------------ --- ** —---------— I Serge ant- al-Arm s - D. B,, PUIRINTON, BRANCH GO. _~~_ ~~~~- - __1 ~Assistants --- I —------------------— I Ge L.MOPGOMMERXIN S GO -------- HI, HI. EAYER, LENAWEE CO,,,.../- -: -—'- -'- - - *: I.,/ ~. N ~.9. R |,o ar.: l S!j~ I. I, l, I SM.GRO$WEL~ I1 I' f I"I.'..' \'i -,,,%!, "'-, / _. ", ice tq)a, ~ E~LL ~ b~ e~c~r. w, cL.Poter ------------ -I/.,...ji; p.~.Q^/ t C.:.....mj — ------—. / —I | i ^ | t \~~~~\ \ Ch__ a"_M;Qr lS..... - E LL ~, r. /. _:... ar _:-/, |..... r>'. 1 i'^> ~"4;1~ H. \ \'1 / l.l S~...._ ril. O. Crd L rawe oil. Te Ca';iS th., MANUAL OP THE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN. BEGUN IN THE CAPITOL, AT LANSING, MAY 15, A, D. 1867. BY AUTHORITY. LANSING, MICHIGAN:.JOHN A. KERR & CO., PRINTERS TO THE STATE, 1867. CiALENVDAR, 1X6,. JAN. 1.. 1 2 3 4 6 JULY. 1.. 2 3 4 6 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 1011 12 13 13 14 16 1 17 181 1 15416 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 26 2 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 27 28 29 30 31.. 28 2930 31...... 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MAR..... 1234 SEPT........ 1 2 3 6 7 8 9101112 4 6 6 7 8 910 13 14 16116 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22123 24 256 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 80 31.... 26 26 27 28 29 30.. APRIL........... 1 2 OCT........... 8 4 6789 4 567 8 10 11 12 13 1415 15 1 10 11 2113 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 16 17 18 19120 21 22 24 26 227 28 29 30 23 2425 26127 28 29 MAY. 1 2 3 4 67 3081 i.. 1....... 8 9 10111 12 13 14 Nov. I.. 1 21 3 4 16 16117118 19 20 21 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 22 23 24 2 26127 28 13 14 15 16117 18 19 29 30 311...... 20 21 22 23 24 26526 JUNE....... 1 284 2722829830...... 6 7 891011 DEc. 1 2 8 12113 14 1516 17118 4 6 7 8 9 10 19120121122 23124125 11 12113114 1516117 26 27128 2930.... 18192012122123 24.._......I.... 25 6_262 2728298031 2 IN CONVENTION, JUNE 13, 1867. MANUAL OF THE CONVENTION. Mr. VAN VALKENBURGH. I offer the following resolution: Resolved, That the committee on printing be directed to procure the publishing of a Manual for the members of the Convention, containing the names of the delegates, the counties they represent, their post-office address, their occupations, and their respective boarding places in this city; also, a copy of the present Constitution, the rules of the Convention, and such other matter as they may deem expedient. Mr. President, I offer this resolution from a belief that a Manual of the kind named would be of great value to members of this Convention, not only during their stay here, but when they shall have returned to their homes. I have in my hand, sir, a Manual prepared for the Convention of 1850, which embraces the information sought to be obtained by my resolution, and the autographs of the officers and members of that Convention, and also the autographs of the State officers. I have often found this Manual a great help to me in the past. We become acquainted with each other upon this floor; we may know what counties we 12 REMARKS OF respectively represent, but not knowing the particular locality, the post-office address, we cannot communicate with each other. This Manual obviates that difficulty. Mr. President, I value this Manual highly for other reasons. I value it for the cherished memories it revives of the past-memories of noble men who stood shoulder to shoulder with me upon this floor, day after day, contending for the adoption of controverted principles in the Constitution, some of which were successfully urged, and I trust they will hold a place in all future Constitutions, as monuments of their fidelity and devotion to the right. Some of those men, though much my juniors, have long since paid the debt of nature, and preceded me to the eternal world. I hold, Mr. President, that this strangely maligned Constitution of ours, which has drawn forth so many maledictions from various sources, has still some redeeming features, some salient points, which will stand forth in all the future as oases to keep green the memory of their originators. I also value this Manual, Mr. President, for its frequent revival of the dear memories of acquaintances made and friendships formed upon this floor with noble men, who battled valiantly in the cause of justice and humanity, and whose devotion to the right will always stand forth in bold relief, beckoning onward the MR. VAN VALEENBURGH. 13 timid and the fearful-who, although then defeated in some of their cherished purposes, still live to see those principles crowned triumphantly in this Convention, and to participate in their triumph, for I have the great pleasure of meeting some of those men once more upon this floor. My good friend from Wayne, (Mr. SHEARER,) told us a day or two since of the rapid progress of this State; the many improvements made since his first advent to it; how the red man of the forest had faded away before the rapid advance of civilization; how the cultivated fields had taken the place of the dense forest, and the stately mansion supplanted the Indian wigwam. He told us of the appearance of this place at his first visit, how he came here in a lumbering stage coach, over roads almost impassable, and found only a site for a city. I, too, saw Lansing at an early day-in the autumn of 1847. Then a resident of Western New York, I was attracted to this place by the fame of your Capital, located in the wilderness I also found my way here over roads unspeakably toilsome; and here, where Lansing now stands in all her beauty, I found a few small cottages erected in the forest upon imaginary streets, which had existence only upon paper; and here on this spot, Mr. President, where this Capitol now stands, I found sturdy men digging up the tall 14 REMARKS OF forest oaks to make way for the foundations of this structure At that time-twenty years ago the coming autumn-Lansing was almost an unbroken wilderness. Now, how changed! As by the wand of magic, the forest has been converted into fruitful fields, and the wilderness made to bud and blossom like the rose. Compare for a moment, sir, the Lansing of 1847 with the Lansing of to-day-then a wilderness, the home of the wolf and the panther; now the gem of our State, the seat of civilization, of morality, of religion, of all that is fair and lovely and of good report, of all that renders life desirable, all that conduces to our happiness here and hereafter. Lansing, then a reproach to the legislators who located it here, is now the pride of our fair Peninsula. Yes, sir, we may well be proud of our State Capital, with her broad, well-graded avenues, her extended sidewalks, her beautiful residences, her tasteful and highly ornamented gardens, her princely store-houses, her numerous places of religious worship, dotting her expanded area as landmarks to guide us to the better land,, her talented and devoted clergy, her far-famed and well appointed Female College, an honor to any State, her other literary institutions, her public, and private libraries, her courteous and hospitable citizens. Yes, sir, I repeat we may well be proud of the beautiful Capital of our beautiful Peninsula. MR. VAN VALKENBURGH. 15 Who can tell the future of Lansing? Who can prophesy her status in twenty years to come, with her peerless location, her physical energies, her cultivated intellect, her moral eminence, her indomitable perseverance, in the midst of a peninsula unsurpassed for beauty and fertility in the wide world? Who can tell? Well may we exclaim, in the language of our State motto, "Si quceris peninsulam amcenam circumspice!" Yes! if you wish to see a beautiful peninsula, look around-look to the east and west, to the north and south, and gaze upon as beautiful a scene as can be found under the broad canopy of the heavens. The gentleman from Wayne told us he loved the State of his adoption. Who marvels at it, sir? Who wonders that a man of his genial feelings, with his warm heart, should love this State of ours? I, too, sir, love the State of my adoption. The man who does not love her must be a stoic and an alien. I love her placid lakes, dotting her surface as the stars gem the firmament. I love her grand rivers and her purling streams; I love her majestic forests and her green fields; I love her brave men and her fair women; I encircle them in my arms, I press them to my heart. As I look around upon this Convention, its accomplished and efficient officers, its noble men, the bone and sinew of our State, the brain and intellect of our Peninsula, I am proud, sir, 16 REMARKS OF that I am a member of this body, proud that I have a standing upon this floor. It stirs the blood within me. As the field of battle arouses the energies of the old, worn war horse, so this arena stirs my blood and awakens the energies of former days. It makes me young again. The Convention of 1850 contained some of the best men in our State-men who, like Saul, towered a head and shoulders above their coevals. It contained many good, devoted, patriotic men, whose memories are cherished, a blessing to our State and an honor to our common country. And still, Mr. President, no observing man can fail to see that the mental and moral progress of our Statehas kept pace fully with its physical advancement. But, Mr. President, I wander. I ask your pardon, sirI ask pardon of the Convention. I return to the question. The adoption of the resolution can be of little avail to me-the time of my sojourn among you, in all human probability, will be brief. I have already passed the allotted age of man-three score and ten-and, in the language of the Psalmist, "if by reason of strength they reach four score years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow, for it is soon cut off and we fly away." My work here is nearly accomplished. I shall meet you no more for the revision of human laws; but I trust, I hope I may meet many of you-yea, all of you-in MR. VAN VALKENBURGH. 17 that Convention where the organic law is perfeet, and no human passions or conflicting opinions mar its harmony. Individually, I expect but little benefit from the adoption of this resolution; but assured, as I am, that it will be a great benefit to the young men, the business men, in this Convention, both in their social and business relations, I have been induced to offer the resolution, and I hope it will be adopted. The expense will be trifling compared with the benefit to be derived. Should it be adopted, I would suggest to the committee having charge of its publication some improvements upon the Manual of 1850-that is, to insert in some part of the Manual a few blank leaves of writing paper, upon which to obtain the autographs of the officers and members of the Convention. This was neglected in 1850, and we were obliged to use such blanks for that purpose as were incidentally left in the Manual. Mr. WITHEY moved that the resolution and remarks of Mr. VAN VALKENBURGH be published in the Manual; Which was unanimously adopted. 3 MEMBERS AND OFFICERS X OF THE M;nti~;tutignatnll (unftiati f tt b ~tat^ of %vt r|~W, H C S R. Ho.. CHARLES M. CROSWELL, President, Lenawee County; Home Post Office, Adrian; Lodgings, Lansing House; Nativity, N. Y.; Profession, Lawyer; age, 41. NAMES. 1 COUNTY. HOME P. 0. LODGINGS. NATIVITY. PROFESSION. 0 Aldrich, Levidwardsburg,.. ansingHouse,.. NewYork, Physician........ 47 Alexander, LorenzoP.. Berrien,.. Buchanan,.... Merchant,... 4... 46 Andrs, William W....... Macomb,.... Utica,........ Physician........46 Barber, Julius S........... Branch,..... Coldwater, Vermont,. Merchant,........ 43 Bills, Perley....... Lenaw..... LTecumseh,... Lawyer,..... 56 Birney, James.......... Ba..... Bay City,. ".. EKentucky,.......... 49 t Blackman, Samuel H. Van Buren,. Paw Paw,..... F. Davis,. Ohio,..... 53 Bradley, Milton.......... Kalamazoo,.. Richland,. Rev. Mr. Weed,. New York, Clergyman, 55 Brown, AsaheL.......... Branch.... Algansee,..... Lansing House,. N. J.,....Farmer,......... 64 Burtch, Milton P.......... Eaton,..... Grand Ledge,.. H. Clippenger,.. NewYork, "........ 55 Burtenshaw, James....... Ontonagon,. Ontonagon,... Mrs. Lemley,. England,.. Merchant,...... 39 Case, George F........... Montcalm,.. Stanton,..... J. P. Baker,..... Vermont,. Furniture Dealer,.. 37 Chapin, De Witt C......... Gratiot,, Alma,........ Clippenger,.. NewYork, Lawyer,.......... 50 Chapman Bela........... Mackinac,.Mackinac,..... Mrs. Bascom,.. N. H..... Merchant,.........74 Coolidge, Henry H......... Berrien,.Niles,....... LansingHouse,.. Mass..... Lawyer,...... 55 Conger, OmarD.*.........St. Clair,... Port Huron,... LansingHouse.. New York, Lawyer..........49 Corbin, William...........Monroe,.... Petersburg,... Dr. Wright,..... Miscellaneous....41 Crocker, Thomas M....... Macomb,.... Mt. Clemens,.. LansingHouse,.. Vermont,. Lawyer,..........41 Danells, Nathaniel I.......Clinton,..... Wacousta,....... NewYork, Farmer,.......... 59 Desnoyers Peter..........Wayne..... Detroit,........Michigan,.......... 67 Divine, John...............Sanilac,.... Lexington,...... Canada,.. Lawyer,...... 43 Duncan, Delamore.........Kalamazoo,.. Schoolcraft,... S. R. Greene,....N. H.. Farmer,..........61 Duncombe, Charles.. Van Buren,. Keeler... F... Van Buren,. eeler,..... F. Davis....... Canada.......... 45 Elliott, Adam.. Barry....... Hickory Cor... American..... England,...... 52 Estee, Perry H.......... Isabella,.... Sa't River,.... Lansing House,.. NewYork Farmer.........42 Farmer, William S........Berrien,... Eau Claire,.... Lansing House,.. "..... 51 Ferris, Jacob............. Kent,...... Grand Rapids, Mr. Paddack,... " Lawyer.. 45 Germain, George W..... o.......... North Plains Mr. Ford,..... o...Farmer..........49 Giddings, Mars..........Kalamazoo,. Kalamazoo,... Lansing House,.. Conn.... Lawyer..........50 oodwin, William F*.... Jackson.... Concord..... NewYork MilerandFarmer, 54 Goodwin, Daniel..i.... Wayne,...... Detroit,... Lawyer..7 0 Gulick, RbertF.......... Keweenaw,. Eagle River,........... 36 Haire, John........... Ottawa.... Grandville,.... Lansing House,.. Ireland,.. Lumberman,...... 46 Harris, Edward P.........Oakland,.... Rochester,....American...... Mass...... Lawyer...........64 0 azen Ezra.............. St. Cair. Memphis,..... Lansing House,. New ork, Miscellaneous,.... 49 Henderson, Eden F....... Calhoun,... Marshall........ NewYork, Farmer,.......... 89 henkel, Peter.. Wayne,.... Detroit........ Germany, Merchant......... 42 X Fixson, Daniel..W::.. Waslhtenaw, Clinton,...... Edgar House,... NewYork, Farmer,..... 64. Holmes, Charles D........ Calhoun,... Albion,....... Mr. Brisbin,.... Mass. I.......... 52 Holt, Henry H.......... Muskegon,.. Muskegon,.. Lansing House,.. NewYork, Lawyer,.......... 84 4 Howard, Sumner......... H. R. Pratt,.... Mass................ 30 Hull, Levi T.......S.......t. Joseph,. Constantine,.. Lansing House,.... Printer,.......... 39 Huston, Benjamin W.... Tuscola,.... Vassar,...... Lansing House,.. New York, Lawyer........... 86 Ingalls, Eleazer S......... Menominee, Menominee,.. American,......N. H..... Lawyer.47 Jennison, Hiram.......... Ottawa,..................................................................... Kenny, Myron C.......... Lapeer...... Lapeer,....... T. Ford......... N. Y... Physician........ 44 Lamb,John M............ "....Dryden,...... Lansing House,.. N.J... arious,.......... 60 Lawrence, Benjamin W... Livingston,.. Fowlerville,... G. Fowler.......Mass....F..armer,.......... 556 c LIST OF MEMBERS, &c.-CoNTmUD. NAMES. COUNT. HOME P. 0. LODGINGS. NATIVITY. PROFESSION. Leach Dewitt C........... G'd Traverse Traverse City,. Mrs. Northrop,.. New York, Farmer........... 44 Longyear, John W........ Ingham,.... Lansing,..... Home,...... " Lawyer.......... 46 Lothrop, Geo. V. N....... Wayne,... Detroit,....... Lansing House,.. Mass...........49 Lovzll, Henry R.......... Genesee,... Flint,......... H. R. Pratt,..... Conn.,.... ".......... 36 Luce, Cyrus G............ Branch,.... Gilead,.... Lansing House,.. Ohio,..... Farmer,.......... 42 McClelland, Robert........ Wayne... Detroit,...... " ".. Penn..... Lawyer.......... 59 McConne, Willard M..... Oakland,... Pontiac,...... " "..i New York, Merchant,........ 53 McKernan, John Q........ Houghton,.. Houghton,.................... s Carpenter &Millw't 42 0 Miles, Marcus H.......... St. Clair,.... St. Clair,..... Lansing House,.. < Lawyer.......... 53 Miller, Hiram L.......... Saginaw,... Saginaw City,. Rev. Mr. Weed,. N. J....... Farmer,.......... 63 Q Morton, Edward G.*...... Monroe,.... Monroe,...... Dr Wright's,.... Vermont,. Printer,........... 50 Murray, Lyman.......... Kent....... Lisbon........ Dr. Bailey....... NewYork, Farmer,.......... 48. Mussey, Dexter........... Macomb,... Romeo,....... Lansing House,.. Mass.,.... Miscellaneous,.... 56 Musgrave, Joseph........ Eaton,...... Charlotte,....... Penn...... Banker,.......... 56 Ninde, Thomas........... Washtenaw, Ypsilanti,.. Maryland,. Lawyer,......... 51 Norris, Lyman D.........Washtenaw,. " ".. New York,..........43 Parsons, S. Titus.......... Shiawassee.r Corunna,.... ".......40 Pratt, Daniel L........... Hillsdale,... lillsdale,..... Mass...... * Pringle, Eugene........... Jackson,.... Jackson,.. Home,......... NewYork, "..........40 Richmond, Charles H..... Washtenaw, Ann Arbor,... Lansing Houso,. NewYork, Banker 46 Root, Simeon P........... Hillsdale,... Somerset,.. "< " Physician,.... 41 Sawyer, Jacob C.......... Lenawee,... Hudson,...... F. Davis,....... Farmer,......... 44 Shearer, Jonathan....... Wayne,..... Plymouth,.... Edgar House,... Mass.,.... "......... 72 Sheldon Horace J........ Lenawee,... Blissfield..... Geo. Fowler,.... New York, Shoemaker,....... 64 Smith, Thaddeus Gt...... Genesee,.... Fentonville,... Lansing House,.." Lawyer,........... Smith, William A......... Wayne,..... Redford,...... Edgar House,... " Farmer,..........51 Stockwell, Martin P....... Lenawee,... Dover........ F. Davis.......... 48 Stoughton William L.... St. Joseph,.. Sturgis,....... Lansing House,. Lawyer..........40 Sutherland, Jabez G...... aginaw... Saginaw,...... J. Bascom,.......... 41 Thompson, Lewis J....... Hillsdale,... North Adams,. Mr. Camp...... Farmer,.......... Turner, Josiah........... Shiawassee,. Owosso,...... Lansing House,. Vermont,..Lawyer......... Tyler, Comfort......... St. Joseph,.. Oporto........ Mrs. Elder...... NewYork, Farmer,.......... 66 Utley, WilliamS.......... Newaygo,... Big Prairie,...Mr. Clippenger,. Lumberman,.. 38 Van Riper, Jacob J....... Cass,....... Dowagiac,.... Lansing House,. Lawyer,.......... 29 Van Valkenburgh, Jacob.. Oakland,.... White Lake,.. American,...... Lawyer,.......... 72 Walker, Alvah H.......... Clinton..... St. Johns..... Lansing House,.. R IL,.... Merchant..........65 Warner, P. Dean.......... Oakland,.... Farmington,.. T. Ford........ ew York, Miscellaneous,..... 45 Warner, William E....... Wayne,.... Detroit,...... Edgar House,...,, Register of Deeds,. 45 Watkins, Milton C............ Grattan,...... Dr. Bailey,..... Vermont,. Farmer,.......... 61 Watkins, Freeman C...... Jackson,.... Norvell,.... Lansing Bouse,... "..........56 White, William E... Allegan.... Wayland... S. R. Greene,... NewYork, Merchant........52 Willard, George........ alhoun,... Battle Creek,.. Lansing House.. Vermont,. Clergyman,...... 43 V Winans, Edwin B......... Livingston,.. Hamburgh,... NewYork, Farmer...... 40 Winsor, Richard.......... Huron,..... Huron City,... Canada W. Merchant,......... 29 Withey, Solomon C........ Kent,... Grand Rapids, ".. Vermont,. Lawyer,.......... 47 t Williams, William B.......... Allegan... Allegan....... NewYork "......... 40 Woodhouse, Lemuel...... Ingham,... Dansville........ Merchant,....... 47 M Wright, Harvey*......... Barry... Middleville,.......Lawyer,......... 37 Yeomans, Sanford A...... lonia,..onia........ T. Ford,...... Fa er..... 50 Secretary, Thos. H. Glenn; Residence, Niles, Berrien Co.; Lodgings, Lansing House. 1st At Secretary, G. X. M. Collier; Residence, Pontiac, Oakland Co.; Lodgings, Lansing House 2d " " T. P. Miles; Residence, St. Clair St. Clair Co.; Lodgings, Lansing House. Of,ical Reporter, Win. Blair Lord; Residence, New York City; Lodgings, Lansing House. tO "t s" David W. Brown; Residence, Philadelphia, Pa.; Lodgings, Lansing House. LIST OF OFFICERS, &c.-CONTINUED. Sergeant-at.Arms, D. B. Purinton; Residence, Coldwater, Branch Co.; Lodgings, American. lst Ant. " G. L. Montgomery; Residence, Lansing, Ingham Co.; Lodgings, Home. 2d'L " H. H. Seaver; Residence, Adrian, Lenawee Co.; Lodgings, American. Firemen, Bernhardt Rice; Residence, Saginaw, Saginaw Co.; Lodgings, American. " W. D. Burnham; Residence, Lansing, Ingham Co.; Lodgings, Home. Prest.'s Messenger, Chas. A. Avery; Residence, Adrian, Lenawee Co.; Lodgings, Mr. Carr. sc''s "' Wm. H. Porter; Residence, Lansing, Ingham Co.; Lodgings, Mr. Potter. Messengers, Claude S. Martin; Residence, Dexter, Washtenaw Co.; Lodgings, Mr. Bingham. George H. Seymour; Residence, Grand Rapids, Kent Co.; Lodgings, Mr. Carr. o Chauncey S. Wright; Residence, Fentonville, Genesee Co.; Lodgings, Mr. Carr. Willie Elder; Residence, Lansing, Ingham Co. - Lodgings, Home. Frederick S. Smith; Residence, Somerset, Hillsdale Co.; Lodgings, Lansing House. Cyrus W. Utley; Residence, Big Prairie, Newaygo Co; Lodgings, Mr. Clippenger. * Widower. t Single. All the rest are married. ~ RULES OF THE CONVENTION. RULE I. The President shall take the Chair at the time to which the Convention stands adjourned, and call it to order; and thereupon the roll of the members shall be called by the Secretary. RULE II. Upon the appearance of a quorum, the journal of the preceding day shall be read by the Secretary, unless otherwise ordered, and any mistake therein corrected. RULE III. After the reading of the journal of the preceding day, the order of business shall be as follows: 1. Presentation of Petitions. 2. Reports of Standing Committees. 3. Reports of Select Committees. 4. Communications from State Officers. 5. Motions and Resolutions. 6. Third reading of Articles. 7. Unfinished Business. 8. Special Orders of the day. 9. General Orders of the day. 24 RULES OF CONVENTION. RULE IV. The President shall preserve order and decorum, and shall decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Convention. RULE V. The President shall vote upon all questions taken by yeas and nays, except on appeals from his own decisions, in which case he shall not vote. RULE VI. The President may leave the Chair and appoint a member to preside, but not for a longer time than one day, except by leave of the Convention. RULE VII. When the Convention adjourns, the members shall keep their seats until the President announces the adjournment. RULE VIII. Every member, previous to his speaking, shall rise from his seat and address himself to the President. RULE JX. When two or more members rise at once, the President shall designate the member who is first to speak. RULES OF CONVENTION. 25 RULE X. No member shall speak more than twice on the same question, nor more than once until every member who chooses to speak shall have spoken. This rule shall not apply to chairmen of committees speaking on matters reported by them. RULE XI. Every motion shall be reduced to writing, if required by the President or any member, and shall be stated by the President before debate. All resolutions and motions in writing shall be endorsed by the member introducing the same. RULE XII. After a motion has been stated by the President, it shall be deemed to be in the possession of the Convention. Such motion may be withdrawn at any time before decision or amendment, but may be renewed by any other member. RULE XIIL When a question shall be under debate, no motion shall be received but the following, to wit: 1. To adjourn; 2. To lay on the table; 3. For the previous question; 4. To postpone to a day certain; 4 236 RULES OF CONVENTION. 5. To commit; C. To amend; 7. To postpone indefinitely; Which several motions shall have precedence in the order in which they stand arranged. RULE XIV. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order; this, and the motion to lay on the table, shall be decided without debate. RULE XV. The previous question shall be in this form: 4' Shall the main question be now put?" And if demanded by a majority of the members elect, its effect shall be to put an end to all debate, and bring the Convention to a direct vote upon amendments, if any are pending, and then upon the main question, which shall be the section or article under consideration, as the Convention may direct. RULE XVI. All incidental questions of order arising after a motion is made for the previous question, during the pendency of such motion, or after the Convention shall have determined that,the main question shall now be put, shall be decided, whether on appeal or otherwise, without debate. RULES OF CONVENTION. 27 RULE XVII. Petitions, memorials and other papers addressed to the Convention shall be presented by the President or a member in his place, with a brief statement of the contents, and the name of the member presenting the same endorsed thereon. RULE XVIII. When the President is putting the question, no member shall walk out of or across the house; nor when a member is speaking, shall any person entertain any private discourse, or pass between him and the Chair. RULE XIX. If the question in debate contain several propositions, any member may have the same divided. RULE XX. A member called to order by the Chair shall immediately take his seat unless permitted to explain, and the Convention, if appealed to, shall decide the case. If there be no appeal, the decision of the Chair shall be submitted to. On an appeal, no member shall speak more than once without leave of the Convention, and when a member is called to order for offensive language there shall be no debate. 28 RULES OF CONVENTION. RULE XXI. When the Convention shall have reached the general orders of the day, they shall go into committee of the whole upon such orders, or a particular order designated by a vote of the Convention; and no other business shall be in order until the whole are considered or passed, or the committee rise; and unless a particular subject is ordered up, the committee of the whole shall consider, act upon, or pass the general orders according to the order of their reference. In forming a committee of the whole, the President shall appoint a chairman to preside. RULE XXII. Propositions committed to the committee of the whole shall first be read through by the Secretary, and then read and debated by clauses. All amendments shall be entered on a separate paper, and so reported to the Convention by the chairman, standing in his place. RULE XXIII. The rules of the Convention shall be observed in committee of the whole, so far as they may be applicable, except that the yeas and nays shall not be called, nor the previous question enforced. The Convention may at any time, by a vote of the majority of the members present, provide for the discharge of the RULES OF CONVENTION. 29 committee of the whole from the further consideration of any subject referred to it, after acting without debate on all amendments pending, and that may be offered. RULE XXIV. A journal of the proceedings in committee of the whole shall be kept as in Convention. RULE XXV. A motion that. the committee rise shall always be in order, and shall be decided without debate; and if decided in the affirmative, the chairman shall report the action of the committee, either upon the article or section or sections had under consideration, as the committee of the whole shall direct. RULE XXVI. All questions, whether in committee or in the Convention, shall be put in the order they were moved, except in the case of privileged questions. Where a blank is to be filled, and different sums or times shall be proposed, the question shall be first taken on the largest sum or the longest time. RULE XXVII. No motion for reconsideration shall be in order, unless within three days after the decision proposed to be reconsidered took place. A motion for reconsideration being put and 30 RULES OF CONVENTION. lost, (except in case of privileged motions,) shall not be renewed on the same day. RULE XXVIII. Any member having voted with the majority may move a reconsideration, and a motion for reconsideration shall be decided by a majority of votes. RULE XXIX. All orders, resolutions and motions shall be entered on the journals of the Convention, with the name of the member moving the same. RULE XXX. No rule of the Convention shall be suspended, altered or amended, without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. RULE XXXI. Upon a call of the Convention, the names of the members shall be called by the Secretary, and the absentees noted; but no excuse shall be made until the Convention shall be fully called over; then the absentees shall be called the second time, and if still absent, excuses may be heard, and if no sufficient excuse be made, the absentees may, by order of those present, if there be fifteen members present, be taken into custody wherever found by the Sergeant-at-Arms. RULES OF CONVENTION. 31 RULE XXXII. The rules of parliamentary practice comprised in Jefferson's Manual shall govern the Convention in all cases to which they are applicable, and when they are not inconsistent; with the standing rules and orders of this Convention. RULE XXXIII The yeas and nays shall be taken upon any question, whenever demanded by ten members, and when so demanded on any question every member within the bar shall vote for or aginst the same, unless the Convention shall excuse him. RULE XXXIV. A majority of the members elected shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a less number may adjourn from day to day. RULE XXXV. Every article shall receive three several readings previous to its being passed, and the second and third readings shall be on different days, and the third reading shall be on a. day subsequent to that in which it has passed a committee of the whole, unless the Convention, by a vote of two-thirds of the members present, shall otherwise direct; and no article, 32 RULES OF CONVENTION. shall be declared adopted without the votes of a majority of all the members elect. RULE XXXVI. No article shall be committed or amended until it has been twice read in whole or by its title, as the Convention shall direct; and every article reported upon by, a committee shall be referred to the committee of the whole, placed on the general order, and printed. RULE XXXVII. When an article shall have reached the order of third reading, it shall be referred to the Committee on Arrangement and Phraseology, for arrangement, correction and engrossment, before it shall be placed upon its final passage. RULE XXXVIII. The several articles, after their final passage, shall be referred to the Committee on Arrangement and Phraseology, for numerical arrangement in their proper order, and shall be reported back to the Convention for its final action upon the Constitution as an entirety. STANDING COMMITTEES. Boundaries, Seat of Government and the Division of the Powers of Government. Messrs. LAMB, LONGYEAR, F. C. WATKINS, SHEARER, LEACH. Legislative Department. Messrs. CONGER, PRINGLE, PARSONS, LUCE, P. DEAN WARNER, D. GOODWIN, MORTON, M. C. WATKINS, TYLER..Executive Department. Messrs. BIRNEY, MTUSSEY, VAN VALKENBURGH, McCLELLAND, CROCKER, LAMB, BROWN. Judicial Department. Messrs. WITHEY, TURNER, GIDDINGS, WILLIAMS, DIVINE, PRATT, LOTHROP, SUTHERLAND, NoRRIS, HOLT, LOVELL, VAN.RIPER, GULICK. Elections. Messrs. VAN yALKENBURGH, FERRIS, T. G. SMITH, BURTENSHAW, FARMER, HOLMES, YEOMANS, CROCKER, JENNISON..,. 34 STANDING COMMITTEES. State Officers. Messrs. P. DEAN WARNER, STOUGHTON, INGALLS, GERMAIN, CHAPMAN. Salaries. Messrs. MUSSEY, WOODHOUSE, WINSOR, BROWN,, HOLMES, DUNCAN, MUSGRAVE, DESNOYERS, MCKERNAN. Counties. Messrs. LUCE, DIVINE, HENDERSON, STOCKWELL, MILES, WHITE, M. C. WATKINS, HIXSON, LAWRENCE. Townships. Messrs. T. G. SMITH, WALKER, BURTCH, SHELDON, W. A. SMITH. Cities and Villages. Messrs. MILES, HOLT, MILLER, WRIGHT, WALKERY W. E. WARNER, HENKEL. Education. Messrs. WILLARD, LOTHROP, MILLER, CHAPIN, BRADLEY, THOMPSON, HULL, W. F. GOODWIN, RICHMOND. Finance and Taxation. Messrs. LEACH, BILLS, MCCONNELL, MCCLELLAND, RICHMOND, ALEXANDER, MUSGRAVE, HENDERSON, WOODHOUSE. STANDING COMMITTEES. 85 Corporations other than Municipal. Messrs. PRINGLE, BARBER, HAZEN, DUNCAN, SAWYER, ALDRICH, ALEXANDER, W. E. WARNER, RAFTER. Impeachment. Messrs. BLACKMAN, HARRIS, HOWARD, MURRAY, W. F. GOODWIN, SAWYER, PURCELL. Exemptions. Messrs. COOLIDGE, DANIELLS, LOVELL, HAIRE, RAFTER. Militia. Messrs. STOUGHTON, HUSTON, MCCONNELL, KENNY, ANDRUS, CONGER, WINANS. Miscellaneous Provisions. Messrs. WILLIAMS, FARMER, BARBER, WITHEY, MCKERNAN. Amendments and Revisions. Messrs. GIDDINGS, CHAPIN, HUSTON, ELLIOTT, JINNISON. Schedule. Messrs. TURNER, HARRIS, WRIGHT, BURTENSHAW, UTLEY, CASE, BRADLEY, NORRIS, DESNOYERS. 36 STANDING COMMITTEES. Arrangement and Phraseology. Messrs. NINDE, BIRNEY, COOLIDGE, BLACKMAN, SUTHERLAND, WILLARD, DANIELLS. Bill of Rights. Messrs. PRATT, DUNCOMBE, KENNY, VAN RIPER, ANDRUS, BURTCH, PURCELL. Public Lands. Messrs. LONGYEAR, HAZEN, WINSOR, UTLEY, STOCKWELL, WHITE, CORBIN. Intoxicating Liquors. Messrs. BILLS, HOWARD, PARSONS, FERRIS, NINDE, ROOT, D. GOODWIN, GULICK, F. C. WATKINS. SpSuplies. Messrs. ALDRICH, CASE, ROOT, HAIRE, HENKEL. Printing. Messrs. HULL, INGALLS, MORTON, ESTEE, THOMPSON. Upper Peninsula. Messrs. BURTENSHAW, LONGYEAR, CONGElR, McKERNAN, GULICK. Crimes and Punishments. Messrs. NORRIS, HOWARD, YEOMANS, MURRAY, CORBIN. POPULATION OF MICHIGAN, BY COUNTIES. COUNTIES. 1864. 1860. 1854. 1850. 1845. Allegan.............. 18,831 16,089 7,804 5,125 2,941 Alpena............... 674 290 New County......... Antrim,.............. 382 179 Not.Or ganized.. Barry................ 14,483 14,020 7,821 5,072 2602 Bay,............... 5,307 3,164. 556 104 Berrien............... 25,856 22,323 13,847 11,417 7,365 Branch............... 22,458 20,410 15,724 12,467 9,064 Calhoun............. 30,488 31,409 22,768 19,164 15,500 Cass................ 17,776 17,721 13,124 10,897 8,073. Cheboygan,......... 483 517 272 New County. Chippewa,............. 1,158 1,603 1,962 898 107 Clinton.............. 14,739 13,926 7,926 5,102 3,010 Delta,................. 561 1,172 New County......... Eaton,............... 16,497 15,895 10,965 7,058 3,723 Emmet............... 1,325 1,149 4,977 New County. Genesee,.............. 22,776 22,600 15,676 10,955 9,266 Grand Traverse,....... 2,017 1,286 517 New County. Gratiot................ 5,831 4,042 116 New County. -Hillsdale,.......... 27,324 25,876 19,188 16,159 9,455 Houghton............. 8,225 5,599 513 126 New Co. Huron................ 3,961 3,165 702 207 72 Ingham............ 17128 1 7,17,531 11,222 8,631 5,240 Ionia,............... 17,984 16,682 10,727 7,557 4,940 osco................. 495 175 New County......... Isabella,........... 1,844 1,443 New County......... Jackson,.... 25,905 26,671 21,855 19,435 1i6826 Kalamazoo............ 25,824 24,651 16,893 13,17 10,280 Kent,................ 33,458 30,721 17,869 12,016 6,049 Keweenaw........... 5,180 3,653 2,873 582.. Lapeer................ 15,247 14,754 9,704 7,028 6,314 Leelanaw,....2,389 2,158 With Grand T raverse. Lenawee,.............. 40,202 38,582 31,148 26,372 22,923 Livingston,........... 16,174 16,851 14,185 13,684 10, 787 Mackinac,....... 1,3356 1,938 1,373 3,598 1,666 Macomb,............. 22404 22,843 18,114 15,530 13,680 38 POPULATION OF MICHIGAN. POPULATION-CONTINUED. COUNTIES. 1864. 1860. 1 854. 1850. 1845. Manistee.............. 1,673 975 394 New County. Manitou,.............1,043 New County......... Marquette,......... 3,724 2,821........ 136........ Mason........844 831....................... Mecosta........... 1,382 880 New County......... Menominee,.......... 496........................ Midland.land,. 1,244 787........ 65. Monroe,............... 22,221 21,596 18,122 14,698 13,287 Montcalm,........... 5,619 3,968 2,060 891 161 Muskegon,........ 5,812 3,947 1,335 752 217 Newaygo............. 3,481 2,760 979 510 New Co. Oakland,............ 33,735 37,720 31,884 31,279 30,245 Oceana,............. 2,379 1,816........ 300 New Co. Ontonagon,....... 5,406 3,973 3,662 389 New Co. Ottawa................ 15,156 13,215 7,137 4,492 1,253 Saginaw,.19,682 12,693 1,053 2,063 920 Sanilac,.............. 8,853 7,599 3,529 2,112 868 Shiawassee,........... 13,465 12,359 7,419 5,229 3,862 St. Clair,............ 27,591 26,750 16,897 9,953 6,622 St. Joseph,........... 21,796 21,108 15,087 12,725 10,097 Tuscola,.............. 6,983 4,886 1,504 291 104 Van Buren...... 17,830 15,224 8,300 5,760 3,865 Washtenaw......... 34,048 35,659 28,836 28,475 26,776 Wayne,............... 83,326 74,727 65,778 42,756 29,225 Unorganized Counties,. 1,195 330....... 16........ Total............. 805,379 748,645 513,893 395,697 296,487 AGGREGATE OF REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE IN MICHIGAN, o As A ssessed annd Equalized by the Boards of Supervisors and the State Board of Equalization. Aggregate of Real Aggregate of Real Aggregate of Real Aggregate of Real Aggregate of en al s and ersonalEs- and Personal Es- Amount added and Personal Es- and Personal Es- andPersonal EsCOUNTIES-. tate as equaljzed ttateaessed r ate as equalized or deducted by tate as equalized tae d, asq13tate as equalized tate by Board Super- State Board. by State Board, - visors, 1853. 1853. Allegan.... $48,67 90 $1,541,737 43 1,541,737 43 Ded. $200,000 00 $1,341,737 43 Alpena,.......................................................................... Barry,.... 409,76900 1,210,484 5 1,224,587 95................ 1,224,58795 Bay,.............................................................................................. Bcrrien,... 775,038 31 3,022,658 00 3,060.883 55................ 3,060,883 55 Branch........... 837,28915 3,138,308 03 2,874.354 00 Add 863,954 00 3,738,308 00 Calhoun.... 1,637,347 03 3,742,270 00 3,646,946 00 Add 1,783,758 00 5,430,701 00 Cass,...........841,411 00 2,710,660 00 2,700,660 00 Add 44,278 00 2,944,938 00 Cheboygan,................................................. Chippewa,........ 105,291 00.................................... 200,000 00 Clinton,........ 382,783 00 1,174,323 00 1,164,959 00................ 1,164,9 00 Delta,.............................................................. Eaton,............ 519,614 52 1,692,927 0 1732,854 00................ 1,732,854 00 Em m et,..o............................................................. Genesee,.......... 735209 23 2,980,94 54 2,548,036 54 Add 566,319 46 3,114,356 00 P Grand Traverse,.................................................................................. Gratiot,............................................................................. Hillsdale,......... 993,240 00 4,169,523 76 4,167,225'76 Ded. 157,70276 4,009,523 00 Houghton,..................................................................................... H uron,.......................................................................................... Ingham,.......... 588,387 00 1,870,153 00 1,853 000 00................ 1,853,000 00 lonia,.......5...... 15,993 67 1,938,130 50 2,007,218 87.......... 2,007,218 87 losco,.....,,..,,,,................................................ Isabella,.............................................................. Jackson,.......... 1,516,459 01 5,758,013 00 5,723,793 CO................ 5,723,798 00 Kalamazoo,..... 1,093,192 15 4,787,874 00 4,810,655 00................ 4,810,655 00 - AGGREGATE OF REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE-CoNTINUED.. Aggregate of Real Aggregate of Real Aggregate of Real Aggregate of Real AggPersonal Es- ad Personal E- and Personal Es- Amount a d d e d and Personal EsCOUNTIES. tate as equalized tate as assessed, tate as equalized or deducted by tate as equalized ba BoesalrSd tateas 185 assed by Board Super- State Board. by State Board, by Board, 1851. 3. visors, 1853. 1853. C Kent,............ $883,014 78 $334,440 $3,562,823 00.............. 3,56823 00 t0 Keweenaw,...................................... Lapeer,........... 46,400 88 1,771,019 33 1,666,118 59............ 666,118 59 Leelanaw......................................................................... Lenawee,......... 2,358,059 82 9,590,431 00 9,609,813 00................ 9,609,813 CO. Livingston,...... 807,687 20 2,738,576 86 3,278,626 97 Ded. $200,000 00 3,078,626 97 Mackinac,......... 127,709 70 169,902 25 169,902 25................ 169,902 25 Macomb,.......... 896,246 00 4,366,309 00 4,510,399 00 Ded. 500,COO 00 4,010,399 00 M anistee,........................................................................................ Manitou,................ M arquette,.................................................................. M ason,........................ I. O...................... 9,/. Msecosta,........................................................................................... Menominee,...................................................... Midland................................................................ Monroe,..... 960,344 22 3,843,595 00 3,811,876 00................ 3,811875 00 M c! Montcalm,..... 109,182 56 265,422 00 291,645 00................ 291,645 09 Muskegon,.......... ewayg................. 153,9287 1, 75 1,285........ 153,928 75 Oakland,.... 2,441,475 74 8,618,290 00 8,617,930 00................ 8,617.930 00 Oceana,................................................................. I' Ontonagon,..................................................... Ottawa,........... 481,847 23 3,239,114 25 1,322,479 70................ 1,322,47970 N Saginaw,....... 3.7,973 01 1,327,393 49 1,336,002 22..... 1,333,00 2 Sanilac,.......... 221,225 19 776,657 00 776,657 00................ 776,657 00 Shiawassee,....... 411,666 49 1,155,017 00 1,280,488 00............... 1,280,48K 00 St. Clair,.......... 977,261 25 3,325,076 02 3,152,532 39 Add 856,611 61 3,909,044 00 St Joseph,........ 1,088,923 CO 4,104,713 00 4,116,976 00................ 4,116,975 CO F0 AGGREGATE OF REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE-CONTINUED. i Aggregateof Real Aggregate of lAggregate of Real Aggregate of Real AggregateofRalA ga t Real angd PersonalEs- Amount added and Personal EsCOUNTIES. tate as equalizedl tate as assessed tate as equalized or deducted by tate as equalized by Board, 1851. 1853. b y Board Super- State Board. by State Board, visors, 1853. 1853. Tuscola,.......... 115,249 58 $281,122 43 $278,157 93............... $78,157 93 Van Buren,....... 41,663 35 1,482,757 79 1,683,561 14............... 1,683,561 14 Washtenaw,....... 2,517,427 00 9,012,392 00 9,375,0000................ 9,375,000 CO 0 Wayne............ 3,833,213 76 17,953,525 00 16,097,331 30 Add 2 856,193 70 18,953,525 00 0 Totals........... $30,976,270 18| $115,647,758 951 $114,049,162 34................ $120,362404 35.______________________________. AGGREGATE OF REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE IN MICHIGAN, As Assessed and Equalized by the Boards of Supervisors and the State Board of Equalization. |o. of acres ofI Aggregate ofeal Aggregate of Real Amount added or Aggregate of Real No. of acres of;.. Ral andPersonalEs- and Personal Es- & COUNTIES. Land assessed in and Peso s taderson al Es- deducted by tateasequalized t COUNTIES. 861.tate, as tate as equalized State Board o t as eul 1861., as a e 1861. by Board Super- Equ alization. of Equalization. I........vior....... of E aono. by State Board Allegan,.......... 493,761.00 $3,061,876 00 $2,998,876 00 Ded. $18,551 00 2,980,325 00 Alpena,......... 237,832.02 367,3628 367,362 78......... 367,362 78 0 Antrim,................................................................................... tarry............ 347,747.00 1,757,79700 1,743,642 00 Add 397,078 00 2,140,70 00 Bay,.............. 142,078.00 697,426 00 635,309 00 Add 40,553 00 675,862 00 Berrin.... 355,08.00 4676268 00 4,222,042 00 Add 323,820 00 4,545,862 00 Branch,.......... 316,793.00 3,805,903 00 3,802,948 00 Add 1,100,000 00 4,902,948 00 Calhoun,.......... 438,542.37 5,681,784 00 5,819,358 09 Add 1,264,542 00 7,083,900 00 Cass,............. 302,871.00 3,813,881 00 3,813,881 00 Add 100,000 00 3,913,881 00 Cheboygan,....... 22,170.00 83,686 20 77,225 20................ 77,225 20 AGGREGATE OF REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE-CONTINUED.' Aggregate of Ral Aggregateof Real Amount added Aggregateof Real Number of acres andl ers nal Es d and Personal Esand Personal ts- or deducted by COUNTIES. of Land assessed sonald tate as equalized Staedted tat as qualizd in 1861.as assesd y Board Super- Equalization by State Board in 1861. E quavisors. of Equalization. - Chippcwa..... 20,070.03 $111,224 36 $111,824 36 Ded. $11,224 36 $100, 00 00 Clinton........... 346,550.63 2,406,314 00 1,977,538 00 Add 385,802 00 2,363,340 00 Delta,................................. 150,000 00........... Eaton,............ 350,679.00 3,201,910 00 3,046,828 00 Dcd. 253,513 00 2,792,315 00 0 Emmet,.......... 5,913.64 41102 6 41102 36.......... 41,102 36 3 Gcnesce........... 395,342.00 4,056,830 00 4,052,298 00 Ded. 26,368 00 4,025,930 00 Grand Traverse,... 164,661.00 521,298 00 498,459 00 Add 50,000 00 548,459 03 Gratiot,........... 274,602.00 787,372 00 595,711 00 Add 12,150 00 607,861 00 Hillsdale.......... 379,202.00 5,407,782 00 5,252,637 00 Add 993,714 00 6,246,351 00 Houghton,........ 134,869.02 1,033,666 72 1,033,666 72 Ded. 33,236 72 1,000,430 00 Huron,............ 185,406.00 533,591 16 466,855 00 Add 78,455 00 545,310 03 Ingham,......... 333,497.00 $2,910,247 00 $2,748,990 00................ $2,748,990 00 Ionia,............ 343,828.50 3,376,465 25 3,356,875 25 Ded. $316,356 25 3,040,519 00 Iosco,............. 83,283.30 129,250 37 129,250 37................ 129,250 37 Isabella.......... 134,727.00 497,080 00 457,080 00 Ded. 73,411 00 383,669 00 Jackson,.... 432,158.00 6,476,813 00 5,034,559 00 Add 2,018,121 00 7,052,680 00 < Kalamazoo,.....I.. 346,255.00 4,646,911 00 4,689,662 00 Add 1,100,000 00 5,789,662 00 Kent............. 516,425.00 6,357,454 00 6,431,679 00 Add 1,764,609 00 8,196,288 00 N Keweenaw,....... 118,425.95% 771,032 02 771,032 02............ 771,032 02 Lapeer,........... 392,626.80 2,286,622 00 2,137,307 00... 2,137,307 00 0 Leelanaw,....................................................................................... Lenawee,.......... 465,446.00 10,360,157 00 10,288,929 00 Add 1,077,111 00 11,366,040 00 W Livingston,....... 365,472.92 3,156,530 00 3,155,430 00 Ded. 155,230 00 3,000,200 00 Mackinac,...... 30,975.77 147,785 00 147,785 00 147,785 0 Macomb,......... 295,845.00 4,899,459 00 4,809,959 00................ 4,809,959 00 Manistee,........ 99,043.35 338,662 62 335,662 62................ 335,662 62 Manitou,...... 9,388.00 62,177 00 62,177 00................ 62,177 00 Marquette,...................................... 1,000,00 00 AGGREGATE OF REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE —CoNT1NuE. b 1 Aggregate of Real Amount a d d e d Aggregate Of Rea Number of acres Aggregate of Rea and Personal Es- or deducted by Personal EsCOUNTIES. of Land assessed andPersonalSEs- tate as exualized Stet Board of ateaeaized tate as assess er by State Board ~~~in 1861. by Board Superin 1861. Visors. Equalization. of Equalization. t4 Hason,........... 83,261.76 $212,89740 $178,133 82 Add $75,737 18 $253,871 00 Mecosta.......... 235,876.28 342,410 15 342,410 15 Add 130,089 85 472,500 00 P Menominee,..................................................... 154,000 00 Z Midland,....... 280,090.14 583,520 76 572,385 96 Add 11,134 04 583,520 00 Monroe,......... 333,904.00 4,071,835 00 4,061,383 00 Add 200.000 00 4,261,383 00 Montcalm,........ 315,742.38 1,037,162 00 1,037,107 00 Ded. 100,000 00 937,107 00 Muskegon........ 150,681.14 793,884 52 860,524 12................ 860,524 12 Newaygo......... 250,316.26 703,911 00 675,412 00 Add 100,000 00 775,412 00 Oakland,.......... 539.590.00 9,689,543 00 9,689,543 00 Add 1,533,677 00 11,223,220 00 Oceana........... 166,278.10 427,054 59 424,943 95 Ded. 62,943 95 362,0C 0 00 Ontonagon,....... 193,009.50 1,132,329 00 1,132,329 00 Ded. 479,007 00 653.322 00 Ottaaa,......... 294,025.18 $1,353,723 00 $1,374,317 00 Add $502,503 00 $1,876,820 06 Saginaw,........ 420,679.00 2,480,487 60 2,250,424 63 Add 243,235 37 2,493,600 60 Sanilac,....... 403,292.90 1,520,274 14 1,513,158 34 Ded. 21,350 34 1,491,808 03.Shiawassee,...... 341,427.02 2,672,644 00 2,466,282 00 Add 100,000 00 2,566,282 00 St. Clair,...... 424,325.00 3,607,42 00 3,575,391 00 Add 421,449 00 3,96,84000 St. Joseph,....... 314,322.73 5,800,059 00 5,825,565 00................ 5,825,565 00 Tuscola,.......... 341,245.49 1,118,891 69 930,709 42............... 930,709 42 Van Buren,..... 381,723.22 2,587,654 00 2,365,650 00 Add 225,8400 2,591,490 00 Washtenaw....... 429,832.00 9,253,558 00 8,900,000 00 Add 1,260,430 00 10,160,430 00 Wayne,........... 380,714.00 20,010,220 00 18,582,982 00 Add 4,923,958 00 23,503,940 00 Totals.......... 15,162,710.40% $157,863,206 69 $151,871,992 07. $172,055,808 89 jp tD AGGREGATE OF REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE IN MICHIGAN, g As Assessed and Equalized by the Boards of Supervisors and the State Board of Equalization. NmeofarsAggregate of Real Aggregate of Rea Amount a d d e d Aggregate of Real Number of acres and Personal Es and Es- or deducted by and Personal Es- COUNTIES. of Land a sed a tae as equalized State Board of tate as equalized ~81856;'t a seed byBoardsof Su- by State Board 1856. eraison. 1_,_6. pervisors. of Equalization. Allegan,.......... 464,979.00 $1,704,698 00 $2,704,798 CO Ded. $197,527 00 $2,507,271 00 Alpena,........................................................................... Antrim................................................................................... Bany,.. 232,560.00 1,720,33 0,948 00 Add 69,052 00 1,780,00 00 Branch............ 312,696.00 3,796,734 00 3,799,317 00 Add 27,076 00 3,82,393 00 Calhoun,.......... 438,188.85 5,426,584 CO 5,426,584 CO Add 26,112 00 5,452,660 00 Ca............. 297,875.79 3,703,478 00 3,703,478 00 Ded. 407,382 00 3,296,096 00 Cheboygan,......... 6,460,66 89,289 25 90,115 CO Ded. 9,912 00 80,203 8 Chippewa,.......................................... 100,00 00 Clinton......... 334,275.00 2,174,123 00 2,180,123 CO Ded. 239,813 00 1,940.310 00 Delta,........................................................................... Eaton,............ 338,546.00 3,135,767 00 2,778,123 00 Ded. 553,123:00 2,225,000 00 Emmet,........................................................ 0,000 00 Genesee,.......... 388,775.00 3,922,987 00 4,008,499 00 Add 4,956 00 4,03,455 00 Grand Traverse,................................,,......................................... 100,000 00 Gratiot........... 224929.00 585,847 00 474,191 00 Ded. 118,191 00 356,000 00 Hillsdale,......... 379,017.28 5,171,400 00 5,162,400 00 Ded. 567,864 00 4,594,536 00 Huron,........................................................................................... Ingham,......... 333,374.05 2,894;810 55 2,925,811 55 Ded. 611,811 55 2,314,000 00 Ionia,........... 338,095.22 3,188,605 25 3 144,528 00 Ded. 830,528 03 2,314,000 00 losco,............................................................................................... Isabella,............................................................................... Jackson......... 435,677.00 6,526,113 00 6,199,925 00 Ded. 681,991 00 5,517,934 00 Kalamazoo,....., 346,246.00 5,781,582 00 56619,229 09 Ded. 61~,115 0C 5,001,114 00 AGGREGATE OF REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE-CoNTIwED. A ete of Real Aggregateof Real Amount added AggregateofReal Number of acres Bgrgato ea and Personal Es- odeutdb andPersonal EsCOUNTIES. of Ladassessed and ersonal Es- tate as l or deducted by tate as equalized 186.~ -'~ tate as assessed, I _ o'?' o'~ 186. tate as56 assessed by Boards of Su- Equalization by State Board 1856 [ pervisors. ualization of Equalization., Kent,......06,136.24 6,503,338 18 $6557,737 50 Dd. $721,351 50 $5,836,386 00 Keweenaw................................................................................ Lapeer......... 372,869.96 2,256,841 03 2,199,141 00 Ded. 241,905 00 3,957,236 00 M Leelanaw,...................................... LenaWee............. 10,674,746 00 10,536,619 00 Ded.,159,028 00 9,377,591 00 LiVingston..... 258,004.43 3,296,369 75 3,238,357 00 Ded. 356,219 00 2,882,13 00 Mackinac,......... 3,181.48 154,331 00 165,599 00 Ded. 18,215 00 147,384 03 Macomb,.......... 189,270.00 5,296,466 00 5,295,466 00 Ded. 582,51103 4,713,955 00 Manistee,......... 40,660.94.............. 221,531 44 Ded. 24,368 44 197,168 00 Manitou.............................................. |. 25,000 00 Marquette.................................... 25,00000 Masons.-560469........................ *....I........... 5 0,000 00 Mescosta,.........o..................................................,........ Menominee,.................................................................................. Midland....... 201,103.79 560,600 66 569,514 80 Ded. 62,646 80 506,868 00 Monroe,...... 330,728.00 4,236,159 00 4,199,570 CO Ded. 461,952 00 3,737,618 C0 Montcalm,......... 219,689.00 893 580 00 893,581 00 Ded. 98,293 C0 795,288 00 Muskegon,............................................................................ Ne...go.....201,003.00 702,286 00 647,225 03 Ded. 71,194 00 678,081 00 Osi$ ed,.......... 513,994.00 1C,266,760 00 10,266,760 00 Ded.1,129,343 00 9,137,417 00 O a........... 428.84 209,292 62 232,994 62 Ded. 21,e28 62 207,368 00 Oatonagon,........ 01,862.4.......... 511,169 88 Add 22,83012 f34,000 00 Ottw........... 39S,344.46 2,363,729 2 2,438,437 15 Ded. 268,228 15 2,170,209 00 Saginaw......... 456,081.03 2,20,803 86 2,511,121 62 Ded. 276,223 62 2,234,898 00 Sanilac,....... 401,327.26 1,729,033 87 1,740,864 44 1ed. 191,939 44 1,48,925 00 Shiawassee,....... 318,547.00 2,229,656 03 2,463,248 00 Ded. 270,627 00 2,189,62100 St. Clair,.......... 395,017.50 3,73,860 00 3,767,672 15 Ded. 414,443 15 3,353,229 00 St Joaeph........ 311,202.44 6,273,170 00. 6,412,968 00 Ded. 962,958 00 4,450,030 00 c3 AGGREGATE OF REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE-CoNTIUED. C CO1 aEoft a aes s d e tate as equaliz State Board o te ads equal ze 1856.s1856 assessed, byBoards of Su- Equalization by State Board 1856. pervisors. Equalization o of Equalization. E Tuscola,.......... 279,163.34 $927,026 79 $922,094 45 Ded. $101,480 45 $820,664 00 Van Buren,...... 369,406.68 2,402,243 75 2,395,925 94 Ded. 263,551 94 2,132,374 00 Washtenaw,....... 440,931.16 9,194,e80 00 9,000,000 00 Ded. 100,000 CO 8,900,000 00 o Wayne,.......... 382,72. 20,236,936 00 19148,48 00 19,148,481 CO Totals.......... 12,167,812.84 $149,749,623 41 149,6 2 $17,663,009 00 0 AGGREGATE OF REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE IN MICHIGAN, As Assessed and Equalized by the Boards.of Supervisors and the State Board of Equalization. Aet~ R Ag gt I o Reldo Aggregate of Real Number of acres ggrgate of Re and Personal Amount added or and Personal EsNu e. ofLn assess and Personal Es- tate a eualized deducted by tate as equalized,O COUNTIES. of Land assessed taa n, l t b d o inUNtae an assessed16 an P mersed bytBoa ds of Su-a State Board of by State Board cI in1866lin 1866. byoar sofSu- Equalization, of Equalization, P pervisors. 18,66. 7 t_ Allegan,.......... 498,043.00 $3,183,816 00 $3,C77,307 00 Add 2,867,474 66 $5,941,781 66 Alpena,........ 349,255.26 1,299,284 36 1,299,284 36 Add 448,56396 1,747,848 32 > Antrim,........... 129,515.99 218,023 53 206,36 61 Add 537,79171 554,428 32 Barry,........... 343,054.00 1,864,958 00 1,857,815 00 Add 1,529;993 32 3,387,808 22 Bay............. 198,715.89 1,457,708 00 1,448,790 00 Add 1,053,193 32 2,501,983 32 Berrien,.......... 349,426.46 4,620,010 00 5,257,735 00 Add 2,843,726 66 8,101,461 66 Branch,.......... 311,867.00 4,055,296 00 4,038,260 00 Add 2,961,713 32 6,999,973 32 Calhoun,.......... 41,770.00 6,167,774 00 6,167,774 00 Add 6,190,894 32 12,338,668 32 Cass,............. 309,850.00 4,003,755 00 3,988,000 00 Add 3,091,051 66 7,079,051 66 Cheboygan,...... 31.968.00 84,12800 79,128 00 Add 73,733 66 152,861 6 in AGGREGATE OF REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE-CoNTInU. AgIr AfcAgfgregate o ere ofReal A ggregate of Real IANumber of a ggreagat e of Reallub r oaf ore Amount added or and Personal EsCOUNTIES. of Laud assessed and Personal Es- t a e ale deducted by tate as equalized in 1860 tate, as assessed t Boars ofequalized State Board of by State Board in 1866. bBoards of S Equalization. of Equalization, N pervisors. 186. 1866.,O Chippewa,........ 30,640.18 $125,905 00 $125,905 00 Add $42,550 00 $168,455 00 Clinton,........... 349,845.92 2,676,817817 678144 Add 1,520,400 88 4,197,218 32 Delta,....................................................................... 256,650 00 Eaton............ 358,608.00 3,164,512 00 3,092,860 00 Add 1,375000 00 4,467,860 00 Emmet.......... 21,994.09 61,876 87 62,790 12 Add 53,981 54 116,771 66 Genesee,......... 392,991.00 4,387,699 00 4,464,737 00 Add 3,281,541 32 7,746,278 32 0 Grand Traverse,... 139,448.26 313,287 00 31 23 Add 387,378 66 699,101 66 Gratlot,......... 289,718.00 930,533 00 711,259 00 Add 923,48600 1,34,745 00 illsale......... 277,322.23 6,01,013 00 5,791,041 00oAdd 3,212,85 66 9,003,806 66 Houghton,........ 284,629.66 2,047,922 13 1,865,000 00 Add 1,377,523 32 3,242,523 32 Huron........... 250,750.00 723,624 91 737,e10 611Add 573,2668 06 1,10,776 66 Ingham,.......... 40,468.00 $3,147,872 00 $2,868,000 CO Add 1,605,960 00 4,469,980 00 Ionia........... 360,320.52 3,922,548 00 3,966,370 00 Add 2,842,578 32 6,807,948 32 Iosoo,........... 267,387.88 633,273 81 633,273 81 Add 510,849 51 1,144,133 32 IfIab ea.......... 242,777.49 664,445 49 536,426 61 Add 636,398 39 1,071,825 00 00Jalso n......... 433,700.00 6,858,880 00 6,067,086 00 Add 6,651,485 66 12,718,571 66 Kalamazoo,....... 340,035.00 6,576,204 00 5,619.443 00 Add 4,356,903 66 9,976,346 66 Kent,............. 20,401.00 7,022,318 00 6,733,968 00 Add 5,149,677 00 11,883,645 00 Keweenaw,....... 248,629.88 1,703,846 20 1,409,700 20 Add 1,102,473 12 2,512,173 32 Lapeer,........ 414,274.14 2,268:082 00 2,216,010 00 Add 2,499,721 66 4,715,731 66 Leelanaw,......... 60,193.91 227,554 00 231,564 00 Add 99,047 66 330,611 66 Lenawee,........ 468,382 00 10,724,100 CO 10,286,178 00 Add 7,273,065 32 17,559,343 32 Livingston,....... 364,210.CO 3,245,041 00 2,875,881 00 Add 3,388,554 00 6,264,435 00 Mackinac,........ 30,487.23 237,917 15 237,917 15 Add 135,707 85 373,625 00 Macomb,.......... 295,580.00 5,193,249 00 5,273,249 00 Add 3,336,934 32 8,610,183 32 Manistee.......... 138,041.44 612,826 91 612,826 91 Add 200,431 41 813.258 82 Manitou,......... 20,989.41 117,306 00 117,306 0 0 Add 33,215 66 150,521 C6 Marquette,........ 280,569.48 1,139,989 00 1,128,794 00 Add 1,118,611 00 2,247,406 00 AGGREGATE OF REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE-CONTINUED. O Aggregate of Real Aggregateof Real Number of acres Aggregate of Real anr,sonl Es Amount added or and Personal EsCOUNTIES. of Land assessed a S ededucted by te equalized in 1866. tat, as assessed tateas equalized State Board of by State Board inl866* W. KSi n 18 66. Sn-I in 1866. Eby Boards of of Equalization, pervisor... j IEqualiatio 1866. Mason,........... 01,664.95 $239,188 42 $238,889 00 Add $247,086 00 $485,976 00 Mecosta,.......... 276,464.37 769,95410 775,040 50 Add 438,434 50 1,213,475 00 Menominee....... 91,981.00 241,728 00 241,728 00 Add 198,532 00 440,260 00 Midland,........ 449,136.91- 1,326,243 00 1,326,243 00 Add 554,988 66 1,881,231 6 0 Monroe,.......... 37326.00 4,281,928 00 4,271,610 55 Add 2,630,191 11 6,901,801 66 Montcalm,........ 350,431.0 1,230,491 00 1,175,231 00 Add 865,605 66 2,040,886 66 Muskegon,........ 190,715.C9 1,634,747 72 1,623,689 39 Add 1,019,417 27 2,643,106 66 Newaygo.......... 273,218.59 949,174 00 948,265 18 Add 682,176 48 1,580,441 66 Oakland,.......... 478,261.39 9,066,705 00 9,068,705 00 Add 6,321,855 00 15,388,560 00 Oceana,.......... 200,600.65 575,690 69 610,861 13 Add 353,478 87 964,340 80 Ontonagon........ 191,521.33 865,128 58 677,457 58 Add 743,927 42 1,421,385 00 Ottawa........... 314,984.00, 1,870,761 00 1,832,12200 Add 1,671,071 32 3,03,193 31 Saginaw,......... 457,177.07 3,487,419 55 3,875,575 67 Add 4,583,715 99 8,459,291 66 Fanilac,........... 497,021.61 1,578,501 00 1,532,984 00 Add 945,419 32 2,478,403 32 Shiawassee,....... 333,588.77 2,248,774 00 2,119,565 00 Add 1,667,786 66 3,787,351 65 St. Clair,.......... 426,446.00 3,783,919 CO 3,783,919 00 Add 2,522,612 66 6,306,531 66 M St. Joseph......... 303,531.00 6,396,603 00 6,343,536 00 Add 2,886,205 66 9,229,741 66 Tuscola,.......... 383,572.00 1,406,023 CO 1,433,593 00 Add 988,860 32 2,422,453 32 Van Buren........ 380,828.60 3,415,697 00 3,025,00 00 Add 1,901,238 32 4,926,238 32 Washtenaw........ 429,454.00 9,747,064 00 10,OC0,000 00 Add 7,189,765 00 17,189,765 00 Wayne,........... 371,027.26 23,245,285 00 23,239,561 00' 18,132,157 32 41,371,708 32 Totals,......... 17,111,710.91 $179065,450 86 176,209.042 82................ $307,965,842 92._I ___I _.... g1 ~i SUPREME COURT. CHIEF JUSTICE, GEO. MARTIN; Residence, Grand Rapids. ASSOCIATE JUSTICES, ISAAC P. CHRISTIANCY; Residence, Monroe. JAMES V. CAMPBELL; Residence, Detroit. THOMAS M. COOLEY; Residence, Ann Arbor. CIROUIT COURTS. 1st Circuit-Monroe, Lenawee and Hillsdale. Judge-FRANKLIN JOHNSON, Monroe. 2d Circuit-Branch, St. Joseph, Cass and Berrien. Judge-NATHANIEL BACON, Niles. 3d Circuit-Wayne, Emmet and Cheboygan. Judge-CHARLES I. WALKER, Detroit. ~4th Circuit-Washtenaw, Jackson and Ingham. Judge-EDWIN LAWRENCE, Ann Arbor. 5th Circuit-Calhoun and Eaton. JudgeGEORGE WOODRUFF, Marshall. 6th Circuit-St. Clair, Macomb, Oakland and Sanilac. Judge-JAMES S. DEWEY, Pontiac. 62 CIRCUIT COURTS. 7th Circuit-Livingston, Shiawassee, Genesee, Lapeer and Tuscola. Judge-JosIAH TURNER, Owosso. 8th Circuit-Ionia, Clinton, Kent, Montcalm and Barry. Judge-Louis S. LOVELL, Ionia. 9th Circuit-Allegan, Kalamazoo and Van Buren. Judge-FLAVIUS J. LITTLEJOHN, Allegan. 10th Circuit-Saginaw, Gratiot, Isabella, Midland, losco, Bay and Alpena; and the following unorganized Counties are attached for Judicial and Municipal purposes, and form a part of said Circuit-to the County of Midland are attached the Counties of Gladwin, Clare and Roscommon; and to the County of Alpena, the Counties of Montmorenci, Presque Isle, Oscoda and Alcona. Judge-JABEZ G. SUTHERLAND, Saginaw. 11th Circuit-Mackinac, Chippewa, Delta and Menominee. Judge-D. GOODWIN, Detroit. 12th Circuit-Ontonagon, Keweenaw, Houghton and Marquette. Judge-CLARENCE E. EDDIE, Houghton, L. S. 13th Circuit-Mason, Manistee, Wexford, Missaukee, Benzie, Grand Traverse, Kalkaska, Leelanaw, Antrim, Otsego and Manitou. Judge -J. G. RAMSDELL, Traverse City. 14th Circuit-Ottawa, Newaygo, Oceana, Muskegon and Mecosta. Judge-MosEs B. HoPmNs, Grand Haven. GOVERNORS OF MIOHIGAN TERRITORY. WILLIAM HULL,....................1805 LEWIS CASS,........................1814 GEORGE B. PORTER,................ 1829 STEVENS T. MASON,................1834 J. T. HORNER, Ex Officio,............1835 GOVERNORS OF THE STATE OF MIOHIGAN. STEVENS T. MASON,...............1835-6 WM. WOODBRIDGE,..................1840 J. W. GORDON, (Acting,).............. 1841 JOHN S. BARRY,....................1842 ALPHEUS FELCH,................... 1846 WM. N. GREENLY, (Acting,).......... 1847 EPAPHRODITUS RANSOM,.......... 1848 JOHN S. BARRY,.....................1850 ROBERT McCLELLAND,............1852 ANDREW PARSONS, (Acting,).........1853 KINSLEY S. BINGHAM,..............1855 MOSES WISNER,.....................1859 AUSTIN BLAIR,....................1861 AUSTIN BLAIR,.....................1863 HENRY H. CRAPO,................ 1865 HENRY H. CRAPO,..................1867 64 U. S. SENATORS. A LIST OF U. S. SENATORS FROM MICHIGAN. LUCIUS LYON,................. 1836-40 JOHN NORVELL,.............. 1836-41 AUGUSTUS A. PORTER,......... 1840-45 WILLIAM WOODBRIDGE,........1841-47 LEWIS CASS,....................1845-48 THOS. H. FITZGERALD,..........184849 LEWIS CASS,...............1849-57 ALPHEUS FELCH,...............1847-53 CHARLES E. STUART,........... 1853-59 ZACHARIAH CHANDLER,....... 1857-69 KINSLEY S. BINGHAM,...........1859-61 JACOB M. HOWARD,.............1862-71 REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS FROM MICH. ISAAC E. CRARY,................1836-41 JACOB M. HOWARD,.............. 1841-43 LUCIUS LYON,.................1843-45 ROBERT McCLELLAND,..........1843-47 JAMES B. HUNT,.................1843-47 JOHN S. CHIPMAN,..............184-47 ROBERT McCLELLAND,..........1847-49 CHARLES E. STUART,...........1847-49 KINSLEY S. BINGHAM,...........1849-51 ALEXANDER W. BUEL,..........1849-51 WILLIAM SPRAGUE,.............1849-51 REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS. 65 JAMES L. CONGER,...............1851-53 CHARLES E. STUART,........... 1851-53 EBENEZER J. PENNIMAN,......... 1851-53 SAMUEL CLARK,.................1853-55 DAVID A. NOBLE,................1853-55 HESTOR L. STEVENS,............ 1853-55 DAVID STUART,................. 1853-55 GEORGE W. PECK,...............1855-57 WM. A. HOWARD,................1855-57 HENRY WALDRON,..............1855-57 DAVID S. WALBRIDGE,...........1855-57 WM. A. HOWARD,............... 1857-59 DAVID S. WALBRIDGE,..........1857-59 HENRY WALDRON,..............1857-59 D. C. LEACH,.................... 1857 59 WM. A. HOWARD,............... 1859-61 HENRY WALDRON,..............1859-61 D. C. LEACH,....................1859-61 FRANCIS W. KELLOGG,..........1859-61 B. F. GRANGER,..................1861-63 F. C. BEAMAN,..................1861-63 F. W. KELLOGG,.................1861-63 ROWLAND E. TROWBRIDGE,.....1861-63 CHARLES UPSON,................1863-65 F. C. BEAMAN,...................1863-65 JOHN W. LONGYEAR,............1863-65 F. W. KELLOGG,................. 1863-65 A. C. BALDWIN,..................1863-65 JOHN F. DRIGGS,.................1863-66 JOHN. W. LONGYEAR,...........1865-67 9 66 REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS. CHARLES UPSON,................1865-67 JOHN F. DRIGGS,............. 1865-67 THOS. W. FE RRY,................1865-67 ROWLAND E. TROWBRIDGE,....1865-67 F. C. BEAMAN,............... 1865-67 JOHN F. DRIGGS,................ 1867-69 CHARLES UPSON,................1867-69 THOS. W. FERRY,................1867-69 ROWLAND E. TROWBRIDGE,....1867-69 F. C. BEAMAN,...................1867-69 AUSTIN BLAIR,................ 1867-69 3AMES OF DELEGATES IN THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION OF 1835. ADAM, JOHN J. AXFORD, JOHN S. AXFORD, SAMUEL BARRY, JOHN S. BEAUFAIT, LEWIS BIDDLE, JOHN BOUGHTON, SELLECK C. BREWER, JOHN BRIGGS, RUSSELL BROWN, AMMON BROWN, RICHARD CASE, EMANUEL CALKIN, EPHRAIM CHAPMAN, BELA CLARK, ELIPHALET CLARKE, JOHN CHASE, JONATHAN COLBATH, LEMUEL,COLLINS, ALPHEUS COMSTOCK, DARIUS.CONVIS, EZRA'COOK, ELIJAH CROSSMAN, RUFUS CURTIS, THOMAS 68 MEMBERS OF CONVENTION. CRARY, ISAAC E. DAVIS, J. D. DAVISON, NORMAN DOUSMAN, MICHAEL ELLENWOOD, JOHN ELLIS, EDWARD D. FERRINGTON, CALEB FERRY, PETER P. GIDLEY, TOWNSEND E. GODARD, ABEL GODFROY, JAMES J. HERRINGTON, CALEB HOWE, ORIN HOWELL, JOSEPH JR. HUTCHINS, ALLEN INGERSOLL, SAMUEL IRWIN, CHARLES F. JENKINS, BALDWIN LACY, ELIJAH LOOMIS, HUBBEL LYON, LUCIUS MANNING, RANDOLPH McCLELLAND, ROBERT McDONELL, JOHN MILLER, LEWIS T. MOORE, WILLIAM MORRIS, BENJ. B. MUNDY, E. NEWBERRY, SENECA NEWTON, JAMES MEMBERS OF CONVENTION. 69 NOBLE, NATHANIEL NORVELL, JOHN ODELL, JAMES OTIS, ASA H. PATRICK, WILLIAM PATTERSON, JOSEPH H. PORTER, HENRY PORTER, SOLOMON PURDY, ROBERT RAYNALE, EBENEZER REXFORD, ROSWELL B. SHATTUCK, GILBERT SHELLHOUSE, MARTIN G. STEVENS, AMOS STUBBS, M. P. SUTPHEN, J. V. D. TALLMAN, THEOPHILUS TAYLOR, JOSHUA B. TEN EYCK, J. TIFFANY, ALEXANDER R. TUCKER, JACOB VAN EVERY, PETER VOORHEIS, ISAAC J. WADHAMS, RALPH WELCH, WILLIAM H. WELLS, HEZEKIAH G. WHITE, ALPHEUS WHITE, DAVID WHITE, ORRIN -WHITE, SAMUEL 70 MEMBERS OF CONVENTION. WILLIAMS, JOHN R. WVILKINS, ROSS WILLARD, TITUS B. WOODBRIDGE, WILLIAM NAMES OF DELEGATES IN THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION OF 1850. ADAMS, P. R. ADAMS, WALES ALVORD, H. J. ANDERSON, R. H. ARZENO, A. M. AXFORD, W. BACKUS, H. T. BAGG, J. H. BARNARD, ELI BARTOW, H. BARTOW, JOHN BEARDSLEY, C. E. BEESON, JACOB BRITAIN, CALVIN BROWN, ALVARADO BROWN, AMMON BROWN, ASAHEL BURNS, J. D. BUSH, C. P. BUTTERFIELD, J. L. CARR, W. S. CHANDLER, C. CHAPEL, C. W. CHOATE, EMERSON 72 MEMBERS OF CONVENTION. CHURCH, THOS. B. CLARK, J. CLARK, SAMUEL COMSTOCK, A. J. CONNER, W. O. COOK, JOHN P. CORNELL, J. G. CRARY, ISAAC E. CROUSE, ROBERT DANFORTH, E. B. DANIELS, EBENEZER DESNOYERS, PETER DIMOND, R. B. EASTMAN, TIMOTHY EATON, E. C. EDMUNDS, J. M. FRALICK, HENRY GALE, ELBRIDGE G. GARDINER, E. P. GIBSON, JOHN GOODWIN, DANIEL GRAHAM, J. GREEN, NELSON HANSCOM, A. H. HART, N. H. HARVEY, G. C. HASCALL, VOLNEY HATHAWAY, H. HIXON, DANIEL KINGSLEY, JAMES MEMBERS OF CONVENTION. 73 XINNE, DANIEL LEACH, DEWITT C. LEE, DANIEL S. LOYELL, CYRUS MARVIN, H. B. MASON, LORENZO M. MoCLELLAND, ROBERT McLEOD, WM. N. MOORE, E. S. MORRISON, W. V.. MOSHER, JOHN MOWRY, Z. M. NEWBERRY, SENECA O'BRIEN, MORGAN ORR, J. W. T. PIERCE, J. D. PIERCE, NATHAN PREVOST, J. J. RAYNALE, E. REDFIELD, GEO. ROBERTS, E. J. ROBINSON, E. S. ROBERTSON, A. S. ROBINSON, RIX ROBINSON, M..SKINNER, E. M. STOREY, WILBUR F. STURGIS, D. SOULE, MILO SULLIVAN, JAMES 10 74 MEMBERS OF CONYVNTIOK; SUTHERLAND, J. G. TIFFANY, A. R. TOWN, OKA VAN VALKENBURGH, J.. WAIT, W. B. WALKER, D. C. WARDEN, ROBERT WEBSTER, JAMES WELLS, H. G. WHITE, J. R. WHIPPLE, C. W. WHITTEMORE, G. O. WILLIAMS, JOSEPH R.. WILLARD, ISAAC, W. WITHERELL, B. F. H.. WOODMAN, ELIAS 1~3 ^C~ ^~ X^ ah ^ x< ^ ^Xr ^ ^ Ft- k ^ \ ^V^ ^ ~? r^^^~Q \ > ^[ ^v'"|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"I 4/% ^ ^^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^i^ ^-IL^ K^ ^'vK K | "N^s I" 1: r ^ ^^\r^G~'t * ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I^ ^ ^ ^t- r^~~~~~~~~I i i8~l (^rj~ 3 J2 K`""` -~ " "~ ~~~~~~~~~" 71"' 6i^ ^/ cz5/ ^^^7U~~: / _ _ A- / /vK/ 7e',~ /< L> X 4/ /t4~61~~' iA_,,,,.,.a..,.,....*:..4C..t... 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