THE UN S I VE R SAL E MASONIC RECORD AND DIRECTORY CONTAINING THE NAME, BUSINESS, PROFESSION AND RESIDENCE OF EACH SUBSCRIBER; THE NAME OF THE LODGE, CHAPTER, COUNCIL, AND ENCAMP-,MENT, TO WHICH HE IS ATTACHED; AND THE RANK, POSITION, AND DEGREE, HE HAS ATTAINED IN THE ORDER. CONFINED EXCLUSIVELY TO MEMBERS OF THE MASONIC FRATERNITY IN GOOD STANDING. CONTAINING ALSO A o1t of afll m taor olfvs At the kitorlt WITH THE PLACE AND TIME OF MEETING OF EACH LODGE, AS FAR AS KNOWN. titaael^^a. anb llX-ivrk: PUBLISHED BY LEON HYNEMAN. 1860. Entered acccording to Act of Congress, in the year 1859, BY LEON HYNEMAN, In the Office of the Clerk of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. PREFACE, M. W. JUDGE JOHN L. LEWIS, GRAND MASTER OF THE GRAND LODGE OF NEW-YORK, HAS so happily and truly daguerreotyped the views which prompted us to undertake the publication of the UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD, in the following extract, that the reader will at a glance see the design and purposes, and future historical value of the work. He says: " Your idea, Brother Hyneman, of the UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD, is most valuable and useful, and well deserves the patronage of the fraternity. It will be useful not alone as a book of reference, but will awaken a thousand kind and pleasant recollections of absent and endeared friends, and serve as a guide and text-book to the future Masonic biographer. Combining thus, in one volume, the practical with the agreeable, it will be a future companion of high value when the present generation has passed away.' Thus speaks the eminent jurist, MV. W. John L. Lewis. We might fill many pages with approbatory communications from the most eminent freemasons in the United States and British Provinces, not only thanking us for having originated so highly useful and valuable a work, but who have given their ffcial sanction and approval to the publication of the UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Among whorI it will be sufficient to name only the following, who are endeared to the craft no less for their virtues than their high masonic attainments, viz.: M. W. Brothers Albert Pike, B. B. French, Rob. Morris, Winslow Lewis, T. S. Parvin, J. Q. A. Fellows, A. T. C. Pierson, PR. W. T. Daniel, Edw. Stewart, W. R. Smith., Archibald Scott, &c., & The press have also, with great unanimity, spoken favorably of the publication, and commended it as worthy of the patronage of the craft. The members of the order, also, with very rare exceptions indeed, wherever the object and design of this work was presented to their notice, have not only heartily approved of it, but, iV PREFACE. withont hesitation, at once subscribed for the book. Notwithstanding the very liberal subscription, as will be seen by the following pages, but few of our brethren lent a helping hand to promote its success. The subscribers to this work will find that it is much more comprehensive than it was first supposed. We have performed our part faithfully, and have even done more than we) promised. The lists of lodges and their places of meeting are complete, and the times of meeting are all correct so far as we could get the information, which, in some few cases, was impossible. We could not possibly reach every freemason and inform him of our intention to publish the UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD, but in those places where we had intelligent and active agents, the subscriptions were quite liberal. To the freemasons of the city of New-York we refer with much pride as appreciating the value of the publication, and, indeed, to the members of the order generally wherever the work was brought to their notice. It will be seen that in the States of New-York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Connecticut, and Michigan, the subscriptions number some thousands. Considering the vastness of the undertaking, and the limited time and little help we had, we have accomplished fully as much as was reasonably to be expected. The arrangement of the work we believe to be perfect. The lodges are arranged numerically in each jurisdiction, and the States and territories of the United States in alphabetical order. The subscribers' names are also arranged in alphabetical order in each State, and where five or more subscribers resided in one town we have placed the name of the town in a separate line, above the names of the subscribers. The proper names of the subscribers precede the given or Christian, as in all directories. The typography of the work cannot be excelled. The type being all new; the paper is of a superior quality, and the binding neat and substantial. No expense has been spared in the getting up of the book. The mechanical part of the work throughout was executed by the well-known publishing house of Pudney & Russell, No. 79 John-street, New-York, who, as the subscribers can judge, have performed their duty well and need no praise from us. We tender our sincere Utanks to the members of the order for their liberal subscriptions to the UNIVERSAL MASONIC RE.CORD. gINDEX.l Page. Page Alabama..................... 5 Michigan.................... 70 Arkansas.............. 1 Minnesotaa................... 73 Australia... 211 Mississippi.................. 74 Belgium.... 197 Missouri...................... 80 Brazil... 207 Nebraska Territory............ 85 California.......... 15 New-Brunswick............... 48 Canada.......... 142 Newfoundland....... 148 Central America..2............ 210 New-Granada.................. 205 China................. 202 New-Hampshire............... 86 Connecticut................... 19 New-Jersey.................... 88 Delaware.................. 21 New-York.................... 90 District of Columbia............ 22 North Carolina.......... 101 ast Indies.................. 200 Nova Scotia.................. 149 England................. 151 Ohio............. 105 English Lodges in Africa...... 214 Oregon...................... 112 Europe.................. 199 Pennsylvania.................. 113 Florida.................... 23 Prince Edward's Island......... 148 Georgia...................... 25 Rhode Island..1........... 117 Holland........ 198 Scotland..... 175 Illinois....................... 31 South America...... 205 Indiana............ 39 South Carolina............. 118 Iowa........................ 46 Tennessee.... 12........ 1 Ireland....................... 166 Texas.................... 126 Kansas.................... 50 Turkey......... 202 Kentucky..................... 51 Venezuela.......... 205 Louisiana.................... 59 Vermont................... 132 Maine................... 62 Virginia. 134 Maryland............... 65 Washington Territory........ 138 Massachusetts................. 67 West Indies................. 203 Mexico..................... 210 Wisconsin................... 139 vi INDEX. ltnd ra aoic ilnr t.b Page. Page. Alabama.............. 217 Albany. Floyd Co., 259; Orleans, Or-,Tusaloosa, 217; Woodville, 218s; eange Co., 259; Peru, Miami Co., 260; Tuaskaloosa, 217; Roodville, 8; KRichmond, Wayne. Co., 260; Salem, Montgomery, 218; Miscellaneous, 218. Washington Co., 261; Shelbyville, Arkansas... 219 Shelby Co., 262; South Bend, St. Joseph's Co., 262; Terre Haute,Vigo California.................... 220 Co., 263; Thorntown, Boone Co., 261; San Francisco, 220; Forest City, 220; Vernon, Jennings Co., 264; Wabash, Miscellaneous, 220. Wabash Co., 265; Miscellaneous, 265. Canada..................... 500 Iowa..................... 270 Connecticut................... 221 Kentucky............ 71 Bridgeport, 221; Colchester, 221; Deep Ca, 271 Dyusburg, 271; EddyRiver, 222; Essex, 222; East Haddam, ville, 272; Elizabethtow-n,Hardin Co., 223; Fair-Haven, 223; Hartford, 223; 272 rankfolt, Franklin Co., 272 HIebron, 221; Manchester, 224; Mid- Fairview Christy Co., 273; Georgedletown, 223; Mansfield, 225; Nor-. town, Scott Co., 273; Hopkinsville, wich, 226; New London, 227; New- Christian Co.. 274; Lexington, 275; I-aven, 228; Putnam, 228; Portland, Louisville 276; Millinsbury, 276; 2W29; Rockville, 229; Sufield, 229; Pembroke, 277; Paris, 277; PrinceWest Killingly. 230; Windsor, 230; town, 278; Shepherdsville, 278; WalWarehouse Point, 230; Willimantic, lonia, 278; Miscellaneous 279. 231; Woodstock, 231; Brooklyn, 231; Windhamn, 232; Norwalk, 232; Mis- Louisiana..................... 280 cellaneous, 232. New-Orleans, 280. Delaware..................... 233 Maine........................ 281 Wilmington, 233. District of Colu bia......... 234 aryland 282 ~~Washing~ton 234. ~Baltimore, 282; Miscellaneous, 285. Washington, 234. England..................... 507 Massachusetts............... 285 Florid.............. 237 500 Boston, 285; Newburyport, 287. a Michigan................... 288 Georgia.............9.. 237 Mihign. 2 Georgia................. 23 Ann Arbor, 288; Albion, Calhoun Co., Savannah, 237; Miscellaneous, 239. 289; Battle Creek, Calhoun Co., 290; Illinois............ 266 Charlotte, Eaton Co., 291; Detroit, 266i Astoria. Be 291; Dexter, Washtenaw Co., 291; Chicago, 266; Astoria, 267; De Kalb, Galesburgh,Kalamazoo Co., 292; Grass 267; Vermlont, 268; Miscellaneous, Lake, Jackson Co., 292; Jackson, 269. Jackson Co., 292; Kalamazoo, KalaIndiana............ 240 mazoo Co., 293; Niles, Berrien Co., Aurora, Dearborn Co., 240; Bridgeport, 295; Paw Paw, Van Buren Co., 295; Marion Co., 242; Bainlbridge, Putnam Pinckney, Livingstcn Co., 296; YpsiCo., 242;Brazil, Clay Co..242; Bloom- lanti Washtenaw Co, 296; Miscellaington, Monroe Co., 242; Bedford, neous, 297. Lawrence Co., 23; Cambridge City, Minnesota................. 298 Wayne Co., 244; Columbus, Bartholomew Co., 245; Crawfordsville, Mont- Mississippi.................... 298 gomery Co., 245; Delphi, Carroll Co., 247; Elkhart, Elkhart Co., 248 Edin- Missour...................... 299 burgh, Johnson Co., 248; FortsWayne, St. Louis, 299; St. Joseph's. Buchanan Alien Co., 248; Gosport, Owen Co., Co., 301; Lagrange, Lewis Co., 302; 251; Green Castle, Putnam Co., 251; Pacific, Franklin Co., 302; MiscellaHuntington, IIuntington Co., 252; neous, 303. Indianapolis, Marion Co., 253; Jeffer- New-ranada............... 50 sonville, Clark Co., 254; Knightstown, Henry Co., 255; Lagro. Wabash Co., New-Hampshire.............. 304 255; Ladoga, Montgomery Co., 255; Lawrenceburgh; Dearborn Co., 256; New-Jersey................. 304 Lafayette, Tippecanoe Co., 256; Leba- Jersey Ciit, 304; Newark, 305; Bornon, Boone Co., 256; Logansport. dentown. 306; Paterson, 305; MiscelCass Co.. 257; Middletown, Allen Co., laneous, 307. 258; Madison, Jefferson Co., 258; Mitchell, Lawrence Co, 258; New New-Mexico..........308 INDEX. vii Page. Page. New-York.................. 30S 432; Sandusky City,433; Tippecanoe. New-York City, 30S; Brooklyn, 362; Miami Co.,434; Troy, Miami Co..435; Williamsburgh, 367; Albany, 371; Au- Urbana 436; Van Wert, Van Wert Co., burn, 374; Buffalo,374; Ballston Spa., 437; Washington, Fayette Co., 438; 380; Cold Spring, 380; Catskill, 381; Waynesville, Warren Co., 438; WelCohoes, 381; Fort Edisard, 382; Fish- lington, Lorain Co., 438; Wilmington, kill Landing, 362; Greenpoint, 383; Clinton Co., 439; Xenia, Green Co., Hoosick Falls, 384; Hornellsville, 384; 440; Zanesville,'Muskingum Co.,440Kingston, 385; Lockport, 385; Lan- Miscellaneous, 444. singburg, 386; Leroy, 386; Mattea- Oregon................... 47 wan, 386; Oswego, 387; Poughkeep- Oregon City, 447; Eugene City, 447; sie, 887; Peekskill, 387; Rochester, Lafayette, 447; Albany, 448; Miscel388; Red Hook, 389; Saratoga Springs, neous, 448. 389; Syracuse, 390; Sing-Sing, 392; Pennsylvania........ 44 Troy, 392; White Plains, 396; WaterM - Philadelphia, 449; Altoona, 477; Alford, 896; Yonkers, 396; Miscellane- legny City, 4; Birmingham.478; oeu 397 leghany City, 478; Birmingham. 478; ons,~ e,^'. 397Columbus, 479; Columbia,479; IeolliNorth Carolina............... 400 daysburgh,479; Lewisburg,480; MonWilmington, 400; Miscellaneous, 400. trose, 480; Pottstown, 480; Pottsville, 1ova QScmti'a KA >1'481; Susquehanna Depot, 481; TreMNova Scotia.................. 503 mont, 481; Pittsburg, 486; MiscellaOhio.........................401 neou, 482. Cincinnati, 401; Birmingham, 404; Rhode Island............. 49 Bellfontaine, 404; Clyde, 406; Clarks- Scot field, 406; Columbiana, 407; Cresline, otland................ 507 407; Cleveland, 408; Cambridge, Gu- SouthCarolina491 ernsey Co.,409; Chesterville, Morrow Chrleston,..; ester, 49 lCo., 410; Circleville, Pickaway Co., s, 492 411; Dayton, Montgomery Co., 412; laneous,492 Delphos, Allen Co., 413; Delaware, Tennessee....... 493 414; East Townsend, 415; EatonPreble Co., 415; Fremont, Sandusky Co., Texas................. 494 415; Fitchville,Huron Co.,416; Hart- land, Huron Co., 416; Hamilton, But-mont......................494 ler Co., 417; Lancaster, Fairfield Co., North Bennington,494;Royalton. 495 417; Lebanon, Warren Co., 418; Li- Mi.icellaneous, 495. ma, Allen Co., 419; Mansfield, Rich- Virginia 490 mend Co., 420; Miamisburgh, Mont- No' fol 490 Aiigo. 497' Weel gomery Co., 422; Marion, Marion Co, folk, 496 go, 497; Wheel423: Mount Gilead, Morrow Co., 425; g, 4 iscellaneus, 497. Morrow, Warren Co., 426; Monroe- West Indies................ 507 ville, 426; Milan, 427; Newark, LickingCo.,427; Norwalk, 428; North Fair- Wisconsin................... 498 field, 430; New-London, 430; Olena, Janesville, 498; Lake Mills, 499; Misl 430; Piqua, Miami Co., 4.0; Sidney, cellaneous, 493, Shelby Co., 432; Springfield, Clark Co., A LABAMlA. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. i Helion, Huntsville, Madison co Second Tuesday 8 Alabama, Claiborne, Monroe co Sat. at or preceding f. m. 4 Rising Virtue, Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa, First Saturday X 5 Halo, Cahawba, Dallas co First and third Saturdays 6 Moulton, Moulton, Lawrence co Second Saturday 7 Macon, Grove Hill, Clarke co Sat. before first Monday 8 Farrar, Elyton, Jefferson co First Saturday 9 Gilead, Butler, Choctaw co Third Thursday 10 Royal White Hart, Clayton, Barbour co 2d and fourth Saturdys. 11 Montgomery, Montgomery, Montg'ry, First and third Moonlays 12 Marion, Suggsville, Clarke co Second Saturday 14 Florence, Florence, Lauderdale co Monday on or befo e.i.f im 16 Athens, Athens, Limestone co First Monday 18 Limestone, Mooresville, Limestone, Second Saturday 22 St. Alban's, Linden, Marengo co First Saturday 24 Geo. Washington, Clinton, Greene co Second Saturdly. 25 Dale, Camden, Wilcox co Second Friday 26 La Fayette, Greensboro', Greene co Third Tuesday 27 Selma Fraternal,:Selma, Dallas cO First and Third Mondays 28 Marengo, - ayton.,- Marengo co Third Saturday 29 Rising Sun, Decatur, Morgan co First Tuesday 31 Autauga, Autaugav Autau Autauga, Last Saturday 33 Lowndes, Hayneville, Lowndes co Saturday before f. m. 34 Perry, Marion, Perry o First Saturday 36 Washington, Tuscumbia, Franklin co Second Saturday 37 Courtland, Courtland, Lawrence co First Tuesday,38 Clinton, Talladega, Talladega co First Saturday 39 Wetumpka, Wetumpka, Autauga co First Saturday 40 Mobile,: Mobile, Mobile-co Every Monday 41 Livingston, Livingston, Sumter co First Saturday 42 Hiram, Jacksonville, Calhounco First Monday 6 JUNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. NO. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 43 Leighton, Leighton, Lawrence co Sat. before first Sabbath 44 Gaston, Warsaw, Sumter co First Saturday 45 Jackson, Gainesville, Sumter co Thursday before f. m. 46 Harmony, Eufaula, Barbour co 2d and 4th Saturday 47 Warren, Kingston, Autauga co 2d and 4th Saturday 48 Vienna, Pleasant Ridge, Pickens, First Saturday 49 Demopolis, Demopolis, Marengo co Second Saturday 50 Union, Uniontown, Perry co Saturday after first m. 51 Jefferson, Cedar Bluff, Cherokee co Second Friday 52 New Market, New Market, Madison, Third Saturday 53 Greening, Sparta, Conecuh co Sat. before first Monday. 54 Amity, Eutaw, Green co. First Saturday 55 Mount Moriah, Pickensville, Pickens co 2d and 4th Fridays'56 Tyrian, Troy, Pike co 1st and 3d Saturdays 57 Tuskegee, Tuskegee, Macon co 2d and 4th Saturdays 59 Benton, Benton, Lowndes co' First Saturday 60 Franklin, Russelville, Franklin co Second Saturday 61 Tompkinsville, Tompkinsville, Choctaw, First Saturday 62 St. John's, Union Springs, Macon, 1stand 3d Fridays 63 Social, Enon, Macon co Second Saturday 64 Eureka, Greenville, Butler co- 1st and 3d Saturdays 65 Liberty, Liberty Hill, Dallas co Third Saturday 66 Beacon, NewProspect, Greene co First Wednesday 67 Hampden Sidney, Robinson Spr., Autauga, Saturday before first m. 68 Holsey, Glenville, Barbour co First and third Saturdays 69 Howard, Mobilobile, bile co 2d and 3d Tuesdays 70 Central, Montevallo, Shelby co Second Saturday 71 Tehopeka, Dadeville, Tallapoosa co Fourth Saturday'72 Widow's Son, Snow Hill, Wilcox co Saturday before full moon'73 Acacia, Lowndesboro', Lowndes, Fourth Saturday 74 Solomon's,. La Fayette, Chambers, 1st and 3d Fridays 76 Auburn, Auburn, Macon co 1st and 3d Thursdays'77 chUcheechee, Russell co First Saturday'78 Crozier, White Plains, Calhoun, Second Thursday 79 Fredonia, Fredonia, Chambers co Friday before full moon;80 Wilcox, Allenton, Wilcox co Friday on or before f. m. 81 St. Stephens, St. Stephens,Washington, Second Saturday 82 Bellefonte, Bellefonte, Jackson co., 2d and 4th Fridays 83 Friendship, Centreville, Bibb co. 2d and 4th Fridays 84 Erophotic, Bragg's Store, Lowndes, Friday before full moon 85 Summerfield, Summerfield, Dallas co. Third Monday 86 Cotton Valley, Cotton Valley, Macon co. 1st and 3d Saturdays ALABAMA. 7 NO. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 88 Meridian Sun, Pleasant Hill, Dallas co Friday before f. moon 89 Prattville, Prattville, Autauga co Monday before f. moon 90 Pfister, McKinley, Marengo co Fourth Saturday 91 Henry, Abbeville, Henry co 2d and 4th Saturdays 92 Triana, Triana, Madison co Second Monday 93 Sawyer, Wedowee, Randolph co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 94 Philo Dorian, Cusseta, Chambers co Friday before 2d Sab. 95 Oakville, Oakville, Lawrence co Saturday before f. m. 96 Tuckabatchee, Crawford, Russell co 2d and 4th'Saturdays 97 Loozahatchee, Goshen, Cherokee co Sat. before 3d Sunday 98 Fulton, Fulton, Dallas co Second Saturday 99 Salem, Salem, Russell co 2d and 4th Saturdays 100 Bridgeville, Bridgeville, Pickens co Second Thursday. 101 Hartwell, Oxford, Benton co First Friday 102 Newbern, Newbern, Greene co First Monday 103 Benson,. Maplesville, Bibb co Third Saturday 104 Good Samaritan, Dudleyville, Tallapoosa co Wed. after 3d Sunday 105 Shiloh, Hamden, Marengo co Third Saturday 106 Herman,,Sumterville, Sumter co Saturday before f. m. 107 Choctaw, Pushmataha, Choctaw co Fourth Saturday 108 Oak Bowery, OakBowery, Chambers co 2d and 4th Thursdays 109 Friends United, Camp Hill, Tallapoosa co 2d and 4th Saturdays 110 Forest Hill, Pleasant Grove, Pickens, Second Friday 111 Sylvan, Foster's,. Tuscaloosa co Second Saturday 112 Dean, Brooklyn, Conecuh co Saturday before f. m. 113 Chickasaw, Point Smith, Lauderdale, First Monday 114 Midway, Society Hill, Macon co Fourth Saturday 115 Warrior Stand, Warrior Stand, Macon co 2d and 4th Saturdays 116 De Kalb, Lebanon, De Kalb co First Friday 117 Perryville, Perryville, Perry co Third Saturday 118 Silver Run, Silver Run, Russell co 2d and 4th Saturdays 119 Notasulga, Notasulga, Macon co 2d and 4th Saturdays 120 Waverly, Waverly, Chambers co 1st and 3d Saturdays 121 Ridgely, Ridgely, Macon co, Fourth Saturday 122 Coffeeville, Coffeeville, Clarke co Fourth Saturday 123 Havanavanavana, Greene co First Saturday 124 Felix, Midway, Barbour co 2d and 4th Saturdays 125 Herndon, Union, Greene co Second Saturday 126 Tallapoosa, Rawlsville, Tallapoosa co 1st and 3d Saturdays 127 Bolivar, Stevenson, Jackson co 1st and 3d Fridays 128 Ridge Grove, Ridge Grove, Macon co Fourth Saturday 129 Geneva, Geneva, Coffee co 1st and 3d Saturdays 8 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCA'ION. TIME OF MEETING. 130 Oswichee, Oswichee, Russell co 2d and 4th Saturdays 131 Yorkville, Yorkville, Pickens co First Saturday 132 Roanoknokeoanoke, Randolph co 2d and 4th Thursdays 133 Loachapoka, Loachapoka, Macon co 2d and 4th Saturdays 134 Wiley, Farriorville, Pike co First Saturday 135 Columbia, Columbia, Henry co 1st and 3d Saturdays 136 Unity, Lower P. Tree, Wilcox co Fourth Saturday 137 Rockford, Rockford, Coosa co Sat. before 2d Sunday 138 Bradford, Bradford, Coosa co First Saturday 139 Chilton, Cross Keys, Macon co 1st and 3d Saturdays 140 Shelby, Columbiana, Shelby co Last Friday night 141 Bethel, Arboochee, Tallapoosa co First Thursday 142 Baldwin, Stockton, Baldwin co Second Saturday 143 Burleson, Burleson, Franklin co First Saturday 144 Daleville, Daleville, Dale co First Saturday 145 Fraternity, Blountsville, Blount co 1st and 3d Saturdays 146 Missouri, Missouri, Pike co Third Saturday 147 Rodgersville, Rodgersville, Lauderdale, Second Monday 148 Cold Water, Green Pond, Bibb co Sat. before 3d Sunday 149 Chambers, Milltown, Chambers co 1st and 3d Saturdays 150 Etam, Hamburg, Perry co 1st Saturday after f. m. 151 Bladon Springs, Bladon Springs,Wash'gton First Thursday 152 Mount Jefferson, Rough & Ready, Chamb's, 1st and 3d Saturdays 153 Monroeville, Monroeville, Monroe co Fourth Saturday 154 Nixburg, Nixburg, Coosa co Second Saturday 155 Estabogaa, Estaboga, Talladega co Third Friday 157 Somerville, Somerville, Morgan co Second Wednesday 158 Maysville, Maysville, Madison co First Friday 160 Mitchell, Turkey Town, Cherokee, Third Saturday 161 Hatachubbee, Midway Academy, Coosa, Saturday before f. m. 162 Hendrix, Dublin, Perry co Fourth Saturday 163 FayettevilleAuth.Fayetteville, Talladega co Fourth Saturday 164 Chewacklee Chewacklee, Macon co Third Saturday 165 Leona, Fayette C. 1H., Fayette co First Tuesday 166 Sumter, Gaston, Sumter co Fourth Saturday 168 Mount Hope, Mount Hope, Lawrence co Sat. before 4th Sunday 169 Buena Vista, Magnolia,Macon co Third Saturday 170 Elba, Elba, Coffee co 2d and 4th Saturdays. 171 Clopton, Barnes' i Roads, Dale co Fourth Saturday 172 Fellowship, Reform, Pickens co Fourth Saturday 173 Andrew Jackson, Montgomery, Montgomery,lst and 3d Tuesdays 174 Monterey, Monterey, Butler co Saturday after full m. ALABAMA. 9 NO. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 175 Ezel, Pleasant Spring, Montgr'y Third Saturday 176 Davie, Indian Creek, Pike co Third Saturday 177 Orion, Orion, Pike co First Saturday 178 De Sotoville, De Sotoville, Choctaw co Third Saturday 179 Ashland, Mount Sterling, Choctaw, Second Saturday 180 Mount Hilliard, Mount Hilliard, Pike co 2d and 4th Saturdays 181 Aberfoil, Aberfoil, Macon co 2d and 4th Saturdays 182 Rehoboth, Rehoboth, Wilcox co First Saturday 183 Mulberry, Mulberry P. 0., Autauga Second Saturday 184 Brundidge, White Water, Pike co 2d and 3d Saturdays 185 Goldville, Goldville, Tallapoosa co Third Saturday 186 Catawla, Ashville, St. Clair co Friday before f moon 187 Landmark, Steele's Bluff, Greene co Fourth Saturday 188 Haw Ridge, Haw Ridge, Coffee co 1st and 3d Saturdays 189 Delta Blakeliey's, Choctaw co Second Saturday 190 Tombeckbee, Jefferson, Marengo co do do 191 Brush Creek, Brush Creek, Perry co 1st Saturdayb. f. m. 192 Chattahoochee, Berlin, Chambers co 1st and 3d Saturdays 193 High Log, Line Creek, Montgomery, First Saturday 195 Opelika, Opelika, Russell co 1st and 3d Wednesdays 196 White Hall, Rawlingsville,De Kalb co Friday before f. moon 197 IIillabee Pinckneyville, Tallapoosa, Fourth Saturday 198 Caledonia, Open Pond, Henry co 2d and 4th Saturdays 199 Kiligee, Kiligee, Tallapoosa co Sat. before 3d Sabbath 200 Syllacauga, Syllacauga, Talladega co Third Saturday 201 Helicon, Olustee P. O., Pike co do do 202 Pine Level, Pine Level, Montgomery, 1st and 3d Saturdays 203 Valley, Wacoochee, Russell co do do 204 Manning Spring, Mount Meigs, Montg'ry, 2d and 4th Saturdays 205 Gainestown, Gainestown, Clark co First Saturday 206 Moscow, Moscow, Marion co Friday on or b. f. m. 207 Pettusville Bridgeforth, Limestone co Second Friday 208 Alexandria, Alexandria, Benton co First Wednesday 209 Marshall, Guntersville, Marshall co 2d and 4th Fridays 210 Ebenezer, Cowigee, Barbour co 2d and 4th Saturdays 211 York, Jasper, Walker co Third Wednesday 212 Putnam, Louina, Chambers co 1st and 3d Fridays 213 Fort Browder, Fort Browder,Barbour co 1st and 3d Saturdays 214 Carrollton, Carrollton, Pickens co First Tuesday 215 Builders, Talladega, Talladega co Fourth Saturday 216 Choctaw Corner Choctaw Corner, Clarke co do do 217 Spring Hill, Spring Hill, Marengo co. do do 10 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 218 Sam. Dixon, Centre, Cherokee co 1st and 3d Fridays 219 Lineville, Courthill, Talladega co First Saturday 220 Pine Grove, Pine Grove, Pike co. 1st and 3d Saturdays 221 Tensaw, Montgomery Hill, Bal'winFourth Saturday 222 Western Star, Rosserville, Sumter co First Saturday 223 Sandy Ridge, Sandy Ridge, Lowndes co Sat. before 2d Sunday 224 Newton, Newton, Dale co 2d and 4th Saturdays 225 Louisville, Louisville, Barbour co 1st and 3d Saturdays 226 Santa Fe, Jackson, Clarke co Third Saturday 227 James Penn, Clopton, Dale co 1st and 3d Saturdays 228 Dallas, Warren, Randolph co Thursdays 229 Lebanon, Marion, Perry co First Tuesdays 230 Bexar, Bexar, Marion co Third Saturday 231 Duck Spring, Duck Spring, De Kalb co 2d and 4th Fridays 232 Belmont, Belmont, Sumter co 233 Sepulga, Sepulga, Conecuh co Saturday b. f. moon 234 Isney, Elliott's, Choctaw co Third Saturday 235 Harpersville, Harpersville, Shelby co do. do. 236 Gadsden, Gadsden, Cherokee co 1st and 3d Fridays 237 Tallassee, Tallassee,Tallapoosa co 1st and 3d Saturdays 238 Fairmount, Fairmount, 2d and 4th Saturdays 239 Andalusia, Andalusia, Covington co 1st and 3d Saturdays 240 Bowen, Whistler, Mobile co Thursday after 15th 241 Triana, Triana, Madison co Last Saturday 242 Coosa, Buyckville, Coosa co 2d and 4th Saturdays 243 Rama, Rama, Montgomery co Second Saturday 244 Dawson, Oakey Streak, Butler co 1st and 3d Saturdays 245 Franklin, Millport, Fayette co Fri. b. 1st and 3d Sat 246 Harrison, Henderson's S., Pike co 2d and 4th Saturdays 247 Cropwell, Cropwell, St. Clair co Fourth Saturday 248 Lawrence, Lawrenceville, Henry co 249 Tolluka, Tolluka, Butler co Saturday b. full moon 250 Amand, Barbourville, Autauga co Fourth Saturday 251 Camp Creek, W. H. Jones', Butler co 1st and 3d Saturdays 252 North Port, North Port,Tuscaloosa co Second Saturday 253 Rose Hill, Rose Hill, Covington co 2d and 4th Saturdays 254 Quitman, East Georgia, Butler co do. do. 255 Westover, South Butler, Butler co ARKANSAS. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 1 Washington, Fayetteville, Washington, First Friday 2 Western Star, Little Rock, Pulaski co First Monday 3 Morning Star, Bellville, Arkansas co First Saturday 4 Mount Horeb, Washington, Hempstead, do do 5 Liberty, Mt. Zion Church, Ashley, Fourth Saturday 6 Van Buren, Van Buren, Crawford co Second Monday 7 Key, Double Spring, Benton co Friday on or bef. f. m. 8 Golden Square, Columbia, Chicot co 9 Franklin, Clarksville, Johnson co Fourth Friday 10 Mount Zion, Batesville, Independence, 11 Camden, Camden, Ouachita co 1st and 3d Saturdays 12 Mount Carmel, Magnolia, Union co Fourth Saturday 13 El Dorado, El Dorado, Union co 14 Lewisville, Lewisville, Fayette co 15 Woodlawn, Woodlawn, Ouachita co First Saturday 16 Lafayette, Helena, Phillips co 17 Dover, Dover, Pope co do do 18 Mount Moriah, Lisbon, Union co Second Saturday 19 Arkadelphia, Arkadelphia, Clark co First Friday 20 Belle Point, Fort Smith, Sebastian co 21 Cherokee, Talequa, Ch. Nation, do do 22 Holly Springs, Union Springs, Union co Second Friday 23 Concord, West Point, Chicot co 24 West Point, Grand Lake, White co 25 Tulip, Tulip, Dallas co First Friday 26 Polk, Hillsboro', Union co 27 Princeton, Princeton, Dallas co Second Friday 28 Hickory Grove, Fountain Hill, Ashley co 29 Smithville, Smithville, Lawrence co 30 Pleasant Valley, PleasantVal., Hempstead, Saturday before f. m. 31 Pool, Jacksonport, Jackson co 32 Dardanelle, Dardanelle, Yell co 1st Saturday after f. m. 33 Warren, Warren, Bradley co Friday on or bef. f. m. 34 Benton, Benton, Saline co Third Saturday 35 Fort Gibson, Fort Gibson, Ch. Nat. 36 Northwestern, Maysville, Benton co Second Friday 12 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. NO. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 37 White River, Des Arc, Prairie co First Friday 38 St. John's, Holly Springs, Ouachita, Friday on or bef. f. m. 39 English, Chambersville, Calhoun co 40 Eureka, Rough and Ready, Drew, Fourth Thursday 41 Danville, Danville, Yell co Saturday on or bef. f. m. 42; Clinton, Bethlehem Ch., Jefferson, 43 Oakville, Oakville, Union co 44 Odeon, Huntsville, Madison co Last Friday 45 Augusta, Augusta, Jackson co 46 Lacy, Lacy, Drew co Sat. before 2d Sunday 47 Golden Rule, Elon, Ashley co Third Saturday 48 Hyperian, Longview, Ashley co Fourth Saturday 49 Searcy, Searcy, White co First Saturday 50 Calhoun, Calhoun, Calhoun co Third Saturday 51 Brownsville, Brownsville, Prairie co 52 Choctaw, Doaksville, Ch. Nation First Friday 53 Southern Star, Hampton, Calhoun co First Saturday 54 Evening Star, Norristown, Pope co 55 Rome, Rome, Clark co 56 Bentonville, Bentonville, Benton co 57 Cane Hill, Boonsboro', Washington Thursd'y on or bef. f.m. 58 Rockport, Rockport, Hot Spring co First Saturday 59 Vernon, Mount Vernon, St. Francis 60 Magnolia, Little Rock, Pulaski co Last Monday 61 Hamburg, Hamburg, Ashley co Second Saturday 62 Hot Springs, Hot Springs, do do 63 Strict Observance, Plumb Bayou, Jefferson, Saturday on or bef. f. m. 64 Yell, Carrollton, Carroll co 65 Barber, Double Spring, Calhoun co 66 Ashley, Berryville, Carroll co Third Saturday 67 Falcon, Falcon, Columbia co 68 Champagnolle, Campagnolle, Union co do do 69 Pine Bluff, Pine Bluff, Jefferson co First Saturday 70 Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Monroe co 71 Randolph, Pocahontas, Randolph co 72 Powhatan, Powhatan, Lawrence co 73 Paraclifta, Paraclifta, Sevier co 74 Flint, Flint, Cher. Nation, Secohd Wednesday 75 Gainesville, Gainesville, Green co Second Monday 76 Mill Ridge, Wittsburg, Poinsett co 77 Mitchell, South Bend, Arkansas co 78 Huey, Smithville, Bradley co Third Friday ARKANSAS. 13 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 79 Ozark, Ozark, Franklin co Tuesday preced'g 24th 80 Greenville. Greenville, Hempstead co 81 Byers, Grand Glaize, Jackson co 82 Columbia, Magnolia, Columbia co Saturday on or bef. f.m. 83 Merrick, Roseville, Johnson co 84 Bayless, Ouachita Seminary, Saturday b. 1st Sunday 85 Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Jackson co 86 St. Charles, St. Charles, Monroe co 87 Centre Point, Centre Point, Sevier co 88 Cache, Clarendon, Monroe co 89 Gainesborough, Gainesboro', Independence, 90 Lamartine, Lamartine, Columbia co 91 Pike, Murfreesboro', Pike co Fourth Saturday 92 Quitman, Quitman, Saline co 93 Muscogee, Creek Agency, C. Nation, 94 Richmond, Richmond, St. Francis co 95 Hickory Plains, Hickory Plains, Prairie co Second Saturday 96 Moore, Eagle Creek, Bradley co 97 Pigeon Hill, Wilmington, Union co 98 Lebanon, Big Creek, Phillips co 99 Mt. Pleasant, Saundersville, Prairie co 100 Sulphur Spring County Line, Pike co 101 Leake, Leake's Store, Columbia co 102 Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Washington co 103 Bluff Springs, Marshall Prairie, Newton co 104 Carouse, Liberty, Ouachita co 105 Lewisburg, Lewisburg, Conway co 106 Rob Morris, Prairieville, Clark co 107 Green Grove, Green Grove, Conway co 108 Shady Grove, Shady Grove Church, Dallas co 109 Palestine, Bradley, 110 Hamilamiltonamilton, Prairie co 111 Patterson, Clinton, Van Buren co 112 Scottville, Scottville, Pope co 113 Branson, Florence, Desha co 114 Centre Hill, Centre Hill, White co 115 Campbell, Burrowville, Searcy co 116 Washita, Orion, Ashley co 117 Yellville, Yellville, Marion co 118 Spring Hill, Spring Hill, Johnson co 119 Pea Ridge, Pea Ridge, Benton co 120 Pleasant Grove, D'Armand's Mills, Drew co 14 TNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEXTING. 12,1 Tremont, Tremont, Ouachita co 122 White Sulphur, White Sulphur Springs, Jefferson co 123 Bluffton, Bluffton, Yell co 124 Lake Bluff, Lake Bluff, Prairie co 125 Brushy Woods, Como, Dallas co 126 Bayou Doto, Sulphur Rock, Independence co 127 Springfield, Springfield, Conway co 128 Dallas, Dallas, Polk co CALIFORNIA. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 1 California, San Francisco, First Thursday 2 Western Star, Shasta, Shasta co Saturday preced'g f. m. 3 Tehama, Sacramento, First Monday 5 Benicia, Benicia, Solano co Wednesday prec'g f. m, San Francisco, San Francisco, First Wednesday 8 Tuolumne, Sonora, Tuolumne co First Saturday 9 Marysville, Marysville, Yuba co First Thursday 10 San Jose, San Jose, Santa Clara co First Saturday 12 Yount, Napa, Napa co do do 13 Nevada, Nevada, Nevada co Second Saturday 14 Temple, Sonoma, Sonoma co Fourth Saturday 16 Eureka, Auburn, Placer co Third Monday 17 Parfaite Union, San Francisco Le premier Vendredi 18 Mountain Shade, Downieville, Sierra co Tuesd'y of or prec'g f.rm 19 San Joaquin, Stockton, San Joaquin co First Monday 20 Washington, Sacramento, First Thursday 21 Hawaiian, Honolulu, Hawaiian Isl. First Monday 22 Occidental, San Francisco, Fourth Monday 23 Madison, Grass Valley, Nevada co First Tuesday 24 Mariposa, Mariposa, Mariposa co Saturday bef. f. moon 25 Georgetown, Georgetown, El Dorado co do do 26 El Dorado, Placerville, El Dorado co Monday before f. moon 27 Trinity,.Weaverville, Trinity co Fourth Monday 28 Columbia, Columbia, Toulumne co First Thursday 29 Diamond, Diamond Sp'gs,El Dorado,Saturday bef. f. moon 30 Golden Gate, San Francisco First Tuesday 31 Mokelumne, Mokelumne Hill,Calaveras,Second Tuesday 32 Gold Hill, Gold Hill, Placer co First Saturday 33 Ophir, Murphy's C'mp, Calaveras,Fourth Thursday 34 Santa Clara, Santa Clara, Santa Clara, Saturday bef. f. moon 35 San Diego, San Diego, San Diego co First Sunday 36 Butte, Bidwell's Bar, Butte co First Saturday 37 St. John's, Yreka, Siskiyou co do do 38 Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz co Fourth Saturday 39 Yuba, Marysville, Yuba co First Wednesday 40 Sacramento, Sacramento, First Friday 16 MNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 41 Martinez, Martinez, Contra Costa co First Monday 42 Los Angelos, Los Angelos, do do 43 Hiram, El Dorado, El Dorado co Monday of or pre'g f. m. 44 Mount Moriah, San Francisco, Second Wednesday 45 Crescent, Crescent City, Klamath co Monday prec'g f. m. 46 Texas, San Juan, Monterey co Second Saturday 47 Michigan City, Michigan City, Placer co Thursday of or pre. f. m 49 Lebanon, San Francisco, Fourth Thursday 50 Forbestown, Forbestown, Butte co Second Saturday 51 Illinoistown, Illinoistown, Placer co First Sunday 52 Rough and Ready, Rough and Ready,Nevada, Saturday of or b. f. m. 54 St. James, Jamestown, Tuolumne co Second Saturday 55 Suisun, Suisun, Solano co Thursday pre. f. moon. 56 Volcano, Volcano, Amador co Saturday of or b. f. m. 57 Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa, Sonoma Friday before f. moon 58 Union, Sacramento, Second Tuesday 59 Gravel Range, Camptonville, Yuba co Monday of or pre. f. m. 60 Plumas, Quincy, Plumas co Third Saturday 61 Live Oak, Oakland, Alameda, First Friday 62 Geo. Washington, Chinese, Tuolumneco First Saturday 63 Iowa Hill, Iowa Hill, Placer co Wednesday pre. f. m. 64 Natoma, Mormon Isl'd, Sacramento, Sat. of or pre. f. moon 65 Amador, Jackson, Amador co First Tuesday 66 Forest, Forest City, Sierra co Wed. of or pre. f. m. 67 Minnesota, Minnesota, Sierra co Monday do 68 Morning Star, Stockton, San Joaquin co Fourth Thursday 69 Corinthian, Marysville, Yuba co First Tuesday 70 Enterprise, Yuba City, Sutter co Sat. of or pre. f. m. 71 Nebraska, Michigan Bar, Sacramento, Second Friday 72 E. K. Kane, Nevada, Nevada co Friday pre. f. moon 73 Tyro, Drytown, Amador co Fourth Thursday 74 Wisconsin Hill, Wisconsin Hill, Placer co Saturday pre. f. moon 75 Mountain Forest, Eureka North, Sierra co First Saturday 76 Bear Mountain, Angel's Camp, Calaveras, Fourth Wednesday 77 Petaluma, Petaluma, Sonoma co Thurs. of or pre. f. m. 78 Calaveras, San Andreas, Calaveras co First Saturday 79 Humboldt, Bucksport, Humboldt co. First Thursday 80 Ione, Ione Valley, Amador co Saturday pre. f. moon 81 Yolo, Yolo, Yolo co do do 82 Mountain, Don Pedro's Bar, Tuolumne, Third Saturday 83 Rising Star, Todd's Valley, Placer co Sat. of or pre. f. moon 84 Vesper, Red Bluffs, Shasta co Thurs. next pre. f. m. 85 Indian Diggings, Indian Dig., El Dorado, Second Saturday CALIFORNIA. 17 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME O0 MEETING. 86 St. Louis, St. Louis, Sierra co Sat. of or pre. f. m. 87 Naval, Vallejo, Solano co Friday pre. f. moon 88 Quitman, Orleans Flat, Nevada co Third Saturday 89 Rose's Bar, Rose's Bar, Yuba co Sat. of or pre. f. moon 90 Polar Star, Forks Poor Man's Creek, Sat. of or after f. m. 91 North Star, Indian Creek, Siskiyou co First Monday 92 Acacia, Coloma, El Dorado co Thurs. of or pre. f. m. 93 Caymus, Yountville, Napa co First Saturday 94 Mount Hermon, Elizabethtown, Plumas co Fourth Saturday 95 Henry Clay, Sutter Creek, Amador co Wed. of or pre. f. moon 96 Howard, Yreka, Siskiyou co Second Monday 97 Jefferson, Rabbit Creek, Sierra co Thursday pre. f. m. 98 Quartzburg, Quartzburg, Mariposa co Sat. after full moon 99 La Grange, La Grange, Stanislaus co Second Saturday 100 Campo Seco, Campo Seco, Calaveras co First Wednesday 101 Clay, Dutch Flat, Placer co First Saturday 102 Mansanita, San Juan, Nevada co Sat. of or next p. f. m. 103 Oroville, Oroville, Butte co First Saturday 104 Lexington, Lexington, Los Angelos co Third Saturday 105 Siskiyou, Cottonwood, Siskiyou co First Monday 106 Arcata, Union, Humboldt co First Monday 107 Mount Jefferson, Garrotte, Tuolumne co Last Saturday 108 Owen, Johnson's Bar, Siskiyou co Thursday on or b. f m. 109 Dibble, Alpha, Nevada co Monday on or b f. m. 110 Pajaro, Watsonville, Santa Cruz, Third Saturday 111 Chico, Chico, Butte co l: Third Saturday 112 Summit, Knights Ferry, S. Joaquin Saturday on or b. f. m 113 Eden, San Leandro, Alameda, Saturday next f. m. 114 Mount Zion, Grizzly Flat, El Dorado, Friday on or b. f. m. 115 St. Mark's, Fiddletown, Amador, Saturday next f. m 116 Windsor, Windsor, Sierra, Wednesday next f. m. 117 Concord, Sacramento, Sacramento, First Saturday 118 Vallecito, Vallecito, Calaveras, First Saturday 119 Clinton, Horsetown, Shasta, Wednesday b. f. m. 120 Fidelity, San Francisco, First Thursday 121 Ionic, Iowa Hill, Placer co Wed. on or before f. m. 122 Alamo, Alamo, Contra Costa, Saturday next f. m. 123 Sotoyomi, Healdsburgh, Sonoma co Saturday next f. m. 124 Table Mountain, Oroville, Butte, First Tuesday 125 Progress, San Francisco, Fourth Monday 126 Lafayette, Bodega, Sonoma, Saturday next f. m. 127 Hermann, San Francisco, Third Thursday 128 Visalia, Visalia, Tulare co Third Saturday 2 18 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 129 Nicolaus, Nicolaus, Sutter co Sat. of or preceding f. m. 130 Unity, San Bernardino, Second Saturday 131 Woodbridge, Wood's Ferry, S.Joaquin, Sat. of or preceding f. m. 132 Sincerity, Rich Bar, Plumas co Wed. do do 133 Yosemite, Coulterville, Mariposa, First Saturdays 134 Vacaville, Vacaville, Salano co Fri. of or pred. f. m. U. D. Valley, Foreman's Ranche, S. Joaquin co Fourth Tuesday U. D. Napa City, Napa City. U. D. Pacific, San Francisco, San Francisco co First Wednesday CONNECTICUT. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 1 Hiram, New-Haven, 1st and 3d Thursdays, except July, August 2 St. John's, Middletown, st Friday, Mar. to Sep. 1st, 3d, Sep. to Mar. 3 Do. Bridgeport, Every Wednesday 4 Do. Hartford, 1st and 3d Wed. except July, August 5 Union, Stamford, 1st and 3d Wednesdays i 6 St. John's, Norwalk, Thursday on or beff. m. 7 King Solomon's Woodbury, Every Thursday 8 St. John's, Stratford, Wed. on or before f. m. 9 Compass, Wallingford, Last Thursday 10 Wooster, Colchester, First Friday 11 St. Paul's, Litchfield, Wed. on or before f. m. 12 King Hiram, Derby, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 15 Moriah. Killingly, 3d Wednesday, except July and August 17 Federal, Watertown, Every Wednesday 20 Harmony, New-Britain, Every Monday 24 Uriel, Mansfield, First Wednesday 25 Columbia, South Glastenbury, Wednesday bef. f. m. 28 Morning Star, Warehouse Point, do do 29 Village, Collinsville, Friday preceding f. m.. 31 Union, New-London, Third Thursday 33 Friendship, Southington, Every Thursday 34 Somerset, Norwich, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 36 St. Mark's, Tariffville, Wednesday on or b. f.m. 38 St. Alban's, Guilford, 1st and 3d Mondays 40 Union, Danbury, Thursday on or bef. f. m. 42 Harmony, Waterbury, Every Thursday 43 Trinity, Chester, 2d and 4th Mondays 44 Eastern Star, Willimantic, First Wednesday 46 Putnam, Pomfret, 1st Wed. in Feb., last in Apl., 1 in Sep. Nov. 47 Morning Star, Seymour, Wednesday bef. f. m. 20 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME O1 MEETING, 48 St. Luke's, Kent, Tuesday before f. m. 49 Jerusalem, Ridgefield, Tuesday before f. m. 50 Warren, South Coventry, Wednesday bef. f. m. 51 Warren, Portland, Thursday before f. m. 52 Mount Olive, Essex, Every Friday 56 Franklin, Bristol, Every Thursday 57 Asylum, Stonington, First Tuesday 58 Northern Star, New-Hartford, Thursday prece'ding f.m. 59 Apollo, Suffield, Tuesday onor bef. f. m. 60 Wolcott, Stafford, Thursday before f. m. 62 Orient, East Hartford, 1st and 3d Thursdays, except July, Aug. 63 Adelphi, Fair Haven, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 64 St. Andrew's, West Winsted, Wednesday before f. m. 66 Widow's Son, Branford, do do 68 Charity, Mystic Bridge, Tuesday bef. full moon 69 Fayette, Rockville, Wednesday bef. f. m. 73 Manchester, Manchester, 2d Tuesday aft. f. m. 77 Meridian, Meriden, Tuesday preceding f.m. 78 Shepherd, Naugatuck, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 79' Wooster, New-Haven, 2d and 4th Wednesdays 80 Berlin, Berlin, Tuesday preceding f.m. 81 Washington, Cromwell, Saturday before f. m. 82 G. Washington, Ansonia, 1st and 3d Fridays 83 Eureka, Bethel, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 84 Olive Branch, Westville, 2d and 4th Thursdays 85 Acacia, Greenwich, Tuesday on or bef f. m. DELAWARE. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME or MIETING. 1 Washington, Wilmington, First Thursday 2 St. John's, New-Castle, Wednesday before f. m. 4 Hope, Laurel, Sussex co 5 Union, Middletown, New-Castle, Tuesday before f. m. 7 Union, Dover, Kent co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 9 Temple, Milford, Kent co 11 Temple, Wilmington, Second Wednesday 12 Franklin, Georgetown, Sussex co 2d and 4th Tuesdays 14 Lafayette, Wilmington, First Tuesday 15 Jefferson, Lewes, Sussex co 1st and 3d Fridays 17 Endeavor, Milton, Sussex co 2d and 4th Thursdays 19 Jackson, Delaware city, New-Castle co 3 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. No. LODGE. LOcATION. TIME OF' MEETING. I Federal, Washington, Each alternate Tuesday 4 Washington Naval, do First Saturday 5 Potomac,, Georgetown, Third Monday 7 Lebanon, 1st and 3d Fridays 9 New Jerusalem, 2d and 4th Thursdays 10 Hiram, Third Friday 11 St. John's, 2d and 4th Fridays 12 National, 2d and 4th Mondays 14 Washington Centennial, Washington, First Thursday 15 Benj. B. French, do 1st and 3d Mondays -16 Dawson, do 2d and 4th Mondays FLORIDA. No DG. LD. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 1 Jackson, Tallahassee, 1st and 3d Saturdays 2 Washington, Quincy, 2d and 4th Fridays 3 Harmony, Marianna, First Saturday 5 Hiram, Monticello, 2d and 4th Saturdays 6 Franklin, Apalachicola, 1st and 3d Thursdays I1 Madlison, Madison, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 12 St. John's St. Augustine, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 14 Dade, Key West, First Wednesday 15 Escambia, Pensacola, 1st and 3d Saturdays 16 Santa Rosa, Milton, do do 17 Eucheanna, Eucheanna, do do 18 Csntreville, Centreville, Leon co Second Saturdayl 19 Marion, Ocala, 1st and 3d Saturdays 20 Solomon, Jacksonville, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 21 Gee, Chattahoochie, Fourth Saturday 22 Hamilton, Bellville, Second Friday 23 Newport, Newport, Saturday preced'gf. m. 24 Naval, Warrentown, First Monday 25 Hillsborough, Tampa, 1st and 3d Saturdays 26 Alachua, Newnansville, do do 27 Columbia, Alligator, 2d and 4th Wednesdays 28 Concordia, Gadsden co First Saturday 29 Micanopy, Alachua, Second Saturday 30 Suwannee, Suwannee Shoals, 1st and 3d Thursdays 31 lMnatee, M3anatee, First Thursday 32 De Sot Soto, Sto2d and 4t Saturdays 33 Jefferson, Waukeenah,, 1st and 3d Saturdays 34 Palatka, Palatka, do do 36, Orange co Friday bef. 4th Sunday 37 Orient, Jasper, 1st and 3d Saturdays 38 Chipola, Jackson co 2d and 4th Saturdays 39 Ira Carpenter, Campbellton,'d do 40 Olion, Knox Hill, Fourth Saturday 41 Gainesville, Gainesville, First Saturday 43 Mosley Hall, 1st and 3d Saturdays 24 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORYT No. LOD4E. LOCATION. TIME or METIIIG. 44 Miccosukie, Miccosukie, First Saturday 45 True Brotherhood, do U. D. Mackey, Lower Mineral Springs, Columbia co 2d and 4th Fridays U. D. Providence, U. D. Amelia, Fernandina, 1st and 8d Thursdays U. D. Douglass, White Springs, Hamilton co GEORGIA. No. LODGB. LOCATION. TIME oF MEETING. 1 Solomon's, Savannah, 1st and 3d Thursdays 1 Social, Augusta, Second Friday 2 Stith, Sparta, Hancock co 2d and 4th Mondays 3 Benevolence, Milledgeville, 1st and 3d Saturdays 4 Rising Star, Eatonton, Putnam co 2d and. 4th Tuesdays 5 Macon, Macon, 1st and 3d Mondays 6 Golden Fleece, Covington, Newton co 2d and 4th Mondays 7 Columbia, Columbus, Second Saturday 8 Orion, Bainbridge, Decatur co Fourth Saturday 9 Mount Hope, Hawkinsville, Pulaski co 2d & 4th Fridays, Oct. 10 Olive, Talbotton, Talbot co Saturday on or bef. f.m 11 Franklin, Warrenton, Warren co 1st and 3d Fridays 12 Cross, Lumpkin, Stewart co 1st and 3d Saturdays 13 Amers, Americus, ASumter co Second Friday 14 Marion, Tazewell, Marion co First Friday 15 Zerubbabel, Savannah, 2d and 4th Thursdays 16 Hamilton, Hamilton, Harris co First Saturday 17 Darley, Fort Gaines, Early co 1st and 3d Saturdays 18 Monroe, Forsyth, Monroe co 2d and 4th Fridays 19 Washington, Cuthbert, Randolph co First Friday 20 Rising Sun, Reidsville, Tatnall co do 21 Hiram, Florence, Stewart co Every other Saturday 22 Mount Vernon, Athens, Fourth Friday 23 Lafayette, Washington, Wilkes co Third Tuesday 24 Generous Warren, Monroe, Walton co First Tuesday 24 Albany, Albany, Baker co 1st and 3d Fridays 25 Philomathea, Elberton, Elbert co First Tuesday 26 Meridian Sun, Griffin, 1st and 3d Saturdays 27 Morning Star, Thomaston, Upson co Friday before f. moon 28 Union, La Grange, Troup co 1st and 3d Fridays 29 Madison, Madison, Morgan co Second Friday 30 Amity, Watkinsville, Clark co First Friday 31 Montgomery, Zebulon, Pike co 2d and 4th Saturdays 32 St. Patrick's, Danville, Sumter co Friday before f. moon 33 Kenesaw, Marietta, Cobb co 1st and 3d Fridays 26 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODOE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING.. 34 San Marinri, Greensboro', Green co First Wednesday 35 Houston, Perry, Houston co 1st and 3d Fridays 36 Unity, Jefferson, Jackson co First Tuesday 37 Fraternal, MoDonough, Henry co 1st and 3d Saturdays 38 Blue Mountain, Dahlonega, Lumpkin co First Tuesday 39 Newborn, Newborn, Newton co Second Friday 40 Ebenezer,'Ebenezer, Morgan co First Friday 41 Pythagoras, Decatur, DeKalb co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 42 Concord, Concord, Baker co. 2d and 4th Friday 43 West Point, West Point, Troup co 1st and 3d Mondays 44 Lafayette, Cumming, Forsyth co 1st and 3d Saturdays 45 St. John's, Jackson, Butts co 1st and 3d Saturdays 46 Washington, Pondtown, Sumter co Ist and 3d Saturdays 47 Oglethorpe,' Columbus, 2d and 4th Saturdays 48 Jackson, Hickory Grove, Crawford, Fourth Friday 49 St. Thoma ThomThoasville, Thomas co 1st and 3d Saturdays 50 Jasper, Monticello, Jasper co First Friday 51 Hiram, Danburg, Wilkes co First Friday 52 St. Patrick's, Louisville, Jefferson co 53 Mount Moriah, Fayetteville, Fayette co Every Saturday 54 Clinton, Savannah, - 1st and 3d Mondays 55 Knoxville, Knoxville, Crawford co 1st and 3d Mondays 56 Burns, Lanier, Macon co 2d and 4th Fridays 57 Greenville, Greenville, Merriwether co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 58 Hamilton, Sandersville, Washington, 2d and 4th Wednesdays 59 Atlanta, Atlanta, De Kalb co 2d and 4th Thursdays 60 Coweta, Newnan, Coweta co 1st and 3d Fridays 61 Chattahoochee, Franklin, Heard co 2d and 4th Fridays 62 Randolph, Plumpkintown, Randolph, Second Wednesday 63 Georgetown, Georgetown, Randolph co Third Saturday 64 Mount Moriah, Woodstock, Oglethorpe co Second Tuesday 65 Traveller's Rest, Traveller's Rest, Dooly co 1st and 2d Wednesday 66 Coosa, Rome, Floyd co 1st and 3d Tuesdays. 67 Dawson, Crawfordville, Taliaferro, First Wednesday 68 Dawson, Social Circle, Walton co 1st and 3d Fridays 69 Carroll, Carrollton, Carroll co 2d and 3d Tuesdays 70 Erin, Erin, Meriwether co 2d and 4th Saturdays 71 Oxford, Oxford, Newton co 1st and 3d Mondays 72 Villa Rica, Villa Rica, Carroll co 1st and 3d Wednesdays 73 Alcova, Newton Factory, Newton,First Saturday 74 Unity, Palrmetto, P.O., Coweta co Second Friday 75 Laurens, Dublin, Laurens co 1st and 3d Tuesdays GEORGIA. 27 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 76 Campbellton, Campbellton, Campbell co Every Friday 77 Canton, Canton, Cherokee co 1st and 3( Tuesdays 78 Lincoln, Lincolnton, Lincoln co First Tuesday 79 Few, Buena Vista, Marion co Third Friday 80 WVeston, Weston's 1 Roads, First Saturday 81 Oak Brewery, Elijay, Gilmer co First Tuesday 82 W. P. Arnold, Wrightsboro', Columbia co Second Friday 83 Zaradatha, Lexington, Oglethorpe co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 84 Lithonia, Lithonia, De Kalb co 1st and 3d Fridays 85 Daniel, Island Creek, Milledgeville, 2d and 4th Tuesdays 86 Magnolia, Blakely, Early co 1st and 3d Mondays, 87 Jonesboro', Jonesboro', Fayette co 2d and 4th Saturdays 88 Pinta, Barnesville, Pike co 1st and 3d Saturdays 89 El Dorado, Plattsburg, Talbot-co 1st and 3d Fridays 91) Ringgold, Colbert's Mills, Henry co 2d and 4th Saturdays 91 Western, Lafayette, Walker co- Ist and 3d Fridays 92 Casten, Pleasant Hill, Talbot co 93 St. Mark's, Gold Hill, Merriwether co Thursday, each alt. mo. 94 New River, Corinth, Heard co 1st and 3d Wednesdays 95 Eureka, Starkville, Lee co 1st and 3d Mondays 96 Liberty Union, Taylor's Creek, Liberty co Second Friday 97 Euharlee, Van Wert, Paulding co 1st and 3d Saturdays 98 Houston, Houston, Heard co Third Thursday 99 Siloam, Snapping Shoals, Henry co First Saturday 100 St. John's, Raysville, Columbia co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 101 Cartersville, Cartersville, Cass co 1st and 3d Fridays 102 Rose, Whitesville, Harris co 1st and 3d Saturdays 103 Pleasant Ridge, Pleasant Ridge, Macon co 1st and 3d Fridays 104 Montpelier, Montpelier, Monroe co do do 105 Dalton, Dalton, Murray co 2d and 4th Mondays 103 Quitman, Ringgold, Walker co 1st and 3d Thursdays 107 Thurmond, Hillsboro', Jasper co 1st and 3d Saturdays 103 Chapel, Lumpkin P. O., Stewart co Fourth Saturday 109 Summerville, Summerville, Chattooga co 1st and 3d Fridays 110 Fort Valley, Fort:Valley, Houston co 2d and 4th Wednesdays 111 Stone Mountain, Stone Mountain, De Kalb, Fourth Thursday 112 Walton, Shady Dale, Jasper co Third Friday 113 Tallapoosa, Buchanan, 1st and 3d Saturdays 114 Alleghany, Blairsville, Union co First Tuesday" 115 Troup Factory, Troup Factory, Troup co 1st and 3d Mondays 116 Wornam, Clinton, Jones co 1st and 3d Saturdays 117 Farmer's, Vienna, Dooly co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 28 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. fo. LODGE. LOCATION. TIMiE O MXITING. 118 Kimbrough, Columbus P. 0., Muscogee,First Wednesday 119 McIntosh, Indian Springs, Butts co 2d and 4th Saturdays 120 Mackey, Cave Spring, Floyd co Third Tuesday 121 Caledonia, Cedartown, Polk co Third Friday 122 Williamsville, Williamsville, Pike co 1st and 3d Saturdays 123 Baber, White Plains, Greene co Third Thursday 124 Furlow, Bottsville, Sumter co 2d and 4th Saturdays 125 Jason Burr, Mountville, Troup co Every alternate Friday 126 St. Mary's St. Mary's, Camden co 2d and 4th Tuesdays 127 Ancient York, Sandy Ridge, Henry co 2d and 4th Saturdays 128 Union, Quito, Talbot co Saturday before f. m. 129 Fickling, Butler, Taylor co 2d and 4th Fridays 130 Salem, Culloden, Monroe co 1st and 3d Wednesdays 181 Lawrenceville, Lawrenceville, Gwinnettcolst and 3d Tuesdays 132 Long Cane, Long Cane, Troup co 2d and 4th Mondays 133 Mount Hickory, Easterling Springs, First Tuesday 135 Fergus, Buncombe, Walton co Second Tuesday 136 Cassville, Cassville, Cass co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 137 Mallorysville, Mallorysville, Wilkes co Second Friday 138 Howard, Maxey's Depot, OglethorpeSecond Thursday 139 King David's, King's Chapel, Monroe co Monday preceding f. m. 140 Claremont, Liberty Hill, P. O., Pike, 1st and 3d Saturdays 141 Charity, Petersburg, Elbert co Second Friday 142 Haralson, Haralson, Coweta co 1st and 3d Fridays 143 South-western, Oglethorpe, Macon co 2d and 4th Mondays 144 Ellerslie, Ellerslie, Harris co First Saturday 145 Cohuttah, Spring Place, Murray co 1st and 3d Thursday 146 James Kivlin, Mulberry Grove, Harris co First Saturday 147 Sulphur Springs, White Sulphur Spring, Every oth. Wednesday 148 Phi Delta, Phi Delta, Franklin co First Friday 149 Woodbury, Woodbury, Meriwether co 2d and 4th Saturdays 150 Carmel, Irwinton, Wilkinson co 2d and 4th Tuesdays 151 Wellington, Wellington, Morgan co 2d and 4th Fridays 152 Sharon Grove, White Water, Fayette co 2d and 4th Saturdays 153 Springville, Powder Springs, Cobb co 2d and 4th Thursdays 154 Oothcaloga, Calhoun, Gordon co Istland 3d Tuesdays 155 Chandler, Jamestown, ChattahoocheeSat. b. 2d & 4th Sunday 156 Harmony, McLendon's Store, Henry 2d and 4th Saturdays 157 Oakland, Fenn's Bridge, Jefferson, 158 Irving, Chickasawhatchee, Lee co do do 159 Bowenville, Bowenville, Carroll co Third Saturday 160 Harmony, Appling, Columbia co Friday after full moon GEORGIA. 29 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 161 Tallulah, Clarksville, Habersham, Wednesday prec'g f. m. 162 Joppa, Point Peter, Oglethorpe co Second Tuesday 163 Star in the East, Millhaven, Scriven co 164 Twiggs, Marion, Twiggs co 1st and 3d Saturdays 165 Roswell, Roswell, Cobbco 1st and 3d Thursdays 166 Webb's, Augusta, Richmond co Fourth Monday 167 Floyd Springs, Floyd Springs, Floyd co Second Saturday 168 Adairsville, Adairsville, Cass co 2d and 4th Tuesdays 169 Mount Ebal, Fayetteville, Fayette co 2d and 4th Saturdays 170 Emory, St. Cloud, Heard co 2d and 4th Fridays 171 Philadelphus, Penfield, Greene co First Tuesday 172 Ocapilco, Ocapilco, Lowndes co 2d and 4th Saturdays 173 Patrick Henry, Drayton, Dooly co 1st and 3d Fridays 174 Holt, Quebec, Sumpter co Third Saturday 175 Zabud, New Market, Monroe co 2d and 4th Saturdays 176 Acworth, Acworth, Cobb co 2d and 4th Fridlays 177 Pine Grove, Pine Grove, Henry co 2d and 4th Saturdays 178 Philologia, Sheffield, Newton co Third Saturday 179 Trenton, Trenton, Dade co 1st and 3d Wednesdays 180 Fairburn, Fairburn, Campbell co 2d and 4th Saturdays 181 Milford, Milford, Baker co 1st and 3d Saturdays 182 Dallas, Dallas, Paulding co 2d and 4th Mondays 183 High Falls, Cross Ridge, Butts co 2d and 4th Saturdays 184 St. John Baptist, Troupville, Lowndes co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 185 Cool Spring, Cool Spring, Wilkinson co 2d and 4th Saturdays 186 Carnesville, Carnesville, Franklin co First Tuesday 187 Center, Union, Stewart co 1st and 3d Saturdays 188 Marshall, Preston, Webster co do do 189 Herman, Hartwell, Hart co First Tuesday 190 Baker, Newton, Baker co 2d and 4th Fridays 191 Rockwell, Mulberry, Jackson co Fourth Saturday 192 Rehoboth, Nochway, Randolph co Second Friday 193 Coffee, Jacksonville, Telfair co First Friday 194 Worth, Isabella, Worth co 1st and 3d Fridays 195 Holmesville, Holmesville, Appling co 2d and 4th Saturdays 196 Trader's Hill, Trader's Hill, Charlton co First Saturday 197 Wells, Colaparchee, Monroe co 2d and 4th Saturdays 198 Millwood, Millwood, Dooly co do do 199 Lumber City, Lumber City,- Telfair co Third Friday 200 Eastern Light, Copeland, Telfair co 201 O(cocee, Morganton, Fanning co Ist and 3d Tuesdays 202 Tunel Hill, Tunnel Hill, Whitfield co 1st and 3d Mondays 30 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LonDGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING, 203 Ashler, Concord, Jasper co Saturday after f. moon 204 And. J. Miller, Thomson, Columbia co. 1st and 3d Fridays 205 Hickory Flat, Hickory Flat, Cherokee co 2d and 4th Fridays 206 Bowden, Bowden, Carroll co 1st and 3d Fridays 207 Armonia, Duncansville, Thomas co 208 Hudson, Glades b Roads, Putnam co First Friday 209 Alapaha, Troublesome, Clinch co Second Saturday 210 Brookline, Brookline, MIadison co 1st and 3d Thursdays 211 Butler, Alapaha, Berrien co 1st and 3d Saturdays 212 Irwin, Irwinville, Irwin co First Saturday213 Ogechee, Ogechee, Scriven co Friday before f. moon 214 Ocean, Brunswick, lst'and 3d each month 215 Gaulding, Dublin, Fayette co 1st and 3d Saturdays 216 Fulton, Atlanta, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 217 Waresborough, Waresborough, 2d and 4th Fridays 218 Simon Holt, Colquitt, Miller co 1st and 3d Saturdays 2-19 Gainesville, Gainesville, First Tuesday 220 Pickens Star,' Jasper, Pickens co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 221 Sonoro, Sonoro, Gordon co 1st and 3d Fridays 222 Etowah, Dawsonville, Dawson co 2d and 4th Tuesdays. 223 Smith, Red Hill, Stewart co 1st and 3d Saturdays 224 Magnolia, Mnoliolia, Clinch co do do 225 Attapulgus, Attapulgus, Decatur co 226 Fort Early, Warwick, Dooly co 2d and 4th Saturdays 227 Altamaha, Johnston, McIntosh co Friday after full moon 228 Yellow River, Gwinnett co 1st and 3d Saturdays 229 P. T. Schley, Dawson, Terrill co 230 Mineral Spring, Plains of Dura, Sumpter co ILLINOI S. o.' LOIGE..0 LOCATION. TIME OF MEETINGo 1 Bodley, Quincy, Third Monday 2 Equality, Equality, Gallatin co First Saturday 3 Harmony, Jacksonville, 1st and 3d Mondays 4 prifilSpringfield, Springfield, Monday before f. moon 7 Friendship, Dixon, Thursday on or b. f. m. 8 Macon; Decatur, Saturday on or b. f. m. 9 Rushville, Rushville, Tuesday of or pre. f. 13 St. John's, Peru, 1st and 3d Thursday. 14 Warren, Shawneetown, Saturday of or af. f. m 15 Peoria, Peoria, Monday on or b. f. m. 16 Temperance, Vandalia, Monday after f. moon. 17 Macomb, Macomb, McDonough co First Friday 18 La Fayette, Chicago, 1st and 3d Mondays 19 Clinton, Petersburg, Menard co Saturday before f. moon 20 Hancock, Carthage, Hancock co Monday before f. m. 23 Cass, Beardstown, First Sunday 24 St. Clair, Belleville,'St. Clair co Tuesday before f. m. 25 Franklin, Upper Alton, Madison co Saturday on or b. f. m. 26 Hiram, Henderson, Knox co Thurs. ofor pre. f. m. 27 Piasa, Alton, Tuesday on or b. f. m. 28 Monroe, Waterloo, Monroe co Saturday pre. f. moon 29 Pekin, Pekin, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 30 Morning Star, Canton, Fulton co Tuesday on or b. f. m. 31 Mount Vernon, Mt. Vernon, Jefferson co. First Monday 33 Oriental, Chicago, 1st and 3d Fridays 34 Barry, Barry, Pike co Sat. of or pre. f. moon 35 Charleston, Charleston, Coles co Tuesday on or b. f. m. 36 Kavanagh, Elizabeth, Jo Daviess co Ist and 3dFridays 37 Monmouth, Monmouth, Warren co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 38 Olive Branch, Danville, do do 39' Herman, Quincy, First Wednesday 40 Occidental, Ottawa, 1st and 3d Mondays 42 Mount Joliet, Joliet, Thurs. of or prec'g f. m. 32 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 43 Bloomington, Bloomington, Friday on or bef. f. m. 44 Hardin, Mt. Sterling, Brown co Saturday on or bef. f. m. 45 Griggsville, Griggsville, Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 46 Temple, Peoria, Last Wednesday 47 Caledonia, North Caledonia, Pulaski coThursday on or pre. f. mn 48 Unity, St. Charles, Kane co 1st and 3d Mondays 49 Cambridge, Cambridge, Henry co Thursday on or bef. f. m. 50 Carlton, Carrollton, Green co Monday on or bef. f. m. 51 Mt. Moriah, Hillsboro', Montgomery coThursdayon or bef. f. m. 52 Benevolent, Meredosia, Morgan co Saturday on or bef. f.m. 53 Jackson, Shelbyville, Friday preceding f. m. 54 Reclamation, Nauvoo, 1st Tues. on orb. f. m. 55 Washington, Nashville, Washington co Saturday on or bef. f. m. 56 Pittsfield, Pittsfield, Pike co Thursday on or bef f.m. 57 Trio, Rock Island, Thursday succeed'g f. m 58 Fraternal, Monticello, Piatt co Saturday on or b. f. m. 59 New Boston, New Boston, Mercer co Saturday before f. m. 60 Belvidere, Belvidere, 1st and 3d Mondays 61 Lacon, Lacon, Second Monday 63 St. Mark's, Woodstock, McHenry co Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 64 Benton, Benton, Saturday on or bef. f. m 65 Euclid, Naperville, Tuesday pre. f. m. 66 Knoxville, Knoxville, Every Saturday 67 Acacia, La Salle, Wednesday on orb. f.m. 68 Naples, Naples, Scott co Saturday on or aft. f. m. 69 Eureka, Camden Mills, 70 Social, Hennepin, 2d and 4th Wednesdays 71 Central, Springfield, 2d Monday sue. f. m. 72 Chester, Chester, Randolph co Saturday pre. f. m. 73 Batavia, Batavia, Kane co 2d and 4th Wednesday. 74 Rockton, Rockton, Winnebago co Friday on or bef. f. m. 75 Roscoe, Roscoe, Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 76 Mt. Nebo, Carlinville, Macoupin co Saturday bef. f. m. 77 Prairie, Paris, Edgar co Wednesday on orb. f. m. 78 Union, Waukegan, Lake co Wednesday, on or b. f. m. 79 Scott, Carlyle, Clinton co Second Monday 80 Whitehall, Whitehall, Green co Wednesday on orb. f. m, 81 Vitruvius, Wheeling, Cook co Saturday on or b. f. m. 82 Metamora, Metamora, Woodford co Monday bef. f. m. 83 Iroquois, Middleport, Iroquois co Thursday on or b. f. m. 84 De Witt, Clinton, De Witt co Friday on or bef. f. m. 85 Mitchell, Pinckneyville, Tuesday on or aft. f. m. ILLINOIS. 33 NO. LODGE, LOCATION. TIME or MrIETING. 86 Kaskaskia, Kaskaskia, 1st and 3d Saturdays 87 Mt. Pulaski, Mt. Pulaski, Logan co Wednesday bef. f. m. 88 Havana, Havana, 1st Monday 89 Fellowship, Marion, Williamson co Friday on or bef. f. m. 90 Jerusalem Temple,Aurora, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 91 Metropolis, Metropolis, Monday on or aft. f. m. 92 Stewart, Geneseo, Friday on or bef. f. m, 93 Toulon, Toulon, Monday on or bef. f. m. 94 Morning Sun, Jerseyville, Jersey co Tuesday on or b. f. m. 95 Perry, Perry, Pike co Saturday on or b. f. m. 96 Samuel HI. Davis,Mount Morris, Ogle co Saturday on or b. f. m. 97 Excelsior, Freeport, Thursday on or b. f. m. 98 Taylor, Washington, Tazewell co Friday before f. m. 99 Edwardsville, Edwardsville, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 100 Astoria, Astoria, Fulton co Saturday on or-b. f. me 101 Madison, Upper Alton, Madison co Saturday after f, n. 102 Rockford, Rockford, Thursday on or b. f. m, 103 M ola, agnolia, Magnolia, Putnam co 1st and 3d Saturdays 104 Lewistown, Lewistown, Friday on or pre. f. mi 105 Winchester, Winchester, 1st Saturday bef. f. m. 106 Lancaster, Lancaster, Peoria co Friday bef. f. m. 107 Fayette, Fayette, Green co Saturday on or b. f. m. 108 Versailles, Versailles, Brown co 1st Saturday after f. m, 109 Sharon, Sharon, Thursday bef. f. m. 110 Lebanon, Lebanon, St. Clair co Tuesday on or b. f. m. 111 Jonesboro', Jonesboro', Saturday on or b. f. m. 112 Bureau, Princeton, Tuesday on or b. f. m. 113 Robert Burns, Keithsburg, Friday on or bef. f. m 114 Marcelline, Marcelline, Adams co Saturday on or b. f. m. 115 Rising Sun, Hainesville, Lake co Wednesd'y on or b. f. m. 116 Vermont, Vermont, Fulton co I st Saturday after f. m 117 Elgin, Elgin, 2d and 4th Thursdays 118 Waverly, Waverly, Morgan co Friday before f. m. 119 Henry, Henry, 2d and 4th Tuesdays 120 Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Tues. aft. 1st. and 3d M. 122 Mound, Taylorsville, Saturday before f. m. 123 Oquawka, Oquawka, Tuesday on or b. f. m. 124 Cedar, Morris, Every alternate Wed. 125 Greenup, Greenup, Tuesday on or b. f. m. 126 Empire, Pekin, 1st and 3d Thursdays 127 Antioch, Antioch, Lake co Thursday on or b. f. m. 128 Raleigh, Raleigh, Saturday on or b. f. m. 34 UtIVEIRSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 129 Greenfield, Greenfield, Green co Friday on or bef. f. m. 130 Marion, Salem, 131 Goleonda, Golconda, Pope co Saturday on or aft. f. m, 132 Mackinaw, Mackinaw, Tazewell co' 1st and 3d Thursdays 133 Marshall, Marshall, Clark co Wed. on or bf.f & n.nm. 134 Sycamore, Sycamore, De Kalb co Friday on or bef. f.m. 135 Lima, Lima, Adams co Wed. on or before f. m. 136 Hutsonville, Hutsonville, Crawford co Saturday bef. f. & n.m. 137 1'olk, McLeansboro', Hamilton, Saturday on or: 138 Marengo, Marengo, Henry co 1st and 3d Wednesdays 139 Geneva, Geneva, Kane co do do 140 Qlney, Olney, Richland co Saturday on or bf.f m. 141 Garden City, Chicago, 2d and 4th Wednesdays 142 Ames,. Sheffield, Bureau co 1 st and 3d Thursdays 143 Richmond, Richmond, McHenry co Monday onor bef. f. m. 144 De Kalb,- De Kalb, De Kalb co 1st and 3d Wednesdays 145 A. W. Rawson; Pecatonica, Winnebago co Monday on or bef. f.m. 146 Lee Centre, Lee Centre, Lee co Friday before fullmoon 147 Clayton, Clayton, Adams co Friday after full moon 148 Bloomfield loomfiBloomfield, Edgar co Tuesday on or bef. f.m. 149 Ewington, Ewington, Effingham co Friday on or bef. f. m. 150 Vienna,: Vienna, Johnson co Saturday on or bf. f. m 151. Bunker Hill, Bunker Hill, Macoupin co Thursday preced'g f.m. 152 Fidelity, Fidelity, Jersey co Wedn. on or bef. f. m. 153 Clay, Richview, Washington co Monday on or bef. f. m. 154 Russell, Georgetown,Vermillion co 1st and 3d Thursdays 155 Alpha, Galesburg, 1st and 3d Fridays 156 Delavan, Delavan, Tazewell co Wed. on or bf. f.& n.m. 157 Urbana, Urbana, Champaign co First Saturday 158 McHenry, McHenry, McHenry co Saturday on or bf. f. m. 159 Wethersfield, Wethersfield, Henry co Tuesday before f. moon 160 Wabansia, Chicago, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 161 Virden, denen, lMacoupin co Wednes. on or bef. f.m. 162 Hope, Sparta, Randolph co First Saturday 163 Westfield, Westfield, Clark co Thursday on orbef. f.m. 164 Lawrenceville, Lawrenceville, Lawrence, 2d and 4th Mondays 165 Atlanta, Atlanta, Logan co. Thursday preced'g f.m. 166 Star in the East, Rockford, 1st and 3d Fridays 167 Oswego, Oswego, Kendall co 1st and 3d Thursdays 168 Milfordilford,lford Iroquois co Tuesday on or bef. f.m. 169 Nunda, Nunda, McHenry co Saturday before f. m. 170 Evergreen, Freeport, Monday on or bef. f.m. ILLINOIS. 35 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 171 GirarGirard,ard,Macoupin co Monday on or bef. f.m. 172 Wayne, Waynesville, De Witt co Saturday on or bf. f. m. 173 Cherry Valley, Cherry Valley,Winnebago, 2d and 4th Fridays 174 Lena, Lena, Stephenson co Wedn. on or bef. f. m. 175 Matteson, Joliet, 1st & 3d Tuesd. aft. f. m. 176 Mendota, Mendota, Lasalle co 2d and 4th Tuesdays 177 Stanton, Stanton, Macoupin co Tuesday on or bef. f.m. 178 Illinois Central, Amboy, Lee co 1st and 3d Mondays 179 Wabash, Paradise, Coles co Friday before full moon 180 Moweaqua, Moweaqua, Shelby co Thursday on or bef. f. m. 181 Moultrie, Sullivan, Moultrie co Monday on or bef. f. m. 182 Germania, Chicago, 1st and 3d Thursdays 183 Meridian, Earlville, Lasalle co Sat. of or preced'g f. m. 185 Abingdon, Abingdon, Knox co Tuesd. of or prec'g f.m. 186 Fort Armstrong, Rock Island, Thursday before f. m. 187 Mystic Tie, Polo, Ogle co First Wednesday 188 Cyrus, Mount Carroll co Tuesday on or bef. f.m. 189 Fulton City, Fulton City, Whiteside co Monday on or bef. f. m. 190 Dundee, Dundee, Kane co 1st and 3d Fridays 191 Xenia, Xenia, Monday on'or be. f. m. 192 Farmington, Farmington, Fulton co Saturday bef. f. m., and ~,0~ every 2 w'ks thereaft. 193 Herrick, Pontosue, Hancock co Monday on or bef. f.m. 194 Freedom, Freedom, Lasalle co Saturday oi or bef. f.m. 195 La Harpe, La Harpe, Hancock co Saturday before f. m. 196 Louisville, Louisville, Wednesday before f. m. 197 King Solomon's, Kane, Greene co Wednesd. on or bf. f. m. 198 Grandview, Grandview, Edgar co Tuesday before f. m. 199 1Homer, Homer, Champaign co Tuesdayon or bef. f. m. 200 Sleba, Grayville, White co Wedn. on or bef. f. m. 201 Centralia, Centralia, Marion co Tuesdays on or bef. f. m. 202 Sterling, Sterling, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 203 Lavely, Williamsville, Sangamon c. Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 204 Flora, Flora, Clay co. Wedn. on or bef. f.. 205 Corinthian, West Paw Paw, Lee co Thursd. on or bef. f. m. 206 Fairfieldieldrfield, 2d and 4th Saturdays 207 Tamaroa, Tamaroa, Perry co Friday on or bef. f. m. 208 Wilinngton, Wilmington, Wil. co Wedn. on or bef. f. m. 209 Wm. B. Warren, Chicago, 2d and 4th Saturdays 210 Lincoln, Lincoln, Logan co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 211 Cleveland, Chicago, 1st and 3d Thursdays 212 Shipman, Shipman, Macoupin co Saturday on or bef. f.m. 36 TUINVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 213 Ipava, Ipava, Fulton co Wednesday before f.m. 214 Gillespie, Gillespie, Macoupin co Friday on or bef. f. m. 215 Weir, Six Mile, Madison co First Saturday 216 Newton, Newton, Saturday on or bf. f. m. 217 Mason, — 3Mason, Effingham co Wed. on or before f. m; 218 New Salem, New Salem, Pike co Wednesday before. f. m. 219 Oakland, Oakland, Coles co Friday on or bf. f. m. 220 Mahomet, Middletown, Champaign coMonday on or bf. f. m. 221 Leroy, Leroy, McLean co Tuesday on or bf. f. m. 222 G. Washington, Chilicothe, Monday on or bf.\f m. 223 Keeney, Edington, Rock Island co Wed. on or before f. m. 224 Mount Pleasant, Santa Anna, De Witt co Wed. on or bf. f. m. 225 Owisco, Kankakee, Wed.. on or bf. f. m. 226 Pana, Pana, Christian co Tuesday on or bf. f. m. 227 Columbus, Columbus, Adams co Monday on or bf. f. m. 228 Lovington, Lovington, Livingston co Thursday on or b. f. m. 229 Manchester, Manchester, Scott co Tuesday before f. m. 230 New-Haven, New-Haven, Gallatin co 1st and 3d Saturdays 231 Wyanettnett, Wyett, Bureau co 2d and 4th Fridays 232 Farmers, Tindall Valley, Massac co Sat. on or bf. f two weeks after 233 Blandenville, Bla'ville, McDonough co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 234 Duquoin, Duquoin, Perry co Thursday on or bf. f. m. 235 Dallas City, Dallas City, H-ancock co Saturday on or bf. f. m. 236 Charter Oak, Litchfield, Montgomery coWednesday before f. m. 237 Cairo, - Cairo, First Tuesday 238 Black Hawk, Hamilton, Hancock co Tuesday on or bf. f. m. 239 Mount Carmel, Mount Carmel, Tuesday on or bf. f. m. 240 Western Star, West Urbana, Champ'n coFirst Monday 241 Shekinah, Carbondale, Jackson co Sat. on or before f. m. 242 2Egis,! Annawan, Henry co Sat. on or bf. f. m. 243 Galva, Galva, Henry co Saturday before f. m. 244 Horicon, Lane, Ogle co First Tuesday 245 Greenville, Greenville, Wednesday on bf. f.- m. 246 Panola, Panola, Woodford co Thursday on bf f. m. 247 Rob Morris, Minonk, Woodford co Tuesday on or bf. f. m. 248 Golden Gate, Prairie City, McDonough First Tuesday 249 Hibbard, Brighton, Macoupin co Monday on bf. f. m. 250 Robinson, Robinson, Crawford co Thursday on or bf. f.m. 251 Heyworth, Heyworth, Mercer co Tuesday on or bf. f. m. 252 Aledo, Aledo, Mercer co Tuesday on or b. f. m. 253 Avon Harmony, Avon, Fulton co 1st and 3d Thursdays 254 Aurora, West Aurora, 2d and 4th Wednesdays ILLINOIS. 37 No. LODGE. LoCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 255 Donaldson, Donaldson, Montg'y co. Tuesday on or bf. f. m. 256 A'gonquin, Algonquin, McHenry co Wed. on or bf. f. m. 256 Warsaw, Warsaw, Saturday on or bf. f m. 258 Bonus, Bonus, Boone co 1st and 3d Fridays 259 New Berlin, Berlin, Sangamon co Saturday before full m. 260 Mattoon, Mattoon, Coles co 1st and 3d Wednesdays 261 Alron, De Witt, P.O. De Witt coTuesday on or bf. f. m. 262 Channahon, Channahon, Will co 1st and 31 Tuesdays 23 Illinois, Peoria, Tuesday on or bf. f. m. 264 Franklin Grove, Franklin Grove, Lee co Saturday on or hb. f. m. 265 Verlnillion, Dallas, Verrnillion co 1st and 3d Saturday 266 Kingston, Kingston, Adans co 1st and 3d S.tturday 267 Laprairie, Laprairie, Adams co Monday on ol bf. f. m. 268 Plaris, Parib, Tllursday on or af. f.m. 269 Wheaton, WVleaton, Du Page co Wed. on or after f. in. 270 Ievi Lusk, Arlington, Bureau co Wed. on or after f. m. 271 Blaney, Chicago, 2d and 4th Wednesdays 272 Carmi, Carmi, Tuesday on or bf. f. m. 273 Miners, Galena, 1st and 31 Saturdays 274 Byron, Byron, Ogle co Tlursday on or bf. f.m. 275 Milton, Milton, Pike co Friday on or bf. f. in. 276 Elizabeth, Elizabethtown, 1.t and 31 Fridays 277 Accordia, Chicago, 2d and 4th Fridays 278 Jo Daviess, Warren, Jo D.tviess co Tuesday on or bf. f m. 279 Neoga, Neoga, Cumrberland co Tlursday on or bf. f. m. 280 Kansas, Kansas, Elg Oa co Thursday on or bf. f. m. 281 Miartilisville, Martinsville, C ark co Saturday on or bf. f: m. 282 Brooklyn, Brooklyn, Lee co Wed. on or bf. f m. 283 Meteor, Sandwich, De Kalb co. Friday on or bt: f. in. 284 Alton, Alton, Second Wednesd-ys 285 C ltlin, Catlin, Vermillion co 2d and 4th Wednesdays 286 Plymouth, Plymouth, Hancock co S. turlay before f. m. 287 D Soto, De Sto, Jackson co Saturdav on or bf. t. n. 288 Genoa, Genoa, De Kalb co Wed. on or bf. t. m. 289 Irquois, Middlepont, 1st and 31 Thurs lays 290 Cache, Mound City, Pulaski co Wed. on or before 1. m. U. D. Wataga, Wataga, Knox co U. D Windsor, Windsor, Slelby co U. D. Chenoa, Chenoa, McLIan co U. D. Prophetstown, Prophett'n, Whlzitei.le co U. I). Pontiac, Pontiac, U. D Dills, Breckenbridge, Hancock co 4 38 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. U. D. Quincy, Quincy, U. D. Benjamin, Camp Point, Adams co U. D. Waucondia, Waucondia, Lake co U. D. Mechanicsburgh,Mechanicsburgh, U. D. Ingersoll, Ingersoll, De Kalb co JJ. D. Hanover, Hanover, Jo Daviess co U. D. Durand, Durand, Winnebago co U. D. Raven, Oswego U. D. Cement, Utica, La Salle co U. D. Harrisburgh, Harrisburgl, Saline co INDIANA. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 1 Vincennes, Vincennes, 2 Union, Madison, First Tuesday 3 Carlisle, Carlisle, Wedn'day on or b. f. m. 4 Lawrenceburg, Lawrenceburgh, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 5 Cambridge, Cambridge, Saturday on or b. f. m. 6 Rising Sun, Rising Sun, 7 Versailles, Versailles, 8 Parke, leockville, 9 Boone, Lebanon, Wed. on or af. f..m. 10 Napoleon, Napoleon, 11 Harmony, Brookville, 12 Goshen, Goshen, 13 Washington, Brownstown, 1st and 3d Saturdays 14 Bedford, Bedford, Saturday on or bf. f. m. 15 Warren, Connersville, 16 Golden Rule, Knightstown, Friday on or bef. f. m. 17 Harrison, Harrison, Dearborn co Saturday on or bf. f. m. 18 Attica, Attica, 1st and 3d Saturdays 19 Terre Haute, /Terre Haute, Thulrsday on or bf. f. m. 20 St. John, Columbus, Saturday on or bf. f. m. 21 Salem, Salem, Saturday on or bf. f. m. 22 Monroe, Bloomington, Friday on or bf. f. m. 23 Centre, Indianapolis, First Wednesday 24 Webb, Richmond, Third Wednesday 25 Wayne, Fort Wayne, 26 Western Star, Danville, Tuesday on or b. f. m. 27 New Trenton, New Trenton, 28 Shelby, Shelbyville, Saturday on or bf. f. m. 29 Laurel, Laurel, 30 Charity, Washington, Daviess co 31 Milan, Milan, 32 Pisgah, Corydon, 1st and 3d Saturdays 33 Tipton, Logansport, 1st and 3d Fridays 34 Vermillion, Eugene, 35 Marion, Indianapolis, Third Wednesday 36 Greensburgh, Greensburgh Tuesdays on or bf. f. m. 40 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 37 Perry, Lafayette, Every Monday 38 Williamsport, Williamsport, 39 New Albany, New Albany, 2d and 4th Thursdays 40 Clark, Jeffersonville, 1st and 3d Thursdays 41 Laporte, Laporte, 42 Hiram, Centerville, Thursday on or b. f. m. 43 Springfield, Mount Carmel, 44 Madison, Pendleton, Wed. on or b. f. m. 45 St. Joseph, South Bend, 46 Delaware, Muncie, 47 Temple, Greencastle, Wed. on or b. f. m. 48 Mount Olive, Delphi, Thursday on or b. f. m. 49 Hagerstown, Hagerstown, 50 Montgomery, Crawfordsville, Saturday on or b. f. m. 51 Aurora, Aurora, 1st and 3d Saturdays 52 Westport, Westport, Decatur co 53 Chesterfield, Chesterfield, 54 Clinton, Frankfort, Tuesday on or b. f. m. 55 Burns, Manchester, 56 Winchester, Winclester, 57 Noblesville, Noblesville, 58 Liberty, Liberty, 59 Jennings, Vernon,' Thursday on or b. f. m. 60 Fountain, Covington, 61 Hanna, Wabash, Tuesday on or b. f. m. 62 Rush, Rushville, 63 Pleasant 1ill, Pleasant Hill, Friday on or bef. f. m. 64 Evansville, Evansville, 65 Belleville, Belleville, Thursday on or b. f. m. 66 Brookston, Brookston, Saturday on or b. f. m. 67 Miami, Peru, Wed. on or bef. f. m. 68 Friendship, Hart's Mills, do do 69 Junction, Worthington, Greene co 70 Brownsville, Brownsville, 71 Solomon, Hardinsburg, Wed. on or bef. f. m. 72 Lewisville, Lewisville, 73 Warsaw, Warsaw, 74 Martinsville, Martinsville, 75 Bainbridge, Bainbridge, Saturday on or b. f. m. 76 Meridian Sun, La Grange, 77 Mount Moriah, Anderson, 78 Mooresville, Mooresville, INDIANA. 41 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 79 Fulton, Rochester, Wed. on or bef. f. m. 80 Hopewell, Dillsborough, Dearborn co 81 Allensville) Allensville, 82 Rlussiaville, Russiaville, 83 Michigan City, Michigan City, 84 Bloomfield, Bloomfield, 85 Clay, Bowling Green, Tuesday on or b. f. m. 86 Social, Terre Haute, Monday on or b. f. m. 87 Jay, Jay Court House, 88 Deming, 1NTorth M3anchester, 89 Montezma ontezumaMonteza, 90 Portland, Portland Mills, 91 New Castle, New Castle, 92 Gosport, Gosport, Saturday on or b. f. m. 93 Kokomo, Kokomo, 94 Milford, Milford, Saturday on or b. f. m. 95 Spencer, Spencer, Owen co Thursday on or b. f. m. 96 Andersonville, Andersonville, 97 Albion, Albion, 98 Fairfield, Fairfield, 99 Jerusalem, Clinton, Tuesday on or b. f. m. 100 Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Wed. on or bef. f. m. 101 Hancock, Greenfield, 102'Economy, Economy, 103 Dayton, Dayton, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 104 Jefferson, New Albany, 1st and 3d Thursdays 105 Grant, Marion, 106 Blackford, Hartford City, 107 Franklin, Franklin, 108 Milton, Milton, 109 Jonesboro', Jonesboro', 110 Mystic, Huntington, 1st and 3d Thursdays 111 Burlington, Burlington, Saturday on or b. f. m. 112 Rockport, Rockport, 113 Thornton, Thorntown, 114 Unity, Perrysville, 115 Westfield, Westfield, 116 Leatherwood, Heltonville, Saturday on or b. f. m. 117 Deerfield, Deerfield, 118 Clarksville, Clarksville, 119 Paoli, Paoli, Friday on or bef. f. m. 120 Scott, New Frankfort, 42 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 121 Pike, Petersburgh, 122 Switzerland, Vevay, 123 La Fayette, La Fayette, Every Wednesday 124 Clarksburgh, Clarksburgh, 125 Jasper, Rensselaer, 126 Millersville, Millersville, Marion co 127 Annapolis, Annapolis, 128 Austin, Tipton, 129 Shawwannee, Stringtown, Tippecanoe co Saturday on or bf. f. m. 130 Mishawaka, Mishawaka, St. Joseph co 131 Larrabee, Stilesville, 132 Cloverdale, Cloverdale, Tuesday on or bf. f. m. 133 Rome, Rome, 134 Pleasant, Pleasant View, 135 Nashville, Nashville, 136 Vesta, Jefferson, Clinton co 137 Porter, Valparaiso, 138 Dupont, Dupont, Monday on or bf. f. m. 139 Milroy, Milroy, 140 Oakland, Oakland, Marion co 141 Russellville, Russellville, Tuesday on or bf. f. m. 142 North Salem, North Salem, 143 Tuscan," Lagro, Monday on or bf. f. m. 144 Alamo, amo, mo, Monday on or bf. f. m. 145 Bluffton,. Bluffton, 146 Jackson, Rockford, Monday on or bf. f. m. 147 Farmers', Norristown, Shelby co Saturday on or bf. f. m. 148 Morning Star, Patriot, Switzerland co 149 Plymouth, Plymouth, 150 IHope, Hope, Bartholemew co Tuesday on or af. f. m. 151 Hartford, artford, Ohio co 152 Cannelton, Cannelton, 153 Orleans, Orleans, Tuesday on or bf. f. m. 154 Libanus, Monticello, 155 Applegate, Fillmore, Putnam co Tuesday on or bf. f. m. 156 Metamora, Metamora, 157 Lake, Crown Point, Every Wednesday 158 Wilmington, Wilmington, 159 White Water, Hillsboro', Wayne co 160 Lawrence, Bryantsville, Saturday on or bf. f. m. 161 Cedar, Leesville, Saturday on or af. f. m. 162 Bridgeport, Bridgeport, Wed. on or b. f. m. INDIANA. 43 NO. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 163 Mount Vernon, Mount Vernon, 164 Ovid, New Columbus, Madi'n co 165 Alien, Moor's Hill, 166 Newberry, Newberry, Greene co 167 New Washington, New Washington, Clark co 168 Mount Pleasant, Mount Pleasant, Martin co 169 Bridgeton, Bridgeton, Parke co Saturday on or bf. f. m. 170 Summit City, Fort Wayne, 171 Anthony, Albany, Delaware co 172 Lodiville, Lodiville, Parke co 173 Stanford, Stanford, Monroe co' Tuesday on or bf. f. m. 174 Newburgh, Newburgh, Warrick co 175 Greensboro', Greensboro', Henry co Tuesday on or bf. f. m. 176 Wooster, W. Union, Fayette co 177 Springville, Springville, Lawrence co Friday on or bf. f. m. 178 Concordia, Indianapolis, Second Wednesday 179 Reserve, Sharpsville, Tipton co 180 Dublin, Dublin, Wayne co Thursday on or bf f. m. 181 Leesburgh, Leesburgh, Kosciusko co 182 Greenwood, Greenwood, Johnson co 183 Kane, Elkhart, Elkhart co 184 Herman, Michigantown, Clinton co Thursday on or bf. f. in. 185 Ligonier, Ligonier, Noble co 186 Darlington, Darlington, WVed. on or before f. m. 187 Ladoga, Lagoda, Thursday on or bf. f. m. 188 Posey, Leavenworth, Crawford co 189 Columbia City, Columbia City, 190 Oxford, Oxford, 191 Grandview, Grandview, 192 Westville, Westville, Laporte co 193 Morristown, Morristown, Saturday before f. m. 194 Excelsior, Laporte, 195 Roanoke, Roanoke, 1st and 3d Fridays 196 Richmond, Richmond, First Tuesday 197 Zion. Zionsville, 198 Ripley, Prattsburg, Ripley co 199 Cicero, Cicero, 200 Hazelrigg, Jamestown, Saturday on or b. f. m. 201 Rono, Rono, Perry7co 202 Alton, Alton, 203 Jerome, Jerome, 204 Terre Coupee, New Carlisle, 44 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 205 Richland, Newtown, 206 Livona, Livonia, 207 Fortville, Walpole, 208 MIonong, Francisville, 209 Newport, Newport, Tuesday on or b. f. m. 210 North Eastern, Brockville, 211 Mount Zion, Camden, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 212 Pennville, Pennville, 213 Moorefield, Mooreville, 214 De Kalb, Auburn, 215 Linia Lima, 216 Bayless, Waynesville, Saturday on or b. f. m. 217 Waldron, Waldron, Shelby co 218 Flat Rock, St. Paul's 219 Butlerville, Butlerville, Tuesday on or b. f. m. 220 Advance, Delphi, 221 Paris, Paris, Saturday on or b. f. m. 222 Kingsbury, Kingsbury, 223 Lynn, Lynn, 225 Star, Orland, 226 Blazing Star, Charleston, 2d and 4th Thursdays 227 Warrington, Warrington, Saturday on or b. f. m. 228 Mlitchell, Mitchell, 1st and 3d Mondays 229 Whitney, New Burlington, 230 Quincy, Quincy, 231 Prince, Princeton, 232 Cornelius, Abington, 233 Downey, Boston, 234 Orange, Fayetteville, 235 Alexandria, Alexandria, 236 Angola, Angola, 237 Martinsburg, Martinsburg Wednesday after f. m. 238 Taylorsville, Taylorsville, Monday on or b. f. m. 239 Forest, Norristown, De Kalb co 240 Stranger's Rest, Boonsville, Warrick co 241 Brownsburg, Brownsburg, Hendricks co 242 Acacia. Washington, Wayne co 243 O'Brian, Knox, Starke co 244 Galveston, Galveston, Cass co 245 Ellettsville, Ellettsville, Monroe co 246 King, Warrren, Huntington co 247 Perkinsville, Perkinsville, Madison co. INDIANA. 45 NO. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MFETING. 248 Olive Branch, MViddletown, Allen co 249 Redding, Reddington, Jackson co 250 Bethel, Bethel, Wayne co 251 Keystone, Allisonville, Marion co 252 Reynolds, Reynolds, White co U. D. HIidson, lanhattan, Putnam co IT. D. Monrovia, Monrovia, Morgan co U. D. New Point, New Point, Decatur co U. D. North Liberty, North Liberty, St. Joseph co U. D. Xenia, Xenia, liami co U. D. Brazil, Brazil, Clay co Tuesday on or b. f. m. U. D. Montezuma, Montezuma, U. D Livonia, Livonia, U. D. Newport, Newport, U. D. Greentown, Greentown, U. D. North Eastern, Brockville, Fremont P. 0. U. D. Pennville, Camden, Pennville, P. 0. U. D. IMoorefield, Moorefield,' U. D. Sullivan, Sullivan, Sullivan co U. D. Winemac, Winemac, Pulaski co U. D. Troy, Troy, Perry co U. D. Winslow, Winslow, Pike co U. D. Independence, Independence, Madison co U. D. Prairie, Rensselaer, Jasper co IOWA. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 1 Desmoines, Burlington, Desmoines co Monday bef. f. m. 2 Iowa, Muscatine, Muscatine co Monday on or b. f. m. 3 Dubuque, Dubuque, Dubuque co 1st and 3d Thursdays 4 Iowa City, Iowa City, Johnson co First Saturday 5 Wapello, Wapello, Louisa co Saturday bef. f. m. 6 Marion, Marion, Linn co 1st Saturday aft. f. n. 7 Hiram, Augusta, Desmoines, Thursday bef. f. m. 8 Mount Pleasant, Mount Pleasant, Henry co Friday bef. f. m. 10 Keosauqua, Keosauqua, Van Buren co Monday after f. m.: 11 Cedar, Tipton, Cedar co Saturday on or b. f. m. 12 Eagle, Keokuk, Lee co Wednesday bef. f. m. 13 Fort Madison, Fort Madison, Lee co First Wednesday. 14 Franklin, Bloomfield, Davis co Saturday bef. f. m. 15 Clinton, Fairfield, Jefferson co' Monday bef. f. m. 16 Ottumwa, Ottumwa, Wapello co Thursday on or b. f. m. 17 Salem, Salem, Henry co 1st Friday aft. f. m. 18 Tri Luminar, Oskaloosa, Mahaska co Friday bef. f. m. 19 St. John's, Lyons, Clinton co 20 Burlington, Burlington, Desmoines co Third Thursday 21 Olive Branch, Agency City, Wapello co Monday bef. f. m. 22 Pioneer, Fort Desmoines, Polk co Saturday on or b. f. n. 23 Grandview, Grandview, Louisa co Saturday aft. f. in. 24 Golden Rule, Rochester, Cedar co Friday on or bef. f. m. 25 Cedar Rapids, Cedar Rapids, Linn co Monday aft. f. m. 26 Washington, Washington, Friday on or b. f. m. 27 Mount Moriah, Farmington, Van Buren co Wednesday on or b. f. m. 28 New London, New London, Monday on or b. f. m. 29 IHardin, Keokuk, Lee co Monday pre. new. m. 30 Hawkeye, Muscatine, Tuesday bef. f. m. 31 Zion, Iowa City, Johnson co Friday bef. f. m. 32 Hogin, Sigourney, Keokuk co Tuesday pre. f. m. 33 Winchester, Winchester, Van Buren coTuesday bef. f. n. 34 Dewitt, Dewitt, Clinton co Friday on or bef. f. m. 35 Kirkville, Kirkville, Wapello co Tuesday on or b. f. m. 36 Iielion, Maquoketa, Jackson co Tuesday bef. f. m. IOWA. 47 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 37 Davenport, Davenport, Scott co Monday before f. m. 38 Richland, Richland, Keokuk'co Thursday before f. m. 39 Union, Sabula, Jackson co Wedn. on or before f. m. 40 Troy, Troy, Davis co Friday before full moon 41 Liberty, Libertyville, Jefferson co Friday on or before f. m. 42 Jackson, Centreville, Appanoose co Friday on or before f.m. 43 Evening Star, Wintersett, Madison co do do 44 Snow, Le Claire, Scott co Saturday before f. moon 45 Crawfordsville, Crawfordsville.Wash'gton, Friday after full moon 46 Anarnosa, Anamosa, Jones co do do 47 Bentonsport, Bentonsport,Van Buren co Friday preceding f. m. 48 Lowell, Lowell, Henry co Saturday on or bef.f. m. 49 Metropolitan, Dubuque, First Thursday 50 Mount Sterling, Mt. Sterling, Van Buren, Saturdayprecedingf.m. 51 Belleview, Bellevue, Jackson co First Monday. 52 Lafayette, Montezuma, Poweshiek co Saturday before f. m. 53 Warren, Indianola, Warren co do do 54 Seevers, Oskaloosa, Mahaska co Tuesday before f. moon 55 Pella, Pella, Marion co Monday on or bef. f. m. 56 Bilrningham, Birniingham,Van Buren co Saturday before f. m. 57 Tuscan, Davenport, Scott co Friday before full moon 58 Glenwood, Glenwood, Mills co First Monday 59 Newton, Newton, Jasper co Saturday on oraft. f. m. 60 Camanche, Camanche, Clinton co Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 61 Oriental, Knoxville, Marion co Friday on or bef. f. m. 62 Vinton, Vinton, Benton co Saturday before f. m. 63 Chariton, Chariton, Lucas co 64 Brighton, Brighton, Washington co Monday on or bef. f. m. 65 Black Hawk, Cedar Falls, Black Hawk, do do 66 Union Band, Moneek, Winneshiek co Wedn. on or before f. m. 67 Constellation, Colesburg, Delaware co Thursd. on or bef. f. m. 68 Glasgow, Glasgow, Jefferson co do do 69 West Union, West Union, Fayette co Wedn. on or before f.m. 70 Clayton, Monona, Clayton co Friday on or before f. m. 71 Bluff City, Council Bluffs,Pottawatamie, Third Saturday 72 Elkader, Elkader, Clayton co Saturday on or beff. fm. 73 Bonaparte, Bonaparte, Van Buren co Tuesday on or bef. f.m. 74 Eddyville, Eddyville, Wapello co Wedn. on or before f.m. 75 WVest Point, West Point, Lee co Friday on or bef. f. m. 76 Albia, Albia, Monroe co Friday preceding f. m. 77 Osceola, Osceola, Clarke co Tuesday on or bef. f. m, 78 Grand River, Leon, Decatur co do do 48 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LonoDE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 79 Boonsboro', Boonsboro' Boone co Friday before f. m. 80 Adel, Adel, Dallas co Saturday on or bef. f. m. 81 Benton City, Benton city, Benton co Monday before f. m. 82 Homer, Homer, Webstert co Mionday on or bef f. m. 83 Hartford, Hartford, Warren co Thursday preced'g f. m. 84 Epworth, Epworth, Dubuque co Friday on or before f. m. 85 Parvin, Bossyille, Alamakee co Tuesday after full moon 86 Jefferson, Drakeville, Davis co Wednesday before f. m. 87 Independence, Independence, Buchanan Wednesday before f. m. 88 Monroe, Monroe, Jasper co Friday on or before f. m. 89 Eureka, Iowaville, Van Buren co Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 90 Garnaville, Garnaville, Clayton co Tuesday before f. m. 91 Corydon, Corydon, Wayne co Wednesday before f. m. 92 Delhi, Delhi, Delaware co Tuesday before f. m. 93 Lyons, Lyons, Clinton co Third Wednesday 94 Butler, Clarksville, Butler co Last Tuesday 95 Mount Calvary, West Liberty, Muscatine co Wedn. on or before f. m. 96 Richmond, Richmond, Washington co Thursday before f. m. 97 Marietta, Marietta, Marshall co Sat. on or after f. m. 98 Decorah, Decorah, Winneshiek co Thurs. on or bef. f. m. 99 Nevada, Nevada, Story co Friday on or before f. m. 100 Western Star, Clinton, Clinton co Fourth Monday 102 Osage, Osage, Mitchell co Thurs. on or before f. m. 103 Sioux City, Sioux City, Woodbury co Wedn. on orbeforef. m. 104 Abingdon, Abindon, Jefferson co Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 105 Waterloo, Waterloo, Black Hawk. co do do 106,Martinsburg, Maartinsburg, Keokuk co Wednesday before f. m. 107 Columbus City, Columbus City, Louisa co Thursday on oraft. f.m. 108 Marshall, Marshll, l, Marshall co Thursday on orbef. f.m. 109 Decatur, Decatur, Decatur co Thursday before f. m. 110 Capitol, Des Moines, Polk co Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 111 Ashlar, Fort Dodge, Webster co Monday on or bef. f.m. 112 Mount Vernon, MIount Vernon, Linn co Thursday on orbef. f.m. 113 Polar Star, Indiantown, Tama co Friday on or after f. m. 114 Maiengo, Marengo, Iowa co Monday on or bef. f. m. 115 Star, Sweede Point, Friday on or before f. m. 116 Tyrrell, Waverly, Bremer co Tuesday on or bef. f.m. 117 Montague, Eldora, Hardin co Wednesday before f. m. 118 Toledo, Toledo, Tama co Tuesdayon or bef. f.m. 119 Unionville, TJnionville, Appanoose co Thursday on orbef. f.m. 120 Adoniram, Marshall, Henry co do do 121 Panora, Panora, Guthrie co Saturday on or bef. f. m. IOWA. 49 No. LODGE, LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 122 Ionic, Attalissa, Muscatine co Thursday on or aft. f. m. 123 Orange, Guthrie Centre, Guthrie co Thursday on or bef. f.m. 124 Lovila, Lovila, Monroe co Monday on or bef. f. m. 125 Mosaic, Dubuque, Dabuqiue co Second Tuesday, 126 Ma.gnolia, Magnolia, Harrison co Saturday on or bef. f. m. 127 Cascade, Cascade, Dubuque co Mondly on or bef. f.m. 128 Pleasant, Pleasantville, Marion co Saturday on or bet. f. m. 129 Bradford, Bradford, Chickasaw co Thursday on or aft. f. m. 130 Strawberry Point, Strawberry Pt, Clayton co Saturday on or bef. f. m. 131 Equity, Janesville, Bremer co Monday after full moon 132 Orion, Dyersville, Dubuque co First Friday, 133 Bell Air, Belle Air, Appanoose co Wedn. on or bef. f. m. 134 Harmony, Harmony, Mitchell co Tuesday on or' bef. f. m. 135 Bezer, McGregors, Claytonco Third Monday bef. f. m. U.D. L:wis, Lewis, U.D. Fontanelle, Fontanelle, KANSAS. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 1 Smithton, Iowa Point, 2 Leavenworth, Leavenworth, 3 Wyandott, Wyandott, 4 Kickapoo, Kickapoo, 5 Washington, Atchinson, 6 Lawrence, Lawrence, 7 Union, Fort Ri'ey, 9 Shawnee, Big Springs, KENTUCKY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 1 Lexington, Lexington, Sat. after 2d Monday 4 Hiram,; Frankfort, 2d and 4th Mondays 5 Solomon's, Shelbyville, Second Monday 8 Abram's, Louisville, 2d and 4th Thursdays 9 Jerusalem, Henderson, 1st and 4th Mondays 14 Mount Vernon, Georgetown, 1st and 3d Mondays 16 Paris Union, Paris, Second Saturday 17 Russellville, liussellville, Fourth Monday 18 St. Andrew's, Cynthiana, Second Monday 19 Washington, Washington, do do 20 Winchester, Winchester, Fourth Monday 22 Daviess, Lexington, Second Monday 23 Montgomery, Mount Sterling, Saturday precd'g f. m 24 Alien, Glasgow, 1st and 3d Mondays 25 Richmond, Richmond, 2d and 4th Tuesdays 28 Franklin, Danville, 1st and 3d Saturdays 37 Hopkinsville, Hopkinsville, First Monday 40 Amity, Millersburgh, Third Saturday 41 Landmark, Versailles, First Monday 47 Fortitude, Lagrange, 1st and 3d Saturdays 50 Springfield, Springfield, Second Saturday 51 Clarke, Louisville, 1st and 3d Thursdays 52 Confidence, Maysville, First Saturday 53 Warren, Harrodsburg, First Monday 54 Greensburg, Greensburg, Third Monday 55 Bath, Owingsville, Saturday before f. m. 57 Bloomfield, Bloomfield, 1st and 3d Saturdays 58 Benevolence, Blue Spring, First Saturday 60 Lincoln, Stanford, First Monday 61 Hart, Nicholasville, Saturday before f. m. 65 Dougherty, Carlisle, Sat. of or precd'g f. m. 66 Morganfield, Morganfield, Monday before f. moon 67 Breckinridge, Hardinsburg, 1st and 3d Mondays 71 Vesper, Elkton, First Monday 73 Bowling-Green, Bowling-Green, Fourth Monday 52 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 76 Morrison, Elizabethtown, 1st and 3d Saturdays 78 Jonathan, Liberty, Fourth Saturday 79 Washington, North Middletown, Saturday preced'g f. m. 80 Augusta, Augusta, do do 81 Salem, Salem, Second Thursday 82 Clinton, Princeton, Second Saturday 85 Grant, Williamstown, Second Monday 83 IeWitt Clinton, Clintonville, Second Saturday 87 Lebanon, Lebanon, First Saturday 88 Green River, Munfordsville, First Monday 89 Greenup, Greenupzburg, do do 90 Anderson, Lawrenceburg, Second Monday 95 Good Faith, Florence, First Saturday 96 Moore, Columbia, First Monday 98 Cowan, Lafayette, Third Saturday 104 Lancaster, Lancast er, Second Monday 105 Murray, Murray, Sat. before 4th Monday 106 Mount Moriah, Louisville, 1st and 3d Mondays 108 Tadmor, Warsaw, Second Monday 109 Covington, Covington, 2d and 4th Mondays 110 Warrcn, Leesburg, Fourth Saturday 111 Somerett, Somersett, Sat. bf. 2d & 4tl Mond. 112 Fleming, Flemingsburg, Fourth Monday 113 Antiquity, Louisville, 1st and 3d1 Fridays 115 Hancock, Hawesville, Fourth Monday 116 Minerva, Minerva, Sat. of or preced'g f. m. 117 Sharpsburg, Sharpsburg, Saturday of or aft. f.m. 118 Eig Spring, Breckinridge county 2d and 4th Saturdays 119 Wayne, Monticello, 2d Sat. and 4th Monday 120 Mills Point, Mills Point, Second Monday 121 Cadiz, Cadiz, First Saturday 122 Harrison, Brandenburg, 1st and 3d Mondays 123 Bradford, Independence, Second Saturday 124 Pitman, Campbellsville, Second Mondtay 125 St. John's, Salvisa, Friday precedin f. m. 126 Liberty, New Liberty, First Saturday 127 Paducah, Paduct.h, 2d and 4th Mondays 128 Owen, Owenton, Third Monday 129 Barker, West Point, 1st and'31 Saturdays 130 Owensboro', Owenshoro', 2d. Mon.& Sat.b.4th M. 131 Hickman, Clinton, First Monday 132 Young, Hodgenville, 2d and 4th Saturdays KENTUCKY. 53 NO. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 134 Carrollton, Carrollton, First Monday 135 Licking Valley, Newport, 1st and 3d Saturdays 136 Marion, Bradfordsville, Fourth Saturday 137 Irvine, Irvine, 1st and 3d Mondays 138 Smithland, Smithland, First Monday 139 Springhill, Crab Orchard, First Saturday 140 Paint Lick, Garrard county, Saturday before f. m. 142 Blandville, Blandville, Fourth Monday 143 Madionville,onville adisonville, 1st and 3d Saturdays 145 Trimble, Grayson, Second Monday 147 Mount Zion, Louisville, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 148 Providence, Providence, Fourth Saturday 149 Cumberland, Burksville, Second Saturday 150 Crittenden, Crittenden, do do 151 Lafayette,. Lafayette, First Satnrday 153 Holloway, Sherburne, Saturday before f. m. 154 Brooksville, Brooksville, Saturday after f. m. 155 Bullitt, Shepherdsville, 1st and 3d Saturdays 157 Lovelaceville, Lovelaceville, 2d and 4th Saturdays 158 Bedford, Bedford, Second Monday 159 Col. Clay, Covington, 2d and 4th Tuesdays 160 Devotion, Lexington, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 161 Wingate, Simpsonville, 1st and 3d Saturdays 163 Robert Burns, Newport, Ist and 3d Wednesdays 164 Taylor, Colmansville, Second Saturday 165 Westport, Westport, 2d and 4th Wednesdays 167 Joppa, Lyon county, Second Saturday 168 Caseyville, Caseyville, Saturday preceding f.m. 169 Oldham, Brownsboro', 2d and 4th Saturdays 170 Milburne, Milburne, Second Monday 172 Roberts, Feliciana, Third Wednesday 173 Columbus, Columbus, Third Monday 174 Good Samaritan, Lexington, Every Monday 176 Oxford, Oxford, Second Saturday 177 Simpson Benevolent, Franklin, do do 178 Tompkins, Edmonton, Second Monday 179 Adam's Fork, Ohio county, Saturday after f. m.. 180 Salt River, Mount Washington, 2d and 4th Saturdays 181 Major Barbour, Bardstown, 2d and 4th Mondays 182 Allensville, Allensville, Tuesday preceding f m.. 183 Madison, Kirksville, Saturday preced'g f. m. 184 Hustonville, Hustonville, First Saturday 5 54 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 185 Rumsey, iRumsey, 1st Monday and 3d Sat. 186 Livermore, Livermore, Saturday before f. m. 187 Mountain, Barboursville, 2d Sat. and 4th Mon'y 188 Concord, New-Concord, Second Saturday 189 Simpson, Newcastle, Fourth Monday 190 Suwanee, Eddyville, Every Saturday 191 Lewis, Portland, Ist and 3d Fridays 192 Neatsville, Neatsville, First Saturday 193 Harry Hudson, Middletown, 2d and 4th Saturdays 195 Apperson, Louisa, First Monday 196 Sardis, Sardis, Saturday after f. moon 197 Bryantsville, Bryantsville, 2d and 4th Mondays 199 Zerubbabel, Montgomery county, Saturday after f. moon 200 Neville, Moscow, First Saturday 201 Magnolia, Mackville, Friday preceding f. m. 202 Walton, Walton, Third Saturday 203 Scott, Stamping Ground, 2d and 4th Tuesdays 204 Bethel, Trenton, Fourth Monday 205 Benton, Benton, First Monday 206 Albany, Albany, do 207 Germantown, Germantown, Saturday before f. m. 208 Graham, Scottville, Second Monday 209 Harvey Maguire, Perryville, 1st and 3d Fridays 210 Taylorsville, Taylorsville, 1st and 3d Mondays 211 Wintersmith, Garnetsville, Saturday before full m. 212 Stephensburg, Stephensburg, 2d and 4th Saturdays 213 Proctor, Proctor, Second Saturday ~:214 Fairview, Fairview, Friday after full moon 215 New-Haven, New-Haven, 1st and 3d Saturdays 216 Napoleon, Napoleon, First Saturday 217 Gordonsville, Gordonsville, Friday preceding f. m. 218 Philip Swigert,, Fisherville, 1st and 3d Saturdays 219 Union, Uniontown, 1st and 3d Fridays 220 Demoss, Demossville, Third Saturday 221 Boaring Spring, Trigg county, Second Saturday 222 Orion, Falmouth, 1st and 3d Mondays 223 Compass, Louisville, 2d and 4th Wednesdays 224 Willis Stewart, do 1st and 3d Wednesdays 225 York, Hopkinsville, Friday after 1st Mon'y 226 Mitchell, Keene, Tuesday preceding f. m. 227 Muhlenburg, South Carrollton, 2d and 4th Tuesdays 228 Bewleyville, Bewleyville, 1st and 3d Saturdays KENTUCKY. 55 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 229 McAfee, Cornishville, Friday after full moon 230 James Moore, Christian county, Friday before f. moon 231 Bear Wallow, Hart county, Friday after full moon 232 Dycusburg, Dycusburg, 1st and 3d Saturdays 234 Nolin, Hardin county, do do 235 Hampton, Catlettsburg, Tuesday before full m. 236 Litchfield, Litchfield, Fourth Monday 237 Harvey Mason, Graves county, Friday after full moon 238 Adairville, Adairville, First Monday 239 St. George, Louisville, 2d and 4th Fridays 240 St. Mary's, Concord, Saturday after full m. 242 Canton, Canton, Fourth Saturday 243 Bedford, Greenville, 1st and 3d Saturdays 244 Greenville, Paris, 2d Sat. and last Mond. 245 Carrell, Nicholas county, Sat. of or preced'g f. m. 246 Hope, Flat Rock, First Saturday 247 Fredonia, Fredonia, Monday aft. 1st Sunday 249 Henry, Campbellsburg, Second Monday 250 Pike, Newtown, Third Saturday 251 Gradyville, Gradyville, Thurs. Qf or pre'g f. m. 252 Hoffiansville, IHoffmansville, Sat. before 2d Sunday 253 Ceralvo, Ohio county, 2d and 4th Saturdays 254 Morse, Madison county, Saturday after f. m. 255 Mount Gilead, Mount Gilead, Sat. before 4th Monday 256 Bigham, Crittenden county, Second Monday 258 Excelsior, Louisville, 2d and 4th Mondays 259 Keysburg, Keysburg, do do 260 Sparta, Owen county, Saturday before f. m. 261 Trumbo, Bath county, Sat. after 2d Monday 262 Hudsonville, Hudsonville, 1st and 3d Saturdays 263 Mount Eden, Mount Eden, 2d and 4th Tuesdays 264 Burlington, Burlington, 2d and 4th Saturdays:265 West Union, Scott county, First Saturday R66 Robinson, Louisville, 1st and 3d Thursdays.67 McCorkle, Brooklyn, Tuesday before f. m.'68 Wm. B. Allen, Green county, Saturday before f. m..'69 Dinwiddie, Bowling-Green, Second Monday 71 Hillsboro', Hillsboro', Friday before f. moon:72 Cassia, Morgantown, 2d Mond. and 4th Sat. 73 Zebulon, Prestonburg, Second Monday 74 Foster, Bracken county, Friday bef. 1st full m. 75 Ansonia, Logan county, First Wednesday 56 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 276 Temple Hill, Shiloh, Calloway co First Saturday 277 Edmunds, Glasgow, Barren co Second Monday 278 Meridian, Poplar Plains, Fleming co 2d and 4th Saturdays 279 Murphysville, Murphysville, Mason co Wednesday before f. m. 280 Woodbury, Woodbury, Butler co 2d MIonday and 4th Sat. 281 Preston, Louisville, Jefferson co 1st and 3d Wednesdays 282 Eminence, Eminence, Henry co First Monday 283 New Retreat, Wilson's Creek, Graves co Third Monday 284 Russell, Jamestown, Russell co Third Monday 285 Qak Grove, Calloway co First Thursday 286 Newton, Bethel, Bath co Friday preceding f. m. 287 J. M. Bullock, Christiansburg, Shelby co 2d and 4th Saturdays 288 Pembroke, Pembroke, Christian co Friday before f. moon. 289 Robert Morris, Concordia, Meade co. 1st and 3d Thursdays 290 Birmingham, Birmingham, Marshall co Second Saturday 291 MountOlivet, Mount Olivet, Bracken co Thurs. of or prec'g f. m. 292 Dunavan, Petersburg, Nelson co 2d and 4th Saturdays 293 Yelvington, Yelvington, Daviess co 1st and 3d Saturdays 294 Johnston, Webster, Breckinridge co do do:295 Cunninghan, Lexington, Fayette co Second Saturday 296 Mullen, Rutland, Harrison co Third Saturday 297 Hodges, Whitesville, Daviess co Sat. bef. 2d & 4th Sab. 298 J. Speed Smith, Willisburg, Washington coSaturday before f. m. 299 Raywick, Raywick, Marion co 2d and 4th Saturdays 300 Jamestown, Newton Creek, Ballard co Sat's b. 1st & 3d Sunds. 301 Ion, Pott's Mills, Jessamine co 1st and 3d Saturdays 302 Harmony, Mayfield, Graves co Third Monday 303 Lewisport, Lewisport, Hancock co 1st and 3d Mondays 304 Boone Union, Union, Boone co Third Saturday 305 Bourbon, N. Middletown, Bourbon, 1st and 3d Mondays 306 Garrard, Buckeye S. H., Garrard co 1st and 3d Saturdays 307 Forsythe, Ruddle's Mills, Bourbon, 1st and 3dTuesdays 308 Forest, Beverly, Christian co Wednesday after f. m. 309 Fitch, How's Valley, Harden co 1st and 3d Saturdays 310 Calhoon, Calhoon, McLean co 1st Sat. and 3d Monday 311 Highland, West Liberty, Morgan co 2d and 4th Mlondays 312 Paradise, Paradise, Muhlenburg co 2d and last Saturdays 313 Faithful Friend, Lockport, Henry co Third Saturday 314 Carlow, Carlow, Hopkins co Fourth Saturday 315 Kingston, Kingston, Madison co Saturday before f. m. 316 Manchester, Manchester, Clay co First Monday 317 Randolph Robinson, Saloma, Taylor co Saturday after f. moon KENTUCKY. 57 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 318 Marks, Pleasant Grove, Daviess co 2d and 4th Saturdays 319 Mark Tyler, Wallonia, Trigg co Saturday bef. f. moon 320 James F. Keel, Centre, Barren co First Monday 321 Tompkinsville, Tompkinsville, Monroe co Fourth Monday 322 Alma, Camargo, Montgomery co Monday before f. moon 323 Loving, Jamestown, Monroe co Fourth Saturday 324 Harraldsville, Harraldsville, Butler co 2d and 4th Saturdays 325 Poage, Ashland, Greenup co Tuesday after f. moon 326. Metcalf, Botland, Nelson co 1st and 3d Saturdays 327 L. M. Cox, Fruit Hill, Christian co Saturday after f. moon 328 Waynesburg, Waynesburg, Lincoln co Saturday preced'g f. m. 329 Woodsonville, Woodsonville, Hart co Friday before full moon 330 Middleton, Middleton, Logan co. Friday bef. 4th Sunday 331 T. M. Lillard, Verona, Boone co Fourth Saturday 332 North Ballard, North Ballard, Ballard co Third Saturday 333 Preachersville, Preachersville, Lincoln co Saturday after f. moon 334 Point Isabel, Point Isabel, Pulaski co Fourth Saturday 335 Beaver Creek, Johnsonville, Anderson co Friday before f. moon 336 Ash.W. Graham, Smith's Grove, Alma co Saturday b. 1st Sunday 337 Helena, Helena, Mason co Thursday on or b. f. m. 338 Waco, Waco, Madison co 2d and 4th Saturdays 339 Crotona, Lodgeton, Fulton co Second Saturday 340 Thomas Ware, Claysville, Harrison co Saturday on or bef. fm. 341 Miles, Knob Creek, Bullit co 2d and 4th Saturdays 342- Mason, Maysville, Mason co Third Monday 343 Harney, Woodburn, Warren co 344 Ghent, Carroll co Second Monday 345 Golden Rule, Covington, Kenton co First Monday 346 Sacramento, Sacramento, McLean co 2d Mon. & 4th Friday 347 Prathersville, Prathersville, Hopkins co 2d and 4th Saturdays 348 Pleasant Grove, Steubenville, Wayne co Saturday bef. f moon 349 T. N. Wise, W. H. Brown's, Mercer co Thursday on or bef. f.m. 350 Marrow Bone, Ashmole Sem., Cumb. co First Friday 351 S. Wingfield, William Yates, Mercer co 352 Stanton, Stanton, Powell co 353 J. T. Morehead, Morelands P. 0. 354 Hamilton, Hamilton 355 J.M.S. McCorkle, Brownsville 356 Stephen F. Ogden,Owensboro' 357 Pellville, Pellville, 358 Newport, Newport 359 Sugar Grove, Sugar Grove, Burler co 58 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 360 Hayward, Massac U. D. Ark, Millerstown, Grayson co U. D. Baltimore, Baltimore, Hickman co U. D. Miller's Creek, R. & S. Sales, Estills co U. D. Kane, Bardstown U. D. Melone, Jeffersontown LOUISIANA. INO. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETINi 1 Perfect Union, New-Orleans.1 Polar Star, do 3 Concorde, do 4 Perseverance, do 5 St. Andrew, do 5 Los Amigos del Orden, do 19 Humble Cottage, Opelousas, St. Landry parish 28 St. Albans, Jackson, East Feliciana parish 31 Feliciana, St. Francisville, W. Feliciana 38 Phoenix, Natchitoches 44 Foyer Maconnique, New-Orleans 45 Jackson, Greenwood, Caddo parish 46 Germania, New-Orleans 47 St. James, Baton Rouge 50 Providence, Lake Providence, Carroll parish 51 Minden, Mindon, Claiborne parish 52 Olive, Clinton, East Feliciana parish 53 Union Fraternal, Farmerville, Union parish 54 Mount Gerizim, Bastrop, Morehouse parish 55 De Soto, Mansfield, De Soto parish 56 La Fayette, Vernon, Jackson parish 57 Franklin, Franklin, St. Mary's parish 58 Friends of Harmony, New-Orleans 59 Mount Moriah, do 61 Western Star, Monroe 63 Tunica, Tunica Landing 65 Geo. Washington, New-Orleans 66 Dudley, do 68 Marion, do 70 Hiram, do'72 Alpha, do 74 Jopp, Shreveport, Caddo parish 75 Sabine, Fort Jessup, Sabine parish 76 Quitman, New-Orleans 77 Mount Moriah, Port Hudson, East Feliciana 60 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 78 Orleans, New-Orleans 79 St. Joseph, St. Joseph, Tensas parish 80 De Witt Clinton, Marion, Union parish 83 Mount Vernon, Logansport. 84 Oliver, Alexandria, Rapides parish 87 La Fayette, Pattersonville, St. Mary's parish 88 Many, Many, Sabine parish 89 Cypress,. Collinsburg, Bossier parish 90 Thibodeaux Benevolent, Thibodeaux 91 Livonia, Livonia, Point Coupee parish 92 Monticello, Monticello, Carroll parish 94 Napoleon, Springhill, Union parish 95 Bellevue, Bellevue, Bossier parish 96 St. Helena, Greensburg, St. Helena parish 97 Patmos, Richmond, Madison parish 98 Hermitage, New-Orleans 99 Henderson, Cotile, Rapides parish 100 Taylor, Homer, Claiborne parish 101 Franklinton, Franklinton, Washington parish 102 Louisiana, New-Orleans 103 Cloutierville, Cloutierville, Natchitoches parish 104 Mount Lebanon, Mount Lebanon, Bienville parish 105 Trinity, Trinity, Catahoula parish 106 Vienna, Vienna, Jackson parish 108 Sparta, Sparta, Bienville parish 109 Castor, Castoi, Caldwell parish 110 Harrisonburg, Harrisonburg, Catahoula parish 111 Urim, Forksville, Ouachita parish 112 Bartholomew, Plantersville, Moorehouse parish 113 Thomas Jefferson,Spears' Store, Union parish 114 Friendship, Dugdemona, Jackson parish 115 Shreveport, Shreveport, Caddo parish, 116 Acacia, Bayou Goula, Iberville parish 117 Milford, Manchac Settlement, East Baton Rouge 118 Terryville, Terryville, Claiborne parish 119 Constantine, Waterproof, Tensas parish 120 Deerfield, Deerfield, Carroll parish 121 Lisbon, Lisbon, 122 Mackey, Ringgold, Bienville parish 123 Liberty, Keachi, De Soto 124 Kellertown, Kellertown, East Feliciana 125 Pearl River, Line Academy, Washington parish LOUISIANA. 61 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 126 Arcadia, Arcadia, 127 Springhill, Springhill Church, Union p Roads 128 D'Arbonne, D'Arbonne Academy, Union parish 129 Dawson, Scottville, Claiborne parish 130 Solomon, Goodrich Landing, Carroll parish 131 Shiloh, Shiloh, Union parish, 132 Warren, Warsaw, Franklin parish 133 Gordy, Cheneyville 134 Harry Hill, Bastrop 135 Plains, Plains, East Baton Rouge 136 Athens, Athens 137 Murray, Alexandria 138 Jeffersonian, Jefferson Steam Mills, De Soto parish 139 Houma, Houma, Terreborine parish 140 Cool Spring, Cool Spring Academy, Claiborne parish 141 Huntingdon, Minden, Claiborne parish 142 Home, New-Orleans 143 Downsville, Downsville, Union parish 144 Ocean, New-Orleans 145 Hope, Vermillionville, Lafayette parish 146 Silent Brotherh'd,Coushatta Chute 147 Anacoco, Anacoco P. O., Sabine parish 148 Red Land, Pine Flat P. 0., Bossier parish 149 Darlington, Darlington, St. Helena parish 150 Perkins, Donaldsonville, Ascension parish 151 Easterpl Star, Winnfield, Winn parish 152 Homer, Homer, Claiborne parish 153 Saint John, Algiers, parish of Orleans 154 Fillmore, Fillmore, Bossier parish 155 Cherry Ridge, Cherry Ridge, Union parish 156 Kissatchie, Kissatchie, Natchitoches parish 157 Grosse Tete, Bayou Grosse Tete, 158 Rapides, Rapides, Rapides parish 159 Morganza, Morganza, Point Coupee 160 Livingston, Springfield, Livingston parish MAINE. No. LODGE. LOCATION TIME OF'MEETING 1 Portland, Portland, Second Wednesday 2 Warren, East Machias, Tuesday, on or bf.. m. 3 Lincoln, Wiscasset, Thursday on or bf. f. m. 5 Kennebec, Hallowell, Wednesday on or bf. f. m. 6 Amity, Camden, Friday on or bf. f. m. 7 Eastern, Eastport, First Monday 8 United, Brunswick, Tuesday on or bf. f. m. 9 Saco, Saco, 1st and 3d Wednesday 10 Rising Virtue, Bangor, Tuesday on or bf. f. m. 12 Cumberland, New Gloucester, Monday before full moon 13 Oriental, Harrison, Monday before full moon 14 Solar, Bath, First Thursday 15 Orient, Thomastown, Tuesday preceding f. m. 16 St. George's, Warren,' Monday on or before f. m. 17 Ancient Landmark,Portland, First Wednesday 18 Oxford, Norway, Thursday of full moon 19 Felicity, Bucksport, Monday preceding full m. 20 Maine, Wilton, Monday of full moon 21 Oriental Star, Livermore, Tuesday before full moon 22 York, Kennebunk, Monday on or before f. m. 23 Freeport, Freeport, Monday on or preced'g f.m. 24 Phoenix, Belfast, Monday on or before f. m. 26 Village, Bowdoinham, Wedn. on or before f. m. 27 Adoniram, Limington, Tuesday on or before f. m. 28 Northern Star, North Anson, Tuesday preceding full m. 29 Tranquil, Danville, Wedn. on or bf. f.m. 30 Blazing Star, Rumford, Wedn. on or before f. m. 31 Union, Union, Thursday 32 Hermon, Gardiner, Tuesday on or before f. m. 33 Waterville, Watervill, IoMn. on or last prec. f. m. 34 Somerset, Skohegan, Monday on or before f. m. 35 Bethlehem, Augusta, Monday preceding f. m. 36 Casco, Yarmouth, Tuesday on or before f. m. 37 Washington, Lubec, First Wednesday 38 Harmony, Gorham, Wednesday on or bf. f. m. 39 Penobscot, Dexter Monday on or before f. m. MAINE. 63 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 40 Ligonia, Ellsworth, First Wednesday 41 Morning Star, Litchfield, 42 Freedom, Limerick, Wednesday on or bef. f. m. 43 Alna, Damariscotta, Wednesday before f. m. 44 Piscataquis, Milo, Friday on or before f. m. 45 Central,.China, Wednesday on or bef. f. m 46 St. Croix, Calais, Monday before full moon 47 Dunlap, Biddeford, Monday on or before f. m. 48 Lafayette, Readfield, Saturday on or before f. m. 49 Meridian Splendor, Newport, Thursday on or before f. m. 50 Aurora, Rockland, Wednesday on or bef. f. m. 51 St. John's, South Berwick, Tuesday on or before f. m52 Mosaic, Dover, Thursday on or before f. m 53 Rural, Sidney, 54 Vassalborough, Vassalborough, Tuesday on or before f. m. 55 Fraternal, Alfred, Wednesday before f. m. 56 Mlount Moriah, Denmark, Wednesday on or bef. f. m. 57 King Hiram, Dixfield, 58 Unity, Freedom, Thursday on or before f. m. 59 Mount Hope, Hope, Wednesday on or bef. f. m. 60 Star in the East, Old Town, Monday before full moon 61 King Solomon's, Waldoborough, Friday on or before f. m. 62 King Dayid's, Lificolnville, Tuesday on or before f. m. 63 Richmond, Richmond, Monday on or before f. m. 64 Pacific, Exeter, Wednesday on or bef. f. m. 65 Mystic, Hampden, Last Tuesday 66 Mechanics', Orono, Wednesday on or bef. f.m. 67 Blue Mountain, Phillips, Wednesday nearest f. m. 68 Mariners', Searsport, Tuesday on or before f. m69 Howard, Frankfort, Friday on or before f. m. 70 Standish, Standish, Thursday on or prec'g f.m. 71 Rising Sun, Orland, First Tuesday 72 Pioneer, Plantation No. 11. Monday before full moon 73 Tyrian, Minot, Thursday on or before f. m. 74 Bristol, Bristol, Monday before full moon 75 Plymouth, Plymouth, Tuesday on or before f. m. 76 Arundel, Kennebunk port, do. do. 77 Tremont, Tremont, Friday on or before f. m. 78 Crescent, Pembroke, Wednesday on or bef. f. m. 79 Rockland, Rockland, Tuesday before full moon. 80 Keystone, Solon, Wednesday on or bef. f. m. 81 Atlantic, Portland, Third Wednesday 64 UNIVERSAI, MASOMIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE..LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 82 St. Paul's, Rockport, Monday on or preced'g f.m. 83 St. Andrew's, Bangor, Friday on or preceding f. m. 84 Eureka, St. George, Thursdays 85 Star in the West, Unity, Tuesday on or before f. m. 86 Temple, Sacarappa, Tuesday of full moon 87 Benevolent, Carmel, Wednesday of full moon 88 Narraguagus, Cherryfield, Tuesday on or before f. m. 89 Island, Islesboro', Saturday on or prec'g f. m. 90 Hiram Abiff, West Appleton, do. do. 91 I-arwood, Machias, Monday 92 Siloam, Kendall's Mills, Thursday on or before f. m. U. D. Horeb, Lincoln, Wednesday on or bef. f. m. U. D. Pond, Hartland, do. do. U. D. Paris, South Paris, U. D. Monument, Houlton, Second Wednesday U. D. Temple, Winthrop, Monday before full moon MARYLAND. No. LODGE. LocATION, TIME OF MEETIN 3 Washington, Baltimore, 1st and 3d Thurs 13 Concordia, do 1st and 3d Friday 25 Amicable, do 2d and 4th Mond 34 St. John's, do 1st and 3d Wedn( 44 Mount Ararat. Bel Air, Hartford co Second Saturday 45 Cassia, Baltimore, 1st and 3d Mondl 48 Union,. Elkton, Cecil co W.Vednesday befor 51 Warren, Baltimore, 2d and 4th Tuesc 53 Harmony, Port Deposite, Ceci co 1st and 3d Thurs 58 Columbia, Frederick, 1st and 3d Miond 60 Union, Baltimore,. 2d' and 4th Thur, 61 Cumberland, Cumberland, Allegany co Last Monday 66 Cambi Cmbridge, Cambge, Dorchester co Second Monday 68 King David's Baltimore, 1st and 3d Tuesd& 70 Patmos, Ellicott's Mills, Tuesday prececl'g 84 Friendship, Williamsport, Washington,lst and 3d Saturd 87 Burns', Trappe, Talbot co Monday preced'g 88 Adherence, Baltimore, 2d and 4th Frida) 89 Annapolis, Annapolis, Anne Arundel, Every Wednesday 90 Gilman, Cumberland, Allegany co 2d and 4th Mond 91 Wicomico, Salisbury, Somerset co 1st and 3d Mondr 92 Pocomoke, Snow Hill, Worcester co 2d and 4th Mond 93 Corinthian, Baltimore, 2d and 4th Wedne 94 Geo. Washington, Westminster, Carroll co Wednesday before 95 Nottingham, Nottingham, Prince Geo. Every Monday 96 Monumental,. Baltimore, 2d and 4th Thursi 97 Ben Franklin, do 1st and 3d Friday 98 Eureka, 3illington, Kent co Thursday before f 99 Mountain, Frostburg, Allegany co 2d and 4th Thurs< 100 Potomac, Cumberland, Allegany co Every Wednesday 101 Howard, Elk Ridge Land'g, Howard, Every Monday 102 Coates, Easton, Talbot co 1st and. 3d Monda 66 [UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 103 Hiram, Westernport, Allegany co Tuesday 104 Lebanon, Manchester, Carroll co Thursday before f. m. 105 Eureka, Sharpsburg, Washi'gton co 1st and 3d Wednesday 106 Manakin, Princess Anne, Somerset co 2d and 4th Tuesdays U. D. Hiram, Baltimore, 1st and 3d Tuesdays U. D. Centre, do 1st and 3d Wednesdays U. D. Mystic Circle, do 1st and 3d Mondays MASSACHUSETTS. DATE or CHARTER. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 1733 St. John's, Boston, 1st Monday 1756 St. Andrew's, do 2d Thursday 1770 Massachusetts, do 3d Monday 1796 Columbian, do 1st Thursday 1801 Mount Lebanon, do 2d Monday 1805 Amicable, Cambridge, 1st Thursday 1796 Washington, Roxbury, Thursday bef. f. m. 1783 King Solomon, Charleston, 2d Tuesday 1796 Union, Dorchester, Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 1819 Bethesda, Brighton, do do 1797 Hiram, West Cambridge, Thursday on or b. f. m. 1843 Star of Bethlehem, Chelsea,, 3d Wednesday 1846 Mount Tabor, East Boston, 3d Thursday 1847 St. Paul's South Boston, 1st Tuesday 1853 Baalbec, East Boston do 1856: Mount Hermon, Medford, Wednesday on orb. f. m. 1856 Putnam, East Cambridge, 3d Tuesday 1855 Germania, Boston, 4th Monday 1856 Gate of the Temple, South Boston, 4th Tuesday 1856 Winslow Lewis, Boston, 2d Friday 1803 St. Mark's, Newburyport, Tuesday on or bef. f.nm. 1808 Jordan, Danvers, Wednesday on or b. f.m. 1822 Warren, Amesbury, Wed. on or nearest f. m. 1760 Philanthropic, Marblehead, WVednesday on orb. f.m. 1779 Essex, Salem, 1st Tuesday 1824 Liberty, Beverly, Monday on or b. f. m. 1770 Tyrian, Gloucester, 1st Tuesday 1805 Mount Carmel, Lynn, Monday after f. m. 1852 Ashler, Rockport, 1st Monday 1766 St. John's, Newburyport, Wednesday on orb. f. m 1797 Corinthian, Concord, Monday pre. f. m. 1797 St. Paul's, Groton, Monday on or b. f. m. 1807 Pentucket, Lowell, Thursday on or b. f. m, 1801 Aurora, Fitchburg, Monday on or b. f. m. 1825 Grecian, Lawrence, Last Friday 1853 Ancient York, Lowell, Wed. on or bef. f m. 68 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. DATE OE CHARTER. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 1822 St. Matthew's, Andover, Thursday on orb. f. m1802 Merrimac Haverhill, Wed. on or bef. f. m. Good SamaritanReading, 1856 Mount Horeb, Woburn, 1st Wednesday 1795 Middlesex, Framingham, Tuesday pre. f. m. 1820 Monitor, Waltham, Wednesday pre. f.m. 1797 Meridian, Natick, Wed. on or bef. f. m. 1799 Rising Star, Stoughton, Thursday pre. f. m. 1801 Corner Stone, Duxbury, Saturday pre. f. m. 1801 Rural, Quincy, Thursday on orb. f. m. 1825 Plymouth, Plymouth, Monday pre. f. m. 1792 Old Colony, Hingham, Tuesday pre. f. m. Agawam, Wareham, 1819 Norfolk Union, Randolph, Wed. on or b. f. m. 1818 St. Alban's Foxboro', Thursday on or b. f. m. 1797 Olive Branch, Webster, 1st Monday Meridian Sun, Brookfield, Mount Zion, Hardwick, Harris, Templeton, 1793 Morning Star, Worcester, 1st Tuesday Oxford, Oxford, Doric, Southbridge, 1818 Solomon's Temple, Uxbridge, Wednesday pre. f. m. Eden, Ware, 1852 Franklin, Grafton, 1st Wednesday 1797 Montgomery, Milford, Thursday pre. f. m. 1856 Blaekstone River,Blackstone, Tuesday on or b. f. m. 1797 Fellowship, Bridgewater, Monday on or b. f. m. 1798 King David, Taunton, Wednesday pre. f. m. 1823 Star in the East, New Bedford, l1t Monday 1824 Mount Hope, Troy, Fall River, Friday pre. f. m. Bristol, Attleboro', 1857 Paul Revere, North Bridgewater, Tuesday on or b. f. m. 1801 Fraternal, Barn'stable, 1st Monday 1855 Mount Horeb, West Warwick, 1st Wednesday 1855 Ben. Franklin, West Dennis, 1st Monday 1856 De Witt Clinton,Sandwich, 1st Friday 1795 Cincinnatus, Sheffield, Friday pre. f. m. 1795 Evening Star, Lee Wednesday pre. f. m. 1810 iMystic, Pittsfield, Thursday pre. f. m. 1817 Hampden, Springfield, 1st Tuesday MASSACHUSETTS. 69 DATE OF CHARTER. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 1796 La Fayette, North Adams, Monday pre. f. m. 1849 Chicopee, Chicopee, 1st Tuesday 1856 Mount Moriah, Westfield, 1st Wednesday 1794 Republican, Greenfield, Thursday pre. f. m. 1796 Harmony, Northfield, Wednesday pre. f. m. 1797 Jerusalem, Northampton, Tuesday pre. f. m. 1850 Mount Tom, Holyoke, 1st Friday 1857 Revere, Boston, 1st Tuesday 1857 Pequosette, Watertown, Friday on or aft. f. m. 1825 Orphan's Hope, Weymouth, Wed. on or b. f. m. 1800 Mount Zion, Barre, Wednesday pre. f. m. 1823 Social Harmony,Wareham, do do 1858 Eureka, New Bedford, 1st Friday 1796 King Hiram, Provincetown, 1st Monday 1798 Marine, Falmouth, 1st Tuesday 1801 Union, Nantucket, 1st Monday 1796 Thomas, Palmer, do 1803 Wisdom, West Stockbridge, Tuesday on or b. f. m. 1825 Bethel, Enfield, 1858 Berkshire, Adams, 1st Monday 1806 Mountain, Shelburne, Wednesday pre. f. m. 1857 Wyoming, Melrose, 4th Wednesday 1858 Mount Vernon, Malden, Tuesday on or b. f. m. 1858 John Abbot, Somerville, 1st Tuesday 1857 Joseph Warren, Boston, 4th Tuesday 1859 Henry Price, Charlestown, 4th Wednesday 6 MICHIG A-N. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 1 Zion, Detroit, Wed. on or before f. m. 2 Detroit, Detroit, Tuesday on or before f. m. 3 Strict Observance, Detroit, Monday on or before f. m. 4 St. Joseph Valley, Niles, Tuesday on or before f. m. 5 Stony Creek, Rochester, Tuesday on or before f. m.'6 Lebanon, Mount Clemens, Wed. on or before f. m. 7 Washington, Teconsha, Tuesday on or before f. m. 8 Trenton, Trenton, Wed. on or before f. m. 9 Evergreen, St. Clair, Wed. on of before f. m. 10 Dowagiac, Dowagiac, Monday on or before f. im. 11 Port Huron, Port Huron, Monday on or before f. m. 12 Battle Creek, Battle Creek, Tuesday on or before f. m. 13 Phoenix, Ypsilanti, Tuesday on or before f. m. 14 Murat, Albion, Third Monday 15 Oriental, Ann Arbor, Wed. on or before f. m. 16 Lafayette, Jonesville, Thursday on or b. f. m. 17 Jackson, Jackson,. Second Thursday 18 Tyre, Coldwater,. Tuesday on or before f. m. 19 Ari AdrianAdrian, Wed. on or before f. m. 20 St. Alban's, Marshall, Friday on or before f. m. 21 Pontiac, Pontiac, Friday on or before f. m. 22 Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Wed. on or before f. m. 23 Flint, Flint,:24 Mount Hermon, Centreville, Thurs. of or preced'g f. m. 25 Paw Paw, Paw Paw, Tuesday on or before f. m..26 Morning Star, Hudson,, Monday on or before f. m. 27 M roonr oe Mnroe, Wed. of or preced'g f. m. 28 Union, Union City, Sat. of or preceding f. m. 29 Humanity, Homer, Tuesday on or before f. m. 30 Concord, Concord, Tuesday on or bf. f. m. 31 Portland, Portland, 32 Fidelity, Hillsdale, Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 33 Lansing, Lansing, 34 Grand River, Grand Rapids, Wed. on or before f. m. 35 Siloam, Constantine, Friday on or before f. m. MICHIGAN. 71 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME o0 MEETIXrs. 36 Ionia, Ionia, Wed. of or preceding f. m. 37 Lyons, Lyons,; 38 Howell, Howell, Wed. of or preceding f, m. 39 Western Star, Berrien, 40 Franklin, Litchfield, Friday on or before f. m. 41 Romeo, Romeo, Thursday of or before f. m. 42 Brighton, Brighton, Thursday of or before f. m. 43 Fentonville, Fentonville, Wed. of or preceding f. m. 44 Birmingham, Birmingham, Thur. of or preced'g f. m. 45 Acacia, Pontiac, 46 Orion, Orion, Tuesday on or before f. m. 47 Northville, Northville, Friday on or before f. n. 48 Groveland, Springfield, Tuesday on or before f. m. 49 Meridian Sun, Sturgis, Monday on or before f. m. 50 Michigan, Jackson, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 51 Almont, Almont, Monday on or before f. m. 52 Hastings, Hastings, 53 Atlas, Goodrich, Thursday on or before f. m. 54 Lapeer, Lapeer, Tuesday on or before f. m. 55 Backus, Cassopolis, Wed. on or before f. m. 56 Occidental, St. Joseph, Thursday on or before f. m. 57 Three Rivers, Three Rivers, 58 Pine Grove, Port Huron, 59 Climax, Climax Prairie, Wed. on or before f. m. 60 Cedar, Clarkston, Thursday on or before f.m. 61 Lexington, Lexington, Wed. on or bf: f. m. 62 S. Ward, Newport, Thursday on or bf. f. m. 63 Eaton Rapids, Eaton Rapids, Last Thursday 64 Macomb, Macomb, Friday on or before f. m. 65 Washtenaw, Dexter, Thursday on or before f.m. 66 Cap. Strict Observance, Lansing, 67 Ontonagon, Ontonagon, Wed. on or before f. m. 68 Buchanan, Buchanan, v" Friday on or before f. m. 69 Tecumseh, Tecumseh, Friday on or before f. m. 70 Mason, Mason, Wed. on or before f. m. 71 Mackinac, Mackinac, Monday on or before f. m. 72 Elmira, Bellevue, Thursday on or bf. f. m. 73 Colon, Colon, - 74 Dundee, Dundee, 65 Utica, Utica, 76 Livingston, Pinckney, V 77 Saginaw, East Saginaw, 72 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 78 Otsego, Otsegoj, 79 Germania, Saginaw City, 80 Byron, Byron, 81 Owasso, Owasso, 82 Lake St. Clair, New Baltimore, 83 Bellevue, Bellevue, 84 Oxford, Oxford, 85 Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, 86 Valley City, Grand Rapids, 87 Anchor, Kalamazoo, 88 Butler, Butler, 89 Myrtle, Belleville, 90 Lowell, Lowell, 91 Ashler, Detroit, 92 Prairie, Galesburgh, 93 Star, Florida, 94 Charity, Detroit, 95 J. Moors, Morenci,' 96 Greenville, Greenville, 97 Niles, Niles, 98 Waterford,, Waterford, 99 Decatur, Decatur, 100 Oakwood, Oakwood, 101 Marquette, Marquette, 102 Blanchard, Petersburgh, 103 Greenly, Adrien, 104 hVbite Pigeons White Pigeon, 105 St John's, St. John's, 106 St. Peter's, Edwardsburgh, 107 Eureka, Monroe, 108 Rockland, Rockland, 109 Fentonville, Fentonville, 110 Hiram, Flat Rock, 111 Allegan, Allegan, 112 Wayne, Wayne, 113 Hamilton, Moscow, 114 Blissfield, Blissfield, v 115 Corunna, Corunna, U. D. Excelsior, Grass Lake, U. D. Reading, Readiig, MINNESOTA. NO. LODGB. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. I St. John's, Stillwater, First Monday 2 Cataract, St. Anthony, 1st and 3d Saturdays 3 St. Paul, St. Paul, 1st and 3d Mondays 4 Hennepin, Minneapolis, 2d and 4th Saturdays 5 Ancient Landmark, St. Paul, 2d and 4th Thursdays 6 Shakopee, Shakopee, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 7 Dacotah, Hastings, 2d and 4th Wednesdays 8 Red Wing, Red Wing, Monday preceding f. m. 9 Faribault, Faribault, 2d and 4th Tuesdays 10 Pacific, St. Paul, 1st and 3d Fridays 11 Mantorville, Mantorville, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 12 Mankato, Mankato, Saturday before full moon 13 Henderson, Henderson, 1st and 3d Mondays 14 Wepahasa, Wabashaw, Monday before full moon 15 St. Cloud, St. Cloud, First Monday 16 Monticello, Monticello, 2d and 4th Mondays 17 Hokah, Hokah, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 18 Winona, Winona, do do 19 Minneapolis, Minneapolis, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 20 Caledonia, Caledonia, 1st and 3d Fridays 21 Rochester, Rochester, 1st and 3d Mondays 22 Pleasant Grove, Pleasant Grove, Tuesday on or-prec'g f. m. 23 North Star, Watab, 24 Wilton, Wilton, 1st and 3d Thursdays 25 Meridian, Chatfield, do do 26 Western Star, Albert Lea, Fourth Wednesday 27 Blue Earth Valley, Winnebago City, 28 Clear Water, Clear Water, MISSISSIPPI. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 1 Harmony, Natchez, Adams co First Saturday 2 Andrew Jackson, do do Second Saturday 3 Washington, Port Gibson, Claiborne co do do 5 Columbus, Columbus, Lowndes co First Friday 16 Clinton, Clinton, Hinds co Second Saturday 17 Leake, Benton, Yazoo co First Saturday 18 Quitman, Georgetown, Copiah co Second Saturday 19 Leaf, Monroe, Perry co Fourth Saturday 21 Raymond, Raymond, Hinds co First Saturday 23 Pearl, Jackson, Hinds co do do 24 Lexington, Lexington, Holmes co do do 25 Gallatin, Gallatin, Copiah co Third Saturday 26 Vicksbrg, Vicksburg, Warren co Second Saturday 28 Canton, Canton, Madison co Third Saturday 29 Coleman, Brandon, Rankin co do do 31 Grenada, Grenada, Yalobusha co Second Monday 32 Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Monroe co First Saturday 33 Oxford, Oxford, Lafayette co First Thursday 34 Olive Branch, Williamsburg, Covington, First Saturday 35 Holly Springs, Holly Springs, Marshall co First Monday 36 Carrollton, Carrollton, Carroll co Second Saturday 37 Liberty, Liberty, Amite co Third Monday 39 Monroe, Monroe, Perry co Fourth Saturday 40 Macon, Macon, Noxubee co Second Saturday 41 Grand Gilf, Grand Gulf, Claiborne co First Saturday 42 Yazoo, Yazoo City, Yazoo co First Tuesday 43 Shady Grove, Line Store, Copiah co First Saturday 45 Salem, Salem, Tippah co Second Saturday 47 Ripley, Ripley, Tippah co Second Friday 48 Pythagorean, Middleton, Carroll co Saturday on or b. f. m. 49 Greensboro', Greensboro', Choctaw co Saturday on or aft. f. m. 51 Hernando, Hernando, De Soto co Second Monday 53 Lafayette, Quitman, Clarke co Second Saturday 54 Sterling, Paulding, Jasper co First Saturday 55 Chulahoma, Chulahoma, Marshall co First Monday MISSISSIPPI. 75 NO. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 56 Mississippi, Rodney, Jefferson co First Saturday 57 Harrison, Garlandsville, Jasper co Third Saturday 58 Thomas Hinds, Fayette, Jefferson co Second Saturday 59 Tappan, Brownsville, Hinds co Fourth Saturday 60 St. Albans, Columbia, Marion co Second Saturday 61 Eureka, Richland, Holmes co.Third.Saturday 62 Marion, Marion, Lauderdale co Fourth Saturday 63 Asylum, Woodville, Wilkinson co Saturday on or b. f. m. 64 De Kalb, De Kalb, Kemper co Fourth Saturday 65 Silas Brown, Jackson, Hinds co Third Monday 66 Panola, Panola, Panola co First Wednesday 67 Houston, Houston, Chickasaw co Second Friday 68 Vannatta, Raleigh, Smith co Second Saturday 69 Holmesville,. Holmesville, Pike co do do 70 Evening Star, Steen's Creek, Rankin co First Saturday 71 Joseph Warren, New Albany, Pontotoc co First Friday 72 Wilson, Enterprise, Clarke co Fourth Saturday 73 Madison, Vernon, Madison co Sat. before 3d Sunday 74 Camden, Camden, Madison co Second Saturday 75 Louisville, Louisville, Winston co Second Molday 76 Ebenezer, Tatesville, De Soto co First Saturday 77 Evergreen, Decatur, Newton co Second Saturday 78 Westville, Westville, Simpson co do do 79 Eastern Star, Monticello, Lawrence co Third Saturday 80 Scott, Hillsboro', Scott co Fourth Saturday 81 Pontotoc, P ontotoc, Pontotoc co First Friday 82 Oakland, Oakland, Yallabusha co Second Tuesday 83 Coffeeville, Cofeeville, Yallabusha co First Saturday 84 De Witt Clinton, Shongalo, Carroll co Saturday before f. moon 85 Pikeville, Pikeville, Chickasaw co Third Saturday, 86 Mount Moriah, Black Hawk, Carroll co First Saturday 87 Prairie, Okolona, Chickasaw co Third Saturday 88 Trinity, Kosciusko, Attala co First Saturday 89 Albert, Starkville, Oktibbeha co Third Friday 90 Belmont, Belmont, Panola co Second Saturday 91 United Friends, Princeton, Washington co First Saturday 92 Willis, Polkville, Smith co Second Saturday 93 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Neshoba co Third Wednesday 94 Eastport, Eastport, Tishomingo co Fourth Saturday95 Emory, Lexington, Holmes co Second Saturday 97 Richmond. Richmond, Itawamba co First Friday 98 Utica, Utica, Hinds co Third Saturday 76 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 99 N. Mt. Pleasant, N. Mt. Pleasant, Marshall, Second Monday 100 De Soto, Cockrum, De Soto co Fourth Saturday 101 Malone, Palo Alto, Chickasaw co First Tuesday 102 Wayne, Miltonville, Wayne co First Saturday 103 Sharon, Sharon, Madison co Fourth Saturday 104 Coahoma, Friar's Point, Coahoma co First Saturday 105 Pearl River, Carthage, Leake co Third Friday 106 Union, Mount Carmel, Covington, First Saturday 107 Bethel, Burkettsville, Attala co Third Saturday 108 Carrollville, Carrollville, Tishomingo co Second Thursday 109 Danville, anvillelle, Tishomingo co First Wednesday 110 Claiborne, Rocky Springs, Claiborne, Fourth Saturday 111 Moses Cook, Gainesville, Hancock co First Saturday 112 Bovina, Bovina, Warren co Second Saturday 113 Hyland, Warrenton, Warren co First Thursday 114 Lowndes, Columbus, Lowndes co Third Friday 115 Byhalia, Byhalia, Marshall co Fourth Monday 116 Farmington, Farmington, Tishomingo, Second Friday 117 Unity, Edwards' Depot, Hinds co Fourth Saturday 118 Camargo, Camargo, Monroe co Second Friday 119 Snowsville, Bankston, Choctaw co First Saturday 120 Magnolia, Biloxi, Harrison co 2d and 4th Saturdays 121 Hill City, Vicksburg, Warren co Fourth Saturday 122 Tchula Tchula, Holmes co Second Saturday 123 Oak Ridge, Ingraham, Warren co First Saturday 124 Thomastown, Thomastown, Leake co do do 125 Centre Hill, Olive Branch, De Soto co Second Saturday 126 Solomon, Flewellin's r Roads," Fourth Friday 127 Friendship, Sledgeville, Panola co Third Saturday 128 Tallaloosa, Tallaloosa, Marshall co First Saturday 129 Patton, Lauderdale Springs, Second Saturday 130 Alamutcha, Alamutcha, Lauderdale co Third Saturday 131 Fulton, Fulton, Itawamba co Fourth Monday 132 Water Valley, Water Valley, Yallobusha, Second Friday 133 Summerville, Summerville, Noxubee co Fourth Saturday 134 Lodi, Lodi, Choctaw co Saturday on or aft. f. m. 135 Greenwood, Greenwood, Carroll co Saturday before f. m. 136 Charles Scott, Sandifer's Mill, Copiah co Fourth Saturday 137 Falconer, Quitman, Clarke co First Saturday 138 Mellen, Chunkeyville, Laudeldale, do do 139 Castilian, Lexington, Holmes co Fourth Saturday 140 Benela, Benela, Calhoun co Friday on or bef. f. m. MISSISSIPPI. 77 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 141 Waterford, Waterford, Marshall co Second Saturday 142 Jacinto, Jacinto, Tishomingo co First Friday 144 D. Lipscomb, Crawfordsville, Lowndes co Third Saturday 145 Looxahoma, Looxahoma, De Soto co do do 146 Jefferson, Scoober, Kemper co do do 147 Bay St. Louis, Shieldsboro', Hancock co do do 148 Lamar, Lamar, Marshall co First Saturday 149 Orizaba, Orizaba, Tippah co Third Friday' 150 Centre Ridge, Centre Ridge, Kemper co Second Saturday 151 Daleville, Daleville, Lauderdale co First Saturday 152 Palmetto, Palmetto, Pontotoc co Friday on or bef. f. m. 153 Pine Bluff, Pine Bluff, Copiah co Fourth Saturday 154 Polar Star, Handsboro', Hancock co 1st and 3d Saturdays 155 Hartford, Pittsboro', Calhoun co First Saturday 156 Harrisburg, Harrisburg, Pontotoc co First Wednesday 157 Geo.Washington, Charleston, Tallahatchie, First Friday 158 Jeremiah, Horn Lake, De Soto co Third Saturday 159 Cannon, Columbus, Lowndes co First Friday 161 Ellisville, Ellisville, Jones co Third Saturday 162 St. John, Spring Ridge, Hinds co- Fourth Saturday 163 Vinton, Vinton, Lowndes co First Wednesday 164 Carson, Snow Creek, Marshall co Third Saturday 165 Smithville, Smithville, Monroe co Friday bef. 2d Sunday 166 Auburn, Auburn, Hinds co Fourth Saturday 167 Bay Springs, Bay Springs, Tishomingo, Third Saturday 168 Homestead, Deasonville, Yazoo co do do 169 Prairie Mount, Prairie Mount, Chickasaw, Saturday on or bef. f. m. 170 Benj. Franklin, Meadville, Franklin co Fourth Saturday 171 Good Hope, Good Hope, Leake co First Saturday 172 Rienzi, Rienzi, Tishomingo co Second Wednesday 173 Bahala, Raysville, Lawrence co Fourth Saturday 174 Adelphian, Bellefonte, Choctaw co First Saturday aft. f.m. 175 Howry, Cooksville, Noxubee co Fourth Saturday 176 Sartartia, Sartartia, Yazoo co Second Saturday 177 Robert Burns, Kilmichael, Choctaw co Saturday before f. m. 178 Speight, Cotton Gin Port, Monroe, First Friday 179 Tuscumbia, Bone Yard, Tishomingo co Second Thursday 180 Chappell, Kosciusko, Attala co Second Saturday 181 Concord, Union Church, Jefferson, First Saturday 182 Theodosia, Sarepta, Calhoun co, Fourth Saturday 183 Dawson, Winchlester, Wayne co Second Saturday 184 El Dorado, Hohenlinden, Chickasaw, Wedn. on or after f. m. 78 UNMVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LOi)(-E. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 185 Rocky Ford, Rocky Ford, Pontotoc co Fourth Friday 186 Sageville, Sageville, Lauderville co Second Saturday 187 J. M. Howry, Spring Dale, Lafayette, Fourth Friday 188 Marietta, Marietta, Itawamba co Last Saturday 189 Long Creek, Long Creek, Panola co Third Saturday 190 Centre, Kosciusco, Attala co First Friday 191 White Plains, White Plains, Newton co Third Saturday 192 Livingston, Livingston, Madison co Sat. before 4th Sunday 193 South Union, Pulaski, Scott co Third Saturday 194 Walnut Hills, Vicksburg, Warren co do do 195 Laurel Hill, Laurel Hill, Neshoba co Fourth Saturday 196 Bluff Springs, Bluff Springs, Attala co Second Saturday 197 Dover, Dover, Yazoo co Fourth Saturday 198 Oakbowery, Paulding, Jasper co do do 199 Enon, Enon, Perry co Second Saturday 200 Hebron, Oakaha, Covington co Fourth Saturday 201 Yockena, Rebena, Panola co Sat. before 1st Sabbath 202 Pascagoula, Pascagoula, Jackson co First Saturday 203 Fair River, Monticello, Lawrence co Sat. before 1st Sunday 204 Big Creek, Whitfield, Oktibleha co First Friday 205 Webster, Webster, WVinston co Fourth Saturday 206 reenviGreenville, reenville,Washington co Second Saturday 207 Marshall, Holly Springs, Marshall co Third Monday 208 Palestine, Palestine, Hinds co 209 D. Mitchell, French Camps, Choctaw, Saturday after f. moon 210 Bolivar, Bolivar C. H., Bolivar co Fourth Saturday 211 Vienna, Pineville, Smith co do do 212 Plattsburg, Pinshook, Winston co First Saturday 213 Huntsville, Huntsville, Choctaw co Sat. on or after f. moon 214 Sincerity, Holmesville, Pike co First Saturday 215 Rising Glory, Osyka, Pike co First Saturday 216 Peach Creek, Peach Creek, Panola co Second Saturday 217 WV. P. Mellen, Densontown, Rankin co Sat. before 3d Sunday 218 Mooresville, Mooresville, Itawamba co Second Friday 219 Canaan, Canaan, Tippah co Fourth Friday 220 Sparta, Sparta, Chickasaw co On or after full moon 221 Rankin, Pelahatchie, Rankin co Second Saturday 222 Sol. B. Stampley, Hamburg, Franklin co Third Saturday 223 Sunflower, Greenwood, Sunflower co Fourth Saturday 224 New Hope, Fame, Choctaw co Saturday b. 1st Sunday 225 Cooper, Old Hickory, Smith co Fourth Saturday 226 Sylviarena, Raleigh, Smith co First Saturday MISSISSIPPI. 79 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 227 Chapel! Hill, Big Creek, Calhoun co Tues'y after 2d Sunday 228 Campbelltown, Campbellt'n, Itawamba co Fourth Thursday 229 Western Star, Paris, Lafayette co Third Friday 230 Cato U. D., Cato Springs, Rankin co Third Saturday 231 Summit U. D., Summit, Pike co do do 232 Pattona, Pattona, Claiborne co do do 233 Burnsville, Burnsville, Tishomingo co Third Wednesday 234 Chickasawhay, De Soto, Clark co Fourth Saturday 235 Wm. R. Lackey, Senasha Camp Gds. Attala co Third Saturday 236 Mount Moriah, Mt. Moriah, Lawrence co First Saturday 237 Pleasant Hill, Pleasant Hill, Itawamba, Second Saturday 238 G. M. Hillyer, Wheeling, Holmes co First Saturday, 239 C. T. Bond, Hickory Flat, Tippah co Second Thursday MISSOURI. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 1 Missouri, St. Louis, 1st and 3d Thursdays 2 Meridian, South St. Louis, 2d and 4th Fridays 3 Beacon, St. Louis, 2d and 4th Thursdays 4 Howard, New Franklin, Howard co Saturday bef. f. moon 5 Taylor, Springfield, Greene co Thursday bef. f. moon 6 Ark, Newark, Knox co Saturday after f. moon 7 Grover, Calhoun, Henry co Saturday pre. f. moon 8 Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Calloway co Vednesday before f.m. 9 Geo. Washington, St. Louis, 2d and 4th Tuesdays 10 Shawnee, New Santa Fe, Jackson co Saturday before f. m. 11 Pauldingville, Pauldingville, St. Charles, Friday before f moon 12 Tyro, Caledonia, Washington co Second Saturday 13 Rising Sun, Barry, Clay co Saturday before f. m. 14 Auburn, Auburn, Lincoln co do do 15 Central, Smithville, Clay co Saturday after f. moon 16 Memphis, Memphis, Scotland co Friday before f. moon 17 Clarksville, Clarksville, Pike co Saturday before f. m. 18 Palmyra, Palmyra, Marion co do do 19 Paris Union, Paris, Monroe co First Saturday 20 St. Louis, St. Louis, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 21 New London, New London, Ralls co Saturday before f. m. 22 Wellington, De Kalb, Buchanan co do do 23 Florida, Florida, Monroe co Third Saturday 24 WVyaconda, Lagrange, Lewis co Wednesday before f. m. 25 Napthali, St. Louis, 2d and 4th Thursdays 26 Mexico, Mexico, Audrain co Third Tuesday 27 Temple, Melville, Dade co Thursday before f. m. 28 St. John's Hannibal, Marion co Second Saturday 29 Osage, Little Osage, Bates co Third Monday 30 Huntsville, Huntsville, Randolph co Second Saturday 31 Liberty, Liberty, Clay co 1st Monday and 3d Sat. 32 Lafayette, Lexington, Lafayette co Second Monday 33 Ralls, Madisonville, Ralls co Second Saturday 34 Troy, Troy, Lincoln co Monday before f. moon 35 Mercer, Princeton, Mercer co 1st Tuesday after ~ m. MISSOURI. 81 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME or MEETINO. 36 Cooper, Boonville, Cooper co Fourth Friday 38 Graham, Pleasant Hill, Cass co Third Friday 39 Tully, Tully, Lewis co Saturday after f. moon 40 Mount Moriah, Bremen, St. Louis co 1st and 3d Saturdays 41 Bolivar, Bolivar, Polk co Friday preceding f. m. 42 Middle Grove, Middle Grove, Monroe co do do 43 Jefferson City, Jefferson City, Cole co First Saturday 44 Rochester, Rochester, Andrew co Saturday before f. m. 45 Bonhomme, Manchester, St. Louis co Thursday before full m. 46 Martha Washington, Washington, Franklin co Saturday after f. moon 47 Fayette, Fayette, Howard co Monday before f. moon 48 Fulton, Fulton, Callaway co First Thursday 49 Hayneville, Hayneville, Clinton co Saturday after f. moon 50 Middletown, Middletown, Montgomery, Saturday before f. m. 51 Livingston, Glasgow, Howard co do do 52 Wakanda, Carrollton, Carroll co do do 53 Weston, Weston, Platte co 1st and 3d Saturdays 54 Douglass, Marthasville, Warren co Saturday before f. m. 55 Arrow Rock, Arrow Rock, Saline co do do 56 Platte, Platte City, Platte co do do 57 Richmond, Richmond, Ray co do do 58 Monticelonticello,onticelo Lewis co do do 59 Lancaster, Lancaster, Schuyler co do do 60 New-Bloomfield, New-Bloomfield, Calaway,First Saturday 61 Osceola, Osceola, St. Clair co Thursday preced'g f. m. 62 Maysville, Maysville, De Kalb co 1st Mond. and 2d Sat. 63 St. Mary's, Perryville, Perry co Saturday before f. m. 64 Landmark, Warsaw, Benton co Fourth Friday 65 Pattonsburg, Pattonsburg, Daviess co Second Saturday 66 Linn, Linn, Osago co Saturday before f. moon 67 Rocheport, Rocheport, Boone co Second Thursday 68 Tebo, Clinton, Henry co Third Saturday 69 Alexandria, Alexandria, Clark co Friday before full m. 70 Roanoke, Roanoke, Howard co Saturday preced'g f. m. 71 Savannah, Savannah, Andrew co do do 72 Danville, Danville, Montgomery co Thursday preced'g f. m. 73 Eureka, Brunswick, Chariton co do do 74 Warren, Keytesville, Chariton co Saturday preced'g f. m. 75 Ashley, Ashley, Pike co do do 76 Independence, Independence, Jackson co Second Saturday 77 Lebanon, Steelville, Crawford co Third Saturday 78 St. Joseph, St. Joseph, Buchanan co 1st and 3d Saturdays 82 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY~ No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING, 79 Polar Star, St. Louis, 2d and 4th Wednesdays 80 Bridgeton, Bridgeton, St. Louis co Monday before full m. 81 Neosho, Neosho, Newton co First Saturday 82 Jackson, Linneus, Linn co Saturday preced'g f. m. 83 Laclede, Lebanon, Laclede co Wednesday pre'g f. m. 84 Potter, Oak Grove, Pettis co First Saturday 85 Johnson, Warrensburg, Johnson co Second Monday 86 Mitchell, Columbus, Johnson co Friday before f. moon 87 Washington, Greenfield, Dade co do do 88 Bates, Butler, Butler co Saturday before f. m. 89 Friendship, Chilicothe, Livingston co Saturday preced'g f. m. 90 Prairie, Harrison, Cass co Thursday preced'gf. m. 91 Madison, Madison, Monroe co Second Saturday 92 Perseverance, Lousiana, Pike co Monday before full m. 93 St. Mark's, Cape Girardeau, Tuesday before f. moon 94 Boone, Columbia, Boone co First Friday 95 Acacia, Jackson, Cape Girardeau, 96 St. Andrew's, Shelbyville, Shelby co First Monday 97 Bethany, Bethany, Harrison co Saturday before f. m. 98 Webster, Marshfield, Webster co Thursday after f. moon 99 Mount Vernon, Mount Vernon, Lawrence, Second Tuesday 100 Canton, Canton, Lewis co Saturday before f. m. 101 Greene, Springfield, Greene co Wednesday before f. m. 102 Bloomington, Bloomington, Macon co Friday bef. 3d Sunday 103 Carthage, Carthage, Jasper co Third Friday 104 Heroine, Kansas, Jackson co Saturday before f. m. 105 Relief, Georgetown, Pettis co First Monday 106 Miami, Miami, Saline co Saturday before f. m. 107 Golden Square, Westport, Jackson co Friday before f. m. 108 New-Madrid, New-Madrid, Saturday before full m. 109 Montezuma, Santa Fe, New-Mexico, First Saturday 110 Marcus, Fredericktown, Madison, Fourth Saturday 111 Trento TrentTrenton, Grundy co Third Thursday 112 Ezell, St. Francisville, Clark co Saturday before f. m. 113 Plattsburg, Plattsburg, Clinton co do do 114 Waverly, Waverly, Lafayette co Friday before f. moon 115 Sibley, Sibley, Jackson co Saturday before f. m. 116 Daviess, Gallatin, Daviess co First Monday i 117 Versailles, Versailles, Morgan co Third Saturday 118 Hiram, St. Charles, Monday before f. m. 119 Foster. Benton, Scott co First Saturday 120 Compass, Parkeville, Platte co Wednesday before f. m. MISSOURI. 83 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 121 Erwin, St. Louis, 2d and 4th Fridays 122 Dover, Dover, Lafayette co Saturday before f. m. 123 Hermann, Hermann, Gasconade co Third Monday 124 Cedar, Fremont, Cedar co Thursday before f. m. 125 Gentryville, Gentryville, Gentry co 1st and 3d Saturdays 126 Seaman, Milan, Sullivan co Saturday before f. m. 127 Athens, Athens, Gentry co 2d and 4th Saturdays 128 Kirksville, Kirksville, Adair co Friday before f. m. 129 Constantine, Charleston, Mississippi co Saturday before f. m. 130 West Prairie, West Prairie, Dunklin co Wednesday b. f. m. 131 Potosi, Potosi, Washington co do do 132 Farmington, Farmington, St. Francois do do 133 Star of the West, Arcadia, Madison co do do 134 Sarcoxie, Sarcoxie, Jasper co 2d and 4th Saturday 135 Ridgely, Ridgely, Platte co do do 136 Phoenix, Bowling Green, Pike co Thursday before fm. 137 Warrenton, Warrenton, Warren co Saturday before f. m. 138 Round Prairie, Newark, Andrew co do do 139 Oregon, Oregon, Holt co Saturday after f. m. 140 Pappinville, Pappinville, Bates co Friday before full m. 141 Middlebury, Middlebury, Mercer co Third Wednesday 142 Pleasant Grove, Otterville, Cooper co do do 143 Flint Hill, Flint Hill, St. Charles co Monday after f. m. 144 John Dade, Cassville, Barry co do do 145 Rising Sun, Ebenezer, Greene co Wed. before full f. m. 146 McGee, McGee College, Macon co Sat. before 4th Sunday 147 Buffalo, Buffalo, Dallis co Saturday after f. m. 148 Yancey,I Rutlidge, McDonald co Second Wednesday 149 Lexington, Lexington, Lafayette co Third Monday 150 Birming, Birming, Buchanan co Night of or after f. m. 151 Milton, Milton. Randolph co First Saturday 152 Linn Creek, Linn Creek, Camden co Saturday before f. m. 153 Bloomfield, Bloomfield, Stoddard co 154 Concord, Concord, Callaway co 155 Spring Hill, Spring Hill, Livingston co First Monday 156 Giddings, Nebraska City, N. T. Friday before f. m. 157 North Star, Rockport, Atchison co Saturday preced'g f. m. 158 Cornwell, Rose Hill, Johnson co Friday preced'g f. moon 159 Pacific, Franklin, Franklin co Saturday preced'g f. m. 160 Edina, Edina, Knox co do do 161 Rob. Morris, Savannah, Andrew co First and 3d Thursdays 162 Whitesville, Whitesville, do Second Saturday, 84 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 163 Occidental, St. Louis, 2d and 4th Mondays 164 Joachim, Hillsboro', Jefferson co Saturday before f. m. 165 Maryville, Maryville, Nodaway co First Saturday 166 Mirabile, Mirabile, Caldwell co First Saturday 167 Eldorado, Luray, Clark co Saturday after full f.m. 168 Fairmount, Fairmount, Clark co do do 169 Tuscumbia, Tuscumbia, Miller co do do 170 Benevolence, Utica, Livingston co do do 171 Hartford, Hartford, Putnam; co Friday before f. moon 172 Wolf Island, Wolf Island, Mississippi co Monday before full m. 173 Union, Woolford's St, Bollinger co Saturday after full m. 174 Sturgeon, Sturgeon, Boone co First Friday 175 Newton, Oliver's prairie, Newton co First Saturday 176 Point Pleasant, Pt Pleas't, New-Madrid co Friday before full m. 177 Winchester, Winchester, Clark co Thursday before f. m. 178 Griswold, Bear Creek, Montg'y co 179 Pride of the West, St. Louis, St. Louis co 1st and 3d Wedn. 180 Kenner, Athens, Clark co Saturday before f. m 181 Novelty, Novelty, Knox co 182 Stewartsville, Stewartsville, De Kalb co 183 California, California, Moniteau co 184 Modern, Humansville, Polk co 185 Chamois, Chamois, Osage co 186 Dayton, Dayton,' Cass co 187 Henry Clay, Millersburg, Callaway co 188 Hannibal, Hannibal, Marion co 189 Zeredatha, St. Joseph, Buchanan co 190 Putnam, Newton, Putnam co 191 Zerubbabel, ~ Platte co 192 Frankford, Frankford, Pike co 193 Aujerona, Missouri City, Clay co NEBRASKA TERRITORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. I Nebraska, Bellevue, 2d and 4th Tuesdays 2 Western Star,, Nebraska City, Friday on or bef. f. m. 3 Capital, Omaha City, 1st and 3d Mondays: 4 Nemaha Valley, Brownville, 1st and 3d Saturdays 5 Omadi, Omadi, Saturday on or b. f. m. 6 Plattsmouth, Plattsmouth, First Monday 7 vEW-IIAMP-SHIIRE. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 1 St. John's, Portsmouth, First Wednesday 6 Franklin, Lebanon, Monday bef. f. m. 8 North Star, Lancaster, Tuesday of the week of f. m. 9 Hiram, Claremont, First Wednesday-! 11 Blazing Star, Concord, Wednesday of or pre. f. m. 14 King Solomon's, New London, Wednesday bef. f. m. 15 Mount Vernon, Newport, Monday bef. f. m. 17 Morning Star, Wolfborough, Wednesday on or bef. f. m. 18 Charity, Jaffrey, Wednesday on or bef. f. m. 19 Sullivan, Lee, Thursday on or bef. f. m. 21 Humane, Rochester, Saturday on or bef. f. m. 24 Bethel, New Ipswich, Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 26 Altemont, Peterborough, Thursday of or pre. f. m. 29 Strafford, Dover, Wednesday on or bef. f. m. 30 St. Paul's, Alsted, Thursday on or bef. f. m. 31 St Peter's Bradford, do do 32 Mount Lebanon, Gilford, First Wednesday 38 Harmony, Hillsborough, Wednesday on or bef. f. m. 39 Rising star, Nashua, Thursday on or bef. f. m. 40 Philesian, Winchester, Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 41 La Fayette, Manchester, Wednesday on or bef. f. m. 42 Social Friends, Keene, Monday bef. f. m. 43 Aurora, Henniker, Friday on or bef. f. m. 46 Grafton, Haverhill, 47 Rising Star, Newmarket, Friday nearest f. m. 49 Libanus, Somersworth, Thursday on or bef. f. m. 50 Social, Enfield, 52 Clinton, Wilton, Thursday on or bef. f. m. 56 St. Andrew's Portsmouth, Second Tuesday 57 Carroll, Freedom, Thursday, bef. f. m. 58 Charter Oak, Effingham, Tuesday bef. f. m. NEW-HAMPSHIRE. 87 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 59 Star in the East, Exeter, Wednesday of f. m. 60 Meridian, Franklin, Thursday on or bef. f. m. 61 Washington, Manchester, 2d Wednesday aft. f. m. 62 Unity, Wakefield, Thursday on or aft. f. m. 63 Moosehillock U. D.,Wentworth, 64 Kane U. D., Lisbon, Wednesday of f. m. 65 Granite U. D., Rollinsford, Tuesday aft. f. m. NEW-JERSEY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 1 St. John's, Newark, 2d and 4th Wednesdays 2 Brearley, Bridgeton, Monday on or b. f. m. 3 Cincinnati, Morristown, do do 4 Tuckerton, Tuckerton, Monday bef. f. m. 5 Trenton, Trenton,] 1st and 3d Mondays 7 Newark, Newark, Every Friday 8 Clinton, Baskingridge, Wed. on or bef. f. m. 9 Washington, Eatontown, Monday on or b. f. m. 10 Franklin; Irvington, 2d and 4th Wednesdays 11 Union, Orange, 2d and 4th Tuesdays 12 Amwell, Lambertville, Wed. on or bef. f. m. 13 Warren, Belvidere, Friday on or b. f. m. 14 Mount Holly, Mount Holly, Monday on or b. f. m. 15 Camden, Camden, Third Tuesday 16 Olive Branch, Freehold, 1st and 3d Fridays 17 Hiram, Jersey City, Every Monday 18 Harmony, Tom's River, Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 19 Union, New Brunswick, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 20 Rockaway, Dover, Wed. on or b. f. m. 21 MysticBrotherhood,Red Bank, Thursday on or b. f. m. 22 Diogenes, Newark, 1st and 3d Thursdays 23 Harmony, Newton, Thursday oforpre. f. m. 24 Prospect, Mendham, 1st and 3d Mondays 25 Northern, Newark, do do 26 Jerusalem, Plainfield, Ist and 3d Fridays 27 Lafayette, Rahway, 1st and 3d Thursdays 28 Mount Moriah, Bordentown, Second Wednesday 29 Joppa, Paterson, Every Wednesday 30 Cape Island, Cape Island, Tuesday aft. f. m. 31 Varick, Jersey City, Every Friday 32 Burlington, Burlington, Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 33. Washington, Elizabethtown, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 34 Stewart, White House, Friday on or b. f. m. 35 Hoboken, Hoboken, Every Thursday NEW-JERSEY. 89 NO. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 36 Mansfield, Washington, Thursday on or bf. f. m. 37 Darcy, Flemington, do do 38 Princeton, Princeton, 2d and 4th Tuesdays 39 Eureka, Newark, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 40 Bloomfield, Bloomfield, do do 41 Hightstown, Hightstown, Friday after full moon 42 Independence, Hacketstown, 43 Paterson, Paterson, Thursdays 44 Central, Mount Holly, Friday on or bef. f. m. 45 Benevolent, Paterson, Fridays 46 Solomon's, Somerville, Every Tuesday 47 Bergen, Bergen, 2d and 4th Thursdays 48 Enterprise, Jersey City, Every Thursday 49 Essex, Elizabethport, Wedn. on or bef. f. m. 50 Mercer, Trenton, 2d and 4th Thursdays 51 Oriental, Newark, Every Wednesday 52 Delaware, Phillipsburg, 1st and 3d Tuesdays NE W-YO R K. NiTo LODG. LOCATION. TIMS3 OF MEETING. I St. John's, New-York, 2d and 4th Thursdays 2 Ind. Royal Arch, New-York, 1st and 3d Thursdays 3 Mount Vernon, Albany, 1st and 3d Thursdays 4 St. Patrick's, Johnstown, Fulton co 5 Masters', Albany, 2d and 4th Mondays 6 St. George's, Schenectady, 2d and 4th Wednesdays 7 Hudson, Hudson, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 8 Holland, New-York, 2d and 4th Mondays 9 Unity, New-Lebanon Springs, Tuesday before f. moon 10 Kingston, Kingston, Ulster co Every Tuesday 11 Lodge of Antiquity, New-York city, 2d and 4th Thursdays 1 Trinity, New-York, 2d and 4th Mondays 13 Apollo, Troy, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 14 Temple, Albany, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 15 Western Star, Bridgewater, Oneida co 16 Prince of Orange, New-York city, 2d and 4th Fridays 17 L'Union Frangaise, New-York, ist and 3d Wednesdays 19 Fortitude, Brooklyn, Every Thursday 20 Abram's, New-York,; 2d and 4th Fridays 21 Washington, New-York city, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 22 St. John's, Greenfield, Saratoga co, Wedn. of or prec'g f. m. 23 Adelphi, New-York city, Ist and 3d Wednesdays 26 Albion, New-York city, 1st and 3d Mondays 27 Mount Moriah, New-York city, 2d and 4th Tuesdays 28 Benevolent, New-York, 2d and 4th Wednesdays 29 Champion, Champion, Jefferson co Monday of full moon 30 Godfrey, New-York city, 2d and 4th Mondays 32 Warren, Pine Plains, Dutchess co Wednesday before f. m. 33 Ark, Geneva, Ontario co Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 35 Howard, New-York city 1st and 3d Thursdays 38 Columbia, Tuthill, Ulster co 39 Olive Branch, Le Roy, Genesee co Ist and 3d Wednesdays 10 Olive Branch, Franklin, Herkimer co Every Tuesday 11 Sylvan, Moravia, Cayuga co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 14 Evening Star, Hornellsville, Steuben co NEW-YORK. 91 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING, 45 Union, Lima, Livingston co Wedn. of or prec'gf. m. 47 Utica, Utica, 2d and last Mondays 48 Ark, Coxsackie, Greene co 49 Watertown, Watertown, Jefferson co Wednesday of full moon 50 Concord, New-York city, 1st and 3d Thursdays 51 Fidelity, Ithaca,Tompkins co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 53 Brownville, Brownville, Jefferson co Tuesday of full moon 54 German Union, New-York city, 2d and 4th Thursdays 55 Granville, Granville, Washington co 56 Hohenlinden, Brooklyn, Every Wednesday 58 Phoenix, Lansingburg, Rensselaer co 1st and 3d Thursdays 62 Manhattan, New-York, 1st and 3d Fridays 64 La Fayette, New-York, 1st and 3d Monday 65 Morning Star, Canisteo, Steuben co Tuesday preceding f. m. 66 Richmond, Port Richmond, Richmond, 67 Mariners, New-York, 1st and 3d MIondays 68 Montgomery, do 1st and 3d Wednesdays 69 Naval, do 2d and 4th Thursdays 70 John Hancock, do 2d and 4th Mondays 73 Lockport, Lockport, Niagara co Tuesday on or bef f. m. 79 Hamilton, Canajoharie, Montgomery, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 82 Phoebus, New-Berlin, Chenango co Wednesday bef. f. m. 83 Newark, Newark, Wayne co Monday of full moon 84 Artisan, Amsterdam, 85 Washington, Albany, 2d and 4th Thursdays 86 Pythagoras, New-York, 1st and 3d Saturdays 87 Schodac Union, Schodac Centre, RensselaerThursday preced'g f. m. 90 Franklin, Ballston Spa, Saratoga co Every Tuesday 91 King Sol's Primitive, Troy, Rensselaer co 1st and 3d Thursdays 94 of Strict Observ'e, New-York City, 2d and 4th Wednesdays 95 Union, Elmira, Chemung co Tues. onorb. f. & n. m. 96 Phoenix, Whitehall, Washington co 1st and 3d TLuesdays 97 Renovation, Albion, Orleans co Mon. ofor prec'g f. m. 98 Columbia, Chatham Four Corners, 1st and 2d Saturdays 102 Syracuse, Syracuse, Onondaga co Every Thursday 103 Rising Sun, Saratoga Springs, Every Monday 104 Lewis, Howard, Steuben co Wed. on or b. f. & n. m. 105 Hiram, Buffalo, Every Friday 106 Manitou, New-York City, 1st and 3d Fridays 107 North Star, Moira, Franklin co Wednesday bef. f. m. 108 Milo, Pen Yan, Yates co Thursday of full moon 109 Valley, Rochester, Monroe' co 92 IUNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRICTOTY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 110 Scipio, Aurora, Cayuga`co Mondayon or bef. f. m 111 St. Lawrence, Canton, St. Lawrence co 112 Steuben, Bath, Steuben co Tuesday on or beff. m. 113 Seneca, Waterloo, Seneca co Monday of full moon 114 Union, Ovid, " Tuesday on or bef. f.m. 115 Phcenix, Dansville, Livingston co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 116 Cohoes, Cohoes, Albany co 1st and 3d Wednesdays 117 Painted Post, Corning, Steuben co do do 118 Addison Union, Addison, " Every Tuesday 119 Oasis,' Prattsville, Greene co Every Friday 120 Hamilton, Hamilton, Madison co Wednesday bef. f. m. 121 Glens Falls, Glens Falls, Warren co 1st and 3d Wednesdays 122 Robert Morris, Mount Morris, Livingston, 1st and 3d Mondays 123 Reading, Dundee, Yates co 124 St. Paul's, Auburn, Cayuga co 1st and 3d Mondays 125 Friendship, Copake, Columbia co Friday before full m. 126 Eastern Light, Greene, Chenango co Thursday preced'g f. m. 127 Oswego, Oswego, Oswego co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 128 Ogdensburg, Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence,Monday of full moon 129 Sanger, Waterville, Oneida co 130 Port Byron, Port Byron, Cayuga co 1st and 3d Wednesdays 131 Chemung, Havana, Schuyler co Frid. on orb. f. & n.m. 132 Niagara Frontier, Niagara Falls, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 133 Naples, Naples, Ontario co 134 Lowville, Lowville, Lewis co] Tuesday of full moon 135 Sackett's Harbor, Sackett's Harbor, Jefferson,Monday of full moon 136 Mexicoj Mexico, Oswego co 1st and 3d Thursdays 137 Anglo-Saxon, Brooklyn, Every Thursday 138 Otsego, Cooperstown, Otsego co Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 139 Milnor, Victor, Ontario co Thurs., semi-monthly 140 Clinton, Waterford, Saratoga cQ 2d and 4th Mondays 141 Cato, Cato, Cayuga co 142 Morning Sun, Port Henry, Essex co. 1st and 3d Tuesdays 143 Concordia, Buffalo, Erie co Every Thursday 144 Hiram, Fulton, Oswego co 145 Mount Moriah, Jamestown, Chautauque, Monday before full m. 146 Western Union, Belfast, Allegany co 147 Warren, Union Springs, Cayuga co Saturday before f. nm 148 Sullivan, Chittenango, Madison co Thursday on or bef. f.m. 149 Au Sable River, Keeseville, Essex co 150 Sauquoit, Sanquoit, Oneida co 1st and 3d Mondays 151 Sentinel, Greenwood, Steuben co 1st and 2d Wednesdays NEW-YORK. 93 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 152 Hanover, Forestville, Cayuga co Wed. on or before f. m. 153 Friendship, Owego, Tioga co 2d and 4th Thursdays 154 Penfield Union, Penfield, Monroe co Wednesday bef. f. m. 155 Clinton, Plattsburg, Clinton co 156 Ocean, New-York, 2d and 4th Mondays 157 Truransburg, Trumansburg, Tompkins, Monday of or pre'gf. m. 158 Carthage, Carthage, Jefferson co Thursday of full moon 159 Pultneyville, Pultneyville, Wayne co Thursday on orbef. f.m. 160 Seneca River,. Baldwinsville, Onondaga, lst and 3d Tuesdays 161 Erie, Buffalo, Erie co Every Thursday 162 Richfield, Schuyler's Lake, Otsego co 163 Yonondio, Rochester, Monroe co 164 Philanthropic, Camden,- Oneida co Wednesday before. f.m. 165 BooBoonvilleoonville, " Tuesday of full moon 166 Forest, Fredonia, Chautauque co Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 167 Susquehanna, Bainbridge, Chenango co Wed. of or prec'g f. m. 168 Montour, Painted Post, Steuben co 1st and 3d Mondays 169 Clinton, Clinton, Oneida co 1st and 3d Thursdays 170 Mount Horeb, Borodino, Onondaga co Tuesday preceding f. m. 171 Stone Mills, Stone Mills, Jefferson co Monday after full moon 172 Chaumont, Chaumont, Jefferson co Thursday of full moon 173 Monroe, Brockport, Monroe co Every Tuesday 174 Theresa, Theresa, Jefferson co Wednesday of full moon 175 Chenango Valley, Oxford, Chenango co First Monday 176 Montezuma, Montezuma, Cayuga co 1st and 3d Thursdays 177 Binghamton, Binghamton, Broome co Every Wednesday 178 Atlantic, New-York, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 179 German Pilgrim, New-York, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 180 Westchester, Sing Sing, Westchester co 1st and 3d Wednesdays 181- Little Falls, Little Falls, Herkimer co 2d and last Thursdays 182 Germania, New-York, 2d and 4th Wednesdays 183 Farmerville, Farmerville, Seneca co Every Wednesday 184 Turin, Turin, Lewis co Saturday after f. m. 185 Independent, New-York, 1st and 4th Mondays 186 Armor, Portchester, Westchester, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 187 Darcey, New-York, Every Thursday 188 Marsh, Williamsburg, Kings co Every Friday 189 Cortlandt, Peekskill, Westchester co 190 Munn, New-York, Every Monday 191 Lebanon, New-York, st and 3d Wednesdays 193 Ulster, Saugerties, Ulstcr co Every other Wednesday 194 Piatt, New-York, 2d and 4th Thursdays 94 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 195 Excelsior, New-York, 2d and 4th Mondays 196 Solomon's, Tarrytown, Westchester, Every Thursday 197 York, New-York, 2d and 3d Mondays 198 Silentia, New-York, Every Friday 199 Harmony, New-York, 2d and 4th Tuesdays 200 Sincerity, Phelps, Ontario co 201 Joppa, Brooklyn, Every Wednesday 202 Zschokke, New-York, 1st and 3d Thursdays 203 Templar, New-York, Every Thursday 204 Palestine, New-York, Every Thursday 205 Hyatt, Williamsburg, Kings co Every Tuesday 206 Empire City, New-York, Every Friday 207 United States, New-York, 1st and 3d Mondays 208 Cyrus, New-York, Every Monday 209 National, New-York, 2d and 4th Wednesdays 210 Worth, New-York, Every Tuesday,211 Pocahontas, Seneca Falls, Seneca co Every Tuesday 212 Fisher's, Batavia, Genesee co Every Tuesday 213 Racket River, Potsdam, St. Lawrence co Every Thursday 214 Geneseo, Geneseo, Livingston co 1st and 2d Thursdays 215 Military, Manlius, Onondaga co Monday preceding f. m. 216 Franklin, Westville, Franklin co 217 Gouverneur, Gouverneur, St. Lawrence, Tuesday of full moon 218 Hartland, Hartland, Niagara co Monday before f. m. 219 Summit, Westfield, Chatauque co Thursday on or bef. f.m. 221 Cayuga, Scipio Centre, Cayuga co Wedn. semi-monthly 222 Corinthian, Skaneateles, Onondaga co 1st and 3d Wednesdays 223 Roman, Rome, Oneida co 1st and 3d Wednesdays 224 Oriental, Utica, 2d and 4th Tuesdays 225. Allegany, Friendship, Allegany co Friday on or bef. f. m. 226 Antwerp, Antwerp, Jefferson co Thursday of full moon 227 Eastern Star, New-York, Every Wednesday 228 Enterprise, New-York, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 229 Pike, Hume, Allegany co 230.Scio, Wellsville, Allegany co Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 231 Canastota, Lenox, Madison co 232 Navigator, New-York, 2d and 4th Thursdays 233 Pacific, New-York, Every Thursday 234 Rising Sun, Adams, Jefferson co Thursday precd'g f. m. 236 Phillipstown, Cold Spring, Putnam co Every Thursday 237 Champlain, Champlain, Clinton co First Wednesday 238 Orient, Copenhagen, Lewis co Monday after full moon NEW YORK. 95 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME oF MEETING. 239 Cattaraugus, Little Valley, Cattaraugus, Wed. of or preced'g f.m. 240 Washington, Buffalo, Erie co Every Thursday 241 Oscar Coles, New-York, 2d and 4th Mondays 243 Eureka, New-York, 1st and 3d Mondays 244 Hope, New-York, Every Tuesday 245 Polar Star, New-York, Every Wednesday 246 Arcana, New-York, 1st and 3d Mondays 247 Tonawanda, Tonawanda, Erie co 1st and 3d Thursdays 248 Palmyra, Palmyra, Wayne co Wed. of or preced'g f. m. 249 Charter Oak, New-York, Every Wednesday 250 John D. Willard, New-York, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 251 Cameron, Cameron, Steuben co Wedn. on or before f. m. 252 Olean, Olean, Each alt'rnateThursday 253 Old Oak,'Millport, Niagara co 254 Walworth, Walworth, Wayne co Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 255 Living Stone, Colden, Erie co Thursday on or bf. f. m. 256 Fort Brewerton, Cicero, Onondaga co Wedn. on or before f.m. 257 Mount Nebo, New-York, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 258 Macedonia, Bolivar, Allegany co Wednesday prec'g f. m. 259 Sisco, Whallonsburgh, Essex co Wed. of orpreced'g f.m. 260 Mount Hope, Fort Ann, Washington co 2d and 4th Thursdays 261 Evans, Evans Centre, Erie co do do 262 Phoenix, Gowanda, Cattaraugus, Monday before f. moon 263 Mount Vernon, North Java, Wyoming co Tuesday before f. moon 264 Baron Steuben, Stokes, Oneida co Thursday before f. m. 265 Caroline, Caroline, Tompkins co 266 Poughkeepsie, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess co 267 Fort Edward, Fort Edward, Washington,lst and 3d Thursdays 268 Hermann, Nlew-York, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 270 OneidaOn eineida Depot, Madison co 271 Chancellor Walworth, New-York, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 272 Mystic Tie, do do do 273 Metropolitan, do 2d and 4th Thursdays 274 Arcturus, do 1st and 3d Fridays 275 Sylvan Grove, do 2d and 4th Tuesdays 276 Mohawk Valley, Mohawk, Herkimer co Each alternate Friday 277 Henry Clay, New-York, Every Wednesday 278 Marion, West Farms, Westchester, Every Monday 279 King Solomon's, New-York, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 280 Doric, do Every Thursday 281 Peru, Peru, Clinton co Wednesday before f. m. 282 Otego Union, Otego, Otsego co 96 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 283 Bacon, Matteawan, Dutchess, Every Tuesday 285 Geo. Washington, New-York, Every Friday 286 Montauk, Brooklyn, Every Wednesday 287 Continental, New-York, 2d and 4th Tuesdays 288 Brooklyn, Brooklyn, Every Friday 289 St. Andrew's, Hobart, Delaware co Monday on or bef. f. m. 290 Spencer, Spencer, Tioga co Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 291 Northern Constellation, Malone, Franklin co Thursday before f. m. 292 Parish, Black Rock Dam, Erie co Every Thursday 293 Cape Vincent, Cape Vincent, Jefferson co 294 Canandaigua, Canandaigua, Ontario co Monday on or bef. f. m. 295 Cataract, Royalton, Niagara co Wed. on or bef. f. m. 296 Clayton, Clayton, Jefferson co Tuesday of full moon. 297 Alexandria, Alexandria, Jefferson co Every Tuesday 298 Fish House, Fish House, Fulton co Wed. on or before f. m. 299 Keshequa, Nunda, Livingston co do do 300 Garoga, Rockwood, Fulton co 301 Irondequoit,., Dunkirk, Chautauque co 1st and 3d Mondays 302 Norwich, Norwich, Chenango co Tuesday before f. moon 303 Sylvan, Sinclairville, Chautauque Monday before f. moon 304 Schiller, Williamsburg, Kings co Every Thursday 305 Central City, Syracuse, Onondaga co Every Monday 306 CubaCubauba, Allegany co Wednesday prec. f. m. 307 Ellicottville, Ellicottville, Cattaraugus, Friday preceding f. m. -308 Seneca Lake, West Dresden, Yates co Sat. of or prec'g f. m. 309 Newburgh, Newburgh, Orange co Every Friday 310 Lexington, Brooklyn, Every Monday 311 Mount Zion, Troy, Rennsselaer co do do 312 Grass River, Madrid, St. Lawrence co 1st and 3d Saturdays 313 Stony Point, Haverstraw, Rockland co Every Tuesday 314 BuBurns, urns, Allegany co 1st and 3d Wednesdays 315 Wawayanda, Piermont, Rockland co Every Friday 316 Atlas, New-York, Every Thursday 317 Neptune, do Every Friday 318 Joseph Enos, Rushford, Allegany co 319 Black Lake, Edwardsville, Lawrence, 320 Union Star, Honeoye Falls, Monroe co 1st aid 3d Mondays 321 St. Nicholas, New-York, 2d and 4th Mondays 322 Star of Bethlehem, Brooklyn, Every-Friday 323 Amity, New-York, 2d and 4th Fridays 324 Freedom, Unadilla, Otsego co Tuesday on or bef. f. m. NEW-YORK. 97 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 325 Republican, Parish, Oswego co Tuesday of full moon 326 Salem Town, Cayuga,, Wedn. on or bef. f. m. 327 Acacia, New-York, 1st and 2d Wednesdays 328 Port Jervis, Port Jervis, Orange co 2d and 4th Fridays 329 Zerubbabel, New-York, Every Wednesday, 330 New-York, do 1st and 3d Tuesdays 331 Hornellsville, Hornellsville, Steuben co 1st and 3d Wednesdays 332 Jefferson, Watkins, Schuyler co Wed. on or b. f. & n. m. 333 Westbrook, Nichols, Tioga co Wed. on or bef. f. m. 334 Cherry Valley, Cherry Valley, Otsego co 335 Widow's Son, Clermont, Columbia co 1st and 3d Thursdays 336 Medina, Medina, Orleans co 337 Greenbush, Greenbush, Rensselaer co 338 Putnam, New-York, 1st and 3d Fridays 339 Puritan, do Every Wednesday 30 Modestia, Buffalo, Erie co 1st, 2d & 3d Thursdays 341 Clyde, Clyde, Wayne co Tuesday of full moon 342 Lily, Morrisania, Westchester co Every Tuesday 343 Rondout, Rondout, Ulster co 344 Williamsville, Williamsville, Erie co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 345 Lodi; Lodi, Seneca co 346 Whitesville, Whitesville, Allegany co Friday on or bef. f. inm. 347 Hampton, Westmoreland, Oneida co Thursday on or b. f. m. 348 Adelphic, New-York, 2d and 4th Saturdays 349 Peconic, Greenport, Suffolk co 350 Chemung Valley, Chemung, Chemung co 351 Springville, Springville, Erie co Thursday on or b. f. m. 352 Homer, Homer, Cortland co 353 Woodhull, Woodhull, Steuben co Friday on or bef. f. m. 354 Progressive, Williamsburg, Kings co Every Monday 355 Jerusalem, Lansingburg, Rensselaer co 356 United Brothers', New-York, 2d and 4th Wednesdays 357 Caneadea, Caneadea, Allegany co 358 Queen City, Buffalo, Erie co 359 Elm Creek, East Rand'ph, Cattaraugus co 360 Nineveh, Nineveh, Broome co 361 Central, Brooklyn, Every Tuesday 362 Valatie, Valatie, Columbia co 363 Evergreen, Warren, Herkimer co 364 Horse Heads, Horse Heads, Chemung co 365 Goshen, Goshen, Orange co 366 Artisan, Amsterdam, Montg'y co 98 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 367 Corner Stone, Williamsburg, Kings co Every Wednesday 368 Croton, Croton Falls, Westch'ter co 369 Callimachus, Phoenix, Oswego co 370 Molang, Crown Point, Essex co 371 Sagamore, New-York, 1st and 3d Thursdays 372 Sandy Hill, Sandy Hill, Washington co 373 La Sincerite, New-York,' 1st and 3d Wednesdays 374 Monumental, Red Hook, Dutchess co 375 Niagara, Lockport, Niagara co 376 Ontario, Wilson, Niagara co 377 Rushville, Rushville, Yates co 378 Big Flatts, Big Flatts, Chemung co 379 Oakland, Hunt's Hollow, Livingston co 380 Murray, Murray, Orleans co 381 Huguenot, Tottenville, Richmond co 382 Long Island, Brooklyn, 2d and 4th Fridays 383 Aurora, Fort Covington, Franklin co 384 Cherry Creek, Cherry Creek, Chatauque co 385 Weedsport, Weedsport, Cayuga co 386 Jordan, Jordan, Onondaga co 387 La Fraternidad, New-York, 1st and 3d Saturdays 388 Centre Lisle, Lisle, Broome co 389 Margaretville, Middletown, Delaware co 390 Thurston, Thurston, Steuben co 391 Salem, Salem, Washington co 392 Sodus, Sodus, Wayne co 393 Waddington, Waddington, St. Lawrence co 394 Richmondville, Richmondville, Schoharie co 395 Amber, Parishville, St. Lawrence co 396 Deposit, Deposit, Delaware co 397 Ivy, Elmira, Chemung co 398 Home, Northumberland, Saratoga co 399 Maine, Maine, Broome co 400 Van Rensselaer, Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer co 401 Suffolk, Port Jefferson, Suffolk co 402 Crescent, New-York, 2d and 4th Mondays 403 Greenpoint, Brooklyn, Every Friday 404 Constellation, Perry, Wyoming co 405 Norfolk, Norfolk, St. Lawrence co 406 Humanity, Lyons, Wayne co 407 Waverly, Waverly, Tioga co 408 City, New-York, 2d and 4th Wednesdays NEW-YORK. 99 No. LoDGE. LoCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 409 Commonwealth, Brooklyn, King's co Every Tuesday 401 La Clemente Am. Cas. New-York city, 2d and 4th Wednesdays 411 Candor, Candor Centre, Tioga co 412 Hoffman, Middleton, Orange co 413 West Star, Varysburg, Wyoming co 414 Scriba, Constantia, Oswego co 415 Pulaski, Pulaski, Oswego co 416 Wayne, Ontario, Wayne co 417 Wadsworth, Albany, Albany co 418 Mosaic, New-York city, Every Monday 419 Arcade, China, Wyoming co 420 New London, New London, Oneida co 421 Genoa, Genoa, Cayuga co 422 Frontier City, Oswego, Oswego co 423 Herkimer, Herkimer, Herkimer co 424 Lake, Rouses's Point, Clinton co 425 Warrensburgh, Warrensburgh, Warren co 426 Northfield, Pittsford, Monroe co 427 Cascade, Durham, Greene co 428 High Falls, Colton, St. Lawrence co 429 Gloversville, Gloversville, Fulton co 430 Star of Hope, Brooklyn, Kings co 1st and 3d Thursdays 431 Auburn, Auburn, Cayuga co 432 Rhinebeck, Rhinebeck, Dutchess co 433 Fort Plain, Fort Plain, Montgomery co 434 Hiawatha, Mt. Vernon, Westchester co 2d and 4th Wed. 435 Otseningo, Binghamton, Broome co 436 Schroon Lake, Schroon Lake, Essex co 437 Wamponamon, Sag Harbor, Suffolk co 438 Marathon, Marathon, Cortland co 439 Delhi, Delhi, Delaware co 440 Vienna, Vienna, Oneida co 441 Ancient Landmarks, Buffalo, Erie co 442 Windsor, Windsor, Broome co 444 Sherburne, Sherburne, Chenango co 445 Cassia, Brooklyn,.Kings co Every Wednesday446 Oltmans, do do 1st and 3d Fridays 447 Franklin, New-York City, 1st and 3d Mondays 448 Huguenot, New Rochelle, Westchester co 449 Hiram, New-York City, 2d and 4th Fridays 450 Rising Star, Yonkers,!Westchester co 2d and 4th Wednesdays 451 Delta, Brooklyn, Kings co 100 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME oF MEETING. 452 Ancient City, Albany, Albany co 1st and 3d Thursdays 453 Clinton, New-York, 1st and 3d Thursdays 454 Kane, do Every Tuesday 455 Newport, Newport, Herkimer co 456 Senate, Glens Falls, Warren co 457 Harlem, Harlem, New-York Every Thursday 458 Shekomeko, Mabbettsville, Dutchess co 459 Urbana, Urbana, Steuben co 460 Monticello, Monticello, Sullivan co 461 Yew Tree, Brooklyn, E. D., Kings co Every Thursday, 462 Attica, Attica, Wyoming co 463 Weston, Weston, Schuyler co 464 Downsville, Colchester, Delaware co 465 Wilton, Wilton, Saratoga co 466.Oneonta, Oneonta, Otsego co 467 Greenwich, New-York, Every Saturday 470 Cortlandville, Cortland, Cortland co 471 Tompkins, Southfield, Richmond co 472 Dryden, Dryden, Tompkins co 473 White Plains, White Plains, Westchester co 474 Belmont, Belmont, Allegany co 475 Batavia, Batavia, Genesee co 476 Fairport, Fairport, Monroe co 477 Wildwood, Edwards, St. Lawrence co U. D. Dansville Dansville, Steuben co " Etolian, Spencerport, Monroe co " Webotuck, North East, Dutchess co Cambridge Valley, Cambridge, Washington co " Richfield Springs, Richfield Springs, Otsego co " Zeredatha, Brooklyn, Every Wednesday " Columbian, New-York, Every Tuesday " Wyandank, Brooklyn, Every Thursday " Ionic, New-York,; 2d and 4th Thursdays Tecumseh, do Every Wednesday Corinthian, do Every Thursday' Keystone, do Every Tuesday " Manahatta, do Every Wednesday' Pyramid, do Every Thursday NORTH CAROLINA. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 1 St. John's, Wilmington, Last Thursday 2 Royal, White Hart,Halifax, First Saturday 3 St. John's, Newbern, Second Wednesday 5 Charity, Windsor, Second Monday 7 Unanimity, Edenton, Third Monday 8 Phoenix, Fayetteville, 1st and 3d Fridays 10 Johnson Caswell, Warrenton, Fourth Friday 17 American George, Murfreesboro', First Saturday 31 Phalanx, Charlotte, Fourth Monday, 32 Stokes, Concord, Last Friday 37 WVm. R. Davie, Lexington, First Friday 40 Hiram, Raleigh, Third Monday 53 Hall, Indian Town, 58 Concord, Tarboro', Third Saturday 59 Perseverance, Plymouth, First Tuesday 64 Kilwinning, Wadesboro', 2d and 4th Mondays 71 Eagle, Hillsboro', First Friday 74 Golden Fleece, Milton, 75 Widow's Son, Camden C. H., Second Saturday 76 Greensboro', Greensboro', First Saturdayj 78 Sharon, Greenville, 79 Charity, Windsor, 81 Zion, Trenton, Third Saturday 82 Mount Moriah, Statesville, Second Friday 83 Lafayette, Jacksonville, Second Saturday 84 Fellowship, Smithfield, Tuesday aft. 4th Mon. 85 Morning Star, Nashville, Fourth Saturday 88 Enfield, Enfield, Halifax co Third Saturday 90 Skewarkee, - Williamlston, Second Tuesday.91 Western Star, Rutherfordton, 92 Joseph Warren, Stantonsburg, 95 Jerusalem, Hookerton, Second Saturday 96 St. John's, Kinston, Second Wednesday 97 Wake Forest, Dunnsville, Second Saturday 98 Hiram, Clinton, Third Friday 99 Fulton, Salisbury, First Friday' 8 102 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 100 Catawba Valley, Morganton, First Wednesday 101 Warren, Kenansville, Sat. before 2d Sunday 102 Columbus, Pittsboro', First Tuesday 103 Pasquanaux, Elizabeth City, Second Thursday 104 Orr, Washington, 2d and 3d Tuesdays 106 Perquimans, Hertford, First Friday 107 Clinton, Yanceyville, Second Wednesday 108 Belmont, Faison's Depot, 109 Franklin, Beaufort, 110 St. John's, Smithville, 111 Wentworth, Wentworth, Sat. before 1st Sunday 112 Wayne, Everettsville, Second Saturday 113 Person, Roxborough, Third Saturday 114 St. Alban's, Lumberton, 2d and 4th Saturdays 115 Holly Spring, Holly Spring, 116 Germanton, Germanton, Sat. before 4th Sabbath 117 Mount Lebanon, Wilson, Second Saturday 118 Mount Hermon, Asheville, First Friday 119 William R. Davie, Lexington, 120 Palestine, Gold Hill, 121 Logan, Jamestown, First Sat. after f. m. -122 Tuscarora, Oxford, First Monday 123 Franklinton Franklinton, 2d and last Saturdays 124 Clinton, Louisburgl, First Thursday 125 Mill Creek, Johnston, First Friday 126 Sunsburry, Gatesville, First Monday 127 Blackmer, Swift Island, Friday before full moon 128 Hanks, Franklinsville,. Third Friday, 129 Dani River, Madison, First Thursday 130 Fraternal, Rawlingsburgh, 131 Conoho, Hamilton, 2d and 4th Thursdays 132 Radiance, Snow Hill, Third Saturday 133 Alamance, Graham, First Tuesday 134 Mocksvi Mocksville, osvilleThird Friday.135 Black Rock, Black Rocks, Last Saturday 136 Leaksville, Leaksville, Third Saturday 137 Lincoln, Lincolnton, First Friday 138 King Solomon, Long Creek, Second Saturday 139 Wilson, Gaston, 140 Mount Energy, Granville, First Saturday 141 Carolina, Ansonville, First Friday after f. m. 142 Cane Creek, Sandy Grove, First Saturday NORTH CAROLINA. 10 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 143 Mount Vernon, Chatham, Sat. before 3d Sunday 144 Taylor, Pittsboro',. First Saturday 145 Junaluskee, Franklin, Macon co, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 146 Cherokee, Murphy, First Thursday 147 Palmyra, Averasboro', 1st and 3d Saturdays 148 Wilson, New Institute, First Friday 149 Adoniram, Young's M Roads, Sat. before 4th Sunday 150 Pee Dee, Norwood's, Stanley, Wednesday before f. m. 151 Chalmer's, Evans' Mills, Second Saturday 152 Whitesville, Whitesville, 153 Mount Carmel, Scott's Hill, Second Saturday 154 Scotch Ireland, Cowansville, Friday before f. moon 155 White Stone, Wakefield, Fourth Saturday 156 Rolesville, Rolesville, First Saturday 157 Mount Pleasant, Rogers' Store, First Saturday 158 Knapp of Reeds, Knapp of Reeds, Sat. bef. 3d Sunday 159 Rocky River, Mudick, Chatham, Third Saturday 160 Beaumont, Beaumont, Chatham, First Saturday 161 Emmaus, Hadley's Mills, Second Saturday 162 Yadkin, Yadkinsville, Third Saturday 163 Mount Airy, Mount Airy, 164 Deep River, Buffalo Ford, Friday before full moon 165 Archer, Creechville, 1st and 3d Saturdays 166 St. Paul's, Beatty's.Bridge, First Saturday 167 Winston, Winston, Second Saturday 168 Pleasant Hill, Patterson's Store, Second Saturday 169 Shallow Ford, Shallow Ford, First Saturday 170 Blackmer, Reem's Creek, First Wednesday 171 Delk, Colerain, Friday bef. 1st Sunday 172 Buffalo, Buffalo, Moore co Saturday before f. moon 173 Union, Kernersville, Saturdaylbefore f. moon 174 Geo. Washington, Lassiter's 1 Roads, Third Saturday 175 Pollocksville, Pollocksville, First Saturday 176 Mecklenburg, Davidson College, First Wednesday 177 arloro', Marlboro', Third Thursday. 178 Siloam, Harrell's Store, Fourth Saturday 179 Lafayette, Leasburg, 1st and 3d Saturday 180 Caldwell, Chapel Hill, Third Saturday 181 Carthage, Carthage, Last Saturday 182 Townsville, Townsville, Third Saturday 183 Centre Grove, Summerfield, 1st and 3d Fridays 184 Jordan, Reynoldson, Gates co First Saturday 104 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTOBRY No. LODGE. LOCATION. TImr OF MEETNo. 185 Sandy Creek, Franklin, First Saturday 186 Pine Forest, Harrington, Harnett co 1st and 3d Saturdays 187 Central Cross, Hunt's Store, Nash co Second Saturday 188 Balfour, Asheboro', Randolph co First Tuesday 189 Taylorsville, Taylorsville, Alexander co First Friday 190 Fair Bluff, Fair Bluff, Columbus co Second Saturday 191 Granite, Stallings' Dep., Johnston Fourth Saturday 192 Burnsville, Burnsville, Yancey co First Thursday 193 Unanimity, Edenton, First Monday 194 Cape Fear, Elizabeth Town, Bladen colst Mon. and 3d Friday 195 Mount Olivet, Brower's Mills, Randolph co 196 Falkland, Falkland, Pitt co 197 Cherokee, Rockingham co 198 Cary, Cary P. 0., Wake co 199 High Point, High Point, Guilford co 200 Pisgah, Hendersonville, Henderson co 201 Eagle Rock, Eagle Rock, Wake co Third Saturday 202 Cleaveland, Shelby, Cleaveland co OHIO. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 1 American Union, Marietta, Washington co Monday on or pre. f.m. 2 N. C. Harmony, Cincinnati, First Wednesday 3 Old Erie, Warren, Trumbull co 1st and 3d Tues. of f.m. 4 New England, Worthington, Franklin co Wednesday precd. f.m. 5 Amity, Zanesville, Muskingum co Friday before f. moon 6 Scioto,i Chillicothe, Ross co First Thursday 7 Morning Dawn, Gallipolis, Gallia co Monday of full moon 8' Harmony, Ui ITrbana, Champaign co Thurs. on or prec. f. m. 9 Mount Zion, Mount Vernon, Knox co First Friday 11 Centre Star, Granville, Licking co Thursday precd'g f. m. 12 Unity, Ravenna, Portage co Mon. on or precd'g f. m. 13 St. John's Dayton, Montgomery co 14 Franklin, Troy, Miami co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 15 Cleveland City, Cleveland, Cuyahoga co do do 16 Belmont, St. Clairsville, Belmont co Wed. on orprecd'g f.m. 17 Washington, Hamilton, Butler co First Monday 18 Hiram, Delaware, Ist and 3d Mondays 19 Jerusalem, Vernon, Trumbull co 20 Magnolia, Columbus, Franklin co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 21 Western Star, Youngstown, Mahoning colst & 3d Fridays off. m. 22 Rising Sun, Ashtabula, 1st & 3d Tues. of f. m. 23 Pickaway, Circleville, Pickaway co Wed. preced'g f. moon 24 Warren, Piqua, Miami co Ist & 3d Fridays of f.m. 25 Paramuthea, Athens, Tuesdays preceding f.m. 26 Lebanon, Lebanon, Warren co Sat. on or before f. m. 28 Temple, Painesville, Lake co Third Thursday 29 Clermont-Social, Williamsburg, Clermont co Friday preceding f. m. 30 Columbus, Columbus, Franklin co 2d and 4th Tuesdays 33 Ebenezer, Wooster, Wayne co Wed. preceding f. moon 35 Mansfield, Mansfield, Richmond co do do 37 Mount Moriah, Beverly, Washington co Sat. on or before f. m. 38 Highland, Hillsboro', Highland co Thursday of full moon 40 Northern Light, Maumee City, Lucas co Is & 3d Tuesdays of f.m. 43 West Union, West Union, Adams co Friday of full moon 44 Columba, Miami, Hamilton co Monday before f. moon 106 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. NO. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 45 Steubenville, Steubenville, Jefferson co Thursday pre. f. m. 46 Miami, Cincinnati, First Tuesday 47 Clinton, Massillon, Stark co First Monday 48 Aurora, Portsmouth, Scioto co Monday pre. f. m. 49 Xenia, Xenia, Green co Wednesdays 50 Science, Sandusky, Erie co 1st and 3d Mondays 52 Wilmington, Wilmington, Clinton co Tuesday prec'ding f. m. 54 Milford, Milford, Clermont co Saturday pre. f. m. 55 Eastern Star, Franklin, Warren co Friday on or pre. f. m56 King Solomon, Elyria, Lorain co Monday on or pre. f. m. 57 Lancaster, Lancaster, Fairfield co do do 58 Medina, Medina, Thursday before f. m. 59 Tuscarawas, Canal Dover, Tuscarawas co Saturdays 60 Canton, Canton, Stark co Wedn. on or bef. f. m. 61 Bethel, Bethel, Clermont co Wednesday pre. f. m. 64 Mount Vernon, Norwalk, Huron co Monday on or bef. f. m. 66 Cambridge, Cambridge, Guernsey co Tuesday preceding f. m. 67 Oxford, Oxford, Butler co Thurs. on or pre. f. m. 70 Marion, Marion, Friday on or bef. f. m. 71 Union, Ripley, Brown co Monday bef. f. m. 72 Georgetown, Georgetown, Brown co Thurs. on or pre. f. m. 73 Temperance, Sidney, Shelby co do do 74 Wadsworth and Seville, Seville, Medina co Tuesday on or pre. f. m. 76 Somerset, Somerset, Perry co Wednesday pre. f. m. 77 Sandusky, Tiffin City, Seneca co. st and 3d Tuesdays 78 Leesburg, Leesburg, Highland co 79 Lafayette, Zanesville, Muskingum co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 80 Libanus, Lewisburg, Preble co Thursday on or b. f. m. 81 Lafayette, Cincinnati, First Thursday 82 Bolivar, Eaton, Preble co Saturday before f. m. 83 Akron, Akron, Summit co Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 85 Jackson, Brownsville, Licking co Tuesday pre. f. m. 87 Salem, New Salem, Fairfield co Thursday pre. f. m. 88 King Hiram, West Alexandria, Preble co Sat. on or pre. f. m. 89 Friendship, Barnsville, Belmont co Wednesday pre. f. m. 90 Jefferson, Middletown, Butler co Saturday on or bef. f.lm. 91 Western Sun, Wheelersburg, Scioto co Wednesday of. f. m. 93 Chardon, Chardon, Geauga co 2d and 4th Saturdays 94 Montgomery, Montgomery, Hamilton co Tuesday of f. m. 96 Coshocton, Coshocton, Friday pre. f. m. 97 Newark, Newark, Licking co First Friday 98 Minerva, Miamisburg, Montgomeryco Thurs. on or bef f. m. OHIO. 107 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 100 New Carlisle, New Carlisle, Clark co First Saturday 101 Clarke, Springfield, do 2d and 4th Tuesdays 102 Felicity, Felicity, Clermont co Friday pre. f. m. 103 Dresden, Dresden, Muskingum co Monday pre. f. m. 104 Tarlton, Tarlton, Pickaway co Thursday pre. f. m. 105 Moriah, Jacobsburg, Belmont, Friday pre. f. m. 106 Fellowship, New Paris, Preble co Saturday pre. f. m. 107 Fayette, Washington, Fayette co Wed. on or aft. f. m. 108 Wakatomika, West Bedford, Coshocton, 109 Batavia, Batavia, Clermont co Sat. on or pre. f. m. 111 Corinthian, McConnellsville, Morgan coTuesday or or pre. f. m. 112 Wood County, Bowling Green, Wood co Wed. on or pre. f. n. 113 Mchanicsburg, Mechanicsb urg, ChampaignTuesday on or pre. f. m. 115 Hanover, Loudonville, Ashland co Wednesday pre. f. m. 116 Hebron, Hebron, Licking co Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 118 Malta, Norwick, Muskingumco Thursday before f. m. 119 Goshen, Goshen, Clermont co Friday on or aft. f. m. 120 McMakin, Mount Healthy, HamiltonSaturday on or bef. f. mi. 121 Mercer, St. Mary's, Auglaize co 1st and 3d Wednesdays 122 Moscow, Moscow, Clermont co Thurs. on or pre. f. m. 123 Phoenix, Perrysburg, Wood co 1st and 3d Mondays 124 Carroll, Carrollton, Carroll co Friday pre. f. m. 126 Sparta, Millersburg, Holmes co 127 Wellington, Wellington, Lorain co Tuesday pre. f. m. 131 Vinton, Vinton, Gallia co Tuesday on or pre. f. m. 132 Trowel, Jackson, Friday pre. f. m. 133 Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Last Thursday 134 Columbian, Cumberland, Guernsey co Tuesday of f. m. 135 Butlerville, Butlerville, Warren. co Wed. on or pre. f. m. 136 Sharon, Sharon, Noble co Wednesd. on or bf. f. m 137 Harrisville, Lodi, Medina co Friday on or pre. f. m. 138 Chandler, London, Madison co 2d and 4th Tuesdays 139 Bucyrus, Bucyrus, Crawford co Wednesday pre. f: m. 140 Cheviot, Cheviot, Hamilton co Thursday on or b. f. m. 141 McMillan, Cincinnati, Last Wednesday 142 Hamer, Navarre, Starke co 143 Greenville, Greenville, Darke co 1st and 3d Tues. off. n. 144 Toledo, Toledo, Lucas co 1st and 3d Wednesdays 145 Valley, Malta, Morgan co Wedn. on or bef. f m. 147 Dayton, Dayton, Montgomery co 2d and 4th Thursdays 148 Mount Olive, Bartlett, Washington co Wednesday of f. m. 149 Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Brown co Saturday pie. f. m. 108 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 150 Buckeye, New Richmond, Clermont co Wednesday bef. f. m. 151 Ashland, Ashland, Friday before f. moon 152 Venus, Mansfield, Richland co Wednesday aft. f. m. 153 Farmers', Fredonia, Licking co Tuesday on or pre. f. m. 154 Latham, Kenton, Hardin co Friday on or b. f. m. 155 Cynthia, Cincinnati, First Friday 156 Albany, Albany, Athens co Friday on or b. f. m. 157 Philodorian, Nelsonville, Athens co Monday pre. f. m. 158 Palestine, Marysville, Union co Wedn. on or b. f. m. 159 Camden, Camden, Preble co Monday on or pre. f. m. 160 New Vienna, New Vienna, Clinton co Friday of f. m. 161 Mad River, West Liberty, Logan co Wed. on or b. f. m. 162 Yeatman, Columbia, Hamilton co Wed. on or pre. f. m. 163 Waynesville, Waynesville, Warren co Saturday on or b. f. m. 164 Pomeroy, Pomeroy, Meigs co Monday on or pre f. m. 165 Hildreth,' Republic, Seneca co 166 Russelville, Russelville, Brown co Tuesday on or b. f m. 167 Hamer, Wapaukonetta, AuglaizecoSatur. on or pre. f. m. 168 Covington, Covington, Miami co Tuesday on or b. f. m. 169 Lithopolis, Lithopolis, Fairfield co Friday pre. f. m. 170 Thrall, Fredericktown, Knox co Tuesday pre. f. m. 171 Mingo, Logan, Hocking co Satur. on. or pre. f. m. 172 Doric, Deavertown, Morgan co Wed. on or pre. f. m. 173 Thornhill, VNewcastle, Coshocton co Friday pre. f. m. 174 Tippecanoe, Tippecanoe, Miami co Tuesday on or pre. f. m. 175 Lone Star, Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas co 176 Warpole, Upper Sandusky, Wyandot co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 177 New Philadelphia,New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas co Wednesdays 178 Lynchburg, Lynchburg, Highland co Wednesday of f. m. 179 Superior, West Unity, Williams co Friday bef. f. m. 180 Wellsville, Wellsville, Columbiana co Monday on or pre. f. m. 181 Bridgeport, Bridgeport, Belmont co Tuesday on or pre. f. m. 182 Smithfield, Smithfield, Jefferson co Saturday pre. f. m. 183 Utica, Utica, Licking co 184 Irville, Nashport, Muskingum co Tuesday pre. f. m. 185 Perry, Salem Columbiana co Wed. on or b. f. m. 186 Springdale, Springdale, Hamilton co 187 Star, Cuyahoga Falls, Summit co 189 Monroe, Woodsfield, Monroe co Wed. on or pre. f. m. 190 Roscoe, Roscoe, Coshocton co 2d and 4th Tuesdays 191 Blanchester, Blanchester, Clinton co Saturday pre. f. m. 192 Mystic Tie, Urichsville, Tuscarawas co 1st and 3d Mon. off. m. OHIO. 109 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 193 Snow, Harrison, Hamilton co Saturday after full m. 194 Fielding, South Charleston, Clark co2d and 4th Thursdays 195 Tu-en-da-wie, Defiance, Wednesday bef. f. m. 196 Bainbridge, Bainbridge, Ross co Tuesday before f. m. 197 Kreider, Quincy, Logan co Monday on or bef. f. mn 198 Lawrence, Ironton, Lawrence co Thursday of f m. 199 Ohio, Bladdensburg, Knox co Monday pre. f. m. 200 Venice, Venice, Butler co Saturday before f. m. 201 Richland, Plymouth, Richland co Monday before f. m. 202 Port Washington, Port Washington, Friday on or bef. f. m. 203 Marathon, Fayetteville, Brown co Friday of f. m. 204 Sharonville, Sharonville, Hamilton, Saturday on or b. f. m. 205 Lima, Lima, Allen co Monday on or bf. f. m. 206 Mount Gilead, Mount Gilead, Morrow co Thursday on or b. f. m. 207 Delta, McArthur, Vinton co Saturday on or b. f. m. 208 Hanselmann, Cincinnati, Fourth Monday 209 Bellefontaine, Bellefontaine, Logan co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 210 Oliver, Sarahsville, Noble co Thurs. of or pre. f. m. 211 Rushville, Rushville, Fairfield co Tuesday pre. f. m. 212 Etna, Etna, Licking co Friday on or bf. f. m. 213 Summit, Twinsburg, Summit co Thursday on or b. f. m. 214 Hope, Delphos, Allen co Wednesday bef. f. m. 215 Collins, Bryan, Williams co Friday pre. f. m. 216 Mount Pleasant, Mount Pleasant, Jefferson Thursday pre. f. m. 217 Social, Lena, Miami co First Thursday 218 Van Wert, Van Wert, Saturday on or bf. f. m. 219 Cadiz, Cadiz, Harrison co Tuesday bef. f. m. 220 Hubbard, Adamsville, Muskingum co do do 221 Madison, West Jefferson, Madison co 2d and 4th Mondays 222 Evergreen, Conneaut, Ashtabula co Thursday bef. f. m. 224 Plainfield, East Plainfield, Coshocton Thursday on or bf. f. m. 225 Fort Stephenson, Fremont, Sandusky co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 226 Mount Olivet, Addison, Champaign co Wednesday bef. f. m. 227 Findlay, Findlay, Hancock co do do 228 Hamer, Boston, Clermont co Saturday aft. f. m. 229 Iris, Cleveland, Cuyahoga co 2d and 4th Mondays 231 New Birmingham,New Birmingham, Friday bef. f. m. 232 Lockbourne, Lockbourne, Franklin co Thursday bef. f. m. 233 Eureka, Washington, Guernsey co Monday on or bf. f. m. 234 Meridian, Steubenville, Jefferson co First Tuesday 235 Brown, Minerva, Stark co Thursday pre. f. m. 236 Winchester, Winchester, Adams co Saturday on or b. f.m. 110 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION, TIME OF MEETING. 237 Rubicon, Toledo, Lucas co 2d and 4th Mondays 238 Chester, Chesterville, Morrow co Friday before f. m. 239 Erie, Milan, Erie co Wednesday after f. m. 240 Groveport, Groveport, Franklin co Wednesday on or b. f.m. 241 Celina, Celina, Mercer co Thursday before f. m. 242 Equality, Bellepoint, Delaware co Every other Saturday 243 Bigelow, Cleveland, Cuyahoga co Every Wednesday 244 Monticello, Clyde, Sandusky co Monday on or bef. f. m. 245 Golden Gate, Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 246 Garrettsville, Garrettsville, Portage co Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 247 East Liberty, East Liberty, Logan co 1st and 3d Wednesdays 248 Fulton, Delta, Fulton co 1st and 3d Wednesdays 249 Newton, Newton, Union co Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 250 New Lexington, New Lexington, Perry co Every Saturday 251 Hazen, Morristown, Belmont co Monday before f. m. 252 Webb, Stockport, Morgan co Every Saturday 253 Cumminsville, Cumminsville, Hamilton, Thursdayonoraft.f. m. 254 Buford, Buford, Highland co Tuesday of full moon 255 Warsaw, Warsaw, Coshocton co 2d and 4th Fridays 256 Napoleon, Napoleon, Henry co Tuesday on or bf. f. m. 257 Germantown, Germantown, Montgom'ry, Wednesday of or b. f. m. 258 Emery, Loveland, Clermont co Saturday on or bef. f. m. 259 Mineral, Hamden, Vinton co Thursday on or bf. f. m. 260 Floral, Fitchville, Huron co Tuesday before f. m. 261 Fairfield, Fairfield, Huron co Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 262 Napthalia, Carroll, Fairfield co; Wednesday of orb. f.m. 263 Clarington, Clarington, Monroe co Monday of or bef. f. m. 264 Paddy's Run, New London, Butler co Wednesday on orb. f.m. 265 Morrow, Morrow, Warren co Saturday after f. m. 266 Meridian Sun, Richfield, Summit co Wednesday before f. m. 267 Bell Air, Belle Air, Belmont co Monday on or bef. f. m. 268 Blazing Star, N. Lewisburg, Champaign, 1st and 3d; Mondays 269 Mount Sterling, Mount Sterling, Madison, Thursday on or aft. f. m. 270 Union City, Union City, Darke co Friday on or bef. f. m. 271 Alliance, Alliance, Stark co Tuesday before f. m. 272 Arcana, Crestline, Crawford co Thursday on or bef. f. m 273 Bellevue, Bellevue, Huron co 2d and 4th Tuesdays 274 Village, Burton, Geauga co 2d and 4th Thursdays 275 Orphan's Friend, Wilksville, Vinton co Friday before f. m. 276 Allen, Columbiana, Columbiana, Friday before f. m. 277 Rock Creek, Morgan, Ashtabula co 1st and 3d Wednesdays 279 Central, Calais, Monroe co Tuesday on or bef. f. m. OHI0. 111 No. LODGE. LOCATION, TIME OF MEETING 280 Kalida, Kalida, Putnam co Thursday before f. m. 281 Ward, Piqua, Miami co 2d and 4th Tuesdays 282 Pleasant Ridge, Pleasant Ridge, Hamilton, Tuesday on or bf. f. m. 283 Anchor, Duncan's Falls, Musk'gum,Wednesd'y on orb. f. m. 284 Relief, PierpontCentre,Ashtabula, st and 3d Wed. of f. m. 285 Clement Amitie, Unionville, Morgan co Thursday on or b. f. m. 286 Antioch, Danville, Knox co Tuesday on or aft. f. m. 287 Sylvania, Sylvania, Lucas co 1st and 3d Saturdays 288 Fostoria, Fostoria, Seneca co 289 Grand Rapids, Gilead, Wood co 1st and 3d Thursdays 290 Versailles, Versailles, Darke co 291 Licking, Utica, Licking co 292 Boggs, De Graff, Logan co 293 Bartlett, Plymouth, WVashington co 294 Forest, Forestville, Hamilton co 295 Iac thaca thaca,Darke co 296 Western Phoenix, Parkman, Geauga co 297 Grand River, Harpersfield, Ashtabula co 298 Flushing, Flushing, Belmont co UT. D. Aurelius, Mlacksburgh, Washington co U. D. Edenton, Edenton, Clermont co U. D. Stafford, Stafford, Monroe co U. D. Olancho, Dayton, Montgomery co 2d and 4th Mondays U. D. Amesville, Amesville, Athens co Monday on or bef. f. m. OREGON. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 1 Multnomah, Oregon City, Clackamas co 1st Saturday 2 Willamette, Portland, Multnomah co 1st and 3d Mondays 3 Lafayette, Lafayette, Yam Hill co 1st and 3d Fridays 4 Salem, Salem, Marion co 2d and 4th Fridays 6 Tuality, Hillsboro', Washington co 1st and 3d Sat'saft. f.m. 7 Temple, Astoria, Clatsop co 1st and 3d Saturdays 9 Jennings, Dallas, Polk co Saturday before f. m. 10 Warren, Jacksonville, Jackson co 11 Eugene City, Eugene City, Lane co Sat. bf. f. m. and n. m. 12 Harmony, Portland, Multnomah co 2d and 4th Saturdays 13 Laurel, Roseburg, Douglas co Wednesday prec. f. m. 14 Corvallis, Corvallis, Benton co Wednesday before f. m. 15 Wasco, Dalles, Wasco co 1st and 3d Saturdays 16 Winchester, Winchester, Douglas co 17 Corinthian, Albany, Linn co Thursday before f. m. 18 Western Star, Kerbyville, Josephine co Saturday before f. m. 19 Ainsworth, Salem, Marion co First Saturday 20 Bethel, Bethel, Polk co Saturday before f. m. 23 Phoenix, Waits' Mill, Jackson co do do 24 Rainier, Rainier, Columbia co 1st and 3d Thursdays PENNSYLVANIA. Itfo. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OP MAE1TINKG 2 Philadelphia, Third Monday 3 do Third Tuesday 9 do First Friday 19 Montgomery, do First Thursday 21 Perseverance, Harrisburg, Second Monday 22 Sunbury, NorthumberlandEvening of full moon 25 Bristol, Bristol, Bucks co Saturday on or bf, fo m, 43 Lancaster, Second Wednesday 45 Pittsburg, Last Wednesday 51 Philadelphia, Fourth Thursday 52 Harmony, do First Wednesday 59 Washington, do Second Tuesday, 60 Brownsville, Brownsville, Fayette co First Monday 61 Wilkesbarre, Luzerne co Monday on or bf. f. m, 62 Reading, Berks co First Wednesday 67 Concordia, Philadelphia, Second Friday 70 Rural Amity, Athens, Bradford co Tuesday on or bf. f. m 71 Lafayette, Philadelphia, Fourth Wednesday 72 Philadelphia, do Third Thursday 75 Phoenix, Phcenixville, Chester co Saturday before f. m. 81 Hiram, Germantown,Philadelphia,Saturday on or bf. f. m. 91 Columbia, Philadelphia,. Fourth Monday 106 Williamsport, Lycoming, Monday of or aft. f. m. 108 Union, Towanda, Bradford co Wed. on or bf. f m. 114 Solomon's, Philadelphia, Third Friday 115 St. John's, do Second Monday 121 Union, do Second Thursday 125 Herman's, do Fourth Friday 126 Rising Star, do Fourth Monday 130 Phoenix, do Third Wednesday 131 Industry, do Second Monday 134 Franklin, do Last week-day 135 Roxborough, Manayunk, Philadelphia, Wed. of orprecd'g f.m. 138 Schuylkill, Orwigsburg, Schuylkill co Tuesday after f. moon 114 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. NO. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 143 Geo. Washington, Chambersburg, Franklin, 1st and 3d Fridays 144 Charity, Lewisburg, Union co Wednesday bef. f. m. 148 Perseverance, Northumberland 152 Easton, Easton, Northampton co Thursday after f. m. 153 Waynesburg, Waynesburg, Greene co Second Monday 155 Mlount Moriah, Philadelphia, Fourth Tuesday 156 Washington, Chesnut Level, Lancaster, Saturday on or b. f. m. 158 Meridian Sun, Philadelphia, First Tuesday 163 Evergreen, Monroeton, Bradford co Tuesday after f. m. 164 Washington, Washington, 1 st and 3d Mondays 186 Eastern Star, Philadelphia, Second Wednesday 187 Integrity, do Second Thursday 190 Charity, Norristown, Montgomery co Wednesday aft. f. m. 194 Lafayette, Selin's Grove, Snyder co Every Monday 197 Cumberland Star, Carlisle, Cumberland co 2d' and 4th Tuesdays 199 Lafayette, Lock Haven, Clinton co Thursday on or b. f. m. 203 Lewistown, Lewistown, Mifflin co Second Tuesday 211 Kensington, Philadelphia, First Friday 216 Pulaski, Pottsville, Schuykill co Monday on or b. f. m. 218 Honesdaesdale, Hosdale, Wayne co Thursday on or b. f. m. 219 St. John's, Pittsburg, Second Thursday 220 Portage, Hollidaysburg, Blair co First Tuesday 221 Franklin, Pittsburg, First Thursday 222 linersville, Minersville, Schuykill co Tuesday pre. f. m. 223 Allegheny, Allegheny City, Second Wednesday 224 Danville, Danville, Montoui co 1st secular eve. af. f. m. 225 Philanthropy, Greensburg,WestmorelandSecond Monday 226 Mount Lebanon, Lebanon, Wednesday bef. f. m. 227 Chandler, Reading, Berks co First Tuesday 228 Fayette, Uniontown, Fayette co Second Monday 229 Rochester, Rochester, Beaver co Friday before f. moon 230 Richmond, Philadelphia, First Tuesday 231 Solomon's, Pittsburg, 1st and 3d Fridays 232 La Belle Valle, Jersey Shore, Lycoming, Friday bef. f. m. 233 St. John's, Pittston, Luzerne co Tuesday on or b. f. m. 234 Crawford, Meadville, Crawford co Wed. semi-monthly 235 Presque Isle, Erie, Erie co Tuesday bef. f. m. 236 Chester, Chester, Delaware co Thurs. on or bef. f. m. 237 Chandler, Beallsville, Washington co Second Wednesday 238 Tamaqua, Tamaqua, Schuylkill co Friday bef. f. m. 239 Armstrong, Freeport, Armstrong co Fourth Thursday 240 Warren, Montrose, Susquehanna co Thurs. on or bef. f. m. PENNSYLVANIA. 115 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MIEETING. 241 North Star, Warren, Warren co Wed. on or before f. m. 242 Carbon, Mauch Chunk, Sat. of or prec'g. f. m. 243 New-Castle, Thurs. on or bef. f. m. 244 Kittaning, Kittaning, Armstrong co Ist and 3d Wednesdays 245 Doylestown, Doylestown, Bucks co Friday on or'bef. f. m. 246 Shekinah, Philadelphia, Fourth Tuesday 247 Friendship, Covington, Tioga co Mondayon or bef. f. m. 248 Temple, Tunkhannock, Wyoming co First Monday 249 Carbondale, Carbondale, Luzerne co Wednesday bef. f. m. 250 Sharon, Sharon, Mercer co 1st and 3d Thursdays. 251 Hebron, Mercer, Mercer co Tuesday on or b. f. n. 252 Gummert, Cookstown, Fayette co Second Monday 253 Washington, Pittsburg, 254 Stichter, Pottstown, Montgomery co Second Wednesday 255 Shamokin, Shamokin,Northumb'land, Wed. on or bef. f. m. 256 Milton, Milton " Monday before f. m. 258 WesternCrawford,Conneautville, Crawford co do do 259 Union, New-Brighton, Beaver co Wednesday bef. f. m. 260 St. John's,, Carlisle, Cumberland co Third Thursday, 261 Hiram, Providence, Luzerne co Thurs. on or bef. f. m. 262 Orrstown, Orrstown, Franklin co 1st and 3d Thursdays 263 Franklin, Laceyville,,- Tuesday on or b. f. m. 264 Columbus, Columbus, Warren po Tuesday before f. m. 265 Washington, Bloomnsburg, Columbia co Monday of or aft. f. m. 266 York, York York co First Tuesday 267 Swatara, Tremont, Schuykill co Monday on or b. f. m. 268 Bellefonte, Bellefonte, Centre co Tuesday of or bef. f: n. 269 Monongahela, Birmingham, Allegheny co 1st and 3d. Fridays 270 Page, Schuylkill Haven, Friday on or b. f. m. 271 Keystone, Philadelphia First Wednesday 272 Butler, Butler, Butler co do do.. 273 Cassia, Morgan's Corner, Del. Thurs on or bef. f. m. 274 Hamilton, West Philadelphia,. 2d and 4th Tuesdays 275 Loyalhanna, Latrobe, Westmoreland co First Monday 276 Hobah, Brookville, Jefferson co Tues. aft. 2d Monday 277 Clarion, Clarion, Clarion co Thurs. aft. 1st lMonday 278 Cambria, Johnstown, Cambria co Second Tuesday 279 Newcomb, Carmichaels, Greene co Thursday before f. m. 280 Canton, Bradford co Tues. on or bef. f. m. 281 Mountain, Altoona, Blair co Second Tuesday 282 Juniata, Hollidaysburg, Blair co Monday on or aft. f. m. 283 Bethlehem, Northampton, Wednesday before f. m. 116 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. NO. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 284 Porter, Catasauqua, Lehigh co Friday after full moon 285 Anthracite, St. Clair, Schuylkill co Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 286 Columbia, Columbia, Lancaster co First Thursday 287 Millnor, Pittsburg, Third Tuesday 288 Jefferson, Allegheny city, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 289 Orient, Philadelphia, Third Thursday 290 Eureka, Greenville, Mercer co 291 Union, Scranton, Lucerne co 1st and 3d Fridays 292 Frankford, Frankford, Philadelphia, Wed. onorbefore f. m. 293 Mount Moriah, Huntingdon, 294 Ashland, Ashland, Schuylkill co Thursday after f. m. 295 Melita, Philadelphia, Fourth Wednesday 296 Mitchell, Germantown, Philadel., Thursday on or bf. f. m. 297 Chartier's Lodge, Canonsburg, 2d and 4th Mondays 298 Geo. V. Bartram, Media, Delaware co Monday on or bef. f. m. 299 Muncy, Muncy, Thursday on or bef. f. m. 300 Mount Moriah, Huntingdon, Second Monday 301 Waverly, Waverly, 302 Eureka, Mechanicsburg, First Monday 303 Oil Creek, Titusville, Thursday on or bef. f.m. 304 Western Star, Albion, 305 Hawley, Hawley, Tuesday before f. m. 306 Trojan, Troy, Wedn. on or bef. f. m. 307 Williamson, Womelsdorf, First Thursday 308 FortWashington, Fort Washington, 309 Williamson, Downingtown, Friday on or bef. f.m. 310 Warren,' Perkiomen Bridge, Saturday on or aft. f. m. 311 Mount Bethell, Williamsburg, 312 Summit, Evansburg, 314 Clearfield, Clearfield, 317 Ossea, Wellsborough, 318 McKinley, Alleghany City, 319 Adams, Bloomfield, 320 Bedford, Bedford, 321 Hailman, East Liberty, 322 Westchester, Westchester, 323 Peter Williamson, Scranton, 324 Williamson, Warren, 326 Lehigh, Traxlertown, 327 Hazel, Hazleton, 328 Freedom, Harford, 329 J. E. Craft, Greensboro', RHODE ISLAND. 117 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 330 Salem, Salem, 331 Ligonier, Ligonier, 332 Plymouth, Plymouth, 333 Barger, Allentown, 334 Union, Bradford, 335 Eureka, Montoursville. RHODE ISLAND. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 1 St. John's, Newport, 2 St. John's, Providence, Wednesday before f. m. 3 Washington, Warren, Tuesday before f. m. 4 Mount Vernon, Providence, Thursday before f. m. 6 St. Albans, Bristol, Thursday before f. m. 7 Friendship, Chepachet, Saturday on or bf. f. m. 8 Mount Moriah, Lime Rock, Friday before f. m. 9 Harmony, Pawtuxet, Tuesday before f. m. 10 Union, Pawtucket, Wednesday before f. m. 11 King Solomon's, East Greenwich, Tuesday before f. m. 12 Mlanchester, Coventry, Friday before f. m. 13 Morning Star, Woonsocket, Thursday before f. m. 15 Hamilton, Clayville, Saturday before f. m. 16 Warwick, Greenville, Warwick, Friday before f. m. 20 Franklin, Westerly, Wednesday before f. m. 21 What Cheer, Providence, First Tuesday 9 SOUTH CAROLINA. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 1 Solomon's, Charleston, First Monday 3 Clinton, Abbeville Court House, 4 Union Kilwinning, Charleston, Third Thursday 5 Washington, do Second Thursday 9 Friendship, do Fourth Monday 10 St. Andrew's, do Third Monday 11 Winnsboro', Winnsboro', 12 Humility, Branchville, 14 Orange, Charleston, Second Monday 15 Cheraw, Cheraw, 17 Harmony, Barnwell Court House, 18 Chester, Chester do 19 Palmetto, Laurensville, 20 Harmony, Edisto Island, 21 Pythagorean, Charleston, First Thursday 22 Harmony, Beaufort, 23 Independent, Due West, Abbeville district 24 Williamston, Williamston, 25 Friendship, Kirksey's Cross Roads, 26 Belton, Timmonsville, 27 Buford, Buford's Bridge, 28 Orangeburg, Orangeburg Court House, 29 Kershaw, Camden, 30 Ridgeway, Ridgeway, 31 Recovery, Greenville, 32 Johnston, Goshen Hill, 33 Aurora, Clio, 34 Pendleton, Pendleton, 35 Fraternity, Adam's Run, 36 La Candeur, Charleston, Second Tuesday 37 Centre, Honea Path, 38 Allen, Bamberg, 39 Richland, Columbia, 40 Winyaw, Georgetown, SOUTH CAROLINA. 119 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 41 St. John's, Bluffton, 42 Tyrian, Erwinton, 43 Eureka, Adamsville, 44 Campbell, Clinton, 45 Effingham, Effingham, 46 Kingstree, Kingstree, 47 Eureka, Ninety-six, 48 Lebanon, Myersville, 49 Wallace, Laurens district, 50 Concordia, Edgefield Court House, 52 McKey, Fruit Hill, 53 Jackson, Lancaster Court House, 55 Unity, Walterboro', 59 Butler, Clary's Store, Edgefield district 60 Clinton, M-arion Court House, 61 Harmony, George's Station, 62 Charity, St. Matthew's parish, 64 Claremont, Sumterville, 65 Horry, Conwayboro', 66 Walhalla, Charleston, Fourth Tuesday 67 Harmony, Hamburg, 68 Hiram, Anderson Court House, 69 Ornan, Fork Shoals, Greenville district 70 Spartan, Spartanburg Court House, 71 Egeria, Jedburg, 72 St. David's, Darlington Court House, 73 Strict Observance, Charleston, First Friday 74 Washington, Milway, Abbeville district 75 Union, Unionville, 76 Landmark, Charleston, First Wednesday 77 Mackey, Harleesville, 78 Philanthropic, Yorkville, 79 Keowee, Pickens Court House, 80 Bascom, Cokesbury, 81 Calhoun, Glenn Springs, 82 Caldwell, Liberty Hill, 83 Little Pedee, Allen's Bridge, 84 True Brotherhood, Columbia, 85 Flint Hill, Flint Hill, Fairfield, 86 Roslin, Lowndesville, 87 Amity, Newbury Court House, 88 Marlboro', Bennettsville, 120 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 89 Bascomville, Cedar Shoals, 90 Caldwell, Calhoun's Mills, 91 Greenwood, Greenwood, U. D. Buford, Buford's Bridge, Barnwell district U. D. Catawba, Fort Mill, U. D. Star, Graniteville, .. LOCATIOTE NNESSEE. T. No. LOD~E. LoCATION0 TMIE o0 MEEi'IKQ. 5 Overton, Rogersville, Hawkins co First Monday 7 Hiram, Franklin, Williamson co Fourth Monday 8 Cumberland, Nashville, Davidson co Third Saturday 9 Western Star, Springfield, Robertson co Third Monday 13 Whitesides, Blountville, Sullivan co First Monday 14 Carthage, Benevolent, Carthage, Smith co do do 18 Mount Moriah, Murfreesboro', Rutherford, do do 24 Elkton, Elkton, Giles co First Friday 31 Columbia, Columbia, Maury co Thursday of or bf. f. md 38 Union, Kingston,'Roane co Sat. before 1st Monday 39 Dover, Dover, Stewart co First Saturday 44 Rising Star, Rutledge, Granger co Fourth Thursday 45 Jackson, Jackson, Madison co Fourth Friday 47 Rhea, Jonesboro', Washington co Every Tuesday 50 Meridian Sun, Athens, McMinn co 1st and 3d Saturday 53 Olive Branch, Jasper, Marian co 54 Clinton, Bolivar, Hardeman co First Monday 57 Mount Pleasant, Mount Pleasant, Maury co Friday on or bf. f. m, 58 Brownsville, Brownsville, Haywood co Second Friday 59 Mount Libanus, Knoxville, Knox co Second Monday 64 Constantine, Lexington, Henderson co First night of month 67 Blair, Kingsport, Sullivan co Second Tuesday 68 Jackson, Fayetteville, Lincoln co First Monday 73 Louisville, Somerville, Fayette co Second Friday 77 Liberty, Smithville, DeKalb co Wed. aft, 1st Monday 80 Tellico, Madisonville, Monroe co 1st and 3d Mondays 81 Lagrange, Lagrange, Fayette co Second Monday 86 Trenton, Trenton, Gibson co First Monday 88 Western Sun, Troy, Obion co do do 89 Clarksville, Clarksville, Montgomery, do do 90 Dresden, Dresden, Weakley co do do 92 Waverly, Waverly, Humphreys co Last Saturday 93 Hess, Dyersburg, Dyer co First Saturday 94 King Solomon, Gallatin, Sumner co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 95.Germantown, Germantown, Shelby co Last Tuesday 122 UNIVERSAIL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 96 Caledonia, Caledonia, Henry co First Monday 97 Charlotte, Charlotte, Dickson co First Saturday 98 Lebanon, Lebanon, Wilson co Istland 3d Mondays 99 Sparta, Sparta, White co First Monday 100 Ripley, Durhamville, Lauderdale, Fourth Friday 10T Pulaski, Pulaski, Giles co First Monday 102 Savannah, Savannah, Hardin co do do 104 Wesley, Wesley, Haywood co First Saturday 105 St. James, Williamsport, Maury co Tuesday on or bf. f. m. 106 Huntingdon, Huntingdon, Carroll co First Monday 107 Lawrenceburg, Lawirenceburg, Lawrence, Friday on or bf. f. m. 108 Paris, Paris, Henry co First Monday 109 Marshall, Barn Hill, Henry co Third Saturday 111 Benton, Santa Fe, Maury co Thursday on or bf. f. m. 112 Dillhaunty, Lewisburg, Marshall co First Monday 113 Union, Hartsville, Sumner co Second Saturday 114 Harrison, Harrison, Hamilton co First Monday 115 Yorkville, Yorkville, Gibson co First Saturday 116 Tannehill, Clarksville, Montgomery, Third Monday 117 McLemoresvioresville, moresville, Carroll co Friday on or before f. m. 118 South Memphis, Memphis, Shelby co Second Friday 119 Greeneville, Greeneville, Green co 1st and 3d Mondays 120 Macon, Macon, Fayette co Third Saturday 121 Boydsville, Boydsville, Weakley co Second Saturday 122 Shelbyville Benev.Shelbyville, Bedford co First Tuesday 123 Petersburg, Petersburg, Lincoln co Monday before f. moon 124 Springhill, Spring Hill, Maury co do do 125 Warren, McMinnville, Warren co Wed. after 1st Monday 126 Cornersville, Cornersville, Giles co Third Monday 127 Waynesboro', Waynesboro', Wayne co Thursday before f. m. 128 New Providence, Maryville, Blount co Second Monday 129 Mars' Hill, Middleton, Rutherford co Friday before f. moon 130 Sandy Hill, Manleysville, Henry co Monday of or aft. f. m. 131 Phoenix, Nashville, Davidson co Fourth Saturday 132 Purdy, Purdy, McNairy co Third Monday 133 Tannehill, Gainesboro', Jackson co Third Friday 134 Cleveland, Cleveland, Bradley co First Monday 135 Triune, Triune, Williamson co Friday on or bef. f. m 136 Oakland, Oakland, Fayette co First Saturday 137 Turnersville, Turnersville, Robertson co First Monday 138 Pleasant Grove, Pleasant Grove, Maury co Wednesday bef. f. moon 139 Vale of Temple, Pikeville, Bledsoe co TENNESSEE. 123 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 140 Union, Mifflin, Henderson co Fourth Wednesday 141 Martin, Rome, Smith co First Saturday 144 Morning Sun, Morning Sun, Shelby co Second Saturday 145 Conyersville, Conyersville, Henry co First Saturday 146 Holly Springs, Macedonia, Carroll co Third Wednesday 147 Andrew Jackson, Beulah, Obion co Third Monday 148 Whiteville, Whiteville, Hardeman co First Thursday 149 Lafayette, Lafayette, Macon co do do 150 Dunham, Covington, Tipton co Third Thursday 151 Hatchie, Middleburg, Hardeman co First Saturday 152 Colliersville, Colliersville, Shelby co First Thursday 153 Cotton Grove, Cotton Grove, Madison co First Friday 154 Denmark, Denmark, do First Monday 155 Union, Concordia, Fayette co Fourth Saturday 157 Acacia, New-Providence, Montgomery, Second Saturday 158 Cumberland, Winchester, Franklin co Third Monday 159 Washington, Locust Grove, Weakley co Third Saturday 160 Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, Marshall co Friday on or aft. f. m. 161 Boon's Hill, Boon's Hill, Lincoln co Friday after full moon 162 Raleigh, Raleigh, Shelby co 163 Mason's Grove, Mason's Grove, Madison, First Friday 164 Quincy, Quincy, Gibson co Third Thursday 165 Danceyville, Danceyville, Haywood co Second Thursday 166 Medon, Medon, Madison co Third Friday 167 Bigbyville, Bigbyville, Maury co Friday on or aft. f. m. 168 Angerona, Memphis, Shelby co First Monday 169 Dukedom, Dukedom, Weakley co First Saturday 170 Berlin, Saulsbury, Hardeman co First Friday 172 Owen Hill, Jordan's Store, Williamson,Monday before f. m. 173 Clifton, Clifton, Wayne co Thurs. on or aft. f. m. 174 Lavinia, South Carroll, Carroll co First Saturday 175 Alexandria, Alexandria, DeKalb co Third Fridlay 176 Limestone, Georgetown, First Friday 177 Mount Pelia, Middleburg, Weakley co Friday bef. 2d Sunday 178 Como, Como, Henry co Second Friday 179 Camden, Camden, Benton co First Monday 180 Evening Star, Tazewell, Claiborne co First Friday 181 Washington, Louisville, Blount co Third Friday 182 Nolensville, Nolensville, Williamson co Monday on or bef. f. m. 183 Polk, Centreville, Hickman co Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 184 Harmony, Silver Top,.Obion co Saturday on or bef. f.m. 185 Lynnville, Lynnville, Giles co Tuesday on or aft. f. m. 124 UNIVERSAL MASONd bItRECTOtRY. No. Loatg. LOCATION. TIME OF MEET'ING. 186 Morning Star, Rosstown, Shelby co Third Saturday 188 Hiwassee, Calhoun, Bradley co 2d and 4th Saturdays 189 McCulloch, Palmyra, Montgomery co Sat. on or aft. f. m. 190 Brazleton, Dandridge, Jefferson co Second Monday 191 Shady Grove, Shady Grove, Gibson co Fourth Wednesday 192 Merriwether, Hampshire, Lewis co Thurs. on or bef. f. m, 193 Spring Creek, Spring Creek, Madison co Fourth Friday 194 Bethel, Prospect, Giles co Friday after full moon 195 Roche, Columbia, Maury co Third Wednesday 197 Mountain Star, Sevierville, Sevier co First Monday 198 Moscow, Moscow, Fayette co Mon. aft. 3d Sunday 199 Chattanooga, Chattanooga, Hamilton co Third Monday 200 Pearl, Mason's Hall, Obion co Thursday nearest f. m. 201 Bethesda, Bethesda, Williamson co Friday before full moon 202 Shiloh, Shiloh, Gibson co Sat. before 2d Sunday 203 Milton, Milton, Rutherford co Third Tuesday 204 Tennessee, London, Roane co 2d and 4th Fridays 205 Murfreesboro'. Murfreesboro', Rutherford,Sat. before 3d Monday 206 Eaton, Eaton, Gibson co Wedn. on or before f. m. 207 Lineport, Lineport, Stewart co Third Saturday 208 Pleasant Grove, Onward, do Second Saturday 209 Baker, Macedonia, Carroll co Second Wednesday 210 Linden, Linden, Perry co First Monday 211 Wood Lawn, Greenbottom, Shelby co First Saturday 212 Ocoee, Benton, Polk co First Monday 213 Meigs, Decatur, Meigs co do do 214 Harmony, Manchester, Coffee co do do 215 Sulphur Well, Ell Grove, Henry co Fourth Saturday 216 Green Mount, Houston, Wayne co Tuesday on or aft. f. m, 217 Vernon, Vernon, Hickman co Fourth Saturday 218 Decaturville, Decaturville, Decatur co First Monday 220 Hamburg, Hamburg, Hardin co Fourth Friday 221 Smyrna, Smyrna, Rutherford co Thurs. on or bef. f. m. 222 Montezuma, Montezuma, McNairy co Second Saturday 223 St. James, Henryville, Lawrence co Wed. on or before f. m. 224 Cherryville, Cherryville, Haywood co Friday before f. moon 225 Fredonia, Fredonia, Montgomery co First Saturday 226 Tipton, Randolph, Tipton co Second Saturday 227 Cherry Mount, Mulloy's, Sumner co Fourth Saturday 228 Valley Forge, Little Grove, Montgomery, Saturday on or bef. f. m 229 Friendship, Jack's Creek, Henderson, First Thursday 230 Cuba, Cuba, Shelby co First Saturday 231 Morristown, Morristown, Granger co First Thursday TSENNESSElSE 125 No. LODOS. LOCATION. TIME O0 MEETI0. 232 Gravel Hill, Gravel Hill, MeNairy co First Friday 233 Salem, Salem, Franklin co First Saturday 234 Newport, Newport, Cocke co Monday before f. in. 235 Woodbury, Woodbury, Cannon co First Monday 236 Washington, Washington, Rhea co First Monday 237 Laguardo, Laguardo, Wilson co 2d and 4th Mondays 238 Dashiell, Elizabethton, Carter co First Monday 239 Hermon, Beech Grove, Coffee co Friday on or bef f. m. 240 Beech, Montgomery's, Sumner co 2d and 4th Fridays 241 Ducktown, Copper Hill, Polk co 1st and 3d Mondays 242 Thyatira, Bradyville, Cannon co Friday bef. 4th Sunday 243 Taylorsville, Taylorsville, Johnson co Second Monday 244 Master's, Knoxville, Knox co Third Monday 245 Woodville, Woodville, Haywood co Friday on or bef. f. m. 246 New-Market, New-Market, Jefferson co First Wednesday 247 John Hart, Peacher's Mills, Montgom., Fourth Wednesday 248 Vesper, Big Spring, Wilson co Third Saturday 249 New-Middleton, New-Middleton, Smith co Third Saturday 250 Centre Point, Centre Point, Henderson co Second Thursday 251 Friendship, Friendship, Dyer co Tuesday on or aft. f. m. 252 Bone, Pond Hill, Gibson co Second Monday 253 Chota, Campbell Station, Knox co First Wednesday 254 Edgefield, Nashville, Davidson co Second Thursday 255 Sycamore, Sycamore Mills, Cheatham, Second Saturday 256 Bradshaw, Simpson's Store, Giles co Thursday on or aft. f: m.. 258 Hickory Creek, Rough and Ready,Warren, Thursday on or aff.. f. m. 259 Livingston, Livingston, Overton co Thursdayaf. 3dMonday 260 Clarksburgh, Clarksburg, Carroll, Friday on or after f. m. 261 Mountain, Spencer, Van Buren co First Monday 262 Tullahoma, Tullahoma, Coffee co 1st and 2'd Thursdays 263 Ellen, Double Bridges, Lauderdale, Monday before f. m.. 264 Adams, Jenkins' Depot, Hardeman, Second Thursday 265 Farmville, Farmville, Hardeman co IFourth Thursday 266 Cookville, Cookville, Putnam co Third Saturday 267 Saltillo, Saltillo, Hardeman co First Thursday 268 Reliance, Bellbuckle, Bedford co' 269 Fuller, Ripley, Lauderdale co First Mionday 270 Phoenix, Dover, Stewart co 271 Tannahill, Goodletsville, Davidson co 272 Burton, White Hill, Robertson co 273 Caldwell, Humphreys co 274 Johnson, Fall Branch, Powell co 275 New-Castle, New-Castle, Hardeman co TEXAS. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 1 Holland, Houston, Harris GO 2d and 4th Wednesdays 2 Milam, Nacogdoches, Fourth Monday 3 Red Land, San Augustine, First Wednesday 5 St. John's, Columbia, Brazoria co Evening of full moon 6 Harmony, Galveston, 1st and 3d Mondays 7 Matagorda, Matagorda, First Saturday 11 Milam, Independence,Washington, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 12 Austin, Austin, Travis co First Saturday 13 Constantine, Bonham, Fannin co Last Saturday 14 Trinity, Livingston, Polk co 16 Friendship, Clarksville, Red River co First Monday 17 Orphan's Friend, Anderson, Grimes co Fourth Saturday 18 Washington, Washington, Saturday before f.m. 19 Forrest, Huntsville, Walker co Last Saturday 20 Graham, Brenham, Washington co Fourth Saturday'21 Lothrop, Crockett, Houston co Last Saturday 22 Marshall, Marshall, Harrison co Second Friday 23 Clinton, Henderson, Rusk co Last Satarday 24 Red Land, 25 Montgomery, Montgomery, Second Saturday 26 Olive Branch, Cincinnati, Walker co Third Saturday:27 Paris, Paris, Lamar co Third Saturday 29 De Witt Clinton, Jaspar, Jaspar co Second Saturday:30 Gonzales, Gonzales, Gonzales co First Saturday 31 Palestine, Palestine, Anderson co Second Saturday 32 Sam Houston, Shelbyville, Shelby co Second Saturday 34 Lafayette, La Grange, Fayette co Third Saturday:35 Jackson,:Milam, Sabine co First Saturday.36 Lavaca, Lavaca, Calhoun co First Saturday.37 Mount Moriah, Cold Springs, Polk co Saturday on or bef. f. m. 38 Jefferson, Jefferson, Cass co Friday bef. 2d Saturday.39 Leona Union, Leona, Leon co Second Saturday 40 Victoria, Victoria, Victoria co 41 Eagle, Bethany, Panola co Last Saturday 43 Douglass, Douglass, Nacogdoches co Third Saturday TEXAS. 127 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 44 Alamo, San Antonio, Bexar co First Saturday 45 Euclid, Rusk, Cherokee co do do 46 Florida, Round Top, Fayette co do do 48 Liberty, Liberty, Liberty co First Monday 51 St. John's, McKinney, Collins co Last Saturday 52 Tarrahill, Dallas, Dallas co 2d and last Mondays 53 St. John's, Tyler, Smith co Second Saturday 54 Grand Bluff, Grand Bluff, Panola co do do 55 Gillespie, Wheelock, Robertson co Fourth Saturday 56 Warren, Caldwell, Burleson co Third Saturday 57 Larissa, Larissa, Cherokee co Saturday before f. m. 58 Bastrop, Bastrop, Bastrop co, First Saturday 59 Lockhart, Lockhart, Caldwell co Second Saturday 60 Mount Enterprise, Mt. Enterprise, Rusk co Fourth Saturday 62 Woodville, Woodville, Tyler co do do 63 Rocky Mount, Bunkerhill, Rusk co Second Saturday 65 Joppa, Elysian Fields, Harrison co do do 66 Cherino, Cherino, Nacogdoches co Fourth Wednesday 67 Hubert, ChappellHill, Washington, Second Saturday 68 Caledonia, Columbus, Colorado co First Monday 69 Boston, Boston, Bowie co First Wednesday 70 Temple, Mount Pleasant, Titus co Third Friday 71 Mount Vernon, Mount Vernon, Fourth Friday 72 Moreton, Richmond, Fort Bend co Second Friday 73 Washita, Sherman, Grayson co 74 Springfield, Springfield, Limestone co Last Saturday 75 Brazos, Houthville, Austin co Saturday after f. moon 76 Cameron, Cuero, De Witt co Third Saturday 77 Concord, McClarty's, Harrison co do do 78 Carthage, Carthage, Panola co 79 Oasis, Dangerville, Titus co First Saturday 80 Murchison, Hallettsville, Lavaca co Saturday before f. m. 81 Rio Grande, Brownesville, Cameron co 1st and 3d Mondays 83 Terrill, Alto, Cherokee co Second Saturday 84 Indianola, Indianola, Calhoun co 2d and 4th Wednesdays 85 Pine Bluff, Troy, Freestone co 1st and 3d Saturdays 86 Tusculum, Pine Tree, Upshur co Saturday preced'g f. m. 87 New Salem, New Salem, Rusk co Saturday after f. moon 88 Andrew Jackson, Cass co Last Saturday 89 San Gabriel, Georgetown, Williamson, Third Saturday 90 Waxahatchie, Waxahatchie, Ellis co Fourth Saturday 91 Tarrant, Tarrant, Hopkins co First Friday' 328 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIMn OF MEETING. 92 Bosque, Waco, McLennan co Saturday before f. m. 93 loni, San Pedro, Houston co Saturday after f. moon 94 Goliad, Goliad, Goliad co First Saturday 95 Sharon, Sharon, Panola co Saturday on or aft. f.m. 96 Colorado, Webberville, Travis co Second Saturday 97 Newbern, Newbern, Shelby co Fourth Saturday 98 Canton, Canton, Smith co Third Saturday 99 Wharton, Wharton, Wharton co Saturday precd'g f. m. 100 Freedom, Fredericksburg,Gillespie coThurs. at or precd. f.m. 101 Danville, Danville, Rusk co Thurs. of or precd. f. m 102 Unity, Greenville, Polk co Second Saturday 103 Fairfield, Fairfield, Freestone co Saturday after f. moon 104 Corcicana, Corsicana, Navarro co 105 Kickapoo, Kickapoo, Anderson co Fourth Saturday 106 San Jacinto, Danville, Montgomery co do do 107 San Andres, Cameron,, Milam co 108 Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Cherokee co Saturday after f. m. 109 Guadalupe, Seguin, Guadalupe co First Monday 110 Greenville, Greenville, Hunt co Second Friday 111 Burleson, Navarro, Leon co Third Saturday 112 Bloomfield, Kaufman, Kaufman co do do 113 Mgnoliagnolia Magnolia, Anderson co Fourth Saturday 114 Prairie Lea, Prairie Lea, Caldwell co Second Saturday 115 Kaufman, Anadarco, Rusk co First Saturday 116 Red River, Pine Creek, Red River co Wednesday after f. m. 117 Travis, Sherman, Grayson co First Thursday 118 Starr, Starrville, Smith co First Satnrday 119 Flora, Quitman, Wood co Fourth Monday 120 McDonald, Linn Flat, Nacogdoches co Fourth Friday 121 Mount Hope, Mount Hope, Tyler co First Saturday 122 Quitman, Chatfield Point, Navarro co do do 123 Texana, Texana, Jackson co Third Saturday 124 Coletto, Yorktown, De Witt co Second Saturday 125 Baylor, Gay Hill, Washington co Saturday preceding f.m. 126 Madison, Madison, Orange co Last Saturday 127 Robert Burns, Concord, Rusk co Wedn. on or after f. m. 128 Cushney, San Marcos, Hays co Third Monday 12-9 Brazos Union, Boonville, Brazos co Second Saturday 130 El Paso, San Elizario, El Paso co First Saturday 131 Belmont, Belmont, Gonzales co Third Saturday 132- Griffin, Griffin, Cherokee co First Saturday 133 Retreat, Retreat, Grimes co do do TEXAS. 129 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 134 Bethel, Fannin co, First Friday 135 Camden, Camden, Rusk co Thurs. on or aft. f. m. 136 Newton, Burkeville, Newton co First Saturday 137 Mount Horeb, Gabriel Mills, Williamson do do 138 Neill, Lexington, Burleson co Second Saturday 139 Herschel, Coffeeville, Upshur co Saturday bef. first Sab. 140 Keechi, Centreville, Leon co Last Saturday 141 Castilian, Canton, Vanzandt co First Saturday 142 Bethesda, Gilmer, Upshur co Second Saturday 143 Ochiltree, Melrose, Nacogdoches co Third Saturday 144 Pierce, Sterling, Robertson co Friday on or aft. f. m. 145 Walnut Grove, Gordon's Stand, Williamson co Fourth Saturday 146 Cypress, William Sparks', Titus co Second Friday 147 Planters', Plantersville, Grimes co Third Saturday 148 Fort Worth, Fort Worth, Tarrant co First Saturday 149 Truit, A. M. Truit's Store, Shelby co Third Saturday 150 Jamestown, Jamestown, Smith co Saturday on or b. f. m. 151 Cibolo, Valley, Guadalupe co Fourth Saturday 152 Marlin, Marlin, Falls co Friday after f. m. 153 Eclectic, Warren, Fannin co Thurs. of or pre. f. m. 154 Cotton Gin, Cotton Gin, Freestone co Sat. pre. 3d Sunday 155 Spring Hill, Spring Hill, Navarro co Second Saturday 156 Hickory Hill, Hickory Hill, Cass co 157 East Trinity, Rockwall, Kaufman co First Saturday 158 Wm. M. Taylor, Mount Carmel, Smith co Saturday after f. m. 159 McClellan, Union, Washington co do do 160 Lancaster, Lancaster, Dallas co 1st and 3d Saturdays 161 Eureka, Palmer's P. O., Polk co 162 Nurival, Resid. N. Davis, Panola co Second Saturday 163 Sumpter, Sumpter, Trinity co First Saturday 164 Honey Grove, Honey Grove, Fannin co Friday pre. f. m. 165 Athens, Athens, Henderson co Third Saturday 166 Belton, Belton, Bell co Second Saturday 167 Kentucky, Kentucky Town, Grayson, First Saturday 168 Monroe, Madisonville, Madison co Third Saturday 169 Jas. F. Taylor, Ash Spring, Harrison co First Saturday 170`San Andres, Cameron, Milam co Wednesday bef. f. m. 171 Bosque, Bosque, McLennan co Fourth Saturday 173 Mound Prairie, Mound Prairie, Anderson, First Monday 174 Corsicana, Corsicana, Navarro co Saturday before f. m. 175 Valley, Hamilton, Burnet co Second Saturday 176 Anadako, Fort Graham, 130 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 177 St. Paul's, Port Sullivan, Milam co Saturday on or aft. f. m. 178 Glover, Coffeeville, Third Saturday 179 Hardeman, Plum Creek, Caldwell co First Saturday 180 Hopkins, Theodocia, Hopkins co Third Saturday 182 Concrete, Concrete, De Witt co First Saturday 183 Hopkinsville, Hopkinsville, Gonzales co Third Saturday 184 Hickory Grove, Mount Vernon, Smith co On or after f. m. 185 White Oak, Saratoga, Hopkins co Thurs. on or aft. f. m. 186 West Fork, Taylorsville, Wise co Second Saturday 187 Tyrian, Augusta, Jefferson co do do 189 Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, Nueces co First Monday 190 Refugio, Refugio, Refugio co Second Saturday 191 Havana, Havana, Cass co do do 192 Cusseta, Cusseta, Cass co First Saturday 193 Leon, Leon River, Bell co First Saturday aft. f.m. 194 Jack Titus, Red Oak Grove, R. River coThird Saturday 195 Lyons, Lyons, Fayette co Saturday pre. f. m. 196 Aquilla, Hillsboro', Hill co Thursday pre. f. m. 197 Gatesville, Gatesville, Coryell co Saturday pre. f. m. 198 Tyre, Tenn. Colony, Anderson coThird Saturday 199 De Molay, Sanders Chap. Gonzales coSecond Saturday 200 Alamita, Helena, Kernes co Saturday on or bef. f m. 201 Denton, Louisville, Denton co Second Friday 202 James A. Baker, Eben. Bap. Ch., Walker co Saturday b. 1st Sunday 203 Pine, Newburg, Vanzandt co Fourth Saturday 204 Mount Calm, Mount Calm, Limestone coThird Saturday 205 Walnut Creek, Littleton's Spring, Parker, do do 206 Frank Sexton, Pittsburg, Upshur co Fourth Friday 207 Wm. P. Brittain, Social Chap., Cherokee co Fourth Saturday 208 McMahon, Lockhart, Caldwell co First Saturday 209 Mantua, Mantua, Collin co do do 210 Gainesville, Gainesville, Cook co do do 211 Science Hill, Science Hill, Henderson co do do 212 Deer Creek, Evans' Store, Tarrant co Second Saturday 213 Acton, Buchanan, Johnson co 214 Fa'mersville, Farmersville, Collin co Wednesday bef. f. m. 215 Stedman, Newton, Newton co Third Saturday: 216 Twin Sisters, Hodges' Mills, Comal co Saturday on or bef. f. m. 217 Stanfield, Denton, Denton co 2d and last Saturday 218 John E. Craven, Dresden, Navarro co Saturday on or aft. f. n. 219 Millville, Millville, Rusk co Thursday before f. m. 220 Onion, Union School-house, Travis, Thursday pre. f. m. TEXAS. 131 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 221 Bright Star, Sulphur Springs, Hopkins, First Thursday 222 Parsons, Parsons' Seminary, Travis,Fourth Saturday 223 Bellville, Bellville, 224 Miller, Hunt co Fourth Friday 225 San Saba, San Saba, Fourth Saturday 226 Brahan, Bethesda, Guadalupe co Saturday on or bef. f.m. 227 Round Rock, Round Rock, Williamson, Second Saturday 228 Newport, Newport, Walker co First Saturday 229 Randolph, Randolph, Houston co Third Saturday 230 Ocean, Weatherford, Parker co 2d and 4th Saturdays 231 Sampson, Oak Island, Harris co First Saturday 232 Lampasas, Lampasas, Third Saturday 233 Eutaw, Eutaw, Limestone co 1st Saturday aft. f. m. 234 White Rock, Near Walnut Grove, Dallas, Third Thursday 235 Plano, Piano, Collin co Saturday pre. f. m. 236 Relief, Rush Creek, Navarro co do do 237 Lively, Faucett & Davis' Store, Denton co First Thursday 238 Prairieville, Prairieville, Kaufman co First Saturday VERMONT. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 1 Dorchester, Vergennes, Thursday preced'g f. m. 2 Union, Middlebury, First Monday 3 Washington, Burlington, First Wednesday 4 Franklin, St. Albans, First Tuesday 5 Morning Sun, Bridgeport, Wedn. on or before f. m. 6 Lamoille, Fairfax, Wednesday before f. m. 7 Rising Sun, Royalton, Wedn. on or before f.m. 8 Mount Vernon, Hyde Park & Morristown, Wednesday before f. m. 9 Missisquoi, East Berkshire, Monday on or bef. f. m. 10 Independence, Orwell, Tuesday preced'g f. m. 11 Columbus, Alburgh, First Monday 12 North Star, Williston, First Thursday 13 Mount Anthony, Bennington, Tuesday on or bef. f.m. 14 Seventy-six, Swanton, Second Tuesday 15 De Witt Clinton, Northfield, Wednesday of f. moon 16 Masonic Union, Troy, Thursday on or bef. f.m. 17 Isle of Patmos, North Hero, Fourth Thursday 18 Vermont, Hartland and Windsor, Thurs. on or before f. m. 19 Liberty, Franklin, do do 20 Meridian Sun, Graftsbury, Evening of full moon 21 United Brethren, Hartford, Tuesday preced'g f. m. 22 Aurora, Montpelier, Monday of full moon 23 Blazing Star, Fayetteville, Thurs. preced'g f. m. 24 Friendship, Charlotte, Tuesday before f. moon 25 St. Paul's, Brandon, Wednesday of f. moon 26 McDonough, Essex, Second Thursday 27 Passumpic, St. Johnsbury, Thurs. of or pre. f. m. 28 Phoenix, West Randolph, Tuesday of full moon 29 Rural, Rochester, do do 30 Lee, Castleton, Wednesday before f. m. 31 Woodstock, Woodstock, Wedn. on or before f.m. 32 Golden Rule, Putney, do do 33 Patriot, Hinesburgh, Second Thursday 34 Centre, Rutland, First Thursday 35 Granite, Barre, Friday of full moon VERMONT. 133 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 36 Columbian, Brattleboro', Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 37 Morning Star, West Poultney, Tuescay on or bef. f.m. 38 Social, Wilmington, Wed. on or pre. f. m. 39 Haswell, Sheldon. do do 40 Seneca, Milton, Second Tuesday 41 St. John's, Springfield, Tuesday preced'g f. m. 42 Adoniraml, AManchester, Thursd. on or bef. f. m. 43 Charity, Bradford, Wednesday of f. moon 44 Island Pond, Island Pond, Second Monday 45 King Solomon, Bellows' Falls, Friday on or pre. f. m. 46 Mount Lebanon, South Londonderry, Jamaica 47 Libanus, Bristol, U. D. White Iock, Wellingford, Second Wednesday U. D. G. Washington, Chelsea 10 VIRGINIA. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. I Norfblk, Norfolk, First Thursday 2 Atlantic, do First Saturday 2 Kilwinning Cross, Port Royal, Caroline co 1st and 3d Fridays 3 Blandford, Petersburg, Second Tuesday 4 Fredericksburg Fredericksburg, Second Friday 5 St. Tammany, Hampton, Fourth Thursday 6 Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Second Monday 7 Blue Ridge, Flint Hill, Rappahannock,Wednesday prec. f. m. 8 Roanoke, Cluster Springs, Halifax, Saturday before f. m. 9 Fairmount, Fairmount, Marion co First Monday 10 Richmond, Richmond, First Tuesday 11 Northampton, Eastville, Northampton co,Second Monday 12 Monroe, Union, Monroe co 1st Sat./land 3d Monday 13 Staunton, Staunton, 2d and last Fridays 14 Manchester, Manchester, Saturday on or bef. f. m. 15 Petersburg, Petersburg, Second Monday 16 Brooklyn, Brooklyn, Halifax co do 17 Chestnut Grove, Chestnut Grove, Pittsylv. Fourth Saturday 18 Smithfield Union, Smithfield, Isle of Wight, Third Saturday 19 Richmond Randolph, Richmond, Wednesday before f. m. 20 Franklin, Buckhannon, Upshur co Sat. of or preced'g f. m. 21 Hiram, Winchester, Frederick co 1st and 3d Saturdays 22 Alexandria Washington, Alexandria, 2d and 4th Thursdays 23 Taylor, Big Lick, Roanoke co Second Thursday 24 Pittsylvania, Pittsylvania C. H. Second Saturday 25 Mount Olivet, Carsville, Isle of Wight, do 26 Weston, Weston, Lewis co First Monday 27 Rockingham Union, Harrisonburg, Rockingham, First Saturday 28 Bigelow, Philippi, Barbour co First Monday 29 St. Andrew's, City Point, Prince George, Third Wednesday 30 Suffolk, Suffolk, Fourth Monday 31 Marion, Marion, Smyth co Tuesday aft. 3d Mond. 32 George, Howardsville, Albemarle, Saturday on or bef. f. m. 33 Warren, Pedlar Mills, Amherst co Saturday aft. 3d Mon. 34 Bowlesville, Bowlesville, Fluvanna co Saturday of or aft. f. m. VIRGINIA. 135 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 85 Catlett, Scott Court-House, Second Monday 36 St. John's, Richmond, Third Thursday 37 Marshall Union, Moundsville, Marshall co Third Monday 38 Central, New-Market, Shenandoah, First Monday 39 Marshall, Lynchburg, Campbell co First Saturday 41 Farmville, Farmville, Prince Edward, Thursday aft. 3d Mond. 42 Berlin, Berlin, Southampton co Third Saturday 43 Fairfax, Culpeper Court-House, Friday before f. m. 44 Prudence, New-London, Campbell co Fourth Saturday 45 Scottsville, Scottsville, Albemarle co First Friday 46 Worthington Smith, Mount Solon, Augusta co Second Saturday 47 Preston, Jonesville, Lee co Third Monday 48 Abingdon, Abingdon, Washington co Fourth Monday 49 Green Brier, Lewisburg, Greenbrier co 2d Friday & 4th Mond. 50 Piedmont, Stanardsville, Greene co Friday on or bef. f. m. 51 Dove, Richmond, Second Wednesday 52 Brunswick, Lawrenceville, Brunswick, Second Saturday 53 Loge Frangaise, Richmond, Second Friday 54 Excelsior, Bunker Hill, Berkeley co Saturday after f. m. 55 Palmyra, Palmyra, Fluvanna co Wednesday before f. m. 56 Minerva, Cabell Court-House, Saturday before f. m. 57 Geo. Washington, Berryville, Clarke co Monday after f m. 58 Day, Louisa Court-House, Friday on or bef. f. m. 59 Warren, Christiansville,Lunensb'rg, First Saturday 60 Widow's Son, Charlottesville, Albemarle, Sat. on or before f. m. 61 Polk,' Riceville, Pittsylvania co Third Saturday 62 Tazewell, Tazewell Court-House, Tuesday after 3d Mond. 63 Fredericksburg American, Fredericksburg, First Friday 64 Natural Bridge, Rockbridge co Sat. after 1st Monday 65 Jefferson, Surry Court-House, Second Saturday 66 Friendship, Fincastle, Botetourt co Second Monday 68 Powhatan, Scottsville, Powhatan co Second Saturday 69 Mackey, Campbell Court-House, Second Monday 70 Boonsborough, Trinity Church, Bedford co Second Saturday 71 Blue Bidge, Piedmont, Albemarle co Friday before full moon 72 James Evans, Buchanan, Botetourt co 2d and 4th Saturdays 73 Clinton, Amherst Court-House, Third Monday 74 Fayetteville, Fayetteville, Fayette co Thursday aft. 2d Tuesd. 75 Rocky Mounock y kyMount, ocyoun Franklin co First Monday 76 Montross, Montross, Westmoreland, Thursday aft. 2d Mond. 77 Chuckatuck, Chuckatuck, Nansemond, Fourth Saturday, 78 Washington, Washington, Rappahannock, Evening of full moon 136 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 79 Green Spring, Poindexter's Store, Louisa, Friday after full moon 80 Maalta, Charlestown, Jefferson co Wednesday before f. m. 81 Salem, Mliddleburg, Loudoun co Third Friday 82 Wytheville Fraternal, Wythe Court-House, First Monday 83 Flat Rock, Lunenburg Court-House, Saturday on or bef. f. m. 84 Acacia, Jerusalem, Southampton, Fourth Friday 85 Astrea, Sussex Court-House, First Thursday 86 McDaniel, Christiansburg, Montgomery, First Monday, 87 Vincent Wiether, Callands, Pittsylvania co First Saturday 88 Lancaster Union, Lancaster Court-House, Thursday aft. 3d Mond. 89 Black Heth, Black Heth, Chesterfield, Thursday before f. m. 90 Stark, Gholsonville, Brunswick, First Saturday? 92 Fleetwood Harmony, Providence, Nelson co Third Saturday 93 Morgantown Union, Morgantown, Monongalia, 2d and 4th Mondays 94 Greenway Court, White Post, Clark co Friday on or bef. f. m. 95 Liberty, Liberty, Bedford co Sat. before 4th Monday 96 Halifax Hiram, Halifax Court-House, Fourth Monday 97 Frankfort, Frankfort, Greenbrier co First Thursday 98 Hermon, Clarksburg, Harrison co Second Monday 99 Somerton, Somerton, Nansemond co Second Saturday 100 Portsm'th Naval, Portsmouth, Norfolk co First Monday 101 Ohio, Wheeling, Ohio co 1st and 8d Mondays 102 Front Royal, Rappahannock co Third Monday 103 New Hope, Piedmont, Augusta co Saturday on or bef. f. m. 104 Wetzel, New-Miartinsville, Wetzel, Tuesday aft. 1st Mond. 106 Giles, Pearisburg, Giles co Second Moncay 107 Monroe, Clover Hill, Appomattox, Friday bef. 4th Sunday 108 Wellsburg, Wellsburg, Wednesday before f. m. 109 Door to Virtue, New-Castle, Craig co Fourth Mlonday 110 Western Star, Guyandotte, Cabell co Sat. before 4th Monday 111 Charity, H-arper's Ferry, Jefferson, Saturday before f. m. 112 Laurel, Red-House, Charlotte co Fridaybef. lstSaturday 113 Mount Olivet, Parkersburg, Wood co Third Monday 114 Olive Branch, Leesburg, Loudon co 1st and 3d Mondays 115 Prince George, Prince George C. H. Second Thursday 116 Princeton, Princeton, Mercer co Thursday aft. 1st Mond. 117 Triluminar, Middleway, Jefferson co Saturday of or bef. f.m. 118 Washington Union, Clarksville, Mecklenburg, 2d and 4th Saturdays 119 Mecklenburg Meridian, Mecklenburg co Third Monday 120 Andrew Jackson, Alexandria, 1st and 3d Fridays 121 Ashton, Ravenswood, Jackson co First Tuesday 122 Roman Eagle, Danville, Pittsylvania co Third Saturday VIRGINTA. 137 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 123 Blue Stone Union, Mecklenburg county, Saturday before f. n. 124 Avon, Summit Point, Jefferson, Tuesday on or bef. f. m, 125 Mount Crawford, Mt. Crawford, Rockingham, Fourth Monday 126 Linn Banks, Madison Court-House, Friday on. or before f.m. 127 Washington, Martinsville, Henry co' Second Monday 128 Wheeling, Wheeling, Ohio co 1st and 3d Saturdays 129 Independence, Independence, Grayson co Fourth Monday 130 Henrico Union Union Hill, Henrico co Third Friday 131 Floyd, Jacksonville, Floyd co Every Friday 132 Dallas, Brucetown, Frederick co Saturday preced'g f. m. 133 Mount Carmel, Warrenton, Fauquier co 2d and 4th Tuesdays 134 Mayfield, Mayfield, Isle of Wight, First Saturday 135 Hunter, Edinburgh, Shenandoah, do do 136 Equality, Martinsburg, Berkley co Second Saturday 137 Lafayette, Luray, Page co Saturday before f. m. 138 Independent Orange, Orange Court-House, Tuesday before full m. 139 Clinton, Ronney, Hampshire co 1st Wed. aft. 2 & 4 Mon. 140 Patrick Henry, Penn's Store, Patrick co Sat. on and preed. f. m. 141 DeWitt Clinton, Cartersville, Cumberland, First Saturday 143 Buckingham Union, Buckingham, C. H., Thurs. after 2d Mond. 144 St. John's, Charlotte Court-House, Saturday bef: f. moon 146 Doric, Cumberland' Second Saturday 148 Chandler, Berryville, Clark co Monday on or b. f. m. 149 Harmony, Yates' Lower Academy, Nansemond co Second Saturday 150 Widow's Son, Hicksford, Greensville co First Friday 151 Franklin, Franklin, Southampton co 1st Sat. and 3d Thurs. 152 Fitzwhylsonn, Boydton, Mecklenburg co Friday aft. 1 & 3 Mon. 153 Dan River, Hyco Falls Academy. I-Halifax co Saturday after full m. 154 Keysville, Keysville, Charlotte co Friday bef. 3d Saturd. 155 Staunton River, Brookneal, Campbell co Tuesday aft. 3d Mon. 156 Hunters, Blacksburg, Montgomery Wednesday of orb.f.m. 15:7 Saratoga, Millwood, Clark co Second Monday 158 Mannington, Mannington, Marion co Mon. b. 1st & 3d Tues. 159 Mountain City, Lexington, Rockbridge co Second Monday 160 Ripley, Ripley, Jackson co First Thursday 161 Chesterfield, Chesterfield, Court-House, Monday on or b. f. nm 162 Shelby, Goodson, Washington co Fourth Monday 163 Friendship, Lovingston, Nelson co First Friday 164 Temperance, XWoodville, Isle of Wight, 1st Thurs. aft. 1st Mon. 165 Henry Clay, Newbern, Pulaski co Fourth Monday 138 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 166 Mount Vernon, Portsmouth, Norfolk co 2d and 4th Mondays 167 Preston, Kingswood, Preston co Fourth Saturday 168 Ashland, Ashland, Hanover co 169 Relief, Littleton, Sussex co 170 Fetterman, Fetterman, Taylor co 171 Covington, Covington, Alleghany co 172 Minturn, Pt. Pleasant, Mason co 173 Hope, Lebanon, Russell co 174 New Cumberland, New Cumberland, Hancock co 175 Mount Olive, Whitehall, Frederick co 176 Bethany, Bethany, Brooke co 177 Virginia, Cabin Point, Surry co 178.Kanawha Valley, Buffalo, Putnam co 179 Wakoma, Summersville, Nicholas co 180 Cameronmero n C eron, Marshall co WASHINGTON TERRITORY N'o. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 1 Olympia, Olympia, 1st and 3d Saturdays 2 Steilacoom, Steilacoom, Ist and 3d Saturdays 3 Grand Mound, Grand Mound, Thurston co Saturday on or bef, f. rn 4 Washington, Vancouver, First Saturday WISCONSIN. NO. LODGE, LOCATION. TIIE OF MEETING. 1 Mineral Point, Mineral Point, Iowa co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 2 Melody, Plattville, Grant co do do 3 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, 2d and 4th Mondays 4 Warren, Potosi, Grant co Thursday on or b. f. m 5 Madison, Madison, do do 6 Olive Branch, New Diggings, Lafayette, Sat. on or before f. m. 9 Jefferson County, Jefferson, Jefferson co do do 10 Morning Star, Beloit, Rock co Third Wednesday 11 Sheboygan, Sheboygan, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 12 Harmony, Delavan, Thurs, on or prec. f. mn 13 Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1st and 3d Thursdays 14 Western Star, Janesville, Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 16 Franklin, Highland, Iowa co 1st and 3d Saturdays 17 Ozaukee, Port Washington, Ozaukee,st and 3d Mondays 18 RaRacine, Racine, do do 20 Lancaster, Lancaster, Grant co Mon. of or pre'g f. m. 21 Washington, Green Bay, 1st and 3d Thursdays 23 Rochester, Rochester, Racine co 1st and 3d Wednesdays 24 St. John's, Sheboygan Falls, Ist and 3d Tuesdays 25 Amicitia, Shullsburg, Lafayette co Monday on or b. f: m. 26 Fountain, Fond du Lac, 2d and 4th' Fridays 27 Fox River, Oshkosh, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 28 Burlington, Burington, Racine co Friday preceding f. m. 30 Aurora, Milwaukee, 2d and 4th Tuesdays 31 Smith, Monroe, 32 Union, Union Rock co Tuesday before f. m. 33 Fort Winnebago, Portage City, Saturday precl'g f. m. 34 Baraboo, Baraboo, Sauk co Wednesday on or b. f. m, 35 Tuscan, Watertown, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 36 Albany, Albany, Green co Wed. of or precd'gf. m. 37 Waukesha,aukuesha, 1st and 3d Fridays 38 Berlin, Berlin, Marquette co Thursday on or b. f. m. 40 HI-oricon, Horicon, Dodge co do do 41 St. James, East Troy, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 42 Oconomowoc, Oconomowoc, Waukesha, Tuesday precd'g f. m. 140 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 43 Hazel Green, Hazel Green, Grant co Friday on or before f. m. 44 Geneva, Geneva, Walworth co Tuesday preced'g f. m. 45 Frontier, La Crosse, La Crosse co Friday on or bef. f. m. 46 Lake MiMills, Lake Mills, Jefferson co Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 47 Kenosha, Kenosha, 1st and 3d Mondays 48 Waupun, Vaupun, 1st and 3d Fridays 49 Watertown, Watertown, 1st and 3d Thursdays 50 Hiram, Madison, 1st and 3d Mondays 51 Waverly, Appleton, Outagamie co 1st and 3d Tuesdays 52 WVyocena, Wyocena, Columbia co At full moon 53 Kingston, Kingston, Marquette co Wednesday before f. m. 54 Jerusalem, Thompsonville, Racine co Monday on or bef. f. m. 55 Janesville, Janesville, 1st and 3d Mondays 56 St. Croix, Hudson, St. Croix co 57 St. John's Whitewater, Walworth co Wedn. on or before f. m. 58 Muscoda, Muscoda, Grant co 1st and 3d Mondays 59 Granville, Granville, Marquette co Thursday prec. f. m. 60 Valley, Sparta, Monroe co Wedn. on or before f. m. 61 BMenasha, Menasha, Winnebago co Monday preced'g f. m. 62 Vesper, Mayville, Dodge co Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 63 Waterloo, Waterloo, Jefferson co Monday on or bef. f. m. 64 Evening Star, Darlington, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 65 Manitowoc, MIanitowoc, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 66 Richland, Richland Centre, 1st and 3d Thursdays 67.Fox Lake, Fox Lake, Ist and 3d Mondays 68 Palmyra, Palmyra, Thursday on or bef. f. m. 69 Fulton, Edgerton, Fulton co On or after full moon 70 Orion, Richmond, 1st and 3d Saturdays 71 Quincy, Quincy, Sat. on or before f. m. 72 Dodge County, Beaver Dam, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 73 Kegousa, Stoughton, Friday preceding f. m. 74 Black River Falls Black River Falls, Friday preceding f. m. 76 Plover, Plover, Thursday on orbef, f.m. 77 Elkhorn, Elkhorn, 2d and 4th Wednesdays 78 Dells, Newport, Tuesday bef. f. m. 79 Reecsburgh, Reedsburgh, Friday of full moon 80 Independence, Milwaukee, 2d and 4th Wednesdays 82 Weyauwega, Weyauwega, Wednesday bef. f. m. 83 Concordia, Madison, Every Wednesday 84 La Belle, Viroqua, Wednesday bef. f. m. 85 Des Peres, Depere, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 89 Pepin, Pepin, Wednesday bef. f. m. WISCONSIN. 141 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 90 Wancoma, Wancoma, Thurs. on or bef. f. m. 91 Oxford, Oxford, Sat. on or bef. f. m. 92 Belle City, Racine, 2d and 4th Tuesdays 93 Evergreen, Stevens Point, 2d and 4th Saturdays 94 Diamond, Brodhead, Every Friday 95 Ripon, Ripon, Every Tuesday 96 Temple, Waterford,, 1st and 3d Saturdays 97 Crescent, Mazo Manie, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 98 Bryan, Menasha, 1st and 3d Saturdays 99 Lodi Valley, Lodi, Thurs. on or bef. f. m. 100 Fairfield, Maxonville, 2d and 4th Wednesdays 101 Beautiful Grove, Boscobel, 2d and 4th Tuesdays 102 Marquette, Marquette, Thurs. on or bef. f. m. 103 Junean, New-Lisbon, 104 Astrea, Port Washington, Every Wednesday 105 Northwestern, Prescott, 2d and 4th Tuesdays 106 Prairie du Chien, Prairie du Chien, Every Wednesday 107 Tracy, Manitowoc, 108 Neosha, Neosha, 109 River Falls, River Falls, 110 Lowell, Lowell, 111 Rosendale, Rosendale, 112 Eau Clair, Eau Clair, 113 Eureka, Prairie du Sauk, 114 Palestine, Richland City, 115 Robert Morris, Eagle, 116 Sharon, Sharon, 117 Trempealean U. D. Warden, Wiota, CANADA. UN DER TI E GRAND IODGE OF CANADA. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. — Antiquity, Montreal, First Thursday 1 *Provost, Dunham, Tuesday before full moon 2 Niagara, Niagara, First Tuesday 3 *St. John's, Kingston,, First Thursday 4 Dorchester, St. John's, First Thursday 5 *Sussex, Brockville, Wednesday on or bef. f. m. 6 Barton, Hamilton, Second Wednesday 7 Union, Grimsby, Thursday on or bef. f. m. 8 Nelson, Henryville, Third Tuesday 9'Union, Nepanee, First Friday before f. m. 10 *Norfolk, Simcoe, Thursday on or before f. m. 11 *Moira, Belleville, Wednesday on or bef. f. m. 12 *Golden Rule, Stanstead, Tuesday on or before f. m. 13 Western Light, Bolton, Wednesday on or bef. f. nm 14 *True Britain, Perth, First Monday 15 St. George's, St. Catherine's, Tuesday on or before f. m. 16 St. Andrew's, Toronto, Second Tuesday 17 St. John's, Cobourg, Monday on or before f. m. 18 *Prince Edward's, Picton, Thursday before full moon 19 eSt. George's, Montreal, Third Tuesday 20 *St. John's, London, Second Tuesday 21 *Zetland, MIontreal, Second Thursday 22 King Solomon's, Toronto, Second Thursday 23 *Richmond, Richmond Hill, Thursday before full moon 24,St. Francis, Smith's Falls, Friday on or before f. m. 25 elonic, Toronto, First Tuesday 26 *Ontario, Port Hope, Thursday on or before f. m. 27 *Strict Observance, Hamilton, Third Tuesday 28 *Mount Zion, Kemptville, Wednesday before f. m. 29 UUnited, Brighton, Thursday before full moon * Lodges marked thus (*) hold their election of officers on the festival of St. John the Evangelist-all others on that of St. John the Baptist. CANADA. 143 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 30 *Composite, Whitby, First Thursday 31 Jerusalem, Bowmanville, Wednesday before f. m. 32 *Amity, Dunnville, Wednesday after full moon 33 *Wellington, Guelph, First Wednesday 34 "Thistle, Amherstburg, Tuesday before full moon 35 St. John's, Cayuga, Tuesday before full moon 36 Weiland, Fonthill, Wednesday before f. m. 37 *King Hiram, Ingersoll, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 38 *Trent, Trenton, Tuesday before full moon 39 *MIount Zion, Brooklin, Tuesday on or before f. m. 40'St. John's, Hamilton, Third Thursday 41 St. George's, Kingsville, Thursday on or before f. m. 42 *St. George's, London, First Wednesday 43 King Solomon's, Woodstock, Tuesday on or before f. m. 44 *St. Thomas, St. Thomas, First Thursday 45 Brant, Brantford, Tuesday before full moon 46 Wellington, Chatham, Second Monday 47 "-Great Western, Windsor, Thursday on or before f. m. 48 *Madoc, Madoc, Tuesday before full moon 49 Independent, Quebec, The last Thursday 50'Consecon, Consecon, Friday before full moon 51 Corinthian, Stanley Mills, Tuesday on or before f. m. 52 Wellington, Dunnville, Monday before full moon 53 Shefford, Waterloo, First Thursday 54 *Vaughan, Maple, Tuesday on or before f. m. 55 Mirickville, Mirickville, Tuesday after full moon 56 Victoria, t Port Sarnia, Tuesday on or before f. m.. 57 *Harmony, Binbrook, Iaonday after full moon 58 Doric, Ottawa, First Wednesday 59 *Corinthian. Ottawa, Third Thursday 60 5H'Ioyle, La Colle, Second Tuesday 61 Acacia, Hamilton, Third Friday 62 St. Andrew's, Caledonia, Wednesday on or bef. f mn. 63 Simcoe, Simcoe, Tuesday on or before f. m.. 64 *Kilwinning, London, Third Thursday 65 1Rehoboam, Toronto, First Thursday 66 *Durham, Newcastle, Tuesday on or before f. m. 67 *St. Francis, Melbourne, First Thursday 68 -St. John's, Ingersoll, First Thursday 69 Stirling, Stirling, Thursday after full moon 70 *King, King, Friday on or before f. m. 71 *Victoria, Sherbrooke, Second lionday 144 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No.. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 72 Alma, Gait, Third Tuesday 73 *St. James's, St. Mary's, First Monday 74 "St. James's, Maitland, Monday on. or after f. m. 75 St. John's, Toronto, First Monday 76 *Oxford, Woodstock, Second Wednesday 77 tFaithful Bretl'n, Manilla, Wednesday before f. m. 78 King HI-iram, Tillsonburg, Wednesday on or bef. f. m. 79 Simeoe, Bradford,' Thursday after f. m. 80 Albion, Newbury, First Tuesday 81 *St. John's, Delaware, First Tuesday 82 *St. John's, Paris, First Tuesday 83 Beaver, Strathroy, First Friday after f. m. 84 *Clinton, Clinton, Wednesday on or aft, f. m.:85 Rising Sun, Farmersville, Thursday nearest full moon 86 *Wilson, Toronto, Third Tuesday 87 Markham Union, Maarkham, Tuesday on or before f. m. 88 St. George's, Owen Sound, Wednesday on or bef. f. m. 89'King Hiram, Lindsay, First Tuesday ~90 *Manito, Collingwood, Thursday on or after f. m. 91 *Colborne, Colborne, Wednesday after full moon 92 Cataraqui, Kingston, Second Wednesday 93'*Northern Light, Kincardine, Monday on or after f. m.:94 *St. Mark's, Port Stanley, Second Tuesday 95 Rideout, Otterville, Thursday on or before f. m. ~96 Corinthian, Barrie, Friday before full moon 97 *Sharon, Sharon, First Tuesday ~98 True Blue, Albion, Friday on or before f. m. 99 *Tuscan, Newmarket, Second Wednesday 100 Valley, Dundas, First Wednesday 101 Iron Duke, Arthur, Thursday on or before f.m. 102 Mount Brydges, Mount Brydges, Third Monday 103 "*Maple Leaf, St. Catharine's, Thursday on or after f. m. 104 St. John's, Norwichville, Wednesday on or bef. f. m. 105 St. Mark's, Drummondville, First Tuesday 106 Burford Burford, Wednesday before f. m. 107 St. Paul's, Lambeth, Second Wednesday 108 Blenheim, Drumbo, Wednesday on or bef. f. m. 109 Albion, Sydenham, Tuesday after full moon 110 Central, Prescott, Tuesday before full moon 111 Morpeth, Morpeth, Second Thursday 112 lMaitland, Goderich, Second Tuesday 113 Wilson, Waterford, Wednesday on or bef. f. m. CANADA. 145 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 114 Hope, Port Hope, First Thursday 115 Ivy, Smithville, Tuesday after full moon U. D. Cassia, Sylvan, Monday on or before f. m. U. D. Stanbridge, Stanbridge, Wednesday on or bef. f. m. U. D. Union, Lloyd town, Monday on or before f. m. U. D. Maple Leaf, Bath, Monday before full moon UI. D. Warren, Fingal, Second Thursday U. D. Doric, Brantford, Friday on or before f. m. Aff. Corinthian, Peterboro', Wednesday on or bef. f. n. CANADA EAST. UNDER GRAND LODGE: OF ENGLAND. MONTREATL DISTRICT. 512 Union, Montreal, 513 Provost, Freligsburg, St. Arnaud 514 St. Paul's, Montreal, 515 Nelson, Clarenceville, Montreal 516 St. Andrew's, St. Andrew's, 517 Golden Rule, Stanstead, 518 Wellington Persevering, Montreal, 519 Columbia, Hull, 520 Odell, Odell Town, 643 St. George's, Montreal, Third Tuesday 731 Zetland, do Second Thursday 775 Dorchester, St. John's, First Thursday 776 Prevost, Dunham, Tuesday before f. m. 923 St. Lawrence, Montreal, First Tuesday 934 Shefford, Waterloo, First Thursday 938 Hoyle, La Colle, Second Tuesday QUEBEC DISTRICT. 17 Albion, Quebec, Second Friday 68 Quebec, Second Monday 214 St. John's, Quebec, Second Wednesday 531 Sussex, do 931 Alma, do First Thursday 146 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. CANADA WEST. UNDER G RAND LODG E OF ENG LAND. No. LODGE. LOCATION, TIME OF MEETING, 488 Dalhousie, Niagara, 489 Sussex, Brockville, 490 Niagara, Niagara, 492 Fridsburgh, 493 Addington, Earnest Town, 494 Union, Grimsby, 495 Toronto, 498 King H-iram's, Oxford, 501 St. George's, St. Catharine's, 503 Union, Ancaster, 506 Mount Moriah, Westminster, 720 Goderick Union, Goderich, Lake Huron, First Saturday 733 Barton, Hamilton, Second Wednesday 779 St John's, York, Grand River 789 Zetland, Toronto, Last Monday 790 Richmond, Richmond Hill, Thursday before f. m. 796 St. John's, Carleton Place, Wednesday bef. f. m. 797 St. Francis, Smith's Falls, First Tuesday 799 Unity, Township of Whitby, Thursday bef. f. m. 834 Corinthian, Petersborough, Wednesdaybef. f. m. 835 Dalhousie, Ottawa, First Tuesday 848 Wellington, Guelph, First Wednesday 895 St. George's, London, do do CANADA. UND ER'GRAND LODGE OF IRELAND. 159 Hawkesbury, 211 Port Stanley, 222 Toronto, 226 Ingersoll, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 227 Montreal, 231 Hamilton, 232 St. Thomas, 237 Quebec, CANADA. 147 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 286 York, 358 Binbrook, 359 Stratford, UNDER GRAND LODG E OF SCOTLAND. 348 Elgin, Montreal, 356 St. Andrew's, Quebec, NEWFOUNDLAND, UNDER GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND, No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 159 London Tavern, St. John's, 451 Union, Trinity, 844 St. John's St. John's, First Friday IPRINCE EDWARD'S ISLAND, UNDER GR'AND LODGE OF ENGLAND. 470 British Constitutional, Bay of Honduras, 549 Sussex, Charlotte Town, 562 St. John's, do do 589 Royal Sussex, Belize, Honduras, UNDER GRAND LODGE OF SOOTL'AlND. 383 Victoria, Charlotte Town, NEW-B3RUNSWICK, UNDER GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND. 570 E. R., Albion, St. John's, First Friday 632 E. R., St. John's, do First Tuesday 301 I. R., Hibernia, do Second Tuesday 327 I. R., Sussex, St. Stephen's, Wed. on or after f. m. 318 I. R., Hibernia, St. Andrew's, 364 S. R., St. Andrew's, Frederickton, 705 E. R., Sussex, Dorchester, Thursday on or aft. f.m. 759 E. R., St. Mark's, St. Andrew's, First Wednesday 764 E. R., Solomon's, Frederickton, Tuesday after f. moon NORTH AMERICA. 149 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 767 E. R., Carleton Union, Carleton, St. John's, First Thursday 770 E. R., Midian, Kingston, Second Tuesday 780 E. R., Portland Union, St. John's, First Thursday 811 Woodstock, Carleton, First Wednesday 866 E. R., Union, Milltown, St. Stephen's, First Tuesday 877 E. R., Woodstock, oostocktock, Carleton co First Wednesday 912 E. R., St. George's, St. George, 918 E. R., Corinthian, Norton, King's co 927 E. R., Keith, Moncton, Thursday after f. moon 932 Queen's, Queen's co First Thursday 962 E. R., Alley, Upper Mills, St. Stephen's, do 966 E. R., Howard, Hillsboro', 1003 Northumberland, Newcastle, Second Tuesday U. D., Brunswick, Moncton, First Friday S. R., St. Andrew's, Richibucto, UNDER GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND. 364 St. Andrew's, Frederickton, 376 St. Andrew's, Nichibucto, UNDER GRAND LODGE OF IRELAND. 301 St. John's; 318 St. Andrew's, 327 St. Stephen's, NOVA SCOTIA. UNDER GRAND LODGE OF BNGLAND. 137 E. R., St. Andrew's, Halifax, 1st Tuesday 187 E. R., St. John's, do 1st Monday 212 E. R., Annapolis, Annapolis Royal, 330 I.., McGowan, Amherst, Thursday on or aft. f.m. 331 I. R., Shamrock, Halifax, 3d Monday 352 S. R., Burns, do 1st Wednesday 361 S. R., Atholl, do 2d Monday 365 S. R., Heith, do 2d Wednesday 558 E. N., Virgin, do 4th Monday 559 Temple, Grigsborough, 560 Hiram,' Shelburn, 561 St. George's, Lower Horton, 11 150 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 563 Sussex, Newport, 564 E. R., Royal Standard, Halifax, 2d Tuesday 565 Unity, Lunenberg, 566 Fort Edward, Windsor, 569 Cumberland, Harmony, Amherst, 572 E. R., St. Mary's, Digby, 573 Rising Sun, Londonderry, 692 E.R., Albion, New Glasgow, 704 E. R., Royal Sussex, Halifax, 1st Thursday 732 E. R., St. Andrew's, Sydney, Cape Breton, 1st Tuesday 821 E. R., Zetland, Liverpool, 4th Thursday 826 E. R., New Caledonia, Pictou, 836 E. R., Unity, Lunenberg, 1st Monday 868 E. R., Hiram, Yarmouth, do 888 E. R., Acadia, Pugwash, 1st Wednesday 911 E. R., Keith, Iillsburgh, 982 E. R., Mariner's, Granville, 1st Tuesday 994 E. R., Union, Halifax, 3d Monday S. R., Royal Albert, Sydney, Cape Breton, UNDER GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND. 345 Acadia, Dartmouth, 352 Burns, Halifax, 361 Atholl, do 365 Keith, do UNDER GRAND LODGE OF IRELAND. 330 Amherst, 331 Halifax E N GLAND. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. Grand Stewarts Lodge Freemason's Tavern, Third Wednesday. 1 Grand Masters', Freemason's Tav., London, Third Monday 2 Antiquity, Do Fourth Wednesday 3 Fidelity, Do Second Wednesday. 4 R. Somerset-ho. and Inverness, Do Fourth Monday. 5 St. George's and Corner-stone, Do Second Monday. 6 Friendship, Do Second Thursday 7 1, York of Perseverance, Do Third Wednesday 8 British, Do Third Monday 9 Albion, Do First Tuesday. 10 Westminster and Keystone, Do First Wednesday..11 Enoch, Do Second Wednesday 12 Fortitude and Old Cumberland, Do Second Monday 13 Union Waterloo, Woolwich, Do Second Wednesday 14 Tuscan, Do Fourth Tuesday 15 Kent Southwark, Do Second Wednesday 16 Royal Alpha, Kensington, Do 18 Old Dundee, Do First Tuesday. 19 Royal Athelstan, Holborn, Do Second Wednesday 20 R. Kent of Antiquity, Chatham, Third Wednesday 21 Emulation, London, Third Monday 22 Neptune, Do Last Thursday 23 Globe, Do Third Thursday _24 Newcahtle-upon-Tyne, Newcastle, 1st and third Thursdays 25 Robert Burns' London, First Monday. 27 Castle of Harmony, Do Fourth Monday. 29 Egyptian, Holborn, Do First Thursday. 30 Old King's Arms, Do. Second Thursday 32 St. Alban's, London Coffee House, Second Monday 33 United Mariners', Finsbury, Do First Tuesday. 34 United Industrious, Canterbury, First Thursday. 35 St. George's, Liverpool, Fourth Monday 38 Britannic, London, Third Friday. 40 Mount Moriah, Do Fourth Wednesday 41 Medina, Cowes, Thursday nearest f. m. 43 Glamorgan, Cardiff, Second Monday. 152 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. riME OF MEETING. 44 Anchor and Hope, Bolton-le-Moors, First Thursday. 45 Union, Chichester, Thursday nearest f. m. 46 St. John Baptist, Exeter, Last Thursday 47 Derwent, Hastings, Second Monday. 48 Royal Cumberland, Bath, First Thursday 49 Concord, London, 50 Relief, Bury, Lancashire, Thursday near full moon 51 St. Paul's, Birmingham, Last Monday 52 Friendship, Manchester, First Tuesday. 53 Strong Man, London, First Thursday 54 Old Union, Blackfriars, London, Third Tuesday 55 Newstead, Nottingham, Ist and third Mondays. 56 Industry, Gateshead, Durham, Fourth Monday 57 Gihon, Southwark, London, Third Thursday 58 Crown Inn, Hinckley, Leicestershire, Last Wednesday 59 Angel, Colchester, Tuesday on or before f. m. 60 Union, Norwich, Last Friday 61 Royal Sussex, Bath, 1st and third Mondays. 62 Hope, Rochdale, Wedn. on or before f. m. 63 Constitutional, London, Third Thursday 64 Howard of Brotherly Love, Arundel, 1st and third Mondays. 65 Humber, Hull, 1st and third Tuesdays. 66 Felicity, London, Third Monday 67 Loyal Vacation, Dulverton, Somerset, 70 Royal Naval, Blackfriars, London, Second Wednesday. 72 Peace and Harmony, London, Fourth Thursday. 73 Probity, Halifax, York, Monday on or before f m 75 Social, Manchester, Last Monday. 76 St. Mary's, London, Third Thursday 77 Fortitude, Rochdale, Thursday after f. moon. 78 Prosperity, Hoxton, Third Friday. 79 Grenadiers', London, Fourth Thursday. 81 Royal Clarence, Bristol, 2d, 4th and 5th Mondays 82 Unity, London, First Monday, 83 St. John's, Plymouth, First Tuesday 84 Unity, Lowestoft, Thursday before f. moon 85 Royal Jubilee, London, First Monday 87 Mount Lebanon, Southwark, London, Third Tuesday 88 Athol, Birmingham, First Wednesday. 89 Love and Honour, Falmouth, Second Monday. 90 Economy, Winchester, Second Wednesday'91 Freedom, Town Hall, Gravesend, 1st Monday, ENGLAND. 153 No LoDGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING 92 Imperial George, Middleton, Lancashire, Thursday after full moon 93 Pythagorean, Greenwich, Last Monday 95 St. John's, Sunderland, Second Tuesday 96 Doric, Woodbridge, Suffolk, First Thursday. 97 Foundation, Cheltenham, Gloucester, First Wednesday. 98 United Prudence, London, First Tuesday. 99 Doyle's Fellowship, Guernsey, Second Tuesday. 100 Faithful; Harleston, Norfolk, Second Friday. 101 Loyalty, Prescot, Lancashire, Wednesday before f. m. 103 Vitruvian, Lambeth, Second Wednesday 105 Scientific, Cambridge, Second Monday. 106 Unanimity, Dukenfield, Cheshire, Monday on or before f. m. 107 St. John's, Blackfriars, London, First Monday. 108 Regularity, Freemason's Tav. London, Second Thursday 109 Moira, London, Tavern, do. Fourth Tuesday 110 Social, Norwich, Second Tuesday. 111 Phoenix, Sunderland, 1st and 3d Wednesdays. 112 Eastern Star, London, Second Wednesday. 113 Burlington, Do Second Tuesday 114 Palatine, Bishop Wearmouth, 2d and fourth Thursdays 115 St. Martin's, Burslem, Tuesday near full moon I [6 Shakspeare, London, Fourth Thursday. 117 Friendship, Great Yarmouth, First Wednesday. 118 Temple, London, First Tuesday 119 Unanimity, North Walsham, Norfolk, Monday near full moon 120 Beaufort, Freemason's Hall, Bristol, 1st, 3d and 5th Tuesdays 121 St. John's, Underbank, Stockport, Second Monday. 122 Fortitude, Stonehouse, Second Wednesday 123 Sun, Exmouth, Devonshire, Second Monday. 124 Philanthropic, Lynn, Third Thursday 125 London, Freemason's Tav., London, First Saturday. 127 Loyal Cambrian, Merthyr Tydvil, 1st and third Thursdays 128 Restoration, Darlington, Last Thursday 129 St. George's, Exeter, Second Thursday 130 Unanimity, Preston, First Tuesday. 131 British Union, Ipswich, Monday on or bef. f. m. 133 Royal Lancashire, Colne, Lancashire, Thursday on or bef. f. m. 135 Salopian Charity, Shrewsbury, 2d and 4th Wednesdays 138 Grapes Inn, Whitehaven, First Monday. 141 Palladian, Hereford, First Tuesday. 142 Mount Sinai, Penzance, Third Tuesday. 143 Derbyshire, Longnor, Staffordshire, 154 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY, No. LODGE. LOCATION TIMs or MSETING. 144 Lennox, Richmond, Yorkshire, First Friday 146 Granby, Durham, 1st and third Tuesdays 147 Prince Edwin's, Hythe, Kent, Wednesday near f. moon 148 Silent Temple, Burnley, Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 149 Union, Margate, First Friday. 150 Prince Edwin's, Bury, Lancashire, Wednesday near f. moon 151 Union, Kendal, Second Tuesday 152 Royal Glosteri Southampton, 2d and fourth Thursdays 153 Fortitude, Truro, Second, Tuesday. 154 Unity, Ringwood, Hants, Thursday before full m. 155 Harmony, Feversham, 2d and fourth Mondays. 156 Caledonian, Cornhill, Second Wednesday. 157 Perpetual Friendship, Bridgewater, First Monday. 158 Good Report, Blackfriars, London, First Thursday. 160 Amity, Poole, Dorsetshire, Ist and 3d Wednesdays. 161 All Saints', Wooler, Northumberland, 162 Britannia, Sheffield, Second Wednesday 164 St. George's, Greenwich, Third Wednesday. 165 Faith, Pimlico, Last Tuesday. 166 St. Thomas's, Freemason's Tav., London, First Saturday. 167 Middlesex, London, Third Friday 168 St. Luke's, Chelsea, First Monday 169 Prudent Brethren, Freemason's Tav., London, Fourth Tuesday 170 Antiquity, Bolton-le-Moors, Second Wednesday. 172 Justice, Deptford, Do 173 Lights, Warrington, Lancashire, Last Monday 174 Peace, Meltham, Yorkshire, Saturday on or bef. f. m. 176 Albany, Newport, Isle of Wight, Wednesday near f. moon 177 Virtue, Manchester, Third Tuesday. 179 Unanimity, Wakefield, Yorkshire, First Monday. 181 Perseverance, Liverpool, Second Wednesday. 182 Harmony, Plymouth, First Monday. 183 Bedford, Freemason's Tav., London, Second Friday 184 Adam's, Blue Town, Sheerness, First Tuesday 185 Brunswick, East Stonehouse, First Wednesday 186 True Friendship, Rochford, Thursday on or bef. f. m. 188 Cadogan, Freemason's Tav, London, Third Tuesday 189 Integrity, Manchester, Last Wednesday 190 Perseverance, Sidmouth, First Wednesday. 194 Honor and Generosity, London, Third Saturday 195 Union, Do Second Friday 196 St. John's, Hampstea.d, Second Tuesday ENGLAND. 155 No LODGB. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETMGI 197 Mariners', Guernsey, Third Monday 198 Temperance, Cornhill, London, Third Thursday. 199 All Souls', Weymouth, 2d and fourth Fridays. 200 Amity, Greenwich, London, Third Tuesday. 201 Old Concord, Freemason's Tav., London, First Tuesday 202 Phoenix, Do do Third Wednesday. 203 Sincerity, Tower-hill, London, Do 204 East Medina, Ryde, Isle of Wight, Do 205 Caveac, Kensington, London, Second Wednesday. 206 Domatic, London, Second Monday. 207 Antiquity, Wigan, Lancashire, Monday on or before f. m. 209 Manchester, Lambeth, Third Thursday 211 St. James's Union, London, Second Tuesday 212 Universal, Freemason's Tav., London, Fourth Friday 215 Unity, London, Fourth Saturday. 216 United Chatham Chatham, First Tuesday 218 Tranquillity, Cornhill, London, Third Monday 219 Industry, London, Fourth Tuesday 221 Royal Sussex Hospitality, Bristol, 2d,4th & 5thWednesdays 223 Joppa, London, First Monday 224 Sincerity, East Stonehouse, Second Monday. 225 Oak, Blackfriars, London, Third Wednesday 226:St. John, Bury, Lancashire, Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 227 Lion and Lamb, Cornhill,'London, First Thursday. 228 Confidence, London, Second Monday. 229 St. Paul's, Do Third Tuesday 230 Hengist, Halts, Friday before full moon. 233 Jerusalem, Freemason's Tav., London, First Wednesday. 234 Percy, London Second Tuesday 235 Peace and Harmony, Dover, Second Wednesday 236 Old Globe, Scarborough, Yorkshire, Third Wednesday 237 Jordan, Freemason's Tav., London, Third Friday 238 Friendship, Devonport, Fourth Thursday. 245 AncierA Union, Liverpool, Third Thursday 246 Caledonian, Manchester, Second Wednesday. 247 Israel, Aldgate, London, Second Tuesday. 248 Friendship, Cornhill, do Second Thursday 251 Three Grand Principles, Dewsbury, York, Thursday on or bef. f. m. 252 Etonian, Windsor, Tuesday near full moon 254 Duke of Athol, Denton, Wedn. on or after f. m. 255 St. Michael's, Holborn, London, Second Tuesday. 257 Euphrates, Cornhill, do First Monday. 156 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. 0N. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 258 Perseverance, Norwich, Second Thursday. 259 Hope and Unity, Romford, First Thursday. 261 Commerce, Haslingden, Thursday after full moon 263 Harmonic, Liverpool, First Monday..64 Stability, Cornhill, London, First Tuesday. 266 Prudence, Todmorden, Lancashire, Thursday near full moon 267 Harmony, Much Woolton, Third Monday 268 St. John's, Bolton, Lancashire, Third Wednesday 269 St. Andrew's, London, Second Monday. ~70 Charity, Plymouth, Third Tuesday 272 St. Luke's, Ipswich, Second Wednesday 273 Benevolence, Littleboro', Tuesday after full moon a75 Ionic, London, First Thursday.,76 United Strength, Pimlico, Second Tuesday. 280 Fidelity, Tiverton, Devonshire, First Monday. 281 St. Andrew's, Freemason's Tav.,London, First Thursday 286 Nine Muses, Do do Second Tuesday. 287 Union, Masonic Hall, York, 1st and third Mondays. 288 Indefatigable, Swansea, Second Tuesday. 289 Pilgrim, London, Second Wednesday 292 St. Hild's, South Shields, Durham Second Monday. 294 Merchant's, Liverpool, First Monday. 298 St. George's, Doncaster, Last Friday 299 Loyalty, Guernsey, Third Wednesday 302 Farmers', Freemason's Hall, Jersey, First Monday 304 St. Georges's, Northumberland Fusileers,:06 Mechanics', Freemason's Hall, Jersey, Third Thursday 307 Royal Union, Cheltenham, 2d, 4th and 5th Fridays.:09 True Love & Unity, Brixham, Devonshire, 1st and 3d Wednesdays.;10 Mariners', Liverpool, First Thursday. 311 Minerva, Hull, Yorkshire, 3d and 4th Wednesdays 312 Loyal, Barnstaple, First Wednesday. 313 Harmonic, Dudley, First Tuesday. 315 Tyrian, Derby, Fourth Tuesday 316 Trinity, Coventry, 1st and third Mondays. 317 Harmony, Richmond, Surrey, Tuesday near full moon 318 Unions, Freemason's Tav, London, First Monday 319 Phoenix, Portsmouth, Fourth Wednesday 822 Amphibious, Heckmondwike, Wedn. on or before f. m. 324 Prince of Wales, London, Fourth Tuesday 327 Unanimity & Sincerity, Taunton, Somerset, Wedn. on or after f. m. 328 Salopian, Shrewsbury, Second Monday ENGLAND. 157 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. B29 Bank of England, Blackfriars, London, Second Thursday 330 Nelson of the Nile, Batley, Yorkshire, Monday on or before f. m. 332 Royal Yorkshire, Keighley, " First Monday. 333 Naphthali, Bury, Lancashire, Wednesday near f. moon 334 Unity, Macclesfield, Third Thursday 335 Union, Ludworth, Stockport, First Saturday. 336 Fidelity, Blackburn, Friday on or after f. m, 337 Faith and Friendship, Berkeley, Gloucestershire, First Monday 338 Royal Clarence, Brighton, Sussex, Third Friday. 339 Harmony, Freemason's Hall, Boston, Second Wednesday. 341 Tranquillity, Newchurch, Lancashire, Wedn. on or after f. m. 342 Harmony, Masonic Hall, Huddersfield, Thursday nearest f. m. 343 Good Fellowship, Chelmsford, Thursday on or bef. f. m. 344 Friendship, Oldham, Lancashire, Wedn. on or before f. m. 348 St. John's, Leicester, First Wednesday 349 Worcester, Worcester, 1st and third Thursdays 350 Fortitude, Lancaster, Second Wednesday 351 Bedford, Tavistock, Devonshire, First Monday 352 Amity, Haslingden, Lancashire 356 Shakspeare, Warwick,' Second Tuesday 357 Love and Honor, Shepton Mallet, Wednesday near f. moon 358 Samaritan, Baccup, Lancashire, 361 Unanimity, Stockport, Wedn. on or after f. m. 363 Harmony, Todmorden, Lancashire, Wednesday near f. moon 364 Fidelity, Freemason's Hall, Leeds,'Fourth Thursday. 365 Huddersfield, Huddersfield Wednesday near f. moon 366 School of Plato, Cambridge, Last Wednesday 367 Rural Philanthropic, Huntspill, Somerset, Friday on or before f. m 368 Sincerity, Liverpool, Second Monday. 370 King's Friends', Nantwich, Monday before full moon 371 Constitutional, Beverley, Yorkshire, 372 Combermere Union, Macclesfield, First Thursday. 373 Royal Brunswick, Sheffield, First Monday. 374 Witham, Masonic Hall, Lincoln, First Tuesday 375 Harmony, Rochdale, Thursday on or bef. f.m. 376 Emulation, Dartford, Kent, Last Tuesday. 377 Minerva, Ashton-under-Line, Thursday before full m. 378 Apollo, Alcester, Warwick, Wednesday near f. moon 379 Hope, Bradford, Yorkshire, Monday near full moon 380 Benevolent, Teignmouth, First Tuesday 382 Philanthropic, Leeds, Last Wednesday 383 Apollo, Beccles, Suffolk, Tuesday near full moon. 158 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 384 Alfred, West Bar, Leeds, First Friday 385 Prince Frederick, Hebdon-bridge, Yorkshire, Monday near full moon. 386 Prince George, Stansfield, " Second Monday 387 Harmony, Fareham, Hampshire, First Thursday 389 Union, Carlisle, Last Tuesday. 390 South Saxon, Freemason's Hall, Lewes, 1st and 3d Wednesdays. 391 Lion) Whitby, Yorkshire, Third Monday 392 United Friends, Yarmouth, Norfolk, Second Monday. 393 Peace and Unity, Preston, Fourth Tuesday 394 Royal York, Brighton, First Tuesday. 396 Unity, Peace and Concord, First Royal Regiment. 399 Affability, Manchester, First Thursday. 400 True and Faithful, Cornwall, First Monday 401 New Forest, Lymington, Wedn. on or before f. m. 402 Loyalty, Mottram, Cheshire, Saturday on or bef. f. m. 403 Unity, Crewe, Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 404 Peace, Stockport, First Wednesday. 405 Concord, Do Monday after full moon. 406 Moira, Staley-bridge, Cheshire, Wed'day on or after f. m. 407 St. John's, Eccles, Lancashire, 408 Moira, Freemason's Hall, Bristol, First Wednesday 409 Wigton St. John's, Wigton, Cumberland, Do 411 St. John's, Torquay, Devonshire, 1st and third Thursdays 412 Brotherly Love, Yeovil, Somersetshire, Wedn. on or before f m. 413 One and All, Bodmin, Cornwall, Monday on or after f. m. 415 Phoenix Honor and Prudence, Truro, Cornwall, Third Monday. 417 Virtue and Silence, Hadleigh, Suffolk, Friday on or before f. me 418 Royal Preston, Preston, Lancashire, 420 Rectitude,] Moncton Farleigh, Wiltshire, First Wednesday. 421 Benevolence, Marple, Cheshire, Tuesday on or after f. m. 422 Candor, Dobcross, Yorkshire, Friday on or before f. m. 423 Vitruvian, Ross, Herefordshire, First Monday. 424 Unanimity, Penrith, Cumberland, Second Monday 425 Alfred, Masonic Hall, Oxford, Tuesday on or near f. m. 426 Wellington, Rye, Sussex, Friday on or before f. m. 428 Royal Sussex, Freemason's Hall, Portsea, Third Wednesday 429 Concord, Preston, Lancashire, Third Tuesday 430 Faith, Radcliff-bridge, " Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 432 Perseverance, Blackburn, Monday after full moon 434 United Brethren, Mellor, Lancashire, Saturday near f. moon 435 Noah's Ark, Tipton, Second Thursday 436 St. John's, Bolton, Fourth Wednesday ENGLAND. 159 NO LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING 439 Charity, Kersley, Lancashire, Friday on or before f. m. 445 Orthes, Sixth Regiment of Foot, 446 Royal Sussex, Repton, Derbyshire, Monday on or before f m. 453 Do of Emulation, Swindon, Wiltshire, Friday nearest full moon. 459 Benevolence, Sherborne, Tuesday on or before f. m. 460 Apollo University, Masonic Hall,, Oxford, First Wednesday. 462 Peace and Harmony, Rumsey, Wednesday near f, m. 463 Pomfret, Northampton, 1st and third Thursdays 465 Industry, Hyde, Cheshire, Thursday near full moon 466 Doric, Grantham, First Friday. 469 Keystone, Facit, Lancashire, Wednesday after f. moon 472 Cambrian, Neath, Glamorganshire, 1st and third Tuesdays 474 Sto David's, Milford, Pembrokeshire, Friday before full moon. 478 Probity and Freedom, Smallbridge, Lancashire, Thursday nearest f. m. 479 Samaritan, Sandbach, Cheshire, Wedn. on or before f. m. 481 Lime Rock, Clithero, Lancashire, Wednesday next f. m. 486 St. George's, Chertsey, Surrey 508 Perseverance, Maryport, Second Tuesday. 509 Harmony, Budleigh, Devonshire, Second Wednesday. 511 Socrates, Huntingdon, Tuesday near full moon 521 Lambton, Durham, First Friday 522 Perfect Friendship, Ipswich, Third Wednesday 523 Hope and Charity, Masonic Hall, Kidderminster, Fourth Tuesday 525 Loyal Welsh, Pembroke Dock, Friday before full moon 528 Honor, Masonic Hall, Bath, Second Monday 529 Integrit Morley, Yorkshire, Wedn. on or before, f. m. 534 Harmony and Industry, Over-Darwen, Saturday near full moon 536 Royal Union, Uxbridge, Wednesday near f. m. 540 St. David's, Bangor, Third Tuesday 542 Unity, Wareham, Dorsetshire, First Thursday. 543 Airdale, Baildon, Yorkshire, Wedn. on or near f. m. 544 Prudence, Halesworth, Suffolk, Monday near full moon 554 St. David's, Berwick, First Tuesday. 555 Southampton, Freemason's Hall, Southampton, Do 556 Guy's, Leamington Priors, First Monday. 571 Royal Albion, First Rifle Brigade, 575 Royal Forest, Slaidburn, Yorkshire, Friday near full moon 576 Royal Sussex, Nottingham, 578 Hertford, Hertford, On or before full moon 580 Watford, Watford, Friday near full moon. 582 Oxford Light Infantry, 52d Regiment, Tuesday near full moon 586 Northern Counties, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1st Monday & 3d Wedn 160 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 591 Three Graces, Haworth, Yorkshire, Monday on or bef. f. m. 592 Stortford, Bishop's Stortford, Tuesday near f, moon. 593 Qrove, Ewell, Surrey, Saturday before f. moon. 594 Commercial, Nottingham, Second Monday 595 Holy Temple, Longtown, Cumberland, First Thursday 597 Union, Masonio Hall, Reading, Monday near full moon 603 Surrey, Reigate, Second Friday. 605 Faith and Unanimity, Dorchester, 1st and third Fridays. 606 Menturia, Masonic Hall, Hanley, First Tuesday. 607 St. Peter's, Wolverhampton, First Thursday. 610 Loyal Industry, Freemason's Hall, Southmolton, First Tuesday. 611 Yarborough, Gainsborough, First Monday. 614 Borough, Gateshead, Third Monday 615 Cestrian, Chester, Second Wednesday 617 Shakspeare, Spilsby, Thursday before f. moon 618 Wear, Cheste-le-Street, Durham, 2d and fourth Tuesdays. 620 Sincerity, Northwich, Cheshire, First Wednesday. 621 Royal Navy, Ramsgate, 1st and 3d Wednesdays. 623 Fidelity,.Hyde, Manchester, Tuesday near full moon. 624 St. George's, North Shields, First Monday. 625 Abbey, Nuncaton, Wednesday after f. m. 627 Hope, Brightlingsea, Essex, Monday on or bef. f. m. 630 Salisbury, Enfield, Friday before full moon 640 Science, Bourton, Dorsetshire, Thursday before f. moon. 642 Scientific, Bingley, Yorkshire, Monday of or after f. m. 645 Three Grand Principles, Cambridge, First Thursday 646 St. Peter's, Peterborough, Do 650 Union, Starcross, Saturday near full moon 651 Deva, Chester, First Tuesday. 652 Fidelity, Towcester, Thursday before f. moon 653 Benevolent, Wells, Somersetshire, First Thursday. 656 Loyal Anc. St.'James's,Thornton,Yorkshire, Monday on or before f m 657 Cecil, Hitchin, Thursday preced'g f. m. 658 Marquis of Granby, Eastwood, Nottingham, 1st and third Saturdays. 659 Cornubian, Cornwall, First Monday. 660 Sutherland, Burslem, Wednesday near f. m. 661 Frederick Unity, Croydon, Fourth Friday 662 Confidence, Castle Hedingham, Essex, Wed. on or before f. m. 663 Chigwell, Chigwell, Thursday on or bef. f. m. 666 Perseverance, Freemason's Hall, Kettering, Tuesday on or after f. m. 667 Union, Barnard Castle, First Thursday 669 West Norfolk, 54th Regiment, ENGLAND. 161 N LO. LOD LOCATION TIMIE OF MEETING. 670 Forester's Uttoxeter, Friday near full moon. 671 Loyal Monmouthb Freemason's Hall, Monmouth, First Tuesday 672 Aire ahd Calder, Goole, Yorkshire, Second Friday 674 Sutherland Unity, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Friday nearest full moon 675 Fortitude, Newton-Green, Cheshire, Wedn. on or before f. m. 676 Bank Terrace, Accrington, Tuesday near full moon. 680 East Surrey Concord, Croydon, First Thursday. 681 Verity,' Ripen, Yorkshire, First Tuesday 683 Cambrian, Haverfordwest, Friday next full moon. 687 Merit, Northampton, Last Thursday 688 Tudor, Saddleworth, Thursday after full moon 689 Light, Birmingham, Third Tuesday 690 Hundred of Elloe, Spalding, First Monday 693 Silurian, Newport, Monmouthshire, First Wednesday 694 Friendship and Sincerity, Shaftsbury, Thursday nearest f. m. 696 Faithful, Birmingham, Second Tuesday 698 St. John the Baptist, Luton, Bedfordshire,'Friday near full moon 699 St. Peter's, Carmarthen, First Friday 701 Mersey, Birkenhead, Cheshire,'Second Thursday 702 Churchill, Nuneham, near Oxford, 706 St, Peter's, Byker, near Newcastle-on-Tyne, 2d and fourth Mondays 707 St. James's, Handsworth, Staffordshire, First Monday 709 Sympathy, Town Hall Gravesend, First Monday, 711 Faith, Ashton-in-Makerfield, Wedn. on or before f. m. 717 Portsmouth, Portsmouth, Second Thursday 719 Benevolence, Bideford, Devonshire, Second Monday. 722 Royal Sussex, Masonic Hall, Jersey, Second Thursday 724 Royal Lebanon, Freemason's Hall, Gloucester, First Tuesday 725 Virtue and Honor, Axminster, Tuesday on or bef. f. m. 726 North Hants, 37th Regiment, Third Monday 727 Wakefield, Wakefield, Second Wednesday. 728 Peace and Harmony, St. Austle, Cornwall, Wedn. on or after f. m. 729 Social Friendship, 89th Regiment Third Thursday 730 Royal Standard, Dudley, Second Tuesday 739 Rectitude, Rugby, Second Monday. 741 Belvidere, Maidstone, Second Tuesday 742 Berkhampstead, Berkhampstead, Hertford, First Wednesday. 744 Munday Glove, Shipley, Derbyshire, Second Tuesday 745 United Pilgrims, Kennington, Lambeth, Fourth Wednesday 749 Tees, Stockton, Durham, First Thursday. 750 St. Martin's, Liskeard, Cornwall, Second Tuesday. 751 Prince Edwin's, Eye, Suffolk, Thursday near full moon 162 UNIVERSAL MASONIO DIRECTORY. No. LOeDG. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 752 Zetland, Kensington, London, Second Wednesday. 757 Phoenix, Stowmarket, Third Friday. 763 Truth, Huddersfield, First Friday 765 Roden, Wem, Salop, First Monday. 766 John of Gaunt Leicester, Third Wednesday 769 Honor, Wolverhampton, Second Monday 771 Integrity, 14th Regiment of Foot, Second Thursday. 772 Semper Fidelis, Worcester, First Monday. 774 St. Helen's, Hartlepool, urham, First Friday. 777 Eaton, Congleton, Cheshire, Wednesday near f. moon 778 Polish National, Freemason's Tav., London, Second Thursday. 782 Zetland, Birkenhead, Third Wednesday 784 La Tolerance, Freemason's Tav, London, First Tuesday. 785 Ancholme, Brigg, Lincolnshire, Thursday nearest f. m. 786 St. Matthew, Walsall, Staffordshire, First Tuesday 787 Stuart, Bedford, Last Wednesday 788 Royal Burnham, Burnham, Thursday on or bef. f. m. 793 De Loraine, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1st and third Fridays. 795 Cleveland, Stokesley, Yorkshire, First Monday. 802 Rural, Chardstock, Dorsetshire, Third Thursday. 803 Etruscan, Longton, Staffordshire, Second Thursday 805 Wellington, Lewisham, Second Tuesday. 8.06 Castlemartin, Pembroke, Second Wednesday 809 Yarbotough, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, Tuesday near full moon 812 Do London, First Thursday. 813 Fidelity, Southwold, Suffolk, Friday near full moon 815 Loyal Victoria, Callington, Cornwall, Last Monday 816 Temple, Folkestone, Monday near full moon, 817 North Essex, Bocking, Monday before full moon 818 Samares, St. Helier's, Jersey, First Tuesday 819 Clive, Bromsgrove, Monday near full moon 820 Zetland, Guisborough, Second Friday..824 Stability, Stourbridge, Fourth Tuesday 827 St. Germain, Selby, First Friday. 828 Unity, Warwick, Third Tuesday 829 Hammond, Guernsey, First Tuesday. 830 Fitz Roy, London, Fourth Friday 838 Perseverance, Dudley, Last Wednesday 839 Loyal Berkshire of Hope, Newbury, First Friday. 840 Forest, Mansfield, Second Tuesday. 845 Harmony, Ormskirk, First Wednesday. 847 Faith, Openshaw, Lancashire, Third Wednesday ENGLANDo 163 o. Lo. LLOCTIO. LATI TIE oF MEETING. 856 Elias de Durham, Freemason's Hall, Salisbury, Second Wednesday. 857 Howe, Birmingham, Second Wednesday, 858 St. Botolph's, Boston, Lincolnshire, First Thursday 859 Druids' Love and Liberality, Redruth, Cornwall, Fourth Monday 860 La Cesaree, Masonic Hall, Jersey, Do 861 Buckingham, Aylesbury, Last Monday. 862 Cotteswold, Cirencester, Third Wednesday 863 St. Ann's, Alderney, Second Wednesday 864 Downshire, Liverpool, Fourth Thursday. 869 Hlibernia, Holyhead, First Mondhy 873 Cherwell, Banbury, Fourth Monday 874 Harmony, Bradford, Yorkshire, Third Thursday 875 St. John's, Wellington, Shropshire, First Friday. 876 North York, Middlesbro-on-Tees,Yorkshire, Last Friday 877 Zetland, Cleckheaton, Yorkshire, Friday on or after f. m. 878 Mariners', Littlehampton, Second Wednesday 880 Combermere, Liscard, Cheshire, First Saturday. 881 Segontium, Caernarvon, Tuesday after full moon 882 Victoria, Carlisle, First Tuesday. 883 Chichely, Thrapston, Northampton, Monday near full moon 886 Colston, Freemason's Hall, Bristol, Third Wednesday 887 Marches, Ludlow, Monday near full moon 889 Unity, Southport, Lancashire, Monday on or before f. m. 898 St. John and St. Paul's, Sandgate, Kent, Tuesday near full moon 899 London and N. W. Fidelity, Crewe, Cheshire. 902 Beadon, Kew Bridge, Ealing, Third Wednesday 905 St. Cuthberga, Wimborne, Dorsetshire, 2d and 4th Wednesdays 907 Abbey, Burton-upon-Trent, Wedn. on or before f. m. 908 Devonshire, Glossop, Derbyshire, Monday on or before f. mn 909 Lansdown Unity, Calne, Wiltshire, Second Tuesday 910 South Suffolk, Clare, Suffolk, Thursday near full moon 913 St. Cuthbert's, Howden Yorkshire, Second Thursday 914 Methuen, New Swindon, First Tuesday. 915 Concord, Trowbridge, Tuesday near full moon 916 Yarborough, Salford, L.ncashire, Second Monday. 919 De Ogle, Morpeth, Second Thursday 920 Portland, Stoke-upon-Trent, First Thursday 926 Royal, Bellevue-ter, Filey, Second Monday 928 Cheetham Crumpsall, Crumpsall, First Thursday 935 Star in the East, Harwich, Second Tuesday 936 Brecknock, Brecon, Last Saturday 937 Holme Valley, Holmfirth, Friday next f. moon 164 UNIMVE-RSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE., LOCATION. TIAIE OF MEETING. 940 Feveril of the Peak, New Mills, Derby, Wed. on or bef. f. m. 955 Canonbury, Canonbury Tavern, Islington. 2d Thursday 957 Blagdon, Blyth, Northumberland, 2d Wednesday 958 Camalodunum, Freemasons' H-all, NewiMalton, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 959 Fawcett, Seaham Harbor, Monday next f. moon 960 Dartmouth, West Bromich, Stafford, 2d Friday 961 Wiltshire of Fidelity, Town Hall Devizes, 2d Thursday 963 Montagu, Lion Hotel, Lyme Reigs, 2d Monday 964 Benevolence, Princetown, Dartmoor, 1st Saturday 965 Alliance, Roby, 1st Tuesday 971 St. John's, Caledonian Hotel, Liverpool, 1st Wednesday 976 Earl Ellesmere, Bowling Green Inn, Fanworth, 2d Wednesday 979 St. David's, Queen's Hotel, Glamorgan, 3d Wednesday 980 Sefton, Queen's Hotel, Waterloo, 3d Tuesday 981 Scarsdale, Star Inn, Chesterfield, Derby, 1st Thursday 983 Isca, Lodge Room, Newport, 3d Monday 985 Northumberland, Newcastle on Tyne, 1st Tuesday 986 Jerusalem, Freemasons' Hall, Bristol, 2d Tuesday 995 Oakley, Black Boy, Basingstoke, 1st Monday 996 St. Teilo, Llandilo, 3d Thursday 997 St. Bartholomew, Dartmouth Arms Hotel, 3d Wednesday 998 United, George Hotel, Colchester, 2d Wednesday 999 Ryde, Masonic Hall, Isle of Wight, Last Wednesday 1000 Boscawen, Chacewater, Cornwall, 4th Monday 1002 Nelson, Red Lion, Woolwich, 3d Wednesday 1004 Sherborne, Royal George Hotel, Stroud, 2d Wednesday 1005 Clifton, Railway Hotel, Blackpool, 3d Saturday 1006 Camden, Assembly House Tavern, Kentish Town, 3d Tuesday 1008 Florence Nightingale, Freemasons' Tavern, Woolwich, 1st Wednesday 1009 St. Mary's, Bull Inn, Bridgeport, Last Thursday 1010 Carnarvon, Mitre Inn, Hampton Court, 2d Wednesday 1011 Invicta, George Hotel, Ashford, 1st Wednesday 1012 Pleiades, Seven Stars HIotel, Totnes, Thurs. on or bef. f. m. 1014 Lindsey, Public Building, Louth, Friday after full moon 1017 Panmure, Pembury Tavern,H-ackney,3d Saturday 1022 Panmure, Swan Tavern, Stockwell, 3d Monday 1023 Independence, Pied Bull, Chester, Last Tuesday 1025 Panmure, Royal Hotel, Aldershot, 1st Thursday 1026 Derby, Derby Arms Hotel, Bootle, 4th Wednesday ENGLAND. 165 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TimE OF MEETING. 1027 Stoneleigh, King's Arms Hotel, Kenilworth, 1st Wednesday 1028 Stafforshire Knot, Grand Junction Hotel, Stafford, 1st Thursday 1032 Ellesmere, Red Lion Hotel, Chorley, 1st Wednesday 1033 Aboretum, Aboretum Hotel, Derby, 2d W ednesday 1034 iRoyalBrunswick, Old Ship Hotel, Brighton, 2d Thursday 1035 W'esburne, Manor House Tavern, Paddington, 3d Thursday 1036 Londesborough, Freemasons' Hall, Bridlington, 1st Thursday 1039 Wentworth, Hind Hotel, Wellingborough, 2d Monday aft. f. m. 1044 Crystal Palace, Crystal Palace, Sydenham,lst Thursday 1045 Meridian, H..'s 31st IReg. of Foot,2d Friday 1051 Belgrave, Gun Tavern, Pimlico, 2d Wednesday 1052 Friendship, Private Room,Cleckheaton, Monday nearest f. m. 1053 Estnor, Feathers Hotel, Ledbury, 2d Monday 1055 Prince Frederick William, St. John's Wood, 4th Wednesday 1056 High Cross, Railway Hotel, Tottenham,2d and 4th Friday 1960 Ellesmere, Royal Hotel, Runcorn, Monday on or bef. mn. 1063 St. John's, Old Bell Inn, Dursley 1st Tuesday 12 IRELAND. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. Grand Masters') Freemasons' Hall,?Dublin, 2d Friday 1 Cork, 1st Monday 2 Freemasons' Hall, Dublin, do 3 Cork, 5th of month 4 Freemasons' -Hall, Dublin, 4th Tuesday 5 Waterford, 1st Monday 6 Freemasons' Hall, Dublin, 3d Saturday 7 Seventh Dragoon Guards, 8 Cork' 2d Monday 9 Belfast, Antrim co 2d Thursday 10 do do 2d Thursday 12 Freemasons' Hall, Dublin, 3d Thursday 13 Limerick, 1st Saturday 14 Galway, 1st Thursday 15 Skibbereen, Cork co 1st Monday 16 }iamoan, Antrim co do 17 Vowferry, do do 18 Newry, Down co 2d Tuesday 19 Ballycastle, Antrim co 1st Monday 20 Sligo, 1st Thursday 21 Castlebar, Mayo co 3d Wednesday 22 Belfast, Antrim co 3d Thursday 23 Newry, Down co 3d Tuesday 24 Drumlough, Down co 25 Freemasons' Hall, Dublin, 2d Monday 26 26th Regiment, 27 Castle Townsend, Cork co 28 Antrim, "Monday on or bef. f. m. 29 Donaghadee, Down co 1st Tuesday 30 Killyleigh, do do 31 Massareen, Antrim co Friday on or after f. m. 32 Waterford, 1st Thursday 35 Saintfield, Down co Tuesday next f. moon 36 36th Regiment, IRELAND. 167 NO. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME or MEETING. 37 Kilkenny, 1st Thursday 38 Ballintoy, Antrim co 1st Monday 39 Armagh, 2d Thursday 40 Belfast, Antrim co 1st Thursday 41 Lame, do Wed. on or before f. m, 43 Carrickfergus, Antrim co 44 Clonmel, Tipperary co 1st Tuesday 45 Glenarm, Antrim co Thursday on orbef. f.m. 46 Comber, Down co Tuesday next f. moon 47 Dundalk, Louth co 2d Monday 48 Bushmills, Antrim co 1st Monday 49 Charleville, Cork co 1st Tuesday 50 Freemasons' Hall, Dublin, 4th Thursday 51 Belfast, Antrim co 2d Weldnesday 52 Londonderry, 2d Tuesday 54 Belfast, Antrim co 2d Friday 55 Tipperary, 56 Oldstone, Antrim co WVed. on or after f m. 57 Ballymoney, do 1st Friday 58 Belfast, do 1st Wednesday 59 do do 1st Tuesday 60 Ennis, Clare co 63 20th Regiment, 64 Cross, Antrim co 1st Monday 65 72d Regiment, 6 Tralee, Kerry co 67 Cork, 2d Monday 68 Youghal, Cork co 1st Thursday 69 Londonderry, 1st Tuesday 70 Warringsford, Down co 1st Wednesday 71 Cork, 3d Monday 72 Broughgammon, Antrim co 1st Monday 73 Limerick, 1st Wednesday 74 Hollywood, Down co 75 Skerry, Antrim co 76 Longford, 77 Newry, Down co 2d Monday 78 Castleblaney, Mongahan co 1st Monday 79 Tanderagee, Armagh co 80 Loughbrickland, Down co 81 Garvagh, Londonderry co 2d Tuesday 82 Portadown, Armagh co 168 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 83 83d Regiment, 84 Bandon, Cork co 1st Wednesday 85 Shercock, Cavan co 2d Wednesday 86 Downpatrick, Down co Third Wednesday 87 Billy, Antrim co First Monday 88 Belfast, Antrim co First Monday 89 Ballycastle, Antrim co First Monday 90 Cavan, Cavan co Second Tuesday 91 4th Regiment, 92 Donegore, Antrim co 93 Freemasons' Hall, Dublin, Third Friday 94 Kilwaughter, Antrim co 95 Cork, Cork co 96 Armoy, Antrim co First Monday 97 Belfast, Antrim co First Monday 98 Newtownbreda, Down co First Saturday 100 Freemasons' -THall, Dublin, Second MIonday 101 Athlone, Westmeath co First Wednesday 102 Lifford, Donegal co Second Friday 103 Newtownbreda, Down co 104 Portaferry, Down co Thursday next f. moon 105 Tanderagee, Armagh co 106 Lame, Antrim co 107 Ennistymon, Clare co 108 Pomeroy, Tyrone co Third Wednesday 109 Loughany, Down co First Monday 110 Kilrea, Londonderry co First Friday 111 Belfast, Antrim co Second Thursday 112 Lisburn, Antrim co 113 Killyleigh, Down co First Monday 114 Pilltown, Kilkenny co 116 Carlow, Carlow co First Monday 117 Killinchy, Down co 118 Belfast, Antrim co 119 Banbridge, Down co First Friday 121 Ballymullen, Antrim co 122 Dungannon, Tyrone co First Tuesday 124 Ballydown, Down co Last Tuesday 125 Freemasons' H-all, Dublin, Fourth Wednesday 128 39th Regiment, 130 64th Regiment, 131 Mullingar, Westmeath co Second Thursday IRELAND. 169 N0. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 132 Freemasons' Hall, Dublin, First Wednesday 133 Comber, Down co Monday next f. moon 134 Lurgan, Armagh co Second Monday 135 Glenavy, 136 Ballygowan, Down co 137 Ballinasloe, Galway co Second Wednesday 138 82d Regiment, 139 Mount Mellick, Queen's co First Monday 140 Crumlin, Antrim co Tuesday next f. moon 141 Freemasons' Hall, Dublin, Third Tuesday 142 Castlewellan, Down co Last Tuesday 143 Freemasons' Hall, Dublin, Second Wednesday 144 Kilkeel, Down co First Monday 145 Carrickmacross, Monaghan co 146 Lisbelnagroagh, Antrim co First Monday 147 Kilrea, Londonderry co 148 Cogry, Antrim co Saturday on or bef. f. m. 150 Rathdowney, Queen's co Second Monday 152 Chatham Hall, Antrim co First Monday 153 Freemasons' Iall, Dublin, Last Monday 154 Belfast, Antrim co First Wednesday 155 Hilltown, Down co First Friday 156 Bandon, Cork co 158 Ballinrobe, Mayo co 160 Craigarogan, Antrim co Friday next full moon 161 Wicklow, Wicklow co Second Tuesday 162 Islandmagee, Antrim co 163 Parsontown, King's co First Monday 164 Londonderry, First Friday 165 Comber, Down co Monday next full moon 167 Athy, Kildare co First Tuesday 168 Ballywatermoy, Antrim co 169 Moneymore, Londonderry 170 Crawfurgsburn, Down co Tuesday next f. m. 171 Freemason's Hall, Dublin, First Tuesday 173 Grey Abbey, Dublin co Monday next full moon 174 Stewartstown, Tyrone, 175 Raloo, Antrim co 176 88th Regiment, 177 Ballynure, Antrim co Tuesday on or aft. f. m. 178 Lisburn, " 182 Magheramorne, Antrim co 170 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TInE OF MEETING. 183 Grey Abbey, Down co 184 Drum, Monaghan co Second Mlonday 186 Knockbracken, Antrim co 187 Drurmkeerin, Leitrim co First Tuesday 189 Connor, Antrim co 190 Queenstown, Cork co Second Wednesday 191 Hillsborough, Down co 192 Ballybay, Monaghan co First Tuesday 193 Carrowdore, Down co'Wednesday next f. m. 194 Bucknaw, Antrim co 195 Belfast, Antrim co Third Thursday 196 Carndonagh, Donegal co 197 Dundrurn, Down co First Thursday 198 Newtownards, Down co Tuesday next f. m. 199 Five-mile-town, Tyrone co First Tuesday 200 Clonmel, Tipperary co Fourth Wednesday 201 Nenagh, Tipperary co First Thursday 202 Newcastle, Limerick co, do do 203 Magherally, Down co First Friday 205 Naas, Kildare co Second Wednesday 207 Ovoca, Wicklow co 210 Caledon, Tyrone co 213 Millvale, Armagh co 216 Carnlow, Antrim co 217 Ballina, Mayo co Last Thursday 218 48th Regiment, 219 Portatown, Armagh co First Tuesday 228 Gorey, Wexford co 229 Dervock, Antrim co First Monday 233 Ballymote, Sligo co do do 242 Boyle, Roscommon co First Thursday 243 Garvagh, Derry co 245 Freemasons' Hall, Dublin Second Tuesday 246 Broughshane, Antrim co Monday on or aft. f. n. 247 Madderow, Down co 248 Roscommon, Second Monday 254 Hollywood, Down co 255 Ballyeaston, Antrim co 256 Cumberclady, Londonderry co Second Friday 257 Ballynure, Antrim co 272 Belfast, Antrim co Second Monday 273 14th Light Dragoons, IRELAND. 171 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME or MEETING. 276 Straid, Antrim co Wedn. on or bef. f. m. 280 Moyarget, Antrim co First Monday 284 40th Regiment, 287 Ballyshannon, Donegal co 290 Randalstown, Antrim co 300 Belturbet, Cavan co 306 Banagher, King's co Second Monday 308 Ballymahon, Longford co First Tuesday 309 Newtownbreda, Down co Second Tuesday 310 Killeshandra, Cavan co 311 Templemore, Tipperary co Third Friday 314 MIealough, Down co Tuesday next f. m. 317 Ballyclare, Antrim co 321 Tullamore, King's co First Tuesday 322 29th Regiment, 332 Omagh, Tyrone co Second Friday 333 Limerick, First Saturday 334 Gillygoolly, Tyrone, co First Wednesday 335 Broomhedge, Armagh co Last Saturdays 336 Banbridge, Down co First Tuesdays 337 Bushmills, Antrim co First Monday 340 Strokestown, Roscommon co 351 Moonaghan, Monaghan co Second Tuesday 352 Castleblaney, First Thursday 354 49th Regiment, 355 Tamlaght, Londonderry co 356 Maze, Antrim co 364 Ballymena, Antrim co 367 Downpatrick; Down co First Wednesday 372 Gillhall, Down co do do 373 Killarney, Kerry co 374 Carareagh, Antrim co First Monday 375 Aughnadarragh, Down co Tuesday next f. m, 379 Tralee, Kerry co First Monday 384 Dundalk, Louth co First Wednesday 385 Cloghnakilty, Cork co First Tuesday 388 67th Regiment, 394 Craigmnore, Armagh co 395 Charlemont, Tyrone co 398 Maryborough, Queen's co Second Tuesdays 401 Monaghan, Monaghan co Second Mondays 402 Abbeyleix, Queen's co Second Thursdays 172 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 405 Ballyconnell, Cavan co 407 aRamelton, Donegal co Second Monday 409 Armagh, Armagh co 411 Droghecla, Louth co Second Thursday 414 Bushmills, Antrim co First Monday 430 Ballyclare, Antrim co Friday on or bef. f. m. 431 Ballmena, Antrim co First Friday 441 38th Regiment, 447 Newtownards, Down co 450 Droheda, Louth co First Tuesday 453 Callowhill, Cavan co First Monday 470 Cookstown, Tyrone co Tuesday on or aft. 21st 494 Freemasons' Hall, Dublin, Third Monday 500 do do Fourth Thursday 510 28th Regiment, 513 Ligoniel, Antrim co Saturday next full m. 531 Moneymore, Londonderry co 532 Curran, do 537 Culleybackey, Antrim, co 544 Ballykeel, Down co 547 Newtownstewart, Tyrone, First Thursday 555 Fermoy, Cork co First Monday 556 Mloneyrea, Down co Wednesday next f. in. 560 Belturbet, Cavan co 561 Coronary, do 565 Lambeg, Antrim co First Saturday 570 5th Dragoon Guards 574 Killygore, Antrim co 577 6th Dragoon Guards, 588 Donegal, Donegal co First londay 589 Island of Inch, Londonderry co 591 Donegal, Donegal co 602 Derriaghy, Antrim co 606 Cargycreevy, do 607 13th Dragoons, 609 Belfast,,Antrim co Last Friday 613 Magherafelt, Londonderry co 515 Larne, Antrim co 620 Salthill, Dublin co Second Wednesday 623 Armagh, Armagh co First do 424 Killinchy, Down co Monday next f. m. 628 Cootehill, Cavan co IRELAND. 173'0o. LO DG. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETIN'. 633 Londoncerry, 640 do 642 Kilkenny, First Thursday 645 Carnmoney, Antrim co 646 Durrow, Queen's co First Tuesday 652 Lambeg, Antrim co 655 Ballymoney, do 659 Lisnod, do 660 Mountmiellick, Queen's co First Wednesday 669 Dungiven, Antrim co 672 Glenally, Tyrone co 675 Donaghdee, Down co Tuesday next f. m. 676 Ballymena, Antrim co Monday on or after f.m. 682 Lisburn, do First Wednesday 683 Ballykeel, Down co First Thursday 696 Mullyglass, do 697 Warrenpoint, do First Tuesday 704 Ahoghill, do 705 Castlederg, Tyrone co 719 Newtownlimavady, Derry, 728 Freemasons' Hall, Dublin, Third Friday 732 Dromore, Down co 744 Carrigallen, Leitrim co 746 Bangor, Down co First Wednesday 753 Rooskey, Cavan co 754 Coleraine, Derry co 775 Ballymena, Antrim co Second Monday 783 Dunmurry, do 788 Carncastle, do Friday on or bef. f. no, 789 English, Armagh co 790 Newbliss, Monaghan co Third Wednesday 794 do do First Tuesday 795 Ashfield, Cavan co First Wednesday 796 Bailieboro', do First Thursday 798 Sion Bridge, Tyrone co 799 Castlederg, do 804 Cleffany, Fermanagh co Second Tuesday 811 Denigh, Antrim co 819 Ederney, Fermanangh co First Monday 854 Carrick-on-Shannon, Leitrim, do 860 Ballyrobin, Antrim co Monday next full im. 877 Arklow, Wicklow co First Tuesday 174 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY NO. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETIN G. 881 Clones, Monaghan co Second Tuesday 891 Enniskillen, Fermanagh co First Friday 895 71st Regiment, 909 Killifaddy, Tyrone co 919 Drumshambo, Leitrim co 935 Wexford, Wexford co First Thursday 941 Articlave, Londonderry co 957 RLedhills, Cavan co 978 Ballylesson, Down co Second Monday 996 Mohill, Leitrim co 1000 Conlig, Down co Monday next full moon 1008 Portrush, Antrim co First Monday 1009 Clough, Down co First Tuesday 1012 Carrickfergus, Antrim co Saturday on or aft. f. m 1014, Ballycarry, ISLE OF IAN. UNDER GRAND LODGE OF IRELAND. 123 Douglass, Wed. on or bef. f. m. 212 Castletown, Monday after full moon ISLE/ OF JERSEY. UNDER GRAND LODGE OF IRELAND. St. Helier's, Third londay SCOTLAND. NO. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. Ancient or Mother, Kilwinning, 1 Maary's Chapel, Edinburgh, Second Tuesday 2 Canongate Kilwinning, Canongate, Wednesdays 3 Scoon and Perth, Scoon and Perth, 3-2 St. John, G-lasgow, Ist and 3d Tuesdays 4 Glasgow Kilwinning, Glasgow, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 5 Canongate and Leith, Leith and Canongate,First Tuesday 6 Old Kilwinning St. John, Inverness, 7 Hamilton Kilwining1,Hamilton, First Thursday 8 Journeymen, Edinburgh, Second Thursday 9 Dunblane, Dunblane, 10 Dalkeith Kilwinning, Dalkeith, 12 Greenock Kilwinning, Greenock, 13 Torpichen Kilwinning, Bathgate, 14 St. John, Dunkeld, 15 Montrose Kilwinning, Montrose, First Wednesday 17 Ancient Brazen, Linlithgow, Second Tuesday 18 Kilwinning St. John, Dumbarton, Last Thursday 19 St. John, Cupar-of-Fife, 20 St. John, Lesmahagow, First Monday 21 Old St. John Lanark, 22 Kilmarnock, Kilmarnock, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 23 Dunse, Dunse, 24 Peebles Kilwinning, Peebles, Last Friday 25 St. Andrew, St. Andrew's, 26 Dumferline, Dumferline, 27 St. Mungo, Glasgow, 1st and 3d Fridays 28 Kirkintilloch, Kirkintilloch, 30 Stirling, Stirling, First Tuesday 32 St. John, Selkirk, 33 Aitchison's-haven, Aitchison's-haven, 34 Aberdeen, Aberdeen, 35 St. John, Falkland, 36 St. David, Edinburgh, Third Tuesday 37 St. John Operative, Forres, First Tuesday 176 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LoD)(E. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 38 St. Michael, Crieff, 38 Kirkwall, Kilwinning, Orkney, 39 Kilsyth, Kilsyth, 40 St. Thomas, Arbroath, Second Wednesday 41 St. Cuthbert, Kircudbright, 43 Fort William, Fort William, Second Tuesday 44 St. Luke's, Edinburgh, 45 Kilmollymock, Elgin, Second Tuesday 46 St. John, Auchterarder, 47 Ancient Operative, Dundee, First Monday 48 St. Andrew, Edinburgh, 49 Ancient, Dundee, First Tuesday 50 St. John, Inverary, 51 Loudon, Newmills, Last Friday 52 St. Andrew, Banff, 53 Dumfries Kilwinning, Dumfiies, 54 St. Machar, Aberdeen, 1st and 3d Mondays 55 Brodie's, Dyke, 56 Keith, Peterhead, Wednesdays 57 St. John Kilwinning, Haddington, First Thursday 58 Kelso, Kelso, 60 St. John, Inverkeithing, 62 Thistle, Dumfries, First Friday 63 St. Michael, Dumfries, 65 Stonehaven, Stonehaven, 66 St. Ninian, Brechin, 67 Forbes, Rosehearty, 68 Doric, Port Glasgow, 69 Alloa, Alloa, First Monday 70 St. Abb, Ayemouth, First Tuesday 72 Kirkealdy, Kirkcaldy, First Tuesday 73 Thistle and Rose, Glasgow, 1st and 3d Tuesdays 74 St. Andrew, Perth, 75 Dunbar Castle, Dunbar, First Wednesday 76 Royal Arch, Stirling, 77 St. Regulus, Cupar-of-Fife, 78 St. David, Dundee, First Wednesday 79 St. Andrew, Annan, First Wednesday 80 Fort George, 31st Regiment, 81 Musselburgh Kilwinning, Musselburgh, 82 St. Duthus, Tain, 83 St. Andrew, Crail, SCOTLAND. 177 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 84 Ceres, Ceres, 85 Kirknewton and Ratho, Kirknewton, 86 Navigation, Troon, 87 Thistle, Glasgow, First Wednesday 88 Montrose, New Monkland, Airdrie, First Thursday 89 Morton's, Lerwick, 90 Forfar Kilwinning, Morrison's Hotel, 91 Elgin, Leven, First'Tuesday 92 St. John Operative, Banff, Seaton, Tuesdays and Fridays 93 St. Nicholas, Aberdeen, 1st and 3d Wednesdays 95 St. Ayle, Anstruther, 97 St. James Operative, Edinburgh, First Thursday 99 Glammis, Glammis, First Wednesday 100 St. Magdalene, Lochmaben, First Monday 101 St. Vigean, Arbroath, 102 St. Mark, Glasgow, 1st and 3d Mondays 103 Union and Crown, Glasgow, First Tuesday 105 Operative, Cupar-Angus, 106 Lindores, Newburgh, 107 Eskdale Kilwinning, Langolm, Last Friday 108 Fortrose, Stornaway, 110 St. Andrew, Aberdeen, 112 St. John, Fisherrow, 113 Mt. Steuart Kilwinning, Greenock, 114 Royal Arch, Cambuslang, First Friday 116 Royal Arch, Rutherglen, First Friday 117 St. Mary, Glasgow, Second Friday 118 St. Bride, Douglas, 119 St. John, Johnshaven, 120 St. Peter, Montrose, 121 St. Cyre, Auchtermuchty, 122 Royal Arch, Perth, Second Monday 123 St. James, Brechin, 124 Ayr, Kilwinning, First Monday 126 St. Andrew, Kilmarnock, Last Tuesday 127 Thistle, Stewarton, 128 St. John, Glasgow, Second Tuesday 129 St. Miirin,'Paisley, First Monday. 130 Monitgomerie Kilwinning, Eaglesham, 132 St. Luke, Lauder, First Wednesday 134 Robertson's, Cromarty, 135 St. James, Tarbolton, 178 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 136 St. Lawrence, Laurencekirk, 140 Operative, Dumfries, 141 St. John, Campbelton, First Wednesday 144 St. Lawrence, Forres, 145 St. Stephen, Edinburgh, Second Monday 147 Cadder Argyle, Chryston, Glasgow, Second Friday 148 Trinity, Elgin, 1st Tuesday 149 St. Andrew's, Irvine, 150 Operative, Aberdeen, 151 Defensive Band, Edinburgh, 4th Tuesday 152 Operative, Dunkeld, 153 Royal Arch, Pollockshaws, 156 St. Barchan, Kilbarchan, 1st Friday 157 St. John, Beith, 1st Thursday 158 Thistle Operative, Dundee, 159 Royal Arch Union; 3d Regiment Dragoons, 160 Roman Eagle, Edinburgh, 3d Wednesday 161 St. Stephen, Gatehouse of Fleet, 1st Friday 162 St. John, New Abbey, do 164 Old Aberdeen, Aberdeen, 165 Royal Arch, Ayr, 1st Thursday 166 St. John, Airdrie, 1st Wednesday 167 Free Operatives, Biggar, 169 Thistle and Rose, Stevenston, 170 St. John, Dumbarton, 171 St. James, Doune, 172 St. Brice, Kirkcaldy, 173 St. John, Largs, 1st Monday 174 do Dunning, 175 do Greenock, Fridays 176 Denny and Loanhead, 177 St. James, Old Monkland, 178 St. Patrick, Glasgow, 1st Thursday 179 St. Mungo, Mauchline, 181 Hopetoun, Bathgate, 3d Tuesday 182 Incorporated Kilwinning, Montrose, 185 St. Adrian, Pittenween, Last Thursday 187 St. John, Carluke, 4th Tuesday, 190 St. George, Aberdeen, Every other Tuesday 192 St. John, Muthil, 193 St. John Operative Rothes, 195 Caledonia St. John R. A. Campsie, SCOTLAND. 179 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 198 Royal Arch, Maybole, 1st Wednesday 199 St. Andrew, Cumbernauld, Last Friday 203 Operative, Airdrie, 204 St. Paul, Ayr and Renfrew Militia, 2d Monday 205 St. Winnock, Garthland, 210 St. Andrew, Newtown-Ayr, 215 do Strathaven, 216 Stow, Stow, 217 Cumberland, Kilwinning, Port Glasgow, Last Friday 219 Star, Glasgow, Ist and 3d Mondays 222 Royal Thistle, First Regiment, 224 Innocents, Cullen, 1st Thursday 225 Forfar and Kincardine, Dundee, 226 Portobello, Portobello, 3d Thursday 230 St. Barnabas, Old Cumnock, 233 Hamilton, Hamilton, 234 St. Peter, Mousewald, 1st Friday 236 Wilsonton Iron Works, 237 St. John, Girvan, 1st Monday 238 Caledonia, Annan, 242 Houston, St. Johnstone, 243 St. Ninian, Operative, Nairn, 244 Union, Stonehouse, Last Friday 245 St. Andrew, Glenbuck, 248 Lockhart, St. John, Carnwath, 1st Friday 250 Union, Dumfermline, 252 St. John, Thornhill, Last Thursday 254 Caledonia, Dundee, 256 St. James, Peterhead, 257 St. Andrew, Glenkindy, 3d Tuesday 258 Quhytwoollen, Lockerby, 1st Friday 259 St. Nathalan, Tullich-in-Mar, 261 Tweed, Kelso, 262 St. John, Galashiels, 267 Fraser, Strichen, 269 St. Kessac, Comrie, 270 Thistle, West-Calder, 272 Mid-Calder, ~Mid-Calder, 2d Thursday 274 St. James, Nethertonholm, Kilmarnock, 275 Shamrock and Thistle, Bridgeton, Glasgow, 1st Friday 180 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETINQGO 280 St. John, Coldstream, 281 Charlestown, Aboyne, 1st Monday 282 St. Andrew, Lochlee, Last Friday 284 St. Peter, Thurso, 286 Airly, Kerriemuir, 289 St. James, Dufftown, 290 Blairs, Dairy, 291 Celtic, Edinburgh and Leith, 1st Friday 292 St. John, Rothesay, Last Wednesday 298 Hamilton and Clydesdale Operative, 299 Panmure, Arbroath, 2d Monday 304 King Robert D'Bruce, Auchtermuchty, 305 St. John, Woodhall, 1st Friday 306 St. Thomas, Larkhall, 308 Eastern Star, Columbia, Angostura, 309 Lower, Forfar, 1st Monday 311 Caledonian, Dunlop, 312 Bruce and Thistle, Bannockburn, Last Friday 313 St. Baldred, North Berwick, 314 Royal Arch, West Kilbride, 317 Camperdown, Dundee, Last Monday 318 Fingal, Dingwall, 320 St. John Royal Arch, Saltcoats, 323 St. Mary, Kircudbright, Last Tuesday 326 Clydesdale, Lanark, 327 St. Serff, Kinross, 328 George William, 94th Regiment, 332 Duntocher and Faifley Union, 1st Tuesday 333 St. George, Cowcaddens, Port Dundas, 1st Wednesday 334 St. John, New Cumnock, Last Thursday 335 Argyle, Dunoon, 1st Friday 337 Australasian, Kilwinning, 339 St. Mary's Caledonian Operative, Inverness, 1st Tuesday 347 St. John Operative, Rutherglen, 349 St. Clair, Edinburgh, Mondays 354 Caledonian Railway, 355 Felix, Aden, 360 Commercial, Glasgow, 2d Thursday 362 St. Clair, do 2d Monday SCOTLAND. 181 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 370 Renfrew, Kilwinning, W~ednesdays 374 St. John, Crofthead, 4th Tuesday 375 Neptune, Aberdeen, Every other Monday 380 St. Andrew~ Drybridge, Crofthead, 384 Athol, Kerkintilloch,, 2d Monday 385 Minto, Loehgelly, 2d Tuesday 13 GERMANY. GRAND LODGE OF THREE GLOBES, BERLIN. LODGE. LOCATION. Bestandigkeit und Eintracht, Aachen Julius zu den drei Empfindsamen Herzen, Anclam Friedrich Wilhelm zur Hoffnung, Arnswalde Georg zur Wachsenden Palme, Arolsen Louisa zum troestenden Engel, Angersburg Westphalia zur Eintracht, Arnsberg Goldene Mauer, Bautzen Gr. Nat. Mutter-Loge der Preussischen Staaten, Genannt zu den dried Weltkugeln, Berlin Eintracht, Berlin Flammender Stern, Berlin Drei Seraphim, Berlin Verschweigenheit, Berlin Alexius zur Bestandigkeit, Bernburg Armin zur Deutschen Treue, Bielefeld Drei Rosenknospen, Bochem Friedrich zur Tugend, Brandenburg Bruno zurn Doppelkreus, Braunsberg Friedrich zum Goldenen Zepter,. Breslau Friedrich zur Aufgehenden Sonne, Brieg Janus, Bromberg Adamas zur Heiligen Burg, Burg Zum Heiligen Johannes, Camin Feste Burg an der Saale, Calbe Friedrich zur Vaterlandsliebe, Coblenz Wilhelm zur Mannerkraft, Colberg Minerva zum Vaterlandischen Verein und Rhenana zur Humanitat, Coln Friedrich zur Wahren Freundschaft, Conitz Maria zum Goldenen Schwert, Coslin GERMANY. 183 LODGE. LOCATION. Friedrich Wilhelm zum Goldenen Zepter, Custrin Eugenia zum Gekronten Lowen, Dantzic Rose am Teutoburger Walde, Detmold Deutsche Burg, Duisberg Dreid Verbundete, D usseldorf Zur Alten Linde, Dortmund Hermann zum Lande der Berge, Elberfeld Constantia zur Gekr-onten Eintracht, Elbing Carl zu den drei Adlern Erfurt Aufrichtiges Merz, Franlfort a. d. O. Friedrich zur Vaterlandgtreue, Gandelegen Vorwarts, Glad bach Drei Triangel, Glatz Biedere Vereinigung, Glogau Bekranzter Cubus, Gnesen Ernst zum Compass, Gotha Franz zum Treuen Herzen, Greifenhagen Drei Saulen am Weinberge, Guben Phcebus Apollo, Gustrow Drei Hammer, Halberstadt Drei Degen, Halle Helles Licht, Hamm Tempel der Freundschaft, Heiligenstadt Julia Carolina zu den Drei Helmen, Helmstadt Heisse Quelle, Hirschberg Preussischer Adler, Insterburg Deutsche Redlichkeit, Iserlohn Wahrheit und Einigkeit zu den Sieben Vereinigten Brudern, Julich Drei Kronen, Konigsberg Vereinigte Freunde an der Nahe, Kreuznach Johannes zum Schwarzen Adler, Landsberg, a. d. W. Pythagoras zu den drei Hohen, Liegnitz Leopard, Lubben Blucher von Wahlstadt, Luxemburg Zur Goldenen Harfe, Mausenwerder Ferdinand zur Gluckseligkeit, Magdeburg Victoria zu den drei Gekronten Thurmen, Marienburg Memphis, Memel Goldenes Kreuz, Merseburg Louis zur Unsterblichkeit, Meseritz Wittekind, Ilinden 184 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. LODGE. LOCATION. Broich zur VerklI Louis, Muhlheim Hermann zur Deutschen Treue, Muhlhausen Drei Balken des Neuen Tempels, Munster Drei HIammer, Naumburg Sechs Lilien,. Neisse Ferdiriand zum Rothen Adler, Neuruppin Fr. Wilhelm zu den 3 Flammen, Neustadt Eberswalde Wilhelm zur Gekronten Saule, Oels Psyche, Oppeln Hellflammendes Schwert, Paderborn Palme, Pasewalk Tempel der Eintracht, Posen Teutonia zur Weisheit, Potsdam Wahrheit, Prenzlau Drei Thore des Tempels, Rastenburg Friedrich Wilhelm zur Gerechtigkeit, Ratibor Johannes zum Wohl der Menschheit, Salzwedel Borussia, Schneidemuhl Drei Eiserne Berge, Siegen Bundeskette, Soest Drei Rosen im Walde, Sorau Julius zur Eintracht, Stargard i. Pommern Drei Zirkel, Stettin Morgenrothe des Hoheren Lichts, Stolp Friedrich Wilhelm zu den drei Kranzen, Torgau Drei Weisse Felsen, Weissenfels Goldenes Schwert, Wesel Wilhelm zu den clrei Helnen, Wetzlar Astraa, Wolmirstadt Plato zur Bestandigen Einigkeit, Wiesbacen Friedrich zur Bestandigkeit, Zerbst Stern St. Johanni-, Zielenzig GRAND LODGE OF GERMA.NY, BERLIN-SWEDISII-SYSTEM. Drei Kleeblatter, Ascherslebe Euthanasia zur Unsterblichkeit, Beeskow Gr. Landes-Loge Von Deutschland, Berlin Bestandigkeit, Berlin Goldenes Schiff, Berlin Drei Goldene Schlussel, Berlin Goldener Pflug, Berlin Widder, Berlin GERMANY. 185 LODGE. LOCATION. Pegase, Berlin Pilgrim, Berlin Fredr. Wilhelm zur Morgenroethe, Berlin Vesta zu den drei Thurmen, Boitzerburg Oelzweig, Bremen Prov. Loge von Schlesien, Breslau Drei Todtengerippe, Saule und Giocke, Breslau Goldene Kette, Bunslau Urania zur Eintracht, Butzow HIoffnung, Cleve Brunnen in der Wuste, Cottbus Eos, Crefeld Fredr. Wilhelm zur Lib und Treue, Demmin Aufbluhender Baum, Eisleben Carl zu den drei Greifen Greifswald Goldene Leyer, Gumbinnen Victoria zur Morgenroethe, Hagen Gr. Prov. Loge von Niedersachsen, Hamburg. Drei Rosen, Hamburg Goldene Kugel, Hamburg Pelikan, Hamburg Rother Alder, Hamburg Unverbruchliche Einigkeit, Hamburg Boanerges zur Bruderliebe, Hamburg Tempel der Freundschaft u. Wohlthatigkeit, Havelberg St. Martin zu den drei Goldenen Aehren, Jauer Todtenkopf und Phonix, Konigsberg Tempel des Johannes, Konigsberg i. d. N. M. Wegweiser, Lowenberg Fullhorn, Lubeck Weisse Taube, NTeisse Wahrheit und Tugend, Neusalz Hedwig zum Licht, Neustettin Georg zur Wahren Treue, Neustrelitz Gekronte Unschuld, Nordhausen Friederica Ludovica zur Treue, Parchim Minerva, Potsdam JRugia zur Hoffnung, Putbus Goldene Waage, Quedlingburg Gr. Prov. Loge von Meklenburg, Rostock Irene zu den drei Sternen, Rostock Tempel der Wahrheit, Rostock 186 UNIVERfSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. LODGE. LOCATION. Prometheus, Rostock Drei Felsen Schmiedeberg Tempel der Tugend, Schwedt H-erkules, Sohweidnitz Westphalischer Lowe, Schwelm Harpokrates zur Morgenrothe, Schwerin Prinz von Preussen zu de drei Schwertern, Solingen Grosser Christoph, Stade Drei Goldene Anker zur Liebe und Treue, Stettin Gustav Adolph zu den drei Strahien, Stralsund Sichere Hafen, Swinemunde Sichere Hafen, Swinemunde Silberfels, Tarnowit. Bienenkorb, Thorn Irene, Tilsit Eintracht, Treptow a. d. R. Zum Sichern Hafen, Usedom Gluck auf zur Brudertreue, Waldenburg i; S. Friedrich Franz zur Wahrheit, Waren Athanasia zu den drei Lowen, Wismar Einigkeit, WArietzen GRAND LODGE OF PRUSSIA, ROYAL YORK TO THE FRIENDSHIP, BERLIN. Gr. Loge von Preussen, Genannt Royal York, zur Freundschaft, Berlin Friedr. Wilh. zur Gekronten Gerechtigkeit, Berlin Siegendie Wahrheit, Berlin Urania zur Unsterblichkeit, Berlin Pythagoras zum Flammenden Stern, Berlin Prov. Gross Loge von Schlesien, Breslau Horus, Breslau Siegendie Wahrheit, Cosel Einigkeit, Danzig Pax Inimica Malis, Emmerich Zur Siegenden Wahrheit, Gleiwitz Bundestreue, Goldap Gekronte Schlange Gorlitz Victoria zu den drei Gekronten Thurmen, Graudenz Erwin fur Licht und Recht, - Grunberg Constantia der Vereinigten Oriente, Kyritz und Wittstock Inniger Verein am Riesengebirge, Landeshut i. S. Isis, Lauban GEnMAINY 187 LODGE. LOCATION. Harpocrates, Magdeburg Standhaftigkeit, Potsdam Aurora zur Chernen Kette, Reichenblach Starke und Schonheit, Saarbrucken Brudertreue, Sangerhausen Wabre Eintracht, Schweidnitz Verein der Menschenfreunde, Trier Treuer Verein, Wittenberg GRAND LODS OE F HAMBURG. Pflichttreue, Birkenfeld Carl zur Gekronten Saule, Braunschweig Frankfurter Adler Frankfort a. MI Gr. Loge zu Hamburg, Hamburg Absalom, Hamburg St. Georg, Hamburg Emanuel, Hamburg Ferdinande Caroline, Hamburg Ferdinande zum Felsen, Hamburg Carl zum Brunnen des Heils, Heilbroun Weltkugel, Lubeck Friedensbund, Neubrandenburg Goldener Hirsch, Oldenburg, Prov. Loge v. Mecklenburg Schwer. u. Strelit, Rostock Drei Sterne, Rostock Drei Cedern, Stuttgart Carl zu den drei Ulmen, Ulm Amalia, Weimar Vaterlandsliebe, Wismar Wilhelm zu den drei Saulen, Wolfenbuttell GRAND MOTHER LODGE OF THE ERLEITA UNION OF -FREEMASONS AT FRANKFORT ON THE MAIN. Carl zum neuen Licht, Alzey Esnst filr Wahrheit, Freundschaft u. Recht, Coburg Libanon zu den drei. Cdern Erlangen, Gr. Mutter Loge des Eklekt. Bundes, Frankfort a. M. Einigkeit, Frankfort a. M. Sokrates zur Standhaftigkeiti Frankfort a. M. Carl zum Aufgehenden Licht, Frankfort a. M. Ludewig zur Treue, Giessen Brudertreue an der Elbe, Hamburg 188 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. LODGE. LOCATION. Bruderkette, Hamburg Drei Pfeile, Nurnberg Joseph xur Einigkeit, Niunberg Carl und Charlotte zur Treue, Offenbach Viedererbauter Tempel der Bruderliebe, Worms GRAND LODGE OF THE KINGDOM OF lHANOVER. Eintracht unc Standhaftigkeit, Cassel Helleuchtender Stern, Celle Hercynia zur Brudertreue, Clausthal u. Zellerfeld Georg zu den drei Saulen, Einbeck Ostfriesische Union,' Emden Augusta zum Goldenen Zirkel, Gottingen Hercynia zum Flammenden Stern, Goslar Gr. Loge des Konigreichs Hanover, Hanover Friedrich zum Weissen Pferde, Hanover Schwarzer Bar, Hanover Ceder, Hanover Ernst August zum Goldenen Anker, Harburg Pforte zum Tempel des Lichts, Hildesheim Stiller Tempel, H-ildesheim Selene zu den drei Thurmen, Luneburg Pythagoras zu den drei Stromen, Mnnden Georg zum Silbernen Einhorn, Nienburg a. d. W. Goldenes Rad, Osnabruck Friederike zur Unsterblichkeit, Stade Marie zum Rautenkranz, Verden GRAND LODGE OF SAXONY IN DRESDEN. Treues Bruderherz,' Annaberg Harmonic, Chemnitz Gr. Landes-Loge von Sachsen, Dresden Goldener Apfel, Dresden Drei Schwerter u. Astraa zur Grunend. Raute, Dresden Drei Berge, Freiberg,'Verschwisterung der Mlenschheit, Glauchau Apollo, Leipzig Charlotte zu den drei Nelken, Meiningen Akazie, Meissen Pyramide, Plauen. Archimedes zum Sachsissnen Bunde, Schneeberg Friedrich August zum Treuen Bunde, Wurzen Friedrich August zu den drei Zirkeln, Zittau GERMANY. 189 LODGE. LOCATION. GRAND LODGE OF BAVARIA TO THE SUN IN BAYREUTH. Gr. Loge zur Sonne in Bayern, Bayreuth, Eleusis zur Verschwiegenheit, Bayreuth, Leopold zur Treue, Carlsruhe, Freimuthigkeit am Rheine, Frankenthal Wahrheit und Freundschaft, Furth Johannes zum Wiedererbansen Tempel, Ludwigsburg Carl zur Eintracht, Mannheim, Wilhelm zur Aufgehenden Sonne, Stuttgart IMlorgenstern, Hof GRAND LODGE ZUR EINTRACOIr (CONCORDIA) DARMSTADT, HESSIA. Gr. Loge zur Eintracht, Darmstadt Johannes der Evangelist zur Eintracht, Darmstadt Carl zum Lindenburg, Frankfort a M Freunde zur Eintracht, Mlainz ISOLATED LODGES OF GERMANY. Archimedes zu den drei Reissbretern, Altenburg Archimedes zum Ewigen Bunde, Gera Carl zum Rautenkranz, Hildburghausen Minerva zu den drei Palmen, Leipzig Balduin zur Linde, Leipzig Carl zu den drei Schlusseln, Ratisbon Silberne Schlussel, Severn GRAND ORIENT DE FRANCE. La Parfaite Harmonie, iMuhlhausen i. Elsass Les Freres Reunis, Strassburg SWITZERLAND. GRAND LODGE OF SWITZERLAND, ALPINA, IN BASLE. The present seat of tlis Grand Lodge is at Lausanne, Canton Waadt. LODGE. LOCATION. La Chretienne des Alpes, Aigle La Constance, Auboune, Brudertreue, Aarau Gr. Loge de Schweiz, Alpina, Basle Freundschaft und Bestandigkeit Basle Hoffnung, Berne La Reunion, Bex. Freurfdschaft, Chaux de Fonds Libertas zumn Concordia, Chur La Regeneree, Freiburg L'Union des Coeurs Geneva La Fidelite, Geneva La Prudence, Geneva Freundschaft, Geneva Les Vrais Freres UTnis, Locle Esperance et Cordialite, Lausanne Zur Bundestreue, Liestal Les Amis, Monges Egalit, Motiers Travens Frederic Guillaume la Bonne Harmonie Neufchatel La Nouvelle Etoille, Orbe La Constante, Vevay Akazie, Winterthur Modestia cum Libertate, Zurich UNDER THB JURISDIOTION OF TIE "GRAND ORIEN'T OF FRANOE.' Etolle du Leman, Geneva Fraternite6 Geneva D E NIM A1 Rt IKe DENMARK. LODGE. LOCATION. Gr. Loge von Danemark,.Copenhagen Zorobabel zum Nordstern, Copenhagen Friedrich zur Gekronten Hoffnung, Copenhagen Ksosmos Helsingor Maria zu den drei Herzen, Odensee Carl zum Felzen, Altona SWEDEN AND NORWAY. LODGE. LOCATION. Gr. Landes Loge von Schweden, Stockholm (Sweden) Provinzial Loge, Gothenburg (Sweden) Provinzial Loge,. Linkoping (Sweden) St. Olaus zum Weissen Leoparden, Christiania (Norway) S PA I N GRAND LODGE OF SPAIN-MADRID. Amigos de la Naturaleza y Humanidad, Gigon, Province Asturia, under the'"Grand Orient of France." There are also Lodges at Barcelona and Gracia, correct information of which we have not yet been able to receive, but in a future edition hope to give a full and complete list. F RANCE. No. LODGE. LOCATION. 1 Du Tr. Ill. Gr. Mait. del 1'Ordre, Paris 2 Les Admirateurs de l'Univers, Paris 3 Amis Bienfaisants et Imitateurs d'Osiris Reunis Paris 4 Amis de la Paix, Paris 5 Amis de la Patrie, Paris 6 Amis de l'Ordre, Paris 7 Amis Fidles, Paris 8 Amis Trriomphantes, Paris 9 Amitie, Paris 10 Athenee Frangais, Paris 11 Bonaparte, Paris 12 Bouclier Frangais et les Philonomes reunis, Paris 13 Clemente Amitie, Paris 14 Coeurs Unis, Paris 15 Cosmopolites, Paris 16 Disciples de Fehelon, Paris 17 Disciples Ecossais du Heros de l'Humanitie, Paris 18 Emules de Hiram, Paris 19 Enfants de Hiram, Paris 20 Fraternite des Peuples, Paris 21 Freres Unis Inseparables, Paris 22 Henry IV. Paris 23 -Hospitaliers Frargais, Paris 24 Isis Montyon, Paris 25 Jerusalem des Vallees Egyptiennes, Paris 26'Mars et les Arts, Paris 27 Perseverante Amitie, Paris 28 Rose du Parfait Silence, Paris 29 Saint Antoine du Parfait Contentement, Paris 3.0 Saint Pierre de Vrais Amis, Paris 31 Saint Pierre de Vrais Experts, Paris 32 Sincere Amitie, Paris 33 Temple des Amis de l'Honneur Frangais, Paris 34 Tolerance, Paris 35 Union Parfaite de la Perseverance, Paris FRANCE. 193 No. LODG.. LOCATION. 36 L'Etoile Polaire, Barignolles MNonceux 37 Trinosophes de Bercy, Bercy 38 Saint August de la Bienfaisance, Boulogne 39 Franche Union, Choisy-le-Roy 40 La Perseverance, Ivri-sur-Seine 41 Saint Pierre des Acacias, Montmartre 42 Les Amis de l'Humanite, Aontrouge 43 L'Union Philanthropique, Saint Denis 44 Les Zeles Philanthropes, Vaugirard 45 Le Globe, Vincenned 46 La Triple Unite, Alby, Tarn 47 Les Amis de la Paix, Angouleme, Charente 48 L'Etoile de la Charente, Angouleme, Charente 49 Les Vrais Zeles Auxerre, Yonne 50 Les Vrais Amis Reunis, Avignon, Vaucluse 51 L'Amitie Bienfaisante, Bar-le-Due, Meuse 52 La Parfaite Armonie Frangaise, Bastia, Corse 53 Les Vrais F. F. Bergerac, Dordogne 54 Sincerite Parfaite Union et Constante Amitie Reunis, Besanuon, Doubs 55 La Reunion des Amis Choisis, Beziers, ferault 56 Les Enfant Unis par la Verite, Beziers, IHerault 57 La Bienfaisance, Blaye, Gironde 58 L'Unite des Arts et Metiers, Blois, Loir-et-Cher 59 Les Amis Reunis, Bordeaux, Gironde 60 L'Anglaise, Bordeaux, Gironde 61 La Candeur, Bordeaux, Gironde 62 Les Chevaliers de la Fraternite, Bordeaux, Gironde 63 L Essence de la Paix, Bordeaux, Gironde 64 L'Etoile de la Gironde, Bordeaux, Gironde 65 La Frangaise d'Aquitaine, Bordeaux, Gironde 66 La Frangaise elue Ecosse.. et 1' Amitie Reunis,Bordeaux, Gironde 67 Les Francs Chev.. de Saint Andre d'Ecosse, Bordeaux, Gironde 68 La Sincerite, Bordeaux, Gironde 69 La Triangle, Bordeaux, Gironde 70 Thenlis, Caen, Calvados 71 Themis, Cambria, Nord 72 L'Ecole des Ioeurs, Cannes, Var 73 La Parfaite Amitie, Carpentras, Vaucluse 74 Harmonie Universelle, Castres, Tarn 75 Les Amis Fideles, Cette, Herault 76 Les F. F. Discrets, Charleville, Ardennes 77 L'Honneur Franeais, Chateaudun, Eure-et-Loir 194: UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. 78 Fontaine, Chateau-Thierry, Aisne 79 Freres Sinceres, Cognac, Charente 80 La Fidelite, Colmar, Haut-Rhin 81 Auguste Amitie, Condom, Gers 82 Paix et Travail, Dammartin, Seine-et-Oise 83 Esperance Couronnee, Dieppe, Seine-Inferieure 84'Le Val d'Amour, Dole, Jura 85 Parfaite Union, Douai, Nord. 86 La Trinite, Dunkerque, Nord. 87 La Vertu; Dunkerque, Nord. 88 Orion, Gailac, Tarn. 89 La Vraie Reunion Desiree, Gray, Haut-Saone 90 L'Amenite, Le Havre, Seine-Inferieure 91 Les Trois II, Le Havre, Seine-Inferieure 92 Le Phenix, Joigny, Yonne 93 L'Ecole de la Morale, Lebourne, Gironde 94 Ceres et les Amis de l'Agriculture, Lunjumeau, Seine 95 La Prudente Amitie, Lons-le-Saulnier, Jura. 96 Nature et Philanthropie, Lorient, Morbihan 97 L' Asile du Sage, Lyon, Rhone 98 La Candeur, Lyon, Rhone 99 Les infant d'Hiram, Lyon, Rhone 100 Etoile et Compas, Lyon, Rhone 101 La Parfait Silence, Lyon, Rhone 102 Simplicite Constance, Lyon, Rhone 103 La Sincere Amitie, Lyon, Rhone 104 Union et Confiance, Lyon, Rhone 105 IBienfaisance et Amitie, Lyon Croix Rousse, Rhone 106 Les Arts Reunis, Maaon, Saone-et-Loire 107 La Frafaiaise de St. Napoleon, Marseilles, B.-du-Rhone 108 La Reunion des Amis Choisis, Marseilles, B.-du-Rhone 109 Les Enfants d'Hiram, Melun, Seine-et-Marne 110 La Parfaite rUnion, Moissac, Tarn-et-Garonne 111 Le Commandeurs du Phenix, Montbrison, Loire 112 Les Amis Fideles, Miontpellier, Herault 113 Les Amis Reunis Dans la Bonne Foi,Montpellier, Herault 114 L'-Humanite, Moulins, Allier. 115 La Parfaite Harmonie, Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin 116 Mars et les Arts, Nantes, Loire-Inferieur 117 Paix et Union, Nantes, Loire-Inferieur 118 L'Amitie Discrete, Neauphle-le-Chateau, Seine-et-Oise 119 Esperance et Progress, Neuville, Rhone FRANCE. 195 No. LODGE. LOCATION. 120 Purete des Coeurs, Neuville, Vienne 121 L'Humanite, Nevers,Nievre 122 Parfaite Regularite, Nogent-sur-Seine, Aube 123 L' Heureuse Reunion de Mars et des Arts, Parthenay, Deux-Sevres] 124 Les Amis de la Parfaite Union, Perpignan, Pyren. Orient 125 Saint Jean des Arts de la Regularite,Perpignan, Pyren. Orient 126 De Triomphe de la Arnitie, Pertuis, Vaucluse 127 Les Amis dti Peudle, Pontoise, Seine-et-Oise 128 La Sincerite, Rheims, Marne 129 La Parfaite Union, Rennes, Ille-et-Vilaine 130 Le Ecossais Roannais, Roanne, Loire 131 L'Accord Parfaite, Rochefort, Charente Inferieure 132 L' Union Parfaite, La Rochelle, Charente Inferieure 133 L'Union des Deux Cantores, Romans, Drome 134 Les Arts Reunis, Rouen, Seine Inferieure 135 La Parfaite Egalite, Rouen, Seine Inferieure 136 La Perseverance Couronne, Rouen, Seine Inferieure 137 La Verite, Rouen, Seine Inferieure 138. Les Fideles d'Hiram, Rucil, Seine-et-Oise 139 L'Industrie et l'Amitie, Sable, Sarthe 140 Montyon, Saintes, Charente Inferieure 141 Les Elus, Saint Etienne, Loire 142 La Bonne Foi, Saint Germain-en-Laye, Seine-et-Oise 143 L'Egalite Regeneree, Saint Sean d'Angely, Charente Inf. 144 La Bienfaisance, St. Malo, Ille-et-Vilaine 145 La Concorde, Sens Yonne 146 L'Union Philanthropique, Sevres, Seine-et-Oise 147 La Consolante Amitie, Sezanne, Marne 148 Les Freres Reunis, Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin 149 Reunion de la Sagesse, Thor, Vaucluse 150 La Reunion, Toulon, Var 151 Les Coeur Reunis, Toulouse, Haut Garonne 152 La Constance, Toulouse, Iaut Garonne 153 L'Encyclopedique, Toulouse, Haut Garonne 154 La Frangaise de St. Joseph des Arts, Toulouse, Haut Garonne 155 La Parfaite Harmonie, Toulouse, Haut Garonne 156 L'Union Sincere, Toulouse, Haut Garonne 157 Les Vrais Amis Reunis, Toulouse, Haut Garonne 158 Parfait Egalite, Tournon, Ardeche 159 Les Demophiles, Tours, Indre-et-Loire 160 L'Union Fraternelle, Troyes, Aube 161 L'Humanite de la Drome, Valene,, Drolme 196 UNMVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. 162 L'Etoile Neustrienne, Vernon-sur-Seine, Eure 163 Les Amis Philanthropes et Discrets Reunis, Versailles, Seine-et-Oise 164 La Concorde, Vienne, Isere 165 La Perseverance, Vienne, Isere 166 Les Fils d'Adam, Villeneuve-sur-Lor, Lor-et'Garonne 167 Triple Union et Amitie, Voirdn, Isere 168 Saint Louis de la Martinique, Paris, Seine 169 Les Solitaires, Sigean, Aude FRENCH COLONIES. ALGERY. LODGE. LOCATION. Belisaire, Alger L' Oasis, Batna Le Freres de I'Atlas, Blidah Hippone, Bone Les Freres de Julia Caesarea, Cherchel Saint Vincent de Paul, Constantine Les Freres du Sahel, Douera Scipion, Jigelli Les Freres du Nador, Medeah Freres du Zackar, Milianah Les Trinosophes Africains, Mostaganem L'Union Africaine, Oran Les Freres du Bousellam, Setiff La Fraternite Carteniene, Tenez SENEGAL. La Parfaite Union, ILLE DE LA REUNION. La Amitie, Saint Denis FRENCH INDIES. L'Union Indienne, Pondichery FRENCH ANTILLES. Saint Jean d'Ecosse, Guadaloupe, Basse-Terre La Paix, Guadaloupe, Pointe-a-Pitre Les Disciples d'Hiram, Guadaloupe, Pointe-a-Pitre La Fraternite, Marie Galande La Trigonometrie, Martinique, Fort Royal La Concorde Martinique, Saint-Pierre BELGIUM. T97 LODGE. LOCATION. La Harmonic, Martinique, Saint-Pierre La Reunion des Arts, Martinique, Saint-Pierre Sante-Trinite, Martinique F'RENCH GUYANA. La Parfaite Union, Cayenne OCEANICA. L'Oceanie Frannaise, Ile de Taiti, Papeiti BE L G I UIM. LODGES UNDER THE "SUPREME CONSEIL DE BELGIQUE," REOOGNIZED BY THE EUROPEAN GRAND LODGES. LODGE. LOCATION. La Perseverance, Antwerp Les Amis Philanthropes, Briissels La Fidelite,' Ghent L'Industrie, Ladelinsart La Constance, Louvrain La Regeneration, Mechlin La Parfaite Union, Mons La Felicite Bienfaisante, Ghent Le Septentrion, Ghent Les Vrais Amis, Ghent L'Aminite, St. Nicholas -Les Vrais Amis de lUnion, Brussels Les Amis du Progres, Brusselsl L'Avenir, Charleroi Les Freres Reunis, Tournay L'Esperance, Nieuport Les Amis du Conseree, Antwerp Les Eleves du Themis, Antwerp Les Amis des Parfaite Intelligence, Huy La Parfaite Intelligence et L'Etoile Reunis,. Luttich Les Philadelphes, Verviers 14 LObDGE. LOCATION. Concordia Vincit Animos, Amsterdam La Paix, Amsterdam La Charite, Amsterdam La Bien-Aimee Amsterdam'VUnion Royale, Gravenhage La Vertu, Leyden La Philantrope) Middleburg L'Inseparable, Bergen op Zoom De Ster in het Oosten,'Batavia La Profond Silence, Kampen La Compaigne Durable, Middleburgh L"UTnion Provinciale, Gioningen De Goede Hoop, Cape of Good Hope Concordia, Surinam, S. America De Standvastlgheld, Paramaribo =De Eendragt) Rotterdam De Friesche Trouw Leeuwarden Le Prejuge Vaincu IDeventer Frederic Royale, Rotterdam De Geldersche Broederschapa Arnheim Vicit vim Vertus, Haarlem Het Vrij Geweten, Breda L'Astre de 1'Orient, Vllssilgen De Noordstar, Alkmaar De Star ini het Oosten, Zierikzee Silentium, Delft La Constante' et lidele, Samatang, Java Ie Ware Broedertrouw, Gouda Fides Mutua Zwolle De Goede Trouw, Cape of Good Hope De Edelmoedigheid, Hertogenbosch De Vriendschap, Sourabaja La Flamboyante, Dordrecht Willem Frederik, Amsterdam 1HOLLAND. 199 LODGE. LOCATION. De Drie Kolommen, Rotterdam Orde en Vlijt, Gorinchem Anna Paulowna, Zaandam Standvastigheid en Trouw, Vianna Willem Frederik Karel, Ielder Louiza Augusta, Purmerend Ultrajectina, Utrecht La Perseverance, Maastricht St. Lodewijk, Nijmegen Gr. Nat. Mutter-Loge der Neiderlande, Hague UNDER GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 132 St. John's, Gibraltar 178 Inhabitants' Gibraltar 345 Friendship, Gibraltar 437 St. John and St. Paul,Valetta, Malta 444 Aufgehenden, Morgenrothe, Frankford, 482 Calpean, Gibraltar 484 Union Lanzarotina Lanzarote, Canary Isles 588 Union of Malta, Malta 1st and 3d Wednesdays 654 Pythagoras, Coreyra, Corfu 756 Zetland, Valetta, Malta Second Monday 1024 Moralidad y, Filantropia, Cadiz First Thursday UNDER GRAND LODGE OF IRELAND. 325 Gibraltar, Spain 338 Lisbon, Portugal 339 Lisbon, Portugal 341 Lisbon, Portugal 344 Lisbon, Portugal 347 Algesiras, Spain 387 Malta UNDER GRAND LODGE AT BASLE, SWITZERLAND.. Les Trois Temples, Carouge Etoile du Leman, Geneva La Fraternidad, Geneva Les Phoenix, Corfuy Ionian Islands EAST INDIES. UNDER GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 80 Star in the East, Calcutta, Bengal, 94 Stewards', Freemasons' H-all, Madras 126 Industry and Perseverance, Calcutta, Bengal, 175 Perfect Unanimity, Madras, 242 Rising Sun, Fort Marlborough, 265 True Friendship, Calcutta, Bengal, 279 Humility with Fortitude, Fort William, Calcutta, 282 Marine, Calcutta, Bengal, 284 Anchor and Hope, do do 293 Neptune, Prince of Wales Island, 325 Rock, Trichinopoly, Madras, 326 Social Friendship, Madras, 340 Universal Charity, do 480 Benevolent, Bombay, Second Monday 532 Hope, A.hmednuger, Bombay,.546 Perseverance. Bombay, 550 Independence with Philanthropy, Allahabad,,551 Courage with Humanity, Calcutta, Bengal, 552 Sincerity, Cawnpore, Bengal, 596 I-ope, lMeerut, Bengal, Second Friday 598 Orion in the West, Bombay, Artillery, 601 St. John's, Saugor, Central India, 619 Oriental Star, Cannanore, Malabai, 622 lNTeilgherry, Gotacamund, Madras, 628 St. John's, Secunderabad, Madras, 629 Sussex, Neemuch, Bengal, Ist and 3d Fridays 634 Social & Military Virtues, IMadras, 635 Universal Charity, do 636 Honor and Humanity, do 537 Military and Social Friendship, do EAST INDIES. 201 No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETINO. 638 Taprobanle, Madras, f639 Corinthian, do (41 Harmony, Cawnpore, Bengal, 647 Freedom and Fraternity, Agra, Bengal, 1st and 3d Thurs. 664 Doric, Kamptee, MIadras, 665 St. John's, Colombo, Ceylon, 673 Himalayan Brotherhood, Simla, Bengal, 1st and 3d Weds. 681 Goodwill, Bellary, Madras, 685 Armenia, Madras, 710 Bangalore Cantonment, Bangalore, Madras, 715 St. John's, Calcutta, 2d and 4th Frid's 718 St. H-elena, St. Helena, 734 St. Andrew's, Kamptee, Madras, 735 Royal Sussex, Canton, China, Second Monday 737 Faith, Hope and Charity, Agra, Bengal, 738 Rohilla Star, Bareilly, Bengal, 740 Kilwinning in the East, Calcutta, Bengal, 748 Zetland in the East, Singapore, Last Monday 760 Fraternity and Perseverance, Benares, Bengal, 1st and 3d Wedns. 761 Star of Hope, Agra, Bengal, First Wednesday 768 Zetland, H-long Kong, China, do do 794 Philanthropy, Maulmain, 1st and 3d Wedns. 807 St. George, Bombay, 810 Morning Star, Lucknow, 2d and 4th Wedns. 823 Charity, Umballa, Bengal, 831 Pilgrims of Light, Mount-road near Madras, Fourth Saturday 846 Neptune, Geo. Town, P. W. Island, Third Thursday 852 Kyber, Peshawur, Bengal, 897 Star of Burmah, Rangoon, Bengal, 1st and 3d Thurs. 906 Jullunder, Jullunder, Bengal, First Wednesday 922 Dalhousie of Mussoorie and Deyrah, Mussoorie, 2d and 4th Tuesd's 925 Fidelity, Darjeeling, Bengal, 1st and 3d Thurs. 929 Arakan, Akyab, Third Monday 972 Astrea, Thayetmyo, Peu, Burinah, Second Wedns. 973 Ramsay, Rawful Pindea and Murree, Punjab, First Monday 974 Light of the North, Ferozepore, Punjab, 1st and 3d Wedns. 984 Triune Brotherhood, Subathoo, Third Wednesday 1038 British, Port Louis, Mauritius, First Wednesday 202 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION TIME OF MEETING 1038 Good Iope, Dacca, st and:d Wedns. 1042 Fidelity, Singapore, Last Monday 1059 Concord, Bombay, Third Saturday UNDER GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND. 342 Rising Star, Western India, 343 St. Andrew's in the East, Poonah, 350 Hope, Kurrachee, Scinde, 351 Perseverance, Bombay, 371 St. David's in the East, Calcutta, Bengal, 1st and 3d Tuesd's 389 St. Paul's, Mhow Bengal, India, No. LoDGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. I Ionia, Smyrna 2 Anatolia, do 3 Byzantiur, do UNDER GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND. 373 Star in the East, Turkish Contingent UNDER G-RAND LODGE OF ENGLAND. 988 Oriental, Constantinople, First Friday CHINA. UNDER GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND, No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 735 Royal Sussex, Canton, Second Monday 768 Zetland, Victoria, Hong Kong. First Wednesday 832 Northern of China, Shanghae, WEST INDIES. UNDER GRAND LODGE OF EN GLAN D. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING.. 69 Mother, Basse-Terre, St. Christopher's 101 St. Michael's, Barbadoes 232 Albion, Bridge Town, Barbadoes 250 Royal, Kingston, Jamaica 271 Atlantic Phoenix, Hamilton, Bermuda 283 Somerset, Somerset, " 291 Friendly, Kingston, Jamaica 295 Union, Curagoa 308 Union, Georgetown, Demerara 447' Sussex, Kingston, Jamaica 448 Athole, Lucea Bay, " 449 Seville, St. Anne's Bay, Jamaica 449 B Concord, Spanish Town, " 450 Cornwall, Montego Bay, " 458 Harmonic, Island of St. Thomas, First Thursday 461 Loyalty, Ireland Island, Bermuda 510 Chosen Friends, Rosseau, Dominica 539 Friendly, Montego Bay, Jamaica 541 Mount Olive, Demerara 585 Philanthropic, Port of Spain, Trinidad 600 Clarence, Old Road, St. Christopher's, Second Thursday 649 Royal Victoria, New-Providence, Bahamas, Second Wednesday 682 Fellowship, New-Amsterdam, Berbice 686 Trelawn, Falmouth, Jamaica, Saturday near f. m. 713 Amity, Bridge Town, Barbadoes, First Thursday 723 St. John's, St. John's, Antigua, First Wednesday 746 Medcalf, Savannalamar, Jamaica, Second Wednesday 747 Friendship and Harmony, Lucea, Jamaica, First Monday 754 Union et Concordia, Kingston, " Fourth Monday. 755 Victoria, Kingstown, St. Vincent's, First Tuesday 762 Albion, Castris, St. Lucia, First Wednesday 808 Amistad Unida, Santa Martha, N. Grenada, 1st and last Saturday 837 Trinity, San Fernando, Trinidad, First Thursday 204 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. UNDER GR AND LODGE OF SCOTLAND. No. LODGE. LoCATION. 200 St. George, St. George, Bermuda 206 Scotia, Scotia, Barbadoes 231 Union, Nassau, New-Providence 251 United Brothers', Trinidad 285 St. George, Grenada 324 Caledonia, do 336 Mount of Olives, St. Christopher 340 Scotia, Barbadoes 344 Elgin, Jamaica 346 Glenlyon, do 359 Union, do 367 Athole Union, Falmouth, Jamaica 368 East Star, Port of Spain, Trinidad 369 St. Andrew Kilwinning, St. Andrew's, Jamaica 372 St. John's, Mathewtown Inagua, Bahamas UNDER GRAND LODGE OF IRELAND. 220 Bermuda 223 St. Lucia 622 Barbadoes 690 Trinidad [UNDER GR.AND ORIENT AND SUPREME COUNCIL FOR CUBA. 1 La Fraternidad, Cuba 2 La Prudencia, Cuba 3 San Andres, Cuba 4 La Union Cubana, Cuba PORTO-RIC O. La Restauracion, Mayaguez SOUT H AM E R I CA. VENEZUIELA. No. LODGE. LocATION. 1 Protectora de los Virtudes, Barcelona 2 Perfecta Armonia, Cumana 3 Unanimidad, Laguayra 11 Liberty, Puerto Cabello 15 Regeneradores, Maracaibo 19 Victoria, Curiepe 26 Aurora de Petare, Petare 36 Justitia, AMaracai 37 Esperanzaa Caracas 38 Victoria, Victoria 39 Filanwopia, Guarenas 40 Prudencia, Caracas 41 Araistad, iMontalvan 42 Constancia, San L. de Cura 43 Porvenir, Caracas 50 La Union Britina, Puerto Cabello NEW GRANADA. GRAND ORIENT, Carthagena I I-lospitalidad Granadina, Carthagena 2 Beneficencia, Carthagena 3 Humanidad Granadina, Santa Martha 4 Filantropia Riohachera, Riohacha 5 Fres Victudes Feologales, Carthagena 6 Caridad Universal, Santa Martha 7 La Mas Solida Victud, Jamaica 8 La Union i Qoncordia, Losica 206 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. 9 Union, Carthagena 10 Perfecta Ygneldad, Curazao 11 Estrella del Fequendama, Bogota 12 Union Fraternal, Barranquilla 13 Union i Concordia, Chagres 14 Hospitalidad del Magdalena, Honda 15 Francos Granadinos, Panama 16 Filantropia Bogotana, Botoga 17 Luz del Folina, Anibalema 18 Union lompoxina, Miompox MONTEVIIDEO. Grand Lodge, Uraguay Luz Oriental, Uraguay Amigos de la Perseverancia, Uraguay Union Resplandecien'te Trasallantica, Uraguay Misterio y Honor, Uraguay Virtiid y Secreto, Uraguay H1esperia, Uraguay Les Amis de la Patrie, Uraguay LI 1MA. Grand Orient, Peru Orden y Libertad, Peru Concordia Universal, Callao CGHILI. Grand Orient, L'Etoile dui Pacifique, Valparaiso L'Union Fraternelle, do BUENOS AYRES. Amie des Naura.ges, Rio de la Plata Excelsior, E. R., Buenos Ayres SOUTI AMERICA. 207 BRAZIL. No. LODGE. LOCATION. 1 Commercio e Artes, Rio de Janeiro (Corte)' 2 Uniao e Tranquillidade, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 3 Esperan a de Nictheroy, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 4 Razao, Cuyaba (Matto Grosso) 5 Segredo, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 6 Amo.r da Ordem, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 7 Seis de Marco, Recife (Pernambuco) 8 Philantropia e Liberdade, Porto Alegre (S. Pedro do Sul) 9 Intelligencia, Porto Feliz (S. Paulo) 10 Beneficencia, Victoria (Espirito Santo):11 Firme Uniao, Campos (lRio de Janeiro) 12 Educagao e Moral, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 13 Amizade Fraternal, Nictheroy (Rio de Janeiro) 14 Tranquillidade, Angra dos Reis (Rio de Janeiro) 15 Imparcialidade, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 16 Tolerancia, 3Belem (Para) 17 Caridade,'Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 18 Amigos Reunidos, Mangaratil)a (Rio de Janeiro) 19 Fraternidade, Itaguahy (Rio de Janeiro) 20 Uniao e Belleza, Paraty (Rio de Janeiro) 21 Caridade e Ulniao, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 22 H-armonia, Areas (S. Paulo) 23 Razao e Virtude, Santo Antonio da Patrulha (S. Paulo) -24 Perfeita Uniao, Porto Alegre (S. Pedro do Sul.) 25 Amizade Liberal, S. Joao do Principe (Rio de Janeiro) 26 Triumpho Brasileiro, Angra dos Reis (Rio de Janeiro) 27 Uniao e Nictheroy, Valenea (Rio de Janeiro) 28 Reuniao Beneficente, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 29 Uniao e Fraternidade, Bananal (S. Paulo) 30 Regeneragao, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) * Some of the localities here given are provinces and some are cities. Those mentioned Corte are of the city of Rio de Janeiro, which is not the capital of the Province of Rio de Janeiro, but is together with the municipality in the same relation to the Empire, as the District of Columbia is to the United States. The capital of the Province of Rio de Janeiro is Nictheroy or Nitheroy, situated on the opposite side of the bay, a place of no business, whatever, containing about 5,000 inhabitants. 208 UINIVERSAL MASONIG DIRECTORY. O. LODGE. LOCATION. 31 Perfeita Amizade, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 32 Luz 3rasileira, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 33 Perfeita Uniao 2d, Valerga (Iio de Janeiro) 34 -Humanidade, S. Salvador (Bahia) 35 Prosperidade Fraternal, Iguassu (Rio de Janeiro) 36 Amor da Ordem Respeitada, Ubatuba (S. Paulo) 37 Esperan a., Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 38 Uniao Parana,guense, Plaraiagua (S. Paulo) 39 Sabedoria e Beneficencia, Nictheroy (Rio de Janeiro) 40 Harmlonia Fraternal, Vassouras (Rio de Janeiro) 41 Caridade e Firmeza, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 42 Triumpho e Uniao, Itaguahy (Rio de Janeiro) 43 Cruzeiro do Sul, Rananal (S. Paulo) 44 Fidelidade e Virtude, S. Joao da Barra (Rio de Janeiro) 45 Fidelidade e Beneficencia, S. Salvador (Bahia) 46 Virtude, S. Salvador (Bahia) 47 Uniao Universal, S. Salvador (Bahia) 48 Asylo da Prudencia, Bio de Janeiro (Corte) 49 Industria e Caridade, Nova Friburgo (Rio de Janeiro) 50 Uniao Constante, Rio Grande (S. Pedro do Sul) 51 Prosperidade, Miaonica, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 52 Dous de Dezembro. Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 53 Vinte e tres de Julho, Saquarema (Rio de Janeiro) 54 Concordia Universal, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 55 I-IIarmonia Rio-Grandens, Rio Grande (S. Pedro do Sul) 5C) Vigilancia da Lei, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 57 Firmeza e Unia.o, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 58 Commercio, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 59 Pura Amiizade, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 60 Uniao do Centro, Urubu (Bahia) 61 Instrucgao, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 62 Caridade Universal, S. Salvador (Bahia) -63 Agricultura e Conmmercio, Pavuna (Rio de Janeiro) 64 Segredo e Beneficencio, Rio de Janeiro (Cdrte) 65 Firmeza e Prosperidade, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 66 Cruzeiro do Sul-2d, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 67 Imperio da Razao, Cachoeira (Bahia) 68 Concordia Fraternal, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 69 Triumpho da Razao, S. Salvador (Bahia) 70 Protectora da Orphandade, Pelotas (S. Pedro do Sul) 71 Phenix Dous de Dezembro, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 72 Abrigo da Humanidade, S. Salvador (Bahia) SOUTH AMERICA. 209 NO. LODGE. LOCATION. 73 Nova Estrella, S. Romao (Minas) 74 Asylo da Virtucle, Capivary (Rio de Janeiro) 75 Fraternidade Coritibana, Coritiba (S. Paulo) 76 Bem-Estar Mercantil, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 77 Philantropia, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 78 Humanidade e Justiea, Alegrete (S. Pedro do Sul) 79 Dezoito de Julho, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 80 Silencio, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 81 Conciliagao Morreteana, Morretes (S. Paulo) 82 Ypiranga, S. Paulo (Capital) 83 Estrella do Sul, Bage (S. Pedro do Sul) 81 Les Francs Hyramites, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 85 Sol, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 86 Commercio eIndustria, Celotas (S. Pedro do Sul) 87 Regeneraceao Rio-Grandens, Rio Grande (S. Pedro do Sul) 88 Firmeza e Humnanidade, Pernambuco (Capital) 89 Acacia Cachoeirense, Cachoeira (Bahia) 90 Triumpho da Virtude, Campos (Rio de Janeiro) 91 Justica e Tolerancia, Porto Alegre (S. Pedro do Sul) 92 Philotimia, Pernambuco (Capital) 93 Luz Transatlantica, Jaguarao (S. Pedro do Sul) 94 Uniao Pedrense, Aldea da Pedra (Campos) 95 Confraternidade Maeonica, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 96 Uniao Fraternidade Fidelense, S. Fidelis (Campos) 97 PerseveranBa, Bahia (Capital) 98 Uniao e Constancia, Bahia (Capital) 99 Concordia, Bahia (Capital) 100 Integridade Maeonica, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 101 Prosperidade e Uniao Paduense, S. Fidelis (Campos) 102 Cordialidade, S. Borja (Rio Grande do Sul)103 Fidelidade, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 104 Uniao Escosseza, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) 105 Progresso da Humanidade, Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul) 106 Virtude e Constancia, Santa Anna do Livramento (Rio Grande do Sul) 107 Symbolo da Perfeigao Brasileira, Campos (Rio de Janeiro) 108 Liberdade Legal, Rio de Janeiro (Capital) 109 FHumanidade e Concordia, S. Luiz (Maranhao) 110 Guanabara, Rio Bonito (Rio de Janeiro) 111' Fraternidade Maranhense, S. Luiz (Maranhao) 112 Amizade, Santo Antonio da Patrulha (S. Paulo) 210 UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. No. LODGE. LOCATION. 113 Concordia do Ur Urugu Uruguayana(Rio Grande do Sul) 114 Fidelidade e Firmeza, Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul) 115 Harmonia, Cruz Alta (Rio Grande do Sul) 116 Harmonia Universal, Alegrete (Rio Grande do Sul) 117 Perfeita Fraternidade, Cassapava (Rio Grande do Sul) 118 Philantropia Rio-Pardense, Rio Pardo (Rio Grande do Sul) 119 Razao.e Virtude, S. Borja (Rio Grande do Sul) 120 Regeneracao e Caridade, S. Jose'do Norte (Rio Grande do Sul) 121 S. Joao das Lavras, Laveras (Rio Grande do Sul) 122 Uniao e Forga, Rio Grande do Sul (Capital) 123 Uniao Fraternal, Cachoeira (Rio Grande do Sul) 124 Vinte e quatro de Thamuz, S. Gabriel (Rio Grande do Sul) 125 Tolerancia e Amizade, Dores (Rio Grande do Sul) 126 Honra e Humanidade, Pelotas (Rio Grande do Sul) 127 Liga Firmeza Sergipana, Aracaju (Sergipe) 128 Philantropia Itaquiense, Itaqui (Rio Grande do Sul) 129 Firmeza e Humanidade, Para (Capital) 130 Igualdade Beneficencio, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) UNDER GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND. 616 Orphan, Rio de Janeiro, First Tuesday 703 St. John's, Rio de Janeiro, 2d Friday after f. moon 808 Amistad Unida, Santa Martha, (N. Gr.) 1st and last Saturday 900 Excelsior, Buenos Ayres, 970 Southern Cross, Pernambuco, Brazil, Second Wednesday UNDER GRAND LODGE OF IRELAND. 378 Maranham,'Brazil, CENTRAL AMIERICA. British Constitutional, E. R., Bay of Honduras Royal Sussex, E. R., Belize, Honduras Concordia Venezolana, E. R., Angostura, Colombia Orphan, E. R., Rio de Janeiro St. John's, E. R., Rio de Janeiro MEXICO. Les Hospitaliers des Deux Mondes. A US T RALIA UNDSR GRAID LODG-B OF ENGLAND No. LoD(l.. LOCAtION. TIME OF MErETING. 548 Australia, Sydney, N. S. Wales 613 S. Australian of Friendship, Adelaide, S. Australia 668 St. John, Sydney, N. S. Wales 697 Australia Felix, Melbourne Second Friday 712 St. John, Perth, West Australia 743 Harmony of South Australia Adelaide, S. Australia 753 Perth Unity, Perth, W. Australia 758 N. Zealand Pacific,Wellington, N. Zealand, Third Monday 773 Austraiasia, Melbourne, N. S. Wales, Friday near full m. 781 Tasmanian IUnionH-obart town,V. D. Land, Second Thursday 801 Unity and Prudence) Geelong, Port Philip Thursday nearest f. m. 804 Maitland Unity, W. Maitland, N. S. Wales, First Thursday 814 Aus'lian HarmonyMasonic Hall, Sydney, Third Monday 841 Victoria, Portland, N. South Wales 842 Australia, Goulbourn, do 843 Samaritan, Sydney, do 853 United Tradesmen's Adelaide, S. Australia, Tuesday before full m. 854 Fidelity, Gawler, do Last Tuesday 855 Mildred, Kooringa, do Wednesd'y nearest f. m. 865 Unity, Armidale, New England, Australia Wednesday after f. n. 872 Unity, Britannia Hotel, Port Adelaide, Thursday after f. m. 879 Unanimity, Lyttelton, New Zealand, Fourth Thursday 885 St. Augustine, Christchurch, N. Zealand Wed. on or nearest f.m. 901 I-lope, Launceston, V. Diemen's L.Tuesday near full m, 903 Unanimity & Concord, Illawarra, N. S. Wales 904 Independent, Great West. District, Wales 212.'UNIVERSAL MASONIC DIRECTORY. NO. LODGbI. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 917 St. Kilda, St. Kilda, near Melbourne, First Wednesday 921 Hobson's Bay, Hobson's Bay, N. S. Wales 924 Golden Bendigo, Sandhurst, Victoria, do 933 Truth of North Adelaide, North Adelaide, Wedn. on or before f. m. 956 Victoria, Ballarat, Victoria 968 Mount Egmont, New Plymouth, N. Zeal'd, First Wednesday 969 Prince Wales, Llanelly, S. Wales, First Tuesday 975 Concord, Masonic Hall, Adelaide, First Tuesday aft. f. m. 989 Charity, Launceton, Tasmania, Friday on or near f. m. 990 Waitemata, Auckland, N. Zealand, Third Monday 991 Newcastle of Concord, City of Newcastle, N. S. W. First Friday 992 Faith, Launceton, Tasmania, Monday on or near f. m. 993 Mount Alexander,Castlemaine, Victoria, Tuesday near f. m. 1007 Tongariro, Wangarui, New Zealand 1015 Yarrowee, George Hotel, Ballarat, Wednesdaynext f. m. 1016 Yarra Yarra, Emerald Hill, Victoria, Second Thursday 1018 Mount Franklin of Hiram, Talbot, Victoria, Thursday on or b. f.m. 1019 Ballarat, Ballarat, Victoria, First Monday 1020 Boroondara, Hawthorne, Victoria, Tuesday near f. m. 1021 Peace, Longford, Tasmania 1029 Collinwood, Collingwood, Victoria, Monday before full m. 1030 Beechworth ofSt. John, Beechworth, Victoria, Thursday on or n. f. m. 1031 Meridian of St. John, Melbourne, Victoria, First Thursday 1037 Southern Star, Nelson, New Zealand 1043 Wellington, Mudgee, New South Wales 1046 United Tradesmen's, Ballarat, Victoria, Thursday next f..m. 1047 Mackenzie, Maldon, Victoria, Thursday nearest f. im. 1048 Industry, Williamstown, Victoria, Second Thursday 1049 Mariners', Melbourne, Victoria, Fourth Monday 1050 Mount Macedon,Gisborne, Victoria, Monday on or bef f. m. 1054 Combermere, East Ccllingwood, Victoria, Wed. on or bef. f. m. 1061 Ophir, Orange Western, District, of N. S. W. Last Thursday 1062 Southern Cross, Canterbury, New Zealand, First Thursday UNDE R GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND. 341 Adelaide, South Australia 358 St. Andrew, Sydney AUSTRALIA. 213 No. LODGE. LOCATION. 366 United Tradesmen, Geelong, Victoria 377 Sydney, Tarbolton, New South Wales 378 Newton Kilwinning, Sydney, New South Wales 379 Royal Albert, Sydney, Cape Breton 381 Harmony, West Maitland, N. S. W. 382 Port Macquarrie,- do 386 Wooloomoolloo, Sydney, do 387 Star in the South, Deniliguin, do 388 Judah, Melbourne, Victoria UNDER GRAND LODGE OF IRELAND. 33 Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land 260'Sydney, New South Wales 266 Sydney, New South Wales 267 Sydney, New South Wales 275 Windsor, New South Wales 313 Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land do do 345 do do 346 Launceston, do 348 Auckland, New Zealand 349 Melbourne, Australia 363 Adelaide, South Australia 368 Melbourne, Victoria 370 East Collingwood, Victoria 15 AFRICA. UNDER GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND. No. LODGE. LOCATION. TIME OF MEETING. 416 Torridzonian, Cape Coast Castle, Gold Coast, 419 British, Cape of Good Hope, Third Saturday 468 Free Town Good Intent, Sierra Leone, 473 Hope, Cape of Good Hope, Monday near full moon 545 Albany, Graham Town, do 599 Gold Coast St. John, Cape Coast, 867 Gambia, Bathurst, River Gambia, Second Wednesday 871 Sovereignty, Sovereignty, C. of G. H. First Wednesday 884 Zetland, Fort Beaufort, do do do 987 Fordyce, King William's Town, Cape of Good Hope. 1013 Goodwill, Port Elizabeth, Cape of Good Hope, First Tuesday 1040 Port Natal, D'Urban, Port Natal, Second Thursday UNDER GRAND ORIENT OF FRANCE. Les Pyramids, Alexandria, Egypt Les 15 Artists, Port Louis, Ile Maurice La Paix, do do La Triple Esperance, do do L'Esperance, Cap de Bonne-Esperance IT IsT I V Ell S A- I ASONIC VERSALECOD CONTAINING THE NAME, BUSINESS, PROFESSION AND RESIDENCE OF EACH SUBSCRIBER; THE NAME OF THE LODGE, CHAPTER, COUNCIL, AND ENCAMPMENT, TO WHICH HE IS ATTACHED; AND THE RANK, POSITION, AND DEGREE, ATTAINED IN THE ORDER. ALABAMA. TUSKALOOSA. Bealle, William L., planter.. W.M. Sylvan, 111, Tuskaloosa chap., 1. Tarrant, Edward, Teacher, Superintendent of Common Schools. Fosters, Rising Virtue, 4. Blair, Robert, late Mayor, Clothing Merchant. W. M., Rising Virtue, 4. Tuskaloosa chap., 1, R. and S. M.' Beebe, Justin E., M. D. Planter andTeacher. Fosters; F. M. Sylvan, 111; Rising Virtue, 4; P. H. P., Tuskaloosa chap., 1; Grand Lec_ turer of Grand Chap.; Royal and Select Mason. K. T Brown, James, Carpenter. Rising Virtue, 4; Tuskaloosa chap., 1. Purcell, John, Cabinet-maker. Rising Virtue, 4; Tuskaloosa chap., 1. Roberts, John T., Clerk of the County Court. Rising Virtue, 4; Tuskaloosa chap., 1. Fulton, D. J. J. W., Farmer. Rising Virtue, 4. Burns, John, Boot and Shoemaker. Rising Virtue, 4; R. A. Mason. Doudle, James, Farmer. Coldwater, 148. RISING VIRTUE LODGE, No. 4. Joseph Shelton, W. M. John Burn, Tyler, E. Andrews, John M. Martin, S. W. D. J. J. W. Fulton, D. J. Woodward, John T. Roberts, J.W. R. Blair, R. B. Tearce, M. H. Chanclor, Treas. S. H. Bacon, C. M. Cook, H. McGowan, Sec'ry, T. B. Favour, Edward Tarrant, 0. Bing, S. D. J. E. Beebe, John S. Hamner, John Purcell, J. D. E. M. Burton, T. P. Lewis, i 218 UNIVERSA.L MASONIC RECORD, V. Hart, Theron Brown Wm. H. Fowler, Alfred H. Robertson, V. C. Vanhoose D. H. Avery, Wm. Camimach, Abner Files, James Brown, S. S. Grant, WOODVILLE. Pynes, Hon. James, Farmer. Caledonia, 198. Jordan, John D., Farmer. Caledonia, 198. Howard, Isaac, Farmer. Caledonia, 198. Smith, Benj. F., Farmer. Caledonia, 198. Watford, John W., Farmer. Caledonia, 198. Bowdon, John M., Merchant. Caledonia, 198. Wakefield, F. B., Physician. Caledonia, 198. MONTGOMERY. Pfister, Amand P., Books and Stationery. G. Secretary; Montgomery, 71; Montgomery chap. 22; Montgomery coun., 3; Montgomery encpt., 4; G. Consistory, S. C. Hastings, E. M., Receiver of Public Moneys. W.. Andrew Jackson, 173; 1H. P., Montgomery chap., 22; Rec. Montgomery coun., 3; Prelate, Montgomery cor., 4. Stewart, Edward S., Wholesale Grocer. J. W. Andrew Jackson, 173; Montgomery chap., 22; Montgomery cour., 3; Montgomery com., 4. Garside, WX. H., Chemist and Druggist. Andrew Jackson, 173. Grant, William A., Cotton Broker. Andrew Jackson, 173. Smith, John F., Livery Stable-keeper. Andrew Jackson, 173. Fraser, Richard. S. W., Andrew Jackson, 173; P. S., Montgomery chap., 22; Montgomery coun., 3; Montgomery corn., 4. Owens, William H., Farmer, Buckhorn. Louisville, 225; Albany chap., 15, Georgia. Bryan, Marshall, Farmer, Pea River. Brundidge, 184. Stephens, Silas, Farmer, Brundidge. Taswell. Newman, Robert E., Farmer, Newton. Newton, 224. Kennedy, Jesse, Merchant, Newton. Newton, 224. Balkcorn, Josiah, Farmer, Newton. Newton, 224. Dew, Thomas S., Farmer and Minister, Newton. Newton, 224. Gamage, David Y., Teacher, Newton. Newton, 224. Johnson, Dr. John Y., Physician, China Grove. Mt. Hilliard, 132; Troy chap. Harrison, J. B., Mechanic, Selma. Selma Fraternal, 27. Bennett, William A., Grocer, Farriorville. Wiley, 134; Farriorville chap., 66; Chilton coun., 33. ARKANSAS. 21 Forester, Lewis, Physician, Reform. Fellowship, 172. Butt; D. L. R., Merchant, Centre. S. W., Sam. Dixon, 218. McKinney, Thos. M., Farmer, Bridgeville. Bridgeville, 100. Bayzer, E. W. B., Salesman, Notasulga. Notasulga, 119. Payne, John J. W., MA. D., University, N. Y. Yorkville. WV. M., Yorkville, 131; R.A. M. Pullen, William 0., Farmer, Tallassee. Notasulga, 119. Weaver, Rev. John C., Farmer, near Notasulga. Notasulga, 119. Cole, G. W., Physician, Lafayette.. A. M. Glenn, Abram, Planter, Carthage. J. D., Sylvan, 111. Krout, J., Confectioner, Selma. Fraternal, 27; St. John's chap., 31 Selma coun., 17. Kelly, J. P. D., M. D., Buckhorn. Brundidge, 184. ARKANSAS. Murrell, George M., Farmer, Park Hill. J. W. Cherokee, 21. Barber, Luke E., Clerk of Supreme Court, Little Rock; P. G. Master of Grand Lodge of Arkansas; Western Star, 2; G. IH. Priest of Grand Chap. of Arkansas; Union chap., 2; Occidental coun., 1; Hugh de Payens encpt., 1. Pike, Albert, Lawyer, Little Rock. Magnolia, 60; Union chap., 2; Occidental coun., 1; Hugh de Payens corn. Supreme coun., 33, at Charleston. Hlays, Henry Herman, Big Creek, Phillips co. Lebanon, 97; Helena chap., 5; Occidental coun., 1; Hugh De Payens com., D. D. G..M. for 5th district. aGRAND CONSISTORY. Of Sub * Pr ~ of ye R.'. S.'. 32 degree, organized, inaugurated, and installed, August 2d, 1858, at LITTLE ROCK. ORIGINAL MEMBER S. Luke E. Barber, Corn. Thomas D. Merrick, Louis Gedge, Elbert H. Englis, Dep. Con. John H. Newbern, Benj. F. Danley, Geo. C.W5atkins, 1st Lt. Com. Samuel W. Williams, Andre T. Hutt, Roderick L. Dodge, 2d Lt. Cor. Granville McPherson, Jno. J. McAlmont, James A. Henry, Alexander Huey, Andrew T. Smith, Feibleman, E., Merchant, firm of Feibleman & Co.,Lamartine, and Block and Feibleman, Camden, Ark. Sec'y Lamartine, 90; Lamartine chap., 15. 220 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Smith, Rev. Peyton R., Missionary Baptist, Monticello. Grand Chaplain of Grand Lodge; Eureka, 40; H. P. Monticello chap., 13,. E. P. and R. in 1834, and received chap. and coun. degrees all in Tennessee. CALIFORNIA. Creigh, J. D., Attorney-at-law, San Francisco. California, 1; San Francisco chap., 1. G. H. P. of G. C. of California. Parker, Samuel H., Attorney-at-law, San Francisco. Strafford, 29, N. H. Richards, James R., Cor. Mer. Sec'y Occidental, 22; R. A. M. San Francisco. FOREST CITY. Evans, M. R., Merchant. Treas'r of Forest, 66; Forest chap., 10. Scott, Washington, Miner. Forest, 66. Reed, Thornton A., Hotel Keeper. Forest, 66. Miller, George, Baker. Forest, 66. Patchin, Clint H., Hotel Keeper. Forest, 66; Forest chap., 10. Kirkpatrick, John, Miner. Sec'y Forest, 66; Sec'y Forest chap., 10. Fleming, William, Expressman. S. D. of Forest, 66. Winters, Theo., Merchant. S. D. Forest, 66; Forest chap., 10. McNutt, G. A., Miner. Forest, 66. Fitz James, James, Bookkeeper. P. M. Nevada, 13; Sacramento chap., 3. Bope, John B., Farmer, Plum Valley. W. M. Forest, 66; King, Forest chap., 10; Sacramento encpt. Lander, James K., Lawyer. S W. Los Angeles, 42, Los Angeles. Langton, Samuel W., Expressman, Downieville. Mountain Shade, 18. Kline, Christian J., Baker, Downieville. Mountain Shade, 18. Langton, Alexander T., Merchant, Downieville. Mountain Shade, 18. Ries, Christian, Quartz Miner, Downieville. Mountain Shade, 18. Thurman, Leach, B., Dealer in Groceries, Provisions, and Miners' supplies in general, Auburn. Ionic, 121. Green, Jonathan, Tailor, Shasta City. P. M. St. John's, 37; Shasta chap., 9. Kitts, David B., Miner, Indian Creek. S. W. North Star. Brown, Edward, Miner, Campo Seco. Campo Seco, 100. Adler, Adolph, Merchant, Campo Seco. CONNECTICUT. 221 Hyneman, Moses, Merchant, Auburn. W. M. Eureka, 16. R. A. M, Reed, Thomas M., County Treasurer, Eldorado co., Colomo. W. M. Georgetown, 25; W. M. Acacia U. D.; Sherburne chap., Ky. Andrews, Lorrin, Jr., Clerk, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. Hawaiian. 21; Covington chap. 35, Ky.; Kenton coun., 13, Ky.; Covington encpt., 7, Ky. CONNECTICUT. BRIDGEPORT. Benedict, Rev. Amos N., Pastor First Baptist Church. G. C. of Grand Lodge; G. C. Jerusalem chap., 13; G. C. Jerusalem coun., 16; Hamilton encpt., 4. Dunham, J. E. St John's, 3; Jerusalem chap., 13;Jerusalem coun., 16; Hamilton encpt., 4. Goodsell, E. B., Postmaster. St. John's, 3; Jerusalem chap., 13; Jerusalem coun., 16; Hamilton encpt., 4. Higby, W. R., Cashier Peyunnock Bank. St. John's, 3; H. P. Jerusalem chap., 13; Th. II. Gr. M., Jerusalem coun., 16; Capt. Gd. Hamilton encpt., 4; P. G. Sentinel Grand Lodge; G. P. C. GrandCoun. G. S. W. Grand Encpt. Mills, D. L., Jr. W. M. St. John's, 3; Jerusalem chap., 13; Jerusalem coun., 16; Hamilton encpt., 4. Watrous, R. G., Hatter, 220 Main-street. St. John's, 3; Jerusalem chap., 13. Webb, Charles, Cashier Farmers' Bank. St. John's, 3; Jerusalem; chap., 13; Jerusalem coun., 16; Hamilton encpt., 4. Willson, J. M, prop. Willson House. P. M. St. John's, 3; Jerusalem chap., 13. COLCHESTER. Adams, J. R., Overseer Hayward Rubber Co. Wooster, 10. Bingham, E. S., Mecha'nic. Wooster, 10. Chase, Seth Lyman, Physician. Wooster, 10. Douglas, Reuben P., Overseer Hayward -Rubber Co. Wooster, 10. 222 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Foot, S. B., Mechanic, Hayward Rubber Company. Wooster, 10. Felton, J. N., Superintendent Hayward Rubber Company. Essex, Salem, Mass. Grover, Henry J., Boot Maker, Hayward Rubber Co. Wooster, 10. Hammond, J. C., Agent Hayward Rubber~Co. Wooster, 10. Hayward, N., Manufacturer of India Rubber Pails, Fire Buckets and other Rubber goods. Wooster, 10. Hopkins, Geo. S., Master Machinist, Hayward Rubber Co. Wooster, 10; Franklin chap., 4. Rayner, William, Machinist Hayward Rubber Co. Wooster, 10. Pemberton, H. Henry, Engineer Hayward Rubber Company. Libanus, Great Falls, M/ass. Kenney, Albert, Proprietor Kenney House. Wooster, 10. Smith, D. R. Wooster, 10. Smith, W. C. Wooster, 10. Taintor, Ralph S., Farmer and Wool Dealer. Wooster, 10. Wales, Chas., Mechanic, Hayward Rubber Co. Rural, Quincy, Mass. DEEP RIVER. Hale, Enos A., Merchant, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., &c. J. W. Trinity, 43. Phelps, Geo. N., Ship Carpenter. S. Trinity, 43. Pratt, N. B., Manufacturer of Chisel Handles, etc. Trinity, 43. Read, Spencer, Mechanic, J. D. Trinity, 43. Nickerson, N., M. D. Trinity, 43. Rogers, John, Brush Manufactory. Trinity, 43. Snow, C. W., Deputy Sheriff. Trinity 43. Starkey, Felix,i Manufacturer, and Lumber Dealer. S. W.Trinity, 43; Washington chap., 6. Williams, T. W. S. D. Trinity, 43. Willmot, Hiram, Manufacturer of Hardware. S. Trinity, 43. Denison, E. C., Shipbuilder. Trinity, 43. Flint, Rowley, Mechanic. P. M. Trinity, 43; Washington chap, 6. Bogart, W. H., Sash, iDoor, and Blind Manufacturer. W. M. Trinity, 43. ESSEX. Beebe, H. G., Dealer in fish. Mount Olive, 52. Bruddock, Wm. F., Sailmaker. J. D., Mount Olive, 52. Hayden, T. S., Merchant. Trinity, 43. Phelps, James, Attorney-at-law, State Senator, from the 19th district. P. M. Mount Olive, 52. Franklin chap., 2. Redfield, Ed. W., Merchant. P. M. Mount Olive, 52; Franklin chap., 2, Redfield, J. E., Cashier, Saybrook Bank. Mt. Olive, 52. CONNECTICUT. 223 Ruggles, A. C., Shipmaster. Doric, 280, New-York. Smith, Noah A., House-bnilder. W. M. Mt. Olive, 52. West, Francis H., Commission Merchant. Mt. Olive, 52. EAST HADDAM. Babcock, D. S., Music Teacher. S. W. Columbia, 26. Gates, F. W., Med. Manufacturer. S. D. Columbia, 26. Parsons, O. Wilson, Steamboat Clerk. Sec'y Columbia, 26. Spencer, R. D., Mechanic. J. D. Columbia, 26. Selden, Jas. S., Proprietor of Champion House. J. W. Columbia, 26, Selden, Joseph E., Med. Manufacturer. W. M. Columbia, 26. FAIR-HAVEN. Barnes, H. R., Grocer. J. W. Adelphi, 63; H. P. Pulaski chap., 26; C. M. Crawford coun., 29. Gesner, Win. N., Ship-builder. P. M. Adelphia, 63; P. H. P. Pulaski chap., 26; P. T. and Rec. Crawford council 19; New-Haven com., 2. Maltby, Geo. E., Manuf'r of American Lozenges, Drugs, &c. Adelphi, 63. Nettleton, W. O. Ship-builder. Adelphi, 63. Preston, J. R., Manufacturer of Kegs and Packing boxes. Adelphi, 63; Pulaski chap., 26; Crawford coun., 19. Sanford, J. S., Grocery and ship stores, Adelphi. 63; Pulaski chap., 26. Warren, Ralph, Farmer. Adelphi, 63; P. H. P. Pulaski chap., 26; T. Ill. G. M. Crawford coun., 19. New-Haven corn., 2. HARTFORD. Goodwin, Major Horace, Music store. P. M. St. John's, 4; P. I. P. Pythagoras chap., 17; P. T. Ill. G. M. Woolcot council; P. G. M. Washington encpt. 1; G. Treas. and P. G. M. Grand Lodge; P. H. P. Grand Chap.; P. M. P. G. M. Grand Coun.; P. G. M., Grand Encpt. Hartmann, Leopold, Dry Goods and Millinery. Warren, 80. Tripp Samuel, Constable of E. Hartford; Deputy U. S. Marshall. W. M. Orient, 62; Pythagoras chap., 17; Woolcot coun. 1; P. G. C.. Wash. encpt., 1; G. H. P. Grand Chap.; P. G. S. W. Grand Encpt. Fitch, Henry H., Clerk School Fund. W. M. St. John's, 4; Pythagoras chap., 17; Woolcot coun., 1; Wash. encpt., 1. Goodsell, Willis J., Jeweller, 293 Main street. P. M. St. John's, 4; Pythagoras chap., 17; Deputy G. M. Woolcot coun., 1; Pres. Wash. enept.; T. J. G. M. Grand Coun. Sperry, Stiles D., Treasurer of State Savings Bank. P. M. St. John's, 4; K. Pythagoras chap., 17; Woolcot coun., 1; G. C. Wash. encpt., 1 G. Swd. B., Grand Encpt. Fisher, Rev. Charles R., Rector St. Paul's Church. Ch. St. John's, 224 UNIVERSAL MIASONIC IRECORD. 4; Pythagoras chap. 17; Woolcot, coun., 1; Prelate Wash. encpt., I; P. G. Chaplain, Grand Lodge. Most, John H., Piano Manufacturer, 130 Main street. St. John's, 4. HEBRON. Post, D. WV., Merchant. Secretary Wooster, 10. Page, E. P., Merchant. Wooster, 10. Buell, C G.., Merchant. Wooster, 10. Gilbert, Ralph, Attorney-at-law, Judge of Probate, late pres. Judge of the County Court for Tolland county. K. T. Hanna, Wm. H., Trunkmaker. Manchester, 73. Lathrop, Seth E., Farmer, Wooster, 10; chap. formerly at Colchester encpt. do. Brown, N. S., Merchant. Wooster, 10. MANCHESTER. Arnold, Charles H. Sign and Carriage Painter. Manchester, 73. Balch, Ira E., Manufacturer. Manchester,73. Cheeny, C. S. Ex-Sec'y Manchester, 73; Pythagoras chap., 17. Buel, F. L., Sup't Pacific Manuf.; Constable of M'r. Manchester, 73. Calhoun, David S., Attorney-at-Law. Manchester, 73. Cowles, F. WY., Farmer, Manchester, 73. Cheeny, James W., Silk Manufacturer. Manchester, 73. Fox, James R., Millwright. Manchester, 73. Fitzgerald, Patrick, Paper-maker. Manchester, 73. Gardner, Henry, Sup't Cheney's Silk Mill. WV. M. Manchester, 73; Pythagoras chap. 17; Woolcot corn., 1; Washington encpt., 1. Gilbert, Joseph C., Saddle, Harness, and Trunk Maker. Ex-Sec'y Manchester, 73. Griswold, G. G., Dentist. Manchester, 73. Haughtown, R. W., Manuf. Tinware. P. M. Manchester, 73; Treas. Hudson, Melancthon, Postmaster Manch. station, Paper-manuf. Manchester, 73. Jacques, Calvin, Jr. (M. D.) Manchester, 73. McCormick, Jas., Segar-manuf. P. M. and S. D. Manchester, 73. Pitkin, A. D. Manchester, 73. Perry, R. D. L., Express agent. Manchester, 73. Rich, Geo. F., Silk-manuf. S. W. Manchester, 73. Rich, WVm., Paper-maker. Manchester, 73. Risley, Win. W., Merchant Tailor. Manchester, 73. Russell, W..C., Dep. Sheriff, Hartford co.; First Constable of Manch'r. S. Manchester, 73. Spaulding, Franklin. Manchester, 73. Strong, Ethan E., Paper-manufacturer. Manchester, 73. CONNECTICUT. 225 Strong, Wm. C., Wrapping Filter Paper Manuf. P. M. Manch'r, 73. Tucker, Richard, Cotton manuf. Manchester, 73; Pythagoras chap., 17; Woolcot coun., 1. Treat, R. B., Mason and Builder; Constable. J. W. Manchester, 73. Weaver, E., Prop. North Manchester Hotel. Manchester, 73. Williams, Wm. I, House-painter, Grainer, &c. Manchester, 73. Woodbridge, C. A., Sec'y and Treas. Otis Manuf. Co. Manchester, 73. MIDDLETOWN. Adams, C. Collard, Student, Class 1859, Wesleyan University. St. John's, 2. Avery, John, Sash and Blind Maker. St. John's, 2; Treas. Washington chap., 6: Treas. Col. coun., 9. Bacon, Benj. C., Stoves and Tinware. Kingston, 53, Wisconsin. Baily, John S., Dealer in Stoves, Tinware, &c. Treas. St. John's, 2; M. 3d Veil, Washington chap., 6. Bidwell, J. E., Teller, Middlesex Co. Bank. Ex-Sec'y St. John's, 2; Scribe Wash. chap. 6; P. T. I. Col. coun., 9; P. G. Capt. G. of Grand Coun., New-Haven encpt. Calef,. Arthur B., Attorney-at-law. S. W. and Acting M. St. John's 2; Washington chap., 6; Col. coun. 9; and J. G. D. Grand Lodge. Cromwell, Harvey D., Dep. Sheriff. St. John's, 2. Fagan, Patrick, U. S. Collector of Port. St. John's, 2. Fitch, Edward R., Tailor. Meridian, 77; Keystone chap., 27. Kilbourn, Jonathan, Ex-Alderman, W. Trinity Church. P. M. St. John's, 2; Treas. Washington chap. 6; Treag. Col. coun., 9; P. G. Sw'd B. Grand Chap., New-Haven encpt. McFarland, Wm. W., Attorney-at-law. J. W. St. John's, 2; Washington chap., 6; Col. coun., 9, and G. S. Grand Coun. Roberts, George Litch, Graduating Class, 1859, Wesleyan University. St. John's, 2. Steele, H. S., Cigar and Tobacco Dealer. Daskam, 86. Woodward, Charles, (M.D.) St. John's, 2; P. M. Washington. MANSFIELD. Broadhurst, Chas., Silk Dyer. Eastern Star, 44. Calhoun, George W., Merchant. VW. M. Uriel, 24; M. 3d Veil, Trinity chap., 9. Cummings, Win. G., Silk Manufacturer. Eastern Star, 44. Chaffee, O. S., Manufacturer of Sewing Silk. Eastern Star, 44. Gordon, Albert A., Machinist. Eastern Star, 44. Levee, Nathan, farmer. Treas. Uriel, 24; Trinity chap., 9. Rixford, Nathan, Manufacturer of Sewing Silk, &c. Eastern-Star, 44. 226 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. NORWICH. Almy, J. H., Commission Merchant. Somerset, 34. Avery, W. W., Dealer in Flour and Grain Feed. Somerset, 34; R. A. Capt. Franklin chap., 4. Brewer, Wm. L., Attorney-at-law. P. M. Somerset, 34; G. M.'Franklin coun. 3; P. G. C. Columbian Encpt., 4; M. G. Lodge, T. I. P. Gr. M. Grand Coun., Prelate Grand Encpt. Brand, C. C., Manufacturer of Whaling Guns and Bomb Lances. Somerset, 34; Franklin chap., 4; Franklin coun.; 3; Col. encpt., 4. Bussey, James, Jr., Merchant Tailor. Somerset, 34; Franklin chap., 4; Columbia encpt., 4. Buidick, Evan, Architect. Putnam, 46. Gordon, Albert A., Machinist. Eastern Star, 44. Child, C. G., Attorney-at-Law. Somerset, 34; S. Franklin chap., 4; R. Franklin coun., 3; J. W., Columbia enept., 4. Corbett, C. C., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Marble, 35 Water street. Somerset 34. Crocker, Jared F., Attorney-at-law. Wooster, 10. Chamansky, Adolph, Merchant Tailor. Somerset, 34. Dyer, Charles E. Somerset, 34. Fox, John J., Salesman. Somerset, 34; Franklin chap., 4. Farnam, Charles N., Manufacturer of Belting, Engine Hose, and Fire Buckets, &c., &c. Somerset, 34. Hall, Amos A., Teacher of Music. Union, 31; Franklin chap., 4. Harris, Henry A., Proprietor Hotel. Somerset, 34. Hedge, Washington L., Clerk in the employ of N. and N. L. Steamboat Co. Somerset, 34; Franklin chap., 4. Hinckley, W. H., Dealer in Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Whips, etc. Somerset, 34; Franklin chap., 41; Franklin coun., 3. Kingston, Thos. W., Clerk steamer Commonwealth. Somerset, 34; Franklin chap., 4. Moore, David, Shipping Ice, and Fancy Goods Store. Somerset, 34; Franklin chap., 4; Franklin coun. 3; Columbia enept., 4. Martin, Geo. H., Dealer in Pianofortes, Melodeons, &c. Somerset, 34; Franklin, chap., 4. Moore, Geo. H., Ice Dealer, 108 Main street. Somerset, 34. Osgood Gilbert, Merchant. Somerset, 34; Franklin chap., 4. I Parker, Henry L., Bookkeeper for N. and N. L. Steamboat Company. Somerset, 34; Franklin chap., 4. Shaw, J. B., Harness and Trunks. Somerset, 34; Franklin chap., 4 Frunklin coun., 3; Col. encpt., 4. CONNECTICUT. 227 Tingley, Wm. H. W. M. Somerset, 34; K. Franklin chap., 4; P. T. G. M. Franklin coun. 3; P. G. C. Columbia encpt. 4; P. G. Marshall Grand Lodge. Wilson, J. V., M. D., Manufacturer Dysentery Powders. Somerset, 34; Franklin chap., 4; Franklin coun., 3; C. G. Col. encpt., 4; Williams, J. H., ship Chandlery and American Hardware, Mechanics' Tools, &c., &c. Somerset, 34. Williams, Isaac, Dealer in Fish, &c. Somerset, 34; P. R. A. Capt. Franklin chap., 4: Franklin coun. 3; P. Capt. Guard Columbia encpt., 4. Whittemore, Rev. B. 1H. Priest, Franklin chap,, 4. NEW LONDON. Allen, F. L., Druggist. ~ Union, 31. Barnes, Samuel D., Spar-maker. Union, 31; Union chap., 7; Cushing coun., 4; S. B., Palestine encpt., 6. Baekwith, Jason, Grocer and Hardware. Union, 31; Union, chap., 7; Cushing coun., 4; Palestine encpt., 6. Clark, A. H., Conductor, N. H. and N. L. R. R. Union, 31. Carroll, Thomas R., 14 Main st., Paints, Window-Glass, Paper-hangings, &c., &c. Union, 31. Colton, A. S. Union, 31; Union chap., 7; Cushing coun., 4; T., Palestine encpt., 6. Crowell, Gilbert, Machinist. I. W. Union, 31; C. H. Union chap., 7; Cushing coun., 4; J. W. Palestine encpt., 6. Delany, Capt. Edwin A., Shipmaster. Union, 31; Union chap., 7. Dumford, Joseph C., City Sheriff. Union, 31. Feldman, Henry, Merchant Tailor, Furnishing Goods. Union, 31; Union chap., 7; Cushing coun., 4. Franklin, Nathan, Fancy and Dry Goods Merchant. Hiram, 1; Union chap., 7; Cushing coun., 4 Francis, Dav. P., M. D. Union, 31. Goddard, Geo. W., Attorney-at-law. P. M., Union, 31; Union chap., 7. Harris, J. N., Mayor of the City, Merchant. Union, 31; Union chap., 7; Cushing coun., 4; Palestine encpt., 6. Hovey, Philo B., Foreman of Locomotive and Repair Shops, N. L., W. and P. R. R. Union, 31; King Union chap., 7; Cushing coun., 4; Capt. Guard, Palestine encpt., 6. Irish, Wm. O., Editor New-London Chronicle. Union, 31. Jewell, O. H., M. D. Botanist and Druggist. Union, 31. Kenyon, F. P., Daguerreotype Artist, cor. State and Bank streets. Union, 31. 228 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Linicus, J., Cigar Manufacturer. Union 31. Neale, J. B., Steamboat Agent. Union, 31; Union chap., 7; Cushing coun., 4. Perkins, Thos. W. Union, 31; R. A. Capt. Union chap. 7; T. I. G. M., Gushing coun., 4. Ruddock, D. S., Editor, New-London Star. Union, 31. Saunders, Capt. R. W., Ship-master. Union, 31; Sec., Union chap.I 7; Cushing coun., 4. Smith, Franklin R., Dealer in Stoves, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware, &c., 14 Bradly st. Union, 31. Spalding, A. D., prop. Irving House. Union, 31; Union chap., 7; Cushing cour., 4. Sprague, David, Seaman. Union, 31; H. P.,Union chap., 7; P. C., Cushing coun., 4; 3d Guard, Palestine encpt., 6. Treby, Isaac, Asst. Postmaster. Treas.,';lJnion 31; Treas., Union, chap., 7; Treas., Gushing coun., 4; Treas., Palestine enept., 6. NEW-HAVEN. Storer, E. G. Gr. Sec'y, Gr. Lodge; Gr. Sec'y, Gr. Chap.; Gr. Ree. Gr. Coun., P. G. M. and Gr. Rec., Gr. Enept.; Hiram, 1; Sec'y, Franklin chap., 2; P. H. P. P. T. Ill., G. M., Harmony coun., 8; R., New-Haven enept., 2. Shears, Rev. A. G., M. A., Principal and propt. Suburban Home School. Hiram, 1. Peck, L. G., Attorney-at-law. Hiram 1; P. K., Franklin chap., 2; Harmony coun., 8; G. C., New-Haven enept., 2. Brown, Charles, Soap and Candle Manufacturer. Wooster, 79. Bradley, Silas A., Attorney and Counsellor-at-law. Wooster, 10. PUTNAM. Copp, Wm. H. W. M., Putnam, 46; P. H. P., Franklin chap., 4; T. J., Montgomery coun., 2. May, Prescott, Wholesale and Retail, Fish and Salt Meats, Provisions. &c., Dept. Sheriff for Windham co. P. M., Moriah, 15; H. P., Warren chap.,,12; P. G. S. of the Grand Chap.; Capt. of the Gd.; Montgomery coun., 2. Smith, Joseph, Machinist. Putnam, 46. Casswell, Thos. A., Jeweller, &c. Putnam, 46. Blackman, James A., Butcher. S. Putnam, 46. Joslin, William C., Cotton Manufacturer. Putnam, 46. Phillips, Gilbert W.,Attorney and Counsellor-at-law. J. W., Putnam, 46; Warren chap., 12; Montgomery coun., 2. Williams, L., Dry Goods and Groceries. S. W., Putnam, 46. CONNECTICUT. 229 PORTLAND. Bartlett, VVm. H., Merchant. Warren, 51. Cambell, Archibald, Merchant-Tailor. Warren, 51. Gleason, W T., Agent and Treas. Middlesex Quarry Co. Warren, 51. Griswold, Gilbert, Manufacturer of Jewelry. Warren, 51. Stancliff, Geo. W. M. Warren, 51; HI. P. Wash. chap. 6; P. T. I. of Col. coun. 9; M. P. G. M.;' Grand Com. Wash. encpt., 1. State Legislature. Stancliff, mWi., Livery business. Ex-Sec'y Warren, 51. Stocking, Stephen H., Carpenter. S. W. Warren, 51. Williams, David S., Dry Goods. Sec'y Warren, 51. ROCKVILLE. Crossley, Thomas, Manufacturer. W. M. Fayette, 69. Hammond, A. P., Manuf. Fancy Cassimeres. S. W. Fayette, 69. Hammond, Joseph C. Jr., Bookkeeper New-England Co. Ex-Sec'y Fayette, 69. Henry, E. Stephens, Dry Goods Dealer. J. W. Fayette, 69. Kellogg, Julius A., Foreman of Waring Dept. Rockville Manuf. Fancy Cassimeres. D. Fayette, 69. Rose, E. K., Manuf. Sewing Silks, Twists, &c. Cincinnatus, Mass. Rich, Julius, Manufacturer of Glazed Cotton. Fayette, 69. Selden, Henry, Agent Saxon Satinet Co. Treas. Fayette, 69. Shelton, M. H., Foreman Knapping-room, Springville Satinet Co. Fayette, 69. Skinner, Alden, (M. D.) Fayette, 69; R.A. M. Thompson, L. E., Flour, Feed, Grain, &c. Fayette, 69. Ward, C. T., Merchant Tailor. P. M. Fayette, 69. Warner, A. B. Ed. and Pub. Tolland Co. Republican. Ex-Sec'y Fayette, 69. Wells, C. B., Ed. and Pub. Tolland Co. Gazette. Fayette, 69; Pythagoras chap. Winchell, Cyrus, Supt.. Springville Satinet Co. Fayette, 69. SUFFIELD. Birge, Anson, Wholesale Dealer in Conn. Seed Tobacco.. Apollo, 59. Hathaway, COL., John M., Quarter-Master-Gen'l of the State of Conn. W. M. Apollo, 59; Pythagoras chap., 17. Lighthall, Wm., Dealer in Leaf Tobacco. Apollo, 59. Loomis, Burdett, Wholesale Dealer in Conn. Seed Tobacco. Apollo, 5'9. Loomis, Rowland,Wholesale Dealer in Cigars and Tobacco. Apollo, 59. 16 230 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Newton, M. T., Physician and Surgeon. Treas. Apollo, 59. Spencer, Calvin C., Dealer in Furs and Wool, Apollo, 59. Spencer, I. Luther, Dealer in Furs, Wool, Cigars, and Tobacco. Apollo, 59. Wood, Benj., Manuf. Cigars and Dealer in Tobacco. Apollo, 59. Wright, Nelson J., Butcher. Apollo, 59. WEST KILLINGLY. Branch, Howard, Spinner Danielson Cotton Mills. Moriah, 15. Green, Augustus. Moriah, 15. Holme,, Lawson M., Master Overseer of the Weaving Department. J. D., Moriah, 15. Jackson, E. M., Wholesale Manufacturer of Boots, Shoes, and Gaiters; Oxford Ties, &c., &c. W. M. Moriah, 15; King, Warren chap., 12; P. T. I. Montgomery coun., 2. James, Clark W., late Master of Ship Uncas, of New-Bedford, Ct. Moriah, 15. Kies, Geo., Carpenter and Builder. Moriah, 15. Leland, James P., Manufacturer of Axe, Pick-Adze Handles, Spokes, &c. Moriah, 15; Treasurer Warren chap., 12; Montgomery coun.., 2. Martin, Earl, Attorney and Counsellor-at-law. Treas. Moriah, 15. Parker, Thos., Merchant Tailor, Hats, Caps, and Furnishing Goods. Moriah, 15; Warren chap., 12; Montgomery coun., 2. Sayles, S. L., Manufacturer of Satinets. Moriah, 15. Tucker, W. C., Superintendent Quinebaug Corporation Croton Mills. Moriah, 15; Warren chap., 12. Waldo, J., Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Flour, &c. Moriah, 15. WINDSOR. Phelps, Win., Farmer. Morning Star, 58. Bancroft, T. E., Farmer and Butcher. Orient, 62. Payne, J., Merchant. P. M. Morning Star, 28. Allen, J. S., Farmer. Morning Star, 28. Stoddard, Rev. Judson P. Lodge in Genoa, Wisconsin. Steadman, 1. P., Carpenter and House Builder. Morning Star, 28. Moran, John, Groceries and Periodicals. Apollo, 59. Sprague, John F., Livery Dealer and Dealer in Wood, Apollo, 59. Hillman, Levi N., Confectioner and Dining Saloon. Morning Star, 58. WAREHOUSE POINT. Moffit, Henry A., Butcher. Orient, 62. CONNECTICUT. 231 Whipple, Wm. J., Cigar Manufacturer. W. M. Morning Star, 28. Bassinger, Jacob C., Butcher. Morning Star, 28. Sexton, Bezaleel, Woollen Manufacturer. Morning Star, 28; Pythagoras chap., 17; Washington encpt., 1. Ware, Gilbert, Livery Keeper. Morning Star, 28. Smith, James H., Woollen Manufacturer. J. W. Morning Star, 28. Disnock, E. B., Woollen Manufacturer. P. M. M orning Star, 28. Baker, J. H., Hotel Proprietor. Morning Star, 28. Elsor, F., Cigar Manufacturer. Morning Star, 28. Clary, Rev. Henry M., Rector St. John's Church. Chaplain Morning Star, 28. WILLIMANTIC. Davidson, Calvin H. W. M. Eastern Star, 44; Scribe Trinity chap., 9. Kergwin, John G., Dealer in Readymade Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, etc..S. W. Eastern Star. 44. Simpson, E. J., Editor and Proprietor Willimantic Journal. J. W. Eastern Star, 44; Trinity chap., 9. Tilden, Rev. Chester, Chaplain, Eastern Star, 44; Washington encpt., 1; Chaplain Trinity chap., 9; P. G. C. Grand Chap.; G. Chaplain Grand Coun. Arnold, J. R., Attorney-at-law. Eastern Star, 44. Baldwin, Gen. Floyd E., Architect and Builder. Eastern Star, 44. Lincoln, Allen, Dry Goods and Groceries. Eastern Star, 44. Brooks, A. E., Proprietor Merchants' Restaurant, and Manufacturer of Domestic Wines. Eastern Star, 44. Morse, John, Merchant Tailor. Eastern Star, 44. WOODSTOCK. Stocldard, Geo. S. T., Attorney. at-law. Putnam, 46. Williams, Andrew A., Postmaster and Merchant. P. M. Putnam, 46; Warren chap., 12; Montgomery coun., 2; Washington encpt., 1. Williams, John F., Attorney-at-law and Judge of Probate. Putnam, 46; Ex-Sec'y Warren chap., 12; P. G. M. Montgomery coun., 2. Fenner, S. M., Dealer in Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, &c.; Manuf. Ladies' Shoes.. Ex-Sec'y Putnam, 46. BROOKLYN. Duncan, James C., Manuf. Gold Pens. S. D. Moriah, 15. White, J.-E., Manuf. Gold Pens. Moriah, 15; M. 3d Veil, Warren chap., 12; Montgomery coun., 2. Colon, Geo. W., Manuf. Gold Pens. Moriah, 15. 232 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Main, Edwin G., Prop. Putnam Hotel. S. Moriah, 15; M. 1st Veil, Warren chap., 12; Montgomery coun., 2. WINDHAM. Martin, James G. Eastern Star, 44. Fitch, Edward P., Grocer and Corn. Mer. Eastern Star, 44. Wales, William, Mason and Builder. P. M. Eastern Star, 44; H. P. Trinity chap., 9. Huntington, W. P. M. Eastern Star, 44; P. Sojourner Trinity chap. 9; Franklin coun.; Columbia encpt. NORWALK. Daskam, Geo. F., Merchant. P. M. St. John's, 6; P. H. P. Washington chap., 25; G. M. Clinton encpt., 3; P. G. M. Grand Lodge; P. G. M. P. Grand Coun.; G. M. of Grand Encpt. Stcphenson, David, Hotel Proprietor. St. John's, 6. Van Zandt, Jacob A., High Sheriff, Fairfield co. St. John's, 6. Storey, William W., Dyer. P. M. St. John's, 6; P. H. P. Washington chap. 1; Capt. Geo. Washington coun.; S. W. Clinton encpt. 3. Barber, A. S., Prop. Tolland Hotel. Steward Uriel, 24, Tolland. Bishop, Joseph, Clerk Superior Court, Tolland co., and Town Clerk, Tolland. Uriel, 24. Hyde, Alvan P., Attorney-at-law, Tolland. S. W. Uriel, 24. Butler, Horace, House Carpenter, Madison. V. M. Madison, 87. Wildman, Cornelius, Guilford. St. Alban's, 38. Miller, C. XV., Merchant, Guilford. St. Alban's, 38. Russell, Henry S., Merchant, Chester. P. M. Trinity, 43; Trinity chap., 2. Clark, A. C., Postmaster, Merchant, Winthrop. Trinity, 43. Brooks, Simeon, Chester; Manuf. Bright Ironware, Screw-eyes, Gatehooks, &c. Trinity, 43. Pratt, Gen. James T., Rocky Hill. St. Joseph, 4. Lester, A. M., Shipmaster, Ledyard. Union, 31; Union chap., 7; Cushing coun., 4; Palestine encpt., 6. Abbee, Col. R. M., Inventor of Pat. Pig Pen and Self-adjusting R. R. Switch, Thompsonville. Ex-Sec'y Morning Star, 22. Farrows, P., Farmer, Thompson. Putnam, 6. Chase, C. A., Cigar Manufacturer, New-HIaven. Morning Star, 28. Dennison, E. E., Dep. Sheriff, Stonington. Asylum, 57. Austin, Jas. H. (M.D.), Bristol; Constable; Senator from the Third District. P. M. Franklin, 56. DELkAWARE. 233 Landers, Charles S., Painter, Mystic Bridge. S. W. Charity, 68; Union chap. 7; Cushintr coun., 4.; Palestine encpt., 6; Capt. 1st G'. Ford, R. D., Farmer, Coventry. J. W. Uriel, 24. Mines, Rev. John F., Rector, Grace church, Broad Brook. Ch. Fayette, 69; Pythagoras chap., 17. Wood, John P., Bookkeeper, Scotland. Eastern Star, 44. Underwood, Samuel, Master Builder, Pomfret Landing. P. H. P. of Warren chap.; P. M. Putnam, 46; Montgomery coun., 2; Washington encpt., 1. Chapman, B. F., Dealer in Beef, Pork, Hams, Tallow, Danielsonville. Moriah, 15; Warren chap., 12; Montgomery coun., 2. Barrett, N. N., Foreman Finishing Dept. Axe Manuf'y, Collinsville. W. M. Village, 29; Pythagoras chap., 17; Washington corn., 1; G. S. Grand Chap. Noyes, Franklin B., Agent Treverton Coal Co., Stonington. Asylum, 57; Benevolent chap. DELAWARE. WILMINGTON. Teas, Joseph, Master Machinist for P., W. and B. R. R. Co. J. W. Washington, 1. Hyde, Joseph, Foreman of Depot Machine Shop. Washington, 1. Douglass, Benjamin, Machinist. Washington, 1. Hainsworth, Henry L., Machinist. Washington, 1. Roff, James, Jr., Engineer. Washington, 1. Britton, John A., Cigar Manufacturer. Grand Tyler. White, William H.. M. D. S. D. Washington, 1. Krauch, Christian, Hotel-keepero J. D. Washington, 1. McClintock, Daniel, Iron Founder. J. W. La Fayette, 14 Talley, Eli B., Hotel-keeper. La Fayette, 14. Thatcher, Thomas, Ship Joiner. La Fayette, 14. Buzine, George, Justice of the Peace. La Fayette, 14. Aikin, E. T., Gentleman. P. M. Temple, 11, Wiggins, William B., Mayor. Treas. Washington, 1. Hollinsworth, S. W., Jeweller. WV. M. Temple, 11. Valentine, J. S., Mcrehant. Washington, 1. 234 UNIVYERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Downward, James, Ropemaker. Washington, 1. McFarlan, Wm. A., Manufacturer. Washington, 1. Stamm, William, Assistant Engineer U. S. Navy. La Fayette, 14; Mount Horeb chap., Va. Speakman, Lewis, Merchant. Chester, 236, Pa. Graves, William, Builder. Deputy Grand Master. Horner, Edwin J., Locomotive and Car Spring Manufacturer. Grand Treasurer. Lobdell, George G., Founder and Machinist. Washington, 1. Solomon, John J., Victualler. La Fayette, 14. Zebley, Thomas W.. Sash Maker. Washington, 1. Ford, Stephen D., Ironfounder. La Fayette, 14. Walton, Alfred, Druggist. La Fayette, 14; Washington chap., 1. Gear, William H., Bookkeeper. La Fayette, 14; Washington chap., 1. Scott, James, Morocco Manufacturer. La Fayette, 14. Hayes, XV. S., Morocco Manufacturer. S. WV. La Fayette, 14. McCombs, James C., Book-keeper. P. M. La Fayette, 14; Washington chap., 1. Carter, Daniel W., Currier. G. J. W. of Grand Lodge. King, Smiley, Farmer. Washington, 1. Allmond, Charles M., Hotel. Union, 121, Pa. Hazard, Albert B., Farmer, Oak Hill. La Fayette, 14; Washington chap., 1. Morrison, John C., Farmer, Hare's Corner. St. John's, 2. Reynolds, Henry F., Farmer, Hare's Corner. St. John's, 2. Le Fevre, John B., Farmer, Newcastle. St. John's, 2; Washington chap., 1; encampment, 4, Pa. Franks, Henry, Farmer, Brandywine Hundred. La Fayette, 14. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. WASHINGTON. Bayne, John, Ship Carpenter. J. W. Washington Naval, 4; Treas. Washington chap., 16. Boyd, William, Millwright. P. J. V. Washington Naval, 4. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 235 Cross, Samuel, Engineer. J. D. Washington naval, 4. Foos, John A., Bricklayer. S. D. Washington Naval, 4. Plumsell, Rev. Thomas. P. M. Washington Naval, 4. Gordon, Charles H., Clerk. Washington Naval, 4. Maniett, Joseph, Moulder. Washington Naval, 4. Padgett, Joseph M., Carpenter. Washington Naval, 4. Quinn, James. Washington Naval, 4. Suacca, Antonio, Cabinetmaker. Washington Naval, 4. Clarke, Robert. WR. P. D. G. M. and P. G. T.; P.M. Washington Naval, 4; M. E.. P. Washington chap., 16; Washington enopt., 1. French, Benjamin B., Attorney-at-law. Born at Chester, N. H.. Sept. 4. 1800; made a Master Mason in King Solomon's Lodge, New London, 1826; Master of Corinthian Lodge, Newport, about 1830-33; Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of D. C., 1846 to 1853; made a Royal Arch Mason in Washington, 1846 (I think), and a Knight Templar in Brooklyn, N. York., about 1847-8; G. H. P. of Grand Chapter of Md. and D. C., 1852 to 1855; Grand Commander of W. Encampment, K. T. G. G. Secretary of the G. G. Chapter of U. States, and Grand Corn. of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the U. States. Holroyd, John, Machinist. Treas. Washington Naval, 4; Washington chap., 16. Hutchinson, William E, Brass Finisher. S. WV. Washington Naval, 4. Mundell, Joseph, Clerk. Sec. Washington Naval, 4; P. M.; Sec. Washington chap., 16. Nokes, James, Painter. P.M. Washington Naval, 4; Washington chap., 16; Washington encampment, 1; P. D. G-. M. Page, Y. P., Clerk U. S. Senate. P..Washington naval, 4; P. K. Washington chap., 16; Washington encampment, 1; P. J. G. W. Washington Naval Lodge, 4, East Washington, D. C. Instituted under the Grand Lodge of Maryland, May 14, 1805, and rechartered by the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, Feb. 19, 1811. McGrath, Thomas, Blacksmith and Manufacturer of Stone cutters' Tools, etc. S. W. Lebanon, 7; Columbia chap., 15; Washington con., 1. McCutcheon, William, Blacksmith. Lebanon, 7. Roberts, William S., Stone-cutter. J. D. Dawson, 16. McFarlan, A. B., Operative Mason and Contractor. Montgomery, 42; N. Y. Montgomery chap., 45; N. Y. Washington com., 1. Morgan, Richard, Foreman Marble-cutter Capitol Extension. J. W. Lebanon, 7; Washington chap., 16. Noyes, Henry 0., Shirt Factory. Federal, 1. 236 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Horton, William S., Cigar and Tobacco Store, 490 Pa. Avenue, between 3 and 4- streets. National, 12. Sauer, C. H., St. Charles Restaurant, cor. Pa. Avenue and Third streets. Lebanon, 7. LEBANON LODGE, NO. 7. Putherford, Alex., W M., Copeland, Hugh, Miller, John L. McGrath, Tbho., S. W), Dorian: Thomas H. Maples, Cornellus, Morgan, Richard, 3. WV. Eddy, Stephen, De Neuf, Wm. Choate, Warren C., Sec. Friedenwald, Joseph, O'Bryon, James, Acker, Nichls., Treas. Garritson, Joseph, Oppenheimer, L. Acker, J. F., S. D. Gilbert, Ed. E. Porter, J. E. Ellis, Henry, J. D. Henning, Wm. H. Raybolc, Wallace, Weightman, R. C., P.M., Henshelwood, Archd. Reese, John, MeDuell, John, P. M. Hughes, Evan, Reese, Joseph, Reese, W. J., P. M. Holden, Francis, Robertson, Wm. B. Towle, N. C., P. M. Kaiser, H. Rogers, George J. Albright, Frederick, Lane, Marcus, Scheel, J. E. Angerman, John, Lockwood, H. A. Strobel, George, Bergman, Peter, Lynch, Peter, Stewart, R. H. Breece, H. 1-1. C. Moffit, Hugh, Sauer, Charles H. Becket, Thomas, Maguire, Thomas F. Stafford, 0. A. Craig, Andrew, McCutchen, Wim. Turner, J. C. Wood, W. W. Meller, John, CENTENNIAL LODGE, No. 14. Faulkner, Wm..H., W. MVancamp, A., S. D. Deal, Jno. S. Fowler, A. G., S. W. Tucker, Wm., J. D. Gibson, Joshua. Mills, C. C., J. W. Housam, F., 12, Tyler, Harris, Gwynn, Baker, John E., Sec. Church, Chas. B. Nash, Robert, Hepburn, David, Treas. Churchill, Moses, Payne, C. H. Shugert, S. T., Patent Office. S. G. W. Grand Lodge; W. M. Dawson, 16. Browne, Wm. M., Editor "Washington Constitution," Mount Sinai, Paris. HIoffman, William, Miller, Georgetown. Potomac, 5; Potomac chap., 8. FLORIDA-GEORGIN. 237 FLORIDA. Flagg, George, Merchant, Jacksonville. J. D. Solomon's, 20; Jacksonville chap., 12. IHearn, Michael, Merchant, Jacksonville. J. W. Solomon's, 20. Barrett, Frederick C., Merchant, Jacksonville. P. M. Solomon's, 20; Jacksonville chap., 12; P. S. G. W. Prevatt, Thomas J., Register of Land Office, Newnansville. Sec. Alachua, 26; Treas. Alachua chap., 13. Scarborough, Lindley M., Merchant, Newnansville. R. A. M. Berrill, John R., Newnansville. Sec. Alachua, 26. Payne, J. M., M. D., Flemington. True Brotherhood, 45; Olive chap., 10. Sammis, John S., Planter, Jacksonville. P. S. W. Solomon's, 20; Jacksonville chap., 12; Douglass coun., 3. GEORGIA. SAVANNAH. Henderson, Thomas, Cabinet-maker, Undertaker and Furniture Store, No. 33 Whitaker st. Zerubbabel, 15. Tebeau, L., Dealer in Boots and Shoes, &c., 123 Congress st. Clinton, 54. Glitcsh, Conrad, Cabinet-maker. Zerubbabel, 15. Geil, Nicholas, Planter. Zerubbabel, 15. Barrit, James, Coaster. Solomon's, 1. Stiefvater, A., Merchant Tailor, Bruin st. Zerubbabel, 15. Bradley) Amos J., Planter. Clinton, 54. Edwards, Thos., Liquor Dealer. Clinton, 54. Peterson, J. B., Chief Engineer Steamship Star of the South. Clinton, 54. Galloway, David I-I., County Officer and Notary Public. Sec'y Clinton, 54. 238 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Cox, William, Tailor. P. M., Solomon's, 1; W. M., Clinton, 54; P. S., Georgia chap., 3; R. and S. M., Georgia coun., 2. Grahalm, Jonathan, Dealer in Fruits, Confectionary and Toys, corner Congress and Drayton sts. Zerubbabel, 15. Mouthon, William J. L., Lumber Merchant. Clinton, 54. Newton, John, Blacksmith. Clinton, 54. Parker, William Foster, General Auction and Commission Merchant, 85 Bay st. W. M., Few, 79; M. 3'd Veil, Georgiachap., 3; Georgia coun., 2. Park, W. S., M. D., Botanic Physician. Clinton, 54. Hayne, Harry. Clinton, 54. Wells, James T., Merchant. Clinton, 54. Schley, Philip T., Counsellor-at-law. P. G. M.; P. M. Columbian, 7; G. H. P. G. chap.; P. H. P. Darley chap., 7; G. Thrice Ill. G. Master, G. Coun.; P. Thrice Ill. G. Master, Hope coun., 4; St. Omer's encpt., 2. Sichel, Joseph, Cigars and Tobacco. Zerubbabel, 15. Studor, Victor, Tailor. Clinton, 54. CLINTON LODGE No. 54. Organized Desember 1, 5846. Parker, W. F., W. M., Ebeling, Wm. T. Rose, W. Withington,E. O., S.W., Spaulding, Randolph, Chaffer, Cyrus, Mallery, John E., J. W., Newton, John, Edwards, Thos. Davidson, WV. Mi., Trea., Ebeling, E. H. Cutino, Bartolo, Galloway, D. H., Sec'y, Laurence, Antonio, Bradley, Amos L. Wolfe, D. M., S. D. Vanhouten, J. S. Church, F. A. Burt, Edwin, J. D. Mallett, Francis T. Davis, Mason aM. Green, Wm., Tyler, Peterson, J. B. Lodge, Robert H. Godfrey, Rev. J. E., Ch., Haym, Harry, Gaut, J. W. Cox, Wm., P. M. Moulton, W. J. L. Burnham, W. C. Mooney, M. D. P. M., Dasher, S. M. Marcus, H. Oliver, J. L. Wolfe, Hilliard E. Bragg, Bedford, Rutherford, John, Johnson, R. Stevens, B. L. Millen, Richard D. Abrahams, Davis, Bryan, Henry, Atkinson, Henry, Wells, J. T. Sheftall, Modecai G., Jr. Herms, Wm. B. Olmstead, E. H. Scarborough, Miles, Rothschild, H. Goethy, Joseph, Studor, Victor S. Toole, Dr. I. Thediman, H. Blair, Dr. H. A. Byck, Lyman E. Williams, W. Smith, W. H. Hardcastle, George W. Daniels, Benjamin R. Tebeau, Lewis C. Smith, Alfred B. Zeigler, F. Wise, Henry, Logan, James J. Wade, W. P. Grant, W. H. GEORGIA. 239 Bryan, W. H. Byck, Simon E. Cole, Benjamin L. Frereks, Peter, Wineberg, Jacob L. Oexle, John, Stroud, ~Wm. H. Schmidt, E. L. Tyson, John S. White, Joseph, Jones, J. T. Morris, Bradt, Dealer in Gent's Furnishing Goods, Macon. Fort Valley, 10; Washington coun., 6. Palmer, John T., Lumkin. W. M. Cross, 12; P. H. P., L. Dwelle chap., 17; T. Ill. Palmer coun., 9; Palestine encpt., N. Y. Grand Lecturer, 1st Masonic District. Hubert, Benj. F., 1rchant and Planter, Thomasville. P. M., P. H. P. Wm. J. Johnson chap., 45; St. Omer's encpt. Thompson, Francis M.,, Carpenter, Albany. Albany, 24; H. P. Albany chap., 15; B. and S. M. Brinson, Newton P., Merchant, Albany. Albany chap., 15. Pemberton, J. S., Operative and Dispensing Pharmaceutist, Columbus. Columbia, 7. Brooks, Stephen S., Patten Maker, Colurmblus. Tyler, Oglethorpe, 47; S. Darley chap., 7; S. Hope coun., 4; St. Aldemar com., U. D, Ingram, W. G., Farmer, Palmyra. Irving, 158. Jackson, Joseph, Clothier, Talbotton. Sec. Olive, 10; Sec. Clinton chap., 8. Laurence, Samuel,'Editor of Masonic Signet and Journal, Marietta. D. G. Master 3d Masonic District, Grand Lodge of Georgia. I-I. P. Cherokee chap., 13. Remington, Francis H., Merchant, Thomasville. P. M. St. Thomas, 49; King. Thomasville chap., 44; St. Omer's corn., 2. Perrine, William H., Carpenter and Builder, Columbus. U. D. Oglethorpe, 47. Laurence, J. T., Practising Physician, Post Master. Woodbury. W. M. Woodbury, 149. OGLETH)OPE LODGE, NO. 47; Columbus, Geo. Brooks, F. M., W. M., Brooks, Steph. S., Tyler, Renfroe, J. H. Hughes, J. M., S. W., Hubble, E. C. Rutherford, R. R. Warnock, S. B., J. W., Hill, S. H. Rotchild, S. Thompson, D. B.,Trea., Heinman, L. Robinson, H. S. Sandford, W. E., Sec'y, Huff, J. H. Ridenhour, T. F. Perrine, Wm., S. D, Howard, J. W. Saul, D. G. Murry, John P., J. D., Ivey, J. R. Stern, B. G. Chapman, Thos., Stew., Jones, A. S. Smith, Charles, Baldwin, J. D., Stew., Jepson, F. A. Smith, B. 240 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Girdner, James A. Illges, A. Saulsbury, W. L. Baldwin, J. D. Kellet, M. J. Sikes, J. H. Bivin, J. M. Lee, W. F. Smith, Geo. W. Chaffin, W. J. Ligon, James, Steen, Geo. Chaffin, Thos. Lamar, W. H. Tery, Jery, Carrigher, John, Mosley, L. S. Thornton, B. A. Alston, P. H, Mlusgrove, E. IK. Voight, H. A.llen, J. S. McGhee, Woody, Wimberly, J. Barringei, M. McGhee, D.K. Wilkins, F. G. Burnett, J. McCoy, H.. Woodruff, L. T. Chapman, T. S. Moise, E.. Vrynne, D. A. Chaprman, Thos. Olive, G. -. Walton, J. D. Cary, T. J. Obannon, W. S. Willard, Thos. Duck, L. B. Ogletree, W. J. Williams, H. Davenport, C. J. Prur, Peter, Webb, V. H. Duncan, S. Parkman, William, Holly, E. H. Fogle, Jacob, Peabody, John, Thomas, H-iram, Fellsinger, Johln, Sane, J. S. Lloyd, Geo. J. Fields, Charles, Robberts, J. A. Nix, Rev. Geo. Folsom, B. R. Renfroe, D. B. Smith, Geo. A. Gibson, H. IN D IANA. AURORA, DEARBORN CO. AURORA LODGE, No. 51. Chartered May 28, A. L. 5844. Pattison, Thos., W. M., Campbell, I. T. Gibson, Wm. Mattox, Robert, S. W., McAdams, E. Durbin, John B. Smith, G. W., J. W. Shattuck, Asa, Langley, John, Weaver, J. W., Treas. Tunny, S. P. Trester, B. F. Weimer, Geo. W., Sec. Bryson, John, Pyle, James A. Garrison, 1-1., S. D. Hubbart, Richard, Lambkin, Hiram, Thumser, John, J. D. Hill, Ira C. Senior, J. W. Green, Wm., Tyler, Held, Philip, Meyer, Joseph, Hays, J. M. Kern, James A. Smith, G. W. Stark, Washington, Levy, M. Cummings, James, INDIANA. 241 Edwards, WI. 1. Lang, John P. Setchell, J. H. Reeves, V.. J. Duchemin, XV. R. Geigoldi, Jacob, Beck, Isaac T. Kammerer, Geo. Gardiner, Robert, Taylor, Thos. J. Taylor, John, Ragsdale; James M. Low'e. James, Harpham, John A. Washburn, F. C. Bailey, A. L. Shattuck, John S. Hall, Henry P. Chapman, D. B. Geigoldt, John L. Beiddle, John B. Campbell, W. It. Mitchell, G, W. Trester, B F. Munford, Frank, Gray, A. J. Emrie, John A. York, F. A. Williams, R. Beal, Peter, Gaff, John, Hamilton, John iR. Green, Steven, Wetmore, E. B. Campbell, Eli F. Finney, James B. AuronA CHAPTER, No 13. Meet 1st Tuesday. CharteredSeptember 5th, A. L. 5850. Pattison, Thos., H. P., Small, A. J. Finkbine, W. H. Weaver, Jas. W., K. Holman, WV. S. McQuiston, John, Campbell, W. R., S. Cummings, James, Blasdell, E. S. Held, P., G. M. 3d Veil, Allen, William, Hays, E. G. Campbell, E. F., G. M.,Walker, John P. Langley, John, 2d Veil, Tunny, S. P. Kerr, James A. Brison, John, G. M. 1st Roberts, John, Canfield, Henry, Veil, Eggleston, John W. Epstein, A. Bailey, T. J., C. H. Harpham, John A. Brooks, H. G. Setchel, J. H., P. S. Walcott, A. J. Lowe, James, Sherman, Eber, R. A. C. Hubbart, Richard, Small, W. H. Gaff, John, Treas. Beckman, Alex. Edwards, Wi. Irving, Weimer, G. W., Sec'y, Bond, R. 0. Parker, W. L. Gipson, Wm., Tyler, Stalder, Valentine, Munford, Frank, Bailey, A. L. Newell, John M. Chapman, D. B. Green, William, McConnell, A. Cox, H. Hays, James M. Treston, B. F. Bailey, Thos. J., Cabinet Manuf. Rising Sun, 6; P. M. Aurora, 51; C. H. Aurora chap., 13; T. I. G. M. Aurora coun., 7. Campbell, Wm. R. (M. D.), R. R. Clerk. Worthington; S. Aurora chap., 13; Aurora coun., 7. Edwards, Wm.. I., Carriage Manuf. Aurora, 51; Aurora chap., 13; Aurora coun., 7. Epstein, A., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Clothing. Aurora, 51; Aurora chap., 13; Aurora coun., 7. Hill, Ira C., Trader. Aurora, 51. Hamilton, John R., Prop. Eagle H-otel. Aurora, 51. McKay, James, Blacksmith, Wilmington P. 0. J. W. Wilmington, 158; Aurora chap., 13; Aurora coun., 7. 242 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Newell, John M., Carpenter, Dillsborough P. 0. Hopewell, 80; Aurora chap. 13; Aurora coun., 7. Pattison, Thomas, Civil Engineer. W. M. Aurora, 51; H. P. Aurora chap., 13; P. C. W. Aurora coun., 7; Greensburgh cor., 2; G. C. H. Pyle, J. Atwooc, Phot6grapher and Ambrotypist. S. Aurora, 51. Stalder, Valentine, Foreman Blacksmith 0. & M. R. R., Wilmington P. 0. T. Wilmington, 158; Aurora chap., 13; Aurora coun., 7. Trester, B. F., Engineer and Master Machinist. Aurora, 51; Aurora chap., 13. Weaver, J. W., Commission Merchant. P. M. Aurora, 51; K. Aurora chap., 13; T. Aurora coun., 7; Cincinnati corn., 2. Watts, Newton, Wholesale Grocer and Commission Merchant. P. M. Friendship, 68. Weimer, G. W., Prin. H. School, Late Sup. Aurora Union School. Sec. Aurora, 51; Sec. Aurora chap., 13; Cor. Aurora coun., 7. BRIDGEPORT, MARION CO. BRIDGEPORT LODGE, No. 162. Meet Wednesday on or before full moon. Chartered May 24, A. L. 5854. Banta John Q. A., M. D. Sec. Bridgeport, 162. Wooten, Ransom, Boot and Shoe Maker and Tanner. Bridgeport, 162 Wright, H. B., Farmer. S. W. Bridgeport, 162. BAINIBRIDGE, PUTNAM CO. Burks, W. D., Tanner. Bainbridge, 75. Burks, James M., Tanner. J. D. Bainbridge, 75. Goldsberry, M., Merchant and Hotel Keeper. Bainbridge, 75. Newkirk, T., M. D., Dealer in Drugs and Medicines. Sec. Bainbridge, 75. Payne, A. K., Dealer in Boots and Shoes. Treas. Bainbridge, 75. Peach, W., Blacksmith. P. M. Bainbridge, 75. Starr, John, Merchant and Farmer. W. M. Bainbridge, 75. BRAZIL, CLAY CO. Oliver, James M., Salesman N. Y. Store. WV. M. Brazil, U. D. Olds, Ezra, Merchant. J. V. Brazil, U. D. Price, James AM., M. D. S. D. Brazil, U. D. Stevenson, W. M., M. D. Brazil, U. D. Thomas, A. C., Plasterer. S. W. Brazil, U. D. BLOOMINGTON, MONROE CO. Browning, W. F., Mercantile Salesman. P. S. Monroe, 22. Buskirk, G. A., Judge C. P. and Attorney. Monroe, 22. Carter, James F., Surgeon Dentist. P. S. W. Monroe, 22. Carter, James W., Merchant. M onroe, 22. INDIANA. 243 Chase, George M., Railroad Agent. Sec. Monroe, 22. Foster, Robert C., Connty Auditor. Monroe, 22. Gentry, Lemuel, County Treasurer. Monroe, 22. Hunter, Morton C., Attorney. P. M. Monroe, 22; Bedford chap., 34. Kahn, Samuel, Clothing Merchant. Monroe, 22. Kop, Peter, Railroad Conductor. Monroe, 22. Lunderman, D., Builder. Monroe, 22. Maynard, Charles N., Con. N. A. and S. Railroad. Monroe, 22. MIcCollough, J. O., Druggist. Monroe, 22. Sluss, J. R., Livery Stable. Monroe, 22. Walker, Joseph S. Sr., Harrodsburgh P. O. Stanford, 173. Tarkington, W. C., Cashier Bloomington Bank. W. M. Monroe, 22. BEDFORD, LAWRENCE CO. BEDFORD LODGE, No. 14. Chartered May 26, A. L., 5852. Davis, Henry, W.. McLahlin, O., S. D., Davis, Chesley, Tyler, Daggy, Jno. M., S. WV., Gelwick, And.. Sec., Reed, Sam'l, Chaplain, Johns, Wal. R., J. W., Glover, Jas. R., J. D., Leach, Meredith W. Parker, Daniel W., Tr. Duncan, William, Single, Jacob, Parks, Pleasant A. Hunter, Joel Y. Houston, James L. Sheeks, George, Borland, David, Seibert Christian, Newland, Benjamin, Connelly, Thomas P. Houston, H. C. Thornton, Geo. A. Sabin, Elijah, Long, Eli W. Havern, John M. Cummins, Malachi, Carlton, A. Clinton, Northcraft, WVm. M. Brown, Rufus, Sullivan, Dennis, Rariden, Samuel A. Malott, H. C. Duncan, Lycurgus, Malott, William, McBride, Henry, Dodd, James, Heivscher Jos., Stevens, Jesse, Dixon, Wiley T. Noon, David, Mitchell, Jesse A., Pittman, XV. C. Needham, James, Prow, James W. Owens, Greenberry, Culbertson, H. Bivins, William H. Kern, Ambrose, Nugent, Frederick, Kern, Lewis D. Carlton, Robert H. Dale, Levi H. Back, Chas. G., Clothing Merchant. P. M. Bedford, 14; Bedford chap., 34. Barnes, Dean, Hotel-keeper and County Treasurer. Bedford, 14; G. TM. 1st Veil, Bedford chap., 34; Treas. Bedford con., 7. Connelly, T. P., Minister of Gospel and Teacher. Bedford, 14; G. M. 3d Veil, Bedford chap., 34; Prelate, Bedford corn., 7. Culbertson, Henry, Farmer and Dealer in Produce. Bedford, 14; Bedford chap., 34; Indiana coun, 1; Bedford com., 7. Dale, L. H., Stove and Tin Dealer. Bedford, 14: C. H. Bedford chap., 34. 244 JUNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Davis, Henry, Saddle and Harness-maker. W. M. Bedford, 14; K. Bedford chap. 34; Bedford cor., 7 Duncan, Wm., Farmer and Hardware Merchant. Tyler, 84, Jeffersontown, Ky. Glover, James R., Carpenter and Sheriff. Bedford, 14. Gelwick, Andrew, County Recorder. Sec'y Bedford, 14; Sec'y Bedford chap., 34. Leach, W. W;, Saddle and Harness-maker. P. M. Bedford, 14; Bedford chap., 34; Bedford corn., 7. McLahlan, 0., Boot and Shoe Dealer. S. D. Bedford, 14. Mitchell, Jesse A., Farmer and Dealer in Produce. Bedford, 14; Bedford chap., 34; Indiana coun., 1. Newland, Benj. M. D. P. M. Bedford, 14; P. H. P. Bedford chap., 34; Indiana coun., 1; P. G. C. Bedford cor., 7. Northcraft, Wim. M., Clothing Merchant. Bedford, 14. Nugent, Fred. R., Farmer..Bedford, 14. Parker, D. W., Merchant. Treas, Bedford, 14. Reed, Samuel, Methodist Minister. Chaplain Bedford, 14; Bedford chap., 34. Sabin, Elijah, Pres. State Bank. Bedford, 14; H. P. Bedford chap., 34; Indiana coun., 1; G. C. Bedford corn., 7. Thornton, Henry P., Attorney, Ex-member Indiana and. Kentucky Legislatures. M. M. First Grand Sec. G. L., Indiana. CAMBRIDGE CITY, WAYNE CO. Canfield, Silas, Cooper and Distiller. Cambridge, 5; Cambridge chap., 9. Claypool, A. B., Farmer and Trader. P. M. Cambridge, 5; P. H. P. Cambridge chap., 9; Fayette coun., 6; Connersville cor., 2. Cockefair, James M., Postmaster and Furniture Manufacturer. S. W. Cambridge, 5; Cambridge chap., 9. Dinwiddie, Samuel, Cooper. Cambridge, 5; Cambridge chap. 9. Newby, Thomas, Cashier Cambridge City Bank. W. M. Cambridge city, 5; K. Cambridge chap., 9; Fayette coun., 6. Sim, John, M.D. P.. P. W. Cambridge, 5; C. H. Cambridge chap., 9; Fayette coun., 6. Smith, J. A., Mercantile Clerk. Cambridge, 5. Vestal, Jos. W., Sweet Potato Cultivator and Tobacco Raiser, Cambridge, 5; Cambridge chap., 9. Wright, Samuel, Assistant Railroad Agent, Cambridge, 5; Cambridge chap., 9. INDIANA. 245 COLUMBUS, BARTHOLOMEW CO. ST. JO-HN'S LODGE, No. 20. Chartered May 25, A. L. 5843. Mathes, John D., W.M., Hege, Samuel, Snyder, Jac. Bunnell,Chas. H., S.W., Ueberoth, E. F. Pigeon, William F. Wiles, W. M., J. W. Story, J. B. Anthony, John, Pence, David, Treas. Busch, B. Reynolds, Joshua, Smith, Benj. L., Sec. Butler, M. G-. Keith, Isham, Blankinchip, E.T., S.D., Strickland, W. T. McQueen, J. D. Barkalow, John S., J.D., Solomon, L. Fifer, Francis, Michaels, Philip, Tyler, Miller, Geo. A. Lefever, S. L. Washburn W. A., P.M. Snyder, J. F. Phillips, J. J. Hinneman, H. T., P. M., Lathrop, J. B. Thorp, J. N. Palmer, G. W., P. MI., Simple, Andrew, Gephart, Charles, Johnson, Albert, P. M., Hickox, H. C. Wills, F. T. Mathes, J. C. Hamilton, D. C. Farrell, William, Gilbert, George M. Trotter, J. A. Vanskyke, N. Hauser, I-Ion. N. T. Boynton, A. G. Essex, Martin, McMillan, J. -H. Blankinchip, E. T., R. R. Agent and Tel. Oper. P. M. St. John's, 20; P. S. Columbus chap., 10. Farrell, Wm., Boot and Shoe Dealer. St. John's, 20. Hamilton, Dewitt C., Fireman M. & I. R. R. P. J. W. St. John's, 20; See. Columbus chap., 10. Hauser, Hon. N. T., Judge of Court C. P., and Attorney. St. John's, 20; -I. P. Columbus chap., 10. Hinman, HI-. T. (M. D.), Jones' Hotel. P. M. St. John's, 20; P. H. P. Columbus chap., 10; K. T., P. Grand Sec. Lefever, Samuel L., Tanner. St. John's, 20. Mathes, John D., Postmaster, Dealer in Books and Stationery. W. M. St. John's, 20; Treas. Columbus chap., 10. Johnson, Albert, Grocer. P. IM. St. John's, 20; S. Columbus chap., 10. Pence, David, Builder. Treas. St. John's, 20; K. Columbus chap., 10. Smith, B. L., Attorney. Sec. St. John's, 20; M. M. M. Washburn, W. A,. J. P. Morning Sun, 5, Vermont; MI. M. M; P. M. St. John's, 20. CRAWFORDSVILLE, MONTGOMERY CO. MONTGOMERY LODGE, No. 50. Chartered May 27, A. L. 5844. Smith, Saml. D.,W. M., West, Thos. J., Sec. Layne, PrestonM., J. D. Cumberland, S. W. Winn, Jacob, Treas. Hughes, Paul, Tyler, Watson, Jas. J., J. W., Hurley, Geo. D., S. D. Allen, Joseph, 17 246 TNI'VERSSAL MASONIC iRECORD. Allen, Charles Hartman, William, Ott, Henry, Binford, Samuel, Hays, Jonas B. Owenby, J. L, Bappert, August, Henry, Joseph, Riley, James. Burk, John, Harding; Charles NT. Robertson, William, Bailey, Charles, Hays, John, Sidner, Joseph, Burk, John W. Holloway, NWashington, Sloan, John, Bowles, Charles J. Henry, William,. Jr. Stoddard, James, Bryant, Robert E. Harris, James, Springgate, W. 1. Byers, James, Hickman, James, Stillwell, H. H. Bailey, Charles, Jr. Hughs, A. RL Schooler, W. H. Crawford, John, Heaton, James, Sutton, John Wt Cook, C. M. Heaton, F. M. Sutton, David, Cox, Benj. F. Hance, Lewis, Sidner,' David, Castor, John, Jewett, Jeremiah, Snyder, John, Carney, Jacob, Johnson, Abram, Shue, John I-. Chambers, Hugh D. Johnson, J. W. Shanks, Henry, Deam, Levi D. Jones, David, UJlman, Simon, Davis. Jacob, Johnson, J. B. Vance, Robert J. Elston, Isaac C. Langguth, F. Vance, Wm. C. Ensminger, B. B. Manson, M. D. Vancleave, Jesse, Epperson, Richard, McMechan, J. G. Vanderbilt, A. G. Eltzroth, C. W. BMears, Nathan, Vanorsdall, W. A. Florer, T.. WMaharney, Z. Vanscoix, G. Fry, Thomas HJ. iner, S inn acob, Fagan, James, Maxwell, J. C. Wilhite, 0. G. Ferguson, John, Mayer, Marx, Wray, H. B. Griffith, Ephraim, Moorhouse, H.B. Wallace, James T. Galey, J. F. Moorhouse, Wm. A. Wasson, Robert, Graham, Nathan, Martin, Thomas. White, M. D. Graham, James, McClure, Samuel L. Wolverton, John H. Graham, John T. Naylor, Isaac, Watson, Win. P. Gilkey, J, A. Neeley, Thomas, Wallace, Wm. K. Baum, Adam, Merchant. Montgomery, 50. Bailey, Thomas, Farmer. Montgomery, 50; Crawsfordsville chap., 50. Bappert, Augustusj Tinner. Montgomery, 50. Bromley, Wi., Mierchant. Pleasant Hill, 63. Cumberlin, W., Merchant. S. W. Montgomery, 50; M. 3d Veil, Crawsfordsville chap., 40. Davis, Jacob, Corn. Merchant. Montgomery, 50; Crawfordsville chap., 40. Fry, F. H., Mlerchant. P. 3M. Montgomery, 50; K. Crawfordsville chap., 40. INDIANA. 247 Graham, James, Dry Goods and Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, and Clothing. Montgomery, 50. Hurley, Geo. D., Attorney. S.D. lD.ontgomery, 50. Knox, D. R., Crane Hotel. P. S. W. Ladoga, 187; G. M. 3d eil,. Crawfordsville chap., 40. Langguth, Ferdinand, Music Teacher. Montgomery, 50; Sec. Crawfo rdsville chap., 40. Manson, Mahlon, D., IM. D. and Druggist. P. M. Montgomery, 50 P. HI- P. Crawfordsville chap., 40; R. S. M., K. T., D. G. Mayer, Marx, Clothier of the Firm of Mayer & Ullman, La Fayette, Tippecanoe County. M]ontgomery, 50; Crawfordsville chap., 40. Naylor, Isaac, Attorney. P. MI. Montgomery, 50; Crawfordsville chap., 40. Schooler, W. H., County Treasurer. Montgomery, 50. Smith, Sami. D., Agent Pratt's Lightning Rods. W.M..Montgomery, 50. Thomas, John M., M.. Pleasant Hills P. O. "..M. Pleasant Hill, 63; Crawfordsville chap., 40; P. J. D. of G. L. Ullman, Emanuel, Merchant. aontgomery, 50. Vance, W. C., Clerk of Court. P. o. Montgomery, 50; P. S. Crawfordsville chap., 40. West, Thos. J., Dept. Co. Treasurer. Sec. Montgomery, 50. Winn, Jacob, Note Broker. P.; M. Montgomery, 50; H. P. Crawfordsville chap., 40; P. D. T. I1. G. M. Attica coun.; P. G. S. G. chap. Ky. DELPHI, CARROLL CO. Applegate, Jonathan C., Judge C. P. and Attorney. P. M. Mount Olive, 48; C. H. D3lphi chap., 21. Bowen, Abner I., Produce Dealer and Paper Manufacturer. W.. M. Mount Olive, 48; H... Delphi chap., 21; R. and S. M. La Fayette couu., 3. Buford, WVm. H-., Prop. Buford House. Mount Olive, 48; Delphi chap., 21. Dugan, James P., Banker and Dealer in Pork, Beef, Wheat, Corn, &c. Advance, 220; Delphi chap., 21. Horsley, Jno. A., Saddler and Harness Maker. Mount Olive, 48. Leonard, D, Ex-agent and Dealer in Stone Coal. Sec. Mount Olive, 48; R. A. C. Delphi chap., 21. Rinehart, Enoch, Paper Manuf. and Grocer. P. J. W. Advance, 220. 248 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RIECORDo Royster, Geo. B., Farmer. J. D. Mount Olive, 48. Schermerhorn, Bernard F., Attorney and Notary Public. Advance 220; P. S. Delphi chap., 21. ELKHART, ELKHART CO. KANE LODGE, No. 183. Chartered June 1st, A. L. 5855. Main, O. H., W. oM. Shuey, M.. Strong, S. S. Stillman,,A. H., S. W. Gore, G. W. Smalley, N. Rice, James, J. W. Powers, Samuel, Smith, C. W. Maxon, S., S. D. Rodebaugh, Thos. Brownell, G. W. Davis,Thos. G., Treas. Senyor, Geo. Cooper, W. C. Miller, Isaac A. Sec. Faber, A. E. Kibbinger, G. L Hutchinson, J. I-. Chp. Harris, Jno. H-aclthorn, Jnoo M. Braden, R. D., J. D. Firestone, E. Myers, G. W. O'Bryan, K. H., Tyler, Barnhart, J. H. Hammel, Charles, Heath, A. Wooden, A. Davenport, A. S. Feynolds, B. P. Chappel, S. IM. Chamberlin, A. N. Preston, E. S. Alford, L. A. King, E. R. Goodspeed, H. Hay, Thomas, Markell, N. AMow, Chas. E. McNaughton, Jno King, E. G. Barnhart, J. H., Farmer. Kane, 183. Beaden, R. D., Blacksmith. Kane, 183. Chamberlin, A. N., Propt. Chamberlin Immediate Relief. Kane, 183. Chappel, S. M., Dry Goods Merchant. St. Paul's, 124, N. Y. Davis, Thomas G., Commission Merchant. Treasurer Kane, 183; South Bend chap., 29. Faber, A. E., Merchant. Kane, 183. Hlackathorn, J. M., Mercantile Clerk. Kane, 183. Hutchinson, J. H. Chaplain Kane, 183; Fort Wayne chap., 19. King, E. G., Dentist. Kane, 183. Main, O. H., Attorney. W.. Kane, 183; S. South Bend chap., 29. Strong, S. S., Dry Goods, Drugs, Groceries, &c. Kane, 183. Stillman, A. H., Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. S. W. Kane, 183; South Bend chap., 29. Pierce, Geo. L., Iroprietor Clifton House. Monticello, 224, Ohio. EDINBURGH, JOHNSON CO. Clark, A., M.1. D. W.. Edinburgh, 100; Shelby chap., 20. Cochran, John W., Merchant. J. D. Edinburgh, 100. Downes, G. W., Builder. S. W. Edinburgh, 100. Thompson, James, Flour Mianufacturer. Edinburgh, 100. INDIANA. 249 FORT WAYNE, ALLEN CO. WAYNE LODGE, No. 25. Johnson, J., W. AM. Eckles, Peter, McCune, R. L. McElfactrick, S., S. W. Dolan, Michael, Loomis, Win. HI-. Saunders, Benj., Sec. Silver, Jas. C. Eby, Daniel, Stewart, W. D., St'd. Kiser, Peter, Bash, D. N. Bayless, S. D., P. G. Dolan, John, Strikes, Samuel P. Shoaff, S. S. D., P.M., Depler, George, Sturges, C. E., P. M. Freeman, J., J. W. Wiley Alex. Moss, Samuel S. Moehring, Mos.E.,Tr. Breckenridge, Rob. J. Allen, G. B. Colclazier, Jac., Chap. Cary, Jacob, Little, G. L. Lamperty, Isaac, St'd. Falk, L. Hill, Chas. L. Wiess, William, Nirdlinger, Fred. Sweet, Francis, Mason, Michael, Reid, Hugh B. Mariotte, James G. Ried, Adam D. Callahan, D. Smith, C. S. McElfatrick, John B. Coe, S. B. Dessaner, Lewis, Morss, N. S. Bullard, George, Tower, Benjamin H. Reidlesheimer, S. Lessman, Jacob, Brobasco, A. C. Knight, E. L. Scithens, Steven, Hoskinson, G. W. Alexander, C. W. Orff, Christian, Disbrow, J. D. Giles, S. - Whitney, Geo. I-I. Heller, Peter, Majors, John,- Shoaff, W. C. Grund, Philip, Wolf, Isaac, Noel, S. W., P. M. Alden, Samuel, Vickhart, Jacob, Blazedall, P. Larcum, A. G. Darwin, Thos. T. Bird, O. Underhill, S. J. W. Larkum, L. P. Green, Thos. G. Bennett, Robert C. Fletter, Sam'l. C. Bayley, G. W. Hartz, Jacob, Walls, A. H. Wheeler, Nelson, Jones, WVm. H. Erwin, Thos. Wilson, G. H. McElfatrick, Isaiah, Shoaff, Jas. B. Larcum, Ezra J. Leonard, J. C Drake, Moses, Morrison, J. F. Jenkinson, J. Strout, Jas. A. Larrimore, Thos. Argo, Martin E. Petgen, Francis, SUMMIT CITY, LOPcGE No. 170. Date of Charter, May 30, 1855. Force, E. L., W. M. Chittenden, E. L., J. D. Holmes, J. Newman, W. H., S. W. Barth, Rev. S., Chap. Hallstien, P. Van Giesen, M., J. W. Bowrie, L. T., St. Hill, 0. G. Taylor, M. H., Treas. Ohls, J., St. Shaffer, C. Bass, J. H., Sec. Matheany, A., Tyler, Fugel, William, Billings, S. D. Chittenden, E. L. Archer, William, 250 UNIVERSAL MASONIC REC-ORD. Avaline, F. S. Ohs, John, Young, J. P. Parker, Wm. J. Pratt, W. T. McCombs, J. Ruidisill, H. J. Bass, J. H.. Allison, P. B. Compurut, D. F. Fischer, A. IRayhouser, R. C. F. Withers, W. H. Bostick, E. Laughton, P. S. Van Geisen, MI. Drolker, J. Pool, D. Pratt, S. L. Gillespie, J. Jr. Bourie, L. T. Brackinridge, J. Davis, J. C. Taylor, MI. I-. Case, Charles, Graham, J. Wilber, N. T. Smith, Wm. S. Barber, C. T. Rich, A. J. Hanna, Charles, Jones, W. H. Edwards, J. Bond, C. D. Strawbridge, Benj. Billings, H. M. Bass, S. S. Rambo, B. W. Wilber, Benj. Force, E.L. Nelson, Geo. Dunham, J. P. Newman, W. H. Peck, E. Crisenburg, P. S. Jenkinson, Isaac, Carson, DW. W. Bollinger, J. Barnett, A. G. Knappensberger, J. Humphrey, G. Gray, H. C. Hoit, D. Hensill, A. G. -Hanna, A. L. Anderson, Win. MctPhail, Wailliam, Miller, J. M. Ferill, J D. Burk, J. E. Holms, William, Mathaeney, A. Singer, J. Newton, Thompson, S. iMurray, Kerr, Barth, Rev. S. Mills, A. J. H. Hurd, O. D. Boggs, O. G. Auman, M. W., Foreman Boiler-maker. Arcana, 272, Ohio. Bayless, Sol. D., Attorney, Editor of Indiana Freemason. P. M. Wayne, 25; H. P. Fort Wayne chap.. 19; P. T. I. Fort Wayne coun., 4; G. C. Fort Wayne corn., 4; P. G, M., P. D. G., H. P., P. Gen. Charlton, David L., Sheet Iron Roller. Lewis, 191, Kentucky. Gray, H. C., Tanner and Leather Dealer. Summit City, 170; Wayne chap., 19; Wayne corn., 4. Hubbard, Charles, Locomotive Engineer. Warpole, 176; Upper Sandusky, Ohio. Orff, C., Merchant. S. D. Wayne, 25; C. H. Fort Wayne chap., 19; Fort Wayne coun., 4; W. Fort Wayne corn., 4. Freeman James, Dealer in Ready-made Clothing. J. W. Wayne, 25; Treas. Fort Wayne chap. 19; P. C. W. Wayne coun., 4. Pitcairn, Robert, Supt's Clerk, P. Ft. W. and C. R. R. Mountain, 281; Miountain chap., 189; Mountain coun., 9; Mountain corn., 11; all State of Pa. Rayhouser, R. C. F., Publisher Ind. Free Mason. Summit city, 170. Saunders, Benjn., Attorney and J.P. Sec. Wayne, 25; Sec. Ft. W. chap. 19; P. Rec. Wayne com., 4; P. Cor. Fort Wayne cor. 4. INDIANA. 251 Stelwaggon, J. A., Foreman Coppersmith. Arcana, 272; Ohio, Wayne chap,, 19; Fort Wayne, coun., 4; Fort Wayne corn., 4. Shoaff, S. H., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Collars, Saddles, &c. P. M. Wayne, 25; P. K. Wayne chap., 19. Strode, James, Foreman, P. Fort Wayne Machine shops. Union, 19, N.J. Taylor, W. H., Merchant. Treas, Summit city, 170; G. M. 2d Veil, Wayne chap. 19; Fort Wayne coun., 4; Fort Wayne con., 4. Van Giesen, M., Builder. J. W. Summit city, 170; G. M. 3d Veil, 19, Wayne chap. GOSPORT, OWEN CO. Hutchings, James, Cooper. W.. M. Gosport, 92. Broombaugh, M. D. Gosport, 92. Cash, J. M., Railroad Agent. Sec. Gosport, 92. Conover, G., J. P., and Prop'r of Conover House. P.. Gosport, 92; B. A. M. Dunning, J. Q., Stock dealer. Gosport, 92. Glover, Alfred, Carpenter. Treas. Gosport, 92. Hale, Phil. W., Blacksmith. Tyler, Gospor;, 92. GREEN CASTLE, PUTNAM CO. TEMIPLE LODGE, No. 47. Chartered May 25, 1843. Ed. P. Talbot, S.. Farley, Jos. F. Farrow, Wnm. S. (Acting W. M.) Call, Samuel, H-ibben, H. B. White, Art'r 0., J. W. Daniels, H1-. W. Havens, 1-H. Crow, Jos. H-., Treas. Penick, G. Mulholland, Wmn. Jones, David W., Secy. Hanna, John, Catherwood, Samuel, Cook, Conrad, S. D. Stevenson, James D. Jones, S. P. Johnson, Js. T., J. D. Dicks, 0. Allen, Wm. W. Graves, Josiah, S. &T. Hambriek, Havenridge, Allen, Steel, J. D. Peterson, Ralph, Clipper, T. J. Albin, H. S. Frakes, Sam. M. Stevenson, R. R. Kirchival, E. R. Henry, Sol, McKee, John, Pitchlyme, H. 1. R Willialmson, D. E. Dicks, Chas. W. Bramin, Elisha, Drake, J. H. Fisher, Samuel, Crow, W. N. Scobee, A. Shilds, James M. Crow, E H. Talbott, J. W. Dean, James A. Call, James A. Humphrey, John WV. Nutt, C., Renick, Henry, Foster, Janmes H. Bowman, Thos. Daggy Addison, Snyder, Lewis, Waterhouse, Joseph, 252 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Catherwood, Samuel, Agent T. H. and R. R.R. P. M. Temple, 47. R. A.M. Cook Conrad, Drugs and Medicines, N. W. corner of Public square. J. D. Temple, 47. Donaldson, John S., Methodist Minister. Perry, 37; Lafayette chap., 3; Lafayette coun., 3; Lafayette corn., 3. Graves, Josiah, Flour Manufacturer. Tyler, Temple,47. Hanna, John, Attorney. Temple, 47. Havens, H., Express Agent. Temple, 47. Lyon, Wim. W., Merchant. Albia, 76, Iowa. McCarty, A., Farmer, Mount Meridian P. O. Cloverdale, 132. Mulholland, W5m. S., Cabinet Manufacturer and Dealer. Temple, 47; R. A. M. Nutt, Cyrus, D. D., Prof. Ind. Asbury University. Temple, 47; K. Sol. chap., 4. Steel, J. D., Builder. P. M. Temple, 47. Talbott, E. P., M. D. S. W. and Act. W. M. Temple, 47. Turnman, Solon, Attorney. Fountain, 60. GREENFIELD, HANCOCK CO. Jay, B. G. County Auditor. Union, 34, S. Carolina. P. M. Hancock, 101. Judkins, E. I., Druggist, W. M. Hancock, 101. HUNTINGTON, HUNTINGTON CO. Ager, John G. American Hotel. Mystic, 110. Alexander, John, County Auditor. Mystic, 110; Huntington chap., 27. Bickel, Win., Baker and Grocer. Mystic, 110. Bippus, George J., Mechanic. Mystic, 110. Dick, F., Merchant Tailor. Mystic, 110; Huntington chap., 27. Emery, R., Merchant. J. D. Mystic, 110. Forshee, Hiram A., Carpenter and Joiner. M]ystic, 110. Good, S. L., Warren P. 0. S. D. King, 246. Kocher, Wm. C., Attorney. P. Secy. Mystic, 110; Lyons W. B., M. D., W. M. MMystic, 110; H. P. Huntington chap., 27. McGrew, Wmi., Master Builder.. J. W. Mystic, 110; P. S. Huntington chap., 27. INDIANA. 253 McCaughey, Samuel, Treas. of County. Mystic, 110; Huntington chap., 27. Purviance, J. W., Merchant. S. W. Mystic, 110; K. Huntington chap., 27. Purviance, Wm. R., Books, Stationery, Jewelry, &c. Mystic, 110. Wiley, Joseph, Clerk of County and Circuit Courts. Mystic, 110; P. R. I-untington chap., 27. Young, Jac. H., Sheriff. Mystic, 110; C. H. Huntington chap., 27. INDIANAPOLIS, MARION Co. CENTRE LODGE, No. 23. Chartered December 17, A. L. 5835. Tomlinson, J.M.,W. AI., Williams, David, Haughey, Theo. B. Worman, Wm., S. W.. Dunlap, L. Wallace, William, Ritter, Peter, J. W. Colestock, E., P. AM. Pearson, Amos, Roll, Isaac H., Treas. Greer, James, P. M. Smith, F. A. Fisher, Charles, Sec. Lingenfelter, Win. H. Clark, Edmund, Nicholson,Wm., S. D. Gates, John J. Thompson, A. Weinberger,J.C.,J.,D.,Ryan, George, Mather, George, Colestock, Henry, Tyler, Holmes, W. C. Martin, Luther, New, John C., P. M. Moore, Samuel, Lace, John T. Morris, Thos. A. Parker, A. Whitcomb, Jer. G. Ohr, A.. MDajor, Stephen, Smith, John J. Woerner, Philip, Peatt, Jac. S. Hodgson, Isaac, Hunt, P. G. C. Sheets, William, Freeman, N. B. Tyler, E. S. Curzon, Joseph, Sironia, Leonidas D. Sanders, Charles, Ivoe, Martin, Wilson, S. Tenksess, John, Dame, Jason, Turner, James H. Gatling, Richard J. Hutchins, Henry, Gibson, John B. Jones, Thomas, Gaston, John M. Kirkwood, John, Spea, Jer. Dowden, William, Hanning, John G. Rosengarten, H. Beach, Wm. B. Taggart, Samuel, Gordon, Jon. W. Finch E. Johnson, W. W. Moffitt, John, Chew, John, Kerper, John M. Barth, Adam, Jolly, James A. Vandegrift, Jacob, Cully, Daniel B. Barbour, Samuel, Walsman, Fred. Riley, J. W. Armstrong, Isaac J. Moore, John G. L. Locke, E. Lefever, Samuel, Jameson, P. H. Graydon, Alex. Osgood, Jbhn B. Guthridge, John W. Bingham, W. P. Donehy, John, Garrette, A. W. 254 UNITVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Cruikshanlks, 1A.j Smit, Andrew, st Smith, Andrew, 2d, May, Andrew, Griffith, Samuel, Klein, Frederick, Brown, C. Nicholson, David Clark, W. T. Weinberger, Herman, Scott, Adam, Conner, Thomas, Mather, John, Morrow, B. B. Garrett, Joseph, Ferguson, K. Hight, James, Hackleberg, Samuel, Maxfield, Geo. W. Conard, Charles P. Kerper, John M. Smith, William, Bramwell, John M., Bookkeeper. W. 5A. Marion, 35; P. H. P. Indianapolis chap., 5; P. P. C. W. Indianapolis, 2; S. W. Raper corn., 1. Frink, S. C., M. D. and Dentist. Marion, 35. Fisher, Charles, J. P. P. M. Centre, 23; Se. Indianapolis chap., 5; Rec. Indianapolis coun., 2; Rec. Paper com., 1; G.. Tof G. L. and G. C. Gustin, Levi, M. D., Prof. Eye Infirmary. P. M. Wilmington, 52, Ohlio; P. M. Thornton, 13; P. H. P. Wilmingtion chap. 63, Ohio; R. S. M. Raper cor., 1. Iing, Francis. Sec. G. L., and G. C. of G. C., and Rec. G. Comn.; P. M. and S. Marion, 35; P. H. P. Indianapolis chap., 5; P. T. I. G. M. Indianapolis coun., 2; P. Raper corn., 1. Kerper, John M.. R.. Centre, 23. Looker, Rob. A., Operative Mason. Marion, 35; Indianapolis chap., 5. Locke, Josiah, Ins. Agent, and M[anuf. Muson's Copper L. RIods. P. Sec. Marion, 35. BMeyer, Geo. F., Tobacconist. W. M. Concordia, 178; Indianapolis chap., 5; Indianapolis coun., 2. Ryan, G-eo., Flour Manufacturer. Centre, 23; Indianapolis chap., 5. Robinson, C. B., Asst. Sup. P. and I. R.. -lHumane, 21, N. II. Sirron-ia, Leonidas D., Shaving andl Hair Dressing. Cientre, 23. Smith, Francis, Atty. and Notary Public. P. Sac. Centre, 23. Way, Freeman R., Master P. and I. R. R. Essex, iMass. Weinberger, Herman, Cabinetmaker. Centre, 23; G. M. 21 V. Indianapolis chap., 5; Indianapolis chap., 2. Weinberger, Jno. C., Eating, opposite Union R. 1. Depot. J. D. Centre, 23; Indianapolis coun., 5. Woolf, Mloses, Clothing Merchant. P. AI. Marion, 35; P. 1-. P. Indianapolis chap., 5;'T. I. G. M. Indianapolis coun., 2. Wiggim, Lytle, American Hlotel, opposite Ulioa Depot. Marion, 35; Indianapolis chap., 5; Indianapolis coun., 2; Raper coun., 1. JEFFERSONVILLE, CLARIK CO. Hutcherson, F. A., Manufacturer Agricultural Implements. P. M. New.lbany, 39; New Albany chap., 17: Indiana coun., 1. INDIANA. 255 Cameron, A., Foreman B. R. Blacksmith Shop. W. M..Clark, 40. I-eiskill, R. S., City Treas. S. D. Clark, 40. Lampton, Wm. R., Steamboat Pilot Ohio and Mlississippi Rivers Clark, 40. McGill, Robt., Dept. Warden Ind. State Prison. Clark, 40. KNIGH-TSTOWN, HENRY CO. Alexander, C. H., Tanner. Golden Rule, 16. Allison, Robt., Real Estate Dealer. S. W. Golden Rule, 16; R. A. C. Knightstown chap., 33. Brown, James, Butcher and Trader;. W. M. Golden Rule, 16; C..I-. KJnightstown chap., 33. Canaday, lN... I D. Golden Rule, 16; Knightstown chap., 33. Crouse, H. M., M. D. and Merchant. Golden Rule, 16; Knightstown chap., 33. Glass, W. H. I-., R. R. and Ex-agent. Golden Rule, 16; Knightstown chap., 33. Peden, Reuben, Millwright. P. M. Golden Rule, 16; I. P. Inightstown cha~., 33; Order High Priesthood. Weaver, Jno., Druggist and Jeweller. Treas. Golden Rule, 16; Treas. Knightstown chap., 33. Whitesell, Jas. M., MI. D. Golen Rule, 16; K. lKnightstown chap. 33; Paper corn., 1. LAGRO, WABASH CO. Anthony, Jas. P., Carpenter and Joiner. J. D. Tuscan, 143. Bartholemew, Israel W.. R., Roading. S. D. Tuscan, 143. Blunnell, C. V., WToollen Mianufacturer. Tuscan, 143. Benjamin, E. W., Tanner,- Saddle and Harness laker. Treas. Tuscan, 143. Gribben, Jas. Mi., Carpenter and Joiner. Tuscan, 143. Hurley, Robt., Carpenter and Joiner. Tuscan, 143. Smith, Jno. W., nM. D. Tuscan, 143. St. John, Samuel, iM. D. and Druggist. WI. I. Tuscan, 143; Wabash chap., 26. St. John John, o D., M. D. P.. and Sec. Tuscan, 143. Wlatkins, John, Merchant. S. IW. Tuscan, 143. Wood, Jno. W., Wagon and Carriage l aker. J. W. Tuscan, 143. LADOGA, M'ONTGOMERY CO. Eastlack, Jno. H., Shoemaker. Ladoga, 187. Fallen, 0. H., iMerchant. P. M. Ladoga, 187; Crawfordsville chap., 40; Indianapolis coun., 2. 256 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Mitchelltree, G. W., Cabinetmaker and Land Agent. Treas. Ladoga, 187; Crawfordsville chap., 40.. Nicholson, Benj. H. Blacksmith. W. M. Ladoga, 187. LAWRENCEBURGH, DEARBORN CO. Beckman, Alex'r, Corn. For. Merchant and Wharf Prop'r. S. W. Lawrenceburgh, 4; Aurora chap., Aurora coun, 7. Haubold, N., Boot and Shoe Dealer. Lawrenceburgh, 4. Howard, Wash., Hotel Clerk. Lawrenceburgh, 4. Shelden, Geo. B., Tin and'Stove.Dealer Lawrenceburgh, 4, R. A. M. Swope, James H., Grocer. Treas. Lawrenceburgh, 4. LAFAYETTE, TIPPECANOE CO. Amberg, Moses, Clothing Merchant, East side Public square, Perry, 37. Bansemer, John C., Wholesale Grocer. P. M. Lafayette, 123; Treas. Lafayette chap., 3; P. C. W. Lafayette coun., 3; Cor. Lafayette corn., 3. Benbridge, Thos. T., Collector W. and E. Canal. Lafayette, 81, Ohio; P. S. W. Perry, 37; H. P. Lafayette chap., 3; Dep'y T. I. G. M. of Lafayette coun., 3; Gen. Lafayette cor., 3. Blackmer, Collins, Cashier of Lafayette Bank. Sec. Lafayette, 123, Lafayette chap., 3. Buckhalter, Eli, Builder. S. W. Lafayette, 123. Carnahan, A. G., Dealer in Boots and Shoes. Lafayette, 123. Jenning, David, M. D. Lafayette, 123; G. M. 3d Veil, Lafayette chap., 3; Lafayette corn., 3. Longley, F P., Bookkeeper. S. D. Lafayette, 123. Peters, Herman, Flour Manufacturer. P. M. Lafayette, 123; P. H. P. C. H. Lafayette chap., 3: J. WV. Lafayette corn., 3; P. G. L. of G. L., nd. Rockwell, Jon. R. P. S. W. Lafayette, 123; Sec. Lafayette chap., 3; Lafayette corn., 3.'ITaylor, John, Prop'r Artesian Bath House and Merchant. W. M. Perry, 37; P. H. P. Lafayette chap., 3; P. T. I. G. M. Lafayette chap., 3; Prelate Lafayette com., 3, Ullman, Simon, Clothing Merchant. Montgomery, 50; Crawfordsville chap., 40. PERRY LODGE, No. 37, meet every Monday evening. LEBANON, BOONE CO. BooNE LODGE, No. 9. Chartered May 29th, A. D. 1845. INDIANA. 257 Hazelrigg, H.G.,W.M., Dormire, Richard, Hinkle, E. S. Dougherty, L.C., S.W., Kernolds, John W. Hazlerigg, J. D. IH. Hopkins, David, J. W., Wilson, Hugh, IMount, Robert H. Evans, James, Treas., Rodman, Israel M., Prince, Henry, Daily, A. C., Sec. Oliphant, L.M. Ross, Sam'l, Junr. Chenoweth, S. D. Coombs, Isaac, Richie, Alexr. W. Everman, Sam'l, J. D., Ross, Saml., Senr. McLeod, A. J. Shulse, P. M., Tyler, Wilson, Robert, Nunn, James A. Scott, John M. Dormire, J. C., Thompson, Wm. Irwin, John, Miller, Thos. P. Carey, W.,0. Hanford, G. E. Hamilton, James H. Stephenson, Leonidas, H-icks Henry, Beeman, Jesse, Buckingham, G. W. Coombs, James, Lofton, Almon, Robinson, A. Benson, J. L., Ross, William, Higgins, John W. Milliken, Allen, Rodman, John H., White, Lemuel, Nisbet, J. J. Colegrove, Riley, Chitwood, Noah, Shepard, Coombs, George, Brown, George W. Zion, Wm. Starbuck, Wm. G. Duncan, John S. Newell, Robert, Sims, Elijah, Dickerson, Flemming, Tyson, Jer. Frazee, Aaron Harland, J. W. Hague, James C. HIall, Moses, Brinegar, Calvin F. Coombs. Isaac, MIerchant, Boone, 9. Dormire, Richard, Tanner and Shoemaker. P. M. Boone, 9; Lebanon chap., 39; R. A. C. R. and S. Master. Dougherty, L. C., Judge of C. C. Pleas and Attorney. S. W. Boone, 9; C. H. Lebanon chap., 39. Evans, James, M.D., Books and Drugs. Treas. Boone, 9. Hazelrigg, H. G., Farming and R. Roading. WM. Boone, 9; H. P. Lebanon chap., 39; R. & S. M. Lafayette corn., 3; P. D. G. M., P. G.K. Nunn, James A., Clothier. P. J. W. Boone, 9; Sec. Lebanon chap., 39. Rodman, John HI., Sheriff and Farmer. Boone, 9. Robinson, A., M. D., Editor Lebanon Expositor. P.S. o. Bone, 9. Scott, John M., Merchant Tailor. P. J. W. Boone, 9. Zion, William, Merchant and Telegraph Operator. Boone, 9; K. Lebanon chap., 39. LOGANSPORT, CASS CO. Bridges, S. A., Merchant. Tipton, 33; Sec. Logan chap., 2; Treas. Logansport coun., 11; Lafayette, com,, 3. 258 UTSiIVERSAL 3ASONIC RECORD. Coleman, Horace, M. D. 1. and present W. M. Tipton, 33; P. H. P. n. ad.Logan chap., 2; T. I. G. M. Logansport coun., 11; K. T. G. R. A. C. of G. C.;. T. I. G. M. of G. C. Frazee, M. R., Merchant. Tipton, 33. Gifford, Ira R., Prop'r Gifford House. Fisher's, 212; Batavia, N. Y. I-elm, Thomas B., Civil Engineer. Sec. Tipton, 33; Logan chap., 2. Levien, S., Merchant. P. J. D. Tipton, 33. Manlove, M. N., Dentist. P. Sec. Tipton, 33; S. Logan chap., 2; C. G. Logan chap., 11.: Menefee, Jos., Merchant Tailor, Greensburgh, 36; Greensburgh chap., 8;'Logansport coun., 11; Greensburgh encpt., 2. MIDDLETOWN, ALLEN CO. OLIVE BRxNcir, Lodge No. 248. Chartered Mlay 25, A. L. 5859. Grandstaff, N.M., W.M.,Coverdale, E. G. Showers, David, Vaughan, Joel, S. WF., Woodburn, John A., Bronson, Nathan, Long, Win., J. aW. Wood, Win. T. Hess, Jacob, Clarke, James, Sec. Woodward, Asa, Tindell, John C. Heaton,Jesse, Sr., Tr. Kreigh, Joseph, Rabbit, Wm. B. Vaughan, Judge, S. D. ills, W.. L. Porter, J. P. HI-eaton, Jesse, Jr., J. D., Yoanker, Jannes L. Phillips, H. L. Eby, Henry, Tyler, Werler, James, Hart, Oliver. T. Coverdale, L. N. Sincoke, James B. MADISON, JEFFERSON CO..Schmidlapp, Caleb, P.. Union, 2; H. P. M2adison chap., 1; H. and S. M. Roceived degrees of Knighthood at Lebanon, 0. P. D. G. lM., P. D. G. H. P. Cope, David, Cooper, W. M. Union, 2; G. AM. 3d Veil, Madison chap., 1; Aurora coun., 7.' Cochrane, Robert, Carpenter and Town Librarian. St. Cuthbert's, Scotland; P. M. Union, 2; P...Madison Ohap., 1; R. and S. MA..T. Childs, John A., Chemist and Pharmaceutist. Secretary Union, 2. MITCHELL, LAWRENCE CO. Biggs, J. T., IM. D., Druggist. Secretary Mitchell, 228. Cooper, E. H., Local AMail Agent. Mitchell, 228. Ferguson, David L., Merchant. J. W. Mitchell, 228. Muir, William, Proprietor Mitchell House. Miitchell, 228. Marley, H. H., Railroad and Express Argent. S. W. M.itchell, 238 iMurphy, Wm. V. T., Druggist. P. M. Mitchell, 228. Riley, John, Merchant. W.. M. itchell, 228. INDIANA. 259 lNEW ALBANY, FLOYD COUNTY. Austin, Rev. Thomas R., M.D., Druggist. W. M. New Albany, 39; H-. P. New-Albany chap., 17; Deputy T. I. G. M.; Indiana coun., 1; G. C., New-Albany corn., 5; Grand Chaplain, Grand Chap.; G. P. of Grand Corn. Babbitt, George S., General Ticket Agent, N. A. and S. Railroad, S. D. New-Albany, 39; P. S. New-Albany chap., 17. Belton James, Coppersmith. Jefferson, 104. Cash, John S., Planing Mill. Secretary New-Albany, 39. Day, A, A., General Insurance Agent. Jefferson, 104. Hutton John A. W. -M. Jefferson, 104.; C. II. New-Albany chap., 17; Indiana coun., 1; Prelate New-Albany corn., 5; S. B. G. Corm Johnson, Frank C. Jefferson, 104. Martin, L. B., Proprietor De Paw House. New Albany, 39. McCracken, E. V., Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper. Jefferson, 104; New-Albany chap., 17. Moore, Isaac N., Machinist. J. D. Jefferson, 104. Murphy, Augustus W., Teller of Ohio Insurance Company. Jefferson, 104. Porter, Geo. W., Cabinet Manufacturer. P. M., Jefferson; 104; P. H.P. New-Albany chap., 17; P. T. I. G. M., Indiana coun., 1; P, G. C. New-Alhany, 5; G. M. of G. C.; P. G. P. of G. Coun.; Dept. G. HI. P. Renshaaw, J. M3., Tanner and Leather Dealer. S. W. Jefferson, 104. ORLEANS, ORANGE CO, ORLEANS LODGE, No. 153. Chartered May A. L. 5853. Allen, A. F., W. M. Pearson, C. D., P. Mt. Wilson, Joseph. Vestal, John, S. W. Buskirk, J. B., P. M. Hicks, Saml. Fisher, S. N., J. XW. Wright, Aaron, Logan, James. Single, I-I. Treas. White, John, Richards, W. K. Barker, D. L., Sec. Webb, James W. Wilson, Lewis B. Lyons, P. G., S. D. St. Clair, P. Denny, H. H-uffstetter, J. J., D. Clark, Geo. Pearson, J. C. Irvin, J. A. Tyler, Coffman, S. S. Braun, Wolf. Worrell, Jas., PL. M. Allen, A. F., Farmer, W. M. Orleans, 153. Barker, D. L., Mercliant and P. M. Sec. Orleans, 153. Braun, Wolf, Clothier, Orleans, 153. 260 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Fisher, S. N., Farmer. Orleans, 153. Hames, Geo. WV., Farmer and Miller. J. D. Mitchell, 228. Huffsteter, Jef., Farmer. J. D. Orleans, 153 Irvine, J. A., Merchant Taylor. Tyler, Orleans, 153. Pearson, C. D., Physician. P. M. Orleans, 153. Lingle HI., M. D., Druggist. Treas. Orleans, 153. Vestal, John, Merchant. S. D. Orleans, 153. Webb, Jas. W., Merchant. P. Sec. Orleans, 153. White, John, Teacher. P. S. W. Orleans, 153. Wood, HI., Merchant and Miller. S. D. Mitchell, 228. Wright, Aaron, Farmer. Orleans, 153. PERU, MIAMI CO; Boyce, Henry, Grocer and J. P. W. M., Miami, 67. Cain, D. H., Farmer, Leonda, P...Miami, 67. Clark, Jas. C., Carriage Manufacturer. J. W. Miami, 67. Griggs, Jno. H., J. P. Sec. Miami, 67; Kokoma chap., 31. Oppenheimer, Moses, Merchant. P. Sec. Miami, 67. Reams, S. W., Eating Saloon, Peru. Railroad Depot. S. W. Miami, 67; Tuscarawas chap., Ohio. Sturgess, D. C., Grocer, Treasurer, Miami, 67. Squire, Chas. R., Merchant. Richland, 201, Ohio. Todd, Wim. S., Grocer. Miami, 67. Todd, Jas. H., Grocer. Miiami, 67. Weakley, Thos., Proprietor Weakley House. Mount Olive, 48; Delphi chap., 21. Zern, J. S., Grocer. Miami, 67. RICHMOND, WAYNE CO. Burk, Lewis, Banker. W. M. Richmond, 196; S. King Sol. chap., 4; P. C. W. Wayne coun., 10; Connersville coin., 2. Iarris, B. W., Merchant. Webb, 24; G. M. 2d Veil, King Sol. chap., 4; Wayne com. 10. Kern, Jacob, Clothing Merchant. Webb, 24; King Sol. chap., 4; Wayne coun., 10. Klein, Henry, Clothing Merchant. Sec. Richmoud, 196; King Sol. chap., 4. Lyle, John S., J. P. Webb, 24. Suffrins, John, Hats, Caps, and Furs. Treas. Richmond, 196. C. H. King Sol. chap., 4. Woodward, A., Merchant Tailor. Webb, 24. INDIANA. 261 SALEM, WASHINGTON CO. SALEM LODGE, No. 21. Chartered A. L. 5818. Menaugh, Jno.L.,W. M., Bowman, J. A. Driskill, E. Heftren, Horace, S. W. Hix, J. B. Collins, John, I Harris, Geo. R., J. W. Thomas, H. Wilson, P. T.1 McMahan, D.M.,Tr., Logan, G. W. Wesner, Israel, May, James G., Sec. Prow, C. Shanks, John T. Flack, Wm. C., S. D. Peck, S. Allen, J. M. Zorman, C., J. D. Still, B. R. Paynte, (. L. Telle, Geo. E., Tyler, Green, C. Neal, Jas. W. King, Z. Cadwell, E. W. Spurgin, G. W. Huton, B. F. Girriott, A. M. Nichols, W. Depau, W. C. Thompson, Levi J. Rlobeson, Henry, Newland, R. Morris, J. W. Hostetler, J. Persise, J. F. Siering, G. Seaton, W. TW. illiaWillis, illiam, Telle, E. T. Shanks, G. W. Lord, J. M. Crow, J. Moore, R. E. Peugh, S. B. Morrison, John J. Wilson, A. J. Thomas, O. Redfield, S. Coffin, E. K. Newland, E. Durand, J. J. Tansey, John, Brown, Samuel L. Jackson, W. Baker, E. D. Dawalt, Daniel, Shanks, B. C. Cutshaw, J. F. McMahan, John, Paynter, J. Goodpaster, S. Cutshian, T. Durbin, J. W. Norris, James, Clark, A. Y. Hancock, L. M. Prow, L. Dennis, A..Thompson, J. A. Wesner, Miles, Dunham, C. L. Miller, R. W. Driskill, E. B. Allen, J. M., Woollen Manuf. Salem, 21; S. Salem chap., 38. Colfin, E. K., Jeweller, and Local Minister. Salem, 21; G. M. Ist Veil; Salem chap., 38. Cutshaw, J. F., County Recorder. Salem, 21. Durand, John J., Druggist. P. Sec. Salem, 21; P. See. Salem chap. 38. Flack, W. C. (M. D.) S. D. Salem, 21. R. A. C. Salem chap., 38; Indiana coun., 1. Harris, Geo. R., Photographer and Ambrotypist. Salem, 21; C. H. Salem chap., 38. Heffren, H., Attorney. S. W. Salem, 21; P. S.Salem chap., 38; Indiana coun., 1. May, Jas. G., Pro. Male and Female Select School. Sec, Salem, 21; Sec. Salem chap. 38; Indiana coun., 1; New Albany comn., 5. 18 262 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD, acMahan, D. M., Cashier Bank of Salem. Treas. Salem, 21; H. P. Salem chap., 38; Indiana coun., 1. Menaugh, John L., Hardware Merchant. W.M. Salem, 21; P, H. P. and K. Salem, 38; Indiana coun., 1; Bedford com., 7. Miller, Robert W., Weaver. Salem, 21 Morrison, John J., County Treas. P. S. W. Salem, 21. Persise, James F., Prop. Persise House. Salem, 21. Telle, George E., Tanner. Tyler Salem, 21; Guard Salem chap., 38. Telle, E. T., Saddler and Harness Maker. Salem, 21. SHELBYVILLE, SHELBY CO. Alter, S., Editor Republican. Sec. Shelby, 28. Caughey, T. S., Merchant Tailor. P. J. W. Shelby, 28. Davis, A., Gunsmith. Shelby, 28. Elliott, John, Banker. Shelby, 28; Shelby chap., 20; Treas. Shelby coun., 3; Greensburgh corn., 2. Forbes, John S. (M. D.), Merchant. Shelby, 28. Green, John C., Attorney. J. W. Shelby, 28. THacker, Win. J. P. P. M. Shelby, 28; P. H. P. Shelby chap., 20 T. I. G. M. Shelby coun., 3; Greensburgh corn., 2; P. G. L., P. G. H. P., G. P. G. C. P. Dept., G. M. Grand Corn.; Pres. C. lI-. P. Janes, J. W., i anufacturer and Dealer in Boots and Shoes. Shelby, 28; G.. 3d Veil, Shelby chap., 20; Shelby coun., 3. Levinson, Joseph, Clothing Merchant. Shelby, 28; Shelby chap., 20. Morrison, John.. Ohio, 101, Va.; P. M. Shelby, 28; Shelby chap., 20; Shelby coun., 3. Padrick, O. D. Mercantile Salesman. Shelby, 28. Strong, M., Clothing Ilerchant. Owen, 128, Ky. Wallar, Z. B., Mercantile Salesman. W... Shelby, 28; Sec. Shelby chap., 20; Pec. Shelby coun., 3..Wilson, Isaac H. S. W. Shelby, 28; S. Shelby chap., 20; C. G. Shelby coun., 3. Wright, Cyrus, Attorney. P. M. Shelby, 28; P, H. P. Shelby chap., 20; P. Dept. T. I. G. MI. Shelby coun., 3. SOUTH BEND, ST. JOSEPH CO. Buchtel, Jon. B., Physician and Surgeon. St. Joseph, 45. Davis, A. A., Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. St. Joseph, 45; G. 3M. 2d Veil; S. Bend chap., 29. Day, John, Grocer and Corn. Merchant. St. Joseph, 45. Deming, Dwight, Mercantile Clerk. P.M. St. Joseph, 45; C. H. South Bend chap., 29. INDIANA. 263 Dunn, Reynolds. St. Joseph, 45; South Bend chap., 29. George, WT. G., Attorney. St. Joseph, 45; South Bend chap., 29. Hammond, John, Lumber Merchant. Treas. St. Joseph, 45; Treas. South Bend chap., 29. Knoblock, J. C., Grocer and Commission Merchant. J. W. St. Joseph, 45; R. A; C. South Bend chap., 29. Lederer, John N., Butcher. St. Joseph, 45; South Bend chap., 29. Mack, John, Notary Public. Sec. St. Joseph, 45; Sec. South Bend chap., 29. Neuperth, F., Mercantile Clerk. St. Joseph, 45. Stover, C. A., Ambrotypist. W. M. St. Joseph, 45. TERRE HAUTE, VIGO CO. SOcIAL LODGE, No. 86. Chamberlin, A. L., Burnett, L. A. Ashley, HI L. W. M. Beach, Jno. S. Clift, W. S. Abbot, John, S. W. Ball, Wm. J. Ripley, C. J. Hager, L. G., J. WV. Robertson, M. Carpenter, D., Jr. Baily, C. H., Treas. Edwards, W. K. Jean, T. B. Peck, E. W., Sec. Gilmore, William, Sayre, John, Sharra, A., S. D. Dimmick, W.. Conard, Jesse, McLean, W., J. D. Gunn, M. S. Ebbitt, Benjamin, Benson, N. aW., Tyler, Briggs, H. S. Yates, Jos. C. Hovey, H. W. Doughty, T. M. Boord, Geo. G. Tillotson, H. L. Harb, WI. F. Carricoe, J. U. Taylor, A. E. Bolton, Jas. S. Wolf, Simon, Howard, S. Blake, Jos. H. Murray, Thos. P. Burton, T. W. Crisher, C. M. Vaughn, Dan'l, Coats, William, Engle, Jacob, Gilmore, Jas. F. Weir, W. D., Tierman, Jno. Saunkey, James M. Mack, Sam'l, Fuller, Owen, Amnrour, C. Clippinger, G.. Bugh, Jno. J. Abbott, John, Shoemaker. S. WY. Social, 86. Bailey, C. H., Grocer. Treas. Social, 86. Benson, Nat. W., Carpenter and Shoemaker. Tyler, Social, 86. Chamberlin, A. L., Carpenter. W. M. Social, 86; Terre Haute chap., 11; Terre Haute coun., 8. Haberly, Geo. W., Bookkeeper. Terre Haute, 19; Terre Haute chap., 11; Terre Haute coun., 8; Raper, coml. 1. Hager, L. G. J. W. Social, 86; G. 1. 1st Veil, Terre Haute chap., 11; Rec. Terre Haute coun., 8. 264 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Lyon, Geo. F. P.. erre Haute, 19; P. H. P. Terre Haute. chap., 11; P. T. I. G. M. Terre Haute coun-, 8; Raper, corn., 1. Sankey, James M., Farmer. Social, 86. Van Kannon, Win., Millwright. W~. M. Windsor, U. D. Ill.; Edgar chap., 32; Ill., R. & S. laster. Wright, James D., Supt. Mill and Distillery. S. W. Terre Haute, 19; G. M. 3d Veil, Terre Haute chap,, 11; Terre Haute coun., 8. Wyeth, James S., Founder and Machinist. P. M. Terre Haute, 19; P. C. H. Terre Haute chap., 11; Dept. T. I. G. M. Terre Haute coun., 8. THORNTOWi, BOONE CO. Cowan, F. i., Carriage Smith. J. W. Thorntown, 113. Cowan, Isaac N., Attorney. P. Sec. Thorntown, 113. Cowan, E. A., Carriage Manufacturer. P. J. W. Thorntown, 113. Gappen, Stephen, Tanner and Currier. P. M. Thorntown, 113. Gappen, Nathaniel, Carriage Manufacturer. S. W. Thorntown, 113; Lebanon chap., 39. Osburn, J. N., Hotel-keeper. Sec. Thorntown, 113. Sandoe, Peter, Butcher, Tanner and Currier. W. M1. Thorntown, 113. Shannon, E. D., Manufacturer and Dealer in Sportsman's Instruments. P. Sec. Thorntown, 113. VERNON, JENNINGS CO. Barnum, N. C., Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, Clocks. P. AI. Jennings, 59; Miadison chap., 1. Beachley, N. J., M. D. Jennings, 59. Branhamr, Robert WT., Carpenter. Jennings, 59. Bundy, J., Judge C. C. Pleas, and Attorney. WT. M. Jennings, 59; Madison chap., 1. Bullock, VWm. Avery, Attorney. Dixon, Samuel M., Sheriff. Jennings, 59. Foster, Win. B., California Miner. Plumas, 60, California. Lathimore, Alex. W., MIayor and Attorney. Jennings, 59; Madison chap., 1. iMcClelland, James A., Merchant. Paris, 221. Nelson, James M., Co. Auditor. J. W. Jennings, 59. Pagett, Achilles, Plow Manufacturer. Treas., Jennings, 59. Russell, Solon, Pros. Attorney. Paris, 221. Swift Wim., Carpenter and Painter. J. D. Jennings, 59. Wagner, John H., Wagon and Carriage-maker.. S. W. Jennings, 59. INDIANA. 265 WABASH, WABASH CO. HANNA LODGE, No. 61. Chartered May 26, A. L. 5848. Ross, Edw. S.,W. M. Wilson, Geo. B. Snavely, A. B. Tyer. Alex. L., S. W. Beck, G. P. Pond, Win. L. Whiteside, Wmi., Trea. Freidberger, Scott, Moses, Smiley, S. G., J. W. Thomas, E. B. Hartzell, S. Sackett, E. G., Sec. Garrison, E. Lehmer, D. Myers, N. D., S. D. Hanna, Hugh, Thurston, W. K. McGuire, Sid., J. D. Knight, John L. Weesner, Allen, Davis, L. B., Tyler, McClure, James E. Gardner, A. C. Skinner, Bev. H. C., C. Elles, C. J. Parrish, Chas. S. Tyer, J. B., Steward, Ford, James, Ross, Levi, Thompson, J. M., " Frazier,. D. Goodwin, L. H. Sivey, John C. Hyman, Michael, Smith, A. J. Thomas, E. F. Lawrence, John B. McCarty, T. B. Winner, John, Davis, John, Alben, Phillip, Wilson, Smith, Boone, Win. L. Taylor, D. W. Flynn, J. P. Alber, George, Thomas, M. J. Wherrett, John, Smith, A, W. Davis, W. K. McCrea, John, Sayer, Benj. Rose, John B. Jones, B.F. Thomas, L. S. Hanna, Col. Hugh, P.M. HM. anna, 61; P. H. P. Wabash chap., 26; Order H. P. Ri. & S. M. Goodman, L. H., Attorney. HIanna, 61. Knight, J. L., Attorney. P. J. W., Hanna, 61; Wabash chap., 26. McCarty, T. B., County Auditor. Hanna,61l; Sec. Wabash chap., 26. Ross, E. S., Banker. W. M. Hanna, 61; P. S. Wabash chap., 26; R. & S. M. Sackett, E. G., Jeweller. Sec. Hanna, 61. Sivey, John C., Co. Clerk. P. S. W. Hanna, 61; C. H. Wabash chap., 26. Smiley, Samuel G., Commission Merchant. J. W. Hanna, 61. Snavely, A. B., Hardware Merchant. Hanna, 61. Tyer, Alex L., Mercantile Clerk. S. W. Hanna, 61. Whiteside, Wm., Furniture Merchant P. S. W. and Treas. Hanna, 61; R. A. C. Wabash chap., 26. Conger, David, Farmer, Winterraud, Shelby Co. P. M. Farmers, 147; Shelby chap., 20. Robinson, J. V., Attorney, Winterraud, Shelby Co. Sec. Farmers, 47. Banter, S. I., Bellville, Hendricks Co. Clerk. Sec. Bellville, 65. Smith, F. A., Flour Manufacturer. Fulton, 79; Logan chap., 2; Logansport coun., 11. 266 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Clark, Sanford T., Physician, Russellville, Putnam Co. Russellville,141. Gardner, Andrew C., Carpenter, Wabash. Hanna, 61. Sanders, Joseph, Merchant, Stanford. Sec. Stanford, 173. Parker, Geo. W., Druggist, Kendalville. Mount Vernon, 64; Ohio. Anspacher, Abraham, Wholesale Clothier, Evansville. Evansville, 64; Evansville chap., 12. Helm, T. B., Civil Engineer, Logan'sport. Tipton, 33; Logan chap., 2. Friedberger, Henry, Wabash. Hanna, 61. Plout, Levi M., Wholesale Clothier, Evansville. Evansville 64; Evansville chap., 12. Weihsler, J., Merchant, Evansville. Olney, 140; Richland chap., 39; Illinois. Ellis, E. W. H., Editor Goshen Times, Goshen, Elkhart Co. W. M. Goshen, 12; Indianopolis chap., 5. Henkel, P. M. County Auditor, Goshen, Elkhart Co. Goshen, 12; St. Joseph chap., 2. Johnson, Isaac E.,J. P., Spencer, Owen Co. W. M. Spencer, 95. Martin, John H., Attorney, State Representative, Spencer, Owen Co. P. J. V. Spencer, 95. ILL INOIS. CHICAGO. Jones, E. W., Cashier. W. M. Dearborn, U. D,; Lafayette chap., 2; Chicago coun., 4; Apollo cor., 1. Haneman, A. C. B., Bookkeeper. Sec. Garden City, 141. Barrell, James, Post-office Clerk. Garden City, 141. Staring, Henry, Superintendent Freight Depot, C. B. and Q. R. R. Treas. Garden City, 141. Alshuler, Charles, Merchant. Terre Haute, 19. Nietschman, B., Collector. Germania, 182. Benscheid, R., File Cutter. Garden City, 141. Wood, George W. Capitol, 3, Nebraska; Wisconsin chap., 7, Wis. Scriven, Charles H.,;Advertising Agent, No. 63 Dearborn street. Wabansia, 160. Oertel, Albert G., Exchange and Collection Office. Garden City, 141. ILLNOIS. 267 ASTORIA. Cummings, S. P., Merchant. J. W. Astoria, 100; Stapleton chap., 9; Rushville coun., 6. Kerns, William, Merchant. Treas. Astoria, 100. Smith, P. P., Merchant. S. D. Astoria, 100. Sinith, James H., Merchant. Secretary Astoria, 100. Shrier, David, Tailor. J. D. Astoria, 100. Boyd, John, Merchant. S. W. Astoria, 100. Sparks, James C., Merchant. Astoria, 100. Stambaugh, Jacob R, Farmer. Astoria, 100. Garing, C. M., Merchant. Astoria, 100. Hart, Z. E., Farmer. Astoria, 100. Frailey, John, Clerk. Astoria, 100. Montgomery, Rev. Eli, Methodist Minister. Astoria, 100; Lusk chap., 20. Kingery, Wmi., Farmer. Astoria, 100. Keach, James, Farmer. Astoria, 100. Howell, Nelson, Carpenter. Astoria, 100. Burtis, Samuel, Farmer. Astoria, 100. Bader, Jeremiah, Farmer. Astoria, 100. Hopkins, G. V., Physician and Farmer. Astoria, 100; Stapleton chap., 9. Leak, B. F., Cooper. Astoria, 100. Anderson, C. G., Tinsmith. Astoria, 100. Gilliland, John A., Tanner. Astoria, 100; Lusk chap., 20. Toler, Wm. T., Physician. Astoria, 100. Ogle, Jehu, Farmer. Astoria, 100. Smith, Samuel, Gunsmith. Astoria, 100. DE KALB. Butts, Jesse D., Dealer in Lumber and Produce. S. W. De Kalb, 144. Goodell, John 1., Produce Dealer. Treas. De Kalb, 144. Burt, Stephen D., Painter. S.D. De Kalb, 144. Hyslop, Stephen., Physician. De Kalb, 144. Fox, Pliny L., Lawyer., De Kalb, 144. Kendall, Charles, Grocer. De Kalb, 144. Wright, Francis G., Physician. De Kalb, 144. Earl, Wm. D., Blacksmith and Farmer. De Kalb, 144. Johnson, U. C., Lawyer. Warren, 240, Pa. Coolege, John, Merchant. De Kalb, 144. Hopkins, Franklin, Produce Dealer. De Kalb, 144. 268 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Stevens, Horace M., Produce Dealer. De Kalb, 144. Nichols, Israel, Dealer in Furnishing Goods, Lumber, Produce, &c. De Kalb, 144. Pierce, Bester Farmer. Secretary De Kalb, 144; Randolph chap., 5; Randolph coun., R. and S. Masters, 5, Vt. Gilbert, Eli B., Justice of Peace, Joiner and Carpenter. W. M. De Kalb, 144, Wetmore, Titus C., Justice of Peace and Law Broker. P. M. De Kalb, 144; Apollo chap., 44, N. Y.; Apollo encpt., 15. VERMONT. Jacob, Harrison S., Chairmaker. W. M. Vermont, 116; H. P. Lusk chap., 20; Rushville coun., 4; R. and S. Masters. Cox, Caleb B., Merchant. S. W. Vermont, 116; Lusk chap., 20. Stapleford, Edward, Merchant. Vermont, 116; Steward, Lusk chap., 20. Driesbacl, Jonas, Farmer. J. W. Vermont, 116; Scribe, Lusk chap., 20. Robinson, Benjamin, Tailor. Vermont, 116. David Kirkbride, Hotel Keeper. Treas. Vermont, 116; Treas., Lusk chap., 20. Sidwell, Thomas E., Clerk. Vermont, 116; Lusk chap., 20. Frisbie, Agur G., Justice of Peace. Vermont Lodge, 116; Lusk chap., 20. Kelly, James W., Merchant. Vermont, 116; R. A. C. Lusk chap., 20. Gardner, Ephraim C., Physician. Vermont, 116. Harland, John, Farmer. S. D. Vermont, 116; King, Lusk chap., 20. Cleavinger, Dr. Lorenzo D., Physician. Vermont, 116; Lusk chap., 20. Dilworth, Robert, Druggist. Vermont, 116; Lusk chap., 20. Kirkbride Eleazer, Miller. Vermont, 116; C. of H. Lusk chap., 20. Hartford, James, Miller. Vermont, 116. Kirkbride, Andrew B., Miller. Sec. Vermont, 116. Moore, Edward T., Carpenter. Steward Vermont, 116. Branson, Thos. R., Clerk. Vermont, 116; Lusk chap., 20. Durell, Wim. M., Lumber Merchant. Vermont, 116; (' Lusk chap., 20. Glore, Christopher C., Brickmaker. Vermont, 116; M1. of 1st Veil, Lusk chap., 20. Alexander, Wim., Wheelwright. Steward Vermont, 116. Ross, Harvey L., Merchant. Vermont, 116; Lusk chap., 20. ILLINOIS. 269 Carnahan, Jesse, Carpenter. J. D. Vermont, 116; P.S. Lusk chap.,20. Craig, John A., Farmer. Vermont, 116; Steward Lusk chap., 20. Seaborn, Johnston, Farmer. Vermont, 116; Lusk chap., 20. IXeritt, WVm. J., Farmer. Vermont, 116. Royal, Joseph B., Carpenter. Vermont, 116. Harris, Iiram 1., Farmer. Vermont, 116. Hart, Alfred, Cabinet Maker. Vermont, 116. Elwell, Eli, Farmer. Vermont, 116. Berry, J. L., Farmer.. Vermont, 116. Dailey, David, Farmer. Vermont, 116. Phelps, D. H., Merchant. S. W. Ipava, U. D.; Lusk chap., 20. Anderson, Robert, Tanner. Tyler Vermont, 116; Guard, Lusk chap., 20. Wright, Wm. B., Farmer. Vermont, 116. Durell, Wim. M., Lumber Mer. Vermont, 116; Sec. Lusk chap., 20. Glore, Christopher C., Brickmaker. Vermont, 116; M. of 1st Veil, Lusk chap., 20. Alexander, William, Wheelwright. Steward Vermont, 116. Vail, J. C., General Book Agent. Vermont, 116. Kirkbride, Wesley, Miller. Vermont, 116. Bates, David, Carpenter. Vermont, 116. Heron, A. J., Clerk. Vermont, 116. Arnold, Joseph M., Farmer. Vermont, 116. Estal, George, Farmer. Ipava, U. D. Keith, Robert, Keithsburg. W. M. Robert Burns, 113; H. P. Illinois chap., 17; Illinois coun., R. and S. M.; Apollo corn. Martin, William. Vandalia. Temperance, 16; Macon chap., 16; Beaumanois com., U. D. Macalister, Daniel, Engineer and Machinist, Galena. Brearley, 2, N. J.; Columbia Mark, 91, Pa. Graham, R. H., Attorney at Law, Editor and Publisher Moline Independent, Moline. Union, 45, Lima, N. Y. Petersberger, Samuel, Merchant, Rockford. Philanthropic. 225, Penn. Van Dyke, J. J., Ashley Station, Illinois Central Railroad. Keown, Larkin C., Bookkeeper, Alhambra. Franklin, 25. Williams, Thomas, Carpenter, Bloomington. Bloomington, 43. Price, Franklin, Mayor, Land Agent, Notary Public, &c., Bloomington. Secretary Bloomington, 43. Nicholl, William, Clerk, Rockford. Rockford, 102; Winnebago chap., 24; Washington coun., 1, and Jacques De Molay corn., 2, Washington, Pa. 270 UNIVERSAL 1MASONIC RECORD. Anderson, James W., Harness Maker, Canton. Morning Star, 20; Lusk chap., 20. George, Charles, Silversmith, Mount Joliet. Mount Joliet, 42; Clark chap., U. D. Simpson, J. L., Lumber and Grain Merchant, Hennepin. W. M. Social. 70; Herman chap., 16. Shaw, Permaneus, Olney. Olney, 140. Kinney, Thomas J., Commission and Forwarding Merchant, Astoria. Astoria, 100. Greenleaf, George H., Merchant, Lacon. Secretary Henry, 119; H. P. Herman chap., 16. Willitts, Elias, Attorney-at-law, Keithsburg. Keithsburg, 59. Bassett, Isaac N., Attorney-at-law, Keithsburg. Keithsburg, 59. Willitts & Bassett, Attorneys-at-law, Keithsburg. Keitlsburg, 59. Verselius, William S., Leather Dealer, Kane co. S. W. Elgin, 117. Stevens, Sylvester, Blacksmith, Knoxville. W. M. Knoxville, 66;; H. P. Horeb chap., 4; D. I. G. M. Illinois coun., 1. MeCracken, James, Farmer, Knoxville. Secretary Knoxville, 66 R. A. C. JHoreb chap., chap., 4; Illinois coun., 1. Dosset, James, Farmer, Knoxville. Knoxville, 66; Horeb chap., 4. Wilcox, Edward S., Farmer, Geneva. Elgin, 117. Ball, Joseph T., Physician. W.. M Ipava, 213; Lusk chap., 20. Samaster, Joseph E., Merchant. S. D. Ipava, 213. IOWAo Jamison James, Attorney-at-law and General Agent, Independence. Independence, 87. Leavitt, Charles F., Attorney-at-law and General Agent, Independence. Independence, 87. Marshall, W~. T., Attorney-at-law, and General Agent, Independence. Independence, 87. Brewer, Edward, Clerk of the District and County Courts, and General Agent, Independence. W. M. Independence, 87; H. P. Aholiab chap., 21; Dubuque coun., 3; Siloam, con. Parvin, T. S., Horticulturist, Muscatine. G. Sec. of Grand Lodge and Grand Chap.; P. G. M. and P. G. H. P.; Grand Con. of De Molay encpt.; 1. KENTUCKY. 271 Murray, Geo., Farmer, Davenport. Portage, 220, Pa. Griffiths, J. Murray, Merchant, Desmoines. P. 1M. Pioneer, 22; Principal Sojourner, Corinthian chap.; U.D. Ranch, John H., Physician, Burlington. P. J. W. -Des Moines, 1. Rickman, Jesse, Examiner of Titles of Property, attends to Paying Taxes, &c., N ewtown. P. M. Newtown, 59; Sec. Gebal chap., 12. Clark, J. Norwood, Fancy Goods, &c., Iowa City. P. M. Zion, 31; R. A. C. Iowa City chap., 2; Excelsior coun., 2; Palestine com., 2. Bolens, Eugene B., Attorney-at-law, Toledo. Toledo, 118. Brewer, Edward, General Agent, Clerk of Court of Records. of Buchanan County, Independence. W. M. Independence, 87; Aboliab chap., 21. K E N T U CK Y. CAd IZ. Baker, B., Druggist: Cadiz, 121. Pursley, R. 3M., Cabinet-maker. S. W. Cadiz, 121; Secy. and Tr. Swigert chap., 40. Roach, John J., Dry goods. Cadiz, 121; Swigert chap., 40.. Smith, Arthur, Hotel-keeper. Late Cadiz, 121. Tyler, Quintus, M., Principal of Trigg Male Seminary. P. M. Cadiz, 121; H. P. Swigert chap., 40; Swigert coun., 21. Tyler, Richard K., Farmer. P. M. Cadiz, 121; P. S. Swigert chap., 40, D. T. T. G. M. Swigert coun. of R. and S. M., 21. Thompson, G. V., Agricultural implements. J. D. Cadiz, 121, Watkins, J. R., Tobacconist. Mark Tyler, 319. Wall, T. A., Druggist. Cadiz, 121. Treas.. Swigert chap., 40. DYCUSBURG. Cassidy, Daniel, Grocer and Produce Dealer. Sec. Dycusburg, 232; Sec. Crittenden chap., 70. Dougherty, Edward, Farmer. Dycusburg, 232. Duvall, Thomas M., Grocer. Bigham, 256. Flanagan, J. N., Dry good and Hotel-keeper. Bigham, 256. 272 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Johnson, Richard M., Farmer. Livingston, 60; Dycusburg, 232. Miller, W. Redd, Farmer. W. M. Dycusburg, 232; Lyon chap., 61; Philip Swigert coun., 26. EDDYVILLE. Cobb, R., Attorney-at-law. Suwanee, 190; Sec. Lyon chap., 61; Swigert coun., 26. Huggins, G. M., Physician and Surgeon. J. W. Suwanee, 190; G. M. 1st Veil, Lyon chap., 61; Swigert coun., 26. Wilson, F. A., Attorney-at-law. Suwanee, 190. Pain, Thomas P., Carpenter. S. D. Suwanee, 190; Treas. Lyon chap., 61. Mayer, Henry, Tailor. S. and T. Suwanee, 190; S. and T. Lyon chap., 61. Wood, Charles, Leather Manufacturer. Suwanee, 190. Skinner, Fred. H., Presiding Judge Lyon Co. Court. P. M. Suwanee, 190; H. P. of Lyon clap., 61; Rec. Philip Swigert coun., 26. Yieser, J. D., Druggist. Suwanee, 190. ELIZABETHTOWN, HARDIN CO. Cofer, Martin H., Attorney. S. W. Morrison, 76; High P. Eastern Star chap., 34. Duncan, Thos. H., Merchant, Cabinetmaker and Farmer. P. MI Morrison, 76; P. 1-1. P. Eastern Star chap., 34; Dept. T. I. G. M. Elliott coun., 24. Hastings, John R., Saddler. Tyler Morrison, 76. Maxson, F. W., Prin. Female Sem. Morrison, 76. Strickler, G. W. F., Hotel-keeper and City Marshal. WV. A. Morrison, 76; Eastern Star chap., 34; T. 1. G. M. Elliott coun., 24. Wigglesworth, John, Civil Engineer. Morrison, 76. FRANKFORT, FRANKLIN CO. Gaines, W. A., Hardware, Groceries, Dry Goods, and Queensware. Treas. Hiram, 4. Grant, H. B., Insurance Agent and Clerk State Auditor's office. Hiram, 4. Hodges, A. G., Publisher and Prop'r Frankfort Commonwealth and Kentucky Farmer. G. Treas. G. L.; G. Sec. Grand Chap.; Grand Rec. G. coun.; K. T. Lewis, George Wythe, Not. Rep. Clerk for A. G. Hodges. Sec Hiram, 4; Frankfort chap., 3. Page, James R., Dry goods, Carpets and Queensware. Hiram, 4. KENTUCKY. 273 Swigert, Philip, Clerk of County Court, Pres. Farmers' Bank, and Attorney. P. G. M., P. G. H. P., G. P. G. C., Gr. Sec. G. chap. Tobin, L., Grocer. Hiram, 4. Todd, John M. Com., and Ky. Farmer office. J. D). Hiram, 4; Ast. G. Sec. Whitesides, Ephraim, First Assistant Keeper of State Prison. Fortitude, 47. Watson, James R., Assistant State Auditor, Hiram, 4. FAIRVIEW, CHRISTY CO. Shaw, Thomas H., Dry Goods Merchant. D. S. Fairview, 214. Bell, C. M., Farmer. Fairview, 214. Daniel, WVm. B., Farmer. Fairview, 214. Carrell, James, Farmer. Fairview, 214. Dulin, Rice, Farmer. P. M. L. M. Cox, ~7; Oriental chap., 14 Moore encpt., 6. Boales, D. S., Farmer. L. M. Cox, 327. Dulin, A. M. Farmer. L. MI. Cox, 327; Oriental chap., 14. Bishop, Isaac W., Farmer, Hopkins Co. Madisonville, 143. GEORGETOWN, SCOTT CO. Bradford, W. T. V., Farmer. Mount Vernon, 14; R. A. M. Georgetown chap., 13; K. T. Bradford encpt., 9. Bradford, B. E. Georgetown chap., 13. Barkley, Thomas S., Druggist. 3iount Vernon, 14. Craig, Newton, Farmer. Hiram, 4. Crockett, N. D., Farmer. Mount Vernon, 14; R. A. M. Georgetown chap., 13; K. T. Bradford enept., 9. Clark, John, Carriage Maker. P. M. Mount Vernon, 14; P. H. P. Georgetown chap., 13; Gen. of Bradford encpt.,'; Grand Sword Bearer, Georgetown enept. Dornaby, Wim. S., Attorney-at-law; State Senator from 31st District of Kentucky. Scott, 203. Dickerson, L. B., Attorney-at-law and Clerk County Court. Mount Vernon, 14; Georgetown chap., 13. Eccles, Charles, Wagon Maker. Mount Vernon, 14; R. A. M. Georgetown chap., 13; K. T. Bradford enept., 9. Emison, James E., Farmer. Mount Vernon, 14; R. A. M. Georgetown chap., 13; K. T. Bradford encpt., 9. Foster, John, Editor Georgetown Journal. S. W. Mount Vernon, 14; G, M. 3d Veil, Georgetown chap., 13; S. W. Bradford enept., 9. Forwood, A. W., Carriage Dealer. Mount Vernon, 14. 274 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Gano, S. F., Physician. P. M. Mount Vernon, 14; P. H. P. Georgetown chap., 13; Bradford encpt., 9; Grand Corn. of Grand Encpt. Gocey, Samuel, Grocer. Mount Vernon, 14; Georgetown chap., 13; Bradford encpt., 9. Kelly, James Y., Clerk of Scott Circuit Court. Mount Vernon, 14; Georgetown chap., 13; -Treas. Bradford encpt., 9. Lemon, James C., Merchant. Mount Vernon, 14; R.: A. M. Georgetown chap., 13; K. T. Bradford encpt., 9. McDonald, Strange, Carriage Maker. Mount Vernon, 14. Mlorrison, J. Y. Mount Vernon, 14; S. Georgetown chap., 13. BMullin, Thomas. Mount Vernon, 14. Miller, J. R. Lexington, 1. Penn, William, Farmer. West Union, 265. Pates, J. II. J. W. Mount Vernon, 14; K. Georgetown chap., 13; Bradford encpt., 9. * Polk, M., Attorney-at-law. MIount Vernon, 14. Rankins, H., Dry Goods. Mount Vernon, 14. Steadman, L. C. W. M. Mount Vernon, 14; H. P. Georgetown chap., 13; P. Bradford encpt., 9; G. P. of Grand Encet. Sowards, J. B. Mount Vernon, 14. Thomas, Alexander, Farmer. Mount Vernon, 14; R. A. M. Georgetown chap., 13; K. T. Bradford encpt., 9. Terry, Thomas, Carriage Maker. Mount Vernon, 14. Trimble, George E., Druggist. Mount Vernon, 14. HOPKINSVILLE, CHRISTIAN CO. Bonstect, T. A. E., Master Mason. Berry, Benj., Hopkinsville, 37; Oriental chap., 14. Buckner, William T., Lawyer. P. M. H-opkinsville, 37; Oriental chap., 14. Buckner, James F., Attorney-at-law. P.. Hopkinsville, 37; P. T. 1. G. M. Warren coun., 12. Bronough, David B., Grocer. Treas. Hopkinsville, 37; Oriental chap., 14; K. T. Moore encpt., 6. Buck, Thos. M., Dry goods Merchant. P. M. Pembroke, 288; R. A. and K. T. Coldwell, Isaac K., Cashier of Branch Bank of Kentucky; Hopkinsville, 37; K. Oriental chap., 14. Copeland, A. W., Tinner. Hopkinsville, 37. Frint, T. C., Farmer. J. W. Hopkinsville, 37; M. 3d Veil, Oriental chap., 14. Fisher, John S., Livery Stable keeper. Moore encpt., 6. KENTUCKY. 2 7. Gonhat, Francis, Confectioner. H-Iopkinsville, 37; Oriental chap., 14; Moore enept., 6. Gooch, E., Steward Western Lunatic Asylum. H-Ioplinsville, 37 i Oriental chap., 14. Glass, James M., Dry goods Merchant. Hopkinsville, 37. Gowen John B., Sheriff. Hopkinsville, 37; Moore enept., 6. Jenkins, Dr. P. O., Portrait-painter. Pembroke, 288. Lander, R. B., Grocer. Hopkinsville, 37; Oriental chap., 14; S. W. Moore encpt., 6. Lyon, Henry, Dry goods Merchant. Hopkinsville, 37; Oriental chap., 14; Moore encpt., 6. Morris, Lemuel B., Planter. Hopkinsville, 37. Moore, James, Magistrate. W.. IHopkinsville, 37; P. H. P. Oriental chap., 14; T. I. G. M. Warren coun., 2; Gen. Moore encpt., 6. Matthews, W. S., Carpenter. S. D. Hopkinsville, 37; R. A. Capt Oriental chap., 14; Generalissimo Moore encpt., 6. Phelps, 1-. A., Pract. Lawyer. P. M. Hopkinsville, 37; 1st Veil. Oriental chap., 14; M. E. Prelate Moore enept., 6. Poindexter, George, Carriage-maker. S. W. Hopkinsville, 37; H. P, Oriental chap., 14; AMoore encpt., 6. Ritter, John P., Attorney-at-law. Hopkinsville, 37. Sypert, L. A., Attorney-at-law. Hopkinsville, 37. LEXINGTON. Allen, Bryan H., Attorney-at-law. J. W. Lexington, 1. Beach, E. A., Coach manufacturer. W. M. Daviess, 22. Elbert, John L., Dealer in Grain and Agricultural Implements. Good Samaritan, 170; Benevolent chap., 58, R. A. M. KIrauss, P., Variety store. Late Mount Vernon, 14; R. A. M. Georgetown chap., 13;,. and S. M. WVash. coun., 1; K. T. Bradford encpt., 9. Lendel, Junius G., Music Teacher. S. W. Devotion, 160; P. S. Lexingtan, R. A. chap., I; P. C. Wash. coun., 1. McMillin, A. F., Farmer. Fayette co., late St. Andrew., 18. Meyer, C. F. Dealer in Pianos, Music and Musical Instruments. P. M.. Devotion 160; P. 1. P. Lex. H. A. chap., 1; Generalissimo of Webb encpt., 2. McCracken, John, Gardener and Farmer. P. M. and Treas. Lexington, 1; P. H. P. and Treas, Lexington R. A. chap., 1; T. I. G. M. Wash. coun., 1; P. G. C. and Tr. Webb enept., 2; G. P. & G. Iof Kentucky. Suhr, F. A., Tobacconist, Treas. Devotion, 160; Sec. Lex. R. A. chap. 1; R. and S. M. Wash. coun., 1. Stone, Geo. W., Wholesale Dealer in Old Whiskey and Pure Liquors, 276 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. and Corn. and Forwarding Merchant. Daviess, 22; R. A. M. Lexington chap., 1; R. and S. M. Washington coun., 1; K. T. Webb encpt., 2. Tipton, J. M., Produce Broker, Com. Merchant, and Dealer in Agricultural Implements. P. M. Lexington, 1; P. M. E. G. C. Webb enept., 3. Willging, P. Confectioner. Lexington, 1; R. A. M. Lexington chap., 1; K. T. Webb enept., 2. Kroesing, Adolph Julius, Watchmaker. Devotion, 160; D. T. I. G. M. Washington coun. 1; S. W. Webb enept., 2. Steves, Jacob B.' P. M. Devotion, 160; Capt. H-ost Temple chap., 19; J. W. Webb enept., 2; J. W. Grand Enept. Loecher, A. J., Lottery Agent. Good Samaritan, 176; Temple chap., 19; Webb encpt., 2. Stone, W. D., Dentist. P. M. Devotion, 160; Lexington chap., 1. Church, A. J., Broadway I-otel. Lexington, 1. LOUISVILLE. Fleck, John, Lard Oil Manufacturer. Treas. Willis Stewart, 224; Louisville chap., 5. Flannegan, A. J., Saddler. Excelsior, 258; Louisville chap., 5; Louisville coun., 4; K. T. Hall, Robert B., United States Hotel. P. M. Alien, 24. Mathews, Robert C., Tyler of all Masonic Bodies which meet in Masonic Temple, Louisville. P. M. Abrams, 8; S. P. R. S. and 32d. Marcellus, Daniel, Upholsterer. WV. M. Excelsior, 258; Louisville chap., 5; Louisville coun., 4; Louisville corn., 1. Boyd, John J., Prin. Louisville Corn. College. Sec. Abrams., 8; Louisville chap., 5. MeClelland, N. L., City Tax Col. J. W. Tyler, U. D. Louisville, 5; Louisville coun., 4; Louisville corn.. 1. Ionsarat, D. T., Pub. Masonic works. Clark, 51; P. G. M., S. P. P-. S. and 32d. Pope, John D., City Auditor. P. M. Robinson, 266; Sec. Tyler, U. D. Louisville chap., 5. Swain, AM. B., Merchant Tailor. No. 4 Masonic Temple; J. W. Excelsior, 258; R. A. C. Louisville chap., 5; Louisville coun., 4; Louisville corn. 1. MILLINSBURY. Taliaferro, R. W., Merchant. Amity, 40; P. S. Millinsbury chap., 46. Walton; Caleb, Hotel-keeper. Amity, 40; S. and T. Millinsbury chap. 46; Sadler coun., 30. KENTUCKY. 277 Griffith, A. J., Blacksmith. Amity, 40; Millinsbury chap., 46, Conway, H. R., Druggist. S. W. Amity, 40; Sec. Millinsbury chap., 46; Adoniram coun., 31. Wallace, A. W., Blacksmith. W. M. Amity, 40; II. P. Millinsbury chap., 46; Sadler coun., 30; Covington encpt. Miller, John M. Merchant. Amity, 40; Treas. Millinsbury chap., 46. Hart, J. 3/M., Carpenter. Amity, 40. Hull, Wm. W., Carpenter. Amity, 40. PEMBROKE. Pendleton, R. Y. W.M. Pembroke, 288; Oriental chap., 14; Moore encpt., 6. Chilton, C. F.,Practising Physician. Pembroke, 288. Smith, M. M., Cumberland Presbyterian Preacher. Pembroke, 288; Oriental chap., 14. Kenner, A. T., Farmer, Christian county. Pembroke, 288; Oriental chap., 14. Young, S. C., Practising Physician. Pembroke, 288; Orientali chap., 14. PARIS. Samuels, Wmi. M., Presiding Judge of Bourbon County Court. W. M. Bedford, 243; H. P. North Middletown chap., 15; G. H. P. of G. Chap.; R. and S. M. Washington coun., 1; K. T. Webb encpt., 2; Gr. Recorder Grand Enept. Benton, Horace, Farmer. Washington, 79; North Middleton chap., 26. Orr, Henry R., Dry Goods Merchant. P. M. Bedford, 243; H. P. Paris chap., 15; R. and S. M. Washington coun., 1; M. E. G. Corn., of Webb enept., 2. Rucker, Henry M., Cashier of Deposite Bank P.. M. Mount Vernon, 14; R. A. M. Georgetown chap., 13; K. T. Webb encpt., 2. Thurston, Benjamin J., Proprietor of the Bourbon I-louse. Bedford, 243. Harkins, T. G., Stone-cutter. Covington, 109; R... M Paris chap., 15; R. and S. M. Saddler coun., 1. Talbutt, Charles, Proprietor of Paris Hotel. Treasurer of Paris Union, 16. Thompson, Wedgewood S., Carriage Trimmer. Lexington, 1. Woodall, A. F., Conductor Covington and Lexington It. R;, Wash 19 278 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. ington, 1, Wilmington, Del.; B. A. M. Lexington chap., 1; K. T. Frankfort encpt., 4. PRINCETOWN. Shields, John. Clinton, 82; Clay chap., 28. Garrett, Robt., Clerk in Princetown Branch of Farmers' Bank of Ky. Clinton, 82; G. M. 1st Veil, Clay chap., 28. Slayton, Alonzo H., Importer and Dealer in Watches and fine Jewelry. Olive Branch, 40, Frankfort, N. Y. Miller, William H., Attorney-at-law. W, M. Clinton, 82; King Clay chap., 28; Swigert coun., 21. Goodwin, J. P. M., Lawyer. J. W. Clinton, 82; Treas. Clay chap., 28; Swigert coun., 21. Colvert, James H., MI. D., Practising Physician. Clinton, 82; Clay chap., 28. Campbell, E. P., Attorney-at-law. Clinton, 82. Reynolds, A., Hotel-keeper. R. A. M. Clay chap., 28. Daniel, R. T., Grocer. Clinton, 82; S. and T. Clay chap., 28. SHEPHERDSVILLE. Colbon, W. J., Postmaster and Mlerchant. Sec. Bullitt, 155; P. S. Bullitt chap., 44; Louisville coun., 4. Hoglan, L., Merchant and Hotel-keeper. P. M. Bullitt, 155; Louisville chap., 5; Louisville coun., 4. Masaman, H. O., Farmer. Bullitt, 155; Bullitt chap., 44. Samuels, R. F., County Clerk. Bullitt, 155; Bullitt chap., 44. Stallings, Jannus W., Farmer. Salt River, 180. Bright, P. M., Telegraph Line Builder. Wellsville, 180, Ohio. Carpenter, W., Judge Common Pleas, Merchant and Farmer. W. M. Bullitt, 155; Rowan chap., 31; Louisville coun., 4. WALLONIA. Bingham, Jabez, Farmer. W.. M.ark Tyler, 319; Swigert chap., 40; R. and S. M. Swigert coun., 21. Wilson, W. J., Dry Goods Merchant. Mark Tyler, 319; Swigert chap., 40; R. and S. M. Swigert coun., 21. Parsley, J. S., Blacksmith. S. W. Mark Tyler, 319. Ladd, T. J., Farmer. Mark Tyler, 319. Coy, W. S., Dry Goods Merchant. P. M. Mark Tyler, 319; Swigert chap., 40; Swigert coun., 21. KENTUCKY. 279 Watkins, H. B., Farmer, Trigg Co. Mark Tyler, 319. Stewart, John Wa., Farmer. Mark Tyler, 319. Magill, R. H., Adjuster Phoenix Insurance. Co., Covington. Col. Clay, 159. Magill, -H. M., Adjuster Phoenix Insurance Co., Covington. Col. Clay, 159. Croker, Thomas, Family Grocer, Smithland, Ky. S. W. Smithland, 138; Lyons chap., 61; Swigert coun., 26; Louisville encpt., 1. Browne, W. S., Proprietor of Excelsior College, Bloomfield. Bloomfield, 57; H. P. Bloomfield chap., 53; P. T. 1. Glasgow coun., R. and S. Masters; G-. C. Glasgow encpt,, U. D. Carson, Ransom, Merchant, Stanford. Lincoln 60; -I. P. Stanford chap., 59. Leonard, M. 1. F., M. D., Louisville. Abram, 8; Hickman chap., 49; Rob. Morris council, 18; Prelate Rob. Morris encpt. Lucas, William C., Merchant, Danville. Morrison, 103; Franklin chap., 28. Morris, Rob., Editor of American Freemason. Model, 200; Hickman chap., 49; Rob. Morris coun., 18; Rob. Morris encpt. McDaniel, William R., Farmer, Hickman. Mills Point, 120; Hickman chap., 49; Rob. Morris coun., 18; Rob. Miorris encpt. Munger, William C., Printer, Covington. P. M. Covington, 109; King Covington chap., 35; Kenton coun., 13; Covington encpt, 7. Samuels, Sexton R., Merchant and Farmer, Cane Springs. Bullitt, 155. Morris, Rob., Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Kentucky, Louisville. P. M. Model, 200; Hickman chap., 49; P. H. P. P. Thrice IlI. Rob. Morris coun., 18; Commander, Rob. Morris Com., 10; Author of Lights and Shadows of Freemasonry, &c. Magill; Rev. Mathew, General Agent Phoenix Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn., for Western' and Southwestern States, office 31 and 33 West Third st., Cincinnati, Ohio; Covington. Chaplain, Col. Clay, 159; Covington chap., 35; Kenton coun., 13; Generalissimo Covington con., 7; Prelate, Grand Com., Ky. Lexington com. 5; Missouri. Ritter, W., Proprietor Woodland House, Woodland, Barren Co. P. M. Allen, 24. Procter, L. J., Attorney, and Proprietor Mammoth Cave, Mammoth Cave, Edmondson Co. St. Mary's, 240. 280 it NIVERSAL MASONIC RECORDt LOUISIANA NEW-ORLEANS. Fellows, John Q. Adams, Attorney-at-law. S. W. Marion, 68; W. M. Louisiana Relief, 1; P. H. P. Orleans chap., I; T. I. G. M. Orleans coun. R. and S. Masters, 4, Indivisible Friends' Encpt, 1; Orator of Pelican chap., I. C. 11; G. C. Eagle coun., K. of K. 4; G. CG of the 32d La..; D. G. 1-. P. of Grand Chap.; Grand, P. C. of Work, Grand Coun. of R. and Select Masters; Rep. to the Gen. Grand Chap. and Gen. Grand Encpt. of the United States for 1856. President of the Deputies for Louisiana of the Supreme Council of the 33d de%. for the Southern Jurisdiction, situated at Charleston, S. C Pemble, Thos. W., Farmer, E. Feliciana par. Sec. of Hellertown, 124 Chellet, Joseph, Grand Tyler. P. M. and S. Orleans, 78; Dalta chap. 15; Louisiana coun., 2; Jacques De Molay cor., 2; Pelican chap. R. C. 11; Eagle coun., K=-H. 6; Grand Consistory of Louisiana; H. M. Supreme Council, 33 deg. Charleston, S. C. Risk, Samuel G., R. W. G. S. Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter, Louisiana; P. M. and S. George Washington, 65; King Orleans chap, 1;T. I. G. M. Orleans coun., 4; G. R;. Grand Council; Prelate Jacques De Molay Corn., 2 Sov.'. G.'. Ins.*. Gen.'. 33 deg.; H. M. Supreme Council, 33 deg. for Southern Jurisdiction of United States. Whetstone, John B., I. D. Auburn. P. D. G. 1M. of Grand Lodge of Alabama; P. M. Autauga, 31; Ala. S. Harry Hill, 134; La. P. S. Livingston chap., 16. Rollins, Joseph, Hair Dresser, Perfumer, and Bathing. Clark, John H., Photographer, 94 Canal st. S. W. Friends of Harmony, 58; P. S. Polar Star chap., 21. Cook, AY. B., Accountant. Dudley, 66. De Sola, Aaron, S. Friends of Harmony, 58; Delta chap., 15. De Castro, Jacob O., S. D. Friends of Harmony, 58. Dostie, A. P., Dentist, 10 Barronne st., W. M. Orleans, 78; Delta chap., 15. Gay, Stephen, Editor Commercial Bulletin, Friends of Harmony, 58. -Mueller, John L., 9 Gravier st. Moses, Gustave, Foyer Maconnique, 44; Foyer Maconnique chap., R.'. E.. 6; Foyer Maconnique coun. K.. K.. 8. Magner, Joseph, 29 Carondolet st. Ocean, 144; Concord chap., 2. Pendergrast, Laurence, Accountant. Dudley, 66. MAINE. 281 Santini, Joseph, Junior Grand Warden of Grand Lodge, W. M. Foyer Maconnique, 44; Delta] chap.,! 15; C. of W. Louisiana coun., R. and S. Master M.. W.-'. Foyer Maconnique chap. R.'. C.. 6; T.'. P.. G.. M.-. of Foyer Maconnique coun. of Kadosh, 8; Grand Consistory of Prince of R.. S.. 32d deg. Gensler, S., Cloths, 93 Chartres st. Alpha, 7;' Orleans chap., 1. Davis, Wm,, 175 Poydras st. Treas. Hiram, 70. Ivens, Ed. M., Machinist, c. Union and St. Charles sts. Dudley. 66. Lucas, Bruno de., Liquor Merchant, c. Lafayette and Baronne sts. Los Amigos del Orden, 5; Concord chap., 2; Treas. Holland coun., I; Los Amigos del Orden chap., Rose Croix; Los Amigos del Orden coun. of Kadosh, 7; Sword Bearer Indivisible Friends com.,; Grand Consistory of Louisiana 32d, Grand Steward of Grand Lodge. MAINE.Andrews, Alonzo, Engineer, Lewiston. S. D. Tranquil, 29; H. P. King Hiram chap.; T. I. G. Master of Portland coun., R. and S. Masters; Perfect and Sublime Mason; Sovereign Prince of Royal Secret; De Molay enept, Mass. Butler, Manley O., Merchant, Lewiston. Tranquil, 29. Cook, John G., Druggist, Lewiston. Tranquil, 29; M. 1st Veil, King Hiram chap. Fessenden, Thomas A. D., Counsellor-at-law, Lewiston Falls. Tranquil, 29; King Hiram chap. Libby, Thurston, Millwright, Lewiston. Tranquil, 29; King of King Hiram chap. Averill, David, Livery Stable Keeper, Portland. Ancient Mark lodge; Mount Vernon chap.; Portland epcpt. Stinson, A. P., Merchant, Portland. S. W. Ancient Mark lodge; M. 3d Veil, Mount Vernon chap.; Ill. G. M. Portland coun.; Capt. Gen. Portland encpt. Smith, Charles B., Druggist, Portland. P. M. Oriental and Ancient Mark lodges; P. H. P. Mount Vernon chap.; P. G. C. Maine and Portland encpts; P. G. Master of Grand Enept; Grand Sec. of Grand: Lodge; Grand Recorder of Grand Coun. Sawyers, L. P., M. D., Denmark. P. M. Mount Moriah, 56. Taylor, Amasa, Jr., Farmer, Albion. W. M. Central, 45; P. M. Souther, Joseph N., Bookseller, Augusta. Sec. Bethlehem, 35; Jerusalem chap.; J. W. Maine enept., 1. 282 UJNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. MARYLAND. BALTIMORE. Webb, Charles, Soap and Candle Manufacturer. Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Maryland. Kennard, George I., Grocer. J. G. W. Grand Lodge. Medairy, Jacob H., Bookseller. P. S. G. W. Grand Lodge. Hayes, Robert, Carver. Concordia, 13. Hincks, Samuel, late Mayor of Baltimore. Concordia, 13. Crook, Walter, Jr., Merchant. S. W. Concordia, 13. Lord,. W. Blair, Verbatim Reporter. Concordia, 13; Jerusalem chap., 1. Escavaille, Joseph B., Cigar Dealer. Amicable, 25. Arthur, Henry, Baker. Amicable, 25; Concordia chap., 1. Campbell, Archibald, Hardware. Amicable, 25. Duke, Mark A., Stove Dealer. Amicable, 25. Brashears, John B., Cabinetmaker. Amicable, 25. Mann, William Howard, Stables. Amicable, 25. Stanley, James, Brushmaker. Amicable, 25. Hynson, B. S., Blindmaker. Amicable, 25. Clagett & Daniels, Brewers. Amicable, 25. Logsdon, William H., Hatter.. Amicable, 25. Bourne, James, Hatter. Amicable, 25. Meredith, John F., Merchant. Amicable, 25. Erek, William H., Cigar Store. AmAicable, 25. French, Samuel, Umbrella Maker. W. M. St. John's, 34 Concordia chap., 1. Seemuller, William, Cigar Importer. St. John's, 34. Lynch, John S., M. D.. St. John's, 34. Young, James, Printer. St. John's, 34. Spilman, H-enry. P. M. St. John's, 34. Bruce, John M., Coppersmith. St. John's, 34; Concordia chap., 1. Gidelman, Maurice, Hotel Keeper. St. John's, 34. MARYLAND. 283 Whitman, John H., Operator of Morse Telegraph. St. John's, 34. Mitchell, James, Omnibus Proprietor. St. John's, 34. Webb, James, Soap and Candle Manufacturer, P. M. St. John's, 34. Boyd, F. H. B., Carpenter. St. John's, 34. Chester, William, Farrier. St. John's, 34. Woods, William M., Builder. St. John's, 34. Fletcher, James, Exchange Office. St. John's, 34. Quincy, Wm. H., City Commissioner. S. W. St. John's, 34. Price, B., Merchant Tailor. St. John's, 34. Shields, Thomas, Importer. S. John's, 34. Fendrich, James, Tobacco Dealer. St. John's, 34. Donohue, John, Cigar Store. St. John's, 34. Maccubbin, Samuel, Jr., Merchant. St. John's, 34. Cunningham, William H., Merchant. St. John's, 34. Gehring, J. George, Jeweller. St. John's, 34. Perry, James St. Lawrence, Tailor. St. John's, 34. Nalls, Benjamin F., Painter. P. MH. St. John's, 34. MeShane, Henry, Brass-Founder. St. John's, 34. Rea, Charles H., Provision House. Cassia, 45. McClelland, George, Farrier. Cassia, 45. Albertson, Isaac, Mansion House. Cassia, 45. Redgrave, William S., Cigars. Warren, 51. Hinds, Moses G., Builder. Warren, 51. Pritchett, William, Hotel Keeper. Warren, 51. Milroy, John, Wood Corder. Warren, 51. Shillinger, Philip, Hotel Keeper. Warren, 51. Beachamp, John, Coal Dealers Warren, 51. Hodge, James, Coal Dealer. Warren, 51. Stevens, James W., Cigar Dealer. P. M. Warren, 51. Harrington, John H., Wood Dealer. Warren, 51. Egerton, Charles C., Broker. Warren, 51. Teal, G. MicK., Merchant. Warren, 51. Rosenfeld, S., Cigar Dealer. Warren, 51. Johnson, Samuel M., Coal Agent. Warren, 51. Shawen, Cornelius, Hotel Keeper. Columbia, 58. Bangs, James H., Broker. Columbia, 58. Reynolds, H. R., Builder. P. M. Union, 60; Concordia chap., 1; Jerusalem encpt., 1. Dukehart, Thomas M., Gas Fitter. Union, 60. Drummond, Levin I., Jeweller. Union, 60. Lucas, W. S., Grocery Store. Union, 60. McIntosh, John, Howard House. Union, 60. 284 UNIVERSAL MASONfC RECORD. Frick, E. A., Merchant. Union, 60, Johnson, William Y., Merchant. Union, 60. Warner, A. E., Jeweller. P. M. Union, 60. Medinger, John G., Grocer. Union, 60; Concordia chap., 1. Medinger, Augustus C., Grocer. Union, 60. Wheeler, J. C., Grocer. Union, 60. Bonsal, Louis, Bookseller. W. M. King David's, 68. Volk, Francis, Boot and Shoemaker. King David's, 68. Harman, Jacob T., Hotel Keeper. King David's, 68. Murphy, Jesse D., Hotel Keeper. King David's, 68. Keach, Lawson P., Restaurant. King David's, 68. Kimberly, J. M., Boot and Shoe Dealer. Adherence, 88. Grinnell, C. A., Boot and Shoe Dealer. Adherence, 88. Musselman, Hiram D., Bookseller. P. M. Adherence, 88. Bass, W. A., Cigar Importer. Adherence, 88. Hardesty, Charles H., Merchant. P. M. Corinthian, 93; P. H. P. Jerusalem chap., 9. Spedden, George A., Builder. P. M. Corinthian, 93. Weaver, Jacob, Cabinetmaker. Corinthian, 93. Kinvad, Capt. I. H., Steamboat Captain. S. W. Corinthian, 93. Blanchard, D. Harris, Secretary of the Mayoralty. P. M. Ben Franklin, 97; Grand Marshal of Grand Lodge. Colton, George, State Tobacco Warehouse. Ben Franklin, 97. Clark, George T., Merchant. W. M. Ben Franklin, 97. Rogers, William, Importer. Ben Franklin, 97. Morse, Thomas W., Carver. J. W. Ben Franklin, 97. Ball, Walter, Jr., Clerk. Ben Franklin, 97. Coulter, James N., Importer. Ben Franklin, 97. Hughes, T. L. Hatter. Ben Franklin, 97. Hallett, John T., Merchant. Ben Franklin, 97. Norris, B. F., Grocer. Ben Franklin, 97. Callis, George R., Builder. Concordia chap., 1. Chenoweth, Richard B. Concordia chap., 1. Tysinger, Lewis, Merchant. Concordia chap., 1. Manning'& Tweedy, Butter Dealers. Concordia chap., 1. Burt, A. P., Publisher. Jerusalem chap., 9. Bosley, E. M., Merchant. Jerusalem encpt., 1. Babb, John D., Baker. Jerusalem encpt., 1. Leonard, C. H., Merchant. Newark, 7, New-Jersey. Klinefelter, C. A., Grocer. York, 266, Pennsylvania. Berry, Walter W., Merchant. Potomac, 5, District of Columbia, MASSACHUSETTS. 285 Denny, William, Ellicott's Mills. Patmos, 70; P. D. G. M. Maclin, Littleton, County Treasurer, Ellicott's Mills. W. M. Patmos, 70. Bond, George, Postmaster, Ellicott's Mills. Treas. Patmos, 70. Collins, John, Sen., Merchant, Ellicott's Mills. P. M. Patmos, 70. Mayfield,'I. Joshua, Saddler, Ellicott's Mills. P.M. Patmos, 70. Strawbridge, Isaac S., Agent, Ellicott's Mills. P. M. Patmos, 70. McCrea, Thomas, Flour Mills, Ellicott's Mills. Patmos, 70. Zevely, E. S., Engraver, Cumberland. Potomac, 100. Button, Elijah, Apothecary, Annapolis. P. M. Annapolis, 89. Sprogle, Daniel M., Builder, Annapolis. Annapolis, 89. Dieffenbach, Dr. Ferdinand, President and Proprietor of Irving College, near Manchester, Carroll co. Lebanon, 104. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON. Atkinson, John, Jr., Gas and Steam Engineer, 127 Congress st. Crawford, 234; Solomon chap., 191, Pa. Banks, Nathaniel P., Governor of State of Mass. Monitor lodge; Waltham chap. of St. Paul's; Boston encpt. Baker, Elihu C., Counsellor-at-law, 27 Court street. S. W. Mount Hermon lodge; St. Andrew chap.; Boston encpt. Barstow, George O., Freight Agent, Lake Shoe oe and Michigan Southern Railroad, Basement Old State-House. John Abbott lodge. Burlingame, Anson, M. C. Amiable lodge; Boston encpt. Carpenter, Jas. E., Counsellor-at-law, 27 Court street. St. Albans lodge; Pawtucket chap.; encpt of Holy Sepulchre. Collins, Jas. H., Builder, 33 and 34 Dock square. St. John's lodge; De Molay encpt. Cobb, Moses G., Attorney-at-law, 1 Old State House. Revere lodge; Boston encpt. Constant, William,' Restaurator. Mount Tabor lodge. Cox, Leonard, Jr. W. M. Amicable lodge; E. S. St. Paul's chap. Clough, L. L., Steam andGas Engineer, 127 Congress st. Mount Vernon lodge; Malden. Cubery, William M., Printer, Cambridge. Amicable lodge. 286 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Davis, Timothy. Syrion lodge. Edwards, R. M., Book, Wood-cut, and Plate Printer. Amicable lodge. Ely, A. B., Counsellor-at-law. St. John's lodge; St. Paul's chap.; De Molay encpt. Harding, Francis G., Brass Founder and Finisher, 47 Sumner street. Mount Tabor lodge. Harrington, W. S., Grocer, 44 Sumnerst. Mount Tabor lodge. Hanscom, Simon P., Washington Correspondent for Boston and NewYork Papers'during Session of Congress. B. B. French, 15, Washington City. 1Heard, John T., Merchant, 4 Louisburg square. G. M. of Massachusetts; P. M. Columbian lodge; Member of the Boston Encpt. of Knights Templars. Johnson, Edward, Blacksmith. Mount Tabor lodge. Keith, Win. M., Agent for Empire Spring Water Co., Basement Old State-House. Fort Edward, 267, N. Y. Knapps, Wm., Clerk in Police Justices' Court. P. M. Mount Lebanon lodge; P. M. Star of Bethlehem lodge; Shekinah chap.; Boston encpt.; Boston coun. Langley, David M. Mount Tabor lodge. Lewis, Thomas, Britanniaware Manufacturers, Water street. Winslow Lewis lodge. Lewis, Winslow, (M. D.) P. G. M. G., M. of Grand Encpt., Massachusetts and Rhode Island; St. John's lodge; St. Paul's chap.; Boston coun. and Boston encpt.; Hon. Member of Winslow Lewis lodge and De Molay encpt.; Pythagoras,, i86, N. Y., and of the lodge Clemente Amitie, of Paris. Litchfield, H. T., Brass Founder and Finisher, Lewis st. Boston enept.; Recorder E. Boston coun.; Sec. St. John's chap.; Inside Sentinel Mount Tabor lodge, 122 E. Sumner st. Lounder, John. Mount Tabor lodge. May, William B., Note Broker, 9 State st. Washington lodge; Boston encpt. Maynard, Jas. A., Master Mechanic of Smith and Boiler Department, Atlantic Works. Boston encpt.; T. Ill. G. M. East Boston coun.; H. P. St. John's chap.; M. 1st Veil in Grand Chap.; G. Coun.; S. W Mount Tabor lodge. Norton, J. Henry, Contractor and Builder of Gas Works, Medford, Mass. Eastern, 7, Maine. Palmer, Benj. F., Master Sailmaker, 38 Saratoga st. St. John's chap.; E. Boston coun.; Ex-Sec. of St. John's chap.; Mount Tabor lodge. MASSACHUSETTS. 287 Pollard, Abner A., Dealer in Military Regalia and Theatrical Goods. Boston encpt. and coun.; St. Andrew's chap., and Mount Lebanon lodge. Riley, Hugh, 100 Beverley st., Slater and Metal Roofer. St. John's Lodge; St. Andrew's chap. Richards, Francis, Painter and Glazier, 7 Chapman place. Columbian lodge. Sampson, George T., Shipwright. Ex-King of St. John's chap.; P. M. Mount Tabor lodge. Sawyer, Stephen L., Cashier and Bookkeeper, 18 Devonshire st. St. John's, 1. Soule, W. N., Stove Dealer, 12 Lewis and 13 Central sq. Mount Tabor lodge. Shurtleff, Nath. B. (M3. D.) St. Andrew's chap.; De Molay encpt., 32d degree. Stafford, James A., Engineer and Superintendent, 18 Devonshire st. Dunlap lodge; York chap., Bedford encpt., Baine. Tenney, Moses, Treasurer and Receiver General for Massachusetts. Columbian lodge; St. Andrew's chap.; Boston encpt. Tutbury, George W., Counsellor-at-law, 19 Court st. Mount Lebanon lodge. VWalworth, C. C., Steam and Gas Works, 18 Devonshire st. St. John's lodge; St. Andrew's chap. Wait, Joseph 1-., 18 Devonshire st. Miount Vernon lodge; St. Andrew's chap. Wood, Eli C., Flour and Grain Dealer, 10 Lewis st. Marshall Mount Tabor lodge. Harrington, W. A., Land Agent. Bethesda lodge, Brighton. NEWBURYPORT. Tuttle, Charles, Proprietor Merrimack House. St. Mark's lodge. Spoffard, Richard S. (M. D.) P. M. St. John's lodge; P. H. P. King Cyrus chap.; Grand Com. Newburyport encpt. Emery, 0. P., Treasurer Newburyport R. R. Co. St. John's lodge; King Cyrus chap. Pierce, Nathaniel, 19 State st. St. John's lodge. Jordan, Thomas P. Cabinet-maker, South Dedham. Rising Star lodge. 288 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. MICHIGAN. ANN ARBOR LODGE, No. 85. Gott, Jno. N., W. M. Mott, G. M.'Fall, B. F. Corning, B. T., S. W. Granger, B F. Downer, J. J. Stebbins, F. L., J. W..Sorg, F. McMahan, James, Krapff, C., Treas. Stebbins, D. D. Starr, N. W. Johnson, E. J., Sec. Sutton, Geo. Guiterman, Martin, Spool, J. W., S. D. McKernan, P. Lewitt, Wim. Alley, E. H., J. D. Cox, W. G. Fantle, Charles, Boylan, Chas., Tyler. Weil, Jacob, Leavenworth, E. Delaski, Jno. u Root, Erastus, Weil,. lhodes, G.. H. Sprague, J. Abel, S. Bell, A. JBedell, G. C. Risden, L. C. Bower, 1-1. McCollum, D. T. - Boylan, A. E. Holden, L. E. Guiterman, Alex. Lumsden, Rev. D. F. Wall, Patrick, Godfrey, David, Phillips, V. H. Corbin, J. S. Gott, J. B. Price, Robert, Barry, Robt. J. Mann, Sol. Henderson, Jno. S. Spoor, Chas. Haviland, T. A. WASHTENAW CHAPTER, No. 6.-Meet Monday, on or before full moon. NAMES OF OFFICERS. Platt, Ezra, H. P. Douglas, Geo., R. A. C. Granger, B. F., K. Sprague, Jon., G. M. 1st V. Bedell, G. C., S., Barry, R. J., G. M. 2d V. Shattock, G., C.. W.all, Patrick, G. M. 3d V. Root, Erastus,P. S., Risden, L. C., Treas. Henderson, J. S., Sec. Abel, S., Attorney. Ann Arbor, 85; Waslltenaw chap., 6. Barry, Robt. J., County Clerk and Mayor. Ann Arbor, 85; Washtenaw chap., 6. Corning, B. T., Merchant. Ann Arbor, 85; Washtenaw chap 6. Cogshall, James H., Student. Austin, 48. Granger, B. F., Probate Judge and Attorney. Ann Arbor, 85; K. Washtenaw chap., 6. MICOIGAN, 289 Gott, James B., Attorney. Ann Arbor, 85. Gregory, E. M., Franklin House, Oriental, 15. Leonard, Thos. F., Sheriff and Farmer. Oriental, 15. Lumsden, Rev. D. F., Rector St. Andrew's Church. Chap. Ann Arbor, 85; Chaplain Washtenaw chap., 6; Montaoe coun., 1; Detroit corn., 1. Phillips, W. H., Mercantile Salesman. Ann Arbor, 85. Pierce, N. H., Saloon Keeper. Ann Arbor, 85. Risden, L. C., Tin and Stove Merchant. Ann Arbor, 85; Washtenaw chap., 6; Detroit corn., 1. Johnson, E. J., Mercantile Clerk. Sec. Ann Arbor, 85. Slawson, L. R., Merchant.. Oriental, 15; Washtenaw chap., 6. Sorg. Fred., Painter and Glazier. Ann Arbor, 85. Stebbins, F. L., Dry Goods, Drugs, &c. J. W., Ann Arbor, 85; Washtenaw chap., 6. ALBION, CALHOUN CO. MURAT LODGE, NO. 14. Osborn, M., W. M. Stone, Geo. W. Warner, Win. A. Shuart, D. M., S. W. I-Iollingsworth, E. Rogers, Daniel V. Clark, J. W., J.. Conger, Jas. W. Marsters, John, Wild, John E., Treas. Finch, James, Peck, A. IHarroun, F. A., Sec. I-Iaven, M., Jr. Hanna, George, Sheldon, F. W., S. D. Dalrymple, C. W. Cassidy, H. S. Fleming, Jas., J. D. Starks, T. S. Robertson, O. W. Spencer, A., Tyler, Balentine, Geo. Kinney, L. Wood, M.1.. Bidwell, W. H. Church, M. W. Morris, Jno. Fleming, J. L. Drury, J. Rogers, B. Hall, R. G. Johnson, W. H. O'Donoughue, W. Hooper, S.F. F. Hollingsworth, J. F. Frost, E.. I-andy, C. Maginnis, F. Lane, C. C. Kritzer, John, Meyer, L. Osborn, E. Harris, H. W. Anderson, James, Merchant. Warren, 13, N. J. Clark, Jas. W., Miller. J. W. Murat, 14. Fleming, James, Baker and Confectioner. J. D. Murat, 14. Harroun, F. A., Grocer. Sec. Murat, 14. Marsters, J. L., Miller. Murat, 14. Osborn, Milton, Physician and Surgeon. W.M. Murat, 14. Shuart, David IM., Wagon and Carriage Manufacturer. S. W. Murat, 14. Stone, G. W., Dentist and Surgeon. Murat, 14. 290 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. BATTLE CREEK, CALHOUN CO. BATTLE CREEK CHAPTER, NO 19. Meet on Thursday, or before full moon. Chartered Jan. 14.,.A. I. 2382. Cox, Edward, H. P. Watters, J. C., Guard, Arnold, H. Brown, William, K. Averill, J. P. Keeler, David, Noble, A., S. Avery, A. F. La Bar, James D. Tracy, T. H., C. H. Beardslee, D. Leggett, E. Clark, D. W. C., P. S. Clark, F. S. Merritt, Charles, Shepard, D., R. A. C. Clark, Erastus, Noble, A. T. Shafer, M. C., G. M. Dibble, L. D. Peters, Isaac L. 3d Veil, Drake, J. Sprague, Ebenezer, Eldrid, C. W., G. M. Davidson, Jon. W. Spaulding, D. 2d Veil, Doan, A. Shafer, J. H. Andrus, WVm., G. M. Fillio, N. Smith, G. F. 1st Veil, Frensdorf, H. Reed, S. Stuart, Jno., Treas. Goff, J. G. Wheeler, J. J. Babcock, J., Sec. Youngs, J. Young, D. Andrus, William, Druggist. Battle Creek, 12; G. M. 2d Veil; Battle Creek chap., 19. Beardslee, B., Millwright. Birmingham, 44; Battle Creek chap., 19. Brown, Wim., Manufacturer Threshing Machines, Horse Powers, and Farming Implements. Battle Creek, 12; I. Battle Creek chap., 19 Peninsular corn., 4. Dumfry, W. C., Boot and Shoe Manufacturer. J WV. Battle Creek, 12. Cox, Edward, Physician and Surgeon. P. M. Battle Creek, 12; H. P. Battle Creelk chap., 19. Frensdorf, H., Clothing Merchant. Battle Creek, 12; Battle Creek chap., 19. Gentzler, Jno. C., Prop. and Ed. Battle Creek Jeffersonian Union,. 78, Ill.; Waukeegan chap., Ill. Noble, A., Merchant. P. J. W. Battle Creek, 12; S. Battle Creek chap., 19; Peninsular cor., 4. Stewart, Samuel S., Tinsmith. J. D. Battle Creek, 12. Tracy, T. H., Millwright. P. M. Battle Creek, 12; C. H. Battle Creek chap., 19. WValters, J. C., City Treasurer. Tyler Battle Creek, 12; G. Battle Creek chap., 19.'TVheeler, John J., Grocer. Battle Creek, 12; Battle Creek chap., 19. MICIIGAN. 291 CHARLOTTE, EATON CO. Case, Tracy, M. D. Treas. Charlotte, U. D. Lacey, E. S., Dept. Register Eaton Co. J. W. Charlotte, U. D. Leiter, F. E., Merchant. W. M. Charlotte, U. D. Sessions, J. Q. A., Attorney. S. W. Charlotte, U. D. DETROIT. Barclay, William, Machinist and Engineer. W. M. Detroit, 2; Monroe chap., 1; Monroe coun., 1: Detroit corn., 1.. Brodie, Wmi., Physician and Surgeon. P. M.. Zion, 1; Monroe chap., i. Ensworth, George B., Justice Peace. W.. MAshlar, 91; Peninsular chap., 16. Fenton, James G. Sec. G. L. Mich. Gorton, J. C., M. D., W. M. Zion, 1. Moore. John, Proprietor Merchants' Exchange. Detroit, 2; Monroe chap., 1; Monroe coun., 1. Roberts, H. S., Reg. Wayne Co. P. Dept. G.. W. M. Union; S. 0., 3; H. P. Peninsular chap., 16; Monroe coun., 1; Detroit corn., 1. DEXTER, WASHTENAW CO. WASHTENAW LODGE, No. 65. Carlisle, Fred., W. M., Eaman, William, Polhemus, J, IH. Lyon, Geo., S. W. Tozer, W. W. Harlow, A. Ewing, Dr. A., J. W. Litchfield, Ed. Dancer, J. A. Adams, E. H., Treas. Tyler, E. B. Potts, James, Cunningham, J., Sec. Gleason, A. W. Coy, John S. Hays, Geo. W., S. D. Carlisle, Wm. L. Dancer, J. G. Alexander.T. Jr., J. D.,Dancer, Jno. C. Mead, A. H. IHannah, Jno., Tyler, Wing, N. H. Gibbs, T. S. Murdock, S. W., St'd. Noble, H. H. Martin, Wm. Curties, Thos. A. Bailey, Israel, Day Chas. W. Cadwell, J. R. Peatt, Thos. Whittaker, Chas. Noble, O. L. Peatt, M. Hatch,nWi. F. Litchfield, WVm. Armstrong, Jno. H. Kelley, D. A. Green, Jno. W. Gregory, C. S. Carlisle, Fred., Dry Goods Merchant. W, M. Washtenaw, 65; Washtenaw chap., 6. Carlisle, W. L., Druggist. Washtenaw, 65; Washtenaw chap., 6. 292 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Cunningham, Jno., Butcher. Sec. Washtenaw, 65. Eaman, Win., Merchant Tailor. Washtenaw, 65. Gibbs, T. S., Dry Goods Merchant. Washtenaw, 65. Hays, Geo. WV., Dry Goods Merchant. S. D. Washtenaw, 65. IMurdock, S. W., Watchmaker and Jeweller. Washtenaw, 65. Peatt, M., Miller.. Washtenaw, 65. GALESBURGH, KALAMAZOO CO. PRAIRIE LODGE, No. 92.. Chartered January 16, A. L., 5857. Johnson, D. L.', W. M., Burroughs, O. F. Bartholomew, A. Peters, G. B., S. W. Smith, O. R. Earl, S. Cory, Isaac, J. W. Labar, Luther, Warren, S. W. Barber, L. J., Treas. Signor, Geo. A. Van Vleck, J. Gale, E. E. W., Sec. Gi.dings, M. Oatman, E. P. McClelland,D. E., S.D., Sutton, W. P. Tucker, B. B. Beach, L. C., J. D. Blake, J. C. Joy, Ira. Cary, Chas. J., Tyler, Bachelor, J. D. Brown, Geo. W. Babcock, I. J. Carmar, P. S.. Blackburne, R. Hewitt, E. WT. Blake, W. A. lills, W. T. Bartholomew, M. Aldrich, J. H. Cell, Rev. J. Cell, Rev. J., Baptist Minister. Prairie, 92, R. A. M. McClelland, D. E., Proprietor Prairie House. S. D. Prairie, 92. Peters, G. B., Hardwaie Merchant. W. M. Prairie, 92; Kalamazoo chap., 13. Signor, George A., Bridge Builder. Prairie, 92;L Binghamton chap., 139, New-York. GRASS LAKE, JACKSON CO. Allen, John M., Professor of Music, and Insurance Agent. J. D. Excelsior, U. D. Dibble, O. R., Baggage-master. S. W. Excelsior, U.. D. Pease, XV. D., Railroading. J. W. Excelsior, U. D. Thomas J. E., Justice of Peace. S. D. Excelsior, U. D. Watson, James B., Carriage Manufacturer. Treas. Excelsior, U. D. JACKSON, JACKSON CO. Gregg, L. P., Baker and Confectioner. Jackson, 17; Jackson chap., 3. Hastings, Wmi. M., Clerk at R. R. Station. Jackson, 17; Jackson chap., 3. Hobart, A. J., Mercantile Clerk. Jackson, 17. Hulin, J. W., Hardware Merchant. Jackson, 17; Sec. Jackson chap., 3.'Latimer, R. F., Druggist. Michigan, 50; Jackson chap., 3. MICHIGAN. 293 Norris, William, Station Agent. Jackson, 17; Jackson chap., 3. Page, William, Merchant. Jackson, 17; Jackson chap., 3. Snyder, Isaac, Physician and Surgeon. Jackson, 17; Jackson chap., 3. Spencer, William, Produce Dealer. Michigan, 50. Webb, John, Baker and Confectioner. Jackson, 17; Jackson chap., 3. KALAMAZOO, KALAMAZOO CO. ANcHIOR LODGE, S. 0., No. 87. Chartered Jan 15, A. L. 5857. Allen, J. Adams, W. M., Berkey, C. T. Fitch, George A. Brown, Chas. H., S.W., Ransom, J. S. Burdick, George R. Starkey, Lewis C., J.W., Graves, George A. Booher, John H. Williams, Chas. L., Tr., Howard, R... Thompson, G. M. Wagoner, Jac. K., Sec., Crittenden, C. L. Fitch, G. WV. Taylor, Rev. E. H., Ch., Cornell, J. B. Root, N. Anderson, John, S. D. Phetteplace, E. H. Davis, C. C. Davis, Alex. G., J. D. Gale, George. H. Moore, S. B. Robbin, Hugh, Tyler, Drake, A. D. KALAMAZOO LODGE, No. 22. Kendall, D. G., W. M., Brown, J. Fox, L. W. Allen, Amos D., S. W., Beach, B. B. Fisher, D. A. Metcalf; A. T., J. W. Chapman, J! R. Glover, W. Duffie, Phelix, Treas. Clapp, Thomas,. Goodale, C. H. Perley, Jas. P., Sec. Cohn, M.' Gould, J. W. Tindall, A. F., SW. Coleman, O. F. Goodman, S. Black, W. D., J. D. Cornell, P. Glenn, E. H-I. Rollins, H., Tyler, Cox, R. F. Hall, S. C. Wilkinson, F., Chap. Conklin, A. F, Hall, H. B. Arcatmbal, Charles D. Cuppen, Thomas S. Hart, E. Alley, Frank, Dudgeon, John, Hatch, F. W. Booher, Thomas, Durkee, E. Henry, James, Jr. Bryan, S. W. De Yoe, E. H. Hopkins, A. G. Balch, A. C. De Lane, J. Al. Hull, L. Barrows, W.M. De Lane, E. B. Holmes, I. J. Brownell, F. C. Davis, L. G. Hicks, R. Bassett, J. C. Dragon, L. Huntley, C. V. Budd, A. H. Dean, WX. S. Huntington, T. Bates, C. R. Evans, A. M. Jones, Daniel, Brownell, R. 0. Earl, S. G. Jones, A. E. Baker, J. W. Earl, D. E. Kellogg, J. Ely, Beeman, C. M. Friedman, E. Kent, J. F. Byron L. Fisher, G. Lee, Thomas S. A. 20 294 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Lusk, W. B. Nichols, A. S. Seymour, R. Lusk, G. W. Porter, E. H. Selkrigg, K. Lillie, J. Phillips, P. Spicer, N. Lamphere, C. H. Peck, H.. M. Shakspeare, W. Lockwood, C. P. Pheteplace, J. J. Simpson, R. I~oveland, H. D. Prindle, G. W. Stacy, W. S. May, Dwight, Pickering, T. F. Thompson, C. W, Markley, John, Parker, E. T. Tyler, N. A. Manchester, P. C. Rice, G-. D. Towne, James M. Moreton, S. A. Rowley, S. A. Weatherby, L. Newton, J. M. Raymond, G. Wells, F. N. Newton, L. B.. Strong, L. D. White, WVm. E. Allen, J. Adams, Physician and Surgeon. W. M. Anchor, S. 0., 87; Kalamazoo chap., 13; G. C. Peninsular corn., 4; G-. M. of Grand Lodge. Brownell, Thos. C., Brick Manufacturer. P. Kalamazoo, 22; H. P. Kalamazoo chap., 13; P. Peninsular com., 4. Brown, Charles H., Saddle and Harness Manufacturer. S. W. Anchor, S. 0., 87; P. S. Kalamazoo, 13; S. W. Peninsular Com., 4. Clapham, James P., Druggist, and Apothecary. P. M. Kalamazoo, 22; P. H. P. Kalamazoo chap., 13; Peninsular com., 4. Coleman, O. F., Grocer and Confectioner. Kalamazoo, 22; Treas. Kalamazoo chap., 13; Peninsular corn., 4. Cornell, J. B., Carriage Manufacturer. Anchor, S. O., 87. Davis, C. C. Train Despatcher, M. C. R. R. Anchor, S. 0., 87. Duffie, Phelix, Grocer. Kalamazoo, 22; C. H. Kalamazoo chap., 13; Peninsular corn., 4. Gale, George H., Hardware Merchant. Anchor, S. O., 87; Kalamazoo chap., 13. Giddings, M., Attoruey. Prairie, 92. Howard, R. R., Hardware Merchant. Anchor, S. 0., 87. Kendall, D. G., Merchant. W. M. Kalamazoo, 22; K. Kalamazoo chap., 13; Peninsular corn., 4. May, Dwight, Prosecuting Attorney. Kalamazoo, 22. Metcalf, A. T., Dentist. J, W. Kalamazoo, 22; Kalamazoo chap., 13. Phetteplace, E. H., Proprietor Kalamazoo House. Anchor, S. O., 87; Kalamazoo chap., 13; Peninsular corn,, 4. Tindall, A. F., Boot and Shoe Manufactory. S. D. Kalamazoo, 22; 1R. A. C. Kalamazoo chap., 13; W. Peninsular com., 4. Wagoner, Jac. K., Bookseller. Sec. Anchor S. O., 87. White, Wm. E., Sheriff. Kalamazoo, 22. MICHIGAN. 295 Williams, Chas. L., Mercantile Clerk. Treas. Anchor, S. 0., 87; Sec. Kalamazoo chap., 13; Peninsular corn., 4. NILES, BERRIEN CO. Bacon, D., Attorney. W. M, Niles, 97; St. Joseph Valley chap., 2, Beals, J. Grocer. S. D. Niles, 97; G. M., 1st Veil, St. Joseph Valley chap., 2. Berky, C. T., Boot and Shoe Merchant. Anchor, S. 0., 87. Chapin, 1. A., Dealer Dry Goods, Groceries. P. J. W. Niles, 97. Cogshall, Israel, M. E. Minister. S. W. and Chaplain St. Joseph Valley, 4; Chaplain St. Joseph Valley chap., 2; Peninsular cor., 4; Grand Chaplain Grand Lodge. Corey, W. E., Mercantile Clerk. Niles, 97. Lawson, John A. S. D. Mishawaka, 130; South Bend chap., 29. Patmor, J. A., American Hotel. St. Joseph Valley, 4. Pratt, S. M., Watchmaker and Jeweller. W. M. St. Joseph Valley, 4. Woodruff, John, Groceries and Provisions. J. W. St. Joseph Valley, 4. PAW PAW, VAN BUREN -CO. PAW PAW, LODGE No. 25. Chartered Jan. 10, A. L. 5849. Holmes, S., W.. Tanner, Wm. Monger, A. D. Baker, J. R., P. M. Whitman, O. H. P. Mather, E. Simmons, J. H., P. M. Thompson, A. H. Reynolds, Geo. S. Eggleston, H. L., P. M. Cummings, E. WV. Smolk, John, Jr. Longwell, J. M., S. W. Broughton, A. W. Simmons, O. C. Marvin, J. S., J. W. Camp, Joel, Tubbs, W. D. Hudson, G. J., Treas. Clapp, H. C. Van Forsen, Isaac W. Soctore, A. J., Sec. Dodge, D. 0. Sellick, Chas. Eggleston, H. L., S. D. Gremps, Peter, Stimson, F. Gremps, P. H., J. D. Gorton, O. P. Huston, J. W. La Grave, E., Tyler, Griffin, James E. Sherman, A. Lucas, H. Hudson, B. Cogswell, G. S. MIartin, Z. House, E. Bonfoey, H. Norton, A. T. Kilburn, Joseph, Downs, J. B. Pantlind, A. V. Longstreet, A. Warner, O. Stevens, F. H. Baker, John R., Attorney. P. M. Paw Paw, 25; Kalamazoo chap., 13; Peninsular com., 4. Downs, John B., Tailor. Paw Paw, 25. Eggleston, H. L. Machinist. S. D. Paw Paw, 25. 296 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Holmes, Sam., Merchant. W. I. Paw Paw, 25. Hudson, G. J., Druggist, Grocer, &c. Treas. Paw Paw, 25. Huston, J. W., Attorney. Paw Paw, 25. Marvin, John L., Miller. J. W. Paw Paw, 25. Pantlind, A. V., Exchange Hotel. Paw Paw, 25. Sherman, A., Merchant and Flouring Mills. Paw Paw, 25. Sherman, C., Merchant. El Paso, 130 Texas. Sortore, A. J., Postmaster, Boot and Shoe Dealer. Sec. Paw Paw, 25. Stevens, Thos. L., Merchant and Flouring Mills. Western Star, 39. Stevens, F. I-., Merchant. Paw Paw, 25. Smolk, John, Jr., Lumber Merchant. Paw Paw 25. PINCKNEY, LIVINGSTON CO. LIVINGSTON LODGE, No. 76. Flaze, C. W., W. M. Van Clyckel, David, Toppin, Morris, La Rue, Jas. M., S. W. Bertwistle, John, Reve, J. V. Young, C. C., J. W. iichards, Daniel, Reed, Samuel, Siglar, Jno., Treas. Wicoff, F. S. Geer, A. W. Darrow, M. F., Sec. Webb, F., Jr. Gillom, G. W. Bertwistle, W. R., S. D.*Hinchey, J. W. Glenn, Nelson, Duier, John J., J. D. Stiles, Henry, Gardiner, M. S. Sikes, Joseph, Tyler, Walker, L. Colyer, Lambert, Rose, F. G., Steward, Wilcox, M. B. Cool, W. S. Mann, Alvin, Steward, Siglar, Jacob, Nash, Eben C. Younglove, Geo. Younglove, W.. Crofoot, Wim. D. Sprout, R. A. Leadick, S. B. Cool, C. G. Jewell, W.J. Crofoot, G. W. Coleman, Charles, Wood, Wim. W. Thompson, Wm. E. Barnette, WnV. 8. Barnette, Wim. S., Nurseryman, Livingston, 76. Haze, C. W., Physician and Surgeon. V. M. Livingston, 76; Wash. tenaw chap., 6; Monroe coun., 1. Nash, E. C., Cooper. Livingston, 76. Rose, F. G., Justice Peace. P. S. W. Livingston, 76; Washtenaw chap., 6. Wilcox, M. B., Attorney. P.S. W. Livingston, 76; Washtenaw chap. 6. YPSILANTI, WASHTENAW Co. Alexander, J. L., Keeper of Livery. Phcenix, 13. Andrews, F., Grocer. Treas. Phoenix, 13. Ashley, C. F., Physician and Surgeon. W. M. Phcenix, 13; Ann Arbor chap., 6; Mlonroe coun., 1. MICHIGAN, 297 Babcock, Warren, Grocer. Phoenix, 13. Champion, H. C., Attorney. Phoenix, 13. Clawson, L. L., Sash and Blind Manufacturer. J.. Phoenix, 13. Curtis, H. M., Carriage Manufacturer. Phoenix, 13. Cook, James R., Attorney. Fhoenix, 13. Edwards, D., Planing Mill and Sash Factory. P. M. Phoenix, 13. Guild, A., Sign and Carriage Painter. Phoenix, 13. Hawkins, F. W., Merchant. Phoenix, 1:; Ann Arbor chap., 6. Hubbell, Wm., Nurseryman, Phoenix, 13. Moore, H. W., Crockery Merchant. Federal, 1, D. C. Littlefield, M. N., Hardware Merchant. Myrtle, 89. Norris, L. D., Attorney. Phoenix, 13. Mcintosh, Charles, Carriage Manufacturer. Phoenix, 13. Parks, M. A., Watchmaker and Jeweller. P. M. Phoenix, 13; Ann Arbor chap., 6. Soop, Frederick, Hawkins House. Phoenix, 13. Hoops, Thos., Station Agent. Phoenix, 13. Wandless, Geo., Railroad Conductor. Phoenix, 13. Yeckley, W. I., Harness Manufacturer. Phoenix, 13. Yost, W. Lee, Merchant. Phoenix, 13. Wood, William W., Farmer and Mechanic, Plainfield, Livingston Co. Livingston, 76. Herrick, G., Dry Goods and Lumber Merchant, Herricksville, Branch Co. P. M. Butler, 88. Vinton, O. K., Patent Right Agent, Ionia, lonia Co. Ionia, 36. Weston, Allyn, Editor of "The Ashlar," Detroit, Michigan. Ashlar, 91; Peninsular chap., 16; Monroe coun., 1; Detroit com., 1. Hess, M. B., Druggist, East Saginaw. W. M. Saginaw, U. D. Willard, Luther Benjamin, Director of the Poor, Detroit. Sec'y of Detroit, 2; Monroe, chap., 1; Monroe coun.; Michigan encpt., 1. Besley, Stephen, Brewer, Flint. Flint, 23. Clark, William, Druggist, Flint. Sec'y Flint, 23. Forsythe, Oscar F., Merchant, Flint. Flint, 23. Lewis, Benjamin I., Merchant, Flint. W.M. Flint, 23; encpt. Ohio. Mason, John, Grocer, Flint. Flint, 23. Skinner, E. R., Merchant, Flint. Flint, 23. Williams, C. K., Attorney-at-law, Flint. J. W. Flint, 23; H. P. Washington chap., 15. Kellogg, J. Ely, Hardware Merchant, Kalamazoo. Sec. Kalamazoo, 22; Sec. Kalamazoo chap., 13; Recorder Peninsular com., 4. Alward, A. N., Bookseller, Dowagiac, Cass Co. Dowagiac, 10. 298 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Beckwith, P. D., Foundry and Machine Shop, Dowagiac, Cass Co. W. M. Dowagiac, 10. Burr, E. D.; Attorney, Editor and Proprietor Eaton Co. Argus. Eaton Rapids, Eaton Co. P. M. Eaton Rapids, 63; Lansing chap., 9. MINNESOTA. H-yneman, Lewis, Merchant, St. Paul. Ancient Mark, 5. Pierson, A. T. C. Accountant, St. Paul. P. R. S. 32d deg.; Grand Master of Grand Lodge; T. I. G. M. Minnesota coun., R. and S. Masters; M. E. H. P. Minnesota chap., 1. Cogshail, E. W., Architect and Builder, Hastings. Mount Vernon, 64, Ohio. Narger, Samuel, Clerk, Fort Ripley. Hillsborough, 25, Florida. MISSISSIPPI. I Mellen, William P., Attorney'and Counsellor-at-law, Solicitor and Com. in Chancery; U. S. Corn. for Southern Dist. of Mgiss., Natchez. P. G. S. Grand Lodge, Miss. P. M. Harmony, 1; P. H. P. Natchez chap., 1; P. D.. Gi. Natchez coun., 1; P. D. G. H. P. Grand Chapter of Miss.;'I. C. Grand Lodge of Perfection, 1; G. C. of Princes of Jerusalem; Sov.. of Sov.,. of Consistory of A.-. and A.'. I. of Miss. Vernon corn., 1; Columbus, Ohio. Bond, C. T., Merchant, New Albany. W. M. Joseph Warren,,71; H. P. New Albany chap., 49; Dep. T. I. G. M. New Albany coun., R. and S. Masons, 3. Cone, John H., Kosciusko. Trinity, 88; Kosciusko chap., 20; coun., 9. Crosby, Reuben, Farmer, Kosciusko. Chapel, 180. Cyoski, Adolphe F., Professor, Vicksburg. Washington, 3; R. A. C. Clinton chap., 2; Port Gibson coun., 5. Daniel, R. WV. T., Jackson. G. S. of Grand Lodge and Grand Chap MISSOURI. 299 ter; Walnut Hill, 194; Vicksburg chap., 3; Vicksburg coun., 7; Magnolia encpt, 2. Houseman, L., Merchant, Oxford. Sec. Oxford, 33; Lafayette chap., 33; Benjamin Springer coun., U. D. Roggenburger, Abraham, Merchant, Oxford. P. M. Oxford, 33; C. H. Lafayette chap., 33; R. and S. Master. Scott, HIon. Charles, Jackson. P. G. M., P. G. H. P. and W. M Silas Brown, 65. Stuckey, I. W., Burkittsville. Bethel, 107; Bethesda chap., 55. Wallace, G. P., Burkittsville. Bethel, 107; Bethesda chap., 55. Clarke, Hiram N., Merchant and Planter, Palo Alto. Malone, 101; Palo Alto chap., 53. Stanford, W. L., Yazoo City. S. W. Yazoo, 42; P. S. Yazoo chap., 8. Barkley, Richard Allen, Planter and Overseer, Satartia. Satartia, 176Johnson, Ben Ward, Planter, Satartia. Satartia, 176. Bolling, Wiley E., Bridge Builder, Attala Co. (P. 0. Goodman's Depot, Holmes Co.) Trinity, 88. Russell, John Hopkins, Engineer, Attala Co. (P. 0. Bluff Springs.) Bluff Springs, 196. Snider, Benjamin, House Carpenter, Attala Co. (P. 0. Goodman's Depot.) WV. R. Lackey, 235. MISSOURI. ST. LOUIS. Burden, William, Real Estate Agent, N. E. cor. Tenth and Benton sts. W.. M. Pride of the West, 179; High Priest Missouri chap., 1. Barrell, Luther L., Merchant, 15 Orange st. Pride of the West, 179; Missouri chap., 1. Ballman, Adam H., Lumber Merchant, Southwest cor. Seventh st. and Cass av. Beacon, 3. Cook, Edward James, Mailing Clerk, Post-office. Pride of the West, 179; Missouri chap., 1. Dobbins, James A. Practical Engineer, 30 Plumb st. Pride of the West, 179. 300 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Huston, Samuel, Ship Carpenter, Mound st. Pride of the West, 179. Hess, Henry C. E., Liquor and Wine Merchant, 74 Commercial st. Pride of the West, 179. Ivester, Enoch T., Steamboat Engineer on Mississippi River. Occidental, 163. Niernan, Frederick Arnold, Dry Goods Merchant, 64 Franklin av. St. Louis, 20. Stremmel, Philip, Justice of Peace and Notary Public, Tenth, between North Market and Munroe sts.. Treas. Beacon, 3; Bellefontaine chap., 25. Thornton, John F., Livery Stable Keeper, N. S. Gratiot, bet. Eighth and Ninth sts. Naphtali, 25; St. Louis chap., 8. Turk, Barnett, Merchant, 44 Front st., Levee. Pride of the West, 179. Weigle, Abraham, Dry Goods Merchant, Spring st., bet. Ninth and Tenth sts. S.'W. Beacon, 3; Scribe of Bellefontaine chap., 25. E. L. Wentz, Civil Engineer, Residence Binghamton, N. Y. P. M. Binghamton, 177; Binghamton chap.; Binghamton com. Miller, Chas. C., Architect and Superintendent, St. Louis. Mount Vernon, 64, Ohio. Morgan; Isaac HL., North Miss. Railroad, St. Louis. Hornellsville, 331, N. Y.; Steuben chap., 101, N. Y.; Edwards encpt., 22, N. Y. Outley, Jno. J., Daguerrian Artist, cor. Third and Washington av. Missouri, 1; St. Chess chap., 8. Kirgan, Thos., Machinist in Rope Factory, cor. of Barry and Ninth sts. Missouri, 1. i. Gumperston, L. M., Clothier and Gents. Furnishing Goods, 9 North Fourth st. St. Louis 20. Isaacs, Adolph, Wholesale Clothing Dealer, 56 North Maine st. W. M. St. Louis, 20. Keiler, Win., Wholesale Clothing Dealer, 56 North Main st. St. Louis, 20. Armisted, R. W., Ornamental Painter, 50 Pine st. St. Louis, 20. Kearney, John, Engineer, 29 Franklin av. St Louis, 20. Johnson, James, Coal Miner. St. L. Tp.; St. L. Co.; Missouri, 1. Campbell, S. D., Engineer P. Railroad. Jefferson City, 43. Maas, Zech., Clothier, 193 Broadway, Pride of the West, 179. Weil, David, Merchant, 91 Franklin avenue. Pride of the West, 179; Missouri chap., 1., Grether,Jno., Jr., Justice of Peace and Notary Public, 43 Cherry st. Pride of the West, 179. Coff, James, Constable, St. L. Tp. Pride of the West, 179. MISSOURI. 301 Kornick, A. L., Wholesale and Retail Clothier, 197 Broaldway. Pride of the West, 179. Cohni, M. L., Wholesale Clothing and Dry Goods, 78 Morgan st. Pride of the West, 179. Mayberry, Jonas, Wholesale Dealer in Hats and Caps, 1 North Main st. Pride of the West, 179. Turnbull, Frank B., Lottery Ticket Vender, 29 Market st. J. W. Missouri, 1. iRees, David, Miner. Missouri, 1. Hudson, Henry, Wig Maker and Perfumer, 96 Market st. S. D. Missouri, 1. Haight, Wim., Wood and Coal Dealer, 86 South Fourth st. Tuttle, Chas. W., Detective Police.' Zion, 1, Detroit, Mich. Porter, S. D., Real Estate Agent, 65 Washington avenue. Occidental, 163. Hume, John-T., Attorney,-46 Chestnut st. Occidental, 163. Sensenderfer, John, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in Tobacco and Cigars, S. E. cor. of Second and Pine sts. G. Washington, 9. Bronson, Jas. H., Telegraph Operator, Court-House. Missouri, 1. Torline, J. D., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Boots and Shoes, 246 Broadway. S. D. St. Louis, 20. PRIDE OF THE WEST LODGE, 179. Burden, Wm., W. M. Hagnis, Geo. Weill, David, 3Brooks, C. M., S. W. Dolyers, Jas. Turk, Bennett, MeAlpin, J. H, J. W., Kornick, A. L. Stevens, Climpsen, Cain, H-enry, S. D. Huston, Sainl. Owens, J. W. Barrill, T. L., J. D. Hip, Henry, Marshall, Wim. Rawson, G. M., Sec. McCurdy, Alex. Gray, J. F. Boyle, Ed., Treas. Wheaton, Geo. Thias, Frank, Noory, Anth'y, Tyler, Clifton, Eli,.Finch, Justus, Cooper, Jno. Whipple, Lucius, Meyberg, J. Friede, Meyer, Stewell, Wim. Cook, E. J. Wiles, Benj., Russell, Isaiah, Church, C. H. Skeckley, A. T. Boenstein, A.. Maas, Zechariah, Mack, Abram, Perritz, Isaac, Fisher, Wm. Nevis, Wim. Roseboone, Isaac, ST. JOSEPH, BUCHANAN CO. Allen, Samuel S., Allen's Iotel. St. Joseph, 78. Blakeman, T. L., Blakeman IHouse. St. Joseph, 78. Nye, D. S, Attorney and Real Estate Agent. Late of American Union, 1, Ohio. 302 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Peltz, Samuel, Clerk. St. Joseph, 78; Iowa chap., 1, Burlington, Iowa. Richards, R. B., Master Builder. St. Joseph, 78. Ross, J. T., Foreman in St. Joseph Sash and Door Factory. St. Joseph, 78. Adams, James A., Master Builder, St. Joseph, 78. Buel, Norman, Woollen Manufacturer and Merchant Miller. St. Joseph, 78. Brown, G. W., Tin and Stove Dealer. Treas. St. Joseph, 78; St. Joseph chap.. 14. i Egner, D. W., Master Builder. St. Joseph, 78. Mulno, Leonard, Carpenter. Washington, 17, Ohio. Hammond, 1-I. R., Forwarding and Commission Merchant, and Steamboat Agent. St. Joseph, 78; St. Joseph chap., 14. Dolman, John A., City Recorder. St. Joseph, 78. Thompson, George, Master Mechanic on H. & St. Joseph R. B. St. Joseph, 78. Rowley, W. D., Machinist, H. & St. Joseph R. R. Bloomington, 43, Illinois. LAGRANGE, LEWIS CO. Bohon, James T., Stonecutter. Tyler of Wyaconda, 24. Davis, Basil E., House Carpenter and Joiner. W. M. Wyaconda, 24. Shepherd, Thomas E., Architect and Builder. P. M. Wyaconda, 24; H. P. Monticello chap., 20. Talbot, John H., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hardwate, and Cutlery. Monticello chap., 20. Webster, James P., Carpenter and Joiner. Wyaconda, 24. Williams, John R., Farmer. Treas. Wyaconda, 24. PACIFIC, FRANKLIN CO. Fausel, William, Franklin Hlouse. Pacific, 159. Glenn, Wim. Ellis (M. D.), Physician. Pacific, 159. Jeffries, W. D., Farmer. Pacific, 159. Eoff, J. R., Merchant. Pacific, 159. PACIFIC LODGE, No. 159. McClure, A., W. M. Watson, Thos.,.Treas., Bacon, Thomas, S. D., Hogan, Vincent, S. W., Glenn, Win. Elliss (M. Sledd, Wilson, J. D. Fitzpatrick, P., J. W. D.), Sec. Younger, J., Tyler, Cantrell, D.WT Cole, S. Boley, C. Worthinton, N. B. Thornhill, W. Fisher, G. W. MISSOURI, 303 Reed, B. F. Jones, B. B. Paffrath, C. Guernsey, G. Smith, B. Calvin, H. Howard, A. Beeker, F. Fausel, William, Gorman, D. Mottart, C. McClure, Wm. C.. Inks, Wm. C. Reed, Peter, Thomas, Phineas, Steines, Frederick, Jeffries, C. W. (M. D.) Thomas, Joseph, King, George, Farrar, R. H. Bournes, J. N. Pyeatt, John, Wood, J. T. Middleton, C. Mauthe, William, Eoff, J. R. Finnegan, G. Huffschmidt, G. -Hamilton, S. Allen, Morgan, Cheathem, A. Thomas, W. York, John E. Jeffries, W. D. Hayward, Frank, Lumberman, Potosi, Washington co. Potosi, 31. McCabbin, Wm. C., Farmer, Tuscumbia, Miller co. W. M. Tuscumbia, 169. Farnham, A. C., Principal of I-gh School, Arcadia, Iron co. W. AI Star of the West, 133. McCall, W. S., Physician, Chamois, Osage co. Sec. Chamois, 185. Horton, James, Coal Miner, Gravois, St. Louis co. Missouri, 1. Moysis, John, Coal Dealer, Gravois, St. Louis Co. Missouri, 1. Hunn, Nicholas, Miner. Gravois, St. Louis co. Missouri; 1. Tindall, G. W., Dentist, Kansas City, Jackson co. Heroine, 104; Kansas City chap. Barrow, B. G., Attorney, Kirkville, Adair co. W. M. Kirkville, 128. Ash, Edmund, Hudson City, Macon co. W. M. Laport, 106. Cox,'M. T., Merchant Miller, Rochester Mills, Buchanan co. St. Joseph, 78. Foreman, F. E., Machinist, St. Charles, St. Charles co. Hiram, 118. Edmondson, James F., Conductor on N. M. R. R. Hiram, 118. McElwee, J. J., Druggist, Clarksville. Sec. Clarksville, 17. Alexander, Joseph H., Attorney-at-law, St. Charles C. H. W. M. Hiram, 118. Barnes, William R., Farmer, Buffalo. Buffalo, 147. Bourne, William E, Farmer, Lewis co. Monticello, 20. H-oward, Thomas M., Hotel Keeper, Monticello. Guard of Monticello chap., 20. Paine, John H-, Merchant, Buffalo. Sec. of Buffalo, 147. Reynerson, John D., lMerchant, Birmingham. Golden Square, 107; Independence chap., 12; Weston encpt., 2. Williams, W. T., Justice of Peace, Miami. Miami, 106. Broadwater, J. C. -H., Miller, Williamnsburgh, Callaway Co. W. ]M Williamsburgh, 8. 304 UNIVERSAL IMASONIC RECORD. Rails, John, Lawyer, New-London. P. G. M. Grand Lodge; S. AW. Ralls, 33; Hannibal chap., 7. Reddish, Reuben, Farmer, New-London. Rails, 33. Vandeman, Jeremiah B., Farmer, New-London. W. M. Rails, 33 Hannibal chap., 7. Coleman, John, (M. D.), New-London. Rails, 33. NEW-HAMPSI-IIRE. Bsell, Chas. H., W. M. Star in the East Lodge, Exeter. NEW-JERSEY. JERSEY CITY. Brown, W. R., Proprietor Philadelphia Hotel. Hiram, 17. Bridgart, Samuel, Assistant Post-master, 121 Washington st. Varick, 31; Sec. Enterprise chap., 2. Chambers, Samuel M., Post-master.'W. M. Manhattan, 62; N. Y. Enterprise chap., 2. Driver, Alex., Paper Store, c. Beekman and Gold. P. M. Enterprise, 48; Troas. Enterprise chap., 2; Hugh de Payens com. Finigan, Henry, Hardware packer, 360 South 4th st. Enterprise, 48. Gilkyson, A. G., Book-keeper, 233 Fulton st., N.Y.. M.. Hiram, 17; Scribe, Enterprise chap., 2; S. WV. H-ugh de Payens corn. Gilkinson, James, Merchant Tailor, 128 Wayne st. M.. Hiram, 17. Gross, Thomas, Wharfinger, Cunard Wharf, 229 Grand st. S. )D. Varick, 31. Hautsch, Frederick, VWeavers' Arms Saloon. 179 Newark av. Enterprise, 48. Hetherington, Samuel H., Plumber and Gas-fitter, 23 AMontgomery st. Hiram, 17. Hill, Francis R., Boot and Shoe Maker, Montgomery st. J. WV. Hiram, 17. NEW-JERSEY, S05 Hopper, Peter, Coal Merchant. Newark, 7. Hoar, Charles G., Iron Founder, 69 Steuben st. Sec. Hiram1 17; K T. Hugh de Payens corn.; P. S. Enterprise, chap., 2. Lariby, Geo. R., Engineer, J. C. Ferry, 100 Grand st. Enterprise, 48', Leon, Morris, Clothier, Newark av. M. C. Hiram, 7. Mercein, James R., Druggist, 41 Montgomery st. Varick, 31. McComb, Hugh, Builder, 90 Wayne st. Varick, 31; Enterprise chap., 2. Miller, Isaac S., Dry Goods, 47 Montgomery st. Varick, 31. Nimmo, Thos. M., Superintendent Cunard Co., Cunard Wharf, 83 Warren st. Camperdown, 317, Dundee, Scotland. Porter, Thos. R., Furniture, 29 Montgomery st. Hiram, 17. Ridley, John S., Carpenter and Builder, 100 Grand st. W. M. Enterprise, 48; E. R. Enterprise chap., 2; N. T. Hugh de Payens corn. Rodgers, H. B.,.Machinist., Hiram, 17.;: Rosevelt, WV., Carpenter and Builder, 102 Prospect st. Hiram, 17. Shibley, Joseph, Ship's Smith, c. Sussex and Hudson. Enterprise, 48. Sellew, Philip, Druggist, 21 Essex st. S. W. Varick, 31; Enterprise chap., 2. Sylvester, John, Proprietor Darcy House. Hiram, 17. Taylor, Richard, Commercial Saloon, c. Green and Montgomery sts. Varick, 31. Vanwoorhies, John A., Officer Police Force, 27 Erie st. Enterprise, 48. Williams, Martin, Coal and Wood Merchant, 235 Grand st. Hiram, 17, Enterprise chap., 2; Hugh de Payens corn. Webster, Jonathan, Fulton Oyster Shades, 127 Hudson st. Hiram, 17. NEWARK. Snider, S. I., Engineer, steamer Chicopee, 3 Centre st. Newark, 7. Headley, B. Frank, Norristown. Newark, 7. Freeman, Rev. James M. Northern, 35; N.J. JMetropolitan chap., 140; Adelphi coun., 7, N. Y. Bruen, Daniel B., Manufacturer of Iron Castings and Malleable Iron. P. G. M. Beh, Charles M., M. D. W. M. Northern, 35' Metropolitan chap., 140; N. Y. Excelsior coun., U. D. Kelley, Andrew, Tailor, 294 Broad st. St. John's, 1. Davidson, John, Hatter, 10 Mill st. St. John's, 1. Howell, William A., Wholesale and Retail Clothing Store, 294 Broad st. St. John's, 1. Morris, D. W., Manufacturer Malleable Iron. P.M. St. John's 1. 306 JN-IVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Clifton, Wilmot Wm., Silk Dyer, Centre st., Paterson. Benevolent, 44. Cooper, Henry C., Physician, Phillipsburg. Eastern Star, 226, NewYork. Goble, Luther, Baker. P. M. St. John's, 1. Weaver, Jacob E., Captain of Vessel. Newark, 7. Keeve, Isaac M., Japanner. J. D. Newark, 7. Eagles, William C., Carpenter. Newark, 7. Carman, Ezra A., Bookkeeper. Newark, 7. Dennis, John C., Rubber Manufacturer. Cincinnati, 3. Gamble, Andrew, Stone-cutter. Union Star, Ballygowan, Ireland; RR A. M.; K. T. Bucklish, William, Currier. Sec. Newark, 7. Blanchard, Noah F., Patent Leather Manufacturer. Newark, 7. Baldwin, Milton, M. D. P. M. Newark, 7. Bull, James P., Jeweller. Union, 108, Pa. Terhune, James J., Clerk. P. M. Newark, 7; Union chap., 1. Stewart, Edward. Grand Master of Grand Lodge; Newark, 7. BORDENTOWN. Cook, Dr. Wm. Mount Moriah, 28. Dougherty, Samuel B., Superintendent Camden and Amboy Railroad. Mount Moriah, 28. Dunn, Thomas W., Car Trimmer. S. D. Mount Moriah, 28. Dayton, Richard B., Engineer. Mount Moriah, 28. Haffelfinger, William R., Carpenter. Mount Moriah, 28. Lockwood, Edward, Superintendent. Mount Moriah, 28. Molyneux, James, Engineer. Mount Moriah, 28. Mershon, Capt. Daniel S. Mount Moriah, 28. Stokes, Whitall, Druggist. Mount Moriah, 28. Thompson, Alfred, Foundry. Mount Moriah, 28. Thompson, George WV., Merchant. Mount Moriah, 28. Thompson, Lewis P., Clerk. Mount Moriah, 28. Williamson, Peter, Engineer. Sec. Mount Moriah, 28. Allen, Col. Joseph W. Allen, Civil Engineer. Mount Moriah, 28. Buzby, Robert C., Confidential Clerk Camden and Amboy Railroad Co. W. M. Mount Moriah, 28. Buzby, Charles C., Pattern Maker. J. W. Mount Moriah, 28. Pitman, George H., Cabinet-Maker, Camden and Amboy Railroad. J. 0. Mount Moriah, 28. NEW-JERSEY. 307 PATERSON. Law, Francis, Hatter, 126 Main st. Benevolent, 45. Botton, John E., Superintendent Bleach Works (Finishing Dept.), cor, Mill and Boudinot sfs. S. W. Benevolent, 45. Taylor, James, Blacksmith. Benevolent, 45. Ramage, John, Paper Maker. Benevolent, 45. Clifton, W. Wm., Silk Dyer, Centre st. Benevolent, 45. Shworth, Wm. A., Calico Printer, 284 Streigh st. Benevolent, 45. Van Waagoner, Isaac, Lawyer. Deputy Grand Master of Grand Lodge. P. M. Joppa, 29; Enterprise chap., 2. Hough, Joseph H., Trenton. Grand Secretary of Grand Lodge of New-Jersey; Sec. Mercer, 50. Read, Samuel, Bricklayer, Mount Holly. Tuckerton, 4; P. M. Mount Holly, 14; R. W. Deputy Grand Master. Chapin, John R., Artist, Rahway. W. M. Franklin, 10; Deputy Grand Secretary of Grand Lodge; P. M. St. John's, 1. Dorman, D. W., Architect, Plainfield. P. AM. Jerusalem, 26. Ehler, H-., Professor of Music, Bloomfield. S. WO Bloomfield, 40. Finch, George, Postmaster, Red Bank. Sec. Mystic Brotherhood, 21. Hall, Elijah R., Hotel-keeper, White House. S. D. Stewart, 34. Jenks, Howard, Artist, Lambertville. Amwell, 12. Rickard, Isaac, Engineer, New-Hampton. Richmond, 230; Pa. Columbia, M. L., 91, Phila. Cooper, Henry C., Physician, Phillipsburg. Eastern Star, 227, NewYork. Moore, John P., M. D., Homeopathist, No. 16, East Union st., Burlington. Layton, John, Jr., Cqal Dealer, Plainfield. S. W. Jerusalem, 26. Moore, C. R. F., Engineer, Hackettstown. Rockaway, 20; Union chap., 1. Slater, Sylvester, Hotel-keeper, Bloomfield. Union, 11. Somers, Japhet J., Farmer, Salem Co. Lafayette, 14, Del. Bond, Riley W., Stage Proprietor, Bloomfiel. Union, 11. Titus, Samuel L., Farmer, Shrewsbury. W. M. Mystic Brotherhood, 21. Trefren, Mastern D., Attorney-at-law, Lebanon. W. M., Stewart, 34. 30H, UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. NEW-MEXICO. Blenthner, Solomon, Merchant, Don Fernando de Taos. Montezutna, 109. Blumner, Charles, U. S. Marshal, Santa Fe. Treas. Montezuma, 109. Bowler, Thomas F., Hotel-keeper, Santa Fe. Montezuma, 109. Dickinson, Henry L., Auditor of Public Accounts, Santa Fe. Sec. Montezuma, 109. Green, I. F., Hotel-keeper, Santa Fe. P. M. and S. W. Montezuma, 109. H-oughton, Jacob, Attorney-at-law, Santa Fe. W. M. Montezuma, 109; D. D. Grand Master for New-Mexico. Jeanneret, Jules, W~atchmaker, Santa Fe. Montezuma, 109. De Pew, Ezra N., Sheriff of Taos county, Fernando de Taos. Montezunma 109. Sabine,%James E., Watchmaker and Merchant. Santa Fe. Montezuma, 109. NEW YORK. NEW YORK CITY. Abbott, Thos., 610 Fourth st. P. M. Indepenident, 185; W. M. Polar Star, 245; Zerubbabel, chap., 147. Abrahams, Philip, Boot and Shoe Store., 431 Fourth av. Zerubbabel, 329. Ackerson, Jacob, Butcher, 242 Washington Market. Lafayette, 64. Adams, Win., Storage, 140 Liberty and 20 West, 21 and 32 Washington st. P. M. St. Nicholas, 321; Corinthian chap., 159. NEW-YORK. 309 Adams, Daniel, Jr.. Hides and Leather, 46 and 48 Ferry st. ExSec. St. Nicholas, 321. Adams, J. F., M. D., cor. Thirteenth st. and Sixth av. Friendly lodge, Kingston, Jamaica, Prince of Jerusalem. Agar, Alex., Clerk,.51 and 53 John st. Central, 361. Agart, Julian, Cook, Steamship Nashville. Palestine, 204. Almagia, Joseph, Merchant, 36 Beekman st. Anglo Saxon, 137; Orient, chap., 138. Algae, John, Coach Painter, 197 West Nineteenth st. W. M. Templar, 203. Ames, Wm. G., Clerk, 31 and 33 Broadway. W. M. Empire City, 206. Ames, John S., Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds, 7 Nassau st. Sec. Chancellor Walworth, 271; P. S. Corinthian chap., 159. Ames, John H., Machinist, Allaire Iron Works. Palestine, 204. Anderson, Wim. T., Bookbinder and Masonic Publisher, 26 Ann st. W. M. Progressive, 354. Anderson, John W., Ship Carver, 222 South st. Mount Moriah, 27; Ancient chap., 1. Anderson, David, Machinist, Architectural Iron Works, Fourteenth st. and Avenue C. Tecumseh, U. D. Anderson, James S., 24 Beekman st. Cyrus, 208. Andrews, Henry W., Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, 38 Cortlandt st. Manhattan, 62. Andrews, Robt. W., Lawyer, 76 Wall st. J.. WMontgomery, 68.. Anshell, S., Merchant, 13 Broad st. Benevolent, 28. v Anthony, D. C., Wholesale Hats and Caps, 38 Cortlandt st. Wyandank, U. D., R. A. M. Appleby, J. Chas., Tobacconist, 133 Water st, Acacia, 327. Applehoff, Henry, Liquors, 31 Old Slip. Doric, 280. Armstrong, Henry M., Manufacturer of Jewelry, 20 Maiden Lane. St. John's, 2, Prov. R. I. Arthur, Francis J., Salesman, 23 and 25 Park Place. Sylvan Grove, 175. Arteaga, Gasparde. S. P. R. S. 32d. Arnoux, Wmi., Merchant Tailor, 647 Broadway. P. M. and Treas. Benevolent, 28. Arrosmith, B. E., Merchant, 32 South st. Brooklyn, 288. Asay, Geo. W., Gentlemen's Furnishing goods, 235 Eighth av. Cyrus, 208. Ashheim, Solomon W., Clothier, 192 Chatham Square. S. W. Adelphia, 23; Ancient chap., I; Columbian coun., 1. 21 310 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Ashwell, Sam'l., 113 Broadway.'' Empire City, 206. Atiles, Julian, Porto Rico Austin, James M., M. D. P. M. Howard, 35; P. H. P. Orient chap., 138; Adelphic coun., 7; Morton corn., 4; G. Sec. G. L.; G. H. P. of R. A. Masons; Rose Croix, K. H. S. P. R. S. G. M. A. Cosmopolitan Sov. Consistory 32d degree. Austin, Robert M., Looking Glasses, 176 Chatham Square. Brooklyn, 288. Averell, Isaac M., Liquors, 429 Grand st. Independent, 185. Ayres, Robert, Agent, Knickerbocker Life Insurance, 17 William st. Holland, 8; Jerusalem chap., 8. Coeur de Lion corn., 23. Babcock, J. C., Adams' Express Company, 59 Broadway. Kane, 454. Babcock, A. C. P. G. M. of Ct. Babcock, James A., Manufacturer of Plated Goods, 66 John st. Anglo Saxon, 137. Babcock, S. B., 110 Wall st. Joppa, 201. Bailey, Henry C., Cooper and Gauger, 163 Christopher st. Charter Oak, 249. Bainbridge, Henry, Merchant, 47 Cliff st. Anglo Saxon, 137. Baird, Wm., Machinist, HIudson River Railroad Machine Shop, foot West Thirty-first st. S. D. Naval, 69. Baker, Geo., Stone Cutter, 603 Hudson st. Templar, 203. Baker, Capt. Timothy, Shipmaster, 62 South st. Pilgrim lodge, Harwichport, Mass. Baker, Saml., Saddlery and Leather Goods, 342 and 344 Broadway. Metropolitan, 273. Baker, D. Ira, Attorney-at law, 229 Broadway. Arcana, 246. Baker, Thos. G., Cashier, 348 Broadway. Sec. Hiram, 492. Baker, Geo. C. A., Chronometer and Nautical Instrument Dealer, 61 South st., cor. Wall.. P. M. George Washington, 285; Amity chap., 160. Baldwin, John T., Job Printer, 162 Pearl st. S. D. Chancellor Walworth, 271; S. Corinthian chap., 159'; Palestine corn., 18. Banks, Henry C., Counsellor-at-law, 3 John st. Pacific, 233; Jerusalem chap., 8; Columbian com., I; Coun. Princes of Jerusalem, 1; Rose Croix chap. Banks, Edward M., Flour Merchant, 25 and 27 Peck slip. J. W. Adelphic, 348; P. S. Adelphic chap., 158; Adelphic coun., 7; Morton com., 4. Banks, Joseph, Engineer and Machinist, Union Steam Works, cor. Twenty-second st. and Second av. Pacific, 233. NEW-YORK. 311 Banfield, F. J., Sergeant Police 11th Precinct, 650 Fourth st. Puritan, 339. Banta, Peter K., Jr., Engineer New-York and Harlem Railroad. Pacific, 233. Barney, H. A., Liquors, 199 West st. Excelsior, 195. Barney, Geo. A., 51 North Moore st. Benevolent, 28; Lodge of Perfection, 1. Barney, Geo. W., Manufacturing Jeweller, 16 Maiden Lane. J. D. Adelphic, 348. Barney, W. G., Dry Goods, 122 and 124 Duane st. Acacia, 327. Barnes, Wm. J., Hardware, 118 Third av. cor. Fourteenth st. NewYork, 330. Barnett, Saml., Restaurant, 75 Bowery. Mount Moriah, 27. Barnett, S., Merchant Tailor, 339 Eighth av. Naval, 69; Phoenix chap., 2. Barry, Robt. A., M. D., 195 Fifth st. Puritan, 339. Barry, Saml. J. W., 201 East Broadway. Holland, 8. Bartlett, T. Mayo, Builder, 43 Bedford st. J. D. Metropolitan, 273. Bartlett, Geo. 0., Law Agent, 18 Pine st. Enterprise, 228; Metropolitan chap., 140; Mlorton corn., 4; Coeur de Lion encpt., 23. Barolski, August, Wine Merchant, 569 Fourth st. Columbia, U. D. Barker, J. M., Importer of French Fancy and Staple Goods, 78 Duane st. La Sincerite, 373; Sincerite chap., 2. Barker, iWm. S., Tailor, 112 Bleecker st. Independent, 185. Barclay, Thos., Dealer in Foreign Wines and Brandies, 212 Eighth av. and 260 Houston st. Templar, 203. Barclay, S. D., Notary Public, cor. Elm and White. New-York 330; Lodge of Perfection, 1. Barwick, Wm., Clerk, Peck slip. M. C. Corinthian, U. D. Barrett, J. C., Cigars, 176 Broadway. Chancellor Walworth, 271. Barron, James S., Wholesale Dealer in Wooden Ware, &c., 214 Washington st. Adelphic, 348. Batcheller, Joel, Leather, 27 Ferry st. Prince of Orange, 16. Bate, Vincent W., Dentist, 835 Broadway. P. M. Lodge of Antiquity, 11; H. P. Ancient chap., 1; Columbian coun., 1; Rec. Columbian com., 1; Honorary Member of the Lodge of the Three Swords, and Astida of the Green Rue, Dresden, Saxony. Bauman, John, Cabinet Maker, 90 Attorney st. German Union, 54. Bauer, Chas. Ferdinand, Bookkeeper, Mercantile Mutual Insurance Co., 35 Wall st. W. M. Pythagoras, 86. Baylis, G. C., Produce Dealer, 414 Washington Market. Fortitude, 19. 312 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Beckel, Joseph, Optician, 19 John st. Mount Neboh, 257. Beck, Charles J. C., Mustard Manufacturer, 209 Bowery. Lily, 342. Beck, John G., Engineer, 57 Mangin st. W. M. Lodge of Antiquity, 11; Columbian cor., 1. Bedell, Benj. C., 173 West Twentieth st. Putnam, 338. Beebe, Edwin, Hotel, 729 Sixth av. Ocean, 156. Beins, H. W., Supt. of New-England Car Spring Factory, Thirtythird st., bet. Secondj and Third avs. Union, 19, New-Brunswick, New-Jersey. Beissenherz, Harry D., Musician, Leader of Orchestra, New-Bowery Theatre. Morning Star lodge, Worcester, Mass. Belcher, E. W. K., 18 Ferry st. Joppa, 201. Bellesheim, Joseph, Porter House, 13 Avenue B. Worth, 210. Bell, Henry, Cartman, 301 West Twenty-eighth st. J. W. Cyrus, 208. Bell, John F., Stock and Bond Broker, 62 Wall st. Anglo-Saxon, 137. Benders John B., Milkman, 362 Fourth st. Schiller, 304. Bennett, Wm. C., Dentist, 191 Sixth av..S. W. Continental, 287. Benedicks, Sarony, Stationer, 76 William st. King Solomon, 279. Benjamin, N. O., Merchant. P. M. Adelphic, 348; K. Adelphic chap., 158; Adelphic coun., 7; P. T. I. M. Oriental coun., 3; Morton corn., 4; G. P. C. Grand Coun. Berrien, D. W. C., Brush Maker, 357 Pearl st. Naval, 69; P. M. Atlantic, 168. Berry, James, Chief Officer Steamship Nashville. Mariners', 310, Liverpool, England. Bertrand, Charles, Livery Stable, 224 East Broadway. Worth, 210. Berhard, Lyon, Dentist, 167 Bowery. Adelphia, 23; Ancient chap., 1. Bernard, Charles S., Dramatic Agent, 186 Broadway. New-York,.330. Bergen, A., Boarding House, 45 Whitehall st. United Brothers, 356. Bernheim, Jacob, Butcher, 16 Jefferson Market. Mount Neboh, 257. Betts, John, Clerk, 245 Water st. Greenwich, 467. Betts, Lot, Plasterer, 286 West Forty-third st. Acacia, 327. Betts, N. C., Boots and Shoes, 101 Eighth av. Hope, 244. Beuermann, Augustus, Carver, 139 Sullivan st. W. M. Harmony, 199. Bicknell, Wim. J., Leather Dealer, 85 Gold st. Commonwealth, 409; Phoenix chap., 2. Bigelow, Wm. D., Boots and Shoes, 142 Chatham st. Treas. Nepune, 317. Billon, Louis, Importer of Watches, 76 Nassau st. La Sincerite, 373. NEW-YORK. 313 Binswanger, Morris L., Constables 52 Ridge st. Mount Neboh, 257. Bird, C. J., Westchester House, corner of Bowery and Broome st. Amity, 323. Bissell, Peter, Tailors' Trimmings, 20 Park place. St. Nicholas, 321. Bishop, J. E., Oats and Feed, 215 West st. Lebanon, 191. Bishops, Charles R., Fancy Steel Goods, 55 John st. Northern, 25, Newark, N. J. Black, Win. J., Dealer in Vegetables, 69, 70,'and 79 Washington Market. Templar, 203. Black, W. C., Shoes, 21 Ninth av. Hope, 244. Black, William, Shipping Agent, 118 South st. W. M. Mount Moriah, 27. Blake, W. E., Wholesale News Dealer, 21 and 23 Ann st. Excelsior, 195. Blake, W. R., 42 Greenwich av. P. M. Ind. Royal Arch, 2. Blackman, Charles, Bookstore, 47 Bowery. Navigator, 232. Bliss, Thales S., Blacksmith, 255 West Sixteenth st. John D. Wilard, 250. Blohm, Lewis, Grocer, 127 Crosby st. United Brothers, 356. Bode, Frederick, 139 Sullivan st. S. W. Harmony, 199. Bode, J. L., Taxidermist, 16 North William st. Herman, 268. Bogart, Ralph, Trunk, v alise, and Carpet-bag Manufacturer, 339 Hudson st. George Washington, 285. Bogert, Benj. C., Flour Dealer, 102 Barclay st. Hiram, 449. Bogert, Henry, Accountant, 44 Beekman st. Adelphic, 348. Bohm, H., Fruits, 245 Washington st. Sylvan Grove, 275; Corinthian chap., 156. Bolari, John, Founder. Templar, 203. Bond, Win., Lawyer, 66 Wall st. P. M. Somerset, 34, Franklin chap., 4; Columbian com., 4, in Norwich, Ct. Bonnell, Lewis, Grocer, 173 Front st. Howard, 35. Bostleman, W., Liquors, 260 South st., cor. Rutgers Slip. Piatt, 194. Bos, John, 442 Broadway. Crescent, 402. Botzong, Philip, Hair Dresser, 3171 Greenwich st. S. W. Manhattan, 62; Zetland chap., 141. Bowne, William, Builder, 67 Sixth st. W. M. Pacific, 233; Adelphie chap., 158. Bowne, G. F., Fruits, 181 Washington st. Sylvan Grove, 275. Bowne, William R., Merchant Tailor, 515 Hudson st. St. Nicholas, 321. Boyer, Lanson, Lighters, 22 South st. Joppa, 201; Brooklyn chap.> 148; Brooklyn coun., 4; Friendship cor., 27. 314 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Boyle, John C., Marble Mantelpiece Manufacturer, 4 and 6 East Twentieth st. Acacia, 327. Boyle, Wm. H., West Washington Market. Star of Bethlehem, 322. Bradley, Edw., Sailors' Boarding-house, 63 Cherry st. Mariners, 67. Bradley, Fred. Daggett, Wooden Ware Merchant, 280 Washington st. Eureka, 243. Bradley, John Thomas, Wooden Ware, 280 Washington st. Eureka, 243. Brady, Robt., 207 Tenth ave. Howard, 35. Bradford, Geo., 138 Clinton place, Butcher. Cyrus, 208. Braker, Geo., Furniture Dealer, 125 Bowery. S. W. Piatt, 194; Adelphic chap., 158:; Adelphic coun., 7. Brahe, C. H., Leather, 27 Ferry st..Pythagoras, 86. Brackett, C. W., Clerk, 18 Ferry st. Adelphic, 348. Brackway, J. W., Upholsterer, Hudson River R. R. Trimming Shop' Eastern Star, 227. Branstetter, Guido, Lithographer, 29 William st. Washington, 21. Breed, E. P., Lawyer, 5 Beekman st. M. Independent Royal Arch, 2; H. P. Phoenix chap., 2; C. Palestine corn., 18; Adelphic coun., 7; Lodge of Perfection, 1. Brede, Peter, Groceries, 36 Sheriff st. Herman, 268. Brower, Garret, Grocer, 75 Avenue D, corner Sixth st. Polar Star, 245. Brewster, Samuel L., 23 Broadway. Lodge of Antiquity, 11. Brehm,. George H., Bank of the Republic, 90 Broadway. Oltmans, 446. Brehm, John, Leather and Finding, 501 Greenwich st. P. M. IJarmony, 199. Brehaut, John, Waslington Market, 297. Atlas, 316. Briggs, Walter W., Proprietor INorthern Hotel, foot Cortlandt st Hiram, 17, J. C. Briggs, J. W., -House, Sign, and Decorative Painter, 23 Third ave. Pacific, 233. Briggs, M. A., House Furnishing Hardware, 272 Pearl st. S. W. Joppa, 201. Britten, Benjamin F., Dealer in Butter and Cheese, 139 Washington Market. Hiram, 17, Jersey C. Brinckerhoff, Win. E., Real Estate Agent, 112 Avenue C. Puritan, 339. Bridges, Albert, Railroad Furnishing Materials, 64 Cortlandt st. Strict Observance, 94. Brice, John, Inspector of Customs, 282 West Thirty-first st. Amity 323; Amity chap., 160. NEW-YORK. 315 Brown, Thos., Undertaker, 192 Rivington st. Puritan, 339. Brown, Arthur, Lithographer, 47 Nassau st. Ocean, 156. Brown, John, Locksmith, 50 Norfolk st. Cyrus, 208. Brown, Wm. Sam., Superintendent N. Y. Eye Infirmary, cor. Thirteenth st. and Second av. Polar Star, 245. Brown, Isaiah W., Commissioner of Taxes and Assessments, 32 Chambers st. Prince Orange, 16. Brown, Wm. J., Ice Dealer, 169 West Twenty-first st. Cyrus, 208. Brown, Henry, Jr., I-Iardware, 5 Gold st. Sec. Anglo-Saxon, 137. Brown, Charles D., Surgeon Dentist, 70 Amity st. W. M. NewYork, 330; Lodge of Perfection, 1. Brown, Wm. V., 337 Hudson st. John D. Willard, 250. Brooks, J. W., Merchant, 218 Water st. Joppa, 201. Brooks, H. W., Provision Dealer, 194 and 195 West Washington Market. S. W. Sylvan Grove, 275; Corinthian chap., 159. Brouard, Z. J. H., Restaurant, 13 Chambers st. Lexington, 310. Brokaw, George, Saddle and Harness Maker, Sixth av. R. R. Depot, c. Forty-fourth st. and Sixth av. Cyrus, 208. Brougham, John, 19 West Ninth st. Lodge of Antiquity, 11. Bruckner, M., Tobacconist, 2781 Grand st. King Solomon, 279. Bruning, John H., Grocer, 405 Hudson st. Herman, 268. Brush, Henry S., Boat Builder, 500 Water st. Charter Oak, 249. Brush, J. T., Broker, 56 Merchants' Exchange. Montauk, 286. Buchanan, Andrew, 116 West Forty-first st. Zerubbabel, 329. Buck, Bellina, Letter Carrier General PostOffice. S. D. New-York, 330; Phoenix chap., 2. Budlong, W. H., Wholesale Liquors, 100 Greenwich st. Sylvan Grove, 275; Corinthian chap., 159. Buell, L. IH., Jeweller, 2511 Bleecker st. J. W. Concord, 50. Bulkley, Eclw. B., Importer and Jobber of Fancy Goods, Hosiery, &c., 6 Barclay st. and 12 Vesey st. Arcana, 246. Bullens, Joseph A., Machinist, 458 Broadway. Naval, 69. Bunce, Wnm. J., Bookseller, 74 Chatham st. New-York, 330. Burr, A. M., Lawyer, 167 Broadway. Sagamore, 371. Burlingame, L., Wholesale Dealer in Straw Goods, Hats and Caps, &c., 75 Warren st. Adelphic, 348. Burgess, J. W., Produce Dealer, 222 Washington st. Atlas, 316. Burke, John, House Carpenter, 70 East Twenty-fifth st. Columbia, U. D. Burton, Amos, Carpenter and Builder, 104 West Twenty-sixth st. W. M. Zerubbabel, 329. Bush, V. H., Restaurant, 227 South st. P. M. Doric, 280; Metropolitan chap., 140; Adelphic coun., 7; Morton com., 4. 316 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Busch, Diedrich, Liquors, cor. South st. and Rutgers slip. United Brothers, 356. Busch, H. D. Wooden Ware Dealer, 244 Washington st. United Brothers, 356. Butler, James, Importer Foreign Liquors, 325 Greenwich st. Pacific, 233. Bycroft, Thomas B., Blacksmith, Allaire Iron Works. Independent, 185. Cahn, Joseph, Stationer and Blank Book Manufacturer, 76 William st. Mount Neboh, 257. Caldwell, WVm., Assistant Postmaster. Holland, 8. Calkin, H. C., Stoves, 23 Avenue D. Puritan, 339. Campbell, James, Carman, 114 Tenth av. Templar, 203. Campbell, Malcolm, Couhsellor-at-law, 41 Ann st. Mystic Tie, 272. Cameron, John, Artist, 32 and 34 John st. Joppa, 201. Cameron, John, Captain of Police, 7th Precinct, 20 Gouverneur st. Puritan, 339; S. Zerubbabel chap., 147; Adelphic coun., 7; Morton com., 4. Carr, Horatio P., Supreme Court Clerk, 95 East Thirty-first st. J. D. Kane, 454. Carr, Wm. J., City Weigher, 146 Pearl st. St. Nicholas, 321. Carr, H. WX., Great Western and D. & M. Railroad Agency, 273 Broadway. Varick, 31, Jersey City. Carreras, J. K., Merchant, 71 Pine st. Harmony, 6, Galveston, Texas. Carrick, Thos. J., Grocer, 249 Third av. Pacific, 233. Carpenter, David P., Butter and Milk, 63 West Broadway. Worth, 210. Carpenter, John T., Flour Dealer, 246 Fulton st. Lafayette, 64. Carpenter, Sylvester, Steam Engine and Boiler Maker. Silentia, 198. Carman, Wm. H., Dentist, 308 Bleecker st. Hope, 244. Carter, Sam'l, Bookkeeper, 388 Broadway. Montauk, 286; Lodge of Perfection,;; coun. of Princes of Jerusalem; chap. of Rose Croix. Carhart, Thos. F., American Express Building. Holland, 8. Cassard, Andres. W. M. and Founder La Fraternidad, 387; T. P. G. M. of Sublime Grand Lodge of Perfection; S; G. M. coun. Princes of Jerusalem; M. W. S. chap. Rose Croix La Fraternidad; I. S. of S. Commander-in-chief of Sov. Grand Consistory 33d; Special Deputy and Proxy of Sapreme Grand Coun. of the 33d for the Southern District United States, West Indies, Cuba, Mexico, Central America and South America, with full and extraordinary powers; D. I. Gen. and S. G. I. Gen. of 33d, etc., etc. NEW-YORK. 317 Casserly, James A., 287 Broadway. Commonwealth, 409. Castellanos, Apollo, V., 196 West Thirty-fifth st. Gr. 3 S. D. La Fraternidad, 387. Castellanos, Miguel, 60 Third st. Gr. 3; S. W. La Fraternidad, 387. Cavan, David, Commission Merchant, 171 Water st. J. W. Central, 361. Chapman, John, Coach Painter, 325 Sixth av. S. W. Hope, 244; Metropolitan chap., 140; Adelphi coun., 7. Chatillon, John, Manufacturer of Patent Balances, Platform and Counter Scales, 93 Cliff st. Pythagoras, 86. Chase, Geo. H., Butcher, 5 and 6 Washington Market. S. D. Lafayette, 64; Adelphic chap., 158; Adelphic coun., 7; Morton com., 4. Chatterton, J. C., Coffee, Teas, and Spices, 235 and 237 Washington st. Poughkeepsie, 266; C. of the H. Orient chap., 138; Adelphic coun., 7; Palestine comn., 18. Chamberlain, Stephen S., Butcher, 183 Eldridge st. Eureka, 243. Chambers, M. H1., Jeweller, 391 Broadway. Crescent, 402; Adelphic chap. 158; Morton corn., 4. Charles, Andrew, Grocer, 86 Delancy st. Templar, 203. Chichester, W. B., Painter, 23 Third av. S. W. Pacific, 233. Chitton, Albert, Provision Dealer, 590 Washington st. Charter Oak, 249. Chitty, Chas. W., Fruit Dealer, 321 Hudson st. T. Corinthian lodge, U.D. Chipp, Chas. J., Coal Dealer, 684 Greenwich st. Treas. Albion, 26. Chollar, Justus, Wholesale Hlats, Caps and Straw Goods, 38 Cortlandt st. P. M. Manhattan, 62; K. Zetland chap.,,141. Church, S. G., Clothing, 388 Broadway. Howarc, 35. Christie, Thos. D., Oyster Barge, foot Canal st. Hiram, 17. Clarkson, Floyd, Fancy Goods and Notions, 14 Cortlandt st. Kane, 454. Clark, C. W., Inland Steam Navigation Company, 5 Coenties Slip. St. Nicholas, 321. Clark, W. R. C., Publisher, 49 Walker st. Joppa, 201. Clark, Geo. H., Job Printer, 24 Beekman st. Amity, 323. Clark, Win., Fofeman Machinist, Light-HI-ouse Depart ment, 43 Cedar st. Worth, 210. Clark, Thos., Superintendent Arrival and Departure of Mails, P. 0., 139 West Eleventh st. H-olland,. 8. Claussen, John C., Fruits, &c, 245 Washington st. Pythagoras, 86. Clayton, Jas. H., Printer, 26 Cedar st. Commonwealth, 409. 318 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Clearman, Abraham, Deputy Keeper City Prison, 31 Minetta Lane. Cyrus, 208. Clegg, W., Painter, 255 South st. W. M. Henry Clay, 277. Clemons, Aaron, Manufacturer of Cigars, 104 Third av. Pacific, 233. Clute, James L., Hatter, 64 Bowery. Eastern Star, 227. Comstock, S. R., 204 East Eighteenth st. Treas. Kane, 454. Conway, Frederick B., Tragedian, 30 East Twenty-fourth st. Eureka, 243. Coake, Richd. K., Merchant, 95 Chambers st. S. D. Arcana, 246; Adelphic chap., 158. Cochrane, David, Machinist and Engineer, 103 Walker st. W. M. Mosaic, 418; Zerubbabel chap., 147. Cochran, John W., Builder, 323 Tenth st. Eastern Star, 227; Zerubbabel chap., 147. Cockein, S. M., 292 Broadway. Arcana, 246. Cockefair, Isaac, 172 Wooster st. George Washington, 285. Coffin, Daniel T., 157 Chambers st. Crescent, 402. Coffin, A. M., Merchant, 54 Front st. Sylvan Grove, 275. Cohen, Adolph., Butcher, 122 Leonard st. La Sincerite, 373. Cohn, Monits, lanufacturer Ladies Dress Trimmings, 89 Liberty st. Empire City, 206. Coit, John B., Shoe Findings, 30 Ferry st. Corner Stone, 367. Cole, Henry B., Attorney and Counsellor, 111 Broadway, Room 75. Crescent, 402. Cole, Edwin, Bookkeeper, 23 and 25 Park Place. Hope, 244. Cole, Joseph B. Coal Dealer, 83 East Twenty-fourth st. Piatt, 194; Zetland chap., 141. Coleman, Wim. T., Merchant, 88 Wall st. Holland, 8. Colley, Chas. O., Hardware, 7 and 9 Barclay st. Anglo Saxon, 137. Conrad, Joseph, Yorkville Park. German Union, 54. Conover, Geo. K., Banker, 14 Wall st. St. Nicholas, 321. Connor, James H., Bookkeeper, 115 Franklin st. City, 408. Cooper, Wm. H., Livery Stable, 101 and 103 Charles st. Continental, 287. Coon, David T., 209 Water st. Amity, 323. Copland, Walter, 1 Chambers st. Neptune, 317. Cornell, Stephen, Fulton Market. Lafayette, 64. Cornell, Robt. G., Commission Merchant, 410 and 411 West Washington Market. W. M. Lafayette, 64. Adelphic chap., 158. Cornell, J. D., 16 and 17 Catharine Market. Charter Oak, 249. NEW-YORK.3 19 Cornell, Charles B., Painter, 228 Third av. P. M. Pacific, 233; Adelphi cchap., 158. Correll, T. T., 48 Leroy st. Lafayette, 64. Corsan, Richd., Dyer, 27 John st. Arcturus, 274. Corlies, Benj. T., Stationer, 31 Nassau st. Adelphic, 348. Costello, John, Piano String Manufacturer, 127 East Twenty-sixth st. Pacific, 233; Adelphic chap., 158. Coshland, L., Salesman, 42 Vesey st. Sec. Mount Neboh, 257. Coughtry, W. D., 74 Cedar st. St. Nicholas, 321. Cousins, Wim., Machinist, Morgan Iron Works. Silentia, 198. Covert, Isaac, Dry Goods and Cloth, 61 Warren st. Prince of Orange, 16. Cowan, H.H... M. St. Nicholas, 321. Cox, Geo., Restaurant, cor. Canal and Varick sts. Eureka, 243. Cox, Henry H., Merchant, 4 and 6 Gold st. Adelphic, 348. Crane, John J., M. D., 121 Ninth st. P. D.G.' M.; W. M. Holand, 8; Jerusalem chap, 8; Coeur de Lion corn., 23. Craig, James B., Lawyer, 68 William st. Lexington, 310. Craft, James, Book and Job Printer, 29 Ann st. Metropolitan, 273; Metropolitan chap., 140; Morton corn., 4. Crapser, Geo. B., Dealer in Coke, 303A West Eighteenth st. Templar, 203. Craw, Alex, 1017 Broadway. Pacific, 233. Crankshaw, J. S., 133 Madison st.. M.. Doric, 280. Crocker, Thos. R., 25 Fulton Fish Market. Joppa, 201; P. H. P. Brooklyn chap., 148; P. E. C. riendship corn., 27; Brooklyn coun., 4, R. S. M. Crozier, H. G., Merchant, 213 Fulton st. P. M. Templar, 203; Metropolitan chap., 140; Palestine corn., 18. Crowell, A. S., President of the Kings County Fire Insurance Co., 4 Wall st. P. 31. Central, 361. Cruickshank, Geo., Commission Merchant, 42 Pine st. J. D. Arcana, 246. Cubberly, Israel M., Bookkeeper, 407 and 408 Washington Market. Atlas, 316. Cummings, Wm., Coppersmith and Plumber, 123 Avenue D. Polar Star, 245; Zerubbabel chap., 147. Cummings, Thos., Butcher, 475 and 476 Washington Market. Marsh, 188. Cunningham, J. H., 15 and 17 Cortlandt st. Adelphic, 348; Adelphic chap., 158. 320 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECOlRD. Cunningham, John G., Saddlery and Trunks, 342 and 344 Broadway. Metropolitan, 273. Curet, F., Restaurant, 764 Broadway. La Sincerite, 373. Cutter, Richard, Blacksmith, Mosaic, 418, Cypher, Win. J., Wine Merchant, 250 Eighth av. Cyrus, 208. Dahlstrom, L. C., 41 Beaver st. Montauk, 286. Dalton, Edward, Sail Maker, 39 South st. W. M. Corinthian, U. D. Dale, WVm., Silk and Trimming Manufacturer, 201 West Twentysecond st. Hiram, 449. Dally, Joseph, Blacksmith, Novelty Iron Works, Palestine, 204. Daniels, M. H., 251 Broadway. Montauk, 286. Darlington, John D., Carver and Composition Ornament Manufacturer. 204 Centre st. Yew Tree, 461. Daub, Lewis, Wine Merchant, 4 and 6 John st. German Union, 54. Davenport, Saml. S., 248 West Twenty-ninth st. Benevolent, 28; Phoenix chap., 2; Morton corn., 4. Davies, Julian G., Piano Forte Wareroom, 6 Astor place. Holland, 8; Jerusalem chap., 7. Dawson, Walter, Engineer Hudson R. R. Machine shop, foot of West Thirty-first st. Naval, 69. Dayton, Wm. P., Ship Carpenter, 161 Charles st. Greenpoint, 403. Dean, George W., Manhattan House, 265 Bowery. Geo. Washington, 285. Dearing, St. Clair,'U. S. Army. Morton co4n.,4, N. Y. Vernon, 72, Ga. Deane, Benj. John, Musician, 220 East Broadway. New-York, 330. DeBevoise, William H., Bookkeeper, 70 and 72 Bowery. Lexington, 310. DeCamp, W. I., Wholesale Provision Dealer, 76 Cortlandt st. Adelphic, 348. Del Pozo, Bernabe. La Fraternidad, 387. Delmonico, Siro, Restaurant, 275 Broadway and 2 South William st. St. Nicholas, 321. De Lacey, WVm., 751 Second av. Sec. Ind. Royal Arch, 2; Phoenix chap., 2; Palestine con., 18. Delavante, Joseph, Plumber and Gasfitter, 189 Third av. Pacific, 233; Lodge of Perfection, 1. Delisser, R. L., Publisher, 508 Broadway. P. M. Montauk, 286; Lodge of Perfection, 1. Demerest, Wells L., Conductor, N. Y. & H. R. 1R., c.'Twenty-eighth st. and Fourth av. Mosaic, 418; Zerubbabel chap., 147. Demarest, Peter M., Ship Stores and Passenger Agent, 40 South st. Hyatt, 205. Deming, S. B., 124 Leroy st, K. T. NEW-YORK. 321 Demmick, Henry, Moulder Architectural Iron Works,. Fourteenth st. and Avenue C. Tecumseh, U. D. Denton, Seaman, Vesey Hall Saloon, 102 Vesey st. Lebanon, 91; Zerubbabel chap., 147; Morton corn., 4. Denslow, Dwight B., Bookkeeper, South Orange, N. J. P. M. Montauk, 286; Morton comn., 4. Denmark, A., Baker, 19 Spring st. Acacia, 327. Dessaye, George, Hotel Keeper, 2 Tryon Row. Zschokke, 202. Dickey, Wim. C., 31 Old slip. Portland, 1, Maine; Metropolitan chap., 140. Dingee, Solomon, Real Estate and Merchandise Broker, 9 Nassau st. Crescent, 402. Doblin, A., Clothing Manufacturer, 71 William st. Late of Adelphia, 23. Doscher, C., Liquor Merchant, 204 Fulton st. Sec. United Brothers, 356. Dotry, Wmn. H. Salesman, 91 and 93 Chambers st. Continental, 287. Douglas, Wm., Carman, 181 Washington st. Puritan, 339. Downing, Richard C., Counsellor-at-law, Eighty-sixth st. near Second av. Putnam, 338; Amity chap., 60. Drake, Azariah, Jr., Commission Dealer, 393 Washington Market. Mystic Tie, 272. Drake, Clarkson, Butcher, 393 Washington Market. Harmony, 23, Jersey City, Green Bay chap., Wisconsin. Drew, Wm., Inspector of Customs, 49 Rose st. Amity, 323. Dresdner, M., Fur Skin Dresser, 248 Delancy st. Templar, 203. Drohan, Martin M., Bookkeeper, 212 and 213 Washington Market. John D. Willard, 250. Drummond, A. H., Broker, 4 Broad st. W. M. St. John's, 1; P. K. Zetland chap., 141; Morton cor., 4. Drumgold, Lawrence, Wholesale Grocer, Fish and Provision Dealer, 177 South st. Charter Oak, 249. Duane, Win. J., Cooper, 34 Old slip, J. W. Piatt, 194. Duane, Martin H., Cooper, 34 Old slip. Piatt, 194. Du Bois, Cornelius H., Res. Merchants' Hotel. Sec. -Washington, 21. Dunne, Richard, 107 Franklin st. Keystone, U. D.; De Molay encpt.; Orient chap. Dunseath, James, Machinist, Hudson R. R. R. Machine shop, foot of Thirty-first st. Naval 69. Dunlap, Chas. W., Hardware, 257 Pearl st. Joppa, 201. Duncan, Robt., Mangle Maker, 51 Beekman st. Treasurer Progressive, 354. 322 JUNTIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Duryee, Isaac, Lumber Dealer, 384 Eighth st. Mount Moriah, 27. Duryea, Wm., Starch, 166 Fulton st. Brooklyn, 288. Duhrkoop, John C., Merchant, 120 Gardcen st.,HIoboken. Hermann, 268. Duryee, George W., Type Founder, 9:Spruce st. Treas. Atlas, 316. Duryea, William E., Produce Dealer, foot of Vesey st. Polar Star, 245; Zerubbabel chap., 147; Morton cor., 4. Dusenbury, G. R., 100 Broad st. Commonwealth, 409. Ebbinghousen, George, Cabinet and Furniture, 88, 90, and 92 Attorney st. German Union, 54. Ebbs, Allen, Bookseller, 348 Broadway. Montauk, 286. Eckhoff, John P., Confectioner, 191 Spring st. W. M. United Brothers, 356. Edwards, Joseph H-., Cider and Vinegar Merchant, 102 Barclay st. Charter Oak, 249. Edwards, Frederick S., Commission Merchant, 10 Cedar st. Areana, 246. Edwards, Wm. H., Butcher, 365 Ninth av. -'Amity, 323. Eden, Nicholas, Restaurant, 73 Wall st. United Brothers, 356; De Witt Clinton chap., 142. Eddy, Ed., Tragedian, 57 East Nineteenth st. New-York, 330; Lodge of Perfection, 1; C. P. J. C., R. C., S. M. Egerton, Wm., Wholesale Druggist, 198 Greenwich st. Howard, 35. Edgerton, Theo. Tracy, Importer, 16 Broadway. Holland, 8; Jerusalem chap., 8. Emanuel, Joseph, Hosiery and Fancy Goods, 97 Seventh st. King Solomon, 279. Ellery, Joseph F., India Rubber Paint Works, 564 Grand st. God_ frey, 30. Entwistle, Robert T., Printer, 370 Pearl st. Amity, 323; Amity chap., 160. Endicott, Francis, Lithographer, 59 Beekman st. Kane, 454; I. M. C. Eneas, Joseph, Shipping and Corn. 3erchant, 165 Maiden Lane. Metropolitan, 273; Zetland chap., 141. Engelman, Joseph, Hotel Keeper, 127 West st. Ind. Royal Arch, 2; K. T. Ennever, Robert, Plumber, 180 Third av. Kane, 454. Esler, Edward, Merchant Tailor, 221 Eighth av. Hiram, 449. Epstein, H-erman, Merchant Tailor, 210 Third av. Pacific, 233. Evans, Wim. H., Liquors, 2 Gouverneur's Lane. Lexington, 310. Everson, H. F., Clerk, 178 Greenwich st. Sylvan Grove, 275. Faben, Charles R. Templar, 203; Metropolitan chap., 140; Morton corn., 4. NEW-YORK. 323 Fair, Robert, Baker, 262 Delancy st. Polar Star, 245, Fairgrieve, Wm., Hair-dresser, 125 Roosevelt st. Henry Clay, 277. Falkenberg, B., Gilder on Glass, 422 Broadway. King Solomon, 279. Falconer, William C., Watchmaker and Jeweller, 169 Greenwich st. Zetland chap., 141. Falconer, John A., Machinist and Millwright, 206 West Thirty-seventh st. Cyrus, 208. Fanning, J. H., Manufacturer of Jewelry, 212 Broadway. St. John's, 2, Providence, R. I. Farron, Thomas, Wines and Liquors, 228 Grand st. Amity, 323. Farnsworth, Frederick O., News Agent, 113 Nassau St. Cassia, 445.. Farrell, Henry A.,. Painting and Paper Hangings, 214 Seventh av. Corinthian, U. D. Fawcett, Frederick, 22 West Seventeenth st. P. M. Holland, 8; Jerusalem chap., 8; P. G. C. Coeur de Lion corn., 23. Faubel, Louis, Cigar Store, 569 Fourth st. Columbia, U. D. Faye, Emmet M., Naval Officer, Custom-House. S. D. Godfrey, 30. Felt, David W., Bookkeeper, 14 Maiden Lane. Greenwich, 467. Fellowes, Richard, Attorney and Counseller-at-law, 232 Grand st. Columbian, U. D. Fell, John, Currier and Leather Dealer, 57 Frankfort st. Chan. Walworth, 271. Ferguson, WVm. T., Salesman, 288 Broadway. John D. Willard, 250. Ferguson, Edwin, Broker, 43 Pine st. W. M. Cyrus, 208; Adelphic chap., 158. Ferran, Samuel, Butcher, 211 and 214 Waashington Market. Worth, 210. Finch, Martin L., Clothing, 194 to 198 Chatham square. Polar Star, 245; Adelphic chap., 158. Finch, James H., Sash and Blind Maker, 85 West Thirty-first st. Naval, 69. Fink, Lewis, Wholesale Provisions, 191 and 192 Duane st. IHope, 244. Finck, John, Machinist, 34 Jackson st. Lebanon, 191; Oriental chap. 138; Morton corn., 4. Firth, Henry S., M. D. 762 Greenwich st. Sylvan Grove, 275. Fisher, David, Machinist, 110 Essex st. John D. Willard, 250. Fisk, John A. P., Restaurant, 2 Franklin Market. Lafayette, 64; Zetland chap., 141. Fisk, Sewell. Grand Tyler, P. M. Mariners, 67; Phoenix chap.22; Penal coun., Morton corn., 4; Lodge of Perfection, 1. 32'4 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Fisk, Sewel T, P. M. Mariners, 67; P. H. P. Phoenix chap., 2; R. and S. M., Grand Lee. Grand Chapter. Fitzpatrick, N. P., Publisher and Importer, 26 Walker st. S. W. Arcturus, 274; Zetland chap., 141. Flanders, Geo. B., Sailmaker, 39 Burling slip, Commonwealth, 409; Brooklyn chap., 148; Friendship corn., 27. Fleming, Charles L., Hatter, 362 Grand st. Charter Oak, 249. Foley, J., Wine Merchant, 26 Oliver st. J. W. Mount Moriah, 27. Foley, Terrance, Clerk of Steamer Broadway, Hungerford's Hotel, 168 Duane st. Concord, 50. Forman, Chas. E., Dry Goods, 49 Chambers st. St. Nicholas, 321. Forster, John A., Counsellor-at-law, 62 Wall st. Crescent, 402. Metropolitan chap., 140. Forbes, Alexander, Straw Hat Dresser, 191 West Thirty-fifth st; Eastern Star, 227. Forrester, James, Jr., M. D., 202 Bleecker st. Washington, 21; Ancient chap., 1. Forsyth, Thomas, Carman, 28 and 29 West st. P.. WM ashington, 21; P. 1H. P. Ancient chap., 1; Columbia corn., 1; Columbia coun., 1. Foster, Wmi. C., c. Duane and Church sts. Puritan, 339. Fouque, A., Jeweller, 247 Broadway. W. M. La Clemente Am. Cos., 410. Fowler, Isaac V., Postmaster. Holland, 8; Jerusalem chap., 8. Fowler, Harvey G., Poultry Dealer, 262 Washington Market. Sylvan Grove, 275; Oriental chap., 138; Morton corn., 4. Fowler, J. Windle, Clerk, 3 and 5 John st. Sec. Zeredatha, U. D. Fowler, WVm., Builder, 546 Pearl st. Metropolitan, 273. Fox, Hermann, Clothier, 386 Grand st. Manahatta, U. D. Frankel, Julius, M. D., 109 Ludlow st. German Union, 54. Frank, Eliezer W., Clothier, 113 Chatham st. S. W. Mount Neboh, 257. Frank, Philip W., Clothier, 372 Water st. W. M. Mount Neboh, 257; Jerusalem chap., 8. Frank, L., Clock Dealer, 55 John st. Treas. Mount Neboh, 257. Fraser, J. L., Show Cards, 418 Broadway, c. Canal st. Arcturus, 274. Freeman, Wm. W., Engineer, 11 Sheriff st. Yew Tree, 461. Fredricks, C. D.l Photographist, 585 and 587 Broadway, opposite the Metropolitan Hotel. Ind. Royal Arch, 2; Jerusalem chap., 8. Frees, J. B., Druggist, 179 Sixth av. Metropolitan, 273. Friend. M. S., Importer of Watches and Jewelry, 208 Broadway. Ocean 156. NEW-YORK. 325 French, J. G., Central House, 21 and 23 New Bowery, Hotel 94 Chatham st. Union 1, Dorchester, Mass.; Metropolitan chap., 140. Freeland, James W.,.Importer.Wines, &c., 338 Broadway. Commonwealth, 409. Frost, Horton, Commission Merchant, 84 Barclay st. Sylvan Grove, 275; Corinthian chap., 159. Frommell, F., Baker, 163 Avenue B. Worth, 210. Fuller, James M., Commission Merchant, 244 Fulton st. W. M. Commonwealth, 409. Fuller, Charles, Clerk, Westchester House, cor. Bowery and Broome st. Neptune, 317. Fullmer, Peter, Coach Maker, 137 and 139 West Nineteenth st. Naval, 69. Fullgraff, L. A., Salesman, 40 Maiden Lane. Star of Bethlehem, 322. Gail, L., Wholesale D)ruggist, 103 Maiden Lane. Pythagoras, 86. Gamble, John, Liquors, 104 Avenue B. Eastern Star, 227. Gambling, Wm. M., House and Sign Painter, 273 Sixth av. W. M. Crescent, 402; Metropolitan chap., 140. Garnson, Wm. H.; 23 and 25 Park Place. Ocean, 156. Gannett, T. R., Tack Maker, 80 Avenue C. Fellowship lodge, West Bridgewater, Mass. Gardner, Hugh, Dyer, 109 West ITwenty-fourth st. Templar, 203; S. Metropolitan, 140; Adelphi coun., 7; C. G. Palestine con., 18; Lodge of Perfection, 1. Gardner, John, Ornamental Frame Manufacturer, 250 Canal st. Crescent, 402. Gardner, John, Butcher, cor. Twelfth st. and Greenwich av. Hope, 244; Metropolitan chap., 140; Adelphic coun., 7. Garden, Thomas P. Benevolent, 28. Garrett, John'J., Clothing, 25 Warren st. Prince of Orange, 16. Garrison, Abraham, Bookkeeper, 757 Greenwich st. Concord, 50. Garson, Julius, Importer and Jobber of Watches and Jewelry, 49 Nassau st. Treas. King Solomon, 279. Garson, Thos. E., Stationer, 161 Pearl st. P. M. St. Nicholas, 321; Corinthian chap., 159; Palestine com., 18. Gatchel, A. S., India Rubber, 167 Broadway. Lexington, 310. Gaudelet, Edward, 97 William st. La Clemente Am. Cos., 410. Gausmann, Charles, Carman, 121 Eldridge st. Joppa, 201. Genin, Erastus E., Hotel and Restaurant, 197 West Fifteenth st. National, 209. Gibbs, George C., Attorney and Banker, 106 Broadway. P. M. St. Albans, 20; P. H. P. of Lafayette chap., Michigan. 22 326 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Gilbert, Philo B., Silver Spoons and Fork [Manufactory, 6 Liberty place. Metropolitan, 273. Gilbert, H. S. (M. D.), 206 East Twentieth st. National, 209. Gilbert, Win. W., Clerk, 245 Water st. Greenwich, 467. Gildersleeve, E., Bookkeeper, 182 East Twenty-third st. Acacia, 327. Gingi, Francis, Broker, 14 Merchants' Exchange. Gr. 90; Treas. La Fraternidad, 387. Gluck, Simon, Merchant Tailor, 232 Third av. Mount Moriah, 27. Godfrey, Wmi. A., Importer of Wines and Liquors, 34 Water st, W. M. and founder of Godfrey, 30; Ancient chap., 1. Godfrey, John A., Attorney and Counseller-at-law, 118 Nassau st. S. W. Godfrey, 30. Godwin, Daniel, Book and Job Printer, cor. Spruce and Nassau sts. S. W. Metropolitan, 273; Zetland chap., 141; Morton corn., 4; G. M. C. Lodge of Perfection; G. M. C. Princes of Jerusalem; Rose Croix chap.; G. S. B., Cosmopolitan consistory, 32d degree. Godley, Jonathan L., Butter Merchant, 339 and 340 Washington Market. Sylvan Grove, 275. Goetz, William, 18 Division st. Keystone, U. D. Goetz, Adolph, Atlantic Garden, 50 Bowery. Navigator, 232. Goodhue, Charles F., Clothier, 67 East Twenty-seventh st. Charter Oak, 249. Gorman, John J., Plumber and Metal Roofer, 617 Hudson st. V. M. Hope, 244 Metropolitan chap., 140; Adelphic coun., 7. Gorrman, Michael A., Printer, 22 Beekman st. Cyrus, 208. Gossert, Henry L., Dealer in Leaf Tobacco and Cigars, 157 Broadway. Eastern Star, 227. Gourlay, Stewart G.TB., Machinist, Allaire Iron Works. Colulmbian, U. D. Gore, James W., Franklin House, 52 Franklin st. George Washington, 285. Granela, Pedro N. de, 116 Eighth av. Independent, 185. Graham, Alex. L., Broker, 158 Chatham st. Eastern Star, 227. Gray, John H., Liverpool, New-York, & Philadelphia Steamship Co., 15 Broadway. Howard, 35; Zetland chap., 141; Lodge of Perfection, 1; Council of Princes of Jerusalem. Grant, Alex., Boiler Maker, 330 Tenth av. Corinthian, U. D. Gratacap, 1-. T., Fire Cap Manufacturer, 143 Grand st. Chancellor Walwor.h, 271. Green, John D. Sail Maker, 107 South st. P. M. Corner Stone, 367; Amity chap., 160; Morton cor., 4. Green, Jno, Upholsterer and Paper Hanger, 39 Third ave. Kane, 454. NE~W-YORK. 327 Green, John B., Grocer, 24 Carmine st. Mosaic, 418. Green, John E., 176 West Thirty-ninth st. Howard, 35; G. H. P. Lodge of Perfection; Rose Croix chap., 1. Green, John W., Physician, northwest cor. Seventh av. and Thirteenth st. Corinthian chap., 159; Palestine corn., 18. Gregory, Edwin A., Ship Smith, 436 Tenth st. Puritan, 339. Greenough, Chas. C., Engineer, Novelty Iron Works. Pacific, 233. Greis, Frederick, Cabinet Maker, 165 Attorney st. Zschokke, 202. Grimm, Frank, 50 Bowery. Garden City, 141, Chicago, Ill. Grinnell, B. F., Manufacturing Jeweller, 23 Maiden Lane. Howard, 35. Grosjean, Chas., Silversmith, 203 Centre st. New-York, 330. Grosvenor, Levi, Hotel-keeper, 395 Bowery. Mosaic, 418. Grossinger, Charles, Importer of Hungarian Wines, 170 Water st. Pythagoras, 86. Grossmayer, Nathan, Wholesale Clothier, 41 Dey st. Mount Neboh, 257. Grote, Charles G., Cloak and Mantillas, 300 Canal st. Enterprise, 48, J. C. Guerineau, Wm. S., Shoe Nail Manufacturer, 80 Avenue C. J. D. Puritan, 339. Gullich, Adam, Wine Merchant, 79 Bowery. Zschokke, 202. Gunther, C. Godfrey, Furs, 46 Maiden Lane. Kane, 454. Gurney, J., Photographist, 707 Broadway. Kane, 454. Gurney, Wm., Merchant, 79 Dey st. P. M. Continental, 287; Adelphic chap., 158; Adelphic coun., 7; Morton coin., 4. Habrich, J. J., Commission Merchant and Dealer in Diamonds, &c. 237 Broadway. Holland, 8. Hacker, Edward W., Printer, 22 Beekman st. Cyrus, 208. IHaenger, W., Baker, 405 Fourth av. Zerubbabel, 329. i Hagan, Edward, Butch6r, 274 West Washington Market. Lafay ette, 64. Hahn, William, Sole Leather and Calf Skins, 27 Ferry st. Pythagoras, 86. Haight, E. IK. Importer of Dry Goods and Jobber, 26 and 28 Park place. Prince of Orange, 16. Haines, P. S., Commission Merchant, 117 Warren st. S. D. Con tinental, 287. Hall, Wm. I-I., Produce Dealer, 82 West Washington Market. Star of Bethlehem, 322. Hall, James T., Pianofortes, Music, &c., 543 Brcadway. S, D. Kane, 454. Hall, Thos. G., Pianoforte Manufacturer, 311 to 315 Rivington st. Pacific, 233. 328 UNIVERSAL IMASONIC RECORD. Hall, Isaac, Ship Smith, 124 Broad st. Brooklyn, 288. Hall, John H., Paper Dealer, 110 and 112 Nassau st. Kane, 454. Hall, Francis A., Publisher Commercial Advertiser, 46 Pine st. Late of St. Nicholas, 321. Hall, Saml., Manufacturer of Iron Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Spars, &c., 129 West Tenth st. Hope, 244. Hale, Fred., Chemist, 46 Beekman st. Brooklyn, 288. Halpine, Chas. G., Secretary Post-Office, 32 Hammond st. Holland, 8. Hallock, Chas. S., Undertaker, 278 Eighth av. Chaplain Cyrus, 208. H-ambrecht, A., Atlantic Garden, 50 Bowery. Navigator, 232. Hamilton, Peter, Merchant Tailor, 8 Park place. Lexington, 310. Hamilton, J. R., Architect, 36 Wall st. Continental, 287. Architect of the Masonic Hall at Cincinnati. Handy, James, Painter, 54 Carmine st. Sec. Polar Star, 245. Hand, Joseph, Stevedore, 31 Old slip. Neptune, 317. Hannabergh, Alfred, Merchant Tailor, 285 Broadway. Montauk, 286. Hanson, Nicholas, Grocer, 82 Cherry st. S. D. Atlas, 316. Hansen, H. J., Ship and Steamer Chandler. Engineers' Exchange, 488 Cherry st., cor. Corlear. Munn, 190. Haniwell, Wm., Hatter, 11 Park Row. Crescent, 402. Happ, P., Clothier, 175 West Thirty-fifth st. Cyrus, 208. Hart, H. B., Importer, 9 Old slip. St. Nicholas, 321. Hart, O. H., Skirt Manufacturer, 2 Dey st. J. W. Naval, 69; P. S. Phoenix chap., 2; J. W. Palestine corn., 18; Walcot coun., R. and S., Hartford, Ct. Hart, James C., Sec. Delaware and Hudson Canal Co., 29 William st. W.M. Montauk, 286; Phoenix chap., 2; Adelphic coun., 7. Hart, E. B., Surveyor of the Port, 27 Pine st. P. M. Albion, 26. Hartman, C., Book Store, 47 Bowery. Navigator, 232. Harty, Win., Grocer, 76 Robinson st. United Brothers, 356. Hartwell, Wim. H-., Salesman, 288 Broadway. S. D. Benevolent, 28. Harrison, Wm. J., National Shades, 90 Ann st. Brooklyn, 288. Harison, Wm. B., Lawyer, 24 William st. Independent, 185. Harrison, Thos., Coppersmith and Manufacturer of steam and Water Furnaces, 260 West st. Polar Star, 245. Harreys, Chas. W., Painter, 11 Sheriff st. Excelsior, 195. Harvey, Joseph, Galvanizer, Twelfth st. near Tenth av. National, 209. Harmstad, James L., Sash, Blind; and Door Manufacturer, 208 and 210 West Thirty-seventh st. Templar, 203. Hardy, Wm. F., Rigger, Novelty Iron Works. Mount Moriah, 27. NEW-YORK. 32 Harper, E. K., Coal Merchant, 97 West Seventeenth st. St. John's, 191, Liverpool, England. Haslett, Wm. H., Grocer, 459 Eighth av. Hope, 244. Hasse, L. H., Apothecary, 40 Avenue A. German Union, 54. Hasseldick, H., Flour Dealer, 338 Washington st. cor. Harrison. Sec. Herman, 268. Hasper, F. Bruno, Printer, 29 North William st. Leopold Z. Treue Or;' Carlsruhe, Baden, Germany. Hatch, James L., Baggage Agent, New-York and Erie Railroad Co., foot of Duane st. Ind. Royal Arch, 2. Hatch, C. B., Mens' Furnishing Goods, 99 Chambers st. Howard, 35. Hatstat, Geo. W., Adams' Express, 59 Broadway. Ind. Royal Arch, 2. Haviland, John H., Salesman, 204 West Thirty-second st. Benevolent, 28. Hawley, Samuel R., Clerk, 65 Broadway. Arcana, 246. Hawley, John, 134 Suffolk st. P. M. and Treas. Piatt, 194. Hawthorn, Hamlet H., Clerk, 327 Eighth av. Mystic Tie, 272. Hays, Henry, Engraver, Genealogist, and Heraldic Artist, 649 and 651 Broadway. Eastern Star, 227. Hays, Edmund B. W. M. Keystone, U. D.; Deputy Grand Corn. Supreme coun. in and for the Sovereign and Independent State of NewYork; Grand Representative of the Supreme coun., in and for the Sovereign and Independent State of Louisiana; P. H. P. Orient chap., 138. Hayward, Joseph A., Blacksmith, Novelty Iron Works. Palestine, 204. Hayward, W. A., Manufacturer Masonic Jewels, Emblems, Marks, etc., 208 Broadway. What Cheer lodge; St. John's encpt., Providence, R. I. Haydock, G. S., Machinery in General, 172 Broadway, cor. Maiden Lane. Variek, 31, N. J. Healy, Owen, Liquors, 23 Cherry st. Mariners, 67. Healy, P., Bookkeeper, Gardner's Hotel, cor. Park Place and Broadway. Greenwich, 467. Hedden, Edward M., Poultry and Vegetables, Jefferson Mlarket. Hope, 244. Heine, Frederick, 528 Pearl st. Harmony, 199. Heine, Anton, Leather and Trimming Dealer, 73 Gold st. Pythagoras, 86. Heinrich, Ph., Type Founder, 43 Centre st. German Union, 54. Held, Max, Dry Goods, 196 Second st. Mount Neboh, 257. 330 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Henry, John, Butter Dealer, 210 Washington st. Sylvan Grove, 275. Ienry, J. Meech, Clerk, 32 Chambers st. Sec'y Manhattan, 62. Henderson, James, Carpenter, 230 West Eighteenth st. Eureka, 243. Hensley, Francis, Merchant, 287 Broadway. Lebanon, 191; Zerubbabel chap., 147. Heppenheimer, F., Lithographer and Printer, 22 North William st. Atlantic, 178. H-eft, Louis, Pastry Cook, Howard Hotel, 176 Broadway. Mount Moriah, 27. Heferan, Peter, 164 West Seventeenth st. Independent, 185. Herts, Henry B., Jr., Auctioneer, 51 Pine st. Strict Observance, 94. Hertz, B., Importer of Cornelian and Fancy Goods, 93 Duane st. S. W. King Solomon, 279. Hertz, Charles C., Dealer in Cigars, 142. Nassau st. Metropolitan, 273. Herrman, Gerson N., Cloths, Cassimeres, &c., 62 Church st. Empire City, 206. Hermann, William, Cambrinus Haus, 45 West Broadway. Navigator, 232. Hermann, Nathan, Importer of Produce, Fruits, &c., 137 Water st. S. D. King Solomon, 279. Herring, Robt., Butcher, 89 Eighth av. Atlas, 316. Hess, G., Manufacturer and Repairer of Jewelry, 13 Frankfort st. German Union, 54. H-esse, Fredk-, Butcher, cor. of Hudson and Horatio sts. Hope, 244; Metropolitan chap. 140. Hleubach, Victor, Importer of Fancy Goods, 51 and 53 Maiden Lane. Ind. Royal Arch, 2. HIeylgist, C., 336 Broadway. New-York, 330. Hicinbotham, David, Tin, Copper and -Sheet Iron Worker, 87 and 89 King st. John D. Willard, 250. H-icks, James M., Merchant, 68 South st. Holland, 8. Hicks, John H., Cartman, 280 Third st. Puritan, 339. Higgins, Daniel C., Sailmaker, 206 West st. Charter Oak, 249. Hilbert, John B., Butcher, 25 Clinton'Market, 358 Greenwich st. National, 209; Phoenix chap., 1. Hill, George. P. M. Silentia, 198. Hill, Joseph G., Merchant, 236 Fulton st. W. M. Sylvan Grove, 275. Hill, Turner F., Carriage Trimmer, 8 Christopher st. Lafayette, 64. Hillyer, John, Editor and Publisher, 120 John st. Anglo Sax. on. 137. NEW-YORK. 331 Hilton, John, Civil Engineer, New-York & Erie Railroad Company, foot of Duane st. P. M. Hiram, 17, Jersey City; H. P. Mount Vernon chap., Bergen, New-Jersey; C. G. Hugh de Payens corn., Jersey City. Hines, D. S., Engineer, 28 Broadway. J. W. Anglo Saxon, 137; Orient chap., 138; Adelphic coun., 7. Hock, John P., Provision Dealer, 27 and 29 Clinton Mlarket. Cyrus, 208. Hoexter, Jacob., M. D., 109 Avenue B, cor. 7th st. King Solomon, 279. Hoff, Daniel S., Merchant, 350 and 351 West Washington Market. Sylvan Grove, 275; Corinthian chap., 159; Palestine com., 18. Hoffman, Edward S., M. D., Fourth av. below 36th st. Ind. Royal Arch, 2. Hoffman, J. 0., 51 Broadway. Holland, 8; Jerusalem chap., 8. Holmes, Robert D., Counsellor-at-law, 7 Chambers st. W. M. Mystic Tie, 272; Metropolitan chap., 140. Holland Henry E., Second Engineer, Steamship Nashville. Greenpoint, 403. Holtz, Eric, Currier, 5 Jacob st. Mariners, 67. Hornberger, M., Fancy Goods, 369 Grand st. King Solomon, 369. Honigsberger, D., Cloths aild Cassimeres, 45 Vesey st. Mount Neboh, 257. Hopkins, L. H., Ship Stores, 215 West st. Lebanon, 191. Hood, James, Chief Engineer Steamship Nashville. Puritan, 339. -Iorwitz, William (M. D.), 29 Amity st. MIystic Tie, 272. House, Anson, 79 Spring st. Keystone, U. D.; Orient chap. Housner, Wm. H., Sash, Blind, and Doors, 117 West Eleventh st. P. M. Hope, 244. Houghton, Elijah A., Merchant, 27 South st. Montauk, 286. Houghton, Edwin, Mahogany Dealer, 90 Walker st. Putnam, 338; Amity chap., 160. Houghton, F. W., Bookkeeper, 90 Walker st. J. W. Putnam, 338; K. Amity chap., 160; W. Palestine corn., 18. Hovey, Francis, Manufacturer of Letter-Copying Presses, Empire Works, foot East Twenty-fourth st. Acacia, 327. Howes, William, 451 Broadway. Crescent, 402. Howells, H. C., 120 Duane st. S. D. Mariners, 67. Howes, B. F., Bookkeeper, 16 South st. Commonwealth, 409, Hubbel, Charles C., Liquors, &c, 226 Fulton st. Sylvan Grove, 275. IHughes, John H., Merchant Tailor, 117 Avenue D. Green Point, 403. 332 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Hughes, Win., Salesman, 29 and 31 Park place. Corinthian, U. D. Hughes, Joseph, Chairmaker, 470 Grand st. Greenwich, 467. Hults, Abram S., Third av., betw. Eighty-third and Eighty-fourth sts. Mosaic, 418. Hunter, William. J., Coach and Saddlers' Hardware, 254 Pearl st, Formerly Holland, 8; Zetland chap., 141. Hunter, George A., Clothing, Wholesale and Retail, 290 and 292 Bowery. J. W. Washington, 21; Ancient chap., 1. Hunter, O. E., Blacksmith, Sixth Av. R. R. Depot, cor. Forty-fourth st. and Sixth av. Fort Edward lodge, Washington co., N. Y. Hunting, Richard, Sewing Machines, 505 Broadway. Harmony, 42; P. H. P. Eureka chap., 22; P. T. I., G. M. Waterbury coun., 20, all of Waterbury, Conn. Hund, John F., Cigar-box Maker, 16 Jackson st. Mariners', 67. Hurst; Lewis, Lawyer and Commissioner of Deeds, 3 John st. W. M. Central, 361. Hutchinson, James, Currier and Leather Dealer, 5 Jacob st. Hyatt, 205. Huxthal, Benj., 118 and 120 Duane st. Holland, 8. Hyatt, Eugene, Lawyer, 6 Wall st. Joppa, 201; Brooklyn chap.. 148. Hyams, Davis, Merchant Tailor, 304 Greenwich st. Benevolent, 28. Hyde, Andrew K., N. Y. Post-Office. Columbian, U. D. Hyde, Joseph, cor. Essex and Grand. Columbian, U. D. Hyde, M. W., Mercantile Bank. Hyatt, 205. Immich, Henry, Cabinet Maker, 47 and 49 Elizabeth st. Zschokke, 202. Irwin, Alexander, Upholsterer, 129 Avenue D. Polar Star. 24-. Ireland, John H., Star Hotel, 60 and 62 Lispenard st. Sylvan Grove, 275. Isidor, S., Clerk, 50 Broadway. J. D. Empire City, 206. Jacobs, Lionel, 331 Broadway. P. M. and Sec. City, 408; Orient chap., 138. Jacobs, Ernst, Naval Store Broker, 83 Wall st. Pythagoras, 86. Jacobus, Julius, Wholesale Clothier, 101 William st. P.. Adelphi, 23. Jackson, A., Broker, 158 Chatham st. Eastern Star, 227. Jacoby, Christian, Brass Finisher, 305 Tenth av. Harmony, 199. Jacobus, Wm. W., Hardware, 324 Ninth av. Hope, 244. Jagels, J. H., Fancy Dry Goods, 156 Spring st. J. W. United Brothers, 356. Jardines, P., 54 Exchange place. Eureka, 243; Phoenix chap., 2. Jarboe, Varnon, 113 Broadway. Sec. Empire City, 206. NEW-YORK. 333 Jarvis, WVilliam, 121 Second st. Mosaic, 418. Jarvis, Charles A., Broker, 58 Wall s, St. Nicholas, 321. Jarvis, Jonathan, Ship Joiner, 203 Lewis st. P. M. and Treas. Mount Moriah, 27; P. H. P. and Treas. Ancient chap., I P. T. I. Columbian coun., 1; P. T. I. Grand Coun., State of N. Y.; P. G. C. and Treas. Columbian corn., 1. Jefferys, R. G., Machinist and Manufacturer of Rose Engines, Lathes, Tools, Ruling and Braiding Machines, &c., 181 Broadway. YewTree, 461. Jennings, Joseph J., Wheelwright, 179 Eldridge st. Keystone, U. D. Jenkins, E. J., Handkerchiefs, 32 Vesey st. St. Nicholas, 321. Jeroliman, H, 25 Nassau st. J. W. St. Nicholas, 321. Jewell, Aaron C., Grocer, 87 Morton st. W. M. Charter Oak, 249. Jimeson, Joseph H., Produce Dealer, 213 and 214 Washington Market. National, 209. Johnson, William A., Produce Dealer, 16 Vandam st. Sylvan Grove, 275. Johnson, John J., Dining Saloon, 104 Vesey st. Atlas, 316. Johnson, John J., Butcher, 211 Washington Market. Worth, 210. Johnson, E. S., Gold Pens and Pencil Cases, 15 MIaiden Lane. S. D. Enterprise, 48, Jersey City. Johnson, Christopher, Carpenter, cor. Bleecker and Mercer sts. John D. Willard, 250. Johnston, Thos. A., Produce Dealer, 213 and 214 West Washington Market. National, 209. Johnston, Thomas, R. R. Agent, 176 Thompson st. Pacific, 233. Johnston, John, Coal Merchant, 65 Bayard st. Adelphia, 23. Johnston, Robert J., Printer, 21 Spruce st. J. D. Continental, 287. Jones, Seaman, Painter, 126 Third av. Polar Star, 245. Joseph, Ellis, Wholesale Clothing, 37 Dey st. P. M. Adelphia, 23; Ancient chap., 1. Joseph, Myer, Clothier, 121 Chathamn st. Adelphia, 23. Josephie, A., 79 William st. Atlas, 316. Joyce, James F., Wholesale and Retail Grocer, 81 Catharine st. Charter Oak, 249. Judson, Warren M., 150 Delancy st. John D. Willard, 250. Judge, Thomas, Oyster Saloon, 231 Eighth av. Lafayette, 64. Kauth, Peter, Flour Merchant, 303 Washington,t. Trinity, 12. Kayser, M., Importer of Fancy Goods, 9 Maiden Lane. Empire City, 206. Kay, Wm. J., Clockmaker, 555 Second av. J. D. Daskam, 86, Glastonbury, Conn. 334 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Kearney, Edward, 8 and 10 Catharine Market. Charter Oak, 249. Kelley, P., cor. Houston and Bowery. Montgomery, 16. Kelly, M. J., Marble Manufacturer and Dealer. 486 and 488 Canal st. S. D. Eureka, 243. Kempton, John, Grocer, 1092 Broadway. Crescent, 402; Metropolitan chap., 140. Kendall, James WV., Dry Goods, 42 Park place. St. Nicholas, 321. Kentish, Charles A., Inspector U. S. Revenue, 120 Leroy st. Sec. Mystic Tie, 272. Kennedy, Samuel L., Salesman, 23 and 25 Park place. Cassia, 445. Kerr, WilliamM, M-ariner, Steamship Karnak, 125 Green st. Prince of Orange, 16. Ketcham, J., Printer, 55 Liberty st. Howard, 35. Keyser, John, 43 Washington Market. Eureka, 243; Phoenix chap., 2. Keyser, John, Builder, 94 Troy st. Hope, 244. Kiffe, Ferdinand, Merchant, 112 Greenwich st. German Union, 54. King, Silas H., Dealer in Vegetables, 140 Washington Market. Commonwealth, 409. King, Vincent C., Knickerbocker Plaster Mill, 509 and 510 West st. Crescent, 402. King, Samuel M., Straw Hat Presser, 345 Third av. Eastern Star, 227. King, C., Custom-House Broker, 5 Broad st. Anglo Saxon, 137; Orient chap., 138. Kind, A., Hotel Keeper, 69 Ludlow st. Amity, 323. Kinney, Joseph A., Bookkeeper, 74 Murray st. Crescent, 402. Kirby, Caleb, Cigar Box Maker, 9 Baxter st. Atlantic, 178. Knapp, F. W., 23 and 25 Park Place. Hiram, 17, Jersey City. Koch, J. C., Blank Book Manufacturer and Printer, 116 Fulton st. Pythagoras, 86. Kohlhoff, Henry, Bi-ding and Feather Store, 483 Greenwich st. near Canal st. German Union, 54. Kornahrens, Herman, Dealer in Woodenware, 108 Murray st. P. M. United Brothers, 356. Kornahrens, George Ch., Confectioner, 558 Hudson st. United Brothers, 356. Koster, Chas., Liquors, 2 Broome st. Herman, 268. Kramer, Wm., Atlantic Garden, 50 Bowery. Navigator, 232. Kraushaar, H., Wholesale Clothing, 101 William st. Mount Neboh, 257. Kreischer, Belthasar, Fire Brick Manufacturer, 58 Goerck st. P. M, Trinity, 12. NEW-YORK. 335 Kuhn, Geo. J., Tobacconist, 314 Eighth av. Eastern Star, 227. Kuhne, Frederick, 28 Broad st. Holland, 8. Kukuck, N. B. St. John's, 1; H. P. Zetland chap., 141; Adelphic coun., 7; Morton cor., 4. Kursheedt, Alex., Lawyer, 140 Broadway. St. Ni cholas, 321. La Bau, J. H., Storage, 20 West st., and 138 and 140 Liberty st. W. M. Amity, 323. Lacklin, C. C., House and Sign Painter, 454 Hudson st. Eureka, 243. Laderer, W., Jackson Hotel, 73 Ludlow st. Mount Neboh, 257. Laird, Moses M., IFifth Ward Hotel, 127 Franklin st., cor. West Broadway. Eureka, 243. Lane, Geo. D., Salesman, 23 and 25 Park Place. Compass, 9, Wallingford, Ct. Lane, Joel, Looking Glasses and Picture Frames, 7 Sixth av. Crescent, 402; Metropolitan chap., 140. Lane, Geo. W., Builder, 113 Broadway. National, 209. Lankton, Henry K., Lankton's Hotel, 285 Spring st. John D. Willard, 250. Lauder, A. A., Clerk, 29 and 31 Park Place. Acacia, 327. Larremore, R. L., Lawyer, 5 Beekman st. Puritan, 339. Lathrop, Chhs. D., Salesman, 23 and 25 Park Place. St. John's, 1, Newark, N. J. Lauterbach, Michael, 115 Norfolk st. National. 209. Lawrence, Geo. A., Books, 51 and 53 John st. Ocean, 156. Lawrence, Thos., Hotel, 12 Greenwich av. Cyrus, 208. Lawrence, Luther S., Banker, 164 Nassau st. Metropolitan, 273. Lawrie, Peter W., Butcher, 5 and 6 Washington Market. Lafayette, 64; Adelphic chap., 158. Lawton, Geo. B., Feed and I-Hay, 32 Charles st. Benevolent, 28. Law, Robt. J., Mason, Builder, and Real Estate Agent, 305 Third st. Puritan, 339. Leask, Henry G., Hats and Furs, cor. Pearl and Chatham sts. Adelphia, 23. Leeds, D. W., Merchant, 119 Maiden Lane. Sec. Arcana, 246; Adelphic chap., 158. Leek, James B., Live Poultry, 14 Fulton Market. Commonwealth, 409. Lefferts, John A., Merchant, 90 and 92 Beekman st. W.M. Greenwich, 467; Orient chap., 138; Palestine cor., 18. Leggett, F. A., Hotel and Restaurant, 42 Chatham st. Lafayette, 64 336 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Leggtt, Saml., Empire Works, foot of East Twenty-fourth st. Acacia, 327; Jerusalem chap., 8. Lehritter, John, Wine Merchant, 187 West Thirty-eighth st. Zschokke, 202. Lehman, Henry, Porter House, 71 Rutgers Slip. Charter Oak, 249. Lechler, A. A., Office of "Universal Masonic Record," 424 Broadway. Eastern Star, 186; Columbia chap., 91, Pa. Lemon, John D., Manufacturer of Jewelry, 79 Elizabeth st. Sylvan Grove, 275; Corinthian chap., 159. Lemon, Samuel, Engineer, Hoboken Ferry. Chancellor Walworth, 271. Lenox, Wim., Liquors, 429 Grand st. Independent, 185. Leon, Morris J., Wholesale Clothing, 199 and 201 Broadway. P. M. Adelphia, 23; Ancient chap., 1. Lewis, C. W., I-Iouse, Sign and Fresco Painter, 171 -Iudson st. Mystic Tie, 272. Lewis, Geo. T. I., 331 Grand st. Sec. Doric, 280; Recorder Hugh De Payens corn., J. C. Lewis, Jay S., Dry Goods, 122 and 124 Duane st. National, 209. Levy, Abram G., M. D., Amateur L. L. L. Miscellany and Monthly Recorder, 73 Nassau st. Lodge of Antiquity; P. M. Zaradatha lodge; Adelphic chap., 158; Adelphic coun., 7; Morton com., 4. Leweck, Gustavus, Regalia Maker, 283 Grand st. Doric, 280. Libby, Ira A., Libby House, 58 Warren st. Prince of Orange, 16. Libman, L., Wholesale Fancy and Dry Goods, 108 Bowery. Mount Neboh, 257. Lichtestein, Abraham, Tobacconist, 209 Delancy st. Mariner, 67. Lichtenstein, J., Commission Merchant, 75 Third st. Benevolent, 28. Lidgerwood, WYm. V., 15 Pearl st. Adelphic, 348. Lightbody, John G., Printing Ink Manufacturer, 24 Beekman st. Cyrus, 208. Lighte, Ferdinand C., Piano Forte Maanufacturer, 421 Broome st. German Union, 54. Lindahl, E. P., Hotel Keeper, 98 Oliver st. United Brothers, 356. Lingard, James W., Proprietor of New Bowery Theatre. Lafayette, 64. Lincke. Charles, Blacksmith, Allaire Iron Works. Independent, 185. Linindoll, Stephen, Policeman, cor. Forty-fourth st. and Sixth av. Mount I-lope, 260, Fort Ann, New-York. Lippman, Meyer, Dry Goods, 17 Carmine st. cor. Bleecker. King Solomon, 279. Lippmann, L., Merchant, 5 Cedar st. Empire City, 206. SEW-YORKI 337 Lithauer, Leopold, Merchant, 174 Fulton st. Varick, 31; H. P. Enterprise, chap.; Adelphic coun; Hugh De Payens, corn., Jersey City. Littlefield, E., Express Forwarder, 72 Broadway. P. M. Enterprise, 228; Metropolitan chap., 140; Morton corn., 4. Lockwood, Robert M., Washington Mlarket. Manhattan, 62; Orient chap., 138; Morton cor., 4. Lockwood, A. W., Wooden Ware, 25 Fulton st. Anglo Saxon, 137. Loeckle, Charles, Seal Engraver, 261 Broadway. Pacific, 233. Lohman, Herman, Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer, 514 Water st. Herman, 268. Long, Thos. C., News Agent, 21 and 23 Ann st. Excelsior, 195. Loomis, Alfred L, M. D., 172 West Twenty-third st. Templar, 203. Longett, A., Agricultural Instruments, 34 Cliff st. Acacia, 327. Lorenz, L., Commission, Forwarding and Passage Business, 93 Greenwich st. Pythagoras, 86C Love, Richard, Mach-inist, 165 Third av. Chancellor Walworth, 271. Lovelock, Jonathan, Cook, 24 West st. Neptune, 317; Zerubbabel chap., 329. Lowrie, Samuel, Saddle and Harness Maker, 932 Broadway. Lafayette, 64. Luckey, Charles N., Publisher of the Amateur L. L. L. Miscellany and Monthly Recorder, Job Printer, 73 Nassau st. Antiquity, 11. Ludewig, John F.. Wines and Liquors, 621 HIudson st. I-lope, 244. Luhrs, Harmon D., Liquor Merchant, 212 Fulton st. United Brothers', 356. Lundy, Azel, Commission Merchant, 409 West Washington Market. Sylvan Grove, 275; M. of 1st Veil; Corinthian chap., 159; Warder Palestine corn., 18. Lutz, Albert, Machinist, 458 Broadway.! Greenwich, 467. Lyman, Erastus, Pres. Knickerbocker Life Ins., 17 William st. St. Nicholas, 321. Lyon, John A., Steamer Broadway. Stony Point, 313. Lyon, W. G., Pocket Books, Bankers' Cases, Fancy Goods, &c., 24 Maiden Lane. Metropolitan, 273. Lyons, Chas. H., Letter Carrier, Fifty-Third st., near Second av. Chancellor Walworth, 271. Lyon, Reuben, Jewelry, 66 Chatham st. City, 408. Lyon, Robt. S., Fancy Goods, 29 and 31. Park place. Acacia, 327. Mackay, Alex. J., 142 West st. Columbian, U. D. Maclay, Moses B., Lawyer, 51 Liberty st. Holland, 8. Madison, Edw. H. B., Gunsmith and Machinist, 78 Grand st Eastern Star, 227. 338 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Madrigal, Antonio D. Gr., 21; G. S. of the G. L. of St. Domxingo Cuna de America, 2; Or. of St. Domingo. Magner, I., Clothing, 148 Greenwich st. Worth, 210. Maine, Peter, Printer, 22 Beekman st. Worth, 210. Main, S. A., Dentist, 32 Bond st. Adelphic, 348. Mlajor, R., Lithographer, 449 Broadway. Kane, 454. Malcolm, James, 142. Mulberry st. Crescent, 402. Maleton, Martin, Pastry Cook, 39 Park row. Mount Moriah, 27. Manson. Wnm., Liquors, 256 Spring, st. Eureka, 243. Manner, G. C., Pianoforte Manufacturer, 311 and 315 Rivington st. Pacific, 233; Adelphic chap., 158. Marmont, Joseph, Hotel-keeper, 134 and 136 Canal st. La Sincerite, 373. Martin, James, United States Revenue Inspector, 81 Mott st. Darcy, 187. Martin, Winm. S., Carriage Maker, 108 Tentlh av. Lafayette, 64. Marsh, Chas., M. D., 206 Cherry st. Charter Oak, 249. Marsh, Joseph C., Wholesale Druggist, 150 Greenwich st. Kane, 454. Marcus, Tobias, 235 First av. Corner Stone, 367. Marcus, H. M., Oil Merchant, 16 Broadway. St. Nicholas, 321. Marsden, Joseph, Hardware, 120 John st. Anglo-Saxon, 137. Marvin, Walter T., Flour and Grain, 31 Front st. W. M. Piatt, 194; Adelphic chap., 158; Adelphic coun., 7; Morton corn., 4. Marrener, Edw., Stove Dealer, 225 Third av. Amity, 323. Martinez, Justo P., Merchant, 410 Broadway. City, 408. Marx Louis, Jobber of Fancy and Millinery Goods, 78 Chambers st. Mount Neboh, 257. Mason, W. J., Painter, 95 Broad st. S. W. Commonwealth, 409. Mather, John G., Carpet Dealer, 76 Henry st. Keystone, U. D. Mathews, C. S., Proprietor of Westchester House, cor. Bowery and Broome st. Amity, 323. Mathews, Alex., Liquor Merchant, 369 South st. Amity, 323. Mattfeld, Brune, Butcher, 102 Third av. Pacific, 233. Matthews, Wim., Bookbinder, 107 Franklin st. Montauk, 286. Maurer, Henry, Fire Brick Manufacturer, 48 Goerck st. Trinity, 12. Mawbey, Geo., Division Armory, cor. Elm and White st. NewYork, 330. lMayher, Geo. W., Agricultural Implements, 197 Water st. AngloSaxon, 137. Mayer, Vincent, Lithograiher, 96 Fulton, cor. William st. Sec. Pythagoras, 86. NEW-YORK. 339 Mayer, Wn., Mlillinery Goods, 95 Duane st. King Solomon, 279. Mayer, Joseph, Cigar and Tobacco Dealer, 36 Avenue C. John Hancock, 70, Maynard, Arba K., Judge Marine Court. Metropolitan, 273. Maxwell, James A., Clothing, 194 to 198 Chatham square. Atlantic, 178. Mecabe, John H., Butter Merchant, 210 Washington st. Sylvan Grove, 275. Mecabe, Charles P., Dealer in Butter and Cheese, 345 and 346 Washington Market. Varick, 31, Jersey City. Meeker, W. R., Oyster Barge 10, foot Spring st. Hiram, 17, Jersey City. Meefus, Peter W., Coppersmith and?Plumber, 231 West st. Benevolent, 28.; Mleeteer, James H., Bookkeeper, 288 Broadway. Concord, 50. Meigs, Chas., Superintendent Station D, Branch Post-Office, 12 Bible House. Eastern Star, 227. Melbourne, William, Mason House, cor. Forty- fourth st. and Sixth. av. Cyrus, 208. Melrose, Thomas, Machinist, 11 Sheriff st. Lafayette, 64. Melendy, George B., City Surveyor, 3 Tryon Row. St. John's, 1. Mendum, George E., Wine Merchant, 88 and 90 Cedar st. W. M. Neptune, 317; Corinthian chap., 159. Mearns, John T., Steam Laundry, 61 Rose st. Treas. Greenpoint, 403. Merschott, J., Tailor, 1 Morris st. Ocean, 156. Merrifield, Truman, Stoves, 230 Water st. Joppa, 201. Merkle, Philip, U. S. Examiner of Drugs, &c., 393 Grand st. W. M. Zschokke, 202; Metropolitan chap., 140; Palestine corn., 18. Metzler, H. F., Carver and Manufacturer of Children's Carriages, Cabs, &c., 191 Lewis st. Puritan, 339. Metzler, Joseph, Restaurant, 3 Cedar st. J. D. Mount Neboh, 257. Meyers, Frederick, Tinsmith, Hudson River R. R. Car Shop, foot of West Thirty-first st. Worth, 210. Meyers, F., Grocer, 224 Washington st. S. W. United Brothers, 356. Meyer, Herman, Importer and.Manufacturer of Sewing-Silks, 78 Duane st. Empire City, 206. Mickle, Geo. B., Merchant, 36 Broadway. John D. Willard, 250. Milnor, 7Wm. H. (M. D.) P. G. M., 32d degree. Miller, Lewis, Grocer, Eighth av., cor. Twenty-third st. Zerubbabe], 329. Miller, Robert S., Mantillas, 183 Greenwich st. Hiram, 17. 340 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Miller, John A., Carpenter and Builder, 187 West Fifteenth st. Independent, 185. Miller, Jacob H., Lumber Dealer, 675 Eighth st. Puritan, 339. Miller, Jacob F., Butcher, 104 Washington Market. Lafayette, 64. Mills, Alexander, Bookkeeper, 292 Broadway. Arcana, 246. Millemann, Dibold, Provisions, 7 Worth st. Abram's, 20. Milliken, H.. C., Engineer Hudson River R. R. Machine Shop, foot of West Thirty-first st. S. W. Cyrus, 208. Millward, Joseph, Silk Manufacturer, 403 and 405 Eighth av. Pyramid, U. D. Millward, James, Jr., New-York Moulding Planing Mill, 202 to 210 West Thirty-seventh st. Hope, 244. Millard, Royal G., Merchant, 89 Barclay st. P. M. Sylvan Grove, 275; H. P. Corinthian chap., 159; R. Ill. M., Adelphic coun., 7; Grand Treas. Grand Coun.; Morton com., 4; G. H. P. coun. Princes of Jerusalem; 32d degree Ancient and Accepted Rite. Miner, Theodore, Lock Manufacturer, 132 Mercer st. W. M. York, 197; Corinthian chap., 159. Mir, Jose. La Fraternidad, 387. Mitchell, George G., Shipping Agent, 40 South st. Sec. Charter Oak, 249. Mittnacht, George M., Manufacturer of Fire and Burglar-Proof Safes, 16 and 18 Spring st. Trinity, 12. Moeschen, Christian, 470 Pearl st. Phoenix chap., 2; W. M. Navigator, 232. Moll, John D., China, Glass, and Earthenware, 351 Grand st. Charter Oak, 249. Molina, Juan, Merchant, 170 Water st. Eureka, 243. Moore, Richard R., Shipsmith, 258 South st. Marsh, 188; De Witt Clinton chap., 142. Moore, Abraham, 412 Sixth av. Cyrus, 208. Moore, J. W., 29 and 31 Sixth st. Colurbian, U. D.; Orient chap. Mooyer, J. B., 125 Pearl st. La Fraternidad, 387. Moon, John, Painter, 179 Lewis st. Lebanon, 191; P. H. P. Zerubbabel chap., 147; Morton corn., 4. Moriarty, Albert P., Coach and Ornamental Painter, 575 Hudson st. P. M. Hope, 244; W. M. Concord, 50; P. K. Metropolitan chap., 140; Adelphic coun., 7; Morton com., 4; N. Y. Lodge of Perfection, S. P. R. S. Sub. Consistory. Morrison, Jonathan, Lamps, 257 Pearl st. Joppa, 201. Morris, L. J., Commission Merchant, 215 Fulton st. Sylvan Grove, 275. Morse, Hiram, Paper Warehouse, 208 Fulton st. J. W. Benevo lent, 28. NEW-YORK. 341 Morley, Wm. T., House, Sign-.and Ornamental Painter, 6 Ridge st. Puritan 339Morje, Anton, Fancy Goods, 154 Chambers st. King Solomon, 279. Morlath, Jacob, Wine Merchant, 23 Elizabeth st. Zschokke, 202. Morton, Edward 11., United States Clerk's Office, 39 and 41 Chambers st. Hoboken, 35. Mott, Jordan L., Jr., Iron Founder and Stove Manufacturer, 264 and 266 Water st. Arcana, 246. Mountain, John J., Bookseller, 51 and 53 John st. Central, 361. Mowatt, James, Engineer, 73 Cannon st. V. M. Silentia, 198; Zerubbabel chap., 147; Adelphic coun., 7. Muller, W. J., Bookkeeper, 231 Broadway. Strict Observance, 94. Mulligan, James, Blacksmith and Horseshoer, 125 Grand st. W. M. Montgomery, 68; Jerusalem chap., 8. Mulligan, Francis, Moulder, 106 Avenue D. Sec. Silentia, 198. Munson, Joseph, Wines and Liquors, 204 South street. Charter Oak, 249. Murphy, Daniel, 22 Cherry street. Independent, 185; Oriental Chap., 138. Murdock, John D., Inspector of Customs, 340 Eighth st. Polar Star, 345. Murray, James J., Fancy Goods, 55 Maiden Lane. Anglo-Saxon, 137. Murray, James, Sewing Machines, 143 Eldridge st. Eureka, 243. Myer, John D., Mineral Water Manufacturer, 94 and 96 Thompson st. WV. M. Herman, 268. McClenachan, Charles T., Clerk Board of Councilmen, 5 City Hall. Howard, 35; T. P. G. M. Lodge of Perfection; S. P. G. M. of Grand Council of Princes of Jerusalem; Rose Croix chap., 1, of Zeal and Constancy, 1st Lieut. Corn. Sov. Cosmopolitan Consistory, 32d deg. McBride, Matthew, 221 Thompson st. Pacific, 233. McCluskey, George, Hair Seating and Curled Hair, 44 Walker st. Arc turus, 274. McCrossan, Hugh, Jobber Dry Goods, 90 Chambers st. Howard, 35. McCaffil, William, Tobacconist and Cigar Dealer, 51 Bowery. S. D. Eastern Star, 227. McCann, John, Straw Hat Presser, 130 East Fortieth st. Eastern Star, 227. McCutcheon, Wm., Baker, 537 Greenwich st. Concord, 50. McDougall, Alex., Liquors and Groceries, 34 Old slip. Eureka, 243; Phoenix chap., 2. McDonough, John, Liquor Dealer, 90 Fourth av. George Washington, 285. 23 342 UNIVERSAL MSONIC RECORD. McDermott, Peter, Inspector of Customs, 107 Mott st. Benevolent, 8. McAusland, James, Upholsterer, 199 Sixth av. Crescent, 402. McFarland, J., Clothing Manufacturer, 350 Eighth av. S. D. Templar, 203; Metropolitan chap., 140. McFail, Andrew, Policeman, 11th Precinct. Chancellor Walworth, 271. McGuire, James, Baker, 7 Oak st. Acacia, 327. McGarren, Alexander H.; Exchange Broker, 72 West Broadway. City, 408. McGovern, Philip, 434 Ninth av. Zerubbabel, 329. McIntyre, J. S., Deputy Superintendent Sixth Av. R. R. Company, Forty-third st. and Sixth av. Benevolent, 28. McKee, E. J., Awning Maker, 156 Chatham st. Puritan, 339. McKee, John D., Inspector of Customs, 128 West Nineteenth st. Amity, 323. McKnight, Thos., 26 Bleecker st. Pacific, 233. McKeon, A. B. M., Merchant, 3 Barclay st. Amity, 323; Scribe Zetland chap., 141; P. C. of the Adelphic coun.; Generalissimo, Miortonl corn., 4. McKelrie, P. S., Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, 84 Cedar st. Enterprise, 48, Jersey City. McLennan, Alex., Machinist, Hudson River Railroad Machine Shop, foot West Thirty-first st. Columbian, U. D. McLean, Andrew, Wood, Brass Cock, and Pump Manufacturer, 387;Bowery. Zerubbabel, 329. McLellan, David, Lithographer, 26 Spruce st. P. M. Eastern Star, 227. McMullen, Lewis, U. S. Appraisers' Department, 12 Broad st. S. W. Anglo-Saxon, 137; Orient chap., 138. McManus, M., Confectionery and Ice Cream Saloon, 245 Eighth av. De Molay enept.; Morton com. 4; Jerusalem Lodge of Perfection, 33;,Colu mbian, U. D. McNeven, John, Shirt Manufacturer, 97 William street. Corner Stone, 367. McNiece, James, Stoves, &c., 210 Water st. Piatt, 194; Zetland chap., 141. McPhelan, Edward, 206 Madison st. Godfrey, 30. Nathan, Benjamin, Exchange Broker, 1140 Greenwich st. Arcturus, 274. Napier, Win. S., Fruit and Oyster Dealer, Washington Market, 247 Fulton st. Atlas, 316. Neff, Frederick, Merchant, 36 New st. Pythagoras, 86. NEW-YORK. 343 Nesseler, Joseph, A., Notary Public, 6 Centre st. Secretary Navigator, 232. Nevin, David J., Coal, Wholesale, 11 Pine st. J. D. St. Nicholas, 3 1. Newkirk, John P., Grocer, 257 Washington st. and 95 Murray st. Bergen, 47, Bergen, New Jersey. Newman, Alex. F., Hardware, 1024 and 1032 Broadway. Kane, 454. Nelson, Henry A., Sail Maker, 77 Rutgers st. S. W. Manhattan, U. D. Newton, Charles F., Manufacturer Gold Pens and Pencil Cases, 1 Maiden Lane. W. M. Metropolitan, 273; P. H. P. Metropolitan chap.,. 140; P. G. Morton com., 4; G. Treas. Lodge of Perfection, Coun. of Princes of Jerusalem, and Rose Croix chap.; Val. Min. of State Cosmopolitan Consistory, 32d degree. Nicholl, Geo. R., Accountant, 79 Dey st. W. M. Excelsior, 195. Nicholson, John, Metal Roofer, 56 Horatio st. Metropolitan, 273. Nidds, Wm., Cooper, 187 Pearl cor. Cedar st. Charter Oak, 249. Nicholson, Thos., Book Gilder, 200 Mulberry st. Cyrus, 208. Niebuhr, John, 121 Pearl st. German Union, 54. Nixon, John, Clerk, 32 and 34 Vesey st Neptune, 317. Northrup, Calvin M., Lawyer, 14 Wall st. J. W. Montauk, 286; Phoenix chap., 2; Palestine com., 18. Nunan, M., Bookseller, 100 Nassau st. Greenwich, 467. O'Brien, Wrm. K., Looking Glasses and Picture Frames, 77 Third av. cor. Twelfth st. Kane, 454. Offerman, Henry, Wholesale Grocer, 240 Washington st. Hermann, 368; K. T. O'Grady, P., Stevens' House, on the European Plan, 25 Broadway. Kane, 454. Oliver, Richard, Manufacturing Jeweller, 35 John st. Joppa, 201; Zetland chap., 141. Oliver; James W., Livery Stables, 208 West Twenty-seventh st. Hiram, 449. Olmsted, Elijah, Blacksmith, Alaire Iron Works. Independent, 185. Orr, John, Carpenter, 51 Grand st. City, 408. Orr, J. W., Engraver on Wood and Printer, 75 and 77 Nassau st. Varick, 31, Jersey City. Osborne, Geo. N., Merchant, 43 Broadway. Arcana, 246. Osmers, John, Grocer, 119i Green st. United Brothers, 356. Ostrander, W. A. L., Agent, New-York Steam Brewery, 38 and 40 Carmine st. and 17 Downing st. New-York, 330. Ottarson, Franklin J., Editor, 168 East Twenty-first st. New-York, 330; Brooklyn chap., 148; Friendship com., 27. 344 LNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Ottiwell, John D., Hot Air Furnaces, 189 Third av, Cyrus, 208. Outwater, J. D. C., Coal, 322 Eighth av. St. Nicholas, 321. Outerbridge, Thos. T., Bookkeeper, 50 Beekman St. Anglo-Saxon, 137; H. P. Orient chap., 138; Palestine conm., 18; Adelphic coun., 7. Paisley, John, 87 Thirty-third st. Keystone, U. D.; Orient chap., 138. Palmer, James H., Carriage and Wagon Maker, 13 Downing st. Mosaic, 418. Palmer, Wim. F., Cooper, 17 Peck Slip. Marsh, 188; De Witt Clinton chap., 142. Palacio, Jose Ma., 111 McDougal st. Gr. 18, S. P. R. t; J. W. La Fraternidad, 387. Pangborn, John W., Fancy Goods Dealer, 3 Barclay st. Amity, 323. Parkin, William, B., Druggist, 471 Eighth av. cor. Thirty-fifth st. Cyrus, 208. Parkin, Wm., Blank Books, Stationer and Printer, 200 Bowery. National, 209. Parkinson, Wm. B., Coach Builder, 137 and 139 West Nineteenth st. Lafayette, 64. Patten, Win., Proprietor Patten's Hotel, 281 Greenwich st. Putnam, 338. Pearson, Merrick, 377 and 379 Pearl st. Keystone, U. D. Peacock, Joseph S., American and Scotch Pig Iron, 66 South st. S. W. United States, 207. Peace, Harvey XV., Grinder and Polisher, cor. Hester and Centre sts. Yew Tree, 461. Peek, William T., Merchant, 98 John st. Commonwealth, 409. Peixotto, M. J. M., Druggist, 266 Grand and 207 Division sts. Neptune, 317. Pentland, James IVI., Dealer in Fruit and Vegetables, 140 Washington Market. Commonwealth, 409. Pert, Luther B., Counsellor-at-law. 62 Wall st. W. M. Adelphic, 348; Adelphic chap., 158; Adelphic coun., 7. Persons, Charles A., Rigger and Stevedore, 31 Old slip. Orient chap., 138; Palestine cor., 18. Peters, G. W., 243 Eighth av. Hiram, 449; Metropolitan chap., 140. Peterson, Geo. F., Carpet Dealer, 162 West Thirty-eighth st. Benevolent, 28. Phillips, T., 83 Eighth av. Montgomery, 19, Philadelphia, Pa. Phillips, John, Merchant, 61 Broadway. S. W. Arcana, 246; Adelphic chap., 158. NEW-YORK. 345 Phillips, John H., Salesman, 91 and. 93 Chambers st. Adelphic, 348. Phillips, Henry F., Accountant, 16 Norfolk st. W. M. Chancellor Walworth, 271; King Corinthian chap., 159; Captain General Palestine con., 18. Phillips, Jos. A. St. Nicholas, 321. Philips, Edward, Jr., Plumber and Gas Fitter, 116 East Broadway. Crescent, 402. Phelps, C. H., Jeweller and Watch Maker, 193 Sixth av. Silentia 198; Corinthian chap., 159. Pier, A. H., Brass Moulder, Allaire Iron Works. Chancellor Walworth, 271. Pike, S. M.. Masonic Books, Printing and Publishing, 19 Ann st. Mosaic, 418. Pindar, Morgan, Builder, 165 West Thirty-third st. Hiraln, 449. Pinckney, Benjamin F., Wholesale Paints, &c., 118 Fulton st. Crescent, 402; Metropolitan chap., 140. Pinckney, Walter S., Clerk, 32 Chambers st. W. M. Putnam, 338; Amity chap., 160. Pitcher, G. W., Manufacturer Lockets and Jewelry, Room 1, 212 Broadway. St. John's, 2, Providence, R. I. Pitt, Thos., Gas Fitter, 550 Broadway. Naval, 69. Plummer, John L., Importer of Woollen Goods, 23 and.25 Warren st. Prince of Orange, 16. Post, John, A., Carpenter, 191 West Twenty-sixth st. Cyrus, 208. Posner, Isaac, Hats and Furs, 449 Canal st. Naval, 69. Pourtier, M., Dentist, 349 Canal st. La. C. Am. Cos., 410. Powell, A. P. J., Commission Merchant, 90 Warren st. J. W. Metropolitan, 273; Zetland chap., 141. Poznanski, B., Manufacturer of Shirts, Collars, etc., 5 IMurray st. Godfrey, 30. Pozo, Bernabe del, Merchant, 218 West Thirty-fifth st. Founder of La Fraternidad, 387; Gr. 18, S. P. R. t. Prankard, Wm., Hair Dressing Saloon, Rainbow Hotel, 31 Beekman st. W. M. Palestine, 204. Prager, W., Jeweller, 92( Chatham st. Mount Neboh, 256. Pratt, Joseph, 296 Washington Market. Atlas, 316. Pratt, Theophitus, Skirt Spring Manufacturer, cor. Twenty-second st. and Second av. P, M. Puritan, 339; K. Zerubbabel chap., 147; Adelphic coun., 7; Morton com., 4. Preston, J. T., 22 Beekman st, Cyrus, 208. Prentiss, John, 93 Reade st. Howard, 35. 346 UNIVERSATL MASONIC RECORD. Presby, W. H., Salesman, 288 Broadway. Lexington, 310. Pringle, James, Tailor and Draper, cor. Hudson and Troy sts. Treas. Crescent, 402; Treas. Metropolitan chap., 140; Adelphic coun. Price, Benjamin, Cooper, 95 Broad st. P. M. Commonwealth, 409; Brooklyn chap., 148. Price, Wim., Carpenter, 414 Third av. Templar, 203. Pritchard, Robt., Commission Merchant, 109 John st. Cassia, 445. Pritchard, Philip, Commission Merchant, 49 Beaver st. W. M. Arcana, 246; Adelphic chap., 158; Adelphic coun., 7; P. G. R. and P. G. T. of the Grand Council, R. and S. N. Morton cor., 4. Proudfoot, Alex., House, Sign, and Decorative Painter, 546 Pearl st. W. M. Atlas, 316, and P. M.. York, 197. Purdy, Israel C., Beef, 407 and 408 Washington Market. Atlas, 316. Pyke, Ceorge, Importer, 33 Spring st. Independent, 185. Quail, Wm., 159 East Ninteenth st. Sec. of Keystone, U. D. Queen, J. St. C., Millstones, 4 Broadway. Manhattan, 62. Quick, J. R., Sash Maker, 424 and 426 Tenth st. Polar Star, 245. Quick, Thos. H., Engineer Sugar Refinery, 118 King st., residence 107 Charlton st. Treas. National, 209. Quin, WMm., Butcher, 236 Washington Market. Atlas, 316. Quintard, Geo. W., Morgan Iron Works. Polar Star, 245, RullmAn, L. E nil, Box Keeper, Academy of Music, 193 Grand st. New-York, 330. Rundell, Philips A., Clerk, 227 West Fourteenth st, Amity, 323. Runk, WTilliam, Odd Fellows Assembly Rooms, 274 Grand st. Zschokke, 202. Russak, Benj., Hats and Furs, cor. Twenty-second st. and Eighth av. Cyrus, 208. Rusher, Sam., Stoves, 78 Front st."cor. Old slip. Comminnwealth, 409. Rushin, M., Merchant Tailor, 500 Broome st. cor. Lawrence. Mount Neboh, 257. Rush, John, Jr., Cartman, 19 Jane st. W. M. I ndependent, 185. Russell, Henry G., Merchant, 77 Pearl st. Holland, 8. Russell, Alex., Inspector United States Revenue, 281 Greenwich st. Hudson,]7; Hudson chap., 6. Ruthers, Herman, Grocer, 164 Spring st. Eureka, 243. Ryan, P., Steward Steamship Nashville. Neptune, 317. Ryerson, Wm. T., Clerk, 13 Beekman st. Adelphic, 348; Adelphic chap, 158; Adelphic coun., 7; MIorton corn., 4. Ryerson, Edwin W., Clerk, 65 Broadway, Adelphi s, 348; Adelphic chap., 158; Adelphic coun., 7; Morton cor., 4. NEW-YORK. 347 Rynders, Tsaiah, United States Marshal, 39 and 41 Chambers st. W. M. Strict Observance, 94. Radway, John, Jr., Manufacturing Chemist and Proprietor of R. R. R. Remedies, 23 John st. Sylvan Grove, 275; Phoenix chap., 2; Palestine corn., 18.';-. Ramsey, John M., Silk and Dress Goods, 311 Broadway. Howard, 35. Ransom, Wmr. H., Tobacco and Cigars, 124 Broadway. S. W. National, 209. Rapallo, Chas. A., Lawyer, 65 Wall st. Holland, 8. Ran, Max L., 54 Broadway, Empire City, 206. Raven, A. A, 33 West Twelfth st. Benevolent, 28; Phoenix chap., 2. Rawlins, G. E., Steel Agent, 235 Pearl st. cor. John. AngloSaxon, 137. Raymond, George, Grain Dealer, foot North Moore st. Washington 21; Ancient chap., 1. Raymond, Geo. H., Accountant, 110 Avenue C. W. M. Puritan, 339; A. G. L. First Judicial District State of N. Y. Reaney, E. T., Mill Superintendent, 244 Clinton st. Mosiac, 418. Reed, William F., Book-keeper, 166 Fulton st. Crescent, 402. Reed, Alfred, Cabinet Furniture Manufacturer, 53 Bowery. Crescent, 402. Reed, C. C., Varnish Manufacturer, 181 and 183 Chatham square. Crescent, 402; De Witt Clinton chap., 142. Reed, James A., M. D., Dentist, 188 Third av. P. M. Washington, 21; P. H. P. Ancient chap., 1; E. P. Columbian corn., 1; Columbian coun., 1. Rees, WVm. H., Bookbinder, 8 Spruce st. S. W. Cassia, 445. Re:s, Herman, Watchmaker and Jeweler, 171 Houston st. John Hancock, 70. Reeves, Theodore, Livery Stable-keeper, 14 East Nineteenth st. Sylvan Grove, 275; Ancient chap., 1. Reeves, A. M., Dry Goods. Metropolitan, 273. Reinshagen, C., Cabinet Maker, 14 Charlton st. Harmony, 199. Reis, M. B. da funha, 183 West Thirty-Second st. Gr. 32d S. P. R. S. La Fraternidad, 387. Relyea, P., Undertaker, 3 Willett st. Palestine, 204. Repper, Fred., Liquors, cor. Ridge and Houston sts. Herman, 268. Reynolds, Lewis, Boots and Shoes, 332 Grand st. Lebanon, 191. Rhoads, Benj. T., Machinist, 67 Avenue D. P. M. Silentia, 198. Riblet, Geo. W., Third District Police Court, 264 Fifth st. Polar Star, 245. 348 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Richards, John P., Belmont Hotel, 133 to 137 Fulton st. Excelsior, 195. Richardson, E. W., Cutter, 389 Hudson. Charter Oak, 249. Richter, Spencer A., Varnishes and Japans, 205 East Twenty-fifth st. and 53 Gold st. Acacia, 327. Richmond, George, Importer of Laces and Embroideries, 587 Broadway. Arcturus, 274. Rickard, R. H., Mining Engineer, 21 Nassau st. Anglo-Saxon, 137. Riehl, George, Boot Maker, 139 Spring st. Concord, 50. Riley, John H., Restaurant, 115 John st. Enterprise, 48, J. City. Riley, Jas. N. Y. P. 0. Keystone, U. D. Rink, Peter A. John D. Willard, 250; Corinthian chap., 159. Ripley, Wm., Surrogate's Office, 20 Suffolk st. Lebanon, 191. Ritchie, A., 512 Greenwich st. S. D, Corinthian, U. D. Ritterman, Israel, Pawnbroker, 23 Eighth av. Godfrey, 30. Roach, David, Police Officer, 198 West Twenty-sixth st. Cyrus, 208. Roberts, E. A. L., Dentist, 56 Bond st. Crescent, 402. Roberts, John, Blacksmith, Allaire Iron Works. Marsh, 188. Roberts, Julius D., Merchant, 87 Warren st. Arcana, 246. Roberts, John P., Straw Goods, 340 Broadway. W. M. Prince of Orange, 16. Robertson, James, Plumber, 226 South st. Zerubbabel, 329. Robinson, Wm., Great Western Hotel, 160 Chambers st. J. W. Arcturas, 274. Rockwell, John L., Sewing Machines, 274 Canal st. Naval, 69. Rockwell, John A., Dry Goods, 38 Murray st. Lebanon, 191. Rogers, Geo., Plumber, 2 Ninth st. Sec. Corinthian, U. D. Rogers, Henry J., Accountant, 32 Cortlandt st. Sec. Arcturus, 274. Rogers, H. C., 23 and 24 Fulton Fish Market. Joppa, 201. Rollwagen, Frederick, Jr., 15 and 16 Catharine Market. Charter Oak, 249. Romaine, W. I-., Wholesale Shoe Manufacturer, 98 Bowery. Puritan, 339. Romaine, R. A., Carpenter and Builder, 160 West Twenty-eighth st., near Eighth ave. Treas. Cyrus, 208; Adelphic chap., 158. Roome, Geo. W., Keeper City Hall. Albion, 26. Root, Dennis F., Inspector of Customs, 1'3 West Forty-third st. Benevolent, 28. Rose, Isaac A., Blacksmith, Hudson River Railroad Blacksmiths' Shop, 307 Tenth av. Naval, 69. Ross, Geo,, News Agent, 121 Nassau st. Lafayette, 64, NEW-YORK. 349 Ross, R., Jr., Real Estate, 48 Eighth av. Hope, 244. Ross, Robt., Engineer, 62 and 64 Gold st. Joppa, 201. Rosenthal, Joseph, Importer of Flowers, 89 Chambers st. Mount Neboh, 257. Rosenstein, J., Dress Trimmings for Ladies, 74 Chambers st. Mount Neboh, 257. Rosenbaun, J. F., Stationer, cor. Broadway and Barclay st. J. W. Empire City, 206. Rosevelt, Marcus, Merchant, 22 South st. Anglo-Saxon, 137. Rosentreter, Wm., Grocer, 567 Greenwich st. United rothers, 356. Rosbotham, James, Fruit Dealer, 240 and 241 Washington Maarket. W. M. National, 209; Phoenix chap., 2; Palestine com., 18. A Rothe, Jacques, Cafe de Paris, 421 Broadway. La Sincerite, 373; Lodge of Perfection, 1. Saddington, Geo., Bookkeeper, 303 Eist Tenth st. Eastern Star, 227. Sage, L. H., 97 Wall st. Montauk, 286. Samter, Marx, Clothing Store, 319 Eighth av. Port Jervis, 328. Sammis, Richard H., Furniture, 47 and 49 Elizabeth st. S. WV. Washington, 21; Ancient chap., 1. Sanderson, Wm., Hardware, 7 Gold st. Anglo-Saxon, 137. Sanderson, Geo., Merchant, 269 Pearl st. Cassia, 445. Sands, John G., Brewer, 221 Tenth av. Cyrus, 208. Sands, Austin L., Jr., M. D., 30 Lafayette Place. Kane, 454. Salter, William H., Clothier and Merchant Tailor, 345 Eighth av. Cyrus, 208. Savoy, J., 38 Broadway. Metropolitan, 273. Sawyer, B. A., Clerk, 180 Chambers st. Orient, 62, Hartford, Connecticut. Sawyer, Wimund B., Stone Cntter, 156 Perry st. Lexington, 310. Schaffer, Carsten, Brewer, 230 Washington st. United Brothers, 856. Schaeffer, Geo. A., 196 Chatham square. Continental, 287. Schaefer, Geo., Brewery, 91 Seventh av. Silentia, 198. Scharmann, Frederick, Bookkeeper, 217 to 223 East Thirteenth st. Zschokke, 202. Schanck, E. C., Produce Commission Dealer, 139 West st. Sylvan Grove, 275. Schede, H. S., Restaurant, 92 Fulton st. Eastern Star, 227. Schenck, Franklin S., Provisions, 111 Murray, cor. West st. Adelphic, 348. Schiele, Lewis, Importer of Corsets, Skirts, etc., 119 Chambers st. King Solomon, 279. 350 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Schilling, A., Manufacturer Pulverized Coal for Rectifying, Founcry, and Chemical Purposes, 158 Third st. P. M. Trinity, 12.' Scofield, Wm. R., Merchant, 62 John st. St. John's, 1. Schlussel, Nathan, Importer and Jobber in Dry and Fancy Goods, 44 Dey st. J. W. King Solomon, 279. Schlichting, Edward, Gilt Mouldings and Mirrors, 53 Beekman st. Franklin, 447. Schloss, Wnm., WVines, Liquors, and Cigars, 2 Avenue B. Worth, 210. Schmidt, Herman, Merchant, 317 West Washington Miarket. German Union, 54. Schmidt, Guido, Merchant, 67 Chatham st. G-erman Union, 54. Schneider, John, Cider and Vinegar Dealer, 91 Barclay st. United Brothers, 356. Schneider, Jacob, Eleventh Ward House, 249 Third st. Silentia, 198. Schortemeyer, Louis, Grocer, 4 Sixth av. Washington, 21. Scholey, Charles, Ice Alerchant, 106 and 108 Seventh av. P. M. Prince of Orange, 16; P H. P. Phoenix chap., 2. Scott, J. L., Travelling Agent. Eastern Star, 227. Scott, Wm. H1., Jr., Merchant, 292 Broadway. Varick, 31, Jersey City, N. J. Scott, Win. J., Bookkeeper, Del. and Hud. Canal Company, 29 William st. S. W. Montauk, 286; S. Phoenix chap., 2; Adelphic coun., 7; Pa lestine comn., 18. Scovill, Thos. L., Merchant, 36 Park Row. Adelphic, 348. Schweich, Henry, M. D., 279 Tenth st. W.. KMing Solomon's, 279. Schwartzwaelder, William, Furniture, 9 East Broadway. Charter Oak, 249. Sears, J. Newton, 118 and 120 Duane st. Holland, 8. Seebacher, Jacob, Cigars, 175 Delaney st. Worth, 210. Seeley, N., Clerk, 32 Burling slip. Amity, 323; Amity chap., 160. Siebert, John M., Merchant, 3i0 West Washington Market. Sylvan Grove, 275. Selig, A., Clerk, 50 Broadway. S. W. Empire City, 203. Serrell, Alfred T., New-York Moulding, and Planing Mill, 202 to 210 West Thirty-seventh st. Hope, 244. Seymour, Harry, Costumer and Regalia Manufacturer, 152 Canal st. Amity, 323; Phoenix chap., 2; Adelphic coun., 7; Palestine com., 18. Shaw, Win., Hatter, 194 West Twenty-seventh st. Concord, 50. Shadbolt, Alfred W., Jr., Wheelwright and Blacksmith, 122 Norfolk st. S. W. Puritan, 339. NEW-YORK. 351 Shattuck, Warrell, Oil Merchant, 56 Pine st. St. John's, Prov. RI. Adelphic chap.. 158; Adelphic coun., 7; Capt. Gen. Morton corn., 4. Shearman, Henry, Manufacturer, 84, 86 and 88 Jane st. J. W. Cassia, 445. Sheville, John, Silver Forks and Spoons, 8 Liberty place. S. D. Metropolitan, 273; H. P. Metropolitan chap., 140; Adelphic coun., 7; Prelate Palestine corn., 18; G. O. Lodge of Perfection, J. W. Princes of Jerusalem, 32d deg., G. E. Sherron, John O., Carman, 300 West Seventeenth st. Templar, 203. Sheldon, H. B., 96 Warren st. Metropolitan, 273. Sheldon, Dewitt C., Liquors, 204 Bleecker st. Hope, 244. Shelley, John S., Yankee Notions, 122'and 124 Duane st. Cassia, 445. Sherman, Geo. M., Proprietor Florence Hotel, 400 Broadway. Treas. City, 408. Shields, George, Poultry and Gaane Dealer, 212 and 213 West Washington Market. Sylvan Grove, 275; Corinthian chap., 159. Shipsey, Jacob, Broker, 153 Chatham st. Mount Moriah, 27; Ancient chap., 1. Shields, Owen, Hair Dresser, 677k Fourth st. Puritan, 339. Shlossheimer, Pawnbroker, 195 Houston st. John Hancock, 70. Shove, Josiah, Accountant, 31 Nassau st. Sec. Adelphic, 348; H. P. Adelphic chap., 158; T. J. M. Adelphic coun,, 7; Pec. Morton corn., 4. Shove, Wm. B. P. M. Greenwich, 467; Adelphic chap., 158; Adelphic coun., 7. Shutz, Chas., Butcher, 162 Spring st. M. C. National, 209. Shumway, Wn. H., Clerk, 3 Bowling Green. Concord, 50. Sickles, Daniel, Editor Masonic Chronicle. P. M. Mosaic, 418; P. H. P. Zerubbabel chap., 138; P. J. G. W. Recorder of Palestine cor., 18; Grand Lodge of Perfection, V. G. M. of E. of Grand Council of Princes of Jerusalem. Sieghortner, Augustus L., Restaurant, 120 Pearl st. Star of Bethlehem, 322. Sigler, Horace V., Looking-glass and Picture Frames, 421 East Twenty-third st., and 215 Centre st. Treas. Mystic Tie, 272. Silvey, James, Captain of Police, 1st Precinct. Lafayette, 64; Zetand chap., 141. Silberhorn, A., Boot and Shoes, 400 Tenth st. Worth, 210. Silver, Abraham P., Engineer Sectional dock, East River, 205 Monroe st. S. W. Mystic Tie, 272; Corinthian chap., 159. Simpson, Wm., Broker, West Farms, Westchester Co. Simons, John W., 30 Chatham st. D. G. M. G. L. of N. Y.; P. G. M. G. E.; K.T. of N.Y. Simons, George E. Doric, 280, Grand Secretary's Office 352 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Simmons, Henry F., Grocer, 257 Washington st. and 95 Murray st. Continental, 287. Simpson, William, Chemist and Druggist, 272 Eighth av. Manhattan, 62. Sinsheimer, Joseph, 31 Cedar st. Empire City, 206. Singleton, Robert, Watchmaker, 200 Third av. Excelsior, 195; Zerubbabel chap., 147. Sloat, James F., Boiler Maker, 100 Washington st. Chancellor Walworth, 271. Slote, Henry L., Stationer, 93 Fulton st. Continental, 287. Small, Jacob M., Hairdresser, 236 Greenwich st. Chancellor Walworth, 271. Smeeton, Wm. B., Printer, 22 Beekman st. Cyrus, 208. Smith, Alex. M. C., Leather Hose and Belting, 232 West st. Eureka, 243. Smith, Chas. HIenry, Lawyer, 74 Wall st. New-York, 330. Smith, Edward, Bookkeeper, 16 South st. Commonwealth, 409. Smith, Edwin, Civil Engineer and City Surveyor, 3 Tryon Row. St. John's, 1; Zetland chap., 141. Smith, G. B., Importer of Liquors, 191 West st. Sylvan Grove, 275; Corinthian chap., 159. Smith, J. Trumbull, Saddlery, 342 and 344 Broadway. Marshal Metropolitan, 273; Lodge of Perfection; Grand Council Princes of Jerusalem; Rose Croix chap. of Zeal and Constancy; Cosmopolitan Consistory, of 32d degree; Zetland chap., 141. Smith, J. Marston, Ship Joiner, 203 Lewis st. Polar Star, 245; Ancient chap., 1. Smith, John T., Fish and Oyster Dealer, 732 Sixth av. P. M. Ocean, 156. Smith, John, Marine Editor, 162 Pearl st. Central, 361. Smith, M. V. B., Leather Merchant, corner Spruce and William sts. Adelphic, 348. Smith, Thomas H., Straw Hat Manufacturer, 162 East Fortieth st. W. M. Eastern Star, 227. Smith, Orlando P., Gutta Percha Manufacturing Co., cor. Twenty-fifth st. and Tenth av. Hope, 244. Smith, Philip F., Lawyer, 69 Wall st. German Union, 54. Smith, Robert L., Clothier, 122, 138, and 140 Fulton st. Hiram, 17; Enterprise chap., 2, Jersey City. Smith, Walter M., Dry Goods, 49 Chambers st. Metropolitan, 273; Zetland chap., 141. Smith, 5Wm. O., Car Maker, Hudson River R. R. Car Shop, foot of NEW-YORKE 353 West Thirty-first st. St. John's, 6, Norwalk, Conn.; Washington chap., 24. Smith, Wm. H., Merchant, 234 Fulton st., and 335 West Washington Market. Sylvan Grove, 275. Smith, William, Straw Hat Presser, 692 Third av. J. D. Eastern Star, 227. Snedeker, L., Bookseller, and Publisher of Masonic Books, 3 Park Row. Progressive, 354; De Witt Clinton chap., 142. Soher, Joseph, Salesman Fancy Goods, 174 West Twenty-fourth st. Corner Stone, 367. Sommers, Thomas S., Counseller-at-law, 43 Wall st. (Jauncey court.) W. M. Kane, 454; P. M. Arcturus, 274; Adelphic coun., 7; First President of the Mias. Board of Relief of New-York and Brooklyn. Sommers, Isaac, Restaurant, 99 William st. J. W. Mount Neboh, 257. Sommers, J. B. Y., Lawyer. P. N/. Adelphic, 348; H. P. Metropolitan chap., 140; Pres. Morton com. 4; M. P. G. M. R. and S. Masters. Sowans, James, 489 Washington st. John D. Willard, 250. Sparks, Jared, Lawyer, 52 John st. P. M. Hyatt, 205. Spaffard, Charles H., Ship Chandlery, 307 West st. Charter Oak, 249. Sparks, William, Machinist and Engineer, 106 Avenue D. Polar Star, 245. Sperry, T. S., Tower Clock Maker, cor. Broadway and Broome st. Central, 361. Spencer, Chas. E., Clerk, 120 Chambers st. Cyrus, 208. Spear, Henry, Printer and Stationer, &c., 133 Pearl and 86 Beaver st. St. Nicholas, 321. Spiegel, August, Beer Brewer, 9 Elizabeth st. Navigator, 232. Sproul, Edwin R., Builder, 125 Norfolk st. Chan. Walworth, 271. Squires, Selah, Lawyer, 10 Wall st. Arcana, 246; Corinthian chap., 159. Stadler, I-enry, Wine Merchant, 97 Mercer st. Zschokke, 202. Staiger, Chas., Milk Dealer, 13 Duane st. Zschokke, 202. Stapells, Richd., Hair Dresser, 27 Maiden Lane. John D. Willard, 250. Starritt, William, Butcher, 217 Washington Market. Naval, 69. Staudinger, Rudolph, Confectioner, 118 Broadway. John D. Willard, 250. Steel, James, Baker, 111 Cherry st. Charter Oak, 249. Steel, William, Mariner Steamship Karnak. Prince of Orange, 16. Stewart, Joseph D., Painter, 107 Green st. W. M. Acacia, 327. Stewart, Thos. E., Lawyer, St. Denis Hotel. Kane, 454. Steiner, Saml., Leather Dealer, 367 Pearl st. Sylvan Grove, 275. 354 UNIVERSAL MASSONIC RECORD. Steuerwald, Francis, Proprietor of the Webster House, cor. Tenth av. and Thirty-first st. Naval, 69. Stevens, Louis W., Guns and Pistols, 203 Broadway. Continental, 287. S;evens, Asa, Jr., Provisions, 78 Wooster st. Continental, 287. Steers, James R., Shipbuilder, 274 Seventh st. Polar Star, 245; Zerubbabel chap., 147; Morton coin., 4. Stebbins, Samuel, Pianoforte Action Maker, 14 and 16 Amity place. Ocean, 156. Stegner, Christian, 492 Broome st. Harmony, 199. Stocking, Wm. M., Pilot Boat, No. 2, 125 Roosevelt st. Munn, 190. Stocker, Fred., Book-keeper, 50 Murray st. German Union, 54. Stockwell, John C., Paper Dealer, 25'Ann st. Arcana, 246. Stockdieck, Frederick, Groceries and Liquors, 406 West st. Washington, 21. Stone, Geo., Plasterer, 463 Ninth av. Corinthian, U. D. Stout, A. V., Banker, Shoe and Leather Bank. Holland, 8. Straiton, John, Importer, 101 Pearl st. and 64 Stone st. St. Nicholas, 321. Strouse, Joseph, Manufacturer Patent Yoke Skirts, 121 Liberty st. Mount Neboh, 257. Strong, S. J. P. O. St. Nicholas, 321. Strohmeier, Augt., Baker, 138 Liberty st. United Bros., 356. St. Remy, H. De, Importer of Ostrich Feathers, 38 Lispenard st. La Sincerite, 373; Sincerite chap., 2. Street, F. S., 22 Beekman st. Cyrus, 208. Struthers, James, Potatoes, 142 Washington Market. Mystic Tie, 272. Stucke, John Francis, Saddle and Harness Maker, 7 and 9 Jackson st. United Bros., 356. Sturges, James H., Broker, 5 Bowery. Amity, 323. Suckley, John H., Shipping and Commission Merchant, 56 South st. Hoboken, 35. Surek, C., Wholesale Grocer Merchant, 240 Washington st. Hermann, 268; I. T. Sussfeld, Lewis, Importer of Watch Materials and Spectacles, 71 Nassau st. Empire City, 206. Suss, Daniel, Cutter, 502 Eighth av. Naval, 69; Metropolitan chap., 140. Swan, J. S., Leather Merchant, 38 Spruce st. S. D. Joppa, 201. Swansboro, Wi., Grocer, 26 Pearl st. Adelphic, 348; Adelphic chap., 158. NEW-YORK. 355 Swartz, Saml. C., AMelodeons, 204 East Twentieth st. Atlantic, 178; Jerusalem chap., 8; Cour de Lion corn., 23. Sykes, John, Jr., Importer of Cloths, 198 Fulton st. AngloSaxon, 137. Sylvester, Wim. F., Boots and Shoes, 327 Eighth av. Sec. Naval, 69. Tallmadge, H. E., Grain and Feed, 269 Cherry st. Piatt, 194. Tartter, Jacob, Wine Merchant and Importer, 51 Franklin st. La Sincerite, 373; Sincerite chap., 2. Tatten, John W., Butcher, 9 Washington Market. Abram's, 20. Taulman, W. W., Railroad Supply Agency, 7'South William st. M. C. St. Nicholas, 321. Taussig, Gabriel, Rectifier, 9 Delancy st. Mount Moriah, 27. Taylor, Chas., Broker, 181 Bowery. Tecumseh, K. T. Taylor, Douglas, Printer, 179 West Thirty-seventh st. NewYork, 330. Taylor, Edward, Plumber, 514 Hudson st. Worth. 210. Taylor, Fredk., Clark's Hotel, 29 Jay st. Sylvan Grove, 275. Taylor, James M., 30 Seventh st. Amity, 323. Taylor, Jeremiah, Coal, 300 Eighth av. City, 408. Taylor, Joseph B., Brewer, 356 Greenwich st. Eureka, 243. Taylor, Thos. B., Butcher, 475 and 476 Washington Market. Lafayette, 64; Adelphic chap., 158. Thienen, Chas., Bookkeeper, 62 Broadway. Cassia, 443. Thomas, Augustus L., Clerk, 13 Beekman st. Adelphic, 348. Thomas, James, Chemist, 196 West Thirty-ninth st. P. M. Mariners, 95, Bristol, England. Thomas, T. Fredk., Merchant, 129 Pearl st. Worth, 210. Thomas, Robt. Wines and Liquors, 240 South st. Charter Oak, 249. Thomas, Solomon, Steam Tug Boats, 39 South st. Charter Oak, 249. Thomas, Wim. N., Ornamental Draftsman and Decorator, 57 White st. Eureka, 243. Thompson, Robt., Machinist, 66 Grove st. John D. Willard, 250. Thompson, A. N., Merchant, 221 and 223 Fulton st. Chancellor Walworth, 271; Metropolitan chap., 140; Palestine com., 18.. Thompson, R. B., Stoves, 218 Water st. Joppa, 201. Thorp, Theodore W., Coach, Sign and Fire Engine Painter, 13 Downing st. Ocean, 156. Thorne, E. E., China, Glassand Earthenware, 76 Warren st. J. W. Prince of Orange, 16. Thorp, A. I., Hotel, 754 Broadway. Kane, 454. Thorick, Carsten, Grocer, 273 Mulberry st. United Brothers', 356. 356 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD,.Thoubboron, James, Fancy ShowCard Printer, 26 Cedar st. AngloSaxon, 137. Thrall, W. H., Cooper, 64 Rutgers' Slip. Piatt, 194. Thrall, John, Grocer, 191 Chambers st. Benevolent, 28. Thurston, A. Henry, Physician, 75 Madison av. S. D. Independent Royal Arch, 2. Ten Eyck, Andrew, 111 Broadway. St. Nicholas, 321, Templar, William, Cigar Manufacturer, 76 Carmine st. Eureka, 243. Tetens, Louis, 32 Rector st. Independent, 185. Tighe, James M., Bookkeeper, 106 Broadway. Sec. Kane. 454. Tillotson, L. G., Superintendent New-York and Erie Railroad Company's Telegraph Office foot of Dnane st. Sylvan Grove, 275. Finnerty, Patrick, Machinist and Engineer, 3 Bowling Green, George Washington, 285. Tunison, James F., Academy of Music. New-York, 330. Titus, Henry B., 50 Cliff st. Anglo-Saxon, 137. Tooker, R. A., Seventh av. cor. Forty-seventh st. Kane, 454. Tooker, James B., Stationer, 18 Beekman st. Commonwealth, 409; Phoenix chap., 2; Palestine com., 18. Tollner, Charles, Hardware, 209 Bowery. W. M. German Union, 54. Tomaselli, Francis, Hair Dresser, 76 Walker st. City, 408. Tompkins, Thos., Cigar Dealer, 102 Ninth av. Templar, 203. Townes, Geo. E., Third Av. Railroad, 69 Montgomery st. Chancellor Walworth, 271; Corinthian chap., 159. Town, B. F., Sail Maker, 91 West st. King Solomon, Troy, N. Y. Apollo chap. d Traugott, Charles S., Grocer, 258 Ninth av.' Washington, 21. Traphagen, James D., Ale Agency, 199 Chambers st. Atlantic, 178; Zetland chap., 141; Morton cor., 4. Triner, Joseph, Painter, 672 Greenwich st. Worth, 210. Troell, William, Druggist, 66 Avenue C. King Solomon, 279. Trundy, A. S., Sailmaker, 29 Coenties Slip. Commonwealth, 409. Truesdell, Samuel, Paint and Color Manufacturer, 242 Canal st. Sec. Howard, 35. Tucker, James, Importer of Flowers and Feathers, 361 Broadway. Benevolent, 28. Turnbull, Thos. R., Book and Job Printer, 29 Ann st. W. M. Arcturus, 274; Zetland chap., 141. Twiggs, Henry L., 292 Broadway. Aurora, 50, Rockland, Me. Underhill, J. S., Steam Engine and Boiler Bailder, 435 Tenth st. Polar Star, 245. NEW-YORK. 357 Underwood, WVm. J., 24 Old slip. Piatt, 194. Underwood. George W., Commission Merchant, 161 Pearl st. Mosiac, 418. Ulman, Isaac, Salesman, 32 and 34 Vesey st. Atlantic, 178. Unkart, Edward, Merchant, 49 Liberty st. P. M. Pythagoras, 86. Uria, Antonia. La Fraternidad, 387. Valentine, Washington, Dealer in Vegetables, 69, 70, and 79 Washington Market. Lafayette, 64. Valiente, Manuel, Lawyer. La Fraternidad, 387. Vanderlieth, John H., Machinist, Allaire Iron Works. P. AM. Ind. Royal Arch, 2. Vandyke, M. M., Hotel Keeper, 21, 23, and, 25 Catharine slip. Charter Oak, 249. Vanderoef, E. L., 186 Washington Market. Atlas, 316. Vandervoort, Benj., Fruit Dealer, 135 and 136 Washington Market. National, 209. Vanname, William, Restaurant, 216 Broadway. Charter Oak, 249. Van Alst, M. I., Wine Merchant, 15 Wall st. Neptune, 317. Van Antwerp, Wm. L., Gents' Furnishing Goods, 99 Chambers st. Howard, 35. Van Alen, Gilbert R., Cor. and Produce Merchant, 37 Pearl st. Crescent, 402. Van Brakle, C. H., Shipping and Corn. Merchant. K. T. Watertown, 49; R. A. chap., 59; encpt., 11,. G. Van Deusen, J. B., Ship Builder, Eighteenth st., East River. Puritan, 339; Zerubbabel chap., 147; Morton corn., 4; Adelphic coun., 7. Van Glahn, Peter H., Grocer, 56 Frankfort st. Silentia, 198. Van Houten, R., Restaurant, 109 Eighth av. Hope, 244. Van Houten, P. S., Auctioneer. P. M. Independent Royal Arch, 2; P. H. P. and Sec. Zetland chap., 141; Columbian coun., 1; Columbian corn., 1. Van Valkenburgh, R., Manufacturer of Gold Pens and Pencils,. 6 John st. Joppa, 201. Van Vliek, George, Bookkeeper, 471 West st. Empire City, 206. Veit, Sigmund, Importer of Watch Materials, 49 Nassau. st. King Solomon, 279. Velsor, Joseph A., Clerk, 98 John st. Commonwealth, 409. Viemeister, C. A., 33 Roosevelt st. Herman, 268. Vining, I-arrison S., 31 Old slip. Ancient Landmark, 17, Portland, Me. Vreeland, Abm., Carpenter and Builder, 50 Horatio'st. Hope, 244. Worden, George P., Proprietor of Worden House, cor. Bowery and Bayard st. New-York, 330 24 358 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Wade, James, Restaurant, 65 Ludlow st. Charter Oak, 249; Adelphic chap., 158. Wagner, William, Importer of Toys, &c., 442 Maiden Lane. German Union, 54. Wagstaff, David, Merchant, 78 Cortlandt st. Adelphic, 348; Adelphic chap. 158; Adelphic coun., 7; Morton com., 4. Wainwright, Thlomars S., Clerk, Sanitary Inspection Office. J. W. Amity, 323; Sec. Amity chap., 60; Ad'elphic coun., 7; Morton corn., 4. Wakefield, Robert, Real Estate and House- Agent, 442:Eighth av. Sec. Cyrus, 208; Adelphic chap., 158. Walker, A. A., Pianoforte M/aker, 360'Grand st. Silentia, 198. Walker, Henry D., Accointant, 111 Broadway. Ind. Royal Arch, 2. Walker, Isaac S., Merchant, 126 Maiden Lane. Arcana, 246; Adelphic chap., 158. Walker, Thos. W., 30 Warren st. J. W. Central, 361. Waldron, C. A., Exchange Broker, 306 Canal st. City, 408. WValden, Danl. T.. Lawyer, 4 New st. W.. Annglo-Sxon, 13'7 Ofrient chap., 138. W.all, VWm. J., Clothing, 388 Broadway. Howard, 35. ~Walling, T., Poultry Dealer, 207 and 216 West Washington Market.;National, 209; Corinthian chap., 159. Wailack, Joseph, Dining Saloon, 104 Vesey st. Atlas, 316. Wailrce, John, Ship Joiner, 367 Ninth st. Polar Star, 245.'Walton, Geo). L., Mechanics and Traders Bank. Pltnam, 338.:Wa.nm-iker, Daniel, Sash Maker, 259 West Forty-sixth st. Cyrus,'208; Metropolitan chap., 140. Ward, J. H., Hobart, Metropolitan, 273; Metropolitan chap., 140; Palestine corn., 18; S. G. WV. Lodge of Perfection; Prince of Jerusalem; S. W. i. Rose Croix; Second Lieut. Com. Sov. Gr. Consistory 32d degree. Ward,'H; H., Banker, 23 Bond st. Holland, 8; Jerusalem chap., 8; Cour de Lion com..., 23. Wardell, ~ Simon S., West Washington Market. Star of Bethleiher, 322. Warner, L. WV., Accountant. 98 West Tenth st. Concord, 50. Warner, Leonard,-Accountant, 24 Broadway. Concord, 50. Warren,'James L., Carver, 171 East Twenty-ninth st. Eastern.Star,'227. "Warren John, Exchange Broker, 72 West Broadway. City, 408. WVare, John J., Grocer, $30 Cherry st. Munn, 190. Waring, Chas..., Rectifier, 223 Franklin st. Mystic Tie, 272. NEW-YORK. 359 Warlow J. B., Sergeant Twenty-sixth Precinct Police, City Hall. HIope, 244. Waterman, D. E., Carriage Maker, 8 Christopher st. Phcenix, 58; Phoenix chap., Lansingburgh. Weaver, Benj., Jr., Pawnbroker, 408 Ninth av. Cyrus, 208. WVebb, Albert, Grocer, 639 Broadway. Ind. Royal Arch, 2; Phcenix chap., 2; Palestine corn., 18. Webster, TWm. V., Accountant, 76 Houston st. Polar Star, 245. Webster, Geo. C., Guns and Pistols, 300 Broadway. P. M. Excelsior, 195; Concord, U. D.; Zerubbalbel chap., 147; Palestine corn., 18. Webster, Samuel T., Commissioner of Deeds, cor. Grand and Essex sts. York, 197; Amity chap., 160. Weeks, Carlysle T., Jr., Wine Merchant, 37 Beaver st. Holland, 8. Weeks, Henry A., Coal Dealer, 68 Attorney st. Holland, 8. Weed, Augustus C., Carpenter, 98 Hester st. Lafayette, 64. Weir, Robert, Merchant Tailor, 33 Carmine st. Bent Franklin lodge, Grafton, Mlass.; Mystic Tie, 272. Weitstich, John, Watchmaker and Dealer in Watches, 251 William st. P. M. and Sec. German Union, 54. Welle, Edward W., Bookkeeper, 207 Washington st. Pythagoras, 86. Welsh, Richard I-I., Brass Founder, 149 Essex st. P. M. Putnam, 338. Welsh, 5Wm. W., Engineer, 388 Ninth st. Putnam, 338. Wells, J. F., Carpenter, 237 Fifth st. Eastern Star, 227. Welling, Chas. N., Merchant Tailor, 105 Houston st. Polar Star, 245. Wemple, A. H., Machinist, 458 Broadway. Naval, 69. Wenman, James F., Cotton Broker, 146 Pearl st. Amity, 323. West, W. L., Proprietor Utah I-ouse, cor. Twenty-fifth st. and Eighth av. Cyrus, 208. Westfall, John, Importer, 194 South st. Pythagoras, 86. Westcott, Chas. S., 148 West Twenty-fifth st.. W.. H oward, 35; W. W. of Rose Croix chap., 1; Cosmopolitan Consistory of 32d Degree Metropolitan chap.; Morton corn., 4. Wheaton, Geo. M., 30 South William st. St. Nicholas, 321. Wheeler, Benj., Clerk, 77 John st. Sec. Progressive, 354. Wheeler, H. E., Clerk, Franklin square. S. I). Central, 361. White, Arthur T., Sign and Ornamental Painter, 416 Broadway. Doric, 280. 360 tUNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. White, Chas. C., Rectifier, 175 West Fifteenth st. Naval, 69. White, G. W., Rectifier, 451 Tenth av. Naval, 69. White, Jas., Carver, 75 East Twenty-second st. Eastern Star, 227. White, John H., Lawyer, 169 Broadway. J. W. Kane, 454. Whitmore, John H., Clerk of City Prison. City, 408. Whitcomb, V., Proprietor St. Nicholas Hotel. Holland, 8. Whiting, Richd., Machinist, 11 Sheriff st. P. AM. Marsh, 188. Whiting, AT. lT. ystic Tie, 272, Wigand, Joseph, 184 Spring st. Navigator, 232. Wilson, Henry, Undertaker, 31 Sixth av. Cyrus, 208. Wilson, Thos. B., Soda and Mineral Water, c. Hudson and Reade sts. Brooklyn, 288. Wilson, Henry, 362 Canal st. John D. Willard, 250. Wilson, Win., Police, 224 Sullivan st. Columbian, UT. D. Wilde, R. T., Merchant, 251 Broadway. Lebanon, 191. Wilcox, Wmn. H. Carman, N. Y. & E, I1. R. Co., foot of Duane ste Ulster, 193, Saugerties, N. Y. WTilatus, Chas., Gilder and Manufacturer of Plain and Waved Gilt Mouldings, 381 Pearl st. John Hancock, 70. Willis, J. T., Broker, 14 Pine st. J.W. Albion, 26. Willis, Wm. H., Salesman, 183 East Broadway. Charter Oak, 249. Williamson, A. M., Dry Goods, 269 Eighth av. Templar, 203. Williamson, Alvan H,, Police Officer, 37 Frankfort st. Ocean, 156. Williams, John F., Real Estate Broker, 442 Eighth av. Cyrus, 208. Wilkinson, H. W., Grocer, 26 Pearl st. Adelphic, 348; Adelphic chap., 158. Wilkisson, Francis A., Cor. Dealer in Fruit, Poultry, etc., 246 Fulton st. Pier, West Washington Market. Progressive, 354. Wiley, J. T., 23 and 25 Park place. Cohoes, 116, Albany, N. Y. W.iley, Geo. W., Cooper, 21 Old slip. St Nieholas, 321. Willmarth, Abel C., Attorney and Counsellor at-law, Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds, 41 Chambers st. P. M. Hyatt, 205; S. Brooklyn chap., 148. Wilhelm, H. N., M. D. 55 Seventh st. Pythagoras, 86. Winchester, Salmon, Masonic Piinting and Publishing Establishment, 19 Ann st. WV. M. Zaradatha, U. D. Windle, J. B., Importer, 56 Maiden Lane, and 25 and 27 Liberty st.'Holland, 8. Winterbottom, J., Undertaker, 196 Spring st. Treasurer Independ. ent, 185. Winter, Herman, Mechanical Draughtsman, Morgan Iron Works. Hiram, 17, Jersey City, N. J. NEW-YORK. 361 Wilzinski, Julius, Clothing, 395 Hudson st. Zerubbabel, 329. Winslow, H. F., Bookkeeper, 677 Broadway. Benevolent, 28. Witts, John, Guns and -Hardware, 356 Houston st. Naval, 69. Witte, Christoph, Sailmaker, Ship Chandler P.nd Importer of Hemp and Flax Sail Duck, 89 West st. Pythagoras, 86. Wolf, Jacob, Clerk, 40 Dey st. King Solomon, 279. Wolbach, Jacob, Dry Goods, 3 Barclay st. Empire City, 206; Amity chap., 160. Woodcock. Win. N., 50 Beekman st. Anglo-Saxon, 137. Woodward, Geo. F., M. D., 2 Irving place. Chaplain Holland, 8. Woodham, Alfred, Sportsman's Depot, Guns, Pistols, and Fishing Tackle, Edge's Fire W orks Depot, 422 Broadway. Lebanon, 191; Zerubbabel chap., 147; Palestine corn., 18; S. P.R. C. Woodford, Stewart L., Lawyer, 111 Broadway. WV. M. Continental, 287. Wood, James R., M. D., 2 Irving Place. Kane, 454. Wood,-Geo. J., Hotel, 369 South st. Amity, 323. Wood, Fernando, Merchant, 90 Broadway. Eastern Star, 227. Worthington, George, Saddlery, 342 and 344 Broadway. Metropolitan, 273; Zetland chap., 141; Lodge of Perfection, 1; Grand Council of Princes of Jerusalem; Rose Croix chap., 1, of Zeal and Constancy. Wright, Henry, Dealer in American and Imported Paint?, Colrs, Varnishes, &c., 230 Pearl st. P. M. -Iyatt, 205; P. H. P. De Witt Clinton chap., 142; Brooklyn coun.; Con. Lodge of Perfection, 1. Wright, J. Wilson, Engineer, 79 Elizabeth st. Sylvan Grove, 275; Corinthian chap., 159. Wright, Joseph, Stoves, 218 Water st. P. M. Joppa, 201: Brooklyn chap., 148; Brooklyn coun., 4; Friencship com., 27; G. E. P. and S. M. Wrinch, Thomas D., Salesman, 78 Broad st. and 82 Broadway. Crescent, 402. Wynn, James P., Plumber, 442 Eighth av. Cyrus, 208. Yates, Giles F. P. M. E. S. P. Gr. M. Gr. Coun. Princes Jerusalem; Dep. Gr. Insp. Gen.; Sov. Gv. Insp. Gen. of the 33d; P. M. P. Sov. Gr. Corn.; Past Ill. corn. in chief of Cosmopolitan Sov. Consistory 32d degree. Yates, W. A., Trimming Manufactory, 639 Broadway. Arcturus, 274. Yates, Joseph J, Salesman, 23 and 25 Park Place. Hokoken, 35, Hoboken, N. J. Yates, Samuel, News Agent, 19 Beekman st. Cyrus, 208. 362 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Yerance, Garrett, Proprietor of " Oyster Bay," 553 Broadway. Eastern Star, 227. Young, Mansfield, Straw Goods, 24 Cortlandt st. Arcana, 246. Young, ~Wm., Hardware, 171 Lewis st. Puritan, 339. Youngs, D. L., 646 Fourth st. Polar Star, 245. YounDgs, Joshua, Ship Joiner, 386 Ninth st. Polar Star, 245. Ysalgue, Alfonzo A., 170 Water st. Gr. 3 Orator La Fraternidad, 387. Yumans, Francis, Policeman Fourteenth Precinct, 244 Spring st. Eureka, 243. Y.Yuille, John C. B, Banker, 33 Wall st. J. W. Arcana, 246; S. Adelphic chap., 158. Zabriskie, ~Wm. C., Mason, 123 Hammond st. Templar, 203. Zabriskie, Jacob, Mason, 123 Hammond st. Pyramid, U. D. Zayas, J. F. de, 28 Broadway. Eureka, 243. Zerega, F. S. P... S. 32d deogree. Ziegler, Fredk., Manufacturer of Gaiter and Shoe Uppers, Boot Legs and Over Gaiters, 365 Pearl st. Pythagoras, 86. Zimmerman, J. E., Vice-Consul of the Netherlands, 47 Exchange Place, Montauk, 286; Phoenix chap., 2. 13ROOKLYN. Aitken, David C., Inspector of Customs, 93 Adam st. Treas. Lexington, 310. Alcock, I-I. D. Keystone, U. D. August, John, Hair Dresser, 7 Clinton st. P. M. Fortitude, 19. Barron, Henry W., -M. D., cor. Fulton av. and Bond st. Commonwealth, 4:09. Beebe, Abner M., Confections, Fruit, and Cigars. Myrtle, near Kent av. Wyandank, U. D. Blankley, John J., Hotel, 172 Fulton av., cor. Hanover place. Commonwealth, 409. Blumenan, Levi, Manufacturer Cigars and Tobacco, 151 Smith st. Greenpoint, 403. Bogardus, John F., Machinist and Engineer, 99 Gumberland st. Mariners, 67. Boyle, James, Plumber and Gas Fitter, 340 Fulton st. S. W. Star of Bethlehem, 322. Box, Jeremiah, Cartman, 208 Gold st. Wyandank, U. D. Bullard, J. A., Mansion House, Wholesale Paper. Munn, 190. Burns, Edward, Merchant Tailor, 113 Atlantic st. Long Island, 382. NEW-YORK. 363 Brandt, Frederick S., Master of Vessel, Twelfth st., near Fifth av. Guanos. Joppa, 201. Browning, L. G., Book-keeper, 69 Front st. Keystone, U. D. Brownson, W. II. D., 8 Fulton av., House, Sign, and Ornamental Painter. Zaradatha, U. D. Casey, Joseph, Cooper, 96 Dugraw st. Empire City, 206. Cleaves, Daniel, Carpenter, Kent av., near Flushing av. Wyandank, U. D. Colgan, Thos., Wines and Liquors, 29 James st. Lexington, 310. Crouch, Edw. A., Artist in Hair and Manufacturing Jeweller, 120 Fulton st. Lexington, 310. Cregin, James, Machinist and Engineer, India st. Palestine, 204. Cuthbert, John E., Manufacturer of Straw Goods, 304 Pearl st., one door from Myrtle av. Lexington, 310. Dean, Geo. J., Transportation, 250 Sackett st. Commonwealth, 409. Dickinson, John, Foreman Blacksmith Shop, Navy-Yard. Lexington, 310. Dempsey, Andrew, Sail Maker, Navy-Yard. Lexington, 310. Denman, Chas. L., Coal Dealer, 13 Union st., near Hamilton Ferry. S. Brooklyn, 288; Adelphic coun., 7. Dougherty, Chas., Machinist. Cassia, 445. Drew, Daniel. Long Island, 382. Elford, Geo., Painter and Paper Hanger, 160 Fulton av. Corimonwealth, 409. Ellard, Johu, Union Market, 108 Union st. Star of Bethlehem. 322. Faron, Hiram A., Engineer, 48 Adelphi st. Putnam, 338. Farron, Thos. H., Machinist, 38 Adelphi st. Cyrus, 208. Finney, William, Steam Boiler Works, 167 Water st. Zaradatha, U. D. Fleckser, P. M, Cigar Manufacturer, Flushing av., two doors from Broadway. Star of Hope, 430. Friganza, Romeo, Masteri Joiner, Navy-Yard, 29 Carlton av. Lexington, 310. Gayler, J., Clerk, 4 Cheever place. Holland, 8. Geist, M. W., Buteher, 418 Atlantic st. Long Island, 382. Gladding, Nath., Cloths, 427 Pacific st. J. W. Commonwealth, 409. Gray, J. B., Salesman, 57 Snmmit st. Arcana, 246. Graham, Charles K., Consulting Engineer, Navy-Yard. Late of Metropolitan, 273. Haines, Isaac, Agent for Knickerbocker Ice Co., 194 Pearl st. Wyandank, U. D. 361 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Haines, David 1-I, Wines and Liquors, 345 Fulton st. Fortitude, 19. Harron, John, Bottling Establishment, 79 Main st. P. MI. Hohenlinden, 56; Nassau chap., 109; G. C. Clinton corn., 14. Hastings, Charles, Civil Engineer, 51 Concord st. Lexington, 310. Healy, John, Painter, 21 Nevins st. Brooklyn chap., 148. Herring, WYm., Transportation, 29 Butler st. Commonwealth, 409. Hopkins, Joseph, Ice Business, cor. Water and Washington sts. For titude, 19. Hobday, John B., Butcher, 109 Smith st. Lexington, 310. Howell, James, Grate, Fender and Iron Railing Manufacturer, 289 and 291 Adanms st. Joppa, 201. Ingramt, Geo., Florist and Nurseryman, Greenwood Cemetery. Star of Bethlehem, 322; Zetland chap., 141. Jardine, Plilip L., Hair Dressing, etc., 210 Gold st. Zaradatha, U. D. Jessop, Stephen, Carpenter. Wyandank, U. D. Jones, Thos., 195 Front st. Keystone, U. D. Jones, Wm. C., Granite Cutter, Navy Yard. P. M. Lexington, 310; Brooklyn chap., 148. Jones, Artemas B., Painter, 207 High st. Fortitude, 19. Johnston, Joseph S., Sailmaker, Navy Yard. Lexington, 310. Karn, I. W., Engraver and Printer, 49 Fulton st. W. M. Lexington, 310. Kelley, Thos. T., Currier, 219 Gold st. Commonwealth, 409. Kimball, H. K., Printer. Chancellor Walworth, 271; Corinthian chap., 159. Larder, William, Merchant Tailor, 13 Clinton st. J. D. Lexington, 310. Layton, John, Jr., Stonecutter. Ex. S. W. Jerusalem, 26. Lewis, Thos., Druggist, 123 Myrtle av. cor. Duffield st. J. D. Montauk, 286. Letsinger, Henry C., Shoe Dealer, 193 Madison st. Abram's, 20. Lockyer, John, Carpenter and Builder, 29 Van Brunt st. J. D. Long Island, 382. Lowrey, Charles, Lawyer, P. O. Building, Montague place. Montauk, 286. Marvin, C. A., Dentist, 76 Montague place. P.M. Joppa, 201; Brooklyn chap., 148; Brooklyn coun., 4; Friendship corn., 27. Mathews, John, Sergeant of Police, 1st Precinct, 29 Willow place. W. M. Fortitude, 19. Marcellus, J. Lawrence, Lawyer, P. O. Building, Montague place. Sec. Montauk, 286. NEW-YORK. 365 Mills, John, Merchant Tailor, 13 Clinton st. Sec. Lexington, 310. Miller, John 1., Carpenter. Wyandank, U. 1). Morris, James, Engraver, 144 Fulton st. Lexington, 310. Morse, N. B., Counsellor-at law and City Treasnrer, 355 Fulton st. P. M. Hohenlinden, 56; Nassau chap., 109; Clinton cor., 14; Monkman, J. M., Agent N. Y. Condensed Milk Company, 37 Canal st., N. Y. Doric, 280. Moreley, Aaron, Pattern Maker and Machinist, 168 Johnston st. S. W. Zaradatha, U. D.; R. A, M. Morrell, Saml. Pattern Maker, 82 Clarmont av. Fortitude, 19. Mundy, Geo., Restaurant, 191 York st. Corinthian, U. D. McClenahan, John, 68 Woodhull st. Brooklyn, 283. McCormick, James, Machinist, 71 Carlton av. Corinthian, U. D. McMurray, Thomas, Salesman, 113 Fulton st. De Witt Clinton chap., 142. McNary, WVm. H., 238 Pearl st., N. Y. S. D. St. Nicholas, 321. Newman, L. F., Dry Goods, 291 Fulton st. Anglo-Saxon, 137. Oakford, Wm. W., Mason and Builder, 101 Fulton av. Tyler AngloSaxon, 137; Brooklyn chap., 148; Brooklyn coun., 4; Friendship comn., 27. Oliver, Richard, Paper Hangings, 139 Fulton st. Long Island, 382. Osborn, Joshua W., Clerk Water Commissioner' Office, 355 Fulton st. S. W. Hohenlinden, 56; Nassau chap., 109. Owers, Edwd., Clerk, 254 Gold st. Lexington, 310. Owen, Wm. C., Glassmaker; 67 Atlantic st.. Wyandank, U. D. Parker, Bradley (Al. D.), cor. Cumberland st. and Fulton av. P. M, toppa, 201; P. H. P. Brooklyn chap., 148; P. E. C. Friendship com., 27. Pc I, Edward, Gauger, 151 Front st. W. M. Hohenlinden, 56. Pembrook, W. A., Dry Goods, 350 State st. King Solomon, 279. Pitbladdo, William, Granite, Marble, and Freestone Yard,d cor. Fifth av. and Twenty-seventh st. Star of Bethlehem, 322. Phillip, Stephen C., Carpenter, Kent av. WVyandank, U. D. Pope, Thos. S. P. M. Montauk, 286; Phcenix chap., 2. Provost, Andrew J., Attorney-at-law, 18 Kent, cor. South Seventh st. Greenpoint, 403. Price, Cornelius E., Blacksmith. Silentia, 198. Purdy, Andrew B., Carpenter and Builder, Bedford av., bet. Willoughby and De Kalb avs. Wyandank, U. D. Randolph, Alfred F., Fish Dealer, Brooklyn Market. -lohenlinden, 56. Reed, Wm., Iron Founder, cor. Jay and Water sts. Wyandank, U. D. 366 UNIVERSAL 3MASONIC RECORD. Rice, John, Fireman Machine Shop, Navy-Yard. Oscar Cole, 241. Robb, Alex. R1., Plumber, 63 Atlantic st. J. W. Lexington, 310; Orient chap., 138. Ross, John, Aaster House Carpenter, Navy-Yard; 241 Adelphi st, Lexington, 310. Roselle, John, Engineer, 96 Jay st. Keystone, U. D. Scrimgeour, Win., Superintendent of Interments, Greenwood Cemetery. Star of Bethlehem, 322. Sloat, Theodore, Blacksmith, 14 Prince St. Chan. Walworth, 271. Snell, Samuel, Carpenter, 326 State st. Worth, 210. Sprague, Win. E., 126 Adelphi st. Lexington, 310. Stainsby, George, Eclipse Tavern, cor. Main and York sts. Hohenlinden, 56. Stockbridge, Joseph, Liquors, 308 Gold st. Treas. Commonwealth, 409. Taylor, Charles, Coal alid Wood Dealer, Fulton av., near Raymond st. Lexington, 310. Tappan, O. B., Printer. Amity, 323; Amity chap., 160. Thayer, E. F., Engineer, Brooklyn Linseed Oil Factory. Keystone, U. D. Thatcher, George L., Sec. Board of Assessors, 275 Adelphi st. P. M. Hohenlinden, 56; P. I. P. Nassau chap, 109; P. G. C. Clinton corn., 4. Torrison, John, Carpenter and Builder, 205 Gold st. Zaradatha, U. D. Van Sickle, W., Stonecutter, N. Yard. Swartara, 267, Tremont, Pa. Warran, A. F., Manufactory of Gold Pens an d Cases, 169 Broadwlay, N. Y., and 3 Stanton st., Brooklyn. Zarada.tha, U. D. Watson, Thomas B., Architectural Modeller, 196 Pacific st. Corinthian, U. D. Weyant, John R., Ice Agent. 69 Fulton st. Wyandank, U. D. Weighan, J. U., Editor of Post. S. D. Munn, 190. Wegant, John R., Ice Agent, 69 Fulton st. Wyandank, U. D. Willets, Charles W., Accountant, Kent av., near Myrtle av. W. [M. Wyandank, U. D. Wilkey, Alfred, Carriage Maker, cor. Dock and Water sts. Lexington, 310. Young, Ira, Carpenter and Builder, 31 De Kalb av. Tyler, Joppa, 201; Brooklyn chap., 148; Brooklyn coun., 4; Clinton Corn., 14; and Somerset, 34, Norwich, Conn. W1LLIAMSBURGH. Adfams, Saml., Rigger, 69 Eighth st. Marlh, 188; De Witt Clinton chap., 142. Aldworth, Henry, Coal Merchant, 5 Grand st. Oltmans, 446. NEW-YORK. 367 Anderson, Joseph, Surveyor, Kings Co. Fire Insurance Co., South Seventh and First sts. Oltmans, 446..Baggott, Charles, Fringe and Braid Manufacturer, 24 North First st. Yew Tree, 461. Baker, Adolphus, Dry Goods, 178 and 180 Grand st. Hyatt, 205; De Witt Clinton chap., 142. Bennett, Geo. C., Times Office, South Seventh st. Hyatt, 205. Belding, Chas. S., Druggist, 190 Grand st. Yew Tree, 461. Blanthorn, Jas., Brass Finisher, Boerum st., near Leonard. Progressive, 354. Boyd, Vm. H., Publisher, 121 South Fourth st. S. W. Corner Stone, 367; Zetland chap., 141. Brammer, Charles, Grocer, cor. Powers st. and Graham av. Oltmans, 446. Bryan, Jos., Undertaker, 117 Fourth st. Hyatt, 205. Briggs, C. M, Attorney-at-law, 97 South Seventh st. Hyatt, 205. Bruer, L. G. T., Jackson Hall, 22 South Seventh st. Oltmans, 446. Burhene, Gustavus, Merchant, cor. Smith and Messerole sts. German Union, 54. Burchell, George, Newspaper and Periodical Depot, Confectionery, Fruits, and Cigars, foot of South Sevenith st. Cassia, 445. Burgar, Joseph, Stone Cutter, 166 Montrose av. Oltmans. 416. Byard, John W., Coal and Wood Merchant, cor. North Fourth and Fourth sts. Progressive, 354. Cabble, James, Tobacconist and Cigar Dealer, 200 Grand st. Cassia, 445. Clark, F. T., House, Sign, and Decorative Painter, cor. Fifth and South First sts. Marsh, 188. Colborn, Elias, Lumber. Dealer, 135 North Sixth st. Treas. Yew Tree, 460. Cumberson, Chas., Pluimber and Gas Fitter, 70 South Seventh st. P. M. Corner Stone, 367. Darbee, Edgar, Book and Job Printer, 92 South First st., near Fourth st. Oltmans, 446. Derundeou, John, Tinsmith and Roofer, cor. North Third and First sts. Hyatt, 205. Distler, Geo., Carpenter and Builder, Graham av. near School st. Oltmans, 446. Duxbury, Thos. C., 53 South Fifth st. W. M. Benevolent, 28; K. Phoenix chap., 2; Palestine cor., 18; Adelphic coun., 7; Lodge of Perfection, 1. Fleig, Beatus, Night Scavenger, 108 Boerum st. Oltmans, 446. 368 -UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Gaiser, Louis Ch., Bookkeeper, cor. Smith and Messerole sts. German Union, 54. Gaus, Charles H., Grocer, cor. Smith and McKibbon sts.' Oltmans, 446. Gateson, E., Plumber and Gas Fitter, 25 South Seventh st. Hyatt, 205. Gibbs, John, Die Sinker, Tool Maker, and Artificer in Metals, 175 and 177 First st. Yew Tree, 461. H-assall, James, Fringe and Braid Manufacturer, 175 and 177 First st. Marsh, 188. Hansen, James, Captain of ship Panama, 143 South First st. Henry Clay, 277. Hendrick, Robt. T., Commissioner of Deeds, Sec. Fire Department, Clerk of Fire Commissioners, 131 Fourth st. Sec. Hyatt, 205. Hobley, Alfred, Silk Fringe Manufacturer, 15 to 19 North First st. Hyatt, 205. 1-Holscher, John C., Saw Mill, Graham av. near North Second st. Putnam, 338. Hutchings, John, Cooper, 112 South Second st. IHyatt, 205; Chaplain De Witt Clinton chap., 142. Jenkins, Edwd. T. Coppersmith, 128 Cherry st., N. Y., and 6 North Second st.. Williamsburgh. Cassia, 445. Kessel, M., Plumber and Dealer in Stoves and House Furnishing Goods, 112 South Sixth st. Oltrmans, 446. Kellam, Geo. T., Dry Goods, 234 Grand st. P. M. Hyatt, 205. Kenyon, Ralph W., Lumber Dealer, 243 First st. Hyatt, 205; Sec. De Witt Clinton chap., 142. Kennedy, Saml. N., Moulder, 230 Fifth st. Marsh, 188. Lamonby, William, Bank of the Republic, 241 Ewen st. Sec. Oltnans, 446. Laramie, Francis F., Ferry-Master, 13 Skillman st. Treas. Marsh, 188; Treas. De Witt Clinton chap., 142. Lewry, ~Wm. J., Saloon and Cigar Store, 220 and 2202- Grand st. Yew-Tree, 461. Lee, Benj., Jr., Manufacturer of Fishing Tackle. Cassia, 445. Leach, John, Northern Liberties, cor. First and North Second sts. Yewv Tree, 461. Lewis, Orrando B., Dentist, 37 Fourth st. Corner Stone, 367. Li ptrott, William, Butcher, cor. South Eighth and Sixth sts. Corner Stone, 36/. May, T. T., Gen. Agent for American Mutual Life Insurance Co., 134 S, Fifth st. J. W. M/arsh, 188; H. P. De Witt Clinton chap., 142. NEW-YORK. 369 Mailler, Robert, Engineer, 176 North Sixth st. Yew-Tree. 461. Marsh, H. W., Sewing Machines, 186 South Fourth st. S. W. Hyatt, 205; S. De Witt Clinton chap., 142. Meade, Charles, Skirt and Spring Manufacturer, 43 Grand st. Oltmans, 4-16. Meeker, F. M., People's Market, 195 Grand st. Progressive, 354. Montgomery, J., Flour and Provision Dealer, 250 Grand st. Hyatt, 205. Murmann, Adam, Boot and Shoemaker, 153 Montrose av. Oltmans, 446. Newman, Henry, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, 255 Grand st. Progressive, 354. Nichols, Geo., Brass Finisher, 129 South Second st. Progressive, 354. Nishwitz, Jacob, Agricultural Implement Manufacturer, 205 First st. Schiller,. 304. North, Nelson L. (M. D.), 153 Fourth st. Marsh, 188. Northup, D. L., Water Commissioner, 216 South Third st. Hyatt, 205. Olcott, C., Physician and Surgeon, 36 Fifth st. Acacia, 327. Oltmans, I., Real Estate and Insurance Agent, Commissioner of Deeds and Notary Public, cor. Graham av. and lcKibbon st. W. M. Oltmans, 446. Owen, E. W. (M. D.), 450 Grand st. Oltmans, 446. Palin, Thos., Tea Dealer, 228 Grand st. Yew Tree, 461. Pickard, Thomas, Fish and Oyster Dealer, cor. Eleventh and South First sts. Progressive, 354. Price, John, Tea and Coffee Dealer, 74 Grand st. Progressive, 354. Rawlings, A., Cabinet Maker, 75 South Seventh st. S. W.; YewTree, 461. Rauth, William, Stone Mason and Builder, 164 Montrose av. Oltmans, 446. Reed, Isaac B., Restaurant, 210 South Third st. Progressive, 354. Renshaw, George, Japanner, 77 Devoe st. John D. Willard, 250. Reynolds, W. H., Lumber Business, Kent av., foot of Rush st. Lodge of Antiquity, 11. Roehr, Edward, Editor of' Triangle," American-German Year-Book and Universal Masonic Song-Book. W. M. Schiller, 301. Rodwell, Jas., Mason and Builder, 132 South Second st. Marsh, 188. Robertson, Thos., Police Officer, 103 Montrose av. Star of Hope, 430. Roemmele, Frederick, Wheelwright, North Second st., near Graham av. Oltmans, 446. Runcie, John T., Real Estate Broker, 189 Grand st. Hyatt, 205. 370 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Schick, Jacob, Blacksmith, cor. Graham av. and North Second st. Oltmans, 446. Schneicler, John, Brewer, cor. Smith and Messerole sts. German Union, 54. Scott, Win. J., Mason, 225 South Third st. W. M. Cassia, 44.5. Seaman, WVm. T., Mason and Builder, 21 South Second st, W. M. Marsh, 188; P. H. P. DeWitt Clinton chap., 142. Sheppard, Jacob, Mason and Builder, 15 Fillmore place. Worth, 210. Sharp, Peter M., Lumber Business, 18 Hamilton place, Clyyner st. Lodge of Antiquity, 11. Smith, Aaron, Printer and Publisher, 145 Grand st. Marsh, 188. Smith, William, Engineer and Gas Fitter, Devoe st., near Bushwick av. Lexington, 310; Corinthian chap., 159. Sparks, C. A., Deputy Sheriff, 29 Fifth st. Hyatt, 205. Summersgill, Henry, Watchmaker and Jeweller, 138 Grand st. Hyatt, 205. Taylor, Henry, Coal Business, Clymer st. and Kent av. Marsh, 188...Taylor, Samuel, Commissioner of Deeds and Notary Public, cor. Smith and Powers st. S. W. Oltmans, 446. Thiene, Hermann, Hotel Keeper, cor. Ewen and Messerole sts. Oltmans, 446. Theall, Alf:ed, International Shades, 84 South Eighth st. Hyatt, 205. Thompson, J., Manufacturer of Fancy Soaps, 80 North Third st. Treas. Oltmans, 446. Tonyes, C. H, Wine and Liquor Merchant, 16 South Seventh st. Herman, 268. Veritzan, George, Plumber, 74 South Seventh st. Marsh, 188. Wandelt, Samuel, Cooper, 18 North Third st, Hyatt, 205. Ward, Joseph B., Police Officer, 155 Montrose av. Star of Hope, 430. Williamson, Thomas, Engineer, Wyckoff st., near Smith. Marsh, 188. WTebb, John, Brass Finisher, Boerum -t., near Leonard. Progressive, 354. Weismandel, Philip, Physician, 189 Montrose av. Schiller, 304. Wellings, John T., Gas Fitter and Plumber, 93 South Sixth st. Hyatt, 205. Winsor, Robert, Gas Fitter, 224 Grand st. Hope, 244. White, Richard, Silk Trimming Manufacturer, 106 to 112 North First st. Cassia, 445. Wood, Win. H., Packing-Box Maker, First st., bet. South Tenth and Eleventh sts. P. M. Marsh, 188; P. H. P. De Witt Clinton chap., 142. Wood, John -I., Engineer, 94 North Seventh st. J. W. John D..Willard, 250. NEW-YOR1K. 371 Wrigley, Thomas, Byron Shades, Third st., between South Sixth and S even th sts. Cassia, 445. ALBANY. Backman, H. A., Wines and Liquors, 347 and 349 Broadway. Wads worth, 417. Battersby, John, Butcher, cor. North Pearl st. and Clinton av. Temple, 14. Barnard, J. B., Agent Merchants' Dispatch. Greenbush, 337; Temple chap., 5. Barhydt, Richard, Piano Forte Manufacturer, 502 Broadway. Masters', 5; Temple chap., 5; Temple com., 2. Barnes, David WV., Albany Morning Times. Temple, 14. Bell, Win. J., Bookseller, 512 Broadway. Temple, 14; Temple chap., 5; Temple coin., 2. Benson, John, 822 Broadway. Temple, 14. Bingham, R. H., City Surveyor and Civil Engineer, City Hall. J. W. M3ount Vernon, 3. Blackall, R. C., 51 Jackson st. Greenbush, 337. Burrows, Wm. G., Druggist, cor. South Pearl and Plain sts. Temple, 14. Burt, Asahel, Jr., Bookkeeper, 12 Centre st. Temple, 14; Temple chap., 5. Buckley, Wm. N., Dry Goods, 637 Broadway. P. M. of Doric, 280; Metropolitan chap., 140; Generalissimo of Temple corn., 2. Benton, NT. S., Jr., Clerk Auditor's Office, Canal Department. Temple, 14; Brewer chap.; Little Falls com., 26. Campbell, D. W., Clerk, 41 North Pearl st. Wadsworth, 417. Cushman, R. S., Wine and Liquor Dealer, 376 and 378 Broadway. Mount Vernon, 3. Churchill, Rensselaer E, Daguerreotype?, 80 State st. P. MI. Masters', 5; P. H. P. Temple chap., 5; Temple cor., 2. Chase, J. H., A. G. L. Clerk Anditor's Office, Canal Department. S. W. Temple 14; Palrnyra Eagle chap., 79; Temple corn., 2. Chamberlain, Frank, Produce Dealer, 47 Quay st. " S. W. Masters', 5; H. P. Temple chap., 5; P. G. C. Temple corn., 2; D. G. Corn, of K. T. Comstock, James C., Railroad, Office Exchange. St. George, 6. Cruttenden, T. R., Sec'y Water Commissioners, 59 State st. Masters', 5. Cruckshank, James, Editor of New York Teacher, 35 State st. Wadsworth, 417. 372 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. De Witt, E. H., 22 First st. Masters', 5. De Forest, B. S., Architect, 74 State st. Wadsworth, 417. Foster, S. H., Depot b[aster New-York Central Railroad, Temple, 14; Temple chap., 5. Frothingham, Worthington, Attorney-at-law, 69 State st. Temple, 14. Grant, R. S., Druggist, 62 and 64 State st. Wadsworth, 417. Gribben, David, Saddler, 340 Broadway. Mount Vernon, 3. Goewey, John A., Hollow Ware, Locks and Safe Works. W. M. Temple, 14; K. Temple chap., 5; E. C. Temple cor., 2. Godfrey, H. L., Albany Morning Times. Temple, 14. Gourlay, William B., Lumber Inspector. Masters', 5; Temple chap., 5. Gordan, Hugh M., 446 Broadway. Greenbush, 337. Gilbert, J. P. D., Eye and Ear Infirmary, 65 Lydius st. Temple, 14; Temple chap., 5. Gillett, T. S., Editor of Wyoming Times. Constitution, 404. Harvey, Win., Lock Hospital. Masters', 5. Hasbrouck, Beverly R., Comptroller's Office. Masters', 5. Headlam, Win., Lumber Dealer, cor. Lumber and Water sts. Mount Vernon, 3; Treas. Temple chap., 5; Temple corn., 2. Hendee, R. S., Merchant, 477 and 479 Broadway. Masters', 5; Temple chap., 5; Temple, corn., 2.: Jackson, James, Restaurant and Livery Stables, cor. Lydius and South Pearl st. Wadsworth, 417. Jenkens, Ira, Jeweller, 640 Broadway. Masters',5; Temple chap.,5; Jenkinson, James, Proprietor of the Adams House. Rising Star, 450; P. H. P. of Temple chap., 5; Columbian corn, 1; P. M. Mount Vernon, 3; P. G. M. of Grand Lodge. Johnson, R. L., Express Proprietor, 12, 13 and 14 Exchange. Masters', 5. Jones, Edward H., Superintendent of the New-York Central Railroad Machine Shop. Mount Vernon, 3; Scribe of Temple chap., 5; C. G. of Temple corn., 2. Judson, Edmund L., Produce and Provision Merchant. W. M. Masters', 5. Kendrick, S. W. P., Bank of Albany. Masters, 5. Latham, Geo. E., Hat Store, 444 Broadway. Temple, 14. Lowell, R., Bookkeeper, 39 Franklin st. Sec. Mount Vernon, 3; Temple chap., 5. Lott, Jerome. Racket River, 213; Temple chap., 5. Lloyd, L. J., Saddle, Harness, Trunk, Engine Hose and Military NEW-YORK. 373 Equipment Manufactory, 340 Broadway. Mount Vernon, 3; Temple chap., 5. Manson, Wim. MIanuSacturer of Marble Mantles, MIonuments, Posts, &c., cor. Lodge and Howard sts. Ancient City, 452. Marshall, W. C., Canal Collector, 20 Ferry st. Temple, 14. Mather, Thos. R., Foreman, Western R. R. Co. W. M Greenbush, 337. Moore, J. Owen, Bank of Albany. Sec. Masters, 5. McNab, P. D., Billiard Rooms, 4801 Broadway and 15 James st. Temple, 14; Temple chap., 5. McKown, Jonas A., Surrogate Albany Co. Wadsworth, 417. McEwen, John, W.. R.. Temple, 14. McKnight, John T., Brewer, cor. Hawk, Canal and Orange sts. S. W. Washington, 85. Pace, Thos. B. Twiggs, 164, Marion, Ga. Parks, R. C., Washington Drove Yards. Mount Vernon, 3. Printup, DAvid H., Canal Commissioner's Office. Mount Vernon, 3; Temple chap., 5. Penoyer, C. N., W. R. Temple, 14. Quin, M., Blacksmith. P. M. Washington, 85; P. K. Temple chap., 5. Reed, Wm. H., Merchant, 118 Pier. Temple, 14. Rodgers, L. M., Trunk, Valise and Carpet-Bag Factory, 364 Broadway. Mount Vernon, 3. Shanks, D. W., Upholsterer, 32 Greene st. Temple, 14. Shankland, W. J., 477 and 479 Broadway. Temple, 15; Temple chap., 5. Silliman, James R., 3 Lumber district. Temple, 14; Temple chap., 5; Temple com., 2. Sloan, E., Comptroller's Office. Masters, 5; Temple chap., 5. Smith, J. Wesley, Clerk, State Engineer's Office. St, Paul's, 124. Snow, J. L., Bank Department. Masters, 5. Traver, C. M., Piano-Fortes, Masonic Hall, 41 North Pearl st. Temple, 14. Vanalstyne, T. W., Sheriff 6f Albany Co, 127 Hawk st. Mount Vernon, 3. Vanderpool, Jesse O., Flour Merchant, 322 Broadway. P. M. of Valatie, 362; Temple chap., 5; Temple com., 2. Voltz, Louis B., Bookkeeper, State Treasurer's Office. Temple, 14. Wakefield, A. N., Secretary of State's Office. Otsego, 138. Wilcox, G. S. Masters, 5. Whetmore, R. L., Bookkeeper, 14 Chapel st. Masters, 5. 25 8374 JUNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Weir, -Geo. H., Stanwix Hall. Vashington, 85. Wilcox, H. S., Restaurant, 551 Broadway. Temple, 14. Winne, Charles H., Dockmaster, Lumber district. Temple, 14. AUBURN. Robinson, H., Jr., Physician, 132'Genesee st. W, M. Auburn, 431 Davids chap., 34; S. W. Salem Town corn., 16. How, T. Y., Attorney-at-law. W. M. St. Paul's, 124 Sec. Davids chap., 34; Rec. Salem Town cor., 16. Brown, G. W., Jeweller, 57 Genesee st. St. Paul's, 124; Davids chap., 34; Salem Town corn., 16. Wilson, H., Grocer, 13 Genesee st. P. M, and Treas. St. Paul's, 124 P. H. P. Davids chap., 34; Salem Town corn., 16. Langham, James R., Confectioner, Genesee st. St. Paul's, 124 Da. vids chap., 34; Salem Town com., 16, Gould, J., Hack Proprietor, 1 South st. Auburn, 431; Davids chap., 34; Salem Town corn., 16. Brigham, C. P., Manufacturer Bent Carriage Work, Genesee st. StPaul's, 124; Davies chap., 144; Salem Town com., 16. Douglass, Josiah, Coal Dealer, State st. St. Paul's, 124; Davids chap., 34; Salem Town corn., 16, Whito, Jonas, Western Exchange Hotel. St. Paul's, 124; Davids chap., 34; Salem Town corn., 16. BUFFALO. Ashman, Wim., Proprietor Buffalo Steam Laundry, foot of Court st. Hiram, 105. Arnold, W. D., Clerk Red Jacket Saloon, cor. Main and Seneca sts. J. D. Erie, 161. Amsden, Ira R., Bookkeeper at J. & A. Pitts' Agricultural Works, cor. Fourth and Carolina sts. Hiram, 105. Allen, Wm., Master Machinist, Buffalo Steam Engine Works, eor, Ohio and Washington sts. Hiram, 105; Buffalo chap., 71. Alberger, J. L., Provision and Meat Dealer, cor. Franklin and Terrace sts. Erie, 161; Keystone chap., 163; Lake Erie cor., 20. Abel, Chas. L-, Dealer in Imported Liquors, Cigars, &c., Cor. Hotel Block, Ohio st. Hiram, 105. Brayley, James, Proprietor Pitts' Agricultural Works, cor. Fourth and Carolina sts. Hiram, 105. Brown, Chas., Proprietor Brown's Hotel, cor. Seneca and Michigan -sts. Erie, 161. NEW-YORK. 375 Bidwell, Chas. S., Shipwright, Ohio st., opposite Washington square. Hiram, 105; Buffalo chap., 71; Lake Erie corn., 20. Brown, James, Road Master, N. Y. Central Railroad, 68 Allen st. Rochester Yonnondio, 163; Hamilton chap.-; Monroe corn., 12. Briggs, Albert, laster Prop. Oriental, cor. Main and Ohio sts. Hiram, 105. Busher, Captain Charles, cor. Pennsylvania and Twelfth sts. Erie, 161. Bulger, John I., Steward, Propeller Tonawanda, 211 Seventh st. Hiram, 105. Burt, H. B., Justice, 149 Main st. Queen City, 358. Boas, S., Fancy Grocery, 234 Main st. Washington, 240. Boardman, John, M. D., 4 West Eagle st. Washington, 240; Keystone chap., 163; Lake Erie cor. 20. Bentley, James G., Lake Shore Railroad, 212 Seneca st. Forest, 166, Fredonia, N. Y. Best, R. H., Chief of Police, 59 Washington st. Parish, 292. Bentley, Wm. S., Engineer Buffalo and Erie Railroad, cor. Seneca and Michigan sts. Queen City, 358. Beman, James WV., Sta. Agent, Buffalo and Erie Railroad, Evans Centre. Evans, 261, Angola, N. Y. Barton, Plinny F., Master Machinist and Engine Builder, cor. Leconteulx and Water. Hiram, 105. Barnes,- Smith, Carpenter, New-York Central Railroad, 115 Carrol st. Erie, 161. Baker, P., Clerk, 162 Main st. SS. Ancient Landmarks, 441. Barr, Win. R., General Agent Lake Shore and Mich. Southern Railroad Line, 149 Miain st. Ancient Landmarks, 441; Keystone chap., 163. Crosby, Captain T.. G. Hiram, 105. Cook, John L. Engineer Propeller Relief. Hiram, 105. Cobb, E. H., Court place, 11 Court st. Hiram, 105; Buffalo chap., 71; Lake Erie con., 20. Conkey, Albert B., Master Prop. Buffalo, 26 Seneca st., Cleveland, Ohio. Hiram, 105. Clarke, Fred. C., Watch Maker and Jeweller, Agent for American Watch Works, 210 Main st. Ancient Landmarks, 441; Monroe chap., 1, Detroit. Charlett, Thomas B., Steward Prop. Troy, Racine, Wisconsin. Racine, 18, Racine, Wisconsin. Chester, L., Dyer, 18 Batavia st. Washington, 240; Keystone chap., 163. 376 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Champlin, 0. H. Perry, Druggist and Apothecary, 290 Main, cor. West Eagle st. S. W. Queen City, 358; Keystone chap., 163. Chamberlain, Samuel M., Carriage Manufacturer, cor. Niagara and Mohawk. Hiram, 105; Key Stone chap., 163. Lake Erie corn., 20. Cant, Alexander, Chief Engineer Prop. Rocket, 47 Exchange st. Hiram, 105. Cande, Gilbert, Flour and Feed Store, cor. Michigan and Canal. Queen City, 358. Drew, Wim. I-I. Gr. Sec. P. M. Queen City, 388; P. HI. P. Keystone chap., 163, and Lake Erie cor., 20; P. G. C. and G. G. of Grand Council. Dempster, Wm., Blacksmith, 5 Washington st. Hiram, 105; Buffalo chap., 71. Dickson, William, Mate Prop. Iowa, 179 Eagle st. Hiram, 105. Dickson, George, Master Prop. Plymouth, 100 North Division st. Iiram, 105. % Dorr, E. P., General Agent Etna Insurance Co., Hartford, cor. Lloyd and Prime sts. Hiram, 105. Dodge, A., Mate Prop. Missouri, 72 Sixth st., Detroit. Detroit, 2. Dudley, J. D., General Dealer in Hardware, &c, &c., 57 Main st. -iram, 105. Eldlridge, Agent Western Transportation Company, 90 North Division:st. Hiram, 105; Bufftlo chap., 71; C. G. Lake Erie corn., 2). Eliot, John D., Paymaster, New-York Central Railroad Company, 69 South Division st. Washington, 240; Keystone chap., 163; Lake Erie corn., 20. Fox, Christopher G., Bookkeeper, 103 Ninth st. W. M. Queen City,:358; P. H. P. Keystone chap., 163; Lake Erie cor., 20. Flach, Richard, Grocer, cor. Clinton and Ellicott sts. J.. Mlodestia,:340; Keystone, chap., 163. Felthousen, H. C., General Dealer in Hardware, &c., 115 IMain st. Hiram, 105. Ferrell, Wm. J., Practical Engineer, 119 Clinton st. Hiram, 105; IBuffalo chap., 71; Lake Erie cor., 20. Farrar, J. P., Eng. Prop. Acme, Detroit, Michigan. Detroit, 2; Mlonro chap., 1. Fay, Ward, Cheese and Produce, cor. Washington and Green sts. lErie, 161. Farrar, Chillion M., Foreman and Machinist, Shepherd Iron Works, Ohio st. Hiram, 105; Buffalo chap., 71. Glennie, James H., Bookkeeper, Seventh st. Hiram, 105. NEW-YORK. 377 Gray, John, Lake Shore Railroad Business, 206 Swan st. Freedom, 324, Uladilla, N.Y.; Watertown chap., 59, Watertown, N. Y. Gifford, T. W., Conductor Buffalo and Erie Railroad, cor. Exchange and Main sts. Queen City, 358; Buffalo chap., 71; Lake Erie com., 20. Gaylord, George Augus., Master Propeller Equinox, Sandusky,. Ohio. Science, 50, Sandusky, Ohio. Hoyt, Benjamin, Foreman Car Repairing,Shop, New-York Central Railroad, 184 North Division st. Erie, 161. Houghtaling, J. W., Conductor Buffalo and Erie Railroad, 68 East Eagle st. Washington, 240; Keystone chap., 163; Lake Erie cor., 20. Hollaway, Isaac, Contractor and Dealer in Building and Paving Stone, Mlichigan sti., junction M. and H. Canal. Queen City, 358; Keystone chap., 163; Lake Erie corn., 20. Hill, F. C., General Dealer in IHardware, &c., &c., 269 Main st. Erie, 161; Keystone chap., 163; Lake Erie, corn., 20. Hewitt, [saac B., Engineer Propeller, Troy.:Hiram, 105; Buffalo chap., 71. Helmes, Morris, Captain Police, cor. Carroll and Louisiana sts. Union, 25, Elmira, N. Y. Hathaway, James W., Master Propeller Kenosha, 63 Eleventh st. Hiram, 105. Harris, Charles, Blacksmith, Ohio st., opposite Washington square. Hiram, 105. -Hawkins, Win., Lumber Forwarder and Commission Merchant, Erie Basin, near foot Genesee st. Washington, 240. Hayford, R., Dealer in Roofing Slate, Marble, &c., cor. Ohio st. and Washington square. W. M. Hiram, 105; H. P. Buffalo chap. 71; Lake Erie, corn., 20. Hamlin, John D., Banker, Niagara Falls. Niagara Frontier, 132; Fort Meigs chap., and Toledo corn., Toledo, Ohio. Irish, G. Chas., Jr., Auction and Commission Merchant, 5 and 7 West Seneca st. Hiram, 105; Buffalo chap., 71. Jones, R. A., Master Propeller Iowa, cor. Cedar and Eagle sts. Washington, 240. Krathwohl, John, Grocery and Provisions, or. Chippewa and Washington sts. Modestia, 340. King, J. E., M. D., Office 1 East Seneca st. Hiram, 105. Knight, James, Seaman. Hiram, 105. Kenyon, D., Lake Shore Railroad Express- Business, 206 Swan st. P. M. Summit, 219, Westfield, New-York; P. S. Buffalo chap., 71. Kenyon, Lorenzo M., M. D., 262 Washington st. P. M. Ancient Landmarks, 441; Keystone chap., 163. 378 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Langley, Samuel G., Master Propeller May Flower. Occidental, 56, St.' Joseph, Michigan. Lockwood, John A., Printer, Stationer, and Blank Book Manufacturer, 159 Main st. Sec. Queen City, 358; Keystone chap., 163. Long, George, Master Propeller Euphrates; 24 William st. Hiram, 105. Loebs, Jacob, Merchant Tailor, 372 Main st. Modestia, 340. Lucas, L. D., Carpenter New-York Central Railroad, 137 Seneca st. Erie, 161. Mack, H. J., Conductor Buffalo and Erie Railroad, Morton 1House, Erie, Pa. Erie, 161; Keystone chap., 163; Lake Erie corn., 20. Mason, A. S., Shipwriglt, Ohio st. opposite Washington square. J. W. Hiram, 105; Buffalo chap., 71. Miller, Jacob, Clerk, 173 Main st. Modestia, 340. Mills, Robert, Proprietor Dry Dock, Blackwell Canal. Hiram, 105. Moores, H. P., Superintendent Buffalo Steam Engine Works, cor. Ohio and Washington sts. Hiram, 105. Monro, Daniel F., Master Schooner L. C. Bates, Perry cor. Howard st. Hiram, 105; Buffalo chap., 71. Morse, Parker, Manufacturer of Masonic Regalia, &c., 14 Exchange. Queen City, 358; Buffalo chap,, 71; Lake Erie cor., 20. Montgomery, John H., Master Propeller Illinois, 149 N. Division st. Hiram, 105. Mugridge, George, Proprietor Steam Bakery, junction Ohio and Elk sts. Hiram, 105. Noyes, John S., Lumber Forwarder and Corn. Merchant, foot of Genesee st. Queen City, 358. Palmer, Everard, Tanner, Goodall and Oak sis. P.M. Washington, 240; Keystone chap., 163; Lake Erie corn., 20. Pengeot, J. F., Machinist, Colligon's Foundry. Hiram, 105. Persch, H. C., Grocer and Dry Goods, cor. Terrace and Church sts. Treas. Modestia, 340; Keystone chap., 163. Pitts, Calvin W., Foreman Pitts' Agricultural Works, cor. Fourth and Carolina sts. United, 8, Brunswick, Me. Pierce, C. S., City Comptroller, 80 East Seneca st. P. M. Hiram, 105; Buffalo chap., 71. Pratt, James, Master Propeller Eclipse, cor. Pine and Clinton sts. Hiram, 105. Pratt, Elliott, Steward Propeller Rocket, 10 Johnson's Park. Hiram, 105. Remington, C. K., Cashier Gas Works, 233 Delaware st. Queen City, 358. NEW-YORK. 379 Reining, John, Boot and Shoe Maker, cor. Commercial and Water sts. Modestia, 340. Reinhardt, Brewer, cor. Best and Jefferson sts. Modestia, 340. Rickert, F., Saloon, 375 Main st. W. M. Modestia, 340. Rice, John, Master Propeller Rocket, 60 Goodall st. Hiram, 105. Rollo, Win., Mate Propeller Galena. Ogdensburg, 128, Ogdensburg. Rogers, Wim. F., Printer, Courier Office, 192 Washington st. S. W. Hiram, 105. Robinson, Wm. F., Dealer in Imported Liquors, Cigars, &c., 35 and 37 Ohio st. Hiram, 105. Russell, Win. W., Wholesale Grocer, 33 Main st. Phoenix, 262, Gowanda, N. Y. Salisbury, 0., Master Prop. Edith. Evergreen, 222, Conneaut, Ohio. Shaver, N. J., Check Clerk N. Y. and W. S. Line, 158 Niagara st. Hiram, 105. Shepherd, Ralph, Engineer Propeller Neptune, Georgia, bet. Fifth and Sixth sts. Hiram, 105. Siddons, Robert, Conductor B. & E. R. R., 137 Seneca st. Erie, 161. Spencer, Thos. M., Chief Engineer Propeller Araxes, 282 North Division st. Hiram, 105. Slocum, Giles, Bookkeeper, 149 Main st. Queen City, 358. Smith, John D., Plumber and Gas Fitter, 162 Main st. Erie, 161; Keystone chap., 163; Lake Erie corn., 120. Stambach, P. C., Clothing Merchant, 3 Main st. Hiram, 105. Stewart, I., Car Inspector and Repairer, N. Y. C. R, R., 107 Clinton st. Erie, 161. Steele, T. W., Master Propeller Galena, 128 Bolivar st., Cleveland, Ohio. Iris lodge. Sternberg, C. W., Check Clerk W. T. Co., 195 East Eagle st. Queen City, 358. Striber, Edward, Phoenix Hotel, 361, 363, and 365 Main st. Concordia, 143. Sweet, A. S., Superintendent Rolling Stock B. & E. R. R., 163 East Swan st. Ancient Landmarks, 441. Sweetser, H. F., B. & E. R. R., 95 South Division st. Ivy, 397, Elmira; Elmira chap., 42; Lake Erie corn., 20. Thomas, J. W., Foreman Sash and Blind Factory, Elm st., near Clinton. Erie, 161. Towns, Henry A., Conductor B. & E. R. R., 410 Seneca st. Queen City, 358. Trefts, John, Foreman Moulder, Buffalo State Engine Works, corner Ohio and Washington sts. Hiram, 105. 380 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Vilas, Byron D., Printer, Republic Office, 182 Washington st. Hiram, 105. Walker, Robert T., Engineer B. & E. R. R. Queen City, 358; Keystone chap., 163. Watts, Thos., Master Propeller Araxes, Springfield, Lucas co., Ohio. Hiram, 105. Wagner. Philip A., Boot and Shoemaker, 7 Main st. Modestia, 340. Watts, Henry, Master Propeller Comet, 158 South Division st. Hiram, 105. Webster, Henry, Conductor B. & E. R. R., Erie. Presque Isle, 235, Erie, Pa. Westerman, George, Barber, 377 Main st. Modestia, 340. Wetmore, Wm. H., Master Propeller Orontes. Phoenix, 123, Perrysburg, Wood co., Ohio. Webster, D. C., Master Propeller Susquehannah. Evergreen, 222, Conneaut, Ohio; Conneaut chap., 76.. Whitman, Chas., Engineer Propeller Mendota, 121 Wayne st., Detroit. Detroit, 2; Monroe chap., 1. Woodruff, Chas. W., Clerk, Franklin House, cor. Seneca and Ellicott sts. Queen City, 358. Woodruff, James E., Grocer, 163 Delaware st. Queen City, 358. BALLSTON SPA. Noxon, C. M., Merchant, cor. Maine and Bath sts. Sec. Frankin, 90. Wescot, Reuben, Druggist, Front st. P. M3. Franklin, 90; P. H. P. and K. Warren chap., 23. Heddens, John WV.,. Meat Market, Milton st. Franklin, 90. Hill, Clement C., Attorney-at law. Franklin, 90. Woon, Cyrus I-., Scythe Maker, Ballston. Seneca River, 160, Baldwinsville. COLD SPRING. Lawson, Peter B., Engineer West Point Laundry. Dist. Dep. G. M. and W. M1. Phillipstown, 236. Nelson, Jacob K., Merchant Tailor, Main st., Phillipstown, 236. Boyd, Chas., Druggist and Stationer. J. W. Phillipstown, 236. Lemare, Dominick, Machinist, West Point Foundry. Phillipstown 236. Heaton Peter R., Machinist, West Point Foundry. Phillipstown, 236. H-all, Robert, Blacksmith, West Point Foundry. Phillipstown, 236. Merrick, Wm. H., Boiler Maker, West Point Foundry. Phillipstown, 236. NEW-YORK. 381 Nimmo, Jas., Finisher, West Point Foundry. Phillipstown, 236. Neil, Andrew, Machinist, West Point Foundry. Phillipstown, 236. Tritschler, Charles, Machinist, West Point Foundry. Phillipstown, 236. Dlee, Morris, Merchant Tailor, Main st., near H.. R. R. Phillipstown, 236. Wilson, Robert, Blacksmith, Stone st. S. W. Phillipstown, 236. Dalzell, Robert E., Grocery and Provision Store, cor. Main and Fair sts. Phillipstown, 236. Ladue, ~Wm. A., Carpenter and Builder. Phillipstown, 236. Livingston, Levi L., House, Sign and Decorative Painter. Phillipstown, 236. Green, Thos., Machinist. Philllpstown, 236. CATSKILL. Fance, Geo. L., Sheriff Green Co., Proprietor Catskill House. Catskill, 468. Boyley, John H., Jr., Captain steamer, P1 Gloffin. W. M. Catskill, 468, R.. AM. Osborn, A. M., Attorney-at-law. S. D. Catskill, 468. Palmer, Thos. C., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Flonr, Groceries, &c. S. W. Catskill, 468. Neefus, David C., Deputy County Clerk. Friendship, 153, Hudson. COHOES. Jackson, George, Foreman, Machinist Knitting Department, Bailey Manufacturing Company. Cohoes, 116; Cohoes chap., 168; Apollo cor., 15. Dixon, Eljah T., Foreman Carding and Spinning Department, Bailey Manufacturing Company. Cohoes, 116; Cohoes chap., 168; Apollo com., 15. Wakenuan,,, Bookkeeper H. Adams & Co., Factory st. Cohoes, 116. Melendy, Alonzo, Foreman Adams & Co. Knitting Department, Seneca st. Cohoes, 116. Black, Daniel, Foreman Machinist, Ogden Mills. Cohoes, 116. Evans, H. S., Carder and Spinner, Ogden Mills. Cohoes, 116; Cohoes chap., 168. Root, S. G., Manufacturer Tivoli Mills. Masters, 5, Albany; Cohoes chap., 168. Conaughty, Wm. II., Master Machinist, Tivoli Mills. cohoes, 116; Cohoes chap., 168. Ferguson, P. B., Builder. W. M. Cohoes, 116; Cohoes chap., 168. 38 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Frink, J. W., Merchant. Cohoes, 116 Cohoes chap., 168. Bogue, H. S., Coal Merchant, Surgeon st. Cohoes 116; H. P. Cohoes chap., 168. Schoonnmaker, P., Jr., Ambrotype and Photograph Artist, Mohawk st. Cohoes, 116; Cohoes chap., 168; Apollo com., 15. Howard; Thos. R., Livery Stable Keeper, Ransom st. Cohoes, 116; K. Cohoes chap., 168. Vandercook, Richard, Carpenter and Joiner, Ransom st. Cohoes, 1 16. FORT EDWARD. Cray, E. A., Wines and Liquors. Fort Edward, 267; Glens Falls chap., 154. Higgins, S. W., Groceries and Provisions. Fort Edward, 267; Glens Falls chap., 154. Sherwood, B. W., Dealer in Lumber, &c. Fort Edward, 267; Glens Falls chap., 154. Wells, Caleb, Lumber Dealer. W. M. Fort Edward, 267; Glens Falls chap., 154. Mosheer, Geo. B., Lumber Dealer. S. W. Fort Edward, 267; Glens Falls chap., 154. Usher, Hiram, Miller and Grain Dealer. J. D. Fort Edward, 267; Glens Falls chap., 154. -Hubbell, J. S., Livery Stable. Fort Edward, 267. Keeney, Francis J. J., Boarding House, Canal Lock. P. M. Apollo, 13; P. M. and S. I. Fort Edward, 267; i-. P. Glens Falls chap., 154; Apollo corn., 15. Fox, W. A., Tailor, Broadway. Fort Edward, 267. Ottman, WVm. R., Ready Made Clothing and Gents Furnishing Store, I Wing's Exchange. Fort Edward, 267. Flint, John Johnson, M.. J. W. Fort Edward, 267. FISHKILL LANDING. Clark, John, Butcher. Beacon, 283. Simpson, Geo., Soap and Tallow Chandler. Beacon, 283. Rogers, Wmi. H., Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Warehouse. Beacon, 283. Bell, Wm. P., M. D. P. M. Beacon, 283. Mackay, A. Rufus, Agent Hudson River Railroad. Phillipstown, 236. Shartedr James E.. Lumber and Coal Merchant, Long Dock. W. M. Beacon, 283. Mleyer, Louis, Meyer's Hotel. Beacon, 283. NEW-YORK. 383 GREENPOINT. Blanck, Ethan S., Ship Joiner, Orchard st., first door from Messerole av. Sec. Greenpoint, 403. Boch, F. Victor, Manufacturer Porcelain. Greenpoint, 403. Boch, Wim., Manufacturer Porcelain, Eagle st. Greenpoint, 403. Boch, Nicholas, Manufacturer Porcelain, Huron st. Greenpoint, 403. Booth, Gordon K., Police Officer, Messerole and Eckyard sts. Greenpoint, 403; De Witt Clinton chap., 142. Cothie, WVm., Ship Carpenter, Eckford st., near Messerole st. Greenpoint, 403. Cogswell, Johl, Ship Joiner, cor. Messerole and Second. sts. J. WV. Greenpoint, 403. Henderson, John, Shipwright, Greenpoint av. Greenpoint, 403. Helme, James F., Shipwright, cor. G and Washington sts. Greenpoint, 403. Helme, John M., Shipwright, cor. G and Washington st. Greenpoint, 403. Halsted, Wm., Proprietor of Eastern District Hotel, 46 Greenpoint av. Sylvan Grove, 275. Jones, Edward, Proprietor, Franklin House, cor. Franklin and Noble sts. Greenpoint, 403. Kropp, F. K. M., Lager Beer Saloon, cor. Franklin and Eagle sts. Schiller, 303. Lane, William, House Carpenter, Sixth st. Greenpoint, 403. Leggett, M. S., Apothecary, 6 Franklin block. S. D. Greenpoint, 403. Lafrance, Beach S., Ship Joiner, 86 Madison st. Greenpoint, 403. Moffatt, Daniel, Foreman Union Porcelain Manufactury, Eckyard st. Greenpoint, 403. Nicholson, Wim., Shipwright, Oakland st. Greenpoint, 403. Norman, John, Hotel, eor. Washington and Madison sts. Greenpoint, 403. Seaman, Conklin, Provision Dealer, Franklin st. between M and N sts. Polar Star, 445. Stillwell, John, Captain Police Force, Greenpoint av., near Eckford st. Greenpoint, 403. Terry, Josiah R., Proprietor National Hall. Greenpoint, 403. Vogst, Louis, House, Sign, and Ornamental Painter, bet, H and I sts. Greenpoint, 403. Vanfelt, Wm. D., Ship Joiner, Messerole av. Greenpoint, 403. 384 IUNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Wortman, Chas. L, Shipwright, Eckford, near Messerole st. Greenpoint, 403 HOOSICK FALLS. Crosbee, John L. F., Boot and Shoe Maker. W. M. Van Rensselaer, 400. White, M. F., Agent Troy and Buffalo Railroad. Van Rensselaer, 400. Cooley, Thomas B., Butcher. Sec. Van Rensselaer, 400. Curtis, I-I. G. W.,'WaVgon and Carriage Maker. Van Rensselaer, 400. Wilcox, Emerson, Carpenter and Joiner. Van Rensselaer, 400. Phillips, Charles D., Mason. Van Rensselaer, 400. Ray, Myron, Machinist, Mowing Machine Manufactory. Van Rensselaer, 400. HORNELLSVILLE. Pratt, H. D. V., Master of Track Repairs, New-York and Erie Railroad. Cattaraugus, 239; New Jerusalem chap., 47; De Molay corn., 22. Bennett, Thos., Provision Dealer. Evening Star, 44;Steuben chap., 101; De Molay corn., 22. Gardner, W., Engineer and Machinist, New-York and Erie Railroad. Hornellsville, 331; Steuben chap., 101. Anderson, James, Machinist, New-York and Erie [Railroad. Hornellsville, 331. Connell, Thomas, Machinist, New-York and Erie Railroad. Hornellsville, 331. Bowen, E., U. S. Express Agent, Drugs, &c. Treas. Hornellsville, 331; C. H. Steuben chap., 101; S. W. De Molay cor., 22. Bennett, E., Attorney-at-law. Hornellsville, 331; Steuben chap., 101; Rec. De MIolay corn., 22. Wiener, S., Clerk. Evening Star, 44. Wilbur, J. T., Attorney-at-law. P. M. Hornellsville, 331; K. Steuben chap., 101; E. C. De Molay corn., 22; D. D. G. M.; J. W. Gr. Corn. Latham, John, Foreman Machine Shop, New-York and Erie Railroad. Hornellsville, 331. Martin, J. P., Master Mechanic and Engine Dispatcher, New-York and Erie Railroad. Hornellsville, 331; Steuben chap., 101; De Molay com., 22. NEW- YORK. 385 De Witt, Benj. C., Grocer and Commission Merchant. Hornellsville, 331; Treas. Steuben chap., 101; De Molay corn., 22. Collier, J. D., Grocer and Commission Merchant. P.I M. Hornellsville, 331; P. K. Steuben chap., 101; P. Gen. De Molay com., 22. KINGSTON. Bernstein, Isaac, Merchant. Kingston, 10. Chipp, John, Jr, Book and Stationery St ore, 32 Wall st. S. D. Kingston, 10. Chipp, Warren, Merchant.'W. M. Kingston, 10; P. G. Steward, and D. D. G. M. of Third District; H. P., Mount Horeb chap., 75. Decker, A., Stone Dealer. Kingston, 101; Mount Horeb chap., 75. Dubois, J. H., Attorney-at-law, Main st. Kingston, 10. Mount Horeb, 75. Franklin, Benjamin, Jeweller. Kingston, 10, Humphrey, Robt., Farmer, Clovesville. Kingston, 10; P. K. Mount HIoreb chap., 75. Hayes, Wim. M., Boot and Shoe Dealer. S. W. Kingston, 10; P. H. P. Mount Horeb chap., 75. Langsworth, John S., Iron Founder. Kingston, 10; Mount Horeb chap., 75. Steele, John B., Attorney-at-law, Wall st. Kingston, 10; H. P. Mount Horeb chap., 75. LOCKPORT. Craig, Charles, Book-keeper. P. M. Cataract, 295; M. E. H. P. Ames chap., 88; Adelphic coun., 7; Prelate Genesee cor., 10. Steele, Jerome, Clerk. S. D. Niagara, 375; Ames chap., 88. Anderson, John, Constable, 17 Caledonia st. Lockport, 73; Ames chap, 88; Genesee corn., 10. Cram, H. H., Tremont House and Saloon, I Pine st. Lockport, 73; Ames chap., 88; Genesee corn., 10. Baker, 0. T., Clothing Merchant,- Pavilion Hotel. Lockport, 73. Blake, E. L., First Clerk, N. Y. C. R. R., 4 Pine st. J. W. Niagara, 375. Clement, Thos., Blacksmith and Carriage Builder, 66 Clinton st. Lockport, 73; Ames chap., 88. Penfield, H. L., Architect and Builder, 9 Lock st. Niagara, 375; Ames chap., 88. Morse, WVm. A., Merchant. Lockport, 73; American chap., 28. 386 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Murphy, Philip. P. M. Lockport, 73; Ames chap., 88; Niagara coun.; Genesee corn., 10. LANSING-BURG. Lavender, Stephen, Cabinet Warehouse, State st. S. W. Jerusalem, 358; Phoenix chap., 133; Master 2d Veil. Hathaway, B. G., Mechanic and President of Lansingburg Office, 3 State st. P. M. Jerusalem, 355. Holden, Geo. W., Foreman Baker, I Richard st. Jerusalem, 355; Phoenix chap., 133. Bernard, Lcuis, Baker, I Richard st. King Solomon's Primitive, 91. Lusty, David, House, Sign, and Ornamental Painter, State st. J erusalem, 355. Davis, C. A., Davis House, 337 State st. Phoenix, 58; Phoenix chap., 133. Sitser, Cornelius M., Machinist, 298 River st. Jerusalem, 355. Butler, M. G., Butler's House, 375 State st. Phoenix, 58. Snyder, A. C., Druggist and Chemist; 292 State st. Jerusalem, 355; Phoenix chap., 133. Ferris, John, Brush Maker, 22 Congress st. Phoenix, 58. Mors, Chas. H., Mors' Flouring and Saw Mill, 54 Second st. Clinton, 140. Cole, C. B., M. D., 38 Broad st. Clinton, 140. Schouten, Morgan House, Broad st. Clinton, 140. Bell, John, Groceries and Provisions, 372 State st. Phoenix, 58. Houghton, C. S, Union House, 287 State st. Phoenix, 58; Phoenix chap., 133; Apollo cor., 15. Sayles, Thos., Patent Agent, State st. Jerusalem, 355; Phoenix chap., 133. LEROY. Lampkins, M. G., Agent N. Y. Cent. R. R. Sec. Olive Branch, 39. Anderson, John R. W. M. Olive Branch, 39; Western Star: chap., 35; Monro com., 12; D. D. G. M. Sixteenth Masonic District. Haskins, W. M., Fruit Store, Main st. J. D. Olive Branch, 39. Ballard, L., Hotel, cor. Main and Brockport sts. Olive Branch, 39. MATTEAWAN. Hughes, Geo. R., Carpenter. J. D. Beacon, 283. Bishop, Robert, Tailor. Sec. Beacon, 283. Vanderburgh, John, House Painter. J. W. Beacon, 283. tEW-YOtEK. 387 Way, Thos. J., Machinist. S, D. Beacon, 283. Green, Daniel, Livery Stables. Beacon, 283. Wrigit, Geo. L., Grocery and Provision. S. Beacon, 283Coldwell, John, Grocery and Provision. Beacon, 283. OSWEGO. Rogers, Geo. H., Ship Builder. Oswego, 127; Mexico chap., 138, Dixon, G. F., Book-keeper. Oswego, 127; Mexico chap., 138. Parker, Chas., Ship Master. Oswego, 127. Kilborn, F. P., Book-keeper. Sec. Oswego, 127; MIexico chap., 138, Rice, Geo., Saloon Keeper. Oswego, 127. Rogers, Chas. H., Engineer NY.Y. and E. R. R. Friendship, 153. Goodsell, Henry, EngineerN. Y. and E. R. R. Friendship, 153. Curtis, Allen, Distiller. Friendship, 153. Judd, Jessie B., Conductor N. Y. and E. R. R. Friendship, 153; New Jerusalem chap., 47; De Molay comn, 22. POUGHKEEPSIE. Freeman, John, Chair Maker, South Water st. W. M. Poughkeepsie, 266. McLean, John, Provision Store, 241 Main st. Poughkeepsie, 266. Scheckle, John, Merchant Tailor, 341 Main st. Poughkeepsie, 266. Tallman, John, P. H., Attorney and Banker. Poughkeepsie, 266. Champlin, Albert H., Teller Farmers' and Manufacturers' Bank, Market st. Treas. Poughkeepsie, 266. Seaman, James I-L, Justice Peace, Co. Treas. Poughkeepsie, 266. Fowler, Sidney, Gilder, Water st. P. M. Poughkeepsie, 266. Shultz. Simon, Shoe Store, 290 Main st. Poughkeepsie, 266. Halleck, N., Printer, Eagle Office. Sec. Poughkeepsie, 266. Camron A., Carpenter and Builder, South Hamilton st. Poughkeepsie, 266. Annebery, Chresten, Livery Stable, Market st. Poughkeepsie, 266. Seines, Geo., Merchant Tailor, 280 Main st. Poughkeepsie, 266. Gausmann, Geo., Masonic Hall, Main st. P. M. Trinity, 12. Hitchcock, J. C., Superintendent of Poor of Dutchess Co. P. M. Poughkeepsie, 266. PEEIKSKILL. Depew, Geo. W., Iron Works, Main st. J. W. Cortlandt, 189. Odell & Barnes, Grocers, Division st. Cortlandt, 189. Frear, James M., Book-keepel at Seabury & Sandford's Iron Works, Centre st. Cortlandt, 189. 388 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Martin, J. G., Agent H. R. R R. Office. Monumental, 374, Red Hook. ROCHESTER. Austin, Mervin, Arch itect, 14 Masonic Block, 3d story. Yonnondio 163; Hamilton chap., 62. Aldvri ge, G. W., Joiner and Builder's Shop, 145 Buffalo st. Yonnondio, 163; Hamilton chap., 62; Munroe corn., 12. Aldridge, J. B., Joiner and Builder's Shop, 145 Buffalo st. Yonnondio, 163; Hamilton chap., 62. Burtis, Wm. H., Brewer and Malster, 13 South Water st. Valley, 109; Hamilton chap., 62; Corn. Munroe corn., 12. Bruff, Wm. W., Druggist, Exchange above Blffalo st. S. W. Yonnondio, 163; Scribe Hamilton chap., 62; Recorder Munroe corn., 12. Brown, James, Truck Master New-York Central Railroad, Yonnondio, 163. Caldwell, John D., Baker, 126 State st. Yonnondio, 163. Carpenter, H. H., Merchant. Hamilton chap., 62; Munroe com., 12. Gee, George P., Agent for Singer's Sewing Machines, 31 Buffalo st. Yonnondio, 163. Guggenheim, Wm., Merchant. Valley, 109. Hickok, Asher D., Hotel Keeper. Yonnondio, 163; Hamilton chap., 62; Munroe corn., 12. Humphrey, Edward P., Student. Village, 29, Conn. Hall, E. R., Agent for the London Publishing Co. Valley, 109; P. S. Hamilton chap., 62; Munroe corn., 12. Hubbard, Benjamin C., Printer, Democrat and American Office. Valley, 109. Pellet, S. S., Ticket Agent, New-York Central Railroad. Valley, 109; Hamilton chap., 62; Munroe corn., 12. Pickett, N. A., Wholesale Dealer in Groceries, Wines, Liquors, &c., 31 Exchange st. Valley, 109; Hamilton chap., 62; Munroe com., 12. Lothridge, R. K., Baggage Master New-York Central Railroad. Yonnondio, 163; Hamilton chap., 62; Munroe com., 12. Leary, Daniel, Steam Fancy Dying and Scouring, cor. Mill and Platt sts. Valley, 109. Lutes, John, Millwright, Mill near Platt st. Yonnondio, 163; I-amilton chap.; 62; Munroe com., 12. Lathrop, William E., Merchant. W. M. Yonnondio, 163; P. H. P. NEW-YORK. 389 Hamilton chap., 62; P. G. C. Monroe enept., 12; P. G. M. Grand Encpt. De Lano, Frederick, Lawyer. Yonnondio, 163; Hamilton chap., 62Norris, James, Coach Painter. Salem, 21, Ind. Osborn, N. P., Grocer, 11 South St. Paul st. Valley, 109. RapaIji, A. B., Physician and Surgeon, cor. Main and Clinton sts. Yonnondio, 163; Hamilton chap., 62; Monroe cor., 12. Redfield, Geo. B., Proprietor Ayres Hotel, Mill st., near South Entrance to New-York Central Railroad. Yonnondio, 163; Hamilton chap., 62. Spencer, L. C., Oyster and Fruit Dealer, 108 State st. Yonnondio, 163; Hamilton chap., 62; Monroe corn., 12. Strong, S. M., Proprietor Ayres Hotel, Mill st., near South Entrance to New-York Central Railroad. Valley, 109; Hamilton chap., 62. Smith, E. Darwin, Lawyer. Yonnondio, 163; Hamilton chap., 62; Monroe enept., 12. Tuller, Horace, Dry Goods Merchant, 12 State st. Yonnondio, 163; Hamilton chap., 62; S.W. M.onroe corn., 12. Trimmer, E., Attorney-at-law. Yonnondio, 163; Hamilton chap., 62; Monroe corn., 12. Warnher, Andrew J., Architect, 03 3d story Arcade. S. D. Valley, 109; Hamilton chap., 62; Monroe corn., 12. RED HOOK. Elseffer, J. W., Attorney-at-law. S. W. Monumental, 374. Phillips, Wm., Builder, cor. Phillips and Prince sts. J, W.. Monumental, 374. Martin, Claudius R., Carpenter and Joiner, cor. Phillips and Prince sts. Monumental, 374. Gedney, Benjamin F., Merchant Tailor, Broadway. Molnumental, 374. Massonean, Robert L., Tobacco Manufacturer, Broadway. Mlonumental, 374. Fisk, J. B., Farmer. Sec. Monumental, 374. Fame, John R., Farmer. Monumental, 374. Taylor, Thomas L., Insurance Agent, Barrytown Dock. Monumental, 374. SARATOGA SPRINGS. Winchell, W. R., Merchant Tailor, 162 Broadway. Rising Sun, 103. Putnam, Wim. L., Grocer, 2 Putnam av. S. D. Rising Sun, 103 St John chap., 103, Greenfield. 26 390 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Putnam, L. B., M. D., Druggist, 5 Centre House. Organist Rising Sun, 103; Royal Arch Captn., and Sec. Rising Sun chap., 131. Young, Thomas G., Editor and Publisher, and Post-master, Broadway. Rising Sun, 103. Brown, C. I., Bread, Cake, ~and Cracker Bakery. Rising Sun, 103. Adams, J. WY., Manufacturer, andiWholesale and Retail Dealer in Leather, Oil, &c., 208 Broadway. Rising Sun, 103. Fuller, William G., Proprietor Columbian Hotel, 226 and 228 Broadway. Rising Sun, 103. Bullard, Gardner, IPoultry, Fish, and Fruit, 175 Broadway. Rising Sun, 103; Rising Sun chap., 131. Green, S. W., Merchant, 196 Broadway. Rising Sun, 103. Burlingame, Chas. W., Agent National Ex. Co., 150 Broadway. Rising Sun, 103. Rouse, J. R., Druggist, 138 Broadway. Rising Sun, 103. Jennings, M. J., Jeweller, 132 Broadway. Rising Sun, 103. Durkee, C. E., Books, Stationery, &c., 124 Broadway. Rising Sun, 103. Johnson, W. R., Congress Spring.' Eastern Star, 226, N. Y. City. Tabor, George S., Builder, Congress st. S. W. Rising Sun, 103. Jones, David, Steward, Union Hall. Sec. Wilton, 466. Benedict, C. E., Freight Agent, Rensselaer and Saratoga Railroad. Franklin, 90. Alger, W. S., M. D., Clinton House, Broadway. Rising Sun, 103; Rising Sun chap., 131. Chapman, J. R., Engineer, Saratoga and WAashington Railroad, 100 Broadway. Apollo, 13; Rising Sun chap., 131. SYRACUSE. Avery, Augustus, 371 North Salina st. Central City, 305. Baldwin, Daniel Pratt, Law Student. Central City, 305.. Barnum, Henry A., Attorney-at-law, 6 South Salina st. Syracuse, 102; Syracuse chap., 70. Bigelow, J. G., Homoeopathic Physician, 57 Warren st. Central City, 305. Butler, John G., Mechanics' Bank. Central City, 305; Syracuse chap., 70; Central City corn., 25. Cator, H. H., Physician, 51 Warren st. Central City, 305; Syracuse chap., 70, Central City corn., 25. Chase, V. B., Printer, Journal Office. Syracuse, 102; Syracuse.chap., 70. NEW-YORK. 391 Crow, James M., Clerk, Sherman House. Central City, 305. Coats, D., Attorney-at-law, 9 Wieting Block. W M. Syracuse, 102. Dawson, E. S., Saddlery, Coach and Trunk Hardware, &c., cor. Salina and Fayette sts. Syracuse, 102. Fuller, James, Physician, 65 East Geniesee st. Syracuse, 102. - Fiske, W. B.," Clot1hng, Cloths, &c., 17 South Salina st. Central City, 305. Griswold, D., Manufacturer of Hats, Caps and Furs, 22 North Salina st. Central City, 305. Gay, Calvin B., Dealer in Boots and Shoes, -1 Washington Block. Central City, 305; Syracuse chap., 70. Hamilton, Wm. P., 19 South Salina st. Central City, 305; Syracuse chap., 70. Haskins, H. R., 336 North Salina st. Central City, 305; Syracuse chap., 70. Lamson, WVm. P., Agent American Express Co. Central City, 305; Palmyra Eagle chap.; Central City cor., 25. McDougall, E., Dealer in Boots and Shoes, 53 North Salina st. Central City, 305; Syracuse chap., 70; Central City corn., 25. Olmsted, H. R., Saddlery and Coach Hardware, 1 Washington stores, Central City, 305; Syracuse chap., 70; Central City cor., 25. Ormsby, Emory, Proprietor New-Orleans Liquor Store. Syracuse, 102. Proctor, H. R., Watchmaker and Jeweller, 14 East Genesee st. Central City, 305. Palmer, Wm. L., Clerk Voorhees House. P. S. W. Central City,. 305; Syracuse chap., 70; Central City corn., 25. Peirson, Edward, Liquor Dealer, 39 South Salina st. Syracuse, 102.. Palmer, Manering C., Clothier and Merchant Tailor, 17 North Salina st. L-ite of Fort Brewerton, 256; Syracuse chap., 70. Rust, Stiles M., cor. Mulberry and Water sts. J. W. Central City, 305; E. K. Syracuse chap., 70; C. Gen. Central City corn., 25; Adelphic coun., 7. Sprague, WVm. G., Proprietor Brentnal Hotel. Military, 215. Seymour, Joseph. Silverware and Masonic Jewels of all kinds. CentraI City, 305; Syracuse chap., 70; Central City corn., 25. Snow, Chas. W., Druggist, 40 East Genesee st, Central City, 305 P. S. Syracuse chap., 70; Recorder Central City cor., 25; Adelphic conn., 17. Stillwell, H. W., Boots, Shoes, Leather and Findings, 30 North Sali-. na st. Central City, 305; Syracuse chap., 70; Central City cor., 25. Sherwood, J. F., 405 N. Salina st. Syracuse, 102; Syracuse chap., 70.. Thurbur, Edward, Manufacturer of Bakestuffs and Confectionery.. Central City, 305; Syracuse chap., 70; Central City cor., 25. 392 UmVE.RSAL MASONIC RECORfD. Valintine, D., Watches "and Jewelry, 21 South Salina st. Central City, 305. Van Slyke, D. B., M. D., Dealer in Drugs, Groceries, &c., 23 and 25 North Salina st. Central City, 305. Webb, Wn.m H., 29 East Washington st. Central City, 305. Wood, R., Confectionery Store, 68 South Salina st. Central City, 305; C. Syracuse chap., 70; Central City com., 25. SING-SING. Cox, J. T., Livery Stable.'-'::Westchester, 180. Cumming, Chas. H., Watchmaker and Jeweller. Westchester, 180. Butler, Henry L., Clerk, Sing-Sing Prison. Solomon's, 196. Biglow, F. D., Agent for Machines. Westchester, 180. Ferrigo, Lyman, Shoemaker. Westchester, 180. Guinand, Lewis, Pattern Maker. P. M. Union, 31, Conn. Howe, James H., Empire Hotel. Fortitude, 19, Brooklyn. Maplesden, Thos., Mason. Westchester, 180. McDermott, Francis, Saw Manufactory. Manhattan, 62, N. Y. Nichols. S. C. P. M. Westchester, 180; R. A. M. Dist. Dept. G. M. Reed, David, Lumber and Coal Merchant. Sec. Westchester, 180. Robertson, Archibald, Clerk, Shoe Manufactory. Salem, 391, N. Y. Russell, John, File Manufacturer. Westchester, 180. Rooney, Chas., Agent for Saw Manufactory. Keystone, U. D., N. Y. Smith, S. Malcolm, Justice of the Peace. P. M. Westchester, 180. O'Brien, Nicholas, Jr., Hudson River Stone Works. T. Westchester, 180. Preston, Job, Tailor. Westchester, 180. TROY. Adams, Henry G., M. D., 18 King st. Treas. Mount Zion, 311; Apollo chap., 48; Apollo corn., 15. Arnold, Oliver A., General Coal Dealer, 433 River st. Schaghticoke Pt. Mount Zion, 311; Apollo chap. 48. Ball, Marcus, Lawyer, Museum Building. W.M. Mount Zion, 311; Apollo chap., 48; Prelate Apollo com., 15. Babcock, George, Bookkeeper, Rensselaer Iron Works. Mount Zion, 311; P. M. Franklin, 90; H. P. Apollo chap., 48; P. C. G. Apollo corn.. 15. Barney, J. L., Broker, 343 River st. Apollo, 13, Banfield, Robt. P., Master Mechanic, Rensselaer Iron Works. Apollo, 13; Apollo chap., 48; Apollo corn., 15. NEW-YORK. 393 Bennett, Geo. W., Fresco and Decorative Painter. Apollo, 13; Elmira chap., 42; Warder Apollo cor., 15. Bennett, H. J., Proprietor Empire Foundry, 152 South Fourth st. King Solomon's Primitive, 91. Bellows, Geo. H., Undertaker, 23 Fifth st. King Solomon's Prim., 91. Bloss, Richard, M. D. P. MI. King Solomon's Primitive, 91; P. H. P. Apollo chap., 48; P. C. Apollo corn., 15. Boutell, Josiah W., General Freight Agent, Troy and Boston Railroad. King Solomon's Prim., 91; Apollo chap., 48; Apollo corn., 15. Boutwell, Oliver, Proprietor Boutwell's Mill, River near Rensselaer st. King Solomon's Primitive, 91. Bounds, H. W., Rail Roller, Rensselaer Iron Works, 164 South First st. Apollo, 13. Bradley, J. M., Flour and Provisions, 139 River st. Jerusalem, 355; Lansingburgh; Phoenix chap., 133 Brandy, Joseph P., Wines, &c., 251 River st. J. D. Apollo, 13; N. 2d Veil; Apollo chap., 48. Brush, C. NW., 5 Fulton Market. P. M. Oscar Coles, 241; Apollo chap., 48. Brooks, B. T., Metropolitan Gift Book Store, 290 River st.. I-Herkimer, 423. Button, L. H., Master Mason Builder, Union House. Apollo, 13 P. S. Apollo chap., 48; P. Apollo corm., 15. Cornell, G. W., Sheriff Rensselaer Co. Phoenix, 58, Lansingburgh. Cornwell, B. H., Superintendent Rensselaer Iron Works. St. Paul's, 124, Auburn, N. Y.; Apollo chap., 48; Apollo corn., 15. Cook, Alanson, Farmer. Mount Zion, 311. Crissey, Isaac W., Flour Merchant, 141 River st. Mount Zion, 311; Apollo chap., 48. Deal, John M., Car Builder, Green Island. J. W. Apollo, 13'; Apollo chap., 48; T. G. Apollo corn., 15. Dempsey, James. King Solomon's Primitive, 91; Apollo chap., 48 i Apollo corn., 15. De La Verge, Benjamin, R., 5 Fulton Market. Apollo, 13. Dutcher, S. M., Machinist, 541 River st. Apollo, 13; Apollo chap., 48. Enwriglit, W. H., Conductor Troy and Boston Railroad, American House. Tucker, U. D., North Bennington, Vt. Gardner, G. W., Superintendent Clinton Foundry. King Solomon's Primitive, 91. Golden, Gilbert D., Undertaker, 84 Fifth st. Mount Zion, 311. Gregory, Geo. G. King Solomon's Primitive, 91; Apollo chap., 48; Apollo corm, 15. 394 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Green, D. M., Professor of Geodesy and Typographical Drawing, Rensselaer Polytechnic School. J. W. King Solomon's Primitive, 91. Hall, Aaron S., Silk Dyer, 403 River st. Apollo, 13. Hicks, E. J., Manufacturer and Dealer in Stoves, Hollow Ware, &c., 275 River st. King Solomon's Primitive, 91. Howell, M. R., Proprietor Thcenix Foundry, 543 River st. King Solomon's Primitive, 91 Holden, Chas. H., Conductor Rensselaer and Saratoga Railroad, Mansion House. Mount Zion, 311.; Apollo chap., 48; Apollo cor., 15. House, Hiram, Manufacturer of, and Wholesale Dealer in, Shirts and Collars, 377 River st. W. M. Cambridge Valley, U. D.; Apollo chap., 49 Hogan, Theodore, M. D., Surgeon and Veterinary Surgeon, 610 River st. King Solomon's Primitive, 91. Hudson, James, Machinist, 541 River st. Apollo, 13; Apollo chap., 48. Jackson, Bradford, Moulder, EmpireTIWorks, 181 South Third st. Mount Zion, 311. Jones, P.. L., Clerk Police Court. Sec. Mount Zion, 311; Scribe Apollo chap., 48; J. W. Apollo corn., 15. Jones, David H., Job Printer, 216 River st. S. W. King Solomon's Primitive, 91; Scribe Apollo chap., 48. Kemp, William, Troy Brass Foundry, 29 Third st. S. D. King Solomon's Primitive, 91; R. A. Capt. Apollo chap., 48. Kenyon, James, Dealer in Wines and Liquors, 313 River st. Mount Zion, 311; Glens Falls chap., 154. Kirkpatrick, S. E., Ornamental Painter, Green Island, cor. Canal and Hamilton sts. Apollo, 13; Apollo chap., 48. King, Finlay M., Lawyer, Port Byron. S. G. W., G. Rep. of G. L. of Pa.; P. H. P. Town chap.; P. M. Port Byron lodge; Hon. Member of Zetland and Metropolitan chapters. Landon, John M., Justice of Troy Justice Court. Mount Zion, 311. Laphany, Charles, Collector Troy and Albany Stages. W. M. Jerusalem, 355; Lansingburgh Phoenix chap., 133 P. S. Madden, William, Undertaker, 98 Third st. Mount Zion, 311. Mallery, P. S., 106 Congress st. Apollo, 13; Apollo corn., 15. Merritt, Henry A., Lawyer, 251 River st. S. D. Apollo, 13. Morris, Robert, General Freight Agent R. & S. R. R., Green Island. J. D. King Solomon's Primitive, 91. Moe, R. I., Transportation and Produce Business,' 191 River' st. Mount Zion, 311. McCafrey, Wnm. H., Conductor R. & S. R. R., Saratoga Springs. Mounlt Zion, 311. NEW-YORK. 395 McManus, AVm., Constable, 139 Fifth st. King Solomon's Primitive, 91; Apollo chap., 48; Apollo cor., 15. McClellan, Robert W., Lawyer, Surrogate of Rensselaer Co. Mount Zion, 311. Neher, John H., Cashier Market Bank. Mount Zion, 311. Nutting, Merritt M., Dealer in Agricultural Implements, and Manufacturer of Wire Cloth, 357 and 359 River st. Sec. Apollo, 13. Otis, Geo. H., Accountant, A. & W. Orr & Co., State Dam. S. W. Mount Zion, 311; Apollo chap., 48; Apollo cor., 15. Price, A. B., Steamboat Agent, 5 Sixth st. Marshal King Solomon's Primitive, 91. Powers, Lyman, 135 Congress st. P. M. Apollo, 13; Generalissimo Apollo cor., 15. Perry, John S.; House and Sign Painter, 80 River st. P. M. Apollo, 13; King Solomon's Primitive, 91; Mount Zion, 311; P. H. P. Apollo chap., 48; P. G. H. P. of the Grand Chap.; P. C. Apollo cor., 15; Grand Treas. of Grand Com.; R. of Apollo corn., 15. Parkman, Freeman F., Dry Goods, 15 Museum Buildings. Mount Zion, 311; Apollo chap., 48; Apollo corn., 15. Rich, William, Barber, Troy House. King Solomon's Primitive, 91; Apollo chap., 48; S. B. Apollo com., 15. Selleck, H. K., Accountant. Mount Zion, 311; Apollo chap., 48; Apollo com., 15. Smith, George B., 2 Fulton Market. W. M. King Solomon's Primitive, 91; K. Apollo chap., 48. Swett, George WN., Proprietor Empire Foundry, 231 Second st. King Solomon's Primitive, 91. Schoonmaker, C. C., Ambrotypist and Photographist, 282 River st. King Solomon's Primitive, 91. Thompson, M. V, Assistant-Superintendent Albany Iron Works. Apollo, 13; Apollo chap., 48. Tuthill, D. XW., Accountant, Eaton, Gilbert & Co.'s Car Works. King Solomon's Primitive, 91; Treas. Apollo chap., 13. Vaughan, Erastus H., Rail Roller, Renss'r Iron Works. Apollo, 13. Warr, John, Dealer in Fine Groceries, 278 River st. King Solomon's Primitive, 91. Willard, John D. P. G. M. Apollo, 13. White, Francis C., Conductor Troy & B. R. R., Bennington, Vt. King Solomon's Primitive, 91; Apollo chap., 48; Apollo corn., 15. White, J. T. B., Forwarding and Commission Merchant, 191 River st. King Solomon's Primitive, 91. Wilson, Mordecai M., Druggist, 321 River st. Mount Zion, 311. 396 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Woodworth, Thos. J., Gilder, 270 River st. Apollo, 13. Wolf, T. T., Manufacturer and Dealer in Stoves, Hollow Ware, &c., 275 River st. Mount Zion, 311. Yeson, Chas., Collector Rensselaer & Tar Rivr R R.. Bridge W. I. Apollo, 13; R. A. C. Apollo chap., 48. WHITE PLAINS. Sutherland, E. S., Editor Eastern State Journal, Broadway. White Plains, 473. Little, Daniel H., Ex-sheriff, Broadway. White Plains, 473. Hahlen, Wm., House, Sign, and Ornamental Painter, Lexington av. White Plains, 473. Jenkins, John P., Attorney and Counsellor-at-law, Reg. of Westchester Co. W.. White Plains, 473. Jenkins, Johu F., A. M., Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Lodge of Perfection, 1; P. M. White Plains, 473. Hill, Geo., late Conductor N. Y and H R. R.. White Plains, 473. Pye, Jabez S., Brakeman N. Y. and H. R. R. White Plains, 473. Marshall, Stephen S., Deputy Register, Westchester Co. White Plains, 473. Rowell, Hiram P., County Clerk, Westchester Co. White Plains, 473. Bleakley, Jr., Wm., Sheriff, Westchester Co. White Plains, 473. Cameron, W. S., Merchant, cor. R. B. and Lexington av. White Plains, 473. Gray, John D., Pocahontas Hotel. White Plains, 473. WATERFO:RD. Van Hovenburg, D. M., Teller Saratoga Co. Bank. W. M. Clinton, 140; Cohoes chap., 168. Waterman, Geo. S., Druggist, 58 Broad st. Clinton, 140. Gorsline, James, Pattern Maker, Elldy's Foundry. Clinton, 140. Higgins, John, Druggist and Apothecary, 67 Broad st. P. M. Clinton, 140; Cohoes chap., 168. Enos, Geo. T., Miller. Clinton, 140. Leach, Albert, Stove Mounter, Eddy's Foundry. Clinton, 140. YONKERS. Bucklin, Robert L., Getty House. Rising Star, 450. Bean, John, Painter. Rising Star, 450. Bostwick, F. R., Hatter. Rising Star, 450. Bennett, T. T., New-York and Yonkers Express. S. D. Rising Star, 450. NEW-YORK. 397 Baldwin, E. K., Builder, Broadway. J. W. Rising Star, 450. Clark, Leonard M., Sash and Blind MAJanufacturer. J. W. Rising Star, 450. Cable, Julius, Marble Yard. Rising Star, 450. Denslow, Oliver C., Franklin House.. WM. Rising Star, 450; P. S. G. W. Hampson, Thomas, Hatter. T. Rising Star, 450. Howarth, Simon, Hatter. Rising Star, 450. Lawrence, C. B., Butcher, Mechanics st. Rising Star, 450. Mott, Abraham C., Carpenter. Sec. Rising Star, 450. Morris, Edmund Y., Groceries, Mechanics st. Rising Star, 450. Morehouse, Alexander, Hatter. Rising Star, 450. Peck, S. S., Hatter. Rising Star, 450. Starr, Chas. W., Watchmaker and Jeweller, opp. Getty House. Rising Star, 450. Smith, C. H., Hatter. Rising Star, 450. Steadwell, J. A., Attorney, &c. R-ising Star, 450. Smith, Saml. L., Carpenter. Rising Star, 450. Seddon, Ralph T., Hatter. Rising Star, 450. Seiger, Eli L., Carpenter. Rising Star, 450. Tinin, Thos. S., Merchant Tailor, Broadway. P. M. Rising Star, 450. Underhill, Edward, Brewer. Rising Star, 450. Wiswell, M. A., Principal Yonkers Military Institute. Rising Star, 450. Wheeler, John, Broadway Livery Stable and General Furnishing Undertaker. Rising Star, 450. Lewis, John L., Lawyer, Penn Yan. Grand Master of Grand Lodge; P. M. Milo, 108; P. 1-. P. Penn Yan chap., 100; Washington coun., R. and S. Masters, 1; P. G. I.'P. Grand Chap.; P. G. C. Jerusalem encpt., 17; P. G. Gen. Grand Encpt.; G. G. Scribe of G. G. C. of U. S.; K. I-.; S.'. P.'. R...S.. 32d. Latemore, Thos. C., Bank of Utica, Utica.- Sec. Oriental, 224. Russ, John A., Carpenter and Builder, 48 John st., Utica. P. M. Utica, 47; P. H. P. Oneida chap., 51; Utica com., 3; P. S. G. Warden Grand Ccm. Johnson, C. A., Attorney-at-law, Utica. Utica, 47; Oneida chap.9 57; Utica corn., 3. Holmes, Daniel, Attorney at-law, Brockport. P.. Monroe, 173 Hamilton chap., 62. Howe, C. W.., Albion, Oak Orchard, Orleans Co. Renovation, 97, 398 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Blake, B. C., New-York Central R. R. Office, Medina. W. M. Medina, 336. Moore, F. H., Proprietor American Hotel, Medina. Medina, 336. Gifford, Harry, Physician and Postmaster, Salina. Central City, 305. Morse, James, Nurseryman, Cayuga. W. M. Salem Town, 326; Davids chap., 34; Salem Town corn., 16; Dist. Dept. G. M. Gunn, Win., Canal Collector, Seneca Falls. P. M. Pocahontas, 211; Davids chap, 34; Salem Town cor., 16. Stowell, Perry, Machinist, Seneca Falls. S. D. Pocahontas, 211. Wilson, D. H., Dry Goods, Clothing and Millinery, Seneca Falls. Pocahontas, 211. Babcock, Marcus L., Batavia. Batavia, 475; Western StLr chap., 35; Lake Erie corn., 20.'lhurman, Washington, Elmira. Union, 95; Elmira chap., 42; S. VW. St. Omer's corn., 19. Fleming, Robert L., Farimer, Lumberman and Land Agent. Flemingsville, Tioga Co. Lafayette, 199. Bishop, Platt, Farmer and Student, Colesville, Broome Co. Sec'y Windsor, 442. (P. 0. Ouaquaga.) Milligan, E. E., Merchant, Red Falls. Oasis, 119. Edwards, Thos. C., Merchant, Elmira. W. M. Ivy, 397; P. H. P. Elmira chap., 42; G. C. St. Omer'scom., 19; Prince of Jerusalem. Lee, Wm., H-otel, Elmira. Ivy, 397; Elmira chap., 42; G. S. Excelsior coun., 8; S. P. St. Omer's corn., 19. Moore, Hugh M., Miller, Painted Post. Steuben, 112. Wilder, Z. F., Blacksmith, Painted Post. W 1M. Montour, 168; Addison chap., 146. Fanning, J. M., Red Falls. Sec. Oasis, 119. Van Buskirk, W. A., Civil Engineer, Seneca Falls. Lockport, 73; R. A. M. France, D. J., West Hurley, Wis. Morning Star, 101; Beloit coun., 1; Janesville corn., 3. Rowley, S. G. S., Farmer, Bolivar. Macedonia, 358; Wellsville chap., 1t8. Hervey, A. D., House Joiner, Bolivar. Macedonia, 358. Williams, A. G., Farmer, Bolivar. Maceconia, 358. Gould, J. O., Postmaster, Cabinet Factory, Richburg. S. W. Macedonia, 358. Rowley, J. W., Teller Bank of Cuba, Cuba. Macedonia, 358; Wells_ ville chap., 143. Bacon, T., Farmer, Cuba. Mccedonia, 358; Wellsville chap., 141. NEW-YORK. 399 Simons, A. B. Fulton. W. M. Callimachus, 369; P. K. Mexico chap., 136. Hopkins, O. S., Fur Dealer, Unadilla Forks. Floral, 260, Ohio. Prentis,,, MA. D., Albion. Rose, 304, Ohio. Page, F. R., Bookseller, Bethany. Fisher's, 212. Quick, Smith, Sash and Blind Maker, East Market st., Rhinebeck. P. M. Silentia, 198; W. M. Rhinebeck, 432. Judson, John D., Hardware, East Market st., Rhinebeck. Rhinebeck, 432. Vankewren, Hiram T., Liquor Dealer. West Market st., RhinebeckRhinebeck, 432. Webber, John N,, Marble-cutter, Hastings. Lexington, 310. King, John P., Marble-cutter, Hastings. Lexington, 310. Campbell, Samuel, H-astings. St. John's Blue, 675, Ireland. King, John, Marble-cutter, Hastings. Solomon's, 196. Taylor, George B., Tarrytown Lumber and Coal, Dobbs' Ferry. Solomon's, 196. Chester, W. L., Clerk, Tarrytown. Solomon's, 196. Brewer, James P., Builder, Tarrytown. Solomon's, 196. Schillinsky, Gustavus, Carriage Trimmer, &c., Tarrytown. Solomon's, 196. McEntree, C., Flour and Grain Dealer, Ferry st., Rondout. W. M. Rondout, 343; Mount Horeb chap., 75. Case, John, Hatter, Pelhamville. Huguenot, 448. Johnson, James, Soap Maker, Newburgh. Newburgh, 309. Little, Samuel, Box Maker, Newburgh. S. D. Newburgh, 309. Banta, Peter, Conductor New-York and Harlem R. R., Croton Falls. Croton, 368. Shrieves, Thomas, Farmer, North Itoosick. Van Rensselaer, 400. Downer, A. H.. Bookkeeper, North Hoosick. Van Rensselaer, 400. Apollo chap., 48; Apollo Cor., 15. Coen, E. A., Engineer and Contractor for the erection of Coal Gas Works, Rondout. Rondout, 343. Gillett, Charles E., Conductor on the New-York and Erie Railroad, Elmira. S. D. Ivy, 397; P. S. Elmira chap., 42; J. W, St. Omer's com. 19. Butzel, John L., Merchant, Saugerties, Ulster County. Ulster, 193; R. A. M. Seaman, George, Merchant, Main st., Saugerties, Ulster County. Ulster, 193. Boies, J. M., Main st., Saugerties, Ulster County. Ulster,1 193. Winans, H., Attorney-at-law, Main st., Saugerties,. Oasis, 119. 400 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Dusenbury, Whitmore, Windsor, Broome Co. S. W. Windsor, 442; Caledonian chap., 162. English, Pinkney A., Windsor, Broore Co. S. D. Windsor, 442. Judd, Seymour L., Windsor, Broome Co. W. M. Windsor, 442; Scribe Caledonian chap., 162. Rose, Albert A., Windsor, Broome Co. J. D. Windsor, 442. NOR TH CAR OLINA. WILMINGTON. ST. JOHN'S LOPGE, No. 1, has two Charters; one dated, January, 1794, and one December, 1801. Regular meetings last Thursday in each month. CONCORD CHAPTER, No. 1. Charter dated June, 1824. Regular meetings, first Monday in each month. Fanning, Phineas W., Chairman of Correspondence Committee of Grand Lodge and Grand Chap.; P. G. M. of Grand Lodge; P. G. H. P. of Gr. Chap.; P. M. St. John's Lodge, 1; P. H. P. Concord chap., I; C. G. Wilmington encpt. Anderson, John A., Merchant, Winton. American George, 17; Mount Ararat chap., 3. Bynum, William T., Hotel Keeper and Farmer, Winton. American George, 17; Mount Ararat chap., 3. Crump, Rowland, Farmer, Pee Dee. J. W. Carolina, 141. Caffee, Capt. S. W., Mariner, Currituck. Unanimity, 54. Cole, D., Tobacconist, Franklinton, 123. Darden, Jesse, Farmer, Murfreesboro'. American George, 17. Ely, Laurence, Farmer, Murfieesboro'. American George, 17. Griffith, Henry, Farmer, Murfreesboro. American George, 17. Ingram, PresleyN., Farmer, Pee Dee. Carolina, 141. Jeffreys, L. A., M. D., Frauklinton; W. M. Franklinton, 123; Louisbarg chap., 26. Lee, Rev. John P., Farmer, Muirfreesboro'. American George, 17; Mount Ararat chap., 3. OHIO. 401 iMoore, Alfred W., Farmer, Murfreesboro'. American George, 17; lMount Ararat chap., 3. Melvin, Robert P., Farmer, White Lake. Phoenix, 8. Myers, Abraham, Merchant, Morganton. W. I. Catawba Valley, 100. Shield, Richard H., M. D., Winton. American George, 17. Savage, Richard A., Farmer, Edgecomb Co. Mount Lebanon, 117. Worsley, Edwin G., Farmer, Edgecomb Co. Concord, 58. Pruden, I.entchen Taylor, Farmer, Coleraine. Delk, 1.71. H1-utcherson, Peter, County Trustee and Harness Maker, Stokes CoW. M. Patrick Henry, 140; Va. Germantown chap., 24. Faucetts, Wm., Cabinet Maker, Hillsborough. J. W. Eagle, 71; Lafayette chap., 11. Bray, Jeremiah S., Mech. and Farmer, Brush Creek, Randolph Coo Sec. Deep River, 164. OHIO. 0 -H I 0o CINCINNATI. Alexander, John (M. D.), southwest cor. Sixth st. and Broadway. McMillan, 141. Avery, Chas. T. (M. D.), 99 West Seventh st. Cincinnati, 133. Billiodes, Frederick, Lafayette Brewery, junction Vine st. and Hamilton road. Cincinnati, 133; McMillan chap., 19; Cincinnati enept., 3; Cincinnati coun. R. and S. M[., 1. Brown, Charles, Wholesale Grocer, 49 West Second st. P. M. Cynthia, 155; P. G. H. P. McMillan chap., 19; Cincinnati coun., R. & S. M., 1; Cincinnati chap. and encpt.; Member of the lodge, coun., chap., and Grand Consistory, P. R. S., 32d degree. Blackmore, John R. Sen. W. Cincinnati, 133; McMillan chap., 19; Cincinnati coun. R. & S. M., 1. Brannan, B. F., 31 and 33 Pearl st. Cincinnati, 133. Bell, John E.,, Deputy Auditor Ham Co., 446 West Seventh st. Cynthia., 155; Member of the lodge, chap., coun., and consistory of P. R. S., 32d degree. Barrett, E. D., Patent Steam Engine for Transferring the Momentum of the Piston, 42 East Fifthl st. N.C. Harmony, 2. 402 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Burckhardt, Leopold, Commission Merchant, and Manufacturer of Lard Oil and Stearie, 103 Sycamore st. Cincinnati, 133; Sec. McMillan R. A. chap. 19; Cincinnati coun. R. and S. M., 1. Carson, Enoch T., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Gas-Fixtures, Lamps, Chandeliers, &c., 162 Main st. P. P. of several lodges; Cyn3; K G.T.G. Com. of the Sov. Grand Consistory of Ohio, P. R. S., thia, 155; R. A. C. 2; Cincinnati coun. R. and S. M., 1; Cincinnati endpt. $2d degree. Author of a Monitor of the Ancient and Accepted Rite. Copelen, Isaac C., President Citizens' Insurance Co. P. M. N. C. Harmony lodge; P. D. H. Pr. of R. A. M. of Ohio; P. G. S. W. of the Grand Lodge of Ohio; P. D. G. M. of the Grand Encpt. of Ohio; P. T. I. of the Grand Coun.; Grand Treas. Grand Coun.; Grand Treas. Grand Chap.; Grand Treas. Grand Encpt.; Cincinnati chap.; Cincinnati coun.; Cincinnati encpt.; Member of the Order of H. Priesthood..: Copelen, Geo. W., Secretary Citizens' Insurance Co. Lafayette, 81. Cohen, Wolf, Wholesale, Clothing, 187 Main st. Miami, 46; Cincinnati chap. and coun. Cameron, Lycurgus, Miller, cor. Western Road and Clark st. Sec. McMillan, 141; McMAillan chap., 19; Cincinnati coun. R. and S. M., 1; Recorder of Cincinnati encpt, 3, K. T. Dixon, George M., Importer and Dealer in Drugs, northeast cor. Fifth and Main sts. Cincinnati, 133; K. A. chap., 2; Cincinnati coun. R. and S. M., 1; Cincinnati encpt., 3; Member of the lodge, coun., chap., and Grand Consistory; P. R. S. 2d degree. Ernst, Jacob, Bookseller and Publisher. N. C. H-armony, 2; McMillan R. A. chap., 19; Cincinnati coun. R. and S. M.., 1; Prel. Cincinnati encpt., K. T., 3. L'Elias, Henry P., Wholesale Dealer in Watches and Jewelry, also Manufacturer of Masonic Lodge, Chapter, and Encampment Jewels, Marks, &c., 16 West Fourth st. Lafayette, 81; Cincinnati R. A. chap, 2; Cincinnati coun., 1; Cincinnatiencpt., 3. Frisbie, John L., Eagle Steam and Gas Works. Property Committee N. C. Harmony, 2. Folger, Charles R. Hardware Manufacturer, 396 Walnut st. Sec. N. C. Harmony, 2. Greenwood, Miles, Eagle Iron Works, cor. Canal and Waluut sts. Cumminsville lodge. Getz, Geo. W., Bookkeeper, 103 Sycamore st. S. D. Cincinnati, 133. Groff, Jacob, Auctioneer, 18 East Fourth st. P. M. Lafayette, 81; P. H. P. Cincinnati R. A. chap., 2; P. Thr. Ill. of Cincinnati coun. R. and S. M., 1; P. G. H. P, of Grand Chap. of R. A. M; P. Pr. of OHIO. 403 the coun. of H. Priests; Cincinnati encpt., 3; Member of lodge, chap., coun., and Grand Consistory; P. R. S., 32d degree. Hanselman, C. T., Justice of Peace. P. M. N. C. Harmony, 2; Cincinnati chap., 2; Cincinnati coun., 1; Cincinnati encpt., 3; P. D. H. P. D. chap.; P. G. T. I. Grand Master Grand Coun. Hanselman, C. F. P. M. N. C. Harmony and Hanselman lodges; Corn. Cincinnati encpt.; P. G. M. G. E. of Ohio; K. T., P. R. S.,. 32d degree. Heinsheimer, Lewis, Wholesale Clothing and Dry Goods Merchant,. 125 Walnut st. J. W. Cincinnati, 133; Gibulum lodge of Perfection,, and Dalcho coun. P. of J. Ives, H-enry, Recorder Ham Co. Lafayette, 81; McMlillan chap., 19. Kessler, Henry, Sheriff Ham Co., Dealer in Leather, Hides, and Findings, 215 Main st. Lafayette, 81. Lawson, L. M. (M. D.), office northwest cor. Sixth and Walnut sts. McMillan, 141; P. H. P. McMillan chap., 19; Cincinnati coun. and: encpt., K. T. Lovell, 0. S., Linseed-Oil Manufacturer, and Dealer in Lard and Grease, 38 Lock st. Cincinnati, 133; Cincinnati chap., 2; Cincinnati coun., 1; Cincinnati encpt., 3; Member of the lodge, chap., coun., and Grand Consistory; P. R. S., 32d degree. Moffett, James S., Wholesale Grocer, 70 Walnut st. Lafayette, 81; Cincinnati R. A. chap., 2; Cincinnati coun., I; Cincinnati encpt., K. T. Matthews, Howard, Auditor of County. WV. M. Cincinnati, 133; H. P. McMillan chap., 19; Cincinnati encpt, 3; P. R. S. 32d degree. Moore, Cornelius, Editor and Publisher of " Masonic Review." P. M. McMillan, 141; K. T. Rodman, F., Dealer in Tobacco and Cigars, 270 Main st., bet. Sixth and Seventh sts. P. M. Cincinnati, 133; McMillan chap., 19; Cincinnati coun. R. and S. MI., 1; Cincinnati encpt., 3. Smyth, Albert L., Bookkeeper, 12 Public Landing. S. D. Lafayette, 81; Sec. Cincinnati R. A. chap., 2; Cincinnati coun., 1. Slane, Jackson, Jewelry and Silver Ware, 6 West Fourth st. Sec. Cincinati, 133; McMillan chap., 19. Scott, John, Druggist, northwest cor. Seventh st. and Broadway. Treas. MIcMillan, 141; McMillan R. A. chap., 19; Cincinnati coun. R. and S. M., 1; Cincinnati enept., 3 K. T.; Member of the lodge, coun., chap., and Grand Consistory; P. R. S., 32d degree. Sheldon, Rev. H. 0., Methodist Minister. Mount Vernon, 64; Samaritan chap.; Mansfield coun. Smith, Thos. Kilby, Attorney-at-law, 294 West CourtCst. Federal, 1, 404 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Washington, D. C.; R. A. chap., Georgetown, D. C.; Washington encpt., 1; K.T.,D.C. Sweeney, J. W., Walnut-street House. McMillan, 141. Taliaferro, W. T. (M. D.), office northwest cor. Sixth and Walnut sts. Maysville lodge and chap., Maysville, Ky.; Cincinnati coun. R. and S. M. Wattier, John L. (M. D.), 160 Ninth st. P. M. McMillan, 141; P. M. Lafayette, 81; P. G. I-I. P. Cincinnati chap., 22; P. D. G. M. of the Grand Lodge of Ohio; P. G. M. of the Grand Encpt; K. T. Wilson, John D., Brass Finisher, Jones House, Sycamore st. McMillan, 141. BIRMINGHAM. Crane, Simeon M., Farmer. Gibson, 301. Ennis, Alonzo B., Merchant. Gibson, 301. Griggs, Leveret S., Merchant. Gibson, 301. Kyle, Marcus, Mercantile Clerk. Ogdensburg, 128, Ogdensburg, New-York. Lees, James, Merchant and Manufacturer of Saleratus. Gibson, 301. Smith, Andrew M., Farmer and Tailor. Gibson, 301. Starr, Hiram P., Farmer. Gibson, 301. Whitney, Ruggles M., Merchant. Gibson, 301. Parker, W. William, Farmer. Gibson, 301. BELLFONTA1NE. Evans, J. W., Carpenter and Joiner. P. M. of Bellfontaine, 209; H. P. Lafayette chap., 60; Springfield coun., 17. BELLFONTAINE LODGE, No. 209. Brown, Dr. Benj. S., Lunger, J. Erick, J. W. M. Lowe, E. B. Fry, S. D. Htmphrey, R. Y., S. W. MGy, Samuel, Graw, Wm. F. Leonard, N., J. W. McCollough, Benj. Humphrey, R. Cook, R., Treas.' Mackbeth, Isaac N. Harrod, John, Allen, H., Sec. Rhoadarmer, J. H. Jennings, A. Fisher, C. M., S. D. Rutan, Wm. Koutzman, John, Canby, N., J. D. Seeley, D. T. Lane, Chas. Downell, H., Tyler. Sands, Wm. B. Large, J. Thomas, Win. Tarbuthon, Wm. Milnor, J. M. Kauffman, J. M. Williams, M. T. Marmon, A. Carter, John, Wilkins, G McCoid, John, Brown, E. T. Camby, R. H. Marshall, John, Bishop, Wm. Beach, G. M. Richie, J. M. Criswell, H. Monroe, A. J. Simpson, Wm. H. OHIO. 405 Coulter, C. Smith, S. B. Shields, J. D. Campbell, Wm. Skelton, A. S. Simpson, Robt. Dougherty, Win. Alien, J. N. Tinker, P. C. Evans, Joseph, Anderson, M. White, H. A. Elliet, S. D. Bain, Wim. Wyson, Win. S. Goodwin, J. W. Baldwin, S. G. Harrod, D. B. Henry, J. Casad, A. Dougherty, Z. Hudson, W. H. Canby, John, Scoville, R. S. Harrod, John H. Chambers, E. Gee, Wm. Jones, P. Doster, John F. Blair, John. Kerman, J. Emery, G. LA'FAYTTB CHAPTER, No. 60. Stated meetings on or before full moon. Evans, J. W., H. P. Criswell, James W. McCoid, J. Cook, R., K. De Long, H. P. Mackbeth, J. N. Brown, B. S., S. Fry, G. MeOollough, Benj. Jennings, A., C. H. Thomas, V. Maine, Chas. Fisher, C., P. S. Haines, Joel, Newell, Jos. D. Canby, N., R. A. C. Green, Win. F. Norville, D. S. Humphrey, R. Y., 1st Henry, James, Patton, J. J. Veil. Mitchell, A. Ramsey, Win. Rutan, Wim., 2d Veil. Huston, Win. H. Sharp, J. H. Large, John, 3d Veil. Henkle, John F. Sharp, C. B. McCoid, John, Treas. Harrod, John H. Sharp, J. B. Allen, H., Sec. Harrod, John, Sharp, A. W. Donnell, H., Guard. Willins, S. Taylor, L. Ambrose, John C. Matson, A. Tinker, P. C. Askron, James M. McCoid, Winm Brown, E. A. Allen, S. M. Marmon, A. Beach, G. M. Balenger, James, Inskip, J. S. Butler, D. Austin, Wim. Kauffman, James M. Canby, N. Boggs, Wm. Lyon, C. W. Campbell, Wm. Kurfurst, H. A. Lunger, J. Dougherty, Wm. Bishop, Win. Milnor, J. R. Gilchrist, R. Underwood, A. Adams, Wm. M. Lane, C. Canby, R.H. lH.ay, S. Salkeld, J. Crocket, R. Mills, J. W. Newman, L. B. Canby, John, 27 406 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. CLYDE. Bement, R. B., Oriental Travelling Author and Lecturer on Ancient History. Sandusky, 77; Seneca chap., 42; Franklin coun., 14. Brown, Rev. George R., Universalist Minister. Hildreth, 165; Republic chap., 70; De Molay encpt., 9. Page, General Charles W., Attorney and Counsellor-at-law. Monticello, 244; Huron chap., 7; Norwalk coun., 24. Crandall, Nathan, Farmer. Monticello, 244; Fremont chap., 64; Sandusky City coun., 26. Eaton, C. G., Practical Physician. Monticello, 244; Fremont chap., 64. Gray, William E., Blacksmith. Mouticello, 244. Harrison, William M., Farmer and Deputy Sheriff. Monticello, 244; Seneca chap., 42; Sandusky City coun., 26. Hamer, William, Farmer. Monticello, 244; Fremont chap., 64. Hinton, William, Saddle and Harness Maker. Monticello, 244. Lay, William E., Farmer. Monticello, 244. Russell, William S., Farmer. Monticello, 244; Fremont chap., 64. Stark, John B. W., Cooper. Monticello, 244; Fremont cbap, 64. Stark, L. D., Cooper. Monticello, 244; Fremont chap., 64. Thorp, Alouzo, Farmer. Monticello, 244. Harnden, Jonathan, Farmer. Monticello, 244. Vail, Z. S., Local Minister and Farmer. Mount Vernon, 64. CLARKSFIELD. Bostwick, Charles R., Farmer and Stock Dealer. Mount Vernon, 64. Bissell, George, Farmer and Drover. Mount Vernon, 64. Bissel, J. B., Farmer and Drover. Mount Vernon, 64. Call, M. W., Moulder. Floral, 260. Jones, Harley L., Merchant. Wellington, 127. Livermore, Orson H., Farmer. Floral, 260. Livermore, George, Farmer. Floral, 260. Rowland, Charles, Merchant. Floral, 260. Segar, A. R., Physician. Mount Vernon, 64. Stiles, Samuel, Farmer and Miller. Floral, 260. Waite, Tracy L., Minister. Floral, 260. White, H. E., Physician and Surgeon. Mount Vernon, 64. Twaddle, John, Farmer. Floral, 260. OHIO. 407 COLUMBIANA. Carpenter, Robert, Artist. J. W. Allen, 276; Hiram chap., 18. Deemer, D., M. D. Allen, 276. Uncapher, George, Tanner. Allen, 276. Allen, John M., Railroad Supervisor. Alien, 276; Hiram chap., 18. Allen, Thomas C., Merchant. Allen, 276; Hiram chap., 18. CRESLINE. Kernahan, W. P., Surgeon and Physician. W. M. Arcana, 272; Manseeld chap., 28. Palmer, John, Druggist. Tyler Arcana, 272. Champ, V. H.. Saloon Keeper. J.W. Arcana, 272; Mansfield chap., 28. McGraw, John, Dealer in Groceries and Provisions. Treas. Arcana, 272; Mansfield chap., 28. Miller, Chas. H., Freight Conductor P. F. H. and Chicago Railroad. Carroll, 124. Scroggs, J. B., Clerk in Express Office. Arcana, 272. Archer, M. C., Check Clerk, C. C. Railroad. Arcana, 272; Mansfield chap., 28. Ogden, D., Justice of the Peace. Sec'y Arcana, 272; Mansfield chap., 28. Straus, S. Grand River, 34, Grand Rapids, Mich. ARCANA LODGE, No. 272. Kernahan, Wae. P., W. Forsythe, Robt. Campbell, A. J. M. Foster, William T. Dyche, Volentine. Shump, Thos. H., S. W. Frank, Chas. Fortney, Henry L. Webber, L., J. W. Guysleman, Henry, Franz, John, McGraw, John, Treas. Leidick, Jos. Fowler, B. B. Ogden, David, Sec. Lyons, A. J. Gloyd, Samuel, Warden, James, S. D. Pierce, Geo. W. McGraw, WVm. Kirkland, John, J D. Stelwagon, Jos. Lipsey, Thos. Palmer, John, Tyler. Story, Reuben, Newman, John, Arndt, Samuel, Smith, William, Shaffer, Robt. D. Archer, A. C. C.Tyler, S. Slocum, Edward, Boals, Thos. Wilson, B. W. Scroggs, John B. Carhart, H. C. Aumon, M. W. Shorrock, Wim. Clark, S. R. W. Adams, L.H. Thoman, John A. Chapman, A. F. Birming, James, Daniel, Babst, Dousott, Peter, Clements, James, 408 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. CLEVELAND. Adams, Geo. H., Sign and Ornamental Painter, 170 Superior st. S. W. Cleveland City, 15; Webb chap., 14; Oriental encpt., 12. Buhrer, S.,.Merchant. S. W. Bigelow, 243; Webb chap., 14; Oriental corn., 12. Bemis, Henry V., Commission Merchant. Iris, 229; Webb chap., 14. ~Benton, Cartis, Dru.ggst. W. M. Cleveland City, 15; Painesville chap., 46. Burt, George H., Bridge Builder. S. W. Iris, 229; Webb chap., 14; J. W. Oriental corn., 12. Cunningham, James S., Agent for Liverpool Packets, Oviatt's Building. Iris, 229; Webb chap., 14; Oriental comi, 12. Carpenter, Geo. H., Engineer C. and E. R. R. Hampden, 17, Mass. Creighton, R. Bookbinder. Iris, 229; Webb chap., 14; Oriental coin., 12. Eby, Eli, Conductor C. and E. R. R. Temple, 28. Field, D. E., Watchmaker and Jeweller, 125 Bank st. Sec. Iris, 229; Webb chap., 14; Recorder Oriental corn., 12; Gr. Sec. El'adah Lodge of Perfection. J. G. W. Bahurim Gr. Coun. P. J. Felton, E. R., Propt. of Commercial College. Mount Vernon, 64; Huron chap., 7. Gale, C. C., Conductor C. C. and C. R. M. Magnolia, 20. Goodwin, Wallace, Book-keeper, 34 Huron st. Cleveland City, 15. Hopkins, James E., Copperplate Engraver, Dealer in Gold Pens, &c. J. W. Iris, 229; Scribe Webb chap., 14; Oriental corn., 12. Hovey, Jacob, Master Mechanic C. and P. R. R. Iris, 229. I-Iobbs, C. S., Clerk C. and E. R. R. Iris, 229; Webb chap., 14. Johnson, W. C., Foreman Blacksmith Shop C. and P. R. R. Iris, 229. Iddings, Hiram, Grocery Merchant. Iris, 229; Webb chap., 14; Oriental corn., 12. McNairy, A. -. C., Bridge Builder. Iris, 229; Scribe, Webb chap., 14; C. G. Oriental corn., 12. Martin, L., Engineer C. C. and C. R. R., 5 Smith st. Cleveland City, 15. Main, C. E., Proprietor Johnson House. Iris, 229; Webb chap., 14; Oriental corn., 12. Nutt, Willard, Baggage Master C. C. and C. R. R. Iris, 229. Parker, M. C., Eclectic Physician and Druggist, 50 Public square. Iris, 229. Pukands, H. S., Cabinet Maker, 107 Water st. Iris, 229Putnam, Eldridge, Railroad Conductor. Mount Vernon, 64. OHIO. 409 Ranney, Henry C., Accountant. W. M. Iris, 229; C. H. Webb chap., 14; Prelate Oriental corn., 12. Ross, Theodore, Book-keeper, Weddell House. Iris, 229; Webb chap., 14; Oriental corn., 12; J. G. W. Eliadah Lodge of Perfection; G. M. of E. Bahurim Gr. Coun. P. J. 8herwood, J. Q., Dry Goods Merchant, 242 Superior st. Iris, 229. Skinner, Orville B., Clerk C. C. and C. R. R. Office. Erie, 161; Buffalo chap., 71, N. Y.; Oriental cor., 12. Stewart, Graham, Blacksmith, C. C. and C. R, R. Cleveland City, 15. Smith, Geo. P., Fireman, C. C. and C. R. R. Bigelow, 243. Smith, James, Train Master, C. C. and C. R. R. Iris, 229. Schutthelm, Peter, Grocer, 143 Ohio st. Cleveland City, 15. Townsend, Oscar, Clerk C. C. and C. R. R. Office. Iris, 229. Turner, John, C. and E. R. R. Depot. Temple, 28. Weaver, Robert S., Merchant, 257 Superior st. Iris, 229. CAMBRIDGE, GUIERNSEY CO. CAMBRIDGE LODGE, No. 66. Gaston, M., WT. M. Ogier, Wm. Hutchipson, Wyatt, Mathews, E. WV., S. W., Rainey, James P. Hutchinson, A. J. McConahey, R., J. W., Shaffner, A. P. Hammond, Francis, Eaton, J. H., Treas. Smith, Christopher, Lerbenthal, Joseph, Douglas, J. C., Sec. Temple, James, Madison, Chas. L. Adair, J., S. D. Tumbaugh, John, Mitchell, Alex. Shirley, D., J. D. Wagstaff, W. R. Kiswander, Isaac, Butt, Z. E., Tyler, White, J. W. Nyce, E. R. Filler, J. A. Brown, Joshua, Orr, J. W. Graham, John, Brown, O. M. Suitt, Z. C. Hunter, J. C. Brown, Thos. Schick, Frank, Hoge, Milton, Barton, VWm. Tingle, J. P. Hensey, Wm. Cook, John, Turner, Elza, Linthicum, Hannon, Clingman, Henry, Van Rensalear, K. H. Meyher, John, Cameron, Saml. Williams, Alanson, McLaughlin, Andrew, Davis, WV. K. McVeal, Archibald. Nimen, Alfred, Gallup, G. D. CAMBRIDGE CIAPTER, No. 53. Stated meetings on Tuesday before full moon. Gaston, M., H. P. Madison, C. L., C. H. McConahey, R., G. M. Van Renselaer,K.H.,K. Matthews, E. W., P. S. 1st Veil, Myers, J., S, Adair, J., R. A. C. Shively, D., G.M. 2d VI. 410 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Linthicum, H. R., G. Tumbaugh,Jon, ir John, Kirk, John M. 3d Veil, Lilinthrall, J. Van Mater, Wm. Easton, J. H., Treas. Wagstaff, Wm. Oakey, W. C. Suitt, G. C., Sec. Hunter, J. C. Frazer, H. H. Talbert, N., Guard. Boston, B. Satterthwaite, J. W. Fowler, John, Tracy, Wm. Graham, John, Young, Wi. White, J. W. Squires, J. J. Little, John, Auld, A. Conner, R. S. Helyer, James, Hutchinson, A. J. Hoge, M. Wade, D. S. Brown, O.. Goodrel. Burson, J. Raney, J. P. ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE COUNCIL OF PRINCES OF JERUSALEM. Van Rensselaer, I. H., S. P. G. M. Gaston, Mathew, Gr. H. Priest, Mathews, Edwd. W., M. E. Sen., Eaton, James H., M. E. Jr., Gr. W. Gr. W Madison, C. L., Pr. of the G. Hutchinson, A. J., Pr. of the W. Reeves, J. S., M. D., Gr. Sec. Green, J. J., Gr. Treas. GRAND LODGE OF PERFECTION. Van Rensselaer, K. H., T. P. G, M. Gaston, M. Ill. Dept. H. of Tyre, Matthews, Ed. W., Sr. G. W. Eaton, Jas. H., Jr. G. W. Madison, C. L., Gr. Cap. of G. Reeves, Jas. S., Gr. Sec. Green, J. J., Gr. Treas. Hutchinson, A. J., Mast. of Cer. Cook, John B., Hotel Keeper. P. S. W. Malta, 118; Cambridge, 66. Madison, C. L., Watchmaker, Cambridge, 66; Cambridge chap., 53; Cambridge Lodge of Perfection. CHESTERVILLE, MORROW CO. CHESTERI LODGE, No. 238. Chartered October 20, A. L., 5853. Strong, Wash., W. M. Sweetland, A. M. Meredith, Zech. Miles, J. S., S. W. Rockwell, Charles, McCurdy, A. F. Swingley, W. H., J.W., Ayres, John, McCracken, G. W. Main, H. W. Treas. Miles, Davis, Barr, H. C. Gunsaulus, J., Sec. Shur, C. P. Ewalt, G. W. Poeples, Marion, S. D. Miles, J. E. Helt, L. A. Modie, Sanford, J. D. MicCracken, John, Loyd, Wim. Peterson, NW., Tyler, Conklin, Abram, Green, Jno. Newcomb, S. L. Dalrymple, Robt. Ross, G. E. Burns, Alfred, oty, 8tephen, Meredith, Wm. OHIO. 411 Bliss, Porter, Welling, Gabrel, Gates, Isaac, Davis, Benj. McCracken, Jas. Westbrook, A. J. Ink, John, Utley, V. C. Sripps, W. H. Gloyd, H. B. Smith, U. B. Doty, J. M. Hults, Wm. Rees, David, Gavitt, Rev. E. C. Jenkins, David, Drake, J. M. Kelly, Charles, James, W. D. James, E. A. Dalrymple, W. H. Fredricks, Win. Swingley, W. H. Hyatt, E. Ross, J. A. Cavert, J. R. Lee, G. W. Crane, A. Ulery, Geo. Alexander, A. Holloway, G. G. Loyd, David. Conklin, Abram, Sheriff land Farmer. Chester, 238; Gilead chap., 59. CIRCLEVILLE, PICKAWAY CO. PICKAWAY LODGE, No. 23, Chartered June 3d, A. L., 5815. Wilson, R. H. H., W.M. King, Aker, Hedges, Joshua, Betzer, C. S., S. W. Kinsman, D. N. Howard, Jos. Wright, C. E., J. W. McAllister, Wesley, Jones, John F. Sage, H., P. M. & Tr. Marshall, James, Jones, Abram, McPherson, W. D., Sec. Alkive, M. J. Kinnear, Wmn. J. Dresback, J. J., J. D. Alkive, J. J. McPherson, D. W. Ray, Jno. E., S. D. Atwater, Caleb, Moyst, Moses, Williamson, F., Tyler. Blake, A. H. Olds, C. A. Bradford, A. T. Beach, Amos, Oliver, John T. Crouse, Fanes, Black, Frank M1. Renick, F. W. Cochrane, W. J. Bock, David J. Rogers, P. W. Dodridge, J. G. Bell, James, Sherman, Jonathan, Dunn, V. M. Boyer, John, Thompson, S. H. Foreman, R. A. Case, Jason, Poulsin, Adam, Franklin, Nelson, Denney, Nathan, Rains, Thos. Hedges, H.N., Jr. P.M.'Duncan, Jas. Y. Renick, S. G. Hoober, John J. Evans, Jas. B. Fry, Geo. Johnson, Hugh, Groce, Bently, Wagner, David. Jones, Thos. W. Huber, Peter, Bitzer, C. S., Salesman for Wolfleg, Gregg & Shultz. S. WT. Pickaway, 23; G. M. 2d V., Circleville chap., 20. Boyer, John, Grocer and Baker, Pickaway, 23; Circleville chap., 201. Bradford, N. T., Canal Collector. P. S. W. Pickaway, 23; K. Circleville chap.. 20. 412 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Fry, George, Proprietor of National House. Pickaway, 23' Circleville chap., 20; R. and S. M. Foreman, R. A., Farmer and Miller. Pickaway, 23; S. Circleville chap., 20; Chilicothe com. Gregg, Israel, Merchant. Lithopolis, 169; Circleville chap., 20. McPherson, Wat. D., Books and Stationery. Sec. Pickaway, 23: M. M. Mason. Olds, C. D., Dealer in Drugs and Medicines. Pickaway, 23; Circleville chap., 20. Rodgers, P. W., American Hotel. Pickaway, 23; M. M. Mason. Wilson, R. I. W. M. Pickaway, 23; P. K. Circleville chap., 20; Chilicothe com. Wright, Chas. E., Teller Scioto Valley Bank. J.W. Pickaway, 23; R. A. C. Circleville chap., 20. DAYTON, MONTGOMERY CO. ST. JOHN's LODGE, No. 13. Chartered A. L. 5812. Gillespie, V. H.,W. M.,Bornstein, H. Harman, G. B. Davis, G. D., S. W., Newman, Perry, Harper, Win. Achey, Jno. J., J. W., Theobold, Henry, Swallow, J. L. Achey, Jno. H., Treas., Comley, D. S. Stover, Wim. Dickey, Jno. A., Sec., Crow, M. Huey, A. R. Brannin, G. F., S. D., Irwin, J. B. Dryden, D. H. Lane, D. B., J. D., Garber, H. A. Brown, William, Nickum, Danl., Tyler, Emely, S. C. Diehl, Henry, Knecht, Adam, Gump, B. T. MeMillen, G. S. Lehman, Robert, Doir, T. S. Gulheill, Chas. Rigler, Jacob, Wood, J. P. Scheaffer, Valentine, Hamilton, Patrick, Wayette, J. J. McIntire, J. K. Rogers, G. VW. Crow, Saml. La Rose, L. L. Keifer, C. C. Kocher, G. T. Callahan, W. N. Feight, T. T. Mills, John, Braffit, T. W. O. Newarth, Geo. Voit, Nicholas, Farqueht, Wm. Barnaby, S. B. Wickett, L. T. Craig, D. S. Wilson, Moses, Fair, Edward, Guyger, J. W. Shull, Daniel, Quillen. John S. Swope, J. W. Peters, Jos. Curtis, G. J. Gutshold, Minchall, Lyman, 0. A. Chambers, R. Heckler, Frank R. Pittenger, F. V. Egery, William, Green, J. N. More, T. T. Kiser, Frank, Engle, H. E. Dicks, Jas. B. Latham, Allen, Motter, L. V. OHIO. Hamilton, John, Morrison, D. H. Rogers, Jas. Greer, J. A. Howard, John, Conner, Thos. Dolson, J. B. H. Shuleik, A. Nutts; Jacob, Schneider, M. Pascoe, Jas. Martin, W. H. Spinning, D. C. Laihbert, Adam, Ayres, B. M., Wholesales Grocer. P. M. Dayton, 147; Unity chap 16; Reese coun., 9; Reed corn., 6. Boyer, D. K., County Clerk. Dayton, Ohio. Dickey, John A., Book-keeper. Sec. St. John's, 13; G. M. 1st Veil Unity chap., 16; Reese coun., 9; S. Bearer in Reed com., 6. Dryden, Danl. H., County Auditor. P. S. W. St. John's, 13; Reese coun., 9; Unity chap., 16; Reed corn., 6. Clark, David, Publisher and Proprietor" Dayton Empire." P. M. Dayton, 147; Unity chap., 16; Reese coun., 9; Reed com., 6. Kiefer, C. C., Salesman for Loomis and Barnett. St. John's, 13; H. P. Unity chap., 16; Rec. Reese coun., 9; Prelate of Reed com., 6. Leonard, G. P,, Clerkat Phillips' House. St. John's, 13. Gillespie, ~W. H., Furniture Dealer. W. M. St. John's, 13; G. M. 3d Veil Unity chap., 16; Reese coun., 9; Reed corn., 6. Mills, John, Sheriff. P. M. St. John's, 13; P. H. P. Unity chap., 16; Reese coun., 9; Reed corn., 6. Shull, Danl. St. John's, 13; Unity chap., 16; Reese coun., 9; Reed com., 6. Sullivan, S. M., Attorney and Notary Public. Dayton, 147; Unity chap., 16; Reese coun., 9; Reed corn., 6. DELPHOS, ALLEN CO. HOPE LODGE, No. 214. Chartered October 28, 1851. Stated meetings Wednesday preceding full moon, and two weeks thereafter. Lytle, R. R., W. M. Marshall, C. C., J. D., Williams, David L. Wagner, H. P., S. W., Halle, A., Tyler, Doty, Nelson P. Erams, C. A., J. W. Clarke, J. R. Scott, Isaac C. Curtis, J. C., Treas. Higgins, Geo. L. Jones, E. Washburn, C.P., S. D., Curtis, J. C. R. R. Agent. Hope, 214. Erams, C. A., M. D. J. W. Hope, 214. Halle, A., Dealer in Ready Made Clothing. Hope, 214. H-Iughs, Wim. M., Book-keeper and Canal Collector. Sec. Hope, 214. Lytle, R. R., Merchant and Produce Dealer, W, M. Hope, 214. Marshall, C. C., Farmer. Hope, 214. 414 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Scott, Isaac C., Salesman. Hope, 214. Wagner, H. P., Physician and Surgeon. P. M. Hope, 214. Williams, David L., Book-keeper. Hope, 14. DELAWARE. Burr, R., Watchmaker and Jeweller. Sec. Hiram, 18; C. R. Delaware chap., 54. Silverhill, Gustave, Mercantile Clerk. Hiram, 18. Harris, Wm. L., Professor of Chemistry and Natural History. W. A. Hiram, 18; H. P. Delaware chap., 54; Mansfield coun., 11; Mount Vernon cor., 1. Strauss, A. Clothing Merchant. Hiram, 18. Griswold, Ezra, Justice of the Peace. P. M. Hiram, 18; P. H. P. Delaware chap., 54; Chilicothe coun., 4; Mount Vernon cor., 1; P. G. K. G. Crafter Star of Oris. Frank, Max, Clothing Merchant. Hiram, 18. Burlew, D., Inventor Automatic Sash Machine. Hiram, 18. HIRAM LODGE, No. 18. Hains, W. L., W. M. Bardwell, G. P. Welch, F. G. Jones, R. N., J. W. Coomer, I. 3. Sagur, J. N. Root, M. A., J. D. Moore, Sidney, Talley, N. R. Burr, R., Sec. Mansur, William, Frank, M. Carper, H. M., S. W. Rhodes, D. W. Bushong, J. W. Moore, S., Jr., S. D. Haines, J. C. Alexander, W. F.' White, I. H., Treas. McElroy. J. Wilcox, C. Willey, B. F., St. & T. Smith, H. S. Norton, J. J. Griswold, Ezra, Meredith, L. Kin, W. F. Moore, S. Bearoman, J.B. HBarman, M. B. BW. Burnham, J. A. McElroy, C. H. Hammond, W. P. Perry, N. D. Hubbell, I. R. Hardin, I. O. Fry, B. F. Simmons, S. M. Dunlap, A. Clark, I. P. Lloyd, A. Terry, I. Wheeler, A. Black, C. H. Cherry, James M. Evans, N. Carney, E. Frederick, J. W. Brownmiller, S. Thrall, W. K. Smith, William, Reynolds, R. W. Howard, C. Silverhill, G. Strauss, A. Lewis, Thomas, Edgington, T. B. Breyfogele, G. P. Lewis, J.. Utley, A. J. Darnell, S. A. Nelson, G. Shur, A. 0. Fry, J. Harman, I. S. Semans, W. Burlew, D. Wolfley, L. Mart, Isaac, OHIO. 415 EAST TOWNSEND. Brown, Jacob A., Minister of the Gospel. Gibson, 304. Dean, R. C., Travelling Medicine Agent. Mount Vernon,64. Denman, Cyrus, Farmer. Mount Vernon, 64. St. John, Andrew, Shoemaker. Mount Vernon, 64. Lawson, Grover, Merchant. Mount Vernon, 64. Ronk, Henry K., Wagon and Carriage Maker. Mount Vernon, 64. White, Sammis, Farmer. Mount Vernon, 64; Huron chap., 7. EATON, PREBLE CO. Brookins, John P., M., Druggist. P. M. Bolivar, 82; Treas. Eaton chap., 22; R. and S. Master, Reed corn., 6. Campbell, W. M., M. D. W. M. Bolivar, 82; P. -I. P. Eaton chap., 22; R. and S. Master, Reed cor., 6. Cotterman, Daniel, Blacksmith. Bolivar, 82. Edson, H. M., Farmer. (Enterprise, P. O.) P. M. King Hiram, 88; Eaton chap., 22; R. and S. Master, Reed com., 6. Johnson. Isaac L., Cabinet Maker and Dealer. Bolivar, 82. Larsh, Thomas J., Civil Engineer. Sec. Bolivar, 82; H. P. Eaton chap., 22. Pinney, Joseph N. J.W. Bolivar, 82; C. H. Eaton chap., 22; R. and S. Master. Stanton, James G., Medical Student. S. W. Bolivar, 82. Thompson, George W., Attorney.. S.W. Bolivar, 82. Swartzel, David, Farmer. Bolivar, 82. FREMIONT, SANDUSKY CO. St. Clair, Madison W., Mercantile Clerk. Northern Light, 40. St. Clair, William, Practical Physician. Fort Meigs chap., 29; Toledo com., 8. Canfield, Lewis, Hardware Merchant. P. M. Fort Stephenson, 225; Il. P. Fremont chap., 64; Norwalk coun., 24 Billau, Sebastian, Tailor. Fort Stephenson, 225. Bartlett, Brice J., Attorney-at-law. Fort Stephenson, 225; Fremont chap., 64. Doncyson, Christian, Grocer and Baker. Fort Stephenson, 225; Fremont chap., 64. Ellenwood, Samuel M., Postmaster. Fort Stephenson, 25. Frentzell, Frederick, Saddle and Harness Maker. Fort Stephenson, 225. 416 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Fitch, Miles W., Photograph and Portrait Painter. Fort Stephenson, 225. Gusdorf, Morris, Dry Goods Merchant. Fort Stephenson, 225; Fremont chap., 64. Green, John L., Attorney-at-law. Fort Stephenson, 225. Gessner, Lewis, Physician. Fort Stephenson, 225. Hafford, James, Operative Mason. Fort Stephenson, 225. HafFord, Eben F., Carriage Maker. Fort Stephenson, 225; Fremont chap., 64; Norwalk coun., 24. Klopfer, Frederick, Potter. Fort Stephenson, 225. Magee, John H., Mercantile Clerk. Fort Stephenson, 225. McCormack, Oscar, Tailor. Fort Stephenson, 225; Fremont chap., 64. Price, George E., Mercantile Clerk. Fort Stephenson, 225. Simpkins, John T., Assistant Superintendent. Fort Stephenson, 225; Fremont chap., 64. Steele, George W., Express and Insurance Agent. Fort Stephenson, 225; Fremontchap., 64.; Sebring, J. F. R., Mercantile Clerk. Fort Stephenson, 225; Fremont chap., 64; Norwalk coun., 54. Willmer, Ferdinand, Practical Physician. Fort Stephenson, 225; Fremont chap., 64. Zimmerman, Lewis, Painter and Glazier. Fort Stephenson, 225. FITCHVILLE, HURON CO. June, Charles E., Farmer. Floral, 260. Lyon, Edwin, lanufacturer and Tuner of Pianos, Melodeons, and Organs. Floral, 260. Mitchell, John R., Mercantile Clerk. Floral, 260. Studwell, Theron, Saddle and Harness Maker. Floral, 260. Smith, Thomas, Farmer. Floral, 260; Huron chap., 7. Wood, David R., Farmer. Floral, 260. Wood, Timothy, Carpentur and Joiner. Floral, 260; Huron chap., 7; Norwalk coun., 24. HARTLAND, HURON CO. Holiday, Charles B., Travelling Auctioneer. Floral, 260. Bills, Elijah, Farmer and Drover. Floral, 260. Hood, H. M., Farmer and Travelling Auctioneer. Floral, 260. Hood, A., Travelling Auctioneer. Floral, 260; Huron chap., 7. McCormick, B. F., Farmer. Floral, 260. OHIO. 417 HAMILTON, BUTLER CO. Erwin, J. W., Civil Engineer. Washington, 17; Hamilton chap., 21; Hamilton coun., 19; Cincinnati cor., 2. Gaston, E. H., County Treasurer. Washington, 17; Hamilton chap., 21; Hamilton coun., 19. Hunter, W. C., Grocer. W. M. Washington, 17; Hamilton chap., 21; Treas. Hamilton coun., 19; Cincinnati corn., 2. Jacobs, Peter, Druggist and Bookseller. Treas. Washington, 17; Sec. Hamilton chap., 21; Hamilton coun., 19. Louthan, George, Retired from Business. P. I. Washington, 17; K. Hamilton chap., 21; T. 1. Dept. G. Mi. Hamilton coun., 19; Cincinnati corn., 2. Mass, John, Merchant Tailor. Washington, 17; Hamilton chap., 21; Hamilton coun., 19. Phares, Wm. S., Deputy Auditor. P. M. Washington, 17; H. P. Hamilton chap. 21; Hamilton coun., 19. Robertson, Isaac, Attorney. P. M. Washington, 17; HIamilton chap., 21; T. I. G. M. I-Inmilton coun., 19. Rothenbush, C., Jr., Druggist and Bookseller. Washington, 17; G. M. 2d Veil, Hamilton chap., 21. Snively, Saml., Farmer and Flour Manufacturer. P. S. W. Washington, 17; Hamilton chap., 21; Hamilton coun.. 19. Troutman, Jacob, Postmaster. Washington, 17; C. H. Hamilton chap. 21; Hamilton coun., 19; Cincinnati coun., 2. LANCASTER, FAIRFIELD CO. LANCASTER LODGE, No. 57. Chartered December 15, A. L. 5820. Shaw,VirgilE., VW. M., Deeds, Samuel, Richards E. A. McClelland, Jno., S.W., Dennis, Benj. E. Rhodles, John M. Cooper, J. K., J. W.. Davis, 0. E. Ream, R. R. Claspill, G. W., Treas. Davis, Wm. E. Sherrick, Samuel, Steinman, Gottl'b, Sec., Deitz, F. C. Shaffer, Jacob, Wohlfort, Win., S. D., Eckert, Geo. L. Shaw, Homer C, Shugait, R. G., J. D. Emlick,'W. C. Smith, George, Wohlfort,Wm., Stew'd, Evans, Thos. W. Stinchcomb, J. W. Rarick, J., Steward, Gates, Robert, Sharp, J. Fielding, Robt., Tyler, Garrett, Barnett, Shaeffer, Abraham, Bohrer, John, Helmick, Luke, Tallmadge, Darius, Bopo, Philip, Hunter, A. Trout, H. G. Brattin, John L. Klotz, John C. Thompson, H. 418 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Brown, R. M. Littlefield, Thos. Van Peane, John, Borcher, G. W. Mather, D. D. Wagerhals, P. M. Baughman, John, Mumaugh, J. B. Weakley, H. V. Boerstter, G.W. McVeigh, Alfred, Willock, John G. Cooper, Hiram, Older, Thomas, Wright, John M. Cramer, James, Parker, J. R. Younghams, I. Crawford, J. V. Peters, Robinson J. Young, Philip, Coulson, Jonathan, Pratt, G. W. Beal, T. B., Machinist. Lancaster, 57. Borland, John, Proprietor Talmadge House. Mingo, 171; R. A. M. and R. and S. M. Carpenter, P. (M. D.) Em. Com. Lancaster coun., 2. Claspill, G. W., Gun and White Smith. Treas. Lancaster, 57; Treas. Lancaster chap., 11; Treas. Lancaster coun., 4; Treas. Lancaster corn., 2. Jones, Joseph, Master Mechanic. Amity, 5. Julian, Isaac W., Merchant. Lancaster, 57; Lancaster chap., 11; Lancaster coun., 4; Lancaster con., 2. McVeigh, Alfred, Mayor and Attorney. Lancaster, 57; Lancaster chap. 11; Lancaster coun., 4; Lancaster com., 2. McClelland, John, Dealer in Tin and Stoves. P. M. Lancaster, 57; K. Lancaster chap., 11; Dept. T. I. Lancaster coun., 4; Capt. Gen. Lancaster encpt., 2. iMumaugh, John R., Real Estate Agent and Banker. Lancaster, 57; Lancastcr chap., 11; Lancaster coun., 4; Lancaster corn., 2. Shaw, Virgil E. W. M. Lancaster, 57; Lancaster chap., 11; Lancaster coun., 4; Prelate Lancaster enept., 2. Trout, H. G., Merchant Tailor, Lancaster, 57. Wohlfort, R. WV, Machinist and Engineer. S. D. Lancaster, 57; Lancaster chap., 11. LEBANON, WARREN CO. Budd, Joseph L., Merchant. S. W. Lebanon, 26; G. M. 3d Veil, Lebanon chap., 5; Lebanon coun., 21. Drake, John R., Carriage and Wagon Maker. J. D. Lebanon, 26. Frank, Joseph, Merchant Tailor. Lebanon, 26; Washington chap., 24, Missouri. Frost, G. W., Justice of Peace, Attorney, Notary Public U. S. Com., Southern District, Ohio. Lebanon, 26; Lebanon chap., 5; Lebanon coun., 21. Glenny, West, Druggist. Lebanon, 26; Lebanon chap., 5; Lebanon coun., 21; Reed cor., 6. O-IO. 419 Ingersoll, Lewis S., Tailor. N. C. Harmony, 2; Lebanon, chap., 5. Koogle, M., Grocer. Lebanon, 26; Lebanon chap., 5. March, Geo. R., Carriage Manufacturer. Lebanon, 26. Norris, S. B. Lebanon, 26; Lebanon chap., 5. Parshall, W. F., Warren Co. Bank. P. S. W. Lebanon, 26; P. H. P. Lebanon chap., 5; Lebanon coun.. 21; Reed Com., 6. Stokes, Horace M., Attorney. P. M. Lebanon, 26; H. P. Lebanon chap., 5; Thr. Ill. Lebanon coun., 21; Reed corn., 6; G. M. G. L., State of Ohio; P. G. H., P. G. C., Ohio. Stokes, Alfred E., Sheriff. J. W. Lebanon, 26; R. A. C. Lebanon chap., 5; Rec. Lebanon coun., 21; Reed corn, 6. Totten, James S. - Lebanon, 26; S. Lebanon chap., 5; Reed com., 6; Lebanon coun., 21; Ineffable Mason. Ward, Durbin, Attorney. Lebanon, 26; Lebanon chap., 5; Lebanon coun., 21. LIMA, ALLEN CO. Anderson, J. M., Merchant. Treas. Lima, 205; Treas. Lima chap., 49; Lima coun, 2; Shawnee cor., 14. Bond, Eli, Saddle and Harness Maker. P. S. W. Lima, 205; H. P. Lima chap., 49;P. T. I. Lima coun., 20; G. C. Shawnee cor., 14. Buckmaster, Sanl. R., Sheriff. Lima, 205. Feiss, G., Dealer in Clothing. Lina, 205. Halladay, C., Dealer in Dry Goods and Groceries. P. J. W. Lima, 205; P. Sec. Lima chap., 49; Treas. Lima coun., 20; Rec. Shawnee corn., 14. Hurd, L. C., Attorney and Banker. W. M. Lima, 205; S. Lima chap., 49; Lima coun., 20; Shawnee cor., 14. Jacobs, Thos. K., Banker and Farmer. Lima, 205; Limn chap., 49; Lihna coun., 20; Shawnee corn., 14. Krebbs, Rev. A. R., M. E. Minister and Ambrotypist. Chap. Lina, 205; Chap. Lima chap., 49; Chap. Lima coun., 20; Chap. Shawnee corn., 14. Cole, E. T., Grocer and Manufacturer of Cole's Chemical Soap. Lima, 205; M. M. Mason. Lamison, Chas. N., Attorney. Lima, 205; Lima chap., 49; Lima coun., 20. Lisle, Slemmons, Farmer. Lima, 205; Lima chap., 49; Lima coun., 20; Shawnee cor., 14. Melhorn, John, Dealer in Boots and Shoes and Leather. Lima, 205. Mitchell, T. T., Saddle and Harness Maker. Lima, 205; Lima chap., 49; Lima coun., 20; Shawnee com., 14. 420 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Overmyer, G. W., County Auditor. Lima, 205; Sec. Lima chap., 49; Rec. Lima coun., 20; Sword Bearer Shawnee cor., 14. Scott, M., Dealer in Clothing. Lima, 205; P. S. Lima chap., 49; T. I. Lima coun., 20; S. W. Shawnee cor., 14. Smith, A. N., Founder and Dealer in Stoves and Tin Ware. P. M. Lima, 205; C. H. Lima chap., 49; P. C. W. Lima coun., 20; J. W. Shawnee coun., 14. Swaley, Daniel, Manufacturer Sash, Blind, Doors, &c. P. M. Lima, 205; K. Lima chap., 49; C. G-. Lima coun., 20; C. G. Shawnee com., 14.. Terrill, D. C P., Dealer in Books and Stationery, and Jeweler..Lima, 205; R. A. C. Lima chap., 49; Dept. T. I. Lima coun., 20; S. B. Shawnee co m., 14. Havil, Saml., Operative Mason. J. W. Lima, 205. Meily, John H., Clerk of Common Pleas and District Courts. Lima, 204; Lima chap., 49. Griffith, O. E., Dept. Clerk and General Collecting Agent. Lima, 205; Lima chap., 49. Bates, Z., Notion Dealer. Lima, 205; Lima chap., 49. Roush, John, Dealer in Stoves and Tin, and Agricultural Implements. Tyler Lima, 205. Metheany, Dept. R. R. Agent, P. II. W. and C. R. R. Lima, 205. Craig, M. C.,. R..Agent. Upper Sandusky Chapter. MANSFIELD, RICHMOND CO. Burns, B., Attorney. Mansfield, 35. Dickey, M. R., Attorney. Venus, 152. Gilkinson, iM. IHL, Marshal of the City. Mansfield, 35. Goldsmidt, Jos., Clothing Merchant. Venus, 152. Hlickox, S. C., Station Agent, P. Ft, W. and C. R. R., and Agent Union Line Express. Venus, 152; Mansfield chap., 28. May, Manuel, Prosecuting Attorney. Venus, 152. Rledrup, Jas., Flour and Feed Store. Venus, 152. Scott, L. P., Proprietor Mansfield Omnibus Line. Western Phoenix, 296; Mansfield chap., 28. Shamp, A. I-1., Clerk. Venus, 152. Thomas, J. R., Confectionary and Bakery. 3ansfield, 35. Vance, J. P., Merchant. Venus, 152; Mansfield chap., 28. Smith, Milton, Butter Dealer. Venus, 152; Mansfield chap., 28; Mansfield coun., 11. Mclvain, Alex., Plasterer. W. M. Mansfield, 35; K. Mansfield chap., 28; Mansfield coun., 11; P. C. Clinton corn. OHIO. 421 Hickox, Wm. S., R. R. Agent. Venus, 152; Mansfield chap., 28. Meredith, John, Probate Judge. Mansfield chap., 28; Mansfield coun., 11; Clinton corn., 5; P. M. and P. H-. Priest. Loughridge, Wnm., Physician. Mansfield, 35. Nash, S. L., Book-keeper. Sec. Venus, 152. Miches, R. P., Jeweller and Watch Maker. Venus, 152; Tuscardiras, 38. Delamp, M., Dentist. Venus, 152; Mansfield chap., 28; D. P. J. Mansfield coun., 11. Markward, D., Druggist. Venus, 152. MANSFIELD LODGE, No. 35. McIlvain, Alex, W. M. Denman, J.P. Newman, A. S. McCollough, N.C.,S.W. Dudley, L. Patterson, Thos. Keiser, M., Treas. De Hart, Win. Schreffler, H, D. Grant, J. D,, J. W. Emerson, Geo. W. Skeggs, J. L. Grout, W. I., Sec. Foutz, C. Smith, J. Meredith, Jno., S.. Ferrill, John, Thomas, J. R. Harmnan, Saml., J. D. Gambel, H. Weaver, Geo. Troutman, E., Tyler, Henry, B. K. Winterstein, H. Adams, John F. Kaughman, S. Douglass, J. J. Brinkerhoof, Jacob, King, C. H. Gilkinson, M. H. Bartley, Thos. W. Loughricdge, Wm. Johnson, S. Bigelow, P. Lamley, Wm. Niman, Jas. Barber, H. S. McCoy, E. Snider, D. M. Barber, J. S. Mickey, Thos. Markley, J. Brown, A... cCullough, D. Bowles, T. C. Carothers, S. Moore, H. S. Iughes, 1-I. W. Chandler, John MI. Morton, N.. Hedlges, H. C. Chero, E. Au, C. Holmes, J. Craig, E. Bentley, Robt. Mecllvain, J. Q. Calhoun, N. Boughman, J. Burns, B. Crouse, Geo. Boughton, A. Burns, W. S. Condon, R. Mack, H.. 0. Ford, Thos. H. Carothers, S. L. Mack, John, Elliot, R. M. Cunningham, J. J. Moore, S. VENUS LODGE, No. 152. Cantwell, J. Y., W. M. Thayer, T. A., S. D. Webber, Saml. Smiith, Milton, S. W. Thayer, Jas., J. D. Hickox, S. C. Skeets, G. NW., J. W. Westerfield, G. W.,T. McLaughlin, Wmin Nash, S. L., Sec. Ritter, Joseph, McLaughlin, E. B. Wright, A. Treas. Shieffler, Henry, Miller, M. L., Parish, H. L. Strong, L. Newman, Henry, 28 422 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Redrup, J. Shortis, Jesse, Norman, J. E. Armentrout, G. Wells, Saml. Patterson, W. M. Beach, J. A. Williams, Jesse, Ritter, Samuel, Bushnell, Wm. WVintrode, Saml. Coleman, P. T. Cantwell, Jas. Vance, J. P. Woodruff, R. W., Chambers, J. M. Webber, Wim. Reed, N. C. Colby, H. Shamp, A. H. Burghart, J. J. Cox, J. E Hildreth, J. Markward, D. De Camp, M. Kelse, Samuel, Tyler, W. J. Fair, J. C. Kerr, J. Mix, R. P Ford, T. S. Liebenthal, M. Cole, G. W. Gregg, E. C. May, M. Chew, James, Geddis, G. W. Taylor. J., Worneck, A. Hickox, W. S. Tucker, Norman, Dickey, M. R. Mowery. J. N. Waggoner, Solomon, Goldschidt, Jos. Newman, John, Parrish, H. L. Redrup, J.'Shroder, Daniel, MANSFIELD CHAPTER, No. 28. Stated Meetings first Tuesday in each month. Cantwell, J. Y., H. P. Fair, J. C. Vandall, Jas. Smith, Milton, S. Ritter, J. Eaton, Benj. Norman, J. E., R. A. C. Drennan, J. P. McLaughlin, J. W. Vance, J. P., 2d Veil, Palmer, A. R. McLaughlin, E. B. Wright, A., Treas. Bushnell, WVm. Parker, N. H. Westerfield, G., Guard, Miller, M. L. Wearn, Geo. McIlvain, Alex., King, Boughton, A. Bently, R. Meredith, John, C. H. Day, B. F. Anderson, W). W. De Camp, M., 1st Veil, McCullough, D. Parrish, H. L. Gregg, E. C., 3d Veil, Newman, J. Smith, J. Cake, H., Sec. Archer, M. C. Waggoner, Solomon, Sheits, G. W. Bowles, Wm. Geddis, G. W. Webber, S. Scott, L. P. McGraw, John, Hostler, Chasr Wells, S. Ogden, D. Hildroth, Jos. Rogers, W. Kerr, J. Cantwell, Jas. Hickox, W. S. Shamp, W. H. Brinkerhoof, Jacob, Graham, H. Kernahan, W. P..De Hart, Wm. Day, S. B. MIAMISBURGH, MONTGOMERY CO. MINERVA LODGE, No. 98. Chartered A. L., 5843. Allen, Chas. R., W. M., Black, Geo. A., J. W., Richard, Elias, J.:)D. iHoover, F. H., S. W., Hoover, Abel, S. D. Hoff, T., Treas. OHIO. 423 Clay, Adam, Sec. Shultz, Emanuel, Gebhart, Jacob L. Allen, Isaiah, Stew'd, Chubb, Jacob, Parsons, Jesse, i Treon, John, Stew'd, Stansel, James, Barklow, O. E. Thell, John H., Tyler, Mease, Lewis, Deckert, Saml. Pentzer, W. A. Smith, Moses, Heckerman, Henry, Stansel, Geo. Stansel, Hervey, Lorce, Henry, Charles, A. L. Miller, John, Richard, J. P. Wuist, Jas. F. Clark, Nelson, Kauffman, John B. Gitter, Daniel, L. Goudy, Wm. Pomroy, Geo. A. Sheham, John D. Treon, Isaac, Cassidy, Michael, urns, Jas. Zehring, David, Gebhart, Einanuel, Beyer, G. L. Zirmer, Jacob, Andrews, Samuel B. Shell, John, James, W. P. Blossom, M. S. Stevenson, Wm. Rison, Henry, Dewy, J. M. Anderson, James, Rison, John, Groby, Henry, Peffly, Jacob, Burnett, John, Klinger, Peter A. Solomon, Phillip, May, Samuel, Moyer, Michael. Grimm, Arnold, Allen, C. R., Farmer. W. M. Minerva, 98; C. H. Trinity chap., 44. Beyer, G. L., Druggist. Minerva, 98. Clay, Adam, Attorney, Sec. Minerva, 98; H. P. Trinity chap., 44. Derickson, Wm., Retired from Business. New-England, 4; Horeb chap., 3; Wayne coun., 10, Ia.; Reed com., 6. Goudy. Wm., J. P. Minerva, 98. Kauffman, J. B., Carriage and Plough Maker. Minerva, 98. Pomroy, Geo. A., Tobacco Leaf Dealer. Minerva, 98. Solomon, Phillip, Dealer in Clothing. Minerva, 98. Zimmer, Jacob, Railroad Agent. Minerva, 98; Trinity chap., 44; Reed com., 6. MARION, MARION CO. MARION LODGE, No. 70. Chartered October 21, A. L. 5841. Fisher, T. B., W. M. Dombaugh, Phillip, Young, Isaac, Dombaugh, P., S. W. Dunable, John B. Coffey, James, Uncapher, G. A., J. W. Godman, J. H. Grant, Andrew, Lucas, H. S., Treas. Godman, H. C. Strelitz, Julius, De Wolfe, S. E., Sec. Gordon, B. H. Camp, M. M. Harsberger, J. R., S. D.Gray, George, Peters, Harvey, Leonard, J. E., J. D. Gray, John F. Powers, T. E. Deitrich, P., Tyler. Green, S. R. Reed, John, 424 UTNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. De Wolfe, S. E. Lucas, H. S. Saiter, Samuel, Fisher, T. B., M. D. Lutze, John B. Ruerhmund, F. C. Fribley, Jacob, Martin, Christian, Scofield, W. E. Harshberger, J. R. Merchant, J. T. Smith, Charles, Hughs, John, Miller, Martin, Sr. True, I-. A. Knapp, J. B., Sr. Mounts, Samuel C. Ullman, Jos. Larabee J.. onse, Abram, U aph J. W. M ebra caphr, N. Lunaw, J. E..Ne, J. R. Wilson, Richard, Anderson, T. J. Sweney, R. L. Berry, S. H. Beerbower, Samuel, Thomas, Henry, McClarin, Wm. Cricket, William, Tyler, Hiram, Hubert, Benj. Deitrick, hilliip, lncapher, saac, ICap, C H. S. Delong, Allen, Uncapher, G. A. Woods, W. J. Dickerson, F. H. Crickett, William, Farmer and Drover. Marion, 70; Marion chap., 62; Marion coun., 22. Godman, James H., Attorney. Marion, 70;- Marion chap., 62; Marion coun., 22; De Molay corn., 9. Green, Seth R., Salesman. Marion, 70; Marion chap., 62. Lucas, H. S., Dry Goods Dealer. Treas. Marion, 70; Treas. Marion chap., 62; Treas. Marion coun., 22. Martin, Christian, Auctioneer and Butcher. Marion, 70. Merchant, John T.. Farmer. Marion, 70; Marion chap., 62; arion coun., 22. Peters, Harvey, Druggist. Marion, 70; Marion chap., 62; Marion couu., 22. Saiter, Samuel, Chair and Cabinet Maker. Marion, 70. Scofield, W. E., Attorney and Notary Public. Marion, 70. Smith, Charles, Builder and Lumber Dealer. Marion, 70;. A. A. C. Mlarion chap., 62; Marion coun., 22; De Molay corn., 9. Strelitz, Julius, Clothing Merchant. Marion, 70; Marion chap., 62. Thomas, Henry, Dealer in MIillinery and Fancy Goodsr, Books and Stationery and Notions. Marion, 70. Ullman,,Jos., Clothier and Salesman. Marion, 70. Uncapher, Isaac, Produce and Wool Dealer. Marion, 70; Marion chap., 62; Marion coun., 22; De Molay, coun., 9. Uncapher, Geo. A., Farmer. J. W. Marion, 70. OHIO. 425 MOUNT GILEAD, MORROW CO. MOUNT GILEAD, LODGKE, NO. 206. Dunn, A. R., W. M. Beatty, Samuel, Poland, D. G. Clements, W. S., S. W. Beebee, Judson A. Pittman, Sol. Burns, W. H., J. W. Bell, G. W. Rhodes, John, Talmage, D. S., Treas. Blakeley, R. Roben, M. Roben, M., Sec. Burns, Samuel, Stockdell, S. Vorhies, L. B., S. D. Cunnard, S. T. Shurr, C. P. Smith J. E., J. D. Christie, R. Townsend, E. Huird, J. G., Tyler. Cunningham, WY. C. Wiseman, A. French, Samson, Goodman, Geo. Poland, W. R. Foy, A. J. C. Glidden, T. P. Potter, J. S. Hewitt, S. M. House, G. E. Randolph, H. F. Hull, Wim. Irwin, W. S. Rowland, L. H. Maconica, A. Marvin, W. H. Stuart, J. F. McKee, H. S. Maconica, John, Snook, J. A. Matteer, Jno. Owen, E. Salsbury, G. L. Miles, E. Pennock, J. H. Whisler, J. C. Burns, Ross, Holt, Silas, GILEAD CHAPTER, No. 59. Meets Tuesdays, on or before full moon. Dunn, A. K., H. P. Roben, M., Sec. Miller, Wnm Clements, W. S., K. Hind, J. S., Guard. Pennock, J. H. Hull, Wm., S. Burns, V. H. Potter, J. S. Irwin W. Smith, C. II. Carhart, II. C. Rhodes, John, Beebee, J. A., P. S. Cunningham, WVm. Randolph, H. F. McKee, W. H., R. A. C. Conklin, A. Smith, A. J. Miles, E., G. M, 3d Foy, A. J. C. Stuart, J. F. Veil; H. S., G. M. Freeman, G. A. Salsbury, G. L. 2d Veil. Glidden, T. P. Talmage, D. S. Rowland, L. H., 1st V. Hewitt, S. M. Wood, E. High, 1-1. L., Treas. Miles, E. Young, J. H. Beebee, Judson A., Attorney and Notary Public. J. P. Mount Gilead, 206; P. H. P. Gilead chap., 59; Columbus coun., 8; Mount Vernon, corn., 1. Clements, W. S., Probate Judge. S. W. Mount Gilead, 206; K. Gilead, chap., 59. Doty, J. M, Merchant. Chester, 238. Dunn, A. R., Attorney. W. M. Mount Gilead, 206; H. P. Gilead chap., 59, 426 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. French, Samson. Mount Gilead, 206. Holt, Silas, County Recorder. Mount Gilead, 206; Gilead chap., 59. Hull, Wm., Dealer in Stoves and Tinware. Mount Gilead, 206; S. Gilead chap., 59. Hewitt, S. M., Physician and Surgeon. Mount Gilead, 206; P. H. P. Gilead chap., 59; P. H. P. Columbus coun., 8; Clinton com., Mount Vernon. Irwin, W. Smith, County Auditor and Farmer. Mount Gilead, 206; Gilead chap., 59. Rowland, L. H., Merchant Tailor. Mount Gilead, 206; Gilead chap., 59. Vorhies, L. B., Physician and Surgeon. S. D. Mount Gilead, 206. MORROW, WARREN CO. MORROW LODGE, No. 265. Chartered October, 24, A. L., 5855. Starkey, G.. W., W. M. Whitacre, Thomas S. Hopkins, W. G. Stubbs, J. W., S. W. Cogswell, G. W. Endres, P. Whitacre, R., J. W. Williams, E. T. M. Lash, Nathan, Newlove, E. W., Treas.Trapp, C. West, J. W. Mounts, J. H., Sec. Harford, John, Couden, James S. Mounts, J. L., S. D. Dugan, F. F., Sr. Ditmars, Robert, i-Hunt, S. P., J. D. Dugan, F. F., Jr. Newlove, John, Levy, E.I White, Thomas, Jeffreys, James H. Kelley, James O. Couden, James S., Flour Manufacturer and Farmer. Morrow, 265. Endres, Philip, Baker and Confectioner. Morrow, 265. Hunt, Samuel H., M. D. P. M. Morrow, 265; Lebanon chap., 5; Cincinnati corn., 1. Jeffreys, James H., Merchant Tailor. Morrow, 265. Levy, E., Dealer in Dry Goods and Jewelry. Morrow, 265. Starkey, George W., Master Builder. W. M. Morrow, 265. Stubbs, J. W., Merchant. S. W. Morrow, 265. White, Thomas, Merchant. Morrow, 265, Whitacre, Thomas S., Land Dealer and Money Broker. Morrow, 265. MONROEVILLE. Bennet, John, Drover. Rose, 304. Cole, Asher, Farmer. Rose, 304. Colver, Darius S., Cabinet-maker. Rose, 304; Huron chap., 7. Doane, De Witt C., Horse Farrier. Rose, 304. Fish, Edwin, Merchant. Rose, 304. OHIO. 427 Pomeroy, Lemuel, Book-keeper. Rose, 304. Rose, Enos, Farmer. Rose, 304; Huron chap., 7. Roby, John S., Brewer and Forwarder. Rose, 304. Seely, William H., Minister of the Gospel. Erie, 239; Medina chap., 30. Wortman, William S., Practical Physician. Rose, 304. jMILAN. Beers, Win., Carriage Maker (Author of Improved System of Horsemanship). Erie, 239. Connell, B. D., Carriage Ironer. Erie, 239. Edwards, David F., Ship Builder. Erie, 239. Ridgeway, Jackson U., Tailor. Cape Vincent, 293, N. Y. Ridgeway, Jackson W., Tailor. Cape Vincent, 293, N. Y. Stevens, John, Commission Merchant. Erie, 239; Huron chap., 7 De Molay encpt., 9. NEWARK, LICKING CO. NEWARK LODGE, No. 97. Chartered Jan. 5th, A. L., 5829. Cunningham, Wm. M., Evans, W. T. Long, Peter, W. M. Elliott, Benjamin, Morganthan, Samson, Statler, S. D., S. W. Eddy, T. R. Morganthan, Lewis, Dawell, Thomas, J. W. Evans, Lewis, Morath, Michael, rWills, S. S., S. D. Evans, Joseph, Miller, John, Scott, W. H., J. D. Francis, A. B. Miller, Joseph, Williams, J. D., Sec. Flory, Abram, Mowatt, Benjamin, Moull, George W., Tr. Giffin, C. B. Moore, James H. Miller, Job, Tyler, Graff, Jacob, Mehurin, 0. F. Anderson, William, Grasser, Jacob, Moore, D. B. Braddock, J. C. Grasser, George M. Nicol, J. WV. Betgar, Frank, Gray, John H. O'Bannon, P. N. Brooks, Thomas G. Gray, Robert D. Robinson, A. F Brooks, John H. Goddard, Richard, Sanford, B. D. Brunner, B.F. Hamilton, S. J. Strickland, John, Bacon, E. B. Hetrich, George, Stasel, Nicholas, Collins, Michael, Hall A. F. Thomas, Lewis, Connell, John, Hanghey, L. J. Thomas, James, Cunningham, John, Hoover, Jesse, Wilson, Enoch, Cross, Gilbert, Iebson, William, Woods, W. B. Cady, Frank WVm., Jones, Richard, Walker, J. E. Chandler, Theo. C. Jenkins, David, Wing, L. B. 428'UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Connell, Oscar F. James, W. H. White, Michael, Clark, WX.. BKing, William A. Wilson, B. J. Davis, T. J. Kress, Charles, Wiley, James, Davis, D. J. Lewis, James G. Holton, J. L., Proprietor Holton House. P. M. Steubenville, 45; U. chap., 15; Capt. Gen. Steubensville cor., 11. Williams, James D., Clothier. Sec. Newark, 97. NORWALK. Ayres, Frederick H., Mercantile Clerk. Mount Vernon, 64. Benedict, Win., Blacksmith. S. W. Mount Vernon, 64. Beard, Charles B., Carpenter and Joiner. Mount Vernon, 64. Brailey, Jos. HI., Farmer and Operative Mason. Mount Vernon, 64. Bates, Augustus E., Locomotive Engineer. Mount Vernon, 64. Benedict, David D., Farmer and Gardener. Mount Vernon, 64. Benedict, Platt, Danbury, Ct. T. I. G. M. Norwalk corn.. 24; P. G. C. De Molay corn,, 9; P. G. R. Gr. Chap. First white settler in Norwalk, and first Mason. Bedell, Nathaniel, Drover and Butcher. Mount Vernon, 64. Bedell, Bernardus, Butcher. Mount Vernon, 64. Bradley, Cyrus, Locomotive Eugineer. King Solomon's, 56. Buchanan, Harvey, Farmer and Operative Mason. Mount Vernon. 64. Burton, Edward S., Locomotive Engineer. Science, 50. Copeland, Chas. H., Car Builder. Mount Vernon, 64. Dunbar, Oliver T., Locomotive Engineer. Mount Vernon, 64. Doolittle, L., Locomotive Enginer. Garrettsville, 246. Ells, Julius A., Bookkeeper. iMount Vernon, 64; Huron chap., 7. Felton, James S., Farmer and Edge eTool Manufacturer. AMount Vernon, 64; H. P. Huron chap., 7; Norwalk coun.,!24; De Molay encpt, 9. Fenn, Edward P., Travelling Agent. Mount Vernon, 64. Glazer, Adam, Boiler Maker. Mount Vernon, 64. Graves, Frederick WV., Hotel Keeper. Mount Vernon, 64; Huron chap., 7. Gaskill, Jas., Machinist. Temple; 14, Albany, N. Y. Gibson, Timothy, Physician. Floral, 260; Huron chap., 7; Norwalk coun., 24; De Molay encpt., 9. Heath, Daniel L., Car Builder. Mount Vernon, 64. Harper, Peter, Blacksmith. Science, 50. Jaques, Amos F., Tobacconist. Mount Vernon, 64. OHIO. 429 Kellogg, Horace, Druggist and Grocer. Mount Vernon, 64; Huron chap., 7. Knox, Crawford, Car Builder. Mount Vernon, 64. Lowe, William H., Carpenter and Joiner. Dakota, 7, Minnesota. Lake, Ira, Farmer and Mechanic. Mount Vernon, 64; H-uron chap., 7; Norwalk coun., 24; De Molay enept., 9. M Mower, Rev. S., Minister, M. E. Church. Ch. Mount Vernon, 64; Ch. Huron chap., 7; Ch. Norwalk coun., 24; De Molay cor., 9. Miller, Chas. R., Master Builder. Mount Vernon, 64; Huron chap., 7; Norwalk coun, 24. Mitchell, Wm., Teacher. Mount Vernon, 64; Huron chap., 7; Norwalk coun., 24; Mount Vernon encpt., 1. Pray, Ethan A., Superintendent Huron County Infirmary. Floral, 265; Huron chap., 7; Norwalk coun., 24. Petteys, Walter, Farmer. Mount Vernon, 64. Power, John H-., Foreman C. & T. Blacksmith Shop. Mount Vernon, 64. Pope, Fowler W., Locomotive Engineer. Mount Vernon, 64. Pebbles, Nelson H., Carriage Maker. Wellington, 127; Marshal chap., 47; Norwalk coun., 24. Pritchard, Uriah, Foreman Coppersmith. Mount Vernon, 64. Randolph, John F., Master Builder, Mount Vernon, 64. Rule, Jas. H. Practical Printer. Mount Vernon, 64. Surles, Ziba, Agent, C. & T. RR.. ount Verilon, 64; Huron chap., 7. Stratton, Daniel, Jr., Teacher. Wood County, 112. Stokes, tHenry P., Machinist. Mount Vernon, 64. Suhr, William, Clothing Merchant. Mount Vernon, 64; Huron chap., 7. Shelton, Charles E., Farmer and Drover. Mount Vernon, 64. Safford, George H., Attorney-at-law. Mount Vernon, 64; H-uron chap., 7; De Molay encpt., 9. Smith, Luther F., Locomotive Engineer. Mount Vernon. 64. Smith, Joseph S., Farmer and Mason. Mount Vernon, 64. Waggoner, Marshall 0. W. I. Mount Vernon, 64; S. Huron chap., 7; C. G. Norwalk coun., 24; De Molay ccm., 9. Watrous, Daniel, Machinist. Mount Vernon, 64; Huron chap., 7; Columbian encpt., 1, New-York. Whitbeck, Geo. W., Attorney-at-law. Mount Vernon, 64. White, Orsamus A., Teacher and Mechanic. MAount Vernon, 64. Watrous, George E., Machinist. Mount Vernon, 64. Wells, Ira D., Farmer. Erin, 239. Walsh, Oscar, Farmer. P.. M.ount Vernon, 64. 430 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Sigourney, Anthony Wayne, Carpenter and Joiner. Mount Vernon, 64. NORTH FAIRFIELD. Blish, Henry, Merchant. Fairfield, 261. Curtis, J. B., Druggist and Physician. Fairfield, 261. King, Theodore G., Boot and Shoe Maker. Floral, 260. Keith, Darwin M., Physician. Fairfield, 261; Huron chap., 7. Owen, H. W., Physician and Merchant. Fairfield, 261: Huron chap., 7; Norwalk coun., 24. Robinson, J. B., Printer. Fairfield, 261. Stevens, Hamilton E., Carpenter and Joiner. Fairfield, 261. Osborn, Wakelan M., Farmer and Drover. Fairfield, 261. Watrous, Sears, Farmer. Fairfield, 261. Wright, Zenas H., Blacksmith. Fairfield, "261. NEW LONDON. Leggett, Ira, Station Agent. Floral, 260. Bowers, R, C., Attorney-at-law. Floral, 260. Curry, Albert P., Tinsmith. Floral, 260. Arnold, Henry C., Stove Dealer. Floral, 260; Huron chap., 7. June, Joseph H., Dealer in Eggs and Poultry. Floral, 260. Sandford, EphraimI H., Attorney-at-law. Mount Vernon, 64. Arnold, A. F,., Hardware Merchant. Floral, 260. OLENA. Fox, Alexander, H., Architect and Builder. Floral, 260. Johnson, Lewis, Practical Physician. Floral, 260. King, Win., Hotel Keeper. Floral, 260. Odell, Benjah, Farmer. Floral, 260. Deming, Perry B., Farmer. Floral, 260. Andress, E. H., Mercantile Clerk. Gibson, 301. Arnold, Augustus, Farmer. Gibson, 301. Baker, Rodney, Farmer. Floral, 260. PIQUA, MIAMI CO. WARREN LODGE, No. 24. Chartered October 21, A. L. 5841. Landes, H. C., W. M. Coffin, N. C., Chap. Bartholomer, A. Terry, L. B., S. W., Foster, W. N., S. D. Bowman, Benj. Davis, R. C., J. W. Doran, Edwin, J. D. Campbell, John, Allen, Joel, Treas. Davis, John, Tyler, Chambers, J. D. Spencer, John G., Sec., Becker, Lewis, Coverdale, R. T. OHIO. 431 Crapsaf, Jacob, Hill, Luther. Russell, J. W. Curtis, George, Humfreville, V. T. Rhodehammel, W. A. Catterlin, H. Hunter, Jos. B. Schab, S. Castle, J. A. Hunter, J. W. Smith, Dan. H. Dickason, S. J. Johnston, Geo. C. Stewart, Samuel, Dickson, Joseph, Jarvis, F. Tabler, Samuel, Dickson, S. M. Legg, Joseph, Vallentine, R. V. Duncan, A. Lawton, T. J. Will, J. J. Day, D. R. Loy, J. W. Wilkinson, George, Davis, A. McGowan, 0. Wood, S. H. Ferall, John 0. Millhouse, J. Worley, Joshua, Flinn, R. H. Neil, Lewis, Yager, John, Free, J. H. Plock, H. Yager, George, Free, D. Peterman, Jacob, Young, Henry, Gray, S. S. Pettit, Samuel, Young, A. D. Hamilton, J. W. Reecer, Thomas, Ziegenfelder, C. F. Harthan, Henry, Allen, Joel, Dealer in Stoves and Tinware. P. M. Warren, 24; P. H. P. Piqua chap., 31; Dep. T. I. G. M. Lafayette coun., 10. Browne, Samuel E., Attorney. P. M. Hope, 214; Lima chap., 49. Defries, T. L. P., Contractor. Ward, 281; Piqua chap., 31; Lafayette coun., 10; Reed corn., 6. Doran, Ed. F., Manufacturer of Flour. Warren, 24; Piqua chap. 31; Lafayette coun., 10. Dorsey, G. Volney, (MI. D.) S. W. Ward, 281; Piqua chap., 31. Foster, W. N., Attorney, J. P. P. M. Warren, 24; H. P. Piqua chap., 31; P. T. I. G. MA. Lafayette coun., 10; Reed cor., 6. Gordon, Samuel, Attorney. Ward, 281; Piqua chap., 31; Lafayette coun., 10; Reed comn., 6. HIumfreville, W. T., House and Bridge Builder. Warren, 24; Piqua chap., 31. Landes, Henry C., Bookkeeper. W. M. Warren, 24; C. H. Piqua chap., 31; P. T. I. G. M. and Rec. Lafayette coun., 10. McKinney, John F., Attorney. W. M. Ward, 281; K. Piqua chap., 31; P. C. W. Lafayette coun., 10. Shipley, R. W.. Sen., Butcher. Ward, 281; P. IH. P. Piqua chap., 31; P. T. I. G. M. Lafayette coun., 10. Terry, L. B., Carriage AManufacturer. S. W. Warren, 24; G. MA. 1st Veil, Piqua chap., 31; T. I. G. M. Lafayette coun., 10. -WYard, Jonas, Postmaster. P. M. Ward, 281, and Warren, 24; P. H. P. Piqua chap,, 31; Reed corn., 6; P. G. W. and C. G. Grand C. of Ohio. 432 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Yager, John, Flour Manufacturer. P. M. Warren, 24; Piqua chap., 31; Lafayette coun., 10. SIDNEY, SHELBY CO. Carey, G. W., Dealer in Boots anal Shoes. Temperance, 73.. Fielding, W. (M. D.) P. M. Temperance, 73; Lebanon chap., 5; R. and S. M. Mount Vernon cor., 1; P. G. Lecturer and Gr. Master. Skillen, W. W., Probate Judge. S. W. Temperance, 73; Piqua chap., 31. Read, J. Smith, Dealer in Groceries and Provisions. J. W. Temperance, 73. Thorn, H. B., Proprietor Thorn Hotel. Temperance, 73. SPRINGFIELD, CLARK CO. CLARK LODGE, No. 101. Chartered September 28, A. L. 5848. West, David, W M. Deihl, William, Mower, David, Roblenz, Fred., S. W. Dial, E. G. Mceintire, W. T. Bancroft, Leon., J. W., Dipple, L. Nunnemacher, E. Schaffer, David, Treas., Furniss, B.H. Pool, Horace, Brown, Luther, Sec. Fleming, James, Pool, Rodney, Tiffany, J. B., S. D. Frankenstien, G.L. Patrick, E. W. Baker, Wm., J. D. Frankenberg, J. H. Roher, John, Parsons, Israel, Tyler, Funk, John, Rodgers, James, Anthony, Charles, Goodman, John, Roll, E. C. Ager, William, Hayward, David, Roblenz, C. F. Blazier, Samuel, Haywood, I-. D. Roblenz, F. W. Brown, Lewis, Houck, E. L. Shaffer, A. A. Barringer, J. 1-1. Harrison, R. D. Shephard, H. M. Baker, L. J.. Hains, William, Shaeffer, W. N. Brown, William, llahn, Caspar, Simpson, S. R. Bancroft, Lafayette, Hook, A. D. Spahr, Jos. Barcafer, J. P. Harvey, W. I. Sprague. R. Carpenter, S. Irwin, W. J. Stroud, Chas. Cavileer, A. John, H. D. Sheaf, John, Coffield, J. Kills, W. A. Sattis, J. V. Cadwallader, M. Keys, J. W. Vinal, H. Carbon, John, Keiffer, J. D. Werden, W. Conklin, J. L. Layton, J. E. Wright, W. Cole, A. P. Marquet, William, Wallace, John, Crabill, W. H. Mead, Jesse, Woodbury, A. W. Cushman, J. L. Messenger, George, Wood, J. D. Davidson, Jos. Munnick, John, Ward, M. W. OHIO. 433 Brown, Lewis, Salesman for Murphy & Bro's. Clark, 101. Blakeney, William, Founder and Machinist. Clark, 101. Crowell, A. B., Pattern Maker, Clark, 101. Frankenberg, John -I., Produce Dealer. Clark, 101; Springfield chap., 48; Springfield coun. Furniss, B. H., Salesman. Clark, 101: Springfield chap., 48; Springfield coun. Grant, Alex., Dry Goods Merchant, Zanesville, Ohio. Clark, 101; Springfield chap., 48. Kills, ~Wm. A., Paper Manufacturer and Blank Books. Clark, 101 K. Springfield chap., 48; Springfield coun.; Reed corn., 6. Mclintire, Wnm. T., House-mover. Clark, 101. Schaeffer, Wm. N., Chandler. Clark, 101. Shaffer, David, Stone and Lime Dealer and Lively and Sale Stable. Treas. Clark, 101.Treas. Springfield chap., 48; P. C. W. Springfield coun.; Reed corn., 6. Rogers, James, Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots and Shoes. Clark, 101; G. M. 2d Veil, Springfield chap.; 48. Thorn, Win., Flour Manufacturer. Deming, 88; Ind. Wabalsh chap., 61, Ind. West, David, Carriage Manufacturer. W. M. Clarke, 101; P. S. Springfield chap., 48; Springfield coun.; Reed corn., 6. Wright, William,. RR. Agent. Clark, 101. SANDUSKY CITY. Glick, George W., Attorney-at-law. Science, 50. McMeens, Robert R., Practical Physician. Science, 50; Sandusky City chap., 72. Morton, George, Civil Engineer. Science, 50; Sandusky City chap., 72; Sandusky City coun., 26. Moore, Neil H., Boiler-maker. Science, 50; Sandusky City chap., 72; Sandusky City coun., 26; De Molay enept., 9. McDonald, RIichard D., Hotel-koeper. Science, 50; Sandusky City chap., 72; Sandusky City coun., 26. MIerrick, Joshua B., Architect. Science, 50. Niederlainder, John, Leather Dealer. Science, 50; Sandusky City chap., 72. Parsons, Casper J., W~holesale Liquor Dealer. Science, 50; Sandusky City chap., 72; Sandusky City coun., 26; De Molay encpt., 9. Patterson, George S., Custom-House Officer. Science, 50; Sandusky City chap., 72. Patterson, Austin L., Book-keeper. Erie, 239; Sandusky City chap., 72. 434 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Sharceau, Francis, I-Iair Dresser. Science, 50; Sandusky City chap. 72; Sandusky City coun., 26; Ineffable Mason and Knight Templar. Schulze, A. F., Apothecary. Science, 50; Sandusky City chap., 72; Sandusky City coun., 26; De Molay encpt.. 9. Smead, Isaac N., Farmer. Science, 50; Sandusky City chap., 72; Sandusky City coun., 26; De Molay encpt., 9. Weller, Enoch, City Marshal. Science, 50; Sandusky City chap., 72; Sandusky City coun., 26. TIPPECANOE, MIAMI CO. TIPPECANOE LIODGE, No. 174. Chartered October 29th, A. L., 5851. Shields, E. T., W.. Allen M. Pierson, D. M. Dewese, Thos., S. W. Hoagland, A. Fair, Peter, Beuce, G., J.W. Faquer, Z. Jay, Levi, Cunningham, M., S. D. Evans, W. Wesler, A. H. Flat, J., J. D. Kantz, John, Houston, J. M. Smith,. G., Treas. Morrison, J. H. McDoel, John, Fagan, F. S., Sec. Collins, J. Carles, John, Fagan, F. S., Chap. Ross, J. M. Line, T. J. Cunningham, M., Chap. Shafford, Isom, Hartman, A. B. Sides, Henry, St. Long, William, Robinson, Rev. J. M. Wesler, John J., St. Baughman, J. Oaks, Daniel, Collins, G. B., Tyler, Weights, David, Aulbangh, Wiggins, John, P. M. Bonham, J. H. Snyder, N. B. Sultzbaugh, Charles, Loutham, G. W. Hollingsworth, Thos. Krise, Henry, Young, George, Williamson, M. F. (M. Mann, John, Hempland, I. M. D.) Powers, G. D. Pearson, Eli, Porter, Rev. John, Lamber, C. Crane, W. H. Shaffer, G. W. Clifton, Thomas, Orr, D. C. Morrison, Robert, Deal, W.C. Fagan, Thomas, Kauffman, John, Weaver, John, Farmer, A. P. Dye, H. P. Cotral, John, Stamfield, M. Gates, T. G. Clifton, Thomas, Farmer. P. S. W. Tippecanoe, 174; Franklin chap., 24; Reed cor., 6. Cotral, John, Stock Dealer and Fruit Trees. Tippecanoe, 174. Dewese, Thomas, Builder. S. W. Tippecanoe, 174; Franklin chap., 24; Franklin coun., 14. Fair, Peter, Railroad and Express Agent. Tippecanoe, 174; Franklin chap., 24. Freet, Jos, Shoemaker. Tippecanoe, 174; Franklin chap., 24. OHIO. 435 Hartmana, A. B., Physician and Surgeon. Tippecanoe, 174; Franklin chap., 24. Houston, J. M., Dealer in Stocks and Fruit Trees. Tippecanoe, 174. Kantz, John, Miller. Tippecanoe, 174. Morrison. H-. T., Mercantile Clerk. Tippecanoe, 174. Oaks, Daniel, Farmer. P. Treas. Tippecanoe, 174. Shaffer, G. P., Dealer in Fruit Trees. Tippecanoe, 174. Shields, Edward T., Operative Mason. W.M. Tippecanoe, 174 Franklin chap., 24; Reed coin., 6. Sides, Henry, Dealer in Groceries and Provisions. Tippeeanoe, 174 Franklin chap., 24. Smith, George, Manufacturer of Flour and Linseed Oil. Treas. Tippecanoe, 174. Wiggins, John, Farmer. P. M. Tippecanoe, 174; R. A. M., Reese coun., 9; Reed corn., 6. Williamson, 3M. F., Physician and Surgeon. Tippecanoe, 174. Wesler, John J., Assistant Postmaster. Tippecanoe, 174; R. A. CFranklin chap., 24. TROY, MIAMI CO. FRANKLIN LODGE, NO. 14. Chartered June 5, A. L. 5815. Kyle, B. S., W. M., Irwin, Jno. Green, J. H. Cairnes, S. A., S. W. Inlian, I. J. Gaskill, Abram, Helpman, A., J. W., Keifer, George, Hoagland, C. N. Nesbitt, James, Sec., Kreider, Jeremiah, Harter, Jas. Daily, Wm., Treas., Kyle, B. S. Harter, M. L. Stocton, Horace, S. D., Kyle, Isaac N. Hatfield, E. Eidemiller, A. G., J. D., Moore, John, Hart, 11. M. Brown, John, Tyler, Miller, WVm. Hustler, S. E. Cairnes, S. A. McKee, Saml. Hart, William, Cairnes, H. McKinney, A. L. McAnnally, M. Curtis, Jas. Metcalf, WVm. Mazor, H. S. Cecil, S. F. Brown, Jno. Nesbitt, James, Dye, M. L. Binkly, O. H. Orr, T. K. Daily, Wm. Baines, Jas. Pettit, H. J. Duncan, Jesse, Banta, Peter, Rollins,.C. H. Dunlap, Wm. Brandriff, W.. Stocton, H. Duncan, Eli, Baer, C. T. Smeltzer, R. K. Eidemiller, A. G. Culbertson, Saml. Traebing, Phillip, Grosvenor, Daniel, Culbertson, J. C. Wertheimer, J. Harter, S. K. Gibbs, Roswell, Wright, Robert, Helpman, Andrew, Goss, M...Weatherhead, Abram, Hustler, T. J. 436 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Brown, John, Retired from Business. T. P. M. Franklin, 14; G. Franklin chap., 24; Franklin coun., 14; Reed corn., 6. HIatfield, Elias, Washington Hotel, Treasurer Miami Co. Franklin, 14. Green, J. H., Physician and Surgeon. Franklin, 14. Hustler, S. E., Sheriff. Franklin, 14; Franklin chap., 24; Franklin coun., 14; Reed corn., 6. Kyle, Barton S., County Clerk. P. J. W. and S.. W. of G. L. of Ohio; W. M. Franklin, 14; C. H. Franklin chap., 24; P. C. of W., 14; Reed corn., 6. Fenner, Jeremiah, Farmer and Commissioner (Pleasant Hill P. 0.) Initiated N. C. Harmony, 2; Franklin, 14; Franklin chap., 24. Nesbitt, James, Dep. Auditor and Notary Public. P. S. W. Franklin, 14; P. H. P. and Sec. Franklin chap., 24; T. I. G. L. Franklin coun., 14; Reed cor., 6. Hoagland, Cornelius N., Forwarding and Commission Merchant. P. M. Tippecanoe, 174; Franklin chap., 24; C. of G. Franklin coun., 14; Reed corn., 6. Orr, Thos. K., Lumber Dealer and Builder. P. J. W. Franklin, 14. Orr, D. C., Physician and Surgeon. Tippecanoe, 174; Franklin chap., 24; Franklin coun., 14. Pettit, II. J., Justice of the Peace and Merchant Tailor. P. S. W. Franklin, 1-; P. K. Franklin chap., 24; Rec. Franklin coun., 14. Stocton, -orace, Carriage Trimmer. S D. Franklin, 14; Franklin chap., 24; Franklin coun., 14. Wertheimer, Joseph, Dealer in Clothing. Franklin, 14. URBANA. Fisher, D. M., Co. Recorder. W. M[. Harmony, 8; Sec. Urbana chap., 3; R. and S. M. Hamilton, S. I-., Hotel Keeper. Harmony, 8. Keller, T. G., Attorney-at-law and Notary Public. Harmony, 8; Urbana chap., 34. Young, John H., Attorney-at-law. S. WY. Harmony, 8. Patrick, J. -H. Hardware Merchant. S. H-armony, S. Stone, John IH. P., Merchant. Dallas, 132, Brucetown, Va. Young, AWm. H., Hardware Dealer. Harmony, 8. Talbot, S. P., Co. Auditor. Harmony, 8; K. Urbana chap., 34; Springfield conn., 17; Reed corn., 6. Geiger, L., Attorney-at-law. Harmony, 8. Clark, J., Jr., Sheriff, Dealer in Groceries and Provisions. OnoI0. 437 HARMONY LODGE, No. 8. Fisher, D. M., W. M. Stadler, Moses, Talbot, Sampson P. Corwin, Ichabod, J. W. Saxton, Joshua, Baldwin, Wilson, Ogden, James G., Sec. Taylor, James, Baldwin, Richard, Patrick, Jacob H. and Mosgrove, Jomes M. Chance, Samue!, Tissler, Stewards. Powell, Henry, Robinson, Samuel H. Armstrong, Jacob, Ty- Poffenbarger, John, Glenn, James C. ler. Nitchman, L. James, Morgan, Edward L. Young, John H., S. W. Bell, Thomas, Magren, Archibald, Jones, Jacob C., S. D. Blose, Daniel, Johnson, Isaac, Clark, James S, Treas. Carter, Joseph S. Ward, Gideon H. Hunt, Win. Seiger, Levi, Fulton, William,. Fox, Absalom, Wood, John S. Hiatt, Z. M. Phillips, Jesse C. Lockard, John T. Robbins, Z. V. Hamilton, John, Morgan, A. E. Hawker, Wm. Baldwin, Samuel V. Phillips, E. T. P. Mast, E. M. Baker, John, Ogborn, Thos. E. Baldwin, Isaac N. Hurd, John, Crabill, Elcaney, Long, Jonathan N.. Tyffic, Edward P. MeComsey, lMathias, Goddard, J. W. Mosgrove, Wim. F. Mouser, Ambrose C. Smith, Peter, M Woore, WIm. 1.. Pence, Jacob, Guthiridge, 1. JO. Vance, Alex. F. Blose, Henry, Lord, J. 0. Chance, Thomas, Chew, I. M. Colwell, Ross, Snyder, Daniel, Mosgrove, Adam, VAN WERT, VAN WERT CO. Cessna, B. F., M.D. S. D. Van Wert, 218; K. Van Wert chap., 71. Conover, Henry, Grocer. Steward Van Wert, 218. Fletcher, L. F., Dealer in Drugs and Medicines. Van Wert, Van Wert chap., 71. Evers, Darius, Carpenter and Joiner. Van Wert, 218; Van Wert chap., 71. IHofflnan, C., Grocer. Van Wert, 218; Van Wart chap., 71. Davis, John, Co. Treasuier. Van Wert, 218; Van Wert, chap., 71. Mc(onahy, G., R. 1L. Agent. Van Wert, 218; Treas. Van Wert chap., 71. Rose, O. W., Attorney, Notary Public, General Land Agent. Van Wert. 218. Shilling, Joseph, Grocer and E-tting Saloon. Van Wert, 218. Scott, J. K., Farmer. J.. V. an Wert, 218. 29 438 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Shoop, B. F., Saddle and Harness Maker. Van Wert, 218, Tucker, A. C., M. D., Prop. A. C. Tucker's Ague 3ecl. Van Wert, 218. WASHINGTON, FAYETTE CO. Bell. John 11., Teacher and Engineer. P. I. Lafayette, 107. Gardiner~, liiis, Attorney, and Miinister of the Gospel. Fayette, 107. -Hamilton, Andrew, Boot and Shoe Dealer. J. D. Fayette, 107. Johnson, 1 A. Co, Mayor, and Dentist. Sec. Fayette, 107. Kearney, William, Farmer, and Justice Peace, New-Holland P. 0., Pickaway Co. Fayette, 107. Rawlings,, l oses'V., Falrmer. W. 1T. Fayette, 107. Roaall, Albert, Plain and Ornamental Painter. Fayette, 107. Sanders, John, Auditor Fayette Co. Treas. Fayette, 107. WAYNESVILLE, WARREN CO. sTsAYNESVILLE LODG3E, No. 163. Chartered Sept. 29, A. L, 5859. Randall, Jac., W... Edwards, - H1. MlPceKay, J. T. Oneal, G. T., S. W. Fairholm, J.. Mason, David, Tlisardsock, J. W. Glover, Clark, lAasford, Owen, Allen, T. L., Treas. Graham, William, MlcCowan, J. Warrington, Win., Sec., Hammell E. Mills, Mahol, McKay, J. C., S. D. Harris, J. H. Mills, D. W. Terry, Vincent, J. 1). Haines, S. S. Nickerson, J. B. Hart, James, Tyler, H-lay, B. B. Oneal, A. P. Brown, J. J. Hardsock, Jesse, Pilcher, James, Crispin,.. 0. Harmell, M. J. Sides, Samuel, Clark, Henry, Jones, Joshua, sSmith, Geo. E. Chenoweeth, David, Jones, WNilliam, Sides, Geo. WV. Cadwallader, A. D. Keys, J.. Turner, Jabez, Crew,> J. H. Keys, J. E. Vernard, Israel, Cr, ie C P. MK'Vay, Jo F. Wa-les, T. I. Dunwidlder, Samuel, McClelland, W. B. Welch, Turner,.Eigin, M., 3..Mliddletown, J. -T. I-Tmmnell, E., Hotel Keeper, Surveyor and Engineer. P. Sec. Waynesville, 163. HIartsock, Levi, Blacksmith. J. W. Waynesville, 163. WELLINGTON, LORAINT CO. Barbour, George V., Carriage Smith. Wellington, 127. B]ennett, Win. H-., Operative Mason. Weilington, 127. 011-IO 439 Dolan, Timothy, Carriage Miaker. Wellington, 127. Dickenson, Joseph H., Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Wellington, 127. Hamilton, Asa, Carpenter and Joiner. Wellington, 127; M2arshall chap., 47; Mansfield coun., 11. Lang, Josiah L., Grocer. Wellington, 127. *Wadsworth, Jabez L., General Agent M. F. Co. Wellington, 127; Aansfield chap., 28. Bennett, Isaac, Manufacturer of Farming Implements. Wellington, 127; Marshall chap., 47. WILMINGTON, CLINTON CO. WVILTINGTON LODGE, No. 52. Chartered October 19, A. L. 5842. Harrison, W. HI,,a, iSlack, J.. Farlan, J. W. Smith, J. A., S.. W. utchinson, Daniel, McWhorter, J. 1. Walker, Asa, J. W5. Andrews, Miles, Osborn, C. N. Hockitt, A., Treas. Giffin, David, Murply, David, Curl, Daxvid, Sec. H-arvy, Aaron, Collett, Daniel, -lHarlan, Jabez, HI-. D. Morey, G. W. Wilson, L. H. Chapman, A. 1H., J. D., Carver, John, Theabold, Jac. McClain, M. H1-., Tyler, MicArthur, T. W. Kervans, K. S. Eachus, D. Irbin, Andrew, Treusdale, Bebe, Hirt, Valentine, Hirkson, Benj., P. W. Doan, A. W. Moory., R.. Stickle, J.. Quinn, D. P. Fallis, George, Rapp, James, Hall, William, Fuller, WVilliam, Williams, Isaac C. Knowlton, Samuel, Collins, William, Woodruff, Samuel, Curtis, IRichard, I-lowland, C. M. Compton, J. W. Way, Robert, Glass, T. B. Kelly, Samuel C. Curl, Daniel, Grocer. P. M. and Sec. Wilmington, 52; R. A. C. Wilmington clap., 63; Lebanon coun., 21. Dean, A. W., Attorney, Prosecuting Attorney. P. Sec. Wilmington,. 52; Wilmington chap., 63. Hockett, Albert, Clinton Co. Bank. P. S.. W. and Treas. Wilmington, 52; C. H. Wilmington chap., 63. 1-larrison, W. H., Merchant Tailor. WV. M. Wilmington, 52; P. S.. Wilmington alap., 63; Lebanon coun., 21. Morey, Roger B., Druggist. P.. Se. Wilmington, 52. MIcArthur, T. W., M. D. Wilmington, 52. Osborn, C. N., Merchant. P. Sec. Wilmington, 52; Wilmington: chap., 63. 440 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD, XENIA, GREEN CO. XENIA LODGE, 49. Chartered Sept. 17, A. L., 5819. Medsker, D., WV. M. Brellsford, Horace, Owen, Samuel T. Wright, Lewis, S. W. Eylor, John F. Flick, A. J. Wright, G. W., J. W. Cornwell, B. G. Coslay, D. Funastock, B. W., Tr. Thorp, A. G. Baker, W. C. M. Sexton, J. A.. Sec. Jones, L.D. Morris, W. E. Hegler, J. D., S. D. Adams, MI. O. Gest, Jeremiah, Taylor, C. W., J. D. Moshier, William, Mason, Jos. Ridnour, L. J., Tyler, Kepler, William, Ellsberry, William, 1-Iivling, A. Gaddis, M...Mcaitosh, William, i-Iivling, J. A. Harbison, T. P. Oneal, John K. Bell, William, Hammill, Jos. Schnebley, J. F. Kealhofer, H. Allen, B. F. Trimble, Alexander, Rogers, A. Snider, E. North, William, Lewis, Daniel, Teacher, i. IW. Buckles, Jos. Nichols, E. S. Baker, B. Baty, John B. Scarff, J. R. Morehouse, E. L. McMillen, James, Harey, Samuel, Gibneyson, John, Brewer, P. S. McCarty, James, Beall, John A. Keeney, A. J. 1Baker, W. C. M., Dept. Co. Auditor. Xenia, 49. Bell, William, Physician and Surgeon. Xenia, 49; Xenia chap., 36; Reese cor., 9. Crumbaugh, S., Sheriff. Xenia, 49. H-ammill, Jos., Dealer in Books, Stationery and Jewelry. Xenia, 49. Kepler, W. M., Salesman, Broadway, N. Y. Xenia, 49. Lowe, John WV., Attorney. Xenia, 49; K. Xenia chap., 36. Medsker, David, Cabinet-maker and Co, Treasurer. W. M. Xenia, 49; C. H. Xenia chap., 36; Reed coun., 9. Owens, Samuel L., County Auditor. Xenia, 49; Chaplain Xenia rchap., 36. Sexton, Jos. A., Attorney. Sec. Xenia, 49; Xenia chap., 36.Reese con., 9. M. VW., Trader. Xenia, 49; Xenia chap., 36. Wright, Lewis, J. P. and Notary Public. S.. Xenia, 49; H. P..Xenia chap., 36; Reese cor., 9. ZANESVILLE, MUSKINGUM CO. Bratshaw, J. B. H., Wholesale Grocer. W. M. Amity, 5. I-lattan, James, Wholesale aud Retail Dealer in Cabinet Ware, Looking-glasses, &c. Initiated 1836. Lafayette, 79; Zanesville chap., 9; Cyprus corn., 10. orno. 441 Hattan, W. H., Dealer in Cabinet Ware. Lafayette, 79. Nevitt, Thomals F., Confectioner and Grocer. Lafayette, 79; Zanesville chap., 9; Cyprus corn., 10. Shaffer, H., Dealer in Groceries. Lafayette, 79. Smith, J. K., Last Manufacturer. J. W. Amity, 5; C. H. Zanesville chap., 9; Capt. Gen. Zanesville coun., 13. Shaffer, William, Saddle and HFarness-maker. Sec. Lafayette, 79; Zanesville chap., 9; Rec. Zanesville coun., 13; Cyprus corn., 10. Shinnick, W. M., Dealer in Stoves and Tin Ware. P. M. Amity, 5; H. P. Zanesville chap., 9; D. T. I. Zanesville coun., 13. Shinnick, Geo. L., Patent Cordage Manufacturer and Grocer. Amicable, 25, Md.; P. M. Amity, 5; P. H.. P. Zanesville chap., 9; T. I. G. M. Zanesville coun., 13; P. Dept. G. P. of Grand Council. ZANESVILLE COUNCIL, No. 13. Stated meetings second Thursday of each month. Shinnick, G. L., T. I. Spaulding, C.. Romine, A. C. G. M. Campbell, Isaac, Hiosmer, S Shinnick, Win. M., D. Darlinton, H. Adams, Isaac, G. M. Achauer, C. F. Hunter, Wim. Schultz, W., P. C. W. Swank, Jonathan, Davis, John iW. Smith, John I., C. G. Caldwell, James, Dexter, H. T. Poturin, Chas. W., Tr. Leslie, Robert, Crosby, Joseph, Shaffer, Win., Rec. Richards, J. Koenig, Henry, Wright, Wm., Guard. Elliott, Samuel, Dymond, John, CYPRUS COM.!ATNDERY. Stated meetings, second Tuesday of each month. Hatten, Daniel, Gen. Wright, lWm., Sent. Morris, Geo. Sedwick, R. H., Prel. Richards, J., S. B. Maloy, D. Buckmaster, C. WV., Ashmore, B. MI., W. Baird, John, J. WV. Nevitt, Thos. F. H:rbaugh, Samuel, Poturin, Chas. W. Edwards, John C. Applegate, D. G. C. Clements, Z. Bell, Thomas, Morgan, Wm, C. G. Achaner, C. F. Borton, B. Schultz, Win., S. W. Beatty, Wmin. 1- Claypool, N. F. Hatten, James, Treas. Caldwell, James, Duvall, E. B. Shaffer, Wm., Rec. Deeterick, Fredk. Galliger, William, Crowther, Rich., S. B. Dwyer, Joseph W. Harding, William B. Manley, J. W., Gd. Hosmer, S. f. Pringle, Win. Spaulding, C. W., Gd. Printz, John H. Ruth, Wim. Romine, A. C., Gd. Reeves, James S. Savage, A. R. 442 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Lawrence, J. Stone, Jesse M. Swank, Jonathan, Little, David, Holston, John G. F. Terry, Frank J. iMoore, John, Aiken, William, Webb, Timothy, Albrecht, Chas. J. Bastian, P. Wilkes, Jr., E. Adclams, Isaac, Campbell, Isaac, Higgerty, James B. Baw, J. F. Crosby, Joseph, Koenig, -lenry,'Clarke, John C. Dexter, Henry, Lawson, David, Darlinton, H. Gaston, M. Terry, Wm. D. Eakin, WVm. -lagerty, G. J. Ungemack, Jacob, Hattan, James, Hazlett, J. C. Wood, Abner, H-ayward, C. F. Jennings, F. H. Griffeth, Thos. J. Josselyn, A. P. Ketchum, Samuel, Dunn, Wm Kain, Wmi. Lowdan, W. Welsh, Geo. S. Lillibridge, Warren, Leslie, Robt. ZXNESVILLE CHAPTER, No. 9. Stated meetings, first Monday in each month. Shinnick, Wm. M., H. Pringle, William, Ebert, Elias, P. Hazlett, John C. Kain, William K. Schultz, Win., S. Romine, A. C. HI-attan, James, Dymond, John, 1'. S. Webb, Timothy, Albrecht, Chas. J. Poturin, C. WX., Treas. Achaner, C. F. Mitchell, James D. Daugherty, Chas., G. Claypool, N. F. Jewitt, H. J. M. of 3d Veil. Moore, John, Swank, Jonathan, Monkhoiuse, Richard, Biandy, Heary, Bonner, John G. 1st Veil. Ellis, William, Atwood, A. D. Crosby, Joseph, King. Bastian, Philip, Duvall, E. B. Smith, John K., C. H. Akeroyc, William, Hunter, William, Elliott, Samuel, R. -Halnks, H.. JWood, Abner, A. C. Wilbur, James D. Faucett, O. G. Shaffer, Wim., Sec. Smith, I-.. Adams, Isaac, Richards,. Inmrie, 2d Vanwinkle, James, Crowther, Richard, Veil. Dunn, William, Leslie, Robert, Wright. Wm., Guard. Ball, James, Dexter, H. T. Loudan, Mark, Wickham, Benjamin, Hagerty, James B. Davis, John W. Halpin, Thomas, Printz, John H. Manley, J.. W. Hoge, James D. Holston, John G. F. Bell, Thos. I-oenig, Henry, Griffeth, Thomas, Shinnick, Geo. L. Shuck, Nicholas, Gear, Nathaniel, Hosmer, S. R. Comley, David, Chapman, Alfled, Lillibridge, Warren, Darlillton, Wi. H. Wilbur, Enoch, Clements, Z. Darlinton, H. Little, David, OHIO. 44d Maxfield, Kinsey, Campbell, Isaac, Altmann, Augustus, Wilkes, Jr., Edmund, Caldwell, James, Scarvell, Lewelen, Terry, Frank J. Applegate, Daniel, Keuemerer, John H. Launder, Jr., Thos. Spaulding, C. W. Palmer, John K. Ashmore, Mathew, Nevitt, Thos. F. Bines, Win. T. Ledwick, B. I-I. Baird, John R. Wintermute, J. P. Ruth, William, Ungemack, Jacob, LAFAYETTE LODGE, No. 79. Stated meetings first Thursday in each month from the 1st of April to the 1st of October, and on the first and third Thursdays for the remainder of the year. Hattan Daniel, W. M, Ferrell, Lewis, Helbig, Fredk. Hopkins, Thos. C., Goetz, Christopher, Josselyn, A. P. S. W. McOwen, Wm. H1. Josselyn, Ira L. Huston, A., J. W. McCracken, E. B. Keeley, William P. Halpin, Thomas, S. D. MAoore, John, -loenig, Henry, Hattan, William H., Mloore, Lewis, Keuemerer, John H. J. D. Miner, William, Wedge, Francis, Berry, Austin, Treas. linkley, A. C. Wilbur, James D. Shaffer, William, Sec. McCarty, Daniel, Deiterick, Fredlerick, Wright, Win., S. and Owings, L. T. C. Shaffer, Horace M. Tyler. Pringle, William, Ford, John P. Albrecht, Chas. R-ichards, J. Mac Lod, Robert, Atwood, A.. D. Romine, A. C. Langton, John T. Adams, Isaac, Ridge, Asa, Lillienthal, P. U. Ambrose, James W. Ruth, William, Merrick, Alfred, Brown, Isaac M. Riggs, John, Mitchell, James D. Bell, Thomas, Helbig, Frederick, Marngold, Adam, Baird, John R. McClelland, George, Russell, William M. Blair, John A. Hattan, Wmn. H. Ritchie, Joseph, Bonner, John G. Challenger, Joseph W. Sedwick, Rev. R. 1-1. Crumbaker, J. K. Butler, Joshua, Schneider, Daniel, Chapman, Alfred, Gear, Nathaniel, Tanner, William T. Crowther, Richard, Goldsworthy, John, Terry, Josiah M. Cockburn, George, Grawling, John, Vanwinkle, James, Davis, John W. Hall, John, WVallwork, Robt. Dillow, John, H1unter, Win. Walter, John, Duvall, Edward B. Hosmer, S. R. Williams, Nelson, Dixon, John, Holston, John G.F. Yeardley, Geo. W. Evans, John E. Holdereith, C. Colliesh, Mathias, Elliott, Sanmuel, Hlenry, John i. Fray, John, 444 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Hayner, John M.., Distiller, Deerfield, Warren Co. Lebanon, 26. Snook, Erving, Distiller, Deerfield, Warren Co. Lebanon, 26. Darling, George M., Farmer and Tailor, Florence, Erie Co. Gibson, 301. Lattin, Win. H., Physician, Florence, Erie Co. Gibson, 301. Mason, John, Farmer, Florence, Erie Co. Gibson, 301. Wright, Isaac W., Farmer and Drover, Florence, Erie Co. Gibson, 301. Jarvis, Kent, Real Estate Agent, Massillon, Stark Co. P. M. Clinton, 47; P. H. P. Hiram chap., 18, R. and S. M.; G. P. Massillon corn., 4; P. J. G. W.; P. Dept. G. H. P.; G. Mi. of Grand Corn. of Ohio. Brock, J. W., Physician, North Lewisburg. Blazing Star, 268. Baldwin, Morgan, Merchant Tailor, North Lewisburgh. Mechanicsburgh, 113. Kirk, L., Operative Mason, North Lewisburg. Blazing Star, 268. Andrews, G. W., Attorney, Member of Legislature, Wapahkonetta, Auglaize Co. P. MI. Hamer, 168; St. Mary's chap. Craig, J. B., Attorney and County Auditor, Wapahkonetta, Auglaize Co. W.. Hamer, 167. Meyer, Edward. County Recorder, and Physician and Surgeon, Wapahkonetta, Auglaize Co. Hamer, 167. NiNchols, Thos, E., Physician and Surgeon, Wapahkonetta, Auglaize Co. Treas Hamer, 167. Walker, Charles C., Justice of Peace and Notary Public, Camden, Preble Co., Ohio. W. M. Camden, 159; Eaton chap., —; Reed encpt., 6. Salesbury, George L., Cabinet Maker and Carpet-Tack Manuf.acturer, Cardington, Morrow Co. P.. Gi'ead, 206; Gilead chap., 59. Crane, C. T., Merchant and Express Agent, Corwin, Warren Co. Wa'ynesville, 163. MIcAlpin, Alexander, Cooper, Greenville, Darke Co. Donegal, 588, Ireland. Kearney, William, Farmer and Justice of Peace, Ne w-Holland, Pickaway Co. Fayette, 52. Burrows, F. L., R. 1, Conductor, Toledo, Lucas Co. Rubicon, 237. Guderl, aWi. K., Superintendent Union School, Washington, Guernsey Co. Eureka, 233; Cambridge chap., 53. Schenck, Isaac P., FranLdin, Warren Co... W.. Eastern Star, 55; K. Trinity chap. lKal)bo, Joseph, Po Otter, Faltonham P. 0., IMuskingum Co. Ainity, 5. Ward, Hoimer, R. iR Conductor, Gdlion, Craw'ord Co. Franklin, 14. iNelson, Horatio P., Produce Dealer and Miller, Peru, Huron Co. Mount Vernon, 64. OHIO. 440 Nye, Alonzo, Pattern aker, Peru, -Huron Co. Mount Vernon, 64. Palmer, Luther, Farmer and Flour Manufacturer, Peru, HIuronl Co. Mount Vernon, 64. Howe, Jas. 1I., Farmer, Peru, Huron Co. Rose, 304. Finch, E. B., Practical Physician, Green Springs, Sandusky Co. Monticello, 244. Grover, Truman, Farmer, Green Springs, Sandusky Co. MoLticello, 244. Brush, Chas., Farmer, Green Springs, S-andusky Co. Monticello, 244. Brown, Charles H., Merchant, Columbus. Columbus, 30; Cleveland City, 15, Cleveland. Copeland, George IM., Iachinist, Columbu. Magnolia, 20; Ohio chap., 12; Columbus coun, 8; Mount V'ernon enept., I; Lodge of Perfection. Conger, Christian, Farmer, Bronson, Huron Co. Mount Vernon, 64; IHuron chap., 7; Norwalk coun., 24; De Molay encpt., 9. Salsbury, Robert, Farmer, Bronson, H-uron Co. Mount Vernon, 64. McLaughlin, John VW., Boot and Shoe Merchant, Mansfield. Richland, 201; Mansfield chap., 28; Maansfield coun., 11. Burns, William S., Station Agent, ltlnsfield, Richland Co. Mansfield, 35. Grout, William H., Bookkeeper, Mansfield. M ansfield, 35. Richardson, Joseph, Farmer, Carmel. Allen,.276. Pyle, T. Elwood, Brick Mason, Carmel. Allen, 276. fHeacock, Jonathan VW., Farmer, Carmel. Allen, 276. Chandler, Lyman L., Merchant, Beilevue, Huron Co. P. M. Bellevue, 273; Huron chap., 7. Derringer, Wim. I., Cooper. Ballevue, 273. Gibson, Asher, Farmer, Oberlin, Loralin Co. Floral, 260. Riggs, Amion, Railroad Conductor, Amherst, Lorain Co. Sandusky, 77; Seneca chap., 42. Litchfield, George E., Locomolive Engineer, Amherst, Lorain Co. Science, 50. Bane, John F., Merchant, Brownsville. W.. Jackson, 85; Cyprus enept., 10. Bradley, Asahel G., Wholesale D:aler in Yankee Notions, Mantlua, Portage Co. Garrettville, 246. Barber, Phineas B., Local Minister and Farmer, Berlinville, Erie Co. Gibson, 301. Lafayette, Clem., Teacher, Carysville, Chamnpaign Co. Kreider, 197. Cunningham, Wmn.,M.j B1ookseller, Newark. Newark, 97; Warren chap., 6; Bigelow coun., 7; Clinton enept.; Giblum Lodge of Perfection. 446 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD, Davis, Arthur Carter, Merchant Tailor, Portsmouth. Acacia, U. D.; flouant Vernon chap., 23; Solomon coun., 5; Calvary encpt., 14. CGapbell, Charles, Dry Goods Merchant, Caimden Station, Lorain Co. Gibson, 301. Crawford, William J., Baker and Confectioner, Tiffin, Seneca Co. Sandusky, 77. Clark, Charles B., Travelling Confectionery Agent, Elyria, Lorain Co. King Solomon's, 56. Faskin, John, Clerk, Toledo. Toledo, 1-14; Fort. Meigs chap., 29; Toledo encpt., 7. Hosford, Hiram, Mlechanic, Wakeman, Huron Co. Gibson, 301. Kilburn, George WV., Dry Goods Merchant, Nova, Ashland Co. Floral, 260; Huron chap.. 7. Lambert, Benjamin F., Carpenter and Joiner, Ballevue, Huron Co. Bellevue, 273. Marks, Rev. Samuel, Episcopalian Minister, IHuron, Erie Co. Erie, 239; Huron chap., 7; Sandasky City coun., 23; D L Molay encpt., 9; G. R. Grand Corn. Miller, Charles, Canton, Stark Co. Canton, 60. Reeeves, James S. (WM. D.), McConnellsville.. i. Clemente Amitie, 2 -5; 11,. McConnellsville chap., 37; P. T. IG. M. Reeves coun, 31; Grand Lecturer in Symbolic and C.apitular Degrees, by Authority; Cyprus coin., 10; S. P. R. S., 320. Rudes, Abel B., Station Agent, Genoa, Ottawa Co. Mount Vernon, 6-4. Rodfgers, Benj. F-, Shoemaker, Wakeman, H-uron Co. Gibson, 301. Shur, C. P., Merchant, Chesterville. W. M. Chester, 238; Ciinton chap., 26; Clinton encpt., 5. Severance, Samuel MI.,' Tavelling Notion Dealer, Havana, Huron Co. -tichland, 201. Tillinghast, O. C., Tanner, Berlin, Erie Co. Gibson, 201. Williams, Jesse, Tanner, Springfield. Venus, 152. Wooster, John C., Iotel Keeper, lowling Green, Wood Co. Wood County, 112. Wilson, W. L. S., Physician, East Palestine. Allen, 276. Allen, John S., Locomotive Engineer, Toledo. Adrian, 19, Adrian, Michigan. Brailey, M. R., Attorney-at-law, West Swvanton, Fulton Co. MIount Vernon, 64; Huron chap., 7; Norwalk coun., 24. Abbot, Wm. S., Farmer, Plymouth, Richland Co. Richland, 201. Beekman, John W., Attorney-at-law, Plynmouth, Richland Co. Richland, 201. OIEGON. 447 OREGON. OREGON CITY. Lowe, David, Accountant. Multnomah, 1. Steel, Alden HI-., Physician. Multnomah, 1; Clackamas chap., U. D. Charman, Fred., Merchant. Multnomah, I; Clackamas chap., U. D. Blaupied, James B., Boot and Shoe Maker. Miultnomah, 1. McCay, WVilliam C., Clerk. Multnomah, 1. Bacon, John M., Accountant. Mulltnomah, 1. Holland, Francis S.. County Auditor. MAultnomah, 1; Clackamas chap., U. D. Warner, Arthur, Merchant. Multnomah, 1. Ainsworth, John C., Master of Steamboat. P. G. tM. of Grand Lodge of Oregon; Multnomah, 1; Multnornah chap., 1. Wilson, Albert E., Accountant. Multnomah, 1. Craig, David W., Printer. Multnomalh, 1. Walling, George IW., Horticulturist, near Oregon City. I1Multnomah, 1. Barlow, William, Farmer, near Oregon City. Multnomnah, 1. McCarver, Thomas J., Justice of the Peace. Multnomah, 1. EUGENE CITY. Awbrey, Thomas N., Merchant. Eugene, 11. Croner, Charles C., Merchant. Eugene, 11. Patterson, Abram S., Merchant. Eugene, 11. Chapman, William W., Lawyer. Eugene, 11. Atlee, William A., Accountant. Eugene, 11. Harlow, Mahlon H., Merchant. Eugene, 11. Skinner, Eugene F., Post-master. P. M. Eugene, 11. Goldsmith, Aaron, Merchant. Eugene, 11. Smith, Avery A., Merchant. Eugene, 11; Multnomah chap., 1. LAFAYETTE. Bird, John, Farmer, near Lafayette. Lafayette, 3. Moor, Oliver, Carpenter. P. M. Lafayette, 3. Steward, George H., District Clerk. P. M. Lafayette, 3. 448 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Martin, Franklin, Farmer. Lafayette, 3. Wolfe, Morris, Merchant. Lafayette, 3. Snow, H-. H., Merchant. Lafayette, 3. Breyman, W., Merchant. La.fayette, 3. Ferguson, J. L., Saddler. Lafayette, 3. ALBANY. Haley, William G., Post-master. Corinthian, 17. Cogswell, Francis B., Merchant. Corinthian, 17. Fleischnler, Jacob, Merchant. Corinthian, 17. Smith, Delazon, Lawyer. Corinthian, 17. McColmell, Joseph M., Merchant. Corinthian, 17. Cox, Anderson, Farmer, near Albany. Corinthian, 17. Sparks, Nathan M., Carpenter. Corinthian, 17. Payne, iMalrtin, Farmer, near Albany. Corinthian, 17. Price, James D.., Farmer, near Albuny. Corinthian, 17. Cunningham, HI. A.,Carriag'e andl Wagon M3:iker. Corinthi:n, 17. Atke3son, William T., Harness and Saddle Makler. Corinthian, 17. Swearingin, Isaac S., Farmer, Willamette Forks. Eugene, 11. Bristow, William W., Farmer, Pleasant Hill. Eugene, II. Jackson, George W., Tanner and Carrier, Rock Jreek. Multnomah, 1. Avery, Joseph C., Merchant, Corvallis. Corvallis, 14. Bayley, James R., Physician, Corvallis. Corvallis, t1; Reed's corn., 2, Ohio. Congle, J. B., Saddle and Harness Maker, Corvallis. Corvallis, 14. Kaulfman, Win., Merchant, Corvallis. Corvallis, 14. Brown, B. F., Merchant, Salem. Salem, 4; Multnomah chap., 1. Ward, Thomas, Lawyer, Salem. P. M. Salem, 4. Cartee, Lafayette F., Civil Engineer, Salem. Ainsworth, 19; Multnomah chap., 1. Page, J. D., Printer, Salerm. Ainsworth, 19; Multnomah chap., 1. Smith, James N., Farmer, near Peoria. Oquawka, 123, Ill. Ballard, David V., Physician, Washington, Butte County. Corinthian. 17. Zieber, Albert, Merchant, Wheatland. Multnomah,., 1. Eddy, Henry W., Orchardist, M3ilwaukio. Multnomah, 1. Apperson, John T., Carpenter, Lynn City. Multnomah, 1. Couch, John H., Wharfinger, Portland Willamette, 2; Clackamas chap., 2. PENNSYLVANIA. 449 Walling, Jesse D., Farmer, near Bethel. Bethel, 20. Crawford, Ronald C., Carpenter and Joiner, Lynn City. Multnomah, 1. Kellogf,.Joseph, Millwright, Milwaukie. Multnomah, 1. Pease' George A., Captain, Steamer Swan, Canomah. Multnomah, 1. Switzer, Christian E., Captain, Steamer El<, Canomah. 3ultnomah. 1. Evaans, Oliver J., Hotel, Slate Creak. Orient, 289; Girard Mark, 214, Philadelphia, Pa. Harley, WilliamlS., Farmer, Democratic Gulch. Westerni Star, 18. (Kirbyviile P. 0.) Wilson, Gustaf, Miner, County Coroner, Kirbyville, Josephine Co. P. M. Western Star, 18; W. M. Belt, 28, Browntown, Josephine Co.. Multnomah chap., 1. Belt, 26, Browntown, Josephine Co. Britton, George S., Blacksmith, Kirbyville, Josephine Co. Belt, 26. Ridge, Salathiel, Miner, Kirbyville, Josephine Co. Belt, 26. Van Ogle, Farmer, near Olympia, Washington territory. Olympia, 5. Minear, Asby P., Merchant, Rlainier. Rainier, 25. Chadwick, Stephen F., Lawyer, Roseberg. G. J. W. Laurel, 13; Multnomah chap., 1. Richardson, James H., Farmer, Deer Creek. Laurel, 13. Dillard, John, Roseberg, Douglas Co. P. M. Laurel, 13. PENNS Y LVANIA PHILADELPI -V, GRAND LODGE, Pennsylvania. Phillips, H. M., M. W. Gr. M. Thomson, J., R. W. D. G. M. Skerrett, D. C., R. W. S. G. W. Scott, Lucius H., I. WV. J. G. W. Williamson, P, R. W. G. Treas. Adams, W. H., R. W. G. S. 3. Schneider, Win. B. G. Tyler Anderson Uhos., Boot and Shoe Store, 1217 S.)uth st. Orient, 289 Girard Marl', 214. 450 MUNIVERSAL MASONIC IIECORD Arthur, Robert, Coal Dealer, 271 South Broad st. Phenix, 130. Alburger, Chlarles M., Plumber and Gas Fitter, 717 Spring Garden st. Rising Star, 126. Atkinison, Amos W., Cordwainer, 1929 Brown st. Lafayette, 71. Alburger, John G., Victualer, 92 and 94 Callowhill st. Market, near Sixth. Harnlony, 52. Allen, John H., Grocer and Ship Chandler, cor. Bank and Sorel sts., Port Richmlond. R-ichmond, 230. Aaron, A. A., Clothing Store, 909 0 North Second st. Lafavette, 71. Augustine L., Manurfacturer of Tin House-Pipes, Gutters, Roofing, &c., 2208 Market st. Phoenix, 130. Arbuckle, Daniel, Jr., Manufacturer of Cottons and Woollens, Main st., M'anayulnk. Ioxborough, 135. Andress, Samuel C., Trimming Store, 57 North Eighth st. Solomon's, 11 4. Andress, Conrad B., Builder and leasurer, 128 Noble st. Harmony, 52. Atkinson, H. P., MIerchant, 607 Marshall st. Harmony, 52; Excelsior ilark, 216. Albertson, Win., Blacksmith, 429 Redwood st. P. M. Integrity, 187 Columbia Miark, 91. Anderson, Clinton, Coal M erchant, Roxborough, 135. Begley, Tllomas S., Cloths, Cassitneres, and Vestings, 4 and 6 North Second st. Eastern Star, 186; Harmony chap., 52. Brian, Chas. H., Wholesale Notions and Gents. Furnishing Store, 357 1 arir'e t s t. I1armnony, 52; Girard Mark, 214. Brulnet, Diro. John, Proprietor of Universal iMedicine, 411 South Second At. Eastern Star, 186; Jerusalem chap., 3. Buck,.ott. Clolthier, nertheast cor. Second and Union sts. Solomon, 114; Coluiibia chap., 91. Berresoird, Ciharles W., Attorney-at-law, 703 Sansom st. Philadelphia, 12; Excelsiorl Mlark, 216. Burns, Joseph WV., Stove iManu iactory, 1004 South st. Integrity, 187. iluck, G(amble I., Silk Hatter, 821 South Fifth st. LaaSyette, 71. Bloom, J oseph Alexander, Teacher of Languages. Arnitie, Orient de P aris; s ouvrain chap. Btinsxwav-fg.r, bIsd or, Merchant. Cumberland, 61, Md. Blocnmil:gdale, Charles, Whllolesale Clothing Merchant. Morrison, 76, Ky.; Frank'lin chap., 28. Bernd. Julius D., B erchtant, 136 Nlorth Ninth st. Mnontgomery, 19. PENXSYLVANIA. 451 Bernhardt, John A., Hair Dressing Saloon, 825 Chestnut st., Girarcl House, Eastern Sar, 186; Columbia Aark, 91. Burnett, Doctor J. Oliver, Assistant Surgeon U. S. Navy. Lodgey 2; Girard Mlark, 214. Beishlac, Geo. Victualer, No. 35 Western Market, Market st. above Tenth. Hamilton, 274. Bowers, John, Victualer, cor. Tenthl and Spring Garden sts. Herman, 125; Columbia Mark, 91. Brewer, Edmund, liillwright, 136 Phcenix st. W. M., 3; Girard Mark, 214. Baird, James, Hotel, cor. Second and German sts. P. M. Meridian Sun, 158; Columbia Mark, 91. Brown, John A., Builder, 1210 North Twelfth st. Mlontgomery, 19 Columbia Mark, 91. Boyd, Henry iM., Conveyancer, 452 and 4,54 North Tenth st. Harmony, 52; Girard AMark, 214. Blackburne, Francis, Secretary Insurance Company, 433 Chestnut st. P. M., 2; Keystone chap., 175; St. John's com., 4; Philadelphia Consistory, 32. Brooks, Jas., Coach Mlaker, 1215 Spring pGarden to H-arlmony, 52 Girard Mark, 214. Bevans, John S., Carman, 1230 South Front st. Lodge, 2; Girard Mark, 214. Blacklman, Remingfton G., Hotel, cor. Bank and Ann sts., Port lichniond. Richmond, 230. Brittain, Daniel, Coal Agent, Riclimond st. above Williamr. Richmond, 230; Harmony chap., 52; Philadelphlia coun.; eJrusaleni com., 15. Bower, 1obert F., Friendship IHotel, coro Fmrakford Road and lNorth st. Richmond, 230. Bunn, Edwacrd V., Tin Plate and Sheet Iron W orker, 2-7' Poplar st..Kensirgton, 211; Girard MIark, 214. Bain, John, Coal Agent, Riichmond s. betlow Ieligh av., Porlt Riclhnmon-d Lodge, 3; Girard IMark, 214. Beecher, Joseph, Saddle' and fHarness iManufixactory, Gormantown1 Road,and Sixth st. Shlekinah, 246; Giraid aIark, 214. Beatty, Thos., Coal and Stone Merclhatnt, aarren st. 5h-rf. Kensington, 211. Coiumbia:i Mark,!9. Blackman, Enoch T., Clerk, 332 Riclhmond st., Port ticlhmond. Riellmond, 230; Girard Mfark, 214. Benners, Henry B., Glass AManufacturer, 27 South Front st. Union, 121. 452 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Benners, Jas. M., Glass Manufacturer, 27 South Front sta Union, 124. 1Bailey, E. W., Silverware, Watches, and Jewelry, 819 Chestnut st. Union; 121. Benner, Alain Roland, Salesman, 333 Market st. Phoenix, 130; Oriental chap., 183. Batties, Gco., Compositor, "Pennsylvanian" Office. Lafayette, 71. Bryan, William L., Printer, "Press" Office. Lafayette, 71; Girard Mark, 214. B'ice, Wml., Produce and Commission Merchant, 8 South Water st. Meridian Sun, 158; Excelsior M!iark, 216. Brazier, George, Sail Maker, Vine Street Avenue. Meridian Sun, 158. Bartholemew, E. Meridian Sun, 158. Brooks, W, W. PRibbons, Straw Goods, &c., 431 Market st. Solomon's, 114 Girard Mark, 214. Benners, WTm. J., Commission Merchant, 2101 Walnut st. Harmrony, 52; Columbia chap., 91; coun., 1; St. John's corn., 4. Birley, Theodore, Shiip Builder, Beach above Hanover. I-armony, 52; Girard Mark, 214. Barrett, C. B., Bookkeeper, 1207 Wasihington st. Phcenix, 130. Berry, Richard I, Fire Brick Manufactory, cor. Second and Greenwich sts. Integrity, 187; Girard Mark, 214. Brooke, Jonathan, Boot and Shoe Store, 45 Frankford st., Frankford Treas. Lodge, 292; Girard Mark, 214. Briggs, Geo. W., 113 Gebhard st. Melita, 295. Beck, Charles W., Painter and Glazier, 611 North Fifth st. lelita, 295.: Boardman, N-H. S., Manufacturer of Britannia Ware, 213 and 245 Arch st. fMount Moriah, 155; H-armony chap, 52. Bitler, William-, Machinist, 816 North Nineteenth st. Lodge, 3; Girard,Iark, 214. Bock ils, Henry J., Carpenter, Auburn below Ninth st. 3eeridian Sun, 158. Bu.chanan, Alexander C., Omnibus Superintendent, Market st. between William and Mary. Hamilton, 274; Girard Mark, 214. Blaylock, Lewis, Hat and Cap Store, 52 North Eighth st. Hamilton, 274. Butler, E. -., 137 South Fourth st. P. M. Franklin, 134; P. H. Priest Philadelphia chap., 169; P. E. G. Cor., Union corn., 6. Barnes, John W., Carpoater, 220 Wharton st. Meridan Sun, 158; Girard Mark, 214. PENNYTEVANTA. 453 Bishop, Theodore H., Ship Joiner, 230 Dickerson st. Mount Moriah, 155; Girard Mark, 214. Bacon, Richard, House Carpenter and Joiner, 1114 iMarlboro st. P. M. Mount Moriah, 155; P, M. Kensington Mark, 211. Bryant, John H., Clerk to Naval Storekeeper U. S. Navy Yard, 236 Federal st. St. John's, 115. Barnes, George W., Shipwright, 312 McIllwain st. Integrity, 187; Columbia Mark, 91. Bascone, Joseph M., Shipwright, 224 Reed st. Integrity, 187. Bells, John, Shipwright, 119 Marion st. Meridian Sun, 158; Excelsior Mark, 216. Boyle, Alexander, Navy Yard. Lodge No. 588; -Donegal, Ireland, K. T. Brainer, Isaac P., Carriage Builder, Frankford, Twenty-third Ward. Frankford, 292. Boenning, Casper, Decatur Hotel, 14 Decatur st. Herman, 125. Bennett, George W., Glass Manufacturer, Dyottville, 27 South Front st. Union, 121; Girard Mark, 214. Barber, James, Officer of Quarter Sessions, 932 Lombard st. Lafayette, 71; Columbia Mark, 91. Boyer, F. J., Exchange Broker, 57 South Fourth st. Eastern Star, 186; Columbia Mark, 91. Becker, Henry, Stone Mason, Falls of Schuylkill. Roxborough, 135; Columbia Mark, 91; Jerusalem chap., 3. Mordecai, Bickings, Lower Merion. Roxborough, 135. Cohen, Jacob, Clothing Store, cor. South and Vernon sts. Keystone., 271;;Columbia Mark, 91. Carr, John, Victualler, 20 Market st. Market above Sixths. Mount Moriah, 155; Girard Mark, 214. Cole, Chas., Victualler, 17 Market st. above Sixth. Hamilton, 274.; Girard Mark, 214. Conn, William, Produce Dealer, 1229 Hancock st. Kensington, 211. Cullen, Win., Hotel, northwest cor. Second and Master (ts. Kensington, 211. Clark, Harrison G., High Constable, 520 Carpenter-st. Meridian Sun, 158; Girard Mark, 214. Campbell, James H., Wine and Liquor Store, northeast cor. Third and Shippen sts. Chester, 236; Girard Mark, 214. Cully, John M., Ship Smith, 734 Swanson st. PM..M eridian Sun, 158. Connelly, John G., Store Keeper, Twentieth st. above South. St. John's, 115; Girard Mark, 214. Sibzi 454 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Cottingham, John C., Block and Pump Maker, foot of William st., Port Richmond. Richmond, 230. Christian, Henry, Superintendent of Repairs on Philadelphia and R. Railroad Co.'s Wharves,IPort Richmond. W. M. Richmond, 230; Harmony chap., 52; Jerusalem cor., 15. Craig, Rlobert, Engineer, Beach below Shackamaxon. Kensington, 211; Girard Mark, 214. Coffee, Edward L., Morocco Manufacturer, 1143 North Fourth st. Shekinah, 246. Cairns, Archibald, Liquor Dealer, cor. Columbia av. and Adams st. Richmond, 230; Columbia Mark, 91. Claypool, Abraham G., Captain Steamer R. Willing, 130 Becks Place, near Southwark Hall. Meridan Sun, 158. Crockett, Joseph, Blacksmith, 64 Maiden'st. P. M. Kensington, 211 Girard Mark, 214. Clark, John, Hotel, northwest cor. Second and Green st. Lodge, 3; Girard Mark, 214. Colburn, Lyman R., Produce Dealer, 1140 Market st. Phoenix, 130. Crosson, James, Messenger U. S. Mint, Pratt above Till st. Mount Moriah, 155. Cooper, William P., Superintendent of Frankford Section of City Passenger Railway. Sec. Frankford, 292; Girard Mark, 214. Conover, Matthias C., Steam Kindling Wood Factory, southeast cor. Seventeenth and South sts. Rising Star, 126. Catherwood, Andrew J., Wine and Liquor Merchant, 110 and 112 North Second st. Late of Union, 121. Chambers, William C., Printer, 1216 South Sixth st. Rising Star, 126. Carpenter, Aaron E., Bonnet Manufacturer, 54 North Eighth st. Meridian Sun, 158. Carlisle, Henry, Shell Comb Manufacturer, and Fancy Goods Dealer, 44 North Eighth st. Lafayette, 71; Girard Mark, 214 Campbell, Robert H., Merchant, 924 Clinton st. P. M. Union, 121; Excelsior Mark, 216. Collins, S. C., Type Founder, 507 Lodge Alley. Franklin, 134; Philadelphia chap., 169; Philadelphia corn., 3. Crawford, William M., Wholesale Notions, and Gents. Furnishing Store, 327 Market st., second floor. Harmony, 52; Girard Mark, 214. Cooper, William H., Importer of and Wholesale Dealer in Wines and Liquors, 118 Walnut st..Eastern Star, 186; Harmony chap., 52. Coopar, William, Boat Builder, northwest cor. Front and Wharton st. Meridian Lodge, Natick, Mass. PENNSYLVANIA. 455 Collar, Michael, Wharf Builder, 603 Queen st. above Cherry. Kensington, 211; Girard Mark, 214. Conover, George W., Ship Carpenter, northwest cor. Second and South st. Integrity, 187; Girard Mark, 214. Craig, Robert, Shipwright, 28 Federal st. Integrity, 187. Cramp, Charles H., Ship Builder, 1034 Palmer st. Meridian Sun, 158. Chase, Edwin T., Germantown. Philadelphia, 72; Jerusalem chap., 3. Connell, George, Sec'y Mount Moriah Cemetery Company, 20 South Eighteenth st. W. M. Philadelphia, 72; Keystone chap., 175; St. John's corn., 4. Childs, George W., Publisher. Industry, 131. Clifton, John C., Clothier, 627 Chestnut st. Lodge, 2. Dufrene, Edward, Manufacturer of Statuary, Chestnut st. above Sixth, under Jones' Hotel. Eastern Star, 186; Columbia Mlark, 91. Dealy, Dennis F., Clerk. Sec. Melita, 295; Jerusalem chap., 3. Devitt, William, House Carpenter and Builder. Phoenix, 130; Columbia Mark, 91. Dover, Jacob, Manufacturer Patent Spring Stirrups, 1517 Ogden st. Formerly, Lodge, 128. Dunn, Edward P., Bookbinder, 1008 Lawrence st. P. M. Concordia, 67; Girard Mark, 214. De Haven, Jr., George, Bookkeeper, Montgomery st., first door west Frankford Road. Shekinah, 246; Girard Mark, 214. Day, Alfred, Coal Yard, 721 Swanson st. Eastern Star, 186; Keystone chap., 175. Dayly, Thomas, City Surveyor, 923 Prime st. Lodge, 3. Davenport, James, Sr., Coal Yard, Tenth and Prime sts. Meridian Sun, 158, Dixey, Charles, Coal and Lime Depot, Washington st. above Jefferson. Richmond, 230. Dusch, Christopher, Red Rose Hotel, 1006 North Second st. Kensington, 211; Columbia Mark, 91. Davis, Chas. C., Machinist, Main st., Bridesburg. Frankford, 292. Davis, Azel P., Tammany Hall, 1210 Beach st. Lodge 3; Girard Mark, 214. Denny, Thomas H., Car Painter, Green st. between Thirty-fourth and Thirty-fifth sts. St. John's, 115; Girard Mark, 214. Delleker, George F., Clerk, 228 South Twentieth st. Eastern Star, 186; Girard Mark, 214. De Haven, Jacob B., Collector of Delinquent Taxes, southeast cor. Sixth and Chestnut sts. Lodge 3; Girard Mark, 214. 456 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Dawick, James, Carpet and Window-Shade MIanufactory, 930 Ridge av. Kensington, 211. Dykes, James, Silk and Calico Printing Works, Falls, Schuylkill. J. W. Roxborough, 135; Columbia Mark, 91. Dixey, William, Car Builder, Park st., bel. Market st., West Philadelphia. Phoenix, 130. Danfield John M., Carpenter, Woodland st., bel. WXalnut, West Philadelphia. Phoenix, 130. Davis Wmi. K., Car Builder, Oak st, east of Sherman, West Philadelphia. Phoenix, 130; Girard fark, 214. Dunham, George W. M., Car Builder, Warren st, West Philadelphia. Meridian Sun, 158. Dawson, Thomas Russell, Merchant, 333 Market st. Lodge 9; Oriental chap., 183. Diehl, Henry, Produce Dealer, 144 North Broad st. Phoenix, 130. Daniels, Samuel, Carpenter, 1415 Parrish st. Lafayette, 71; Columbia Mark, 91. Dixon, James G., Produce Dealer, 244 Broad st., bel. Vine. Chester, 236; Girard Mark, 214. Drechsler, Charles A., Restaurant, 817 Filbert st. Columbia, 91; Columbia Mark, 91. Darling, John A., 1913 Vine st. Union, 121; Oriental chap., 183; Excelsior Mark, 216; St. John's con., 4. Drexel, A. J. Lodge, 51; Excelsior Mark, 216. Dickerson, David, Paper Hanger, 235 Queen st., above Crown. Philadelphia, 72; Columbia chap., 91. Davidson, Thomas, Jr., Shipwright, 1213 Marlborough st. Kensington, 211; Grand Mark, 214. Davis, John W., Ship Carpenter, 115 Beck place, rear of Southwark Hall. Wicomico, 91, Maryland. Deakyne, George, Shipwright, 124 Queen st., Eighteenth Ward. St. John's, 2, Delaware. Deal, Charles, Manufacturer ard Dealer in Paper, 12 North Fifth st. Eastern Star, 186. Donnelly, Joseph HI., Ship Joiner, 105 Trelliss st. Integrity, 187; Columbia Mark, 91. Dyer, John, Inn Keeper, Rising Sun, Twenty-second Ward. Lodge 292. Dawson, Wm., Merchant, Main st., Manayunk. Roxborough, 135. Davidson, George, Assistant U. S. Coast Survey, San Francisco,:Cal.. IM. Edgar, Benjamin, Reserved Officer, 611 South Third st. Lodge, 3; Gairard Mark, 214. PENNSYLVANIA. 457 Ebert, James L., Hair-Dresser, Cupper, Bleeder, and Leecher, 303 Race st. Phoenix, 130; Girard Mark, 214. Erven, Samuel R., Bottler, 915 South Fourth st. P. M. Rising Star, 126. Edwards, Francis, Grocer and Ship Chandler, 45 William st. Port Richmond. Richmond, 230, Eldridge, Eli H., Clothier, 321 Chestnut st. Harmony, 52; Girard Mark, 214. Eccles, James, Engineer and Machinist, Beach st., above Hanover. P. M. Lodge, 292; Columbia chap., 91. Evans, Edward, Manufacturer of Tin Egg-Whips and Liquor Muddlers, 1210 North Second st. Shekinal, 246. Emery, Charles N., Grocer, 181 Frankford st., Frankford. Meridian Sun, 158. Erdman, Francis P., Bricklayer, 316 Bedford st., above Marlborough. Kensington, 211; Columbia Mark, 91. Evans, Joseph, Hotel, Falls, Sehuylkill. P. M. Roxborough, 135; Jerusalem chap., 3; St. John's corn., 4. Eberhardt, Jonas, Designer, Falls Schuylkill. Roxborough, 135 Jerusalem chap., 3; St. John's corn., 4. Engles, Thomas A., Clerk, 1023 Filbert st. Harmony, 52; Girard Mark, 214. Ellison, Wim. P., Cloth Merchant, 255 Market st. Philadelphia, 72; Girard Mark, 214. Ellison, Rodman B., Cloth Merchant, 255 Maarket st. Industry, 131; Girard Mark, 214. Erskine, Rufus M., Ladies', Misses', and Children's Shoe Store, 150.North Eighth st. Lafayette, 71; Keystone chap., 175. Evans, Vmn., Printer, "Evening Bulletin Office." Rising Star, 126. Eckert, Win. B., Printer, 435 North Fourth st. Integrity, 187; Columbia Mark, 91. Eckert, John B., Printer, 1715 Rittenhouse st. Meridian Sun, 158; Excelsior Mark, 216. Ervin, Win. C., Ladies' Shoe Store, southeast cor. Tenth and Nectarine sts.. Melita, 295; Girard Mark, 214. Earp, George, Jr., 1107 Chestnut st. Lodge, 51; Excelsior Mark, 216. Elliot, Israel S., Alderman, Frankford, Twenty-third Ward. Lodge, 41. Fleck, G. M., Hair-Dye Manufactory, 70 Penn st., below South. Integrity, 187; Columbia Mark, 91. Forrest, John D., Victualler, cor. Tenth and Market sts Solomon's, 114; Girard ark, 214 458 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Fisher, Henry, Victualler, 45 North Second-street Market. Kensington, 211; Girard Mark, 214. Fiechtner, Frederick, Victualler, 5 and 7 Market st., above Second. Herman, 125. Flomerfelt, Armstrong, 212 Catharine st. Integrity, 187. Fenne', John R., Coroner, 1150 South Sixth st. Mount Moriah, 155. Franklin, John, Brand Maker, 112 Wharton st. Eastern Star, 186. Friend, Jacob, Barber, Odd Fellows' Hall, cor. Third and Brown sts. Lafayette, 7.1. Fluegel, Ienry, Hotel, southwest cor. New Market and Callowhill sts. Herman, 125; Girard Mark, 214. Fisher, Win., Shipwright, foot of Shackamaxon st. Lodge, 3. Flanagan, James, Monument IHouse, 1320 Beach st., above Hanover. Lodge, 3; Girard Mark, 214. Frederick, George M., Machinist, Oak st., below Park. Meridian Sun, 158; Girard Mark, 214. Flick, George L., Ship Camboose and Furnishing, 141 North Front st. Shekinah, 246. Frank, Charles, Printer, cor. Fifth and Chestnut sts. Melita, 295. Foering, Albert R., Stove Manufacturer, 113 North Second st. Sec. Union, 121; Oriental chap., 123. Farrell, John, Fire-Proof Safe Manufacturer, 130 Walnut st. Phoenix 130; R. A. M. Foster, John F., Machinist, 1335 Owen st. Melita, 295. Flaherty, Wm. W., Clerk, 868 North Eighth st. Harmony, 52; Columbia chap., 91. Faunce, John C., Fisherman, 615 Queen st., above Cherry. Lodge, 3. Fans, Jacob H., Fisherman, 432 Queen st., above Hanover. Solomon's, 114; Girard Mark, 214. Faunce, Dan., Inn Keeper, Twenty-third Ward. Frankford, 292. Fuller, Zelotes, Editor and Publisher of United States Business Journal. Lodge, 3; K. T. Fiske, Theophilus, Editor " Evening Argus," Philadelphia. M. M. R. A. M. Utica colr., New-York. Floyd, John N., Merchant Tailor. Eastern Star, 186; Girard Mark, 214. Goodall, Albert G., Bank-Note Engraver. W.M. MMontgomery, 19; Jerusalem chap., 3; Marshal Philadelphia coun., 11; Philadelphia comr., 2. Goldsmith, Isaac M., Traveller. St. John's, 115. Gulmpert, B. B. (M. D.) Shekinah, 246. Gear, W. J., Bricklayer, 1519 Parrish st. Lodge, 2; M. M. PENNSYLVANIA. 459 Gowie, James A., Victualler, 1 Western Market, Market st. P. M. Mount Moriah, 155. Garvin, A. C., Victualler, 34 Western Market, Market st., above Sixteenth st. Hamilton, 274. Gross, Lewis, Victualler, 8 Market-street, Market, above Sixth st. Herman, 125; Columbia Mark, 91. Geisler, John, Victualler, Norris st., above Frankford road. Kensing-ton, 211; Girard Mark, 214. - Geisler, Wmi., Victualler, Amber st., above Front. Kensington, 211; Girard Mark, 214. Geisler, Ferdinand, Victualler, Frankford road, above Norris. Kensington, 211; Girard Mark, 214. Gross, Christian, Drover, Thirty-eighth st. and Haverford road. Herman, 125; Columbia Mark, 91. Gamble, John, Plasterer, 1221 Lombard st. Eastern Star, 186. Gbldy, Samuel, Lieutenant of Police, 530 South Fourth st. Montgomery, 19. Graham, Thomas P., Oyster Dealer, 108 Pine st. Lodge, 3. Gicker, C. B., Flour, Feed, Grain, and Hay Store, 507 and 509 Frankford road. Richmond, 230; Harmony chap., 52. Godshall, Wm., Saddle and Harness Man ufactory, Germantown road, below Sixth st. Kensington, 211; Girard Mark, 214. Gillies, James B., Flour, Feed, and Grain Store, Germantown road, above Fifth st. Kensington, 211. Geary, Edward,'Hat and Cap Store, 814 North Second st. Kensington, 211; Girard Mark, 214. Geisenberger, Joseph, Clothing Store, 171 Poplar st. Lodge, 3; Columbia Mark, 91. Glazier, Wim., Hat and Cap Store, 1050 North second st. Shekinah, 246; Girard Mark, 214. Grugan, Charles C., Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, 809 and 811 Chestnut st. Union, 121; Columbia chap., 91. Gaw, William, Silversmith, 111 Senate st. Lafayette, 71; Girard Mark, 214. Germon, W. L., Photographer, 702 Chestnut st. Eastern Star, 186; Columbia Mark, 91. Gosline, John MS., Merchant Tailor, 203 North Eighth st. Rising Star, 126; Girard Mark, 214. Gerhard, G., Provisions, 29 North Water st. Eastern Star, 186. Garton, Davis S., Joiner, southeast cor. Second and Dickerson sts. Meridian Sun, 158. 460 UMNIERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Grover, Christian C., Ship Joiner, 113 Wharton st. Integrity, 187; Columbia Mark, 91. Gilbert, Wi. L., Plough Hotel, 419 South Secoad st. Meridian Sun, 158; Girard Mark, 214. Gideon, Edward, A. M., Principal Penn Grammar School, 770 North Twenty-fourth st. Rising Star, 126; Columbia Mark, 91. Glazier, George W., Boat Builder, Leopard st., above Otter. Mount Moriah, 155; Girard Mark, 214. Graves, Joln, Master Machinist, Navy-Yard, 512 Federal st. Integrity, 187. Glazier, John RP., Brick Maker, 1109 Frankford road. Kensington, 211; Girard Mark, 214. Garsed, Joshua, Manufacturer, Frankford, Twenty-third Ward. Frankford, 292; Girard Mark, 214. Garsed, Thomas, Manufacturer, Twenty-third Ward. Junior Warden, Frankford, 292; Girard Mark, 214. Gentner, Ernest, 512 Race st. Herman, 125; Columbia Mark, 91. Gerker, Fr6derick, Manufacturer of Glue, Curled Hair, and Cowhide Whips, 20 North Fifth st. Union, 121. Gerker, Henry, Manufacturer of Glue, Curled Hair, and Cowhide Whips, 20 North Fifth st. Union, 121. Goodall, William, House and Sign Painter, 807 Filbert st. Franklin, 134; Keystone chap., 175. Graeff, Charles E., Boot and Shoe Merchant, 218 North Third st. Roxborough, 135. Geyer, Theodore, Manayunk. Roxborough, 135. Hufty, Joseph, Stationer and Blank Book Manufacturer, 407 Chestnut st. Eastern Star, 186; Columbia Mark, 91. Hood, Wim. B., Attorney-at-Law, 242 South Fifth st. Eastern Star, 186; Girard Mark, 214; Harmony chap., 52. Hight, George A., Victualler, Market st., below Ninth. Keystone, 271; Columbia Mark, 91. Holmes, John, Hotel, cor. Front and Phoenix sts. Kensington, 211. Haviland, John, Clerk, 1822 Addison st. Eastern Star, 186; Columbia Mark, 91. Heishley, John F., Military Hall, Library st. Lafayette, 71. Hamilton, Samuel, Carpenter, 4 South Thirteenth st. St. John's, 115. Hampton, Francis C., Lieutenant of Police, Second District, 705 South Second st. Union, 588; Malta, K. T. Hill, James, Hatter, 531 Callowhill st. Harmony, 52. Holmes, James, Soap and Candle Manufactory, 241 Monroe st. Ches-.ter, 236; Girard Mark, 214. PENNSYLVANI. 46 1 Heller, Henry, Copper Smith, 1232 Hanover st.'Shekinah, 246; Girard Mark, 214. Heiser, Henry M., Black Horse Hotel, Frankforc road. Shekinah, 246; Girard Mark, 214. Hicks, John W., Plumber and Gas Fitter, 713 South Second st. Solomon's, 114; Columbia chap., 91. Heyer, W., Tobacconist, 331 North Second st. Keystone, 271; Columbia Mark, 91. Hann, A. W., Clerk, 316 Marshall st., above Third. P. M. Integrity, 187; Girard Mark, 214. Harris, J. Smith, Merchant Tailor, 133-Nortl Fourth st. Philadelphia, 72. Houseman, John A., Victualler, cor.Second and South sts. Lodge, 2; Keystone chap., 175. Hillman, Charles, Ship Builder, Beach st. above Hanover. Harmony, 52; Girard Mark, 214. HIerbert, Thomas J., Boot and Shoe Manufactory, 124 Frankford st. Frankford. Mount Moriah, 155; Girard Mark, 214. Heish, Daniel, Hotel, northeast cor. Eighteenth and Lombard sts. Rising Star, 126. Hoyt, Daniel, Engineer, Falls Schuylkill. Roxborough, 135; Girard Mark, 214. Hubbs, Elwood, Granite and Flag Stone Yard, 1338 North Second st. Kensington, 211. Hutchinson, Enoch R., Merchant, 333 Market st. Union, 121. Huddy, Henry, Wine and Liquor Merchant, 145 North Second st. Union, 121. Hendry, Edwin A., Wholesale Boot and Shoe Dealer, northwest cor. Third and Arch sts. Union, 121. Hyatt, Wim. H., Embroideries and White Goods, 303 Market st. Solomon's, 114. Hart, George H., Office of the Magnetic Telegraph Company, 302 Chestnut st. P. M. Columbia, 91; P. H. P. Philadelphia chap., 169; St. John's corn., 4. Hannings, William, 938 North Twelfth st. Rising Star, 126. Hartley, Thomas W., 1107 Wistar st. Eastern Star, 186. Hoover, John B., Shipwright, Jarvis st. below Second. Integrity, 187. Huhn, James M., Shipwright, 113 Senate st. Meridian Sun, 158; Girard Mark, 214. Hoover, Henry, Shipwright, Master'Carpenter, Navy-Yard, 323 Wharton st. Lodge, 3; Excelsior Mark, 216. 462 rUNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Hennesey, David, Machinist, Navy-Yard. Eastern Star, 186; Columbia Mark, 91. Holmes, Joseph G., Machinist, 1110 Jefferson av. Chandler, 227. Iealey, John, Blacksmith, 1315 Juniata st. Integrity, 187; Columbia chap., 91; St. John's com., 4. Hinshillwood, Archibald, Ship Fastener, 1305 Hosman st. Lebanon, 7, D. C. Hyneman, Isaac. Lafayette, 71, R. A. M. Hyneman, M. Leon, Merchant. Mileta, 295. Hall, George W., Assistant Coiner U. S. Mint. S. W. Union, 121; Sec. Oriental chap., 183; Herald of St John's encpt., 4. Hill, M., Landscape Gardener, Twenty-third Ward. Frankford, 292; Girard Mark, 214. Henry, J. N., Gauger and Cooper, 207 South Water st Lodge, 3. Hartman, John B., Plumbing, Steam, and Gas-fitting, 143 North Sixth,st. Herman, 125; Columbia Mark, 91. Herbert, Henry, Bookkeeper, Dyottville Glass Works, 1114 Palmer st. Union, 121. Ireland, Wm. M., North American and TI. S. Gazette Office.'Union 121; Oriental chap., 183; coun., 11. Jones, John, Victualler, 19 Western Market, Market st. St. John's, 115; Girard Mark, 214. Jacobs, WWm., Victualler, 15 Market st. above Fifth. Keystone, 271. Johnson, Robert R., Confectioner, 702 South Third st. Chester, 236; Girard Mark, 214. Jones, John E., House and Ship Plumber, 1021 Beach st. above Maiden. Lodge, 3; Girard Mark, 214. Jenks, Jonathan, Ship Joiner, 1414 Beach st. and cor. of Beach and Hanover. Meridian Sun, 158; Girard Mark, 214. Jackson, Dr. Charles M., Proprietor Hoofland Bitters, 418 Arch st. P. M. Franklin, 134; chap., 169; corn., 2. Jeffrey, Jamlns, Grocer, cor. Richmond and Cumberland sts., Port Richmond. Richmond, 230. Jeffiies, E. D., Chair and Furniture Store, 79 North Front st. Mount Moriah, 155; R. A. M. Jacobs, Thomas, Printer, 400 South Juniper st. Solomon's, 114; Columbia Mark, 91. Jacoby, David S., Druggist, northwest cor. Third and Branch sts. Solomon's, 114. Jackson, B. Franklin, Job Printer, 439 Chestnut st. P. M. and Sec. Rising Star, 126; Oriental chap., 183; St. John's cor., 4. PENNSYLVANIA 46 3 Johnston, J. B., Weigher, 24 South Water st. Meridiaa Sun, 158; Girard Mark, 214. Johnson, A, W., Millwright, northwest cor. Twelfth and Christian sts. St. John's, 2; Del. chap., 1; Del. coun., 3, Md. Jones, Jacob, House Carpenter, 423 Queea st. above Hanover. Lodge, 3; Girard Mark, 214. Jones, Silas, Manufacturer, Twenty-third Ward. Frankford, 292. Jacoby, Wim., Lieutenaat of Police, Sixth st. near Germantown road. Keystone, 271; Girard Mark, 214. Jones, N. L., Lumber Merchant, Roxborough. Roxborough, 135. Johnson, Frank S., 1524 George st. Junior Warden Lafayette, 71; Keystone chap., 175; St. John's corn., 4. Keichline, John, Victualler, 58 and 60 South Second st. Market. Lafayette, 71; Girard Mark, 214. Krider, John, Gun Maker, cor. Second and Walnut sts. Solomon's, 114; Girard Mark, 214. Kollock, Burton J., Undertaker, 716 South Second street. Solomon's, 114. Kirkpatrick, Samuel, Bottling Establishment, 715 South Third st. Montgomery, 19. Kelly, Ellwood, Hotel, 606 South Wharves. Chester, 236. Kenney, Edward J., Tailor, 313 South Second st. Integrity, 187; Columbia Mark, 91. Kennedy, James, Grocer, cor. Ann and Larch sts., Port Richmond. Richmond, 230. Krick, Geo., General Commission Merchant, Port Richmond, Rich. mond, 230; Girard Mark, 214. Koons, Philip, Boot and Shoe Store. Kensington, 211. Kramer, George, Victualler, cor. Washington and Columbia sts. Richmond, 230. Kohlberg, Leopold, Wholesale Dry Goods, 110 North Third st. Lafayette, 71. Kohlhund, M. L., Compositor, 938 Nectarine st. Rising Star, 126. Kern, Win. H., High Sheriff, 1603 Mount Vernon st. Concordia, 67; Girard Mark, 214. Kister, S. E., Bonnet and Millinery Goods, 145 North Eighth st. Melita, 295; Columbia Mark, 91. Keen, Robert S., Bookkeeper, southwest cor. Second and Prime sts. Meridian Sun, 158. King, RP. P., Printer, 607 Sansom st. PM. Franklin, 134; Philadelphia chap., 169; Treas. Philadelphia cor., 3. Kelley, Edward A., Wholesale Manufacturer of Shirts, Collars, Bo 464 UNIVERSAL MASONIO RECORD. soms, &c., Bank st. below Market. P. M. Philadelphia, 72; Jerusalem chap., 3. Keyser, John S., 1114 Brown st. Eastern Star, 186; Columbia chap., 91. Krim, James, Master Boat Builder, Navy-Yard, cor. Washington and Swanson sts. P. M. Solomon's, 114; Columbia chap., 91. Kremer, Chas., Baker, Twenty-third Ward. Frankford, 292; Girard Mark, 214. Ketterlinus, Paul, Printer, northwest cor. Fourth and Arch sts. WV. M. Herman, 125. Klien, David, Merchant Tailor, Main st., Manayunk, Twenty-first Ward. Roxborough, 135; Columbia Mark, 91. Kirk, WVm., Lower Merion. Roxborough, 135. Keech, Jacob M., Daguerreotypist, Roxborough. Roxborough, 135; Columbia Mark, 91. Kirkpatrick, Alexander, Clerk, 1122 Chestnut st. P. M. Phcenix, 130; Girard Mark, 214; Harmony chap., 52. Kraft, George W., Gasometer Builder and Boiler Maker, Chestnut st. Wharf, West Philadelphia; House, 250 North Twentieth st. St. John's, 115. Kerkeslager, Elijah S., Clerk. Lodge, 2. Little, George P. P. M. and Sec. Eastern Star, 186; chap., 3. Lamphugh, Jesse R., Conductor Passenger Railroad, 1627 Poplar sto Meridian Sun, 158; Columbia Mark, 91. Lsnnerstadter, WYm., Merchant, 111 North Eighth st. Mount Moriah, 155; Girard Mark, 214. Lindsay, James, Store, 438 Market st. Orient, 289. Lampas, P., Printer, 409 Arch st. Rising Star, 126; Girard Mark, 214. Lewis, George F., Plate Printer, 33 South Third st. P. M. Eastern Star, 187; Jerusalem chap., 3. Lewis George, Demijohn Coverer, 414 Queen st. above Hanover, Kensington, 211; Girard Mark, 214. Loeser, Miles A., Ship Joiner, 896 Franklin av. above Wood. P. M. Integrity, 187; P. M. Columbia Mark, 91. Lee, William, Fisherman, Vienna between Queen and Franklin st. Lodge, 2; Girard Mark, 214. Lane, Moses A., Gunner, U. S. Navy, Lanesville, Mass. Integrity, 187; Girard Mark, 214. Levering, Francis L., Watches and Jewelry, 25 North Eighth st. W. M. Lafayette, 71; Harmony chap., 52; St. John's corn, 4. PIENNSYLfVANIA 465 3Murray, Wm. J., Victualler, 13 Western Market, Market st. Rising Star, 126. Miller, John P., Victualler, 13 and 15 Girard av. Market. Kensington, 211. McCoy, Alexander, Victualler, 42 Franklin av. Market, above Hancock st. Kensington, 211; Girard Mark, 214. McKillips, James, B., Drover, Drove Yard, opposite Water Works. Phoenix, 130; Girard Mark, 214. McKinley, Thos. Wood, Reserved Olficer, northeast cor. Sixth and Queen sts. Meridian Sun, 158; Girard Mark, 214. McCusker, James, Block, Pump, and Spar Maker, 715 Swanson st. Meridian Sun, 158; Girard Mark, 214. McKeown, Benjamin, Hotel, 215 South st. Chester, 236; Columbia Mark, 91. McCaw, Kennedy, Clothing Store, 252 South st. Chester, 236; Girard Mark, 214. Meeker, John, Ladies' Shoemaker, 243 Race st. Lafayette, 71; Columbia Mark, 91. Moran, William, Sr., Superintendent, Independence H-all, 1229 South Fourth st. Integrity, 187. McCahen, James, Hotel, 119 South st. P. M. Integrity, 187; Columbia Mark, 91.' IcDougal, James, Grocer and Ship Chandler, cor. Lehigh av. and Richmond st., Port Richmond. Lafayette, 71. Mears, Jonathan W., Oyster Dealer, 842 South Front st. Lodge, 2; Girard Mark, 214. Mastbaum, Solomon, Clothing Store, 128 South st. St. John's, 115; Girard Mark, 214. Mangham, George, Draper and Tailor, William st. below Richmond, Port Richmond. Richmond, 230; Jerusalem chap., 3; St. John's corn., 4. McCaully, Samuel A., Clerk, 4 Salmon st. below R. R. Road, Port RPhniod. Se. iS e Rchmond, 230; Girard Mark, 214. MicIllroy, Robert, Foreman, Wharf 17, Port Richmond. Richmond, 330; Harmony chap., 52.'IcGurk, John, Foreman, Wharf 14, Port Richmond. Eastern Star, 186; Columbia chap., 91. Miller, Phlilip I., Hair Dresser, Cupping, Bleeding, and Leeching, 906 North Fourth st. Washington, 50; Columbia Mark, 91. Mossop, George, Machinist, Pleasant st. above Twelftih. Mount Moriah, 155. 466 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Markle, Philip, Boot and Shoe Store, Germantown road, below Diamond st. Kensington, 211; Girard Mark, 214. McLane, William, Liquor Dealer, Washington st. above Columbia. Richmond, 230. Mather, Henry, Richmond st. below Lehigh av, Port Richmond. Richmond, 230; Mark, 138. McMullin, David, Ship Smith, Beach above Warren st. Harmony, 52; Girard Mark, 214. Magee, Francis P., Accountant, 112 Laurel st. Lodge, 3; Girard Mark, 214. Morozzi, Angiole, Carpenter, 112 Queen st. Eastern Star, 186. McCurdy, Daniel, Dealer in foreign Wines and Liquors, 526 South Seventeenth st. St. John's, 115; Girard Mark, 214. McGonnigal,-'James, Star Hotel, 2409 Callowhill. Montgomery, 19; Columbia chap., 91. Maison, Peter, Biscuit and Cracker Bakery, 214 North Front st. Lodge, 51; R. A. Mason. Miller, Samuel, Chestnut st. House, 331 Chestnut st. Rising Star, 126; Jerusalem chap., 3; St. John's corn., 4. Miller, Samuel H., Tin Smith, Darby Road, below Market st., West Philadelplia. Phoenix, 130. IMcCurdy, C. H., Wholesale Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, 321 Chestnut st. Union, 121. lMetcalf, Jas., Printer, 338 Bradford st.'Rising Star, 126; Columbia Mlark, 91 McCreery, Joseph, Printer, 531 Dickerson st. Meridian Sun, 158; Girard Mark, 214. Montgomery, James, Compositor, 306 Carpenter st. Rising Star, 126; Columbia Mark, 91. Moore, John W., Bookseller, Publisher, and Importer, 533 Chestnut st. Union, 121; Columbia chap., 91. Morris, Israel W., Jr., Coal Dealer, 109 Walnut st. Montgomery, 19. Moore, Thos., Merchant Tailor, southwest cor. Ninth and Race sts. Rising Star, 126. Malole, Samuel J., Barkeeper, northeast corner Front and Vine sts. Meridian Sun, 158; Girard Miark, 214. McKinley, John, Upholsterer, 124 Union st. Meridian Sun, 158. Mitchell, David P., Dry Goods Store, 14 South Second st. Eastern Star, 186; Girard Mark, 214. Miller, Joseph Wim., Comnmission Merchant, 244 North Third st. Industry, 131; Oriental chap., 183. PENNSYLVANIA, 467''Moore, George, Alderman, 712 South Fourth st. Lafayette, 71. -VIott, Charles F., Joiner, northwest cor. Front and Wharton sts. Warren, 24, Ohio; Piqua chap., 31, Ohio. Murphy, John K., Swimming Baths, Twelfth st. above Locust. P. M. Montgomery, 19; Columbia chap., 91. Much, George W., Shipwright, 1104 South Front st, Integrity, 187; Columbia Mark, 91. Meyers, Persifer F., Printer, Clerk, Navy-Yard, 1513 South Senondst. Integrity, 187; Jerusalem chap., 3. McFarlane, John, Shipwright, northwest cor. Second and South sts. Integrity, 187. Mayley, Roger W., Ship Sawyer, Navy-Yard. St. John's, Newburyport, Mass. McDonald, WVm., Purser's Clerk, U.. NSavy Yard, 1226 South Sixth st. Integrity, 187; Girard Mark, 214. Meyers, Joseph W., Boat:Builder, Sarah st. between Green and Bedford sts. Kensington, 211; Girard Mark, 214. McCormick, Hiram, Carpenter, Twenty-third Ward. Frankford, 292. Mann, Wm. Searle, 1216 Coates st. Lodge, 3. McCully, Thomas, Lower Merion st. P. M. and Sec. Roxborough, 135. Moore, Henry C., Salesman, 244 Market st. Orient, 289; Columbia Mark, 91. Magill, Jas. P., Proprietor Philadelphia " Sunday Mercury." Friendship, 247. Manning, Napoleon B., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Imported and Domestic Cigars and Tobacco, 41 South Third st. Lafayette, 71; Girard Mark, 214. Michener, John G., Attorney-at-law, southeast cor. Sixth and Walnut; late P. M. Shekinah, 246. Magee, James J., Printer, 909 Little Washington st. Lafayette, 71. McIntyre, John, Attorney, 611 Walnut st. Residence 1414 Fitzwater st. P. M. Eastern Star, 186. Marshall, Jeptha, Carpenter and Builder, 1516 Jones st. Eastern Starr 186; Columbia Mark, 91. Smith, Marshall B., Episcopal Clergyman. Franklin, 134; Columbia chap., 91; St. John's corn., 4. Neill, John, Painter, 129 Wharton st. J. W. Integrity, 187. Nesmith, Alfred, Wholesale Dry Goods Merchalt, 425 Market st. Union, 121. Nutt, Alexander M., Note and Insurance Broker, 221 Dock st. Eastern Star, 186. 4SSE g~e~UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Newton, Robert H., Screw Dock Hotel, cork Penn and Maiden sts. Kensington, 211; Girard Mark, 214. Neisser, Charles K., Printer, 1022 Charlotte st. Kensington, 211 Columbia Mark, 91. Neil, Henry, Corn Exchange Hotel, cor. Second and Gold sts. Meridian Sun, 158; Girard Mark, 214. Neall, John E., Watchmaker, 326 Chestnut st. Rising Star, 126; Girard Mark, 214. Naves, Benjamin H., Master Blockmaker, Navy-Yard, 123 Catharine st. St. John's, 115. Overn, John, Miachinist, 635 Broad st. Solomon's, 114; Columbia chap., 91. Osborne, William, Store, 1618 Pine st. Integrity, 187. Ogdin, James, Machinist, Parrish st, above Nineteenth, Rising Star, 126; Columbia Mark, 91. Osborne, James, Manufacturer, Spring Garden st., west of Twentyfourth st. Integrity, 187; Columbia Mark, 91. Oakford, Charles, Hats, Caps, and Furs, 624 Chestnut st. Concordia, ~67; Mark Master. Orthwein, Henry J., Hotel Keeper, southeast cor. Broad and Carpenter sts. Integrity, 187; Girard Mark, 214. Polock, Moses, Publisher and Bookseller; 406 Commerce st. Eastern Star, 186. Phillips, William J, Superintendent of Police and Fire Alarm Telegraph, State-House. Montgomery, 19; Keystone chap., 175; St. John's corn., 4. Pace, John, Buckley House, Richmond st. below R. R., Port Richmond. Richmond, 230; HIarmony chap., 52. Plowman, Thomas M., Carpenter and Builder, 22 Strawberry st. Keystone, 271; Girard Mark, 214. Parkhill, David H., Hotel, 1350 Lombard st. Philadelphia, 72. Patchell, George, Alderman's Office, 1348 Lombard st. Rising Star, 1S6. Pierson, John W., cor. Thirty-eighth and Haverford sts., West Philadelphia. Hamilton, 274; Girard Mark, 214. Powell, John B., Watches and Jewelry, 25 North Eighth st. P. M. Stichter, 254; Ilarmony chap., 52; St. John's com., 4. Price, Jos. W., Dry Goods, northwest cor. Eighth and Filbert sts. Lafayette, 71; Girard Mark, 214. Price, Samuel, Confeciioner and Fancy Cake Bakery, 926 Arch st. Lafayette, 71; Girard Mark, 214. PENNSYLVANIA. 469 Peters, Theodore H., Perfumer and Importer, 716 Chestnut st. Union, 121; Excelsior Mark, 216. Prevost, Charles M., Adjuster of Insurance Losses, 222 Walnut st. W. M. Union, 121. Peirce, William H., Merchant, 521 Market st. Union, 121; Columbia chap., 91. Parham, Charles, Manufacturer and Patentee of Sewing Machines, George st. below Tenth. Lafayette, 71. Pine, William S., 1536 South Fourth st. Meridian Sun, 158. Parsons, William C., Mariner, 630 Paul st. P. M. Integrity, 187; Girard Mark, 214. Pratt, Henry L., Gentleman, Twenty-third Ward. Frankford, 292. Paravicini, J.,'Hotel, Georgest. above Tenth. H-ermann, 125; Columbia Mark, 91. Peiffer, F., Merchant Tailor, 131 North Second st. Hermann, 125. Preston, John F., Manayunk, Twenty-first Ward. Roxborough, 135. Roth, Henry, Victualler, 10 and 12 Western MIarket, Market st. Hamilton, 274; Columbia Mark, 91Ruhl, Alfred, Carriage, Wagon Bow, Shaft, and Sleigh Runner Factory, cor. Eighth and Wood its. Mount Moriah, 155; Girard Mark, 214. Runner, Joseph F., Victualler, 8 Callowhill st., Market below Fifth st. M3ount Moriah, 155; Girard Mark, 214. Reyenthaler, John F., Victualler, 3 and 5 Callowhill st., Market below Fifth st. 1Mount Moriah, 155; Girard Mark, 214.:Reyenthaler, Emanuel G., Drover, 983 North Fifth st. Washington, 59; Girard Mark, 214. Roth, Michael, Drover, 939 North Fourth st. Washington. 59; Girard Mark, 214. Russell, William, High Constable, 1528 Lombard st. P..M. Eastern Star, 186. Russell,.William G., Reserved Officer, Second below Wharton st. W, M. Integrity, 187; Girard Mark, 214. Rickards, George C., Wood Wharf, Almond st. Wharf. P. M. Meridian Sun, 158; Girard Mark, 214. Reisky, Rudolph, Fur and Bulfalo Dealer, 237 Arch st. below Third Hermann, 125; Columbia Mark, 91. Raske, Henry, Fur and Skin Dresser, and Manufacturer, 1121 Master st. Hermann, 125. Ruggles, Samuel G., Saddler, 620 Cherry st. Concordia, 67; Columbia chap., 91. 31 470 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Rosenberg, Charles, Leather Dealer, 1238 North Second st. Hermann, 125; Girard Mark, 91. Rigg, Collins Fancy Woollen Dyer, cor. York and Emerald sts. Lodge 9; Columbia Mark, 91. Reaney, William B., Engineer, Frankford Road opposite Hart Lane. Mount Moriah, 155; Girard Mark, 214. Rotan, Samuel, Ship Builder, 325 Queen st., and cor. Beach and almer. Meridian Sun, 158; Girard Mark, 214. Richman, Isaac S., Foreman Distillery, Falls Schuylkill. Roxborough, 135. Riley, John M., Clerk, 903 Poplar st. Phoenix, 130. Rees, George, Compositor, 1334 Potts st. Rising Star, 126. Read, Charles T., Foreman at R. S. Shepherd's, 303 Chestnut st. Meridian Sun, 158; Columbia chap., 91; St. John's com., 4. Rodes, John F., Clerk at Cornelius&Baker's. Melita, 295Reed, Wmi. Benners, Printer, 1347 Hanover st. Washington, 59. Roberts, George H., Wholesale Hardware Store, 235 and 237 North Third st. Union, 121. Riley, Joseph S., Furnisher of Trunkmakers' Materials, Hardware &c., 24 South Fourth st. P. M. Phoenix, 130; Harmony chap., 52. Rutter, John T. Meridian Sun, 158; Excelsior Mark, 216. Rolin, William A., Carpet Merchant, northeast cor. Eighth and Market sts. Rising Star, 126; Girard Mark, 214. Root, William C., Engineer, 249 North Twelfth st. Eastern Star, 186. Rorer, Henry S., Merchant, Olney, Twenty-second Ward. Frankford, 292; Excelsior Mark, 216; Oriental chap., 183. Redding, Charles J., Manufacturer, Twenty-third Ward. Frankford, 292. Rorer, David S., Farmer, Southampton Township, Bucks County. Frankford, 292. Rademacher, Charles L., 637 Arch st. Herman, 125. Ramsdell, Olverson L., Alderman, Manayunk. P. M. and Tyler, Roxborough, 135. Rutherford, A. F., Grocer, northwest cor. Second and Federral sts Integrity, 187. Rose, Henry, Watchmaker and Jeweller, 1008 South st. Eastern Star; 186; Columbia Mark, 91. Shelmerdine, R. Q., M. D., southwest cor. Tenth and Parrish sts. Lodge, 3. Smith, F. B., Victualler, 23 Western Market, Market st. Hamilton, 274; Columbia Mark, 91. Schweigart, Wim., Victualler, 109 Shippen st. Market. Lafayette, 71 Girard Mark, 214. PENNSYLVANIA. 471 Smith, George NV. H., Victualler, 1 and 3 Girard av. Market. Rising Star, 126; Girard Mark, 214. Sommers, Joseph, High Constable, southeast cor. York and Sepviva. Kensington, 211. Scheible, William F., Stencil Cutter, Awning and Verandah Manufacturer, 49 South Third st. Shekinah, 246; Girard Mark, 214. Simpson, William E., 1214 Thompson st. Industry, 131; Keystone chap., 175. Smith, James, Agent, Mount Moriah Cemetery Co., 527 Prime st. Harmony, 20, Conn. Singer, Jacob, Drover, Thirty-second and Bridge sts. Phoenix, 130 Girard Mark, 214. Shinn, Samuel A., Hatter, 803 Spring Garden st. Meridian Sun, 158; Girard Mark, 214. Sherborne, Thomas P., J., Cabinet Ware, 220 South Second st. Phcenix, 130. Spear, John, Lieutenant of Police, 1033 Mechanic st. Montgomery, 19; Columbia Mark, 91. Salin, John M., Hatter, 813 South Second st. Meridian Sun, 158; Columbia Mark, 91. Simpson, Thos. L., Fire Brick Manufactory, cor. Second and Greenwich sts. P. M. Integrity, 187; Columbia Mark, 91. Shelmerdine, Edward K., Hatter, 928 Ridge av. Harmony, 52. Streeton, Friend J., House Carpenter, 214 Greenwich st. Lafayette, 71. Shubeat, Francis, Block and Pump Maker, foot of William st., Port Richmond. Richmond, 230. Scank, Alfred W., Hotel, southeast cor. Front and Maiden' sts. Kensington, 211. Siglinger, Charles, Carpenter, 987 North Second st. near Diamond. Lodge, 9. Smith, Samuel, Foreman, Penn's Stove Works, Germantown Road, above Sixth. Kensington, 211. Smith, Adam, Draper and Tailor, 199 North Second st. Kensington, 211. Shallcross, John, Surveyor and Conveyancer, Lyceum Building, Frankford st. Frankford, 292. Shindler, James S., Sailmaker, 244 North Wharf. Harmonic, 52; Girard, Mark, 214. Shippen, E. W., Iron Founder and Iron Railing Manufactory, 3022 Market st. Phoenix, 130. 472 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Smith, John, Carpenter, cor. Thirty-sixth st. and Mantuaville. Phoenix, 130. Sanford, Samuel S., Manager Sanford's Opera House, Eleventh above Chestnut st. Phoenix, 130. Schumacher, Gustavus A., Paper Hanger, Frankford st. Frankford, 292; Girarcld ark, 214. Summers, ~Wm. P., Tinsmith, 724 Hepburn st. Pheenix, 130; Girard lark, 214. Slemmer, Jacob C. Druggist, 1106 Germantown road. W. M. Keystone, 271; Girard Mark, 214. Stewart, John, Dealer in Foreign Wines and Liquors, southeast corner Eighteenth and Market sts. St. John's, 115. Stillman, Thos., Wool Merchant, 10 and 12 North Front st. Phenix, 130; Oriental chap., 183. Sleeper, N., Umbrella and Parasol Manufactory, 336 Market st, Phoenix, 130; Harmony chap., 52. Spurge, Robert S., Salesman, 336 Market st. Phoenix, 130; Harmony chap., 52. Selheimer, Wim. B., Job and Book Printer, 234 Carter st. Meridian Sun, 158; Girard Mark, 214. Stokely, Win. S., Confectioner, 58 North Eighth st. Solomon's, 114; Columbia chap., 91; St. John's corn., 4. Richard, H. Sec. P. M. Union, 121; P. H. Priest Columbia chap., 91. Sharpless, Wmn. J., Produce Dealer, 244 Broad st., below Vine. Chester, 236; Girard Mark, 214. Stewart, James, Expressman, 2135 Wallace st. Lafayette, 71; Girard gMark, 214. Shaw, Wm. J., Upholsterer, 323 North Second st. Union, 121; Girard Mark, 214. Stoddart, John A., American Watch Company, 33 South Third st., 2d Floor. Philadelphia, 72. Steelman, Wm. A., Accountant. Harmony, 52. Schober, Samuel, Importer of China, Glass, and Queensware, 120 North Third st. Union, 121; Oriental chap., 183. Suplee, A- C., Manufacturer and Engraver of Masonic Marks, Jewels, &c., 326 Chestnut st. W. M. St. John's, 115; Girard Mark, 214. Shaw, Benjamin F., Fisher's Lane, Germantown. Solomon's, 114. Schofield, Joseph J., Veneer Sawyer, 217 Pear st. Montgomery, 19. PENNSYLVANIA. 473 Sprole, Wm.) Oak Cooper, 297 South Water st. Integrity, 187; Oriental chap., 183. Stewart, Reuben P., Carpenter, 210 Carpenter st. P. M. Eastern Star, 186. Stowman, William H., Miller, Twenty-third Ward. Frankford, 292. Sackett, Jacob R., Innkeeper, cor. Second and York sts. Frankford, 292. Stradling, Edward, Blacksmith, Bridesburg, Twenty-third Ward. Frankford, 292. Staake, Fr., Manufacturer of Glue, Curled Hair, and Cowhide Whips, 20 North Fifth st. Hermann, 125; Columbia Mark, 91. Steinhardt, Abraham, Embroideries, Trimmings, and Fancy Goods, southwest cor. Eighth and'Filbert sts.. St. John's, 115; Girard Mark, 214. Triol, Manuel, Painter, 1315 Ridge av. Eastern Star, 183; Columbia Mark, 91. Thomas, J. K., Proprietor Thomas' Opera House, Arch st., above Sixth. Eastern Star, 186; Royal Arch Mason. Taylor, Andrew, D. D., Druggist, northwest cor. Ninth and Chestnut sts. Phcenix, 130; Girard Mark, 214. Taylor, George, Manufacturer of Domestic Dry Goods, Correl st. above Adams, Nineteenth Ward. Richmond, 230. Telford, James, Manufacturer of Straw Bonnets and Hats, and Bonnet Frames, 903 North Second st. Mount Moriah, 155. Tway, John, Ship Smith, cor. Ann and Bath sts., Port Richmond. Richmond, 230. Thorp, Joshua, Clothing Store, cor. Pine and Frankford sts., Frankford. Lafayette, 71; Columbia Mark, 91. Tyson, George F., Dealer in Cotton -Waste, Rags and Paper, 241 North Front st. Shekinah, 246; Girard Mark, 214. Thompson, Edwin, Printer, 307 Cherry st. Lodge, 9; Columbia Mark, 91. Thompson, George A., Clerk, 128 South Eleventh st. Union, 121; Oriental chap., 183. Tyson, A. L., Printer, Press Office. Meridian Sun, 158. Girard Mark, 214. Taylor, Edward F., Salesman, 309 Ashland st., below Third and Spruce sts. Meridian Sun, 158; Girard Mark, 214. Turner, Sydney K., Mierchant, 521 Market st. P. M. Richmond, 25, Kentucky; Union, 121. Taylor, R., China, Glass, and Queensware, 930 Market st. Orient, 289. 474 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Thompson, William E., Wholesale IHardware, 407 Conmmerce st. Montgomery, 19. Thompson, Moses, Blacksmith, Twentieth and Callowhill sts. Lodge, 62; Reading chap., 152. Tatem, John, Wheelwright, Navy Yard. Integrity, 187. Taylor, Wim., Druggist and Chemist, northeast cor. Ninth and Race sts. Keystone, 271; Columbia chap, 91. Tomlinson, George W., 481 Franklin st., southeast cor. Buttonwood. Rising Star, 126. Uhler, John., M.., Falls Schuylkill. Roxborough, 135; Columbia Mark, 91. Uhler, Wm. M., M. D.,, Chemist, School House Lane, Falls Schuylkill. Rising Star, 126; Jerusalem chap., 3; St. John's cor., 4. Vanhorn, Thomas L., Blacksmith, Church, below Orchard st. Frankford, 292; Girard Mark, 214. Vanhorn, Henry, Sash and Blind Manufacturer, northeast corner Broad and Olive sts. Lafayette, 71. Vezey, H. C., 315 Wash'n av. Meridian Sun, 158; Girard Mark, 214. Vanosten, W~illiam, Clinton House, 10 North Fifth st. Phodhix, 130; Harmony chap., 52. Voght, Geo., Piano Mannfacturer, 628 Arch st. Hermann, 125. Vipond, Thos., Brass Smelter, Sixth st. above Dolphin. Kensington, 211; Girard Mark, 214. Wolf, Abram S., Retired Merchant. Shekinah, 246. Wilkinson, Henry, Dentist, 1121 South Second st. P. M. Integrity, 187; P. M. Columbia Mark, 91. Wagner, John, Coach and Carriage Factory, Brown st. above Fourths Lodge, 3; Girard MAark, 214. Wunder, George W., Victualler, 476 North Eighth st. Lodge, 9; Girard Mark, 214. Williams, Edw. R., Chestnut Hill. Sec. Hiram, 81. Worrell, Chas., WYorrell House, cor. Third and Harmony Court. Integrity, 187; Girard Mark, 214. Wilson, Robt., Cabinet-maker. Montgomery, 19; Jerusalem chap., 3; Excelsior Mark, 216; R. and S. M. Wagner, George, Gold Leaf Manufactory, 12 North Sixth st. Keystone, 271; Columbia Mark, 91. Wagner, John A., Goldbeater, 212 Pearl st. Keystone, 271; Columbia Mark, 91. Whitehouse, Wm., Iron Chain Manufactory, 1232 North Second st. Kensington, 211. Wilson, Henry, Captain, cor. Larch and William sts., Port Richmond. Montgomery, 19; St. John's cor., 4. PENNSYLVANIA. 475 Wilkinson, Anthony, Alderman, Nineteenth Ward. Kensington, 211. Wood, Richard, Boat Builder, Eighteenth Ward. Kensington, 211; Girard Mark, 214. Witcraft, John R., Lieutenant of Police, Elevent.h District. Shekinah, 246; Girard Mark, 214. Williamson, Geo. W., Liquor Dealer, 112 Richmond st., Port Richmond. Richmond, 230; Girard Mark, 214. Warner, Chas. M.- Plumber, 12 Engineer's Row, Salmond st,, Port Richmond. Mount Moriah, 155; Columbia Mark, 91. Waters, Aaron, Bookkeeper, 524 Noble st. P. M. and Sec. Mount Moriah, 155; Sec. Columbia Mark, 91. Wiegand, George, Surgical Instrument Maker, Inspector of Gas Works, 10 North Nineteenth st. Phoenix, 130; Girard Mark, 214. Wright, John, Lantern Manufactory, 1231 Stiles st. above Girard av. Keystone, 271; Girard Mark, 214. Wood, Robert, Iron Railing and Iron Founder, 1136 Ridge av. Solomon's 114. Walter, F. J., Fifth st. below Franklin av., east side. Kensington, 211. Wildey, Richard, Dealer in Cotton Waste, Rags, and Paper, 241 North Front st. WM.. Shekinah, 246; Harmony chap., 52. -Wright, David H., Coal Merchant, 124 South Second st. Phcenix. 130; Girard Mark, 214. Wainwright, J. H., House and Ship Hardware, 320 Queen st. below Hanover. Harmony, 52; Girard Mark, 214. Woollidge, James W., Trunk-maker, 1505 Parish st. Lafayette, 71 Columbia Mark, 91. Winpenny, Samuel, Manufacturer, Falls Schuylkill. Roxborough, 135; Columbia Mark, 91. Wolfenden, John, Hotel, cor. Cresson and Jacksonsts. MIanayunk, 9; Columbia Mark, 91. Warthman, Sam. S., Dauphin, east of Frankford Road. P. M. Kensington, 211; Girard, 214. Weest, F. W., Commercial I-House, Sixth st. opposite Minor. Rox borough, 135. Watson, Chas., Silk Goods, 325 Market st. Union, 121; Orienta chap., 183; St. John's corn., 4. Winebrenner, D. S., 49 North Third st. Union, 121. Wilson, David, Gas-fitter. Melita, 295. Warnock, Joseph, Dry Goods Store, northwest cor. Eighth and Filbert sts. Solomon's, 114; Girard Mark, 214. Work, R. J, Printer. Phoenix, 130. 476 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECOR.D. Walton, Stacy C., Compositor, 154 North Seventh st. Washington, 59. Wilson, Jas. G., Clerk, 1235 Chestnut st. Union, 121. Wilson, Robert, Silverware, southwest cor. Fifth and Cherry st. Keystone, 271; Girard Mark, 214. Westcott, Gideon G.. P. Phoenix, 130; Harmony chap., 52. Weatherby, Learning, Wholesale and Retail Carpet Store, 49 North Ninth st. P. A. Meridian Sun, 158 i Philadelphia chap., 169. Wilson, James M., Sash and Blind Manufacturer, northeast cor. Broad and Olive sts. Lafayette, 71. White, John E., Manufacturer, 142 North Twentieth st. Charity, 190. Worthington, B. C., Wholesale Dealer in Imported and Domestic Cigars, 602 Poplar st. Lafayette, 71; Girard Mark, 214. Wetherill, Joseph, Boat Builder, 750 South Front st. Integrity, 187. Winfield, Samuel J., Ship Joiner, 1003 South Second st. Meridian Sun, 158; Girard Mark, 214. Weeks, Benjamin C.. House Carpenter, Front st. below Queen. Integrity, 187; Columbia Mark, 91. Wright, Samuel H., Marble Works, Queen st. bet. Marlborough and Hanover. Lodge, 3. Warner, Francis B., Lumber Merchant, cor. Beach and Marlborough sts. Union, 121; Oriental chap., 183. West, Peter, Shipwright, 12 Christian st. Meridian Sun, 158; Girard AMark, 214. Ware, John, Shipwright, Navy Yard. Integrity,'187; Girard Mark, 214. Walton, Albert, Hotel Proprietor, Frankford, Twenty-third Ward. Frankford, 292. Wilson, Samuel, House and Sign Painter, Frankford, Twenty-third Ward. Frankford, 292. Williams, Charles, P. R. Conductor, Frankford, Twenty-third Ward. Frankford, 292. Wainwright, I. E., Lumber Merchant, cor. Beach and Hanover sts. Harmony, 52; Girard Mark, 214. Wood, Isaac, Boat Builder, 1057 Beach st. above Maiden. Lodge, 2; Girard Mark, 214. Wollenweber, L. A., Ship Agent, 310 Callowhill st. Corresp. Sec. and P. M. Hermann.,125. Wetherill, Richd., Coal Merchant, Roxborough. Roxborough. 135. Wesler, Augustus, Nicetown Lane, Twenty-first Ward. Roxborough, 135; Columbia Mark, 91. PENNSYLVANIA. 477 Wrigley, Sam., Jr., Manayunk, Twenty first Ward. Roxborough, 135. Young, George J., Mahogany and Marble Steam Mills, cor. Eleventh st. and Ridge av. Phoenix, 130; Girard Mark, 214. Zimmerman, James, Tobacconist, southeast cor. Second and Federal sts. W. M. Integrity, 187; Girard Mark, 214. Ziegler, John J., Cordwainer, Tulip st., second door above Norris st. Richmond, 230; Columbia Mark, 91. Zane, John H., Shipwright, 1120 South Front st. Meridian Sun, 158; Girard Mark, 214. ALTOONA. Artley, D. W., Bridge Builder. Mountain, 281. Archy, Francis, Conductor P. R. R. Mountain, 281. Boyer, R. W., Attorney-at-law. Bond, Robert M., Conductor P. R. R. Mountain, 281; chap. 189. Burket, Rev. J. W., Miinister of the Gospel. Mountain, 281. Barlow, Isaac, Conductor Pass. Train P. R. R. Perseverance, 21; chap., 21. Clark, Rev. A. B., Pastor First Presbyterian Church. P. MI. Mlountain, 281; chap., 166; coun., 9; P. E. C., com., 10. Cramer, Geo. B., Master of Transportation. W. M. M. Mountain, 281; K. of chap., 189; G. M. coun., 9; corn., 10. Domer, William, Clerk Engineer's Office of P. R. R. Philanthropy, 225; Greensburg chap. Dougherty, John L., Bridge Builder. Mountain, 281; chap., 189. Fox, Isaac, Car Inspector on P. R. R. Mountain, 281; chap., 189; coun., 9. Finley, Dr. Wm. R., Physician. Juniata, 282; chap., 189. Hall, L. fW., Senator. Mountain, 281. Hostetter, C. R., Foreman of Car Shop P. R. R. Mountain, 281; IR. A. C. chap., 189; coun., 9; com., 10. Kerr, R. A. 0., Merchant. Mountain, 281; Sec. chap., 189; Rec. coun., 9; Rec. corn., 10. Long, Geo. H1., Contractor. Lewistown, 203; chap., 189. Levan, John P., Car Builder P. R. R. Shop. Mountain, 281; chap., 189; coun., 9; J. W. corn., 10. Maxwell, A. -1., Foreman of Brass Foundry. Mountain, 281; Scribe, chap., 189; P. C. of W. coun., 9; C. Gen. com., 10. Northwang, F. Brewer. Mountain, 281. Odenwaelder, A., Clerk. Mountain, 281; chap., 189; coun., 9; corn., 10. 478 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Piper, Col. John L., Foreman of Bridge Department P. R...Mountain, 281; chap., 189. Potts, Gen. G., Tonnage Master P. R. R. Portage, 220; P. H. Pchap., 166; coun., 9; S. W. com., 10. Rose, Benj. F., Chief Clerk Engineer's Office, P. R. R. Sec. Mountain, 281; chap., 189; corn., 10. Shoomaker, Wm., Printer. Mountain, 281. Shoomaker, John, Merchant. Tr. Mountain, 281; Tr. chap., 189; Tr. coun., 9; Tr. corn., 10. Turner, E. H., General Car Inspector, P. R. R. Mountain, 281; H. P.. chap., 189; T. I. G. M. coun., 9; E. C. corn., 10. Vauclain, A. C., Master Mechanic. Phoenix, 130; C. of H. chap. 189; coun., 9; corn, 10. Woods, John, Hotel Keeper. Mountain, 281; chap., 189; coun., 9; corn., 10. Wells, James B., Engineer P. P. R. Mountain, 281. ALLEGEHANY CITY. Anshutz, -lenry, Iron Foundry. P. AM. Jefferson, 288; Zerubbabel chap., 162. Burton, William, Carpenter. Alleghany, 223. Dellenbach, Christian, Butcher. Treas. Jefferson, 288. Hamilton, William, River Clerk. Alleghany, 223. Smith, J. B., River Clerk. St. John's, 219. Smith, L. W., Railroad Conductor. Franklin, 221; Zerubbabel chap., 162; Van Rensselaer coun., 1, R. and S. M.; Pittsburgh encpt.' 1, K. T. McGee, W. H., Merchant Tailor. St. John's, 219. Mellinger, Martin, Steamboat Captain. St. John's, 219. BIRMINGHAM. Berg, Daniel, Postmaster and Hardware Merchant. Treas. Monongahela, 269. Hughes, N. W., Coal Merchant. J. W. Monongahela, 269. Kerr, James, Physician. Monongahela, 269. Kleinmann, H., Sheet-Iron Ware, &c. Monongahela, 269, Krugh, Adam, Carpenter. Monongahela, 269. Mankedick, Christopher, Grocer. Monongahela, 269. Meyer, John, Barber. Monongahela, 269. McKnight, Joseph, Iron Manufacturer. Monongahela, 269; Zerubbabel chap., 162; Van Rensselaer coun., 1, R. and S. M. PENNSYLVANIA. 479 Patterson, Nathaniel, Surveyor and Civil Engineer. W. AI. Monongahela, 269. Fisher, G. W., Shoe Manufacturer. Milnor, 287. Welker, Berhard, Sand Merchant. Monongahela, 269. COLUMBUS. Stacey, Nathaniel, Clergyman. Hamilton, 120, N. Y.; Western Star chap., 67, N. Y.; New-Jerusalem enep., Danby, N. Y. Burroughs, F. R. (M. D.) W. M. Columbus, 264; Western Star chap., 67, N. Y. Stacy, M. B. B., Mechanic. J. W. Columbus, 264. Walton, Asa, Farmer. Treas. Columbus, 264; Western Star chap., 67, N.Y. Gilmore, William, Merchant Tailor. Late Columbus, 264. Woodworth, M. S., Merchant. S. D. Columbus, 264. Heath, Amos, Farmer, Wayne. J. D. Columbus, 264; Western Star chap., 67, N. Y. Mason, L. W., Merchant. Columbus, 264; Yestern Star chap., 67, N. Y. COLUMBIA. Rambo, Andrew M., Grocer. Columbia, 286; chap. 43. Edward, John B., Livery Business. Columbia, 286. Frederick, Lewis, Hatter. Columbia, 286; chap., 43. Griffiths, Daniel F., Railroad Agent. Columbia, 286; chap., 43. Boice, Erastus K., Agent P. R. R. Columbia, 286; chap., 43. HOLLIDAYSBURG. Crawford, J. R., Gentleman. P. M. Juniata, 282; H. P. chap., 166; coun., 9; com., 10. Funk, James, High Sheriff of Blair Co. Juniata, 282; chap., 166; coun., 9; corn., 10. Gilmore, John M., Clerk. Portage, 220; K. of chap., 166; coun., 9; corn., 10. Koehler, Dr. Charles, Physician. Portage, 220. Lingafelt, John, Merchant and County Treasurer. S. W. Portage, 220; chap., 166. Sheonthal, Moses, Merchant. Juniata, 282. Stewart, James R., Engineer Hol. Br. P. R. R Juniata, 282. Vowinkle, A., Chandler. J. W. Portage, 220; chap., 180; coun,, 9; corn., 10. 480 UNIVERSAL MA5SONIC RECORD. Hartman, John, Brickmaker. Juniata:, 282. Murrey, Samuel T., Attorney-at-law. Portage, 220. Lloyd, Alex. M. D. D. G. M.; Treas. Juniata, 282; Treas. chap., 169; coun., 9; corn,, 10. LEWISBURG. Brown, Jacob H., Merchant. Charity, 144. Christ, Theodore S. Druggist. Charity, 144. Criter, Charles S., Architect. Charity, 144. Hafer, George, Miller. Charity, 144. Linn, John B., Attorney. Charity, 144. Schreyer, William A., Merchant. Charity, 144. Singer, Abraham, BMerchant. Charity, 144. Vorse, Albert B., At~trney. Charity, 144. Ziebach, Francis MI., Printer. Charity, 144. Yoder, Jos. L.,'Jeweller. Charity, 444; Northumberland chap., 174. Thornton, Thomas A. H., (M. D.) Charity, 144. Northumberland chap., 174; Crusade encpt., 4. Pennington, J. W., Registrar and Recorder. Charity, 144; Northumberland chap., 174. Reidabaugh, Adam, Plasterer. Charity, 144. McFadden, Theo. H., Boot and Shoe, Dealer. Sec. Charity, 144; Northumberland chap., 174. Duncan, Robert H., IMerchant, Spring Mills. Charity, 144. Nogle, William, Farmer, Kelly Township. Charity, 144. MONTROSE. Hendrick, David C., Carpenter. Tyler Warren, 240; M. M. Park, E. S. (M. D.) IW. M. Warren, 240; Sec. Warren chap., 180. Pickering, George W., Carpenter. Sec. Warren, 240; M. of 3d Veil, Warren chap., 180. Post, William M., Lawyer. J. W. Warren, 240; P. Sojourner, Warren chap., 180. Stone, George L., Carpenter. P. M. Warren, 240; H.. P. Warren chap., 180. POTTSTOWN. Brower, Lafayette, Gas Fitter. Stichter, 254; Reading chap., 152; Palestine coun., 6; Jerusalem encpt., 11. Clark, George R., Confectioner. Stichter, 254; Reading chap., 152; Jerusalem encpt., 11. PENNSYLVANIA. 481 Deysher, Joseph, Farmer, Amity. Stichter, 254. Ellis, Samuel R. Stichter, 254; Reading chap., 152; Palestine coun., 6; Jerusalem encpt.,.1. Kitchen, Elias, Physician, Yellow House. Stichter, 254; Reading chap., 152; Palestine coun., 6; Jerusalem enept., 11. Malsberger, A., En!ineer. Stichter, 254; Reading chap., 152; Jerusalem encpt., 11. Malsberger, Wm., Tailor. Stichter, 254; Reading chap., 152. Reifn, Daniel H., Coal Merchant. Charity, 190; Reading chap., 152; Palestine coun., 6; Jerusalem encpt., 11. Ritter, Wn. C., Clerk. Stichter, 258; Reading chap., 152; Palestine coun., 6; Jerusalem encpt., 11. Smull, Henry B., Merchant. Stichter, 254. Stout, Solomon A., Superintendent of Workshops, at Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. Stichter, 254; Reading chap., 152; Palestine coun., 6; Jerusalem encpt., 11. Tobias, John F., Physician. Stichter, 254; Columbia chap., 91; Palestine coun., 6; Crusade enept., 8. Urmstead, Joseph, Attorney-at-law. Stichter, 254. Weaver, Jeremiah, Farmer, Amity. Stichter, 254; Reading chap., 152; Palestine coun., 6; Jerusalem encpt., 11. POTTSVILLE. Mathias, Richard B., Clerk.',Pulaski, 216. Feger, Joseph I,, Hotel Keeper. Page, 270. Acker, Henry L., Editor and Postmaster. Charity, 190. Washburn, Rev. Daniel. Pulaski, 216; Schuylkill chap., 159; D. D. G. Chaplain. Bickel, Wm., Bridge Builder and Contractor. Ashland, 294. Rice, Jacob D., Shoemaker. TylerPulaski, 216; P. Il. P. Schuylkill chap., 159. SUSQUEHANNA DEPOT. Freeman, Louis, Tailor. St. John's, 233. Todd, Thomas, Blacksmith. Binghamton, 177, N. Y. Mannering, Richard, Machinist. Binghamton, 177, N. Y. Mason, David, Machinist. Binghamton, 177, N. Y. Fryer, Geo., Machinist. Binghamton, 177, N. Y. Hunt, Wmn., Blacksmith. Binghamton, 177. N. Y. TREMONT. Godfrey, Thompson A., Magistrate. P. M. Swatara, 267; Schuylkill chap., 159. 482 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Heilman, John Henry, Clerk. J. W. Swatara, 267; Schuylkill chap., 159. Koons, Philip, Hotel Keeper. Swatara, 267; Schuylkill chap., 159. McCreary, John B., Coal Operator. W. M. Swatara, 267; Jerusalem chap., 3; St. John's encpt., 4. Tice, J. A. L., Tremont Steam Mill. Swarta, 267; Schuylkill ehap., 159. Fogle, Jacob, Baker, Sharpsburg. Solomon's, 231. Elsesser, Jacob, Grocer, JEtna. Solomon's, 231. Heil, Jacob, Heater, AEtna. Solomon's, 231. Oetting, Adolph W., Teacher, tEtna. Jefferson, 288. Williams, John G., Iron Boiler Maker, JEtna. St. John's, 219; Zerubbabel chap., 162. Allebach, A. H., Merchant and Farmer, New-Bethlehem, Clarion Co. Clarion, 277; Zerubbabel chap., 162. Connor, Grif. A., Engineer, Middle Division, P. PR. R., Patterson. Williamson, 324; chap., 189. Fleck. Charles W., Engineer, P. R. R., I-Iarrisburg. Mountain, 281. Goodlman, Philip, Clothier, Lewisburg. Charity, 144. Gilson, Thos. B., Supervisor, Division No. 7 P. R. R., Mountain, 281; chap., 189. Hickeox, 0. B., Hotel Keeper, Springville, Susquehanna Co. arren, 240; Warren chap., 180. Jaret, Phason, Civil Engineer, Lock Haven, Clinton Co. Lafayette, 199. Stewart, Geo. W., Gas Fitter and Plumber, Lewistown. Lewistown 203; chap., 186. Steele, Joseph A., Clerk, Belknap. P. M. Kittaning, 244. Smith, Alphonso, Merchant. Springville, Susquehanna Co. Warren, 240; Warren chap., 180. Weeks, John F., Merchant, Scranton. Union, 291. Watson, Joseph, Master Mason, P. R. R., Hutingdon. Lewistown, 203; Greensburg chap. Bennett, Solomon, Farmer, New Brighton, Beaver Co. Union, 259. Couch, Addison M., Railway Brakeman, New Brighton, Beaver Co. Union, 259. Williams, Frank W., Conductor, P. Ft. W. and C. R. R. Co., New Brighton, Beaver Co. M.. C. Union, 259. Notestine, S. P., Engineer, Middle Division, P. R. R., Patterson, Pa. Williamson, 324; chap., 189. PENNSYLVANIA, 483 Dickinson, Abner, Hotel, Front st., Columbia. Columbia, 286; Lancaster chap., 43. Carson, Lieutenant John, U. S. Cutter Service. Perseverance 21, Harrisburgh. Clark, Dr. John P., Physician, Newport. Adams, 319; chap., 189J Funk, Nicholas, LimeBurner, Duncansville. Juniata, 282; chap., 166. Hill, E. S. A., Attorney-at-law, Scranton. P. M. Hiram, 261; Eureka chap., 179. Heilman, Lewis, Clerk, Reading. Chandler, 227; chap., 152; De Molay corn., 9. Herring, M. B., Tanner, Lockhaven. S. W. Lafayette, 199; Lafayette chap. Zehner, John, Jr., Landlord, Tamaqua. Tamaqua, 238. Halsey, Pelton, Collector, Erie. P. M. Presque Isle, 235; Fredonia chap., N. Y. Nugent, James, Lumberman, Ceres, McKean Co. Macedonia., 258, N. Y. Straub, Clement C., Clerk, Milton. J. W. Milton, 256; Northumberland chap., 174; Bloomsburg coun, 10; Crusade corn., 12. Macklin, George, MIerchant, McVeytown. Lewistown, 203; Lewistown chap, 186. Swanzey, William H., Farmer, Walker, Centre Co. Lewistown, 203. West, Edward, Farmer, Hubley township. Swatara, 267. Drake, Gabriel, Railroad Superintendent, Mine Hill. Swatara, 267. Green, John, Aachinist, Schuylkill Haven. Swatara, 267. I-leazel, John T., Storekeeper, Woodsville. S. W. Minersville, 222. Power, James, Bookkeeper, Woodsville. Minersville, 222; Schuylkill chap., 159. Danckelman, Joseph C., Bookkeeper, Heckshirville. Minersville, 222; Schuylkill chap., 159. Brawdy, George, Coal Dealer, Sharpsburg. St. John's, 219. Foster, George G., Farmer, Conneautville. West Crawford, 258. Haskell, John W., IerQhant, Conneautville. West Crawford, 258. Patton, John W., Merchant, Conneautville.. Wcst Crawford, 258. Williams, E. R., M erchant, Conneautville. West Crawford, 258. Parke, Benjamin, V. P., Commonwealth Insurance Co., Harrisburg. P. M. Perseverance, 21; Perseverance chap., 21., Parke coun., 6; Parke coin., 11; Grand King Grand Chap.; P. R. E. G. Commander Grand Comn. 484 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Freeman, Henry L., Merchant, Carbondale. Carbondale, 249: Eureka chap., 179; Palestine corn., 14. Richmond, A. W., Carbondale. Carbondale, 249; Eureka chap., 179. Underwood, Jerome, Carbondale. Carbondale, 249. Dimolk, Redman C., Carbondale. Carbondale, 249. Schermerhorn, James, Founder, Laceyville. Franklin, 263. Wakeman, Benjamin E., Merchant, Laceyville, W... Franklin, 263. Spring, Tileston D., Hotel Keeper, Laceyville. Formerly of Union, 108; Mark Mason. Ruhl, Win., Farmer, West Bufialo. Charity, 144. Brubaker, John C., Butcher, Wrightsville, Columbia, 286. Heistand, Samuel C., Lumber Merchant, Marietta. Columbia, 286. Woodcock, Albert, Farmer, Bridgewater. P. M. Warren, 240; Warren chap., 180. Benjamin, S., Farmer, Brooklyn. Warren, 240; Seribe Warren chap., 180. Edwards, Richard C., Blacksmith, Drumore township. Washington, 156. Tomlinson, E. T., Painter, Drumore township. P. M. Washington, 156; chap., 43. Porter, George W., H-ardware, Mount Joy. Lancaster, 43; chap., 43. Shick, Henry S., Merchant, Mount Joy. Lancaster, 43; chap., 43. Owen, William P., Farmer, Spring. West Crawford, 258. Shelden, Arad, Farmer, Spring. West Crawford, 258. Rudisel, George F., House Carpenter, Sewickley. Milnor, 287. Heath, John T., Gas Fitter, Danville. Danville, 224. Collier, F. H., Attorney-at-law, Sharpsburg. Alleghany, 223. Eckert, John, Mierchant, Newbridgeville. Columbia, 286; chap., 43. McCormick, Joseph T., Connellsville. Fayette, 228. Ettele, Henry, Contractor on Public Work, Middletown. Lodi Valley, 99, Wisconsin. Dewalt, Peter, Coal Merchant, Mount Washington. Solomon's, 231. Livingston, Isaac, Clothier, Carlisle. V. M. Cumberland Star, 197. Barnhart, Thomas, Methodist Preacher, Curwensville. M. W. Clearfield, 314; Catawissa chap., 178; Crusade corn., 12. Curtin, Constans, Eagle Iron Works, Milesburg. Bellefonte, 268; Lafayette chap., 163. Sager, Howard K., Miller, Richborough, Bucks Co. P. M. Shekinah, 246; Harmony chap., 52. Groetzinger, Adolphus, Tanner, Duquesneborough. Solomon, 231. PENNSYLVANIA. 485 Knight, William, Attorney-at-law, Mercer. S. W. Hebron, 251. Gilds, N. E., D. D., Curlesville. Chaplain Clarion, 277. Warner, Francis B., Lumber Merchant, Beach and Marlborough. Union, 121; Oriental chap., 183. Wright, Samuel H., Marble Works, Queen st., between Marlborough and Hanover. Lodge, 3. Leonard, Theo. A., Clerk, De Franceville. Lafayette, 199. Louor, Jacob, Clothier, West Greenville. Eureka, 290. Simpson, S., Quest M. D., West Middletown. Washington, 164. Boyd, William H., Carpenter and Builder, Montrose. Treas. Warren, 240; Treas. Warren chap., 180. Motherall, G. W., Ship Carpenter, Manchester. St. John's, 219. Elliot, Samuel, Druggist, Carlisle.: Sec. Cumberland Star, 197; Mark Master Mason. Hilbish, D. J., M. D., Reversburg. Lafayette, 199. Dickson, J. Nevin, Iron Master, New Castle. Mahoning, 243. Jacoby, Jacob, Merchant, Sumneytown. Solomon, 114. MOUNTAIN LODGE, No. 281. Instituted at Altoona, December 8th, A. L. 5853 (A. D. 1853). Cramer, G. B.. W. M. Nichols, John A. Page,'Miller, McConnell, J., S. W. Morrow, John, Pitcairns, Robt. Boyden, W., J. W. Clark, Albert B.. Marshall, Wm. Shoomaker, J., Tr. Irwin, Samuel M. Morrison, Montgomery., Rose, B. F., Sec. Snik, Christian B. Simons, John B. Sellers, H. A., P. M. Butts, Jeremiah B. Donaldson, John, O'Donnell, C., P. M. Brastow, Louis C. Thompson, Newton, Mowry, Geo. R. McConnell, John, Hackett, Cadw. J. Bell, Benj. F. Chandler, Wm. G. Turner, Edmund H. Clow, Jas. C., (dcd.) Reynolds, Jas. B. Mann, Chas. J. Reifsnyder, Jos. L. Hamilton, Hays, Gilson, Thos. B. Lombaert, Herman J. Clabaugh, Andrew, Oliver. Robt. W. Sellers, Wash. J. Lowther, John, Bond, Robert, Ale, Lemuel, Williams, Jos. Kennedy, Chas. V. B. Seeds, John E. Smith, Henry H. Dock, Gillard, Patton, George W. Clark, John M. Burkett, Jacob N. Nichols, Wmi. R. Wakefield, Henry A. Northwang, Ferdinand,1 Weitzel, John J. Kinzer, Henry E. Odenwealder, Adam, Campbell, Thos. Kerr, Robert A.. Woods, John, Griffith, Orlando B. Laughman, Daniel, Scott, Albert B. Dodson, M. Curtis, Lowe, James P. Greenwood, Ralph, Travers, Patrick, Given, James L. Buckwalter, Paul W. Graham, Walter, Fox, Isaao, Gray, Henry E. 32 486 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Stewart, Asbury R. Hughes, iWm. R. Patton, Benj. F. Crowther, James, Howey, Isaac, Miller, John H. Neff, Win. A. Grone, Solomon G. Porter, Joseph, Ferree, George C. Kooken, John A. Hall, Louis W. Durree, George, Levan, John P. Wells, James B. Burchinell, Thos. Kelley, Joshua, Shoemaker, Win. S. Sargent, C. Forward, Dare, George, Snyder, Henry W. Warfield, John, Mason, Chas. C. McCoy, Daniel, Piper, John L. McCauley, Thomas, Study, E.'L. Bergan, Daniel, Hostetter, Christian R. Fleck, Charles W. Holliday, Fleming, McCormick, John, Archy, Francis, Maxwell, Archibald H. Corter, David, Gorrecht, Wm. H Wilson, Jacob, Custer, Benj. F. MOUNTAIN HoLY ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, No 189. Instituted at Altoona, Sept. 25, 1858. Turner, E. H., H. P. Pitcairns, Robt. Burgan, Daniel, Cramer, G. B., King, Hostetter, C. R. Dare, George, Maxwell, A. H,, Scribe, Clabaugh, And. Dent, Wm. Shoomaker, John, Tr. Boyden, Wm. Power, Wm. M. Kerr, R. A. O., Sec. Mann, Charles J, Kelley, Joshua, Sargent, CF.. inzer, Henry E. Marshall, Wm. W. Weitzell, J. J. Mason, Charles C. McCormick, Jno. Brastow, L. C. Piper, Col. John L. Finley, Dr. Wm. R. Vauclain, A. C. Gilson, Thos. B. Clark, Dr. John P. Rogers, Robert, Simons, John B. Greenwood, Ralph, Dewees, Jacob W. Wilson, Rev. S. A. Connor, Grif. A. Kacy, James, Fox, Isaac, Notestine, Samuel R. Smith, H. L. Odenwalder, Adam, Holmes, Westley W. Reifsnieder, J. L. Tuck, Henry, Bond, Robt. M. Patton, Geo. W. Rose, Benj. F. Long, George H. Oliver, Rev. R. W. Dougherty, John L. Dock, Gillard. McConnell, Jno. Hackett, Cadw. D. Wood, John, PITTSBURG. Allingham, Robert, Salesman. M. of C. Lodge, 45. Apple, Adam, Grocer, West Pittsburg. Solomon, 231; Zerubbabel chap., 162; Van Rensselaer coun., 1; R. and S. M. Armor, George, Merchant Tailor. Lodge, 45; Zerubbabel chap., 162; IR. and S. M.; Pittsburg encpt, 1; K. T. Armstrong, James, Master. Franklin, 221. Aiken, John, Butcher. Lodge, 4 PENNSYLVANIA. 487 Bacon, G-. M., Teacher. Sec. Franklin, 225. Barne, Thomas, Jun., Iron Safe Manufacturer. Washington, 253. Bell, A. C., Jr., Clerk Pa. R. R. Co. Lodge, 45. Batchelor. C. W., Steamboat Captain. Washington, 253.; Zerubbabel chap., 162; Treas. Pittsburg encpt,, 1; Treas. Van Rensselaer coun., I, I. and S. I. Bartberger, Carl, Architect and Superintendent. St. John's, 219. Brickell. D. Z., Steamboat Captain. St. John's, 219. Bradley, Joseph J,, Nail Cutter, Kensington Works. Lodge, 45. Blackmore, James A., Steamboat Captain, South Pittsburg. M. of C. St. John's, 219. Buffum, J. C., Manufacturer of Sarsaparilla, Mineral Water, and Bottled Ale and Porter. St. John's, 219. Caldwell, Samuel. Armstrong, 239. Campbell, Hugh, Steamboat Captain. St. John's, 219; Zerubbabel chap., 162; Van Rensselaer coun., 1, R. and S. M.; Pittsburg encpt., 1, K. T. Carter, Henry, Nut Manufacturer, South Pittsburg. Lodge, 45. Clancy, John R., Carpenter. Franklin, 221. Connor, C., Salesman. P. S. Milnor, 287; Zerubbabel chap., 162; Pittsburg enept., 1, K. T. Cooper, S. B., County Commissioner. Tyler, Lodge, 45; Zerubbabel chap., 162; Van Rensselaer coun., 1, K. and S. M; Pittsburg enept., I, K. T. Cooley, Samuel T., Steamboat Clerk. Washington, 253. Cooley, James L., Grocer. S'. John's, 219. Culbertson, A., Grocer and Commission Merchant. P. M. Franklin, 221; Zerubbabel chap., 162; C. G. Pittsburg encpt., 1, K. T. Colton, Charles A., Cashier Dollar Savings Bank. Lodge, 45. Davage, Thomas, Block and Pump Maker. P. M. St. John's, 219; M. E. H. P. Zerubbabal chap., 162; T. I. G. M. Van Rensselaer coun., 1, R. and S. M.; M. E. G. C. Pittsburg enept., 1, K. T.; S. W. Gorgas Grand Lodge of Perfection; Prince of Jerusalem. Dallmeyer, Henry, Cigar Maker. Solomon's, 231. Dalzell, Andrew, Engine Builder. S. D. Franklin, 221. Duer, Thomas. Lodge, 45. Dewer, H. C. Nashville lodge, Irville, Ohio. Douglass, Witherow, Steam Boiler Manufactturer, South Pittsburg. St. John's, 219; Zerubbabel chap., 162. Douglass, T. H., Steam Boiler Manufacturer. St. John's, 219; Zerubbabel chap., 162; Van Rensselaer coun., 1, R. and S. M.; Pittsburg encpt., 1, K. T. 488 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECOOiD Dillon, Levi, Bookkeeper. Washington; 253. Eaton, Henry, Coal Merchant. Washington, 253. Evans, William, Spar Maker. St. John's, 219. Earle, John B., Butcher. St. John's, 219. Fedder, Montgomery, Toll Collector. Washington, 253. Fitzsimmons, D., Tin-Plate Manufacturer. Treas. Lodge, 45. Follansbee, G., Shoe Manufacturer. Milnor, 287. Foster, Heron J., Editor Daily Dispatch. St. John's, 219; Zerubs babel chap., 162. Fulton, A., Bell and Brass Founder. St. John's, 219; Zerubbabel chap., 162; Van Rensselaer coun., 1, R. and S. M.; Pittsburgh enept., 1, K. T. Gallinger, N., Dry Goods Dealer. Washington, 253. Gearing, Charles, Steamboat Joiner. Lodge, 45. Gillespie, J. J., Looking-Glass Manufacturer. St. John's, 219. Gracey, John, Blacksmith. St. John's, 219. Graham, Thomas, Secretary of Insurance Co. Franklin, 221. Glass, George, Baker. S. W. Washington, 253. Gordon, James, Coal and Steamboat Business. Lodge, 45. Gordon, William, Steamboat Clerk. Lodge, 45. Hailman, J. W., Iron Manufacturer. P. M. Franklin, 221; Zerubbabel chap., 162; P. G. Pittsburg encpt., K. T.; Princes of Jerusalem; D. D. G. M. for Allegheny, Beaver, and Westmoreland counties. Hamilton, William, Machinist. Lodge, 45. Haug, Emanuel, Butcher. Solomon, 231. Henderson, J. P., Assistant Treasurer of P., Ft. W., and C. R. R. Co. P. Sec. Franklin, 227. Herdrnan, James, Leather Manufacturer. P. M. Milnor, 287; Zerubbabel chap., 162; Prince of Jerusalem. Hoskins, Washington, Roller, West Pittsburg. Lodge, 45. Jaub, Charles, Farmer. Solomon's, 231. Jones, E. D. Franklin, 251. Jones, Hugh, Merchant and Hardware Dealer. St. John's, 219. Jones, Robert M., Pattern Maker.. Lodge, 45. Keebler, Jacob, Carpenter. Franklin, 221. Kennedy, John S., Watchmaker and Jeweller. Washington, 253. Kammerer, D. C., Dealer in Boots and Shoes. J. W. Milnor, 287. Kelly, William B., Lard-Oil Manufacturer. Lodge, 45; P. S. Zerubbabel chap., 162. Lare, ~Wm. A., Bookkeeper Daily Dispatch Office. Lodge, 45. Laughlin, John, Merchant Tailor. St. John's, 219. Maffet, John, Brass Founder. J.D. Washington, 253. PENNSYLVANIA. 489 Mark, Emil, Glass Dealer. Solomon's, 231. MeClelland, T. A., Clerk. Milnor, 287. McClelland, Wm, Engine. Builder. Lodge, 45; Zerubbabel chap, 162. McKee, David F. St. John's, 219. McCandless, Wilson, Attorney-at-law. W. M. Milnor, 287; Zerubbabel chap., 162; D. I. G. AM. Van Rensselaer coun., 1, R. and S. M. McElroy, Joseph WT., Boiler, West Pittsburgh. Monongahela, 269; Zerubbabel chap., 162; Van Rensselaer coun., 1, R. and S. M. Meeds, Jas. B. D., Principal of Second Ward Public Schools. P.M. St. John's, 219; Zerubbabel chap., 162. Mellor, John H., Dealer in Musical Goods. Lodge, 45. Mellor, Levi, Clerk. P. M. Washington, 253; Zerubbabel chap., 162. Moore, John B., Clerk Pa. R. R. Franklin, 221. Murphy, Wm. C., Fancy Goods Dealer. Lodge, 45. Matthews, James, Steamboat Captain. St. John's, 219. Moreland, I. G,, Engine Builder. W. M. St. John's, 219. Nelson, William, Painter and Glass Stainer. St. John's, 219. Noble, William, Upholsterer. P. M. Lodge, 45; Zerubbabel chap., 162; Gen. Pittsburg encpt., K T. Olnhausen, Christian. Sec. Solomon's, 231. Parker, Thomas A., Salesman. Milnor, 281. Paulson, Charles H., Hat, Cap, and Fur Dealer. Treas. Franklin, 221. Pollock, A. M. (M. D.) P. M. Lodge, 45; P. H. Zerubbabel chap., 162; D. D. G. H. P.; Prince of Jerusalem. iReese, James, Engine Builder. Lodge, 45. Rhoads, James, Painter. P. M. Lodge, 45; R. A. M.; K. T.; R. and S. Master. Rhodes, Joshua, Brewer. St. John's, 219; Zerubbabel chap., 162. Robb, Chesterfield, (M. D.) St. John's, 219. Richardson, Hugh, Butcher. St. Jobn's, 219. Richardson, H., Jeweller. Franklin, 221. Rosenbaum, M., Clothier. Washington, 253. Schenck, Frederick G., Brewer. W. Ml. Solomon's, 231 Staub, Peter, Shoemaker. S. D. Solomon's, 231. Schuchman, William, Lithographer. Solomon's, 231. Scriba, Victor, Printer. P. M. Solomon's, 231. Siedel, Reinhold, Watchmaker. Treas. Solomon's, 231. Scott, John M., Police Officer, South Pittsburg. P.M. Franklin, 221; K. Zerubbabel chap., 162; Van Rensselaer coun., 1, R. and S. M.; Pittsburg enept., 1, K. T. Severance, L., Spike and Rivet Manufacturer. St. John's, 219. 490 UNIVERSAL 3IASONIC RECORD. Silverman, Charles, Merchant. St. John's, 219. Stoney, R. I. Franklin, 231. Stuart, A., Captain of Steamer. St. John's, 219. Shidle, Peter C., Clerk. Sec. MFilnor, 287. Smyth, Richard, Book Store. M. of C. Franklin, 221. Spencer, Edward, Merchant Tailor. Lodge, 45. Tiatkowski, Charles, Hotel Keeper. Solomon's, 231. Verner, James D., Brewer. Washington, 253. Vankirk, William, Stove Manufacturer. Franklin, 221; Zerubbabel chap, 162. Wall, William C., Landscape Painter. St. John's, 219. Warden, Wm. G., Engine Builder. Alleghany, 223; Zerubbabel chap., 162; Van Rensselaer coun.,1, R; and S. M.; Pittsburgh encpt., 1, K. T. Weldin, J. R., Dealer in Law and School Books, and Manufacturer of Blank Books. St. John's, 219; Treas. Zerubbabel chap., 162; Pittsburg encpt., 1, K. T. Whittier, Isaac, Secretary and Treasurer of Franklin Savings Bank and Loan Association. J. W. St. John's, 219; Zerubbabel chap., 162; Pittsburg encpt., 1, K. T.; Prince of Jerusalem. Wilhelm, John, Shoemaker. Solomon's, 231. WVilliams, John W., Puddlr, West Pittsburg. J. D. Lodge, 45; R. A. C. Zerubbabel chap., 162; Van Rensselaer coun., 1, R. and S. M. Williams, Robert, Cabinet Maker and Undertakor. Lodge, 45. Wilmarth, L. C. Franklin, 251. Wilson, J. O., Dry Goods Jobber. Lodge, 45. Wilson, W. W., Watchmaker and Jeweller. P. M. Franklin, 221; R. A. M.; R. and S. M.; G. M. Grand Encpt., K. T. Wolf, John, Jr., Steamboat Captain. Washington, 253. Wolf, C. H., Hardware Merchant. St. John's, 219; Zerubbabel chap., 162; Pittsburg encpt., 1, K. T. Wright, Thos. W., Printer, Foreman " Daily Dispatch." Sec. Lodge, 45; Sec. Zerubbabel chap., 162; Pittsburg enept., 1, K. T.; Van Rensselaer coun., 1, R. and S. M. Zwinger, J. August, Druggist. Solomon's, 231. RHODE ISLAND. Gladding, John, U. S. Surveyor, Bristol. St. Albans, 6. SOUTH CAROLINA. 491 SOUTH CAROLINA. CHARLESTON. Armstrong, Archibald. P. M. Strict Observance, 73. Burrel, W. H. Orange, 14. Ellerhorst, H. W., Merchant. S. W. Walhalla, 66; Scribe of Germania chap., 12. Heine, Weirich. Solomon's, 1. Jessen, H. Solomon's, 1. Jacobs, Rev. Solomon. W. M. Friendship, 9. Knobelach, J. Solomon's, 1. Koldewey, F., Merchant. Walhalla, 66. Kruse, J., Merchant. Walhalla, 66. Lee, William T. V. M3. Solomon's, 1. Lengnick, A. W. M. Solomon's, 1. Lewis, J. Jonathan. Strict Observance, 73. Mackey, Albert G., M. D. Grand Secretary of Grand Lodge; G. H. P. Grand Chapter; Sec. Gen. Southern Supreme coun., 33; Landmark, 76; Zerubbabel chap, 11; South Carolina encot., 1. Meyer, Andreas Mazure. Sec. Solomon's, 8; Sec. Union chap., 3. Melchers, F., Proprietor and Publisher of'' Deutsche Zeitung." W. M. Walhalla, 66; H. P. Germania chap., 12; South Carolina encpt., 1. Oppenheim, L. H. Friendship, 9; Carolina chap., 1. Runkin, S. J: Solomon's, 1; Germania chap., 12. Reed, William. S. W. Solomon's, 1; H. P. Union, chap., 3, Russell, A. J. Washington, 5; Union chap., 3. Samsou, Joseph. P. M. Friendship, 9; Carolina chap., 1. Sampson, I. F., Merchant. Walhalla, 66; Germania chap., 12. Schmidt, I. H. Union chap., 3; South Carolina encpt., 1. Seeling, John. P. M. Lodge l'Etoile Renaiscente, 32. Small, Jacob. Solomon's, 1. Strohecker, John Paul, Merchant. W. M. Strict Observance, 73. 492 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Thayer, Ebenezer. P. M. Solomon's, 1; P. H. P. Union chap., 3. Vass, Henry E. Solomon's, 1. Wood, George P., Charleston. P. M. Pythagorean, 21; Carolina chap., 1; Carolina encpt., 1. Nolan, Captain Andrew, Charleston. St. Andrew's 10; South Carolina chap., 1. CHESTER. Allen, John Robinson. Chester, 18. Cully, Thomas M., Merchant. Chester. 18; Franklin chap., 14., Degraffinried, Thomas, Farmer. Chester, 18; C. H. Franklin chap., 14; Washington coun. Estes, James Alexander, Grocer. Chester, 18; H. P. Franklin chap., 14; Washington coun. Hutchinson, Zenus C., Merchant. Chester, 18. Lewis, William Albert, Farmer. Chester, 18. McKee, Jr., John, Merchant. Chester, 18; Franklin chap., 14. Meacham, Samuel Banks, Clerk. Chester, 18; MI. 1st V. Franklin chap., 14; Washington coun. McDonald, William M., Intendent of Chester. Chester, 18; Franklin chap., 14; Washington coun. Pagan, A. Gill, Merchant. Chester, 18; Franklin chap., 14; Washington coun. Pinchback, David, Manufacturer. Chester, 18; M. 4th V.; Frankliu chap., 14; Washington coun. Sitgreaves, Frederick Allen, Stables. Chester, 18. Hawthorn, D. W., Merchant, Due West Corner. W. M. Independent, 23. Lilienthal, Moses, Merchant, Columbus. Ridgeland, 39; Royal Arch Mason. McCully, Sen., John, Farmer, Fairfield District. Flinthill, 63; Flinthill chap. Sitton, 1. S., Coach Maker, Due West Corner. J. W. Independent, 23. Hewetson, Ralph E. B., Civil Engineer, Columbia. Sec. Richmond, 39; C. H. Columbia chap., 5; Union coun., 5. Kay, John A., Architect and Civil Engineer, Assistant Architect of New State Capitol, Columbia. W. MA. Richland, 39. TENNESSEE. 493 TENNESS EE. Adkins, William S., Merchant, Santa Fe. Benton, 111. Fitzgerald, Jesse I., Farmer, Santa Fe. Benton, 111. De Witt, William H., Lawyer, Lafayette. Lafayette, 149. Frizzell, John, Attorney-at-law, Winchester. P. M. Cumberland, 158; Cumberland chap., 1; Nashville coun., 1; R. and S. Masters; K. T. and K. M.; Nashville encpt., 1; P. D. G M. and Grand Lecturer of Grand Lodge. McKnight, John J., Coach Maker, iMurfreesboro'. Mount Moriah, 18; Pythagoras chap., 23. Steward, James W., Steward House, Murfreesboro'. Mount Moriah, 18. Wilkinson, P. A., Clerk and Surveyor, Lafayette. L. P. M. Lafayette, 149. Wilson, Samuul A., Clerk, Centreville. Polk, 183. Rutledge,, Joseph Marshall, Clerk of Circuit Court, Brownsville. Brownsville, 58; Haywood chap., 2; Brownsville coun. Hinson, Wm. H., Steam Mill Engineer, Yorkville, Gibson Co. S. ~W. Yorkville, 115; Scribe Yorkville chap., 16; Yorkville comr. Kirk, E. P., Farmer, Dyer Co. S. W. Hess, 93; Steward Dyersburg chap., 42; Yorkville com. Maddarey, J. R., Farmer, Dyer Co. Hess, 93; M. Q. V. Dyersburg chap,, 42. Merchant, William, Farmer, Dyer Co. Hess, 93; Dyersburg chap., 42. Sampson, F. G., Attorney-at-law, Dyersburg, Dyer Co. Sec. Hess, 93; Sec. Dyersburg chap., 42; Trenton coun., 12; Yorkville com. Whitten, ]Massalon, Brick Mason, Newbern, Dyer Co. Yorkville, 115; Yorkville chap., 16; Nashville coun., I; Yorkville corn. McKnight, John J., Coach Maker, Murfreesboro'. W. M. Mount Moriah, 18; P. S. Pythagoras chap., 23; Murfreesboro' coun., 22. McCulloch, Thos., Merchant. Clarksville, 89; Clarksville coun., 4; Nashville enept., 1; P. G. M. Clarksville. 494 UNMVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. TEXAS. Capron, G. W., Jeweller, Houston. Tyler Holland,; Sentinel Washington chap., 2. Dowess, Isaac, Planter and Stqck Raiser, Texana. Texana, 123. Dresch, L. J., Merchant, Eagle Pass. Alamo, 44. Legett, J. N., Planter, Peach Tree Village. Clinton, 20, S. C. Rhine, Henry, Merchant, Clarksville. Alpha, 8, La. Rotan, John W., Merchant, St. Charles. J. W. Mount Hope, 121. Stanton, James M., Planter, Texana. Texana, 123. Stevens, John, Mechanic, Texana. Texana, 123. Simpson, David B.. Farmer, Oakland. S. W. Lyons Lodge. West, Henry, Teacher, Peach Tree Village. V. M. Mount Hope, 121. White, John Preston, Attorney-at-law, Sequin. Abingdon chap., 30. Perrin, John W., Merchant, Burlison. Navarro, 111; Palestine chap., 36. VERMONT. NORTH BENNINGTON. Wright, W. B., Grocer. J. D. Tucker, U. D. Temple chap., 8. Finch, Lemuel S., Station Agent, Troy and B. R. R., Eagle Bridge. Van Rensselaer, 400; Apollo chap., 48. Pitney, John H., Agent T. & B. R. R., and Telegraph Operator, Eagle Bridge. Cambridge Valley, U. D. Barton, Eli, Jr., Merchant, Eagle Bridge, N. Y. Van Rensselaer, 400. O'Breese, John Y., Proprietor Breese's Hotel, Eagle Bridge. Fort Edward, 267. Muldrake, Paper Maker, North Hoosick. Tucker, U. D. VERMONT. 495 Loomis, N. B., Hotel. W. M. Tucker, U. D.; P. M. Mount Anthony, 13; C. of H. Temple chap., 8. Houghten, Charles E., Merchant. Tucker, U. D. Wight, G. S., Livery. Tucker, U. D. Welch, L. G., Conductor T. & B. R. R. Tucker, U. D.; Temple chap., 8. Parsons, A. R., Merchant. S. W. Tucker, U. D.; Temple chap., 8. Myers, J. C., Superintendent Cotton Mill. Lafayette lodge, North Adams, Mass. Hitchcock, D. L., Station Agent and Commission Merchant, T. & B. R. R., Buskirk's Bridge. Van Rensselaer, 400; Apollo chap., 48; Apollo cor, 15. ROYALTON. Blake, Horatio K., Postmaster. Rising Sun, 7. Peirce, Edwin, Farmer. P. H. Rising Sun, 7; P. H. P. and P. S. Randolph chap., 5; Randolph coun., 6. Peirce, Stephen H., Farmer. Sec. Rising Sun, 7; H. P. Randolph chap., 5; T. Ill. G. M.. Randolph coun., 6; T. Ill. G. M. Grand Coun. of Vermont; Vermont encpt., 4. Southgate, Charles C., Merchant Tailor. Rising Sun, 7. Winslow, Ebenezer, Merchant. Rising Sun, 7. Coy, John, Farmer. Rising Sun, 7; Scribe Randolph chap., 5; Randolph coun., 6. Davis, Thomas J., Farmer. Rising Sun, 7; Randolph chap., 5; Randolph coun., 6. Lyman, Daniel L., Dentist. Rising Sun, 7. RANDOLPH ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, NO. 5, Royalton. Chartered Aug. 14, 1851, A. L. 5851, R. A. M. 2381; 61 members. Stephen H. Peirce, H. P.; Coit Parkhurst, K.; John Coy, S. RANDOLPH COUNCIL, R. and S. Masons. No- 6, Royalton. Chartered Auggust 10, 1855, A. L. 5853, year of discovery, 2835; 40 members. Stephen H. Peirce, T. Ill. G. M.; George A. Bingham, R. Ill. G. M.; Thomas S. Hobart, Ill. G. M. Brooks, Samuel H., Tin Manufacturer, East Bethel. Rising Sun, 7. Day, Joel, Farmer, Bethel. Marshal Rising Sun, 7; M. 3d Veil Randolph chap., 5; C. G. Randolph coun., 6. French, Zeb. B., Farmer, Bethel. Rising Sun,'7; Tr. Randolph chap., 5; G. Tr. Randolph coun., 6.'Parkhurst, Joseph, Farmer, Tunbridge. Rising Sun, 7. Parkhurst, Benj. F., Produce Dealer, East Randolph. Rising Sun, 7; Tyler Randolph chap.. 5; Randolph coun., 6. Smith, Richard, Tinware M5anufacturer, Tunbridge. Rising Sun, 7 496 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Austin, John F., Mail Agent, White River Junction. P. M. United Brethren, 21; Randolph chap., 5; Randolph coun., 6; Burlington encpt., 2. Bosworth, Hazard P., Hotel Keeper, Bethel. Rising Sun, 7. Button, Charles S., Farmer, Tunbridge. Rising Sun, 7; R. A. C. Randolph chap., 5; Randolph coun., 6. Copeland, A. H., Bookseller, Middlebury. Union, 2; Jerusalem chap., 2. Farnsworth, Joseph N., Forger of Machinery, White River Junction. W. M. United Brethren, 21; Randolph chap.. 5; Randolph coun., 6; Burlington encpt., 2. Gifford, James, Machinist, White River Junction. J. W. United Brethren, 21; Randolph chap., 5; Randolph coun., 6; C. G. Vermont encpt., 4. Hosford, Philo, West Poultney. Lee, 30: Poultney chap.; Green Mountain encpt. Holton, Simeon, Jeweller, Middlebury. Union, 2. Partridge, Charles F., Tanner, Stockbridge. Rural, 29; Randolph chap., 5; Randolph coun., 6. Pierce, Archibald T., Farmer, White River Junction. United Brethren, 21; Randolph chap., 5. Sylvester, Barzilla, Farmer, Stockbridge. Rural, 29; Randolph chap., 5; Randolph coun., 6. Smalley, Francis, Postmater, Hyde Park. W. M. Mount Vernon, 8. VIRGINIA, NORFOLK. Bayto, Joaquin, Tobacconist. Norfolk, 1. Baum, Nathan, Butcher. Norfolk, 1; Norfolk chap., 1. Davis, John W., Sail Maker. Norfolk, 1. Hull, Peter C., Architect and Builder. Norfolk, 1; Norfolk chap., 1. Hall, Capt. Thomas Dixon, Mariner. Norfolk, I; St. Andrews, 29; Petersburg chap., 7. Merwin, S. O., Commission Merchant. Norfolk, 1. Owen, William B., Carriage Maker. Norfolk, 1. Robinson, John, Cabinet Maker. Norfolk, 1. vIRPmNA. 497 Stannard, Timothy, Mariner. Adelphic, 63, Conn. Taylor, Capt. Babel, Mariner. Norfolk, 1. Webber, John, Gunner U. S. Navy. Norfolk, 1; Norfolk chap., 1 Virginia encpt. Brock, Wilson S., Grocer. Norfolk, 1; Norfolk chap., 1. ABINGDON. Baldwin, Rev. Noah C. Abingdon, 48; Abingdon chap., 30. Rodfer, Wim., House Carpenter. Abingdon, 48; Abingdon chap., 30. Rohr, Philip, Merchant Tailor. P. M. Abingdon, 48; P. K. Abingdon chap., 30. Barr, W. F., MI. D. Abingdon, 48; P. H. P. Abingdon chap., 30. Barr, Rev. George R. Chap. Abingdon, 48; Abingdon chap., 30. Heiskil, Milton Y., M. D. Abingdon, 48; Abingdon chap., 30. Norris, Wm., Tailor. Abingdon, 48; Abingdon chap., 30. WHEELING. Orr, James, Dentist. Wheeling, 128. Orr, John W., Clerk Wheeling, 128. Dorsey, N. L., Boot and Shoe Dealer. Ohio, 101; Wheeling Union chap., 19; Tr. Wheeling encpt., 1. Reesing G. Wm., Bookkeeper, 137 Main st. Ohio, 101; Wheeling Union chap., 19. Joy, Lott H., Guide Merchant, Bar and Rail Roller and R61l Turner. Ohio, 101. Sharrott, Sampson, Furnace Builder. Ohio, 101. Beebe, Lewis H., Dentist. Wheeling, 128. Adams, Capt. John E., Mariner, Smithfield. Smithfield, 18; Mount Sinai chap., 2. Anderson, Thos. C., Lunenberg Court House. Flat Rock, 83. Bosher, John H., Actuary, Richmond. W. M. Dove, 51; K. Lafayette chap., 43; Richmond encpt., 2. Clark, Robert E., Teacher, Pleasant Grove. J. D. Flat Rock, 83. Culley, J. R, Brick Mason. Suffolk. Cross, Aug. W., Inspecter and Gauger of Liquors, Wood Measurer, and Inspector of Coal, Commissioner of Tobacco, Sealer of Weights and Measures, Coroner, Superintendent of Theatre, Lynchburg. Tyler Marshall, 39; Eureka chap., 10; Tr. Virginia consis., 1; Tr. De Molay corn., 5. Galen, Hail T., Farmer, Lunenberg Court House. Steward and Tyler Flat Rock, 83. 498 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Grice, Caarles A., Portsmouth. P. M. Portsmouth Naval, 100; H. P. Mount Horeb chap., 11; G. C. Portsmouth encpt., 5; P. G. H. P. Grand Chapter; P. G. M. Grand Encampment. Hurt, Mumford B., M. D., Pleasant Grove. Flat Rock, 83. Johns, John A., Jr., M. D., Pleasant Grove. Flat Rock, 82. King, John E., Merchant, Waynesborough. Staunton, 13; Mount Sinai chap., 2. Miles, I. M., Merchant, Portsmouth. Portsmouth Naval, 100; S. Mount Horeb chap., 11; C. Gen. Portsmouth encpt., 5. Wellford, Beverly R., Jr., Lawyer, Richmond. P. M. Fredericksburg, 4; Dove, 51; Fitzwhylsonn chap., 34. Wicks, Capt. E. F., Mariner, Chuckatuck. Atlantic, 2. Bargett, William H-., Watch and Clock Maker, Woodstock. Cassia, 142. Hass, John, Commissioner in Chancery, Woodstock. Cassia, 142; Do D. G. M. WISCONSIN. JANESVILLE. Addy, Wm., Merchant Tailor. S. W. Janesville, 55; C. IL Janesville chap., 5. Bradley, Wmi., Produce Dealer. Western Star, 14. Bunster, Henry B., President of Janesville City Bank. W. M. Western Star, 14; M. 3d Veil Janesville chap., 5; S. K. Wisconsin encpt., 1. Caldwell, G. W., Saddler. Peoria, 15, Ill. Chapin, Calvin, Bricklayer. P. M. Western Star, 14; P. H. R. Janesville chap., 5. Cheney, Charles N., Insurance Agent. Sec. Janesville, 55, Scribe, Janesville chap., 5; Winconsin encpt., 1. Cobb, Wim. P., Lumber Dealer. Janesville, 55; King of Janesville chap., 5. Dunn, Charles W., Grocer. Western Star, 14. Fluent, L. M., Carpenter and Joiner. Janesville, 55; P. S. W. Janesville chap., 5. Goodwin, P. S., Railroad Agent. Western Star, 14. WISCONSIN. 499 Joseph, R., Merchant. Janesville, 55. King, Chauncey P., Attorney-at-law. Western Star, 14; P. H. P. Janesville chap., 5. Lewis, Erastus, M. D. P. M. Western Star, 14; P. G. J. W. Grand Lodge; H. P. and P. H. P. Janesville chap., 5; Grand Treas. Grand Chapter. May, J. Milton, Real Estate Broker. Western Star, 14; Janesville chap,, 5. Murdock, nWm., Grocer. W. M. Janesville, 55; P. P. S. Janesville chap., 5. Mitchell, John, M. D Westeru Star, 14; Janesville chap., 5. Miller, A. B., Civil Engineer and Surveyor. S. D. Janesville, 55. McDugal, Daniel, Furnace Man. Janesville, 55. Pease, John J. R., Attorney-at-law. P. M. Western Star, 14; Janesville, 55; Treas. Janesville chap., 5. Rich, Sumner H., Grocer. J. W. Janesville, 55. St. John, Dr. T. E. J. D. Janesville, 55. Webber, Charles S., Locomotive Engineer. Mouut Vernon, 64, Ohio. Webber, Charles P., Locomotive Engineer. Mount Vernon, 64, Ohio. Lightbody, Samuel, Cashier Janesville City Bank. Western Star, 14; Janesville chap., 5; Wisconsin encpt., 1. Rines, Capt. Stover, Real Estate Broker. Western Star, 14; Janesville, chap., 5. LAKE MILLS. Austin, G. W., Farmer. W. M. Lake Mills, 46; M. of 3d Veil, Howell chap., 11. Eddy, Thomas, Grocer and Boot and Shoe Dealer. Lake Mills, 46. McArthur, P., Livery Stables. Lake Mills, 46. Morrell, John L., Boot and Shoe Maker. Lake Mills, 46. Palmer, Orson W., Physician and Surgeon. Lake Mills, 46. Shout, Q. A., Mechanic and Lumber Dealer. Lake Mills, 46. Teed, S. R., Boot and Shoe Maker. Sec. Lake Mills, 46. Whitney, 0. D., "Lake Mills House." Lake Mills, 46. Gurley, James D., Produce Dealer, Monroe. Mount Vernon, 64, Ohio. Smith, Samuel, Farmer, Magnolia. Albany, 36. Morse, WVm. A., Merchant, Springville. Lockport, 73; N.Y. Ames chap., 88; Genesee corn., 10. Smith, William Rudolph, Lawyer, Mineral Point. Mineral Point, 1; 500 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Iowa chap., 6,; P. G. Master and P. G. Sec. Grand Lodge; G. Sec. Grand Chap. Made a Mason in Rising Star, 126, Philadelphia, 1812. Kelble, Mathias, Attorney-at-law, Racine. Mount Vernon, 64, Ohio. Bushnell, Allen R., Attorney and Counsellor-at-law, Plateville. Melody, 2; Sec. Washington chap., 2. McCarn, L., Banker, Plateville. Washington chap., 2. FLORIDA. (Received too late for admission in the proper place.) Ehrlich, Morris, Merchant, Jacksonville. Solomon's, 20. Gomez, Capt. E., Retired Sea Captain, Jacksonville. P. S. Solomon's, 20. CANADA. Harris, Thos. B., Hamilton, C. W. Grand Sec. of Grand Lodge, from its organization, 1855; Grand Scribe of Grand Chapter, from its organization, 1857; P. M. and W. M. St. John's, 20; First Principal, Z. St. John's chap., since 1856; Past Corn. encpt., 4; I.. First Capt. Godfrey de Bouillon encpt., E. R. Lapenotiere, William, English and Canadian Solicitor and Notary, Woodstock, C. W. KIng Solofion's Lodge; Strict Observance, 17. Hartman, Albert, Dealer in Millinery and Fancy Goods, Stafford Springs, Toland Co. Rockville, 69. King, Thomas, Hotel Keeper, Quebec. P. M. St. Andrews, 356, S. R.; M. Master, Independent, 237, I. R.; Arc and Link chap., 214, E. R. McCorkell, James, Baker, Quebec. Albion, 17, E. R.; Independent, 227, I. R. Staton I. A., Book Agent, Quebec. P. Sec. Albion, 17, E. R.; Independent, 237, I. R. Denachund, Ed. C., Clerk House of Assembly, Toronto. Albion, 17, E. R. Finne, AlvensaLion, Lumberman, Wellandport. St. George, 15. IMurray, Wm. Forbes, Merchant, Hamilton. P. M. Strict Observance, 17, G. L. Canada; H. P. Hiram chap. CANADA. 501 Harris, James C., Tobacconist, Fort Hill. St. George, 15. Kellogg, Ebenezer, Woodstock. Tyler King Solomon's, 896, E. R., 38 P. R. Ryan, James, Tailor, Wellandport. St. George, 15. Sammons, Peter, Merchant, Wellandport. St. George, 15. Tice, Abram. Merchant, Smithville. Amity, 29. Whitehead, Charles Henry, Deputy Registrar for Oxford County, Woodstock. Treas. King Solomon's, 896, E. R., 38 P. R. Whitehead, George Washington, Master Examiner in Chancery, Notary Public, Commissioner, &c., Woodstock. P. M. King Solomon's, 896, E. R., 38 P. R.; S. W. Provisional Grand Lodge of Canada. Woodcock, Ralph Alexander, Merchant, Woodstock. King Hiram, 226, I..; King Solomon's, 896. E. P., 38 P. R.; Hiram chap. Lee, Riverius Hooker, Stratford. Initiated in 1818 in St. John's Lodge, St. Thomas, Canada. P. M. Wellington, 28. Wicks, James, Police Officer, Great Western Railway, Clifton St. Mary's, 60, Drummondville. Matheson, George N., Landing Waiter and Searcher in Her Majesty's Customs, Woodstock. Mother Lodge, King Solomon's, 896, E. R., 38, P.R. Monro, Alexander Maitland, Aceountant, Toronto. J. W. King Solomon's, 16; Scribe, King Solomon's chap., 4; Gr. Steward, Gr. Chap., Canada,.' ST. JOHN'S LODGE., No. 36, Ingersoll. Registry Grand Lodge of Canada. Galiford, John, P. M. Bain, Alex. Larkworthy, W. B. Patterson, J., W. M. Blanchard, W. D. McCarthy, J. F., M. D. Bennett, B., S. W. Cameron, Robt. Mathews, Alex. McDonald, J., J. W. Evans, W. Parkhurst, Chas. Cameron, G. A., Sec. Evans, David, Taylor, Nicholas, Root, W. T. Treas. Fursman, John, Wonham, W. G. Elsworth, W., S. D. Hoyt, J. J. Wait, E. B. Larkworthy, W., J. D. Hearn, Henry, Wood, W. G. Lawrence, John, Tyler, Irving, Thos. J. Loeb, Wm. Allison, W. J. KING HIRAM LODGE, No. 226, Ingersoll. Registry Grand Lodge of Canada. Date of Charter, August 30, 1801. Hall, Elisha, P. M. Vine, James, S. W. Chambers, R'd, J. W. Pool, John, W. M. Wright, Rich'd, Sec. Parkhurst, C. Treas. 33 502 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Chambers, J. W., S.D. Doty, David, Jr. McLeod, Wm. Wells, John, J. D. Wenham, W. G. Thompson, A. J. Lawrence, John, Tyler, Brown, C. H. Taylor, Henry, Curtis, David, P. M. Revell. Henry, Austin, W. W., Doty, David, P. M. Butts, WVm. T. Wells, Thos. Bennett, Burton, P. M. Hughson, Thos., Haviland, Edwin, Evans, Wm. Warfield, Hiram, Austin, Harvey N. Peter, Garner, Hunter, Geo. F. Dawes, Thos. Pool, Theophilus, Sharpe, John, Snider, Geo. W. Brown, Jas. Gurnett, J. S., McClary, Thompson, Pool, WVm., Duncan, Smith, Judd, E. T. Light, Wm. S. Hersey, S. E. Stirer, W. C. Allen, Geo. W. Cottingham, J. D. Foden, Okes B. F. KING SOLOMON'S LODGE, of Woodstock,, C. W. Charter from G. L. of England, No. 896; P. R. 38;, dated 22d of November, 1852. Working under Dispensation from G. L. of Canada, dated 14th of July, 1858. Brown, S. D., W. M. Carroll, J. G., Stew'd, Brown, Henry, Whitehead, G.W.,P.M. McPherson, G., " Hack, Henry, Ferguson, J. W., S. W. Ross, Andrew, J. G. Cummings, R. IH. Forbes, Geo., J. W. Pelham, Alex., Tyler, Sudworth, Joseph, Matheson, G. N., Sec. Clark, John, P. M. Woods, W. A., Whitehead,C. H.,Trea. Green, Alex. Vansittart, G. J., Hatch, Jas., S. D. Dorman, Henry, McClenighan, Alex. Dickie, Jas. W., J. D. Lapenotiere, Wim. Kintrea, James, Rlerins, Ed., Chaplain, Warwick, Wm. Kellogg, Ebenezer, Marten, Reuben, Ross, W. F. Burdick, James H. Sudworth, Wm. Sudworth, Wright, Loeb, Solomon, Carroll, Daniel, McKay, Gower, Wallace, Thomas,.Ball, F. R. Scott, S. A. Beyer, Frederick, Hall, Valentine, Young, Thomas, Thacker, Robert, Logan, George, Montgomery, George, Hankey, Victor, Clark, Thos. J. Scott, Thomas, McWhinnie, John, Vanhooris, J. B. Hicks, George A. Richmond, D. C. Phelan, Thomas, Mitchell, John, OXFORD LODGE, Wood-stock, Oxford Co. Charter from Grand Lodge of England, No. 914, E. R., 56. P. R., dated 1st February, 1857; working under Dispensation from Grand Lodge of Canada, dated 14th July, 1858. Regular meetings, second Wednesday in each month. NOVA SCOTIA. 503 Whitehead, G. W., W. M. Andrew, John, J. D., De Blaquiere, Hy. Woodcock, RP. A.. S. W., Vansittart, J. G., Dir. of C. Place, Conyers, r-amilton, J. A., J. W. Vanhooris, J. B., J. G. Loeb, Nathan, Turquand, J., Chaplain, Lapenotiere, F. J., Tyler, Iles, Charles, Whitehead, C. I-I., Treas. Carroll, J. G. Brown, Homer P. Greig, John, Secretary, Ball, Francis Ramsey, De Blaquiere, Chas. Jordon, Charles, S. D. N OA SCOTIA. Scott, Archibald, Commission Merchant and Insurance Agent, 30 Bedford Row, Halifax. Past Senor Grand Warden. P. M. St. John's, 1.87; Grand Treas. of Grand Lodge of N. S., under Registry of Grand Lodge of England. Wisswell, William J., Merchant, Halifax. St. Andrew's, 137, E. R. Mark Master Mason. PROVINCIAL GIR AND LODGE, of Nova Scotia, under Jur;sdiction of Grand Lodge of England. Provincial Grand Master, R. W. I-Ion. Alexander Keith. R. W. James Forman, Esq., Deputy Grand Master. iR. W. Lemuel J. Morton, Esq., Senior Grand Warden. R. W. Edgecumbe Chevalier, Esq., Junior Grand Warden. V.. Rev. J T. Twining, D. D., Grand Chaplain. V. W. Archibald Scott, Esq., Grand Treasurer. V. W. H. C. D. Twining, Esq., Grand Secretary. W. George Drillio, Esq., Senior Grand Deacon. W. John A. Sinclair, Esq., Junior Grand Deacon. W. Frederick H. Horneman, Grand Director of Ceremonies. W. Robert Benton, Grand Superintendent of Works. W- John B. Phillips, Grand Organist. W. Joseph Young, Grand Sword Bearer. W. Charles Stevens, Grand Standard Bearer. W. William Guy, Grand Pursuivant. W. John Shaw, Grand Tyler, pro tern. Allan J. Crowe, James Snelling, Constantine P. Carey, James Norwood, Francis J. Albro, John Allen, William S. Symonds, Committee of Charity. 504 tUNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. V. W. Rev. Dr. Twining, Past Master St. John's Lodge-CHAIRMAN, W. George Drillis, Post Master. St. Andrew's Lodge. William L. Muirson, Past Master Virgin Lodge. W. Robert Penton, Past Master Royal Standard Lodge. W. John R. Willis, Past Master Royal Sussex Lodge. W. Charles R. Morris, Past Master Union Lodge. PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE, of Nova Scotia, under Jurisdiction of Grand Lodge of Scotland. R. W. Hon. Alexander Keith, Provincial Grand Master. R. W. E. J. Lcrdly, Deputy Grand Master. 1. IW. James Thompsou, Substitute Graud Master. R. NW. Thomas Short, Senior Grand Warden. R. NV. William Mfurray, Junior Grand Warden. R. W. Rev. James Wilson, Grand Chaplain. R. W. George Frazer, Grand Secretary. R. W. Alexander K. Doull, Grand Treasurer. R. W. William A. Warren, Senior Grand Deacon. R. W. John Shoefield, Junior Grand Deacon..I. W. Charles W. Ford, Grand Bible Bearer. R. W. James Wilson, Grand Architect. R. W. Levi Verge, Grand Director of Ceremonios. R. W. John Larkin, Grand Director of Music, R. NV. F. Traunweizer, Grand Jeweller. R. W. James Fortune, Grand Sword Bearer. R. W. Adolph Miersch, Grand Steward. R. W. F. B. Braun, Grand Steward. R. W. Samuel Wier, Grand Steward. R. W. T. V. Woolrich, Grand Steward. R. W. Frederick Allison, Grand Steward. R. W. William H. Scott, Grand Steward. R. W. William Costley, Grand Pursuivant. R. W. John Taylor, Grand Tyler. ST. JOHN'S LODGE, No. 187, R. E. Meets at Freemason's Hall Halifax, first Monday of every month. Chevalier, E., W. M. Twining, Vma., Sec. Forman, H.B, P. M. Scott, Peter A., S. W. Stewart, W. R., I. G. Forman, Rob't, P. M. Carey, C. P., J. NW. Taylor, John, Tyler, Scott, Arch'd, P. M. Linford, Jas., S. D. Twining, J. T., P. M. Gregor, Wm. E. Mills, Wm. W., J. D. Forman, Jas., P. M. Grassie, George R. Forman, Jas., Treas. Twining, H. C D., P. M,, Wilkieson, George Ho XOVA SCOTIA, 505 Rynd, McKay, Miles, W. W. Romans, Robert J. Young, John E. Saunders, Daniel, Henry, Wm. A. Hay, Graham, Kerr, Robert E. Lynes, Samuel P. Home, Robert, Campbell, H. J. F. Estrange, C. L, Moore, Stephen, Macartney, Arth. S. Hall, Macdonald, VIRGIN LODGE, No, 558, R. E. Meets at Freemason's Hall, Halifaxs on the fourth Monday of each month. A. D. 1858. A. L. 5858. Twining, Win., W. M. Marshall, John J. Troop, George J. Sinclair, John A., S. W, Seaman,illiam C ley, William,earnley Willia Symonds, Wm. S., J. W. Raynes, Edward V. McNab, John H. Cornelius, Julius, S. D. Chearnley, John, Murison, Jas. D. Philpot, Fredk., J. D. Archibald, P. S. Twining, J. T, Albrio, Francis J., Sec. Twining, E. C. Thomson, James, Morton, Lemuel J., Treas. Harris, T. W. Richardson, Geo. Wr Chearnley, John, I. G. Beck, W J. Sheriff, John, Taylor, John, Tyler, Brown, Robert, Brown, John A. Keith, Hon. A., P. G. M. Newman, H. Philpot, Frederick, Morton, L. J., P. M. Forrester, Thos. M. Roome, Richard T. Muirson, W. L., P. M. Oxley, Jas. B. Bulger, Richard, Hesson, Wm. A., P. M. ATHOLE LODGE, NO. 361. Meets at Freemasons' Hall, Halifax, N. S~ Tapper, T. W., W. M. Richardson, John, Keith, Jr., Alexander, Short, Thos., P.. Rudolf, C. E. Creed, John R. Woolrich, S. V., S. W. Noble, Robert G. McCulloch, John, Wilson, Jr., Jas., J. W. Landenber, Albert, Hughep, John, Lordly, E. J., P. M., Tr. Wallace, James, Nicholls, George, Warren, Wim. A., Sec. Roy, Charles, Lyle, Charles W. Smith, James, S. D. Kudolf, Edwin, Rudolf, J. G. Graham, James, J. D. Armstrong, William, Weir, Samuel, White, James, I. G. Major, Charles D. Cameron, H. Taylor, J., Tyler. Myles, James, Hesslein, HIenry, Fraser, George, P. NI. Hurst, Henry, Graham, James, Forman, Samuel, Narestroupe, Wm. Drake, John, Smith, Wnm. BSchmidt, W. H. McLeod, James, Cameron, Hugh, Wells, George, P. M. Neville, Michael, Smith, A. K. Robinson, J. N., P. M. Dugan, Patrick, Ellinger, Daniel, Verge, Levi H. Shaw, Thos. Boris, P. J. Tizard, Thos. I-., P. M. McGrath, W. W, Cunningham, John, Hagan, Foster, Delancy, Thomas, Robinson, Wim. Davis, Hugh, P M. Philip, John H. Attwood, Jeremiah, MJartin, Wm. L., P. M. Newall, Thomas, 506 UNIVERSAL MASQNIC RECORD. Ham, James, Williams Arthur, P. M. Auld, H. W. Nichols, F. H. Lilley, Edward, P. M. KEITI- LODGE, No. 365, R. S. Meets at Freemasons' Hall, Halifax. Smellie,Wm. B., W. M. Grigor, J. H. Wilson, Rev. James, Thompson, James, P. M. Lindsay, Chas. G-., P. M. Sutcliffe, E. W. Schoefield, John, D. M. Knowlan, George E. Wetherby, Henry, Scott, WVm. H., S. M. McNutt, David, Short, Thomas, Johnston, J. W. K., McLeod, Isaac, Jacobs, Joseph, S. W. Vaux, Cuthbert C.. Donnell, W. D. O. Wilson, William, J. W. Bentley, Thomas, Burns, Adam, Warren, Wim. A., Sec. Doull, Alexander K. Elliott, Charles, Grant, Wm., Jr., Tr. Kerr, Daniel, Parker, James, Allison, Frederick, S. D.Ness, Alexander, Burnaby, William T. Richardson, John, Jr., Jones, Walter, Caldwell, John T. J. D. Foot, Thomas, Bauld, Robert, Costley, William, I. G. Ritchie, Norman J. Hewitt, Charles E. Taylor, John, Tyler, Wood, James, McHeffey, Edward P. Fay, John B., P. M. McQueen, Duncan, Wilson, Jr., James, Nicholson, Simon, Taylor, Leo, Banks, Benjamin N. Grigor, Wm. E, P. M. Pierce, Charles, McDougall, L. Murray, WMm., P. M. Cochrane, Fitzgerald, Strong, John, Thompson, James,P. M. Payne, George, Vaux, Horatio R. Locke, John, Allen, Edmund S. Allison, Augustus, Ross, Peter, Trider, John G. Marshall, Henry John. Forsythe, Alexander, Campbell, John B. Davies, William H. Wier, Fred. 0. Miller, John, Esson, William. Mackinlay, Andrew K. N EW-GRANADA. Ladley, George H., Operative Master Mason, Aspinwall. St. John's 115, Pa; Columbia chap., 91, Pa. WEST INDIES-ENGLAND-SCOTLAND. 507 WEST IN DIES. Hosford, Paul, Commission Merchant, St. John's, Antigua. Sec. St. John's, 723, E. R. ENGLAND Martin, P., Shipping Merchant, Liverpool. Downshire, 864; Woolton* chap., 245. Forsyth, Wm., Second Officer Steamship Persia, 39 Stirling st., Kirkdale, Liverpool, Eng. Derby, 1026 Ferguson, James, Second Officer Sleamship Africa, 36 Augustus St., Liverpool, Eng. Hiram, 17, New Jersey, U. S. Morfel, Peter J., Joiner Steamship Persia, 1 Pritten st. Mount Pleasant, Liverpool; Enterprise, 48, Jersey City. Ball, W. R., Chief Cook, Steamship Persia, 5 Anderson st., Great Bloomer. Merchant, 294, Liverpool, Eng. SCOTLANDe Mackinnon, Peter, Ship Joiner, Carnbroe Iron Works, Glasgow, Scote land. Northern'lodge; St. James', 177; J. W. St. John's, 166; Northern chap. St. Andrew's, 69; Standard Bearer, 78. PIBLISHED IN TWO VOLUtES OF 768 PAGES EACH. Price Four Dollars per Volume, neatly bound in Cloth. This Library is not only the cheapest, but comprises the best collection of Masonic worsl published. Some of the books contained in this publication are not to be found in any other Library. The AMasonic Library contains the following valuable works:VOLT.xtnIJII I.THE ANTIQUITIES OF FREEMASONRY, ANDERSON'S CONSTITUTIONS, HISTORY, &., Embracing the entire work as published by the Grand Lodge of England in 1723, the first reprint of:that work since 1734.:tDLLySTRAT0Q$ ^^ FR@BeRMA$QN RQs: A most important work, without which no Masonic Library is complete, and is a prerequaiite to a complete knowledge of our mysteries. "ZSTORY OFP FRIStE ASON1VY, Containing an elaborate history of the Craft in England. BOOK of the LODGE, lANT'S POCKET COMPANION, SANDY'S HISTORY of FREEMASONRY.'VC0TLT4'U3:0 II. DERIOTT'S AHIIAN REZON, With lithographic plate of the "Arms" of the operative and of the speculative Masons, published in 1764, and not published in any other Library. SYXlVBO1IC DICTIONAkR OF FREEMAS(ONBRY MISlTO E OF O INITIATION, In which the mysteries of initiation into all the mystic orders of the ancient nations are revealed and compared..A._,LIWELL'S,AmCIE)3NTT PO:E23:, Supposed to have been written no later than the fourteenth century. CONSTITUTIONS OF FREEMASONRY, 1738 edition. This work, in a historical point of view, is of the highest value. There is a mystery involved in the Charges which differ from the 1723 edition. This work is not published in any other Library. ag' tIftutiou o2f fuX0r (5rad gody f of'otXaud' Each volume is complete in itself. Address, LEOY HYENiMAN, Publisher, XIasonic Mirror and Keystone Office, 146 South 4th-St., Philadelphia, Pa. G LA Z I ER'S D I A M 0 N D S. J. H. ADAMS, IMPORTER OF DIAM:O:ND SPAKS, AND MANUFACTURER OF GLAZIErS' PATENT: DIAMONDS, LEAD VICES AND CIRCLE CUTTING MACHINES, SO NASSAU-STREET, NEW-YORK. Diamonds Reset and Warranted. Pencil Writing and Ruling Points made to orders All Goods warranted from this establishment. EAsIAS, ANlERS, SEWEI.: THE MORMO BIBLE, Oo., 400 pages, Cloth, Price, $125. - G LJ3 w-B'VT BCa 7 The book itself, separate from the peculiar interest which attaches to it, on account of the 9idg u^~tl fwti:!-.AW -:important part it has performed, and is now ^^1^ i^W lUTk lX performing in the history of the present cen*^ ~^, -~ -.... tury, will be found interesting tol most readers, No.is23 GIRANDl -ST., for its terse language,.original ideas, and the many moral lessons inculcated by its pages." — Bet. Forsyth and Eldridge Sts., NEW-YORK;.:New-York Sun. I..: Copies sent by mail, post paid, on reKeeps always on hadandca hasre snd ih aortment: ceipt of the price. of Regalias fo~r F. A. iL,.1 0.. 0. F.,,., I JAMES 0. WRIGHT & CO., Publishers, R. A., P. 6.,: and Rebecca Regalias,'Robes, ES 0 WRi T, Publishers'': etc. tc..;. -..; 377 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK. etc * A *;.,, et.. -........ RICHARD: B.- C-OWLEY, HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE. RICHARD BIT COWLEF, t N IMPORTERS OF, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN, No. 3~ DIVISION-ST., T AEA T R A Y S, SILVER PLATED WARE, Cor. of CatharineSt., 3d Floor, NEW-YORK.. i LVER, PLATED WA ERE, FIRE IRONS, TABLE CltTLERY, ENG ISl..DOOR MATS, HOLLOW WARE, HAMMasonic, I. O. of 0. F., Sons-of Temperance, MOKS, &c. MANUFACTURERS OF Knight Templars, P. Masters Jewels, Key- JAPANNED TOILET SETS, PLANstones, ~c., from new patterns and dies, ISHED TIN WARE & WATER made to order and constantly on hand. COOLERS. All orders promptly attended to. 56 Maiden Lane, & 25 & 27 Liberty-St., N. Y.:K t:E<:;R~~Ex3NKS it) W ~'KE & WEIn RgRE $ERv FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF. BOOK, NEWSPAPER, CARD, AND SALAMANDER SAFE WORKS. No. 19. ANN-ST., NEW-YORK. s. PATENT- P articularattention giventoMASONIC PRINTING of every T~A-n -BodktLadea description, such as By.Laws, Proposition Books, Order Books, l 5i; ron P Bedsteadsq Treasurer's, Secretary's and Member's Receipt Books; Blank l flMBI I f a.IS O Petitions, Receipts, Notices of Meetings, Election and Arrear- lll ~*IIL'llB l'''AND ALL RINDS OF agesfor Dues, Ode Cards, c&., &c., &c. l 1 l ORNAv M^ENTAL IATRO Also, constant l on hand, Grand Lodge Registers, 75 cents; I f i lOR-NAXt TAL I Chapter Visiting Books; Lodge Visiting Books; Petitions (in Fl URNITURE, very neat circular form,) 75 cents per 100. _I D! FU RNITU REt y rcMessrs. P. & W. would respectfully call the attention of " e _AI1slso, Wrought a^nd Cast Lodges to the fact, that they ave stereotyped the Constitution of the M. W. Grand Lodge of the State of New.York, with all'~.' — -~- - Iron Railnass the latest amendments, in a handsomer and more convenient form than it has hitherto been done in this city, which they 650 LEWIS-ST., NEW-YORK. are prepared to print, with By-Laws, at prices which defy competition.-All orders by mail promptly attended to. C~ _ LITTNACHT'S I AMEBRIC AN P3UMP. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF ^g tX,1: fiSr t lgogpl~ll tca l^, This Pump, patented April 5th, 1859, is now in successful operation-by hand, in all depths under 16 & 18 SPRING-ST., BET. MOTT & ELIZABETH STS., 100 feet. It has neither packing, suction, guide NE FW-YORK. rods, or pullies; simple, cheap, durable; forces water to great heights and distances; will not rust., - -- or freeze; not liable to get out of order; throws ouly kind of Safes manufactured at the shortese notice, with water 40 feet by hose; discharges at various points PATENT POWDER PROOF LOCK. and elevations; works by hand, and any kind of These under my special eontrol manufactured, power, raising from 5 to 60 gallons per minute, {ij!!ir j Fire and Burglar Proof Eagle Safes can. according to speed and size. 11S f.l not be surpassed by any others, neither in neatness lL EIof style,: nor durability of heat. —Being myself a from to ^^0* ll lpractical mechanic I am enabled to sellmy Safes.20 Prces, from $18 to $%' ~ per cent. lower than any other house, with unimpeachable gu~~~aranty. [fSA, Puamp always to be seen in the City and This Sae is guarranteed to be one of the best invented, vicinity. Al Pumps warranted. which has taken a prize at the Crystal Palace. large asortment o he ove Sa, of al sae, a JAMES o EDE, Sole Proprietor# hd ALO FAMIAlY PLATE SAVFER 14T CHAMBER&ST.9 W. Y, .:...JA. PHOENIX LOOKING-GLASS AND PICTURE-FRAME MANUFACTORY, 221 EAST 22d-STREET, NEW-YO~RK, EO4R.M:EXIERLY- 888, 390 ANTD 3 GE NWT ICE:-STA large assortment of every description of Looking-Glasses and Picture-Frames always on hand Country orders solicited. Goods carefully packed and shipped to any part of the United States or Canadas. H. V. SIGLER, AGENT. WILLIAM M. PRICE, Successor to WILLIAM H. MILNOR, 4 24 (late 384) BROADWAYi N. Y. Having purchased the entire interest of William H. Milnor, successor to John W. Leonard & Co., in the American Masonic Agency, established by the latter firm, for the manufacture of Regalia, Jewels, and Jewelry of all descriptions, required for Lodges, Chapters, and Encampments, I would inform my friends, and the Masonic fraternity ingeneral, that I shall continue the same with increased facilities, in all its branches; and as none but the best workmen are employed, they may rely upon a faithful execution of all orders I may be favored with. In addition to the I KEEP A CONSTANT SUPPLY OF ALL THE VEA.SOQNIO PUBLICATIO1NS of the day, among which are to be found the reprints of all the works of Oliver, Mackey's Lexicon, Mackey's Principles of Masonic Jurisprudence, Morris' Masonic Library, and the largest assortment of MASONIC CHARTS, CARPETS, DIPLOMAS, &c., IN THE UNITED STATES. CATALOGUES AND PRICE LISTS SENT FREE. I n' In all cases CASH must accompany the order, and all letters should be plainly addressed to WILLIAM M. PRICE, VIRGIL PRICE. t 44 Brodway.. DANIEL SICKELS. odw MASONIC M IlROR iNAD KEYSTONE, DEVOTED TO THE DIFFUSION OF MASONIC INTELLIGENCE, GENERAL. LITERATURE, THE FINE ARTS, &c., &c. It contains twelve quarto pages, printed on fine white paper, in beautiful new type. Its pages embrace MASONIC INTELLIGENCE from all parts of the world in advance of any other Masonic periodical. MASONIC HISTORY, MASONIC JURISPRUDENCE, MASONIC SYMBOLISM, MASONIC MISCELLANY, &c., &c. Its Literary Department consists of The Masonic Mirror and Keystone has, since its establishment in 1851, received the commendation and support of the brightest Masonic lights on this Continent. Among those who have recommended it to the Craft are the following: PETER WILLIIISOI, P. G. H., Pa., WMI. BARGER, P. G. I., Pa.,.JOlt L. LEWIS, Jr.,. m.,. Y.., JAIMES HUTCHINSON, P.. H., Pa.e B. B. FRECIH, P. G. MI., D. of e., J. D. EVAWS, P. G. HM, New-York, Hon. E. B. llIES, P. G. IM, ll i EDWARD STEWAIRT, P. 0. 1., i. J., W. B. HUBBARD, P. G. m., Ohio, ALBERT PISE, P.. H. E P., Ark., W. H. HILNORP, P. G. HM., ew-York, CHIAS. WEBB, 0. IH., Mlaryland, A. T. C. PIERSOT,.,, Miliaa. J. S. PERRY, P. G. H. P., New-York. It is published in form for binding, and will each year comprise a volume of SIX HUNDRED AND TWENTY FOUR QUARTO PAGES, of the most valuable Masonic Literature, useful to the Craft generally, and necessary to the Masonic student for reference. The highest encomiums have been passed upon this Journal by the Press throughout the country. T EB MEV S The Masonic Mirror and Keystone is published every Wednesday, at $2.00 per annum, in advance. Specimen copies sent on application. Address, LEON HYEMIN, Puablisher, No. 146 South 4th-St., Philadelphia, Pa, CELEBRATED GERMA N B TTERS PREPARED BY DIX.. 0 1M. J,.OISOQLT cS: 00., PHILADELPHIA, WVILL EFFECTUALLY CURE Liver Complaint, laundice, Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Chronic or ervois Debility, Chronic Diarrhoea, Disease of the lidneys, and all Diseases arising from a disorded Liver, Stomach, or itestines. SUCH AS Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart-burn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficilt Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart. Choking or Sffocatingn Sensations when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Blight, Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, limbs,,., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits. It is not now an untried article, but one that has stood the test of a ten years' trial before the American people, and its reputation and sale are unrivaled by any similar preparation extant. The testimony in its favor given by prominent and well-known Physicians and individuals, in all parts of the country is immense. THEY ARE ENTIRELY VEGETABLE,, And free from Alcoholic Stimulant, and all injurious ingredients; are pleasant in taste and smell, mild in their operation, will expel all morbid secretions from the body, give bloom to the pallid cheek, and health and vigor to the frame. ERSONS ADVA NCED IN LIFE, And feeling the hand of time weighing heavily upon them, with all its attendant ills, will find in these Bitters an Elixir that will instil new life into their loins; restore, in a measure, the energy and ardor of more youthful days; build up their shrunken forms, and give health and happiness to their remaining years. It is a well established fact, that fully one-half of the female portion of our population are seldom in the enjoyment of good health, or, to use their own expression, " never feel well." They are languid, devoid of all energy, extremely nervous, and have no appetite. To this class of insalids these Bitters are especially recommsended. Their peculiar tonic and invigorating properties render them invaluable in sich cases. The patient should immediately discard all Pills and Powders, as they only weaken the system, and resort to the use of the Bitters, the invariable result of which will be a strong and hearty constitution, a disappearance of all nervousness, a good appetite, and a perfect restoration of health. WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Are made strong by using these Bitters. In fact, they are a Family Medicine: they can be administered with perfect safety to a child three months old, the most delicate female, or a man o, ninety. Persons visiting districts harassed annually with FEVER AND AGUE, or ANY FEVER OF A BILIOUS NATURE, will find that, by the timely use of one or two bottles, they will not in any instance take the disease, as the Bitters will renovate and strengthen the system, and carry the bile off in its natural channel. Prevention is better than cure.. Price 75 cents per bottle. HOUFLAND S BALtAI C C ORDIAL Will positively cure Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Croup, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Disease of the Bowels arising from cold, Incipient Consumption, and for the relief and (if at all possible) cure of Patients in advance stages of the latter diseases. Price 75 cents per bottle. HO%0FLA ND'S CGERB A N PILL, This Pill being well known throughout Europe and America, needs no commendation here. It is purely Vegetable, and may be relied on where a Cathartic Pill is required. They are prepared with great exactness, and are thoroughly coated with sugar. These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKsoN & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., and are sold by druggists and dealers in medicines everywhere. The signature of C. M. JACKsoN will be on the outside of each bottle or box. In our " Everybody's Almanac," published annually, you will find testimony and commendatory notices from all parts of the country. These Almanacs are given away by all our agents. AURO-PLASTIC MASTICATORS. The AURO-PLASTIC MASTICATOR of DR, B. F. SMITH, DENTIST, is simply a vulcanite grinder, supplying the place of the natural jaw teeth, to be used during the process of eating. It is simple, convenient, cheap, easily adjusted, and performs its work thoroughly, and may be applied in almost every mouth. The narrow vulcanite plate is invaluable to public speakers, as it obviates the necessity of wearing the large metal plate covering the roof of the mouth, which so injuriously affects the sense of taste and interferes with a perfect articulation. These plates are lighter, stronger, and more cleanly than the best WIDE METAL PLATES; adhering firmly to the gums, without the disagreeable necessity of constantly exhausting the air. The galvanic action from metal plates, which frequently causes nervous irritation, is entirely avoided, DRS. WARREN and STONE, of New-Orleans, COL. PIERPONT, and the editor of the "R usk Enquirer," MR. YEOMANS, of Texas, JUDGE GRIFFIN, of Mississippi, and DR. FRANKLIN, of New York, bear testimony to the perfection and durability of the Masticator. PAST G. MASTERS MITCHELL, of Missouri, and MILNOR of New-York, endorse, from personal knowledge and experience, the value of this invention. Dr, SMITH'S DENTAL OFFICES are at No. 10 Baronne-St., New-Orleans, and No. 19 Bond-St., New-York. 102 ITAJSSA.TY-ST., CORNER OF ANN-STREET, UP STAIRS, ALL KINDS OF CARPETS, DEGREE PLATES, AND MAP QF KENQ SQLQMONvS TEMPLE. CJLOTHING, &c., &c. Chapters, Blue Lodges, Encampments, BOOKS, SEALS, A.LTD 3 EVERy' ~ARTICL3E'USED A.BOTUr' IOD-GES, a:CHAPTIERS, s&c. MARKS AND ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY ELEAZER. AYRES, MANUFACTURER OF JEWELRY, 10Q NASSAU-STREET. ^ %bJAMES J. A:ALIATORTH & C, WAREHOUSE, 18 DEVONSHIRE-STREET, BOSTON, MANUFACTORY, MAIN-STREET, CAMBRIDGEPORT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN W RO'U H IRO" M"eL eD 0T BES AND FITTINGS FOR STEAM, GAS AND WATER. GALVANIZED IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS FOR WATER. iALLEABLE IRON GAS FITTINGS Of improved pattern, made by new Patent Machines, at greatly reduced prices. Lap-welded Boiler Flues, Tubular and other Steam-Boilers, Force Pumps, Safety Valves, Tubular Heaters, Steam Gauges, Glue Heaters, Paste Kettles, Screw Plates, and other Tools for Steam and Gas Fitters, Brass and Iron Valves and Cocks. Particular attention given to WARMING and VENTILATING BUILDINGS by STEAM AND HOT WATER, and to the construction of SMALL COAL GAS WORKS, suitable for Public Buildings, Mills, and other Manufacturing Establishments. INPORTER OF (ELEPHANT BUILDING,)