[Doe. No. 6.] Ti CoiTveuLion to Revise the Constittion, 1850. Articles of the Constitution, as referred to the Comrmittee on A'rangement and Phraseology. ARTICLE Bill of Rigits. ~ 1. All political power is inherent in the people. 2. Government is instituted for the protection, security and besn efit of the people; and they have the right at all times to' alter or re-, form the same, and to abolish one form of governmenptand establish an~other, whenever the public -good requires it. 3. Jo mnan or set of men are o.ntitled to exclusive or separate privileges. ~ 4. Every person llas a right to worship Almighty God accord.ing to the dictates of his own conscience; and no person can of rilght be compelled to attend, erect, or supporc, against his will, any place of religious worship, or pay any tithes, taxes, or other rates, for the support of any minister of the gospel, or teacher of religion. ~ 5. No money shall'be drawn from the treasury for the benefit of religious societies, or theological or religious seminaries, nor property belonging to the State be appropriated for any such purposes. IA ~ 6. The civil and political rights, privileges and capacities of no individual shall be diminished or enlarged on account of his opinions or belief concerning matters of religion. f7. Every person may freely speak, write and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right; and no law shall be passed to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech or of tlhe press Tn.ll prosecutions for libels, the truth may be given in evidence to the jury; and it it shall appear to the jury that the ma~tter charged as libellous is true, and was published with good motives and for justifiable ends, the party shall be acquitted; and the jury shall have the right to determine the law and the fact. T 8. The person, houses, papers and possessions of every indivig dual shall be secure from unreasonable searches and seizures; and no warrant to search any place or to seize any person or things, shall issue without describing them, nor without probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation. @ 9. The right of trial by jury shall remain inviolate, but shall be deemed to be waived in all civil cases, unless demanded by one of the parties, in such manner as shall be directed by law; and the Legislature may authorize a trial by a jury of a less number than twelvsi men. 10. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall have the right, to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury, which may consist of less than twelve men in all courts not of record; to ibe -informed of the nature of the accusation; to be confionted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses i. his favor; to have the assistance of counsel -for his defenlce.. 11. No person, after acquittal upon the mnerits, shall be tried ftr the same offence; all persons shall, before conviction, be baiiable bysufficient sureties, except for murder and treason, when the proof is' evident or the presumption great; and the privilege of the writ of a6beas coipzs shall not be suspended, unless when, in case of rebel' lion or invasion, the public safety may require it.!2. -Every person has a right to bear artms for the defence of himself and the State. ~ 13. The military shall in all cases and at all times be in strict s ubordination to the civil power. ~ 14. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner or occupant; nor in time of war, but in a manner prescribed by law. ~ 15. Treason against the State shall consist only in levying war against it, or in adhering to its enemies, giving them aid and comfort; no person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. ~ 16. No bill of attainder, ex-post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, shall be passed. 17. Excessive bail shall not be required; excessive fines shall not be imposed; and cruel or unusual punishments shall not be inflicted,.oor shall vwitnesses be unreasonably detained. ~ 18. The property of no person shall be taken for public use Iw.ithout just compensation therefor. Private roads may be opened in the manner to be prescribed by law; but in every case the necessities of the road and the anmount of all damage to be sustained by the opening thereof, shalt be first determined by a jury of freeholdcrti and suce amount, tog'ether with. the expenses of proceedings, shall be paid by the person or persons to be benefitted. X 19. The people have the right peaceably to assemble together, to consult for the common good, to instruct their representatives; and to petition the Legislature foer a redress of grievances. ~ 20. No person shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a vwitness agauinst hinself, nor be deprived of life, liberty or property, wvithout dce process of law. ~ 21. Aliens who are, or who may hereafter become, bonafide resi.ents of this State, shall enjoy the same rights in respect to theposSession, enjoyment and;inheritance of property, as native born citi~ 22. Neither slavelry nor involuntary servitude, unless for the punishment of ei-me, shall ever be tolerated in this State. ~ 23. No person shall be imprisoned for debt, arising out of, or founded on a contract, express or implied; except in cases of fraud o~r breach of trust, or of moneys collected by public officers, or in any professional employment; and no person shall be imprisoned for a militia fine in time of peace. ~ 24. No person shall be rendered incompetent to be a witness on account of his opinions on matters of religious belief. ~ 25. Any citizen of this State who may hereafter be engaged, either directly or indirectly, in a duel, either as principal or accessory before the fact, shall forever be disqualified from holding any offlee under the constitution and laws of this State, nor be permitted to vote at any election., 26. The assent of two-thirds of the membels elected to each branch of the Legislature, shall be requisite to every bill appropriating the public moneys or property for local or private purposes. ~ 27. No lease or grant of agricultural land for a longer period than twelve years, hereafter made, in which shall be reserved. any rent or service of any kind, shall be valid. ~ 28. No corporation shall hold any real estate hereafter acquired for a longer period than ten years, except such real estate as shall bhe actually occupied by such corporation in the exercise of its franchises. ~ 29. All lands, the title to which shall fail from a defect of heirs, shall escheat to the State, and shall be appropriated exclusively to the support of primary schools. ~ 30. All acts of the Legislature, contrary to this or any other article of this Constitution, shall be void. ARTICLE -. E lections. 1. In all elections, every white male citizen above the age of: twenty-one years, who shall have resided in this State three months next preceding any election; every white male inhabitant of the age aforesaid, who was permitted to vote under the provisions of the previous constitution of this State; and also every white male inhabitant of the age aforesaid, who shall have resided in the State two years and a half, and declared his intention to become a citizen of the UUnited States; and every civilized male inhabitant of Indian descent, of 5 the age aforesaid, not a member of any tribe, who shall be a native of the United States; and every white male inhabitant of the age aforesaid, who shall have been a resident of this State on the first eiay of January, A. D. 1850, shall be entitled to vote at such election; provided the last mentioned persons shall have declared their intention to become citizens of the United States, pursuant to the laws thereof, at least six months next preceding such election; but no such citizen o'r inhabitant shall be entitled to vote at any such election, unless he shall have resided in this State three months next preceding such election, nor in any township or ward, unless he is an actual resident thereof; and shall have resided therein for ten days net preceding such election.. 2. All votes shall be given by ballot, except for such township officers as may by law be directed to be otherwise chosen. ~ 3. Electors shall, in all cases except treason, felony, or breach of of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at election, and in going to and returning from the same. g 4. No elector shall be obliged to do militia duty on the day of' election, except in time of war or or public danger. 5. For'the plurpose of voting, no person shall be deemed to have Ogained or lost a residence, by reason of his presence or absence while employed in the service of the United States or of this State; nor while engaged in the navigation of the waters of this State, or of the United States, or of the high seas; nor while a student of any seminary of le aring'; nor while kept at any alims-house or other asylum. at public expense; nor while confined in any public prison. 6 6. Laws may )e passed to preserve the purity of elections, and guard against abuses of the elective franchise. 7. No soldier, seaman, or marine, in the army or navy of the United States, shall be deemed a residenit of this State, in consequence of being stationed in any military or naval place within the RESOLUTION..Resolved, That at the next general election, and at the same time when the votes of the electors shall be taken for the adoption or rejection of the revised Constitu.tion, the additional amend.~ merit,n ale words following; "Every colored male inhabitant, possessing the qualifications required by the first section of the second article of the Constituition, shall have the rights and privileges of an elector," Shall be separately submitted to the electors of this State foir their adoption or rejection, in form following, to wit: A separate ballo-, my be given by every person having the right to vote for the revised Constitution, to be deposited in a separate box. Upon the bal-. lot given for the adoption of the said separate amaencdment, sh.stl be written or printed., or partly written and partly printed, the viord(l? " Equal suffrage to colored persons? Y es;" and npon all ballots g'iv en against the adoption of the said separate amendment, ie n lie mrn - nier, the words, "Equal suffrage to colored peersons? No." And on such ballots shall be written or printed, or partly written and partly printed, the words,;"Constitution: Suffrage; " in such manner tllhat such words shall appear on the outer side of such ballot when folded. If, at said election, a majority of all the votes given for and. against the said separate amendment, shall contain the words "Equal suffrage to colored persona? Yes," then the said separate amend — ment shallbe a separate section of article second of the Constitution, in full force and effect, any thing in the constitution to the contrary notwithstanding. ARTICLE —. Legislative PDepcilntmed. ~1. The legislative power shall be vested in a;eZ:le and n Hous: of Representatives, ~ 2. The number of Representatives shall never ce'isos t,bian sixty, four, nor more than one hundred, and shall be chosen rIor tWO years, and by single districts; the Senate shall consst of ti'-y-two rnenmbers,, and the Senators, one ftom each district, shall' be elect fei t rtwo years. ~ 3. The Legislature shall provide by law for an ernime, ation of the inhabitants of this State in the year eighteen hundred aci. fify-. five, and at the end of every ten years tihereafter; and at the first session after each enumeration so made, and also after each enum e ation Ynade by the authority of the United States, the Legislature shall apportion anew the Representatives and Senators among the several couuties and districts, according to the number of white inhabitants and civilized persons of Indian descent, not members of ainy tribe; which apportionment shall remain unaltered until the returar of an'other enumeration: Provided, That the county of Saginaw, with tthe territory thereto attached, shall be entitled to one Representative; the county of'Tuscola, and the territory thereto attached, one Representative; the county of Sanilac, and the territory thereto attached, one Rlepresentative; the counties of Midland, Gratiot and Aronac, with the territory thereto attached, one Representative;'he county of Montcamn, with the territory attached thereto, one Rvep~ resentative; and the counties of Newaygo and Oceana, with tb.e territory attached thereto, one Representative; and. each county hereafter organized, with such territory as may be attached thereto, shall be entitled to a separate Representative, when it shall have attained a population equal to a moiety of the ratio of representation. g 4. The boards of supervisors in such counties as may be entitled te more than one member of the House of Representatives, shall. assemble at such time and place as the Legislature shall prescTibe, and divide their respective counties into representative districts, equsJ. to the number of Representatives to which such counties may several.iy be entitled by law, and shall cause to be filed in the offices of the Secretary of State and the clerks of their respective counties, a de, scription of such representative districts, specifying the number of each district, and the population thereof, according to the last preceding enumeration, as near as can be ascertained. Each represel.tative district shall contain, as nearly as may be, an equal number of white inlabitants, a-ndl shall consist of convenient and contiguous territory; but no todwship or city shall be divided in the formation of representative districts. And when any township or city shall:ontain a population which shall entitle it to more than one Represen:tative, then such township or city shall elect the number of Repre.sentattives to which it shall be so entitled by general ticket. -5. The State shall be divided into thirty-two districts, to be called Senate districts, each of which shall choose one Senator. The disMricts shallbe numbered from one to thirty-two, inclusive. No county shall be divided in the formation of Senate districts, except such county shall oe e7uii:al y entitled to two or more Senators. ~ 6. Senators and Representatives shall be citizens of the Unkite States, and be qualified electors in the respective counties and disc tricts which they represent; and a removal from their respective counties or districts shall be deemed a vacation of their seats. ~ 7. No persons holding any office under the United States or this State, or any county office, (notaries public, officers of the militia and officers elected by townships excepted,) shall be eligible to or have a seat in either house of the Legislature, and all votes g'iven for any such person shall be void. ~ 8. Senators and Representatives shall, in all cases, except trea son, felony or breach of the peace, be privilged from arrest; nor shall they be subject to any civil process during the session of the Legislature, nor for fifteen days next before the commencement arid after the termination of each session; and for any speech in either house, they shall not be questioned in any other place. ~ 9. A majority of each house shall constitute a quorum to.do business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may compel the attendance of absent members, in such mannune and under such penalties as each house may provide. ~ 10. Each house shall choose its own officers, and shall determine the rules of its procedings, andt judge of the qualifications, elections and returns of its own members; and may, with the concurrence of two-thirds of all the members elected, expel a member; but no memher shall be expelled a second time for the same cause, nor for any cause known to his constituents antecedent to his election; and the reason for sach expulsion shall be entered upon the journal, with thie names of the members voting on the question. ~ 1!. Each house shallkeep a jQournal of its proceedings, and publishthe same, except such parts as may require secrecy; and the yeas an';d nays of the members of either house, on any question, shall, at the request of one-fifLh of the members elected, be entered on the journal. Any member of either house shall have libety to dissent from and protest against any act, proceeding or resolution which he may think injurious to the public or an individual, and have the reason of his dissent entered on the journal. ~ 12. In all elections by either or both houses, the votes shall be given viva voce; and all votes on nominations made to the Senate, shl111 be taken by yeas and. nays, and published lwith the journals of its proceedings. ~ 13. The doors of each house shall be open, except when thve public welfare shall require secrecy. Neither house shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to:any other place than where the Legislature may then be in session. 14. Any bill raoy originate in either house of the Legislature. t 15. Every bill passed by the Legislature shall, before it becomes3 a law, be presented to the Governor; if he approves it, be shall sign it; but if not, he shall return it with his objections to that house i,:: which it originated, wlho shall eniter thle objections at large upon their journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If, after such reconsideration, two-whidrds of all the members elected agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, with the: objections,; to the other: house, by whlom it shall likewise be reconsidered; and if approved alsohby two-thirds of all the mnernbers elected to that ihouse, it shall become a law; but in such ease, the vote of both houses shall be determined byy eas and nays,,nd the names of the members voting fo or against the bill shallbe entered on the journals of each house respectively; and if any bill be not returned by the Governor within ten days, Sundays excepted, a.fter it has been presented to him, the same shall become a law, in ike manner as if lihe had signed it, unless the Legislature, by their a6djournment, prevent its return; in which ease it shall not become a law. But the Governor may approve and sign and file in the office of the Secretary of State, within five days after the adjournment of'bDc:two houses, any act passed during the last five days of the session; in w:hich ease it shall become a law. {i:lS. Every resolution, to which. tfe concurrence of the Senate ard iHouse of Represenltatives may be necessary, except in case of adk;ournment, slall be presented to the Governor; and before the -scce shall take effect, shall be proceeded upon in the satme manner els in the case of a bill. 6 17. The members of the Legislature shall receive for their serviccs only three dollars a day for actual attendance and when absent from siekness, for the first sixty days of the session of 1851, and for thie -first forty days of every subsequent session, and nothing thereafter. Whben convened in extra session by the Governor, they shall 2A 10 recelve three dollars a day for the first twenty days, and noliing thereafter; and shall legislate on no other subjects than those expressly stated in the'Governor's proclamlation, or submitted to themn by his special message.[ They shall also receive no more than ten'cents for every mile they shall actually travel, in going to and returning from their place of meeting, on the -usstally traveled route; and for stationery and newspapers, not exceeding five dollars for each memnher during, any session. Eaei- member of the Legislature shall e erntitled to one copy of the lavws, journals and documents of the Legilslature of which he was a member; buh th dce Legislature shall not, at -'the expense of the State, prreide for its members books, news3papers or other perquisites of office, not. expressly authorized by this constiitution. 18. The Legislature msa,7y provide by law for the paymsent of postage on all mailable matter received. by the members, Lieutenant Governor and Speaker, duringc the sessions of the Legcislature, but not on any sent. or mailed by them. ~ 19. The President of th.e Senate ancd the Speaker of the House ofL Representatives shall ecei.vee the same per diem compensation and mileage as meimxbe-r's of thne Legehslatulre, and no more. ~ 20. No member of the Legisslature shall receive any civil appoint.ment within this State, or to t e the Senate of the United States, by the Governor, the Governor and Sena.te, from the Legislature, or any other State authority, during the ter1mn for which he shall have been elect'ed; and all such appointments, and. a.1 votes given for any such member for any such office or appointment;, shall be vloid; nor shall any member of the Legislature be interested, eitller directly or indirectly, in any contract with the State, ar an r Coun1ty t!hereof, authorized by any''law passed during tlhe time for which he shall have been electedl:.-id for one yea thereafte:, ~ 21. The (overnor shall issue writs of election to fill such ra can-. cancies as may occur in t;he Sen.ate tand HLouse of Representatives, ~ 22. All bills and joint resoi.z.tions shall be read three times ir each house before the final passage thereeof; Cnd no bill or joint resolution shall become a law vithelut the concurrerlnce of a majority of' all the memabers elect in each. house; awnd -t. tle final passage of all bills, the vote sihall be by yeas and nays, a,:l ishall be entered on t Aw i otinal. ~ 23. No law shall embrace more than one object, which shall be expressed in its title; and no public act shall take effect or be in force until the expiration of ninety days from the end of the session at which the same may be passed, unless the Legislature, by a twothirds vote of all the members elected to each house, shall otherwise direct. ~ 24. The Legislatrle shall never grant or authorize extra compensation to any publie officer, agent, servant or contractor, after the service shall have been rendered or the contract entered into. ~ 25. The ILegislaiure shall provide by law that the fuel andi stationery furlished for the use of the State, the printing and binding the laws and journals, all blanks, paper and printing for the execuitive departraents, and all other printing ordered by the Leogislature, shall be let by contract to the lowest bidder or bidders, who shall give adequate and satisfactolry security for the performance thereof. And it shall not be competent for the Legislature to rescinld or alter, such contract, or to release the person or persons taking the same, or0 his or their suret-ies, from the performance of any of the conditions of the contract; and no member of the Legislatur e, or other o.fficer of the State, shall be interested, either directly or indirectly, in any such tontract. ~ 26. The Legislature shall have no power to authorize, by private or special law, the sale or conveyance of any lands or other real estate belonging in whole or inl part to any person or persons; nor to vacate or alter any road laid out by commissioners of hihx:hw*aS, or any street in any incorporated city or village, or in any township plat. ~ 27. The Leg;slaturae um-y authorize the emrployment of a - cxap..lain for the state prison,. but no money shall be drawn from the treasury for the paynmaent of any r'eligious services in either branch of the Legislaturle. ~ 28. No law shall be revised or amnended by reference to its title only; but the act revised, and the section or sections of the act amended, shall be re-enacted and published at length. ~ 29. Divorces shall not be granted by the Legislature; and no lottery shall be authorized, nor shall the sale of lotter.y tickets be permitted. 12 ~ 30. No new bill shall be introduced into either house during the ikhst three days of the session, u less by the unanimouts consent of the house in which it originates. ~ 31. In case of contested elections, the person only shall receive from the State per diem compensation or mileane who is declared by thie house in which the contest takes place, to be entitled to a seat. ~ 32. _No person who may hereafter be a collector, or holder of public moneys, shall have a seat in either house of the Legislature, or be eligible to any office of trust or profit under this State, until he shall have accounted for and paid over, as provided by law, all saums:for which he may be liable. ~ 33. The Legisiatiure shall not audit or ailow any private claim )or account. ~ 34. Whenever the Legislature fixes upon the day of adjournar.ment, they shall adjourn at twelve o'clock at noon of that day. ~ 35. The Legislature shall meet at the seat of government on the first'Wednesday in February next, and on the first Wednesday of Januar'y of every second year thereafter, and at no o-ther place or time, unless as provided by this Constitution. ~ 36. The election of Senators and Representatives, pursuant to the provisions of this Constitution, shall be held on the Tuesday' succeeding the first Monday of November in the year 1852, and oa the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday of November of every second year'thereafter. ~ 3'7. The Legislature shall have no power to establish a State, ptaper; but every newspaper in the State which shall publish all the. gpeneeral awsr of any session within forty days of their passagte, shall be entitled to receive a sum not exceeding fifteen dollars therefor. ~ 83. The style of the laws of this State shalhl be " Thle People of the State of TM~ichigan enact." ~'9, The Legislature shall have no power to pass any act to grant any license for the sale of ardent spirits or other intoxicatitEg iquors., 13 ARTI CLE -. Exectrive Department. ~ T. The Executive power shall be vestedt in a Governor, who shail hold his office for two years. A Lieutenant Governor shall be chosen at the same time and for the same term. ~ 2. No person shall be eligible to the office of Governor or L[ieitenant Governor, who shall not have been five years a citizen of t(ite United States, and s/resident of this State two years next preceding bhis election; nor shall any person be eligible to the office of Gove,;inor who shall not have attained the age of thirty years. ~ 3. The Governor and Lieutenant Governor shall be elected at,joe tiynes and places of choosing members of the Legislature,; the persons respectively hiavirngg the hig'hest number of votes for Govern:ln. tIand Lieutenant Governor shall be elected; but in ca0:.e twyo or moucl, shall have an equal and the highest number of votes for Governyort andl1 Lieutenant Governor, the Legislature shall, by joint vote, choose one of the said persons so having an equal and the highest numnhe: of votes. ~ 4. The Governlort shall be Commander-in- Chief of the military af:d atval forces of this State; and he shall have power to call for-tl thie:rlitia, to execute the laws of the State, to suppress hisursrectio,rs,, a'.nd to repel invasions. ~, 5. He shall transact all necessary business with th e officer n of' overanmeat, civil and militaryv; and may recuiir O in'for ation, in vi-n ting, fro-it' the officrs of the Executive department, upoon any sub2i.j t relating to the duties of their respective offices. ~ 6. He shall tlke care that the laws be faithfull- executed. ~7. H1e shall h ave power to convene the Legislatu re on extraord.a:rn y occasions. He shall comlmunicate by messsnoe, at such tinres as he may deem necessary and proper, to the existting Legislature, and at tCae close of his official term of service, to the next Legis'i'ature, the condition of the St.ate, and recommendc such matters' to them as he shall deem expedient. ~ S. He may direct the Legislature to meet at sone other plac.e than the seat of government, if that shall become dangerous firom a common enemy or disease. 14 ~ 9. The Governor shall have the power to grant reprieves, cornmutations and pardons,.after conviction, for all offences except treason and cases of impeachment, upon such conditions, and with such restrictions and limitations as he may think proper, subject to such regulations as may be provided by law, relative to the manner of applying for pardons. Upon conviction for treason, he shall have power to suspend the execution of the sentence until the case shall be reported to the Legislature at its next meeting, wheli the Legislature shall either pardon, or commute the sentence, direct the execution of the sentence, or grant a further reprieve. He shall communicate to the Legislature at'each session, each:a case of reprieve, commutation or pardon granted; stating the name of the convict, the crime of which he was convicted, the sentence and its date, and the date of the reprieve, commutation or pardon. ~ 10. In case of the impeachment of the Governor, his removal from office, death, inability to discharge the powers an-d duties of the said office, resignation, or absence from the State, the powers and duties of the office shall devolve upon the Lieutenant Governor for the residue of the term, or until the disability shall cease. But when the Governor shall, with the consent of the Legislature, be out of: the State in time of war, at the head of a military force thereof, he shall continue Commander-in-Chief of all the military force of the State, ~ 11. If, durino a vacancy of the office of Governor, the Lieuten1ant Governor shall be impeached, displaced, resign, die, or be incapable of performing the duties of his office, or be absent from the State, the President of the Senate shall act as Governor auntil thlet, vacancy be filled, or the disability shall cease. ~ 12. The Lieutenant Governor shall, by virtue of his office, be President of the Senate. In committee of the whole he may debate all questions; and when there is an equal division, hte shall give the casting vote. ~ 13. No member of Conog'esss, nor any other person holding' office under the United States, or this State, shall execute the office of Governor; nor shall the Governor or Lieutenant Governor be eligib'le to any office or appointment from the Legislature, or either brandch 15 thereof, for the time for which they may have been elected; and all votes given for either of them for any such office shall be void. ~ 14. Whenever the office of Governor or Lieutenant Governor becomes vacated, the person executing the duties of Governor for the time being shall give notice thereof; and the electors shall, on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday of November next, choose a person to fill such vacancy. 15. The Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate pro tempore, when performing the duties of Governor, shall receive the same compensation as is allowed to the Governor. ~ 16. The great seal of the State shall continue to be kept by the Secretary of State; and all official acts of the Governor, his approval of the laws excepted, shall thereby be authenticated. ARTICLE -. Of State Officers., 1. T'here slhall be a Secretary of State, a Superintendent of -Public Instruction, a State Treasurer, a Commissioner of the Land. Office, an Auditor General, elected at each biennial general election, who shall hold their respective offices for the term of two years, and each of whom shall keep an office at the seat of government, and sh' il pertform such duties as may.be prescribed by law. ~ 2. The terms of office of the incumbents to be elected under the foregoing provisions, shall commence on the first Wednesday of January, 1853, and(I of every second year thereafter. ~ 3. Whenever- a vacancy shall occur in any of the above mentiontionedi Stte offices, the Governor (by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, if in session,) shall fill the same by appointment, to continue until the office can be supplied by an election, at such time and in such manner as shall be provided for by law. ~ 4. Thie Secretary of State, State Treasurer and Commissioner of the State Lancd Office, shall constitute a Board of State Auditors, fez the examination and adjustment of all claims against the State, not otherwise provided for by law, or specially referred by the Legislature to some other, tribunal. And shall also constitute a Board. of 16 State Canvassers, for determining the result of all elections for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Judges and State officers, and of such other elections as shall by law be referred to said board. ~ 5. In all cases of two or more persons having an equal and the highest number of votes for any office, as canvassed by the Board of State Canvassers, the two houses of the Legislature, in joint convention, shall choose one of said persons to fill such office; and in all cases where the determination of the Board of State Canvassers'shall be contested, the two houses, in joint convention, shall direct whllich person shall be deemed to have been duly elected. ARTICLE -. inpveachments, and Removals from Oi`ce ~ i. The House of Representatives shall have t:ihe sole power Atf impeaching civil officers of the State, for corrupt conduct in office, or for crimes and misdemeanors; but a majority of all tihe members elected shall be necessary to direct an imllpeachment. ~ 2. All impeachbments shall'betried by the Senate. When the Governor or Lieutenant Governor shall be tried, the Chief Justice okf tie Supreme Court shall preside. Before the trial of an impeachmAient, the members of the court shall take an oath or affirmation truly and impartially to try and determine the charge in question, ac-,cording to the evi dence; and no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members elect. J udgment, in case of impeachment, shall not extend further thanl removal from office; but the party convicted shall be liable to hidictment and punishment according to law. ~ 3. The House of Representatives shall, lshen an impeachment is directed, elect from their own body three members, whose duty it shall beto prosecute impeachments. No impeachment shall be tried till the Legislature shall have adjourned sine die,; when the Senate shall proceed to try such impeachment. ~ 4. No judicial officer shall exercise his office, after he shall have'been impeached, until he shall be acquitted. ~ 5. The Governor may make a provisional app.atment. to fill the [7 vacancy occasioned by the suspension of an officer until he sihall have been acquitted, or until after the election and qualification of a successor. ~ 6. For aIy reasonable cause, which shall not be sufficient ground for the impeachrment of the judges of any of the courts, the Governor shall remove any of them on a concurrent resolution of two-thirds of the members elected to each branch of the Legislature; but the cause or causes for which such removal may be required, shall be stated at length in the address. ~ 7. Trhe Legislature shall provide by law for the removal of justitices of the peace and, other county, township and school district ofricers, in such manner and for such causes as to them shall seem just and proper. ARTICL -- Finazance and Taation,. ~ 1. 1st. All specific taxmes, save those received from the mining companies of the Upper Peinsula, shall be applied in'paying the interest upon the primary' school, university and other educational funds, the principal and interest cf the State debt, in the order herein recited, until the extiaguishment of the State debt, other than the amounts due to the primary school, univezrsity and other educational funds, at which time saidL specific taxes shall be added to, and oirever thereafter constitute a part of the proceeds of the primary schoo l ifund. The Legislature shall provide for an ansnual tax, sufficient, with other resources of the State, to pay the estimated expenses of the State;' airl he intrest cf the State debt. The Legislature shall also, by taxes, supply -any deficiency which may occur in the resources of the Statabe. ~ 2. 1st. The Legislature, in addition to the above named taxes, shall provide by law for a sinkSig fund of at least twenty thousand dollars a year, to commence ia eighteen hundred and fifty-two, with compound interest at six per cent per annum, and an annual increase of at least five per ceant 2d. aido sinking fund shal be applied solely to the payment and extinguishe ncut of the principal of the State debt, other than the amounts due to the University and the primary school funds; 3A and said tax shall be continued so long as shall be necessary to secure tlie extinguishment of the existing funded and fundable debt, 3d. Said fundable debt may only be funded or redeemed at a value not exceeding that established by law in eighteen hundred and fortyeight. ~ 3. The State may, to meet casual deficits or failures in revenues or expenses not provided for, contract debts; but such debts, direct and contingent, shall not in the aggregate, at any one time, exceed fifty thousand dollars; and the moneys arising from the loans creating such debts, shall be applied to the purposes for which they were obtained, or the payment of the debts so contracted, and for no other purpose whatever. ~ 4. The State may contract debts to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, and defend the State in time of war; but the money arising from the contracting of such debts shall be applied to the purpose for which it was raised, or to repay such debts, and to no other purpose whatever. ~ 5. No money shall be paid out of the treasury of this State, or any of its funds, or any of the funds under its management, except in pursuance of appropriations made by law. ~ 6. The credit of the State shall not in any manner be given or loaned to, or in aid of any individual, association or corporation. ~ 7. No scrip, certificate or other evidence of State indebtedness whatsoever, shall be issued, except for the redemption of stock previouisly issued, or for such debts as are expressly authorized in this article. ~ 8. The state shall never subscribe for, or become the owner of; or interested in the stock of.any' company,'association or corporation. ~ 9. The State shall never be a party to, or interested in, any work of internal improvement, nor engaged in carrying out any such work, except in the expenditure of grants or donations of land or other property made to the State. ~ 10. The State may continue to collect all specific taxes now accruing to the treasury under existing laws. And the legislature may provide for the collection of specific taxes, from lsuch banking, ralil 19 road, plank road, and other corporations, hereafter formed or created, as they may deem expedient. ~ 11. The Legislature shall provide a uniform rule of taxation, except upon property paying specific taxes; and taxes shall be levied upon such property as the Legislature shall prescribe. ~ 12. All assessments hereafter authorized shall be made upon property at its cash value. ~ 13. The Legislature shall provide by law for an equalization of assessments upon all taxable property, except that paying specific taxes, by a State Board, in eighteen hundred and fifty-one, and on every fifth year thereafter. ~ 14. Every law which imposes, continues or revives a tax, shall distinctly state the tax, and the object to which it is to be applied; and it shall not be sufficient to refer to any other law to fix such tax or object. ARTICLE -. Co~porations. ~ 1. Corporations may be formed under general laws; but shall not be created by special act, except for municipal purposes. All laws passed pursuant to this section may be altered from time to -time, or repealed. ~2. No banking law or law for banking purposes, or amendments thereof, shall have any force or effect until the same shall, after its passage, have been submitted to a vote of the electors of the State, at some general election, and been approved by a majority of the votes cast on that subject at such election. ~ 3. The officers and stockholders of every corporation or association for banking purposes, issuing bank notes or any kind of paper credits to circulate as money, shall be individually liable for all its debts which were contracted during the time of their being officers and stockholders of such corporation or association, and for one year thereafter. ~ 4. The Legislature shall provide by law for the registry of all bills or notes issued or put in circulation as money, and shall require security to the full amount of notes or bills so registered, in State 20 stocks, which shall be deposited with the State Treasurer, bearing interest, or stooks of the United Stated States, for the redemption of such bills or notes in specie. ~ 5. In case of the insolvency of any bank or banking association, the holders of the notes or bills thereof issued or put in circulation as money, shall be entitled to preference in payment, over all other creditors of such bank or association. ~ 6. The Legislature shall have no power to pass any law authorizing or sanctioninog in any manner, directly or, indirectly, the suspension of,peie payments by any person,, oarssociatiQl or corporation. ~ 7. The stockholders of all corporations and joint stock associations shall be individually responsible for a,11 debts contracted for labor performed for such corporation or association., ~ 8. The Legislature shall pass no bill altering or amending any aet of incorporation heretofore granted, without the assent of twothirds of the ~members elect to each house; nor shall any act of incorporation, heretofore granted, be renewed or extended. The provisions of this section shall not apply to municipal corporations. ~ 9. The State shall not become subscriber to the stock of any corporation or joint stock association. ~ 10. The property of no individual shall be taken by any corporation for public use, without compensation being first made or secured, in such nmanner as may be prescribed by law. ~ 11. 1No corporation; hereafter to be created, except for the construction ofu sJl ra.ds!and canais~, shall ever endure, fr, a loagerterm than thirty years, except those which are municipal. ~ 12. The term "corporations," as used in this article, shall be construed to include all associations and joint stock companies having any of the poweri or privileges of corporations, not possessed by individuals or partnerships. And all corporations shall have the right t sue, and shall be subject to be sued, in all courts, in like cases as natural persoas. ARTICLE -, Gouny Of cers and County Govern ment. ~ 1. Each county, duly organized by law, shall be a body corpo rate and politic, with such rights, daties, powers, privileges and immunties as shall be established by lawc. All suits and proceedings. by or against any county, shall be in the name thereof. ~ 2. No co!unty, now organized by law, shall ever be reduced by the organizatoln of new counties to less than sixteen townships, as sclrveyed by tae fUit-ed States, uncless a:majority of the qualified electors reSsdisin~ a.each'count'.yto b~ 2-f5iectecl'by au~t~hd organization shall so elect,, But the legislature shall have power to organize any oity 1nto a separate county, when i- shall have attained a popu]ation of at least twenty' thousand people, without reference to geographicsol extenlt when a:majority of the legal vo te-o of a county in vwhich suc'h city y ha7 be situated shall recommend such new organization. ~ 3. In eaclh c organized county there shall be ione slerifi; a county clerks, a county t-eas-urer, a Tregister of deeds, one co.-nty surveyor, a prosecutingc at',torey, L chosen by the qualified electors thereof, once in two yearsC ad[CI as oft.n as vacancies shall happen, and whose duties and powwers shall ob prescribed by law. It shall be competent for -the board of supervisors in the sevceral counties to combine the offices of couanty c]0erl; ancd reegister,of deeds in one office, or discontinuethe sane. ~ 3. Tlle,co'unty celok, county treasua.aer, judge of probata and r-egisce.c of deedsj shall'hold their. offices:ate the coulnty -seat, ~:g.: P-h sldea d lfe sa i no'hffiean shalll'h e-.h lbd aphble of holdicng the o ce of sheriff longam. than four in any t;e-rm of six. yecars. L'i[e may be required by law to renew his security from timle to -time, and i:n defauolft of giving such, security, his office shall be deernme1 tvacaat; but the county shall never.be:made responsible for his acts.'6. A board of supervisors, cons;isting of one -to be chosen froml each organized towvnship, shall be established in each county, with such powers and compensation as are prescribed in [his constitution., and as shall be prescribed by law. ~ 7. All incorporated cities shall have such representation in. the board of supervisors of the counties in which they are situateJ, as the Legislature may direct. ~ 8. No county seat, when once established, shall be removed, until the place to which it is proposed to be removed shall be desig-~ nated by two-thirds of the board of supervisors of said county, andE a majority of the qualified electors voting thereon shall have voted in favor of the proposed location, in such manner as shall be prescribed by law. ~ 9. The board of supervisors of any county may borrow- or raise by tax one thousand dollars, for constructing or repairing public buildings, highways or bridges; but no greater sum shall be borrowed or raised by tax for such purpose in any one year, unless authorized by the votes of a majority of the electors of said county voting on that subject. ~ 10. The board of supervisors, or in the county of Wayne the board of county auditors, shall have the exclusive power to prescribe and fix the compensation for all services rendered for, and to adjust all claims against their respective counties, and the sum so fixed or defined shall be subject to no appeal. ~ 11. The boards of supervisors of all organized counties shall have the power to provide for the laying out of highways and the con - struction of bridges, and for the organizing of townships, under such restrictions and limitations as shall be prescribed by law; and -the Legislature may hereafter confer upon the board of supervisors of the several counties of this State, such further powers of local legislation and administration as they may deem proper. ARTICLE -. Mode of Amending and -Revising the Constitution. ~ 1. Any amendment or amendments to this constitution may be proposed in the Senate or House of Representatives; and if the same shall be agreed to by two-thirds of the members elected to the two houses, such proposed amendment or amendments shall be entered on their journals respectively, with the yeas and nays taken thereon; and shall be submitted to the people at such time and in such manner as the Legislature may provide. And if the people shall ratify and approve such amendment or amendments by a majority of the electors qualified to vote for members of the Legislature voting thereon, such amendment or amendments shall become part of this constitution. ~ 2. At the general election to be held in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and in each sixteenth year thereafter, and also at such times as the Legislature may by law provide, the question of a general revision of the constitution shall be submitted to the electors qualified to vote for members of the Legislature; and in case a majority of the electors so qualified, voting at such election, shall decide in favor of a convention for such purpose, the legislature, at its next session, shall provide by law for tile election of delegates to such convention. ARTICLE -. Division of the Powers of Government. j 1. The powers of this goaernment shall be divided into three distinct departments-the Legislative, Executive and Judicial. ~ 2. No person or persons belonging to any of these departments, nor either of the departnments, shall exercise any of the powers poperly belonging to either of the others, except in the cases exoressiy provided for in this constitution. ARTICLE -. Militia. ~ 1. The militia of this State shall be composed of all able bodied white male citizens between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, except such as are, or may hereafter be exempt by laws of the United States or of this State. But all such inhabitants of this State, of any religious denomination whatever, as, from scruples of conscience, may be averse to bearing arms, shall be excused therefrom, upon such conditions as shall be prescribed by law,. 24 ~ 2. The Legislatur e shall provide by law for organizing, equip-, ping and disciplining the militia,,in such rmanner as they shall deem expedient, not incompatible with the laws of the United States. ~ 3. Officers of the militia shalt be Pelected or appointed in such manner as the Legislature shall from time to ftme direct, annd shall'i+comin.aissioned in such ma.nner as may be prorvidel by law. ARTICOLE. "Ifemptiocs d~, appropriate the twenty-t'wo sections of alt spring lands now unap, propriated, or the money: arising from teae of the sale of t me, where sich 1 ands:have been already sold, an, -a:ny land which may herear — ter be granted or appropriaed for s:ach,- purpose, for the sunpport anda maintenance of such school, and it shall he com npetelt for the le,-c;fature to' make the same a branch (of the University icr instructionl iLi agric-ulture and'the natural sciences connec-ted therewitl, and pla-:cl the samue under the supervision of the ~Regents of the Uniareriry. And the proceeds of t'he sale of all su-et1 lanads thlat have beel, or fi,' -may be hereafter sold, shall be a pe-rpe'tLal fifld, the interest of Wlicb, togethe-r wiith the rents and profits of saebh lands, shall be approp-.-" ated for the support of such school sontil otherwise appropriated. by la-. T'he Legislature shall also prtovide for the establishment of:. least one library in -each township; ancd ll fines assessese' andl calslected in the several counties for any brea.h of the penal laws, sl..f~ be exclusirely appli3 ed to the: supporOt of ~said libraries. ARTICOLE Judicial hDc2a