CHARTER 4 OF BIENOSHAi 1866. I — RE VISED OF THE C]ITY i I i -Ii $4 ,4 Q= coo -4 ll_- -I t C) pq I I H L I t II i I i El I 00 I 11 REVISED CHARTER, CHAFTER I. CITY AND WARD BOUNDARIES. SECTION 1. T/lepeoplle of the State of TVisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as folowe: The district of country in the county of Ke-Bondaries. nosha and state of Wisconsin, known and described as follows, to wit: The south-east quarter ot section thirty; fractional section thirty-two; the east half of section thirty-one; the south-east quarter of the north-west quarter and the east half of the southwest quarter section thirty-one, in town two; the north-east quarter, and the north-east quarter of the north-west quarter of section six, and the north half of fractional section five, in town one, all in range twenty-three east, together with that part of Lake Michigan due east of the same within one fourth of a mile thereof, shall be a city by the name of Kenosha. SEC. 2. The inhabitants of said city shall be a General powers. corporation by the name of the "City of Kenosha," and by that name may sue and be sued, complain > and defend in any court, contract and be contracted with,'nake and use a common seal, and alter it at pleasure, and take, hold and purchase, lease and convey such real and personal estate as the purposes t Xi I Tk (3 CITY CIIAETER. of the corporation may require within or without the limits of said city; and shall otherwise possess the general powers of municipal corporations at common law. N. alrd SEC. 3. The city of Kenosha shall be divided in)oindaries. Exmended.] to three wards, as follows: All that part of said city described as follows: Commencing on the lake shore on the south line of Wisconsin street, thence west on said line to the east line of WVest Main street, thence to the south-east corner of Durkee's western addition, thence west along the south line of said addition and the south line of block five of Fisk's first addition to the west line of said block five, tence west to the west line of said city, thence north to the south line of Grand street extended, thence east on the south line of said street to the centre of the creek, thence along the centre of thie creek to the mouth of the harbor, thence east to the east line of t!he city, thence south to a point due east of the place of beginning, thence west to the place of beginning shall constitute the first ward of the city. That part of said city lying north ofthe first ward shall constitute the second ward of the city" Thatfpart of said city lying south of the first ward shall constitute the third ward of the city. CHAPTERP I!. CITY OFFICERS. Municipali SECTION 1. The muniepal government of the city [tAmended.]shall consist of a common council, composed of a mayor and three aldermen from each ward. 6 CITY CHARTER. 9 CI HRTR SEC. 2. A mayor, a treasurer, a clerk, a railroad Elective of [Amendled. ] commissioner, a superintendent of schools, an asses- [Ame. sor, a marshal, and one justice of the peace for the city at large, and one alderman, one school commissioner, and one constable for each ward shall be elected annually by the people. SEC. 3. A city attorney, harbor master, poorAppointiees, &c., their compeusa~ master, city physician, chief engineer of the fire partment, surveyor, a chief of police, and one or more street supervisors, and fire wardens, inspectors, sextons, and all such other officers as may be deemed necessary for the proper mannagement of the affairs of said city, may be appointed by the common council, which officers shall hold their offices severally during the pleasure of the council, and at such compensation as the council shall prescribe. SEc, 4. None but electors of said city shall be who 1i ble. eligible to or qualified to hold an elective office created by this act. SEC. 5. The mayor, treasurer, clerk, railroad com- Term of ef flce. missioner, superintendent of schools, asses sor, and marshal shall hold their offices respectively for the term of one year, and until their successors are elected and qualified. The aldermen and school commissioners shall hold their offices respectively for the term of two years, and until their successors shall be elected and qualified; vrovided, That officers elected to fill vacancies, shall respectively hold for the unexpired term only, or until their successors shall be elected and qualified. 7 CITY CHARTER. 4t 8 CITY CHARTER. SEC. 6. The aldermen, scehool commissioners, and the justice of the peace, elected at the next annual election, shall be successors to the present aldermen, school commissioners, and justice of the peace re spectively, whose terms of office expire at that time. The aldermen, school commissioners and justice of the peace, elected one year thereafter respectively, shall be successors to those aldermen and school commissioners, and of that justice of the peace, whose terms of office expire one year after the next election. Elective of- SEC. 7. If any officer elected exclusively by any flee, when vacant. ward, shall remove from such ward, or if any officer of such city shall die, resign, refuse to act, or re move from the city, his office shall thereby become vacant. Vacancy. SEC. 8. Whenever any vacancy shall occur of any how filed. elective office, such vacancy shall be filled by spe cial election. county su- Sec. 9. There shall be chosen by the electors of pervisors, how chosen each ward, at the annual election of said city, one [Amenaded ] supervisor for each ward, to represent such ward in the county board of supervisors, and said supervi sors so chosen, are hereby empowered to sit in the county board of supervisors, with the same rights and powers, as are, or may be by law prescribed for, and exercised by other members of said board. 8 CITY CHARTER. cou,ncil may determine ,ec. 2. Special eceticns for the purpose provided to,<.,v;;, cr ini tlls act, miay be held on any day, and on the'4 hours of any day designated by the commonioi couniciil; buet eterwise shall be conducted, and the rczult thereof canvassed, certified and retirned in all re,-.e.ts as near as practuc,bleb, in i -xie manner cas thle aninual election for city and ward o hoers; ec-pt +t1h't retus f.or special elections need not be miade to the clerk of the b.)ard of supnervisors. SEc. 3. At any city election in said city, a plural -,O:,' ity of all the votes cast in the city for aiy person for any city obice; and a plurality of all th'e vwtes cast In any ward for any person for any oflce of suci ward, shall- constitute an election. SEe. 4. VYhere two or more persoyns shall receivce Proceed; ~f;:; an equal number of votes for the same office; the on te. election as to such of-ce shall be determined by the casting of lots in the presence of the common council, at such time and in such manner as it siall direct. 10 CITY CIiAuT. tQrnsoif vao- SEC. 5. Every qualified elector for members of terns ofl Vo-~ ters the legislature of this state, who may reside within the ward where hlie nmay offer his vote, shall be deem ed a qualified voter of said city, and shall be entitled to vote in the ward in which he resides for any officer in the city required by this act to be elected; })rovi dec, That no elector shall be deemied a resident of any ward, unless he shall have lodged in such ward for twenty days next preceeding such election. SEC. 6. All elections in said city, shall be held ;Inspectors and conducted by the aldermeii of each ward who aind clerks.' shall be the inspectors of elections and shall take the usial oaths or affirmations as prescribed by the general laws of the state, to be taken by the judges and inspectors of elections, and they shall have the power to appoint clerk-s of such elections, and to ad minister to them the necessary oaths. SEC. 7. The manner of conducting elections, Mode of election. held under this act, ard of contesting the same, the keeping of the poll lists, except as otherwise provi clded in this act, shall be the same, as nearly as prac ticable, as now provided by law for general state elections. Oath on SEC. 8. If any person offering to vote at any challenge. city election shall be challenged by any elector of the ward in which such vote is otfered, before receiving the vote of such person, one of the inspectors shall require him to take the following oath: You do sol emnly swear (or affirm) that you are twenty-one years of age, that you are a citizen of the United States 10 CITY Cli-,-rTER. CITY CHARTER. 11 (or have declared youxr intentions to become such, conformable to the laws of the United States on the subject of naturalization,) that you have resided in this state one year, that you are now a resident of this ward, and have lodged therein for twenty days next preceeding this election, and that you have not voted at this election, and that you have made no bet or wager, depending upon the result of this election. And if the person offering to vote, shall take such oath, his vote shall be received. SEC. 9. Any person who shall illegally vote at Penalty for illegal voany election held under this act shall be punished ting. according to the laws of this state for illegal voting. Retrns, SEC. 10. After the closing of the polls, the ballots how made. shall be counted in the manner provided by law, and the returns shall be returned sealed to the city clerk, within three days after the election, and thereupon the common council shall meet and canvass the same and declare the result of the election. Informali SEC. 11. If any election provided for in this act ties, how correct ed. shall for any cause not be held at the time prescribed it shall not be considered a sufficient reason for arresting, suspending, or dissolving the said corporation, but such election may be held at any time thereafter, by order of the common council, of which time ten days' public notice shall be given; and further, if any of the duties enjoined by this act, at a time herein specified, or specified by any ordinance of said city, are not then done, the city council may 1I CITY CHARTER. 1 z CITY CHARTER. appoint another time upon wi'ichl the said duties may be performed. CIHAPTERP IV. OFFICERS, THEIR POW,ERS AND DUTIES. -hoto take SECTION 1. Every personi elected or appointed ca,th. tO any office under this act, sitall, before hlie enters upon the duties of his office, take and subscribe the oath of office and file the sa,me, duly certified, with the city clerk. w,ho to ex- SEC. 2. The treasurer, clerk, marshal, railroad cute bonds commissioner, constable, and such other officers as the council may direct, shall severally,before they en er upon the duties of their respective offices,execute to the city of Kenosha a bond, with at least two sureties, to be approved by the common council, and said bond shall contain such penal sum, and such conditions as the council may deemn proper; and the council may from time to time require new or addi tional bonds, and remove firom office any officer refu sing or neglecting to give the same. Election of SEC. 3. The members of the city council shall on president of coucil. the first Mlonday after each annual election, or so soon thereafter as may be practicable, elect from their own body, a president to preside in their meetings in the absence of the mayor. whim to SEC. 4. In case of the vacancy of the office of re. mayor, or of his being unable to perform the duties of his office, by reason of absence, sickness or any other cause, the president of the city council shall be vested with all the powers and perform all the 0 CITY CHARTERS 13 duties of mayor, until the mayor shall resume his office, or the vacancy shall be filled by a new election. SEC. 5. In case of absence or inability of both President pro ter.. the mayor and the president of the city council, a vhen. t, y i~~~~erve, president pro tern. shall be elected, and for the time being shall discharge the duties of mayor. Duties vided, That no licens shall be required for sales at auction of any goods, wares or merchan dize which by this ordinance are not made liable to tax or duty. Vror may licese aucy Sec. 3. The mayor is authorized to license any toneer. person -residing in the city to act as auctioneer: Provided, That the person desiring to be licensed shall first pay the sum of five dollars and execute to 150 ORDINANCES. ORDINANCES. 151 the city of Kenosha a bond in the penal sum of five hundred dollars, with two securities to be approved by the commonf council, conditioned, that the person so licensed shall pay the tax or duty imposed by this ordinance, and comply with the provisions of the same. Auctionaeer Sec. 4. Every person so licensed, shall monthly musti render report of on the first Monday of each month, render under oath sases. to the city treasurer, a true and full account of all goods, wares or merchandize liable to pay duties by this ordinance, sold by him during the preceding month, or subsequent to the last monthly statement, and shall at the same time pay over to the city treasurer the amount of such duty or tax. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the city treasurer Dtyeof tesrrTreasurer in relation on the first Monday in each month, to demand from to aueltioneach auctioneer or person employed in the auction er business, the statement and the tax or duty specified in the foregoing section, and shall enter the amount of the tax or duty so received to the credit of the general fund of the city. License Sec. 6. No license shall be granted for a less term must be fo one year. than one year. Sec. 7. In all cases where the auctioneer or own- Owcttienoero er of the property sold, or any person employed by ceers pur them or either of them, shall become the purchaser of dutyt. Pay the property sold at such sale, it shall be subject to the same tax or duty as if any other person had become the purchaser. Sec. 8. The sale book of any auctioneer shall be i 151 ORDINANCES. 152 ORDINANCES. Sale bookn open to the inspection of the city treasurer, and in eer must kept open case the treasurer shall have reason to believe that for inspection.: the monthly statement of the auctioneer is untrue or incorrect, he shall charge such auctioneer such sum as he may deem just and proper according to the provisions of this ordinance. GEO. H. PAUL, Mayor. Passed February 21, 1859. C. B. LErwis, City Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. XLVII. VACATING A PORTION OF LAKE STREET IN THE FIRST WARD OF THE CITY OF KENOSHA. Section 1. Be it oradained by the common council of the city of Kenosha: That all that portion of Lake street, between Park street nd Wisconsin street, and lying east of block No. (10) ten, in the, south-west quarter of section No. (32) thirty-two' town (2) two, range (23) twenty-three, in the first ward of the city of Kenosha, be and is hereby declared vacated. A. FARR, Mayor. Passed May 16, 1859. C. B. LEWIS, City Clerk. 152 ORDINANCES. ORD1NANCES. 15 ORDINANCE NO. LIV. PRESCRIBING THE FIRE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF KENOSHA. Fire limits Section 1. Be it ordained by the common coun- defnued. cil of the city of enoska: That all that part of the city embraced in the following limits, shall hereafter be known as the fire limits in said city, to wit: Commencing at a point where the centre of Main and Grand streets meet, thence along the centre of Main street to the Kenosha, Rockford and Rock Is land railroad, thence east 165 feet, thence south par allel with the centre of said Main street to South street, thence west along the centre of said South street to a point 165 feet west of the centre of Main .'atfreet, thence north to Grand street parallel to said centre of Main street, thence east along said centre of Grand street to place of beginning; also the south half of blocks 26 and 27 fronting on Market or Ex change streets, and the north half of blocks 30 and 31 fronting on Market street and -Alarket square, not included in the limits just described. New build Sec. 2. All buildings which shall hlreafter bein1g in fire limits must erected, placed or put upon any lot or lots within the be built of brick or above defined fire limits, shall, except by special"ton' 153 OIRDINANCES. 154 ORDrNANCES. vote of the council be constructed with walls of brick or stone, or other incombustible material, and no wooden building now standing within said limits shall be removed from the place where it now is un less removed without said fire limits; nor shall any such building be removed into the fire limits, nor shall any building within said limits be enlarged with wooden materials. Wood or lumber not Sec. 3. No person shall place or put upon any to bee piled on vacant vacant lot or lots or parts of lots within the foregoing lots iln fire limits. limits prescribed fire limits, any wood, lumber or other combustible material except such as are necessary for immediate use. Sheds or prves, may Sec. 4. Sheds not exceeding twelve feet in height be built in re limits. at the peak or highest part thereof, and privies not exceeding ten feet square and twelve feet in height at the peak, may be constructed of wood, and shall not be subject to the provisions of this ordinance: Provided, That the term shed be so construed as to mean a structure with a roof sloping one way, witfih one or more sides of the said structure entirely open. But all depositories for ashes within said fire limits shall be built of brick or other fire proof materiaL laty. Sec.. 5. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall pay a fine of not less than ten or more than one hundred dollars, and in default of the payment thereof shall be imprison ed not more than thirty nor less than five'days, or until such fine and all costs are paid. Sec. 6. Any wooden building which may be erect 154 ORDINANCES. ORDINANCES. 155 ed, enlarged or renovated or in process of erection, Dor.tyofma or m premi~ enlargment or removal, eontrary to this ordinance, or se any wood, lumber or other combustible material placed or put upon any vacant lot or lots contrary to this ordinance shall be deemed a nuisance, and upon information it shall be the duty of the mayor after due notice to the owner or builder thereof to abate the same by an order in writing to require the city mnarshal to raze such building to the ground, and to remove the wood, lumber or other'combustibles from the vacant lot or lots within the said fire limits. The expense of such removal in either case shall be reported by the marshal for assessment and may be collected of the owner of such building lot or lots by suit. Sec. 7. All ordinances heretofore passed conflicting herewith shall be and the same are hereby repealed. I. W. WEBSTER, Mayor. Passed February 18, 1861. C. B. LEIwis, City Clerlk. lob ORDINANCES. 156 ORDINANCES. ORDINANCE NO. LVIII. FOR PAYING BOUNTIES TO VOLUNTEERS. Section 1. Be it ordcined by the common count City scrip to be issuedci of the city of Keuosha Fro the purpose of to pay boluntiers to paying a bounty of $200 to each of such volunteers as may have been mustered into the military service of the United States since October 17th, 1863, or that shall hereafter be mustered into said service, who may have been or shall hereafter be credited to said city, upon her quota of volunteers to be raised since said 17th day of October, 1863, the common council is hereby authorized and empowered to issue city scrip to an amount not exceeding $10,000, and to negotiate the same upon reasonable terms, and levy and collect a tax upon the last assessment of said city, upon all the taxable property thereof, in the same manner as other taxes are levied and col lected, for the purpose of )aying said scrip so to be issued as aforesaid, or sL..h bounty of $200 to any one volunteer. Sec. 2. Thel foregoing section of this ordinance shall not be in force until the question of the issuing f iss of suchl scrip or levying and collecting such taxshall submitted be suLbnmitted to the legal voters of said city of IKen th, provided by law, at an eleeti to be reld, osh;a, asprovided by law, at an election. to be held 166... ORDINANCES. for that purpose, at a tire hereinafter provided, and adopted by a majority of the votes cast at such election. Sec. 3. An election shall' be hleld on the 2Ctl day Where elec tion shall be of February, 18 $64, bt'tween the hours of nine o'clock held. A. )r., and four o'clock p. i., in tle so,vera'l wvards of the city at the following pIces 1st Wacrd, at the Cor1ril RIoom;i 2ncd ad t C. Sohs;l 3rd Wyard, at c feo e of I-. iiriCee ini said wayd; 4t-h WTard, at N. iA. Altle's; for the purpose of determining whether such scrip shall be;issued and tax leviecd and cccllecid, as provided by the first twvo sections of this ordinance, and such election shall be conducted in tihe same manner as other elections. Sece 4. On the ballot-s wlich1 slhall be receivec by aliot,. the inspectors, shal bo wr itten or- printed the words "c For Bounty Ordiiance," or "kAgainst PBo,inty Ordinance." See. 5. At the next mneeting, special or geieral, Wihen eoua c il to cauof the commnon council, after the re urns of such elec-vass votes. tion hlave been made, the commion cotuncil shall proceed to canass suchi returns. and if it is found that a majoritvy of:, whole voote taken is for the B:ounty Ordilnance; tl"is oroinanee shall be iA orce firom andc after such canrvass. F. PlOBINSON, 3!Mayor. Passed February 19, 1864. C. B. LEwis, City Clerk. 157 OP,DINANCES. ORDEIRS OF THE COMM" N ( OUNGIL. kL I I ORDERS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL.' ORDER NO. I. It is hereby ordered by the commnt council of tie city of Kenosha: That a street be opened, the centre of which shall commence at a point four hundred and eighty (480) feet south of the north-west corner of the south-west quarter of the north-east quarter of section six (6), township one (1), range twenty-three (23), on the west line of the city of Kenosha,thence east to Kenosha street, to a point seventyseyen feet south of the south-east corner of land sold by J. P. Bishop to H. K. Torrey-said street to be four rods wide. V. HUGHES, M[ayor, Passed May 5, 1856. II. T. WEST, City Clerk. ORDER NO. II. It is hereby ordered by the common council of the city of Kenosha: That a street be opened on the I6e — _ e west side of the ground taken as the depot for the Green Bay, Milwaukee & Chicago railroad, on the s3outh-west quarter of section thirty-one (31)-said street commencing on the north line of said southwest quarter, in the centre of Grand street, at a point sixteen (16) rods west of the northeast corner Qf said quarter, and extending southerly thirty-eight (38) rods-said street to be four rods wide. V. HUGHES, Jayor. Passed April 21, 1856. IH. T. WEST, City Clerk. ORDER NO. ILI. It is hereby ordered by the common council of tAle city of Kenosha: That a street be laid out, commencing thirty-eight (38) rods south of the northeast corner of the south-west quarter of section thirty-one (31), to be four rods in width, and extend to the west line of the corporation, said street to be called Garden street. V. HUGHES, Afayor. Passed April 21, 1856. IH. T. WEST, City Cgerk. 162 ORDERS. ': 5" ORDS. 163 ORDER NO. IV. It i8 hereby orclered by the common council of tAe city of Kenosha: That an alley be laid out through block twenty-four (24), south-east quarter of section thirty-one (31) in the first ward of the city of Kenosha, said alley to be:tw-elve feet in width, and to run east and west through the centre of said block.. V. HUGHES, Nayor Passed April 21, 1856. H. T. WEST, City Cerk. ORDER NO. V. It i hereby ordered by the common council of the city of Kenosha: That a street be laid out from east to west through the centre of block thirty-one, in the southeast quarter of section thirty, township- two north, of range twenty-three (23), in the second ward of the city of Kenosha. Said street to be three rods wide. V. HUGHES, Mayor. Passed May 13, 1856. a B. LO,is, City Clerk. 163 ORDERS. 164 ORDERS. ORDER NO. VII. It is hereby ordered by the comp. on council o/the city oJf e nosha: That the alley. between lots 5 and 6 in block 86, in the north east quarter of section 31, and in the 2d ward of the city of Kenosha, be, and the same is hereby vacated. . V. HUGHiES,, Mayor. Passed June 16, 1556. Hi; T. WrEST,- City Clerk. ORDER NO. XII. It is hereby order,ed by the con?z?on couetncil of the city of Ltnosha: That the north half of that portion of the alley which bounds on the south lots Nos. 2 and 3, block 9, souLth-east quarter of section 31, be vacated. Provi(de(d: That the warehouse now in process of construction by Kimball & Quarlcs on said lots shall not extend niorthward as far by thirteen feet, as the most aorthlern pile now driven on either of said lots.; and that the dock to be constructed on said lots, by said Kimball & Quarles, shall not extend northerly beyond the said most northerly pile now driven. GEO. II. PAUL, Mayor. Passed May 25, 1857. H. T. WEST, City Clerk. 164 ORDERS. . o, ORDERS. 16 ORDER NO. XIV. It is hereby ordered by the common council of the city of Kenosha: That E4i-beth streets on Seminary addition, be extended east across West Main street, and across block five in Holmes and Nichols' addition to said city, to meet a street on said last named addition, running east and west, and that the whole be called Elizabeth street. GEO. I. PAUL, 3Mayor. Passed August 17, 1857. H. T. WEST, City Clerk. ORDER NO. XVII. It is hereby ordered by the common council of the city of renosha: That an alley in block 48 in the third ward of said city, running east and west, be and the same is hereby vacated. GEO. H. PAUL, Mayor. Passed November 6, 1857. II, T. WEST, City Clerk. 165 ORDERS. ADDENDUM. After the word "iHorse" in the third line of section 6, Ordinance No. 14, read the words "ox, steer, cow, heifer, or bull; and after the word " horse "in the fifth line of said section insert "ox, steer, cow, heifer, or bull. ERRATUM. For odinance following ordinance No. 6, read ordinance No. 7, instead of No. "2." 1. INDEX. . 1 INDEX. 4[ENDMENTS, Assessments anii Collection of Taxes, Animals, restraining the running at large of Auctioneers, Licensing and Taxiuing, ; Addendum,.. 1' BOUNDARIES, City and Ward, 5 do. Amended, &c., " 58 Board of Education, 41 Birds, to prevent killing of,. &c., 117 Bonds, for Harbor purposes, 1857, 189 do. in aid of K. &. R. R. I Co. 141 do. relating to-issued to K. & E. R R. Co., 142 ':do...'; " " "s " Amadmeni, 145 COMMON COUNCIL, how constituted, Council, Rules of, Clerk, Duties of,t Cetety, Kienosh a, relating to, DEBTS, relative to contracting, Dogs, ordinance relative to, Dock, Lake street, relative to, Docking, relative to, ELECTIONS, do. Special, Education, Board of,' Erraturm, -E"lE iDt:PARTME'iT, relating to, do. ordinance concerning, 58 34 110 149 166 ~7 69~, 76 80s 99 119 133 134 9 Iel 41 166. 39 89 170 INDEX. Fire Limits, prescribing, GROUNDS, Puablic, &c., laying out of, do. protection of, ILIGIIWAYS, laying out of, &c., Harbor Master, relatitigto1 27 79 101 121 127 J3 107 162 .86 76 :104 1-25 .12 :715 104 ;95 99 '52 128 148 ,128 ;ed, 141 KENOSHA STREET, name changed to Park Avenue,, LEIGAL PROCEEDINGS,' Lfiqors, Spirituous, regulating sale.df Lake street, vacattng- MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS, Marshal, duties of, Morals, of offences against, Main Street, regulating numbering of, OFFICERS, City,. do. their power and duties, do. Police, of their duies, &c., Order, Public, of offences against, 9'REET IMPROVEMENTS, Sexton. City, relating to,. Supervisors, Street, their duties, &c., do. do. amended, Streets aud Alleys, regulations of, i lt 170 INDEX. 153 27 .98 32 - 80 88 147 87 INDEX. Shows, ordinance relative to, &c., Snow, relative to removing &c., Side-walks, relative to, &c., Superintendent Public Scbools, TAXATION, of, Treasurer, duties of, Taxinaid of K. & B. R. R, VOLUNTEERS, Bounties to, WOOD, regulating sale of, INDEX TO ORDERS. Order No. 1. To open Street through S. i N. E. 1 Si. 6, May 5, 1856. 161l do. 2. To open Alida street, by Brande's map, April 21, 1856, 161 do. 8. To open Garden street, April 21, 162 do. 4. To open Alley through the centre of Block 24, S.. E 81,.163 do. 5. To open Streetthrough the centre of Block 31, S.E. E 30, May 13, 1856, (anxon st.) 163 do. 7. Vacating Alley between lots 5 and 6 Block 86, N. E. I 31, June 16, 1856, -t164 do. 12. Vaca,i,ng N. i of Alley, S. of loi 2 and S Bl,jck i, S. E. 1 31, May 25, 1857, I64 do. 14. F,xtending Elizabeth street through Block t), H. & N.'s addition, Aug. 17, 1857, 105 do. 17.. Vacating Alley in Block 48, 3d Ward, Nov. 6, 1857, 165 , low I' 115 130 132' 61 24 76 135 156 121 -6-, t - 4 - C, I - I , i li . .-.,, ;J i' . 1.11, f-' . -. i i -,. - -,,. 1. '