CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. - ORGANIZATION. Section 1. The name and style of the Grand Chapter is, "The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Michigan." Section 2. The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Michigan shall consist of a Grand High Priest, a Deputy Grand High Priest, a Grand King, Grand Scribe, a Grand Secretary, a Grand Treasurer, a Grand Chaplain, a Grand Captain of the Hosts, a Grand Royal Arch Captain, a Grand Lecturer, and the Past Grand High Priest, Past Deputy Grand High Priest, Past Grand King and Past Grand. Scribe; together with the High Priests, Kings and Scribes, they forming the Grand Councils of the several Subordinate Chapters within the State of Michigan, or their Proxies duly empowered, and all Past High Priests who are members of Subordinate Chapters and who have presided one year over a Chapter in this State. Section 3. The Grand Chapter shall not be opened, unless there be present a representation from a majority of the Subordinate Cliapters. Section 4. The Annual Convocations of the Grand Chapter shall be held at Detroit, on the Mondaj preceding the second Wednesday in January of each year, at six o'clock in the afternoon, at which Convocation the Grand Officers are elected *and installed. Special Convocations may be called by the Grand High Priest, whenever in his judgment the interest of the Craft may require. Section 5. The Officers.of the Grand Chapter to be elected by ballot, are the first ten specified in Section Two of this Article. They hold their offices till the next Annual Convocation, and until their successors are elected and installed. Section 6. The Grand High Priest, Grand King, and Grand Scribe compose the Grand Council. In case of the absence, death or inability of the Grand High Priest, the Deputy Grand High Priest succeeds him in the performaace of his duties, and becomes a member of the Grand Council. Section 7. The Grand High Priest appoints a Grand Principal Sojourner, three Grand Masters of the Vails, Two Grand Stewards, and a Grand Sentinel, as occasion may require. ARTICLE II. - CREDENTIALS. Section 1. The credentials of a Companion acting as Proxy for a High Priest,-.King, or Scribe, are substantially as follows: 2 CONSTITUTION. I, --, High Priest, (or King or Scribe,) of Chapter, Number -, do by these presents constitute and appoint my beloved Companion, -- my Proxy, to represent me in the Grand Chapter at the next Convocation. Given under my hand at, this - day of Higk Priest. Such appointment must be verified by the seal of the Chapter, and attested by the Secretary. Section 2. In case of the death or absence of any of the said officers of any Chapter, it may authorise one of its members to represent such officer, by a resolution reciting such death or absence, certified by the Secretary, under the seal of the Chapter. Section 3. Chapters in the Upper Peninsula, or their officers, may appoint as a proxy or representative, a member of any other Chapter. ARTICLE III.-QUALIFICATIONS OF GRAND OFFICERS. Section 1. The Grand Officers are chosen from the members of the Subordinate Chapters; but no companion is eligible to an office of higher rank than he may have attained in his Chapter. Section 2. Any Grand Officer, who shall, during the term for which he was chosen, remove from this State, or cease to be a member of any subordinate Chapter therein, thereby vacates his office. Section 3. The Grand High Priest has power to fill vacancies that may occur in the offices of the Grand Chapter, by appointment under his hand and the seal of the Grand Chapter, attested by the Grand Secretary. Section 4. Each member of the Grand Chapter is entitled to one vote, and each Subordinate Chapter represented to three votes, to be cast by the representatives of the Chapter present. But no member votes in more than one capacity, nor as representative of more than one Chapter except his own. ARTICLE IV.-THE POWERS OF THE GRAND CHAPTER, AND THE DUTIES OF ITS OFFICERS. Section 1. This Grand Chapter is the highest source of authority in Capitular Masonry in this Jurisdiction, subject to the ancient landmarks, and to the Constitution of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for the United States of America. As such it has the government and control of all Chapters, and Lodges of Mark Master, Past Master, and Most Excellent Master Masons, within the State of Michigan. It grants charters, warrants and dispensations for constituting Chapters of Royal Arch Masons, and, when expedient, arrests, revokes and annuls the same. It makes, alters, and repeals at pleasure, laws for its government, and for the government and control of its own members. COXSTITUTION. 3 Section 2. The mode of creating new Chapters is as follows: 1. A petition in due form is signed by at least nine regular Royal Arch Masons, praying for a charter. 2. Such petition must have the recommendation of the Chapter nearest the place where the new Chapter is proposed to be located, certifying under its seal, attested by the Secretary, that the petitioners are all Royal Arch Masons in good standing, and of good moral character. 3. On the presentation of these papers to the Grand Chapter, it grants a charter, in its discretion. Section 3. On presenting such papers, in the recess of the Grand Chapter to the Grand High Priest, or, in the proper case, to the Deputy Grand High Priest, he may grant a dispensation, having effect until the next Convocation of the Grand Chapter. Section 4. The sum of one hundred dollars must be paid on application for a Charter or dispensation for a Chapter. In case a charter is refused by the Grand Chapter after a dispensation is granted, ninety dollars of said money is to be returned. Section 5. At the ensuing Convocation of the Grand Chapter, the officer granting the dispensation reports the facts to the Grand Chapter with all the documents relating thereto. It is the duty of the Chapter acting under a dispensation to return the same, and to submit at the same Convocation a certified copy of its ByLaws and record of proceedings. The Grand Chapter, on consideration of the matter, if deemed expedient, grants a Charter, or continues the dispensation. Section 6. On the grant of a Charter for a new Chapter, the membership of the Companions composing it, ceases in the Chapter to which they had belonged. Section 7. No dispensation or charter is granted for instituting Lodges of Mark Masters, Past Masters or Most Excellent Masters, independent of a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons. ARTICLE V.-SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS. THEIR ORGANIZATION. Section 1. A Royal Arch Chapter consists of a High Priest, King, Scribe, Captain of the Host, Principal Sojourner, Royal Arch. Captain, three Grand Masters of the Vails, Treasurer, Secretary and Sentinel. No Chapter shall be opened unless there be present nine regular Royal Arch Masons. Section 2. The election of officers is by ballot, and takes place on the regular meeting next preceding the festival of St. John the Evangelist, in each year, except in the following cases: 1. The Chapters in the Upper Peninsula may hold their election 4 - CONSTITUTION. in the month of November. 2. New Chapters may elect their officers as soon as practicable after receiving their charters. Section 3. The officers of all but newly-chartered Chapters may be installed by any present or past High Priest, and said officers shall be installed before any other business can be done. Section 4. New Chapters are duly constituted, and. the officers duly installed, by the Grand High Priest, or his Proxy, being a Present or Past High Priest, before any other business can be done. DUES TO THE GRAND CHAPTER. Section 5. Each subordinate Chapter shall pay to the Grand Chapter the following sums, to wit: For each Companion exalted,........... $2 00 For each member annually,............ 50 The dues for degrees and membership shall accompany the annual returns to the Grand Chapter, and no Chapter shall have a vote till such dues are paid. Section 6. Any Chapter neglecting for one year to make due payments, without good cause shown to the satisfaction of the Grand Chapter, shall be punished by the arrest of its Charter, to be restored only on the payment of the dues, and satisfactory reasons given for such non-payment. DUES TO SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS. Section 7. Every member of a Subordinate Chapter neglecting to pay his dues more than one year, unless excused by a vote of the Chapter, may upon due trial be punished by suspension; and a member so neglecting three years or more, shall be liable to expulsion, to be restored only on payment -of his dues, and by a two-thirds vote of the Chapter in case of suspension, and by a unanimous vote in case of expulsion. FEES FOR DEGREES. Section 8. The fees for the Chapter Degrees shall not be less than twenty-one dollars, and must be paid before the degrees are conferred, except in the case of clergymen, who may, by a twothirds vote of the Chapter, be admitted without fees, but subject to the payment of all' Grand Chapter dues. CONVSTITUTION. 5 SEAL. Section 9. Every Chapter shall have a seal, with the name and number thereof engraved thereon, an impression of which shall be deposited with the Grand Secretary. MEMBERS MUST HAVE RECEIVED THE INTERMEDIATE DEGREES. Section 10. No one is to be admitted a member or visitor, unless he shall have regularly received the Degrees of Mark Master, Past Master and Most Excellent Master. CHAPVER CONVOCATIONS. Section 11. Every Chapter shall meet at least once in three months. Any one failing to do so is enjoined to report the fact forthwith to the Grand Secretary, and is subject to reprimand by the Grand High Priest. A Chapter failing to open for one year forfeits its Charter thereby, to be restored by the Grand Chapter only on sufficient excuse, and a promise to work diligently OBLIGATION OF OFFICERS AND MEMBERS. Section 12. All officers, before entering upon.their duties, and all members of Chapters, on admission, shall take the following obligation: "I,, do solemnly promise that I will support and maintain the Constitution of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Michigan, and that of the General Grand Chapter of the United States of America." THE POWER OF DISCIPLINE. Section 13. Subordinate Chapters have the power of discipline of their own members, and of all Royal Arch Masons residing in their jurisdiction.. They may, for cause shown, punish by1. Reprimand. 2. Suspension; and, 3. Expulsion. On appeal to the Grand Chapter, the Secretary shall transmit to the Grand Secretary a copy of the charges and of all the proceedings. The Grand Chapter, on review of the matter, may order a new trial, confirm the sentence, reverse it, modify it, or restore the appellant to the privileges of Masonry. ARTICLE VI. -PETITIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS OF CANDIDATES. Section 1. A candidate for the Chapter Degrees must have 6 CONSTITUTiON. resided six months within the jurisdiction of the Chapter where his petition is presented, except as hereinafter provided. Section 2. No petition shall be received for conferring the Chapter Degrees.until the applicant has been a Master M[ason three months, and made suitable proficiency.- Proceedings, p. 474 -5. Section 3. A petition in due form, recommended by two Companions, must' be presented at a regular Convocation, be referred to a Committee, and lie over till the next regular Convocation unless such time be dispensed with by the. Grand High Priest. Section 4. No Chapter shall confer any Degree upon any applicant residing beyond its jurisdiction, without the consent, by a two-thirds vote, of the Chapter nearest his residence, attested by its seal, and certified by its Secretary. Section 5. A candidate, having regularly received any of the Chapter Degrees, in one Chapter, may, with the written consent of its Grand Council, on removing to another jurisdiction, present there his petition for advancement. Section 6. A petition that may have been rejected by the Chapter having jurisdiction thereof, may, upon the recommendation, by a three-fourths vote, of such Chapter, and the consent of its Grand Council, be received and acted upon by any other Chapter. Section 7. After a petition has been rejected, no new petition shall be received from the applicant under six months, except in the case stated in the last preceding section. ARTICLE VII. -AMENDMENTS. Section 1. Amendments of this Constitution may be proposed, in writing, at any Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter, and shall lie on the table for consideration until the next Annual Convocation. If then adopted, by a vote of two-thirds of the members present, being a mojority of all the members of the Grand Chapter in attendance at such session, they thereby become a part of the Constitution of this Grand Chapter. BY-LAWS. Section 2. By Laws may be made, modified or annulled at any Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter, by a majority vote. BY-LAWS. I. Officers and members of the Grand Chapter must be clothed with their appropriate badges. —Rules of Order, 1. II. All officers who -have, by vote of the Grand Chapter, received jewels, are required to wear them during their attendance on the Grand Chapter. — Proceedings, p. 472. III. On the opening of the Grand Chapter, the Grand High Priest will appoint a Committee on Credentials. IV. On report of the Committee, and action thereon, the Grand High Priest appoints the following Standing Committees: 1. On the Returns of Subordinates. 2. On Dispensations and Charters. 3. On Finance and Accounts. 4. On Grievances. 5. On Masonic Jurisprudence. 6. On Foreign Correspondence. V. The Committee on Foreign Correspondence reports at the next ensuing Convocation of the Grand Chapter. Those on Grievances and Masonic Jurisprudence report during the session, and their powers continue till the next Annual Convocation when they make final reports. The duties of the other Committees terminate with the session of the Grand Chapter. VI. The Grand High Priest appoints all Special Committees of three. Larger Committees are appointed by the Grand Chapter. A list of the members is furnished by the Grand Secretary for the use of the Grand High Priest. —Rules of Order, 3. VII. No person shall be permitted to sit in this Grand Chapter, as a visitor, without unanimous consent. — Constitution, Art. 5, Sec. 11. VIII. The work on one or more of the Chapter Degrees shall be exemplified at each Grand Convocation. —Rules of Order, 10. IX. All resolutions shall be reduced to writing at the request of a member.- Rules of Order, 4. X. No member shall speak more than twice upon one subject without permission. —Rules of Order, 2. XI. Any member guilty of disorderly behavior is subject to reprimand by the Grand High Priest; and, by a majority vote, to 8 BY-LA WS. suspension from his seat; and by a two-thirds vote, to expulsion. ~Rules of Order, 5 and 9. XII. The Grand High -Priest, before granting a Dispensation for a new Chapter, must have satisfactory evidence that the proposed officers are duly qualified.- Edict, No. 4. XIII. It is the duty of the Grand High Priest to inspect, personally or by Proxy, all rooms used for Chapter work, and to prohibit the use of any not properly provided and protected. — Proceedings, p. 185. XIV. It is the duty of the Grand High Priest to examine the work of the Chapters, and to arrest the Charter of any Chapter willfully departing from the work adopted by the Grand Chapter. - Edict, Nio. 6. XV. On the dissolution of a Chapter, or the arrest of its Charter, its property and clothing become the property of the Grand Chapter. XVI. The Grand Officers, elected by ballot, the Past Grand High Priests, and two Representatives from each subordinate Chapter, arce entitled to such pay for attendance as may, from time to time, be ordered. SUBORDINATE CHAPTERS. XVII. Every regular Convocation of a subordinate Chapter must be duly closed. —Edict, No. 7. XVIII. All business is to be done only in the Chapter. XIX. NTo Chapter shall substitute candidates for the Royal Arch. Degree. Any violation of this rule subjects the Chapter to an arrest of its Charter. - Poceedings, p-) 188. XX. The Chapters shall hold to a strict account all members who may be guilty of intemperance or profane swearing. - Proceedings, 1860, p. 75. XXI. The publication and circulation, by sale or otherwise, of keys of the work, pertaining to the Chapter Degrees, is hereby strictly prohibited. Any violation of this rule shall subject the Companion so offending to suspension or expulsion, as a majority of the Grand Chapter may see fit to inflict. — Proceedings, p. 406. XXII. The Constitution and By-Laws of this Grand Chapter, and the Constitution of the General Grand Chapter, shall be read at least once a year in each Subordinate Chapter. XXIII. Subordinate Chapters may make By - Laws, after consideratoin of the same one month; and, on notice given at any regular Convocation, may modify or abolish any By-Law at the next regular Convocation, by a majority vote.