion. CH. XIV. 1. Eum; i. e. Caesarem. 2. Facit verba = speaks. 88 3. In fide atque amicitia civitatis Aeduae fuisse had been faithful and friendly to the Aeduan state: lit. in faithfulness and friendship towards, &c. Civitatis is the objective genitive. 4. Defecisse: sc. Bellovacos. 5. Principes = instigators. 6. Petere, utatur, etc. V. I. 44, n. 21. 7. fIlansuetudo is the mildness and magnanimity of a private individual, who does not take vengeance for a mortification suffered, in opp. to iracundia; whereas cementia, the mercifulness and humanity of the ruler, or the judge, who does not inflict upon the malefactor the punishment which he deserves, in opp. to crudelitas. Dod. 8. Amplificaturnm (esse): sc. eum; i. e. Caesarem. CH. XV. 1. Honoris... caussa = out of respect to Divitiacus and the Aeduans. 2. 1. Quaero denotes seeking, in a general sense, as the wish and want to get at something; whereas scrutor, rimor, investigo, and indago, involve the accessory notion of taking pains. 2. Scrutor and rimor means to search for something hidden: scrutor, by rummag COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 397 Page ing, with evident interest and eagerness; rimor, by digging for, with 88 evident exertion and skill on the part of the searcher; whereas investigo and indago mean to search after something at a distance; investigo, like the huntsman, who cautiously follows the visible track of the wild animal; indago, like the hound, which, guided by instinct, follows the scent. Dod. 3. Patriam virtutem = the bravery of their fathers. 4. Confirmare = they assert. CH. XVI. 1. 1. Absum denotes absence as a local relation, 89 " to be away " from a place; but desum denotes an absence by which a thing is rendered incomplete, and means " to fail," " to be wanting," in opp. to sum and supersum. 2. Desum denotes a finished, deficio, a commencing state. 2. Exspectare = were waiting for. 3. Conjecisse = they had hastily conveyed. 4. Quo = whither, to which. CH. XVII. 1. Eorum.... perspecta = our army's mode of marching in those days having been observed. 2. Numerunm = quantity. 3. Neque.... negotii = and that there would be no difficulty. 4. IHanc.... adoriri = in attacking this under their loads. The load (sarcina) of a Roman soldier, while on the march, generally consisted, in addition to his armor, of provisions for at least fourteen days, sometimes thirty, a saw, hatchet, basket, mattock, hook, leathern strap, chain, pot, and three or four stakes. The heavy baggage (impedimenta), including camp equipage, provisions, intrenching tools, &c., was drawn by beasts of burden. 5. Qua: sc. legione. 6. Adjuvabat = it (the circumstance; i. e. the substantive clause introduced by quod) favored. 7. Qui.... deferebant = who brought the intelligence. 8. Ei.... student = apply themselves to this; i. e. the training of cavalry. 9. Teneris.... effecerant = by cutting into and bending down young trees, branches sprouting out thickly in a lateral direction, and intermixed with brambles and thorn-bushes, had caused. Nervii is the subject of effecerant. 10. Quo = so that. 90 CH. XVIII. 1. Haec. V. I. 48, n. 8. 2. Quem locum. V. I. 6, n. 1. 3. Adversus.... contrarius == facing this and directly opposite. 398 NOTES. Page 90 4. Infimus.... posset = the bottom (of the hill was) open and clear, (but) on the upper part it was (so) covered with woods, that nothing could be distinctly seen within (them). The common reading is infima. 5. Secundum.... equitum =- along the river a few guards of horse. CH. XIX. 1. Aliter.... detulerant = was otherwise than the Belgae had announced to the Nervii. 2. Expeditas = without baggage; i. e. unencumbered by the load of baggage which each soldier was accustomed to bear. V. XVII n. 4. 3. Silva. The whole, of which silvas above are the parts. 4. Quem.... aperta = as far as the plain and open ground. Schmitz takes porrecta for a substantive, on account of its position: Hinzpeter and Andrews reject ac. 5. Cedentes: sc. eos; i. e. hostium equitatum. 6. Quod.... convenerat = which had been agreed upon between them as the time for joining battle. 91 7. Ita.... confirmaverant ==just as they had stationed the line and the ranks within the woods, and had themselves encouraged each other (to do). 8. His; i. e. nostris equitibus. 9. In.... nostris = close to us. 10. Adverso colle = up the hill. CH. XX. 1. Vexillinm. A red flag hoisted upon the general's tent as a signal for marching, or making ready for battle. 2. Signum tuba. The signal to call the soldiers together. 3. Agger = materials for a mound. 4. Signum = the watchword. 5. Successus = the near and rapid approach. 6. Quid.... oporteret: the object ace. of praescribere and deceri. 7. Singuflisque legionibus = and from their respective legions. 8. Nisi.... castris = until the camp was fortified. 9. Hi; i. e. legati. 10. Videbantur = seemed proper (to them). Crr. XXI. 1. Quamn.... decucurrit; i. e. in ear partem decucurrit, quam fors obtulit. 2. Non.... oratione - quam.... retinerent = in a speech not longer than was necessary to remind them of their former valor: lit. than that they might retain the remembrance of, &c. COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 399 Page 3 Neve (neu) (= and not) is properly used only after ut, ne, 92 and ut ne. 4. Quo = whither. 5. Pugnantibus: sc. iis. 6. Insignia. V. I. 22, n. 3. 7. Tegimenta. The shields were covered while on the march, to keep them bright. 8. In.... suis = while seeking his own. CII. XXII. 1. Diversis.... resisterent = the legions being separated, some offered resistance to the enemy in one place, and others in another. 2. 1. Augustus and arctus relate to space itself, and to the proximity of its enclosing limits: densus and spissus, to things existing in space, and to their proximity to one another. 2. The angustum is bounded only by lines, and forms mostly a small oblong, opp. to latus: the arctum is fenced in by lists, walls, or mounds, and forms mostly a square or circle, and so forth, close, in opp. to laxus. 3. Densus denotes objects only as pressed near to one another, and without distinguishable gaps, in opp. to rarus: spissus, as pressed close to one another, and without any spaces between, in opp. to solutus, loose. By densus is principally meant the rich abundance of objects, which have necessarily not room to receive, and keep them far asunder: by spissus, the want of empty space, from all the spaces between objects being filled up, owing to their being crowded together. Dod. 3 Prospectus impediretur - the view was obstructed. 4. Certa = with certainty. 5. Collocari: sc. poterant. 6. Provideri: sc. poterat. 7. Administrari = be given. CH. XXIII. 1. Cursu.... exanimatos - breathless from running and weariness. 2. His.... obvenerat = this part (i. e. Atrebates) had fallen to their lot. 3. Ipsi; i. e. Legionis nonae et decimae milites. 4. Diversae.... legiones = two other legions. 5. Ex.... superiore = from the higher ground. Construe 98 with profligatis. 6. Nudatis: sc. defensoribus. The ninth and tenth legions, which had been stationed on the left of the camp, had pursued the Atrebates across the river; and the eighth and eleventh, which had z 400 NOTES. Page 93 occupied the position in front, were fighting with the Veromandui on the bank of the river. 7. Confertissimo agmine. V. I. 24, n. 7. 8. Aperto latere - on their unprotected flank. This would be the right flank of the twelfth legion, and the left of the seventh; for as the twelfth stood on the extreme right (in dextro cornu), and the seventh not far from it (non nmagno ab ea intervallo), we must suppose the seventh to be on the left of the twelfth, and flanked by the eighth and eleventh, which must have occupied the centre in front of the camp. The withdrawal of these last to pursue the Veromandui would leave the left flank of the seventh legion exposed to the attack of the Nervii. CH. XXIV. 1. Dixeram. V. XIX. For pluperfect, v. I. n. 4. 2. Adversis = in front, facing (them). 3. Ab.... porta = from the deciman gate. A Roman camp had four gates: the porta principalis dextra and the porta principalis sinistra at the two extremities of the wide street called principia; the porta praetoria, so called from being situated on that side of the camp nearest to the praetorium, or general's tent; and the porta decunmana, so called from being situated on that end where the tenth turmae and the tenth maniples of each division were quartered. The porta decumana was the main entrance, and was situated on the side of the camp most remote from the enemy. 4. Treviri = Trevirian: here an adjective. 5. Quorum.... singularis = whose reputation for valor is very high among the Gauls. 6. Diversos dissipatosque = separated and scattered. 7. Contenderamt agrees with equites Treviri. CH. XXV. 1. Ab.... cohortatione. Where he was in the 21st chap. In the transactions of the 22d, 23d, and 24th chapters, Caesar had no part. 2. Sues urgeri: depending upon vidit. 3. Signisque... milites = and that the soldiers of the twelfth legion being crowded thickly together in consequence of the standards having been brought together. 9 4. Omnibus centurionibus. Each legion was divided into ten cohorts, each cohort into three maniples, each maniple into two centuries; there would, therefore, be sixty centuries in a legion, and six in a cohort. The commanding officer of a century was called a centurion. COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 401 PW 5. Primipilo. The legion was also divided into threb divi- 94 sions, called hastati, principes, and triarii. The triarii formed the third or rear line of the legion, and consisted of veteran soldiers. The primipilus was the first centurion of the first maniple of the triarii, and consequently was the chief centurion of the legion. He bore the aquila, or principal standard of the legion, had a seat with the consul and tribunes in the council of war, and had the same pay as the equites. 6. 1. Fero represents the bearing, only with reference to the burden which is borne, altogether objectively; whereas tolero, perfero, and patior, perpetior, with subjective reference to the state of mind of the person bearing: the tolerans and perferens bear their burden without sinking under it, with strength and self-control, synonymously with sustinens, sustaining: the patiens and perpetiens, without striving to get rid of it, with willingness and resignation, enduring it, synonymously with sinens. Fero and tolero have only a noun for their object, but patior also an infinitive. 2. Perfero is of higher import than tolero, as perpetior is of higher import than patior, to endure heroically and patiently. 3. Tolero means to keep up under a burden, and not sink down; but sustineo means to keep up the burden, and not let it sink. 4. Patior denotes an intellectual permission, no opposition being made, like to let happen; whereas sino denotes a material permission, not to hold anything fast, nor otherwise to hinder, to leave free. Patior has, in construction, the action itself for its object, and governs an infinitive: sino, the person acting, and is in construction with ut. 5. Sustineo means to hold up, in a general sense; whereas sustento, to hold up with trouble and difficulty. Dod. 7. Ab novissimis = in the rear. 8. Desertos; i. e. a ducibus. Their officers had been killed, and they no longer had any to urge them on to the combat. 9. Neque - et. A negative sentence with neque (nec) is often followed by an affirmative one with et or que. The notion introduced by et, que, is often the stronger opposite notion to that which is rejected. The force may often be given by not - but rather. Arnold. 10. Snbeuntes intermittere = did not (neque) cease advancing. 11. Uni milito detracto = having been taken from a soldier. The dat. of disadvantage. 12. Processit. The subject is Caesar, the first word in the chapter. 402 NOTES. Page 94 13. Signa.... laxare = to advance and extend the maniples. 14. Etiam... rebus even in his greatest danger. CH. XXVI. 1. Conversa.... inferrent. V. I. 25, n. 10. The movement consisted in putting the legions back to back: thus forming a double front, and each covering the rear of the other. 2. Aversi = in their rear. 3. Cursu incitato = having quickened their pace. 9% 4. Qui relates to legionem, but agrees in gender and number with the noun milites implied in it. 5. Loco -- condition. 6. Versaretur = were. 7. Nihil.... fecerunt = made all the haste they could: lit. caused nothing (to be) left by them in regard to speed. CH. XXVII. 1. Horum; i. e. decimae legionis. 2. Omnibus.... praeferrent = in every quarter of the fight thrust themselves before the legionary soldiers; i. e. endeavored to surpass them in deeds of valor. 3. Primi = the foremost. 4. His; i. e. those who had stood upon, and fought from, the bodies of their fallen countrymen. 5. Ut ex tumulo -- as from an eminence. 6. Ut.... ausos esse = so that it ought to be concluded that men of so great valor did not without reason dare. 7. Quae facilia = these things easy. Redegerat = rediderat. CH. XXVIII. 1. Dixeramus. V. I. n. 4. 2. Nihil (esse) impeditum -- that nothing was a hinderance. 96 CH. XXIX. 1. Quod.... haberet = while it had on all sides round about very high rocks and commanding views (of the country below). 2. 1. Saxum, rupes, and cautes, are greater; lapis, calx, and scrupus, smaller masses of stone. 2. Saxa are greater masses of stone, in whatever form: rupes and petrae are steep and high, like rocks, and therefore difficult to climb: cautes and scopuli are rough and pointed, like crags, and therefore threaten danger: the cautes are smaller, and also not visible in the water, and therefore deceitful: the scopuli jutting upwards, threaten and announce danger. 3. Lapis is the most general expression, and denotes the stone only as a material substance, without regard to its form. Dod. 3. Ducentorum pedum limits aditus. 4. Quem locum: referring to aditus. COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 403 Page 5. Agere = to drive: referring to their cattle. 96 6. Una: sc. cum impedimentis. 7. Eorum obitunl - their overthrow; i. e. of the Cimbri and Teutoni by C. Marius. 8. Quum alias bellum (finitimis) inferrent, alias (bellum sibi a finilimis) illatum defenderent. CH. XXX. 1. Pedum: sc. in altitudinem. 2. Vineis actis. V. XII. n. 5. 3. Aggere. V. XII. n. 6. 4. Turrim. V. XII. n. 7. 5. Quo - (asking) for what purpose. The narrative to the end 97 of the chapter depends upon the idea of saying, implied in increpitare. 6. Ab = from (them): sc. se. CH. XXXI. 1. lIloveri = was moving; i. e. the tower. 2. Qui is the subject of dixerunt. 3. Existimare: sc. se. V. III. n. 4. The sentence from non to possent depends upon locuti, and is explanatory of hunc modum. 4. Deprecari means, properly, to avert something by praying, to pray that something will not take place; therefore unum deprecari = prayed that he would not do one thing. The clause, ne se armis despoliaret, explains unum. 5. Pro = conformably to. 6. Audirent. The subj. refers the statement to the mind of the legati: = they heard of, as they said. 7. Sibi praestare = it would be better for them. 8. His; i. e. finitimis. CH. XXXII. 1. Aries. This engine consisted of a large beam, 80, 100, or even 120 feet in length, made of the trunk of a tree, especially of a fir or an ash. To one end was fastened a mass of bronze or iron, which resembled in its form the head of a ram. A hundred men, or even a greater number, were sometimes employed to strike with it. Josephus says, that there was no tower so strong, no wall so thick, as to resist the force of this machine, if its blows were continued long enough. V. Smith's Diet. of Gr. and Rom. Antiq. 2. In Nerviis =in the case of the Nervii. V. XXVIII. 3. Facere. "It is here the imperfect;' they were doing'; i. e.'would immediately do'; and indicative of the most prompt and ready obedience." Andrews. CH. XXXIII. 1. Aut denique -- or at least, or at all events. 98 2. Pellibus induxerant = had covered with skins. 404 NOTES. 48 3. Ut - pugnari debuit = as it ought to be fought; i. e. as it would be reasonable to suppose that brave men would fight under the circumstances. 4. Ad. V. I. 4, n. 6. 5. Postridie ejus diei. V. I. 23, n. 1. 6. Sectionem - universam = all the spoils. They consisted of all kinds of movable goods, and of men. They were first sold in the lump to purchasers, who afterwards retailed them in small quantities. It is with reference to this sale that the word sectio is used; which means literally a dividing, a parcelling out. CH. XXXIV. 1. Oceanum. The Atlantic. 2. In.... Romani = to a surrender and to the power of the Roman people. Most editions read ditionem. CH. XXXV. 1. Incolerent. The idea here suggested by the subj. is, that legati were sent even by such nations as dwelt, &c.; i. e. although they dwelt beyond the Rhine, and had no cause to fear, yet they sent ambassadors. 19 2. Inita proxima aestate = in the beginning of the next summer. 3. Dies quindecim supplicatio = a thanksgiving of fifteen days. BOOK III. CH. I. 1. Quo: sc. itinere. 2. lagnisque cum portoriis = and with heavy imposts. Portoria signified first, duties levied upon imported and exported goods, but was afterwards extended to mean duties raised upon goods for being carried through a country or over a bridge. In the latter sense it is used here. 100 3. Hic: sc. vicus. 4. Erum locum; i. e. the part assigned to the cohorts. CH. II. 1. Transissent = had passed, elapsed. 2. Eo; i. e. in hiberna. 3. Id refers to what precedes, and is still further explained by the clause, ut - caperent. 4. Legionem, neque eam plenissimam = a (one) legion, and that not very full. The cause is immediately assigned; viz. detractis cohortibus duabus, &c. The legion was said to be plenissima, when it contained the full complement of officers and men prescribed COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 405 Page by the law of the time. The number was different at different 100 periods. 5. Decurrerent - should run down. 6. Accedebat = an additional reason was: lit. it was added to (this). 7. Nomine == on account of, for the sake of, for. 8. Sibi.... habebant = they were fully persuaded. CH. III. 1. Opus.... munitionesque. Hendiadys for 101 opus hibernorum muniendorum. 2. Commeatu. V. I. 39, n. 1. 3. Satis.... provisum =- had sufficient provision been made. 4. Neque subsidio veniri (sc. posset)= neither could aid *come: lit. neither could it be come for aid (by their countrymen). 5. Ad.... contenderent = they should hasten to seek safety. 6. Rei.... experiri = to try the issue of the affair. CIi. IV. 1. His.... administrandis =- for arranging and executing those things. 2. Integris viribus = while their strength was fresh. 3. Hoc superari = in this they were surpassed; i. e. the enemy had the advantage over them. 4. Excedebant = kept retiring. 5. Alii = (while) others. 6. Defesso: sc. militi. 7. Sui recipiendi = of recovering himself. CH. V. 1. Nostris. The dative with deficio is very rare, and mostly poetical. 2. Ad.... casum = to the last extremity. 102 3. Primipili. V. II. 25, n. 5. 4. Unam spem = the only hope. 5. Extremunm auxilium - the last resource. 6. Certiores facit = he orders: lit. he informs. CH. VI. 1. Quod jussi sunt. Jubeo may be properly considered one of the verbs, which, in the active voice, take two accusatives: the ace. of the thing being expressed by the infinitive. Accordingly, like those verbs, it may have a personal passive with the ace. of the thing remaining. Quod, which is here equivalent to quod facere, is in the acc. and governed by fussi sunt in accordance with this principle. V. Z. ~ 607, and Schmitz, ~ 375. 2. Sui colligendi. The rule for the agreement of the gerundive with its noun is here violated. Sui is plural. The construction is an unusual one, instead of se eoiligendi. V. Z. ~ 660. 406 NOTES. Page 102 3. Circumventos interficiunt = surround and kill. 4. Alio - consilio - with one view. Probably to enjoy peace and recruit his men. 5. Aliis.... rebus (and) had met different things (from this). Et is commonly omitted before alius, reliquus, and cetera. 103 CH. VII. 1. Existimaret- profectus esset. Observe the change of tense: "was thinking," action continued -- " had set out," action completed. 2. Ita =- on this account. 3. Haec. V. I. 48, n. 8. 4. Mare Oceanum = — the ocean. Oceanumr is here used adjectively, and is appended to mare to distinguish it from the Mediterranean. 5. Praefecti. By praefecti militum are here meant officers of the allies of the same rank as the tribuni militum of the Roman legions. They were the chief officers of the legions; and as each Roman legion had six tribuni militum, so each legion of the allies had six praefecti militum. CH. VIII. 1. Soleo is used of events and of actions, to be used; whereas consuesco only of an action, with reference to a person, to be wont. Dod. 2. In.... aperto = in a violent and open sea. In has here a causal force; and the passage may be freely rendered, "as the open sea is impetuous, and there are but few harbors," &c. 3. Acturos: sc. se. Q14 4. Suos - sibi: referring to different subjects. In oratio recta it would be: " If you wish to receive your (tuos) men, send hostages to us (nobis)." CH. IX. 1. Institli = to be procured. 2. Quum.... potuit = as soon as the time of year permitted. 3. Coguito.. facti = being apprised by the knowledge of Caesar's approach (of what they might expect); i. e. they learned by Caesar's arrival that they should have him also to contend with, and not Crassus alone. 4. Simul = and also. Simul alone adds a less weighty reason to one already stated. A. 5. Quantum.... admisissent = how great a crime they had committed against themselves. Admitto expresses rather the moral liability incurred freely; while committo designates only the overt act, punishable by civil law. 6. Legatos - retentos.... conjectos is in apposition with COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 407 Page facinus, and = the retaining of the ambassadors, and casting them 104 into prison. Lit. the ambassadors retained and cast into prison by them. 7. Pro = in proportion to. 8. Hoc majore spe = their hope (of success) being greater on this account. 9. Navigationem impeditam = access by sea was embarrassed. 10. Ac jam = and besides 11. Aliam.... atque = different from (what it was). 12. In concluso mari; i. e. the Mediterranean. 13. Naves - quam.... possunt = as many ships as possible. 14. Socios sibi - adsciscunt. V. I. 5, n. 10. CH. X. 1. Hae = such; i. e. the difficulties just mentioned in 10O the preceding chapter. 2. Multa = many considerations. 3. Injuriae, etc. The equitum Romanorum here mentioned are the legati of the preceding chapter, who were of the equestrian order. The wrong done them consisted mainly in their detention as public officials; though personal injuries are not necessarily excluded. 4. Itebellio- defectio. The former means the renewal of hostilities; the latter, merely a revolt, a refusal to obey established authority. 5. In primis =among the first; i. e. among the first considerations that led him to prosecute the war, was the one, that other nations might not, by seeing these go unpunished, be encouraged to revolt. The substantive clause, ne.... arbitrarentur, is, like injuriae, rebellio, &c., in app. with multa. 6. Parte: sc. Galliae. 7. Novis rebus = political changes, revolutions. 8. Autem. V. I. 2, n. 15. 9. Natura = naturally. CH. XI. 1. Cohortibus.... duodecim; i. e. one legion and two cohorts. V. II. 5, n. 10. 2. Galliam; i. e. Celtic Gaul. 3. Qui.... curet = to see that those forces (i. e. the Unelli, &c.) be prevented from uniting (with the rest). Earn manum = eorum manum. 4. Puer, in a wider sense, is the man in his dependent years, so long as he neither can be, nor is, the father of a family, a young 18 408 NOTES. rage 105 person, in three periods; as infans, from his first year till he is seven; as puer, in a narrower sense, from his seventh year till he is sixteen; as commencing adolescens, a youngster, from his sixteenth year. Juvenis, in a wider sense, is as long as he remains in his years of greatest strength, from about the time of his being of age to the first appearances of advanced age, as the young man, which also may be divided into three periods; as ceasing to be adolescens, from his eighteenth year; as juvenis, in a narrower sense, from his four-andtwentieth year; as beginning to be vir, from his thirtieth year. Maturus is the man in his ripest years, when the wild fire of youth has evaporated, and may be divided into three periods; as ceasing to be vir from his fortieth year; as vetus, from his fiftieth year; as senex, from his sixtieth year. Dbd. 10C CH. XII. 1. Se.... incitavisset - the tide had rushed in. 2. Duodecim. Some read viginti quatuor, but without manuscript authority. From high water to high water again, is, in most places, about twelve hours; so that, although it is not true that high water happens twice every twelve hours, yet it is true that there may be high water twice within the space of twelve hours. 3. Minuente aestu: sc. se: = when the tide ebbed. 4. Utraque re = by both causes; i. e. the ebbing and flowing of the tide. 5. Operis: referring to aggere ac molibus below. 6. His; i. e. aggere and molibus. 7. Cujus rei = quarum: sc. navium. 8. aris.... portibus = as there were few and almost no harbors. Cu. XIII. 1. Namque ipsornm. Narnque is explanatory of the last sentence of the preceding chapter; and ipsorum is used to contrast strongly the ships here spoken of with the nostrae naves above. 2. Navium: sc. carinae. 3. Excipere = to meet, withstand. A personification. 4. Ad.... perferendam = for bearing any violence and injury whatever. Vis and contumelia, which, properly, can proceed only from persons, are here applied to the sea: the personification continuing from the preceding sentence. 5. Transtra =- rowers' benches. 6. Digiti pollicis crassitudine = of the thickness of the thumb. Pollicis is here to be regarded as an adjective, and an attributive of digiti, digiti pollicis as an attributive of crassitudine, and COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 409 Page digitipollicis crassitudine as an attributive of clavis. Instead of an 106 adjective agreeing with it according to the rule (K. 88, 9), crassitudine has here an attributive genitive limiting.it, which is logically the same thing. This construction is especially common with the compound attributive ejusmodi (hujusmodi). See beginning of preceding chapter, where ejusmodi (= ejus modi) limits, or is the attributive of, situs, according to the rule cited above. Also below: congressus erat ejusmodi. V. A. & S. 211, R. 6, (1). 7. Pelles - alutaeque.... confectae = raw hides and thinly dressed leather. 8. Hae = these (were used); i. e. pelles and alutae. 107 9. Satis commode = with sufficient ease. 10. Cum.... erat - the meeting of our fleet with these ships was of such a nature. 11. Una == sola 12. Praestaret: sc. classis. 13. Reliqua == (while) all other things. V. VI. n. 5. 14. Pro = considering. 15. Illis: sc. navibus. 16. lostro. The rostrum, or beak, consisted of a beam just below the prow, and projecting a little above the keel, to which were attached sharp and pointed irons, or the head of a ram and the like. It was used for the purpose of attacking another vessel, and of breaking in its sides. 17. Copulis = by grappling-irons. 18. Casus = chance, danger. CH. XIV. 1. 1. Frustra means in vain, with reference to the subject, whose expectations and calculations have been disappointed; whereas nequidquam, (that is, in nequidquam, in nihil,) to no purpose, refers to the nullity in which the thing has ended. 2. Hence frustra, used adjectively, refers to the person; whereas irritus, the actual adjective, refers to the thing. 3. Frustra and nequidquam denote merely a failure, without imputing a fault; whereas incassum involves the accessory notion of a want of consideration, by which the failure might have been calculated upon, and foreseen, as in attempting anything manifestly or proverbially impossible. Dod. 2. Reprimi: sc. posse. 3. Neque.... posse = and that no injury could be done to them, they could not be injured. 4. Expectandam: sc. esse and sibi. 5. Onmi.... armorum = with every kind of equipment. 110 NOTES. Page 107 Arma here refers to the tackle of a ship; such as mast, sails, rudder, ropes, &c. 6. Quam.....insisterent = what mode of fighting they should follow. 7. Turribus.... has = moreover, although towers were raised, yet even these. The abl. abs. is often equivalent to a subordinate clause introduced by quamquam, etiamsi, &c. Towers were erected on ships, in order that engines might be placed on them for hurling missiles at the enemy. 108 8. Falces praeacutae = hooks with the edges sharpened towards the points. 9. Non.... falcium -= the form being not unlike that of mural hooks. Sc. formae. The murales falces were hooks fastened to the ends of long poles, or beams, and used for pulling down the walls of besieged towns, or dragging down their defenders. 10. Armamentis = rigging. 11. Paullo fortius = a little braver than usual. CH. XV. 1. Ac - and even. 2. Transcendere in = to board. 3. Hora quarta. Answering to about our ten o'clock in the morning. CH. XVI. 1. Quum - turn = as - so also 2. Navium.... fuerat = whatever shipping they had: lit. what of ships there had been anywhere (to them). t09 3. Reliqui; i. e. the persons, here contrasted with ships. 4. Eo - quo = for this reason - that. 5. Sub corona vendidit = he sold as slaves. CH. XVII. 1. Quintus Titurius Sabinus. V. Chap. XI. 2. Magnasque copias; i. e. irngens frumenti ac commeatus copia. 3. Atque = and what is more. Atque is an emphatic copulative particle; and must therefore not be used to add a less important notion to a more important one, but either a notion of at least equal importance, especially a nearly synonymous one, or a notion of greater importance. A. 4. His paucis diebus = within these few days; i. e. the time it had taken Sabinus to reach the Unelli. 5. Aulerci Eburovicis: one people. There were three branches of the Aulerci, of which one was the Aurlerci Eburovices. 6. Nolebant: sc. senatores, which is implied in senatu. 7. Omnibus rebus = in every respect: lit. in all things. COMIMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 411 Pae 8. Duuln. A second form of the gen. of duo and the regular one 109 in compounds; as duumvir; but is frequently used, also, in connection with milium. Z. 9. Nonnihil carperetur = was reviled somewhat, to some extent. 10. Opinionem timoris; i. e. the opinion which the enemy entertained of his fear. 11. Eo absente; i. e. Caesar. 12. Legato dimicandum =n that a battle should be fought by a lieutenant. CH. XVIII. 1. Neque.... edcnat = and that it is not far- 110 ther off than on the next night that Sabinus intends to lead out his army from the camp secretly. 2. Ad.... oportere = that they ought to march to the camp. 3. Spes.... belli. They had not yet heard of the result of this war. 4. Quod... credunt. A general reflection; very few of which are found in Caesar. 5. Laeti...... victoria = pleased as with certain victory. 6. Quibus = in order that with them. CH. XIX. 1. Cursu = speed. 2. Quam.... spatii. V. I. 3, n. 4. 3. Qui.... evaserant =- who had got away from the flight. 111 4. Animus is courage, mens, mind, the thinking faculty. 5. Mollis.... resistens = weak, and by no means capable of making resistance. CH. XX. 1. In Aquitaniam. V. Chap. XI. 2. Ante dictum est. V. I. 1. 3. Ex.... aestimanda = is to be reckoned as a third part of Gaul: lit. is to be estimated according to the third part (which is fixed upon as a standard). 4. Quum. A repetition of the first quum, on account of the parenthetical clause which intervenes. This repetition is called epanalepsis. It may be translated and. 5. Paucis ante annis. Allusion is probably made to the war with Sertorius, which was concluded twenty-seven years before. 6. Civitates = cities. 7. Ostendo means to show as far as one makes something observable, lets it be seen, and does not keep it secret: monstro means to show, as far as one imparts information thereby: lastly, declaro, to make evident, as far as one makes a thing clear, and dispels doubt. Dod. 412 NOTES. Page 111 CH. XXI. 1. Imperatore; i. e. Caesar. 112 2. Vineas. V. II. 12, n. 5. 3. Turres. V. II. 12, n. 7. 4. Cuniculis. The cuniculus was a mine or subterraneous passage, so called from its resemblance to the burrowing of a rabbit. The object of the cuniculus was the destruction of a mound or fortification, by removing the earth from beneath it, and thus causing it to be overturned. 5. Cujus rei = in which art; i. e. the art of applying the cuniculus. 6. Structurae. Most copies have secturae. CH. XXII. 1. Cum.... devotis = with six hundred faithful followers. 2. Cum his: repeated for the sake of perspicuity after the long parenthesis which precedes: epanalepsis. V. XX. n. 4. 3. Tamen = nevertheless; i. e. although he tried to effect his escape, yet (tamen) he obtained, &c. CH. XXIII. 1. Et.... mawu = both by its natural situation and by the hand of man; i. e. by nature and art. 2. Quibus.... erat == after they had come thither. Ventum erat: sc. a Romanis. Quibus = postquam. V. IV. c. 18. 113 3. Mlagna cum auctoritate = with great confidence and energy. 4. Omnes annos = during all the years (he had been in Spain). 5. Consuetudine = following the custom. These things they had learned under Sertorius. 6. Capere - to choose, select. 7. Instituunt = begin. 8. Quod ubi - when therefore. 9. In dies = every day. 10. Cunctandum: sc. sibi esse. 11. Quilt pugnia decertaret = to contend in battle. 12. Pug-aae; i. e. ad pugnam. CII. XXIV. 1. Duplici = in two lines. The usual arrangement was three lines (triplici acie) with the auxiliaries on the wings; but here, probably because his number was so small, and he had so little confidence in the auxiliaries, Crassus makes an entire change in the arrangement: forming two lines only, and putting the auxiliaries in the centre. 2. Sese recipere =- to retreat. 3. Impeditos.... cogitabant = they intended to attack COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 413 Page them (Romanos) embarrassed on their march, and of weaker courage 11 under their packs; i. e. of weaker courage because they were under their packs. The common text has inferiores animo. Sarcinas. V. II. 17, n. 4. Infirmiore animo is an attributive of Romanos understood. 4. Quum.... effecissent = as the too timid enemy by their delay and by the opinion (which, by their delay, they had created among the Romans) had rendered our soldiers more eager to fight. 5. Expectari.... iretur = that they ought not to delay longer to go to the camp: lit. that it was not proper that it shoulA be waited longer, that they should not go to the camp. CH. XXV. 1. Opinionem pugnantium = opinion (i. e. t on the part of the enemy) that they were fighting: lit. opinion of them fighting. 2. Ex loco superiore: i. e. ex vallo munitionibusque. 3. Ab = at. V. II. 24, n. 3. CH. XXVI. 1. Praefectos; i. e. commanders of the cavalry of the same rank as the tribuni militum. V. VII. n. 5. 2. Intritae = not exhausted. 3. Eas munitiones: alluding to the fortifications near the deciman gate. 4. Prius - quam.... videri - posset = before it could plainly be seen by them. Priusquam and antequam are often separated by a clause. In translating, they should be united, and construed with the clause with which the quam stands. 5. Multa nocte = late at night. V. I. 22 and 26. CH. XXVIII. 1. Longe.... Galli = in a far different way 115 from the other Gauls. 2. Continentes = neighboring, contiguous. 3. Impeditioribus locis = amid the more intricate parts. CH. XXIX. 1. Reliquis.... diebus = in the remaining days (i. e. of summer) in succession. 2. Ab latere =- on the side. 3. Conversam ad hostem =- facing the enemy. 4. Confecto - cleared. 5. Silvas = the parts of the forest. The plural of this word is 116 used in this sense throughout this and the preceding chapter. 6. Sub.... possent = could not be kept under their skins; i. e. in their tents, which were covered with skins. 414 NOTES. BOOK IV. Page 116 CH. I. 1. Hieme, qui fuit annus; i. e. hiee ejus anni, qui fuit annus. The time here mentioned was the winter of 56 and 55 B.C. 2. Cu. Pompeio.... consulibus = when Cneius Pompeius and Marcus Crassus were consuls. 3. Germani = a people of Germany. 4. Quo == in quod. 5. Exagitati = harassed. 117 6. Dicuntur. V. I. 37. 7. Singula.... armatorum = a thousand of armed men each; i. e. from each canton. 8. Illos; i. e. the warriors. 9. Ratio atque usus = theory and practice. 10. Mlultumque sunt = and are much (employed). 11. Faciant. The subj. refers the account here given of their mode of living to the mind of the Germans, as if it was their statement, and not that of the writer. 12. Earn = talem. 13. Exiguitatem = scantiness. 14. Aperta = uncovered, naked. CH. II. 1. The order is, ut habeant (illos) quibus vendant (ea) quae bello ceperint. 2. Quo = because. Quo is here equivalent to eo quod: lit. on account of this, that. 3. Importatis = when imported. Construe his with jumentis. 4. Prava atque deformia: sc. jumenta. Many read parva. 5. Ut.... laboris = that they may be capable of the greatest labor. 118 6. Usus need. 7. Teter is the ugliness which disturbs the feeling of security, and excites fear or shuddering, like hideous, shocking: foedus, that which offends natural feeling, and excites loathing and aversion: turpis, that which offends the moral feeling, or sense of decency, and excites disapprobation or contempt, in opp. to honestus, gloriosus: deformis, that which offends the finer sensations, and excites dislike, in opp. to formosus. Dod. 8. Ad - adire = to go to meet, to go to attack. CH. III. 1. Publice = in a public point of view. COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 415 Page 2. Vacare - to be uninhabited. 118 3. Hac re significari = that by this it is shown: sc. putant. 4. A. Snevis - from the Suevi; i. e. reckoning from the frontier of the Suevi. 5. Ut.... Germnanorum- = according to German notions. 6. Et paulo, etc. The text is here doubtful. The commonly received reading is the one given in the text, and may be construed thus: et paulo humaniores quam (homines) ejusdem generis sunt, et (paulo humaniores) ceteris (Germanis) = and a little more civilized than (men) of the same extraction are, and (even) a little more civilized than the other Germans are. 7. Multis.... experti = although they had often attempted it by many wars. 8. Gravitatem = importance, power. 9. Finibus: sc. eorum; i. e. Ubiorum. CH. IV. 1. Caussa = case, condition. 2. Ad extremum tamen = at last however. 3. Copiis. V. III. 17, n. 2. 119 CH. V. 1. Infirmitatem = fickleness. 2. Nihil his committendum = that nothing should be intrusted to them; i. e. none of his plans. 3. Hoc.... consuetudinis = this belongs to Gallic custom; i. e. is one of the Gallic customs. 4. Uti, etc. explains hoc. 5. Quum - serviant = since they are slaves. 6. Plerique.... respondeant = the most make answers invented to please them. CH. VI. 1. Uti.... discederent -- to remove from the 110 Rhine; i. e. to penetrate into Gaul. 2. Equitatuque imperato. The cavalry of the Roman armies was usually furnished by the allies. CH. VII. 1. Quibus. V. I. 6, n. 1. 2. Haec fuit. V. L 48, n. 8. 3. Germanos, etc. This passage is in the oratio obliqua depending on the idea of saying implied in oratio. 4. Resistere: sc. iis, referring to quicunque, 5. Deprecari = to sue for peace. 6. Posse: sc. se. V. II. 3, n. 4. 7. Possederint - possint. Subj because the stimentnt of the Suevi, and not of Caesar. 8. In terris =- on earth. 18* AA 416 NOTES. Page 120 CH. VIII. 1. Visum est: sc. respondere. 2. Respondit: sc. ea. 3. Nullam amicitiam. V. VII. n. 3. 4. Verum = consistent, reasonable. 5. Qni; i. e. eos qui. 6. Licere: sc. iis. 11 7. Hoc: sc. faciendum. CH. IX. 1. Ejus rei; i. e. the return of the cavalry. CH. X. 1. Vahalis - Batavorum: sometimes written Vacalus and Vatavorum. 2. Citatus = rapidly. 3. In plures defluit partes = flows (i. e. divides) into sev, eral branches. 4. Simt: sc. nonnulli. 5. Capitibus = mouths. CH. XI. 1. Ut erat constitutum. V. IX. 2. Potestatem faceret. V. I. 40, n. 15. 1 3. Fidem fecissem = would give security. 4. Ea conditione. V. VIII. 5. Daret: sc. petebant, ut. 6. Eodem illo pertinere = tended to the same thing. Eodem iUo is explained by ut - reveterentur. 7. Quam. V. I. 3, n. 4. 8. Praefectos. V. III. 26, n. 1. 9. 1. Lacesso means to excite the reason and will of another to resistance: irrito, to provoke his feelings or passions to anger. 2. Lacesso means to excite, when a man in a coarse manner disturbs the peace of another: sollicito, when a man disturbs the quiet of another in a refined manner. Dod. CH. XII. 1. Eorum; i. e. of the Germans. 2. Rursus - on the other hand. 3. Resistentibus: sc. nostris. 4. Subfossis equis - in consequence of their horses being stabbed under the belly. 5. Amicus: sc. et 1 CH. XIII. 1. His = talibus. 2. Hostes; i. e. the Germans. 3. Ne.... praetermitteret = that he would not let any day pass for a battle; i. e. without coming to an engagement. Schmitz thinks pugnae is the dat. depending on diem and = day fit for a battle. V. Sail. Cat. XXXII. n. 3. COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 417 Page 4. Postridie ejus diei. V. I. 23, n. 1. 123 5. Si ll - simuil -- both- and. 6. Sui. Instead of se. V. III. 6, n. 2. 7. Contra.... petissent = contrary to what had been said (by them) and what they themselves had requested. 8. De.... impetrarent =might obtain a truce by deceiving (him). More literally, might bring something to pass concerning a truce. CH. XIV. 1. Prins - quam. V. III. 26, n. 4. 2. Ageretur = was doing. V. I. 31, n. 16. 3. Suoruni; i. e. of their principal men and elders whom Caesar had detained. 4. Perturbantur = are (so) confounded (that they do not know). 5. Parumper means in a short time: paulisper, during a short 124 time. Hence acts of the mind are particularly in construction with parumper; acts of the body with paulisper; for with the former is necessarily connected the glance at the future, which lies in parumper: in paulisper, duration of time only is considered; for example, we use the expression paulisper morari, but parumper dubitare. Dod. CH. XV. 1. Clamore; i. e. of the women and children; to whom the following suos chiefly refers. 2. Beliqua fuga = farther flight: lit. the rest of their flight. 3. Ad ununm = to a man. 4. Ex timore = after the alarm. 5. Fuisset -- had consisted of. 6. Libertatenm: sc. remanendi. CH. XVI. 1. Ille, like hic (V. I. 48, n. 8), though less often, is sometimes = the following, as follows. 2. Suis quoque rebus = for their own possessions also. 3. Accessit etiam = another reason also was: lit. it was added also. 4. Supra commemoravi. V. IX. and XII. 5. Occupationibus reipublicae- = by the occupations (in 1J which he was engaged) for the republic. Reipublicae is the objective genitive. 6. Ad.... temporis = for (present) aid and for the hope of future time. 7. Opinionem = reputation. 8. Ad - apud. CH. XVII. 1. Suae neque - dignitats -- consistent with his own dignity nor that, &c. 418 NOTES. Page 125 2. Proponebatur = was placed before (him); i. e. by those whom he consulted on the subject. 3. Bationem = plan. 4. Tigna = piles. These were pieces of timber a foot and a half thick, pointed at the lower end (ab iwo), made longer or shorter (dimensa) according to the depth of the river, and driven into its bed in pairs: the pieces forming each pair being two feet apart. The distributive bina is used because there were many pairs. 5. Dimiensa = proportioned. They were all of the same length above the surface of the water, but, as the river was of different depths in different places, different lengths would be required below the surface. 6. Immissa. V. I. 5, n. 10. 7. Fistucis = with rammers. These are different from the machinationibus. 8. Non.... perpendiculum =- not quite perpendicular like a stake: lit. not straight according to a plumb-line. 9. Ut.... procumberent = that they might lean forward according to the natural descent of the stream. The tigna here described were those placed highest up the stream, and sloped down the stream (secundum naturam fluminis), while those set opposite them (his contraria), and forty feet below (intervallo pedum quadragenun), sloped up the stream (contra vim atque impetum fluminis conversa). 126 10. Ab inferiore parte (sc. fluminis) = lower down the river. 11. Contra - conversa =- inclined towards. 12. Haec utraque =- both of these (pairs); i. e. the pair above and the pair opposite below. 13. Insuper.... immissis - when beams two feet thick had been let in from above between (the piles of each pair). The trabes were sticks of timber forty feet in length, extending from one pair of piles to the opposite pair. These were supported and enclosed at both ends (ab extrema parte) by two clasps or braces (fibulis) framed into the piles, one on each side (utrimque); i. e. one above the trabs on the inside of the pair of piles, and one below the trabs on the outside of the piles. 14. Quantum.... distabat = which was equal to the distance between the piles, viz. two feet: lit. as much as the joining of these piles was apart. The clause is explanatory of bipedalibus. 15. Binis.... distinebantur = were kept apart by two braces, one on each side, at he end. COIMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 41 i Page 16. Quuibis.... revinctis = these (i. e. the pair of piles 126 above and the opposite pair below) being (thus) kept apart and (at the same time) bound firmly together in the opposite direction (by the braces). These words are explanatory of the sentence, haec utraque, &c. 17. Ea -- talis. Ea rerum natura =-'such the nature of the materials. 18. Haec.... consternebantur = these (trabes) were connected by timber laid upon (them) lengthwise of the bridge (directa), and were (then) covered with long poles and hurdles. The materia was laid upon the trabes, the longurii upon the materia, and the crates upon the longurii. Thus a comparatively smooth surface was obtained. 19. Ac nihilo secius = and nevertheless, and besides all this. 20. Et = too. Sublicae. These were piles driven into the bed of the river more obliquely than the tigna, on the lower side-of the bridge, and serving as props, to support it against the violence of the current. 21. Qnae, pro ariete subjectae = in order that they, placed beneath for a support. 22. Aliae: sc. sublicae. These, which are called defensores just below, were merely stakes driven down a short distance above the bridge to break the force of any floating substances which might be sent against the bridge. 23. Dejicieinli openrs =- for the purpose of throwing down the work; i. e. the bridge. For the government of operis, some supply causa. But it is not certain that a case of the ellipsis of causa after the gerund or gerundive denoting a purpose, is found in Caesar. This passage is not decisive, first, because the readings are various, and, secondly, because the genitive may perhaps depend on naves. Z. ~ 764. 24. Neu. V. II. 21, n. 3. CH. XVIII. 1. Quibus. V. III. 23, n. 2. 2. IRespondit - jubet. A change from the historical perf. to the historical pres. is not unusual. It gives vividness to the narrative. 3. Institui =- to be constructed. 4. In solitudinem, etc. The ace. because the idea of going into a place for the purpose of concealment is meant; whereas the abl. would express the idea of being in a place before the attempt at concealment was made. 420 NOTES. Page 127 CH. XIX. 1. Medium fere = about in the centre. V. I. 34, n. 2. 2. Expectare atque - constituisse: sc. Suevos. The student will notice the change of tense from the imperf. infin., denoting continued action, to the pluperf. infin., denoting action completed. 3. Ibi = hic. 4. Rerum. V. I. 6, n. 1. 5. Ut = namely, that. The three clauses beginning with ut are explanatory of the phrase, omnibus rebus his confectis. 6. Ulciseretuir = that he might punish. 7. Obsidione = from pressing, imminent danger. 8. Satis - profectum: sc. esse. From proficio. Cr. XX. 1. Maturae = early. 2. Inde: referring to Britain. 3. Temere = facile, easily, upon any slight occasion. 4. Illo; i. e. in Britanniam. 5. His ipsis; i. e. mercatoribus. 6. Quem usum belli = what experience in war. 18 CH. XXI. 1. Praemititit: sc. eum. 2. lue naves - et - classem jubet convenire = he orders the ships - and the fleet - to come hither. 3. Effecerat =fecerat. 4. Dare - se daturos: obtemperare = se obtemperaturos. 5. Pareo, obedio, and dicto audiens sum, denote obedience as an obligation, and a state of duty and subjection; pareo, in a lower relation, as that of a servant to his master, a subject to his sovereign, in opp. to impero; obedio, in a freer relation, as that of an inferior to his superior, of a citizen to the law and magistrate; dicto audiens sum, in a relation of the greatest subordination, as that of a soldier to his general, as to obey orders; whereas obsequor, obsecundo, and obtempero, as an act of free will. The obsequens and obsecundans obey from love and complaisance, showing their readiness to obey: the obtemperans, from persuasion, esteem, or fear, evincing his conformity to another's will. 6. Pollicitius: sc. iis. Hortatus: sc. eos. 7. Ibi; i. e. among the Atrebates. 8. His regionibus; i. e. of Gaul. 9. Hortetur: sc. eas. 10. Ut.... sequantur = to seek, to put themselves under, the protection of the Roman people. 11. Se; i. e. Caesar. COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 421 Page 12. Quantun: sc. tanturn = so far as. 128 CH. XXII. 1. De.... excusarent = for their former conduct. 2. Has.... occupationes = these engagements in such 129 trifling affairs. 3. Coactis refers to the ships which had been collected and brougl*h znt6 the place from which he intended to set out, while contractis refers to those which were already assembled at the place. 4. Praefectis. V. III. 7, n. 5. 5. Ab -- at the distance of. CH. XXIII. 1. Vigilia. V. I. 12, n. 4. 2. Solvit (sc. naves) = put to sea. 3. Expositas =drawn out, displayed. 4. Adeo.... continebatur = the sea was confined by mountains so close (to it). Angustus refers to the narrow space between the mountains and the shore. 5. Monuitque.... administrarentur. The order is, monuitque, (ut) omnes res administrarentur ab iis ad nutumn et ad tenpus (at a beck and at the moment), ut rei militaris ratio (as the principles of military discipline) (et) maxime ut maritimae res postularent (required), ut quae (since they) celerem atque instabilem motum haberent. CH. XXIV. 1. Essedariis = essedarii i. e. those who fought 130 from the essedum, a war-chariot of British or Gallic origin. 2. Quo - genere = which kind (of troops). 3. Nisi in alto (sc. mari) constitui = to be moored except in the open sea. 4. Militibus - desiliendum, etc. the soldiers had to leap down, &c. 5. Armnorinm onere. V. II. 17, n. 4. 6. Insuefactos = accustomed; i. e. to going into the water. CH. XXV. 1. Paulluim modo = only a little. 2. Qui - aquilanl ferebat. This was the principal standard of the legion, and was borne by the oldest or chief centurion of the legion. The standards of the several cohorts were called signa, and those of still smaller subdivisions, vexilla. V. II. 25, n. 5. 3. Ea res; i. e. the thing which he was about to do. 4. Aquilamn prodere. It was considered the greatest disgrace to lose the eagle. 5. Certe = for one, for my part. 11 6. Praestitero: sc. hoc ita facto, or re ita gesta; i. e. if this shall have been done. 422 NOTES. Page 131 7. Primis = in front, in the front line (of ships). Some editors omit primis, others enclose it in brackets. 8. Quum: sc. milites. Cu. XXVI. 1. Ordines - lines. 2. Alius alia navi = one from one ship, and another from another. 3. Singulares = one by one. 4. Ab =- on. 5. In universos = against them in a body; i. e. when they saw a whole ship's crew coming out, they hurled darts at them. Universos is opposed to singulares above. 6. Sinmul = simul ac. 7. Equites. Referring to those who had embarked on board the eighteen transports. V. XXII. 8. Capere = attingere. CH. XXVII. 1. Supra. V. XXI. 2. Demonstraveram. V. II. 1, n. 4. 3. Oratoris modo = in the character of an ambassador. 4. Mandata. V. I. 35, n. 1. 12 5. Remiserunt: sc. eum. 6. Contulerumt =- laid. 7. Continentem; i. e. Gaul. 8. Ignoscere. V. II. 3, n. 4. 9. Bemigrare in agros; i. e. to return home, the war being at an end. CH. XXVIII. 1. Supra. V. XXII. and XXIII. 2. Sustuleranit = had taken on board. 3. Sulperiore portu. The ulteriorem portum of Ch. XXIII. 4. Sui — suo. 5. quae.... petierant yet these, when at anchor they were filling with water, through necessity put to sea in an unfavorable night, and strove to reach the continent. Tamen refers to a quamvis understood: although the storm was violent, yet, &c. Necessario belongs both to provectae and petierunt, which should be translated as two verbs connected by and. 6. Complerentur. V. I. 31, n. 16. CH. XXIX. 1. Dies time, period. 2. Admlinistrandi - of managing (them). 3. Quod.... constabat = because it was known to all. This is the reason that no provision had been made for wintering in Britain (his in locis). COMMENTARII DE BELLO GALLICO. 423 Page CH. XXX. 1. Inter se colocuti = having held a private 133 conference. 2. Etiam - still. 3. Ex.... deducere. Cf. remigrare in agros, end of Chap. XXVIL CH P -XI. 1. Ex eventu =- from the fate. 2. Situ idia comparabat = prepared resources, provided. CH. XXXII. 1. Ex = according to. 2. Interposita =having been excited. 114 3. Hominum: sc. Britannorum. 4. In statione =on guard. 5. Quam.... ferret = than was usual: lit. than custom brought. 6. Quod erat = which was really the case. 7. Aliquid.... consilii. This clause is in apposition with id. 8. Cohortes. A cohort was stationed at each gate; hence the plural cohortibus. 9. Ex.... succedere = two of the remaining cohorts to take their place. 10. Incertis ordinibus = because they did not know their ranks. Being suddenly attacked while out of their ranks gathering corn, they could not immediately resume them. CH. XXXIII. 1. Ipso terrore equorum = by the very fear inspired in the horses; i. e. of the foe. An objective genitive. 2. Illi; i. e. essedarii. 3. 1lobilitatem - praestant = exhibit the agility. 4. Incitatos.... flectere - to rein in their horses when at full gallop, and to manage and turn them with great rapidity (brevi: sc. tempore). CH. XXXIV. 1. Quibus rebus = in consequence of these 13 2. Reliqui = relicti. [things. 3. Discesserunt; i. e. from the fields to join the army: alluding to the Britons who still remained at home. V. XXXII. 4. Sui liberandi; i. e. from the yoke of the Romans. V. III. 6, n. 2. 5. His rebus = by these means. CH. XXXV. 1. Ut - effugerent explains idem -fore. 2. Celeritate = by their swiftness. 3. De.... dictum est. V. XXI. and XXVII. CH. XXXVI. 1. Antea. V. XXVII. 2. Aequinoctii. The autumnal equinox must be meant, be' 124 NOTES. Page 13 cause in the twentieth chapter it was said, exigua parte aestatis reliqua. 136 3. Eosdem... capere to reach the same harbor as the rest. 4. Infra; i. e. a little farther down the Gallic coast to the west. CH. XXXVII.. Q1. ibus. Referring to the two fansports mentioned in the preceding chapter. 2. Pacatos reliquerat. V. XXII. 3. Postea - quam. Tmesis. CH. XXXVIII. 1. Quo se reciperent = whither to betake themselves. 2. Superiore anno. V. III. 28 and 29. 3. Eo; i. e. in Belgis hiberna. C. SALLUSTII CRISPI CATILINA. 138 CH. I. 1. Homines. Homo (from humus) means a human being, man or woman, in opp. to deus and bellua: mas and vir mean only the man; mas in a physical sense, in opp. to jemina; vir in a physical sense, in opp. to mulier. Dod. Homo denotes man, as the nobler, rational creature, in contradistinction to the brute: vir, man, inasmuch as he is distinguished by peculiar qualities from other men; by strength, courage, intrepidity, merits, honorable offices. Ramsh. 2. Summa spe niti = to strive with all their might. 3. Silentio = in inaction, in obscurity. Vitam silentio transire dicuntur, qui ita vivunt, ut alii eos vivere plane non sentiant. 4. Prona = bent downward; i. e. in opp. to the erect form of man. 5. Aniimi.... utimnur = we use more the government of the mind, the service of the body; i. e. the mind governs, the body is in subjection. 6. Ingenii = of intellect: virium =- physical strength. 7. Memoriam.... longam = the remembrance of ourselves as long as possible. 8. Quam. V. Ec. Cic. XXVII. n. 8. SALLUSTII CATILINA. 425 Page 9. Fluxa (fleeting, transitory) applies more properly to divitia- 138 rum, fragilis (perishable), to formae: likewise clara is opposed to fiuxa, and aeterna to fragilis. 10. Clara.... habetur = is an illustrious and eternal possession. Habetur is not = creditur, putatur. 11. Vine: ne - utrum. 12. Virtute animi = by energy of mind. Res.... procederet = a military enterprise might succeed better. 13. Utrumque; i. e. animus and corpus. CH. II. 1. Igitur. The frequent position of this word at the beginning of a sentence is peculiar to Sallust. 2. Diversi = pursuing different courses. 139 3. Pars instead of alii for the sake of variety. 4. Agitabatur. Sallust is very fond of frequentative words, and especially of agito. 5. Sua, etc.; i. e. one did not covet the property of another. These words explain cupiditate. 6. Postea vero quam. Tmesis for posteaquam vero. 7. LLubilinem dominandi thirst for dominion. 8. Periculo atque negotiis from (ordinary) dangers and (more complicated) affairs. 9. Animi virtus = mental energy. Regum limits animi virtus as a single idea. 10. Neque.... cerneres = you would neither see one thing borne in one direction and another in another, nor all things changed and thrown into confusion. 11. Artibus =- means. 12. 1. lodleratio denotes moderation in matters of business, in opp. to cupiditas; whereas continentia, moderation in enjoyments, in opp. to libido. 2. Continentia denotes command over sensual desires, continence: abstinentia, over the desire for that which belongs to another, firm integrity. Dod. 13. A minus bono transfertur = passes from the less worthy. Transfertur = transit. 14. Quae.... aedificant = in agriculture, navigation, and architecture: lit. whatever men plough, navigate, build. 15. Virtuti = animi virtuti. V. n. 9. 16. Sicuti peregrinantes = like travellers in a foreign land; i. e. ignorant of all things, and taking no interest in what is passing around them. 17. Juxta -- alike. 426 NOTES. Page 139 18. Verum enim vero = but truly. Emphatic. 19. Is demum. Demum is used enclitically after demonstrative pronouns to strengthen them, and = maxime, quidem. We could express the force of it by laying stress of voice upon the pronoun. 20. Qui.... quaerit = who by means of some employment intently seeks for the reputation attendant upon a praiseworthy deed or a useful profession. Aliquo negoiio must not be joined with intentus, but with quaerit. Intentus is here used absolutely; as in chapters VI. and XXVII. and numerous passages in Jug. 21. Rerlun = occupations. 22. Aliud alii - iter = one path to one and another to another. CHi. III. 1. Haud absurdum = not inglorious. By litotes for "very glorious," Clarum: sc. se. Licet: se. homini. 140. 2. Fecere: sc. facta. 3. Mli quidem = to me at least, to me for one: sc. whatever others may think of it. 4. Res gestas = History: more lit. events, occurrences. 5. Facta.... exaequanda - the events must be balanced by the words; i. e. they must be related with historic accuracy just as they occurred. 6. Quae.... putant = think (those things), which you may have censured as faults, said from malevolence and envy. 7. Supra.... ducit = (whatever is) beyond this (i. e. beyond the capacity of the reader), he regards as false, just as (he regards) fictitious things. 8. Studio.... latus sum = was borne on by an ardent desire to (engage in) public affairs. 9. Ibi; i.e. in re publica. 10. Audacia is opp. to pudore, largitio to abstinentia, and avaritia to virtute. 11. Corrupta tenebatur = was corrupted and held fast. V. Caes.. 5, n. 10. 12. Ac.... vexabat. There is great confusion here in the text. The reading we have adopted presents as little difficulty as any, and is supported by the best manuscript authority. The whole sentence may be translated as follows: and, although I dissented from the evil practices of others, nevertheless the desire for honor (i. e. for political preferment), and that, too, the same (i. e. honoris cupido) which disquieted the rest, disquieted me by reason of the infamy and odium (attendant upon it). The que in eademque has an explicative force, - adding a particular instance to a general statement, - and is nearly = that is to say. SALLUSTII CATILINA. 427 Page CH. IV. 1. 1. Ignavia denotes the love of idleness, in an ideal 140 sense, inasmuch as the impulse to action distinguishes the more noble from the ordinary man, and gives him an absolute value; whereas inertia denotes the love of idleness in a real sense, inasmuch as activity makes a man a useful member of society, and gives him a relative value. Ignavia is inherent in the disposition, and has no inclination for action: the inertia lies in the character and habits, and has no desire to work. A lazy slave is called iners: a person of rank, that passes his time in doing nothing, is ignavus. 2. Segnitia, desidia, socordia, and pigritia are the faults of a too easy temperament. Segnitia wants rousing, or compulsion, and suffers them to come, before it resigns its ease, in opp. to promptus. Desidia (from sedere) lays its hands on its lap, and expects that things will happen of themselves: socordia is susceptible of no lively interest, and neglects its duties from thoughtlessness, like phlegm: pigritia has an antipathy to all motion, and always feels best in a state of absolute bodily rest, like slothfulness. Dod. 2. Boonum = pleasant, agreeable, fair. 3. Servilibus officiis. Not servile occupations in themselves considered, but relatively: requiring more the servitium corporis than the imperium animi. 4. Eodem, an adv. = eidem incepto studioque. 5. Carptim = in separate parts. 6. Absolvam = I will treat. 141 CH. V. 1. Ingenio.... pravoque = of a wicked and depraved character. Maluzs 7omo is a morally bad man, but nequam a good-for-nothing man, whose faultiness shows itself in aversion to useful labor, and a propensity to roguish tricks, in opp. to frugi: pravus, a man whose character has taken a vicious direction, in a physical, or intellectual, or moral point of view; in opp. to rectus. Dod. 2. Adolescentia - juventutem. These words do not seem to express here distinct periods of life, as they usually do (V. Caes. III. 11, n. 4), but the former, the beginning, and the latter, the continuance, of the same period. 3. Ibique = and in these; i. e. = in bellis intestinis, &c. V. II. n. 9. 4. Patiens iediae = capable of enduring want of food; whereas Patiens inediam would mean actually enduring want of food. 5. Cujus rei libet - of whatever he pleased. Tmesis for cu 428 NOTES. Page 141 juslibet rei. Simulator means one who pretends to be what he is not: dissimulator, one who conceals what he really is. 6. Vastus = — insatiable. 7. Post dominationem = ever since the despotic rule. 8. Neque - quidquam.... habebat = — nor did he have any care at all. 9. In dies = in singulos dies. V. Caes. I. 16, n. 2. 10. lis artibus = by those practices. 11. Diversa inter se = opposite to each other. "Avaritia enim habendi, luxuria profundendi lubido est." Dietsch. 12. Vexabant = kept aggravating. 13. Res ipsa = the subject itself. 14. Tempus = the occasion. 15. Supra repetere = to begin farther back. After such verbs as hortor, moneo, &c., the ordinary construction is ut with the subj. V. H. 558, VI. and A. & S. 273, 2. 16. Quomodo.... habuerint = how they governed the republic. 142 CH. VI. 1. Sedibus incertis = having no fixed abode. 2. Dispari genere = though different in their origin. 3. Alius.... viventes = though living one in one way and another in another. Alius distributes hi. 4. Res.... aucta = their state increased in citizens, improved in manners, enlarged in territory. 5. Sicuti.... habentur = as is commonly the fate of mortals. 6. Propero denotes the haste which, from energy, sets out rapidly to reach a certain point, in opp. to cesso; whereas festino denotes the haste which springs from impatience, and borders upon precipitation. Dod. 7. Auxilia portabant. Auxilium portare is unusual: auxilium ferre being the common expression for " bearing aid." The plural, auxilia, signifies the repetition of the act. 8. Imperium.... habebant - they had a government regulated by laws, (but) the title of the government monarchical. 9. Consultabant = consulere solebant. Sallust is very fond of frequentative and intensive words. 10. Conservandae libertatis - fuerat - had a tendency to preserve liberty. 11. Imperia - offices of magistracy. 12. Binos = two each (year). 13. Per licentiam == through want of restraint. SALLUSTII CATILINA. 429 Page CH. VII. 1. Sed = now. It denotes here merely a transition 142 to something new. 2. 1. Dies denotes time in its pure abstract nature, as mere extension and progression; whereas tempus and tempestas, with a qualifying and physical reference, as the weather and different states of time: tempus denotes rather a mere point of time, an instant, an epoch: tempestas, an entire space of time, a period. Hence, dies docebit refers to a long space of time, after the lapse of which information will come; whereas tempus docebit refers to a particular point of time which shall bring information. 2. Die means by the day, in opp. to by the hour or by the year; whereas rnterdiu and diu, by day, in opp. to noctu; but interdiu stands in ay connection: diu only in direct connection with noctu. 3. Se - extollere magis = to make greater efforts to rise. " ad majora et excelsiora niti." Dietsch. 4. Magis.... habere = to display more open l his abilities. 143 5. Boni - the talented. Mali - those of inferior abilities. 6. Brevi -- in a short time. 7. Incesserat =had seized upon (them); i. e, the individuals implied in civitas. 8. Belli patiens. V. V. n. 4. 9. Discebat - habebant. The former referring to the discipline of the juventus as a body, or whole class, requires the singular, the latter referring more to the effect of this discipline upon the mind of each, requires the plural. Libidinem habebant = had pleasure, delighted. 10. Ipsos is used to contrast strongly their mutual strife for glory with the united valor with which they opposed their common foes. 11. Properabat. The ace. with infin. is very unusual with this verb, and is admissible only on the ground that it implies wish, desire. 12. Eas - earn: referring to the preceding infinitives, but attracted into the feminine gender by the nouns which follow. 13. Ni ea res - were it not that this course. CH. VIII. 1. Ea; i. e..fortuna. 2. Ex lubidine = from caprice. 3. Celebrat obscuratque = makes famous and renders obh scure. 4. Aliquanto = considerably. 5. Pro maxumis = as though they were the greatest 6. Ea copia = that advantage. 7. Prudentissumus = the most intelligent. 430 NOTES. Page 144 8. Aliorum: sc. facia. CH. IX. 1. Jus bonumque = justice and probity. 2. In suppliciis = in the worship. 3. In =- in respect to, in the case of. 4. Seque.... curabant = they regulated both themselves and the state. A more common form would be et se et rem publicam. 5. Vindicatum est = punishment was inflicted. 6. Quaim = than (upon those). 7. Signa relhnquere. To leave the standard in the hands of the enemy was considered the height of disgrace. 8. Loco cedere = to leave their post. 9. Beneficiis.... agitabalt = they maintained their authority as well by favors as by fear. Supply tam before beneficiis. Most supply magis; but an ellipsis of this word is too unusual to be supposed, unless the sense clearly demands it. CH. X. 1. 1. Gens and natio denote a people, in a physical sense, in the description of nations, as a society originating in common descent and relationship, without any apparent reference to civilization; whereas populus and civitas denote a people in a political sense, as a society formed by civilization and compact. 2. Gens includes all people of the same descent: natio, a single colony of the same. 3. Civitas denotes the citizens of a town collectively, merely with regard to their interior connection, as including the inhabitants who are in the enjoyment of the full rights of citizenship, and the lawful possessors of the land: populus means the people, more commonly in reference to their social relations, interior and exterior, and with the included notion of belonging to the state. A people can determine upon war as a civitas; but can carry it on only as a populus. A civitas is necessarily stationary; but a populus may consist of Nomades, or wanderers from one pasture to another. 2. Optanda aliis = things necessarily desired by others; i. e. a necessity arising from the nature of the human mind. 3. Quasi materies = the germ as it were. 4. Artes bonas = virtues. 5. Negligere, habere. These infinitives have the same relation to edocuit that superbiam and crudelitatem have. 145 6. Ex re = according to their true value. 7. Illagisque.... habere = to preserve a fair exterior rather than a virtuous heart. 8. Contagio.... invasit - a moral contagion, a pestilence as it were, had spread abroad. SALLUSTII CATILINA. 431 Page Ci. XT. 1. Quod vitium; i. e. ambilio. Tamen == however. 14i 2. Vera via = honorable means: lit. the true path: opp. to dolls atquefallaciis below. 3. Bonae artes = honorable means. 4. Ilabet = implies. 5. Venenis malis = by poisonous drugs, by poisons. 6. Armis.... re publica = having got possession of the state by force of arms. 7. Bonis initiis = though his beginnings were good. V. Cic. in Cat. II. 9, n. 9. 8. In. V. IX. n. 3. 9. Ductaverat = had commanded. V. II. n. 4. 10. In otio = in a time of peace. 11. Amare, potare - to indulge in licentiousness, in drunkenness. 12. Bibo means to drink like a human being; whereaspoto, to drink like a beast, and, metaphorically, to tipple. 13. Privatim ac publice = whether private or public property. This is the sense usually given to these words, but Dietsch says, pro se quisque et universi pro re publica; nempe non singuli solum rapiebant, quibus aut villas et domos suas exornarent, aut venditis lucrum facerent; sed etiam publice artium opera auferebantur, quibus aut publica aedificia, loca, templa Deorum decorarentur, aut ex divenditis pecunia in aerarium redigeretur. 14. Nihil.... fecere = left nothing to the conquered. 15. Fatigant = weakens, corrupts. 16. Ne (for nedum) illi.... temperarent = much less could they (the soldiers of Sulla), after their manners were corrupted, make a moderate use of victory. CH. XII. 1. Innocentia.... duci = integrity to be regard- 146 ed as malevolence; i. e. those who were really upright in their lives got no credit for their honesty, inasmuch as it was regarded by others as the offspring of envy and ill-will. 2. Ex = in consequence of. Ex in such passages indicates the cause in the widest sense of the word: that from which anything arises, proceeds, takes place. 3. Pudorem.... hahbere = they had no regard at all for modesty, chastity, things divine and human without distinction, and (in their violation of them) they had no self-restraint. Sc. nihil before moderati. The two negatives neque nihil do not destroy each other, as is generally the case, but strengthen the negation. V. Zumpt. ~ 754. 432 NOTES. Page 146 4. Operae.... est= it is worth the while: more lit. it is a reward for the trouble. 5. Id demum = id ante omnia, id maxime, id quidem. Id stands for injuriamfacere, and is in apposition with it. CH. XIII. 1. Subversos.... esse: referring to the expensive improvements of their pleasure-grounds around their villas, and the immense piscinae, or fish-ponds, resembling seas, constructed by the wealthy Romans. 2. Quippe = since, inasmuch as. 3. Abuti: sc. iis referring to divitiae. 4. Cultus = luxurious habits. 5. Vescendae causa = for the sake of gratifying their appetite. This clause explains ganeae; while the following, from dormire to antecapere, explain ceteri cultus. 6. Haud.... carebat = did not easily forego the enjoyment of sensual indulgences. 7. Quaestui atque sumptui = to the acquisition and squandering (of money). 147 CH. XIV. 1 Flagitiorum atque facinorum: abstract for the concrete; i. e. flagitiosorum and facinorosorum. 2. Satelles denotes an attendant, as a hired servant: stipator, as a guard. Dod. 3. lJanu, ventre =- by playing at dice, (and) by gluttony. 4. Aes alienum = debt: lit. another's money. 5. 1. Maleficium is any misdeed which, as springing from evil intention, deserves punishment; but facinus, a crime which, in addition to the evil intention, excites astonishment and alarm from the extraordinary degree of daring requisite thereto. 2. Flagitium is an offence against one's self, against one's own honor, by gluttony, licentiousness, cowardice: in short, by actions which are not the consequence of unbridled strength, but of moral weakness, as evincing ignavia, and incurring shame; whereas scelus is an offence against others, against the right of individuals, or the peace of society, by robbery, murder, and particularly by sedition, by the display, in short, of malice: nefas is an offence against the gods or against nature, by blasphemy, sacrilege, murder of kindred, betrayal of one's country; in short, by the display of impietas, an impious outrage. Dod. 6. Redimeret = pay for, purchase impunity for. 7. Convicti judiciis = persons convicted on trial. 8. Ad hoc - in addition to this. SALLUSTII CATILINA. 433 Page 9. Janus, etc. Manus refers to sanguine civili, lingua to per- 147 jurio. Cf. Cic. in Cat. II. 4. 10. Conscius animus = a guilty conscience. 11. Proxumi familiaresque = bosom friends and intimate companions. 12. Par similisque = equal to and like; i. e. possessing the same wicked principles, and carrying them to the same extent. Par refers to quantity, similis to quality. 13. Ex aetate. V. XII. n. 2. 14. 1Iodestiae suae - his own honor. 15. Obnoxios = submissive, obedient. 16. Ita is explained by the infinitive clause which follows. V. K. 106, R. 6, and A. & S. 207, R. 22. 17. Parnm.... habuisse = had too little regard for virtue. CH. XV. 1. Jus fasque = human and divine law. 2. Nubere, = to marry: lit. to veil herself (sc. se), because the bride wore a veil during the marriage ceremony, is said only of the woman; whilst ducere, = to marry, lit. to lead home (sc. domrum), because the husband led the wife from her father's house to his own after the marriage, is said only of the man. 3. Privignum. A son of Catiline by a former marriage, and would become her step-son on her marriage with Catiline. 4. Creditur is to be considered impersonal. The sentence there-148 fore furnishes an instance of anacoluthon; for the writer begins with the intention of making Catiline the subject, putting captus in the nominative, and then after the introduction of the parenthetical clause, cujus.... actate, changes the construction from the personal to the impersonal. 5. Necato filio. Cicero (in Cat. I. 6) barely alludes to this circumstance of killing his son, but says expressly that, to make way for this wicked marriage, he murdered his own wife. 6. Facinoris. Referring to the crime of conspiracy against his country. 7. Neque.... quietibus = neither in watchings nor slumbers, neither waking nor sleeping. 8. Ita = to such a degree. 9. Facies and ocali denote the face and eyes only in a physical point of view, as the natural physiognomy and the organs of sight; but os and vultus with a moral reference, as making known the temporary, and even the habitual state of the mind, by the looks and eyes: os by the glance of the eye, and the corresponding expression 434 NOTES. Page 1.48 of the mouth; vultus, by the motion of the eye, and the simultaneous expression of the parts nearest to it, the serene and the darkened brow. Dod. CH. XVI. 1. Falsos qualifies both nouns. 2. Commodare = he lent out; i. e. to those who required such service. 3. Fidem.... iniperabat. The order is, imperabat habere fidem, &c. The infinitive being of the nature of the substantive, may, either with or without an object, be associated with substantives, as the object of a verb. Fidem.... habere and majora alia, therefore, sustain the same relation to imperabat. V. c. X. pro his superbiam, crudelitatem, deos negligere, omnia venalia habere edocuit. 4. Fortunas = condition in life, consideration in the eyes of the world. 5. Pudorem - sense of shame. 6. Minus suppetebat = did not offer. 7. Insontes.... sontes = those who had given him no cause of offence, as well as those who had: lit. the guiltless as well as the guilty. 8. Circumvenire, jugulare; i. e. by the agency of these associates. 9. Gratuito potins - without any motive of advantage, from choice. 10. Simul - et = et - et. 11. Aes.... terras. To understand this universal indebtedness, it must be remembered that Roman magistrates were accustomed to plunder with the greatest rapacity all the provinces to which they were sent, and that farmers of the revenues and taxgatherers were generally unjust and extortionate in their exactions. V. Cic. Pro Leg. Manil. XXII. 65-67. 12. Sullani milites. V. Cic. in Cat. II. 9, 20. 13. Victoriae veteris; i. e. the victory of Sulla over the party of Marius. 14. Exoptabant. The ex in this word is intensive and = earnestly. 15. Extremis terris; i. e. Pontus and Armenia where Pompey was then carrying on the Mithridatic war. Called thus, because the parts lying beyond were wholly unknown to the Romans. 16. Ipsi: sc. Catilinae. 17. Consulatum petenti = now a candidate for the consulship: lit. to him seeking the consulship. The reading of some editors SALLUSTII CATILINA. 435 Page is petendi, which gives the idea that he was not now a candidate, but 148 entertained the hope of being one. 18. Nihil sane intentus =truly in no way attentive; i. e. not apprehensive of danger. 19. Ea -= these things, such a state of things: referring to all of tih precedling statements. CH. XVII. 1. Circiter Kalendas. The ace. or abl. after circiter is, after the analogy of ante and post (v. K. 89, R. 8, and 91, 11), independent of circiter: therefore circiter is not to be considered a preposition. By some, however, it is treated as such. V.H. 433. A. & S. 235. 2. L. Caesare.... consulibus; i. e. B. C. 64. 3. Alios tentare== he sounded others. 4. In unum= together. 149 5. Necessitudo = need, want: the primitive use of the word. 6. Juventus pleraque = most of the young men. Plerusque is obsolete in the singular, and is used only by Sallust, who is fond of old forms of expression. 7. Vivere copia = vivendi copia. 8. Ea tempestate = eo tempore. Tempestas is anteclassical in this sense. 9. Quia Cu. Pompeiis, etc. This sentence is explanatory of the preceding statement, and is connected with it by nam understood. 10. Voluisse: sc. crederent eum (i. e. Crassum). 11. Illos (sc. conjuratos) refers by synesis to conjuratio. CII. XVIII. 1. Antea. Sallust, in this and the following chapters, makes a digression, in order to give an account of an unsuccessful conspiracy to overturn the government, which took place three years before, and in which Catiline took a part. 2. De qua: sc. conjuratione, implied in conjuravere. 3. L. Tullio, etc.; i. e. B. C. 66. 4. Designati consules = consuls elect. The consuls were called designati from the time of their election in July to the time of entering upon the duties of their office in January. 5. Ambitus; i. e. of bribery in securing office. The laws against bribery were very severe. By the Lex Calpurnia, passed B. C. 67, the penalties were fine, exclusion from the senate, and perpetual incapacity to hold office; to which was added by the Lex Tullia, passed B. C. 63, ten years' exile. 6. Poenas dederant. In this expression poenas does not mean punishment, but satisfaction; poenas dare, therefore, signifies lit. to 436 NOTES. Page 149 give satisfaction (i. e. to the state); hence, to suffer punishment. So likewise poenas sumere (lit. to take satisfaction) signifies to inflict punishment. 7. Pecuniarum.... reus = being accused of extortion: lit. a defendant (on a charge) of money to be demanded back. In the year 68, B. C., Catiline was elected praetor, and obtained Africa as his province. On his return to Rome, he was accused of extortion in the administration of the affairs of the province; and, as his trial was not concluded in season, he could not declare himself a candidate (profiteri nequiverat) for the consulship within the days prescribed by law (intra legitimos dies). Every candidate for the consulship was obliged by law to declare himself such at least seventeen days previous to the time of election, and must be free from all accusation. 150 8. Nonas. V. XVII. n. 1. 9. Kalendis Januariis; i. e. the day for the inauguration of the new consuls, Cotta and Torquatus, who had been elected to take the places of Autronius and Sulla, who had been convicted of bribery and set aside. 10. Ipsi (sc. parabant), fascibus correptis = (and) of their own authority, having seized the consular power. 11. Duas Hispanias; i. e. Hispania Tarraconensis, or Provincia citerior, and Hispania Baetica, or Provincia ulterior. 12. Jam turnm even then. These particles intimate a comparison between past and future time. Sallust therefore says that the conspirators had already, even at that time, the same plan formed, which they afterwards had at the time of the second conspiracy. 13. Quodni - and had not. CH. XIX. 1. Citeriorem; i. e. with reference to Rome. V. XVIII. n. 11. 2. Pro Praetore = with praetorian power. 3. Adnitente = exerting himself (to effect this). 4. Inimicum. V. Caes. I. 10, n. 5. V. also XVII. at the end. 5. Praesidium in eo; i. e. against the formidable power of Pompey. 6. Et jam turn = for even then. Et here introduces an explanatory clause. 7. Sunt qui dicunt. The relative is here joined with the indicative, because a simple fact is stated without any intimation of quality. The expression is = some persons say; whereas sunt qui dicant would mean, there are persons of such a character as to say. 8. Clientes = adherents. SALLUSTII CATILINA. 437 Page 9. Praeterea - except in this case. 150 10. In medio -undetermined. CH. XX. 1. Paulo ante; i. e. in the beginning of Chap. XVII. 2. In rem fore = that it would be of advantage. 3. Aedium - of the house. In this sense used only in the plural, as a collection of several apartments for one object. 4. Spectata mihi forent = had been tested by me. I1| 5. Per.... ingenia = by the assistance of cowardly and fickle men. The abstract for the concrete: lit. by means of cowardice and fickle minds. 6. Tempestatibus. V. XVII. n. 8. Here = occasions, emergencies. 7. Quae mihi: sc. sunt bona malaque. 8. Idern.... nolle = to have the same desires and the same aversions. Ea demum. V. VII. n. 12. This expression may here be rendered into English by an emphatic that. 9. Diversi = apart, separately. 10. Nisi.... libertaten = unless we ourselves set ourselves free. 11. In - jus.... concessit = passed under the control and power. 12. Populi, nationes. V. X. n. 1. 13. Vulgus fuimus = have been the rabble; i. e. have been treated as the rabble. 14. Tandem = pray, I should like to know. Tandem in interrogations is strongly intensive, and expresses impatience. V. Cic. in Cat. I. 1. 15. Verumn enim vero. The thought to which the enim re fers, and of which it introduces the explanation, is understood. It may be supplied thus: Verum (minime metuendum est, ne interituri simus) enim vero. 16. Omnia = all their powers. 17. Cetera res expediet - the rest the thing (itself) will bring about. Cetera is the ace. pl. 18. Superare - abunde esse. 16 19. In.... coaequandis. V. XIII. n. 1. 20. Amplius: se. binas. V. H. 417, 3, and A. & S. 256, R. 6, (c). Notice the distributive force of binas: "two or more houses each." 21. Larem famniliarem - (by metonymy) house, home: lit, domestic tutelar divinity. 438 NOTES. Page JS 22. Toreumata == vasa caelata. V. XI. 23. Trahunt, vexant = they squander, they expend in the most lavish manner. 24. Mlala res = a wretched condition. 25. Quin =- why not. 26. Nisi forte, nisi vero introduce a case as an exception, and describe it at the same time as improbable. Nisi forte is thus chiefly used in an ironical sense. Zumpt, 526. Cu. XXI. 1. Quieta movere = to disturb the public peace. Sallust is fond of using the neuter plural of adjectives for substantives. Movere is the subject of videbatur. 2. Praemium is a prize of honor, that confers distinction on the receiver, as a reward, in opp. to poena; whereas pretiunm and merces are only a price, for the discharge of a debt, as a payment: pretium, as a price for an article of merchandise, in opp. to gratia: merces denotes wages for personal services of some duration, or hire for something hired. 3. Quid ubique.... haberent; i. e. quid opis aut spei haberent et ubi (id haberent). Ubique for et ubi is common in Sallust. 4. Tabulas novas = new account-books; i. e. the abolition of debts either in part or in whole. The tabulae consisted of tablets of wood covered with wax, upon which legal documents, wills, and accounts were written with a sharp-pointed iron instrument, called a stilus. The outer sides of the tablets consisted merely of wood: it was only the inner sides that were covered over with wax. They were fastened together at the back by means of wires, which answered the purpose of hinges, so that they opened and shut like our books; and to prevent the wax of one tablet fiom rubbing against the wax of the other, there was a raised margin around each. When a change or reduction of debts was resorted to, as was frequently the case in the regulation of debts in favor of debtors in the revolutions of ancient republics, the old accounts were erased by smoothing over the surface of the wax with the head of the stilus, and new ones (tabulae novae) were substituted in their place. 5. Fert = bring with them. 6. Esse.... petere: depending upon the idea of saying implied in polliceri. 7. Citeriore. V. XVIII. n. 11. 8. Petere - was a candidate for. 9. Necessitudinibus. V. XVII. n. 5. 10. Cum.... facturuin = that in conjunction with him (An SALLTSTII CATILINA. 439 Page tonius) he (Catiline), if elected consul, would make a beginning of 15 the enterprise. 11. Cupiditatis suae= of his ruling passion. 1 12. Petitionem siam; i. e. for the consulship. CH. XXII. 1. Populares = participes, socii. 2. Inle - degustavissent = had tasted thereof. Inde = ex ea potione, referring to sanguinem vino permixturn. Some, however, think inde =- deinde, then. 3. Exsetrationem; i. e. a curse imprecated upon themselves, in case they violated their oath. 4. Eo, dictitare, fecisse, quo = they reported (dictitare: historical infin. for dictitabant) that he lid it with this view, in order that. 5. Alius alii - one to another. 6. Ciceronis invidiam = odium against Cicero. 7. Pro maIgitudine = considering its magnitude. CH. XXIII. 1. In ea conjuratione = —in that band of conspirators. 2. Haun obscuro loco. An example of litotes: a figure by which less is asserted than is really meant. 3. Probri gratia = propter turpem ignominiosamque vitam. 4. " Vanus et vanitas de eo homine dicuntur, qui neque recto neque constanti consilio utitur, neglectisque bonis, magnis, honestis levia, fitilia, inania sectatur." Dietsch. 5. Ipse has the force of separating, by contrast, that object (person or thing) to which it refers, from all others. The point here emphatically brought out by means of ipse is not, that it was his own crimes that he did not conceal, but that he himself was the man who did not conceal them. 6. Prorsus.... habebat = in short he paid no regard at all to what he either said or did. Dicere and facere instead of in dicendo and in faciendo. 7. Stupri vetus consuetudo = an illicit intimacy of long standing. 8. Maria.... polliceri =to make (her) extravagant promises: lit. to promise seas and mountains. 9. Polliceor means to promise, generally from a free impulse, and as an act of obliging courtesy: promitto, to promise, generally, at the request of another, as an act of agreement, and in reference to the fulfilment of the promise: recipio, to take upon one's self, and pass one's word of honor, as an act of generosity, inasmuch as one 19 440 NOTES. Page 153 sets at ease the mind of a person in trouble. The pollicens makes agreeable offers: the promittens opens secure prospects: the recipiens removes anxiety from another. Ddd. 10. Agitare = to act, to behave. 11. Insolentiae -- of the unusual conduct. 12. $Sublato = non nominato, non divulgato. 154 13. Quaoque modo = et quo modo. 14. Pleraque. V. XVII. n. 6. 15. Aestuabat, et - credebant. When two or more clauses have the same collective noun as their subject, the verb is frequently singular in one, and plural in another. A. & S. 209, R. 11, (2). 16. Homo novus was a name applied to a man, none of whose ancestors had obtained a curule office; i. e. the office of consul, quaestor, praetor or curule aedile. Such men were naturally looked upon by the nobility with jealousy and contempt. 17. Postfuere =- were set aside: lit. fell in the rear. CH. XXIV. 1. Quod.... concusserat = this deed had at first intimidated the accomplices of the conspiracy. Although the perf. historical may seem to us more natural here than the pluperf., yet the pluperf. is necessary to express the proper relation between concusserat and minuebatur. The exact relation and meaning of the two clauses would have been more directly expressed by making the former subordinate to the latter by means of quum; and Sallust might have written, Quod factum quum primo - concussisset, tamen Catilinae furor non minuebatur; (although this deed had intimidated, &c., yet the rage of Catiline was not diminished;) but as he wished to bring out each proposition distinctly and prominently, he connected them co-ordinately rather than subordinately. 2. Sumptam mutuam = borrowed. 3. Portare =- ordered to be taken. The English verb" to order," or " have " in the sense of " to order," is frequently not expressed in Latin, but is implied in the verb, which, in English is dependent upon the verb "to order;" as Piso annulum sibi fecit, Piso ordered a ring to be made for himself, or had a ring made for himself. Z. Gram. ~ 713. 4. Princeps.... faciundi = was the first to begin the war. 5. Nec and neque are not only equivalent to the simple " and " with " not," but frequently connect notions that have an adversative relation to each other (= and yet not, but not, but yet not). A. Ci. XXV. 1. Sempronia. She was the wife of D. Junius SALLUSTII CATILINA. 441 Pag Brutus, who had been consul B. C. 77, and mother of the D. Brutus 154 who conspired with M. Brutus, C. Cassius, and others to murder Caesar. We know from chap. XL. that her husband was not engaged in the conspiracy, and that he was at that time absent from Rome. 2. Genere. She belonged to the famous Sempronian family, from which also the Gracchi descended. 3. Probae — pudicae, modestae (sc. mulieri). 4. Mnllta.... sunt = (and) many other accomplishments which tend to luxury. The abl. literis, the infin. psallere and saltare and the ace. alia all depend upon docta. Such variety of construction is not unusual in Sall. 5. Discerneres; i. e. if you had been there. 6. Creditum abjuraverat = had falsely denied under oath 16 her indebtedness; i. e. that which had been loaned to her: the primitive sense of credo. 7. Conscia = accessory to. 8. Praeceps abierat = had plunged headlong into ruin. 9. Hand absurdum. V. XXIII. n. 2. 10. Lepos denotes the lightest wit, in opp. to dull gravity: facetiae, the jocund wit, in opp. to sober seriousness. Dod. CH. XXVI. 1. In proximum annkum = for the next year; i. e. B. C. 62. 2. Si designatus foret == if he should be elected. V. XVIII. n. 4. 3. Illi: sc. Ciceroni. 4. Dolus: in a good sense. 5. Paulo ante. V. XXIII. 6. Ad hoc =praeterea. V. XIV. n. 8. 7. Collegam.... sentiret = he had prevailed upon Antony, his colleague, by making over to him his province according to agreement, not to cherish sentiments hostile to the republic. The proconsular provinces were annually determined before the election of the consuls in order to prevent disputes; and the consuls entered upon the administration of the provinces to which they were entitled immediately on the expiration of the consular office. The provinces were generally distributed by lot, but the distribution was sometimes arranged by agreement between the persons entitled to them. Already Cicero had obtained by lot the rich province of Macedonia, which he exchanged by the transaction here mentioned for Cisalpine Gaul, which had fallen to the lot of Antony, who was supposed to be 442 NOTES. Page 155 favorable to the designs of Catiline. He afterwards declined the latter province also, that he might remain at Rome to watch and thwart, if possible, the conspiracy. 8. Consuli; i. e. Cicero. 9. Campo; i. e. the Campus Martius, a large plain along the Tiber, consecrated to Mars, where the elections (comitia centuriata) were held for choosing consuls, praetors, censors, and other magistrates. 10. Aspera foedaque = unsuccessfully and disgracefully. CH. XXVII. 1. Septimium.... Camertem = one Septimius, a Camertian; i. e. a native of Camerinum, a town of Umbria in the eastern part of Italy, and near the borders of Picenum. Septimius was an obscure individual, of whom nothing is known save the mention which is here made of him. 2. Alium alio = one to one place, and another to another. 3. Ubique = et ubi. V. XXI. n. 3. 4. Cum telo esse =- carried a weapon: lit. was with a weapon. 5. Alios: sc. cum telis esse. 156 6. Agitanti: sc. illi. 7. Laecam. Cicero says that the meeting took place at the house of Laeca. V. in Cat. I. 4. 8. Ibique = et apud eum, or, as some think, in eoque conventu. CH. XXVIII. 1. Sicuti salutatum as if to pay their respects (to him). Such an early morning call upon the wealthy was customary at Rome at this time, and was considered a mark of politeness. V. Cic. in Cat. I. 4, n. 19. 2. Intellegit: an old form for intelligit. 3. Egestate.... cupidam = eager for a revolution as well from poverty as from resentment on account of injury. 4. Snllae dominatione =- per tyrannidem Sullae. Kritz. 5. Agros.... amisit. Sulla had distributed to his followers the lands belonging to those Etrurians who had espoused the cause of Marius. 6. Latrones: sc. Manlius sollicitare. CH. XXIX. 1. Ancipiti malo; i. e. the danger apprehended from Catiline and his accomplices in the city, and from Manlius and his army abroad. 2. Satis... habebat = had he ascertained with sufficient accuracy. 3. Jam.... exagitatam = already noised abroad by the rumors of the people. SALLUSTII CATILINA. 443 Page 4. In atroci negotio = in a perilous emergency. 156 5. Solet =fieri solet. 6. 1Maxuma permittitur =- est maxima quae permittitur. 157 7. Parare - gerere, etc. These infinitives are in apposition with potestas. 8. Imperium.... habere = to have the highest military and civil power. 9. Aliter; i. e. unless the senate make such a decree. CH. XXX. 1. Literas recitavit = read aloud a letter. Literae is the most general expression for a letter: epistola is one directed to a distant friend, and sent by a messenger: codicilli, an address to one within the same walls, as a note. Dod. 2. Ante diem, etc. V. Caes. I. 6, n. 8. 3. Auguria and auspicia are appearances in the ordinary course of nature, which for the most part possess a meaning for those only who are skilful in the interpretation of signs; auguria, for the members of the college of augurs, who are skilled in such things; auspicia, for the magistrates, who have the right to take auspices: whereas prodigia, ostenta, portenta, monstra, are appearances out of the ordinary course of nature, which strike the common people, and only receive a more exact interpretation from the soothsayer: lastly, omina are signs which any person, to whom they occur, can interpret for himself, without assistance. The primary notion in prodigium is, that the appearance is replete with meaning, and pregnant' with consequences: in ostentum, that it excites wonder, and is great in its nature: in portentum, that it excites terror, and threatens danger: in monstrum, that it is unnatural and ugly. Ddd. 4. Prodigia. See an account of these in Cic. in Cat. III. 8. 5. Circum is here used adverbially. 6. Ii utrique for eorum uterque. V. K. 94, 13, and A. & S., 207, R. 32 (c). 7. Ad urbem = near the city. No citizen was allowed to hold military authority within the walls of Rome. It required a special law to be passed to give them permission to hold military authority within the city on the day of their triumph. When, therefore, commanders returned from their provinces, if they claimed a triumph, they were obliged to wait outside of the city walls until the senate decided upon their application. Marcius, proconsul of Cilicia, and Metellus, proconsul of Crete, which he had conquered and brought under the Roman sway, were thus waiting: being prevented from triumphing (impediti, ne triumpharent) by the intrigues of a few sen 444 NOTES. Page 157 ators (calumnia paucorum) who had been bribed to oppose them, or were waiting for a bribe to withdraw their opposition. 8. Quibus omnia.... mos erat = qui omnia.... vendere solebant. 9. Praetores: sc. quoque missi sunt. 10. Pro.... periculo = in proportion to the exigency and the danger. 11. Ad hoc. V. XXVI. n. 6. 12. Praemitun: sc. decrevere. 13. Sestertia. The sestertium was a sum of money, not a coin, 1,000 sestertii, and worth in our currency about $ 39. A hundred sestertia, therefore, would amount to $ 3,900: no small reward to give a slave besides his freedom. 14. Ejus rei; i. e. conjurationis; for indico is here said, as is often the case, of those who inform concerning a crime in which they themselves are implicated. 15. Gladiatoriae familiae = schools of gladiators. Gladiators consisted either of captives, slaves, and condemned malefactors, or (in later times) of free-born citizens, who fought voluntarily. They were kept in schools (ludi), where they were trained by persons called lanistae. The whole body of gladiators under one lanista was frequently called familia. They were sometimes the property of the lanistae, who let them out to persons who wished to exhibit a show of gladiators;- but at other times belonged to citizens, who kept them for the purpose of exhibition, and engaged lanistae to instruct them. 16. Pro cujusque opibus = according to the means of each (town). The gladiators were a class of men, who, from their character, could be easily prevailed upon to join a conspiracy against the state; hence it was desirable to keep them as widely separated as possible. 17. Minores magistratus. The consuls, praetors, and censors were called majores magistratus, the aediles, tribunes, quaestors, &c. minores magistratus (inferior magistrates). Cf. Cic. in Cat. I. 1: Urbis viqiliae, &c. 158 Cu. XXXI. 1. Diuturna quies. From the time of Sulla to this time, a period of about twenty years, there had been no civil commotion at Rome. 2. Quilnus.... incesserat = upon whom, on account of the greatness of the state, the dread of war had rarely come: more lit. had come unusual; i. e. had been unusual. Connect magnitudine with insolitus. SALLTUSTII CATILINA. 445 Page 3. lRogitare =made frequent and earnest inquiries. 18 4. Pavere semper metum significat, qui pallorem et tremorem efficit. Dietsch. 5. Eadem illa movebat = continued to push forward those same measures (which he had commenced). 6. Parabantur. V. Caes. I. 31, n. 16. 7. Lege Plautia. This law was enacted against those who were guilty of either open or secret violence. The penalty was exile. 8. Ut sui expurgandi = as if for the sake of exculpating himself. 9. Sicuti = just as if. 10. Orationem habuit. This is the first of the four orations against Catiline. 11. Quam.... edidit = which he afterwards wrote out and published. V. Caes. I. 5, n. 10. 12. Ea familia ortum (sc. se esse) - that he had sprung from such a family. The ace. with infin. depending upon the notion of saying implied in postulare. On the omission of se, V. Caes. II. 3, n. 4. 13. Ut.... haberet = as to hope for all preferments. 14. CJlljs.... essent = whose own numerous services, and those of his ancestors, had been bestowed on the Roman people. 15. Perdita republica = of ruining the republic. 16. Inquilinus civis = an adventitious citizen. Cicero was born at Arpinum, and was, therefore, not a native of Rome. 17. Incendium xneum ruina = the conflagration that threatens me by the ruin (of my enemies). CH. XXXII. 1. Ipse is here used to bring out emphatically the 159 idea that he pondered his plans alone: communicating them to no other individual, and asking counsel of no one. V. XXIII. n. 5. 2. Neque - et. V. Caes. II. 25, n. 9. 3. Insidiae consuli procedebant. Much difference of opinion exists among grammarians as to the dependence of the dative upon nouns: some, as Bullions, Andrews and Stoddard, and Anthon, teaching that it often does, while others, as Kritz, Zumpt, Kiihner, and Dietsch are decidedly opposed to this view. They deny that, in the writers of the Golden Age, the dat. ever depends directly upon a noun, except in the case of verbal nouns, which are derived from verbs requiring a dat. for their object; in which case the noun is an abbreviated expression for a subordinate clause; as justitia est obtemperatio legibus institutisque populorum = justitia est ea virtus, quac 446 NOTES. Page 159 obtemperat, &c. I adopt the latter view. Accordingly, consuli does not depend upon insidiae, neither does it depend upon procedebant alone, but upon insidiae procedebant. The principle under consideration is illustrated more clearly by the passage below: insidias consuli maturent. Here maturent joined with insidias is clearly = mature parent. It cannot be doubted, therefore, that the dat. should be connected with the verb. Both cases are examples of the dat. of disadvantage. V. K. 90, R. 4. The " Revised Edition" of A. & S. substantially adopts this view. V. 211, R. 5, N. V. also H. 392, 1. 4. Intellegebat: old form for intelligebat. 5. Optimum factu = the best thing to be done, the best course to take. Some editions have factum. Augere and antecapere are the subjects ace. of esse understood, and optimum agrees with them. 6. Legiones scriberentur; i. e. which the praetors Pompeius, Rufus, and Metellus Celer were authorized to levy. V. Ch. XXX. 7. Cum paucis. V. Cic. in Cat. II. 4. 8. Quibus rebus possent =- by such means as they could. 9. Mandatis. V. Caes. I. 35, n. 1. 10. Hujuscemodi. V. Caes. III. 13, n. 6. CH. XXXIII. 1. Neque contra patriam -neque quo neither against our country nor in order that thereby. 2. Qui - sumus. Qui agrees in gender, number, and person with the substantive pronoun nostrum, implied in nostra. 3. Plerique - omnes = the most of us - all of us. 4. Patriae - fama atque fortunis. Expertes is here constructed with both the gen. and abl. V. XXV. n. 4. 5. Lege nti = to avail himself of the law. Reference is probably had to the lex Papiria Poetelia, which had been enacted, B. C. 326, and which forbade imprisonment for debt, and made the property of the debtor the only security of the creditor. 6. Praetoris. The praetor urbanus is here meant, to whom belonged the general administration of public justice. 7. Opitulati sunt = relieved. 8. Argentum.... est = silver was paid with copper. The allusion is to the Valerian law, by which a sestertius, a silver coin, was paid with an as, a copper coin of one fourth its value. By this partial abolition of debts the debtor retained seventy-five per cent of the capital which he had borrowed. V. XXI. n. 4. 9. Saepe ipsa plebes. The commons (plebes) are here spoken of in opp. to the patricians (patres). Three secessions of the SALLUSTII CATILINA. 447 Page A dimons are said to have occurred: the first, B. C. 495, on account 159 of the cruelty of creditors, the second, B. C. 449, on account of the insupportable tyranny of the decemviri, and the third, B. C. 286, on account of the burden of their debts. 10. Amitto means to lose something, so that it ceases to be in 160 our possession, in opp. to retinere: perdo means to lose something, so that it is destroyed and rendered useless, in opp. to servare. Dod. 11. Quonam modo.... pereamus == in what way we may perish after having avenged our blood most effectually; i. e. how we may sell our lives as dearly as possible. CH. XXXIV. 1. Discedant. The usual construction would require the imperfect; but sometimes a writer makes use of the same tenses in indirect discourse, which he would use if he were quoting the speech in direct discourse. 2. Ex itinere = on his way. 3. Optimo cuique; i. e. principibus optimatium, the most distinguished men. 4. Non quo = not as if, not because. 5. Neve. V. Caes. IJ. 21, n. 3. 6. Contentione = private quarrel. 7. Ab his.... literas = a letter far different from this 8. Earum exemplum = a copy of it. CH. XXXV. 1. L. Catilina q. Catulo - L. Catiline to Q. Catulus greeting. The usual form for the beginning of a letter was L. Catilina Q. Catulo salutem dicit: commonly written L. Catilina Q. Catulo S. D. Here it is still further abbreviated by omitting the S. D. The S., however, is retained in some editions. 2. Egregia.... tribuit = your distinguished faithfulness, fully known by experience, (and) pleasing to me amid my great perils, has given confidence to my recommendation; i. e. to the recommendation of my interests to your care. See Orestillam commendo at the end of the chapter. There is great confusion in the text here. I have adopted the reading of the most and best books. 3. Quamobrem; i. e. on account of my confidence in your friendship. 4. Defensionem is a formal defence against an adversary: satisfactionem, an apology, an explanation, such as may satisfy a friend. Supply sed before satisfactionem. 5. In novo consilio = in reference to my new enterprise; i. e. the raising of an army. 6. Non statui parare - statui non parare. cc 448 NOTES. Page 160 7. Ex.... culpa - since I am conscious of no crime: lit. from no consciousness of crime. De culpa nearly = culpae. 8. Qualm: referring to satisfactionem. Veram: sc. esse. 9. Licet cognoscas = you may be assured. 10. Contumnelia, injuria. Contumelia denotes a wrong done to the honor of another: injuria, a violation of another's right. A blow is an injuria, so far as it is the infliction of bodily harm; and a contumelia, so far as it brings on the person who receives it the imputation of a cowardly or servile spirit. Dod. 11. Statum dignitatis =the position of honor which I deserved; i. e. the consulship. V. XVIII., paulo post, &c. 161 12. Non quin - possem = not as if I could not. 13. Aes.... nominibus = my own debts. So alienis nominibus, (sc. aes alienun,) = the debts of others. 14. Quum et = quum etiam. 15. Non dignos = unworthy. 16. Alienatum - discarded. 17. Hoc nomine = on this account. 18. Pro nleo casu = considering my unfortunate condition. 19. Scribere vellem: a mere pretence, cunningly devised to avoid further explanation. 20. Comnlendo: sc. tuaefidei from the next clause. 21. Ave is a salutation used at meeting and parting; whereas salve is used at meeting only, vale at parting. Dod. CH. XXXVI. 1. Ipse is added, because those things which pertain to Catiline are opposed to those things which he himself did pertaining to others. 2. Fascibus.... insignibus. V. Cic. in Cat. II. 6, 13. 3. Hostes judicat. Qui hostis judicatus erat, et jus civitatis amisit et bello persequendus fuit. D. 4. Sine fraude = without risk; i. e. with impunity. 5. Praeter (illis) - condemnatis = except for those condemned. Praeter is an adverb, and condemnatis depends upon liceret. 6. lulto maxime miserabile = by far the most deplorable; i. e. of all governments. 7. Qnuum = although. 8. Otiin denotes quiet times in general, as a species of pax, with reference to foreign relations: concordia, with reference to internal relations. Dod. 9. Perditum irent = were bent on ruining. The verb eo joined with the supine expresses an end, purpose, wish. This con SALLUSTI CATILINA. 449 Page struction is quite frequent in Sallust, but is not found in Cicero, who 161 uses, instead of it, the periphrastic conjugation by means of esse and the participle future active. 10. Dunbus senati decretis = although two decrees of the senate had been made. The first of these is mentioned in Ch. XXX., and the other in this chapter. 11. Uti tabes = like a consuming fever. 162 CH. XXXVII. 1. Omnino = in general. 2. Id adeo - this even, this very thing. Adeo with pronouns has an intensive force. So id adeo malum, &c., at the end of the chapter. 3. Extollunt = they elevate; i. e. to office. 4. Sine cura = without any anxiety (for themselves). It is more fully explained by the following clause. 5. Facile habetur = is easily kept; i. e. poverty (= poor people) having nothing, has nothing to lose. 6. Ea vero = they in particular. Ea is added to distinguish particularly the urbana plebes from the cuncta plebes mentioned at the beginning of the chapter. This use of demonstrative pronouns is not uncommon. V. XII. n. 5, and XX. n. 8. 7. Preceps ierat; i. e. into the designs of Catiline. 8. Primum oinnium. The populace are here divided into five distinct classes, the description of which is introduced severally by the words primum omnium, deinde, praeterea, praeterea, ad hoc. The first general division is subdivided into three classes by the words qui ubique, item alii, postremo. 9. Per dedecora = by disgraceful excesses. 10. Sentinain is here not the place where the filth gathers, as some interpret, but the filthy gathering itself, into which foul and dirty streams flow. Comparatur Roma cum ipsa spurcitie, in quam tanquam sordidi rivuli confluxerint homines turpes. Dietsch. 11. Alios senatores: sc. esse. 12. Ut.... agerent = that they passed life in princely luxury and refinement. 13. Quisque is in apposition with multi. 14. Privatis.... largitionibus; i. e. the largesses bestowed by private demagogues of wealth and rank to cater for popular favor, and the distribution of corn, consisting in the later times of the republic of five modii per month to an individual, made by the government to the indigent population of Rome, either gratui. tously or at a rate considerably below the market price. 450 NOTES. Page 162 15. Eos refers to the collective noun juventus. 16. Quo = on this account. 17. Juxta ac ==just as; i. e. as badly as, no better than. 18. Jus.... erat. By the lex Cornelia, of which Sulla was the author, the sons and grandsons of proscribed persons were forever excluded from all public offices. 19. Id adeo malum: referring probably to the civil dissensions in the time of Sulla. 16 C CH. XXXVIII. 1. Restituta est. The power of the tribunes had been greatly restricted by Sulla, but was restored in the consulship of Pompey and Crassus. 2. Summam potestatem == very great power. As the power of the tribunes is referred to, it must not be translated " the highest power," for that was vested in the consuls. It means the highest degree of tribunician power. 3. Exagitare = to stir up, excite. 4. Pleraque. V. XVII. n. 6. 5. Senatus specie pro sua magnitudine = apparently to support the senate, (but in reality) for their own aggrandizement. 6. Ut.... absolvam -- to relate the truth in a few words. 7. Honestis nominibus = under honorable pretexts. 8. Quicunque is divided into two classes by alii — pars, and then again into individuals by quisque. 9. Modestia - niodus - moderation - limit. Ca. XXXIX. 1. Bellum maritimum; i. e. the war against the Cilician pirates, which he terminated within the space of forty days. The next year, B. C. 66, he was, by the Manilian law, invested with the leadership of the war against Mithridates, king of Pontus. 2. Plebis opes imminutae; i. e. in consequence of the almost unlimited power delegated to a single individual, Pompey. 3. Innoxii -- unharmed. 4. Hi; i. e. pauci, the few. 5. Ceteros.... tractarent they frightened the others (i. e. of the patricians who were suspected of courting popular favor, or of belonging to the popular party) with judicial processes, in order that they (i. e. the ceteros), when in office (i. e. the tribuneship), might lead the people more gently (i. e. without harshness towards the patricians: not exciting them against the patricians; for by thus exciting them, they would render themselves liable to prosecution by the patricians as soon as their term of office had expired). 6. Sed.... oblata est = but as soon as, the state of affairs SALLUSTII CATILINA. 451 Page being dangerous, the hope of overthrowing the existing form of gov- 163 ernment was presented (to them, i. e. the ceteros). 7. Vetus certamen; i. e. between the patricians and plebeians 8. Animos eorum; i. e. the minds of the ceteros. 10. Quodsi = and if. 11. Neque =- neque tamen. 12. Diutius - very long. 13. Quin.... extorqueret = without some one who might be more powerful wresting their power and liberty from them, exhausted and powerless. Defessis et exsanguinibus belong to illis understood: the dat. of disadvantage. 14. Tamen - yet; i. e. notwithstanding these considerations. 15. Sollicitabat = attempted to gain over. 164 16. Cujusque.... horninum = every sort of men: lit. a class of men of every sort. CH. XL. 1. Negotium.... requirat = he charges to seek out. 2. Publice privatimque = as a state and as individuals. 3. Plerisque principibus = to most of the leading men. 4. Quasi.... casum = as if deploring its calamity. 5. Tantis malis may be the dat. depending upon exitum sperarent (V. XXXII. n. 3), or the abl. absolute according to H. 431, 1 & 2, or A. & S. 257, R. 7. If the former, the sense is, "what issue they expected for so great evils ": if the latter, " what issue they expected since the evils were so great." I prefer the latter. 6. Miseriis. V. XXXII. n. 3. The dat. here depends upon the compound expression, remedium expectare. 7. Orare = began to entreat. 8. Neque aliena consilii - and indeed convenient for consultation. 9. Innoxios = innocent persons; i. e. persons not connected with the conspiracy. 10. Animus amplior = more courage. 11. Domum: not their native country, but their place of residence in Rome. CH. XLI. 1. Dil.... caperent = were a long time uncertain what course they should take. Habuere: sc. se. 2. In altera parte - at in altera. First the motives they had to engage in the conspiracy are stated, then those they had to betray it. 3. Studlium belli. This motive grew out of the warlike character of the Allobroges, who were a natura gens bellicosa. 452 NOTES. Pawe I5 4. In spe victoriae; i. e. in the victory which they hoped for. 5. Majores opes = greater power and influence; i. e. to be enjoyed by the ambassadors personally, as a reward for betraying the conspiracy. 6. Certa praemia. V. XXX. In this passage the ambassadors are comparing the interests of their state with their own private interests. The first class of motives mentioned is drawn from considerations of state policy: the second refers to private advantages; so that aes alienum is opposed to majores opes, studium belli to tuta consilia, and magna merces to certa praemnia. 7. Cujus patrocinio. Not only individuals, but also sometimes cities, and even entire states, which were in a certain relation of subjection or friendship to Rome, put themselves under the patronage of distinguished individuals, who took an interest in their affairs, and defended their cause in the senate. This patronage was hereditary. Q. Fabius Sanga had derived his right of patronage over the Allobroges from his ancestor, Q. Fabius Maximus, who finally reduced them to subjection, and hence was surnamed Allobrogicus. 8. Precepit - simnlent. The perf. historical followed by the present is an unusual construction, and confined to the historians. CH. XLII. 1. Quos.... dimiserat. V. XXVII. 2. Cuncta.... agebant = commenced doing all things at one and the same time. 3. Portationibus. The plural is used because the arms were carried in many places, and by many individuals. 4. Causa cognita = after trial: lit. the cause having been investigated. 5. C. lrurena: sc. complures in vincula conjecerat. 6. Qui - legatus = who as deputy. CH. XLIII. 1. Videbantur: sc. illae, referring to copiis. 2. 1. Concilium, concio, and comitia are meetings summoned for fixed purposes: concilium, an assembly of noblemen and persons of distinction, of a committee, of the senate, the individual members of which are summoned to deliberate; whereas concio and comitia mean a meeting of the community, appointed by public proclamation, for passing resolutions or hearing them proposed: concio means any orderly meeting of the community, whether of the people or of the soldiery, in any state or camp: comitia is a historical term confined to a Roman meeting of the people. 2. Coetus and conrentus are voluntary assemblies: coetus, for any purpose, for merely social purposes, for a conspiracy, and so forth: whereas conventus, for a SALLUSTII CATILINA. 453 Page serious purpose, such as the celebration of a festival, the hearing of 169 a discourse, and so forth. Did. 3. Concione habita. Probably the assembly of the Quirites, before which Cicero delivered the 2d Orat. in Cat. 4. Actionibus = the proceedings; i. e. with reference to the expulsion of Catiline from Rome. 5. Ea signo = upon this signal; i. e. the attack to be made on Cicero by the tribune during his address to the people. Some understand dato, but it is not necessary. 6. Suum.... negotiium = each his part. 7. Divisa (sc. esse) = to be assigned. Sed. V. VII. n; 1. 8. Hoc = tali. 9. Alius (sc. aggrederetur) autem aliuim = moreover one should attack one, and another should attack another; i. e. each should single out his victim. 10. Filii familiarnm = minors; i. e. sons who are still under the father's authority. To these Cicero is thought to allude in Orat. II. in Cat. Hos, quos video volitare, &c. 11. Illos- corrumpere = (saying) that they lost, threw 166 away. 12. Dies prolatando = by putting off the day of execution: lit. by putting off days; i. e. the times appointed for the execution of an affair. V. Cic. in Cat. III. 4, 10. CH. XLIV. 1. Per.... conveniunt = have an interview with the rest through Gabinius. V. XLI. ad finem. 2. Signaturm- sealed. 3. Aliter = nisi id fiat; i. e. unless the oath is given. V. XXIX. n. 9. 4. Eos; i. e. cives. 5. Eo; i. e into the country of the Allobroges. 6. Crotoniensem - an inhabitant of Crotona. 7. Literas - exemplum. V. XXXIV. n. 7. 8. tuis sim, etc. V. Cic. in Cat. III. 5, 12. 9. Fac cogites = see that you consider. 10. MIemineris te virum esse. Cicero has quoted it thus: Cura, ut vir sis. 11. Tuae rationes = your interests, circumstances. Rationes sunt omnia, quae quis in consilio perficiendo sequi debeat. D. Cf. LVI. fin. 12. Ab infimis. From the following clause, quo consilio servitia repudiet, it is evident that by "the lowest," slavea are meant. 454 NOTES. Page 166 13. RlIandata verbis = a verbal message. 14. Propius: sc. urbem. Cu. XLV. 1. Cicero - imperat. V. Cic. in Cat. III. 2, 5. 2. Cetera = as for the rest. Uti = as. Ita agant = that they may so act. 167 3. Illi homines inilitares; i. e. praetores. 4. Ad id loci = ad eum locum. 5. Sinlul - simul ac. 6. Utrinque. The praetors stationed a force at both extremities of the bridge, and as soon as the ambassadors entered the bridge, a shout arose both before and behind them. 7. Dedit: not the perf. of do, but the present of dedo. CH. XLVI. 1. Intelligens = because he knew. Dubitans because he hesitated. 2. Porro autem = then moreover. 3. Sibi oneri - fore = would prove a source of odium to himself 4. Reipublicae.... fore = would tend to ruin the republic. 5. Igitur -jubet Lentulum, etc. V. Cic. in Cat. III. 3, ad init. 6. Ipse.... tenens. This was to show respect to the official character of Lentulus. 7. Eo; i. e. to the temple of Concord. CH. XLVII. 1. Quid.... habuisset = what design he had entertained, or for what reason he had entertained it. 2. Alia = things other than the truth, or things that did not pertain to the conspiracy. 3. Fide.... dicere = to speak under a public pledge of impunity. 168 4. Se.... legatos that he, having been admitted a few days before, as an associate, by Gabinius and Coeparius, knew nothing more (i. e. no other person) than the ambassadors (sc. to be concerned in the conspiracy). This is the interpretation of Kritz. The more obvious meaning, however, - viz. that he knew nothing more than the ambassadors (knew), - may after all be the true one, though it is not easy to see how this can be. 5. Audire solitum = (he) was accustomed to hear. 6. Lentulum.... erat = convict Lentulus of dissembling, not only by letters (lit. besides letters), but also, in addition to them, by the conversations which he was accustomed to hold. 7. Tribus Corneliis = to three of the Cornelian family. V. Cic. in Cat. III. 4, 9. SALLUSTII CATILINA. 455 Page 8. Cinnam atque Sullam: sc. urbis potitos fuisse. They 168 were members of the Cornelian family. 9. Signa.... cognovissent =- had acknowledged their seals 10. Abdicato magistratu = having resigned his office. A Roman citizen could not be put on trial while in office. 11. In.... cnstodiis = in private custody: equivalent to our phrase "held to bail." When a person of high rank was charged with crime, instead of being thrown into prison, and kept there until his trial, he was committed to the charge of some responsible individual. This was called libera custodia. CH. XLVIII. 1. Ciceronem.... tollere. The change in the minds of the people, which is here described, was caused by a speech of Cicero, which he delivered to them on leaving the senate, and in which he related in detail the arrest of the Allobroges and the transactions of the senate. This is the speech which has come down to us as the third oration against Catiline. 2. Gaudium.... laetitiam. The chief distinction between gaudium and laetitia is, that gaudium is the inward, simple emotion of joy; whereas laetitia is the outward manifestation, the utterance of joy. On atque, V. Caes. III. 17, n. 3. 3. Agitabat. The change from the historical infin. to the present imperf., in the same sentence, will be recognized by the observing student as a not unusual construction in Sallust. 4. Praedae: sc. sibi. 5. Ac is here used to add a notion which defines more accurately the notion contained in immoderatum. 6. Quippe.... erant = since all their means consisted in articles for daily use, and clothes for the body. Usu and cultu are the abstract for the concrete. 7. Post eum diem = postridie. 8. Dice denotes to say, as conveying information, in reference to the hearer, in opp. to taceo; but aio expresses an affirmation, with reference to the speaker, in opp. to nego. Dod. 9. Data esset. V. Caes. I. 13, n. 7. 10. De itinere hostium; i. e. of the approach of Catiline and Manlius towards Rome with an army. 11. Missum a M. Crasso. V. XVII. ad fin. 12. Illi; i. e. Lentulus et Cethegus aliique. 169 13. Tanta vis hominis -- homo tantae vis. 14. Videbatur: personal, yet it will be better to translate it impersonally. 20 456 NOTES. Page 169 15. Crasso - obnoxii. Being a man of great wealth, many were " under obligations to " him, on account of the loans with which he had accommodated them, and consequently were afraid of offending him. 16. Referatur: sc. ad se. Before the senate could vote upon any measure, it must be brought regularly before them by a magistrate authorized to do the same: commonly the consul presiding, though it could be done by a tribune of the people, and even by a praetor. 17. Consulente Cicerone (sc. senatum) = Cicero consulting the senate; i. e. referring the subject to them, putting the question to them. Frequens = full. 18. Neque amplius (sc. indicandi) potestatemn faciundam = and that power of giving further information ought not to be given. 19. Per.... periculi = by his being made to share in the danger. 20. Suscepto.... patrocinio = by undertaking the defence of the vicious. 21. Praedicantem =- openly declaring. CH. XLIX. 1. Neque.... gratia = nor by money nor marks of favor. 2. Nominaretur; i. e. as an accomplice. 3. Piso: sc. inimicitiam exercebat. 4. Oppugiatus.... injusturm =- because he had been attacked (by him; i. e. Caesar), when on trial for extortion, on account of the unjust punishment of a certain one who lived beyond the Po. The meaning of the passage is not that Piso was accused of extortion by Caesar, but that Caesar availed himself of the opportunity of this trial for extortion to bring Piso to justice for an alleged unjust punishment of one of the Transpadani, whose patron he (Caesar) was. 5. Ex.... pontificatus. For the meaning of ex, V. XII. n. 2. Caesar had defeated Catulus in his canvass for the office of pontifex maximus. 6. Adolescentulo. Caesar, though now thirty-six years old, could be called young in comparison with the aged Catulus. 7. Res.... videbatur =the circumstances, however, seemed favorable; i. e. for injuring the reputation of Caesar; for being deeply involved in debt, he would be more readily suspected of oeing engaged in the conspiracy. 8. Privatim - publice = in private life - in public life. SALLUSTII CATILINA. 457 Page 9. lIaxumis nluneribus = by the most splendid exhibitions. 169 10. Quae se - audisse dicerent: a peculiar construction, 170 though not uncommon in Cicero, = quae audivissent, ut dicebant. 11. Quo.... esset: depending upon minitarentur. CH. L. 1. Libertus means the freedman, with reference to his master, in opp. to servus: libertinus, with reference to his rank, in opp. to civis and ingenuus. 2. Opifices atque servitia. V. Cic. in Cat. IV. 8, 17. 3. Sollicitabant: sc. partim, corresponding with partim in the next clause. 4. MIultitudinum - of factions, mobs. 5. Familiam = slaves; i. e. belonging to a family. 6. Eos- contra.... fecisse. This was the usual formula of condemnation against those who had committed any high crime against the state. For sed, see Ch. VII. n. 1. 7. Designatus. V. XVIII. n. 4. 8. Supplicium capital punishment. 9. Decreverat - dixerat - censuerat. These pluperfs. may be explained, says Kritz, on the supposition that the writer was tacitly referring what he was relating to the senatus consultum, which was finally made. 10. Pedibus.... iturum se = that he would go over to the opinion of Tiberius Nero; i. e. when they came to vote upon the question; which was not done till all the senators had had an opportunity to express their opinions. The allusion is to the mode of voting. The mode of proceeding in the Roman senate was as follows: First, the presiding magistrate (in the time of the republic one of the consuls) announced the subject for deliberation. This was called relatio, or referre ad senatum. Then each member was called upon to state his opinion, (rogare sententiam, sententiam dicere,) which he delivered either by a single word, sitting, or in a set speech, standing. This was merely an expression of opinion, which he was allowed to retract when he actually voted; as did Silanus in the passage before us. In the earlier times the princeps senatus, and at a later period the consules designati were first called on; then the question was put to the others in the order of their official rank. After this followed the actual voting, which was usually by discessio, pedibus ire in sententiam alicujus; i. e. the members who voted on the same side joined together, and thus separated from those who voted otherwise. In the present case Silanus at first gave his opinion in favor of the severest punishment. Many others followed him, adopting the same course. 458 NOTES. Page 170 At length it came to the turn of Tiberius Nero to give his opinion; who opposed capital punishment, at least, for the present, but was in favor of strengthening the guards, retaining the prisoners in custody, and postponing the whole subject till after Catiline was overcome, when it should be resumed, and final action taken upon it. Caesar spoke next, opposing capital punishment altogether, and advocating imprisonment for life. The effect of his speech was very great: he seemed about to carry the senate with him. Silanus was made to modify his opinion so far as to adopt that of Nero. At this point Cicero arose, and pronounced the fourth Catilinarian oration; in which he reviewed in a masterly manner the speeches of Silanus and Caesar, and urged prompt and vigorous measures. He failed, however, to turn the scale completely, and it was not till after the speeches of Lutatius Catulus, the inveterate enemy of Caesar, and Cato, tribune of the commons elect, whose burning eloquence electrified the senate, and bore down nearly all opposition, that a majority could be obtained to favor his views. 11. Praesidiis additis; i. e. cum praesidia addita essent. 12. Hujuscemodi. From this expression it is evident that we have not the language, but only the sentiments. of the speech. 171 CH. LI. 1. Hand.... paruit. This sentence contains the reason of the preceding, the connective nam being omitted, as is not unfrequently the case. Lubidini simul et usui = passion and reason at the same time. 2. P. C. for Patres Conscripti. 3. Quae - male consuluerint =- what injurious measures kings and nations have taken. 4. Ordine = properly. 5. Injuriae; i. e. done to us. 6. Per.... fecere = retaliated when opportunity offered. 7. Neu. V. Caes. II. 21, n. 3. 8. Novnm consilium. The new measure here alluded to was the punishment of Roman citizens by death. 9. Ingenia = the imaginations. 10. Uis: sc. poenis. 11. Enumeravere can be connected with saevitia only by zeugma. Translate it "have shown," and "have enumerated." 12. Quo.... pertinuit = for what object was that strain of oratory? 13. An. V. Caes. I. 47, n. 12. The ellipsis may be supplied thus: alione pertinuit, an eo pertinuit? SALLISTII CATILINA. 459 14. Scilicet = no doubt, forsooth. Strongly ironical. 171 15. Oratio accendet - a mere speech will inflame. 16. Eas.... habuere = have felt them too severely. 172 17. Alia.... est = there is one degree of freedom of action to one class of persons, and another to another; i. e. all have not the same degree of freedom. 18. Studere = to favor: sc. in maxima fortuna. 19. In imuperio - in those who command. 20. Postrema == the last things, the last of an affair: in the present case the punishment. 21. In = in the case of, in regard to. 22. Eos.... cognovi = such I know to be the character and such the moderation of the man. 23. Aliena.... nostra = not suited to the principles of our government. 24. Metus - injuria; i. e. fear, not for himself, but for the state, for the public weal - the wrong, the nature of the wrong, the atrocity of the crime. 25. De poena. Having thus summarily disposed of the first cause of Silanus's opinion, viz. metus, he now proceeds to discuss at length the second, injuria. 26. Id.... habet = that which is in the nature of the thing: lit. that which the thing has. He means to assert that the views which he is about to set forth are philosophically correct, and in accordance with nature. 27. Ultra: sc. mortem. See Cicero's review of this doctrine in the fourth oration against Catiline. 28. Lex Porcia. The Porcian law enacted that a Roman citizen should not be scourged or put to death. 29. An: sc. in sententiam non addidisti. 30. Sin: sc. in sententiam non addidisti, &c. Levius est: sc. verberari. 31. Qui.... neglexeris = how is it consistent (in you) to observe the law in the less matter (i. e. the scourging), when you have disregarded it in the greater (i. e. the capital punishment). 32. At is much used to denote objections; and even such as the speaker raises himself, for the purpose of upsetting or weakening that which was said before. In at enim there is an ellipsis: at represents the objection, and enim introduces the explanation of it. Here the ellipsis may be supplied thus: but some one may say, what need is there of all this discussion, for who will blame, &c. 460 NOTES. Page 173 33. Tempus, dies, fortuna: sc. reprehendet. An answer to the preceding question. This course, if adopted, argues the speaker, may at some future time prove a dangerous precedent. Libido = caprice. 34. Illis; i. e. the conspirators. 35. In alios = against others; i. e. by being used as a precedent, it may, at some future day, be the source of great abuse and injustice to others. 36. Diginis: sc. poena: idoneis = fit subjects of it. 37. Damasippus was only a surname of L. Junius Brutus, an active and unprincipled partisan of Marius. He was praetor urbanus B. C. 82; and at the request of Marius he summoned the senate upon some false pretext, and procured the assassination of a number of the senators, whose bodies were thrown unburied into the Tiber. 38. Atque = certainly. 39. Ingenia = characters. 40. Potest. The order is, alio tempore, &c., falsum aliquid potest pro vero credi. 41. uomninus - imitarentur = from imitating. 42. Arma atque tela -pleraque sumpserunt = most of their arms, offensive and defensive, they borrowed. Join pleraque with arma as well as insignia. 174 43. Ubique = wherever it was, wherever they found it. The words, apud socios aut hostes, illustrate the force of ubique. 44. Imitari.... malebant = they preferred to imitate rather than envy their good institutions. Sc. institutis after bonis. Some supply hominibus. Here two verbs are connected, one of which governs the acc. and the other the dat., and the object is put in the case required by the one that stands nearest. The common construction repeats the object with each verb in the case which that verb requires. 45. Quominis.... capiamus = why we should not take a new measure. Causam implies hindering, and is, therefore, followed by quominus and the subj. 46. Ea bene parta = those things which have been happily obtained (from them): referring to imperium not grammatically, but ad intellectum. 47. Per municipia = among the municipia. The municipia were towns, the inhabitants of which had been formerly peregrini, but were now cives. They enjoyed the rights of Roman citizenship, but were governed by their own magistrates, and managed their affairs according to their own customs. SALLUSTII CATILINA. 461 Page 48. Nel quis = and that no one. Observe tl e douible con' 174 struction after censeo; first the acc. with the infin., hien neu with the subj., after which the ace. with infin. is resumed' senataum existimare, &c. Compare Cic. in Cat. IV. 4, 8. 49. Eum.... facturum. V. L. n. 6. CH. LII. 1. Ceteri.... assentiebantur;. e. gave their opinions verbally, without rising, and adopting one or another of the opinions of the preceding speakers. The regular fo mn of speech on such occasions was assentior, adding the name of thl person whose opinion he adopted; as assentior Silano, assentior Cazari, &c. Varie refers, not to verbo, but to alius alii. 2. Longe.... est - et = I have a far different opinion - from what I do. 3. Poena; i. e. the kind of punishment. Cato says the real question at issue is, not the kind of punishment suitable for the con, spirators, but what measures shall be adopted to prevent the success of the conspiracy. 4. Persequare = you may punish. 5. Judicia = the (aid of) tribunals. 6. Nihil fit reliqui victis = nothing is left to the vanquished, 7. Pluris - fecistis = have valued higher. 174 8. Ista. The severity of Cato's manners led him to speak with contempt of the luxuries so highly prized by many of his hearers. 9. Agitur = the question is. 10. Qui.... fecissem = who had never excused myself and my own inclination for any offence. Lubidini =- to gratify the lust: lit. for the lust. 11. Ea: sc. verba. 12. Opnlentia.... tolerabat = (for) its resources bore yout negligence; i. e. saved it from the consequence of your negligence. 13. Bonisne.... vivamus = whether we are living under good or bad morals. 14. Sed (num).... flutra sint = but whether these things, of whatever character they appear to be, are to be our own, or together with ourselves to become the property of our enemies. CujuJ haec cumque, by tmesis, for haec cujuscumque. 15. Hic = in tali rerun conditione, quae cum ita sint. 16. Eo'.... sita est = (and) in consequence of this the state has been placed on the brink of ruin. 17. In = in the case of. Ne = only not. Et: neu might have been used. The influence of ne extends on to cant. For perditum cant, V. XXXVI. n. 9. 462 NOTES. Page 175 18. Credo = I suppose, being parenthetical, does not affect the construction of the sentence. De inferis -- concerning the dead. 19. Diverso.... bonis - habere - that the wicked, their route being different from (that of) the good, inhabit places dismal, &c. This sentence is an explanation of ea quae - memorantur. 20. Videlicet timens: strongly ironical. 21. A multitudine conducta = by a hired mob. 22. Et non is used instead of neque when the negation belongs, not to the whole sentence or clause, but only to a single word or notion; also when the negation is emphatic. Here the negation is limited to per totam Italiam. 176 23. Metuit - timet: sc. Caesar. The direct inference from Cato's argument is, that if Caesar alone fears no danger from the conspirators, he must have some connection with the conspiracy. 24. Quanto.... agetis = the more vigorously you shall act in this case: lit. the more attentively you shall do these things. 25. Jam.... aderunt = they will all be upon us immediately with savage ferocity. 26. Si ita esset. The argument is thus: it is erroneous to suppose that our government became great by military prowess; for if this were the case, it would now be in the most flourishing condition; for our military resources are much greater than were those of our fathers. 27. Neque.... obnoxis -- and not addicted to vice nor sensual pleasures. 28. Publice -privatim = as a state - as individuals. The public treasury is plundered by the powerful, who lavish in private their ill-gotten wealth. 29. Virtutis praemia = the rewards of merit; i. e. the posts of honor and emolument. 30. Sibi quisque = each one for himself. 31. Hic.... servitis = here (i. e. in the senate) you are slaves to money or favor. 32. Vacuam = defenceless. Sc. a defensoribus. 33. Supra caput est - is close at hand. 34. Misereamini censeo = I suppose you should pity them. Ironical. Cf. Cic. Cat. IV. 6, n. 29. 35. Ne - nae. 36. Scilicet.... est = the crisis itself is indeed dangerous. 37. Immo vero = nay indeed. Sc. eam timetis. 177 38. Bello Gallico. According to Livy and others, this event took place in the war with the Latins. SALLUSTII CATILINA. 463 Page 39. Videlicet cetera vita = forsooth, the rest of their life. 177 Strong irony. 4n. VtUern = -well then. 41. Quibus.... fusset - if they had ever had regard for any considerations. 42. Si - peccato locus esset =- if there were any room for a mistake; i. e. in the decision to be arrived at. The meaning is, there is no time to be lost: if an erroneous decision be made, our doom will be sealed before there will be time to correct it. 43. Faucibus urget = is upon our necks, is close upon us: lit. presses at our throats. 44. Occulte. A hint that some of the senators were implicated n the conspiracy, and betrayed their deliberations to the conspirators. CH. LIII. 1. Alii.... vocant = chiding, they call each other timid. 2. Multa - quae.... omanns - praeclara.... fe cit = the many illustrious achievements which the Roman people have performed. 3. quae.... sustinuisset = what thing most of all had sustained so great undertakings; i. e. had helped them to carry through: the negotium being viewed as a burden. 4. Contendisse: sc. populum Romanum. 178 5. Ante Romanos fuisse = had excelled the Romans. 6. Agitanti = reflecting. 7. Sicuti effeta parente = the parent being, as it were, exhausted by bearing. Rome is here compared with a mother who has ceased to bear children. Few passages have perplexed critics more than this. Some read effeta parentum, some effetae parentum, and some veluti effeta parentum. The text which is here adopted is that suggested by Miller. 8. 1tultis tempestatibus = for a long period of time. 9. Quos.... aperirem. The tenses in this passage are used in the same manner that they are in epistolary writings. V. H. 472, 1. Translate the perfect and imperfect as presents, and the pluperf. as a pres. perf. 10. Quin - aperirem - without portraying. CH. LIV. 1. Par denotes similarity with respect to greatness, power, and value, or equality and proportion with regard to number: aequalis refers to interior qualities. The par is considered as in a state of activity, or, at least, as determined and prepared to measure himself with his match in contest: the aequalis, in a state of rest, and claiming merely comparison and equality as to rank. Dod. 2 DD 464 NOTES. Pag 178 Caesar was of patrician origin, and Cato of plebeian; but noble deeds and the highest honors of the state had raised the latter to a full equality with the former. At the time of the conspiracy, Cato was about thirty-three years of age, and Caesar about thirty-seven. 2. Alia alii = one (kind of glory) to the one, and another to the other. Alii is not properly used with reference to two persons only, but the writer having used alia must use alii to correspond with it. 3. Facilitas = the yielding temper. 4. In animum induxerat = had determined. 19 5. Sequebatur: sc. gloria. CH. LV. 1. In Catonis sententiam discessit. V. L. n. 10. 2. Ne quid.... novaretur = lest some new outbreak might be made during that time. Novaretur is impersonal, and quid is the synecdochical acc. 3. Triumviros. The triumviri capitales are here meant, who were charged with the execution of police ordinances, the discovery of offenders, arrests, the superintendence of prisons and executions, and the punishments of slaves and inferior persons. 4. Ipse - Lentulum. V. XLVI. n. 6. 5. Ubi.... laevam. The books vary between ascenderis and decenderis. If ascenderis is, as we suppose, the true reading, the clause is not descriptive of the Tullianum, but of the elevated ground on which the prison stood. 6. Camera.... vincta = a vaulted roof secured by stone arches. 7. Incultu = from want of cleanliness; hence from filth. CH. LVI. 1. Ex omni copia, etc. The meaning is, he formed all his men into two legions, dividing them into twenty cohorts (ten to each legion), and filling the cohorts as full as he could with the men that he had. As new recruits arrived, he distributed them equally among the cohorts of the two legions, until they contained the usual number. V. Caes. II. 5, n. 10. 2. Sociis: sc. conjurationis. 3. Venerat - distribuerat - expleverat. The plup. is here used with reference to the narrative of past events which follows; i. e. the actions which these verbs describe had taken place before the arrival of Antonius (Antonius cum exercitu adventavit). 4. Numero; it e. the usual number. 5. Alii. V. Caes. I. 8, n. 11. SALLUSTII CAtILINA. 465 Page 6. Servitia repudlabat. He at first intended to employ 180 slaves. V. XXIV. and XLVI. 7. CuJug: se. generis homindum. 8. Alienum snis rationibus = prejudicial to his interests. V. XLIV. ad fin. Alienum is the predicate, and (se) videri the subject. For the omission of se, V. Caes. II. 3, n. 4. CH. LVII. 1. Praesidebat was on guard. 2. Ex difficultate rerum - from the difficulties which surrounded him. 3. Eadem illa; i. e. his escape into Gaul. 4. TJtpote qui = inasmuch as he. 5. Expeditus.... sequeretur = unimpeded was pursuing him in his flight. CH. LVIII. 1. Simul. V. Caes. III. 9, n. 4. 181 2. NIei consilii = of my resolution. 3. Juxta mecunm = as well as I do. 4. Si.... ferat (sc. nos) = if we should be ever so 8much inclined. 5. Conmaeatus abunde (sc. erunt) = there will be provisions in abundance. 6. Nonnulli = some of you. 7. Alienas opes = help from others. 8. Viris = to men of spirit. Emphatic. 9. Haec sequi = to follow these measures, to adopt this course. 10. Ea vero. V. VII. n. 12, and XXXVII. n. 6. 11. Quodsi.... inviderit = if, however, fortune shall deny success: lit. shall cast an evil eye upon your valor. 12. Cavete (sc. ne) = be sure that you do not. 188 COt. LIX. 1. Signa canere -- the signals to be given. Canere is both transitive and intransitive; hence signum canit may mean either "he (the trumpeter) sounds or gives the signal," or, " the signal sounds or is given." The sense is the same either way. In this passage it is by most considered intransitive. 2. Remotis... equis. See a similar passage in Caes. I. 25, at the beginning. 3. Pedes = on foot. 4. Pro.... copiis = according to the ground and the number of his troops. 5. Inter.... aspera = between the mountains on the left and a place on the right craggy with rocks. Aspera is for aspera loca in the acc. plu. Some consider rupe aspera in the abl. abs., and the 466 NOTES. Page I82 passage a case of anacoluthon for rupem asperam. The interpretation I have given is the one preferred by Kritz and Dietsch. 6. Signa.... artius = the standards (i. e. the troops, each maniple having its signum) in closer order in the line of reserve; i. e. the triarii. 7. Ab his - subducit = from these (i. e. the body of the reserve) he withdraws the centurions, all picked men, and the veterans, &c. The evocati were those soldiers who, after having served out their time, were called upon to do military duty as volunteers. 8. Colonis = with the colonists (of Sulla). V. XVI. 9. Homo militaris is one who is experienced in war. 10. Ipsos = personally. CH. LX. 1. Illi; i. e. the veterans of Catiline.. Haud timidi. V. XXIII. n. 2. 181 2. Contra ac ratus erat = contrary to what he had expected. 3. Tendere = was exerting himself. 4. Cohortem praetoriam. V. Caes. I. 40, n. 27. 5. Alios alibi = some in one place and some in another. 6. Ex lateribus = in flank, on their flanks. 7. In primis = among the first, in the van. Join in primis with pugnantes. This is the opinion of Dietsch. Others join these words with cadunt, making them refer to time. CH. LXI. 1. Medios = in the centre. 2. Paulo diversius = in a manner somewhat more scattered. 3. Etiam- still. 4. Juxta = alike; i. e. equally little. 5. Strenuissumus quisque = the very bravest. 6. Laetitia.... agitabantur = joy, sadness, sorrow, and gladness prevailed. ORATIO I. IN CATILINAM. 467 Pae ORATIO I. IN CATILINAM. 184 INTRODUCTION. THIS oration was delivered in the senate on the 8th of November, B. C. 63, under the following circumstances: On the night of the 6th of November Catiline met the ringleaders of his adherents at the dwelling of M. Porcins Lacca; and, after complaining of their backwardness and inactivity, informed them that he had despatched Manlius to Etruria, Septimius of Camers to Picenum, C. Julius to Apulia, and others of less note to different parts of Italy, to raise open war, and to organize a general revolt of the slave population. He added, that he was desirous to place himself at the head of his troops, but that it was absolutely necessary in the first place to remove Cicero, whose vigilance was most injurious to their cause. Upon this, L. Vargunteius, a senator, and C. Cornelius, a knight, undertook to repair at an early hour the following morning to the house of the consul, to make their way into his chamber, as if for the purpose of paying their respects, and then to stab him on the spot. The whole of these proceedings was instantly reported to their intended victim by Fulvia, a dissolute woman of high rank, who was on terms of intimacy with Q. Curius, one of the conspirators who was present at this nocturnal meeting, by whom they were immediately communicated to her. The assassins, when they presented themselves, found the house guarded, and were refused admission; and, certain intelligence having been now received that the rebellion had actually broken out on the 27th of October, in Etruria, Cicero, on the 8th of November, went down to the senate, which, for greater security, had been summoned to meet in the temple of Jupiter Stator. The principal object for which he had summoned the senate was to lay before them the facts which he had gathered from Fulvia and others, in reference to the imminent danger that threatened the commonwealth. To his utter surprise and astonishment, he found Catiline present with the other senators; instead, therefore, of proceeding to the transaction of the business for which he had called the senate together, he arose and delivered this oration; which paralyzed the traitor, not so much by the vehemence of the invective, as by the intimate acquaintance which it displayed with all his most hidden contrivances. Catiline, who upon his entrance had been avoided by all, and was sitting alone upon a bench from which every one had shrunk, rose to reply with downcast countenance, and in humble accents implored the fathers not to listen to the malignant calumnies of an upstart foreigner against the noblest blood in Rome; but scarcely had he commenced, when his words were drowned by the shouts of "enemy" and "parricide," which burst from the whole assembly, and he rushed forth with threats and curses on his lips. 468 NOTES. Page 184 This oration is the more interesting to us, because we must infer, both from the circumstances under which it was delivered, and from the language of Sallust (Chap. XXXI.), that it was a purely extemporaneous speech, which Cicero afterwards wrote out and published; and, therefore, it furnishes us the most perfect evidence of his brilliant and successful eloquence. ANALYSIS. CH. I. The orator expresses his astonishment that Catiline Should have the audacity to make his appearance among the senators whose ruin he was plotting, reminds him that he ought long since to have been put to death, and that this course was warranted by numerous examples drawn from the early history of the republic. CH. II. The promptness and decision of former consuls, under similar circumstances, are contrasted with his own forbearance and remissness, and the reason is given why he has not put Catiline to death. CH. III., IV. He exhorts him to abandon his nefarious purpose, reminding him that all his plots were clearly known, that he had correctly predicted in the senate, on the 21st of October, the atrocious plans which he was to execute on the 27th and 28th, that his contemplated attack by night upon Praeneste had been foreseen and prevented, that the meeting of the conspirators at the house of Laeca, together with all the particulars thereof, including the arrangements for the burning of Rome and the murder of the consul, had been completely discovered. CH. V. Therefore he summons him to depart from the city, and take his accomplices with him. CH. VI. He enumerates some of the shameful vices and crimes that have disgraced his private and public life. CH. VII., VIII. He reminds him that the senators had shown their abhorrence of his character by removing from the bench on which he had seated himself, as soon as he had sat down; that he had been the instigator of every daring deed and infamous pollution that had been committed for several years; and he again urges him to depart from the city, and free his native country from fear; he also reminds him that he had proposed to place himself in the custody of various persons as a pledge to keep the peace, all of whom had declined to receive him, and that the senate, by an emphatic silence, demanded his immediate removal. CH. IX. It is useless to talk; Catiline is incorrigible. If he would bring odium upon the consul, he should go into exile: if glory, he should betake himself to the camp of Manlius, whither he had been making preparations to go. CH. X. He will withdraw to the camp of Manlius, because, first, his depraved inclinations and traitorous character are hurrying him on to make ORATIO I. IN CATILINAM. 469 Page upen war upon his native country, and, secondly, it is there only that he 184 will be able to enjoy the society of those who are as wicked as himself. CH. XI. lie has not been prevented from putting Catiline to death by the custom of ancestors, nor the laws, nor the odium of posterity, nor the fear of any danger; but, on the contrary, CH. XII. He has allowed him to withdraw, because he considers it the safest and most advantageous course to the State; inasmuch as, in this case, his fellow-conspirators will follow him, and thus the seeds of disorder and ruin be extirpated. CH. XIII. After stating briefly other arguments of the same kind in justification of this course, Cicero concludes by promising to the senate the co-operation of all orders in suppressing the conspiracy, and supplicating Jupiter to protect the Roman state and visit the conspirators with the punishments which they deserve. CH. I. 1. Quousque tandem =- how long, pray? V. Sall Cat. XX. n. 14. 2. Nostra: referring to the consuls and senators. 3. In etiam (= et jam), sometimes the notion of time prevails, and it = still. Quamdiu etiam = how long still. A. 4. Iste taus = that of thine. Iste generally refers to the person spoken to, or to things connected with him, and is accordingly termed the demonstrative of the second person. From its frequent use in speeches in courts of justice and its application to the opponent, arose the accessory idea of scorn or contempt, which it often conveys. Tuus is here added to direct this idea more emphatically to its object. 5. Elilet = will baffle: it is a gladiator's term signifying, properly, to elude or parry an enemy's blow, and is here used with the accessory notion of mockery and insult. 6. Quem a i finem = to what limit, how far. 7. Sese jactabit = insolenter se efferet. The notion is derived from the proud gesture of one who tosses his head contemptuously, walks with a conceited swing, &c. A. 8. Nihil = not: lit. in nothing, in no respect. Nihil here, strictly a noun in the ace., is used adverbially for an emphatic non. Additional force is given to the sentence by the figure repetitio, which consists in the repetition of the same word at the beginning of the several clauses of a sentence. 9. Palatii = the Palatine hill, or Mons Palatinus, which overhung the Forum on the south. It was the highest of the seven hills on which Rome was built, and on account of its commanding situation 470 NOTES. Page 184 a garrison was stationed upon it in times of public alarm to protect the city. In early times, it was the residence of the kings, and also of distinguished Romans. Later, the emperors took up their residence here; hence the term palatium came to signify the residence of the emperor; and hence the English word palace. 10. Urbis vigiliae. Cf. Sail. Cat. XXX. Rornae per totam urbem vigiliae,,'c. 11. Tintor populi. The subjective, or possessive genitive. For a description of this consternation, see Sail. Cat. XXXI. repente omnes tristitia invasit, &c. 12. Locus. The Temple of Jupiter Stator at the foot of the Palatine. The epithet munitissimus is added on account of the garrison stationed on the Palatine in times of public danger. 13. Hortm ora vultusque. All the senators rose up and left the bench on which Catiline seated himself. 14. Non sentis. Orelli states very clearly and neatly the difference between non and nonne in direct questions: " Ubi dico non - est? certus sententiae meae adversarii responsum non curo: ubi interrogo nonne - est? opto atque exspecto eum, quem interrogo, mihi assensurum. In illo igitur major vis inest." 15. Constrictam.... teneri = is already held firmly grasped by the knowledge of all these. The metaphor compares the conspiracy to a chained wild beast. The compound conscientia (instead of the simple scientia) implies that many were acquainted with the conspiracy. 16. Proxima - superiore, nocte. The superiore nocte here mentioned is the same as that called priore in ch. IV. ~ 8; viz., the night of the 6th of November. This was the night in which the meeting was held at the house of M. Laeca. How Catiline was employed on the next night (proxima nocte), i. e. the night of the 7th of November, we are not informed. 17. Quos convocaveris. For the names of the individuals here referred to, V. Sail. Cat. XVII. 18. Quid consilii. V. IV. 9; Sail Cat. XXVII., XXVIII. 19. Immo signifies "no," but with this peculiarity; that, at the same time, something stronger is put in the place of the preceding statement which is denied. This increase may be sometimes expressed in English by " nay," or " nay even." Vero, polius, hercle, &c., are often added to strengthen it. Z. 20. In senatum. For Catiline's motive in appearing in the senate, see Sail. Cat. XXXI: Postremno dissimulandi causa, &c. ORATIO I. IN CATILINAM. 471 Page 21. Viri fortes. Ironical. 184 22. Videmur: sc. nobis. 23. Istius = of that wretch. Strong contempt. 24. Jussu consulis. In time of peace and quiet the power 185 of the consuls was very much limited; but when there were civil commotions, or some great danger threatened the safety of the state, they were invested by the senate with absolute power. Such was the case at this time. 25. Oporlebat. The verbs oportet, necesse est, debeo, convenit, possum, licet, and par,fas, aequum, justum. consentaneum est, or aequius, melius, utilius, optabilius est, are put in the indicative imperf., pluperf., and hist. perf., where we should expect the imperf. or pluperf. subj. The imperf. indic. of these verbs and expressions is used when we wish to express that at some past time something should or ought to have been done, but at the same time intimate that the time for doing it is not yet passed, or that it is not yet too late: thus in this passage, "you ought to have been put to death long ago," the imperf. indic. of oportet suggests that it is not too late yet, and that it may still be done. The hist. perf. and pluperf. indic. of the same expres. sions are used when we wish to intimate that something should or ought to have been done, but that the time for it is now past, and that it is too late. Schmitz. 26. Jamiliu machinaris. The present tense, especially with jamdiu, jamdudum, and jampridem, is sometimes used to express an action that has been going on for some time, and is still going on. 27. Ala vero, &c. This is a formula of the argument a minore ad majus stated thus: whereas P. Scipio, a private individual, slew Ti. Gracchus, much more ought the consuls to have slain Catiline. In this case, when the sentence is of the form, " Can A do this - (but) B not do it? " consisting of two questions, the first is often introduced by an or (stronger) an vero, and the second often has vero or autem with it. The adversative particle is here omitted, as is frequently the case, in describing a progress from smaller to greater things. - For the use of an, see Caes. I. 47, n. 12. The'ellipsis may be sup. plied thus: Am I wrong in my assertion, or did in fact, &c.? 28. Pontifex - privatus. As the pontifex was not a magis. tratus, the epithets pontifex and privatus could both be properly ap. plied to the same individual at the same time. 29. Ti. Gracchum. Ti. Gracchus, descended from a father who had been twice consul, and Cornelia, daughter of the elder Africanus, when tribune of the commons, promised the rights of citi. 472 NOTES. Page 183 zenship to the whole of Italy. At the same time, moreover, having promulgated the agrarian laws, he deprived his colleague Octavius of his office, and constituted himself, his father-in-law Appius, and his brother Caius, a triumvirate for the division of lands and the plantation of colonies. Upon this, P. Scipio Nasica, his cousin-german, from the upper part of the Capitol, summoned all who had at heart the welfare of their country to follow him, and rushed upon the crowd of Gracchus's adherents. Gracchus, as he fled, was struck down by the fragment of a bench, and expired at the very gates of the temple, B. C. 132. Iere and below, II. 4, Cicero speaks mildly of the offence of the Gracchi, to contrast the conduct for which they suffered with the fearful crime that Catiline meditated. A. The student should notice the antithetical character of this passage: Catilinam is contrasted with Gracchun, statum rei publicae with orberm terrae, mediocriter labejactantem with caede atque incendiis vastare cupientem, and privatus with consules. 30. Nam introduces the reason for not citing other examples rather than that of Gracchus. As if he had said, I might mention other cases, but I do not, " for those I pass over, as being of too remote a date; (for example) that C. Servilius Ahala," &c. A. 31. Spurius Melius: a Roman knight, who, when the Roman people were suffering from famine, distributed corn to them at his own expense. Having thus gained over the commons, he aimed at regal power, and was slain by Servilius Ahala, at the command of Q. Cincinnatus the dictator, B. C. 438. A. 32. Nobis rebus studentem. V. Caes. I. 9, n. 5. 33. Fuit, fuit ista. Repeated for emphasis. The figure is called geminatio. Also nos, nos below. Ista = talis. 34. Consilium = the council; i. e. counsellors: those whose duty it is to look out for the welfare of the state. The abstract for the concrete. 35. Hujus ordinis: the senate. CH. II. 1. L. Opiniius, &c. When C. Gracchus and M. Fulvius Flaccus, a man of consular rank, and who had been honored with a triumph, were summoned to appear before the senate, they disobeyed, and occupied the Aventine, posting themselves at the temple of Diana. Twice they sent the younger son of Fulvius to make terms; but the second time Opimius caused him to be seized, and advanced to the attack. The insurgents fled: Fulvius, with his eldest son, was slain: Gracchus prevailed on his slave to despatch him. The younger son of Fulvius, who had been seized, was allowed to choose the manner of his own death. A. ORATIO I. IN CATILINAM. 473 Page 2. Consul.... caperet: the usual formula by which the sen- 185 ate conferred unlimited power upon the consuls. Sometimes both consuls were named in the decree, and sometimes but one. 3. Damlnum is a loss incurred by one's self, in opp. to lucrum; whereas detrimentum (from detrivisse) means a loss endured, in opp. to emolumentum; lastly, jactura is a voluntary loss, by means of which one hopes to escape a greater loss or evil, a sacrifice. Hence damnum is used for a fine; and in the form, Videant Coss., ne quid resp. detrimenti capiat, the word damnum could never be substituted for detrimentum. Dod. 4. Sedlitionum suspiciones. V. I. n. 29. 5. Patre: Ti. Sempronius Gracchus, who had been twice consul (B. C. 176 and 162) and censor, and triumphed for a victory over the Celtiberians. 6. Avo: Publius Scipio Africanus Minor. 7. Nu - mors.... remorata est - did death and the satisfaction due to the state put off (i. e. reprieve)? As both things and persons are said dilerri, Cicero here, instead of saying that their death was put off, speaks of death (whom he here personifies) putting off, reprieving, as it were, Saturninus to a more distant day. A. For some account of L. Saturninus and C. Servilius Glaucia. V. IV. 2, n. 14. 8. Ex. V. Sail. Cat. XII. n. 2. 9. Convenit. V. I. n. 25. 10. Patres Conscripti: The customary mode of addressing186 the senate. At first the senators were called patres. We are informed by Livy that Romulus chose 100 senators (patres). When the Sabines joined the Romans, the number was increased to 200. Lastly, Tarquinius Priscus chose senators from the new patrician families (patres minorum gentium), by which the number was increased to 300. As this was diminished by later kings, the consuls restored the original number of 300 by the introduction of new members, who at first were distinct from the patres, properly so called. These new members were styled conscripti (chosen, elect). Hence the customary mode of addressing the whole senate henceforth always was, patres conscripti; i. e. patres et conscripti: (lit. fathers and elect). 11. Cupio - me esse.... videri. The two wishes are opposed: " I wish to be lenient," and (on the other hand, or, at the same time,) "I am anxious not to be justly thought guilty of any want of proper firmness." The introduction of the ace. pronoun (cupio me 474 NOTES. Page 185 esse clementem, for esse clemens), gives more prominence to the circumstance wished, by disconnecting it from the cupio. 12. In Etruriae faucibus = in the narrow pass of Etruria; i. e. that opens upon Etruria. This was at Faesulae. V. Sail. Cat. XXVII. and XXVIII. 13. Imperatoren. Catiline. 14. Atque adeo = nay more, nay even. 15. Credo = I presume. Ironically. In this parenthetical use, it does not affect the construction of the rest of the sentence. The ironical force of the credo and the following non constitute substantially two negatives, which are equivalent to an affirmative; so that we may translate either, " I presume " (retaining the ironical force of credo)'I shall have to fear that all patriots will say (dicant) that this has not been done too late by me, rather than that any one will say that it has been done too cruelly," or, (laying aside the irony,) I believe I shall have to fear that all patriots will say that this has been done too late, rather than, &c. The latter rendering presents the meaning more clearly; the former is more literal. 16. Dicat agrees with the nearest subject. 17. Certa de causa = for a certain reason. De is sometimes used to denote the cause of an action. Cicero explains more fully his reason for not putting Catiline to death immediately near the end of the oration in ch. XII. and in Or. II. 2, 3. 18. Tui similis. Similis and dissimilis take.the gen., when an internal resemblance, or a resemblance in character and disposition, is to be expressed, and the dat., when an external resemblance is to be expressed. 19. Quisquam and ullus are sometimes used after si, instead of aliquis or quis, not in a negative sense, but only to increase the indefiniteness which would be implied in aliquis or quis: also they are used without a preceding si, when the indefiniteness is to be made emphatic (answering to the emphatic any). CH. III. 1. Scelestus (from scelus) has reference to the mind, like ad scelera pronus and pronptus; whereas sceleratus, to actions, like sceleribuspollutus atque opertus. Hence the epithet sceleratus is applied to things, to porta, campus, vicus; and, in general, things can be called scelesta only by personification. In the like manner nefarius and impius are applied to the impiety of the person who acts, only with this distinction, that the impius is impious only in mind, the nefarius in his actions also; whereas nefandus refers to the horrible enormity of an action. Dod. ORATIO I. IN CATILINAM. 475 Page 2. Privata domus: alluding particularly to the house of 186. Laeca. 3. Voces conjurationis = voces conjuratorum. 4. Si illustrantur, si erumpunt omn ia = if all (your secret plans) are made clear, if they burst forth. Illustrantur is opp. to tenebris obscurare, and erumpunt, to domus.... continere. 5. Istam mentem- = that detestable purpose of thine. V. I. n. 4. 6. unae jam mecum licet recognoscas = and these 187 you may now recall to mind along with me. 7. Meministine = nonne meministi. The interrogative particle ne is occasionally used for nonne; i. e. to indicate that the interrogator expects an affirmative answer. 8. Ante diem XII. Calendas Novembres — on the 12th day before the Calends of November. This was the 21st of October: the day on which the senatus consultum was passed, which is mentioned in the 1st and 2d chapters. For the construction, see Caes. I. 6, n. 8. 9. Dicere. Memini, in a narrative of events at which the speaker himself has been present, is joined with the present infinitive, although the action may be completed; and the speaker thus transfers himself to the past, and describes the action as if it was in progress before his eyes. V. Z. 589. 10. Dies. V. Caes. I. G, n 1. 11. Ante diem VI.; i. e. the 27th of October. 12. Non modo = not merely, not to say, I will not say. 13. Id quod. Id is in apposition with me fefellit - dies. 14. Caedem.... diem V. = that you had conferred together about (and as the result of your conference had fixed upon) the slaughter of the nobles for the fifth day; i. e. the 28th of October. In governs the portion of the sentence which follows it, regarded as a substantive phrase. V. Caes. I. 6, n. 8, last part. 15. Sui conservandi - causa = for the sake of preserving themselves. For the construction, see Caes. III. 6, n. 2. 16. Illo ipso die = on that very day. 17. Discessu ceterorum = quum ceteri discessissent. The expression indicates both time and cause. The whole clause may be translated thus: -" When you said that, even if the others had withdrawn, yet you were content with the slaughter of us, who had remained." 18. Nostra- caede = nostri caede. Qui refers to the pronoun of the first person plural implied in nostra. 476 NOTES. Page 187 19. Qlid: sc. dicam. 20. Praeneste, a town of Latium (now Palestrina), being two hundred stadia from Rome, and very strongly fortified, was well suited for insurrectional purposes, as was Capua on the other side, which Catiline also attempted to secure by C. Marcellus. 21. Kaleudis ipsis Novembribus = on the very Calends of November; i. e. on the first day of November. The names of the months are properly adjectives. 22. Seusistine -- nonne sensisti. V. n. 7. 23. Nihil agis - quod.... videam = Thou dost nothing - which I do not only hear, but also see. CH. IV. 1. Noctem illam superiorem - that former night; i. e. the night of the 6th of November. Also priore nocte below, referring to the same. V. I. n. 16. 1. Inter falcarios = among the scythe-makers; i. e. into the street, or quarter, inhabited by the scythe-makers. 3. Convenisse eodem complures. V. Sail. Cat. XVII. 4. Convincam = I will prove (it) incontestably. 188 5. Consilio; i. e. the Roman senate. 6. Nostro ormnium - of us all. With omnium the pronoun is generally put in the gen. plur., and always is so put when the omnium precedes. 7. Atque adeo. V. II. n. 14. 8. Sunt - qui - cogitent = are men of such character that they are plotting. 9. De.... rogo = I ask their opinion on public affairs; i. e. I treat them as honorable senators, notwithstanding I know them to be guilty of treasonable designs. For a description of the mode of procedure in the Roman senate, see Sail. Cat. L. n. 10. 10. Eos.... vulnero; i. e. I do not openly accuse them by calling them by name. 11. Igitur. The office of this word here is to resume the thought which was interrupted by the outburst of indignation beginning with 0 dii immortales. 12. Distribuisti partes Italiae. V. Sail. Cat. XXVIL 13. Delegisti... incendia. V. Sail. Cat. XLIII. 14. Confirmasti = you affirmed, assured (them). 15. Paulum - morae = a little hinderance. 16. Duo equites. V. Sail. Cat. XXVIII. 17. Vixdum = scarcely yet. The conjunction dum (while) alters its meaning when added to negatives, and becomes an adverb ORATIO I. IN CATILINAM. 477 rage signifying i" yet;" as, nondum = not yet. Hence, when attached to 188 the negative adverb vix, the same principle applies. 18. Comperi. By means of Curius and Fulvia. V. Sall. Cat. XXVIII. 19. Atl me salutatum = to me to salute (me). It was customary for persons of high rank to receive visitors in the morning, even while they were in bed: the earlier the call, the greater the respect shown. V. Sail. Cat. XXVIII. n. 1. 20. Idi temporis = eo tempore. The id here may be regardel as a sort of Greek acc. (Gr. 380, 2; 731; 234, II. R. 3,) and the temporis, as a partitive genitive. CH. V. 1. Illa refers to the former mention of this camp as well as to its remoteness. 2. Si minus, quam plurimos = if not, as many as possible: lit. if less, i. e. if less than all. 3. lManla.... Statori = we ought to be very thankful to the 189 immortal gods, and in particular to this Jupiter Stator. For the force of ipsi, see Sall. Cat. XXIII. n. 5. The force of huic is also noticeable, as referring to the god as present in his own temple, in which the senate was then convened. We may imagine that the orator at the same time points to an image of Jupiter before him. The epithet stator (stayer, supporter) was (according to Livy, bib. I. c. XII.) given to Jupiter by Romulus under the following circumstances: the Sabines held the citadel: the Roman army occupied the plain between the Palatine and Capitoline hills. As the Romans advanced to the attack, and were ascending the hill towards the citadel, the Sabines came out to meet them: at length the Romans, in consequence of the disadvantage of the ground and the loss of their intrepid leader, Hostus Hostilius, gave way and were driven back to the old gate of the Palatium. Romulus himself, being forced along by the flying crowd, raised his hand toward heaven, and said, " 0 Jupiter! by the direction of thy auspices, I, here on the Palatine hill, laid the first foundation of my city. The Sabines are already in possession of our citadel, which they obtained by fraud: from thence they now make their way hither in arms, and have passed the middle of the valley; but do thou, 0 father of gods and men:! from hence at least repel the enemy: remove dismay from the minds of the Romans, and stop their shameful flight. I vow a temple here to thee, Jupiter Stator, as a testimony to posterity of the city being preserved by thy immediate aid." Having prayed thus, as if he perceived that his supplications were heard, he cried out, " Here, Ro 478 NOTES. Page 18. mans, Jupiter, supremely good and great, orders you to halt and renew the fight." The Romans, as if they had heard a voice from heaven, halted, renewed the attack, and finally won the victory. 4. Toties. Catiline had on a former occasion been engaged in a conspiracy against the state. V. Sail. Cat. XVIII. 5. In lno homince = in the person of one man; i. e. Cicero. Some think, however, that by homine, Catiline is meant. 6. Consuli designato. V. Sail. Cat. XVIII. n. 4. 7. Proximis comitiis consularibus =- at the last consular election. Those which were held on the 21st of October. 8. In campo. V. Sail. Cat. XXVI. n. 9. 9. Competitores. D. Junius Silanus and L. Licinius Murena. 10. Petisti = you aimed a blow at. A gladiatorial term for aiming a thrust at an antagonist. 11. Nunc jam. Jam nunc is " even now," (i. e. before the regular time,) or " now at last," " now," as opposed to a preceding time or to other circumstances: nunc jam has the same meaning of an emphatic now. A. 12. Denique, more commonly used to form the conclusion of a series after primum, deinde, &c., sometimes, even without these adverbs preceding, concludes a series by introducing the greatest or most important, and is then equivalent to the English " in short," or " in fine." 13. Ad.... vocas = you are bringing to ruin and devastation. 14. Id.... proprium est - that which is first, (i. e. which ought in justice to be done first; viz., to have you put to death,) and which is in accordance with (the principles of) this government and the teaching of our ancestors. 15. Id.... lenius -- that which in point of severity is more lenient; viz., to force you to go into exile. 16. Jamdudum V. V. In. 26. 17. Tuorum conitum - sentina rei publicae - the filthy gathering of thy associates in the state. Observe the two genitives, dependent in different relations on the same substantive sentina. For the meaning of sentina, see Sail. Cat. XXXVII. n. 10. 18. Quid est = how so? 19. In exilium. Exilium was not properly a lawful punishment for crime among the Romans. Cicero could not, therefore, command Catiline to go into banishment, without transcending his powers. Persons, however, who foresaw that they should be sentenced, in a judicium publicum, to the punishment called aquae et ignis interdictio, ORATIO I. IN CATILINAM. 479 Page often went into voluntary exile, in order to evade the sentence of Nr9 the law. CII. VI. 1. Quid enim. Enim introduces the reason for the advice given in the preceding sentence. 2. Istam. V. I. n. 4. 3. Nota domesticae turpitudinis is different from priva- 190 tarum rerum dedecus: res pricatae may include; but is more extensive than res domesticae: the latter relates to moral or immoral domestic life, the former to all private actions as opposed to those that belong to a man's public character; e. g. to money transactions, &c. A. 4. Qnae libido = what scene of impurity. 5. Cui tu adolescentulo.... praetulisti - before what youth hast thou not borne either a sword for (i. e. to encourage) his audacity, or a torch for (i. e. to excite) his lust? The passage alludes to Catiline's initiating the young into his nightly revels, and guiding them, as it were, to scenes of debauchery. V. Sallust's description of Catiline as a corrupter of youth. Cat. XIV. Sed maxime adolescentium, &c. 6. Quid vero: sc. censes. 7. Novis nuptiis - for a new marriage; i. e. with Aurelia Orestilla, a woman of most abandoned character. V. Sall. Cat. XV. 8. Alio - scelere: supposed to refer to the murder of his son, mentioned by Sallust in Cat. XV. 9. Proximnis Idibus = on the next Ides; i. e. on the 13th of November, only five days from that time. This was the day on which it was usual to pay the interest of borrowed money. 10. Domesticam - difficultatem = distressed circumstances: alluding to his indebtedness. Schmitz says, Because Catiline could not pay (dfficultatem); and because he did not think of paying (turpitudinem). 11. Ad simmam rem.=to the highest interest of the state. 12. Hujus coeli spiritus = the breathing of this atmosphere. 13. Pridie.... Januarias; i. e. the 31st of December, B. C. 66. 14. Lepido et Tullo consulibus. M.' Aemilius Lepidus and L. Volcatius Tullus were consuls, B. C. 66. The consules designati were P. Autronius Paetus and P. Cornelius Sulla; but these were found to be disqualified by bribery, and L. Aurelius Cotta and L. Manlius Torquatus (their accusers) obtained the consulship. V. Sall. Cat. XVIII. 15. Comitio. Comitium (sing.) was a place in the forum in front of the Curia Hostilia where the comitia were held. EE 480 NOTES. rage 190 16. Cum telo. The law of the twelve tables prohibited it. 17. Manum - paravisse = that you procured a band. 18. Non mentem.... timorem = that not any intention or fear. 19. Neque enim.... commissa; i. e. nam quae a te cornmissa sunt, ea neque obscura sunt, neque pauca. After negatives aut - aut are sometimes used for neque - neque. 20. Petitiones ita conjectas = thrusts so aimed. A term of the fencing-school. 21. Parva.... corpore = by some slight bending aside, and, as they say, by the body; i. e. by a movement of the body to avoid a blow. Ut aiunt is inserted to indicate the proverbial character of the expression. 191 22. Tamen.... potes = still you cannot do without it longer; i. e. than the present moment. 23. Quae.... defigere = indeed I know not by what sacred rites it (quae) has been consecrated and devoted by you, that you deem it necessary to plunge it into the body of the consul. That a dagger or other weapon might execute successfully the purpose it was to be used for, its owner used to devote it, as it were, to that purpose by solemn rites, accompanied with a vow, that, after the accomplishment of it, he would offer it up to some god. A. CH. VII. 1. Ista vita. V. I. n. 4. 2. Qunae - iulla = none of which. 3. Venisti - senatum. V. Sail. Cat. XXXI. 4. Contigit. This passage shows that contingit is not confined to desirable occurrences. 5. Vocis.... qnum = do you wait to be reproached by words, seeing that: lit. do you wait for a reproach of the voice, seeing that. 6. Judicio taciturnitatis: referring to the fact just mentioned, that no one of the senators saluted him, as he entered the senate chamber. 7. Quid, quod = what shall I say about this, that: sc. dicam de eo. 8. Adventl tno = quum tu advenisses. Cf. III. n. 17. 9. Subsellia: lit. low benches, in reference to the elevated position of the consul's chair, sella. 10. Tandem. V. Sall. Cat. XX. n. 14. 11. Servi - si. The usual position of si is at the beginning of its clause, but when any word is to be made peculiarly emphatic, this word and all that belong to it are placed before it. Here servi is strongly contrasted with cives. ORATIO I. IN CATILINAM. 481 Page 12. Tibi: sc. relinquendam. 191 13. Injuria - without cause. 14. Offensum == invisum, odiosum. 15. Cum.... justurl = since, by the knowledge of your crimes (i. e. the knowledge which others have along with yourself: the term conscientia is opposed to injuria, and refers to the open and unrestrained manner in which he had committed his crimes) you admit the hatred of all (to be) just. The argument involved in the whole sentence is this: if I, in consequence of the undeserved suspicion and hatred of my fellow-citizens, should wish to go out of their presence, for a still stronger reason should you, deservedly odious to them, shun their sight. 16. Dnbitas- vitare. Dubito and non dubito signifying "I scruple," "I hesitate," are regularly construed, in Cic. and Caes. with the infinitive, though sometimes with quin and the subjunctive (V. Caes. II. 2, n. 8); but when non dubito signifies "I doubt not," it is invariably followed, in Cic. and Caes., by quin with the subj.; while in C. Nepos it is followed exclusively by the ace. with the infin. This latter construction often occurs in Livy, Curtius, and the later writers. 17. Aliquo = to some other place. 18. Parricidio, The country being here represented as the 192 "common parent of all," the enormity of Catiline's guilt in plotting her ruin is vividly set forth by the term parricidium. The personification of patria is continued to the end of the chapter. 19. Vexatio direptioque sociorum; i. e. during his administration of his province of Africa; on his return from which he was impeached for extortion by P. Clodius, afterwards the enemy of Cicero, but acquitted by the unfairness of his judges. 20. Tu.... valuisti = thou has succeeded, not only in paying no heed to the laws and public prosecutions, but also in subverting and breaking through them. 21. Me totam esse: referring to patria, which is represented as the speaker. For the construction, see Ec. Cic. XXIII. n. 27. Observe that me totam is contrasted with te unum. 22. Quidquid increpuerit = at every stir, on every alarm: lit. whatever noise may have been made. 23. quod.... abhorreat = which is not connected with thy crimes. 24. Tandem aliquando = at length. Aliquando merely serves to strengthen the meaning of tandem. 482 NOTES. Page 198 CH. TIII. i. Nonne.... debeat = ought she not to prevail; i. e. to obtain her request. " In animated or rhetorical style we sometimes find the present subjunctive, both in the protasis and apodosis, where we should hare expected the imperfect subjunctive, it being implied that the supposition is not true, and that, accordingly, the inference cannot be true; as haec si patria tecum loquatur, nonne impetrare debeat? supposing (for a moment) your country were speaking to you about these matters, ought she not to obtain her end? " Schmitz. 2. Inl custodiam: sc. liberam. V. Sail. Cat. XLVII. n. 1L 3. Quid, quod. V. VII. n. 7. 4. M.' Lepidum. Consul, B. C. 66. 5. lisdem parietibus - iisdem moenibjs in the same house - in the same city. 6. Q. Metellum. Q. Caecilius Metellus Celer, afterwards consul, B. C. 60, was poisoned by his wife Clodia, B. C. 59. 7. Virum optimum: said ironically. 8. Videlicet = it is easy to see, of course, forsooth. Ironically. 9. Ad vindicandum = to bring you to justice. 193 10. Videtur is personal, but tr. "does it seem that that man," &c. 11. Si emori. Sententia igitur haec est: Conscientia scelerum oppressus, aequo animo mortem nec exspectare, nee tibi ipse consciscere pates: quin igitur abis, etc.? Orelli. 12. Aliquas = some other. 13. Refer ail senatum = lay (it) before the senate. This was the usual phrase for bringing a subject before the senate for consideration and decision. 14. Non.... moribus = I will not lay it before them, (since to do so is) a thing (id) which is inconsistent with my character. Cf. II. 4: Cupio me esse clementem. 15. Si bane vocem exspectas = if you are waiting for this word; i. e. exsilium. 16. Proficiscere. We may imagine that the orator made a short pause at the end of this sentence, and then broke the impressive silence which prevailed by the question, Quid est, Catilina? What is this, Catiline? 17. Ecquid attendis - are you attending to it? Ecquid is used in impassioned questions as a mere interrogative adverb like num, only stronger. Here (not commonly) it is used in an affirmative sense; that is, in expectation of an affirmative answer. 18. P. Sestins: then the quaestor of the consul C. Antonius. ORATIO I. IN CATILINAM. 483 Pagp 19. M. lMarcello: he was consul twelve years afterwards with 193 Serv. Sulpicius. Cicero afterwards defended P. Sestius, and spoke in favor of Marcellus before Caesar in the senate. 20. Vim et mantis = violent hands: lit. violence and hands. 21. Vita vilissimna = (whose) life (is) most cheap. 22. Qui circilmstant senatum. Interest in the proceedings and the excitement of the occasion had drawn a large'crowd of citizens around the temple in which the senate was convened. 23. Quorum ego vix, &c. Arrange thus: facile adducam eosdem, quorum manus ac tela ego vix abs te jamdiu contineo, ut prosequantur usque ad portas te relinquentem haec (moenia) quae,.c. 24. Usqlne ad portas prosequantur = follow to the gates. It was customary for their friends to attend those to the gates of the city who were going into exile. Cicero says that such would be the general joy at getting rid of him, that he could easily secure him a safe escort of citizens to the gates. CH. IX. 1. Quamquam = and yet. This word is often used in independent sentences to limit or correct something said in the preceding sentence. 2. Ut. Supply potest fieri, and render, is it possible that. Such elliptical questions are expressive of indignation. 3. Daint: an ancient form of the pres. subj. of do, instead of dent. 191 4. At = yet, at least. At often has this force after negative sentences beginning with si. 5. Est mihi tanti = res est satis gravis, operae pretium est it is worth this price to me; i. e. I esteem it a light thing. 6. Ista = that which you would bring upon me. 7. Privata; i. e. may affect me alone. 8. Temporibus - the circumstances of the time; i. e. the dangerous or distressful circumstances, the exigences. 9. Is - talis. 10. Pudor, metus, and ratio refer severally to the three clauses beginning with ut. 11. Recta (sc. via) = straightway. 12. Sermones horminum; i. e. their censure, as in "to be the talk of the town." 13. Non ejectus. Non, when it belongs to a single word of a proposition, always stands immediately before that word; but if the negative belongs to the proposition generally, and not to any specific word, non stands before the verb, and more particularly before the finite verb, if an infinitive depends upon it. 484 NOTES. Page 194 14. Forum Aurelium: a little town in Etruria, between the rivers Armenta and Marta, not far from the sea, now called Monte Alto. It was named probably from some Aurelius, who paved the via Aurelia from Rome to Pisa. 15. 1. Maneo denotes a mere physical act, to remain in a place, till something has happened; whereas exspecto, praestolor, and opperior denote a mental act, to wait for, to wait in conscious expectation of some event, or of some person. 2. Exspecto denotes waiting for, almost as a mere mental act, as a feeling, without practical reference or accessory meaning; whereas praestolor and opperior, with the accessory notion that the person waiting intends, after the arrival of the object waited for, to do something. 3. The praestolans waits for a person in order to perform services for him: the opperiens, for an occurrence, in order not to be taken by surprise. The praestolans stands in subordinate relation to the person waited for; the opperiens, in co-ordinate, whether as friend or foe. Lastly, praestolor is a prose expression; opperior, a poetical, or, at least, a select expression. Dod. 16. Aquilam illam argenteam. The allusion is supposed to be to the eagle which Sallust mentions in speaking of the engagement. V. Sail. Cat. LIX.: Ipse cum libertis et colonis, &c. 17. Sacrarium scelerum tuorum = a sanctuary of your crimes; i. e. a sanctuary, or chapel, in which this eagle, intended for a standard in a criminal undertaking, was laid up and made the object of an unhallowed reverence. " Nam erat etiam quum signorum militarium omnium, turn aquilae quaedam religio, et in sacello illa reponebantur." M. The expressions quam venerari, and cujus altaribus develop more fully the meaning involved in sacrarium scelerum. 195 CH. X. 1. Tandem aliquando — at last. Aliquando serves merely to strengthen the tandem. 2. Neque enim. In this phrase the neque should be translated the same as if it were non. 3. Haec res; i. e. the war against his native country and the slaughter of his fellow-citizens. 4. Nactus es = you have obtained, got together. The ordo is thus: nactus es manum improborum conflatam experditis atque derelictis ab omni non modo fortuna, verum etiam spe. Conflatam brought together. De in derelictis is intensive: wholly forsaken. 5. Ad hujus vitae studium =- for the pursuit of such a life as this. 6. Qui feruntur = which are mentioned, extolled; i. e. by your friends. ORATIO I. IN CATILINAM. 485 Pag 7. Jacere - vigilare. These infinitives are in apposition l9~ with labores. 8. Ad obsidendum stuprum -=" ad tempus stupro opportunum observandum." M. 9. Otiosorumn = of the peaceably disposed. 10. Ilabes (locum), ubi, &c. = you have (a field) where, &c. 11. Patientiam famis. For a full description see Sail. Cat. V.: Corpus patiens, &c. 12. A consulatu reppuli; i. e. at the last election. V. Sall. Cat XXVI.: Postquam dies comitiorum venit, &c. CH. XI. 1. Ut a me - detester ac deprecer = that I may solemnly and earnestly remove and avert from myself. It is very difficult to express in a translation the full meaning of the original in this passage. The general idea of averting some evil prevails in both verbs: the former means to avert solemnly, as by calling the gods to witness; the latter rises upon this, meaning to avert by earnest and fervent entreaty. 2. 1. Anima denotes " the soul" physiologically, as the principle of animal life; in men and brutes, that ceases with the breath: animus, psychologically and ethically, as the principle of moral personality, that ceases with the will. Aninma is a part of bodily existence; animus, in direct opposition to the body. 2. Animus denotes also the human soul, as including all its faculties, and is distinguished from mens, the thinking faculty, as a whole from one of its parts. 3. As in practical life the energy of the soul is displayed in the faculty of volition, so animus itself stands for a part of the soul; namely, feeling an energy of will in co-ordinate relation to mens, the intellect or understanding. And, lastly, so far as thought precedes the will, and the will itself, or determination, stands as mediator between thought and action, in the same way as the body is the servant of the will, so mens is related to animus, as a whole to its part. DOd. 3. Si mecum. The apodosis is found at the beginning of the next chapter: ego - respondebo. 4. Evocatorem servorum. The aid of these he afterwards 19J rejected (V. Sall. Cat. LVI.); though Lentulus urged him to make use of them. V. Sall. Cat. XLIV. 5. HIurc - duci - inperabis. The construction of impero with the ace. with infin. is very uncommon in the Augustan period, and is confined to the infin. passive. 6. Tandem. V. Sail. Cat. XX. n. 14. 486 NOTES. Poe 196 7. Persaepe - privati. A rhetorical exaggeration. V. I. n. 28. 8. Quae - rogatae sunt = which have been enacted. The Valerian and Porcian laws are probably referred to: by the former, enacted B. C. 508, no Roman citizen could be killed or scourged by a magistrate without first having the right to appeal to the people: for the latter, see Sail. Cat. LI. n. 28.- For the force of at in this sentence, see Sail. Cat. LI. n. 32. 9. Defecerunt - tenuerunt = have withdrawn their allegiance - have retained. 10. Praeclaram - gratiam. Ironical. 11. Per te = through your own merits. The idea is more fully brought out by the next phrase: nulla commendatione majorurn. Cicero was what was called a novus homo. V. Sail. Cat. XXIII. n. 16. 12. Tam mature. By the lex Villia annalis, enacted B. C. 180, the age of 31 was required for the quaestorship, 37 for the Aedileship, 40 for the Praetorship, and 43 for the consulship. Cicero was elected to all these offices in the order here given, (for this was the order prescribed by law, honorum gradus,) as soon as he was eligible to them on account of his age. 13. Severitatis, &c. = arising from severity, &c. The subjective gen. CH. XII. 1. His vocibus; i. e. the querimonia of the preceding chapter. 2. Hoc is explained by Catilinam morte multari. 3. Judicarem - dedissem. For the use of the imperf. see Ec. Cic. V. n. 2. 4. Gladiatori isti. Contempt. As applied to Catiline, the term signifies one accustomed to the commission of murder. 5. Superiorum complurium == of many men of former times. 6. Honoro means to honor anybody, by paying him singular respect, and yielding him honor; but honesto means to dignify, or confer a permanent mark of honor upon anybody. Dod. 7. In posteritatem = in the future. 197 8. Quanquam. V. IX. n. 1. 9. Hoc ordine: i. e. the senate. 10. Qui - and these. A statement of fact; and, therefore, the indicative; whereas the preceding sunt qui requires the subj., because the statement is a mere conception. ORATIO I. IN CATILINAM. 487 Page 11. Iollibus sententiis = by indulgent expressions of 197 opinion. 12. Regie = despotically, tyrannically. 13. Iste. V. I. n. 4. 14. Tam stultum - qui non videat = so stupid as not to see. 15. Beprimi - comprimi - repressed - suppressed. An example of paronomasia: a figure which is based upon resemblance of sound, and which arises whenever words resembling each other in sound are placed in opposition. V. emissus - immissus, c. XI. 16. Collectos - aggregaverit. V. Caes. I. 5, n. 10. 17. Naufragos = ruined (followers); i. e. in property and character. CH. XIII. 1. Jamdiu. The whole three years from the consulate of Lepidus and Tullius. A. 2. Versamur = we have been living. V. I. n. 26. 3. Nescio quo pacto. Beier (Cic. off. 1) rightly informs us that quo pacto is used for quomodo, with reference to things which one would wish had not been done. A. 4. Veteris = that have existed for a long time. 5. Quod.... latrocinio = if however from so numerous a band of robbers. Abstract for concrete. 6. Visceribus - vitals. 7. Aestu febrique = with a burning fever. By a figure called hendiadys, two nouns connected by a conjunction are sometimes used instead of a noun and an adjective or attributive genitive. 8. Praetoris urbani. L. Valerius Flaccus. The especial 19$ province of the praetor was the administration of justice; and that of the praetor urbanus was the settlement of disputes between citizens. The partisans of Catiline beset his tribunal at this time in order to intimidate him and deter him from the faithful discharge of his duties. 9. Malleolos = fire darts. The term malleolus denoted a hammer, the transverse head of which was formed for holding pitch and tow; which having been set on fire was projected slowly, so that it might not be extinguished during its flight, upon houses and other buildings in order to set them on fire; and which was therefore commonly used in sieges together with torches and falaricae. Dict. Gr and Rom. Antiq. 10. Hisce ominibus -- with these omens. Ominibus is explained by the three phrases introdu'ed byh cumr. Cum is added to 21 188 NOTES. Page 198 the abl. of manner to denote an accompanying circumstance as a result or consequence of the action. Here the safety of the state, Catiline's own ruin, and the destruction of his associates are the consequence of his leaving Rome to engage in open war against his country; whereas hisce oninibus barely expresses the circumstances under which he would leave without this additional thought. 11. Ti, Juppiter. What is here said of Jupiter is strictly true only of the Temple of Jupiter. A. V. V. n. 3. 12. Haec urbs: sc. constituta est. 13. Mlactabis = thou wilt visit. g19 ORATIO II. IN CATILINAM. INTRODUCTION. Ox the next day after the delivery of the preceding oration, (i. e. the 9th of November, B. C. 63,) this Second Speech was addressed to the people in the forum. Catiline on his return home from the senate, the day before, perceiving that there was now no hope of destroying Cicero, his hated foe, and that the strict watch kept throughout the city rendered tumult and fireraising difficult, if not impossible, for the present, resolved to strike some decisive blow before troops could be levied to oppose him; and accordingly, leaving the chief control of his affairs at Rome in the hands of Lentulus and Cethegus, with the promise at the same time to march with all speed to their support at the head of a powerful army, set forth in the dead of night, (8th - 9th November,) and after remaining a few days with his adherents in the neighborhood of Arretium, where he assumed the fasces and other ensigns of lawful military command, proceeded to the camp of Manlius, having previously addressed letters to the most distinguished consulars and others, solemnly protesting his innocence, and declaring that unable to resist the cabal formed among his enemies he had determined to retire to Marseilles that he might preserve his country from agitation and disturbance. To show the people that this was a mere pretence on the part of Catiline, intended to conceal his real design to place himself at the head of his troops, and to counteract the influence of the conspirators remaining at Rome who were endeavoring to give currency to this falsehood; to explain to them what had transpired in the senate on the preceding day; and to vindicate himself, on the one hand, from the charge preferred against him by the well-disposed citizens, that he had suffered Catiline to escape unpunished, and, on the other, from that maintained by the friends of Catiline, that he had been dealt with too severely by the consul, were the principal objects for which this oration was delivered. ORATIO II. IN CATILINA3I. 489 Page 199 ANALYSIS... I. By way of introduction, Cicero congratulates the people that Catiline has left the city, and can do no more injury. CH. II. He admits that Catiline deserved death, and that precedent required that he should be punished with death, but at the same time justifies himself for allowing him to escape, by showing that, if he had put him to death, it would have been impossible, in consequence of the odium that would have been heaped upon him by the incredulous, the ignorant, and the vicious, to bring his associates to justice; CH. III. That, from a comparison of the character of those who composed Catiline's army with that of the forces raised by the authority of the state, that army was not so much to be feared as the other conspirators were who still remained at Rome; CH. IV. That, as a result of Catiline's departure and of his putting himself at the head of his army, it was evident that a conspiracy had been formed against the government; that Catiline, while in the city, was the chief source of corruption, especially to the young; CH. V. That the most audacious and worthless of the lowest classes were his intimate friends and constant companions; that it would have been the good fortune of the republic, as well as the glory of his consulship, if his vile, bankrupt, and abandoned associates had accompanied him; and that the only enemy that Rome had to fear, was the enemy within her walls. CH. VI. Having, in the four preceding chapters, fully vindicated himself from the charge of too great lenity, Cicero now proceeds to defend himself against the charge of too great severity brought against him by the adherents of Catiline. This he does, first, by stating what had transpired in the senate the day before; and, secondly, CH. VII. By showing, from several circumstances, that Catiline, so far from having been driven into banishment to Marseilles, had no intention of going thither, but had actually gone to his army. CH. VIII. To vindicate himself still further, and to show the extent of the conspiracy and the imminent danger which threatened the commonwealth, he divides the conspirators into six classes. The first class is composed of those who are greatly in debt, and yet might pay their debts if they would: these are not greatly to be feared. CH. IX. The second class consists of those who are overwhelmed with debts, and yet are aiming at supreme power in the state. The third class are somewhat advanced in years, yet strong and vigorous: these too have, through extravagance, fallen so greatly into debt that their only hope is in a renewal of the universal plunder and rapine which existed in the time of.Sulla. 490 NOTES. Page 199 Ci. X. The fourth class have been ruined by various causes: some by indolence, some by mismanagement, and some by extravagance. These he does not consider worth saving; hut hopes that they may so fall that the state may not perceive the shock. The fifth class is made up of parricides and cutthroats. Catiline is welcome to them. The sixth class are the lowest and meanest of mankind in life and morals: they are Catiline's bosom companions. CiI. XI. The resources, character, and principles of Catiline and his faction are compared, by way of contrast, with those of the opposite party. CH. XII. Cicero exhorts the citizens to guard their houses with the utmost vigilance, and assures them that he will protect the city: he warns the conspirators that the time for lenity is past; and that the first attempt of a treasonable kind will meet with the punishment which it deserves. CH. XIII. He promises the citizens that he will so manage affairs that an end sha 1 be put to this civil war without a resort to arms on their part, and calls upon them to supplicate the gods for the preservation of the state. CH. I. 1. Tandem aliquando. V. I. 10, n. 1. 2. Quirites = cives. The Romans called themselves, in their civil capacity, Quirites, but in their political and military capacity, Romani. 3. Emisintus = have let go. 4. Ipsum = of his own accord. 5. Verbis = execrations. V. I. 8, n. 24. 6. Abiit.... erupit. A climax. 7. Monstro illo; i. e. Catiline. The place of iste, so frequent in the preceding oration, is now supplied by ille: the notion of remoteness prevails. 8. Sine controversia = beyond dispute, without doubt. 9. Non enim jam = for no longer Jam after negatives answers to our " longer." Z. Cf. nullajam, above. 10. Sica illa. V.I. 6, in fin. 11. Pertimescemus is here used intransitively = timorem habebimus, " shall not fear or be afraid." A. 12. Loco ille motus est = he was dislodged from his position; i. e. his favorable position. The term is used of a gladiator, and Cicero calls Catiline a gladiator in the preceding oration. 13. Justum bellum = an open, regular war: opposed to latrocinium. 14. Non cruentum - vivis - incolumes - stantem. ORATIO II. IN CATILINAM. 491 Par Observe the emphatic position of these adjectives, which, as contain- 200 ing the principal thought of the expressions, stand before their nouns. 15. Tandem. V. Sall. Cat. XX. n. 14. 16. Se.... esse = that he is ruined and cast away; i. e. as a worthless thing. 17. Retorquet; i. e. like the savage beast, from whose jaws the prey has just been snatched. CH. II. 1. Oportebat. V. I. n. 25. 3. Improbitatem = utter worthlessness. 4. Ac. In the beginning of a proposition which further explains that which precedes, and where the simple connection is insufficient, the particles atque and ac introduce a thing with great weight and may be rendered in English by " now." 5. Juilicarem - sustulissem. V. Ec. Cic. V. n. 2. 6. Ilieae = mei, the objective genitive. 7. Ne.... probata = the fact (i. e. of the existence of a conspiracy) not having been even at that time clearly shown to you all at least (quidem). 8. Rem hue deduxi -= I brought the matter to this issue. 9. Aperte means "openly," and without concealment, so that everybody can perceive and know, in opp. to occulte: palam (from planus), " openly," and without concealment, so that everybody can see and hear, in opp. to clam: manifesto, so that one is spared all inquiry, all conjecture, all exertion of the senses and of the mind. 18. Quem - hostem = that this enemy. 11. Hine = from this: explained by the clause introduced by quod. 12. lIlld = this: explained by the clause introduced by the next quod. 13. Parum comitatus. V. Sail. Cat. XXXII. Cum paucis. 201 14. Tongilium mihi = my Tongilius. Ironical. The dat., as here used, is idiomatic, and the exact force can hardly be expressed in English. 15. Praetexta: sc. toga. The toga praetexta was the outer garment, having a broad purple border, worn by the higher magistrates, and by freeborn children till they assumed the toga virilis, at the age of 17 years. 16. Tongilius, Publicius, Municius are unknown personages. They were probably persons noted for nothing but their vices. 17. Nullum.... poterat. Because it was small. 492 NOTES. Page 201 CH. III. 1. Gallicanis legionibus. These are legions of Roman soldiers serving in Gaul. Gallicae legiones would mean inhabitants of Gaul. 2. In agro Piceno et Gallico. Territories in the northeast part of Italy. The Gallic territory was situated in the south part of Gallia Cispadanq, and inhabited by the Galli Senones. The Picene was bounded on the north by the river Aesis and on the east by the Adriatic Sea. 3. Q. Metellus. V. Sall. Cat. XXX. Sedpraetores, &c. 4. Comparantur = are procuring, are raising. V. Caes. I. 31, n. 16. 5. Senibus desperatis. Those who had served under Sulla. V. IX. 20, and Sail. Cat. XVI. 6. Agresti luxuria = debauched rustics. Abstract for concrete. 7. Decoctoribus. Decoquere and decoctor are not used of every bankrupt, but of one who arranges matters with his creditors by an assignment of his goods (cessio bonorum); without a public compulsory venditio bonorum: the decoctor did not lose his civil rights. A. 8. Vadimonia deserere = to forfeit their recognizance, to fail to appear. When the praetor had granted an action, the plaintiff required the defendant to give security for his appearance before the praetor on a certain day. The defendant, on finding a surety, was said radimonium promittere, or facere. If the defendant appeared on the day appointed, he was said vadimonium sistere: if he did not appear, he was said vadimonium deseruisse, and the praetor gave to the plaintiff the bonorum possessio. V. Smith's Dict. Antiq. actio. 9. Aciem = battle-array. 10. Edictum praetoris. In which the praetor's judgment against debtors was announced. A. 11. Luceo, fulgeo, splendeo, and niteo, denote a steady and continued brightness: fulgeo through a glaring light, or a dazzling fiery color; luceo through a beneficial light, and a soft fiery color; splendeo as the consequence of a clear and pure light, in opp. to sordeo; niteo as the consequence of humidity, oiling, or washing,. to glisten, in opp. to squaleo. 12. Fulgent purpura. Those senators and equestrians are meant who had joined the conspiracy. The distinctive badge of the former was a broad purple stripe or band, extending perpendicularly from the neck down the centre of the tunica; and that of the latter consisted of two narrow purple slips running parallel to each ORATIO II. IN CATILINAM. 493 Page other from the top to the bottom of the tunic, one from each shoul- 201 der. Diet. Antiq., Latus clavus. 13. Milites = as his soldiers. In apposition with hos. 14. iar cal. Cf. Sail. Cat. LII. n. 34. 233 CH. VII. 1. Voces - eorum = remarks -of those, on the part of those. 2. Quum - turn. V. Ec. Cic. XXI. n. 2. 3. Hujus templi. Not the temple of Jupiter Stator, but of Concord. V. 2 Phil. VIII. 19, and XLVI. 119. 4. Est - inventa -- has been met with, has occurred. 5. Ita - it -- indeed - but. 6. Suminam ordinis consiliique = the precedence in rank and in the administration of the government. Consilium here refers to the national council, or senate, to which the equites were not, as a class, eligible. 7. Ex.... dissensione. The reference is to the quarrels which, from the time of the Gracchi, existed between the senate and the equites as to the exercise of the judicial power. Prior to that time judges were taken from the senators; but by the Sempronian law of C. Gracchus, enacted B. C. 123, the judicial power was transferred from the senate to the equites. Sulla restored it to the senate, B. C. 81; and in B. C. 70 L. Aurelius Cotta procured a law (the lex Aurelia) by which the exercise of the judicial function was intrusted jointly to the senate, the equites, and the tribuni aerarii. This, however, was not satisfactory to either party, and consequently did not settle the matter which had been so many years in dispute. It remained for the common danger which threatened all ranks and parties in the Catilinarian conspiracy to effect a cordial reconciliation. 8. Haec causa; i. e. the conspiracy. 9. Tribunos aerarios. These were first employed (B. C. 234 406) in collecting the tributumn and paying it to the soldiers. In later times their duties appear to have been confined to collecting the tributum, which they made over to the military quaestors, who paid the soldiers. Afterwards, however, the state taking into its own hands the payment of the troops, their office was for many years discontinued; but they were revived in B. C. 70, as a distinct class in the commonwealth by the lex Aurelia which gave the judicial power to the senators, equites, and tribuni aerarii. They were chosen from the plebeians, with a property qualification of 200,000 sestertii. 10. Scribas. These were public clerks, who were placed at the disposal of the magistrates for the transaction of the less important business, and who received a salary from the public treasury. They were distributed among the magistrates by lot. ORATIO IV. IN CATILINAM. 523 Page 11. Casu haec dies. They did not happen to meet on that 234 day; but that day, the day on which Cicero was speaking, happened to be the regular day that brought the scribae to the aerarium. A. CH. VIII. 1. Virtute.... consecuti = having by their own merits obtained the right of citizenship. He calls itfortuna civitatis, because, though gained by merit, yet merit could not always gain it: a man must be lucky enough to have a good opportunity of calling attention to his claims. A. 2. Hujusce ordinis; i. e. libertini. 3. Haec. V. IV. n. 1. 4. Lenonem quendami Lentuli. V. Sail. Cat. L.: liberti et pauci ex clientibus Lentuli, &c. 5. Tabernas are shops either for work or trade. 6. Animos is the subject of posse. 7. Qui non - velint = as not to wish. 8. Lucrnm and emolumnentuna denote gain in any condition of life; lucrum, gain deserved and earned by one's self, in opp. to damnum; emolumenturn, gain falling to one's share without any exertion of one's own, in opp. to detrimentum; whereas quaestus and compendium denote gain in the course of trade: quaestus, more continued gain in the course of continued services, in opp. to sumptus; compendium, more a single gain of considerable amount, in opp. to dispendium. Dod. 9. Immo vero. V. I. 1, n. 19. 23n 10. Otii = of peace, quiet. So above, otiosum = peaceful. 11. Occlusis tabernis. In times of public disturbance or mourning the shops were usually closed by an edict of the consul. 12. Tandem. V. Sail. Cat. XX. n. 14, CH. IX. 1. Atque. V. II. 12, n. 8. 2. The common text has mente, voluntate, studio, virtute, voce. 3. Quae facultas = an advantage which. 4. Ili civili causa: the same as bellum intestinum ac domesticum, and in opp. to bellum externum. 5. Cogitate.... imperium, &c. - una.... delerit reflect, by how great labors the empire was founded, &c. - and one night has almost destroyed them. 6. Princeps - first. CH. X. 1. Ad sententiam = to the question: sc. rogandam: lit. to asking (you) for (your) opinions. 2. Aliquando alicujus. More emphatic than the simple 236 forms quando and quis, which are commonly used after si, nisi, ne, num, &c. V. Caes. I. 14, n. 5. 524 NOTES. Page 236 3. Quanta = as. It agrees with laude understood. 4. Scipio. P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus Major, who conquered Hannibal at the battle of Zama, October 19, B. C. 202, and thus put an end to the second Punic war. 5. Ill.... decedere. An example of the figure called hysteron proteron, by which that is put last which in the natural order comes first. Cf. Virg. Aen. II. 353: MIoriamur, et in media arma ruamus. 6. Alter Africanus. P. Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus Africanus Minor, who was the youngest son of L. Aemilius Paulus, and was adopted by P. Scipio, the son of the conqueror of Hannibal. He ended the third Punic war by the destruction of Carthage, B. C. 146, at the age of 39 years. 7. Paulus. L. Aemilius Paulus, the father of Scipio Africanus Minor, was consul the first time, B. C. 182, and the second time, B. C. 168; in which year he defeated Perseus the king of Macedonia, on the 22d of June, near Pydna. 8. Bis: referring to his victory over the Teutones and Ambrones near Aquae Sextiae in Gaul, B. C. 102, and ever the Cimbri near Vercellae in Italy, B. C. 101. 9. Cujus res gestae. V. III. 11, 26, adfil. 10. Nisi forte. Ironical. V. Sall. XX. n. 2G. 11. Qui absunt. Pompey was now absent, being engaged in the Mithridatic war. 12. Quo = a place to which. 13. Uno loco = in one respect. 14. In amicitiam. These words are not in the common textbut Halm found them in three codices, and has introduced them into his text in italics. 15. Possis = you may be able. A statement, not of fact, but of probability. Hence the subjunctive. 37 16. Quae - possit = that it can. Cri. XI. 1. Pro imperio.... neglexi. V. Sall. Cat XXVI. n. 7. 2. Pro triulnpho; i. e. for the honors of a triumph which he might reasonably anticipate for his services in his province. 3. Pro clientelis hospitiisque = clientships and guestfriendships. The relation of patron and client existed among the Romans from the earliest period of their history. It was the glory of illustrious families to have many clients, not only at Rome, but in the provinces. Nor were clientships limited to individuals: the colonies, ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 525 Page and the states connected with Rome by alliance and friendship, and 27 the conquered states, had their patrons at Rome; and the senate frequently referred the disputes between such states to their patrons, and abode by their decision. 4. Quae.... comparo = which, notwithstanding (my relinquishment of them), I support by my resources in the city (including authority and influence) with no less labor than I acquire. To show the value of the sacrifice he has made, he confesses his eagerness to establish clientships at home. 5. Igitur = inquam..6. Consulatus memoriam. VI. I1.11, 26. 7. Dum. V. III. 7, n. 5. 8. Suo solins periculo = at his own peril: more lit. at the peril of himself alone. 9. De aris ac focis: a formula (= homes) used to express attachment to all that was most dear and venerable. Altars were erected in the courts of houses (impluvia) for the family gods (penates), while the house gods (lares) received offerings upon a small hearth (focus) in the family hall (atrium). Freund. 10. Ut instituislis = as you have begun. 11. Et - defendere.... possit - and is able to defend and by his own efforts to execute. ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 8 INTRODUCTION. THE oration pro Lege Manilia, or, as it is called in the manuscripts, de Imperio Ca. Pompeii, was delivered, B. C. 66, in the 41st year of Cicero's age, and three years before the orations against Catiline. The consuls that year were M.' Aemilius Lepidus and L. Volcatius Tullus. Cicero was then praetor, and this was the first speech which he delivered from the rostra. The circumstances of the time were extremely favorable to the orator; for Mithridates, the king of Pontus, who, for more than twenty years, had been engaged in a vigorous war against the Romans, had not yet been compelled to desist from his hostilities against them.. It was just about this time that Mithridates was recovering the advantages of which he had been deprived by Lucullus, who had commanded the Roman armies in the east for a period of seven years, and had now been recalled. The Pontic king had again advanced from the mountains of Armenia into Asia Minor, and Acilius Glabrio, who was consul in B. C. 67, and succeeded Lucullus, was 526 NOTES. Page 2> unable to offer him any effectual resistance. At the time when Mithridates was gradually recovering his strength, Pompey had been engaged in a short, but successful and brilliant war against the pirates: he had subdued and pursued them to the remotest corners in the east of the Mediterranean. When Cicero delivered the present speech Pompey's campaign against the pirates was at an end, but he still possessed unlimited command of the fleet and army in all parts of the Mediterranean, and on all its coasts to a considerable distance from the sea. At this juncture of affairs, the tribune C. Manilius brought forward a bill proposing that the war against Mithridates should be committed to Pompey; that he should conduct it with all the means he still held at his command; and that, accordingly he should be left in possession of his unlimited powers; and, moreover, that the interior of Asia also should be assigned to himn as his province. The moderate and truly republican patriots thought that this was going too far, and that it was dangerous to intrust so much power to one man. Q. Catulus and the orator Hortensius, accordingly, opposed the bill of Manilius; while others, and especially Julius Caesar, either in order to establish a precedent, or to create a reaction against Pompey, by committing so much power to him, spoke in favor of Manilius and Pompey. Cicero himself defended the Manilian bill with all the influence of his brilliant eloquence, and induced the people unanimously to intrust to Pompey the supreme command in the war against Mithridates. The following chronological arrangement of the events of the war against Mithridates may be useful to the student: - B. C. 74. The third Mithridatic war. Lucullus is appointed commander of the land forces, and L. Aurelius Cotta, of the fleet. Mithridates besieges Cyzicus, and is surrounded by the army of Lucullus. 73. Mithridates, after the loss of his army, takes to flight, and loses his fleet in a storm. 72. Lucullus penetrates into Pontus, and besieges Amisus; while Cotta besieges Heraclea, and Pompey brings the war against Sertorius to a close. 71. Lucullus fights in Cappadocia without gaining any decisive results, but in the end puts the enemy to flight. L. Murena near Amisus. Pompey brings the servile war to a close. 70. Lucullus takes Amisus, Sinope, and other towns. Cotta allows his soldiers to plunder Heraclea. Pompey consul. Mithridates flees. 69. Lucullus advances across the Euphrates; conquers Tigranes; lays siege to Tigranocerta, and there completely defeats Tigranes; takes and plunders Tigranocerta. 68. Lucullus is prevented by a mutiny among his soldiers from advancing further; he returns, and winters at Nisibis. Mithridates returns, defeats Fabins, and recovers Armenia Minor. 67. Mithridates defeats Triarius on the Iris, and recovers Pontus. Lu ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 527 Page callus, on his march against Tigranes, is abandoned by his sol- 238 diers. His successor Glabrio goes to Asia. Tigranes enters Cappadocia, and ravages it. Pompey, on the proposal of the tribune Gabinius, receives the supreme command in the war against the pirates. 66. Pompey terminates the war against the pirates; and by the Manilian law, recommended by Cicero, he obtains the supreme command against Mithridates and Tigranes. He expels the enemy from Cappadocia, defeats them near Nicopolis on the Euphrates, and Mithridates withdraws into Colchis. Tigranes sues for peace, and receives back his kingdom with the exception of some parts (Sophene, Gordyene). 65. Pompey for a time pursues Mithridates, and then returns to Pontus, which he constitutes as a Roman province. Deiotarus obtains Armenia Minor.* ANALYSIS. CH. I. By way of introduction, Cicero states the reasons which have hitherto prevented him from addressing the people from the rostra, expresses his gratitude for the honor they have conferred in electing him to the praetorship, promises to use the influence which the office gives for the welfare of the state, and congratulates himself that in his first effort from the rostra he is favored with so fruitful a theme. CH. II. After a brief narration of the leading facts in the case, he proceeds at once to make a threefold division of his subject; viz. the character of the war, its magnitlde, and the commander who should be chosen to conduct it. He then distributes what he has to say under the first head into four subdivisions: (a) the glory of the Roman people is at stake; (b)l the safety of their allies is endangered; (c) the largest and surest revenues of the state are liable to be lost; (d) the property of many citizens, whom it was their duty to secure against pecuniary loss, was exposed to great danger. CH.'II. - V. In these chapters the orator discusses the first of those subdivisions: showing that the foul stain with which the Roman name had been tarnished in the first Mithridatic war, had not yet been wiped away. CH. V. He treats the second subdivision: showing that their allies were exposed to imminent danger, and that they earnestly desired that Pompey should be sent to their relief, as the only man capable of affording it. CH. VI. The third subdivision. It was of the utmost importance not only that the revenues themselves should be protected, but also that those who farmed them should be secured against all fear of loss. CH. VII. As the fourth subdivision, he shows, that, as many citizens, * From Schmitz and Zumpt. 23 HH 528 NOTES. Page 38 particularly farmers of the revenues and merchants, had invested large sums of money in the province of Asia, any considerable depreciation in the value of their property there must bring disastrous consequences upon credit in Rome itself. CH. VIII. Under the second general head, the extent and importance of the war, the orator awards due praise to Lucullus for the ability with which he has conducted the war, and for the many brilliant victories which he has achieved; yet CH. IX. He at the same time shows that Mithridates has become powerful again since hie: defeats, (a) by the failure of the Roman army, retarded by the rich spoils they found in Pontus, to follow up the victories which they had gained and secure Mithridates while he was within their grasp, (b) by the aid of Tigranes and many nations of Asia, (c) by the refusal of the army to follow their general farther, and (d) by the return of Mithridates to his kingdom, strengthened and reinforced, and the signal overthrow of the Roman army under Fabius and Triarius, which Lucullus was prevented from retrieving in consequence of his recall to Rome. CH. X. Under the third general head, the man suitable to be appointed to take command of the war, he endeavors to show that Pompey, who unites in himself all the qualities of a great general, is the only man to whom the command can be properly given; for (a) no man possesses so much practical knowledge of war as he; CH. XI. (b) He possesses the greatest valor, as shown in the Italian, African, Gallic, and Spanish wars; and especially in the piratic war, which, CH. XII. Although of great magnitude, of long standing, and existing in many seas, he had prosecuted with so much skill and vigor, that, having commenced it in the early part of spring, he had brought it to a successful termination by the middle of summer: moreover, CH. XIII. He not only possesses the valor necessary'to a great commander, but many kindred and subsidiary qualities; such as moral purity and disinterestedness; CH. XIV. Self-control, affability, discretion, eloquence, good faith, and human kindness; CH. XV. (c) He surpasses all in high reputation, as shown by the unanimity with which the whole body of the Roman people demanded his appointment to the command of the war against the pirates, by the sudden fall in the price of provisions consequent upon that appointment, by the effect of his bare presence in the vicinity of Pontus in checking Mithridates and Tigranes after the defeat of the Roman army under Triarius, and CH. XVI. By the fact that the Cretans and others manifested a special preference to surrender to him, and that Mithridates himself sent an ambassador to him even into Spain i and (d) he is the especial favorite of fortune. Cu. XVII. Having completed the argument, the orator refutes two opposite opinions: those of Hortensius and Catulus. The former had ob ORATIO PRO LEGE MIANILIA. 529 Page jected that all power ought not to be conferred upon one man. To this 23] objection he replies that the Roman people had acted wisely, as the result had shown, in giving Pompey, in opposition to this view of Hortensius, the command of the war against the pirates. CH. XVIII. The wisdom of this course is illustrated by showing that for several years before the passage of the Gabinian law, the Roman people had been deprived of much of their dignity and power by the pirates, and also of the use of their provinces, the coast of Italy, their harbors, and even of the Appian way. CH. XIX. Cicero adds, by way of digression, that opposition seems to have been unreasonably made to the appointment of Gabinius as one of Pompey's legates, since Pompey earnestly desires it, and there are precedents to justify it. CH. XX. To the objection of Catulus, (of whose ability and integrity he speaks in the highest terms,) that such a measure was contrary to the examples and institutions of their ancestors, he replies, that their ancestors had often given the entire management of a war to one man, and that Catulus himself had, on former occasions, repeatedly voted to confer extraordinary powers upon Pompey. CH. XXI. A review of some of the instances in which unusual powers had been given to Pompey by the Roman people with the concurrence of Catulus and other distinguished citizens. CH. XXII. In the second place, he replies that unusual measures ought to be adopted in the case of Pompey, for their other generals were accustomed to pillage the temples, cities, and houses of the allies, and had thus destroyed their confidence in them; CH. XXIII. But Pompey's complete self-control had enabled him to withstand the temptations to which others had yielded, and had already won the confidence of foreign nations: furthermore, if authorities were wanted, they could be found in P. Servilius, C. Curio, Cn. Lentulus, and C. Cassius; all of whom were in favor of the bill. Cn. XXIV. Since these things are so, he praises Manilius on account of the law which he had proposed, and exhorts him to persevere; pledges to him and the Roman people all the influence and power which his abilities and office will give, to aid them in securing the passage of the law; and solemnly affirms, that in all this he is not prompted by motives of selfinterest, but by love of country. CH. I. 1. Frequens conspectus vester = the sight of your crowded assembly. 2. Hic locus; i. e. the rostra, from which this oration was pronounced. Rostra, or the Beaks, was the name applied to the stage 530 NOTES. Page 238 in the forum, from which, the orators addressed the people. This stage was originally called templum (Liv. II. 56), because it was consecrated by the augurs; but it obtained its name of Rostra at the conclusion of the great Latin war, when it was adorned with the beaks (rostra) of the ships of the Antiates. 3. Ad.... ornatissimus = the most dignified for treating (with the people), the most honorable for haranguing. The former of these expressions has special reference to magistrates; the latter, to any others who might be deemed worthy to address the people from the rostra. Only magistrates had the right to submit questions to the people (cum populo agere) for their decision, but any person who had the requisite qualifications (optimno cuique maxime) might harangue the people upon these questions. As a general rule, none were admitted to the rostra but men of the highest talents and most finished oratory. 4. Qtirites. V. in Cat. II. 1, n. 2. 5. Hoc aditu laudis = from this avenue to glory; i. e. the rostra. 6. Meae vitae rationes = my plan of life; i. e. pleading causes. 7. Ab ineunte aetate = from early manhood. Cicero pleaded his first private cause at the age of 26 years, and his first public cause when he was 27.. 8. Per aetatem = on account of my youth; i. e. he had not yet attained the age necessary to render him eligible to any of the high offices. 9. Temporibus. V. in Cat. I. 9, n. 8. Cf. ~ 2: privatorum periculis. This sentence is explanatory of the vitae meae rationes above. 10. Ita. A dependent thought, which would regularly be expressed subordinately, is sometimes put in a co-ordinate relation to the principal thought. Thus in this passage, the clause, neque hic locus, &c., does not follow from the preceding proposition, as the word ita would seem to indicate, but is logically subordinate to the clause, et meus labor, &c. In agreement with this is the fact, that in neque - et the latter notion is often the more important. The sense is, my labor, honestly and indefatigably employed in the trials of private persons, has met the amplest reward; while at the same time, as a consequence of this labor thus employed, the rostra has not been destitute of men who could defend the interests of the state. Cicero could doubtless make this boast, inasmuch as, through his power and indus ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 531 Page try as in advocate, many valuable men had been preserved to the 2~8 state. 11. Causam -- interest. 12. Caste integreque. There is in these words an allusion to the Cincian law, passed B. C. 204 and entitled de donis et muneribus; one provision of which forbade a person to take anything for his pains in pleading a cause. The object of this provision was to prevent bribery and corruption. 13. Fructum refers to the office of praetor, to which he had recently been elected. It is used below in the same sense. 14. Dilationem comitiorum. The postponement of the comitia to another day necessarily occurred, 1st, when it was discovered that the auspices had been unfavorable, or when the gods manifested their displeasure by rain, thunder, or lightning; 2d, when a tribune interposed his veto; 3d, when the sun set before the business was over, for it was a principle that the auspices were valid only for one day from sunrise to sunset; 4th, when one of the assembled citizens was seized with an epileptic fit; 5th, when the vexillum was taken away from the Janiculum, this being a signal which all citizens had to obey; 6th, when any tumult or insurrection broke out in the city. In all these cases, the assembly had to continue its business on some other day, sometimes on the next. The only exception was in case of the election of censors: here the proceedings of the assembly could not be continued from day to day, but it was necessary to begin the election afresh; and if one had been elected, his election was not valid. 15. Ter praetor primus. Primus does not refer to his rank as praetor, for this was determined by lot after the election; neither does ter imply that he was " thrice " elected; for, according to the preceding note, this could not be. He was said to be primus praetor, who received the highest number of votes; and, in declaring the result of the election, his name was always mentioned first. The meaning then is, that Cicero was first declared to be elected praetor on three successive election days. 16. Centuriis cunctis. The praetors were elected by the comitia centuriata, as were also the consuls and censors. All the citizens were divided into 193 centuries, and these centuries into six classes according to the valuation of their estates: the richest being placed in the first class, and so on. The number of centuries in the different classes was different; the first class containing 82 of the 193, which, with 18 centuries of equites, constituted a majority of the 532 NOTES. Page 238 whole. Each century, further, was counted as one vote; so that a'class had as many votes as it contained centuries. The 18 centuries of equites voted first, then the centuries of the first class, and then those of the other five classes in order. It is clear from this, that, if the equites and the centuries of the first class were united upon any measure, the affair was decided: the vote of the remaining five classes could not alter it. These statements make the meaning of the text plain: Cicero received 193 votes: that being the whole number (centuriis cunctis). The number of praetors in Cicero's time was eight. 17. Quid aliis praescriberetis; i. e. others must pursue the same course in early life which he had pursued, if they would as signally receive the proofs of popular favor which he had received. 18. Quantum.... voluistis = as you have willed that there should be by conferring honors (upon me). 239 19. Apud eos utar =-I will use (it; i. e. quid auctoritatis) before those. 20. In dicendo = in oratory; i. e. if I am able to exercise any influence as an orator generally. Dicendo, which is the common reading, would rather mean " by a particular speech." 21. Ei quoque rei = for this thing also; i. e. skill as an orator: referring to the thought expressed by dicendo. For the meaning of fiuctum, see note 13. Suo judicio refers to the vote for praetor. For duxerunt, most read censuerunt. 22. Illud. V. Caes. IV. 16, n. 1. 23. Virtute = manly qualities, talents, merits. 24. Copia - copiousness; i. e. the abundance of materials which the merits of Pompey cannot fail to supply the speaker. 25. Modus = — a limit, moderation in the use of the materials (copia). CH. II. 1. Vectigalibus = tributaries. 2. Alter relictus, sc. Mithridates: alter lacessitus, sc. Tigranes. In B. C. 72, six years before the time of this oration, Lucullus had by a succession of victories completely destroyed the army of Mithridates, and Mithridates himself had effected his escape, though narrowly, from Pontus to Armenia, and had placed himself under the protection of his son-in-law Tigranes. The soldiers of Lucullus, having stopped to enrich themselves with the vast spoils which they found in Pontus, abandoned their pursuit of Mithridates; and he is, therefore, said in the text to have been left (relictus). V. Chap. IX. ~ 22. Subsequently the Roman general demanded his surrender, ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 533 Pa e which Tigranes refused; whereupon he entered his dominions, de- f09 feated him in a battle, and took Tigranocerta, his capital (B. C. 69). Provoked (lacessitus) by his loss, he, assisted by Mithridates, made great efforts to retrieve his affairs, and, in consequence of a mutiny in the Roman camp, and of the recall of Lucullus, (B. C. G7,) ravaged Cappadocia, and was carrying his depredations into other provinces. 3. Asial; i. e. the Roman provinces in Asia Minor, comprising Mysia, Lydia, Caria, and the greater part of Phrygia. These provinces afforded very rich revenues; and hence the tempting nature of the prize. 4. Equitibus. The revenues were not collected immediately by the government, but were farmed out by the censors for a lease of five years to the highest bidder. They were purchased most commonly by the knights, who, as being the richest private individuals, were able to undertake these contracts. Usually, however, they formed themselves into companies for this purpose. At Rome this class of individuals was much respected, but in the provinces they were often deservedly detested. 5. In.... occupatae = being employed in farming your revenues. 6. Necessitudine. Cicero belonged to the equestrian order. 7. Causaml. V. I. n. 11. 8. Vestra provincia. By the will of the deceased king, Nicomedes Philopator, who died B. C. 74, having bequeathed his kingdom to the Roman people, because, having no children, he had been reinstated on his throne by them, when driven from it by Mithridates. 9. Vicos exustos esse depends upon afferuntur.... literae. 10. Regutn n Ariobarzanis; i. e. Cappadocia, which Mithridates took possession of B. C. 66, after the recall of Lucullus. 11. lnuic qui successerit: M.' Acilius Glabrio, who was consul B. C. 67, and proconsul of Cilicia B. C. 66; to which Bithynia and Pontus were added by the Gabinian law. Sc. eum as the antecedent of qui, and subject of esse. The subjunctive here intimates that Cicero does not state this as a fact within his own knowledge, but as the general supposition and belief that Glabrio has by this time assumed the command, so that qui successerit = who is said by this time to have succeeded. 12. Unum = that one individual: alluding to Pompey. 13. Causa quae sit = what is the nature of the case. Qua, 241 = ualis. 534 NOTES. Page 248 14. De imperatore deligendo = concerning the choosing of a suitable commander-in-chief. The notion of fitness is implied in the verb deligo. 15.. Ejusnodi = of such a nature. 16. Ad persequendi stuiliumn - to the desire of taking vengeance. 17. In quo agitur = for in this (war) is at stake. 18. Requiretis = you will look in vain for. Ci. III. 1. lT1ithridatico bello superiore concepta; i. e. in the latter part of B. C. 88. 2. Plane means completely, in opp. to paene, or vix; omnino, altogether and generally, in opp. to partly, in some instances, with some exceptions; in opp. also to magna ex parte, or separatim; prorsus, exactly in opp to in some measure, or almost; penitus, thoroughly, deeply, in opp. to in a certain degree, or superficially; utique, especially, in opp. to at any rate, or possibly. Dod. 3. Quod is; i. e. Mithridates. This clause explains illa v2acula. He secretly notified all the governors of his Asiatic provinces to put to death on a certain day all the Romans and Italians who might be in their respective districts. Memnon and Valerius Maximus put the number killed at 80,000; while Plutarch increases it to 150,000. 4. Uno.... significatione = by one messenger and one notice. Some have literarum after significatione, and some before it. 5. Latebris occultare is opp. to in luce versari. 6. Ex patrio regno. This was the sixth Mithridates that had sat upon the throne of Pontus. 7. In.. versari = to carry on his operations under the very eyes of Asia. 8. Insignia victoriae; i. e. triumphs. 9. L. Sulla. Both Sulla and Murena obtained triumphs in B. C. 81. B41 10. Ita = only in so far. What is said in Or. in Cat. IIL 10, n. 16, of tantus, is true of ita. 11. Quod egerunt - quod reliquerunit -- for what they did - for what they left undone. Quod relates to ejus, or propter id, understood. Some treat quod as a causal conjunction. In that case the verbs must both be used absolutely. 12. Res pulblica = public affairs. The successors of the Marian faction at Rome caused Sulla to maike a treaty of peace with Mithridates and to return to Italy. He left affairs in Asia in charge of Murena, one of his lieutenants, who in violation of the treaty ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 535 Page made war upon Mithridates. This together with, perhaps, the fact 241 that Sulla needed all his troops in Italy, occasioned his recall. Ch. IV. 1. Omne reliquum tempus; i. e. after the return of Murena. 2. qui - misit = for, after, &c., he sent. 3. Bosporanis. The people who dwelt on or near the Cimmerian Bosporus, now the strait of Yenikale, which connects the Sea of Azoff with the Black Sea. Mithridates had conquered the Bosporani and several other nations dwelling on the eastern and northern shores of the Euxine in the early part of his reign; some of which, including the Bosporani, subsequently revolted, but he without much difficulty re-established his power over them, and gave them his son Machares for a king about B. C. 82. 4. Eos duces. Sertorius and his generals. He was the ablest and most powerful among the leaders of the Marian faction. 5. Daiobun ill locis. Asia and Spain. 6. Disjunctissimis maximeque diversis = very widely separated (from each other) and in the most opposite directions (from Rome). 7. Uno consilio = acting in concert. 8. De imperio = for the very existence of your empire. V. in Cat. I. 2, n. 17. 9. Alterius.... Hispaniensis = the danger arising from one side, (namely,) from Sertorius and Spain. 10. Qiiae.... habebat; i. e. in consequence of the skill and ability of Sertorius. 11. Divino.... virtute. This is sheer adulation; for if we may judge by his success, Sertorius was the greater general of the two. He had for eight years maintained his ground in Spain in opposition to the power of Rome, and, had he not been assassinated by the treachery of Perperna and others of his followers, he would undoubtedly have come off victorious in the contest. After his death Perperna usurped his place, as leader of the faction, but being a man of mean abilities, it cost Pompey scarcely an effort to conquer him, and thus put an end to the contest. So that "the godlike wisdom and unequalled valor of Cn. Pompey," even if he possessed them, do not seem to have availed anything against Sertorius, nor to have been called into exercise after his death. 12. In altera parte; i. e. Asia 13. Initia.... estarum. V. chapter VYTI. 14. Iaaec autem extrema. V. chapter IX. 23 * 536 NOTES. Page 241 15. Videte.... putetis = consider what feelings (i. e. of resentment) should be entertained by you. This sentence affords an instance of a pleonasm which is quite common with the verbs of thinking, believing, &c., inasmuch as puto and existimo are expressly added in the dependent sentence, although a word of similar meaning has preceded; e. g. the construction in the text, instead of videte, qui vobis animus suscipiendus sit. For a similar passage, see IX. n. 23. CH. V. 1. Tot.... milibus. V. III. n. 3. 242 2. Erant.... superbius. Livy says they were insulted and forcibly driven away. Cicero purposely lessens the offence committed by the Corinthians, in order that the conduct of Mithridates may be the more strongly contrasted with it. 3. Lumen is a luminous body: lux, a streaming mass of light. Also, in a figurative sense, lumen denotes distinction, lux only clearness. Cicero calls Corinth, Greciae totius lumen, but Rome, (in Cat. IV. 6,) lucem orbis terrarum: Corinth is compared to a glimmering point of light; Rome is distinguished as that city in comparison with which all other cities lie in darkness. Dod. 4. Legatum - consularem. This was M.' Aquillius, who was consul in B. C. 101. In B. C. 88 he was sent as an ambassador into Asia for the purpose of restoring Nicomedes and Ariobarzanes to their kingdoms, from which they had been driven by Mithridates. This he succeeded in doing, but afterwards fell into the hands of Mitbridates, who treated him in the most barbarous manner, and eventually put him to death by pouring molten gold down his throat, as a reproach to Roman cupidity. 5. Civiunm IBonnanorum; i. e. the mercatoribus aut navicuqckriis above. 6. Persecuti sunt = avenged. It is opp. to relinquetis. 7. Quid, quod. V. in Cat. I. 7, n. 7. 8. Summun..... vocatur = is exposed to the most immihent danger: lit. to the greatest danger and hazard. Two nearly synonymous words are sometimes employed instead of one merely to give force to the expression. 9. Ferre: sc. hoc. 10. Ariobarzanes. V. II. n. 10. 11. Duo reges. Mithridates and his son-in-law Tigranes. 12. Cuncta Asia atque Grecia = throughout all Asia and Greece. By some these words are considered nominatives. 13. Imperatorem - certum. Pompey. ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 537 Page 14. Alium. Glabrio, the consul of the previous year (B. C. 67). 243 15. Sine summo periculo; i. e. without the danger of offending Glabrio. 16. Il.... omnia = in whom all qualities exist in the highest perfection; i. e. all the qualities requisite for the successful management of a war. 17. Propter = in the neighborhood; i. e. on the coast of Cilicia, to which the piratic war had led him, B. C. 67. 18. QUo = for which reason. Carent: sc. Pompeio. 19. Hi; i. e. the people of Asia and Greece. 20. Dignos - quorum.... commendetis == worthy of having their safety committed by you to such a man: lit. worthy, whose safety you may commit, &c. 21. Atque hoc etiam magis, quod-hunc.... temperantia = and on this account even the more, because, &c., - did they formerly hear that this man (was, and) now see that he (being) present (is, a man) of so great self-control, &c. The common text has a period after differant, making hoc depend upon rogant understood; but Baiter, whose text I follow, puts a comma after differant in order that hunc may be opp. to ceteros, and audiebant and vident may depend upon the preceding hoc etiam magis quod, &c. 22. Ejusmodi = of such character. Alluding to the avarice 243 and rapacity which usually characterized the governors of Roman provinces. 23. Culn imperio = with military power. 24. Ab hostili expugnatione. For the conduct of the Roman commanders in Asia, see chapters XXII. and XXIII. 25. Antea; i. e. when he was carrying war in Italy, Africa, Gaul, and Spain. 26. Temperantia. This virtue is placed first in order to contrast it more emphatically with the rapacity of others. CH. VI. 1. Antiocho. Antiochus the great, king of Syria. He was persuaded by the Aetolians to form an alliance with them for the purpose of checking the progress of the Romans in the east. They made an attack upon the Allies of the Romans in Greece B. C. 192, but were completely humbled B. C. 190. 2. Philippo. Philip, king of Macedonia, but not Philip, the father of Alexander, who lived long before. He attacked the Athenians, who were allies of the Romans. The war lasted from B. C. 200 to B. C. 197, and ended in the humiliation of Philip. 3. Aetolis. The Aetolians were in alliance with Antiochus. V. 538 NOTES. Page 243; 4. Poenis. B. C. 264 - 241, 218 - 201, 150 - 146. 5. Cum.... agatur = when your most important revenues are at stake. 6. Tanta = so inconsiderable. V. in Cat. III. 10, n. 16. 7. TJbertate.... exportantur. Referring to the three great sources of revenue; namely, tithes (decumae) from land, rents paid for the use of pasturage (scriptura), and import and export duties (portoria). 8. Facile = unquestionably, beyond dispute. 9. Belli utilitatem = what is useful for war; i. e. for carrying on war and defraying the expenses of it. 10. Venit calamitas. Observe the emphatic position of the verb before its subject. We should express the same thought il speaking by laying stress on the verb. 11. In. V. Sail. Cat. LI. n. 21. 12. Ex portn; i. e. from exports and imports. 13. Qui exercent atque exigunt = who farm and collect them. The first verb refers particularly to the equites or publcani, (v. II. n. 4,) and the second to those employed wizder then.. 44 14. Framilias = slaves. 15. Saltibus = woodland pastures. Most books read salinis = salt works. 16. Custodiis = watch-houses. These were places where the servants of the publicani kept watch to prevent smuggling. 17. qui.... sunt; i. e. both the publicani and the inhabitants of the provinces. CH. VII. 1. Extremum = as the last point. 2. Quum essem - dicturns = when I should come to speak. 3. Qurorum.... diligenter = whom you according to your wisdom, Romans, ought carefully to regard. 4. Et - deinde: lit. both- (and) in the next place. We should expect another et to correspond with this; but instead of finishing the construction thus commenced, Cicero leaves it unfinished, and begins a new sentence with deinde at ~ 18. It is a case of anacoluthon. 5. Suas rationes et copias = their business matters and resources. Rationes is explained immediately after by res, and copias by fortunae. 6. Quorum.... fortunae = the affairs and fortunes of these very (men) on their own account. 7. Deinde. V. n. 4. ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 539 Page 8. Partir - partim == some - others. The construction is 244 analogous to partitive apposition. V. K. 86, 9. 9. Peeunilias unagnas = large sums of money. 10. Illnd - parvi refert = this is of little importance. nlud stands for the infinitive clause which follows. Primum corresponds with deinde below. 11. Ainissis -- having been ruined. The common reading is cmissa. 12. Redinpenldi = of farming them again. 84j 13. initio Ibelli Asiatici. V I1I. n. 1. 22 years before. 14. Res iaragnas = large sums. 15. Fiulein concidisse - credit fell. The capitalists at Rome not receiving returns from those in Asia to whom they had loaned laige amounts, were unable to meet their engagements; and, as a consequence, payments were suspended and credit was impaired. 16. Ut non -- traliant -- without drawing. In this construction quin is more common than ut non. V. K. 108, 3, a. H. 498, 3. 17. Ed stands for the sentence, haec- cohaeret. 18. Haec ratio pecuniarum = these moneyed operations: lit. this account, or reckoning of moneys. 19. In foro. The offices of the bankers were situated around the forum; and hence it became their usual place for meeting and transacting business. 20. Ilia - haec. Referring in this case, not to the remote and near position of the words in the sentence, but to the actually remote and near localities of Asia and Rome. Cu. VIII. 1. Viro - liomini. When homo and vir are both used with epithets of praise, homo relates rather to the qualities that characterize man as such, or one man from another, with this exception; that those which denote bravery, strength of mind, and all that distinguishes man from woman, are usually expressed by vir with a proper epithet, and also those which imply eminence and worth in social life. A. 2. Ejus advent;ii i. e. B. C. 74. 3. IIaximnas lMithridates copias. His army consisted of 120,000 foot-soldiers, armed and disciplined in the Roman manner, and 16,000 horse besides a hundred scythed chariots; but, in addition to this regular army, he was supported by avast number of auxiliaries from the barbarian tribes of the Chalybes, Achaeans, Armenians, and even the Scythians and Sarmatians. The entire force of Lucullus amounted to only 30,000 infantry and 2,500 horse. 540 NOTES. Page ~245 4. Urbem - Cyzicenorum. The city of Cyzicus was a city of Mysia, situated on the isthmus of a promontory of the same name extending into the Propontis. 246 5. Quae.... raperetur = which, inflamed with an eager desire for revenge and with hatred, was hurrying away towards Italy under leaders sent by Sertorius. (V. IV. n. 11.) There was in reality but one general sent, though perhaps Cicero intends by the use of the plural to include the subordinate officers of the expedition. The facts seem to be these: in B. C. 75 Sertorius made a treaty with Mithridates, one condition of which was, that he should send to him a general and some troops. He sent M. Varius, a Roman senator, who had fled to Sertorius in Spain. On his arrival in Asia, Mithridates gave him the command of a part of his troops; and after he had been defeated in several successive engagements by Lucullus, he gathered up the scattered fragments of his army and fitted out a fleet for the invasion of Italy, the command of which he gave to Varius. Lucullus went in pursuit, overtook and destroyed the fleet near the island of Tenedos, and took Varius prisoner, whom he afterwards put to death. See pro Archia, chapter IX. and Murena chapter XV., where Cicero mentions this naval battle, and says distinctly that it was fought near Tenedos. 6. Magnas - copias. According to Plutarch, Mithridates lost in this campaign nearly 300,000 men. 7. Pontum. A country of Asia Minor, bounded north by the Euxine Sea, east by Armenia, south by Armenia Minor and Cappadocia, and west by Galatia and Paphlagonia. On the landward sides it was enclosed by a chain of mountains; and besides this natural barrier, Mithridates had guarded the frontier by 75 fortresses. See pro Arch. c. IX.: Populus enim Romanus aperuit, &c. 8. Ex omni aditua= on every side. 9. Sinopen atque Amisum. Both situated on the Euxine: the former in Paphlagonia, the latter in Pontus, about 130 miles to the southeastward of Sinope. 10. Uno adlitu adventuque - by one approach and arrival (before them). 11. Patrio atque avito. V. III. n. 6. 12. Ad alios se reges. First to Tigranes, his son-in-law, and, after he was defeated, to the king of the Parthians. 13. Integris = unimpaired. 14. Censeo, judico, arbitror, aestimo, denote passing judgment with competent authority, derived from a call to the office ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 541 Page of judge: censeo, as possessing the authority of a censor, or of a 246 renator giving his vote; judico, as possessing that of a judge passing sentence; arbitror, as possessing that of an arbitrator; aestimo, as that of a taxer making a valuation; whereas opinor, puto, and reor, denote passing judgment under the form of a private opinion, with a purely subjective signification: opinor, as a mere sentiment and conjecture, in opp. to a clear conviction and knowledge; puto, as cee who casts up an account; reor, as a poetical term. Dod. 15. Atque ita (sc. esse) = and that it is such a degree of praise. 16. NlVIlo istoruam; i. e. Catulus and Hortensius. 17. Obtrectant = disparage, decry. Cii. IX. 1. Reliquum - bellutm = what remains of the war. 2. Ilia = the famous, the celebrated. Used like the Greek article, to indicate some well-known, or celebrated object. 3. liedea. A sorceress, daughter of Aeetes, king of Colchis. She fell in love with Jason, the leader of the Argonautic Expedition, who went in pursuit of the golden fleece which was in the possession of Aeetes, assisted him by her sorceries in securing it, and then eloped with him by night in company with her brother Absyrtus. Her father pursued her, and when he was upon the point of overtaking her, she murdered Absyrtus, cut him in pieces and threw them into the sea; and while he was stopping to gather up the scattered limbs of his son, she was enabled to gain sufficient time to elude his grasp. Colchis was a country connected with Pontus; hence Cic. says ex eodem Ponto. 4. Eorum collectio dispersa = the.collection of them in their scattered state. The figure called hypallage. 5. Direptas - congesserat. V. Caes. I. 5, n. 10. 6. Plures gentes; i. e. the Gordyenians, Medes, Adiabenians 247 Arabians, Albanians, and Iberians. V. Plutarch, Luc. 7. Neque.... tentandas = should neither be provoked by war nor agitated. 8. Vehemens = powerfully exciting. 9. Faili. Cicero refers to the temple of Bellona at Comana in Cappadocia, which had been before this plundered by Murena, the lieutenant of Lucullus; hence there was some ground for the opinion. It was regarded with the greatest reverence by the natives, and the priest of it was in power second only to the king. 10. Novo quodanl terrore. It is called a new sort of terror because their religious fears were excited. 11. Urbenm = the capital city; i. e. Tigranocerta, the capital of 542 NOTES. Page 247 Armenia. It contained immense wealth. Lucullus found there, besides the royal treasures and a vast amount of other rich booty, 8,000 talents in coined money: about 9,000,000 of dollars. V. Plut. Luc. 12. Nimia.... commovebatur. Cicero here artfully throws a veil over the conduct of Lucullus and his soldiers. According to Plutarch, after the taking of Tigranocerta he abandoned the pursuit of Mithridates and Tigranes, and formed the plan of invading Parthia. At this his men mutinied and refused to advance further, but said that they would follow him in pursuit of Tigranes. Being thus compelled to yield to the dictation of his army, he followed Tigranes into Upper Armenia and determined to attack Artaxata, the capital; but just before arriving at that city the soldiers again became refractory and refused to proceed. Having earnestly exhorted them to go forward, and finding his eloquence ineffectual, he was obliged to return. Plutarch attributes his unpopularity with his soldiers to his haughty and unsympathizing nature, and also in some degree to the influence of the infamous P. Clodius, who was an officer in his army, and who labored secretly to excite mutiny and insubordination among his men. 13. Fuit.... extremum - for the final result was this. 14. Et eornm.... collegerant. This clause is enclosed in brackets to indicate that it is probably an interpolation. By considering the et superfluous, it may be retained as an explanation of suam manurm, and will be = consisting of those who had gathered themselves together from his kingdom. 15. Fere = commonly, generally. 16. Incolumis = in the time of his prosperity. 17. Ut.... attingeret. This clause explains eo contentus, quod, &c. 248 18. Nostram calamitatem. Before Lucullus had returned from Armenia (V. n. 12), Mithridates re-entered Pontus and defeated the Romans, first under Fabius, and then under Triarius, lieutenants of Lucullus. More than 7,000 Romans were killed, including 150 centurions and 24 tribunes. 19. Imperatoris; i. e. Lucullus. 20. Ex sermone rumor = report passing from mouth to niouth: lit. report from conversation. 21. Imperii diuturnitati. Lucullus had held the command in Asia from B. C. 74 to B. C. 67: a period of seven years. 22. Stipendiis confecti erant = were worn out by military ser'vice. ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 543 Pag 23. Sed... potentissimi = but do you conjecture how 24$ great that war has become, which the most powerful kings unite in carrying on. Ea refers to the clauses which follow, and may be omitted in translating. For the construction of videtis, see IV. n. 15. 24. De imperatore - deligendo. V. II. n. 14. CI. X. 1. In sunmmo imperatore - in a complete general. 2. Scientior = more thoroughly acquainted with (military affairs). 3. Bello maximo. The Social war, in which more than 249 300,000 men are said to have perished. 4. Patris. Cn. Pompeius Strabo. Pompey was at this time but 17 years of age. 5. Extrema pneritia. This was in the civil war against Cinna, while Pompey was still serving under his father. 6. Maximi.... imperator. In B. C. 83, when only 23 years of age, Pompey without any public office and without any authority from the senate or the people, levied three legions in Picenum, assumed the command, gained a brilliant victory over M. Brutus, one of the Marian generals, and then proceeded to offer his services to Sulla, who had just landed at Brundisium on his return from the first Mithridatic war. At this time he received an unprecedented mark of honor; for when he leaped down from his horse, and saluted Sulla with the title of Imperator, the latter returned the compliment by addressing him by the same title. 7. Confecit = has subdued, settled, put an end to the disorders of. 8. Suis imperiis = by his own repeated discharge of the office of commander. 9. Offensionibus = by the misfortunes, disasters. 10. Stipendiis = by inactive campaigns, the mere time of service. 11. Triumphis. Pompey had already enjoyed the honor of two triumphs: the first in September, B. C. 81, at the age of 25, for his victory over Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus, the son-in-law of Cinna, and Hiarbas, the king of Numidia, by which he terminated the African war, and the other on the 31st of December, B. C. 71, at the age of 36, in honor of his successful termination of the war in Spain against Sertorius and his followers. Up to this time he was a simple eques: having filled none of the offices of state. On the next day, (January 1, B. C. 70,) he entered on his consulship with M. Crassus, to which he had been previously elected without opposition, notwithstanding he was by law ineligible to the office, inasmuch as he was II 544 NOTES. Page 249 absent from Rome at the time, had not yet reached the legal age (43), and had not held any of the lower civil offices. Such was his popularity that the senate did not dare to make any resistance to his election, and they, therefore, deemed it prudent to release him from the laws which disqualified him from the consulship. 12. Civile. The war between Sulla and the Marian faction, against Cinna and Carbo, B. C. 83 - 81. 13. Africanum. Against Cn. Domitius and Hiarbas (see n. 11), B. C. 81. 14. Transalpinum. That on his march over the Alps against Sertorius, B. C. 76. 15. Hispaniense. That against Sertorius himself, B. C. 80 - 72. 16. Mixtum.... nationibus = a compound of (revolted) states and of the most warlike tribes: lit. composed of, &c. By civitatibus are meant Roman colonies in Spain which had joined Sertorius, and by nationibus, the native tribes which were not of Roman origin; hence it is called a mixtum bellum. 17. Servile. That against Spartacus with his gladiators and slaves, B. C. 71. 18. Navale. That against the pirates, B. C. 67. 19. Varius means possessing differences in its own texture, varied; whereas diversus, differing from something else, distinct. Dod. CH. XI. 1. Jam vero. V. Ec. Cic. XXIII. n. 30. 2. Possit afferre = can bring forward; i. e. say. 3. Neque.... existimantur = for those are not the only virtues of a general, which are commonly esteemed (such). After mentioning the virtues which follow, we should naturally expect him to say, sed aliae etiam, &c., but this he omits to do, until he comes to ~ 36: quid ceterae, &c. 4. Italia. V. X. n. 12. 5. Sicilia. In B. C. 82, after the Marian party had been completely conquered in Italy, Sulla sent Pompey at the head of an army into Sicily. He drove Perperna from the island, took Carbo prisoner, put him to death, and sent his head to Sulla. 150 6. Consilii celeritate = by the promptness of his measures. 7. Africa, V. X. n. 13. 8. Sanguine. Out of an army of 20,000, only 3,000 survived the decisive battle. 9. Gallia. V. X. n. 14. 10. Hispania. V. X. n. 15. ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 545 Page 11. Saepissime plurimos. Exaggeration. V. IV. n. 11. 20 12. Tetro periculosque. Called "disgraceful" from the character of the enemy, who were slaves and gladiators; and " dangerous" from these gladiators having been trained to the profession of arms, and, also, from the abilities of Spartacus, their leader. V. X. n. 17. 13. Alventu.... sepultum. Exaggeration. The decisive battle had been fought, Spartacus slain, and the war really terminated by Crassus before the arrival of Pompey from Spain; but Pompey, while on his way, happened to fall in with 6,000 of the fugitives, whom he cut to pieces, and thereupon wrote to the senate, " Crassus, indeed, has defeated the enemy, but I have extirpated the war by the roots." 14. Nunc jam. V. in Cat. I. 5, n. 11. 15. Quum universa, tun = not only as a whole, but. 16. Toto mari; i. e. the Mediterranean. 17. Ablitus - remote, retired. 18. Qui non - committeret = who did not expose. 19. Cum - navigaret - since he must sail. 20. Vetus. It had already lasted 20 years. 21. Captas urbes. Plutarch says that the number of their galleys amounted to 1,000, and the cities taken to 400. CH. XII. 1. Fuit - fuit. V. in Cat. I. 1, n. 33. 2. Proprium = the peculiar characteristic. 3. Propugnaculis = by the forces. The word, as here used, includes fleets, armies, and all other means of defence. 4. Dicam = need I say. So querar, dicam, commemorem, below. 5. Brunalisio. A town of Calabria on the southeast coast of Italy, and the usual port of embarkation for Greece and the east. 6. Nisi summa hieme = except in the dead of winter. When they were not so liable to be waylaid by pirates, navigation being for the most part suspended in the winter season. 7. Venirent = were coming, were endeavoring to come. 251 8. Duotlecim secures = two praetors, because in the provinces each praetor had six lictors, with the fasces and secures. In the city they had but two, and without the secures. Their names, according to Plutarch, were Sextilius and Bellinus. 9. Cniidlun.... Samum. Cities in Asia Minor: the first, a Doric town in Caria, the second, an Ionian town in Lydia, the last, a city and island of the same name near the coast. 10. Innumerabiles. V. XI. n. 21. 546 NOTES. Page 2i1 11. Quibus....ducitis. The pirates having possession of the harbors of Italy, no grain could be brought from Asia, Africa, Sicily, or Sardinia. 12. An vero. V. Ec. Cic. XXV. n. 12, and Caes. I. 47, n. 12. 13. Caietae. A town and harbor of Latium, named for the nurse of Aeneas, who died there. V. Virg. Ae. VII. vs. 1 and 2. 14. Celeberrimum = very populous. 15. Praetore. M. Antonius Creticus, the father of M. Antonius, the triumvir, is supposed to be meant. 16. Mliseno. A promontory, town, and harbor in Campania. 17. Ejus ipsius liberos. Plutarch says that the pirates seized the daughter of Antony, as she was going to her country house, and he was forced to pay a large ransom for her release. - Various passages show that the Romans not unfrequently used the plural liberi, when speaking either of one son or one daughter. 18. Ostiense. Ostia was a sea-port town in Latium at the mouth of the Tiber. It was regarded as the harbor of Rome. The allusion is to the capture of the Roman fleet at this place by the pirates. 19. Consul. What consul is here alluded to is not known. 20. li stands for vos, and may be omitted in translating. Is, (and also idem, though less often,) is used for the sake of emphasis to repeat or resume a noun or pronoun after an intervening clause. Cf. in Cat. II. 12, n. 9. This use, quite common with nouns and pronouns of the third person, is very seldom with those of the first and second. 21. Oceani ostium; i. e. the Strait of Gibraltar. 22. Tanti belli impetus is a poetic circumlocution for tantum bellum, with the accessory idea of impetuosity and power. Navigavit likewise is poetical, and peculiarly appropriate, as the force consisted of the fleet of Pompey. 23. Nonduum tempestivo = not yet suitable. V. in Cat. I. 4, n. 17. 24. Dltabus Hispaniis. Spain was divided by the Iberus (now the Ebro) into Hispania citerior and ulterior, just as Gaul was divided by the Alps into Gallia cisalpina and transalpina. 25. Duo maria; i. e. the Adriatic and Tuscan: the one on the east, and the other on the west. 26. Ut = postquam. 52 27. Ciliciam. The pirates had made Cilicia the principal center of their operations; for which its rugged coast and mountainous regions well fitted it. ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 547 Page 28. Cretensibus. Crete was, next after Cilicia, the greatest 25l nursery of the pirates. The conduct of Pompey in the affair alluded to in the text was far from honorable. Q. Metellus, afterwards surnamed Creticus, had been invested with the command of the war against the Cretan pirates the year (B. C. 68) before Pompey was appointed to the command of the piratic war, and was rapidly bringing it to a successful termination. He had already taken several towns, and the remainder, which were besieged, thinking that they might obtain more favorable terms from Pompey than from Metellus, sent ambassadors, offering to submit to him. Pompey, desirous of appropriating to himself the honors which rightfully belonged to Metullus, listened to their application and sent two legates into Crete, enjoining Metellus to take no further steps in the war, and ordering the cities not to obey Metellus, but L. Octavius, one of the legates, whom he had sent. Metellus, however, paid no attention to Pompey, or his legates, but prosecuted the war until the whole island surrendered to him. CH. XIII. 1. Est haec = such is; i. e. such as I have just described. 2. Quid, as here used, is a sort of interrogative interjection, serving merely to introduce the interrogation. It may be explained grammatically by supposing an ellipsis of ais, or censes, (= what think you?) but in translating, it may be omitted. 3. Ceterae (sc. virtutes) = the other virtues. V. XI. n. 3. 4. Bellandi virtus = ability in waging war. 5. Artes = qualities. 6. Innocentia = disinterestedness. It is opp. to avarjce. 7. Temperantia = self-control. 8. Facilitate = affability. 9. Ingenio = natural capacity, talents. V. ~ 42, where consilium and dicendi gravitas et copia (= eloquence) correspond to ingenio. 10. Summa.... sunt. V. V.n. 16. 11. Ex aliorunm contentione = by comparison with others. 12. Ullo in numero = in any estimation. 13. Veueant atque venierint = are still sold and have been sold. The allusion is probably to Glabrio. 14. Quid.... cogitare (sc. possumus putare) = what high or noble sentiment can we suppose this man to entertain, &c. 15. Propter.... provinciae = from a desire of (retaining) his province. The time of holding a province was sometimes ex 548 NOTES. Page ~2 tended. The money was distributed to the magistrates at home, not for the sake of procuring a particular province, but in order to bribe them to interfere and to prevent a recall of the individual, at the expiration of his year, from the province in which he was then acting. 16. In quaestu reliquerit = has let (it) out at interest. 17. Vestra admurmuratio = your murmurs (of disapprobation); i. e. at such unworthy conduct. li 18. Existimetis. V. IV. n. 15. 19. Hic = under these circumstances, since these things are so. 20. Hunc hominem; i. e. Pompey. 21. Pervenerint; i. e. in the piratic war. 22. Hibernent. Pompey's army was now encamped in the borders of Cilicia. 23. Ut.... militem -- in order that he may incur expense for a soldier; i. e. not only is no one compelled to go to expense for the soldiers, but he is not allowed to do so even if he wishes it. 24. Hiemis.... perfugium = a shelter from the winter, not for the indulgence of avarice. Araritiae perfugium is a refuge to which avarice may flee to glut itself. CH. XIV. 1. Age vero - well then, now indeed. Used adverbially in transitions. The following verb may be in the plural. 2. Temperaitia. V. XIII. n. 7. 3. Inventum (sc. esse) = was attained. 4. Aut - ant = neque - neque. 5. In ultimas terras. Pamphylia and Cilicia are referred to. Cf. ~ 35, ad eum usque in Pamphyliam, and ~ 46, where the same ambassadors are said to have come to Pompey in ultimas prope terras. 6. Non. V. in Cat. I. 9, n. 13. 7. Libido ad voluptatem. Plutarch says that of all the concubines of Mithridates that were brought before Pompey he did not touch one, but sent them t6 their parents or husbands. 8. Non amoenitas = no charming scenery.'9. Non nobilitas urbis = no famous city: lit. no fame of a city. Alluding probably to Athens, where Pompey, on his way to Cilicia, stopped only long enough to offer sacrifice to the gods and make an address to the people. Plutarch says that such was his haste, that he passed by many cities. 2i4 10. Quae ceteri tollenda. The conduct of Pompey is here favorably contrasted with that of other Roman generals, who were accustomed to plunder without scruple cities, temples, and private dwellings, and consider the statues, paintings, and other ornaments which they might find as the perquisites of their office. ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 549 Pag 11. Ea. V. in Cat. II. 12, n. 9. B4 12. Continentia = temperantia. 13. Vilebatur = was beginning to seem. 14. Querinnonia and querela are expressions of indignation: querimonia in the just feeling of the injured person, who will not brook an act of injustice: querela in, for the most part, the blamable feeling of the discontented person, who will brook no hardship. The querimonia is an act of the understanding, and aims at redress or satisfaction: the querela is an act of feeling, and aims, for the most part, only at easing the heart. Dod. 15. Facilitate. V. XIII. n. 8. 16. Consilio = in judgment, wisdom, discretion. V. XIII. n. 9. 17. In quo ipso = in which very talent; i. e. dicendi gravitate et copia: referring to the talent of haranguing, which is so important in a commander. 18. Ex hoc ipso loco. V. I. n. 2. 19. Quam.....jdicarint = when all his enemies of every kind have judged it most inviolable. As is shown by their unconditional surrender to him. V. ~ 46. 20. Nostrae memoriae -- of our time. 21. Qulidalm, when joined to substantives and adjectives, is very often used merely to soften the expression, when the speaker feels that he has made use of too strong an expression, especially when he means to suggest that the word he has used should not be taken in its literal, but in a figurative sense. Z. Cii. XV. 1. Opinione.... ratione = not less by their 2~~ opinion (of a commander) and by his reputation than by some definite reason. 2. Tanta.... judicia. Alluding to the extraordinary honors which had been conferred on Pompey. V. X. n. 11. 3. Desertam = remote: lit., deserted, uninhabited. As all countries of which Cicero had any certain knowledge were inhabited, a region without inhabitants would be, in his mind, synonymous with remoteness. 4. Commune.... bellum; i. e. the war against the pirates, the management of which had been committed to Pompey by the Gabinian law. 5. Vilitas annoanae = cheapness of grain. The pirates had so completely gained possession of the sea, that the Romans were cut off from their usual supplies of grain from Africa, Sicily, and Sardinia, and were beginning to apprehend a famine. So great confi 5150 NOTES. Page 3g dence, however, had the people in the success of Pompey that the price of corn immediately fell. 6. Ex = immediately after. 7. Nomine. Plutarch says, "As the price of provisions immediately fell, the people were highly pleased, and it gave them occasion to say,' that the very name of Pompey had terminated the war.'" 8. Jam =- moreover. Jam alone is sometimes used in transitions likejam vero. V. Ec. Cic. XXIII. n. 30. 9. In Ponto calamitate. Alluding to the defeat of Triarius. V. ~ 25. 10. Ipsunl.... temporis = the very crisis of that time. 11. Insolita- victoria. In the encounters of Mithridates with Sulla and Lucullus, defeat was the rule, victory the exception. g5 CH. XVI. 1. Age vero. V. XIV. n. 1. 2. Illa res = the following circumstance. It is explained by the clauses beginning with quod. V. Caes. IV. 16, n. 1. 3. Cretensium legati. V. XII. n. 28. 4. Ultimas prope terras. V. XIV. n. 5. 5. Quid. V. XIII. n. 2. 6. Eum quem =- one whom. 7. Ii = (while) those. Referring particularly to Metellus Plus, who had had the command of the war against Sertorius in Spain for three years before Pompey had been sent to assist him, and who was displeased that a legate should be sent to Pompey, who was a much younger man and who had filled none of the offices of state, in preference to himself, who was a man of consular rank. 8. Postea; i. e. subsequent to the war against Sertorius. 9. Existimetis. V. IV. n. 15. 10. Praestare.... ipso = be responsible for, guarantee, in his own case; i. e. good fortune is something wholly at the disposal of the gods; and therefore no one can secure it just when he pleases. 11. Homines: sc. dicere. 12. De potestate deorum = concerning (that which is wholly in) the power of the gods. 13. Timide = cautiously; and therefore pauca = briefly. 14. Maximo. Q. Fabius Maximus, surnamed Cunctator from his caution in war, who was five times consul, (B. C. 233, 228, 215, 214, 209,) and the most prominent and most successful Roman general in the second Punic war. 15. IMarcello. M. Claudius Marcellus, who was five times consul, (B. C. 222, 215, 214, 210, 209,) and the renowned conqueror of Syracuse (B. C. 212). ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 551 Page 16. Scipioni. It is uncertain whether the elder or the younger 256 Africanus is meant. Manutius thinks the latter. Both, however, may be said to have had the felicitas of which the orator speaks. 17. 1lTario. C. Marius, the conqueror of Jugurtha, the Cimbri and Teutones, and seven times consul, (B. C. 107, 104, 103, 102, 101, 100, 86). He died B. C. 86, on the eighteenth day of his seventh consulship, in the 71st year of his age. V. Cat. III. 10, n. 4. 18. Fuit. The order is, enim profecto quaedam fortuna divinitus fuit adjuncta quibusdam, &c. 19. Iac = such. 20. Notn ut.... videatur; i. e. if he said that fortune was under his control, his language would be offensive to the gods (invisa diis); but if he did not call to mind his past successes and hope for the future, he would be guilty of ingratitude (ingrata) to them for the favors of fortune which they had already bestowed upon.him. 21. Domi militiae. V. Ec. Cic. XXV. n. 9. 22. Ut - how. 23. Quot et quantas are correlatives of tot et tantas, but may 257 together be rendered " as." 24. Volo means to wish, and co-operate towards the realization of one's wish: opto, to wish, and leave the realization of one's wish to others, or to fate: expeto, to wish, and to apply to others for the realization of one's wish. Dod. 25. Conferatis = to make use of, to avail yourselves of. CH. XVII. 1. Opportuiitas = favorable circumstance. 2. Ab is; i. e. Lucullus and Glabrio. 3. Cetera: sc. bella. 4. Bellum regium; i. e. against Mithridates and Tigranes. 5. At elnim. V. Sail. Cat. LI. n. 32. The ellipsis may be supplied thus: But it seems this must not be done, for Q. Catulus, &c. 6. Beneficiis: referring to the offices with which he had been often honored by the people. 7. Catulus. Q. Lutatius Catulus was distinguished throughout life as one of the prominent leaders of the aristocracy, but rose far superior to the great body of his class in purity and singleness of purpose, and received from the whole community marks of esteem and confidence seldom bestowed with unanimity in periods of excitement upon an active political leader. He was consul along with M. Aemilius Lepidus in B. C. 78. He was not considered an orator, but at the same time possessed the power of expressing his opinions with learning, grace, and wisdom. 24 552 NOTES. Page L 8. Q. Ilortensius, the orator, born in B. C. 114, eight years before Cicero. At the early age of nineteen he appeared in the forum, and his first speech gained the applause of the consuls, L. Crassus and Q. Scaevola, the former the greatest orator, the latter the first jurist of the day. He was so distinguished as a pleader that Cicero calls him rex judiciorum. This domination over the courts continued up to about the year B C. 70, when Hortensius was retained by Verres against Cicero. The issue of this contest was to dethrone Hiortensius from the seat which had been already tottering, and to establish his rival, the despised provincial of Arpinum, as the first orator and advocate of the Roman forum. He was consul B. C. 69. Politically he attached himself closely to the aristocratic party; and after his consulship he took a leading part in supporting the optimates against the rising power of Pompey. He accumulated vast wealth, lived to a good age, and spent the last years of his life in luxury and ease. 9. Multis locis = on many occasions. 10. Talnetsi.... clarissimorum- = although you shall see (that) the opinions of the strongest and most illustrious men (are) opposite (to the views of Catulus and IIortensius). This seems to be said with reference to the opinions cited in ~ 68, and which the orator here for a moment anticipates.. As if he had said, I intend before I close, to offset against these views of IIortensius and Catulus the views of others equally weighty, but for the present, setting opinions entirely aside, we are able to seek for the truth from the merits of the case. 11. Ipsa re ac ratione = by means of the case itself and by reasoning. 12. Hoc facilius: sc. exquirere possumus. 13. liderl isti; i. e. Hortensius and Catulus. 14. Summa esse omnia. V. V. n. 16. 15. Re = by facts. 16. Pro tua = with your usual. The eloquence of Hortensius was of the florid or (as it was called) " Asiatic " style, fitter for hearing than reading. 17. A. Gabinium. Ite was a man of profligate character and prodigal habits. In B. C. 67 he was tribune of the plebs, and proposed and procured the passage of the Gabinian law, by which Pompey was invested with the command of the war. against the pirates and with almost absolute authority over the greater part of the Roman world. It proposed that the people should elect a man ORATIO IRO LEGE MANILIA. 553 Page with consular rank, who should possess unlimited and irresponsible 258 power for three years over the whole of the Mediterranean, and to a distance of fifty miles inland from its coasts, who should have 15 legates from the senate, a fleet of 200 ships, with as many soldiers and sailors as he thought necessary, and 6,000 Attic talents. The bill did not name Pompey, but it was clear who was meant. It pleased the people, but met with the most violent opposition by the aristocracy. Catulus and Hortensius spoke against it with great eloquence, but with no effect. 18. Ex hoc ipso loco; i. e. ex rostris. 19. Vera causa. V. I. n. 11. 20. An. V. Ec. Cic. XXV. n. 12, and Caes. I. 47, n. 12. 21. Capiebantur = were repeatedly taken. V. XII. 22. Commeatu = from supplies. 23. Privatam.... publicam. V. ~~ 31, 32. CH. XVIII. 1. Atheniensium: sc. civitatem. 2. Nostram memoriam. V. XIV. n. 20. 3. Quae civitas. These words resume the question, which is 259 interrupted by the parenthetical passage beginning with non dico. 4. Ille. V. IX. n. 2. 5. Ac = atque adeo. V. in Cat. I. 2, n. 14. 6. Utilitatis = vectigalium. 7. Antiochum. V. VI. n. 1. 8. Persen. Perseus, or Perses, the last king of Macedonia. No mention is made in history of a naval engagement between Perseus and the Romans. After a protracted war of three years, he was conquered by the Romans under L. Aemilius Paulus in B. C. 168, and 20,000 of his army were slain. Perseus himself fled with a few followers to the island of Samothrace, where he was quickly blockaded by the praetor, Cn. Octavius, with the Roman fleet, and was at length compelled to surrender. The following year he was carried to Rome, where he was made to adorn the splendid triumph of Octavius, November 30, B. C. 167. 9. Ii. V. XII. n. 20. 10. Praestare = to exhibit, show. 11. Nihil timebat. Because the Roman power, on which it relied for protection, was then what it should be. 12. Appia via. This road was commenced by Appius Claudius Caecus, B. C. 312, from whom it took its name. At first it extended from Rome to Capua, but afterwards was continued as far as to Brundisium. Where it touched the sea, or came near to it, it was rendered dangerous by the landing of the pirates. 5;54 NOTES. Page 259 13. In hune ipsum locum; i. e. the rostra. 14. Exuviis nauticis = with naval trophies. V. I. n. 2. CH. XIX. 1. Bono - aniino = with a good intention. 2. Dolori sno = their own indignation. Dolor is a general term designating every painful, oppressive feeling. The context must determine the particular feeling meant. Here it seems to denote the feeling of indignation arising from the wrongs and indignities which the Roman people had received from the pirates. V. XII. 3. Una lex; i. e. the Gabinian. Unus vir; i. e. Pompey. 260 4. Quo.... postulanti = on this account it seems to me even more unreasonable that opposition has been hitherto made, shall I say to Gabinius, or to Pompey, or to both of them, (that which is nearer the truth,) in order that A. Gabinius might not be appointed a lieutenant to Cn. Pompey, though striving to obtain and demanding (him for one). The case is simply this: Gabinius in his tribuneship procures the passage of a law investing Pompey with almost unlimited power: among other extraordinary grants, allowing him 15 legates (he afterwards obtained 24) from the senate. (V. XVII. n. 17.) These Pompey had the right to nominate, but the nomination must be confirmed by the senate. Pompey, to reward Gabinius for his efforts in his behalf, asked that Gabinius might be appointed one of his legates. The senate very properly refused to grant his request; for, in the first place, it was contrary to the Licinian law, which provided that no person should be appointed legate of a general who had received his commission during the tribuneship of the former, till a year had elapsed from the expiration of the tribuneship; and, in the second place, it tended to foster corruption in the state. Although Gabinius had, up to this time, failed, in consequence of the settled opposition of the senate, to secure the office of legate under the Gabinian law, yet he hoped to obtain it under the Manilian law; and Cicero, very strangely, as it would seem, since he well knew the illegality and corrupting tendency of such a course, and the worthless character of Gabinius, argues that the senate ought to ratify the nomination. 5. Idoneus - qui inpetret =- worthy to obtain. 6. Ad expilandos socios, &c. Cicero must have believed that Gabinius, if appointed legate, would do the very same thing. 7. Periculo = at his peril. Because if Pompey had been unsuccessful, Gabinius must have shared the blame as the proposer of the law. 8. An. V. Caes. I. 47, n. 12. After a preceding question, an may be rendered by " not." ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 555 Page 9. Ionoris causa = out of respect. 260 10 In. V. Sail. Cat. LI. n. 21. 11. Diligentes = careful, strict; i. e. to observe the law in reference to the appointment of tribunes to the office of lieutenant. V. n. 4. 12. Per vos; i. e. by your suffrages. 13. Qui - etia.... deberet = who - ought to be (a lieutenant) even by a special right. 14. De quo legando = concerning the choosing of him as a lieutenant. 15. Ad.... relaturos = will bring a motion, a proposition, before the senate. 16. Me - relaturum. It was the proper business of the consuls to bring questions for discussion and decision before the senate, but in case they failed, or were disinclined, to do it, the praetor had the right to do it, even in the presence of the consuls; they must yield, however, if the consuls interposed to prevent them. No magistrate except the tribune of the plebs could propose a measure in the senate in opposition to the will of the consuls, when they were present. The language of Cicero in the text, therefore, seems to be rather bold and boastful; for he knew perfectly well that he could not bring his proposition before the senate, if the consuls were disposed to prevent it. 17. Cujusquam.... edictum: referring to the right of the consuls, mentioned in the preceding note, to forbid any magistrate except a tribune to bring a proposition before the senate. 18. Vestrum jus beneficiumque = your right and favor; i. e. your right to confer office (beneficium) on whom you please. By the Gabinian law Pompey was empowered to select his lieutenants from the senate; the refusal, therefore, of the senate to confirm the nomination of Gabinius as one of those lieutenants was virtually to thwart the will of the people as expressed by that law. 19. Praeter intercessionem = except intercession; i. e. the tribunitian veto. A tribune could veto any action which a magistrate might undertake during the time of his office, and this without giving any reason for it. 20. Quid liceat = how far it is allowable to go. The tribunes were the especial guardians of the interests of the people; and Cicero here cautions them, lest they may go so far as to injure the interests which it was their business to defend. 21. Belli.... adscribitur = is added (i. e. is a fit person to be 556 NOTES. Page 260 added) to Cn. Pompey as a sharer in the maritime war and in his exploits. CH. XX. 1. Si.... esset = if anything should have happened to him, should have become of him. It is a euphemistic expression for if he should have died. Fio andfacio arejoined with the abl. to denote that something is to be made or become out of something; and in the same sense they are construed also with the dat., and more rarely with de. 2. In ipso = in him; i. e. Catulus. The occasion of the words in the text -was when Catulus was making his speech against the Gabinian law. According to Plutarch, after he had freely given Pompey all due honor, and said much in his praise, he advised them to spare him, and not to expose such a man to so many dangers. 3. Talis est vir; i. e. Catulus. 261 4. In hoc ipso = on this very point: referring to the words of Catulus above, in uno.... poneretis, and to his argument, that it would expose Pompey to too great danger. 5. Quo minus = the less. 6. At enim. V. XVII. n. 5, and Sail. Cat. LI. n. 32. 7. Non dicam; i. e. for the purpose of refuting this objection. 8. Novornm consiliorum rationes -- new measures. A circumlocution for nova consilia. Ratio is often thus used. 9. Punicum atque Hispaniense; i. e. the third Punic and the Numantine wars. 10. Uno imperatore; i. e. P. Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus Africanus Minor. V. XVI. n. 16, and in Cat. IV. 10, n. 6. 11. C. Mario. V. in Cat. IV. 10, n. 8, and this oration, XVI. n. 17. 12. Quam.... constituta = how many innovations (i. e. upon established custom) have been determined upon with the perfect concurrence of Q. Catulus. The meaning of novus here may be determined by the variety of expressions used for it in the next chapter; viz. praeter consuetudinem, inauditum, inusitatum, singulare, incredibile. CH. XXI. 1. Quam adolescentulum privatum. V. X. n. 6. The skill of the orator, as shown in the variety of construction in this chapter, is deserving of particular notice. The first three questions are constructed with quam and the acc. with the infin., and the next three with quam and ut with the subj. Adolescentulum conficere may be regarded as the subject nominative of est understood. V. Ec. Cic. XXIII. n. 27. The same remark applies to imperium dari and equitem triumphare below. ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 557 Page 2. Conficere = should collect, levy. V. X. n. 6. 261 3. Cujns aetas. The earliest age at which a man could become a senator was, during the republic, probably 32. Augustus afterwards fixed the senatorial age at 25, which appears to have remained unaltered throughout the times of the empire. Pompey was at this time 24. 4. Bellum..X. n. 13. 5. Confecit = he terminated. 6. Equitem - triumphare. V. X. n. 11. 7. Omnium - studio = zealously by all: lit. with the zeal of all. The common reading is omni studio. 8. Duo consules. Aemilius Lepidus and D. Junius Brutus, B. C. 77. 9. Belluin maxinlum. V. X. n. 15. 10. Pro consule = instead of a consul, with consular power. II. L. Philippus. He was consul, B. C. 91, and one of the most distinguished orators of his time. 12. Non- pro consule, sed pro consulibus; i. e. not with the power of one consul, but of both of them: intimating the incapacity of the consuls of that year. 13. Ullnm alium magistratum. This alludes to the higher or curule magistracies, the lowest of which was the aedileship, to which a person was eligible by law at the age of 37. Pompey was now 36. V. X. n. 11. 14. Iterum - triumpharet. V. X. n. 11. 15. Profecta sint.... a - auctoritate -= have taken their rise in favor of the same man from the recommendation, &c. Cn. XXII. 1. Videant, ne sit = they should consider whether it may not be; i. e. let them fear that it may be. Video in the sense of "consider" is followed by ut or ne after the analogy of verbs of fear and solicitude. V. Z. 534. 2. Auctoritatem = advice, opinion, views. 3. Dignitate = elevation; i. e. to posts of honor. 4. Suo jure = with peculiar, perfect right. 5. Vel. V. Ec. Cic. XXVI. n. 16. 6. listlem istis; i. e. Hortensius, Catulus, and their adherents 7. Unum ilium ex omnibus. V. Ec. Cic. XX. n. 10. 8. Studlia vestra = your zeal (for Pompey), your wishes. 9. Vos.... vidistis = you at that time saw more clearly (than they did) what was for the interests of the state: lit. saw more (than they did) in reference to the state. 558 NOTES. Page 262 10. Vos: s. sin. 263 11. Principes - leaders; i. e. of the senate. 12. Bello.... regio. V. XVII. n. 4. 23. Difficile est. It was difficult because, those provinces being rich and remote from Italy, the temptation was greater to turn aside from the path of duty and yield to considerations of personal interest. 14. Asia. V. II. n. 3. 15. Interiorum = further inland. 16. Ita versari = so to employ himself. 17. Pudore.... moderatiores -- under more restraint (than others) from a sense of shame and from self-control. 18. Causa belli = a pretext for war. 19. Coram =- in your presence. 20. Aniimos.... possit = can satisfy the arrogance and pride. CH. XXIII. 1. Collatis signis = in an actual engagement, in a pitched battle. 2. Idoneus qui - mittatur = fit to be sent. 3. Pacatam.... sit = has been subdued, which is rich; i. e. and still remains rich. Ec quis (ecqui), like num, commonly implies that the interrogator expects a negative answer. V. in Cat. I. 8, n. 17. 4. Quae.... videatur = which appears to such men to have been subdued; i. e. so long as a state is opulent, however peaceful or friendly it may be, they will continue to find some pretext for waging war against it for the sake of plunder. 264 5. Continentiam. V. XIV. n. 12. 6. Videbat: sc. ora maritima; i. e. the inhabitants. 7. Jacturis; i. e. money spent in bribery for the purpose of securing a province or some foreign command. The individual intended to reimburse himself for these heavy losses by plundering his province. 8. Quibus conditionibus == under what engagements. These were agreements or stipulations to be fulfilled at some future time. 9. Videlicet. Ironical; for he says, chapter XXII, noverunt sociorum vulnera, &c. 10. Non. V. in Cat. I 9, n. 13. 11. Quum - turn. V. Ec. Cic. XXI. n. 2. 12. Est vobis auctor - you have as an adviser (of the measure). ORATIO PRO LEGE MANILIA. 559 Page 13. P. Servilius. P. Servilius Vatia, surnamed Isauricus from 264 his victory over the Isauri, was raised to the consulship by Sulla in B. C. 79, and the following year was sent as proconsul to Cilicia in order to clear the seas of pirates. He subdued the strongholds of the pirates, reduced Cilicia to a Roman province, and on his return to Rome in B. C. 74 he entered the city in triumph. He had spoken before Cicero in favor of the Manilian law. 14. C. Curio. This was C. Scribonius Curio, who was consul in B. C. 76. The next year he obtained Macedonia as his province, and carried on war for three years against the Dardanians and Moesians in the north part of it with great success. In B. C. 71 he celebrated a triumph over the Dardanians. 15. Beneficiis - ingenio - praeditus. A species of zeugma. With the first two ablatives translate praeditus. "distinguished," and with the last two, " endowed." 16. Lentulus. Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Clodianus was consul in B. C. 72. As an orator, he concealed his want of talent by great skill and art, and by a good voice. 17. Pro - in accordance with. 18. Cassius. C. Cassius Longinus Varus was consul B. C. 73. The next year he commanded as proconsul in Cisalpine Gaul, and was defeated by Spartacus near Mutina. 19. Integritate singulari: sc. vir. A proper name is not directly qualified by an adjective,.nor ordinarily by the gen. or abl. of quality, but through the noun vir or homo in apposition. V. K. 86, R. 3. 20. Videte, ut = see how. CH. XXIV. 1. Istam tuam. V. in Cat. I. 1, n. 4. 2. Neve. Y. Caes. II. 21, n. 3. 3. Iterum. The first time was when the Gabinian law was passed. "i 4. De.... facultate = about the thing itself (i. e. the election of such a man) or about (our) ability to carry (it; i. e. the election). The enthusiasm which the people manifested was an indication of success. 5. Autem. V. Ec. Cic. XX. n. 5. 6. Atque.... praetoria. Atque here serves to connect with the preceding a phrase which is merely explanatory of it: beneficium being used to designate any office within the gifts, or favor, of the people. 7. Defero -- I place at the disposal. 8. Loco; i. e. the forum, which was surrounded with numerous temples. 24* 560 NOTES. Page a&.9. Templo; i. e. rostra. Any place consecrated by the augurs might be called a templum. 10. Qmii.... adeunt = who engage in public affairs. 11. Honoribus. Particularly the consulship; which was the only remaining object of his ambition. 12. Ut.... tecti = shielded by the unblemished character, which a man ought to exhibit: lit. as a man ought to exhibit (it). The words ut.... oportet are explanatory of innocentia tecti, and ut is equivalent to quam. 13. Ratione vitae = course of life: sc. which I have hitherto pursued. V. ~ 1. 14. Si.... feret = if your will shall permit. Cicero is fond of acknowledging the sovereign will of the people. 15. Tantumque.... videar = and so far from seeming to have sought for myself any grateful return. The clause, ut.... videar, is the subject of abest, and the clause, ut.... intelligam, depends upon tantum. 16. Inimicitia denotes any enmity which has its foundation in antipathy or disagreement; whereas simultas denotes a political enmity, which has its foundation in rivalship. Dod. 17. Hoc honore; i. e. the praetorship. 18. Meis.... rationibus = to all my own advantages and considerations; i. e. to everything of a personal consideration; and hence to all the enmities to which I expose myself for your sake. 166 ORATIO PRO ARCHIA POETA. INTRODUCTION. A. LICNIJus ARCHIAS, born and educated at Antioch in Syria, a city renowned for the cultivation of Greek art and learning, acquired at a very early age a considerable reputation as a poet. He had scarcely grown out of the age of boyhood, when, according to the fashion of the time, he went out on a journey, the object of which was to improve himself and increase his knowledge. He travelled through Asia Minor and Greece, and thence to Southern Italy, where he visited the towns of Tarentum, Locri, Rhegium, and Naples. Iis talent was everywhere recognized and appreciated, and the above-mentioned towns attested their estimation by honoring him with the franchise. In B. C. 102, in the consulship of C. Marius and Q. Lutatius Catulus, Archias came to Rome: he was received into the first fawailies ORATIO PRO ARCHIA POETA. 561 of the city, and enjoyed the particular hospitality of the Luculli, in honor f66 of which family Archias also assumed its gentile name Licinius. As Cicero calls him his instructor, it would seem that Archias, besides his poetical occupations, also engaged at that time in instructing young Romans. Some years later, he accompanied M. Lucullus on a journey to Sicily, and on their return they passed through Heraclea in Lucania. There, too, he was, through the mediation of Lucullus, honored with the franchise; and this was the more valuable to him, as that town was in a nearly equal legal relation to, and alliance with, Rome, and as Archias seems to have determined to spend the remainder of his life at Rome. In B. C. 92, the tribunes M. Plautius Silvanus and C. Papirius Carbo brought forward a bill (lex Plautia Papiria) by which the franchise Was conferred upon all those who were enrolled as citizens in an allied town, provided they had a domicile in Italy at the time of the passing of the law, and gave in their name to the praetor within sixty days. Archias fulfilled these conditions, and gave in his name for registration to the pretor Q. Metellus. But in B. C. 65 a law was passed (lex Papia), enacting that all peregrini, or strangers, should be expelled from Rome, and that the Socii Latini (who were not Roman citizens) should be sent away to their native places. On that occasion a certain Gratius, who may have been induced by hatred, or avarice, or by enmity against Lucullus, came forward, asserting that Archias was a peregrinus, and had illegally assumed the name of a Roman citizen. Archias was unable to bring forward any evidence of his franchise, for the archives of IIeraclea had been destroyed by fire: during his long stay at Rome, moreover, he had never entered his name as a citizen in the census lists. Cicero now undertook the defence of his old teacher and friend; not, indeed, with a strict legal argumentation, for the proofs were wanting, but he sets up the dignity of the accused, the affection he had met with everywhere, and his services to literature and art, as so many proofs of the truth of his assertion that he was in lawful possession of the Roman franchise; nay, Cicero maintains that if Archias were not already a Roman citizen, his lifi and merits made it a duty for Rome to admit him among the number of her citizens, in order to secure a man of such eminence to the commonwealth. Such a defence, which Cicero sought in the personal character of the accused, and laid before the judges, who could not well sacrifice the cause of learning and humanity to such an accusation,such a defence could not so much urge the legal points at issue, for which, as we have already observed, the documents were wanting, as set forth the praise of varied acquirements, and of a life devoted to the cultivation of the beautiful. And it is this very praise of the humaniora that makes this speech a useful, agreeable, and inciting study to young readers; though it must not be left unnoticed that some critics consider it as spurious, and unworthy of Cicero; and the ancients themselves regard it as less excellent than other orations. Respecting the result of the speech, which war 562 NOTES. Pae W6 delivered in B. C. 62,* before Q. Cicero, who was then praetor urbanus, nothing is known, and the remaining period of Archias's life is buried in utter obscurity. To judge from the few specimens of his poetry which have come down to us, it appears that he did not possess so very great a poetical talent as Cicero describes it in his oration; and it is probable that Archias, who was intimate with so many Roman families, was more particularly skilled in making verses upon the passing events of the day, and also, as some believe, knew how to make himself agreeable by improvisation, or extempore composition of verses. - Schmitz. ANALYSIS. CH. I. The orator acknowledges, that, in undertaking the defence of Archias, he is but discharging a duty to him as the teacher and guide of his youth, to whom he is indebted for much of his success as a pleader at the bar. CH. II. After apologizing for turning aside from the usual mode of forensic pleading to speak of the advantages of literature, he lays down the leading proposition, which consists of two parts: (a) Archias is already a citizen, and (b) if he were not, he ought to be admitted to citizenship. CH. III. Archias's birthplace, his early devotion to poetic composition, his great reputation in Asia and Greece, arrival in Italy, where he was presented with citizenship by the inhabitants of Tarentum, Rhegium, and Neapolis, and finally at Rome, where he was honored with the intimate friendship of the Luculli, Metelli, and other distinguished Romans. CH. IV. He comes to Heraclea with M. Lucullus, through whose influence, as well as on account of his own merits, he obtains the Roman franchise of the Heracleans in accordance with the provisions of the law of Silvanus and Carbo. He had complied with the conditions of this law, inasmuch as he had had for many years a domicile at Rome, had given his name to the praetor within sixty days after his enrolment, and the fact of his enrolment had been proved by the testimony of M. Lucullus and the Heraclean ambassadors. CH. V. The probability of Archias's citizenship is shown by the fact that he had been enrolled in the registers of Metellus, who was a man of remarkable conscientiousness and integrity, that he had been made a citizen of various other allied cities, and that he had in various ways enjoyed the rights and privileges of a Roman citizen. The fact that his name was not found in the census lists did not militate against his claim to be a citizen; for, in the first place, he was absent from Rome when the census was taken, and at the time when he was present it was not taken; and, in the second * Generally assigned to B. C. 61. - Smith's Class. Diet. If this is the correct time, Cicero was in the forty-sixth year of his age. - Editor. ORATIO PRO ARCHIA POETA. 563 Page place, the fact that a person's name was found in the census lists did not 266 prove his citizenship. This completes the first point of the defence; viz. that Archias was a Roman citizen. Cn. VI. To establish the second point of the defence, viz., that Archias ought to be admitted as a ciizen, if he were not already one, Cicero speaks first of the advantages of letters, and especially of poetry, (a) to orators; CI. VII. (b) To fte most distinguished men of the state; (c) as affording pleasure in every age of life, in all times and all places: Cu. VIII. Then he describes the remarkable poetic talent of Archias, and shows by examples how highly poets were esteemed by antiquity: Cu. IX. In the next place, Archias has claims on the love and gratitude of the Roman people, because he has contributed to the fame and glory of the Roman name by celebrating in verse the victories of some of their most distinguished generals: Cu. X. Lastly, he is none the less meritorious because he has written in Greek verse instead of Latin; and as various writers were honored by Alexander, Theophanes by Pompey, a miserable poet by Sulla, Corduban poets by Metellus, CH. XI. And Attius by Brutus, so ought Archias to be rewarded by the judges. Cicero himself also confesses to the weakness of desiring the safety of Archias, because he has begun to celebrate in verse the praises of his consulship. CH. XII. In conclusion, he asks of the judges a verdict favorable to his client, on account of his personal merits, on account of his legal claim to such a verdict, and on account of the important services he has rendered to the Roman people, and craves their indulgence for having departed from the usual course of a forensic argument to speak of his talents and profession. Cr. I. 1. Ingenii = natural talent; i. e. as an orator. V. p. 1. Manil. XIII. n. 9. 2. Exercitatio = practice, the readiness acquired by practice. Cf. in CatII. II ~ 11: Ingenium, &c. 3. Me - mediocriter esse versatum that I have moderately employed myself. Notice the modesty of this passage. 4. Hnjusce.... aliqua = any knowledge of this same art; i. e. dicendi = public speaking, oratory. Aliqua is stronger than the simple qua. V. Caes. I. 14, n. 5, and in Cat. IV. 10, n. 2. 5. Ab.... profecta = arising from the zealous pursuit and disciplining influence of the most liberal arts. 6. Earum.... omnium; i. e. ingenium, exercitatio, ratio: the three chief requisites for forming an orator. )6 4 NOTES. Page 166 7. Vel in primis = especially: lit. even among the first. 8. Repetere - to claim in return. 9. Prope sue jure; i. e. because he had been Cicero's instructor. 10. Pueritiae. According to Dr. Middleton Cicero was five years old when he was placed under the instruction of Archias. 11. Inde usque repetens = recollecting even from that early period. Inde usque marks a continuous progress from the distant point mentioned quite up to the moment present to the speaker. 12. Principem = chief guide. 13. Suscipiendam refers to the design, or purpose, to learn the art of public speaking, and ingrediendam, to the act of learning it. 14. Rationem = the path, course. Horum studiorum is not to l)e confined to the study of oratory, but includes also liberal studies in general. 15. Hortatu praeceptisque. The former looks to suscipiendam, the latter, to ingrediendam. The abl. of hortatus is found in only one other passage in Cic. 267 16. Ceteris.... servare = to aid others and save some. Ceteris and alios are not used with reference to each other, but, to huic ipsi below. On the use of a single alii, see Caes. I. 8: Alii va. dis Rhodani. See also this oration, VI. 13: Ceteris- alii; where these words are used with reference to egomet. 17. Ita = so emphatically. 18. Alia quaedam - facultas - ingenii = a certain other kind of talent. Because he was a poet, and not an orator. 19. Neque disciplina = and not this theoretical or practical knowledge of oratory which I possess. This which I possess, which belongs to me, is the force of hacc. To connect ne - miretur with the apodosis ne nos quidem - deditifuimus, sc. " let me tell you." 20. Studio: sc. dicendi. 21. Artes. Viz. poetry, eloquence, philosophy, history, mathematics, &c. 22. Humanitatem =- a mental cultivation befitting a man, - a liberal education. CH. II. 1. In quaestione legitima = in a legal investigation. The question at issue, viz. whether Archias was a citizen or not, was a strictly legal one: one to be settled by law. 2. In judicio publico = at a public trial, in opp. to judicium privatum; i. e. a trial in which the interests of the state were involved, in opp. to one in which the interests of private individuals ORATIO PRO ARCHIA POETA. 565 Page were concerned. The rights of Archias as a citizen, it is true, were 267 at stake, but then the question turned on the interpretation of a law involving the interests of the state. 3. Quum res agatur = when the case is pleaded. 4. Praetorem; i. e. Q. Cicero, the orator's brother. 5. Hoc - gerere dicendi = a (= such a) kind of pleading. " It was unusual in judicial transactions and speeches to treat of literature and the arts." Hic qui is used for is qui, when the thing spoken of is present. Here it is the style he is now going to adopt. A. 6. lt.... patiaminii explains hanc veniam. 7. Mle - loqui is the object of patiamini. 8. Hoc - tali. 9. HIac.... humanitate = such being your own liberal knowledge. 10. Exercente - administering. 11. Liberius: sc. than is usual. 12. In.... tracta est = in case of such a personage, (character; i. e. as Archias is,) which, on account of retirement and study, has been by no means brought forward (acted) in legal trials and the dangers (attendant upon them). Tractare personam is properly said of an actor. CHI. Ill. 1. Artibus. V. I. n. 21. 2. Ilumanitatem V. Y. In. 22. 3. Ad scribendi studium = to the study of composition; i. e. poetic composition. 4. Loco == birth, family. 5. Celebri = populous. 6. Contigit = (and) it happened (to him). This verb is connected with contulit by et understood. The usual construction is contigit alicui ut antecelleret. The infinitive gives less prominence and definiteness to the consequence. 7. Sic.... superaret = his arrivals were so much talked of, that the expectation (i. e. the desire to see) of the man exceeded the reputation of his talent, whereas his actual (ipsius) arrival and the admiration (it excited) exceeded (even) the expectation (with which his arrival had been looked for). 8. Italia here means Southern Italy, or Magna Graecia: so called from its Greek inhabitants. It was especially after the destruction of Carthage (B. C. 146), that Greek civilization began to be introduced into Italy. 9. Propter tranquillitatem rei publicae. From B. C 99 to B. C. 90, when the Social War broke out. 56-6 NOTES. Page i68 10. Non negligebantur. Less strong than colebantur. 11. Tarentini, q&c. Tarentum, Rhegium, and Neapolis were the most celebrated towns in Southern Italy, and, being of Greek origin, would naturally be favorably disposed towards the Greek poet, and would be likely to honor him with their most valuable gifts. This they did in bestowing upon him the civitas (= privileges of a citizen, citizenship); but this fact availed him nothing in a legal point of view as to Roman citizenship, and Cicero knew it perfectly well: he is only paving the way, as it were, for his receiving the civitas at Iteraclea. 12. Absentibus — to persons absent; i. e. who were at a distance, and who had never seen him. 13. Mario consule et Catulo. B.C. 102. The usual order is JM1ario et Catulo consulibus. V. in Cat III. 10, n. 4, and p. 1. Manil. XVI. n. 17. The Catulus here mentioned was a highly educated and generally accomplished man, deeply versed in Greek literature, and especially famed for the extreme grace and purity with which he spoke and wrote his own language. He, together with Marius, conquered the Cimbri, B. C. 101. 14. Res - maximas = the noblest subjects. Ad scribendum. V. n. 3. 15. Res gestas; i. e. the victory over the Cimbri. 16. Studium atque aures = an interest and a critical ear; i. e. an interest in literary works and a correct literary taste. Catulus wrote both history and poetry. 17. Luculli; i. e. L. Licinius Lucullus, the conqueror of Mithridates, and a man of great learning, and M. Licinius Lucullus, who gained a triumph over the Thracians and Macedonians in B. C. 71. 18. Praetextatus = adolescentulus = a youth. This word must not be taken literally, as, in the first place, foreigners were forbidden to wear the toga, and, in the second place, Archias, who must have been at this time about eighteen years of age, was too old to wear the toga praetexta, which Roman youth laid aside on entering the seventeenth year. 19. Sed.... senectuti -- but this indeed (was) in consequence, not only of his natural talents and literary attainments, but also of his natural disposition and virtuous character, that the same house which was the first (to receive him) in his youth, was also most friendly to his old age. Supply fuit after hoc. The t indicates that the passage is supposed to be corrupt. " The more usual explicative of hoc is quod. Matthiae observes, that, wherever ut is so used, it ORATIO PRO ARCHIA POETA. 567 Page conveys the explanation, as at the same time an effect or consequence 269 of what had been stated: e. g. here it is the consequence of Archias's good character " A. 20. Senectuti. Archias was now probably in his sixtieth year. 21. Q. Metello. Q. Metellus Numidicus, consul B. C. 109, the conqueror of Jugurtha in Numidia, for which victory he received the honorary surname of Numidicus, was distinguished for his personal integrity, his abilities in war and peace, and his generous patronage of literature and art. 22. Pio. Q. Metellus Pius, consul B. C. 80, went the following year (B. C. 79) as proconsul into Spain, where he commanded eight years against Sertorius. He received the surname Pius on account of the love which he displayed for his father when he besought the people to recall him from banishment in B. C. 99; whom he resembled in his abilities, personal character, and patronage of learning. 23. MI. Aemilio. M. Aemilius Scaurus, consul B. C. 115, and a second time B. C. 107, was a Roman nobleman of eminent abilities, though his character was tarnished by cupidity. 24. Vivebat = he had friendly intercourse. 25. Patre. V. n. 13. 26. Filio. V. p. 1. Manil. XVII. n. 7. 27. L. Crasso. L. Licinius Crassus, the orator. IIe was consul in B. C. 95. 28. Drusum. M. Livius Drusus was tribune of the plebs in B. C. 91, and carried many laws, but was assassinated in his own house the same year by his political opponents. 29. Octavios. Cn. Octavius, consul B. C. 87, (V.-in Cat. III. 10, n. 6,) L. Octavius, son of the former, consul B. C. 75, and perhaps another Cn. Octavius, who was consul B. C. 76. 30. Catonem. M. Porcius Cato, a tribune of the plebs and father of Cato Uticensis. 31. Hortensiorum. Q. IIortensius (V. p. 1. Manil. XVII. n. 8) and L. Hortensius his father, who was praetor of Sicily in B. C. 97. 32. Percipere = to learn. 33. Simualabant = affected (this desire). CH. IV. 1. IIeracleam. A seaport of Lucania, on the bay of Tarentum, founded, it is said, by the Tarentini, B. C. 423. 2. Quae.... foedere == since this was a state of (i. e. enjoying) the most favorable privilege and the most equitable treaty; i. e. with Rome. This alliance was formed in B. C. 278, in the consulship of C. Fabricius; and by it Heraclea obtained greater privileges than 568 NTOTES. Page 269 other towns, such as T';cltuinm, Rhegium, and Neapolis. To this idea aequissimo refers, expressing the fact of its being nearly on a level with Rome itself. It was for this reason that Archias endeavored to obtain the franchise of IHeraclea. 3. Adscribi se = to be enrolled, received (as a citizen). 4. Quum == not only because. 5. Silvani lege et Carbonis; i. e. the lex Plautia et Papiria. This law was proposed and carried by the tribunes M. Plautius Silvanus and C. Papirius Carbo in B. C. 89. 6. roederatis civitatibus = in the allied states. In the seventh century of Rome these words expressed those Italian states which were connected with Rome by a treaty (foedus). They did not include Roman colonies or Latin colonies, or any place which had obtained the Roman civitas. Among the Foederati were the Latini, who were the most nearly related to the Romans, and were designated by this distinctive name: the rest of the Foederati were comprised under the name of Socii or Foederati. They were independent states, yet under a general liability to furnish a contingent to the Roman army. Thus they contributed to increase the power of Rome, but they had not the privileges of Roman citizens. The discontent among the Foederati, and their claims to be admitted to the privileges of Roman citizens, led to the Social War. The Julia Lex (B. C. 90) gave the civitas to the Socii and Latini; and a lex of the following year (lex Plautia et Papiria) contained, among other provisions, one for the admission to the Roman civitas of those peregrini (foreigners) who were entered on the lists of the citizens of federate states, and who complied with the provisions of the lex; that is, who had a domicile in Italy at the time the law was enacted, and who gave in their names to the praetor within sixty days. 7. Multos - annos; i. e. from B. C. 102 to 89. 8..Q. MIetelluii... Metellus Pius, who was praetor in B. C. 89. II. I n. 22. 9. De civitate ac lege = de civitate ac de lege (Plautia Papiria) qua civitas data est foederatis populis. 10. Causa dicta est = the case is pleaded; i. e. if I confine myself to the fact of his enrolment as a citizen of Heraclea, and of his having complied with the provisions of the law of Silvanus and Carbo, there is nothing further to be said: the matter is settled. 11. Religione = scrupulousness. 270 12. Non interfuisse = was not present (merely). 13. Hluus.... venerunt. Parenthetical. ORATIO PRO ARCHIA POETA. 569 Pago 14. Mandatis = documents. 270 15. Hic tu. This form implies something of indignant feeling. 16. Italico bello. Called also the Social war, because it was waged by the Latin allies against Rome to extort from it the rights of citizenship, and the Marsic, because it was begun by the Marsi. 17. Hominum memoria: referring to the testimony given by Lucullus and the Heraclean deputies. 18. Literarum menoriam: referring to the registers of Heraclea. 19. Integerrimi municipii; i. e. Heraclea, which from a foederala cicitas, which was its condition when Archias became a citizen of it, had become a municipium. For the meaning of municipium, see Sail. Cat. LI. n. 47. During the Social War Heraclea remained faithful to Rome; hence the word integerrimi. 20. An.... habuit - did not he have, &c.? 21. Tot annis. V. n. 7. 22. Immo.... auctoritatem = nay, indeed he did make a public declaration of his claim to citizenship in those registers, which alone by reason of that declaration and of the college of praetors have the authority of public registers; i. e. the case is made still stronger in favor of Archias by the fact, that his name was registered in the lists of Metellus, a man of undoubted fidelity and integrity; whereas a doubt might have arisen as to the genuineness of the registration, if his name had been found in those of such men as Appius and Gabinius. Solae is used antithetically with reference to the registers of Appius and Gabinius mentioned below. For immo vero, see in Cat. I. 1, n. 19; and for ex used in a causal sense, see Sail. Cat. XII. n. 2. CH. V. 1. Appii. Appius Claudius Pulcher, who was praetor in B. C. 89, along with Gabinius and Metellus. 2. Negligentius. So that forgeries might be easily introduced into them. 3. Gabinii. P. Gabinius Capito, who was proetor in B. C. 89, and afterwards propraetor in Achaia, where he was guilty of extortion, for which, upon his return to Rome, he was accused by L. Piso, (whom the Achaei had selected as their patronus) and condemned. 4. Quamliu incolumis fuit; i. e. before his impeachment. 5. Levitas - recklessness. 6. Calamitas == his ruin. 7. Resignasset = had destroyed. His condemnation, by injuring his character for probity, naturally lessened the authority of his papers. 570 NOTES. Page 270 8. Modestissimus = a most careful observer. 9. L. Lentulum. Lucius Lentulus was pretor B. C. 89. 10. Venerit - dixerit. After ut a consequence (but not a purpose) is often put in the perf. subj. instead of the imperf, after a past tense. The perf. denotes a single action: veniret - diceret would rather denote a continued or repeated one. A. 11. Aliis quoque in civitatibus. Archias's enrolment in other states is not mentioned as giving him any claim to Roman citizenship, but only to increase the probability of his having been enrolled as a citizen of Heraclea. 271 12. Graecia; i. e. Magna Graecia in Southern Italy. 13. Credo. Ironical. In this sense credo is not commonly followed by the acc. with infin. 14. Scenicis artificibus = stage players, actors. The Romans considered the profession of the actor ignoble and fit only for the slave. 15. Id: sc. largiri. 16. Civitaten datam; i. e. by the law of Silvanus and Carbo. 17. Legem Papiam. See Introduction. In consequence of this law, many foreigners got their names entered in the lists of the municipia, in order to be able to pass as Roman citizens. 18. Eorum municipiorun; i. e. Rhegium, Locri, Neapolis, and Tarentum. They had been made municipia from foederalae civitates by the law of L. Julius Caesar (lex Julia), B. C. 90. 19. Irrepserint. By means of the negligence or corruption of the praetors. 20. Census nostros requiris. Gratius had objected to Archias's being a citizen on the ground that his name was not found in the censors' lists. Cicero replies, that when the census was taken Archias was absent from Rome with Lucullus, and when he was present, the census was not taken. The censors were usually chosen once every five years, and, at first, continued in office for five years; but afterwards, lest they should abuse their authority, a law was passed ordaining that they should be elected every five years, but that their power should continue only a year and a half. 21. Scilicet = of course. Ironical. 22. Est enim obscurum = for it is not known. The irony is still continued. 23. Proximis censoribus; i. e. the censors of B. C. 70: L. Gellius and Cn. Lentulus. 24. Apud exercitum fuisse, " to be with the army," is said of non-military persons attending the general for any reason. A. ORATIO PRO ARCHIA POETA. 571 Page 25. Superioribus: sc. censoribus: L. Marcius Phillippus and 271 M. Perperna, B. C. 86. Here was a period of sixteen years from B. C. 86 to B. C 70, during which no censors were chosen. 26. Primis; i. e. the first after giving in his name to the praetor and obtaining the Roman franchise: P. Licinius Crassus and L. Julius Caesar, B. C. 89. 27. [Itaj se.... cive = [so far] even then had conducted himself as a citizen. Ita, which is enclosed in brackets to indicate that its genuineness is doubtful, refers to sit census, and means, " so far as his enrolment was concerned," i" by the very fact of his enrolment." 28. Quem (sc. iste Archias).... versatum = (that same Archias) whom you charge to have, not even in his own opinion, enjoyed the right of Roman citizens. 29. Testamentum - fecit. None but Roman citizens could make a valid will, or, as a general rule, become heirs of Roman citizens. 30. In beneficiis - among those recommended to favor. In the time of Cicero it was usual for a general, or a governor of a province, to report to the treasury the names of those under his command who had done good service to the state: those who were included in such a report were said in beneficiis ad aerarium deferri. It was required by a Lex Julia that the names should be given in within thirty days after the accounts of the general or governor. CH. VI. 1. Neque - neque = either - or, after negatives. 2. Bevincetur = will be refuted. 3. Ubi - wherewith, that with which. 4. An tu existimas = dost thou think then? By supplying the ellipsis which is implied before an, we can give an its usual meaning in double questions, thus: do you believe this, or do you really think? For this an, see Ec. Cic. XXV. n. 12, and Caes. I. 47, n. 12. 5. Suppetere nobis posse = that we could have. at hand. 6. Tantam - contentionen == so long-continued exertion. 272 The figure is derived from the bending of a bow; to which relaxemus (= unbend) immediately after is well suited. 7 Tempore. V. in Cat. I 9, n. 8, and pro lege Manil. I. n. 9. 8. Temporum - tantum - so much time. 9. Tempestivis conviviis. Tempestiva convivia were such entertainments as began before the accustomed hour, or while it was yet day, and were lengthened out till very late at night. 10. Eo = on this account. 11. Haec - crescit oratio et facultas = this faculty of 572 NOTES. Page 272 public speaking which I possess is increased: lit. increases. Oratio et facultas by hendiadys for orationisfacultas. V. Caes. I. 44, n. 5. For the force of haec, see I. n. 19. 12. Quae: sc. haec oratio et facultas. 13. Quae suinma sunt = which are of the highest importance; i. e. those principles which are necessary for man's guidance in practical life. 14. llultisque litteris = and from many literary works; i. e. the works of poets, historians, orators, philosophers. Litterae are opposed topraecepta, which are imparted viva voce: the sapientium voces, afterwards mentioned. 15. Pleni; i. e. full of those principles the power of which he has just stated. 16. Exemnplorum vetustas = exempla vetusta = ancient examples, examples of antiquity. Exemplorum may, however, limit plena. 17. Imagines = likenesses, delineations; i. e. of moral char. acter. 27 18. Expressas = portrayed, sketched, 19. Ipsa... excellentinm = even by thinking upon exccl. lent men. CH. VII. 1. Est.... respondeam = I know what to reply. 2. Habitu prope divino = by the almost divine character. 3. Saepius - naturam - valuisse = that natural abilities have oftener been effectual. 4. Atque idem = and yet for all that. 5. Accesserit.... doctrinae = a sort of training (lit., method) and moulding (of the mental powers) which learning produces have been added. 6. Illud nescio quid = something: lit. that, I know not what. V. Epp. Cic. III. n. 35. 7. Esse hune: sc contendo. 8. Africanum. V. in Cat. IV. 10, n. 6. 9. C. Laelium. C. Laelius, surnamed Sapiens, the intimate friend of the younger Scipio. He was tribune of the plebs in B. C. 151, praetor in B. C. 145, and consul in B. C. 140. 10. L. Furium. L. Furius Philus, consul B. C. 136. A contemporary of the younger Scipio and of Laelius, Philus participated with them in a love for Greek literature and refinement. He cultivated the society of the most learned Greeks, and was himself a man of no small learning for those times. IIe was particularly celebrated for the purity with which he spoke his mother tongue. ORATIO PRO ARCHIA POETA. 573 Page 11. YI. Catonem. M. Porcius Cato, surnamed Sapiens, and 273 also Censorius, which is his most common, as well as his most characteristic appellation, since he filled the office of censor with extraordinary repute, and was the only Cato that ever filled it. He was consul B. C. 195 and censor B. C. 184. He applied himself in old age to the study of Greek literature, with which in youth he had no acquaintance, although he was not ignorant of the Greek language. He lived to the advanced age of 85, or, as some say, of 90. 12. Nihil. V. in Cat. I. 1, n. 8. 13. Adjuvarentur - contulissent. V. Ec. Cic. V. n. 2'f. also in Cat. II. 2, ~ 3. Judicarem - sustulissem. 14. Remissionem == relaxation, recreation. 15. Judicaretis =- you should judge. 16. Ceterae: sc. animi remissiones. 17. Temporum - omnium =- suited to all times. Omnium belongs to each genitive. 18. Neque.... gustare neither prosecute them nor enjoy 274 them by our own perceptions. CH. VIII. 1. Roscii. Q. Roscius, the comedian, who was the most celebrated comic actor at Rome, and whom Cicero defended in a speech, the most of which is still extant. He paid the greatest at-'ention to his art, and obtained excellence in it by the most careful'nd elaborate study. So careful and assiduous was he in his preparations, that even in the height of his reputation, he did not venture uIpon a single gesture in public which he had not previously well conlidered and practised at home. 2. Ergo ille. A form of the argument a minore ad majus, the more common form of which is an ile....? followed by non....? 3. Animorum.... ingeniorurn. These words refer primarily to Archias; but the plurals animorum and ingeniorum make'he thought more general. 4. In.... dicendi. V. II. n. 5. 5. Quae turn agerentur = which were then topics of discussion. 6. Bevocatum.... sententiis =- when called back (i. e. encored), to speak on the same subject with an entire change of words and ideas. 7. Ut ad - perveniret - that.he attained to. 8. Constare = depends upon. 9. Natura ipsa v-lerQ e - derives his power frow natura leaself. 574 NOTES. Page 274 10. Quodam. V. pro lege Manil. XIV. n. 21. 27 11. Sno jure. V. pro lege Manil. XXII. n. 4. 12. Ennmius, whom the Romans ever regarded with a sort of filial reverence as the parent of their literature, was born, B. C. 239 in Rudiae, a Calabrian village among the hills near Brundisium. He served as a centurion in the second Punic War, of which he composed a poetical history. He also wrote tragedies, satires, a eulogy on the elder Scipio Africanus, and numerous other works; but fragments only are extant. He died at the age of 70; and, at the desire of Africanus, his remains were deposited in the sepulchre of the Scipios, and his bust allowed a place among the effigies of that noble house. 13. Dolluin means a present, as a gratuitous gift, by which the giver wishes to confer pleasure; whereas munus as a reward for services, whereby the giver shows his love or favor. Dod. 14. Bestiae saepe: alluding to the fable of Orpheus. The orator, carried away by his feelings, represents as of frequent occurrence what was a matter of individual experience. CH. IX. 1. Ergo illi. V. VIII. n. 2. 2. Cimbricas res - attigit = he undertook, began to write, the history of the Cimbrian war. Cf. ~ 28, attigit atque inchoavit. 3. C. Mario. V. in Cat. III. 10, n. 4, and pro lege Manil. XVI. n. 17. 4. Ilium. V. pro lege Manil. IX. n. 2. 5. Quod acroama = what music. 6. L. Plotium. L. Plotius Gallus, a native of Cisalpine Gaul, was the first person that ever set up a school at Rome for the purpose of teaching Latin and rhetoric. This was about B. C. 88. 276 7. In.... versatum == carried on with many vicissitudes on land and sea. 8. Totum. Particularly that part which was carried on by Lucullus; and embracing the period from B. C. 73 to 67. The Mithridatic war, which extended over a period of about 30 years, was first carried on by Sulla, then by Lucullus, and was completed by Pompey, who had Theophanes of Mitylene for his eulogist. See ~ 24. 9. Qui libri; i. e. Archias's poem on the Mithridatic war, which consisted of several books. 10. Pontum. V. pro lege Manil. VIII. n. 7. 11. Non maxima manu - innumerabiles Armeniorum copias. Cicero refers to the taking of Tigranocerta. V. pro lege Manil. IX. n. 11. The forces of Tigranes on this occasion, according to Plutarch, amounted to 260,000; while those of Lucullus ORATIO PRO ARCHIA POETA. 575 Page consisted of only 10,000 infantry, 1,000 slingers, and, according to 276 Appian, 500 cavalry. 12. Urlbem - Cyzicenorum. V. pro lege Manil. VIII. n. 4. 13. Nostra.... praedicabitur - cum.... classis, &c. the sinking of the enemies' fleet together with the killing of the leaders, &c., will always be flamed and celebrated as our exploit: lit. as ours. Nostra refers grammatically to classis and pugna. Its position in this and the following clauses indicates strong emphasis. 14. Apuil Tenedum pugma. V. pro lege Manil. VIII. n. 5, 15. Africano supeliorir. V. in Cat. IV. 10, n. 4. 16. In sepulchro Scipionum. V. VIII. n. 12. 17. lis landibus; i. e. 6f Ennius. 18. Huljus; i. e. Cato Uticensis, who was present at the trial. 19. Proavus Cato. V. V1I. n. 11. 20. Mlaximi, Marcelli, Fulvii. These were the most celebrated generals in the second Punic War. For Maximus and Marcellus, see pro lege Manil. XVI. n. 14. and 15. Q. Fulvius Flaccus was four times consul (B. C. 237, 224, 212, 209), and the conqueror of Capua B. C. 211. CH. X. 1. Ergo ilium. V. VIII. n. 2. 2. Rudinunm hominem. V. V.III. n. 12. 3. Nam. An objector might urge, in answer to the foregoing question, that Ennius was honored with the Roman franchise because he composed in Latin verse, whereas Archias wrote Greek. Nam introduces the reasoning which shows such an objection to be unfounded. 4. Minorenl gloriae fructiun - percipi = that a lea. harvest of glory is reaped. 5. Graeca - Latina = the Greek - the Latin. 6. Suis finibus; i. e. Latium. This was true at that time, for277 in Upper Italy the Etruscan and Gallic dialects prevailed, in Lower Italy the Greek. Afterwards, however, the Latin language became more widely disseminated. 7. Mannum nostrarum tela = the weapons of our hands; i. e. wielded by our hands. 8. Ampla = honorable, glorious. 9. Qui de vita - dimicant = who fight at the risk of life. 10. Scriptores rerum suarum. No contemporary author of the campaigns of Alexander survives. Our best account comes from Arrian, who lived in the second century of the Christian era, but who drew up his history from the accounts of Ptolemy, the son 25 KK 576 NOTES. Page 277 of Lagus, and Aristobulus of Cassandria. V. Smith's Diet. Gr. and Rom. Biog. 11. In Sigeo. Sigeum was the name of a promontory on the coast of Troy, where Achilles was supposed to have been buried. 12. Ilias ilia. V. pro lege Manil. IX. n. 2. Cf. magnus ille above. 13. Hic Magnus. Pompey. 14. Theophanem. Theophanes of Mytilene in Lesbos, a learned Greek, was one of the most intimate friends of Pompey, whom he accompanied in many of his campaigns, and who frequently followed his advice on public as well as private matters. 15. Ejusldem laudis; i. e. as their commander. 16. Credo. Ironical. So below. 17. Ut - perficere non potuit - he could not have brought it about, that. 18. Quum.... longiusculis = when a wretched poet from the common people had put in his hand a petition, because he had made an epigram in his praise only in verses alternately somewhat longer (than the others); i. e. in alternate hexameters and pentameters. The thought suggested by tantummodo is, that its only merit consisted in its being composed in verses alternately long and short: it was not poetry. Libellum is any short composition. Poeia de populo = an obscure poet. 19. Vendebat. V. Sail. Cat. XXIV. n. 3. 278 20. Qui -- since he. 21. Tamen; i. e. notwithstanding the poet was bad. 22. Hujus; i. e. Archias. 23. Usque eo = to that degree. 24. Cordubae. Now the town of Cordova in Spain. It was proverbial for the bad poets it produced, yet it gave birth to some men of uncommon parts; among whom were the two Senecas and Lucan. 25. Pingue.... peregrinum = although uttering something coarse and foreign; i. e. provincial. They could not write pure Latin. CH. XI. 1. Neqne enim. V. in Cat. I. 10, n. 2. 2. Prae nobis ferendum = we must let it be seen, must openly acknowledge it: lit. it must be carried before us. 3. Nobilitatem = celebrity, fame. 4. Praedicari de se ac nominari = to be praised and rendered famous. ORATIO PRO ARCHIA POETA. 577 Page 5. Decimus Brutus, surnamed Gallaecus from his victory 78 over the Gallaeci, a warlike tribe in the western part of Spain, was consul B. C. 138, and one of the most distinguished generals of his age. With the booty obtained in Spain, he erected temples and other public buildings, for which the poet L. Accius (Attius) wrote inscriptions in verse. 6. Quidem = for instance: one being selected out of many persons mentioned or alluded to. 7. Attii. L. Accius, or Attius, an early Roman tragic poet and the son of a freed man, was born B. C. 170, and lived to a great age. Cicero, when a young man, frequently conversed with him. One of his tragedies, entitled Brutus, was probably in honor of his patron, D. Brutus. 8. Templorum - suorum; i. e. which he had built. 9. Jam vero. V. Ec. Cic. XXIII. n. 30. 10. Fulvius. M. Fulvius Nobilior was consul B. C. 189, and that year received the conduct of the war against the Aetolians, whom he compelled to sue for peace. He had a taste for literature and art, and was the patron of the poet Ennius, who accompanied him in his Aetolian campaign. In his censorship, B. C. 179, he erected a temple to Hercules and the Muses in the Circus Flaminius, as a proof that the state ought to cultivate the liberal arts, and adorned it with the paintings and statues which he had brought from Greece upon his conquest of Aetolia. 11. Imperatores prope armati; i. e. who have recently laid down their arms. Opp. to togati judices. V. in Cat. II. 13, n. 1. 12. Me vobis - indicabo = I will fully disclose my feelings to you. 13. Qaiae res: referring to the conspiracy of Catiline. 14 Attigit. V. IX. n. 2. 15. Adornavi = I furnished the materials, the data. The reading is here very various. 16. Hanc: sc. mercedem. 17. Quid est quod = what reason is there why. Quod propter quod, lit. on account of which. 18. Nihil - praesentiret in posterum = had no presentiment of the future. 19. De vita ipsa = for life itself. 20. Nune is here used (as the Greek viv) to oppose the actual state of things to the supposed case (si nihil animus, &c.) rejected. 21. Quaedam - virtus = a certain principle. 578 NOTES. Page 279 22. Non.... adaequandam -- that we ought not to let the remembrance of our name be forgotten along with the period of our life, but ought to make it equal with all future ages. CH. XII. 1. An. V. Caes. I. 47, n. 12. 2. Tam parvi animi = of so narrow a mind. 3. Usque ad extremum spatium = even to the end of our course; i. e. of life. 4. An.... nonne. On this form of argument see VIII. n. 2, and in Cat. I. 1, n. 27. 5. Expressam. V. VI. n. 18. Of the words expressam and politam, the former refers to the accuracy of the delineation, the latter to its finish. 6. In gerendo = quum gerebam. 7. Haec: sc. memoria. 8. Sens- = perception, consciousness. 9. Spe: sc. that it may be so. 10. Pudore eo = of that modesty. 11. Quem.... vetustate = which you see to be attested not only by the high rank of his friends, but also especially by the long continuance of their friendship. 12. Ingenio autem tanto = moreover of so great genius. 280 13. Summorum hominum ingeniis = ab hominibus summorum ingeniorum. 14. Causa.... quae - comprobetur = and indeed of such a cause, that it is established. 15. Beneficio; i. e. the law of Silvanus and Carbo. 16. Municipii; i. e. Heraclea. 17. His.... periculis; i. e. the conspiracy of Catiline, which had been suppressed the year before. 18. Et.... studio = and in general concerning his profession. 19. Ab eo; i. e. Quintus Cicero, the brother of the orator. Exercet. V. II. n. 10. EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. 579 Pag EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. 281 EP. I. In this letter Cicero congratulates Pompey on his victory over Mithridates, and complains that Pompey had not taken proper notice of his achievements in relation to the conspiracy of Catiline; nevertheless, he assures him of his continued friendship. 1. Imperatori. The title of Imperator, in the times of the republic, was very different from the meaning it afterwards obtained. After a victory it was usual for the soldiers to salute their commander as imperator, but it is not correct to suppose that the acclamations of the army either conferred or confirmed the title. It belonged of right to any one who possessed the imperizmn, which was the power of military command (not to be exercised within the city walls) solemnly confirmed by a lex curiata, and authorizing him to wage war in the name of the senate and people of Rome. Diet. Gr. and Rom. Antiq., Art. Imperium. 2. S. T. E. Q. V. B. E. = Si tu exercitusque valetis, bene est. 3. Publice = to the state, to the senate; i. e. not to any private friend, but to the senate and people, on the termination of the Mithridatic war. 4. Spem otii: sc. ab externisbellis. 5. Pollicebar; e. g. in the oration (pro lege Manilia) on the proposed bill of Manilius, by which the command against Mithridates was given to Pompey. 6. Veteres hostes, novos amicos; i. e. those who thenceforward would pretend to favor Pompey's cause, though they-had formerly opposed him: Lucullus, Hortensius, Catulus, &c. 7. Ex.... deturbatos. In Fam. XII. 25, 2, we have spe deturbari (without ex). Deturbare is to cast violently down some elevated thing or person: deturbare statuam; tegulas e tecto, hostes de vallo, milites ex praesidiis, fc. Hence, figuratively, to cast a man down from his lofty hopes, &c. 8. Jacere = to lie prostrate; hence, to be distressed, or disheartened. 9. Exiguam significationem = slight marks, tokens. 10. Meorum.... conscientia. V. Ec. Cic. XXII. n. 7. 11. Apud.... patior = I very readily allow a balance of (unrequited) services to remain on my side. 12. Illud = this: referring to the coming sentence. V. Caes IV. 16, n. 1. 580 NOTES. Page 281 13. iea.... studia = my utmost zeal towards you; i. e. for your interests. W~ 14. Desiderarim = I have missed, have thought wanting. 15. lEas = tales. Cicero refers to the suppression of the Catilinarian conspiracy. Observe that after is (ea, id) or ejusmodi = such, the relative does not take the subjunctive, but the indicative, when the consequent statement is to be described as certain. 16. Quaruln aliquam - gratulationem =- some congratulation for them. 17. Vererere. Gr. 520, II.; 1255; 266, 3. 18. Cujus auiRnum offenderes. Lest he should offend C. Caesar or M. Crassus, who were suspected by many of having secretly favored Catiline's conspiracy. 19. Nos.... gcssiinus. Referring to Cicero only. Gr. 446, 2; 1015; 209, R. 7 (b). 20. IMHlto majori = (though) much greater. 21. Africanus; i. e. Scipio Africanus Minor, the conqueror of Carthage. IHe lived in the most intimate friendship with Laelius, who, with no pretensions to military ability, was reckoned the wisest man of his age. EP. II. 1. S. D. -- salutem digit. 2. C. Antonio. This is the C. Antonius who had been consul the year before with Cicero, and was now governor of the province of Macedonia. V. Sall. Cat. XXVI. n. 7. 3. Eas - satis.... valere = that these (i. e. litteras commendaticias = letters of recommendation or introduction) would have sufficient weight with thee. 4. Intelligerem. Gr. 497; 1205; 262, R. 9. 5. Mle rogarent: sc. eas = for them; i. e. letters of introduction. 6. T. Pomponins. T. Pomponius Atticus was born at Rome, B. C. 109, three years before Cicero, and was descended from one of the most ancient equestrian families in the state. He was educated along with L. Torquatus, the younger C. Marius, and M. Cicero, and was distinguished above all his school-fellows by the rapid progress which he made in his studies. Under the pretext of prosecuting his studies, though in reality that he might take no part in the political contests of the day, he withdrew to Athens in B. C. 85, with the greater part of his movable property. He lived on the most intimate terms with the most distinguished men of all parties; and there EPISTOLAE CICERONTS. 581 Page seems to have been a certain charm in his manners and conversation 282 which captivated all who had intercourse with him. But the most intimate of all his friends was Cicero, whose correspondence with him began in the year B. C. 68 and continued down to Ciccro's death. Atticus did hot return to Rome till B. C. 65. The day of his departure waY one of general mourning among the Athenians, whom he had assisted with loans of money, and benefited in various ways. lie was thoroughly acquainted with the whole circle of Greek and Roman literature: he spoke and wrote Greek like a native, and was a thorough master of his own language. So high an opinion was entertained of his taste and critical acumen, that many of his friends, especially Cicero, were accustomed to send him their works for revision and correction, and were most anxious to secure his approbation and favor. Atticus was very wealthy. His father left him two millions sesterces (= $78,000), and his uncle Caecilius about ten (= $390,000); and this property he greatly increased by his mercantile speculations. He invested large sums in farming the publie revenues, and derived great profits from advancing his money upon interest. He was economical in all his habits, and, in fact, neglected no means of making money. Atticus died in B. C. 32, at the age of 77, of voluntary starvation, when he found that he was attacked by an incurable illness. 7. Omniumr.... conscius = who is fully acquainted with all my zealous efforts and kind offices in thy behalf. 8. Ad te; i. e. to Macedonia. 9. Ego.... desiderem =- were I to claim the highest services from thee. Gr. 509; 1265; 261, 2. 10. Debeat. Gr. 549 & 1; 1151; 209, R. 3 (6). 11. Omnia.... profecta sunt = for all things have passed from me to thee; i. e. your present honors and the advancement of your interests are due chiefly to my efforts and sacrifices. V. Sail. Cat. XXVI. n. 7. 12. Contra.... profectlum = that something even of an opposite character has gone forth from thee. The allusion is to a very injurious report, which Cicero here insinuates that Antonius had originated and circulated about him. The report referred to charged him with having a share in the money which Antonius raised by his exactions on the unhappy people of his province. 13. Comssperissee m = I have learned, I have been informed. This refers to an expression which Cicero often had occasion to employ in the affair of Catiline's conspiracy. As his principal intelli 582 NOTES. Page 28: gence arose from some of the conspirators themselves, who communicated to him, from time to time, the designs of their associates, he was obliged to conceal the authors of these discoveries; and, therefore, in laying his allegations before the senate or people, he was under the necessity of speaking only in general terms, and of assuring them that he had been informed of the particular articles he mentioned. But though the event proved that his informations were true, yet, in general, this method of accusation wags extremely odious. Cicero's enemies, therefore, did not fail to take advantage of this popular objection, and were perpetually repeating the phrase, I am informed, whenever they were disposed to reproach his conduct in this transaction. 14. Ponam = I may quote, use. 15. Falso.... conferri = is accustomed to be unjustly imputed to me, laid to my charge. 3 16. Officio. Gr. 428; SS8; 211, R. 6. 17. Existimamt. The Neapolitan Edition has existiment, and this seems to me preferable. 18. Ego.... c~nstantia. The idea of the passage is, that friendship formerly led him to espouse Antony's cause, and he was afterwards induced to continue his kind offices by a principle of constancy. 19. Reliqua; i. e. your present affairs: opp. to the quae antea of the preceding sentence. Pompey had declared his intention of very strenuously insisting that Antonius should be recalled from his government, in order to give an account of his administration; which, it seems, had been extremely oppressive. It was upon this occasion that Cicero promised him his services. The motion to recall, however, was either not carried, or was dropped; for two years after this, it appears by a letter to Atticus, he was still in his government. But in the consulate of Julius Caesar, B. C. 59, he was arraigned for his ill-conduct in Macedonia, and as being concerned in Catiline's conspiracy. The latter article of the impeachment could not be proved, though the truth of it was generally believed; but he was convicted of the former, and condemned to perpetual banishment. Cicero, on this occasion, appeared as his advocate, and thus kept the word which he had given in this letter. 20. Desiderant -- need. 21. Sustinebo = I will defend (your cause). 22. Ea; i. e. the reliqua mentioned above, or the particular charges and circumstances, on account of which Antonius might need an advocate to defend his cause. EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. 583 Page EP. III. 1, A. U. C. 693. Coss. " The consuls of this year 283 were M. Pupius Piso and AI. Messala; the first of whom, as soon as he entered into office, put a slight affront upon Cicero; for his opinion having been asked always the first by the late consuls, Piso called upon him only the second, on Catulus the third, IIortensius the fourth. This, he says, did not displease him, since it left him more at liberty in his voting, and freed him from the obligation of any complaisance to a man whom he'despised. This consul was warmly in the interest of Clodius: not so much out of friendship, as a natural inclinationr to the worst side; for, according to Cicero's account of him, he was a man' of a weak and wicked mind; a churlish, captious sneerer, without any turn of wit, and making men laugh by his looks rather than by his jests; favoring neither the popular nor aristocratical party; from whom no good was to be expected, because he wished none, nor hurt to be feared, because he durst do none; who would have been more vi'ious, by having one vice the less, sloth and laziness,' &c. Cicero frankly used the liberty which this consul's behavior allowed, of delivering his sentiments without any reserve; giving Piso himself no quarter, but exposing everything that he did and said in favor of Clodius, in such a manner as to hinder the senate from decreeing to him the province of Syria, which had been designed, and, in a manner, promised to him. The other consul, Messala, was of a quite different character: a firm and excellent magistrate, in the true interests of his country, and a constant admirer and imitator of Cicero." 2. S. = Salutenm: sc. dicit. 3. Jam = already; i. e. since the departure of Atticus for Greece. 4. Canusinus. Canusium was a town on the road to Brun- 284 disium, by which Atticus passed to his estate at Buthrotum in Epirus. 5. Ancora soluta; i. e. ancora jam soluta, when you were on board and on the point of sailing. 6. Rhetorirun sc. epistolae. Gr.401; 7SO, 211, r 8 (1). Ernestio placuit rhetoris. Vuljatum tamen ferri potest hoc sensu: cpistolae adeo elegantes erant, ut a rhetoribus scriptae videri possent. S. 7. 1. Fidus denotes a natural quality, like trustworthy, with relative praise; whereas fidelis denotes a moral characteristic, as faithful, with absolute praise. 2. Infidus means unworthy of trust; infidelis, unfaithful; perfidus, treacherous, in particular actions; perfidiosus, full of treachery, with reference to the whole character. Dod. 25 * 584 NOTES. Page 284 8. Qiiotus.... relevarit = how few there are who can carry a letter a little more weighty than usual without lightening it by a perusal. 9. 1. Quisque, quivis, and quilibet denote a totality, which is cut up into several individualities; whereas omnes, universi, and cuncti denote a combined totality. 2. Quisque means each individual: quicis, any individual you choose, without exception, and with emphasis: quilibet, any individual whatever, without selection, and with indifference, synonymously with primnus quisque. 3. Quisque is enclitic, that is, throws back the accent on the preceding word, and in prose never stands at the beginning of a sentence; whereas unusquisque is accented and emphatic. 4. Unusquisque denotes each individual, in opp. to some individuals; whereas singuli, individuals, in opp. to the undivided totality. Dod. 10. Accedit.... proficiscitur = add to this, that it is not just so with me, as any one sets out for Epirus; i. e. when any one is setting out for Epirus, the question with me is not exactly (perinde), wholly, whether he is a faithful or treacherous man. Cf. the explanation of Orelli: Hoc dicit Cicero; sed non perinde sibi esse, qui proficiscatur, utrum homo fidelis, an pe:fidus ac levis. Aliud igitur supplementum dedi, servato Codicum proficiscitur. Two MSS. have proficiscatur, and instead of non perinde est, one has non est, and two have non est notum. 11. Amalthea. This is the name given to the goat fabulously supposed to have nourished Jupiter, and whose horn was afterwards made the emblem of plenty. From the latter circumstance, the word Amraltheum is said to have been adopted by Cicero to designate the library of Atticus in Epirus, rich in variety of learning. Here Cicero uses the original word, as if the sacred goat was the divinity of the place. But Orelli's opinion is more probable, that it was an old chapel dedicated to the nymph Amalthea, of which Atticus kept up the recollection by adorning its walls with sculptured representations of different portions of her legendary history. 12. Caesis victimis, as was wont to be done by commanders setting out to war; to whom Cicero, in jest, compares Atticus, who was just starting " ad Sicyonem oppugnandum," that is, to extort from the Sicyonians the money they owed him. 13. Ad Sicyonem oppugnandl m. A very unusual construction. Lambinus reads oppugnandam. Gr. 565, 2; 1339; 275, III., R. 3, N. 14. Ponas = thou mayest spend. EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. 585 Page 15. Primuim. It seems to have been the custom for the consul, 284 upon first entering into office, to call upon the consular senators for their opinion in what order he thought proper; which order was observed during the remainder of the year. 16. Pacificatorem. C. Calpurnius Piso, consul in B. C. 67, and afterwards proconsul in Gallia Narbonensis, where he suppressed an insurrection of the Allobroges. 17. Admurmurante murmuring their disapprobation. 18. Ad.... solutus == at liberty to maintain my dignity in the state against his wishes; i. e. not bound by any obligation to the consul. 19. Sales denotes the piquant wit, in opp. to what is flat and trivial, which aims at a point, whether others may be pleasantly or painfully affected by it: dicacitas, the satirical wit, which is exercised at the cost of others, yet so that the jest is still the principal aim, - the pain inflicted, only an accidental adjunct; cavillatio, the scoffing wit, in which the mortification of others is the principal aim, the jest only a means and unimportant form. V. Sail. Cat. XXV. n. 10. Dod. 20. Facie, facetiis: a play upon words. The figure is called paronomasia. V. A. and S. 324, 25. 21. Nihil.... re pulblica. Aihil agere cum aliquo, is, not to transact any business with anybody; so that Cicero here personifies, as it were, the commonwealth, and represents it as one with whom the consul transacted no business. The meaning is, that he neglected it, disregarded its interests, &c. 22. Ne... longius ==that this infection (lit. this which has been infected) may spread farther. Muretus thinks that the crime of Clodius is referred to; while Gronovius and Schiitz are of the opinion that Cicero has in mind the contagious influence of Piso's example upon his colleague: Vereor, ne talis consul collegae suo scabiem affricet. 23. Aplnd Caesarem, as being pontifex maximus that year. 285 He is speaking of the rites of the Bona Dea. 24. Fieret = sacrifice was offered. 25. Virgines: sc. vestales. They conducted the solemnities of the Bona Dea. 26. Aliquem nostrum = any one of us; i. e. of the consulars. 27. Rogationem promulgasse. Rogationem promulgare is to publish the terms of a proposed motion to be made in an assembly 586 NOTES. Page 28 of the people, whether it be proposed to found upon it a law or ple. biscitum. 28. Uxori - nuntium remnisisse = divorced his wife; i. e. Pompeia. 29. Fert = brings forward, prefers. 30. Et et quidem, and that too. 31. Operae is here used in a bad sense = homines mercede conducti, men who did dirty work for pay. 32. Tuns -- amicus. Pompey. 33.'Ev roiS 7rOXLTLKOLS = in state affairs, politics. 34. Sultiliais = more minutely, more in detail. 35. Nescio cuii. Nescio quis and nescio quid have by use become one word, equivalent to aliquis, quidam, and, consequently, the pronoun does not govern any particular mode of the verb, and takes the case which the construction of the sentence requires: here it is the dat. to agree with the preceding filio, which the phrase nescio cui indefinitely describes. 36. Praetores; i. e. of the previous year. V. Epist. I. 37. Loci. Gr. 396, 2, 4) & (2); 1007; 212, R. 4, N. 2 (a). 38. Troneo-lav = description of the place, topography. 39. Orationi. The oration referred to is not known. There is no such description in any of the extant orations. 40. A. d. III. Non. Decemnbr. = Ante diem tertium Nonas Decembres. The meaning of the whole passage is, I had discovered (sc. before you pointed it out) my mistake about the third of December: more lit., that the third day before the Nones of December was wrong. 41.'ATTrtKCTFpa = more Attic. The Attic manner of speaking and writing was always considered as the most perfect model. 42. Mletellinam = against Metellus. The tribune Q. Metellus Nepos had been active in opposing Cicero, charging him with having put citizens to death without a trial. 43. DtXop'ropa = fond of oratorical writings. 44. Scribam. Gr. 486, TI.; 1180; 260, R. 5. 45. Quid! Etiam. = anything? yes. 46. HS. CXXXIV. - 134 sestertia; or about $ 5,226. But CXXXIV. may represent the adverbial numerals centies tricies quater (centena milia being understood): in which case HS. CXXXIV. 13,400,000 sestertii =13,400 sestertia = $ 522,600. It appears by one of Cicero's letters to P. Sestius, that he gave for the house of Crassus (which is supposed to be the purchase referred to in this let, EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. 587 Page ter to Atticus) HS. XXXV. - (according to all the commentators) 285 tricies quinquies (sc. centena milia) sestertii = 3,500 sestertia $136,500. It would seem, therefore, that, as Cicero mentions the circumstance of Messala's purchase as a justification of his own, it is quite as reasonable to suppose the second value given above of HS. CXXXIV. to be the correct one, as the first. 47. Teucris.... est = that Trojan woman is a slow affair. C. 28S Antonius is commonly supposed to be alluded to. But Orelli says: Ficto hoc nomine vulgo C. Antonium, Ciceronis in consulatu collcgam, designari putant, sed potius videtur mulier designari, Antonii fortasse necessaria, quae pecuniam Ciceroni se soluturam promiserat, sed tardius promissa patravit. EP. IV. Consuls. "Q. Caecilius Metellus Celer and L. Afranius were now consuls. The first had been praetor in Cicero's consulship, and commanded an army against Catiline, and was an excellent magistrate and true patriot; a firm opposer of all the factions, and a professed enemy also to Pompey; in which he was the more heated by a private resentment of the affront offered to his sister Mucia, whom Pompey had lately put away. Iis partner, Afranius, was the creature of Pompey's power; but of no credit or service to him, on account of his luxury and laziness, being fonder of balls than of business. Cicero calls him a consul whom none but a philosopher could look upon without sighing; a soldier without spirit, and a proper butt for the raillery of the senate, where Palicanus abused him every day to his face; and so stupid as not to know the value of what he had purchased." 1. HIominem eum =- a man: more lit. such a man. 2.'AkXe'Traro- =- simplicissimus. 3. Non homo.... mera; i. e. so averse to all social intercourse, that he no more indulges in intimacy with his fellow-creatures, than the lone sea-shore, the air, or the wilderness. The correctness of the reading is here very doubtful. 4. Conscius a confidant. 5. Tantumn = so much only. For this restrictive use of tantus, see in Cat. III. 10, n. 16. 6. Uxore: Terentia. Filiola: Tulliola. Cicerone: his little son, between three and four years old. 7. Afnbitiosae =ostentatious, interested. 8. Sunt.... forensi = make some public show. J87 9. Quum — while. 588 NOTES. Page 287 10. Completa domus est. V. Sail. Cat. XXVIII. n. 1. 11. Quaniquam.... refugit = although my courage is ready, yet my inclination itself shuns the remedy again and again. The correctness of the reading in this passage is very doubtful, and, whichever of the various readings given is adopted, the sense is somewhat obscure. The following is the explanation of Manutius: quamvis satis fortis sum ad dignitatem in rep. retinendam, non libet tamen ei mederi, quia res Romanas diutius stare non posse intelligo. Heberden says: I understand the expression animus and voluntas to apply not to Cicero, but to In republica. 12. Exclames. Gr 496, 1; 1222; 262, R. 4. 13. Primus.... Clodianae; i. e. Prima causa rei publicae, quam ego ingressus sum et suscepi, fuit incestum Clodii. S. 14. Locum == occasion, opportunity. 15. Resecandae - sanandae. Cf. in Cat. II. 5. 11: Quae sanari poterunt, &c. 16. Corrigo means to amend, after the manner of a rigid schoolmaster or disciplinarian, who would make the crooked straight, and set the wrong right; whereas emendo, after the manner of an experienced teacher and sympathizing friend, who would make what is defective complete. Dod. 17. Empto constupratoque = purchased by debauchery. Referring to the trial of Clodius, which was carried in his favor by the corruption of the judges. 18. Consul: Pupius Piso. See preceding letter. 19. Alienati equites; i. e. whom Cicero had taken such pains to attach to the senate, and who with Atticus at their head had guarded the senate-house in the times of Catiline. 20. Nummnos vobis dividere = to distribute money to (among) you; i. e. among the members of your tribe for electioneering purposes. The Roman state was at this time divided into thirty-five tribes or wards. 21. Ad plebem traducit; i. e. that by adoption he might become a plebeian, and so be enabled to stand for the tribuneship of the commons. 22. Fert = introduces a motion, makes a proposition. 288 23. De re Clodii; i. e. de adoptione vel de lege curiata, qua lege posset adoptari. 24. Accepi = handled. 25. Proinulgatium. Gr. 1358; 274, R. 4. 26. Auli filis: the consul Afranius. EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. 589 Page 27. Sine animo =spiritless. 288 28. Quam.... praebeat = how well he deserves to lend an ear every day, as he does, to hear himself abused by Palicanus: lit. how worthy, who may lend, &c. M. Lollius Palicanus, a Picentine of humble origin, was tribune of the plebs, B. C. 71. He possessed some power as an orator. 29. Agraria: sc. lex. 30. IO\LKtTKs.... quisquam- = no man devoted to the welfare of the state, not even a shadow of one. 31. Togulam illam pictam. In the triumphal procession the victorious general was attired in a gold embroidered robe. By special permission Pompey continued to wear his after his triumph. 32. Contra gratiam; i. e. of the people. 33. Piscinas suas. Alluding to L. Lucullus, Q. Hortensius, L. Philippus, and others, who were so engrossed with their fish-ponds that they seemed to have lost all care for their country. 34. Curet: sc. rem publicam. 35. Responsunm dari; i. e. about cancelling their contract to farm the revenues of Asia Minor for a sum which they thought too high. These publicani had complained in the senate, that, in making their agreement with the censors, they had been deceived by the hope of gain, and had made an improvident bargain; therefore they petitioned that the contract might be set aside. Cato was disposed to waste time in debate, and thus did not permit (patitur) a decision to be reached. 36. Legationes rejectum iri the embassies will be deferred. By the lex Gabinia it was decreed that, from the first of February to the first of March, the senate should every day give audience to foreign ambassadors. 37. Tanta = so much; i. e. as I have written. 38. Sant haec: sc. loca; i. e. Roma fugienda. 39. Ne absens censeare =that you may not be registered as absent. 40. Sub lustrum = near a lustration; i. e. at the close of the census, when the lustrum should begin; for a lustration followed the census, in which the people in the Campus Martius were purified by the sacrifice of a pig, a sheep, and a bull. 41. Germani negotiatoris = the characteristic of a gen,'ine merchant; for merchants bein- enqirel' takcn Dn with:heir husiness, and perhaps abroad at th tim!- orf ihe elnsu~, wert very apt te arrive at the eleventh hour 590 NOTES. Page 289 EP. V. Consuls. " M. Calpurnius Bibulus was joint consul with C. Julius Caesar, B. C. 59. The senate secured the election of, the former, in order to his being a check to the ambitious designs of his colleague; and it was thought of so much importance to the republic that he should be chosen, that even Cato did not scruple upon this occasion to employ methods of bribery for that purpose. But Bibulus, after many vain efforts of patriotism, and being grossly insulted in the forum by Caesar's mob, at length withdrew from the functions of his office, and voluntarily confined himself (as Suetonius relates) to his own house. After which, as the same historian informs us, Caesar governed the republic without control." 1. Subttiliter = minutely, particularly. Sc. scribam. 2. Bonis.... pernicie; i. e. although it was a source of trouble to the good, yet it did not threaten their ruin. 3. 1. Lues denotes epidemic disease, as proceeding from an impure morbid matter: contagium, as contagious: pestilentia, as a disease reigning in the land, and especially as a pestilence. 2. Pestis is used for pestilence itself only by the poets; otherwise it denotes, like exitium and pernicies (from necare), that which destroys in general, without reference to disease; but pestis is, according to rule, used as a concrete, exitiunt and pernicies as abstract terms. 3. Pernicies has an active meaning, and denotes the destruction of a living being by murder; whereas exiti'm has a passive meaning, and denotes the destruction even of lifeless objects by annihilation: lastly, interitus has, like exitus, a neutral meaning, the destruction of living or lifeless objects by decay. 4. Exitium is a violent, exitus a natural end. Dod. 4. Quorsus.... horreamus =- I shudder to think whither it wHl break forth. 5. Catoni irati. Cato was always the stern supporter of the old Roman principles. 6. Orbem rei publicae = the wheel of government. Sperare with perf. infin. occurs also ad Att. I. 1, 4. Spero tibi me causam probasse. Ad Qu. fr. II. 4, 2. De nostra Tullia spero cum Crassipede nos confecisse. 7. Ventus is the generic term for wind: procella and tempestas denote a violent wind; procella, a mere squall or gust of wind; tempestas, a complete storm, or stress of weather, generally accompanied by thunder and lightning, rain or hail; whereas vortex and turbo denote a whirlwind; vortex, a weaker sort, that merely raises the dust; turbo, a strong whirlwind, that causes destruction. Dod. EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. 591 Pago 8. Amicus noster: Pompey. 20 9. In lauie versatus = used to praise. 10. Deformatus = haggard. See below, ipsi (sc. Pompeio) ita acerba, ut labescat dolore. Hence his haggard or squalid appearance. 11. Progressumr = advance: sc. in conspirationem cum Caesare et Crasso. 12. Reditum: sc. a Caesare ad optimates. 13. Animi; i. e. of my mind. 14. Crasso jucundum. Crassus hated Pompey personally, though he was at this time politically connected with him. 15. ulia deciderat ex astris. Gloriae fastigio, sua imprudentia et levitate lapsus potius, quam consilio et ratione progressus videbatur. Schiitz. 16. Velerenm. The Coan Venus was the chef-d'ceuvre of Apelles: a painting of Ialysus, (the grandson of IHelios, and founder of the city of Rhodes,) that of Protogenes. 17. Archilochia; i. e. composed in the better style of the poems by which Archilochus drove Lycambes to hang himself: the agentia verba Lycambea. (Horace.) V. Ad Att. II. 20. Comilia Bibulus cum Archilochio edicto- distulit. 18. Ad Bibulum = to the house of Bibulus; i. e. for the sake of mobbing him. 19. Sentiunt; i. e. the triumvirs. 20. Eum: Clodius. 21. Quim - tumr vero = not only —but also especially. g1 Tempus illud; i. e. when Clodius should come to make the expected attack. 22. Cumin icyoniis. V. Ep. III. n. 12. EP. VI. Consuls. L. Calpurnius Piso (whose daughter Caesar had married) was consul this year with Gabinius. They were both the professed enemies of Cicero, and supported Clodius in his violent measures. The province of Macedonia had fallen to the former, and he was now preparing to set out for his government, where his troops were daily arriving. Cicero has delineated the characters at large of these consuls, in several of his orations; but he has, in two words, given the most odious picture of them that exasperated eloquence, perhaps, ever drew, where he calls them duo rei publicae portenta ac paene funera: an expression for which modern language can furnish no equivalent. But on one occasion Cicero speaks of Piso's LL 592 NOTES. Pap 291 withdrawing himself from the city in disapprobation of his son-in-law Caesar's " impious measures "; and, bad as Piso's character was, yet we must make some allowances for Cicero's personal feelings of hostility. 1. S. P. D. = salutem plurimam dicit. This letter was written after Clodius had carried the law mentioned under No. 4 in the historical introduction which precedes it; which law was plainly directed against Cicero, and Cicero had, in consequence, withdrawn from Rome at the end of March. 292 2. Quod = wherefore, therefore: lit. as to which. It relates, in a general way, to the preceding statement. Or. 453, 6; 702; 206 (14). 3. Juissemus. Observe in these letters the very general use of the first person plural for the singular. Gr. 446, 2, 487, 488, 1; 1015; 209, R. 7 (b), 263, R. 4. Vidissemus. Gr. 485; 1278; 261, R. 4. 5. Legis: sc. Clodiae. As soon as Cicero had withdrawn from Rome, Claudius procured a law, which, among other articles, enacted that no person within 400 miles (millia passuum) of Rome should presume to harbor or receive him on pain of death. 6. Bruisdisio profecti sumus. This letter was written at Brundisium; but, according to the Roman method, he narrates as past what would have become a past event before the letter was read. Gr. 1100; 259, R. 1 (2) (c). 7. Transactum est- =all is over; i. e. if there is no longer any hope. 8. Plane. V. Cic. pro lege Manil. III. n. 2. 9. Tulliola. 434,2; 992; 250, R. 3. V. pro lege Manil. XX. n. 1. 10. Iatri mnoio - serviendum est — regard must be had for the matrimonial relations. Tullia was at this time married to Caius Piso Frugi, a young nobleman of one of the best families in Rome. 11. Pisonem. See preceding note. 12. De familia liberata —as to the manumission of the slaves. Gr. 580; 1357; 274, R. 5 (a). 13. Nemo: se. est in officio. 14. Si res a nobis abisset; i. e. if my estate should be forfeited by the Clodian law. 3 15. Si obtinere potuissent: sc. ut essent liberti nostri; i. e. if they could obtain the confirmation of their manumission by me, which might be opposed on the ground that my right to give them their freedom had been taken away by the Clodian law. 16. Pertineret: sc. resfamiliaris nostra. EPISTOLA&E CICERONIS. 593 Page 17. Quod. Gr. 554, IV.; 702; 273, 6 (a). 29 18. Velim. Gr. 485; 1177; 260, R. 4. EP. VII. 1. A Vestae. Gr. 397, 1, 1); 55;; 211, R. 7 (1). 294 Terentia had taken sanctuary in the temple of Vesta, from which she was forcibly dragged by the directions of Clodius, in order to be examined at a public office concerning her husband's effects. 2. Ad tabulain Valeriani - (lit.) to the tablet of Valerius. This was a place in the forum beside the Curia Hostilia, called tabula Valeria from the tablet erected there in memory of M. Valerius Maximus Messala, consul B. C. 263. 3. Te —vexari, ut —periremus. Gr. 553, III.; 1159; 270, R. 2 (a). 4. De area. To make the loss of Cicero's house in Rome irretrievable, Clodius, after destroying it, consecrated the area where it stood to the perpetual service of religion, and erected a temple upon it to the goddess of Liberty. 5. Quae impeusa facienda est; i. e. on my account, to secure my recall. EP. VIII. 1. Legatione; i. e. the legatio offered h;m by Cae- 29i sar. " As it answered Caesar's purposes either to gain C&cero, or to ruin him, he artfully laid his measures for both. And accordingly, after having instigated Clodius to pursue Cicero, he offercd to take him into Gaul in the quality of his lieutenant (legatus), as a means of protecting him from that vengeance he had secretly inflamed. But Cicero, being more disposed to try his strength with his adversary, imprudently declined the proposal." 2. Hoc; i. e. than the plan actually adopted. 3. lufortunium and calamitas denote a single misfortune; infortunium, more as a vexatious accident, for example, the loss of a purse, receiving blows, &c.; calamitas, a tragic accident, as the loss of a beloved person, power, &c.; whereas infelicitas and miseria denote an unfortunate state of considerable duration; infelicitas, merely as the absence of success; miseria, as an actual pressing state of affliction. Dod. 4. Studio et officio; i. e. in his efforts to procure Cicero's recall. 5. Dii faxint. "He had the great misfortune to be disappointed of this wish; for Piso died soon after this letter was written. Cicero mentions him in several parts of his writings with the highest gratitude and esteem. He represents him as a young nobleman of 594 NOTES. Page 295 the greatest talents and application, who devoted his whole time to the improvement of his mind and the exercise of eloquence; as one whose moral qualifications were no less extraordinary than his intellectual; and, in short, as possessed of every accomplishment and every virtue that could endear him to his friends, to his family, and to the public." 6. Si inveterarit, actum est = if the affair shall be deferred, all is lost: more lit. if it shall have grown old, &c. 7. Ea re = therefore, on that account. 296 8. Inimici nostri; i. e. the troops of Piso, not, of course, his son-in-law, but the consul. He had stated in a preceding letter that it was his wish to have withdrawn to some more retired place in Epirus, that he might be secure from Piso and his soldiers. See note on the consuls, Ep. VI. 9. Summum = at most. 10. Velim. Gr. 485; 1177; 260, R. 4. 11. Rem = the thing itself, the result of the affair. Ep. IX. Consuls. Lentulus was Cicero's warm friend, Metellus his old enemy. The latter's promotion, therefore, was a great discouragement to Cicero, who took it for granted that he would employ all his power to obstruct his return. He reflected, as he tells us, that, though it was a great thing to drive him out, yet, as there were many who hated, and more who envied him, it would not be difficult to keep him out. But Metellus, perceiving which way Pompey's inclination and Caesar's also was turning, found reason to change his mind, or at least to dissemble it; and promised not only to give his consent, but his assistance, to Cicero's restoration. Lentulus, immediately upon entering on his consular office, moved the senate that Cicero might be restored; in which he was seconded by Pompey with much zeal, and the whole house unanimously concurred in the motion. Serranus, however, a tribune of the people, interposing his negative, no decree could pass at that time; nevertheless, it was with one consent resolved, that, on the 22d of the same month, a law should be proposed to the people for Cicero's recall. When the appointed day arrived, the friends of Cicero found the forum in possession of Clodius, who had planted his mob there over night in order to prevent the promulgation of this law. A very bloody skirmish ensued, in which several lives were lost, and many other outrages committed; in consequence of which Clodius was impeached by Milo as a disturber of the public peace. EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. 595 Page 1. Tua... volvntas = so far as thy will permits. 297 2. Tuarum. Clodius was cousin to Metellus. 3. In tua potestate = at your service. 4. Qui.... erit = there shall be no one to be saved; i. e. it will be too late. Notwithstanding that Pompey, Caesar, and indeed all the principal persons of the republic, now concurred in favoring Cicero's return, yet the practices of Clodius prevented a decree for that purpose till the first of June. Nor was it till the 4th of August following that this decree passed into a general law; in consequence of which Cicero soon afterwards made his triumphant entry into Rome. EP. X. 1. Te: sc.fuisse. 2. Nee fortiorem. The allusion is to a letter of Atticus to Cicero, reproaching him for a want of firmness, and giving some advice. 3. Eiindemque te, qui - fuisses = and yet that you, although you had been. 4. Erroris nostri. Cicero regards it as an error, that he ~V yielded so readily to the hostile measures of Clodius, instead of making resistance to them. 5. 1. Gaudeo denotes joy as an inward state of mind, in opp. to dolor; whereas laetor and hilaris sum, the utterance of joy. 2. The laetus shows his joy in a calm cheerfulness, which attests perfect satisfaction with the present, in opp. to maestus: the hilaris in awakened mirth, disposing to jest and laughter, in opp. to tristis: the alacer in energetic vivacity, evincing spirit and activity, in opp. to territus. The gaudens, the laetus, the hilaris, derive joy from a piece of good fortune: the alacer at the same time from employment and action. Laetitia shows itself chiefly in an unwrinkled forehead, and a mouth curled for smiling: hilaritas, in eyes quickly moving, shining, and radiant with joy: alacritas, in eyes that roll, sparkle, and announce spirit. 3. Gaudeo and laetor denote a moderate, exsulto and gestio, a passionate, uncontrolled joy, as to exult and triumph: the gestiens discovers this by an involuntary elevation of the whole being, sparkling eyes, inability to keep quiet, &c.: the exsultans, by a voluntary, full resignation of himself to joy, which displays itself, if not by skipping and jumping, at least by an indiscreet outbreak of joy, bordering on extravagance. 4. Jucundus denotes, like juvat me, a momentary excitement of joy; laetus, a more lasting state of joy; hence laetus is used as the stronger expression. Dod. 596 NOTES. Page 298 6. Exegero = I shall have made amends for. 7. Facultatum = wealth, resources. 8. Salutis; i. e. of the temple of Salus, on the Quirinal Iill, near the house of Atticus. 9. Nomenclatori: an attendant, whose duty it was to mention the name of everybody that passed. Such people were particularly employed by persons engaged in a public canvass. 10. Quibus - liceret = who could. Id ipsum; i. e. the fact of their being enemies. J99 11. Eo bidno; i. e. the day of his arrival and the one in which he thanked the senate. 12. Ad ejus procurationem = to the superintendence of it; i. e. annona. 13. Ut id decernerem = that I should propose a decree for this purpose. 14. Ageretur = an engagement should be made. 15. Meo nomine recitando = at the recital of my name. Dedisset: sc. populus. 16. Habui contionem = I harangued an assembly. 17. Dederint: sc. contionem. No private individual could address the people without the permission of a curule magistrate or tribune of the people. 18. Ad.... fore = that I should be in everything another self. 19. Religionem = the sacred encumbrance: referring to the temple of Liberty which Clodius erected on the site where Cicero's house had stood. V. Ep. VII. n. 4. Clodius had consecrated a part only of the area: the remaining part he had planted and appropriated to his own use. Hence it is that Cicero goes on to say, if the consecration of the area be set aside, he shall have a noble space for a new house; or if it should not be set aside, that the consuls were at least to clear the ground, and contract for the building of a house for him on the unconsecrated part. 20. Superficiem = the building. 21. Demolientur; i. e. what is now there. 22. Locabunt = will contract (for a house). 23. Ut.... bonae = as it regards prosperity, disordered; as it regards adversity, prosperous. 300 EP. XI. 1. Lentulus, who had been consul in the year of Cicero's return, was now governing Cilicia and Cyprus as proconsul. EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. 597 Page Ptolemy Auletes, who had been most justly driven out of Egypt by 300 his subjects, was now at Rome, and was endeavoring by flattery and corruption to procure his restoration by a Roman army. Cicero wished to obtain the command of this army for Lentulus, who had had so great a part in his restoration. Others favored Pompey; but Cato produced a fictitious Sibylline oracle, which said that Egypt must not be entered with an army. 2. 1. Disceptatio, litigatio, and controversia are dissensions, the settling of which is attempted quietly, and in an orderly way: contentio, altercatio, and jurgium, such as are conducted with passion and vehemence, but which are still confined to words: rixae, such as, like frays and broils, come to blows, or at least threaten to come to blows, and are midway between jurgium and pugna. 2. Controversia takes place between two parties when they place themselves in array on opposite sides: disceptatio, when they commence disputing with each other, in order to arrive at the path of truth, or to discover what is right, but without a hostile feeling: litigatio, when a hostile feeling and a personal interest are at the bottom of the dispute. 3. Contentio would maintain the right against all opponents, and effect its purpose, whatever it may be, by the strenuous exertion of all its faculties: altercaio would not be in debt to its opponent a single word, but have the last word itself: jurgium will, without hearkening to another, give vent to its ill-humor by harsh words. Contentio presents the serious image of strenuous exertion: altercatio, the comic image of excessive heat, as in women's quarrels: juryium, the hateful image of rude anger. Ddd. 3. Placuit =I thought it proper. Breviter is emphatic. 4. Regem; i. e. Ptolemy. 01 5. Sententia divideretur. When an opinion was proposed to the senate which was thought too general, and to include several distinct articles, it was usual to require that each part might be propounded and voted separately. Thus Bibulus moved that they might submit to the Sibylline oracle, and appoint three private senators to restore the king. But the house required that they might vote separately upon these two questions; and the event was, they unanimously agreed to the former, but rejected the latter. 6. Religione * referring to the Sibylline oracle. V. n. 1. 7. Frequentes.... omnia they went over to the opposite side by a large majority; i. e. they rejected the proposition. 8. Rettulisset had made a-motion. 9. Intendere.... consules = began to insist that it was his 598 NOTES. Pag $01 privilege (i. e. in virtue of his office) to make the division (i. e. of the house) prior to the consuls. 10. Multis partibus plures = a very large majority: lit. more by many parts. 11. Rogabantur; i. e. to give their opinions. 12. Cupiditatis; i. e. of a desire to receive the commission to restore Ptolemy to his throne. 13. Quod....attinet = as to bringing the affair before the people. 14. Senatus auctoritas. When an act passed the senate in a full house, held according to the prescribed forms, and without any opposition from the tribunes, (who had the privilege of putting a negative upon all proceedings in the senate,) it was called a senatus consulturn, a decree of the senate. But if any of these essentials were wanting, or a tribune interposed, it was then only styled a senatus auctoritas, an order of the senate, and considered as of less authority. Ei EP. XII. 1. T. Ampius. The predecessor of Lentulus in the government of Cilicia. EP. XIII. In this letter Cicero describes the games exhibited by Pompey in his second consulship, which he congratulates Marius that he had not seen, expresses a wish to be relieved from his forensic labors, and to pass his time in the retreat of the country. 1. Ad ludos. They were exhibited by Pompey at the opening of his theatre, one of the most magnificent structures of ancient Rome, and so extensive as to contain no less than 80,000 spectators. Some remains of this immense building still subsist. $3 2. Utrumq uo is c::Xplaiaed by thle two ibllowing clauses. Gr. 371, 1, 3) (2);'r17; 22 (2). 3. Iodo.... tui = provided only the enjoyment of thy retirement may have been constant, uninterrupted. 4. Ista amoenitate =that pleasant scenery of thine. 5. Stabianum.... lisenumn = thou didst cut through Stabianum (i. e. for the sake of a prospect) and (thus) didst lay open Misenum to view. 6. 1i; i. e. his neighbors who went to Rome to see the theatrical exhibitions. 7. Maecius (also written Maetius). This person is supposed by the commentators to be the same to whose judgment Horace advises the Pisos to refer their poetical compositions: EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. 599 Page Si quid tamen olim 30 Scripseris, in Maeti desceiidat judicis aures. But the compliment paid in these lines to the taste of Maecius ill agrees with the contemptuous manner in which Cicero here speaks of Pompey's dramatic censor. 8. Honoris causa; i. e. in honor of the festival. 9. Hanoris causa; i. e. to preserve the reputation which they had already acquired. 10. Sexcenti muli; i. e. laden with the spoils of Troy. 11. Clytaemnestra: a play of Attius founded on the return of Agamemnon. 12. Equo Trojano: a play of Livius Andronicus. 13. Craterarum; i. e. the vessels taken at Troy and exhibited in a triumphal procession on the stage. 14. Protogeni: Marius's reader. It was usual with persons of distinction among the Romans to keep a slave in their family, whose sole business it was to read to them. 15. Graecos ludos: probably a sort of pantomimes in imitation of those in the Grecian theatre. 16. Oscos ludos: rude plays, or farces; encounters of boisterous mirth and ribaldry. 17. Senatu vestro. The municipal or corporate towns in Italy were governed by magistrates of their own. 18. Via Graeca. Perhaps the Grecian road might be much out of repair, and little frequented at the time when this letter was written; and on that circumstance Cicero, it is possible, may have founded his witticism. 19. Valentissima bestia. Beasts of the wildest and most un- 304 common kinds were sent for, on these occasions, from every corner of the known world; and Dion Cassius relates, that no less than 500 lions were killed at these hunting matches, with which Pompey entertained the people. 20. Si videnda sunt = if they are worthy of being seen. 21. Haec = these which I am now describing. 22. Elephantorum. Pliny says, that twenty, or according to others sixteen, elephants fought at these games. 23. Facilem = compliant, favorable; i. e. if they were as much inclined to favor my retirement from public life as they were to favor that of Aesopus from the stage. 24. Quum - turn vero = if — then surely. 25. Nulla est = is of no account, has no enjoyment. 26 600 NOTES. Page 304 26. Hurnaniter = in a manner becoming a human being; i. e. courteously, socially, and virtuously. 27. Neque.... meis, &c. = neque solum in epistolis meis, &c.; i. e. will not reduce me to only one method of affording you any amusement; namely, that of writing to you. 305 EP. XIV. 1. Cura, sollicitudo, and angor, mean the disturbance of the mind with reference to a future evil and danger: cura, as thoughtfulness, uneasiness, apprehension, in opp. to incuria; sollicitudo, as sensitiveness, discomposure, anxiety, in opp. to securitas; angor, as a passion, anger, fear, in opp. to solutus animus; whereas dolor and aegritudo relate to a present evil: dolor as a hardship or pain, in opp. to gaudiunt; aegritudo, as a sickness of the soul, in opp. to alacritas. Dod. EP. XV. 1. Oblectatio is a pleasant occupation, conversation, amusement, which disperses ennui, and confers a relative pleasure; whereas delectatio is a real delight, which procures positive enjoyment, and confers absolute pleasure. DdJd. 30 2. mercedis: sc. tantum. 3. lBepraesentabo = I will anticipate. EP. XVI. 1. Mlaximi. Gr. 403; 799; 214. 2. Vaclllantibus litterulis. Gr. 428; 888; 211, R. 6. 3. Diligo is love arising from esteem, and, as such, a result of reflection on the worth of the beloved object; whereas amo is love arising from inclination, which has its ground in feeling, and is involuntary, or quite irresistible: diligo denotes a purer love, which, free from sensuality and selfishness, is also more calm; amo, a warmer love, which, whether sensual or Platonic, is allied to passion. g07 EP. XVII. 1. Curioni. C. Scribonius Curio -a friend of Cicero, and a young senator of great natural talents, which, however, he left uncultivated from carelessness and want of industry - was at this time quaestor in Asia. Cicero knew him from his childhood, and did all he could to direct his great talents into a proper channel, to suppress his love of pleasure and of wealth, and to create in him a desire for true fame and virtue, but without any success: Curio was and remained a person of most profligate character. 2. Certissimunl; i. e. on which one can reckon with the most confidence; which one is the most certain to receive; hence nearly creberrimum, the most usual. EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. 601 Page 3. Nostra ant ipsorum. Gr. 408, 1, 2); 809; 219, & R. 1. 307 4. Temporibus his. Affairs at Rome were at this time in the utmost confusion, occasioned by the factious interruption that was given to the usual election of the magistrates. This state of tumult, or, indeed, to speak more properly, of almost absolute anarchy, was however somewhat composed towards the latter end of the present year, by the election of Domitius Calvinus and Valerius Messala to the consular office. 5. Neque - velim scribere. The disturbances mentioned in the preceding note, were artfully fomented by Caesar and Pompey, in order to turn them to the advantage of their ambitious purposes. But this was too delicate a circumstance for Cicero to explain himself upon; especially as he was now cultivating a friendship with both. 6. Gravis adversaria = a powerful antagonist. Adversaria is here a noun, and exspectatio is in apposition with it. The idea is, that the high expectations which had been formed of him would require the utmost exertions on his part in order to meet them. 7. 1. Vinco means, to drive an adversary from his place: supero, to win a place from an adversary. The vincens has more to do with living objects, with enemies: the superans, with inanimate objects, with difficulties. 2. Evinco denotes especially the exertion and duration of the conflict: devinco, its consequence, and the completeness of the victory. 3. Vinco means, to conquer by fighting: opprimo, without fighting, by merely appearing, in consequence of a surprisal, or of a decided superiority of forces. Dod. EP. XVIII. 1. Mandatum = commission. Cicero begins this 308 letter by alluding jestingly to some purchase which Marius had requested him to make for him. 2. Potissimum. V. Ec. Cic. XXVI. 5. 3. Plurimo. Gr. 416; 884-6; 252, R. 3. 4. Eo.... multum - so far you were wise: lit. saw mucli. 5. Pluris- for more; i. e. than a certain sum. Gr. 402. 2; 7D99; 214, & R. 1 (a). 6. Quodsi.... coheredibus == if, however, you had intrusted me (with an unlimited order), I would have settled (the affair) with my co-heirs according to my love for you (qui meus amor in te est); i. e. on the most advantageous terms in your behalf. 7. lllicitatorem = one who bids at an auction to make others bid higher, a fictitious bidder. 602 NOTES. Page 308 8. Bursa (T7. Munatius Plancus) was tribune the year this letter was written, and had distinguished himself by inflaming those disturbances in Rome which were occasioned by the assassination of Clodius. The body of Clodius being produced before the people in the forum, Bursa, together with one of his colleagues, infused such a spirit of riot into the populace, that, snatching up the corpse, they instantly conveyed it to the Curia Iostilia, where they paid it the funeral honors. This they executed in the most insolent and tumultuous manner, by erecting a funeral pile with the benches, and setting fire to the senate-house itself, which was burnt to the ground. Bursa, not satisfied with these licentious outrages, endeavored likewise to instigate the mob to fall upon Cicero, the avowed friend and advocate of Milo, by whom Clodius had been killed. Cicero, therefore, as soon as Bursa was out of his office, accused him of violating the public peace; and Bursa, being found guilty, was condemned to suffer banishment. 309 9. Ininici; i. e. Clodius. 10. HIalo: sc. laetari. Melmoth translates the whole passage thus: Much rather, indeed, would I see my adversaries vanquished by the hand of justice than of violence: as I would choose it should be in a way that does honor to the friends of my cause, without exposing them, at the same time, to any uneasy consequences. 11. Potius is sometimes used redundantly with malo. 12. Clarissimi viri. Pompey. 13. Aninti causa = for the sake of amusement. 14. A quo.... erant. Pompey, in his consulship, made some alterations with respect to the method of choosing the judges, and elected a certain number out of the three orders of the state, for the cognizance of civil and criminal causes. 15. Ne intercaletur = that there may be no intercalation. The Roman months being lunar, a proper number of supplemental days were added every two years, in order to adjust their reckoning to the course of the sun. This was called an intercalation, and was performed by the pontifical college at their own discretion. Accordingly they often exercised this important trust as interest or ambition dictated; and by their arbitrary intercalations, either advanced or retarded the stated times for transacting civil or religious affairs, as best suited the private purposes of themselves or their friends. sl3 EP. XIX. 1. S. V. V. B. E. E. Q. V. = Si vos valetis, bene (est): ego exercitusque valemus. EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. 603 Page 2. Provinciam. Cicero's province comprehended not only 310 Cilicia, but Pamphylia, Lycaonia, part of Phrygia, and the island of Cyprus, together with some other less considerable appendages. Cilicia was first added to the Roman provinces by Publius Servilius, surnamed Isauricus, in the year of Rome 680. 3. Eos, referring to Parthos, is used pleonastically for the sake of emphasis, but may be omitted in translating. 4. Maxime conjuncture = as near as possible. 5. Vestra auctoritas intercessisset = your order had been added. V. Ep. XI. n. 14. 6. Euseben et Philoromaeum. These were surnames of Ariobarzanes, and meant, literally, pious and friendly to Rome. They are merely Greek words Latinized. 7. In consilio meo = in the presence of my council. Ill 8. Casum interitus paterni; quia pater Ariobarzanes II. interfectus erat per insidias (Miithridatis veneno), quum expulsum e regno Pompeius restituisset in hello Mliithridatico. Ernesti. 9. Ariarathe. He was made king of Cappadocia after his brother's death. 10. Judicio probatos = (who had been) approved by their judgment. EP. XX. 1. Notas esse = should be known. 31 2. Tributis; i. e. tributa imposita ad impensas in praesidibus faciendas. Usurae graves sunt intelligendae ex Epp. ad Att. VI. 1, 2. quaternarum centesimarum (48 per cent) cum anatocissimo, quas negotiatores exigebant, et inde falsu.m aes alienun. Ernesti. Cicero reduced this exorbitant rate of interest to 12 per cent compound interest. 3. Pertumlultuose.... vere = in a very agitated manner, and yet not untruly. 4. 1. Maneo denotes remaining, in opp. to going away; where- 314 as moror denotes tarrying, as an interruption of motion, in opp. to going forwards. 2. Morari aliquem means, to prevail upon any one to stay of his own free-will by proposing conditions: tardare, to prevent a person's hastening on his way by opposing difficulties: detinere, to hinder him from going forwards by force. Tardare has generally an action for its object: detinere, a person: morari, either. Dod. 5. Praesentibus = that were actually prepared. 1. Adesse means to be near a person or thing; but interesse, to assist in a trans 604 NOTES. Page 314 action. 2. Adesse denotes generally the presence in a circle to which we belong: praesenlem esse, absolute, audible, and visible presence. When an expected guest is within our walls, adest: he, who is in the same room with us, praesens est. Dod. 6. Sacerdos. It appears, from a passage which Manutius cites from Hirtius, that the high-priest of the temple of Bellona, at Comana, a city in Cappadocia, was next in rank and power to the king himself. 315 7. Bibulum. M. Calpurnius Bibulus, proconsul of Syria. He was consul with Julius Caesar in B. C. 59. See notes on Ep. V., Consuls. 8. Ainani; i. e. of its inhabitants. 916 9. Qui.... ornasti. Cicero, soon after his consulate, had very particular obligations to Cato of the kind he mentions; for the latter being tribune at that time, procured him a confirmation, from an assembly of the people, of the glorious title of FATHER OF HIS COUNTRY. 10. Supplicatioinem. This honor was usually decreed to a general after some signal advantage obtained by his arms. It consisted in appointing a solemn festival, in order to return thanks to the gods for the public success; at which time the senate went in solemn procession to the principal temples in Rome, and assisted at the sacrifices instituted for such occasions. 11. Quas.... gessisset; i. e. his civil acts. 12. Mitto = I forbear to mention. 13. Ininicum; i. e. Clodius. j7 14. Provinciam ornatam. In Pis. 2, ego provinciam Galliam, senatus auctoritate exercitu et pecunia instructam et ornatam.... in concione deposui..... Ea provincia accepta, triumphare poterat de Salassis et aliis Inalpinis gentibus, quibuscum postea Metellus bellum gessit. Melmoth. On the distribution of the consular provinces for the year succeeding Cicero's consulship, see Sall. Cat. XXVI. n. 7. Cicero's bargain with Antonius, by which he yielded his title to the rich province of Macedonia, was not his only sacrifice: he patriotically resigned his claim to the other province also - that of Cisalpine Gaul - to Metellus. It is to this particularly, and to the triumph, which a successful administration of the affairs of this province would have probably won for him, that he alludes in the text. 15. Sacerdotium; i. e. the office of augur. 16. Sed ita, si.... videbitur = but on this condition, if this small service (hoc nescio quid), which I have performed, shall not seem insignificant and contemptible. EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. 605 Page 17. A quo uno. Cato settled a correspondence throughout 317 the whole Roman provinces, and received constant intelligence of the conduct of the several governors in their respective commands: so attentive was this vigilant patriot to whatever concerned the interest of the commonwealth. Plut. in Vit. Caton. 18. Quae; i. e. quae ornamenta, quae virtutes in toga; i. e. ae- 318 quitas and continentia mentioned in ~ 14. 19. Justiores, eo sensu, quo justa victoria, justus triumphus dicitur, cui nihil est, quique jure ita vocari potest. 20. Ex meis litteris; i. e. ad senatum missis. EP. XXI. 1. Facies. Gr. 470, 1; 1091; 259, R. 1 (4). EP. XXII. 1. Uno et vicessimo die; i. e. after he had.319 set out from Rome. 2. De hereditate Preciana = as to the legacy left by Precius. Who this Precius was is not known. EP. XXIII. 1. In quartanam. A quartan ague was sup- 20 posed by the ancients to be extremely salutary in its consequences. It was called quartana from its occurring every fourth day. 2. Ilumailitatis = amoris in tuos. 3. Ad urbem. As Cicero claimed the honor of a triumph, he was obliged, till his pretensions should be determined, to take up his residence without the walls of the city. 4. Ad senatum.... miserat. The purport of Caesar's let- 321 ter was, that he declared himself willing to resign his command, provided Pompey did the same; but if this were not complied with, that he would immediately march into Italy, and revenge the injuries done both to himself and to the liberties of the republic. 5. Nulla vi expulsi. The letter mentioned in the last note was received by the senate with great indignation, and considered as an open declaration of war. Accordingly they voted, that if Caesar did not resign his command by a certain day named in their decree for that purpose, he should be deemed an enemy to his country. This decree was protested against by Curio, Quintus Cassius Longinus, and Mark Antony, in virtue of their prerogative as tribunes of the people; and while the senate were deliberating in what manner to punish the authors of this protest, they were advised by the consul Lentulus to withdraw before any decree against them had actually passed. Perhaps this is all that Cicero means when he asserts, that 606 NOTES. Page 21 "no violence had been offered to these tribunes;" for, otherwise, his assertion would be contradicted by the unanimous testimony of all the ancient historians. 6. Pro coss. =pro consulibus; i. e. proconsuls. 7. Comnparatur = preparations are making. It is here used absolutely. EP. XXIV. 1. Ille: Caesar. 2. Dolabella: Tullia's third husband. 3. Videnduim.... possitis = you must see to it that you be able to act consistently with your rank: lit. that you may be able to be with honor. This use of sum with an adverb is mostly confined to familiar language. 4. Bellissime - esse = to be very advantageously and pleasantly situated. For the use of sum with an adverb, see preceding note. 5. Rem.... fecit = has improved the aspect of affairs. This is the Labienus who performed so conspicuous a part in Gaul as one of Caesar's lieutenants. About this time he joined the Pompeian party: it is to this fact that Cicero alludes. 6. Genernm suum: Caesar. 7. Rufus. Lucius Mescinius Rufus was quaestor to Cicero in Cilicia. 323 EP. XXV. 1. S. V. G. V. = Si vales, gaudeo. Valeo. 2. Recte V. = recte valet = is quite well. 3. Apud te === at your house. 4. In suspicionem.... suadere = ought I to be suspected of persuading thee more on account of the interest of my party than for your own interest. 5. Nominis sui: referring to the title Magnus, which Sulla gave him when he was a young man, and which he ever afterwards assumed. 6. Capto exercitu veterano; i. e. Pompey's army in Spain under the command of his lieutenants, Afranius and Petreius, whom Caesar had defeated. 7. Circmvallato; i. e. at Dyrrhachium. 8. Pro tua prudentia = with your usual foresight. 4 9. Partibns.... publicae = for your party and for that form of the commonwealth (or that constitution). 10. His quoque locis; i. e. from Dyrrhachium. EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. 607.Page 11. Qua... Caesar = such is Caesar's clemency. 324 12. IBeverti: sc. sine periculo. EP. XXVI. This letter was written at Brundisium between November, B. C. 48, and the end of that year. In June, B. C. 49, Cicero embarked at Brundisium for Greece, where he joined the camp of Pompey. For the space of nearly a year from this time little is known of his movements: one or two notes only have been preserved, which show that, during his residence in the camp of Pompey, he was in bad health, embarrassed by pecuniary difficulties, in the habit of inveighing against everything he heard and saw around him, and of giving way to the deepest despondency. After the battle of Pharsalia (August 9, B. C. 48), at which he was not present, he returned to Brundisium, where he remained for ten months. 1. Ill maximis meis doloribus. During the whole of the time mentioned in the end of the preceding note, "Cicero's mind was in a most agitated and unhappy condition. He was constantly tormented with unavailing remorse on account of the folly of his past conduct in having identified himself with the Pompeians when he might have remained unmolested at home; he was filled with apprehensions as to the manner in which he might be treated by Caesar, whom he had so often offended and so lately deceived; he moreover was visited by secret shame and compunction for having at once given up his associates upon the first turn of fortune; above all, he was haunted by the foreboding that they might after all prove victorious, in which event his fate would have been desperate; and the cup of bitterness was filled by the unnatural treachery of his brother and nephew, who were seeking to recommend themselves to those in power by casting the foulest calumnies and vilest aspersions upon their relative, whom they represented as having seduced them from their duty." EP. XXVII. 1. Spe pacis, which they hoped would follow a $~ complete victory, such as that of Pharsalia was. 2. Nostrum judicium; i. e. our decision as to how far we ought to go in bearing arms against Roman citizens. 3. lmnmiuutam, &c. = though impaired, &c. 4. Ea = talia. 5. Fatali proelio: that of Pharsalia. 6. Utrumque.... victoris = but (I confess: s..fateor) that I was of the opinion that both (results) depended upon the ex26 * I Mr 608 NOTES. Page ~25 pedition of the conqueror; i. e. upon the expedition with which he should follow up his success. 7. Quae si fiisset = had there been this (expedition). 8. Quam cognovit Asia - Achaia; i. e. quam cognoverunt ii, qui post Pharsalicam pugnam se in Asian et irn Achaianm receperunt. 326 9. Te - ipso allegato ac deprecatore. Cassius post pugnam Pharsalicam ad Caesarem transierat ab eoque benevole receptus erat. Multos igitur alios Pompeianos, Cassio ad Caesarem allegato ac deprecatore, a Caesare veniam impetrasse satis erat credibile. 10. Amissis.... valent = the critical opportunity having been lost, which is most important. 11. Interpositus annus; i. e. the year that had elapsed since the battle of Pharsalia. 12. Ipsum vinci = ipsam cladem: the direct object of contemnerent. 13. Tantam moram; i. e. novem mensium. 14. Nescio quem = paltry, insignificant. Pharnaces (son of the famous Mithridates, king of Pontus) taking advantage of Caesar's being engaged in the Alexandrine war, made an incursion into Cappadocia and the lesser Armenia, the dominions of Deiotarus, a king tributary to the Romans. Domitius Calvinus, whom Caesar had appointed to command in Asia and the neighboring provinces, having received notice of this invasion, marched immediately to the assistance of Deiotarus. The two armies came to an engagement, in which Pharnaces had the superiority. Calvinus, at the same time, being called away by Caesar, who had occasion for those troops to complete the conquest of Alexandria, Pharnaces took that opportunity of entering Pontus, which he seized as his hereditary dominions, and where he committed great cruelties and devastations. This letter seems to have been written soon after the transaction above related, and probably while Caesar himself was on the march in order to chastise the insolence of Pharnaces. It was in giving an account of this expedition that Caesar made use of that celebrated expression in a letter to one of his friends, Veni, vidi, vici. 15. Currentem - incitarem. So de Orat. II. 44, 186: fa. cilius est currentern incitare quam commovere languentem. 16. In gemitl Italiae. Caesar, after the battle of Pharsalia, sent Mark Antony into Italy, as his master of the horse; an office, in the absence of the dictator, of supreme authority in the commonwealth; but Antony abused the power with which he was EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. 609 Page thus invested, ant( taking advantage of the disturbances at Rome C2f (excited by Dolabella pnd Trevellius, tribuni plebis), turned them to his private purposes, by enriching himself with the spoils of his fellow-citizens. This seems t have been the occasion of those general complaints to which Cicero herr alludes. 17. Pro inea, tua, suP part- = according to my, your, his ability. 18. Auctor: Caesar. EP. XXVIII. 1. Negligentia Dolabella was greatly ernbarrassed in his affairs; and it seems by this passage as if he had not allowed Tullia a maintenance, during his,absence abroad, sufficient to support her rank and dignity. The negligence with which Cicero reproaches himself probably relates to his not hevirg secured a proper settlement on his daughter, when he made the second payment of her fortune to Dolabella. For in a letter written to Atticus about this time, he expressly condemns himself for having aced imprudently in that affair. 2. Ad Caesarem mittere; i. e. in order to supplicate Ca.sar's pardon, for having engaged against him on the side of Pompey. EP. XXX. 1. Redditae -sunt - litterae. This lett-,r Sy is not extant; but Cicero mentions the purport of it in the oration pro Ligario, chap. III. 7, by which it appears, that he would preserve to him his former state and dignities. EP. XXXI. 1. In Tusculanum. Cicero continued at Brundisium till Caesar arrived in Italy, who came much sooner than was expected, and landed at Tarentum some time in September. They had an interview with each other, which ended much to the satisfaction of Cicero, who, intending to follow Caesar towards Rome, wrote this letter to his wife, to prepare for his reception at his Tusculan villa. 2. Ut.... parata = let all things be ready. The complete expression would be fac tit sint omnia parata. So ut sit below: = let there be one; i. e.fac ut sit. 3. De Venusino: sc. agro dlatae. He wrote the letter near328 Venusia. Ep. XXXII.. 1. M. arcello. Marcellus was then in exile at Athens. IIe was consul with Serv. Sulpicius in B. C. 51. 2. Consilio. This refers to the different conduct of Cicero and 610 NOTES. Page 3,8 Marcellus, after the battle of Pharsalia: the former having immediately returned into Italy, in order to throw himself at the feet of the conqueror, the latter retiring to Mitylene, the capital of Lesbos. In this city Marcellus probably resided, when this letter was written. 9 3. Ista ratio = that course of thine. 4. Nihil attinet = it is of no use. 5. Cuicuimodi res esset -= whatever the situation of the public affairs might be. Cuicuimodi, for cujuscujusmodi. 330 6. Gratia.... victi = on the ground of merit I have influence only so far as I have been conquered; i. e. so far as I yielded, after having been conquered. 7. Marcello; i. e. C. Marcellus. 8. Non adhibemur = I am non consulted. 9. Ad.... simus; i. e. my services are ready, whenever they are desired. EP. XXXIII. This letter is an answer to a letter of condolence, which Sulpicius, then in Athens, wrote to Cicero on hearing of the death of his daughter Tullia. 531 1. Vester Gallus. Manutius conjectures that the person here mentioned is Caius Sulpicius Gallus, who was consul in the year of Rome 586. 2. M. Cato. Cato the Censor. 3. Fuerunt - lived. 3a2 4. Domo absum. Cicero, upon the death of his daughter, retired from his own house, to one belonging to Atticus, near Rome. 5. Units. Caesar. EP. XXXIV. 1. Planco. L. Munatius Plancus was a brother of Plancus Bursa, the great enemy of Cicero. In the beginning of the present year he was appointed by Caesar governor of the farther Gaul, where he now was, at the head of three legions. Upon the death of Caesar, to whom he had been warmly attached, Cicero employed all his arts to engage him on the side of the senate; and Plancus, after much hesitation, at length declared himself accordingly. But he soon afterwards betrayed the cause he thus professed to support, and went over with his troops to Antony. 2. Per.... fui; i. e. Antonius assidue me vexavit. 3i,3 3. Non insolentia. Insolens dicitur, qui sua potestate abutitur ad calumniam bonorum virorum. 4. Immanitas = saevitia et crudelitas = despotism. EPISTOLAE CICERONIS. 611 Page 5. Vocem (liberam); i. e. liberam sententiam in senatu pro- J33 nuntiatam. 6. Quae ita longa est. Plancus was in the number of those whom Caesar had named to the consulate, in that general designation of magistrates which he made a short time before his death. But as Plancus stood last in the list, his turn was not to commence till the year 712. 7. Optandum sit = it is to be wished (rather than expected). 8. Spiritunl ducere = to live. Alii jungunt rei publicae spiritum ducere = producere; i. e. vitam rei publicae conservare. 9. Simulacrum = shadow, semblance. 10. Acta: sc. publica. 11. ititti = nuntiari. 12. Perducitur - durat. 13. Furnium. Furnius was lieutenant to Plancus in Gaul. 14. Et - sed. EP. XXXV. 1. Tuus affinis. M. Lepidus and Cassius had 334 each of them married a sister of M. Brutus. 2. Scelere et levitate Lepidi. Lepidus treacherously deserted the cause of the republic, and joined himself to Antony on the 29th of May. 3. Quae volumns, audimus; i. e. that you have defeated him. P. Cornelius Dolabella, the proconsul of Syria, had caused Trebonius to be cruelly put to death. Upon this he was declared an enemy by the senate, and Cassius was commissioned to make war against him: the result was, that he was driven to shut hilself up in Laodicea. where he died by his own hands. 4. inam.... aliquam = which indeed is either already in ~3, existence; i. e. has already been achieved. 5. Viceramus = we should have conquered. Tne indicative expresses with more emphasis the certainty that the event would have taken place under the conditions specified. 6. Consules designatos. Decimus Brutus and L. Munatius Plancus. 7. In te... omnia = that everything depends on thee and on thy Brutus; i. e. Marcus Brutus, whose legions were now occupying Achaia, Macedonia, and Illyricum. 8. Tamen = after all (it has suffered); i. e. although it has been thus afflicted by civil war, which notion is implied by victis hostibus nostris. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. a. or adj,. adjective. posit.,.. positive. abl.,.. ablative. p. p.,... past participle. absol.,.. absolute. prp.,....preposition. acc.,...accusative. pres.,.. present. adv.,....adverb. pret.,....preterite. c.,.... common. pron.,.... pronoun. c.abl.,.. cum ablativo. pron. adj.,. pronominal adjective. c. acc.,... cum accusativo. rel. pr.,. relative pronoun. c. acc. c. inf.,. cum accusative cum s. or subst.,. substantive. infinitive. sc.,.. scilicet, or namely. c. dat.,.. cum dativo. sing.,....singular. c. gen.,... cum genitivo. subj.,....subjunctive. c. inf.,.. cum infinitivo. subst. n.,.. neuter substantive. c. sup.,.. cum supino. superl.,.. superlative. compar.,.. comparative. v.,... verb. conj.,.... conjunction. v.a.,... verb active. dat.,... dative. v. def.,...verb defective. dem. pr.,.. demonstrative pronoun. v. dep.,...verb deponent. dim.,....diminutive. v. dep. a.,. verb deponent active. f.,..... feminine. v. dep. n.,. verb deponent neuter. fig.,... figuratively. v. freq. a.,. verb frequentative active. fut. inf.,... future infinitive. v. freq. n.,.. verbfrequentative neuter. gen.,.... genitive. v. imp.,.. impersonal verb. h. e.,... hoc est. v. imp. inch. n., verb impersonal inchoaimpers.,...impersonal. tive neuter. ind.,....indicative. v. inch. a.,. verb inchoative active. inf.,.... infinitive. v. inch. n.,. verb inchoative neuter. insep. prp.,. inseparable preposition. v. intens. a.,. verbum intensiVum actiinterj.,. interjection. vum. m.,.... masculine. v. n... verb neuter. metaph.,.. metaphoric. v. tr.,... verb transitive..,.....neuter. 1,.....first n. pi.,.. neuter plural. 2,.... second I part.,... participle. 3..... third onugaton pass.,.. passive. 4,..... fourth pers. pr.,. personal pronoun. * denotes an obsolete word. plur.. plural, tf " a word not classical LATIN-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. A ABS A., abridged for Aulus; a. d. = ante diem; Ab-4o, tvi or ti, ttum, ire, v. n., I go off, go a. u. c. = anno urbis conditae. away; a. e vita, to die. A,, db, prp. c. abl., off, from, by, (a before Ab-horreo, ui, 2, v. n., I differ much, I vary, words beginning with a consonant, ab be- depart fronm; abhorret a meis moribus, it fore words beginning with a vowel; ab is is not at all. my custom. au in alfero and aufugio.) It denotes, - Ab-jlcio, jeci, jectum, 3, v. a. (jacbre), I 1. Place: ab co loco; a sole, out of the throw away, throw; I throw down, prossun; a stirpe, fundamentally; usque a trate, debase, humble; I throw aside,-lay capite, from the very beginning; by, renove; a. animum, to be disheart2. Time: ab hora tertia; a pueritia; a ened or discouraged, to despond. prima purrna, since the first combat; Ab-juro, 1, v. a., I deny falsely upon oath, 3. An agent from whom an action pro- I forswear. ceeds, or by whom it is performed: a diis.b-latus, a, um, part. (aufero; latus = leomnia facta strut, all things have been vatus), taken away, removed. made by the gods; a natura, by nature;;Ab-5r2ggltes, um, In. pl. (ab origine), thle 4. Cessation, prevention, keeping off, first inhabitants of Latium; original inleaving off, deterring, delivering from: habitants. desistere a defensione, to give up the de-.bs-cido, Mdi, isum,3 (caedo), v. a., I cut fence: aliquem ab injuria deterrere, to de- off, cut; figur.: I deprive of. ter any one from ilnjury; Ab-scindo, idi, issum, 3 (scindere),v. a., I tear 5. A source or origin: quod tibi debet off, rend away, cut off, cut, part asunder. ab Egnatio, what he owes thee from the,bsens, tis, part. (absum), absent, not here, hands of Egnatius. out of sight, gone away, wanting..bdcus, i, m., board, table. Ab-slmllis, e, adj.. unlike, dissimilar; mostAb-dlco, 1 (dicare), v. a., I give up, resign, ly with a negation: haud a., non a. lay down, renounce, abdicate; a. se ma- Ab-sdlitus, a, um, part. (absolvo), let loose; gistratu, praeturd, dictatura, to resign the adj., free, unrestrained; acquitted, dismagistracy, &c. charged, released; finished, completed; Albdo, idi, Itum, 3 (dare, to put, do), v. perfect, absolllte. a., I remove, I hide; aliquem, aliquid in Absolvo, vi, itum, 3, v. a., I set at liberty, loco, in locum; a. se, to hide one's self: a. discharge, absolve, liberate, release; in se literis, 2t literas, to bury one's self in law: I acquit, c. ahl., gen.. or de; I finlearning. ish, complete, bring to a close; a. rem Ab-dftco, zi, ctrm, 3 (dtcere, to draw), v. a., paucis, to despatch in a few words. I draw, pull off; I lead off by force, Abs-tlnentia, ae, f. (abstineo), an abstaining force away; aliquem a, de, e loco, I entice fron, abstinence, moderation, discreetaway. ness. ABS 614 ACQ Mibs-tlneo, ui, tontum, 2 (te7leo), 1, v. In., I take; I receive, treat, entertain; I cornabstain from, am free from, a thing; 2, prehend, uniderstand, hear; I am sensible v. a., I keep or ward off, I hold back, of, feel; voluptatem accipere, to feel pleasrestrain. ure; I adnmit of; approve, accept of. iAb-strdho, axi, actum, 3, v. a., I drag, draw,.7c-clivis, e, adj. (ad, clivus), up-hill, steep, tear, pull off or away, take away by rising, ascending. force. Ac-clivitas, atis, f. (acclivis), a bending upqIb-sum, abfui, abesse, to be absent, out of wards, steepness, ascent, acclivity. the way, to be distant; figur.: to be far Ac-commodatus, a, um, part. (accommodo), from, i. e. not to have, to be free from, adapted; adj., suitable, proper, intended, not to belong to, to be disinclined to, to calculated -for. be wanting. Ac-cunmomdo, 1 (ad, c.), I adapt, adjust, fit; Absurdus, a, unm, adj. (=surdus, earless), I apply, accommodate. disagreeable to the ear, harsh, grating; Ac-curate, adv. (accuratus), diligently, elababsurd, foolish, foreign fromn the purpose oraiely, carefully, attentively, accurately. or subject; adv., absurde. JSc-curro, cricurri and curri, cursum, 3 (ad, Ab-undantia, ae, f. (abunldans), abundance, curro), v. n., I run to. plenty, copiousness, exuberance.dc-cu.so, 1 (ad, causa), v. a., I accuse in,lb-undd, adv. (abundus), abundantly, copi- judgment, I arraign, impeach, blanme, ously, largely. reprimand, aliquem, aliquem crimine, aliAb-futor, ftsus sum, 3, v. n., c. abl., 1, I quem alicujus rei, de re; I complain of, use up, consume by using, waste, run blame, chide, find fault with. through; passively, to be consumed, used Acer, acris, acre, adj. (aceo), sharp, sour, up; 2, I use otherwise, contrary to orig- tart, pungent, acrid; figur.: sharp, brisk, inal intention; 3, 1 abuse, turn to imn- powerful, vehement, of imen: fiery, fuproper use, apply to a wrong end. rious; severe, austere; valiant, gallant; Ac, conj. = atque, and (mostly before con- strenuous, diligent; of mind: acute, sonants, seldom before a vowel or h). keen, penetrating; of actions: violent; Acidemla, ae, f., a place near Athens, where of war: cruel. Plato taught philosophy; hence tile aca- Acerbe, adv. (acerbus), sharply, keenly, demical philosophy and sect. harshly, bitterly; figur.: cruelly. ARc-cedo, cessi, cessu7n, 3 (ad-ccdo), v. n., I iAcrbus, a, unz, adj. (ucer), harsh, sour, tart, draw near to, approach, arrive at, come unripe; figur.: cruel, severe, hard; of to, accost; I amn added, joined, annexed; sounds: harsh; of disposition: austere, with ad, c. dat., and c. ace. morose. &c-cendo, ndi, nsurn, 3 (ad, * cando, I make Acerevus, i, m, a ]leap, hoard, pile; a to glow, whence casndeo), v. a., I set on crowd, multitude. fire, set fire to, light up; figur.: I excite, Achalcus, a, ums, adj., Achaeaii, Grecian. inflame, stir tup. Schradina, ae, f, a part of the city of Syra-.c-ceptus, a, um7, part. (accipio), accepted, cuse. received; adj., acceptable, grateful, pleas- Acies, ei, f., the sharp edge or point of anying. thing; a line of soldiers, file, squadron; Ac-cerso. See arcesso. an army in battle-array; a fleet in battlelac-cessus, its, t1. (accedo), an approaching, array; a battle, fight, action; figur.: drawing near to, a coming. keen eyesight; force, power, prowess, Jc-cado, idi, isum, 3 (ad, caedo), v. a., I cut might, weight, inifluence; acuteness, off, cut, lop, cut down, fell. discernment, shrewdness of intellect, Arc-crdo,'di, 3 (ad, cado), v. n., I fall down ability. at or before; most frequently impers.,'ac- Ac)ineus, i, m., and acinum, i, n., originally: cfdit, it happens, occurs, falls out; accidit a germ, seed; a grain, kernel, grape, praeter opinionem, it happened unawares; raisin, berry. si quid alicui accidat, if anything should Ac-quiesco, evi, Etum, 3 (ad, quiesco), v. n., I happen to one. repose, take rest; figulr.: I rest, have.dc-cipio, epi eptumn, 3 (ad, capio), I receive, rest, find rest; I acquiesce in, dwell ACR 615 ADI with delight upon, am pleased or de- figur.: I consent to, approve; I devote; lighted with; with in, c.abl., and c. dat. a. aliquem ad jusjurandum, to force, collAcriter, adv. (alcer), vehemently, keenly, pel one to take an oath. sharply, eagerly; attentively, clearly, inl- Ad do, didi, ditum, 3 (ad, dare), v. a., I add; tensely; valiantly, stoutly, vigorously; I throw, cast in or upon, mingle with; exceedingly, very; severely, cruelly. figur.: a. alicui animos, to fire one's cour-.dcta, orum, n. pl. (ago), acts, actions, deeds;.age; a. fidem rei, to confirm, corroborate, acts, decrees, resolutions; acta publica, give credibility to a thing. public records. Ad-duco, uxl, uctum, 3, v. a., I conduct, Actin, onis, f. (ago), motion; action, opera- bring, fetch; I bring on, induce, cause, tion; management, negotiation, business, occasion I draw to, tighten, straiten; treaty; in oratory: the action or delivery I bring to, straiten, reduce; a. aliquem of a speech; a speech before a court, ac- in angustias, to bring one into difficulty; cusation, information, charge; an action a. in judicium, to bring to trial, arraign, at law. sue, summon before a court of justice; Victor, oris, m. (ago), agent, doer, perform- I induce, persuade. er; actor, comedian, player; pleader. Ad-ductus, a, um, part. (adduco), brought, Aciuleus, i, m. (acus), sting; prickle; figur.: conducted, &c.; adj., contracted, wrinsharpness, sophistry, a cuttting remark. kled. Acuo, ui, adtum, 3 (acus), v. a., I point, d-eo, Ivi and ii, tum, ire, 1, v. n., I go sharpen, whet; figur.: I sharper, incite, near, come; adire in jus, to go to law; excite, exercise; I stimulate, rouse, pro- 2, v. a., I go to. I approach, go up to; voke, instigate. figutr.: I undertake, undergo, incur, adopt. Ieutus, a, um, part. (acuo), pointed; adj., Ad-co, adv. (for ad id), so far, to such a desharp-edged, prickly; figur.: sharp, shrill, gree, insonmuch; so long; adeo dum, a. piercing, pungent, biting. penetrating; cf usque dum, a. donee, a. usque ut, usque the mind: acute, subtile, ingenious, a. quoad, till, until; also = vero, but quick. now. Ad, prp. c. ace., to, unto; 1, to a place, Ad-tquito, 1, v. a., I ride up to, or near to a thing, or person; ad urbem venire, to place or person. come to town; ad meridiem spectans, Ad-hIbeo, ui, ttum, 2 (habeo), v. a., 1, I looking to the south; cum Senatus ad adopt, use, employ; 2, I adapt, apply; Caesarem accederet; ad hoc, besides this; 3, I bring, bring on; 4, I offer, pay, give; ad verbum, word for word; ad summum, 5, I behave to, treat; 6, 1 add, join; a. to the highest degree; ad extremum, ad animum, to attend to; a. se, to conduct, ultimum, at length, at last; also near, as carry one's self. ad Romam near Rome; 2, till a time, or Ad-hiue (= ad hoc), adv., 1, hitherto, thus action; ad quaddam tempus, till a certain far, as yet; usque a., till now; 2, hetime; ad hiemem, towards the winter; yond that, more than that, more still; vita ad spem servanda, life to be preserved 3, still, as yet, even yet. for hope; 3, for quoad, quod attinet ad, as id-igo, egi, actum, 3 (ago). v. a, I drive, far as regards, in whatever pertains to. drive in, plluge, thriust, impel; 1 bring, Ad-aequo, 1, v a., I equal, make equal; conduct; figur.: 1 force, compel; adiadaequarefamam alicujus, to render one's gere aliquem ad, or in jusjurandum, to self as lamous as any one; adaequare se oblige one to make oath; a. aliquem jualicui virtute, to put one's self on a par rejurando, to bind one by an oath. with any one in virtue; adaequare virtu- id-imo. emi, emptum, 3 (emo), v. a., I take tem cum fortuna, to be as brave as one is away, remove, deprive of, deny. fortunate. Ad -piscor, eptus sum, 3 (apiscor), v. dep. Ad-amto, 1, v. a., I begin to love, fall in love a., I acquire, get, procure, obtain posseswith. sion of; with the ace. of a person, to Jd-didco, xi, ctum, 3, v. a., I adjudge, assign, arrive at, come up with, reach, overtake; make over, surrender; addicere aliquem figur.: I attain, understand. morti, to condemn, doom one to death; Ad-Itus, ius, m. (adeo), approach, entry, ADJ 616 ADV access; the place by which one ap- Id-Slescens, entis, part. (adolesco), growing, procciies or enters; the power of meet- increasing, young; subst. in. and f., a ing or conversing with one; figur.: an young man, youth, one past thle state of entrance, way, means, opportunity. boyhood, a young wonman. Ad-jfcio, Jci, jectum, 3 (jaciv), v. a., I cast Ad-lescsntia, ae, f. (adolescens), youth, the towards or against, I apply to; I add; age succeeding boyhood. figur.: I apply, devote.;d-lssscent.lus, i, m. (adolescens), dim., a Ad-jungo, junxi, junctum, 3, v. a., 1, I add, young man, youth, siripling. join, adjoin, unite, annex; figur.: I pro- Ad olcsco, levi., and 6lui, ultum, 3 (,lo, cure; I conciliate; 2, 1 yoke. olesco, I grow, related to ale, 1 nourish), 4d-jitor, Iris, m. (adjuvo), an aider, helper, 1, v. n., I grow, glow up, increase; assistant, promoter; a partisan. figur.: I grow, increase, advance, beAld-juvo, jilvi, jftum, 1, v. a., I help, aid, cone greater; 2, v. a., I fasten or join assist, succor. together. Ad-mInictilum, i, n. (manus), what holds Ad-6rior, ortus sum, 4 (oriar, I spring), I like a hand, a prop, stay, used to support start; v. a., I begin, commence; I apvines and fruit-trees.' proach, accost; I attempt, try: take in Ad-mnnistro, 1, v. n., I minister, attend, hand, undertake, go about; I attack, serve, work; 2, v. a., I administer, Iman- assail, invade. age, conduct, direct, govern, pay atten- Ad-orno, 1, v. a.. I ornament, embellish, tion to, regulate. adornl; I put in order, firnish, provide, Ad-mirdbllis, e, adj. (admiror), worthy of prepare; figur.: I arrange, draw up, admiration, admirable, wonderful, mar- prepare; I honor. vellous. Ad-oro, 1 (oro, I pray), v. a., I pray, solicit Ad-miratio, onis, f. (admiror),the act of ad- by prayer, pray flr; I adore, worship, miring, admiration, amazement, wonder; revere, venerate; I honor. respect, reverence, veneration. Adramyttenus, a, um, adj., of or belonging Ad-miror, atus sum, 1, v. dep., 1, v. n., I to Adraimyttium. wonder greatly, I marvel, I am aston- Ad-scisco, ivi, itum, 3, v. a., I take, receive ished, amazed, surprised; 2, v. a, I something with approbation, approve, rewonder at, I admire, look at with as- ceive as true; I receive or admit one in tonishment, regard, or esteem. some character, as something (citizen,..d-mitto, misi, missum, 3, v. a., I send to or ally, son, etc.); I take, draw, or receive onward, push forward, give rein to go on, any person or thing to myself, I approlet or suffer one to do something, suffer priate to myself. something to be done; I give admittance, Adspicio. See aspicio. adopt, choose; I admit, consult; I com- Ad-sum, adfui, adesse, v. n., to be present, mit something; I permit, allow; I re- at hand, here; c. dat., to aid. assist, ceive, admit. stand by. Ad-mudum, adv. (modus), in ftlll measure, Ad-ultEr, ri, m. (adulor, I fondle), a much, very, exceedingly; in good truth; fondler, seducer, debauchee; an aduljust, exactly, altogether. terer. Ad-nmneo, ui,'tum, 2, v. a., I remind, put d-ultus, a, um, part. (adolesco), grown up; in minilid, warn, admonish, advise; ali. adj., perfect, mature, ripe; full, conquemn de re, aliquid, ad, ut, ne, acc. c. inf. firmed, rooted. Ad-mon'itus. us, m. (admoneo), an advising, Ad-vsho, vexi, vectum, 3, v. a., I conduct, suggesting, intimating, warning, advice; carry, import from abroad, convey. instigation, exhortation. Ad-vnnio, veni. ventum, 4, v. n., I come, Jd-moeo, mOvi, motum, 2. v. a., I put near, come to, arrive, arrive at, come to hand, bring near to, apply, bring in contact Ad-vewticius or -rentltius, a, um, adj. (adwith; figur.: I enmploy, apply, admit. venio), come from abroad, foreign, advenAd-murmur,, 1v. n., I mlurimur, whisper titious. at; c. acc. with or without ad. Ad-vento, 1 (advenia), v. freq. t., I come.d-,Jtor See annitor. frequently, arrive at. ADV 617 AES JAd-ventus, us, m. (advenio), a coming to, an figur.: sorrow, grief, affliction, anguish, arrival. solicitude, care. Ad-versdrius, a, um, adj. (adversus), con- jegyptus, i, f. Aegypt. trary, opposite, inimical; subst. adversa- Aemiilus, a, um (related to imitor and simirius, i, m.. an adversary; an enemy. lis), adj., like, equal to; invidious, enviAd-versus, a, ur, part. (advertu), adj., oppo- ous; as a subst.: a rival, emulator, imisite, fronting; adverse, inimical, hostile, tator. contrary, opposing; adversae res, calami- Aequabilis, e, adj. (aequo), equal, of the ties, mishaps, misfortunes, adversity; in same quality; figur.: even, uniform, adversum, in a contrary direction; ex ad- equlal. verso, sc. loco, opposite, in front; flumine Aequalus, e, adj. (aequus), even, level, plain, adverso, up the river. flat; equal, like to, similar; equable, uniAd-versus and adversum, adv. and prp. c. form, constant, consistent, always the acc. (adverto), against, in front of, oppo- same; coeval, contemporaneous; as a site to, over against, facing, towards. subst.: a contemporary, of the same age; ad-verto, ti, sum, 3, v. a., I turn to or to- adv., aequaliter. wards; advertere animum, mentem, to ap- Aeque, adv. (aequus), eqiually, similarly, ply one's thoughts, to attend, observe; alike; with et, atque, ac, acsi, quam, ut, absolutely, advertere, to advert to, apply cum; aeque nunc narrat, ac antea narrabat, one's thoughts to, give one's attention to, he relates now in the same manner as he attend, heed, observe, perceive, under- did before; aeque amicos et nosmet ipsos stand. diligamus, let us love our friends as well Ad-vespbrascit, avit, 3 (vespera), v. imp. as ourselves; hi colunter aeque atque illi, inch. n., it grows towards evening, it these men are no less esteemed than grows late. those. Ad v5co, 1, v. a., I call, call to one; figur.: Aequl-noctium, i, n. (aequus, nox), the equi. I summon, call to my support. nox. Ad-vtlo, 1, v. n., I fly to or towards; figur.: Aequltas, itis, f. (aequus), equality; equity, I run to, go quickly up to. impartiality; justice; evenness of mind, Aedes, and aedis, is, f., a house, habitation, moderation, tranquillity of mind, reasondwelling; a building, edifice; a temtple, ableness. house of worship; commonly the plural Jequo, I (aequus), v. a., I make equal; I aedes denotes a house, the singular a level, make smooth; I compare, confront temple. with; c. ace.: I equal, come up to, atAedftecium, i, n. (aedifico), an edifice, tain; I divide equally. structure, fabric, building. aequus, a, um (akin to aqua), adj., level, aedif Ico, 1 (aedes,facio), v. a., I build, erect, plain, smooth, equal;-suitable, convenrear a building. ient; figur.: equitable, just, fair, imparAedilis, is, m. (aedes), an edile, a Roman tial; favorable, friendly; calm, commagistrate whose chief business was to posed, undisturbed; aequo animo, willsuperintend the repairs of public build- ingly, patiently. ings. iEr, adris, m., the air, atmosphere; the Jeduus, a, un, adj., of or belonging to the weather. Aedui, Aeduan..erarium, i, n. (aes), the place where the Aeger, gra, grum, adj., aching, sick, ill, public money was kept, the treasury; indisposed, weak, faint, infirm, figur.: the public money. sorrowful, unhappy, low-spirited, de- Aerarius, a, urn (aes), adj., relating to copsponding. per, brass, or bronze; relating to money; AegrE, adv. (aeger), achingly, unwillingly, aerarius, i, m., one who has only to pay discontentedly; aegre habere, to be dis- his tax (aes). pleased with; figur.: scarcely, hardly,.erumna, ae, f. (arare), labor, toil, hardnot easily. ship; difficulty, trouble, misfortune, misJegrWttfdo, tnis, f. (aeger), complaint, sick- ery. ness, illness, disease, bodily infirmity; Aes, aeris, n. (akin to area, earth), ore, AES 618 AGN copper, brass, bronze; anything made. f-firmo, ] (ad,firmo). v. a., I confirm, cotR of it, shield, trumpet, &c.; money, coin; roborate, assure; I affirm, assert, say aes alienum, debt. confidently, declare positively. 4estas, dtis, f. (akin to aestus, heat), the Af-flatus, us, m. (afflo), a breathing upon, summer. breeze, blast; breath; figur.: inspira-.Jestlmo, 1 (aes), v. a., I estimate, value, tion, enthusiasm. appreciate, rate. Af-flicto, 1 (afflio), v. intens. a., I agitate,./estiiarium, i, n. (aestus), a creek or arm toss, or drive this way and that; figur.: of the sea in which the tide ebbs and I afflict, vex, torment, distress, harass; flows; a frith, an estuary. afflictare se, and affiictari, to be afflicted, Aestuo, 1 (aestus), v. n., I am hot, I boil to grieve. with heat; I am anxious, disturbed in Jf-fiLctus, a, urn, part. (affligo), dashed, agi. mind. tated; adj., troubled, harassed, distressed, q.estus, is, m. (akin to aestas), burning or afflicted. scorching heat; the ebbing and flowing Jf-fllgao, ixi, ictum, 3 (ad, fligo), v. a., I of the tide. throw or dash against anything, I overAetas, atis, f. (for aevitas from aevum), age, throw; figur.: I harass, distress, vex, time of life; life, age of a man; time. disquliet, trouble; affligere se, to ruin Aeternus, a, um (for aeviternus, from aevum), one's self. adj., eternal, everlasting; durable, last-.fflo, 1 (ad, fso), v. n. and a., I blow upon, ing, perpetual; in aeternum, eternally, breathe upon; I inspire. forever. Jf-fluo, uxi, uzum, 3 (ad, fluo), v. n., to flow.f-fectus, a urn, part. (afficio), affected; to or towards; to run or flock towards; adj., disposed, inclined, constituted; figur.: I have in abundance, I abound moved; afflicted, oppressed, harassed; in, c. abl.; I am in abundance, I abound. indisposed, sick; debilitated, weakened, Africanus, i, m., a surname of the two most impaired. distinguished Scipios. df-fPro, at-trili, al-latum, af-ferre (ad, fero), Agi, pl. agtte (imper. of ago), interj., nove! v. a., I bring, carry; animum alicui a., to go to! come! come on! well! be it so! encourage any one; vim alicui a., to em- Ager, agri, m., a field, farm; ground, land, ploy force against one; a. se, to betake estate; territory. one's self; figur.: I assert, allege; I tell,.Agger, iris, m. (agogerre), a heap or pile bring word, report, announce; I pro- of earth, stones, wood, rubbish, &c.; a duce, bring forth; I contribute, help, mound, rampart, bulwark; a bank, mole, assist. dam. flf-ficio, feci, fectum, 3 (ad, facio), v. a., I Jg-gredior, gressus sum, 3 (ad, gradior), v. move, affect, influence, touch; I weak- dep., n., and a., I go to, or up to, I come en, debilitate, afflict with disease; I give, near, approach, accost; I attack, assail, bestow; a. aliquem beneficio, to bestow assault, encounter; figur.: I undertake, kindness on one; voluptate, to please; attempt, go about, prepare for, enter uppoena, to punish; molestia, to grieve, dis- on, commence; aggredi aliquem pecunia, tress; injuria, to injure; igominia, to to bribe some one. render an object of ignominy; honore, to Jg-gre'o, 1 (ad, *grego, from grer), v. a., honor; macula, to stain with reproach; I gather together, assemble, collect; I affici dolore, to grieve, to be sorrowful. unite, associate, attach. Jaf-ftgo, ixi, ixum, 3, v. a., I fix or fasten AgIto, 1 (ago), v. freq. a, I move, toss, to, attach to, fix upon, affix. drive to and fro, agitate; I set in motion, Jlf-ftnis, e (ad, finio); adj, adjoining, con- drive; I chase, pursue; figur.: I vex, tiguous; related by marriage; subst.: a trouble, disquiet, torment, harass; I medrelation by marriage; an accomplice, as- itate, weigh, ponder over; I incite, stimsociate, partaker. ulate, stir up.,ff-fInltas, ftis, f. (affinis), vicinity, near.gmen, Inis, n. (ago), a moving train, a union, connection; affinity, alliance by marching army; a troop, multitude, band. marriage. Ignosco. ovi, agnatum, 3 (ad, gnosco), v. a, AGO 619 ALT I acknowledge, recognize, own; I know, one's affections, at variance with, ab approve, avow, contess. aliquo; 5, foreign from the purpose, un. Ago, egi, actum, 3, v. a., I move. set in mo- suitable, contrary. tion, conduct, drive, lead; I chase, pur- ilquam-dla, adv., a good while, rather sue; I guide, direct, steer, manage, con- 1long. duct; I emit, cast forth, shoot out; I do, |Al2uando (alius, quando), adv., at some perform, act, execute; I pass, spend, time, sometimes, occasionally. vitam..Jllquantus, a, um (alius, quantus), adj., Jlgrdrius, a, um (ager), adj., of or belong- somewhat, some, considerable; aliquaning to land, fields; lex agraria, a law tum, i, n., rather much, a good deal. about dividing public lands among the Aliquis, qua, quod, and quid (alius, quis), people. pron. adj., some one else, somrbody, any Jlgrestis, e (ager), adj, belonging to the one,-aliquod is an adj., aliquid a subst.; fields, rustic, rural; figur.: clownish, aliquis, as a partitive, governs the gen. unpolished, uncivilized, rude. pl., or is joined with the abl. with de, e,.lgri-cla, ae, nm. (ager, colo), one that cil- or ex. tivates the field, a countryman, farmer. Aiqi7u (aliquis), adv., some whither, to.iAgrr-cultio, onis, and agri-cultura, ae, f., some place. the tilling of the ground, tillage, agricul- Aliqu6t (alius, quot), indecl. pi. adj., some, ture. several, a few, not many. Aio, ais, ait, v. def., I say, speak; I affirm, Aliter (alis for alius), adv., in another manassert, testify, avouch; ain', for aisne? ner, otherwise, in any other way, else. do you say? It is joined with the adv. longe, multo, Ala, ae, f., a wing; figur.: the wing of an nihilo, and often has after it the particles army. ac, aeque, et, quam, &c.; longe aliter atque, Alader, cris, ere, adj., light, lively, brisk, much otherwise than. sprightly, active, prompt, apt, ready; Alus, a, ud (i.xo,), gen. alzus, pron. adj., spirited, mettlesome; swift, nimble, another, other; alius ex alio, one after quick, agile, speedy; cheerful, joyful. the other; aliud agere, to do something Ulacrltas, atis, f. (alacris), lightness, agility, else; adv., alio, to another place. nimbleness; promptness, eagerness, ar- Ai-labor, apsus sum, 3 (ad, labor), v. dep n., dor, spirit, alacrity, liveliness, briskness; I glide to, slide to, arrive at, reach. gladness, excessive joy, rapture. AlI-lefgo, 1 (ad, legare), v. a., I send on an Alaris, e, and dlarius, a, um (ala), adj., per- errand or message, depute to ask or solicit tailing to or stationed on the wings of an an thing; I allege or adduce, mention army. or name..Jlgor, 6ris, n. (algeo), great cold, shiver- Jl-ticeo, lexi, lectum, 3 (ad, lacio), v. a., ing, chillness. I allure or entice to myself, I draw to.ias, adv. (alius), in another way, after myself by alluring. another fashion; at another time, on an- Jlo, alui, iitum, and altum, 3, v. a., I feed, other occasion; in other respects, other- fill, increase; I nourish, support, mainwise; elsewhere. tain, cherish; I cherish, defend. Alibi (alius), adv., elsewhere, in another Jlter, Ira, &rum (alius), adj., one of two, place; in anything else. the other; the second. Alieno, 1 (alienus), v. a., I alienate, trans- Altercatio, onis, f. (altercor), a quarrelling; fer; figur.: I alienate, estrange, or noisy debate, altercation; strife, contenwithdraw the affections, I set at vari- tion, variance, reasoning, disputing; a ance. dispute before a court. lliEnus, a, um (alius), adj., 1, belonging to Illttisdo, lnis, f. (altus), highness, loftiness, another person, derived from another height; depth; figur.: height, loftiness, place, foreign; aes alienum, money due sublimity. to another, debt; 2, of another family, lltus, a, um, part. (alo), fed, nourished; not connected by affinity or acquaintance; adj., high, tall, lofty; deep, sunk deep; 3, averse, unsuitable to; 4, estranged in figulr.: high, lofty, elevated, exalted, no ALU 620 AN ble, great; altum, i, n., the open sea, the -mdveo, cvi, 6tum, 2, v. a., I remove from deep, the main. a place, take away, withdraw. Ali*ta, ae, f. (alumen), soft tawed or tanned Ample (amplus), adv., amply, largely; figleather. ur.: copiously, bountifully, sumptuously, 1mabelis, c (amo), adj., worthy of being magnificently; comparative: amplius, loved, lovely, desirable, amiable. which see. Amans, tis, part. (amo), loving; adj., fond.m plector, exus sum, 3, v. dep. a., I emof, affectionately attached to; subst., a brace, encircle, surround, clasp, enclose; lover; adv., dmanter. I love, cherish; I comprehend, include, Amalthea, ae, f. v., Epp. Cic. IIL, n. 11. take in, comprise. Jlmb-rio, onis, f. (ambio), a going round; a jlmplexor, atus sum, 1 (amplector), v. dep. soliciting or canvassing for favor, posts intens. a., I embrace, love dearly, cherof honor, &c.; an eager desire of honor, ish. ambition..Am-plexus, us, m. (amplector), the act of lmb-ttiosus, a, um (ambitio), adj., going embracing, a surrounding, encircling, enround; ambitious. compassing, a grasp, hug, embrace, claspJimb-itus, us, m. (ambio), a going round or ing. about; a compass, circuit; figur.: a can- Amp'tflco, 1 (amplus, facio), v. a., I envassing for a place, a courting of popular large, amplify, augment, increase, enfavor, bribery. hance; I amplify, heighten, exaggerate..imbulatio, onis, f. (ambulo), a walking; Ampitutdo, tnis, f. (amplus), ampleness, a walk, place to walk in. amplitude, greatness, magnitude, extent, Almbilo, 1 (ambi), v. n., I walk; I go a- size; figur.: grandeur, dignity, excelwalking, walk for exercise or pleasure. lelnce, distinction. A-mens, entis, adj. (mens), mindless, out of Amplius (compar. of ample), adv., more, his mind or wits, foolish, silly, distracted, farther, beyond that,,besides; c. gen.: senseless; insane, mad. amplius obsidum, more hostages; amplius A-mentia, ae, f. (amens), madness, insanity, duobus millibus, more than two thousand; frenzy, folly. it is often followed by quam, which, howAmicltia, ae, f. (amicus), friendship, amity; ever, is frequently suppressed: orationes league of friendship, alliance. amplius centum, more than a hundred Amrcus, a, um (amo), adj., loving, friendly, speeches. favorably inclined; confederated; subst., Amplus, a, um (plus in duplus), adj, large, a friend. spacious, ample, great, extensive; figur.: A-mitto, si, issum, 3, v. a., I send away, splendid, illustrious, distinguished, magdismiss, let go; I lose, throw away. nificent; noble, of great distinction, illusAmo, 1, v. a., I look at, regard tenderly, trious. am fond of, love; I delight in, take great Am-piitatio, onis, f. (amputo), a cutting or pleasure in; amare se, to be pleased or lopping off. satisfied with one's self. A.m-pito, 1 (am or ab, puto, I lop), v. a., I Imoenetas, atis, f. (amoenus). pleasantness, cut round or cut off, lop off, prune. delightfulness, desirableness. An (.v, i:v), conj, if; or if; it is usedAmoenus, a, um (amo), adj., worthy of be- 1. As a simple particle of question, not ing looked at, pleasant, delightful, sweet, expressed in English, an potest ulla esse charming. excusatio? can there be any excuse? i-molior, Itus sum, 4, v. dep. a., I remove 2. In indirect questions, quaesivi, an apud from one place to another, I put out of Laecam fuisset, I asked if he had been the way with an effort or difficulty; at L.'s; 3. In double questions: roga, figur.: I repel, drive away; I send away, velitne an non uxorem, ask him whether despatch, put away, discharge a per- he will take a wife or not; also joined son. to ne, anne; cum interrogetur, tria pauca Amor, Oris, m. (amo), a looking at, regard, sint, anne multa, when the question is, if tenderness, love, affection, fondness, de- three be little or much; an, joined with sire. nescio, dubito, conveys a doubt, which, ANC 621 ANX however, inclines to affirmation, as if it duration, lasting a year; recurring every were annon; est quidem id magnum, atque year, yearly, annual. haud scio, an maximum, it is important,.Ant, prep. c. acc., before, as respects place and I do not know if it be not highly im- or persons, and time; dies ante paucos, portant, or it is perhaps of the utmost some days ago; in dates, ante diem is put importance. for die: ante diem VI. Calendas J\ovembres,.nceps, celptis (am, caput), adj., that has for die sexto ante C. X.N, on the sixth day two heads; twofold, double; doubtful, before the 1st of November. Jinte omnia, uncertain, dubious. before all, first of all, or above all, chiefly. Ancilla, ae, f. (ancula), a maid-servant, Jnte is often used adverbially: et feci handmaid. ante, etfacio nunc, I did so before, and do JIncora, anchora, ae, f., an anchor. so now. dAnfractus, us, n. (amb, frango), the turn- Antea (ante ea), adv., before, formerly, hereo ing or twining of a road, a winding or tofore, in time past. bending; a circuit, revolution, compass. Jnte-cdpio, cepi, ceptum, 3, v. a., I take beo.lnto, anxi, 3, v. a., I make narrow, I coln- forehand, I preoccupy; antecapere tempus, press; I stifle, choke, strain, strangle; I to anticipate. cause pain; figur.: I straiten, tease, vex, Jnte-cedo, essi, essum, 3, v. n. and a., I go trouble, tornment. before, precede, take the lead; I surpass, jingor, aris, m. (ango), a compression of excel. the throat, sore throat; figur.: anguish, Jnt!-cello, Are, v. a. and n., I excel, survexation, grief, sorrow. pass, exceed, am superior to; c. dat.;.ingustia, ae, f. (angustus), a narrow place; antecellere omnibus ingenii gloria, to surnarrowness, straitness; angustiae, pi., pass all in the glory of genius; c. acc.: difficulty, distress, perplexity. eloquentia ceteros antecellis, thou art supeAn, ustus, a, um (ango), adj., strait, narrow, rior to the others in eloquence. close, confined, limited..Jnt-fero, tuli, latum, 3, v. a., I carry or Anima, ae, f., breath; vital spirit, life; the bear before; I prefer. thinking faculty, the soul; pl., shades, J.nte-hac, adv., before now, before, formerghosts, spirits. ly, in time past, hitherto, until now; Anulm-ad-verto, rti, rsum, 3 (animum ad- before this time. verto), v. a., I take heed, attend, observe, Jntl-lucanus, a, um (lux), adj., done before perceive, consider; I punish; animad- daylight, early. vertere in aliquem, to punish any one..ntenna, antemna, ae, f. (am, teneo), a sailAnImal, alis, n. (anima), a living creature, yard. an animal. Jlntx-pono, sui, situm, 3, v. a., I set or place Animus, i, m., the soul, the mind; thought, before I prefer. will, purpose, design; inclination, dis-.nte-quam, adv. of time, before that, beposition, regard, esteem, affection, love; fore. courage; animi causa, for the sake of Jntiquitas, atis, f. (antiquus), antiquity, anamusement. cientness; the ancients; ancient custom, in-nitor, isus, and Ixus sum, 3 (ad, nitor), ancient manners. v. n., 1 rest or lean upon anything; I.dntqquttus (antiquus), adv., of old, ancientstrive, aim at, labor upon, exert myself ly, in former times, in days of yore. to reach or obtain..ntiquo, I (antiquus), v. a., I make old, put Jqnnona, ae, f. (annus), the yearly produce on the old footing; I annul, make void, of the earth, corn, provisions; the price repeal, abrogate. of provisions, corn, &c.; a store of pro-.ntiquus, a, um (ante), adj., old, ancient,of visions. long standing. dnnus, i, m., time; a year; a season of the Anxius, a, um (ango), adj., compressed, year; ace. annum, during a year, a whole strained, stifled; vexed, disquieted, trouyear; abl. anno, in a year, or in a year's bled, uneasy, anxious; apprehensive, sotime. licitous, fearful; a. animi, vexed in his annuus, a, unm (annus), adj., of a year's mind. APE 622 ARC A-ptrio, erui, ertum, 4 (ab. pario), v. a., Ap-pisltus, a, urm, part. (appono), applied, I bear off, take off, uncover, open, set added; adj., contiguous, near, similar; open; I unveil, display, discover, dis- figur.: inclined to; proper, suited, conclose, show; I render accessible; ape- venient. well adapted. rire se, to show one's self, to appear. Ap-probo, I (ad, probe), v. a., I approve, A-pertus, a urn, part. (aperio), uncovered; applaud, commend, praise; I prove, conadj., open; naked; public; clear, mani- firm, make evident. fest, distinct, evident, appearing; sin- Ap-pr6pinquo, I (ad, prop), v. n., I apcere, faithful, trusty, frank, candid, hon- proach, draw nigh, come on, approxiest; adv., dpertS. mate.;pez, Icis, m., point, top, summit. Aprilis, is, m. (akin to apricus), the month Apis, is, f., the bee; gen. pl., apium and of April. apum. Aptus, a, urn, part. (apo), seized, fastened; Ap-paratus, a, urn, part. (apparo) prepared; adj., added to, tied, connected; joined adj., ready, provided, furnished, equip- together, compacted, composed; well-arped. ranged; adapted, fit, proper, suitable,.Jp-pdratus, us, m. (apparo), a preparing, convenient. getting ready, furnishing, preparation; Alpud, prep. c. ace., at, close by, near, with, equipment, furniture, apparatus; splen- by, among; apud aliquem, in one's house, dor, magnificence, show. or in one's writings; apud se esse, to be.ap-pareo, ui, Itum, 2 (ad, pareo). v. n., I in one's senses. appear, come in sight, am seen, make my Aqua, ae, f. water; aqud et igni interdicere appearance; I am present, attend, as- alicui, to forbid any one water and fire, sist; apparet, it is clear, evident, certain, i. e. to banish him. manifest, plain. Aquatio, Unis, f (aquor), the actof fetching Ap-pfllo 1 (ad, *pellare, to call), v. a., I call, water, a watering. name, term; I speak to, address, accost; Aquila, ae, f., an eagle; the standard of a I call upon, invoke, entreat, beseech; I Roman legion. appeal from one judge to another; I call Aquitanus, a, urn, adj., of or belonging to to account, accuse. Aquitania, Aquitanian. ap-pello, pili, pulsum, 3 (ad, pello), v. a., I ira, ae, f., any elevation of earth orstone, drive to or towards; navem ad littus ap- a hearth, an altar. pellere, to go close to the shore, to land Arabs, abis, m., an Arab, Arabian. absol., I go near, approach, make for (of Arbiter, tri, m. (ar = ad, bite), one who ships); figur.: I apply, devote. goes near, a witness; a spectator, spy; Ap-pbtens, entis, part. (appeto), begging; an arbitrator, umpire, judge, mediator. adj., desirous of, longing after, fond of; Arbitratus, us, m. (arbitror), judgment, covetous, greedy; c. gen.: alieni appe- opinion, will, choice; direction, guidtens, greedy after what belongs to others. alce. Alp-pEto, tvi and ii, itur, 3 (ad, pete), v. a.,.Rrbitrium, ii, n. (arbiter), the judgment I beg for, wish for, desire eagerly, covet; or sentence of an arbitrator; decision, I approach, draw near; I try to get, determination; will, pleasure, choice, catch at; I assail, assault, attack. disposition. Ap-plico, avi, atum and icui, icetum, 1 (ad,.lrbttror, 1 (arbiter), v. dep. a., I judge, plico), v. a., I apply, bring near to, or in think, am of opinion. contact with, attach; of ships: I direct, Arbor, Oris, f. (akin to robur), a tree. steer, bring near; I join, add. Arbnstum, i, n. (arbor), a thicket of trees, Jp-pono, 6sui, os'tur, 3 (ad, pone), v. a., I a shrubbery, an orchard planted with place near or by the side of, I apply to, trees. bring in contact with, attach, add; I ap- Arcesso, lvi, ltum, 3 (ar for ad, cio), v. inpoint, I suborn; I lay, place; I serve tens. a., I call, send for, invite, summon; up or set before one at table I arraign, accuse; figur.: I repeat. Ap-porto, I (ad, porto), v. a, I bring or car- Jrchilochlus, a, ums (A.rchilochus), adj., Arry to, conduct, convey. chilochian; severe, bitter, acrimonious. ARC 623 ASS Arctus, better artus, a, um, part. (arceo), Aretlnus, a, um, adj., of or belonging to kept; adj., strait, tight, narrow, restrain- Aretium, a city of Etruria. ed, contfined, olose; adv, arcte or artS. Jr-rlgo, exi, ectum, 3 (ad, rego), v. a., I lift.Jrdels, tis, part. (ardeo), burning; adj, or set up, erect, raise; I rouse, excite, fiery, hot figur.: eager, ardent, ilpa- animate, encourage. tient, glowing..r-r6gai', tis, part. (arrogo), arrogating;.dfrdelter (ardens), adv., hotly, ardently, ea- adj., proud, haughty, insolent, arrogant; gerly, keenly, earnestly. adv., arriganter. drdeo, arsi, arsam, 2 (aridus), v. n., I am Jdr-r6gantia, ae, f (arrogans), pride, haugh. on fire, I burn, blaze, shine, glitter; fig- tiness, presumption, arrogance. ur.: I am afflicted, troubled, tormlented; _.r-rogo, 1 (ad, rogo), v. a., I claim or I burn with love. attribute to miyself unjustly, arrogate; I.Rrdor, oris, m. (ardeo), heat, fire; daz- confer, bestow. zling brightness, sple:ldor; figur.. eager-.rs, artis, f., the method or way; an art, ness, ardent desire, ardor, impatience. faculty i contrivance, skill, ability; sciErduus, a, um, adj., high, lofty, steep, diffi- ence, profession, occupation; a quality, cult to reach; figur.: diffcult, hard, malae artes, bad qualities; contrivance, troublesome, arduous. exertion, industry; fraudulent contri-'ira, ae, f. (akin to ara and arena), a piece vance, deceitful art, stratagem. of ground, an open space, plain, field,.trtlculus, i, m. (artus), dim., a small joint; area, square or place in a city; a yard, a joint or knot. court. Artificium, ii, n. (artifex), an art, trade;.Jrgentum, i,n.; silver; silver-money, money. artfulness, craft, fraud..Jrgius, a ur, adj., belonging to Argos, Ar-. Artus. See arctus. give. Artus, us, m., a joint in the bones of ani-.rgamentium, i, n. (arguo), a proof, reason, mals; a limb. an argumenit; a sign, token, mark, evi- Jrx, arcis, f., a hill, top of a hill; a castle, dence; circumnstance, reason, cause; the fortress, citadel; a town, city; figur.: a subject-matter, a theme or subject. bulwark, shelter, refuge. ArTduts, a, um (areo), adj., dried up, dry,.scendo, endi, ensum, 3 (ad, scando), v. a..parched, thirsty, arid, lean, meagre. and n., I ascend, moiunt, climb. Airis, tis, mi., a ram; a battering-ram.scensus, fis, m. (ascendo), an ascent. Arista, ae, f., the beard of corn, the awn;.4sctitLs (adsc.), a, ur, part., v. adscisco. an ear of corn. Aspectus, is, nl. (aspicio), a looking at, a 4rmd, orum, n. pl. (are), 1, tools for labor- beholding, sight; countenance, look, asing the ground, instruments of husband- pect, air; appearance, figure, color. ry; 2, armns both offensive and defen- Asper, era, $rum, adj., rouglh, rugged, sive; arms for defence; 3, war, warfare; harsh, craggy; tart; figur.: unpolished, battle, fight. uncouth; stubborn: enrel, savage; sO. drmaamenta, orum, n. pi. (arma), imple- vere, abusive; troublesome, calamitous; letnts or utensils for any purpose; in stormy, perilous. ships: tackling, oars, sails, &c..,spernor, 1 (ab, spernor), v. dep. a., I turn rrmlatira, ae, f. (armo), armor of any kind; away from, reject, avoid, spurn; I dearmed men, soldiers. spise, disdain, contemn. drmdtus, a, um, part. (armo), armed; adj., Asplcio, exi, ectum, 3 (ad, specio), v. a. and equipped, accoutred; figur.: furnished, n., I look at, behold, see. fortified..s-sentator, Oris, m. (assentor), one who frmo, 1 (arma), v. a., I arm, fit out, equip; assents; a flatterer. I fit, strengthen, fortify. As-sentio, ensi, ensum, 4, and as-sentior, enIro, I, v. a., I labor at the earth, till, plough; sus sum, 4, v. dep. n. and a., I assent, apI cultivate, farm; I reap. prove, agree, c. dat. and c. ace. ArOma, atis, n., a spice. Js-siquor, cutus sum, 3 (ad, sequor), v. dep. Jrpfnas, atis, adj., of or belonging to Arpi- a., I come up with, arrive at, reach, num. join, find; figur.: I gain, obtain, com27 NN ASS 624 AUD pass, procure; I equal, reach, match; I dere animum, and attendere absol., to perceive, understand, comprehend. attend, give heed, mind, apply one's As-sldeo, edi, essum, 2 (ad, sedeo), v. n., I ind to. sit down near or by the side ot; I am at Jt-tentus, a, um, part. (attendo), stretched hand, ready to assist. towards; adj., attentive, sedulous, diliAs-sido, sedi, 3 (ad, sido), v. n., I sit down, gent; adv., attentS. sit by..t-trro, trivi, tritum, 3 (ad, tero), v. a., I As-slduus, a, ur, (assideo), adj., constant rub against or upon; I impair by rubbing, in attendance upon one; assiduous, in- chafe, wear away by use; I bruise, crush; dustrious, diligent, constant, persevering; I wear, weaken, impair, destroy. frequent, continued, incessant; adv., as-.At-tOnco, ttnui, tentum, 2 (ad, teneo), v. a., s'ldu. I hold, keep, keep lold of; I occupy,,as-sisto, stiti, 3 (ad, sisto), v. n., I stand watch, guard; I pertain, appertain, near, stand by, c. dat. and c. acc.; I touch, relate to; I am useful or expedistand upright; I aid, assist, c. dat. ent; quod attinet ad, with respect to. As-sul-fdcio, Eci, actam, 3 (assuetus, facio), it-tingo, tigi, tactum, 3 (ad, talngo), v. a., v. a., I accustom, habituate, inure, accus- I touch,,come in contact with; I reach, torn to, c. abl., iuf., dat. arrive at; I touch, border upon; I touch A.ss-uesco, dvi, Otum, 3 (ad, suesco), v. n. lightly upon, treat slightly of; I relate, and a., I accustom, ilure myself to; I concern, belong to. accustom, habituate, inure. qt-trlbuo, ui, ftum, 3 (ad, tribuo), v. a., I.dstrun,n i, n., a star; a constellation; the bestow, give, attribute, ascribe, impute; sin. I assign, subject; I add; I pay. astutia, ae, f. (astutus), craftiness, arch- Auctio, 6nis, f. (augeo), an increasing, enness, knavery; circumspection, address, larging; an auction, public sale. wariness. Juctor, Iris, m. and f. (augeo), an author,.thenienses, ium, m, the inhabitants of Ath- creator; a founder, establisher, inventor; ens, the Athenians. an author, writer of a book; a reporter, -t, conj., but, yet; at least; indeed, to be announcer, informant; an adviser; apsure. prover; instigator, promoter..tkheniensis, e. adj., of or pertaining to Ath- Jluctorltas, itis, f. (auctor), an increasing, ens, Athenian. producing; atthority, force, weight, inAthldta, ae, m., a wrestler, prize-fighter. terest; influence, credit, reputation, esathlete. teem, regard, dominion; power. ftque, (ad, que), conj., 1, And; the same as Auctus, us, m. (augeo), increase, growth, ac and et, and most commonly used be- augmentation. fore vowels; 2, Than, after comparatives.Juctus, a, um, part. (augeo), increased; adj., and comparative adverbs, as magis, secus, large, great, only in the comparative. aliter, alius, aliorsum, contra, contrarius; Audocia, ae, f. (audax), boldness, impu3, As, after aeque, sieiliter, juxta, aequus, dence, audacity; courage, valor. similis, dissimilis, par, talis, idem, and the Judaclter, and audacter (audax), adv., like; simul atue, as soon as; 4, And boldly, courageously, impudently, auda. that to, and indeed, especially. ciously..Etqut, conj., but, but yet, and yet, how-.udax, acis (audeo), adj., bold, confident, ever. resolute, courageous, audacious, daring. Jltrabas, dtis, an Atrebatian. Caes. IV. 35. J.udeo, ausus sum, 2, v. n., I go towards, I LtrOcYtas, utis, f. (atrox), cruelty, severity, venture, dare, presume; c. acc.: I atatrocity. tempt, undertake. Itrox, icis (trux), adj., raw, crude; atro-.udiens, entis, part. (audio), hearing, adj., cious, savage, fierce, barbarous, cruel. obedient: subst., a hearer. Att-tdmen, conj., but, but yet, for all that, Audio, i, itum, 4, v. a., 1 hear, perceive however. or learn by the ear, I hearken, listen; I Jt-tendo, di. entum, 3 (ad, tendo), v. a., I regard, approve; I obe-: hene audire, to tretch, stretch towards, extend; atten- be praised; mala audire, tn be blamed AUD 625 BEL Autdtio, Onis, f. (audio), the act of hearing, money, avarice, covetousness; inatiable a hearing; anything heard, hearsay, re- desire of, thirst after.'port, news. Avdars, a, um (aveo), adj., greedy, covetAu-fero, abs-tuli, ab-lutum, au-ferre (ab, ous, avaricious, stingy, sordid. fero), v. a., I bear away, carry off, take Ave. See Aveo. away, withdraw, remove; I obtain; I Aveo, -, v. a., I desire earnestly, wish, long extort. for, covet. Augfeo, axzi, actum, 2, v. a., I increase, Aveo, and hdveo, 2, v. n., I' grow, thrive, I amplify, augment, enlarge; I provide, am well, happy. equip, adorn, exalt, dignify; I advance, A-versus, a, um, part. (averto), turned'promote, enrich; I heighten,exaggerate; away; adj, inverted, reversed: figur.: I praise, commend, extol. alienated, averse, contrary, hostile. J.ugesco, 3 ((augeu), v. 1n., I grow greater, I -verto, ti, sum, 3, v. a., I turn off or away, increase, swell, rise. avert, remove; I alienate, estrange..Augur, iris, m. (avis, gurrio), a priest Avtdus a, aur (aveo), adj., greedy, desirous, who foretold events by explaining the eager; covetous, avaricious; adv., aiode. singing of birds, an augur; a diviner, Avis, is, f. (akin to aquila), a bird. soothsayer. A-v5lo, 1, v. n., I fly away; I flee away, Augirium, ii, n (augur); the interpreta- hasten. tion of the singilg of birds, the art of Avus, i, m., a father's or mother's father, augury; an omen drawn from the sing- grandfather; an ancestor.,it of birds; a forewarning, prediction, presentiment. Aida, ae, f., a courtyard; a royal palace; B. in aula, at court; the attendants at the palace, the court. Balbus, a, um, adj, stammering, stuttering, Aureus, a, un (aurum), adj., of gold, gol- lisping. den; gilded, gilt. Baleiris, e, adj., of or belonging to the Ba-.Aur-tga, ae, m..and f. (aurea, bridle, ago), leares, Balearian, Balearic. The Baleares a charioteer, driver. or Balearic islands consist of Majorca,.iu-is, is, f., the ear; figur.: judgment, taste. Minorca, and a few small islands near jurum, i, n., gold. them on the east coast of Spain. They Ausppcium, ii, m1. (axspex), a watching of were so called from.a Greek word signi birds, a token of some event, taken from fying to cast; because their inhabitantf the actions of birds; a consulting of the were very expert in the use of the sling, auspices, augury. Balteus, i, m., and balteuw, i, n., a belt, Auster, tri, m., the south wind. girdle; sword-belt. dut, conj., or; aut - aut, either - or; Barbdrus, a, wm, adj., barbarous, barbarilc partly - partly. not Greek or Roman, foreign; wild, unAu-tem, conj., 1, also, likewise; 2, but, cultivated, uncivilized, rude, barbarian. however, nevertheless; but now, but Basis, is, f., a base, a pedestal. then. Beaus, a, um, part. (bee), blessed; adj.,.Jutronianus, a, um, adj., of or belonging to happy; rich, opulent, wealthy, prosperAutronius. ots; making happy, charming; figur.: AuzIlilris, e (auzilium), adj., assisting, aid- copious, abundant; adv., beats. ing, succoring, auxiliary; auxiliares mi- Bellicosus, a, umr (belticus), adj.i warlike, lites, auxiliary troops. soldierlike, valiant. Auxtlidrius, a, um (auxilium), adj., aiding, Beltlcus, a, urn (bellum), adj., relating to helping; auxiliary. war; warlike. Auztlior, 1 (auzilium), v. dep. n., c. dat.: Bello, 1 (akin to pellare, to cry), v. n., I cry, I assist, help, aid, succor. quarrel, war, wage war, carry on war. Euxztium, ii, n. (augeo), assistance, help, Bellu. See belua. succoir; aiixiiary troop, auxiliaries. Bellum, i, n., cry, o.uarrel, war; battl, 3varitia, ae, f. (avarus), greedy desire of i fight; contest. BEL 626 CAM Bllus, a, um, adj., clear, of light color, C. fine, beautiful, handsome, pretty, neat; elegant, convenient, charming; pleasant, Cacimen, Inis, n., the peak or point, top ot sweet, well, in good health; good; po- summit ot anything. lite, well-bred, amiable; adv., bellU. Cadiver, rris, n. (cado), a carcass, corpse, Belua and bellua, ae, f. (akin to balo), any dead body. large beast; a brute, beast. Cado, crcrdi, casum, 3, v. n.. I fall; I fall, BMes (bonus), adv., finely, well; largely, die in battle; I fall to the ground, go to profusely; successfully, happily very. ruin, decay, perish; I fall out, happen, Bcne-flcium, ii, n. (bene, facio), a kindness, occur. favor, benefit; aid, means; a conler- Ciidfcus, a, um (cado), adj., ready to tall/ ring of any favor or office, a promotion. falling; frail, perishable Bn;P-vblentia, ae, f. (benevolus), benevo- Caedes, is, f. (caedo), a cutting, felling; a lence, goodness, kindness. striking, blow; murder, slaughter. Bestia, ae, f., any mammiferous animal, a Caedo, cecdi, caesum, 3, v. a., I cut, cut beast, wild beast. down, lop, fell; I strike, beat; I kill, B1bo, blbi, bWlbtum, 3, v. a., I drink; I slaughter, destroy; I sacrifice. drink in, imbibe. Caelo, 1 (caelum), v. a., I carve figures in BI-duum, i, n. (bis, dies), a period of two relief, on wood, stone, or ivory. days. Caesar, aris, m., a Roman family name in Bi-ennium, ii, n. (bis, annus), a space of two the Julian gens. years. Caespes, and cespes, Itis, m. (caesus), a turf, Bni, ae, a (bis), adj., two and two, two by sod. two. CSlidmttas, tiis, f., a hurt, damage, injury, Bi partito (bipartitus). adv., into two parts. calamity, disaster. Bt-pdtdlis, e (bis, pes), adj., two feet long, Calamltosus, a, um (calamitas), adj., hurtwide, or thick. ful, ruinous, destructive; hurt, injured, Bis, adv., twice; on two occasions. unfortunate, hapless, unhappy. BSnitas, itis, f. (bonus), goodness, excel- CalcUlus, i, m. (cali), dim., a pebble, small lence; kindness, benignity; filial piety. stone, particle of gravel. Bnum, i, n. (bonus), any good, or blessing; Calendae, or kilendae, drum, f. (calo), tho bona, orum, goods, property, effects. first day cf the month, the calelids. BBnus, a, um, adj., fine, good; fortunate, Calitdus, a, am (calleo), adj., cunning, arthappy; fit, apt, suitable, convenient; ful, skilful, experienced, shrewd; maliskilful, practised; brave, gallant; well- ciously cunning, crafty, subtle. disposed, friendly; large, considerable; Callis, is, m. and f. (cello, cillo), a path, boni, orum, the good, just, upright, patri- footpath, way, road. otic.- Compar. melior, superl. optimus. Calo, onis, m. (cala, stick), a soldier's boy Brfichlum, ii, n., the fore-arm, the arm be- or drudge, who bore the sticks for pitchtween the hand and the elbow; the ing tents; a slave, drudge. whole arm; a bough of a tree. C6lSr, bris, m. (caleo), warmth, heat; figBrLvis, e, adj., short, brief; of short dura- ur.: heat, ardor, vehemence. tion, transitory; brevi, abl., shortly, soon Calumnia, ae, f. (calvo), wily, deceitful conafter, in brief, in a few words. duct; chicanery, cunning conduct to inBrbvitas, dtis, f. (brevis), brevity, shortness; jure another; slander, aspersion, calumconciseness. ny. Brvlter (brevis), adv., shortly, in brief, in Camtra, ae, f., a vault, an arched ceiling or a word; in a short time. roof. Britanni, drum, m., the inhabitants of Bri- Camers, tis, adj., of Camerinum, a town in tania, the Britons. Umbria, Camertian. Britannia, ae, f, Britain. Campester, tris, tre (campus), adj., of or beBrundiisur.s, a, ttn, adj., of Brundisium, longing to a p'ain or field, level, flat. Brimidisian. Campus, i, m., a flat, level plain, open Bruttius, a, vm, adj., sc. ager, Bruttium. field. OAN 627 GAU,n/is, is, m and f., a dog, hound the beginning or origin of a thing; life; Caeo, ccfiai, cantum, 3, 1, v. n., I sing; 2, welfare; figur.: head, leader, author; v. a., I sing, express in song; I sound or chief matter, main point; a head, chapblow a musical instrument; classicum ter, paragraph. (sc. signum) c., to give the signal to the Career, iris, m. (akin to arx), prison, jail. soldiers with the trumpet; 1 prophesy, Careo, ui, Itum, 2, v. n., I am robbed or deforetell. prived of, I want, am in want of, am free Canusinus, a, nm, adj., of Canusium, a from; c. abl. very ancient town in Apulia, founded by Cdrina, ae, f (akin to caulis), the keel, botthe Greeks; Canusian. tom of a ship. CapSnus, a, um, adj., of Capena, Capenan: Cdritas, atis, f. (carus), dearth, scarcity of porta Capena, a gate in Rome, in the east- provisions, a high price, dearness figur.: ern district. high estimation, great regard, high esCdpesso, Ivi, Itum, 3 (capio), v. intens. a., I teemn love, attachment. lay hold of, I catch at, take up, seize; Carmen, Itis, n. (garrio), a song; a poem; figur.: I take in hand, undertake, enter prophecy,answer of an oracle. upon; capessere jussa, to perform, exe- Caro, carnis, f, the flesh of animals. cute the commanads. Carpo, psi, ptumn, 3, v. a., I pull, pluck, Cdpio, cepi, captum, 3, v. a., I hold, cor- gather; figur.: 1 cull, select, choose; I prehend, include; I put up with, bear; break off, bite off, crop, graze on. 1 comprehend, understand: I seize, lay Carptim (carpo), adv., by detached parts, hold of, grasp; I acquire, obtain; I take; by selecting here and there. I capture, seize, make myself master of; Carrus, i, in., a cart, wagon. I charm, captivate, allure, attract; I Carthaginiensis, e, adj., Carthaginian. take prisoner, take as booty; I take in, Carus, a, um, adj., dear, beloved, costly. deceive, cheat, wheedle; I reach; arma Ccsa, ae, f., a cottage, hut, cabin. c., to take up arms; occasinemr c., to Cassidaus, a, um, adj., of or belonging to seize the opportunity; fagam c., to flee; Cassius, Cassian. inpetum c., to make an attack; conatum Castellum, i, n, ("astrum), dim., a castle, c., to mlake an attempt; consilium c., to fortress, fort, fortified place. come to a conclusion or determination: Castra. See castrum. ne quid respublica detrimenti capiat, lest Castrum, i, n. (cado and caedo), a castle, the republic receive any harm; prae- fort, entrelnchmenlt, redoubt; pi., castra, dam c., to mIake booty; captus mente, out orum, a camp; a line of circumvallation; of one's wits, miad. a day's march; c. navalia, an encampCadptalis, e (caput), adj., relating to the meit including ships drawn to land; cashead or life, capital, deadly, dangerous. tra ponere, collocare, to pitch a camp; CdpltOlium, ii, n. (caput), the Capitol, or castra movere, to move the camp, to dethe splendid temple of Jupiter on the camp. Capitoline-hill. Castus, a, um (Engl. coy akin to cautus), Capitlinwts, a, um (Capitoliuni), adj., re- adj., shy, wary, reserved, chaste, contilating to the Capitol, capitoline. nent; pure; innocent, virtuous; pious; Captivus, a, um (capio), adj., captive, taken faithful, sincere, honest; adv., caste. prisoner, enslaved; taken in war. Cdsus, us. m. (cado), a fall, or falling; fall, Capto, 1 (capio), v. freq. a., I catch at, ruin, death; accident, misfortune, adstrive to obtain; I seek to catch, to de- versity, mishap, calanity: a fortuitous ceive; I watch, lie in wait for. event, hap, fortune, chatnce; risk, hazCaptus, us, mn. (capio), a taking or seizing; ard, danger; occasion, opportunity; wasu, power of comprehension, capacity, abil- ahl., by chance, accidentally, casually. ity, state, condition. Cadtea, ae, f., a chain. Caput,- tis, n., the head; a-man, person; Caterva, ae, f. (akin to turbo, turma), a the upper part, top, summit of a thing; troop, mass, or body of soldiers or me\ the extreme part or end of a thing; generally. the source, also the mouth of a river; Caupo, hnis, m., an innkeeper, victualler. CAU 628 CEB Vss~a, at, f. (akin to cede, I say), anything C6l1brttat, Stis, f. (celeber), fame, glory, spoken, every matter or concern which renown, celebrity; a great resort, crowd, is transacted or contended aboutt; Ihing, assembly, great number. matter, subject, object, question, busi- Cglebro, 1 (celeber), v. a., I praise, extol, ness, affair; a lawsuit or process, a jitdi- celebrate, honor, render famous; I make cial process; cause; occasion, motive, known, proclaim, publish abroad; I eelopportunity; a cause or reason adduced; ebrate, sole'inize; I frequlent, resort to. a pretence, pretext; an excuse; a hin. C~ler, 6ris, e, adj, swift, speedy, fleet, drance; causam dicere, to plead; c. te- quick. nere, to gain a suit; c. perdere, to lose a C6lrltas, atis, f. (celer), swiftness, quicksuit; causam alicujus agere, to manage ness, speed, celerity, velocily. the affair of any one; causae esse, in cau- Clgriter (celer), adv., quickly, speedily, sa esse, to be the cause of, to bear the immediately. blame of; ob earn causam, therefore; the Cella, ae, f., a hole, hollow room; a butabl. causa often stands for propter, for tery, pantry; an apartment for slaves; a the sake of; ea causa, on that account; shrine, chapel. honoris causa, for honor's sake; mea can- Colo, 1, v. S., I cover, conceal, hide; I sa, on my account. conceal from, hide from one's knowI Cautes, is, f., a rock, crag, cliff. edge. Cautus, a, urn, part. (cavee) foreseen; adj., Censeo, sui, sum or sMtum, 2, v. a., I speak, wary, provident, circumspect, cautious; judge, think, suppose, imagine, presume, cunning, artful. am of opinion; I ordain, decree, resolve; Caveo, cavi, cautum, 2, v. n., c. dat.: some- I estimate, rate, appraise, value; I couut, tites v. a., I see, look, provide, take reckon among. care, take heed; care tibi, provide for Censor, fris, m. (censeo), a censor, a magyour own surety; I beware or take heed istrate in Rome; a censurer, examiner. of,; I am aware, am on my guard, avoid; Census, fs, m. (censeo), a judging, estimatcavere aliquem, to beware of any one; ing; a census, valuation of a man's eseAvere a servitio, to guard against slavery; tate; a register or roll of the citizens. with subjunct. and ne: cave, ne minuas, Centum, card. num., a hundred. take care lest you lessen; and frequent- Centuria, ae,; (centum), a hundred; a cenly without ne: cave existimes, beware of tury, a division of the Roman people, thinking; I give security by pledge or Centuriatus, Rs, m. (centuria), a division bond. into centuries or companies; the office of CbvtIt!or, iris, m. (caviller), a caviller, centurion. jeerer; a humorous person. Centirio, 1 (centuria), v. a., I divide into -C6, a suffix, generally of the demonstrative centuries or companies. pronoun, having the same meaning as Centlrio, Onis, m. (centuria), a captain of a ecce (en-ce); see! hicce, haecce, hujusce. century, a centurion. When, in an interrogation, ne is added, Cerno, cr~vi, crEtum, 3, v. a., I discern, disce becomes ci; as hanccine! tinguish, jtudge; I decide, decree; I conCgdo., cessi, cessumrn, 3, 1, v. n., I go, come; tend, fight; I conclude, resolve, deterI give place, give way, withdraw, retire, mine; I see, descry, discern; I perceive, depart; 2, v. a., I vacate, quit, give up, comprehend, understand. cede, concede, grant; 3, v. n., c. dat.: I Certdmen, Inis, n. (certo), a contest, strife, yield to, comply with, submit to, accom- contention, debate; a battle, engagement, modeate myself to, act conformably to; fight. I yield the palm to, give place to. Certm (certus), adv., certainly, for certain, CWlPber, brie, bre, adj., famous, renowned, assuredly, undoubtedly; at least, yet, celebrated, illustrious; frequented, much notwithstanding. resorted to. Certo (certus), adv., certainly, surely. CWlbhratus, a, urn, part. (celebro), praised; Certo, 1 (cerno), v. intens. n, I contend, adj, talked of, known, notorious; cele- contest, strive, struggle, fight; cum alibrated, solemnized. quo certare, to struggle against or to vie CER 629 CIT with one; I go to law, engage in a law- Circum-eo, ii (vi), circultum, 4,v. a. and n., suit. I go round or about; I surround, encomCertus, a, um (cerno), adj., tried, faithful, pass, environ; I go round as a candidate, to be relied on; trustworthy, sure; cer- I solicit, canvass; I circumvent, cheat. tain, fixed; fixed upon, established, ap- Circum-fPro, tili, latumn,ferre, v. a., I carpointed; determined, resolved; having ry round or about. certain knowledge, sure, well acquaint- Circum-fluo, uxi, 3, v. a., I flow round or ed; resolute, bold, undaunted; open, about; I flock together; I abound. clear, well ascertained, manifest; ccr- Circum-jicio, jeci, jectunm, 3, v. a. (jacio), I tur scire or habere, to know for a certain- cast or throw around; I compass, comty; pro certo habere, to know for certain; prise. and certiorem facere aliquem, to inform, Circum-mitto, misi, missum, 3, v. a., I semn acquaint, apprise; also for quidam: certi round. homines, certain persons. Circum-minio, Ivi, Itum, 4, v. a., I wall Cervix, cis, f., the throat; the neck, espe- around, protect; I surround, invest with cially the hinder part of the neck. military works. Cespes. See caespes. Circum-mlnitio, onis, f. (-munio), a fortifyCitbra, citiro. See ceterus. ing or fencing round, circumvallation. C0trrum. See ceterus. Circum-sisto, stfti and stiti, stitum, 3, v. n. Cetdrus, a, um, or caetirus, a, um, adj. (not and a., I stand round, surround; I beused in the noin. sing. masc.), the other, siege. the rest; et cetera, also cetera, and so Circum-sto, stiti, 1, v. a., I stand or place forth; cetera, or ceterum, and cetero, are myself round; I beset; I surrolund. used adverbially: as for the rejt, in oth- Circum-vallo,, 1, v. a., I surround with a er respects, otherwise. rampart, invest, besiege. Ctbarius, a, um (cibus), adj, relating to Circumn-vinio,, entum, 4, v. a., I come food, fit for eating; common, ordinary in or stand round, I surround; I beset; I quality; figur.: sordid, vile, base; ciba- surround, invest, blockade; I circumr'a, oru.m, meat, victuals, provisions. vent, deceive, betray. CGbits, i, m., food, victuals, provender. Cis (-ce), prp. c. acc.: on this side. Ciceronianus,a;um( Cicero),adj.,Ciceronian. Cis ulptius, a, um (cis, dAlpes), adj., situated Cimbritcst, a, um, adj., pertaining to the on this side the Alps, Cisalpine. Cimbri, Cimibrian. Citaus, a, um, part. (cito), excited, adj., Cingo, nai, nctum, 3, v. a., I gird, tie about, swift, hurried, speedy, quick. surround; I environ. * CWttr (cis), tra, trum, adj., on this side, this Circa, prp. c. ace.: around, about; 1. way; more frequently used in the comp. Around a place, thing, or person; 2. citerior, and superl. citimus and citimus, About a timne: circa eawdem horam, about nearer, nearest; of time: nearer our own the same hour; 3. About a number: time, later, more recent; earlier, sooner, oppida circa septuagrinta, about seventy Cltlmus. See citer. towns. As an adverb of place: around. Citius. See cito. Circlnus, i, m., a pair of compasses. Cito (citus), adv., comp. citius, superl. citi. Circiter (circa), adv., about. sime; soon, shortly, quickly, speedily, Circu-Itus, us, m. (circaru, e,), a going without delay. round; a circuit, revolution; the circum- Cito, 1 (cieo), v. freq. a., I summon, cite beference, circuit; the way or path round. fore; I cite, quote. Circum (acc. of circus), prp. c. ace.: the Cttra (cis), prp. and adv., on this side; sanie as circa: around, about, round- nearer. about; adv., around, mear. Citro (cis), adv., hitherwards; ultro et Circum-do, dcdi, datumt, 1, v. a., I put or citro, this way and that way, ulp and set round; 1 surround, etcomlpass, en- down, to and fro, backward and forward; viron, invest; I confi ie, restrict. ultro citro, mutually, reciprocally. Crrurn-dfico, xi, ctum, 3, v.:a, I lead or Cttus, a, um, part (cieo), called, excited; draw round. adj., ready, quick, nimble, speedy, rapid. CTr 630 COE Civilis, e (civis). adj., of or belonging to a client, one who attaches himself to some citizen; civil; of the state, political; powerfil man as his patron. affable, courteous. Cliestela, ae, f. (cliens), the state of a client, Cfis, is, m. and f., a possessor; a citizen clientship; patronage, protection; a train or free inhabitant of a town or city; a of clients or dependants. fellow-citizen. Clipeus or clypeus, i, nl., a round shield. Civitas, dtis, f. (civis), the right of citizens, Clodialus, a, um, adj., of or pertaining to the freedom of a city, the citizenship; Clodius, Clodian. the body of citizens, a municipal corpora- Clypeus. See clipeus. tion, a city, state; a nation; the adinin- Cnaeus, i, m., abbrev. Cn., a Roman praeistration of public affairs, government. nomen. Cldles, is, f., slaughter, destruction, over- Caidius, a, u1n, adj., of or belonging to Cnithrow, discomfiture; loss, injury, dis- dus. aster. Co-acervo, 1 (con, ac), v. a., I heap togethClam (celo), adv., privately, privily, secret- er, heap up, accumulate. ly i prp. c. abl.: without the knowledge Co-aequo, 1, v. a., [ level, make equial or of; c. acc.: clam patrem. even, I make alike, put on the same footClidmto 1 (clam.), v. freq. a. and n., I cry ing. aloud, vociferate. Co-alesco, lui, itum, 3, v. n., I grow togethCadmo, 1, v. a. and n., I cry, shout, cry er, grow to, grow; I become united, I aloud, exclaim. agree. Clamor, oris, m. (clamo), a loud cry, shout; Co-arguo, ui, 3, v. a., I prove, show, deloud applause. monstrate; I convince, convict, prove ClErus, a, um, adj., 1 (calo), clear, loud, guilty; I cotnfute. distinct; famous, illustrious, renowned,- Ccus, i, m. See coquus. celebrated; 2 (akin to gloria), clear, Coelestis, e (coelum), adj, of heaven, heavbright, shining, splendid; figur.: dis- enly, celestial; excellent, eminent, godtinct, open, manifest, evident like, divine; coelestes, ium, the gods. Classis, is, f., a class or order of citizens, a Coelum, i, n., the vaulted heavens, the sky; fleet of ships of war. the air, region of the air; de coelo tangi, laudeo, 2, claudo, 3, claudico, 1 (claudus), to be struck by lightning; de coelo serv. n., I am lame, I halt, limp. vare, to take auguries by watching the Cfaudo, si, sum, 3, v. a.. I close, shutl; I heavens. surround, encompass, begird; claudere Co-Smo, emi, emtum and emptum, 3, v. a., I aginen, to bring up the rear. buy up, purchase in quantities or differClaudo, 3. See claudeo. ent articles. Claustla, ae, f. (claudo), a close, conclu- Coena, ae, f., the Roman dinner, taken sion; the end of a full sentence or period. abouxt three cr four o'clock. Cldavlcla, ae, f. (clavis), dim., a small key; Coeno, I (coena), v. a. and n., I dine; c. a tendril or clasp of vine. acc.: I dine upon. CSivis, is, f. (clava), a key; a bar or bolt. Coenum, i, n. (akin to cunio), dirt. mire, Clavus, i, m. (cala, stick), a nail; the rud- mud, filth. der of a ship, the helm; purple stripe on Co-eo, lvi and ii, Itum, 4, v. n., f go or a Roman tunic. come together, assemble, meet; v. a., Clemens, entis, adj., placid, gentle, tranquil, coire societatem, to enter into a connecpeaceable, still. tion, to make an alliance or compact. ClEmenter (clemens), adv., mildly, gently, Coepi, isti, it, v. defect. (akin to capio), I quietly, placidly; kindly, benignantly, begin, I have beguln; coeptus, a, um, moderately. part., begun, commenced. Crmentia, ae, f., clearness, calmness, mild- Co-erceo cui, citum, 2 (,trceo), v. a., I sur. ness, stillness, tranquillity, clemency; round, embrace, encompass; I keep in, kindness, gentleness, benignity, human- confine, restrain, check; 1 repress, bridle, ity, mercy. curb; I chastise, punish. Cliens, entis, m. (for cluens, from clueo), a Coetus, us, m. (for coitus, from coco), a con COE 631 COM nection, conjunction, assemblage; a Col-ltgo, gi, ectum., 3 (con, legere), v. a., I uniting union; a meeting, assembly, gather tgether, collect, assemble; I properly a meeting by consent. raise or lift up; I include in myself, enC3gitatio, onis, f. (cogito), a thinking, con- brace; I draw together, draw up, considering, reflecting, meditation; a tract; I draw back; I reckon up, cast thought, idea. up, compute; [ conclude, infer, deduce; Cogitdtlts, a, urn, part. (cogito), thought; I win, get, obtain, acquire; colligere se, adj., meditated, deliberate, intended, to recover or collect one's self. planned; cogitatum, i, n., thought, reflec- Collis, is, m., a hill, hillock, rising ground, tion, design, plan, intention. easy ascent. CogIto, 1, v. n. and a., I think, meditate, Col-locatio, inis, f. (colloco), a right placponder; c. ilf.: I design, plan, intend. ing; a giving in marriage, an endowing. Co-gndtus, a, um, adj., boril with, generated Col-l3co, 1 (cnn, loco), v. a., I set, place, or along with, cognate; related by blood, lay anytling in its place; I set up, nearly akin, closely allied, of the samie erect; I put in good condition, arrange, descent; figur.: like, fitting, agreeable, set in order, settle; I give in marriage. suitable. Col-liquium, ii, n. (colloquor), a talking toCo-gnltio, onis, f. (cognosco), an investigat- gether, discourse, conversation. ing, examining; reflection; information, Col-lquor, locittus sum 3 (con, loquor), v. intelligence, recognition; knowledge of dep. n., to speak together, converse, conanything, acquaintance with, skill in. fer. Co-gnomen, Inis, n. (con, nomen for gnomen), Cullum, i, n., the neck, throat. the family nanme, which was added to the Col-lustro, 1, v. a., I illumin e, brighten; I name of the gens (nomen); as Cicero in.I. look around upon, survey. Tulliu. Cicero; also a title, as.fricanus. Col-lIvies, ei, and col-llivio, onis, f. (colluo), Co-gnosco, gnovi, gnttum. 3, v. a., I exam- washings, a collection of impurities, filth ine, investigato, explore; I learn by ex- or dirt; a mixtiure, medley, confusion. amination, find out; I know, recognize C6lo, lui, cultum, 3, v. a., I tend, cultivate, I perceive, see, find; I hear, learn, re- till; I bestow care upon, labor npon, ceive information. take care of, attend to; I exercise, pracCOgo, coegi, coactum, 3 (fur co-Igo, froln tise, pursue, study; I inhabit, dwell in; con and ago), v. a, I drive or bring to- I regard, observe, mind, cherish, care gether, collect, draw together; I as- for; I respect, honor, esteem; I venerate, semble; I confinle, restrict, shut in; I worship. drive, impel; I force, compel, constrain. ColOneus, a, urn, adj., of or pertaining to CS-hdres, edis, m. and f, a co-heir. the Attic Demos Colonos. CY-hibeo, ui, ttLm, 2 (tabeo), v. a., I hold ColOnia. ae, f (colonus), a place newly cultogether, keep, contain; I conceal, re- tivated, and peopled or colonized, a colopress, restrain. ny, settlement. C'ior.?, tis, f., a cohort, the tenth part of Colonus, i, m. (colo), a cultivator, tiller, a legion; cohurs praetoria, the suite, train, farmer, husbandman; a colonist, inhabior retinue of a praetor. tant of a colony, a settler. C —hortdtio, onis, f. (cohortor), an exhorting, Color, aris, m., a color, hue, dye, tint, cornencouraging. plexion; appearance, cast, mannier, form; CY-hortor, 1, v. dep. a., I exhort, encourage. coloring, embellishment, ornament; exCol-ltga, ae, nm. (con, legare), a partner in cuse, pretext, cloak, plea. office, a colleagute. Cilimella, ae, f. (columna), dim., a small Col-leSium, ii, T. (collega), a college, cor- pillar or column. poration, society, community. Com-biro, ussi, ustum, 3 (con, uro), v. a., Col-lbet, and col-ltibet,'buit, YbItum est, 2, I consume by fire, I burn, scorch, dry up. v. ilmpers., it pleases, it is agreeable. Com-es, Itis, m. (ctn1, es), one who goes Col-tgno, I (con, lifare), v. a., I hind or tie along with, a companion, comrade, feltogether, j,)in together, connect, bind; I low, associate, atteid.nt. comprise, comprehend. CJ-minus, and com-minus (con, manus),adv. 27 * COM 632 COM nigh at hand; hand to hand, in close Com-mldo (commodus), adv., opportunely, combat. in season. Comis, e (cum), adj., sociable, courteous, Com-modo, I (commodus), v.a., I accommo. kind, humane, gentle, mild, affable, corn- date, adjust, adapt I give, afford, allow; plaisant. I lend. CUmIttatus, us, m. (comitor), a train or cor- Com-mudum, i, n. (commodus), convenience, pany of followers or attendants, a train, advantage, profit; income, wages, salretinue. ary, pay, reward; anything lent. CoGmtium, ii, n. (cum, eo), a place in the Com-m6dus, a, um (con, modus), adj., of a Forum Romanum, where the comitia cu- suitablle measure, apt, fit, convenient, riata were held; comitia, p1., the assem- suitable, opportune; agreeable, acceptably of the whole people to make laws or ble; affable, polite, easy, obliging. to choose magistrates. Com-mnitS-fdcio,feci,factum, 3, v. a., I put COmltor, I (comes), v. dep. a., I go along in mind, remind, warn, advise. with, accompany, attend or wait upon, Com-moror, 1, v. dep. n., I stay, stop, follow. pause, abide, remain, tarry, sojourn with; Comrmagcnus, a, um, adj., of Commagene, a 2, v. a., I detain, retard. country of Syria. Com-m7tus, a, um, part. (commoaeo), moved. Com-nedtus, us, m. (commeo), a passing; a Com-m~veo, ovi, otum, 2, v. a., I move passage; convoy, transport; provisions, wholly or together, set in motion; I supplies, victuals, forage. move, touch, affect, make an impression Com-mEmoratio, onis. f. (commemoro), a re- upon; I stir up, excite; I cause, unminding, calling to recollection, mention- dertake, begin; commotum esse, to be ing, recounting. troubled, disquieted, alarmed. Com-mnmrro, 1, v. a., I call to mind; I Com-mfuico, 1 (communis), 1, v. a., I make mention, common, communicate, impart, share Com-mend&atcius or -tWtius, a, unm (cowmen- with any one, make partaker of; I unite, datio), adj., containing a recommenda- join, connect; 2, v. n., I have conversation, commendatory. tion with, I commune; communicare cum Cem-mendatio, onis, f. (commendo), com- aliquo de re, to confer, consult with one mendation, recommendation; praise, re- about a thing. pute, esteem; excellence, grace. Com-mfnio, 4, v. a., I fortify, secure. Comn-mendo, I (con, mand,), v. a., I com- Com-mftnis, e (con, munus), adj., common, mend, recommend, praise; I consign, public, general; ordinary, usual; easy, Corm-mentariuso,, m, sketch, short narrative. affable, complaisant. Com-nentor, I (comminiscor, commentus), Com-mitdtio, onis, f. (commuto), a changv. dep. a., I meditate, think, muse upon; ing, change, alteration. I produce by meditation, I write, cor- Com-muto, 1, v. a., I change, alter; I expose; I discuss, dispute, contend; I ex- change, barter, traffic. plain, comnment r remark upon. Com-paro, 1 (con, paro), v. a, I prepare, Com-ween, I (con, mco), v. n., I go, come put in preparation, get ready, provide; and go. I establish, institute, ordain, provide; I Cuma-mnito, i, is, m., a comrade, compan acquire, procure, get; I get for money, 1 ion in war, fellow-soldier. buy, purchase; I cause, excite, occaCinn-mitto, mtsi. niisum, 3, v. a, I set to- sion; I gain over, win, seculre; I congether; I set at variance: I begin; proe- nect, join, unite; I compare, with ad, lium committere, to join battle, to fight, cum, inter, and c. dat. I count equal; combat; 1 join together, unite; I give, I show, prove, or deduce by comparicomnit, consign, intrust, commend; I son. perpetrate, perform, commit; v. n., I Com-pello, pli, pulsum, 3. v. a., I drive tofail, miss, mistake, transgress. gether; I assemble, collect; I drive, Com-nodde (commodus), adv., commodious- force, brinlg; I bring to anything, I iwaly, conveniently, fitly; in good time, in pel, move. due season, opportunely; suitably, well. Cum-pendium, ii, n., (con, pendo), a shorten COM 633 CON tng, abridging, abridgment; a short way; Cinatum, i, n. (conor), an endeavor, effort. a saving; profit, gain, advantage. COiatus, Ss, m. (conor), an attempt, en.?omn-perio, pEri, pertum, 4 (con, pario), v. a., deavor, effort, exertion. [ discover, find out, ascertain; I learn, Con-cido, cessi, cessum, 3, 1, v. n., I retire, am informed; comperior, iris, depon., for depart, withdraw, yield, give way; I compertum habeo or scio. step, go, come, repair; 2, v. a., I yield,.om-plector, ezus sum, 3 (con, plecto), v. give up, grant, allow, permit, concede; I dep. a., I comprehend, compass, encircle, resign, relinquish, relitiquish, remit, conIsurround, contain; complecti cogitatione, cede anything to any one. to conceive, imagine; c. litteris, to draw Con-cessus, us, m. (concedo), a permitting, up, express in writing; I clasp with my allowving; permission;, leave. arms, I embrace; I become fond of, I Con-ctdo, Idi, 3 (con, cado), v n., I fall to love, cherish, favor; I cultivate, devote pieces, fall in, fall down; figur.: I fall, nmyself to; I make a conclusion, I de- perish, sink, decay. duce; I get, reach, obtain. Con-cido, idi, asum, 3 (con, caedo), v. a., I Com-pleo, evi, etum, 2 (con, *pleo), v. a., I cut, cut up, cut in pieces; I cut to pieces, fill tip, fill, satiate, deck, cover; I load, cut down, slay, kill; I break in pieces, overload; I make full, complete, make disable, destroy; I break up, divide; I up; I finish, complete; legiones c., to loosen, weaken, subvert, ruin, destroy. complete the legions. Con-cilio, 1 (concilium), v. a., I bring to. Com-plexus, us, in (complector), a compass- gether, join together, unite, connect; I ing, encircling; the circumference, cir- make friendly, win, conciliate; I get, cuit, compass; a joining, connecting, provide, procure, furnish; I acquire, connection; an embracing, embrace; a bring about, make, cause. fight, close combat. Concliumrn ii, n. (con, calare), a meeting, an Com-pltres, era or itria, adj. pl., many, assembly, company of persons, council. several, a great many. Concio, Onis, f. See contio. Com-pano, posui, pusitum, 3, v. a., I put, Con-ctatus, a, um, part. (concito); adj., place, or lay together; 1 put in order, ar- set in rapid motion, quick, rapid; roused, range, dispose, order, regulate; I settle, fiery, ardent. adjust, accommodate; I compound, com- Con-cto, 1, v. a., I set in motion, stir up; pose, join together; I build, construct; I set in quick motion; I raise, excite, make, contrive, bring about; I invent, rouse; I stir up to rebellion, incite to infeign; I agree upon, arrange; I com- surrection, set in commotion; I incite, pare. provoke, irritate, make angry. Com-porto, 1, v. a., 1 carry or bring togeth- Con-climo, 1, v. n. and a., to cry together; er, I collect. I cry out, cry aloud, proclaim; c. acc., Com-positE (compositus),adv., calmly, quiet- acc. c. inf., also with ut, or the subjuncly, in good order; neatly; harmoniously. tive without ut. Com-prhendo, di, sum, 3, v. a., I seize, lay Con-clttdo, ftsi, ssum, 3 (con, claudo), v. a.. hold of, grasp, catch, arrest; I compre- I shut up, fasten up, enclose, confine, hend, conceive, understand; I detect, circumscribe; I shut, close, close up; find out. I straiten, hem in, bring into a form; I Com-pressu., is, m. (comprimo), a pressing conclude, infer, deduce; I show orprove together, compression. by inference or deduction; I end, conCom-prlmo, essi, essum, 3 (con, premo), v. a., elude; I round, conclude, complete in a I press or squeeze together, I compress; regular and harmonious way. I hold back, keep back; I conceal, sup- Con-cordia, ae, f. (concors), concord, agrcepress; I bridle, check, restrain, curb, re- ment, union, harmony, unanimity. press. Con-cfpisco, pivi and pii, pitum, 3 (con, Com-probo, 1, v. a., I hold for good, I ap- cupio), v. a., I desire earnestly, long fur, prove, allow, acknowledge, believe in, covet; I strive after, aim at. assent to; I make good, confirm, verify; Con-curo, curri, cursum, 3, v. n., I run toI prove to be good or effectual, I test. gether, run along with, meet, flock or CON 634 CON rush together; I engage in the fight, mon; I compare; I bring or carry to any charge; I join battle; to occur simulta- place; I promote, am serviceable to, am neously, concur, unite. good for; 1 bring upon, lay upon; I cornCon-curso, 1 (concurro), v. freq. n., to run mit, intrust, infer; I confer, give, imor rush together; to run to and fro, run part; I make use of, employ, apply, contiup and down; c. ace.: omnium mortal- vert; I direct, suit, adapt; I put off, deium lectos concursare, to go round to all ifer; manus cum aliquo c., to engage, fight inhabited houses; provinciam c., to travel with one; signa c., to fight a pitched batthrough a province. tie; conferre se, to betake, turn, apply Con-cursus, us, m. (concurro), a running or one's self any whither; rem ad aliquemn meeting together; an assembly coil- c., to refer the matter to any one's arbi. course, conflux of people; a charge, an tration. engagement (of armties). Con-fertus, a, um, part. (confercio); adj., Con-critio, cassi, cu.sum, 3 (con, quatio), close together, close pressed, close crowdv. a., I shake, move violently, agitate; ed, thick; confertum agmen, a closeI terrify; I trouble, disturb,'disquiet, agi- marching army; confertissima acies, an tate, distract; I injure, impair, weaken, army in a very close array; full. break down, ruin. Con-festim (akin tofestino), adv., forthwith, Con-demno, 1 (con, damno), v. a., I con- immediately, without delay. demn; I disapprove; condemnare ali- Con-flcio, feci, fectum, 3 (con,facio), v. a., quem capitis, to condemn any one to I make or bring together, get together, death. collect; I make, prepare, execute, effect; Con-dcio, onis, f. (condico), a contract, I procure, provide, get; 1 cause, excite; agreement; condition, stipulation, terms; I prepare, work, elaborate; I end, finish, proposition, proposal; condition, state, terminate, accomplish, complete, bring situation, quality, circumstances; good about; I bring to an end, run through, condition, advantage; way, manner; squander; I destroy, kill; I overpower, prescription, precept, rule. subdue; I wear away, consutie, weakCondimentum, i, n. (condio), a seasoning; en, ruin; conficior, I am grieved, afflictsauce. ed; part., confectus, a, urn, afflicted, harCondio, 4 (condo?), v. a., I sharpen, season, assed, emaciated, weak, decrepit, resalt, pickle, give a relish to. dtuced, exhausted. Conditio, nnis. See condicio. Con-f do, f sus sum, 3, v. n., I trust, feel Con-do, didi, ditum, 3 (con, dare), v. a.,. confident, am well assured, believe or put together, lay up, treasure up, hoard; hope confidently; c. abl., c. dat., c. acc. I shut tip, hide, conceal, bury; I lose c. inf., or with ut. sight of, leave behind; I finish, end, Con-figo, xi, xum, 3, v a., I fix or fasten spend, or pass; I put together, construct, together; I pierce, transfix. fabricate, b-ild, found, establish, com- Con-firmdtio, onis, f. (cinfrmv), a confirmpose, compile,'write; I celebrate, sing. ing, establishing, securing; encourageCon-dono, 1, v. a., I give freely, present, ment, consolation; a proving, confirmabestow, grant;: remit, excuse; I remit, tion, proof; an assertion, information, pardon, forgive; I give up, devote, sacri- declaration. fice. Con-firmo, 1, v. a., I make strong, strengthCon-dfico, zi., ctum, 3, v. a., I bring or lead en, establish; I restore to health, I together, draw together, conduct, assem- strengthen; I encourage, animate, heartble, collect; I hire; v. n., to be profita- en, enliven, console; I fasten, fix, make ble, advantageous, expedient. firm, render steady or stead fast; I ratify; Con-fcrcio, si, tum, 4 (con, farcio), v. a., I I prove, show, establish by argument; I stuff or'cram together; I cram, fill full. affirm, assert, assure. Con-ftro, contit/i, collatumn, 3, v. a., I bring Con-flsus, a, um, part. (confido); adj., or carry together, I collect, gather; t trusting, trusting to, relying on. contribute, pay; I brine, set, puit, place, Con-fiteor, fessus sum, 2, v. dpp. a.. 1 draw together, unite, join, make comn- say, confess, own, acknovwledge; figur.: CON 635 CON I show, manifest, indicate, give signs union; close attachment, intimacy, amiof. ty, alliance, relation. Con-fligo, ixi, ictum, 3, v. a, 1 strike or Con-junctus, a, um, part. (conjungo); adj., dash one thing against another; I corn- connected; agreeing; bordering on, near pare; v. n., I conflict, contend, fight, en- to. gage. Con-jungo, nxi, nctum, 3, v. a., I join or Con-flo, 1, v. a., I blow together; I bring, unite together, connect, couple; with put or join together, compose, conpound, cum, or the dative. make utp, raise, acquire, contract, form; Con-j.rdtio, onis, f. (conjure), a swearing I raise. excite, stir up, cause, occasion, together, conspiring together, conspiracy, make; c. aes alienum, to contract debts. plot; the body of conspirators. Con-Jfuens, tis, part. (corifluo); subst. m., Con-jiratus, a, um (conjuro), adj., having eonfluens and pl., conflaentes. ium, m., sworn together, having conspired; conthe place where two rivers flow to- jurati, orum, mt., conspirators. gether, the confluence of two streams. Con-jiro, 1, v. n., to swear together, make Con-fluo, uzi, uzum, 3, v. n., to flow or a league together; to conspire, enter into run together; figur.: to flock together, conspiracy. crowd together. Con-jux, igis, m. and f. (conjungo), a husCon-fodio, adi, ossum, 3, v. a., I wound, band, wife, consort, spouse. pierce, stab, transfix; figur.: I harass, Conor, cnadtus sum, l,v. dep. a., I strive, annoy. exert myself, I undertake, endeavor, atCon-figiio, f7igi, fgIltum, 3, v. n., I flee temlpt; 1 dare, presume, undertake. to for succor, take refuge with, have Con-quiesco, Evi, etum, 3, v. ii., I rest, am at recourse to. rest, enjoy repose. Con-fundo,.fldi, ffisum, 3, v. a., I pour to- Con-quiro, isivi, tsltum, 3 (cnn, quaers), gether, mingle, mix, blend together; I v. a., I seek after, search for, get or rake bring into disorder, I disturb, disorder, together, try to procure, collect. confuse, confoulnd. Con-quisttus, a, um, part. (conquiro); adj., Con-grMdior, gressus sum, 3 (con. gradior), choice, exquisite. v. dep. n., I go or move with; I go or Con-stnesco, nui, 3, v. n., I grow sound or come together with, accost, meet, con- whole, I heal. verse with; I join battle, fight, encoun- Con-sanguineus, a, um, adj., related by ter, engage; v. a., I attack, fall upon, en- blood, especially on the father's side;of gage with. the same blood or kindred; consanguine/, Con-grego, 1 (con, grez), v. a., I collect blood-relations, kindred. into a flock; I collect, assemble, congre- Con-scendo, di, sum, 3 (con, scando), v. a. gate. and n., T go or climb up, mount, get up, Con-gressus, us, m. (congredior), a coming ascend; I go on board, I embark. together, meeting, interview; intercourse; Con-scientia, ae, f. (conscius), the being a conflict, encounter, contest, battle. conscious, consciousness; conscience Con-gruo, ui, 3, v. n., I grow together, knowledge; joint knowledge; participacome together, meet; I agree, accord, lion; c. recta, a good conscience; c. mnala, suit, match, fit, answer, correspond. a bad conscience. Con-jectura, ae, f. (conjicio), a conjecture, Con-scisco, scivi, sctum, 3, v. a., I vote toguess, conjectural conclusion; divina- gether or by common consent; I deter-. tion, interpretation. mine, resolve, decree; I execute, put Con-j'cio, jeci, jectum, 3 (con,jacre), v. a., in execution; c. sibi mortem, to commit I throw together, throw, cast, fling, hurl; suicide. I thrust, drive, impel; I throw out, let Con-scius, a, ur (scio), adj., knowing fall, utter, pronounce; I conclude, con- something with some one, privy to, witjecture, guess, divine; hostes infugam c,, ness of, partaking of in the secret of, conto put the enemy to flight. scioIs; si alicujus injuriae sibi conscius Con-junctio, onis, f. (conjungo), a joining or fuisset, if he had felt guilty of any act of uniting together, conjunction, connection, injustice. CON 636 CON Con-scrbo, psi, iptut, 3, v. a., t write to- seat myself; I alight, settle, pitch; I engether; I enlist, enroll; I draw up in camp, pitch a camp; I take up my abode, writing, compose; conscribere milites, to settle at a place; I fall, fall in, give way, raise, levy soldiers. sink; figuir.: to subside, abate. Con-scriptus, a, ur, part. (conscribo); pa- Con-stlidrius, a, ur (consilium), adj., fit tres (et) conscripti, the formal appellation for counselling, counselling, advising; of the senate, i. e., the old senators, and subst. m., a counsellor, adviser those who were chosen from the eques- Con-silium, ii, n. (consulo), a speaking totrian order to make up the full number of gether; consultation, deliberation; counthe senate. sel, advice; determination, resolve, plan, Con-sector, 1, v. dep. a., I follow after with design; aim, view, end; prudence, diseagerness; I chase, pursue, press upon; cretion, sagacity, penetration, skill; conI hunt after; I imitate, seek to reach, trivance, management, art, stratagem; affect; I strive after, seek to gain, pur- the bench of judges, the judges; a counsue; I seek, adduce, bring fiorward. cil of war; c. inire, to frm a resolution, Con-slnesco, sInui, 3, v. n., I grow old; I to adopt measures; eo consilio, ut, with grow into disuse, grow out of date, be- the design, thati consilio, on purpose, decone obsolete; I become weak or lan- signedly. guid, I lose energy or strength, I waste, Con-sImnlis, e, adj., like, similar, with gen. decay, sink, fade. or dat. Con-sewsus, us, m. (consentio), consent, Con-sisto, stiti, stttum, 3, v. n., I place myagreement, unanimity; concord, harieo- self anywhere, take a stand, post nlyny. self; take place; appear; I nake a stand, Con-sentio, sensi, sensum, 4, v. n., I agree, get a firm footing, settle in a place; I accord, am of the same opinion; plot to- stand still, remain standing, stop, stay, gether, conspire: v. a., I consent to, as- hold my ground; I stand firm, consist in, sent to, agree that something be done; rest upon; I place nmyself with or to. with ut, or c. acc. gether; I agree, accord; I consist, am Con-sEpio, sepsi, septum, 4, v. a, I hedge nade up. in, fence in. Con-sItio, onis, f. (consero), a planting, setCon-sSquor, slcfitus sum, 3,'v. dep. a. and ting, sowing. n., I follow, go after, come after, succeed, Con-salor, 1, v. dep. a., I console, comfort, ensue, restlt; I follow after, seek to solace; I alleviate, lighten, relieve, corn reach, strive to attain, pursue; 1 follow, pensate, make amends for; I hearten, imitate; I adopt, comply with, obey; I encourage. come up withtreach, overtake, equal; I Con-spectus, a, urn, part. (conspicio); adj., obtain, gain acquire, attain; 1 under- visible; striking, conspicuous, remarkstand, copjlrehend, find out, perceive, i able. learn; I discover, detect. Con-spectus, is, m. (conspicio), a seeing, Con-s8ro, $Svi, sltum, 3, v. a., I sow, plant looking, look, sight, view. the grotund; I set, plant. Con-spIcio, spexi, spectum, 3, v. a., I see, beCon-servo, 1, v. a., I preserve, maintain, hold, look at or towards, observe, diskeep, defend, protect; I save, rescue, cern; I consider, take into account.'spare; I observe strictly. Con-spicor, 1 (conspicio), v. dep. a., I see, Con-sessus, us, m. (consideo), a sitting to- behold, descry. gether or with, an assembly of persons Con-spiro, 1, v. n., to breathe together, to sitting together. agree; to plot, conspire; v. a., I blow toCon-sldeo, sedi, scssum, 2, v. n., I sit, sit to- gether; conspiratus, a, ur, blown togetlhgether. er, united, collected; conspirati, conspirCon-sidbratio, 5niS, f. (considero), viewing, ators. contemplation, regard, consideration. Con-stns, tis, part. (consto); adj., steady, Con-sidbro, I, v. a., I consider, meditate, firm; steady, resolved, constant, even, think of, weigh, deliberate. lniform, consistent, fixed, determined, Con-sido, s8di, sessum, 3, v. n., I sit down, immuntable; adv., constanter. CON 637 CON Con-stantia, ae, f. (constans), steadiness, c. ace.: to deliberate upon, to consider, firmness, consistency, uniformity of con- consult about, examine; consulere aliduct, perseverance; equability, fixed- quern, to ask the opinion or advice of any ness. one, to consult, to ask advice of a lawCon-sterno, stravi, strdtum, 3 (sternere), yer; c. dat.: I take counsel for any one's v. a., I throw to the ground; I strew or good, I care for, provide for, look to, recover all over, I spread, lay. gard, respect. Con stItuo, tui, ttrtum, 3 (con, statue), v. a., Con-sulto (consultus), adv., deliberately, I put, place, station, dispose; I set up, considerately; designedly, on purpose. erect, found, build, construct, raise, ap- Con-suite, 1 (consuln), v. freq. a. and n., I point, make, create; I fix, settle, ap- consult, deliberate, take counsel; I conpoint, assign; I settle, resolve, deter- suit for, take care, provide, look to; mine, decide; I decree, ordain, prescribe, c. ace.: I consult, ask advice of. lay down; I prepare, dispose,' arrange, Con-sultum, i, n. (consultus), consideration, get ready. deliberation; a decision, resolution, a deCon-stltftuts, a, ur, part. (constituo); adj., cree; a measure, procedure, design, plan. constituted, circumstanced; constitutun, Con-sultus, a, ur, part. (consulo); adj., an appointment, private agreement. experienced, practised, skilful, skilled, Con-sto, stiti, stitum, 1, v. n., to stand to- knowing; juris consultus, and jure congether; I stand, stand fast; I stand firm, sultus, a man learned in the law, a lawI remLin, continue; I subsist, last, en- yer, jiurist. dure; to cost; to consist in or of some- Con-summo, 1 (con, summa), v. a., I add tothing, to be composed of, made up of, to gether, collect into a sum, sum up; I rest upon, depend upon, lie in; to agree finish, complete, accomplish, perfect, contogether, to accord, correspond, to be con- sumnmate. sistent; to be evident, manifest, clear; Con-simo, sumsi or sumpsi, sumtum or constat, it is evident, it is certain, it is sumptum, 3, v. a., I take together, take the general opinion, it is agreed; mihi to myself, eat, devour; I consume, deconstat, I am determined. stroy; I weaken, debilitate, break down, Con-struo, uzi, uctum, 3, v. a., T heap or wear out, take off, carry off; I put'to pile up, lay up, I put together, join to- death, kill; I use up, use the whole. gether; I fabricate, build, construct. lose; I lay out, spend, pass, employ, Con-stupro, 1, v. a., I ravish, violate, de- use. bauch. Con-surgo, surrexi, surrectum, 3, v. n., to Con-suesco, evi, Etum, 3, v. n., I accustom rise up together; I rise, raise myself; myself, I become accustomed or used to c. ad bellum, to rise up in arms. a thing; perf., consuevi, I have accus- Con-tagio, onis, f. (contingo), a touching, tomed myself, I am accustomed or used, touch, contact; connection with, particiI am wont. pation in; intercourse, acquaintante, an Con-suetudo, tnis, f. (consuesco), custom, infecting, infection, contagion, epidemic usage, use, habit; the common way of disease., speaking; intercourse, acquaintance, fa- Con-temno, temsi and tempsi, temtum and miliarity, intimacy. temptum, 3 (akin to contamino), v. a., I Con-sul, tuis, m., a consul; consul designa- despise, contemn, slight; contemnere e, tus, consul elect. to rate one's self low, to make nothing of Con-siildris, e (consul), adj., of or belong- one's self ing to a consul, consular; vir c., a man Con-templatio, anis, f. (contemplor), a view, of consular rank, who has been consul. ing, beholding, gazing upon, surveying Con-slaltus, us, m. (consul), the office of consideration, contemplation; medita. consul, consulship, consulate: the time tion, study; regard, respect, considera. of this office. tion. Con-siilo, -ilui, ultum, 3 (consul), v. n. and Con-templor, 1 (templum), v. a., T view, slur a., to speak together, to consult, take vey, behold steadfastly, gaze,upun; I counsel, to deliberate, reflect, consider; meditate, weigh, consider, contemplate. CON 638 CON Con-temptio, onis, f. (contemno), a contemn- der, maintain, support; I keep in, re. ing, despising, contempt, scorn, disdain. strain, curb, bridle, check, hold in; I Con-temptus, fs, in. (contemno), contempt, keep at something, I ermploy, busy I scorn, disdain, derision; contemptui esse, charm, delight; I embrace, include, cornto be a suibject of scorn. prehend, contain; couttineri re, to conCon-tendo, di, turn, 3, v. a. and n., I stretch, sist of, to rest upon, to be made up of a strain; I strive, -truiggle, endeavor, at- thing. tempt, labor; I exert myself to gain Con-tingo, ttgi, tactum, 3 (con, tango), v. something, I request, solicit, beg, en a. and n., I touch; I border upon; I treat; I maintain energetically; I assert, reach arrive at, come to; v. n., to hapinsist, contend; I compare, contrast, set pen, come about, turn out, come to pass; or match together; v. n., I hasten, make contigit, it came to pass, it happened. speed; I march, go, bend my course; I Cjn-tlnuatio, onis, f. (continuo), a joining fight, contend, dispute. without interruption, a continuation, sucCon-tente (contendso), adv, with great ex- cession. ertion or force, earnestly, vehemently. Con-tlnuo (continuus), adv., immediately, Con-tentio, 6nis, f. (contendo), a straining, forthwith, instantly, without delay; stretching, exerting, an effort, exertion, right on, next after, without intertnisendeavor. a striving, endeavor, exertion sion. for something, c. gen.; a contention, Con-tInuo, 1 (continuus), v. a., I continue, contest, dispute, debate, controversy, keep on without intermission, I prolong, strife. keep up; I join to one another, I connect, Con-tentus, a, um, part. (contendo), ex- uinite. tended; adj., stretchled, exerted, tight. Con-tlnuus, a, um (contineo), adj., conCon-tentus, a, urn, part. (contineo), kept; tinned, without intermission, uninteradj., content, contented, satisfied. rupted; immediately connected, contigCon-tMro, trivi, tritum, 3, v. a., I break or uous. bruise small, I pound, grind, break up; Con-tto, onis, f. (from conventio), 1, a meetI wear out. ing or assembly of the people or army; Con-testor, 1, v. dep. a., I call to witness, pro contione, before a public assembly, in take to witness, conjure; I beseech, public; in contione dicere, to speak pubpray; I bear witness, testify, certify, de- licly; 2, an oration, harangue, public clare. speech; habere contionem apud milttes, to Con-texo, xui, xtum, 3, v. a., I weave, weave harangue the soldiers. together, interweave, entwine, join to- Con-tionor, I (contio), v. dep. n., I make a gether; I connect, join, compose, devise, speech, I harangue, address the people contrive. or army; v. a, I declare before the peoCon-tlnens, tis, part. (contineo); adj., ex- pie itt a harangue. tendled to, contiguous, adjoining, adja- Contra (perhaps abl., for contera, sc. parte, cent, next to, connected with, following as ci-, ex-, in-, ultra), 1, adv., on the opimmediately; uninterrupted, continuous, posite side, in opposition, on the contrasuccessive, incessant, unbroken; conti- ry, against, over against: sometimes folnent, temperate, moderate in one's de- towed by ac, atque, quamn; 2, prp. c. acc.: sires, sparing, frugal, sober; Cappado- on the opposite side of, in opposition to, ciae pars cum Cilicia continens est, a part contrary to, opposite to, against, over of Cappadocia touches upon Cilicia; adv., against; contra ea, on the contrary, on ontinenter. the other hand. C'on-tnentia, ae, f. (continens), the re- Con-tractus, us, m. (contraho), a contracting, straining of one's own desires and pas- shrinking, unevenness, roughness; the sions, forbearance, moderation, temper- beginning; a contract, agreement, barance. gain. Con-tlieo, ui, tentum, 2, v. a., I hold or Con-traho, axi, actumn, 3, v. a., I draw tokeep together; I hold, keep; I shut in, gether, bring together; unite together, surround, encompass; I keep in good or- collect; I incur, fall into, take on my CON 639 COR,if v^xter iitt *. I cause, bring on, bring turn, direct, apply, convert the use ot, *o.^t. nilmae, I draw in, bring into a turn th n minds of; convertere signa, to iAnalierconpass, cwntract; I shorten, cur- wheel round; iter in provinciam c., to tail, aLtidge, iessen, diminish; I check, march into a province; c. se in or ad stop, restrain; I depress, dispilit. aliquem, to turn to one, to place one's Contrarius, a, ur (contra), adj., opposite, hope or trust In one, to have recourse contrary, repugnant; inimical, hostile; to one; c. ad se, or in rem suam, or ad hurtful, injurious; opposite to, lying commodum suum, to turn, apply, apover against; followed by ac, atque, propriate, convert to one's own use or quam, opposite to, different from; e or advantage. es contrario, on the other hand; ex con- con-vinco, tvci, victutm, 3, v. a., I conquer, traria parte, on the opposite side; in con- put down by argument, prove to be false; trariam partem, or in contrarium, on the I show some one to be guilty, I convict; contrary, to the opposite effect. I show clearly, demonstrate, prove inContrO-versia, ae, f. (controversus), a de- contestably; c. gen. or abl.: I convict bate, dispute, controversy. of something, show to be guilty of a Con-ttinmlia, ac, f. (con, tumeo), an affront, crime or fault. injury with contempt, outrage, insult, Con-vtvium, ii, n. (con, vivo), a feast, banderision, contumely; reproach, reproof; quet, entertainment. injlry, brunt, violence.. Con-voco, 1, v. a., I call together, assemble, Con-turbo, 1, v. a., I throw into disorder siummon, convoke. or confusion, I disorder, confuse; I dis- Co-iprio, rui, rtumn, 4, v. a., I cover over, tress, discompose, disquiet. envelop, everwhelhl. Con-vdlesco, lui, 3, v. n., I gain strength, Co-rior, ortus sum, 4, v. dep. n., I arise, grow strong; I recover from a disease; rise, break out, spring; to rise up toI grow, increase, gain power, prevail. gether, start up. Con-vallis, is, t. (nallis), a plain surrounded COpia, ae, f. (con, ops), plenty, abundance, with hills; a valley, vale. number, supply; material f-r speaking, Con-vlnio, vrni, ventum, 4 (venio), v. n. and matter; power; ability, requisite means, a., to come or resort together, to meet, ample opportunity, leave, permission; c. assemble; to agree, correspotd, har- dicendi, and in dicendo, richness of exmonize; to make an agreement, to con- pression, fluency, copiousness, eaae; cert with any one about anything, cum copiae, arum, pi., supplies of every kind, atiquo, inter se, de re; to stit, agree, fit, provisions, necessaries, stores; effects, to be adapted to; to be profitable, expe- goods, substance; troops, forces, army; dient. serviceable, c. dat.; concnit, it is copiae pedestres, infantry. fit, proper, suitable; res convenit, the Copiosus, a, um (copia), adj., copious, abunthing is agreed upon. the matter is made dant, plentiful, rich, wealthy; c. abl.: up; convenit, it is agreed; convenire ali- agris c., rich in land; of style: copioua, quem, to meet one, find, visit one, to fluent, rich, diffise; adv., copiUss. speak with one. Ciptla, ae, f., a-band, fetter, tie, grapplingCon-venttm, i, n. (convenio), a covenant, iron. agreement, league, compact. Coquo, cori, coctum, 3 v. a., I cook, dress, Con-ventus, a, um, part. (convenio), called or prepare food; figlir.: 1 contrive, preupon, visited, spoken to. pare, meditate, plan, concoct. Con-ventus, us, m. (convenio), a meeting, C6quus, and cius, i, m. (coquo), a cook. assembly, collection; an assembly or Coram (acc. of *cora, eyeball), prp. c. abl.: meeting of persons to listen to some- before the eyes of, before, in presence of; thing; a council; court, assizes, court- adv., before one's eyes, face to face, day, term; an agreement, covenant, corn- in prson, In one's presence by word of pact. mouth; openly, publicly. Con-verto, ti, sum, 3, v. a., 1 turn about; T CZrium, ii, n., the hide or skin of a beast, turn. transformi; I chanlge, alter; I turn leather; the bark of trees; the skin, shell, in a certain direction, I direct; figur.: I or rind of fruits; crust, surface, covering. 00 COR 640 CRU Cobm, Os and a, n., a horn of a beast; a mit to one's trust, confide or consign to horn to blow upon, a trumpet; the wing one's care; without an object named: of an army or fleet. I trust, have confidence in, rely upon, ~Crcna, ae, f., a garland, wreath; a crown; confide in, give credit to, believe; 2, I what surrounds the head, or anything take for true, 1 believe; I think, suppose, else; a ring or circle of men; a line of imagine. circumvallation formed of troops; sub Crdmo, 1, v. a., I burn, set on fire. corona vendere, to sell captives (with Creo, I, v. a., I make, create, form, prowreaths on their heads) for slaves. duce; I generate, beget, bear, bring Corpus, 5ris, n., the body; a solid sub- forth; I make, cause, give, afford, bring stance, anything material, a mass, sub- on, occasion; I make, elect, appoint, stance; a body politic, corps, division. create. Cor-rlgo, rexi, rectum, 3 (con, rego), v. a., Cres, Etis, m. (acc. plu. cretas), a Cretan. I set right, make straight, set upright; I Also adj., Cretan. amend, correct, reform. Cresco, crevi, cretum, 3, v. n., I grow, come Cor-rlpio, Ipui, eptum, 3 (con, rapio), v. a., forth, am born; I increase, become I take or catch together; I snatch or bigger; I grow up, am brought up; I hurry away, set in rapid motion; 1 lay rise, thrive, am promoted, am advanced, hold of, seize hastily, snatch up; I I become great. attack, seize; I carry away to trial, I Cribrum, i. n. (cerno), a sieve, riddle. accuse, bring to trial; I make away Crymen, nis, n. (cerno), charge, accusation, with, carry off, purloin; I chide, re- indictment, arraignment, inpeachment; prove, rebuke. offence, fault, trespass, crime. Cor-rodo, risi, rosum, 3 (con, rodo), v. a., I CrimInor, 1 (crimen), v. dep. a., I accuse, gnaw, gnaw up, eat away. charge with a crimie; I allege as a reCor-rumpo, rfipi, ruptum, 3 (con, rumpo), preach or as an accusation. v. a., I tear apart; I waste, impair, mar, Crlnis, is, m., the hair of the head. spoil, damage, hurt, injure, destroy, cor- Crotoniensis, e, adj., of Crotona, a town in rupt; I seduc-, bribe. the south part of Italy, Crotonian. Subs., Cor-ruptu.s, a, urn, part. (corrumpo); adj., a Crotonian. spoiled, ruined, bad, corrupt, depraved, CrTcidtus, Us, m. (crucio), torment, torvicious. ture, pain, agony, distress, vexation, ailCortex, Icis, m. (corium, tego), the covering guish. bark, the rind, shell, external hard cover- Crlcio, I (cruz), v. a., I torment, torture, ing of anything; the bark of the cork- rack, pain, afflict, vex, harass, distress. tree, cork. Cradelis e (crudus), adj., hard-hearted, Cvassttudo, Inis, f. (crassus), density, thick- cruel, fierce, inhuman, savage, barbarous, ness, bigness. inexorable; adv., cr'dilltter. Crditr, iris, m. and crdtEra, ae, f., a large Cri'delttas, atis, f. (crudelis), cruelty, barvase or bowl in which the wine was barity, inhumanity. mixed with water; the vent or aperture Crfdus, a, urn, adj., fresh, raw; unripe, imof a volcano. mature; untimely, premature; not cultiCrites, is, f., a hurdle, crate, wicker ves- vated, not ploughed; cruel, savage, barsel. barons, rough. CrIber, bra, brum (akin to grex), adj., re- Cruento, 1 (cruentus), v. a., I make bloody; peated, numerous, thick, close; doing a I injure, hurt; I stain, pollute. thing frequently, abounding in anything, Cruentus, a, urn (cruor), adj., bloody; deadv., crebro. lighting in bloodshed, cruel, fierce, feroOrebrt (ereber), adv., frequently, often- cious, savage, inhuman, barbarous; red, times, repeatedly. blood-red, ruddy; stained, polluted,conCredtbilis, e (credo), adj., credible, pro- taminated. bable, likely, what may be believed; Cruor, nris, m. coagulated blood, gore. adv.. cridibliter. Crits.. ris. n., the leg from the knee to the Cedo, dld, ditum, 3, v. a., 1, I intrust, com- ankle. CUB 641 CUS Cblcitlum, i, n. (cubo), a bedchamber, a used only as a suffix of conjunctions, prolodging-room. nouns, or adverbs; denoting the same as Cbibo, bt, bitum, 1, v. n., I cower, lie in the English ever, soever, as quicunque, bed, sit at table; I lie sick; cubitum ire, whoever; quandocunque, whenever; ubito go to bed. cunque, wherever. Cticultndi, for cujuscujusmodi, of what Cipld'tas, atis, fa (cupidus), a wish, desire; sort, kind, or manner soever. passion, lust; thirst after gain, covetousCitjds, aris, or cujatis, e (7is, gen. cujus), ness, avarice; heat, ardor, passion; adj., of what country, town, or nation? great partiality. Cujuscamadi, for cujuscumque modi, of what Ciipdo, nhis, f. (cupio), a wish, desire, pakind ir manner soever. sion; c. pecuntae, covetousness. Ctjusmadi(quis, modus), adv., of what kind, Cgupdus, a, um (cupio), adj., fond, desirous, sort, manner, or fashion. eager, attached to, favorably disposed Culmen, Inis, n. (columen, akin to collis), to, c. gen.; avaricious, covetous; too the highest part of anything, top, sum- eager, hot, ardent, vehement, passionmit, spire; a roof. ate adv., cipi'd. Ctimus, i, m. (akin to calamus, caulis), the Cpio, Zi, and ii, tum, 3, v. n. and a., I stem, stalk, or blade of plants, the straw gape, look at, covet, wish, desire, lon of corn. ~~of~~ ~corn'~. ~for; c. acc., acc. c. inf., c. inf.; c. alicui, Culpa, ae, f., guilt, blame; error, fault, to wish well, to favor. offence; transgression, crime. Cir (qui or quis), adv., why, wherefore; Cultiira, ae, f. (colo), cultivation, culture, conj., that. care, attendance. iira, ae, f., care, carefllness, diligence, Cultus, a, um, part. (colo); adj., cultivated, attention, regard; the care or charge of improved, polished, adorned, dressed. anything, administration, management; Cultus, is, itt. (cole), cultivation, care; cnl- care, concern, anxiety, solicitude, trouble, ture, improvement, education; anything sorrow, grief; res est mihi curae, I take pertaining to the maintenance of one's care of the thing, I attend to it; cum cura, life, all the necessaries of life; splendor carefully, diligently; hbere rem curae, in dress and costly furniture; manner of to pay regard to, take care of a thing; living; worship, adoration, honor, re- aliquem cura afficere, to cause sorrow, spect; cultus animi, the improvement of grief, trouble to any one. the mind. CiMria, ae, f., one of the thirty parts into Cam, (con), prp. c. abl.: together with, which Romulus is said to have divided, with; siding with; along with, pro- the Roman people; a building where the vided with; among; provided, furnished curiae met; the senate-house. with; in; esse cum imperio, to be invested Ciri6sus, a, um (curia), adj., busy, officious, with unlimited power. careful, diligent; curious, inquisitive. CTimrilo, 1 (cumulus), v. a., I heap or pile Ctro, 1, v. a., I do, make, am busy in, take up; I increase, augment; I heap or pour care of, see to, look to, order, provide, upon, I load; I bring to perfection, make care, regard, attend to; I procure; with perfect. the ace. and gerundive: to cause, order; Canae, arum, f., birthplace, cradle. pontem faciundum curat, he orders a Cunctatio, onis, f. (cunctor), a delaying, bridge to be made. lingering, deferring; dilatoriness, hesi-Curro, clcurri, cursum, 3, v. n., I un, tation, delay, doubt. go, drive. Cunctor, 1, v. dep. n., I scruple, find rea- Currus, is, m. (curro), a chariot, car, sons for delay, I delay; I stay, remain, wagon. stop. Cursus, us, m. (curro), a running, course; Cunctus, a, um (conjunctus), adj., every one, motion haste; a journey, tolr, course, entire, whole, in a body; cuncti, p.e,all, passage, voyage; course, career, flow, all together. connection, continuation; cursa, in CunIcilus, i, m, a coney, rabbit; a mine. haste. -Cunque, the same as quisque, every, but Custodia, ae, f. (custos), watch, guard, CUS 642 DEC care; a keeping, -guarding, preserving, from or resign the command in a province, care, charge, protection; caretulness, at- to quit a province. tention; prison; a guard or watch-house, DLcem, unm., ten. a place where a guard is set. DJcember, bris., adj. (decem), december, ustOdio, 4 (custus), v. a., I guard, watch; supply mensis, the month of Decenber, I defend; I take care, aml on niy guard the tenth nmolth of the Roman )ear. I observe, watch; I keep with myself, 1 De-cerno, crevi, cretutn, 3, v. a., I separetain; I keep in custody or prison, rate, distinguish, decide,judge, conclude, Custis, Odis, tm. and f., a guard, guardian, think; I deliberate, determine, resolve; overseer, watch, keeper, superintendent, I decree, give sentence, pronounce; I preserver, defender, protector. filght, contend, combat, engage. Cylindrus, i, m., a cylinder. De-certo, 1, v. n., I contend vehemently, I strive, fight for, dispute; armis decerD tare, to fight; d. proelio, to engage in battle. Damnstns, a, um, part. (damno); adj., con- De-cessus, us, m. (decedo), a going away, demned, cast, reprobated. departure; a retiring from an office; Damno, l,v. a., I doom, condemn, sentence; death. d. aliquem capitis, to condemn any one t(, Deet, uit, 2, v. impers. n., it seems, bedeath. seems, becomes, is becoming or proper, Damnum, i, n. (damno), hurt, harm, loss, behoves, is right, fit, suitable, or meet. damage, injury; a fine, penalty, muilct. DS-cido, tdi, Isum, 3 (de, caedo), v. a., I cut De (akin to di- and se-), prp. c. abl.:of, off; I decide, determine, conclude, setfroit; 1, of or from a place; de via, froml tie. the road; 2, of or from a thing; de suo, De-cIdo, Idi, 3 (de, cado), v. n., I fall from, of his own; de integrro, from the whole, fall down. anew, afresh; de industria, from design. Dlcies (decem), adv. ten times. designedly; 3, of or from a person; Declm&nus, and dbcimanus, a, um (deci. emere de aliquo, to buy from any one 5 de mus), adj., belonging to the tenth, relatme, from me, touching myself, as far as I ing to the tenth part; decumana porta, am concerned, 4, of or from a multi- tie principal gate of the camp. tude; unus de illis, one of them; 5, of or DecZmus, i, i, a Roman praenomen. from a time; de nocte, from the night, by b>cimus, a, um (decem), adj., the tenth. night; de multa nocte vigilare, to watch De-cipio, cSpi, ceptum, 3 (de, capio), v. a., I from advanced night, very late at night; deceive, beguile. de media nocte, from midnight, at or a De-clamtto, 1 (declamo), v. freq. a., I delittle after nidnight; 6, in composition, claim, plead often. de implies motion downward, as descendo, De-cldmo, 1, v. a. and n., I declaim, make deruo; or has a privative power, as de- set speeches; I plead. mens; or an intensive signification, as De-cldro, 1, v. a., I make clear, show cleardeamo, deparcus. ly, declare, evince, manifest, express, Dea, ae, f., a goddess. signify, maintain; I proclaim. Dsbeo, bui, bMtum, 2, v. a., I need, owe, am De-clivis, e (de, clivus), adj., bending downindebted to; I owe, am in debt; debet, it wards, slopilg, steep. needs, is due, behoves, ought, c. inf. De-clivitas, dtis, f. (declivis), a declivity. lDsblis, e, ( db, debeo), adj., needy, poor, De-c0loraitio, onis, f. (decoloro), a discolorfeeble, infirm, weak, faint, impotent. ing, vitiating, corrupting. Deb1'to, 1 (deblts), v. a., I weaken, en- D rcoro, 1 (decus), v. a., I adorn, beautify, feeble, debilitate, reduce, impair; I crip grace, embellish, decorate. pie, disable, enervate, maim. D!c5rus, a, um (decor or decus), adj., beDe-cedo, cessi, cessum, 3, v. n., I go away, seeming, becoming, proper. decent, decodepart, withdraw, retire, retreat; dece- rous, honorable; conmely, graceful, be;audere alicui, to avoid, shun any one; d. pro- tiful; decorum, i, 1., what is hl(,lorable, vti.cia, or ex, or de provhiiia, to retire beccrning. proper; d.t'irtu.m DEC 643 DEJ Pe-crseco, tri, 3, v. n., I decrease, grow away; I cast or throw down; I carry, less, diminish, decay, wear away. bring, convey; I produce; figur.: I ofDe-cretum, i, n. (decerno), a decree, ordi- fer, proffer, exhibit, give, confer, bestow nance, statute, official order. I tell, report, inform. De-crdtus, a, um, part., 1 (decerno), decided; De-fervesco, fervi and ferbui, 3 (ferveo), v. 2 (decresco), diminished. n., to cease to boil or ferment, to grow Dbcftria, ae, f. (decem), ten of anything; cool; to be abated, allayed, assuaged, to a division of cavalry consisting of ten become calm. men. De-fhtiscor, fessus sum, 3 (fatiscor), v. dep. DMctrio, onis, m. (decuria), the commander n., I am weary cr faint; defessus, weary, of a decuria. faint; defessws labore atque itinere, weary De-curro, curri, or cucurri, cursum, 3, v. n., from fatigue and travelling; defejsi vulI run away from; I run, hasten. neribus, faint with wounds. Dhcus, 8ris, n. (decet), what beseems, an De-flcio, feci, fectum, 3 (facio), v. a. and ornament, grace, beauty, credit, honor. n., I do away, forego, leave, abandon, Dd-dhcus, Oris, n., disyrace, dishonor, forsake; I am deficient or wanting, 1 shame, infamy; a disgraceful or shame- fail; I grow feeble, I cease, perish; I fill action. am finished, I close, end; I rebel, reDd-dfttcius and d-dttttius, a, um (deditio), volt. adj., pertaining to surrender; one who De-figo, 4i, ixum, 3, v. a., I fix in the has surrendered. ground, I plant; I fix, plunge, strike; I DE-dttio, onis, f. (dedo), a yielding up or a fasten, settle. surrender; venire in deditionem, to sur- De-f nio, 4, v. a., I terminate, bound, limrender. it, define, determine; I conclude, finish; D-dttus, a, um, part. (-ledo), given up or I prescribe; I resolve, determine; I deover; adj., devoted, addicted. fine, explain, conprehend. De-do, de-didi, de-ditum, 3 (de, do), v. a., De-fluo, uxi, 3, v. n., to flow down; to fall I give, give up, deliver; I surrender, off or out; figur.: to be gone, to escape, submit. vanish; figur.: to go by, to perish, deDe-dAtco, uxi, uctum, 3, v. a., I draw or pull cay. down, bring or fetch down; I lead, bring, De-formis, e (de, forma), adj., misshapen, convey, conduct, or remove from; I con- disfigured, deformed, ugly. duct, lead out; I accompany, attend out De-furmo, 1, v. a., I form, fashion, describe; of respect; I withdraw, diminish; I I adorn; I deform, disfigure, mar; I deprotract, put off; I deprive, depose, spoil; fame, dishonor. I bring, lead, move, induce; I reduce; De-gusto, 1, v. a., I taste; I graze upon; rem huc deduxi, ut, I have brought the I strike gently; figur.: I touch on slightmatter so far, that. ly, speak of briefly. DE-fdtIagtio, 5nis, f. (defatigo), a wearying, De-in (= deinde), adv., then, after that. tiring, fatiguing; weariness, fatigue. De-in-ceps (dein, capio), adv., successively, DE-fdtago, 1, v. a., I weary or tire greatly, one after another; after that, besides, in tire out, fatigue. the next place. DC-fectio, onis, f. (deficio), a failing, defect, De-indC, adv. (de and is), thence, after that, failure, want; defection, revolt. then, afterwards, next in order. De-fendo, di, sum, 3, v. a., 1, I fence out, De-jectus, a, um, part. (dejicio), thrown keep or ward off, keep away, repel; 2 I down, cast down; adj., low; dejectus fence in, defend, keep, protect, guard, spe, disappointed in his hopes; d. opinpreserve, support; figur.: I maintain, as- ione, deceived in his opinion. sert, support. D-jectus, fis, mn. (dejicio), a depression, deDE-fensio, onis, f. (defendo), a defending, clivity. defence. De3jcio, jeci, jectum, 3 (de, jacio), v. a., I DE-fensor, Oris, m. (defendo), one who throw or cast down; I overthrow, kill, keeps or wards off; a defender, advocate, slay; d. oculos, to turn away one's eyes; DC-/fro, tfli, Iitum, ferre, 3, v. a., I carry alicui metum d., to take away any one's DEL 644 DEP fear; aliquem de sententia d., to reason any ter, throw, or pull down, demolish one out of his opinion. destroy. PD-lectotio, onis, f. (delecto), delight, pleas- De-monstro, 1, v. a., I show, point out, ure, amulsement. prove evidently, demonstrate, explain, De-lecto, I (delicio), v. a., I allure, invite; declare. I delight, please. De-meror 1, v. dep. n., I delay, tarry, wait De-lectus, ois, ln. (deligo), a choosing, select- for; v. a, I stop, detain, retard, hinder, ing, choice; a levy of soldiers. prevent. Dtleo, evi, Itum, 2, v. a., I blot out, Demum (skin to dum, turn, tempus), adv., efface, erase, expunge; I overthrow, at length, at last, not till then, finally, destroy. lastly; indeed, certainly. De-libbrdtio, 5nis f. (delibers), a considera- De-ne'go, 1, v. a., I deny, do not suffer, say tion, consultation, deliberation. I will not; I refuse. De-libgro, 1 {de, libra), v. a. and n., I Dini, ae, a (decem), adj., ten by ten, ten weigh, ponder, think upon, consider, each time. consult, deliberate, advise, debate; I Denique (dein, que), adv., in fine, at last, resolve, determine. finally, lastly; in short, in a word; at De-ttciae, arum, f. pl. (delicio), whatever least; at the utmost; nay rather. delights or amulses, delight, pastime, Densus, a, um, adj., thick, close, set pleasure, favorite, darling. close. De-lictum, i, n. (delinquo), a fault, crime, De-nuncio, 1, v. a., I denounce, intimate offence, sin. declare, forewarn, foretell; I threaten DM-1,o, legri, lecture, 3 (de, legdre), v. a., menace; I command, enjoin. I select, pick out, choose, make choice D-pello, pfili, pulsum, 3, v. a., I drive, put of. or thrust down; I drive away, expel, De-ltfo, 1, v. a., I bind or tie together; I reimove, repel. bind up, bind fast. De-perdo, dtdi, dttum, 3, v. a., I lose. De-4inquo, liqui, lictum, 3, v. a., I fail in De-pdreo, ii, 4, v. n., I perish, am lost, go te duty, I offend, trespass, transgress, do ruin, am undone. wrong, do amiss. De-pldro, 1, v. a., I deplore, lament, bewail, D-lttesco, lItui, 3 (de, lateo), v. n., I lie bemoan; 1 bewail as lost, give up as lost. hid, am concealed, I skulk, lurk. De-pOno, pesui, pdsitum, 3, v. a., I lay or DI-lfsbrum,i, n. (de, luo, lavo), a bath; a put down, set down, lay, put; 1 lay temple, sanctuary, shrine. aside; I commit to any one's care, I De-mens, tis, (de, mens), adj., out of one's intrust, deposit; I put off, cast away, mind, mad, raving, foolish. abandon; I leave, give up; I decline or De-msntia, ae. f. (demerns), madness, folly, resign an office. foolishness. De-pdpflor, 1, v. a., I lay waste, pillage, De-antto, messui, messun, 3, v. a., I mow, ravage, plunder, depopulate. reap, cut down, crop, pull, pluck, gather De-porto, 1, v. a., I carry down; I carry or De-mnlgro, i, v. n., I remove, migrate, enmi- convey away, transfer; I carry off, bear grate; I go away, depart. away, obtain. DU-minuo, with its derivatives. See dimi- De-prcrdtio, onis, f. (deprecor), a praying nue. earnestly; praying earnestly against, depDE-misssas, a, um, part. (demitto); adj., let recating, deprecation. down, low, hanging down; cast down, De-prcartor, Oris, m. (deprecor), he that disheartened, downcast, abject, mean, sues or entreats for another, an intercesmoderate. sor. DE.-matigo, 1, v. a., I make gentle, I calm. De-precor, 1, v. dep. n., I pray for, entreat DC-mitto, Isi, issum, 3, v. a., I send down, earnestly, supplicate, beseech, sue, beg; cast, thrust, or let down, let fall, lower, I deprecate, avert by prayer, pray against, hanig down; demittere animum, to lose beg to be freed from; I excuse, plead in courage, to despond, despair. excuse; I ask pardon. De-mdlior, tas sum, 4, v. dep., a., I bat- De-prtMhendo, di, sum, 3, v. a., I seize, catch, DEP 645 DET take unawares, overtake; I catch in the DB-sYpio, ui, 3 Ide, sapio), v. n., I am fool. act, take in tWle act, detect, surprise; I ish, act foolishly, I dote; desipies, foolfind, discover, perceive, discern. ish. Pe-pressus, a, um, part. (deprimo); adj., De-sisto, stiti, stItum, 3, v. n., I stand still, depressed, sunk, deep, low. cease, remain, give over, desist from, De-primo, pressi, pressum, 3 (de, premo), leave off, discontinue. v. a., I press or weigh down, depress, De-spectu., us, m. (despicin), a looking sink; deprimere hoster, to alarm or dis- down upon, a view from an elevated courage the enemy. place. PD-ralinquo, liqui, lictum, 3, v. a., I leave, De-sprro, 1, v. n. and a., I despair of, am otrsake, desert, abandon. without hope, I despond. De-scendo, di, sum, 3 (de, scando), v. n., I De-spicio, spexi, spectur, 3 (de, specie), v. a., go or come down, descend; figtir.: I I look down upon; I look conteimptirouisstoop, condescend; ex equis descendere, to ly upon, I despise; I overlook, disregard, alight, dismount; d. ad sententiam alicu- pass by; I disdain, refuse. jus, to coincide with any one's way of De-sp6lio, 1, v. a., I spoil, plunder, ravage, thinking; d. in certamen, to enter into lay waste, pillage, strip, r;b, deprive of. battle. De-stOno, 1, v. a., I make to stand, fasten, De-sce,.sus, is, m. (descendo), a descent. tie; I destine, doom; I determine, reDe-scribu, ipsi, iptum, 3, v. a., I write over, solve; I assign, appoint, fix; I select, copy, transcribe; I draw, delineate; fig- choose, deplte, send; I prepare, design, ur.: I describe, express; I divide, dis- purpose; I aim at; I buy, purchase. tribute; I tax, impose; I designate, De-ssttuo, tui, tgtum, 3 (de, statuo), v. a., I mark out, brand; I determine, regu- leave destitute, forsake, abandon. late. De-stringo, inzi, ictum, 3, v. a., I strip, rub, Pe-scriptio, onis, f. (describo), a writing or pull off; pluck, tear off; I draw, unout; a copy, transcript, description, ar- sheathe. rangement, distribution; order, system; De-sun, fui, esse, v. n., I fail, am wanting; definition, explanation. I an absent, am not present; c. dat.: Dp-sero, sirtli, sertum 3, v. a., I abandon, deesse.offici sue, to be wanting in one's leave, forsake, desert. duty. ID-sertus, a, mrn, part. (desero); adj., de- De-siipr, adv., from above; above. sert, lonely, uninhabited; desertum, i, n., De-ttrior, ius, comp., de-terrimus, a, u.n, a desert. superl., *de-ter, as ci-, ex-, in-, ulterior, PC-sildrium, ii, n. (desidero), a longing for, adj., worse, inferior, weaker; worst, most desire, love, affection; exigency, need, degenerate. want, necessity; request, petition, sup- De-terreo, ui, Itum, 2, v. a. I deter, frightplication. en, scare, dismay, discourage; 1 keep off, pi-sldrro, 1, v. a., I do not see, I miss, avert. need, want, regret; I desire, wish, long De-testor, 1, v. dep. a., I call to witness; I for. wish as a curse, I imprecate, execrate, pd-sldia, ae, f. (deses), sloth, slothfulness, devote to destruction; I deprecate, wish idleness, inactivity. or pray to be averted or removed. Dp-signo, 1, v. a., I mark, mark out; I DC-tneo, tnui, tentum, 2 (de, teneo), v. a., signify, designate, denote, mean; I fix I detain, keep, hold, stop, hinder. upon, choose; I fix, appoint; I mark or De-trdho, axi, actum, 3, v. a., I drag or sketch out, I plan; consul designatus, draw away, pull or pluck away, pull off, consul elect. take away; I remove, withdraw; I De-sltio, siii or stlui, sult um, 4 (de, salio), disparage, defame; I diminish, lessen, v. n., I jump or leap down, alight; desil- abate. ire ad pedes, to dismolunt. De-trecto, I (de, tracto), v. a., I decline, reDC-sino, sii or stvi. situm, 3, v. n. and a.. fuise; I speak ill of, diminish, disparage. I cease, leave off, give over, desist; I De-trimentum, i, n. (detero), loss, lhamt abandon, desert. damage, detriment, disadvantage. DET 646 DIG Dc-trfdo, si, sum, 3, v. a., I thrust down consecrate, vow; I make known, pro, by force, I drive or push from; d. ali- claim. quern de sententia, to compel any one to Dico, dixi, dictum, 3, v. a., I say, speak, give up his opinion. tell; I pronounce, articulate; 1 affirm; De-turbo, 1, v. a., I tumble, beat, cast, or I set torth, recount, relate, praise, throw down, I overthrow, demolish. sing, chant, celebrate; I recite, reDeus, i, m., a god, deity, or divinity. hearse, read; 1 promise, assign; I apDe-vbho, vexi, vectum, 3, v. a., I carry point, agree to, determine, fix upon; I down, convey; I transport, remove to foretell, predict, prophesy; I call; I another place. speak in public, deliver a speech; ut Dg-veitio, veni, ventum, 4, v. n., I come or dicitur, as it is said, as report goes; go down, I descend; I come, arrive, causas dicere, to plead; d. ad or apud reach. populum, to harangue the people; ars DE-versor, tris, m. (deverto), a guest, one dicendi, rhetoric. who lodges in an inn. Dictio, onis, f. (dico), a speaking or utterD-rversorium, ii, n. (deversor), an inn, a ing; a speec h, discourse; a pleading. lodging. Dictito, I (dicto), v. freq. a., I speak or tell De-verto, ti, sum, 3, v. a., I turn away, often, say commonly; I pretend; I argue, turn aside; devertere (se), to turn aside plead. on one's journey, to take up a lodging. Dictum, i, n. (dico). a saying, expression, a DE-vincio, vinxi, vinctum, 4, v. a., I bind, word; a command, precept, inijunction; tie; I bind fast, gain over, oblige. a proverb, saying; dicto audiens, obeying De-vinco, vtci, victum, 3, v. a., I vanquish, the command. conquer, subdue. Di-diuco, duxi, ductum, 3, v. a., I lead or Di-vinctus, a, um, part. (devincio); adj., draw aside, I separate, sever, part, obliged, closely attached; studiis d., de- divide, set open, stretch wide. voted to sltudy. Dies, ei, mi. and f., in plur. n. only, a day; D-v5tu.s, a, um, part. (devoveo); adj., de- ex die in diem, frim one day to another; voted, given up, attached. in diem vivere, to live but fi.r the present; De-v~veo, vovi, votum, 2, v. a., I. vow; I in dies, every day; multo die, the day vow a victim or offering; I devote to being considerably advanced. destruction, I curse, accurse; devovere Dif-fro, dis-tiili, di-lttum, dif-ferre, v. a., 8e, to give one's self up to, to attach I carry hither and thither; I spread, carry one's self to. up and down, scatter, disperse; I spread Dexter, tra, tram, or tera, tlrum, adj., right, abroad, divulge, publish; defer, put off, on the right hand; favorable, propitious, proloig; I am different. prosperous; fit, convenient, alt, suitable, DiJ-ficile (4ifficilis), adv., with difficulty, proper, right; dexterous, skilful; dexrtra hardly. laboriously. and dextra (supply manus), the right Dif-ficlis, e (dis, facilis), adj., not easy to hand. be done, hard, difficult; hard to please, Di-, dis-, inseparable preposition, denoting morose; adv., difficulter. separation or division, and sometimes Dif-ficultas, atis, f. (difficili.), difficulty, negation. trouble. Did-lecttca, ae, and did-lectece, es, f., dialec- Dif-f do, fisus sum, 3 (dis, fido), v. n., I tics, logic; the art of reasoning. distrust, mistrust, despair. Did-lecticus, a, urn, adj., belonging to dia- Dif-findo,ftdi,fissum, 3 (dis,findi,), v. a., I lectics, dialectical, logical; dialecticus, i, cleave, part asunder, split. m., one skilled in dialectics, a logician. Dif-fluo, fluxi, 3 (d;s, flue), v. n., I flow Jtcacttas, atis, f. (dicax), smart repartee, apart, flow in different directionis, flow raillery, wit, banter. away. Dtcis, genit.; dicis causa, for form's sake, DLgttus, i, m., a toe, finger; d. poller, lhe for appearance' sake. thumb; d index, the fore-finger. d. medius,.Dclo, 1, v. a., I take, reach, offer, give, the middle-finger. give up, set apart, dedicate, devote, Dignitas, atis, f. (dignus), merit, desert; DIG 647 DIS dignity, greatness, authority, rank, ulate; dirigere aciem, to arrange, range, honor, nobility, grandeur, excellence, draw up the army. eminence, worth; virtue, honesty; de- Di-rimu, remi, remium and remptum, 3 corimn, becominigness; splendor, mag- (rinu) v. a., I cleave, part, divide, nificence. I separate; I interrupt; I put an end to, Dignus, a, ur, adj., worthy, deserving;non terminate, break off; I render null or dignus, unworthy; dignus, qui imperet, void. I Irustrate. worthy to reign. Di-rpio, rlpui, reptum, 3 (di, rapio), v. a., Di-gressus, us, in. (digrredior), a parting, I tear asuilder, tear in pieces, tear; I going away, departing; a digression. plunder, pillage, rob, spoil, lay waste, Di-judico, 1, v. a., I judge between, dis- ravage; I take. tear. or snatch away. tingiiish, discern, decide, determine. DI-runpo, rfipi, ruptum, 3, v. a., I break, Di-labor, lapsus sum, 3, v. dep. n., to slip break in pieces; I burst or split asunder, or glide different ways; to flee, runi burst into pieces; I sever, break off. away, disperse: I fall to pieces. Dz-ruo, rui, rntum, 3, v. a., I pull down, DZ-ligens, tis, part. (diligo); adj., fond of, overthrow, destroy, demolish. partial to, observant; attentive, diligent, Dis, ditis, m. and f., dute, is, n., rich. minidfil, heedful, careful, studious, in- Dis-. See dZ-. dustrious; adv., dlilgenter. Dis-cedo, cessi, cessum, 3, v. n., I depart, Di-1irentia, ae, f. (diligens), carefulness, go away, leave; I part, divide, open, attention, earnestness, industry, dili- gape. gence; frugality, thriftiness, economy; Dis-crno, crevi, cr'tum, 3, v. a., I separate, love. divide; I distinguish, discern, nake a Dz-tgo, lexi, lectum, 3 (dis, leo), v. a., I difference; I determine, judge, decide. love, esteem highly; I choose, select. Dis-cessio, onis, f. (discedo), a separation; Di-metior, mensus sum, 4, v. a., I measure; a divorce; a going away, departure; a I dispose, arrange. passing over to one's party in voting; Dlr-mco, cavi or cui, catum, 1 (dis, mico), discessionem facere, to make a division, v. n., I fight, skirmish, encounter, con- come to a vote. tend, struggle; I hazard, risk, contend Dis-cessus, us, in. (discedo), a going asunfor; d. de vita, to ri-k one's life. der, separation, opening; a going away, Di-,nidio, 1 (dimidius), v. a., I halve; dimi- departure. diatua, halved, half. Di-scidium, ii, n. (discindo), a rending, tearDZ-minuo, nui, nutum, 3, v. a., I diminish, ing; a separation. lessen, extenuate, abate, withdraw; I Disciplina, ae, f. (disco), instruction; a alienate. learning or studying; erudition, learnDl-mitto, misi, missum, 3, v. a., I send dif- ing, knowledge; a science, profession, ferent ways, send off or away, despatch; system, art; regulation, discipline, conI disniss, discharge, let go; I leave, pass stitution; use, custom, habit, method. over, do not animladvert upon; I aban- Disclpuius, i, in. (disco), a disciple, scholar, don, leave, forsake; I give up or over; I pupil, learner, follower. drop, leave off, discontinue; I remit, re- Dis-clfdo, afsi, 9sum, 3 (dis, claudo), v. a., I lax; I lessen, mitigate, abate; I send separate by shutting up apart, I separate, down, let down. set apart. DA-mlveo, mvi, motum, 2, v. a., I move Disco, didici, 3, v. a., I learn;~! study, acasunder, push asunder, divide; I re- quire learning; I lea n. understand, am move, put away or aside; 1 remove, informed of, hear, perceive; I inform turn away, divert, dissuade from. myself about, inquire into. DI-rectus, a, um, part. (dirigo); adj. Dis-cordia, ae, f. (discors), dissension, disastraight level, plain; directed, ordered greement, discord, discordance, disunion, right, direct; downright, plain. variance, debate, strife. DA-rlgo, rexi. rectum, 3 (dis, rego) v. a., I Dis-crimen, Inis, n. (discerno), that which make or place straight; I direct, guide, divides or'separates two things; an inpoint, steer, level, aim; I measure, reg- terval, a distance; a division; a distino28 DIS 648 DIV tion, difference; a determination, decis- Dis-smiilo, 1, v. a., I dissemble, cloak, dis oll; critical lmoment, risk, hazard; im- guise, conceal, keep secret, counterfeit, portance, consequence; cause, reason. feign. Dis-cumbo, cubui, cubttum, 3, v. n., I cower Dis-spo, 1 (*sipp, *supo, I throw), v. a., I down, lie down. throw asunder, I di-perse, dissipate; I DI-sertas, a, ur (for dissertus, from dis- spread, disseminate, publish; I spend, serlj, adj., well spoken, well arranged; squander away, consume, waste. abterto speak fitly, orderly, and clearly; Dis-silutus, a, um, part. (dissolvo); adj., eloqluelit. too indulgent, lax, remiss, negligent, ii cio, jeci, jectum, 3 (dis, jacio), v. a., I careless, thoughtless, inattentive; dissothrow or cast asunder; 1 destroy; I dis- lute, profligate, licent.ous, depraved, corperse, scatter, overthrow, rout, put to rupt. flighi. Dis-solvo, solvi, s6lutum, 3, v. a., I loose, Disjungo, nzi, nctum, 3, v. a., I disunite, untie, disjoin, disunite, di-solve; I sepadisjoin, separate, divide, remove. rate, cut, tear, break, destroy, annul, abDis-par, arid, adj, unequal, dissimilar, un- roga e, abolish; I solve, refute; I pay, like, different. discharge; I free, deliver. Di-spergo, si, sum, 3 (spargo), v. a., T scat- Dis-tineo, tinui, tentum, 2 (teneo), v. a., I ter, disperse, distribute, spread, dibsemi- keep asunder, keep separate; I keep nate; I sprinkle. away, separate, divide; I keep busy, ocDi-.qpIcio,spexi, spectum, 3 (*specio), v. n. cupy, engage; I prevent, hinder, stop, and a., I open my eyes, I see, discern, detain. behold, perceive; I consider, reflect Di-sto, 1, v. n., to be distant; to differ, to upon. be different. Dis-ptceo, cui, ettum, 2 (places), v. n., c. Dis-traho, traxi, tractum, 3, v. a., I draw dat.: I displease; displicere sibi, to be different ways, I pull asunder, tear in dissatisfied, olt of humor. pieces, divide; I dissolve, separate, disDis-pOno, pOsui, positum, 3, v. a., I place jin, divide; I decide, fillish, destroy; here and there, I put at different places, I make doubtful, irresolute, I perplex; I I distribute; I put in a certain order, dis- prevent, thwart. pose in a place; I divide, order, regulate, Dis-tribuo, ui, fitam, 3, v. a., I divide, disarrange. tribute. Dis-pstitus, a,,m, part. (dispono); adj., Dis-turbo, 1, v. a., I disperse, break up, orderly divided, distributed. separate; I destroy, demolish, overDis-plitn, 1, v. a., [ calculate, estimate, throw; I ruin, pervert, prevent. compute; I discuss, treat of, argue. Ditio, onis, f. (do), possession, dominion, Dis-sentio, sensi, sensum, 4, v. n., to differ power, rule, authority, empire. in sentiment or opinion, to dissent, disa- Dit (abl of dius for dies), adv, all the day gree, ab or cum aliqun, inter se; to be un- long, for a long time, a long while; long like, dissimilar, different, to disagree, since, long ago. deviate. Diurnus, a, um (dies), adj., of the day, Dis-sTro, rui, rtum, 3, v. a., I put things at donle by day; lasting one day; daily. intervals, put asunder; I explain, treat Diftulrmltas, dtis, f. (diuturnus), long duraof, discuss, discourse, debate, reason, ar- tion, long continuance, length of time. gue, dispute. Difturnus, a, um (diu), adj., of long duraDis-sideo, s.di, sessum, 2, v. n., to sit apart; tion or continuance, long, lasting, conto be divided or separated; to he at vari- tinued; long-lived. ance, to disagree, to differ; dissidere ab DI-vello, velli, vulsum, 3, v. a., I pull asunaliquo, to be at variance with any one; d. der or in pieces, I separate; I break, inter se, to disagree, to be different. break off, dissolve; I take away; I teat Dis-similis, e, adj., unlike, dissimilar, dif- away; divelli, to be separated, to sepa. ferent.. rate one's self, to part, give up. Dis-smiilator, oris, m. (disimulo), a dis- Di-versus, a, um, part. (diverto); adj., sembler. turned different ways, turned to two dif DIV 649 DOR ferent sides, separated; being at different ris, skilled in law; d. psallere, skilled ln places; opposed, opposite, contrary; re- playilng on the lute. mote, distant; different, another, not the Dciimcnatum, i, n. (doceo), a lesson, warn. same, unlike; adv., diverse. ing, an example, a pattern; proof, in, Di-verto, ti, sum, 3, v. n., I turn aside, turn stance, specimen; essay, trial. out of the way; I digress; I depart ftotn, Dolens, tis, part. (doleo); adj, painful. qulit. DMleo, ui, Itum, 2, v. n. and a., IJ howl, Divds, Itis (dis, ditis), adj., splendid, pre- cry, lament, grieve, suffer. am in pain, cious, sumllptuous, valuable; rich. am sad or sorry. Di-vido, viJi, visum, 3 (dis, *vido), v. a., I DMlor, tris, m. (doleo), ache, pain, smart, split or cleave asunder, I separate into soreness; pain of the soul, grief, sorrow, parts, cltt asutrder, divide; I distribute, angniish, distress; suppressed anger, portion out, allot, give; I distinguish; I grudge, rancor. spread; sententiam d., to separate the ar- D6lus, i, m., cunning, device; artifice, deticles of an opinion. ceit, fraud, treacl-lery. DivinItus (divinus), adv., from heaven or M)dmestlcus, a, um (domus), adj., of a house, God, by divine influence; by divine in- pertaining to a houtse, famuily, or home; spiration. domestic, familiar, private; domestic, inDirino, I (divinus), v. a., I divine, foresee, testine, not foreign; d. res, a private afpredict, foretell, prophesy, guess, presage. fair; bellurn domesticum, civil war. Divinus, a, um (divus), adj., relating to Djmi (domus), adv., at home. the Deity, divine, heavenly. J)5ml2cilium, ii, ii. (domus), a habitation, Divrtiae, drum, f. pl. (dives), riches, wealth. place of abode, lodging, residence. DI-vortium, ii, n. (diverto), a separation; DrmInatio, bnis, f.(dominorY, dominion, rule, a separation of husband and wife, a di- authority, power; monarchy, tyranny. vorce. DMmlrdtus, us, m. (dominor), nlastership, Do, dOdi, ddtum, 1, v. a., I give, bestow, authority, lordship, sovereignty; mnllgrant; I spetid, devote; I do, make, archy, tyranny. cause, bring on, occasion; I ascribe, at Dnmlnor, I (donminis), v. dep. n., I am lord tribute; I pllt, place, carry, throw some- atld master, Ibearrrule, I reign,domineer. where; I allow, grant, concede, con- Dimlanus, i, m. (domus), the master of a fess; I say, tell, inform, announce, noti- house; master, possessor, proprietor, fy; I show, poinlt out; I impute, attrib- ownler; lord, ruler, commander; domiute, construe; terga d., to run away, to nus, a, um, adj., belonging to a lord, of a flee; d. poenas rei, to stiffer punishment, master. to be punlished for a thing; d. negotium, Dvmo, ui, Itum, 1, v. a., I tame, break, subut, to charge one, to; d. finem loquendi, due, conquer, overcome, vanquish. to cease speaking; se dare, to yield to, Drmus, us and i, f., a house; habitation, comply with, consent, not to resist; ma- place of abode or resort; family, houseaus d, to yield; mn custodiam d., to im- hold; acc.: domum, honle; abl.: dome, prison; se in viam d., to set out on a from home, from one's own house; domi, journey; se infugam, or fugae d., to flee; militiaeque, domi bellique, both in peace aliquem infugam d., to put one to flight; anld in war. in conspectum d., to show, exhibit. Dnoe, 1 (donum), v. a., I give, bestow D~ceo, cui, ctum, 2 (akin to disco and dico), freely; I give, give up; I reilit, forgive, v. a., I say, teach, instrluct, tell, inform, pardon; I exempt, exonerate; I renounce, declare, apprise, advertise, acquaint. resign; donare aliquid alicui, and d. aliDoctor, Oris, m. (doceo), a teacher, instruct- quemn re, to present any one with a or, master. I thing. Doctrtna, ae, f (doceo), instruction; a way Dinum, i, n. (do), a gift, free gift, a pres. of teachilg; learning, erudition; sci- enlt; sacrifice. ence. Dormio, tvi and ii, Itum, 4, v. a., T breathe Doctus, a, um, part. (doceo); adj,, learned. auldibly, sleep, am ableep; I rest, slumskilled, well versed, experienced; d. ju- ber, am at ease, idle. DUB 650 EDI Miibltdtio, 5nis, f. (dubito), a doubting, DuY-drcin (duo, decem), num., twelve. doubt, uncertainty, hesitation. DuY-diclmus, a, urn (auodecim), adj., the Diibto, 1 (duo), v. n., I doubt, am in doubt, twelfth. am uncertain; I hesitate, scruple. Du6-deti, ae, a (duodecim), adj., twelve by Diibius, a, um (duo), adj., dubious, doubt- twelxe, twelve each time. ful, doubting, uncertain, hesitating; be- Duo-di-vlginti, num., eighteen. ing in a critical, dangerous situation; Duplex, lcis (duo, plico), adj., c(ouble, twodubia res, trouble, adversity, distress, dif- fold. ficulty, peril; non est dubium, quin, there Du-plico, 1 (duplex), v. a., I double. is no doubt, but that; haud dubio, with- Iurus, a, urn, adj.. dry, hard, firm, solid; olt doubt; dubium, i, n., doubt, uncer- hardy, accustomed to hards.hip; hardtainty, hesitation; sine dubio. hearted, cruel, unfeeling; Ftiff, not polDit-centi, ae, a (duo, centum), num., two isbed, not pleasing; rough, rude, unhundred. couth, unmannerly, coar e, awkward, Deco, duxi, ductum, 3, v. a., I tug, draw: stupid, dull; rigorous, severe. I lead, conduct; I take or carry along; I Di,, ricis, 11. and f. (duco), a leader, guide, assumle, acquire, get, derive; I attract, colLductor; a leader in war; a general. delight, amuise, entertaill; I mislead, seduce; I lead, induce, influence; I draw in, inhale; I draw forth; I draw out, E raise, build, make, form; I protract; I spend, pass; I draw, derive, receive. or ex, prp. c. abl.: out of, from (e before from; I compute, reckon; I hold, es- consonants, ex before vowels or consoteem, think, consider, account; d. uxo- nant-); 1,out of cr frol a place, athing, rem, to marry; aliquem d., to delay one, or things; ez animo, from the heart, to make him wait a long time; aliquem heartily; ez pacto, ex cnvettu, ex comin hostium numero d., to number one posito, ex compacto, according to agreeamong the enemies; aliquid parvi d., to ment or compact; ex itinere, on cr by the consider a thing as trifling; salutis suae way or march; ex equo pugnare, to fight rationem d., to regard, pay attention to, on horseback; ez industrla, designedly, provide fLr, take care of one's own purposely, on purpose; ex iwopinato, unsafety. expectedly; ez tempore, off-hand, imDucto, 1 (duco), v. freq. a., I lead, conduct, promptlu; ex parte, partly, in part; ex take along with lme; I lead, command. integro, afresh, anew; e vestieio. forthDu-dum ('liu, dumt), adv., but lately, just with; e regione, opposite, over against; now, not long since; long, for some time, 2, ever since or from a time: ex eo die, long since; immediately, instantly, soon, since that day; ex hoc tempore, from this now. tilme; ex quo, since; quo ex tempore, since Dulcesco, 3 (dulcis), v. n., I become sweet. which timle. In composition it signifies Dulcis, e (deliciae), adj., delightful, sweet, privation, as exspes; order or succession, pleasant, dear. as exzide; increase or additional exerDum, adv. and conj., whilst, whilst that; tinn, as exclamo; dompletion, as ezaudio; so long as, as lonlg as; until; if, pro- or has the force of extra, as ejicio, erpono. vided that; dummodo, if but; dunmodo Ea, f. (I), pron. demonstr., she; a, abl, ne, if but not; vixdum, hardly, hardly sc. parte or via, that way, through that yet; nihildum, as yet nothing, not yet place, there. anything. Eddem (la, dem), f. of idem, she again, the DJfmetum, i, n. (dumus) a place set thick same woman; abl.: eadem, sc. parte or with bushes or brambles, a brake, via, that same way, in the same place.;hicket. EcllSa, ae, f., a selection. Dummsdo. See dum. k-dico, dixi, dictum, 3, v. a., I declare pub. Ditmus, i, m., a bush, a brier, thorn, bram- licly, tell or speak plainlly, speak olut ble, any thorny shrub. make known; command, order. Dub, ae, o, num., two; the two, both. E-dictum, i, n. (edico), an edict, proclansia EDI 651 ELE tion, manifesto, ordinance, order; order, Ef-fugio, fsg'i, fugttum, 3 (ex, fugio), v. a. commanld. atd n., I flee, escape; with accus.: I esS.d4tus, a, um, part. (e-do), given out, set cape fromi, evade, avoid, shun. forth; adj., raised, high, lofty. Af-fundo, ffudi, fisum, 3 (er, fando), v. a., tdo, edi, dsum, 3, v. a., I eat, swallow, de- 1 pour out, erplty; I pour 1orth, shed; I vour; I eat up, waste, consumie, prey throw in any direction, I hurl, put to upon. flight, rout; I lavish, squander, waste; A-do, didi, ditum, 3 (e, dare), v. a., T qi;e I bestow largely, I lavish. forth, put forth, bring forth, utter; I be- Ef-fsusu a, um, part. (effundo); adj., let get, bear, yield; I speak, ttter, say; I loose, loose; profise, excessive, extravadeclare, show, tell, rqlate, se' forth, gant, prodigal. * name; I make known, proclaa'm, proimul- Egens, tis, part. (egeo); adj., needy, in gate, publish, give out, spread abroad; want, poor, indigent. I do, achieve, performn, commlit, perpe- Pgeo, ui. 2 (akin to aeger), v. n., c. abl. or trate, cause, bring about. gen.: I ache, need, want, have need of, S-dSceo, cui, ctum, 2, v. a., I teach, in- desire, wish for. struct; t tell, mluaie known, intorin Pgestas, dtis, f. (egeo), want, bitter wan'.i-dfico, I (e, ducare), v. a., I foster, bring beggary; figur.: poverty, sordidness. up, nurture; I nourish, support; I in- Ego, pron., I egomet. = ego ipse, I myself. struct. E-grrdior, gressus, 3 (e, graiior), v. dep. s-duco, duxi, ductum, 3, v. a., I lead out, n. asid a., I go out; I go out of, depart lead forth; I take with me; I draw out, from; I disembark, land; I ascend, tear out; I bring up, educate. mount; I pass over, go beyond, overstep, Ef-fectus, a, urn, part. (efficio), adj., cor- surrpass. plete, finished. E-gr`gius, a, ur (e, grer), adj., chosen Ef-femrtno, 1 (ex, femina), v. a., I make a fromn the herd, select, choice, excellent, woman of; I make womanish, I unman, eminent, surpassing, extraordinary, reenervate. markably good; adv., efregriE. Ef-faro, ex-trili, e-latum, ef-ferre, v. a., I f-gressus, us, m. (egredior), a going out, bring forth, carry forth or out; I carry departure; a disemabarking, landing. out to burial I bury; I bring forth, bear, E-jectus, a, um, part. (ejiciv), ejectus domo, produce, yield; I show, mniafest; I turned out of doors; adj., deprived ofbear, carry, or bring to any place; I di- property, wrecked in fortunes. vulge, spread abroad, publish; I carry E-jecio, jeci, jectum, 3 (e, jacio), v. a., I away, carry beyond bounds, hurry away; throw out, cast out, thrust out, drive I say, utter, pronounce, pet forth; I raise, out, eject, expel; I throw aside, reject; lift up, lift on high, exalt; I bear, en- ejicere se, to rush forth, burst forth, bolt dure. out, break forth, sally forth, spring out; Ef-fSro, 1 (efferus), v. a., I render wild or navem in terram c., to bring a ship to savage, I devastate, lay waste, ravage. land; ejici in litore, to be shipwrecked Ef-fEtus, a, ur (e.r, fetus), adj., having and driven ashore. brought forth young; worn out by fre- -labor, lapsus sum, 3, v. dep. n. and a., I quent bearing; worn out, exhausted, de- slide or slip away, glide away, fall out, cayed, weak, feeble.. escape; I make my way upward, I f-ficio, feci, fectum, 3 (e.r, facio), v. a., I niount, climb; I fall, slip imperceptibly, bring to pass, effect, fulfil, accomplish, I slide, sink. complete, finish, execute; I make, cre- E-lidboro, 1, v. a. and n., I labor greatly, ate, render; I bring about, procure, get, take pains, struggle, endeavor; with obtalh; I effect, excite, cause, occasion. ace: I work out, elaborate, procure, atEf-Jluo, Jfuri, flurum, 3 (ex, fluo), v. n., to tain, furnish. afford; elaboratus, wrought flow or run ouit, flow forth; to go out, out, elaborated. go abroad, become known; to pass R-ltus, a, um, part. (effero); adj., high, away, slip away, glide away, droop, de- raised, lofty; elevated, exalted, noble. gcay, fail, vanish, disappear. -lectus, a, urn, part. (eligo); adj., chosen, ELE 652 EQU picked out, sought out, choice, select, Emptio or emtio, 5nis, f. (emo), a buying, excellent. purchase; the thing bought.!-ldgans, tis (e, legdre), adj, laid out, En! interj., lo! see! behold! see there well chosen, tasteful, genteel, polite, there he is! there they are! with nom refined, subtle, liberal, beautiful, pure; or accus. adv., elganter. E-nascor, ndtus sum, 3, v.dep. n., I am born, sldphOs, antis, and 6lpphantus, i, m., an spring up, grow up or out of a thing. elephant; ivory. EPirn (nam), conj., namely, fur example. S-ltcio, cui, citum, 3 (e, lacio), v. a., I en- for instance; for. tice out, draw out, lure forth, elicit; I Enim-vgro, conj., truly, of a truth, indeed. search out, find out, letan; I bring out, surely; but; bqt forsooth. draw forth; I cause, occasion, excite. P-nltesco, tui, 3, v. n., I shine, appear E-tlgo, lei, lectum, 3 (e, lego), v. a., I se- bright, shine forth, lbecome clear or falect, choose, pick out. mous, distinguish myself. P-l6quentia, ae, f. (eloquens), the faculty of E-nitor, n2sus or nizus sum, 3, v. dep. n. speakiig to the purpose, eloquence, per- and a., I reach by climbing, gain the suasiveness; the art of speaking, ora- sulmmit, mount, toil up; I exert myself, tory. make an eff;rt, toil, Ftruggle, strive. P-liquor, lZcfttus sum, 3, v. dep., a. I speak E-nuimnro, 1. v. a., I reckon through, count out, declare, deliver, speak, utter, pro- over reckon tip; I enumerate, recount, nounce, tell. specify. Enentior, titts sum, 4, v. dep., 1, v. n., I E-nuncio, or 9-nuntio, 1, v. a., I say out, lie; 2, v. a., I state falsely, pretend divulge, disclose, declare, reveal; I profalsely, feign, forge, counterfeit, falsify. nounce, utter, say, express in words. E-mergo, rsi, rsum, 3, v. n. and a., I come Po, tvi and ii, Itum, Ire, v. n., I go; I out of the water, I emerge, rise, appear, march; I proceed, go on, prosper, sucissue. ceed; ire pedtbus, to go on foot; obviam P-mtgro, 1, v. n., I remove from a place, I ire alicui, to go to meet one; ire cubitum, migrate. to go to bed, to go to lie down; ire in P-mlnens, tis, part. (emineo); adj., stand- sententiam, to accede to one's opinion. ing out, projecting, marked, eminent, E5 (is) adv., thither, to that place, into prominent, lofty, elevated, distinguished. that place; to this, thereto; so far, to P-mineo, ui, 2, v. n., I stand out, jult out, such a pitch, to suich an extent; on that stretch out, run out, am prominent; I am account. fir that reason, therefore. eminent, apparent, conspicuous, I ap- Eodem (idem). adv., to the same place, just pear, excel, distinguish myself. thither; in the same place, just there. E-mInus (e, manus), adv., off-hand, afar, Ephippiatus, a, um (ephippium), adj., ridfrom afar, at or from a distance, aloof. ing with an ephippium. E-missarius, ii, m (emitto), an emissary, Pphippium, ii, n., a horse-cloth or saddle. informer, spy, messenger. Epigramma, dtis, n., an inscription, title; EP-nitto, misi, missum, 3, v. a., I send forth an epigram. or out; I let out, let go; I sling, hurl, Epirotlcus, a, um, adj., of or from Epirus, throw, discharge; e. scutum manu, I Epirotic. throw away tmy shield. Ppist5la, ae, f., a letter, epistle, missive. Pjno, emi, emtum or emptum, 3, v. a., I Epulae, arum, f. (puls), food, eatables, fetch, buy, purchase; I buy, buy off, viands; a feast, entertainment banquet. bribe off, gain over by bribery. Epulor, 1 (epulum), v. dep. n., I eat, feast, E-mol'mentum, i, n. (emolior), effort, labor, banquet. difficulty, trouble. Pques, Itis, m. and f. (equus), a person on P-mdlimentnm, i, n. (emolo), what is ground horseback, a horseman; a horse-soldier, up or consumed, gain, profit, benefit, ad- trooper, dragoon; a knight. vantage, emolument, utility. Equester, tris, tre (eques), adj., on horseE-mirior, mortuus sum, 3, v. dep. n., I die back, done on horseback, pertaining or away, die. belonging to horsemen, equestrian; per EQUc 653 EVE taining to the Equites or order of knights, taught, versed, practised, accomplished, equestrian. polished, refined. tquldem (quidem), adv., indeed, truly, in E-rumpo, ripi, ruptum. 3, v. n. and a., I truth, verily. cause to break forth, give a loose to, let Equlnus, a, ur (equus), adj., of a horse, loose, vent, pour out, discharge; I cause pertaining to a horse. to burst, I break: I break forth with Pquitatu, s, s, m. (equito), the cavalry, impetuosity, I burst out with violence. horse, the body of troopers or dragoons; rush forth, force my way out, I break the horses belonging to the cavalry; the loose; I break out, come to the light, equestrian order. become public, erumpere se, to break Equto, 1 (eques), v. n., I ride on horse- forth, burst forth, sally forth; a. castris back. erumpere, to sally from the camp. Pquus, i, m., 1, a horse, steed. R-ruptio, Anis, f. (erumpo), a bursting forth, E-rectus, a, urn, part. (erigo); adj., erect, breaking forth or out, gushing out; an upright, standing up; high, elevated, eruption, breaking out, appearing; a sallofty; confident, manly, resolute; at- ly, excursion. tentive. E.sEdarius, ii, m. (essedum), one who fights Erga, prp. c. acc.: over against; near, from a war-chariot. about. towards; against. Es.silum, i, n., a Gallic war-chariot. Ergo, conj., therefore, accordingly, conse- sutrio, 4 (edo), v. desiderat. n. and a., I quently, then. desire to eat, I am hungry. E-rlgo, rezi, rectum, 3, v. a., I raise up, set Et, conj, and; et-et, both -and, as well upright; I lead up, carry up, raise, erect; - as, in part —in part, either -or; et I set tip, lift up, encourage, animate, quidem, and indeed, and that too; et etiam, cheer up; I direct; erigere se or erigi to and also, and too; et vero, and indeed, be roused to attention, to become intent. and in fact, and in truth, and really; et E-ripio, rlpui, reptum, 3 (e, rapio), v. a., I non, and not; et autem, but also; et quotear out, snatch out, pull or draw out vio- que, yet also, also besides; et tamen, and lently; I free, rescue, liberate, extricate; yet; after words expressing comparison. I tear away, snatch away, take away, et stands for quam. carry off; I withdraw; I snatch up, Pt-nim, conj., for. seize in haste, lay hold of; I force from Ptiam (et, jam), conj., also, even besides; one, obtain by force, extort; eripere se, to etiam si, even if, although; et iliud etiam, flee, depart. also that besides, yet that also; etiam ma - Erratlcus, a, um (erro), adj., wandering, jor, greater yet, greater still; etiam non, straying; of plants: wandering or spread- yet not; etiam dum, yet at this time, up ing about, creeping. to this time; etiam turn, even to that Erro. 1. v. n., I err, go wrong, go astray, time, down to that time, stil at that miss my way, stray about, wander up time; etiam atque etiam, again and again, and down, wander about; I err, mis- again, repeatedly; etiam, in a climax: take, wander from the truth, fall into nay, nay rather; in an answer: yes; in error, commit an error. concession: granted, I grant it good, true. Error, 5ris, i. (erro), a going out of the Ptiam-si, conj., even if, although, albeit, way, straying, wandering; error, mis- supposing even. take, false notion; ignorance, unskilful- Atiam-tum, conj., even down to that time, ness; fault offence, oversight; uncer- even then. tainty, anxiety, perturbation of mind. Et-si, conj., even if, though, although, alE-ridio, 4 (e, rudis). v. a., I free from beit; however, but yet. rudeness and ignorancel I teach, in- E-vado, vasi, v&sum, 3 v. n. and a., I go struct, inform, educate, polish, refine; out; I go anywhere, make my way, I inform, give one information or intel- penetrate; I come off, escape; to come ligence. to pass, to be fulfilled, to happen; to t-rdUltus, a, um, part. (erudin); adj., come out, go, issue, end, turn to, come to. learned, skilful, experienced, well -volUo, velli, vulsum, 3, v. a., I tear out, EVE 654 EXC pull out, pluck out, root up; figur.: I breath, put out of breath. exhaust; I tear out, root out, eradicate, erase, re- alarm greatly, terrify, kill with fear; move. figur.: I almost deprive of lile, I make.E-vEnio, veni, ventum, 4, v. n., I come out, half dead, I cause anguish; exanimatas, come forth, emerge; I come to any place, a, urn, breathless, out of breath, exarrive; to comie out, issue, end, turn out, hausted, wearied, fatigued; greatly prove; to fa 1 to one by lot, fall to one's alarmed, terrified, frightened. lot, happen to one, c. dat.; to happen, Ex-ardesco, arsi, 3, v. n., I grow hot, befall out, occur, chance, befall, take place come inflamed, blaze, am on fire; figur.: -vetntum, i, n. (evenio), an issule, conse- to be inflamed kindled, to break out. quence, effect, result; an occumrence, Ex-audio, 4, v. a., I hear; I hear from a event; pl., eventa, fortune, lot, ex- distance; I give ear to, hearken or listen perience. to, regard, grant. f-ventus, its, m. (evenio), an issue, result, Ex-cedo, cessi, cessum, 3, v. n. and a., I go effect, turning out, consequence; event, out or forth, depart, retire, withdraw; I accident, occurrence, chance, hap; for- go beyond, advance, proceed, project; I tune, fate, lot. exceed, go beyond. M-verto, ti, sum, 3, v. a., I turn out; I de- Ez-cello, cellui, 3 (cello), v. n. and a., I prive, strip of, c. abl.; I precipitate in am eminent, I excel, outdo, outstrip, any direction; I turn upside down, turn surpass. topsy-turvy, invert; I throw into com- Ex-celsus, a, um (ezcello), adj., high, lofty; motion, I agitate; I throw down, over- sublime, grand, noble; in excelso, on throw, prostrate; figur.: I overturn, high, in a post of dignity. ruin, subvert, destroy, extirpate, make Ex-cdou, cidi, 3 (ex, cado), v. n., I fall out, wrtched. off, from, or down; I am lost, I escape, E-vzto. 1, v. a., I avoid, shun, escape; (e, slip out of memory; I perish, die, am vita), I deprive of life. lost. E-voco, I, v. a., I call out, call forth, bid to Ex-cido, cidi, cisum, 3 (ex, caedo), v. a., I come forth; I call before myself, sumnmon cut out or off, I cut or hew down; I to appear; I elicit, entice. cut into pieces, burst open; 1 destroy, k-vblo, 1, v n., I fly out or forth; I sally lay waste, demolish, overthrow, raze. forth, rush fiorth, burst forth; I come off, E-cieo, cvi, cttum, 2, or ex-cio. civi or cii, hasten off, go off, escape. citum, 4 v. a., 1 call out, cause to depart, Ex. See e. bring forth; I call or cause to go someEz-aedi-fico, 1, v. a., I build, build up; I where; I cause, raise, excite. finish building, I complete. Ex-cIpio cepi, ceptum, 3 (ex, capio), v. a., I Ex-aequo,, v. a., I make equal or even, take or draw out; I deliver; I except, make plain or smooth, I level; 1 equal, exclude; I make a condition, stipulate I am equal. for, name expressly, order, provide, Ex- aito, I, v. a., I drive out, drive away; decree, determine appoint; I catch up, I persecute, disquiet, harass, vex, agi- take up; I catch seize, make a captive, tate, disturb; I censure, criticise; I stir take; I gain; I receive, take upon myup, irritate, excite; I have in hand, oc- self, incur; I understand, take, intercupy myself with; I exercise. pret, hear with pleasure or displeasure; Ex-amen, Inis, n. (ex, agmen), a swarm of I sustain; pericula e, to undergo danbees flying out; a swarm, crowd, multi- gers; impetum e, to sustain an attack; tude; (exigo), the means of examining a invidiam e, to incur hatred; rempublithing; an examination, test. cam e, to undertake the defence of the Ex-&meno, 1 (ezamen), v. a., I weigh; I state. examine, ponder, consider, search, try. Ex-ctto, l, v. a., I call up; I raise, erect; I Ex-anlmis, e, and ex-inImus, a, um, adj., build, erect; I excite. incite, spur on, breathless; lifeless; greatly alarmed, ter- stimulate, kindle up, cause. rifled, half dead with fear. Es-clnmo, 1, v. a., I cry out, exclaim. Ezx-almo, 1 (exanimis), v. a. I deprive of Ex-cludo, si, sum, 3 (ex, claudo), v. a., I EXC 655 EXP shut out, exclude; I remove, refilse, Ex-hauri, h, haui,haustum, 4, v. a., I draw send away, annihilate, destroy, frus- out, pump out; I take out, remove, carry trate; I except; I prevent, hinder; I away; I take away, take from, deprive finish. end; exclusi eos, I did not admit of; I empty, drain; I exhaust, impoverthem, refused to see themi. ish; I finish, go through, undergo. Ex-cugito, 1. v. a., I consider thoroughly, Ex-igo, gi, actum, 3 (ago), v. a., I drive devise, contrive, invent, excogitate. out, drive away, expel, discharge; I sell, E:r-criicio, 1, v. a., I torture; I afflict, vend, dispose of; I transfix, run through, torment, distress, disquiet, harass, fret, pierce; I finish, complete, perform; I vex. bear, suffer, endure; I demand, require, Ex-curro, curri and ciicurri, cursum, 3, v. exact, enforce. collect; I ask, inquire; I n., I run out; I run or sally forth; I examine, try, measure, weigh. make an invasion or irruption; I run or Ex-iguttas, atis, f. (exiguus), small nuimwalk somewhere, make a journey some- ber, small account, paucity; scarcity, where for a short time. poverty; smallness, littleness. Excursio, 5nis, f. (excurro), a running out, Ex-iguus, a, um (exigo), adj., exact, excursion; a sally, an inroad; an attack, straight, small in size, little; small in onset. quantity or number; short; few. Ex-citsatio, anis, f. (excuso), an excusing, Er-ilium, ii, n. See exsilium. excuse. Ex-nmius, a, um (eximo), adj., worthy of E.-ctso, 1 (c.r, causa), v. a., I excuse; I being accepted, excellent, choice, select, allege in excuse, plead as an excuse; I remarkable; extreme, exceeding, extraexcuse, remit, do not exact, discharge ordinary, uncommon. from an obligation; I defend, protect, Ex-imo, imi, emptum or emtum, 3 (er, eno), cover. v. a., I take out, except, exclude; I take Ex —do, edi, esum, 3, v a., I eat, consume, away, snatch away, rescue; I exempt, devour; I waste, destroy, ruin. free, deliver, release. Ex-emplum, i, n. (erimo), What is taken out Ex-istietmtio, onis, f. (existimo), an opinion, as a pattern; an example, instance; a judgment, belief; good opinion, reputacopy, transcript. tion, character, credit, honor, fair fame. Ex-eo, ivi and ii, itum, ire, v. n., I go out, Ex-istimo, 1 (e., aestimo), v. a., I juldge, go away; to go or come forth, to be pub- think; I decide; I consider, think, or lished or spread abroad; to come forth, reflect upon. to sprout; c. ace.: I shun, avoid, escape; Ex-Itus, is., mn. (ezeo), a going out, departe. de or e vita, to die; exeunte anno: at ure * outgate, outlet, passage out; issue, the end of the year. result, event, fulfilnent; close, end, conEx-erceo, cui, citun, 2 (ex, arcco), v. a., I clusion, termination; e. orationis, the exercise or practise; 1 employ, occupy; sum, amount of a speech. I agitate, vex, trouble, plague; 1 do, Ex-opto, 1, v. a., I choose, select; I wish practise, perform, make use of; I labor, or desire greatly, I long, am desirous. work, manufacture, cultivate; e. vecti- Ex-irior, ortus sum, oriri, v. dep. n., I begalia, to collect the public revenue; cru- come visible, I appear, come forth, rise, deliter e. victoriam, to use one's victory arise, spring tup; I arise, originate, am in a cruel manner. derived, present myself; I recover, Ex-ercttatio, dnis, f. (exercito), exercise, breathe again, am relieved or comforted. practice. Ex-orno, 1, v. a., I adorn, deck out, embelEx-ercltatus, a, um, part. (exercito); adj., lish; I furnish, equip, fit out; I set in exercised, practised, versed, trained, ha- order, prepare rightly, arrange, dispose, bituated, accustomed; occupied, ern- array. ployed. Ex-ro, 1, v. a., I entreat earnestly; I over-,Ex-ercltus, ius, m. (exerceo), exercise, prac- come or persuade by entreaty, I prevail lice; an army; e. pedester, infantry; e. upon by entreaty. equitum, cavalry; e. equitatusque, infan- Ei-pecto, 1. See exspecto. try and cavalry. Ex.-pdio, ivi and ii, Itum, 4 (ex, pes), v. a., 28* PP EXP 656 EXQ I loose one's feet, I disentangle, disen- clear; I explain, show, declare, set forth gage, unloose, extricate, clear, liberate, clearly. free, release, rid; I free from obstacles, Ex-pleo, Evi, etum, 2 (*pleoj), v. a., I fill up, I bring about, despatch, expedite, settle, fill full, fill; I fulfil, discharge cr exeaccomplish, procure; I provide, get pro- cute fully; I fill, satisfy, satiate; I miake cure; I say out, speak out, speak, tell, complete. unfold, develop, relate, show, declare in Ea-pl1 radtor, Oris, m. (exploro), a spy; an few words; I get in readiness, make explorer, searcher, investigator, examready, prepare; e. rem frumentariam, to iner. provide fur provisions; of things: to be Ez-plratus, a, um, part. (exploro); adj., expedient, useful, profitable, advanta- certain. undoubted, sure; halere e.rplorageous. tum, to know for certain; haberepro ezEx-pdi2tio, Vnis, f. (expedio), a military plorato, to hold fur certain. expedition, enterprise, campaign. Ez-ploro, 1, v. a., I spy oult, pry into, Ex-pEditus, a, um, part. (e.Tpedio); adj., search diligently, scrutinize, examine, free, unimpeded, unencumbered; easy, investigate, trace, explore; I seek out; ready, fluent; sure, safe, sound; ready, I try, prove, put to the test. prepared, at hand; not burdened, with- Ez-pcno, posui, pisltum, 3, v. a., I put out, out baggage, without heavy armor, light- set fbrth, expose; I put away; I expose, armed, light, quick, always ready fir subject, leave open or unprotected; I set action; locus expeditus, a place which forth, propose, set up, display; I set one can pass through easily and without fo,rth in words, I relate, declare, explain, hindrance. show, state, report, describe, detail, treat Ex-pello, piili, pulsum, 3, v. a., I drive of, tell; I rehearse, publish. out, drive away, thrust ottt or away, Ex-porto, 1, v. a, I carry out or abroad: banish, eject, expel; figur.: I throw off, I get or bring out, convey or bring to shake off, put to flight. any place, I export. Ex-pergiscor, perrectus sum, 3 (expergro), v. Exc-pressus, a, um, part. (exprimo); adj., dep. n., I awake, wake up; figur.: I pressed out, standing out, prouinent; wake up, rouse up. bestir Iry self. evident, manifest, clear, certain. Ex-perior, pertus sum, 4 (*perior, whence Ex-prlmo, pressi, pressurn, 3 (premo), v. a., peritus and periculum), v. dep. a., I try, I press out, squeeze out; I wring, wrest, prove, make trial of, put to the test; I force, extort; I deniand, Require, assert, experience, find; c. ace.: I make trial maintain; I express, represent, pertray, of, I exercise, make use of; e. libertatem, delineate, draw; I describe, depict, porto make use of one's freedom; e. cum tray; I imitate, copy; I pronounce, utaliquo, to go to law with one, to proceed ter, deliver; I show clearly, signiiry, deagainst one; to contend, dispute, quarrel clare; I raise, elevate. with one. Ex-pugnntio, onis, f. (expugrno), a taking or Ex-pers, tis (ex, pars), adj., c. gen.: hav- overpowering; a carrying cf a pIlace by ing no part in, not sharing in, not con- storrn, a storming, taking by assault. cerned in; having nothing of, destitute, Er-purno, 1, v. a., I take, conquer, nake devoid, free from. m) self master of by fighting, I vaniquish, Ex-pertus, a, um, part. (experior); adj., 1, subdue, overcome, carry (a cit ); I overact.: having tried, having made a trial, power by violence, I take fircible posseshaving experienced, having experience sion of, I ravish, brinlg to yield, I force, of, experienced; 2, pass.: tried, proved, violate, rob; I obtain by force, extort, experienced, tested. wring, get by strenuous exertions, obtain Ex-pbto, Ivi andt ii, itum, 3, v. a. and n., I at last; I bring to accomplishment, I acdesire, demand, request, pray for; I re- complish, carry out, effect. qllire, exact; I long for, wish for, covet; Ex-purgo, 1, v. a., I purge, cleanse, puriI seek for, try to gain. fy; I clear, justify, exculpate, excuse. ~. —pllno, 1, v. a., I make plain or Ex-qutro, qulslvi, qulsItum, 3 (quaero), v. a., smooth; I render intelligible, make I search diligently for; I inquire, make EXQ 657 EXT inquiry, ask; I find out by inqiiry; I in- Ex-struo, uxi, uctum, 3, v. a., I build up, vestigate, search out; I prove, test; I raise, rear, pile up, erect; I heap, pile, deimand, require; I seek out; I select. or build up, cover or fill by heaping up; Ex-qulstus, a, um, part. (exquiro); adj., I firnish or provide richly; I heighten, choice, select, accurate, exact, nice, fine, amplify, exaggerate; I accumulate, hoard singular, excellent, exquisite, profound; up; I fralme, construct, join together. far-fetched, affected, labored. Ex-sul, ulis, m. and f. (ex, salio), one Ex-sanguis, e (ex, sangui)), adj., without banished or wandering from his country, blood, bloodless; lifeless, dead; pale; an exile, wanderer. powerless, lifeless, weak, feeble. Ex-sAlo, 1 (exsul). v. n., I am an exile, live Ex-secritio, onis, f. (crsecror), a solemn in exile, live away from my country. oath or protestation, joined with impre- Ex-siipdro, 1, v. a. and n., I appear above, catilns; imprecation, curse. stand out, project, am prominent, raise Ex-secratus, a, um, part. (exsecror); adj., myself; I prevail, conquer; I exceed, go accursed, cursed; execrable, detestable, beyond, surpass; I climb over, mount abominable. over, surmount gain the summit, pass; Ex-secror, 1 (ex, sacro), v. dep. a, I wish figur: I survive, outlive; c. acc.: I some evil to one; I curse, utter impreca- conquer, overcome, suppress, repress. tions against, call down curses upon, Ex-surgo, surrexi, swrrectum, 3, v. n., I rise, execrate; v. n., I curse, utter curses, rise up, stalnd up, get up; I appear high, call down curses. lift myself; I rise, arise, grow, spring up I Ex-slquor, sEcatus sum, 3, v. dep. a., I fol- I rise up, lift my head, recover strength, low; I fo.low or accompany; I follow recover. up, pursue, chase; I avenge, punish; I Extenuo, I, v. a., to make thin, fine, small; prosecute, carry out, go through, contin- to diminish, lessen, weaken. ue, finish; I execute, accomplish, per- Exter or extrrus, a, um (ex), adj. (comp., form, do; I follow out in words, I pur- exterior; superl., extrmuts and exztmus), sue, relate, tell, explain, describe, say, being without, foreign, strange, extraset forth; jus suum armis exsequi, to seek neous, outward, external; exterior, us. to mlaintain one's right by force of arms. outward, outer, exterior; eztremus, a, Ex-sllium, ii, n. (exsul), an abiding in a ua, the most outward, outermost; the foreign land, banishment, exile; the last, latest final; the last, most remote, place of exile. farthest; extremum, the farthest point, Ex-sisto, stlti, stttum, 3, v. n., I come forth extremity; the last; the end, close; ad or out, proceed, appear, become visible, extremum, at length, at last; extreme, emerge; I spring, proceed, arise; to fol- adv., at length, at last, in the last place. low as a consequence; I show myself, Exterior, us. See exter. manifest myself; I become, I come into Extermus, a, um (exter), adj., outward, exl existence, I am. ternal; foreign, alien, strange; m., a Ex-solvo, solvi, sli'ttum, 3, v. a., I loose, foreigner, stranger. unloose, unbind, undo, untie; I raise, Ex-timesco, mui, 3, v. n. and a., I become break up; I set loose, I free, release, rid, frightened, am greatly afraid, 1 fear deliver; I pay, discharge, pay out. greatly, fear. Ex-spectatio, onis, f. (exspecto), an awaiting, Ex-tollo, 3, v. a., I lift up, raise up; extolere expecting, expectation; desire, longing, se, to raise one's self, to rouse up; verbis curiosity; high hope, anticipation. e., to praise, extol; extolli, to be praised; Ex-specto, 1, v. a., I look out for, am anx- aliquid in mpjus extollere, to represent a ious to know; I await, wait for; I expect, thing beyond the truth, to exaggerate, hope for. magnify. Ex-sto; stti, stltum, 1, v. n., I stand out or Ex-torqueo, torsi, tortum, 2, v. a., I twist forth, stand, or am above, project; I am out, wreath out, wrest; I force, tear, visible, apparent; I show myself, appear, extort. exist, I am; I am extant, I remain, sur- Extrd (for extera, sc. parte), adv. and prp.: vive; exstat, it is clear, apparent, evident. without; adv.: without, on the outside, EXT 658 FAL externally; prp. c. ace.: without, on the Facio, ftci, factum, 3 (fi), v. a., I make, outside of, exterior to, out of; except. do; 1 produce, create, bring forth, beget, Extresus, a, um. See exter. generate; I make, render, choose, creEztrtnsicus (cxtra, secus), adv., from with- ate, elect; I collect, raise; I nake, out; on the outside, outwardly. without. cause, excite; I make, procure; I make, Ez-trfdo: trfsi, trusum, 3, v. a., I thrust or give, exhibit; I do, perform; I feign, drive out or forth, thrust off; I exclude, say, assert, pretend; I practise, follow, drive off, repel. profess an art, trade, or business; 1 esEztruo. See ex-struo. teem, value; f. potestatem alicui, to give Ez-io, iii, utum 3, v. a., I strip off, put off; one permission; f. aliquem parvi, to esI strip, deprive, take away, remove; I teem one little; f. aliquem majoris, to put or cast off, lay aside. value one more; v. n.. I act; rtcte faEx-uro, ussi, ustum, 3, v. a., I burn, set on cere, to act rightly; bene f. alicui, to fire; 1 remove, divest myself of. serve or do good to a person; f. cum aliquo, to take any one's part, to side with one. F Factio. onis, f. (facio), a making, doing; a power of making; a siding with one, a F., in Roman abbreviations, stands for side, faction, party, sect, order. filus. Factaosus, a, um (factio), adj., heading a FabWla, ae, f. (fari), a narration, narra- party, factious, seditious. tive, account, talk, report, rumor, corn- Facturn, i, n. (factus, a, ur), that which is mon talk, hearsay; a fictitious narrative, done, an action, a deed, exploit. tale, story, fable; a play, drama, dram- Fdcultas, dtis, f. (Jacilis), power, ability, atic exhibition, whether tragedy or corn- faculty; occasion, opportunity, power, edy. means, possibility; opportunity of havFdcesso, cessi and cessivi, cessitum, 3 (fa- ing, getting; copious supply, abundance, cio), v. a. and n., I do, perform, execute; plenty; plur., property, wealth, riches. I bring on, occasion, cause, create; I re- Facundia, ae, f. (fucundus), eloquence. tire, go away, depart; facessere alicui Fdcundus, a, un (fari), adj., speaking well, negotia, to cause any one difficulties, to eloquent. trouble or vex any one. Faesulanus, a, urn, adj., of or belonging to Facetiae, drum, f (facetus), humor, wit, Faesulae. pleasantry, drollery, facetiousness, grace, Faex, cis, f., the dregs or lees of wine, sedgracefulness. iment; f. populi or plebis, the dregs of Fdcetus, a, um (akin tofacundus, from fari), the people. adj., able to speak well, facetiolis, mer- Fallacia, ae, t. (fallax), deceit, trick, artiry, pleasant, witty, jocose, humorous; fice, craft. elegant, fine, splendid. Fallo, fJfelli, falsum, 3, v. a., I am defiFacies, ei, f. (akin to specie), the face, vis- cient, I miss, fail, deceive; I am conage; form, appearance of men; external cealed, escape notice; figur.: I deceive, appearance, look, view, sight. cheat, beguile; I violate deceitfully; I Factlis, e (facio), adj., what can be made avoid, shun; animus mefizllit, I am misor done; easy, ready, without labor; of taken; fallere alicujus opinionem, to dispersons: ready, prompt; readily or appoint one in his opinionl; fallur, I am promptly yielding, submissive; mild, deceived or mistaken; fidem f., to break gentle, kind, easy of access, affable, one's promise. courteous; adv,factle. Falsus, a, ur, part. (fallo); adj., deceived; Afcllitas, atis, f. (facilis), easiness, facility, pretended, feigned, untrue, false, counreadiness; gentleness, courteousness, terfeited, forged; deceitful, treacherous, good-humor. faithless, false, dissembling, hypocritiFdcnnus, dris, n (facio), an action; a glo- cal; falsum, a falsehood, a lie; adv., rious action, deed, or exploit; a bad ac- false and fals5. tion, a crime, villany. Fatl, cia, f., a scythe, sickle, reaping-hook; FAM 659 FEN a pruning-knife, pruning-hook; falces sc. dies, the days marked in the calendar wrvales, a warlike instruiment used in asJfsti; the calendar. Pl es. Fadtlis, e (fatum), adj., pertaining to fate; Fdma, ae, f. (fari), fame, report, rumor; decreed, determined, ordered or given by fair fame, rep.tation, character, renown; fate, fated, fatal; calamitous, destrucof women: honor, unspotted reputation; tive, fatal. ill-fame, infamy, scandal. Fdteor, fassus sum, 2 (fari), v. dep. a., I Fames, is, f., desire of food, hunger; confess, own, acknowledge. dearth, famine. Fdtlgo, 1 (fatis), v. a., I sate, weary, tire, Familia, ae, f. ( famulus), the slaves belong- fatigue, plague, torment; I incite, stiming to one master; a retinue of slaves; ulate; I conquer, subdue, oppress, exa troop, balnd of gladiators; serfs, vas- haust; I vex, trouble, harass. sals. dependants; one's whole property; Fdtum, i, n. (fari), what is said or spoken; a family, a part of a gens. a declaration with regard to future desFdmlI;dris, e (familia), adj., relating to tiny; the will or command of the gods; slaves; relating to a house; relating to fate, destiny; good or bad fortune, a family; confidential, known, friendly, chance; calamity, mishap. usual, common; copiae familiares, pri- Fauces, ium, f., pl, the gullet, throat; vate property; res familiares, household, figur.: any narrow passage, inlet or fortilte, estate; fainiliaris, a slave; an outlet; entrance, mouth. acquaintance, friend, intimate friend; Fdveo, favi, fautur, 2, v. n., c. dat.: I adv., fdamliariter. shine, smile, am kind, am favorably inFdm'lldritas, atis, f. (familiaris), familiar- clined to, I favor; I advance, promote, ity, acqalaintance, amity, familiar friend- assist, countenance. ship, intimacy. Fax, fdcis, f, a torch; a light; a meteor,'anum, i, n. (fari), a piece of ground con- comet; facem alicui praeferre, to be a secrated; a temple. leader to one; faces invidiae, the causes Fds (akin to fatum, from fari), n. indecl., of hatred. what is said or spken, what is just or Faxim and faro (facio), for fecerim and right by the rules of religion, divine law; fecero. that which is lawful, juist, right, equita- Febris, is, f. (for fcburis, reduplic., from ble, proper, fit, permitted; right, privi- buro), a burning or heat; a fever, ai lege, authority. ague.'ascts, is, mi., a bundle of wood, twigs, Februus, a, umr (akin to febris), adj., purnstraw, reeds; fasces, a blundle of rods, fying, properly burning (sacrifices); with which the lictors went befire the subst.,februum, that wherewith a purifihighest magistrates, especially before the cation or an expiation is performed; pl., consuls; fa3ces habere, to have the Jasces februa, feast of purification; hence Febcarried before one's self, to have the ruarius melsis, February, the month on rule; fasces, high places of honor, te the 15th day of which this feast was celconsulship. ebrated. Fastidium, ii, n. (contracted from fatis Fecundus, a, um (*feo), adj., fruitfll, ferraedtum), loathing, squeamishness, nau- tile, abounding; frequent, plentiful, rich, sea, fastidiousness, aversion, dislike, dis- abundant, copious. gust; complaint; pride, haughtiness, con- Felclitas, itiL, f. (/elir), fruitfulness; felitempt. city, happiness; good fortune, luck, suciasttgo, 1 (fast s), v. a., I narrow gradi- cess. ally into a sharp point, I point, raise, Felix, lcis (feo; akin to plenus), adj., fertile, elevate; fastigatus, a, urn, pointed, productive; rich, wealthy; happy, forraised on high; steep, sloping, descend- tunate, felicitous, blessed; auspicious, tng. advantageous, favorable, propitious; Fastus, a, un (fari), adj., at which one adv., fEltcter. may speak; dies fastus, a day on which Femtna, ae, f, a female, woman. the praetor administered justice; fasti Ffsnrator, aris, m (fenero), ate that FEN 660 FIG lends money on interest, a banker; a growing wild, not cultivated whl. not usurer polished, rude, uncivilized fierc., lagrd, Fiau.s, and foenus, oris, n. (fso), what is severe, harsh, cruel. produced, the produce, interest; gain, Fessus, a, um, adj., wearied, tlrea, faadvantage, profit. tigued; debilitated, feeble, weak, indirn, Fera, ae, f. (ferus), sc. bestia, a wild ani- faint. mal, beast, game. Festino, 1 (festinus), v. n. and a., I hasten, Firax, dcis (fero), adj., fertile, fruitful, make haste, am in a hurry; i nasten, abundant; with gen. and abl. accelerate, hurry, do speedily. Fnre (fero), adv. (bring near), nearly, Fibra, ae, f., a filament of a root or plant, a wellnigh, almost, within a little; about; fibre. for the most part, generally, commonly; Ftbula, ae, f., a clasp, buckle, pin, urace, just. nail, peg. F.rentarius, ii, m. (fero), a light-armed Fictus, a, um, part. (fingo); adj., fictitious, soldier. feigned, false. Firio, 4, v. a., I strike, smite, beat, hit, Fycus, i, f., a fig-tree; a fig. knock, cut, thrust, push. Fidelis, e (fides), adj., faithful, sincere, Ferme (fere), adv., nearly, almost; for the trusty, sure, that may be relied on. to be most part, generally, commonly; about. dependled upon; fidelis, subst, a conti-,Fro, tuli, latum,ferre, v. a. and n., I bear, dant, an honest person, one who may be bring, carry; I bear, generate, produce; trusted. I bear, tolerate, endure, support; I bear, Fides, i. f., firmness, faithfulness fidelity, carry, take away; I receive, obtain, ac- conscientiousness, uprightness honesty; quire, gain, get; I offer, proffer, tender; help, aid, assistance; confidence, faith, I carry about; I say, tell, relate; I raise; belief, credit; promise, engagement, I bring, procure, make, cause; signa word; proof, instance; protection. deferre, to march; prae se ferre, to show, fence; fidem alicui dare, to give one one's boast of; facileferre, to endure willingly; word; fidem fallere, to break, or not to graviter ferre, to be mortified, grieved; keep one's word; fidemn servare, solvere, tempus ita fert, time requires it; si animus liberare, or in fide rnanere. to keep one's fert, if you please; ferunt, fertur, it is word, to perform one's promise; venire said, people say; ferre legem, to make a in fidem alicujus, to surrender uncondilaw. tionally. F-rOcia, ae, f. (feroz), ferocity, fierceness, Fldes, andfdis, is, f., a thread; a string of savageness; valor, bravery, courage; a musical instrument; p, fides. ium, a harshness. stringed instrument of music, a lute, Srocitas, atis, f. (feroz), ferocity, fierce- lyre. ness, savageness, impudence, insolence; Fido, fisus sum, 3 (fidus), v. n., c. dat. or courage, intrepidity. abl.: I trust in, rely upon, put confidence Ftrox, 6cis (ferus), adj., wild, untame- in. able, unrestrained, insolent; courageous, Fiducia, ae, f. (fidus), firmness; security brave, warlike; savage, cruel, ferocious; assurance, self-confidence, courage. boldadv.,fsroctter. ness; confidence, trust, reliance, dependFerreus, a, um (ferrum), adj., of iron; cruel, ence. hardhearted, unfeeling, barbarous. Ftdus, a, u.m (fides), adj., firm, faithful, Ferrum i, n., iron; any iron instrument; trusty, certain, safe, sure, secure. a sword. FTgo fixi. fixum 3, v. a., I tasten, fix, stick, Fertflis, e (fero), adj., 1, fertile, fruitful, thrust in; I affix, post, or set up; I make abundant, copious, rich; c. gen. or abl.: fast, durable, or lasting; I hit, pierce, 2, making fruitful. transfix, shoot. Ferttas, atis, f. (fertilis), fertility, fruit- FIRffra, ae f. (fingo), a make, form, shape, fulness, abundance, richness. fashion, figulre, image, likeness: kind, Fkrus, a, um, adj. (free), wild, not tame, nature, qlality kind, species, manner, not domestic, living in the wilderness, way, method. FIL 661 FOC FVia, ae, f. (llius), a daughter. due, I dn; aliquem aliquid ab aliquo, and FUiOla, ae, f. (filia), dim., a little daughter. aliquem aliquid, I ask, demand with ibaFilius, ii, m., a son. portunity, solicit earnestly. Fingo, finxi, fictum, 3 (akin tofacio), v. a. Flarrans, tis, part. (flagro); adj., burning, I make, fashion, form, frame, model; I glowing, blushing, ardent, glittering, form, improve, teach, instrict; I adorn, shlling. dress, trim; I regulate, adapt, accomineo- Flagro, 1, v. n., I burn, am on fire; figur.: date; I alter, change; I imagine, con- I ani carried on with eagerness, ardcr, ceive, think; I devise, contrive, feign; I vehemence; I am in commotion, in a dissemble; I intend, design. passion, turbulent; I burn, fluish, glow, Finio, 4 (finis), v. a., I confine in limits; I sparkle, shine; j; invidia, to be inflamed circumscribe, limit; I fix or determine with enivy. by limits; I bound. restrain, check; I Fadmen, ilis, m. (forfilamen, fromfilum), a determine, prescribe, assign, appoilnt 1 diadenied priest. he that wears a fillet finish, terminate, end, put an end to. round his head. Finis, is, in., and sometimes f, a limit, Farnma, ae, f., a flame, blaze, flaming fire; boundary, bondl; a measure, duration, ardor, vehemence, impetuosity, ardent length; end, conclusion; pl.,fines, terri- love. tory. Flecto, flexi, flexum, 3, v. a., I bend, bow, FZnfttmus, a, um (finis), adj., neighboring, turn; I turn, direct, guide; I change, albordering upon, adjoining; nearly relat- ter; I move, touch, persuade, prevail ed, connected, closely allied. upon, appease. Fio, factus sum, fi~ri, v. n., to be, to be- Fleo, flEvi, fletum, 2, 1, v. n., I weep, shed come, grow; to occur, happen, fall ott, tears; 2, v. a., I weep over, lament, become to pass; to be (lone, made, cornm- wail. mitted; to be made, chosen, created; to F.'etus, us, m. (fleo), weeping, wailing, labe esteemed, valued; ut fit, ita ut fit, ut mnenting, tears. fieri solet, as it happens, as is usually the Fl5rens, tis, part. (floreo); adj., flourishing, case; fieri potest, it is possible. blooming, prosperous, successful, bright, Firmamentum, i, n. (firmo), anything used glittering. for fortifying; stay, support, strength; Floreo, ui, 2 (flos), v. n., to bloom, blosproof, reasoni, main point. som, flower; figur.: I flourish, am in Firmitufd, Inis, f. (firmnus), firmness, con- prosperous circumstances, am distinstancy, strength, vigor. guished, I excel, shine. Firmo, 1 (firmus), v. a., I make firm or Fios, oris, m., a flower, blossom; figur.: fast; I fortify, strengthen, secure; I the most excellent part of anything; make stable, durable, firin; I strengthen, flourishing condition. invigorate, recruit, reftesh; I confirm, Fiuctus, its, m. (fluo), a wave, billow. show, prove. Flilmen, tnis, n. (fluo), a flowing or runFirmus, a, um, adj., fast, firm, immovable; hing of water, running water; a river, constant, steady, steadfast, persevering, stream. inflexible; faithful; strong, stout, ro- Fluo, fluri, fluxum, 3, v. n., to flow; to be butst; powerful, considerable; able, fit, fluid; to flow over, to be very wet, to apt, capable, qualified; adv., firms and drip or drop with, c. abl.; to go on, suicfirmiter. ceed, prosper; to come on, arrive at, end F.stuca, ae, f., a mallet, commander; a in; to spread; to flow or pass away, perrammer. ish, disappear; to be derived, to flow. FlKartiSsus. a, um (flagitum), adj, shame- spring, take rise from. ful, infamous, wicked, profligate, aban- Fluvius, ii, m. (flueo), a river. doned, flagitious. Fluxus, a, um (fluo), adj., flowing. leakFadgitium, ii, n. (flawito), a shameful ac- ing; weak, soft, slack, loose; frail, pertion; shame, disgrace, dishonor, infamy, ishable; loose, dissolute. reproach. F'ocus, i, m., fire; a hlearth; an altar; a Flog-to, I (volens agito), v. a., I demand as house FOE 662 FRI Foecundus. See fecundus. Fortinetus, a, um, part. (fortuneo): adj., Poedus, a, um, adj., foul, filthy, loathsome, happy, fortunate, lucky, blest: in g-od nasty, ugly, deformed, unseemly; base, circumstances, opulent, wealthy, rich. vile, mean, disgraceful, shameless; hor- Forum, i, 11. (akin to foris), a street; a rible, cruel, dreadful, abominable, detest- public place, market-place; a public able. place where justice was administered. Foedus, ris, n., bond, confederacy, alli- Fossa, ae, f. (fodio), a ditch. ance, league, treaty; contract, agree- Fossio, onis, f. (fodio), a digging; a hole, ment, compact. pit. FUrfatus sum, fari, v. dep. n. and a., I Fractus, a, um, part. (frango); adj., weak, say, speak. feeble, faint. Foras (foris), adv., out of doorq, forth. Frdgilis, e (franogo), adj., brittle, fragFore (from fasi) -=futurum esse;foren = es- ile; frail, perishable, inconstant; feeble, sem. weak. FPren-is, e (forum), adj., pertaining to the Frango, fragi, fractum, 3, v. a.. I break, forum, being at the forum; beinlg out of dash to pieces; I diminish, lessen, abate, doors, used in public; relating to courts, weaken; I tame, render tractable, break, forensic judicial. restrain; I subdue, suppress, quetich, deF'ris, is, f., a door, gate; fores, ium, a stroy, hinder; I dishearten, discourage, door consisting of two folds; any en- depress, humble; I soften, move, affect; trance, inlet, or opening. I conquer. overcome, overpower; I F6ris (foris), adv., without doors, without, break, violate, infringe, injure. out, not at home; out of the city or state, Frater, tris, m., a brother. out of Rome, abroad. Fraternus, a, um (frater), adj., of a brothForma, ae, f., form, figure, shape; beauti- er, brotherly, fraternal. fill form, beaity; figtire, image, picture. Fraus, dis, f., an error, mistake; a fraud, FormIdo, I (formido), v. a., 1 fear, dread. deceit, gui'e, treachery; a fault, offence, Formido, Ynis, f, fear. terror, dread timid- trespass, critne; loss, damage, detriment, ity; a dreadful thing, a scarecrow. harm, injury; sinefraude, without fraud, Formld;ldsus, a, unm (foermido), adj., timo- honestly. rous, afraid; causinlg fear, terrible, for- Frlmlttus, Rs, m. (fremo), a grumbling, midable. murmuring; any loud noise, clnmg, clashFernix, ieis, m. (furnus), a furnace-like ing, growling, barking, neighing, thunceiling, an arch, vault; a triumphal arch. der, clamor. Fors, tis, f. (.fore), what is, becomes, hap- Framo, ui, ttum, 3, v. n., I murmur, mutter, pens; hap, chance, luck, fortune; ahl.: grtumble; I complain loudly. forte, by chance, casually, accidentally, Frequens, tis, adj., repeated, coming often, just, perhaps. frequent; that often happens, common, ForsItan (foes sit at), adv., perhaps. usual; much frequented, frequently visFortasse and fortassis (forte an sit), adv., ited nutmerous, many; crowded, fiull. perhaps; abouit. Frnquentia, ae, f. (frequens), frequency, Forte, adv. Seefors. multitude, great number; a crowd, Portis. e, adj., fiull, firm, strong; brave, throng, toncourse, multitude, numerous gallant, valiant, courageous, intrepid; attendance, or assembly. good, excellent, noble, fine; adv., for- Frequento, 1 (frequens), v. a., I frequent, r..: go often to, resort roich to; to visit in Fortitf.do, Inis, f. ( fortis), strength, stout- great numbers, to celebrate; I people, ness; fortitude, bravery, courage, intre- fill with inhabitants, I crowd, fill; I pidity. heap together, amass; I collect, assemFortimna, ae. f. (fors), hap, chance, luck, ble. fortune; condition, situation. circumstan- Frtuss, a, urm (for fortus: akin to fortis), ces; good fortiune; a fortune, estate; adj, strong by, trusting to, relying or deo. possessions, property, effects, wealth, pending on, c. abl. riches. Frigtdus, a, um (frigeo), adj., cold, cool; FRI 663 GAU figur.: flat, diull, insipid, frigid; inac- shine, be bright, glitter, glisten; figur. tive, indifferent, remiss; without feeling I shine forth, am prominent or eminent. or affection. Fumus, i, m., smoke, fume. Frigus, 6ris, n., cold; coldness. Funda, ae, f. (fundo, 3), a sling; a kind of Frons, tis, f., the brow, forehead; the fore- net, casting-net, drag-net. part, front; exterior, outside; afronte, in Funditor, Oris, In. (fando, 3), one that fronte, in front, on or from the front side. fights with a sling, a slinger. Fructuosus, a, umn (fructus), adj., bearing Fundo, I (fundus), v. a., I found, lay the fruit, fruitful; profitable, advantageous, foundation or groundwork; I make fast, gainful. firm, or durable, I fasten, fortify. Fructus, us, m. (fruor), fruit, produce of Fundo, ffdi, ffsum, 3 (unda, udus), v. a., I fields aid trees; fruit, profit, benefit, ad- shed, pour, pour out; 1 fuse, melL; I vantage; interest, income, revenue, rent; make by pouring, I cast, found, make; I use, enjoyment; pleasure. produce, bring forth, pour forth, utter; I Frftgadtas, dtis, f. (frugalis), temperance, enlarge, extend, spread; I lay prostrate, moderation, thriftiness, frugality, parsi- I overthrow; 1 hurl, cast, throw. mony; honesty, probity, integrity. Fungor, functus sum, 3 (akin to facio), v. Fruges,frugi. Seefrux. dep. n, c. abl., or v. a., c. acc.: I do, Frfimentar/us, a, urn (frumentum), adj., of execute, perform, discharge, conduct, or belonging to corn; concerning corn; administer. resfrumentaria, provisions, corn. Fiunis, is, m., a rope, cord, cable. Frfrmentor, 1 (frumentum), v. dep. n., I Ffr, firis, nl., a thief; cheat, knave. collect corn, I purvey, forage. Furibundus, a, umrn (furio), adj., mad, ragFrumentumrn, i, n. (fruor), corn or grain of ing, furious; inspired, enthusiastic. all kinds, particularly wheat and barley. Fuiror, I (fur), v. dep. a.,^ steal, pilfer; I Fruor, frtuItus and fructus sum, frui (fert), obtain by stealth. v. dep. n., c. abl.: I take the fruit or Furor, oris, m. (furo), fury, madness, rage, produce of, I have the use or progfit of, I distraction; inspiration; foolishness, exenjoy the benefit of, I enjoy, ant delight- travagance. ed with, take pleasure in. Furtum, i, n. (fur), a thing stolen; theft, Frustra (fraus), adv., deceitfully; to no stealth. purpose, in vain. Fruc, frugis, f. (fruor, fern), produce, fruit; produce of the fields, corn or grain, G pulse; fruit of trees; figur.: profit, use, advantage. Gaesum, i, n., a javelin used by the ancient Fiacstts, a, um (fucus), adj., painted, col- Gauls. ored, coutiterfeit, showy, seeming. GOlea, ae, f., a helmet, helm. Fuga, ae, f., a fleeing, flight, running Gallicus, a, um, adj., of or belonging to the away; hostes in fugam dare, to put. the Gauls, Gallic. enemy to flight. Gallus, i, m., a Gaul, an inhabitant of Fg0io, fPgi, f'jltum, 3, 1, v n., I flee, Gaul, especially of Celtic Gaul. fly; I fly, pass away, vanish, disappear, Gallus, a, um, adj., same as Gallicus. decay; I go or rutn away; 2, v. a., I fly, Gallus, i, m., the name of a Roman family. seek to avoid, shuin; I escape. Glinea, ae, f., and gfaneum, i n., a cookF4illttius, a, um (fugio), adj., ftigitive, run- shop or ordinary; a brothel; debauchery, ning away, with a, or genit.; a deserter. riot, revelling, gluttony. Figo, 1 (fugio), v. a., I put to flight, I Gineo, fnis, mn. (granea), a frequtenter of rout, discomfit; I drive away, remove. brothels, rioter, reveller, glutton, deFulcio, si, turn, 4, v. a., I prop, support by bauchee. pales, stays, or any kind of support; Gaudeo, gfvTsus sum, 2, v. n., I shout, refigiur.: I support, sustain, uphold, assist joice, am glad. in distress Gaudiumrn, ii, n. (gaudeo), joy, gladness; Fulgeo, fulsi, 2, v. n., to flash, lighten; to pleasure; delight. GEM1 664 GRA Gemtus, fts, n. ('emo), a groan or sigh; Glrior, 1 (rloria), v. dep. a. and n., I paini, sorrow, sadness. gl(.ry, boast, brag, vaunt, pride myself. Gemma, ae, f., a gem, jewel, precious Grdclltas, itis, f. (gracilie) slenderness; stone; ornament, adorlLnment; an eye or leanness, meagreness. bud of a vine or tree. Grddus, us, m. (,fradior), a step; step, G0mo, ui, Itum, 3, v. n. and a., I groan, stair; step, degree, condition, rank; post, mourn, sigh; I sigh at, lament, deplore. office, post of honcr, character. Gdner, Sri, m. (geno, gigno), a son-in-law, Graece (,rraecus), adv., in Greek. daughter's husband. Graecia, ae, f., Greece. Gneradtim (grenu), adv., generallp, in gen- Graecus, a, urnm, adj., of or belonging to the eral; by kinds, sorts, divisions; by na- Greeks, Greek, Grecian. tions or tribes. Grandis, e, adj., grown, great, large, big, Glntro, I (grenus), v. a., I beget, produce, tall; noble, bravo; grand, lofty, subprocreate, engender, generate, bear, bring lime; g. natu, advanced in age. forth; I produce, imake, invent. Granunm, i, it., a grain of corn; a seed, a GbngrOsuo', a, um (genus), adj., born of a kernel. noble race, descended from illustrious Gratia, ae, f. (gratus), pleasantness, agreeancestors, noble; noble-minded, noble- ableness, grace; favor, grace with othhearted, magnanimous, generous. ers; good terms, friendly relations, Ghnecklatus, a, um (fgeniculum), adj., what friendship; power, authority, influence; has many joints or knots, knotted, a kindness, favor, service, obligation; jointed. thanks, gratitude, acknowledgment of Gens, tis, f. (oeno, gigno), a clan among kindness, return, requital; abl.: gratiO, the Romans, ( f which familia or stirps is for the sake of, on account of; mea graonly a part; a nation. tia, on my account: exempli gratia, for Ggnus, &ris, n, thise of common birth or instance; gratias agere, to give thanks gender, a race, family, stock; a species, in words; referre gratiam, or grattas, to kind, sort, qutality, description; kind, make a requital. nature, manner, condition; nation, peo- Gratitsus, a, um (oratia), adj., in great ple, race, tribe. favor, agreeable, beloved; pleasant; Germanlcus, a, urn, adj, of or belonging to enjoying favor, favored, protected; grathe Germans, Germanic, German. cious, condescending, complaisant, obligGermuni, orum, m., the Germans. ing. Germanus, a, um (?termen), adj., of brothers Grtais (contracted from gratiis, abl. pi. of and sisters by the father's side; sincere, gratia), adv., without recompense or retrue, real, right, proper, genuine. ward, for nothing, gratis. GSro, gessi, gestum, 3, v. a., I produce, bear; GratuitJ (gratuitus), adv., for naught, I carry, bear; I wear, bear, have; I do, without a recompense; without cause make, perform; I administer, manage, or reason. conduct, regulate, rule, govern, carry on; Grath.'atio, 5nis, f. (gratulor), a wishing se gerere, to act, carry, or conduct one's one joy, congratulation, gratulation; self, to behave; rem bene g., to be suI- public joy; a public festivity, public cessfuil, to carry on a thing with success; thanksgivings. res gestae, or gesta, orum, warlike deeds; Grdttlor, 1 (gratus), v. dep. n., c. dat.: I negotium g. to carry on business; inimi- congratulate, wish one joy. citias g., to have a grudge against. Gratus, a, um, adj.. pleasing, acceptable, Glddiator, Cris, m. (rladius), a public agreeable; procuring or gaining favor, fighter, gladiator; a bandit, thief, robber. making pleasant or beloved; deserving Glddidtorius, a, um (gladiator), adj., of a acknowledgment or thanks; worthy of gladiator, relating to gladiators; g. ludus, approbation; grateful; gratum, i, n., a a school of gladiators. favor: gratum facere alicui, to do what Glddius, ii, m., a sword. shall please one; adv., grate. Gloria, ae, f (akin to clarms), glory, re- Ordvis, e, adj., heavy, weighty, ponderous; nown, fame. important; great, eminent, venerable, GRA 665 HIC credible; great, violent; severe, violent; tors; se male habere, to be ill; aliquid ix grave, serious, sober, considerate, dis- metu h., to be afraid of a thing; bene 1acreet; heavy, hard, oppressing, harsh, bet, it is good. grievous, rigorous, troublesome, burden- Hdabto, 1 (habeo), v. freq. a. and n., I insome, sad, afflicting, disagreeable; adv., habit; I anm somewhere, I live, dwell, graviter. abide, reside. roirvtas, atis, f. (gravis), heaviness, weight- Habitus, a, urn, part. (habeo); adj., affected, iness; ilmpressiveness; importance, pow- inclined, disposed. er; severity, violence, virulence; cru- Habitus, us, in. (habeo), habit, plight, conelty; gravity, seriousness. dition, state, mannier, fashion; state of Grdoo, I ( ravis), v. a., I burden, load, health; dress, attire. weigh down; gravari, to be reluctant, Hac (abl. of haec), sc. parte or via, adv., to hesitate, doubt, make difficulties. here, by this place, this way. Grbgarius, a, urn (rex), adj, of a flock: Haereo, haesi, haesum, 2, v. n., I hold, cormmon, private; mean, indifferent, bad; stick, adhere, am fixed, fastened, or unitmiles g., a common soldier. ed; I hesitate, am embarrassed, confused, OGrmtum, ii, n., the lap, bosom. retarded. GrezX grg'is, m., a herd, flock, drove; a Harpdgio, oinis, m., a hook for pulling down company, assemibly; the crowd. or towards a person, a grappling-hook, GObernatio, inis, f. (guberumo), the steering grapple, drag. or piloting of a ship; the art of steering Haruspex, Icis, m., one who foretells future a ship; figlr.: the management or direc- events by inspecting the entrails of viction of anything. tims; a soothsayer, diviner. Giberndtor, oris, n. (guberno), a pilot, Ilasta, ae, f., a spear, lance, pike javelin. steersmanl; firur.: a governor, director, IHatatus, a, um (hasta), adj., armed with a ruler. spear; hastati, sc. milites, a part of the Gtila, ae, f., the gullet; the neck; gluttony, Roman infantry, forming tie first line in appetite. battle. Gustat.us,' ls, m. (;rusto), the sense of taste; IIaud, adv., not; haud dum, not yet; haud a tasting; the taste of a thing. scio an (for annon), I do ne;t know Gusto, 1, v. a., I taste; I enjoy, partake of whether, I should think, according to a thing, understand, hear, learn, see. my opinion, perhaps. Haudqudauam, adv. (haud and qud7uam, sc. ratione), by no means whatever, not at 1I all. Hlbesco, 3 (hebeo), v. n., I grow blunt, fibeo, ui, Itum, 2, v. a., I have, hold, keep, dim, or languid. possess, enjoy; I have, contain; I occu- Helvetius, a, um, adj., belonging to the py, captivate; I know, have heard; I Helvetians, IIelvetian. use, make use of; I make, occasionl, Hem! inlerj., ah! oh! alas! well! only cause; I hold, make, do, pronounce; I see! just look! do, perform; I keep, detain, suffer to be Ilerbesco, 3 (herba), v. n., to become full of somewhere; I treat, use well or ill; I herbs or grass; viriditas herbescens, green account, judge, esteem, think, believe, corn springing up. consider; I reckon or number amongst; HEreditas, atis, f., heirship, inheritance. I suffer, bear, endure, support; c. dat.: Ilres and haeres, Edis, n. and f. (herus), aliquem ludibrio habere, to ridicule one; an heir or heiress. c. inf.: dicere habui, I had to say; satis Hiberna, orum. See hibernus. habeo, I am contelnt; habere alicui grati- IHbernus, a, um (Atiems), adj., of or belongam, to feel one's self obliged or indebted ing to winter, wintry; hiberna, sc. casto one; habere orationem, to make a tra, winter-quarters. speech; aliquid pro certo habere, to be- ttic, haec, Akc, demonstr. pron. of the first lieve a thing; h. aliquem in numero ora- person, pointing to the speaker, or to torum, to reckon one amongst the ora- that which is connected with or near HIC 666 HUM him: this; of this time, now customary, Hora, ae, f., time; an hour. present, at or of our time, now living; Horrendus, a, um, part. (horreo); adj, the same, this, that, it; such, of such a horrible, terrible. kind; hic - ille, the latter - the former, Horrens, tis, part. (horreo); adj., dreadful, see ille; abl.: hoc, on this account, for frightful, horrific. this reason, by this meals, theretire; iorreo, ui, 2, v. n. and a., I tremble, shudhoc libentius, so much the more will- der, fear; I am affrighted or terrified; ingly. I shudder for fear; 1 am astonished, Irc or *heic (hic), adv., here, in this place; amazed; I am affrighted or terrified at a in this particular, on this; under these thing. circumstances, upon this occasion. Hurtor, 1, v. dep. a., I bid, urge on, excite, Himo, I (hiems), v. n., I winter, pass the exhort, encourage, incite, instigate, emwinter; I am in winter-quarters. bolden, cheer. Hiems, hmis, f., rainy, stormy weather; a IHortus, i, m., any place surrounded with a storm, tempest the rainy season, wii- fence or an enclosure; a garden. ter. Hospss. Itis, m. and f., a host or gulest; a H'ldris, e, and hMlarus, a, um, adj., cheer- visitor, stranger, foreigner, scjourner. ful, merry, gay, jovial, pleasant. IHospUtinm, ii, n. (hospes), a chamber for lHildritas, atis, f. (hilaris), cheerfulness, guests, place to receive guests in, a lodgmirth, gayety, merriment, hilarity. ing; a reception, a putting up at an inn ilinc (hic), adv, hence, from this place; hospitality. thence; on this side; from this cause; Hostis, is, m. and f. (akin to hospes), a from this time. straneer; an enemy. Hispania, ae, f., Spain and Portugal. Hic (hic), adv., hither, to this place; to Hispanus, a, ur, adj., Spanish; Hispani, this, ftr this, to this issue or point; hu4 orum, m., the Spaniards. illuc, or hue ct illuc, this way and that, Hjdie (for hoc die), adv., to-day. hither and thither; hue arrogantiae ve.e HSdiernus, a, um (hodie), adj., of this day; nerat, he had come to such a pitch of arhodierno die, to-day. rogance. HMmo, inis, m. and f., a human being, a Huc-usque, adv., hitherto, up to this time, man or womana; a man. as far as this, so far. H'nestas, atis, f. (honestus), respectabili- Hfijuscmodi ald hljusmndi, adv., of this ty, honor, reputation, credit; decency, kind or sort, such. propriety of conduct; honesty, prob- Iiimailtas, atis, f. (humanus), human naity, goodness; dignity, good grace, ture, humanity; hilman feelings; duty beauty. of man; humanity, benevolence, gentleHIJnesto, I (honestus), v. a., I make honora- ness, kindness, politeness; learning, eruble or respectable, I adorn, dignify, grace, dilion, education, liberal knowledge, polset off, embellish. ished manners. Hnnestus, a, um (honor), adj., honorable, Hirnmnus, a, um (homo), adj., human, conferring honor, respectable, eminent, of or belonging to a man; humane, decent, proper, becoming; honored, re- kind, gentle, courteous, good-natured; spected; honestum, honesty, virtue, mo- polite, well-educated, learned, well-inrality; adv., honestE. formed, refined; adv., hibmane, hiumanHtinor and hlnos, Gris, m., honor; value, tter. esteem, worth; regard, respect; a plub- Humi. See humus. lic office, magistracy, dignity; reward, Iim'ilis, e (humus), adj., near the ground, recompense. low, not high; humble, mean, poor, obh Hsnoratus, a, ur, part. (honoro); adj., scure; base, abject, vile, sordid; adv., honored, respected; honorable, respect- him'Ilter. able, distinguished. Hiomor, oris. m. (humeo), moisture, damp. Hlnorf'tcus, a, um (honor, facio), adj., ness, humidity. causing or bringing honor, honorable; Humus, i, f., the ground,earth, soil; humi adv., hlno5rficd. or in humo, on the ground. IB~I 667 IMB I rions, obscure; of low birth and parentage, meanly born, base born, ignoble. lft \is), adv., thers, in tlat place; in that, Ignjnlsmia, ae, f. (in, nomen), the loss of a therein, un that; thereupon. good name; ignominy, disgrace, disIb. dem, alv., in the same place; in the honor; ignominiam accipere, to suffer a sa.ne thing or ma.ter. disgrace. Ico, tl., ictum, 3, v. a., I strike, smite, t, In,hit, (inarus), v. a., I am ignorat of, stab, ilng, slay; icerefoedus, lo strike or have no knowledge of, do not know; igmake a compact, league; figur.: I strike, noratus, a, um, unknown; unobserved, move, touch, disquiet, agitate; part., unrecognized, undiscovered. ictus, a, um, struck, touched; cos4 ictus, l.gno.sco, ovi, Otum, 3 (in, gnosco), v. n. and struck by lightning. a., I do not inquire, I seem lut to know, Ictus, fts, m. (ico), a stroke, blow, stab, hit, I overlook, pardon, forgive, remit, exthrust, cast. cuse, c. dat. Idcirco and iccirco (id, circa), adv., on thit TgnStus, a, um, part. (ignosco), adj., unrecaccount, therefore, for lat reason; tle.- ognized, unknown. in, so far. Ile, illd, illud, dern. pron. of the third perfdem, eddem, Idem (is, dem), pron., the same, son, referring to the person or thing spojust that, joist tne idem ac or atque, tle ken of, or to anything at a distance: that, same as; idem qui, the salte who; idem that man (he), that woman (she), that quam si or quasi, the same as if; eadem, thing (it); hie-ille, this one - that one, sc. via, the samle way; et idem, or idem- the latter — the former; hi —illi, these que, and indeed, and —too, and that too; -those, some-others; ille Cato, the idem - idem, at once, as well-, as, at the ancient, well-known, notorious, famous same time- and. Cato. Identldem (for idem et idem), adv., now and 1tiScbra, ae, f. (illicio), what entices, a then, ever and alJon, repeatedly, at inter- l"re; an enticement, allurement, attracvals. tion, charml, inducement, seduction, stimIdOneus, a, um (ad, onus), adj., fit for the ulant. burden, able to bear; apt, able, fit, meet, IllZc illic), adv., there, in that place; in proper, suitable, convenient, becoming, that matter, in an affair of that nature; well suited, well adapted, opportune, at that time, then. advantageous; worthy, deserving; suffi- Il-lcio, lezi, lectuAn, 3 (in, lacio), v. a., 1 cient, able, trustworthy, satisfactory, draw in, allure, entice, decoy, inveigle, credible, sure. attract, invite, induce. Idus, uum, f. (di-vido), the ides, division; n-ticItator, oris, m. (in, lic.), a nominal half of a month, viz., the 15th day of purchaser, one who bids at an auction. March, May, July, and October, and the Il-1co (in, loco), adv., in the place, on 13th of the other months the spot; straightway, instantly, immeIgItur (agitur), conj., therefore, then, ac- diately. cordingly; as I was saying, I say, then Il-1go, (in, ligo), v. a., I bind, tie; J join, at length, at last, finally. fasten, fix, connect to; I bind together, Ignlrus, a, um (in-gnarus), adj., ignorant, combine, construct. not experienced in, unacquainted with, 11l (ille), adv., to that place, thither; unaware. thereto, to that, to that end. Ignavia, ae, f.(ignavus), inactivity, idleness, lluc (illic), adv., to that place, thither. laziness, sluggishness, sloth; cowardice. Il-lustris, e (in, lastro), adj., filled with lgunavus, a, um (in-gnavus), adj, inactive, light, light, clear, bright, luminous; manlazy, slothful, remiss, sluggish, indolent; ifest, clear, evident, open, known; imcowardly, dastardly, timid. portant, considerable, prominent; reIgnis, is, m, fire; a watchfire; a torch, a markable, notable, distinguished, illusburning piece of wood; lightning. trious, famous, renowned, noted. Iknbtlis, e (in-o-nobilis), adj., unknown to Im-becillis, e, and im bEcillus, a, um (in, fame, not noted, undistinguished, inglo- bacillus), adj., weak, feeble, faint; im IMB 668 IMP becile, inefficient, weak-headed, faint- Im-mutitus, a, urn, part. (immuto); adj., un. hearted. changed, constant, steadfast, iimmuiable. Im-becillitaWo, atis, f. (imbecillis), weakness, Im-mfsto. 1 (in, muto), v. a., I change or infirmity, feebleness. alter; I exchange. Imber, bris, in., a heavy or violent rain, Im-pdratus, a, um (in, paratus) adj., not shower of rain, pelting rain. ready, unprepared, unprovided, unfurIm-buo, bui, btitum, 3, v. a., I fill with nished moisture; I wet, dip, soak, steep, satu- Im-pbdimentum, i, n. (impedio), that which rate, moisten; I dip, imbue, stain, taint, eniangles or hampers one, a shackle, infect, fill; I inspire or impress with, burden, impediment; baggage, luggage; accustom, inure to, imbue, instruct, give the beasts of burden; the nmen attached a taste for; I initiate, consecrate, dedi- to the baggage; a hindrance, obstruccate. tion, bar, obstacle. 7mitor, 1, v. dep. a., I imitate, copy, roun- Im-pedio, ivi and ii, Itum, 4 (in, pes), v. a., terfeit; I resemble, am like, have the I entangle, hamper, shackle; I involve, appearance of, I express, portray, repre- embarrass, perplex; I hinder, prevent, sent, copy. stop, obstruct, impede. Im-manis, e (in, humanus), adj., inhuman, Im-pldltuas, a, umrn, part. (impedio); adj., immonstrous, wild, savage, cruel, fierce, peded, involved, ob.-lructed, burdened, ruthless, frightful; immense, enormous, retarded, intricate, confused, enibarhuge, vast. rassed, difficult; loaded with baggage. Im-mdnltas, dtis, f. (immanis), inhuman Im-pello, piili, pulsum, 3 (in, pelts), v. a., I manners orconduct, fierceness, barbarity, push, drive, press, lurce against into or cruelty, stern insensibility, savage apa- forward, I urge on or against, I set in thy; monstrous size, enormity, vastness. motion, propel, impel; I overthrow, Im-mansuetus, a, um (in, m.) adj., untamed, overturn, precipitate; I induce, impel, wild, savage. incite, instigate, urge, persuade, stimnnIm-minuo ui, fitum, 3 (in, minuo), v. a., I late. diminish, lessen, reduce, shorten, con- Im-pendeo, 2 (in, pendeo), v. n., to hang tract, impair, abate, take from; I weaken, over or above, to overhang; to impend, enfeeble, debilitate; I derogate from, en- hover over, threaten, to be near, to be croach upon, bring down, break, violate, imminent, with in, or c. dat. subvert, overthrow. Im-pendo, di, sum, 3 (in, perdol, v. a, I lay Im-missio, onis, f. (immitto), a letting in, out or expend for some thiig or use; introduction; i. sarmentorum, the letting figur.: I expend, lay out, bestow, emthe sprouts grow. ploy, apply. Imrn-mitto, misi, missum, 3 (in, mitto), v. a., I Imt-pensa, ae, f. (impensus), outlay, expense, send or let in, despatch into or against, charge, cost; employment, application, discfharge into or at; let loose upon; I consumption, use. set on, set to work, employ, suborn, in- Im-pensus, a, urn, part. (impendo); adj., stigate. large, great, earnest, tervent, urgent; Immb or Ymn (probably for in modo), adv., impenso pretio, at a high price. in a manner; hence sometimes' yes,' Im-pbrator, Oris, in. (impero), commander, and sometimes' no,' even, yes, yea; nay chief, overseer, director; the commanderrather. in-chief of an army. Im-mrndratuts, a, umrn (in, moderatus), adj., Im-pbratum, i, n. (inpero), a command, immoderate, excessive, intemperate, un- order; ad imperatum, according to comnrestrained; boundless, endless, immeas- mand. urable. Im-pbrltus, a, umrn (in, peritus), adj, c. gen.: Im-mortalis, e (in, mortalis), adj., undying, ignorant of, unacquainted with, inexpe. immortal imperishable, everlasting. rienced, unskilled in a thing; unprtc. Im-mortailltat, &tis, f. (immortalis), inlmor- tised, unskilful, injudicious, dull, simple. tality, infinite durability, imperishable- Im-plrium, ii, n (impero), an order, coln. ness; immortal remembrance. mand, injunction; the power to con. IMP 669 IMP nand, power, control; supreme power, without case: passionate, violent, furlrule, sovereignty, sway, government, ous, outrageous, tyrannical, despotic; dominion, empire, military power as dis- immoderate, ungoverned, unbounded, tinguished from civil; the title of coin- excessive, intolerable. mantder; empire, dominion, realmi: pi., Im-primis (in, primus), adv., especially,nmimperia, the commanding officers, com- inently, particularly. mandlers, generals. In-primo, pressi, pressum, 3 (in, premo), v. Im-pero, I (in, paro), v. a., I order, com- a., I press into, stick or stamp into; I mand, enjoin, give an order or coin- press upon, impress, imprint, stamp. mand; I rule over, govern, command, Im-probus, a, urn (in, probus), adj., bad, manage; with an accus. of the tiling: I wicked, dishonest, knavish, villanous, coimmand or order, I order to be fur- malicious, depraved, ungodly, unprincinished or provided, I give orders for, I pled, unjust, unfair, not equitable. dictate, impose by command, I lay upon; Im-prOrvdus, a, um (in, providus), adj., imnperatum, i, n., that which is ordered, not foreseeing, not anticipating; imau order, command. provident, incatitious, heedless, careless, fm-pltro, 1 (in, patro), v. a. and n., I bring thoughtless, inconsiderate. about, accomplish, go through with, ef- ImproTlsus, a, um (in, prorisus), adj., unfect; I obtain, get, procure, bring about, foreseen, unlooked for, unthought of, unbring to pass; I obtain, get, gain, win, expected, sudden; de or ex improvise, or procure, carry by entreaties. simply improviso, unexpectedly, on a Im-petus, its, nl. (impeto), an attack, as- sudden, without warning. sault, shock, onset; a motion forward, a Im-prftdens, tis (in, prudens), adj., not forerapid or inpetuous motion; inpetuosity, seeing, not expecting, not meaning, unvehemence, ardor, exertion, heat, fire, aware, unconscious; c. gen.: ignorant vigtor, force, desire, strong passion, iin- of, unacquainted with, not knowing; pulse, zeal, eagerness. unwise; improvident, imprudent, inconIm-pils, a, um (in, pius), adj., impious, siderate. irreligiois, irreverent, undutiful; bar- Im-prudentia, ae, f. (imprudens), want of baros, savage, cruel, wicked. knowledge, ignorance; chance, accident, Im-plor'), 1 (in, ploro), v. a., I call upon mistake, error; want of foresight, imwith tears, beseech earnestly, implore, prudence, indiscretion, inconsiderateinvoLe, entreat, pray for. ness. Im-pono, plsui, pis'tumr, 3 (in, pone), v. a., Im-piidens, tis, (in, pudens), adj., shameless, I ptace, put, set or lay into or in a place; impudent, barefaced. I pitt or place upon, set upon, lay upon; Im-piadlcus, a, um (in, pudicus),adj., shameI lay upon, impose, enjoin, assign; I im- less; unchaste, immodest, lewd, lustful, pose upon, deceive, trick. sensual. Im-purto, I (in, porto), v. a., I carry or con- Im-pugno, 1 (in, pugno), v. a., I fight vey into, bring in, introduce, import. against, attack, assail by fighting; figImr-pertsl'ttas, Atis, f. (importunus), unsuit- ur.: I assail, attack, oppose, impuign. ableness, inconvenience; unseasonable- Im-pulsus, lts, m. (impello), a setting in moness, importunity, incivility, boldness, tion, a moving, impelling; an impreslicentiousness. sion, impulse; instigation, incitement; Imr-portttnus, a, um (in, porto), adj., unsea- an inward impulse, violent affection or sonable, inconvenient, unsuitable; trou- passion. blesome, grievous, distressing, painful, Im-pfinb (impunis), adv., without punishoppressive; vexatious, rude, harassing, ment or penalty, without fear of punishimportunate, uncivil, churlish, peevish. ment, with impunity; without danger, morose; restless, unquiet, violent; bad, harm, hurt, or loss, safely. vicious, worthless. Im-pftnltas, latis, f. (impunis), impunity, Im-pltens, tis (in, potens), adj., powerless, freedom or security from punishment, reweak, feeble, unable, impotent; c. gen.: mission of punishment; fill! license, unbaving no power over, not master of; restrained excess, unbounded freedom IMP 670 INC In speech: redundancy, diffusiveness, attempt, enterprise, undertaking, deo excess of ornament. sin. Im-pifn-tus, a, um (in, punitus), adj., tin- In-certus, a, um, adj., uncertain, doubtful, punished, exempt from punishment; un- doubting, dubious; having no certain inrestrained, excessive; secure, safe, unim- ftirmation; uncertain, not sure, not to paired. be relied upon; in re incerta, in need, disIm-pitrus, a, um (in, purus), adj., unclean, tress; vultus incertus, an uneasy, anximpure, foul, nasty, filthy; defiled, con- ious countenance. taminiated; hateful, abominable, loath- In-cessus, us, m. (incedn), a gait, walking; some; infamous, wicked, execrable, ac- an irruption into, or invasion of, a councursed. try. imus, a, um (for infimus, superl. of inferus), In-cestum, i, n. (incestus), impurity, incest. adj., lowest, undermost, deepest, inmost. In-cldo, cedi, casum, 3 (in, cadm), v. n., I Yn, prp. c. ace. and abl.: 1, with the accus.: fall into or upon; to fall on a time, to to a place or point, to, unto, into, upon; to- come to pass, to happen, occur; I attack, wards; according to, after; for; through; assault, assail; to Ineet with, to happen up to, down to, as long as; in relation to, befall. to, about; in dies, for every day, daily; In-cido, cidi, cisum, 3 (in, caedo), v. a., I 2, with the ablat.: in, on, upon, at; cut into, make an incision in; I miake by among, with, by; in regard to, in the cutting; I clip, lop. case (f; in tempore, at the right timle, at In-cipio, cepi, ceptum, 3 (in, capio), v. a., I the proper moment. In composition, in take in hand, undertake, attelmpt; I besignifies into, upon, against, in; above or gin, commence; v. n., to begin, cornover; sometimes it is intensive. mence. ibt-, inseparable particle, prefixed to adjec- In-cttatus, a, um, part (incito); adj., runtives; answers to un- in English, adding ning, flying, going, flowing, sailing a negation to or expressing the opposite swiftly; equo incitato, riding at full galof the simple word to which it is pre- lop. fixed- as infans, not speaking; indoctus, In-clto, 1 (incieo), v. freq. a., I set in rapid not learned; immitis, not mild; illiberalis, motion; I excite, stimulate; I incite to a not liberal, &c. Ithing, encourage; i. se, or incitari, to put In-ambilo, 1, v. n., I walk up and down in one's self in rapid motion, to hasten, run, a place, I pace to and fro. fly, go swiftly, flow, sail. Ynanis, e, adj., empty, void; figiur.: use- In-clamo, 1, v. a., I call upon with a loud less, fruitless, vain, frivolous, ground- voice, I cry out to; I call upon for assistless, powerless, ineffectual; vain, boast- ance; I assail with harsh language, I fuil, ostentatious. abuse, chide, rebuke. In-cedo, cessi, cessum, 3, v. n., I go, go Inclinatus, a, um, part. (incline); adj., inalong or on,; I walk slowly and with an dined, prone, favorably disposed. air of dignity; I am, appear to be; I pro- In-cino, 1, v a., I incline, bend, curve; I ceed, advance, move on, march; I rush bend, turn, direct; inclinari, to incline, upon; figur. of inanimate things: to be inclined to. come on, to come upon any one, attack, In-clQdo, si, sum, 3 (in, claudn), v. a., I fall ulon, befall, seize; to appear, arise; shut up, confine, keep in; I put in, inrumor incedebat, a rumor was abroad, sert; I confine, restrain; I block tip, obwas spreading. struct, hinder; I bound, limit; includere In-cendium, ii, n. (incendo), a fire, confla- orationem in epistola, to insert a speech in gration. a letter; i. aliquid orationi, to put in In-cendo, di, sum, 3 (in, candeo), v. a., I something in a speech. kindle, set fire to; figur.: I inflame, stir In-cognitus, a, um, adj., not examined, tnup, animate, incite, excite, irritate; I in- tried; unknown; unclaimed; incognito, stigate; incensus, a, um, lighted, kindled, abl., without knowledge, unknowingly. burning; figulr.: incensed, exasperated. In-cola, ae, m. and f. (incolo), an inhabiIn-ceptum, i, n. (inc;pin), a beginning, tant; a native, countryman. INC 671 IND lA-c5lo, cdlui, cultum, 3, v. a. and n., I orin: I lay myself upon, lean or recline abide or dwell in n place; I inhabit, upon figur.: I exert myself, take pains, In-eiisamis, e, a';., uoimpaired, uninjured, apply myself to, attend to. in good indition, safe, sound, whole, In-curro, curri and cicurri, csrsum, 3, v.. entire; un,~vnquered. and a., I run in, to, or upon; I assail, Ig-crltimItus, atis, f. (incolumis), good con- assault, attack, rush upon; I make an litionl, safety, preservation, soundness. incursion, invasion, inroad, irruption cumrnmdum, i, n. (incommodus), incon- into; I fall upon, meet with; to happen, oenience; trouble, disadvantage, detri- occur, befall. 4nent, loss, misfortune; ferre alicui in- fn-cursas, fts, m. (incurro), an attack, ia. commodaza, to occasion disadvantage to road, invasion, irruption. any one. In-cufso, 1 (in, causa), v. a., I accuse, t-conmmndus, a, um, adj., inconvenient, blame, complain of. troublesome, incommodious, unsuitable, In-dago, 1 (in, *dago), v. a., I search or unseasonable; adv., incommdgd. trace out; I explore, investigate. In-considiratus, a, urn, adj., inconsiderate, Ilnd (is, ea, id), adv., thence, from thence, unthinking, heedless, thoughtless, unad- from that place; from that, therefrom; vised, injudicious. on that side; from that time, then, afterIn-constans, tis, adj., inconstant, wavering, wards. fickle, changeable. In-demnatus, a, um (in, damnatus), adj., In-consultas, a, ur, adj., imprudent, incon- uncondemned. siderate, unadvised, indiscreet, thought- In-dex, dicis, m. and f. (indicare), a discovless, injudicious, rash, foolish; adv., in- erer, informer; a sign, mark, index. consulte. In-dicium, ii, n. (index), a discovery or disIn-corruptus, a, urn, adj., uncorrupted; not closure; an accusing, informing in a destroyed, not injured; uninjured, una- court of justice; an evidence, deposition dulterated, pure, genuine, not seduced, in a court of justice; a sign, symptom, not bribed. mark, token, proof, indication. ln-crebresco or in-crebesco, bui, 3, v. n., I In-dtco, 1, v. a., I show, discover, reveal, become strong, I increase, am augment- disclose, declare, inform, indicate I ed, grow frequent, prevail, spread. show briefly, touch upon; I give esiIn-crerdibilis, e, adj., not to be believed, in- dence, depone; I tell or set the price, I credible; wonderful, strange; adv., in- value, put a price upon; indicare se, to crediblltter. show one's self in one's true character; In-crEmentum, i, n. (incresco), growth, in- indicare de conjuratione, to betray a concrease. spiracy, to inform against it. In-crLplto, I (increpo), v. freq. a., I cry or In-dico, didi, dictum, 3, v. a., I denounce, call out to any one; I assail with harsh declare, proclaim, publish, appoint; I language, I chide, rebuke; I blame, cen- order by proclamation, I impose, enjoin. sure. In-dictus, a, un, part. (indTco), notified, apIn-crlpo, pui, pitum, 1, v. n., I sound, re- pointed; adj. (in, dietusi), not said, unsound, make a noise; v. a., I assail wilh said; not mentioned, not celebrated; harsh words, chide, reprove; I excite, indicta causa, without being tried,or stimulate; I shake, move, disturb. heard. In-cruentus, a, ur, adj., not bloody, blood- Ind-igens, tis, part. (indigeo), adj., c. gen.: less, without bloodshed. wanting, needy. In-caltus, a, um, adj., uncultivated, unpol- Ind-igeo, ui, 2 (*iudu, egeo), v. n., c. gen. ished, undressed, unadorned, inelegant, or abl.: I want, need, stand in need of, rude, neglected, uninhabited, desert, require; I long for, desire; Iam poor or wild. needy. In-eultus, us, m., a neglecting or omitting In-digndtio, onis, f. (indignoe), disdain, into take care of a thing; a want of culti- dignation, rage. vatin; filthiness, squalor. In-digrn'tas, ltis, f. (indignus), unworthiIn-cumbo, cubui, ciibltun, 3, v. n., c. dat. ness; indecorum,, indecent behavier; 29 QQ IND 672 INF unsuitableness, unfitness; unworthy or In-ers, tis (in, ars), adj., without art, withshameful treatment; heinousness, atroci- out skill; inactive, idle, lazy. ty; indignation. n-ertia, ae, f. (inert), unskilfiulness, ignoIn-dignus, a, um, adj., unworthy, un- rance; sloth, laziness, inactivity. deserving; not deserved, undeserved; It-famia, ae, f.(infamis), ill fame, bad report, rough, cruel, harsh, severe; indecent, bad repute, disgrace, dishonor, infamy. shameful, unbecoming, unfit. Infri, orum. tee inferus. In-dltigens, tis, adj., negligent, careless, In-fero, tuli, illtum, 3, v. a., I bring or heedless; adv., indillgentcr. carry into, or to a place, I throw, bring, In-doctus, a, um, adj., untaught, unlearned, put, place upon a thing; i. signa, to illiterate, ignorant, rude, unskilful, un- bear the standards against the enemy, to trained. march against the enemy in battle-array; fnduciae. See indutiae. i. bellum alicui, to make war against one; In-dico, duri, ductum, 3, v. a., I lead in, i. causam, to allege an excuse or pretext; bring in, lead into, introduce; I put on, i. alicui causam belli, to seek a pretence draw on, clothe; I introduce or bring for making war upon one; i. manus aliforward as a speaker; I represent, ex- cui, to lay hands on one; i. vim alicui, to hibit, bring forward a play or game; I offer violence to one; i. alicui terrorem, lead, command; I deceive, cajole,take in; to cause a fright to any one; i. se, to go; I bring forward, mention, relate; I draw to go into, enter, rush into; i. se inpericor plut one thing over another; I over- ulum, to expose one's self to danger. lay with anything; I derive; inductus, a, In-f rus, a, urn, adj., compar., inferior, suum, induced, moved, persuaded, incited. perl., infimus or Imus; inferus, a, urn, hn-ductus, us, m. (induce), an inciting, mis- being in or below the earth, subterranean, leading. dii inferi, the infernal gods; inferi, the In-dulgeo, dulsi, dultum, 2 (in, dulcis), v. dead; the infernal regions; inferior, ius, n., c. dat.: I delight in, indulge, yield to. lower; latter; later, younger; inferior; Ind-uo, ui, fitum, 3, v. a., I put on, clothe; infimus, a, urn, the lowest, last; the I cover, surround, furnish with; I im- meanest, poorest, basest, worst. part, give. In-festus, a, um (in, fendo), adj., treated in Indu-stria, ae, f. (industrius), industrious- a hostile manner, disturbed, annoyed, in. ness, industry, carefulness, diligence, ac- secure, unsafe, troublesome; hostile, intivity. imical, vexatious, troublesome, spiteful, Indtltiae and indilciae, arum, f. (in, dtco?), dangerous. a truce or cessation from hostilities, an In-ficio, fci, fectum, 3 (in,facio), v. a., I armistice. put into; I mix; I dip into, moisten, dye, fn-8dia, ae, f. (in, edo), an abstaining from color, tinge, paint; I season; I spoil, ineating, a fasting. fect, taint, corrupt, poison; inficere aliin-eo, Ivi or ii, Itum, ire, v. n. and a., I go quem artibus, to instruct any one in arts; into, I enter; I begin, commence, take a i. aliquem vitiis, to infect any one with beginning; I begin, make a beginning; vices. I enter upon, assume the badges and In-fidelis, e, adj., unfaithful, faithless, perpower of; I devise, contrive. fidious, treacherous, deceitful, false. Yn-eptia, ae, f. (ineptus), silliness; a silly In-fidus, a, urn, adj., unfaithful, faithless, story; a witty jest. false, perfidious, treacherous. Yn-eptus, a, urn (in, aptus), adj., unsuitable, In-flmus, a, ur. See inferus. unfit, impertinent, improper, absurd, fool- In-f nitus, a, urn, adj., unlimited, boundish, silly; acting absurdly, foolishly, im- less, infinite; endless; ample, large, properly; inepti, persons carrying every- great, diffuse. thing too far, pedants, fools. In-firmltas, tis, f. (infirmus), weakness, Yt-ermis, e, and In-ermus, a, um (in, arma), feebleness; disease, sickness; fickleness, adj., without arms, unarme4, weapon- levity, inconstancy. less, defenceless; figur.: unarmed, not fn-firmus, a, um, adj., not strong, weak, practised, unwarlike, harmless. feeble, infirm; tired, weary. INF 673 INN In-flamnmo, 1 v. a., I set on fire, kindle, unseemly, dirty, nasty, filthy, ugly, de. light; I burn: figur.: I inflame, kindle, formed. rouse, incite, excite, stir up, stimulate. in-hufimadus, a, um, adj., inhuman; rude, rn-fiecto, fiexi,flexum, 3, v. a., I bend, bow, discourteous, uncivil, ill-bred, unsociable. curve; I bend, soften, move, mitigate, in-Imictia, ae, f. (inimicus), enmity, hosappease; I alter, change, lessen. tility. In-fexzus, a, urn, part. (infiecto); adj., soft, Yn-lmlcus, a, um, adj., hostile, inimical, melancholy, mournful, plaintive. contrary, adverse, spiteful, injurious, In-fJlgo. Fiixi, flictum, 3, v. a., I strike one prejudicial; hurtful, useless. thing on or against another; I cause, in- Yn-iquitas, atis, f. (iniquus), inequality; flict, attach. unevenness; steepness; difficulty, dis' In-fluo,.fluti fluxum, 3, v. n., to flow or run advantage; injustice, unfairness, uninto; to stream in, rush into, invade in reasonableness. great numbers. In-Iquus, a, urn (in, aequus), adj., unequal; Infra (for infera, sc. parte), 1, adv., below, inconvenient, difficult, troublesome, hurtbeneath; compar., inferius, lower, farther ful, injurious; immoderate, excessive; below, deeper; 2, prp. c. ace.: below, unfair, unreasonable, unjust; disinclined, under inferior to. unkind, hard, adverse, hostile; impaIn-fundo, futdi, fisum, 3, v. a., I pour in or tient, unwilling; calamitous, unfortuinto: I communicate, impart; infundi, nate, unhappy, unseasonable. to spread over, to come to, to enter, break Yn-tium, ii, n. (inire), a going in, entrance; into commencement, beginning; i. dicendi faIn-gtnium, ii, n. (in, geno or gigno), natural cere, to begin to speak; initio, abl., in the or inborn quality; natural capacity, beginning, at first. genius, understanding, parts, abilities; In-'icio, jeci, jectum, 3 (in, jacio), v. a., I genius, acuteness, talent, mind, wit; cum throw, cast, or put into or in; I cause, ingenio, with discernment, discrimina- occasion, inspire with; I throw at, to, or tion, or sense. upon, I lay or put on; I mention, suggest. Ingens, tis, adj., gigantic, giant-like, very In-jiria, ae, f. (injurius), anything done tall; great, strong, powerful; very great, unjustly, injury, injustice,, wrong; unvast, huge, big, large, prodigious, im- just, unlawful conduct, injustice; injurid, mense. abl., unjustly, undeservedly, without In-g.nuus, a, urn (in, geno or gigno), adj., reason, without cause. inborn, innate, natural; native, natural, In-jussus, a, um, adj., not ordered, unbidnot foreign; freeborn; liberal, ingenuous, den, voluntary. not servile, noble, respectable, genteel; In-jussus, as, m., only abl. injussu, withfrank, open, candid, ingenuous, noble, out being ordered or commanded. sincere. In-justus, a, urn, adj., unjust, wrongful, inIn-gigno, gLnui, grnitum, 3, v. a., I instil iquitous, unreasonable; oppressive. by birth or nature, I implant; ingenitus, In-nascor, natus sum, 3, v. dep. n., I grow a, urn, inborn, innate, implanted. in, spring up or am born in a place; I In-grdtus, a, um, adj., unpleasant, disagree- arise, am produced in or with. able, offensive, unacceptable; ungrateful, In-natus, a, un, part. (innascor), adj., inunthankful; not acknowledged, thank- born, innate, inbred, natural. less. In-nttor, nisus or nixus sum, 3, v. dep. n., I In-grldior, gressus sum, 3 (in, gradior), v. lean or rest upon, recline upon; figur.: dep., 1, v. n., I enter, go into; I engage I rely, depend upon, c. dat. or abl. in, apply myself to; I go, walk, step, ad- In-nicens, tis, adj., that does no harm, vance; 2, v. a., I enter, go into, undergo harmless, innocent, guiltless, disinterencounter; I tread upon, enter upon; I ested. commence, begin, apply myself to; I In-nicentia, ae, f. (innocens), harmlessness; attack. honesty, integrity, probity; innocence. Yn-hknestus, a, urn, adj., dishonorable, dis- In-nozius, a, um, adj., harmless, not hurtgraceful, shameful, base, foul; unsightly, ful, innoxious; not injured, unhurt. INN 674 INS Ia*sn'M b1lis6 e, adj., what cannot be In-ignis, e (in, sigmti), adj.. marked. dis.numbered, numberless, infinite, count- tinguished by some mark; remriarkable, less, innumerable. noted, striking, prominent, extraiord inary. akpia, ace, f. (mops), a want of necessa- In-stlio, lui, sulturn, 4 (in, salio), v. a. and ries; want of property, wealth, or riches; n., I leap into or upon. want of provisions; scarcity of friends; Instnuo, I (in, sinus), v. a., I cause one to want, poverty. make his way anywhere, I bring into In-apinans, tis, adj., not expecting, una- favor; insinuare se, to make one's way wares. into, to get or steal into i se alicui, to Inquam and inquio, is, it, v. defect., I say. ingratiate one's self with one. Ih-qiltinus, i, m. (for incalinus, from tn- In-sApiens, tis (in, sapiens), adj., unwise, colo), an inhabitant of a place which is foolish, silly, sottish, witless. not his own property, a dweller in a In-sisto, stlti, stitum, 3, v. n. and a., I step strange place, tenant, alien. towards; I arrive, appear, coume; I In-qulnatus, a, urn, part. (inquino), adj., tread upon, set foot upoti, tread, step; I polluted, defiled, contaminated, sullied, stand upon; I stand still, stop, halt, foul, base. pause;.I persevere, continue, persist in; ft-quano, I (in, cunire), v. a., I pollute, de- I press upon, pursue closely; I attend file, contaminate. to, bestow pains upon, apply myself to. fn-sanio, Ivi and ii, itum, 4 (insanus), v. n., In-stio, onis, f. (insero, evi), an engrafting, I am mad, insane, furious, or outrageous; grafting. figur.: I act like a madman. In-solens, tis, adj., contrary to custom; J-.satiabilis, e, adj, one that cannot be sa- unaccustomed to; utnusual, not in use, tiated, insatiable. strange, rare, new; too great, excesJn-sciens, ti., adj., not knowing, not think- sive, exceeding, immoderate; arrogant, ing, unheeding; ignorant. haughty, presumptuous, insolent; adv., In-scientia, ae, f (insciens), ignorance, want insolenter. of knowledge, inexperience, unskilful- In-silentia, ae, f. (insolens), the not being ness. accustomed to a thing; unusualness, In-scius, a, un (in, scio), adj., not knowing, novelty, strangeness; excess, want of ignorant, unskilful, rude; i. culpae, un- moderation; pride, haughtiness, insoconscious of guilt. lence, arrogance. In-scribo, ipsi, iptum, 3, v. a., I write in, In-5lesco, 2, v. n., 1 grow haughty or insoat, or upon, I inscribe. lent. In-slquor, quutus or cutus sum, 3, v. dep. In-s1ttus, a, urn, adj., unaccustomed to, n. and a., I follow after, follow; I pur- unacquainted with, not inured to; unussue closely, press upon, harass, perse- ual, strange. cute; I proceed, continue in; I take In-somnia, ae, f. (insomnis), sleeplessness pains, endeavor. want of sleep. Ia-sero, serui, sertnm, 3, v. a., 1 put, bring, In-sons, tis, adj., innocent, guiltless. or introduce into, insert. In-stabtlis, e, adj., unsteady, movable, not In-sideo, sedi, sessum, 2 (in, sedeo), v. n. firm, tottering; inconstant, fickle, waverand a., I sit or rest in or upon; I arh ing, changeable. fixed in, adhere to, rule or govern in; I Instdr, n., image, likeness, resemblance, keep possession of, occupy. kind, manner; form, figure, appearance. lni-^ldlae, &ram, f. (imsideo), an ambush, In-stauro, 1, v. a., I renew, repeat, celeambuscade; a plot. artifice, crafty de- brate anew; I erect, make; I repay, re-.vice, snares; per insidias, insidiously, quite. craftily, slyly, treacherously. In-stltvo, tui, tftum, 3 (in, statuo), v. a., I Ia-signe, is, n. (insignis), a mark, sign, set, put, or place into; I begin, com-;signal; pi., insignia, the badges of an mence; I make, give; I establish, inoffice, insignia: public ornaments, en- troduce, appoint; I erect, build, mnake, signs, badges of honer, marks of distinc- fabricate, construct; I institute, form, lion. feahion, -reguatte, -arr.nge; I ordain, ap INS 675 INT point; I decree, pronounce, declare; I pleteness; vigor, freshness; puhity, corprocure, hire, collect; I form, teach, in- rectness; integrity, uprightness, probity, struct, bring or train up, educate. honesty, innocence.?nstt~tutm, i, n. (instituo), purpose, plan, Intel- ligo and intel-lZgo, lexi, lectum, 3 (inxdesign; a regulation, custom, way, prac- ter, lego), v. a., I understand, compre. tice, manner, fashion, institution. hend, know; I see, perceive; I perceive, [n-sto, stiti, s&itvua, 1, v. n., I stand in or feel. upon anything, c. dat. or in; I am near In-temp'rans, tis, adj., intemperate, inmodor at hand, I draw nigh, approach, imi- erate, excessive; profligate, debauched. pend, threaten; I push, or press upon, In-tempgrantia, ae, f. (intemperans), intemnurge, harass, attack, pursue; I request perateness, inclemency; intemperance, strongly, demand, insist; I work, take excess, incontinence; haughtiness, arropains; I maintain, insist upon, persist gance, insolence, impudence. in, stick to my opinion. In-tempestus, a, um, adj,, unseasonable; 1a-strfmentum, i, n. (iastrua), furniture, i. oex, midnight. tool, instrument; effects, goods, pro- In-tendo, di, tum anad sum, 3, v. a., I stretch visions, household stuff, utensils, in- out; I spread out, bend (a bow), pitch (a plernents, equipage; stock, materials; tent); I exert, strain; I direct, turn; I means; furtherance, promotion, assist-. pretend, assert, maintain; I endeavor to ance; ornament, embellishment. bring upon. iS-strua, uxi, uctum, 3, v. a., I put together, In-tentus, a, um, part. (intendo), adj., inset in order, arrange, compose; I con- tent upon, fixed, attentive. strunt, build; I draw up in hattle-array; Int'r, prp. c. acc.: between, betwixt; I prepare, make ready; I furnish, pro- among, amongst, during; i.,iam, on the vide, equip, fit out, accoutre, furnish with way; inter -se, among themselves, with necessaries; I instruct, teach; I put into, each other. Itter, in composition, means insert. sometimes down- as, intereo, interficio. h-sus-facio, fSi, factum, 3 (in, sueo, facio), Inter-dcalris, e (intercalo), adj., inserted be.. v. a., I accustom or habituate to; insun- tween, interposed, interpolated, intercafactus, a, am, accustomed or inured to lary. anything. Inter-edlIrius, a, aum, adj., same as tercca&m-seesco, sunvi, suttum, 3 (in., seo), v. laris. inch. R. and, a., I am accustomned, am in Inter-cilo, 1, v. a., I proclaim that anythe habit of; insuetus, a, ur, accus- thing has been intercalated; I interpose, touIed. interpolate, intercalate. n-suetus, a, am, adj., unaccustomed to, not Inter-c~do, cessi, cessum, 3, v. n., r go or accustomed to, c. gen.; not experienced come between, I intervene; I contradict, in, unacquainted with; unusual. oppose, withstand, hinder, prevent, c. Lnsala, ae, f., an island. dat.; I interpose my credit, become sureIn-sulsus; a, urn (in, satsus), adj., without ty for, pro aliquo; I come to or up; to salt; insipid; absurd, silly, foolish, flat, occur, happen, take place; to stand or dull, stupid, insipid, sottish. lie between. In-sutm, fui, esse, to be in or upon, c. dat. or Inter-lpio, cdpi, ceptum, 3 (capio), v. a., I in. catch up, intercept; I capture, make In-sIpvr, adv., upon, above; over and prisoner, surprise, cut off; I snatch away, above, besides, moreover. take away. In-tffger, gra, grum (in, tango), adj., un- Inter-clido, ai, sum, 3 (cateedo), v. a., I shut touched, unhurt, uninjured; unchanged; or block up, stop the passage, prevent, uncorrupted, untainted, undefiled, unpol- hinder; I am cut off from, separate from-; luted, pure; undiminished; fresh, vigor- I shut in, hein in; intercludere fitgam ous, active, lively, not exhausted; whole, alicui, to prevent any one's flight. entire; upright, honest. Inter-dico, dixi, dictum, 3, v. a., I forbid, in6-tigrst.as, itis, f. (ineger) unimpaired terdiict, prohibit, alicui aliquid, or al~lua aoneitioa, souwdmaessbaeal tliuiness; com- re, or ns, ut se interdicere alicui aqua et INT 676 INT ig-ni, to forbitd one the use of fire and struct; interpellare aliquem injure suo, to water, to banish one; interdictus a, um, hinder one in enjoying his right. forbidden, prohibited. Inter-pOno, p3sui, positum, 3, v. a., I put Inter-diu, adv., in the day-time. in between or amongst; I intermix, in. Inter-dum, adv., sometimes, now and then, termingle; I interpose; I oppose; I apoccasionally. ply, use; I add; I make, ordain, decree; IntEr-ea, adv., in the mean time, mean- I falsify; interponere se, to interfere; i. while, in the interim. se in rem, to intermeddle; i. se bello, to Intgr-eo, ii, ltum, ire (inter, eo), v. n., I go join in war; i. spatium, to give time; i. down, sink, perish, go to ruin or decay, fidem, to pledge one's credit, engage one's am destroyed, am slain, die. word; i. verbum, to bring forward, utter, Inter-est. See inter-sum. say a word; i. causam, to allege, pretend Inter-flcio,ftci, fectum, 3 (facio), v. a., 1 a reason. make or strike down, I slay, kill, de- Inter-pr's, Otis, m. and f., an intermediate stroy, murder. agent between two parties in making a Intgrim (inter), adv., in the mean time, bargain or transacting business; agent, meanwhile, in the interim. mediator, negotiator; explainer, exlnterior, us, Oris (compar. of *interus, a, pounder; translator; interpreter, dragoum), adj., inner, interior; inland, distant man. from the sea; nearer; nearer to the wall, Inter-prltor, 1 (interpres), v. dep. a. and n., farther from the street; superior; more I interpret, expound, explain; I underhidden, secret, or unknown; more inti- stand, comprehend. mate; smaller, shorter; superl., intimus, Inter-regnum, i, n., the space of time in a, urn, the inmost, innermost; the most which a throne is vacant; the office of rare most difficult, greatest; the most an interrex. intimate, most secret; subst., a most in- Inter-rex, regis, m., one invested with vicatiuate friend. rious royalty, a regent, protector, interrex. Intr-Itus, us, m. (intereo), decay, ruin, Inter-rogo, 1, v. a., I ask, question, dedestruction, extinction, death. mand, inquire, interrogate; I examine Interius (interior), adv., more innerly, judicially; interrogare aliquem aliquid, or nearer to the goal; more shortly, too de re, to ask one something or about anyshortly. thing; i. aliquem legibus, or lege, to go to Inter-jectus, a, urn, part. (interjicio), put or law with one, to take legal measures placed between, lying between. against one, to accuse one. Inter-jIcio, jeci, jectum, 3 (jacio), v. a., I Inter-scindo, scidi, scissum, 3, v. a., I tear throw between, place or put between; I asunder, hew asunder, cut down; I sepjoin or add to, intermix. arate, interrupt. Inter-missus, a, um, part. (intermitto); adj., Inter-sum,fui, esse, v. n., I am in the midst, interrupted, not continued, broken, open. come or lie between; I differ, am differInter-mitto, mtsi, missum, 3, v. a., I give over ent, c. dat.; I am present, c. dat. or in; for a time, leave off, intermit, discontinue, interest, it imports, concerns, is of imporomit, neglect; I suffer to pass; I omit, tance, alicujus, to a person; interest mea, pass by, exclude from participation; I tua, sua, nostra, vestra, it concerns me, interrupt; I leave an interval, I cease, you, him, us, &c.; multum, tantum, nibreak off, stop. hil interest, it imports much, so much, Inter-nicio, onis, f. (interneco), a massacre, nothing; magni interest, it is of great imgeneral slaughter, carnage, extermina- portance. tion. Inter-vallum, i, n. (inter, vallus), the space In-tMro, trivi, tritum, 3, v. a.. I rub, crum- between the stakes of the rampart of a ble, bruise. camp; a space, distance, interval; an Inter-pello, I (pellare),v. a., I call between; interval of time; difference, dissimiliI interrupt by speaking; I speak between, tude; pari intervallo, at an equal disspeak, say; I address, accost; I inter- tance; ex intervallo, from afar, at a disrupt, disturb, prevent, hinder, stop, ob- tance; longo intervallo, after a long time. INT 677 INV Inter-vtnio, vini, ventum, 4, v. n., c. dat.: Yn-ultus, a, unm, adj., unrevenged, not r I come between, come in the midst, come venged; unhurt, safe, secure; unpunin while anything is doing; I come in ished. one's way, fall in with; to happen, occur, In-tisltatus, a, um, adj., unusual, uncommeet with; I stand in the way, oppose, mon, unwonted, extraordinary, strange. resist, hinder, prevent. Yn-utilis, e, adj., useless, unserviceable, Inter-ventus, tis, mn. (intervenio), a coming unprofitable, vain; hurtful, injurious, between, intervention, interposition, in- prejudicial. terruption; interference, mediation, as- In-vado, si, sum, 3, v. n. and a., I go, come; sistance. I enter upon, set foot upon; I fall upon, Inter-viso, si, sum, 3, v. a., 1 look after, go invade, attack, assail; I undertake, atto see; I visit now and then. tempt; i. in hostem, hostem, to attack Intestlnus, a, um (intus), adj., internal, in- the enemy. ward, intestine, domestic, civil. In-vtho, vexi, vectum, 3, v. a., I bring or In-texo, texui, textum, 3, v. a., I weave into, carry into or to a place; I occasion, proinweave; I join into, add to; I inter- diuce; invehere se, to rush on, to advance; weave; I plait, interlace, intermingle; I invehi in aliquem, to inveigh against a put together, construct. person, to attack one with words. Intimus, a, um. See interior. In-vlnio, vEni, ventum, 4, v. a., I find, meet In-tolerandus, a, um, adj., not to be borne with; I see, find out, discover; I detect, or endured, intolerable. bring to light; I find out, contrive, deIn-t3lrans, tis, adj, unable to bear, intol- vise, invent, hit upon; I procure; I oberant; intolerable. tain information of; I effect, bring to rntra (*interus), adv., within, on the in- pass; I acquire, earn, gain, get. side; prp. c. ace.: within, on the inside In-ventum, i, n. (invenio), an invention, dlsof; into, in. covery, contrivance. Ia-trltus, a, um, adj., not worn away, not In-vestigo, 1, v. a., I trace or find out by weakened, perfect, c;mplete. the prints of the feet or by the smell; I Intro, 1 (inttri), v. a. and n., I go into, search for or after, search diligently, inenter; figur.: I enter, penetrate. vestigate. intro-dssco, duxi, ductum, 3, v. a., I lead or In-nietrasco, rivi, 3, v. n., I grow old; I bebring into, conduct within; I introduce, come firmly seated, predominate, prevaiL bring into practice; I bring forward, In-vicem (in, vicis), adv., by turns, one afmaintain. ter another, alternately. Intro-eo, ivi or ii, Itum, ire, v. n. and a., I In-victus, a, um, adj., unconquered, unsubenter, go into; i. ad aliquem, I call upon dued; invincible, unconquerable; irre. one. futable. Intro-Itus, its, m. (introeo), a going in, en In-video, vldi, visum, 2, v. n. and a., c. trance; a place of entry, an entrance; a dat.: I envy, grudge; I' am reluctant, beginning, introduction, preamble, prel- am not willing, c. inf.; I hinder, preude. vent, refuse, deny; i. alicui aliquid, I enIntro-mitto, misi, missum, 3, v. a., I let in, vy one for anything. permit to enter; I send in into, or to. In-vtdia, ae, f. (invidus), envy, grudgIntrorsum and introrsus (for introversum), ing, jealousy; hatred, particularly haadv., inwards, into; inwardly, internally, tred of the people, evil report, bad charwithin. acter. Intro-rumpo, rtipi, ruptum, 3, v. n., I break In-vOdus, a, um (invideo), adj., envious, inor burst into, break in, rush in, enter by vidious, malignant, spiteful; unfavoraforce. ble; c. dat.; c. gen.: i. laudis, envious In-tuerr, tuitus sum, 2, v. dep. a. and n., I of praise. look at or upon; figur.: I pay attention to, In-violatus, a, um, adj., uninjured, unhurt, I regard, observe, contemplate, consider. untainted, uncorrupted, pure, inviolate; Inttl (in), adv., within; into in, c. acc.; inviolable. inwards. In-vIsus, a, um, adj., not seen, unseen; INV 678 JAC' dio9s, hated, hateful, offensive, disliked, yes; so, so much, thus, to such a degree; loathed, detested; hostile. so very, sF veTy much, very, with non or )n-vttatus, sus, in. (invite), an invitation. neque; with such result or effect; on In-veto, 1, v. a., I call in, invite I bid to this condition; so far, in such a manner, an entertainment; I treat, entertain with with this restriction; therefore, for that a feast; I invite, attract, allure, incite, reason; est its, it is even so, you are induce. right, it is true; quae quum ita sint, nit-vitus, a, urn, adj., unwilling, involun- things being so, such being the case; tary, reluctant; me invito, against my quid ita? how so? why so? will. Italia, ae, f, Italy. It sometimes includes iUse, a, um (for is-pse, from is and pse), Gallia Cisalpina. V. Caes. I. 10, n. 9. pron., himself, herself, itself; the very, Italicus, a, urn, adj., of or belonging to Itjust, exactly; even, even himself; ea aly, Italian. ipsa hora, at the very same hour. Yt-que, conj., and so, and thus; hence, Ia, ae, f., wrath, anger, passion, displeas- accordingly, therefore. ure, ire, rage, resentment, pique; fury; Item (is), adv., likewise, in the like manvehemence. ner; also, as well. Irdcundia, ae, f. (iracundus), irascibility, tter, itinlris, n. (ire, Etum), a going along, hastiness of temper; wrath, rage, pas- a walk, way; a journey, way, march; a sion. road, way, path; figllr.: a way, course, ra&eundus, a, um (ira), adj., irascible, chol- method, plan, custom; iter facere, to go eric, angry, passionate, raging, ireful. on a journey, travel, march; in itinere, YJascor, tratus sum, 3, v. dep. n., I am an- on the way, on the march ferro iter apegry or enraged, am in a rage, am hot with rire, to cut one's way. anger, c. dat. VtErum (iter), adv., again, a second time, Irdtus, a, um, part. (irascor), adj., angry, anew; on the other hand, on the conenraged, displeased, irefll, furious. trary. r-rfdeo and in-rideo, risi, rtsum, 2, v. n. and a., [ lalgh at; I mock, ridicule, scoff. Ir-r.dictill (i,, ridiculus), adv., unwittily, J unpleasantly. br-rtgltio, onis, f. (irrigo), a watering, Jceo, cui, cttum, 2, v. n., I lie, lie down, moistening, irrigation. recline; I lie dead; to lie, to he situated; Ir-rumpo, rispi, ruptum, 3 (in, rumpo), v. a. to be placed, to rest; figur.: I lie prosand n., I break in violently, enter or rush trate, am hopeless; I remain inactive; I in by force, rush furiously in, burst into. lie conquered, subject; I am dejected, Is, ea, id, pron., he, she, it; that; such; depressed. id quod, the which, the very thing Jacio, jeci, jactum, 3, v. a., I throw, cast, which, which indeed; on that account, hurl; I emit, send forth, shed; I scatter, because; id temporis, at such a time; id strew; I throw out, hint, utter, say, proaetatis, of such an age; et id, atque id. claim; I lay, place. erect, raise, throw idque, and that, and that too, and in- or cast up; I throw away. deed, and besides, and what is more; Jacto, 1 (jacio), v. freq. a., I throw, cast, in co, at the point, at that pass. fling, hurl, discharge; by words: I Wt~, istd, istid (is, te), demonst. pron. of throw out, hint, intimate, speak, utter, the second person, referring to the per- discuss; I extol, celebrate, make a boast spn spoken to, and anything connected of; I throw to and fro, toss about, shake, with that person: you there, that one swing, flourish; I throw away, off, or there; this, that; such; he, she, it, down; jactare se, to display one's self, to when referring to a person previously make a show, to pride one's self, to spoken to. boast.'latle or isthic (istic), adv., in that place, Jdcilor, 1 (jaculum), v. dep. a., I throw a there; here; in this affair on this occasion. javelin, fight with a javelin; I hurl, (i (s), adv., thus, in this manner, so; ay, throw, cast, dart, fling. JAC 679 JUS JScsilamn i, n. (jacw), a javelin, dart. examination, inquiry; a process, suit. at Jaculus, a, un (jacio)s adj., what is or law; any sentence or decision, a judicial may be thrown. sentence; a court of justice; a body of Jam (for iam, from is, as clam, coram, judges; any judgment, decision, opinpalam), adv., now, instantly, already, ion; a power of judging, judgment, dispresently, shortly; jam-jam, now — cernment; an acting, proceeding, course, now, at one time - at another; jamajam, conduct; consideration, discretion; jujust now, instantly, forthwith; jam dicio aliquidfacere, to do a thing deliberjamque, immediately, as soon as possible; ately, with a set purpose. jamprimum, even first of all, in the very Judlce, 1 (jus, dice), v. a., I examine judifirst place;jam tandem, now at length, cially; I give sentence, pass judgment, after all; janm ante or antea, already be- decide as a judge; I judge, think; c. fore; jam pridem, long since, for a long ace.; I conclude, resolve, think fit. while; jam nunc, even now; non jam, Jufgartio, nis, f. (jugo), a binding, as of a no more, no longer; jam nemo, no one vine to rails. besides, not another; jam vero, and now, Juguilo, 1 (jugulum), v. a., I cut the throat, and furthermore; jam porro, now fur- butcher, kill, slay. ther; jam dudunm, long since, long ago. Jugum, i, n. (jungo), a yoke to keep two Jafiua, ae, f. (janus), a passage, entrance, oxen together.; yoke, collar, team; a door, house-door. pair, couple; a chariot; height, or the Januarius, a, um, (Janus), adj., of or be- summit of a mountain; sub jugum longing to Janus: januarius mensis, or mittere, to pass vanquished enemies unabs.,januarius, i, m., January. der a yoke, to subdue. Jejunus, a, am, adj., empty, void; fasting, Jimentum, i, n. (for jugmentum, from hungry, famished; dry, droughty) bar- jungo), a beast used for carrying or ren, meagre, unproductive; fruitless; drawing, a beast of burden. frigid, spiritless, slender; small, iniser- Junctfura, ae, f. (jungo), a joining, uniting; able, contemptible, vile, worthless, a joint, seam. mean, low. Jungo, nxi, nctum, 3, v. a., I join, unite, Jcor, I (jucus), v. dep. n., I jest, joke; v. bind, or tie together; I join, make; I a., I say in a jocular manner. add to, iunite with anything; I connect, J5casus, a, um (jocus), adj., merry, sport- continue, pursue; amicitiam cum aliquo ive, frolicsome, humorous, witty, face- jungere, to make friendship with one. tious, jocose. Junits, a, um, adj., Junian: sc, mensis, thm JScus, i, m., a laughing; a joke, jest; pi., month of June. joci, jests; joca, jesting, talk. Jurdtus, a, ium, part. (juro), adj, having Juba, ae, f., the mane of a horse or other sworn, bouind by oath, under oath. beast; a tuft of feathers, a crest; the Jurgium, ii, n. (jurgo), a dispute, quarrel, crest of a helnet. altercation, strife, contention, J.beo, jussi, jussum, 2, v. a., I bid, com- Jiro. 1 (jus), v. n., I swear; v. a., I take mand, charge, enjoin, wish, desire, in- an oath; I confirm by oath, swear anytreat, advise, tell; I approve, ratify, de- thing; I abjure, swear not to do or to cree, order; jubeor, 1 am desired or com- have, renounce upon oath. manded; jussus, a, um, one who has Jos, jOris, n., broth, soup. received a command, or is desired, Jus, juris, n. (akin tojubeo), justice, right, ordered; appointed, decreed, ordered; law; authority, leave, power; rights jussum, a command, order, decree; jussa and privileges, state, condition, circumcapessere, to perform the orders. stances; summum jus, the utmost rigor Jacundus, a, um (jueo), adj., pleasant, of the law; jus dicere, to administer agreeable, delightful, grateful, pleasing, justice; dejure sue cedere, to yield one's joyful, jovial, merry, jocund; adv., right; jure, justly, reasonably, naturally; jicundS. in jus ire, to go to law; in jus vocare sldez, Icis, m. and f. (judico), a judge. aliquem, to summon one to court. Jadicium, ii, n. (judez), judgment; trial; Jus-jfrandum, jurisjairawdi, n., an oath t 29 * JUS 680 LAE adigere aliquem ad jusjurandum, to bind come to an end, sink; I miss, err, corn one by an oath. mit a fault or error. Jussum, i, n. See jubeo. Labor, anciently ldbos, Cris, m., labor, toil, Jussus, fs, m. (jubeo), a command. fatigue; activity, industry; need, disJustIt a, ae, f. (justus), justice, impartiality; tress, trouble, misfortune, hardship, difmildness, gentleness, clemency, mercy; ficulty. equity, love of justice. Ldibro, 1 (labor), v. n., I labor, exert myJustus, a, um (jus), adj., just; lawful, self, strive, take pains; I grieve, care, true; regular, proper, right; proper, trouble myself, am sorrowful, anxious, suitable; justum, that which is right or solicitous, or concerned about, c. abl., or just, justice, equity. ut ne; I am in want, need, difficulty, JAv9urlis, e (juvenis), adj., youthful, juve- trouble; I am oppressed, afflicted, or nile. troubled with; I am in distress or danJuivnis, is, m. and f., young, youthful; a ger; of inanimate things: to he in a bad young Ilan, a youth; compar.: junior, conditionl; v. a., I work, labor, fashion, younger. form, make with pains; I. morbo, to be Juventus, utis, f. (juvenis), youth, the age sick. of youth; youth, young people. Labrum, i, n. (labium), a lip; 1. in balineo, Juvo, juvi, jutum, I, v. a., I help on, pro- the basin of a bath. mote, help, aid, assist, succor; I please, Lac, ctis, n., milk. delight, amuse; j. hostes frumento, to Lacedacmonius, a, urn, adj., Lacedaemonsuccor the enemy with provisions; juvat ian, or Spartan; LacedemoNius, i, m., me, it delights me. an inhabitant of Lacedaemon, or Sparta. Juxta (for junxta, from jungo), adv., nigh, L2dcro, 1 (lacer), v. a., 1 hew, cut, tear, near by, hard by; equally, alike, in like rend, mangle, lacerate, I asperse, rail at, manner; prp. c. accus.: by, next to, carp at censure; I ruin, dissipate, waste, close tq, hard by; like, even as, nearly consume. as; immediately after, next after, next Lacertus, i, m., the upper muscular or sinto. ewy part of the arm between the shoulder and the elbow; the arm; figur.: lacerti, muscular arms, muscles, nerves, K, strength, force, vigor. Ldcesso, ivi and ii, Itum, 3, v. a., I irritate, tile Greek form of the letter C, was an- provoke, exasperate, excite, incite, stimcient'y written in the beginning of Greek ulate; I challenge, invite; I attack, assail. vords, as Kalendae; but as they were Lacrlrna, lacr, ma, rma, ae f., a tear. afterwards written with C, the words Ldacnar, aris, n. (lacuna), the empty space begipning with K may be seen tinder C. in ceilings; a carved or fretted ceiling. The only Latin words properly written Lacus, us, m, a lake. with K are Kalendae, the praenomen LaetUtia, ae, f. (laetus), joy, gladness, mirth, Kaeso, and Karthago. joyfulness. Laetor, I (laetus), v. dep. n., I rejoice, am glad or joyful, re, de re, in re. L Laetus, a, um, adj., glad, joyful cheerful; doing anything with joy, ready, willL, as a cipher, the sign of the number ing; delighting, taking pleasure in, c. fifty; also for the praenomen Lucius. abl.; pleased, contented, satisfied, c. abl.; Lab-facto, 1 (labefacio), v. freq. a., I loosen, making cheerful, delighting, gladdening, shake, cause to totter or fall; I hurt, pleasing, acceptable, grateful, welcome; injure, impair; I lessen, disparage.; I propitious, favorable. auspicious, lucky; weaken, overthrow, destroy, ruin; I joyous in appearance, looking cheerful, corrupt, bribe. pleasant; fertile, fruitfil, rich, fat; of an Labor lapsus sum, 3. v. dep. n., I glide orator or speech: fertile, rich, florid, down, slip down; I fall, go to ruin, flowery; abundant, copious. LAE 681 LEG Laevus, a, um, adj., low, lying, left; laeva fairs; v. a., I am concealed from, uw malnus, the left hand; ad laevam, sc. ma- known to. num, in laevun, sc. latus, on or towards Latine (Latium), adv., in Latin. the left. Latinus, a, um (Latium), adj., of or belongLancea, ae, f., a lance, spear, javelin, dart. ing to Latimnm, Latin. Languens, tis, part. (lantgueo), adj., faint, Latltido, Inis, f. (latus), breadth, width, feeble, languid, drooping, weak, inac- size, extent. tive. Latro, Onis, m., a robber, highwayman. Langueo, gui, 2, v. n., I languish, am fee- Latus, a, um, adj., flat, broad, wide; large, ble, weary, or faint; I am languid, dull, spacious, of great extent; figur.: copious, heavy. diffuse, detailed; adv., late. Languldus, a, um (langueo), adj., faint, dull, Ldtus, 6ris, n., the side, flank; of orators: weak, feeble, languid, sluggish. the lungs. Ldnio. 1, v. a., I tear or cut in pieces, cut Laudo, 1 (laus), v. a., I praise, commend, up, lacerate, mangle. extol, laud. Ldpldeus, a, urn (lapis), adj., of stone, hard Laus, dis, f., praise, commendation, glory, as stone, stony, like stone; flll of stones, honor, good report, fame, renown, esstony. teem. Ldpis, Idis, m., a stone; a precious stone, Ldvo, lavait and ldvi, lavatum, lautum, and gem, jewel. lotum, 1 and 3, v. a. and n., I wash, Lapsus, is, m. (labor) a sliding, slipping, bathe. falling, fall; a fault, error; a gliding Laxo, 1 (laxus), v. a., I enlarge, widen, let running, course. out, dilate, expand; I loosen, disengage; Ldqueus, i, m., a noose, halter, snare, trap, I slacken, relax, unbend; I loosen, open; gin. I lighten, relax, relieve; I lessen, remit, L&r, dris, m., p1., Lares, tum and ur, a abate; I deliver, free, release; I lengthkind of guardian gods of towns, ways, en, prolong, delay, defer. and houses; house, dwelling, home. Lecticila, ae, f. (lectica), dim., a small Largior, Itus sum, 4 (largus), v. dep. a., I chair or sedan; a sofa, couch, settee. give in abundance, give or grant liberally, Lectiuncila, ae, f. (lectio), din., a short bestow largely, lavish; I give, grant, be- reading. stow; I bribe; figur.: I grant, concede, Lectilus, i, m. (lectus), dim., a small couch yield. or bed; a colch, sofa, or settee to study Largltio, i5nis, f. (largior), a giving freely, on; a couch to recline on at table. bestowing liberally, bounty, liberality; Lectus, a, urn, part. (lego), adj., chosen, an imparting, presenting, granting; a dis- selected, choice, excellent. trihuting of money, corruption, bribery; Lectus, i, m. (lego), a bed or couch to sleep profusion, prodigality. on. Largus, a, ur, adj., plentiful, copi- Legatio, bnis, f. (legare), a sending of an olus, abundant, large, extensive; liberal, ambassador; an embassy, the office of an profuse, prodigal; adv., large and lar- ambassador; an embassy, the persons emglter. ployed as ambassadors; the office of a Lascivia, ae, f. (lascivus), lustfulness, las- legate or lieutenant of a general, proconciviousness, wantonness; playfulness, sul, or propraetor. sportiveness, frolicsomeness; licentious- Legatus, i, m. (legare), an ambassador, enness, insolence, impudence. voy, legate; a deputy, lieutenant of a Lascvuis, a, ur, adj., lustful, lasciviolus, general. wanton, sportive, frolicsome, playful; MLgio, onis, f. (lego), a legion. insolent. LMgiondrius, a, um (legio), adj., of a legion, Lassitudo, Inis, f. (lassus), weariness, faint- legionary. ness, lassitude, fatigue. Legitimus, a, um (lex), adj., according to ateo, ui, 2, v. n., I am low or hidden, I lie law, appointed by law, legal, lawful, lehid, am concealed, I lhrk, skulk; I am gitimate. in retirement, live retired fromi public af- Llgo, legi, lecturm, 3, v. a., I lay together LEM 6$2 LIC collect, gather, cull, pick up; I run over, LZber, kra, drum, adj., free; freeborn, inderead, peruse; I choose, select, elect. pendent, manly; unimpeded; c. abl.: Lemannus, i, m., or Lemanuss lecus, the free from; adv., llbbrd. Lake of Geneva. Liberdlis, e (liber), adj., of a freeman, perLUnio, 4 (lenis), v. a., I soften, mitigate, taining to freedom; befitting a freeman, calm, assuage, allay, appease, soothe; noble, decorous, genteel; gracious, kind I still, quiet; I render tolerable; I en- bountiful, generous, munificent, liberal; deavor to relieve or pacify. copious, plentiful, large; adv., liberaLSnis e,atlj.,lmelting, mild, soft, gentle, mier- lter. ciful, indulgent; adv., lend and Ilniter. Libdralltas, Wtis, f. (liberalis), nobleness of Lelntas, atis, f. (lenis), softness, mildness, spirit or disposition; graciousness, kindgentleness; slowness. ness, obligingness, affability, openness; Lentus, a, um (lenis), adj., melted, softened; liberality, munificence, generosity. viscotes, tenacils; tough; pliant, flexi- Ltbdri, orum, m. (liber), freeborn children. ble; slender; slow, sluggish; that ren- Libero, 1 (liber), v. a., I free, make free ders slow, heavy; phlegmatic, insensi- set at liberty, liberate; I deliver, release, ble, unfeeling, unconcerned, unaffected, extricate; 1 free from taxes; frol an obcalm, cool; easy, fearless. ligationl; I free from difficulties, clear up, L~por and lIpos, Oris, m., liveliness; pleas- put in order, adjust; I discharge, acquit, anttess, agreeableness; politeness, ur- absolve; c. abl., or with ab. banity; pleasantry, mirth, facetiousness; Libertas, atis, f. (liber), the condition of a wit, humor. freeman, liberty, freedom; want of reLivatio, onis, f. (levo), a lifting or raising straint, indulgence, excess. up; alleviation, mitigation, relief; les- Libertinus, a, urn (libertus), adj., a freedsening. man. Ltasis, e, adj., light, small, little, slight; of Ltbertus, i. m. (for liberatus), a freedman, small moment, of little worth, trifling, slave made free, in reference to his mastrivial; easy to do; light, gentle, soft, ter. mild; agreeable, pleasant, complaisant, Libet or libet, tIbitum est, 2, it is agreeable, obliging; light, inconstant, fickle, un- c. dat. steady, wavering; adv., lvtter. Llbldinosus, a, um (libido), adj, wilful, caLgvltas, atis, f. (livis), lightness; agility, pricious, wanton; lustful; licentious, swiftness, velocity; movableness; fri- dissolute, luxuriolus; adv., lbid'inoe. volity; levity, changeableness, inconstan- Libido or lubido, Inis, f. (libel), desire, iney, fickleness, unsteadiness, inconsider- clination, will, longing appetite, passion ateness; insignificance, groundlessness, for, thirst after anything, c. gen.; imvanity. moderate, unrestrained desire, caprice, LDvo, 1 (lbois); v. a., I lift up, heave, raise; wilfiilness, wantonness; sensuality, deI lighten, alleviate, ease, relieve; I free, bauclery; libidines, bad desires, lusts. liberate, release, disburden; I refresh, Licens, tis (licet), adj., free, wanton, unrelieve, set up, strengthen, restore. restrained, loose. Lex, lgis, f. (legere), a law; a rle; a pre- Licentia, ae, f. (licens), freedom, liberty, cept, canon; a condition; legem ferre or leave, permission, license, power; boldr rogare, to propose a law; leg-em perferre, ness, presumption; excess, unruliness, to carry a bill; lege, by law, by virtue of licentiousness, dissoluteness. the law. Liceo, cui, cetum, 2, v. n., to be put up to LIbens or libens, tis (libet or lubet), adj., sale to be exposed at auction. willing; glad, merry, cheerful, joyful; Liceor. licttus sum, 2, (liceo), v. dep. n. and willingly, readily; adv., libenter or leibes- a., I bid money for, offer a price for conter. tra liceri, to make a higher offer. Liber, libri, m., the bark, especially the in- Licet, ecuit and icitunm est, 2 (liquet, it ner bark or rind of a tree;' hence, as the thlws), v. impers. (it goes, may go), it is ancients wrote upon paper made of bark, allowed permitted, lawful, rirht c. dat.; any writing, a book. per me licet, I allow it; licet, conj., -LTG 683 LUS though, although, notwithstanding, with much, greatly, a great deal; onige latesubj. que, far and wide; longius progredi, to Ligulla and lingula, ae, f. (lingua), dim., go farther on. a little tongue; a tongue of land. Longinquus, a, um (longus), adj., long; of Lingua, ae, f. (lingo), the tongue; lan- long duration; far off, remote, distant; guage, speech; a tongue, language; a old, ancient. dialect; a tongue of land; a promon- LonglWtfdo, ais, f. (longus), length; patet tory. in l.ongitudinem, it extends in length. Lingula. See ligula. Longurius, ii, m. (longus), a long pole, rod, Linter, tris, f., a small boat, skiff. perch, or rail. Linum, i, n, flax, thread. Longus, a, um, adj., long; of long duraLItera, or better littbra, ae, f. (lino), a stroke ration or continuance; tedious, prolix; with the pen, a letter; pi., literae, the navis longa, a long ship, a ship of war. letters; writing; wlatever is drawn up Loquax, acis (loquor), adj., talkative, in writing; a writing, writings, d(cu- wordy, loquacious. ments, papers; a letter or epistle; writ- Loquor, locutus sum, 3, v. dep. n. and a., 1 ten memorials, literature; the liberal speak, converse, discourse, say; c. ace.: arts, belles-lettres, letters, learning, the I speak, say, tell, speak out, utter; I tell sciences, studies; philology, grammar. of, make mention of, sing of, celebrate, Lttbrila, ae, f. (litera), dim., a small let- talk about; figlr.: I declare, show, inditer; pi. literulae, a short letter or epistle; cate clearly, manifest. learning, studies, literary or philological Lubens, lubenter, libet, lubido. See libens, knowledge. &c. Litus or littus, 6ris, n., the sea-shore. Lucisco, 3 (luceo), v. inch. n., I begin to Loco, 1 (locus), v. a., I place, set, lay, dis- shine; to grow light, break, dawn; pose, arrange, station; I let out, lease; impers.: luciscet, the day is breaking. I let a thing out to be done for a certain Luctuisus, a, um (luctus), adj, full of price, let to farm. mourning, mournful, sorrowful, lamentLictiples, Etis (locus, plenus), adj., rich in able, sad, doleful, afflictive; overlands, landed; rich, wealthy, opulent; whelmed with grief and mourning, rich, ample, sumptuous, copious; richly covered with sorrow. stored, stocked; credible, trusty, faith- Luctus, is, m. (lugeo), mourning, affliction, ful, sufficient. grief, lamentation, wailing; sorrow, afLMcus, i, m., pi., loci, m., and loca, n., a fliction; mourning apparel, mourning, lodge, place; figur.: place, room, stand- weeds. ing; place, pest of honor, dignity, office, Lfcillentus, a, um (lux), adj., full of light, rank; post, position, posture, attitude; bright; beautiful, fair, handsome, comely, a passage, portion, head of a book or fine; splendid, ample, rich, wealthy; science; the subject, matter; opportu- illustrious, brilliant, notable; luculenta nity, occasion, fit season, caluse; situa- oratio, a finished, elegant, well-written tion, condition, state, footing, circum- speech. stances; standing, rank, station, degree; Lfdibrium, ii, n. (ludus), a mocking, deria point, particular, article, part; loco sion, scoff, jest, sport. cedere, to give way; in fratris loco, as a Ludus, i, m. (ludo), play, sport; jest, joke; brother; in eo loco, in that situation; a school; ludi, games, spectacles, sights, aliquem nullo loco numerare, to hold one shows, exhibitions; ludos fucere, to exin no esteem; esse equestri loco, to be of hibit games. equestrian rank; movere loco, to dis- LDina, ae, f., the moon. lodge. Lustro, 1 (lustrum), v. a., I purify by a sacLonge (longus), adv., long, to a great rifice; I review, survey, view, examine; length; far, afar, a long way off, at a I go round, go through, traverse, wandet distance; to a great distance, to a great over. length of time, long;. at great length, Lustrum, i, n. (luo), a purifying sacrifice with prolixity, diffusely; much, very offered in behalf of the whole people at LUX 684 MAL the end of every five years; the space of simus, a, um; making one's self great, five years. august, glorious; magnificent, splendid; Luz, lucis, f., the light, daylight, sunlight; rich, costly, sumptuous; lofty, grand; brightness, brilliancy; life. adv., magnifice. Luxiria, ae, and luxuiries, Vi, f. (luxus), ex-.Magnittdo, Inis, f. (magnus), greatness, cessive vegetation, overgrowth; luxury, magnitude, multitude, great number, profusion, dissipation, extravagance. plenty, abundance; dignity; m. animi, Luxzriosus, a, um (luxuria), adj., exuber- magnanimity, high spirit. ant, over-fruitful, rank,-luxuriant, grow- Magn-oplrr (magno opere), adv.. very ing excessively; wanton, excessive, im- much, much, greatly. moderate, insolent; profuse, extravagant, Magnus, a, um, adj; compar., major, us; luxurious, voluptuous; adv., luxuriosE. superl., maximus, a, um; great, large; Luxus, fus, m. (luzo), immoderate expense, considerable, much; momentous, imluxury, revelling, profuseness; sensual portant; high, dear; long; magna vox, delights, voluptuousness; sumptuous- a loud voice; magnus casus, a singular ness, costliness, magnificence, splendor. incident; magnum est, it is a great thing; LycurgLus, a, um, adj., Lycurgan, i. e. magni, sc. pretii, at a high price, dear; strict, inflexible. magni facere, aestimare magni or magno, to esteem highly; magno emere, to buy at a high price. M Maius, a, um, adj. (sc. mensis), the month of May. M. is the praenomen.Marcus, but.M. sig- Mdjestas, atis, f. (majus), greatness, grandnifies Manius. eur, majesty, dignity; supreme power, Macedonia, ae, f., Macedonia. sovereignty; crimen majestatis, high Macedontcus, a, ur, adj., pertaining to Ma- treason. cedonia, Macedonian. JMajeres, um, m. (magnus), ancestors, foreMacellum, i, n., the shambles. fathers. Machinatio, onis, f. (machinor), artificial Mdlacia, ae, f., a calm at sea, dead calm. construction, mechanism, mechanical de- JMdl (malus), adv.; compar., pejus; superl., vice, contrivance, skill; a machine, en- pessime; badly, ill, wrongly, amiss, wickgine; artifice, craft. edly; ill, unfortunately. MdachKnatus, a, um, part. (machinor), adj., Mdal-dictum, i, n. (maledico), a reproach; framed, devised, contrived. abusive language; an imprecation, curse; MJachlnor, 1 (machina), v. dep. a., I make, mischievous talk. frame, build, contrive, devise, design; I jMalE-factum, i, n. (malefacio), an ill turn or plot, scheme maliciously. deed, an injury..Maerens, maereo, maestus. See moereo, JMdli-flcium, ii, n. (maleficus), a bad action; moestus. mischief, wickedness; the infliction of MJag's (akin to magnus), adv., more; injury or harm. rather; eo magis, so much the more. JMal-volentia, ae, f. (malevolens), ill-will,.Magister, tri, m. (magis), a master, ruler, hatred, disaffection, envy, spite, malice, chief; a master, teacher; figur.: an malevolence. author, adviser. JMalleilus, i, m. (malleus), a small mallet.Mgistratus, its, m. (magister), the office or hammer; a kind of fire-dart. or place of a magistrate, a magistracy; JMalo (for mavolo or magis volo), malui, a person invested with public authority, malle, v. irreg. a., I will rather, choose a magistrate.. rather, like better, prefer, c. aci.. c inf., Magnes, etis, adj., of Magnesia; subst., c. acc. c. inf., or ut; quod mallem, I would a Magnesian. rather, I should rather wish, that. Jqagaln-flcentia, ae, f. (magnificus), grand- Mlum., i, n. (malus, a, um), anything evil, eur, magnificence; splendor, costliness. an evil; misfortune, calamity; punishMagn-n-flcus, a, um (magnus, facio), adj.; ment; torment, torture; injury, prejucompar., -ficentior, us; superl., -Jicentis- dice, disadvantage; an evil action,crime, MAL 685 MED atdlas, a, um; compar., pejor, us; superl., MarZtus, a, um (mas), adj., of or belonging pessimus; adj., bad, evil, wicked; poi- to marriage; subst., maritus, a husband. sonous, noxious; unsuccessful, unfavor- JMarsicus, a, um, adj., belonging to the able, adverse; ill, sick; cunning, crafty, Marsi, sc. bellum: belonging to the Marartful, mischievous. sic or Social war, B. C. 91- 88. Malus, i, m., a pole; the mast of a ship. Martius, a, um (Mars), adj., of or belongManddtum, i, n. (mando), a command, corn- ing to Mars. Campus Martius, a grassy mission, order, charge, mandate, mes- plain in Rome along the Tiber, consesage; mandatum referre, to deliver one's crated to. Mars, in which the comitia message. centuriata were held for the making of Mando, 1 (manus, do), v. a., I give in hand, laws and the election of magistrates. commit to one's charge, I bid, enjoin, Matara ae, f. (a Celtic word), a Celtic javeorder, command; I commit, consign, lin, pike. commend, confide, intrust; m. se fugae, Mater, tris, f., a mother; m. familias or to betake one's self to flight. familiae, the mistress of a family, the lady JMatn, adv., in the morning. of the house. Mdneo, mansi, mansum, 2, v. n. and a.,I JMatbria, ae, and mdatries, Ei, f. (mater), remain, stay, abide, sojourn, lodge; I re- matter, stuff, materials; timber; wood; main, subsist, last, endure, continue; m. the subject or argument of a book, the aliquem, to await any one, to wait for one. theme of a discourse; occasion, cause,.Mdin-festus, a, um (manus, *fendo), adj., source; natural disposition, abilities. found or touched with the hand; mani- Matrimonium, ii, n. (mater), marriage, wedfest, clear, evident, plain, apparent; m. lock, matrimony. mendacii, convicted of a lie. JMaturo, 1 (maturus), 1, v. n., to ripen, MdaIn-pulus, i, or maniplus, i, m. (manus, grow ripe; I hasten, make haste; 2, v. pleo), a handful; a band of soldiers, a a., I ripen, make ripe, mature; I bring to company, naniple. perfection; I accelerate, hasten, quickManlianus, a, um, adj., of or pertaining to en, despatch, expedite; I act rashly, am Manlius, Manlian. in a hurry. Man-suettido, tnis, f. (mansuetus), tame- JMatitrus, a, urn, adj, ripe, mature; figur.: ness; softness, gentleness, mildness, early, speedy; hiems matura, an early lenity, clemency. winter; adv., matfre. Mdanus, its, f., a hand; art, labor, industry; Matftttnus, a, um, adj., in the time of dew, power; workmanship, style, character, in the morning, early, early done or haphandwriting; an armed force, army, pening, matutinal, matin;matutinum temmultitude, troop, band of men; conserere pus, the morning time, the morning, morn. manum or manus, conferre manum, to MaxZtm5 (superlat. of magis), adv., in the fight; in alicujus manu esse, to be in highest degree, most, most of all, much, one's power; in manibus esse, to be in very eminently; chiefly, especially, parone's hands; to be in hand, preparing; ticularly; just; in answers: yes, well, to be close by, near. at hand; to be pres- certainly, assuredly; quam maxime, very ent, just now transacted; ad manum, at much, extremely. hand, in readiness. Medeor, 2, v. dep., c. dat.: I heal, cure, Marcus, i, m., a Roman praenomen. remedy, help, am good for or against; JMdre, is, n., the sea; m. nostrum, the figur.: to apply remedies, amend, corMediterranean; n; superum, the Gulf rect, reform, relieve. of Venice; m. inferum, the Tuscan Sea. Jledtctnus, a, um (medicus), adj., relatingto Mdritimus or martrimus, a, um (mare), medicine or the cure of a disease; met adj., of the sea, relating to the sea, being dicina, sc. ars, the art of physic, mediin or upon the sea, maritime; m. cursus, cine; medicina, sc. res, physic, medicine; a voyage; m. bellum, a maritime war; a remedy. m. civitas, a town lying on the sea; Md'tecus, a, um (medeor), adj., healing, maritima, sc. loca, countries or places medicinal, medical; subst., medicus, a adjoining to the sea. physician, surgeon. MED 686 MET Jfldiocris, e (medius), adj., middling, mod- bravery, fortitude spirit; thought, memn erate, tolerable; common, indifferent, ory, recollection; o0inilon, view; intenmean, low, unimportant, insignificant; tion, purpose, design, plan; mente captus, adv., mxdiocrtter. out of his senses, beside himselt, mad..MJdtor, 1, v. dep. a. and n., I muse or.Mensa, ae, f., a plate; a table to eat on, a think, meditate, consider, weigh; I de- table. sign, intend, purpose; I study, prepare. Mensis, is, m., a month. MJdium, ii, n. (nedius), the middle; the JMentio, onis, f. (memini). mention, a speakpublic, community; in medio, lin the ing of; mentionem facere rei, or de re, to midst. mention, make mention of..Mdius, a, u7n, adj., mid, middle, in the JMentior, titus sum, 4 (mendax, mens), v. midst, in the middle; neutral. dep., 1, n., I lie; I deceive, impose upon; Me-dius-idius, m, by the god of truth, as I do not keep my word, break my word; true as heaven, molst certainly. 2, v. a., I forge by lying, I invent, feign, JIdulla, ae, f., the marrow of bones; the counterfeit, pretend; figur.: I belie, disinmost, innermost part. appoint, deceive, delude, beguile.,Je-hercle, mehercule, mehercules, interj., by.MentZtus, a, ur, part. (mentior), adj., Hercules! in very truth feigned, invented, false. J.ellitus, a, um (mel), adj., of honey, or Mercator, oris, m. (mercor), a merchant, sweetened with honey; figur.: sweet, trader. delicious, charming. JMercatus, is, m. (mercor), a buying and Membrum, i, n., a member, limb. selling; a place of public traffic, a mart,.Smmni, isse, v. defect. n. and a, I recall to market-place. my mind, I have retained in my mnem-.Merces, edis, f, hire, wages, pay, reward; ory, I remember, recollect, call to mind, punishment; trouble, cost, loss; cost, think of, bear in mind, am mindful of, pains; profit, gain, rent, revenue, inconsider, reflect on. come, interest. JMtmor, oris (memini), adj., mindful, re- Mercor, I (merx), v. dep., 1, n., I trade; 2, membering; grateful. v. a., I buy, purchase. Jtmbmdrablis, e (memoro), adj., worthy of. JMreo, ui, itum, 2, and mlreor, Itus sum, 2, being mentioned, memorable, remark- v. a., I deserve, merit; I gain, earn; v. able. n., I deserve of, do good or ill to, beJ.Mm~ria, ae,f. (memor), memory, remem- have towards a person, erga aliquem, de brance; time, as far as it is rememn- aliquo. bered; a story or thing remembered;.Miridies, Bi, m. (medius, dies), midday, history, story, account, relation, report; noon; the south. a thinking of, consideration, reflecting;.MTrltum, i, n. (mereo), merit, any action memoriae mandare, to commit to memory; deserving thanks or reward; a benefit, in memoriam redigere or reducere, to re- kindness, favor; demerit; offence, transmember, recollect, bethink one's self of; gression. memoriam rei deponere, to forget; memol JMSrtus, a, um, part. (mereo), adj., merited, riae prodere or tradere, to hand down to deserved, earned, due, fit, just, right. posterity, to leave in writing, to record, J.Mrus, a, urm (= purus), adj., pure, unrelate. mixed; mere, bare, naked; pure, true, MemSro, 1 (memor), v. a., I mention, re- genuine. count, tell, relate, say...Merx, cis, f. (merces), any kind of ware or MendOsus, a, um (menda), adj., full of merchandise; goods, commodities. wants, faults, or blunders, faulty, excep- JMetellinus, a,.ur, adj., of or belonging to a tionable, incorrect, erroneous; making Metellus, Metelline. Epp. Cic. III. 5. faults, blunders, mistakes; adv., men- JMetior, mensus sum, 4, v. dep. a., I mete, dOse. measure, take measure of, survey; I.ens, tis, f (akin to memini), mind, dispo- measure by walking, wander, go or pass sition, heart, soul; consideration, reflec- throuiah, traverse; f end, finish, perform, tion, recollection, judgment; courage, make; figur.: I estimate, judge of, value; MET 687 MIS I rmete or measure out, parcel out, dis- JMnor, 1, v. dep., -1, v. a. (I, mins.)", I tribute. threaten, menace; I intend, purpose, proMito, messui, messum, 3, v. a., I mow, reap, fess, promise; 2, v. n. (2, minae), to procrop, gather, cut. ject, reach upwards, tower..Mltuo, ui,3 (metus), v. n., I fear, am afraid; Minor, us, oris, adj., comparat. of parr&: v. a., I fear, apprehend, aliquid ab aliquo; less, smaller; hence superlat., miaiua metuo ne, I fear, lest. See parvus..Metus, us, m., fear, dread, apprehension, Minores, descendants, posterity. anxiety; in metu esse, to fear; metumn ali-.M'inuo, ui, ftum, 3, v. a., I make less, cui injicere, to put one in fear, to make lessen, diminish, abate, lower, impair, one afraid. weaken; I destroy; I restrict, restrain.; Meus, a, urn, adj., belonging, to me, my, minuent aestu, at the ebbing or reflux of mine, my own; mine, my property; mei, the tide. my friends or relations..Mltnotus, a, uar, part. (minuo), adj., minute, x1i, 1, for mihi; 2, vocat. of meus. small, little; light, frivolous, trifling. Migrartio, onis, f. (migro), a removal, mi- Mtrdbllis, e (miror), adj., to be wondered gration. at, wonderful, marvellous, astonishing, Mfgfro, 1, v. n. and a., I quit or leave a amazing, stupendous; admirable, explace, I depart, remove, leave tmy habi- traordinary. tation; I move or remove to a place; I.Mir-flcus, a, urn (mirus, facio), adj., calsgo beyond, transgress, violate, break. ing wonder or admiration,.marvellous, Miles, Itis, m. and f., a soldier;.foot-sol- wonderful, astonishing, amazing, 4xdier. traordinary, strange; adv., nrrfifce. Milia, for millia. See mille..Miror, 1, v. dep. a. and n., I look at, wonMILttaris, e (miles), adj., of or belonging to der at, admire, marvel, think strange, am a soldier, pertaining to war, military, amazed or astonished. warlike, martial; vir m., a warlike man,.Mirus, a, un (miror), adj., striking the a brave soldier. view, admirable, remarkable, wonderful, Militia, ae, f. (miles), military service, war- marvellous, prodigious, great, very great; fare; military concerns; domi et militiae, non miruns est, it is no wonder. both in peace and in war..Misceo, miscui, mnixtum or: mistum, 2, v..a, Mille, numer., a thousand; mille passuum, I mix, mingle, intermix; figur.: I minone thousand paces, a Roman mile; pl., gle; I disturb, confound. millia or milia. Mtsellus, a, um (miser), adj., dim., poor,.Mmus, i, m., a kind of actor who repre- wretched, miserable, unfortunate. sented characters by gestures, a buffoon, Miser, era, 1rum, adj., poor, miserable, mime; a mimic play, a mime; a comedy, wretched, unfortunate; distressing, sad; farce; hypocrisy, dissimulation. bad, indifferent..Mina or mna, ae, f, a Grecian coin, of gold.Misrdbtlis, e (miseror), adj., to be pitied, or of silver, worth a hundred Roman de- pitiable, deplorable, miserable, lamentnarii. able, wretched..Mtnae, drum, f., threats, menaces. M1sereo, ui, Itum, 2, and mislreor, ertf Minaax, dcis (minor), adj., threatening, full and ritus sum, 2, v. dep. (miser), n., c. of threats. gen.: I pity, have compassion on, cqasMinime (superl. of parve), adv., least, least miserate, deplore; miseret me tui. or miof all, very little; in negation, not at all, seretur me tui, I have pity on you, I.pif not in the least, by no means. you. Ministrdtor, oris, m. (ministro), a servant,.Mtria, aes, f. (miser), poverty, misfortune, attendant. trouble, calamity, misery, wretchednes..MInistro, 1 (minister), v. a., I attend, wait Mlsrl-scordia, ae, f. (misericora), mnrcy,r upon, serve, c. dat.; I supply, provide, conmpassion, pity; lamentation, sadness, furnish, give, afford. distress, misfortune. MtIlnitor, 1 (minor, ari), v. dep. freq., c. dat.: MtsrW-cors. dis (nmisereo, nor), adj., mei I threaten, menace. ful, compassionate, pitiful. R R MIS 688 MOL.MJsIror, I (miser), v. dep. a., I deplore, just now; si mode, if only, provided lament, mourn over; I pity, commiserate, that; dum mode, provided that, if but; compassionate; gerundive, miserandus, non modo, not only, not merely; modoa, umn, lamentable, pitiable. modo, now -now, at one moment-at.Mithridattcus, a, wn, adj., of or belonging another. to a Mithridates, Mithridatic. JlMdus, i, m., measure, quantity, size, Mitis, e, adj., mild, soft, tender, ripe; calm, length, circumference; due measure; still, tranquil, placid; gentle, kind, hu- moderation; limits, bounds, end; manmane, easy, light, mild, tolerable; tame, ner, way, method, fashion; mode, in mogentle. dum, ad modum, c. gen.: like, as, in the Mitto, msi, missum, 3 (meo), v. factit. a., I manner of; nullo mode, by no means; make go, let go, let run, cause to go; I omni mode, by all means; quodam, mode, let be, omit, pass over, waive, forbear, in a certain measure. cease, give over; I do not care for, I.Moenia, ibm, n.(moenio, for munio), the wall slight; I throw away, lay aside, dismiss, or walls of a town; the buildings of a drop, put an end to; I let go, dismiss, dis- town, the town itself. charge, disband; I set at liberty, dis-.Moereo and maereo, ui, 2, v. n. and a., I lacharge, release; I send forth, emit, utter, ment, mourn, am sad, grieve; I mourn show; I send, despatch; I send word to, over, bemoan, bewail, lament. write, inform; I throw, cast, hurl, dis- Moeror, oris, m. (moereo), mourning, sadcharge, shoot. ness, lamentation, grief. JM'bIlis, e (for movibilis, from moveo), adj., MoestItia or maestltia, ae, f. (ntoestus), sadeasy to be moved, movable, light, agile, ness, grief, sorrows nimble; fickle, inconstant, changeable, JMules, is, f., a mass, heap, lump of huge variable; adv., mObSter. bulk or weight; a huge building, a dam MJlbIlItas, atis, f. (mobilis), mobility; incon- in the sea; burden, trouble, pains, lastancy, fickleness, levity, mutability, bor, difficulty, distress, misfortune, cachangeableness; m. linguae, volubility, lamity; greatness, weight; vehemence, fluency of speech; m. equitum, quick- violence. ness, agility of the horsemen. J.Mlestia, ae, f. (molestus), troublesomeness,.M5dFratio, Onis, f. (moderor), a moderating, uneasiness, discontent, dissatisfaction, moderation; temperateness, moderate- molestation, annoyance. ness; regularity; rule, direction, gov-.Molestus, a, um (moles), adj., troublesome, ernment. painful, offensive, irksome, importunate, XUdldrtor, Iris, m. (moderor), governor, teasing; injurious, hurtful, dangerous; ruler, director. affected, labored; adv., mllestE; moleste JMddrdtu.s, a, um, part. (moderor), adj., ferre, to suffer with reluctance, to be dismoderate, discreet, temperate. pleased with, to take unkindly. MXdEror, I (modus), v. dep. a. and n., c. JTlior, tus sum, 4 (moles), v. dep. n. and dat.: Imoderate, restrain, mitigate, allay, a., I attempt something difficult, make a soften; I regulate, govern, rule, guide. powerful effort, take pains and labor, J.tdestia, ae, f. (modestas), moderation in struggle, strive, labor, toil; I intend, deone's desires; modesty, decency, discre- sign, plot; I excite, cause, occasion. tion, discreetness: humility; love of hon-.MJltus, a, um, part. (molior), moved with or, dignity. labor, labored, built..JIdestls, a,.m (modus), adj., moderate in Mollio, Ivi and ii, Itum, 4 (mollis), v. a., I one's desires, modest; temperate, calm, make soft or flexible, supple or pliant; gentle; sober, discreet, virtuous; adv., I ease, alleviate; I make effeminate. smdest. - Mollis, e, adj., soft; tender, delicate; Mdiccus, a,um (modus),adj., having orkeep- pliant, flexible; effeminate, voluptuous ing a proper measure, moderate, temper- mild, gentle; smooth, pleasing; not ate, sober; modest; middling, ordinary. steep, sloping; adv., molltter.Mdd (modua), adv., only, but; simply, Molitia, ae, and moltilies, ei,. (mollis), merely; a short time since, lately; now, softness, suppleness, flexibleness; sensi 3MOL 689 MUN bility, weakness; tenderness; effemina- charm; I move from its place, remove; I cy, voluptuousness. excite, occasion, cause, bring on; I be-.Molo, ui, itum, 3, v. a., I grind. gin, commence; I make, do; v. n., I Mineo, ui, Itum, 2, v. a., I remind, pi* in move, decamp, set out, depart; bellum mind; I admonish, advise, warn; I teach, movere, to stir up war. instruct, inlforlm, tell; res monet cavere,.M1li4bris, e (mullier), adj., of a woman or circumstances warn to be cautious; cos women, feminine, female, womanly: hoc mosneo, I advise them to do this. womanish, effeminate. Mfons, ti., mn., a mountain, high hill..Milier, eris, f., a woman, whether married.Monstrum, i, n. (moneo), anything shown, or not. omen, sign; a monster; anything Affultt-plez, lcis (multus, plico), adj., having strange; a wonder, prodigy. many folds, having many parts, numerJ-lnimentum and m3ntmentum, i, n. (mo- ous; fickle, inconstant, changeable, neu), anything that preserves the remem- manifold, various, different. brance of a thing or person, a monument, Jfulttfitdo, Inis, f. (multus), a multitude, memorial, record; a temple; a tomb, great many, great number or quantity. sepulchre, cenotaph..Maulto (multurn), adv., by much, by far,.MoJra, ae, f. (moror), a hindrance, stop, de- much, a great deal. lay, stay; a pause or stop in speakinlg; JMulto or muleto, 1 (mulco), v. a., I punish, a space of time; impediment, obstruc- fine. tion, barrier, encumbrance; difficulty..Jultus, a, urn, compar., plus, ris; pi.,.Morbus, i, m. (akin to mors), a disease, plures, a; superl., plurimus; adj., many, sickness, malady. much, numerous, trequent; great, large; JlMirtor, mortuus sum, m~ri and mirtri, v. multi, manly, many persons; multa, many n., I vamnish, pass away, perish, die. things, much; multi, the many, the great.Mror, I (mora), v. dep. n., I delay, tarry, mass, the populace, common people; stay, linger, loiter; v. a., I detain, re- multum, much, a large amount, a great tard, hinder, impede, delay, stop; nihil part; multum diei, a considerable part of moror, I do not care for, do not value the day; malta nocte, late at night; or regard. multus adesse, to be frequently present;.Mfrosus, a, urnm (akin to moereo), adj., mur- adv., multum. -Compar, plus; pl., mllring, fretftil, froward, peevish, testy, plures, a, more; c. gen.: plus pecunias, morose; stlbborn, obstinate; vexatious, more money; non plus quam, no more disagreeable. than; pluris emere, to buy dearer; pluris JMors, tis, f., death; a dead body; mortem putare, to esteem higher; plures, more sibi consciscere, to destroy one's self. than one, several. - Superl., plurimus,.Morsus, bts, m. (mordeo), a bite, biting. a, urn, very much, most; plurimtum, the,Mortdlis, e (mors), adj., subject to death, most, very much; plurimum, adv.,very mortal; perishable; mortales, mortals, much, most, especially. mankind, men..Mflus, i, m., a mule..Mortuus, a, um, part. (morior), adj., dead. JMulvius, a, um, adj., Mulvian. V. Cic. in.Mos, moris, m., manner, custom, way, Cat. III. 2, n. 21. fashion, usage, practice; demeanor, be- JMundfanus, a, utm (mundus), adj., of or behavior, conduct; law, precept, rule; pl., longing to the world; subst., a cosmopmores, manners, character, morals. olite, a citizen of the world. M.Oto, 1 (moreo), v. freq. a., I move or move Jllundus, i, m. (mundua, a, um), the hearoften. ens; the world, the universe;'the.Motus, fts, m. (moveo), a motion, moving, world, earth, inhabitants of the earth. movement; of the mind: thinking,.Mitni-cypium, ii, n. (municeps), a town out thought, idea; of the heart: emotion, of Rome, particularly in Italy, having agitation; impulse; commotion. tumult. its own laws and magistrates, and the Jfiveo, movi, motum, 2, v. a. and n., I right of Roman citizenship. move, stir, put in motion; I move, make JMinIO-fleentia, ae, f. (munifiecus), bountifulan impression upon, affect, delight, ness, liberality, generosity, munificence. MUN 690 NE Muini-ficus, a, um (munus, facio), adj., J.tio, /nis, f. (nascor), the being born, willingly making presents to others, be- birth; a race of people, nation; figur.: nevolent, liberal, bountiful, bounteous, a race, tribe, sect, set. generous, munificent. JNdttira, ae, f. (nascor), birth; the nature. Mfunimentum, i, n. (munio), a fence, de- natural constitution of a thing; disposifence, shelter, protection, fortification, tion, genius, temperament, character; ranpart, bulwark natural feeling, instincts course of naXMtnio, 7vi and ii, itum, 4, v. a., I make a ture, order of things; the universe; wall; I fortify, defend, secure, strength- what is allowed by nature, possibility; a en, put in a posture of defence; I secure, thing, substance; shape; n. rerum, the protect, cover; figur.; I secure, put in natural state of things. safety; I male passable, pave, make, re- JVaturalis, e (natura), adj., natural, by pair; viam munire, to make or open a way. birth; produced by nature, implanted by.Manitio, onis, f. (munio), a fortifying, nature, conformable to nature; of or strengthening, defending, securing, an pertaining to nature. erecting a strong place; a making pass-.Jfatus, a, um, part. (nascor), born, brought able; a fortification, rampart, bulwark. forth, sprung; born to, naturally adapted JMunus, $ris, n., the work of a mian, his to, c. dat., or with ad. function, employment, office, post, J\.tus, s, m. (nascor), birth; abl. sing., charge; duty, part; service, favor; a natu, by birth, in age; major natu, elder; present, gift; a public exhibition, par- natu minimus, the youngest. ticularly of gladiators. JNausea, ae, f., sea-sickness. Mfiralis, e (murus), adj., of or belonging to.Nuta and navita, ae, m. (navis), a sailor. a wall, mural. JNauticus, a, um (nauta), adj., of or beMJffrus, i, m., a wall; figur.: wall, de- longing to mariners or ships, nautical, fence, protection, security. naval. M1'is, fris, m. and f, a mouse..Javalis, e (navis), adj., of or belonging to MJuto, 1 (contr. from movito), v. a., I move, ships, naval. move away; I alter, change; I exchange,.JNav-cila, ae, f. (navis), dim., a little ship, interchange, barter, traffic. skiff bark. MJftUBs, a, um (muto), adj., borrowed,.NJavgatio, onis, f. (navigo), a sailing, navilent; mutual, reciprocal; adv., mutue and gating; navigation; a voyage. MiAtO. NJavEgium, ii, n. (navigo), a ship, vessel. JVaiego, I (navem, ago), v. a., I sail over, N navigate; I gain by navigation; v. n., I sail, set sail, sail in or upon..Nae, interj., indeed, yes, certainly, truly, aNvis, is, f., a ship, bark, vessel; n. longa, surely. a man-of-war; n.praetoria, the admiral's Nram (= enim, nempe, akin to women), conj., ship; armare navem, to fit out a ship; namely; for; quisnam? who then? deducere navem, to launch a ship; solvers.Nam-qte, conj., same as. aam, for, for cer- navem, to get under sail; navem containly; but, yet. scendere, to go on board, to embark. JVanciscor, nactus sum, 3, v. a., I meet with,.JVavo, 1 (navus), v. a., I perform vigorously find, fall on, light or stumble upon; I or diligently; I show, exhibit; operam get, obtain, reach, gain. navare alicui, to serve, assist any one. XNarro, 1 (narus or gnarus, v. a., I acquaint.JV, adv., not; dum ne, provided that not; with, make known, tell, recount, relate, ne quidem, not even, not so much as; report, recite, narrate; I say, speak. modo ne, dummodo ne, only not, provided Vascor, nrths sum, 3. v. dep. n., I am born; that not; ne. for nedum, much less; ne, I rise, spring up, grow, am produced; for nae, certainly, truly. figur.: to follow, proceed from. J'I, conj., with subj., that not, lest; ns.JIatalis, e (natus), adj., of a man's birth or dicam, that I may not say, not to say; nativity, natal, native; natalis, sc. dies, a timeo, ne nom impetrem, I fear, that I birthday. shall ot obtain; videamus, ne hoc effci NE 691 NI possit, let us see, whether it may be effect-.N'eg-ltrentia, ae, f. (negligens), negligence, ed or not; sententiam ne diceret, recusavit, neglect, carelessness, heedlessness, inache refused to pronounce his opinion. tivity, reuiissness, disrespect; n. deorum,.JVe, interrogative enclitic particle; jamne contempt of the gods. vides? do you now see? quaeritur, sintne Meg-Il go or neg-lgo, lexi, lectum, 3 (nee, dii, nec ne sint, it is the question, whether lego), v. a., I heed not, slight, neglect; I there be gods, or none. despise, contemn; I overlook, pass over. JV.c or nwque, adv., and not; not; not even; JVago, 1 (ne-ajo), v. n., I say no, deny; but not; nec —nec or neque-neque, as v. a., I deny, affirm that it is not so. well not - as not, not only not - but also J.g-otiator, Cris, m. (negotior), a trader, not, neither-nor; nec —et or ac, not merchant, factor, banker. only not-but; et-nec or neque, not JVg-oti5lum, i, n. (negotium), dim., a little only - but also not; neque — et non, business or matter. neither - nor..JTg-Otior, 1 (negotium), v. dep. n., I trade, JNcessarius, a, um (necesse), adj., neces- traffic, transact business. sary, unavoidable, inevitable; urgent, JWg-C titsus, a, urn (negotium), adj., full of pressing; necessary, forced; needful, in- business, busy; active in public affairs. dispensable; closely connected by re-.NJ'-otium, ii, n. (nec, otium), a business, latiouship or friendship, a friend, rela- employment, occupation; an affair, transtion; adv., nLcessarie and nkcessdrio. action; anything to be done: difficulty,.JVcesse (ne-cessum, from cede), adj, n. in- trouble, pains; vexation; distress; trade, declin., necessary, inevitable; needful. affair of merchandise; a matter, thing, Xjcessttas, tis, f. (necesse), necessity, fact; cause, reason; alicui segotium faneedfulness, constraint, compulsion, cessere, to give one trouble; negotio defate; neediness, want; relation, con- sistere, to desist from the attempt. nection, acquaintance, intimacy; ex ne- JW-mn, tnis, m. and f. (ne, homo), no man, cessitate, of necessity; necessitates, neces- no one, nobody; non eone, many, some sary things, wants, interests. one; nemo non, all, every one. NJcessitfdo, Inis, f. (necesse), necessity; JVe-quaquam, adv., in no wise, by no means. need, want, distress; a necessary con-.NJiuet. See nec. nection, natural bond, the tie of relation- JXV-queo, 2vi and ii, Itum, 4, v. n., I cannot ship, bond of friendship, acquaintance, am not able, it is impossible for me. intimacy; relations, connections, friends..Je-quicquam and ne-quidquam, adv., JVecne or nec ne, conj., or not, used after vain, to no purpose, fruitlessly, without utrum, ne, or quid. effect; without ground or reason. J.ecnon or nec non, neque not, and also, and JNervicus, a, um, adj., of or pertaining to besides, and. the Nervii, Nervian. Vco, I (ne.), v. a., I put to death, I slay, Jervus, i, m., a nerve, sinew; cord, string; kill, destroy. figur: force, strength, vigor, power, JEc-ppinans or neque spinans, adj., not support. expecting, little thinking of. J\e-scio, Ivi and ii, 1tum, 4, v. a, I am ignoJV\ecubl (ne, alicubi), adv., lest anywhere, rant, I know not; I am unacquainted that nowhere. with; I am not able, I am unable; nescio Xei-dumr adv., not to say, not only; much quid, something extraordinary. less. JVeu, adv. See neve..NJ-fandus,, s um (ne, fari), adj., not to he Je-utDr, tra, trum, adj., neither the one nor named or mentioned, unspeakable, ilr- tho other, neither of the two, neither. pious, heinous, execrable, abominable. JWvtZ or neu (ne, re), adr., nor, neither;and JX-farius, a, um (nefas), adj., wicked, im- not; neve -neve, neither - nor; stands pious, heinous, abominable, execrable in the same relation to ne as neque does nefarious. to non. JV —fds, n. indec., not lawful, unlawful, Jezx, necis, f., violent death, slaughter, criminal; a crime, wicked deed; im- murder. piety, wickedness, villany. ni (contr. for nisi), COi.. if not, unless. NIG 692 NOT JNtber, gra, grum, tdj., black, sable, dusky, not, am unwilling; I do not wish well, dark; figur.: bad, wicked; ill-boding, am unfavorable, c. dat.; nola putare, unlucky, inauspicious, ominous. do not think, never think. J-l-hll, contr. nil, or n-Mllum, i, n. (ne, hi- JONmen, inis, n., a name, appellation; the lum), not the least, nothing, naught; name of the gents or clan, as JM. (praenoadv., in nothing, not a whit, not; nihil men) Tullius (nomen) Cicero (cognonon, everything; non nihil, something; men); reputation, renown, fame, charnihil nisi, ncthing else than, nothing but; acter, name; a person, thing; a pretext, nihil praetermisi quin, I omitted nothing, pretence, alleged name or title, account, that; nihil est quod, cur, quamobrem, there reason, excuse; meo nomine, on my acis no reason why; nihilo, in nothing, by count, in my behalf; suo nonine, personnothing; nihilo minus, no less; nihilomi- ally, individually. nus, nevertheless. \.omen-clator, 6ris, m. (nomen, calo), one JT'-mirum (ne, mirum), adv., no wonder; who tells the names of persons or things, truly, surely, certainly. a nomenclator..N"-mns (ne, mis; akin to meta, modus, me-.Nfiminatim (nomen), adv., by name, extior), adv., no measure; beyond measure, pressly, particularly, especially. too much, overmuch, too, extremely, ex- JVlmlno, I (nomen), v. a., I name, call by ceedingly; non nimis, not too much, not name; I nominate; nominari, to be celevery. brated; nominatus, a, urn, adj., celeJV't-mius, a, um (nimis), adj., above brated. measure, too much, too great, super- JNn, adv., not; no; nonnihil, something; fluous, excessive; immoderate, intem- nonnullus, non nemo, some one, someperate; adv., n'lmum. body; nullus non, every one; nunquam?Ni-sl (ne, si), conj., if not, unless; except, non; non possum non, non possum quin, I save only; nisi quod, except that; non cannot but, I cannot refrain from, I must. nisi, only. JTon-dum, adv., not yet, not as yet. JV'Nus and nixus, fis, m. (nitor), effort; as- Von-nt, adv., whether or not, nlot is it not cent, climbing. true? is it not so? J.Nitor, 6ris, m. (niteo), brightness, splen-.Von-nihil. See nihil. dor; beauty, elegance; neatness of JVon-nullus, a, urn, adj., some; pi., nonnulli, dress, elegance of living; excellence, some, some persons. nobleness, beauty of style, gracefulness,`Non-nunquam, adv., sometimes, now and elegance. then, occasionally..aftor, nisus and nixus sum, 3, v. dep. n., I J'onus, a, um (for novenus, from novem), sit, rest upon, lean upon, am supported adj, the ninth. by; I insist upon, strive, endeavor,.onae, arum, f. (nonus), the fifth day in labor; figur.: I rely upon, depend upon, every month of the year, except March, trust to, c. abl. May, July, and October, in which it was JNixus, its, m. See nisus, fs. the seventh; the nones, so called because.JNoblis, e, adj., notable, remarkable; it was the ninth day before the ides. known, well-known; famous, illustri- JV'oricus, a, um, adj., of or belonging to Noous, glorious, renowned, celebrated, dis- ricum, Norican. tinguisbed; noble, high-born. *Nos, nostrum. See ego. J.obbtltas, atis, f. (nobilis). notableness, no-.Nosco, novi, nitum, 3, v. a., I become acbleness, excellence; fame, reputation, quainted with, get a knowledge of, know; renown; nobility, high birth; the no- novi, I have learned, become acquainted bility, the nobles. with, I know. x.ceo, cui, ctum, 2, v. n., c. dat.: I hurt,.oster, stra, strum (nos), pron. posse, our, injure, harm, do harm or mischief. ours, our own..Nocti, adv., by night, in the night-time. J.nta, ae, f. (nosco), a mark, sign; a char-.Nocturnus, a, um (noctu), adj., of night, acter in writing, letter; a writing, letter, nocturnal. epistle; a nod, beck, wink; an abbrevi-'tol0, nOlui, noUe (se, solo), v. n., I will ation used in writing, a cipher; a critical NOT 693 0 remark in books; a brand or stigma; a a negative answer is expected; 2, conj., spot, blemish; a mark, proof, token; a whether, videamus, num, let us see mark of ignominy imposed by the censor; whether. infamy, dishonor, disgrace; an infamous J.umen, Itis, n. (nuo), a nod, will, cornblot. mand; the will of heaven, the divine JvStutia, ae, f. (notus), a knowledge; no- will, the will or power of the gods; di. tion, conception, idea; acquaintance. vinity, divine majesly; a deity, god; X.Nto, ] (nota), v. a., I mark, distinguish by power, authority, might. a mark; I observe; I show, point out, J\iumiro, 1 (numerus), v. a., I count, numindicate; I mark as guilty, condemn; I ber, reckon; figur.: I account, reckon, mark or brand with infamy. esteem, consider. JXstus, a, um, part. (nosco), adj., known, Jimerus,,, m., the number; a great nulmwell known. ber; figur.: rank, dignity, estimation.;.aSoember, bris, bre (novem), adj., sc. men- numero quadraginta, forty in all. sis, the month of November. JVUimda, ae, m., a Numidian. Also adj., J\.ovi, I knlow. See nosco. Numidian. j.VOUtas, atis, f. (novus), newness, fresh-.N'mmus or nfimus, i, m., a piece of money, ness, novelty; strangeness, rareness. coin; money. JNavo, 1 (orvus), v. a., I introduce as new, Jumquam, numquis, &c. See nunquam, &o. invent; I change, alter; I make new, J.unc, adv., now, at present, at this presrenew, repair, renovate; novare res, to enttime;nunc-wnuic,now-now,someattempt a revolution or change in the times-sometimes. government..Jun-cio and nuntio, 1 (nuncius), v. a., I JVN'ius, a, um, adj., new, fresh, recent; announce, bring news, bear-tidings, tell, strange, extraordinary; unaccustomed to, report, warn, inform, relate. inexperienced; nova res, a new thing,.Nun-cius and nuntius, ii, m. (novum, cio), novelty; novae res, novelties; innova- a bearer of news or tidings, a messenger, tions; novis rebus studere, to prepare a harbinger; news, tidings, intelligence, a revolution; novus homo, the first of his message; nuncium remittere, to renounce family that obtained a curule office; no- a marriage-contract, td obtain a divorce. vae tabulae, a remission of debts, which J'un-cius, a, um (nuncius), adj., announrequired new tables or bonds to be made; cing, warning. superl., novissimus, last, extreme, hind- J\Nunquam and numquam (ne, unquam), adv., most; novissimum agmen, the rear; at no time, never. superl., novissime, lately, at last, finally. J.Ntper (for noviper, from novus), adv.,.'ox, noctis, f., night; darkness, obscurity; newly, not long ago, lately, of late, a storm. recently. JNiabo nupsi, nuptum, 3, v. a. and n., c. dat.: Juptiae, drum, f. (nubo), a marriage, wedI veil, I marry, applied to females; col- ding; nuptials, nuptial feast. locare aliquam nuptum in aliam civitatem,.Jusquam (ne, usquam), adv., in no place, to give a person in marriage into another nowhere. town. Xutrix, Icis, f. (nutrio), a wet nurse, nurse; J.Ndo, 1 (nudus), v. a., I make naked, I anything that nourishes. strip bare, uncover; I deprive of protec-.JVtus, us, m. (*nuo), a nod, beck;. will, tion, expose, leave destitute; n. litus, to pleasure, command; tendency downleave the shore defenceless. wards, inclination, gravity, weight; inJVNdus, a, um, adj., naked, bare, uncovered; clination, favor. spoiled, deprived, stripped of, c. abl.; poor. helpless..N'llus, a, um (ne, ullus), adj., not any, none, O no one, nobody, no: nullus non, every, all; non nullus. some, some one; nullo 6! interj., 0! oh! with the nom.; with periculn, without danger. the vocat.; with the accus., O si, O if JVu.N 1, adv., used in questions to which only; 0 utinam, 0 that. OB 694 OBS Oi, prp. c acc.: 1, on,upon, against; 2, on Ob-ltvio, onis, f. (oblino), a forgetting, foraccount of; quam ob remn, therefore, getfutless, oblivion. oin that account. In composition, with Ob-Ilviscor, lta s sum, 3 (oblivio), v. dep. a., verbs, it signifies on, before, over, against, I forget. or towards. Ob-noxius, a, um (ob, noxia). adj., guilty, Ob-aeritus, a, 7un (ob, aeratus), adj., over- punishable, accountable; subject to pay whelied with debt, involved in debt. a tax or to furnish something; subject, Ob-ducp, duxi, ductum, 3, v. a., I lead submissive, obedient, complying; obliged, against or to; I bring, throw, lay, or put under obligation, bound in duly, bound; over, bring or draw round, induce, super- subject, slavish, abject, low, mean-spirit.induce; I cover over, overspread; I shut, ed, fearful, cow ardly; subject, liable; exbar; I draw off. posed, open; liable to danger and lmisforWb-ediens, tis (obedio), adj., obedient, cor- tune, weak, lerishable. pliant; figir.: yielding, complying with Obscuiro, 1 ((,bscurus), v. a., I darken, ohone's wishes, manageable, subject, en- scure; I cover, hide, conceal, suppress; slaved. I render obscure, make confised. 5b-ddientia, ae, f. (obediens), obedience, sub- Obscirus, a, um, adj., dark, dusky, obmission, dutifulness. scure; intricate, involved, indistinct; Ob-edio, ivi, itum, 4 (ob, audio), v. n., c. unknown, lying hid; ignoble, of mean dat.: I give ear to, listen to; I obey, give descent, humble, low; close, secret. obedience to; I suit myself to, conform Ob-sEcro, I (sacro), v. a. and n., I entreat to, am subject, serve. or pray earnestly, beseech, implore, supWb-eo, Ivi or ii, ttum, 4, v. a., I go or come plicate. to, come in, go to meet, go against; I go Ob-servans, tis, part. (observe), adj., obover, travel through, wander over, go servant, watchful, mindful, regardful; round, run through, traverse; I attend respectful, attentive, c. gen. upon, am present at,visit; I take upon my- Ob-servantia, ae, f. (observans), an observself, undertake, attend to, do, discharge, ing, noting; respect shown to another, perform, execute, manage, conduct, trans- attention, regard, observance, esteem, act; v. n., of the sun and stars: to go reverence. down, set, disappear; of towns: to goto Ob-servo, 1, v. a. and n., I watch, mind, ruin, to perish; of men: to die. heed, take notice of, attend to; J watch, bb-tuns, iUs, m. (obeo), a going to, visiting; guard. keep; I show reverence respect, a going down, setting; downfall, ruin; I look up to venerate, attend to revere, death. honor, regard, esteem, value; I consider, Ob-ficio, jeci, jecthm. 3 (ob, jacio), v. a., I contemplate observe; I regard, comply throw or put before, hold before, offer, with, obey, follow, conform to, adhere to. proffer, present, give; figur.: I hold out, Ob-ses, s'dis, m. and f. (ob, sede,) a hosthold before; f infuse, cause, occasion; age; a sponsor, surety; a pledge. I oppnse, set against; I throw out Ob-sessio. bnis, f. (obsideo), a blockading, again t one. lay to one's charge, re- blockade. proach with. Ob-sldeo, sgdi, sessuim, 2 (ob, sedeo), v. n. Ob-lectamentum, i, n. (oblecto), that which and a.. I sit, stay; I hem in, hold in delights or pleases, delight pleasure. blockade, invest, besiege; I occupy, Ob-lecto, 1 (ob, lacto, from lacio), v. a., I cover, possess; I watch closely. delight, amuise please, entertain, divert; Ob-sidio, ns f. f(obsideo), a blockade; a I pass or spend agreeably. near, pressing danger. Ob-tlno, IEvi, titum, 3, v. a., I daub or Ob sdo. sedi, sessum, 3 v. a.. I beset, ensmear over, bedaub, besmear; I fill with viron, encompass, sit down before, shut anything, cover all over; figur.: I stain, in. invest, blockade. soil, corrupt. Ob-signo. 1, v. a.. I seal, seal up, affix my Ob-iquus, a, um (ob, liquis), adj, oblique, seal to; figur: I accept as certain, take awry, sidelong, tirned sideways, slant, for granted. slanting, transverse; adv.; obllgut. Ob-sisto, stiti, st'tum, 3, v. n., I set myself OBS 695 OCC against. oppose myself, resist, withstand, Oc-caeco or ob-caeco, 1, v. a., I make blind; c. dat. I obscure, darken; figur.: I make obObsono, 1, and obsonor, 1, v. a., I cater, scure, dark, unintelligible; I cover over. purvey, buy meat; I make feasts. Oc-casio, nuis, f. (occasum, supine of occido), Obs-tinatus, a, urn, part. (obstino), adj., an accident or chance; opportunity, conpertinacious, firmly resolved, inflexible, venient time, fit moment, favorable cirresolute, determined, stubborn, obstinate. cumstance; a seemnly pretence. Obs-tIno, 1 (obs, teneo), v. a., I hold against, Oc-casus, ius, n. (occldo), a going down or resolve firmly, set my mind firmly,upon. setting of the heavenly bodies; sunset, Ob-sto, stiti, statum, 1, v. n., I stand against, evening; the quarter of the sun's setting, stand in the way, withstand, oppose, ob- the west; downfall, destruction, fall, struct, hinder, c. dat. end; death. Ob-stripo, pui, pitum, 3, v. n., c. dat.: I Occatio, onis, f. (occo), a harrowing. make a noise at, against, to, or before, I Oc-cddio, inis, f. (occido), an utter destroyinterrupt by noise; figur.: I oppose, im- ing, extirpation, extermination; occidione pede, disturb, molest. occidere, to destroy utterly, annihilate. Ob-stringo, strinxi, strictum, 3, v. a., I tie Oc-cddo, cidi, ctsum, 3 (tb, caedo), v. a., I about, tie fast, bind about or to; I bind beat soundly; I cut down, kill, slay; I up, close up by binding; I bind, fetter, plague to death, torment, wear out; I tie, hamiper; I bind, oblige, put under ruin, undo. obligation. Oc-cido, cldi, casum, 3 (ob, cado), v. n., 1 Ob-struo, struxi, structum, 3, v. a., I build fall, fall down; to go down, to set; to against, build before; I block up, barri- fall, perish, come to an end, die. cade, wall up, close up; I obstruct, Oc-cZsio, 5nis, f. (occZdo), a slaying, murchoke up; I stand in the way, hinder. der; utter destruction. Ob-sum, fui and offui, obesse, v. n., I am Oc-culto, 1 (occulo), v. freq. a., I cover, conagainst, I hinder, am prejudicial to. ceal, hide. Ob-tbgo, texi, tectum, 3, v. a., I cover, cover Oc-cultus, a, urn, part. (occulo), covered, up; I cover over, veil, conceal, keep hidden, concealed; adj.,secret, abstruse, secret; I cover, defend, protect. obscure, occult; reserved, close, disOb-ternpEro, 1, v. n., c. dat.: 1 comply with, semlbling; occultum, a secret thing ot conform to, submit to, obey. place; secrecy, concealment; in occulto, Ob-testor, 1, v. dep. a., I.call solemnly to in obscurity, undivllged; adv., occults. witness, protest before any one; I ad- Oc-cipatio, Onis, f. (occupo), a seizing, takjure, beseech, implore vehemently, con- ing possession of, occupying; business, jure. employment, engagement, occupation. Ob-tineo, tInui, tentum, 2 (teneo), v. a., I Oc-cipo, I (ob, capio), v. a., I lay hands on, hold, have, possess; I keep, retain, re- seize, take possession of, obtain, occupy; serve, keep up, maintain; I occupy, I take up, fill, engross; I fall upon, intake up; I make good, prove, support, vade, lay hold of; I anticipate, get the defend; I establish, accomplish, get; v, start of, am beforehand with; I busy, n, I maintain myself, I hold, last, stand. occupy, take up, engage, employ; animos, Ob-tingo, tlgi, 3 (tango), v. a., I touch, to invade, engross the nids. strike; v. n., to happen, fall out, turn Oc-curro, curri, cursur, 3 (ob, curro), v.n., out. c. dat.: 1 go, come, or run to meet, I Ob-titsus or ob-tunsus, a, um, part. (obtundo), meet; I fall in with, light upon, hit upon, adj., blunt, dull, weakened, weak, faint. meet with; I come in the way, meet, Ob-venio, vgni, venztum, 4, v. n., c. dat.: I offer myself; I march against, rush upon, come to meet, meet, occur, befall, hap- seek to attack; I oppose, resist; I obpen, to fall to one's lot. viate, remedy, provide against, counterDb-viam, adv., in the way, to meet; o. ire act; I conform to, am governed by; I alicui, to go to meet one; o. ire periculis, ome, come up, come to, arrive; I take to go into or brave dangers; o% ire, to go in hand, do, execute, attend to; to sugto meet, go against, oppose one's self to. gest itself, present itself, occur, offer itselC 30 OCE 696 ONE ocednus, i, m., the ocean or main sea. dislike, disgust, aversion, hatred; mis. Octdcus, a, urn (octo), adj., the eighth. hap, misfortune, ill success, disappointOctin-,renti, ae, a (octo, centum), adj., eight nent. hundred. Of-f ro, ob-tili, ob-latum, of-ferre, v. a., I OctJ, numer., eight. bring or bear to meet one, bring before, OctOber, bris, bre (octo), adj., October, origi- present, show, exhibit; I expose; I bring nallythe eighth month; October mensis, forward against; I offer, proffer, tender, the month of October; Octubres Idus, the promise; I give, bestow, confer freely; ides of October; Kalendis Octobribus, on I inflict, bring; I cause, occasion. the first day of October. Of-fcio, feci, fectum, 3 (oh, facio), v. n., c. Oct-ginta (octo), numer., eighty, fourscore. dat.: I do or act contrary to, I hinder, bchlus, i, m., the eye. stop, obstruct, contravele; I hurt, am odi, idisse, v. a., I hate, detest, have an hurtful, injurious; efficere cunsilis alicuaversion, abominate, loathe; I am dis- jus, to hinder the execution of a person's pleased or vexed. purposes. Sdium, ii, n. (odi), hate, hatred, grudge, Of-feciosus, a, ur (officium), adj., ready to ill-will, aversion, enmity; an object of serve, kind, obliging, courteous, attenhatred, the aversion, abomination; tive, respectful; conformable to duty, trouble, annoyance, loathing, disgust; dutiful. importunity, impertinence, vexatious- Of-jftiltm, ii, n., service rendered, or kindness; in odium alicui venire, to become ness shown to another; complaisance, hated by olne; esse alicut odio, or in obligingiess, deference, courteousness; odio, to be hated by some one. duty; conscientiousness, uprightness, Ndor, Cris, m., a scent, smell, odor; subjection, obedience; part, province, a stench, stink, offensive smell; figur.: office; attendance upon another on solscent or odor, sign, presentiment, fore- emn occasions; service, cffice, trust, shadowing, guess; odores, odors, per- charge, business, adminiistration. fumes, aromatic substances, perfumery, bleum, i, n., olive-oil, oil. spices; perfumed waters, ointments, bal- olim (from ullus, old form for ille), adv., at sams. that time, of old, formerly, in time past, bdrtl-fer, a, urn (odor, fero), adj., spread- long since, some time since, once upon a ing odor, sweet-smelling. time; at a future time, hereafter, one day. Oeco-n6mlcus, a, urn, adj., relating to do- 6-mitto, mlsi, missum, 3 (ob, mitto), v. a., I mestic economy; figur.: orderly. let go, let fall, let alone; I let pass, do Of-fendo, di, sum, 3 (ob, *fendo), 1, v. a., I not avail myself of; I let pass by, say hit or strike against; I hit upon, light nothing of, let be, omit; I lay aside, upon, find, come upon; I hurt, injure, leave off, give up, slight, postpone; 1 damage; I offend, figur.: I am trouble- leave out of sight or mind; I let go unsome, oppressive; offendere animum all- punished, I overlook. cujus, to displease one; part., offensus, Omnino (omnlis) adv., wholly, entirely, a, um, offended, displeased, angry, pro- altogether, utterly; in all, only, just, voked, hostile; offensus suspicione, struck barely; in general, generally, universalwith suspicion; but offensum est, it is ly; generally speakilng; by all means, offensive, displeasing; 2, v. n., I hit, indeed, certainly, doubtless; omnino non, strike against, r in foul of something; not at all; nihil omnino, nothing at all; c. dat.; figur.: I make a mistake, err, omnino hoc dicit, he says it in distinct commit a fault, do amiss; 1 am dissatis- language. fled with, am displeased or offended, Omnis, e, adj., all; omnis, man in general, take offence; I am offensive, give of- everybody; omnes, the single men, all fence, displease; I am unfortunate, fail, men; omnia, all things, all. meet with ill success. nhararius, a, um (onus), adj., serving for Of-fensio, Onis, f.(offendo), a striking against, burdens, fitted for carriage; oneraria, tripping, stumbling; hurt, harm, incon- sc. navis, a ship of burden, merchantvenience, injury; offence at something, ship. ONU 697 ORA bnus, /ris, n., a burden, load, lading, freight, Op-portuinus, a, um (ob, portus), adj., as it cargo; load, weight; charge, weight, were situated near the port, meet for the trouble, difficulty; in respect of proper- purpose, proper, commodious, fit, conty: expense, cost, tax, impost, debt. venient, suitable, advantageous, seasonO6pIra, ae, f (opus), work, labor, endeavor, able, opportune; useful, serviceable; afexertion, pains, service; leisure; a la- fording a good opportunity, suited; adv., borer, day-laborer, operative; a work, opportune. manufacture; operam ponere in re, to be- Op-primo, pressi, pressum, 3 (ob, premo), stow labor on a thing; operam afferre ali- v. a. I press down, suppress, put down; cui, o. navare alicui, to help, assist one; 1 overpower, overthrow, prostrate, suboperam dare, to take care, to attend to, to vert, overwhelm, subdue; I oppress, listen, give ear; da operam, ut valeas, deprive of rights; I press, urge, hartake care of your health; dare operam ass. valetudini, to take care of health. Op-pugnatio, Onis, f. (oppugno), a fighting 61p-fex, Ici,, m. and f. (opus, facio), one against, attacking, or assaulting; figur.: who makes a work; a maker, framer, an attack, assault. fabricator; an artist, artisan, mechanic. Op-pugno, 1 (ob, pugno), v. a., I fight 6pInio, Wnis, f. (npinor), opinion, conjecture, against, attack, assail, beleaguer, assault, supposition, belief, report, rumor; mea storm. fert o., it is my opinion; esse in opinione Ops, opis, f., strength, force, might, power; aliqua, to be of opinion. riches, wealth, property, substance; aid, Splnor, 1 (perhaps akin to mens), v. dep. a., help, assistance, succor, support; opes, I think, deem, suppose, judge; I have an resources; troops, forces, army; means opinion. of influence, weight. Spttiilor, 1 (opes, tuli), v. dep. n., c. dat.: Optinas, ttis, adj. (optimus), one of the I bring help, I help, aid, assist, succor. best, noblest; optimatcs, um and ium, 6portet, tuit (opus), 2, v. impers., it must the chief men in the state, the nobles, be, it is reasonable, it ought, it behoves; the aristocracy. it is necessary; it is good, expedient, Optimus or *optUmus, a, um (ops), adj., salutary; with subj., without ut: valeat superl., best, most excellent, most choice; oportet, he must have health; with ac- adv., optlmt. cus. c. inf.: nihil oportet contemni, noth- Opto, 1, v. a., I wish, desire; I ask, deing should be despised; with inf.: exist- mand; I wish or pray for something to imare oportet, it behoves to think. another, I imprecate. Op-plrior, pertus and peritus sum, 4, v. piilens, tis, and ptiilentus, a, um (opa), dep n., I wait; v. a., I wait for. adj., rich, wealthy, opulent. Op-pdto, tivi and tii, tLtum, 3 (ob, peto), piilentia, ae, f. (opulens), wealth, riches; v. a., I go to, go to meet, encounter, un- power, greatness; abundance. dergo, suffer; oppetere mortem, to suffer 6pglentus, a, um. See opulens. death, to die, fall. 6pus, 4ris, n, work, workmanship; a Oppldanus, a, um (oppidum), adj., of or be- building; a book; labor of the field, longing to a town out of Rome; oppida- husbandry, tillage; fortification; manni, townsmen, townsfolk. ual labor, art; toil, labor, pains; tanto Oppid5 (oppidam), adv., very, exceedingly; opere, so greatly; quanto opere, how indeed, certainly, altogether. greatly; opus est, it is to be done, it is Oppldum, i, n. (ops, do), a town, city; necessary, needful, useful; dux nobis among the Britons: a fortified wood. opus est, we need a leader; quae opus Op-psno, posui, piOsltum, 3 (ob, pono), v. a., sunt, whatever is necessary. I place or set against or opposite; I ex- dra, ae, f., the coast, sea-coast; region; pose; I bring forward against, interpose; margin, border. I set before the eyes or mind. 6ratio, Onis, f. (oro), speaking, speech,lanOp-portuialtas, atis, f. (opportunus), fitness, guage; speech. oration, harangue; subconvenience, suitableness, advantageous- ject, matter for speaking; the faculty of ness; advantage, use. speaking well, eloquence; way of speak. .ORA 698 PAC ing, style; orationem habere, to make, furnish, prepare; I equip, dress; I honor, deliver a speech. distinguish. irator, Oris, in. (oro), a speaker, orator. oro, 1 (os), v. n. and a., I speak: I plead. Oratdrius, a, urn (orator), adj., of an orator, argue; I beg, crave, pray, entreat; oro oratorical. te, I beseech you; illud te ore, I beg this Orbis, is, m., a ring, circle; a wheel; orbis from you. terrarum or terrae, the circle of the earth. Ortus, fis, m. (orior), a growing, growing Orblta, ae, f. (orbis), the track or rut of a forth; a springing up, rising, beginning, wheel. origin, rise; birth; ortus solis, the rising Orrdno, 1 (ordo), v. a., I range, arrange, of the sun, the east. dispose, set in order; I regulate, settle, os, oris, n. (0!), the mouth; face, cout-. compose, adjust; I prepare, draw up; tenance, visage. I ordain, appoint, fix. Oscus, a, ur, adj., of or belonging to the Ordior, orsus sum, 4, v. dep. n. and a., Osci, a primitive people of Campania, I begin, commence, enter uponl; I under- Oscan. Epp. Cic. XIII. take. Os-tendo, di, sum and turn, 3 (obs, tendo), Ordo, Inis, m., row, rank, order, series; a v. a, I hold forth, show, display, maniline of soldiers, rank; a company, cen- fest, let know; I express, give to undertury of soldiers; the post of centurion, stand, say, declare; ostendere se, to apcaptainship: figur.: rank, class, order; pear. orderly arrangement, regularity; nullo Os-tentto, 1 (ostendo), v. freq. a., I show, ordine, without order, unarranged; or- present to view; I make appear, I make dine, in or ex ordine, in or per ordinemn, in a show of, hold out, promise; I hold out, a row, one after the other; ordine, right- threaten, menace; I make a boast of, ly, wisely, properly; ordo senatorius,the show off, vaunt; I show, indicate, sigsenate; ordo equester, the equestrian or- nify, make known, disclose, say. der. Ostium, ii, n. (os), a door, house-door; any briens, tis, part. (orior), sc. sol, the rising entrance, mouth. sun, the day; the east. 6tiosus, a, urn (,tium), adj., unoccupied, at 5riago. lsis, f. (orior), the origin, source; leisure, disengaged, retired from public stock, race; birth; original, progenitor, affairs; quiet, tranquil, calm. founder, author. otium, ii, n., rest, quiet, repose, tranquillity, brior, ortus sum, 6rtri, v. dep. n., to grow, peace; leisure, inactivity, easy life; rise, spring, originate, arise, appear; to freedom from business, spare time; rebe born; to begin; to stand up, get up, tirement, ease. rise; uva oriens a gemma, a grape grow- 6evis, is, f., a sheep. ing from a bud. 6vum, i, n., an egg. the spawn of a fish; Ornamentum, i, n. (orno), what serves to ovum parere or gigner e, to lay an egg. adorn, ornament, embellishment, decoration; dress, attire, array; apparatus, accoutrement, equipment, furniture, trap- P pings; arms; style; mark of honor, title. P., in abbreviations, stands for Publius; P. Ornatus, a, urn, part. (orno), adj., adorned,, Pontifez Mazimus; P. R., populus embellished, ornamented, set off; excel- Romanus; S. P. Q. R., Senatus populuslent, distinguished, illustrious; fitted Romanus. out, furnished, equipped; honorable, not- Pabiltio, unis f. (pabulor), a feeding, fodable; honored; adv., ormait. dering; a foraging. Ornitus, ss, m. (orno), embellishing, adorn- Pabulum, i, n. (pasco), food for cattle, grass, ing; ornament, embellishment, decora- pasture, fodder; food in general; forage; tion, adornment; provision, store; dress, figr.: aninorum pabulum, food for the attire,' apparel. Imind. Orno, 1, v. a., I purify, adorn, embellish, Pacl-flcator, oris, m. (paciJico), a peacew deck, set off, garnish; I fit out, equip, maker, pacificator, mediator. PAC 699 PAS paco, i (pax), v. a., I bring into a state of ftirnish; I acquire, procure. get, obtain; peace, I pacify, tranquiillize; I subdue, I regulate, order, arrange; bellmrn parare, conquer, bring into subjection. to make preparations for war, insidias aliPactio, Onis, f. (paciscor), an agreement, a cui p., to plot against one; p. se proelio, to bargain, contract, engagemenit; a corrupt make one's self ready tor battle; hortum bargaining, bribery, corruption; a prom- p.. to pltrchase a garden part., paratus; ise. omnia perpeti paratus, prepared to suffer Paeng or peng, adv., wellnigh, nearly, al- everything. most. Parri-cida and parl-cida, ae, m. and f. (paPagus, i, m., a district, canton. rens, caedo), a murderer of parents, parriPaludatus, a, ur (paludamentum), adj., cide; a nmurderer of any near relation; a clad in a military robe, or in a general's murderer, assassin; a traitor, rebel. robe. Pars, tis, f., a piece, part, portion, share; Pdlus, fidis, f., a marsh, morass, bog, fen, party, side, faction; pars-pars, pairsswamip pool. alii, solme-others; ifarte, in part, partly; Pamnplnus, i, m. and f. (akin to vinum), the ex parte, in part, ill some measure; mul. tender shoot of a vine with its leaves, a tis partibus, in many ways, by much, vine-shoot; the foliage of vines, vine- mIuch; pro mea parte, for my share, as leaves. much as in ne lies; magnam partem, in a Pando, di, sum, and passum, 3, v. a., I great measure; maximam partem, for the stretch, extend, expand, spread, unfold. most part. Panis, is, m. (pasco), bread, a loaf; cibarius Parstrinnia and parclmonia, ae, f. (parco), panis coarse bread. frugality, thrift. Pdr, piris, adj., equal, even; suitable. Partt-ceps, clpis (pars, capio), adj., partakright; par cum liberis, equal to the sons; ing of, sharing in, privy to, c. gen.; subst., parem esse alicui, to be equal to, be a an associate, companion, fellow. match for; subst., a competitor, adver- Partim (for partem, fromt pars), adv., partly, sary. in part; some part, some; partim-parParatus, fts, m. (paro), preparation, pro- tim, partim-alii, some -others. vision; apparatus, furniture, dress, or- Partio, 4, and patior, 4 (pars), v. a., I dinament. vide, distribute, part, share; partiri aliquid Parco, peperci and parsi, parcitum and par- cum aliquo, to share something with some sum, 3 (parcus), v. n., c. dat.: I cease, one. give over, abstain, forbear, leave off, Partts, is, m. (pario), a bringing forth, omit, spare; I favor, consult; I spare, birth; the young or offspring of any creapardon, forgive; I spare, use moderately. ture. Parcus, a, um (allied to parvus), adj.,little, Parum, adv., little, not much; too little, small, scanty; mnoderate, sparing, frugal, not enough; not remarkably, not very; thrifty, economical, penurious, parsitlo- parum id facio, I make little account of nious. it; parum habere, to deem it not enough, Pdrens, tis, m. and f. (pario), a parent. not to be contented, c. inf.; parum diu, Pareo, ui, Itum, 2, v. n., c. dat.: I obey, not long enough. submit to, comply with; I indulge, gra- Parvilus, a, urn (parvus), adj., dim., very tify; I am subject to, governed by; pa- small, very little. rentes, subjects. Parvus, a, mn, adj., little, small; figur.: Paries, tis, m., a partition wall. humble, mean, common, moderate, poor; Pario, plpbri, parltum and partum, 3, v. a., parvi refert, it matters little; adv., parvs. I bear or bring forth young; I generate, Pasco, pdvi, pastum, 3, v. a., I feed, graze; procreate, beget; I produce, bear, yield; I feed, pasture; I feed, nourish, support. figur.: I occasion, cause, make, pro- Passim (pando), adv., here and there, at duce; I acquire, procure, get, gain, ob- random. tain. Passus, ias, m., a pace, step; a pace, measPdro, 1 (akin to pario), v. a, I make or get ure of five feet. ready, prepare, provide, shape, contrive, Pastus, Us, m. (pasco), a feeding, grazing, PAT 700 PEN pasturing; food, pasture; figur.: a re- Paulatim (paulum), adv., by little and little, past, delight. by degrees, gradually; a few at a time. PatW-fdcio, f ci, factum, 3 (pateo, facio), v. Pauli7spr and paullisptr (paulus), adv., tot a., I open, set or lay open, throw open; a little while, a little while. figur.: I manifest, declare, disclose, dis- Paulilus and paulllus, a, um (paulus), cover, detect. adj., dim., little, very little, small; subst., Pdit-fio, factus, fieri, passive of patefacio. paululum, a little; adv., paulilum and Pateo, ui, 2, v. n., to be open, stand or lie paullilum. open; to be ope.n, accessible, passable; Paulumn and paullum (paulus), adv., a little, to lie open, be exposed; to extend, stretch; a short while. to be attainable; to be clear, plain, evi- Paulus and paullus, a, ur, adj., little, dent. small. Pater, tris, m., a father; p. familias or fa- Paupertas, Stis, f. (pauper), poverty, need, miliae, the father ofa family. indigence. Pitra, ae, f., a broad, shallow cup or bowl Paveo, pavi, 2 (akin to moveo), v. n. and a., used for drinking out of and making li- I tremble, am afraid, fear, dread; pavere bations. omnia, to be afraid of everything. Paternus, a, um (pater), adj., of a father, Pax, pacis, f. (paciscor, pango), an agreefatherly, paternal. ment, contract; peace, quiet, tranqullity; Potiens, tis, part. (patior), adj., enduring, permission, leave. bearing, able to bear, capable of endur- Peccatum, i, n. (pecco), a fault, error, of. ing, patient. fence, sin. Patientia, ae, f. (patior), a bearing, suffer- Pecco, 1, v. a. and n., I do wrong or amiss, ing, enduring, undergoing patiently, ca- commit a fault, err, mistake, offend, sin. pacity of endurance, willingness to un- Pectus, ris, n., the breast; figir.: the heart. dergo, patience. PEcunia, ae, f. (pecu), property, wealth, Pftior, passus sum, 3, v. dep. a., I bear, riches; money. endure, suffer, undergo, brook, tolerate, Pecus, Oris, n. (pecu), sheep; cattle in support; I submit to, bear contentedly, general, goats, swine, oxen, horses. acquiesce in, comply with; I last, en- PPcus, Udis, f. (pecu), a sheep, a head of dure, keep; I permit, allow, suffer, let. cattle, an animal, beast. Patria, ae, f. See patrius. Pcdalis, e (pes), adj., of a foot, a foot long Patrlcius, a, um (pater), adj., belonging to or broad. the' primitive Romans (patres), of patri- PMdes, ttis m. (pes), one who goes on foot; - cia rank, patrician, noble. a foot-soldier; the foot-soldiers, infantry. Patrimonium, ii, n. (pater), a paternal es- Pldester, tris, tre (pedes), adj., on foot, petate, inheritance; patriamony; personal destrian; on land. property; an esate,., - - Pddttatus, as, m. (pedes), the infantry or Plitrise, a, uim'ipattr},i dj., of or belong- foot of an army. log to a father, fatherly, paternal; of one's Pejor, us, adj., worse; adv., pejus, worse.,~otttry, native; pratri, se. terra or Pel-lectio, Onis, f. (pellego), a reading sometimes urbs, one's native country or through.:cityiative soil, native land. Pellis, is, f. (akin to vellus and palla), the Patro, 1 (akin to potior), v. a., I effect, per- skin or hide of a beast; a garment or forir, exectte, perpetrate, achieve; pa- tent made of skins; sub pellibus, in tents, trare bellum, to finish a war. in a standing camp, in the camp. PatrcA7nisum, ii, n. (patronus), protection, Pello, p~pi'li, pulsum, 3, v. a., I set in -nopatronag, support. tion, impel; I drive or chase away; I PItrums, i, ms (pate'), an uncle by the fa- drive or force out, remove forcibly, expel, ther's side, a father's brother. dispossess; hostes pellere, to drive back Pauctas, atis, f. (paucus), fewness, scarcity, beat, rout the enemy. paucity. PSndrius, a, um (penus), adj., of or relating Paucus, a, um (allied to paulus), adj., corn- to provisions; cella penaria, a buttery, monly pl., pami, ae, a, few. pantry, larder. PEN 701 PER Pendeo, pependi, 2 (pendo), v. n., to hang, Per-curro, curri and cdcurri, cursum, 3, be suspended; figur.: I am in suspense, v. n., I run or pass through or over; I doubtful; I hang upon, rest or depend run in some direction; v. a., I run or go upon. through or over, traverse; I relate briefly, Pendo, pLpendi, pensum, 3, v. a., I weigh; recite; I examine, survey, meditate upon. I pay, liquidate, discharge; figur.: I Per-cussor, 6ris, m. (percutio), a striker; a weigh, ponder, consider; I esteem, murderer, cutthroat, hired assassin. value; I pay what is due, I suffer, un- Per-datus, a, urn, part. (perdo), adj., lost, dergo; pendere poenas, to pay the penal- past recovery, irreparable, desperate; ty, suffer punishment; magrni pendere abandoned, incorrigible, profligate, dissoaliquid, to value a thing highly. lute. Pdne, adv. See paene. Per-do, dtdi, dttum, 3, v. a., I destroy, ruin; Pines (paene), prp. c. ace.: near, with; I squander, throw away, spend; I corwith, in the power of, in the hands of. rupt, spoil, debauch, ruin; I lose; I beP6Ittus (penes), adv., inwardly, internally; stow uselessly; perlere tempus, to lose fully, thoroughly; entirely, utterly. or waste one's time. Pensus, a, um, part. (pendo), adj., valuable, Per-dico, duxi, ductum, 3, v. a., I bring estimable, precious; nihil pensi habere, through, bring all the way, conduct, not to care or regard, not to mind or con- lead; I draw out, lengthen, prolong; 1 sider, not to value. bring or draw over, persuade; I besmear; Par, prp. c. ace.: through; 1, through a perducere aliquem in suam sententiam, to a place, in the midst, over, along; 2, bring one over to one's own opinion. through a time, during; 3, through Pr-4grinor, I (peregrinus), v. dep. n., I go means, by means of, by; per vos, through abroad, travel through foreign parts; I your means; per me, by my exertions; live in a foreign country. per se, in itself, for itself alone; per de- P&r-eo, ii, rarely Ivi, Otum, ire, v. n., I decus, disgracefully; per insidias, by perish, am lost or ruined, am destroyed; treachery; per occasionem, as opportu- I die. nity offers. -Tn composition,per strength- PEr-quito, 1, v. a., I ride through, round, ens the signification -as perfacilis; or or all over. expresses thoroughness, completeness - Per-facilis, e, adj., very easy; very courteas percutere; or a motion round about - ous; adv., perfacl1. as pervertere; or the idea of destruction Per-fecte (perfectus), adv., completely, per-as perdere, perire; or gives the com- fectly, fully, entirely, exactly. pound a bad sense- asperfidts,perjurare. Per-fcro, tMli, lOetum, 3, V. a:, bear' rPlr-acerbus, a, um, adj, very sour or harsh. carry through; I bear, carry, bring,'onPr-dago, egi, actum, 3, v. a., I carry vey; I support, suffer, brook; I siufer, through, accomplish, perfect, finish, per- endure, undergo, experience.' form, despatch, achieve, execute. Per-ficio, feci, fectum, 3 (per, fadw);, v. a., Par-agro, 1 (per, ager), v. a., I wander or I bring to an end, finish, cosrplete, a-A travel through or over, traverse, survey; complish, effect, perform, achieve, per-' figur.: I pass through, penetrate. feet; I bring about, cause, obtiin, pre Per-bEnevWlus, a, um, adj., very friendly or vail, gain. kiid. Per-fldia, ae, f. (perfidus), perfidy,treachery Per-cello, cili, culsum, 3, v. a.S I thrust, Per-firo, 1, v. a., I bore through, pierce, strike or beat down, overthrow, overturn, perforate. defeat, rout; I astonish, amaze, strike Per-fringe, frogi, fractum, 3 (franco), v. with consternation, a., I break through, break or dash in Per-contatio (percontor) and per-cunctatio pieces, shiver, shatter; figur.: I over(percunctor), Onis, f., an asking, question- come, sulrmount; I infringe, break ing, inquiry, interrogation, through, violate. Per-contor and per-cunctor, 1, v. dep. a. and Per-fruor, fructus sum, 3, v. dep. n., c. n., I ask, ask strictly, interrogate, in- abl.: I enjoy fully or thoroughly; I fulqrlire, demand, question, examine. fil, execute. PER 702 PER Per-ffiga, ae, m. (per.ftgio), a runaway, up in a heap, I confound, throw into confugitive; a deserter. fusion, bring into disorder. Pcr-fiigio,fafgi fgiigtum, 3, v. n., I flee for Per-mitto, mtsi, missum, 3, v. a., I let go succor or shelter; I desert, go over to through, let pass; I let go, let run; the enemy. send, throw, huirl, fling, discharge; I Per-ffgiium, ii, n. (perfugio), a refuge, comlrlit, deliver, intrust; I grant, allow, place of safety, asylum. permit; p. se in potestatem alicujus, to Pergeo, perreri, perrectum, 3 (per, rego), v.' surrender at discretion. n., I go, proceed; I come; c. inf.: I go Per-molestus, a, urn, adj, very troublesome, on with, continue, persevere; v. a., per- vexatious. gere iter, to continue one's journey. Per-moveo, mtvi, uvi, 2um, v. a., I move PNr-honartiflcus., a, um, adj., very honora- through and throulgh, move greatly, stir ble, doing one great honor; showing up, set in brisk motiron; I affect greatly, great honor to another. put into great concern, nmove to pity, anPrieclitor, 1 (perictlum), v. dep. n. and a., ger, or terror; I induce, persuade, preI try, prove, test; I expose to daniger, vail on; I raise, excite, stir up; part., endanger, risk, jeopard. permotus, a, um, moved, induced, preP~rX7citlsus, a, um (periculum), adj., dan- vailedl on, perstuaded. gerous, hazardous, perilous; adv. p6ri- Per-mulceo, Isi, Isu7r and Ictum, 2, v. a., I culosa. stroke, caress, charm, please, refresh; I P ertciilum, i, n. (*perior, experior), a proof, soothe, appease, assuage, allay, still. essay, trial, experiment; risk, danger, Per-nacies,.i, f. (per, neco), destruction, hazard, peril, jeopardy; periculumfucere, ruin, disaster, calamity. to make trial. Per-n'cisus, a, um (pernicies). adj., dePEr-indE (per, is), adv., julst so, in the same structive, ruinous, disastrous, pernicious. manner, equally, in like manner; so, in Per-nosco, nOvi, notum, 3, v. a., I become such a manner, so far; perinde ac, atque, well acquainted with, get correct knowlut, prout, just as, according as, so as, as; edge of; pernovi, 1 am well acquainted perinde ac si, quasi, tanquam, just as if, with, I know well. as if. Per-paucus, a, um, adj., very few. Pdrztus, a, um (*perior, I get experience or Per-pello, puli, pulsum, 3, v. a., I push, knowledge), adj, experienced in, know- thrust greatly; figtlr.: I move or affect ing, well versed, practised, skilled in, thoroughly; I prevail over, conquler; I acquainted with. force, drive, push to, induce, constrain, Per-jfirium, ii, n. (perjuro), a false oath, persulade, impel. perjury; the breakinlg of an oath, a broken Per-pendicluttm, i, n. (perpendo), a plumboath. line, plummet. Per-jftrus, a, um (per, jus), adj., one who Per-pttior, pessus sum, 3 (per, patior), v breaks his oath, perjulres or forswears dep. a., I suffer steadfastly, etndure, bear himself. with patience; I permit. Per-llos, lEgi, lectum, 3, v. a., I read Per-petuo, 1 (perpetuus), v. a., I make perthrough, read to the end; I go through, pettlal, perpetuate; p. verba, to prosurvey in detail. nounce the words in one breath. Per-maosnus, a, um, adj., very great. Per-pltuus, a, um (per, peto), adj., going Per-mtneo, nsi, nsum, 2. v. n., I remain to on, continued, unbroken, uninterrupted; the end, endure, hold out, persist, con- constant, perpetual, permanent; univertintle. sal, general; in perpetuum, sc. tempus, Per-mano, 1, v. n., I flow through, soak forever; adv., perpytuo..throtugh; I spread; figur.: I penetrate Per-pilio, 4, v. a., I polish thoroutghly, I unto, come to or into, Inake my way to, perfect, finish, improve; perpolltus, a, arrive at, reach, extend myself. um, polished completely; finished, rePer-misceo, miscui, mistum or mixtum, 2, v. fined, perfected. a., I mix well together, mingle promis- Per-rumpo, rfipi, ruptum, 3, v. a. and n., cuously, mix up, blend together; I mix I break through, break apart, break asun PER 703 PET der, break to pieces; I force a way Per-tinacia, ae, f. (pertinax), obstinacy, stub. through; I press into, penetrate; figur.: bornness, frowardness, pertinacity, pertiI break through, overcome. naciousness perseverance, constancy. per-scribo, scripsi, scriptum, 3, v. a. and n., Per-tinax, icis (per, tenax), adj., holding I write, prepare in writing, write down hard or fast, cleaving fast; unyielding, accurately and fully; I register; 1 de- obstinate, sturdy, stanch, steadfast, stubscribe in order; I send in writing; 1 take born, pertinacious, steady, uninterrupted, a sketch of, make a plan of. unremitted. Per-squaor, qufitts or cutus sum, 3, v. dep Per-tneeo, nui, 2, v. n. (per, teneo), I exa., I foll)sw, follow after; I strive after, tend, stretch, continue, reach; I aim or endeavor to get, seek or hunt after; I tend, have an influence or effect; I rebusy myself with, pursue, cultivate; I late to, concern, regard, belong to i quae follow, agree with, assent to, approve; I ad effeminandos animos pertinent, what follow close; I revenge, avenge, punish; tends to enervate the mind; quo Alec res I reach, overtake, colme up with, find; pertinet? whither does this tend? what I continue, follow up, prosecute; I carry is the aim of this? hoc nihil ad murtuos through, execute, perform; I explain, pertinet, this has no effect upon the dead; relate, set forth. res ad ilium pertinet, he is the author of Perse.i, ae, m., a Persian. it; ad rem pertinet, it is of use; hoc nihil Per-sbvSro, I (per, severus), v. a. and n., I ad me pertinet, I have no concern thereremain fixed or steadfast, hold out, per- with; si quid hoc ad rem pertinet, if this sist, persevere; I continue; I persist in. is anything to the purpose; quod pertinet Persicus, a, um., adj., Persian. ad, what belongs, pertains, relates to. Per-solvo, solvi, s6lfstumr, 3,v. a., I solve, un- Per-tumultuose, adv., in a very noisy or ravel, explain; I pay completely; figur: tumultuous manner, very disquietingly. I pay, give, render, show, discharge; Per-turbatio, onis, f. (perturbo), a confuspersoluere poenas, to suffer punishment. ing, disturbing; confusion, disturbance, Per-spicio, spexi, spectum, 3 (per, speci), disorder, disquiet, trouble; violent affecv a. and n., I see through, see into; I tion, emotion, passion. see, distinguish; I look through, examine Per-turbo, 1, v. a., I disturb greatly, cotfully, consider well, inspect; I perceive, fuse, embroil, trouble, discompose, disobserve; ascertain, explore. order; I discompose, disquiet, disturb, Per-spicuus, a, urn (perspicio), adj., what stir up, affect violently; I confound, put can be seen through, transparent, clear; out of countenance. evident, plain, manifest. PNr-ungo, unxi, unctum, 3, v. a., I anoint Per-suadeo, sua&i, suiasum, 2, v a, I make all over, besmear. to be believed, c. dat.; persuadere aliyuid P8r-fttlis, e, adj., very useful, very profitalicui, I represent a thing to any one so able. as to make him believe or do it, to per- Per-vsnio, vni, ventum, 4, v. n., I come to, suade one of, convince one of, a thing, arrive at, reach. to prevail upon one to do a thing; hoc Pcr-versis, a, am (perverto), adj., perverse, volunt persuadere, they want to make this not right, wrong, evil, bad. believed; persuadere sibi, to convince or Ps, pxdis, m., the foot; a foot as a persuade one's self, to be convinced, to measure; pedem referre, to go back, rebelieve; persuadetur mihi and persuadeor, treat; pedibus iter facere, to travel by I persuade myself, I believe surely. land; pedibus ire in sententiam, to vote Per-tcnuis, e, adj., very thin or small; by passing to one side of the house;fossa slight, slender, weak, poor. quindecim pedes lata, a ditch fifteen feet Per-terreo, ui, itum, 2, v. a., I frighten broad. greatly, put in great terror, terrify; I Pessrimus or pessnmus, a, um (for peissimus, frighten away; perterritus, a, urn, put in superl. of pejur), adj., the worst, very bad. terror, greatly frightened or terrified. Pestilentia, ae, f. (pestilens), a plague, pesPer-timesco, mui, 3, v. n. and a., I fear tilence, epidemic disease. greatly, am greatly afraid, am in fear. PtTtio, anis, f. (peto), a requesting, asking, 30* ss PET 704 PLU desiring, petition, solicitation; a push, it; it is my opinion, I am of opinion; pass, thrust, blow aimed. Senatui placuit, the senate has ordered, PNto, tivi and tii, Itum, 3, v. a., I ask, beg, passed a decree; placitus, a, um, what has request, desire, entreat; to demand; I pleased, what has beell thought proper. seek to attain, seek to procure, strive Placidus, a, um (placeo), adj., quiet, gentle, after; I take, seize; I fall upon, attack, soft. mild, calm, tranquil, composed, still, assault, rush upon, make a thrust, aim placid; adv., placlde. a blow at; I direct my course, travel to; Planitia, ae, or plinities, ei, f. (planus), a petere aliquid ab aliquo, to beg a thing from plane or even surface, level ground. one; p. fugam, to take to flight, to flee. Planta, ae, f., young plant, set, slip; green PDtuilantia, as, f. (petglans), wantonness, branch, scion, twig, graff, sucker; a impudence, sauciness, love of mischief, plant; the sole of the foot. petulance. Planus, a, um, adj., plain, even, flat, level; PhAlanx, angis, f., a square body of sol- plain, clear, distinct, evident; adv., plane. diers thronged together in firmly-closed Plaudo, si, sum, 3, v. n., to clap; figur.: to ranks. applaud; v. a., I clap, beat. PhassElus, i, m. and f., a sort of bean with Plausus, us, m. ( plaudo), a clapping; a flapa large sabre-like pod, a phasel; a little ping; applause. ship shaped like a phasel. Plautius, a, um, adj., of or belonging to the PhJlol-siphlia, ae, f., philosophy. Plautian gens; Plautian or Plotiann: PlauPhkl3M-sophus, i, m., a philosopher. tia lex. V. Sail. Cat. 31, n. 7. Physjcus, a, um, adj., physical, natural; Plebs, Ei, f. (the old form for plebs), the physics, rum, n., natural or physical commonalty of Rome, common people. things, natural science, physics; physi- Plebi-scitum, i, n. (plebs, scisco), a decree cus, i, m., a natural philosopher, or ordinance of the commonalty. Picenus, a, sm, adj., Picene. Plebs, pldbis, f., the commonalty, the plebePiatas, itis, f. (pius), a sense of duty; piety, ians; the populace, mob, rabble. devotion; respect, dutifulness; love, Plenus, a, um (*ples), adj., filled, full, comgratitude. plete, entire, whole; adv., pling. Pllum, i, n. (pflP), the javelin or dart of the Plerus-que, d-que, um-que, adj., most, the infantry. most; pi., plerique, most persons; very Pllus, i, m. (pilum), a company of the many, a great many; pleraque Africa, Triarii; primus pilus or primipilus, the the greater part of 4frica; plerumque, first company of the Triarii; the centu- the most, the most part, the greatest rion of this company. part; adv., for the most part, commonly. Pingo, pinxi, pictum, 3, v, a., I paint, de- Pluo, plui and pluvi, 3, v. n. and a., to rain; pict; I paint with the needle, embroider; pluit, it rains; res, re, or rem pluit, it figur.: I variegate, diversify; I adorn, rains such a thing, such a thing rains, embellish. comes down in rain; lacte pluisse, it had Piscina, ae, f. (piscis), a fish-pond. rained milk. Piscis, is, m., a fish. Plfres. See plus. Pistoriensi, e, adj., of or belonging to Pis- Pltirids or plfriens (plus), adv., several toriunm,a city in Etruria, Pistorian. V. times, often, oftentimes. Sall. Cat. 57. Plirinmus. See plus. Pius, a, nm (akin to fdus), adj., firm, faith- Plus, ris, pi., pliares, a, adj., compar. of fill, rightly disposed, pious, religious, de- multus; more. Plus is used as a subvout, virtuous, conscientious, godly, holy, stantive and as an adverb; plus pecuniae, good; just, permitted, righteous, honest, more money; plus faceres, to do more; innocent; lawful, legitimate, just; gra- non plus quam, no more than, as little as; cio1s, kind, friendly; pius in parentes, af- non plus (quam) duobus mensibus, not fectionate towards parents; adv., pie. longer than two months; pluris est, it is Pkiceo, cui, cLtum, 2, v. n., I please, am worth more; pluris putare, to esteem agreeable, give content, give satisfaction, higher; pluris emere, to buy dearer; *. dat.; placet snhi, it pleases me, I like plures, more than one, several; ne plsra, POE 705 POR se. dicam, in shott; superl., plurimus, a, pose, fix; I propose as a theme; I lay or urn, very much,'most; plurimus labor, set in order, arrange; I lay aside, lay very much work; plurimum, the most, down, put off; I lay aside, leave off, forevery much; plurimum studii, very much go, give up; I give, impose as a name; study; plurimi facere, to esteem very ponere castra, to pitch a camp; p. aliquid highly; plurimum, adv, very much, ante oculos or in conspectu, to place a most, especially; at the most, at the thing before one's eyes; p. vitam, to lose, utmost; for the greatest part. end one's life; p. curam, operam in re, to Poena, ae, f, revenge for bloodshed, punish- bestow care, work upon a thing. ment, vengeance; the ransom-money for Pens, tis, m. (pono), a bridge. a deed of blood; satisfaction for a crime. Pontt-fex, Icis, m., a pontifex, chief priest, Poentteo, ui, 2 (poena), v. a., I punish, high-priest. cause regret or repentance; id me poeni- Pontt-ficatus, fs, m. (pont'ex), the offilc tet, it repents me, I repent of it. or dignity of a pontifex. Puota, ae, m., a poet, bard; a maker, Piptldris, e (populus), adj., of or belonging Pilio, 4, v. a.. I polish, smoothe, furbish, to the people; belonging to the same comfile; I adorn, embellish, refine, trim. pany, society, or party; favorable to or Politta, ae, f., the State, the name of one courting the common people; popular; of Plato's works. mean, common; subst., accomplice, partPollens, tis, part. (polleo), adj., able, pow- ner. erful, strong; distinguished. Ppultldtio.snis, f. (populor), a laying waste, Polleo, 2 (akin to valeo), v. n., I'am able, depopulating, ravaging, ransacking, pilam strong or mighty, prevail much, ex- laging, plundering. eel, exceed. Ppuiilo, 1, and piptlor, 1 (populus), v. a., I Pollex, tcis, m. (polleo), the thumb. depopulate, desolate, ravage, lay waste, Polltceor, Itus sum, 2 (por for pro, liceor), plunder, pillage. v. dep. a., I offer much, I promise. Populus, i, n., a mnltitude, large number Pollecitatio, dnis, f. (pollicitor), a free or of people; a people, nation; the common volluntary promise. people. Pollclitor, I (poUiceor),v. freq. a.,I-promise. Portius, a, um, adj., Porcian. Porcia ezx. Pot-lto, ui, itum, 3 (por for pro, luo), v. V. Sail. Cat. 51, n. 28. a., I soil, defile, contaminate, pollute; I Por-rgo, rexi, rectum, 3 (por for pro, rego), corrupt, taint, violate. v. a., I stretch or spread out, extend; I Pomarius, a, um (pomum), adj., of or be- offer, give, protract, prolong, continue. longing to fruit or fruit-trees; pomarius, PorrO, adv., far off, at a &istance; farther, a fruiterer, seller of fruits; pomarium, farther on; hereafter, henceforth, again; an orchard. next, then, moreover, besides. Pompa, ae, f., a solemn procession; any Porta, ae, f., a gate; an outlet, inlet. procession, train; figilr.: pomp, parade, Portstio, Onis, f. (porto), a carrying, conshow, ostentation, display. veyance. Pondus, Xris, n. (pendo), a weight used in Portendo, di, turn, 3 (for protendo), v. a, I the scale; the weight of a thing; weight, stretch forth, qhow; I presage, portend, heaviness, load, burden; figur.: weight, forebode, foretell. authority, importance, value, quantity, Portentdss, a, um (portentum), adj., monnumber, multitude. strous, prodigious, wonderful, portentous, Pone, pisui, pisitum, 3, v. a., I put, place, extraordinary. set, lay; I set, sow, plant; I set up, Portentum, i, n. (portendo), an omen, proderect, build; I form, fashion; I think, igy, miracle, portent. judge, esteem, reckon, account; I put Porto, 1, v. a., I bear, carry, convey. on, cause to rest or depend on; I set Portdrium, ii, n. (porto), duty paid foe down, state, say, cite,, quote; I lay down goods imported, portage, tollage, custom, for a truth, assert; I allay, calm; I set impost, toll. over, appoint as a watch; [ serve up, Portul, fis, m., a port, harbor, haven; a set before one at table; I lay down, pro- place of refuge, shelter, asylum. POS 706 PRA Posco, pSposci, 3, v. a., I ask, call for, de- Postiultum, i, n. (postulo), a demand, re mand, desire, pray earnestly, importune. quest. Possessio, anis, f. (possidao), a possessing, Postule, 1 (posco), v. a., I wish to have, de. possession, a possession, property, an mald, ask, desire, require, will, pray, estate. beg; I ask or inquire after; I seek, en. Pos-sldeo, sSdi, sessum, 2 (po, sedeo), v. a., deavor, attempt, wish; I prosecute, arI possess, have, hold, enjoy, own, am raign, impeach; postulare aliquid ab master of; I occupy. aliquo, and p. aliquem aliquid, to demand Pos-sido, sedi, sessum, 3 (po, side), v. a., I anything from any one; p. de colloquio, possess myself of, take possession of; to demand a conference. possessus, a, um, taken into possession Pitens, tis, part. (possum), adj., having possessed. power, able, capable, powerful, efficaPos-sum, pttui, posse (potis, sum), v. n., I cious; potent, mighty, strong; wealthy, am able; I can, may; I am able to do, having great weight or influence; havI have weight, influence, or efficacy; ing power over, ruling over, master, potest, it is possible. ruler. Post (same as pone), 1, adv., after, after- Pdtentatus, us, m. (potens), power, dominwards; paullo post, soon afterwards; ion, rule, command in a state. multo post, long afterwards; paucis post Potentia, ae, f. (potens), power, faculty, diebus, a few days after; post qualm, after ability. capacity, force, efficacy; might, that; post esse, to be behind, slighted or authority, sway; supreme power, emneglected; 2, prp. c. accus.: after or pire, rule; dominion. since; below, beneath, under; after; Potestas, atis, f. (posse), power or ability to behind; post castra, in the rear of the do anythi.g, power over anything; camp. power, dominion, rule, empire, governPost-ea, adv., afterwards, after that or this, ment; power, virtue, efficacy, force, hereafter; farther, besides. operation, effect; opportunity; power, Posteaquam, conj., after that, after, since. permission, leave, liberty, license; slub Postrlttas, dtis, f. (posterus), future time, potestatemr redigcre, to subdue; facere futurity, posterity, descendants, after- sui potestatem alicui, to give opportunity ages; in posteritatem., for the future. to any one to obtain from us what he Postrrus, a, um (post), adj., coming after, wishes; facere alicui potestatem, to grant following, next, ensuing; posteri, de- leave, to give an opportunity, to allow, scendants, posterity; compar., postlrior, permit. ius, coming after, following, second, Potior, ptiltus sum, 4 (potis), v. dep. n., c. latter, posterior; inferior, worse; poste- abl.: I am or become master of, gain or rius, adv., after, afterwards; superl., take possession of, acquire, gain, get, obpostrTmus and postimus, a, um, the last, tain, reach; p. imperio, and rerum potiri, hindmost; the worst, vilest; postrema to obtain the chief power; summam imacies, the rear; postremum, the last, the perii potiri, to have, occupy, possess the end; postremo, lastly, ultimately, finally, supreme power. at last; ad postremum, at last; postre- Ptior, ins, aris (potis), adj., compar., betmum, for the last time. ter, preferable, more excellent; superl., Post-hac, adv., after this, hereafter, in fu- potissimus, a, urm, best, choicest, chief, ture, henceforth. especial. Post-quam, conj., after, after that, when, as PMtis, pdte, adv., able, possible; comr soon as. par., potius, rather, preferable, better, Postremus, a, un. See posterus. dearer, more; superl., potissime, most of Postri-dig (for postero die), adv.. the day all, especially, chiefly, principally. after, the day following; p. ejus die, the PStius (potts), adv., see potis; adj., see day after that day. potior. Post-sum fui, esse, v. n., to be after or be- Pbto, avi, alum and patum, 1, v. a. and n., hind, to be future; to be given up, to I drink, drink hard, tipple, carouse. give place. Prae, prp. c. abl.: before; prae se agere, tc PRA 707 PRA drive before one's self; prae se ferr, Prae-dtco, 1, v. a., I cry in public, proto hold before one's self; figur.: to ex- claim, publish; I make known, say, hibit, manifest, show, discover, betray; tell, relate, report; I praise, commend, prae metu, for fear, through fear; eos prae extol, celebrate, make honorable meution se agrevtes putat, he thinks them rustic of. in comparison with himself. Prae-ditus, a, un (prae, datus), adj., enPrae-acdFtus, a, um, adj., pointed before, dued with, possessed of, furnished or pointed, sharpened. gifted with, c. abl. Praebeo, bui, bttum, 2 (for prae-hibeo, habeo), Praedium, ii, n. (praes), a farm, estate, v. a., I hold before, hold out, proffer, manor. offer; I expose, yield, give up; I show, Praedo, fnis, m. (praeda), one that makes exhibit; I give, do; I supply, furnish, booty, a robber, pillager, plunderer. afford. Praedor, 1 (praeda), v. dep. n. and a., I Prae-civeo, cani, cautum, 2, v. n., I take make booty, rob, plunder, pillage, spoil, care, stand on my guard, am on the ravage. watch; c. dat.: I take care of any one's Prae-fectira, ae, f. (praefectus), the office safety; v. a., I endeavor to ward off, of a president, overseer, or superintendprevent, provide or guard against. ent; the government of a country or Prae-cEdo, cessi, cessum, 3, v. n. and a., I town; a district, province. go before, precede; figur.: I excel, sur- Prae-fectus, i, m. (praeficio), a superinpass, outdo. tendent, overseer, president, commander, Prae-ceps cipitis (prae, caput), adj., head- prefect; a general or colonel of allied long, with the head foremost; swift, cavalry. hastening; steep, precipitous, sloping; Prae-f ro, tili, litum, 3, v. a., I bear or figur.: precipitate, inconsiderate, hasty, carry before, stretch forth; I betray, rash; subst., a precipice. show, discover, manifest, indicate, exPraeceptum, i, n. (praecipio), an order or hibit; I prefer, choose rather. direction; a precept, rule; admonition, Prae-ficio, feci, fectum, 3 (prae, facio), v. advice, instruction, command, injunction. a., I set over, cause to preside over, dePrae-cIpio, cepi, ceptum, 3 (prae, capio), ptlte, constitute, delegate. v. a., I take, seize, or receive before; I Prae-finio, 4, v. a., I determine or appoint preoccupy; I know beforehand; I give beforehand, I prescribe. advice before, admonish, warn, say, give Praelium. See proelium. ru'les or precepts; I give prescriptions, Prae-mdtfrus, a, um, adj., ripe before the enjoin, order, command, prescribe. usual time, very early, untimely, too Prae-clplto, I (praeceps), v. a., I throw or early, premature. tumble headlong, precipitate; I cast Prae-mitto, misi, missum, 3, v. a., I send or down; v. n., I fall down, throw myself despatch before. down; I am too hasty. Praemium, ii, n., a reward, recompense Prae-clpuus, a, um (praecipio), adj., parti- profit, advantage. cular, peculiar, special; remarkable, Prae-opto, 1, v. a., I wish rather, desire principal, distinguished, excellent, adv., more, choose rather, prefer. praecIpu. Prae-paro, 1, v. a., I make ready before, Prae-clarus, a, um, adj., very clear or prepare; I make ready, make. bright; very much celebrated; excellent, Prae-p6no, posui, pisitum, 3, v. a., I put or noble, distinguished, remarkable; p. set before, place first; I set over, intrust est, he distinguishes himself; adv., with the charge or command of, appoint; praeclarg. I prefer, value, or esteem more. Praeda, ae, f. (praes), prey, booty, plunder, Prae-rumpo, rups, ruptum, 3, v. a., I break spoil, pillage. or tear off before, break off, tear off;'rac-dlcatio, Onis, f. (praedlco), a saying in part., praeruptus, a, um; adj., figur.: public, a publishing, spreading abroad; bolt, precipitate, violent, furious. a proclamation by the public crier; a Prae-scrlbo, ipsi, ipttLm, 3, v. a.. I write bepraising, commending. fore, prefix il writing; I delineate, de. PRtA 708 PRE scribe; I prescribe, order, appoint, direct, with; except, beside, save, beyond, concommand. trary to, against; above, more than; prae. Prae-scriptum, i, in. (praescrib(), a pre- ter quam, besides, except, save only; praescription, rile, order, precept ter consuetudinem, contrary to custom. Prae-sens, tis, part. (praesum), adj., present, Praet&r-ed. adv., besides, moreover. in person, personally; ready; effectual, Praetyr-eo, Ivi and ii, Itum, ire, 4, v. n., I prompt; manifest, sure; resolute, deter- go or pass by; of time: to pass by, pass, mined, confident, daring; aiding, help- elapse; v. a., I go or pass by, pass along; ing, propitious, favorable; now, at pres- to escape one's knowledge, be unknown; ent; in praesens tempus, in praesens, for I pass by or over in silence, make no the present; praesentia, the present cir- mention of, omit, leave out; I pass over, cumstances, the present state of affairs. omit, make no use of; I reject, take no Prse-sentia, ae, f. (praesCns), presence; p. notice of, exclude; praeterita, things that animi, presence of mind, resolution, cour- are past, things gone by, the past. age; in praesentia, in the present mo- Praeter-mitto, misi, missum, 3, v. a., I let ment, at present. pass; 1 omit, neglect; I leave out, make Prde-sertim (prae, sero), adv., especially, no mention of; I pass by or over, overprincipally, particularly. look, omit to notice, do not punish, parPrae-sldeo, sedi, sessunm, 2 (prae, sedeo), v. don, connive at. n., I sit before; I guard, protect, c. dat.; Praeter-quam, adv., besides, beyond, save, I preside over, have the charge, manage- except; p. quod, besides that, but that. ment, or care of, superintend, direct,com- Praetor, Oris, m. (for prae-ltor, fron praemand: I command. eo), a leader, chief; a general, comPrae-sldium, ii, n. (praeses), defence, pro- mander; a magistrate at Rome who adtection, help, assistance; a guard, protec- ministered justice. tion; convoy, escort, garrison; reserve; Praetorius, a, urn (praetor), adj., of or bea station, camp; ese alicui praesidio, to longing to a general, praetor, br propraeassist, help, protect a person. tor; praetoria cohors, the suite or bodyPrae-stdbtlis, a (praesto), adj., excellent, guard of a governor, proconsul, or prodistinguished, noble. praetor; navispraetoria, the commander's Prae-stans, tis, part. (praesto), adj., supe- or admiral's ship; vir praetorius, a praerior, excelling; excellent, distinguished, torian man, one that has been praetor; remarkable, notable. praetorium, sc. tentorium, the general's Praesto (allied to praes), adv., present, here, tent. ready at hand. Praetrfa, ae, f. (praetor), the praetorship; Prae-sto, stati, stitum &nd status, 1, v. n. the office or dignity of a praetor. and a., I stand before; I am superior to or Prditum, i, n., a meadow. better than; c. dat.: I excel, surpass, ex- Pravus, a, urn, adj., crooked, distorted, deceed, outstrip; c. acc.: I warrant, answer formed, perverted, improper, wrong, bad. for, take upon myself; I make, do, exe- Precor, I (prex), v. dep. n. and a., I pray, cute, perform, cause, effect; I keep, abide entreat, beg, beseech; I invoke; I supby, act up to, make good, discharge, main- plicate. tain; I show, exhibit prove, evince, mani- PrW-hendo or prendo, di, sum, 3, v. a., I take, fest; Ibestow, afford; praestat, it is pref- lay hold of, grasp, catch, seize; I fall in erable or better; praestare fidem, to keep or meet with, accost, stop, detain; I catch, one's promise; praestare se, to show, take by surprise; figur.: I take, catch, prove, or behave one's self. comprehend, perceive, observe, notice. Prae-sum,fi, fiesse, v. n., c. dat: I am be- Pramo, pressi, pressum, 3. v. a., I press; I fore; I am set over, preside over, rule press upon, press, urge, pursue, chase, over; I am the chief person, manager, harass, incommode; I urge'or ply with author, adviser, abettor; praeesse exer- words; I press or squeeze out; figur.: I citui, to have the command of an army. compress, abridge; I stop, arrest, hinder, Prae-ter (prae), adv., and prp c. ace.: close check; premi aefe alieno, to be oppressed by, near, along, past; besides, together or overwhelmed with debt; premnerse p PRE 709 PRO pidum obsidione, to lay close siege to a Prius (prior), adv., before, sooner, rather town. p. quam, before that, before. Prendo. See prehendo. Prtvatim (privatus), adv., in his own afPrEtium, ii, n., worth, value, price; re- fairs, in his own name, in a private caward, punishment; pay, hire, wages; pacity, privately, in private. anything worth the trouble, or that repays Prvditus, a, urm, part. (privo), adj., private; the trouble; money, gold, silver, coin belonging or relating to individuals. a price given or expected as a reward. Privi-gnus, i, m. (for privigenus, from priPrex, Scis, f. (precor), a prayer, praying, vus and gign,), a stepson. entreaty; a curse, imprecation. Pro, prp. c. abl.: before, in front of, right Pri-dem (*pris, allied to prior), adv., long opposite to; in, on; for, according to, ago, long since, a long time ago; for- compared with; for, on account of, by merly, before; a little while ago, just reason of; for, in the place of, instead before. of; for, to the advantage of, in favor of; Pri-dig (for priori die), adv., on the day be- as, for, as good as; pro oppido, before the fore; p. ejus diei, on the day before that town; pro tempore et pro re, according day; p. Idus, on the day before the Ides. to time and circumstance; pro mea parts, Primt-ptlus or prImo-pllus, i, m., the chief for my part; pro magistro, as a master; tenturion of the triarii. pro vallo, instead of a rampart; pro amiPrtmf (primus), adv., at the first, at first, co, as a friend; hoc pro me est, it is for in the first place, first of all. me; pro suffragio, by a vote; pro eo ae, Pirmum (primes), adv., in the beginning, atque, quam, quantum, according as; pro at first, for the first tine; p. omnium, eo quod, because; pro eo, for it, for this, first of all; quam p., as soon as possible; for that; pro ut, as, just as, according ut p., ubi p., quam p., as soon as. as; pro imperio, by virtue of the supreme Primus, a, urn (prior), adj., the first in command, imperiously. order, place, or timet; the foremost; the PrO or prok! interj., 0! ah! alas! chief, principal, most excellent; aprimo, Probatus, a, um, part. (probo), adj pleasfrom the beginning; in primsis, in the be- ant, acceptable, agreeable. ginning, at first; first, before all; above PrObitas, atis, f. (probus), goodness; proball, chiefly, especially. ity, honesty. Prin-ceps, ipis (primus, capio), adj., the PrTbo, I (probus), v. a., I consider as good, first, most distinguished or noble, first in approve, am satisfied with; I try, examrank; subst., a prince, ruler, emperor; a ine, inspect; I make pleasing, agreeable, leading man, superior, chief, director, or credible, I prove, show, demonstrate, president; an author, promoter, leader, make good, make out, convince; 1 exhead. hibit, manifest, show; probari, to be esPtin —clpdlis, e (princeps), adj., the first, teemed or regarded as something; prooriginal; principal, chief. bari alicui, to please a person; probatus, Prin-cepatus, is, m. (princeps), the first or a, urn, ascertained, verified. chief place, pre-eminence, preference; Probrum, i, n, a bad or shameful act; imperial power, dignity, or government; whoredom, adultery; disgrace, dishonor, sovereignty, rule, dominion. infamy, reproach. Prin-ctpium, ii, n. (princeps), a beginning, PrObus, a, urn, adj., good; honest, upright, Commencement, origin: in principio, in virtuous. the beginning, at first; a principio, from Procax, acis (proco), adj., demanding, imthe beginning, from the first, at first; the pudent, insolent, forward, pert, wanton. front lines of an army. * Pri-cldo, cessi, cessum, 3, v. n.,I go before, Prior, prius, oris (pro), adj., compar., for- go forth; I come, grow, or spring forth, mer, prior, antecedent, previous, first; appear, rise I proceed, advance, go forpriores, um, in., forefathers, ancestors. ward, go; I advance, make progress, inPristlnus, a, um (pro), adj., ancient, old, crease; I succeed; to pass by, elapse; former, first, original, pristine; last, just to last, continue; to go on, succeed, turn passed, of yesterday. out; to go on well, prosper, turn out PRO 710 PRO well; to benefit, be of use; longius pro- long, protract, continue; I delay, prosedere, to go farther or to a greater tract, procrastinate; I prolong, put off, length. defer; I induce, prevail upon, allure, enPrO-cerotas, dtis, f. (procerus), tallness, tice, incite, cause; I guide, educate, inlength, height. struct. Pr —cErus, a, um (pro, cresco), adj., grown Proelior, 1 (proelium), v. dep. n., I fight, up, long, tall, high. engage, join battle; contend in fight. Pro-consul, is, m., the governor of a prov- Proelium, ii, n., a fight, battle, engagement, ince, commander of an army, procon- combat, conflict, contest. sul. Pro-fanus, a, um (pro, fanum), adj., that Pro-creo, 1, v. a., I beget, generate, pro- which is not dedicated to any god, not create, engender, produce, propagate, sacred, conmmon, profane; odious, abombring forth; I cause. inable; wicked, impious. Pr?-crl (procello), adv., far, far off, from a Pr6-fectio, onis, f. (proficiscor), a going distance, aloof; at some distance. away or to a place, a setting out, dePra-cumbo, cibui, ciibtum, 3, v. n., I fall parture, journey, march, voyage. forward, fall down, lay myself down, lie Pr6-fecto (pro, facto), adv., indeed, certaindown, sink; I lean forward upon any- ly, surely, truly, in truth, assuredly. thing; 1 fall down, go to ruin; I throw Prr-ftro, tuli, ldtum, ferre, v. a., I bring upon, rush upon, attack. forth; I invent, discover, make known, Pro-cfiratio, Snis, f. (procure), the adminis- spread about, reveal; I cite, quote, altration or doing of a thing; the place or lege, mention, bring forward; I prooffice of a procurator. nounce, utter; I advance, go on; I place Prf-ciurdtor, Oris, in. (procuro), an agent, farther, put forward; I enlarge, extend, manager, administrator, superintendent, widen; I defer, put off; proferre se, to governor, procurator. come forth, arise, appear; aliquid in mePro-curro, curri and cicurri, cursum, 3, v. dium proferre, to bring anything forward; n., I run forth, run or jut out, project, gradum proferre, to advance, go on; run to. diem proferre, to put off the day apPr5-d-eo, ii, ttum, ire, 4 (pro, eo), v. n., I pointed. go or come forth; I go forward, advance, Pro-ficio, fci,fectum, 3 (pro,facio), v. a., proceed; longius prodire, to go on. I advance, make progress, derive advanPro-d-lgium, ii, n. (prodigo), anything lav- tage, increase, obtain, effect; I am of use ished forth by nature, a strange, unnatu- or serviceable, effect, accomplish, help, ral appearance or thing, a prodigy, por- contribute. tent, miracle, omen; a monster. Pri-ficiscor, fectus, sum, 3 (pro, facio, faPro-do, didi, ditum, 3 (pro, do), v. a., I cesso, faciscor), v. dep. n., I set out, go, give or bring forth; I make known, pub- travel, journey, march; I depart; I belish; I relate, report, write, hand down, gin, commence; to proceed, arise, take transmit by writing; I appoint, elect; I origin, spring from. discover, betray; I expose to danger; I Pro-flteor, fessus, sum, 2 (pro, fateor), v. give over treacherously, yield or surren- dep. a. and n., I profess, declare openly, der perfidiously; I desert, abandon, or own, acknowledge, avow; I offer freely, forsake treacherously; memoriae prodere, promise; I make a public statement; p. to write as an historian, to hand down to indicium, to make a deposition, give eviposterity; fidem prodere, to break one's dence; p. nomen, to give in one's name, word. make application for anything; professus, Pro-dico, duxi, ductum, 3, v. a., I lead or a, urn, declared, known, confessed, manbring forth, lead out; I raise, advance, ifest. promote, make celebrated or distinguish- Pro-flIgo, 1, v. a., I throw or dash to the ed; I bring forth, produce, beget, gen- ground, throw or cast down, overthrow, erate, procreate; I discover, make known, conquer, defeat. disclose; I allure forth; I draw out, Pro-fluo, fluxi, fluxum, 3, v n., to flow stretch or lengthen out, extend; I pro- forth; to flow to, flow. PRO 711 PRO Pr&f-ftiogi, fiigltum, 3, v. n. and a., I forward, let hang down, let grow, length. flee, run away, escape; I flee before or en, exteld; I say, assure; I promise, from, avoid carefully. vow; I predict, say beforehand. Pr6-Jfgus, a, um (profugio), adj, fleeing Prd-monterium, ii, n. (pro, mons), the proor having fled, fugitive; put to flight; jecting part of a mountainl; a promonprofugus, an exile, banished person. tory, cape. Pro-fundo, fsdi, fdsum, 3, v. a., I shed co- Pri-mbveo, mvi, mOtum, 2, v. a., I move piously, pour forth or out; I throw away, forwards, make to advance; move onspend uselessly; I spend extravagantly, ward, advance; I advance, extend, enlavish, squander away, waste; I spend, large; I profit, accomplish; I promote. bestow upon, give; p. se, to pour forth, Promptus, fis, m., only iui the phrase, in rush forth; to spread. promptu (esse, habere, ponere, &c.), pubPri6-fundus, a, um (pro. fundus), adj., deep, lic, openl, visible, manifest, before the profound, bottolllless,immleasurable; high. eyes; ingrenium in prompte habere, to disPro-Jits (profusus), adv., profusely, lavish- play; readiness; only, in promptu esse, ly, extravagantly, excessively. habere, to be at hand, to have ready; Proffisus, a, um (profundo), part. and adj., ease, facility; only, in promnptu esse, to immoderate, excessive, profuse; prodi- be easy. gal, wasteful, lavish. Promptus and promtus, a, um, part. (proPro-gnatus, a, um, adj., descended, sprung mo), adj., brought forth, visible, manifrom, born of; subst, a descendant. fest, evident; ready, prepared, at hand; Pro-grldior, gressus sum, 3 (pro, gradior), prompt, active, vigorous, quick, expev. dep. n., I come or go forth, go on or ditious, bold; easy, practicable. forward, advance, proceed; I go away, Pr5-mulgo, 1 (pro, vulgus), v. a., I publish depart; I advance, proceed, go on, in- or spread abroad, proclaim, promulgate, crease. divulge. Pro-gressus, iis, m. (proogredior), a going Pro-nuncio, 1, v. a., I publish, proclaim, forth; a going forward, advance; figur.: announce; I disclose, discover, reveal, increase, growth, progress. say; I say, tell, report, relate; I create, Pr6hhlbeo, ui, Itum, 2 (pro, habeo), v. a., I nominate, appoint to an office; I recite, keep off, back, or away, keep or ward rehearse; I give sentence. off, debar, hinder, impede, stop, pre- Pronus, a, umrn, adj., bending forward, leanvent, pruhibit, restrain, forbid, defend, ing forward; going or inclinling downprotect. wards; situated or lying towards; inPri-in and pril-inde, adv., hence, there- clined to anything, disposed, prone; fore, on that account; just so, equally. easy, practicable. Pro-j'eio, jeci, jectum, 3 (pro, jacio), v. a., Pro-oemium, ii, n., an introduction, preface; I throyw forth or before; I stretch ollt, a beginning. extend; I project; I eject, expel, cast or Pr-pagratio, dnis, f. (propaorr), a propagatdrive out; I banish, exile; I throw down ing; extension, enlargement. or away; I give up, yield. renounce, re- Pri-pago, tlis, f. (propano), that which is sign, reject, disdain; I despise, desert, propagated, a set, layer; a descendant, give tip or expose in a shameful manner; offspring. se projicere, to throw one's self down, Pr6px, adv., near, nigh; nearly, almost; fall down or prostrate. prope castra, near the camp; proxime hosPr-lato, 1 (profero), v. freq. a.. I enlarge, tium castris, very near the camp of the extend, lengthen, prolong, amplify, di- enemy. late; I put off, defer, delay, protract. PrlpP-diem (prope, dies), adv., within ~ PrJ-miscuus, a, um (pro, misceo), adj., few days, in a short time, shortly, very mixed; common; divina atque humana soon. promiscua habere, to make no distinction PrO-pello, ptli, pulsum, 3, v. a., I drive bebetween things human and divine. fore me, drive out or forth; I drive PrO-missum, i, n. (promitto', a promise. fulrther or forwards, pulsh on, propel; I Pro-mitto, misi, missum, 3, v. a., I let go put in motion, move; I drive away; PRO 712 PRO I keep or ward off, repel, remove; I PrOa, ae, f., the prow or forepatt of a hurl, throw; I overthrow. ship. Prpte-modum (prope, modus), adv., nearly, Pro-rApio, rlpui, reptum, 3 (pro, rapio), v. almost; nearly in the same manner. a., I snatch or drag forth; I snatch or Priplro, 1 (properus), v. a., I make haste, hurry away; proripere se, to hasten forth, hasten, make speed, am quick; I do, rush out or away. make, prepare anything with haste, I PrO-r5go, 1, v.a., I prolong;Idefer, putoff. hasten, accelerate. Prorsus (fir proversus), adv., forwards; Priplrus, a, um (pro, r-pJEw), adj., quick, straight on or along, right onward; cerhasty, speedy; adv., prdp&rg. tainly, truly; exactly, precisely, just; PrSpinquitas, atis, f. (propinquus), near- entirely, utterly, wholly; generally, in ness, nighness, vicinity, proximity, neigh- a word, in short. borhood; relation by blood, affinity. Pr6-rao, rui, riitum, 3, v. n., I rush against; Pr5pinquus, a, um (prope), adj., neighbor- fall or tumble down; v. a., I cast foring, near; near at hand; similar, like; ward, cast or throw forth; I throw or near of kin, allied, nearly related; pro- cast down, overthrow, overturn, pull pinquus, a kinsman, relation. down, demolish. Propior, ius, oris, adj. (prope), nearer; Pro-scribo, ipsi, iptum, 3, v. a., I publish later, more recent; more nearly related by writing; I offer or post up in writing, or allied, more closely akin, more nearly advertise; I declare or publish in writing resembling, more like; more closely con- that one's lands, hou.es, &c. are forfeitnected; better adapted or suited; better, ed; I proscribe or outlaw one. preferable; propior hostem, nearer to the Pro-scriptio, Onis, f. (proscribo), a publishenemy. ing in writing; a posting up in writing pri-pOno, pSsui, pOsVtum, 3, v. a., I set or proclaiming of a thing to be sold; a forth, set before or ulp, offer, present; proscription or outlawry; a dooming to I place before the eyes, represent to my- death and confiscation. self, imagine; I state, lay down, propose, Pro-squaori, qufttus or cfitus sum, 3, v. dep. say; I report, represent, declare, point a., I follow after, follow, go with, accomout, explain, tell, relate; I publish, make pany, attend; I honor, adorn, present known; I announce, promise, offer; I with anything; I continue my discourse, mention, suggest, prompt; I resolve on, speak further, continue, proceed; I purdesign, intend, determine, purpose; pro- sue. positum est mihi, I have resolved, I in- Pro-spectus, is, m. (prospicio), a looking tend. forward; a sight, view, prospect; the Pro-praetor, oris. m., a propraetor, gover- eyes; an appearance, outward show. nor of a province invested with the au- Pro-sper and pro-speruts, a, um (pro, pero), thority of a praetor. adj., as hoped for, agreeable to one's proprius, a, urn, adj., private, proper, pecu- wishes, favorable, prosperous, lucky, liar, particular, special, own; lasting, fortlnate; adv., prospers. permanent, perpetual, firm, steady; fit, Pro-sptcio, spezi, spertum, 3, v. a., 1 look apt, suitable, proper; especial, singular, forward, see4 c. dat.: I take care of, extraordinary; proprium, one's own, provide. consult, use precaution prevent; property, nature, peculiar quality. I see, view, behold from a distance; I Propter (for propiter, from prope), adv.. foresee; I look to, procure, supply. near, hard by; prp. c. acc.: near, hard PrO-sum, pr6-fui, prod-esse, to do good, be by, close to; for, on accountof, by reason profitable or serviceable, be advantageous, of, owing to: through. avail, conduce, c. dat. Povptlr-se, adv., therefore, for that reason, Pro-ttnus or pro-tMnus (pro. tenus). adv., on that account. before one's self, forward, onward, fur. P/Io-pufno, 1, v. a. and n., I fight in de- ther on, further; so on, again, firther, fence of, contend for, defend. in the next place, hereupon; immediPro pulso, 1 (propello), v. freq. a., I drive ately, directly, instantly, forthwith; colback, repel, keep or ward off. tinuously, uninterruptedly, constantly. PRO 713 PUR PrO-turbo, i, v. a., I drive or push away, Pfiibc.co, buti, 3 (pubes), v. n., I get the first thrust out by force, push off, repel, re- downi ot the beard, arrive at the age of pulse.,puberty, grow up to manhood; to grow Pro-vt/to, vexi, vectum, 3, v. a., I carry or 1p; to become downy. conduct forth; I put forward, promote, Publicanus, a, um:publicus), adj., relating raise, advance, prefer, exalt; I conduct, to the revenue of the state, or to the farmconvey, carry away, on, along, or fur- ing of the revenue; subst., publicanus, a ward; I transport; I mislead, seduce; farmer of the public revenue. provehi, to ride or sail forth, advance; Pubtico, 1 (publicus), v. a., I give to the to proceed, advance, go further, go too public, appropriate to the state, confisfar. cate. Pro-vlnio, veni, ventum, 4, v. n., I come Publfcus, a, urn (populus), adj., public, forth, appear, am born or produced, be- common, belonging to the state, town, or come; to come to pass, occur, happen; community; common, general, universal; to succeed well, prosper. adv., publics. Pro-vldentia, ae, f. (provideo), a foreseeing, Publius, i, m., a Roman praenomen; abforeknowing; foresight, forethought, cau- breviated, P. tion, prudence; providence. PMtdeo, dui, ditum, 2, v. n., I am ashamed; Pro-vldeo, vtdi, visum, 2, v. a. and n., I pudet me tui, I am ashamed before you; look forward, see; I am cautious, on my hos infamiae suae pudet, they are ashamed guard, take care, act cautiously; I pro- of their disgrace. vide, make provision, see to, look after, PudIcItia, ae, f (pudicus), shamefacedness, take care of; I foresee; I provide for, pro- chastity, modesty, discreetness, virtue. cure; I prevent, guard against, avoid. Pdor, bris, m. (pudeo), shame; regard,,PrO-vincia, ae, f. (pro, vinco, or more prob- respect, reverence, awe; love of decency, ably contracted for providentia), a country decency, good manners, modesty; a gained by conquest, province; the south- woman's honor, chastity; sense of honeastern part of Gaul, now called Pro- or; a reason of being ashamed, shame, vence. disgrace; pudori esse, to be a disgrace. Pro-voco, 1, v. a., I call forth or out; I cite, Puer, Mri, m., a child; a male child, boy; summon; I challenge, invite; I excite by a servant, slave. example, stimulate, encourage, irritate, Puarltia, ae, f. (puer), boyhood, childhood, exasperateS stir up, incite, rouse; provo- youth. care ad aliquem, to appeal, refer to a per- Pugna, ae, f. (pugnus), a battle, fight, enson. counter, engagement, combat; figur.: PrI-vblo, 1, v. n., I fly out, fly forward or a contest, strife, dispute; pugnam comforth; figur.: I fly forth, run forward. mitlere cum aliquo, to join battle with Proexmus and proxizims, a, um (propior), one. adj., superl., very near, the next or near- Pugno, 1 (pugna), v. n., I fight, combat, est; the nearest, most like, most closely engage, contend. resembling; adv., proxlim and prozimn. Pulcher, chra, chrum, adj., fair, beautifill, Prftdens, tis (for provideas), adj., foreseeing, beauteous, handsome; excellent, magniforeknowing, c. gen.; knowing, advised, ficent, splendid, honorable, noble, gloricautious, prudent, discreet, wise; prac- ous, renowned, illustrious. tised, skilled, versed, skilful, expert, Pulchrttfido, Inis, f. (pulcher), beauty, fairknowing, learned, experienced in any- ness, comeliness, excellence. thing. Pulsus, fls, m., (pello), a pushing, stamping, Priidentia, ae, f. (prdetns), a foreseeing; beating, striking, an impulse. prudence, good sense, discretion; cau- Pulvis, vbris, m., dust, powder. tion, foresight; understanding, knowl- Punicus, a, um, adj., Punic, Carthaginian. edge; science, skill. Puppis, is, f., the stern of a ship, the poop; Psallo, 3, v. n., I pliy on D l"-irked instru- figur.: the whole ship. ment; I play uion and sing tm the lyre Purgo, I (purus), v. a., I make clean, clean, or harp purify; figur.: I clear from accusation. PUR 714 QUA excuse, justify; purbare se alicui, to jus- work performed for gain, way of making tify one's self belore any one. money. Purpitra, ae, f., purple color, purple; a pur- Qualis, e (quis), adj., of what kind, sort, pie garment, or a garment bordered with or nature, what; as, like as. purple. Qualis-eumque or qualis-cunque, quale-cunPfirus, a, um, adj., pure, clean; pure, un- que,_ adj., of what kind or nlanner soever. mixed, natural, plain; clear, bright; Quam (qui), adv., how, how much; as holy, pious, virtuous, honest; spotless, inuch as, as well as; in comparisons: undefiled, chaste; adv., pfreg. than, as; very, quite; so as, so miuch as; FiPto, 1, v. a., I say, think, count, reckon, quam possum, as well as I can, as I can; estimate, value, esteem; I inmagine. be- non tam- quam, not so much - as; ante lieve; I weigh, consider, ponder, reflect. quam, before that, before. Quam-dfsz, coi,j., how long, as long as; adv., how long? Q &Qundm-ob-rem, c(,nj., for which reason, why; wherefore, for which cause; why? Q., an abbreviation, for Quintus; and for wherefore? fir what reason? que, as, S. P. Q. R., h. e., Senatus popu- Quam-prlmum, adv., as soon as may be, as lusque Romanus. soon as possible, without delay. Qus (abl. of quae), adv., sc. parte, on that Qlam-quam or quan-quam, colij., although, side where; where; sc. ratione, how, in though; though indeed, and yet. what way, by what method'or means; Quam-vrs, adv., as much as you will, howne qua, lest by any means. ever much you will; very, very indeed; Quadrdgdni, ae, a (quadraginta), adj., conj., although, thou.gh. forty each time. Quando (quam, do, allied to dum), adv., Quddriga, ae, f. (quatuor, jugum), a yoke when; si quando, num quando, if ever; of four horses, four horses yoked abreast, conj., since, seeing that. a four-horse chariot. Quando-qutdem, conj., since, seeing that, Quddrigitla, ae, f. (quadriga), dim., a small since indeed. quadriga. Quanquam. See quamquam. Quadrin-genti, ae, a (quatuor, centum), adj., Quanti (abhl. fromn quantum), adv., by how four hundred. much, by a much aus; quanto mag-is, how Quaero, sivi, sttum, 3, v. a., I ask, inquire, much nlore; quanto magis — tanto magis, interrogate; I investigate, examine, try; the more — the more; quanto praestat, I call for, demand, need, require; I seek, how much better is it. seek after. Quant-5pErr (quanto, opere), adv., how Quaesttum, i, n. (quaesitus), stmetlling greatly, how nmuch. gotten or acquired, a gain; a question, Quantum (quantus), adv., how much, aa inqlliry. mnllch as, so far as. Quaesitus, a, um, part. (quaero), adj., Quantum-cumque, adv., how mulch soever. sought, studied; exquisite, refined. Quantus, a, um (quam), adj, how great; Quaeso, sivi, 3 (old form of quaero), v. a. as great as, great as; quantum, how and n., I pray, entreat, beg. much; quantumfrumenti, how lmuch corn. Quaestio, Onis, f. (quaero), an asking, inter- Qua-propter, adv., for what reason? why? rogating, questioning, inquiry, question; wherefore? conj., fi(r which reason, a public inquisition, investigation, trial. wherefore, on which account. Quaestor, oris, In. (for quaesitor, from Qua-re (abl. of quae res), adv., for what quaero), an asker, inquirer, inquisitor, reason, on what account, wherefors, examiner; magistrates who had the why; on what accoulnt? wherefore? care of the public revenues, treasurer. why? in order that, to the end that, su and to inquire into certain criminal that; conj.. wherefore, for which resotL offences, public inquisitor. therefore. Quaestus, fi's, m. (quaero), a getting, gain, Quartdna, ae, t. (quartue4. ec fesris, the profit; trade, employment; profession, quartan ague, quartax. QUA 715 QUI Quartus, a, urn, adj, th, fourth. Quitus, a, um (quiescn), adj., at rest, enQad-si (for quam si), conj., as if; as, just joying rest, quiet, callm, tranquil, conas; as it were; about, nearly, allost; tented, composed, easy; adv., quiete. perinde q., just as if. Qua-tibet, quae-ltbet, quod-tibet and quidQuaa-tuus, adv., how far, to what length libet, pron., whosoever will, any one or extent; as far as, where; how long, whom you please, any one, any, all.;p to what time; so far as. Qusn (qui, ne or non), conj., that not; who Quatri-duum, i, n. (quatuor, dies) the space not; as if not; indeed, really; nay of four days, four days' time, four ddys. even; rather, nay rather; why not? faQudtuor or quattuor, num., four. cere non possum, quin, &c., I cannot do Quatuor-dcim, nun., fourteen. otherwise than, I cannot but, I must; -Que, conj., and;-also; -que —que, both non potestrecusare, quin dicat, he cannot - and; que — et, or et - -que, both - and. refuse to speak; non quin ipse dissentiam, QuEm-ad-modum, adv., in what manner, not but that I myself am of another opinwhat way, how; how? as, like as, just ion; quin potius, or quin etiam, or quin as, even as. imo, nay even, and what is more. Queo, Ivi and ii, itum, Ire, v. n., I can. Quinc-unx, cis (quinque, uncia), adj., Querela, ae, f. (queror), a cry, plaintive amounting to five twelfths; subst., m., noise; a lament, complaint. five twelfths of an as; the five spots on Queror, questus sum, 3, v. dep. n. and a., dice (tesserae); hence in quincuncem, I cry, wail; 1 lament, complain. after the manner of these spots. Qui, quae, quod, pron., 1, adj., in interro- Quin-dcimn (quinque, decem), num., fifteen. gation or exclamation: who, which, Quin-genti, ae, a (quinque, centum), adj., what; qui vir! what a man! 2, relat., five hundred. who, which, what, that; is, qui, he who; Quini, ae, a (quinque), adj., five each. ea, quae, she who; id, quod, that which; Quinqua-gesimus, a, um (quinquaginta), (ii) qui volebant, they who would; color, adj., the fiftieth. quem habet, the color which it has; donm- Quinqud-ginta (quinque, ginta. See viginti), cilia, quas urbes dicimus, the dwellings num., fifty. which we call towns; qui (for et is) si Quinque, num., five. scisset, and if he had known; quae (for Quinqu-ennium, ii, n. (quinquennis), the et haec) quum ita sint, and since things space of five years, five years' timle, five are in this condition. years. Qu! (qui), adv., in what way, how. Quinilis (Quinct.),is, m., with and without Quid, conj., because. mensis (quintus), the fifth month (colntQuicumque, quaecumque, quodcumque, pron., ing from March), afterward, in honor of whosoever, whoever, every oie who, all JuliusCaesar, called Julius, July. which. Quintus, i, m., a Roman praenomen. Quid. See quis. Quintus, a, um (quinque), adj., the fifth. Qui-dam, quae-dam, quod-dam, and subst., Quippe (quia, pe= ve), conj., indeed, in quid-dam, pron., a certain, a certain one; fact, to be sure; for, forasmuch as; as, somebody; quiddam, something, a cer- as being; quippe qui, as who, inasmuch tain thing; plur., quidam, quaedam, quae- as he, seeing that he. dam, some, several. Quis, quid (qui), pron. interrog., who? Qui-dem, adv., indeed; namely, to wit; at what? quid? quod, &c., what shall I say least, certainly, of a truth, assuredly; of this, that; quid venisti? why are you yet, however; also, even; for example; come?quid ita? why that? why so? how ego quidem, I for my part; quum quidem, so? though indeed. Quis, quid (qui), pron. indefin., for aliquis, Quies, itis, f., the place of rest; rest, re- any one, one, anything; especially after pose, sleep; death. si, nisi, ne, num, quo, quanto, and someQuiesco, Evi, etum, 3 (quies), v. n., I rest, times quum; si quis, if any person. repose, take rest; I am at rest, keep my- Quis-nam and qui-nam, quae-nam, quod. self quiet. nam and quid-nam, pron. interrog., who QUI 716 RAT which? what? stronger than quis? in ward, whithes to what end, to what; an indirect question: who, which, what. for what, with what end or view, for Quis-piam, quIe-piam, quod-piam and quid- what use. piam or quippiatl, prou. indefin.. any or Quot, adv.. how high; how much, how some, any one, anything. Quispiam is many; as many as, as; every; quotannis, particular, quisquam universal. - Quid- every year, yearly, annually. piam stands substantively, quodpiam ad- Qu~r-annls. See quot. jectively. Quoti-didius, a, um (quotidie), adj., daily, Quis-quam, quae-quam, quid-quam or quic- happening every day; ordinary, conmlquam, pron. indelin., any, any one, any- Imon. thing. Qui~t-die (quot, dies), adv., every day, Quis-que, quae-que, quod-que, and quid-que daily, day by day. or quic-que, pron. indetfn.. every, every QuJties or quotiens (quot), adv., how often' one, every man, everything; any one. how many times. as often as, as. Quis-qus, quae-quae, quid-quid or quic- Qu6ties cumque or -cunque, adv., how often quid, pron. indefin.. whoever, whosover, soever, as often as. whatever, whatsoever, every one who, Quotus, a, um (qsot), adj., what in numall that. ber, order, or place; quotus quisque, how Qui-vts, quae-vfs, quod-vs,and subst., quid- tew, how little, few, little. vis (qui, vis, trom volo), pron. indefin., Quo-usqu, adv.. how long; how far. any you please, any soever, any ole, Quum, or cum (qui), adv. and conj., when, every one, any, every, each. every one, any, every, each. while, at which time; when, that, or Qui (qdi), adv., where; wherefore, for X n * e (ui), adv., where; wherefore, for since; since, as, seeing that, because; which reason, on which account; bealthough; quum - turn, when - then; as cause; whither, to which or what place; - also not o t to what end, for what, why; to the end and, in general - and in particular; tula that in order that, that. - quum. then - when; quum primum, as Quo-ad, adv., how long conj., solong as, soon as; quum maxime, especially, paras long as; till, until; how far; so far y, pre-eminently;just now, pr as. as; as far as, till. ticularly, pre-eminently; just now, proas, as; as far as, till.y Quo-cumque or quo-cunque, adv., to whatever place, whithersoever. Quod (qui), conj., that or why, wherefore; on what account; that or because, in R that; as touching that, as to this, that; though, although; what or so much as, Radix, icis, f., the root of a plant; figur.: so far as. the root, foot, lower part of a mountain; Qu —modo (qui, modus), adv., in what man- root, origin, source. ner, in what way, after what fashion, Ramus, i, in., a branch, bough of a tree; how; as, even as; in whatever way or the tip of a horn. manner, howsoever. Rdpldltas, dtis, f. (rapidus), swiftness, veQuon-dam (allied to qui, quando), adv., at a locity, rapidity. certain time, at one time, once, formerly; Rdpina, ae, f. (rapio), robbery, pillaging, at times, ever.and anon, now and then, plundering, rapine; booty. sometimes, occasionally. Rdpio, pui, ptum, 3, v. a., I rob, carry off Qu6un-iam (quum, jam), conj., when, after by force; I take away, snatch away; I that, now that; since now, seeing that, rob, plunder; I tear, drag, hurry away; since, as; that, because, as if. I hurry, lead quickly; I make or do Qud-que, conj., also, likewise, too, as well. quickly, hasten. QuoquLo-versus and -versum, or -vorsus and Rarus, a, ur, adj., wanting density, rare, -vorsum, adv., in every direction, to every subtle, thin, thinly scattered, loose; rare, quarter, every way. seldom to be seen, scarce, unfrequent, Quorsum or quorsus (for quo versus or ver- few, scanty. sum), adv., toward what place, whither- Ratio, onis, f. (reor), a speaking about a RAT 717 REC thing; an account, a reckoning, calcila- one from slavery; recipore se, to betake tion; number, amount, sum; regard, one's self back, return, to retire, make respect, consideration, concern, care; in- a retreat, to retreat; r. poenam ab aliquo, terest, advantage; opinion; purpose, in- to take vengeance or inflict punishment tention, plan; reason, reasonableness, upon a person; r. fidem alicui, to pledge, consideration, wisdom; the reasoning plight, positively engage; r. aliquer faculty transaction, business, affair; tecto, to receive or admit one into the question, investigation, inquiry; manner, house. way, kind, quality, nature; method, R —cito, 1, v. a., I read off, read aloud; I course, conduct; arrangement, disposi- say by heart, repeat from memory, say tion, order; means, expedient; science, off, recite. skill, ability; a reason, reasonable Re-clam,, 1, v. a. and n., I cry or bawl out ground; reason, pretence, show; habere against, contradict with a loud voice, rationem cum aliquo, to stand in connec- gainsay; I object; I cry out, call out, tion, intercourse, relation, have to do exclaim. with a person; habere rationem alicujus R —cognosco, gnavi, gnttum, 3, v. a., I rei, to have regard, a care of, to care for make acquaintance with again or anew, anything; in eandem rationem, to the bring to remembrance, call to mind, same effect; nulla ratione, without rea- recollect; I see or perceive again, recson, in an unreasonable manner, un- ognize; I review. wisely. Rg-conctlio, 1, v. a., I get back or again, Ratis, is, f., a raft, float; a boat, bark. bring back; I procure again, re-estabRatus, a, um, part. (rear), adj., reckoned, lish, restore; I reunite, reconcile, make calculated, computed; confirmed, es- friendly. tahlished, firm, valid, certain, sure; Rd-condo, dftdi, dttum, 3, v. a., I put or lay fixed. together again, lay up, hoard, put away, RM-bellio, dnis, f. (rebellis), the renewal of stow away; figur.: I hoard up, store war, revolt, insurrection. up; I hide, conceal, secrete; gladium in Ri-cSdo, cessi, cessum, 3 v. n., I go back, vaginam recondere, to put up again, fall back, retire, retreat, recede; I go sheathe again the sword. away, go off, depart, withdraw. RM-cordor, 1 (re, cor), v. dep. a. and n., I Rcens, tis, adj., fresh, new, newly or think back upon, call to mind, bethink lately made or done, recent. myself, remind myself, recollect; I conR —ceptacllum, i, n. (recepto), a place to sider, weigh, ponder, reflect. receive or keep things in, receptacle, RE-creo, 1, v. a., I remake, reproduce, restorehouse, reservoir, magazine; a place store; I set up again, repair, recruit, reof refuge, retreat, shelter, lurking-place. fresh, reassure; recreari, to recover, inRi-ceptus, is, m. (recipio), a taking back; crease, grow; to be restored. a retiring, falling back, retreat; refuge; Re-cridesco, dui, 3, v. n., to become raw place of refuge; receptui canere, to call again, break open again, of wounds. back the soldiers by the sound of the Rectus, a, um, part. (rego), adj., right, trumpet, to sound a retreat. straight, direct, not crooked; plain, unRM-cpEro, 1. See recupero. ornamented, unaffected, simple, natural; RI-cipio, cEpi, ceptum, 3 (re, capio), v. a., regular, right, good, virtuous, legitimate; I take again or back; I retake; I get recto itinere, straightforward, right on; again, recover; I reinstate; I take, re- rectum est, it is right, proper, reasonable; ceive; I accept, undertake; I take upon adv.. rectg. myself, pledge myself, engage, warrant, Ri cipLro or rl-cplro, 1 (re, capio), V. a, guarantee, pass my word, assure sol- I get again, regain, get back, recover. emnly, promise sacredly; I take, receive R-curro, curri, 3, v. n., I run back, return accept, admit; recipere animum, to re- running; I come back, come again, re, cover one's self, take heart; r. aliquem, turn; I resort to, have recourse to, recur. to take up, interest one's self for any RM-csso, I (re, causa), v. a., I make objecone: r. aliquem ex servitute, to save any tion, refuse, reject, decline, make opposi RED - 718 REJ tion, draw back; recusare mori, to be tn- tire, withdraw; referre pedem or gradum, willing to die; sententiam ne diceret, to return, retire; r. gratiam alicui, to rerecusavit, he refused to state his opinion. turn one thanks; par pro part reJerre, to Red-do, didi, dltutm, 3 (re, do), v. a., I give repay like for like; referri, to have referback, restore, return; I give forth, send ence to, belong, pertain or relate to, conforth; I give in, hand in, deliver, render; cern; referre ad senatum, to make a moI give up, yield, concede; I bestow, tiont in the senate. grant, permit; I pay; I bring in, yield, Rt-Jert, ri-tlit (rem, acclls. of res, fero), bear; I repeat; I pronounce; I recite, re- v. impers., it is important, it imports, hearse; I am like, resemble, represent, profits; med refert, it is important for me, imitate, express; I give in return; I it concerns me; parvi refert, it is of little requite, recompense; I translate, render. importance; mragnopere rejert, it is of Rtd-eo, ii, iturm, ire, v. n., I return, come great importance; illorum magis, quam back or again, go back; of income: come sua retulisse, that it has beet more imin, accrue, be yielded or returned; I portant to them than to him. come, fall, be brought or reduced to. ad; Rg-fertus, a, um, part. (refercio), adj., redire in amicitiam alicujus, to return into filled, stuffed, crammed, full, replenfriend-hip with one; redire viam, to go ished, c. abl. or gen.; figur.: full, rich, the way back; redire in gratiam cuam abounding in, amply provided with; aliquo, t) become reconciled to one. well provided. Rid-gao, oi, actumrn, 3 (re, ago), v. a I drive RI-f cio, /fci, fectum, 3 (re, facio), v. a., I back, force back; I bring agaln or back; make again or anew; 1 restore a thing to I reduce, constrain, force; I bring to- its former state; I reinstate; I rebuild; gether, collect, gather in; I make, render. 1 repair, refit; I fill up, supply recruit; RMd-Imo, rmi, emtum or emptum, 3 (re, emo), I restore to health, cure, heal; I relieve, v. a., I buy back or again, repurchase; refresh. I buy, purchase; I acquire gain, or pro- Re-fringo, fregi, fractum, 3 (re, frango), v. cure for a price; I redeem, ransom by a., I break, break open or to pieces; money; I farm. figur.: I break, check, repress, weaken, Rgd-integro, 1 (re, integro), v. a., I make destroy; I overpower, subdue, conquer. whole again, restore, complete again; I Regtrna, ae, f. (rex), a queen. renew. RMgio, Onis, f. (rego), a direction, line; a RMd-Itio, nis, f. (redeo), a returning, return. boundary line; limit, border; a region, MRd-ltus, fis, m. (redeo), a return;.income, country, district, territory. revenue. Regius, a, um (rex), adj., of or belonging to RM-dfco, xi, ctum, 3, v. a., I lead or bring a king, becoming a king, kingly, royal, back, conduct back; I bring, reduce to; regal, princely. I draw back, retract; r. se, to withdraw, Regno, I (regnum), v. a. and n., I am king, retire; part., reductus, a, umrn, adj., re- have kingly power, reign, rule, govern as mote, retired. a king; I rule at pleasure, tyrannize, RMd-undo, I (re, unda), v. n.,-to flow back, domineer, rule with absolute power, lord rln over, overflow; figur.: to redound, over. extend, come to; to aboulnd, abound in, Regnum, i, n. (rex), royal dignity, regal have a redundance of, c. abl. government, sovereignty; a kingdom, RM-fr'o. tMli, latum, 3. v. a., I bring or carry realm. back or again; I bring back word, re- RIgo, rexi; rectum, 3, v. a., I set right, corport, relate, give an account of; I restore, rect; I direct; I regulate, settle; I manre-establish, renew; I return, requite; I age, guide; I rule, govern, control. compare; I refer to, ad; I carry, bear, Rl-gredior, gressus sum, 3 (re, gradior), v. bring; I tirn, put, apply to; I propose, dep. n., I go or come back, return; I lay before consult; I register. record; I recollect. reckon, count, number, or reckon among; Re-ljtcio, jvci, jectum, 3 (re, jacio), v. a., I I execute, accomplish, effect, bring to cast or fling back, throw in return; I pass; referre se or referri, to return, re- drive back, repel; I place behind; I REL 719 REP throw away or aside, throw or cast off; RM-mtniscor, 3 (re, remini, v. dep. n. and I reject, neglect, slight, refuse, spurn, a., I remember, call to mind, recollect; I set aide; I defer, put off; part., reject- think upon, consider; I contrive, imaguS, a, un; adj., rejected. ine. Rce-lantruesco, gui, 3, v. n., I grow Ian- Rl-missio, anis, f. (remitto), an abating, diguid again, become feeble or faint again; minishing, decreasing; abatement, rebecomle faint, abate, slacken, relax, lan- mission; omission, intermission, cessaguish. tion; r. animi, relaxation, recreation if R8-laro,, 1, v. a., I widen again, widen, the mind; lenity, mildness. make wide; I ease, relieve; I mitigate, Rv-mitto, nmsi, missum, 3, v. a., I let go soften, alleviate; I slacken, relax. back, send back; I throw back; I /Ri-;ejo, 1, v. a., I send away; I banish, slacken, relax, let loose; I let down, exile; I remove to a distance. cause to remit, abate, or cease; I give R'-:Evo, 1, v. a., lighten again, lighten, back, return, restore; I permiit, grant, make easier, ease, relieve, lessen, dimini- allow, comply with; I remit; I leave off, sih, abate, alleviate; I ease, comfort, re- discontinue, intermit, interrupt, yieldl, lieve, refresh, console. omit. RS-.i ratio, onis, f (religo), a binding, ty- Ri-mollesco, 3, v. n., I grow or beconle soft ill. again, become soft; I grow effeminate. Re-ligio, Onis, f. (relEgo), conscientious- R-mnotus, a, um, part. (rernoeo), adj., ness; religion, religious rites and ilnstitu- remote: figur.: not connected with; tions; conscience, scrutple; obligation, averse to; to be rejected or postponed. sacredness, holiness, sanctity; supersti- Ri-mnveo, moot, wmotum, 2, v. a., I move tion; r. vitae, irreproachableness, integ- back, remove, take away; I disclarge, rity. disband; removere se, to withdraw, reR-t1,riosus, a, um (religio), adj., conscien- tire. tious, religious; scrupulous; sacred, R-mfinerot, 1, v. dep. a., I reward, reholy. quite, recompense, remunerate. JZi-tloe, 1, v. a., I bind back, bind, tie, Rtmus, i, m., an oar. fasten. Remus, i, m., one of the Remi. _R-listquo, liqui, lictum, 3, v. a., I leave be- RW-nOvo, 1, v. a., I renew, repeat, restore; hind, leave; I leave, do not take away, I refresh, revive, recover, relieve. do not abrogate; I leave behind me; I R-nuncio or ra-nuntio, 1, v. a., I bring give up, abandon; I leave, forsake, word back, report; I announce, intimate, abandon, desert; I forsake, do not as- relate, inform; I proclaim publicly, prosist; I onit, neglect; relinqui, to remain, claim, publish, declare publicly; figur.: be left; relictus, a, um, left, remaining. I renounce, give up, break off, disclaim R-ltquiae, arum, f. (reliquus), the remains, Reor, ratus, sum,2, v. dep. a., I speak, say, relics, the remainder, rest, remnant, resi- utter, think, suppose, imagine, deem, bedue. lieve. R-Nqt1Zu.s, a, um (relinquo), adj., remain- Ri-pastf'itio, 5nis, f. (repastino), a diging, tlie rest, the residue, other; reli- ging around again. quum est, ut, it remains only, that; ni- RI-pello, pili, pulsum, 3, v. a., I drive back, hil est reliqui, nothing remains; reliqui, repulse, repel, expel; I keepoff, remove, the others, the rest. hinder R-mdnneo, mansi, mansum, 2, v. n., I stay RIpens, tis (repo), adj., creeping, unexpector remain behind, stay, remain, continue; ed, unlooked for, coming unawares, sudfigur.: I hold out, last, endure. den; adv., ripentf. RL-midium, ii, n (re, medeor), a medicine, RpentTaus, a, um (reens) adj., unlooked remedy. for, unexpected, sudden. Remex, tgis, m. (remus, ago), a rower. R. plrio, prri, pertum, 4 (re,pario), v. a., I Ri-migrro,, 1, v. n., I remove back again, find again, find; I perceive, discover, ob. return to a place in order to dwell there; serve, learn, hear, see; I invent, configur.: I come again, return again. trive; I find out, find, procure. 31 TT REP 720 RES S-pyto, tvsi or tii, titum, 3, v. a., I ask or mentioned or only thought of, anything, demand again; I accuse again; I ask or being, creature; an action, deed, exploit, demand back, demand as my right or due, undertaking, performance; a fact, reality, claim; I demand in return; I demand; truth; an effect, issue, event, result; an I fetch back or again; I undertake again, affair, concern, business; a cause, reason; recommence, resume, enter upon again; a view, purpose, end; a cause, lawsuit, I repeat in my thoughts, call to mitld, action at law, process; a means; an arrecollect, remember; I repeat with words, gument, proof; property, effects, subsay, do, write again; I trace back, de- stance, state, wealth, circumstances; rive; res repetere, to demand satisfaction; benefit, advantage, profit, interest; powpecuniaerepetundae, money to be restored; er, might; the state; res navalis, naval postulare aliquem de repetundis, to accuse affairs; res militaris, the art of war; res one of extortion; repetere eastra, to return frumentaria, provisions; auctor rerum. into the camp. accomplisher of exploits re, by the fact, RI-pvrto, 1, v. a., I bear, carry, conduct, result, issue; re ipsa, re vera, indeed, in lead, or bring back; I bring back, report, fact, truly; res secundae, prosperity; res relate; I carry or bear off, gain, obtain, adversae, adversity; ea re, on that acget. count, therefore, thereby; sic se res habet, Re-praesento, 1, v. a., I make present again, so it is; male se res habet, It is bad, it is restore, renew; I perform, say, give im- not well; res familiaris, property; res mediately, hasten; I pay immediately, publica, the common weal. pay. Re-scindo, scidi, scissum, 3, v. a., I cut, cut Re-prEhendo or reprendo, di, sum, 3, v. a., I off, cut or break down, rend in pieces, catch again; I refute, convict; I reprove, destroy; I abrogate, abolish, repeal. blame, censure, rebuke, reprehend. Re-scisco, scivi and scii, scitum, 3, v. a., I Re-primo, pressi, pressum, 3 (re, premo), learn again, learn, hear, find out, ascerv. a., I press back, keep back, repress, tain. check, restrain, curb, stop, hinder, con- Re-scribo, ipsi, iptum, 3, v. a., I write back, fine; I drive back; reprimere se, to re- again, or in return; I answer; I transfer strain or check one's self. in an account-book, put to account; I Re-pidio, ] (repudium), v. a., I reject, re- write, commit to writing. fuse; I neglect, slight, disdain; I re- RI-sEco, cui, ctum, 1, v. a., I cut off; I curmove. tail, restrain, check, stop, remove. RM-puErasco, 3, v. inch. n., I become a boy Re-servo, 1, v. a., I keep, reserve; I preagain, become young again; I become serve, save. childish; I do, act, or play like a child. Re-sldeo, sedi, sessum, 2, v. n., I sit; I reR-puguno, 1, v. n., I fight or contend against, main behind, remain; I rest, am inactive make a resistance, resist; to be contrary or idle. or against, be incompatible, inconsistent; RI-sdo, stdi, sessum, 3, v. n., I sit down; I resist, oppose, am against. I settle, take up my abode; I sink or setRE-pulsa, ae, f. (repello), a repulse, denial, tie down; I cease, become still or calm; refusal; rejection. I grow weary or faint. R -piito, I, v. a., I reckon, calculate, com- Re-sisto, stti, stitum, 3, v. n., 1 step back; ulte; I consider, reflect upon. I stand still, halt, stop, stay; figur.: I Re-quies, etis and ei, f., rest, repose, quiet, stop, stop short, pause; I set foot firmly; ease, refreshment; pleasure, sport. I remain, remain behind, continue; I R-quiesco, 3 (requies), v. n., I rest, repose; I withstand, resist, hold out against, opfind consolation or recreation in anything. pose, make resistance. R-quiro, quisivi, stum, 3 (re, quaero), v. a, Re-specto, 1 (respieio), v. freq. a. and n., I I ask or inquire after anything again; I look back, look round or behind, look at; ask, demand, or inquire of one, ab or ex figimr.: I care about, regard; I expect, aliquo; I examine, inquire into; I seek, wait for. seek after, search for; I miss. Re-sptcio, spexi, spectum, 3 (re, spicio), v. n. Res, ri, f. (reor), what is said or named, and a., I look back; figur.: I think or RES 721 ROS reflect upon, recollect; I regard, respect, RI-vinco, vlci, victum, 3, v. a., I conquer; consider. I care for, look upon: to belng, I convince, convict, disprove. pertain, or relate to; I louk anxiously for, RS-viso, si. sum, 3, v. a., I come again to expect, hope. see, revisit; I visit again, survey, look Re-spondeo, di, sum, 2, v. a., I promise in at, go to see. return; I answer, reply; to answer to, R6-v~co, 1, v. a., I call again; I call hack, agree, correspond or square with, accord, recall; I restore, renew; I hold or keep fit, suit, be proper, resemble; 1 act or be- b:ck; I bound, limit, restrain, confine, have myself conformably to; I requite, shorten. repay, return; I abide Iry or keep to my Rex, regis, m. (rego), a ruler, governor, promise; I am a match for, resist. director; a king, sovereign, monarch. Re-sponsum, i, n. (respondeo), an answer, RhSda, ae, f., a wheel-cart; carriage, reply; the response of an oracle. coach. Re-spuo, ui, utum, 3, v. a., I discharge, re- RhEtor, oris, m., a teacher of rhetoric, pel; 1 reject, disapprove, do not accept. rhetorician; an orator. Re-stinaruo, nxi, nctum, 3, v. a., I extinguish; Rhidii, rrum, m., the Rhodians. I quench, assuage, allay, moderate, still, Rideo, risi, risum, 2, v. n. and a., I laugh; temper appease, pacify; restingui, to be I smile, look pleasant, have a joyful apdestroyed, perish. pearance; figur.: I smile upon; I laugh Re-stituo. taL, tfltum, 3 (re, statuo), v. a., I at, deride, ridicule, mock, scoff; I say put or set up again, replace; I restore to laughing; rzdetur, he is laughed at, deits former situation or condition; I re- rided. store to health, nake sound, heal, cure; RZdicilus, a, um (rideo), adj., merry, jocose, I bring back again, recall from banish- exciting laughter, laughable; ridiculous; ment; I give back, restore, return. subst., ridiculus, a jester, buffoon; ridiRe-stttitio, Onis, f. (restituo), a restoring; a culum, a jest, joke, anything laughable. recalling from exile. Rpa, ae, f., the bank of a river. Ri-tlceo, cui, 2 (re, taceo, v. n. and a., I RSbur, iris, n., a very hard species of oak; am silent, hold my peace; I do not an- strength, vigor, robustness, hardihood, swer or reply; I conceal, keep secret. firmness. RI-tlneo, tltui, tentum, 2 (re, teneo), v. a., ROdo, si, sum, 3 (akin to rado), v. a., I I hold or keep back or in, stop, keep fron gnaw; I eat away, corrode, consume. going or falling; I retain, keep, preserve, Rbgrtio, onis, f. (rogo), a question, interromaiiitain; I keep in, cause to remain in; gation; a proposal for a law or order, I keep in check or order; I keep or re- proposed law, bill; law, ordinance; a tain with myself; I hold, have, occupy, request, suit, an entreating., canvassing. inhabit. RMgatus, its, m. (rogo), a desire, request, Re-trdho, trani, tractum, 3, v. a., I draw suit; a qulestion, ilnquiry. back, withdraw; I bring back; I keep R5glto, 1 (rogo), v. freq. a., I ask frequentfrom, detain from; I rescue, save, de- ly, ask, make repeated inquiry, inquire, liver. interrogate; I request, entreat. Reus, i, m. (allied to res and reor), a per- RMgn, 1, v. a. and n., I ask, inquire, interson accused or impeached in a court of rogate, request; I entreat, pray, beg; justice, a culprit, criminal, defendant, legem rogare, to propose, bring in, preguilty person. sent a bill; milites sacramento rogare, to RI-vello, velli, rulsum, 3, v. a., I pull or swear the soldiers. tear away, off, or out; figur.: I tear Romanus, a, um, Roman. Romanus, i, m., away, eradicate, extirpate, banish, de- a Roman. Romani, orum, m., the Rostroy. mans. RI-verto, ti, sum, 3, and rI-vertor, sus sum, Roma, ae, f, Rome. 3, v. n., I turn back, come back, re- Rostra, Orum, n. (rostrum), the stare or turn. hustings in front of the Curia Hostilia, Rg-vincio, vinxi, vinctum, 4, v. a., I bind from which addresses were made to the back or backwards; I bind or fasten. people; it was so called from being ROS 722 SAN adorned with the beaks of some ships consecrated to the gods; any sacren taken from the inhabitants of Antium. rite Ratrum, i, n. (rodo), the beak or bill of a Saeps, adv., often, oftentimes, many times, bird; the snout, muzzle, chaps of a fish frequently; saepissime, very often. or beast; a hooked point, beak, or bill; SaepS-nimSrO, adv., often, oftentimes. the beak of a ship. Saepes, is, f. See sepes. Rota, ae, f., a wheel. Saevio, ivi or ii, Ztum, 4 (saevus), v. n., I RUto, 1 (rota), v. n. and a., I turn round; I rage, am fierce or cruel, vent my rage. roll round or over. Saevltia, ae, f. (saevus), rage, vehemence, Riibus, i, m., the bramble or blackberry violence, cruelty, fierceness, ferocity, bush. savageness, barbarity. Riidis, e, adj., as it is grown, raw, in its Saevus, a, um, adj., mad, fierce. cruel, savnative state, unwrought, uncultivated, age, inhuman, ferocious, barbarous, rigorunpolished; ignorant, untaught, un- ous, severe. skilled, unpractised, inexpert, with gen., Sdgitta, ae, f., an arrow, dart. or in. Sraittarius,, um (saitta), adj.. relating to Rulna, ae,. f. (ruo), a fall, downfall; over- arrows; subst, an archer, bowman. throw, defeat; ruin, destruction, dis- Sal, salis, m. and n., salt; figur.: wit, a aster. witty saying, smart reply, repartee, witRumor, Oris, m., noise, bustle, stir, rus- ticism. tling, murmuring, buzzing; talk, gossip; Salto, 1 (salio), v. freq. n. and a,, I dance. popular report, rumor; good report, re- Sdlus, ftis, f. (salvus), a saving, safety, pute, approbation, applause; evil report. preservation, delivery; welfare, prosRcpes, is, f., a rock, crag, cliff. perity; greeting, salutation. Rursus and rursum (contracted from revor- Sdaltaris, e (salus), adj.,wholesome, healthsus, revorsumr), adv.. backwards, back; fil, salutary, salubrious; serviceable, again, on the other hand, on the con- profitable, useful. trary; again, a second time, afresh, Saltto, 1 (salus), v. a., I salute, greet, wish anew. health to pay respect to, make my com Rusticus, a, um (rus), adj., pertaining to plilnents; I visit, go to see, call upon; I the country, rustic, rural, country; rude, pay my court to; I take leave. unpolished, boorish,, clownish, unman- Salvus, a, urn, adj., safe, sound, well, in nered, unrefined, inelegant,c.)arse; subst., good health; unhurt, uninjured. a boor, clown. Samnis, Htis, adj., of or belonging to Samniur, Samnite. Stibst. in the plur, Samnites, ium and urn, the inhabitants of S Samnium, the Samnites. Sancio, nxi, nctum and ncitum, 4 (sacer), v. S., for senatus- as S. C., senatus consul- a., I consecrate, dedicate; I make anytum; S. P. Q. R., senatus populusque thing sacred or inviolable, ordain or ap. Romanus. point as sacred and inviolable, decree, t4cer, era, crum, adj., holy, sacred, conse- establish, order, command; I approve, crated, inviolable. confirm, ratify; I forbid under pain of Sdcerdos, dotis, m. and f. (sacer), a priest punishment; I punish. or priestess. Sanctus, a, um, part. (sancio), adj,, sacred, SdcerdOtium, ii, n. (sacerdos), the office of a inviolable; holy, divine, godlike,sacred; priest, priesthood. pious, innocent, virtuous, honest; adv., S$crlflcium, ii, n. (sacrifico), a sacrifice, sanctS. sacrificing; sacrificiumfacere, to sacrifice. Sane (sanus), adv., reasonably, soberly, SacrT-legus, a, um (sacra, lego), adj., sacri- discreetly: certainly, truly, indeed, verilegious; irreligious, impious, profane; ly. assuredly, yes; very, much. wicked; subst., a sacrilegious person; Sangulneus, a, ur (sanguis), adj., consista cursed fellow, rascal. ing of blood; bloody, stained with blood; Slcra, i,I n. (sacer), anything sacred or blood-red. SAN 723 SEC Sanguis, fnis, m, blood; figur.: blood, Scana and scaena, ae, f., a tent, arbor, bow kindred, race, descent. er; tle scene, blae; the public, external Sadnas, atis, f. (sanus), soundness of body, appearance, bhow, state, parate. health; soundness of mind, sound judg- Scenlcs, a, um, adj., of or pertaining at ment, good sense, reason, discretion, the stage, scenic, dramatic, theatrical; sanity. scenici, actors, players, performers, comleSdno, I (sanus), v. a., I heal, cur, restore to dians. health; figur.: I heal, cute, correct, re- Scientui, ac, f. (sio), knowledge, science, pair, restore. skill, expertness. Sdpiens, tis, part. (sapio), adj., wise, jiidi- Sci-licet (for scire Iwet), adv., it is evident, cious, well advised; subst., a wise mian. truly, verily, certainly, indeed; of course, Sdpiettia, ae, f (sapiens), wisdomn, prit- forsooth; namely, to wit, that is to say dence, discretion, discernment; knowl- yes, certainly, exactly so. edge; practical wisdom, philosophy. Scin'? for scisne. See scio, Sdijio, tvi and zi or us, 3 (sapa; akin to Scindo, scedi, actssan, 3, v. a., I cut, tear, suavts), v. n., to have a taste or relish, to I rend, break asunder, split, divide by savor; I have a perception of taste, am force; I tear open, renew; figulr.: I inposse.sed of good sense, ant wise. terrlpt; I destroy, overthrow, raze. Sarcena, ae, f. (sarcio), a bundle, burden, Scio, scvi and scii sctum,4, v. a., I know, load, pack, baggage, luggage. have knowledge of; I am able, I underardes, ium, f., Sardis, the capital of Lydia. stand, know, haud scio an, I should Sarmcn, inis, and sarmenltum, i, n., a sere think, perhaps, probably, in my opinion; branch cut off; a twig or thin branch of quod sciam, as far as I know, to my a tree; sarmetta, brushwood, fagots. knowledge. Satictas, dtis, f. (satis), satiety, fulness; Scortutn, i, n., a harlot, courtesan. plenty, abundance. Scribo, scripsi, ptum, 3, v. a., I engrave, Sdtio, I (satis), v. a., I sate, satiate, satisfy, write; I mark out, delineate, describe, fill. sketch; I write to, informu by writing, Sdtis, adv., fully, enough. sufficiently, well, intimate by letter; I write, commission, duly; compar., satius, better, rather. demand; I enlist, enrol, levy. Satis-fdcio,,fci, factum, 3, v. a., I discharge Scriniun, ii, n., coffer, chest; a desk, bookor perform my duty, give satisfaction, case. satisfy; I make payment, pay; I give Scriptor, Sris, m. (scribo), a writer, an satisfaction, make all apology, ask par- author. don; I suffer punishment. ScrLptum, i, n (scrib), a writing, thing S&tis-factio, 0nis, f. (satisfacio), a satisfy- written; anything committed to writing. ing, satisfaction; excuse, justification. Scrfupflus, i, m., or scrupulum, i, n. (scruS&tus, s, in. (sero, sevi), a sowing, plant- pus), dim., a small sharp stone, bit of ing; a begetting, producing. gravel; the smallest part of a weight, a Saucius, a, um, adj., sick, ill; wounded; scruple; a scruple, doubt, difficulty, unsad, troubled. easiness, trouble, anxiety. Sazunm, i, n., a rock; a large stone, stone. SctItum, i, n., a buckler, shield, target; Scdpha, ae, f., a vessel, skiff, bark, boat. fignr.: a shield, defence, protection. Scblbrdtt (sceleratus), adv., wickedly, ima- Se-cedo, cessi, cessarn, 3, v. n., I go apart, piously, viciously. retire, withdraw, retreat, secede. Sceleratus, a, urn (scelero), adj., bad, im- Scius, adv. See secus. pious, wicked, accursed, infamous; in Se-crttus, a, um, part. (secerno), adj., sepathe masc. subst., a wretch, miscreant. rate, reumote, apart; secret; solitary; Scglestus, a, um (scelus), adj., vicious, chosen, not common; private; secretum, flagitious, villanous, wicked, mischiev- i, n., a secret, solitary, or retired place, a ous, knavish. solitude, place of retirement; solitude, ticlus, Sris, n., a heinous action, crime, a remaining alone, retirement; anything misdeed, sin; impiety, irreligion, wick- secret, a mystery; adv., and secrt6O. edness. Sectio, 6nis, f. (seco), a cutting, cutting off, SEC 724 SEN a d;viling, distributing; an auction; S$-jungo, nzi, nctum, 3, v. a., I di-join, a pi-rcliasliig at an auction; things or separate, sever, part or put asunder prl;erty sold by auctionl. divide; I distinguish. Seculamn or saccuilum, i, n., an age, a gen- S. mal, adv., a single time, once; the first eration; a century; a great number of tmne, first, at some time or other; at years. once, at the same time, immediately; 8euiudamL (secundus), adv., after; in the nn semel, not once only; ut semel, as second place; prp. c. ace.: nigh, near, soon as. just by, close to; by, along oil; behind; Setlen, Inis, n. (sero, sevi), seed of corn and alter; alter, next to; according to, con- vegetables in general; a graft, slip, scion; formably with, agreeably with; for. figur.: a cause, first cause, first principle, Scundus, a, um (sequor), adj., following; elemenlt, origin, foundation, occasion, the second; the following, next, or author. second in rank; favorable, fair; favor sementis, is, t. (semen), a sowing; a crop; ing; prosperous, successful, lucky, for- sementemfacere, to sow. tunate; secunda aqui, down the stream; Siem-somnis, e, and -somnus, a, um, adj., mari secundo, with the tide; secundo half asleep. populo, with the approbation of the Semper, adv., ever, always, continually. people; res secundae, prosperity. Sei'nriilus, a, um (senarius), adj., dim., S;cus, adv. in another way, otherwise, consisting of six feet. diffsrently, not so; non secus or haud Senator, oris, m. (senex), a senator. secus, not otherwise, even so, just so6 Sendtorius, a, um (senator), adj., of or becompar., sJcius, otherwise, differently; longing to a senator, senatorial. nihilo secius, nevertheless. SEl;atus, a, in. (senex), a senate, council Sed, conj., biJt; sed etiam, but also, even, of a state or town, the body of niagisnay even; non solumn -sed et, not only trates; a meeting of the senate; senatus - but even; sed et, and besides. I cosultum, a decree of the senate. St-d&cin and sex-deczm (sex, decim), numer., SInectus, a, um (.enex), adj., old, aged. sixteen. SEnectus, Oftis, f. (senex), age, old age. SEdeo, sedi, sessum, 2, v n., I sit, am fast, Snnex, senis, adj, decreasing; old, aged; fixed or immovable; I sit, sit as a judge, m. and f., an old man, an old woman. am a judge; I remain; I stay or con- SSnl, ae, a (sex), adj., six each. tinue long at a place; I sit still, loiter, Sensim (sentio), adv., insensibly, imperliger, tarry. ceptibly, slowly, by degrees, gradSEdes, is, f. ksedco), a seat, place to sit on, ually. a chair, bench; a seat, abode, dwelling- Sensus, a, smn, part. (sentio), n. pl., sensa, place, residence, habitation, mansion; orum, thoughts, ideas, conceptions. base, foundation. Sententia, ae, f. (sentio), opinion, idea, Sed-Itio, onit, f. (se, co), a going asunder, thought; the opinion or vote of a sensecession, separation; dissension, dis- ator in the senate-house; a vote, judgcord, quiarrel, strife; a popular corn-. ment, sentence; wisdom, understanding, motion or insurrection; civil discord, sense, meaning, signification, acceptation sedition. of a word; the purport, substance of Seditiose (seditiosus), adv., seditiously. what is said; a thought, sentence, peSead-ttidsus, a, um (seditio), adj., causing riod; a resolution, intention, purpose, sedition, turbulent, tumultuous, seditious, design. factious, mutinous. Sentina, ae, f., the settled water, bilge or Sdo, 1, v. a., I cause to settle or sink; bulge-water, filth that collects in the figur.: I settle, stay, caim, appease, bottom of a vessel; figur.: the mob, rabpacify, quiet, ease, check, end, stop. ble, dregs of a state or city, refuse. Jges, etis, f., seed; land sown, a corn- Sentio, sensi, sensum, 4, v. a., I see, dis. field; growing corn, standing corn, a cern, am sensible of, perceive, hear, feel crop; a multitude, great number; cause, I feel, experience to my hurt; I notice, occasion. observe, discover; 1. klnow; I think, SEN 725 SEV judge, am of opinion, suppose, deem, Serpens, tis, m. (serpo), a creeping animal, imagine; I give my opinion, I vote. a serpent. Sentis, is, in a brier, bramble, thorn. Serpo, psi, ptam, 3, v. n., I creep, crawl, Se-piartim (separatus), adv., separately, slide on my belly; I comre, go, move by apart, in particular; s. ab, separately degrees; to spread by degrees or ilmperfrom. ceptibly; to spread, extend itself, preSe-pdro, 1, v. a., I separate, sever, part, ab, vail, get the upper hand; figur.: I creep. from. Serrs, a, ur, adj., late; aged, old; slow, S~ptlio, ptlTvi and ptlii, pultum, 4, v. a., I long, protracted; too late, idle, fruitless; bury, inter; figur.: sepultus sum, I am adv., ser). undone, I am lost, I am a dead man. Servilis, e (serous), adj. of or pertaining to SLpes or saepes, is, f., a fence, hedge; any a slave, slavish, servile. enclosure. Servio, Ivi and ii, ttum, 4 (serrus), v. n.. I Sepio and saepio, psi, ptum, 4 (sepes), v. a., am a slave, act in the capacity ut a serI fence, hedge in; I enclose, environ, vant or slave, c. dat.; to be subject to surround with anything; I guard, garri- certain servitudes; to serve tor anything, son, man, occupy; I cover, secure, shel- to be serviceable or fit for, to be used for ter, screen. anything; I serve, show kindness, do a Septem, nltm., seven. favor, please, humor, gratify alty one; I September, bris, bre (septem), adj., the pay attention to, have regard to, take seventh; mensis September, the month of care of, betow pains upon, ain at; I September. conform or accommodate myself to. Septen-trio or septem-trio, inis, and septen- Servttium, ii, n. (servus), slavery, servitriones or septem triones, urn, pllr, m., tude, bondage, service; seraitia, slaves. properly, tle seven plough-oxen; the Servetus, utis, f. (serous), the condition of a seven stars of the constellation called servant or slave; slavery, servitude, serArctos, the Greater Bear,Charles's Wain; vice, bondage. the north. Servius, i, m, a Roman praenomen. Septimus, a, um (septem), adj., the seventh. Servo, 1, v. a. and n., I observe, watch or Septudginta (septem), nuin., seventy. wait for; I guard, watch, keep; I obSeptuLm, i, n. (sepio) any place fenced or serve, keep, maintain; I preserve, save, paled in, hedged or enclosed; a hedge, deliver from destruction; 1 preserve, fence, palisade, wall, mound. keep, lay aside; I occupy, inhabit. Sipulcrum or spullchrum, i, n. (sepelio), a Serous, a, urn (servo), adj., captive, servile, grave; a tomb, sepulchre. slavish; subst., servus, i, m., a slave. SEpultftra, ae, f. (sepelio), the act of bury- Sesqul-pedalis, e, adj., of a foot and a ing; burial, interment; a burial, funeral, half. fiuneral rites, obsequies; a grave. Ses-tertius, a, urn (semis, tertiuq.), adj.. half S9quor, quittus or efttus sum. 3, v. dep.. 1, of the third, two and a half; sestertius, v. n., I go or come after, walk behind, sc. nummus, a sesterce, a coin worth two follow; to follow as a consequence; 2, ases and a half, or the foulrth part of a v. a., I follow, accompany; I pursue; I denarius: sestertium, sc. pondo, a sum of follow, conform to, obey; I follow after, nioney of the value of a thousand seeseek for. seek to attain, pursue, court I tertii. aim at, have in view; to become the Seta or saeta. ae, f., any stiff, big, rough property of any one, fall to the portion hair; ristle. of; I continue, follow up, prosecute. Seu (site) conj., or; seu-seu, whetherSermo, 6nis, m. (oro), anlything spoken, or, either-or. a speech, talk, discourse; the common Slverltas, tis, f. (severus), gravity, srious. talk of people, common report; conver- ness, severity, harshness, rigor, austerity sation, discou rse. strictness. Srne, sefi, sdtum, 3, v. a., I sow. plant; I SrWerus, a, um, adj., sharp, criel; severe, prodluee bringt forth, beget; I sow, dis- harsh; grave, serious, strict, rigorous; seminate, scatter, spread. adv., slvlrS. SEX 726 SIM Sex, num., six. sign, constellation; a standard, banner, Sexaginta, num., sixty. ensign; signa inferre, to bear the standSex-cCelti, ae, a (sex, centum), adj., six hun- ards against the enemy, to attack. dred. Silentium, ii, I. (sileo),a being silent, silence, Sextlis, is, m. (sc. mensis) [sextus], the stillness, quietness, tranquillity; silentio sixth month of the Roman year, after- praeterire, to pass over in silence. wards called Augustus. Stleo, ui,, v. n. and a., 1 am silent, cease SI, conj., if; since, because, inasmuch as; to speak; I am silent, do not speak; I when; if, although, even though; whe- keep secret; I am still, at rest, calm, ther if, if perchance; si minus, or si non, inactive. or si ne, if not; 0 si! 0 that! would Silva or sylva, ae, f., a wood or forest; that! ac si, as if; quodsi, if, if now, if woody district, woodlands. however, if therefore; si quis, for si ali- Silvesco or sylvesco, 3 (silva), v. n., to bequis; si quandu, for si aliquando. come a forest; to grow thick, bushy, or Sibyllittus, a, um (Sibylla, a prophetess, a woody. sibyl), adj., of or belonging to the Sibyl, Silvester or sylvester, tris, tre (silva), adj., Sibylline. V. Cic. in Cat. III. 4, n. 11. full of woods, woody. Sfbtlus, i, mi. (sibilus), a hissing, whistling. SImtlis, e, adj., like. resembling, similar, SIc, adv., in this way, after this fashion, with a dat. or gen.; simiiis ac or atque, thus, so; therefore, hence, on that ac- like as; adv., similiter. count; sic - ut, so - that; sicut, so as. StimtlItido, inis, f. (similis). likeness, reSiccitas, atis, f. (siccus), dryness; drought, semblance, similitude, similarity. dry weather, want of rain. Simiolus, i, m. (simius, for simia), a little Sicilia, ac, f., the island of Sicily. ape. SicUli, orum, m., the inhabitants of Sicily, Simplex, tcis (semel, *sim, plico), adj., simthe Sicilians. pie, uncompounded; simple, unmixed, Siciibi (for si alicubi), if in any place, if any- pulre; simple, inartificial, natural, plain; where. single,without connection; sincere. plain, Sic-Ot and sIc-Iti, conj., so as, just as; as, frank, candid, upright, honest; sinple, like; as, for example; as it were; as in- unsuspecting; straight, without benddeed; as if, just as if; although. ings; unconditional, absolute; not inSicyonius, a, um (Sicyon), adj., of or belong- tricate, without difficulty. ing to Sicyon, Sicyonian. In the plur. Simil, adv., together, in company; together subst., Sicyonians. with, at the same time; as soon as; simul Signator, oris, m. (signo), a sealer, signer. ac, or atque, or ut, as soon as; simul ac Signt-fer. a, um (signum, fero), adj., bear- primum, no sooner than; simul-simul, ing a mark, sign; subst., a standard- as well-as, both-and. bearer, ensign. Similacrum, i, n. (simnulo), the likeness. Signt-ffc/tio, inis, f. (significo), a signify- resemblance, or representation of anying, revealing, intimation, expression, thing; an image, picture, figure, effigy, declaration; neaning, signification,sense, statue; shadow, resemblance, appearimport; a sign, token, mark. ance, semblance of a thing; a spectre, lign'i-ftco, 1 (siomnum, facio) v. a., I give a ghost, phantom, shade, vision. sign, give notice or warning, signify, in- SImulatle (simulatus), adv., feignedly, predicate, intimate, notify, point out; to tendedly, fictitiously. indicate, betoken, portend; to signify, S'lmfiltio. funis, f. (simulo), an imitation, mean, import. falsely-assumed appearance; a counterSigno, I (sigrnum), v. a., I seal; I mark by feiting, feigning; pretence, color, guise; words or gestures, point out express; I deceit, simulation, hypocrisy. stamp, coin; I mark observe, notice. Simulator, oris, mn. (simulo), an imitator; a Signum, i, n., a mark, sign; prognostic, feigner, pretender, counterfeiter. omen; a signal in war; an imare, figure, Slimilo, 1 (similis), v. a., I make like; I statue; the imnaee in a seal-ring, seal: paint, represent; I imitate, resemble; I the impression of a seal, seal; a celestial simulate, feign, counterfeit. SIM 727 SOL Stmultas, atis, f. (simul), grudge, hatred, S aci.tas, atis, f. (socius), union, conjlnction, political enmity. company, colmmlutnion, society, fellowSin (for si ne), conj., but if, if however. ship, association, alliance, conspiracy, S$ni (si, ne), prp. c. abl.: without connection; a league, alliance, conSingillatimn, for singulatim. federacy. Sing;ldris, e (smngulus), adj., one only, Socius, a, um, adj. and subst., connected, single; singular, unique, unparalleled, united, associated, joining or sharing in, matchless, extraordinary, excellent. social; a companion, associate, fellow, Singildtim or singilldtim (singulus), adv., sharer, partner, comrade; an ally, consingly, one by one, piece by piece, man federate. by man. Si-cordia or s —cordia, ae, f. (socors), Sing-ili. See siagulus. thoughtlessness,silliness, stupidity, foolSingtilus, a, um (unicus), adj., more fre- ishness; inattention, carelessness, inquently plur. singali, ae, a, single; one dolence, sloth, laziness, sluggishness, each, one to each place; each, every, inactivity each particularly. Sodalis, e (sodes), adj., social, companionSInister, tra, trum. (ino), adj., left, on the able; subst., a companion, intimate aoleft hand or side; sinister, adverse, con- quaintance, comrade, fellow, boon-corntrary, baleful, pernicious, unfortunate, panion. bad. Sinistra, sc. manus, the left hand. Sol, s6lis, m., the sun. Stno, sIvi, situm, 3, v. a., I pult, let, do not Solatitum, ii, n. (solor), comfort, consolation; take away, leave to; I let go; I leave, comfort, aid, assistance, relief, resource, siffer to remain; I permit, suffer, allow, succor, refuge. give one leave, let one do a thing; I Soldurii, Brum, m. (Gallic word same as leave, forsake, abandon. Engl. soldier), a kind of vassals or reSMnus, six, m., a bending, cavity, fold; a tainers in Gaul, who devoted themselves bend, bay., gulf; the bosom, breast; the to the service of some prince or great heart bowels, innermost part. man. Sisto, stlti aid steti, stdtum, 3, v. a., I place, Silemnis and silennis. See sollemnis. put, set, cause to stand; I cause to stand S6leo, itus sum, 2, v. n., I use, am accusetill, check, stop, stay, arrest, detain, tomed or wont; ut solet, as he is accuskeep back; v. n., I stand, I stand still, tomed, according to his custom; ut sulet, stop, take firin footing; I continue, en- as is usual. dure, last, remain in good condition. SOltitudo, inis, f. (solus), a lonely or solitary Sttiens, tis, part. (sitio), adj., thirsty, dry, place; a desert, wilderness; a being parched. alone, solitude, retirement; a solitary Sltio, 4 (sitis), v. n., I thirst, am thirsty; state or condition, loneliness, helplessto thirst, be parched or dry; v. a., I thirst ness. after, desire eagerly, covet. Soltus, a, um, part. (soleo), adj., usual, Sltis, is, f., thirst; dryness, drought, customary, accustomed, wonted, oraridity, great heat, sultriness; figur.: dinary. thirst, strong or eager desire, covetous- Sollemnis and sollennis, e (fron *sollus h. e., ness, greediness. totus, and annus), adj., celebrated, perSltus, 1s, m. (sino), position, situlation, formed, or to be done every year; solemn, site; structure; want of cultivation, festive; common, usual, customary, or. neglect; mould, mustiness, dirt, filth dinary. which a thing acquires from lying too SoUers and silers, tis, adj, skilfil. expert; long in one place. ingenious, sagacious, adroit, clever, intelSttus, a, um pat. (sino), adj., lying, situ- ligent; cunning, wily. ated; permitted, allowed; built, erected. Sollertia and s5lertia, ae, f. (sollers), artfiulSi-ve, conj., or if, or j sive-sive, if-or, ness; ingenuity, sagacity. capacity, dex if either-or if, either, whether-or; terity, adroitness, skill; craftiness, sub. sive-an, either-or. tletv, archness, slynesq, cunning. SJcer or sockrus, gri, m., a father-in-law. SolatcIto, 1 (sollicitus), v. a., I pOut in motion, SOL 728 SPI move, stir; I tempt, instigate to mutiny there, throw or strew about, scatter; I or rebellion, urge, rouse, press, endeavor sprinkle, squirt; I scatter seed, sow; 1 to seduce; I provoke, irritate, make throw, hurl; I divide, spread, exteld, angry; I excite, allure, entice, invite, disperse; I spend, waste. indtice; I disquiet, trouble, disturb, Sparus, i, m., a spear, lance. harass, vex, torment. Spatium, ii, n., a space or distance; room, SouiIcItdfdo, lnis, t. (sollicitus), disquiet, extent; interval, space between; ciranxiety, solicitude, trouble, uneasiness of cumference, size, bigness, bulk; length; mind. a space which one has to run through, a Soll'cltus, a, um (*sollus, h. e., totus, cieo), course; a way, journey; a race-course; adj., moved, tossed, agitated, disturbed, a walk, place to walk in; a walking; a troubled; anxious, uneasy, solicitous. space of time; respite, delay, leisure; Silum, i, n., the lowest part of anything, an interval of time, intervening time; the ground, bottom; the soil, ground, time, measure, quantity. earth; soil, land, country. Species, ei, f. (specis), a seeing, sight, look, Sslum (solus), adv., only, alone; non solum view; look, mlien, appearance; the out-sed ehtum, not only -but also. ward form, exterior, out.ide; show, orSolus, a, um, gen. salius, dat. soll, adj., nament; an idea, notion; appearance, alone, only, unaccompanied; lonely, semiblance, pretence, pretext, color. solitary, desert, retired, unfreqllented. Spectaculum, i, n. (specto), the place from St1ltus, a, um, part. (solvo), adj, unbound; which or where one sees anything; a free, unrestrained; unprejudiced, im- sight, public sight or show, a stage-play. partial; free, in one's own power with- Spectatio, onis, f. (specti), a viewing, beout difficulties, easy; unrestrained, im- holding; a trying, proving, examining. moderate, excessive, extravagant, licen- Specto, I (specie), v. freq. a., I look at, see, tious. view, observe; I have in mind heed. inSolvo, Ivi, litum, 3, v. a., I loose, loosen, un- tend, endeavor, strive, tend to; I look tie, unbind; I separate, disengage, break up to, respect, regard with admliration; I up, dissolve; I weigh anchor, set sail, look at, have regard, pay attention to; I sail away, puit to sea; I pay. see, watch, wait to see; I try, examine, Somnus, i, m., sleep. prove; I judge of; I look towards, am Sons, tis, adj., harmful, hurtful, noxious, turned or lie towards, face; I belong, criminal, guilty. conlcern, pertain, relate to; I expect, Sordes, is, f., filth, dirt, nastiness, un-.wait for.. cleanness; shabby clothes, mourning; Spcufldtor, iris, m. (speculor), a spy, scout. lowness, mean condition or quality; Spculatdtrius, a, um (speculator), adj., bebaseness, meannless, covetousness, sor- longing to spies. didness, niggardliness. Spciulor, I (specula), v. dep. a., I see, look Sordlddtus, a, um (sordidus), adj., meanly. around, look at a place; I espy, explore, or shabbily dressed; wearing mourning pry into, watch, observe, wait for, lie in clothes. wait for. S6ror, oris, f., a sister. Spirdtus, a. um, part. (spero), subst., speSors, tis, f., a part, share; anything used rata, a betrothed bride; speratus, a lover, to determine parts, a lot, die; a casting suitor. or drawing lots; destiny, fate, condition, SpSro, 1 (spes), v. a. and n., I look out for, circumstances, chance, fortune. expect wait for; I hope, entertain hopes, Sortior, Ttwus sum, 4 (sors), v. dep. n. and a., trust; I hope for; bene or recte sperare de I cast or draw lots; I divide or distribute aliquo, to entertain good hopes of one. by lot, assign or determine by lot, allot; Spes, ei, f., light seen before; expectation, I choose, select, procure; I receive or hope; praeter spem, contrary to expectaobtain by lot. tion. Sospes, tis, adj., living, safe, safe and Sphaera, ae, f. a globe, ball, sphere. sound, unhurt, uninjured. Spica ae, f., and spicum, i, n., an ear of Spargo, si, sum, 3, v. a., I throw here and corn. SPI 729 STR Spir'tus, its, m. (spiro), a blowing of the calm, still; I strew, cover; sterner wind; a breathing, the breath spirit, lectum, to cover the bed with cushions or mind, high spirit, elevation of mind; in- mattresses, get it ready. dignation; uno spiritu, in one breath. StImiilo, 1 (stimulus), v. a., I prick, goad; Spiro, 1, v. n., I breathe, blow; I breathe, torment, vex, trouble, disturb; I incite. fetch breath, respire; I breathe, emit instigate, impel, excite, provoke. odor. Stipator, Oris, in. (stipo), a guard, bodySplendor, iris, m. (splendeo), brightness, guard; an attendant, companion. clearness, splendor, radiance, lustre; Stipendildnus, a, um (stipendium), adj., resplendor, sumptuousness, magnificence; lating to tribute; bound to pay tribute, excellence, dignity, eminence, honor, re- tributary, stipendiary. nown. StIpendium, ii, n. (for stipi-pendium, from Spdlio, I (spolium), v. a., I strip any one, stips and pendo), the pay of soldiers; a take off his clothes; I rob, plunder, spoil; campaign, military service; a tax, tribI deprive. ute, contribution. Spolium, ii, n., armor gained as booty; Stipo, i, v. a., I stuff, cram, press close, plunder, booty, spoil, pillage. compress; to encompass, surround, enSpontS (all. of *spons, spoken will, free- viron; to attend, accompany; stipatus, a, will, allied to spondeo), adv., of one's um, pressed close together; full of anyself, of one's own accord or free-will, thing; surrounded, attended. voluntarily, spontaneously, willingly, Stirps, pis, f., the lowest part of a tree, infreely; by one's self, alone; mea, tua, cluding the roots; the root of a tree; any sua sponte, of my, thy, his, its own ac- root, plant, or shrub; figur.: root, cause, cord, without orders, of itself. source, beginning, rise, origin; a stock, Squalor, iris, n. (squaleo), dryness; filthi- family, kindred, race; offspring, descendness, foulness, nastiness, filth, squalor; ants. soiled garmnents as a sign of mourning. St, stlti, statum, 1, v. n., I stand; I stand StYablitas, ttis f.(stabilis), sableness. stead- firm, fight; to be fixed, appointed, deterfastness, stability, firmness, fastness; mined, resolved, unchangealle; I am constancy. firm or steadfast; I persevere, persist, Stadium, ii, n., a Grecian measure of dis- continue in, abide by, stand to; I re tance, a distance of 125 paces or 625 feet; main, endure, last, continue; to cost. a race-course. Stoicus, a, um, adj., of or belonging to the Statim (sto), adv., on the instant, instantly, Stoics, Stoic; subst.: stoicus, i, m., a Stoic. immediately, forthwith. Stmadchus, i, m., the stomach; sensibility, Stdtio, onis, f. (sto), a standing still; a stay, mind, taste, liking; indignation, vexasojourn, residence; a station, post, out- tion. post, picket, guard. Stragilus, a, um (sterno), adj., that which Statuo, ur, fstum, 3 (sto), v. a. and n., I is spread over anything, a coverlet, cause to stand, put, place, set; I place, blanket, quilt, carpet; stragulum, i, n., set up, raise, erect, build; I make, estab- a cover or coverlet for a couch. lish; 1 set, fix, appoint, assign, prescribe; Stratonicensis, e, adj., of Stratonice. I determine, decide, give sentence, pass Stratum, i, n. (sterno), a coverlet, cushion, judgment; I resolve; I decree I sup- mattress, quilt. pose, think, believe. StrgEnuu^ a, un, adj., active, strenuous, Stadtfra, ae, f. (sto), stature, size, bigness, ready, prompt, quick, nimble; brave, height of body. valiant; audacious; adv., strEnue. Status, is, m. (sto), a standing; posture, Strxpltus, us, m. (strepo), a harsh or con. attitude; state, station, condition, cir- fused noise, rustling, rattling, clashing, cumstances; quiet, peaceful condition. din. Stella, ae, f., a star. Structfira, ae. f. (struo), a structure, buildSterno, strabl, stratum, 3, v. a., I strew, ing; structurae, nmines, mining works. spread, scatter; I throw to the ground, Struo, xi, ctum, 3, v. a., I join together; I throw down^ I level, make straight; I raise, build, erect, rear, fabricate, con31* STU 730 SUB strrct; I arrange, put in order, set in to occur, I come in the place of, suearray; I plot, prepare, contrive, devise. ceed, come after any one Studeo, ui, 2, v. n. and a., I hasten, pursue, Subf-. See suff-. attend to, bestow pains upon, apply the Sub-igo, ei, actum, 3 (sub, ago), v a I mind to, labor or endeavor to do, exert drive, bring, lead, or conduct to a place, myself to obtain, c. dat.; 1 study, culi- figur.: I bring to anything, force, convate; I am attached to, favor; I desire, strain, compel, oblige; I drive, put in wish, am anxious. motion, impel; I work, break up, dig, Stiudtsus, a, urm (studium). adj., hasty; till plough, cultivate; I subject, reduce, anxious, eager, desirous, zealous, fond, subjugate, vanquish, conquer subdue. c. gen.; desirous of learning, studious; Sib-invito, 1, v. a., I invite a little. learned, literary; favorably inclined, Sib-ltus, a, um, part. (subev), adj., sudden, favoring, attached or partial to; adv., hasty, unlooked for, unexpected; done stiidiose. without premeditation, extemporaneous; Stadium, ii, n., haste; eagerness, zeal, fond- adv., suibto. ness, desire, inclination, endeavor, exer- Sub-jlcio, jEci, jectum, 3 (sub, jacio), v. a., I tion; study; favor, inclination, partial- throw, put, or lay under or below; I ity; attachment, devotedness, observ- subject, make subject, submit; I expose, ance; approbation, applause; propensity, subject, make liable; I place near or by favorite study, employment or pursuit; I connect; I subjoin, answer, reply; I a manner of life, profession, business, give, hald; I suborn. trade, occupation. Sub-lIvo, 1, v. a., I lighten, lessen, diminStultus, a, um (for stolidus, from stolo), adj., ish; I ease, relieve, soften; I assist, help, stupid, foolish, infatuated, silly, sot- favor; I lift, raise, or hold up, support. tish, imprudent; subst., a fool, simple- SublIca, ae, f., a stake driven into the ton. ground for bearing or supporting anyStuprum, i, n., fornication, violation, adul- thing. tery, lewdness, debauchery; shame, dis- Sub-mlnistro. See sumministro. grace. Sub-mitto. See suummitto. Suavis, e, adj., sweet, pleasant, grateful Sub-miveo. See summoveo. delightful, agreeable. Subp-. See supp-. Sudavtas, itis, f. (suavis), sweetness, pleas- Subr-. See surr-. antness, agreeableness; gracefulness, Sub-sellium, ii, n. (sub, sella), a low seat or grace, affability, courteousness. bench; a bench for the spectators at the Sub, prp. c. abl. and acc.: under, beneath, theatre; a bench for the judges or advoat the foot of; from under, from beneath; cates; the persons on a bench. in; at, by, during; towards; immediate- Sub-s'quor, quftus or cittus sum, 3, v. dep. ly after; on, upon; sub ea condicione, on n. and a., I follow forthwith or soon, this condition; towards the night. come after; I attend, accompany, am Sub-dilus, a, um (sub, dolus), adj., cunning, connected with; I follow, obey conform crafty, deceitful, sly, subtle. myself to. Sub-dico, xi, ctum, 3, v. a., I draw from Sub-stdium, ii, n. (sub, sideo), a place of under, draw away, take away; 1 with- refuge or shelter, a station for ships, an draw, remove; I withhold; I draw off, anchorage; a body of troops in reserve; lead away; I reckon, reckon together, the rear; succor, reinforcement; help, calculate, compute, cast iup; I haull to assistance afforded to persons fighting; land, draw ashore; I bring or lead to a help, assistance, aid, relief, protection; place. subsidio esse, to help, assist. Sb-eo, ivi and ii, tium, ire, v. n. and a., I Sub-sisto, stiti, 3, v. n. and a., I cause to go under anything; I undergo, sustain, stand still, stop, stay, detain; I resist, encounter, endure, suffer; I go to, ap- withstand, stand firm against, c. dat.; I proach, advance, draw near, come up hold out, hold fast, do not give way; I to; I come, go; I fall upon, assail at- stand still, halt, tack, invade; to come into one's mind, Sub-sum, sub-esse, v. n., I am under or be SUB 731 SUM hind; I am near, at hand; I am joined Sido, 1, v. n., I sweat; I sweat with, am or connected with, I exist, am. wet witl, drip witlh any tiling; sunguine, Subttli', e (for subtexilis, or from sub and with blood; 1 sweat, labor hard, toll; v. tela), adj., finely woven, fine, thin, tender, a., I emit by swealing, sweat, drop, distil. minute; nice, exquisite, acute, subtile, Sitdor, oris, in., sweat; figur.: sweat, toil, discerning, refiled, accurate, correct, ex- pains, exertion. cellent; plain, without ornament; adv, Suevus, a, um, adj., of or belonging to the subttliter. Suevi, Suevan. Sub-trdho, xi, ctum, 3, v. a., I take away Suf-fZinentum, i, n. (suffio), that with which below, take away, remove, withdraw, one fitmigates, a perfimie. carry off; s. se, to withdraw, retire, go Suf-fodio,fJdi,fossum, 3 (sub.fodio), v. a., off, or steal away. I dig under, undermine; I stab below. Sitb-urbadltas, atis, f. (suburbanus), a being Suf-fragium, ii, n. (sub,fran/ro), a broken in the suburbs, nearness to the city. piece, potsherd; a vote, suffrage; figur.: Sub-vdho, vexi, vectum, 3, v. a., I carry or opinion, judgment, recommendation, fabring up; I convey up the river, against vor, consent, approbation, approval. the stream; I carry, convey, conduct, Sut, sibl, se, pron. recipr., of himself, to transport to a place. himself, himself, herself, itself, themSub-vunio, veni, ventum, 4, v. n., c. dat.: I selves. conme to, come on, cone after; I come to Sullanus, a, um, adj., of or belonging to one's assistance, assist, relieve, aid, suc- Sulla. cor. Sulpicius, i, m., a Roman family name. Sub-verto, ti, sum, 3, v. a., I turn upside Sum, fui, esse, v. n., I am, exist; I am, down, overturn, throw to the ground; fig- stay, abide; to consist in, depend upon; ur.: I overthrow, ruin, destroy, subvert. to find place, take place, be permitted; Suc-cedo, cessi, cessum, 3 (sub, cede), v. n. to belong or pertain to, c. gen.; to be and a., I go under; I undertake, take good, serviceable, or of use for, c. dat.; upon myself; I go into, enter, go to a to cost, be worth, be sold at, c. abl. or place; I go to, approach, advance; I fol- gen.; sunt qui, there are people who; low close upon, succeed, come after, come est, quod, there is reason why; mihi est, into the place of; to turn out well, pros- I have; meum est, it is my duty; esse per, meet with success, succeed; I go up, maugni, sc. pretii, to be of great value, to ascend, mount, climb. be worth much, to cost much; impediSue-cessus, its, m. (succedo), an advancing, mento esse alicui, to cause one hinderapproaching; success, happy issue. ance. Suc-c-do, ctdi, esum, 3 (sub, caedo), v. a., Summa, ae, f. (summus), the sum, amount; I cut off below or from below, cut down, the sum, contents, substance; the chief fell. thing, the most excellent; preference, Succo, onis, m. See suco. pre-eminence, first place, first rank; Suc-curro',curri, cursum, 3 (sub, c.), v. n., summa imperil, highest authority, comc. dat.: I run or hasten to; I run to one's mand in chief; in summa, ad summam, assistance, succor, aid, assist, help, re- in omni summa, on the whole, in short, lieve; to come into one's mind, occur to in a word, finally. one's thoughts. Sum-mlnistro, I (sub, ministro), v. a., I give, Succus. See sucus. procure, send, furnish, afford, supply. Suco or succo, onis, m. (sugo), a sucker; Sum-mitto and sub-mitto, mt.i, missum, 3, v. figur.: a usurer. a., I relax, moderate, give way, lessen, Sucus and succus, i, m. (sugo), juice, mois- abate; I yield, give up; I give up, reture, sap; a drink, potion, syrup, oint- mit; I subject; I send privily or underment; taste, flavor, relish of anything; hand; I send, send off, despatch; I send figur.: vigor, force, strength, liveliness, out, appoint. spirits, energy, genius. Sum-mdveo and sub-mdveo, muvi, motum, 2, Sides or sidis, is, f., a stake, pale driven v. a., I remove, carry to a distance, reinto the ground. move out of the way, displace, drive SUM 732 SUP back, compel to retire or make room, Super-sWdeo, sedi, sessum, 2, v. n. and a., I cause to give way; I remove, withdraw, sit upon or above anything; I omit doing, keep off. forbear, let pass, leave off, give over Summus, a, ur (for supmnus, from superus), cease, desist. adj. superl., highest, topmost, uppermost; Super-stitio, Onis, f. (super, sisto), superlast, extreme; greatest, very great; most stition, false religion; worship of the important, most critical, very hazardous; gods, religion, holiness, sanctity. suamo jure, with all the iigor of tihe law; Sfuper-sum, fai, esse, v. n., I remain, am summus vir, a very great man; summa left behind, exist still; I survive; to be res, a chief point; the main point, the in abandance; to be superfluous, unnewelfare of anything; summa salus rei- cessary. publicae, the safety or welfare of the state Siiprus, a, um (super), adj., what is above, in general; ad summum, at most, at the upper, higher; superi dii, the celestial'tnmost, at the farthest; summum, adv., gods; a height. - Compar. superior; at last, for the last time; sunmmo, at last, superl. superrimus, supremus, and sumat the end, lastly; adv., summe. mus, which see. imo, sumsi and sumpsi, sumtur and sump- Siper-vacaneus, a, um (super, vaco), adj., turn, 3 (sub, emo), v. a., I take up, take; that which is over and above what is I cite, bring forward; I buy, purchase; necessary, superfluous, needless, useless. I choose select; I undertake, enter upon, Sup-prdtto and sub-ptdtto, I (for suppetito, take in hand, begin; I assume, use; I from suppeto), v. n., I am in store, an arrogate, assume to myself; J take for enough or sufficient, abound; I am at granted, affirml, maintain; I lay out, ex- hand, exist. am; I am sufficient, suffice; pend; I consume, wear out. I have an abundance, abound in, c. abl.; Sumptus and sumtus, Es, m. (sumo), charge, v. a., I furnish, afford, supply, give, proexpense, cost cure; I assist, aid, c. dat. SupEr, adv., over, above; moreover, be- Sup-p&to and sub-peto, Zvi and ii, Itum, 3, sides; prp., over, upon, on; above; be- v. n., c. datet I go or come to, am at yond; over against, opposite; at, during; hand or in store, am; to occur, suggest besides; of, on, about, concerning. itself to one, come into one's mind; to Siperbia, ae, f. (superbus), pride, haughti- be sufficient; I give or afford a suffiness, insolence, arrogance. ciency. Siperbus, a, um (super), adj., raising itself Sup-plex or sub-plex, lcis (sub, plico), adj., above others; haughty, puffed up, proud, kneeling down, humbly begging, entreatarrogant,assumning,insolent; adv.,siperbc ing, petitioning, suppliant, kneeling, Siuper-ftcies, ei, f. (super, facies), the upper prostrate, humble, submissive; subst., a part, surface; a building relatively to the suppliant, humble petitioner; adv., supground on which it stands. piciter. Super-fluo, uxi, 3, v. n., to run over, over- Sup-plicatio, Onis, f. (supplico), a kneeling flow; to be superabundant, abound. down; public worship of God, a solemn Supetrior, n., sApErius, oris (compar. of thanksgiving. superus), adj., upper, higher than an- Sup-plecium or sub-plYcium, ii, n (supplex), other; past, gone by, former, above, last, a kneeling down, supplication, prayer, first; older, more advanced in age; su- humble entreaty; capital punishment; perior. nobler, higher, more inportant; torture, torment; any severe punisha conqueror, vanquisher; locus superior, ment; suffering, misfortune, distress. any height or eminence, the tribunal of a Sup-plico and sub plIco, 1 (supplex), v. n., governor. I kneel down before, pay respect to, c. Suplro. 1 (super), v. n., I am superior, pre- dat.; I pray or beg humbly, beseech, vail; I abound, am very frequent, super- implore; I worship, supplicate, implore fluous or redundant; v. a., I pass, come the favor of the gods. over; I surpass, excel, exceed, outdo, Supporto, 1, v. a., I carry, bring, convey. outreach; I conquer, overcome,vanquish, Sipra.(for supera, sc. parte, from superus), subdue. adv., on the upper side, above; more: SUR 733 TAE above, before; further; back, further provide for; I keep back, keep in, withback, from times past; prp. c. acc.: hold, curb, stop, check, restrain, retard; above, over; above, more thanl; besides; I put off, defer, delay, prolong, protract; before. I defend, protect, shelter. Surgo, surrexi, surrectum,3 (for sur-rigo or Suus, a, um, pron possess., his, her, its, sub-riro, from rego), v. a., I lift or raise one's, their; proper, peculiar, fixed, apup; v. n., I rise, arise; to spring or grow pointed; inclined, devoted or favorable up. to hims, her, them; own, not strange; Sur-ripio and sub-rtpio, rtpui, reptum, 3 sui, his friends, his party. (sub, rapio), v. a., I snatch or take away Syracufsae, drum, f., the city of Syracuse secretly, steal. in Sicily. Sur-rioo and sub-rSgo, 1, v. a., I substi- Syracusani, orum, m., the inhabitants of tute, put in the place of. Syracuse, Syracusans. Sur-ruo and sub-rue, rui, ritum, 3, v. a., I Syria, ae, f., Syria. pull down from below, pull down, over- Syrus, a, um, adj., of Syria; subst., a throw, overturn, demolish; I underminte. Syrian. Sus-ctpio, cTpi, ceptum, 3 (sus-, capio), v. a., I take or lift up, bear, support; I undertake, take upon myself to do, perform, T accomplish, begin; I bear, suffer, endure, encounter, undergo, submit to; I T., as apraenomen, denotes Titus; but Ti, assume as true, maintain, assert, grant, or Tib. denotes Tiberius. concede, allow, admit. Tdbellarius, a, un (tabella), adj., relating Suspectus, a, urn, part. (suspicio), adj., sus- to tablets; relating to letters; subst., pected, exciting suspicion and mistrust. tabellarius, a letter-carrier, courier. Sus-pensus, a, un, part. (suspendo), hanging, Tiberna, ae, f., a hut, cottage; a stall, hung up, suspended; adj., depending shed, shop, workshop; a hut, booth, or upon anything; suspended, floating; un- stand for spectators at the games. certain, doubtful; anxious, fearful, timid. Tabernacilum, i, n. (taberna), a tent. Su-splcio, spe.i, spectum, 3 (sus-, specio), v. Tabes, is, f. (tabeo), a growing wet, putre-:i. and a., I look up or upwards; I look faction, corruption; any moisture; a at, look up at; I look upon with admi- consumption; a pestilence, plague. ration, admire, honor, respect, esteem, Tabesco, bui, 3 (tabeo), v. inch. n., I melt regard; I suspect, mistrust. gradually, am dissolved or consumed, Su-splcio, inis, f. (suspicio), a looking up, waste away, decay. suspicion, mistrust, distrust; opinion, Tdbula, ae, f., a board or plank; a bench notion, conception, idea. made of boards; a gamning-table or Su-splcor, 1 (suspicio, gre), v. dep. a., I sus- board; a board for painting on, a paint pect, apprehend, fear, mistrust; I think, ing, picture; a writin-tablet; a tablet imagine, conjecture, suppose, suspect. for voting; a map, chart; a writing, Su-spiratus, fs.. (suspiro), a sighing, sigh. book, register, list, catalogue; a table; Su-spiro, I (sus-spiro), v. n., I heave a sigh, tabulae, account-books; tabulae publicae, sigh; v. a., I sigh for or after. state-papers, public records, the archives. Sus-tento, 1 (sustineo), v. a., I keep upright, Tceo, ui, Itum, 2, v. n., I am silent, do bear or hold up, uphold, support, hold; not speak, hold my peace, say nothing; I sustain, maintain, preserve; I hold v. a., I pass over in silence, keep secret. out, bear, suffer, endure; I withstand, Tactus, a, urm, part. (taceo), adj., what is oppose, resist; I delay, defer, put off. passed over in silence or kept secret Sus-tIneo, ttnui, tentum, 2 (sus-teneo), v. a., what is done without words or voice, I hold or keep up, uphold, sustain, up- silent secret; hidden, concealed; silent, bear, support, bear, carry; I take upon still, quiet. myself, undertake; I suffer, bear, n-Taedet, duit or sum est, 2, v. impers., me, dergo, endure; I hold out against, with- it fills, disgusts me, I loathe, am disgust stand; I maintain, feed, nourish, sustain, ed with, am tired or weary of. TAL 734 TEN Ta/s, e, adj., such, such like, so consti- Tg,'lmentum, i, n. (tego), a covering. tuted. Telum, i, n., a lance, spear, dart, missile, Tam, adv., so very, so; tam-quam, as weapon. much - as, as well - as. T/m/rdrius, a, um (temnere), adj., rash, Tdmin (tam), conj., yet, however, for all overhasty, inconsiderate, imprudent, foolthat, nevertlheless, notwithstanding; at hardy. least, yet at least. TemEre, adv., rashly, overhastily, inconTdrm/n-etsi -and tdim-etsi, conj., though, al- siderately, giddily, unadvisedly, foolishthough, albeit or notwithstanding that; ly, without reason, casual y, by chance, however. at random. Tam-quamn and tanquam (tam, quam), adv., Temer/tas, atis, f. (temere), rashness, hastias, just as, as it were. ness, thoughtlessness, inlprudence. Tan-demn (tam, demum), adv., at last, at Temo, onis, m., the pole or draught-tree of length, ftially, in the end; tandem ali- a chariot. quando, now at last. TempErantia, ae, f. (temperans), moderation, Tant-6pEre and tanto i6p/r, adv., with so temperance. great trouble, so nmuc!l, so greatly, so Temprud&t (temperatits), adv., with moderearnestly, to such a degree. ation, moderately, temperately. Tant/lus, a, um (tantus), adj., dim., so little, empero, 1 (tempus), v. n., I am temperate so small. or moderate, I moderate or restrain myTantum (tantus), adv., only, but, alone, self; c. dat., I moderate, restrain; temmerely; I will not say, not at all, by no perare hostibus superatis, to spare the means, far from this; only, merely. conqtuered enemies; v. a.,I mix, temper, Tantum-m do, adv., same as tantum, only; mingle in due proportion; I prepares for dumntrodo, if only, provided orily. make, regulate, order; I rlle, govern, Tantus, a, um (tam). adj., so great; subst., manage; I mitigate, soften, mollify, tantum, such a trifle, so little, so small a temper, allay. number, so few; so omuch; only so much, Tempestas, itis, f (tempus), a space of time, only so many; gen., talti; tanti esse, to period, season-; weather; bad weather, be of so great value, be worth so much; a storm, tempest; figur.: calamity, misest mihi tanti, it is of importance to me; fortune, danger. abl., tanto, by so much, so much, the, Templum, i, n., a piece of ground consewith comparatives. crated to a god, a temple. Tardo, I (tareduos), v. n., I tarry, delay, lin- Tempus, oris, n,, time, season; a period or ger, loiter; v. a., I make slow, retard, space of time; a seasonable or convenstop, impede, delay, hinder. lent time, opportunity; the circumstanTardus, a, tm, adj., slow, tardy, sluggish, ces of time, the times; dangerous, uinslack; figlur.: heavy, dull of under- fortunate circumstances, misfortune, disstantdinlg; adv., tarde. tressftil situation. Tectlrium, ii, n. (tectorius), a cover, cov- Tendo, tOtendi, tensum and tentum 3, v. a., ering; plaster, stucco-work. I stretch, stretch out, extend, distend; Tectorius, a, um (tego), adj, what serves I spread, pitch; I turn, direct, drive or for or belongs to covering; what serves guide towards; I give, present, offer, for covering or overlaying ceilings, walls, hold out; v. n.,, I am in tents, am enfloors. camped; I travel, run, sail, take my Tecturm, i, n. (tego), the covering or roof ot way, shape my course to a place; I aim a house; the ceiling of a room or hall; at, have in View, design, intend; I fight, a room; a dwelling, house, building. contend; I oppose, resist. Tectus, a, ulm, part. (tego), adj., hidden, T/nnbrae, drum., f., darkness, gloom, night. concealed, secret, cloaked. Ttneo, nui, ntum, 2 (tendo), v. n., I hold, Tiglmen and tigiimen, and tegmen, Inis, n. last, continue; I hold for, make for, steer (tego), a covering; figur.: protection. towards; v. a., I hold, hold fast; I keep, Tego, texi, tectum, 3, v. a., I cover; I cover, observe; I hold, detain, keep back; I hide, conceal; I protect, defend. maintain, keep possession of, defend; TEN 735 TIM figlr.: I possess, incite, move, affect, t Testdmentum, i., n. (testor), that by whicrl seize; I captivate, charml, amuse; I one bears witness and mtakes known a keep back, stop, check, curb, refrain, re- thing; a testament or last will. strain; I keep to myself, keep secret, Testi-flcor, 1 (testis, facio), v. dep. a., I conceal; I maintain, affirm, assert, de- call to witness; I bear witness, testify, fend; I support, maintain, nourish; I aver, attest; I prove, demonstrate, show, gain, obtain, reach, get to; I contain, declare. comprehend, comprise; I occupy, pos- Testimonium, ii, n. (testis), testimony, evisess, hold, have. dence borne by a witness; any testiTiner, tra, erutn, adj., soft, pliant, yield- nmony, proof, or evidence. ing, tender; telder, effeminate; soft, Testis, is, in. and t., a witness; one who delicate, attests anything by words, one who Tento and tempto, 1 (tendo), v. freq. a., I proves something; one who avers sometry, endeavor, attempt, intend, purpose, thing, a voucher. undertake; I try, prove, put to the test, Testor, 1 (testis), V. dep. a., I witness, tesessay, attempt; I attack, assail; I tempt, tify, bear witness, give evidence, prove incite, endeavor to incite. by my testimony, confirm, certify, deT unuls, e, adj., thin, slender, fine, subtile, clare; I call to witness. rare: lank, lean; exact, minute, nice, Testido,, tni,;f (testa), a tortoise i an arch, ingenious; meagre, without ornament; vault; a covering like the tortoisetender; small, little, slight, trifling, mean, shell; a shed used in sieges; a covering bad; adv.; tlnulter. of shields. Tcph-fdcio fSci,factum, 3 (tepeo, facio), v. Teter and taeter, tra, trum (ater), adj., foul, a., i warm, make warm, make tepid or nasty, ugly, hideous, grisly, horrid, offenlukewarm. sive, shocking; figur.: bad, evil, direful, Tspor oris, m.,a gentle warmth; w.armth, abominable. tepidity. Tttrarchls, ae, m., a tetrarch, one of four Ter, adv., three times, thrice. princes who govern each the fourth part Terracinensis, is, m., an inhabitant of Ter- of a country, a small prince. racina, an ancient city of Latium, a Ter- Teucris, Idis, f., 1, a Trojan female; 2, a racinian. Sail, Cat. 46. pseudo-nymic designation of some perTergum, i, n., the back; the surface of a son. V. Epp. Cic. III. thing; a covering, cover; skin, hide; Texztlis, e (texo), adj., woven; intertwined, anything made of hides or leather, a interlaced, plaited, braided; textile, sc. shield. opus, a stuff, cloth, linen. Termino, 1 (terminus), v. a., I bound, limit, Theatrum, i, n., a place where spectacles circumscribe, confine; I determine, fix, are seen; especially where dramatic appoint, regulate; I conclude, close, end, spectacles are exhibited, play-hotule, finish. theatre. Terni, ae, a (ter), adj., three each, three. Tlebdni, 6rum, m., the Thebans. Terra, ae, f., the earth, ground, land; the Thus, uris. See tus. earth, soil; a land, country, region, dis- Tignum, i, n., a beam or piece of timber ti.r trict; orbis terrarum, the earth. bllilding. TerrSnus, a, unm (terra), adj., of earth, Tigurtnus, a, um, adj., Tigurine; Parisa earthen, earthy. Tigurinus, one of the four districts or Terreo, ui, Itum, 2, v. a., I affright, fright- cantons of Helvetia. en,pput in terror, alarm, terrify; I frighten Tigurini, irum, m., the Tigurini, the inoff or away, keep off by terror. habitants of the Pazus Tigurinus. Terrlbllis, e (terreo), adj., terrible, fright- Timeo, ui, 2, v. a. and n,, I fear, am afraid ful, terrific. of, am in fear of, apprehend, am anxious; Terror, 5ris, m. (terreo), terror, affright; sibi timuerant, they had feared for themdread, fear; alicui esse terrori, to be a ter- selves; timeo, ne, I fear, that; timeo ne ror to any one, to he terrible to any one. on, or ut, I fear. that not. Tertius, a, um adj., third, the third. TtmIdus, a, aum (timeo), adj., full of fear, UU TIM 736 TRA fearful, timorous, timid, afraid, faint- 7Ttiss (tot), adv., so often; just so often; hearted, cowardly. toties- qaoties, so often -as. trno.or, oris, m. (timeo), fear, apprehension; Tntus, a, urn, gen., lus (tot), adj., whole, a fear, the cause of fear, a dread; magno entire, the whole; all, all together; sum timure esse, to be in great fear, fear totus Vester, I am wholly yours; totum, greatly; in magno timore esse, to cause the whole, the whole matter; ez tote, great fear, be greatly feared. wholly, altogether, totally, entirely; in Ttilbo, 1, v. n., I stagger, totter, reel; I tote, in the whole matter, generally. stammer, falter, hesitate; I am embar- Trabs, bis, f., a tree; a beam, rafter. rassed, am perplexed; I slip, trip, make Tracto, I (traho), v. freq. a., I drag, drag a mistake, blunder. about; I handle, touch, feel, stroke; I Titus, i, m., a Roman praenomen. treat, use; I handle, consider, examine; Tnga, ae, f. (tego), the outer garment of I treat or discourse of, discuss. the Rorans, gown, toga; peace, time of Trd-do and trans-do, dAdi, dttum, 3 (trans, peace; t. praetexta, a toga with a purple do), v. a., I give over, deliver, consign, stripe. give; I deliver faithlessly, betray; I conTggBtus, a, um (toga), adj, clothed or sign to another's care or attention, recdressed in a toga; gens togata, the Ro- ommend, commend; I give up, surrenmans; togati, Romans. der, commit unreservedly; I deliver, TogUla, ae, f. (toga), dim., a little toga. teach; I leave behind, leave, hand down, Tilbrtblis, e (tolero), adj., what may be record, relate, narrate, recount; tradunt borne or suffered, supportable, tolerable, or traditur, they say, they tell or relate, passable. he is said, related. Toilrans, tis, part. (tolero), adj., bearing, Trd-duco or trans-duco, xi, ctum, 3, v. a., I able or willing to bear, tolerant of, pa- bring or carry over, bring, lead, or convey tient under; adv., tileranter. to a place, I transport, transfer; I transfer, TilSro, 1, v. a., I bear, bear patiently, en- promote, advance; I lead, spend, pass. dure, support, abide, tolerate. Tragoedia, ae, f., a tragedy. Tollo, sus-tuli, sub-lttum, 3, v. a., I raise, Tragla, ae, f., 1, a javelin. lift, or take up; I raise, elevate, build Traho, traxi, tractum, 3, v. a., I draw; I high; I lift up, elate; I erect, cheer up draw away, draw down; I draw to myconsole; I raise, send tup, set tup, make self; I draw after myself, have in my ascend; I push forward, help to the train; I draw together, draw Ip, conattainment of honors; I take upon my- tract; I draw apart, distract; I squander, self; I carry, bear; I bear, sttffer; I dissipate; I draw out, spin out, protract; take, take away, lake to myself; I take I wear away, waste away, spend, pass, * ff, remove; I put away, banish; I plt consume; I take into consideration, conwot of the way, destroy, ruin; I cancel, sider, reflect on, revolve, weigh; I draw annul; I strike out, erase, correct; I o, attract, carry away; I draw off, di suppress, do not mention; sublatus, a vert. urn raised, weighed; proud, puffed,p. Trd-jectio, Onis, f. (traicio), a passing from Toreuma, itis, n., any work in relief, raised one place to another, passing over, pasctulptttre. sage; transposition. Tormentum, i, n. (torqueo), a hurling-en- Trd-jectus, s, m. (trajcio), a passing over, gine; the missile shot therefrom; a rope, crossing over, passage cord, line; torment, torture. Tra-ficio or trans-.jcio, jeci, jectum, 3 (trans, Torpesco, ui, 3 (torpeo), v. inch. n., I be- jacio) v. a., I throw or cast over; I shoot come stiff or numbed, lose feeling or mo- over I pass draw or carry across; I tion, become torpid; figur.: I become in- transport across, convey across, ferry dolent, languish, become insensible. over ship over; I thrust through, transT7t, indecl. num. adj., so many; tot - quot, fix, shoot through. so many-as; tot-ut, so many-that. Trtmes, Itis, m. (from trameo or tramitto), 7Tt-Idem, indecl. num. adj., just so many, a crossway: h! way, bypath, sidepath, )ust as many. footpath, path. TRA 737 TRI Tri-ne or trans-no, 1, v. a. and n., I swim Trans-jectus and trans-jicio. See traj-. over, cross by swimming, swim through. TranspadAnus, a, nm (trans, padus, the Po), Tranquillitas, tis, f. (tranquillus), stillness adj., beyond the Po. Subst., one living or calmness of the sea, still weather, a beyond the Po. calm; calmness, quietness, stillness, Trans-porto, 1, v. a., I carry, convey, or quiet, peace, tranquillity. bring to another place, transport. Tranquillus, a, unm (trans, quies), adj., ly- Transrkendanus, a, urn (trans, Rhenus), adj., ing, reposing, at rest; calm, still, smooth; that is beyond the Rhine, transrhenish. quiet, peaceful, placid, sedate, tranquil. Transtrum, i, n. (trans or trabs), a crossTrans, prp. c. acc. (properly, through): beam, cross-bench, bench for rowers in a over, beyond; on the further side of, be- vessel. yond. - In composition, where its shorter Trarn-verbEro, 1, v. a., I strike or beat form trd appears before consonants, ex- through, pierce, transfix. cept s, it denotes through, as transfigo; Trans-versus or trE-versus, a, mt, part. or over, as traduce; or beyond, as trans- (transverto), adj., what is or lies across, alpinus. athwart, crosswise, transverse, oblique, Trans-alptnus, a, um (trans,.Ipes), adj., transverse. that is or lies beyond the Alps, transal- Tr`-eenti, ae, a (tres, centum), adj., three pine. hundred. Transcendo or trans-scendo, di, sum, 3 Trpido tio, inis, f. (trepido), confused (trans, scando), v. a., I climb or mount hurry or alarm, consternation, terror, over, surmount, pass, cross; figur.: I trepidation; bustle, hurry, confusion. pass or step over; I overstep, transgress, Trvpido, I (trepidus), v. n., I hurry with exceed. surpass, transcend. alarm, hasten about, fly about; I run in Trans-duco. See tra traducepidation, hasten confusedly; I tremble Trans-eo, tvi and ii, ttum, ire, v. n. and a., for fear, am alarmed, fear; I hasten, I go or pass over or beyond, go or pass move quickly, bustle, am busy. in any direction; I go over to the enemy, Tres, and treis, and trls, tria, adj., three. desert; I overstep, transgress; I stand Triarii, 3rumn, m., sc. milites (tres), the out, surmount; I pass thrtogh, go soldiers who occupied the third place, through, sail through; I go by, go over, standing behind the hastati and principes. pass away. TrIbuis, e (tribus), adj., one who is of the Trans-frro, trli, latum, ferre, v. a., I carry same tribe; one of the same tribe, a or bring over, transfer, transport; I turn, tribesman. direct, or apply to anything; I put off, Tribuntcius or trVbiOntius, a, u (tribusus), defer; I adapt, accommodate, app'y; I adj., of the tribunes, tribunicial. transcribe, copy; I translate, render, Trtbfinus, i, m. (tribus), a president or turn. chief of a tribe, a president, chief, comTrans-figo, fixi, fixum, 3, v. a., I run or mander, tribune; tribuni militum or milithnrst through, transfix, pierce, perforate. tares, military tribunes. Trans-gr'dior, gressus sum, 3 (trans, gra- Tribno, ui, itum, 3, v. a., I give, present, dior), v. dep. n. and a., I go or pass over; bestow, impart; I ascribe, attribute; I figur.: I pass, proceed, go over to; I go concede, grant, yield, give up to; r bebeyond, surpass, exceed. stow upon, spend upon. Trans-igo, Sgi, actum, 3 (trans, ago), v. a., Tribus, ts, in., properly the same as stirps. I drive through, thrust or run through; a stock, family, kindred, race, tribe; a I pierce, transfix; I lead, pass, spend; I division of the Roman people, a class, a finish, bring to an end or completion, ex- tribe. pedite, despatch, accomplish, conclude. Tribtaum, i, n. (tribuo), that which is giv. Trans-Itio, inis, f. (transeo), a going over, en; a tax, contribution, tribute, impost. passing over, passage; a going over to Trt-diat, i, n. (tres, dies), the space ot the enemy, desertion. three days. Trans-ltus, is, m. (transeo), a passing or Tri-ennium, ii, n. (tres, annus), the space going over, passage, crossing; desertion of three years, three years. TRI 738 TYR Trlginta, num. adj. indecl., thirty. disturbance, uproar, sedition, insurrec. Prini, ae, a (tres), adj., three each; triple, tion, mutiny; a suddenly approaching threefold. war; a tempest, storm; disquietude, unTri-plez, Icis (ter, plico), adj., threefold easiness. triple. Tumlus, i, m. (tumeo), a hill, hillock, Tristis, e, adj., sad; sorrowful, dejected, mound; sepulchral mound, sepulchre, woful, melancholy; noxious, hurtful, grave. baleful, baneful; lamentable, unfortu- Tune (tum, ce), adv., then, at that time. nate, unlucky, unhappy: morose, ill- Tunica, ae, f. (allied to toga), a tunic, garhumored, stern, austere, pitiless, severe, ment worn under the toga; a covering, serious. tegument, the skin. Tristitia, ae, f. (tristis), sadness, melan- Turba, ae, f., turmoil, tumult, confusion, choly, care, sorrow, grief; moroseness, disturbance, uproar; a crowd, multiseverity, gloomy strictness. tude, throng, press; a suite, train, body Triumpho, I (triumphus), v. n., I hold or of attendants; the crowd, the rabble, celebrate a triumph, I triumph; v. a., I common people. conquer, triumph over. Turbldus, a, unm (turba), adj., full of conTriumphus, i, m., a solemn procession; a fusion or disorder, confused, disturbed; solemn and magnificent entrance of a tempestucus, stormy, turbid; disturbed, general into Rome after having obtained troubled, surprised, confused. an important victory; figur.: a victory. Turbo, 1 (turbo), v a., I disturb, disorder, Trium-vir, tri, m (tres, vir), one of three throw into confusion; I amaze, conmen who hold an office together; p..: found. triumviri or tresviri. Turbtlentus, a, um (turbo). adj., full of disTrojani, orum, m., the inhabitants of Troy, turbance, trouble, or conmotion, conthe Trojans. fused, boisterous; turbulent, seditious, TrUctdo, 1 (trux, caedo), v. a., I cut to factious. pieces, slay or kill cruelly, cut down, Turma, ae, f., a division of Roman cavalry, slaughter, massacre, butcher. consisting of thirty men, a troop or Truncus, i, in., the trunk, stock, or body squadron of horse. of a tree; figur.: the trunk of the human Turpis, e adj., ugly, deformed, unseemly, body. filthy, foul, nasty; figur.: hateful, shameTi, pron., thou, you; tute, thyself. ful, base, dishonorable, disgraceful, inTiba, ae, f., the tuba, a Roman wind- famous, unbecoming. instrument, a trump, trumpet. TurpitUdo, Inis, f. (turpis), ugliness, deTueo, 2, and tueor, tultus, and tfstus sum, 2, formity; baseness, dishonor. disgrace, v. a., I see, view, behold, look or gaze infamy. upon; I regard, inspect, consider, ex- Turris, is, f., any tower or high building; amine; I look to, take care of, favor, a tower for strengthening walls; a tower protect, defend; I maintain, uphold, pre- for fortifying a camp; a movable tower serve, keep up; I guard, protect. used in besieging cities. TulliSnum, i, n., the dungeon of the state Tsfs or thtis, fris, n., incense, frankincense. prison in Rome, bfiilt by King Servius Tusculdnum, i, n., the name of Cicero's Tullius. V. Sail. Cat. 55. estate at Tusculum. Turn, adv., then, hereupon, in the next Tusci, orum, m., the inhabitants of Etruplace, again, besides, next; then indeed; ria, the Tuscans, Etruscans, Etrurians. then, at that time; prnimum —deinde — Tstus, a, am, part. (tueor), adj., safe, tun, firstly - secondly - thirdly; conj., secure, protected, out of danger; prudent, turn - turn, not only - but also, both - cautious; tutum, i, n., safety, security, and, as well - as; adv., tun - turn, adv., titi. now -now, at one time- at another; Tuus, a, um (tu), adj. or possess. pron., quum - turn, as well - as, in general — thy, thine, your; tunu, thine, yours. and in particular. T7rannus, i, m., a monarch, sovereign, 7fmultus, as, m. a tumult, broil, bustle, king; a tyrant. UBI 739 USU U Un-dcIetmws, a, um (undecim), adJ., the eleventh. Unadiqui (unde, que), adv., wheneesoever, t/b (for cubi or quubi, from qui or quis), Uadiqui (ude, que), adv., whencesoever, at he(for cu in a or u wbic, fromae from all parts, from every part, from all adv., where, in what or which place; quarters; everywhere, on all sides, on qtiarters; everywhere, on all sides, on when, as soon as. every part. ibi-cumque or gb'-cunque, adv., whereso- a u u. a. Uago and ungruo, anxi, uricturn, 3, v. a., I ever, in what place soever everywhere, a edau, wet, soA k; I anoint, daub, bedaub, be it where it may.smear, besmear. inb-que, adv., wheresoever, everywhere, Unguentum, i, n. (ungo), an ointment, unin every place. guent, perfume. Ulciscor, ultus sum, 3, v. a., I cut, destroy; Uag; 3 Seeuno. revenge, avenge; I avenge myself, take u (nus, ers), adcounZi-versus, a, um (unus, versus), adj.. colrevenge for the ir eo leted injury done whole, collective, whole, ltm ire, for ulcis, to proceed to re- entire, all together; relating or belongvenlge, to revenge. ing to all or the whole, universal, genUllus, a, un (for unulus, from unus), adj., eral; universi, pl., all together, together, any, any one. collectively; universa atque omnia, all Ulter, tra, trum (ille, ollus), adj., of that things in general and in particular; uniside; it seems to occur only in ultra and ersu, the whole, the whole world ultro; compar., ulterior, us, farther or at universe in universum, in general, gena greater distance, beyond, ulterior, on rall, in the whole, universally. the farther side; figur.: remote, distant; Crnquam, adv., ever, at any time. superl., ultImus, a, urn, the last; the,,, adj., gen., one, an a; most remote, oldest, earliest, first; the n, a single, one alone, one only, one farthest, most distant, most remote; the and no more, alone; one, the same, one greatest, utmost, extreme. and the samore, al whole, a true; nus Ultio, Otis, f. (ulciscor), a revenging, re- uisue, each one, each; ad unum mnes, venge. all to a man, all together, all without Ultra (for ultera, sc. parte, from ulter), adv., exception. on the other side, beyond; beyond that, -qaeqe, um dque, farther, more, besides, moreover; farther a, eh e, each on; more, farther off, from afar; compar., r us, ad., of, pertaining Urbanus, a, umn (urbs), adj., of, pertaining ulterius, farther on, farther; further, or belonging to a city; rfined or elegant more: prp. c. acc.; beyond, on the fur- in s way of living, polite, genteel, ther side of, past; figur.: beyond, over well-bred, courteous, affable. well-bred, courteous, affable. Ultr6 (for ultero, sc. loco, from utter), adv.,Urbs is, f., a town surrounde with on the further side, beyond; to the further ll, city; the city, Rome. side, beyond; of one's own accord, volun-Ur or rgeo, rsi, 2, v. a., I press upon, tarily. spontaneously; ultro citroque. on tarily spontaneously; ultra citrque on bear hard or close upon, urge, drive, imboth sides, on one side and the other. p force; I ress hard, weigh down, Umbra, ae, f., a shadow, shade; shelter, beardown, oppress, distress, incommode; protections; a trace, obscure image, faint I press upon, am imminent, am near at appearance, semblance of a thing; a hand. shadow, color, show, pretext, pretence;Us-que (us; akin to ad, que), adv., on still, a shade, departed spirit; umbrae, the in- right on, incessantly, ever, constantly, fernal regions, the lower world. assiduously; all the way, even, quite, as Umquam. See unquam. far as; generally; always, ever, continUnt (unus), adv., at once, together, in corm- ually; usque adeo, to such a degree; pany, along with, at the same time. usque Romam, even to Rome; usque ad Undo (for cunde or quunde, from qui or eztremum, to the very end of life; usque quis), adv., whence, from whence, why, o, so far. wherefore; from what place, out of gIsfisra, ae, f. (utor), the temporary use or what place; whom, from which. enjoyment of a thing; interest, usury USU 740 VAG t7sus, is, m. Cutor), use; frequent use, fre- suitable, adapted; useful, profitable, quent exercise, practice; usefulness, wholesome, salutary, advantageous, serutility, advantage, profit, benefit, good; viceable. use, custom; usage, custom of speech; Cutlitas, atis, f. (utilis), usefulness, service. intimacy, familiarity; experience, ex- ableness, service; utility, profit, adpertness, skill; need, necessity, occasion. vantage. ft or fti (for cut or quut, cuti or quuti, ii-nam, adv. O that, I wish that, would from qua or quis), 1, adv., in what man- that, would to God that. ner, as, just as, even as, so as, accord- tiZ-quS, adv (for et uti), and that; and ing as; as for instance, as for example; as; be it as it may, at all events, at anyas, as being, inasmuch as; how, in what rate, by all means, certainly, surely, asway or manner; ut dixi, as I have said; suredly, indeed, undoubtedly; at least; ut si, as if, as though; utut or utcumque, in especially, particularly. what manner soever, however; ut -sic, utvr, isus sum, 3, v. dep. a., c. abl.: proor ita, as - so; both - and, not only - perly I seize, handle, I use, make use of, but also; indeed - but; although - yet; avail myself of; I enjoy, partake of; uti ut - ita, with the superl.,so- as, or the suo largius, to be prodigal of one's prop-the, with the compar. in English; erty. ita-ut, so true or sure-as; ita deos Ut-potS, adv., namely, as; utpote qui, who mihi velim propitios, ut commoveor animo, namely, being one who. as surely as I would be blessed by heav- ttrimque and utrinque (uterque), adv., on en, so surely am I troubled in spirit. 2, or from both sides or parts, on or frfn conj., as, when, as soon as; with a sub- the one side and the other. junctive: that; in order that, to the end Utrum (uter), adv, whether; utrum- an, that; that therefore, that accordingly, or ne, whether-or. so that; oh that! would that! that only! utaV, ae, f., pr(perly a heap; a bunch or supposing that, in case that, although, cluster of grapes. even though; that namely, that to wit; Uxor, Oris, f. (from jungo), a wife. accedit, ut, to this is added, that; ut vere dicam, that I may speak the truth, to say the truth; ut dubitare debeat nemo, so V that no one ought to doubt; ut te dii perduint! may the gods destroy you! ut ita FMcillo, 1, v. n., I waver, totter, rock to sit, even supposing that it be so; ut, after and fro, incline this way and that; figverbs of fearing, timeo, metuo, ereor, ur.: I am unsteady or inconstant, waver, has the force of that not. totter, vacillate, hesitate. Ut-cumque or ut-cunque, adv., howsoever, Vdco, 1, v. n., to be empty or void; c. abl.: however; anyhow, somehow; whenso- to be void or destitute of to be free or ever, at whatever time. clear from; to be vacant, without a poster, itra, utrum, gen., triaus, dat., utri sessor, to stand open, to be unoccu(for cutur or quuter, from qui or quis), pied; I am without business, am at leisadj., which of two, whether; the other; ure. both. Vcuus, a, um (vaco), adj., void, empty, aer-cumque or llter-cunque, adj., which- vacant; without somelhing, free from soever of the two. something, void of, with ab; also with. iter- ibet, trds tbet, fltrum-'tbet, adj., out ab; free, without business, disenwhich of the two you please, which- gaged; without lord or owner, vacant; soever of the two, either of the two. vacuum, a void, vacant place, empty fter-que. {ltrt-que,,trum-que, adj., both space. the one and the other, both. Vadum, i, n. (vado), a place in a river ftn, inin. of uter. See utor. where one can go through on foot, a it, the full form for ut. See ut. ford, shallow. rtUllis, c (utibilis, from utor), adj., what Vaina, ae. f., the scabbard or sheath of a may be used, fit for use, fit, good, proper, sword; any case, sheath, integument. VAG 741 VEN Vagio, Ivi or ii, ltum, 4, v. n., I cry, squeak, IVas, e&sis, and *v&sum, i, n., an earthen squeal, squall. vessel, vessel. YVdgor, 1 (vagus), v. dep. n., I range about, Vasto, I (vastus), v. a., I lay waste, devaswander, rove, ramble, roan, stroll, stray. tate, ravage, desolate, pillage; I make Vdaus, a, um, adj., wandering, rambling, empty, spoil, bereave, strip; I make roving, strolling, roaming, unsteady. something become wild; 1 disquiet, harValde (for valide), adv., strongly, vehe- ass, torment, confound, perplex. mently, highly, very, much, very much, Vastus, a, um, adj., waste, desert, desogreatly; yes, certainly. late; unshaped, rude. uncouth, coarse; Yelens, tis. part. (valeo), adj., well, in good hideous, frightful, fearfully great, hugc, health, whole; strong, robust, able, vig- enormous, imumense, vast. orous; mighty, powerful; forcible, effec- Vati-cinatio, onis, f. (vaticinor), a foretelltive. ing, prophesying, prophecy, prediction, YVleo, ui, tum, 2 (akin to polleo), v. n., I divination. am well or in health, enjoy healthl; I Fe-, insep. prefix, denoting either the oppoam strong, am robust or lusty, am able; site of the simple word, as vesanus, vefigur.: I have force or effect, have cors, or a heightening of it, as vegrasdis, weight or influence, prevail; to have vepallidus. force or efficacy, avail, be effectual, serve, -VF, a conjunction always affixed to some be good; valS, farewell. word, or; duabus, tribusve horise in two Valerius, i, m., the name of a Roman or three hours. gens. V'-cordia, ae, f. (vecors), want of reason, Vdiletdo or vdlfttdo, Inis, f (valeo), state madness, frenzy, insanity; madness, of body, health, constitution; good fury; folly, senselessness, dotage, fahealth; ill health, sickness, illness, in- tuity. disposition, weakness, infirmity, disease. Vectigal, alis, n. (for vectigale. from vectiVdtidus, a, uim (cvaleo), adj., well, sound, galis), sc. aes, money paid for carriage-; strolg, healthy; stout, robust, vigorous, tax, impost, duty, revenue. sturdy, lusty, powerful VectZgalis, e (veho), adj., properly what Yallo, 1 (vallum), v. a., I intrench, fortify, is paid for carriage; what is paid in palisade; figur.: I protect, cover, secure. taxes; subject to or bound to pay taxes, Vallum, i, n. (vallus), a fortification of taxable, tributary. stakes or palisades, the palisades; a ram- Vbhbmens, tis (veho), adj., inconsiderate, part, wall, mound. immoderate, impetuous, vehement, inVdantas, atis f. (vanus), emptiness, want tense, violent, fierce, severe; great, of reality, mere show, vanity, falsehood; strong, forcible, very efficacious, powerflattery, vain adulation; boasting, vaunt- ful; adv., vrh/menter. ing. Vho, xi, ctumn, 3, v. a., I carry, convey, Valtus, a, urn, adj., properly, blown, what bear; vehi, to be carried, brought, borne, is easily blown away; empty, void, con- conveyed, to ride, sail; also rehi, to go, taining naught; empty, vain, unmean- proceed, advance; c. ace.: to go over, ing; empty, void of truth or reality, traverse. unreal, untrue, false, lying, deceitful, Vel (allied to volo, veUe) conj., or; also, boastful; vain, in vain, to no purpose. even also, even; even, if it must be so; apor, oris, m., heat, warmth; an exhala- vel-vel, either-or, both-and, alike tion, steam, vapo t; smoke. - and, partly - partly. Vdriitas, atis, f. (varius), diversity of col- Vslox, Ocis (akin to volare), adj., fleet, swift, ors; diversity, difference, variety, mll- quick, rapid, speedy. tiplicity; mutability, changeableness, VSlum, i, n., a veil, cover; a curtain; a fickleness, inconstancy, sail. Virius, a, urn, adj., party-colored, varie- V'l-iit or vel-tii, adv., as. like as; as for gated, spotted: various, different, di- example, for instance; as if, as it were; verse; cliangeable, variable, light, fickle, velut si, as if, just as if. inconstant; adv., vdriS. Venabiilum, i, n. (venor), a hunting-speat. VEN 742 VER lMti/s, e (verus, us), adj., exposed to sale, Verbignus, i, m., one of the four districts offered for sale; venal, mercenary. or cantons into which Helvetia was VEnatio, anis, f. (venor), hunting, the chase; divided. a spectacle of hunting; the game. Verbum, i, n., a word; a saying, adage; Venatus, fts, m. (venor), a hunting or chas- verbafacere, to speak, discourse. ing, the chase. Vlrecundus, a, um (vereor), adj., shameVFndo, dtdi, dttum, 3 (contracted front faced, shy or diffident from respect, modvenusn do), v. a., I sell, vend; betray for est, bashful, respectful; sparing, forbearmoney; I sell, exchange, give the use ing, moderate; adv.. vreicundg of for money or other valuable considera- Vreor, Itus, sum, 2. v dep. n. and a., I tion. fear with reverential awe, reverence, VFntnum, i, n., bane, poison, venom. respect, revere stand in awe of; I fear, Vemeo, Iri and ii, itum, 4 (from venum co), am afraid of; I fear, apprehend. v. n., I go to sale, am sold, am let out.. Verge, 3 v. a. and n, I incline, direct or VFnero, 1, and vwneror, 1 (contracted from turn a thing in any direction; I pour, renium ore), v. a., I pray reverently, in- pour out, pour in; I incline or turn myvoke humbly, crave humbly, beseech, self anywhere; to lie or look towards, beg, entreat; I adore, reverence, revere, runl. tend, border upon. worship, venerate. Vergobrtus, i, m., Vergobretus. title of the Veneticus, a, um, adj., of or belonging to chief magistrate among the Aedui: said Venetia or the Veneti, Vettetian. to be a Celtic word = man-for-judgment; Vnnia, ae,f., indulgence, leave, permission, i. e. judge. Caes. I. 16. allowance, license; favor, kindness; Vrf-smnlis, e. adj., like the truth, having pardon, forgiveness. the semblance of truth, likely, probable. VSnio, vEai, ventum, 4, v. a., I come, I go; VOgr (verus), adv., in truth, indeed, truly, I come back, come home, return; to certainly, for certain, assuredly yes, come, happen, befall, fall out, take place, yes indeed, by all means, ay, certainly; occur; alicui venire auxilio, to come to conj. but, but now. the assistance of any one; ventum est, Verslczlus, i, m. (versus) dim., a littleline; they have come. a little verse, a verse. Venetia, ae, f., the country of the Veneti. Verso, 1 (verto), v. freq. a., I turn often; Venor, 1, v. dep. a. and n., I hunt, chase, figur.: I iurn, bend, shift, exercise, agipursue. tate, change, alter; I guide, direct, rule, Venter, tris, m., the belly; the stomach. govern; I turn over in my mind, conVenttto, 1 (venio), v. freq. n., I come often, sider, revolve, reflect on, examine, ponam in the habit of going. der; I treat, handle, inanage, conduct, Ventus, i, m., the wind carry on; versari, to be turned to turn YVnust, bris, f. (akin to venia), properly rotnd, revolve; to be anywhere, to freagreement; love to the other sex; Ve- quent any place, to stay, abide, live; nus, the goddess of love; the planet versatur inter eos, he hlolds intercourse Venus, the morning or evening star. with them; versatur ante oculos, it hovers Vnustus. a umn (venus), adj., charming, before the eyes; versari in re, to be occubeautiful, graceful, lovely; elegant, po- pied, busied, exercised in a thing, to lite, well-bred, fine, genteel. apply to, pay attention to a thing. Vepres, is. m. and f., a thorn, brier, brain- Versus, its, m. (verto), a turning round; a ble-bush. line in writing; a poetical line, a verse; Ver, dris, n., the season when the juice is verse, poetry. revived in the trees, the spring; spring- Versus and versum (from versus, a, um), time. adv., -ward, -wards, towards; in Italiam Verber, /ris, n., a rod, switch; a whip, versus, towards Italy; ad oceanum verscourge, lash; lash, stroke, stripe, blow. sus, towards the ocean, prp., towards, Verbbro 1 (verber), v. a., I lash, whip, in the direction of, c acc. scourge, heat, strike, drub, flog; figur Verto or vorto ti, sum, 3, v. a., I turn, turnt I chastise, rebuke, chide, harass. about, turn round; I overturn, over VER 743 VID throw, throw down; figur.: I turn, in- former, old, ancient times; old friend terpret, translate; I turn, change, trans- ship, old acquaintance; cunning. form, alter; I turn over, revolve, con- VYttus, a, um (vetus). adj., old, iot ilew, sider, reflect upon, ponder, examine; of long standing; old, not young. vertere hastes in fugam, to put the enemy Vexillum, i, n. (veho), a military ensign, to flight; vertere se aliquo, to turn or ensign, standard, banner; the body of direct one's self in any direction. men who were under a single banner; rerum (verus), conj., but, however; adv., the banner, flag, or unfurled cloth, which really, truly, actually, in truth. was displayed from the general's tent as rVruam-tadnen or verun-tdmen, conj., but a signal for the soldiers to prepare for however, but yet. battle. Vrus, a, um, adj., being, real, actual, true, Vexo, 1, v. a, I hurt, treat ill, maltreat, sincere, genuine, certain, natural; right, abuse, plague, harass, distiess, worry, proper, fit; reasonable; adv., ver. annoy, molest, trouble, afflict, injure, Vescor, 3 (esca), v. dep. n., I feed upon, damage. eat; I enjoy, make use of, use. Via, ae, f., a way, road, highway, highVesper, /ris, and vesper or vesprus, Uri, m., road; a street; a way, passage, canal, the evening, eve, the evening-star; the path; figur.: away,means, opportunity. west. Viator, ris, m. (via), a wayfaring man, Fester, tra, trum (vos), adj., pron. poss., of traveller, passenger. or pertaining to you, your, yours. Vicesamus or vigesimus, a, um (viginti), Vestlaium, ii, n., a footstep, tread, trace, adj., the twentieth. track; a tread or step; the place or spot Vicinltas, atis, f. (vicinus), nearness of on which a man treads or stands; the place, neighborhood, vicinity; the neighsole, the foot; figur.: a trace, vestige, hors. mark, sign, token, indication; a point, Vicinus, a, um (vicus), adj., neighboring, moment, instant. near; vicinus, m., and vicina, f., a neighYestirnentum, i, n. (vestio), that which serves bor. for clothing, clothes. Vicis, is, f. (a genit. of which the nor, Vestio, 4 (vestis), v. a., 1 clothe, array; does not occur; acc., vicem; abl., vice; figuer.: I clothe, cover as with a garment, pl., vices and vicibus), change, alternate cover, deck, adorn. or reciprocal succession, vicissitude, alVestis, is, f., a garment, vest, vestment, ternation, interchange; the lot, hap, fate, robe, clothes, dress, suit, habiliments. condition of any one usually unfortunate; Vestttus, us, m. (vestio), clothing, clothes, person, part, respect, concern; in vices, dress, apparel, raiment, attire; figiir.: a in turns, in return; in vicem, by turns, clothing, dress, vesture, covering, decor- alternately, reciprocally, mutually; vice ation. versa, the case being reversed, reversely; YVgtranus, a, um (vetus),adj., old, of many in vicem eorum, instead of them, in their years' age or standing; veteranus, an old place. soldier, veteran soldier, veteran. Victlma, ae, f. (vincio), an animal adorned VIto, ui, ttum, 1, v. a., I dissuade, forbid, with a vitta or head-band, and sacrificed prohibit, interdict; figur.: I forbid, ward to the gods, a victim. off, hinder, prevent; vetitum est, it is or Victor, oris, m. (vinco), a conqueror, victor; has been forbidden. - Veto was the word vanquisher; adj. victorious. used by a tribune of the people when he Victoria, ae, f. (victor), victory. protested against a measure of the senate Victus, is, m. (vivo), life, way of life; or of a magistrate: I am opposed to it, I food, sustenance,victnals, provislons,fare. forbid it, I protest against it. V-cus, i, m., a village, hamlet; in the city, VFtus, Iris, adj., old; old, not new, of long a quarter. standing; old, former, of former days. Vd-i'c-tct, adv. (for videre Iicet), it i, easy VStustas, atis, f. (vetus), oldness, age, to see, it is evident; certainly, for certain, length of time, antiquity, ancientness; to be sure, clearly, as 1t. to see; namely, posterity, future times; antiquity, the to wit, that is to say. 32 VID 744 VIS laWn'? for videsne? Vinctlum and vinclum, i, n. (vincio), anyVideo, vidi, visu.m? 2, v. a. and n., I see, thing that ties or binds, a bond, band, tie, behold; I see, perceive, observe, hear; I cord. am aware, understand; I see, endure, Vindex, tcis, m. and f (vindico), one that undergo, experience; I see, go to see, lays claim to something, a claimant; an call upon, wait upon; I look at, look to, asserter, defender, protector, maintainer, consider, reflect; care for, provide, fur- deliverer; adj., avenging, punishing; an nish, procure. prepare, conduct; I look avenger, punisher. upon, have in view, have before my eyes. Vindico or vendico, 1, v. a., I claim. lay Vtdeor, visus sum. 2 (pass. of video), v. n., claim to, demand as my own, arrogate, I am seen; I seem, have the appearance, appropriate, assume; I free, set free, appear, am regarded; mihi videtur, I liberate, rescue, deliver, defend, protect, think; visum est mihi, it has seemed good save, redeem; I maintain, assert; I pun. to me, I have thought it right. ish, inflict punishment; vindicate aliquem Vigeo, gui, 2, v. n., I live, thrive; I am in libertatem, to assert the freedom of any lively, vigorous, brisk, active; figlr.: I one, set him free. flourish, prosper, an in high repute or Vinea, ae, f. (vinum), a vineyard; a roof, estimation. shed, or mantelet, under which the Ro. VZgesimue, a, urn. See vicesimus. mans assailed the walls of towns. Vigrlanter (vigilans), adv., vigilantly, Vinum, i, n., wine. watchfully, heedfully. Violentia, ae, f. (violens), violence, vehe. Figilia, ae, f. (vigil), a watching, a being mence, impetuosity. awake, a being sleepless; watch, ward, Viblentus, a, um (vis), adj, using great guard by night; a watch, soldiers keep- force, impetuous, boisterous; violent, ing watch, watchmen, guards; figur.: harsh. watchfulness, vigilance, care, attention. Fir,'ri, m., a man, a male person; a man In the Roman army the night was di- grown, one grown up to man's estate; vided into four vigiliae or watches, each the man, husband; a genuine man, a of which consisted of three hours. magnanimous man, a brave nan. itgllo, I (vigil), v. n., I watch, keep Virgo, Inis, f., a full-grown girl, maid. awake; fiautr.: I am watchful, vigi- virgin; any unmarried woman. lant, or attentive, am very careful or girgultum, i, n. (for virguletum, from virheedful gula), a shrub, bush, small tree;.a thicket, bFginti, indecl. nlm. adj., twenty. shrubbery. Vtlis, e, adj., of small price, cheap, low; V'ridis, e (vireo), adj., green, young, vile, paltry, common, worthless, trivial, youthful, fresh, lively, vigorous, active, indifferent, mean. strong. Villa, ae, f. (vicus), dim., a small building, Vtlrdltas, atis, f. (viridis), greenness, vercountry-house, farm-house, country-seat. dure; freshness, vigor. Fnmen, Inis, n. (vieo), any pliant twig for Virtlis, e (vir), adj., of a man, pertaining plaiting or binding, an osier, wicker-rod, to a man, manly; male; becoming a twig, withe. man, manly, manful, valiant, brave, Vinaceus, a, um (vinum), adj., of or per- toga virilis, the manly gown. taining to wine; vinaceus, sc. acinus, a Virtzis, Utis, f, (vir), manhood, virility; grape-stone. manliness, firmness, constancy, bravery. Fincio, nx:i, nctum, 4 (vieo), v. a.. I bind; gallalntry, valor; virtuousness, virtuous figur.: I confine, restrict, restrain; check, conduct; virtue, goodness, good quality, impede, hold back, subdue; I make fast, excellence; a virtue, merit, talent; fasten, fortify, secure. power, effect; agency, service, help, aid, Vinc,, veci, victum, 3, v a.. I conquer, van- kindness, ability or skill in any art, art quish, overcome; I outdo, surpass, ex- or science. ceed, excel: figur.: I conquer, over- Vis, via, pi., vires, ium. f., strength, power, come, overpower, force, constrain, mas- forze, vigor; virtue, effect, efficacy, br, subdue, soften. potency; influence, importance, higl VIS 745 VUL consideration; vehemence, violence, im- clination, wish, desire; good-will, affec. petuosity, fury; force; quantity, num- tion, love, favor; disposition; intention, ber, multitude, abundance i of words or purpose, design; approbation, consent; sentences: the force, import, meaning, ad voluntatem loqul, to speak according signification, sense; substance, nature, to the will of another; voluntate, willessence; summa vi, with the greatest ingly, voluntarily, of one's own will, of fury. one's own accord. Fiso, si, sum, 3 (video), v. freq. a., I see, Vluptarius, a, um (voluptas), adj, bringlook at, view, behold; I go or come to ing pleasure or enjoyment, pleasurable see; I visit. pleasant, delightful. Vita, ae, f., life; way or manner of life; a Voluptas, atis, if (for volupitas, from volife, biography; sustenance, support, lupe), pleasure, enjoyment, delight; voalilnent; mea vita, as a term of endear- luptates, appetites, desires. ment, my life, my sweet, my treasure. Vvovo, volvi, vtltum, 3, v. a., I roll forth FVtis, is, f., a vine; a branch of a vine. pour forth words, speak fluently; I reFitium, ii, n., whatever is to be complained volve in the mind, ponder, meditate, conof as defective, wrong, or faulty in a sider, think or reflect upon; I roll round, thing, a defect, fault, blemish, flaw, im- make to revolve, carry round. perfection, anything amiss; a moral Vatum, i, n. (voveo), a vow or promise fault, vice, impediment; inconvenience. made to some deity; a wish, wishing. Vito, 1, v. a., I shun, avoid, eschew, en- Vox, vocis, f. (voco), the voice; tone, acdeavor to escape, beware of. cent; a sentence, decision, judgment. Rtvt-radix, cis, f. (vivus radix), a quick- Vulgaris and volgdris, e (vulgus), adj., set or plant that is set with the root. common, ordinary, relating to all, exMtvo, vi vivictum, 3, v. n., I live, am alive, tending to all, usual; mean, low, vile, have life; I support life. I eat and drink; vulgar; adv., vulgariter. I pass my life in a certain manner, pur- Vulg5 (vulgus), adv., among the people, sue a certain course of life; I live well, in public; here and there, everywhere; live in earnest, enjoy life. often; publicly, openly, before all; comVivus, a, urn (vivo), adj, alive, living; monly, generally; indiscriminately; all living, green, fresh; figur.: fresh, vigor- together. ous, lively, active, strong, native. Vulgus, t, n., people, a multitude, crowd, Vix, adv., with difficulty, hardly, scarcely. throng; the vulgar, the common sort, Vicabulum, i, n. (voco), the appellation of common people, populace, mob, rabble, a thing, a name, term, word. rout; the common soldiers, privates I in Vico, 1 (vox), v. a., I call; I call upon, in- vulgus, with the people, with the multiyoke, implore; I call, cite, summon; I call, tude, with the common sort, commonly, bid, invite; I invite, entice, attract, al- generally. lure; I call out, challenge; I call, name. Vulntro, I (vulnus), v. a., I wound; figur. Vlens, tis, part. (solo, velle), adj., willing. I hurt, injure, pain. Vtlo, vis, vult, vilui, velle, v. a., I cry or Vulnus and volnus, tris, n., a hurt in the beg for, desire, wish; I will, have a mind, body, wound; figur.: a damage, hurt, am willing, choose, purpose, intend: I injury, sadness; sting, mortification, comlmand, ordain, appoint; quidsibivult? calamity, misfortune; a wound of the what will he have? what is his aim? mind, grief, pain, smart, anguish, dis Viluntdrius, a, umn (voluntas), adj., one tress. who does a thing with free will, acting Vultus or voltz., us, m. (volo, velle), propfrom choice, voluntary; v. miles, a vol- erly the will, desire expressed in the unteer. face; the face, visage, countenance, rTluntas, atis, f. (volo, velle), the will, in- mien, aspect, features, looks. HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. jcastus, i, m., a freedman belonging to the remaining 16 years of his life in Asia Cicero. Minor, Rhodes, and Samos, as a teacher.Achaia, ae, f., the province of Achaia in the of rhetoric. northern part of the Peloponnesus, on.leschylus, i, m., a native of Cmdus, a conthe gulf of Corinth. After the destruc- temporary of Cicero, and one of the tion of Corinth by Mummius, B. C. 146, most eminent rhetoricians in Asia Minor. all of Greece was a Roman province He accompanied Cicero on his excursions under the name of Achaia. in Asia..diatfnus, i, m. (also written Adcantuan-.Iesopus, i, m. (Clodius), the most celenus), a chief of the Sotiates. brated tragic actor at Rome in the CiceJ.duatiici, orum, m., believed to be a Ger- ronian period, probably a freedman of the man tribe, and a remnant of the Cimbri Clodia gens. Like Roscius, he enjoyed and Teutones. They occupied the coun- the intimacy of Rome's greatest orator, try on the east of the Nervii, between who calls him nester.esopus and noster the Scaldis (Scheld) and the Mosa familiaris. During his exile, Cicero re(Meuse). ceived many valuable marks of Aesopus's Aedui, orum, m., the Aedui, one of the friendship. Like Roscius also, he realmost powerful tribes in all Gaul, dwell- ized an immense fortune by his profesing between the Liger (Loire) and the sion;forhe died worth almost $1,000,000. Arar (Saone), and extending southward Alduasdfbis, Is, m. (commonly written as far as Lugdunuml. Dubis), a river which comes from Mount.Jegapta, ae, m., a slave of Cicero. Jura and falls into the Arar (Saone): lemilius, i, m., the name of a distinguished now Doubs. Roman gens. L. raemilius, an officer in.JllbrSges, un, a Gallic people, bounded Caesar's army, who commanded a part on the north and west by the Rhodanus of the Gallic cavalry. (Rhone), south by the Isara (Is6re), and J.enSas, ae, m., Aeneas, son of Venus and extending eastward to the Alps. V. Cic. Anchises, the hero of Virgil's Epic poem, in Cat. IIL. 2, n. 9. and ancestor of the Romans. llpes, ium, f, the Alps, a chain of moun-.deschines, is, m., the orator, was born in tains extending in a crescent form from Attica in B. C. 389. As an orator he was the gulf of Venice to the gulf of Genoa, second only to Demosthenes, his political and separating Italy from Gaul and rival and opponent. He died in the island Germany..of Samos at the age of 75. After he was Jm&nus, i, m., a mountain range, running defeated in the prosecution of Ctesiphon from northeast to southwest, between by the famous oration of Demosthenes Syria and Cilicia. " on the crown" in B. C. 330, he spent Ambarri, orum, m., the Aedui Ambarri, a HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 747 Gallic people east of the Arar (Saone), painter in the time of Alexander the and iear its junction with the Rhodanus Great. (Rhone), between the Aedui and Allo-.Apulia. ae, f., a province of lower Italy, broges. bordering on the Adriatic sea. Ambidni, Srum, m., a people of Belgic Aqulleia, ae, f., an important town in the Gaul, on the north of the Bellovaci and north of Italy at the head of the Adriatic. the river Samara (Somme), in the neigh- Aqutani, orum, m., the Aquitanians, the borhood of the modern Amaiens. inhabitants of Aquitania. Ambilidti, sruam, m., a Gallic people whose Aquitania, ae, f., one of the three great situation is uncertain. divisions into which Caesar divided Gaul, AmbivarZti, orum, m., a people of Belgic bounded on the north by the Garumna Gaul, probably on the left bank of the (Garonne), and on the south by the Mosa (Meuse). Pyrenees. Ampius, i, m. (T.). V. Epp. Cic. XII. n. 1. Arae AJlexandri, a place near Issus, where Anaxaiifras, ae, m., a very distinguished Alexander, having defeated Darius, Greek philosopher of Clazomenae, born consecrated three altars to Julpiter, about B. C. 499. Hercules, and Minerva, as memorials of Andes, ium, m., a Gallic tribe north of the his victory. Liger (Loire), and east of the Nannetes, Arar, aris, and Araris, is, m., the river near the modern Anjou. Arar, now the Saone, which separates Andocumborius, i, m., an ambassador sent the territory of the Aedui from that of the from the Remi to Caesar. Sequani and unites with the Rhodanus Andricus, i, m., a slave of Cicero. (Rhone), at Lugdunuin (Lyons). AJnnius, i, m. (Q.), a senator and one of Archclaus, i, m., the son of Perdiccas IT., Catiline's conspirators, B.C. 63. He was was king of Macedonia from B. C. 413 not taken with Cethegus and the others, to 399. and nothing is known of his future fate. Ariobarzanes, is, m., the name of three AntiochEa, ae, f., Antioch, the chief city in kings of Cappadocia: 1. Surnamed PhiSyria. loromaeus, was elected king by the CapAntidchus, i, m., a native of Ascalon in padocians, under the direction of the southern Palestine, and a teacher at Romans, about B.C. 93. He was several Athens in B. C. 79. times expelled from his kingdom by Antonius, i, m. (C.), surnamed Ilybrlda, Mithridates, and as often restored by the was the son of M. Antonius, the orator, Romans. 2. Surnlamed Philopater, sucand the uncle of M. Antonius, the trilm- ceeded his father B. C. 63. He was asvir. In his praetorship (65) and consul- sassinated (Epp. Cic. XIX. 5). 3. Surship (63) he had Cicero as his colleague. named Eusebes and Philoromaeus, sucAccording to most accounts, Antony ceeded his father not long before B. C. was one of Catiline's conspirators, and 51. While Cicero was in Cilicia, he his well-known extravagance and rapa- protected him from a conspiracy which city seem to render this probable. Cicero was formed against him, and established gained him over to his side by promising him in his kingdom. him the rich province of Macedonia, in Ariovistus, i, m., a powerful German chief, which he would have a better opportunity who engaged in war against Caesar in of amassing wealth than in the other Gaul, B. C. 58, and was totally defeated. consular province of Gaul. Antony had Aristides, is, m., called "the just," on acto lead an army against Catiline, but, un- count of his integrity, was a distinwilling to fight against his former friend, guished Athenian statesman and general, he gave the command on the day of battle and the contemporary and rival of to his legate, M.Petreius. V.Sall. XXVI. Themistocles. n. 7 Epp. Cic. II. n. 19. Artuasdes, is, m., a king of Armenia Major..pamia, ae, f., a considerable town in Arverni. 6orum, in., a powerful people in the Phrygia Major, on the river Meander. southern part of Celtic Gaul, occupying Apelles, is, m., a distinguished Greek the district now called Auvergne. 748, HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX..lsttira, ae, f., a town of Latium, situated insula Batavorumt, formed by the Rhenus, on an island in the river Astura, near Vahalis, Mosa, and Ocean. which Cicero had a villa. Belgae, arum, m., the Belgians, an exceedJthendis, Idis, f, the wife of Ariobarzanes ingly warlike people of German and CelIII., king of Cappadocia. tic origin, who inhabited the country.ithenae, arum, f., the capital of Attica and between the Rhenus (Rhile), the Mathe most illustrious city, not only of trona (Marne), and Sequana (Seine), and Greece, but of the whole of the ancient the Fretum Gallicuns (English Channel). world. It was situated between the Bellovdci, Grum, m., the most powerfill Cephissus and Ilissus about 30 stadia, or among the Belgic tribes, between the 3~ miles, from the sea-coast. Sequana (Seine) and Isara (Oise), but Jthenaeu., i, n., a Cappadocian, who had occupying both banks of the latter river. been banished at theinstance of Queen Traces of the name may he found in the Athenais, but through the influence of modern Beauvais. Cicero was restored, B. C. 51. Bcstia, ae, n. (L. Calpurnius), a senator, Atratus, i, m., a smnall river in the vicinity one of the Catilinarian conspirators, and of Rome. a tribune of the plebs in B. C. 63..itriibates, urn, m., a powerful people of Bibracte, is, n., the chief town of the Aedui, Belgic Gaul, in the district now called I later Augustodunum, whence its modern Artois. name Autun. Atttcus, i, m. (T. Pomponius). V. Epp. Bibraz, actis, n., a small town of the Remi, Cic. II. n. 6. about eight miles north of the Axona i.ulerci, 5rum, m., a name applied to sev- (Aisne), now Bidvre. eral small tribes in Celtic Gaul, between BigerriOnes, um, m., a people in the south the Sequana (Seine) and the Liger(Loire). of Aquitanian Gaul, at the foot of the Aurelia (Orestilla), ae, f., a beautiful but Pyrenees. profligate woman, whom Catiline mar- Bito, onis, m., and Cleobis, is, nl., the sons ried. of Cydippe, a priestess of Hera at Argos..usci, orum, n., a people in the eastern Biturtges, um, m., a Gallic people west of partofAquitania.' the Aedui, from whom they were sep-.utronius, i, m. (P. -Paetus), a senator, arated by the Liger (Loire). and one of Catiline's accomplices. He Bodluos7atus, i, m., a leader of the NerviL was Cicero's fellow-pupil in boyhood, Boii, Crum; m., the Boil, on the west of the and colleague in the quaestorship. He Liger (Loire), which separated them from was elected consul for the year 65 B. C.; the Aedui, were a widely scattered Celtic but having been, together with his col- race, branches of which dwelt in the east league, P. Cornelius Sulla, accused of of Germany (Bohemia, i. e. the country bribery and condemned, their election of the Boii), and in the north of Italy. was declared null, and their accusers, Caesar, after defeating the Helvetii, with L. Aurelius Cotta and L. Manlius Tor- whom they formed an alliance to invade qtatus, were elected consuls in their Gaul (B. C. 58), allowed the Boii to stead. He was subsequently tried, con dwell among the Aedui. demned, and banished for the share he Bratuspantium, i. n., a town of the Bellohad in Catiline's conspiracy. vaci..xdna, ae, f., a river of Belgic Gaul (now Brundisium, i, n. V. Cic. pro Lege Manil. the Aisne), which, flowing southwest- XII. n. 5. erly, joins the Isara (Oise), and falls with Bruttium, i, n. the country of the Bruttil, it into the Sequata (Seine). the southwestern extremity of Italy, is surrounded on three sides by the sea, and B bounded in the north by Lucania. Brutus, i, m., D. (Junius) Brutus (Albinus), Bacillus, i, m. (P. Sextius), a centurion in an officer serving under Caesar in Gaul. Caesar's army of the first rank. Caesar had great confidence in him, givBstavi, rums, m., the inhabitants of the ing him, even when a young man, the HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 749 command of the ships sent to attack the city of Carthage, in Northern Africa, Veneti, and on many subsequent occa- whose ruins are in the vicility of Tunis. siolns showing him more substantial Cassius, i, m., Cassius, the name of a Romarks of favor and esteem, and finally man gens. L. Cassius Longinus, a man naming him in his will as one of his of high reputation, praetor B. C. Il1, conheirs. Notwithstanding this, he basely sul with C. Marius B. C. 107, was, in the betrayed his friend and benetactor, and course of the same year, defeated and on the Ides of March took a prominent killed by the Tigunni, a portion of the part in his assassination. Caes. III. 11; Helvetii. Sall. Cat. XL. CastIcus, i, m., a chieftain of the Sequaqi, whom Orgetorix persuaded to seize upon the sovereignty of his state. C Catamantaldes, is, mu., a chief of the Se.. Cabitrus, i, m. (C. Valerius), a chief of the quaui. Helvii. Caltlina, ae, m. (L. Sergius), a Roman who was notorious fur several times Caeraesi, orum, m., a Germanic people in who was notorious fur several es Belgic Gaul. attempting insurrections against his Caesar, dris, m. (S. Julius), uncle of M. country. Atntony, the triumvir, and brother-in-law Cato, inis, m., a surname of several cele. of P. Lentulus Sura, was consul B. C. brated Romans, the most distinguished of 64, and one of Caesar's legates in Gaul whom were M. Porcius Cato Censorius, in B. C. 52. Ile was not a man of much frequently called Cato Major, and M. power of mintd, but had some influence Porcius Cato, great grandson of the forin the state through his family connec- ier, commonly called ITticensis from th* tions and his position in society. circumstance of his having put an end t Caletes, um and CalIti, arum, m., a people his life at Utica after his defeat at the of Belgic Gaul, on the coast, north of the battle of Thapsus. Cato Major was born Seqina (Seine). B. C. 234 was chosen quaestor B. C. 205 Camillus, i, m. (C.), a Roman jurist, and a was aedile B. C. 199, the following year particular friend of Cicero. was praetor, was elected consul in B. C. Cantinius. i, m. (Gallus), a friend of Varro 195, was appointed military tribune in and Cicero, tribune of the people in B. C. B. C. 191, was chosen censor in B. C. 56. 184, and died B. C. 149, at the age of 85. Cantabri, orum, m., the Cantabrians, an He was a brave soldier, an able and sucexceedingly fierce and warlike people, cessful commander, an eloquent orator, occupying the coast country in the north and a most rigidly virtuous citizen.of Spain. Cato Uticensis was born B. C. 95, was Captto, Onis, m. (P. Gabinius). V. Cic. in elected tribulnus militum in B. C. 67. was Cat. III. 3, n. 1. a successful candidate for the triblneship Cappadcia, ae, f., a country of Asia Minor, in B. C. 63, the famous year of Cicebetween Pontus on the north, Armenia ro's consulship and of the suppression of on the east, Syria and Cilicia on the Catilne's conspiracy, and supported the south, and Lycaonia on the west. consul in proposing that the conspirators Capua, ae, f., an important town in the in- should suffer death. He was the first teriorof Campania in Southern Italy. who gave to Cicero the name of pater Carcdso, onis, f., a town in the south of patriae. It was his speech of the 5th of Gaul, on the Atax (Aude), now Careas December which determined the senate, sotne. previously wavering from the force of Carmites, um, m., a powerful tribe between Caesar's oratory. V. Sall. Cat. LIT. In the Sequana (Seine) and the Liger B. C. 54 he was made praetor. which (Loire), extending even south of the was the highest office he reached. Cato Liger as far as the territory of the Bi- differed widely in disposition and natural turiges Cubi. gifts from his great ancestor, the Censor, Carthoae (alio written Karth.),'nis, f., the yet he looked up to him as a model, 750 HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. adopted his principles and imitated his i him; and after the trial, having been irt conduct. Living in an age of greater ritaled by some sarcastic allusions made corruption and venality, he was the by Cloodius to his consulship and by a same incorruptible patriot, followed the verdict given in contradiction to his testisame simple mode of lile, and practised nitny, he attacked Clodius aid his parthe same stern virtues. He was better tisans in the senate with great vehefitted for a scholar than a soldier; and meiice. From this time Clodius cherished his natural tastes and capacities marked a bitter hatred against him, and procured him rather for a philosopher than a con- his banishment from Italy, on the ground mander. He died, B. C. 46, at the age that he had violated the law in the punof 49. isihment inflicted upon the accomplices Caturiges, um, n., a Gallic people in what of Catiline. Clodius was eventually asis now Lauplini. sassinated in Jan., B C. 52, near BovilVeler, iris, mi. (Q. Caecilius.Metellus), a lae, by the retinue of Milo, in an accipraetor in B. C(. 63. V. Cic. in Cat. I. dental encounter which took place be8, t. 6, & Sail. Cat. XXX. tween him and the latter individual, as Celtae, drum, m., a great parent stock of Milo was journeying towards Lanuvium people in the north of Europe, the Celts; and Clodius was on his way to Rome. in Caesar's time they were the most Clytaemnestra, ae, f., the daughter of Tynpowerful of the three great nations who daris and Leda, sister of Helen, wife of occupied Gaul, and were called by the Agamemnon, and mother of Orestes, Romans Galli, or Gauls. Iphigenia, and Electra. Centrones, um, m., a Gallic people among Cocasdtes, urn, m., a people in the western the Alps, in what is now Savoy. part of Aquitatia, on the Atlantic coast. Cethegus, i, m. (C. Cornelius). V. Cic. Coeparius, i, m. (JM.). V. Cic. in Cat. III. in Cat. IlI., 3, n. 4. 6, n. 11. Cilicia, ae, f., a province in the southern Commius, i, m., a chief of the Atrebates, part of Asia Minor, between Pamphylia made their king by Caesar,and afterwards and Syria. V. Epp. Cic. XIX. n. 2. sent into Britain by him to favor the RoCimberius, i, m., a chief of the Suevi. man cause. Cimbri, orum, m., probably a Celtic tribe Commoris, is, f., a village in Cilicia, on in the peninsula, called after them the Mount Amanus. Chersonesus Cimbrica (Jutland). To- Condrfisi, orum, m., a Germanie people in wards the end of the second century B.C., Belgic Gaul, on the right bank of the a vast host of them joined the Teutones Mosa (Meuse). and migrated southward. They traversed Considius, i, m., P. Considius. an officer of Gaul and Spain, until in B. C. 101 they great military experience, who served were completely defeated by C. Marius under Caesar in Gaul durig the camin the Campi Raudii, near Verona. paign of B. C. 58. Cinna, ae, m. (L Cornelius), an associate C rlnus, i,., asurnameofC.Marcius of Marinus in the civil wars, and distin- given him in memory of the prowess guished for his acts of cruelty. V. Sail. which he displayed in the taking of CoCat. 47, n. 8, and Cic. in Cat. III. 10, rili, a city of the Volscians. Having n. 8. been afterwards impeached and conClodius, i, m. (P. - Puacher), a Roman of demned to exile, he took refuge among noble birth, bNtt infamous for the cornrp- the Volscians and assisted them in carrytion of his morals. He committed sacri- ing on the war against his native country. lege by entering the house of Caesar in Cornelius, i, m. (C.), a Roman knight confemale attire while the Vestal virgins federate with Catiline, who undertook, in were conducting the rites of the Bona conjunction with L. Vargunteins, to mur. Dea. For this crime he was tried, and, der Cicero in B. C. 63. though clearly guilty, secured an acquit- Cornificius, i, m. (Q.), a distinguished Rotal by bribery and intimidation. Cicero man, to whose care Cethegus was comwas one of the principal witnesses against mitted upon the arrest of the conspirators. HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 751 Cotta, as, m. (L. Aurelius). V. Cic. in Cat. and fell with him in the fatal battle near I. 6, n. 14. Carrhae. 3. L. Licinius Orassus. V. Cic. Cotta, ae, m. (L. Jurunculeius), one of p. Arch. III. 27. Caesar's lieutenants in the Gallic war. Cretlcus, i, m. (Q. Caecilius Metellus), was In B. C. 54 he fell, together with his consul along with Q Hortensius in B. C. colleague Q. Sabinus, in an attack made 69, and in the following year he obtained upon his camp by Ambiorix, chief of the the conduct of the war against Crete, the Eburones. successful termination of which gave Crassus, i, m., a Roman family name in him the cognomen Creticus. ii B. C. the gens Licinia. 1. JM. Licinius Crassus 63, whilo waiting before the walls of Dives, chiefly distinguished for his in- Rome for a triumph, he was sent ly the mense wealth, though having some emi- senate into Apulia to prevent an apprenence as an orator and a soldier, was hended rising of the slaves. V. Sall. born about B. C. 115; fled from Marius Cat. 30, n. 7. and Cinna into Spain, where he con- Crtto, Onis, m., of Athens, the friend and cealed himself in a cave for the period of disciple of Socrates, was especially celeeight months (B. C. 84); enlisted under brated for his love and affection for his Sulla B. C. 83; was appointed to the master, whom he generously supported command of the servile war, and defeat- with his fortune, which was very great. ed and slew Spartacus, B. C. 71; was Ctesiphon, ontis, n., an Athenian, who was elected to the consulship with Pompey accused by Aeschines for having proB. C. 70; was censor B. C. eC; was sus- posed the decree that Demostheine pected by some, though, perhaps, on in- should be honored with the crown. sufficient grounds, of favoring the con- Curio, Onis, m. (C. Scribonius). V. Epp. spiracy of Catiline (V. Sail. Cat. 17 and Cic. XVIL. n1. 48) B. C. 63; entered into a coalition, Curiosolitae, drum, m., one of the Armoric commonly called the first triumvirate, states of Gaul, in modern Brittany. with Caesar and Pompey, to overthrow Curius, i, m. (3f.'), one of Cicero's most the liberties of his country B. C. 60; intimate friends, and for several years held the consulship the second time with a merchant at Patrae in Peloponnesus, Pompey B. C. 55; shortly before the ex- where Tiro, Cicero's freedman, was ill piration of his consulship he went into in B. C. 50 and 49. Syria, which, in the distribution of the Curius, i, m. (Q.), a profligate Roman senconsular provinces, had fallen to his lot, ator who conspired with Catiline.'. and which, to gratify his unbounded ava- Sall. Cat. 17, 23, 26, 28. rice, he plundered with unscrupulous ra- Cybistra, orum, n., a town of Cappadocia, pacity; crossed the Euphrates and made at the foot of Mount Taurus, near the war upon the Parthians B. C. 54; and frontiers of Cilicia. having, contrary to the advice of his Cyrus, i, m., the son of Cambyses and officers, allowed himself to be misled Mandane, and founder of the Persian and deceived by a crafty Arabian chief monarchy, called Cyrus the elder. He named Abgarus, he was unexpectedly ascended the throne of Persia in B. C. attacked by the Parthians near Carrhae, 559, and was killed in battle B. C. 529, and fell in the contest B. C. 53, more having reigned thirty years. than sixty years of age. His head was Cyzicus, i, f., a considerable town in an brought to Orodes, the Parthian king, island of the same name in the Prowho caused melted gold to be poured pontis, which lay so close to the continent down his throat, saying, " Sate thyself of Asia, as to be joined to it by a bridge. now with that metal of which in life thou wert so greedy." 2. Publius Li- D cinius Crassus Dives, younger son of the former, was Caesar's lieutenant in Gaul Damasippus, i, m. V. Sail. Cat. 51, n. from B. C. 58 to B. C 55. At the end of 37. B. C. 54 he followed his father to Syria, Damjdes, is, m., a Syracusan, and one of V V 752 HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. the companions and flatterers of the elder ter, in B. C. 50, having been previously Dionysius. married to Fabia, from whom he had Darius, i, n., Darius Codomannus, the been divorced. On the breaking out of last king of the. Persians, was conquered the civil war in B. C. 49, Dolabella esand put to flight by Alexander the Great, poused the cause of Caesar, and Cicero and afterwards in the same year was that of Pompey. The connection bemurdered by Bessus, satrap of Bactria, tween Tullia and Dolabella proved an B. C. 330. unhappy one, and in B. C. 46 they were Deiotarus, i, m., a prince of Galatia, dis- divorced. tinguished for his zeal for the republic in Dumnorix, tgis, m., an Aeduan chief. all the Asiatic wars in which the Romans Dyrrhachium, i, n., a famous sea-coast were engaged during his reign, and par- town of Grecian Illyria, the landingticularly serviceable to Pompey in his ex- place of those coming from Italy, forpedition against Mithridates; for which merly called Epidamnus, now Durazze. he was honored by the senate with the title of king. Demetrius, i, m., a Syrian and Greek rheto-E rician, who lectured on rhetoric at Athens. Cicero, during his stay there in Eburones, um, m., a people in Belgic Gaul, B. C. 79, was one of his pupils. on both sides of the river Mosa (Meuse). Demosthlnes, is, m., the most celebrated of Eburovices, urn, m., a tribe of the Aulerci. the Grecian orators. He was born, as is V. Aulerci. commonly believed, in B. C. 385, and Eleutherociltces, um, m. (Free Cilicians), a died, after taking poison, in the temple people (probably the aborigines) (.f of Neptune, to which he had fled for Cilicia. safety from his pursuers, in B. C. 322, Elusates, ium, m., a people of Aquitania. at the age of 63. Ennius, i, m. V. Cic. pro Arch. VIII. n. 12. Diablintes, ium, m., a tribe of the Aulerci. Epaminondas, ae, m., a Theban general. V. Aulerci. Epicurus, i, m., a famous Greek philosoDiodotus, i, m., a Stoic philosopher, who pher, the author of the Epicurean philived f(r many years at Rome in the losophy, so called after him, which ashouse of Cicero, where he died ill B. C. sumed pleasure to be the highest good. 59. He instructed Cicero especially in Epiphanga, ae, f., a city of Cilicia. dialectics. Epirus, i, f., a province in the northwestDionysius, i, m., the Elder, tyrant of Syra- ern part of Greece, bordering on the cuse, was born in B. C. 430, and died in Adriatic sea. B. C. 367, after an uninterrupted reign of Erdna, ae, f., a town in Cilicia, near Mount 38 years. Amanus. Dicnysius, i, m., of Magnesia, was a dis- Etruria, ae, f., a very fertile province of tinguished rhetorician, who taught his Italy, bounded in the north by the river art in Asia between the years B. C. 79 Macra, in the east by Umbria and Gallia and 77, at the time when Cicero, then in Cispadana, in the south by the Tiber, his 29ih year, visited the East. and in the west by the Mare Inferunm Divlce, Onis, m., a distinguished Helvetian, or Tyrrhenum. a general in the war against Cassius, Eurotas, ae, m., the principal river of Laand ambassador to Caesar. conia, on the banks of which Sparta Drvitidcus, i, m., a brother of Dumnorix, stood. a chief of the Aedui at the period of the Gallic war, and in alliance with the F Romais. Dolabella, ae, m. (P. Cornelius), one of the Fabius, i, m., the name of a very dismost profligate men of his time, was tinguished Roman gens. L. Fabiuo born about B. C. 70, and became the.Maximus. V. Cic. p. Manil. lege, XVI. third husband of Tallia, Cicero's daugh-. 14 IISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 753 Fabricius, i, m., C. Fabricins Luscinus, tne Galba, ae, m., a king of the Suessiones. most celebrated of the Fabrician family, Galba, ae, m., a Roman patrician family was leader of the Romans against Pyr- name. Servius Galba, one of Caesar's Yhus, consul in B. C. 282 and 278, and lieutenants in Gaul, and afterwards, famlnus for his frugality and noble con- according to Suetonills, one of the conduct towards Pyrrhus. spiralors against his life. Faesiilae, drum, f., a town of Etruria, situ- Galli, orum, m., the Gauls generally, but ated on a hill, three miles to the north- in a more restricted sense the inhabitants east of Florentia(now Florence). Sulla of the central parts of Gaul, between the established a military colony there, and Garumna (Garonne), and the Sequana Catiline made it the head-quarters of his (Seine) and Matrona (Marne). band of desperadoes. Gallia, ae, f., the country of the Galli, Gaul, Firiilus, i., m. (C. Marcius), consul in B. C. both beyond the Rhine and in Upper 64. In the debate on the sentence of Italy. Catiline's accomplices he declared for Gdrumna, ae, m., the Garonne, a river in capital punishment, and approved of the southwest of Gaul. Cicero's measures generally. Little more Garumni, Orum, m., a Gallic tribe near the is known of him. sources of the Garumna'(Garonne.) Flaccu.s, i, m., a Roman family name. C. Gates, urn, m. (also Garites), a people of Valerius'laccus, a Roman general and Aquitania. propraetor of Gaul, B. C. 83. GenEva, ae, f., a town of the Allobroges, on F'accus, i, m. (L. Valerius). V. Cic. in Cat. Lake Lemannus (Lake of Geneva). It II. 2, n. 17. is still called Geneva. Flaccus, i, m. (M. Laenius), a friend of Graiocli, orumL, m., a people among the Atticus, who, notwithstanding the strin- Graian Alps, in the western part of Cisgent edict of Clodius, B. C. 58, sheltered alpine Gaul. Cicero in his counmry-house near Brundi- Gyt/heum, i, n., a seaport in Laconia, on sium, until he could securely embark for the Eurotas. Epirus. The father, brother, and sons of Laenius were equally earnest in betriending the exile. Flamixtus, i, m. (C.), a man of Arretinm, who is mentioned as one of Catiline's Harudes, un, m., a German people, who conspirators. Nothing more is known of passed over into Gaul. Their original him. seat is not certainly known, but was Flavius, i, m. (L.), a tribune of the people probably north of the Danube, not far in B. C. 60, on the suggestion of Pompey, from its sources. brought forward an agrarian law, which Helvetii, orum, m., the Helvetians, a Gallic was chiefly intended to benefit the vete- people, bounded by the Rhenus (Rhine), rans of Pompey. by Mount Jura, and by the Rhodanus Falvia, ae, f., a Roman lady of rank, but of (Rhone), ad Lake Lemannus (Lake of loose morality, by whom the conspiracy Geneva). of Catiline was first divulged. HHerennius, i, m. (C.), son of Sext. HerenFulvius, i, m. (A.), a son of a Roman sena- nius and tribune of the plebs in B. C. 60, tor, put to death by his father for joining when he zealously seconded P. Clodius the party of Catiline. in his efforts to pass by adoption into a Furius, i, m. (P.). V. Cic. in Cat. III. 6, plebeian family. n. 13. Hermia, ae, m., a slave of Cicero. Hibro, 6nis, m., the tyrant of Syracuse and G friend of the poet Simonides, was distinguished for the splendor of his reign, Gabintus, i, m., the name of a Roman gens. and for the patronage which he extended For A. Gabinius, v. Piso e4 Cic. p. Manil. to men of letters. He died B. C 467, in lege, XVII. n. 17. the twelfth year of his reign. 7 54 HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. I Lepdus, i, m. (M.,' Jermilius). V. Cic. in Cat. I. 6, n. 14. tdius, i, m., a chief of the Remi, sent as Lepontii, orum, m., an Alpine people, about an ambassador to Caesar. the sources of the Rhenus (Rhine) and Iconium, i, n., a city of Lycaonia the Ticinus (Ticlno) Illyrtcum, i, n., a country on the eastern Leuci, Orum, m., a Gallic tribe in the shore of the Adriatic, extending north- southeastern part of Belgic Gaul, north ward from Epirus to the head of the of the Sequani and west of Mount sea. Vosegus. Isauri, drum, m., the Isaurian-s, the inhab- Lexovii, Orum, m., a Gallic tribe west of itants of Isauria, a country of Asia Minor, the mouth of the Sequana (Seine). between Pamphylia and Cilicia. Liger, is, or LigSris, is, m., the largest river in Gaul. It rises in the southern part, and flowing first in a northern and J afterwards in a western direction, discharges itself into the Atlantic: now Julius, z, m. (C.), one of Catiline's con- the Lire. spirators. Linglnes, um, m., a people of Celtic Gaul, on Jura, ae, m., a chain of mountains extend- the northwest of the Seqlani, about the ing from the Rhone to the Rhine, be- sources of the Sequana (Seine), Matrona tween the country of the Sequani and (Marne), and Mosa (Meuse). Helvetii. Liseus i, m., Liscus, a chief magistrate of the Aedui. Longinus, i, m. (L. Cassius), was along L with Cicero one of the competitors for the consulship for the year B. C. 63, and Labilnus, i, m. (Titus), Labienus, a tri- having been defeated became an acbune of the people in B. C. 63, the year complice in the conspiracy of Catiline. of Cicero's consulship, and in Caesar's According to Cicero (in Cat. III. 6), campaigns in Gaul his first and most he took upon himself the execution of distinguished lieutenant. In the begin- that part of the plan which related to the ning of the great contest between Caesar burnling of the city; and he also carried and Pompey (B. C. 49', Labienus de- on the negotiation with the ambassadors serted his old friend and captain, and of the Allobroges, but was prudent joined the Pompeian party. He fell at enough not to give them any written thebattle of Munda in Spain in B. C. 45. document under his seal, as the others Lacedaemon, inis, f., a city of Laconla had done. He left Rome before the amsituated on the river Eurotas in the bassadors, and accordingly escaped the southern part of the Peloponnesus. fate of his comrades. He was conLaeca, ae, m. (JM. Porcius), a senator and demned to death in his absence, but a leading member of the Catilinarian whether he was apprehended and exconspiracy. It was at his house that the ecuted afterwards is not known. conspirators met in November, B. C. 63. Luceria, ae, f., an ancient city of Apulia, Lanuvium, i, n., a town of Latium on the now Lucera. Via Appia. Lycaonia, ae, f., a country of Asia Minor, sitLaodicea, ae, f., a city in Phrygia Major on uated between Galatia on the north, Capthe river Lycus, near the borders of padocia on the east, Cilicia on the south, Caria. and Pisidia and Phrygia on the west. Latobitgi, rum, m., a German people who Lysander, dri, m., a celebrated Spartan invaded Gaul with the Helvetii, and who general, who conquered the Athenians dwelt, probably, between the Rhine and and demolished the walls of their city in the sources of the Danube. B. C. 404, and who perished in battle Lentllus, i, m. (P. Cornelius, surnamed under the walls of Haliartus, a town in Sura). V Cic. tn Cat. II. 3, n. 5. Boeotia, in B. C. 395 HISTORICAL AND GEOGAIt PHICAL INDEX. 755 M which forms part of the boundary between Gallia Belgica and Celtica, and unites Jasecius, i, n. (Sp, - Tarpa), a critic, who with the Sequana (Seine) at Lutetia was engaged by Pompey to select the (now Paris). plays that were acted at his games ex- Mauritania, ae, f., a country of Africa, on hibited in B. C. 55. IIe was likewise the shores of the Mediterranean, between employed by Augustus as a dramatic the Atlantic Ocean and Numidia, the censor. modern Fez and Morocco. Magetobria, ae, f., a town in Gaul, whose JMediomatrici, orum, m., a powerful people site is uncertain, bult is supposed to be of Belgic Gaul, south of the Treviri, that of the modern Moigte de Broie, near about the Mosella (Moselle) and Saravus the confluence, of the Arar(Saone) and (Saar). Ogno in Burgundy. Menander, i, m., a slave of Cicero. Mallius, i, m. (L. Written also.Manlius JMenapii, orum, m., a Germanic people, who and Manilius), a Roman proconsul in dwelt on both banks of the Rhenus the tine of the Sertorian war. He had (Rhine) in the northern part of its course. the government of Narbonese Gaul in MJstippus, i, m., of Stratonice, a Carian by B. C. 78. birth, was the most accomplished orator Jf.allius or Manlius, i, m. (C.), one of of his time in all Asia. Cicero, who Catiline's conspirators, was stationed by heard him about B. C. 79, puts him alhim at Faesulae in Etruria, where he most on a level with the Attic orators. was commissioned to collect an army JMessala, ae, m., a Roman family name. M. and prepare all military stores. He had Valerius Messala Niger was praetor in B. served under Sulla as a centurion, and C. 63, consul in B. C. 61, censor in B. C. possessed great military experience and 55 and a respectable orator. Caes. I. 2. reputation. In the battle against An- JMessius, i, m. (C.), a tribune of the people tonius, in which Catiline fel!, Mallius in B. C. 57. commanded the right wing, and was JMetras, ae, m., a Cappadocian, who had killed in the conflict. been banished by Queen Athenais, but.lantinEa, ae, f., a city of Arcadia in the was restored by Cicero in B. C. 51. central pirt of the Peloponnesus, cele- Mettius, i, m. (JM), a man who was sent brated for the victory of Epaminondas by Caesar at the opening of the Gallic over the Spartans. war, in B. C. 58, as ambassador to ArioMarcomanni, 5rum, m. (i. r. the men of the vistus, king of the German league, and mark or border), a powerful people of was detained prisoner by him, but subseGermany, who originally dwelt on the quently rescued by Caesar. banks of the Main, between the Rhine and.Minturnae, arum, f., a city of Latium, on the Danube, b!lt who subsequentl took the border of Campania, at the mouth of possession of the country of the Boil (Bo- the Liris. hemia),who were subduedbytheinvaders. MisEnum, i, n., a promontory, town, and MJarius, i, m. (M.), a friend of Cicero, whose harbor in Campania. estate was in the neighborhood of one of MitylEnae, arum, f., the capital of the island Cicero's, and with whom he was closely of Lesbos, in the Aegean sea. united by similarity of political opinions.MSlon, anis, m., a surname of Apollonius, and intellectual tastes and habits. Al- a native of Alabanda, a town in the inthough he suffered constantly from ill terior of Caria in Asia Minor. He left health, he was of a lively and cheerful his country and established himself as a disposition, full of wit and merriment; teacher of rhetoric in Rhodes; but he and accordingly Cicero's four letters to appears to have also taught rhetoric at him, which have come down to us, are Rome for some time. Cicero received inwritten in a sportive tone. struction from him at Rome in B. C. 88.Massilia, ae, f, a seaport town in Gallia and 81. Narbonensis, now Marseilles. J.orlni, Orum, m., a maritime people of JMatrtna, ae, m., the Marne, a river of Gaul Gaul opposite the coast of Kent in Britai. 756 HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. It contained the port of Itius, from which knight, confederate with Catiline. Noth Caesar sailed across to Britain. ing further is certainly known of him. Mosa, ae, f., a river of Belgic Gaul, now JVoreta, ae, f., the chief town of Noricum, the Meuse. It has its sources in Mount a country bounded on the north by the Vosegus, and falls into the Vahalis Danube, on the east by Pannonia (1un(Waal), or left arm of the Rhenus gary), on the south by Pannonia and (Rhine), with which it flows into the Gallia Cisalpina, and on the west by German ocean Vindelicia and Raetia, from which it was separated by the river Oenus (Inn). JVoviodfinum, i, n., the capital of the SuesN siones, on the Axona (Aisne): now SoisK'ameius, i, m., a Helvetian nobleman sent as an ambassador to Caesar. JVannStes, um, m., a Celtic tribe on the O coast, north of the Liger (Loire). coast, north of the Liger Loire). Oclum, i, n., the chief city of the Graioceli, J'antuates, urn, m., a people on the south ofntuhtes, urn, i., a peo(le on the south in the western part of Cisalpine Gaul. of the Lacus Lemannus ( Lake of Geneva). e r Octodurus, i, nm., a town of the Veragri..Narbo, Onis, m., a commercial town of con- arbo, n,, a comercial town of con- Oedipus, 5dis and i, m., 1, a king of Thebes, siderable importance in the south of Gaul,,,1 o, the son of Laius and Jocasta; 2, Oedipus on the Atax (Aude), about J2 miles from Coloneus, the title of a tragedy of Sophothe sea. It was ant ancient Gallic place, cle but reduced to a Roman colony in B. C., a f. Orestilla, ae, f. Sea.urelia. 118 by the consul C. Martius, and made rgeri., a Helvetian chieftain Orgetoris, Zrs, m., a Helvetian chieftain, the capital of the Roman province, which distinguished for his noble birth, wealth, received from it the name of Gallia Nar- and ambition bonensis. From its founder it was called rpheu, i,, one of Cicero's slaves. Orpheus, i, m., one of Cicero's slaves. Narbo Martius; now Narbonne. Osismii or Osismi, orum, m., one of the Vastca, ae, m. (P. Cornelius Scipio), judged Armoric tribes, in the westernmost part by the Senate to be the most virtuous of Celtic Gau man in Rome, and on that account was sent to Ostia along with the Roman matrons to receive the statue of the Idaean P Mother, which had been brought from Pessinus, was curule aedile in B. C. 196, Paemrni, 5rum, m., a German people in praetor in 194, and consul in 191. He is Belgic Gaul, east of the Mosa (Meuse). mentioned both by Cicero and Pomponius Palicanus, i, m. (JM. Lollius). V. Epp. Cic. as a celebrated jurist. IV. n. 28. J.asua, ae, m., Nasua, a leader of the Suevi, Parthi, orum, m., the Parthians, a Scythian and brother of Cimberius. people, situated to the northeast of the.Jemgtes, urn, m., a German tribe on the passes of the Caspian and south of left bank of the Rhine, south of the Van- Hyrcania, famed in antiquity as roving giones, near the modern Speier. warriors and skilful archers. J.Nero, inis, in. (Tib. Claudius), a Poman Paulus, i, m., a Roman surname of the senator, who recommended that the mem- Aemilian family. V. Cic. in Cat. IV. bers of the conspiracy of Catiline, who 10, n. 7. had been seized, should be kept confined Paulus, i, m. (L. Aiemilius Lepidus),.a brothtill Catiline was put down, and they er of M. Lepidus, the triumvirs His first knew the exact state of the facts. public act was the accusation of Catiline Jervii, Drum, m., an original German tribe in B. C. 63, according to the lex Plaulia in Belgic Ganl, in what is now Hainault, de vi. He obtained the quaestorship for about the Scaldis (Scheld). Their do- the year B. C. 59, the aedileship for B. C. minion reached to the sea. 55, the praetorship for B. C. 53, and the fbbiior, Oris, m. (JM. 1ulvius). a Roman consulship for B. C. 50. HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 757 Pedius, i, m. (Q.), one of Caesar's lieuten- scrupulous character, who formed with ants in Gaul, B. C. 57, and consul, B. C. Catiline a treasonable conspiracy in B. C. 43. fie was a great-nephew of Caesar, 66. Sail. Cat. XVIII., XIX. 6. C. Calbeilng the grandson of his sister Julia. purinus Piso, a distinguished Roman, Perdiccas, ae, in., a king of Macedonia. who was consul in B. C. 67. In B. C. Ferses, ae, in. or Perseus, i, m., the last C6 and 65 he administered the province king of Macedon. V. Cic. p. Manil. lege, of Narbonese Gaul as proconsul, and XVIII.. n. 8while there suppressed an insurrection of Pescennius, i, m.,.a friend of Cicero. the Allobroges. Like many of the other Petreius, i, in., (MJ), the lieutenant of C. Roman nobles, he plundered his provAntoniuis in the war with Catiline. ince. ie was defended by Cicero in Philhctaerus, i, m. (Cludius), a servant or B C. 63. Sall. Cat. XLIX. n. 4. friend of Cicero, who accmpanied him Plato, Onis, m., a celebrated Grecian phiin his exile as far as Brundisium. losopher, the disciple of Socrates, the Philippus, i, n.. the name of several kings instructor of Aristotle, and founder of of Macedonia, the most celebrated of the Academic philosophy. He was born whom was the son of Amyntas, and about B. C. 430, and died according to father of Alexander the Great. some in the 81st, according to others in Philo, inis, in., the Academic, was a na- the 84th year of his age. tive of Larissa, a disciple of Clitomachus, Poeni, Crum, m., the Phoenicians, i. e. the and one of the teachers of Cicero. Carthaginians (descended from the PhoePhilumelium, i, n., a town in Phrygia Major, nicians) near the borders of Lycaonia. Pompeius (Cn.), i, m. See Cic. Manil. lege, Picnurn, i,n, V. Cic. in Cat. II. 3, n. 2. X, n. 6 and 11. Pic'tnes, um, a powerful people of Celtic Po7nptlnus, i, m. (C.). V. Cic. in Cat. III. Gaul, on the coast, to the north of the, n. 18. Santones, between the Liger (Loire) and Posidonius, i, m., a native of Apamea, a Caranrtnus (Charante). city of Coele-Syria, was a Stoic philos Pindenissus, i. m.. or -urn, i, n., a fortified opher, a disciple of Panaetiuts, and one town in Cilicia, taken by Cicero. of Cicero's teachers. He was born about Pisn, ut.is, m., a Roman family Dame. I. B. C. 135, and lived to the age of 84 JM. P-upius Piso, consul with M Valerius years. Messaia, B. C. 61 was not particularly Praeconinus, i, m. (L. Valcrius), a Roman distinguished. Caes. 1. 2. L. Cal- lieutenant, was defeated and slain by the purnius Piso, tne father-in-law of Ju- Aquitani. lius Caesar, consul, B. C. 58, with A; Procillus, i, im. V. Caes. I. 19, n. 5. Gabinius, censor B. C. 50, with Ap. Clall- Protogenes. is, m., 1, a celebrated Grecian dius Pulcher, was an unprincipled deb- painter of Caunus, on the coast of Caria; auchee and a cruel and corrupt magis- 2, a slave who attended M. Marius in trate. Caes. 1.6. 3. L. Calpurnius Piso, the capacity of reader. grandfather of the last-named, was con- Ptitni, orum, m. (also written Preciani) a sul, B. C. 112. In B. C. 107 he served as people of Aquitanian Gaul. lieutenant under the consul L. Cassius Ptolemaeus, i, m., the son of Lagus, surLonginus, who was sent into Gaul to named Soter, was king of Egypt frmn oppose the Cimbri and their allies, and B. C. 3'23 to 284. he fell, together with the consul, in the Puteoli, arum, m., a city on the coast of battle in which the Roman army was Campania, opposite Baiae, having ntinutterly, defeated by the Tigurini in the eral springs, a favorite resort. territory of the Allobroges. Caes. I. 12. Pyrrhus,i, m.,kingofEpirus, and a power4. Piso, a very brave and distinguished fill enemy of the Romans. He perished Aquitanian officer, killed in the war in B. C. 272, in the 46th year of his age, against the Usipetes. Caes. IV. 12. 5. and in the 23d of his reign. He was the Cn. Calpurnius Piso, a profligate young greatest warrior and one of the best pilnnobleman of the most daring and un- ces of his time 758 HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. R the ambassadors of the Allobroges dis. closed the treasonable designs of the Cati. Raurtdi, rum, i., a people north of the linarian conspirators. Sanga communiHelvetii, on the left bank of the Rhine. cated the intelligence to Cicero, who was Rlgtlussi, m. (JM. Atilius), celebrated for thus enabled to obtain the evidence which bravery and patriotism, was consul in led to the apprehension and executior. B. C. 267 and 256. of Lentulus and his associates, B. C. 63. Rema, 5rum, Im., a people of Belgic Gaul, Sant6nes, urn, and Santoni, orum, m., a peo6n both sides of the Axona (Aisne), be- pie on the west coast of Gaul, north of tween the Mosa (Meuse) and the Matro- the river Garumna (Garonne). na (Marne). Scipio, aOis, m., the name of a celebrated Rex, gis, nm. (Q. Jlarcius), a Roman general Roman family in the gens Cornelia, the sent by the senate to oppose Catiline's most famous members of which were the forces in Etruria. He was consul in two conquerors of the Carthaginians, P. B. C. 68. Cornelius Scipio Africanus Major (V. Rhedtnes, um, m., one of the Armoric Cic. in Cat. IV. 10, n. 4) in the second, tribes, in Celtic Gaul. and P. Cornelius Scipio Aenilianus Afri. Rhesus, i, m., the Rhine, a river which canus Minor (V. Cic. in Cat. IV. 10, n. forms the boundary between ancient 6) in the third Punic war. Gallia and Germania. Sedfni, orum, m., a people, east of the NanRhdd&nus, i, m, the Rhone, a river in the tuates, about the source of the Rhone. southeast of Gaul. Sedusii, orum, m., a German people east of Rhidus. i, f., an island of the Aegean sea the Rhine, in the vicinity of the Main, about 12 miles from the south coast of but their precise position is uncertain. Caria in Asia Minor. Segusidni, ruam, m., a people between the.Whus, i, m., a very common Roman sur- Liger (Loire) and the Rhodanus (Rhone). name. 1. P. Sulpicius Rufus, one of Sempronia, ae, f, a member of the illusCaesar's lieutenants in Gaul. 2. Q. triolis house of the Sempronii, from which Pomnpeils Rufus, a praetor in B. C. the two Gracchi and other distinguished 63. In this year he was sent to Capua, men derived their descent. She was a where he remained part of the following profligate woman, the wife of D. Juius year, because it was feared that the slaves Brutus, and the mother of D. Brutus, in Campania and Apulia might rise in who subsequently took part in the consupport of Catiline. spiracy against Caesar. Rutgns, trum, m., a people of Aquitanian Senones, ur, m., a powerful people oi Gaul, dwelling partly in the provincia. Celtic Gaul, east of the Carnutes, and dwelling on both sides of the Sequana (Seine). S Septimius, i, m. V. Sail. Cat. 27, n. 1. Sepyra ae, f., a village in Cilicia, on Mount Sablnus, i, m. (Q. Titurius), one of Caesar's Amanus. lieutenants in Gaul from B. C. 57 to B. Sequana, ae f., the Seine, one of the princiC. 54. In the winter of this year he was pal rivers of Gaul. attacked and killed by Ambiorix, the Sequani, 5rum, m.. a tribe bounded in the chief of the Ebiirones. west by the Arar (Saone), in the east by Sabis, is, m., a river of Belgic Gaul, which the Jura and the Rhenus (Rhine), in flows into the Mosa (Meuse): now the the north by Mount Vosegus, and exSambre. tending southwards towards the Rhodaaenius, i, m. (L.), a Roman senator at the nus (Rhone). Chief town, Vesontio (Betime of the Catilinarian conspiracy. sanson). Salstiius, i, m., a friend of Cicero. Epp. Sertorius, i, m. (Q.), a Roman general and Cic. VI. 6. adherent of Marius, who maintained mnga, ae m. (Q. Fa(bi.s), the patronus of himself for a long while in Spain against the Allobroges, was the person to whom tie partisans of Sulla, but was finally a& HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 759 eassinated by Pernerna. V. Cic. pro Ma- the close of a long and useful life. He nil. lege, IV. n. 11. died at the age of 90. Sesuvii, orum, ni., oneof the Arroric tribes, Sotites, urn, m., a people in the in Celtic Gaul. southwest of Gaul, on the Garumna Sextius, i, m. See Baculus. (Garonne). Sibuzates, um, m., a people in the southwest Spintlher, Eris, m. (P. Cornelius Lentulus), of Gaul, at the foot of the Pyrenees. a Roman aedile during the consulship of Sicca, ae, in., a friend of Cicero, who took Cicero, who was intrusted with the refuse on his estate at Vibo, in the coun- care of the apprehended conspirator, P. try of the Brtittii, when he left Rome in Lentulus Sura. He was praetor in B. C. B. C. 58. Here Cicero received intelli- 60, and consul in B. C. 57. gence of his banishment, and forthwith Stabiunum, i, n. (Stabiae), a villa of M. set out for Brundisium, where he ex- Marius near Stabiae, a small town on the pected to meet Sicca, but was disappoint- coast of Campania. ed, as Sicca had left Brundisiuml before Statilius, i, m (L.). V. Cic. in Cat. III. 3, he arrived there. n. 3. Sicyon, onis, f., the capital of the territory Suessiones, um., m., a very brave tribe in of Sicyonia in the Peloponnesus, near the Belgic Gaul, west of the Remi, between isthmus, the Axona (Aisme) and Matrona (Marne). Sigambri, drum, m., a German people east The lname is preserved in the modern of the Rhine, who appear first on the Soissons. river Sieg, which still contains the root Suevi, Orum, m., the Suevi, properly not of their name; but afterwards they the name of any particular tribe, but a dwelt farther to the northeast about the designation applied to a great number of Luppia Lippe). them, and describing them as wander Sildans, i, m. (D. Junius), was consul in ing about without fixed habitations, in B. C. 62, and in consequence of his being opposition to the Ingaevones, that is, the consul elect, was first asked for his opin- settled tribes. They occupied the greater ion by Cicero in the debate in the senate half of the interior of Germany, from the on the punishment of the Catilinarian Baltic to the Main and Danube. The conspirators. name remains in the modem Schwaben Silius, i. m. (T ), an officer in Caesar's army or Suabia. in Gaul, sent among the Veneti to pro- Sulla, ae, m. (P. Cornelius). V.Cic. in Cat. cure corn. I. 6, n. 14. Although reckoned by SalSimOnIdes, is, m., a celebrated lyric poet lust as one of the conspirators, and acof Ceos, who was born about B. C. 556, clsed of this crime by L. Torqulatus and and lived to the age of 93 years. C. Cornelius, he was defended by Cicero Sittius, i, m. (P), surnamed Nucerinus in an oration still extant, and acquitted. from Nuceria, a city of Campania, the V. Sall. Cat. XVII., XVIIt. He was place of his birth, was one of the ad a nephew of the dictator, and died in venturers, bankrupt in character and B. C. 45. fortuie, but possessing considerable Sulla, ae, m. (Serius Cornelius), a brother ability, who abounded in Rome during of the preceding, took part in both of the latter years of the republic. He was Catiline's conspiracies. His guilt was connected with Catiline, and went to so evident that no one was willing to Spain in B. C. 64, from which country defend him; but we have no knowledge he went into Mauritania in B. (. 3. that he was put to death along with the Socrates, is, m., the celebrated Grecian other conspirators. philosopher. Sulla, ae, m., the name of a patrician Sophocles, is and i, m., a celebrated Grecian family of the gens Cornelia. Of this tragic poet, born in Colonus, a small vil- family L. Cornelius Sulla Felix, born B. lage near Athens, in B. C.495. He con- C. 138, the dictator and implacable rival pose-i about 133 plays, the last of which, of Marilms, was the most eminent. Hay. the Oedipus at Colonus, was written near ing neither an illustrious ancestry not 760 HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. hereditary wealth, he was, like most T great men, the architect of his own fortunes. Though possessed of moderate Tarbelli, Drum, m., a people in the south. means, he secured a good education, west of Aquitania, on the Atlantic coast, studied the Greek and Roman literature next to the Pyrenees. with diligence and success, and appears Tarquinius, i, m. (L.), one of Catiline's early to have imbibed that love for liter- conspirators, who turned informer, and ature and art by which he was distin- accused M. Crassus of being privy to the guished throughout his life. He was conspiracy. elected to the quaestorship for the year Taruastes, ium, m., a people in the southB. C. 107, and served in that capacity west of Gaul. under C. Marius in the Jugurthine war Taurus, i, m., a mountain range, having in Africa, which he contributed largely several branches, in the southern part of to bring to a successful termination by Asia Minor. the capture of Jugurtha in B. C. 10( TenchthEri, orum, m., a German tribe on In B. C. 104 as legate, and in B. C. 103 the banks of the Rhine. south of the as tribunus militum, he again served un- Usipetes. Under Caesar they experider Marius in the Cimbrian war, and in enced the same fate as the Usipetes, and each year gained great distinction by his were likewise admitted by the Sigambri. military services. Marius becoming Terentius, i, m. (Cni.), a Roman senator, jealous of the rising fame of his officer, into whose custody Coeparius, one of the an estrangement began to arise between Catilinarian conspirators, was given. them about this time, which in a few Terrasidius, i, m. (T.), an officer in Caesar's years assumed a most deadly form. In army in Gaul sent to the Sesuvii for B. C. 93 Sulla gained the praetorslip, supplies. and in the following year was sent as Teutoni, orum, and Teutones, um, m., a propraetor into Cilicia, with an especial German people, who originally dwelt becommission to restore Ariobarzanes to tween the Elbe and the Baltic, east of the his kingdom of Cappadocia, from which Cimbri, with whom they migrated southhe had been expelled by Mithridates: a ward; but were defeated by C. Marius, commission which he executed with in B. C. 102, near Aquae Sextiae, in complete success. In B. C. 88 he was Gaul. chosen consul and appointed by the Thales, is, m., a celebrated Grecian phisenate to the command of the war against losopher of Miletus, and of the seven Mithridates, in which he was engaged wise men. He was born about B. C. during the next five years. In the spring'80, and lived to a great age. of B. C. 83 he returned to Italy with his Themistocles, i and is, m., a celebrated army, filly determined to crush the Athenian commander, who was born Marian faction and make himself master about B. C. 514, conquered the Persians of Rome. This he accomplished in B. at Salamis in B. C. 480, was ostracized C. 82, after a most bloody conflict, in in B. C. 471, and died in B. C. 449. He which 43 consulars, praetorians, and was an able general, but ambitious, and aediles, 200 senators, 1630 equites, and unscrupulous as to the means which he 15'.000 citizens were destroyed. He was employed for the accomplishment of his immediately invested with the dictator ends. ship, which he held till B. C. 79, when, Tibardni, orum, m., a people in Cilicia, to the surprise of every one, he resigned upon Mount Amanus. his office, and retired to private life to Tro. onis, m. (.M. Tulltus), the freedman Puteoli, where he died the following and pupil of Cicero, to whom he was an year, B. C. 78 at the age of sixty. V. object of the most devoted friendship Cic. in Cat II. 9 n. 9. and tender affection, appears to have Sura, ae, m. See Lentulus. been a man of very amiable disposition Synnas, adiq, f, a town in the interior of and highly cultivated intellect. He was Phrygia Major. not only the amanuensis of the orator, HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 761 and his assistant in literary labor, but but was transplanted in B. C. 37, under was himself an author of no mean repu- Augustus, to the western bank. tation. It is supposed that he was the Umbrenus, i, in. (P.). V. Cic. in Cat. I1L chief agent in bringing together and ar- 6, n. 16; Sail. Cat. XL. ranging the works of Cicero, and in pre- Ummius, i, m., a slave of Cicero. serving his correspondence from being Unelli, drum, m., one of the Armoric tribes, dispersed and lost. in the northwestern part of Celtic Gaul. Titurius, i, m. See Sabinus. Usipetes, urn,., a German tribe on the Tolosa, ae, f., Tolosa (Toulouse). See To- banks of the lower Rhine. They were losates. driven from their homes and crossed the Tdlosates, umn, m., the inhabitants of To- Rhine; but being defeated by Caesar, losa (Toulouse), a celebrated commercial they were forced to return, and were retown on the eastern bank of the Garum- ceived by the Sigambri, who allowed na (Garonne), and capital of the Tecto- them to dwell on the banks of the Lupstges. pia (Lippe); afterwards, however,'they Torquatus, i, m. (T. JManlius), a celebrated migrated southward, where they were Roman, twice dictator (B. C. 353, 349), merged in the Alemanni. and three times consul (B. C. 347, 344, 340), who put his son to death for fight- ing contrary to orders. Torquatus, i, in. (L. Manlius). V. Cic. in Vahalis, is,.,the left arm of the Rhenus Cat. I. 6, n. 14. (Rhine), now the Waal, flowing into the Trebius, i, m., Marcus Trebius Gallus, one Mosa (Meuse), and making the island of Caesar's officers in Gaul sent among Batavia. the Curiosolitae for supplies. Vangines, urn, m., a German people on Trebonius, i, m. (. ), a Roman eques and both sides of the upper Rhine, near the a negotiator or money-lender in the pro- modern Worms. vinces, was recommended by Cicero to Vargunteius, i, m. (L.), a senator and one the proconsul Lenttulus in B. C. 56. of Catiline's conspirators, undertook, in Tres Tabernae, ium - arum, f., the Three conjunction with C. Cornelius, to murder Taverns, a place on the Appian Way, Cicero in B. C. 63; but their plan was near Ulubrae and Forum Appii. frustrated by information conveyed to Trevlri, orum, m., a German people, be- Cicero through Fulvia. He was aftertween the Mosa (Meuse) and the Rhenus Ce t F H wa atr tween the Mosa (Meuse) and the Rhenus wards brought to trial, but could find no (Rhine), whose capital was Augusta one to defend him. Trevirorum (Treves). Trevirorum (Treves). PVarro, Onis, m. (IM. Terentu.s), the most Tribocci, drum, m. (written also Triboci), learned of Roman scholars, and the most a German tribe on the left bank of the o born voluminous of Roman authors, was born Rhine, south of the Nemetes, near the Rine, south of the Nemetes, near the B. C. 116, ten years before Cicero, and modern Strasbourg. died B. C. 28, in the eighty-ninth year Tuiingi, orum, m., a people north of the. of his age. He was one of Pompey's Helvetii, on the right bank of the Rhine.. e i, on te rit bk of te lieutenants in the piratic war, and for a Tullus, i, m. (L. Volcatius). V. Cic. in Tllus, i, m. 4(L. Vocatius). V. Ci. in very long period was the intimate perCat. I. 6, n. 14; Epp. Cic. XI. sonal friend of Cicero. According to Turines, urn, m., a people of Celtic Gaul, his own statement, he composed no less on both banks of the Liger (Loire), than four hundred and ninety books; only around the modern Tours. around th e moder n Tours. o one of which, however,-a treatise on Tuscuilum, i, n., a very ancient town of agriculture. -has descended entire to us. Latium. Velanius, i, m. (Q.) a tribune of the soldiers in Caesar's army in Gaul, sent among the U Veneti to procure supplies. Velocasses, ium, m., a people of Belgie Ubii, drum, m., a German tribe, which Gaul, near the mouth of the Sequana dwelt originally on the east of the Rhine, (Seine), and south of the Caleti. 76 2 HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX, Vensti, orum, m., a people of Celtic Gaul, pine Gaul, on the eastern bank of the northwest of the mouth of the Liger Rhone. (Loire), on the sea-coast. They were the Volturcius, i, m. (T.). V. Cic. in Cat. III. lmost powerful of the Armoric states. n. 15. Venusia, ae, f., a town on the borders of VolusSnus, i, in., C. Volusenus Quadratus, Apulia and Lucania, now Venosa. a tribune of the soldiers in Caesar's Yerdgrri, 6rum, m., a people, south of the army in Gaul. Natuates and east of the Allobroges, in VoseSgrus, i, in., a mountain chain branching the territory now called Valais. from Mount Jura, and extending parallel Verolmundui,;rum, in., a people in Belgic with the Rhenus (Rhine) to its confluence Gaul, about the sources of the Isara with the Mosella (Moselle). (Oise), to tile northwest of the Reini. Verudoctius, i, in., Verudoctius, a Helvetian nobleman sent as an ambassador to X Caesar. Vesontio, inis, m., the chief town of the Xanthippus, i, m., a Spartan general. Sequani: now, Besaunon. Xenocles, is, m., a native of Adrarnyttium, Vesta, ae, f., Vesta, daughter of Saturn and a distinguished rhetorician. He acand Ops, the goddess of flocks and herds, companied Cicero on his excursions in and of the household in general. The Asia. vestal virgins were consecrated to her Xensphon, ontis, m., a celebrated Grecian service. historian and philosopher. Viridjvix, isis, m., a chief of the Unelli, Xerxes, is, m., a celebrated king of Persia, and commander in chief of the Armoric son of Darius Hystaspis, vanquished by forces. the Greeks at Salamis. He began to reign Vecares, ium, m., a people in Aquitanian in B. C. 485, and after a reign of twenty G;ril, near the Spanish border. years was murdered by Artabanus, on. Vocontii, orum, m., a tribe of Transal- or the high officers of his court. APPENDIX I. AbS AMA A.. f-fingo, inxi, ictum, 3, v. a., I add by fashioning or framing; I form, fashion, Jfbs-ndo, do.nd didi, dttam selBaora con- make; figur.: I add, attribute, bestow, sum), 3, v. a., I put away bhie, kbep ascribe, adapt. secret, conceal..Africa, ae, f., Africa. Ab-s5lftie, anis, f. (absolvo?, an absolving,.fricanus, a, urn, adj., African. discharging, acquitting. gor, pass. of aro, to be in suit or in quesAc-clrtro, I (ad, celer), v. a. and n., I has- tion, it concerns or affects, is about; to ten, make haste, am expeditious. be at stake or at hazard, to be in peril, Acerbitas, atis, f. (acerbus), sharpness, danger; actum est, it is all over, all is harshness; figur.: moroseness, austerity, lost, I am ruined, undone. sorrow..grdrii, 6rum, m. (agrarius), those who Achilles, is, m., the Grecian hero in the urged the agrarian laws, and sought the Trojan war. possession of public land. dc-quiro, quisivi, quisItumn 3 (ad, quaero), Alea, ae, f. (akin to ala), game of chance, v. a., I acquire, get, procure, gain, ob- gaming, cr play of all sorts. tain. Aleator, 3ris, m. (alea), dice-player, gameAcroama, Stis, n., anything agreeable to ster. hear; a singer, player; a reciter of stories. Alexander, dri, m., Alexander, son of Philip Adeps, Ipis, m. and f. ( sebum), fat, grease, and Olympia, surnamed JMagnus. fatness. IliEnf-gi'na, ae (alienus, genus), m. and f., Ad-jfumentum, i, n.. (adjuro), assistance, one born in another country, a stranger, help, aid, furtherance. foreigner, alien. Ad-nlnister, tri, m. (manus), a manager, Altare, is, n. (akin to oleo), a fire-dish or servant; figur.: assistant, promoter, burning-vessel, altar, upon which sacriAd-ministra, ae, f., a female assistant, fices are offered to the gods; altare was handmaid. the superstructure, ara the base of an Ad-murmrrdtio, onis, f., a murmuring in altar. approbation or disapprobation of a thing. Alternus, a, urn (alter), adj., acting or done.Jd-nuo. See annuo. by turns, interchangeable, mutual, re. Jid-quro. See acquiro. ciprocal, alternative. Ad-scribo. See ascribo. Alveelus, i, m. (alveus), dim., a small holAd-sto. See Asto. low vessel of wood; a gaming-board, Aegaeus, a, urn, adj., Aegean. chess-board or table. Aemilius, i (Jl. —Scaurus), m. V. page imans, tis, part. (amo), loving; adj., fond 576, n. 23. of, affectionately attached to; subst., a.etSli, Orum, m., the inhabitants of Aetolia. lover. AMI 764 COG Im-cio, icui and ixi, ictum, 3 v. a. (ambi, B. jacio), I throw about, clothe, cover. lA;nsus, i, f. V. page 540, n. 9. Bacchor, 1 (Bacchus), v. dep. n., I celebrate Ang',lus, i, m., an angle, corner, nook. the orgies of Bacchus; figur.: I rage, Anhelo, 1 (am, halo), v. n. and a., I breathe rave, run Wild; I am transported. with difficulty, pant, I emit by breath- Barbaria, ae, and barbarics, di, f. (baring, breathe out. barus), barbarity, savageness, incivility, InIm-ad-versio, 5nis, f. (- qimad.erto), at- cruelty. tention, observation, reprehension, re- Barbatus, a, um (barba), adj., having a proof, censure; castigation, punishment. beard, bearded..An-nuo, ui, 3 (ad, nuo), v. a., I nod to, give Benignltas, atis, f. (benignus), kindness, consent by a nod, assent by a nod; I ap- liberality, bounty, benignity. prove, agree to, allow, permit, c. dat. Bosporani, Crum, n. V. page 535, n. 3. Anti5chus, i, m. V. page 537, n. 1. Brutus, i (D.), m. V. page 577, n. 5. Jpenninus, i, m., the mountain-chain that passes through the length of Italy. Jp-pdro, 1 (ad, pare), v. a., I prepare, make preparations for; I furnish, provide. Claita, ae, f. V. page 546, n. 13. Appius, i (Claudius Pulcher), m. V. page Canto, 1 (cano), v. freq. n. and a., I sing 569, n. 1. often, I sing. JSppius, a, urn, adj., Appian. V. page 553, Cdpillus, i, m. (yilus), a hair; the hair of n. 12. the head..trceo, cui, 2 (arca), v. a., I cover, keep, Carbo, 5nis (0. Papirius), m. V. page 568, contain, hold, restrain; I keep.or ward n. 5. off, drive away. Castrensis, e (castrum), adj., relating to the Argentius, a, um (argentum), adj., of silver, camp, pertaining to war, military. made of silver. Catilus, i, m. V. page 551, in. 7. Armbnius, a, ur, adj., Armenian. Chii, rrum, m., the inhabitants of Chios, Jlrtl-fex, tcis, m. and f. (ars, facio), an ar- the Chians. tificer, artist. Cinis, &ris, m. and f., cinders, embers, Ascribo, ipsi, iptum, 3 (ad, scribe), v. a., I ashes. annex by writing, add to a writing; I Circum-clddo, ftsi, tisum, 3 (claudo), v. a., adjin, add, annex; I enroll; I attribute, I shut up on every side, I hem in; I surassign, ascribe. round. Asia, ae, f. V. page 533, n. 3. Circum-scrlbo, ipsi, iptum, 3, v. a., I draw Asiaticus, a, um (dAsia), Asiatic. or write round; I describe, define; I cirA.s-servo, 1 (ad, servo), v. a., I take care of, cumscribe, limit, bound, confine. watch over, keep. Circum-scriptor, oris, m. (-scribo), a cheat, As-sldutas, Atis, f. (assiduus), a constant defrauder. or frequent attendance; assiduity, appli- Circum-sodeo, sidi, sessum, 2, v. a., I sit or cation. take my stand round I besiege, blockade. A-sto, a-stfti, I (ad, sto), v. n., I stand, take Circum-spicio, spexi, spectum, 3, v. n. and my stand; I stand by or near. a., I look around; I take heed, consider J.t-tunuo, 1 (ad, tenuo), v. a., I make thin, carefully, ponder over; I provide against, attenuate, lessen; I enfeeble, diminish, prevent. impair. Cnlddus, i, f. V. page 545, n. 9. jt-tius, i (L.), m. V. page 577, n. 7. CogItate (cogito), adv., with mature reAductiondrius, a, um (auctio), adj., relating fection, considerately. to a sale by auction. Co-gnatio, onis, f. (cognatus), relation or Adurelius, a, um, adj., Aurelian. V. page connection by blood; figur.: relation, 493, n. 5. connection, likeness, resemblance..ivltus, a, um (avus), adj., ancestral. Co-gntor, oris, m. (cognosco), one who A-voco, 1, v. a., I call off or away, call or knows, a voucher; an attorney, advoturn aside, withdraw. cate; a defender. COII 765 DED CS-haereo, haest, haesum, 2, v. n., I stick, adj., polluted with guilt, wicked, deadhere, hold fast together; I adhere praved, villanous. to. Con-secro, 1 (con, sacro), v. a., I make saCol-lectio, 6nis, f. (colligo), a gathering, cred, I consecrate, dedicate to the gods. collecting together, a collection. Con-sensio, onis, f. (consentio), agreement, Colophon, onis, m. V. page 545, n. 9. unanimity. CWlophonii, orum, m., the inhabitants of Con-splrdtio, onis, f. (conspiro), a breathing Colophon, the Colophonians. together, an agreement, concord, union, Comissetio, onis, f. (comissor), a revelling, harmony; conspiracy, plot. carousing, rioting. Con-stringo, inxi, ictum, 3, v. a., I bind CMmitor, 1 (comes), v. dep. a., I go along together, draw together, contract. with, accompany, attend or wait upon. Con-tdmino, 1, v. a., I stain, pollute, defile. Commfunter (communis), adv., in common, Con-tg-o, exif ectum, 3, v. a., I cover; 1 commonly, generally, together. hide, conceal. Com-pdratio, onis, f. (compare), a preparing Con-tlcesco, tlcui, 3, v. n., I become silent. or providing for; preparation, provision; Con-tindator, oris, m. (contionor), a ha, a procuring, acquiring, acquisition. ranguer; a demagogue, inciter of the Com-pltttor, oris, m. (competo), a competi- people. tor, an opposing candidate. Con-vicium, ii, n. (con, vor), a crying toCon-c'lebro, 1, v. a., I cause to resound; I gether, joint clamor; abuse, reviling, fill; I frequent; I celebrate, solemnize; verbal insult. I proclaim abroad, make public; I pursue Cordiiba, ne, f. V. page 576, n. 24. or cultivate diligently. Cor-roboro, 1 (con, roboro), v. a., I make Con-certo, I, v. n., I contend, strive together strong, strengthen, invigorate, confirm. with, contest, dispute, debate. Cor-ruo, ui, 3 (con, ruo), v. n. and a., I rush Con-ctpio, cepi, ceptum, 3 (con, capio), v. a., together; I fall, fall down. I take together; I take up or in, receive, Cor-ruptala, ae, f. (corrumpo), what cor. conceive; I get, contract; of the nind: rupts, contaminates, or ruins; a bane, I conceive, comprehend, embrace with mischief, corruption. the understanding, I think, understand, Cor-ruptor, oris, m. (corrumpo), a corrupter, imagine. ruiner, destroyer, seducer. Con-fessio, Onis, f. (confiteor), a saying, con- Crassus, i (L. Licinius), mu. V. page 576, fession, acknowledgment. n. 27. Con-fliaro, 1, v. a. and n., I am consumed Cretensis, e (Creta), adj., Cretan; in plur., by fire, I burn. Cretenses, ium, in., the Cretans. Con-formdtio, onis, f. (conformo), a forming Ctble, is, n. (cubo), any place for lying or fashioning properly, framing, shaping; down; a resting-place, couch, bed. conformation, form, frame, shape. Curr'icilum, i, i. (curro), a running, run, Con-formo, 1, v. a., I form, fashicin, form course. properly; figur.: I form, fashion, finish, CyzicEni, orum, m., the inhabitants of Cycomplete, shape, frame, polish. zicus. Con-fringo, fregi,fractum, 3 (con, frango), v. a., I break entirely, break to pieces, shatter; figur.: I break, bring down, Damnatio, onis, f. (damno), a condemning, humble. condemnation. Con-g-ro, gessi, gestum, 3, v. a., I carry or Decllnatio, onis, f. (declino), a bending or bring together, heap or pile up, collect, turning aside, an avoiding, eschewing, accumulate; I heap together in any shunning. place, I bring, carry, crowd, throw, lay DE-coctor, Oris, m. (decoquo), a spendthrift, upon, attribute, ascribe. bankrupt. Conl-niveo, Ivi or ixi, 2, v. n., I close or shut Dcicma or dOcma (sc. pars), ae, f. (decem), my eyes, I wink; figur.: I wink or con- the tenth part, tithe. nive at, take no notice of, overlook. DE-dico, 1, v. a., I speak, set forth; I dedlCon-scbltrmltus, a, ur, part (conscelero); cate, consecrate, inscribe. DEF 7G6 EXP DE-Jagro, 1, v. n.. to burn down or vio- Dis-sensio, anis, f. (dissentio), a difference lently, to be on fire, to be burnt. of opinion, a disagreement, dissension, De-ldbor, lapsus sum,3, v. n., I slip or slide difference, strife, discord. down, fall down. Di-strimngo, inxi, ictum, 3, v. a., I draw DI-lcdtus, a, ur (de, lix), adj., washed asunder; 1 occupy with more than one with lye, neat, nice, elegant, luxurious, thing, I keep busy, take up; I separate. dainty, delicate, effeminate. Drusus, i (JM. Livius), m. V. page 567, Delos, i, f.,a small island in the Aegean Sea. n. 28. Dg-menter (dernens), adv., madly, foolishly. Ductus, Us, m. (duco), a leading, conductDe-mrinatio. See diminutio. ing, command. De-noto, i, v. a., I mark, signify, point out, Dulcedo, Inis, f. (dulcis), sweetness, pleasappoint, determine. antness, delightfulness. De-nuntio. See denuncio. De-pendo, di, sum, 3, v. a., I weigh; I pay; E poenas dependere, to suffer punishment. De-posco, pOposci, 3, v. a., I require, de- Ebriisus, a, um (ebrius), adj., often drunk, mand, or request earnestly. given to drunkenness, sottish. De-pravo, 1 (de, pravus), v. a., I corrupt, Ec-qui or ec-quis, ec-quae or ec-qua, ec-quod vitiate, spoil, impair, mar, deprave. or ecquid, pron. interr., should any one? De-promo, omsi or ompsi, omturn or omptum, Ef-flgies, Ei, f. (effingo), an image, repre3, v. a., I draw, take, or fetch out, draw sentation, likeness, portrait. forth. Ef-frelatus, a, ur, part. (effreno), adj., Dc-spgratio, Onis, f. (despero), a despairing, unbridled, unruly, impetuous, unchecked, despair. unrestrained. De-sperdtus, a, um (despero), adj., desperate, iE-lido, lutsi, lusum, 3, v. a. and n., I play; past hope, past cure. I win at play; I elude, evade, shun, De-sp!ro, 1, v. n. and a., I despair of, am avoid; I do something in sport; I mock withollt hope, I despond; desperare de jeer, banter, make sport of, laugh to republica, to despair of saving the state. scor I dele, eceie e, amu scorl; I delude, deceive, cheat, amuse De-vco, 1, v. a., I call down, fetch down with false hopes. by calling. bycat i, m. (dicto a commande,-ructo, 1, v. a., I belch, throw up; figur.: Dictaltor, ris, m. (dirto), a commander, castforth throw ot...'.' *,.I cast forth, throw ourt. chief magistrate; a dictator. Dictra, ae, f. (dictator), the office of dic- scendo, di, sum, 3 (e, scando), v. n., I tator, the dictatorship. disembark, land; I ascend, mount, climb tator, the dictatorship. up to. DI-litio, onis, f. (differo), a putting off, de- up to. haying, deferring; a delay. E-vrcator, Iris, m. (evoco), one who calls Dilectus. See delectus. out and induces to join him, an enlister. Dz-lscescit, luxit, 3 (diluceo), v. incept. n., E-vmo, ui, ltum, 3, v. a., I vomit forth; it begins to dawn, it grows light. I eject, cast out. Dt-micatio, Inis, f. (dimico), a fight, skir- Ex-agEro, 1, v. a., I heap up; I increase, mish, encounter, battle, struggle, contest; enlarge, magnify. risk, danger, hazard. Ex-colo, c~lui, cultum, 3, v. a., I cultivate; Di-mlintio, onis, f. (diminuo), a diminish- I improve, polish. ing; alienation, selling; a taking away. Ex-jtiosus, a, um (ezitium), adj., destrucDt-reptio, onis, f. (diripio), a plundering, tive, ruinous, fatal, deadly. ransacking, pillaging. Ex-ttium, ii, n. (exeo), issue, end; destrucDi-reptor, 5ris, m. (diripio), a plunderer, tion, ruin, overthrow, death. spoiler. Ex-orsus, us, m. (erordior), a beginning. Dis-pertio, tii or tivi, titum, 4, and dis-per- Ex-pilo, 1, v. a., I pillage, ransack, rob, tier, 4 (partior), v. a., I divide, distribute. plunder. Dis-stmino,,, v. a., I scatter seed, I sow; Ex-plico, cavi and cui, catum and cttum, 1, I spread abroad, promulgate, proclaim, v. a., I unfold; I spread out, extend; I publish. disentangle, free from obstacles; I put EXP 767 HOR t e: ecution, accomplish, bring to pass;.lrifsus, a, an (fuia), adj., furious, ma4 I fulfil, execute; I discharge, pay; I de- frantic. velop, explain, show, declare, set forth, Fflro, ui, 3 (akin to buro), v. n., I am mad, state, relate. out of mind; I rage, am furious. Ex-promo, promsi or prompsi, promtum or Furtim (fur), adv., by stealth, secretly, promptum, 3 (promo), v. a., I draw out; privily, clandestinely. I bring forth, bring out, bring to light, show, display, express, set forth; I tell, relate, declare. Ex-stinguo, stinxi, stinctum, 3, v. a., I put Gdblnius, i (P.- Capito), m. V. page 569, out, qiuench, extinguish; I blot out, n. 3. obliterate, extirpate, annihilate, destroy, Gdabnias, a, um, adj., of or belonging to a remove, suppress. Gabinius, Gabinian. Fr-sulto, 1 (exsilio), v. freq. n., I leap or Gallcanu.s, a, um, adj., of or belonging to spring up frequently; I exult, rejoice the Roman province Gallia, Gallican. exceedingly. V. page 492, n. 1. E.r-term'no, 1, v. a., I drive over the Glaza, ae, f., the treasure of a king, the boundary, I bani.h, expel, exile; I drive royal coffer. away, put away, remove. GOtdus, a, um (geu), adj., cold as ice;.Ex-iviae, arum, f. (exuo), clothes put offor figur.: cold, making cold. left, or laid aside; the spoils stripped Glabrio, inis, m. (.Acilius). V. Introducfrom an enemy. tion to Oration pro Lege Manil., page 525. Graius, i, m. V. page 561. p. Guberno, 1, v. a., I guide, steer, or pilot a ship; figur.: I manage, conduct, guide, Fdcrnorasus, a, um (facinu), adj., nefa- direct, govern. rious, wicked, villanous, atrocious. Falcarius, ii, m. (falx), a scythe-maker; a dealer in scythes. Ferrsmentum, i, n. (ferrum), any iron tool. Haesito, 1 (Aaereo), v. freq. n., I stick, stick Festus, a, umn (fastus), adj., solemn, fes- fast; I hesitate, am at a loss, am pertive; diesfestus, a festive day, a festival, plexed or at a stand, I doubt. feast. Haurio, hausi, haustura and hausum, 4, v. a., FlargUttse (Jlagitiosus), adv., shamefully, I draw, draw forth or out; I take or de. basely, infamously. rive from; I enjoy, get, receive, derive Foeddratus, a, um (foedus), adj., confeder- I exhaust. ate, leagued together, allied. HEracla or HEraclha, ae, f. V. page 567, Fons, tis, m. (connected with fundo), a n. ]. spring, well, fountain, fount, source; Heracltenses, ium, m., the inhabitants of figir.: source, origin, cause. Heraclia. Forum n.urelium, i, n. V. page 484, n. 14. Hercle (Hlercules), adv., by Hercules, as an Fraudatio, onis, f. (fraudo), a deceiving, oath or asseveration. beguiling; deceit, fraud. Hesternus, a, um (heri), adj., of yesterday. Fugiitus, a, um (fugio), adj., fugitive, Ilzberno, 1 (hibernus), v. n., I winter, pass running away, with a, or genit.; a run- the winter. away slave; a deserter. Hispaniensis, e, adj., of or belonging to Fulmen, Inis, n. (fulgeo), a flash of light- Spain, Spanish. ning, a thunderbolt. H3umerus, i, m., the Greek poet Homer. Fundamentum, i, n. (fundo, i), a founda- Horr'ibllis, e (horreo), adj., to be dreaded, tion, groundwork, basis. dreadful, frightful, horrible, horrific, ter* Finestus, a, um (funus), adj., deadly, fatal, rible. destructive, mournful, dismal, calami- Hortdtus, is, m. (hortor), exhortation, en. tons, dangerous. couragement, incitement. Furius, i (L.), m. V. page 572, n. 10. Eortewius, i, m. V. page 552, n. 8 WW IHOS 768 INS HIostilis, e (hostis), adj., of or belonging to m rpdentia, ae, f. (impudens), shameless. an enemy, hostile. ness, impudence, effrontery. Im-pidenter (impudens), adv., shamelessly impudently. L Yn-audtus, a, urn, adj., unheard, unheard of, unusual, strange. Iiias, hdis, f., the celebrated epic poem that Yn-auro, 1, v. a., I gild, cover with gold. describes the Trojan war. In-censio, Onis, f. (incendo), a burning, set. lUinc (ille), adv., from that place, thence; ting on fire. from thatside, on that side. In-choe, 1, v. a., I cast in a mould; I com. l-lustro, 1 (in, lustro), v. a., I make light, mence, begin; I undertake. light, illluminate, enlighten; I throw In-ctdmentum, i, n. (incite), an incitement, light upon, make clear or evident, clear motive, inducement, incentive. tp, elucidate, illustrate, explain; I ren- Indu-strius, a, urn (industruus, for struens, der illustrious or famous. from struo), adj., assiduous, sedulous, Ilyricus, a, um (Ilyrii), adj., of or belong- diligent, careful, industrious, active. ing to the Illyrians, Illyrian. In-famis, e (in, fama), adj., infamous, ill Ymnaro, tnis, f. (akin to imitor and similis), spoken of, notorious, ignominious, disan image, likeness, form, figure, picture, reputable. statue, representation a likeness, re- In-firmo, 1 (infirmus), v. a., I weaken, ensemblance, delineation, portraiture, im- feeble; I invalidate, confute. press. In-fitiator, Oris, m. (infitior), one who Im-berbis, e (in, barba), adj., without a denies or refuses to pay a debt, or to beard, beardless. restore a deposit, a cheat. Isn-mturus, a, um (in, m.), adj., unripe, In-fitior and in-flcior, 1 (in, fateor), v. untimely, not fully grown, premature. dep.a., I deny, disavow, disown, I do Im-mineo, ui, 2 (in, mineo), v. n., c. dat.: not confess; I deny or disown a debt. to project near anything; to project to- In-flo, I, v. a., I blow or breathe into, blow wards, overhang; to be close at hand, upon; I swell, inflate. to be near; to impend, to be imminent; In-formo, 1, v. a., I form, shape, fashion; to threaten. I form by instruction, I inform, instruct, Im-pBratCirius, a, um (imperator), adj., of or guide, lead. belonging to a commander. In-gravesco, 3, v. n., I grow heavy; I Im-pertio, ivi and ii, Itum, 4 (in, partio), increase; I grow worse, become more v. a., I impart, give part to another, oppressive or irksome. communicate; I give, bestow, employ, mn-hio, 1, v. n., I open the mouth, I gape devote. at, c. dat.; I covet, desire eagerly, long Im-ptsco, avi, atum, and ui, Itum, I (in, for, c. dat. or ace. plico), v. a., I fold into or within; I en- In-ttio, 1 (initiunr), v. a., I initiate, confold, envelop, involve; I fix deeply, secrate. work in, root in, implant; I attach In-jariosus, a, um (injuria), adj., acting closely, connect intimately, unite, join unjustly, criminal, wicked, injurious, Im-pribttas, atis, f. (improbus), wicked- wrongful; adv., inj2friosE. ness, dishonesty, knavery, depravity; In-sepultus, a, um, adj., unburied. audacity, presumption, impudence, In-sidiator, Iris, m. (insidior), one who lies shamelessness. in wait for, lays snares or traps, watches Im-prfbo, 1 (in, probo), v. a., I show or for. prove to be unworthy of approbation; In-sldior, 1 (insidiae), v. dep. n., c. dat.: I disapprove, reject, condemn, disal- I lie in ambush, lay snares for, plot low. against. Im-pQbvs, rris, and im-pibis, e (in, pubes), Insldiosus, a, am (insidiae), adj., full of adj., below the age of puberty, not yet snares, deceitful, dangerous, treacherous, of marriageable age; beardless, not yet insidious; adv., insidilsl. bearded. In-stm4lo, 1, v. a., I allege or maintain INS 769 LON anything against any one; I charge, tis, sucking milk, hanging at the breast, accuse. sucking. In-specto, I (inspicio), v. freq. a., I behold. Laedo, si, sum, 3, v. a., I injure, hurt, nt-speratus, a, urn, adj., not hoped for, un- harm, offend, trouble, vex, annoy. hoped for, unexpected. Laelius, i (C.), m. V. page 572, n. 9. Integre (integer), adv., wholly, entirely; Lamentatio, Onis, f (lamentor), a weeping, honestly, justly. wailing, mourning, lamentation. Inter-cessio, onis, f. (intercede), interven- Lmentor, (amentmeum),v. dep. n. and a., tion; interposition, a protesting against. I lament, bewail weep, or mourn for. Inter-nmo, cn.i, emtumn or emnptunt, 3 (inter, Largitor, oris, m, (largior), a profuse emo), v. a., I take away, deprive of; I s.pender, liberal giver a briber. kill, slay, murder. LOtebra, ae, f. (lateo), a lurking-place, InI-nro, ussi, ustum, 3, v. a., I burn in, hiding-place, shelter, recess. brandl. Ldtiium, i, n., a country of Italy, in which n-vTdiiosus, a, urn (invidia), adj. full of Rome was situated. envy; causing envy; hateful, odious. Ldtor, oris, m. (fcro, latun), a bearer; Ir-retio and in-rctio, zvi, tumt, 4 (in, rete), I legis, the proposer of a law. v. a., I catch in a net, I ensnare, en- Latroceniumn, ii, n. (latrocinor), robbery, tangle. highway robbery; piracy; artifice, stratIr-ruptio, onis, f. (irrumpo), a breaking or agem, fraud bursting in; an irruption, inroad, incur- Latrocinor, 1 (latro), v. dep. n., I rob, sion. plunder, rob on the highway; I engage in uIlawful warfare. Lectica, ae, f (lectus), a litter, couch, sedan, Jactinra, ae, f. (jacio), the throwing over- palanquin. board; a loss, damage, detriment; a Lego, I (lex), v. a., I send as an ambassalessening, impairing, abatement; great dor, I depute, despatch; I appoint as expense. lieutenant or legate of a general or govJactius, fis, m. (jacio), a throwing, hurling, ernor. throw, cast. Len, onis, nm., a dealer in slaves; a panJan-dildum. See jam and ddudum. der, procurer; a negotiator, mediator,.Jani-priden.. See jam and pridetm. go-between; an ambassador. Jadzcialis, e (judiciuint), adj., of a judge or Lentiilus, i (L.), m. V. page 570, n. 9. trial, judicial. Leplctss, a, u7n (lepos), adj., lively, man.Jvi'ithtm, i, n., and jigitluts, i, m. (jungto), nerly, pleasant, agreeable, polite, genteel. the collar-bone; the neck, the throat. Ltbellus, i, m. (liber), dim., a small writJtrgiurtha, ae, m., a king of Numidia. ing; a poem; a petition, remonstrance, Jappiter (also written Jupiter), Jovis, m., or memorial in writing. Jupiter or Jove, a son of Saturn, brother Ltquc-facio, f eci, factum, 3 (liqueo, facio), and husband of Juno, the chief god v. a., I make liquid or fluid, I liquefy, among the Romans. melt. Literatus, a, uim (litera), adj., learned, K. erudite; relating to learning, devoted to learning, literary. Karthagbniiensis, e, adj., V. Carthaginiensis. Lititra, ae, f. (lino), the rubbing out of a letter or word, an erasure. L.j~~ ocrenses, ium, m., the Locrians. Locupleto, 1 (locuples), v. a., I make rich, LabMs, is, f. (labor, I fall), a fall, a sinking enrich. down or in; figur.: a stain, blot, shame, Longinqultas, atis, f. (longinqumss), length, dishonor, discredit, disgrace, ignominy. long continuance or duration; length of JAboriosus, a, wum (labor), adj., laborious, time; remoteness, great distance. tiresome, toilsome, wearisome, fatiguing. Longiuscitlus, a, um (lontgior), adj., someLacteo, 2 (lac), v. n,, to suck; part., lactens, what long, rather longer than usual LUC 770 NUM Lucu/lust i, m. V. Introduction to Oration.JMylnaeus or.Jytilenaeus, a, um, adj., o pro Lege Manil., page 525. or belonging to Mitylene. Lgffeo, luxi, 2, v. n. and a., I mourn, la- Mucro, onis, m. (akin to pugio), a sharp ment, bewail. point; the point of a sword; a sword. Liimen, Iuns, n., a light, lamp, torch;.Muliercula, ae, f. (mulier), din., a little figur.: the most excellent man, luminary, woman. ornament, glory. JMiln-ceps, ctpis, m. and f. (munus, capio), iikpiss, a, ur (lupus), adj., of or belong- an inhabitant of a municipium. ing to a wolf. JMuntus, a, ur, part. (munio); adj., de. fended, protected; fortified. M Jl.Mtsa, ae, f., a muse, goddess of poetry and music. Malchknator, bris, n. (machinor), an en- JMitus, a, um (mu, mut), adj., dumb, mute: gileer; a cunning deviser, subtile con- that does not speak, silent, still. triver, inventor. Macto, 1, v. a., I (mactus), I augment; I N increase, advance, honor; 2 (akin to macellum), I kill, slay; sacrifice, immo- JNanctus, a, um (commonly written nactus), late; murder, assassinate. part., from nanciscor, which see. Mdacula, ae, f. (akin to maceo), a spot, stain, Jau-frdgus, a, um (navis, frango), adj., blot; a fault, slur, disgrace, stain of shipwrecked, wrecked; figur.: ruined, infamy, dishonor. lost. Mdan~catus, a, um (nmanica), adj., having JV'viclasrius, ii, m. (navicula), a shiplong sleeves. owner, shipmaster. Mfanfesto (manifestus), adv., clearly, open-.NJvus, a, um (gnavus), adj., active, dilily, evidently, manifestly. gent, industrious, strenuous, prompt. JMcantlius, a, un, adj., of or belonging to a.NeapZltani, rram, m., the inhabitants of Manilius, Manilian. Neapolis, Neapolitans..anilius, i (C.), m. V. Introduction to.NJ-fjril (nefarius), adv., wickedly, imOration pro Lege Manil., page 525. piously, nefariously. Mlano, 1 (akin to vena and venio), v. n., to.V'eg-ltgens, tis, part. (negligo); adj., negliflow, run; to diffuse itself, to spread; gent, careless, heedless, reckless, into proceed, spring. attentive, neglectful; adv., negllgenter..MTanibius, a, am (manus), adj., taken from JV'ps, otis, m., a nephew; a grandson; the enemy, gained as booty; manubiae, a prodigal, spendthrift. sc. res, spoils taken in war, booty, pil-.Jt-quam (nequidquam), adj. indecl., comlage. parat., nequior, superlat., nequissimus; Marcellus, i, m. V. page 550, n. 15. worthless, good for nothing, bad; wickMarinor, ris, n., marble. ed, vile. Mars, tis, m., the god of war. J.f-qutia, ae, and ne-quities, ei, f. (nequam), JMastslienses (.Massilia), ium, m., the in- neglectful conduct, inactivity, remisshabitants of Massilia, Massilians. ness. Mater-familias. See mater. JVihil-dum. See dum. Maturitas, atis, f. (maturus), ripeness, ma- NJ'teo, ui, 2 (akin to nix), v. n., I shine, turity. look bright, glisten, glitter. Ma.rimus, i, m. V. page 550, n. 14..N'tdus, a, um (niteo), adj., bright, shinMedea, ae, f. V. page 541, n. 3. ing; spruce, neat, trim, clean, elegant; MendicUtas, fLtis, f. (mendicus), beggary, fat, sleek. mendicity, indigence, poverty. JVYz, nluis, f., snow. JMetdls, i (Q.), m. V. page 567, n 21..NbJ\ em, numer., nine..Mlnus (comp. from parve), adv., less; JWdius (nunc, dies), adv., n. tertius, now quominus, that not, from. the third day, three days ago, the day MitArldates, is, m. V. Introduction to before yesterday. Oiation pro Lege Manil., page 525. Mmantia, ae, f, a city in Hispania Tarra NUM 771 PER conensi, which was captured and de- Plm, adv., in open view, openly, publicly, stroyed by Scipio Africanus the younger. plainly. vumldcus,, a, u7n, adj., Numidian; a sur- Pdlatium, i, n. V. Cic. in Cat. I. 1, n. 9. name of Q. Metellus, bestowed on him Pamphyiia, ae, f., a country on the sea. for his victory over Jugurtha. coast of Asia Minor, between Lycia and Cilicia. Papius, a, um, adj., Papian. V. page 570, n. 17. Ob-tfgo,, v. a., I tie to, tie round, bind Parri-cidium, ii (parricide), n., murder about or upon; I bind together, bind up; of parents or near relations, parricide, figur.: I bind, engage, oblige, put under murder. obligation; I pledge, plight, mortgage. Pastio, 6nis, f. (pasco), a feeding, grazing, Ob-rzo, rii, ritumn, 3, v. a., I cover over, pasturing; pasture, food. hide in the ground, bury; I hide, con- Pater-familias, See pater. ceal, obliterate, efface, abolish. Pecto, pexi, pezui or pectivi, pezum and Obscire (obscurus), adv., darkly, obscurely, pectttum?, 3, v, a., I comb, dres6, or adjust secretly. the hair. Ob-s.cundo, 1, v. n., I humor, comply with, Pcu, n., sheep, cattle. follow implicitly, second, c. dat. Pendtes, ium, m. (penes), guardian deities, Ob-sSlesco, lEvi, 3 (abseleo), v. inch. n., I household gods; the house, home. become antiquated, grow out of use, be- Pbnetro, 1 (penitus), v. n., I penetrate, come obsolete, fade, decay. advance, reach. Ob-stripbfacie, f~ci, factum, 3, v. a., I Penstto, 1 (penso), v. freq. a., I pay, disastound, amaze, confound, stupefy. burse, pay taxes. Ob-stupesce, pui, 3, v. n., I become sense- PEr-idlescens, tie, adj., very young. less, become stupefied, am struck with Per-brEvis, e, adj., very short; abl., peramazement. brbvi, in a very short time. Ob-trecto, 1 (tracto), v. a. and n., I detract Per-clpio, cpi, ceptum, 3 (per, apio), v. a., from, disparage, traduce, slander, dis- I take up wholly; I take, get, obtain, praise, calumniate; I oppose or thwart enjoy, acquire; I perceive, feel; I unmaliciously. derstand, comprehend, conceive, learn, Oc-cidens, tis, part., from occldo; subst. m., know. Sc. sol, the west,quarter of the setting sun. Per-cittio, cussi, eussuts, 3, v. a., I strike, Oc-cluddo, usi, fisum, 3 (ob, claudo), v. a., I hit, beat, knock, smite; figur.: I strike, shut, shut up, shut close. affect sensibly, deeply, or strongly, touch Octavii, Crum, m.'V. page 576, n. 29. keenly. OmenU, Inis, n., a voice taken as an indica- P4r-grlnus, a, umn (peregre), adj., foreign, tion of something future; a prognostic, strange, alien; subst., a foreigner, stransign, token, omen. ger, alien. 6pimus, a, un (ops), adj., nourishing, fruit- Pdr-horresco, rui, 3, v. n. and a., I shudder, fill, fertile, rich. shudder greatly; I shudder at, dread. Ostienris, e (Ostia), adj., of or pertaining Ptr-Iniquus, a, ma, adj., very unjust, very to Ostia, Ostian. unfair. Per-mddestus, a, um, adj., very moderate, ~~P. t ~very modest or nnassuming. Per-multus, a, rff, adj., very much, very Paciscor, pactus, sum, 3 (paco), v. dep. n. many; permsultm, adv., very much. and a., I bargain, make a bargain, agree, Per-nocto, I (per, sox), v. n., I stay or pass stipulate, conclude a contract. the whole night, remain all night long. Pactum, i, n. (paciscor), a bargain, agree- Per-saepb, adv., very often, very frequently. metit; isto pacto, this way, so much, in Per-svSranmti, as, f. (perseverans), steadisuch a manner; alio pacto, otherwise; ness, constancy, perseverance. quo pacto, in what way, how; smUo Per-ssnta, ae, f. (perwxo), a mask used by pacto, in no way, not at all. players; the character, personage, or PER 772 QUE part represented by the actor; personage, PTvo, 1 (privus)j v. a., I take away from, person, individual, man. deprive, bereave. Per-vado, vasi, vasum, 3, v. n., I go through, Pro-dvus, i, m., a great-grandfather; an come through, pass through, penetrate, ancestor. pervade. Prdcella, ae, f. (procello), a violent wind, Pestis, is, f. (akin to patior), suffering; storm, tempest, hurricane. evil, mischief, bane, curse, plague, ca- PrO-cessio, fnis, f. (procedo), a going forth, lamity, disaster, ruin, destruction. going out, advancing, proceeding. Philippus, i, m. V. page 537, n. 2. PrO-d-Igus, a, urn (prodigo), adj., prodigal, Ptla, ae, f., a ball, football to play with. profuse, lavish, wasteful. Pinguis, e, adj., fat; thick, gross, heavy; Pro-fessio, Onis, f. (profiteor), a public decof the mind: heavy, stupid, gross; of laration, profession, deposition; public taste: weak, dull. statement or registration. Pius, i (Q. Metellus), m. V. page 567, n. 22. Pro-fgo, 1, v. a., I throw or dash to the Pltco, I (allied to placeo), v. a., I appease, ground, throw or cast down, overthrow, pacify, make to relent, soothe, calm, conquer, defeat. mitigate, allay, reconcile. Pro-pago, (pro, pageo=pango), v. a., I Plttius, i (L.), m. V. page, 574, n. 6. propagate, increase, extend, enlarge; I Pontus, i, m. V. page 540, n. 7. prolong, extend. PSptna, ae, f., a cook's shop, victualling- PrO-pugndctilum, i, n. (propugano), a dehouse, eating-house. fence, fortress, fort, bulwark, rampart. Putissrlmum (superl. from potis), adv., Pro-sterno, strdvi, stratum, 3, v. a., throw chiefly, principally, especially, in prefer- down, overturn, overthrow, prostrate, ence to all others, most of all. lay flat; prostratus, a, urn, cast down, Praeco, Onis, m., a public crier, herald; thrown to the ground, lying flat, prosproclaimer, praiser. trate. PraecOnius, a, urn (praeco), adj., of a prae- Pro-vincialis, e (provincia),. adj., of a co; praecoirnm, sc. officium, the office of province, belonging to a province, proa public crier; a proclaiming, publishing, vincial; usual or customary in a provspreading abroad; praise, commendation, ince. fame, renown. Priiina, ae, f. (akin tofrigus), frozen dew, Prae-curro, curri, and cdcurri, cursum, 3, hoar-frost, rime-frost, rime. v. n. and a., I run before, go before, pre- Pubtcatio, Onis, f. (publico), a confiscating, cede; I surpass, outstrip, excel. appropriating to the state. Praeddtor, Iris, m. (praedor), a robber, PuzrIlis, e (puer), adj., of a boy or child, pillager, plunderer, freebooter. boyish, childish, childlike, youthful. Prae-dico, dizi, dictum, 3, v. a., I tell before, Pulvinar and polvlnar, &ris, n. (pulvinus), premise; I predict, foretell, forewarn, a pillow, bolster, cushion; a couch; the prophesy; I command, order. place in which the couches of the gods Praeneste, is, n., a town in Latium. were kept, a temple, chapel. Prae-sentio, si, sum, 4, v. a, I perceive be- Punctum, i, n. (pungo), a prick, sting; any forehand, foresee, presage, divine, augur, small part; p. temporis, a moment. foreknow, preconceive, have a presenti- Panicus, a, um, adj., Punic, Carthaginian. ment of. Purpiratus, i, m. (purpura), one of the Praestolor, 1 (praesto), v. dep. n. and a., I highest officers at the court of a king. wait, wait for, c. acc. or dat. Prae-texo, zui, ztum, 3, v. a., I weave before, put before, border, fringe; toga praetexta, an upper garment bordered Quaesltor, dris, m. (quaero), an inquirer, with purple. inquisitor, presiding judge. Prae-texta, ae, f, same as toga praetexta. Quantus-eumque or -cunque, adj., how great See praetexo. soever, be it as great as it may. Prae-textdtus, a, urn (praetezta), adj.,Qulrmdnia, s, f. r(quror), a lament, conwearing the toga praetezta. plaint. QUI 773 SEM Qurltes, Turn and urn, m. (Cures), the in- Rumpo, rapi, ruptum, 3 (akin to rima), habitants of the Sabine town Cures. V. v. a., I break, burst, tear, rend asunder; page 490, n. 2. figur.: I open by force, force open. Quo-dam-modo. See modus. Ruo, rui, ruitum and ruitum, 3, v. n., I rush Quo-minus. See minus, down, fall down; I fall, am overthrown, ruined; v. a., I throw down, dash down, -~~~R. ~ overthrow, prostrate; ruere rempublicam, to ruin the state. Reatinus, a, um (Reate), adj., of or belong- Rusticor, 1 (rusticus), v. dept n., I dwell ing to Reate, Reatine. in the country, rusticate. Rc-calo, colui, cultum, 3, v. a., I cultivate or till anew; I resume, practise, or ex-S. ercise again. RM-concEliatio, inis, f. (reconcilio), a resto- Sacrrium, ii, n. (sacrum), a place where ration, reinstatement, renewal; recon- sacred things are kept; a place for diciliation, reconcilement. vine service, a chapel, temple. Rb-cusatio, Onis, f. (recuso), a refusal, op- Sacro-sanctus, a, um (sacer, sanctus), adj., position. sacred, inviolable. RMd-imio, 4 (re, amentum), v. a., I bind Sdgaz, acis (sagio), adj., sagacious, quick, round, wind round, wreathe, gird, en- cunning, acute, shrewd, ingenious, provcircle. ident, foreseeing. Rd-fito, 1, v. a., I check, drive, or keep Sdltminii, Orum, m., the inhabitants of back; I refute, disprove. Salamis. Regalis, e (rex), adj., becoming a king, Saltus, us, m., a wood where cattle pas. kingly, princely, royal, regal. ture, pasture for cattle. Retri (regius), adv., royally, regally, des- Smus or Sanos, i, f. V.page545,n.9. potically. Sanus, a, um, adj.,sound in health, healthy, Re-missus, a, um, part. (remitto), adj., re- well, whole, sane; sound in mind, sober, laxed; sluggish, remiss, negligent. wise, discreet. R —m.ror, 1, v. dep. n. and a., I tarry, Sardinia, ae, f., Sardinia. stay; I stop, delay, obstruct, hinder, Sdtelles, Itis, m. and f., an attendant, a keep back, retard. servant; accomplice, aider, abettor. Rd-signo, 1, v. a., I unseal, open what is Saturnalia (Saturnus), ium, n., the Satursealed; figur.: I disclose, reveal; I an- nalia. V. page 536, n. 15. nul, abolish, cancel, invalidate, destroy. Scriba, ae, m. (scribo), a writer, scribe. Re-sto, stti, 1, v. n., I stay or remain be- Scriptura, ae, f. (scribe), a writing; the hind, stay, remain; I resist, oppose; rent paid for the use of public pastures. resiat, ut, it still remains, that. S.-cerno, crivi, crEtum, 3, v. a., I put asunRd-tardo, I, v. a., I keep back, detain, der or apart, sever, part, separate; I stop, delay, hinder, impede, retard. distinguish. Rd-torqueo, si, turn, 2, v. a., I writhe or Sdciris, is, f. (seco), an axe or hatchet; twist back, bend back, turn or cast secures, the badges of the power of the back, turn. magistrates, the sovereignty of the RoRd-tundo, tudi, tfsum, 3, v. a., I thrust, man people. push, or drive back; I blunt, make dull; Sdiilltas, atis, f. (sedulus), assiduity, inr. gladium alicujus, to frustrate any one's dustry, diligence, application, zeal. murderous designs. Se-grBgo, 1 (se, grex), v. a., I separate, Rhrffini, orum, m., the inhabitants of part, sever, remove. Rhegium. Sella, ae, f. (for sedela, from sedeo), a seat, RZbustus, a, um (robur), adj., of hard oak chair; the curule chair.. or other hard wood; hard, firm, strong, Semindrium, ii, n. (semino), a nursery, or hardy, sturdy, robust. plantation of young trees. Roscius, i (Q.), m. V. page 573, n. 1. Sempiternus, a, urm (semper), adj., perRldinus, a, um, adj., of Rudiae, Rudian. petual, eternal, everlasting. SEM 774 UND Senpronius, a, t mr adj., of or belonging to Tdbtldrius, a, um (tabula), adj., relating to a Sempronius5 Sempronian. written compositions; tabularium, sc. Sensus, fi6s, m. (sentio), sensation, feeling, aedificium, the archives. perception, sense; emotion:; cescious- Tdcituraltas, atis, f. (taciturnus), a being ness; taste. silent,taciturnity, silence. S.ro, rui, rtum, 3, v. a., I bind; -sertus, TIdcQt (tacitus), adv., silently, in silence, a, urn, joined or bound together; eerta, secretly. orum, n., garlands. Talaris, e (talus), adj., of, belonging, or &Srta, ruam, n. gee Sero. relating to the ankles; t. tunica, a robe Sertoridnus, a, urn, adj., of or belonging to reaching down to the ankles. Sertoritus, Sertorian. Tan-dis, adv., so long. Servilius, i, m. V. page 559, n. 13. Tango, ttltgi, tactum, 3, v. a..1 touch; I Sica, ae, f. (seco), a dagger. take in hand, undertake; do coelo tactus, Slcarius, ii, m. (sica), an assassin, struck by lightning. Sigeum, i, n. V. page 576, n. 11. Tardtas, atis, f. (tardus), slowness; sleepiSilvdxas, i (M. Plautius), m. V. page ness, dulness. 568, n. S. Tarentlai, Druam, m., the inhabitants of Simpltctter (simplex), adv., simply, natural- Tarentum. ly, plainly, directly, frankly, artlessly. Tempestivus, a, urn (tempestas), adj., done Stnape, es, f. V. page 540, n. 9. at the proper time or season, seasonable; Smyrnaei, orun, m., the inhabitants of that happens before its usual time. Smyrna. * Thnodos or Tbnadus, i, f., an island in the Sobrius, a, urnm (so, bria), adj., sober, not Aegean sea, off the coast of Troas. intoxicated; sober, temperate. Terrminus, i, m., a boundary, limit, bound. Sollc'tatio, fnis, f. (sollicito), an instigating Tlheophanes, is, m. V. page 576, n. 14. to mutiny or rebellion, instigation. Tibertnus, a, um (Tiberis), adj., of or beSbiftio, Onis, f. (solvo), a loosing, unloos- longing to the Tiber, Tiberine. ing, payment. 7'tbris, is, m., the river Tiber. Sino, nui, antum, 1, v. n., I sound; v. a., Tigranes, s, m., a king of Armenia, sonI sound, utter, pronounce. in-law of Mithridatea. Stdbllio, 4 (stabilis), v. a., I make steadfast, Tlmnds (timidus), adv., fearfully, timidly. firm, stable; establish. Trans-marinus, a, urn, adj.,'beyond sea, &dtor, Cris, Em. (sisto), a supporter, pro- transmarine. server. Trans-mitto, misi, mnissum, 3, v. a., I make Stdtua, ae, L (stauto), a statue. go over, let come over, send over, convey Stimulus, i, m., a sting; an incitement, over; I consign, commit, intrust. inducement, incentive. Trtbenal, dlis, n. (tribunus), a tribunal, Sutdeo, si, sum, 2, v. n. and a., I advise, judgment-seat. exhort; I persuade. Tripacum, i, n., a trophy; figur.: a vicSub-jector, Oris, m. (subjicio), a forger or tory; a monument, sign. falsifier. Turptter (turpis), adv., basely, shamefully, Suc-censco, ui, 2 (sub, censeo), v. n., c. dat.: dishonorably. I am angry or displeased with. Tftor, 1 (tueor), v. freq. dep. a,, I guard, Suf-f re, sus-tuli, sub-latum, suf-ferre (sub, protect, defend, keep safe, preserve. fero), v. a., I bear, support; endure; 1 suffer. Sunptudsiss and surmtusus, a, un (sump- U. tus), adj., expensive, costly, dear, splendid, sumptuous adv., ampt" and uber, bris, n., udder, teat. umtusa&. ubertas, atis, f. (uber), fertility, fruitfulT. ness, productiveness, abundance. Umquam. See unquam. T7'bella, ae, f. (tabula), dim., a little table Un-d-qquin gdsMmus, a, ur (undequinqu4or tablet; a writing-tablet; a letter. ginta), adj., the forty-ninth. UNI 775 VOL Unetce (unicus), adv., alone especially, in beauty, comeliness, grace; elegance, an extraordinary degree. politeness, gracefulness. Usurpo, I (for usu rapio), v. a., I make use Verltas, atis, f. (verus), truth, verity. of, use; I exercise, practise. Vespara, ae, f., the evening. Vestalis, e (Vesta), adj., of or belonging to V. Vesta, Vestal. Vexatio, snis, f. (vexo), molestation, harassVacu-fdcio, feci, factum, 3, v. a., I make ing, ill-treatment, annoyance, abuse. void or empty. Vibro, 1, v. a., I move quickly to and fro; ddimiSnium, ii, n. (vas, vadis), a promise I flourish, brandish, hurl, throw, dart, or obligation, confirmed by surety, to launch. appear in court; bail, recognizance. VigIlans, tis, part. (vigilo); adj., watchVastatio, anis, f. (vaste), a ravaging, laying ful, careful, vigilant. waste, devastation. Vlttas, dtis, f. (vilis), cheapness, lowness Vastitas, atis, f. (vastus), desolation, devas- of price. tation, waste, solitude, ruin. Villo, 1 (vis), v. a., I injure, violate; I Vates, is, m. and f., a soothsayer, diviner, maltreat, abuse. prophet; a poet, bard. Viscus, Lris, n., more frequently pi., viscera, Vena, ae, f. (akin to mane), a vein; an arte- um, n., all that is under the skin; figur.: ry; figur.: in venis reipublicae, in the veins, the innermost part of anything. h. e., the innermost parts of the state. FtitpBratio, anis, f. (vitupero), a blaming, M'ne-flcus, a, urn (venenum, facio), adj., reproving, vituperation. mixing poison, poisoning; veneficus, i, Vitto, 1 (volare), v. freq. n., I fly often, am m., a mixer of poisons, poisoner. wont to fly, fly to and fro, fly about oa flnfistas, 4is, f. (vans), elegant form, up and down, fiater. flit. APPENDIX II. M. TULLII CICERONIS ORATIO PRO M. MARCELLO, IN SENATU AD C. CAESAREM. I. 1. DIUTvRNI silentii, Patres conscripti, quo eram his Itemporibus usus, non timore aliquo, sed partim dolore, partim 2verecundia, finem hodiernus dies attulit, idemque initium quae vellem quaeque sentirem meo pristino more dicendi. Tantam enim mansuetudinem, tam inusitatam inau- 5 ditamque clementiam, tantum in summa potestate omnium 3rerum modum, tam denique incredibilem sapientiam ac paene divinam tacitus praeterire nullo modo possum. 2. M. enim Marcello vobis, Patres conscripti, reique publicae reddito, non illius solum, sed etiam meam vocem et auctoritatem et vo- 10 bis et rei publicae conservatam ac restitutam puto. Dolebam enim, Patres conscripti, et vehementer angebar virum talem, quum in 4eadem causa, in qua ego, fuisset, non in eadem esse fortuna; nec mihi persuadere poteram nec fas esse ducebam versari me in nostro vetere curriculo, illo aemulo atque imi- 15 tatore studiorum ac laborum meorum quasi quodam socio a me et comite distracto. Ergo et mihi meae pristinae vitae consuetudinem, C. Caesar, interclusam aperuisti et his omnibus ad bene de omni re publica speraridum 5quasi signum aliquod sustulisti. 3. Intellectum est enim mihi quidem in multis 20 et maxime in me ipso, sed paulo ante 6omnibus, quum M. Marcellum senatui reique publicae concessisti, commemoratis praesertim 7offensionibus, te auctoritatem hujus ordinis dignitatemque rei publicae tuis vel doloribus vel suspicionibus anteferre. Ille quidem fructum omnis ante actae vitae 25 780 ORATIO hodierno die maximum cepit, quum summo consensu senatus turn [praeterea] judicio tuo gravissimo et maximo. Ex quo profecto intelligis, quanta in dato beneficio sit laus, quum in accepto sit tanta gloria. Est vero fortunatus ille, cujus ex 5 salute non minor paene ad omnes, quam ad illum ventura sit, laetitia pervenerit: 4. quod quidem ei merito atque optimo jure contigit. Quis enim est illo aut nobilitate aut probitate aut optimarum artium studio aut innocentia aut ullo laudis genere praestantior? 10 II.'Nullius tantum flumen est ingenii, 2nulla dicendi aut scribendi tanta vis, tanta copia, quae non dicam exornare, sed enarrare, C. Caesar, res tuas gestas possit. Tamen affirmo, et hoc pace dicam tua, nullam in his laudem esse ampliorem quam 3eam, quam hodierno die consecutus es. 5. Soleo saepe 15 ante oculos ponere 4idque libenter crebris 5usurpare sermonibus, omnes nostrorum imperatorum, omnes exterarum gentium potentissimorumque populorum, omnes clarissimorum regum res gestas cum tuis nec contentionum magnitudine nec numero proeliorum nec varietate regionum nec celeritate 20 conficiendi nec dissimilitudine bellorum posse conferri; nec vero 6disjunctissimas terras citius passibus cujusquam potuisse 7peragrari, quam tuis non dicam cursibus, sed victoriis lustratae sunt. 6. Quae quidem ego nisi tam magna esse fatear, ut ea vix cujusquam mens aut cogitatio capere possit, 25 amens sim; sed tamen sunt 8alia majora. Nam bellicas laudes solent quidam extenuare verbis easque detrahere ducibus, communicare cum multis, ne propriae sint imperatorum. Et certe in armis militum virtus, locorum opportunitas, auxilia sociorum, classes, commeatus multum juvant; maximam 30 vero partem quasi suo jure fortuna sibi vindicat et, quidquid prospere gestum est, id paene omne ducit suum. 7. At vero hujus gloriae, C. Caesar, quam es paulo ante adeptus, socium habes neminem: totum hoc, quantumcunque est, quod certe maximum est, totum est, inquam, tuum. Nihil sibi ex 9ista 35 laude centurio, nihil l~praefectus, nihil cohors, nihil turma decerpit: quin etiam illa ipsa rerum humanarum domina, Fortuna, in istius societatem gloriae se non offert: tibi cedit, PRO M. MARCELLO, CAP. III., IV. 781 "tuam esse totam et propriam fatetur. 12Nunquam enim temeritas cum sapientia commiscetur neque ad consilium casus admittitur. III. 8. Domuisti gentes immanitate barbaras, multitudine innumerabiles, locis infinitas, omni copiarum genere 5 abundantes: sed tamen ea vicisti, quae et naturam et conditionem, ut vinci possent, habebant; nulla est enim tanta vis, quae non ferro et viribus debilitari frangique possit. Animum vincere, iracundiam cohibere, victoriam Itemperare, adversarium nobilitate, ingenio, virtute praestantem non modo 10 extollere jacentem, sed etiam amplificare ejus pristinam dignitatem, 2haec qui facit, non ego eum cum summis viris comparo, sed simillimum deo judico. 9. Itaque, C. Caesar, bellicae tuae laudes celebrabuntur illae quidem non solis nostris, sed paene omnium gentium literis atque linguis, nec ulla 15 unquam aetas de tuis laudibus conticescet; sed tamen ejusmodi res 3nescio quomodo, etiam quum leguntur, obstrepi clamore\militum videntur et tubarum sono. At vero quum aliquid clementer, mansuete, juste, moderate, sapienter factum, in iracundia praesertim, quae est inimica consilio, et in 20 victoria, quae natura insolens et superba est, audimus aut legimus, quo studio incendimur, non modo in gestis rebus, sed etiam in fictis, ut eos saepe, quos nunquam vidimus, diligamus! 10. Te vero, quem praesentem intuemur, cujus mentem sensusque 4et os cernimus, ut, quidquid belli fortuna 25 reliquum rei publicae fecerit, id esse salvurn velis, quibus laudibus efferemus? quibus studiis prosequemur? qua benevolentia complectemur? Parietes, medius fidius, ut mihi videtur, hujus curiae tibi gratias agere gestiunt, quod brevi tempore futura sit 5illa auctoritas in his majorum suorum 30 et suis sedibus. IV. Equidem quum C. Marcelli viri optimi et incomparabili pietate praediti lacrimas modo vobiscum viderem, omnium Marcellorum meum pectus memoria obfudit, quibus tu etiam mortuis, M. Marcello conservato, dignitatem suam 35 reddidisti nobilissimamque familiam jam 2ad paucos redactam paene ab interitu vindicasti. 11. Ilunc tu igitur diem tuis 782 ORATIO maximis et innumerabilibus 3gratulationibus jure antepones. Haec enim res unius est propria Caesaris: ceterae duce te gestae, magnae illae quidem, sed tamen multo magnoque comitatu. Hujus autem rei tu 4idem es et dux et comes; quae qui5 dem tanta est, 5ut nulla tropaeis et monumentis tuis allatura finem sit aetas; nihil est enim opere et manu factum, quod non aliquando conficiat et consumat vetustas; 12. at haec tua justitia et lenitas animi florescet quotidie magis, ita ut quantum tuis operibus diuturnitas detrahet, tantum afferat o0 laudibus. Et ceteros quidem omnes victores bellorum civilium jam ante aequitate et misericordia viceras: hodierno vero die te ipsum vicisti. Vereor ut hoc, quod dicam, perinde intelligi possit auditu atque ipse cogitans sentio: ipsam victoriam vicisse videris, 6quum 7ea, quae illa erat adepta, victis 15 remisisti. Nam qnum ipsius victoriae conditione omnes victi occidissemus, clementiae tuae judicio conservati sumus. Recte igitur unus invictus es, a quo etiam ipsius victoriae conditio visque devicta est. V. 13. Atque hoc C. Caesaris judicium, Patres conscripti, 20 quam late pateat attendite: omnes enim, qui ad illa arma Ifato sumus nescio quo rei publicae misero funestoque compulsi, etsi aliqua culpa 2tenemur erroris humani, 3scelere certe liberati sumus. Nam quum M. Marcellum deprecantibus vobis rei publicae conservavit, me et mihi et item rei publicae nullo 25 deprecante, reliquos amplissimos viros et sibi ipsos et patriae reddidit, quorum et frequentiam et dignitatem hoc ipso in consessu 4videtis, non ille hostes induxit in curiam, sed judicavit a plerisque ignoratione potius et falso atque inani metu, quam cupiditate aut crudelitate bellum esse susceptum. 14. 30 Quo quidem in bello semper de pace audiendum putavi, semperque dolui non modo pacem, sed etiam orationem civium pacem flagitantium repudiari. Neque enim ego illa nec ulla umquam secutus sum arma civilia, semperque mea consilia 5pacis et togae 6socia, non belli atque armorum fuerunt. 7Hom35 inern sum secutus 8privato officio, non publico; tantumque apud me grati animi fidelis memoria valuit, ut nulla non modo cupiditate, sed ne spe quidem prudens et sciens tamquam PRO M. MARCELLO, CAP. VI. 783 ad interitum ruerem voluntarium. 15. Quod quidem meum consilium minire obscurum fuit. Nam et 9in hoc ordine l0integra re multa de pace dixi et in ipso bello eadem etiam cum capitis mei periculo sensi. Ex quo nemo jam erit tam injustus existimator rerum qui dubitet, quae Caesaris de bello 5 voluntas fuerit, quum pacis auctores conservandos 1statim censuerit, 12ceteris fuerit iratior. Atque id minus fortasse mirum tum, quum esset incertus exitus et anceps fortuna belli: qui vero victor pacis auctores diligit, is profecto declarat se maluisse non dimicare quam vincere. 10 VI. 16. Atque lhujus quidem rei M. Marcello sum testis. Nostri enim sensus, ut in pace semper, sic turn etiam in bello congruebant. Quoties ego eum et quanto cum dolore vidi, quum insolentiam 2certorum hominum tum etiam ipsius victoriae ferocitatem extimescentem! Quo gratior tua liberali- 15 tas, C. Caesar, nobis, qui illa vidimus, debet esse; non enim jam causae sunt inter se, sed victoriae comparandae. 17. Vidimus tuam victoriam proeliorum exitu terminatam: gladium vagina vacuum in urbe non vidimus. Quos amisimus cives, eos Martis vis perculit, non ira victoriae; ut dubitare 20 debeat nemo quin multos, si fieri posset, C. Caesar ab inferis excitaret, quoniam ex eadem acie conservat quos potest. 3Alterius vero partis nihil amplius dicam quam id, quod omnes verebamur, nimis iracundam futuram fuisse victoriam. 18. Quidam enim non modo armatis, sed interdum etiam 25 4otiosis minabantur, nec quid quisque sensisset, sed ubi fuisset, cogitandum esse dicebant; ut mihi quidem videantur dii immortales, etiam si poenas a populo Romano ob aliquod delictum expetiverunt, qui civile bellum tantum et tam luctuosum excitaverunt, vel placati jam vel satiati aliquando omnem 30 spem salutis ad clementiam victoris et sapientiam'contulisse. 19. Quare gaude tuo isto tam excellenti'bono, et fruere qnum fortuna et gloria turn etiam natura et moribus tuis; ex quo quidem maximus est fructus jucunditasque sapienti. Cetera quum tua recordabere, etsi persaepe virtuti, tamen 35 plerumque felicitati tuae gratulabere: de nobis, quos in re publica tecum simul salvos esse voluisti, quoties cogitabis, XX 784 ORATIO toties de maximis tuis beneficiis, toties de incredibili liberalitate, toties de singulari sapientia tua cogitabis; quae non modo summa bona, sed nimirum audebo vel sola dicere. Tantus est enim splendor in laude vera, tanta in magnitudine 5 animi et consilii dignitas, ut haec a virtute donata, cetera a fortuna 7commodata esse videantur. 20. Noli igitur in con. servandis bonis viris defatigari, non cupiditate praesertim aliqua aut pravitate lapsis, sed opinione officii stulta fortasse, certe non improba, et Specie quadam rei publicae; non enim 10 tua ulla culpa est, si te aliqui timuerunt, contraque summa laus, quod minime timendum fuisse senserunt. VII. 21. Nunc venio ad gravissimam querelam et latrocissimam suspicionem tuam; quae non tibi ipsi magis quam quum omnibus civibus turn maxime nobis, qui a te conservati 15 sumus, providenda est; quam etsi spero falsam esse, tamen nunquam extenuabo [verbis]. Tua enim cautio nostra cautio est, ut si in alterutro peccandum sit, malim videri nimis timidus, quam parurn prudens. Sed quisnam est iste tam demens? De tuisne? - tametsi qui magis sunt tui, quam 20 quibus tu salutem insperantibus reddidisti?- an ex hoc numero, qui una tecum fuerunt? Non est credibilis tantus in ullo furor, ut, quo duce omnia summa sit adeptus, hujus vitam non anteponat suae. An si nihil tui cogitant sceleris, cavendum est ne quid inimici? Qui? omnes enim, qui fue25 runt, aut sua pertinacia vitam amiserunt aut tua misericordia retinuerunt, ut aut nulli supersint de inimicis aut qui superfuerunt sint amicissimi. 22. Sed tamen quum in animis hominum tantae latebrae sint et tanti recessus, augeamus sane suspicionem tuam; simul enim augebimus diligentiam. Nam 30 quis est omnium tam ignarus rerum, tam rudis in re publica, tam nihil unquam 2nec de sua nec de communi salute cogitans, qui non intelligat tua salute contineri suam et ex 3unius tua vita 4pendere omnium? Equidem de te dies noctesque, ut debeo, cogitans casus'dumtaxat humanos et incertos even35 tus valetudinis et naturae communis fragilitatem extimesco, doleoque, quum res publica immortalis esse debeat, earn in unius mortalis anima consistere. 23. Si vero ad humanos PRO M. MARCELLO, CAP. VIII. 785 casus incertosque 6motus valetudinis sceleris etiam accedit insidiarumque consensio, quem deum, si cupiat, posse opitulari rei publicae credamus? VIII. Omnia sunt excitanda tibi, C. Caesar, uni, quae jacere sentis, belli ipsius impetu, quod necesse fuit, perculsa 5 atque prostrata: constituendajudicia, revocanda'fides, comprimendae libidines, propaganda suboles, omnia quae dilapsa jam defluxerunt severis legibus vincienda sunt. 24.'Non fuit recusandum in tanto civili bello, tanto animorum ardore et armorum, quin quassata res publica, quicunque belli eventus 10 fuisset, multa.perderet et ornamenta dignitatis et praesidia stabilitatis suae, multaque uterque dux faceret armatus, quae idem togatus fieri prohibuisset. Quae quidem tibi nunc omnia belli vulnera sananda sunt, quibus praeter te nemo mederi potest. 25. Itaque illam tuam praeclarissimam et 4sapientis- 15 simam vocem invitus audivi: "Satis diu vel naturae vixi vel gloriae." Satis, si ita vis, fortasse naturae, addo etiam, si placet, gloriae: at, quod maximum est, patriae certe parum. Quare omitte istam, quaeso, doctorum hominum in contemnenda morte prudentiam: noli nostro periculo esse sapiens. 20 Saepe enim venit ad aures meas, te idem istud nimis crebro dicere, tibi te satis vixisse. Credo; sed turn id 5audirem, si tibi soli viveres aut si tibi etiam soli natus esses. Omnium salutem civium cunctamque rem publicam res tuae gestae complexae sunt: tantum abes a perfectione maximorum ope- 25 rum, ut fundamenta nondum, quae cogitas, jeceris. Hie tu modum vitae tuae, non salute rei publicae, sed aequitate animi definies? Quid, si istud ne gloriae tuae quidem satis est? cujus te esse avidissimum, quamvis sis sapiens, non negabis 26. Parumne igitur, inquies, gloriam magnam relinquemus? 30 Immo vero aliis quamvis multis satis, tibi uni parum. Quidquid est enim, quamvis amplum sit, est certe parum tune, quum est aliquid amplius. Quod si rerum tuarum immortalium, C. Caesar, hic exitus futurus fuit, ut, devictis adversariis, rem publicam in eo statu relinqueres, in quo nune est, 35 vide, quaeso, ne tua divina virtus admirationis plus sit habitura quam gloriae, siquidem gloria est illustris ac pervagata 786 ORATIO magnorum vel in suos cives vel in patriam vel in omne genus hominum fama meritorum. IX. 27. Haec igitur tibi reliqua pars est:'hic restat actus: in hoc elaborandum est, ut rem publicam constituas 6 eaque tu in primis summa tranquillitate et otio perfruare: tur te, si voles, quum patriae, quod debes, solveris, et naturam ipsam expleveris satietate vivendi, satis diu vixisse 2dicito. Quid est enim hoc ipsum diu, in quo est aliquid extremum? quod quum venit, omnis voluptas praeterita pro 10 nihilo est, quia postea nulla est futura. Quamquam iste tuus animus nunquam his angustiis, quas natura nobis ad vivendum dedit, contentus fuit; semper 3immortalitatis amore flagravit. 28. Nec vero haec tua vita ducenda est, quae corpore et spiritu continetur. Illa, inquam, illa vita est tua, 15 quae vigebit memoria seculorum omnium, quam posteritas alet, quam ipsa aeternitas semper tuebitur. 4Huic tu inservias, huic te ostentes oportet, quae quidem, quae miretur, jampridem multa habet, nunc etiam quae Jlaudet exspectat. Obstupescent posteri certe imperia, provincias, Rhenum, 20 Oceanum, Nilum, pugnas innumerabiles, incredibiles victorias, monumenta, snunera, triumphos audientes et legentes Ttuos. 29. Sed nisi haec urbs stabilita tuis consiliis et institutis erit, vagabitur modo nomen tuum longe atque late: sedem stabilem et domicilium certum non habebit. Erit inter eos 25 etiam, qui nascentur, sicut inter nos fuit, magna dissensio, quum alii laudibus ad coelum res tuas gestas efferent, alii fortasse aliquid 8requirent, idque vel maximum, nisi belli civilis incendium salute patriae restinxeris; 9ut illud fati fuisse videatur, hoc consilii. Servi igitur iis etiam judicibus, so qui multis post seculis de te judicabunt et quidem l~haud scio an incorruptius quam nos; nam et sine amore et sine lcupiditate, et rursus sine odio et sine invidia judicabur't. 30. Id autem etiam si turn 2ad te, ut quidam falso putant, non pertinebit, nunc certe pertinet esse te talem, ut tuas laudes ob56 scuratura nulla unquam sit oblivio. X. 1Diversae voluntates civium fuerunt distractaeque sententiae.: non enim consiliis solum et studiis, sed armis etiam PRO M. MARCELLO, CAP. XI. 787 et castris dissedebamus; erat enim 2obscuritas quaedam,, erat certamen inter clarissimos duces: multi dubitabant, quid optimum esset, multi quid sibi expediret, multi quid deceret, nonnulli etiam quid liceret. 31. Perfuncta res publica est hoc misero fatalique bello: 3vicit is, qui non fortuna inftam- 5 maret odium suum, sed bonitate leniret; nec qui omnes, quibus iratus esset, eosdem [etiam] exsilio aut morte dignos judicaret. Arma 4ab aliis posita, ab aliis erepta sunt. Ingratus est injustusque civis, qui armorum periculo liberatus, animum tamen retinet armatum, ut etiam ille melior sit, qui 10 in acie cecidit, qui in causa animam profudit; quae enim pertinacia quibusdam, eadem aliis constantia videri potest. 32. Sed jam omnis fracta dissensio est armis, exstincta aequitate victoris: restat ut omnes unum velint, qui modo habent aliquid non solum sapientiae, sed etiam sanitatis. 5Nisi te, C. 15 Caesar, salvo et in ista sententia, qua quum antea, turn hodie vel maxime usus es, manente, salvi esse non possumus. Quare omnes te, qui 6haec salva esse volumus, et hortamur et obsecramus, ut vitae tuae et saluti consulas, omnesque tibi, ut pro aliis etiam loquar, quod de me ipse sentio, quoniam sub- 20 esse aliquid putas, quod cavendum sit, non modo excubias et custodias, sed etiam laterum nostrorum oppositus et corporum pollicemur. XI. 33. 1Sed ut, unde est orsa, in eodem terminetur oratio, maximas tibi omnes gratias agimus, C. Caesar, majores 25 etiam habemus. Nam omnes idem sentiunt, quod ex omnium precibus et lacrimis sentire potuisti; sed quia non est omnibus 2stantibus necesse dicere, 3a me certe dici volunt, cui necesse est quodammodo, 4et quod fieri decet, M. Marcello a te huic ordini populoque Romano et rei publicae reddito, fieri id 30 intelligo. Nam laetari omnes non de unius solum, sed de communi salute sentio. 34. 5Quod autem summae benevolentiae est, quae mea erga ilium omnibus semper nota fuit, ut vix C. Marcello, optimo et amantissimo fratri, praeter eum quidem cederem nemini, quum id sollicitudine, cura, labbre s5 tamdiu praestiterim, quamdiu est de illius salute dubitaturn, certe hoc tempore, magnis curis, molestiis, doloribus libera 788 ORATIO PRO M. MARCELLO, CAP. XI. tus, praestare debeo. Itaque, C. Caesar, sic tibi gratias ago, ut omnibus me rebus a te non conservato solum, sed etiam ornato,'tamen ad tua in me unum innumerabilia merita, quod fieri jam posse non arbitrabar, maximus hoc tuo facto cumulus accesserit. M. TULLII CICERONIS ORATIO PRO Q. LIGARIO, AD C. CAESAREM. I. 1.'NovUM crimen, C. Caesar, et ante hunc diem non auditum 2propinquus meus ad te Q. Tubero detulit, Q. Ligarium in Africa fuisse; idque C. 3Pansa, praestanti vir ingenio, fretus fortasse familiaritate ea, quae est ei tecum, ausus est confiteri. Itaque, quo me vertam, nescio. Paratus enim 5 Teneram, quum tu id neque per te scires neque audire aliunde potuisses, ut ignoratione tua ad hominis miseri salutem4abuterer. Sed quoniam diligentia inimici investigatum est quod latebat, confitendum est, ut opinor, praesertim quum meus necessarius Pansa fecerit, 5ut id integrum jam non esset; 10 omissaque controversia, omnis oratio ad misericordiam tuam 6conferenda est, qua plurimi sunt conservati, quum a te non liberationem culpae, sed errati veniam impetravissent. 2. Habes igitur, Tubero, quod est accusatori maxime optandum, confitentem reum; sed tamen hoc confitentem, se in ea 7parte 15 fuisse, qua 8te, qua virum omni laude dignum, patrem tuum. Itaque prius de 9vestro delicto confiteamini necesse est, quam Ligarii ullam culpam reprehendatis. Quintus enim Ligarius, quum esset nulla belli suspicio, legatus in Africam cum C.'~Considio profectus est; qua in 20 legatione et civibus et "sociis ita se probavit, ut decedens Considius provincia satisfacere hominibus non posset, si quemquam alium provinciae praefecisset. Itaque Ligarius, quum diu recusans nihil profecisset, provinciam accepit invitus; cui sic praefuit in pace, ut et civibus et sociis gratissima esset ejus 25 790 ORATIO integritas ac fides. 3. Bellum subito exarsit; quod, qui erant in Africa, ante audierunt geri quam parari. Quo audito, partim'2cupiditate inconsiderata, partim caeco quodam'3tinore, primo 14salutis, post etiam studii sui quaerebant ali5 quem ducem; quum Ligarius domum spectans, ad suos redire cupiens, nullo se implicari negotio passus est. Interim P. Attius 15Varus, qui 16praetor Africam obtinuerat, lUticam venit ad eum statim concursum est. Atque ille non mediocri cupiditate arripuit imperium, si illud imperium esse o1potuit, quod privato clamore multitudinis imperitae, nullo publico'8consilio deferebatur. 4. Itaque Ligarius, qui omne tale negotium'9cuperet effugere, paulum adventu Vari conquievit. II. Adhuc, C. Caesar, Q. Ligarius omni culpa vacat. 15 Domo est egressus non modo nullum ad bellum, sed ne ad minimam quidem suspicionem belli: legatus in pace profectus, in provincia pacatissima ita se gessit, ut ei pacem esse expediret. Profectio certe animum tuum non debet offendere: num igitur remansio? Multo minus; nam profectio 20 voluntatem habuit non turpem, remansio 1necessitatem etiam honestam. Ergo haec duo tempora carent crimine: unum, quum est legatus profectus, alterum, quum efflagitatus a provincia praepositus Africae est. 5. Tertium tempus 2est, quod post adventum Vari in Africa restitit; quod si est crimino25 sum, necessitatis crimen est, non voluntatis. An ille, si potuisset ullo modo evadere, Uticae quam Romae, cum P. Attio quam cum concordissimis fratribus, cum alienis esse quam cum suis maluisset? Quum ipsa legatio plena desiderii ac sollicitudinis fuisset propter incredibilem quendam 30 fratrum amorem, 3hic aequo animo esse potuit, belli discidio distractus a fratribus? 6. Nullum igitur habes, Caesar, adhuc in Q. Ligario signum alienae a te voluntatis. Cujus ego causam, animadverte, quaeso, qua fide defendam: prodo meam. O clementiam admirabilem atque omnium laude, 35 praedicatione, 41iteris monumentisque decorandam! Quum M. Cicero apud te 5defendit, alium in ea voluntate non fuisse. in qua se ipsum confitetur fuisse, nec tuas tacitas cogitationes PRO Q. LIGARIO, CAP. III., IV. 791 extimescit, nec, quid tibi de alio audienti de se ipso occurrat, reformidat. III. Vide, quam non reformidem! vide, quanta lux liberalitatis et sapientiae tuae mihi apud te dicenti oboriatur! Quantum potero, voce contendam, ut hoc populus Romanus 5 exaudiat: Suscepto bello, Caesar,'gesto etiam ex parte magna, nulla vi coactus, judicio ac voluntate ad ea arma profectus sum, quae erant sumpta contra te. 7. Apud quem igitur hoc dico? Nempe apud eum, qui, quum hoc sciret, tamen me, antequam vidit, rei publicae reddidit: qui ad me 10 ex Aegypto 2iteras misit, ut essern idem, qui fuissem: qui me, quum ipse imperator in toto imperio populi Romani unus esset, esse alterum passus est: 3a quo, hoc ipso C. Pansa mihi hunc nuntium perferente, concessos fasces laureatos tenui, quoad tenendos putavi: qui mihi turn derique se sa-15 lutem putavit reddere, si ear nullis spoliatam ornamentis dedisset. 8. Vide, quaeso, Tubero, ut, qui de meo facto non 4dubitem, de Ligarii non audeam confiteri. Atque haec propterea de me dixi, ut mihi Tubero, quum 5de se eadem dicerem, ignosceret; cujus ego 6industriae gloriaeque faveo vel 20 propter propinquam cognationem, vel quod ejus ingenio studiisque delector, vel quod laudem adolescentis propinqui existimo 7etiam ad meum aliquem fructum redundare. 9. Sed hoc quaero: quis. putat esse crimen fuisse in Africa? Nempe is, qui et ipse in eadem Africa esse voluit et 8prohi- 25 bitum se a Ligario queritur, et certe contra ipsum Caesarem est congressus armatus. Quid enim, Tubero, tuus ille destrictus in acie Pharsalica gladius'agebat? cujus latus ille mucro petebat? qui sensus erat armorum tuorum? quae tua mens, oculi, manus, ardor animi? quid cupiebas? quid so optabas? Nimis urgeo; commoveri videtur adolescens: ad me revertar;'0iisdem in armis fui. IV. 10. Quid autem aliud'egimus, Tubero, nisi ut, quod hic potest, nos possemus? Quorum igitur impunitas, Caesar, tuae clementiae laus est, eorum ipsorum ad crudelitatern te 3% acuet oratio? Atque in hac causa'nonnihil equidem, Tubero, etiam tuam, sed multo magis patris tui prudentiam 792 ORATIO desidero; quod homo quum ingenio, tur etiam doctrina excellens genus hoc causae quod esset, non viderit: nam, si vidisset, quovis profecto quarn isto modo a te 3agi maluisset. Arguis fatentern; non est satis: accusas eum, qui causam 5 habet aut, ut ego dico, meliorem quam tu: aut, ut tu vis, parem. 11. Haec admirabilia, sed prodigii simile est, quod dicam. Non habet eam 4vim ista accusatio, ut Q. Ligarius condemnetur, sed ut necetur. Hoc egit civis Romanus ante te nemo. 5Externi isti mores usque ad sanguinem incitari 10solent odio, aut levium Graecorum aut immanium barbarorum. Nam quid agis aliud? Romae ne 6it? ut domo careat? ne cum optimis fratribus, ne cum hoc T. Broccho avunculo, ne cum ejus filio, consobrino suo, ne nobiscum vivat? ne sit in patria? Num est? num potest magis carere 15 his omnibus, quam caret? Italia prohibetur, exsulat. Non tu ergo patria privare, qua caret, sed vita vis. 12. At istud ne apud eum quidem 7dictatorem, qui omnes, quos oderat, morte multabat, quisquam egit isto modo. Ipse jubebat occidi, nullo postulante; 8praemiis etiam invitabat; quae 20 tamen 9crudelitas ab hoc eodem aliquot 10annis post, quem tu nunc crudelem esse vis, vindicata est. V. Ego vero istud non postulo, inquies. Ita mehercule existimo, Tubero. Novi enim te, novi patrem, novi domum nomenque vestrum; studia'generis ac familiae vestrae vir25 tutis, humanitatis, doctrinae, plurimarum 2artium atque optimarum, nota mihi sunt omnia. 13. Itaque certo scio vos non petere sanguinem, sed parum attenditis; res enim eo spectat, ut ea 3poena, in qua adhuc Q. Ligarius sit, non videamini esse contenti. Quae est igitur alia praeter mortem? 30 Si enim est in exsilio, sicuti est, quid amplius postulatis? an, ne ignoscatur? Hoc vero multo acerbius multoque durius. Quod nos [4domi] petimus precibus, lacrimis, strati ad pedes, non tam nostrae causae fidentes quam hujus humanitati, id ne impetremus oppugnabis, et in nostrum fletum irrumpes, 85 et nos jacentes ad pedes supplicum voce prohibebis? 14. Si, quum hoc'domi faceremus, quod et fecimus et, ut spero, non frustra fecimus, tu repente irruisses et clamare coepisses: PRO Q. LIGARIO, CAP. VI. 793 "C. Caesar, cave ignoscas, cave te fratrum pro fratris salute obsecrantium misereat," nonne omnem humanitatem exuisses? Quanto hoc durius, quod nos domi 6petimus, id te in foro oppugnare et in tall miseria multorum perfugium misericordiae tollere? 15. Dicam plane, Caesar, quod sentio. Si in hac 5 tanta tua fortuna lenitas tanta non esset, quam tu 7per te, per te, inquam, obtines, (intelligo, quid loquar,) acerbis-imo luctu redundaret ista victoria. Quam multi enim essent de victoribus, qui te crudelem esse vellent, quum etiam de victis reperiantur! quam multi, 8quum a te ignosci nemini vellent, 10 impedirent clementiam tuam, quum etiam ii, quibus ipse ignovisti, nolint te esse in alios misericordem? 16. Quod si probare Caesari possemus in Africa Ligarium omnino non fuisse, si honesto et misericordi mendacio saluti civi calamitoso esse vellemus, tamen hominis non esset in tanto discrimine et 15 periculo civis refellere et redarguere nostrum mendacium; et, si esset alicujus, ejus certe non esset, qui in eadem causa et fortuna fuisset. Sed tamen aliud est errare Caesarem nolle, aliud nolle misereri. Tunc diceres: " Caesar, cave credas: fuit in Africa; tulit arma contra te." Nunc quid 20 dicis? " Cave ignoscas." Haec nec hominis nec ad hominem vox est: qua qui apud te, C. Caesar, utitur, suam citius abjiciet humanitatem quam extorquebit tuam. VI. 17. Ac primus laditus et postulatio Tuberonis haec, ut opinor, fuit, velle se de Q. Ligarii scelere dicere. Non 25 dubito, quin admiratus sis, vel quod de nullo alio [quisquam] vel quod is, qui in eadem causa fuisset, vel quidnam novi [sceleris] afferret. Scelus tu illud vocas, Tubero? cur? Isto enim nomine illa adhuc causa caruit. Alii errorem appellant, alii timorem: qui durius, spem, 2cupiditatem, 30 odium, pertinaciam: qui gravissime, temeritatem: scelus praeter te adhuc nemo. Ac mihi quidem, si proprium et verum nomen nostri mali quaeritur, fatalis quaedam calamitas incidisse videtur et improvidas hominum mentes occupavisse; ut nemo mirari debeat humana consilia divina necessitate 35 esse superata. 18. Liceat esse miseros: quamquam hoc victore esse non possumus. Sed non loquor de nobis: de 794 ORATIO illis loquor, qui occiderunt. Fuerint cupidi, fuerint irati, fuerint pertinaces: sceleris vero crimine, furoris, 3parricidii liceat Cn. Pompeio mortuo, liceat multis aliis carere. Quando hoc quisquam ex te, Caesar, audivit? aut tua quid aliud arma 5 voluerunt nisi a te 4contumeliam propulsare? quid egit tuus ille invictus exercitus, nisi ut suum jus tueretur et dignitatern tuam? Quid? tu, quum pacem esse 5cupiebas, idne agebas, 6ut tibi cum sceleratis, an ut cum bonis civibus conveniret? 19. Mihi vero, Caesar, tua in me maxima merita tanta certe 10 non viderentur, si me ut sceleratum a te conservatum putarem. Quomodo autem tu de re publica bene meritus esses, 7quum tot sceleratos incolumi dignitate esse voluisses? Secessionem tu illam existimavisti, Caesar, initio, non bellum, neque hostile odium, sed civile dissidium; utrisque cupienti15 bus rem publicam salvam, sed partim consiliis, partim studiis a communi utilitate aberrantibus. Principum dignitas erat paene par; non par fortasse eorum, qui sequebantur: causa turn dubia, quod erat aliquid in utraque parte, quod probari posset: nunc melior ea judicanda est, quam etiam dii ad20juverunt. Cognita vero dementia tua, quis non ear victoriam probet, in qua occiderit nemo nisi armatus? VII. 20. Sed, ut omittam communem causam, veniamus ad nostram.'Utrum tandem existimas facilius fuisse, Tubero, Ligarium ex Africa exire, an vos in Africam non venire? 25 Poteramusne, inquies, quum senatus censuisset? Si me consulis, nullo modo. Sed tamen Ligarium senatus idem legaverat. Atque ille eo tempore paruit, quum parere senatui necesse erat: vos tune paruistis, quum paruit nemo, qui noluit. Reprehendo igitur? Minime vero; neque enim 30 licuit aliter vestro generi, nomini, familiae, disciplinae. Sed hoc non concedo, ut, 2quibus rebus gloriemini in vobis, easdem in aliis reprehendatis. 21. 8Tuberonis sors conjecta est ex senatus consulto, quum ipse non adesset, morbo etiam impediretur: statuerat 4excusare. Haec ego novi propter omnes 85necessitudines, quae mihi sunt cum L. Tuberone. 5Domi una eruditi, militiae contubernales, post 6affines, in omni denique vita familiares: magnum etiam vinculum, quod iisdem PRO Q. LIGARIO, CAP. VIII. 795 studiis semper usi sumus. Scio igitur Tuberonem domi manere voluisse; sed ita quidam agebat, ita rei publicae sanctissimum nomen opponebat, ut, etiamsi aliter sentiret, verborum tamen ipsorum pondus sustinere non posset. 22. Cessit auctoritati amnplissimi viri, vel potius paruit. Una est 5 profectus cum iis, 7quorum erat una causa; tardius iter fecit. Itaque in Africam venit jam 8occupatam. 9Hinc in Ligarium crimen oritur vel ira potius. Nam, si crimen est'0[illum] voluisse, non minus magnum est vos Africam, larcem omnium provinciarum, natam ad bellum contra hanc urbem gerendum 10 obtinere voluisse quam aliquem se maluisse. Atque is tamen aliquis Ligarius non fuit. Varus imperium se habere dicebat: fasces certe habebat. 23. Sed'quoquo modo se illud habet, haec querela vestra quid valet? "'"Recepti in provinciam non sumus." Quid si'4essetis? Caesarine earn 15 tradituri fuistis, an contra Caesarem retenturi? VIII. Vide, quid licentiae, Caesar, nobis tua liberalitas det vel potius audaciae. Si respondert Tubero Africam, quo senatus eum sorsque miserat, tibi patrem suum traditurum fuisse, non dubitabo apud ipsum te, cujus id eum facere inter- 20 fuit, gravissimis verbis ejus consilium reprehendere. Non enim, si tibi ea res grata fuisset, esset etiam probata. 24. Sed jam hoc totum omitto, non tam ne offendam tuas patientissimas aures, quam ne Tubero, quod nunquam cogitavit, facturus fuisse videatur. Veniebatis igitur in Africam pro- 25 vinciam, unam ex omnibus 1huic victoriae maxime infestam, in qua erat 2rex potentissimus, inimnicus huic causae, aliena voluntas, 3conventus firmi atque magni. Quaero, 4Quid facturi fuistis? quamquam, quid facturi fueritis, dubitem, quum videam, quid feceritis? Prohibiti estis in provincia vestra30 pedem ponere, et prohibiti summa cum injuria. 25. Quomodo id tulistis? acceptae injuriae querelam ad quem detulistis? Nempe ad eum, cujus auctoritatem secuti in societatem belli veneratis. Quod si Caesaris causa in provinciam veniebatis, ad eum profecto exclusi provincia venissetis. 35 Venistis ad Pompeium. Quae est ergo apud Caesarem querela, quum eum accusetis, a quo queramini prohibitos vos 796 ORATIO contra Caesarem gerere bellum? Atque in hoc quidem vel cum mendacio, si vultis, 5gloriemini per me licet vos provinciam fuisse Caesari tradituros. Etiamsi a Varo et a quibusdam alis prohibiti estis, ego tamen confitebor culpam esse 5 Ligarii, qui vos tantae laudis occasione privaverit. IX. 26. Sed vide, quaeso, Caesar,'constantiam ornatissimi viri [Tuberonis], quam ego, quamvis ipse probarem, ut probo, tamen non commemorarem, nisi a te cognovissem in primis earn virtutem solere laudari. Quae fuit igitur unquam in 10 ullo homine tanta constantia? constantiam dico? nescio an melius patientiam possim dicere. 2Quotus enim istud quisque fecisset, ut, a quibus in dissensione civili non esset receptus, esset etiam cum'crudelitate rejectus, ad eos ipsos rediret? Magni cujusdam 4animi atque ejus viri, quem de suscepta 15 causa propositaque sententia nulla contumelia, nulla vis, nullum periculum 5possit depellere. 27. 6Ut enim cetera paria Tuberoni cum Varo fuissent, honos, nobilitas, splendor, ingenium, quae nequaquam fuerunt; hoc certe praecipuum Tuberonis, quod 7justo cum imperio ex senatus consulto in 20 provinciam suam venerat. Hinc prohibitus non ad Caesarem, ne iratus, non domum, ne iners, non in aliquam regionem, ne condemnare causam illam, quam secutus esset, videretur: in Macedoniam ad Cn. Pompeii castra venit, in eam ipsam causam, a qua erat rejectus cum injuria. 28. Quid? quum 258ista res nihil commovisset ejus animum, ad quem veneratis, languidiore, credo, studio in causa fuistis: tantummodo 9in praesidiis eratis,'lanimi vero a causa abhorrebant: "an, ut fit in civilibus bellis * * nec in vobis magis quam in reliquis? omnes enim vincendi studio tenebamur. Pacis equidem 30 semper auctor fui, sed turn sero; erat enim amentis, quum aciem videres, pacem cogitare. Omnes, inquam, vincere volebamus: tu certe praecipue, qui in eum 12locum venisses, ubi tibi esset pereundum, nisi vicisses: quamquam, ut nune se res habet, non dubito, quin hanc salutem anteponas 3illi 35 victoriae. X. 29. Haec ego non dicerem, Tubero, si aut vos constantiae vestrae, aut Caesarem beneficii sui poeniteret. Nune PRO Q. LIGARIO, CAP. XI. 797 quaero, utrum vestras injurias, an rei publicae persequamini? Si rei publicae, quid de vestra in illa causa perseverantia respondebitis? si vestras, videte, ne erretis,'qui Caesarem vestris inimicis iratum fore putetis, quum ignoverit suis. Itaque num tibi videor in causa Ligarii esse occupatus? 5 num de ejus facto dicere? Quidquid dixi, 2ad unam summam referri volo vel humanitatis vel clementiae vel misericordiae. 30. Causas, Caesar, egi multas, et quidem tecum, dum te in foro tenuit 3ratio honorum tuorum; certe nunquam hoc modo: Ignoscite, judices: erravit, lapsus est, non putavit; 10 si unquam posthac. Ad parentem sic agi solet: ad judices: Non fecit, non cogitavit; falsi testes, Jictum crimen. Dic te, Caesar, de facto Ligarii judicem esse; quibus in praesidiis fuerit, quaere: taceo; ne haec quidem colligo, quae fortasse valerent etiam apud judicem: "Legatus ante bellum pro-15 fectus, relictus in pace, bello oppressus, in eo ipso non acerbus, jam est totus animo ac studio tuus." Ad judicem sic agi solet; sed ego apud parentem loquor: " Erravit, temere fecit, poenitet; ad clementiam tuam confugio, delicti veniam peto; ut ignoscatur, oro." Si nemo impetravit, arroganter:20 si pluirni, tu idem fer opem, qui spem dedisti. 31. An sperandi Ligario causa non sit, quum mihi apud te locus sit etiarn pro altero deprecandi? Quamquam neque in hac oratione spes est posita causae, nec in eorum studiis, qui a te pro Ligario petunt, tui necessarii. 25 XI. Vidi enim et cognovi, quid maxime spectares, quum pro alicujus salute multi laborarent: causas apud te rogantium gratiosiores esse quam'vultus; neque te spectare, quam tuus esset necessarius is, qui te oraret, sed quam illius, pro quo laboraret. 2Itaque tribuis tu quidem tuis ita multa, 30 ut mihi 3beatiores illi videantur interdum, qui tua liberalitate fruantur, quam tu ipse, qui illis tam multa concedas. Sed video tamen apud te 4causas, ut dixi, valere plus quam preces, ab iisque de moveri maxime, quorum justissimum videas dolorem in petendo. 32. In Q. Ligario conservando multis35 tu quidem gratum facies necessariis tuis; sed 5hoc, quaeso, considera, quod soles. Possum fortissimos viros, 6Sabinos, 798 ORATIO tibi probatissimos, totumque agrum Sabinum, florem Italiae, robur rei publicae proponere. Nosti optinmos homines. Animadverte horum omnium maestitiam et dolorem: hujus T. Brocchi, de quo non dubito quid existimes, lacrimas squa5 loremque ipsius et filii vides. 33. Quid de fratribus dicam? Noli, Caesar, putare, de unius capite nos agere: aut tres tibi Ligarii retinendi in civitate sunt aut tres ex civitate exterminandi. Quodvis exsilium his est optatius, quam patria, quam domus, quam dii penates, uno illo exsulante. Si fraterne, psi pie, si cum dolore faciunt, moveant te horum lacrimae, moveat pietas, moveat germanitas; valeat tua vox illa, 7quae vicit. Te cnim dicere audiebamus, nos omnes adversarios putare, nisi qui nobiscum essent: te omnes, qui contra te non essent, tuos. Videsne igitur hunc 8splendorem omnium, hanc Brocchorum domum, hunc L. Marcium, C. Caesetium, L. Corfidium, hos omnes equites Romanos, qui adsunt veste mutata, non solum notos tibi, verum etiam probatos viros? Tecum fuerunt. Atque his irascebamur, hos requirebamus, his nonnulli etiam minabantur. Conserva igitur tuis suos: uat, quemadmodum cetera, quae dicta sunt a te, sic hoc verissiium reperiatur. XII. 34. Quod si penitus perspicere posses concordiam Ligariorum, omnes fratres tecum judicares fuisse. An potest quisquam dubitare, quin, si Q. Ligarius in Italia esse potu2; isset, in eadem sententia fuisset futurus, in qua fratres fuerunt? Quis est, qui horum consensum conspirantem et paene conflatum in hac prope aequalitate fraterna non noverit? qui hoc non sentiat, quidvis prius futurum fuisse, quam ut hi fratres diversas sententias fortunasque sequerentur? 30Voluntate igitur omnes tecum fuerunt: tempestate abreptus est unus; qui si consilio id fecisset, esset eorum similis, quos tu tainen salvos esse voluisti. 35. Sed lierit ad bellum, dissenserit non a te solum, verum etiam a fratribus: hi te orant tui. Equidem, 2quum tuis omnibus negotiis interessem, 35memoria teneo, qualis T. Ligarius 3quaestor urbanus fuerit erga te et dignitatem tuam. Sed parum est me hoc meminisse: spero etiam te, qui oblivisci nihil soles nisi injurias, PRO Q. LIGARIO, CAP. XII. 799 quoniam hoc est animi, quoniam etiam ingenii tui, te aliquid de hujus illo quaestorio officio, etiam de aliis quibusdam 4quaestoribus reminiscenterm, recordari. 36. Hic igitur T. Ligarius, qui turn nihil egit aliud, (neque enim haec divinabat) nisi ut tui eum studiosum et bonum virum judicares, 5 nunc a te supplex fratris salutem petit. Quam hujus admonitus officio quum 6utrisque his dederis, tres fratres optimos et integerrimos non solum sibi ipsos neque his tot ac talibus viris neque nobis necessariis, sed etiam rei publicaeB condonaveris. 37. 7Fac igitur, quod de 8homine nobilissimo et cla-10 rissimo fecisti nuper in curia, nunc idem in foro de optimis et huic omni frequentiae probatissimis fratribus. Ut concessisti illum senatui, sic da hunc populo, cujus voluntatem carissimam semper habuisti; et, si ille dies tibi gloriosissirnus, populo Romano gratissimus fuit, noli, obsecro, dubitare, C. Caesar, 15 sinilem illi gloriae laudem quam saepissime quaerere. Nihil est tam populare quam bonitas; nulla de virtutibus tuis plurimis nec admirabilior nec gratior misericordia est; homines enitn ad deos nulla re propius accedunt quam salutem hominibus dando. 38. Nihil habet nec fortuna tua majus, 20 quam ut possis, nec natura melius, quam ut velis servare quam plurimos. Longiorem orationem causa forsitan postulat,, tua certe natura breviorem. Quare, quum utilius essS' arbitrer te ipsum quam me aut quemquam loqui tecum, finem jam faciam: tantum te admonebo, si illi absenti salutem 25 dederis, praesentibus his omnibus te daturum. M. TULLII CICERONIS PRO REGE DEIOTABO APUD CAIUM CAESAREM ORAT-IO. I. 1. QuU in omnibus causis gravioribus, C. Caesar, initio dicendi commoveri soleam vehementius, quam videtur vel usus vel 2aetas mea postulare, turn in hac causa ita me multa perturbant, ut, quantum mea 3fides studii mihi afferat 5 ad salutem regis Deiotari defendendam, tantum facultatis timor detrahat. Primum dico pro capite fortunisque regis; quod ipsum etsi non iniquum est in tuo 4dumtaxat 5periculo, tamen est ita inusitatum, regem reum capitis esse, ut ante hoc tempus non sit auditum. 2. Deinde eum regem, quem 10 ornare antea cuncto cum senatu solebam pro perpetuis ejus in nostram rem publicam meritis, nunc contra atrocissimum crimen cogor defendere. Accedit, ut accusatorum ~alterius crudelitate, alterius indignitate conturber. Crudelem 7Castorem. ne dicam sceleratum et impium, qui 8nepos avum in capitis 15 discrimen 9adduxerit adolescentiaeque suae terrorem intulerit ei, cujus senectutem tueri et tegere debebat, l~commendationemque ineuntis aetatis ab impietate et scelere duxerit; avi "servum, corruptum praemiis, ad accusandum dominum impulerit, a 2legatorum pedibus abduxerit. 3.'3Fugitivi autem 20 dominum accusantis, et dominum absentem et dominum amicissimum nostrae rei publicae, quum 4os videbam, quum verba audiebam, non tam afflictam regiam conditionem dolebam, quam de'5fortunis communibus extimescebam. Nam PRO REGE DEIOTARO, CAP. II. 801 quum more majorum l'de servo in dominum ne tormentis quidem quaeri liceat, in qua quaestione dolor elicere veram vocem possit etiam ab invito, exortus est servus, qui quem in eculeo appellare non posset, eum accuset "solutus. II. 4. Perturbat me, C. Caesar, etiam lillud interdum, 5 quod tamen, 2quum te penitus recognovi, timere desino; re enim iniquum est, sed tua sapientia fit aequissimum. Nam dicere apud eum de facinore, contra cujus vitam consilium facinoris inisse'arguare, quum per se ipsum consideres, 4grave est; nemo enim fere est, qui sui periculi judex, non sibi se 10 5aequiorem quam reo praebeat: sed tua, Caesar, praestans singularisque natura hunc mihi metum minuit; non enim tam timeo, quid tu de rege Deiotaro, quam intelligo, quid de te ceteros velis judicare. 5. Moveor etiam 61oci ipsius insolentia, quod tantam causam, 7quanta nulla unquam in 15 disceptatione versata est, dico intra domesticos parietes, dico extra conventum et earn frequentiam, in qua oratorum studia niti solent: in tuis oculis, in tuo ore vultuque 8acquiesco; te unum intueor; ad te unum omnis mea spectat oratio. 9Quae mihi ad spem obtinendae veritatis gravissima sunt, ad moturh 20 animi et ad omnem impetum dicendi contentionemque leviora. 6. Hanc enim, C. Caesar, causam si in foro dicerem, eodem audiente et disceptante te, quantam mihi alacritatem populi Romani concursus afferret! Quis enim civis ei regi non faveret, cujus omnem aetatem in populi Romani bellis con- 25 sumptam esse meminisset? Spectarem curiam, intuerer forum, coelum denique testarer ipsum. Sic, quurh et deorum immortalium et populi Romani et senatus beneficia in regem Deiotarem recordarer, nullo modo mihi deesse posset oratio. 7. Quae quoniam angustiora parietes faciunt,'~actioque 30 maximae causae debilitatur loco, tuum est, Caesar, "qui pro multis saepe dixisti, quid mihi nunc animi sit, 2ad te ipsum referre, quo facilius quum aequitas tua, tur audiendi diligentia minuat hane perturbationem meam. Sed antequam de accusatione ipsa dico, de accusatorum spe 53 pauca dicam; qui quum videantur nec ingenio nec usu atque exercitatione rerum valere, tamen ad hane causamn non 34* 802 ORATIO sinq aliqua'3spe et cogitatione venerunt. III. 8. Iratum te regi Deiotaro fuisse non erant nescii; laffectum illum quibusdam incommodis et detrimentis propter offensionem animi tui meminerant; 2[teque quum huic iratum, turn sibi amicum 5 esse cognoverant;] quumque apud ipsum te de tuo periculo dicerent, fore putabant, ut in exulcerato animo facile fictum crimen insideret. Quamobrem hoc nos primum, Caesar, metu, per fidem et constantiam et clementiam tuam, libera, ne residere in te ullam partem iracundiae suspicemur. Per 10dexteram istam te oro, quam regi Deiotaro hospes hospiti porrexisti: istam, inquam, dexteram, 3non tam in bellis nec in proeliis quam in promissis et fide firmiorem. Tu illius domum inire, tu vetus hospitium renovare voluisti: te ejus dii penates acceperunt; te amicum et placatum Deiotari regis 15 arae focique viderunt. 9. Quum facile orari, Caesar, tur 4semel exorari soles; 5nemo unquam te placavit inimicus, qui ullas resedisse in te simultatis reliquias senserit. Quamquam cui sunt inauditae 6cum Deiotaro querelae, tuae? Nunquam tu ilium accusavisti ut hostem, sed ut amicum officio parum 20 fuctum, quod propensior in Cn. Pompeii amicitiam fuisset quam in tuam; cui tamen ipsi rei veniam te daturum fuisse dicebas, si tantum auxilia Pompeio vel si etiam filium misisset, 7ipse aetatis excusatione usus esset. Ita quum 8maximis eum rebus liberares, perparvam amicitiae culpam 25 relinquebas. 10. Itaque non solum in eum non aniradvertisti, sed omni metu liberavisti, hospitem agnovisti, regem reliquisti. Neque enim ille odio tui progressus, sed errore communi lapsus est. Is rex, quem senatus hoc nomine saepe honorificentissimis decretis appellavisset, quique quum 9illum 30 ordinem ab adolescentia gravissimum sanctissimumque duxisset, iisdem rebus loest perturbatus, homo longinquus et alienigena, quibus "nos in media re publica nati semperque versati. IV. 11. Quum audiret senatus consentientis auctoritate s arma sumpta; consulibus, praetoribus, tribunis plebi,'nobis irperatoribus rem publicam defendendam datam, movebatur animo, et vir huic imperio amicissimus de salute populi PRO REGE DEIOTARO, CAP. V 803 Romani extimescebat, in qua etiam suam esse inclusam tidebat; in summo tamen timore quiescendum sibi esse arbitrabatur. Maxirme vero perturbatus est, ut audivit, consules ex Italia profugisse, omnesque consulares (sic eninm ei nunciabatur), cunctum senatum, totam Italiam 2esse effusam. Tali- 5 bus enim nuntiis et rumoribus patebat 3ad Orientem via, nec 4ulli veri subsequebantur. Nihil ille de 5conditionibus tuis, nihil de studio concordiae et pacis, nihil de conspiratione audiebat certorum 6hominum contra dignitatem tuam. Quae quum ita essent, tamen usque eo se tenuit, quoad a Cn. Pom-10 peio legati ad eum literaeque venerunt. 12. Ignosce, ignosce, Caesar, si ejus viri auctoritati rex Deiotarus cessit, quem nos omnes secuti sumus; ad quem quutn dii atque homines omnia ornamenta congessissent, 7tum tui ipse plurima et maxima. Neque enim, si tuae res gestae ceterorum laudi-15 bus obscuritatem attulerunt, idcirco Cn. Pompeii memoriam amisimus. Quantum nomen ejus fuerit, quantae opes, quanta in omni genere bellorum gloria, quanti honores 8populi Romani, quanti senatus, quanti tui, quis ignorat? Tanto ille superiores vicerat gloria, quanto tu omnibus praestitisti. 20 Itaque Cn. Pompeii bella, victorias, triumphos, consulamtls. V. 13. Ad leum igitur rex Deiotarus venit hoc misero fatalique bello, quem antea 2justis hostilibusque bellis adju-25 verat, quocum erat non Shospitio solum, verum etiamn familiaritate conjunctus; et venit vel rogatus, ut amicus, vel arcessitus, ut socius, vel evocatus, ut is, qui senatui parere didicisset: postremo venit ut ad fugientem, non ut ad insequentem, id est ad periculi, non ad victoriae societatem. Ita- 30 que Pharsalico proelio facto a Pompeio discessit: spem 4infinitam persequi noluit: vel officio, si quid debuerat, vel 5errori, si quid nescierat, satisfactum esse duxit: domum se contulit, tequc Alexandrinum bellum gerente utilitatibus tuis paruit. 14. Ille exercitum 6Cn. Dornitii amplissimi viri suis 35 tectis et copiis sustentavit: ille Ephesum ad 7eum, quem tu ex tuis fidelissimum et probatissimum 8omnibus delegisti, 804 ORATIO pecuniam misit: ille 9iterum, ille'ltertio, "auctionibus factis pecuniam dedit, qua ad bellum uterere: ille corpus suum periculo objecit, tecumque in acie contra Pharnacem fuit, tuumque hostem esse duxit suum. Quae quidem a te in ear 5 partem accepta sunt, Caesar, ut eum amplissimo honore et regis nomine affeceris. 15. Is igitur, non modo a te periculo liberatus, sed etiam honore amplissimo ornatus, arguitur domi te suae interficere voluisse; quod tu, nisi eum furiosissimum judices, suspicari profecto non potes. Ut enim omittam, cujus 10 tanti 2sceleris fuerit in conspectu deorum penatium necare hospitem; cujus tantae "importunitatis omnium gentium atque omnis memoriae clarissimum lumen exstinguere; cujus tantae 14ferocitatis victorem orbis terrarum non extimescere; cujus tam inhumani et ingrati animi, a quo rex appellatus 15 esset, 5in eo tyrannum inveniri: ut haec omittam, cujus tanti furoris fuit omnes reges, quorum multi erant finitimi, omnes liberos populos, omnes socios, omnes provincias, omnia denique omnium arma contra se unum excitare? 16Quonam ille modo cum regno, cum domo, cum conjuge, cum carissimo filio 20distractus esset, tanto scelere non modo perfecto, sed etiam cogitato? VI. 16.'At, credo, haec homo inconsultus et temerarius non videbat. - Quis consideratior illo? quis 2tectior? quis prudentior? quamquam hoc loco Deiotarum non tam ingenio 25 et prudentia quam fide et religione vitae defendendum puto. Nota tibi est hominis'probitas, C. Caesar, noti mores, nota constantia. Cui porro, qui modo populi Romani nomen audivit, Deiotari integritas, gravitas, virtu., fides non audita est? Quod igitur facinus nec in hominem imprudentem 30 cadere posset propter metumn praesentis exitii, nec in facinorosum, nisi esset idem amentissimus, id vos et a viro optimo et ab homine minime stulto cogitatum esse confingitis. 17. At quam non modo non credibiliter, sed ne suspiciose quidem! Quum, Sinquit, in castellum 4Luceium venisses et domum 35 regis; hospitis tui, devertisses, locus erat quidam, in quo erant ea composita, quibus te rex munerare constituerat. Huc te e'balneo, priusquam 6accumberes, ducere volebat; ibi enim PRO REGE1 DEIOTARO, CAP. VII. 805 erant armati, qui te interficerent, in eo ipso loco collocati. En crimen, en causa, cur regem fugitivus, dominum servus accuset. Ego mehercules, Caesar, initio, quum est ad me ista causa delata, TPhidippum medicum, servum regium, qui cum legatis missus esset, ab isto adolescente esse corruptum, 5 hac sum suspicione percussus: medicum indicem subornavit; finget videlicet aliquod crimen veneni. Etsi a veritate longe, tamen a 8consuetudine criminandi non multum res abhorrebat. 18. Quid ait medicus? Nihil de veneno. At id fieri potuit primum occultius in potione, in cibo; deinde etiam 10 impunius fit, quod quum est factum, negari potest. Si palam te interemisset, omnium in se gentium non solum odia, sed etiam arma convertisset: si veneno, Jovis ille quidem hospitalis numen nunquam celare potuisset, homines fortasse celasset. Quod igitur et conari occultius et efficere cautius potuit, 15 id tibi, et medico callido et servo, ut putabat, fideli, 9non credidit: de armis, de ferro, de insidiis celare te noluit? 19. ~0At quam festive crimen contexitur! Tua te, inquit, eadem, quae semper, fortuna servavit: negavisti tur te "inspicere velle. 20 VII. Quid postea? an Deiotarus, re illo tempore non perfecta, continuo dimisit lexercitum? nullus erat alius insidiandi locus? At eodem te, quum coenavisses, rediturum dixeras; 2itaque fecisti. Horam unam aut duas eodem loco armatos, ut collocati fuerant, retinere magnum fuit? Quum 25 in convivio 3comiter et jucunde fuisses, tur illuc 4isti, Ut dixeras. Quo in loco Deiotarum talem erga te cognovisti, qualis rex'Attalus in P. 6Africanum fuit: cui magnificentissima dona, ut scriptum legimus, usque ad Numantiam misit ex Asia; quae Africanus inspectante exercitu accepit. Quod 30 quum 7praesens Deiotarus regio et animo et more fecisset, tu in cubiculum discessisti. 20. Obsecro, Caesar, repete illius temporis memoriam, pone illum ante oculos diem, vultus hominum te intuentium atque admirantium recordare. Num quae trepidatio? nu.m qui tumultus? num 8quid nisi mode-35 rate, nisi quiete, nisi ex hominis gravissimi et sanctissimi disciplina? Quid igitur causae excogitari potest, cur te lautum 806 ORATIO voluerit, coenatum noluerit occidere? 21. In posterum, inquit, diem distulit, ut quum in castellum'Luceium ventum esset, ibi cogitata perficeret. Non video causam mutandi loci; l~sed tamen acta res criminose est. Quum, inquit, 5 "vomere post coenam te velle dixisses, in balneum te ducere coeperunt; ibi enim erant insidiae. At te eadem tua illa fortuna servavit: 12in cubiculo malle dixisti. Dii te perduint, fugitive! ita non modo nequam et improbus, sed etiam fatuus et amens es. Quid? ille signa aenea in insidiis posuerat, 10 quae e balneo in cubiculum transferri non possent? "3Habes crimina insidiarum: nihil enim dixit amplius. Horum, inquit, eram conscius. Quid turn? ita ille demens erat, ut eum, quem tanti sceleris conscium haberet, a se dimitteret? Romam etiam mitteret, ubi et inimicissimum sciret esse nepo15 tern suum, et C. Caesarem, cui fecisset insidias? praesertim quum 14is unus esset, 15qui posset de absente se indicare? 22. Et fratres meos, inquit, quod erant conscii, in vincula conjecit. Quum igitur eos vinciret, quos secum habebat, te solutum Romam mittebat, qui eadem scires, quae illos scire 20 dicis? VIII. Reliqua pars accusationis duplex fuit: una, regem semper in speculis fuisse, quum a te animo esset alieno; altera, exercitum eum contra te magnum comparasse. De exercitu dicam breviter, ut'cetera. Nunquam eas copias 25 rex Deiotarus habuit, quibus inferre bellum populo Romano posset; sed quibus fines suos ab excursionibus et latrociniis tueretur et imperatoribus nostris auxilia mitteret. Atque 2antea quidem majores copias alere poterat; nune exiguas vix tueri potest. 23. 3At misit ad Caecilium 4nescio quem: 30 sed eos, quos misit, quod ire noluerunt, in vincula conjecit. Non quaero, quam veri simile sit aut non habuisse regem, quos mitteret, aut eos, quos misisset, non paruisse, aut, qui dicto audientes in tanta re non fuissent, eos vinctos potius quam necatos. Sed tamen quum ad Caecilium mittebat, 5 utrum causam illam victam esse nesciebat, an Caecilium istum magnum hominem putabat? quem profecto is, qui optime nostros homines novit, vel quia non nosset, vel si PRO REGE DEIOTARO, CAP. IX. 807 nosset, contemneret. 24. 5Addit etiam illud, 6equites non optimos misisse. Credo, Caesar, nihil 7ad tuum equitatum; sed misit ex iis, quos habuit, electos. 8Ait nescio quem ex eo numero 9servum judicaturm. Non arbitror; non audivi; sed in eo, etiam si accidisset, culpam regis nullam fuisse arbi- 5 trarer. IX.'Alieno autem a te animo quomodo? Speravit, 2credo, difficiles tibi Alexandreae fore exitus propter regionum naturam et fluminis. At eo tempore ipso pecuniam dedit, exercitum aluit, 3ei, quem Asiae praefeceras, nulla in 10 re defuit: tibi 4victori non solurn ad hospitium, sed ad periculum etiam atque ad aciem praesto fuit. 25. Secutum est bellum Africanum: graves de te 5rumores, qui etiam furiosum illum Caecilium excitaverunt. Quo tur rex animo fuit? qui 6auctionatus sit seseque spoliare maluerit quam tibi pecu- 15 niam non subministrare.'At eo, inquit, tempore ipso Nicaeam Ephesumque mittebat, qui rumores Africanos exciperent et celeriter ad se referrent. Itaque quum esset ei nunciatum 8Domitium naufragio perisse, te in castello circumsederi, de Domitio dixit versum Graecum eadem sententia, qua etiam 20 nos habemus Latinum: Pereant amici, dum una inimici intercidant; quod ille, si esset tibi inimicissimus, nunquam tamen dixisset; ipse enim mansuetus, versus immanis. 9Qui autem Domitio poterat esse amicus, qui tibi esset inimicus? Tibi 25 porro inimicus cur esset, a quo quum vel interfici belli lege potuisset, regem et se et filium suum constitutos esse meminisset? 26. Quid deinde? ~f'urcifer quo progreditur? Ait, hac laetitia Deiotarum elatum vino se obruisse, in convivioque nudum saltavisse. Quae crux huic fugitivo potest satis 30 supplicii afferre? Deiotarum saltantem quisquam aut ebrium vidit unquam? Omnes in illo sunt rege virtutes, quod te, Caesar, ignorare non arbitror, sed praecipue singularis et admiranda frugalitas: etsi hoc verbo scio laudari regem non solere. Frugi hominem dici non multum habet laudis in 35 rege: fortem, justum, severum, gravem, magnanimum, lar 808 ORATIO gum, beneficum, liberalem, hae sunt regiae laudes; illa privata est. Ut volet quisque accipiat; ego tamen frugalitatem, id est, modestiam et temperantiam, virtutem maximam judico. Haec in illo est ab.ineunte aetate quum a cuncta Asia, quum 5 a magistratibus legatisque nostris, turn ab equitibus Romanis qui in Asia negotiati sunt, perspecta et cognita. 27. Multis ille quidem gradibus officiorum erga rem publicam nostram ad hoc regium nomen ascendit; sed tamen quidquid a bellis populi Romani vacabat, cum hominibus nostris consuetudines, o0amicitias,'lres rationesque jungebat, ut non solum tetrarches nobilis, sed etiam optimus paterfamilias et diligentissimus agricola et pecuarius haberetur. Qui igitur adolescens, nondum tanta gloria praeditus, nihil unquam nisi severissime et gravissime fecerit, is 2ea existimatione eaque aetate sal5 tavit? X. 28. Imitari, Castor, potius avi mores disciplinamque debebas quam optimo et clarissimo viro fugitivi ore maledicere. Quod si saltatorem avum habuisses, neque eum virum, unde pudoris pudicitiaeque exempla peterentur, tamen hoc 20 maledictum minime in illam aetatem conveniret. Quibus ille studiis ab ineunte aetate se imbuerat, non saltandi, sed bene ut armis, optime lut equis uteretur, ea tamen illum cuncta jam exacta aetate defecerant. Itaque Deiotarum quum plures in equum sustulissent, quod haerere in eo senex posset, 25 admirari solebamus. Hic vero'adolescens, qui meus in Cilicia miles, in Graecia commilito fuit, quum in illo nostro exercitu equitaret cum suis delectis equitibus, quos una cum eo ad Pompeium 3pater miserat, 4quos concursus facere solebat! quam se jactare! quam ostentare! quam nemini in illa causa sostudio et cupiditate concedere! 29. Quum vero, 5exercitu amisso, ego, qui pacis semper auctor fui, post Pharsalicum proelium suasor fuissem armorum non deponendorum, sed abjiciendorum, hunc ad meam auctoritatem non potui adducere, quod et ipse ardebat studio ipsius belli, et patria satis35 faciendum esse arbitrabatur. Felix ista domus, quae non 6impunitatem solum adepta sit, sed accusandi etiam licentiam: calamitosus Deiotarus, qui et ab eo, qui in iisdem PRO REGE DEIOTARO, CAP. XI. 809 castris fuerit, et a suis accusetur. 7Vos vestra secunda fortuna, Castor, non potestis sine propinquorum calamitate esse contenti? XI. 30.'Sint sane inimicitiae, quae esse non debebant; - rex enim Deiotarus vestram farniliam abjectam et obscu- 5 ram e tenebris in lucem evocavit: quis tuum patrem antea, quis esset, quam cujus gener esset audivit? —sed quamvis ingrate et impie necessitudinis nomen repudiaretis, tamen inimicitias hominum more gerere poteratis, non ficto crimine insectari, non expetere vitam, non 2capitis arcessere. Esto; lo concedatur haec quoque acerbitas et odii magnitudo: 3adeone, ut omnia vitae salutisque communis atque etiam humanitatis jura violentur? Servum sollicitare verbis, spe promissisque corrumpere, abducere domum, contra dominum armare, hoc est non uni propinquo, sed omnibus familiis nefarium bellum 15 indicere. Nam ista corruptela servi, si non modo impunita fuerit, sed etiam 4a tanta auctoritate approbata, nulli parietes nostram salutem, nullae leges, nulla jura custodient. Ubi enim 5id, quod intus est atque nostrum, impune evolare potest contraque nos pugnare, 6fit in dominatu servitus, in servitute 20 dominatus. 31. O tempora, o mores! 7Cn. Domitius ille, quem nos pueri consulem, censorem, pontificem maximum vidimus, quum tribunus plebis sM. Scaurum principem civitatis 9in judicium populi vocasset Scaurique servus ad eum clam domum venisset et crimina in dominum delaturum se 25 esse dixisset, prehendi hominem jussit ad Scaurumque deduci. Vide, quid intersit; etsi inique Castorem cum Domitio comparo; sed tamen ille inimico servum remisit, tu ab avo abduxisti: ille incorruptum audire noluit, tu corrupisti: ille adjutorem servum contra dominum repudiavit, tu etiam accu-30 satorem adhibuisti. 32. 10At semel iste est corruptus a vobis? Nonne, quum esset productus et quum tecum fuisset, refugit ad "legatos? nonne etiam ad hunc 12Cn. Domitium venit? nonne, audiente hoc 3Ser. Sulpicio, clarissirno viro, qui tum casu apud Domitium coenabat, et hoc 14T. Torquato, optimo 35 adolescente, se a te corruptum, tuis promissis in fraudem impulsum esse confessus est? 810 ORATIO XII. Quae est ista tam'impotens, tam crudelis, tam immoderata inhumanitas? Idcirco in hane urbem venisti, ut hujus urbis 2jura et exempla corrumperes, doimesticaque immanitate nostrae civitatis humanitatem inquinares? 33. 4At 5 quam acute collecta crimina 5Blesamius, inquit, (6ejus enim nomine, optimi viri nee tibi ignoti, maledicebat tibi,) ad regem scribere solebat te in invidia esse, tyrannum existimari, statua inter 7reges posita animos hominum vehementer offensos, splaudi tibi non solere. Nonne intelligis, Caesar, ex 10 urbanis malevolorum sermunculis haec ab istis esse collecta? 9Blesamius tyrannum Caesarem scriberet? Multorum l~enim capita civium viderat; multos jussu Caesaris vexatos, verberatos, necatos; multas afflictas et eversas domos; armatis militibus refertum forum. Quae semper in civili victoria 15 sensimus, ea te victore non vidimus. 34. Solus, inquam, es, C. Caesar, cujus in victoria ceciderit nemo nisi armatus. Et quem nos liberi, in summa populi Romani libertate nati, non modo non tyrannum sed etiam clementissimum in victoria ducimus, is Blesamio, qui vivit in regno, tyrannus videri 20 potest? Nam de statua quis queritur, una praesertim, quum tam "multas videat?'2Valde enim invidendum est ejus statuis, cujus 13tropaeis non invidimus. Nam si locus affert invidiam, nullus locus est ad statuam quidem Rostris c4elarior. De plausu autem quid respondeam? qui nee desideratus un25 quam a te est, et nonnunquam, obstupefactis hominibus, ipsa admiratione compressus est, et fortasse eo praetermissus, quia nihil vulgare te dignum videri potest. XIII. 35. Nihil a me arbitror praetermissum, sed aliquid ad extremam causae partem reservatum. Id autern aliquid 30 est, te ut plane Deiotaro reconciliet oratio mea. Non enim jam metuo, ne illi tu succenseas: illud vereor, ne tibi illum succensere aliquid suspicere: quod abest longissime, mihi crede, Caesar.'Quid enim retineat per te meminit, non 2quid amiserit; neque se a te multatum arbitratur; sed quum 35 existimares 3multis tibi multa esse tribuenda, quominus a se, qui in altera parte fuisset, ea sumeres, non recusavit. 36. Etenim si 4Antiochus Magnus ille, rex Asiae, quum, postea PRO REGE DEIOTARO, CAP. XIV. 811 quam a L. Scipione devictus est Tauro tenus regnare jussus esset omnemque hanc Asiam, quae est nunc nostra provincia, amisisset, dicere est solitus, benigne sibi a populo Romano esse factum, quod nimis magna procuratione liberatus modicis regni terminis uteretur, potest multo facilius se Deiotarus 5 consolari. Ille enim furoris multam sustulerat, hic erroris. Omnia tu Deiotaro, Caesar, tribuisti, quum et ipsi et filio nomen regium concessisti. Hoc nomine retento atque servato, nullum beneficium populi Romani, nullum judicium de se senatus imminutum putat. Magno animo et erecto est, nec 10 unquam succumbet inimicis, ne fortunae quidem. 37. Multa se arbitratur et peperisse ante factis et habere in animo atque virtute, quae nullo modo possit amittere. Quae enim fortuna aut quis casus aut quae tanta possit injuria omnium imperatorum de Deiotaro decreta delere? Ab omnibus est enim 15 ornatus, qui, posteaquam in castris esse potuit per aetatem, in Asia, Cappadocia, Ponto, Cilicia, Syria bella gesserunt. Senatus vero judicia de illo tam multa tamque honorifica, quae publicis populi Romani literis monumentisque consignata sunt, quae unquam vetustas obruet aut quae tanta delebit20 oblivio? Quid de virtute ejus dicam? de magnitudine animi, gravitate, constantia? quae omnes docti atque sapientes summa, quidam etiam sola bona esse dixerunt, hisque non modo ad bene, sed etiam ad beate vivendum contentam esse virtutem. 38. Haec ille reputans, et dies noctesque cogitans, 25 non modo tibi non succenset, (esset enim non solum ingratus, sed etiam amens,) verum omnem tranquillitatem et quietem senectutis acceptam refert clementiae tuae. XIV. Quo quidem animo quum antea fuit, tum non dubito, quin tuis literis, quarum exemplum legi, quas ad eum 30'Tarracone huic Blesamio dedisti, se magis etiamn erexerit ab omnique sollicitudine abstraxerit. Jubes enim eum bene sperare et bono esse animo; quod scio te non frustra scribere solere; memini enim iisdem fere verbis ad me te scribere meque tuis literis bene sperare non frustra esse jussum. 39.35 Laboro equidem regis Deiotari causa, 2quocum mihi amicitiam res publica conciliavit, hospitium voluntas utriusque con 812 ORATIO junxit, familiaritatem consuetudo attulit, summam vero necessitudinem magna ejus officia et in me et in exercitum meum effecerunt; sed quum de illo laboro, tur de multis amplissimis viris, quibus 3semel ignotum a te esse oportet, 5 nec beneficium tuum in dubium vocari, nec haerere in animis hominum sollicitudinem sempiternam nec accidere, ut quisquam te timere incipiat eorum, qui sint semel a te liberati timore. 40. Non debeo, C. Caesar, quod fieri solet in tantis periculis, tentare, ecquonam modo dicendo misericordiam 10tuam commovere possim. Nihil opus est: occurrere solet ipsa supplicibus et calamitosis, nullius oratione 4evocata. Propone tibi 5duos reges, et id animo contemplare, quod oculis non potes. Dabis profecto id misericordiae, quod 6iracundiae denegavisti. Multa sunt tuae clementiae monu15menta, sed maxime eorum incolumitates, quibus salutem dedisti. Quae si in privatis gloriosa sunt, multo magis commemorabuntur in regibus. Semper regium nomen in hac civitate sanctum fuit; sociorum vero regum et amicorum sanctissimum. 20 XV. 41. Quod nomen hi reges ne amitterent, te victore, timuerunt; retentum vero et a te confirmatum posteris etiam suis tradituros esse confido. Corpora sua pro salute regum suorum hi legati tibi regii tradunt, Hieras et Blesamius et Antigonus, tibi nobisque omnibus jamdiu noti, eademque fide 25 et virtute praeditus Dorylaus, qui nuper cum Hiera legatus est ad te.missus, quum regum lamicissimi, turn tibi etiam, ut spero, probati. 42. Exquire de Blesamio, numquid ad regem contra dignitatem tuam scripserit. Hieras quidem causam omnem suscipit et 2criminibus illis pro rege se supponit reum; 30memoriam tuam implorat, qua vales plurimum; negat unquam se a te in Deiotari tetrarchia 3pedem discessisse; in primis finibus 4tibi se praesto fuisse dicit, usque ad ultimos prosecutum; quum e balneo exisses, tecum se fuisse, quum illa munera inspexisses coenatus, quum in cubiculo recu35 buisses; eandemque assiduitatem tibi se praebuisse postridie. 43. Quamobrem si quid eorum, quae objecta sunt, cogitatum sit, non recusat, quin id suum facinus judices. Quocirca, C. PRO REGE DEIOTARO, CAP. XV. 813 Caesar, velim existimes, hodierno die sententiam tuam aut cum summo dedecore miserrimam pestem importaturam esse regibus, aut incolumem famam cum salute, quorum alterum optare 5illorum crudelitatis est, alterum conservare clementiae tuae. M. TULLII CICERONIS PRO T. ANNIO MILONE ORATIO AD JUDICES. I. 1. ETSI vereor, judices, ne turpe sit pro fortissimo viro dicere incipientem timere, minimeque deceat, quum T. Annius ipse magis de rei publicae salute quam de sua perturbetur, me ad ejus causam parem animi magnitudinem 5 afferre non posse, tamen haec novi judicii nova forma terret oculos, qui, quocumque inciderunt, consuetudinem fori et pristinum morem judiciorum requirunt. Non enim lcorona 2consessus vester cinctus est, ut solebat: 2. non usitata frequentia stipati sumus: non illa praesidia, quae pro templis omnibus lOcernitis, etsi contra vim collocata sunt, non afferunt tamen oratori aliquid, ut in foro et in judicio, quamquam praesidiis salutaribus et necessariis saepti sumus, tamen ne non timere quidem sine aliquo timore possimus. Quae si opposita Miloni putarem, cederem 4tempori, judices, nec inter tantam vim 15 armorum existinarem esse orationi locum. Sed me recreat et reficit Cn. Pompeii, sapientissimi et justissimi viri, condilium, qui profecto nec justitiae suae putaret esse, quem reum sententiis judicum tradidisset, eundem telis militum dedere, nec sapientiae, temeritatem concitatae multitudinis W auctoritate publica armare. 3. Quamobrem illa ai'ma, centuriones, cohortes non periculum nobis, sed praesidium 5denuntiant, neque solum, ut quieto, sed etiam, ut magno animo simus, hortantur, neque auxilium modo defensioni meae, verum etiam silentium pollicentur. Reliqua vero multitudo, 25 quae quidem est civium, tota nostra est, 6neque eorum quis PRO T. ANNIO MILONE, CAP. II. 815 quam, quos undique intuentes, unde aliqua fori pars adspici potest, et hujus exitum judicii exspectantes videtis, non quum virtuti Milonis favet, tur de se, de liberis suis, de patria, de fortunis hodierno die decertari putat. II. Unum genus est adversum infestumque nobis leorum, 5 quos P. Clodii furor rapinis et incendiis et 2omnibus exitiis publicis pavit; qui hesterna etiam 3contione incitati sunt, ut vobis voce 4praeirent, quid judicaretis. Quorum clamor, si 5qui forte fuerit, admonere vos debebit, ut eum civem retineatis, qui semper genus illud hominum clamoresque maxi-10 mos 6pro vestra salute neglexit. 4. Quamobrem adeste animis, judices, et timorem, si quem habetis, deponite. Nam, si unquam de bonis et fortibus viris, si unquam de bene meritis civibus potestas 7[vobis] judicandi fuit, si denique unquam locus 8amplissimorum ordinum delectis viris datus est, ut sua 15 studia erga fortes et bonos cives, quae vultu et verbis saepe significassent, re et sententiis declararent, hoc profecto tempore earn potestatem omnem vos habetis, ut statuatis, utrum nos, qui semper vestrae auctoritati dediti fuimus, semper miseri lugeamus, an, diu vexati a perditissimis civibus, ali-20 quando per vos ac per vestram fidem, virtutem sapientiamque recreemur. 5. Quid enim nobis duobus, judices,91aboriosius, quid magis sollicitum, magis exercitum dici aut fingi potest, qui, spe amplissimorum l~praemiorum ad rem publicam adducti, metu crudelissimorum suppliciorum carere non possu- 26 mus? Equidem ceteras tempestates et procellas in illis dumtaxat fluctibus contionum semper putavi Miloni esse subeundas, quia semper pro bonis contra improbos senserat; in judicio vero et in eo consilio, in quo ex cunctis ordinibus amplissimi viri judicarent, nunquam existimavi spem ullam 30 esse habituros Milonis inimicos ad ejus "non modo salutem exstinguendam, sed etiam gloriam per tales viros infringendam. 6. Quamquam in hac causa, judices, T. Annii 12tribunatu rebusque omnibus pro salute rei publicae gestis ad hujus criminis defensionem 13non abutemur. Nisi oculis3ss videritis insidias Miloni a Clodio factas, nec deprecaturi sumus, ut crimen hoc nobis propter multa praeclara in rem z z 816 ORATIO publicam merita condonetis, nec postulaturi, ut, si mors P. Clodii salus vestra fuerit, idcirco ear virtuti Milonis potius quam populi Romani felicitati assignetis. Sin illius insidiae clariores hac ]uce fuerint, tur denique obsecrabo obtestabor5 que vos, judices, si cetera amisimus, hoc saltern nobis ut relinquatur, vitam ab inimicorum audacia telisque ut impune liceat defendere. III. 7. Sed antequam ad leam orationem venio, quae est propria vestrae quaestionis, videntur ea esse refutanda, quae 10 et in senatu ab inimicis saepe jactata sunt et in contione ab improbis et paulo ante ab accusatoribus, ut, omni errore sublato, rem plane, quae veniat in judicium, videre possitis. 2Negant intueri lucem esse fas ei, qui a se hominem occisum esse fateatur. In qua tandem urbe hoc homines stultissimi 15 disputant? Nempe in ea, quae 3primum judicium de capite vidit M. Horatii, fbrtissimi viri, qui, 4nondum libera civitate, tamen populi Romani comitiis liberatus est, quum sua manu 5sororem esse interfectam fateretur. 8. An est quisquam, qui hoc ignoret, quum de homine occiso quaeratur, aut ne20 gari solere omnino esse factum, aut recte et jure facturn esse defendi? Nisi vero existimatis, dementem 6P. Africanum fuisse, qui, quum a C. 7Carbone, tribuno plebis, 8seditiose in contione interrogaretur, quid de Ti. Gracchi morte sentiret, responderit, jure caesum videri. Neque enim posset aut 25 9Ahala ille Servilius aut P. 9Nasica aut L. 1~Opimius aut C. Marius aut, me consule, senatus non nefarius haberi, si sceleratos cives interfici nefas esset. Itaque hoc, judices, non sine causa etiam Infictis fabulis doctissimi homines memoriae prodiderunt, 12eum, qui patris ulciscendi causa matrem necavis30 set, variatis hominum sententiis, non solum divina, sed etiam sapientissimae deae sententia liberatum. 9. Quod si 13duodecim tabulae nocturnum furem quoquo modo, diurnum autem, si se telo defenderet, interfici impune voluerunt, quis est, qui, quoquo modo quis interfectus sit, puniendum putet, 85quum videat aliquando gladium nobis ad hominem occidendum ab ipsis porrigi legibus? IV. Atqui si tempus est ullum jure hominis necandi, quae PRO T. ANNIO M-ILONE, CAP. V. 817 multa sunt, certe illud est non modo justum, verum etiam necessarium, quum vi vis illata defenditur. Pudicitiam quum eriperet militi tribunus militaris in exercitu C. Marii, propinquus ejus imperatoris, interfectus ab eo est, cui vim afferebat; facere enim probus adolescens periculose quam perpeti 5 turpiter maluit. Atque hunc ille summus vir scelere solutum periculo liberavit. 10. Insidiatori vero et latroni quae potest inferri injusta nex? Quid comitatus nostri, quid gladii volunt? quos habere certe non liceret, si uti illis nullo pacto liceret. Est igitur haec, judices, non scripta, sed nata lex, 10 quam non didicimus, accepimus, legimus, verum ex natura ipsa arripuimus, hausimus, expressimus, ad quam non docti, sed facti, non instituti, sed imbuti sumus, ut, si vita nostra in aliquas insidias, si in vim et in tela aut latronum aut initnicorum incidisset, omnis honesta ratio esset expediendae salutis. 15 Silent enim leges inter arma nec'se exspectari jubent, quum ei, qui exspectare velit, ante injusta poena luenda sit quam justa repetenda. 11. 2Etsi persapienter et quodammodo tacite dat ipsa lex potestatem defendendi, quae non hominem occidi, sed esse cum telo hominis occidendi causa vetat, 3ut, 20 quum causa, non telum quaereretur, qui sui defendendi causa telo esset usus, non hominis occidendi causa habuisse telum judicaretur. Quapropter 4hoc maneat in causa, judices; non enim dubito, quin probaturus sim vobis defensionem meam, si id memineritis, quod oblivisci non potestis, insidiatorem in- 25 terfici jure posse. V. 12.'Sequitur illud, quod a Milonis inimicis saepissime dicitur, caedem, in qua P. Clodius occisus est, senatum judicasse, 2contra rem publicam esse factam. Illam vero senatus non sententiis suis solum, sed etiam Istudiis comprobavit. 30 Quoties enim est illa causa a nobis acta in senatu! quibus asensionibus universi ordinis! quam nec tacitis nee occultis! Quando enim frequentissimo senatu quattuor aut summum quinque sunt inventi, qui Milonis causam non probarent? 4Declarant hujus ambusti tribuni plebis illae intermortuae35 contiones, quibus quotidie meam potentiam invidiose criminabatur, quum diceret senatum non quod sentiret, sed quod ego 818 ORATIO vellem, decernere. Quae quidem si potentia est appellanda potius quam aut propter magna in rem publicam merita mediocris in bonis causis auctoritas aut propter hos officiosos labores meos nonnulla apud bonos gratia, appelletur ita sane, 5 dummodo ea nos utamur pro salute bonorum contra amentiam perditorum. 13. Hanc vero 5quaestionem, etsi non est iniqua, nunquam tamen senatus constituendam putavit; erant enim leges, erant quaestiones, vel de caede vel de vi; nec tantum maerorem ac luctum senatui mors P. Clodii afferebat, 10 ut nova quaestio constitueretur. Cujus enim de illo 6incesto stupro judicium decernendi senatui potestas esset erepta, de ejus. interitu, quis potest credere, senatum judicium novum constituendum putasse? Cur igitur incendium curiae, oppugnationem aedium M. Lepidi, caedem hanc ipsam contra 15 rem publicam senatus factam esse decrevit? Quia nulla vis unquam est in libera civitate suscepta inter cives non contra rem publicam. 14. Non enim est 7illa defensio contra vim unquam optanda, sed nonnunquam est necessaria: nisi vero aut ille dies, quo Ti. Gracchus est caesus, aut ille, quo Caius, 20 aut arma Saturnini non, etiamsi 8e re publica oppressa sunt, rem publicam tamen vulnerarunt. VI. Itaque ego ipse Idecrevi, quum caedem in 2Appia factam esse constaret, non eum, qui se defendisset, contra rem publicam fecisse; sed, quum inessent in re vis et insi25 diae, crimen judicio reservavi, 3rem notavi. Quod si per furiosum ilium 4tribunum senatui, quod sentiebat, perficere licuisset, novam quaestionem nullam haberemus. Decernebat enim, ut 5veteribus legibus, tantummodo 6extra ordinem, quaereretur. 7Divisa sententia est, postulante nescio quo; sonihil enim necesse est omnium me flagitia proferre- Sic breliquaauctoritas senatus empta intercessione sublata st. 15. 9At enim Cn. Pompeius rogatione Pua et de re et d6 causa judicavit; l~tulit enim de caede, quae in Appia via facta esset, in qua P. Clodius occisus esset. Quid ergo tulit? 35 Nempe ut quaereretur. Quid porro quaerendum est? Fac, tumne sit? At constat. A quo? At "paret. Vidit igitux etiam in confessione facti 12juris tamen defensionem suscipi PRO T. ANNIO MILONE, CAP. VII. 819 posse. Quod nisi vidisset, posse absolvi eum, qui fateretur, quum videret nos fateri, neque quaeri unquam jussisset nec vobis'tam hanc salutarem in judicando "literam quam illam tristem dedisset. Mihi vero Cn. Pompeius non modo nihil gravius contra Milonem judicasse, sed etiam statuisse videtur, 5 quid vos in judicando spectare oporteret. Nam qui non poenam confessioni, sed defensionem dedit, is causam interitus quaerendam, non 15interitum putavit. 16. Jam illud ipse dicet profecto, 6quod sua sponte fecit, Publione Clodio tribuendum putarit an tempori. 10 VII. Domi suae nobilissimus vir, senatus propugnator atque illis quidem temporibus paene patronus, avunculus hujus judicis nostri, fortissimi viri, M. Catonis, tribunus plebis M. 1Drusus occisus est. Nihil de ejus morte populus consultus, nulla quaestio decreta a senatu est. Quantum luctum in hac 15 urbe fuisse a nostris patribus accepimus, quum P. Africano, domi suae quiescenti, illa nocturna ~ esset illata! quis tur non gemuit? quis non arsit dolore, quem immortalem, si fieri posset, omnes esse cuperent, ejus ne. necessariam quidem exspectatam esse mortem? Num igitur ulla quaestio de Afri-20 cani morte lata est? Certe nulla. 17. Quid ita? Quia non alio facinore clari homines, alio obscuri necantur. Intersit inter vitae dignitatem summorum atque infimorum: mors 2quidem illata per scelus iisdem et poenis teneatur et legibus; nisi forte magis erit parricida, si qui consularem patremn,25 quam si quis humilem necaverit, aut eo mors atrocior erit P. Clodii, quod is in 3monumentis majorum suorum sit interfectus. Hoc enim ab istis saepe dicitur; proinde quasi Appius ille Caecus viam muniverit, non qua populus uteretur, sed ubi impune sui posteri latrocinarentur. 18. Itaque in eadem 30 ista Appia via quum ornatissimum equitem Romanum P. Clodius MI. Papirium occidisset, non fuit illud facinus puniendum; homo enim nobilis in suis monumentis equitem Romanum occiderat: nunc ejusdem Appiae nomen quantas tragoedias excitat! Quae cruentata antea caede honesti atque 35 innocentis viri silebatur, eadem nunc crebro 5usurpatur, posteaquam latronis et parricidae sanguine imbuta est. Sed 820 ORATIO quid ego illa commemoro? Comprehensus est in temple 6Castoris servus P. Clodii, quem ille ad Cn. Pompeium interficiendum collocarat: extorta est ei confitenti sica de manibus: caruit foro postea Pompeius, caruit senatu, caruit 5 publico: janua se ac parietibus, non jure legum judiciorumque texit. 19. Num quae rogatio lata, num quae nova quaestio decreta est? Atqui, si res, si vir, si tempus ullum dignum fuit, certe haec in illa causa summa omnia fuerunt. Insidiator erat in foro collocatus atque in vestibulo ipso sena10tus; ei viro autem mors parabatur, cujus in vita nitebatur salus civitatis; eo porro rei publicae tempore, quo, si unus ille occidisset, non haec solum civitas, sed gentes omnes concidissent. 7Nisi vero, quia perfecta res non est, non fuit punienda; proinde quasi exitus rerum, non hominum con5 silia legibus vindicentur. Minus dolendum fuit, re non perfecta, sed puniendum certe nihilo minus. 20. Quoties ego ipse, judices, ex P. Clodii telis et ex cruentis ejus manibus effugi? ex quibus si me non vel mea vel rei publicae fortuna servasset, quis tacdem de interitu meo quaestionem tu20 lisset? VIII. Sed stulti sumus, qui Drusum, qui Africanum, Pompeium, nosmet ipsos cum P. Clodio conferre audeamus. Tolerabilia fuerunt illa: P. Clodii mortem nemo aequo animo ferre potest. Luget senatus, maeret equester ordo, 25 tota civitas confecta senio est, squalent municipia, afflictantur coloniae, agri denique ipsi tam beneficum, tam salutarem, tam mansuetum civem desiderant. 21. Non fuit ea causa, judices, profecto, non fuit, cur sibi censeret Pompeius quaestionem ferendam; sed homo sapiens atque alta et divina 30quadam mente praeditus multa vidit: fuis;e ilium sibi inimicum, familiarem Milonem; in communi omnium laetitia si etiam ipse gauderet, timuit, ne videretur infirmior'fides reconciliatae gratiae; multa etiam alia vidit, sed illud maxime, 2quamvis atrociter ipse tulisset, vos tamen fortiter judicaturos. 35 Itaque 3delegit e florentissimis ordinibus ipsa lumina, neque vero, quod nonnulli dictitant, 4secrevit in judicibus legendis amicos meos; neque enim hoc cogitavit vir justissimus, ne PRO T. ANNIO MILONE, CAP. IX. 821 que in bonis viris legendis id assequi potuisset, etiamsi cupisset. Non enim nmea gratia familiaritatibus continetur, quae late patere non possunt, propterea quod 5consuetudines victus non possunt esse cum multis; sed, si quid possumus, ex eo possumus, quod res publica nos conjunxit cum bonis; ex qui- 5 bus ille quum optimos viros legeret, idque maxime ad fidem suam pertinere arbitraretur, non potuit legere non studiosos mei. 22. Quod vero te, L. Domiti, huic quaestloni praeesse maxime voluit, nihil quaesivit aliud, nisi justitiam, gravitatem, humanitatem, fidem. Tulit ut 6consularem necesse 10 esset, credo, quod principum munus esse ducebat resistere et levitati multitudinis et perditorum temeritati. Ex consularibus te creavit potissimum; dederas enim, quam contemneres populares insanias, jam ab adolescentia documenta maxima. IX. 23. Quamobrem, judices, lut aliquando ad causam 15 crimenque veniamus, si neque omnis confessio facti est inusitata, neque de causa nostra quidquam aliter, ac nos vellemus, a senatu judicatum est, et lator ipse legis, quum esset controversia nulla facti, 2juris tamen disceptationem esse voluit, et ei lecti judices isque praepositus quaestioni, qui haec juste 20 sapienterque disceptet, reliquum est, judices, ut nihil jam quaerere aliud debeatis, nisi, uter utri insidias fecerit. Quod quo facilius argumentis perspicere possitis, Srem gestam vobis dum breviter expono, quaeso, diligenter attendite. 24. P. Clodius quum statuisset omni scelere 4in praetura vexare rem 25 publicam, videretque ita 5tracta esse comitia 6anno superiore, ut non multos menses. praeturam gerere posset, 7qui non honoris gradum spectaret, ut ceteri, sed et L. Paullum collegam effugere vellet, singulari virtute civem, et annum integrum ad dilacerandam rem publicam quaereret, subito reliquit 8an- 30 num suumr seseque in proximum annum transtulit, 9non, ut fit, religione aliqua, sed ut haberet, quod ipse dicebat, at praeturam gerendam, hoc est, ad evertendam rem publicam, plenum annum atque integrum. 2.5. Occurrebat ei, mancam ac debilem praeturam suam futuram, consule Milone; eum 35 porro summo consensu populi Romani consulem fieri videbat.'~Contulit se ad ejus competitores, sed ita, totam ut petitionem 822 ORATIO ipse solus, etiam invitis illis, gubernaret; tota ut comitia suis, ut dictitabat, humeris sustineret. Convocabat tribus; "se interponebat; 12Collinam novam dilectu perditissinorum civium conscribebat. Quanto ille plura miscebat, tanto hic 5 magis in dies convalescebat. Ubi vidit homo ad omne facinus paratissimus, fortissimum virum, inimicissimum suum, certissimum consulem, idque intellexit non solum sermonibus, sed etiam suffragiis populi Romani saepe esse declaratum, palam agere coepit et aperte dicere, occidendum Milonem. 10 26. Servos agrestes et barbaros, quibus silvas publicas depopulatus erat Etruriamque vexarat, ex Apennino deduxerat, quos videbatis. Res erat minime obscura. Etenim dictitabat palam, consulatum eripi Miloni non posse, vitam posse. 14Significavit hoc saepe in senatu; "Sdixit in contione: quin 15 etiam M. Favonio, fortissimo viro, quaerenti ex eo, qua spe fureret, Milone vivo, respondit, triduo illum aut summum quatriduo esse periturum; quam vocem ejus ad hunc M. Ca. tonem statim Favonius detulit. X. 27. Interim, quum sciret Clodius (neque enim erat 2 difficile scire), iter sollemne, legitimum, necessarium, ante diem XIII. Kalendas Feb. Miloni esse 1Lanuvium ad flaminem prodendum, [quod erat 2dictator Lanuvii Milo,] Roma subito ipse profettus pridie est, ut ante suum fundum (quod Sre intellectum est) Miloni insidias collocaret. Atque ita 25profectus est, ut contionem turbulentam, in qua ejus furor desideratus est, quae illo ipso die habita est, relinqueret, quam, nisi 4obire facinoris locum tempusque voluisset, nunquam reliquisset. 28. Milo autem quam in senatu fuisset eo die, quoad senatus est dimissus, domumn venit, calceos et t0 vestimenta mutavit, paulisper, dum se uxor, 5ut fit, comparat, commoratus est, deinde profectus id temporis, quum jam Clodius, si quidem eo die Romam venturus erat, redire potuisset. Obviam fit ei Clodius, expeditus, in equo, nulla rheda, nullis impedimentis, nullis Graecis comitibus, ut solebat, sine uxore, 35 quod nunquam fere; quum hic insidiator, 6qui iter illud ad caedem faciendam apparasset, cum uxore veheretur in rheda, paenulatus, 7magno et impedito et muliebri ac delicato ancil PRO T. ANNIO MILONE, CAP. XI. 823 larum puerorumque comitatu. 29. Fit obviam Clodio ante fundum ejus 8hora fere undecima aut non multo secus. Statim complures cum telis in hunc faciunt de loco superiore impetum: 9adversi rhedarium occidunt. Quum autem hic de rheda, rejecta paenula, desiluisset seque acri animo defen- 5 deret, illi, qui erant cum Clodio, gladiis eductis, partim recurrere ad rhedam, ut a tergo Milonern adorirentur, partim, quod hunc jam interfectum putarent, caedere incipiunt ejus servos, qui post erant, ex quibus qui animo fideli in dominum et praesenti fuerunt, partim occisi sunt, partim, quum ad rhedam 10 pugnari viderent, domino succurrere prohiberentur, Milonem occisum ex ipso Clodio audirent et re vera putarent, fecerunt id l~servi Milonis, (dicam enim aperte non "derivandi criminis causa, sed ut factum est,) nec imperante nec sciente nec praesente domino, quod suos quisque servos in tali re 15 facere voluisset. XI. 30. Haec, sicut, exposui, ita gesta sunt, judices: insidiator superatus est, vi victa vis, vel potius oppressa virtute audacia est. Nihil dico, quid res publica consecuta sit, nihil, quid vos, nihil, quid omnes boni. Nihil sane id prosit20 Miloni, qui hoc fato natus est, ut ne se quidem servare potuerit,lquin una rem publicam vosque servaret. Si id jure fieri non potuit, nihil habeo, quod defendam. Sin hoc et ratio doctis et necessitas barbaris et mos gentibus et feris etiam belluis natura ipsa praescripsit, ut omnem semper vim, 25 quacunque ope possent, a corpore, a capite, a vita sua propulsarent, non potestis hoc facinus improbum judicare, quin simul judicetis, omnibus, qui in latrones inciderint, aut illorum telis aut vestris sententiis esse pereundum. 31. Quod si ita putasset, certe optabilius Miloni 2fuit dare jugulum P. 30 Clodio, non semel ab illo neque turn primum petitum, quam jugulari a vobis, quia se non jugulandum illi tradidisset. Sin hoc nemo vestrum ita sentit, non illud jam in judicium venit, occisusne sit, quod fatemur, sed jure an injuria, quod multis in causis saepe quaesitum est. Insidias factas esse constat, 35 et id est, quod senatus contra rem publicam factum judicavit: ab utro factae sint, incertum est. De hoc igitur latum est ut 824 ORATIO quaereretur. Ita et senatus rem, non hominem, 3notavit, et Pompeius 4de jure, non de facto, quaestionem tulit. XII. Numquid igitur aliud in judicium venit, nisi, uter utri insidias fecerit? Profecto nihil: si hic illi, ut ne sit im5 pune: si ille huic, ut nos scelere solvamur. 32. Quonam igitur pacto probari potest, insidias Miloni fecisse Clodium? Satis est in illa quidem tam audaci, tam nefaria bellua docere, magnam ei causam, magnam spem in Milonis morte propositam, magnas utilitates fuisse. Itaque 10illud'Cassianum, 2CUI BONO FUERIT, in his personis valeat, etsi boni nullo emolumento impelluntur in fraudem, improbi saepe parvo. Atqui, Milone interfecto, Clodius haec assequebatur, non modo ut praetor esset non 3eo consule, quo sceleris facere nihil posset, sed etiam, ut iis consulibus prae15 tor esset, quibus si non adjuvantibus, at conniventibus certe, speraret se posse 4eludere in illis suis cogitatis furoribus; bcujus 6illi conatus, ut ipse ratiocinabatur, nec cuperent reprimere, si possent, quum tantum beneficium ei se debere arbitrarentur, et, si vellent, fortasse vix possent frangere hominis 20 sceleratissimi corroboratam jam vetustate audaciam. 33. An vero, judices, vos soli ignoratis, vos hospites in hac urbe versamini, vestrae peregrinantur aures neque in hoc pervagato civitatis 7sermone versantur, quas ille leges, si leges nominandae sunt, ac non faces urbis, pestes rei publicae, fuerit impo25 siturus nobis omnibus atque inusturus? Exhibe, quaeso, Sexte Clodi, exhibe 8libraxium illud legum vestrarum, quod te aiunt eripuisse e domo et ex mediis armis turbaque nocturna tamquam Palladium extulisse, ut praeclarum videlicet munus atque 9instruinentum tribunatus ad aliquem, si nactus 30esses, qui tuo arbitrio tribunatum gereret, deferre posses.'~Atque per * *. An hujus ille legis, quam "Sex. Clodius a se inventam gloriatur, mentionem facere ausus esset, vivo Milone, ne dicam consule? 2De nostrum omnium-non audeo totum dicere. Videte, quid ea vitii lex habitura fuerit, 35 cujus periculosa etiam reprehensio est. Et adspexit me illis quidem oculis, quibus tur solebat, quum omnibus omnia minabatur. Movet me quippe 13lumen curiae. PRO T. ANNIO MILONE, CAP. XIII. 825 XIr. Quid? tu me tibi iratum, Sexte, putas, cujus tu inimicissimum multo crudelius etiam punitus es, quam erat humanitatis meae postulare? Tu P. Clodii cruentum cadaver ejecisti domo, tu in publicum abjecisti, tu spoliatun limaginibus, exsequiis, pompa, laudatione, 2infelicissimis lignis 6 3semustulatum, nocturnis canibus dilaniandum reliquisti. Quare etsi nefarie fecisti, tamen, quoniam in meo inimico crudelitatem exprompsisfi tuam, 4laudare non possum, irasci certe non debeo. 34. [Audistis, judices, quantum Clodii inter] fuerit'occidi Milonem. Convertite animos nunc vicis- 10 sim ad Milonem. Quid Milonis intererat interfici Clodium? Quid erat, cur Milo, non dicam admitteret, sed optaret? - Obstabat in spe consulatus Miloni Clodius. - At eo repugnante 6fiebat; immo vero eo fiebat magis, nec me suffragatore meliore utebatur quam Clodio. Valebat apud vos, judices, 15 Milonis erga me remque publicam meritorum memoria; valebant preces et lacrimae nostrae, quibus ego tum vos mirifice moveri sentiebam; sed plus multo valebat periculorum impendentium timor. Quis enim erat civium, qui sibi solutam P. Clodii praeturam sine maximo rerum novarum metu pro- 20 poneret? Solutam autem fore videbatis, nisi esset is consul, qui ear auderet possetque constringere. Eum Milonem unum esse quum sentiret universus populus Romanus, quis dubitaret suffragio suo se metu, periculo rem publicam liberare? At nunc, Clodio remoto, 7usitatis jam rebus enitendum 25 est Miloni, ut tueatur dignitatem suam; singularis illa et huic uni concessa gloria, quae quotidie augebatur 8frangendis furoribus Clodianis, jam Clodii morte cecidit. Vos adepti estis, ne quem civem metueretis: hic exercitationem virtutis, suffragationem consulatus, fontem perennem gloriae suae perdidit. 30 Itaque Milonis consulatus, qui, vivo Clodio, labefactari non poterat, mortuo denique tentari coeptus est. Non modo igitur nihil prodest, sed obest etiam Clodii mors Miloni. 35. At valuit odium, fecit iratus, fecit inimicus, fuit ultor injuriae, punitor doloris sui. Quid? si haec, non dico majora 35 fuerunt in Clodio quam in Milone, sed in illo maxima, nulla in hoc, quid vultis amplius? Quid enim odisset Clodium 826 ORATIO Milo, segetem ac materiem suae gloriae, praeter hoc civile odium, quo omnes improbos odimus? 91lle erat ut odisset, primum salutis meae defensorem, deinde vexatorem furoris, domitorem armorum suorum, postremo etiam accusatorem 5suum. Reus enim Milonis lege Plotia fuit Clodius, quoad vixit. Quo tandem animo hoc tyrannum illum tulisse creditis?l'quantum odium illius et in homine injusto quam etiam justum fuisse? XIV. 36. Reliquum est, ut jam'lium natura ipsius con0 suetudoque defendat, hunc autem haec eadem coarguant. Nihil per vim unquam Clodiu;, omnia per vim Milo. Quid? ego, judices, quum, 2maerentibus vobis, urbe cessi, judiciumne timui? non 3servos, non arma, non vim? Quae fuisset igitur justa causa restituendi mei, nisi fuisset injusta ejiciendi? 15 Diem mihi, credo, dixerat, multam irrogarat, actionem perduellionis intenderat, et mihi videlicet in causa aut mala aut mea, non et praeclarissima et vestra, judicium timendum fuit. 5Servorum et egentium civium et facinorosorum armis meos cives, meis consiliis periculisque.servatos, pro me objici nolui. 2037. Vidi enim5 vidi, hune ipsum Q. Hortensiumn lumen et ornamentum rei publicae, paene interfici servorum manu, quum mihi adesset; qua in turba C. Vibienus, senator, vir optimus, cilm hoc quum esset una, ita est mulcatus, ut vitam amiserit. Itaque quando illius postea sica illa, quam a Cati25lina acceperat, conquievit? Haec 6intentata nobis est; huic ego vos objici pro me non sum passus; haec insidiata 7Pompeio est; haec istam Appiam, monumentum sui nominis, nece 8Papirii cruentavit; haec eadem 9longo intervillo conversa rursus est in me: nuper quidem, ut scitis, me "~ad regi30am paene confecit. 38. Quid simile Milonis? cujus vis omnis haec semper fuit, ne P. Clodius, quum in judicium detrahi non posset, vi oppressam civitatem teneret. Quem si interficere voluisset, quantae, quoties occasiones, quam praeclarae fuerunt? "Potuitne, quum domum ac deos penates 35 suos, illo oppugnante, defenderet, jure se ulcisci? potuitne, civi egregio et viro fortissirno, P. Sestio, collega suo, vulnerato? potuitne, Q. Fabricio, viro optimo, quum de reditu PRO T. ANNIO MILONE, CAP. XVI. 827 meo legem ferret, pulso, crudelissima in foro caede facta? potuitne, L. Caecilii, justissimi fbrtissimique praetoris, oppugnata domo? potuitne illo die, quum est lata lex de me? quum totius Italiae concursus, quem mea salus concitarat, facti illius gloriam libens agnovisset, ut, etiamsi id Milo fecisset, cuncta 5 civitas ear laudem pro sua vindicaret? XV. 39.'At quod erat tempus! 2Clarissimus et fortissimus consul, inimicus Clodio, 3P. Lentulus, ultor sceleris 4illius, propugnator senatus, defensor vestrae voluntatis, patronus publici consensus, restitutor salutis meae: septem praetores, 10 octo tribuni plebis, illius adversarii, defensores mei: Cn. Pompeius auctor et dux mei reditus, illius hostis, cujus sententiam senatus omnis de salute mea gravissimam et ornatissimain secutus est; qui populum Romanurm est cohortatus; qui, quum decretum de me Capuae fecit, ipse cunctae Italiae 15 cupienti et ejus fidem imploranti signum dedit, ut ad me restituendum Romam concurrerent: omnia tur denique in illum odia civium ardebant 5desiderio mei; quem qui tur interemisset, non de impunitate ejus, sed de praemiis cogitaretur. 40. Tamen se Milo continuit et P. Clodium in judi-20 cium bis, ad vim nunquam vocavit. Quid? 6privato Milone et reo ad populum, accusante P. Clodio, quum in Cn. Pompeium pro Milone dicentem impetus factus est, quae turn non modo occasio, sed etiam causa illius opprimendi fuit? Nuper vero quum M. 7Antonius summam spem salutis bonis omni- 25 bus attulisset, gravissimamque adolescens nobilissimus rei publicae partem fortissime suscepisset, atque illam belluam, judicii laqueos declinantem, jam irretitam teneret, qui locus, quod tempus illud, dii immortales, fuit? Quum se ille fugiens in 8scalarum tenebris abdidisset, magnum Miloni fuit30 conficere illam pestem nulla sua invidia, Antonii vero maxima gloria. 41. Quid? comitiis in campo quoties potestas fuit, quum ille in 9saepta ruisset, gladios destringendos, lapides jaciendos curavisset, dein subito, vultu Milonis perterritus, fugeret ad Tiberim, vos et omnes boni vota faceretis, l'ut Miloni 35 uti virtute sua liberet? XVI. Quem igitur cum omnium gratia noluit, hunc voluit 828 ORATIO cum aliquorum querela? quem jure, quem loco, quem tempore, quem impune non est ausus, hunc injuria, iniquo loco, alieno tempore, periculo capitis non dubitavit occidere? 42. praeseltim, judices, quum'honoris amplissimi contentio et 5dies comritiorum subesset; quo quidem tempore (scio enim, quam timida sit ambitio quantaque et quam sollicita sit cupiditas consulatus), omnia non modo, quae reprehendi palam, sed etiam quae obscure cogitari possunt, timemus, rumorem, fabulam fictam, levem perhorrescimus, ora omnium atque i0oculos intuemur. Nihil est enim tam molle, tam tenerum, tam aut fragile aut flexibile quam voluntas erga nos sensusque civium, qui non modo improbitati irascuntur candidatorum, sed etiam in recte factis saepe fastidiunt. 43. Hunc igitur diem campi speratum atque exoptatum sibi proponens 15Milo, cruentis manibus, scelus et facinus prae se ferens et confitens 2ad illa augusta centuriarum auspicia veniebat? Quam hoc non credibile in hoc! quam idem in Clodio non dubitandum, qui se interfecto Milone regnaturum putaret! Quid? 3quod caput est audaciae, judices, quis ignorat, maxi20 mam illecebram esse peccandi impunitatis spem? In utro igitur haec fuit? in Milone, qui etiam nunc reus est facti aut 4praeclari aut certe necessalii, an in Clodio, qui ita judicia poenamque contempserat, ut eum nihil delectaret, quod aut per naturam fas esset aut per leges liceret? 44. Sed quid 25 ego argumentor? quid plura disputo? Te Q. Petili, appello, optimum et fortissimum civem; te, M. Cato, testor; quos mihi divina quaedam sors dedit judices. Vos ex M. Favonio audistis, Clodium sibi dixisse, et audistis 5vivo Clodio, periturum Milonem triduo. Post diem tertium gesta res est, 30 quam dixerat. Quum ille non dubitarit aperire, quid cogitaret, vos potestis dubitare, quid fecerit? XVII. 45.'Quemadmodum igitur eum dies non fefellit? 2Dixi equidem modo. Dictatoris Lanuvini stata sacrificia nosse negotii nihil erat. Vidit necesse esse Miloni proficisci 35 Lanuvium illo ipso, quo est profectus, die. Itaque antevertit. At quo die? Quo, ut ante dixi, fuit insanissima contio,'ab ipsius mercenario tribuno plebis concitata; quem diem ille, PRO T. ANNIO MILONE, CAP. XVIII. 829 quam concionem, quos clamores, nisi ad cogitatum facinus approperaret, nunquam reliquisset. Ergo illi ne causa quidem itineris, etiam causa manendi: Miloni manendi nulla facultas, exeundi non causa solurn, sed etiam necessitas fuit. Quid? si, ut ille scivit Milonem fore eo die in via, sic Clo- 5 dium Milo ne suspicari quidem potuit? 46. Primum quaero,'qui scire potuerit? quod vos idem in Clodio quaerere non potestis. Ut enim neminem alium nisi T. Patinam, familiarissimum suum, rogasset, scire potuit, illo ipso die Lanuvii a dictatore Milone prodi flaminem necesse esse. Sed erant 10 permulti alii, ex quibus id facillime scire posset [: 5omnes scilicet Lanuvini]. Milo de Clodii reditu unde quaesivit? 6Quaesierit sane. Videte, quid vobis largiar. Servum etiam, ut Q. Arrius, meus amicus, dixit, corruperit. Legite testimonia testium vestrorum. Dixit C. 7Cassinius Schola, 8in- 15 teramnanus, familiarissimus et idem comes Clodii, cujus jampridem testimonio Clodius eadem hora Interamnae fuerat et Romae, P. Clodium illo die in 9Albano- mansurum fuisse, sed subito esse ei nuntiatum, ~1Cyrum architectum esse mortuum; itaque repente RomWm constituisse proficisci. Dixit hoc, 20 comes item P. Clodii, C. Clodius. XVIII. 47. Videte, judices, quantae res his testimoniis sint confectae. Primum certe Iliberatur Milo, non eo consilio profectus esse, ut insidiaretur in via Clodio: 2quippe, si ille obvius ei futurus omnino non erat. Deinde, (non enim vi- 25 deo, cur non meum quoque agam negotium,) scitis, judices, fuisse qui 3in hac rogatione suadenda dicerent, Milonis manu caedem esse factam, consilio vero 4majoris alicujus. Me videlicet latronem ac sicarium abjecti homines et perditi describebant. Jacent suis testibus, qui Clodium negant eo die 30 Romam, nisi de Cyro audisset, fuisse rediturum. Respiravi, liberatus sum: non vereor, ne, quod ne suspicari quidem potuerim, videar id cogitasse. 48. Nune persequar cetera.'Nam occurrit illud: Igitur ne Clodius quidem de insidiis cogitavit, quoniam fuit in Albano mansurus. 6Si quidem 35 exiturus ad caedem e villa non fuisset. Video enim ilium, qui dicatur de Cyri morte nuntiasse, non id nuntiasse, sed 830 ORATIO Milonem appropinquare. Nam quid de Cyro nuntiaret, quem Clodius Roma proficiscens reliquerat morientem? Una fui; testamenturn simul obsignavi cum Clodio; testamentum autem palam fecerat, et ilium heredem et me scrip5serat. Quem pridie hora tertia animam efflantem reliquisset, eum mortuum postridie hora decima denique ei nuntiabatur? XIX. 49.'Age, sit ita factum: quae causa, cur Romam properaret? cur in noctem se conjiceret? Quid afferebat 10 festinationis quod heres erat? Primum erat nihil, cur properato opus esset: deinde, si quid esset, quid tandem erat, quod ea nocte consequi posset, amitteret autem, si postridie Romam mane venisset? Atque ut illi nocturnus ad urbem adventus vitandus potius quam expetendus fuit, sic Miloni, 15quum insidiator esset, si ilium ad urbem noctu accessurum sciebat, subsidendum atque exspectandum fuit. 50. [Noctu, insidioso et pleno latronum in loco occidisset]: nemo ei neganti non credidisset, quem esse omnes salvum etiam confitentem volunt. 2Sustinuisset hoc crimen primurn ipse ille 20 latronum occultator et receptor locust quum neque muta solitudo indicasset, neque caeca nox ostendisset Milonem: deinde ibi multi ab illo violati, spoliati, bonis expulsi, multi haec etiam timentes in suspicionem caderent; 3tota denique rea citaretur Etruria. 51. Atque illo die certe 4Aricia re25diens, devertit Clodius ad Albanum.'Quod ut sciret Milo, ilium Ariciae fuisse, suspicari tamen debuit, eum, etiamsi Romam illo die reverti vellet, ad villam suam, quae viam tangeret, deversurum. Cur neque 6ante occurrit, ne ille in villa resideret, nec eo in loco subsedit, quo ille noctu ventu30 rus esset? Video 7adhuc constare, judices, omnia: Miloni etiam utile fuisse Clodium vivere, illi ad ea, quae concupierat, optatissimum interitum Milonis; odium fuisse illius in hunc acerbissimum, nullum hujus in ilium; consuetudinem illius per35 petuam in vi inferenda, hujus tantum in repellenda; 52. mortem ab illo denuntiatam Miloni et praedictam palam, nihil unquam auditum ex Milone; profectionis hujus diem PRO T. ANNIO MILONE, CAP. XXI. 831 illi notum, reditus illius huic ignotum fuisse; liujus iter necessarium, ilius etiam potius alienum; hunc prae se tulisse illo se die Roma exiturum, ilium eo die se dissimulasse rediturumn; hunc nullius rei mutasse consilium, ilium causam mutandi consilii finxisse; huic, si insidiaretur, noctem 5 prope urbem exspectandam, illi, etiamsi hunc non timeret, tamen accessum ad urbem nocturnum fuisse metuendum. XX. 53. Videamnus nunc id, quod caput est, locus ad insidias ille ipse, ubi congressi sunt, utri tandem fuerit aptior. Id vero, judices,'etiam dubitandum et diutius cogitandum 10 est? Ante fundum Clodii, quo in fundo propter insanas illas 2substructiones facile hominum mille versabantur valentium, edito adversarii atque excelso loco superiorem se fore putarat Milo et ob earn rem eum locum ad pugnam potissimum elegerat? an in eo loco est potius exspectatus ab eo, qui ipsius 15 loci spe facere impetum cogitarat?- Res loquitur ipsa, judices, quae semper valet plurimum. 54. Si haec non gesta audiretis, sed picta videretis, tamen appareret, uter esset insidiator, uter nihil cogitaret mali, quum alter veheretur in rheda paenulatus, una sederet uxor. Quid horum non im- 20 peditissimum? vestitus, an vehiculum, an comes? quid minus promptum ad pugnam, quum paenula irretitus, rheda impeditus, uxore paene 3constrictus esset? Videte nunc illum, primnum egredientemn e villa subito: cur? vesp'eri: quid necese est? tarde: 4qui convenit, praesertim id temporis? 25 Devertit in villam Pompeii. Pompeium ut videret? sciebat 6in Alsiensi esse: villam ut perspiceret? millies in ea fuerat. Quid ergo erat? mora et tergiversatio: dum hic veniret, locum relinquere noluit. XXI. 55.'Age, nunc iter 2expediti latronis cum Milonis 30 impedimentis comparate. Semper ille antea cum uxore, tur sine ea: nunquam nisi in rheda, tur in equo: comites 8Graeculi, quocunque ibat, etiam quum in castra Etrusca properabat, tur in comitatu 4nugarum nihil. Milo, qui nunquam, tum casu pueros symphoniacos uxoris ducebat et ancillarum 35 greges. Ille, qui semper secum scorta, semper exoletos, semper lupas duceret, turn neminem, 5nisi ut virum a viro A3 832 ORATIO lectum esse diceres. Cur igitur victus est? Quia non semper viator a latrone, nonnunquam etiam latro a viatore occiditur: quia, quamquam paratus in imparatos Clodius, tamen mulier inciderat in viros. 56. Nec vero sic erat unquam non 5 paratus Milo contra illum, ut non satis fere esset paratus. Semper 6ille, et quantum interesset P. Clodii, se perire, et quanto illi odio esset, et quantum ille auderet, cogitabat. Qarnobrem vitam suam, quam maximis 7praemiis propositam et paene addictam sciebat, nunquam in periculum sine prae10 sidio et sine custodia projiciebat. Adde casus, adde incertos exitus pugnarum Martenmque 8communem, qui saepe spoliantem jam et exsultantem evertit et 9perculit ab abjecto: adde inscitiam pransi, poti, oscitantis ducis, qui quum a tergo hostem'interclusum reliquisset, nihil de ejus extremis comi15 tibus cogitavit, in quos incensos ira vitamque domini desperantes quum incidisset, haesit in iis poenis, quas ab eo servi fideles pro domini vita expetiverunt. 57. Cur igitur eos manumisit? Metuebat scilicet, ne indicarent, ne dolorem perferre non possent, ne tormentis cogerentur occisum esse 20a servis Milonis in Appia via P. Clodium confiteri. Quid opus est tortore? Quid quaeris? Occideritne? Occidit. Jure an injuria? Nihil ad tortorem. Facti enim in equuleo quaestio est, juris in judicio. XXII.. 1Quod igitur in causa quaerendum est, id agamus 25 hie: 2quod tormentis invenire vis, id fatemur. Manu vero cur miserit, si 3id potius quaeris, quam cur parum amplis affecerit praemiis, 4nescis inimici factum reprehendere. 58. Dixit enim hie idem, qui omnia semper constanter et fortiter, M. Cato, et dixit in turbulenta contione, quae tamen hujus auc30 toritate placata est, non libertate solum, sed etiam omnibus praemiis dignissimos fuisse, qui domini caput defendissent. Quod enim praemium satis magnum est tam benevolis, tam bonis, tam fidelibus servis, propter quos vivit? Etsi id quidem non tanti est, quam quod 6propter eosdem non sanguine 35 et vulneribus suis crudelissimi inimici mentem oculosque satiavit. Quos nisi manumisisset, tormentis etiam dedendi fuerunt conservatores domini, ultores sceleris, defensores PRO T. ANNIO MILONE, CAP. XXIII. 838 necis. Hic vero nihil habet in his malis, quod minus moleste ferat, quam, etiamsi quid ipsi accidat, esse tamen illis meritum praemium persolutum. 59. Sed 7quaestiones urgent Milonem, quae sunt habitae nunc in atrio Libertatis. Quibusnarn de servis? Rogas? de P. Clodii. Quis eos postu- 5 lavit? 8Appius. Quis produxit? Appius. Unde? Ab Appio. ~Dii boni! 9quid potest agi severius? De servis nulla' lege quaestio est in dominum, nisi de incestu, ut fuit in Clodium. l~Proxime deos accessit Clodius, propius quam tur, quum ad ipsos penetrarat, cujus de morte tamquam de o1 caerimoniis violatis quaeritur. "Sed tamen majores nostri in dominum de servo quaeri noluerunt, non quia non posset verum inveniri, sed quia videbatur indignum et domini morte ipsa tristius. In reum de servo accusatoris quum quaeritur, verum inveniri potest? 60. Age vero, quae erat aut qualis 15 quaestio? Heus tu, 2Rufio, verbi causa, cave 13sis mentiare. Clodius insidias fecit Miloni? Fecit. Certa crux. Nullas fecit. Sperata libertas. Quid hac quaestione certius? Subito abrepti in quaestionem tamen separantur a ceteris et in areas conjiciuntur, ne quis cum iis colloqui possit. Hi cen-20 tur dies penes accusatorem quum fuissent, ab eo ipso accusatore producti sunt. Quid hac quaestione dici potest integrius? quid incorruptius? XXIII. 61. Quod si nondum satis cernitis, quum res ipsa tot tam claris argumentis signisque luceat, pura mente 25 atque integra Milonem, nullo scelere imbutum, nullo metu perterritum, nulla conscientia exanimatum Romam revertisse, recordamini, per deos immortales! lquae fuerit celeritas reditus ejus, qui ingressus in forum, ardente curia, quae magnitudo animi, qui vultus, quae oratio. Neque vero se populo 30 solum, sed etiam senatui commisit, neque senatui modo, sed etiam publicis praesidiis et armis, neque his tantum, verum etiam 2ejus potestati, cui senatus totam rem publicam, omnem Italiae pubem, cuncta populi Romani arma commiserat, cui nunquam se hic profecto tradidisset, nisi causae suae con-35 fideret, praesertimn omnia 3audienti, magna metuenti, multa suspicanti, nonnulla credenti. Magna vis est conscientiae, 834 ORATIO judices, et magna in utramque partem, ut neque timeant, qui nihil commiserint, et poenam semper ante oculos versari putent, qui peccarint. 62. Neque vero sine ratione certa causa Milonis semper a senatu probata est. Videbant enim sapientissimi homines 4facti rationem, praesentiam animi, defensionis constantiam. An vero obliti estis, judices, recenti illo 5nuntio necis Clodianae, non modo inimicorum Milonis sermones et opiniones, sed nonnullorum etiam 6imperitorum? Negabant eum Romam esse rediturum. 63. Sive enim 7illud 10animo irato ac percito fecisset, ut incensus odio trucidaret inimicum, 8arbitrabantur, euin tanti mortem P. Clodii putasse, ut aequo animo patria careret, quum sanguine inimici explesset odium suum, sise etiam illius morte patriam liberare voluisset, non dubitaturum fortem virum, quin, quum suo 15 periculo salutem rei publicae attulisset, cederet aequo animo legibus, secum auferret gloriam sempiternam, nobis haee fruenda relinqueret, quae ipse servasset. Multi etiam 9Catilinam atque illa portenta loquebantur: " Erumpet, occupabit aliquem locum, bellum patriae faciet." Miseros interdum 20 0cives optime de re publica meritos, in quibus homines non modo res praeclarissimas obliviscuntur, sed etiam nefarias suspicantur! 64. Ergo illa falsa fuerunt; quae certe vera exstitissent, si Mlo admisisset aliquid, quod non posset honeste vereque defendere. 25 XXIV. Quid?'quae postea sunt in eum congesta, quae quemvis etiam mediocrium delictorum 2conscientia perculissent, ut sustinuit! dii immortales! sustinuit? 8immo vero ut contempsit ac pro nihilo putavit! quae neque maximo animo nocens, neque innocens, nisi fortissimus vir, negligere potu30 isset. Scutorum, gladiorum, frenorum pilorumque etiam multitudo deprehendi posse 4indicabatur: nullum in urbe vicum, nullum angiportum esse dicebant, in quo non Miloni conducta esset domus: 5arma in villam 6Ocriculanam devecta Tiberi: domus in clivo Capitolino scutis referta: plena omnia 357malleolorum ad urbis incendia comparatorum. Haec non delata solum, sed paene credita, nec ante repudiata sunt, qnam quaesita. 65. Laudabam equidem incredibilem dili PRO T. ANNIO MILONE, CAP. XXV. 835 gentiam Cn. Pompeii, sed dicam, ut sentio, judices. Nimis multa coguntur audire, neque aliter facere possunt ii, quibus tota commissa est res publica. Quin etiam fuit audiendus 8popa Licinius nescio qui de circo maximo, 9servos Milonis apud se ebrios factos sibi confesses esse, de interficiendo Pom- 5 peio'conjurasse, deinde postea se gladio percussum esse ab uno de illis, ne indicaret. Pompeio in hortos nuntiavit. Arcessor in primis. "De amicorum sententia rem defert ad senatum. Non poteram in 2illius mei patriaeque custodis tanta suspicione non metu exanimari, sed mirabar tamen, 10 credi popae, confessionem servorum audiri, vulnus in latere, quod acu punctum videretur, pro ictu gladiatoris probari. 66. Verum, ut intelligo, cavebat magis Pompeius, quam timebat, non ea solum, quae timenda erant, sed omnia, ne vos aliquid timeretis. Oppugnata domus C. Caesaris, clarissimi 15 et fortissimi viri, per multas noctis horas nuntiabatur. Nemo audierat tam celebri loco, nemo senserat; tamen 13audiebatur. Non poteram Cn. Pompeium, praestantissima virtute virum, timidum suspicari: diligentiam, tota re publica suscepta, nimiam nullam putabam. Frequentissimo senatu nuper in20 Capitolio senator inventus est, qui Milonem cum telo esse diceret. Nudavit se in sanctissimo templo, quoniam vita talis et civis et viri fidem non faciebat, ut, eo tacente, res ipsa loqueretur. XXV. 67. Omnia falsa atque insidiose ficta comperta25 sunt.'Quum tamen, si metuitur etiam nunc Milo, non jam 2hoc Clodianum crimen timemus, sed tuas, Cn. Pompei, (te enim jam appello, et ea voce, ut me exaudire possis,) tuas, tuas, inquam, suspiciones perhorrescimus. Si Milonen times, si hunc de tua vita nefarie aut nunc cogitare aut molitum ali-30 quando aliquid putas, si Italiae delectus, ut nonnulli conquisitores tui dictitarunt, si haec arma, si Capitolinae cohortes, si excubiae, si vigiliae, si delecta juventus, quae tuum corpus domumque custodit, contra Milonis impetum armata est, atque illa omnia in hunc unum instituta, parata, intenta sunt, 35 magna certe in hoc vis et incredibilis animus et non unius viri vires atque opes judicantur, si quidem in hunc unum et 836 ORATIO praestantissimus dux electus et tota res publica armata est. 68. Sed quis non intelligit, omnes tibi rei publicae partes aegras et labantes, ut eas his armis sanares et confirmares, ease commissas? Quod si 3locus Miloni datus esset, pro5 basset profecto tibi ipsi, neminem unquam hominem homini cariorem fuisse quam te sibi: nullum se unquam periculum pro tua dignitate fugisse: cum illa ipsa teterrima 4peste se saepissime pro tua gloria contendisse: tribunatum suum ad salutem meam, quae tibi carissima fuisset, consiliis tuis guber10 natum: se a te postea defensum in periculo capitis, adjutum in petitione praeturae: duos se habere semper amicissimos sperasse, te tuo beneficio, me suo. Quae si non probaret, si tibi ita penitus inhaesisset ista suspicio, nullo ut evelli modo posset, si denique Italia a delectu, urbs ab armis 15 sine Milonis clade nunquam esset conquietura, nae iste haud dubitans cessisset patria, 5is, qui ita natus est et ita consuevit; te, 6Iagne, tamen antestaretur, quod nune etiam facit. XXVI. 69. Vide, quam sit varia vitae commutabilisque 20ratio, quam vaga volubilisque fortuna, quantae infidelitates in amicis, quam ad tempus aptae simulationes, quantae in periculis fugae proximorum, quantae timiditates. Erit, erit illud profecto tempus et illucescet ille aliquando dies, quum tu, salutaribus, ut spero, rebus tuis, sed fortasse motu aliquo 251communium temporum (qui quam crebro accidat, 2experti scire debemus), et amicissimi benevolentiam et gravissimi hominis fidem et unius post homines natos fortissimi viri magnitudinem animi desideres. 70. Quamquam quis hoc credat, Cn. Pompeium, juris publici, moris majorum, rei 30 denique publicae peritissimum, quum senatus ei conmmiserit, ut videret, NE QUID RES PUBLICA DETRIMENTI CAPERET, quo uno versiculo satis armati semper consules fuerunt, etiam nullis armis datis, hune exercitu, hune delectu dato, 3judicium exspectaturum fuisse in 4ejus consiliis vindicandis, 35 qui vi judicia ipsa tolleret? Satis judicatum est a Pompeio, satis, falso'ista conferri in Mlilonem, qui legem tulit, qua, ut ego sentio, Milonem absolvi a vobis oporteret, ut PRO T. ANNIO MILONE, CAP. XXVII. 837 omnes confitentur, liceret. 71. Quod vero in illo loco atque illis publicorum praesidiorum copiis circumfusus sedet, satis declarat, se non terrorem inferre vobis, (quid enim minus illo dignum, quam cogere, ut vos eum condemnetis, in quem animadvertere ipse et more majorurn et %uo jure 5 posset?) sed praesidio esse, ut intelligatis, contra hesternam illam contionem licere vobis, quod sentiatis, libere judicare. XXVII. 72. Nec vero me, judices, Clodianum crimen movet, nec tam sum demens tamque vestri sensus ignarus o0 atque expers, ut nesciam, quid de morte Clodii sentiatis. De qua, si jam nollem ita diluere crimen, ut dilui, tamen impune Miloni palam clamare ac mentiri gloriose liceret: " Occidi, occidi, non Sp. 1Maelium, qui annona levanda jacturisque rei familiaris, quia nimis amplecti plebem videbatur, 15 in suspicionem incidit regni appetendi, non Ti. 2Gracchum, qui collegae magistratum per seditionem abrogavit, quorum interfectores impleverunt orbem terrarum noninis sui gloria, sed eum (auderet enim dicere, quum patriam periculo suo liberasset), cujus nefandum adulterium in 3pulvinaribus sanc- 20 tissimis nobilissimae feminae comprehenderunt: 73. eum, cujus supplicio senatus sollemnes religiones expiandas saepe censuit: eum, quem cum 4sorore germana nefariur stuprum fecisse, L. Lucullus 5juratus se, 6quaestionibus habitis, dixit comperisse: eum, qui civem, quem senatus, quem populus25 Romanus, quem omnes gentes urbis ac vitae civium conservatorem judicarant, servorum armis exterminavit: eum, qui 8regna dedit, ademit, orbem terrarum, quibuscum voluit, partitus est: eum, qui, plurimis caedibus in foro factis, singulari virtute et gloria 9civem domum vi et armis compulit: eurn, 3 cui nihil unquam nefas fuit nec in facinore nec in libidine: eum, qui'~aedem Nympharum incendit, ut memoriam publicam recensionis, tabulis publicis impressam, exstingueret: 74. eum denique,'cui jam nulla lex erat, nullum civile jus, nulli 12possessionurn termini: qui non cealumnia litium, non35 injustis vindiciis ac sacramentis alienos fundos, sed'4castris, exercitu, signis inferendis petebat: qui non solum Etruscos 838 ORATIO (eos enim penitus contempserat), sed hunc P. Varium, fortissimum atque optimum civem, judicem nostrum, pellere possessionibus armis castrisque conatus est: qui cum architectis et decempedis villas multorum hortosque peragrabat: 5qui Janiculo et Alpibus spem possessionum terminarat suarum: qui, quum ab equite Romano splendido et forti, M. Paconio, non impetrasset, ut sibi insulam in lacu Prilio venderet, repente lintribus in ear insulam materiem, calcem, caementa, 15arma convexit, dominoque trans ripam inspec10 tante non dubitavit aedificium exstruere in 16alieno: 75. qui huic T.'7Furfanio, cui viro! dii immortales! (quid enim ego de muliercula Scantia, quid de adolescente P. Apinio dicam? quorum utrique mortem est minitatus, ni.i sibi hortorum possessione cessissent): sed ausus est Furfanio dicere, si sibi 15pecuniam, quantam poposcerat, non dedisset, 8smortuum se in domum ejus illaturum, qua invidia huic esset tali viro conflagrandum: qui Appium fratrem, hominem mihi conjunctum fidissima gratia, absentem de possessione fundi dejecit: qui parietem sic per vestibulum sororis instituit ducere, sic agere 20fundamenta, ut sororem non modo vestibulo privaret, sed omni aditu et limine." XXVIII. 76. Quamquam haec quidem jam tolerabilia, videbantur, etsi aequabiliter in rem publicam, in privatos, in longinquos, in propinquos, in alienos, in suos irruebat; sed 25 nescio quomodo jam usu obduruerat et percalluerat civitatis incredibilis patientia. Quae vero aderant jam et impendebant, quonam modo ea aut depellere potuissetis aut ferre?'Imperium ille si nactus esset, omitto socios, exteras nationes, reges, 2tetrarchas; vota enim faceretis, ut in eos se potius im30mitteret quam in vestras possessiones, vestra tecta, vestras pecunias; pecunias dico? a liberis, medius fidius, et a conjugibus vestris nunquam ille effrenatas suas libidines cohibuisset. Fingi haec putatis, quae patent, quae nota sunt omnibus, quae 3tenentur? servorum exercitus ilium in urbe 35 conscripturum fuisse, per quos totam rem publicam resque privatas omnium possideret? 77. Quamobrem, si cruentum gladium tenens clamaret T. Annius: " Adeste, quaeso, atque PRO T. ANNIO MILONE, CAP. XXIX. 839 audite, cives: P. Clodium interfeci; ejus furores, quos nullis jam legibus, nullis judiciis frenare poteramus, hoc ferro et hac dextera a cervicibus vestris reppuli, per me ut unum jus, aequitas, leges, libertas, pudor, pudicitia in civitate manerent," esset vero 4timendum, quonarn modo id ferret civitas! Nunc 5 enim quis est, qui non probet? qui non laudet? qui non unum post hominum memoriam T. Annium plurimurn rei publicae profuisse, maxima laetitia populum Romnanum, cunctam Italiam, nationes omnes affecisse et dicat et sentiat? Non queo vetera illa populi Romani gaudia quanta fuerint judicare. 10 Multas tamen jam summorum imperatorum clarissimas victorias aetas nostra vidit, quarum nulla neque tam diuturnam attulit laetitiam nec tantam. 78. Mandate hoc memoriae, judices. Spero multa vos liberosque vestros in re publica bona esse visuros: in iis singulis ita semper existimabitis, 15 vivo P. Clodio nihil eorum vos visuros fuisse. In spem maximam et, quemadmodum confido, verissimam sumus adducti, hunc ipsum annum, hoc ipso summo 5viro consule, compressa hominum licentia, cupiditatibus fractis, legibus et judiciis constitutis, salutarem civitati fore. Num quis est igitur tam20 demens, qui hoc, P. Clodio vivo, contingere potuisse arbitretur? Quid? ea, quae tenetis, privata atque vestra, dominante homine furioso, quod jus perpetuae possessionis habere potuissent? XXIX. Non timeo, judices, ne lodio mearum inimicitia- 25 rum inflammatus 2libentius haec in ilium evomere videar quam verius. Etenim si 3praecipuum esse debebat, tamen ita communis erat omnium ille hostis, 4ut in communi odio paene aequaliter versaretur odium meum. Non potest dici satis, ne cogitari quidem, quantum in illo sceleris, quantum 30 exitii fuerit. 79. 5Quin sic attendite, judices. 6Nempe haec est quaestio de interitu P. Clodii. Fingite animis (liberae sunt enim nostrae cogitationes et, quae volunt, sic intuentur, 7ut ea cernimus, quae videmus), fingite igitur cogitatione imaginem 8hujus conditionis meae: si possim efficere, ut Milo-35 nem absolvatis, sed ita, si P. Clodius revixerit..... Quid vultu extimuistis? quonam modo ille vos vivus afficeret, quos 8410 ORATIO mortuus inani cogitatione percussit? Quid? si ipse Cn. Pompeius, qui ea virtute ac fbrtuna est, ut 9ea potuerit semper, quae nemo praeter ilium, si is, inquam, potuisset aut quaestionem de morte P. Clodii ferre aut ipsurn ab inferis 5excitare, l~utrum putatis potius facturum fuisse? Etiamsi "propter amicitiam vellet ilium ab inferis evocare, propter rem publicam non fecisset. Ejus igitur mortis sedetis ultores, cujus vitam si putetis per vos restitui posse, nolitis; et de ejus nece lata quaestio est, qui si eadem lege reviviscere pos10 set, lata lex nunquam esset. Hujus ergo interfector si esset, in confitendo ab iisne poenam timeret, quos liberavisset? 80. Graeci homines deorum honores tribuunt iis viris, qui tyrannos necaverunt. Quae ego vidi Athenis? quae aliis in urbibus Graeciae? quas res divinas talibus institutas viris? 15 quos cantus? quae carmina?'2Prope ad immortalitatis et religionem et memoriam consecrantur. Vos tanti conservatorem populi, tanti sceleris ultorem non modo honoribus nullis afficietis, sed etiam ad supplicium rapi patiemini? Confiteretur, confiteretur, inquam, si fecisset, et magno ani20 mo et libente, fecisse se libertatis omnium causa; quod esset ei non confitendum modo, verum etiam praedicandum. XXX. 81. Etenim, si id non negat, ex quo nihil petit, nisi ut ignoscatur, dubitaret 2id fateri, ex quo etiam praemia 25 laudis essent petenda? nisi vero gratius putat esse vobis, sui se capitis quam vestri defensorem fuisse; quum praesertim in ea confessione, si grati esse velletis, honores assequeretur amplissimos. Si factum vobis non probaretur (quamquam qui poterat salus sua cuiquam non probari?), sed tamen si 30 minus fortissimi viri virtus civibus grata cecidisset, magno animo constantique cederet ex ingrata civitate. Nam quid esset ingratius, quam laetari ceteros, lugere eum solum, propter quem ceteri laetarentur? 82. Quamquam hoc animo semper omnes fuimus in patriae proditoribus opprimendis, ut, quo85 niam nostra futura esset gloria, periculum quoque et invidiam nostram putaremus. Nam quae mihi ipsi tribuenda laus esset, quum tantum in consulatu meo pro vobis ac liberis PRO T. ANNIO MILONE, CAP. XXXI. 841 vestris ausus essem, si id quod conabar sine maximis dimicationibus meis me esse ausurum arbitrarer? Quae mulier sceleratum ac perniciosum civem occidere non auderet, si periculum non timeret? Proposita invidia, morte, poena, qui nihilo segnius rem publicam defendit, is vir vere putandus 5 est. Populi grati est praemiis afficere bene meritos de re publica cives, viri fortis ne suppliciis quidem moveri ut fortiter fecisse poeniteat. 83. Quamobrem uteretur eadem confessione T. Annius, qua Ahala, qua Nasica, qua Opimius, qua Marius, qua nosmetipsi, et, si grata res publica esset, 10 laetaretur, si ingrata, tamen in gravi fortuna conscientia sua niteretur. Sed hujus beneficii gratiam, judices, fortuna populi Romani et vestra felicitas et dii immortales sibi deberi putant. Nec vero quisquam aliter arbitrari potest, 3nisi qui nullam 15 vim esse ducit numenve divinum,4quem neque imperii nostri magnitudo neque sol ille nec coeli signorumque motus nec vicissitudines rerum atque ordines movent neque, id quod maximum est, majorum sapientia, qui sacra, qni caerimonias, qui auspicia et ipsi sanctissime coluerunt et nobis, suis pos-20 teris, prodiderunt. XXXI. 84. Est, est profecto illa vis, neque in his corporibus atque in hac imbecillitate nostra inest quiddam, quod vigeat et sentiat, let non inest in hoc tanto naturae tam praeclaro motu. Nisi forte idcirco non putant, quia non apparet 25 nec cernitur; proinde quasi nostram ipsam mentem, qua sapimus, qua providemus, qua haec ipsa agimus ac dicimus, videre aut plane, qualis aut ubi sit, sentire possimus. Ea vis igitur ipsa, quae saepe incredibiles huic urbi felicitates atque opes attulit, illam 2perniciem exstinxit ac sustulit, cui pri- 0o mum smentem injecit, ut vi irritare feri-oque laceseere fortissimum virum auderet vincereturque ab eo, quem si vicisset, habiturus esset impunitatem et licentiam sempiternam. 85. Non est humano consilio, ne mediocri quidem, judices, deorum immortalium cura res illa perfecta. 4Religiones meher- 35 cule ipsae, quae illam belluarn cadere viderunt, commovisse se videntur et 5jus in illo suum retinuisse. Vos enim jam, 842 ORATIO Albani 6tumuli atque luci, vos, inquam, imploro atque testor, vosque Albanorum obrutae arae, sacrorum populi Romani sociae et aequales, quas ille, praeceps amentia, caesis prostratisque sanctissimis lucis, substructionum insanis molibus op5 presserat vestrae 8tum arae, vestrae religiones viguerunt, vestra vis valuit, quam ille omni scelere polluerat; tuque ex tuo 9edito monte, Latiaris sancte Juppiter, cujus ille lacus, nemora finesque saepe omni nefario stupro et scelere macularat, aliquando ad eum puniendum oculos aperuisti; vobis 0 illae, vobis vestro in conspectu serae, sed justae tamen et debitae poenae solutae sunt. 86. Nisi forte hoc etiam casu factum esse dicemus, ut ante ipsum sacrarium Bonae Deae, quod est in fundo T. Sestii Galli, in primis honesti et ornati adolescentis, ante ipsam, inquam, Bonam Deam, quum 5 proelium commisisset, primum illud vulnus acciperet, quo teterrimam mortem obiret, ut non absolutus ~0judicio illo fario videretur, sed ad bane insignem poenam reservatus. XXXII.'Nec vero non eadem ira deorum hanc ejus sa20tellitibus injecit amentiam, ut sine 2imaginibus, sine 3cantu atque ludis, sine exsequiis, sine lamentis, sine laudationibus, sine funere, oblitus cruore et luto, spoliatus illius supremi diei celebritate, cui cedere etiam inimici solent, ambureretur abjectus. Non fuisse credo fas, clarissimorum virorum 4for25mas illi teterrimo parricidae aliquid decoris afferre, neque ullo in loco potius 5mortem ejus lacerari, quam in quo esset vita damnata. 87. Dura, medius fidius, mihi jam fortuna populi Romani et crudelis videbatur, quae tot annos ilium in hanc rem publi30cam insultare pateretur. Polluerat stupro sanctissimas religiones, senatus gravissima decreta perfregerat, pecunia se a judicibus palam redemerat, vexarat in tribunatu senatum, omnium ordinum consensu pro salute rei publicae 6gesta resciderat, me patria expulerat, bona diripuerat, domum in5 cenderat, liberos, conjugem meam vexarat, Cn. Pompeio nefarium bellum indixerat, magistratuum privatorumque caedes effecerat, domum mei fratris incenderat, vastarat PRO T. ANNIO MILONE, CAP. XXXIII. 843 Etruriam, multos sedilBus ac fortunis ejecerat: instabat, urgebat: capere ejus amentiam civitas, Italia, provinciae, regna non poterant: 7incidebantur jam domi leges, quae nos servis nostris addicerent: nihil erat cujusquam, quod quidem ille adamasset, quod non hoc anno suum fore putaret. 88. Ob- 5 stabat ejus cogitationibus nemo praeter Milonem. 8Illum ipsum, qui poterat obstare, novo reditu in gratiam qua devinctum arbitrabatur: Caesaris potentiam 9suam esse dicebat: bonorum animos in meo casu contempserat: Milo unus urgebat. 10 XXXIII.'Hic dii immortales, ut supra dixi, mentem illi perdito ac furioso dederunt, ut huic faceret insidias. Aliter perire pestis illa non potuit: nunquam ilium res publica 2suo jure esset ulta. Senatus, credo, praetoren eum circumscripsisset. Ne quum solebat quidem id facere, in privato 15 eodem hoc aliquid profecerat. 89. An consules in praetore coercendo fortes fuissent? Primun, Milone occiso, habuisset suos consules: deinde quis in eo praetore consul fortis esset, per quem tribunum 3virtutem consularem crudelissime vexatam esse meminisset? Oppressisset omnia, possideret, tene-20 ret: lege nova, quae est inventa apud eum cumn reliquis legibus Clodianis, servos nostros libertos suos fecisset. Postremo, nisi eum dii immortales in eam mentem impulissent, ut homo effeminatus fortissimum virum conaretur occidere, hodie rem publicam nullam haberetis. 90. An ille praetor, ille vero25 consul, si modo haec templa atque ipsa moenia stare eo vivo tamdiu et consulatum ejus exspectare potuissent, ille denique vivus mali nihil fecisset, qui mortuus, uno ex suis satellitibus [Sex. Clodio] duce, curiam incenderit? Quo quid miserius, quid acerbius, quid luctuosius vidimus? 4templum sanctitatis, 30 amplitudinis, mentis, consilii publici, caput urbis, aram sociorum, portum omnium gentium, sedem ab universo populo concessam uni ordini, inflammari, exscindi, 5funestari, neque id fieri a multitudine imperita, quamquam esset miserum id ipsum, sed ab uno? Qui quum tantum ausus sit ustor pro35 mortuo, quid signifer pro vivo non esset ausus? In curiam potissimum abjecit, ut eam mortuus incenderet, quam vivus 844 ORATIO everterat. 91. Et sunt, qui de via Appia querantur, taceant de curia? et qui 6ab eo spirante forum putent potuisse defendi, cujus non restiterit cadaveri curia? Excitate, excitate ipsum, si potestis, a mortuis. Frangetis impetum vivi, cujus 5vix sustinetis furias insepulti? Nisi vero sustinuistis eos, qui cum facibus ad curiam concurrerunt, cum falcibus ad 7Castoris, cum gladiis toto foro volitarunt. Caedi vidisfis populum Romanum, contionem gladiis disturbari, quum audiretur silentio M. Coelius, tribunus plebis, vir et in re 10 publica fortisimus et in suscepta causa firmissimus et bonorum voluntati et auctoritati senatus deditus et in hac Milonis sive invidia sive fortuna singulari divina et incredibili sfide. XXXIV. 92.'Sed jam satis multa de causa: extra cau15sam etiam nimis fortasse multa. Quid restat, nisi ut orem obtesterque vos, judices, ut eam misericordiam tribuatis fortissimo viro, quam ipse non implorat, ego, etiam repugnante hoc, et imploro et exposco? Nolite, si in nostro 2omnium fletu nullam lacrimam adspexistis Milonis, si vultum semper 20 eundem, si vocem, si orationem stabilem ac non mutatam videtis, hoc minus ei parcere. 3Haud scio an multo etiam sit adjuvandus magis. Etenim si in gladiatoriis pugnis et in infimi generis hominum conditione atque fortuna timidos atque supplices et, ut vivere liceat, obsecrantes etiam 40disse 25 solemus, fortes et animosos et se acriter ipsos morti offerentes servare cupimus, eorumque nos magis miseret, qui nostram misericordiam non requirunt, quam qui illam efflagitant, quanto hoc magis in fortissimis civibus facere debemus? 93. Me quidem, judices, exanimant et interimunt hae voces 30 Milonis, quas audio assidue et quibus intersum quotidie. " Valeant," inquit, "valeant cives mei: sint incolumes, sint florentes, sint beati: stet haec urbs praeclara mihique patria carissima, quoquo modo erit merita de me: tranquilla re publica mei cives (quoniam mihi cum illis non licet) sine me 35ipsi, sed propter me tamen, perfruantur: ego cedam atque 5abibo: si mihi bona re publica frui non licuerit, 6at carebo mala, et quam primum tetigero bene moratam et liberam PRO T. ANNIO MILONE, CAP. XXXV. 845 civitatem, in ea conquiescam. 94. O frustra, inquit, mei suscepti labores! o spes fallaces! o cogitationes inanes meae! Ego quum tribunus plebis, re publica oppressa, me 7senatui dedissern, quem exstinctum 8acceperam, equitibus Romanis, quorum vires erant debiles, bonis viris, qui omnem auctorita- 5 tem Clodianis armis abjecerant, mihi unquam bonorum praesidium defuturum putarem? ego, quum te (mecum enim saepissime loquitur) patriae reddidissem, mihi putarem in patria non futurum locum? Ubi nunc senatus est, quem secuti sumus? ubi equites Romani illi, illi, inquit, tui? ubi stu- 0 dia municipiorum? ubi Italiae voces? ubi denique tua illa, M. Tulli, quae plurimis fuit auxilio, vox atque defensio? mihine ea soli, qui pro te toties morti me obtuli, nihil potest opitulari?" XXXV. 95. Nec vero haec, judices, ut ego nunc, flens, 15 sed hoc eodem loquitur vultu, quo videtis. Negat enim se, negat, ingratis civibus fecisse, quae fecerit: timidis et omnia pericula circumspicientibus, non negat. 1Plebem et infimam multitudinem, quae P. Clodio duce fortunis vestris imminebat, eam, quo tutior esset vestra vita, 2se fecisse commemorat, 20 ut non nodo virtute flecteret, sed etiam tribus suis patrimo niis deleniret; nec timet, ne, quum plebem murieribus pla carit, vos non conciliarit meritis in rem publicam singularibus. Senatus erga se benevolentiam temporibus his ipsis saepe esse perspectam, vestras vero et vestrorum ordinum occursa-2b tiones, studia, sermones, quemcunque cursum fortuna dederit, secum se ablaturum esse dicit. 96. Meminit etiam, vocem sibi 3praeconis modo defuisse, quam minime desiderarit, populi vero cunctis suffragiis, quod unum cupierit, se consulem declaratum: nunc denique, 4si haec contra se sint futura, sibi 30 facinoris 5suspicionem, non facti crimen obstare. Addit haec, quae certe vera sunt, fortes et sapientes viros non tam praemia sequi solere recte factorum quam ipsa recte facta: se nihil in vita nisi praeclarissime fecisse, si quidem nihil sit praestabilius viro, quam periculis patriam liberare: beatos 35 esse, quibus ea res honori fuerit a suis civibus, 97. nec tamen eos miseros, qui beneficio cives suos vicerint; sed tamen 846 ORATIO ex omnibus praemiis virtutis, si esset habenda ratio praemiorum, amp isslmum esse praemium gloriam: esse hanc unam, quae brevitatem vitae posteritatis memoria consolaretur, quae efficeret, ut absentes adessemus, mortui viveremus: hanc 5 denique esse, cujus gradibus etiam in coelum homines viderentur ascendere. 98. " De me, inquit, semper populus Romanus, semper omnes gentes loquentur, nulla unquam obmutescet vetustas. Quin hoc tempore ipso, quum omnes a meis inimicis faces 6invidiae meae subjiciantur, tamen omni 0 in hominum coetu gratiis agendis et gratulationibus habendis et omni sermone celebramur. Omitto Etruriae festos 7et actos et institutos dies: centesima lux est haec ab interitu P. Clodii et, opinor, altera: qua fines imperii populi Romani sunt, ea non solum fama jam de illo, sed etiam laetitia pera15 gravit. Quamobrem, ubi corpus hoc sit, non, inquil, laboro, quoniam omnibus in terris et jam versatur et semper habitabit nominis mei gloria." XXXVI. 99.'Haec tu mecum saepe, his absentibus; sed iisdem audientibus 2haec ego tecum, Milo: te quidem, 20 quum isto animo es, satis laudare non possum; sed, quo est ista magis divina virtus, eo majore a te dolore divellor. Nee vero, si mihi eriperis, reliqua est illa tamen ad consolandum querela, ut his irasci possim, a quibus tantum vulnus accepero. Non enim inimici mei te mihi eripient, sed amicissimi, 25 non male aliquando de me meriti, sed semper optime. Nullum mihi unquam, judices, tantum dolorem 3inuretis (etsi quis. potest esse 4tantus?), sed ne 5hunc quidem ipsum, ut obliviscar, quanti me semper feceritis. 6Quae si vos cepit oblivio,.aut si in me aliquid offendistis, cur non id meo capite potius 30 luitur quam Milonis? Praeclare enim vixero, si quid mihi acciderit prius, quam hoc tantum mali videro. 100, Nunc me una consolatio sustentat, quod tibi, T. Anni, nullum a me amoris, nullum studii, nullum pietatis officium defuit. Ego inimicitias potentium pro te appetivi, ego meum saepe corpus 35 et vitam objeci armis inimicorum tuorum, ego me plurimis pro te supplicem abjeci, bona, fortunas meas ac liberorum meorum in communionem tuorum 7temporum contuli: hoc PRO T. ANNIO MILONE, CAP. XXXVII. 847 denique ipso die, si qua vis est parata, 8si qua dimicatio ca pitis futura, deposco. Quid jam restat? quid habeo, quod faciam pro tuis in me meritis, nisi ut ear fortunam, quaecunque erit tua, ducam meam? Non abnuo, non recuso, vosque obsecro, judices, ut vestra beneficia, quae in me contulis- 5 tis, aut in hujus salute augeatis aut in ejusdem exitio occasura esse videatis. XXXVII. 101. His lacrimis non movetur Milo: est quodam incredibili robore animi: exsilium ibi esse putat, ubi virtuti non sit locus; mortem naturae finem esse, non poe-10 nam. Sed hic ea mente, qua natus est: quid vos, judices? quo tandem animo eritis? Memoriam Milonis retinebitis, ipsum ejicietis? et erit dignior locus ullus in terris, 1qui hane virtutem excipiat, quam hic, 2qui procreavit? Vos, vos appello, fortissimi viri, qui multum. pro re publica sanguinem 15 effudistis: vos in viri et in civis invicti periculo appello, centuriones, vosque, milites: vobis non modo inspectantibus, sed etiam armatis et huic judicio praesidentibus, haec tanta virtus ex hac urbe expelletur, exterminabitur, projicietur? 102. 0 me miserum, o me intelicern! Revocare tu me in patriam, 20 Mlilo, potuisti per hos, ego te in patria per eosdem retinere non potero? Quid respondebo liberis meis, qui te parentem alterum putant? quid tibi, Quinte frater, qui nunc abes, consorti mecum temporum illorum? mene non potuisse Milonis salutem tueri per eosdem, per quos nostram ille ser-25 vasset? At in qua causa non potuisse? quae est grata gentibus. A quibus non potuisse? ab iis qui maxime P. Clodii morte acquierunt. Quo deprecante? me. 103. Quodnam ego concepi tantum scelus, aut quod in me tantum facinus admisi, judices, quum illa indicia communis exitii inda-30 gavi, patefeci, protuli, exstinxi? Omnes in me meosque redundant ex fonte illo dolores. Quid me reducem esse voluistis? an ut, inspectante me, expellerentur ii, per quos essem restitutus? Nolite, obsecro vos, acerbiorem mihi pati reditum esse, quam fuerit ille ipse discessus. Nam qui pos-35 sum putare me restitutum esse, si distrahar ab iis, per quos restitutus sum B3 848 ORATIO PRO T. ANNIO MILONE, CAP. XXXVIII. XXXVIII. Utinam dii immortales fecissent (pace tua, patria, dixerim; metuo enim, ne scelerate dicam in te, quod pro Milone dicam pie),'utinam P. Clodius non modo viveret, sed etiam praetor, consul, dictator esset potius, quam 5hoc spectaculum viderem! 104. O dii immortales! 2fortem et a vobis, judices, conservandum virum! " Minime, minime, 3inquit. Immo vero poenas ille debitas luerit: nos subeamus, si ita necesse est, non debitas." Hiccine vir 4patriae natus usquam nisi in patria morietur, aut, si forte, 10 pro patria? hujus vos 5animi monumenta retinebitis, corporis 6in Italia nullum sepulcrum esse patiemini? hunc sua quisquam sententia ex hac urbe expellet, quem omnes urbes expulsum a vobis ad se vocabunt? 105. O terram illam beatam, quae hunc virum exceperit; hanc ingratam, si 15ejecerit, miseram, si amiserit! Sed finis sit. Neque enim prae lacrimis jam loqui possum, et hic se lacrimis defendi vetat. Vos oro obtestorque, judices, ut in sententiis ferendis, quod sentietis, id audeatis. Vestram virtutem, justitiam, fidem, mihi credite, is maxime probabit, qui in judicibus 20 legendis optimum et sapientissimum et fortissimum quemque delegit. NOTES. ORATIO PRO M. MARCELLQO. 7 INTRODUCTION. M. CLAUDIUS MARCELLUS, a friend of Cicero, was consul in B. C. 51, with Servius Sulpicius for his colleague. Cicero tells us that Marcellus had been Curule Aedile in the same year as P. Clodius, B. C. 56; and that he aided Milo on his trial for the murder of P. Clodius. In his consulship Marcellus moved in the senate that Caesar should be superseded in his government of the Galliae before the expiration of the time for which the provinces were given to him. We must be careful, in reading the history of the troubles which preceded Caesar's invasion of Italy, to remember that there were three Marcelli consuls in three successive years: M. Claudius Marcellus in B. C. 51; C. Claudius Marcellus in B. C. 50, who was the cousin of M. Marcellus; and C. Claudius B. C. 49, the brother of M. Marcellus. M. Marcellus (B. C. 51) failed in his attempt to deprive Caesar of his provinces. In B. C. 50 the attempt was again made, and again it failed; but a Senatus Consultum was passed, by which Caesar was deprived of two legions, on the pretence that they were wanted for the Parthian war. Early in B. C. 49, in the consulship of C. Claudius Marcellus and L. Cornelius Lentulus, Caesar crossed the Rubicon and occupied Ariminum. M. Marcellus fled from Italy (B. C. 49) with the partisans of Pompeius. After the defeat of Pompeius at Pharsalus he went to Mitylene, where he resided. It does not appear if he was in the battle at Pharsalus, but he may have been. When Cicero (who had been absent as proconsul of Cilicia) was again settled at Rome, he wrote to Marcellus several letters, in 850 NOTES. Page 779 which he urged him to return and ask for pardon, but Marcellus refused. Cicero tells how the affair was managed in a letter to Servius Sulpicius, then governor of Achaea (B. C. 46). " L. Piso, Caesar's father-in-law, spoke of M. Marcellus's case in the senate, C. Marcellus threw himself at Caesar's feet, and all the senate rose and approached Caesar in a suppliant manner. Caesar, after blaming the peevish temper of Marcellus, and speaking highly of Servius Sulpicius, who had been Marcellus's colleague in the consulship, all at once, and contrary to expectation, said that he could not refuse the request of the senate, even though it was Marcellus for whom he was solicited. This day was so glorious that I imagined I saw something like the image of the republic restored to life. When all, therefore, who were asked their opinions before me had returned thanks to Caesar, except Volcatius (for he declared that he would not do it, though he were in the place of Marcellus), I, as soon as I was called upon, changed my mind. For I had resolved, not through slothfulness indeed, but the loss of my former dignity, to observe an eternal silence; but Caesar's greatness of mind and the laudable zeal of the senate overcame my resolution. I gave thanks, therefore, to Caesar in a long speech, and have deprived myself by it, I fear, on other occasions, of that honorable quiet which was my only comfort in these unhappy times. But since I have hitherto avoided giving offence (and, if I had always continued silent, he would have interpreted it, perhaps, as a proof of my believing the republic to be ruined), I shall speak for the future not often, or rather very seldom; so as to manage at the same time both his favor and my own leisure for study." Although Marcellus had thus received an unconditional pardon, and had been repeatedly urged by Cicero to come to Rome, he was in no hurry to do so. At length, however, he wrote to Cicero, informing him of his intention to return; and Servius, the proconsul of Achaea, returning on the 23d of May from Epidaurus to the Piraeus, found him there on his way to Rome and spent the day with him. On the day but one after this day, Servius, who was going into Boeotia to hold his courts, received information early in the morning that Marcellus had been assassinated in the Piraeus by his friend and companion P. Magius Cilo, that Magius had killed himself, and that there was some hope of Marcellus recovering. Servius set out to the Piraeus, but he found Marcellus dead. The body was burnt in the Academia, and the Proconsul ordered the Athenians to erect a marble monument to his memory. ORATIO PRO AM. MARCELLUS. 85 1 Page F. A. Wolf declared this oration Pro Marcello to be spurious. 779 Since his time the critics have had different opinions about it, but most of them think that it is genuine. It was delivered before the speech Pro Ligario (Pro Ligario, c. 12). CH. I. 1. Temporibus. V. page 483, n. 8. - 2. Verecundia = from shame. Quia non audebam apud te loqui, contra quem arma sumpseram. - 3. Modum = moderation. - 4. Eadem causa; i. e. both were partisans of Pompey. - 5. Quasi signum.... sustulisti. A military metaphor, perhaps intended as a compliment to Caesar.'It is the' vexillum': " vexillum proponendum, quod erat insigne, quum ad arma concurri oporteret " (Caesar, B. G. II. 20). -6. Omnnibus —by all: sc. intellectum est. Gr. 388, IL; 844; 225, II. Klotz has in omnibus, and Baiter, who omits in, says, " i, omnibus codd. noti omnes." — 7. Ofenisionibus. For some of the offences here referred to, see the first part of the Introd. Ca. IL 1..Nulfiuis =no man's. Nullius does not agree with 780 ingenii. Gr. 397, 2; T754; 211, R. 10.-2. Nulla. There is an inferior reading, nulli. Most of this chapter is in very bad taste, and most forcibly feeble, like the talk of those whose eloquence is in sounding words only. - 3. Eanm. Gr. 555, I. 5; 889, 1st; 256, R. 3.- 4. Ed stands for the clause, omnes nostrorum, &c.- 5. Usurpare = to take up, to talk about. Cf. p. Milone, VII. 18, eadem.... usurpatur. - 6. Disjnmctissimnas. Cf. p. lege Manil. IV. n. 6.- 7. Peragrari - lustratae sunt =- to be traversed -they have been encompassed. -8. Alia majora. Clemency and magnanimity in pardoning Marcellus. - 9. Ista = this of thine. So istius below. Gr. 450; 1028; 207, R. 25. - 10. Praefectus - tlrma = commander of cavalry - company of cavalry, squadron. - 11. Tuam.... propriaan= 781 that it (gloriam) is all and peculiarly thine. - 12. Nunquam.... adrnittitur. We understand his meaning, but it is a rhetorical style, neither precise nor clear. " Rashness and prudence do not go together." Fortune may sometimes favor rashness; but prudence does not want her aid. I think Caesar may be sometimes blamed for rashness. The writer says again, "Nor is chance admitted to well-considered measures"; which is pretty much the same thing over again. Feebleness appears in repetition, the infallible sign of want of thought. Long. Cii. III. 1. Tenperare = to temper, make a moderate use 852 NOTES. Page 781 of. - 2. Haec stands for animum vincere, &c. - 3. Nescio quomodo = somehow. - 4. Et os = and look; i. e. as expressive of the emotions of the mind. " Patricius proposed' eos' (- tales, such) in place of et os, and Faernus and Abrami did the same, perhaps independently; Patricius asks what os can mean after he has said praesentem; and the question is pertinent. There is no connection between os and what follows, but there is a connection between mentern sensusque eos and what follows." Long. Et os is defended by Ernesti, Wolf, and Spaling, and, it seems to me, with reason. Cicero's meaning is, that Caesar's desire to preserve so much of the republic as had escaped the fortunes of war was depicted on his countenance, and that his belief of the existence of this desire was a result of what he saw (cernimus) in his face. Translate ut so that. - 5. Ilia auctoritas = ille vir maximae auctoritatis. The abstract for the concrete. Johnson. CH. IV. 1. C. Marcelli. Cousin of M. Marcellus. See In, trod. - 2. Ad paucos. M. *Marcellus, C. Marcellus, his cousin, and M. Marcellus, son of the latter, were the only surviving mem782 bers, so far as is known, of the Marcellus family. - 3. Gratula. tionibus = supplicationes, days of rejoicing, thanksgivings. See Table of Caesar's Life. - 4. Idem -- at the same time. - 5. Ut nulla. A good deal has been written on this passage. Baiter must have misunderstood the sense when he omitted nulla. Klotz maintains nulla, and explains it correctly. Cicero says, " This is so great that no time will destroy thy trophies and memorials; for there is no work of man's hands which age will not destroy, - but this act of thy justice and mercy will daily flourish more." Undoubtedly the writer meant to say this, but whether he has said it well is another matter. The whole chapter is a poor piece of rhetoric. Klotz prefers the reading florescit. Long. - 6. Quum - remisisti. The idea is best expressed by in with a participle: in giving up, &c. - 7. Ea.... erat adepta; i. e. the power and means of punishment. CH. V. 1. Fato - nescio quo = by some fate or other. V. Epp. Cic. III. n. 35. - 2. Tenemur = we are subject to, liable to. - 3. Scelere certe = -from crime at least; i. e. intentional wrong. - 4. Videtis, non. Following Baiter, I have put a comma after videtis instead of a period, the usual punctuation: thus making the apodosis of the sentence begin with non. - 5. Pacis et togae. Two words having substantially the same meaning are often used to express the thought with emphasis. So ORATIO PRO M. MAnCELLUS. 853 Page beli atque armorum below. - 6. Socia -in favor of war. Gr. 782 399; 765; 213.-7. Homihenl. The man emphatically: Pompey. -8. Privato officio from a sense of private duty.- 9. In hoc ordine; i e. in the senate.- 10. Integra re =783 before the war broke out. Gr. 431; 972; 257, R. 7 (a). -11. Statim; i. e. immediately upon their application. - 12. Ceteris: so. vero or autem. CH. VI. 1. Hiljus - rei; i. e. his desire for peace. - 2. Certorum -= quorundam. L. Lentulus, L. Domitius Aenobarbus, &c.- 3. Alterius vero partis: sc. Pompeianae. Partis limits victoriam, being placed at the beginning for the sake of emphasis. - 4. Otiosis = the neutral. - 5. Contulisse = to have referred. - 6. Bono = quality, virtue: sc. clementiae et sapientiae. - 7. Coinmodata = lent. Why is the preposition a ex- 784 pressed before virtute and fortuna?- 8. Specie.... publicae with some show of (regard for) the commonweal. CH. VII. 1. Atrocissimam. A suspicio is only atrox, because of the matter to which the suspicio refers. He means " suspicion of a most abominable crime." Patricius asks if we can say providere suspicionem. Providenda seems to refer by implication to the matter about which the suspicion exists. Long. - 2. Nee - nec. Gr. 585, 2; 999; 277, R. 5 (a).-3. UIinus. Gr. 397, 3; 628; 205, R. 13 (a). -4. Peladere: sc. vitcm.- 5. Dumtaxat - at least.- 6. Mlotus - changes. - 7 CH. VIII. 1. Fides - libidines == credit - acts of lawlessness.- 2. Omnia.... sunt = all those things which have already fallen to decay and perished (i. e. have become useless) must be secured by rigorous laws. Bullions. -3. Non fuit recusan-'diar -= It must not be denied.- 4. Sapiemtissimam - most philosophic, referring to the philosophy of the stoics. So doctoruwn hominum - prudentiam and esse sapiens below. - 5. Audirem - I would listen to, assent to. CH. IX. 1. Hic - actus = this act; i. e. of the drama of 786 life.-2. Dicito. Gr. 534, II.; 111?; 267 (2).-3. Immortalitatis - of an imperishable name. - 4. Hnic. Grammatically agrceing with aeternitas, but logically referring to the general idea (xpressld by the words memoria, posteritas, and aeternitas. To refer huic to Tita, as some have done, is, in my view, to make nonsense of the passage. - 5. Inuservias. Gr. 496, 1; 1222; 262, R. 4. -0. 173]nera - spectacula, ludi. These were considered as gifts to the people. - 7. Tuos The unusual position of this word in 854 NOTES. Page 76 dicates emphasis. - 8. Requirent = — will seek in vain for. - 9. Ut illud - videatur = so that the former may seem; i. e. and the consequence will be that the former will seem to have been the work of fate. - 10. Hand.... incorruptius =- perhaps more justly. Haud scio an, like nescio an (V. in Cat. IV. 5, n. 3), denotes uncertainty, but with an inclination towards an affirmative. - 11. Cupiditate = passion, party zeal. -- 12. Ad te - non pertinebit. These words (lit. will not extend to you) contain by implication the assertion of the mortality of the whole man. Long. Cii. X. 1. Diversae - distractae = different - opposite. 7 - 2. Obscuritas. The obscuritas is the difficulty of knowing what to do, because there were two great chiefs opposed to one another. Long. - 3. Vicit.... inliammaret. This form of the subjunctive requires a careful handling. The predicate is vicit. The expression may be an abbreviation of the form is qui vicit non ejusmnodi est qui.... inflammaret, but it is said more emphatically in the form vicit is, &c.: the conqueror is not a man to let his hatred be inflamed by success, but to mollify it by his natural goodness of disposition. Long. - 4. Ab allis - ab aliis = by some; i. e. voluntarily - from others; i. e. who continued to hold out against Caesar after the battle of Pharsalia. - 5. Nisi te - salvo et = inanecite. Gr. 431, 3; 970; 257, R. 10, 274, R. 5 (c).6. llaec salva. Haec is everything, all that we possess. It is a common use of haec. Long. Ci. XI. 1. Sed ut, &c. He returns to the subject, which has been interrupted by chapters 7-10. Gratias agere, lit. to act thanks, means to express or return thanks: while gratias habere, lit. to have thanks or gratitude, means to be or to feel thankful. - 2. Stantibus. Senators stood when they spoke. A mere assent to another's views might be made sitting. --- 3. A.... volint = by me at least they wish the speaking to be done.- 4. Et.... intelligo = and I understand that this is done (i. e. the selection of me to make the speech of thanks), because it is fitting that it should be done, since it is M. Marcellus who has been restored, &c.; i. e. the reason assigned by Cicero for their wishing him to make the speech is not his superior eloquence, but his more intimate connection with Marcellus. - 5. Quod.... debeo = (lit.) Moreover, what is a mark of the highest friendship (which [friendship] of mine towards him has always been known to all, so that scarcely to C. Marcellus, (his) most excellent and affectionate cousin did I yield, besides him indeed to no one), since this (i. e. quod sumnmae benevolentiae est) by ORATIO PRO Q. LIGARIO. 855 Page solicitude, anxiety, (and) effort I have shown, so long as there was 787 doubt respecting his safety, assuredly at this time, having been freed from great anxieties, troubles, and sorrows, I ought to show (it). I have chosen to translate this intricate passage literally, retaining the order of the text, because the idea and force of the original are in this way, it seems to me, most clearly presented.- 6. Tameni. 788 Thel correlative idea is expressed by the clause me.... conservato. ORATIO PRO Q. LIGARIO. INTRODUCTION. Q. LIGARIUS was the legatus of C. Considius, the governor of 789 Africa, before the commencement of the civil war. Considius quitted Africa at the close of B. C. 50, or the beginning of the following year, leaving Q. Ligarius in charge of the province (c. 1). When the war began by Caesar crossing the Rubicon with his troops, the Pompeian party, which was strong in Africa, pressed Ligarius to put himself at their head; but he refused (c. 1). In the mean time P. Attius Varus, a former governor of Africa, who had fled to that province after being deserted by his troops at Auximum in Picenum, gladly accepted the proposals of the Provinciales of Africa, raised two legions there, and assumed the command. L. Aelius Tubero was now sent with authority from the senate to take possession of the government of Africa, but when he appeared before the harbor of Utica with his ships, Varus would not allow him to enter the town, nor even to land his son Quintus Tubero, who was sick, nor to take in water. Pomponius says that Q. Ligarius, who had the care of the sea-coast of the province, executed Varus' orders. The father and son went to join Pompeius in Macedonia (c. 9), and after his defeat they submitted to Caesar and were pardoned. Q. Ligarius stayed in Africa, where the party of Pompeius after his death made an obstinate resistance. After the battle of Thapsus, B. C. 46, in which the Pompeians of Africa were defeated, Ligarius was taken prisoner by Caesar. His life was spared, but he was banished. His friends at Rome exerted themselves to procure his pardon, but were unable to succeed at first, notwithstanding the intercession of his brothers, of his uncle, T. Brocchus, and of Cicero 856 NOTES. Page 789 himself, who had an audience with the dictator on the 23d of September, B. C. 46, for the purpose. Though Caesar did not expressly pardon Ligarius on this occasion, Cicero conjectured that he was well inclined to do it. Meantime, a public accusation was brought against Ligarius by Q. Aelius Tubero, the son of L. Tubero, whom Ligarius had united with Varus in preventing from landing in Africa. He was accused on account of his conduct in Africa, and his connection with the enemies of the dictator. The case was pleaded before Caesar himself in the forum. Cicero defended Ligarius in the following speech, which was delivered in B. C. 46, and before Caesar set out to Spain on his last campaign. Ligarius was pardoned, and like many others he repaid Caesar's generosity by becoming one of his assassins. It was Caesar's fortune to get the victory over all his enemies, and to perish by the hands of those whom he thought that he had made his friends. Ligarius himself got his deserts; for Appian speaks of two brothers of the name of Ligarius, who perished in the proscription of the triumvirs in B. C. 43, and in the following chapter he mentions a third Ligarius, who met with the same fate. Now, as Cicero expressly mentions three brothers of this name (Pro Lig. 12), Q. Ligarius must have been one of those who were put to death on this occasion. This speech was circulated in writing by the copies which Atticus's Librarii made of it, and was much admired. It is in its kind a perfect composition. CH. I. 1. Novum crimen. Strongly ironical; and the irony continues throughout the oration, whenever Tubero is spoken of.2. Propinquus. What the relationship was is uncertain; but it has been conjectured, from a statement of the Scholiast on this oration, that L. Tubero, the father of Q. Tubero, married Cicero's first cousin. - 3. Pansa. C. Vibius Pansa, consul B. C. 43, with A. Hirtius. - 4. Abuterer = to take advantage of. - 5. Ut.... esset =that this (ignoratione.... abuterer) was no longer in my power. - 6. Conferenda est = must be directed. - 7. Parte; i. e. the Pompeian party. - 8. Te, Patrem. Gr. 551, I. 5; 1158; 272, N. 3 (a). -9. Vestro delicto. You were in Africa as well as Ligarius. - 10. Considius. When the civil war broke out in B. C. 49, Considius espoused Pompey's party, and returned to Africa, where he engaged in the war. Soon after the battle of Thapsus (B. C.. 46) he was murdered by the Gaetulians. - 11. Sociis; i. e. the Provinciales. Considius made Ligarius tho ORATIO PRO Q. LIGARIO. 857 Page temporary governor of the province, because the people wished it. 789 When a governor left his province before the arrival of his successor, it was usual for him to give the temporary administration to the Quaestor, as Cicero says in several letters. - 12. Cupiditate. 790 See pro Marc. IX. n. 11. - 13. Timore; i. e. of Caesar. - 14. Salutis - studii. These words limit ducem. The meaning is, they (cives et socii) first sought a protector, afterwards also a party leader. - 15. Varus was a zealous partisan of Pompey in the civil war. - 16. Praetor; i. e. propraetor, but when a man had been a praetor, and had got a province, it was usual to call him praetor still. - 17. Uticam. The chief town of the province of Africa after the destruction of Carthage, and situated on the sea, about 27 miles north of it. - 18. Consilio = by authority, decree. - 19. Cuperet. Gr. 519; 1251; 264, 8 (1). CH. II. 1. Necessitatem honestam. Because in obedience to the command of Considius and the wishes of the people. - 2. Est, quod - restitit =is that of his remaining: more lit. is that which he remained.- 3. Hice = under these circumstances. - 4. Literis nionumentisque is letters and memorials of any kind.- 5. defendit -- maintains. CI. III. 1. Gesto; i. e. after Pompey had been driven from 791 Italy. - 2. Literas. This is the letter referred to in Epistola XXX. of this volume. V. n. 1, p. 609. - 3. A quo - concessos.... tenui -- from whom I held the laurelled fasces which had been granted (i. e. by the senate). Cicero had carried on, in B. C. 51, a successful war in Cilicia against the Parthians; his soldiers had saluted him with the title of imperator, and the senate had granted him the honor of a triumph. As, however, the disturbances of the time did not allow him to celebrate the triumph, Cicero retained these fasces laureati, which belonged to an imperator, and Caesar allowed him to do so. Schmitz. - Dbitean. Gr. 517, I., 519; 1251; 264, 8 (1). The text is that of Baiter. If the student will bear in mind that there is here the same vein of irony that runs through the first chapter, the sense will be clear. - 5. De se eadem; i. e. that he took up arms against Caesar. - 6. Industriae; i. e. as a student of oratory and philosophy. Gloriae is love of fame. - 7. Etiam.... fructumn -- to some advantage of my own also. - 8. Prohibitun. See Introd. - 9. Agebat = did have in view.- 10. lisdem in armis. Not referring to the battle of Pharsalus, for Cicero was not in it. He means that he was on the same side with Tubero, was one of the Pompeian party. 858 NOTES. rage 791 CH. IV. 1. Egimis. V. III. 9. - 2. Nonnihil - etiam tuam - desidero jin some degree - yours too - I miss. - 792 3. Agi = that the case should be managed. - 4. Vim = force, object. - 5. Externi.... barbarorum = this foreign character of thine, (like that) of either the fickle Greeks or savage barbarians, is accustomed to be pushed by hatred even to (the spilling of) blood. The reading in the text is that of Klotz, which seems to me preferable, on the whole, to either of the other readings in this passage. The phrase levium.... barbarorum may be considered as a sort of supplementary explanation, limiting mores. - 6. Sit: sc. id agis. - 7. Dictatorem. L. Sulla. - 8. Praemiis. The reward for killing a proscribed person was two talents. - 9. Crudelitas; i. e. of those who had been rewarded by Sulla for murdering proscribed persons. - 10. Annis. This occurred seventeen years afterwards, when Caesar was judex questionis de sicariis. CH. V. 1. Generis - virtutis. Gr. 397, 2;'754; 211, R. 10. - 2. Artium. V. pro Archia, I. n. 21. - 3. Poena; i. e. the exile at Utica. - 4. Douni. Some omit doni, but it may be retained, as opposed to exilio, in the sense of "at home"; i. e. at 793 Rome. - 5. Domi; i. e. Caesar's. - 6. Petimus. It has been proposed to change petimus into petiimus, because this speech was made in the forum. But Halm observes that the remark is general, and expresses only the mode of entreaty, not the time. - 7. Per te - obtines = you possess naturally: lit. through yourself; i. e. without the interposition of others. - 8. Quum. Causal. CH. VI. 1. Aditus et postulatio = approach (to the case) and preliminary application to the praetor. " Aditus is a technical word. It means permission to approach a person, generally one in authority; and postulatio has its ordinary technical use, which is to ask the praetor for permission to commence proceedings against a f94 person." - 2. Cupiditatem = party spirit. - 3. Parricidii = treason. - 4. Contumeliam. The insult consisted in recalling him from Gaul before his command had expired, requiring him to disband his army and stand in person for the consulship, and, instead of voting him a triumph, insisting on his giving an account of his administration. - 5. Cuplebas; i. e. before crossing the Rubicon. - 6. Ut tibi - conveniret = that you might form an alliance? The answer is, with honorable citizens, and consequently Pompey was not a sceleratus, nor were his followers. - 7. uuim. Causal. CH. VII. 1. Utrum = which of the two. - 2. Quibs.... ORATIO PRO Q. LIGARIO. 859 Page vobis = o. what things you boast in yourselves; i. e. obedience to 794 the senate. - 3. Tuberonis sorso The name of L. Tubero with other names was thrown into the urna. The sortes were shaken and then drawn out by the hand to determine who should have the office. - 4. Excusare = to excuse himself, to decline. - 5. Domi is opposed to militiae. - 6. Affines. V. I. n. 2. - 7. Quorum 795.... causa = who had espoused the same cause. - 8. Occupatam; i. e. by Varus. - 9. Hinc; i. e. from the fact that Africa was occupied by Varus before Tubero arrived. - 10. Ilium. The readings are various. Long says Abrami saw the meaning: " For, if the wish is a crime, it is no less a crime for you to have wished to have possession of the province, than for any other man to have preferred keeping it himself." - 11. Arcein = the strength; i. e. the strongest, as possessing the greatest resources, and perhaps also as having once been Rome's most formidable rival. - 12. Quoquo....habet =- however that may be. - 13. Recepti. See Introd. - 14. Essetis: sc. recepti. CHI. VIII. 1. Huic victoriae; i. e. of Pharsalus in B. C. 48. - 2. Iex; i. e. Juba, king of Numidia, whose father Hiempsal Cn. Pompey had established as king in B. C. 81. He was for this, and other reasons, an old friend of Pompey; whence he is here called inimicus huic causae; i. e. Caesari. - 3. Conventus. This term is applied to certain bodies of Roman citizens living in a province, forming a sort of corporation, and representing the Roman people in their district or town. Long says it means here the towns in which there were many Romans and perhaps others, who were rich and on Pompeius' side. - 4. Quid.... fuistis. A direct question: otherwise we should have the subj. - 5. Gloriemini. Gr. 496, 1; 1205; 262 R. 4. Cu. IX. 1. Constautiarl. The whole passage down to cbbhorrebant is ironical. - 2. Quotus - quisque -= how few. - 3. Criudelitate. Varus would not allow him even to land his son, though he was sick. See Introd. - 4. Alinmi viri: sc. est. -5. Possit. Gr. 501, I.; 1218; 264, 1. - 6. Ut - although, even if. 7. Justo = regular; i. e. by the appointment of the senate, not an assumed imperium like that of Varus. - 8. Ista res; i. e. the rejectus. - 9. In praesidiis = in the camp, within the lines; i. e. not in the battle. - 10. Animi; i. e. of both the Tuberos. - 11. An.... reliquis = (was this the case), or (was it) as it usually is in civil wars? and (was it) not with you still more (the case) than with the rest? i. e. that you ardently desired to conquer. 860 NOTES. Page 796 For the use of an, see Ec. Cic. XXV. n. 12, and Caes. I. 47, al. 12. The readings in this place are various, and commentators have been not a little perplexed by it. Some have supposed that something has been lost after bellis; and this is indicated in the text by the asterisks. Others have thought the passage from bellis to omnes inquam parenthetical. - 12. Locum. The camp of Pompeius, as Manutius explains it. Halm suggests that locus may have the figurative sense, " you had got into such a position." — 13. 111i victoriae is ambiguous; either Caesar's victory, or your own anticipated vic. tory over Caesar. Schmitz. I prefer the latter. 797 CH. X. 1. Qui - putetis = in supposing. 2. Ad unair summam = to the single point, solely. - 3. Ratio honorum. Caesar often appeared as an orator while he was pursuing the usual road to the honores, which Cicero calls the ratio honorum tuorum. Quintilian says that if C. Caesar had given all his time to the Forum, no other Roman could have been named as a match for Cicero. CH. XI. 1. Vultus. Cicero said at the end of the preceding chapter that Ligarius's hopes did not rest either on this speech or on those who were intimate with Caesar. Here he says that Caesar paid more regard to the reasons which moved those who interceded with him (causas rogantium) than to their persons, or, as he expresses it, their faces. - 2. Itaque = accordingly; i. e. in strict conformity with your regard for true friendship. Long, following Halm, connects itaque with sed tamen in the sense of though - yet. This doubtless gives the general sense of the passage, but is no translation of itaque. The same idea in substance is expressed by giving itaque its ordinary meaning. - 3. Beatiores. V. In Cat. II. 9, n. 12. - 4. Causas = reasons, motives: sc. rogantium, which is expressed in some editions.- 5. Hoc; i. e. causas rogantium.- 6. Sabinos. Cicero rhetorically speaks of the whole Sabine race, though only a few were present. These men of the highlands were the flower and strength of Italy. The Ligarii were of Sabine origin. f98 - 7. Quae vicit. These words are explained by the following sentence. Let that sentiment which procured you the victory at Pharsalus be applied here. Caesar's generosity facilitated his victory, and induced his opponents more speedily to pass over to him. - 8. Splendorem. Splendor was a word appropriated to the equestris ordo. Abrami. Ch. XII. 1. lerit. Gr. 515, II.; 1281; 260, R. 3. - 2. Qunni.... interessen l when I attended to all your interests. - 3. Quaestor; i. e. B. C. 56. The quaestores urbani had ORAT1I PRO REGE DEIOTARO. 861 Page the care of the treasury. T. Ligarius paid to Caesar on this occa- 798 sion the donation for his army sanctioned by the senate, and he did so without delay, although the treasury was nearly exhausted.4. Qtlaestoribus; i. e. who were less obliging, or who did some- 799 thing that Caesar did not like. 5. Nihil.... aliud = had no other object in view. - 6. Utrisque; i. e. the two brothers on one side, and Q. Ligarius, for whom they were entreating. - 7. Fac - nune idemi = do now the same.- 8. Homine; i. e. M Marcellus. ORATIO PRO REGE DEIOTARO. INTRODUCTION. DEIOTARUS, tetrarch of Galatia, a country of Asia Minor, was a 800 friend of Pompey, and rendered important services to the Romans in their wars in Asia. Pompey rewarded him by giving him Armenia Minor; and the Roman senate, through the mediation of Pompey, granted him the title of king in B. C. 65. In consequence of these things he was a warm supporter of Pompey and his party, when the war between Pompey and Caesar broke out. After the unfortunate issue of the battle of Pharsalus in B. C. 48, he gave up the cause of the Pompeians, and endeavored by all means to win again the favor of Caesar, which he had enjoyed before the war. He accordingly offered money and troops to Cn. Domitius Calvinus, who had the command in Asia, while Caesar himself was still engaged in the African war (B. C. 47). Meantime Deiotarus himself had to carry on a war; for Pharnaces, the son of Mithridates, and king of Bosporus, had taken from him Armenia Minor. But the war which Deiotarus undertook against the invader, with the assistance of the same Cn. Domitius, turned out unfavorably, and Deiotarus lost almost his whole army. Caesar had by this time brought the Alexandrine war to a successful issue: he went to Asia Minor to attack Pharnaces, who had encroached upon Roman territory, and injured Roman allies. Deiotarus went out to meet the victorious imperator in a humble manner, and sued for mercy. Caesar pardoned him, and allowed him his kingly title; but did not restore to him his former possession. 862 NOTES. Page 800 At the close of B. C. 45, after Caesar's return from Spain, Castor, the son of Dleiotarus's daughter, accused his grandfather of having designed to assassinate Caesar, when he was for three days Deiotarus's guest in Galatia, after the defeat of Pharnaces in Pontus. What Castor's motive was in bringing this accusation is not certainly known; but it probably arose from a quarrel between Deiotarus and his family in respect to his power and kingdom. The king sent several of his friends to Rome to defend him before Caesar, and among them his slave and physician Phidippus, whom we may assume to have been a Greek. But Castor gained over Phidippus, who gave evidence against the king. The case was heard before Caesar in his house in the month of November (B. C. 45), in the presence of some of his friends. The charge of a design to assassinate Caesar seems very improbable, and Cicero has briefly answered that. But Deiotarus was also charged generally with being hostile to Caesar, and with looking out for his opportunity during the African war, when his accusers declared that he sent aid to Syria to Caecilius Bassus, who was in arms there against Caesar. This part of the accusation is imperfectly answered, and probably it was true. Cicero sent a copy of this speech to his son-in-law Dolabella. He speaks of the case of Deiotarus as of no great importance, and not worth the labor of a carefully written oration. He describes it as a piece of coarse homespun work, like the presents of Deiotarus. So far as is known, Caesar made no decision. Deiotarus remained in possession of his tetrarchy, but did not recover Armenia Minor in the lifetime of Caesar, who, as Cicero says, always hated Deiotarus. After the murder of Caesar, however, Deiotarus recovered his possession, and took cruel vengeance on the parents of Castor, whom he ordered to be murdered. Castor himself escaped, and after the death of Deiotarus, obtained possession of a part of Galatia. CH. 1. 1.. Q um - tun = although - yet; the latter being the more important notion. - 2. Aetas. Cicero was in his 62d year. - 3. Fides = duty; i. e. to his client; and the obligation was the stronger, because Deiotarus was his friend. - 4. Dumtaxat = at least. - 5. Periculo. Because, as Cicero flatteringly intimates, the welfare of the state depended upon Caesar's life, which, it was charged, Deiotarus had attempted to take. - 6. Alteriius- Alterius: Castor- Phidippus. - 7. CastoreLn. This expression must be connected with qui - adduxerit. H. 381 A. & S. 238, 2. - 8. Nepos. Castor was the son of Saocondarius ORATIO PRO REGE DEIOTARO. 863 Page and a daughter of Deiotarus. - 9. Adduxerit. Or. 517, I., 519;880 1251; 264, 8 (1).- 10. Commendationerl.... duxerit. Young men among the Romans were accustomed to seek public consideration and preferment by accusing magistrates and other eminent offenders; and thus they often became a terror to them. — 11. Serviim. Physicians were generally slaves. - 12. Legatornm. The persons who had been sent to Rome to attend to Deiotarus's defence. The place of slaves was at the feet of their masterst Hence, to draw him away from the feet of the ambassadors was to withdraw him from their service. - 13. Fugitivi. Said in contempt, because he had abandoned the cause which he -had been sent to defend. - 14. Os. His face; i. e. his impudence. - 15. Fortunis communibus. Referring to the danger to which every one would be exposed, if slaves were permitted to accuse their masters. - 16. De servo -quaeri = to question a slave.- 17. Solu- S01 tus. Opposed. to in eculeo. CH. II. 1. Illud refers to nam dicere, &c. - 2. Quum.... recognovi = now that I have thoroughly examined your character.- 3. Arguare. K. 94, R. 6, c). A. &S. 209, R. 7, (a).4. Grave = a hard matter. - 5. Aequiorem = more favorable. - 6. Loci ipsius insolentia; i e. Caesar's house. Cicero usually spoke in the forum. - 7. Quanta.... est = as never came on trial. -8. Acquiesco = I find peace.- 9. Quae = these things; i, e. just mentioned.- 10. Actio = the pleading.11. Qui.....dixisti. Cf. pro Lig. X. n. 3. - 12. Ad... referae to judge by yourself: lit. to refer to yourself. - 13.. Spe. 802 The hope of the accusers was based, not on the merits of their causei but on Caesar's prejudices against Deiotarus. These- Cicero endeavors to remove before proceeding to the charge. itself. CH. III. 1. AffectUwn... detrimehtis. Caesar had deprived Deiotarus of the tetrarchy of the Tiroomi, and of Armenia Minor, which he owed t6 Pompey. - 2. Te...eognoverant. The'genuineness of these words has been doubted, becAuse of their inconsistency with the context. - -3. Non'tam.... firmioreim. Long says: "Thiss not a common form of expression; but a reader, I think, might not discovei that there is anything amiss: That right hand of yours, not so i:iuich in war and battle as in promises and good faith more sectire."' Some would omit tam. - 4. emel; i. e. once for all, once only. - 5. Nemoii nui.is. Tlhsis s common. - 6. Crntli i against.- 7. Ipse:'sc. autem. - 8. Maximiss-, rebus. The offence of having sent troops to Pompey. -9. llunm c3 864 NOTES. 802 ordinem; i. e. the senate. - 10. Est perturbatus - was led astray. A eupheuism like lapsus est above. - 11. Nos; i. e. those of us who sided with Pompey. CH. IV. 1. Nobis imperatoribius. Here in place of pro consulibus he says nobis imperatoribus, for Cicero was ad urbem expecting a triumph for his victories over the mountaineers of Amanus. 803 - 2. Esse effnsam = were dispersed. - 3. Ad Orientem; i. e. ad Asiam. - 4. Ulli veri: sc. nuntii. - 5. Conditionibus. The terms which Caesar offered to the senate; which were that he would disband his army, if Pompey would do the same.- 6. Hoininum. The Marcelli, Lentuli, L. Domitius, P. Scipio, and M. Cato. - 7. T im.... maxima. The allusion may be to the part that Caesar took in his consulship in confirming what Pompeius had done in Asia after the death of Mithridates, and in giving him his daughter Julia. - 8. Populi - senatus - tui. Subjective genitives. Gr. 396, I.; 745; 211, R. 2. CH. V. 1. Eum -- talem virum. - 2. Justis.... bellis = in regular wars and those waged with foreigners; i. e. opposed to a war inter cives. Hostis originally meant a foreigner. - 3. ]Hospitio = by a guest-friendship. - 4. Infinitam =- vague, uncertain. - 5. Errori - satisfactumn esse = had gone far enough in error, - 6. Cu. Domitii; i. e. Cn. Domitius Calvinus. See Introd. - 7. Enin. It is not known to whom Cicero refers. - 8. g04 Omnibus. The dative limiting probatissimum. - 9. Iterumo In the Alexandrine war, B. C. 48 and 47. - 10. Tertio. In the African war, B. C. 46. - 11. Auctionibus factis = having held a public auction. -12. Sceleris. Gr. 401; 780; 211, R. 8 (3).- 13. Importunitatis - barbarity. - 14. Ferocitatis = audacity. - 15. In = in the case of, in respect to. - 16. Quonam ille modo cum - distractus esset — how he would have been at variance with. * CH. VI. 1. At. An objection. - 2. Tectior = more cautious. - 3. Inquit: sc. the accuser. - 4. Luceium. A fortified place near to, but distinct from, the palace (domum). Hence visitors to the palace might, in a general way, be said to come to the castle. In c. 7, Luceium means the castle proper. Long thinks there is some error here or in c. 7. - 5. Balneo. It was customary to bathe before taking a meal. - 6. Accumberes; i. e. at 8)5 dinner. - 7. Phidippunl.... esse corruptum. The ace. with inf. here depends on causa, being a nearer definition of it. - 8. Consuetudine crimninandi. It was a common thing, says ORATIO PRO REGE DEIOTARO. 865 Page Schmitz, to accuse a person of having hired a physician to poison an 805 enemy. - 9. Non credidit - noluit. If he did not trust him in the less, of course he would not in the greater. - 10. At.... contexitur = but how cleverly is the charge put together. 11. Inspicere; i. e. at the presents. CH. VII. 1. Exercitum. Cicero in derision calls the band of assassins, alleged to have been placed in ambush to murder Caesar, an army. - 2. Itaque = et ita. - 3. Comiter.... fuisses. The construction of sum with an adverb is mostly confined to familiar language. - 4. Isti = ivisti, from eo. - 5. Attains III., king of Pergamus, who made the Roman people the heir of his kingdom in B. C. 133. - 6. Africanum; i. e. P. Scipio Africanus Minor, the destroyer of Numantia in Spain in B. C. 133. - 7. Praesens = in person. - 8. Quid: sc. factum est. - 9. Lnceiium. 806 V. VI. n. 4. - 10. Sed.... est - but still the facts furnish matter for a criminal charge: more lit. the fact has been brought forward as an accusation. Ironical. - 11. Vomere. To get rid of his dinner. This was a frequent practice with the ancients. - 12. In cubiculo: sc. vomere. - 13. Habes = you have (the charges), there they are. You can judge of their importance. - 14. Is. Phidippus. - 15. Qui.... indicare _- who could inform against him (Deiotarus) in his absence. CH. VIII. 1. Cetera - ceteris.- 2. Antea. Before Caesar had deprived him of a part of his kingdom. - 3. At misit. The accuser says this. - 4. Nescio quem. An expression of contempt. The person referred to is Q. Caecilius Bassus, a Roman eques and a partisan of Pompey, who spread a report that Caesar had been defeated in Africa, and there took up arms against Sex. Julius Caesar, whom C. Caesar had set over Syria, the government of which he assumed and held till after the death of C. Caesar. 5. Addit: sc. the accuser. - 6. Equites.... misisse; i. e. 807 to aid Caesar against Pharnaces. - 7. Ad - in comparison with. - 8. Ait. The accuser. - 9. Servum. Slaves were not allowed by the Romans to serve as soldiers in the infantry, and much less in cavalry. CH. IX. 1. Alieno.... quomodo. The former of the charges mentioned in the beginning of c. 8. - 2. Credo. Ironical. - 3. Ei. Cn. Domitius Calvinus. - 4. Victori; i. e. in Egypt. - 5. Rumores. These rumors encouraged Caecilius Bassus to renew the war in Syria. Caesar was reduced to great difficulties in this African campaign, and he extricated himself with his usual 866 NOTES. Page 07 boldness and skill.- 6. Auctionatis sit: sc. bona. Gr. 517, I., 519; 1251; 264, 8. -7. At.... imtercidavt. The language of the accuser. - 8. Domitiiu. Cn. Domitius Calvinus left Asia to join Caesar in the African war, and there was a false report that he had perished at sea. Long.-9. Qui. Gr. 187, 1; 245, 808 N.; 136, R. 1.- 10. Furcifeer; i. e. Phidippus. - 11. Res rationesque = commercial transactions. - 12. Ea existimatione (a man) of such reputation. CH. X. 1. Ut - uteretur = utendi: depending on studiis.2. Adolescens. Castor, who in B. C. 50 was with Cicero in the war against the Cilician mountaineers, and who, according to the statement here made, was Cicero's fellow-soldier in Greece under Pompey. - 3. Pater. Saocondarius. - 4. Q os.... solebat = hat crowds he was wont to collect. - 5. Exercitu. Pompey's 809 army. - 6. Impunitatem. Caesar had pardoned Castor. - 7. Vos vestra. Castor and his father. CH. XI. 1. Sint. An admission that there was enmity between the families of Deiotarus and Castor. - 2. Capitis arcessere = to bring a capital charge. Gr. 410, 5 1); 793; 217, R. 3 (a).3. Adeone = (ought it to be allowed) to such a degree: sc. concedit debet. - 4. A tanta auctoritate; i. e. a Caesare. - 5. Id.... est; i. e. slaves. - 6. Fit.... doninatu - the slave becomes the master and the master the slave. - 7. Cn. Domitius. Cn. Domitius Aenobarbus: consul B. C. 96, censor B. C. 92, tribune of the people B. C. 104. — 8. M. Scaurum. The censors had elected him six times to the dignity of princeps senatus, which Cicero here varies by calling him principem civitatis. - 9. In judicium popllli; i. e. a court in which the people were the judges. - 10. At.... vobis. It is only a way of saying, You have corrupted him more than once; but le puts it in the form of an objection in some person's mouth, and then shows that it was more than once. - 11. Legatos; i. e. of Deiotarus. - 12. Cn. Domitium. Cn. Domitius Calvinus. - 13. Ser. Sulpicius. A celebrated lawyer, a friend of Cicero, and a partisan of Caesar. - 14. T. Torquato. It is not certain which Torquatus is here meant. 810 CH. XII. 1. Impotens = violent, ungovernable. - 2. Jura et exempla = law and practice. - 3. Domestica; i. e. Asiatic, and hence barbarous.- 4. At,.. crimina. Ironical. V. VI. n. 10.- 5. Blesamius. One of the ambassadors of Deiotarus. V. XV. - 6. Ejus nomine. Using his name he was aousing you. - 7. Reges; i. e. the seven kings of Rome, whose statues PRO T. ANNIO MILONE ORATIO. 867 Page were placed in the Capitol. - 8. Plaudi; i. e. in the theatres and 810 the circus. - 9. Blesamins.... scriberet! Of course not. - 10, Enim = perhaps. Ironical. - 11. Multas. Caesar had two statues in the Rostra.- 12. Valde.... est = we must be. greatly displeased, forsooth. Ironical. - 13. Tropaeis. A statue is not so much as a trophy. - 14. Clarior. Cicero purposely evades the main point. It was not that the statue was in a conspicuous place, but that it was inter reges. CH. XIII. 1. Quid.... te. His life, title of king, and part of Galatia. - 2. Quid amiserit. Armenia Minor and the tetrarchy of Trocmi. - 3. Multis - multa. Like all usurpers Caesar had many claims upon him from those who had helped him: so many claims that he was compelled to pay with other people's property.4. Antiochus III., king of Syria, was defeated in B. C., 189, and had to give up all Asia west of Mount Taurus. CH. XIV. 1. Tarracone = at Tarraco. A town in Spain 811 where Caesar, after the defeat of the last Pompeians, received the embassies, which came to him partly to congratulate him, and partly to sue for pardon. - 2. Quocum mihi = between whom and myself. - 3. Semel. V. III. n. 4. - 4. Evocata. Agreeing with 812 misericordia. - 5. Duos reges. The father and the son. - 6. Iracundiae. Perdere Deiotarum licet iratus noluisti. Manutius. CH. XV. 1. Amicissimi. Agreeing with Hieras, Blesamius, &c. - 2. Criminibus. The dative. - 3. Pedem = a foot's length. - 4. Tibi.... fisse = he met you. - 5. Illorum. 813 Castor and Phidippus. PRO T. ANNIO MILONE ORATIO. INTRODUCTION. T. ANNIUS MILO PAPIANUS, the son of C. Papius Celsus and his 814 wife Annia, was adopted by his maternal grandfather) T. Annius Luscus. It is not known in what year he was quaestor. He was tribunus plebis in B. C. 57, the year of Cicero's return from exile. and he exerted himself in favor of Cicero's restoration. From the time when Milo became a partisan of Cicero there was a deadly feud between him and P. Clodius, Cicero's great enemy. The raelon 868 NOTES. Page 814 of Milo's attaching himself to Cn. Pompey, and aiding him in the restoration of Cicero, seems to have been merely a matter of personal interest. He was in debt, and wished to get the consulship and a province, which in those days was the readiest way to repair a ruined fortune. Milo resisted Clodius's violence by violence. Both of them surrounded themselves with armed men, and Rome was filled with their bloody brawls. Clodius was elected aedile for the year B. C. 56. In B. C. 53 Milo was a candidate for the consulship and Clodius for the praetorship. In January, B. C. 52, these two disturbers of the public peace met near Bovillae, each attended by a band of armed men. The meeting was probably accidental. A quarrel ensued and Clodius was killed. The circumstances are told by Cicero, and no doubt in the way most favorable to Milo, for Cicero's answer to the charge against Milo is that he acted in self-defence. The domestic history of Rome from Cicero's return to the death of P. Clodius consists in a great degree of the quarrels of P. Clodius and Milo. In B. C. 57 Milo gave notice that he should prosecute Clodius for having driven away the workmen who were working at Cicero's house, for throwing stones and firebrands against Q. Cicero's house, and for attacking Milo's house. The prosecution, however, was never commenced, owing to the activity of Clodius's friends in the senate. Clodius repaid Milo in the beginning of B. C. 56 by giving notice that he should prosecute him de vi, and for the very acts which Milo alleged that he had done in self-defence. Milo was also charged with keeping armed men in his service. The accuser and the accused appeared in court accompanied by armed men, and a fight took place, in which Clodius's men were beaten. This stopped further proceedings. In B. C. 52 Milo was charged again under the lex Pompeia de vi; and this time for the murder of his old enemy. The trial differed from the usual form of procedure in the witnesses being examined first. After the examination of the witnesses, the prosecutor, App. Claudius, spoke, and his two subscriptores, M. Antonius and P. Valerius Nepos. Cicero spoke in defence of Milo, who was convicted and went into exile. The trial opened on the 4th of April, B. C. 52. L. Domitius Ahenobarbus, a consular, was appointed quaesitor or instigator by a special law of Pompey's, and all Rome and thousands of spectators from Italy thronged the forum and its avenues from dawn to sunset during these memorable proceedings. Besides, Milo's cause was greatly injured PRO T. ANNIO MILONE ORATIO. 869 Page by the virulence of his adversaries, who insulted and obstructed the 814 witnesses, the process, and the conductors of the defence. Pompey availed himself of these disorders to line the forum and its encompassing hills with soldiers. Cicero was so intimidated by these demonstrations that he could not deliver the defence which he had prepared; but he afterwards rewrote and expanded it, - the extant oration, - and sent it to Milo at Marseilles. Milo remarked, "I am glad this was not spoken, since I must have been acquitted, and then had never known the delicate flavor of these Marseille-mullets." Before studying this oration, let the learner, if possible, read carefully the articles, P. Clodius and T. Annius Milo, in Smith's Diet. Gr. and Rom. Biog. and Mythol. CH. I. 1. Corona = with a circle of citizens; i. e. quiet and interested spectators. - 2. Consessus is the judices seated. - 3. Non illa - non afferunt. The two negatives do not in this case destroy each other, but strengthen the negation. Non afferunt - aliquid = do not contribute anything, do not in any degree aid. - 4. Tempori = to necessity. - 5. Denuntiant. Zeugma. - 6. Neque - quisquam - non qluun - turn- and every one of them - not only - but also. CH. II. 1. Eorum. V. In Cat. II. 8, n. 6. - 2. Omnibus 815....publicis = by all acts that bring the state to ruin. - 3. Contione = harangue. Munatius Plancus, a tribune, in a speech made the day before this oration was delivered, exhorted the people not to let Milo escape with impunity. - 4. Praeirent.... judicaretis = should dictate what sentence you should pass.5. qui.... fuerit = shall be any: lit. shall have been any.6. Pro.... salute; i. e. in defending your interests when he was tribune. - 7. Vobis. Judges in general are meant, and not those particularly who sat in this case. - 8. Amplissimorum....viris. The judges for this trial were selected equally from the senatores, equites, and tribuni aerarii. - 9. Laboriosius more harassed. Nobis. Gr. 417; 895; 256, 2. Cicero identifies himself with his client. - Praemiorum; i. e. civil offices. - 11. Non modo - sed etiam = I will not say - but even. - 12. Tribunatu. In B. C. 57, five years before. Milo's great service in his tribunate was the restoration of Cicero, which was considered a service to the state. - 13. Non abutemurn' I will not make a wrong use of. CH. III. 1. Earn.... qaestionis - that part of the ora- 816 870 NOTES. Page 816 tion which properly belongs to the inquiry before you; i. e. which laid the plot for the other. - 2. Negant... fateatur. The first proposition which Cicero proposes to refute. - 3. Priimum.... Horatii = a capital trial for the first time in the case of M. Horatius. - 4. Nondur libera. Still governed by kings. - 5. Sororem. For mourning for her lover, one of the Curiatii, whom he had slain. - 6. P. Africanum. The brother-in-law of Ti. Gracchus. - 7. Carbone. A friend of Gracchus, who attempted to excite the people to revenge his death. - 8. Seditiose; i. e. with the view of exciting the people against Scipio.- 9. Ahala - Nasica. V. In Cat. I. 1, n. 29. - 10. Opimius. V. In Cat. I. 2, n. 1. - 11. Fictis fabllis. Alluding to the story of Orestes and his trial at Athens for the murder of his mother, and to the declaration of his acquittal by Athena, because the votes were equal for absolution and condemnation. - 12. Eunm. Orestes.- 13. Duodecim tabulae. In B. C. 449, a code of laws, consisting of Twelve Tables, drawn up by ten men appointed for that purpose, called decemviri, was published. These laws were cut on bronze tablets, posted up in a public place, and became the foundation of the jus civile. 817 CH. IV. 1. Se exspectari = that they (i. e. their protection and decisions) be waited for. - 2. Etsi - ipsa lex = and yet, even the law. Etsi, like quamquam, is sometimes used to restrict or correct a preceding proposition. - 3. Ut.... quaereretur that, since the motive (of carrying a weapon), not the fact, would be inquired into. - 4. Hoc maneat = let this be established; i. e. what he has just said in respect to the legality of homicide in self-defence. CH. V. 1. Sequitur illud. The second point to be refuted. - 2. Contra.... factam. Cf. Sail. Cat. I. n. 6. - 3. Studiis =by their zealous efforts (in favor of Milo). - 4. Declarant....contiones = those powerless harangues of this singed tribune of the people show (this). T. Munatius Plancus Bursa is meant, who, with Q. Pompeius Rufus, another tribune, endeavoring to inflame the mob against Milo, tore up the benches and other furniture in the curia, with which he made a funeral pile for the body of Clodius, and near which, while it was burning, he continued to harangue the people, till he was forced by the heat to withdraw. - 818 5. Qlaestionem. Referring to the extraordinary commission (novi judicii, c. 1) instituted by Pompey for the trial of Milo. - 6. Incesto stupro. This is the old story of Clodius having got PRO T. ANNIO MILONE ORATIO. 871 Page into Caesar's house to have an intrigue with Caesar's wife, as it was 81S said, at the time when the ceremonies of the Bona Dea were going on, at which no male was allowed to be present (B. C. 62). It was first proposed in the senate by the consuls M. Pupius Piso and M. Messala, that a particular form of trial (nova quaestio) should be established for Clodius's offence against religion, for there was no perpetua quaestio which applied to Clodius's case; and that the j udices should be named by the praetor. But when the Rogatio, in conformity to the decision of the senate, was proposed to the people, Clodius's faction and the bad faith of the consul Piso prevented the question being put to the vote. At last the tribune Fufius proposed a Lex, which differed only from the consular Rogatio in the way of choosing the judices, but, as Cicero remarks (Ad Att. I. 16), this was everything. Clodius was tried and acquitted by a small majority of the judiceS, and his acquittal, as Cicero says, was the result of bribery. This explains what Cicero says here, judicium decernendi senatui potestas esset erepta. - 7. Ilia; i. e. just mentioned. - 8. E re publica = for the good of the state. CH. VI. 1. Decrevi = was of the opinion. 7- 2. Appia: sc. via.- 3. Rem notavi = I censured, disapproved, the affair; i. e. the violence and lying in wait, as causes of the murder. - 4. Tribunumn. T. Munatius Plancus. - 5. Veteribus legibus; i. e. the laws already existing, which were applicable to Milo's case. - 6. Extra ordinem = out of the regular order; i. e. immediately, without waiting its turn.- 7. Divisa.... est. When a question included several distinct particulars, any senator could have the privilege of voting on each point separately by pronouncing the word divide. The distinct particulars in the present case were, veteribus legibus, and extra ordinem. - 8. Reliqua auctoritas. The auctoritas is the measure proposed in the senate; and the reliqua refers to the part veteribus legihus, which was obnoxious to the tribune Munatius, and the veto of which he procured by a bribe.9. At enim. These words introduce the third objection of Milo's enemies, which Cicero deems it necessary to refute. - 10. Tulit - proposed a law. - 11. Paret = it is clear. - 12. Juris of its justice, lawfulness. - 13. Tan - quam = as well - as. 819 - 14. Literamt Cicero refers to the letters A (absolvo) and C (condemno), which were marked on tablets and given by the praetor to each of the judges. If his decision was acquittal, he threw the tablet marked A into the urn, if condemnation, the one marked C. -15. Non interitum; i. e. not whether any one has been 872 NOTES. Page 819 killed. - 16. Quod...tenmpori = whether he may have thought that what he has done of his own accord should be attributed to his regard for Publius Clodius, or to the circumstances of the times. CH. VII. 1. Drusus. He was murdered B. C. 91, in the atrium of his own house, by an unknown assassin. - 2. Quidem but. - 3. MIonumentis; i. e. the Appian road. V. p. Lege Manil. XVIII. n. 12. 4. Silebatur = was not mentioned. 820 5. Usurpatur - is talked of. - 6. Castoris. This temple was situated in the forum, and the senate sometimes sat in it. - 7. Nisi vero, quia. Referring to Atqui, si. CH. VIII. 1. Fides.... g.ratiae = confidence in restored friendship; i. e. in his reconciliation to Clodius. Clodius and Pompey had long been enemies, at least since Clodius's tribunate in B. C. 58, but they had lately been reconciled. - 2. Quanvis.... tulisset = how severe a law soever he himself had brought forward. - 3. Delegit. He did not select them, but he proposed the mode of selection. - 4. Secrevit = did he exclude, pass over. 821 - 5. Consuetudines victus = the intercourse of social life. - 6. Consularem: sc. huic quaestioni praeesse. CH. IX. 1. Ut aliquando. Cicero has now completed the refutation of objections, which he proposed to do in the beginning of Ch. III. And comes to the case itself. - 2. Juris -- of its lawfulness. - 3. Rem gestam = the affair as it took place. Here begins the narration. - 4. In praetura. Clodius was a candidate for the praetorship in B. C. 53. - 5. Tracta esse = had been delayed. The consuls of the year B. C. 53 did not enter on their consulship till July B. C. 53. So hot and violent were the disputes of rival candidates and the contentions of the tribunes that the election could not be held; and for a period of six or eight months Rome was filled with anarchy and strife. - 6. Anno snperiore. B. C. 54. The regular time for holding the consular election was in July or August. - 7. Qui.... spectaret; i. e. he did not seek the praetorship as a stepping-stone to the consul ship. - 8. Annum snum; i. e. the year in which he was of the legal age, which for the praetorship was 40. - 9. Non.... aliqua - not, as is the case with some, from any conscientious scruples. Through some defect in taking the auspices it was not unusual for persons from religious scruples to omit to stand as candidates for office in their proper year. - 10. Contulit.... com122 petitores. So as, if possible, to defeat Milo. - 11. Se inter PRO T. ANNIO MILONE ORATIO. 873 Page ponebat - he thrust himself into (their deliberations). - 12. 822 Collinam novam: sc. tribum. Clodius got together some of the worst citizens to make a new Collina tribus, the Collina being one of the four Urbanae tribus.- 13. Suffragiis. In those Comitia which had been interrupted by the interference of the tribunes and by the disturbances of the Clodian faction. - 14. Significavit; i. e. privately. - 15. Dixit; i. e. openly. CH. X. 1. Lanuvium was an old Latin town on the right of the Via Appia, as you go from Rome, and sixteen or eighteen miles from the latter place. It was connected by a road with the Appian. Milo was going to assist at the appointment of a priest of Juno. - 2. Dictator was the title of a chief magistrate of a Latin town, who was annually elected. - 3. Be = by the event. - 4. Obire = to attend upon, be exact to. - 5. Ut fit. His wife Fausta was a long time in dressing, after women's fashion, who keep their husbands waiting. - 6. Qui....apparasset. As the prosecutor had said. - 7. Magno.... comitatu = with a numerous and encumbered (i. e. with baggage) retinue (of servants) and a female and luxurious (train) of maid-servants and boys. For an explanation of puerorum, see Ch. XXI. - 8. Hora fere undecima. 823 About an hour before sunset.- 9. Adversi = those in front. 10. Servi Milonis = that is, Milo's slaves. These words are unnecessary to the sense, since they are already included in qui. 11. Derivandi criminis = of shifting the charge; i. e. from Milo to his slaves. CH. XI. 1. Quin - servaret - without saving.- 2. Fuit. Gtr. 511, II.; 1272; 259, R 3.-3. Notavit. V. VI. n. 3.-4. De 824 jure - of (its) lawfulness. CH. XII 1. Cassianum. Cf. Or. p. Rose. Amerino. c. XXX.: L. Cassius ille, quern populus Romanus verissimum et saptientissimum judicem putabat, identidem in causis quaerere solebat, " cui bono fuis set." -2. Cui bono. Gr. 390; 848; 227. - 3. Eo consule, quo = with such a consul, that. - 4. Eludere.... furoribus - to baffle (the state) with mockery and insult in those meditated schemes of madness of his. Eludere is here used absolutely. - 5. Cujus. Clodius. - 6. llli. The consuls. - 7. Sermone. Explained by the next clause. - 8. Librariun = chest, box. - 9. Instrumentunl tribunatus = materials for managing the tribuneship. - 10. Atque per. The * * indicate that the rest of the sentence is lost. - 11. Sex. Clodius. This man was the kinsman and secretary of Publius Clodius. - 12. De nostrum 874 NOTES. Page 824 omnium. 704, I.; 1378, 3d; 324, 33.-13. ]Lumen curiae. A sarcastic jest. The words might mean a distinguished senator, but really refer to the burning of the curia by the fire of the funeral pile which Sex. Clodius made of its benches, desks, &c. Movet must be connected closely with the next chapter. 825 CH. XIII. 1. Imaginibus. The words " robbed of his images," being connected with the mention of the funeral ceremonies, mean that the imagines of his ancestors were not carried in his funeral pomp, which was the fashion. - 2. Infelicissimis: because they were applied to an unlucky or wretched purpose, as a tree was called infelix on which a man was hanged. - 3 Semustulatum. Cicero makes use of this word to leave room for the rhetorical formula, nocturnis canibus dilaniandum. - 4. Laudare; i. e. although I cannot praise. - 5. Fuerit occidi. A portion of the text is here wanting. Baiter has prefixed the words in italics to complete what he conceives to be the connection of the thought. - 6. Fiebat = he was becoming (consul). - 7. Usitatis - rebus = by the ordinary means. - 8. Frangendis.... Clodianis = by his thwarting the mad schemes of the 826 Clodian faction. - 9. Ille... odisset = he had reason to hate: more lit. there was why he should hate. Ut is here a relative adverb. - 10. Quantum.... fisse = how great was his (Clodius's) hatred, and in an unjust ruan how even just. CH. XIV. 1. Illum: Clodins. He is speaking ironically. - - 2. Maerentibus vobis. When Cicero went into voluntary exile in consequence of the violent measures of Clodius, the senate put on mourning. - 3. Servos; i. e. the Clodian mob. Sc. timui. - 4. Diem mihi: sc. for my appearance before the people for trial. The whole passage is ironical, and is intended to express the contempt of the orator for the violent and unlawful course pursued by Clodius. He had not commenced proceedings against Cicero, but he had threatened him by the terms of his Lex," 2Qui civem Romanum indemnatum interemisset," for what the senate had done, on Cicero's advice, in the matter of Catiline's associates, who were put to death contrary to Roman law without a trial. - 5. Servorum.... nolui. Many of Cicero's friends advised him to oppose Clodius and his mob with an armed force. This passage gives the reason why he preferred exile to this course. - 6. Intentata.... est; i. e. before he went into exile. - 7, Pompeio. V. VII. 18, 19. - 8. Papirii. V. VII. 18. - 9. Longo intervallo. Five years later (B. C. 53), when he supported Milo in his canvass for the PRO T. ANNIO MILONE ORATIO. 875 Page consulship. - 10. Ad regiam = at the palace; i. e. of Numa. 826 It stood near the forum. - 11. Potuitne = nonne potuit. CH. XV. 1. At.... temps -- but what a time was that! 827 i. e. how favorable for Milo to kill Clodius, if he cherished such a purpose; and the fact that he did not do it is evidence that he did not intend it. - 2. Clarissimus: sc. erat eo tempore. - 3. P. Lentulus, Consul in B. C. 57. - 4. Illius; i. e. Clodii. - 5. Desiderio = — on account of their affection. - 6. Privato. He was a private man after retiring from his office of tribune on the tenth of December, B. C. 57.- 7. Antonius. The man who a few years afterwards put Cicero to death. - 8. Scalarum. M. Antony pursued Clodius with a design to kill him, which he was prevented from doing by Clodius's taking shelter in a bookseller's shop and shutting the door after him. - 9. Saepta. The enclosed places used at the voting at the Comitia. - 10. Ut Miloniliberet = that it might please Milo. CH. XVI. 1. Honoris amplissini; i. e. the consulship. 828 - 2. Ad.... auspicia = to those sacred auspices of the centuries: referring to the religious solemnities which preceded the holding of the Comitia centuriata and at which the higher magistrates were elected. - 3. Quod... audaciae = (that) which is the chief source of audacity. - 4. Praeclari: because done for the public good: necessarii: because done in self-defence. - 5. Vivo Clodio = while Clodius was alive; and, therefore, he could have denied the charge if it was untrue. CH. XVII 1. 1 uem.... fefellit; i. e. how could he certainly know the day?- 2. Dixi. V. X. - 3. Ipsius = his own; i. e. his tool. Q. Pompeius is the tribune referred to. - 4. 829 Qui - how. - 5. Lanuvini; i. e. who were then in Rome. - 6. Qnaesierit = suppose that he did ask. So corruperit below. - 7. Cassinius. This Cassinius was the man who, on the occasion of Clodius's trial for violating the mysteries of the Bona Dea, bore testimony that Clodius was at Interamna at the same hour when Cicero himself proved that he had seen Clodius in Rome. - 8. In. teramnanus = a native of Interamna: a town in Umbria about eighty Roman miles from Rome. - 9. Albano: an estate or villa belonging to Clodius near the ancient Alba Longa. - 10. Cyrun. A Greek architect whom Cicero speaks of several times. CH. XVIII. 1. Liberatur.... profectus esse. Liberatur has the same construction as dicitur, because liberatio was founded on what the witnesses had said. - 2. Quippe = certainly, it 876 NOTES. Page S29 must be so. - 3. In.... suadenda = in recommending this bill (to the people for regulating Milo's trial).- 4. iajoris alicujus; i. e. Cicero himself. - 5. Nal.... illud = for this objection meets (me). - 6. Si quidem, &c. is Cicero's remark. 830 CH. XIX. 1. Age.... factumn; i. e. let it be as they say, that the messenger did bring the news of Cyrus's death. V. p. 1. Manil. XIV. n. 1. - 2. Sustinuisset.... locus; i. e. if Clodius had been killed there, it might have been said that he was killed by robbers. - 3. Tota.... Etruria; for Etruria had suffered from Clodius. V. IX. 26. - 4. Aricia was at the foot of the Albanus Mons, on the Appian Way, sixteen miles from Rome. Clodius's villa was between this place and Rome. - 5. Quod.... fuisse = although Milo did know this, (namely) that he had been at Aricia. - 6. Ante; i. e. before he reached his villa. - 7. Adhuc constare; i. e. so far all is consistent and in favor of Milo. A recapitulation follows. 831 CH. XX. 1. Etiam. V. In Cat. I. 1, n. 3. - 2. Substructiones. The meaning probably is, that these immense works had been commenced, but had not been carried beyond the foundations. For the extravagant manner in which wealthy Romans tried to spend their money, see Sail. Cat. XII. villas;;. urbium modum exaedificatas, and XIII. subversos montes, &c. - 3. Constrictusheld fast; i. e. to prevent him from getting down to fight. - 4. Qui how.- 5. In Alsiensi = on his estate near Alsium. This was in Etruria on the coast. CH. XXI. 1. Age. V. p. 1. Manil. XIV. n. 1. - 2. Expediti = unencumbered. - 3. Graeculi: expressive of contempt. - 4. Nugarunm; i. e. such as the Graeculi. - 5. Nisi.... diceres = except (such) that you would say that man was picked by man. When Roman soldiers were sent on a dangerous expedition, each man was permitted to choose a comrade. The text seems to 832 contain an allusion to this custom. - 6. Ille here stands for Milo. This seems strange, as it uniformly stands for Clodius. Garatoni thought it should be erased. - 7. Praemiis propositam - addictam: Terms used of a sale by auction. - 8. Commnuneni; i. e. aiding first one side and then the other.- 9. Perculit ab abjecto = has beaten (him) off from (his) prostrate victim. - 10. Interclusum = separated from (his party). CH. XXII. 1. Quod.... est; i. e. who was the guilty party. - 2. Quod.... vis; i. e. who did the killing. -.. Id stands for the preceding clause. - 4. Nescis.... reprehendere; i. e. PRO T. ANNIO MILONE ORATIO. 877 Paga you do not know wherein the act of your enemy is blamable. If 832 Milo is to be blamed, it is for not having rewarded his slaves more than he did. - 5. Etsi id = and yet this; i. e. the saving of his life. - 6. Propter - per, through, by means of. So propter quos above. - 7. Quaestiones; i. e. examinations of slaves by tor- 833 ture. - 8. Appius was the nephew of P. Clodius. - 9. Quid... severius - what can be more severe? - 10. Proxime.... quaeritur. The violation of the mysteries of the gods (as in the case of the Bona Dea) and the death of Clodius alike demand an investigation by the inquisition. In the mode of examining the witnesses, therefore, Clodius came even nearer the gods than he did at the time of his adventure at Caesar's house. The passage contains a most bitter taunt. - 11. Sed tamen. With these words Cicero returns to his serious tone, and comes back to the proper point, for the sake of which he has mentioned the questio in dominum. — 12. Rufio. The slave under examination is supposed to be addressed by Appius or his examiners. - 13. Sis = if you please: a contraction for si vis. CH. XXIII. 1. Quae fuerit. Cicero here begins to argue the innocence of Milo from his conduct subsequent to the deed. - 2. Ejus: Pompeius. - 3. Audienti: V. XXIV. 65. - 4. Facti 834 rationem = the ground, principle, of his conduct; i. e. they saw that it was justifiable, it being in self-defence. The word ratio is that on which a thing rests, in which it has its principle. - 5. Nuntio. Gr. 431; 972; 257, R. 7 (a).- 6. Imperitorum; i. e. ignorant facti rationis.-7. ]iluld: referring to the following clause. -8. Arbitrabautur: sc. imperiti. -9. Catilinam... loquebantur = prated of Catiline and such monsters of wickedness. - 10. Cives. Gr. 381; 725; 238, 2. CH. XXIV. 1. Quae. Cicero now comes to the refutation of false charges. - 2. Conscientia = under the consciousness.3. Immo. V. In Cat I. 1, n. 19.-4. Indicabatur. It is better to render impersonally: = it was intimated. - 5. Amna - domus - omnia: The same construction as multitudo, the clause nullum.... domus being parenthetical. - 6. Ocriculanam. Ocriculum was the most southern town of Umbria, near the confluence of the Tiber and the Nar.- 7. Malleolorum. V. In Cat. I. 13, n. 9. - 8. Popa = victim-killer. - 9. Servos 835.... esse: Depending onfuit audiendus. Sc. saying. -- 10. Conjurasse. The subject accusative when a pronoun is sometimes omitted. - 11. De.... sententia = pursuant to the opinion of 878 NOTES. Page 835 his friends. - 12. Illius.... cstodis = of that guardian of me and my country. - 13. Auiliebatur _ it was listened to. CH. XXV. 1. Quum..... non. This passage is corrupt, and the meaning, consequently, obscure.- 2. Hoc.... crimen 836 = this charge of murdering Clodius. - 3. Locus.... esset. According to Asconius, Milo sought an opportunity to remove Pompey's suspicions, but Pompey refused to give him an audience. - 4. Peste; i. e. Clodius. - 5. Is.... consuevit. Manutius explains it thus: who has this disposition both from nature and habit, to place the quiet and preservation of his country before everything. - 6. Magne. Magnus was a part of Pompey's name. CH. XXVI.. 1. Communium temporum. This is opposed to rebus tuis: "in your prosperity, I hope, but perhaps in some general convulsion." - 2. Experti = from experience; as in the case of Sulla, Cinna, and Catiline. - 3. Judicium.... fiisse = would have waited for (the issue of) a trial; i. e. supposing Pompey's suspicions against Milo to be well founded. - 4. Ejus: Milo. - 5. Ista; i. e. the charges on which Pompey's sus37 picions were supposed to be founded. - 6. Suo jure = by virtue of his authority. CH. XXVII. 1. Maelium. V. In Cat. I. 1, n. 31. - 2. Gracchurn. V. In Cat. I. 1, n. 29. - 3. Pulvinaribus. The allusion is to the profanation of the mysteries of the Bona Dea by Clodius, when the Vestals and other women detected him. - 4. Sorore. She was the wife of Lucullus. - 5. Juratus = having sworn. 262,2; 1345; 162,16.- 6. Quaestionibus habitis; i. e. by torture: referring to the examination of his slaves. - 7. Civem: Cicero. - 8. Regna. He gave a kingly title to Brogitarus, the Galatian; and he took Cyprus from Ptolemaeus. - 9. Civem: Pompey. - 10. Aedemi. In this temple, as it appears, was the tabularium in which the tabulae censoriae were kept. - 11. Cui - erat = who - regarded. - 12. Possessionum termini = landmarks of property. Possessiones means property in land. The removal of a landmark was a crime against religion.13. Calumnia litium = by the chicanery of lawsuits. - 14. Castris. He represents Clodius as making his aggressions on other people's land in the form of a regular campaign. - 15. Arma,5 are implements and tools for building. - 16. Alieno: sc. agro. - 17. Furfanius: One of the judges. - 18. Mortuumn = a corpse; i. e. that Furfanius might come under suspicion of having murdered a man, and might be overwhelmed by the odium consequent upon the deed. PRO T. ANNIO MI:ONE ORATIO. 879 Ci. XXKVUI. r.L Imapmu*. If heiad beea.elected prae-.i bor, he would have had what the Romans caoled iswpem. - 2. Tetrarehas. Alluding to the mater of Brogitarus. V. XXVII. 8& — 3. Teneutur - are held fast; i. e. by the mind: they.ave been clearly proved and are retained in the knowledge of all. 4. TimenduMn. Ironical. -5. Viro: Poompey. 839 CI. XXIX. 1. Odio.,. u.irimcitirm =- with hatred -wM g i from the wrongs done to me. - 2. Libenuis = more from: pasimon. 3.- PraeclpwiiU se. odSW #mqm. - 4. Ut.,. iea tUW that my hatred was almost on a level with (i. e. was scarcely greater than) the common hatred. -. 4uia'sic atteadite = pray, give atteatin.to.wht A:ia ming to say.- 6. Nemspe _e for indeed. -. lt U.... videmus =. as we pereeive those thinp rwhQih we see; L e. with the organs of sight. 8. Hujus.... revixerit = of these terms which I lpwp9: wrppose I could indue you to acquit Milo, but on the condition that P. Clo3 880 NOTES. 42 CH. XXXII. 1. Nee vero non m and in truth. 2. Imaginibus. Wax images of one's ancestors were carried in his funeral procession. - 3. Cantau. Tibicines and cornicines made the cantus: gladiators, the ludi at the funeral pile. The exsequiae was the whole train or procession. The lamenta were paid for, and made by hired women. There was no funeral oration (laudttio) for Clodius. The words sine funeresas the last member resume all the members which precede, and - without the usual funeral solemnities. -4. Formas: The iWmagnibus above. 5. Mlortem dead body: used by way of antithesis to vita.- 6. Gesta; i. e. the proceedis of Cicero in the matter of the Catilinarian conspir83 tors. - 7. Incidebantur.... leges = already at his /hou were the laws getting cut (on bronze tablets); i. e. as if:be wb s sure that he could carry them.: - 8. Illum: Pompey. 9 Suam esse = was his own. CH. XXXIII. 1. Hic. V. p. 1. Manil. XIH. nn. 19.- 2. Suo ure. *V. XXVI. n. 6. - 3. Virtutem consularem = consular merit; i. e. the merit of a man who had himself been consul: meaning Cicero - 4. Templum, &c. = (than) that the temple of holiness, majesty, wisdom, &c. -- 5. Fumestari; i. e. by a dead 34 body. - 6. Ab eo = against him. - 7. Castoris: sc. templum. - 8. Fide: descriptive of vir. CH. XXXIV. 1. Sed jam. Here begins the peroration.2. Omnium. Or. 397, 3; 628; 205, R. 13 (a).-3. Hand.... magis = perhaps he ought to be aided even more by (it); i. e. by his firmness. Haud scio an is like nescio an. V. In Cat. IV. 5, n. 3. - 4. Odisse = to call for the death of. It stands in contrast with servare cupimus. - 5. Abibo; -i. e. into exile. - 6. 45 At = at least. - 7. Senatui - to the service of the senate. - 8. Acceperam _ I had found. CH. XXXV. 1. Plebem is the object of flecteret: ear simply recalls it with emphasis. - 2. Se fecisse- flecteret that he had striven to move. - 3. Praeconis. The praeco proclaimed the result of the elections. - 4. Si.... ftura = if these (proceedins) are intended to be against him. - 5. Stspicionem - criipen. These are the subjects of obstare, depending on meminit. 16 - 6. Invidiae meae subjiciantur; i. e. to kindle a flame of odium against me. - 7. Et... institutos = both (those already) celebrated and (those) appointed(to be celebrated). CH. XXXVI. 1. Haec; i. e. the preceding from valeant. 2. Haec; i. e- the following. - 3. Inuretis =- you will inflict. - PRO T. ANNIO MILONE ORATIO. 881 Page 4. Tantns sc. as depriving me of Milo. - 5. Hune: sc. inure- 46 ts. - 6. Quae - oblivio - forgetfulness of this thing; i. e. quanti.... feceriti. - 7. Temporum = perils — 8. Si.... 347 deposco = if there is to be any perilous contest, I demand (it still); i. e. to share your perils. CH. XXXVL 1. Qui.... excipiat = to receive such virtue. - 2.. Qui procreavit. Cicero could say this, though Milo was born at Lanuvium, for Rome was the place of his citizenship. CH. XXXVIII. 1. Utinam. He was going on to say, ut P. Clodius, &c., but the sentence interrupted by the parenthesis is left unfinished, and a new one begun with a different construction. - 2. Fortem.... virum = a brave man and (one) that should be preserved by you, judges. Virum refers to Clodius. - 3. Inquit sc. Milo. - 4. Patriae = for his country; i. e. to save it.- 5. Animi monumenti; i. e. the things which we owe to his great mind. - 6. In Italia. Burial in Italy was denied to the body of an exiled person. FOOT-NOTES OF Xan~Sn's Vrtarateg ghatit Vrfos PooA, ADAPTED TO ALLEN'S MANUAL LATIN GRAMMAB AE S A R. BOO0K FIRST. c. 54, i. m. 54, vi. d. Ibid. n. 19, iii. e. 49, i. Rem. o. 20, ii. f. 50, ii. 2. p. Ibid. 73, iv. q. 50, ii. 1. h. 51, i. r. 52, vi.; 58, iv.; 6, 2. i. 54, i. s. 46. j. 47, viii. t. 54, i. L 54, i. IL a. 54, x. k. 43, 6. b. 50, iii. 1. 1. 54, i. c. 54, i. m. 27, ii. d. 51, iii. n. 70, ii. e. 64. o. 73, ii.; 50, ii i f. 67, i. 2 p. 54, i. g. 54, i q. 19, ii. h. 51, v. r. 55, ii. i. 63, iii. gs. 50, ii. 2. j. 54, iii. IlI. a. 73, iv. L65,, b. 65, i. m.55, i c. 58, iv. n. 27, ii. e. 73, iv. q. 74, ii. f. 54, i. r. 67, i. 2. g. 27, i. s. 6, 2. h. 51, ii. t. 63, i. i. 51, iii. u. 50, ii. 2..55, i. v. 65, ii..46; 52, ini. S. w. 50, iv. 6. 2 BREFERENCES FROM IV. a. 54, i f. 50, iii. 1. b. 72, 1. g. 54, i. at end. c. 52, vi. h. 65, ii.; 57, i e. 13, Rem. i. 51, ii. V. a. 54, v. at end. j.2) 55,iii. 1. c. 27, i. k. 54, x. d. 57,, iiiL Rem. n. 68, iii. e. 54, i. o. 54, iii. i. 40, i. p. 50, iii. j. 55, iii. and 2. q. 46. VI. b. 65..54, ii. c. 46.. 63, i. d. 65. m. 13, Rem. e. 54, v. at end., n. 56, i. 4. f. 55, iii. 5. o. 46. g. 54, i. p. 64. i. 51, i. VII. a. 62, i. Rem. o. 58, iv. b. 58, iv. Rem. p. 54, i. d. 17, v. 5. q. 39, i. e. 54, ii. r. 54, i. f. 42, iv. s. 52, vi. g. 51, iii. at end. t. 54, ii. h. 52. u. 54, x. j. 68, iii. v. 73, ii. k. 57, iii. Rem. w. 50, iii. 1. 1. 50, ii 2. x. 62, ii. 2. m. 64; 69. y. 21, iii. at eni n. 51, vi. z. 67, ii. VIII. a. 54, i. n. 54, 1. d. 42, iv. o. 67, i. at e f. 18, i. 3. p. 54, vi. h. 55, ii. Rem. q. 54, x. k. 64, ii. s. 55, iv. 1. 54, x. t. 67, i. IX. c. 62, i. at end. i. 51, iii. d. 57, ii. j. 17,. 5. e. 64..54, vi g. 51, i. IIANSON'S LATIN PROSE BOOK. a. 39, 5. g. 44, iv. 3. b. 51, vi. h. 50, 1. c. 58, iv. i. 51, i. d. 48, iii. k. 51, v. e. 50, iii. m. 54, i. f. 48, ii. n. 50, i. XI. a. 41, ii. 2. j. 50, ii. 1. c. 67, iii. 1. k. 48, iv. d. 52, vi. 1. 51, viii. g. 57, i. Rem. m. 62, ii. 1. i. 51, vi. XII. a. 48, and i. h. 52, iii. (2). b. 54, ii. i. 52, vi. c. 16, i. k. 52, ii. 1. d. 67,i. 1. o.55, i. e. 65. p. 48, iii. Rem. g. 54, i. at end. XIII. a. 68, ii. g. 67, i. 2; 59, ii. b. 56, iv. Rem. 1. 67, ii. 1. d. 63, iii. — k. 50, iv. 1. e. 55, i. o. 54, i. f. 67, ii. XIV. a. 54, i. m. 54, x. b. 52, vi. n. 67, ii. 2. c. 50, ii. 3. p. 54, i. d. 67, ii. q. 33, iii. 1. e. 54, v. at end. r. 64, ii. f. 50, iii. 2. s. 58, iv. g. 51, i. t. 67, i. at end. h. 67, i. 2. v. 56, iv. i. 58, iv. w. 46. k. 50, iv. 1. XV. a. 55, i. m. 47, iii. e. 64, i. o. 54, ii. Rem. f. 69. p. 54, vi. 11, iii. 4. q. 58, iv. 48, iv. r. 55, i. i. 17, v. 1. s. 18, ii. 44, iii. 3. t. 55, ii. at end.. 55, iii. 5. B4~ REFERENCES FROM XVI. e. 52, iii. 1. 51, v. d. 66, i.m. 46; 52, iii. (3). e. 49, iii. n. 47, vi. g. 42, ii. 5. o. 66, ii. h. 54, iii. p. 54, x. i.17, v. 1. q. 63, i. 67, ii. r. 54, v. at end.. 54, x. XVII. a. 52, i. Rem. h. 47, viii. b. 67, i. 2. i. 51, v. Rem. c. 47, iii. j. 65, ii. d. 67, ii. k. 41, ii. 1. e. 65, ii. at end. m. 57, iv. g. 57, i. attend. n. 67, i. 1. XVII. a. 54, x. q. 51, v. b. 68, ii. r. 47, iii. c. 57, ii. s. 74, i. d. 52, iii. at end. t. 51, iii. f.41, i u. 54, i. g. 54, i. at end. v. 63, i. h. 50, iii. 2. x. 54, i. at end. h.(2 11 2. y. 73, ii. i. 55, i. z. 51, i. Rem..54, ix. z.(2) 55, i. 54, x. cc. 55, i. Rem. o. 55, iii. 3, and at end. dd. 53, vi. p. 54, i. Rem. ee. 51, vii XIX. a. 48, iv. j. 64, iii, b. 63, i.k. 62, ii. 2. c. 63, i. 1. 68, iii. d. 68, ii. n. 54, i. at end. e. 54, i. o. 46. J. 50, ii. 4,p. 51, ii.. 63, i. q. 64, i. i. 51, v. XX. b. 21, 3, at end. m. 67, iii. 1. e. 17, v. 1. n. 54, i. d. 21, 3. o. 64, iv. e. 50, ii. Ad p. 54, ix. 1. i. 67, ii. q. 51, i. Remn 1. 52, vi. r. 67, i. 1. HANSON'S LATIN PROSE BOOK. 6 XXI. b. 67, i. 1. d. 50, i. 1. c. 64, i. e. 50, iii. 2. XXII. a. 55, i. h. 57, iv. b. 47, viii. i. 39, 5. c. 62, i. Remn.. 68, iii. d. 55, ii. at end. k. 15, ii. 1. e. 54, x. 1. 55, ii. at end. g. 67, ii. XXIIL. a. 50, iv. at eti. g. 55, iii. 2. b. 51, ii. i. 54 i. d. 55, ii. j. 63, i. e. 54, v. Rem. k. 54, vi. f. 51, v. XXIV. a. 57, iii. Rem. g. 50, i. 2; 54, ii. at end. b. 57, ii. i. 54, vi. c. 64. j. 68, iii. e. 47, viii. 1. 54, x. XXV. b. 57. 1. 27, ii. c. 27, iii. 1. m. 65, i. d. 17, iii. n. 54, ii. e. 50, i. p. 18, i. 3. f. 51, vii. q. 50, ii. 2. i. 54, i. r. 55, iii. 5. j. 62, i. senm. t. 54, i. XXVI. a. 39, 5. f. 54, iii. c. 55, i. g. 50, ii. at end. d. 61, 2; 57, i. Rem. h. 55, i. d (2). 62, 1. j. 64. e. 42, iv. k. 48, iv. XXVII. c. 66, ii. g. 47, viii. e. 46. h. 69, at end. f. 63, i. ~~~6.REFERENCES FROM XXVIII. a. 48, iv. j. 55, iii. 3. b. 57, iii. Rem. k. 54, i. d. 51, iii. 1. 65, iv. 2. e. 51, viii. Rem. m. 51, i. Rem. f. 67, ii. n. 51, i. h. 68, iii.; 67, i. 2. o. 54, ii. h. (2 68, ii. p. 43, 9. XXIX. a. 54, i. c. 67, i. 1. b. 55, iii. 1. d. 55, iii. 2. XXX. c. 74, i. f. 50, ii. at end. d. 50, i. and iii. g. 33, iii. 1. e. 54, x. h. 21, iii. at end; 64. XXXI. a. 51, i. 1. 74, i. b. 67, i. 2. m. 55, i. Rem. c. 66, ii. n. 67, iii. 1. f. 54, i. o. 20, ii..65, iii. q. 51, viii. k. 55, iii. 2. r. 65, ii. Rem. XXXII. a. 56, iv. g. 54, i. b. and c. 42, iv. h. 41, ii. 5. e. 67, i. 1. i. 67, ii. f. 49, iii. j. 51, viii. XXXIII. a. 51, vii. f. 69, at end; 65, d. 51, ii. j. 51, v. e. 51, viii. XXXIV. a. 64. d. 70, iii. b. 51, i. Rem.i- See 54, vii. e. 50, ii. 3. at end. f. 51, vi. c. 58, iv. XXXV. a. 52, iii. 3. h. 51, vi. b. 65, i. i. 59 ii. f. 67, ii. 1. j. 57. g. 51, 1. HANSON'S LATIN PROSE BOOK. a. 59, ii. f. 69, at end. b. 51, iii. g. 67, ii. 1. d. 39, i'i.; 67. i. 55, i. 1. e. 63, ii. j. 52, ii. 1. XXXVII. b. 74, i. g. 51, v. c. 63, i. h. 48, iv. d. 54, x. i. 51, viii. e. 50, i. j. 54, ii. f. 57, iv. Rem. XXXVIII. a. 52, i. at end.. 16, i. at end. b. 73, iv.; 64, v. 3. 1.54, ii. c. 48, ii. j. 46. d. 51, vii.'XXXIX. a. 47, iii. Rem. g. 47, ix. b. 54, ii. h. 46. c. 50, i. j. 50, ii. at end. f. 48, i. 51,i. XL. a. 67, i. 1. m. 52, iv. b. 51, vi. n. 50, ii. 3. c. 40, ii. at end. p. 51, i. d. 63, i. q. 52. e. 54, x. s. 55, iii. 5. f. 33, iii. 1. t. 48, iii. Rem. g. 51, iii. v. 51, vii. h. Ibid. Rem.; 67. y. 55, i. k. 55, i. z. 43, i. 1. 62, i. KLI. a. 49, i. Rem. h. 51, ii. c. 54, i. at end. i. 55, iii. 5. e. 63, i. j. 55, ii. at end. g. 50, i. 1. a. 58, iv. f. 67, ii. 1. c. 67, iii. 1. g. 67, i. 2. d. 54, vi.. 51, iii. e. 64, iii. j. 54, vii. Rem. RKI BENCES FROM XLH. a. 55, ii. at end. f. 55, i. b. 54, i. g. 51. v. c. 18, ii. g.(2) 51,v;Re d. 27, iii. 2.. 67, ii. 1. e. 39, 5.. 55, iii. 2. XLI. d. 54, i. j. 63, ii. e. 64, v.; 73, iv. k. 50, iii. 2. f. 51, vii. 1. 55, i. g. 63, i. m. 54, x. i. 20, ii. n. 48, iv. a. 50, i. f. 67, ii.;, c. 52, vi. XLVL a. 56, ii. 1. d. 54, vi. b. 50, ii. e. 51, v. c. 67. XLVIL a. 55, i. j. 54, i. b. 38, i. 1. k. 54, iii. e. 50, ii. at end. 1. 51, vi. g. 54, i. n. 52, iv. h. 65, ii. o. 67, ii. 1. i. 54, ii. XLYmi. a. 55, ii. at end. h. 55, iii. 5. b. 50, at end. i. 54, ii. c. 54, i. j.54, i. f. compare 51, vi. 17, v. 1. g. 55, i. ~XLD a. 55, ii. d. 64, i. c. 54, i. e. 54, v. at end. L. a. 54, i. g 63, i. d. 64, i. i. 65, i. e. 55, i.. 58, iv. f. 67, i. 1. 71,ii. a. 51, vii. e. 54, iii. b. 48, i. f. 55, ii. at end. c. 11,i. 2. g. 54, i. d. 54, i. HANSOi'S LATIN' POS BOOK. a. 18, ii. 1. c. 65. b. 46. d. 51, vii. LI. b. 47, iii. g. 55, iii. 1. c. 54, i. j. 54, x. e.44, i. k. 39,5; 67. f. 54, i. LIV. a. 56, iiL 1. b. 54, v. at end. In the books which follow, references are in general given only to points not previously noticed. BOOK SBECOND. I. e. 36, i. i. 55, i IV. e. 52, iii. (2). h. 64, i. V. c. 50, iv. 4. i. 55, ii. Rem.; 54, ii. at end. VI. b. 54, i. c. 51, v. Rem. VII. e. 52, ii. 1. h. 54, v. Rem. f. 54, ii. Rem. VmI. a. 54, 6. e. 52, iv. IX. a. 57, 67, i. 1. i. 54, x. X. c. 55, iii. 4. e. 51, iii. Rem. XH. a. 62, i. 2. XV. g. 68, ii. XVI. b. 54, v. Rem. 10 - EREFERENCES FROM XVH. h. 67, ii 1. L 64, i. j. 52, iv. XX. c. 43, 9. f. 56, i. 1. XXI. a. 48, iii. Rem. XXii. b. 47, ix. d. 54, vii. at end c. 17, v. 4. XXIV. f. 54, vi. XXV. a. 43, 1. e. 51, v. Ren. XXVI. g. 49, i. Rem. h. 50, ii. 1. XXXI. a. 23, 3. b. 63, ii. XXXIII. a. 54, ii. b. 65; 69, at end. BOOK THIRD. I. c. 42, vii. at end. IV. c. 54, x. f. 27, ii. 1. e. 54, i. V. f. 64, iv. VII. d. 56, ii. 1. g, 67, ii.:h. 68, i. HANSON'S LATIN PROSE BOOK. IX. h. 54, i. j. 61, ii. i. 43, i. Rem. X. c. 25, ii.; 72, 2. d. 44, iii. 2. XIII. f. 43, 3. j. 51, iii. XIV. i. 51, i. Rem. XX. e. 55, iii. 1. XXI. a. 54, iv. XXII. c. 65, iv. 2. XXVI. g. 50, ii. 3. i. 54, ii. Rem XXVIII. b. 66, i. BOOK FOURTH. I. b. 54, x. j. 52, iv. Rem. h. 54, v. m. 54, i. i. 54, i. IL b. 54, i. III. b. 11, iv. at end. c. 36, iii. V. c. 50, i. 1. g. 50, iv. 3 VIII. e. 51, iii. at end. 12 REFERENCES FROM XI.;. 67, ii. 1. XII. f. 5t4, vi:i. c. 62, ii d. 50, i. 1, Rein XTV. r. 71, ii. XVI. b. 51, iv. XVII d. 54, ii. XXI. g. 54, ix. 1. h.(2) 65. XXIII. e. 62, 2. f. 63, ii. XXV. d. 38, iii. e. 41, ii. 3. XXVIII. a. 56, iii. XXX. b. 74, ii. XXXIV. g. 65, i. SALLUST'S CATILINE. I. a. 11. i. 2. s. 71, ii. h. 54, ii. Rem. t. 62, ii. 1. q. 54, iii. u. 54, vii. Rem. r. 19, iii. HANSON'S LATIN PROSE BOOK. H. a. 43, 5 & 10. 1. 43, 2. g. 46. q. 51, vii. k. 59, iv. 2. III. a. 51, i. Rem. n. 50, iii. 3. i. 54, i. IV. e. 46. h. 54, iv. V. a. 54, viii. m. 61, 3. f. 50, iii. 3. r. 43, 6. g. 47, iii. at end s. 55, iii. 3. X. h. 47, ii. (2). XIL b. 49, i. Reau i. 51, v. Rem. e. 54, ix. 1. L 61, 1 XIIL a. 52, iv. b. 60, 3. XIv. a. 48, v. k. 61,. j. 51, iii.. 65, iv. 2. XV. b. 5i, iii. XVL a. 52, iii. (1.) XVIL a 83. h. 69, ra ad XX. g. 49, ii. w. 52, v. t. 71, i. bb, 68, i, XXI, b. 61, 2, #t -nd. g, 50, iv. 1. xxiv XXIV. d, 67, iv, 1. 14 REFERENCES FROM XXV. f. 60, 1. XXX. f. 48, v. o. 84. XXXI. b. 47, ii. (2). j. 51, iv. XXXIII. a..50, iii. 2 & 54, vi. h. 68, i.; 51, i. d. 50, iv. 3. XXXVI. b. 50, iv. 2. k. 54, x. XXXVII. k. 50, i. 1. 43 9. XXXIX. f. 51, v. Remn h. 69, at end XLV. a. 52, iii. Rem. e. 50, ii. XLVII. b. 54, iii. Rem. XLVIII. k. 55, i. L LI. c. 54, ii. Rem. g. 51, iv. e. 54, iv. x. 51, vii L. e. 54, ix. 1. r. 54, i. p. 58, iii. at end. u. 50, iv. 2. LIV. d. 64, i. LV. c. 48, ii. d. 60, 2. LVIII. b. 54, i. e. 54, ix. c. 60, 2. HANSON' LATIN PROSE BOOK. I5 LIX. d. 54, i. Rem. LXI. a. 60, 1. FIRST ORATION AGAINST CATILINE. I. e. 71, i. at end. n. 65, i. k. 59, iv, 1; ii. Rem. II. p. 43, 2 and 10. v. 65, iv. 2. r. 59, iii. III. a. 65, iv. 2. i. 57, iv. at end. h. 56, i. 4. IV..50,ii. 4. d. 46, 3, VIII. a. 60, 3. X. g. 64, i. XI. e. 10, 5. SECOND ORATION. I. e. 43, 3. II. n. 68, i. o. 51, i. at end. III. d. 60, 2, at end. IV. e. 55, iv. f. 52, v. 16 REFERENCES FROM VI. d. 71, ii. Rem. e. 51, viii. Rem. VII. 1. 63, i. VIII. d. 60, 4. IX. m. 54, ii. Rem. t. 54, iv. 1, Rem. XL. a. 50, i. 3. THIRD ORATION. II. f: 50, iii. 3. VI. k. 59, iv. 1. VII. b. 51, i. Rem. VIII. b. 43, 8. X. c. 50, iv. 1, Rem. XI. a. 52, iii. (1) at end. XI. c. 50, i. 1, Rem. HANSON'S LATIN PROSE BOOK. 17 FOURTH ORATION. II. a. 51, iv. IV. d. 43, 5. V. a. 50, iv. 4, Rem. d. 67, i. 1, note. VI. g. 17, v. 5. X. b. 50, iv. 3. k. 60, 2. ORATION FOR THE MANILIAN LAW. II. m. 51, iv. IX. c. 55, iv. t. 48, i. q. 51, iv. at end. XVI. c. 47, iv. (3.) XVII. c. 59, iv. 2, Rem. XX. b. 67, i. 1. XXIII. c. 61, 1. ORATION FOR ARCHIAS. II. w. 59, iv. 1. III. k. 46, 2. 18 HANSON'S LATIN PROSE BOOK. IV. j. 43, 7. s. 43, 4. o. 59, iii. v. 44, iv. 6. V. f. 58, i. Rem. VIII. e. 54, i. Rem. X. m. 67, iv. 1. XL b. 39, 5.