1869. -- - - - - - -- --- - ----- - - - - - - - -- - I Si 4UAEIS pENINS'UA LANSING: W. S. GEORGE & CO., STEAM BOOK AND JOB PRINTESg.', 1869. ~ ,, i 9 'I I a, - 2, b - J 2 BY- LAWS CitGA,N GSTATE 0 ERI()Si, [L. ,CH,-APTER I. OF THE BOARD OF CONTROL. ',TI, Im i. Two members shall be necessaryto form a quorua of the Board of Control for the transaetion of business. hn caseswhere a less number shall be in attendance, the meeting may be adjourned for the purpose of procuring the attendance of a sufficient number to form a quorum. SEc. 2 The Annual Meeting of the Board shall be held at the:State Reform School, on the third Wednesday of November, at nine o'clock in the forenoon. ;Sac. 3. The Board shall;also:meetonce in three months en their own adjournment, and as much oftener as a majority t6f ,he iBoad shall deem advisable. SEC. 4. Special meetings of the Board {may be called by the Chairman. SEC. 5. The officers of the Board of Control shall be a Chairman, Clerk, and Treasurer, who shall be severally elected at the annual meeting of the Board, and hold their offices for one.year, and,until others shall have been elected and qualified. ~c.,6. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Bid; but., in case of his absence, a Chairman may be ele(ted pro tern. 17. T. he Clerk shall keep accurate minutes of the transactions of the Board, in a book to be provided for that purpose, "OF-THS 4p BY-LAWS OF THE MICHIGAN to which the members of the Board shall have access at all reasonable times. SEC. 8. He shall record at full length, in a separate book, to be provided for that purpose, all the Regulations and By-Laws passed by the Board of Control, to which the members of the Board, and the officers of the State Reform School, shall have access at all reasonable times. 'SEC. 9. He shall file and preserve all papers'relating to appointments for office, and all other papers relating to the business of the Board, and shall allow the members of the Board to have access to them at all reasonable times. SEC. 10. The Treasurer shall have the charge of and be responsible for all moneys belonging to the Institution. SEc. 11. He shall keep a book in which all moneys which may come into his hands shall be debited, and in which shall be credited all moneys disbursed by him, which book shall, at all reasonable times, be open -to the inspection of the —members of the Board. SEc. 12. He shall execute, when required by the Board, his bond, with two sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Board, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties as Treasurer of the Institution, and for the payment to his successor of the balance which may be found in his hands at the expiration of his term of office. SEc. 13. The account of the Treasurer shall be audited by the Board at each annual meeting. CHAPTER II. OFFICERS. SECTION 1. The officers of the State Reform school shall be a Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent, Teachers, Matron, Assistant Matron, and Overseer of Family House, who shall hold their offices during the pleasure of the Board, and a Physician and Chaplain, who shall be appointed annually. SFc. 2. Such-officers shall be elected at an annual or stated meeting of the Board. 4 I - STATE REFORM SCHOOL. SEc. 3. The SSuperintendent may provide temporarily for such vacancies as may occur in the offices of the State Reform School. CHAPTER III. GENERAL DUTIES OF THE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYES. SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of all the officers of the State Reform School, except the Physician and Chaplain, to remain constantly in the Institution, and none of the subordinate officers shall leave it without permission from the Superintendent. SEC. 2. In case any officer or employe of the Institution shall be absent, or otherwise incapaciated to discharge the duties of his station, so that the Superintendent is obliged to procure a substitute, the expense of such substitute shall be deducted from the salary of such officer or employe. SEC. 3. No officer shall exchange duties with any other officer, or perform the duties of two offices, without the consent of the Superintendent and Board of Control. SEC. 4. All employes and foremen of the workshops, and those employed on the farm, shall commence their labors at 7 o'clock A. M. SEc. 5. It shall be the duty of all officers inflicting punishment to enter in the proper book, within twenty-four h,ours thereafter, the date, with the name and age of the offender, the nature of his offense, and the mode and measure of punishment. SEC. 6. Officers of the School shall assist in the recapture of fugitives; but when the boy absconding is not retaken immediately, further pursuit shall be made by an employe of the Reform School, or by a police officer. SEC. 7. All the subordinate officers, except the Physician and Chaplain, in addition to the duties of their respective offices, shall act as aids to the Superintendent in preserving order and quiet among the inmates, in guarding against escapes, and in maintaiuing the rules sand discipline of the Institution. They 5 I B6-r-,, 0 O TV- bQIL sheull also perform stch othlier services: ase shall bei,. e. of them, by, the. Superintendent. CHAPTER IV.. DUTIIM, O: — SPERN-TENDENT AND ASS!TArT S.UPEIRNTX-NDENT. SEcTIoN L The Superintendent shall have the general chage of theinterests. of the Institution, and shall conduct the c.Qrr pondence, preserving files of the letters received, and: copies' ofimnportant ones sent. SEc. 2 He shall enter, in books provided for that purpose, th name and age of every inmate, with a brief description: of h person, the time when he was received, the place from which hes was sent the offense for which he was committed, and. the timeo when: he was discharged; and, if apprenticed, the name and place of residence of the person to whom he was appre, ticd;. and in case of death, the time and cause of his death, tqether with such other facts relating to his history as he may think worthy of preservation. SE. 3. He shall: keep a journal, in which he shall record everything deemed worthy of notice, which journal shall iallw1 times be open to the inspection of the members of the Board of Control. Sa. 4. He shall prooure the necssary supplies for thi.Sta Reform School, under the direction of the Board of Control. SEc. 5. He shall; keep an accurate account of the current ex penses of the Institution, and all moneys received from con tractors-or others, for the services of the inmates, and shallpa over the same to the Treasurer. SEc. 6. He shall lay before the Board of Control all applica tions for boys, and the names of such as he thinks may ptoperly be discharged from the Institution. Smc. 7. He shall, at least once a day, visit all departments of the Institution, and shall see that the officers are prompt ad efficient in the discharge of their duties, and shall report to the Board of Control any deficiency in this respect. He shall en ST"& REPfORK. SOHOeL. :~o,. by,being present.,as: frequently as.may be, oR the-fa in te sehooalsroom and work-shops,.to encourage theTeah an,Overseers ia the discharge of their duties,.and, to an them in preserving good order, and in securing diligence onth.; part of the inmates. Sac. 8. The Assistant.Superintendent shall aid the Superiatendent, under his direction, in the discharge of his duties; and in case of his death, absence or inability, shall fill his place for the time being. SEc. 9. The Assistant Superintendent shall have charge of all rooms and cellats in which provisions, stores, and. general fiurn'ming articles, are,kept, anl all apartments used for- the stor - a of clothing, bedding, andimaterials for the-eame,;.adsl peraonally-'doliver,. at stated times every day, from the: store-o room, the articles that may be wanted for the Institution. CHAPTER V. DU RIES OF TEAOHERS. SECTION 1. There shall be a Principal Teacher, and such number of Assistant Teachers as the Board of Control shall' deem necessary, who shall instruct the inmates in such branches as. may be required. SEC. 2. The females shall not only instruct in their respective dexptments, but shall oversee the cleaning and'keeping in order the dormitories. SEC. 3. The Teachers shall take charge of the inmates at' all times when in the school-rooms, except when relieved or excased, and shall require them to be in their places-at the appointed time, unless they are absent by permission. They shall' also attend to the cleanliness and ventilation, and order of the school-rooms, and shall keep a record of the temperature of the same, which shall be kept at 60 degrees of Fahrenheit. 'SEC. 4. In conjunction with the Assistant Superintendent, they shall have the oversighit of the recreation of the boys; see that they go to bed, rise punctually upon the ringing of the bell in the morning, make their beds in a proper manner, attend to 7". BY-LAWS OF -THE MICHIGAN their morning washings, see that they are in their workshops at the appointed hours for labor, and also wait on visitors, and show them through the Institution, at the hours allotted for the same. SEc. 5. The principal Teacher shall act as Librarian, and keep a regular list of the maps and books of the Library, and make an annual report to the Board of Control. CHAPTER VI. SECIION 1. The Overseer of the Family House shall reside in and have charge of the same, and the inmates, oversee them in their labor, and instruct in such branches of education, under the direction of the Board of Control and Superintendent, as shall be deemed necessary. CHAPTER VII. SECTION 1. The Farmer, under the direction of the Board of Control and Superintendent, shall have general charge and management of the farm, garden, and buildings pertaining to the farm, and shall cultivate, harvest, and preserve su&i crops as they shall direct. SEc. 2. He shall be responsible for the safe keeping and propert treatment of all animals on the premises, except the horses, which are to be under the care and control of the Superintendent SEc. 3. He shall have charge of all tools and implements used on the farm and garden, and shall take care that they be preserved from injury and kept in their proper plaoes; and no person shall use or take them away without his permission; and when repairs of tools or implements are needed, he shall make known the facts to the Superintendent. SEO. 4. He shall make an annual provision for the growing and preservation of all the seeds which may be needed on the farm and garden. 8 STATE REFORM SCHOOL. SEC. 5. He shall be responsible for the safe return into the house of all the boys who may be employed by himon the farm. SE. 6. He shall keep an accurate account of all the crops raised on the premises, and make an annual report thereof, on the second Wednesday in November of each year. SEC. 7. He shall be employed at his appropriate duties ten hours a day. CHAPTER VIII. DUTIES OF PHYSICIAN AND CHAPLAIN. SECTION 1. The Physician shall visit the State Reform.School and inspect the inmates, with a view to ascertain the state of their health, at least once in two weeks, and shall make such suggestions to the Superintendent as he shall think needful, in regard to the regimen of the inmates, and the best methods of preventing disease; and he shall also keep a book, provided for the purpose, in which he shall enter a brief record of all cases of sickness requiring attention. SEC. 2. He shall attend promptly in all cases of sickness, and' shall repeat his visits as often as may be necessary; and he shall tale care that all the inmates be properly vaccinated as soon as received. SEC. 3. The Chaplain shall perform religious services at least once a day on the Sabbath, at-the State Reform School. SEC. 4. It shall be his duty to visit and converse with the inmates at least once in two weeks, especially in- dangerous illness, and to perform funeral services in case of death. CHAPTER IX. WATCHMAN. SECTIoN 1. A person to act as watchman may be employed by the Superintendent, and, under his direction, shall perform a regular patrol throughout and around the buildings, and shall go through the work-shops three times each night. 2 9. BY-LA,W OF' TH:- MICHIGA - Sic. 2 He. shail exert bisb utmost- diligencee to guard the buildings against fire;: and if fire is discovered, he,shall fo,-i with notify the Superintenden.t, but shall not give: a general alarm until so. ordered by,! the Superintendent. CHAPTERS X. DUTIES OF MATRON. SECTION 1. The Matron shall have the general supervision of the hospital, laundry, kitchen, dining room, and bakery, and shall see that the sick receive proper attention, and that the directions-of- the. Physician are strictly observed,. CHAPTER XI. THE- LIBRARY. SECTION 1. A Library of well selected books, maps, and perodicals,shall be kept at the Reform School, for the use of" the inmates; and the sum of twenty-five dollars shall be annually' appropriated for its maintenance. CHAPTER XIL. PROVISIONS OF A GENERAL NATURE. SC=ON lI. No spirituous or intoxicating drink.shallbe broght into the State Reform School, without permission from the, Superintendent. SC. 2. No-tobacco shall be furnished to the-inmates. SEc. 3. Sports and innocent amusements may be freely allowed among the inmates; but no species of gaming, either for amusement or otherwise, shall be permitted at the Stats Reform School. SEC. 4. Each inmate, on being discharged from the State Reform School, shall be furnished with a Bible or Testament. SEC. 5. No visitors shall be allowed to hold; any co-mmunication with the inmates or to address them, without,-. permission' from the Superintendent. la, StAtB RBIEBMT SOOL.-. SEc. 6. No inmate shall be permitted to; reeid any money or presents from any person whomsoever, except by consent of the Superintendent. SEC 7. Every inmate of the School will be required, when in health, to employ a portion of the hours in each day, except the Sabbath, in some department of manual labor; and when a boy has been placed in a particular department of labor, he shall, on no account, be detained from his appropriate work by any person, without an order to that effect from the Superintendent. SEC. 8. All persons employed in the Institution shall attend the religious services of the Sabbath, unless leave:of absence be granted by the Superintendent. SEC. 9. All persons employed in the service of the School, in whatever capacity, should feel it incumbent upon themselves to see that the rules and regulations of the School are strictly observed, and should report promptly to the Superintendent any failure therein. SEC. 10. No persons employed in the service of the Institution shall, at any time, absent themselves, without permission from the Superintendent; and in no case shall the Institution be left with less than four persons. SEC. 11. All persons employed in the service of the School shall be required to rise at the ringing of the morning bell unless disabled by sickness. SEC. 12. All sheets, pillow cases, towels, table covers, &c., shall be marked "Reform School," with indelible ink. SEC. 13. No light, except it be contained in a lantern, and no fire, unless it be contained in a covered fire-pan, shall be carried into any of the work-shops, dormitories, cellars, boilerroom, or any of the outbuildings. SEC. 14. No boy shall be taken from the school-room during school hours, except by the special order of the Superintendent. SEC. 15. Visitors to the Institution will be shown through the establishment on any day of the week, except the Sabbath, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 4 P. M. 'Ill. BY-LAWS'?i THE MICHIGAN SEC.' 16. Divine service WiU be held at the Chapel of the Reform School every Sabbath afternoon, at 21 o'clock. SEC. 17. The time for rising, for school, for refreshment, for recreation, and for sleep,. during the several months of the year, shall be as stated in the annexed table. 12 I., : *..,.. *.... O ~~~~~~~~....: * - * *..... * *..... *. ... ~. -.. *... * *....... . *.. ~.... e..!.... *~~~~~~~ e~ Time for Rising. Time for Break fast. Time for School Time for Work. Time for Dinner Time for Work. 0, - Time for Supper. I 9i 0 M 04 a 0 0 M1 . K- *, K -. &. 0..N.