CARTERB & ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF MILWAUKEE, WITH THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE, AND ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE, REIATING TO THE CITY, INCLUDING A LIST OF OFFICERS, AND THE ZRU LES AND REGULATIONS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. DECEMBER 5, 1856. M IL W A U K E E: DAILY NEWS BOOK AND JOB STEAM PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, MASON STREET. 1857. MILWAUKEE CITY OFFICERS. MAYOR,...................................JAMES B. CROSS. President of Board, --- - JACKSON HADLEY. Clerk, —........-. ROBERT WHITEHEAD. Deputy Clerk, —. JOHN A. SEGER. Treasurer, —-. __ _. HERMAN SCHWARTING. Comptroller, -..... —.-__ JOHN B. EDWARDS. City Attorney,.._- -.._ WILSON GRAHAM. Marshal,..-.CHARLES C. MEYER. City.Printers, - iJ. R. SHARPSTEIN,....... SCH(EFFLER & WENDT. Police Justice,,..-.. —------ CLINTON WALWORTH. Chief of Police, _ WILLIAM BECK. City Engineer, -.WILLIAM S. TROWBRIDGE. Inspector of Wood and Hay,..- ERNST F. HERZBERG. Sealer of Weights and Measures,.JESSE M. VAN SLYCK. Superintendent of Bridges, _.. PATRICK MARKEY. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. First Ward. JNO. PLANKINTON, J. HADLEY, J. TAYLOR. C. BAAST, Fifth Ward. L. MARNELL.. MILMAN, Second Ward. J. H. CORDES, J. A. HOOVER, J. HUMPHREY. AUG. GREULICH, $ixth Ward. J. C. DICK. H. H2ERTEL, Third Ward. FERD. KUEHN, TIM. O'BRIEN, JOHN KLEIN. JNO. SHORTELL, Seventh Ward. M. DELANEY. G. S. MALLORY, Fourth Ward. EDWARD BUTTON, A. H. JOHNSTON, F. J. JUNG. _.s:nanee-i-iltel, Mallory and Kuehn, icense- Milman, Baast and Delaney.,J[udicilaryMallory, Hadley and Taylor, Brisdes-Taylor, Hadley, Kuehn, I-looPolice-Shortell, Klein and Dick. yer, O'Brien, Button and Humphrey. Fire Departmeent-Hoover, O'Brien and Gas Light-Jung, HIoover, Plankinton, Humphrey. Delaney, Iadley, Cordes and IHartel. Schools —Iadley, Mallory and Greulich. Old Tx -- Kuehn, Jolinston, Cordes, Printing-Greulich, Kuehn and Marnell. Baast, O'Brien, Dick and Jung. loarbor-I-Hadley, HIertel, Mallory, Tay- Rail Road-Hadley, Greuliclh, Shortell, lor, O'Brien, Humphrey and Hoover. Taylor, Cordes, Ha-rtel and Button. SCHOO L COMM SS IONERS, JACKSON HADLEY, PRESIDENT. R. WHITEH1EAD, SECRETARY. First W1ardl-J. Hadley, L. Marnell, Si- Fourth WT'ard-S. C. Elmore, J. A. Seger, las Chapman. J. Taylor. Second WcTard1-I. A. Lapham, James Fifth ITVard(-Andrew Mitchell, E. De Flynn, C. J. Kern. Wolf; C. A. Larkin. lTird Wa-rd-E. O'Neil, John Horan, Sixth WI:ard-C. E. Jenkins, Ben. Church, Jno. S. Mitchell. Ferd. Kuehn. Seventh lTVardl-Jalmes Johnson. COMMISSIONERS OF SURVEY. I. A. Laphamn, S. B. Grant, E. Eldred, [ A. Mitchell, I. E. Goodall, OtisB. Hopkins. WARD OFFICERS. ASSESSORS. First Iardr, o Stephen Hoff, Fifth W.ardt... F. Conrad, Second Wasard, J. Kluppak, Sixthl Ward,... Adam Hein, Third lVarc,... John D. Dolan, Seventh llarld,.'C. R. Austin. Fourth Ward, T.. A. Ely, JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Fiist [Ward, o o o Fifth ad,.. (0 Parsons, Second l 1ard, o o. C. F. Bode, Sixth Wald,.. R. N. Messenger, Third -I[Vard, o. Win. Holland, Sven W,. Albert Smith, Fourth lrdl, o o R. N. Austin, CONSTABLE S _First WaT17rd,. John Scheffel, Fifth Wlard,c...Aug. Meyer, Seconzd WVard,.. Charles Neuman, Sixth Warl,... George Fisher, Third Wlard,. o. John H. Ryan, Seventh Wardl,.. G. Luther. Fomuth ITard, c. H. M. Beecroft, RAIL ROAD COMMISSIONERS. First SlWard,. o B. Skidmore, Fifth Wardl,... C. H. Larkin, Second Wl ard,.. George Abert, Sixth Wlard,... Adam Portner, Third WTar'd,.. Thos. Eviston, Seventlh ITrd,.. John Jennings. Fourth WlFard, o John A. Seger, FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chief Engineer,. o John C. Goodrich, Second Ass't Eingineer, Henry Vehrkins, First Ass't Engineer, John Lowther, Third Ass't EJngineer, N. B. Brooks. CO N STIT U' TION; OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. PREAMBLE. We, the people of Wisconsin, grateful to Almighty God for Preamble our freedom, in order to. secure its blessings, form a more perfect government, insure domestic tranquility, and promote the general welfare, do establish this constitution. ARTICLE I. DECLA.RATION OF RIGHTS. SECTION 1. All men are born equally free and iadepend- Eualityof ent, and have certain inherent rights: a-mong these are life, rights, and liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. To secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. SEC. 2,. There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary Slavery not to exist in servitude in this state, otherwise than for the punishment of state. crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted. SEC. 3. Every person may freely speak, write and pub- Libertyaof speech and lish his sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the of the press; abuse of that right, and no laws shall be passed to restrain case of libel. or abridge the liberty of speech or of the press. In all criminal prosecutions or indictments for libel, the truth may be given in evidence; and if it shall appear to the jury that the matter charged as libelous be true, and was published with good motives and for justifiable ends, the party shall be acquittedl; and the jury shall have the right to determine the law and the fact. Right of the SEC. 4. The right of the people peaceably to assemble people to consult and to consult for the common good, and to petition the governpetition. ment or any department thereof, shall never be abridged. Right of trial SEC. 5. The right of trial by jury shall remain inviolate; byury. and shall extend to all cases at law, without regard to the amount in controversy; but a jury trial may be waived, by the parties in all cases, in the manner prescribed by law. Bail. SEC. 6. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor shall excessive fines be imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. Rights of the SEC.. 7. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall accused. enjoy the right to be heard by himself and counsel; to demand the nature and cause of the accusation against him; to meet the witnesses face to face; to have' compulsory process to compel the attendance of witnesses in his behalf; and in prosecutions by indictment or information, to a speedy public trial by an impartial jury of the county or district wherein the offence shall have been committed; which county or district shall have been previously ascertained by law. Presentment Sec. 8. No person shall be held to answer for a criminal or indictment in cri- offence, unless on the presentment or indictment of a grand n-inal cases. jury, except in cases of impeachment, or in cases cognizable by justices of the peace, or arising in the army or navy, or in the militia when in actual service in time of war or pubNo person to betwicetriedlic danger; and no person for the same offence shall be put'for same offence, &c. twice in jeopardy of punishment, nor shall be compelled in hen accus- any criminal case to be a witness against himself. All pered may be s al, before conviction, be bailable by sufficient sureties, bailed; writ sons Sh of habeas corpus. except for capital offences, when the proof is evident or the presumption great; and the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended unless, when, in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require. Remedy for SEc. 9. Every person is entitled to a certain remedy in Whoud be ob- the laws, for all injuries or wrongs which he may receive in his person, property, or character; he ought to obtain jus 7 tice freely, and without being obliged to purchase it; completely and without denial; promptly and without delay, conformably to the laws. SEC. 10. Treason against the state shall consist only in Treason. levying war against the same, or in adhering to its enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. SEC. 11. The right of the people to be secure in theirSearchesand persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable Seizm'es searches and seizures shall not be violated, and no warrant shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. SEC. 12. No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, nor any Attainder, expost facto law impairing the obligation of contracts, shall ever be laws, &c. passed; and no conviction shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture of estate. SEC. 13. The property of no person shall be taken for rivate propublic use without just compensation therefor. perty. SEC. 14. All lands within the state are declared to be al- Tenure of lodial, and feudal tenures are prohibited. Leases and grants ledses and of agricultural land, for a longer term than fifteen years, in fines. which rent or service of any kind shall be reserved,. and all.fines and like restraints upon alienation, reserved in any grant of land, hereafter made, are declared to be void. SEC. 15. No distinction shall ever be made by law be-Rightsofcitizens and tween resident aliens and citizens, in reference to the posses-alienstoprosion, enjoyment, or descent of property. pery equal. Sec. 16. No person shall be imprisoned for debt arising Noimprisonout of, or founded on a contract, expressed or implied. debt. SEC. 17. The privilege of the debtor to enjoy the neces- Exemption sary comforts of life, shall be recognized by wholesome laws, of property sarycog comfortswholesome laws, from sale for exempting a reasonable amount of property from seizure or debt. sale for the payment of any debt or liability hereafter contracted. Rights of SEC. 18. The right of every man to worship Almighty worship and of consci- God according to the dictates of his own conscience, shall ence, &c. never be infringed, nor shall any man be compelled to attend, erect, or support any place of worship, or to maintain any ministry, against his consent. Nor shall any control of, or interference with the rights of conscience be permitted, or any preference be given by law to any religious establishmnents, or mode of worship. Nor shall any money be drawn from the treasury for the benefit of religious societies, or religious or theological seminaries. Religious SEC. 19. No religious tests shall ever be required as a tests and competency qualification for any office of public trust, under the state, of witnesses. and no person shall be rendered incompetent to give evidence in any court of law or equity, in consequence of his opinions on the subject of religion. Subordinat'n SEC. 20. The military shall be in strict subordination to of military to civil power. the civil power. writs of SEC. 21. Writs of error shall never be prohibited by law. error. Freegoern- SEC. 22. The blessings of a free government can only be ment how maintained. maintained by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue, and by frequent recurrence to fundamental principles. ARTICLE II. BOUNDARIE S. Boundaries SCTION 1. It is hereby ordained and declared that the efstate. state of Wisconsin doth consent and accept of the boundaries prescribed in the act of congress entitled " an act to enable the people of Wisconsin territory to form a constitution and state government, and for the admission of such state into the Union," approved August sixth, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, to wit: Beginning at the north-east corner of the state of Illinois, that is to say, at a point in the centre of Lake Michigan where the line of forty-two degrees and thirty minutes of north latitude crosses the same; thence, 9 running with the boundary line of the state of Michigan, through Lake Michigan, Geeen Bay, to the mouth of the Menomonee river; thence up the channel of the said river to the Brule river; thence up said last-mentioned river to Lake Brule; thence along the southern shore of Lake Brule, in a direct line to the centre of the channel between Middle and South islands, in the Lake of the Desert; thence in a direct line to the head' waters of the Montreal river, as marked upon the survey made by captain Cram; thence down the main channel of the Montreal river to the middle of Lake Superior; thence through the centre of Lake Superior to the mouth of the St. Louis river; thence up the main channel of said river to the first rapids in the same, above the Indian. village, according to Nicollet's map; thence due south to the main branch of the river St. Croix; thence down the main channel of said river to the Mississippi; thence down the centre of the main channel of that river to the north-west corner of the state of Illinois; thence due east with the northern boundary of the state of Illinois, to the place of beginning, as established by" an act to enable the people of the Illinois territory to form a constitution and state government, and for the admission of such state into the Union on an equal footing with the original states," approved April 18th, 1818. [*Provided, however, That the following altera- [*Notassenttion of the aforesaid boundary be, and hereby is, proposed edtogbyr to the congress of the United States as the preference of the State of Wisconsin, and if the sanie shall be assented and agreed to by the congress of the United States then the same shall be and forever remain obligatory on the State of Wisconsin, viz: leaving the aforesaid boundary line at the foot of the rapids of the St. Louis river; thence in a direct line, bearing south-westerly to the mouth of the Iskodewabo, or Rum river, where the same empties into the Mississippi river; thence down the main channel of the said Mississippi river, as prescribed in the aforesaid boundary.] 10 Propositions SEC. 2. The propositions contained in the act of Conof Congress accepted gress, are hereby excepted, ratified and confirmed, and shall and confirmed. remain irrevocable without the consent of the United States, and it is hereby ordained that this state shall never interfere with the primary disposal of the soil within the same, by the United States, nor with any regulations congress may find necessary for securing the title in such soil to bona fide purchasers thereof; and no tax shall be imposed on land, the property of the United States; and in no case shall non-resProviso. ident proprietors be taxed higher than residents. Provided, That nothing in this constitution, or in the act of Congress aforesaid, shall in any manner prejudice or affect the right of the state of Wisconsin to five hundred thousand acres of land granted to said state, and to be, hereafter selected and located by, and under the act of congress, entitled " an act to appropriate the proceeds of the sales of the public lands, and grant pre-emption rights," approved September fourth, one thousand eight hundred and forty-one. ARTICLE III. SUFFRAGE. Who are SECT'ION 1. Every male person, of the age of twenty-one qualified electors. years or upwards, belonging to either of the following classes, who shall have resided in the state for one year next preceding any election, shall be deemed a qualified elector at such election: 1. White citizens of the United States. 2. White persons of foreign birth, who shall have declared their intention to become citizens, conformably to the laws of the United States on the subject of naturalization. 3. Persons of Indian blood, who have once been declared by law of congress to be citizens of the United States, any subsequent law of congress to the contrary notwithstanding. 4. Civilized persons of Indian descent, not members of any tribe. Provided, That the legislature may at any time, 11 extend by law, the right of suffrage to persons not herein enumerated; but no such law shall be in force until the same shall have been submitted to a vote of the people at a general election, and approved by a majority of all the votes cast at such election. SEC. 2. No person under guardianship, non compos men- Who not. tis, or insane, shall be qualified to vote at any election: nor shall any person convicted of treason or felony be qualified to vote at any election unless restored to civil rights. SEc. 3. All votes shall be given by ballot, except for Votes to be by ballot. such township officers as may by law be directed or allowed to be otherwise chosen. SEc. 4. No person shall be deemed to have lost his resi- Absence. dence in this state by reason of his absence on business of the United States, or of this state. SEC. 5. No soldier, seaman, or marine, in the army orSoldiers,seamen and navy of the United States, shall be deemed a resident of this marines. state in consequence of'being stationed within the same. SEC. 6. Laws may be passed excluding from the right of Persons may -I. be excluded suffrage all persons who have been or may be convicted offromrightof suffrage for bribery or larceny, or of any infamous crime, and depriving crimes and every person who shall make, or become directly or indirectly interested in any bet or wager depending upon the result of any election, from the right to vote at such election. ARTICLE IV. LEGISLATIVE. SECTION 1. The legislative power shall be vested in a Legislative senate and assembly. power. SEc. 2. The number of the members of the assembly shall Number of members of never be less than fifty-four, nor more than one hundred. senate and assembly. The senate shall consist of a number not more than one-third, nor less than one-fourth of the number of the members of the assembly. SEC. 3. The legislature shall provide by law for an enu-oftheuappor 12 tionment of meration of the inhabitants of the state, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, and at the end of every ten years thereafter; and at their first session after such an enumeration, and also after each enumeration made by the authority of the United States, the legislature shall apportion and district anew the members of the senate and assembly, according to the number of inhabitants, excluding Indians not taxed, and soldiers and officers of the United States army and navy. 3Members of SEC. 4. The members of the assembly shall be chosen assembly how and annually by single districts, on the Tuesday succeeding the when chosen, and districts first Monday of November, by the qualified electors of the how formed. several districts; such districts to be bounded by county, precints, town, or ward lines, to consist of contiguous territory, and be in as compact form as practicable. Senators SEC. 5. The senators shall be chosen by single districts whe neeed of convenient contiguous territory, at the same time and in and classed the same manner as members of the assembly are required to be chosen, and no assembly district shall be divided in the Senate dis- formation of a senate district. The senate districts shall be tricts how formed and numbered in regular series, and the senators chosen. by the bered. odd numbered districts shall go out of office at the expiration of the first year, and the senators chosen by the even numbered districts shall go out of office at the expiration of the second year, and thereafter the senators shall be chosen for the term of two years. Qualification SEC. 6. No person shall be eligible to the legislature who of members. shall not have resided one year within the state, and be a qualified elector in the district which he may be chosen to represent. Each house SEC. 7. Each house shall be the judge of the elections, to judge of its members; returns and qualifications of its own members, and a majority what to constituteaquo-Of each shall constitute a quorum to do business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may com 13 pel the attendance of absent members, in such manner and under such penalties as each house may provide. SEC.. 8. Each house may determine the rules of its own To determine its proceedings, punish for contempt and disorderly behavior, rules, punish for conand, with the concurrence of two-thirds of all the members tempts and expel. elected, expel a member; but no member shall be expelled a second time for the same cause. SEC. 9. Each house shall choose its own officers, and the To choose its own officers. senate shall choose a temporary president, when the lieutenant-governor shall not attend as president, or shall act as governor. SEC. 10. Each house shall keep a journal of its proceed-To keep and publish a ings, and publish the same, except such parts as require se- journal; to sit with open crecy. The doors of each house shall be kept open except doors and ^ how may when the public wellfare shall require secrecy. Neither adjourn. house shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days. SEC. I. The legislature shall meet at the seat of gov- Legislature where and ernment, at such time as shall be law, once inhow often to meet. each year, and not oftener, unless convened by the governor. SEC. 12. No member of the legislature shall, during Nomember eligible to the term for which he was elected, be appointed or elected to civi office created durany civil office in the state, which shall have been created, or ing his term. the emoluments of which shall have been increased, during the term for which he was elected. SEC. 13. No person beinga member of congress, or hold- Who ineligiing any military or civil office under the United States, shall subsequent be eligible to a seat in the legislature; and if any person disability shall, after his election as a member of the legislature, be elected to congress, or be appointed to any office, civil or military, under the government of the United States, his acceptance thereof shall vacate his seat. SEC. 14. The governor shall issue writs of election to fill Writs of election to fill such vacancies as may occur in either house of the legisla- -vaeacies. -ture. 14 Members SEC. 15. Members of the legislature shall, in all cases exprivileged from arrest cept treason,' felony, and breach of the peace, be privileged and service of civil pro-from arrest; nor shall they be subject to any civil process, cess. during the session of the legislature, nor for fifteen days next before the commencement and after the termination of each session. Notliable SEC. 16. No member of the legislature shall be liable in for words spoken in any civil action or criminal prosecution whatever, for words debate. spoken in debate. Styleoflaws. SEC. 17. The style of the laws of the state shall be, "The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:" and no law shall be enacted except by bill. Private and SEC. 18. No private or local bill, which may be passed local billsby the legislature, shall embrace more than one subject, and that shall be expressed in the title. Bills may SEC. 19. Any bill may originate in either house of the eithter huse. legislature; and a bill passed by one house may be amended by the other. Yeas and SEC. 20. The yeas and nays of the members of either nays. house, on any question, shall, at the request of one-sixth of those present, be entered on the journal. Compensa- SEC. 21. Each member of the legislature shall receive for tion of mem- his services, two dollars and fifty cents for each day's attendance during the session, and ten cents for every mile he shall travel in going to and returning.from the place of the meeting of the legislature, on the most usual route. Boards of SEC. 22. The legislature may confer upon the boards of supervisors supervisors of the several counties of the state, such powers, may be certai pow-t of a local, legislative, and administrative character, as they. shall, from time to time prescribe. But one sys- SEc. 23. The legislature shall establish but one system of tern of town and connty town and county government, which shall be as nearly unigovernment. for as practicable. form as practicable. 15 SEC. 24. The legislature shall never authorize any lottery, Lotteries -~~~, ~~~~~~~~. ~and divorces or grant any divorce. SEC. 25. The legislature shall provide by law that all Stationery and printing stationery required for the use of the state, and all printing to be let to lowest authorized and required by them to be done for their use, or bidder. for the state, shall be let by contract to the lowest bidder; but the legislature may establish a maximum price. No member of the legislature, or other state officer, shall be interested, either directly or indirectly, in any such contract. SEC. 26. The legislature shall never grant any extra com- Extra compensation pensation to any public officer, agent, servant or contractor, not to be granted, nor after the services shall have been rendered or the contract compensation to be inentered into. Nor shall the compensation of any public offi- creased or diminished. cer be'increased or diminished during his term of office.'SEC. 27. The legislature shall direct by law in what man- Suits against ner and in what courts suits may be brought against the t state. SEC. 28. Members of the legislature, andall officers, ex- Oath of office,by whom; ecutive and judicial, except such inferior officers as may be to be taken. by law exempted, shall, before they enter upon the duties of their respective offices, take and subscribe an oath or affirmation to support the constitution of the United States, and the constitution of the state of Wisconsin, and faithfully to discharge the duties of their respective offices to the best of their ability. SEC. 29. The legislature shall determine what persons Militia. shall constitute the militia of the state, and may provide for organizing and disciplining the same, in such manner as shall be prescribed by law. SEC. 30. In all elections to be made by the legislature, Elections by the members thereof shall vote wiva voce, and their votes shall legislature, be entered on the journal. 16 ARTICLE V. EXECUTIVE. Executive SECTION 1. The executive power shall be vested in a govpower vested in governor ernor, who shall hold his office for two years. A lieutenant and his term of office. governor shall be elected at the same time, and for the same term. Who eligible SEC. 2. No person, except a citizen of the United States, as governor andlieuten- and a qualified elector of the state, shall be eligible to the ant governor office of governor or lieutenant governor. When and SEC. 3. The governor and lieutenant governor shall be how chesen. h n elected by the qualified electors of the state, at the times and places of choosing members of the legislature. The persons respectively having the highest number of votes for governor and lieutenant governor, shall be elected. But in case two or more shall have an equal and the highest number of votes for governor or lieutenant governor, the two houses of the legislature, at its next annual session, shall forthwith, by joint ballot, choose one of the persons so having an equal and the highest number of votes for governor or lieutenant governor. The returns of election for governor and lieutenant governor shall be made in such manner as shall be provided by law. SEC. 4. The governor shall be commander-in-chief of the Powers of the governor military and naval forces of the state. He shall have power to convene the legislature on extraordinary occasions; and in case of invasion, or danger from the prevalence of contagious disease at the seat of government, he may convene them at any other suitable place within the state. He shall communicate to the legislature, at every session, the condition of the state, and recommend such matters to them for their consideration, as he may deem expedient. He shall transact all necessary business with the officers of the government, civil and military. He shall expedite all such measures as may be resolved upon by the legislature, and shall take. care that the laws be faithfully executed. 17 SEC. 5. The governor shall receive, during his continu-His compensation. ance in office, an annual compensation of one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. SEC. 6. The governor shall have power to grant reprieves, His power as to reprieves, commutations, and pardons, after conviction, for all offences, pardons &cexcept treason and cases of impeachment, upon such conditions, and with such restrictions and limitations as he may think proper, subject to such regulations as may be provided by law relative to the manner of applying for pardons. Upon conviction for treason, he shall have the power to suspend the execution of the sentence until the case shall be reported to the legislature, at its next meeting, when the legislature shall either pardon, or commute the sentence, direct the execution of the sentence, or grant a further reprieve. He shall annually communicate to the legislature each case of reprieve, commutation, or pardon granted, stating the name of the convict, the crime of which he was convicted, the sentence and its date, and the date of the commutation, pardon, or reprieve, with his reasons for granting the same. SEC. 7. In case of the impeachment of the governor, or When his powers and his removal from office, death, inability from mental or dutiesto devolve on physical disease, resignation, or absence from the state, the lieutenant governor. powers and duties of the office shall devolve upon the lieutenant governor, for the residue of the term, or until the governor, absent or impeached, shall have returned, or the disability shall cease. But when the governor shall, with the consent of the legislature, be out of the state in time of war, at the head of the military force thereof, he shall continue commander-in-chief of the military force of the state. SEC. 8. The lieutenant governor shall be president of the Lieutenant senate, but shall have only a casting vote therein. If during bovernor to a vacancy in the office of governor, the lieutenant governor when acreshall be impeached, displaced, resign, die, or from mental or to act as physical disease become incapable of performing the duties goerno 18 of his office, or be absent from the state, the secretary of state shall act as governor until the vacancy shall be filled, or the disability shall cease. Compensa- SEc. 9. The lieutenant governor shall receive double the tion of lieutenant go- per diem allowance of members of the senate, for every day's attendance as president of the senate, and the same mileage as shall be allowed to members of the legislature. Power and SEC. 10. Every bill which shall have passed the legisladuty of governor re- ture shall, before it becomes a law, be presented to the govlative to bills; pro- ernor. If he approve, he shall sign it; but if not, he shall ceedings on bilols return- retn it, with his objections, to that house in which it shall ed by gover- tr i, I s nor' have originated, who shall enter the objections at large upon the journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If, after such reconsideration, two-thirds of the members present shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the objections, to the other house, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two-thirds of the members present, it shall become a law. But in all such cases, the votes of both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the members voting for or against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each house respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the governor within three days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, unless the legislature shall, by their adjournment, prevent its return; in which case it shall not be a law. ARTICLE VI. ADMINISTRATIVE. Election of SECTION 1. There shall be chosen by the qualified electsecretary of state,trea- ors of the state, at the times and places of choosing the memsurer and attorney ge- bers of the legislature, a secretary of state, treasurer, and an neral and their term of attorney general, who shall severally hold their offices for office. the term of two years. Duties of e- SEc. 2. The secretary of state shall keep a fair record of state and his the official acts of the legislature and executive department 19 of the state, and shall, when required, lay the same and all compensamatters relative thereto before either branch of the legislature. He shall be ex-officio auditor, and shall perform such other duties as shall be assigned him by law. He shall receive as a compensation for his services, yearly, such sum as shall be provided by law, and shall keep his office at the seat of government. SEC. 3. The powers, duties, and compensation of the Same of treasurer treasurer and attorney general shall be prescribed by law. and attorSEC. 4. Sheriffs, coroners, registers of deeds, and district Sheriffs coattorneys shall be chosen by the electors of the respective stersofdeeds and district counties, once in every two years, and as often as vacancies attorneys, how chosen shall happen. Sheriff's shall hold no other office, and be and termof ofice, &c.; ineligible for two years next succeeding the termination of mayberemoved by their offices. They may be required by law to renew their governor. security from time to time; and in default of giving such new security, their offices shall be deemed vacant. But the county shall never be made responsible for the acts of the sheriff. The governor may remove any officer in this section mentioned, giving to such officer a copy of the charges against him, and an opportunity of being heard in his defence. ARTICLE VII. JUDICIARY. SECTION 1. The court for the trial of impeachments. shall Of impach be composed of the senate. The house of represantatives mode^ofap shall have the power of impeaching all civil officers of this therein, nd extent of state, for corrupt conduct in office, or for crimes and misde- judgment. meanors; but a majority of all the members elected shall concur in an impeachment. On the trial of an impeachment against the governor, the lieutenant governor shall not act as.a member of the court. No judicial officer shall exercise his office after he shall have been impeached, until his acquittal. Before the trial of an impeachment, the members of the court shall take an oath or affirmation truly and impartially to try 20 the impeachment, according to evidence; and no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office, or removal from office and disqualification to hold any office of honor, profit, or trust, under the state; but the party impeached shall be liable to indictment, trial and punishment according to law. Judicial SEc. 2. The judicial power of this state, both as to matpower where vegted.e ters of law and equity, shall be vested in a supreme court, circuit courts, courts of probate, and in justices of the peace. The legislature may also vest such jurisdiction as shall be deemed necessary in municipal courts, and shall have power to establish inferior courts in the several counties, with limited civil and criminal jurisdiction: Provided, That the jurisdiction which may bevested in municipal courts shall not exceed, in their respective municipalities, that of circuit courts in their respective circuits, as prescribed in this constitution; and that the legislature shall provide as well for the election of judges of the municipal courts as of the judges Vlection and of inferior courts, by the qualified electors of the respective ieor jdge juisdictions. The term of office of the judges of the said of municipal and inferior municipal and inferior courts shall not be longer than that courts. of the judges of the circuit courts. Jurisdiction SEC. 3. The supreme court, except in cases otherwise and powers of supreme provided in this constitution, shall have appellate jurisdiccourt. tion only, which shall be co-extensive with the state; but in no case removed to the supreme court, shall a trial by jury be allowed. The supreme court shall have a general superintending control over all inferior courts; it shall have power to issue writs of habeas corpus, mandamus, injunction, quo warranto, certiorari, and other original and remedial writs, and to hear and determine the same. Circuit SEC. 4. For the term of five years, and thereafter until the legislture shall otjudges the sevjudges of su- the legislature shall otherwise provide, the judges of the sev 21 eral circuit courts shall be judges of the supreme court, four preme court; vwhat number of whom shall constitute a quorum, and the concurrence of to constitute a quorum. a majority of the judges present shall be necessary to a decision. The legislature shall have power, if they should think it expedient and necessary, to provide by law, for the organization of a separate supreme court, with the jurisdiction and powers prescribed in this constitution, to consist of Separate supreme court one chief justice and two associate justices, to be elected by may be estajusti"es t be, elec4- blished, &c. the qualified electors of the state, at such time and in such manner as the legislature may provide. The separate supreme court, when so organized, shall not be changed or discontinued by the legislature; the judges thereof shall be so classified that but one of them shall go out of office at the same time, and their term of office shall be the same as is provided for the judges of the circuit court. And whenever the legislature may consider it necessary to establish a separate supreme court, they shall have power to reduce the number of circuit judges to four, and subdivide the judicial circuits, but no such subdivision or reduction shall take effect until after the expiration of the termn of some one of the said judges, or until a vacancy occur by some other rmeans. SEc. 5. The state shall be divided into five judicil cir- Judicial cuits, to be composed as follows: The first circuit shall cuits comprise the counties of Racine, Walworth, Rock, and Green. The second circuit, the counties of Milwaukee, Waukesha, Jefferson, and Dane. The third circuit, the counties of Washington, Dodge, Columbia, Marquette, Sauk, and Portage. The fourth circuit, the counties of FBrowrn, Manitowoc, Sheboygan, Fond du Lac, Vinnebago, and Calunmet. And the fifth circuit shall comprise the counties of Iowa, Lafayette, Grant, Crawford, and St. Croix; and the coul-nty of Richland shall be attached to Iowa, the county of Chippewa to the county of Crawford, and the county of La Pointe to the county of St. Croix, for judical purposes, until otherwise provided by the legislature. 55 22 Number of Se... The legislature may alter the limits, or increase circuits may be increased the number of circuits, making them as compact and conand limits altered. venient as practicable, and bounding them by county lines, but no such alteration or increase shall have the effect to remove a judge from office. In case of an increase of circuits, the judge or judges shall be elected as provided in this constitution, and receive a salary not less than that herein provided for judges of the circuit court. Judge to be SEc. 7. For each circuit there shall be a judge chosen by elected for each circuit the qualified electors therein, who shall hold his office as is and to reside therein. provided in this constitution, and until his successor shall be chosen and qualified; and after he shall have been elected, he shall reside in the circuit for which he was elected. One of Designation said judges shall be designated as chief justice, in such mantice ald ner as the legislature shall provide. And the legislature of udges. shall, at its first session, provide by law, as well for the election of, as for classifying the judges of the circuit court, to be elected under this constitution in such manner that one of said judges shall go out of office in two years, one in three years, one in four years, one in five years, and one in six years, and thereafter the judge elected to fill the office shall hold the same for six years. Jurisdiction SEC. 8. The circuit courts shall have original jurisdiction'and powers of circuit in all matters, civil and criminal, within this state, not excourtS. cepted in this constitution, and not hereafter prohibited by law, and appellate jurisdiction from all inferior courts and tribunals, and a supervisory control over the same. They shall also have the power to issue writs of habeas corpus, mandamus, injunction, quo warranto, certiorari, and all other writs necessary to carry into effect their orders, judgments, and decrees, and give them a general control over inferior courts and jurisdictions. racaaucie SuEo 9. 5When a vacancy shall happen in the office of how filled. judge of the supreme or circuit courts, such vacancy shall be 23 filled by an appointment of the Governor, which shall continue until a successor is elected and qualified; and when elected, such successor shall hold his office the residue of the unexpired term. There shall be no election for a judge or Judges not judges at any general election for state or county officers, at general election. nor within thirty days either before or after such election. SEC. 10. Each of the judges of the supreme and circuit Salary of judges. courts shall receive a salary, payable quarterly, of not less than one thousand five hundred dollars annually; they shall receive no fees of office, or other compensation than their Disqualified from holding salaries; they shall hold no office of public trust, except a other ofice and who judicial office, during the term for which they are respective- eligible. ly elected, and all votes for either of them, for any office except a judicial office, given by the legislature or the people, shall be void. No person shall be eligible to the office of judge, who shall not, at the time of his election, be a citizen of the United States, and have attained the age of twenty-five years, and be a qualified elector within the jurisdiction for which he may be chosen. SEC. 11. The supreme court shall hold at least one term Terms of supreme and annually, at the seat of government of the state, at such time circuitcourts as shall be provided by law, and the legislature may provide change of judges. for holding other terms, and at other places, when they may deem it necessary. A circuit court shall be held at least twice in each year, in each county of this state, organized. for judicial purposes. The judges of the circuit court may hold courts for each other, and shall do so when required by law. SEC. 12. There shall be a clerk of the circuit court chosen Clerks of the circuit court, in each county organized for judicial purposes, by the quali- and clerk of the supreme fled electors thereof, who shall hold his office for two years, court. subject to removal, as shall be provided by law. In case of a vacancy, the judge of the circuit court shall have the power to appoint a clerk, until the vacancy shall be filled by an election. The clerk thus elected or appointed, shall give such 24 security as the legislature may require; and when elected, shall hold his office for a full term. The supreme court shall appoint its own clerk, and the clerk of a circuit court may be appointed clerk of the supreme court. Removal of SEC. 13. Any judge of the supreme or circuit court may judges. be removed from office by address of both houses of the legislature, if two-thirds of all the members elected to each house concur therein, but no removal shall be made by virtue of this section, unless the judge complained of shall have been served with a copy of the charges against him, as the ground of address, and shall have had an opportunity of being heard in his defence. On the question of removal, the ayes and noes shall be entered on the journals. Judge of SEC. 14. There shall be chosen in each county, by the robatequalified electors thereof, a judge of probate, who shall hold his office for two years, and until his successor shall be elected and qualified, and whose jurisdiction, powers and duties shall Office may be prescribed by law: Provided, however, That the legislabe abolished. ture shall have power to abolish the office of judge of probate in any county, and to confer probate powers upon such inferior courts as may be established in said county. Justices of SEC. 15. The electors of the several towns, at their anthe peace, their term of nual town meetings, and the electors of cities and villages, office and classification at their charter elections, shall in such manner as the legislature may direct, elect justices of the peace, whose term of office shall be for two years, and until their successors in office shall be elected and qualified. In case of an election to fill a vacancy occurring before the expiration of a full term, the justice elected shall hold for the residue of the unexpired term. Their number and classification shall be regulated by law; and the tenure of two years shall in no wise interfere with the classification in the first instance. The justices thus elected shall have such civil and criminal jurisdiction as shall be prescribed by law. 25 SEC. 16. The legislature shall pass laws for the regula- trilunals f.conciliation.,ion of tribunals of conciliation, defining their powers and.'duties. Such tribunals may be established in and for any township, and shall have power to render judgment, to be,obligatory on the parties, when they shall voluntarily submit their matter in difference to arbitration, and agree to.abide the judgment, or assent thereto in writing. SEC. 17. The style of all writs and process shall be, "T'heStyleof-writs' and how.state of Wisconsin." All criminal prosecutions shall he criminal carried on in the name and by the authority of the same; cnducted,;and all indictments shall conclude against the peace and dignity of the state. SEC. 18. The legislature shall impose a'tax on all civil Tax on civil I....suits. -suits commenced or prosecuted in the municipal, inferior, or'circuit courts, which shall constitute a fund to be applied toward the payment of the salary of judges. SEC. 19. The testimony in causes in equity, shall be ta-Testimonyin equity,:&c. ken in like manner as in cases at law.; and the office of master in chancery, is hereby prohibited. SEC. 20. Any suitor in any court of this state, shall have Suit ors may "the right to prosecute or defend his suit either in his own pefend oy proper person or by an attorney or agent of his choice. attorney. Legislature SEC. 21. The legislature shall provide by law for the to provide for publica-speedy publication of all statute laws, and of such judicial tion ofaws,decisions made within the state, as may be deemed expedient. ions; and no law to be And no general law shall be in force until published. inforce uil SEC. 22. The legislature at its first session after the adop- Legislature to appoint lion of this constitution, shall provide for the appointment commissioners to revise -of three commissioners, whose duty it shall be to inquire into, practice, &c. revise and simplify the rules of practice, pleadings, forms,,and proceedings, and arrange a system adapted to the courts,of record of this state, and report the same to the legislature, -subject to their modification and adoption; and such com-:mission shall terminate upon the rendering of the report, unless otherwise provided by law. 26 Judicial SEC. 23. Thelegislature may provide for the appointpowers may be vested in ment of one or more persons in each organized county, and certain persons. may vest in such persons such judicial powers as shall be prescribed by law: Provided, That said power shall not exceed that of a judge of the circuit court at chambers. ARTICLE VIII. FINANCE. Ruleoftaxa- SECTION 1. The rule of taxation shall be uniform, and tion to be uniform. taxes shall be levied upon such property as the legislature shall prescribe. How money totbe paid SEC. 2. No money shall be paid out of the treasury, exout of treasury. cept in pursuance of an appropriation by law. Credit of the state not to SEC. 3. The credit of the state shall never be given or be given for private pur- loaned in aid of any individual, association, or corporation. poses. State not to SEC. 4. The state shall never contract any public debt, contract debteept except in the cases and manner herein provided. in certain e Annual tax SEC. 5. The legislature shall provide for an annual tax to be levied to defray sufficient to defray the estimated expenses of the state for state expenses. each year; and whenever the expenses of any year shall exceed the income, the legislature shall provide for levying a tax for the ensuing year, sufficient, with other sources of income, to pay the deficiency,, as well as the estimated expenses of such ensuing year. For what SEC. 6. For the purpose of defraying extraordinary expurpose, to what extent penditures, the state may contract public debts; but such and how public debt debts shall never in the aggregate exceed one hundred thoumay be contracted. sand dollars. Every such debt shall be authorized by law, for some purpose or purposes to be distinctly specified therein,; and the vote of a majority of all the members elected to each house, to be taken by yeas and nays, shall be necessary to the passage of such law; and every such law shall provide for levying an annual tax sufficient to pay the annual interest of such debt, and the principal withix five years from the passage of such law, and shall specially appropriate the pro 2J ceeds of such taxes to the payment of such principal and interest; and such appropriation shall not be repealed, nor the taxes be postponed or diminished until the principal and interest of such debt shall have been wholly paid. SEC. 7. The legislature may also borrow money to repel Whenlegis. invasion, suppress insurrection, or defend the state in timeb~"row doo of war; but the money thus raised shall be applied exclu-to be applied sively to' the object for which the loan was authorized, or to the re-payment of the debt thereby created. SEC. 8. On the passage in either house of the legislature, Passage of laws imposof any law which imposes, continues, or renews a tax, or ing taxes, &c., to be by creates a debt or charge, or makes, continues, or renews an yeas and nays, and appropriation of public or trust money, or releases, dis- three-fifths of each house charges, or commutes a claim or demand of the state, theto constitute a quorum. question shall be taken by yeas and nays, which shall be duly entered on the journal; and three-fifths of all the members elected to such house, shall in all such cases be required to constitute a quorum therein. SE.c. 9. No scrip, certificate, or other evidence of state When only -~"'' state scrip debt whatsoever, shall be issued, except for such debts as are may be issued. authorized by the sixth and seventh sections of this article. SEC. 10. The state shall never contract any debt for works State not to contract of internal improvement, or be a party in carrying on such debt for in* ternal imworks; but whenever grants of land, or other property, shall bProvement have been made to the state, especially dedicated by the ply the avgrant to particular works of internal improvement, the state &c., to that may carry on such particular works, and shall devote thereto the avails of such grants, and may pledge or appropriate the revenues derived from such works in aid of their completion. ARTICLE IX. EMINENT DOMIAIN AND PROPERTY OF THE STATE. SECTION 1. The state shall have concurrent jurisdiction Concurrent jurisdiction on all rivers and lakes bordering on this state, so far as such of state. rivers or lakes shall form a common boundary to the state, 28 Navigable and any other state or territory now or hereafter to be formed common and bounded by the same. And the river Mississippi, and highways. the navigable waters leading into the Mississippi and St. Lawrence, and the carrying places between the same, shall be common highways, and forever free, as well to the inhabitants of the state as to the citizens of the United States, without any tax, impost, or duty therefor. Lands and SEC. 2. The title to all lands, and other property, which other property of the have accrued to the territory of Wisconsin, by grant, gift, territory to vest in the purchase, forfeiture, escheat, or otherwise, shall vest in the state. state of Wisconsin. Ultimate SEC. 3. The people of the state, in their right of soverproperty of lands in the eignty, are declared to possess the ultimate property in and people of the pstate, and to all lands within the jurisdiction of the state; and all lands, whennoheirs to escheat to the title to which shall fail from a defect of heirs, shall rethe people. vert or escheat to the people. ARTICLE X. EDUCATION. State super- SECTION 1. The supervision of public instruction shall intendent of public in- be vested in a state superintendent, and such other officers as struction, how elected, the legislature shall direct. The state superintendent shall and his compensation. be chosen by the qualified electors of the state, in such manner as the legislature shall provide; his powers, duties and compensation shall be prescribed by law: Provided, That his compensation shall not exceed the sum of twelve hundred dollars annually. Whatto Con- SEC. 2. The proceeds of all lands that have been or herefun, to be after may be granted by the United States to this state, for set apart and how interest educational purposes, (except the lands heretofore granted applied. for the purposes of a university,) and all moneys, and the clear proceeds of all property, that may accrue to the state by forfeiture or escheat, and all moneys which may be paid as an equivalent for exemption from military duty, and the clear proceeds of all fines collected in the several counties 29 for any breach of the penal laws, and all moneys arising from any grant to the state, where the purposes of such grant are not specified, and the five hundred thousand acres of land to which the state is entitled by the provisions of an act of congress, entitled " an act to appropriate the proceeds of the sales of the public lands, and to grant pre-emption rights," approved the fourth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and forty-one, and also the five per centum of the nett proceeds of the public lands to which the state shall become entitled on her admission into the union, (if congress shall consent to such appropriation of the two grants last mentioned,) shall be set apart as a separate fund, to be called the school fund, the interest of which, and all other revenues derived from the school lands, shall be exclusively applied to the following objects, to wit: 1. To the support and maintenance of common schools in each school district, and the purchase of suitable libraries and apparatus therefor. 2. The residue shall be appropriated to the support and maintenance of academies and normal schools, and suitable libraries and apparatus therefor. SEC. 3. The legislature shall provide by law for the es- District schools to be tablishment of district schools, which shall be as nearly uni- established by law, and form as practicable, and such schools shall be free and with- to be free and not secout charge for tuition to all children between the ages of four tarian. and twenty years, and no sectarian instruction shall be allowed therein. SEC. 4. Each town and city shall be required to raise, by Annual tax tax, annually, for the support of common schools therein, a for support of schools, sum not less than one-half the amount received by such town and amount or city respectively for school purposes, from the income of thereof. the school fund. SEc. 5. Provision shall be made by law for the distri- Income of bution of the income of the school fund among the several show to be towns and cities of the state, for the support of common and when 30 distribution schools therein, in some just proportion to the number of not to be made. children and youth resident therein, between the ages of four and twenty years, and no appropriation shall be made from the school fund to any city or town, for the year in which said city or town shall fail to raise such tax, nor to any school district for the year in which a school shall not be maintained at least three months. Stateuniver- SEC. 6. Provision shall be made by law for the estabtyablished lishment of a state university, at or near the seat of state what to constitute uni- government, and for connecting with the same from time to versity funds and how the time such colleges in different parts of the state, as the ininterest is to beapplied. terests of education mayrequre. The proceeds of all lands that have been or may hereafter be granted by the United States to the state for the support of a university, shall be and remain a perpetual fund to be called the "university fund," the interest of which shall be appropriated to the support of the state university, and no sectarian instruction shall be allowed in such university. Comission- SEC. 7. The secretary of state, treasurer, and attorneys sale of the general shall constitute a board of commissioners for the sale school and aniversity of the school and university lands. and for the investment of investment of thefunds. the funds arising therefrom. Any two of said commissioners shall be a quorum for the transaction of all business pertaining to the duties of their office. Lands to be SEC. 8. Provision shall be made by law for the sale of sold after ap- all school and university lands, after they shall have been appraisal and chase mon- praised, and when any portion of such lands shall be sold, ey to be secured. and the purchase money shall not be paid at the time of the sale, the commissioners shall take security by martgage upon the land sold for the sum remaining unpaid, with seven per cent. interest thereon, payable annually at the office of the treasurer. The commissioners shall be authorized to execute a good and sufficient conveyance to all purchasers of such lands, and to discharge any mortgages taken as security, 31 when the sum due thereon shall have been paid. The commissioners shall have-power to withhold from sale any por- Commission ers may withtion of such lands when they shall deem it expedient, and hold lands from sale shall invest all moneys arising from the sale of such lands, and shall invest moneys, as well as all other university and school funds, in such man- &c. ner as the legislature shall provide, and shall give such security for the faithful performance of their duties as may be required by law. ARTICLE XI. CORPORATIONS. SECTION 1. Corporations without banking powers or pri- Corporations other than vileges may be formed under general laws, but shall not be bankinghow to be formed; created by special act, except for municipal purposes, and in all corporacases where, in the judgment of the legislature, the objects maybealtearof the corporation cannot be attained under general laws. ed. All general laws or special acts enacted under the provisions of this section may be altered or repealed by the legislature at any time after their passage. SEC. 2. No municipal corporation shall take private pro- Private pro — perty when perty for public use against the consent of the owner, ith- not to be taken by muout the necessity thereof being first established by the verdict nicipal corporations. of a jury. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the legislature, and they Legislature to provide are hereby empowered to provide for the organization of fororganization of cities cities and incorporated villages, and to restrict their power-and villages of taxation, assessment, borrowing money, contracting debts, psotrir theax and loaning their credit, so as to prevent abuses in assess- ation&c. ments and taxation, and in contracting debts by such municipal corporations. SEc. 4. The legislature shall not have power to create, Notto create or authorize authorize, or incorporate, by any general or special law, any banks or banking exbank or banking power or privilege, or any institution or cept as provided in next. corporation, having any banking power or privilege what- section. ever, except as provided in this article. 32 Banks how SEC. 5. The legislature may submit to the voters at any may be created. general election, the question of "bank or no bank," and if at any such election a number of votes equal to a majority of all the votes cast at such election on that subject shall be in favor of banks, then the legislature shall have power to grant bank charters, or to pass a general banking law, with such restrictions and under such regulations as they may deem expedient and proper for the security of the bill holders: Provided, That no such grant or law shall have any force or effect until the same shall have been submitted to a vote of the electors of the state at some general election, and been approved by a majority of the votes cast on that subject at such election. ARTICLE XII. AMENDMENTS. How consti- SECTION 1. Any amendment or amendments to this contution may be amended. stitution may be proposed in either house of the legislature, and if the same shall be agreed to by a majority of the members elected to each of the two houses, such proposed amendment or amendments shall be entered on their journals with the yeas and nays taken thereon, and referred to the legislature to be chosen at the next general election, and shall be published for three months previous to the time of holding such election. And if in the legislature so next chosen, such proposed amendment or amendments shall be agreed to by a majority of all the members elected to each house, then it shall be the duty of the legislature to submit such proposed amendment or amendments to the people, in such manner and at such time as the legislature shall prescribe, and if the people shall approve and ratify such amendment or amendments by a majority of the electors voting thereon, such amendment or amendments shall become part of the constitution: Provided, That if more than one amendment be subimitted, they shall be submitted in such manner that the people may vote for or against such amendments separately. 33 SEC. 2. If at any time a majority of the senate and as- when and how convensembly shall deem it necessary to call a convention to revise tion torevise or change or change this constitution, they shall recommend to the constitution may be callelectors to vote for or against a convention at the next elec- ed. tion for members of the legislature; and if it shall appear that a majority of the electors voting thereon have voted for a convention, the legislature shall at its next session provide for calling such convention. ARTICLE XIII. MIISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. SECTION 1. The political year for the state of Wisconsin Political year when to shall commence on the first Monday in January in each year, commence; when general and the general election shall be holden on the Tuesday suc- election to he held. ceeding the first Monday in November in each year. SEc. 2. Any inhabitant of this state who may hereafter Inhabitants of state enbe engaged, either directly or indirectly, in a duel, either as gaged in a duel to be principal or accessary, shall forever be disqualified as an disqualified as electors elector, and from holding any office under the constitution and fromf and laws of this state, and may be punished in such other ice. manner as shall be prescribed by law. SEC. 3. No member of congress, nor any person holding Who ineligible to office any office of profit or trust under the United States, (postmas- in this state. ters excepted,) or under any foreign power; no person convicted of any infamous crime in any court within the United States, and no person being a defaulter to the United States, or to this state, or to any county or town therein, or to any state or territory within the United States, shall be eligible to any office of trust, profit, or honor in this state. SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the legislature to provide'eatseaeslof state to be a great seal for the state, which shall be kept by the secretary provided of state; and all official acts of the governor, his approba- kept by Secretary, &c. tion of the laws excepted, shall be thereby authenticated. SE. 5. All persons residing upon Indian lands within Persons reany county of the stte, nd qualifie to exerise the ight of nads any county of the state, and qualified to exercise the right of Indian lands 34 wheremay suffrage under this constitution, shall be entitled to vote at the polls which may be held nearest their residence, for state, United States, or county officers: Provided, That no person shall vote for county officers out of the county in which he resides. Elective of- SEC. 6. The elective officers of the legislature, other than ficers of legislature. the presiding officers, shall be a chief-clerk, and a sergeantat-arms, to be elected by each house. When coun- SEC. 7. No county with an area of nine hundred square ty not to be dividedwith-miles or less, shall be divided, or have any part stricken out vote of the people. therefrom, without submitting the question to a vote of the people of the county, nor unless a majority of all the legal voters of the county voting on the question, shall vote for the same. How county SEC. 8. No county seat shall be removed until the point seat to be removed. to which it is proposed to be removed, shall be fixed by law, and a majority of the voters of the county, voting on the question, shall have voted in favor of its removal to such point. How certain SEC. 9. All county officers whose election or appointofficers to be elected or ment is not provided for by this constitution, shall be elected a.ppointed. by the electors of the respective counties, or appointed by the boards of supervisors, or other county authorities, as the legislature shall direct. All city, town, and village officers, whose election or appointment is not provided for by this constitution, shall be elected by the electors of such cities, towns and villages, or of some division thereof, or appointed by such authorities thereof, as the legislature shall designate for that purpose. All other officers whose election or appointment is not provided for by this constitution, and all officers whose offices may hereafter be created by law, shall be elected by the people, or appointed as the legislature may direct. Legislature SEC. 10. The legislature may declare the cases in which may declare of whoa offices any office shall be deemed vacant, and also the manner of 35 filling the vacancy where no provision is made for that pur- vacant and the manner pose, in this constitution. of filling same. ARTICLE XIV. SCHEDULE. SECTION 1. That no inconvenience may arise by reason All rights to continue and of a change from a territorial to a permanent state govern- process to be as valid as if ment, it is declared that all rights, actions, prosecutions, no change in',.. Rgovernment. judgments, claims, and contracts, as well of individuals as of bodies corporate, shall continue as if no such change had. taken place, and all process which may be issued under the authority of the territory of Wisconsin, previous to its ad.mission into the union of the United States, shall be as valid as if issued in the name of the state. SEC. 2. All laws now in force in the territory of Wis- Existing laws to reconsin, which are not repugnant to this constitution, shallmain in force until they remain in force until they expire by their own limitation, or expire or are altered. be altered or repealed by the legislature. SEC. 3. All fines, penalties, or forfeitures, accruing to Fines,&c., the territory of Wisconsin, shall enure to the use of the the territory to enure to state. use of state. SEC. 4. All recognizances heretofore taken, or which may Recognizances and be taken before the change from territorial to a permanent bonds executed to offistate government, shall remain valid, and shall pass to, and cers to remain valid; may be prosecuted in the name of the state, and all bonds and all property of the executed to the governor of the territory, or to any other of- territory to vest in the ficer or court, in his or their official capacity, shall pass to state. the governor or state authority, and their successors in office, for the uses therein respectively expressed, and may be sued for and recovered accordingly; and all the estate or property, real, personal, or mixed, and all judgments, bonds, specialties, choses in action, and claims or debts of whatsoever description, of the territory of Wisconsin, shall enure to and vest in the state of Wisconsin, and may be sued for and recovered in the same manner and to the same extent, by the 36 state of Wisconsin, as the same could have been by the terCriminal ritory of Wisconsin. All criminal prosecutions and penal suits and offencesto be actions, which may have arisen, or which may arise before prosecuted and civil ac- the change from a territorial to a state government, and tions to be continued. which shall then be pending, shall be prosecuted to judgment and execution in the name of the state. All offences committed against the laws of the territory of Wisconsin, before the change from a territorial to a state government, and which shall not be prosecuted before such change, may be prosecuted in the name and by the authority of the state of Wisconsin, with like effect as though such change had not taken place; and all penalties incurred shall remain the same as if this constitution had not been adopted. All actions at law, and suits in equity, which may be pending in any of the courts of the territory of Wisconsin, at the time of the change from a territorial to a state government, may be continued and transferred to any court of the state which shall have jurisdiction of the subject matter thereof. Existing of- SEC. 5. All officers, civil and military, now holding ficers to continuein of- their offices under the authority of the United States, or of fice until superseded. the territory of Wisconsin, shall continue to hold and exercise their respective offices until they shall be superseded by the authority of the state. Seat of go- SEC. 6. The first session of the legislature of the state of vernment and first ses- Wisconsin shall commence on the first Monday in June next, sion when and whereto and shall be held at the village of Madison, which shall be be held. and remain the seat of government until otherwise provided by law. Existing SuE. 7. All county, precinct, and township officers, shall county and town officers continue to hold their respective offices, unless removed by to hold over until remov- the competent authority, until the legislature shall in coned or superseded. formity with the provisions of this constitution, provide for the holding of elections to fill such offices respectively. Copy of con- SEC. 8. The president of this convention shall immestitution, &c, cause a fai to be tTans- diately after its adjournment, cause a fair copy of this con stitution, together with a copy of the act of the legislature ofmitted to the this territory, entitled " An act in relation to the formation of a state government in Wisconsin, and to change the time of holding the annual session of the legislature," approved October 27th, 1847, providing for the calling of this convention; and also a copy of so much of the last census of this territory as exhibits the number of its inhabitants, to be forwarded to the President of the United States, to be laid before the congress of the United States at its present session. SEc. 9. This constitution shall be submitted at an elec- Cnstitution to be submittion to be held on the second Monday in March next, for rat- ted for ralification or rejection, to all white male persons of the age ofetitled to twenty-one years, or upwards, who shall then be residents of otethere this territory and citizens of the United States, or shall have declared their intention to become such in conformity with the laws of congress on the subject of naturalization; and all persons having such qualifications shall be entitled to vote for or against the adoption of this constitution, and for all officers first elected under it. And if the constitution be ratified by the said electors, it shall become the constitution of the state of Wisconsin. On such of the ballots as are for the constitution, shall be written or printed the word "yes;" and on such as are against the constitution, the word "no." The election shall be conducted in the manner now prescribed by law, and the returns made by the clerks of the boards of supervisors or county commissioners (as the case may be) to the governor of the territory, at any time before the tenth day of April next. And in the event of the ratification of this constitution, by a majority of all the votes given, it shall be the duty of the governor of this territory to make proclamation of the same, and to transmit a digest of the returns to the senate and assembly of the state, on the first day of their session. An election shall be held for governor and lieuten- Firstelection for governor, ant governor, treasurer, attorney-general, members of the &c., when to be held. state legislature, and members of congress, on the second C to 38 Monday of May next, and no other or further notice of such election shall be required. Congression- SEC. 10. Two members of congress shall also be elected al districts. on the second Monday of May next; and until otherwise provided by law, the counties of Milwaukee, Waukesha, Jefferson, Racine, Walworth, Rock and Green, shall constitute the first congressional district, and elect one member; and the counties of Washington, Sheboygan, Manitowoc, Calumet, Brown, Winnebago, Fond du Lac, Marquette, Sank, Portage, Columbia, Dodge, Dane, Iowa, La Fayette, Grant, Richland, Crawford, Chippewa, St. Croix and La Pointe, shall constitute the second congressional district, and shall elect one member. First elec- SEC. 11. The several elections provided for in this article tions, how to beconducted shall be conducted according to the existing laws of the terand returns made,&c. ritory: Provided, That no elector shall be entitled to vote, except in the town, ward, or precinct where he resides. The returns of election for senators and members of Assembly, shall be transmitted to the clerk of the board of supervisors, or county commissioners, as the case may be, and the votes shall be canvassed, and certificates of election issued, as now provided by law. In the first senatorial district, the returns of the election for senator shall be made to the proper officer in the county of Brown; in the second senatorial district, to the proper officer in the county of Columbia; in the third senatorial district, to the proper officer in the county of Crawford; in the fourth senatorial district, to the proper officer in the county of Fond du Lac; and in the fifth senatorial district, to the proper officer in the county of Iowa. The returns of election for state officers and members of congress, shall be certified and transmitted to the speaker of the assembly at the seat of government, in the same manner as the votes for delegate to congress are required to be certified and returned by the laws of the territory of Wisconsin, to the secretary of said territory, and in such time that they may 39 be received on the first Monday in June next; and as soon as the legislature shall be organized, the speaker of the assembly and the president of the senate shall, in the presence of both houses, examine the returns, and declare who are duly elected to fill the several offices hereinbefore mentioned, and give to each of the persons elected a certificate of his election. SEC. 12. Until there shall be a new apportionment, the Senate and Assembly senators and members of the assembly shall be apportioned districts. among the several districts, as hereinafter mentioned, and each district shall be entitled to elect one senator or member of the assembly, as the case may be. The counties of Brown, Calumet, Manitowoc and Sheboygan, shall constitute the first senate district. The counties of Columbia, Marquette, Portage and Sank, shall constitute the second senate district. The counties of Crawford, Chippewa, St. Croix and La Pointe, shall constitute the third senate district. The counties of Fond du Lac and Winnebago, shall constitute the fourth senate district. The counties of Iowa and Richland, shall constitute the fifth senate district. The county of Grant shall constitute the sixth senate district. The counnty of La Fayette shall constitute the seventh senate district. The county of Green shall constitute the eighth senate district. The county of Dane shall constitute the ninth senate district. The county of Dodge shall constitute the tenth senate district. The county of Washington shall constitute the eleventh senate district. The county of Jefferson shall constitute the twelfth senate district. 40 The county of Waukesha shall constitute the thirteenth senate district. The county of Walworth shall constitute the fourteenth senate district. The county of Rock shall constitute the fifteenth senate district. The towns of Southport, Pike, Pleasant Prairie, Paris, Bristol, Brighton, Salem and Wheatland, in the county of Racine, shall constitute the sixteenth senate district. The towns of Racine, Caledonia, Mount Pleasant, Raymond, Norway, Rochester, Yorkville and Burlington, in the county of Racine, shall constitute the seventeenth senate district. The third, fourth and fifth wards of the city of Milwaukee, and the towns of Lake, Oak Creek, Franklin and Greenfield, in the county of Milwaukee, shall constitute the eighteenth senate district. The first and second wards of the city of Milwaukee, and the towns of Milwaukee, Wauwatosa and Granville, in the county of Milwaukee, shall constitute the nineteenth senate district. The county of Brown shall constitute an assembly district. The county of Calumet shall constitute an assembly district. The county of Manitowoc shall constitute an assembly district. The county of Columbia shall constitute an assembly district. The counties of Crawford and Chippewa shall constitute an assembly district. The counties of St. Croix and La Pointe shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Windsor, Sun Prairie, and Cottage Grove, in the county of Dane, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Madison, Cross Plains, Clarkson, Spring 41 field, Verona, Montrose, Oregon and Greenfield, in the county of Dane, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Rome, Dunkirk, Christiana, Albion and Rutland, in the county of Dane, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Burnett, Chester, Le Roy and Williamstown, in the county of Dodge, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Fairfield, Hubbard and Rubicon, in the county of Dodge, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Hustisford, Ashippun, Lebanon and Emmet, in the county of Dodge, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Elba, Lowell, Portland and Clyman, in the county of Dodge, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Calamus, Beaver Dam, Fox Lake and Trenton, in the county of Dodge, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Calumet, Forest, Auburn, Byron, Taychedah and Fond du Lac, in the county of Fond du Lac, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Alto, Metoman, Ceresco, Rosendale, Waupun, Oakfield and Seven Mile Creek, in the county of Fond du Lac, shall constitute an assembly district. The precincts of Hazel Green, Fairplay, Smeltzer's Grove and Jamestown, in the county of Grant, shall constitute an assembly district. The precincts of Plattville, Head of Platte, Centerville, Muscoday and Fennimore, in the county of Grant, shall constitute an assembly district. The precincts of Pleasant Valley, Potosi, Waterloo, Hurricane and New Lisbon, in the county of Grant, shall constitute an assembly district. The precincts of Beetown, Patch Grove, Cassville, Millville and Lancaster, in the county of Grant, shall constitute an assembly district. The county of Green shall constitute an assembly district. 42 The precincts of Dallas, Pedlar's Creek, Mineral Point and Yellow Stone, in the county of Iowa, shall constitute an assembly district. The precincts of Franklin, Dodgeville, Porter's Grove, Arena and Percussion, in the county of Iowa, and the county of Richland, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Watertown, Aztalan and Waterloo, in the county of Jefferson, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Ixonia, Concord, Sullivan, Hebron, Cold Spring and Palmyra, inthe county of Jefferson, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Lake Mills, Oakland, Koskonong, Farmington and Jefferson, in the county of Jefferson, shall constitute an assembly district. The precincts of Benton, Elk Grove, Belmont, Willow Springs, Prairie, and that part of Shullsburgh precinct north of town one, in the county of La Fayette, shall constitute an assembly district. The precincts of Wiota, Wayne, Gratiot, White Oak Springs, Fever River, and that part of Shullsburgh precinct south of town two, in the county of La Fayette, shall constitute an assembly district. The county of Marquette shall constitute an assembly district. The first ward of the city of Ailwaukee shall constitute an assembly district. The second ward of the city of Milwaukee shall constitute an assembly district. The third ward of the city of Milwaukee shall constitute an assembly district. The fourth and fifth wards of the city of Milwaukee shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Franklin and Oak Creek, in the county of Milwaukee, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Greenfield and Lake, in the county of Milwaukee, shall constitute an assembly district. 43 The towns of Granville, Wauwatosa and Milwaukee, in the county of Milwaukee, shall constitute an assembly district. The county of Portage shall constitute an assembly district. The town of Racine, in the county of Racine, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Norway, Raymond, Caledonia and Mount Pleasant, in the county of Racine, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Rochester, Burlington and Yorkville, in the county of Racine, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Southport, Pike and Pleasant Prairie, in the county of Racine, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Paris, Bristol, Brighton, Salem and Wheatland, in the county of Racine, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Janesville and Bradford, in the county of Rock, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Beloit, Turtle and Clinton, in the county of Rock, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Magnolia, Union, Porter and Fulton, in the county of Rock, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Milton, Lima and Johnstown, in the county of Rock, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Newark, Rock, Avon, Spring Valley and Center, in the county of Rock, shall constitute an assembly district: Provided, That if the legislature shall divide the town of Center, they may attach such part of it to the district lying next north as they may deem expedient. The county of Sank shall constitute an assembly district. Precincts numbered one, three and seven, in the county of Sheboygan, shall constitute an assembly district. Precincts number two, four, five and six, in the county of Sheboygan, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Troy, East Troy and Spring Prairie, in the county of Walworth, shall constitute an assembly district. 44 The towns of Whitewater, Richmond and Lagrange, in the county of Walworth, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Geneva, Hudson and Bloomfield, in the county of Walworth, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Darien, Sharon, Walworth and Linn, in the county of Walworth, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Delavan, Sugar Creek, La Fayette and Elkhorn, in the county of Walworth, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Lisbon, Menomonee and Brookfield, in the county of Waukesha, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Warren, Oconomewoc, Summit and Ottowa, in the county of Waukesha, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Delafield, Genesee and Pewaukee, in the county of Waukesha, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Waukesha and New Berlin, in the county of Waukesha, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Eagle, Muckwanego, Vernon and Muskego, in the county of Waukesha, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Port Washington, Fredonia and Clarence, in the county of Washington, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Grafton and Jackson, in the county of Washington, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of TMequon and Germantown, in the county of Washington, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Polk, Richfield and Erin, in the county of Washington, shall constitute an assembly district. The towns of Hartford, Addison, West Bend and North Bend, in the county of Washington, shall constitute an assembly district. 45 The county of Winnebago shall constitute an assembly district. The foregoing districts are subject, however, so far to be altered that when any new town shall be organized, it may be added to either of the adjoining assembly districts. SEc. 13. Such parts of the common law as are now inCommon law now in force force in the territory of Wisconsin, not inconsistent with this to con tinue constitution, shall be and continue part of the law of this state until altered or suspended by the legislature. SEC. 14. The senators first elected in the even numbered Senators, &c. first elected, senate districts, the governor, lieutenant-governor, and other whntoentoter upon the dustate officers first elected under this constitution, shall enter ties of their office, and upon the duties of their respective offices on the first Monday hcontiue it of June next, and shall continue in office for one year from offce the first Monday of January next. The senators first elected in the odd numbered senate districts, and the members of the assembly first elected, shall enter upon their duties respectively on the first Monday of June next, and shall continue in office until the first Monday in January next. SEC. 15. The oath of office may be administered by any gathhoffice judge or justice of the peace, until the legislature shall other- ministered. wise direct. RESOLUTIONS. Resolved, That the congress of the United States be, and Resolution relative to is hereby requested, upon the application of Wisconsin for Lake Michigan and admission into the Union, so to alter the provisions of an act Rock river canal lands. of congress entitled " an act to grant a quantity of land to the territory of Wisconsin, for the purpose of aiding in opening a canal to connect the waters of Lake Michigan with those of Rock River," approved June eighteenth, eighteen Odd number-'0~~~ r r o ed sections hundred and thirty-eight; and so to alter the terms and con- to contitute ditions of the grant made therein, that the odd numbered sec- 000 acres. tions thereby granted and remaining unsold, may be held and disposed of by the state of Wisconsin, as part of the five 46 hundred thousand acres of land to which said state is entitled by the provisions of an act of Congress, entitled " an act to appropriate the proceeds of the sales of the public lands, and to grant pre-emption rights," approved the fourth day of September, eighteen hundred and forty-one; and further, Even num- that the even numbered sections reserved by congress may be bered sections to be offered for sale by the United States for the same minimum offered at minimumprice, price, and subject to the same rights of pre-emption as other &c. public lands of the United States. Excess price Resolved, That congress be further requested to pass an act of those sold to berefund-whereby the excess price over and above one dollar and ed. twenty-five cents per acre, which may have been paid by the purchasers of said even numbered sections which shall have been sold by the United States, be refunded to the present owners thereof, or they be allowed to enter any of the public lands of the United States, to an amount equal in value to the excess so paid. Odd number- Resolved, That in case the odd numbered sections shall be ed sections to be sold, ceded to the state as aforesaid, the same shall be sold by the &c. state in the same manner as other school lands: Provided, That the same rights of pre-emption as are now granted by the laws of the United States shall be secured to persons who may be actually settled upon such lands at the time of the adoption of this constitution: And provided further, That the excess price over and above one dollar and twenty-five cents TExcess pice per acre, absolutely or conditionally contracted to be paid of those sold r a, ab to be remitted. eiby the purchasers of any part of said sections which shall have been sold by the territory of Wisconsin, shall be remitted to such purchasers, their representatives or assigns. Grant of the Resolved, That congress be requested, upon the applica500,000 acres U and the five tion of Wisconsin for admission into the Union, to pass an per centumr to eapplied act whereby the grant of five hundred thousand acres of land to the use of schools. to which the state of Wisconsin is entitled by the provisions of an act of congress entitled " an act to appropriate the pro 47 ceeds of the sales of the public lands, and to grant pre-emption rights," approved the fourth day of September, eighteen hundred and forty-one, and also the five per centum of the nett proceeds of the public lands lying within the state, to which it shall become entitled on its admission into the Union, by the provisions of an act of congress, entitled " an act to enable the^people of Wisconsin territory to form a constitution and state government, and for the admission of such state into the Union," approved the 6th day of August, eighteen hundred and forty-six, shall be granted to the state of Wisconsin for the use of schools, instead of the purposes mentioned in said acts of congress respectively. Resolved, That the congress of the United States be, and Minimum hereby is requested, upon the admission of this state into the lands in Fox and Wiscon — Union, so to alter the provisionsof the act of congress, en- gin river titled "an act to grant a certain quantity of land to aid in served to U. S. to be rethe improvement of the Fox and Wisconsin rivers, and to duced. connect the same by a canal in the territory of Wisconsin," that the price of the lands reserved to the United States shall be reduced to the minimum price of the public lands. Resolved, That the legislature of this state shall make pro- Legislature to provide vision by law for the sale of the lands granted to the state in for sale of canal lands aid of said improvements, subject to the same rights of pre- subject to pre-emption emption to the settlers thereon, as are now allowed by law ritsof s'etto settlers on the public lands. 0' Resolved, That the foregoing resolutions be appended to Resolutions to be signed and signed with the constitution of Wisconsin, and submit- and submitted to the ted therewith to the people of this territory, and to the con- people and gress of the United States. We, the undersigned, members of the convention to form Certificate and names a constitution for the state of Wisconsin, to be submitted to of members of the conthe people thereof for their ratification or rejection, do hereby vention. certify that the foregoing is the constitution adopted by the convention. 48 In testimony whereof, we have hereunto set our hands, at Madison, the first day of February, A. D. eighteen hundred and forty-eighto MORGAN L. MARTIN, President of the convention and delegatefrom Brown county. THo's MCHUGH, Secretary. Calumet, Jefferson, G. W. Featherstonhaugh, Jonas Folts, Columbia, NMilo Jones, James T. Lewis, Theodore Prentiss, Crawford, Abraham Vanderpool. Crawford, Daniel G. Fenton. L Fayette, Dane, Charles Dunn, William H. Fox, John O'Connor, Charles M. Nichols, Alen Warden William A. Wheeler. Milwaukee, Dodge, John L. Doran, Stoddard Judd, Garret M. Fitzgerald, Charles H. Larrabee, Albert Fowler, Samuel W. Lyman. Byron Kilbourn, Fond du Lac, Rufus King, Samuel W. Beall, Charles H. Larkin, Warren Chase. Morritz Schceffler. Grant, Portage, Orsamus Cole, William H. Kennedy. George W. Lakin, Racine, Alexander D. Ramsey, Albert G. Cole, William Richardson, Stephen A. Davenport, John Hawkins Rountree. Andrew B. Jackson Green, Frederick S. Lovell, James Biggs. Samuel R. McClellan, Iowa, James D. Reymert, Charles Bishop, Horace T. Sanders, Stephen Hollenbeck, Theodore Secor. Joseph Wardo 49 Rock, Hollis Latham, Almerin M. Carter, Ezra A. Mulford. Joseph Colley, Waukesha, Paul Crandall, Squire S. Case, Ezra A. Foote, Alfred L. Castleman, Louis P. Harvey, Peter D. Gifford, Edward V. Whiton. Eleazer Root, Sheboygan, George Scagel. Silas Steadman. Washinyton, WazlworMt, James Fagan, Walworth, Pr P o Experience Estabrook, Patrick Pentony, George Gale,.George Gale, tHarvey G. Turner. James Harrington, Winnebago, Augustus C. Kinne, Harrison Reed. CH ART ER OF THE CITY OF MILWAUKEE0 To consolidate and amend the act to incorporate the City of Milwaukee, and the several acts amendatory thereof. The People of' te State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows CHAPTER I. CITY AND WARD BOUNDARIES. SEOTION 1. All the district of country in the county of CHAP. I. Milwaukee, contained within the limits and boundaries hereinafter described, shall be a city by the name of "Milwaukee," and the people now inhabiting, and those who shall hereafter inhabit within the district of country herein described, shall be a municipal corporation, by the name of the "City of Milwaukee," and shall have the general powers Nameand possessed by municipal corporations at common law; and in powels addition thereto, shall possess the powers hereinafter specifically granted, and the authorities thereof shall have perpetual succession, shall be capable of contracting and being contracted with, of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, in all courts of law and equity; and shall have a common seal and may change and alter the same at pleasure. SEC. 2. The territory included within the following boundaries and limits, shall constitute the City of Milwaukee, to wit: beginning on the shore of Lake Michigan, where it is 52 CHAP. I. intersected by the section line dividing sections fifteen and twenty-two, of township seven, north of range twenty-two Boundaries. east; running thence west along said line, to the south-east corner of the south-west quarter of said section fifteen; thence north along the quarter section line, to the north-east corner of the south-east quarter of the south-west quarter of said section fifteen; thence west to the north-west corner of said quarter section; thence south to the south-west corner of said quarter section; thence west along said line, dividing sections fifteen and twenty-two, to the west line of said township seven; thence south along said line, to the south line of said township; thence east along said line to the Lake shore, in the southerly part of Milwaukee bay; thence from a point therein in range with the south side of the south pier of the Government harbor, the line shall diverge and run southeasterly in a direct line to and along the south side of said pier, to the further extremity thereof, and five hundred feet beyond, and from thence due east to the eastern boundary of the State in Lake Michigan; thence north to a point opposite to the place or point of beginning; thence west to the place or point of beginning. Division of SEC. 3. The said City shall be divided into five Wards, wards. as follows: all that part of said district which lies east of the middle of the Milwaukee river and nlorth of the middle of Wisconsin street shall be the First Ward, and all that part of the said district which lies west of the middle of Milwaukee river, and north of the middle of Cedar street, and its extension to the west line of the city, shall be the Second Ward; all that part of the said district which lies east of the middle of the said river, and south of the middle of Wisconsin street, shall be the Third Ward, and all that part of the said district which lies west of the middle of said river, and south of the middle of Cedar street, and within sections numbered twenty-nine and thirty, shall be the Fourth Ward; and the residue of said City shall be the Fifth Ward. CHAPTER II. CHAP. II. ELECTIONS. SECTION 1. The annual election for Ward and City offi- Annual election. cers shall be held on the first Tuesday of March, of each year, at such place in each Ward as the Common Council shall designate, and the polls shall be kept open from nine o'clock in the forenoon till five in the afternoon, and ten days previous notice shall begiven by the Common Council of the time and place of holding such elections, and of the City and Ward officers to be elected. SEC. 2. The elective officers shall be a Mayor, Treasurer, lective ofMarshal, and Police Justice, for the City, and three Aldermen, one Assessor, one Constable, and one Justice of the Peace for each Ward. All other officers necessary for the Council may appoint proper management of the affairs of said City shall be ap- others. pointed by the Common Council. All elective officers, ex- Term of service. cept Justices of the Peace, shall, unless otherwise provided, hold their respective offices for one year and until their successors are elected and qualified: Provided, however, the Common Council shall have power, for due cause, to expel any of their own number, and to remove from office any officer or agent under the city government, due notice having been first given to the officer complained of. Justices of the Justice of the Peace, Peace shall hold their respective offices for two years and until their successors are elected and qualified. SEC. 3. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in the office of Mayor or Aldermen, such vacancy shall be filled by a new election, which shall be ordered and held within ten days after such vacancy shall occur. Any vacancy happening in vacancies. any other office shall be filled by the Common Council. The person elected or appointed to fill a vacancy, shall hold his office and discharge the duties thereof for the unexpired term, and with the same rights, and subject to the same liabilities as the person whose office he may be elected or appointed to fill. I) 54 HIAP. n. SEao. 4. All elections by the people shall be by ballot, lrli and a plurality of votes shall constitute an election. When Plurality two or more did for aelects. t offir enid s fr all eleceiv oce al ree an ie vote. equal number of votes for the same ofice, the election shall be determinad by the casting of lots in the presence of the Conm mon Council, at such time and in such manner as they shall direct. Quaslifics" SEC. 5. All persons entitled to, vote for County or State ticns of oters. officers, and who shall have resided in the city for one year preceding the election, and. for ten days within the Ward where they ofer to vote, shall be entitled to vote for any officer to be elected under this law, and t o, hold any office hereby created, Aldermen to SEC. 6. The elections in said city shall be held and co.-;be inspectors,of elections. tducted by the Aldermen of each Ward, who shall be the inspectors of elections, and shall take the usual oaths or affirmations as prescribed by the general laws of this State to be taken by the judges and inspectors of elections, and shall have the power to appoint clerks of such elections, and to admifnister the necessary oaths. Sait elections shall be held and conducted in the same manner and under the same penalties, and vacancies in the board of inspectors thereof filled, as required by the laws of this State regarding elections.'Oaths to per- SEC. 7. If either of the inspectors shall suspect that any.sons offering to vote when person ofitering a vote does not possess the qualifications of.challenged. an elector, or if such vote be challenged by an elector, the inspector, before receiving the vote of any such, shall require him to take the following oath: — You do solemnly swear ~(or affirm, as the case may be) that you are twenty-one years of age, that you are a citizen of the United States (or have declared your intentions to becorae a citizen conformably to the laws of the United States on the subject of naturalization) that you have resided within this city one year, and within this ward ten days next preceding this election, and that you have not voted at this election, and that you. have made no bet or wager, or become directly or indirectly in- CHAP. u. terested in any bet or wager depending on the result of this election;" and if the person offering to vote shall take such -oath, his vote shall be received. And if such person shall Penalty for illegal voting take such oath falsely, he shall be deenmed guilty of a wilful and corrupt perjury, and upon conviction thereof upon indictment, shall suffer the punishment provided by law for persons guilty of perjury. If any person who is not a qualified voter, shall vote at any election, or if any person qualified shall vote in any other ward than the one in which he resides, or shall vote more than once at any one election, he shall be liable to indictment, and on conviction thereof, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, or less than twenty-five dollars. It shall be the duty of the inspectors to keep a list of the names of all persons whose votes may be challenged as aforesaid, and who shall swear in their votes, and if any inspector shall knowingly and corruptly receive the vote of any person not authorized to vote, or shall make out false returns of an election, or any clerk shall not write down the name of every voter as he votes, or shall wilfully make untrue and incorrect count and tallies of votes, each and every such inspector and clerk shall be liable to indictment, and on conviction thereof, shall severally forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, nor less than one hundred dollars. All such indictments shall be tried in the circuit court of the county of Milwaukee. SEC. 8. When an election shall be closed, and the num- Returns made to the her of votes for each candidate or person voted for shall be Cterk. counted and ascertained, the said inspectors shall make return thereof, stating therein the number of votes for each person, for each and every office, and shall deliver, or cause to be delivered, such returns to the clerk of the Common Council, who shall forthwith give notice to each of the Aldermen elected, of their respective elections. Within one week after any election the Common Council shall meet and canvass 56 CHAP. U. said returns and declare the result as it appears from thesame. Special elec- SEC. 9. Special elections to fill vacancies, or for any tions. other purpose, shall be held and conducted by the Aldermen of each ward, in the same manner and the returns thereof shall be made in the same form and manner as general or annual elections, and within such time as may be prescribed by ordinance. Removals SEC. 10. Any officer removing from the city, or anyvacate Offices. ward officer removing from the ward for which he was elected, or any officer who shall neglect or refuse for ten days after notice of his election or appointment, to enter upon the discharge of the duties of his office, shall be deemed to have vacated his office, and the Common Council shall proceed to fill such vacancy, as herein prescribed. lection of SEC. 11. There shall be elected at the first election under Aldermen. this act, one Alderman for each ward, who shall hold his office for two years, and two Aldermen who shall hold their office for one year. SEc. 12. At every annual election thereafter, there shall be elected one Alderman in each ward, who shall hold his office for two years, and one who shall hold his office for one year. SEc. 13. The votes for the Alderman who shall hold his office for two years, shall be deposited in a separate ballot box; and the votes for Aldermen'holding their office for one year, and all other elective officers, shall be on one ballot and deposited in a separate ballot box. SEC. 14. There shall be written or printed, or partly written or printed, at the head of the votes for the Alderman for two years, the words, "Alderman for two years;" and at the head of the vote for Aldermen for one year, " Aldermen for one year." Aldermenf SEC. 15. The Aldermen in each ward elected for two members of pervisors. years, shall be in the order of their election, members of the 57 County Board of Supervisors, with all the rights, duties and CH-tAP. III. liabilities of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the several towns. SEC. 16. By consent of a majority of the Aldermen of May susti" tute others. -any ward, the Alderman for two years may substitute either -of the other Aldermen in his place in said Board of Supervisors, for such time as may be named by him in writing. Term of SEC. 17. All the city and ward officers now in offce, shall ofiae. hold their respective offices, until their successors shall be elected or appointed under this act; and the term of every officer, elected under this law, shall commence on the second Tuesday of March of the year for which he is elected; and shall, unless herein otherwise provided, continue for one year, and until his successor is elected and qualified. SEc. 18. All duties herein required of the Common Council and Aldermen in regard to elections, shall be performed, so far as may be necessary, by the present Common Council and Aldermen in regard to the first election, and the organization of the city government under this law. SEC. 19. Should there be a failure by the people to elect New election in case of any officers herein required to be elected on the day designat- failure. ed, the Common Council may order a new election to be held, ten days notice of the time and place of holding the -election being first given. CHAPTER III. OFFIERS —THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES. SEC. 1. Every person elected or appointed to any office Oath and under this act, shall, before he enters upon the duties of his bonds of of. office, take and subscribe an oath of office and file the same, duly certified by the officer taking the same, with the clerk of the city; and the treasurer, clerk, marshal, constables, and such other officers as the Common Council may direct, shall severally, before they enter upon the duties of their re-.spective offices, execute to the city of Milwaukee, a bond 58 CHAP. II. with at least two sureties, who shall swear that they are each, - worth the penalty specified in said bond, over and above all debts, exemptions or liabilities, and said bonds shall contain. such penal sum, and such conditions as the Common Council may deem proper; and they may from time to time require new or additional bonds, and remove from office any officerrefusing or neglecting to give the same. Mayor. SEc. 2. The Mayor shall, when present, preside over the meetings of the Common Council, and take care that the, laws of the State and the ordinances of the City are duly observed and enforced, and that all other executive officers of the. City discharge their respective duties; he shall from time to time give the Common Council such information, and recommend such measures as he may deem advantageous to the City. The Mayor shall be the chief executive officer and head of the Police of the City; and in case of a riot, or other disturbance, he may appoint as many special or temporary constables as he may deem necessary. The Mayor shall have a. vote only in case of a tie. President of SEC. 3. At the first meeting of the Common Council each year, they shall proceed to elect, by ballot, one of their number President, and in the absence of the Mayor, the said President shall preside over the meetings of the Common Council;, and during the absence of the Mayor from the City, or his. inability, for any reason, to discharge the duties of his office,. the said President shall exercise all the powers, and discharge all the duties of the Mayor. In case the Mayor and President shall be absent at any meeting of the Common Council, they shall proceed to elect a temporary presiding officer, who, for the time being, shall discharge all the duties of the Mayor. The President, or temporary presiding officer, while presiding over the Board, or performing the duties of the Mayor, shall be styled Acting Mayor, and any acts performed by them shall have the same force and validity as if performed by the Mayor. 59 SEc. 4. The Clerk shall be elected by ballot by the Com- CHAP. IIL. mon Council; he shall keep the corporate seal, and all pa- lerk.. pers and records of the City; and keep a record of the proceedings of the Common Council, at whose meetings it shall be his duty to attendc; and copies of all papers filed in his office, and transcripts from the records of the Common Council, certified by him under the corporate seal, shall be evidence in all courts, in like manner as if the original were produced; he shall draw and countersign all orders on the treasury, in pursuance of any order or resolution of the Common Council, and keep a full and accurate account thereof, in books provided for that purpose. The Clerk shall have power and authority to administer oaths or affirmations. SEC. 5. The Attorney shall perform all professional ser- Attor'ey. vices incident to the office, and when required, shall furnish written opinions upon any subject submitted to him by the Common Council or its committees. SEC. 6. The Treasurer shall receive all monies belonging Treasure.. to the City, and keep an accurate and detailed account thereof in such manner as the Common Council shall from time to time direct. The Treasurer shall exhibit to the Common Council, at least fifteen days before the annual election, or sooner if required by them, a full and detailed account of all receipts and expenditures after the date of the last annual report, and also of the state of the treasury, which account shall be filed with the Clerk. SEc. 7. The Marshal shall perform such duties as shall Marshal,. be prescribed by the Common Council for the preservation of the public peace, and the collection of license moneys and fines; he shall possess the power of constable at common law, or by the laws of this Strte, and receive like fees, but. shall not serve civil process, except where the city is a party.. SEc. 8. The Common Council shall have power from Other o-.time to time, to requre other and further duties to be performed by any officer whose duties are herein prescribed; and: 60 CHAP. iln. to appoint such other officers as may be necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this act, and to prescribe their Compensationofoffi- duties, and to fix the compensation of all officers elected or cers. appointed by them; such compensation shall be fixed by resolution at the time the office is created, or at the commencement of the year, and shall not be increased or diminished during the term such officer shall remain in office. City printes SEC. 9. The Common Council at their first meeting in each year, or as soon thereafter as may be, shall designate not more than two daily papers printed in said City, one in English and one in German, in which shall be ]published all ordinances and other proceedings and matters required by this act, or by the by-laws or ordinances of the Common Council, to be published in a public newspaper. uAffidait of SEC. 10. The City printer or printers, immediately after the publication of any notice, ordinance or resolution, which by this act is required to be published, shall file with the Clerk of the City a copy of such publication, with his or their affidavit or the affidavit of his or their foreman, of the length of time the same has been published, and such affidavit shall be conclusive evidence of the publication of such notice, ordinance or resolution. Penalty for SEC 11. If any person having been an officer in said City, detention of property. shall not within ten days after notification and request, deliver to his successor in office all property, books, papers and effects of every description, in his possession, belonging to said City, or pertaining to the office he may have held, he shall forfeit and pay to the use of the City, one hundred dollars, besides all damages caused by his neglect or refusal so to deliver; and such successor may recover the possession of such books, papers and-effects, in the manner prescribed by the laws of this State. Aldermen SEC. 12. No Alderman shall be a party to, or interested not to be parties ini any job or contract with the City or any of the wards, and contract. b any contract in which any Alderman may be so interested, 61 shall be null and void; and in case any money shall have CHAP. II. been paid on any such contract, the Cornmon Council may sue for and recover the amount so paid, from the parties td such contract and the Alderman interested in the same. SEC. 13. The Mayor or Acting Mayor, Sheriff of Mil- Officers of the peace. waukee county, and each and every Alderman, Justice of the Peace, Marshal, Constable and \Watchman, shall be officers *of the peace, and may command the peace, and suppress in a summary manner, all rioting and disorderly behavior within the limits of the City; and for such purposes may command the assistance of all bystanders, and if need be, of all citizens and military companies; andif any person, bystander, military officer, or private, shall refuse to aid in maintaining the peace when so required, every such person shall forfeit and pay a fine of fifty dollars; and in cases where the civil power may be required to suppress riotous or disorderly behavior, the superior or senior' officer present, in the order above mentioned in this section, shall direct the proceedings. SEC. 14. The Police Justice shall possess all the authority, Justice. power and rights of a Justice of the Peace, except that he shall in no case entertain any civil proceeding to which the City is not a party; and shall have sole exclusive jurisdiction to hear all complaints and conduct all examinations and trials in criminal cases within the City,. cognizable before a Justice of the Peace; but warrants returnable before the Police Justice may be issued in criminal cases by any other Justice in the City, but no fee shall be received therefor by such Justice. The Police Justice shall have exclusive jurisdiction in cases in which the City is a party, and he shall have the same power and authority, in case of contempt, as a court of record: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be deemed to divest the Circuit Judges of their authority as conservators of the peace, nor to affect in any manner the jurisdiction or powers of the County or Circuit Court of Milwaukee county. In case of the absence, sickness or other 62 CHAP. II. inability of the Police Justice, or for any sufficient reason, the Mayor, by warrant, may authorize any other Justice of the Peace within said City, to perform the duties of Police Justice, and it shall thereupon be the duty of the Mayor to inform the Attorney and Marshal of such substitution, and make report thereof to the Common Council, and they may confirm or set aside such appointment, or appoint some other Justice of the Peace; and the Justice so appointed shall for the time being possess all the authority, power, and rights of the Police Justice. SEC. 15. The Police Justice shall quarterly report to the Common Council alist of all proceedings instituted before him, in behalf of the City, and the disposition thereof; and shall, at the same time, account and pay over the amount of all penalties and costs collected, which may by law accrue to the City. He shall be entitled to receive from the county of Milwaukee an annual salary of not less than four hundred dollars, nor more than eight hundred dollars, for his services in criminal cases; and shall receive from the City of Milwaukee such compensation as the Common Council may deem proper. Surveyor. SEC. 16. There shall be elected by the Common Council, a City Surveyor, who shall be a practical Surveyor and Engineer. Hle shall keep his office at some convenient place within said City, and the Common Council shall prescribe his duties, and fix the fees and compensation for any service performed by him. All surveys, profiles, plans or estimates made by him for the City, or either of the wards, shall be' the property of said City, and shall be carefully preserved in the office of the Surveyor, open to the inspection of parties. interested, and the same, together with all books and papers appertaining to said office, shall be delivered over by the Surveyor, at the expiration of his term of office, to his successor or the Comrmon Council. 63 CITY COMPriOLLBER. CHAP. III. SEc. 17. The Common Council shall appoint a City Comptroller, whose duty it shall be to make out the amonnt Comptroller. paid by, and chargeable to the general city fund and to the His duties. several ward funds, for personal taxes for the year 1849 re- sivefunded, and for over payment of taxes accruing under the law authorizing the collection of taxes, approved 24th January, 1851. SEC. 18. After the assumption of the ward debts by the city, said Comptroller shall report to the Common Council the amount of indebtedness of the several wards to the city, and what amount of taxes it will be necessary to levy annually in each ward, and for what number of years, to reimburse the city the amount paid by the same, on account of the indebtedness of the several wards. SEC. 19. He shall make out a list of all the outstanding city bonds, to whom, when, and where payable, and the rate of interest they may respectively bear, and recommend such action to the Common Council, as will secure the punctual payment of the principal and interest of such bonds. SEC. 20. He shall report annually, on or about the first of April, to the Common Council, an estimate of the expenses of the city, and of the several wards, and likewise the revenue, necessary to be raised for the current year; and the fiscal year of the city shall commence on the first day of April. SEC. 21. He shall make, or cause to be made, estimates of the expense of any work to be done by the city, and coantersign all contracts, made in behalf of the city, and certificates of ork by any committee of the Common Council, or by any city officer. SEc. 22. He shall examine-all estimates of work to be done by the street commissioners of the several wards and countersign all contracts and certificates of work entered into er given by them; and no contract entered into, or certificate 64 CHAP. mI. issued, shall be of any validity unless countersigned by the comptroller. SEc. 23. He shall keep a list of all certificates issued in each ward, and before the levy by the Common Council of the annual tax, shall report to the Council a schedule of all the lots or parcels of land within the several wards, which, under this act, may be subject to any special tax or assessment, and also the amount of such special tax or assessment which it may be necessary to levy on such lot or parcel of land, with a full statement of the several acts done and performed in reference to such special taxes or assessments: which said schedule shall be verified by the affidavit of the comptroller, and shall beprima facie evidence of the facts therein stated in all cases wherein the validity of such special tax or assessment shall come in question. The Common Council shall, if from such report they deem such special tax legal and just, cause the same to be levied, in pursuance of the provisions of this act. SEC. 24. He shall report monthly to the Common Council the amount of work done, or for which contracts have been entered into, chargeable to the several wards and to the general city fund, and set forth what proportion the same will bear to the annual estimate made by him, for the work to be performed and revenue to be raised. SEc. 25. If, on or before the first day of December of any year, the amount expended or to be expended chargeable to any of the ward or city funds, (adding thereto the current expenses estimated for the remainder of the fiscal year and chargeable to such fund,) shall be equal to three-fourths of the tax authorized to be raised, or revenue estimated for such fund, he shall at once report the same to the Common Council; and he shall not countersign any contracts chargeable to such fund, until the amount of taxes actually collected be ascertained; and during the remainder of the fiscal year, he shall not countersign any contracts, the expense of which 65 shall exceed the revenue actually collected for the fund to CHAP. iv. which such expense is properly chargeable. SEC. 26. The Comptroller may negotiate, between the first of April and the collection of taxes for the same year, such temporary loans for the different funds, anticipating the revenue of the current year, as he shall deem expedient; and such loans shall be subject to the approval of the Common Council. SEC. 27. He shall examine the report, books, papers, vouchers and accounts of the Treasurer, and from time to time, shall perform such other duties as the Common Council may direct. SEc. 28. All claims and demands against the City before they are allowed by the Common Council, shall be audited and adjusted by the Comptroller. SEC. 29. The Comptroller shall keep a record of all his acts and doings, which record shall be open to the inspection of all parties interested. He shall not be directly or indirectly interested in any contract or job to which the City or either of the wards is a party. CHAPTER IV. THE COMMON COUNCIL-ITS GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES. SECTION 1. The Mayor and Aldermen shall constitute the Style Common Council, and the style of all ordinances shall be, "The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee Meetings. do ordain," &c. The Common Council shall meet at such time and place as they, by resolution, shall direct. A majo- Quorun rity of the Aldermen shall constitute aquorum. SEC. 2. The Common Council shall hold stated meetings, special and the Mayor may call special meetings, by notice to each meetins. of the members, to be served personally, or left at their usual place of abode. The Common Council shall determine Compel atthe rules of its own proceedings, and be the judge of the elec- tendance. 06 cOAP. v tionai d qualification of its owa members, and. have power to compel the attendance of absent members. Powers of SEC. 3. The Common Oouncil shall have the manageoommen ouncil. ment and control of the finances, and of all the property of the City; and shall likewise, in addition to the power herein vested in them, have full power and authority to make, enact, ordain, establish, publish, enforce, alter, modify, amend and repeal all such ordinances, rules and by-laws, for the government and good order of the City, for the suppression of vice, for the prevention of crime and for the benefit of the trade, commerce and health thereof, [and] as they shall deem expedient, declaring and imposing penalties, and to enforce the same against any person or persons who may violate any of the provisions of such ordinance, rules or by-laws; and such ordinances, rules and by-laws are hereby declared. to be and have the force of law; Provided, That they be not repugnant to the Constitution and laws of the United States or of this State; and for these purposes, shall have authority by ordinances, resolutions, or by-laws: 1. To license and regulate the exhibitions of common Lieenses, showmen or shows of any kind, or the exhibitions of caravans, circuses, or theatrical performances, billiard tables, bowling saloons, and to provide for the abatement and removal of all nuisances under the ordinances, or at common law; and to grant licenses, and regulate groceries, taverns, victualing houses, and all persons vending or dealing in spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors: Provided, That the license for so dealing in, or vending spirituous or fermented liquors, shall be thirty dollars a year, and that no license shall be granted for a less term than one year. Ones of 2. To restrain and prohibit all descriptions of gaming, "hance. and fraudulent devices and practices, and all playing of cards, dice, or other games of chance, for the purpose of gaming in Liquors. said City, and to restrain any person from vending, giving, 67 or dealing in spirituous, fermented or vinous liquors, unless CHAP. Iv. duly licensed by the Common Council. 3. To prevent any riots, noise, disturbance, or disorderly Riots, &c. assemblages, suppress and restrain disorderly houses or groceries, and houses of ill-fame, and to authorise the destruction of all instruments used for the purpose of gaming. 4. To compel the owner or occupant of any grocery, cel- Nuisances. lar, tallow chandler shop, soap factory, tannery, stable, barn, privy, sewer, or other unwholesome, nauseous house or place, to cleanse, remove or abate the same, from time to time, as often as it may be deemed necessary for the health, comfort, and convenience of the inhabitants of said City. 5. To direct the location and management of slaughter Markets. houses and markets, and to establish rates for and license venders of gunpowder, and regulate the storage, keeping and Powder. conveying of gunpowder or other combustible materials. 6. To prevent the encumbering of the streets, sidewalks, iObstrUtio.n lanes or alleys, with carriages, carts, wagons, sleighs, boxes, lumber, firewood, or any other material or substances whatever. 7. To prevent horse racing, immoderate riding or driving Racing. in the streets, and to regulate the places of bathing and swim- Bathing. ming in the waters within the limits of said City. 8. To restrain the running at large of cattle, swine, sheep, AnlmaB at poultry, and geese, and to authorize the distraining and sale of the same. 9. To prevent the running at large of dogs, and to au- Dogs. thorize the destruction of the same in a summary manner when at large contrary to the ordinance. 10. To prevent any person from bringing, depositing, or Unwholesome subhaving within said City, any putrid carcass, or other un- stances. wholesome substance, and to require the removal of the same by any person who shall have upon his premises any such substance, or putrid or unsound beef, pork, fish, hides or skins of any kind; and on default, to authorize the removal 68 [CHAP. iv. thereof by some competent officers, at the expense of such person or persons. JWater, 11. To make and establish public ponds, pumps, wells, aekCarts cisterns and reservoirs, and provide for the erection of water works, for the supply of water to the inhabitants, to erect lamps, and regulate and license hacks, cabs, drays, carts and the charges of hackmen, cabmen, draymen, and cartmen in the City; and to provide for lighting the streets, public grounds, and public buildings with gas or otherwise. lealth, bu- 12. To establish and regulate boards of health, provide rial grounds hospital and cemetery grounds, regulate the burial of the dead, and the'return of the bills of mortality, and to exempt burial grounds set apart for public use, from taxation. Bread. 13. To regulate the assize and weight of bread, and to provide for the seizure and forfeiture of bread baked contrary thereto. Sidewalks. 14. To prevent all persons riding or driving any ox, mule, cattle, or other animal, on the side-walks in said City, or in any way doing any damages to such side-walks. rearms. 15. To prevent the shooting of fire-arms or crackers, and to prevent the exhibition of any fire-works in any situation which may be considered by the Council dangerous to the City, or any property therein, or annoying any citizen thereof. Drunkards. 16. To restrain drunkards, immoderate drinking, or obObscenity. scenity in the streets or public places, and to provide for arresting, removing and punishing any person or persons who may be guilty of the same. Runners. 17. To restrain and regulate runners and solicitors for boats, vessels, stages, public houses, or other establishments, and to regulate the police of the City. Markets. 18. To establish public markets, and make rules and regulations for the government of the same; to appoint suitable officers for overseeing and regulating such markets, and to 69 restrain all persons from interrupting or interfering with the CHAP. IV. dule observance of such rules and regulations. 19. To license and regulate butcher's stalls, shops and stands for the sale of game, poultry, butcher's meat, butter, fish, and other provisions. 20. To regulate the place and manner of weighing and Hay, Wood, and Lime. selling of hay, and measuring and selling of fuel and lime, and to appoint suitable persons to superintend and conduct the same. 21. To compelthe owners or occupants of buildings or sClealng grounds, to remove snow, dirt or rubbish from the side-walk, street or alleyopposite thereto, and to compel such owner or occupant to remove from the lot owned or occupied by him, all such substances as the board of health shall direct; and in his default, to authorize the removal or destruction thereof by some: officer of the City, at the expense of such owner or occupant. 22. To regulate the construction of piers and wharves ex- Piers Piers. tending into Lake Michigan, within the limits of said City, and to prescribe and control the prices to be charged for pierage or wharfage thereon. 23. To regulate, control, and prevent thelanding of per- Quarantine. sons from boats or vessels, wherein are cantagious or infectious diseases or disorders, and to make such disposition of such persons as to preserve the health of said City. 24. To regulate the time, place and manner of holding ~ Auctions. public auctions or vendues. 25. To appoint watchmen and prescribe their duties. Watchmen 26. To provide by ordinance for a standard of weights weights and and measures, and for the punishment of the use of false measures. weights and measures. Suc. 4. All laws, ordinances, regulations, resolutions and Ordinances. by-laws shall be passed by an affirmative vote of a majority of the Common Council, and shall be signed by the Mayor, and shall be published in the official papers of said City, beE 70 CHAP. iv. fore the samte shall be in force, and within fifteen days thereafter they shall be recorded by the City Clerk, in books to be provided for that purpose; but before any of the said laws, ordinances, regulations or by-laws shall be recorded, the publicationthereof respectively within the said time, shall be proved by the affidavit of the foreman or publisher of such newspaper, and said affidavit shall be recorded therewith, and at all times shall be deemed and taken as sufficient evidence of the time and manner of such publication. No appropria-tOs ol tion shall be made without a vote of a majority of the members of the Common Council in its favor, which vote shall be taken by the ayes and noes, and entered among the proeedings of the Council. Iuisances.. S-e. 5. The powers conferred upon the said Council to provide for the abatement or removal of nuisances, shall not bar or hinder suits, prosecutions or proceedings in the courts according to law. Depots, houses or buildings of any kind wherein more than ten pounds of gunpowder are deposited, stored or kept at any one time, gambling houses, houses of ill-fame, [disorderly. taverns, and houses or places. where spirituous, vinous or fermented liquors are sold without the license required therefor within the limits of said City, are hereby declared and shall be deemed public or common nuisances. Accounfltm: SEC. 6. The Council shall examine, audit and adjust the of Officers,' accounts of the Clerk, Treasurer, School Commissioners, Street Commissioners, of each ward, Marshal, and all other officers and agents of the City, at such times as they may deem proper, and also at the end of each year and before the term for which the officers of the said City are elected or appointed, shall have expired. And the Common Council shall require each and every such officer and agent to exhibit his books, accounts and vouchers, for such examination and settlement, and if any such officer or agent shall refuse to comply with the orders of said Council in the discharge of 71 their duties in pursuance of this section, or shall neglect or CAP r. refuse to render his accounts or present his books and vouch- ers to said Council, it shall be the duty of the Common Council to declare the office of such person vacant. And the Common Council shall order suits and proceedings at law against any officer and agent of said City, who may be found delinquent or defaulting in his accounts, or in the discharge of his official duties; and shall make a full record of all such settlements and adjustments. CHAPTER V. FINANCES AND TAXATION. SECTION 1. All funds in the treasury, except School, ru atnow State and County'funds, shall be under the control of the Common Council, and shall be drawn out upon the order of the Mayor and Clerk, duly authorized by a vote of the Common Council, and all orders drawn upon the treasurer shall specify the purpose for which they were drawn, and shall be payable generally out of any. funds in the treasury belonging to the City; and all such orders shall be received in payment of any tax or assessment levied by the authority of the City. All orders shall be payable to the order of the person in whose favor they may be drawn, and shall be transferable by endorsement. SEC. 2. No order or warrant drawn by the authority of Orders the City of Milwaukee upon ward or City funds previous to whreeiyed the taking effect of this act, nor any warrant or order drawn for any debt or liability contracted previous thereto shall be receivable by the City Treasurer on payment of any tax or assessment levied in pursuance of this act: Provided, however, That orders or warrants issued in payment of special taxes or improvements shall be receivable therefor. SEC. 3. The Common Council is hereby authorized, andity Bonds it shall be their duty, to issue bonds of the City, bearing interest of not more than seven per centum, as the Common Council may determine, payable at such time or times as said 72 CHAP. v. Council may deem advisable, regard being had in the case of a ward debt to the probable time that will be required under the provisions herein made to pay off such indebtedness, in payment of the existing indebtedness of said City, and of the several wards thereof, contracted for general city or ward purposes. Taxation, SEC. 4. The said Council shall, annually, levy a tax upon all the property in said City subject to taxation, not exceeding one per cent. per annum, to pay off the present indebtedness of said City, until such indebtedness shall be finally extinguished; and they may levy a further tax not exceeding three-fourths of one per cent. to defray the current expenses of the City. Taxationo, SEC. 5. The Common Council shall annually levy a tax, Wad not exceeding one per cent., upon the property liable to taxation, of any ward that is indebted, to pay off the indebtedness of such ward, assumed by the City under the provisions of this chapter, until an amount shall have been collected by the City from such tax, sufficient to pay off the indebtedness of such ward assumed by the City, at which time such tax shall cease. SEC. 6. The Common Council shall annually levy upon the property liable to taxation in each ward, a tax not exceeding one per cent. per annum, to defray the current expenses of such ward. SEC. 7. The Aldermen of any ward shall certify to the Aldermen to certify ward Council any debts contracted by such ward for the current debts to the Council. year, and thereupon the said Council shall (if such debt be a proper claim against such ward,) allow such debt, and direct the Mayor and Clerk to issue to the proper person orders of the City to the amount of the debt allowed: Provided, The said Council shall in no case allow any such debt, if such allowance will cause the whole amount of orders so issued to meet the indebtedness of such ward, to exceed the amount of tax which may be levied and collected utnder the 73 provisions of this chapter, to meet the expenses of the cur- CHAP Vi. rent year, assuming as a basis the tax list of such year, if then made out, and if not, then the tax list of the preceding year. SEC. 8. No Alderman of any ward shall contract debts Aldermen not to conagainst such ward in any one year, to an amount greater than tract debts greater than the amount of tax, which, under the provisions of this chap- the amount of tax. ter, may be levied in such ward, to meet the current expenses of the year; and if any Alderman shall so contract debts to a greater amount than such tax, neither such ward nor the Gity shall be liable for the same, but the Alderman so contracting shall be liable theiefor, as if the debt had originally been contracted by such Alderman personally: Provi-.ded, That no Alderman shall be held liable as aforesaid without proof of his assent as Alderman, to the contracting of the liability or debt by the ward. CHAPTER VI. OPENING OF STREETS, ALLEYS &C. SECTION 1. The Common Council shall have power to ~Laying out lay out public squares, grounds, streets and alleys, and to streets. widen the same as follows: Whenever ten or more freeholders residing inany ward shall, by petition, represent to the Common Council that it is necessary to take certain lands within the ward where such petitioners may reside, for public use, for the purpose of laying out public squares, grounds,;streets, or alleys, or the enlarging or widening the same, the courses and distances, metes and bounds of the lands proposed to be taken, together with the names and residences of the owners of such premises, if the same shall be known to the petitioners, to be set forth in such petition, the Common Council shall thereupon cause notice of such application to be given to the occupant or occupants of such lands, if any there be, or if any portion of such lands shall not be in the.actual occupation of any person, then the Common Council shall cause such notice, describing as near as may be, the 74 CHAP. vi. premises proposed to be taken, to be published in the official paper for four weeks, at least once in each week. Notice of ap- SEC. 2. Such notice shall state, that on a certain day, plication for jurors, therein to be named, not less than ten days from the service of such notice, or the expiration of such publications, as the case may be, application will be made to Judge of the Circuit or County Court of Milwaukee county, for the appointment of twelve jurors, to view said premises, and to determine whether it will be necessary to take the same for the purpose specified in said petition. Appointment SEC. 3. Upon the presentation of such application, and of jurors. upon proof of the publication or service of the notice hereinbefore required, the said Judge shall thereupon appoint twelve reputable freeholders, residents of the City but not residents of the ward in which such premises may lie; nor interested in the result of such application. The said Judge shall thereupon issue his precept directed to said jurors, requiring them, within thirty days, to view said premises to be specified in said precept, and to make return under their hands, to the Common Council, whether, in their judgment, it is necessary to take said premises for the purpose specified in such application. SEa. 4. If any of the jurors so appointed shall be disqualified from acting, or shall refuse to act, the Judge shall appoint others in their places, and a memorandum of such, substitution shall be endorsed on the precept. Duties of SEC. 5. The said jurors at such times as they may agree ijros, upon, shall proceed in a body to view the premises in question, and shall hear such testimony as may be offered by any party interested,which testimony shall be reduced to writing by one of the jurors, and either of the jurors shall be authorized to administer the necessary oaths to witnesses. Jurors re- SEC. 6. After viewing the premises and hearing such port. testimony as may be offered, the jurors shall make a report of their proceedings, which shall be signed by'them respect 75 ively, and which shall state whether in their judgement it is CHAP. VL necessary to take the premises in question for the public use, which said report, testimony and precept, shall be returned to the Common Council within the time limited therein. SEC. 7. Should the jurors report that it is necessary io Damage.s take such premises, the Common Council shall enter an order among their proceedings, confirming said report, and directing the same jurors within one month thereafter, or such further time as may be deemed proper, to again view said premises for the puropose of ascertaining and determining the amount of damages to be paid to the owner or owners of the property proposed to be taken, and also what lands or premises will be benefited by such taking, and to assess and return within the time limited, such damages and. benefits to the Common Council. SEc. 8. If there should be any building standing, in whole, or in part, upon the land to be taken, the jurors, before proceeding to make their assessment, shall first estimate and determine the whole value of such building to the owner, aside from the value of the land, and the injtiry to him in having such building taken from him; and secondly, the value of such building to him to remove. SEc. 9. At least ten days personal notice of such deter- Notice o Owner or uination shall be given to the owner or his agent, if known, Agent to be and a resident of the City, or left at his usual place of abode. If not known, or a non-resident, notice to all persons interested shall be given by publication in the official paper, three successive weeks; such notice shall specify the building and the award of the jurors. It shall also require the parties interested to appear by a day to be therein named, or give notice of their election to the Common Council, either to accept the award of the jurors, and allow such building to be taken, with the land appropriated, or of their intention to remove such building at the value set thereon by the jurors to remove. If the owner shall agree to remove such building, 76 CHAP. VI. he shall have such time for this purpose as the Common Council may allow. Council may SEC. 10. If the owner refuse to take the building at the direct buildings to be value to remove, or fail to give notice of his election as aforesold. said, within the time prescribed, the Common Council shall have power to direct the sale of such building at public auction, for cash, giving ten days notice of such sale. The proceeds shall be paid to the owner, or deposited to his use. Asdssagesst SEC. 11. The said jurors, within the time limited, shall view and examine the premises proposed to be taken, and all such other premises as will in their judgemrnt be injured or benefited thereby; after hearing such testimony as may be offered by any party interested, and which shall be reduced to writing by one of said jurors, they shall proceed to make their assessment and to determine and appraise to the owner or owners the value of the real estate so proposed to be taken, and the injury arising to them respectively, in consequence of the taking thereof, which shall be awarded to such owners respectively, as damages, after making due allowance therefrom for any benefit which such owners may respectively derive from such improyement. In the estimate of damages to the lands, the jurors shall include the value of the building or buildings, (if the property of the owner of such land,) as estimated by them as aforesaid, less the proceeds of the sale thereof, or if taken by the owner at the value to remove in such case they shall only include the difference between such value and the whole estimated value of such building or buildings. Diferefice of SEC. 12. If the damage to any person be greater than benefits and damages to the benefits received, or if the benefit be greater than the dambe paid or collected. ages, in either case the jurors shall strike a balance, and carry the difference forward to another column, so that the assessment will show what amount is to be received or paid by such owner or owners respectively, and the difference only, shall, in any case, be collected of them or payable to them. 77 SEC. 13. If the lands or building belong to different per- CHAP. vI. sons, or if the land be subject to lease, judgement, or mort- Incaseof joint owners gage, or if there be any estate in it less estate in fee, or mortgagees. the injury done to such persons or interests, respectively may be awarded to them by the jurors, less the benefits resulting to them respectively from the proposed improvement. Award to be SEC. 14. Having ascertained the damages and expenses signedand returned to of the proposed improvement as aforesaid, the jurors shall Council. thereupon apportion and assess the same, together with the costs of the proceedings upon the real estate by them deemed benefited in proportion to the benefits resulting thereto from the proposed improvement, as nearly as may be, and shall describe the real estateupon which their assessments may be made. The award of the said jurors shall be signed by them, and returned, together with the testimony taken, to the Common Council within the time limited in their order of appointment. SEC. 15. The land required to be taken for the purposes Land notto be taken till mentioned in this act, shall not be appropriated until the paidfor. damages awarded therefor to the owner thereof, shall be paid or tendered to the owner or his agent; or in case the said owner or agent cannot be found, or is unknown, deposited to his or their credit in some safe place of deposite: and then, and not before, such lands may be taken and appropriated for the purpose required; and the same shall thereafter be subject to all the laws and ordinances of the City, in the same manner as streets, alleys and public grounds, heretofore opened or laid out. SEC. 16. Where the whole of any lot or tract of land, or contracts relative to other premises, under lease, or other contract, shall be taken lands, to cease when by virtue of this act, all the covenants, contracts or engage- taken for public use. ments between landlord and tenant, or any other contracting parties, touching the same or any part thereof, shall upon confirmation of such report, respectively cease and be abso. lutely discharged. 78 CHAP. VI. SEC. 17. When only part of a lot or tract of land, or If part only other premises, so under lease, or other contract, shall be is taken, contracts to betaken for any of the purposes aforesaid, all the covenants, good, pro atea, as to contracts, or agreements respecting the same, upon the conthe balance. firmation of such report, shall be absolutely discharged as to the part thereof so taken, but shall remain valid as to the residue thereof; and the rents, considerations, and payments reserved, payble and to be paid for or in respect to the same, shall be so proportioned, so that the part thereof justly and equitably payable for such residue thereof, and no more, shall be paid or recoverable for in respect to the same. Damages to SEC. 18. The damages assessed shall be paid, or tendered, be paid within 6 months, or deposited as herein required within six months from the or proceed- ings to be confirmation of such assessment and report; and if not so void. paid, tendered, or deposited, all the proceedings in any such case shall be void. The benefits so assessed, from the confirmation of said report, shall become and remain a lien upon Benefits to remain aien the premises so determined by the jurors to be benefited by any opening or widening of such street, alley or public ground. In case of SEC. 19. When any known owner of lands or tenements infants, &c. affected by any proceedings under this act shall be an infant, or labor under legal disability, the Judge of the Circuit Court of Milwaukee county, or in his absence the Judge of any Court of Record in said county, may, upon the application of the Common Council, or such party or his next friend, appoint a guardian for such party, and all notices required by this act shall be served upon such guardian. New jurors SEC. 20. After the jurors shall have made their report as may be appointed. to the necessity of taking any lands under this act, and the same shall have been confirmed, the Common Council shall have power to appoint new jurors in the place of any who shall neglect or refuse to serve, and the jurors before entering upon the discharge of their duties, shall severally take an oath before some competent officers, that they are free 79 holders of said City, and not interested in the premises pro- CHAP. VI. posed to be taken, and that they will faithfully and impartially discharge the trusts reposed in them. SEC. 21. Any person whose property is taken, or against assesfsmet. whom an assessment is made, may, within ten days from the return of the jurors to the Common Council, appeal from said assessment of damages or benefits to the Circuit Court of Milwaukee county, where such appeal shall be tried by the court and jury, as in ordinary cases. The Common Council shall have the same right of appeal. SEC. 22. Whenever any public ground, street or alley Survey. shall be laid out, widened or enlarged, under the provisions of this chapter, the Common Council shall cause an accurate survey and profile thereof to be made and filed in the office of the City Surveyor. SEC. 23. In all cases where the return of a jury may have cases undaer former Charestablished the necessity of taking private property for the ter. purpose of opening streets previous to the passage of this act, the Common Council may cause the damages and benefits arising therefrom to be assessed as required by this act, and for such purpose may summon a jury and do and perform all other acts in the same manner as if such proceedings had been originally instituted under this act. SEC. 24. The Common Council shall have no power under VlanS f a the provisions of this chapter to lay out any streets, alleys cepted. or public grounds, on the lands of Garret Vliet or Samuel Brown, in the north half of section nineteen and north-west quarter of section twenty, without consent of the said Garret Yliet and Samuel Brown as the case may be, as long as they are the owners thereof, and the same be used for farming purposes. 80 CHAP. vII. CHAPTER VII. CITY IMPROVEMENTS. Aldermen SECTION 1. The Aldermen of the several wards shall be to be Street Commission- street commissioners, in and for their respective wards, two ers. of whom shall be a quorum; one of their number, or some person appointed by them, shall be clerk of the board of commissioners, who shall keep a record of all their acts and doings, and shall keep and preserve all contracts, receipts Report. and papers of the board. The several boards of street commissioners shall make report in detail to the Common Council, of their acts and doings, whenever required; and at the expiration of each year, and before their term of office shall Submit ac- expire, shall submit all their acts and doings, books, records, counts. papers, accounts, receipts and vouchers, to the Common Council for final settlement and adjustment. Appeal from SEC. 2. Any person deeming himself aggrieved by an Street Commissioners. act of the board of street commissioners, may, at any time appeal to the Common Council, who shall inquire into examine and correct the act or order complained of, as shall seem just and proper; and the further action of the board in this respect, shall be regulated accordingly. Powers of SEC. 3. The said street commissioners shall have power board. to order and contract, for the making, grading, repairing and cleansing of streets, alleys, public grounds, reservoirs, gutters and sewers, within their respective wards, and to direct and control the persons employed therein. Repair of SEC. 4. Whenever the street commissioners shall deem sidewalks. it necessary to construct or repair any side-walk within their ward, they shall direct the owner or occupant of any lot adjoining such side-walk, to make or repair the same at his own proper cost and charge. If such work is not done in the manner and within the time prescribed, the commissioners shall cause the same to be done at the expense of the lots adjoining such side-walk. 81 SEC. 5. The cost and expense of surveying streets, alleys CHAP. VII. side-walks, sewers, and of estimating work thereon, and of Cost of surveying and repairing and cleansing streets and alleys, and of construct- estiimating how to be ing and repairing reservoirs and sewers, shall be chargeable paid. to and payable out of the fund of the proper ward; opening, graveling, grading, planking or paving streets and alleys to the centre thereof, shall be chargeable to and payable by the lots fronting on such street or alley. Sewers may be ordered by the street commissioners, and built at the expense of the lots or parcels of land benefitted thereby, which shall be apportioned among said lots or parcels of land by the street commissioners, with the assistance of the City Surveyor: Provided, however, That where sewers are constructed through Sewers alleys, no lots shall be assessed therefor except those situated in the block or blocks through which such sewers may be constructed; and where sewers are constructedthrough streets no lot shall be assessed therefor except those situated in the blocks fronting on such streets; and provided further, that in all cases where improvements or work of any kind are chargeable, by virtue of this section, upon lots benefitted, all such improvement across streets, alleys and public grounds shall be made and paid for out of the fund of the proper ward, in proportion to the width of the street, alley or public ground. SEC. 6. WThenever the commissioners shall determine to Estimate of work to be make any public improvement, as authorized by sections 3, made. 4 and 5, of this chapter, the[y] shall cause to be made an estimate of the whole expense thereof, and of the proportion to be,assessed and charged to each lot, and in case of grading streets, alleys or side-walks, of the number of cubic yards to be filled in, or to be excavated in front of each lot; and such estimate shall be filed with the City Comptroller, for the inspection of the parties interested. The street commissioners shall give notice by advertisement, for ten days in one orTendays notice to be more daily papers published in Milwaukee, to the owners or given. occupants of the lots or parcels of land fronting on any street, 82 CHAP. vii. alley or sidewalk ordered to be graded, graveled, planked or paved, requiring them to do the work mentioned in such notice, within a reasonable time, therein to be specified; and if the said work shall not be done within such time, the said commissioners shall enter into contract for the doing thereof. Deep cutting SEC. 7. Whenever the general interest of the City or or extraordinaryfilling. ward requires deep cutting, or extraordinary filling in any street, and the owners of the lots or lands fronting on such deep cutting or filling, shall deem themselves aggrieved thereby and shall represent to the commissioners in writing, that the expense of such excavation or filling will exceed the benefit the same will be to the property assessed therefor, the street commissioners shall require the Marshal to summon five freeholders, not residents of the ward, nor owners of, nor interested in said lots or lands, who, after being sworn faithfully and impartially to discharge the trust reposed in them, shall examine the premises, and if, in their opinion, the cost of such work shall exceed the benefit derived therefrom, it shall be their duty to make report thereof to said commissioners in writing, and shall state therein what portion of such work shall be chargeable to such lots or parcels of land, and how much, or what portion shall be chargeable to the ward fund; and such proportion as shall be reported as properly chargeable to the lots or parcels aforesaid shall be assessed upon the same and levied and collected as other taxes and assessments, and the remainder shall be paid out of the ward fund: Appeal must Provided, however, That the petition of no owner feeling himbe made self aggrieved by an act of the street commissioners, shall be -within fifteen days. received unless the same shall be presented within fifteen days after the first publication of the notice requiring the same to be done: And provided further, That when it shall appear to the street commissioners, that lands belonging to non-residents, infants, or persons laboring under legal disability, who shall not be represented by any agent or guardian, or not benefited by the making of streets in front of such 83 lots or lands, to the amount of the cost and expense thereof, Ci;AP.VII. it shall then be the duty of said commissioners to cause to be summoned a jury, as is herein provided. SEC. 8. The street commissioners shall give notice to all Stagnant water. owners or occupants of lots which may be deemed injurious to health by reason of stagnant water remaining thereon, in the official papers, for ten days, to abate such nuisance by draining or filling such lot within a reasonable time, therein to be specified, and if such nuisance shall not be abated or removed, within the time so specified, the street commissioners shall cause the same to be abated and removed at the expense of the property upon which the same may exist. SEc. 9. The street commissioners shall have power toWharvesand dredging. regulate and cause to be constructed, altered and maintained, wharves along the banks of the Milwaukee and Menomonee rivers, and shall have and exercise the same power and control over the said rivers, that they may by virtue of this act possess over streets and alleys. They shall also have power to cause the Milwaukee river to be dredged on each side thereof, not exceeding one hundred feet in width, and the expense of constructing, altering and maintaining such wharves and dredging the river shall be apportioned by the street commissioners among, and payable by the several lots or parcels of land extending to said river, in proportion to the work done opposite to such lot or parcel of land, to be estimated by the surveyor: Provided, however, that before causing such work to be done, the same notices shall be given as is required in the case of grading streets. SEC. 10. After the completion and performance of any contractors to receive contract entered into by the street commissioners for work certificates of work done chargeable to lots or lands by virtue of this act, they shall give to the contractor or contractors, a certificate under their hand, stating therein the amount of work done by such contractor, the nature thereof and the description of the lot or parcel of land upon which the same is chargeable, whioh 84 CHAP. VII. said certificate may be transferred by endorsement thereon, and if the amount thereof shall not be paid before the time of making out the annual assessment roll, the same shall be assessed upon. the said lots or parcels of land respectively, and collected for the use and benefit of the holder of such certificate, as other taxes on real estate are collected by virtue of this act; and if the notice to do the work required shall have been given as herein provided, no informality or error in the proceedings shall vitiate such assessment; Provided, City award not to be that in no event where work is ordered to be done at the exliable. pense of any lot or parcel of land, shall either the city or any ward be held responsible for the payment thereof. Appeal to be SEC. 11. In all cases where work is ordered to be done made within 20 days. by the owner of any lot, under the provisions of this chapter, such owner may make his appeal as herein before provided, at any time within twenty days after the publication of the notice required to be given, and until the expiration of such twenty days, no such order shall be executed. Bayou in SEC. 12. The Aldermen of the first ward may cause the First Ward. bayou in said ward to be filled, and shall cause the same to be done by contract, to be given to the lowest bidder in such manner as the Common Council shall by ordinance prescribe: Provided, however, that such contractor shall in no event hold the city or said ward responsible for the payment of any work he may do under said contract. It shall be the duty of the City Suiveyor to make an estimate and report to the Common Council the amount of filling opposite to each 16t abutting on or extending to said bayou, and the Common Council shall levy a tax upon the several lots so abutting in proportion to the amount of filling opposite to each lot as reported by the Surveyor, which in the aggregate shall be sufficient to defray the expense of such filling, including all costs and charges connected therewith, but in no case shall either said ward or the City be responsible for the payment of any liability that may be created in pursuance of this sec 85 tion. The tax so levied shall become a lien upon the several CHAP. VIII. lots for such amount as shall be reported by said Surveyor and shall be collected as other taxes levied under this act. CHAPTER VIII. ASSESSING, LEVYING AND COLLECTING TAXES. SECTION 1. All property, real or personal, within the sPopertty i i ^ ~' rsubject to City, except such as may be exempt by the laws of this State tax. shall be subject to taxation for the support of the City Government, and the payment of its debts and liabilities; and the same shall be assessed in the manner hereinafter provided; and the Assessors elected under this act, shall have and possess the same powers that are, or may be, conferred upon township Assessors, except so far as they may be altered by this act: Provided, however, That the Common Council may Assessment Rolls. prescribe the form of assessment roll, and more fully define the duties of Assessors, and make such rules and regulations in relation to revising, altering or adding to such rolls, as they may from time to time deem advisable. SEC. 2. Within ten days after receiving notice of their Duties of, election, the Assessors shall assemble at the Common Council chamber, and after taking their official oath, shall proceed to organize their body by electing one of their number chairman, who shall be authorized to administer such oaths as shall be required by this chapter; and within such time as the Common Council shall designate, the said Assessors shall make out a complete and accurate assessment roll, which shall contain a description, as near as may be, of all the lands, lots, or parcels of land within said City sufficient to identify the same; and also of all persons or bodies politic, liable to pay taxes on personal property; and opposite to each lot, or parcel of land, shall be affixed the value thereof, and opposite to the name of each person or body politic, shall be affixed the value of the personal property for which such person or body politic shall be assessed. Where there F 86 CHAP. viii. are buildings upon any lot or parcel of land, the value of the same shallbe set forth in a separate column. The Assessors may, if they deem it advisable, assess any lot or tract of land in such parcels or such sub-divisions as they may deem proper, but it shall not be necessary to enter the name of the owner opposite to any tract or parcel of land. Any act done by a majority of the Assessors shall have the same force and effect as if done by all the Assessors elected under this act. Notice of completion SEC. 3. When the same shall be completed, the Assesof roll. sors shall give one week's notice thereof in the official papers and shall fix a time and convenient place where they will meet for the purpose of hearing any objections of parties deeming themselves aggrieved by such assessment; and after hearing the same, the Assessors shall make such alterations or revisions as justice or equity may require: Provided, the time of hearing such objections shall not be extended more than two weeks from the expiration of such notice. SEc. 4. Within one week after the time limited for the hearing such objections, the board of Assessors shall return the said assessment roll to the Common GCouncil, and they may confirm or refer the same back to the boardof Assessors. Council may equalize roll. Te Com0mon Council may supply omissions in said roll, and for the purpose of equalizing the same, may alter, add to, take from, and otherwise revise and correct the same: Provided, however, the Common Council shall not have power to increase the amount of said roll, except by the value of such real property as may have been omitted by the Assessors. SEc. 5 WVhen the assessment roll shall have been revised and corrected, the same shall be filed with the Clerk, and an order onfirrming the same shall be entered in the proceedLevying of ings of the Common Council. Thereupon the Commo Council shall, by resolution, levy such sum or sums of money as may be sufficient for the several purposes for which taxes are herein authorized to be levied, but not exceeding the authorized per centage, particularly specifying the purpose CHAP. viil. for which the same are levied, and if not for general City purposes, the M ard upon which the same are levied. SEC. 6. All taxes and assessments, general or special, Taxes to be a lien on levied under this act, shall be and remain a lien upon the lands property. and tenements upon which they may be assessed from the time of the confirmation of such assessment roll; and on all personal property of any person or body politic assessed for personal taxes, from the delivery of the warrant for the collection thereof, until such tax shall be paid; and no sale or transfer of such real or personal estate shall affect such lien. Any personal property belonging to the person taxed, may Personal property be taken and sold for the payment of taxes upon personal may rb sold for tax. property. SEC. 7. As soon as said tax shall be levied, the Common Tax List. Council shall cause the same to be copied in a book provided for that purpose, setting opposite to each tract of land, and to each person named, under proper columns, such sum or sums as may be levied upon such lot or against such person. The said copy shall be designated the tax list, and to it shall -be appended a warrant signed by the Mayor and Clerk, and sealed with the corporate seal of said City, directed to the Treasurer, requiring and commanding him to collect the taxes and assessments in said list specified, in the manner prescribed,,rrant o'by this act; and in case said taxes and assessments shall not Treasurer.'be paid within such time as in said warrant shall be specified, 4hat then he shall proceed to sell the several lots or parcels of land, or those parts thereof, upon which said taxes or assessments shall remain unpaid, and to make due return to the Common Council within such time as shall be fixed in said warrant. SEC. 8. Such tax list, before being delivered to the Treas- Tax lit to be compared uirer, shall be compared by the Clerk with the assessmentwith erll aid certified to ol, as confirmed; to it he shall append his certificate, that the by the Clerk..Ame has been so compared by him, and that the said assess 88 CHAP. VIII. ment roll, and the whole thereof, has been copied into such tax list, and the said tax list, when so certified, shall be prima facie evidence in any court, that the lands and persons therein named were subject to taxation, and that the assessment was just and equal. Treasurer's SEC. 9. Oni receipt of such tax list, the Treasurer shall notice. give one week's notice thereof in the official papers. Such Form of notice shall specify that taxes on personal property shall be notice. paid within twenty days from the first publication of said notice, and taxes and assessments on real estate, before the last day of December following; and that all tracts or parcels of land specified in said tax list, upon which the taxes and assessments shall not be paid by that day, will be sold at a certain time and place to be therein specified; and the publication of such notice shall be deemed a demand, and a neglect to pay the taxes and assessments within the time specified, shall be deemed a refusal to pay the same. SEc. 10. On the expiration of the twenty days mentioned in the preceding section, the Treasurer shall proceed to enforce the collection of the personal taxes in the manner specified in title 5 of the Revised Statutes, and if any of such personal taxes shall not be paid or collected in consequence of the neglect or delay of the Treasurer, the Common Council may sue for and recover the amount thereof from the said Enfocement Treasurer and his sureties. In case the taxes on personal ofollectin property shall not be paid within the time limited in the ninth tax. section of this chapter, the Treasurer may issue his warrant directed to the City Marshal, requiring and commanding him within a certain time in such warrant to be specified, to proWarrant to ceed and collect such taxes on personal property as shall then the Marshal. remain unpaid. And the Marshal receiving such warrant Marshal's shall be subject to all the liabilities, and shall have all the power to'str"'i powers of levying, distraining and selling, that are herein given to the Treasurer, and shall be entitled to the fees for 89 ~collecting which the Treasurer would have, had the tax been CuHAP. vIII.,collected by him. SEC. 11. On the day and at the place designated in the ale of real estate for Treasurer's notice, he shall commence by public auction the taxes.:sale (and continue the same from day to day till the whole are disposed of,) of all tracts and lots, or parts thereof, upon which the taxes or assessments shall remain unpaid. The sale to be made for the smallest undivided portion of the lot or tract for which any person will take the same and pay the -taxes and charges thereon. On receiving the amount of such taxes and charges, the treasurer shall issue to the purchaser, his or her heirs or assigns, a certificate containing the name,of the purchaser, a description of the premises sold, the.amount paid therefor, the rate of interest said certificate may bear, and the time when the right to redeem the same will'expire. The Treasurer shall keep a record of the lots or Record of sales. tracts sold, the name of the purchaser, the date and amount -of sale, the time, by whom, and for what sum the same was redeemed, and the time and to whom the same was conveyed if not redeemed. SEC. 12. In case any purchaser at such tax sale shall ne- Second sale. Penalty for.glect or refuse to pay the amount for which any lot or tract non-pasyment was sold, at such time as the Treasurer shall designate, he shall, on the day following, offer said lot or tract again; and any person bidding off, at any such sale, any lot or tract of land, and refusing or neglecting to pay for the same within the time designated, shall forfeit and pay to the City the sum of five dollars for each lot so purchased and not paid for, to be sued for and collected as other penalties under this act. SEC. 13. Any lot or tract of land so sold, or any portion Redemption. ~thereof, may be redeemed within three years from the day of sale, and at any time before the deed is executed, by the owner or any person interested therein, paying to the Treasurer the amount for which the same was sold, together with 90 cuAP. vIm. the interest at the rate of twenty-five per cent. per annum, and the legal charges thereon. If the estate of an infant or lunatic be sold, the same may be redeemed upon the like. terms, at any time within one year after such disability shall be removed. SEC. 14. Any tract or lot of land sold in pursuance of this act, or any part thereof, which shall not be redeemed within three years from the day of sale, shall be conveyed by the Treasurer to the purchaser, or his assigns as herein provided. Assignment SEC. 15. The assignee of any tax certificate, by endorseof tax certificates. ment thereon, of any premises sold for taxes by virtue of this act, shall be entitled to receive a deed of such premises in his own name and with the same effect, as though he had been the original purchaser. City to be- SEC. 16. If at any sale of real or personal estate for come pru- taxes or assessments, no bid shall be made for any parcel of soealreearte land, or any goods and chattels, the same shall be struck off where no bid is made. to the City; and thereupon the City shall receive in the corporate name, a certificate of the sale thereof, and shall be vested with the same rights as other purchasers are. If the City shall become the purchaser of any personal property by virtue of this chapter, the Treasurer shall have the power to sell the same at public sale; and in case the City shall become the purchaser of any real estate at any tax sale, the Treasurer is authorized to sell the certificates issued therefor, for the amount sold, and interest, and to endorse and transfer such certificate to the purchaser. Omissions in SEC. 17. If it shall appear to the Assessors that any lot assessment roll. or parcel of land was omitted in the assessment roll of either or both of the two preceding years and that the same was then liable to taxation, they will in addition to the assessment for that year, assess upon the lot or tract so omitted, for such year or years, that it shall have been so omitted, the just value thereof, noting the year when such omission occur 91 red, and such assessment shall have the same force and ef- CHAP. vIII. feet as it would have had if made the year when the same was omitted; and the Common Council shall direct in addition to the tax for the current year, such tax to be levied upon such lot or tract as the same would have been chargable with, had not the same been so omitted, and such tax shall be collected as other taxes or assessments for the current year. All lands shall be subject to taxes that may have been omitted, in whosesoever hands they may have come. Should the tax or assessment upon any parcel of land be set foermatlity abide or declared void, by reason of any defect or informal- assessm ity in the assessing, levying, selling or conveying the same, but not affecting the equity and justice of the tax itself, the Common Council shall cause the tax or assessment so set aside or declared void to be re-levied in such manner as they shall by ordinance direct: Provided, That if the defect was in the assessment, the same shall again be assessed at such time as the Common Council may direct; and the said tax or assessment so re-assessed or re-levied shall be and continue a lien upon said lot or tract, and shall be. collected as other taxes and assessments are collected under this act. SEC. 18. All deeds purporting on their face to be execu- Tax deeds, prima facie ted on account of sale for taxes or assessment under this act, evidence of validity of shall be, in all cases, prima facie evidence of the validity of tax. such tax, and if the title conveyed by such deed shall come in question shall be prima facie evidence of all facts recited in such deeds, so far as they afect the validity of the title conveyed by such deed. SEC. 19. All the direction hereby given for the assessing limmaterial errors or inof lands, and the levying and collection of taxes and assess- formalitynot ments, shall be deemed only directory, and no error or infor- to vtt the mality in the proceedings of any of the officers entrusted with the same, not affecting the substantial justice of the tax itself, shall vitiate or in any way affect the validity of the tax or assessment. 92 CHAP. VIII. SEC. 20. The Treasurer shall receive all monsy-s that may Treasurer to be legally tendered him for the redemption of lands sold for receive moneys tendered taxes, and he shall keep an account thereof, and pay the same for redemption. over on demand, to the persons entitled to receive the same. He shall cancel all certificates so redeemed, and preserve the same in his office; and at the expiration of his term of office, he shall deliver over to his successor all redemption moneys in his hands, with the statement of the amount so received. Liens upon SE. 21. In all cases where, by the provisions of this act, land to be car'tis out anycharge or assessment is made a lien upon land, the amount in tax list. of such charge or assessment shall be carried out on the tax list in a separate column or columns, opposite the lot or tract upon which the same may be a lien; and the Treasurer may collect and sell, and do all other acts in regard thereto, in the same manner as if the amount of such lien was a general tax. Fees of SEC. 22. The Treasurer, in addition to such sum as the T2reasurer. Common Council may allow him, shall be entitled to the following fees, to wit: five per cent. on all sums collected on personal tax, the same to be added to the amount of the personal tax of each person taxed; and in case of a distress and sale by him of goods and chattels, for the payment of any tax, he shall be entitled to such fees as are allowed Sheriffs on sales of goods under execution. For each certificate by him issued on sale of lands for payment of taxes or assessments, ten cents, to be added to the amount of such tax or assessment, and included in such certificate; for each lot redeemed, for which he shall issue a certificate, twenty-five cents, and five cents for each additional lot embraced in such certificate, to be paid by the person redeeming; for each tax deed executed by him, one dollar, and five cents for each additional lot or tract embraced in the same deed, to be paid by the person receiving the same. 93 SEc. 23. All those parts of sections nineteen, twenty, CHAP. viII. twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one and Certain lands exthirty-two, included within said City limits, that are used empt. for farming purposes, and not laid out into city lots or for town or city purposes, shall be exempt from all taxes' and assessments authorized by this act, except for State, County, School and Poor purposes; but the Common Council may levy upon the lands so exempt, an annual tax of four mills on the dollar, one-half of which shall be applied to general City purposes, and the remainder to the waird in which the lands may lie. SEC. 24. Whenever any person shall bid off any lot offer- Purchase fromn city of ed for sale for taxes, which lot shall have been bid off in the lots sold for taxes. name of the City for the taxes of any previous year, and shall, at the time of such subsequent sale, remain the property of the City, such person shall, before being'entitled to his certificate of such sale, purchase of the City its certificate by paying the amount of principal, interest and charges thereon, and receive from the Treasurer an assignment thereof. SEC. 25. When there shall be a sale by the County Treas- It is o ldy urer and by the City Treasurer of any piece or parcel of land uotnlty reasUrel'. for taxes, in the same year, the purchaser of such piece or parcel who may be first in point of time may redeem the same from the subsequent purchaser, and in case he shall not redeem, the right of the last purchaser shall be held paramount in case of the execution of any tax deed therefor. If the first purchaser in point of time shall so redeem, it shall be the' duty of the proper officer to make an entry in the sale book of the character in which such person may redeem, and the person so redeeming shall be substituted to all the rights of the holder of the certificate, so redeemed asaforesaid. SEC. 26. No person shall be permitted to institute any Plaintiffs in tax cases to proceeding to set aside any assessment or special tax here- deposit unpaid taxes after levied or assessed upon any lot or tract of land, or to before commencing a set aside any deed executed in consequence of the non-pay- suit. 94 CHAP. VIii. ment of such taxes and of the sale of the premises therefor, unless such person shall first pay or tender to the proper party or deposite for his use with the Treasurer, the amount of all State, County and City taxes that may remain unpaid upon. such lot or tract, together with the interest and charges thereon. COUNTY AND STATE TAXES. City Clerk to SEC. 27. Before the annual meeting of the Board of Susend roll to CountyClerk pervisors of the County of Milwaukee, in the fall, it shall be the duty of the City Clerk to cause a copy of the assessment roll of said City for such year, to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, who shall lay the samee before the-Board of Supervisors at their meeting. Equalization SEC. 28. The Board of Supervisors shall have the right by Supervisors' of equalizing the assessment rolls of the town in said county and said City, as provided by law; but in such equalization shall consider the assessment roll of said City as an entire roll, and shall not change the relative valuations of the dif - ferent wards. County tax, SEC. 29. The said Board of Supervisors may levy a tox how levied. as now provided by law, but shall therein proceed without regard to the division of the City into wards, and shall cause the amount of taxes to be levied, and the purposes to be certified to the City Clerk, in the manner provided by the general laws of this State; and the said City Clerk shall make out a tax list for that purpose, separate from the tax list for City purposes, and shall deliver the same to the City Treasurer, as provided by law. City Trea- SEC. 30. The Treasurer of the City, in giving bonds, colsurer's duty relative to lecting such tax, and making his return to the County Treascounty tax. urer, and [and] in all other respects, shall conform to ihe general laws of the State, except that the return to the Counlty Treasurer, shall be for the City and not for the wards. 95 CHAPTER IX. CHAP. IX. FIRE DEPARTMENT. SEC. 1. The Common Council, for the purpose of guard- Firelimits. ing against the calamities of fire, shall have power, and it shall be their duty to prescribe the limits within which wooden buildings or buildings of other materials that shall not be considered fire proof, shall not be erected, placed or repaired, and to direct that all and any buildings within the limits prescribed, shall be made and constructed of fire-proof materials, and to prohibit the repairing or re-building of wooden buildings within the fire limits, when the same shall have been damaged to the extent of fifty per cent. of the value thereof, and to prescribe the manner of ascertaining such damage. SEc. 2. The Common Council shall have power to pre- Powers of Common vent the dangerous construction and condition of chimneys, Council. fire-places, hearths, stoves, stove-pipes, ovens, boilers and apparatus used in and about any building, and to cause the same to be removed or placed in a safe and secure condition, when considered dangerous. To prevent the deposite of ashes in unsafe places; To require the inhabitants to provide as many fire-buckets and in such manner and time as they shall prescribe, and to regulate the use of them in time of fire; To regulate and prevent the carrying on of manufactories dangerous in causing or promoting fires To regulate and prevent the use of fire-works and firearms; To compel the owners and occupants of buildings to have scuttles in the roofs, and stairs or ladders leading to the same; To authorize the Mayor, Aldermen, Fire-Wardens, and other officers of the City to keep away from the vicinity of any fire, all idle and suspected persons, and to compel all bystanders to aid in the extinguishment of fires and in the pres 96 C1-HAP. ix. ervation of property exposed to danger thereat, and generally to establish such regulations for the prevention and extinguishment of fires as the Common Council may deem expedient. and oines SEC. 3. The Common Council shall have power to purand Cos"anes. chase fire engines and other fire apparatus, and to authorize the formation of fire engine, hook and ladder, and hose companies, and to provide for the due and proper support and regulations of the same; and to order such Companies to be disbanded, and their meetings to be prohibited, and their apparatus to be delivered up. Each company shall not exceed seventy able bodied men between the ages of eighteen and fifty years, and may elect their own officers, and form their own by-laws, not inconsistent with the laws of this State, or the ordinances or regulations of said City, and shall Exemption be formed only by voluntary enlistments. Every member of firemen. of each company hereby authorized to be formed, shall be exempt from highway work and poll tax, from serving on juries, and from military duty, during the continuance of such membership; and any person having served for the term of seven years, in either of said companies, shall be forever thereafter exempt from serving on juries, from poll tax and from military duty, except in cases of insurrection or in.vasion. Meetings. SEC. 4. There shall be a meeting of the members of said companies, on the third Monday of March in each year, at such place as may be designated by the chief engineer, when they may nominate and recommend to the Common Council oficers. for appointment, one chief engineer, and three assistant engineers, and the Common Council shall thereupon confirm said nominations; and the persons so appointed shall perform such duties as the Common Council shall prescribe. BireWardens SEC. 5. At the same time, the members of said companies shall nominate, and the Common Council shall appoint the same, ten fire wardens, who shall perform such duties as 97 the Common Council shall prescribe; and they may at any CHAP. ix. time enter in, to, or upon, any house, store, barn, or other building or enclosure, for the purpose of inspecting the same. SEC. 6. One half of the nett proceeds of all fines and Fines and penalties. penalties recovered for the breach of any ordinance, by-law, or regulation, made in pursuance of this chapter, shall bepaid to the fire department. SEC. 7. Whenever any person shall refuse to obey any Arrests at fires. lawful order of any Engineer, Fire Warden, Mayor or Alderman, at any fire, it shall be lawful for the officer giving such order, to arrest, or to direct orally, the marshal, constable, watchman or any citizen, to arrest such person and to confine him temporarily in any safe place until such fire shall be extinguished; and in the same manner such officers, or any of them, may arrest, or direct tle arrest and confinement of any person at such fire who shall be intoxicated, or disorderly; and any person who shall refuse to obey any such lawful order or who shall refuse to arrest, or aid in arresting any person so refusing, shall be liable to such penalty as the Common Council may prescribe, not exceeding fifteen dollars. SEc. 8. The Common Council shall have power to or- Sack Cormpany. ganize a Sack Company, or continue in force any such conmpany now organized, which shall be known as Sack Co. No. I, to consist of not more than seventy members. Such company shll constitute a part of the fire department, and at Powers and duties. fires shall be subject to the control of the chief engineer. The members of said company, either collectively or individually, are hereby authorized and empowered to act as a special police in and for the City of Milwaukee, and are hereby vested with all the powers and authority which now, [is] or may be hereafter vested in any police officer of said City, and shall be entitled to all the rights and immunities of members of the fire department. At fires they shall take charge of all property which may be exposed or endangered, and shall so far as it may be in their power, preserve the same from in 98 OHAP.x. jury or destruction. Said company may from time to time adopt such by-laws and regulations as they may deem necessary, not inconsistent with the laws of the State. The members of said company shall not be entitled to any pay or compensation for services rendered in their official capacity. They shall, in case of riot or disturbance of the peace, have free access to all licensed places of amusement in the city, and shall perform such services as may be necessary for the peace and good order of the same. The members of said company shall severally take an oath or affirmation that they will faithfully discharge-their duties of the said office, and when any member of said company shall cease to be a member thereof by resignation, expulsion or otherwise, notice thereof shall be given to the city clerk and police justice, and they shall preserve a record of all the members of said company. CHAPTER X. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. All work to SECTION' 1. All work for the City, or either of the wards, be let by contract. shall be let by contract to the lowest bidder, and due notice shall be given of the time and place of letting such contract. Appropria- SEC. 2. No monies shall be appropriated for any purpose tion of money. whatever, except such as are expressly authorized by this act. Remission of SEc. 3. No penalty or judgment recovered in favor of the penalties City shall be remitted or discharged, except by a vote of two-thirds of all the Aldermen elect. Suits to re- SEc. 4. All actions brought to recover any penalty cover penalUes. or forfeiture under this act, or the ordinances, by-laws, police or health regulations made in pursuance thereof, shall be brought in the corporate name of the City. It shall be lawful to declare generally in debt for such penalty or forfeiture, stating the clause of this act, or by-law, or ordinance, under which the penalty or forfeiture is claimed, and to give the special matter in evidence under it. 99 SEc. 5. In all prosecutions for any violation of any of CHAP. x. the provisions of this act, or any by-law or ordinance, the Suits —how'-~~~~~ " " to be com-first process shall be a summons, unless oath be made for a menced. warrant as in other cases. SEc. 6. Execution shall issue forthwith on the rendition Executions.,of the judgment! unless the same be stayed or appealed according to the laws of this State. The execution shall require the defendant in any such action, in case no goods or chattels, lands, or tenements, whereof the judgment can be collected, be found, to be imprisoned in the jail of Milwaukee county for a.term not exceeding six months, in the discretion of the justice or judge rendering judgment, unless the same be sooner paid, SEC. 7. No person shall be an incompetent judge, justice, witness or juror by reason of his being an inhabitant of said City, in any proceeding or action in which the City shall be a party in interest. SEC. 8. All ordinances, regulations, or resolutions now ld ordinanin force in the City of Milwaukee, and not inconsistent with this act, shall remain in force uider this act until altered, modified, or repealed by the Common Council after this act shall take effect. SEC. 9. All actions, rights, fines, penalties, and forfeit-Rights a action under tUres in suit or otherwise, which have accumulated under the old charter. several acts consolidated herein, shall be vested in and prosecuted by the corporation hereby created. SEC. 10. If any election by the people or Common Coun- Failures of election, &o. cil shall, for anyucause, not be held at the time or in the manner herein prescribed, or if the Council shall fail to organize as herein provided, it shall not be considered reason for arresting, suspending or absolving said corporation, but such election or organization may be had on any subsequent day, by order of the Common Council; and if any of the duties enjoined by this act or the ordinances or by-laws of the City, to be done by any officer at any specified time, and the same 100 CHAP. x. are not then done or performed, the Common Council may appoint another time at which the said acts may be done, and performed. Bridges. SEC. 11. Bridges shall be maintained and supported across the Milwaukee and Menomonee rivers, at the expense of the City, as follows: one from Water street in the first ward, to the foot of Cherry street in the second ward; one from the foot of Wisconsin street in the first and third wards, to Spring street in the fourth ward; one from the foot of Water street in the third ward to Ferry street in the Fifth ward; and one across the Menomonee river at the foot of WVest Water street. All of said bridges except the first shall contain draws sufficient for the passage of vessels. Cherry St. SEC. 12. It shall be the duty of the Common Council to Bridge; levy a tax upon the taxable property in the first and third wards of said city, to defray the expenses of the first construction of the bridge at the foot of Cherry street, and it shall be the duty of the street commissioners of the second ward to cause all necessary grading to be done in order to make such bridge connect with the main land on the west side of the river, and to render the road thereto passable. Dbamgesto SEC. 13. The general laws for the preservation of bridges, and the punishment by such laws provided for the wilful and malicious injuries dmce thereto, are hereby extended to, and shall include all of said bridges, and shall apply to any wilful or malicious damage which may be done to either of them by any person or persons whatever, and the Common Council may from time to time make such by-laws or ordinances as they may deem necessary for the preservation of such bridges, and enforce the same by adequate penalties. In case of any damage being done to any of said bridges by any vessel or water craft, or by the master or any person in command thereof, such vessel or water craft may be proceeded against under the law to provide for the collection of demands against boats and vessels. 101 SEC. 14. When any suit or action shall be commenced CHAP. x. against said City, the service thereof may be made by leav- suits against City. ing a copy of the process by the proper officer with the Mayor, and it shall be the duty of the Mayor forthwith to inform the Common Council thereof, or take such other proceedings as by the ordinances or resolutions of said Council may be in such case provided. SEC. 15. The following property, now or at any time property exempt from hereafterbelonging to said City or either of the wards thereof, taxation. shall be exempt from levy and sale under or by virtue of any execution: engine houses, hook and ladder houses, together with the grounds and lots on which they are situated, and all fire engines, carriages, hooks, ladders, buckets, hose, or any other fire apparatus used by any company created or authorized by the Common Council of said City; school and market houses, and the furniture thereof, and furniture of Common Council and office rooms: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall exempt any of the aforesaid real or personal property from levy and sale, by virtue of any execution issued on judgments rendered in favor of any person or persons who may have furnished or sold any such fire apparatus to, or on the credit of said City. Nor shall any real Individual or personal property of any inhabitants of said City, or of PrbertY not any individual or corporation, be levied on and sold by vir- foedceub tue of any execution, issued to satisfy or collect any debt, Cit obligation, or contract of said City. SEC. 16. The Common Council shall at its first meeting Commissionappoint five Commissioners, one from each ward, who, withers of survey the assistance of the City Surveyor, or such other assistant Surveyors as the Council may appoint, shall cause a new and accurate survey to be made of the lines and boundaries of all the streets, alleys, side-walks, public grounds, wharves and blocks, and shall cause to be established such-permanent land-marks as they may deem necessary, and to cause an ac 102 CHAP. X. curate plot or plots thereof to be made and certified to by the said Surveyor and Commissioners, which shall be filed in the office of the City Surveyor, and a copy thereof shall be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Milwaukee County. SEc. 17. The survey and land marks so made and established shall be prima facie evidence of the lines and boundaries of all streets, alleys, side-walks, public grounds, wharves andblocks, in all cases in which they shall be drawn into controversy in all courts of this State. Permanent grade. SEC. 18. As soon as practicable after the completion of such survey, the Common Council shall cause to be established under the direction of the City Surveyor, the grade of all streets, side-walks and alleys in said City, and shall cause accurate profiles thereof to be made, one of which shall be filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Milwaukee City liable for altera- county; and should the grade so established be at any time tions. hereafter altered, all damages, costs and charges arising therefrom shall be paid by the City to the owner of any lot or parcel of land, or tenement which may be affected or injured in consequence of the alteration of such grade. Commission- SEC. 19. The Common Council shall appoint one or ors of ordinances. more Commissioners, whose duty it shall be to report to the Common Council, within a reasonable time, a draft of all ordinances, by-laws, rules, regulations, and forms, that may be necessary to carry this act fully into effect, and more fully to define the powers and duties, and fix the compensation of the several'officers created or authorized by this act. The said ordinances, by-laws, &c., when they shall have been adopted by the Common Council, shall be published in a convenient form, together with this act, and the same, -when so published shall beadmitted as evidence in any court within this State, of the passage and publication of such ordinances, without any further publication in the official paper. 103 SEC. 20. The market-house, and the lands appertaining CHAP. x. thereto, in the first ward, shall be the property of said ward, First Ward Market and the Aldermen of said ward, or a majority of them, shall House. have the right to lease, manage and control the same, and shall have all authority in relation to said market-house which they now may have by virtue of any law of this State. The Common Council with the consent of a majority of said Aldermen, may pass ordinances applicable to the first ward alone, to control and regulate markets and the selling of meats and other provisions, and to confine the same to such limits as they may deem proper. SEC. 21. The said City may lease, purchase and hold real or personal estate sufficient for the convenience of the inhab- City^lay hold real itants thereof, and may sell and convey the same, and the estate. same. shall be free from taxation. SEC. 22. Real estate exempted from taxation by the laws of the State shall be subject to special taxes as other real estate under this act. SEC. 23. No general law of this State, contravening the General provisions of this act, shall be considered as repealing, statelaws not to repeal amending or modifying the same, unless such purpose be ex- this act. pressly set forth in such law. SEC. 24. On the petition of a majority of the inhabitants li- d d able to pay poll tax of any district in any ward, and consisting triots. of contiguous territory bounded by ward lines, or the centre of streets or alleys, the street commissioners of such ward may constitute such district a road district, and appoint any person named in such petition, or if no person be named, then any proper person, road-master for such district, and the person so appointed shall have all the powers of overseers of roads as provided in the title VI of the Revised Statutes, and- shall report to the street commissioners when required: Provided, however, That no road-master shall receive more 104 cEAP. X. than one dollar for each day he is actually employed in the, Roadmas- business of his office, and he shall receive such compensation out of the moneys collected on such poll tax, and that in no case shall any moneys be drawn either from the ward or City funds, for the compensation of road-masters or' for any work performed by them or under their supervision. School SEc. 25. The Common Council may borrow on the faith houses. Moey to be of the City, a sum not exceeding four thousand dollars, for borrowedthe purpose of completing and furnishing the public schools within the City, for a term not exceeding ten years, and at an interest not exceeding ten per cent., and may issue the bonds of the City therefor, and shall provide for the paymeant of the interest thereon. Should said sum not be sufficient to complete and furnish said schools, it shall be the duty of the Aldermen of the several wards, to complete and furnish the same out of the funds of their respective wards. REPEALING CLAUSE. SEC. 26. An act to incorporate the City of Milwaukee, approved 31st January, 1846; an act relating to bridges in the City of Milwaukee, approved 2d February, 1846; an act relating to certain streets, in the City of Milwaukee, approved 2d February, 1846; an act to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the City of Milwaukee, approved 4th of February, 1847; an act to authorize the levy of a special ormer actstax in the third ward, approved 11th March, 1848; epealed. an act to authorize the levy of a special tax in the fifth ward, approved 11th March, 1848; an act additional to an act to incorporate the City of Milwaukee, approved 10th of August, 1848; an act amendatory to an act entitled an act to authorize the levy of a special tax in the fifth ward of the City of Milwaukee, approved 19th of August, 1848; an act additional to an act to incorporate the City of Milwaukee, approved 19th of August, 1848; an act to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the City of 105 Milwaukee, and acts amendatory thereto, approved 12th of cE P. x. March, 1849; an act in relation to the collection and return "of taxes &c., for the year 1849, approved 24th of January, 1850; an act to authorize the construction of a wharf in the City of Milwaukee, approved 4th of February, 1850; an act to provide for the election of certain officers in the City of Milwaukee, approved 8th of February, 1850; an act giving criminal jurisdiction to justices of the peace in the 5th ward, approved 9th of February, 1850; an act to authorize the levy of a special tax in the third ward of the City of Milwaukee, approved 9th of February, 1850; an act to au.thorize the construction of wharves in the City of Milwaukee, approved 6th of March, 1851; an act to authorize the Aldermen of the third ward to pave certain streets in said ward, approved 13th of March, 1851; an act supplementary and amendatory to an act entitled an act to incorporate the City of Milwaukee, and acts amendatory thereto, approved 15th of March, 1851; an act to incorporate the City of Milwaukee, approved 15th of March, 1851, and an act in relation to streets, alleys and sewers in the City of Milwaukee, approved 15th of March, 1851, are hereby repealed; but the repeal not to affect repeal of said acts and parts of acts, shall not in any Imaa- rights of action. ner affect, injure or invalidate any contracts, acts, suits, claims or demands that may have been entered into, performed, commenced, or that may exist under or by virtue, or in pursuance of the said acts or any of them, but the same shall exist and be enforced and carried out as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as if this act had not been passed. And all ordinances, resolutions, regulations, ordinances rules, by-laws and orders of the Common Council of said to continue City, or parts thereof, not repealed, suspended, or made void. by this act, shall continue and remain of the same force and effect (and) [as] if this act had not been passed, until altered, amended, repealed or suspended by the Common Council in pursuance of this act. 106 CHAP. x. SEC. 27. This act shall take effect from and after its passage; and not more than six day's notice shall be required of the first election to be held under this act, anything contained in the same to the contrary notwithstanding. C. LATHAM SHOLES, Speaker pro ter. of the Assemnbly. E. B. DEAN, JR., President pro tern. of the Senate. Approved, February 20, 1852. LEONARD J. FARWELL. ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE, AMENDATORY AND OTHERWISE, RELATING TO THE CITY OF MILWAUKEE. ACTS OF THE LEGISLIAURE. AN ACT In relation to Common Schools in the City of Milwaukee. Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Wisconsin. SECTION 1. The several Common Schools which are now, Schools, how controlled. or hereafter may be established within the corporate limits of the City of Milwaukee, shall be under the general control and supervision of a Board of Commissioners, consisting of three persons from each ward of said City, to be appointed by the Mayor and Common Council thereof. SEC. 2. Within one week after the appointment of such organization of board, of Board of Commissioners, it shall be the duty of the individ- commissioners. uals so appointed, to meet and organize, by the selection of President and Secretary, and to divide themselves by lot into three equal classes; the terms of office of the first class to expire within one year from the date of appointnrent; those of the second class to expireint two years, and those of the third class to expire in three years from such date. SeC. 3. It shall be the duty of the Mayor and Common Annual apCouncil of the City of Milwaukee, annually, to supply by appointment, the vacancies occasioned in the Board of School Commissioners by the expiration of the terms of office, and the persons so appointed shall hold their offices for three Tie of oice years, unless sooner removed, for misconduct or other sufficient cause, by a vote of two-thirds of the appointing Board. SEC. 4. It shall likewise be the duty of the Mayor and Vacancies, Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, to supply by appointment any vacancies which may occur from time to 110 time in the Board of School Commissioners, by resignation or otherwise. boa-i f SEC. 5. The Board of School Commissioners are authorized and required: To establish 1st. To establish and organize such and so many Comschools. mon Schools within the corporate limits of the City of Milwaukee (including those now in operation) as they may deem requisite and expedient, and to alter or discontinue the same in their discretion. Employ, re- 2d. To contract with and employ all teachers in the Cornmove and ay teachers mon Schools; to remove any teacher for manifest incompetency, neglect of duty, or violation of contract; and out of the moneys appropriated and provided for School purposes, Obtain to pay the teachers' wages; to purchase or hire School Houh~oses. ses, and to improve the same, as they may deem proper; to purchase or lease suitable sites or lots, and to erect thereon good School Houses, and to enlarge, alter or repair such School Houses and their appurtenances as their judgment may dictate: Provided, That in no one year shall the sunms expended for the various purposes, exceed the amount raised and appropriated in that year for the support and benefit of Common Schools. Books, appa- 3d. To select and introduce into the several Schools, uniratrs, fuel. form text books; to purchase, exchange, or repair necessary school apparatus; to furnish fuel, and to defray the contingent expenses of (of) the schools. Tnition fees. 4th.t To fix the rate of tuition fees in said school, which rate shall not exceed one dollar and fifty cents per quarter of eleven weeks, for each scholar; and to exempt from the payExemption. ment of such fees, or any portion of them, such persons as they may deem entitled to exemption by reason of their indigence, or for other sufficient cause.'1 Virtually repealed by Art. X, Sec. 8, of the Constitution. 111 t5th. To defray the necessary contingent expenses of the Defray eonboard, including the annual salary to the clerk, which shall tierstes.x not exceed one hundred dollars*: Provided, That the account of such expenses shall first be audited and allowed by the Mayor and C'ommon Council of the City. 6th.t At the end of each term or quarter, to make out ate bills. rate bills, containing the name of each person liable to pay tuition fees, and the amount for which such person is liable, and to deliver such rate bill with a warrant attached for its collection drawn by the Mayor, to a collector or constable designated by the board, who shall execute the same in like manner and with like effect with other warrants for the collection of taxes, and who shall previously execute to the Board of Commissioners, in their corporate capacity, a bond collector's boond. with one or more sureties, to be approved by said Commissioners, or a majority of them, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duty. 7th.t To sue and recover, in their corporate capacity, the Reciery oR amount of the penalty prescribed in said bond, for the faithful performance of the duties of the collector, in case of any neglect or malfeasance on his part. 8th. To have, in all respects, the superintendence and Generalsupervisory management of the Common Schools of the City; to adopt, duties. and in their discretion, modify or repeal such by-laws, rules and regulations for their own government, and for the organization and management of the schools under their charge, and generally to adopt all such measures as' shall be calculated to promote the good order, prosperity, and public utility of the Common Schools: Provided, That such by-laws, rules and regulations shall not conflict with the laws of the United States, and of the Territory of Wisconsin, or with the ordinances of the corporation of the City of Milwaukee; and, Providedfurther, That such by-laws, rules, and regula* Amended. t Virtually repealed by Art. X, Sec. 8, of the Constitution. 112 tions, before going into effect, shall be submitted to, and approved by the corporate authorities of the City of Milwaukee. visitation. 9th. To visit the several schools, individually or as a Meetings,. body, as often as once a quarter; to hold stated meetings of the board once a month or oftener, if by them deemed advisable; to require at the quarterly or semi-annual meetings Report. of the Board, the presence and reports of all the principal teachers; to make an annual report on the first day of April, to the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, of the proceedings and acts of the Board of Commissioners and of the number and condition of all the Common Schools kept in said City during the year, the time they have severally been taught, the number of children taught in said schools respectively, and the numbers between the ages of five and sixteen, residing in the City on the 1st day of January preceding; the amount of school moneys raised or re - ceived during the year, distinguishing the amlount raised by taxes, and the amount received from rate bills, the manner in which such moneys have been expended and whether any por.. tion remains unexpended, together with such other information as they may deem useful, or the Common Council may require at their hands; and annually to determine and cerstiiate of tify to the said Common Council, the sums in their opinion, expenses. necessary or proper to be raised for the purchase, lease, improvement of the sites of School Houses, the building,, lease, or repair of School Houses and their appurtenances; the purchase or improvement of school furniture, fixtures, books and apparatus, the payment of teachers' wages, the procurement of fuel, and the disposal of the contingent expenses of the several schools, distinguishing and specify — ing the sums, required for each object. Title to.o- SEc. 6. The title to the School Houses, sites, lots furree from niture, books, apparatus, appurtenances, and all other school t property, shall vested i he corporate a property, shall be vested in the corporate authorities of hle 113 City, and while used or appropriated to school purposes, such property shall not be liable to levy or sale under any warrant or execution, nor to taxation, or assignment for any purpose. SEC. 7. It shall be the duty of the Mayor and Common scheoita. Council of the City of Milwaukee, to raise annually, by tax on all real and personal property of the City, such sums of money as the Board of Commissioners shall certify to be necessary for the support and maintenance of the Common Schools in said City during such year, and in their discretion, such further sums as said Board of Commissioners may certify to be required for the purchase, erection, alterations, repair, or furniture of School Houses: Provided, That the aggregate amount so raised by tax for school purposes, shall not exceed, in any one year, one-fourth of one per cent. upon all taxable property in the City. SEC. 8. All moneys raised by tax for school purposes, School fund. and all moneys received for tuition fees, shall be paid over to the Treasurer of the City of Milwaukee to be disbursed by him on the order of the Board of Commissioners, duly certified by their chairman and clerk, and no moneys so raised or received for Common Schools, shall beused or appropriated for any other purpose whatever. SEC. 9. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the Board of Clerk's reSchool Commissioners to keep a record of the proceedings of said Board, and to perform such other duties as they may from time to time prescribe. SEC. 10. No school which is now, or may hereafter be es- Whatschoole may not tablished within the limits of the City, shall be entitled to share in the fund. any share of the moneys raised or received for school purposes, unless there shall be an actual average daily attendance of thirty scholars, nor unless the English language be taught therein as a branch of education, and such school conform in all respects to the rules and regulations which may be 114 adopted by the Board of Commissioners for the government of the Common Schools of the City. Ssc. 11. The Board of School Commissioners shall, in their discretion, declare any school already established, or which may hereafter be established by any portion of the citizens within the corporate limits of the City, and in which not less than thirty children are taught, a Common School: Provided, The teacher in said school should, after examination by the Commissioners, be found qualified, and shall keep his school according to the provisions of this act, and in conformity with the rules and regulations established by the Board; and such school shall receive the same benefit from the funds raised for school purposes as any of the other schools authorized by this act. SEC. 12. All laws or parts of laws which are inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. SEC. 13. The first appointment of Commissioners under this act, shall be made within ninety days after it shall have become a law. SEC. 14. This act shall take effect immediately after id passage. Approved, February 3d, 1846. AN ACT To amend an Act entitled "An Act in relation to Common Schools il the City of Milwaukee," approved February 3, 1846, and to authorize the Board of School Commissioners of said City to settle with the Board' of a certain School District in the Town of Milwaukee. Thie People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. An act in relation to Common Schools in the City of Milwaukee, approved February 3, 1846, is hereby Super'ten so amended as to authorize the Board of School Commis- dentand Clerk. sioners of the City of Milwaukee, to appoint a Superintendent of Schools, and fix his compensation, and to defray all necessary contingent expenses of the Board, including the salary of the Clerk and said Superintendent. SEC. 2. The Board of School Commissioners shall have authority to settle with the Board of a certain School Dissettle with trict in the town of Milwaukee, over a part of which district school 5 -'"~~~~ ~~districts. the limits of said City have been extended, by " An act to consolidate and amend the act to incorporate the City of Milwaukee, and the several acts amendatory thereof," approved February 20th, 1852. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect from and after its passage, and all acts and parts of acts contravening the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Approved, April, 1852. AN ACT To authorize the City of Milwaukee to borrow money and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Wisconsin: SECTION 1 That the Mayor and Common Council of the May borrow money. City of Milwaukee be and are hereby authorized, for the purposes hereinafter mentioned, to borrow, on the faith of said city, any sum or sums of money not exceeding, in the aggregate, fifteenthousand dollars, for any term or terms not less than ten years, and at such rate or rates of interest not exceeding ten per cent. per annum, as to them shall seem expedient. SEC. 2. That the whole of the moneys so borrowed shall Purpose of loan. be appropriated to the purchase of suitable sites, and to the construction of School Houses in the City of Milwaukee, and to no other purpose whatever. Prisiofor SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the Mayor and Common payment. Council of said City, and they are hereby authorized to levy and collect annually on the taxable property within said City, in addition to the taxes already authorized by law, a sum sufficient to pay and discharge the interest on such loan or loans as the same becomes due, and also such further sum as to them shall seem expedient, to constitute a sinking fund for the final liquidation of the principal of the loan or loans so made, as the same becomes due; and the proceeds of every such tax shall be applied to the payment of the interest and principal of such loan or loans, and to no other purposewhatever. Vote upon SEC. 4. This act shall take effect when a majority of the the loatn. legal voters of said city, voting upon said question, shall 117 vote in favor of the same, at any election called by the Mayor and Common Council for that purpose. Approved, January 25, 1847. AN ACT To enable the City of Milwaukee to aid in the construction of a Rail Road from that City to the Mississippi River. eoe Th Pf ee Peoae of, eeed in SState of Wsconsin esented in S te and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1.'That the'Common Council of the City of ouncil may -' _ ^ subscribe Milwaukee shall have authority to subscribe, in-behalf of to stock $100,000. that city, to the capital stock of the " Milwaukee and Waukesha Rail'Road Company'" incorporated February 11, 1847,.by the Legislature of Wisconsin Territory, or to the capital "s'tock of any other Company which is now or may hereafter:be incorporated for the purpose of constructing a rail road from the City of Milwaurkee to he Mississippi river, to'the amount of one hundred tho-usand dollars: Provided, however, ~ ~~~..~ i.. -, ^. ~May increase that if, in thie opini-on of the Common Council, the interests to'o50,000. of said City should hereafter require it, it shall have 1authority to increase its subscription to the said stock from tlime to time, until tlhe azggregate amount of the subscription shall equal the amount of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. SEc. 2. In order to provide for the payment of the in-Loan to pr stallments on the stock subscribed as aforesaid, the said Corn- o nstaments mon Council may borrow, on the faith of the City, any sum or sums of money not exceeding in the aggregate the whole amount of the installments to become due on such stock, at a rate of interest not exceeding ten per centum per annum, and Rate of interest. for a term not exceeding ten years; and in order to provide for the payment of the installments becoming due on such stock, in case the same'shall Hot have been provided for by law or otherwise, and also in order to provide for the payH 118 Tax to meet Ient of interest and principal of any loan made in pursuloan. ance of this act, the said Common Council shall levy annually a tax on the real estate within the incorporated limits of the City, not exceeding one per cent., on the assessed value of such property: Provided, however, That if in any year the exigency of the case shall require it, such tax may be increased to any rate not exceeding two per cent. on such assessed value. Railroad tax SEC. 3. Every person who shall pay such tax, shall be receipts. entitled to receive from'the Treasurer of said Citf, a receipt therefor, specifying the sum paid.and for what object, and such receipt or receipts shall, upon their surrender to the proper officer of said City, entitle the holder or assignee thereof to a transfer and assignment from said City of a share or shares of such capital stock, subscribed as aforesaid, equal in amount to the amount of such receipts: Provided, however, that in estimating the value of such shares, in case the installments on the same shall have been paid for with the proceeds of any loan herein authorized, interest on such installments shall be included. Approved, March 12, 1849. AN ACT To authorize Tlhoinas P. WTilliams and others to build a bridge. The People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Bridge au- SECTION 1. Thomas P. WVilliams and such other persons t.horized to be builtby as shall associate with himn, shall be and are hereby authorT. P. Wiliams. ized to construct a bridge across the Milwaukee rivei in the City of Milwaukee, from the foot of Main or Milwaukee street, in the Third Ward, to the foot of Lake or some other street, in the Fifth Ward of said City. SEC. 2. Said bridge shall be built and kept in repair by To bekept in repair; said Thomas P. Williams, his associates or assigns, and'free oftoil. when completed, shall be and remain forever free, and no toll shall be required from any person or persons crossing the same. SEC. 3. Said bridge shall be so built as not to obstruct Not to obstruct navior encroach upon the channel of the Milwaukee river, by gation. any permanent obstruction; and shallhave a convenient draw or draws, (of a capacity not less than the draw of the Walk- Draw. ~er's Point bridge, from the foot of Water street, in the Fifth Ward of said City) capable of being so managed as to admit the passage of all boats, vessels and water-craft navigating, or which may hereafter navigate the Milwaukee river, without hindrance or unnecessary delay; and the owners of said bridge shall attend or cause the same to be attended, so as to pass andcre-pass all boatS, vessels, and water-craft, at all times, free of expense, and without unnecessary delay or interruption. SEC. 4. The said Thomas P.;Williams, and associates or Liability for Damages. assigns, shall be liable for any damage that may occur to any person or persons, in consequence of any insufficiency of said bridge, or any bad management of the draw of the same. SEc. 5. All laws in force for the protection of public bridges, and all laws that may hereafter be enacted for their protection, and all ordinances of the City of Milwaukee for the protection of bridges within the City, shall be applicable to said bridge. Approved, March 2, 1849. AN ACT To authorize the Aldermen of the First Ward of the City of Milwaukee to levy a Special Tax to raise money for the purpose of erecting a Market House in said Ward. The People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senat and Assembly, do enact as follows: Bonds to be SECTION 1. The Aldermen of the first ward of the City issued. of Milwaukee are hereby authorized to issue bonds to an amount not exceeding six thousand dollars, payable out of any funds belonging to the first ward of said City, not otherwise appropriated, in the treasury at the time said bonds become due; the bonds to be made payable at such time and place, and on such rate of interest, not exceeding ten per cent. per annum, as the Aldermen of said ward, or a majority of them, may deem proper and necessary to carry out the object, viz: to build a market house on lots five and six, in block fifty-five, in said first ward. Tax to meet SEC. 2. For the purpose of liquidating and paying the bonds. said bonds, the said Aldermen of the first ward of said City shall cause to be levied a special tax upon all the taxable property in said ward, not exceeding one per cent. in any one year, which tax shall be collected and paid over to the City Treasurer at the same time, and in the same manner and form as other taxes are collected and paid, and when so collected, the same shall not be appropriated or used for any other purpose whatever than paying the bonds provided for in the first section of this act. Aldermen SEC. 3. Any Alderman voting to have the funds menpersonally liable. tioned in this act, or any part thereof, appropriated or used for any other purpose than paying the bonds as provided for in the second section of this act, shall be held personally liable for the same; and any person having rights by virtue 121 of the provisions of this act, may enforce the same by an action on the case. SEc. 4. The said market house shall belong to and be Markethouse to belong to the property of the first ward of the City of Milwaukee, and, First Ward. together with the lots upon which the same shall be situated, shall be exempt from all taxes, and the same shall be under the management and control of the Aldermen of said ward, and the proceeds arising from the letting of the same, shall emnLre to the benefit of said ward. SEc. 5. This act shall be submitted to the legal voters of vote of the people upon the first ward, at the next annual charter election held after tpe law. its passage, or at any special election which may be called by the Aldermen of said ward; of which ten days notice shall be given, by publishing the same in one or more newspapers published in the City of Milwaukee; and if a mnajority of the votes cast upon the question shall be "for the market house," then this act shall take effect and be valid; but if a majority of the votes so cast, shall be " against the market house," then this act shall be null and of no effect. Approved, March 27, 1849. AN ACT To authorize the levying and collection of certain special taxes, in the second and fifth wards of the City of Milwaukee. The People of the State of Wisconsin, Jrepresented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows. SECTION 1. The common council of the City of Milwau- council to kee shall have power, and it shall be their duty, to levy such ltaestin2d and 5th special taxes in the second and fifth wards of said city, as wards. may be necessary to pay all sums due, or to become due upon contracts for grading side walks in the second ward, and for grading streets or side walks in the fifth ward of said city, entered into previous to the third Tuesday of'My, 1851. 122 To be levied SEC. 2. Such taxes shall be levied upon the lots in front on lots benefited. of which streets or side walks were made, upon the contracts. referred to in the first section of this act, and shall be collectHow collect- ed in the same manner -as other taxes are authorized to beed. collected in said city. Approved, March 4th, 1852. AN ACT In relation to the construction of an Act entitled "An Act to incorporate the City of Milwaukee," and the several Acts amendatory thereof, approved February 20th, 1852, and to confer certain powers on the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee. The People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Temporary SEC. 1. Section 18, of Chapter 10, of an Act to consoligrades may date and amend the act to incorporate the City of Milwaukee, be made. and the several acts amendatory thereof, approved February 20, 1852, shall not be construed so as to prevent the Street Commissioners of the several Wards of the said City from ordering and causing to be done, the grading of any street within their ward, to a temporary grade, to be established by such street commissioners. Council may SEc. 2. The Common Council of said City is hereby auissue bonds. thorized to issue bonds of the city, bearing interest of not more than tender centum, as the Common Councilmay determine, to pay the debt of the said city and the several wards thereof. May choose SEC. 3. The said Common Council shall have the authorpersoni to Tote at elec- ity to elect, annually, one or more persons to cast at the elections of the M. & M. R. tion of the Directors of the Milwaukee and Mississippi RailR. Co. road Company, the number of votes to which the City of Milwaukee is entitled, by the number of shares of stock of said company which the said city may hold now or hereafter,. 123 SEC. 4. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved, April 7th, 1852. AN ACT In relation to Auctioneers in the City of Milwaukee. The People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SEcTION 1. The Common Council of the City of Milwau- council may regulate and kee are hereby authorized to regulate the business of auction- license. eers within said city, and grant licenses for the same. SEc. 2. Not less than five, nor more than fifty dollars, Rate of license. shall be the amount required for a license, and the Common Council shall have power to pass an ordinance, or ordinances, prescribing the penalty and proceedings for carrying on the Penalty. business of auctioneers without such license. And the tax now by law to be paid,, shall be paid into the City Treasury Tax to be for the use of said city. Approved, April 16th, 1852. A N A CT To authorize the levying and collection of certain special taxes in the Second and Fifth Wards of the City of Milwaukee. The People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and, Assembly, do enact as follows' SECTION 1. The Common Council of the City of Mil- maylevy waukee shall have power, and it shall be their duty, to levy such special taxes in the second and fifth wards of said City, as may be necessary to pay all sums due or to become due, upon contracts for grading side-walks in the- second ward, and0'for grading streets: or sidewalks in the fifth ward of said 124 City, entered into previousto the third Tuesday of May, 1851. On what tax- SEC. 2. Such taxes shall be levied upon the lots in front es to be leviec. of which streets or side-walks were made, upon the contracts referred to in the first section of this act, and shall be collected in the same manner as other taxes. are authorized to be collected in said City. Approved, March 4, 1852. AN" ACT To vacate a part of Fourth Street and certain alleys in the Fourth Ward in the City of Milwaukee. The People of the State of Wisconsin, rep resented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Street vaca- SECTION 1. All that part of Fourth street lying south of ted. the south line of Fowler street, and the alleys in block one hundred forty-two, one hundred forty-three, and the alleys running north and south through the south half of block one hundred forty-four, in the fourth ward in the City of Milwaukee, is hereby vacated. SEC. 2. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved, March 24, 1852. AN ACT To authorize the City of Milwaukee to construct a Canal from the Milwaukee River to River Street, in the Fifth Ward of said City, and to levy a special tax to pay for the same. The People of the State of Wisconsin, rereesented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: y SECTION 1. The City of Milwaukee is hereby authorized May construct con-a Ship Canal from t trnct a ship to construct a Ship Canal from the Milwaukee.River to River c;anal. 125 street in the fifth ward of said City; said Canal to be not less than eighty nor more than one hundred feet wide, and ten feet deep, and to run through block No. 68 and block No. 112, sad part of block No. 11,,. to the alley running east and west in:said block No. 111; thence to said River street, taking said Alley in said block No. 111, and also alleys in blocks No' 110 and 109, and not less than thirty nor more than forty feet on each side of said alleys and crossing the streets intervening between said'.iver and said River street. SEc. 2. Before the commencement of the construction of Necessitysfr taking lands said Ship Canal, and taking the lands required for the same, mustbeestablished. the necessity of taking such lands for that purpose shall be established by a verdict of a jury in the same manner as is provided for laying out public squares, grounds, streets and alleys, in'chapter six of "an act to consolidate and amend the act to incorporate the City of Milwaukee, and the several acts amendatory thereof," approved, February 20th, 1852, and the provisions of said chapter, as far as applicable, are hereby adopted as part of this act. SEc. 3. The Common Council may let out the contract Contract, flow let. for constructing said Canal in the same manner as is provided by law for making contracts for grading streets when owners refuse to grade, and shall report the same to the Common Council to be accepted or refused; if the said Common Council shall refuse to ratify such contract, the contract may then be let out in such manner as said Council may by ordinance direct: Provided, howevelr, The said City or ward shall in no case be made liable for the payment of the costs of constructing said Canal, or for, land taken for the same, or any expenses connected therewith, but the contractors and others shall rely solely upon the tax and assessment to be levied as hereinafter provided. SEC. 4. That any person whose land may be taken for Damlages, how estimathe use of said Canal as aforesaid, may apply to the Common ted. Council for payment, whereupon the said Council shall, by 126 ordinance, direct the empanneling of a jury who shall proceed in such manner as in such ordinance shall be prescribed, and estimate the damages and benefits which the owners of lots in said blocks may sustain by reason'of the taking of land for said Canal, and the benefits which the several owners of lots in said blocks may derive from the construction of such Canal, and shall apportion all the damages which may accrue to any person or persons as aforesaid over and above his benefits upon the several other lots in said block, according to the benefits which such other lots may derive from the same. now taxes SEC. 5. The Common Council shall levy upon the sevmay be levied. eral lots, and such parts of lots as are not taken for said Canal in said blocks, the costs of ccnstructing said Canal according to the value of the same, as shall appear by the assessment rolls made last before such tax shall be levied; and shall also levy such amounts as shall be apportioned as aforesaid upon the several lots and parts of lots upon which the same may be so apportioned as aforesaid, and such taxes so levied as aforesaid shall be a lien upon such lots or parts of lots for which the said lots may behsold under the direction of the Common Council, in the same manner as is now provided by law for the sale of lots in said City for special taxes which shall be unpaid. SEC. 6. The Common Council may, from time to time, pass such ordinances for carrying out the powers hereby vested in them and the object of this act, as they may deem necessary. SEC. 7. Nothing contained in this act shall be so construed as to prevent the building of any bridges across the said Canal. Approved, March 19, 1853. AN ACT To amend an act to authorize the City of Milwaukee to construct a Canal from the Milwaukee river to River Street, in the fifth ward of said City, and to levy a special tax to pay for the same, approved, March 19, 1853. The People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows SECTION 1. The act to authorize the City of Milwaukee Specialtax. to construct a Canal from the Milwaukee river to River street, in the fifth ward of said City, and to levy a special tax to pay for the same, approved, March 19th, 1853, is hereby so amended as to authorize the said City to construct such Canal from the said River to River street or any point east of the same, commencing at any. point on said River between Virginia. and Elizabeth streets, in said ward, which may be selected by the Aldermen of said ward, and the said Canal may be of any width not-less than seventy nor more than two hundred feet: Provided, however, That said Canal shall Provio. follow the course of a street, or of the alleys running east and west, and that the line running through the middle of the Canal, from east to west, shall coincide with the line running through the centre of the street or of the alleys; and the cost of constructing such canal shall be levied on the lots adjacent to the same, and the damage which may accrue from the taking of any land, or street, or alley, for that purpose, shall be apportioned upon the several lots benefitted by the construction of such Canal,.including, as well, lots in the neighborhood of such Canal as those immediately adjacent thereto. Approved, Jily 12, 1853. AN ACT Authorizing the City of Milwaukee to loan its credit in aid of certain ~ Railroads. The People of the State of Wiscosin,'epresented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:. Auhoity SECTIO.-N 1. The Common Council of the City of MilAuthority to cledit the waukee are hereby authorized to loan the credit of said City, City' by issuing its bonds to aid in the construction of certain Railroads, leading from the said City, and particularly to the Green Bay, Milwaukee and Chicago Railroad Company, the Milwaukee and Fond du Lac Railroad Company, and the La Crosse and Milwaukee Railroad Company, companies duly incorporated and organized: Provided, That there shall not be loaned to either of the said companies an amount exceeding two hundred thousand dollars, nor in the aggregate an amount exceeding six hundred thousand dollars; and provided further, that no portion of the bonds issued in pursuance of this act, shall be issued or delivered, except upon the terms and conditions, and in the mlanner prescribed by this act. Bonds, na- SEC. 2. Every bond authorized by this act shall be for a ture of. term not less than ten nor more than twenty years, for a rate of interest not exceeding seven per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually, both interest and principal payable in the City of New York, and shall be signed by the Mayor of said City, and countersigned by the Clerk of the said Common Council, under the corporate seal of said City. Shall exe- SEC. 3. Before the issue to a.ny such Railroad Company cute bond to Treasurer. of any bonds mentioned irn the first and second sections of this act, such Railroad Company shall execute to the Treasurer of the said City, for the use and benefit thereof, the bond of such company, under the authority of its Board of Direct 129 ors, signed by their President, and countersigned by their Secretary; under the corporate seal of said company, in a penal sum, at least double the amount of the par value of the bonds proposed to be issued to such company, with the condition and covenants, that. such company shall punctually pay and discharge the principal and interest moneys of such bonds as they shall severally become due, and shall also fully indemnify and save harmless the said city against all payments, liabilities, losses, damages and expenses, which it may incur or sustain in consequence of the issue and delivery of such bonds or any portion thereof. SEC. 4. To secure the performance of the covenants and Alsolmortconditions of the bond mentioned in the preceding section, g such company shall at the same time execute and deliver to the Treasurer of the said City, for the use and benefit thereof, a mortgage executed in due form of law, of the first section or division of the Railroad of the said railroad company, next to the City of Milwaukee, in length notless than twenty miles and not exceeding sixty miles; which mortgage shall convey such portion of such railroad, its equipments, real estate, buildings, personal property, and franchises, as well that thereafter to be acquired and constructed as that already acquired or constructed, and shall contain therein covenants of warranty of the title thereto, and shall be the first mortgage or lien upon said property, subject only to a first and prior mortgage of the same property, for a sum not exceeding ten thousand dollars per mile, for every mile of road embraced therein, to be.ascertained by dividing the aggregate amount of the par value of the bonds secured by such prior mortgage, by the number of miles of the road embraced in the same. SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the said Common Coun- Dutyof Council becil, and they are hereby authorized to require and receive fore issuing bonds. from' any such railroad company, before the issue and delivery of any of the bonds mentioned in the first and second 130 sections of -this act, such further and additional security or securities, either personal or real, as may in the judgment of the Common Council:be requiisite to fully secure and indemnify said City against all liabilities on the bonds proposed to be issued to such railroad company, and in case of the default or neglect of any.such railroad company to pay the whole or any part of the principal or interest moneys of the bonds issued to such company, the said Common Council shall have the power to collect or foreclose the bond and mortgage executed by such company to said City, and also to collect, sell or dispose of all and every security received from such company, and apply the proceeds thereof in payment of the interest or principal of such bonds, and said Common Council may from time to time surrender, release and discharge all and every such additional security, and receive such other securities in lieu thereof, as, in the judgment of the said Common Council, may be safe and proper. The Common Council shall not in the same ordinance or resolution, nor at the same meeting, authorize the issue or delivery of any of its bonds to other than said railroad company, nor shall any ordinance or proposition providing for the issue or delivery of such bonds, be submitted to the voters of said city for their approval, within fifteen days after any other ordinance or proposition providing for the issue or delivery of any bonds to the same or any other railroad company, shall have been submitted. Ten miles of SE3. 6. No bonds shall be delivered to any railroad comroad must beionstruct-.pany until at least ten miles of that portion of -road morted before is~ sue ofbonds. gaged to the said City, by such company, to secure the payment of such bonds, shall have been constructed by such company, nor thereafter shall they be delivered faster than the work of construction of such portion of said road shall progress, nor shall there at any time have been delivered to such company more than five thousand dollars in value of bonds for every mile of such portion of road constructed, but such 131 bonds may issue; Provided, other equivalent securities shall be furnished therefor or in lieu thereof. SEC. 7. The faith of the City of Milwaukee is hereby ir- Faith of city ~pledged. revocably pledged for the full and punctual payment of the principal and interest of every such bond which shall be issued in pursuance of this act, and the Common Council of said City shall have the power to provide for the payment of the whole or any part of said principal and interest, and it shall be their duty to provide for the payment of any portion thereof, which shall not be paid or provided for by any railroad company, by levying and collecting from time to time such special tax or taxes on the real and personal property in said City liable to city taxes, as may be sufficient to pay and discharge the same, which taxes shall be levied and collected in the same manner as other city taxes. SEC. 8. Before the issue or delivery of any bonds to any Qestion tobe submitted to railroad company in pursuance of this act, the ordinance pro- the voters of viding for such issue or delivery shall be submitted to and approved by the voters of the City-of Milwaukee, at an election for that purpose to be called by the Common Council of said City, of which at least two weeks notice shall be given by-publishing the same, together with a copy of such ordinance, in three daily newspapers published in said City, Ssuch election shall be held at tle usual places of holding citp. elections, and shall be conducteld, and the votes returned and canvassed in the same manner as at other city elections; the votes at such election shall be by ballot, on which shall be written or printed the words "for the railroad ordinance" or the words "against the railroad ordinance," and if a majority of the whole number of votes cast at such election shall be "for the railroad ordinance,"' then the bonds whose issue or delivery shall be provided for in such ordinance, may be issued and delivered, and not otherwise. Approved, April 2, 1853. AN ACT In addition to "An Act authorizing the City of Milwaukee to loan its credit in aid of certain Railroads. The People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows.: ct extened SECTION 1. The provisions of an act entitled "an act authorizing the City of Milwaukee to loan its credit in aid of certain Railroads," approved, April 2nd, A. D. 1853, are hereby extended, and shall include the Milwaukee and Watertown Railroad Company, and any other railroad company duly incorporated and organized, for the purpose of con — structing railroads leading from the City of Milwaukee into the interior of the state, which, in the opinion of the Common Proviso. Council, are entitled to aid from said City; Provided, That the amount of bonds which, under this act and the act of which this is amendatory, shall be issued to aid in the construction of any one railroad, shall not exceed two hundred thousand-dollars; and provided that the aggregate amounit of bonds which shall be issued underpsaid acts shall not exceed one million of dollars. Condition of SEC. 2. No bonds shall be issecl or delivered to any railissuingbonds road company. until the question of granting the credit of the City in aid of the construction of such railroad shall have been first submitted to and approved by the voters of the City of Milwaukee, in the manner provided in section eight of the act to which this is in addition, nor until all the other provisions of said act, relating to the securities to be given to said City, are fully complied with on the part of such railroad company. Approved, July 12, 1853. AN ACT To authorize the Aldermen of the Third Ward of the City of Milwaukee to issue Ward Bonds for the purchase of real estate for the use of said Ward. The People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The aldermen of the third ward of the City Empowered to issue of Milwaukee are hereby authorized and empowered to issue bonds. for and in the name of said ward, the bonds of said ward to an amount not exceeding ten thousand dollars, at a rate of interest not exceeding seven per cent., and made payable at any time within twenty years from the date thereof. Said bonds shall be signed by a majority of the aldermen of said ward, and countersigned by the city comptroller, the proceeed of which shall be applied to the purchase of real estate, and for the erection of a market house thereon, and such other buildings as the wants of the ward may require. SEC. 2. All purchases made by virtue of the preceding Forthebenesection shall be in the name and for the use of the third ward ward. of the City of Milwaukee, and the land so purchased, and the improvements that may be made thereon, shall be exempt from taxation, and the aldermen of said ward, for the time being, acting in behalf of said ward, shall have control of the ground so purchased and of the improvement that may be made thereon, and may lease, rent, and regulate the same, and all moneys receiveed by them from the proceeds thereof shall be paid over by them to the City Treasurer for the use and benefit of the third ward. SEC. 3. To liquidate and to pay the interest on said Specialtax. bonds, the Mayor and Common Council of said City of Milwaukee shall cause to be levied a special tax upon all the taxable real and personal property in said third ward, not exceeding one per cent. in any one year, which tax shall be 134 collected at the same time and in the samde manner that other city taxes are collected, and whsen so collected, the same shall not be appropriated or used for any other purpose whatever than for paying the interest and principal of the bonds authorized to be issued by the first section of this act. Mhayregleate SEc. 4. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of the sale of'' meats, &C. Milwaukee may, by ordinance, provide for regulating the sale of meats, provisions, and vegetables, and confine the selling thereof in the third ward within such limits as they may deem proper. Market SEC. 5. Before proceeding to erect a market house on house. said ground, the aldermen shall cause a plan and specification of the same to be drawn, and a copy thereof deposited in the office of the City Comptroller, and all contracts for building and improving the same shall be let to the lowest bidder. Previous to the letting, ten days notice shall be given through one or more of the daily papers published in the City of Milwaukee, and all contracts for building or otherwise improving said real estate so purchased, shall be signed by a majority of the aldermen of said third ward, and countersigned by the City Comptroller. SEc. 6.'This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, July 6, 1853. AN ACT To amend an Act entitled "An Act to consolidate and amend the Act to Incorporate, the City of Milwaukee, and -the several Acts amendatory thereof;" approved, February 2, 1 852. The People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows' City attor- SECTION 1. At each annual election for city and ward sneydandhis officers, there shall be a City Attorney elected by the qlualii edvoters of said city, whose duty it shall e to institutes. fled voters of said city, whose duty it shall be to institute 135 and conduct all suits and prosecutions in behalf of said city, and to perform all professional services incident to the office, and to furnish written opinions upon any matter submitted to him by the Common Council, or any of its committees. SEC. 2. At every such annual elections, there shall be Providing for election elected by the qualified voters of the said city, a City Comp- Ofctllcer troller, who'shall hold his office for the same term prescribed for Mayor and Treasurer, and shall perform all of the duties now prescribed by law for City Comptroller. Any vacancy occurring in the office of City Comptroller may be filled by the Common Council. SEC. 3. There shall be elected annually in the City of Railroad Y'. commisMilwaukee, at the same time and in the same manner that sioner tobe....i~~~,' ~ ~~~~~~~~elected. other ward officers are elected, one Rail Road Commissioner for each ward, and the terms of office of such, Rail Road Commissioners shall commence at the same time and continue for the same term as is now provided by law for Assessors in said city. SEC. 4. It shall be the dutyof suchi Rail Road Commis- His duties sioners, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to and owe attend the elections of Directors of any rail road company, in which the City of Milwaukee may Own, or hold:stock, or be entitled to vote upon stock; and such Commissioners shall severally be authorized and.entitled to cast at such election such rateable number of the whole number of votes which the City of Milwaukee may be entitled to cast at such election as the assessed valuation of taxable property, in each ward, shall bear to the whole assessed valuation of taxable property in the said city. SEC. 5. The Common Council of the said City of Mil- Common Council shall waukee shall, at the meeting thereof, to be held in each year, determine the No. of to equalize and confirm the assessment roll of said city, or votes said commissionimmediately after the assessment roll shall be confirmed by er may cast. a resolution, determine the number of votes which each Rail Road Commissioner shall be entitled to cast, at the election 136 of Directors of each rail road company in which the City of Milwaukee may own, hold, or be entitled to vote upon stock according to the fourth section of this Act; and shall cause such resolution to be entered in the proceedings of the Common Council, and shall furnish each of such Commissioners with a copy of such resolution, certified by the Clerk of-said city, under the seal of the said city. Common SEC. 6. The Common Council of the said city, may, at ouncil may such time as they may deem proper, establish the grade of estadlish the steaiiys all streets, alleys and side-walks in said city, and have accurate profiles thereof filed, as is provided in the eighteenth Section, of Chapter ten, of the Act to which this is amendatory, anything in said Act or the Acts to which this is amendatory, to the contrary notwithstanding. Powers of SEC. 7, The Street Commissioners of the several wards mieeioners. are hereby authorized to require, by such general regulations as they may choose to adopt, the owners or occupants of the several lots within their respective wards to cleanse and repair the side-walks, streets and alleys, opposite their respective lots, so far as to the centre of such streets and alleys, and to employ any-person or persons, whose duty it shall be to make such repairs, and cleanse such streets, alleys and side-walks. Whenever such regulations shall not have been complied with, and at some period prior to the time of the delivery of the tax-list to the Treasurer under the Charter, it shall be the duty of the Street Commissioners to make a report to the Comptroller of the amount of tax properly chargeable against each lot for work done under this section, for any period not exceeding one year prior to such report, specifying the amount in gross, and such amount shall be a lien upon such lots, and be levied thereon as a special tax with all the legal consequences, both as to collection of taxes and sale of the lots prescribed in the Charter for special taxes. 137 SEC. 8. Section three, of Chapter two hundred and thirtyfive, of the Session Laws of 1852, is hereby repealed. SEC. 9. The corporate limits of the City of Milwaukee, Limits enare hereby enlarged, so as to include the south half of Section lged fifteen, and so much of the south half of Sectioh sixteen, in Township seven, north of Range twenty-two, east, as lies east of the Milwaukee River; and the additional territory,.so included, shall constitute part of the First Ward of said city. SEC. 10. The salaries of the several officers of the said Salaries of officers fixed CJity of Milwaukee, hereinafter named, shall be as follows, viz: Comptroller, fifteen hundred dollars per annum; City Attorney, six hundred dollars, per annum; City Marshal, eight hundred dollars per annum; City Clerk, one thousand,dollars per annum. SEc. 11. This Act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved, February 18, 1853. AN ACT To amend an Act entitled "An Act to consolidate and amend the Act to Incorporate the City of Milwaukee, and the several Acts amendatory thereof, approved, February 20th, 1852." Approved, February 18th, 1853.'The People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SEcTIoN 1. The notice required by Section one of Chapter Election of two, of Chapter fifty-six, of the Session Laws of 1852, so far Crtaellsoffi as relates to the elections of the City Comptroller, City Attorney and Rail Road Commissioner, is hereby dispensed with,'for the election to be held on the first Tuesday of March, 1853. 138 SEC. 2. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved, February 21, 1853. AN ACT To authorize the City of Milwaukee to aid in the construction of the Water Works in said City. The People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Common SECTION 1. The Mayor and Common Council of the City Council may loan money. of Milwaukee, are hereby authorized to loan the credit of said city, by issuing its bonds, to an amount not exceeding in the aggregate, seventy-five thousand dollars, to the "Lake Hydraulic Company," incorporated April 5, 1852, for the purpose of furnishing water to said city, and its inhabitaits from Lake Michigan. Bondshow SEC. 2. Said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and atttested countersigned'by the Clerk of said city, under the corporate seal thereof; and shall be in sums of one thousand dollars each, for a term not less than ten nor more than twenty years, and shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding seven per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually. Security of SEC. 3. Before the issue or delivery of said bonds or any company. p portion thereof, the said "Lake Hydraulic Company" shall execute and deliver to the said city, for the benefit thereof, the bond of the said company, executed under the authority of its Board of Directors, signed by their President and countersigned by their Secretary, under the corporate seal.of said company, in the penal sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, with the condition and covenants that said company shall punctually pay and discharge the principal and interest moneys of such and every of said bonds, and 139 shall fully indemnify and save harmless the said city, against all payments, liabilities, issues, damages and expenses which it may incur or sustain in consequence of the issue and delivery of said bonds. SEC. 4. To secure the performance of the covenants and Mortgage. condition of such bond, said company shall at the same time execute and deliver to said city, in due form of law, a mortgage of the property of said company,'as well that thereafter to be acquired or that already in possession, including real estate, fixtures,'machinery, water pipes and reservoirs, and shall give such further and -additional security as the Common- Council may require, which other and additional security, said Common Council may, from time to time, at its direction, surrender or discharge in whole or in part. SEC. 5. Said bonds shall not be issued or delivered except by Virtue of an ordinance to be duly passed by a vote of a majority of the Aldermen of said city at a regular meeting of the Common Council. SEC. 6. This act shall not take effect until the-same shall Thisacttobe submitted to have been submitted to the legal voters of the City of Mil- the voters. waukee at an election to be ordered for that purpose by the Common Council of said city, of which, at least two weeks notice shall be given by the publication thereof in the daily newspapers of said city, such election shall be held at the usual places of holding election in said city, and said election shall be conducted, and the votes returned and canvassed, in the same manner as at other cityelections, at such election the votes shall be by ballot, on which shall be written or printedthe words "For the Water Loan" or the words "Against the Water Loan," and if the majority of all the votes cast on that subject, shall be "For the Water Loan," this act shall be in force, and not otherwise. Approved, March 23, 1853. AN ACT To authorize the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee to issue bonds to raise money for the construction of a Harbor at the Straight Cut in said City. The People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows., Authority to SECTION 1. The Mayor and Common Council of the City issue Bonds. of Milwaukee are hereby authorized and empowered to issue Amount. bonds of said city to an amount not exceeding fifty thousand dollars, bearing interest not to exceed seven per cent. per annum, and for a time not less than ten nor more than twenty years, to raise money to be expended under the direction of the Mayor and Common Council, in the construction of-a Harbor at the Straight Cut in said city, as designated by Centre and Roe's survey, made in the year eighteen hundred and thirty.six, and also to provide for the payment of the interest on the amouut of bonds issued. power-toex- SEC. 2. For the purpose of constructing such Harbor, the cavate. said Common Council shall have the power to open, excavate and dredge a new channel to the Milwaukee River into the deep water of Lake Michigan, through Centre street in the third ward, and for that purpose may take and use so ao use land. much of said Centre street, and of any land adjoining, as may be necessary, and said Common Council shall have the power to erect, construct and maintain such docks, piers and other works in the Milwaukee River, and- in Lake Michigan, as shall be necessary to keep open said channel, and to permit, at all times, a safe andconvenient ingress and egress through the same to all vessels navigating the waters of said Lake. Power tolay SEC. 3. Said Common Council shall also have the power out ground. to take and lay out such portion of ground as may be selected for that purpose on either side of such new channel men 141 tioned in the next preceding section, for public wharf or wharves. SEC. 4. In case any land or lots shall be taken for the Jurytoestablish the construction of such Harbor, or for the laying out of such necessity. wharf or wharves which shall not have been ceded for that purpose by the owner or owners thereof, the necessity of taking the same shall be first established by a verdict of a jury in the same manner as is provided for laying out public squares, grounds and streets in chapter six of-an "Act to incorporate the City of Milwaukee, and the several Acts amendatory thereof," approved Feb. 20, i852, and the corn- compensapensation to be paid for the land taken for such new channel tion. or harbor, and also for such public wharf or wharves, and the damages and benefit arising therefrom shall be assessed Damages and benefits. aS required by said chapter six; and all the provisions of said chapter, so far as the same are applicable, are hereby adopted as part of this act. Provided, That no portion of the cost of the construction of that part of the harbor east of water line of the Lake shall be assessed as benefits. SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the Common Council to cause accurate maps, plans and profiles of the proposed harbor and improvements, to be made and filed in the office of the Contract Clerk of said city, and to let out the work by contracts to the withe lowest bidder. lowest bidder, giving reasonable notice to invite proposals. SEC. 6. Before issuing any bonds as authorized in the Adoption submitted to first section of this act, the Common Council shall submit the legal voters of the the question of such loan to the legal voters of the City of city. Milwaukee, at an election to be called foi that purpose, of which at least ten days notice shall be given, at which elec-Notice to be tion the votes shall be by ballot, which shall have written or glectiof. printed thereon the words, "For the Harbor Loan," or the orm of balwords, "Against the Harbor Loan," and if a majority of all lot: the votes cast on that subject shall be "For the Harbor Loan," then the Common Council shall issue said bonds, and not otherwise. 142 SEC. 7. It shall be the duty of the Common Council, and it is hereby authorized, to provide for the payment of the interest and principal of any bonds which shall be issued Tax to be under this act, and for that purpose it may levy a tax suffilevied. cient to pay the same, on the real and personal property of the City of Milwaukee. Approved, April 1, 1853. AN ACT To authorize the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee to levy a special tax in the Fourth Ward, to raise money for the purpose of grading and filling the public square, and the street surrounding it in said Ward. The People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Specialtax. SECTION 1. The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee are hereby authorized to levy a special tax upon all the taxable property in the fourth ward of said city, sufficient to defray the expense of filling with earth the public square, and those portions of Third, Fourth and Sycamore streets, bounding said public square, (the cost or expense of which is chargeable to the said ward) to such a height as the Aldermen and Street Commissioners of said ward may order or direct, which tax shall be collected and paid over to the City Treasurer at the same time, and in the same manner and form as other taxes are collected and paid. SEC.' 2. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved, June 27, 1853. AN ACT To authorize the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee to levy a special tax for the purposes therein mentioned. The People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate aand Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The Mayor and Common Council of the City Special tax. of Milwaukee are hereby authorized, if in their opinion it is right and proper, to levy a special tax in addition to the taxes levied in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-three;"on the real and personal estate in the first ward of the City of 1St and2d -~ y wards. Milwaukee, sufficient to pay the sum of eleven hundred and fifty dollars, it being a balance due, with the interest calculated for two years, for rebuilding the Chestnut street bridge across the Milwaukee River, in the winter of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-two, said tax to be levied and collected in the same manner that other taxes are levied and collected in said city, for said year. SEC. 2. This act shall be in force from and after its passage. Approved, April 2, 1853. AN ACT To establish a code of procedure for the Police Court of the City of Milwaukee. The People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows SECTION 1. The term of office of the police justice shall Powers &c.. be two years. He shall, be ex officio a justice of the peace, with all the authority, powers, and rights' of the same, ex 144 cept that he shall in no case entertain any civil suit to which the city is not a party; and he shall have and possess the jurisdiction and powers conferred upon him by the charter of the City of Milwaukee, and the acts amendatory thereof. May sue for SEC. 2. The City of Milwaukee, in its corporate name, and recover ~ X fines, penal- may sue for and recover any and all fines, penalties, and forfeitures under said city charter, and the acts amendatory thereof; or under the ordinances, by-laws, or police or health regulations made in pursuance thereof, any general law of the State to the contrary notwithstanding; and such action shall be commenced by complaint substantially in the following form: Formof STATE OF WISCONSIN, complaint. Milwaukee County, ss. CITY OF MILWAUKEE,....................... being duly sworn, complains on oath to the Police Justice of the City of Milwaukee, that................................ did, on the............ day of.............. 18...., violate the....... section of an ordinance, by-law or resolution (describing it by its title), which now in force, as this complainant verily believes, and prays that said.............................. may be arrested, and held to answer to the said City of Milwaukee therefor. Subscribed and sworn before me, this.............. day of............................................... It shall be sufficient to give the number of the section or sections, and the title of the ordinances, by-laws, regulation or resolution, or of the law violated, in such complaint. And said complaint may be sworn to before any officer authorized to administer oaths in the courts of this State. Upon the filing of such complaint in the office of the Police Way'rsant Justice, he shall issue a warrant thereon, substantially as follows: Form of STATE OF WISCONSIN, } warrant. CITY AND COUNTY OF MILWAUKEE, TO the Sheriff, or any Constable of said County, or to the Marshal of the City of Milwaukee, greeting: WHEREAS................................ has this day complained to me in writing, on oath, that.............................. did, on 145 the............. day of......... 18..... violate the section or sections of an ordinance, by-law, regulation, or law (describing it by its title), which said............. is now in force and effect, as said complainant verily believes; therefore, in the name of the State of Wisconsin, you are hereby commanded to arrest the body of the said................................ and him forthwith bring before the Police Justice of the said City, to answer to said City of Milwaukee, on the complaint aforesaid. Given under my hand, this.............. day of......... 18 - -.................................. Police Justice. Upon the return of the warrant, the court may proceed course of proceeding. summarily with the case, unless it be continued by consent or for cause. If the cause be adjourned, the defendant, if required by the court so to do, shall recognize with surety for his appearance in such sum as the court shall direct; or, in default thereof, may be put in charge of the officer who made the arrest; or be committed to the common jail of Milwaukee county. The- complaint made aforesaid shall stand in lieu of a declaration, and the plea of not guilty shall put at issue all subject matter which pertains to the defence of the action. SEC. 3. A printed copy of an ordinance, by-law or resolution, passed by the. Common Council and published in a newspaper, or in pamphlet or book form, shall be primadfacie evidence of its due passage and publication, and may be received in evidence. After issue joined and before trial in all cases cognizable before the Police Justice, the defendant Defendant may demay demand a jury, of not more than twelve nor less than mandjury. six men, and shall designate the number at the time of the demand. The proper officer whom the justice may direct, shall thereupon make a list of twice the number of jurors demanded, who may be qualified to serve as jurors in courts of records of Milwaukee county, and the parties shall then alternately strike therefrom, the defendant commencing, so many names as will leave remaining the number demanded. The court shall thereupon issue a venire, commanding the officer 146 to summon those so remaining to appear before him, at such time as he may direct, to make a jury for the trial of the said action, and the court may compel their attendance by attachment. Either party may challenge any juror for cause, and deficiencies occasioned thereby or by any other cause, shall be supplied by.talesmen, to be selected and summoned by the officer; if the defendant shall not demand a jury, the city or State may demand a like jury, as is above provided; and if no jury be demanded, it shall be deemed a waiver of a jury trial. If either party declines to strike from the list the names which he is entitled to strike, the court shall strike the same for such party., Each juror shall receive for his services fifty cents. SEC. 4., Witnesses and jurors shall attend before the poWitnesses -and jurors tolice court, in all city and criminal prosecutions, without the attend with-out payment payment of fees in advance or a tender thereof, upon the proof fees. cess of the court duly served, and in default thereof, their attendance may be enforced by attachment. In case the jury, after being kept a reasonable time, should disagree, they shall be discharged without the payment of fees, and thereupon the court shall adjourn the cause to a day certain, and issue a new venire as aforesaid. SEC. 5, In city prosecutions the finding of the court or Justice may issue execu-jury, shall be either guilty or not guilty. If guilty, the court shall render judgment thereon against the defendant, for the fine, penalty or forfeiture contained in the ordinance, by-law or resolution for the violation of which the person or persons shall have been adjudged guilty, and for the costs of suit; but if not guilty, the costs shall be taxed against the city. Upon conviction and the non-payment of such judgment, the court may forthwith issue an executian, and shall determine and enter upon the docket the length of time the defendant shall be imprisoned, which, in no case, shall exceed six months, and also insert such time in the commitment or execution. Such execution may be in the following form: 147 STATE OF WISCONSIN, Porm of exeCITY AND COUNTY OF MILWAUKEE. T the Sherif or any Co. Constable of the County of Milwaukee, the City Marshal, and the keeper of the common Jail in said County: WHEREAS, the City of Milwaukee, on of..........., recovered a judgment before the police court of said city, against......................for thesum of.......... dollars, together with..........dollars costs of suit, for the violation of (here insert the number of section and title of the ordinance, as set forth in the complaint.) These are, therefore, in the name of the State of Wisconsin, to command you tolevy distress on'the goods and chatties of the said.......................(excepting such as the law exempts,) and mlale sale thereof, according to law in such cases made and provided, to thle amount of.said sums, together with your fees, and twenty-five cents for this writ, and the same return to me in thirty days; and for want of such goods and chatties, whereon to levy, take the body of the said..................... and him convey and deliver to the keeper of the common jail in Milwaukee county. And the said keeper is hereby commanded to receive and keep in custody, in said jail, the said......................, for the term of............., unless said judgment, together with all costs and jail fees are sooner paid, or he' be discharged by. due course of law. Given under my- hand and seal of............... 8:....... [L..] Police Justice. The form of commitment may be substantially the same as that of the execution, leaving out all that relates to levy and sale, and return of the writ. SEC. 6. The defendant in all city prosecutions, may ap- Defendant peal to the Circuit Court of Milwaukee county by filing an may ppeal. affidavit and bond, and complying with all the recuirements of appeals in civil cases before Justices of the Peace: Provided, however, That such appeal shall be taken and perfected Proviso. within twenty-four hours from the time that judgment is rendered in the suit. Upon any appeal being taken and allowed, the Police Justice shall stay all further proceedings in the case, and the defendant, if in custody, shall be discharged; and the Police Justice shall transmit the papers in the case so appealed, with a transcript of his docket, to the 148 Clerk of the Circuit Court, on or before the first day of the term thereof next after the appeal shall have been allowed. Costs, how SEC. 7. The jail fees and officers fees for commitment in to be paid. prosecutions in behalf of the city, shall be audited and allowed by the Common Council, when the same cannot be collected of the defendant before his discharge; and said Common Council may, by resolution, direct the Police Justice to discharge from the jail, any person confined for a judgment due said city, but such discharge shall not operate as a release of the judgment, unless said Common Counicil shall so direct in their resolution. Upon filing a certified copy of such resolution, attested by the Clerk of the Common Council, the Police Justice shall order such defendant discharged from custody, and make an entry of such discharge upon his docket; an execution may issue or be renewed by indorsement from time to time, before or after the return day thereof, and before or after the commitment of the defendant, until the judgment is satisfied or released; but after the defendant shall have been committed, no execution shall be issued against the body of the defendant, nor if previously issued, shall authorize the taking of the body of the defendant thereon. SEC. 8. This act shall take effect from and after its passage, and all acts and parts of acts contravening any of the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. Approved, March 17, 1853. AN ACT To authorize the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee to appropriate from a certain fund to the purposes therein named. The People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The Mayor and Common Council of the City Authority to, appropriate of Milwaukee are hereby authorized and empowered to ap- money. propriate from any money in the treasury of said city received, or which may be received from the proceeds of any city bonds, which may be issued under and by virtue of an act entitled, "An Act t: authorize the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee to issue bonds to raise money for the. construction of a Harbor at the Straight Cut in said City," approved April 1, 1854, an amount not ex- Amountceeding one thousand dollars, to pay for repairs made or to be made on the government piers, or either of them, at the mouth of Milwaukee River. Provided, said repairs shall have been made, or shall be made hereafter, in accordance with a contract or contracts approved by said Mayor and Common Council, and on file in the office of the City Comptroller. SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, February 27, 1854. AN A CT To amend an Act entitled "An act to consolidate and amend the Act to incorporate the City of Milwaukee, and the several Acts amendatory thereof." The People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The twelfth section, chapter seven, of the Repealing sec. 12, chap.. Act entitled "An Act to consolidate and amend the Act to 7, of Charter. J 150 incorporate the City of Milwaukee, and the several Acts amendatory thereof," approved February 20, 1852, is hereby repealed. actingen SEC. 2. The aldermen of the first ward of the City of acting in capacity of Milwaukee, acting in their capacity as street commissioners street commay declarein and for said ward, may, if they shall deem fit and proper, Bayouapub- declare the ground, or tract of land, covered with water in lic nuisance. said ward, and known as the Bayou, situated north of Oneida street, and between River street on the west, and blocks fifty-one, fifty-two, fifty-three and fifty-four on the east, and extending north to Division street, and beyond Division street, partly covering the lots in blocks one hundred and fifty-three, and one hundred and forty-eight, to be a public nuisance. And they may order the said Bayou or nuisance to be abated by filling, either the whole, or such part thereof In neglect of as said aldermen may determine. And in case said nuisance the owners to abate the be not abated by the owner or owners of said grounds or lots nuisance, street cor- covered with water within the time limited in the order duly missioners may let the published by said street commissioners for that purpose, then same by contract. said street commissioners may contract for the abatement of such nuisance by filling said grounds or lots in the same manner as they are now authorized and empowered by law, and the ordinance of said city, to abate nuisances in like Not to be cases. Provided, however, the said aldermen shall not dededclared a re the said Bayou a public nuisance, nor shall they order nuisance un- "t e led f etit it filled, except the same be requested in a petition addressed habitants of s lotsadjacentto said aldermen, and signed by the inhabitants living on the lots adjacent thereto, and in the immediate vicinity of said Bayou. Expense of SEC. 3. The expense of filling said Bayou and abating filling to be chargeable said nuisance, shall, in no event, become a charge against the to the lots filled. City of Milwaukee, or either of the wards therein, but the same shall be charged upon the grounds or lots so filled, and shall be certified. to, assessed and collected in the same manner as the expenses of filling streets and lots, and abating 151 nuisances, are now in the cases certified to, assessed and collected by law; and for the expense of filling that part of said Bayou lying between Oneida street on the south and Division street on the north, said aldermen, as street commis-:sioners, shall issue certificates to the contractor, or portions Street com-'~-' missioners to of the same corresponding in width to the lots abutting on issue certifisaid Bayou, in blocks fifty-one, fifty-two, fifty-three and. fifty-four, and extending across said Bayou to River street, wherever such portions of said Bayou shall be filled by said contractor, to the established grade, and duly certified to by the City Engineer. SEC. 4. The south half of section fifteen, and so much of Certain lands to be section sixteen, in township seven, north of range twenty-two taxed in the same maneast, as lies east of Milwaukee River, in the first ward of the ner as other lands menCity of Milwaukee, shall be included for the purposes oftionednse8c. taxation, and shall be taxed iin the same manner that other f Charterlands mentioned in section twenty-three, of chapter eight, of the Act of which this is amendatory, are taxed. Provided, however, that should any street or streets through said lands first above mentioned, be ordered graded, and the sidewalks thereon to be constructed, then the expense of constructing Streets and side-walks to such street and side-walks shall be chargeable to such lands be charge~~~~~~' ~ able to lots on either side of such street, and shall be certified to, asssess- same as in other parts ed and collected in the same manner as the expense of con- ofthe city. tracting streets and sidewalks in other parts of the city, is now charged and collected by law. SEC. 5. This act shall take effect and be in force from ~and after its passage. Approved, April 3, 1854. AN ACT To amend an Act entitled "An Act to consolidate and amend the Act to incorporate the City of Milwaukee, and the several Acts amendatory thereof." The People of the State'of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Authority to SECTION 1. The Aldermen of the second ward of the City build a flume of Milwaukee shall have power to authorize the owner or owners of lot number one, in block number forty in said ward, and his, her or their heirs and assigns to construct and maintain a flume from the end of the canal on the north side of Poplar street, in said ward, to the mill, situated on said lot on the south side of said street. Dimensions. SEC. 2. Said flume shall be of such form and dimensions and shall be built in such manner as may be prescribed by the Aldermen of said'ward, and shall be kept in repair and be so secured and arranged as not to impede or interfere with the free use of said street by the public. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, March 23, 1854. AN ACT To amend an Act authorizing the City of Milwaukee to loan its credit in' aid of certain Railroads, and the Acts amendatory thereof. Tie People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: xtension. SECTION 1. The provisions of an act entitled "an act Extension. authorizing the City of Milwaukee to loan its credit in aid of certain rail roads," approved, April 2, 1853, and the acts amendatory thereto, are hereby extended, and shall include the 153 Southern Wisconsin Rail Road Company, or any other rail road company duly incorporated and organized for the purpose of constructing railroads to intersect and connect with any other railroad, having its terminus in said city, which,.in the opinion of the Common Council, are entitled to aid from said city. Provided, that the amount of bonds which, under this act and the act of which this act is amendatory, shall be issued to aid in the construction of any one railroad, shall not exceed three hundred thousand dollars, and pro- Aount of vided that the aggregate amount of bonds which shall be issued under said acts, shall not exceed fifteen hundred thousand dollars. SEC. 2. No bonds shall be issued or delivered to any rail- To be submitted to the road company until the question of granting the credit of legal voters of the city. the city in aid of the construction of such railroad shall have first been submitted to and approved by the voters of the City of Milwaukee in the manner provided in section eight of the act to which this is an addition, nor until all the other provisions of said act relating to the securities to be given to said city, are complied with, to the satisfaction of the Common Council. SEO. 3. All acts and parts conflicting with, or inconsist- Former acts',- ~ ^ ~ - ~ repealed. ent with this act, are hereby repealed. SEC. 4. This act shall be in force from and after its passage. Approved, March 31, 1854. AN ACT To amend an Act entitled "An Act to consolidate and amend the Act to incorporate the City of Milwaukee, and the several Acts amendatory thereof." The People. of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The eleventh section of chapter ten of the act Amendment of which this is amendatory, is hereby amended, so as to read 154 Bridges as follows: Bridges shall be maintained and supported across across Milwaukee river the Milwaukee and Menomonee rivers, at the expense of the.from the foot of certain city, as follows: One from Water street, in the first ward, tostreets. the foot of Cherry street, in the second ward; one from the foot of Division street, in the first ward, to Chestnut street in the second ward; one from the foot of Oneida street, in the first ward, to Wells street, in the fourth ward; one from the foot of Wisconsin street, in the first and third wards, to Spring Across Me- street, in the fourth ward; one from the foot of Water street, nomonee river. in the third ward, to Ferry street, in the fifth ward; and one across Menomonee river, at the foot of West Water street. All of said bridges, except the first above mentioned, shall be turnable bridges, or shall contain draws sufficient for the, passage of vessels. Provided, the bridges from the foot of Division street, in the first ward, to the foot of Chestnut street,. Dock lines in the second ward, shall not be used or extended as a railroad bridge. SEC. 2. The Common Council shall have power, by ordinance, to establish dock and wharf lines upon the banks of the Milwaukee and Menomonee rivers, restrain and prevent encroachments upon said rivers, and obstructions thereto;: and to construct, alter, and maintain, or cause to be constructed, altered, and maintained, at the expense of the city, wharves along the banks of said rivers, where the same are Milwaukee not required by law to be constructed, and maintained at the river to be dredged. expense of the owners of the lots bounded on said rivers; and also to cause the said Milwaukee river to be dredged at the expense of the city, for so much thereof as is not by law chargeable to the lots bounded on said river. Authority to SEC. 3. The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee issue bonds. is hereby authorized and empowered to issue bonds of the City in its corporate name, to be signed by the Mayor, and countersigned by the Clerk of said city, to an amount not. Amount. exceeding fifty thousand dollars, and bearing interest at the Rtres.' rate of not more than seven per cent. per annum, as the Com — 155 mon Council may determine, and payable twenty years from Whlen payable. the date of their issues, said bonds and the proceeds thereof to be applied exclusively to, pay the expense of dredging so much of the Milwaukee river, between the "Straight Cut," or Centre street, and the bridges at the foot of Cherry street, in the second ward, and the docking of its banks, as is not Docking. by law chargeable to the lots and lands bounded on said river; and the Common Council of said city are hereby authorized and directed to levy and collect annually on all. the Tax to be levied. taxable property in said city, a tax sufficient to pay the annual interest on said bonds, in the same manner as other taxes are levied and collected by law, and finally to pay the principal, when it shall become due. SEC. 4. The Common Council may contract with the Contract with the lowest or best bidder for the dredging and docking provided lowestbidder.for in the last preceding section: Provided, however, they shall have power in their discretion to direct the street commissioners of the several wards to contract with the same or other persons for such dredging and docking as is chargeable,to lots and lands, and may, in all things relating to such dredging and docking, order and direct the street commissioners of the several wards, as they shall deem proper, and for the best interests of the city, and the separate wards. SEC. 5. The eighteenth section of chapter six of the act of which this is amendatory, is hereby so amended, as to give ohe year's time for the payment, tendering or depositing of the damages provided for in said section. SEC. 6. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, March 31, 1854. AN ACT Supplementary to an Act to amend an Act entitled " An Act to consolidate and amend the Act entitled'An Act to incorpoiate the City of Milwaukee, and the several Acts amendatory thereof,'" approved March 31, 1854. The People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:,Appropriate SECTION 1. The Common Council of the City of Milthe proceeds of bonds. waukee are'hereby authorized to appropriate from the proceeds of the bonds authorized to be issued by the act to which this is supplementary, an amount sufficient to pay for dredging the Milwaukee river, south of the Straight Cut. Amount. Provided, That the amount appropriated therefrom shall not exceed the sum of five thousand dollars. SEC. 2. This Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved April 3, 1854. AN ACT To amend chapter six of an Act entitled "An Act to consolidate and amend the Act to incorporate the City of Milwaukee, and the several Acts amendatory thereof," approved February 20, 1852.'The People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows Boundaries. SECTION 1. The owner or owners of that tract of land lying in the second ward of the City of Milwaukee, bounded and described as follows:-Beginning at a point thirty-three (33) feet east of the south-west corner of the east half of the north-west quarter of section twenty (20), town seven (7), north of range twenty-two (22) east; thence north, in a direct line, one thousand twenty-one 1-100 feet, to the point 157 of intersection with the southerly line of the Milwaukee and Fond du Lac Plank Road; thence south-easterly six hundred forty 8-10 feet, along said line of said plank road, to a point; thence south, in a direct line, five hundred ninety-six 5-10 feet, to the point of intersection with the south line of said quarter section; thence west, along said south line, four hundred sixty-two feet, to the place of beginning-and his or their heirs and assigns, are hereby authorized to lay out and enclose, within the same, such part thereof as he or they shall deem proper, as a private park and pleasure grounds, or garden for private use. SEC. 2. The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee Council cannot open st. shall have no power to lay out, or open, and are hereby prohibited from laying out, or opening, any highway,- street, alley, lane, or public grounds, in, through, or upon the said tract of land, described in the preceding section, without the consent, in writing, of all the owners thereof, first had and obtained, anything contained in the act to which this is amendatory, to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided, Proviso. however, That the laying out of said private park and pleasure grounds, or garden, shall be coimmenced within one year from the date of the passage of this act, and the same shall be enclosed and improved, for the purposes herein mentioned, within five years from said date; otherwise, the privileges and immunities, hereby granted, shall be void, and the Common Council of said city shall -have and possess the like power over said tract of land, as heretofore. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, January 24, 1854. AN ACT To authorize the. City of Milwaukee to convey lot three, in block twentyeight,.in the Second Ward, to George Abert. The People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The City of Milwaukee is hereby authorized to convey to George Abert, lot number three, in block number twenty-eight, in the second ward of said city. SEC. 2. The deed of conveyance of said lot shall be executed in the name of the City of Milwaukee, sealed with its corporate seal, and signed by the Mayor, and countersigned by the Comptroller of said city. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved, January 28,1854. AN ACT To incorporate the Second Ward Cemetery Association in the City of Milwaukee. The People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Body corpo- SECTION 1. William Ferdinand Otto, Joachim F. Luck, rate. Charles E. Jenkins, David Knab, Benjamin Church, William Reinhard, Jacob Oberman, and their associates, successors and assigns, are hereby constituted and declared to be a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of "The Second Ward Cemetery Association," and as such, shall have all the rights, powers, privileges and immunities, conferred on cemetery associations by chapter forty-eight of the Revised Statutes. 159 SEc. 2. All the property, real and personal, now held by Property held. the Second Ward Cemetery Association, as heretofore organized, shall become vested in, and shall belong to the said association hereby incorporated, and the said association shall succeed to and hold the title to lot six of the subdivision iof the south-west quarter of section nineteen, in township seven north, and range twenty-two east, which was conveyed to the Second Ward Cemetery Association by William Ferdinand Otto, and Caroline, his wife, by deed bearing date December 31, 1850; subject, however, to the mortgage thereon, for the purchase money, executed by the said association to the said Otto. SEC. 3. The affairs and property of said association shall Officers of -p~~~~~~ ^ " ~association. be managed and conducted by a Board of three Trustees, a majority of whom shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and shall have all the powers conferred upon trustees of cemetery associations by said chapter fortyeight of the Revised Statutes. They shall be elected annually, by the members of the association, and shall hold their office for one year, and until their successors be elected. They shall appoint one of their number President, and shall have power to elect a Secretary and Treasurer. SEC. 4. The annual meeting of the association shall be Annual,.- " meeting. held on the first Monday in February in each year, at such hour and place as the Board of Trustees may direct, in conformity with the by-laws. William Ferdinand Otto, Joachim F. Luck, and Benjamin Church, are hereby constituted trustees of the association, and shall hold their offices until the annual election in 1855, and until their successors shall be chosen. SEC. 5. The said association may take, by purchase, gift May hold real and peror otherwise, and hold such real and personal estate within sonal property. the County of Milwaukee, as other cemetery associations may take and hold under the provisions of section seven of said chapter forty-eight of the Revised Statutes. 160 SEC. 6. All persons who are, or hereafter shall be, owners of any lot or lots laid out for burial purposes in any land belonging to the said association, shall be members thereof. SEC. 7. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved, February 3, 1854. AN ACT To vacate the plat of a certain block in the City of Milwaukee, therein named, and to authorize the owner thereof to re-plat the same. The People of the State of.Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Block vaca- SECTION 1. The plat of block number one hundred and ted. sixty-one (161), in the second ward of the City of Milwaukee, heretofore made, by which said block is laid out into lots and alleys, is hereby vacated and set aside. May re-plat SEC. 2. The owner or owners of all the lots insaid block the same. number one hundred and sixty-one (161), is, and are hereby authorized and empowered to re-plat said block, and lay the same out in such form as, in the judgment of such owner or owners, shall be most advantageous and mostconvenient for the public, and to cause a map thereof to be made, showing particularly how and in what manner the said block shall have been re-platted and laid out, the size and number of the lots, and the course and width of the alley or alleys through the same, which map shall be certified and authenticated according to law; and shall, in addition, have annexed to, or endorsed thereon, a certificate of the owner or owners of all the lots in said block, as now laid out, that such owner or owners approve of and assent to such new platting and laying out of said block, which certificate shall be duly acknowledged, and shall be filed and recorded, together with 161 such map, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Milwaukee County. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved, February 14, 1854. AN ACT To authorize the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee to levy a Tax for Ward purposes in the City of Milwaukee. The People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee may, at the time of levying other city taxes for the year 1854, increase the amount to be raised for ward purposes; such increased amount shall not exceed eight mills on the dollar upon all the taxable property of said ward; such tax to be collected at the same time and in the same manner that other city taxes are collected. SEC. 2. This act shall be in force from and after its passage. Approved, February 16, 1854. AN ACT To authorize the Board of Supervisors of the County of Milwaukee to issue Bonds for the purpose therein named. The People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The Board of Supervisors of the county of M/ayissue Milwaukee, is hereby authorized and empowered to issue bonds of said county to an amount not exceeding one hindred thousand dollars, bearing interest not to exceed seven 162 per cent. per annum, and for a time notless than ten nor more than twenty years; to raise money to be expended as hereinafterdescribed, [in the purchase of grounds, and the construction of county buildings for said county,] and provide for the payment of interest on the amount of bonds issued. General SEC. 2. The bonds issued under and by virtue of this act, powers of Supervisors. shall be signed by the Chairman and countersigned by the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, under the corporate seal of said county, and shall be in sums of not less than five hundred dollars each, with interest, payable annually, on the first day of May, in each year, at such place as said Board of Supervisors may determine. SEC. 3. The Board of Supervisors of said county, may, at their annual, or at any special meeting called for that purpose, direct, by resolution, their Chairman to sign, andtheir Clerk to countersign, the whole amount of bonds authorized to be issued by this act, or such a part thereof as the Board may determine; and it shall be the duty of the County Treasurer to negotiate the bonds so directed to be issued, and to place the proceeds thereof in the treasury of said county; but before such Treasurer shall receive said bonds, or be entrusted with them for negotiation, he shall execute his bond to said county, with good and sufficient securities in the penal sum of double the amount of county bonds so to be entrusted to him at any one time; conditioned for the faithful performance of his duty, and a strict accountability for all money received by him from the sale of said county bonds, and the prompt payment of the same into the treasury of said county, which bond shall be approved by said Board of Supervisors and filed in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, and said Board of Supervisors shall fix, by resolution, the compensation of such Treasurer: Provided, however, he shall not receive, including all expenses, to exceed one per cent. on the amount of county bonds negotiated by him. 163 SEC. 4. Whenever the Board of Supervisorts of said county shall determine to issue bonds authorized by this act, they may require the Treasurer of said county to give such additional security, as such Treasurer, as they may deem proper, which additional security shall be given and approved in the same manner as provided for in section 103 and 104 of Chapter 10 of the Revised Statutes; and in case said County Treasurer shall refuse or neglect to give such additional security for the space of twenty days after being duly notified in writing of such requirement by the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, then such refusal or neglect shall be deemed a resignation of his office, and thereupuJa the Board of Supervisors may fill the vacancy in said office as provided in section 106 of Chapter 10 of the Revised Statutes; and it shall not be lawful for said County Treasurer to pay out or expend in any way the money raised by the county from the sale of said county bonds, except in the manner, and for the purposes described in this act, nor shall the fund thus raised be subject in any way to the payment of any claim against the Cointy of Milwaukee, except as herein prescribed; and said County Board of Supervisors shall fix, by resolution, the compensation of said County Treasurer for receiving and disbursing the money raised under the provisions of this act: Provided, however, said County Treasurer shall not be entitled to, nor shall he receive to exceed one half of one per cent. on the amount of money placed in the treasury of said county by the provisions of this act, and disbursed by him in the manner herein provided. SEC. 5. The Board of Supervisors, at a meeting called Commissioners. for that purpose, shall elect, viva voce, three Commissioners of county buildings, with powers and duties as named in the several sections of this act, who shall hold their office for the term of three years from the first day of April, in the year 1854, unless the-county buildings herein referred to, shall be completed before that time, in which case their office 164 shall cease with the completion of said buildings: Provided, however, that no member of said Board of Supervisors, nor the Clerk thereof, shall be eligible to the office of commissioner, or contractor under the provisions of this act, and provided, further, that said Board of Supervisors shall have power to remove such commissioners, or any of them, for cause; but before said commissioners shall enter upon the duties of their office, or be qualified to act, they shall each execute a separate bond to said county, with good and sufficient sureties, inr the penal sum of twenty thousand dollars, conditioned that they will faithfully, honestly and promptly discharge all their duties, collectively and severally, as such commissioners, under the provisions of this act, and that they will render to the Board of Supervisors of said county, full, true and accurate accounts of all their acts and doings as such commissioners, at any time when required by said Board of Supervisors, and filed in the office of the Clerk of said Board. Compensa- SEC. 6. At the time of electing said commissioners, said tion.' Board of Supervisors shall designate one of these as chairman of said commissioners, and the other two as associates, and shall fix the compensation of each: Provided, however, that said compensation shall not exceed the sum of two dollars per day for each of the associate commissioners, and three dollars per day for the chairman, and no allowance shall be made to said commissioners, or either of them, except for the actual time they, or either of them, shall be employed as herein described; and their accounts for services, when rendered to the Board of Supervisors, shall specify the number of days employed, and before being allowed by said Board of Supervisors, shall be verified by the affidavit of the commissioners in whose favor the account may be. Powers of SEC. 7. The said commissioners, or a majority of them, 0ommissionCers.' shall enter into and sign all contracts in their official name in'behalf of the county for said'buildings, and shall audit 165 all claims against the county for work done or materials furnished for said buildings; and all such contracts or adjustment of claims shall be binding on the county: Provided, however, such liability shall not exceed the amount hereby authorized to be raised by the issue of said county bonds, and shall alone be payable out of the funds so raised; and when any contract shall have been entered intoby said commissioners, such contract shall be filed in the office of the Clerk of said Board of Supervisors, and shall be open to the inspection of all parties interested; and when an account shall have been audited by said commissioners, the chairman shall draw his check on the County Treasurer for the amount, payable to the order of the individual in whose favor the account may be, and it shall be the duty of the County Treasurer to pay the same, on presentation at his office, from the fund raised under the provisions of this act, and from no other. SEC. 8. The commissioners shall keep a record of all their acts and doings, which records shall be open to the inspection of all parties interested, and they shall not be interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract in which the county is a party; and in case of a violation of any of the provisions of this section by said commissioners, or either of them, the commissioner or commissioners so offending, shall forfeit his or their office, and all compensation for services rendered, and all contracts entered into in violation of this section, shall be null and void. SEC. 9. It shall be the duty of the commissioners to cause plans, with estimates of the cost of such buildings, constructed of brick or stone, or part brick and part stone, on each separate plan, to be made, and to recommend, in writing, to the Board of Supervisors, at any annual or special meeting, that plan, and the materials which they may regard most advantageous to the county. K' 166 Site of build-'SEC. 10. The said Board of Supervisors, at a meeting ing, &c. called for that purpose, shall designate the site for said county buildings, and shall adopt a plan of the same, and designate the materials of which said buildings shall be constructed, and the commissioners shall cause such plan, with full specifications of the work, to be made and filed in the office of -,'- ft Ic.... c*Jarti t, t Ihi e 2y-o r) t, 7 f t " 4 app,t. tw- 5nty-seven 2t~ 27 ft.. }g gdeln st. fourt een ft. 4 ift.. Norah W ateer st. six ft, 6 ft tLWA U EE STREE Milwaukee At the middlJe of WV sconsin s. thirty-four ft, 134 ftst At a poit,'240 ft.'rth of the north side of Wisc' onsin a,.41 50100 ft, 41 50-100 ft o ~Q ii:1. 262 At the middle of Mason st. forty-one 50-100 ft. 41 50-100 ft. " Oneida st. forty-one 50-100 ft. 4150-100 ft. "e " Biddle st. forty-one 50-100 ft. 41 50-100 ft. " " Martin st. forty-three 50-100 ft. 43 50-100 ft. "' " Johnson st. forty-eight ft. 48 ft. " " Division st. fifty-three ft. 53 ft. " " Knapp st. fifty-nine ft. 59 ft. At a point half way between Knapp and Ogden sts. fifty-eight ft. 58 ft. At the middle of Ogden st. fifty ft. 50 ft. " " Lyon st. seventeen ft. 17 ft. C' " North Water st. six ft. 6 ft. Jefferson st. JEFFERSON STREET. At the middle of Wisconsin st. thirty-eight ft. 88 ft. ~" " Mason st. forty-seven 50-100 ft. 47 50-100 ft.'" ~ Oneida st. fiftyft. 50 ft. ~ " " Biddle st. fifty-one 50-100 ft. 51 50-100 ft. ~" " Martin st. fifty-two 5Q-100 ft. 52 50-100 ft. Division st. fifty-seven 50-100 ft. 57 50-100 ft. " " Knapp st. sixty-seven 50-100 ft. 67 50-100 ft. At a point half way between Knapp and Ogden sts. sixty-seven 50-100 ft. 67 50-100 ft. At the middle of Ogden st. sixty-four 50-100 ft. 64 50-100 ft. At a point half way between Ogden and Lyon sts. fifty-eight ft. 5:8 ft. At the middle of Lyon st. forty-six ft. 46 ft. At a point half way between Lyon and Pleasant sts. thirty-one 50-100 ft. 31 50-100 ft. At the middle of Pleasant st. twenty-two ft. 22 ft. Jackson st. JACKSON STREET. At the middle of Wisconsin st. forty-two ft. 42 ft. " Mason st. fifty-one ft. 51 ft. " " Oneida st. fifty-three ft. 53 ft. "' " Biddle st. fifty-seven 50-100 ft. 57 50-100 ft. 263 At the middle of Martin st. sixty-one ft. 61 ft. " " Division st. sixty-two ft. 62 ft.' " Knapp st. sixty-seven ft. 67 ft. " " Ogden st. sixty-six ft. 66 ft. " " Lyon st. fifty-six ft. 56 ft. At a point half way between Lyon and Pleasant sts. 50 50-100 ft. 50 50-100 ft. At the middle of Pleasant st. forty ft. 40 ft. VAN BUREN STREET. Van Buren At the middle of Wisconsin st. thirty-six ft. 36 ft. street.." " Mason st. forty-nine ft. 49 ft. " Oneida st. fifty-six ft. 56 ft.' Biddle st. sixty-three ft. 63 ft. " -" Martin st. seventy 50-100 ft. 70 50-100 ft. At a point 300 ft. north of the north side of Martin st. 78 ft. 78 ft. At the middle of Division st. eighty ft. 80 ft. a' " Knapp st. eighty ft. 80 ft. " " Ogden st. sixty-eight ft. 68 ft. " " OLyen st. sixty-eight ft. 68 ft. " " Pleasant st. fifty-one 50-100 ft. 51 50-100 ft. CASS STREET. Cass st. At the middle of Wisconsin st. thirty-two ft. 32 ft. -"' Mason st. forty-seven ft. 47 ft. c" " Oneida st. sixty ft. 60 ft. " " Biddle st. sixty-six ft. 66 ft. " " Martin st. seventy-seven 50-100 ft.77 50-100 ft. At a point 300 ft. north of north side of Martin st. eighty-six 50-100 ft. 86 50-100 ft. At the middle of Division st. eighty-nine ft. 89 ft. " " Knapp st. eighty-two 50-100 ft. 82 50-100 ft. At a point half way between Knapp and Ogden sts. seventy-nine ft. 79 ft. At the middle of Ogden st. seventy-nine ft. 79 ft. 264 At the mriidle of Lyon s. -s -eigh. 68si -ig ft t,. " Pleasant st. s'xty-three ft. 63 ft. At a poInt' alf Itway between Ogden and:Lyorn ss, seventy-nine f. 79 ft. Marshall st.. MARSHALLSE ET.,At the m(iddIe of WVis'onsin st.twents-eight ft. l8 fto ii asosn st. forty-i;e ftl. 45 ft.. Oneida si. sixty-four ft. 64 fft.... Bidlovie:t.. sixty-eight:ft. 68 ft. At a p in:t caf v7ay between Biddle. and M ar-,in sis. seventy-two ft. 72 ft. At the m'iddle of Msartin st. eighty-one ft. 81 ft. At a point 300 ft. north, of the north side of )artin s t ninety-two ft. 92 ft. At the nmidr le of Division st. ninety-six ft. 96 ft,.. ^,-app s t. ninety ft. 90 ft.. "' 0gden. st. eighty-four ft. 84 ft. L yon st. seventy ft.. 70 ft. " i Pleasants, sa ixty-six 50-100 ft. 66 50-100 ft. Astor st. A STOR SREET..At the i'"ile-of Oneidta street, sixty-one -01 0 ft. 61 50-100 ft At a poi — half w;a:'y beh-e een Oneida and Bid-dIe st.. sixty-seven-50 100 ft.: 67 501100' ft At the micddle of i dcle's seventy ft. 70 ft. At a poi nt; alf way abertween Biddle and Martnin;^s. seventy -fur ft. 74 ft. At the middle of Martin st. eighbty-one ft. 81 ft. At a point 300'ft. north of the north side of' aiatin st. eighty-nine ft. 89 ft. At the middle of lviasion st. niie'ty-four ft. 94 ft. At a point half iwray between Division a an Knapp sis.'ninety-two ft. 92 ft. At the middllle of Knapp so, eighlty-eight 50C,0 ft 88 50-100 -f: 265 At themiddle of Ogden st. eighty-four ft. 84 ft. " Lvon o st seventy-five:O -I(" ft. 75. 50-18O0 ft. Pleasant st. seventy ft. 70 ft, AN UNNA3MED, STEET BETWEEN AST':O, AiD LtAK2 STRE-PJrTS. Unnamed st. At the middle of 2M artin st. ~eighaliy-oeL ft 81 f t.".; Divi s- on st. ninety-o-ne ft. 91 ft. LAKE STRrE ae st. At the middle of'Visconsin. st. twen-ty-s;e.: ft. 2071 ft. ason st. forty four ft 4 4 ft ""' OQneida st. sixty-one ft- 61 ft... s Biddile st. sixty-nine 50- 10 9 a0'-1'0'0 ft. "'' 6 iMartint st. seve nty-nine ft 79 ft. Division st. eighty-si:x 50-t 0C ft:, 86 50-100 ft: PROSPE C T S T"PE:E PROSPECT...STREET:. P)ospect st. At the middle of Division St.'ights-eiglt; 50.-.100 t 83 501-100l ft. At a point 560 ft. north of the.middle f D -ision st. IS 50-100 ft. 8 5:'-lOO I t. At a point 925 ft. north of the middlie of D ivisio: st. ninety'-one 50-1 00 ft 91: 50- 00 f OO G G 11708 ft. ino0th.of t'he midcdle of Divis'on st. sixty-eight ft, 6 ft... 1 410 "'td.' d " do. 69 fti "'17: 70 ft. do: d: 7T ft. C't 2500 ft:. d1o do 7 5 0-100 ft. 66 9 2940 ft, do' do. S 50-00f At the ialf section line, se enitv:-' t-eeft. 78 ft. SEC. 2. The grade or elevatio of t-he siewailK: o: tie G. adc of'' idewalks. sides of tie st:eets named in' the fU a.t.ection of i od di)ance, shall conform, as far as. pr act.caile to t' e grades of streets running parallel with. the s-ame, and the grade of alJ.ey.,,^ running through the bloci;s )bouded y 1 said streets,.asall, in all cases, conforn to. the gtade of. the esplective,tgrets in whicl such alleys may'ate 266 SEC. 3. All ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed, 24th February, 1853. AN ORDINANCE Permanently to establish the grade of a part of North Water street, in the First Ward. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of zilwaukee, do ordain as follows: Establishing SECTION 1. The grade or height of North Water street, grade of North Water in the first ward of the City of Milwaukee, at the points street in I1st ward. hereinafter mentioned, is hereby fixed and permanently established, as follows: the heights or elevations to be above the base, which has been generally adopted in grading streets, which base was the level of the Milwaukee river, as it was in the month of March, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six: At the middle of Pleasant st. eight ft. 8 ft. At a point 685 ft. north of the north side of Pleasant st. twelve ft. 12 ft. At the south side of Brady st. twenty-nine ft. 29 ft. At the middle of Henry st. thirty-five ft. 35 ft. At the center of Persons st. thirty-seven ft. 37 ft. At the intersection of Hunter and Hamilton sts. thirty-five ft. 35 ft. At the center of Berry st. twenty-eight ft. 28 ft. " " H& Kenzie st. twenty-three ft. 23 ft. At the east end of the Milwaukee and Humboldt Plank Road Company's bridge across Milwaukee river, seven 50-100 ft. 7 50-100 ft. Sec. 2. The grades or elevation of side-walks on each side of North Water street, within the limits above men 267 tioned, and the grade of all Alleys running into said street, shall conform to the grade above mentioned, as nearly as practicable. SEC. 3. All Ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Passed, March 3, 1853. AN ORDINANCE Permanently establishing the grade in certain streets, therein described, in the Third Ward of the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain asfollows SECTION 1. The grade or elevations of the several streets Establishing the grade of hereinafter mentioned, in the third ward of the City of Mil- certai sts., in 3d ward. waukee, is hereby determined and permanently established, as follows: assuming as a base, the level of the Milwaukee river as it was in March, (1836) one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, which base is determined by a stone monument set in the center of the intersections of East WVater and Wisconsin streets, and marks eleven and one half feet above the aforesaid level of the river. WISCONSIN STREET.isco At the middle of East Water st. twelve ft. 12 ft. " "; Main st. twenty-five ft. 25 ft. " " JMilwaukee st. thirty-four ft. 34 ft.." " Jefferson st. thirty-eight ft. 38 ft. ". Jackson st. forty ft. 40 ft.... Van Buren st. thirty-six ft. 36 ft.'" " Cass st. thirty-two ft. 32 ft. " " Marshal st. twenty-eight ft. 28 ft. " " Lake st. twenty-seven ft. 27 ft. 268' MICHIGAi, STPR.1ET. Michigan sto At lthe mliddie'of East Water st. nine 50-100 ft, 9 50-100 ft. G6 " Main st. fourteen ft. 14 ft.:" "' Milwaukee st. sixteen ft. 16 ft. G6 " 6Jefferson st. eiglteienf, f 18 ft. "s "G Jackson st, twentv ft. 20 ft. C" "6 Van Buren st. eighteen ft, 18 ft. "G 6" Cass st. sixteen.ft. 16 ft. G" G6 Lake st. fourteen 50-10' ft, 14 50-100 ft. Huon HUiaOT STREET. At: the middle of East Water ft. 7 ft. G' " Main st.-eight ft, 8 ft.;6'- Milwaukee st. nine ft, 9 ft. GG s'6 Jeffers on st. ten ft. 10 ft. G;' Jackson st. nine ft. 9 ft. " "' Van iBureln st. eig'ht ft. 8 ft. ":''~ C ass st. seven ft. 7 ft.'ii' — Beach'st. six 50-:100 ft. 6 50-100' ft Detroit st. DETROIT STrEE T, At the middle of East Water;st,. six 6 ft. ft. ":' iAMain st. seven ft. 7 ft. -;:- ^ M ilwaukee st eight ft:. 8 ft. Jefferson st. iiine fti 9 ft..'. Jackson st. eiglt ft. 8 ft.. 6"'". Van Bulren st. seve ft. 7 ft. 6G: Beach st. six ft. 6 ft. BUFFALO' STREET, Bufalto st At the middle of East Wa;ter- st. five ft. 5 ft. 6 ~'':Maain st. six ft. 6 ft. ~ 6 t' Milwaukee st. sevenr ft. 7 ft.. Jeffeersonl st, eight ft. 8 ft. <" t" JJackson st.; seven-i ft: f t. ~ Beach st. fhive eOK10 ft. 5 0-100' ft. 269 CIIICAGO STRET. Chicao st. At the middle of East VWater st. five ft. 5 ft. " " Main st. Six ft. 6 ft,. MAilwaukee st. seven ft 7 ft. " " Jefferson st. seven ft. 7 ft.' " %cJackson st. six ft. 6 ft, " " Beach st. five ft. 5 ft. I.+EN0YlOMONERE STB EAST. Menomnonee At the middle of Erie st. five ft.. 5 ft. steet..". Main st. five ft. 5 ft.." " Milwaukee st.-six ft. 6 ft. " C" jJefferson st. seven ft. 7 " " Jackson st. six ft 6 ft. JUNEAU sj; - ET, ~- ~ ~3Juneau st. At the middle of Erie st. five It, 5 ft. cc" " ilwaukee st. ive ft. 5 ft.' Jefferson st. six ft, 6 ft.' Jackson st. six ft 6 ft. "' " Beach st. five ft. 5 ft. POLK STRE T,p -PCollk st. At the middle of Erie st. five fi 5 ft. "' " Jefferson st. five ft. 5 ft " " Jackson st. six ft. 6 ft, " Beach st. five ft, 5 ft. OREGON ISTRE-'ET 0 S. ORgi ~~CrO0:,e! ~TR. Oregon st. At the Middle of Erie st. five ft 5 ft, " ";; _ Jackson st.'five ft. 5 ft. "''' Beach st. five ft. 5 t. EAST WATER ST2REIT, A. Bast Water At the middle of Erie st. five ft. ft. steet.'" " Chicago st. five ft. 5 ft. " Buffalo st. five ft: 5 ft. t Detroit: st ix ft. 6 ft. 270 At the middle of Huron st. seven ft. 7 ft.. 3" ]Michigan st. nine 50-100 ft. 9 50-100 " " Wisconsin st. twelve ft. 12 ft. MMAIN STREET. Main st. At the middle of Erie st. five ft. 5 ft.." " Menomonee st. five ft. 5 ft. " " Chicago st. six ft. 6 ft. " Buffalo st. six ft. 6 ft. " " Detroit st. seven ft. 7 ft. " Huron st. eight ft. 8 ft. " " NMichigan st. fourteen ft. 14 ft. " " Wisconsin st. twenty-five ft. 25 ft. Milwaukee MILWAUKEE STREET. street. At the middle of Erie st. five ft. 5 ft. " " Juneau st. five ft. 5 ft. " "e Menomonee st. six ft. 6 ft. CC I Chicago st. seven ft. 7 ft. " " iLBuffalo st. seven ft. 7 ft.... Detroit st. eight ft. 8 ft.' " Huron st. nine ft. 9 ft. ('' Michigan st. sixteen ft. 16 ft. (" "eS^ Wisconsin st. thirty-four ft. 34 ft. JEFFERSON STREET. Jefferson st. At the middle of Erie st. five ft. 5 ft. - " " Polk st. five ft. 5 ft. " " Juneau st. six ft. 6 ft. " " Menomonee st. seven ft. 7 ft. " " Chicago st. seven ft. 7 ft. ^" " Buffalo st. eight ft. 8 ft. ". Detroit st. nine ft. 9 ft. "' Huron st. ten ft. 10 ft... Michigan st. eighteen ft. 18 ft. v" " Wisconsin st. thirty-eight ft. 38 ft. 271 JACKSON STREET. Jackson st. At the middle of Erie st. five ft. 5 ft. " " Oregon st. five ft. 5 ft. Polk st. six ft. 6 ft. " " Juneau st. six ft. 6 ft. " " Menomonee st. six ft. 6 ft. Chicago st. six ft. 6 ft. " Buffalo st. seven ft. 7 ft. " " Detroit st. eight ft. 8 ft. " " A Huron st. nine ft. 9 ft. K" c Michigan st. twenty ft. 20 ft. " " Wisconsin st. forty ft. 40 ft. VAN BUREN STREET. Van Buren At the middle of Detroit st. seven ft. 7 ft. street. " " Huron st. eight ft. 8 ft. I" "' Michigan st. eighteen ft. 18 ft.....t Wisconsin st. thirty-six ft. 36 ft. PIER STREET. Pie t. At the middle of Erie st. five ft. 5 ft. " " Beach st. five ft. 5 ft. CENTER STREET, Center st. And all streets south of it, in the third ward, to be five ft. 5 ft. ERIE STREET. rie t At the middle of Center st. five ft. 5 ft. " " Pier st. five ft. 5 ft. " i" Jackson st. five ft. 5 ft. " " Oregon st. five ft. 5 ft. " " Jefferson st. five ft. 5 ft. " " Polk st. five ft. 5 ft. " " Milwaukee st. five ft. 5 ft. " " Juneau st. five ft. 5 ft. " Main st. five ft. 5 ft. " " Menomonee st. five ft. 5 ft. " " East Water st. five ft. 5 ft. 272 CASS STREMiT. as's:r.: At the middle of Huron st. seven ft 7 f. C";" Michigan st. sixteen:ft. 16 ft. Wisconsin st. thirty-two ft, 32 ft. Beach st. BEACH STR EE1T. At the middle of Pier st. fi-e ft. 5 ft.' G Oregon st. five ft; 5 ft. C Polk st. five ft, 5 ft. u6'C Juneau st. five ft. 5 ft. "e "': Chicago st. five ft. 5 ft. Buffalo st. fikev50- 800 ft. 5 50-100 ft. Detroit st. six ft. 6 ft. " ",-Michigan:st:. six 50-100:.ft. 6 50-100 ft. Lake st. LAKE i ST RET. At the middle of Huron st. folurteea 50-100 ft:. 14 50-100l' ft.....'i Wisconsin st-' tIwety-sevenit. 27 ft. SEc. 2. The grade ortelevation of the'sidewalks on the streets named in the first section-' of this ordinance, shall conform, so'far as practicable, to the grade of f the' seW Selstreets running parallel with the same; ah:tl'e grade of alleys running through blocks bouhnde-d by said streets, shall, in all cases, confori'm to the'grads of the rspectrve p streti which such alleys may terminate. SEC. 3. All ordinance'' toitravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed,, March 3d, 1863. A N O R DN- A.Nv DE Permanently to establish the grade of certain street h i!'the hFourth WIard of the City of Milwaukee. The Mayprozand Common Council q_/ f.e C'()yof Wilwaukee, do ordain. asfollows. Establishing SECTION -.i The grade,r.eLevatiorlo:' te:several streets, grades of ther.ity cert herein sts., inafter.i e ntioned, situated: in: the: foIrthtiward of the C ity in 4th ward. I ~i-"~L""i - 273 of Milwaukee is hereby fixecd and permanently estaSlished, as follows:.the height r eleTvation to be above the base, which has been generally adopted in grading streets, which base was the level of Milwaukee river as, it was in the month of March, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six, (1836) these heights-or elevations are obtained by using the water table of the Congregational Church,.on Spring street, as a bench, which is even 68-100 feet above the water in the 3Milwaukee river, at the time above referred: MBNiOMONBBE-STEBBT. ~MENOMONgE.. ST. T/ETo-ST MIenomonee At the middle;of W ater st. five ft.. street... i- Second st. five ft. 5 ft.' Third st. five ft.. ft....i Fourth(st. five ft, 5 ft. e.; FFifth -st.five ft. 5 ft.;";" iSev.r nth st. five ft. 5 t..i.. Eighth st. five ft. 5 ft.. 66 TNinth st. five ft. 5 ft FO'WLER STREET. Fowler st At the middle of Water st. five ft, 5 ft..... Second st. six ft.. 15 ft *' Third st. seen, ft. 7 ft..., Fourth st. eightft. 8 ft.;':. Fifth st. te ft. 10 ft. 4' - Sixth st. ten t, 10 ft. -.IINMAN SmTREE T. HinHlan st At the middle of Sixth st. ten ft. 10 ft.... Seventh st. eight ft. 8 f....." Eighth st. six ft. 6 ft... -TNi nth st. six ft, 6 ft. -IILL STBEET. Hill st. At the middle of Clybourn st. twenty-seven 5100 ft. 7 26-100 ft. "(' Sixth -st. thirty-eight ft. 38 ft. 274 At the middle of Seventh st. thirty-one ft. 31 ft.... A Eighth st. thirty-three ft. 33 ft. Clybourn st. CLYBOURN STREET. At the middle of Water st. five ft. 5 ft. " " Second st. six ft. 6 ft.... Third st. seven ft. 7 ft. t "t:!Fourth st. eight ft. 8 ft. "c " Fifth st. fourteen ft. 14 ft.... Sixth st. forty ft. 40 ft. c" " Seventh st. forty-two ft. 42 ft. At the alley between Seventh and Eighth sts. forty-three ft. 43 ft. At the middle of Eighth st. forty-two ft. 42 ft. Ata point on a line with the west of Blocks eighty-one and one hundred and thirty-two, thirty-two ft. 32 ft. Sycamore st. SYCAMORE STREET. At the middle of Water st. five ft. 5 ft. " Second st. six ft. 6 ft... Third st. seven ft. 7 ft.' " Fourth st. nine ft. 9 ft. " Fifth st. seventeen ft. 17 ft. "' " Sixth st. forty-four ft. 44 ft. ~' " Seventh st. forty-five ft. 45 ft. " " Eighth st. fifty-eight ft. 58 ft. At the termination of said st. fifty-eight ft. 58 ft. S~pring ast. SPRING STREET. At the middle of Water st. five ft. 5 ft. " Second st. six 50-100 ft. 6 50-100 ft..." Third st. eight ft. 8 ft.'" " Fourth st. ten ft. 10 ft.' (" Fifth st. twenty ft. 20 ft. "' " Sixth st. thirty-one ft. 31 ft. " Seventh st. N. side, forty-one ft. 41 ft. 275 At the middle of Seventh st. S. side, forty-one 50-100 ft. 41 50-100 ft, At a point on a line parallel with the east line of Eighth st., south of Spring, fifty-three ft. 53 ft. At the middle of Ninth st. fifty-five ft 55 ft.." " Tenth street fifty-seven ft. 57 ft. At the section line between sec. 29 & 30 sixtyone 50-100 ft. 61 50-100 ft. Wells st. WELLS STREET. At the middle of Water st. five ft. 5 ft. " Second st. five 50-100 ft. 5 50-100 ft. " Third st. six 50-100 ft. 6 50-100 ft. " " Fourth st. seven 50-100 ft. 7 50-100 ft. " Fifth st. nine ft. 9 ft.' ~" Sixth st. eleven ft. 11 ft...." Seyenth st. fifteen ft. 15 ft.. Eighth st. thirty ft. 30 ft. Ninth st. fifty-six 50-100 ft. 56 50-100 ft. " " Tenth st. sixty-four ft. 64 ft. CEDAR STREET. Cedar st. At the middle of Water st. five ft. 5 ft. c Third st. five 50-100 ft. 5 50-100 ft. ^" " Fourth st. six 50-100 ft. 6 50-100 ft. "~ "I Fifth st. seven 50-100 ft. 7 50-100 ft. " " Sixth st. nine ft. 9 ft... " Seventh st. thirteen ft. 13 ft.... Eighth st. twenty-five ft. 25 ft. (" "( Ninth st. fifty-eight ft. 58 ft..". Tenth st. seventy-two ft. 72 ft. WATER STREETater st. At the middle of Menomonee st. five ft. 5 ft..." Fowler st. five ft. 5 ft. " " Clybourn st. five ft. 5 ft. ^' Sycamore st. five ft. 5 ft, 276 At the middle of Spring st. five ft. 5 ft.': "; Wells st. five ft. 5 ft..$.. Cedar st. five ft. 5 ft. Second st. SECOND STREET. At the middle of Menomonee st. five ft. 5 ft. " " Fowler-st. six ft. 6 ft. -. G. Clybourn st. six ft. 6 ft. ".. Sycamore st. six ft. 6 ft,.." Spring st. six 50-100 ft, 6 50-100 ft. " Wells st. five 50-100 ft. 5 50-100 ft. 4'" Water st. five ft. 5 ft. Thiid st. THIRD STREET. At the middle of Menomonee st. five ft. 5 ft. " "- Fowler st. seven ft. 7 ft.'.. Clybourn st. seven ft. 7 ft.'. C; Sycamore st. seven ft. 7 ft.... $ Spring st. eight ft. 8 ft..'.. Wells st. six 50-100 ft. 6 50-100 ft. i Cedar st. six- 50-100 ft. 6 50-100 ft. FOURTU STREET. Fourth st. At the middle of Menomonee st. five ft. 5 ft....' Fowler st. eight ft. 8 ft. (' "' Clybourn st. eight ft. 8 ft. i" 4 Sycamore st. nine ft. 9 ft. Spring st. ten ft. 10 ft.... Wells st. seven 50-100 ft. 7 50-100 ft..... Cedar st. six 50-100 ft. 6 50-100 ft. Fifth st. FIFTH STREET. At the middle of Menomonee st. five ft. 5 ft.' " Fowler st. ten ft. 10 ft.... Clybourn st. fourteen ft. 14 ft.... Sycamore st. seventeen ft. 17 ft.. " Spring st. twenty ft. 20 ft. " "4 Wells st. nine ft. 9 ft... Cedar st. seven 50-100 ft. 7 50-100 ft. 277 SIXTH STREET. Sixth st. At the middle of Fowler st. ten ft. 10 ft... " Hill st. thirty-eight ft. 38 ft. Clybourn S. st. forty ft. 40 ft..." Sycamore st. forty-four ft. 44 ft. 6.. Spring st. thirty-one ft. 31 ft...' WYells st. eleven ft. l1 ft.... < Cedar st. nine ft. 9 ft. SEVENTH STREET. Seventh st, At the middle of Menomonee st. five ft. 5 ft. " Hinman st. eight ft. 8 ft. 6 Hill st. thirty-one ft. 31 ft. i" 6 (Clybourn st. forty-two ft. 42 ft. " " Sycamore st. fifty-five ft. 55 ft. " Spring st. S. forty-one 50-100 ft. 41 50-100 ft.' " Spring st. N. forty-one ft. 41 ft. " Wells st. fifteen ft. 15 ft. " Cedar st. thirteen ft. 13 ft. EIGHTH STREET. Eighth st. At the middle of Menomonee st. five ft. 5 ft.'" " Hinman st. six ft. 6 ft.'. " Hill st. twenty-three ft. 23 ft. " ".Clybourn st. forty-two ft. 42 ft.... Sycamore st. fifty-eight ft. 58 ft.... Spring st. S. fifty-three ft. 53 ft.... C bSpring st. N. fifty-two ft. 52 ft. 4 Wells st. thirty ft. 30 ft....' (Cedar st. fifty-eight ft. 58 ft. NINTH STREET. Ninth st. At the middle of Menomonee st. five ft. 5 ft.... Hinman st. six ft. 6 ft.... s Spring st. fifty-five ft. 55 ft..... Weells st. fifty-six 50-100 ft. 56 50-100 ft.... Cedar st. fifty-eight ft. 58 ft. Ii 278 Tenth st. TENTH STREET. At the middle of Spring st. fifty-seven ft. 57 ft. " Wells st. sixty-four ft. 64 ft. " Cedar st. seventy-two ft. 72 ft. Spring st. SPRING STREET. At the quarter post in the east line of section 30, sixty-one 50-100ft. 61 50-100 ft. At 300 ft. west of said quarter post, sixty-three 50-100 ft. 63 50-100 ft. At 1700 ft. west of the last-named point, ninety ft. 90 ft. At 900 ft. west of the last-named point, one hundred and twenty-five ft. 125 ft. At 1250 ft. west of the last-named point, one hundred and thirty-three ft. 133 ft. At 1120 ft. west of the last-named point, one hundred and nine ft. 109 ft. The last-named point being at the quarter section post, in the west line of said section, thirty ft. 30 ft. Grade of SEC. 2. The grades or elevation of the side-walks on the side-walks. sides of the streets named in the first section of this ordinance, shall conform, as far as practicable, to the grades of streets running parallel with the same; and the grade of alleys running through the blocks bounded by said streets, shall, in all cases, conform to the grade of the respective streets in which such alleys may terminate. SEc. 3. All ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed, April 14, 1853. AN ORDINANCE Permanently establishing the grade of certain streets in the Fifth Ward of the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Mlilwaukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The grade or elevation of the several streets Establishing grades of hereinafter mentioned, in the fifth ward of the City of Mil- certthi st. waukee, are hereby determined and permanently established, assuming as a base the Milwaukee river, as it was in March, A. D. 1836, which base is determined by the water table of the brick building on lot sixteen, block six, on the corner of South Water and River streets, which is assumed to be five 4-10 feet above said Milwaukee river. WATER STREET. Water st. At the middle of Grove or Marshal st. four ft. 4 ft. ~' " Hanover st. four ft. 4 ft..." Reed or Kent st. four ft. 4 ft.. ".River or Clinton st. four ft. 4 ft. Barclay st. four ft. 4 ft. " " Oregon st. four ft. 4 ft.' " Florida st. four ft. 4 ft... " Virginia st. four ft. 4 ft. " Park st. four ft. 4 ft..." South Division st. four ft. 4 ft. " " Elizabeth st. four ft. 4 ft... " Walker st. four ft. 4 ft. "". Mineral st. four ft. 4 ft. BARCLAY STREET. Barclay st. At the middle of Water st. four ft. 4 ft. " " Lake st. five ft. 5 ft... " Oregon st. five ft. 5 ft. 280 At the middle of Florida st. five ft. 5 ft. 4 ". Virginia st. five ft. 5 ft. X. P" ark st. five ft. 5 ft. " South Division st. five ft. 5 ft...; Elizabeth st. five ft. 5 ft. "' Wvalker st. five ft. 5 ft. lineral st. five ft. 5 ft.... Washington st. five ft. 5 ft..... lMain st. five ft. 5 ft...6 A Madison st. five ft. 5 ft.... dRail Road st. five ft. 5 ft. River or RIVER OR CLINTON STREET. linton st. At the middle of Water st. four ft. 4 ft.... ( Lake st. five ft. 5 ft. 66"' Oregon st. five ft. 5 ft.. " Florida st. five ft. 5 ft...' Virginia st. five ft. 5 ft. APark st. five ft. 5 ft..c c. South Division st. six ft. 6 ft.. Elizabeth st. six ft. 6 ft.... VWalker st. six ft. 6 ft.' " Mineral st. six ft. 6 ft..o.. WVashington st. six ft. 6 ft.'~ " ~Main st. six ft. 6 ft.. ". MIadison st. six ft. 6 ft... " Railroad st. six ft. 6 ft. REED OR KENT STREET. Reed or Kent st. At the middle of Water st. four ft. 4 ft.... AdLake st. five ft. 5 ft... " Oregon st. six ft. 6 ft.... Florida st. six ft. 6 ft. " Virginia st. six ft. 6 ft.... Park st. six ft. 6 ft..C.. South Division st. six ft. 6 ft. 281 At the middle of Elizabeth st. eight ft. 8 ft.... Walker st. nine 72-100 ft. 9 72-100 ft. "( " 3Mineral st. eleven 5-100 ft. 11 5-100 ft. " WTashington st. thirteen 5-100 ft. 13 5-100 ft. " " Main st. fifteen 25-100 ft. 15 25-100 ft. M adison st. seventeen 13-100 ft. 17 13-100 ft... Railroad st. nineteen ft. 19 ft. HANOVER OR DIUANE STREET. At the nort line of ward four ft. 4 ft. Hanover or At the middle of Water st. four ft. 4 ft. Duane st...c Lake st. five ft. 5 ft. 4 " " Oregon st. six ft. 6 ft.... Florida st. twenty ft. 20 ft.' " Virginia st. twenty ft. 20 ft. c' " Park st. twenty ft. 20 ft. " " South Division st. twenty-two ft. 22 ft.... Elizabeth st. twenty-eight ft 28 ft. " " Walker st. twenty-five 4-100 ft. 25 4-100 ft,.". Mineral st. thirteen ft. 13 ft. " " Washington st. fifteen ft. 15 ft.... Main st. twenty-eight 75-100 ft. 28 75-100 ft. " " Madison st. thirty 25-100 ft. 30 25-100 ft.. " Railroad st. thirty-one 75-100 ft. 31 75-100 ft. GREENBUSH OR ABERT STREET. Greenbush or Abert st. At the south side of Oregon street, six ft. 6 ft. At the north side of Florida st. twenty-two ft. 22 ft. Half way to Virginia st. twenty-five ft. 25 ft. At the center of Virginia st. twenty-four ft. 24 ft. " " Park st. twenty-six ft. 26 ft. " " South Division st. twenty-four ft. 24 ft.... Elizabeth st. thirty ft. 30 ft. " TWalker st. twenty-eight ft. 28 ft... " Mineral st. fourteen ft. 14 ft.... Washington st. fifteen ft. 15 ft. 282 At the center of Main st. thirty-two 68-100 ft. 32 68-100 ft. " Madison st. fifty 36-100 ft. 50 36-100 ft. " Railroad st. forty-four 55-100 ft. 44 55-100 ft. Grove or GROVE OR MARSHALL STREET. Marshall st. At the south side of Oregon st. six ft. 6 ft. At the north side of Florida st. twenty-four ft. 24 ft. At the center of Virginia st. twenty-six ft. 26 ft..." Park st. twenty-three 50-100 ft. 23 50-100 ft.... South Division st. twenty-three ft. 23 ft. " Elizabeth st. twenty-two 50-100ft. 22 50-100 ft... ". Walker st. twenty- two ft. 22 ft. " " Mineral st. seventeen 37-100 ft. 17 37-100 ft....." Washington st. twenty-two ft. 22 ft.. Main st. 36 50-100 ft. 36 50-100 ft.. Madison st. fifty-one ft. 51 ft. " Railroad st. fifty-seven 33-100 ft. 57 33-100 ft. West Divi- WEST DIVISION OR CHICAGO STREET. sion or Chicago st. At the south side of Oregon st. six ft. 6 ft. At the north side of Florida st. twenty-four ft. 24 ft. At the center of Virginia st. twenty-eight ft. 28 ft. " " Park st. twenty-three 12-100 ft. 23 12-100 ft..... South Division st. twenty-two 30100 ft. 22 30-100 ft. " " Elizabeth st. twenty-one 48100 ft. 21 48-100 ft... ".Walker st. twenty 66-100 ft. 20 66-100 ft. M" Mineral st. twenty 74-100 ft. 20 74-100 ft. " Aashington st. forty ft. 40 ft..'.IMain st. forty-two ft. 42 ft.. ".Madison st. forty-seven ft. 47 ft. Half way to Railroad st. forty-nine 50-100 ft. 49 50-100 ft. At North side of Railroad st. sixty ft. 60 ft. Lake st. LAKE ST T. At the center of WVater st. four ft. 4 ft. "' Barclay st. five ft. 5 ft. 283 At the center of River or Clinton st. five ft, 5 ft. " " Reed or Kent st. five ft. 5 ft.." " 8Hanover or Duane st. five ft. 5 ft. FLORIDA STREET. Florida st. At the center of Water st. four ft. 4 ft. At the section line, four ft. 4 ft. At the center of Barclay st. five ft. 5 ft. " " River or Clinton st. 5 ft. 5 ft. West side of Reed or Kent st. six ft. 6 ft. " "c Hanover or Duane st. twenty ft. 20 ft. At the center of Greenbush or Abert st. twentytwo ft. 22 ft. " Grove or Marshall st. twenty-four ft. 24 ft. " West Division or Chicago st. twenty-four ft. 24 ft. VIRGINIA STREET. Virginia st, At the center of Water st. four ft. 4 ft. " Main st. four ft. 4 ft. " " Section-line st. five ft. 5 ft. ".. Barclay st. five ft. 5 ft..." " River or Clinton st. five ft. 5 ft. ".' Reed or Kent st. six ft. 6 ft. At the west side of Reed or Kent st. six ft. 6 ft. At the east side of Hanover or Duane st. twenty ft. 20 ft. At the center of Greenbush or Abert st. twenty-four ft. 24 ft..". G1rove or Marshal st. twenty-six ft. 26 ft..." ". West Division or Chicago st. twenty-eight ft. 28 ft. PARK STREET. Park st, At the center of Water st. four ft. 4 ft.." " Barclay st. five ft. 5 ft. 284 At the center of River or Clinton st. six ft. 6 ft. C" " Reed or Kent st. six ft. 6 ft. At the west side of Reed or Kent st. six ft. 6 ft. At the east side of Hanover or Duane sts. twenty ft. 20 ft. At the center of Greenbush or Abert st. twLenty-six ft. 26 ft... " Grove or Marshall st. twventythree 50-100 ft. 23 50-100 ft.... West Division or Chicago st. twenty-three 12-100 ft. 23 12-100 ft. South Divi- SOUTH DIVISION STREET. siOn st. At the center of WTater st. four ft. 4 ft. " " Barclay st. five ft. 5 ft. "C " River or Clinton st. six ft. 6 ft, C ". Reed or Kent st. six ft. 6 ft. At the west side of Reed or Kent st. six ft. 6 ft. At the east side of Hanover or Duane st. twenty-two ft. 22 ft. At the center of Greenbush or Abert st. twenty-four ft. 24 ft. " " Grove or Marshall st. twentythree ft. 23 ft.... West Division or Chicago st. twenty-two ft. 22 ft. Elizabeth st. ELIZABETH STREET, At the center of Water st. four st. 4 ft.... Barclay st. six ft. 6 ft..C 4. River or Clinton st. six ft, S ft.." " Reed or Kent st. seven 86-100 ft. 7 36-100 ft. At the west side of Reed or Kent st. seven 86100 ft. 7 86-100 ft. cc "c Hanover or Duane st. twentyeight ft. 28 ft. 285 At the center of Greenbush or Abert st. thirty ft. 30 ft. "". Grove or Marshall st. twenty-two 50-100 ft. 22 50-100 ft. West Division or Chicago st. twenty-one 48-100 ft. 21 40-100 ft. ]Baulding st. twenty-nine 70-100 ft 9 - ft.9 -100 ft " Sanderson st. fifty-one 40-100 ft. 51 40-100 ft. " Jones st. fifty-eight ft. 58 ft. " Section-line st. fifty-eight ft. 58 ft. WALKER STREET. Walker st. At the center of Water st. four ft. 4 ft. c" " Barclay st. five ft. 5 ft. c" River or Clinton st. six ft. 6 ft... Reed or Kent st. nine 72-100 ft. 9 72-100 ft. At the west side of Reed or Kent st. nine 72100 ft. 9 72-100 ft. At the east side of Hanover or Duane st. twentyfive 40-100 ft. 25 40-100C ft. At the center of Greenbush or Abert st. twenty-eight ft. 28 ft..". GGrove or Marshall st. twentytwo ft. 22 ft.. Wrest Division or Chicago st. twenty ft. 20 ft. MINERAL STREET. Mineralst. At the center of Water st. four ft. 4 ft...." Section-line st. four ft. 4 ft. " " Barclav st. five ft. 5 ft, " River or Clinton st. six ft. 6 ft. c Reed or Kent st, eleven 57-100 ft. 11 57-100 ft.. ".Hanover or Duane st. thirteen ft. 13 ft.... Greenbush or Abert st. sixteen ft. 16 ft, 286 At the center of Grove or Marshall st. seventeen 57-100 ft. 17 57-100 ft.' " " West Division st. twenty 74100 ft. 20 74-100 ft, Washington WASHINGTON STREET. At the center of WVater st. four ft. 4 ft. " " Section-line st. four ft. 4 ft. " ]Barclay st. five ft. 5 ft. Clinton or River st. six ft. 6 ft. " Reed or Kentst. thirteen 42-00 ft. 13 42-100 ft. *' " Hanover or Duane st. fifteen ft. 15 ft. " Greenbush or Abert st. fifteen ft. 15 ft. " Grove or Marshall st. twentytwo ft. 22 ft. West Division st. forty ft. 40 ft. Main st. MIAIN STREET. At the center of Clinton or River st. six ft. 6 ft. " Reed or Kent st. fifteen 27-100 ft. 15 27-100 ft. " Hanover or Duane st. twentyeight 75-100 ft. 28 75-100 ft. Gr' eenbush or Abert st. thirtytwo 68-100 ft. 32 68-100 ft. Grove or Marshall st. thirty-six 50-100 ft. 36 50-100 ft. W Vest Division or Chicago st. forty-two ft. 42 ft. Madison st. 3MADISON STREET. At the center of Clinton or River st. six ft. 6 ft.. " R.eed or Kent st. seventeen 13100 ft. 113-100 ft... " Hanover or Duane st. twenty 25100 ft. 20 25-100 ft..".. Greenbush or Abiert st. thirty 86100 ft. 30 36-100 ft. 287 At the center of Grove or Marshall st. fiftyone ft. 51 ft. " " VWest Division st. forty-seven ft. 47 ft. RAILROAD STREET. Railroad st. At the center of Clinton or River st. six ft. 6 ft. " " Reed or Kent st. nineteen ft. 19 ft. " " Hanover or Duane st. thirty-one 77-100 ft. 31 77-100 ft. ".." Greenbush or Abert st. forty-four 55-100 ft. 44 55-100 ft...." Grove or Marshall st. fifty-seven 33-100 ft. 57 33-100 ft. Half way to West Division or Chicago st. sixty-three 72-100 ft. 63 72-100 ft. At the center of West Division or Chicago st. sixty ft. 60 ft. SEC. 2. The grade or elevation of the side-walks on the Grade of - side-walks. streets named in the first section of this ordinance, shall conform, as far as practicable, to the grades of the several streets running parallel with the same; and the grade of all alleys running through the blocks bounded by said streets, shall, in all cases, conform to the grades of the respective streets in which such alleys may terminate. SEC. 3. All ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed, April 14, 1853. AN O R DINANCE To establish a Dock Line on the west side of Milwaukee River. The Mayor and Coinmmon Council cf t!te City of Milwaukee, do ordain asfollows SECTION 1. That the dock line on the west side of theEstablishing dock line on Milwaukee river, between the line dividing the Fourth and west side of Milwaukee Fifth wvards and the north-east corner of block one hundred.rier. 288 and fifty-eight, in the Fourth ward, Lshall be, and hereby is established, as follows, to wit: commencing at the northeast corner of block one hundred and fifty-eight (158), in the Fourth ward, at a point one hundred and forty-two feet east from Reed street, and running parallel with said street to the line dividing the Fourth and Fifth wards to a point, the same distance from said Reed street. Passed, May 5, 1853. AN OP DINANC E To designate the name of a certain street or highway. The Mayor and Commonz Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follovws Naming a SECTION 1. Hereafter all that part of what is now called certain st. the Port Washington road, which lies within the city limits, and between the south line of section numbered fifteen, in township numbered seven, north of range numbered twentytwo east, and an east and west line drawn through the center of said section, shall be known, called and designated as Michigan avenue. Passed, May 5, 1853. AN ORD INANCE Changing the names of certain streets in the Fifth Ward of the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows. Changing SECTION 1. The names of the several north and south the names of certain sts. streets, running from the north and south lines of the Fifth ward, are hereby so changed that the street known as Water and Barclay shall be known and called Barclay street. The 289 street known as Clinton and River street shall be known and called Clinton street. The street known as Kent and Reed street shall be known and called Reed street. The street known as Hanover and Duane street shall be known and called Hanover street. The street known as Greenbush and Abert street shall be known and called Greenbush street. The street known as Grove and Marshall street shall be known and called Grove street. The street known as West Division and Chicago street shall be known and called Monroe street. SEC. 2. The names of the several east and west streets, running from the east line of the Fifth ward westwardly, are hereby so changed that the street known as South Division street shall be known and called Pierce street. The street known as Washington and Center street shall be known and called Washington street. The street known as Beaubien and Main street shall be known and called Scott street. The street known as Crockett and Madison street shall be known and called Madison street. SEC. 3. All ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed, May 5, 1853. AN OR DINANCE Permanently establishing the grade of a part of Prospect Street. The lMayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows. SECTION 1. The grade or elevation of Prospect street, at Establishing grade of the points hereinafter mentioned, is hereby permanently es- Prospect st tablished, as follows: At a point where Prospect st. intersects the north line of Rogers' addition, seventy-four feet, 74 ft. 290 At a point 423 feet north of the above-mentioned point, eighty-two feet, 82 ft. At a point 200 feet north of the last-mentioned point, eighty-four feet, 84 ft. At a point 150 feet north of said last-mentioned point, eighty-two feet, 82 ft. At a point 486 feet farther north than the lastmentioned point, sixty-six 50-100 feet, 66 50-100 ft. SEC. 2. The said elevations are to be calculated from the surface of the Milwaukee river, as it was in the month of March, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six; and the grade of the alleys running into and the side-walks on said street shall conform to the grade hereby established as nearly as practicable. Passed, May 19, 1853. AN 0 R D I N A N C E To amend " An Ordinance permanently to establish the grade of certain streets in the First Ward of the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain asfollows: Establishing SECTION 1. The fifth line of the nineteenth paragraph of grade of certain sts. in all ordinance permanently to establish the grade of certain First Ward. streets in the first ward in the City of Milwaukee, passed the 24th day of February, A. D. 1853, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: At the middle of Martin street, at the crossing of Jefferson street, fifty and fifty-hundreths feet, this alteration in said grade being made on the written application and request of the owners of property fronting on both sides of Jefferson street, between Biddle and Martin streets. Passed, May 16, 1853. AN ORDINA NCE Prescribing the manner of letting a contract for the filling of the Bayou, in the First Ward of the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of.Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. It is hereby made the duty of the Aldermen Bayouin First Ward of the first ward, in the City of Milwaukee, at such times to be filled. *as they may deem most expedient, to cause the bayou in said ward to be filled with earth or gravel, to the grade established for River street, such work to be done by contract, on a letting to the lowest responsible bidder, on notice to be published as hereinafter provided. SEC. 2. The notice required to be given, as provided in Foru of notice. the preceding section, shall be headed " Notice for proposals for filling the bayou in the first ward," shall be signed by the Aldermen of said ward, and shall be published for ten successive days in the official papers of the city, previous to the letting of such contract. SEC. 3. The City Surveyor is hereby required to make CitySurveyor to make an estimate, and report to the Common Council the amount an estimate. of filling required opposite each lot abutting on or extending to said bayou, within twenty days from the first publication of this ordinance. Passed, June 16, 1853. ANT O RDINANCE Permanently to establish the grade of Clermont Street, in the Fourth Ward of the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of 2Milwaukee, do ordain as follows. SECTION 1. The grade or elevation of Clermont street, in Establishing the fourth ward of the rCity of Milwaukee, is hereby fixedge ofTw the fourth ward of the City of Milwaukee, is hereby fixed Clermont st. in 4th Ward. 292 and permanentlly established, as follows: The height or elevation to be above the base, which has been generally adopted in grading streets, which base was the level of the Milwaukee river, as it waa in the month of March, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six (1836), making use of the water table of the Congregational Church, at the corner of Spring and Second streets, which is seven 68-100 feet above said base. At the south side of Spring st. fifty-nine ft. 59 ft. At a point 350 feet south of the south side of Spring st. fifty-two ft. 52 ft. At a point 550 feet further south thirty-two 50-100 ft. 32 50-100 ft. At a point 400 feet further south eighteen 39100 ft. 18 39-100 ft. At the north rail of the 1Milwaukee and MIissippi Rail Road six ft. 6 ft. SEC. 2. The grade or elevation of the side-walks on the sides of said street shall conform, as nearly as practicable, to the grade'of said street. Passed, October 6, 1853. AN O R DINANCE Permanently to establish the grade of certain streets, in the Second Ward of the City of Milwaukee. The iMtayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: stabhlishing SECTION 1. The grade and elevation of the several streets grade of certain streets hereinafter mentioned, situated in the second ward of the City of Milwaukee, is hereby fixed and permanently established as follows: The height or elevation to be above the level of the Milwaukee river, as it was in the month of March, in the year 1836. 293 THIRD STREET. Third st, At the middle of Cedar st. five 50-100 ft. 5 50-100 ft.... {Tamarack st. fve 50-100 ft. 5 50-100 ft.... Prairie st. five 50-100 ft. 5 50-100 ft. " ". Chesnut st. nine 50-100 ft. 9 50-100 ft...." Poplar st. eleven ft. 11 ft... I' Vliet st. thirteen ft. 13 ft. At 300 feet north of center of Vliet st. seventeen ft. 17 ft. At the middle of Cherry st. twenty-five ft. 25 ft. "..Court st. thirty-seven ft. 37 ft.... Galena st. forty-seven ft. 47 ft. " Walnut st. sixty-two ft. 62 ft..". Sherman st. eighty ft. 80 ft... Beers st. ninety-three ft. 93 ft. " " Harman st. one hundred and two feet. 102 ft. Lloyd st. one hundred and two ft. 102 ft. " so Beaubien st. one hundred and two feet 102 ft. ('" iNorth st. one hundred and eight feet 108 ft. WATER STREET. Water st. At the middle of Cedar st. five ft. 5 ft..I.. Third st. five 50-100 ft. 5 50-100 ft. FOURTH STREET. FourIs At the middle of Cedar st. six 50-100 ft. 6 50-100 ft.... Tamarack st. six ft. 6 ft. "I I" Prairie st. six 50-100 ft. 6 50-100 ft..." Chesnut st. eleven 50-100 ft. 11 50-100 ft.... IPoplar st. ten 50-100. ft. 10 50-100 ft..". Vliet st. fourteen ft. 14 ft. At the south side of alley, nineteen 90-100 ft. 19 90-100 ft. s 294 At the north side of alley, twenty-one 30-100 feet 21 30-100 ft. At 50 feet north of alley, twenty-five 64-100 ft. 25 64-100 ft. At 100 feet north of alley, thirty 80-100 ft. 30 80-100 ft. At 150 feet'north of alley, thirty-six ft. 36 ft. At the south side of Cherry st. forty-one 20100 ft. 41 20-100 ft. At the middle of Cherry st. forty-five 35-100 ft. 45 35-100 ft, At the north side of Cherry st. forty-nine 50100 ft. 49 50-100 ft. At 50 feet north of Cherry st. fifty-four 70100 ft. 54 70-100 ft. At 100 feet north of Cherry st. fifty-nine 90100 ft. 59 90-100 ft. At 150 feet north of Cherry street, sixty-four 90-100 ft. 64 90-100 ft. At south side of alley, sixty-nine 17-100 ft. 69 17-100 ft. At north side of alley, seventy 80-100 ft. 70 80-100 ft. A.t the middle of Court st. heventy-one 56100 ft. 71 56-100 ft. 50 feet north of alley, seventy-three 35-100 ft. 73 35-100 ft. 100 feet north of alley, seventy-four 90-100 ft. 74 90-100 ft. 150 feet north of alley, seventy-five 43-100 ft. 75 43-100 ft. South side of Galena st. seventy-five 76-100 ft. 75 76-100 ft. At the middle of Galena st. seventy-six ft. 76 ft. " " WTTalnut st. seventy-eight 50-100 ft. 78 50-100 ft. " Sherman st. eighty-one ft, 81 ft. " " Beers st. ninety-seven ft, 97 ft. " " Harman st. one hundrec and four ft. 104 ft... " Lloyd st. one hundred and six ft. 106 ft... " Beaubien st. one hundred and five 50-100 ft. 105 50-100 ft..( A.. North st. one hundred and ten ft. 110 ft. 295 FIFTH STREET. Fifth st. At the middle of Cedar st. seven 50-100 ft. 7 50-100 ft. " Tamarack st. seven ft. 7 ft. " Prairie st. seven 50-100 ft. 7 50-100 ft. " Chesnut st. thirteen 50-100 ft. 13 50-100 ft. " Poplar st. eleven 50-100 ft. 11 50-100 ft. " Vliet st. fifteen 50-100 ft. 15 50-100 ft. " Cherry st. thirty ft. 30 ft. " " Galena st. seventy-eight ft. 78 ft.' (" Walnut st. eighty ft. 80 ft. " " Sherman st. eighty-six ft. 86 ft. " " Beers st. ninety-three ft. 93 ft. " Harman st. one hundred and two ft. 102 ft. 6C " Beaubien st. one hundred and seven ft. 107 ft.'s North st. one hundred and ten ft. 110 ft. SIXTH STREET. Sixtht At the middle of Cedar st. nine ft. 9 ft..." Tamarack st. eight ft. 8 ft... " Prairie st. nine ft. 9 ft.. " Chesnut st. twenty-four ft. 24 ft.... Poplar st. thirteen 50-100 ft. 13 50-100 ft..." Vliet st. seventeen ft. 17 ft.... Cherry st. thirty ft. 30 ft. I. " Galena st. eighty ft. 80 ft.. " Walnut st. eighty-two ft. 82 ft, SEVENTH STREET. Seventh st. At the middle of Cedar st. thirteen ft. 13 ft. "c Tamarack st. nine ft. 9 ft. c Prairie st. ten 50-100 ft. 10 50-100 ft.... Chesnut st. forty-one ft. 41 ft... "( Poplar st. thirty-eight ft. 38 ft..." Vliet st. thirty-eight ft. 38 ft. 296 At the middle of Chenry st. fifty-six ft. 56 ft.... Galena st. eighty ft. 80 ft..". Walnut st. eighty-four ft. 84 ft. Eighth st. EIGHTH STREET. At the middle of Cedar st. twenty-five ft. 25 ft. s" ~ Tamarac st. twenty-five ft. 25 ft..6.. Prarie st. thirty ft. 30 ft.... 6Chesnut st. fifty-four ft. 54 ft.... Poplar st. sixty-three ft. 63 ft. 36 SC TWinnebago st. sixty-six ft. (upper,) 66 ft.... Vliet st. sixty ft. 60 ft. "s " Mill st. eighty ft. (w. upper,) 80 ft..... Mill st. seventy-five 50-100 ft. (e. lower) 75 50-100 ft....' Galena st. eighty ft. 80 ft.. YWalnut st eighty-six ft. 86 ft. Ninth st. NINTH STREET. At the middle of Cedar st. fifty-eight ft. 58 ft.... Tamarack st. fifty-four ft. 54 ft..^ " Prairie st. sixty-four ft. 64 ft. Chesnut st. sixty-nine ft. 69 ft. Winnebago st. eighty-six ft. (w. upper,) 86 ft..^. Vliet st. eighty ft. 80 ft..6.. 3I\ill st. eighty-seven ft. (w. upper,) 87 ft...'. Mill st. eighty-three ft. (e. lower,) 83 ft.... Galena st. eighty-two ft. 82 ft.... WXalnut st. eighty-eight ft. 88 ft, Tenthst. TENTH STREET. At the middle of Cedar st. seventy-two ft. 72 ft... Tamarack st. seventy ft. 70 ft, " PPrairie st. eighty ft. 80 ft. 297 At the middle of Chesnut st. eighty-four ft. 84 ft. " " Poplar st. ninety ft. 90 ft,... Winnebago st. ninety-three 50100 ft. 93 50-100 ft.... Mill st. eighty-nine ft. 89 ft,... Galena st. ninety-three ft. 93 ft. " " Walnut st. ninety ft. 90 ft. ELEVENTH STREET. Eleventh st. At the middle of Chesnut st. ninety-five ft. 95 ft,. cc Poplar st. eighty-seven ft. 87 ft. i" " Vliet st. ninety-nine ft. 99 ft.... Cherry st. ninety-three ft. 93 ft. "' " Galena st. ninety-eight ft. 98 ft,'';Walnut st. ninety-two ft. 92 ft. TWELFTH STREET. Twelfth st. At the middle of Chesnnt st. ninety-nine ft. 99 ft. " " Poplar st. ninety-one ft. 91 ft. c " Vliet st. one hundred and four ft. 104 ft.. ~' Cherry st. one hundred and eight ft. 108 ft,, "( Galena st. one hundred and four ft. 104 ft. c" t" Walnut st. one hundred and three ft. 103 ft'. THIRTEENTH STREET. Thirteenth st At the middle of Chesnut st. one hundred and two ft. 102 ft.'.' Poplar st. ninety-three ft. 93 ft. "c " Vliet st. one hundred and three ft.103 ft. " " Cherry st. one hundred and twelve ft. 112 ft. Galena st. one hundred and eight ft. 108 ft. Walnut st. one hundred ft. 100 ft. 298 Fourteenth FOURTEENTH STREET. At the middle of Poplar st. ninety-five ft. 95 ft... " Vliet st. one hundred and two ft. 102 ft. Cherry st. one hundred and eight ft. 108 ft. "' Galena st. one hundred and six ft. 106 ft. " "' Walnut st. one hundred and two ft. 102 ft. Fifteenth st. FIFTEENTH STREET. At the middle of Vliet st. one hundred and one ft. 101 ft.'" " Cherry st. one hundred and six ft. 106 ft..... Galena st. one hundred and four ft. 104 ft... ~.VWalnut st. one hundred and four ft. 104 ft. Sixteenth st. SIXTEENTH STREET. Sixteenth st. At the middle of Vliet st. one hundred ft. 100 ft. ~' " Cherry st. one hundred and six ft. 106 ft... i. Galena st. one hundred and two ft. 102 ft... " Walnut st. one hundred and four ft., 104 ft. Cedar st. CEDAR STREET. At the middle of Water st. five ft. 5 ft.; Third st. five 50-100 ft. 5 50-100 ft...6 A Fourth st. six 50-100 ft. 6 50-100 ft..(.. Fifth st. seven 50-100 ft. 7 50-100 ft, " " Sixth st. nine ft. 9 ft... " Seventh st. thirteen ft. 13 ft.,4 ~ Eighth st. twenty-five'ft. 25 ft. 299 At the middle of Ninth st. fifty-eight ft. 58 ft... " Tenth st. seventy-two ft. 72 ft. TAMARACK STREET. Tamarack st At the middle of Third st. five 50-100 ft. 5 50-100 ft. " Fourth st. six ft. 6 ft... " Fifth st. seven ft. 7 ft...' Sixth st. eight ft. 8 ft... Seventh st. nine ft. 9 ft. At 185 ft. west of center of Seventh st. eleven 50-100 ft. 11 50-100 ft. At the east side of Eighth st. twenty-four ft. 24 ft. At the west side of Eighth st. twenty-six ft. 26 ft. At the east side of Ninth st. fifty-three ft. 53 ft. At the west side of Ninth st. fifty-five ft. 55 ft. At the middle of Tenth st. seventy ft. 70 ft. PRAIRIE STREET. Prairie st, At the middle of Third st. five 50-100 ft. 5 50-100 ft. " Fourth st. six 50-100 ft. 6 50-100 ft. s." Fifth st. seven 50-100 ft. 7 50-100 ft.... Sixth st. nine ft. 9 ft. " " Seventh st. ten 50-100 ft. 10 50-100 ft. At the east side of Eighth st. twenty-nine ft. 29 ft. At the middle of Eighth st. thirty ft. 30 ft. At the west side of Eighth st. thirty-one ft. 31 ft. At the east side of Ninth st. sixty-three ft. 63 ft. At the middle of Ninth st. sixty-four ft. 64 ft. At the west side of Ninth st. sixty-five ft. 65 ft. At the middle of Tenth st. eighty ft. 80 ft. CHESNUT STREET. Chesnut st. At the middle of Third st. nine 50-100 ft. 9 50-100 ft..c.. Fourth st. eleven 50-100 ft. 11 50-100 ft..4.. Fifth st. thirteen 50-100 ft. 13 50-100 ft..." Sixth st. twenty-four ft. 24 ft..... Seventh st. forty-one ft. 41 ft. 300 At the middle of Eighth st. fifty-four ft. 54 ft. " N" Ninth st. sixty-niie ft. 69 ft. " " Tenth st. eighty-four ft. 84 ft. " " Eleventh st. ninety-five ft. 95 ft. cc" " Twelfth st. ninety-nine ft. 99 ft. cc " Thirteenth st, one hundred and two ft. 102 ft. Poplar st. POPLAR STREET,. At the middle of Third st. eleven ft. 1 ft. " " Fourth st. ten 50-100 ft. 10 50-100 ft. " " Fifth st. eleven 50-100 ft. 11 50-100 ft.' " Sixth st. thirteen 50-100 ft. 13 50-100 ft. " " Seventh st. thirty-eight ft. 38 ft. " Eighth st. sixty-three ft. 63 ft. " " Tenth st. ninety ft. 90 ft. " " Eleventh st. eighty-seven ft. 87 ft.." ". Twelfth st. ninety-one ft. 91 ft. " Thirteenth st. ninety-three ft. 93 ft. " " Fourteenth st. ninety-five ft. 95 ft. Winnebago WINNEBAGO STREET. st. At the middle of Seventh st. forty-one ft. 41 ft. " Eighth st. sixty-six ft. (w. upper) 66 ft. " " Ninth st. eighty-six ft. (w. upper) 86 ft. At 150 ft. north-west of centre of Ninth st. ninety-two 75-100 ft. 92 75-100 ft. At the middle of Tenth st. ninety-three 50-100 ft. 93 50-100 ft. " " Eleventh st. ninety-nine ft. 99 ft. VLIET STREET. Vliet at. At the middle of Third st. thirteen ft. 13 ft. cc " Fourth st. fourteen ft. 14 ft. "~ " Fifth st. fifteen 50-100 ft. 15 50-100 ft. " " Sixth st. seventeen ft. 17 ft. 301 At the middle of Seventh st. thirty-eight ft. 33 ft. " " Eighth st. sixty ft. 60 ft.' " Ninth st. eighty ft. 80 ft.. ".Eleventh st. ninety-nine ft. 99 ft.." Twelfth st. one hundred and four ft. 104 ft. " " Thirteenth st. one hundred and three ft. 103 ft. " Fourteenth st. one hundred and two ft. 102 ft. " " Fifteenth st. one hundred and one ft. 101 ft,." Sixteenth st. one hundred ft. 100 ft. MILL STREET. ~Mill st. At the middle of Seventh st. eighty ft. 80 ft. " " an alley, but lots 3 & 4, block 104 seventy-four ft. 74 ft. ". Eighth st. seventy-five 50-100 ft. (e. lower) 75 50-100 ft. " " Eighth st. eighty ft. (w. upper) 80 ft. " " Ninth st. eighty-three ft.(e. lower) 83 ft. " " Ninth st. eighty-seven ft. (w. upper) 87 ft.... Tenth st. eighty-nine ft. 89 ft.... alley between lots 7 and 8, block 113, ninety-one ft. 91 ft.... Eleventh st. ninety-nine ft. 99 ft. CHERRY STREET. ery St. At the middle of Third st. twenty-five ft. 25 ft. " " Fourth st. forty-five 35-100 ft. 45 35-100 ft. c (CC Fifth st. thirty ft. 30 ft. " Sixth st. thirty ft. 30 ft. " (I Eighth st. seventy-four ft. 74 ft. " Txwelfth st. one hundred and eight ft. 108 ft. 302 At the middle of Thirteenth st. one hundred and twelve ft. 112 ft.....' Fourteenth st. one hundred and eight ft. 108 ft.. ".; Fifteenth st. one hundred and six ft. 106 ft.' Sixteenth st. one hundred and six ft. 106 ft. Court st. COURT STREET. At the middle of Third st. thirty-seven ft. 37 ft.... 4 Fourth st. seventy-one 56-100 ft. 71 56-100 ft. Galena st. GALENA STREET. At the middle of Third st. forty-seven ft. 47 ft. " " Fourth st. seventy-six ft. "6 ft. Fifth st. seventy-eight ft. 78 ft.... Sixth st. eighty ft. 80 ft. 46. Seventh st. eighty ft. 80 ft. " " ]Eighth st. eighty ft. 80 ft... NiNinth st. eighty-two ft. 82 ft. " " Tenth st. ninety-three ft. 93 ft.... Eleventh st. ninety-eight ft. 98 ft.... Twelfth st. one hundred and four ft. 104 ft..;... TIhirteenth st. one hundred and eight ft. 108 ft..S S' Fourteenth st. one hundred and,six ft. 106 ft...' Fifteenth St. one hundred and four ft. 104 ft.... Sixteenth st. one hundred and two ft. 102 ft. Walnut st. WALNUT STREET. At the middle of Third st. sixty-two ft. 62 ft..4.4 Fourthst. seventy-eight 50-100 ft.78 50-100 ft. 303 At the middle of Fifth st. eighty ft. 80 ft. " Sixth st. eighty-two ft. 82 ft.... Seventh st. eighty-four ft. 84 ft... " Eighth st. eighty-six ft. 86 ft. "n "t Ninth st. eighty-eight ft. 88 ft... a Tenth st. ninety ft. 90 ft. "6 "' Eleventh st. ninety-two ft. 92 ft.... Twelfth st. one hundred and three ft. 103 ft. " Alley between Twelfth and Thirteenth sts. ninety-eight ft. 98 ft. "( An Thirteenth st. one hundred ft. 100 ft. "L i'Fourteenth st. one hundred and two ft. 102 ft. " Ad Fifteenth st. one hundred and four ft. 104 ft. (( " Sixteenth st. one hundred and four ft. 104 ft. SHERMAN STREET. Sherman st. At the middle of Third st. eighty ft. 80 ft. ". Fourth st. eighty-one ft. 81 ft.... Fifth st. eighty-six ft. 86 ft. BEERS STREET. Beers st. At the middle of Third st. ninety-three ft. 93 ft. " " Fourth st. ninety-seven ft. 97 ft. (. The alley between Fourth and Fifth sts. ninety-nine ft. 99 ft. i Ffth st. ninety-three ft. 93 ft. HARMAN STREET. Harman st. At the middle of Third st. one hundred and two ft. 102 ft. Alley between Third and Fourth sts. one hundred and six ft. 106 ft. 304 At the middle of Fourth st, one hundred and four ft. 104 ft.. ".Fifth st. one hundred and two ft. 102 ft. Lloyd st. LLOYDT STREET. At the middle of Third st. one hundred and two ft, 102 ft... " Alley between Third and Fourth sts. one hundred and three ft. 103 ft. " I' 3 Fourth st. one hundred and six ft.106 ft. " " Fifth st. one hundred and six ft. 106 ft. Beaubien st. BEAUBIEN STREET. At the middle of Third st. one hundred and two ft. 102 ft. c; c; Alley between Third and Fourth sts. one hundred and six ft. 106 ft. " " Fourth st. one hundred 50-1.00 ft. 100 50-100 ft... " Allev between Fourth and Fifth sts. one hundred and eight ft. 108 ft. c' " Ffth st. one hundred and seven ft. 107 ft. Northst. NORTH STREET. At the middle of Third st. one hundred and eight ft. 108 ft. " " Alley between Third and Fourth sts. one hundred and fifteen ft. 115 ft..". Fourth st. one hundred and ten ft. 110 ft. " " Fifth st. one hundred and ten ft. 110 ft. Grade of SEC. 2. The grades or elevations of the side-walks on side-walks. the sides of the streets named in the first section of this ordinance, shall conform, as far as practicable, to the grades of the streets on which they are laid out; and the grades of alleys running through the blocks bounded by the said streets shall conform to the grade of the respective streets in 305 which such alleys may terminate; provided that the decision of the City Engineer shall be final as to the grades of said side-walks and alleys. Passed, July 14, 1853. AN OR DINANC E To establish the grade of Michigan Avenue, in the First Ward. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Mdilwaukee, do ordain asfollotws: SECTION 1. The grade or elevation of Michigan avenue, Establishing the grade of in the First ward, is hereby established as follows: Michigan avenue in 1st At the south-western end of said avenue, nine- Ward. ty-six ft. 96 ft. At a point 750 ft. northerly on said avenue, ninety ft. 90 ft. Thence on a level for two hundred and fifty ft. At a point 300 feet further, ninety-six ft. 96 ft. At a point 350 feet further, one hundred ft. 100 ft. At a point 200 feet further, one hundred and two ft. 102 ft. At a point 250 feet further, one hundred and three ft. 103 ft. At a point 490 feet further, ninety-nine ft. 99 ft. At a point 1000 feet further, ninety-three 50100 ft. 93 50-100 ft. Thence on a level two hundred feet further. At a point 133 feet further, ninety-six 50100 ft. 96 50-100 ft. SEC. 2. The elevation above-mentioned shall be calculated from the level of Milwaukee river, as it was in the. month of March, A. D. 1836. Passed, September 8, 1853. AN ORDINANCE To amend an Ordinance permanently to establish the grade of certain streets in the Second Ward of the City of Milwaukee, passed July 14, 1853. The Mayor and Comnmon Council cf the Cityof Milwaaukee, do ordain as follows: Establishing SECTION 1. The grade or elevation of Walnut street, in grade of walnut st. the second ward of the City of Milwaukee, is hereby changed and is established as follows: the height or elevation of said street to be calculated from the level of the Milwaukee river, as it was in the month of March, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six. At the middle of Fifth st. eighty-nine ft. 89 ft...C C c Sixth st. eighty-nine ft. 89 ft.... Seventh st. eighty-nine ft. 89 ft.... "Eighth st. eighty-nine ft. 89 ft. " Ninth st. eighty-nine ft. 89 ft... " Tenth st. eighty-nine ft. 89 ft... " Eleventh st. ninety-one ft. 91 ft, ".. Twelfth st. one hundred and two ft. 102 ft. SEC. 2. The change or elevation of the grade as above mentioned, is made on the written application of John T. Perkins, and thirty-nine others, owners of property on and in the vicinity of Walnut street. Formerordi- SEC. 3. All ordinances heretofore passed, contravening nance repealed. the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Passed, October 6, 1853. AN ORDINANCE To alter and establish the grade of Hanover, Greenbus!:, Pierce, Elizabeth, Walker, Florida, Virginia and Park Streets, in the Ffth Ward of the City of Milwaukee. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Milwaukee, in Common Council assembled SECTION 1. The grade of Reed street shall be as follows G:rade of Reed st. esAt the middle of Pierce street, 6 ft. tablished. " Elizabeth street, 8 ft. " Walker street, 10 ft... Mineral street, 11 ft.... " Oregon street, its present grade... " Florida street, " " Virginia street, " " (. " PPark street, " " The grade of Hanover street shall be as follows, to wit IIalnover st. At the center of Pierce street, 20 ft.... c Elizabeth street, 20 ft. W" alker street, 20 ft... " Mineral street, 13 ft... " Oregon street, 6 ft,..' Florida street, 17 ft.. " Virginia street, 20 ft... " Park street, 20 ft. The grade of Greenbush street shall be as follows, to wit Green At the center of Pierce street, 22 ft, t... " Elizabeth street, 21 25-100 ft. " Walker street, 21 ft..... Mineral street, 14 ft... " Oregon street, present grade.... Florida street, 22 ft... " Virginia street, 24 ft.. Park street, 20 ft. 308 Green it. The grade of Green street shall be as follows, to wit: At the center of Pierce street, 23 ft. " Elizabeth street, 22 50-100 ft...... is Walker street, 22 ft.. Mineral street, 17 37-100 ft..'...o Oregon street, present grade. " " Florida street, 24 ft.... " Virginia street, 26 ft. " Park street, 23 50-100 ft. Pierce st The grade of Pierce street shall be as follows, to wit: At the center of Hanover street, 20 ft...' Reed street, 6 ft..." Greenbush street, 22 ft... Grove street, 23 ft. Elizabeth st. The grade of Elizabeth street shall be as follows, to wit: At the center of Reed street, 8 ft... " Hanover street, 20 ft. I'' Greenbush street, 21 25-100 ft. " " G-rove street, 22 50-100 ft. Walker st. The grade of Walker street shall be as follows, to wit: At the center of Reed street, 10 ft. a "A Hanover street, 20 ft... Greenbush street, 21 ft.... -Grove street, 22 ft. Mineral t. The grade of Mineral street shall be as follows, to wit: At the center of Reed street, 11 ft.... Hanover street, 13 ft... " Greenbush street, 14 ft.... Grove street, 17 37-100 ft. Oregon st. The grade of Oregon street shall be as follows, to wit: At the center of Reed, Greenbush and Grove, at the present grade. "( " M 7Hanover street, 6 ft. Floridla t. The grade of Florida street shall be as follows, to wit: At the centerof Reed street, present grade.> ","" 309 At the center of Hanover street, 17 ft.... Greenbush street,'22 ft..i is'(Grove street, 24 ft. The grade of Virginia street shall be as follows, to wit Virginia st At the center of Reed street, present grade.,, "- aHanover street, 20 ft..... Greenbush street, 24 ft.... iGrove street, 26 ft. The grade of Park street shall be ats follows, to wit Park st. At the center of Reed street, present grade.... k Hanover street, 20 ft.... ('GGreenbush street, 20 ft.. Grove street, 23 50-l 0) ft. Passed, December 28, 1854. AN ORDINANCE To amend an Ordinance permanently to establish the grade of cermlajn streets in the First Ward of the City of MAilwaukee. The Mayor and Cozrmon Council f tie of te tyof ilwaukee, rdo ordain as follovws. SECTION 1. The ninth line of the second paragraph of "An ordinance permanently to establish the grade of certain streets in the first ward of the City of Milwaukee," passed the 24th day of February, A. D. 1853, is hereby so amended as to read as follows': At a point in the center of Mason street, 120 feet east of the center of Marshall street, 43 1-100 feet. At the center of Lake street, 40 27-100 feet, and at a point in the center of Mason street, 300 feet east of the center of Marshall street, 39 56-100 feet. This altera- Gr.a ed oi tion in said grade being made on the written application and aedp of o request of the owners of the property fronting on both sides pf of Mason street, between Marshall street and the Lake. Passed, June 15, 1854. T AN ORDINANCE To establish the grade of Spring Street, from Water Street to the end of the Bridge, in the Fourth Ward. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City qf Milwaukee, in Common Council assembled. Establishing SECTION 1. That the grade of Spring street, in the fourth grade of a part of wvard of the City of Milwaukee, from Water street to the Spring st. end of the Bridge, be established, as follows: At the center of Water st. 5 ft. At the east side of Water st. 5 ft. At a point 80 ft. from the east side of Water st. 5 50-100 ft. At the end of the Bridge, 6 82-100 ft. Passed, June 20, 185,. AN ORD I N AN C To permanently establish tile grade of Seventhl Street, from Walnut Street to Beers Street. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Milwaukee, in Common Council assembled: SEtECTION 1. That the grade of Seventh street, cmunmencEstablishing grade of a ing at the center of WTalnut street, thence running north to part of Seventh st. the south line of prolongation of Beers street, as represented by the profile thereof, be, and the same is [hereby adopted permanently, as follows: At the center of Walnut street, 89 ft. " " Sherman street, 91 ft. At the south line of prolongation of Beers st. 93 ft. Passed, July 13, 1854. AN ORDINANCE To permanently establish the grade of Fourth Street, in the Fourth Ward, from Spring Street to Sycamore Street. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Milwaukee, in Common Council assembled: SECTION 1. The grade of Fourth street, commencing at Establishing grade of a the south side of Spring street, and running south to the part of Fourth st. center of Sycamore street, as represented by the profile.thereof made by the City Engineer, and signed by him, dated July 27, 1854, and on file in the office of the Clerk of the City, be, and the same is hereby adopted permanently,.as follows: At the south side of Spring st. 9 51-100 ft. At the north side of Sycamore st. 8 40-100 ft. Being one foot lower than the present grade. Passed, July 27, 1854. AN ORDINANCE To establish a Dock Line on the East side of the Milwaukee River, between Wisconsin and Lyon streets. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That the dock line on the east side of theDocklineestablished on Milwaukee river, between Wisconsin street and Lyon street, east ide of Milwaukee in the first ward of the City of Milwaukee, shall be, and river, First ward. hereby is, established as follows, to wit: commencing on the north side of Wisconsin street, at a point one hundred and twenty-three feet from East Water street, and running thence to a point on the south side of Oneida street, one hundred and sixteen feet, from the alley in block one, in the first 312 ward, thence along the south line of Oneida street, one hundred and seventy feet, thence to its intersection with the extension of the north boundary line of lot one, in block fortyseven, at a point one hundred and thirty-four feet from River street; thence to its intersection with the northerly boundary line of lot one, in block forty-eight, produced to a point one hundred and sixteen feet from the north-east corner of said last-mentioned lot; thence to its intersection with the division line between lots nine and ten, in block fortynine, produced to a point one hundred and twenty feet from River street; thence to its intersection with the southerly boundary of block fifty, at a point one hundred feet from said River street; thence parallel with and one hundred feet from River street, to the south side of Division street; thence to the north side of Division street, at a point one hundred and ten feet from River street; thence parallel with and one hundred and ten feet from River street, to the line between lots three and four, in block one hundred and fifty-four; thence to the north side of Knapp street, at a point one hundred feet from River street; thence to the line between lots one and two, in block one hundred and forty-seven, at a point one hundred feet from River street; thence to the south line of lot eighteen, in block one hundred and forty-four, at a point one hundred feet from East Water streer; thence parallel with and one hundred feet from East Water street, to Lyon street. SEC. 2. All ordinances, acts and proceedings of the Common Council, conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Passed, March 14, 1854. AN ORDINANCE'To amend an Ordinance, entitled " An Ordinance to alter and establish the grade of Hanover, Greenbush, Pierce, Elizabeth, Walker, Florida, Virginia and Park streets, in the Fifth Ward of the City of Milwaukee," passed, December 28, 1854. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee: To alter and SECTION 1. Section one of an ordinance, entitled " an or- establisf dinance to alter and establish the grade of Hannover, Green- rHanover, bush, Pierce, Elizabeth, Walker, Florida, Virginia, anctd beth, WalPark streets, in the fifth ward of the City of Milwaukee," is virginiFaand Park streets. hereby amended as follows: The grade of Greenbush street, rade eof at the center of Park street, shall be twenty-three feet; the Greebius' grade of Greenbuh street, at the center of Elizabeth street, bet street shall be twenty-four feet; the grade of Park street, at the centre of Greenbush street, shall be twenty-three feet; the grade of Elizabeth street, at the centre of Greenbush street,.shall be twenty-four feet. SEC. 2. The grade or elevation of the several streets m1en- Elevation of grade of,tioned in this ordinance, and the ordinance to which this or- Hanover, Greenbush, dinance is amedatory, is hereby determined and permanently Pierce, Elitabeth, Walestablished, assuming, as a base, the Milwaukee river, as itker, Florida, Virginia and was in March, A. D. 1836, which base is determined by the Palk streets. water fall of the brick building on lot 16, block 6, on the corner of South Water, River and Clinton streets, which is taken to be five and 4-10 feet above the level of said river. SEC. 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances contraven- Repealing clause. ing the provisions of this ordinance is hereby repealed. Passed, March 3, 1855. AN ORDINANCE To permanently establish the grade of North Water Street, fiom Pleasant to Racine streets, in the First Ward of the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do& ordain as follows Grade of SECTION 1. The grade of North Water street, commenc — North Water. street. ing at the middle of Pleasant street, running thence to the middle of Racine street, is hereby permanently established,. as follows: At the middle of Pleasant st. eight ft. 8 ft. A.... the north end of Jefferson st. twelve ft. 12 ft. At the south side of Brady st. twenty-nine ft. 29 ft. At the middle of Henry st. thirty-five ft. 35 ft.". it Pearson st. thirty-seven ft. 37 ft..s.. Hamilton st. thirty-five ft. 35 ft.".6 SC Berry st. twenty-nine ft. 29 ft... " Kenzie st. twenty-seven ft. 27 ft. At the angle of North Water st. twenty-three ft. 23 ft. " At the middle of Racine st. twenty ft. 20 ft. Passed, May 14, 1855. AN OIRDINANCE To establish a Dock Line in the Fourth Ward, south of the Menomonee River. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee,, do ordain as follows n SECTION 1. The dock line on the west side of the Milwaukee river, between the line dividing the fourth and fifth wards, shall be, and is hereby permanently established as, 315 follows, to wit: commencing at the north-east corner of Docklineestablished. block one hundred and fifty-eight, in the fourth ward, at a point one hundred and forty feet east from Reed street, and running parallel with said street, to the line dividing the fourth and fifth wards, to a point the same distance froni said Reed street. Passed, June 8, 1855. AN ORDINANCE To designate the name of a Street or Highway through Block one, in the First Ward. Th/e iMayor and Comnmon Council of the Cit of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows SECTION 1. Hereafter the alley through block one, in the Alley to be called Front first ward, shall not be regarded an alley, but shall be known, street. called and designated as "Front Street." Passed, September 3, 1855. AN ORDI NANC E Permanently to establish the grade of certain streets in the Second Ward of the City of Milwaukee. The MAayor and Common Council of tle City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The grade and elevation of the several streets Establishing ^ ^ ^.0~~~~~~~~~ grade of sts. hereinafter mentioned, situated in the second ward of thein 2d Ward. City of Milwaukee, is hereby fixed and permanently established as follows, the height or elevation to be above the level of the Milwaukee river, as it was in the month of March, in the year 1836: 316 FOOND DU LAC PLANK ROAD. At the middle of Seventh street, 92 92-100' feet A, thence with a uniform ascent of 0.44 to each 100 feet, to the north line of the north-east quarter of section nineteen. (Corporation line.) SECOND STREET. At the middle of (Cherry street, eighteen feet above said level of the river, above described. At the middle of Galena st. 24 ft. above said level. " "C Walnut st. 30 I" " Sherman st. 76... Beers st. 92.... Harman st. 94... Lloyd st, 97' " Beaubien st. 100.... North st. 102. CREEN BAY STREET.. At the middle of Galena st. 23 ft. above said level. " " Walnut st. 29.. " " Sherman st. 72. cc "C Beers st. 90 " " " i Harman st. 92. " "~ Lloyd st. 95 " " " Beaubien st. 95... North st. 92.. SHORT STREET. At the middle of Walnut st. 28 ft. above said level...." Sherman st. 56 " Beers st. 84 (.. HEarman st. 91... Llovd st. 91... Beaubien st. 91..... C aNorth st. 38 317 HUBBARD STREET. At the middle of Sherman st. 46 ft. above said level.... Beers st. 55 "...i Harman st. 64 " " Lloyd st. 72 " cc Beaubien st. 80.. 64 North st. 86 SEC. 2. The grade or elevation of the side-walks, on the Grade of side walks to sides of the streets named in the first section of this ordi- confore with streets. nance, shall conform, as far as practicable, to the grades of said streets and those streets running parallel with the same; and the grade of alleys running through the blocks bounded by said streets, shall, in all cases, conform to the grade of the respective streets in which such alleys may terminate. SEC. 3. All ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Passed, October 1, 1855. AN ORDINANC E For the extension of Clybourn and Hill Streets, in the Fourth Ward of the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Clybourn street is hereby extended from its Extension of Claybourn st. present terminus, at the east line of the west half of the south-west quarter of section No. 29, town 7, north of range 22 east, west to the east line of Clermont street, being 982 feet long and 80 feet wide, and running parallel with the south line of Spring street. SEC. 2. Hill street is hereby extended from its present fxtension of Hill st. terminus, on the east line of the west half of the south-west quarter of section No. 29, town 7, north of range 22 east, west on a line parallel with the south line of Spring street 318 982 feet, to the east line of Clermont street, to be 80 feet wide, said lands taken for said extensions having been conveyed by James Kneeland and wife to the City of Milwaukee, by deed bearing date the 14th day of September, A. D. 1855, for that purpose. Passed, October 1, 1855. AN O R IDI N AN C E Permanently to establish the grade of North Water Street, in the First Ward, from Kenzie Street to the center of Racine Street. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: Grade of SECTION 1. The grade or height of North Water street, North Water st. establish- in the first ward of the City of Milwaukee, at the points hereed. inafter mentioned, is hereby fixed and permanently established, as follows: The height or elevations to be above the base generally adopted in grading streets, which base was the level of the Milwaukee river, as it was in the month of March, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six, at the point of intersection of the center of North WVater street and a straight line drawn from the south-west corner of water lot 10, to the north-west corner of lot 3, in block 2, all in Hubbard and Pearsons' addition, twenty-three (23) feet, at the center of Johnsons' street, twenty-four (24) feet, at the center of Racixne street, twenty-six (26) feet. Grade of SEC. 2. The grades or elevations of the side-walks on side-walk to conform each side of North Water street, within the limits above with street. t mentioned, and the grade of all alleys running into said street, shall conform to the grade above mentioned, as nearly as practicable. Passed, November 12, 1855. AN ORDIN ANCE To establish the grade of Seventh Street, in the Second Ward, from Beers Street to the section line. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwzuukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The grade of Seventh street, in the second Gradeof streess in 2d ward, from Beers street to the section line, is hereby estab- Ward established. lished, as follows: At the center of Beers st. ninety-three ft. 93 ft. ^" " Harmanst. ninety-seven 25-100ft.97 25-100 ft... " Lloyd st. one hundred and one 50100 ft. 101 50-100 ft.... Beaubien st. one hundred and five 75-100 ft. 105 75-100 ft.;' "A Section-line st. one hundred and ten ft. 110 ft. Passed, December 17, 1855. AN O R DINAN CE To amend an Ordinance permanently to establish the grade of certain streets, in the First Ward of the City of Milwaukee, passed February 24, 1853. The iMayor and Common Council cf the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. So much of section one of the ordinance en- Gradeof streets in 1st titled "An ordinance permanently to establish the grade ofward estabcertain streets, in the first ward of the City of Milwaukee," passed February 24, 1853, as relates to Prospect street, is hereby so amended as to read as follows: At the middle of Division st. eighty-eight 50100 ft. 88 50-100 ft. At a point 560 ft. north of the middle of Division st. seventy-seven 30-100 ft. 77 30-100 ft. At a point 925 ft. north of the middle of Division st, seventy ft. 70' ft. At a point 1048 ft. north of the middle of Division st. sixty-seven 50-100 ft. 67 50-100 ft. At a point 1170 ft. north of thle middle of Division st. sixty-eight ft. 68 ft. At a point 1410 ft. north of the middle of Division st. sixty-nine ft. 69 ft At a point 1770 ft. north of the middle of Division st. seventy-seven ft. 77 ft. At a point 2500 ft. north of the middle of Division st. seventy-one 50-100 ft. 71 50-100 ft. At a point 2940 ft. north of the middle of Division st. seventy-one 50-100 ft. 71 51-100 ft. At the half section line, seventy-three ft. 73 ft. This amendment or alteration in the grade of Prospect street is made on the written application and request of the owners of property fronting on both sides of said Prospect street, said request or petition being on file in the office of the City Clerk. Passed, January 5, 1856. AN ORDINANCE To permanently establish the Dock Line of the Milwaukee River, on the West side of said river, from the Menomonee River to the south side of Spring Street, in the Fourth Ward of the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: Iock line. SECTION 1. That the dock line of the Milwaukee river, between the Menomonee river and the south. line of Spring 321 street, in the fourth ward, be, and the same is hereby established, as follows: The distance from the east side of West Water street to the dock line, to be as follows: At the Menomonee river, 277 feet at the south side of Fowler street, 127- feet at the north side of Fowler street, 137 feet Line estabat the north side of Clybourn street, 197 feet thence, in a direct line, to the south side of the alley, in block 72, to a point 170 74-100 feet from the east line of West Water street, thence to the south side of Spring street to a point 150 feet from the east line of West Water street. Said dock line to run direct from the points above named at angle points. SEC. 2. All ordinances, in any manner conflicting with the foregoing provisions, are hereby repealed. Passed, February 9, 185C. A N O R I N A N C E To alter and permanently establish the grade of Elizabeth Street, and to permanently establish the grade of certain other streets, in the Fifth Ward of the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council ofthe City of MilwaukCee, do ordain as follows. SECTION 1. The grade or elevation of the several street-.,: of -,. sin 5th hereinafter mentioned, in the fifth ward of the City of Mil- Warld. waukee, are hereby determined and permanently established, assuming, as a base, the Milwaukee river, as it was in March, A. D. 1836, which base is determined by the water table of the brick building on lot 16, block 6, on the corner of South Water street and River street, which is assumed to be five 4-10 feet above Milwaukee river, (said alteration of grade being petitioned for by owners of lots fronting on said Elizabeth street.) 322 ELIZABETH STREET. At the middle of Monroe st. 21 48-100 ft. above said base. " " Gedding st. 25 59-100 c c s " ~Baulding st. 29 70-100 "..." Brown st. 35 40-100. 6... Sanderson st. 43 10-100 " " c6 " Cook st. 46 80-100 c "s " Jones st. 52 50-100.. At the section line, 52 50-100 WALKER STREET. At the middle of Monroe st. 20 66-100 ft. above said base. c c" Gedding st. 26 " " ~" " BBaulding st. 31...c cc:13oBrown st. 34.. "c "c Sanderson st. 42 6 "C "t CCook st. 50.... Jones st, 54 50-100 At the section line, 56 50-100 66 MINERAL STREET. At the middle of Monroe st. 20 74-100 ft. above said base, "9 " Gedding st. 23 50-100 " ( cc c Baulding st. 27 50-100 6 6 " Brown st. 33 " 6.~.. Sanderson st. 38 50-100 " (..( Cook st. 44... Jones st. 52.. At the section line, 57 I' WASHINGTON STREET. At the middle of Monroe st. 23 ft. above said base, "' " Gedding st. 24 6 c.. Baulding st. 26 c c 6... Brown st. 30 6 " " " Sanderson st.33 C...c.. Cook st. 42 6. C 323 At the middle of Jones st. 46 ft. above said base. At the section line, 50 " SCOTT STREET. At the middle of Monroe st. 42 ft. above said base. " " Gedding st. 39 c" " Baulding st. 36. it Brown st. 36~ "''... Sanderson st.34 - " Cook st. 37 " " Jones st. 40..' At the section line, 42. MADISON STREET. At the middle of Monroe st. 47 ft. above said base.." " Gedding st. 444 " " " Baulding st. 411 -... Brown st. 381 -... Sanderson st.38 " " Cook st. 41-..." " Jones st. 47 ~. At the section line, 52- " RAIL ROAD STREET. At the middle of Monroe st. 55 ft. above said lase.." " Gedding st. 52.. " Baulding st. 52. ".. Brown st. 46.... hSanderson st.40 " (. - " Cook st. 43. " " Jones st. 46- " At the section line, 50 ( MONROE STREET. At the middle of R ailroad st. 55 ft. above said base.... Madison st. 47 " it " Scott st. 42 " " cc c" Washington st.23 " ( 324 At the middlee of Mineral st. 20 74-100 ft. above said base.. I.I I Walker st. 20 66-100. it Elizabeth st. 21 48-100 GEDDING STREET. At the middle of Railroad st. 52 ft. above said base. it i Madison st. 444 " " " Scott st. 39... WYashington st.24.. Mineral st. 23 50-100. it"'I Walker st. 26 C et Elizabeth st. 25 59-100 it BAULDING STREET. At the middle of Railroad st. 52 ft. above said base.... yt Madison st. 41 Scott st. 36..," "( 5'gWashington st. 26. ( it " Mineral st. 27.... " Walker st. 31 Elizabeth st. 29 70-100 " BROWN BT3'kET. At the middle of Railroad st. 46 ft. above said base.:' ". Madison st. 38.. Scott st. 364.c W" ashington st. 30..... i Mineral st. 33.. d" " Walker st. 34 C C.i. i Elizabeth st. 35 40-100 SANDEi ION STREET. At the middle of Railroad st. 40 ft. above said base..". Madison st. 38.. ( ". Scott st. 341 "... Washington st. 33 " it Mineral at. 38W" alker st. 42 ".. Elizabeth st. 43 10-1300 ( 325 COOK STREET. At the middle of Railroad st. 43- ft. above said base. " C' Madison st. 41~.. c..." Scott st. 37.."'VWashington st.42.(.. Mineral st. 44..L.. Walker st. 50 i.IC Elizabeth st. 46 80-100 c JONES STREET. At the middle of Railroad st. 46- ft. above said base..c. c Madison st. 47...." Scott st. 40... V Washington st. 46 " "... Mineral st. 52 cc... Walker st. 54- " "... Elizabeth st. 521... SECTION LINE, WEST OF JONES STREET. At the middle of Railroad st. 50 ft. above said base.... Madison st. 52~ "... ~Scott st. 42. " Washington st. 50 " "... Mineral st. 57. (<... W~Talker st. 56... Elizabeth st. 521. SEC. 2. The grade or elevation of the side-walks on the Grade of streets named in the first section of this ordinance, shall con- form, as far as practicable, to the grades of the several streets running parallel with the same; and the grade of the alley running through the blocks bounded by said streets, shall, in all cases, conform to the grades of the respective streets in which such alleys may terminate. SEC. 3. All ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Passed, March 8, 1856. U AN ORDINANCE Relating to certain privileges and exemptions, panted to Daniel Newhall. The Mayor and Common Council of tke City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows. Privilege SECTION 1. Permission is hereby granted to Daniel Newgranted to set posts in hall, and he is hereby authorized to set the four iron posts side-walks. which support the balcony to his hotel, about to be constructed on the corner of Main and Michigan streets, in the third ward, six feet out on the side-walk on Main street, as shown in the plan of said building, also to change the grade of the side-walk on Main street, in front of said hotel building, from 41 feet, including in 180 feet as now established, to 3- feet in the same distance; also, to construct arched vaults under the side-walks on Main street, in front of said buildP.oge to ing; also, to construct a brick or stone sewer, not less than'!)tu sewer. four feet in dianeter, from lMain street, through the center of Michigan street, to the Milwaukee river; also, to land all materials for such building, which he may desire, at the foot of Michigan street fromn tfe river. Exempt from SEC. 2. In view of the great public benefit which the taxes. construction of said hotel will be to our city, and to encourage its early completion, said hotel property is hereby exempted from all city and ward taxes and assessments for the years 1856 and 1857: Provided, Said building shall be completed within eighteen months from the first day of May, A. D. 1856. Passed, March 22, 1856. AN ORDINANCE To change the names of certain streets in the First Ward of the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The names of the several north and south Names of streets in 1st streets, running from the south line of Brady street, or the ward changeast and west half section line, through section twenty-one to the Milwaukee river, in the first ward of the City of Milwaukee, are hereby changed, and Henry street shall hereafter be known as the continuation of, and called, Van Buren street; Hunter street shall hereafter be known as the continuation of, and called, Cass street; Kenzie street shall hereafter be known as the continuation of, and called, Marshall street, and Johnson street shall hereafter be known as the continuation of, and called, Astor street. SEC. 2. Elizabeth street, in the first ward of the City of Milwaukee, shall herereafterbe known as, and be called, Franklin street. SEc. 3. The streets between blocks 197 and 198, in Rogers' addition, in the first ward of the City of Milwaukee, shall hereafter be known as, and called, Doty street. Passed, May 26, 1856. AN ORDINANCE To amend the several ordinances relating to the grade of Walnut Street. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows SECTION 1. On petition of Peter Harong, Reenharat, Gradeof alnut st. in Barnes and others, the grade and elevation of Walnut street, 6th ward. 328 in the sixth ward of the City of Milwaukee, is hereby changed, and is hereby fixed and permanently established, as follows: the height of said street above the usual base or level of the Milwaukee river, as it was in March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, to be as follows: At the middle of Fifth st. eighty-seven ft. 87 ft..... Sixth st. eighty-eight ft. 88 ft...." Seventh st. eighty-nine ft. 89 ft... e ~Eighth st. ninety ft. 90 ft... c ~Ninth st. ninety-one ft. 91 ft..." Tenth st. ninety-two ft. 92 ft..(.. Eleventh st. ninety-three ft. 93 ft..... Twelfth st. ninety-nine ft. 99 ft..i. Thirteenth st. one hundred ft. 100 ft. SEC. 2. The grade and elevation of the side-walks on the sides of Walnut street, and of all alleys terminating in the same, shall conform to the grade of the said street as near as possible. SEC. 3. The provisions of any ordinance heretofore passed, which may conflict with this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Passed, May 26, 1856. AN ORDINANCE To establish the permanent grade of certain streets, in the First Ward. of the City of Milwaukee. The Mfayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain asfollows. SECTION 1. The grade or height of the several streets hereafter mentioned, situated in the first ward of the City of Milwaukee, is hereby fixed and permanently established, as follows: the height or elevations to be above the base which has been generally adopted in grading streets, which'base 329 was the level of the Milwaukee river, as it was in the month of March, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six, and from a stone set in the center of East Water and Wisconsin street, which stone or monument is assumed to be eleven and one-half feet above the surface of the Milwaukee river, as it was at the time above mentioned. JACKSON STREET. Grade of At the north line of Pleasant st. forty ft. 40 ft.Jackson t. At a point 404 ft. north from Pleasant st., at the line between lots 32 and 33, in block B, and between lots 8 and 9, in block E, fifty ft. 50 ft. VAN BUREN STREET. Van Buren At the north line of Pleasant st. fifty-one 50- t. 100 ft. 51 50-100 ft. At a point four hundred and four ft. north from Pleasant st., at the line between lots 12 and 13, in block B, and 12 and 13, in block A, sixty-one 50-100 ft. 61 50-100 ft. At the south line of Brady st. forty-five 50100 ft. 45 50-100 ft. CASS STREET. Cass st. At the middle of Pleasant st. sixty-three ft. 63 ft. At a point opposite the middle of Kewaunee st. fifty-six ft. 56 ft. At the south side of Brady st. forty-seven ft. 47 ft. At the middle of Pierson st. forty-two ft. 42 ft. MARSHALL STREET. Marshall st. At the middle of Pleasant st. sixty-six 50-100 ft.66 50-100 ft. " " Kewaukee st. sixty-two 50-100 ft.62 50-100 ft. At the south side of Brady st. fifty-eight ft. 58 ft. At the middle of Pierson st. fifty-five 25-100 ft. 55 25-100 ft. " Hamilton st. fifty-two 50-100 ft. 52 50-100 ft. " " Berry st. thirty-eight ft. 38 ft. 330 Astor st. ASTOR STREET. At the middle of Pleasant st. seventy ft. 70 ft.. " Kewaunee st. sixty-eight 50-100 ft.68 50-100 ft. At the south side of Brady st. sixty-seven ft. 67 ft. At the middle of Pierson st. sixty-six ft. 66 ft. " " Hamilton st. sixty-five ft. 65 ft. 4' " Berry st. sixty-four ft. 64 ft. ~Racine st. RACINE STREET. Racine st. At the middle of Knapp st. eighty-eight 50100 ft. 88 50-100 ft. "t Ogden st. seventy-seven ft. 77 ft.." " Lyon st. eighty-seven ft. 87 ft... " Pleasant st. eighty ft. 80 ft. " ". Kewaunee st. sixty-eight ft. 68 ft. At the south side of Brady st. sixty-six ft. 66 ft. At the middle of Pierson st. sixty-five ft. 65 ft.. ". Hamilton st. sixty-two ft. 62 ft. " "i Berry st. thirty-nine ft. 39 ft. Franklin st. FRANKLIN STREET. Opposite the middle of Knapp st. eighty-three ft.83 ft... Ogden st. seventy-five ft. 75 ft.' " Lyon st. sixty-nine ft. 69 ft. ( 4 Pleasant st. sixty-four ft. 64 ft.... hKewaunee st. fifty-nine ft. 59 ft.... south line of Brady st., (section line,) forty-eight ft. 48 ft. KEWAUNEE STREET. Kewaunee st At the middle of Marshall st. sixty-two 50100 ft. 62 50-100 ft.... I Astor st. sixty-eight 50-100 ft. 68 50-100 ft. "~ " 2Racine st. sixty-eight ft. 68 ft. " " Franklin st. fifty-nine ft. 59 ft. 331 SOUTH SIDE OF BRADY STREET. South side of At the middle of Van Buren st. forty-five 50-adst 100 ft. 45 50-100 ft. " ".Cass st. forty-seven ft. 47 ft..... " Marshall st. fifty-eight ft. 58 ft. " " Astor st. sixty-seven ft. 67 ft. i" "i Racine st. sixty-six ft. 66 ft.;.. Franklin st. forty-eight ft. 48 ft. PIERSON STREET. Pierson st. At the middle of Cass st. forty-two ft. 42 ft. c Marshall st. fifty-five 25-100 ft. 55 25-100 ft. Astor st. sixty-six ft. 66 ft.... Racine st. sixty-five ft. 65 ft. HAMILTON STREET. Hamilton st. At the middle of Marshall st. fifty-two 50-100 ft. 52 50-100 ft. " " Astor st. sixty-five ft. 65 ft.. Racine st. fifty-two ft. 52 ft. BERRY STREET. Berry st. At the middle of Maarshall st. thirty-eight ft. 38 ft.." " Astor st. sixty-four ft. 64 ft.... a Racine st. thirty-nine ft. 39 ft. SEC. 2. The grade or elevation of the side-walks on the Side-walks sides of the streets named in the first section of this ordi- and alleys nance, shall conform, as far as practicable, to the grades of streets running parallel with the same; and the grade of alleys running through the blocks bounded by said streets, shall, in all cases, conform to the grade of the respective streets in which such alleys may terminate. SEC. 3. All ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Passed, May 26, 1856. AN ORD INANCE To amend an Ordinance, passed, March 8, 1856, entitled " An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance permanently establishing the grade of certain streets, in the Fifth Ward of the City of Milwaukee," passed, April 19, 1853. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows. Grade of SECTION 1. The grade or elevation of Elizabeth street, streets in 5thward. and the several streets enumerated below, where they cross said Elizabeth street, in the fifth ward of the City of Milwaukee, are hereby determined and established at the number of feet, below specified, above the base established for calculating grades in said fifth ward, as follows: Elizabeth st. ELIZABETH STREET. At the center of Boulding st. thirty-two ft. 32 ft.. ".Brown st. thirty-eight ft. 38 ft.... Sanderson st. forty-seven ft. 47 ft.... Cook st. fifty-two ft. 52 ft... "Jones st. fifty-five ft. 55 ft... Section-line st. fifty-four ft. 54 ft. SEc. 2. The grade or elevation of the side-walks, on the streets named above, shall conform, as far as practicable, to the grade of the streets running parallel with the same; and the grade of all alleys running through the blocks bounded by said streets, shall, in all cases, conform to the grades of the respective streets in which such alleys may terminate. SEC. 3. All ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Passed, June 23, 1856. AN ORD I NAN C E Authorizing the improvement of the Public Square, and Alley adjoining the same, in the Second Ward of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows. SECTION 1. More than twenty-five freeholders, residents Public Square to be of the second ward of the City of Milwaukee, having, by a improved. petition, represented to the Common Council, that it is necessary for the health and convenience of the inhabitants of said ward to have the Public Squares, being the east half of blocks 36 and 165, in said ward, and the alleys adjoining, filled to the established grade, and otherwise improved; authority, therefore, is hereby given to the Aldermen of said second ward to fill, to the established grade, and otherwise improve said premises or any part thereof, in accordance with, and according to the provisions of an act of the Legislature, entitled "an act to authorize the several wards, in the. City of Milwaukee, to purchase grounds for Market and Public Squares," approved, March 19, 1856. SEC. 2. For the purpose of making the above-mentioned May issue improvements, the Aldermen of said ward are hereby author- ized, for and in the name of said ward, to issue bonds, not exceeding in amount the sum of ten thousand dollars, on such terms, for such time, and drawing such interest, as to them shall seem advisable, but to be issued in accordance with and within the restrictions imposed by said act of the Legislature. SEC. 3. The Aldermen of said ward shall cause an accu- Estimate to rate estimate to be made by the City Engineer, of the bemade. amount of earth necessary to fill the said Square and alley, and.also an estimate of the other improvements necessary, and filed in his office, and a copy thereof filed in the office of the City Comptroller. 334 To be re- SEC. 4. All the proceedings of said Aldermen, under this corded on wardrecord. ordinance and said act of the Legislature, shall be entered at length in the records of said ward, and they shall make out a certified list of the bonds so issued, specifying the amount, the rate of interest they draw, and the time when the interest and principal thereon becomes due, which shall be filed with the City Comptroller and entered of record in his office. To be voted SEC. 5. This ordinance shall not be in force until subon" mitted to the legal voters of the second ward of the City of Milwaukee, at an election to be held for that purpose, at the time hereinafter provided, and adopted by a majority of the whole number of votes given at such election. When and SEC. 6. An election shall be held on the first Wedneswhere election held. day in June next, A. D. 1856, between the hours of two and six o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the usual place in said ward for holding elections, for the purpose of the adoption or rejection of this ordinance, and such election shall be conducted and the votes canvassed and returned in the same manner and by the same officers as at other city elections. Ballots to SEC. 7. On the ballots which shall be received by the'rea. inspectors at said election, shall be either written or printed the words, " For the improvement of Public Square," or the words, " Against the improvement of the Public Square." Returns, SEC. 8. At the next regular or special meeting of the how mde. Common Council, after the returns of the election from said ward are made to the City Clerk, the Common Council shall proceed to canvass said returns, and if it is found that a majority of all the votes taken are in favor of said improvement, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to make proclamation thereof in the official papers of the City, and this ordinance shall be in force from and after its first publication, subsequent to the date of such proclamation. lerk to pub- SEC. 9. It is hereby made the duty of the City Clerk, to lish cause a certified copy o the petition n file in his office fo and petition, cause a certified copy of the petition, on file in his office, for 335 this improvement, together with a notice of the time and place of holding the election specified in this ordinance, to be published in the official papers of this city three several times, one of which publications shall be made in each of said newspapers at least fifteen days previous to the time of holding said elections. Passed, May 12, 1856. AN ORDINANCE Authorizing the purchasing, improving and establishing a Public Square in the Seventh Ward of the City of Milwaukee. The rMayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. More than twenty-five freeholders, residents Public of the seventh ward of the City of Milwaukee, having, by Square,7th petition, represented to the Common Council that it is necessary to take for a Public Square in said ward, the following premises, viz: lots No. one, five, six and seven (1, 5, 6 and 7), in block No. seventy-one (71), in said ward, authority therefore is hereby given to the Aldermen of said seventh ward to purchase said premises of the owner or owners thereof, or to take the same in accordance with, and according to the provisions of an act of the Legislature, entitled "an act to authorize the several wards in the City of Milwaukee, to purchase grounds for Market and Public Squares," approved, March 19th, 1856. SEC. 2. The premises described in the foregoing section are hereby set off and established as a Public Square in said seventh ward, to be under the control of the Aldermen of said ward, and to be kept and regulated for the public use. SEC. 3. For the purpose of purchasing and improving Bonds,o be said Public Square, the Aldermen of said ward are hereby issue authorized, for, and in the name of said Ward, to issue bonds 336 in accordance with the provisions of an act, entitled " an act to authorize the several wards, in the City of Milwaukee, to purchase grounds for Market and Public Squares," approved, March 19, 1856, upon such terms, for such time, and drawing such interest, as to them shall seem desirable, but to be isued in accordance with, and within the restrictions imposed by said act of the Legislature. Profile to be SEC. 4. The Aldermen of said ward shall cause an accufiled. rate survey and profile, or map of said Public Square, to be made by the City Surveyor and filed in his office; and before proceeding to improve the same, they shall cause a plan and specifications of such improvement to be drawn, and a copy thereof to be deposited in the office of the City Comptroller. Proceedings SEC. 5. All the proceedings of said Aldermen, under this to be recordbe. ordinance and said act of the Legislature, shall be entered at length in the records of said ward, and they shall make out a certified list of all the bonds so issued, specifying the amount, the rate of interest they draw, and the time when the interest and principal thereon becomes due, which shall be filed with the City Comptroller, and entered of record in his office. Submittedto SEC. 6. This ordinance shall not be in force until subvoters. mitted to the legal voters of the seventh ward of the City of Milwaukee, at an election held for that purpose, at the time hereinafter provided, and adopted by a majority of the whole number of votes given at such election. Time of elec- SEC. 7. An election shall be held on Thursday, the 26th tion. day of June, A. D. 1856, between the hours of two and six o'clock, in the afternoon of said day, at the usual place in said ward for holding elections, for the purpose of the adoption or rejection of this ordinance, and such election shallbe conducted, and the votes canvassed and returned, in the same manner and by the same officers, as at other city elections. 337 SEC. 8. On the ballots which shall be received by the inspectors, at said election, shall be either written or printed, the words, "For the Public Square," or the words, "Against the Public Square." SEC. 9. At the next regular or special meeting of the Votes canvassed. Common Council, after the returns of'the election from said ward are made to the City Clerk, the Common Council shall proceed to canvass said returns, and if it is found that a majority of the whole votes taken are in favor of said Public Square, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to make proela- Proclamamation thereof in the official papers of the city, and this or- Mayor. dinance shall be in force from and after its first publication, subsequent to the date of such proclamation. SEC. 10. It is hereby made the duty of the City Clerk to cause a certified copy of the petition on file in his office, for this Public Square, together with a notice of the time and place of holding the election, specified in this ordinance, to be published in the official papers of this city three several times, one of which publications shall be made in each of said newspapers at least fifteen days previous to the time of holding said election. Passed, June 9, 1856. AN ORDINANCE Authorizing the purchasing, improveing, and establishing a Markce Square in the Seventh Ward of the City of Milwaukee. The.Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwuukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. More than twenty-five freeholders, residents Market of the seventh ward of the City of Milwaukee, having, by wsard. petition, represented to the Common Council that it is necessary, in addition to the property already owned by said seventh ward, to take for a Market Square lots Nos. one, two, 338 three and four (1, 2, 3 and 4), in block No. fifty-five (55), in said ward; authority, therefore, is hereby given to the Aldermen of said seventh ward to purchase said premises, or any part thereof, of the owner or owners thereof, with whom they can agree for such purchase, or to take the same or any portion thereof, whic1 they may be unable to purchase in accordance with and according to the provisions of an act of the Legislature, entitled "an act to authorize the several wards in the City of Milwaukee to purchase grounds for Market and Public Squares," approved, March 19th, 1856. SEC. 2. The premises described in the foregoing section, in addition to the lots already owned by the said seventh ward adjoining the same, are hereby set off and established as a Market Square in said seventh ward, to be under the control of the Aldermen of said ward, and to be kept and regulated for the public use, and hereafter to be called and known by the name of the Seventh Ward Market Square. Bonds issued SEC. 3. For the purpose of purchasing and improving said Market Square, the Aldermen of said ward are hereby authorized, for and in the name of said ward, to issue bonds in accordance with the provisions of an act, entitled "an act to authorize the several wards in the City of Milwaukee to purchase grounds for Market and Public Squares," approved, March 19th, 1856, upon such terms, for such time, and drawing such interest, as to them shall seem advisable, but to be issued in accordance with and within the restrictions imposed by said act of the Legislature. Profile filed. SEC. 4. The Aldermen of said ward shall cause an accurate survey and profile or map of said Market Square to be made by the City Surveyor, and filed in his office, and before proceeding to improve the same, they shall cause a plan and specifications of such improvement to be drawn, and a copy thereof deposited in the office of the City Comptroller. 339 SEC. 5. All the proceedings of said Aldermen, under this Proceedings to be reordinance and said act of the Legislature, shall be entered at corded. length in the records of said ward, and they shall make out a certified list of all the bonds so issued, specifying the amount, the rate of interest they draw, and the time when the principal and interest thereon becomes due, which shall be filed with the City Comptroller, and entered of record in his office. SEC. 6. This ordinance shall not be in force until sub-Submitted to mitted to the legal voters of the seventh wald of the City of Milwaukee, at an election to be held for that purpose, at the time hereinafter provided, and adopted by a majority of the whole number of votes given at such election. SEC. 7. An election shall be held on Thursday, the 26th Time of election. day of June, A. D. 1856, between the hours of two and six o'clock, in the afternoon of said day, at the usual place in said ward for holding elections, for the purpose of the adoption or rejection of this ordinance, and such election shall be conducted, and the votes canvassed and returned, in the same manner and by the same officers as at other city elections. SEC. 8. On the ballots which shall be received by the inspectors at said election, shall be either written or printed the words, "For the Market Square," or the words "Against the Market Square. SEC. 9. At the next regular or special meeting of the votes canCommon Council, after the returns of the election from said ae ward are made to the City Clerk, the Common Council shall proceed to canvass said returns, and if it is found that a majority of all the votes taken are in favor of said Market Square, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to make proclama- Proclamation of tion thereof in the official papers of the city, and this ordi- Mayor. nance shall be in force from and after its first publication, subsequent to the date of such proclamation. SEC. 10. It is hereby made the duty of the City Clerk to cause a certified copy of the petition, on file in his office, for 340 this Market Square, together with a notice of the time and place of holding the election specified in this ordinance, to be published in the official papers of this city three several times, one of which publications shall be made in each of said newspapers at least fifteen days previous to the time of holding said election. Passed, June 9, 1856. AN ORDINANCE To amend the several Ordinances relating to the grade on Poplar Street. The,fayor and Conmmon Council cf the City of' Mlihaukee, do ordain asfollows: SECTION 1. It appearing, by the report of the Aldermen of the second ward, that the grade, as now established on Poplar street, does not permit the water to run off: in order Grade of to effect this object, the grade on said Poplar street is hereby Poplar st 2d Pwar.' d changed, and is hereby fixed and permanently established, as follows: The height or elevation of said street, above the usual base or level of the Milwaukee river, as it was in March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirtysix, to be as follows: at the middle of Eleventh street eightynine, and at the middle of Tenth street, eighty-seven. SEC. 2. The grades and elevations of the side-walks, on the sides of Poplar street, and of all alleys terminating in the same, shall conform to the grade of said street, as near as practicable. SEC. 3. The provisions of any ordinances heretofore passed, which may conflict with this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Passed, June 16, 1856. AN ORDINANCE Permanently to establish the grade of certain streets, in the Fourth Ward of the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The grade or elevation of the several streets, Grade of streets in 4th hereinafter mentioned, situated in the fourth ward of the ward. City of Milwaukee, is hereby fixed and permanently established, as follows: The height or elevation to be above the base, which has been generally adopted in establishing grades in said ward, which base was the Milwaukee river, as it was in the month of March, in the year 1836; the height or elevation is obtained by using the water table of the Congregational Church, on Spring street, as a bench, which is seven 68-100 feet above the water in the Milwaukee river, at the time above referred. CLYBOURN STREET. Clybourn st. At a point 325 ft. west of block 81 and 132, 15 ft..i " 370 ft. farther west, 16 ft. At the center of Clermont st. 25 ft. HILL STREET. Hinl t. At the west side of blocks 137 and 132, 10 ft. At a point 325 ft. west of blocks 137 and 132 6 ft. "." 370 ft. farther west, 6 ft. At the center of Clermont st. 10 ft. CLERMONT STREET. Clermont at. At the center of Clybourn st. 25 ft.... ( Hill st. 10 ft.... a street on the north side of the Railroad, 6 ft. A st. between block 195 and the Railroad, at the center of Clermont st. 6 ft. V 342 At the west line of section 29, 6 ft. A st. known as the Kilbourn road, at the intersection wTith st. south of block 195, 6 ft. At a point 400 ft. south-west in center of said st. 5 ft. At the south line of the fourth ward, 5 ft. Passed, July 21, 1856. AN ORDINANCE To amend an Ordinance permanently to establish the grade of certain streets, in the First Ward of the City of Milwaukee, passed, February 24, 1853. The Mafyor and C'ommon Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows. Grade of SECTION 1. The iirst section of an ordinance, entitled " an streets in 1st ward. ordinance permanently to establish the grade of certain streets in the first warld of the City of Milwaukee," passed February 24, 1853, is hereby amended, and the height or Milwaukeest elevation of Milwaukee street, at the points hereinafter named, is hereby permanently fixed and established, as follows, to wit: At the middle of Knapp street, fifty-six feet (56 feet); at the middle of Ogden street, forty-four feet (44 feet.) The grade of said Milwaukee street to slope out from the gutter on the south side of Knapp street, within sixty feet south from the south line of said Knapp street, and to run a straight grade of uniform descent from the middle of Knapp street to the middle of Ogden street. Also, from the middle of Ogden street to the middle of Lyon street. SEc. 2. The height or elevation of Knapp street, at the middle of Jefferson street, is hereby permanently fixed and established at sixty-six feet (66 feet), and the grade of Jefferson street to slope out from the gutter on the south side of Knapp street, within sixty feet south from the south line 343 of said Knapp street, and from the gutter on the north side of Knapp street to a point half way between Knapp and Ogden streets. SEC. 8. The grade of Knapp street is hereby fixed and determined, and shall run a straight grade of uniform descent from the middle of Jackson street to the middle of Jefferson street, and from the middle of Jefferson street to the middle of Milwaukee street, and from the middle of Milwaukee street to the middle of Main street. SEC. 4. The grade of Ogden street is hereby fixed and Ogden st. determined, and shall run a straight grade of uniform descent from the middle of Jefferson street to the middle of Milwaukee street, and from the middle of Milwaukee street to the middle of Main street. SEC. 5. In consideration of the passage of this ordinance, and the fixing of the points of elevation, in the streets named in the foregoing sections, it is distinctly understood and agreed, by all parties interested, and by the Common Council, that no change shall ever be made hereafter in the grade of the above-named streets, at the points named in this ordinance. SEC. 6. All ordinances and parts of ordinances fixing the grade of the several streets named in this ordinance, and conflicting with the heights or elevations fixed and established by this ordinance, are hereby repealed so far as relates to the points of grade named in this ordinance, but in no other respect whatever. Passed, August 1, 1856. AN ORDINANCE Permanently to establish the grade of certain streets in the Second and Fourth Wards of the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: Grade of SECTION 1. The grade or elevation of the several streets streets in 2d & 4th wards. hereinafter mentioned, situated in the second and fourth wards of the City of Milwaukee, is hereby fixed and permanently established, as follows: The height or elevation to be above the base, which has been generally adopted in grading streets, which base was the level of the Milwaukee River, as it was in the month of March, in the year 1836. These heights or elevations are obtained by using the watertable of the Congregational Church on Spring street as a bench, which is 7 and 68-100 feet above the water in the Milwaukee river at the time above referred to. Tenth st. TENTH STREET. At the middle of Prairie street, 76 50-100 ft. "' "' Poplar st. 87 ft. Chesnut st. 84 ft..... Tamarack st. 70 ft.... Cedar st. 69 ft..... Wells st. 63 ft.... ~Spring st. 57 ft. Eleventh st. Eleventh St. ELEVENTH STREET At the middle of Chesnut st. 95 ft. i... Prairie st. 85 ft. Tamarack st. 77 ft...6; Cedar st. 72 ft... Wells st. 64 ft..... Spring st. 58 75-100 ft. 345 TWELFTH STREET. Twelfth st. At the middle of Chesnut st. 99 ft. " " Prairie st. 91 ft. cc.. Tamarack st. 84 ft.... Cedar st. 75 ft.. v.. Wells st. 66 ft.... Spring st. 60 50-100 ft. PRAIRIE STREET. Prairie st. At the middle of Ninth st. 64 ft. A.... cc Tenth st. 766 ft. A' "~ Eleventh st. 85 ft. "( "a Twelfth st. 81 ft. At the section line between sections 29 and 30 94 ft. TAMARACK STREET. Tamarack s At the middle of Ninth st. 54 ft. A. {' "c Tenth st. 70 ft. ".... Eleventh st. 77 ft... n ~Twelfth st. 84 ft. At a line between sections 29 and 30 87 ft. CEDAR STREET. Cedar At the middle of Ninth st. 58 ft. A..... Tenth st. 69 ft.' " { Eleventh st. 72 ft. (C" " Twelfth st. 75 ft. At the line between sections 29 and 30 77 ft. WELLS STREET. Wells st. At the middle of Ninth st. 56 ft. A..... Tenth st. 63 ft. ^" " Eleventh st. 64 ft.' d" "( Twelfth st. 66 ft. At the line between sections 29 and 30 67 ft. SEC. 2. The grades or elevations of the side walks onthe sides of the streets named in the first section of this ordinance, shall conform, as far as practicable, to the grades of 346 streets running parallel with the same; and the grade of alleys running through the blocks bounded by said streets, shall, in all cases, conform to the grade of the respective streets in which such alleys may terminate. SEC. 3. All ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Passed, September 13, 1856. AN ORDINANCE Authorizing the purchasing, improving, and establishing a Market Square in the Third Ward of the City of Milwaukee. The MJayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: Market SECTION 1. More than twenty-five freeholders, residents Sqare 3d of the third ward of the City of Milwaukee, having, by petition, represented to the Common Council that it is necessary to take, for a Market Square, all of block forty-five (45), in said ward; authority, therefore, is hereby given to the Aldermen of said third ward to purchase said premises, or any part thereof, of the owner or owners thereof, with whom Lots taken. they can agree for such purchase, or to take the same or any portion thereof, which they may be unable to purchase in accordance with and according to the provisions of an act of the Legislature, entitled "an act to authorize the several wards in the City of Milwaukee to purchase grounds for Market and Public Squares," approved, March 19th, 1856. SEC. 2. The premises described in the foregoing section are hereby set off and established as a Market Square in said third ward, to be under the control of the Aldermen of said ward, and to be kept and regulated for the public use, and hereafter to be called and known by and under the name of" Third Ward Market Square. 347 SEc. 3. For the purpose of purchasing and improving Bondsissued said Market Square, the Aldermen of said ward are hereby authorized, for and in the name of said ward, to issue bonds not exceeding in amount the sum of fifty thousand dollars, on such terms, for such time, anld drawing such interest, as to them shall seem advisable, but to be issued in accordance with and within the restrictions imposed by said act of the Legislature. SEC. 4. The Aldermen of said ward shall cause an accu- Plan and rate survey and profile or map of said Mlarket Square to be P drofile t be made by the City Surveyor, and filed in his office, and before proceeding to improve the same, they shall cause a plan and specifications of such improvement to be drawn, and a copy thereof deposited in the office of the City Comptroller, SEC. 5. All the proceedings of said Aldermen, under this Proceedings recorded. ordinance, and said act of the Legislature, shall be entered at length in the records of said ward, and they shall make out a certified list of all the bonds so issued, specifying the amount, the rate of interest they draw, and the time when the interest and principal thereon becomes due, which shall be filed with the City Comptroller, and entered on record in his office. SEC. 6. This ordinance shall not be in force until submitted to the legal voters of the third ward of the City of Milwaukee, at an election to be held for that purpose, at the time hereinafter provided, and adopted by a majority of the whole number of votes given at such election. SEC. 7. An election shall be held on Saturday, October Election 4th, A. D. 1856, between the hours of two and seven hel' o'clock, in the afternoon of said day, at the usual place in said ward for holding elections, for the purpose of the adoption or rejection of this ordinance, and such election shall be conducted, and the votes canvassed and returned, in the same manner and by the same officers as at other city elections. 348 SEC. 8. On the ballots which shall be received by the inspectors at said election, shall be either written or printed the words, "For the Market Square," or the words "Against the Market Square." Proclama- SEC. 9. At the next regular or special meeting of the tion of Mayor. Common Council, after the returns of the election from said ward are made to the City Clerk, the Common Council shall proceed to canvass said returns, and if it is found that a majority of all the votes taken are in favor of said Market Square, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to make proclamation thereof in the official papers of the city, and this ordinance shall be in force from and after its first publication, subsequent to the date of such proclamation. Notice of SEC. 10. It is hereby made the duty of the City Clerk to election. cause a certified copy of the petition, on file in his office, for this Market Square, together with a notice of the time and place of holding the election specified in this ordinance, to be published in the official papers of this city, three several times, one of which publications shall be made in each of said newspapers at least fifteen days previous to the time of holding said election. Passed, September 13, 1856. ORDINANCES PROVIDING FOR ISSUING BONDS TO AID RAIL ROADS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. AN ORDINANCE To aid in the construction of a Rail Road from Milwaukee to the Mississippi River. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Milwaukee, in Common Council assembled: SECTION 1. That the Mayor be, and he is hereby author- Subscription of ized to subscribe, in behalf of this city, for stock in the Mil- $1oo,ooo. waukee and Waukesha Rail Road Company, to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars, on the terms and conditions hereinafter provided. SEC. 2. There shall be, and hereby is, levied and assessed Tax levied. annually, a tax on the real estate within the incorporated limits of this city, at the rate of one per centum on the assessed value of such property, to be called the Rail Road Tax. SEC. 3. The payment on the stock subscribed shall be made to said company so fast, and only so fast, as money shall be received into the City Treasury from the proceeds of said tax. SEC. 4. The City Treasurer is hereby authorized and required to pay such proceeds, from time to time, to the proper officer of the company, and for each one hundred dollars so paid, he shall take a separate assignable certificate for one share of stock. 350 Railroad SEC. 5. Upon the payment of any Rail Road Tax, the tax receipt, form of. Treasurer shall deliver to the person making the payment, a receipt in the following form, to wit: MILWAUKEE CITY RAIL ROAD TAX RECEIPT................. N o............. Received, Milwaukee,........................... 184..... of............................... the sum of.................................and ci- Dollars, in full for the Rail Road Tax for the year eighteen hundred and........................... on the following named real estate in the City of Milwaukee. Upon the surrender of these receipts to the Common Council, to the amount of one hundred dollars, the holder or assignee will be entitled to one share of stock in the Milwaukee and Waukesha Rail Road Company. PART OF LOT. NO. OF LOT. NO. OF BLOCK. NO. OF' W)ARD. AMOUNT OF TAX. Receipts to SEC. 6. All such receipts shall be regularly numbered enregisteed and recorded in a book to be kept for that purpose by the beoed. Treasurer, such record to show, in separate columns, the date, numbers and amount of the receipt, and the name of the person to whom it was issued. Right to use SEC. 7. Full right and authority is hereby granted, on certain alleys. part of the city, to the said rail road company, to construct and maintain a rail road along the alley in blocks one hundred and fifty-four, one hundred and fifty-three, and one hundred and fifty-two, in the fourth ward, and thence westwardly on such line as has been, or may hereafter be, located and determined upon by said company. Proviso asto SEC. 8. The subscription, hereby authorized, shall not be city subscription. binding on the city, until the amount of capital stock in said company, subscribed by individuals, shall be equal to two hundred thousand dollars, and the subscription, on the part of the city, shall not be called in or paid fasterthan individual subscriptions, and ten per cent. thereon actually paid. Passed, July 19, 1849. AN ORDINANCE To provide for the payment of the installments coming due on the stock subscribed by the City of Milwaukee, in the Milwaukee and Mississippi Rail Road Company. WHEREAS, the people of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, did, by an act, approved March 12, 1849, authorize the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee to subscribe, in behalf of said city, to the capital stock of the Milwaukee and Waukesha Rail Road Company, incorporated February 11th, 1847, to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars and upwards, and to borrow, on the faith of said city, such sum or sums as may be necessary in order to provide for the payment of the stock so subscribed, and, whereas, the said Common Council did, by an ordinance, passed July 19, 1849, authorize the Mayor to subscribe, in behalf of the city, for stock in said rail road company, to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars, by virtue whereof, the Mayor did subscribe for said stock, in behalf of the city, and, whereas, there is unpaid, and to become due, on said stock, the sum of eighty-four thousand dollars, therefore, Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Milwaukee, in Common Council assembled: SECTION 1. That bonds be issued, on the faith of the city, Bonds to amount of by the Mayor and Clerk, to the amount of eighty-four thou- $84,000 issued by city. sand dollars, in such sums as will be desired by the Directors of the Milwaukee and Mississippi Rail Road Company, not exceeding, in the aggregate, the whole amount of the installments to become due on the stock subscribed by the city in said rail road company. SEC. 2. Said bonds shall be payable ten years from their date, and the interest on them shall be payable annually at a rate not exceeding ten per cent. per annum. 352 M.&M.R.R. SEC. 3. The offer of the Milwaukee and Mississippi Rail Co., guaranteetheinter- Road Company to assume and guarantee the payment of the est on the bonds, interest on the bonds so issued, is hereby accepted, and the City of Milwaukee does hereby relinquish the dividends and profits that may accrue on the stock given in exchange for such bonds, so long as the interest on such bonds shall be paid by said company, or until said bonds become due and payable. SEC. 4. The bonds issued by virtue of this ordinance, shall not be delivered to the rail road company until said company shall have given security to the city for the punctual payment of the interest on said bonds, and after said security shall have been accepted by the Common Council. Passed, May 18, 1850. AN ORDINANCE To grant further aid in the construction of the Milwaukee and Mississippi Rail Road. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Milwaukee, in Common Council assembled: Additional SECTION 1. That the Mayor be, and he is hereby authorized subscription of $150,000 to subscribe in behalf of the city, for stock in the Milwaukee inM. &M.tR. R. Co. andMississippi Rail Road Company, in pursuance of the act of the Legislature, passed, March 12th, 1849, to the amount of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, in addition to the subscription of one hundred thousand dollars, made in pursuance of an ordinance to aid in the construction of a rail road from Milwaukee to the Mississippi river, passed, July 19th, 1849, the same being (in the opinion of the Common Council) required by the interests of the City of Milwaukee. Bonds au- SEC. 2. In order to provide for the payment of the installments on the stock subscribed as aforesaid, a loan is 353 hereby authorized to be made, on the faith of the city, for a sum of money not exceeding, in the aggregate, the whole amount of the installments to become due on such stock, and for the purpose of effecting such loan, and to secure the payment of the same, the bonds of the city shall be issued, by the Mayor and Clerk, to the amount of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, in addition to bonds heretofore authorized to be issued for a loan with which to pay the former subscription of the city to the stock of said company, and said bonds hereby authorized, to be in sums of one thousand dollars each, payable ten years from the first day of July, 1850, with interest at the rate of ten per centum per annum, payable semi-annually in the City of New York, for which purpose coupons to be attached to said bonds. SEC. 3. The proposition of the Milwaukee and Missis- Company guarantees sippi Rail Road Company, to assume and guarantee the pay- payment of the interest ment of the interest on the bonds so issued, is hereby ac- on bonds. cepted, and the City of Milwaukee does hereby relinquish the dividends and profits that may accrue on the stock given in exchange for such bonds, so long as the interest on the said bonds shall be paid by said company, or until said bonds become due and payable, provided that such acceptance be on the condition, that said company shall furnish securities, satisfactory to the Common Council, for the said payment of interest, and also for the ultimate purchase of the stock t, be issued to the city on such subscription, agreeably to proposition of said company, this 17th day of June, 1850, submitted in the event that the city authorities should decide to sell the same at any time within ten years from the first day of July, 1850, and demand payment for the same of said company. SEC. 4. The second section of the ordinance authorizing Former orthe issue of eighty-four thousand dollars of city bonds, in amenaed. part of the former subscription of stock, passed, May 18th, 1850, be so amended that said bonds be issued uniformly 354 with those authorized bly this ordinance, viz: said bonds to be payable in ten years from the 1st day of July, 1850, with interest at the rate of ten per centum per annum, payable semi-annually in the City of New York, for which purpose coupons to be attached to said bonds, and the bonds heretofore executed in pursuance of the said ordinance, to be cancelled. AN O R DI N A NC) E Authorizing an issue of City Bonds to the Green Bay, Milwaukee and Chicago Rail Road Company. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Miltwaukee, do ordain as follows: Authorizing SECTION 1. For the purpose of aiding in the construction an issue of bonds to the of the Green Bay, Milwaukee and Chicago Rail Road, city G. B., M. & ChicagoR. bonds, to an amount not exceeding two hundred thousand R. Co. dollars, may be issued and delivered to the Green Bay, Milwaukee and Chicago Rail Road Company, on the terms and;,nditioms specified in "an act authorizing the City of Milwaukee to loan its credit in aid of certain rail roads," approved, April 2d, 1853, and on terms and conditions hereinafter provided. Bonds to be SEC. 2. Every bond, issued under the authority contained made payable at Union in the preceding section, shall be made payable in twenty Bank, City of New York. years from the date thereof, with interest, payable semi-annually, at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, and both principal and interest payable at the Union Bank of the City of New York, shall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Clerk of the Common Council, under the corporate seal of the city. Provisions SEC. 3. No bonds shall be issued to said rail road comto be complied with pany until all the provisions relating to the bonds and securibefore issue of bond. ties to be given and furnished to said city, as provided in the 355 third, fourth, fifth and sixth sections of an act authorizing the City of Milwaukee to loan its credit in aid of certain rail roads, are fully complied with on the part of said company. SEC. 4. This ordinance shall aot be in force until sub- Adoption to be submitted mitted to the legal voters of the City of Milwaukee, at an to the legal voters of the election held for that purpose at the time hereinafter provi- city ded, and adopted by a majority of the whole number of votes given at such election. SEC. 5. An election shall be held on Tuesday, the seventeenth day of May, A. D. 1853, between the hours of two and six o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the places in the several wards of the city where the last elections were held, for the purpose of the adoption or rejection of this ordinance, and such election shall be conducted, and the votes canvassed and returned in the same manner and by the same officers as at other city elections. SEC. 6. On the ballots which shall be received by the in-Form of ballots. spectors of such elections, shall be either written or printed, the words, " For the Rail Road Ordinance," or the words,' Against the Rail Road Ordinance." SEC. 7. At the next meeting of the Common Council Vote to be canvassed. after the returns of such election from the several wards in the city are made to the City Clerk, the Common Council shall proceed to canvass such returns, andif it is found that a majority of the whole votes taken are in favor of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to make proclamation thereof in the official papers of the city, and the said ordinance shall be in force from and after its first publication, subsequent to the date of such proclamation. SEC. 8. It is hereby made the duty of the City Clerk to N t Notice to be cause a certified copy of this ordinance, together with a no- givenofeectice of the time and place of holding the election specified therein, to be published in all the city papers three several times, one of which publications shall be made in each of 356 said newspapers at least two weeks previous to the time of holding such election. Passed, April 30, 1853. Proclamation of the adoption by the legal voters, made May 19, 1853. AN ORDINANCE Authorizing an issue of City Bonds to the Milwaukee and Fond du Lac Rail Road Company. The Mayor and Common Council cf the City of Milwaukee, do ordain asfollows: City Bonds SECTION 1. For the purpose of aiding in the construcmay be issued to M. tion of the Milwaukee and Fond du Lac Rail Road, city bonds Fond du Lac R. R. Co. to an amount not exceeding the sum of two hundred thousand dollars, may be issued and delivered to the Milwaukee and Fond du Lac Rail Road Company, on the terms and conditions specified in " an act authorizing the City of Milwaukee to loan its credit in aid of certain rail roads," approved, April 2d, 1853, and on the terms and conditions hereinafter provided. SEC. 2. Every bond issued under the authority contained in the preceding section, shall be made payable in twenty years from the date thereof, with interest payable semi-annually, at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, and both Wherepay-principal and interest payable at the Union Bank of New York, in the City of New York, shall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Clerk of the Common Council, under the corporate seal of the city. Provisions SEC. 3. No bonds shall be issued to said rail road comto be cornplied with pany until all the provisions relating to the bonds and secubefore issue of bonds. rities to be given and furnished to said city, as provided in the 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th sections of an act authorizing the City of Milwaukee to loan its credit in aid of certain rail roads, are fully complied with on the part of said company. 357 SEC. 4. This ordinance shall not be in force until sub- Adoption to be submitted niitted to the legal voters of the City of Milwaukee, at an to the legal voters of the election held for that purpose at the time hereinafter provid- cityed, and adopted by a majority of the whole number of votes given at such election. SEC. 5. An election shall be held on Tuesday, the seventh Time of holdingr election~ day of June, A. D. 1853, between the hours of two and six o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the places in the several wards of the city where the last elections were held, for the purpose of the adoption or rejection of this ordinance, and such election shall be conducted, and the votes canvassed and returned, in the same manner and by the same officers as at other elections. SEC. 6. On the ballots which shall be received by theForm of balinspectors of sach election shall be either written or printed, the words, "For the Rail Road Ordinance," or the words, "Against the Rail Road Ordinance." SEC. 7. At the next meeting of the Common Council, af- Common Council to ter the returns of such election from the several wards in the canvass votes. city are made to the City Clerk, the Common Council shall proceed to canvass such returns, and if it is found that a majority of the whole votes taken are in favor of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to make proclamation thereof in the official paper of the city, and the said ordinance shall be in force from and after its first publication, subsequent to the date of such proclamation. SEC. 8. It is hereby made the duty of the City Clerk to Notice of election to cause a certified copy of the ordinance, together with a no- bepublished tice of the time and places of holding the election specified therein, to be published three several times in all the daily papers of the city, one of which publications shall be in each of said newspapers, at least two weeks previous to the time of holding such election. Passed Mlay 19th, 1853. w AN ORDINANCE Authorizing an issue of City Bonds to' the La Crosse and Milwaukee Rail Road Company. Tlhe Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows. City bonds SECTION 1. For the purpose of aiding in the construcmay be issuedto the La tion of the La Crosse and Milwaukee Rail Road, city bonds, Crosse & M. R.. Co. to an amount not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars, may be issued and delivered to the La Crosse and Milwaukee Rail Road Company, on the terms and conditions specified in " an act authorizing the City of Milwaukee to loan its credit in aid of certain rail roads," approved, April 2d, 1853, and on the terms and conditions hereinafter provided. When and SEC. 2. Every bond, issued under authority contained -where payable. in the preceding section, shall be made payable in twenty years from the date thereof, with interest, payable semi-annually, at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, and both principal and interest payable at the Union Bank of New York, shall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Clerk of the Common Council, under the corporate seal of the city. Provisions to SEC. 3. No bonds shall be issued to said rail road combecomplied with before pany until all the provisions relating to the bonds and securiissue of bonds. ties to be given and furnished to said city, as provided in the third, fourth, fifth and sixth sections of an act authorizing the City of Milwaukee to loan its credit in aid of certain rail roads, are fully complied with on the part of said company. Adoption to SEC. 4. This ordinance shall not be in force until subbe submitted to the legal mitted to the legal voters of the City of Milwaukee, at an voters of the city. election held for that purpose at the time hereinafter provided, and adopted by a majority of the whole number of votes given at such election. 359 SEc. 5. An election shall be held on Thursday, the 23d When an election is to day of June, 1853, between the hours of two and six be held. ~o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the places in the,several wards of the city where the last elections were held, for the purpose of the adoption or rejection of this or*dinance, and such election shall be conducted, and the votes canvassed in the same manner and by the same officers as at,other city elections. SEC. 6. On the ballots which shall be received by the in- Form of balspectors of such elections, shall be either written or printed, lots the words, " For the Rail Road Ordinance," or the words,'Against the Rail Road Ordinance." SEC. 7. At the next meeting of the Common Council, Common council to after the returns of such election from the several wards in canvass votes. the city are made to the City Clerk, the Common Council shall proceed to canvass such returns, and if it is found that a majority of the whole number of votes taken are in favor of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to make proclamation thereof in the official papers of the city, and the said ordinance shall be in force from and after its first publication, subsequent to the date of such proclamation. SEC. 8. It is hereby made the duty of the City Clerk to Notice of election to cause a certified copy of this ordinance, together with a no- be published tice of the time and places of holding the election specified therein, to be published three several times in all the daily papers in the city, one of which publications shall be in the official newspapers at least two weeks previous to the time of holding such election. Passed, June 2, 1853. Proclamation of the adoption by the legal voters, made June 23, 1853. AN ORDINANCE To authorize an issue of City Bonds to the 3Iilwaukee, Fond du Lac and Green Bay Rail Road Company. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwauktee, do ordain asfollows Authorizing SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City and the Clerk of this an issue of bonds to AI. Board, are hereby authorized to execute and deliver to the F. du L. & G. B.. R.Ce. Milwaukee, Fond du Lac and Green Bay Rail Road Company, city bonds to an amount not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars, in the manner and upon the conditions hereinafter mentioned. Bonds to be SEC. 2. Every bond issued shall be made and executed issued in pursuance of in pursuance of the provisions of section two of an ordilaw. nance entitled, " an ordinance authorizing an issue of city bonds to the Milwaukee and Fond du Lac Rail Road Company," passed, May 19th, 1853, and approved by a majority of the votes taken at an election held in the several wards of the city on the 7th day of June, in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-three. Bonds may SEC. 3. Such bonds may be issued, from time to time, be issued at. any time on in amounts proportioned to the whole quantity of rail road certain conditions. iron to be sold and delivered to the City of Milwaukee, in the manner provided in a certain bond executed to the Treasurer of said city, on the first day of September, A. D. 1853, by the President and Secretary of said rail road company, in behalf of said company, and by the Directors thereof, and when the receipt of the City Comptroller therefor is presented and filed with the Clerk of this Board. Passed, September 2, 1853. AN ORDINANCE To authorize an issue of City Bonds to the Milwaukee and Watertown Rail Road Company. The Maayor and Comnmzon Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City, and the Clerk of this Authority to issue bonds Board, are hereby authorized to execute and deliver to the to the M. & W. R. R. Co. Milwaukee & Watertown Rail Road Company, city bonds, to an amount not exceeding seventy-five thousand dollars, in the manner and upon the conditions hereinafter mentioned, said bonds to be used in the completion and equipment of the rail road now being constructed by said company from Milwaukee to Watertown, as mentioned in the proviso to "An ordinance authorizing an issue of city bonds to said Rail Road Company," passed, Oct. 6th, 1853. SEC. 2. Every bond issued shall be made and executed Bonds to be issued acin pursuance of the provisions of section two of "An ordi- cording to law. nance authorizing an issue of city bonds to the Milwaukee *& Watertown Rail Road Company" and approved by a majority of votes taken on an election held in the several wards of the City on the 24th of October, A. D. 1853. SEC. 3. Such bonds may be delivered by the Mayor and Bonds may be delivered Clerk of this Board at any time after the securities from said upon certain rail road company, for the payment of the principal and in- conditions. terest on said bonds, shall have been submitted to and approved and accepted by this Board. Passed, January 26, 1854. AN ORDINANCE To authorize the issue of City Bonds to the Green Bay, Milwaukee and Chicago Rail Road Company. T/e Mayor and Common Council of the City of Mlilwauckee, do ordain as follows' SECTtON 1. The Mayor of the City and the Clerk of this Authority Board, are hereby authorized to execute and deliver to the onds to the 362 G..B.,M.& Green Bay, Milwaukee and Chicago Rail Road Company,. city bonds (at this time) to an amount not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, in the manner and upon the conditions hereinafter mentioned. Said bonds to be issued in thecompletion and improvement of the rail road now being constructed by said company froim the Illinois state line, and mentioned in the proviso to "An ordinance authorizing an issue of city bonds to said rail road company," passed April 30, 1853. Bonds to be SEC. 2. Every bond issued shall be made and executed. issued according to in pursuance of the provision of section two of "An ordinance authorizing an issue of city bonds to the Green Bay,. Milwaukee and Chicago Rail Road Company," and approved by a majority of votes taken on an election held in the several wards in the city, on the 17th day of May, A. D. 1853.. Bonds may SEC. 3. Such bonds may be delivered by the Mayor and be delivered upon certain Clerk of this Board at any time after the securities from said conditions. rail road company, for the payment of the principal and interest on said bonds, (executed in accordance with the requirements of the report of the special committee submitted and approved February 11th, 1854,) shall have been approved by a vote of the Common Council. Passed, February 11, 1854. AN OR DINANCE To authorize an issue of City Bonds to the La Crosse and Milwaukee Rail Road Company. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee,. do ordain as follows Authority to SECTION 1. The'Mayor of the City, and the Clerk of the Authority to issue bonds Board, are hereby authorized to execute and deliver to the to the La C. hy &M.R.R.CLa Crosse and Milwaukee Rail Road, city bonds, to an amount not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars, in the, 363 manner and upon the conditions hereinafter mentioned, such bonds, or the proceeds thereof, to be used in the completion and equipment of the rail road now being constructed by said company, from the City of Milwaukee to the Town of La Crosse, in the State of Wisconsin. SEC. 2. Every bond issued shall be made and executed Bonds to be issued acin pursuance of the provisions of section two, of an ordinance cording to law. authorizing an issue of city bonds to the La Crosse and Milwaukee Rail Road Company, and approved by a majority of the votes taken at an election held in the several wards of the city, on the 23d. day of June, A. D..1853. SEC. 3. Such bonds may be delivered by the Mayor and Bonds may be delivered Clerk in amounts less, and not in the whole exceeding theupon certain conditions. sum herein authorized to be issued, at any time after the securities from said rail road company, for the payment of the principal and interest to accrue on said city bonds, shall have been first submitted to, approved and accepted by the Common Council. Passed, February 11, 1854. AN ORDINANCE To amend an Ordinance to authorize an issue of City Bonds to the La Crosse and Milwaukee Rail Road Company, passed, June 2d, 1853. The iMayor and Common Council of the City of Milwauckee, do ordain as follows. SECTION 1. Section two of an ordinance, entitled, " an Bonds made payable at ordinance, to authorize an issue of city bonds to the La Crosse the office of Duncan, and Milwaukee Rail Road Company," passed, June 2d, sherman& 1853, is hereby amended, so as to authorize the Mayor and Clerk of the Common Council to make the principal and interest on all bonds issued to said rail road company, in pur 364 suance of said ordinance, payable at the office of Duncan, Sherman & Co., in the City of New York, instead of the Union Bank, in said City of New York. Passed, February 16, 1854. AN O R DI N A N C E To amend an Ordinance to authorize an issue of City Bonds to the Milwaukee, Fond du Lac and Green Bay Rail Road Company, passed September 2d, 1853. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwzaukee, do ordain as follows: Bonds made SECTION 1. Section two of an ordinance, entitled "An orpayable at the office of dinance to authorize an issue of city bonds to the Milwaukee, Duncan, Sheman & Fond du Lac and Green Bay Rail Road Company," passed September 2d, 1853, is hereby amended so as to authorize the Mayor and Clerk of the Common Council to make the principal and interest on all bonds issued to said rail road company, in pursuance of said ordinance, payable at the office of Duncan, Sherman and Company, in the City of New York, instead of the Union Bank, in said City of New York. Passed, October 20, 1853~ AN ORDINANCE Authorizing an issue of City Bonds to the Milwaukee and Watertown Rail Road Company. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows. Authortty to SECTION 1. For the purpose of aiding in the construcissue bonds to the M. & tion of the Milwaukee and Watertown Rail Road, city bonds W. R R. Co may be issued and delivered to the Milwaukee and Watertown Rail Road Company to an amount not exceeding two 365 hundred thousand dollars, on the terms and conditions specified in "an act authorizing the City of Milwaukee to loan its credit in aid of certain rail roads," approved April 2, 1853, and on the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned, provided, that not more than seventy-five thousand dollars shall be issued to said company, to be used in the completion and equipment of the road from the City of Milwaukee to the City of Watertown, and the balance when necessary to be used in the construction and completion of said road between Watertown and Portage City, and beyond that point. SEC. 2. Every bond issued lunder the authority contained Bonds, made in the preceding section, shall be made payable in twen- ybl ty years from the date thereof, with interest, payable semiannually, at the rate of seven per cent., and both principal and interest payable at the Union Bank of New York, in the City of New York; shall be signed by the Mayor, and countersigned by the Clerk of the Common Council, under the corporate seal of the city. SEC. 3. No bonds shall be issued to the said rail road Bondstobe issied accorcompany until all the provisions relating to the bonds and ding to law. securities, to be given and furnished to said city, as provided in the 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th sections of "an act authorizing the City of Milwaukee to loan its credit in aid of certain rail roads," are fully complied with on the part of said company. SEC. 4. This ordinance shall not be in force until submit-Adoption to ted to the legal voters of the City of Milwaukee, at an elec- be submitted^ tion held for that purpose at the time hereinafter provided, vtersof the and adopted by a majority of the whole number of votes given at such election. SEC. 5. An election shall be held on Monday, the twenty- Time of holdfourth day of October, 1853, between the hours of one and five o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the places in the several wards where the last elections were held, or at such other places as may be provided by the Aldermen of the several wards, for the purpose of the adoption or rejection of 366 this ordinance, and such election shall be conducted, and the votes canvassed and returned in the same manner and by the same officers as other city elections. Form of SEC. 6. On the ballots which shall be received by the ballots. inspectors of such election, shall be either written or printed, the words, "For the Rail Road Ordinance," or the words, "Against the Rail Road Ordinance." Common SEC. 7. At the next meeting of the Common Council, Couhcil to canvass re- after the returns of such election from the several wards are turns. made to the City Clerk, the Common Council shall proceed to canvass such returns, andif it is found that a majority of the whole votes taken are in favor of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to make proclamation thereof in the official papers of the city, and the said ordinance shall be in force from and after its first publication, subsequent to the date of such proclamation. Passed, October 6, 1853. Proclamation of the adoption by the legal voters, made November 4, 1853. AN 0OR D I NANCE To provide for opening the Harbor at the Straight Cut. The Mayor and Common Council cf the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows Bonds to be SECTION 1. For the purpose of providing funds to conissued for opening the struct the Harbor, at the Straight Cut, it shall be the duty of Harbor at the Straight the Mayor, and he is hereby authorized and empowered, to iscut. sue coupon bonds, (attested by the Clerk of this Board, under the seal of the city,) in the name of the City of Milwaukee, to the amount of fifty thousand dollars, payable in twenty years from the first day of July, 1854, with interest at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually, at some bank or other place to be designated, in the City of New York, and the faith of the city is hereby irrevocably pledged 367 for the payment of the interest punctually on said bonds, when due, and also for the payment of the principal of said bonds at maturity. SEC. 2. A committee of three members of this Board' committee and Surveyshall be appointed, to be called the Harbor Committee, ortomake plans and whose duty it shall be to proceed immediately with the City specifications. Surveyor and make such further surveys as they may deem necessary to exhibit fully the amount of work to be done at said Straight Cut, and make out a plan and specifications of said work, and report the same to this Board, on Thursday, the 23d day of the present month. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the Harbor Committee to Duty of ~t ~'\,~~~, Committee. advertise immediately for proposals for the performance of the work of opening the Harbor at the Straight Cut, agreeably to the plan and specifications, which shall have been adopted by the Common Council, and submit all bids received for that purpose to this Board, on Thursday, the sixth day of April next, for the purpose of letting and contracting for the performance of said work. Passed, March 18, 1854. AN ORDINANCE To authorize the issue of Bonds for Dredging the Milwaukee River, and to make said issue in common with the issue of Bonds for the construction of the Harbor. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follotws: SECTION 1. It is hereby made the duty of the Mayor to Mayor to isissue coupon bonds, in the corporate name of the City of Mil- dredgidng Milwaukee waukee, in pursuance of the authority for such purpose, River. granted by an act of the Legislature of the State of Wisconsin, entitled, " an act to amend an act entitled an act to consolidate and amend the act to incorporate the City of Mil 368 waukee, and the several acts amendatory thereof," to the When pay- amount of fifty thousand dollars, payable in twenty years able. from the first day of July, in the present year, (1854), with interest at the rate of seven per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, and both principal and interest to be made payable at such place in the City of New York, as he may deem expedient; and the faith of the City of Milwaukee is hereby irrevocably pledged to pay the said principal and interest, when due, agreeably to the conditions of said bonds, for which purpose a tax shall be levied annually in pursuance of the provisions contained in the third section of said act. Tax levie SEC. 2. The bonds authorized shall be issued in one serfor payment ies, with the bonds authorized to be issued by an ordinance of interest. entitled, " an ordinance to provide for opening the Harbor at the Straight Cut," passed on the 18th day of March, 1854, amounting, in the aggregate, to one hundred thousand dollars, for the purpose of Harbor and River Improvements. Passed, May 18, 1854. AN ORDINANC E Authorizing an issue of City Bonds to the Milwaukee and Mississippi Rail Road Company. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows For what SECTION 1. For the purpose of aiding in the construcpurpose bonds issued tion of a line of rail road from Janesville to the Mississippi river, at or near Dubuque, on or near the line lately adopted by the Southern Wisconsin Rail Road Company, the capital of which company is now consolidated with the capital stock of the Milwaukee and Mississippi Rail Road Company, by an agreement bearing date the 8th day of June instant, city bonds, to an amount not exceeding three hundred thou 369 sand dollars, may be issued and delivered to the Milwaukee and Mississippi Rail Road Company, (that being the name of the consolidated company), on the terms and conditions specified in " an act authorizing the City of Milwaukee to loan its credit in aid of certain rail roads," approved, April 2, 1853, and also an act, amendatory thereto, approved, March 31, 1854, and on the terms and conditions hereinafter provided. SEC. 2. Every bond, issued under the authority contained When payable, rate of in the preceding section, shall be made payable in twenty interest, &c. years from the date thereof, with interest, payable semi-annually, at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, and both principal and interest, payable at the Union Bank of the City of New York, shall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Clerk of the Common Council, under the corporate seal of the city. SEC. 3. No bonds shall be issued to said rail road con- Conditions to be company until all the provisions relating to the bonds and secu- plied with 0^~~~~ " ^ ^before bonds rities to be given and furnished to said city, as provided in and issues. the aforesaid acts, are fully complied with on the part of said company, or until such securities shall be furnished to said city, as shall be satisfactory to the Common Council thereof, nor shall they be issued until said company shall execute a good and sufficient or satisfactory bond to the sail city, with the condition that the avails or proceeds of said bonds shall be faithfully applied in the construction of a rail road, from some point in the City of Janesville, to the Mississippi river, and in accordance with the terms of consolidation hereinafter referred to, and for no other purpose. SEC. 4. This ordinance shall not be in force until subOrdinance to mitted to the legal voters of the City of Milwaukee, at an mtobe sub- rmitted to leelection held for that purpose, at the time hereinafter provi- gal voters. ded, and adopted by a majority of the whole number of votes given at such election. 370 Timeofhold- SEC, 5. Al election shall be held on Thursday, the 6th ing election, &c.'day of July next, A. D. 1854, between the hours of two and six o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the places in the several wards of the city, where the last elections were held, for the purpose of the adoption or rejection of this ordinance, and such election shall be conducted, and the votes canvassed and returned in the same manner, and by the same officers as at other city elections. Form of bal- SEC. 6. On the ballots which shall be received by the inlots. spectors of such election, shall be either written or printed, the words, " For the Rail Road Ordinance," or the words, "Against the Rail Road Ordinance." votes to be SEC. 7. At the next regular or special meeting of the canvassed and procla- Common Council, after the returns of such election from the mation to be made. several wards in the City of Milwaukee are made to the City Clerk, the Common Council shall proceed to canvass such returns, and if it is found that a majority of the whole votes taken are in favor of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to make proclamation thereof in the official paper or papers of the city, and the said ordinance shall be in force from and after its first publication, subsequent to the date of such proclamation. Clerk to give SEC. 8. It is hereby made the duty of the City Clerk to notice of time and cause a certified copy of this ordinance, together with a noplace of holding tice of the time and place of holding the election specified election. therein, to be published in the official city papers three several times, one of which publications shall be made in each of said newspapers, at least fifteen days previous to the time of holding such election. Passed, June 15, 1854. Proclamation of the adoption by the legal voters, made July 14, 1854. AN ORDINANCE Authorizing an issue of City Bonds to the Milwaukee and Horicon Rail Road Company. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows SECTION 1. For the purpose of aiding in the construe- Issue of city bonds to M. tion of the Milwaukee and Horicon Rail Road, city bonds, to & H. R. i. an amount not exceeding the sum of one hundred and sixtysix thousand dollars, may be issued and delivered to the Milwaukee and Horicon Rail Road Company, on the terms and conditions specified in " an act authorizing the City of Milwaukee to loan its credit, in aid of certain rail roads," approved, April 2, 1853, and also an act, amendatory thereto, approved, March 31, 1854, and on the terms and conditions hereinafter provided. SSEC. 2. Every bond, issued under the authority contained when and where payin the preceding section, shall be made payable in twenty able. years from the date thereof, with interest, payable semi-annually, at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, and both principal and interest payable at the Bank of the Republic; in the City of New York, shall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Clerk of the Common Council, under the corporate seal of the city. SEC. 3. No bonds shall be issued to said rail road cor0- No bonds to be issued puny until all the provisions relating to the bonds and secu- until security be acceprities to be given and furnished to said city, as provided in ted. the aforesaid acts, are fully complied with on the part of said company, or until such securities shall be furnished to said city as shall be satisfactory to the Common Council thereof. SEC. 4. This ordinance shall not be in force until sub- Ordinance to be submitted to the legal voters of the City of Milwaukee, at an itted to leelection hed fr tt p, at te te hr gal voters. election held for that purpose, at the time hereinafter provid 372 ed, and adopted by a majority of the whole number of votes given at such election. When and SEC. 5. An election shall be held on Monday, the 25th where elections to be day of June, A. D. 1855, between the hours of two and six held. o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the places in the several wards of the city where the last elections were held, except in the third ward, in which said election shall be held at the Engine House of Fire Company, No. 6, for the purpose of the adoption or rejection of this ordinance, and such election shall be conducted, and the votes canvassed and returned in the same manner, and by the same officers, as at other city elections. Ballots to SEC. 6. On the ballots which shall be received by the indesignate for or spectors of such election, shall be either written or printed, against R. R. ordinance. the words, " For the Rail Road Ordinance," or the words, "Against the Rail Road Ordinance." Returns, SEC. 7. At the next regular or special meeting of the when and how to be Common Council, after the returns of such election from the canvassed. several wards in the City of Milwaukee are made to the City Clerk, the Common Council shall proceed to canvass such returns, and if it is found that a majority of the whole votes taken are in favor of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of Proclamation to b the Mayor to make proclamation thereof in the official paper made. dane, or papers of this city, and the said ordinance shall be in Ordinance, when to be force from and after its first publication, subsequent to the in force. date of such proclamation. Clerk to SEC. 8. It is hereby made the duty of the City Clerk to cause a certified copy of cause a certified copy of this ordinance, together with a noordinance and notice tice of the time and place of holding the election specified of election to be given. therein, to be published in the official city papers three seveeral times, one of which publications shall be made in each of said newspapers at least two weeks previous to the time of holding such election. Passed, June 8, 1855. Proclamation of the adoption by the legal voters, made June 25, 1855. AN ORDINANCE To authorize an issue of City Bonds to the Milwaukee and Horicon Rail Road Company. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City, and Clerk of this Mayor and Board, are hereby authorizel to execute and deliver to the isYstue cty bonds to M. Milwaukee and Horicon Rail Road Company, city bonds, to &H.R.R. Co an amount not exceeding one hundred and sixty-six thousand dollars, in the manner-and upon the conditions hereinafter mentioned; said bonds to be used in the completion and equipment of the rail road, now being constructed by said company, from Horicon to Berlin, in this state, as mentioned in the provisions of an ordinance, authorizing an issue of city bonds to said rail road company, passed, June 8th, 1855, and adopted, by a vote of the people, on the 25th of June, 1855. SEC. 2. Such bonds may be delivered by the Mayor and Bonds to be delivered Clerk of this Board at any time after the securities from whensecurities art- apsaid rail road company, for the payment of the principal and proved. interest on said bonds, are executed, in accordance with the requirements of the conditions of the report of the special committee, submitted and approved, June 28, 1855. Passed, June 28, 1855. A N O P D I NA NT E To authorize an issue of City Bonds to the Milwaukee and Mississippi Rail Road Company. The.Mayor and C'ommon Council of the City of Milwaukee, (do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City, and the Clerk of this Citybondsto'oardl, are hereby authorized to ebecllte ancl deliver to the lbe issued to Board, are hereby authorized to execute and deliver to the M.&M.R.R. x 374 Milwaukree aidi Mississippi Rail Road Company, city bonds to an amount not exceeding three hundred thousand dollars, in the manner and upon the conditions hereinafter mentioned, for the purpose of aiding in the construction of a line of rail road from Janesville to the M'ississippi river, at or near Dubuque, on or near the line lately adopted by the Southern Wisconsin Rail Road Company; the capital stock of said Southern \ ~isconsin Rail Road Company having been consolidated with the capital stock of the Milwaukee and Mississipppi Rail Road Company, by an agreement, bearing date of the 8th day of June, 1854. The name of the consolidated company being the " iMilwaukee and Mississippi Rail Road Company;" said bonds to be used in the construction of said rail road, from Janesville to the Mississippi river, as mentioned in the provisions of an ordinance authorizing an issue of city bonds to said rail road company, passed, June 15, 1854. SEC. 2. Every bond, issued to said come pany, shall be made and executed in pursuance of the provisions of section two of "an ordinance authorizing an issue of city bonds to the "Milwaukee and Mississippi Rail Road Company," approved by a majority of the votes taken at an election held in the several wards of the city, on the 6th day of July, A. D. 1854. Bonds to be SEC. 3. Such bonids may be delivered to said rail road issued by Mayor and company, by the Mlayor and Clerk of this Board, at any Clerk, &c., when reporttime after the securities from said company, for the payof committee complied ment of the principal and interest on said bonds, shall have with. been executed by said company and delivered to the city, in accordance with the conditions and resolutions contained, in the report of the committee, to whom the subject of issuing city bonds to said conlpany was referred, which report and resolutions have been adopted by this Boa0rd.. Passed, October 9, 1855. AN ORDINANCE''o authorize an issue of City Bonds to the Milwaukee and Watertown Rail Road Company.'The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain esfollow: SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City and Clerk of this Board Amount of bonds to be are hereby authorized to execute and deliver to the Milwau- issued.:kee and Watertown Rail Road Company, city bonds, to an amount not exceeding ninety-five thousand dollars, in the manner and upon the conditions hereinafter mentioned, said bonds to be used in the completion and equipment of the,rail road now being constructed by said company from Waatertown to Columbus, as mentioned in the proviso to an ~ordinance authorizing an issue of city bonds to said rail,road company, passed, October 6, 1853. SEC. 2. Every bond issued shall be made and executed low bonds made. in pursuance of the provisions of section two of an ordinance authorizing an issue of city bonds to the Milwaukee -and Watertown Rail Road Company, approved by a majority of votes taken at an election held in the several wards of ^-the city, on the 24th day of October, A. D. 1853. SEC. 3. Such bonds may be delivered to said company, When delivered. by the Mayor and Clerk of this Board, at any time after the securities from said rail road company, for the payment of the principal and interest on said bonds, shall have been executed by said company, and delivered to the city, in accordance with the conditions and resolutions, contained in the report of committee, to whom the subject of issuing city bonds to the Milwaukee and Watertown Rail Road Company was referred, which report and resolutions have been adopted by this Board. Passed, January 26, 1856. AN ORDINAN CE To authorize an issue of City Bonds to the Fox River Valley Rail Road" Company. The Mayor and Common Council cf the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: Bonds to be SECTIOn 1. For the purpose of aiding in the construeissued. tion of the Fox River Valley Rail Road, city bonds may be issued and delivered to the Fox River Valley Rail Road Company, to an amount not exceeding fifty thousand dollars,, on the terms and conditions specified in " an act authorizing the City of Milwaukee to loan its credit in aid of certain rail roads," approved, April 2, 1853, and the subsequent amendatory acts thereof, and on the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned: Provided, no such bonds shall be issued to said Fox River Valley Rail Road Company till said company shall have executed and delivered to the City of MilSecurity to waukee a good and sufficient bond, to be approved by the be given. Common Council, conditioned that said company will connect the said Fox River Valley Rail Road with the Milwaukee and Beloit Rail Road, at or near Prattsburg or Muskego Center, in Waukesha County, and use the track of the said Milwaukee and Beloit Rail Road from the point of junction to the City of Milwaukee, on such fair and equitable terms as may be agreed upon by and between said companies, or in case the companies cannot agree, then upon such terms as Commission- may be determined by three disinterested and competent comers to be appointed. missioners to be appointed by the Common Council, or in place of such a bond of the company, a copy of an agreement to connect, duly executed by said companies, may be filed with the City Clerk. when pay- SEC. 2. Every bond, issued under the authority contained able. in the preceding section, shall be made payable in twenty 377 years from the date thereof, with interest, payable semi-annually, at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, and both principal and interest payable at the Union Bank of New York, in the City of New York, and shall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Clerk of the Common Council, under the corporate seal of the city. SEC. 3. No bonds shall be issued to said rail road cor- Provisions to be company until all the provisions, relating to the bonds and se- plied with. curities, to be given and furnished to the City of Milwaukee, as provided in the acts referred to in the first section of this ordinance, are fully complied with on the part of said company, nor until such securities shall be furnished, to said city, as shall be satisfactory to the Common Council. SEc. 4. This ordinance shall not be in force until sub- To be voted mitted to the legal voters of the City of Milwaukee, at an election held for that purpose, at the time hereinafter provided, and adopted by a majority of the whole number of votes given at such election. SEC. 5. An election shall be held on Monday, the six- When electeenth day of June, 1856, between the hours of three and seven o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the places in the several wards where the last election was held, for the purpose of the adoption or rejection of this ordinance, and such election shall be conducted, and the votes canvassed and returned in the same manner and by the same officers as other city elections. SEC. 6. On the ballots which shall be received by the Ballots read. inspectors of such election, shall be written or printed, the words, "For the Rail Road Ordinance," or the words, "Against the Rail Road Ordinance." SEC. 7. At the next meeting of the Common Council, councilto canvass after the returns of such election from the several wards are votes. made to the City Clerk, the Common Council shall proceed to canvass such returns, and if it is found that a majority of tho whole number of votes taken are in favor of this ordi 378 Mayor to nance, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to make proclama-. make proclamation. tion thereof in the official papers of the city, and this ordinance shall be in force from and after its first publication, subsequent to the date of such proclamation. Passed, May 5, 1856. AN O R DINAN C E To authorize an issue of City Bonds to the Milwaukee and Beloit Rail Road Company. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of.iilmwc.kee,. do ordain asfollows Bonds to SECTION 1. For the purpose of aiding in the construeBeloit. t;ion of the Milwaukee and Beloit Rail Road, city bonds may be issued and delivered to the Milwaukee and Beloit Rail Road Company, toan amount not. exceeding one hundred. and fifty thousand dollars, on the terms and conditions spe-. cified in " an act authorizing the City of Milwaukee to loan its credit in aid of certain rail roads," approved, April 2d,. 1853, and the subsequent amendatory acts thereof, and on. the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned: Provided, no such bonds shall be issued to said Milwaukee and Beloit Rail. Road Company till said company shall have executed and delivered to the City of Milwaukee a good and sufficient. Company to bond, to be approved by the Common Council, conditioned execute bond. that said company will allow the Fox River Valley Rail Road Company to connect the Fox River Valley Rail Road with the Milwaukee and Beloit Rail Road, at or near Prattsburg or Muskego Center, in Waukesha County, and use thetrack of the Milwaukee and Beloit Rail Road, from the point of junction to the City of Milwaukee, on such fair and. equitable terms as may be agreed upon by and between said companies, or in case the companies cannot agree, then upon... such terms as may be determined by three disinterested and.. 379 competent commissioners, to be appointed by the Common Council; or in place of such a bond of company, a copy of an agreement to connect, duly executed by said companies, may be filed with the City Clerk. SEc. 2. Every bond, issued under the authority contained Bonds,where payable. in the preceding section, shall be made payable in twenty years from the date thereof, with interest, payable semi-annually, at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, and both principal and interest payable at the Union Bank of New York, in the City of New York, and shall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Clerk of the Common Council, under the corporate seal of the city. SEc. 3. No bonds shall be issued to said rail road cor- Securities to be given be-. pany until all the provisions relating to the bonds and secu- fore bonds issued. rities, to be given and furnished to the City of Milwaukee, as provided in the acts referred to in the first section of this ordinance, are fully complied with on the part of said company, nor until such securities shall be furnished to said city, as shall be satisfactory to the Co'nmmon Council. SEc. 4. This ordinance shall not be in force until sub- Election to mitted to the legal voters of the City of Milwaukee, at an be held. election held for that purpose at the time hereinafter provided, and adopted by a majority of the whole number of votes given at such election. SEc. 5. An election shall be held on Monday, the twenty- Election, sixth day of May, 1856, between the hours of three and seven when held. o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the places in the several wards where the last election was held, for the pur'pose of the. adoption or rejection of this ordinance, and such election shall be conducted, and the votes canvassed and returned, in the same manner and by the same officers as other city elections. SEC. 6. On the ballots which shall be received by the Ballotsto inspectors of such election shall'be" w~itte': or' prirted, a. 380 the words, "For the Rail Road Ordinance," or the words, "Against the Rail Road Ordinance." ~Councilto SEC. 7. At the next meeting of the Common Council, afcanvass votes. ter the returns of such election from the several wards are made to the City Clerk, the Common Council shall proceed to canvass such returns, and if it is found that a majority of the whole number of votes taken are in favor of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to make proclamation thereof in the official papers of the city, and this ordinance shall be in force from and after its first publication, subsequent to the date of such proclamation. Passed, May 5, 1856. AN ORD I NANC E To authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign and issue City Bonds to the Milwaukee and Watertown Rail Road Company. Thze Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows. Additional SECTION l. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorizissue of city bonds to M. ed and empowered to sign and issue to the Milwaukee and cW.R. R. Co. Watertown Rail Road Company, city bonds, to an amount not exceeding thirty thousand dollars. This amount, added to the amount of city bonds heretofore issued to said company, will make an aggregate amount issued to said company of two hundred thousand dollars, the full amount authorized by law to be issued to said company. S c. 2. The bonds authorized to be signed and issued to said company, by hi innc t f this odice, to be f the same length of time, and at the same rate of interest, and payable at the same place, and to be delivered to said company upon the same conditions as the bonds issued to said company under the provisions of an ordinance passed January 26, 1856. ab^bdoay 21G, 105e AN OR I NANC E To authorize an issue of City Bonds to the Milwaukee and Superior Rail Road Company. iTe Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows SECTION 1. For the purpose of aiding in the construction of Bondsissued the Milwaukee and Superior Rail Road, city bonds may be tR. Co. issued and delivered to the Milwaukee and Superior Rail Road Company, to an amount not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, on the terms and conditions specified in " an act authorizing the City of Milwaukee to loan its credit in aid of certain rail roads," approved, April 2d, 1853, and the subsequent amendatory acts thereof, and on the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned: Provided, the bonds issued to said company, or the proceeds thereof, shall be expended in the construction of that part of said rail road between the City of Milwaukee and the City of Sheboygan. SEC. 2. Every bond, issued under the authority contained Interestpayable in New in the preceding section, shall be made payable in twenty York. years from the date thereof, with interest, payable semi-annually, at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, and both principal and interest payable at the Union Bank of New York, in the City of New York, shall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Clerk of the Common Council, under the corporate seal of the city. SEC. 3. No bonds shall be issued to said rail road con- Security given to the pany till all the provisions relating to the bonds and securi- city ties to be given and furnished to said city, as provided in the act entitled " an act authorizing the City of Milwaukee to loan its credit in aid of certain rail roads," are fully complied with on the part of said company, and to the satisfaction of tAl CoLm0 woa Coaicil 382 Submitted to SEC. 4. This ordinance shall not be in force until subthe voters. mitted to the legal voters of the City of Milwaukee, at an election held for that purpose at the time hereinafter provided, and adopted by a majority of the whole number of votes cast at such election. Timeofelec- SEC. 5. An election shall be held on Monday, the 4th tion. day of August, 1856, between the hours of three and seven o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the places in the several wards of the city where the last elections were held, for the purpose of the adoption or rejection of this ordinance, and such election shall be conducted, and the votes canvassed and returned in the same manner and by the same officers as other city elections. SEc. 6. On the ballots which shall be received by the inspectors of such election, shall be either written or printed, the words, " For the Rail Road Ordinance," or the wAords, "Against the Rail Road Ordinance." Votes can- SEC. 7. At the next meeting of the Common Council, vassed. after the returns of such election from the several wards in the city are made to the City Clerk, the Common Council shall proceed to canvass such returns, and if it be found that a majority of the whole number of votes taken are in favor of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to make proclamation thereof in the official papers of the city, and this ordinance shall be in force from and after its first publication, subsequent to the date of such ploclamnition. Passed, June 16, 1856. AN O DINANCE To authorize an issue of City Bonds to the Fox River Valley Rail Road Company. The layor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows. SECTION 1. For the purpose of aiding in the construction Bonds issued of the Fox River Valley Rail Road, city bonds may be is- R. R. Co. sued and delivered to the Fox River Valley Rail Road Company, to an anmount not exceeding thirty-four thousand dollars, on the terms and conditions specified in "an act authorizing the City of Milwaukee to loan its credit in aid of certain rail roads," approved April 2, 1853, and the subsequent amendatory acts thereof, and on the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned: Provided, no such bonds shall be issued to said Fox River Valley Rail Road Company till said company shall have executed and delivered to the City of Milwaukee, a good and sufficient bond, to be approved by the Common Council, conditioned that said company will connect the said Fox River Valey Rail Road with the Milwauwaukee and Beloit Rail Road, at or near Prattsburg or Muskego Center, in Waukesha county, and use the track of the said Mlilwaukee and Beloit Rail Road, from the point of junction to the City of Milwaukee, on such fair and equitable terms as may be agreed upon by and between said companies; or, in case the companies cannot agree, then upon such terms as may by determined, by three disinterested and competent commissioners, to be appointed by the Common Council; or, in place of such a bond of the company, a copy of an agreement to connect, duly executed by said companies, may be filed with the City Clerk. SEC. 2. Every bond, issued under the authority contained Interestpayable in New in the preceding section, shall be made payable in twen- York. 384 ty years from the date thereof, with interest, payable semiannually, at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, and both principal and interest payable at the Union Bank of New York, in the City of New York, and shall be signed by the Mayor, and countersigned by the Clerk of the Common Council, under the corporate seal of the city. Security to SEC. 3. No bonds shall be issued to said rail road be given. company until all the provisions relating to the bonds and securities, to be given and furnished to the city of Milwaukee, as provided in the acts referred to in the first section of this ordinance are fully complied with on the part of said company, nor until such securities shall be furnished to said city, as shall be satisfactory to the Common Council. Submitted to SEC. 4. This ordinance shall not be in force until submitted to the legal voters of the City of Milwaukee, at an election held for that purpose at the time hereinafter provided, and adopted by a majority of the whole number of votes given at such election. Time of elec- SEC. 5. An election shall be held on Monday, the twentyfifth day of August, 1856, between the hours of three and seven o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the places in the several wards where the last election was held, for the purpose of the adoption or rejection of this ordinance, and such election shall be conducted, and the votes canvassed and returned in the same manner and by the same officers as other city elections. SEc. 6. On the ballots which shall be received by the inspectors of such election, shall be written or printed, the words, "For the Rail Road Ordinance," or the words, "Against the Rail Road Ordinance." otes can SEC. 7. At the next meeting of the Common Council, vssed. after the returns of such election from the several wards are made to the City Clerk, the Common Council shall proceed to canvass such returns, and if it is found that a majority of tha whole anuxber of YoteQ taken are in faYoJ' Qf this oQci 385 nance, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to make proclamation thereof in the official papers of the city, and this ordinance shall be in force from and after its first publication, subsequent to the date of such proclamation. Passed, June 16, 1856. AN ORDINANCE To authorize an issue of City Bonds to the Milwaukee and Beloit Rail Road Company. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Miilwaukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. For the purpose of aiding in the construction Bondsissued of the Milwaukee and Beloit Rail Road, city bonds may be to. Co.. issued and delivered to the Milwaukee and Beloit Rail Road Company, to an amount not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, on the terms and conditions specified in " an act authorizing the City of Milwaukee to loan its credit in aid of certain rail roads," approved, April 2, 1853, and the subsequent amendatory acts thereof, and on the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned: Provided, no such bonds shall be issued to said Milwaukee and Beloit Rail Road Company till said company shall have executed and delivered to the City of Milwaukee a good and sufficient bond, to be approved by the Common Council, conditioned that said company will allow the Fox River Valley Rail Road Company to connect the Fox River Valley Rail Road with the Milwaukee and Beloit Rail Road, at or near Prattsburgh or Muskego Center, in Waukesha County, and use the track of the Milwa-., and Beloit Rail Road, from the point of junction to the City of Milwaukee, on such fair and equitable terms as may be agreed upon by and between said companies; or, in case the companies cannot agree, then upon such terms as may be determined by three disinterested and competent commission 386 ers, to be appointed by the Conmmon Council; or, in place of such a bond of the company, a copy of an agreement to connect, duly executed by said companies, may be filed with the City Clerk. Interest SEC. 2. Every bond, issued under the authority contained payable in New York. in the preceding section, shall be made payable in twenty years from the date thereof, with interest, payable semi-annually, at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, and both principal and interest payable at the Union Bank of New York, in the City of New York, and shall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Clerk of the Common Council, under the corporate seal of the city. Security to SEC. 3. No bonds shall be issued to said rail road comle given. pany until all the provisions relating to the bonds and securities to be given and furnished to the city of Milwaukee, as provided in the acts referred to in the first section of this ordinance are fully complied with on the part of said company, nor until such securities shall be furnished to said city, as shall be satisfactory to the Common Council. Submitted t, SEC. 4. This ordinance shall not be in force until subvoters. rlitted to the legal voters of the City of Milwaukee, at an election held for that purpose, at the time hereinafter provided, and adopted by a majority of the whole number of votes given at such election. Time of elec- SEC, 5. All election shall be held on Monday, the; 14th tion. day of July, 1856, between the hours of three and seven o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the places in the several wards where the last election was held, for the purpose of the adoption or rejection of this ordinance, and such election shall be conducted, and the votes canvassed and. returned in the same manner, and by the same officers as other city elections. SEC. 6. On the ballots which shall be received by the inspectors of such election, shall be written or printed, the 387 words, " For the Rail Road Ordinance," or the words, "Against the Rail Road Ordinance." SEC. 7. At the next meeting of the Common Council, Canvass o votes. after the returns of such election from the several wards are made to the City Clerk, the Common Council shall proceed to canvass such returns, and if it is found that a majority of the whole number of the votes taken are in favor of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to make proclamation thereof in the official papers of the city, and this ordinance shall be in force from and after its first publication,.subseqluent to the date of such proclamation. Passed, June 16, 1856. AN O PD D I NA N CE To authorize an issue of City Bonds to purchase grounds in the Second and Seventh Wards, for School purposes. The Mayor andC Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby an- Bons issued for school thorized and directed to sign and execute eighteen thousand house grounds in dollars, in city bonds of one thousand dollars each, payable 2dand7th wards. in ten years from the date thereof, at the office of Messrs. Duncan, Sherman & Co., in New York City, with interest, semi-annually, at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, payable at the same place. Said bonds to be issued for the purpose of paying for grounds purchased for school purposes, in the second and seventh wards. SEC. 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to deliver twelve of the city bonds named in the first section of this ordinance, to Otis B. Hopkins, in full payment to him for lots 8 and 9, in block 68, in the seventh ward, taking his receipt for the same, and a good. and sufficient deed of said lots to the city from him. 388 SEC. 3. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to deliver six of the city bonds, named in the first section of this ordinance, to Jas. B. Cross, Mayor, and take his receipt for the same. SEC. 4. The Mayor of the city is hereby authorized and directed to negotiate and sell the six bonds named in the third section of this ordinance, and place the proceeds thereof in the City Treasury, and pay to Kneeland and Lewis fortyfive hundred dollars, from such proceeds, in full payment for lots 16 and 17, in block 197, in the second ward, on delivery to the city of a good and sufficient deed of said lots 16 and 17, by said Kneeland and Lewis. Passed, August 1, 1856. AN ORDINANCE To authorize an issue of City Bonds to make Repairs and Additions to the several Common School Houses in the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows. City bonds SECTION 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby anthorized and directed to sign and execute twenty-five thousand dollars, in Milwaukee city bonds of one thousand dollars each, payable in ten years from the date thereof, at the office of Messrs. Duncan, Shernan & Co., in New York City, with interest, semi-annually, at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, payable at the same place. Said bonds to be issued for the purpose of making additions to, and repairing the several Common School Houses in the City of Milwaukee. SEC. 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to deliver the city bonds, named in the first section of this ordinance, to Jas. B. Cross, Mayor, and take his receipt for the same. 389 SEC. 3. The Mayor of the city is hereby authorized and Mayor to negotiate the directed to negotiate and sell the city bonds, named in this sale. ordinance, and place the proceeds thereof in the City Treaury, to be paid out by the Treasurer on city orders for work done under the contracts for the additions and repairs to the several Common School Houses in the City of Milwaukee. SEC. 4. The Mayor may, in his discretion, instead of sel- Authorized to hypotheling at once the city bonds, to be issued under the provisions cate them. of this ordinance, hypothecate them in whole or in part, and raise the money necessary to continue and complete the work named in this ordinance, and thereafter sell the bonds to replace such money, at such time and place as he may deem for the best interest of the city. Passed, August 18, 1856. A N ORDINA N CE To create a Sinking Fund for the redemption of the general City indebtedness. The M1ayor and Common Council of lie City of 2UiuwauAcee, do ordain as follows SECTION 1. On the first Monday of October, of the pres- Comptroller to report ent year, and hereafter on the first Monday of August in city indebtedness. each year, it shall be the duty of the City Comptroller to report to the Common Council the total amount of the then general city indebtedness, over and above any floating debt that is to be paid out of the taxes of the current year, and not to include any bonds issued to rail road or other companies for the final payment of which the city has taken.secuJity. SEC. 2. For the purpose of creating a sinking fund for Tax offive per cent. to the ultimate redemption of the said general city indebtedness, be levied. upon receiving said report from the Comptroller, it shall be the'duty of the Common Council, each year, to levy a genY 390 eral city tax upon all the property in said city, subject to taxation, at a rate sufficient to raise a sum equal to five per cent. of the then said general city indebtedness, said tax to be collected in the same manner as other city taxes are collected, and if for any reason the whole of said sum should not be collected, any deficiency each year may be made up by appropriating and drawing the same from any other portion of the general city fund. Bonds to SEC. 3. All general city bonds hereafter issued, either to contain a sinking fund take up present out-standing city bonds, or for any other clause. purpose of general city indebtedness, shall contain a clause reciting in substance, that the City of Milwaukee has, by ordinance, created a permanent sinking fund, of five per cent. annually, of all the city indebtedness, and that said bond is issued in accordance with, and to receive the benefit of such sinking fund. All such bonds hereafter issued to be numbered, commencing with No. one, and so onn n numerical order according to the date of their issue. City bonds heretofore issued are not to receive the benefit of this sinking fund until they are exchanged for bonds issued under this ordinance. SEC. 4. All bonds issued under this ordinance to be $1,000 bonds, to be made payable twenty years from date, with seven per cent. interest per annum, interest payable semi-annually, which, together with the principal when due, is to be made payable in the City of New York. B.awn Nos. SEC. 5. On the first Monday of February, in each year, tobeaid. the Mayor, City Comptroller and City Clerk shall meet in the Common Council Room of said city, and place in a box or wheel, numbers corresponding to the numbers of all the city bonds issued under this ordinance, and which are then out-standing and unpaid, one of whom shall then, after said box or wheel is well shaken, draw by lot sufficient numbers corresponding to numbers on said bonds, so that the amount of bonds, having the drawn numbers on them, may be equal, 391;as near as may be, to five per cent. of the city indebtedness, as set forth in the last preceding report of the City Comptroller. The City Clerk shall then publish for one week in the official papers of the city, and in the " Journal of Conmerce," one of the commercial papers of the City of New York, a notice of the result of said drawing, and the time Result of drawing to when said bonds, whose numbers were drawn, will be re-bepublished. deemed and paid at the place at which they are made payable in New York, and also a notice to the holders of said bonls, to present the same for payment, as they will cease to draw interest at the expiration of sixty days from the time it has been advertised they would be paid. SEC. 6. From and after sixty days from the time any Interest to bonds, with drawn numbers, have been advertised as payable cease, when. in New York, the interest on the same shall terminate, but the money placed for the redemption of the same shall remain on deposit at interest, in the name of the City Treasurer, for the use and benefit of the city. Passed, August 29, 1856. ORDINANCES PROVIDING FOR THE ORGANIZATION AND REGULATION OF THE POLICE, FOR IMPOSING FINES AND PENALTIES, AND FOR MISCELLANEOUS PURPOSES. RULES & REGULATIONS For the Government of the Police of the City of Milwaukee. SECTION 1. The Policemen shall obey the orders of the Policemen to report all Chief of the Police, and shall report to the Chief of the Po-tvrlation of lice all violations of the City Ordinances, and all suspicious ordinances. persons, bawdy houses, pawn-broker's shops, gambling houses, and all places where idlers, tipplers, gamblers, and other disorderly and suspicious persons congregate. And it shall also be their duty to caution strangers and others against going into such places, and against pick-pockets, watch-stuffers, droppers, mock auctioneers, and all other suspicious persons, to render assistance to officers of Justice, to direct strangers the nearest way to their places of destination, and, when necessary, to cause them to be accompanied by one of the Police. SEC. 2. Each and every member of the Police, in his Conduct of conduct and deportment, imust be quiet, civil and orderly. Pocemen In the performance of his duty he must maintain decorum and attention, command of temper, patience and discretion. He must at all times refrain from harsh, violent, coarse, profane or insolent language, and act with firmness and energy. SEc. 3. Any person who shall be found intoxicated in Penalty for intoxication the City of Milwaukee, or who shall be guilty of any igde-andindecent condu 394 cent exposure of his or her person, or who shall make use of any vulgar or obscene language, or who shall make use of any loud, boisterous or insulting language, tending to excite a breach of the peace, or who shall be guilty of any other disorderly conduct in said City of Milwaukee, shall forfeit a. penalty of not less than one nor more than twenty-five dollars. Policemen to SEC. 4. No Policeman shall accept or receive from any receive no reward. person while in custody, or after such person shall have been discharged, nor from any such person's friends, any gratuity, reward, or gift, directly or indirectly, or any article or thing as compensation for damages sustained in the discharge of his duty, (without a written permission from the Mayor.) Policemen SEC. 5. No member or Policeman will be permitted to not to apply for warrant apply for a warrant for an assault upon himself, without without permision. first reporting the case to the Chief of the Police, and obtaining from him, or from the Mayor, permission, in writing, to make application. Offences not SEC. 6. No Policeman must compound any offence cornto be compounded. mitted against persons or property, or withdraw any complaint therefor, unless by the written consent of the Mayor or Chief of the Police. SEC. 7. No member shall communicate to any person any information which may enable persons to escape from arrest or punishment, or enable them to dispose of or secrete any goods, or other valuable thing stolen or embezzled. Orders to be SEC. 8. No Policeman shall communicate, except to such keptecret persons as directed by the Chief of the Police, any information respecting orders he may have received, or any regulations that may be made for the government of the Department. Badge of of- SEC. 9. The Chief of the Police, and Policemen when on fice to be worn. duty, shall wear the insignia of their office on the outside of the outermost garment, over the left breast, conspicuously displaying the same so that the entire surface thereof may be 395 seen, (except when caution may dictate that the same shall not be exposed.) SEC. 10. No member of the Department shall be absent Notto beabsent from from duty, or leave the city without permission of the Chief duty without leave. of the Police. SEC. 11. All persons who shall be arrested during the Persons arrested,where time the Police Court shall be open, shall be taken inmMedi- taken. ately to the Police Court, and all persons who shall be arrested at any other time, shall be conveyed to the Station House, unless otherwise ordered by the Mayor or Chief of the Police, or unless it shall require a place of greater security, in which case he or she shall be immediately taken to.jail. SEC. 12. Members of the Police must be civil and respectful to each other on all occasions. SEC. 13. Members of the Department must not render hentoasany ussistance in civil cases, except to prevent an immedi- Siases.l ate breach of the peace, or to quell a disturbance actually commenced. SEc. 14. The Chief of the Police and every Policeman T study the rules and reshall be furnished with a copy of the ordinance and rules gulations. and regulations, which they must frequently peruse so that they may become perfectly acquainted with their several duties; they shall always have the same in their possession to refer to when in doubt of their authority for acting. SEa. 15. Any officer or Policeman who shall wilfullyNot to almaltreat, or use unnecessary violence toward a prisoner, ortreat prisonother person, shall, on complaint being made and the fact established, be immediately discharged. SEC. 16. Where an offence has been committed, and the Neglect of Mayor or Chief of the Police has cause to suspect that negli- how punish gence is attributable to the Policeman on whose beat or district the offence has been committed, the Policeman will be required to show, by his own affidavit, or by the testimony of other persons, that the offence was not committed in conse 396 quence of any neglect or inattention on his part; and, in case -he or they fail to show that they were attending to their duties, strictly, and in accordance with the rules and regulations, they will be subject to suspension or dismissal from office. Beggars to. SEC. 17. The members of the Police Department are be arrested andremoved particularly enjoined to remove all beggars found begging in the streets, and, if on enquiry, they shall be found to be proper subjects for relief from the Poor Department, they are to take them to the Overseers of the Poor for relief. If they are-found to be imposters, or vagrants, to take them before the Police Justice, to be dealt with according to law. SEC..18. Members of the Police Department, on resigning their office, or on removal from office, will surrender their book of regulations and insignia of office, and all other property belonging to the City that may be in their possession, to the Chief of the Police. hief of Po SEC, 19. The Chief of the Police shall obey the rules complainPs. and regulations prescribed by the Mayor and the Ordinances of the Common Council, and shall promptly report to the Mayor all complaints made to him against any member of the department. To be pre- SEC. 20. He shall repair to the scenes of fires, riots and sent at fires and disturb- tumultuous assemblages, and take charge of the Police preances. sent, and use every exertion to save and protect property, disperse mobs, and arrest such persons as hecmay find engaged in disturbing the peace, or who may aid and abet others in doing so. SEC. 21. He shall have power to direct any of the Police force to any place where their services may be deemed necessary. Notice of 22. W/enever the Chief, or any Policeman, shall Notice of comm itment commit to prison any person charged with, or being suspected to be given t Police f, having committed any criminal offence, until examination shall be ha bee the olice Justice, he shall i edition shall be had before the Police Justice, he shall immedi 397 ately give notice of such commitment to the Police Justice, specifying therein the name of the person committed, the name of the complainant, and of the officer who arrested the person committed, and the time of commitment, and also the charge made against such person, and shall follow the directions of the Police Justice in relation thereto. SEC. 23. The Chief of Police shall keep in his office a Chief of Police to keep book in.which shall be entered the name of each Policeman, a record of all persons his number and his place of residence, specifying the ward arrested and street, and the time of any removal from office, or the occuring of a vacancy, he shall also keep in his office a book, in which shall be entered the name, if known, and if not known, under an alias, of all persons arrested by any Policeman, with the date of the arrest and cause of arrest, with such other facts as he shall deem proper and necessary, and report the same at the end of each month to the Common Council. SEC. 24. He shall also enter in said book an accurate account of the time each Policeman shall be on duty, and report the same to the Common Council at the end of each month. SEC. 25. The Chief of the Police shall, every morning, Prisoners every mornon the opening of the Police Court, cause the persons who ing to be taken before may be detained at the Station House, the night previous, the Police Justice. and all property which may have come into his possession during the night, to be conveyed to the Police Court, accompanied by the Policeman who made the arrest, and who may be a witness, and cause the witnesses to be summoned to testify in relation to the charges made, or to be made, against such persons. SEC. 26. The Chief of Police shall enter in a book, to be Entries to be made of ofkept at the Station House, all information he may receive of feces comroffences committed, or of suspecious persons or plans, and m the entries of offences committed, the hour, place and manner in which the offence was committed, the property stolen, enumerating the articles, the name and residence of the owner, 398 (if known,) and the names of the Policemen on the beat at the time the offence was committed. Officers may SEC. 27. The M3ayor, the District and City Attorney, or inspect the Policebooks. either of them, are authorized to inspect at all times, any or all the hooks directed to be kept by the Chief of the Police, but no person not herein named shall be permitted to examine any of said books without permission, in writing, from the Mayor or Chief of the Police, except that Policemen may be allowed to examine the book in which shall be entered the statement of offences committed, and of suspicious persons and places. Policemento SEC. 28. Every Policeman must examine and make himprevent crimes. self perfectly acquainted with every part of his beat, and vigilantly watch every description of persons passing his way so as to acquire a faculty of observing, as well as detecting, offenders. He must also, to the utmost of his power, prevent the commission of assaults and batteries, and breaches of the peace, and other crimes about to be committed. He must, by his vigilance, render it extremely difficult for any one to commit crime on his beat. The absence of crime will be considered the best proof of the efficiency of the Police; and when, in any beat, offences frequently occur, there will be good reason to suppose there is negligence or want of ability on the part of the Police in charge of such district or beat. Policemen to SEC. 29. The Policemen in each ward will, and must, have exact knowledge acquire such knowledge of the inhabitants within their beat, of their beat. as to enable them at once to recognize them. He must inspect every part of his beat, in order that any person requiring assistance, may be enabled to find him. The regularity of inspection above enjoined shall not prevent his remaining at any particular place if his presence be required. He must, at all times, be enabled to furnish particular information as to the state of his beat, and if not, he must satisfy his superior that there is sufficient cause for such inability. 399 SEC. 30. The Policemen shall carefully examine, in thePolicemento make examinight time, all doors and low windows of dwelling houses nations in night time. and stores, to see that they are properly secured, also areas and area gates of the several houses in his beat. Thieves frequently conceal themselves in such places until the officers pass, and then commence operations., He must, if possible, fix in his mind such impressions as will enable him to recognize persons he frequently meets in the street at night, and endeavor to ascertain their names and residences, and communicate to his commanding officer all information regarding them. SEC. 31. He shall strictly watch the conduct of all per- To watch bad characsons of known bad character, and in such manner that it ters. will be evident to such persons that they are watched, and that certain detection must follow the attempt to commit crime. He will note the time of the appearance of any person of known bad character in his beat, and the circumstances attending, and the premises that the person may enter, and report to the Chief of the Police. He will also report all receivers of stolen goods, or his suspicions that they are such. SEC. 32. When any person charges another with crime, To take pri. soner and and insists that the person charged shall be taken in custo- accuser to Police dy, the Policeman will take the accuser along with the ac- Court. cused, to the Police Court, or Station House, as the case may be, and deliver them to the person in charge of the Station House, and then return to his beat with as little delay as possible, and inspect his beat with great care, to see that no depredations have been committed during his absence. SEC. 33. The Policemen shall carefully watch all dis- To arrest all orderly houses or houses of ill fame, within his beat, and latingordinances, &c. elsewhere, by whom they are frequented, and report his observations to the Chief of the Police. He shall arrest all and every person who shall be seen by him violating any ordinance of the city, or who shall be found in the street 400 drunk, noisy,. using boisterous and threatening or insulting language, tending to produce a quarrel or breach of the peace, all persons who shall be guilty of indecent conduct or of an indecent exposure of their person; all persons who shall be in the act of committing a felony or misdemeanor, or who shall be reasonably suspected of having committed To arrest allany such act, and all and every person who, from his conpersons suspected of duct, may reasonably be suspected of an intention to commit crime. e either of said acts, and all and every person found in any street, alley or secret place under such circumstances as to create a reasonable belief that such person is in such place for the purpose and with intent to commit a felony or misdemeanor; in these and similar cases Policemen must judge from all the circumstances of the case, what the intention of the party is. In some cases, no doubt can exist-as where the party is a notorious thief, or acting with those who are known to be thieves, or where the party is attempting to break into a house or examining the doors and windows, or endeavoring to take property secretly. If the intention of the party admits of a doubt, the Police will not act hastily, but will closely watch the suspected party, that he may discover the design, and shall detain such person or persons in the Station House, or deliver them to the jailer of the county to be kept over night or over the Sabbath, and until such person can be brought before some competent court or magistrate, to be dealt with occording to law. SEC. 34. Policemen should never use their club except in the most urgent cases of necessity, or in self defence, and he shall give his name to all persons who may, in a respectful manner, enquire. Not to walk SEC. 35. Policemen must not walk together, or spend together. their time in talking together, where they meet on the confines of their beats, unless it is to communicate information appertaining to the department, such communication to be as brief as possible. 401 SEC. 36. The person arrested should be notified of the officers authority, and this will often prevent resistance, by taking away the prospect of justifying or extenuating it. SEC. 37. If a Policeman finds his personal efforts insuf- To require persons to ficient to effect an arrest, or if he has reason to apprehend assist. that resistance will be made, he ought to require all or as many persons present as he may deem necessary and think proper to assist him. (See sec. 7 of the Police Ordinance.) SEC. 38. Policemen must recollect that in making ar-To use only such force as rests he is not justified in doing more than is absolutely ne- is necessary. cessary for the safe custody of the, parties until he conveys them to the place of their destination. Persons under arrest must be dealt with properly in all cases. It is the duty of Policemen to keep persons safely, but he has no right to punish them, and he must not even use language to them calculated to provoke or offend them, for such conduct would create resistance by the party, and a hostile feeling among bystanders towards the Policemen. SEC. 39. A Policeman nmist bte cautious never to interfere idly or unnecessarily, but when required to act he will do so with discretion, decision and boldness; and he may arrest any one who shall oppose him in his duty, if he can prove some specific fact not otherwise. SEC. 40. Policemen will be immediately discharged or:,~-,,,atofdismissed from office, against whom any of the following ilc imenwill charges shall be made and substantiated:-lst, Intoxication. ed.g 2d, Wilful disobedience of orders. 3d, Violent, coarse, or insolent language or behavior to a superior officer, or to a subordinate. 4th, Receiving money or other valuable thing contrary to law and the rules and regulations. 5th, Wilful disobedience of, or non-compliance with, the requirements of the ordinance establishing the Police, or the rules and regulations of the Police. 402 Policemen SEC. 41. The Chief of the Police and Policemen shall be not to be-. come bail. incompetent bail for any person arrested, and shall in no case become bail for any person under arrest. Adopted by the Common Council, October 22, 1855. A'N ORDINANCE Establishing a Police in the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain asfollows To establish SECTION 1. There shall be, and hereby is established a Police Police Department for the City of Milwaukee, which shall consist of one Chief of the Police, and not less than one nor exceeding five Policemen in each ward of said city. Police, how SEC. 2. The Chief of the Police and the Policemen shall appointed be appointed in the following manner:-The Mayor shall nominate and the Council appoint one Chief of the Police. The Mayor and the Chief of the Police, so appointed, shall nominate and the Council appoint not less than one nor exceeding five persons in each ward of the city, as Policemen. And the Chief of the Police shall be, and hereby is, authorized to employ such other assistants as he may deem necessary, not exceeding five in number at any time, to perform such special service as the Chief of the Police may require. Police to en- SEC. 3. The several Policemen, so appointed as above, force ordinances. shall be in subordination to, and under, the control and direction of the Chief of the Police. It shall be the duty of the Chief of the Police to cause the public peace to be preserved and to see that all the laws and ordinances of the city are enforced, and whenever any violation thereof shall come to his knowledge, he shall cause the requisite complaint to be made, and see that the evidence is procured, for the successful prosecution of the offender or offenders. He shall obey, and cause those Policemen under him to obey, the po 403 lice rules and regulations which may be prescribed by the Common Council, and in case of tumult, insurection or threatening thereof, to take charge, in person, of the Policemen, and direct them in the discharge of their respective duties. He shall cause to be made and kept, a record of his proceedings, which he may deem necessary, or as shall be directed by the Mayor. He shall be responsible for the efficiency and gen- Chief to keep record. eral good conduct of the department, and shall report, in writing, to the Mayor, all complaints made to him against any member thereof. SEC. 4. The Chief of the Police and the Policemeni are Have power to enter prerespectively authorized and empowered, in a peaceable man- mises. ner, (or if refused admittance after demand made), with force and arms, to enter into any house, store, shop, grocery or other place or building whatever or wheresoever in said city in which any person or persons may reasonably be suspected to be for unlawful purposes, and if any person or persons shall be found therein guilty of any crime or misdeneanor, or violation of any law or ordinance for the preservation of the peace and good order of the city, or who may reasonably be suspected thereof, or who shall be aiding and abetting such person or persons so found, said Police Officer or Policeman shall apprehend and keep in custody such person or persons, as in case of other arrests made by Police Officers, until they shall be discharged by due course of law. SEC. 5. The Chief of the Police and the Policemen, re- rDuty to arest all perspectively, shall have full power and authority, and it shall sons violating laws or be their duty, to arrest all persons in the city found in the ordinances. act of violating any law or ordinance of the city, or aiding or abetting in any such violation, and shall arrest all persons found under suspicious circumstances, and shall take all such persons in charge and confine them until reasonable time bring such person before the Police Justice to be dealt with according to law. 404 Penalty for SEC. 6. Whoever, in the city, shall resist any Police Ofresisting Policemen. ficer, or member of the Police Department, in the discharge of his duty, or shall in any way interfere with, or hinder or prevent him from discharging his duty as such officer or member, and shall offer, or endeavor so to do, and whoever shall, in any manner, assist any person in custody of any Police Officer or member of the Police Department, to escape or attempt to escape from such custody, or shall rescue or attempt to rescue any person so in custody, shall forfeit a penalty not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars. Assistance to SEC. 7. It shall be the duty of all persons in the city, be rendered. when called when called upon by any Police Officer or Policemen, to for. promptly aid and assist him in the execution of his duties. Whoever shall neglect or refuse to give such aid and assistance, shall forfeit a penalty of not exceeding one hundred dollars, in the discretion of the court or magistrate convicting. And if the person offending be a licensed hackman, cabman or drayman, or the driver of any hackney coach, cab, omnibus, dray or wagon, or other vehicle, the court or Penalty for refusing. magistrate convicting, shall be authorized to give judgment that the license of the said person, or of the owner of such vehicle, be cancelled and revoked. Hackmen, SEC. 8. Hackmen, cabmen, omnibus drivers, draymen, &c., to obey directions of porters, runners and other persons, when at or about any Police. rail road depot or station, or steamboat or other vessel landing, or other public place in the city, shall obey the commands and directions of the Police Officer or Policemen, and the Marshal, Deputy Marshal and Constables of the city, who may be stationed or doing duty at or about such place, for the purpose of preserving order and enforcing the ordinances. Whoever shall refuse to obey the commands or directions of Penalty for refusing. saidofficer officerfficers as aforesaid, shall forfeit a penalty of not exceeding twenty dollars. Penalty of SEC. 9. Any Police Officer or Policeman, who shall negfor neglect lect or refusetoperform any duty required of him by the of duy.uty by 405 ordinance of the city, or the Police rules which may be made, or who shall, in the discharge of his duties as such officer, be guilty of any fraud, extortion, oppression, favoritism, partiality or wilful wrong or injustice, shall forfeit a penalty of not exceeding one hundred dollars for each offence. SEC. 10. The Chief of the Police, and each and every of Police department to the Policemen, shall be subordinate to and subject to the beunder control of direction and control of the Mayor at all times, and the Mayor. Mayor shall have power to suspend the Chief of the Police or any Policeman from office, for cause, subject to an appeal to the Common Council from such suspension, and such person so suspended, shall not exercise any function or perform any duty of his office, and shall not be entitled to any pay during such suspension. The Common Council may remove or re-install such officer. SEC. 11. All vacancies which may occur in the Police now vacancies to be department, shall, on the recommendation of the Mayor and filled. Chief of the Police, be supplied by the appointment by the Common Council of such person so recommended. SEC. 12. The Chief of the Police shall hold his office du- Chief to'hoid office during ring the pleasure of the Mayor, and the Policemen during the pleasure of Mayor. the pleasure of the Chief of the Police, unless removed as hereinbefore provided. SEC. 13. The Chief of the Police shall receive an annual Salary of Chief of Posalary of eight hundred dollars, payable quarterly, and each lice. Policeman shall receive the monthly pay of thirty dollars, payable at the end of each month; and in case of the employment bv'the Chief of the Police of an assistant or assistants, pursuant to the Police ordinance for special duty, he shall report the same to the Mayor, together with the amount of Salary of Policemen. compensation agreed upon, subject to his approval, who shall certify such sum as shall be approved by him to the Common Council to be audited and allowed. Passed, September 10, 1855. z AN ORDINANCE To amend an Ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance establishing a Police in the City of Milwaukee," passed, September 10, 1855. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain asfollows: Salary of SECTION 1. Section 13 of an ordinance establishing a lice. Police in the City of Milwaukee, passed, September 10th, 1855, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: The Chief of the Police shall receive an annual salary of one thousand dollars, payable quarterly, and each Policeman shall receive the monthly pay of forty dollars, payable at the end of each month, and in case of the employment by the Chief of the Police of any assistant or assistants, pursuant to the Police ordinance, for special duty, he shall report the Salary of same to the Mayor, together with the amount of compensaPolicemen and whom tion agreed upon, subject to his approval, who shall certify ayable. such sum as shall be approved by him to the Common Council to be audited and allowed. Passed, October 1, 1855. AN ORDINANCE Relating to Streets, Alleys and Side-walks, and to prevent the obstruction thereof. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain asfollows: No porch, SECTION 1. No porch, gallery, stoop or platform shall extend &cto be allowed to extend into or upon any side-walk more than sidewalk inore than 8 three feet, where the side-walk is not more than twelve feet or 4 feet. in width, nor exceeding four feet, where the side-walk is fifteen feet and upwards in width, and no railing on any side 407 walk shall in any case exceed three feet in width from the building; any violation hereof shall subject the offender to a penalty of five dollars, and to a like penalty for every day such violation shall continue after the first conviction. And,providedfurther, That no cellar-doors, for mercantile or cellar doors not more other establishments, used for receiving goods or other pur- than 5 feet. poses, shall extend so as to occupy more than five feet of any side-walk, and the same are always to be kept shut and secure, when not open for immediate use, under a penalty in each case of five dollars for each and every offence. SEc. 2. No bow window, or other window, shall extend windows not to prointo any side-walk more than twenty-four inches, nor shall jectmore than 24 in. any sign project from any store or other building, into or,over any side-walk or street more than three feet, nor shall Signs not any cellar door rise or project above the surface of the side- more than 8 feet. walk more than one inch at the outer side, nor more than three inches near the store or other building, nor shall the hinges thereof, or any other thing connected therewith project or rise above the door, nor shall any staple, lock or other fastening be placed on the upper side thereof, under a penalty of five dollars for each offence to any person violating the provisions of this section, and to a like penalty for.every day such violation shall continue, after a request or notice to remove the same by the Mayor, any Policeman, or an Alderman. SEC. 3. No sign or other posts, except awning posts, Sign-posts hereinafter provided, shall be erected or placed on or upon erected oe any side-walk or street, or other public way within the city sidewalk or street. limits, or if heretofore erected or placed, shall be permitted to remain on or upon any side-walk or street, or other publie way, under a penalty of five dollars, and a like penalty for every day such post shall be allowed to remain after notice to the owner or occupant of the premises, from the Mayor, any Alderman or Policeman, to remove the same, but nothing herein contained shall prevent the erection of 408 one, and not to exceed two posts in front of each building,, for the purpose of hitching horses, every such posts so erected shall be not more than eight inches, nor less than six inches in diameter, and not to exceed four feet in height, and placed in a line within the outer edge of the side-walk. Awnings SEc. 4. All awnings hereafter erected shall be elevated how erected. at least eight feet, at the lowest part thereof, above the top of the side-walks, and shall not project over the side-walks to exceed three-fourths of the width thereof; they shall be supported without posts by iron brackets, or by an iron frame work attached firmly to the building, so as to leave the side-walk wholly unobstructed thereby; all awnings heretofore erected in a different manner, shall be removed in a reasonable time after notice, as hereinafter specified. If any person shall erect any awning contrary to the provisions hereof, or shall refuse or neglect forthwith to remove any awning or awning posts, after verbal or written notice to remove the same, to be given by the Mayor, any Alderman or Policeman, he shall be subjected to a penalty of five dollars for every offence, and to a further penalty of five dollars for every day he shall fail to comply with such notice, after a lapse of five days from the service thereof. Goodsnot to SEC. 5. No person shall place any goods or merchandize be placed on s sidewalk. for sale or exhibition upon any side-walk, or suspend any goods over the same for sale or show, except as provided in the next ssction, or place or deposit thereon, cause or suffer the same to be done, any cask, barrel, wood, stove, or any other article whatsoever, under a penalty of three dollars for each offence, and a like penalty for each and every hour the same shall remain after the notice by the Mayor, either Alderman or Policeman, to remove the same. How goods SEC. 6. It shall be lawful for any person to place, hang place d ad or set out for sale, any goods, wares or merchandize on or received. over the side-walk, in front of and within three feet of his store or buildings; it shall also be lawful for any person to 409 -lace and leave for a period not exceeding one hour, on three feet of the outer edge of the side-walk in front of his store or building, any goods, wares, or merchandize, which he shall be in the act of receiving or delivering. SEC. 7. No person shall at any time fasten any horse or0 Horsesot horses in such a way that the horse, vehicle, reins or lines edso ascto shall be an obstacle to the free use of the side-walk, or cross sidewalk walk, under the penalty of one dollar for each offence, and the person in whose possession or use such horse or horses shall then be, shall be deemed the offender, unless he can prove to the contrary to the satisfaction of the magistrate before whom he shall be prosecuted. SEC. 8. No person or persons shall push or draw back Vehicle not to be drawns any horse, wagon, cart, or other vehicle, on any side-walk, on sidewalk. or use, ride or drive any horse, wagon, sled or sleigh thereon, unless it be in crossing the same to go into a yard or lot, when no other suitable crossing or means of access is provided, under a penalty of one dollar for each offence. SEC. 9. No owner or occupant of any dwelling house, Signs, &c. not to prostore, or other building, shall fix, put up or erect, or suffer jectmore than 3 feet. the same to remain fixed, put up or erected, any sign, showbill, show-case, canvass, or other thing projecting from any building or hanging over the sidewalk more than three feet in front of and from the wall of such building, under a penalty of five dollars for each offence, and a like penalty of five dollars for every forty-eight hours the same shall remain after being requested to remove the same by the Mayor, any Alderman, or Policeman. SEC. 10. All cross walks in the city shall be kept and Crosswalks to be kept reserved free from any sleigh, wagon, carts or carriages, free. horses or other animals being placed or suffered to stand thereon, except so far as may be necessary in crossing the same; and the owner or driver of any sleigh, cart or carriage, or horse or other animal offending herein, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of three dollars. 410 Posts and SEC. 11. The Mayor, or any Policeman, is hereby authoobstructions to be re- rized to cause any post or other obstruction, erected, placed moved. or continued on or over any sidewalk, contrary to the provisions hereof, to be removed, after due notice has been given to remove the same, and a neglect to comply with such notice. Written per- SEC. 12. No person shall place, or cause to be placed,, mission may be given for any stones, timber, lumber, plank, board, or other materials placing materials on for building, in or upon any street, alley or public square,. streets and sidewalks. without a written permission from two of the Aldermen of the ward, in which said street, alley or public square is situated, under the penalty of two dollars for each and every twenty-four hours during which the articles or materials aforesaid shall be or remain in any such street, alley or public square, without permission as aforesaid, after notice to remove the same. Aldermen to SEC. 13. Any two of the Aldermen are authorized to give permissionfor grant any person permission in writing, to place and keep building materials. any building materials in any of the public streets, situated in the ward which said Aldermen represent, for a period of time, not exceeding four months; but such permission shall not authorize the obstructing of more tnan one-third of the sidewalk, and one-third of the carriage way of said street, opposite the lot on which an erection is to be made, by the person to whom such permission is granted, and such permission may be revoked at any time by the Common Council, and such materials shall, in no case, be so placed as to obstruct the free flow of water in the side gutters. How such SEC. 14. Every person to whom permission is granted, materials shallbe re- as aforesaid, shall cause all the timber, building materials,. and rubbish arising therefrom, to be removed from the street,. at the expiration of the time limited, as aforesaid, under the penalty of three dollars for every forty-eight hours the timber, materials, or rubbish aforesaid, shall be and remain in such street, after the expiration of the time limited in the, 411 permission granted as aforesaid; but no single recovery shall exceed the sum of twenty-six dollars. SEC..15. No person shall suffer any carriage, Wagon, Vehicles not to stand in cart, sleigh, or sled, without horses or other beasts of bur- street. den, to remain or stand in any street, alley, or public wharf, or dock, for more than two hours, under the penalty of one dollar for each offence. SEC. 16. No person shall, at any time, fasten any horse Hossno in such way that such horse, or the reins or other fastenings to besfadsen shall be an obstacle to the free use of any side or crosswalk, trees under the penalty of one dollar for each and every offence; nor shall any person fasten any horse to any ornamental or shade-tree, in any of the streets of this city, or to any box or case around such tree, without the consent of the owner of such tree, under the penalty of five dollars for each and every offence. Not to drive fast. SEc. 17. No person shall ride or drive any horse or horses in any street, alley or highway, in this city, faster than a moderate trot, nor over any crosswalk, faster than a walk, under a penalty of five dollars for each and every offence. SEC. 18. It shall be lawful for any person to place and Firewood, how left. leave in the street in front of his store or building, for a period not exceeding twenty-four hours, and at not less than two feet, nor more than seven from the curb, any fire wood, or other material for fuel. SEC. 19. Persons owning or occupying any shop, yard, Paved ways lot, stable, or other place, when in the pursuit of business, aCloks~d it is necessary to pass over the sidewalk with animals or carriages of any discription, shall pave said sidewalk neatly with stone, entirely across the same, and to a width sufficient, not more than eight feet, to prevent damage being done to the sidewalk, on each side of such passage, but not more than one such passage to be constructed in any fifty feet of sidewalk, and all such persons refusing or neglecting to comply with this provision shall forfeit and pay a fine of one 412 dollar for every day that he shall so neglect to make such pavement, after being notified by the Mayor, or Aldermen, or any Policeman, to make the same. Shade trees, SEC. 20. All ornamental or shade trees hereafter placed, how set out. or set out in any street, shall be placed or set out within the outer lines of the sidewalk, and within two feet of the said outer line of the sidewalk of such street, and every person placing, or causing, or procuring to be placed, any tree contrary to the provisions of this section, shall forfeit the penalty of five dollars for each and every offence, and the further penalty of one dollar for each week such tree shall be suffered to remain, contrary to the provisions of this section. Pavements, SEC. 21. Any person who shall injure, or tear up, any &e. not to be torn up. pavement, side or crosswalk, drain, or sewer, or any part thereof, or who shall dig any hole, ditch, or drain, in any street, pavement, or sidewalk, without written permission from two of the Aldermen of the ward in which such street, pavement, or side or crosswalk shall be situated, or who shall hinder or obstruct the making or repairing any pavement, side or crosswalk, which is, or may be making under any law or resolution of the Common Council, or who shall hinder or obstruct any person employed by the Common Council, or Street Commissioners, or persons employed by them, in making or repairing any public improvement, or work ordered by the Common Council, or Street Commissioners, shall for each and every offence, forfeit the sum of ten dollars, and pay all damages which may be so done. Drains and SEC. 22. No person shall cast or throw, or cause to be sewers not to be filled cast or thrown, into any of the drains or sewers within the up. city, any filthy substance, or any substance calculated to cause any obstructions, nuisances or injury in or to the same, under a penalty of five dollars for each and every offence. Permission SEC. 23. No person shall construct, or cause to be confrom Aldermen to con- structed, or made, any sewer, vault, cistern or well in any struct vaults, at. of the streets of this city, without the permission of two of 413 the Aldermen of the ward in which said streets are situated, under the penalty of twenty-five dollars for each and every offence. SEC. 24. The person making, or having charge of suchTo~.befeneed sewer, vault, cistern or well, shall, during the whole of every night, while such sewer, vault, cistern or well shall be opened, or uncovered, fence in the same, and cause a lighted lamp or lantern to be placed and kept so as to cast its light upon such vault, cistern, well or sewer; and every such owner, occupant or person making, or having in charge, such work, who shall neglect the provisions of this section, shall forfeit the penalty of twenty-five dollars for each and every offence. SEC. 25. No person shall construct, or cause to be con- Permission of Aldermen structed or made, any drain or sewer, leading into any of the to construct sewers, &c. common sewers of the City of Milwaukee, without the written permission of the Aldermen of the ward in which the same is situated, under the penalty of ten dollars for each and every offence. SEC. 26. All vaults under sidewalks in this city, shall Vaults under sidewalks, be constructed of brick or stone, and the outward side of the how congrating or opening into the street, shall be within one foot of the outside of the curb stone of the sidewalk, and all such vaults shall be completed, and the ground and sidewalks replaced over them, within two weeks after they are respectively commenced, and every person neglecting any of the provisions of this section, whether the owner or builder of such vault, shall forfeit the penalty of twenty-five dollars. SEC. 27. Whenever permission is given to any person to Aldermen to lay any drain, sewer, gas pipe, or aqueduct, along or in any public street, or to dig, or take up any street, pavement or sidewalk, he shall cause the same to be done in such manner, within such time, as two of the Aldermen of the ward in which said pavement, street, or sidewalk is situated, shall direct; and shall cause the same to be re-built and re-laid in as substantial and permanent a manner as the same was be 414 fore, under the penalty of twenty-five dollars for each and every neglect, refusal or offence. Snow, &c. to SEC. 28. All persons shall, by ten o'clock every mornbe removed. ing, remove all snow, ice and dirt from the sidewalks in front of the premises, owned or occupied by them, under the penalty of one dollar for each and every neglect. Permission SEC. 29. No person shall remove, or cause, or permit to of Aldermen to remove be removed, or shall aid or assist in removing any building buildings. into, along, or across any street, in the City of Milwaukee, without permission from the Street Commissioners of the ward, under the penalty of twenty-five dollars for each offence. Notto re- SEC. 30. No person, owner of any building, permitted main longer thanone to be removed into, along, or across any street, alley or pubday. lic ground, nor the contractor for moving any building into, along, or across any street, alley or public ground in the City of Milwaukee, shall suffer or permit such building to remain in any such street, alley or public ground, for a longer time than one day, after notice from the Mayor, an Alderman, or the Chief of the Police, to remove the same, under the penalty of five dollars for each and every offence, to be sued for and recovered from the owner or contractor thereat, severally and respectively. Vehicles, &c. SEC. 31. It shall not be lawful for any owner or driver not to remain in of any carriage, cart, dray, sled, omnibus, or other vehicle, streets. to suffer the same to stand or remain in any street, side-walk, alley, wharf or dock, within the City of Milwaukee, so as to incumber the same, or prevent the free passage thereof, under the penalty of two dollars. Any such person, above named, who shall neglect or refuse to remove his or her carriage, cart, dray, sled, omnibus, or other vehicle, which shall be found so standing in any street, side-walk, alley, wharf or dock, as aforesaid, when requested or notified to remove the same by the Mayor, any Alderman or Policeman, shall forfeit a penalty of not less than five nor more than ten dol 415 lars; nor shall the owner or driver of any vehicle above named, suffer his or her vehicle to stand or remain stationary in any street, alley, wharf or dock, within said city, for a longer period than ten minutes, unless actually engaged in receiving or discharging passengers or property, under the penalty of two dollars. SEC. 32. No owner or occupant of any livery stable, Norwonsidewagon or blacksmith shop, or other place of business, shall suffer any wagon, cart, carriage, dray or other vehicle, whether left for safe keeping, repair or otherwise, to be or remain on the side-walk or alley, adjoining or fronting any such premises, nor on that half of the street adjoining and fronting the same, under a penalty of five dollars for each and every offence.'SEc. 33. No person shall leave any horse or horses (ex- Hohesto be' - ^ hitched. cept as provided in the next section,) in any street or alley, or other highway within this city, without being sufficiently secured by a halter, under the penalty of two dollars for each offence. SEC. 34. Every truckman or cartman, who drives a Cartmento have a truck or cart within this city, shall have a strong chain at- strongchain. tached to the body of his truck or cart, which shall be made fast to one of the wheels whenever the horse shall be left alone in any street or alley. SEC. 35. No person shall cut any tree or shrub in any of Treesand shrubs not, the streets or side-walks or public grounds in this city, to becut. without obtaining the written consent of the owner or of all the Aldermen of the ward in which such tree or shrub may be, under the penalty of ten dollars for every offence. SEC. 36. An ordinance relating to streets and side-walks, passed, July 6th, 1846, and an ordinance to prevent obstructions to side-walks, passed, May 6th, 1852, and an ordinance to amend the first named ordinance, passed, November 12th, 1855, are hereby repealed. Passed, August 18, 1856. AN ORDINANCE To prevent nuisances and disorderly practices in the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: Nauseous SECTION 1. No person shall throw or leave, or suffer his substances not to beput or her servant, child or family to throw, place or leave any on streets or sidewalks. dead carcass, carrion, fish, entrails, or other nauseous and unwholsome substance or matter, on any street, side-walk, alley, or upon any lot or public grounds in this city, under a penalty of not less than two, nor more than twenty-five dollars for each and every offence. SEC. 2. No person shall throw or deposite any dirty water, dirt, filth, straw or other rubbish in any street, sidewalk or alley in this city, or upon any public ground of the same, under the penalty of one dollar for each and every offence. Nor to be SEC. 3. No owner or occupant of any tenement or lot in left on owner's lots. this city, shall permit any substance mentioned in the last two sections to be or remain upon said tenement or lot, or between the same and the center of the street adjoining, under the penalty of two dollars for each and every twenty-four hours during which the same shall remain or be thereon. Tenements SEC. 4. Any owner or occupant of any house orplace,who not to become nause- shall suffer the same to become nauseous, or injurious to the OUS. health of the inhabitants of this city, shall forfeit the penalty of five dollars for each and every offence. Houses may SEC. 5. It shall be lawful for the Mayor, any Alderman be ordered cleansed. of the proper ward, Health Officer or any Policeman, to order the owner or occupant of any house or place to cleanse, remove or abate the same, as often as may be necessary for the health, comfort and convenience of the inhabitants of this city; and any person refusing or neglecting to obey such or 417 der, shall forfeit the penalty of five dollars for every twentyfour hours he shall neglect or refuse. SEC. 6. No tub containing the contents of any vault, Contents of privy, when privy, or necessary-house within the limits of the city, shall to berebe removed therefrom, except between the hours of eleven o'clock at night and four in the morning, under the penalty of not less than two, nor more than ten dollars. SEC. 7. Any person who shall make or assist in making Noise and riot. any riot, noise or disturbance in this city, or shall aid or countenance any disorderly assemblage, shall forfeit a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars for each offence. SEc. 8. No person shall bathe or swim in the Menomo- Bathing in nee or Milwaukee rivers, within the limits of this city, nor ciy shall any person bathe or swim between the hours of seven o'clock in the morning and eight in the evening, in Lake Michigan or Milwaukee Harbor, within sight of any dwelling-house, public walk, pier or other place of business, within the limits of said city, under a penalty in each case of not less than two nor more than ten dollars for each and every offence: Provided, however, That suitable bathing places may be named and designated by. the Common Council. SEC. 9. Every person being a vagrant, mendicant, street- vagrants, beggar, common prostitute or gambler, in this city, shall, beggars, &co upon conviction, forfeit a penalty of not less than one nor more than twenty-five dollars. SEc. 10. No person shall cut any ice, or any holes in Holes in ice. any river, canal, bayou, basin, or slip, within the bounds of this city, without first enclosing that portion of said ice intended to be cut with a suitable fence, under the penalty of not less than five, nor more than twenty five dollars. SEc. 11. It shall not be lawful for any person to ride orFast driving drive over any bridge in this city faster than a walk, under on bridges. a penalty of not less than one, nor more than five dollars for each and every offence. 418 Offal on Lake SEC. 12. No drayman, cartman, or other person shall bluffs, &c. throw, place, or leave any dead animal, carrion, offal, or other offensive matter on the lake bluff or bank, or in the Milwaukee Harbor, or in any river or bayou within the limits of this city, under a penalty of not less than two, nor more than twenty-five dollars for each and every offence. Pasting up SEC. 13. No person shall paste, or in any other manner bills, &c. post up, any written or printed bill, notice or advertisement, on any part of the outer walls of any brick or wood building within the limits of the City of Milwaukee, without first having obtained the consent of the owner thereof, under a penalty of not less than one, nor more than five dollars for each offence. SEC. 14. "An ordinance to prevent nuisances in the City of Milwaukee," and " an ordinance to prevent gaming and other disorderly practices in the City of Milwaukee," passed, July 13th, 1846, "an ordinance to prevent the throwing of offensive matter on the lake bluff, or any other place in the city limits," passed, May 6th, 1852, and " an ordinance to prevent placing or putting post-bills or notices on buildings," passed, June 29th, 1852, are hereby repealed. Passed, August 18, 1856. AN ORDINANCE To restrain Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Dogs, Mules, Jackasses, and other Animals and Fowls, from running at large. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows. Animals not SECTION 1. No horses, cattle, milch cows, sheep, goats, to run at large. swine, mules, jackasses, or other animals and fowls, shall hereafter run at large within the limits of the City of Milwaukee, and the owner, lessee, or any person who has the custody or charge of any such animals, and who shall suffer 419 oi permit the same to run at large, contrary to the provisions of this section, shall, on conviction thereof, be liable to a penalty of not less than two, or more than ten dollars for each and every offence. SEC. 2. That every person residing in this city, and own- Dogs not to ing, or having in his or her possession any dog, and suffer-runat large. ing the same to run at large at any season of the year, shall be liable to a penalty of two dollars, unless protected as hereinafter provided. Any person paying to the City Trea-.surer the sum of one dollar for every dog in his or her pos- Maybedlisession, shall, upon the presentation to the City Clerk of said Treasurer's receipt, be entitled to a license for such dog to run at large for one year, without any further protection, except between the 15th of June and the 15th of October in each year, provided such person, upon procuring the license as aforesaid, shall put upon the neck of such dog a metallic collar with the owner's name engraved thereon, and shall pay said Clerk fifty cents for making out such license, SEc. 3. Between the 15th of June and the 15th of Octo- Muzzled, when. ber, in each year, no person residing in this city, and owning or having in his or her possession any dog, shall suffer the same to run at large, without causing such dog or dogs to be securely muzzled so as to prevent them from biting, under a penalty of five dollars for each and every offence. SEC. 4. Any person causing a dog fight, or who shall be Dogfights..aiding and abetting the same, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than one, nor more than five dollars for each and every offence. SEc. 5. In order to carry out the provisions of this or- Pound esdinance, and to provide for keeping and confining all ani- tablished mals and dogs running at large, contrary to its provisions, there shall be established, under the authority of the Common Council and at the expense of said city, a Pound, to be under the charge of the Chief of the Police, and to be kept,by some person to be appointed and designated by him, and 420 until the Common Council shall provide and fit up a suitable establishment for this purpose, it shall be the duty of the Chief of the Police to provide, in his discretion, a temporary place for enforcing and carrying out this ordinance. Dogs, when SE. 6. Any dogs found running at large in this city, impounded. and not licensed, or without a collar on their neck with the owner's name thereon, as hereinbefore provided, and any dogs running at large, between the 15th of June and the 15th of October, without being securely muzzled, it shall be the duty of the Police to seize and confine for forty-eight hours in said Pound, and if within that time any such dog is called for, to deliver the same to the owner, upon his paying the keeper of the Pound the sum of three dollars, and the license, if not paid. But all dogs not claimed after a detention of forty-eight hours are to be killed and destroyed by said Police. Other ani- SEC. 7. It shall be the duty of the Chief of the Police mals to be impounded. and all Policemen under his direction, to secure and confine in said Pound all horses, cattle, milch cows, sheep, goats and swine found running at large within the limits of this city, the same to be safely kept and provided for, and to be delivered to any owner calling for the same, upon the payment by him to the keeper of the Pound of the sum of two dollars, together with the expense of subsistence for the length of time any such animal may have been impounded, to be estimated at a reasonable and fair rate. Register to SEC. 8. It shall be lawful for any person finding any of be kept. the above named animals running at large within the limits of the city, before specified, them to the Pound, and it shall be the duty of the Pound-keeper thereupon to receive the same, and to pay the person delivering the same, the sum of twenty-five cents for each animal so impounded, and to enter the name of the person delivering the same, the date of impounding and the description of all the animals impounded, in a register to be kept by him for that purpose, 421 which register shall be kept open for inspection to all persons applying therefor. SEC. 9. Any impounded animal not released as above Animalssold when. provided, within ten days from the impounding thereof, may be sold at public vendue, at the pound gate, after giving three days notice of such sale, with a description of the animal or animals to be sold, but no pound-keeper or Police-man shall be a purchaser at such sale. SEC. 10. The moneys received at any such sale, after de- Moneys,how paid. ducting the amount of the release fee and expense of subsistence and sale, shall be paid to the owner of the animal sold when ascertained, and if not ascertained within thirty days, shall be paid over to the City Treasurer, and in the latter event, it shall be the duty of the pound-keeper to report the same to the City Clerk forthwith. SEC. 11. No person shall wilfully obstruct or prevent Penalty for ostrnucting. the apprehension or impounding of any animal running at large, contrary to this ordinance, under a penalty of not less than two nor more than ten dollars for each and every offence. SEC. 12. An ordinance to restrain horses, cattle, sheep, goats and swine from running at large, passed, January 21st, 1847; an ordinance to license dogs, passed, July 13th, 1846, and the ordinances in amendment thereof, passed, June 22d, 1848, passed, June 9th, 1856, and passed, July 21st, 1856, are hereby repealed. Passed, August 18, 1856. AN ORDINANCE Prescribing Fire Limits, and the construction of Buildings therein. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows SECTION 1. All that part of the City of Milwaukee, em- Fie limits. braced in the following limits, shall hereafter be known as the fire limits, to wit: A2 422 sd ward. In the second ward, all that portion of said ward, known and described as blocks thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-nine, forty, forty-one, forty-two, forty-eight, forty-nine, and fifty, the east half of blocks thirty-four, forty-seven,' and fifty-one, the south half of blocks thirty-seven and thirty-eight, and the north half of blocks forty-three and forty-four. 3d ward. In the third ward, all that portion of said ward known and described as blocks three, four, five, six, seven, eight, thirteen, thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-five, thirty-six, thirty-seven, and one hundred and fifty-five, and also the west half of blocks fourteen and fifteen in said ward. 4th ward. In the fourth ward, blocks fifty-seven, fifty-eight, fiftynine, seventy-one, and seventy-two. 5th ward. In the fifth ward, all that portion of said ward known and described as blocks two, six and seven, and lots one, two, three, four, five and six, in block five. tth ward. In the seventh ward, all that portion of said ward known as blocks one, two, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, fifty-one, fiftytwo, fifty-three, fifty-four, fifty-five, fifty-six, fifty-seven, and fifty-eight, and also the west half of blocks fifty-nine, sixty, sixty-one, and sixty-two. Buildings in SEC. 2. No building shall hereafter be erected within the the fire limits how erected. fire limits (except as hereinafter excepted,) unless the same be constructed in conformity with the following provisions 1. All outside and party walls shall be made of stone, brick, or other fire-proof material. 2. Outside and party walls, not exceeding twenty-four feet in height from the level of the side-walk to the under side of the roof joists, or rafters, (except for stores, mills, breweries, and warehouses), shall not be less than eight inches in thickness, if of brick, and not less than sixteen inches in thickness, if of stone. But stores, mills, breweries and warehouses, exceeding twenty-four feet in height, as aforesaid, shall not be less than twelve inches in thickness, if of brick, nor less than eighteen inches in thickness, if of stone. 423 3. All joists, beams and other timbers in outside and party walls, shall be separated at least four inches from each other with stone or brick laid in mortar, and all wooden lintels, or plate pieces, in front or rear walls, shall recede from the outside of the wall at least four inches, except that lintels'of timber may be used in cornices covered with copper, tin, iron, or other fire-proof material, which recede four inches from the outside or front as aforesaid. 4. Roofs, cornices, and gutters, shall be covered on the noutside surface with copper, tin, iron, or other fire proof material; and all buildings to be used for stores or warehouse purposes, which exceed twenty-four feet in height from the level of the side-walk to the under side of the rafters, shall have shutters to all outside doors and windows, made of iron, or covered with iron or other fire-proof material. But steeples, cupolas, spires of churches or other public buildings, which shall stand thirty feet apart from any other building, may be covered with boards or shingles. 5. There shall not be more than thirty feet space between the party or outside walls of any building, unless such building shall be supported by iron or other columns or supports of fire-proof material. 6. All end and party walls shall extend above the sheeting of the roof at least two and one-half feet, and in no case shall the planking or sheeting of the roof extend through or across any party or end wall, and in case of any opening in any party or end wall, the same shall be provided with iron or fire-proof doors, properly fitted and hung, so as to be easily and quickly closed in case of fire. SEC. 3. Sheds not exceeding twelve feet in height at the Shedsmay peak or highest part, and privies not exceeding ten feet beereted. square and ten feet in height at the peak, may be constructed of wood, and shall not be subject to the provisions of this ordinance. But all depositories of ashes, within or without 424 the fire limits, shall be built of brick, or other fire-proof material, without wood in any part thereof. Wooden SEC. 4, No wooden building or part of building, within buildings not to be re-the fire limits, shall be raised, repaired, enlarged or removed paired or removed. to any other place within the same, nor shall any such building be removed into the fire limits; nor shall any wooden building within said limits which may hereafter be damaged to the extent of fifty per cent. of the value thereof, be repaired or rebuilt; nor shall such building, where the damages are less than fifty per cent. of its value, be so repaired as to be raised higher than the highest point left standing after such damage shall have occurred, or so as to occupy a greater space than before the injury thereto. Damage,how SEC. 5. The amount of or extent of damage that may be ascertaineddone to any building, may be determined by three disinterested persons, residents of the city, one of whom shall be chosen by the owner of the building, the second by the Mayor, and the two so chosen shall select the third, and the decision of the persons so chosen shall be final and conclusive. When deem- SEC. 6. Any wooden building which may be erected, ed a nuisance. enlarged, removed or repaired, or in process of erection, enlargement, removal or repair, contrary to this ordinance, shall be deemed a nuisance, and upon information in writing it shall be the duty of the Mayor, after due notice to the owner or builder to abate the same, by an order in writing to require the Chief of the Police to raze such building to the ground; the expense thereof shall be reported by the Chief of the Police, and may be collected of the owner of such building by suit. Penalty. SEC. 7. Any owner, builder, or other person who shall own, build or aid in the erection of any building or part of building within the fire limits, contrary to, or in any other manner than authorized by the provisions of this ordinance, or who shall own, remove, or assist in removing any such building from without said limits into the same, or own, re 425 pair, or assist in repairing any damaged wooden building contrary in either case to any provisions of this ordinance, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars and not exceeding five hundred dollars, in the discretion of the court, for the first offence, and to a like penalty for every forty-eight hours such person shall fail to comply with the provisions of this ordinance. If any person shall violate any other provision of this ordinance, he shall be subject to a like penalty. SEC. 8. In case of and during the continuance of a fire, Liquors, when allow'd no intoxicating liquors shall be allowed among the firemen, at fires. or be brought on to the ground for any purpose, except the same shall have been ordered by the Mayor or Chief Engineer, and any person or persons furnishing any intoxicating liquor or drink to firemen during a fire, except as herein provided, shall forfeit and pay a fine of not less than five, nor more than twenty-five dollars for every offence. SEC. 9. "An ordinance prescribing fire limits, and the construction of buildings therein," passed, November 18th, 1852, and the ordinances in amendment thereof, passed, March 3d, 1853, passed, September Sth, 1853, passed, September 14th, 1854, passed, July 10th, 1856, and passed, August 1st, 1856, are hereby repealed. Passed, August 29, 1856. AN ORDINANCE To regulate Hackney Coaches, Cabs, Drays and Omnibusses. The Mayor and Common Council cf the Cityof Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. No person shall hire out, or keep, or use for coaches, hire, or cause to be kept or used for hire in the transporta- Cbli&C. edo tion of persons or property within the city, any hackney coach, cab, omnibus, or other carriage of any description, or 426 any dray, cart or wagon, without a license from the city. under a penalty of twenty dollars for every offence. Mayor to ii- SEC. 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to license, uncense. der his hand, any resident of the city over twenty-one years of age, to keep a hackney coach, cab, omnibus or other public carriage, dray, cart or wagon, upon his entering into a Bond to be bond, with one or more sureties to be approved by the Mayor, given. in the penalty of three hundred dollars, conditioned for the payment of all penalties which the applicant may incur, and all damages for which he may become liable. Fees. SEC. 3. When any application shall be granted, it shall be the duty of the City Clerk, upon the payment of one dollar to the Mayor for granting license and approving the bond, and one dollar to the Clerk, to issue a license and cause the same to be registered and numbered. Such license shall continue in force for one year from the date thereof. No.oflicense SEC. 4. Every person who may be licensed as aforesaid, ond aer of shall forthwith cause the number of his license, together with his own name or the name which may be given to his vehicle,. to be plainly painted on some conspicuous place on each side of the hack, cab, omnibus, coach or other carriage, cart, dray or wagon so licensed, under a penalty of three dollars, for every week he shall run or use the same without being so numbered and lettered. When used SEC. 5. Every hackney coach, cab, omnibus or other in night time carriage, when driven or used in the night, shall have fixed upon some conspicuous part of the outside of such vehicle, two lighted lamps, with plain glass fronts and sides, with the number of the license painted thereon with black paint, in legible figures at least two inches in length, so that they may be distinctly seen and known; and the owner or driver of any such vehicle, which shall be driven or used in the night without such lighted lamps, shall severally forfeit the sum of five dollars. 427 SEc. 6. The prices to be charged by the owner or driver Tariff of prices. of any hackney coach, cab, coach or other carriage or vehicle (except omnibusses) for the conveyance of passengers within said city, shall be as follows, to be regulated and estimated by the distance of the most direct routes, namely: 1. For conveying a passenger not exceeding one mile, 37~ cents. For every additional passenger of the same family or party, 18- cents. 2. For conveying a passenger any distance exceeding a mile, and within the city limits, as follows: For the first mile, 75 cents. For each additional mile, 37- cents. For every additional passenger of the same family or party, 18- cents. 3. For conveying children between five and fourteen years of age, half of the above prices may be charged for the like distances, but for children under five years of age, no charge shall be made. 4. For the use, by the day, of any hackney coach or other carriage drawn by two horses, with one or more passengers, $4.50. 5. For the use of any such vehicle by the hour, with one or more passengers, with the privilege of going from place to place, and stopping as often as may be required, as follows: For the first hour, $1.12'. For the second hour, 62~ cents. For each succeeding hour, 37~ cents. 6. For the use of any cab or other carriage drawn by a single horse, by the hour, with one or more passengers, with the privilege of going from place to place and stopping as often as may be required, as follows: For the first hour, 75 cents. For the second hour, 371 cents. For each succeeding hour, 30 cents. 428 7. For the use of any such cab or other carriage by the day, $3.00. What bag- 8. Every passenger may be allowed to have conveyed age allowed. upon such vehicle, without charge, his ordinary travelling baggage, not exceeding, in any case, one trunk, twenty-five pounds of other baggage. For every additional package, when the whole weight of baggage is over one hundred pounds, if conveyed to any place within the city limits, the owner or driver shall be permitted to charge 10 cents. If conveyed any greater distance, 15 cents. Livery SEC. 7. Coaches drawn by two horses, kept by the keeper of a livery stable, for the conveyance of passengers in whole or in part within the city limits, shall be deemed to be included within the first section of this ordinance. What streets SEC. 8. The streets within the limits hereinafter menare stands. tioned, in the several wards of the City of Milwaukee, are hereby established as stands for drivers of hackney coaches, cabs, drays and omnibusses, while waiting with their vehicles for employment. 1st ward. In the first ward, on the south side of Oneida and north side of Mason streets, between the east side of East Water and Main streets. 2d ward. In the second ward, on Third street, south of Vliet street, and on Chestnut street, between Fifth street and the river. 3d ward. In the third ward, on the south side of Wisconsin street, between East Water and Main streets, and on the south side of Michigan, Huron, Detroit, Buffalo and Chicago streets, between the Milwaukee river and the west side of East Water street. 4th ward. In the fourth ward, on West Water street, north of Spring, on Second street, south of Clybourn street. 5th ward. In the fifth ward, on South Water street, between Ferry and Barclay, on Lake between Ferry and the river. Penalty. Any hackman, cabman, omnibus driver, drayman or cartman who shall, while waiting for employment, or not being 429 employed, place his hack, cab, omnibus, dray or cart upon any street, other than the streets or within the limits here mentioned, shall, on complaint before the Police Justice, be subject to a fine of not less than one nor more than five dollars for each and every offence. SEc. 9. The prices or rates to be taken by draymen, Prices for goods, mercarmen or driver of any baggage wagon, for the carriage of chandize, &c any article, goods, wares, or merchandize, where the distance does not exceed half a mile, shall be as follows: For every tierce of molasses or spirituous liquors, exceeding thirty and less than sixty gallons, fifteen cents when carried single; for every additional cask of like dimensions, five cents; for every hogshead of sugar, twenty-five cents; for every tierce of sugar, twenty cents; for every load of household furniture and housing the same, thirty-eight cents; if not requested to be housed, twenty-five cents; for every load of lumber, twenty-five cents; for every load of flour, consisting of six barrels or more, twenty-five cents; for a single barrel of flour, or other article not exceeding 300 pounds, twelve and a-half cents; for every load of dirt or filth removed out of any of the streets or alleys, ten cents; for loading, carting and unloading every load not above specified, twenty-five cents; for every load, where the distance between the points of receipt and delivery exceeds half a mile, and is not more than a mile, one-fourth more than the aforesaid rates; and if said distance exceeds one mile, one half more than the rates aforesaid may be received, in full compensation for any greater distance within the corporate limits of the City of Milwaukee. Every violation of this section shall subject the offender to a penalty of not less than one nor more than five dollars for each and every offence. SEC. 10. Any hackman, cabman, omnibus driver, dray- Penaltyfor man or cartman who shall, while waiting for employment ipndo on any stand, or while waiting for employment, or other 430 wise, at any rail road termination, steamboat or other boat landing, or elsewhere, leave such vehicle, except for the purpose of getting the baggage or other personal property of the person employing him, or who shall snap or flourish his whip, or use indecent or profane language, or be guilty of boisterous or loud talking or hallooing, or any disorderly conduct, or vex and annoy travellers and citizens, or obstruct any side-walk, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than two nor more than ten dollars in every case. Policemen SEC. 11. Any member of the Police department shall to arrest, &c. have power to arrest and commit any person offending in any manner against the provisions of this ordinance, who refuses or fails to desist from such offence when commanded; and they shall have power to give any direction which may be required for the preservation of good order and the equal convenience of the public, at any rail road termination and steam or other boat landing; and any hackman, cabman, drayman or other person who shall refuse or neglect to obey such directions, or who shall resist such officer in the discharge of any duty, shall be deemed guilty of a breach of the peace, and be subject to immediate arrest and commitment. On conviction, the offender shall be subject to a fine of not less than two dollars, and not exceeding one hundred dollars, and to imprisonment, in the discretion of the court, not exceeding twenty days. Whatvehi- SEC. 12. Wagons and vehicles kept by merchants for cles not to be licensed. the free delivery of goods sold by them, teams used forhauling earth and building materials, and coaches, wagons and other vehicles used exclusively for the transportation of persons or property beyond the city, or by public houses for the accommodation of their own business, shall not be deemed included in the first section of this ordinance. Refusing to SEC. 13. Any owner or driver of a hackney coach, cab, carry persons and omnibus or other carriage, who shall refuse or neglect to baggage, &c. convey any person with his baggage, when applied to for 431 that purpose, or who shall ask, take or extort any greater price than those herein established, or who shall neglect or refuse to place the rates of fare inside of his vehicle, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than two nor more than twenty dollars for each and every offence. SEC. 14. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to keep Cityilerkito a register of all licenses granted under this ordinance, wherein licenses. shall be stated the number of the license, to whom issued, and the date thereof. The licenses of the different kinds of vehicles, mentioned herein, shall be kept by distinct number, and in separate parts of said register. All licenses shall be subject to revocation for good cause. SEC. 15. "An ordinance to regulate hackney coaches, drays and omnibusses," passed, November 22, 1852, a supplemental ordinance to the same, passed, April 7, 1853, an ordinance to amend the same, passed, May 19, 1853, "an ordinance to regulate hackney coaches, cabs, drays and omnibusses," passed, July 9, 1855, and an ordinance to amend the same, passed, June 23, 1856, are hereby repealed. Passed, August 29, 1856. AN ORDINANCE For the regulation of the Harbor of Milwaukee. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Milwaukee, in Common Council assembled: SECTION 1. That the Harbor Master is hereby authorized Harbor Master's powers. and directed to give such orders and directions, from time to time, as he shall deem just and proper, relative to the location and change of situation of every steamboat, vessel or other craft or float in the harbor of Milwaukee. Sec. 2. No person shall unload any steamboat, vessel Unloadingof vessels. or craft or float at or upon any of the public wharves or docks in this city, or otherwise place or deposit on any such 432 wharf or dock, any stone, lumber, timber, firewood or other materials, without permission from the Harbor Master. Steamers in SEC. 3. All steamboats coming in or going out of the the river. harbor, or passing up or down the river, shall be moved under a low pressure of steam, and slowly, so as not to endanger or iljure any other boat or craft or the bridges or works in the harbor. To carry SEC. 4. All steamboats, brigs, vessels or other lake craft shall have kept on board during the night time, a conspicuous light or lantern. Passing SEC. 5. NO sail vessel shall pass through the draw of any through bridges. bridge in the City of Milwaukee, except it be towed, or under very light sail. Penalty. SEC. 6. Any owner, master, or other person having in charge any steamboat, vessel or other craft or float violating any of the preceding provisions of this ordinance, shall forfeit, for the use of the City of Milwaukee, the penalty of twenty dollars, and every such steamboat, vessel or other craft or float, of which the owner, master, or other person having charge of the same, shall become liable as aforesaid, shall be chargeable therewith. Obstructions SEC. 7. No person shall cast or deposit, or suffer to be into thriver cast or deposited in the harbor or navigable waters of this city, any earth or other heavy substances, filth, manure, logs or floating matter, or any obstructions, under the penalty of five dollars for each and every offence, and a like penalty for each and every day the same shall be suffered to remain therein, after notice to remove the same. SEC. 8. Upon conviction of any person or persons of any of the offences hereinbefore set forth, the costs of the prosecution and conviction shall be added to the penalty, and for want of goods whereon to satisfy any execution issued therefor, the same shall require the offender to be committed to the county jail for ten days, for the penalty imposed in the sixth section of this ordinance, and for three 433 days for the penalty named for each of the offences under the seventh section thereof. SEC. 9. All persons owning or occupying any of the Piers to be railed and piers now, or which shall hereafter be erected in the Lake lighted. within the city bounds, and using the same for hire, for the landing of goods or passengers, or which are used for that purpose, shall cause the same to be securely railed on both sides, with a railing three feet and a half in height, consisting of posts and two horizontal slats, all to be of sufficient strength to prevent passengers or others from falling off from the same at night; and any persons occupying said piers, as aforesaid, shall cause to be kept up thereupon every night when any vessel or steamboat shall be lying thereto, at least three good lanterns, supplied with burning lights. Provided the above requirements shall not be applicable to the sides of the wide part of the outer end of any such pier. SEC. 10. Any person refusing or neglecting to comply with the provisions of the foregoing section, shall forfeit and pay for the use of the city, the penalty of ten dollars for each and every day they shall so refuse or neglect to comply. Passed, September 24, 1846. AN ORDINANCE Relating to Penalties and Judgments. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Milwaukee, in Common Council assembled: SECTION 1. That all ordinances prescribing penalties for Judgment for penalties their violation, shall be construed by the court to carry with carry costis such penalties all costs of prosecution and collection, and in entering up judgment in all cases, such costs shall be included as against the delinquent. 434 Duty of City SEC. 2. Whenever a judgment shall be rendered in favor Attorney. of this city, for any cause, it shall be the duty of the City Attorney forthwith to take out an execution against the party, and proceed as speedily as possible to make collection of the same; and if the party against whom such judgment shall lie has not personal property to satisfy the same, but has real property in any county within the third judicial district, then it shall be the duty of said Attorney to file a transcript of such judgment in the Clerk's office, in the county where such real estate may be, and proceed without delay to collect the amount of such judgment out of such real estate. Passed, October 5, 1846. AN ORDINANCE Establishing a Public Stand in the Third Ward. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Milwaukee, in Common Council assembled: Hay and SECTION 1. That a public stand for the sale or disposal w of wood, hay and other marketable articles, be, and the same is hereby established in the third ward, which shall consist of the following portions of Detroit street, namely: those between East Water street and the Milwaukee river, and between said East Water street and Main street. Passed, February 8, 1847. AN ORDINANCE To compel the attendance of Members of the Common Council. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Milwaukee, in Common Council assembled. Absentees SECTION 1. That when any Member of the Common fiil shall absent himself fro theng, after he shall Council shall absent himself from the sitting, after he shall 435 have been in attendance, without the leave of the Common Council, he shall be fined in the sum of ten dollars. SEC. 2. That when any Member of the Common Council Refusal to attend after shall refuse to attend a meeting of the Common'ouncil, af- notice fined. ter a resolution shall have been passed by a majority of the members present, requiring his attendance forthwith, such Member shall be fined in the sum of twenty dollars. Passed, February 18, 1847. AN OR DINANC E In relation to setting the Posts of the Erie and Michigan Telegraph Company. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the Cityof Milwaukee, in Common Council assembled SECTION 1. That the Erie and Michigan Telegraph Com- May erect pany shall hereby have the privilege of setting posts for the postS. purpose of supporting their wire along such streets as may be necessary for the purposes and uses of said Company, provided that said Company shall erect in the bounds of the city fair and handsome poles. SEC. 2. That the poles shall be erected on the outer side fow erected of the sidewalk in such a way as not to obstruct any passage or view, and that said posts shall be at least twenty feet high, and to be firmly and securely set so as not to injure or damage the side-walk or obstruct the use of the same, other than the size of the posts. SEC. 3. That if said Company shall erect crooked or un- Unsightly sightly poles, the Aldermen of the ward in which said poles poles tbede are so rected, shall have the power to remove the same after notifying the agent or any one of the trustees of said Company, that such pole or poles must be removed, and another or others, in accordance with the requirements of this ordinance, be erected in its or their place, such pole or poles 436 shall remain for six days after the giving of said notice, and the erection of all said poles shall be under the direction of the local committee of the ward in which such poles are erected. Passed, August 28, 1847. AN ORDINANCE Relating to the appointment and duties of Sealer of Weights and Measures. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Milwaukee, in Common Council assembled: o0w ap- SECTION 1. That there shall be appointed by the Compointed. mon Council, a Sealer of Weights and Measures, who shall hold his office for one year, and until his successor shall be appointed and qualified, unless sooner removed by the Common Council, and the term of office of said Sealer shall expire on the first day of May in each year. Standard SEC. 2. The Sealer of Weights and Measures shall have weights, &cs the custody of the standard weights and measures belonging to the city, and shall take care that the same be not injured or in anywise impaired, and he shall not suffer the same to go out of his possessioni during his continuance in office. He Bond. shall enter into bonds to the City of Milwaukee, in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office, and that he will preserve the integrity of the standard committed to his care, and deliver the same to his successor in office, in as good condition as when received by him, necessary wear excepted. Duties. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the Sealer of Weights and Measures to compare any weights and measures or implements used for weighing and measuring, that may be brought to him for that purpose, with the standard in his possession, and when found to conform thereto, he shall seal and mark 437 the same, and he shall keep a register of all weights, measures, scale beams, patent balances, steel yards, or other implements used in weighing or measuring, sealed by him, with the name of the owners, and the date when sealed. SEc. 4. A seal with some suitable device, and a brand Seal. and dies with the initials " M. C.," shall be procured at the expense of the city, for the use of the sealer, and a description of the seal and impress of the same shall be filed with the City Clerk. SEc. 5. The sealer of weights and measures shall be en- Fees. titled to demand and receive the following fees for his services: For sealing and marking every scale, beam, patent balance, steel yard, or other instrument used for weighing in the City of Milwaukee, fifteen cents. For sealing and marking measures of extension, at the rate of fifteen cents per yard, not to exceed fifty cents for any one measure. For sealing and marking any weights under seven pounds, three cents; not less than seven pounds and under fourteen, five cents; not less than fourteen and under twenty-eight, ten cents; not less than twenty-eight and under fifty-six pounds, fifteen cents; fifty-six pounds and upwards, twentyfive cents. For sealing and marking liquid and dry measures: For every measure under one gallon, three cents; for one gallon and over, six cents. For every measure of half a bushel, fifteen cents; for every measure of a bushel, twenty-five cents; for every measure of two bushels or upwards, one dollar. The said sealer shall also be entitled to reasonable compensation for making such weights and measures conform to the standard. SEC. 6. An inventory of the articles comprising the set of standard weights and measures, and the implements used Bs2 438 in connection therewith, belonging to the city, shall be made out and filed with the Clerk, and the sealer of weights and measures first appointed, shall receipt to the City Clerk for the same, and each new incumbent shall receipt to his predecessor for the weights, measures and implements handed over to him, a duplicate of which receipt shall be filed with the said City Clerk. Passed, November 11, 1847. AN O[t DINAN C E To regulate Trials of Impeaehment before the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee. Be it ordained by the Ifayor and Aldermen of the City of Milwaukee, in Common Council assembled: Parties to SECTION 1. That in all trials of impeachment before the rave itnesss Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, the complainant and respondent shall be entitled to have processes issued to compel the attendance of witnesses, to be issued by the Mayor, or acting Mayor, attested by the Clerk, which process may be served by the City Marshal or either of his deputies, or by any Constable of the city, to be made returnable at the meeting of the Common Council appointed for such trial. ules for tri- SEC. 2. That any such trial may be adjourned from time al'S to time, on good cause being shown either on the part of the complainant or respondent to the Common Council, and the same rules in relation to the examination of witnesses and arguments of council shall be observed, as are recognized in the District Court in and for the County of Miilwaukee. Penalties SEC. 3. That after a witness has been served with a subagainst. pcena to appear before the Common Council in any trial for impeachment, such witness shall be subject to the same pains and penalties for non-attendance in accordance with said 439.subpoena, as are by law provided against the non-attendance,of witnesses after being duly subpoenaed in courts of record in Wisconsin, and that said pains and penalties may be enforced by prosecution or otherwise, in the name of the City of Milwaukee, and that said Common Council, according to section nineteen of the act aforesaid, shall have power to authorize an attachment to be issued by the Mayor, or acting Mayor, duly authorized by the Clerk, to compel ti attendance of any witness who has been subpoenaed to attend on any trial as aforesaid and then pending before said Council. SEC. 4. That the costs that may be taxed in trials of im- Costs peachment, as provided for in the act to incorporate the City of Milwaukee, are the following: the same fees for the attendance of witnesses shall be allowed as in courts of record of Wisconsin, and the same fees shall be allowed to officers for serving subpoenas, attachments, &c., as are allowed in civil actions at law in courts of record in Wisconsin. Passed, March 6, 1848. AN ORDINANCE In relation to the report of Deaths within the City Limits. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Milwaukee, in Commaon Council assevmbled: SECTION 1. That every sexton and keeper, or person or Burials repersons having in charge any cemetery, burial ground, or ports of. other place or places of burial within the limits of the City of Milwaukee, shall keep a book in which every such sexton, keeper, person or persons shall enter the name, age, place of residence, occupation, place of nativity, and the disease or other cause of death, of every person interred in the cemetery, burial ground, or other place or places of burial, under his or their charge, and mnake a detailed report of the same to the Common Council, at the first regular meeting in each month. 440 SEC. 2. That all persons offending against the provisions' of this section shall be fined ten dollars for each and every offence. Passed, March 9, 1848. AN ORDINANCE Regulating the charge on Emigrants' and other Passengers' Goods landing on the Piers extending into Lake Michigan, in the City of Milwaukee. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Milwaukee, in Common Council assembled: Rateof pier- SECTION 1. That hereafter no owner or occupant of any pier extending into Lake Michigan, within the corporate, limits of the City of Milwaukee, shall be entitled to receive from emigrants or other passengers, more than ten cents for every barrel bulk landed on such pier or piers. Penalty for SEC. 2. Any owner or occupant of any pier or piers exexacting more. tending into the Lake, who shall exact, suffer, allow or countenance a higher price to be charged or exacted on such pier or piers, shall be liable to a fine of fifty dollars, to be recovered by trial and conviction for such higher charge or charges on his pier. Passed, May 3, 1849. AN ORDINANCE Regulating the Manufacture and Sale of Bread. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Milwaukee, in Common Council assembled SECTION 1. Every baker or person who shall carry on Bakers to file Certifcate. the trade or business of baker, shall, on the first Monday of September, in each year, or within one month from the time of commencing such business, file with the Clerk of the 441,city a certificate signed by him, stating his place of residence and business, under the penalty of five dollars for each and every neglect. SEC. 2. All bread manufactured by the bakers of this Assize bread. city shall be made of good and wholesome flour or meal, into loaves of one, one and a-half, two or three pounds avoirdupois weight, and every loaf of such bread, except twisted loaves, shall be marked with the numbers indicating the weight of such loaf, and also with the initial letters of the baker thereof, under a penalty of ten dollars for each and ev-,ery offence, to be recovered of the persons offering the same. Passed, July 13, 1846. AN O RDINANCE Relating to Slaughter Houses in the City of Milwaukee. Be it enacted by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Milwaukee, in Common Council assembled: SECTION 1. That it shall not be lawful for any person or Animals not to be slaughpersons to keep a slaughter house or yard, for the purpose of tered within the city lirmslaughtering or dressing animals of any kind therein or about its.,it, nor to slaughter or dress any animals in any building or yard within the corporate limits of the City of Milwaukee, and every person who shall violate the provisions of this section, shall forfeit the penalty of fifty dollars, with costs Penaty of prosecution for each and every day of such violation, and in default of payment shall be imprisoned in the county jail thirty days. SEC. 2. This ordinance shall be and remain il force Noticeto Butchers. from and after its passage: Provided always, That no person now keeping a slaughter house or yard within the city, shall be liable to the penalty thereof, until he shall have had three days notice of its passage, which notice shall be either 442 a printed or written copy of the ordinance, served upon the person or left at his place of abode. Passed, August 9, 1849. AN ORDINANCE Supplemental to, and to amend the several Ordinances of the City of Milwaukee in relation to Fines, Penalties and Forfeitures. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Milwaukee, in Common Council assembled: Imprison- SECTION 1. That in all cases of conviction for the violament for non payment of tion of any of the several ordinances of the city, except such penalties. ordinances as the term of imprisonment is now prescribed in the same, the imprisonment of the person or persons so convicted in case of the non-payment of any penalty, fine, or forfeiture, shall be in the Jail of Milwaukee county for the term of not less than one week, nor more than thirty days, in the discretion of the Court, and it is hereby made the duty of the Police Justice, in the execution for the collection of any such fine, forfeiture, or penalty and costs, when directing the imprisonment by law is allowed, to insert a clause directing the imprisonment of the offender or offenders, in. the Jail aforesaid, for such length of time as may be specified in the ordinance under which the conviction is had, or for such length of time as may be determined by the Court under this supplemental and amended ordinance. SEC. 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be amendatory to the several ordinances of the City of Milwaukee which impose fines, forfeitures, or penalties, but do not provide for the imprisonment of the offenders in case of the nonpayment of the same. Passed, September 6, 1849.. AN ORDINANCE For the preservation of Game.within the city limits. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Mlilwaulkee, in Common Council assembled: SECTION 1. N person shall expose for sale, or have in Woodcock, his, her or their possession, in the City of Milwaukee, any be sold. woodcock, between the first day of January and the first Tuesday of July in any year, under the penalty of ten dollars for each woodcock so exposed for sale or had in possession. SEC. 2. That no person shall expose for sale, or have in Prairie chickens. his, her or their possession, in the City of Milwaukee, any pinnated grouse, (known as prairie hen or prairie chicken,) between the first day of February and the first Tuesday of August, in any year, under the penalty of five dollars for each grouse so exposed for sale or had in possession. SEc. 3. That no person shall expose for sale, or have in Partridges. his, her or their possession, in the City of Milwaukee, any partridge, between the first day of February and the first Tuesday of September, in any year, under the penalty of five dollars for each partridge so exposed for sale or had in possession. SEC. 4. That no person shall expose for sale, or have in Quails. his, her or their possession, in the City of Alilwaukee, any quail, between the first day of February and the first Tuesday of October, in any year, under the penalty of five dollars for each quail so exposed for sale or had in possession. SEC. 5. That no person shall expose for sale or have in venison. his, her or their possession, in the City of Milwaukee, any fresh venison, between the first day of February and the first day of August, in any year, under the penalty of five dollars for each piece so exposed for sale or had in possession. 444 SEC. 6. The above penalties may be sued for and recovered before any Justice of the Peace, by any person or persons who will prosecute for the same, in which case one-half of the said penalty shall go to the person or persons who shall prosecute to conviction, and the other half to the commissioners of the Alms House, for the benefit of the poor. Passed, February 12, 1852. AN ORDINANCE To regulate and restrain Runners and Solicitors for Boats, Rail Roads, Public Houses or other Establishments. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain: Runners re SECTION 1. That any runner or solicitor for boats, rail gulated. roads, public houses, or other establishments, who shall, when engaged in his employment, make any unusual noise or disturbance, or make use of any profane, obscene or boisterous language, or use any language or be guilty of any act calculated to disturb the peace or the good order of the city, or harass, vex or disturb strangers or citizens, shall be subject for each offence, to a fine of not less than two dollars, and not exceeding twenty dollars. Arrests fof SEC. 2. The Mayor, Marshal, or any other conservator ordinance. of the peace, shall have power to arrest and commit any runner or solicitor for examination, who shall be engaged in the commission of any act made penal by this ordinance;they shall also have power to give any directions which may be required, for the preservation of the peace or the convenience of the public at any rail road termination, steamboat or other public landings. Any person who shall refuse to obey such directions, or resist any officer in the discharge of any duty, shall be subject to arrest and commitment, to answer to a charge of disturbing the peace, and to punishment by fine not exceeding fifty dollars. Passed, March 20, 1852. AN ORDINANCE Defining the duties and fixing the compensation of the City Attorney. The /Mayor and Common Council cf the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The City Attorney shall draft all ordinances, city Attordeeds, bonds, contracts and documents of whatever kind, ties. which may be required of him by any ordinance, resolution or order of the Common Council, or any committee thereof, and to which the Common Council or any committee thereof may be a party; he shall prosecute all actions and suits which the city shall direct to be brought in its own behalf or on behalf of any committee or officer thereof, and defend all suits against the city or any officer thereof, the defense of which shall be assumed by the city; whenever required, he shall advise the Common Council, or any member, committee, or officer thereof, on all subjects touching their official duties; he shall examine and inspect all tax and assessment rolls, and all proceedings predicated thereon, and advise how to correct the same if necessary; he shall keep a register of all suits and legal proceedings to which the city is a party, and at the expiration of his term of office, and oftener if required, make a full report to the Common Council of all suits or other legal proceedings in which the city is interested, whether finished or pending, showing the names of the parties, the progress or results of the suits, and the disposition of all moneys, that may have come into his hands as such Attorney. SEC. 2. The City Attorney shall receive, in full for his Eis compensation. services, the sum of six hundred dollars per annum, and all travelling expenses, and ten per cent. on all sums by him collected on judgments or execution. Passed, April 3, 1852. AN ORDINANCE Regulating the issue of City Orders. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows SECTION 1. NO funds shall be drawn from the Treasury, except the same shall have been duly allowed and appropriated by the Common Council. SEC. 2. No funds shall be so drawn, except by an order the Mayor and Clerk, which shall be made payable on the first day of February succeeding the issuing of the same, to the order of the person in whose favor the same may be issued; such order shall specify the day and the purpose for which it was issued, and the account to which it is Orders to be chargeable. All orders shall be receivable in payment of received. any taxes or assessments levied by authority of the city, or other dues payable to the city. SEC. 3. No order shall be issued by the Clerkl or Mayor until they have compared the same with the accounts as allowed by the Common Council. Accounts SEC. 4. No account shall be allowed at the same meeting not to be allowed at on which the same may be presented, but the same, when meeting whenpre- presented, shall be referred, if a ward account, to the local sented. committee of the proper ward, and if a city account, to the committee on finance and the comptroller, and the report of the committee or comptroller shall be endorsed upon or attached to the account. Treasurer's SEc. 5. The Treasurer shall return to the Common Counduty. cil, at each meeting thereof, all the orders he may have received previous to the last returns, -with a schedule of the same, and the orders so returned shall be compared by the financial committee or comptroller, with the stubs of the orders so returned, and if found to be correct, the report thereof 447 shall be entered upon the journal, and the said committee or comptroller shall, in the presence of the Common Council, cancel the orders so returned; the orders so cancelled shall be filed and preserved by the Clerk. SEC. 6. The following shall be the form of orders here- City orde: after to be issued: $.......... No......... CITY ORDERS................. N........... Date............ 18..... lilwaukee,..................18....... To........................ The Treasurer will, on or before the first day of For....................... February next, pay to the order of.................................................................................. out of any funds in the TreasReceived order as X ury belonging to the City, the same having this day above. been allowed for...............................................................................,........................ Clerk......................... Mayor. SEC. 7. All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, conflicting with the provisions hereof, are hereby repealed. Passed, April 3, 1852. AN ORDINANC E Regulating the Assessing, Levying and Collecting of -Taxes. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Miilwaukee, do ordain as followVs SECTION 1. The Assessors, within such time as the Corn- Assessors, their duties. mon Council shall direct, shall make aut an assessment roll, Roll. which shall contain a description, as near as may be, of all the land, lots, or parcels of land within the city, sufficient to identify the same, and of all persons and bodies politic, liable to pay taxes on personal property; such assessment roll shall be so ruled asto show, in proper columns, a description of the real estate and of the cash value thereof, the value of any improvements thereon, the valuation of the real estate and improvements, and the corrected valuation thereof, and also the names of the persons or bodies politic liable to pay 448 taxes on personal property, and the amount thereof for which they may be assessed. Real estate. SEC. 2. On completing said roll, the Assessors shall proceed without delay to ascertain the cash value of all the real estate and improvements thereon within the city, and to enter the same opposite to the proper lot or tract, under the proper columns, and also to enter opposite to the name of each person or body politic, the amount for which they may be respectively assessed. Each column shall be added up by the assessors, and the several amounts carried forward, so as to show the total valuation of the real estate and personal estate respectively. Personal SEC. 3. Personal property shall be assessed in the ward in property. which it may be found, bodies politic within the ward in which their office or place of business may be, and rights, credits and moneys in the ward in whieh the person to whom the same may be assessed shall reside. coticon SEC. 4. When the Assessors shall have completed and completion of roll compared said assessment roll, they shall give notice thereof as required by law, and shall fix a time and place when and where they will hear the objections of parties deeming themselves aggrieved by such assessment, and any person failing or neglecting to present his objections to the Board of Assessors, within the time limited, shall be forever afterwards barred from objecting to the assessment made against him, or from receiving any redress from the Common Council. Objectionsto SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the Assessors to attend at roll. the time and place designated in their notice, and to hear such objections as may be made, and after hearing the same, shall alter, modify, or amend said roll, as to them shall seem just and proper; the hearing may be adjourned from day to day, but not beyond the time limited. Return of SEC. 6. Within one week from the time limited for the roll. hearing of objections, the Assessors having completed and 449 corrected said roll, shall return the same to the Common Council, with a certificate thereof signed by them or a majority of them. SEC. 7. Should the Common Council refer the said roll back to the Assessors, they shall examine, revise and correct the same, as to them shall seem just and proper, and shall, within such time as the Common Council shall direct, return said roll to the Common Council with a certificate thereof. SEC. 8. When the said roll shall have been revised andollfiledand confirmed. corrected by the Common Council, the same shall be filed with the Clerk, and an order confirming the same shall be entered among the proceedings of the Common Council. SEC. 9. In describing real estate, or in stating the amount of taxes, severally or collectively, upon any real or personal estate, figures and the usual abreviations used in the description of real estate may be used in any roll, tax list, warrant or other proceeding in reference to the levying, assessing or collecting of taxes. SEC. 10. When the Assessors shall be unable satisfactorily to ascertain the amount to assess any person or body politic, they shall assess such sum as they may deem just and proper, unless the proper party shall show by affidavit the true sum which should be assessed, Passed, April 3, 1852. AN ORDINAN CE Regulating the sale of Hay and Wood in the First Ward. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain. SECTION 1. All that part of East Water and Market Hay and wood marstreets, lying between the hay scales and the Market House, ket. and also the Market Square, and that west twenty feet of Market street, from Oneida to Biddle streets, all situated in 450 the first ward of the City of Milwaukee, is hereby declared to be and made a public stand for the sale of loads of wood and hay. SEC. 2. No person or persons shall be allowed to expose for sale any hay or wood on any part of Market Square or on any part of East Water or Market streets, lying between the south line of Mason street and said hay scales; nor shall any person permit his or her team, sleigh, wagon or other vehicle, unless the same shall be loaded with hay ori wood, to stand on that part of East Water and Market streets, or on the Market Square, mentioned in the first sections of this ordinance, more than ten minutes at any one time. violationr SEC. 3. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this ordinance, shall forfeit and pay the sum of one dollar for each and every offence, together with the costs of prosecution. SEC. 4. It is hereby made the duty of the Aldermen of the first ward, the City Marshal and his deputies, and also the person appointed to superintend the sale of hay and wood in the first ward, to prosecute, before the Police Justice, any and all persons who may violate the provisions of this ordinance. SEC. 5. The provisions of any ordinance or resolution heretofore passed, which may conflict with any thing herein contained, are repealed. Passed, April 29, 1852. AN ORD INANCE To regulate the time, place and manner of holding Auctions and Vendues. The Mcfayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukeee, do ordain Auctions, SECTION 1. The Market Square, in the first ward, the foot certain places designa- of Michigan, Huron, Detroit and Buffalo streets, in the third tedl.'' 451 ward, are hereby designated as places at which merchandize or other articles may be sold or exposed for sale at public auction or vendue in said wards, but no such merchandize or other article shall be exposed for sale or placed within thirty feet of any side or cross walk on East Water or Market streets. SEC. 2. No goods, wares, or merchandize or other thing whatever, shall be placed, sold, or exposed for sale, at public auction or vendue, in any streets, side-walk, alley or public ground in said first and third wards, other than such as are herein designated. Any person who shall violate the provisions of this section, shall forfeit and pay for each and every offence, the sum of twenty-five dollars, together with costs of prosecution. SEC. 3. No bell-man or crier, or any drum, fife,, or other cryinginthe instrument of music, or any show or signal, noise or other streets promeans of attracting the attention of the public, other than a sign or flag, shall be employed, suffered or be permitted to be used at or near any place of sale or auction, or at or near any auction room or place in said wards, for the purpose of attracting attention to such sale or auction, under a penalty of five dollars for each and every offence together with costs of prosecution. SEC. 4. No auctioneer, his agent or servant, nor any person engaged or employed in selling goods, or other things at auction, shall expose for sale at public auction or vendue, any goods, wares or merchandize or other thing whatsoever, to any person or persons who, at the timo of bidding for the same or whilst examining the same, shall be on the sidewalk of any street in the said wards, under the penalty of one dollar for each and every offence. SEC. 5. All fines and penalties for the violation of any. of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be sued for and recovered from the auctioneer, his agent or servant, or other person violating or permitting the same to be violated. 452 In force, let SEC. 6. This ordinance shall be in force in the first and and 3d wards. third wards of said city only. Passed, May 6, 1852. AN OR DIN AN E To provide for the compensation of the City Printers. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain: City Print- SECTION 1. That there shall be paid to the City Printer, er's compensation. in the German language, the sum of fifteen cents per square for the first insertion, and five cents per square for each subsequent insertion, and that there shall be paid to the City Printer, in the English language, the sum of ten cents per square for the first insertion, and five cents per square for each subsequent insertion of any ordinance, resolution or notice which, by the charter or ordinance of the Common Council, may be required to be published in a daily newspaper; such compensation to he paid quarterly by orders on the treasury in the usual form, but no payment to be made, until the proper affidavit of such publication shall be first made and filed. SEC. 2. All notices shall be published such time as may be required by the charter or ordinances, and all ordinances three insertions: provided however, that ordinances shall be deemed and considered in force from and after their first publication. Passed May 6, 1852. AN ORDINAN E Relating to the exhibition of Shows and Showmen. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain gxhibitions SECTION 1. That it shall not be lawful for any person or regulated. persons to exhibit to public view for gain, within the city, 453 any animal or animals, wax or other figures, or painting;. "feats of circus riding, rope or wire dancing, slight of hand, or any theatrical or musical entertainments, without first having obtained a license therefor, and if any person shall Penalte offend against the provisions of this section, he shall pay for each offence a sum not less than fifteen dollars, nor more than fifty dollars, and costs of prosecution, and in default of the payment of such fine and costs, shall be imprisoned in the Jail of Milwaukee county not less than one or more than thirty days at the discretion of the Court or Justice rendering judgment. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the Mayor to grant the License b Mayor. license herein provided for, if (in his opinion) the exhibition will not injuriously effect the morals of the people or offend against the rules of decency and good order, and he shall, at his discretion, fix the sum to be paid for such license, but no license shall be issued until the person applying for the same shall present to the Mayor and Clerk the Treasurer's receipt for the amount so fixed by the Mayor, and the Clerk shall preserve said receipt and make an entry thereof. SEC. 3. Every license granted in pursuance of this ordinance shall specify the time of its duration, and shall be of no validity after the expiration of such time, and no such license shall be assignable for the benefit of any other person. SEC. 4. It shall be lawful for citizens of the city to give Concerts,&c, by citizens concerts or musical entertainments without charge. without license. Passed May 20, 1852. AN ORDINANCE Regulating to Licensing and Taxing Auctioneers. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain: SECTION 1. There shall be paid into the City Treasury for Auctioneers to pay 9 per,. the use of the City of Milwaukee, upon all sales by auction, cent.of sale c2 454 of goods,'warea, or merchandize, two per eftit. 6f the'oneys accruing from such sales out of said moneys: provided, that nothing'herein contained shall extend to any sale by auction, of goods, wares or merchandize, made by virtue of any rule, order,. decree or judgment of any Court, or made by virtue of any laws respecting the collection of taxes or to N~t requiredany sale, by aaction, of property belonging to the United in certain y gases. States, or this State, or made in consequence of any general assignment of property or effects for the benefit of creditors, or made by or on; behalf of any executor or administrator. Auctioneers, SEC. 2. No person shall hereafter act as auctioneer, or ienses. sell or exhibit for sale at public auction or vendue, within the City of Milwaukee, any goods, wares or merchandize, unless such persons shall have a license therefor from the Mayor; any person'violating the provisions of this section, shall forfeit and pay to the city, for each and every offence, and for each and every day he may so act as auctioneer, or exhibit and sell, at public auction or vendue, any goods, wares or merchandize, the sum of thirty dollars, besides costs of suit, in addition to the tax imposed by this ordinance; provided, that no license shall be required for sale at auction of any goods, wares or merchandize, which, by this ordinance, are not made liable to tax or duty. Bond. SEC. 3. The Mayor is authorized to license any person residing in the city to act as auctioneer, provided that the person, desiring to be licensed, shall first pay the sum of fifty dollars, and execute to the City of Milwaukee, a bond, in the penal sum of five hundred dollars, with two sureties, to be approved by the Mayor, conditioned that the person so licensed shall pay the tax or duty imposed by this ordinance and comply with.the provisions of the same.:.onthly re- SEC. 4. Every person so licensed, shall, monthly, on the ort. first Monday of each month, render, under oath, to the City.Comptroller, a true and full account of all goods, wares or .455 merchandize, liable to pay the duty or tax imposed by this ordinance, sold by him during the preceding month, or subsequent to the last monthly statement, -and shall, at the same time, pay over to the Comptroller the amount of such duty or tax. SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the Comptroller, on the Comptroller to demand'first Monday of each month, to demand from eachauction- paymentand report. eer or person employed in the auction business, the statement and the tax or duty specified in the foregoing section, and he shall pay over to the Treasurer the sum so received, and file such statement with the Treasurer. SEC. 6. No license shall be granted for a term less than Limit of license. one year. SEC. 7. In all cases, where the auctioneer or owner of the property sold, or any person employed by them, or either of them, shall become the purchaser of the property sold at such sale, it shall be subject to the same tax or duty as if any other person had become the purclaser. SEC. 8. The sale book of any auctioneer shall be open to Sale book to be open to the inspection of the Comptroller, and in case the Comp- Comptroller troller shall have reason to believe that the monthly statement of the auctioneer is untrue or incorrect, he shall charge such auctioneer such sum as he may deem just and proper, according to the provisions of this ordinance. Passed, May 28, 1852. AN ORDINANCE Fixing the Compensation of the City Comptroller and City Clerk, and imposing additional duties on the City Clerk. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The City Comptroller shall be paid the sum Comptrolrs a a a s ry fr r ler's co-n,of two thousand dollars, as an annual salary for all services pensation. 456 rendered and imposed on him by the provisions of the City Charter or by the Common Council. SEC. 2. The annual salary of the City Clerk shall be fifteen hundred dollars for all services performed either by himself or deputy, and he shall execute to the City of Milwaukee a bond in the penal sum of five hundred dollars, with at least two sureties, as provided in section one of chapter three of the City Charter, and he shall also, quarterly, in the months of June, September, December and March, render an accurate statement to the Common Council, verified by his oath, of all moneys or fees received by virtue of his said office, which sums shall be deducted from each quarter's salary. Clerk to SEC. 3. Immediately after the revisal and confirmation copy assessment roll. of the assessment roll, it shall be the duty of the City Clerk to copy such assessment roll into a suitable book to be proyided for that purpose, and to set opposite to each tract or parcel of land or person named therein, such sum or sums as may have been levied on such tract or parcel of land or person, for the current year, at the rate percent. or amount for city, ward or other purposes directed by the Common To send Council, and duly to record such tax list; it shall also be co rd the duty roll of the Clerk to make out and transmit to the Clerk to Board of the duty of the Clerk to make out and transmit to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, of the County of Milwaukee, an accurate copy of such revised assessment roll, as provided in section twenty-seven of chapter eight of the City Charter. Clerk's SEC. 4. The City Clerk may nominate, and by and with Deputy. the advice and consent of the Common Council, may appoint a deputy, and such Deputy Clerk, before entering upon the discharge of his duties, shall take and subscribe an oath of office and file the same, duly certified, with the City Clerk. Passed, June 10, 1852. AN ORDINANCE In addition to an ordinance, relating to the appointment and duty of Sealer of Weights and Measures, passed, November 11th, 1847. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The Sealer of Weights and Measures shall, Sealer of in the months of January and July in each year, call on all WMeasuts,d his duties. persons in the City of Milwaukee using any weights, meas- his duties ures or implements in the purchase or sale of any merchandize or commodity, and compare all the weights, measures or implements used for the purpose aforesaid, with the standards in his possession, belonging to the city, and if the same,.on careful inspection, are found to conform thereto, he shall seal and mark such weights, measures or implements with his official seal or brand. SEC. 2. Any person or persons in the City of Milwau- Penalty for kee, found using any weights, measures or implements for weights and the purchase or sale of any merchandize or commodity which measures. are not in conformity with the city standards, and who shall refuse to have their weights, measures, or implements used for the purpose aforesaid, inspected when called upon by the City Sealer, shall, for each offence, forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars, for the use of the city, to be collected as is provided in sections four, five and six of chapter ten of an act to consolidate and amend the act to incorporate the City of Milwaukee, and the acts amendatory thereto, approved, February 20th, 1852. SEC. 3. The Sealer of Weights and Measures may ap- Deputy. point a deputy, by and with the consent and advice of the Common Council, and such deputy, before entering upon the discharge of his duties, shall take and subscribe an oath of office and file the same, duly certified, with the City Clerk. 458 s, who to SEC. 4. The fees for services, to which the Sealer of PrY them. Weights and Measures is entitled by virtue of section five of the ordinance to which this is additional, shall be paid by the owners of the weights and measures inspected. SEC. 5. In addition to the set of standard weights and measures in the office of the City Sealer, the following implements may be procured for his use, viz: one drilling machine and drills, three punches, one drawing knife, one hammer, one hopper frame, cut steel stamp, and one iron branding iron. Passed, June 24, 1852. AN ORDINANCE Regulating the Storage and Sale of Gunpowder within the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, doordain as follows: Gunpowder,. SECTION 1. All gunpowder which now is, or hereafter regulations for keeping. may be brought within the corporate limits of this city, shall be deposited and kept in such powder magazine as may be approved of by the Common Council, and no person shall keep or have, or suffer to be kept or had, in any building or place by him or her owned and occupied in the city, except in the said powder magazine, any greater quantity of gunpowder than ten pounds, for any longer period than ten hours; nor ten pounds, or any less quantity, unless the same is securely kept in a tin canister with a tin cap or cover, and' no such canister shall be opened after candle light, under a. penalty of twenty-five dollars for each and every offence. Keeper of SEC. 2. All gunpowder kept within the corporate limits. magazine' of this city, except as above excepted, shall be deposited and' stored in said magazine, which said magazine shall be under' the direction of a keeper or overseer, to be appointed by the 459 Common Council, and subject to such rules, regulations and ordinances as they may think just and equitable. SEC. 3. The keeper or overseer of said powder magazine shall receive all gunpowder delivered to such magazine, on each and every day, except Sunday, from eight o'clock in the morning till sundown, and shall be deemed responsible for all powder so delivered to his care, and shall give his receipt for the same, specifying marks and quantity and quality whenever required, and shall deliver the same out from eight o'clock in the forenoon until three o'clock in the afternoon, when demanded by the owners or those legally entitled to the possession thereof. SEC. 4. The keeper or overseer of the said powder maga- Fees of keeper~ zine shall be authorized to receive and collect of the owners or persons depositing or storing powder in said magazine, the sum of fifteen cents for each keg of powder received, stored and delivered by him, which said sum shall be a lien upon the powder so stored, until the same is fully paid. SEC. 5. No boat, sloop, schooner, vessel or wagon or other conveyance with gunpowder on board, shall be allowed to enter and remain within the corporate limits of the city, under any circumstances, for alonger period than three hours, without reporting the same to the keeper of the powder magazine, and taking his order in relation thereto, in writing, under a penalty of ten dollars for each and every offence. SEC. 6. No person shall be allowed to enter the said magazine without permission from the keeper or overseer; and the said keeper or overseer shall provide slips of coarse carpeting or cloth to be laid upon the floor to walk upon in passing in and out. SEc. 7. The Mayor, or either of the Aldermen, the Mar- Powers of shal and Deputy Marshals of the respective Wards, or Fire city officers. Wardens, or any person deputed by the Common Council, may enter into and upon any building, boat, sloop, schooner, vessel, wagon, or other conveyance, wharf, or other place or 460 places whatsoever, within the corporate limits of said city, where powder shall be kept, and if any greater quantity than is hereby allowed to be kept, shall be found therein, he shall remove or cause to be removed, such excesg to the powder magazine, at the expense of the owners thereof. Any per-;son or persons who shall offer any resistance whatever to the execution of the authority herein granted, shall forfeit,the sum of fifty dollars, for each and every offence. SEC. 8. All ordinances heretofore passed regulating the storage and sale of gunpowder are hereby repealed. Passed November 22, 1852. AN ORDINANCE For the Prevention of Fire. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain asfollows As es. SECTION 1. No person shall keep or deposit, or allow to be kept or deposited, any ashes in any wooden vessel, within the limits of this city, nor shall any person throw or deposit any ashes, or allow them to be deposited, on his, her or their premises within fifty feet of any wooden structure,, unless in a secure stone or brick ash-room, under the penalty of ten dollars for each and every offence. aingfire SEC. 2. No person shall carry any fire in or through any,pCreying fire street, lot, land or alley within this city, except the same be carried or placed in. some close secure pan or vessel, under the penalty of five dollars for each and every offence. lire-crack- SEC. 3. No person shall fire or set off any squib, cracker,,s,bon-fires, &o.'or gunpowder or fire-work, or build any bon-fire within one hundred feet of any building in this city, under the penalty of five dollars for each and every offence; and the Mayor, Marshal or any Alderman or Fire Warden may restrain or prohibit any firework or bon-fire in any part of the city, whenever, in their opinion, there shall be danger therefrom. 461 SEC. 4. It shall not be lawful to burn any shavings in Burning any street, road or lane, or to kindle any fire or any other shavings. combustible matter, in any street, road or lane, or on any wharf in this city, within one hundred yards of any building or pile of lumber, under the penalty of ten dollars for each and every offence; nor shall any person have, put or keep Piles ofhay, straw, &C. any hay or straw, uncovered in stack or pile, within the like distance of any building, nor put or keep, allow to be put or kept, any hay, straw, hemp, flax, tow, shavings, in any stable or other building, within such distance from any chimney, hearth or fire-place, or place for depositing ashes, as may be deemed unsafe or dangerous by the Fire Wardens of the proper ward, under the penalty of ten dollars for every hour the same shall so remain after notice to the offender, by the Fire Warden to remove the same. SEC. 5. No pipe of any stove or franklin shall be put up stovepipes. in any house or building unless it be conducted into a chimney, made of brick or stone; nor shall any person at any time set fire to any chimney for the purpose of cleaning the same, without previous consent of the Fire Warden of the proper ward; and any person putting up or procuring to be put up, the pipe of any stove or franklin, or doing any other act contrary to this section, shall, for every offence, forfeit five dollars, and the further sum of one dollar for every twenty-four hours the same shall remain so put up, after notice by any Fire Warden to alter the same. SEC. 6. Every chimney, hereafter to be erected, and all Chimneys. chimneys whatsoever, shall be plastered with lime and sand on the inside thereof, under the penalty of twenty-five dollars, and a further penalty of ten dollars for every fifteen days neglect to alter or take down the same, after a notice given by any Fire Warden for that purpose. It shall be the duty of the Engineers and Fire Wardens to take notice of all chimneys where the same are being constructed, and ascertain whether they are in conformity with the require 462 ments of this chapter, and if not, make report to the Common Council. Chimneys shall be so constructed or altered as to admit of the flues therein being swept or cleaned from top to bottom, under the penalties, for neglect or refusal, of five dollars for each offence. Scuttles. SEC. 7. Every dwelling house or other building more than one story in height, within this city, shall have a scuttle through the roof and a convenient and suitable stairway or ladder leading to the same; and any person constructing such dwelling house or building, without such a scuttle, and every owner of any such house or building now erected, (not having other permanent and convenient means of access to" the roof,) neglecting to comply with the requisitions of this section for the space of thirty days after notice from a Fire Warden, shall forfeit twenty-five dollars, and the further' sum of five dollars for every ten days the non-compliance shall continue to exist. Lights in SEC. 8. No owner or occupant of any livery or other stastables. ble within this city, nor any person in the employment of such owner or occupant, shall use therein any lighted candle or other light, except the same be securely' kept within a bone, tin or glass lantern, under a penalty not exceeding ten dollars for each offence, to be recovered with costs of suit. Fire wardens SEC. 9. It shall be the duty of the Fire Wardens, or either of them, in their respective wards, twice in each year, viz: in the months of May and November, and as much oftener as may be deemed proper, between sunrise and sunset, to enter into any house or building, lot, yards or premises in said city, and examine the fire-places, hearths, chimneys, stoves and pipes thereto, ovens, boilers or other apparatus likely to cause fire; also the places where ashes may be deposited, and all places where any gunpowder, hemp, flax, tow, hay, straw, rushes, shavings, or other combustible materials may be lodged, and the said Fire Wardens shall give such directions in regard to the several foregoing matters as 463 they or any of them may think expedient, either as to the removal and alteration, or better care and management thereof, which directions shall be obeyed and complied with by the person or persons directed in that behalf, and at their expense. SEC. 10. If any person or persons shall neglect or refuse so to comply with any such directions, as any of said Fire Wardens may give in the premises, or shall obstruct or hinder any Fire Warden or his assistants, in the.performance of his duty, the person so offending shall forfeit and pay for every such neglect, non-compliance or hindrance, a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, and for every day which shall elapse after the time allotted for such removal, alteration, better care or management, without compliance with such directions, the said person shall also forfeit and pay a further and additional sum of five dollars; and all expenses caused in carrying into effect the directions of the Fire Wardens, shall, in the first instance, be paid by the occupant of the premises, and shall be deducted from the rent payable by him, her or them, unless such directions were rendered necessary by the act or default of the said occupant, or there be a special agreement to the contrary between the landlord and said occupant; and it shall also be the duty of said Fire Wardens to ascertain whether or not their directions are duly complied with, and in case of non-compliance, or in case of any violation of this chapter, to report the names of all the offenders, with the particular circumstances, to the Common Council, who may thereupon cause such offenders to be prosecuted for the recovery of the penalties incurred by them. SEC. 11. The provisions of any ordinance heretofore passed, which may conflict with this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Passed, November 22, 1852. AN ORDINANCE Relating to the First Ward Market, and to License and regulate Butcher's Stalls, Shops and Stands for the sale of Butcher's Meat, Poultry, Game and Fresh Fish. Tlhe Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows Locationof SECTION 1. The building situated on lots numbered five market. and six, (5 and 6), in block numbered fifty-five, (55), in the first ward of the City of Milwaukee, is hereby established as a public Market, to be known and called the " First Ward Market." SEC. 2. The said Market House shall be under the entire control and management of the Aldermen of the first ward, for the time being, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to lease and manage said property in such way and manner as will be most conducive to the interests of said ward. Penalties SEC. 3. Any person or persons who shall expose for sale, against selling out of or sell any butcher's meat, game, poultry or fresh fish, in or market. on any of the streets or alleys, or on any lot, or in any store, building or place within the limits of the first ward, in the City of Milwaukee, other than the First Ward Market House, without first having obtained a license therefor, as hereinafter provided, shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars for each and every offence; Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to prohibit sales by public auction, in pursuance of any law of this State, or of the United States. SEC. 4. License may be granted to such person or persons as may apply for same to the City Clerk, for the sale of butcher's meat, game, poultry and fresh fish in other places in said ward than the First Ward Market House, on 465 payment of the sum hereinafter specified to the City Treasury. SEC. 5. No license shall be granted for a term exceeding License. one year, nor for a less term than six months, and the amount to be paid therefor shall be two hundred and fifty dollars per year, and at that rate for the less time. SEc. 6. Any person desirous of obtaining a license for the purpose mentioned in the third section of this ordinance, shall pay into the City Treasury such sum as is herein provided, for the longer or shorter term, and on the presentation of the Treasurer's receipt therefor to the City Clerk, it shall be the duty of said Clerk, on payment of the usual fees therefor, to issue to such person a license, in which shall be set forth the place for selling butcher's meat, game, poultry and fresh fish, and the time for which the same was granted. SEc. 7. All moneys paid into the City Treasury, arising from license duties or penalties imposed by the provisions of this ordinance, shall be placed to the credit of the first ward, and shall be used for the sole benefit of said ward. SEc. 8. William Stupenski is hereby appointed Super- Superintendintendent of the First Ward Market, on the condition that ket. he complies with such restrictions in relation to the management thereof, and his compensation, as the Aldermen of said ward, for the time being, may impose. SEC. 9. It shall be the duty of the City Marshal and the Superintendent of the First Ward Market, or either of them, to enforce this ordinance against all and any person who may violate the provisions thereof. SEC. 10. All ordinances, rules or regulations conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed, December 2, 1852. AN OR DIN ANC E To provide for repairs to Engines and other property belonging to the City, connected with the Fire Department, and for placing said Department in a more efficient condition, &c. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: Who to con- SECTION 1. The City Comptroller and Chief Engineer of t[ract for repairs. the Fire Department, by and with the advice and consent of a majority of the committee on said department, are hereby authorized and empowered to contract, for and in behalf of the city, for all repairs necessary to be made from time to time to any engine or other property connected with said department, belonging to the city. SEc. 2. All bills or claims for such repairs shall be presented to the Common Council, and referred to the committee on the Fire Department, and if certified by such committee to be correct, shall be passed over to the City Comptroller for approval, and by him returned to the Common Council for final action. Purchase of SEC. 3. Whenever it may be necessary to purchase a -new engines, &c. new engine, hose, or hook and ladder carriage, or any other property, in order to render said Fire Department more efficient and useful, the Chief Engineer, in conjunction with the committee on the Fire Department, shall prepare a list of such articles as by them may be deemed necessary, and submit the same to the Common Council. Yearly ap. SEC. 4. From and after the thirty-first day of December, ropritin eighteen hundred and fifty-two, the sum of one hundred dollars shall be annually paid to each of the companies belonging to the Fire Department, that are in active service, for the purpose of aiding in the purchase of suitable equipments for the members and furniture for the engine and other houses; said sum to be appropriated semi-annually, and to be 467 drawn by the foreman of each company, on the presentation to the Common Council of a certificate from the Chief Engineer, that such company is in good condition, and has been ready for service at any call during the preceding six months. SEC. 5. In case of any alarm of fire, the bells on theAlarm bells churches and public buildings in this city shall be rung in the manner provided in an ordinance for the prevention and extinguishment of fires, now in force, and if such alarm is made between the hours of six o'clock in the evening and ~six o'clock in the morning, the person ringing the first bell.shall be entitled to the sum of one dollar and fifty cents therefor, and each of the other bell ringers the sum of one dollar; but if at any other time during the twenty-four hours of each day, the first bell ringer shall be paid one dollar, and other ringers fifty cents therefor. SEc. 6. All accounts for services in ringing bells at fire alarms, shall specify the time when such service was rendered, and the name of the owner or occupant of the pro-:perty destroyed or damaged, and shall be verified by the oath of the claimant before presentation to the Common Council for payment. SEC. 7. All ordinances, rules or regulations in any manner conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed, December 2, 1852. AN O RD IN ANCE To provide for Licensing and Regulating the Vending and Dealing in Vinous, Spirituous or Fermented Liquors. Tie Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. No person shall deal in, sell, or deliver for Liqosno:money or other valuable thing, or give away, within the ceaos 468 limits of the City of Milwaukee, any vinous, spirituous or fermented liquors, without first having licensed thereto, as herein prescribed. Form of li- SEC. 2. All licenses shall be signed by the Mayor and cense. Clerk, and shall specify the place where the business of selling or dealing in such liquors shall be carried on, and no license shall be issued for less than six months, nor shall the Not assign- same be assignable or in use to the benefit of any person able. other than the one to whom the same may be issued. City Trea- SEC. 3. Any person paying to the City Treasurer the surer to give areceipt. sum of fifteen dollars in money, or in city orders, due or to ity Clerk's become due within a year, may, on presentation to the Clerk, duty. of the Treasurer's receipt therefor, receive a license, as herein prescribed, for the term of one year from the date thereof, and any person applying for a less term than one year shall pay therefor at the rate of fifteen dollars a year for the term of such license. Gaming pro- SEC. 4. No person licensed under this chapter, nor any hibited. person employed by or acting for him, her or them, shall at any time permit any gaming for money or other value within his, her or their premises, or suffer any drunkenness, reveling, quarreling, fighting, or any other disorderly or immoral conduct, or sell or give any vinous, spirituous or fermented liquors to any minor, apprentice or servant, except upon the authority of such persons parent, master, mistress or guardian, nor sell or give any such articles to any person in a Penalty. state of intoxication or bordering thereon; and any person or persons offending against this section shall, upon conviction. thereof, forfeit and pay for every such offence, for the use of said city, a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, with costs of prosecution, and liable to have his, her or their license suppressed and declared void. Penalty for SEC, 5. Every person who shall, within the limits of the evading ordinance: City of Milwaukee, directly or indirectly, deal in, sell, or with intent to evade the provisions of this ordinance, give 469 to any other person any vinous, spirituous or fermented liquors without first having obtained a license therefor, according to the provisions hereof, shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in a sum of not more than one hundred dollars nor less than twenty-five dollars. SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to keep a CityClerk to list of all persons to whom licences shall issue under this or- p dinance, and give a copy thereof to the Marshal, whose duty Marshal's duty. it shall be to notice and inquire into all infractions of this ordinance that may come to his knowledge, and report the same to the Common Council and City Attorney. SEC. 7. All persons now holding licenses, under the au- certain persons to rethority of the City of Milwaukee, shall retain all the privi- tain privileges. leges thereof, during the full time'for which they were issued, any thing in this ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding. SEC. 8. All ordinances heretofore passed, regulating and licensing the vending and dealing in vinous, spirituous or fermented liquors, are hereby repealed. Passed, sMay 5, 1853. AN OR DINANCE Fixing the compensation of Inspectors and Clerks of Election, and providing for the payment thereof. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows. SECTION 1. Hereafter there shall be paid to the Inspect- compensaors and Clerks of election in the several wards of the City taind fplerk tors of elecof Milwaukee, the following sums for their services: tions. To each of the Inspectors at any general elections held Of general for State and County Offices, or at any annual election for elections. City Officers, the sum of six dollars, and to each of the Clerks of such elections the sum of four dollars. To each of the Inspectors at any special election held for Of special City, County or Ward Officers, or any other special elections, elections. D2) 470 the sum of four dollars, to each of the Clerks of such election the sum of three dollars. Servicespaid SEC. 2. Any services performed under the preceding sec-,out of general cityfund. tion, shall be chargeable to the City of Milwaukee, and shall be paid out of the general city fund, Passed, May 5, 1853. AN ORDINANCE'Regulating the mode of Procedure in the Removal of City Officers, and for other purposes. The Mayor and Coom0on Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: City officers iSECTION 1. Whenever any officer or agent under the city may be removed for government shall be guilty of any official misconduct or necause. glect of duty, or for any due cause, he may be removed from any such office or agency by the Common Council. Complaint to SEC. 2. No officer or agent shall be removed from office, be signed by complainant for any cause, until a complaint, with the signature of the complainant attached thereto, specifying the misconduct or neglect of duty, shall be submitted to the Common Council. Notice to be SEC. 3. Whenever a complaint shall be made against given to accused. any officer or agent, as provided in the preceding section of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Common Council to fix on a day and place for the hearing of such complaint, and to direct their Clerk to cause notice to be given to the accused person of the pending of the same, by serving a copy thereof on him personally, or leaving such copy at his last and usual place of abode, with some person of discretion, and appending thereto the time and place of the hearing of such complaint. Common SEC. 4. On the day fixed for the hearing and the appearCouncil to hear and ance of the accused, either in person or by counsel, the Comdetermine. mon Council shall proceed to hear the evidence adduced, both on the part of the complainant and respondent, and de 471 termine the matter according to the right of the case: Provided, however, That the accused person shall not be removed from office unless two-thirds of all the members of the Common Council, present at such hearing, shall concur in such removal, and the question determined by a call of the yeas and nays. SEC. 5. No member of the Common Council shall be Chargesto be made in expelled therefrom, until charges are made in writing, signed writing. by one or more members of said Common Council, specifying the particular neglect of duty or misconduct of such member. SEC. 6. Whenever any charges are made against any Notice to be given to the member of the Common Council, as provided in the preced- accused of the time of ing section, it shall be the duty of the Council to cause no- hearing. tice to be given to the accused, and the time fixed for the hearing, as is provided in section three of this ordinance, and like proceedings shall be had as in case of a complaint preferred against any officer or agent of the city government: Provided, That no member of the Council shall be expelled therefrom unless two-thirds of the whole Board, on a call of the yeas and nays, shall concur in the passage of a resolution for such expulsion. Passed, May 19, 1853. AN OR D INAN CE To provide for the Compensation of the City Printers. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain: SECTION 1. That there shall be paid to the City Print- Ratestobe ers in the German languge, the sum of thirty cents per paid city printers. square for the first insertion, and twelve and one-half cents per square'for each subsequent insertion; and that there shall be paid to the City Printer, in the English language, the sum 472 of twenty-five cents per square for the first insertion, andc twelve and one-half cents per square for each subsequent insertion, for any ordinance, resolution or notice which, by the charter or ordinance of the Common Council, may be required to be published in a daily newspaper; such compensation to, be paid by orders on the Treasury in the usual form, but no, payment to be made until the proper affidavit of such publication shall be first made and filed. Number of SEC. 2. All notices shall be published such time as may insertios. be required by the charter or ordinances, and all ordinances three insertions: Provided, however, That ordinances shall be deemed and considered in force from and after the first publication. Former ordi- SEC. 3. An ordinance to provide for the compensation of nance repealed. City Printers, passed, May 6th, 1852, is hereby repealed. Passed, June 2, 1853. AN ORDINANCE To regulate the sale of Hay and the measuring and selling of Fuel, and to appoint an Inspector of Fuel. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, dao ordain as follows: Hay to be SECTION 1. No person shall offer for sale, or sell within weighed. the limits of the City of Milwaukee, any hay loaded upon any wagon, sled or other vehicle, without first having obtained a written ticket or certificate of the weight or quantity of hay upon such sled or other vehicle, from the owner or attendant of some established and sealed hay scale within the city limits aforesaid, which ticket shall be signed by the owner or attendant of such scale. Ticket to be SEC. 2. Any person offering hay for sale, shall exhibit exhibied. his ticket of the weight of the same to the purchaser thereof, before being entitled to receive pay therefor, under the penalty hereinafter provided. 473 SEC. 3. All fire-wood offered for sale within the limits of Fire wood to be inspected. the City of Milwaukee, loaded upon any wagon, sled or vehicle, shall be first inspected and measured by an Inspector;to be appointed as hereinafter provided, and such Inspector shall give to the owner thereof a written ticket, with his sig-,nature attached thereto, of the quantity of wood contained in such load. SEC. 4. Any person or persons who shall offer for sale Penalty..any wood or hay, contrary to the provisions of the preceding sections of this ordinance, shall forfeit and pay for -each and every offence the sum of one dollar, together with the cost of prosecution. SEC. 5. The attendent upon hay scales shall be entitled Fees. to receive, for weighing each load of hay, the sum of twelve and a-half cents, and the Inspector of wood, five cents for -each load of wood, to be paid by the person to whom the ticket for such weight or measurement shall be delivered. SEC. 6. The Common Council, at the present session of inspector, how apthis board, shall elect, by ballot, one Inspector of Wood; and pointed.:such Inspector, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall take and subscribe an oath of office and file the same with the City Clerk. SEC. 7. The Inspector of Wood may appoint a deputy My appoiat in any ward in the city in which such Inspector does not deputies. himself reside, which appointment shall be reported to the'Common Council, and shall be subject to confirmation or rejection. Passed, December 15, 1853. AN ORDINANCE To provide for the compensation of Judges, Jurors, and other persons who may render services in the laying out or opening Streets or Alleys and Public Grounds. The.Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: Compensa- SECTION 1. There shall be paid for the services, required tion of Judge Jurors, &c. in chapter six of an act entitled " an act to consolidate and amend the act to incorporate the City of Milwaukee, and the several acts amendatory thereof," approved, February 20th, 1852, in the opening of streets, alleys and public grounds, the following sums, to wit: To the Judge of the County or Circuit Courts, for the appointment of a Jury in each case, one dollar. For issuing precept for Jury, fifty cents. For the appointment of substitutes, twenty-five cents each. To the City Marshal, for service of the precept on each Juror, twelve and a-half cents, and six cents per mile for actual travel in the service of such precept. For attending upon a Jury, for each day, when requested, two dollars, and for each half day, one dollar. To each Juror for every day actually and necessarily employed in the discharge of their duties, two dollars, and for each half day when so employed, one dollar. To the persons employed to prepare the reports of the Jury, for each folio, twenty-five cents. To the person administering the oath to Jurors and certifying the same, for each Juror, ten cents. Duty of Jury SEC. 2. It shall be, and hereby is made the duty of the to make bill of Fees, c. Jury, before making the apportionment and assessment required by section fourteen of chapter six, referred to in the preceding section of this ordinance, to make a bill of fees and expenses, according to section one of this ordinance, and 475 present the same to the City Comptroller to be audited, and the same, when audited by the City Comptroller, shall be apportioned and assessed by them, together with the damages upon the real estate benefitted, as provided in said section fourteen. Passed, January 26, 1854. AN 0 RDINANCE To provide for the offering and payment of Rewards for the detection of Incendiaries in the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Milwaukee, in Common Council assembled, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City of Milwaukee shall Mayor may offer reward be, and is hereby authorized, in behalf of said city, to offer for detection of incendisuch reward as he shall, from time to time, think proper, (not aries. exceeding in any one case the sum of five hundred dollars), for the detection and conviction of any person or persons who may have been guilty of committing any act within the said city constituting such person an incendiary. SEc. 2. Such reward shall be paid by the City of Mil- To be paid from generaI waukee, out of the general city fund, to the person entitled city fund. to the same, upon clear and satisfactory proof being made to the Mayor, and upon his certificate that such proof has been duly and satisfactorily made, and that said claimant is entitled to said reward. Passed, December 28, 1854. A N OR D I NAN C E To authorize the appointment of Special Constables. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The Mayor is hereby authorized and empower- Mayor may ed to ppoint ay nmber of special constableappoint speed to appoint any number of special constables which he may aes 476 deem expedient, at any time when he may deem the safety, peace or interest of the city may require the aid of such additional and special police. Passed, October 5, 1854. AN ORDINANCE To provide for the compensation of Judges, Jurors and other persons who may render services in laying out, or opening Streets or Alleys and Public Grounds. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. There shall be paid for the services, required in chapter six of an act entitled " an act to consolidate and amend the act to incorporate the City of Milwaukee, and the several acts amendatory thereof," approved, February 20th, 1852, in the opening of streets, alleys and public grounds, the following sums: Fees of To the Judge of the County or Circuit Court, for the apJudges. pointment of a Jury in each case, for issuing precept for Jury, three dollars; for the appointment of substitutes, fifty cents each. Marshals To the City Marshal, for the service of a precept on each fees. Juror, twenty-five cents, and ten cents each Juror for notifying them to attend any meeting, and ten cents per mile for actual travel in the service of such notice, and for attending upon a Jury, for each day, when requested, three dollars. Fees of To each Juror, for every day actually employed in the disJurors. charge of their duties, three dollars. Amount to To the persons employed to prepare the report of the Jury, be paid preparingreport for each folio, twenty-five cents. Fees of of- To the persons administering the oath to Jurors and certifer aminis-ying the same, for each Juror, twenty-five cents. tering oath. Y1'9 Jurytomake SEC. 2. It shall be, and hereby is made the duty of the a bill of feesand assessment reandiexpenses Jury, before making the apportionments and assessment re 477 quired by section fourteen of chapter six, referred to in the Bill must be presented to preceding section of this ordinance, to make a bill of fees Comptroller to be audited and expenses, according to section one of the ordinance, and Whe audit present the same to be audited, and the same, when so au- ed, shall be appropriat'd dited by the City Comptroller, shall be appropriated and as- Damages to sessed by them, together with the damages upon the real es- by Jusry tate benefitted, as provided in said section fourteen. SEC. 3. All ordinances heretofore passed, contravening the provisions of this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Passed, October 21, 1854. AN ORDINANCE To prevent the discharge of Fire-arms in the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. No person shall discharge any fire-arms within Prohibiting the limits of the city, except on the fourth day of July, or in discharge f fire-arms in the performance of military duty, and under the command of city limits the Commandant of a regularly organized military company, under the penalty of not exceeding ten dollars nor less than one dollar. SEC. 2. It shall be, and is hereby made the duty of any Duty of police to enand all Police Officers and Constables, having knowledge of force ordinance. the violation of this ordinance, to arrest any and all persons who shall violate this ordinance, and take them before the Police Justice, to be dealt with according to law for the violation of said ordinance. Passed, April 30, 1855. AN ORDINANCE To preserve the Health of the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The Aldermen of said city shall constitute a Aldenstitut Board of Health, of which the Mayor shall be a member, and balthof 478 ex-qofcio presiding officer when present; in the absence of the Mayor, the said Board may choose one of its members as presiding officer. Such Board of Health shall exercise all the powers for the preservation of the health, and perform all the duties conferred by the Charter of the City of Milwaukee and this ordinance, within the limits of the said City of Milwaukee, and may take such measures and make such rules and regulations as they may deem most effectual for the To appoint preservation of the public health. They may, from time to health officers and time, appoint such Health Officers, and the same at pleasure make rules.' remove, as they may deem necessary to aid them in the execution of their powers and duties. Marshal, De- SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of every Marshal and Deputy puty and Health Offi- Marshal, and such Health Officer and Officers as may be apcers to obey rules of the pointed and designated, to obey and perform implicitly every board. order, regulation and direction of said Board, in all matters pertaining to the duties of said Board, and in any matter relating to the health of the city; and each and any -of said Officers who shall refuse or neglect to perform faithfully any such order, regulation or direction, shall forfeit a penalty of ten dollars for each and every offence. To remove SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the Board of Health, and cause of sickness. of each member thereof, to investigate and ascertain, if practicable, causes tending to create sickness, and to take the necessary steps for the removal of such causes, and for this purpose each member of the Board within the ward where he resides, and the Marshal or Deputy Marshal, or Health Officer, shall have the power to direct the removal or purification of all filthy or nauseous places or substances producing disagreeable smell or tending to produce disease, and Owners to in case the owners, or persons occupying premises on which remove filth when direct such places or substances may be, should not remove or pue rify the same, when directed by such member of the Board, or by the Marshal, Deputy Marshal or Health Officer, shall have power to remove or purify all causes as aforesaid, and 479 any such person refusing or neglecting to remove or purify the causes aforesaid, when so directed by a member of said Board, or by the Marshal, Deputy Marshal or Health Officer, such person shall forfeit a penalty of not exceeding twenty Penaltyfor not complydollars nor less than one dollar for each and every such of- ing. fence, together with the costs and expense of removing or purifying the offensive places or causes aforesaid. SEC. 4. The Board of Health, or any member thereof, or Power given to enter preany officer under their direction, shall have power to enter misestoipnspect. upon the premises and into the house of every person in the city, as often as he shall deem it necessary, or the Board of Health shall order, and examine into the health, cleanliness, and the number of persons inhabiting such house, and inspect the cellars, vaults, privies and sewers of such premises. Any person or persons who shall wilfully hinder or molest Penaltyfor molesting any officer in the performance of his duties, required by this tleinspector or any other general ordinance of the city, shall forfeit a penalty not exceeding twenty-five dollars. SEC. 5. Whenever any contagious disease shall break To provide out, or be found to infest the city, it shall be the duty of hospital said board to provide a hospital or place for the reception of all persons inflicted with such disease, and remove all such persons to such hospital, without delay, as can be so removed, and also to provide, at the expense of the city, all necessary comforts and medical aid for the inmates of the hospital, and, for this purpose, the said board may command the services of the alms-house physicians, who shall be ex-oficio hospital physicians, and also employ such other medical aid Phyesians as they may deem necessary, and employ all such nurses, poweed cooks, and otherlhelp, as may be necessary for the proper police of the hospital. Provided, however, That in case any persons shall be sent to said hospital, who are not in indigent circumstances, such persons shall pay, to the city, all Persons not in indigent expenses which may have been incurred in their behalf, in- circumstances to pay 480 expenses in- eluding pay to physicians, nurses, boarding, and expenses of curred. every kind. Penalty for SEC. 6. If any person shall bring, or cause to be brought, bringing persons in- into this city, any person who shall at the time be infected fected with disease. with Asiatic cholera, commonly so called, small-pox, or other virulent, contagious disease, such person shall forfeit a penalty of fifty dollars. And if any person, infected by any such disease, shall, by his own act, come into the city, or be brought into it by his own direction, such person shall forfeit a penalty of fifty dollars for such offence, and shall, if practicable, be removed, under the direction of the Board of Health, to the place from which such person shall have come. Powers of SEC. 7. The Board of Health, or any officer thereof, health officers. shall have power to stop, detain and examine, and by order, to direct to be stopped, detained and examined, for the purpose of preventing the entrance of any pestilential or infectious disease into the city, any person coming from any place infected or believed to be infected with such diseases. ners or SE. 8. The owner, driver or person in charge of any Owners or' drivers of stage or other public conveyance, which shall enter the city, public convteyancesg having on board any person sick of any malignant fever, or any infected paersnin pestilential or infectious disease, (unless such person became citylimts sick on the way, and could not be left), shall forfeit the penalty of fifty dollars. Such owner, driver or person in charge, shall, within two hours after the arrival of such sick person, report, in writing, the fact, with the name of such person, if known, and the place or house where such person was put down in the city, to the Mayor, City Clerk, Marshal or Aldermen, and for each and every neglect to comply with those provisions, such person shall forfeit the penalty of fifty dollars. Masters of SEC. 9. If any captain or master of a steamboat, vessel vessels not to aned pany or lake craft of any kind, or person in charge thereof, shall sonin city land, or suffer to be landed from such steamboat, vessel or limits. 481 lake craft any person or persons infected with Asiatic cholera, commonly so called, small pox, or other virulent, contagious diseases, on any pier, wharf, scow, boat, lighter, landing or place of any kind, within the corporate limits of this city, such person, captain, master, or person in charge thereof shall forfeit the penalty of fifty dollars for each and every person so landed within the limits of the city. Provided, however, That persons destinedto this port, who are apparently in good health when coming on board at the port whence such steamer, vessel or lake craft may have sailed, may be landed at such time and place, and in such manner as may be directed by the Board of Health, or by the Mayor, Marshal or other health officer acting under their direction, but for any deviation from, or violation of any order or direction of said board, or of the Mayor, Marshal, or other officers acting under their direction, the captain, master, or person having command on board, shall forfeit the penalty of fifty dollars. SEC. 10. In case any person or persons infected with Infected per disease as aforesaid, shall, in contravention of ordinance, be soin thore landed until landed and left on any pier, wharf or other place, before the board of health notiproper authority shall have notice thereof, such person shall fied. remain on the pier, wharf or other place where landed, until the Board of Health or health officer shall have been notified, and some action had by said board or health officer for suitably disposing of such persons, and if the owner or keeper of such pier, wharf or other place of landing, on which such person or persons shall have been landed, shall, in any manner, move, or cause such person or persons to be removed off such pier, wharf or other place of landing without the order and sanction of the Board of Health or health officer, such owner or keeper shall forfeit the penalty of fifty dollars Penalty for each and every person so removed by him, or by his order or direction, from the place where such person was landed. 482 Penalty for SEC. 11. Every person, master or captain in charge of neglect of not comply- any steamboat or other craft or vessel which shall enter the ing with order of health city, or touch at any of the piers or landing in the city, havofficers. ing on board thereof any person sick of any malignant fever or other pestilential or infectious disease, (unless the person, so diseased, became so on the way, and could not be left), shall forfeit the penalty of fifty dollars. It shall be the duty of such captain, master or person in charge, within six hours after his arrival, to report, in writing, to the Mayor, City Clerk or health officer, the fact of such sick person being on board, and the name, description and location of his craft, and he shall not permit such sick person to land, or be landed, or to communicate with the shore in any way, until the Board of Health or health officer shall give pernission, in writing, to that purpose; for any neglect or violation of these provisions, or either of them, the person so violating shall forfeit the penalty of fifty dollars. Duties of SEC. 12. It shall be the duty of the Harbor Master, or.harbor master and health officer, as often as he may deem it necessary, to enter health officer. upon every steamboat, vessel or other lake craft, entering, or being in the Port of Milwaukee, immediately upon such boat, vessel or other craft nearing the shore, and, by strict search and diligent inquiry, ascertain if any persons are on board infected with Asiatic cholera, commonly so called, small pox, or other virulent, contagious disease, and if so, to forbid such person being landed until the Board of'Health shall have been notified, and taken order relative to any such persons which it may be proposed to land, and such order shall be conclusive, in regard to the boat, vessel or other craft on which such passengers may be. Provided, No infected however, That the Board of Health shall in no case suffer to person to land. be landed any persons who are infected with such disease previous to coming on board at the port whence such boat, vessel or other craft shall have been sailed, but such persons shall be absolutely kept on board such boat, vessel or other 483 craft, and prevented from landing within the limits of the city. SEC. 13. To enforce the provisions of this ordinance, Health officer to and to prevent any infectious persons being landed in con- command assistance. travention thereof, the Mayor and Aldermen, each member of the Board of Health, the Marshal and each Deputy Marshal and Health Officer shall severally have power to command the services of all by-standers to prevent, by force and arms, any person from being landed from any steamboat, vessel or other craft, in violation of this ordinance, and if any person whose services be so commanded shall refuse or neglect to aid such officers in the discharge of the duties so demanded of him, every person so refusing or neglecting Penalty for shall forfeit the penalty of fifty dollars, and in case any per- not rendering assistson or persons shall have been landed in contravention of Tane hen called on. -the provisions of this ordinance, without the knowledge of any of sail officers, it shall be the duty of each and every of said officers, immediately upon being informed of such fact, to cause such person or persons to be immediately returned Infectedpersons to be on board such boat, vessel or other craft, if still in port, by retained on board of yesforce, if necessary, there to remain until the order of the selsBoard of Health shall be had for the further disposal of such persons; such return of such persons to the boat, vessel or other craft shall in no wise exempt the captain, master or person in charge, nor the boat, vessel or other craft from the penalties herein specified, for the unauthorized landing of such infected persons. SEC. 14. Each and every physician, who may be called Physicians to report upon to attend any case of small pox, Asiatic cholera, ma- cases of small pox, lignant fever, pestilential or infectious disease, or shall at &., to Mayor. any time hereafter attend any such case, shall, within twenty-four hours after first seeing any such case, report the same to the Mayor or some member of the Board of Health, Health Officer or City Marshal, stating the house or location where such case exists, in order that precautionary measures may 484 be taken to protect the community against the spread of any such disease, and every such physician, attending any such Penalty for case, within the city limits, who shall neglect or refuse to neglect to report to report the same, as is herein provided, shall forfeit the penMayor. alty of fifty dollars. SEC. 15. Ail ordinances and resolutions, the provisions of which are contrary to, or in contravention with those herein contained, are hereby repealed. Passed June 25, 1855. AN ORDINANCE To provide for Licensing and Regulating Billiard Tables and Nine or Ten-Pin Alleys. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: Billiard ta- SECTION 1. No person shall erect or keep, or permit to beis and be erected, placed or kept upon his, her or their premises, bowling allcys tobe within the limits of the city, any billiard table, bowling alley, nine or ten-pin alley, used and kept for hire, without first having obtained a license therefor, under the penalty of ten dollars for each day the same is so kept. Amount of SEC. 2. No such license shall be granted, except upon license and when paid. the written application of the person desiring the same, which application shall state the place where such billiard table, bowling alley, nine or ten-pin alley, and the number of each are to be kept, nor unless the applicant shall pay into the city treasury the sum of twenty dollars for one table or alley, and the additional sum of ten dollars for each additional table or alley so kept for use by such applicant in the same place or building. Penalty for SEC. 3. If any person licensed to keep a billiard table, not complying with bowling alley, nine or ten-pin alley, shall, without license ordinance. refor, keep a bar for the sale of vinous, spiritous or fer therefor, keep a bar for the sale of vinous, spiritous or fer 485 mented liquors, or shall allow or permit any kind of rioting or reveling, drunkenness, lewed or disorderly conduct, on his, her or their premises, or shall use the billiard table, nine or ten-pin alley, so kept by him, for the purpose of gaming, or permit the same to be used for gambling, he shall, on conviction thereof, forfeit to the city the sum of one hundred dollars, and shall be liable to have his, her or their license revoked and annulled. SEC. 4. All ordinances heretofore passed providing for licensing and regulating billiard tables and nine or ten-pin alleys are hereby repealed, but shall not effect or invalidate any license heretofore given. Passed, September 3, 1855. A N OR D I N A N C E For the Appointment of Superintendent of Bridges in the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows SECTION 1. The Common Council shall annually appoint Superintenda competent person, to be styled "Superintendent of Bridges," brides ap whose duty it shall be to see that all the bridges in said city ointe are kept in good repair, and when out of repair to cause the same to be repaired, and also to inspect all bridges that may be in process of being built, and give directions in relation to the same, and to report to the Common Council, as often as Duties of superintendhe may deem proper, or when called upon by the Bridge ent. Committee, the state of the bridges and the repairs to be made, and whether the bridges, being built at any time, are being built in a good and workmanlike manner, and in accordance with the contracts entered into with the contractor. SEc. 2. The Superintendent of Bridges shall receive an an- Compensation of sunual salary of four hundred dollars for his services, and shall perintendent E2 486 notify the City Attorney of aly violation of law in relation to bridges, and of damages done by any person or vessel to any bridge in said city, and see to procuring testimony in relation to any suit which may be brought for injuries to any bridge in the city. Passed, November 23, 1855. AN ORDINANCE Relating to the duties of the Marshal and the Police. The Miayor and Commron Council cf the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: iarshal's SECTION 1. The Marshal shall perform the duties requirsalary. ed by the ordinances or regulations of the Common Council, and shall receive an annual salary therefor of two hundred dollars, in addition to his fees for collecting license moneys, and summoning and attending Juries, and the compensation for his services as Policeman, which shall be the same as any mem'ber of the Police Department. SEC. 2. The Marshal shall perform the duties of Messenger to the Common 0ouncil and of the Board of School Tcollect i- Commissioners, and when he shall collect any unpaid license moneys he shall immediately pay over such moneys to the City Treasurer, and take his receipt for the same; he shall report all such collections to the Common Council at their next meeting; he shall also, unless the Common Council should otherwise direct, summon all Juries appointed to determine the necessity of taking lands for public use, and M, be may, on his petition, be appointed Policeman during his semao. term of office as Marshal, but, in such case, shall be in subordination to, and under the control and direction of, the Chief of Police, and be liable to suspension and removal as other members of the Police Department. 487 SEC. 3. All duties required by any ordinance now in force to be performed by the Marshal, except those herein mentioned, shall hereafter devolve upon, and be performed by, the Police Department, and when such duties shall be performed by any member of the Police Department, all penal- chief of Police to enties prescribed for the breach of any such ordinance shall ac- force ordinance. crue and be recoverable as if such duties had been performed by the Marshal. SEC. 4. The ordinance entitled "an ordinance to authorize the Marshal to appoint deputies," passed, July 13, 1846, and the ordinance entitled " an ordinance defining the duties of Marshal," passed, May 6, 1852, and the provisions of any other ordinance heretofore passed, which may conflict with this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Passed, April 24, 1856. AN ORDINANCE Relating to Camphene and other Burning Fluid in the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The sale, storage and manufacture of cam- Camphene phene and other burning fluids, in the different wards of the uarnnd ther city, within what is known and designated as the fire limits how regulatof said city, is hereafter forbidden and prohibted, with the exception that a license may be obtained for the sale of the same in small quantities, in the day time, as hereinafter provided. Any person guilty of a violation of this provision, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of one hundred dollars for Penalty. each and every offence. SEC. 2. The Aldermen in each ward, or a majority of Aldermen them, are hereby authorized to give a written license, in their may license small quanward, for a term not exceeding one year, to one or more per- tities sons, to keep for sale and retail, within said fire limits, cam 488 phene or other burning fluid, in a quantity not greater at any one time than thirty gallons, the same to be kept in tin cans or stone jars, well stopped, and on no occasion to be sold, retailed or opened after dark orby candle light. Any person having such license, who shall violate the provisions of this, section, shall pay a penalty of twenty dollars for each and every offence. Passed, June 16, 1856. AN ORDINANCE To provide for the Abatement of certain Nuisances. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, doc ordain as follows: Aldermen to SECTION 1. Whenever two or more of the Aldermen of order the re- any ward shall make an order, directing the owner or occumoval of fromtregets pant of any dwelling-house or building, situated, in whole and sidewalks. or in part, in any street, alley or side-walk, in such ward, to remove such dwelling-house or other building from such street, alley or sidewalk by a certain day, to be not less than three nor more than thirty days from the date of such order, which shall be dated on the day of the making thereof; it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Aldermen and Street: Commissioners of such ward, within three days after the date of such order, to make and deliver to the Chief of the Police, a certified copy of such order, whose duty it shall be to endorse thereon the time of receiving such copy, and, hff f within three days after the receipt of such copy, to serve, or Chfef of Police to serv cause to be served, by a policeman, a copy of such order the order. upon such owners or occupant, by delivering to him or her a copy of such order, or by leaving the same at such dwelling-house or other building with some person of suitable age and discretion, who shall be informed of its contents. If owner SEC. 2. In case the owner or occupant of such dwellingdoes not remove the house or other building, after being notified as aforesaid of 489 such order, should not remove such dwelling-house or other building, then Police building from such street, alley or side-walk, within the to do it. time limited in such order, then the Chief of the Police shall have power to take down and remove, or remove without taking down, such dwelling-house or other building from such street, alley or side-walk, to some suitable place, and the owner or occupant of such dwelling-house or other building, refusing or neglecting to remove the sqme from such street within the time limited in such order, after being notified as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay not exceeding the Penalty. sum of fifty dollars for each and every such offence, together with all costs of removal and abatement, and every fortyeight hours such dwelling-house or other building shall stand in such street, alley or side-walk, after the expiration of the time limited in such order for the removal thereof, shall constitute a new offence by such owner or occupant. SEC. 3. Whenever any building or tenement, situated Slaughter houses to be ion any lot or tract of land within the limits of this city, declared a public nuishall be used or occupied for a slaughter-house, bone factory sance. or any other business that is nauseous and detrimental to the health of the city, the Common Council shall declare the same a common nuisance, and the City Clerk shall thereupon make out a certified copy of such order or resolution and give the same to the Aldermen of the ward in which said nuisance may be situated; the Aldermen of said ward shall remo " How removthen, and they are hereby authorized to order the same to be ed. abated and removed, which shall be done by the Chief of the Police, in the same manner as is provided in the second section of this ordinance for the removal of any dwellinghouse or other building situated in any street, alley or sidewalk of said city. SEC. 4. If the owner or occupant of any building or tene- Pealty. mnent, so declared a public nuisance, shall neglect or refuse to abate and remove the same within the time limited by the 490 order of said Aldermen, he shall forfeit and pay the penalty provided in the second section of this ordinance. SEC. 5. This ordinance shall not be construed as repealing or amending any ordinance now in force for abating and removing nuisances. Passed, June 23, 1856. AN ORDINANCE To authorize an Issue of City Bonds for the Construction of Bridges. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: City bonds SECTION 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby auforta bridge. thorized and directed to sign and execute fifteen thousand dollars in Milwaukee City Bonds, of one thousand dollars each, payable in twenty years from the date thereof at the office of Messrs. Duncan, Sherman & Co., in New York City, with interest, semi-annually, at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, payable at the same place; said bonds to be issued for the purpose of constructing bridges across the Milwaukee river, according to the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the State of Wisconsin, entitled "an act relating to the City of Milwaukee," approved Oct. 6, 1856. SEC. 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to deliver the City Bonds named in the first section of this ordinance to James B. Cross, Mayor, and take his receipt for the same. Mayor au. SEC. 3. The Mayor of the City is hereby authorized and thorized to sell the directed to negotiate and sell the City Bonds named in this bonds. ordinance, and place the proceeds thereof in the City Treasury, to be paid out by the City Treasurer on City Orders for work done under the contracts for constructing bridges. Mayor may SEC. 4. The Mayor, in his discretion, may, instead of pthem. selling at once the City Bonds to be issued under the provi 491 sions of this ordinance, hypothecate them, in whole or in part, and raise the money necessary for immediate use in said bridge contracts, and thereafter sell the bonds to replace such money at such time and place as he may deem for the best interests of the city. Passed, October 9, 1856. A N 0 R D I NAN CE To repeal part of an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to restrain Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Dogs, Mules, Jackasses and other animals and Fowls from running at large," passed August 18, 1856. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain asfollows: SECTION 1. So much of the ordinance entitled " an ordi-Repealed as nance to restrain horses, cattle, sheep, goats, dogs, mules, to horsesd jackasses and other animals and fowls from running at large," hogs. passed August 18, 1856, as relates to horses, cattle and hogs, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Passed, November 8, 1856. R ULES OF THE COMMON COUNCIL. R U L E S. RULE 1. The regular meetings of the Common Council shall be held on Monday of every other week, at seven o'clock. in the evening, during the year. Special meetings may be called at such times as the Mayor, or a majority of the Council, when in session, may direct. RULE 2. The Mayor, or in his absence, the President of the Board, shall take the Chair, at the hour above named, or at the hour to which the Council is adjourned, and if a quorum be present, shall direct the journal of the preceding meeting to be read. The presiding officer, for the time being, shall preserve order and decorum, and decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Council. RULE 3. When the presiding officer shall have called the members to order, the Clerk shall proceed to call the roll in alphabetical order, noting who are present, and who absent, and if, after having gone through with the call, it shall appear that a quorum is not present, the fact shall be entered on the journal and the Council shall stand adjourned to the time appointed for the next regular meeting. RULE 4. Any member who shall not appear and answer to his name, when the roll is called at any regular meeting,. or at any special or adjourned meeting when duly notified thereof, and who shall not thereafter render a sufficient excuse for his non-appearance, shall pay to the Clerk the sum of one dollar for the use of the Board. RULE 5. In case of the absence of the Mayor and President of the Board, the Cpuncil shall, at any regular or spe 496 cial meeting, proceed to elect one of their number to preside at the meeting. RULE 6. Every ordinance, or resolution in the nature of an ordinance, shall receive three several readings, previous to its passage; but no such ordinance or resolution shall have its third reading on the same day that it is first read, unless by a suspension of the rules, as hereinafter provided. RULE 7. All demands, claims, or accounts against the city, shall be presented and referred to the Comptroller, and if reported on favorably, shall, before they are allowed by the Council, be approved by the appropriate Committee. Any claim, demand or account for work done, or materials found, on contract, or otherwise, by order of the Street Commissioners of any ward, shall first be examined by such Street Commissioners, and certified by them as correct, and when presented to this Board, shall be referred to the Comptroller, and by him returned to the Council for allowance. RULE 8. All petitions, remonstrances and accounts, when presented, shall be read at length by the member presenting the same, or by the presiding officer, or clerk, unless otherwise ordered. RULE 9. All resolutions, and amendments to any document before the Council, shall be reduced to writing before they shall be acted on. RULE 10. Every member, previous to his speaking, shall rise and address the presiding officer, and shall not be interrupted except by a call to order. RULE 11. When a member is called to order by the presiding officer, he shall take his seat, and shall not be suffered to proceed without leave of the Board. RULE 12. NO member shall speak more than twice on any question without first obtaining leave of the Board. 497 RULE 13. The ayes and noes shall be ordered upon any question at the request of a member, and the Clerk shall call the roll in alphabetical order. RULE 14. When a motion has once been decided, it shall be in order for any member who voted in the majority, to move a reconsideration thereof, at the same, or next succeeding meeting, and if a majority of the members present shall be in favor of a reconsideration, the subject shall be before the Board for further action. RuLE 15. The following standing committees, consisting of three members each, shall be appointed by the Mayor, viz:-1, Finance; 2, Judiciary; 3, Schools; 4, Police; 5, Fire Department; 6, Printing; 7, Licenses; 8, Rail Roads; 9, Harbors; 10, Old Taxes; 11, Gas Light. There shall also be appointed a Committee on Bridges, to consist of one member from each ward in the city. RULE 16. The Committee on Printing shall carefully examine all ordinances and resolutions required to be published, after the same have been passed, and shall superintend the printing of the same, and no such ordinance or resolution shall be signed by the Mayor until such examination is made. RULE 17. The order of business shall be as follows:1st, The presentation of petitions, memorials and accounts; 2d, Reports of Standing Committees; 3d, Reports of Select Committees; 4th, The presentation of Ordinances, or Resolutions; 5th, The consideration of unfinished business. RULE 18. It shall be the duty of the Clerk of this Board, in addition to the duties prescribed in the City Charter, to record all ordinances passed by the Common Council, in a suitable book, and to furnish the Chairman of Committees, Comptroller, and other city officers, with the resolutions and other matters that may be referred to them, and to perform all such other clerical duties as may be required by this Board. 498 RULE 19. No rule shall be suspended, recinded or amended, without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members'present at any meeting. RULE 20. The rules of parliamentary practice, comprised in Jefferson's or Cushing's Manuals, shall govern the proceedings of this Board in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with these rules, or the laws of the State. INDEXES. Page. LIST OF CITY OFFICERS FOR 1856, -.- 2 CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, -5.. to 49 INDEX TO CITY CHARTER. Aldermen, hlow elected, and term of office,....53 Do. to be Inspectors of Elections, to take an oath, and appoint clerks, -. _.- - 54 Do. how nlany elected, and termr of office,.-_..... -. 56 Do. how the election of, to be conducted,........-... 56 Do. which to be Supervisors of the County Board,. 56 Do. how substitution may be made, - —,,_ —_ 57 Attorney for the City, his duties,....-._. 59 Aldermen not to be a party or interested in any contract with the city,-__. — —... -.._.-...-.._._ 60 Do. to be officers of the peace,... 61 Appropriations only made by a majority of the Commlon Council, and by ayes and noes,.-. 70 Aldermen to certify ward debts to the Common Council, 7.. — 72 Do. not to contract ward debts to exceed the taxes; if so, Aldermen to be liable, —. —. — 73 Do. to be Street Commissioners in their wards, to appoint a Clerk, report to the Common Council, powers over streets and side-walks, —..8.0 —-.- 80 Appeal from Street Commissioners to the Common Council, 80, 82, 84 Assessments, how made, -...- -..... 85 Assessors, their powers and duties,. _- - -.... 85 Assignment of tax certificates,_ 90 Assessment rolls, when lands omitted, -,_-_ 90 Do. roll, when to be sent to County Board,....... 94 Arrests, how made at fires,.. —----— 9..7.._........... 97 Appropriations not to be made unless authorized by the City Charter,.98 Actions,'and all rights of action, to be preserved, _..-. 99 V2 502 Page. Acts of the Legislature, what prior ones repealed,. 04 Do. do. when to take effect, - - 106 Boundaries of city,. 51, 52 Bonds to be given by certain officers,....-,.-, 57 Do. City, how issued, and for what purpose, 71 Bayou in 1st ward, how filled and improved, -- -- --- 84 Bridges, how many to be maintained, and by what wards, and how, --- ---- --—. 100 Do. damages to, how punished, and by what tax to be built and kept up,-......... 100 Bonds, Common Council may issue, for completing and finishing school houses, -.......... 104 Books and property detained by out-going officers, how punished,.... -__...... 60 Corporate name,-........,.. 51 Common Council to notify Aldermen of their election,,,-.- 55 Do. do. to canvass the votes, and in what time, -..- 55 Do. do. old one, to perform the duties at first election, 57 Do. do. to order a new election, in case of a failure to elect,..... 57 Constables, special, may be appointed in case of riot,..-. —-. 58 Common Council to elect a President, and his duties,.-_.. 58 Clerk, how elected, and his duties,.,,.-.. 59, 87, 94 Common Council to prescribe duties to officers, appoint other officers, and fix the salary, -...-. 60 Do. do. to elect City Printers,......_ _ _ 60 City Comptroller, how appointed, his duties,.-.... 63 Common Council, powers and duties, style of ordinances, what a quorum,,. 65, 66, 85, 86 Do. do. stated meetings and special meetings, - - - 65 Do. do. to grant licenses and prohibit gaming,... 66 Do. do. to prevent riots, and abate nuisances, -.. 67 Do. do. to regulate markets, and the sale of powder, 67 Do. do. to prevent the obstructions of streets and alleys, to prevent horse-racing and bathing, and to restrain animals from running at large,- -6 —- 67 Do. do. powers as to water, lamps, gas, hacks, drays, burial grounds, bread, side-walks, fire-arms, drunkenness, obscenity, runners, and markets, -- 68 Do. do. powers as to hay, wood, lime, cleaning sidewalks, piers in Lake Michigan, quarantine, auctions, watchmen, weights and measures, and pass ordinances therefor, -,..,,,69 Do. do. to audit and adjust the accounts of the Clerk, Treasurer, School Commissioners, Street Cornmissioners, Marshal, and all other officers, &c., 70 503 Page. Common Council may issue City Bonds, for what purpose,. - 71 Do. do. to levy taxes, and the limit thereon,-.-. 71 Do. do. to lay out streets, alleys and squares,.. 73 Contractors, to receive certificates for work, 83 Certificates for work, how transferred and paid,....-... 84 Common Council, their duties as to tax lists, 87 Do. do. to establish fire limits and fire department, 95, 96, 97 Contracts, to be let to the lowest bidder, -..98 Commissioners of survey, —--—...,, —-—. —- 101 Dredging, how done, 83 Deeds of lands sold for taxes, when made,. 90 Do. to be primafacie of validity of tax,. —.... —--- 91 Damage to bridges, how recovered, 100 Damages for changing grades, city to be liable, ----- - 102 Damages in opening streets, -...-..... 75 Debts of wards to be certified to the Common Council, —-- 72 Election of ward and city officers, ___.. 53 Elections, what notice to be given,._... —53 Do. plurality elects, and in case of tie vote,. —.- 54 Do. how conducted, and who to be inspectors, ------ 54 Do. special, for what purpose, and how conducted, ---- 56 Do. of Aldermen, how conducted, --- -...- 56 Evidence, copies of papers certified by the Clerk shall be,... 59 Do. affidavits of publication by City Printers, --- 60 Do. survey and marks of Commissioners of Survey,.-. 102 Estimates for work, how made,................ 81 Equalization of assessment roll,- 86 Evidence, tax lists of what, -----— __ ------— _ 88 Errors, in tax proceedings, not to vitiate in all cases, ----—.. 91 Exemption of lands from certain taxes, 93 Equalization, how made by County Board,. -. 94 Exemptions of Firemen, 96 Engineers for Fire Companies, how appointed,. 96 Executions, how issued, and what to contain, -.99 Elections, if not held, do not dissolve the corporation,- ----- 99 Exemptions of city property from executions, sales and taxes, 101 Fees of City Treasurer,.......................... 92 Fire limits, how established,, i, --. 95 Fire Wardens, their duties, and how appointed, _.-. —-95, 96, 97 Fire Companies, how established, and their duties, —- 96 Firemen, exempt from serving on juries and poll tax, 96 Do. their meetings, officers, and how discharged, -. — 96 Fire Engineers, how appointed and their duties, - 96, 97 Fines, from breach of fire ordinances, how applied,.- —.- 97 Fees of officers fixed by Common Council, 59 Grades of streets, alleys, &c., to be permanently established,., 102 504 Pages Grades of streets, profiles thereof to be made and filed with the Register of Deeds,.,.......- 102 Do. do. if afterwards altered, city to be liable for all damages,....... 102 Inspectors of Elections, their duty,.......- 54, 55 Do. do. penalty for fraud or malfeasance, --- 55 Do. do. to make returns of elections,.... 55 Improvements for streets, side-walks, &c., neither the city nor ward to be liable folr,.. — -... 84 Infants, when and how their land may be redeemed from tax sales,.. —- -.... 90 Intoxicated persons at fires, how arrested, -..,- 97 Jury, when they may be called,,. -4.... 74, 75, 78, 82 Judgments not to be remitted, unless by a vote of two-thirds of the Aldermen, -. ___ _....., — -98 —- 98 Judges, Justices and Jurors not incompetent from being inhabitants of the city,. -..... 99 Justices of the Peace, 53 Limits of City,........... 51, 52 Liens of special taxes, how entered, —.- ----—. -- -. 92 Lands, exempt from certain taxes, -...... 93 Laws, general of the State, not to be construed as contravening or repealing this act,., -. 103 Mayor, how elected,........................_.... - --.- 53 Do. his powers and duties,,-5....- 58, 61 Marshal, his duties, to have the power of a constable, at common law, but not to serve civil process, unless city is a party,, -. 59, 82 Mayor, his warrant for collection of taxes, -. -. —-. — 87 Marshal to collect personal taxes,....................-. 88 Market house and lands, in first ward, to be the property of said ward, and how controlled and managed,......-. 103 Nuisances, what declared to be so,.......................... 70 Notice, to do work, to owners' of lots, -..- 81 Nuisances, how removed, -—. —-— _. — -—.-. —------ 83 Notice of completion of assessment roll,. 86 Do. of time of payment and sale for taxes,.- -... 88 Do. of first election under this act, -- - ----- 106 Officers, what elected, -------------— _- 53 Do. what appointed, -._. _,. 53 Do. term of holding, how removed, 53 Oath, what to be, if voter is challenged, and of officers,..... 54, 57 Offices, vacated by removal or otherwise, how filled, --- 56 Officers, term of old ones when to expire, and when new ones to come into office, --—... —------ 57 Do. what oaths to take, and what bonds to give,.-.-. —- 57 505 Page. Officers to deliver books and papers to successors, and penalty, 60 Ordinances, how passed and published,. —---. 69 Orders, how drawn, and for what to be received, - 71 Do. ward not to exceed the taxes,.... --- -... - 72 Ordinances now in force, to remain so till repealed,.-..-..- 99 Do. Commissioners to be appointed for new ones,. — 102 Power of suing, being sued, and of succession,.. 51 Polls, how long to be kept open, -- 53 Penalty for illegal voting -.... 55 President of the Council, his duties, -- -58 Printers for the city, how elected, duties,..- —.... 60 Penalty, if officers do not deliver over books and papers to their successors,. —----.... — --..6- 60 Do. for refusing to assist city officers, -61 Police Justice, his powers and duties,..- --- 61, 62 Do. do. if absent or sick, the Mayor to appoint another Justice,...... 62 Property liable to taxation, how assessed, -85, 86 Do. personal, to be sold for taxes,..,... -—. 87 Penalties remitted only by a two-thirds vote, -..-..... 9 98 Peace officers,,- -................. 61 Qualification of voters,, — -.... 54 Redemption of lands sold for taxes, when and how made, 89 Do. to be made with the Treasurer,,-.. _. 92 Real estate, may be held by the city, and for what purposes, and to be exempt from taxes,,.-.-__.. 103 Do. do. to be subject to special taxes,..................... 103 Road districts may be established, and how regulated,__. 103 Do. do. officers for the same may be appointed, their duties, and how paid,..-._....... _. 103 Repealing clause, what prior acts repealed, _ —-.-._,-..104, 105 Repeal not to effect suits, or rights of action,_ 105 Do. not to effect prior ordinances and by-laws, unless repealed by this act,............ 105 Salary of Police Justice. --—......-.......,__.. —-- _ 62 Surveyor for the city, how appointed, his duties,... _ 62, 81 84 Streets, how laid out on petition of freeholders,....-, 73 Do. notice of application for jurors, appointment of jurors, new jurors, their duties, and report,.-.... 74 Do. damages, assessments, buildings assessed, notice to the owner, 75 Do. building may be sold, damages and benefits, how assessed, difference to be paid, 76 Do. in case of joint owners, award, how signed and returned, with the testimony, land not taken till paid for, in case of lease or prior contract,..,......... 506 Page. Streets, damages to be paid in six months, in case of infants new jurors,..-...7. —------ 78 Do. appeal from assessment, survey to be made, cases under old charter, certain lands not to have streets laid through them, 79 Street Commissioners, who are, their powers and duties, —. 80, 84 Side-walks, lot owners to make, if not to be made by Street Commissioners, - ---------- - - - 80 Streets, side-walks, &c., cost of surveying, &c., to be paid by the ward, -....-.-........ 81 Doo do. cost of construction to be paid by the owners of lots,, _...... 81 Sewers, how made, _._...- - -8. — 81 Streets, when deep cutting or filling, how done, —- —. 82 Sale of real estate for taxes,..................... 89 Do. do. penalty, if payment not made on second sale, 89 Do. do. when may be bid in by the city,.- S Sack companies may be formed, their duties, — 97 Suits, how brought, and for what,.. 98, 99 Service of process on the city, how made,..- - -. 101 Survey Commissioners, how appointed, their duties, - 101 School houses, Common Council may borrow money to complete and furnish,. 04 Treasurer for the city, his duties, -------- ---- 59 Do. when to exhibit a statement of accounts,... —-—.- 59 Treasury, funds therein to be under the control of the Common Council, except school, state and county funds, how drawn,........... 71 Taxes, city and ward, how levied, and the limits thereon, - 72 Do. for filling Bayou, 1st ward, __. 84 Do. to be levied by the Common Council, —- - 86 Do. to be a lien on property,. 87 Tax list, what to contain, and to be delivered to the Treasurer, 87 Treasurer to sell lots for taxes, and make return to the Common Council, -. 87 Do. to give notice of tax lists, time of payment, and of sales for taxes,,88 Do. how to enforce payment of personal taxes, - 88 Do. how to sell real estate for taxes, and his duties, -.. 89 Taxes, when and how may be-redeemed, 89 Treasurer, when to convey land sold for taxes, -...._..... 90 Tax certificates, assignable, --...... 90 Treasurer, when to bid in lands, in name of the city, for taxes, 90 Taxes, declared void, may be re-assessed, --------- 91 Tax deeds to be prima facie evidence of validity of tax,. -. - 91 Taxes, immaterial errors and informalities not to vitiate,.. - 91 507 Page. Treasurer, his duties on redemption of tax sales, and his fees, 92 Tax certificates, when the city owns prior ones, subsequent purchasers shall buy them, -- - -.. 93 Do. do. when same lot is sold by county and city, the first purchaser may redeem the other, 93 Taxes to be paid or deposited before suit is brought, 93 Do. county, how levied,....94 Treasurer, his return of county taxes and bonds, ---.. --- 94 Vacancy in offices, how filled,, -. -...... 53 Voters, qualification of, and what oath, if challenged,..... 54 Votes in case of a tie,.54 Voting illegally, what penalty, 65 Vessels to be proceeded against for damaging bridges,.... 100 Wards, division of, -_-.............5 -.......- ~. 52 Wharves, how regulated,...... 83 WVarrant to the Treasurer to sell for taxes, what to be, 87 Witnesses, when not incompetent, 99 WTrits, how served on the city,..... 101 INDEX TO LAWS. Auctioneers-An act in relation to Auctioneers in the City of Milwaukee,. -.........-.- 123 Common Council may regulate and license, rate of license, and to whom paid, -...._. 123 Abert, George, authorized to buy a lot of the City of Milwaukee, 158 Appeals-In certain cases not allowed,- _ 203 Bridges-An act to authorize Thomas P. Williams and others to build a bridge, ------......... 118 Bridge from Main to Lake streets, across the Milwaukee river,.118 How kept in repair, to be free from toll, have a draw, how damages to be paid, laws in force to apply to the same,. —-—...... 119 Bayou-In first ward, how filled, - _......,,-... 150 Bridges-Across the Milwaukee and Menomonee rivers, how built and maintained,....-.... 154 Across the Milwaukee river for Humbolt Plank Road, how built, -............... 172 An act to amend the last above act, ----- - - - - 178 508 Page. Bridges-How the Humbolt Plank Road bridge may be made, and how the tax to be levied, -.-179 Bonds-To pay city and ward debts, ---- ---- -- 122 To aid certain rail roads,. 128 To aid certain rail roads,...-. 132 For M[arket IHouse in third ward, -. —- -1.3.. —_ 133 For WVater Works in the city, -. —.-. —-- -—, — 138 For harbor at straight cut,....,.-...... 140 To aid certain rail roads, -,.,,,- - 153 For dredging south of straight cut,...-.. 156 For county buildings, -_ -—. —.-.....- _._ 161 To the Milwaukee Hydraulic Company,- -..... 187 To build a House of Refuge,._.........- _..._... - _ 193 For Market and Public Squares, --..207 To aid certain rail roads, -..... 221 To the Milwaukee and Watertown Rail Road Company,.- 222 For school houses and sites, -2.. _23 City Charter-An act construing the act incorporating the City of Milwaukee, -_.....122 Section 18, chapter 10, construed so that grading may be ordered to a temporary grade,.. 122 Bonds may be issued for paying the debt of the city,... —-.......____._. 122 Persons elected to cast the vote of the city in the election of directors of the Mil. & Miss. Rail Road C o.,... -........ 122 Canal —An act to authorize the City of Milwaukee to construct a Canal, from the Milwaukee river to River street, in the 5th ward of said city, and to levy a special tax to pay for the same,...._., 124 Dimensions of canal, how to run, necessity of taking lands to be established, contract, how let, damages, how estimated, -.-.............. 125 Taxes, how to be levied, and bridges may be built over said canal,...- 126 An act to amend the above act, _ -.._, --- 127 Course and dimensions changed, benefits and damages, how paid, -_ - _ _127 City Charter-An act amending the act incorporating the City of Milwaukee,. —.................. 134 City Attorney to be elected, and his duties, - 134 City Comptroller to be elected, - 135 Rail Road Commissioners to be elected, and their duties, 135 509 Page. City Charter-Common Council to determine how many votes each Commissioner shall cast,.. —.. 135 Common Council to have power at all times to establish grades of streets, &c., - 136 Street Commissioners, power to require owners to clean streets and side-walks, if not, tax to be levied,......- - -- 136 Section 3, chapter 235, Session Laws of 1852, repealed,. ----- --—.-.. — —. — 137 City limits enlarged,, -- --- — _ - 137 Salaries of city officers fixed, 137 An act to amend the act incorporating the City of Milwaukee,.... 137 Notice of election of certain officers dispensed with for 1853, ---.. 137 An act to amend the act incorporating the City of Milwaukee, --. —-. —-. —----—. —-- 1149 Section 12, chapter 7, of the City Charter is repealed, -, 149 Aldermen may declare the Bayou, in 1st ward, a nuisance, if owners neglect to abate the same, Street Commissioners to do it by contract, ___. ——. —.. —. — 150 Expense of the same, how paid, and certificates to be issued,- - -. —-.- 150 How certain lands are to be taxed, and streets and side-walks, to be chargeable to the same, 151 An act to amend the act incorporating the City of Milwaukee, -- 153 Sec. 11, chap. 10 of City Charter amended,..- 153 Bridges across the Milwaukee and Menomonee rivers, how built and maintained, dock lines to be established, and the Milwaukee river to be dredged, bonds authorized to be issued, and what amount, for dredging from the straight cut to Cherry street, 154 Tax, how levied to pay said bonds, and the contract how let,. 155 Sec. 18, chap. 6, of the City Charter, amended, 155 An act supplemental to the last above named act,. —.-._ —- -------. 156 Amount of bonds appropriated for dredging south of the straight cut, -.... 156 City of Milwaukee authorized to convey a lot in second ward to George Abert,-.- 158 Cemetery Association-second ward, an act to incorporate,. 158 02 510 Page. Cemetery Association-Corporate name, property held, officers, meetings, to hold real estate,...... 159 CourtHouse and County Buildings-An act authorizing the County Board to issue bonds, and construct the same,.. i —- 161 Amount of bonds, powers and duties of Supervisors in the premises, 162, 163 Commissioners of county buildings, to be elected, powers, and compensation,...- 164, 165 Site of buildings, annual report, vacancy, how filled, --- - 166 City Charter-An act to amend the act incorporating the City of Milwaukee,. —----- 171 Corporate limits extended, and how streets and side-walks to be made,...... — 171 Common Council to have power to vacate streets and alleys, necessity of the same to be determined by a jury,. 172 Aldermen of first ward to build a bridge for Humbolt Plank Road, how tax levied to pay for the same, and how contract to be let,.- 172 An act to amend the act incorporating the City of Milwaukee,.. 176 Owners may redeem from tax sales any time before deed executed, - 176 Taxes on personal property, how collected, - - 177 Special taxes chargeable to lots, when lots have been subdivided, how collected,. 177 Nuisances, how abated on or adjoining lots, may be made chargeable to lot and certificate given therefor, --------—.- 178 An act amending the act incorporating the City of Milwaukee, 179 Sewers, how constructed, and the tax for the same, how assessed and collected,-. —-, -- 180 City of Milwaukee-An act to authorize said city to aid in the construction of Water Works,. —. 187 City Charter-An act amending the act incorporating the City of Milwaukee,..198 Division of second ward and sixth ward, set off, 198 611 City Charter —Division of firat ward and seventh ward, set off, 198 Inspectors of elections to be appointed for said wards,... 198 Aldermen, how many elected in each ward, and their term of office, and other officers, - - 198 Comptroller to apportion the city indebtedness between said wards, what property to be joint property, how improvement to be made on the Public Square in the second ward, -. 199 Section 1, chapter 2 of the City Charter amended, as to time of holding annual election,. 200 Section 17, chapter 2 of City Charter amended, so that city officers hold over till their successors are elected and qualified, -.. 200 An act amending the act incorporating the City of Milwaukee, 201 Section 1, chapter 6 of City Charter amended, as to laying out streets, squares, &c., description of property and names of owners, 201 Section 2, chapter 6, amended, as to the appointment of Jurors,..... —-— _ 201 Section 5, chapter 6, amended, as to the meeting of the Jury, and the notice to be given, —-, —-- --------- 202 Section 7, chapter 6, amended, as to viewing the premises, report of the Jury, and of testimony, _ —------ -- 202 Section 14, chapter 6, amended, so that the report of the Jury, confirmed by the Common Council, is final,.-,-.,..... 203 Section 21, chapter 6, is repealed, so that no appeals are allowed,. 203 What is directory in said act, informalities not to vitiate, streets and alleys, heretofore laid out, made valid, 203 Section 23, chapter 8, is amended, so that no lands are exempted from taxes and assessments,,-. 203 Common Council authorized to dismiss certain officers, -------------- - 204 The acts fixing the salary of certain officers repealed,..-,.-,.,- 204 Common Council authorized to regulate the piers and wharves in Lake Michigan, and fix the prices to be charged, —. ——. 204 -Pages City Charter —Work, under certain contracts, if not done within the time limited, or a reasonable time, may be relet by the Street Commissioners without further notice, —------ 204 An act to amend the act incorporating the City of Milwaukee, ----- --- -205 City limits, extended in fifth ward,.... 205 Certificates of Street Commissioners-An act to make them a lien, and for foreclosing the same, 216 WVhen a lien, how transferred, and who may redeem,. 216 Holder may file a bill in Chancery, and how suit to be conducted,,- ----—...- - 217 Foreclosure and sale, Sheriff to make a deed, and report of sale, -218 Lands of minors and n onresidents, and what the bill to contain, - 219 Dredging the Milwaukee River, how provided for, 154 Dock lines, how established, - -154 Dredging south of Straight Cut,..-. 156 Flume in the 2d Ward, how built, on the north side of Poplar Street, and its dimensions,. 152 Finch's Addition-An act to vacate the plat of, ----— 182 Forclosure of Street Commissioner's Certificates-An act for, 216 Gas Light Company-An act to incorporate the same in the 5th Ward, ---------- 225 Who to be first directors, style and powers of the corporation, and capital stock, 225 Meetings and elections, powers limited to twenty-five years, - -- 226 Penalty for injuring their works, 227 Company authorized to borrow money, 227 Harbor at the Straight Cut-An act to authorize its construction, ------ _ —— _ 140 Common Council to issue bonds, what amount, power to execute, to use land and lay out ground,. 140 618 Page. Harbor at the Straight Cut —Jury to establish necessity damages and benefits, contract, how let, act to be submitted to voters, — 141 Tax levied to pay bonds, 142 An act to authorize the appropriation of part of the harbor fund, to repair the Government piers at mouth of Milwaukee river,,-... 149 Hydraulic Compaiiy-An act to incorporate, —, 167 First Directors, powers, capital stock, first meeting, 168 First election, when and how, and powers of the company, 169 Special elections, how held, company may borrow money, and penalty for injuring their works,....... 170 House of Refuge-An act to authorize the establishment of- _ 189 County Board of Supervisors may erect such house, who may be confined therein, 189 Meetings of Board, selection of site, estimate of expense, ------- -- - 190 Commissioners to be appointed, vacancy, how filled, fees, to make a report, to be submitted to County Board, powers of Commissioners, to give bonds, - - 191 Said house to be under the control of County Board, and keeper to be appointed, -- -..-.. -......... 192 County Board authorized to borrow money on county bonds,County Treasurer to pay drafts, and the accounts are to be audited, 193 When said house is completed, what prisoners to be transferred there, and how, - 194 Who may sentence prisoners to the House of Refuge, what children may be sentenced, and how employed, ------- 195 Power to bind out children, and may receive prisoners from other counties, - 196 Prisoners may be employed in the construction, who to be the Board of Visitors, - - 197 Justices of the Peace-An act relating to the docket and papers of the Justices of the Peace in the 1st and 7th Wards, 222 514 Justioeiof the Peaoe —Upon the division of the 1st Ward, the dockets of 1st Ward to remain in 7th Ward, - 222 Market Houses-An act authorizing a tax to build a Market House in the first ward,., — -- -, 120 Aldermen authorized to issue bonds to build Market House in first ward,. 120 Tax, how levied and paid over to pay said. bonds, Aldermen personally liable, —. - 120 Market House to belong to first ward, and this act to be submitted to the voters, -, 121 An act authorizing the issuing of bonds for a Market House in the third ward, - - - -. 133 Aldermen authorized to issue said bonds, amount limited, property purchased to belong te said ward, tax to be levied for payment of bonds,.. —-- 133 Common Council to regulate sales in said Market House, plan of the same to be made, and contract to be let to the lowest bidder, —... _. 134 Maitland Place, in the fourth ward-An act to vacate the plat of the same, -... 183 Market and Public Squares-An act to authorize the several wards to purchase grounds and lay out the same, --- 205 Upon what petition to be done, and how submitted to the voters, and how Aldermen may contract, 206 Bonds may be issued for the same, to what extent, tax to be levied to pay them, Aldermen may regulate and lease the premises,...-. -, 207 Plans of same with improvements, how filed, and how contracts to be let, how lands may be taken for this purpose, - 208 How Jury to be appointed, their duties, to hear testimony, and what notice to be given, -. 209 To make report to the Common Council, when buildings on the premises, what further notice to be given,. —-- 210 515 Page. Market and Public Squares-How damages appraised, when there are leasehold interests, how damages to be paid or deposited,-=, — --- 211 When contracts or leases on the same to terminate, when payment of damages to be made, 212 When lands of infants are taken, appeals, how made, survey and profile to be made, wards to pay damages and expenses, wards may join in the purchase and improvements, - - 213 All proceedings to be entered in the records of the ward, -., 214 Police Court-An act to establish a code of procedure, -- 143 Powers of Police Justice, and term of office, - 143 Fines and penalties, how sued for, forms of complaint and warrant,, —-_- ---—, -------- 144 Course of proceeding, how a jury may be demanded and empanneled,. 145 Witnesses to attend without fees being tendered, how execution to be issued, 146 Form of execution, and right of appeal, -.... 147 Jail fees and costs, how paid, how defendant may be released from Jail,, 148 Piers at the mouth of the river, how repaired, -... -. 149 Private Park-An act to authorize certain owners of land in 2d Ward to lay out,. -.._-.._.-.. 156 Boundaries of the same, Common Council not to lay out streets there, 157 Plat of a Block in 2d Ward-An act to vacate the same, ---- 160 The owners may re-plat the same, and how, ------- - 160 Plat of Block 22, 5th Ward-An act to vacate the same, --- 182 Piers in Lake Michigan and Pierage to be regulated by the Common Council,..-.. - 204 Public Squares-See Market Squares, --- - -. 205 Plats in Milwaukee-An act regulating them, -220 Streets and alleys to correspond with adjoining ones, plat to be submitted to the Common Council, and to be recorded,......-... 220 Certificate of the approval of the Common Council to be attached, penalty for neglect, and how enforced,.. 221 516 Page. Rail Roads-An act to enable the City of Milwaukee to aid in the construction of a rail road from that city to the Mississippi river, approved, March 12, 1849,,,.... —. 117 City to subscribe stock in said road, to what extent, may borrow money to pay installments,,.. -117 Tax to be levied to pay loan and installments, to what limit, 118 Rail road tax receipts, may be converted into stocks, 118 An act authorizing the City of Milwaukee to loan its credit in aid of certain rail roads, - - 128 Bonds may be issued for aiding the rail roads named, limit of the same, nature of the bonds, rail roads to give security and mortgage to the city, duty of Common Council, 128, 129 Ten miles of road constructed before bonds are issued, __- 130 Faith of city pledged for payment of bonds, and this act submitted to the legal voters, —. 131 An act in addition to the above, - --- 132 Provisions extended to Milwaukee and Watertown rail road, bonds limited, and conditions of issuing the same, ---—. ------ 132 An act to amend an act authorizing Milwaukee to loan its credit-to rail roads, 152 To include a South-western rail road, amount of bonds limited, securities to be given by said rail road, and this act to be submitted to the legal voters,. - 153 An act amending the act authorizing the City of Milwaukee to loan its credit to certain rail roads, ——.... 221 The amount of bonds to be issued, may be extended to two millions of dollars, -.... 221 An act authorizing the City of Milwaukee to issue bonds to the Milwaukee and Watertown Rail Road Company, 222 Amount of bonds limited, and said Company to givesecurity, -------- ----- 222 Schools-An act in relation to common schools in the City of Milwaukee, approved February 3, 1846. —, 109 School Commissioners appointed by the Mayor and Common Council, how to organize and term of office, vacancies, how filled,- 109 617 Page. Schools-Powers and duties of School Commissioners, to employ teachers, select books, fix tuition fees, &c., bond of collector, —.. 110, 111 School Commissioners, visitation meetings, reports, estimate of expenses,...,._,-. _- 112 School house, title of, to be in the city, not liable to taxes or execution,,. --- - - -- 112 School tax to be raised by the Common Council, and how much,.....-............ 113 School tax, how paid over and disbursed, Clerk to keep the records, 113 What schools may share in the fund,- 113 WVhat schools may be declared common schools, teachers to be examined, 114 An act to amend the above act, approved April,'52, 115 Superintendent of common schools to be appointed, his salary and contingent expenses provided for,, 115 Authority to settle with school districts in the Town of Milwaukee, 115 An act to authorize the City of Milwaukee to borrow money, &c., approved January 25, 1847, —- 116 City may borrow money to purchase sites, and erect school houses,. 116 Tax to be raised to pay said loan and the interest thereon, - - 116 When said act to take effect, 116 Streets-An act to vacate a part of Fourth street, and certain alleys in the fourth ward of Milwaukee, - - 124 Sewers-how constructed, and what tax for the same, -- - 180 Streets and Squares-How laid out,,- 201 Salaries-The act fixing certain salaries repealed, ------- 204 Street Commissioners' Certificates-how foreclosed,, 216 Schools-An act relating to common schools in the City of Milwaukee,-._ -— _-_ -—. 223 Common Council authorized to purchase grounds in 2d and 7th WVards for School Houses, to erect the same, and repair other School Houses, to issue bonds for that purpose, and also levy a tax,- --- 223 To levy a tax to pay interest and principal of bonds, and to fix the boundaries of school districts, limitation of tax for school purposes repealed, - -... 224 Taxes, Special-An act for levying and collecting special taxes in the 2d and 5th WTards of Milwaukee, - 121 (Common Council to levy and collect special taxes in said 2d and 5th Wards for streets and side-walks,.,.,. - 121 H2 518 PcPae. Taxes, Special-How levied and collected, 122 An act to authorize a special tax in the 4th Ward to fill Public Square,. - - 142 An act to authorize a special tax to pay balance due for building Chestnut street bridge, _,.... 143 Taxes for Ward purposes-An act to authorize the Common Council to increase the amount, 161 How much increased, and how collected, _-161 Tax deeds and certificates-An act to prescribe the form of them, -, —------ - 173 Form of city tax certificates, -- -- 173 Tax deeds, how executed, and their form,- 174 To be primafacie of the proceedings, and the limitation of the right of action, 175 How this act may be repealed, - 176 Tax Sales —Redemption may be made before deed executed, - 176 Tax, Special, for the 5th Ward-An act authorizing the Common Council to levy an extra ward tax for 1855, - - 180 Tax, Special, for the 2d Ward-An act authorizing the Common Council to levy an extra ward tax for 1855, 181 What lands exempt from said tax, and how said tax is to be applied,..-, 181 Tax titles-An act relative to certain tax titles in the City of Milwaukee, 183 Tax certificates, prior to 1853, bid in for said city and endorsed by the purchaser, are assignable by delivery, - 183 Assignments heretofore made to be valid, _- 184 When the time of redemption has expired the holder is entitled to a deed, form of deed, - -- 184 Such deeds primafacie evidence of their validity, and also deeds heretofore made by the City Treasurer, —-- - 185 Limitation of right of action, -186 Taxes, special, ward-An act authorizing special ward taxes for 1856,. 214 How levied and collected, and for what purpose appropriated, ---— 2 —--- 215 Town plats —An act regulating them in the City of Milwaukee, 220 519 Page. Water Works-Credit of the city authorized to be loaned to the Lake Hydraulic Company, to what extent, bonds, how issued, what security to be given,...-,,..-. 138 Said Hydraulic Company also to give a mortgage, bonds, when delivered, and this act to be submitted to the voters, — 139 An act to incorporate the Milwaukee Hydraulic Company, — 167 An act to authorize the City of Milwaukee to aid in the construction of, 187 Credit of the city may be loaned to the Milwaukee Hydraulic Company, to what extent, bonds, how issued, Company to give security to said city,.............. -. 187 Company also to execute a mortgage, on what conditions bonds to be issued, this act submitted to the voters, --- 188 Wharves-In Lake Michigan, to be regulated by the Common Council, - 204 On the Milwaukee and Menomonee rivers, --- 154 Wards —lst and 2d divided, and 6th and 7th wards established, 198 An act for settlement of accounts between the 2d and 6th Wards, and between the 1st and 7th Wards, 215 To be done by City Comptroller, and how, —,,- 215 INDEX TO ORDINANCES. Alley, in Block 78, 1st Ward, vacated, --------- 231 In Block 82, 4th Ward, vacated, ---. —-- - 233 Laid out in Block 125, in the 1st Ward, - ---- 233 Benefits and damages, how assessed, --. 234 In Block 56, 1st Ward, location changed, -234 In Block 78, 4th Ward, location changed,- 235 In Block 79, 4th Ward, vacated, -—. 244 In Block 64, 1st Ward, laid out, -._- 245 Benefits and damages to be assessed, 245 In Block 56, 4th Ward, location changed, 246 Benefits and damages to be assessed,.. 246 To prevent their obstruction,....... 406 Awnings to stores, how regulated, -, 408 520 Page. Animals-An ordinance to prevent them from running at large, 418 How impounded and sold,- -419, 420 Attorney for the City, his duties and compensation, —. — 445 Accounts not to be allowed at the same meeting at which they are presented, and how to be referred, ------ -- 446 Assessors, their duties, --......... -...... 447 Personal property, where assessed, notice of completion of roll, and return of the same,........ 448 Assessment roll to be confirmed, -.., — --—.-_ —--------- 449 Auctions and Vendues-Ordinance regulating the same,...... 450 Places designated for holding the same, crying in the streets prohibited, - 451 Auctioneers to be taxed and licensed, _.-... 453 To give bond, to make monthly reports, and have their books inspected,....................... 454 Ashes, how to be kept,..- -_ -. 460 Bayou in 1st Ward-How to be filled,. 291 How contract to be let, and the City Surveyor to make estimates, -291 Bonds of 2d WTard authorized for improving a Public Square, 333 Of 7th Ward authorized for establishing a Public Square, 335 Of 7th Ward authorized for establishing a Market Square,..... _ _., _. 338 Of 3d Ward authorized for establishing a Market Square,.... —-.. -—. 346 Issued to pay for Stock in Mil. & Miss. R. R.,.. -- 351 Issued for Stock in Mil. & Miss. R. R., -......-. 353 Issued to aid the G. B., Mil. & Chicago R. R., -,.... 354 Issued to aid the Mil. & Fond du Lac R. R.,. —...- 356 Issued to aid the La Crosse and Mil. R. R.,, —-- 358 Issued to aid do. do. do., 360 Issued to aid the Milwaukee & Watertown R. R.,... 361 Issued to aid the G. B., Mil. & Chicago R. R., -361 Authorized to aid the La Crosse & Mil. R. R.,.. 362 Authorized to aid the Mil. & Watertown R. R.,... 365 Authorized for opening a Harbor at the Straight Cut, 366 Authorized for dredging the Milwaukee River, --- 367 Authorized to aid the Mil. & Miss. R. R. Co.,...-. 368 Authorized to aid the Mil. & Horicon R. R., 3-_, 371 Mayor authorized to execute said bonds, 373 Mayor authorized to execute bonds for the Mil. & Miss. R. R., for the Janesville extension, ___ —__ 373 Mayor authorized to execute bonds to the Mil. & Watertown R. R.,...... 375 Authorized to aid the Fox River Valley R. R.,, __ 376 521 Page. Bonds authorized to aid the Mil. & Beloit R. R.,... 378 Further bonds authorized to aid the Mil. & Wat. R. R., 380 Authorized to aid the Mil. & Superior R. R. Co., -.. 381 Authorized to aid the Fox River Valley R. R.,.-. 383 Authorized to aid the Mil. & Beloit R. R., —-,, 385 Authorized for school house grounds, in the 2d and 7th Wards, ------ - - --- - 387 Authorized to make repairs on the school houses,. 388 How issued under the sinking fund, 390 Building materials, how streets and alleys may be used, by permission, and how the same may be removed, - _ 410 Buildings may be removed across streets, with the permission of Aldermen, ---, —------ 414 Bridges, new ones authorized, 490 Buildings, how to be constructed within the fire limits, --- 421 Of what materials and in what manner,.. -._ 423 Wooden ones not to be repaired in, nor removed into the fire limits; and, if so, when a nuisance, 424 Bonds authorized for the construction of bridges,,.-490 Bread, manufacture and sale of, regulated, 440 Board of Health-How organized, their duties and powers, -, 477 To appoint Health Officers; Marshal and City Officers to be under their control; to remove causes of sickness; to direct owners of property to remove filth, 478 To provide a hospital, power to enter premises, employ physicians and remove the sick,.- 479 To prevent masters of vessels and other persons from introducing infectious diseases, 480 To be notified of persons landing with infectious diseases, 481 To prevent infected persons from landing, 482 To command the assistance of all officers and by-standers,. 483 Billiard Tables, to be licensed, how regulated, 484 Bridges, Superintendent of, his duties, _-..... 485 Carriages and Vehicles not to obstruct streets and side-walks, 409, 411 Cross-walks to be kept free, _-_.. _,...... 409 Carriages and Vehicles not to remain on side-walks or streets, 414, 415 Cows and cattle not to run at large,........................ 418 Carriages, Coaches, Cabs, Drays and Omnibusses-An ordinance to regulate the same, - --- -- _, 425 How they may be licensed, and how used in the night time,..... —--- 426 What prices may be charged for carrying passengers, 427 522 Page. Carriages, Coaches, Cabs, Drays and Omnibusses-What prices may be charged for goods and merchandize, —. 429 What streets are public stands,. 428 Penalty for neglect and extortion, and what vehicles not to be licensed,....... 430 Licenses, how registered, 431 Common Council, members of, compelled to attend,, 434 City Orders-An ordinance regulating their issue, --- - 446 To be returned to the Common Council and cancelled, -....... —. —- ------- 446 Form of City Orders,....... —-.. 447 City Comptroller-His compensation, -..... ---—. 455 City Clerk-His compensation, to give a bond, make quarterly reports of his fees, may nominate his deputy, and his duties as to the assessment rolls and tax lists,....-, —. ----- 456 Chimneys and stove pipes, how regulated,. 461 Clerks of Elections —Their compensation, and how paid,. - 469 City Officers-How they may be removed, - ---- 470 For official misconduct, complaint to be signed, notice given, time for hearing fixed, and counsel may be heard, 470 Removed by a vote of two-thirds,.. _ —.- 471 Common Council-To expel members, the charge must be in writing, notice of the same given to the accused, and a two-thirds vote of members elected required,.. —.... —- 471 Constables, special, the Mayor may appoint, and how many, 475 City Marshal-An ordinance defining his duties,. —- - 486 Camphene and other burning fluids-An ordinance regulating the manufacture and sale of the same,. - 487 Sale may be licensed in small quantities,. - 487 Cattle-Ordinance repealed restraining them from running at large,..-..- -. - 491 Common Council-Rules adopted to govern their meetings,. 495 Dock Line-Established between Wisconsin and Chicago streets, in 3d Ward,..... — 255 Established on the west side of the river, in the 4th Ward, — 287 Established between Wisconsin and Lyon streets, on east side of the river,... —. 311 Established in 4th Ward, south of the Menominee river, ------- --- - 314 Established in 4th Ward, west side of river,. 320 523 Page. Dredging the Milwaukee river-Bonds authorized, and tax to be levied to pay principal and interest, - 367 Disorderly conduct-how punished, 393 Draymen-To have a chain for. their carts, -,_-, __- 415 Disorderly practices-An ordinance to prevent, - -- -- 416 Dogs-Not to run at large, may be licensed,, 419 Muzzled, when, dog fights, when to be impounded and sold, -..- 420 Deaths within the City limits-How to be registered and reported, 439 Emigrants-Rate of pierage on their goods landed on piers in the Lake,-... -........ 440 Penalty for extortion,. 440 Fines-For intoxication, indecent and any disorderly conduct,. -...-....-......... 393 For resisting policemen, or refusing to assist them,... 404 If hackmen, draymen, &c., refuse to obey the police,. 404 For neglect, fraud and malfeasance on the part of policemen, 404 For obstructing side-walks,..... 407, 408 For obstructing cross-walks, -—. 409 For driving vehicles on side-walks,.-, -.-. 409 For signs projecting more than three feet,...... 409 For not removing building materials when required,.. 410 For vehicles standing on streets, -.-... 411 For fastening horses to shade trees, and fast driving,. 411 For not having paved-ways across side-walks, --- 411 For not properly setting out shade trees, 412 For tearing up pavements without permission,....... 412 For obstructing, tearing up, or constructing sewers, vaults and drains, without permission,......... 412 For not having a light at night, when constructing sewers, vaults and drains, 413 For constructing them without permission, or not doing it in a proper manner,. —..., 413 For not removing snow from side-walks, 414 For removing buildings without permission, and for leaving them in the street, 414 For leaving vehicles in the streets or on the sidewalks, _..... __...._.._.. _ 414, 415 For leaving horses unhitched, -—......-....- 415 For cutting shade trees and shrubs without permission, 415 For leaving nauseous substances on streets, alleys, sidewalks, or in houses and tenements, 416 For removing contents of a privy in day time,,..... 417 524 Page. Fines-For noises and riots, for bathing in the City limits, for vagrants and beggars, for cutting holes in the ice, and fast driving over bridges, -. -- 417 For leaving offal on the Lake Bluffs, and pasting up bills without leave, 418 For horses, hogs, cattle and other animals running at large,. -419 For dogs running at large without a collar and license, and when without a muzzle, and for dog fights, --- 419 For obstructing the police in impounding animals, - 421 Fire Limits-An ordinance prescribing the same, 421 Fines-For erecting, repairing or removing any wooden building into the fire limits, --. 424 For furnishing firemen with liquor without orders, -- 425 For not having the name and number of license on the vehicle licensed, and for driving in the night time without a lamp, --- -------- - 426 For refusing to carry passengers, and for extortion, _428, 429 For improper conduct and refusing to obey policemen, 430, 431 For steam boats and vessels, for fast sailing on the river and through the bridges, and for not carrying a light in the night,.._. 432 For throwing obstructions and substances in the harbor or river, —.432 For not railing and lighting the piers,.-.. —.. 433 To catry costs, and how collected, -433, 434 For members of Common Council refusing to attend, 434 For not reporting deaths within the city limits,.-.- 440 For overcharging on the goods of emigrants landing from the Lake, _ 440 For bakers not filing certificates of their place of residence and business, -.-. - 440 For keeping slaughter houses or killing animals within the city limits,- -..... —.-. 441 In case they are not paid, the defendant may be imprisoned,-, -442 For exposing for sale, game, when the same is prohibited,.... —.-.,... —-- 443 For disorderly behavior and conduct on the part of runners for boats and public houses, and when they refuse to obey policemen, 444 For selling hay or wood in 1st Ward, except at the established stand, 450 For holding auctions in the streets, or on side-walks,- 451 For shows, circuses and theatres, unless licensed, - 453 For selling at auction without a license, — -. 454 525 Page. Fines-For using false weights and measures, or for refusing to have them tested, 457 For keeping or selling gunpowder contrary to ordinance, 459 Fires-An ordinance for the prevention of,- 460 How carried, and ashes, how kept, fire works and bonfires prohibited, 460 Shavings and straw, not to be burned, stove pipes, how put up, and chimneys, how erected, _...... 461 Scuttles and lights in stables regulated, and duties of Fire Wardens,..... 462 Fire Wardens-Their duties,.-..,. —-.... 462 Fines-For keeping ashes and carrying fire improperly, and making bonfires, and setting off gunpowder, - 460 For setting fire to shavings and straw, for erecting chimneys and putting up stove pipes improperly, —-,......... 461 For carrying lights in a stable, otherwise than in a lantern, and refusing to obey the directions of Fire Wardens, ___462, 463 For selling meat or fish in 1st Ward, other than in Market House, without a license,. —-. —-,,. —- 464 Fire Engines-How repaired and kept in order, how new engines may be purchased, money appropriated to fire companies annually, —.. 466 Fire Bells-How rung and paid for, -,.,.... 467 Fire Department-Annual appropriation to, 466 Fines-For allowing gaming or disorderly conduct in licensed liquor shops,.. 468 For selling liquor to minors and apprentices, —_... 468 For evading the liquor ordinance,.-....-... 468 For selling hay before being weighed, and without a certificate,.473 For selling wood before being measured, and without a certificate, -473 Fire-arms-An ordinance to prevent their discharge within the city limits, 477 Fines-For discharging fire-arms in the city limits,- 477 For not obeying or resisting the officers of the Board of Health,_ 479, 483 For bringing contagious diseases and infected persons into the city,.- -.. 480 For introducing malignant diseases, by masters of vessels, -.... - —. 482 For keeping billiard tables and nine pin alleys without license, -? _... - 484 I2 526 Page. Fines-For gaming and disorderly conduct in billiard saloons and nine pin alleys. —... —---—.- 485 For selling camphene and other burning fluids without a license,, —. ---— 487 For violating said license, — 488 For not removing buildings on streets, alleys and sidewalks, when ordered by Street Commissioners,.-. 489 For not removing slaughter-houses and nauseous manufactories, when ordered by Street Commissioners, 489 Grades of certain streets in the 4th Ward permanently established,.250 Not to be changed, unless said 4th Ward pays full damages, __252 Of sidewalks on west side of Market Square, 1st Ward, 253 Of streets in the 1st Ward, permanently established, 257, 265 Of North Water Street, 1st Ward, _ —----- - 266 Of streets in the 3d. Ward, permanently established, 267, 272 Of streets in the 4th Ward, permanently established, 272, 278 Of streets in the 5th Ward, permanently established, 279, 287 Of Prospect Street, established,. 289 Of Martin and Jefferson Streets, in 1st Ward, changed, 290 Of Clermont Street, in 4th Ward, established, — - - 291 Of streets in the 2d Ward, permanently established, 292, 304 Michigan Avenue, in 1st Ward, established, -...-. —- 05 Of certain streets, in 2d Ward, changed, -- —... 306 Of certain streets, in 5th Ward, changed, ------ 307 Of certain streets, in 1st Ward, changed,. —- --- 309 Of Spring Street, 4th Ward, changed,.. —-.. —. 310 Of Seventh Street, amended,, 310 Of Fourth Street, in 4th Ward, changed, — - 311 Of certain streets, in 5th Ward, changed, -- 313 Of North Water Street, in 1st Ward, --- — _. 314 Of certain streets, in 2d Ward, established, -- _ 315 Of North Water Street, in part, established, in 1st Ward,- 318 Of Seventh Street, in 2d Ward, in part, established,.. 319 Of Prospect Street, 1st Ward, established, 319 Of certain streets, in 5th Ward, established,.-.... 321 Of Walnut Street, in 6th Ward, changed, ----- 327 Of certain streets, in 1st Ward, established, ----- 328 Of Elizabeth Street, in 5th Ward, changed, ---- 332 Of Poplar street, 2d Ward, changed,. -- 340 Of certain streets, 4th Ward, established, -. 341 Of certain streets, 1st Ward, established, -- 342 Of certain streets, 2d and 4th Wards, established, 344 Goods and Merchandize —ow regulated as to side-walks,... 408 527 Page. Game-Ordinance relating to, and when the same may be exposed for sale, -., _ -_-~. —----- 443 Gunpowder-Ordinance regulating the sale and storage of the same, to be kept in a magazine to be approved by the Common Council, who are to appoint a keeper,..- 458 Fees of keeper, and his duties,.... 459 City officers authorized to enter any building, vessel or other place where powder is kept,. 459 Harbor at the Straight Cut-Ordinance for opening the same, bonds authorized, ---- 366 Plans and specifications to be made, and pioposals advertized for, 367 Horses-How to be fastened,-... — —.-.-. -.. 409 Not to be fastened to shade trees, nor driven fast, 411 How to be hitched,.. 415 Houses and Tenements not to become nauseous, and may be ordered cleansed, -4 —........-.-.... -. 416 Horses, Hogs and Cattle-Ordinance to prevent them from running at large,-.-.- --- 418 Hackney Coaches, &c.-An ordinance to regulate the same,_ 425 Harbor of Milwauklee-An ordinance to regulate the same, - 431 To be under charge of the Harbor Master, vessels not to unload there, 431 How steamers and vessels are to navigate the river, to carry lights in the night,- 432 Obstructions and substances not to be cast into the river, and penalties, 432 Piers in Lake Michigan to be railed and lighted,. 433 Hay and Wood Stand-Established in 3d Ward, 434 Established in 1st Ward,.-,- 449 Hay not to be offered for sale till weighed and certificate given, 472 Health-An ordinance to preserve the health of the City of Milwaukee, 477 Harbor Master-His duties, when the cholera and contagious and epidemic diseases prevail, -.... ——. 482 Horses and Hogs-Ordinance repealed restraining them from running at large, 491 Intoxication and indecent conduct, how punished,. 393 Impeachment-Trials before the Common Council, accused to have process for witnesses, and penalty for non-attendance, — 438 Costs, how taxed,,.. 439 528 Paige, Inspectors and Clerks of Elections, their compensation, and 1.- how paid, __....- 469 Inspector of Wood, how appointed, his duties and fees,..... 473 Incendiaries-Reward offered for their detection, and how paid, — __-_- ___ — _ 475 Jurors and Judges-Their compensation in laying out streets, &c.,. -. —..._...... -.._ 474 Jury to make a bill of fees to be audited by the Comptroller, 474 Their compensation, in laying out streets and public grounds, changed, and their duties defined,..-.. 476 Licenses-Forfeited for refusing to assist Policemen, 404 Liquors-When allowed at fires,..-.... ~ —.-, —...... 425 Licenses-Of hackney coaches, cabs, drays and omnibusses, how. regulated, 426 Of dogs, how obtained, -..,, ---- -----—. 419 Of shows and showmen, how obtained, —, —- 453 Of auctioneers, how obtained, 454 For selling meats and fish in 1st Ward, other than in Market House, how obtained, —..... 465 For the sale of spirituous liquors, how regulated,-47_____ 467 Form of license, not assignable, how obtained, gaming and disorderly conduct in licensed shops prohibited, and liquor not to be sold to minors,. 468 Penalty for evading this ordinance, -- -— _ 468 City Clerk to keep a list of licenses, and duty of City Marshal, 469 For billiard tables, nine pin alleys, 484 Gaming and disorderly conduct, to forfeit license, 485 For keeping and selling camphene and other burning fluids, 487 Market Square-In the 7th Ward, authorized and established, 337 In the 3d Ward, authorized, —,,... 346 Market House, in 1st Ward, how regulated and located, to be under the control of Aldermen of said Ward, meats and fish not to be sold in said Ward in any other place, without a license, and how license obtained, 464 Superintendent appointed, 465 Marshal of the City-His duties as to liquor licenses, 469 His fees for summoning and attending Juries in laying out streets,. — 474 An ordinance changing his fees for said services, 476 529 Page. Marshal of the City-An ordinance defining his duties, may be a Policeman, to be the Messenger for the Common Council, to collect license money, and his salary, -- 486 Other duties to be performed by the Police Department, ------- - 487 Newhall, Daniel, certain privileges on Main and Michigan streets given him,- 326 Name of streets, in 1st Ward, changed,._ 327 Nuisances and disorderly practices-An ordinance to prevent, 416 Penalty for a noise or riot, bathing in city limits, vagrants and beggars, holes in the ice, and fast driving on bridges, 417 Penalty for leaving offal on the lake bluffs, and pasting up bills without a license, -.. —-. 418 Nine or Ten Pin Alleys, how licensed and regulated,, 484 Nuisances-An ordinance for abating such, as buildings on streets and side-walks, slaughter houses, and nauseous manufactories on lots, 488, 489 Officers of the City, how they may be removed,, 470 Plank Road Companies-Right of way given to them in Milwaukee, - - - 243 But to have no toll gates within the limits of the city, 243 Public Square-In the 2d Ward, an ordinance authorizing the improvement of it, 338 In the 7th Ward, authorized and established, _ -.,-, - - 335 Policemen-Rules and regulations for their government,.. 393 To report violation of ordinances, and their conduct,_. 393 To receive no reward, not to apply for warrant without permission, to keep orders secret, and wear badge of office,.-,- 394 Not to be absent from duty, persons arrested, where taken, when to assist in civil cases, neglect, how punished, ----— _ - 395 Beggars, where taken, report of Chief of Police, attendance at fires, to give notice of commitments, -.. —.-.-.. —-....._ 396 To keep record of all arrests, and of offences, prisoners taken to Police Justice, -, — 397 530 Page. Policemen-Officers to inspect Police books, Policemen to prevent crimes, and know their beats, - --- 398 Their duty in night time, and to arrest all persons violating the ordinances,..................... 399 To arrest suspicious persons,- 400 May summon assistance, what power to use, and for what offences they will be discharged, - 401 Not to be bail for persons arrested, —. -. 402 Police-Ordinance to establish a Police in Milwaukee, — - 402 How many appointed, and their duty, 402 Have power to enter houses, and arrest all persons violating ordinances, —.. - -- -- -- - -.- - 403 Penalty for resisting or refusing to assist Police, when licenses forfeited, hackmen, &c., to obey Police, and penalty if Police neglect their duty,. 404 To be under the control of the Mayor, how vacancies to be filled, and salaries of Policemen,.- -., 405, 406 Posts, how they may be removed, -..-.. — 410 Paved ways across side-walks, how made,- 411 Pavements not to be torn up, without permission from Aldermen,-. -.. -----------, —--- 412 Pounds established, and how conducted,-. 419, 420 Public Stands, what streets are made so for coaches, cabs, drays, &c., —-- 428 Piers in Lake Michigan to be railed and lighted, 433 Pierage, what to be on the goods of emigrants and others landing from the Lake,.. —.- 440 Printers for the City-Their compensation,- 452 Their compensatiun increased and fixed, 471 Police-Certain duties of the Marshal to be performed by the Police,...-_ —.-.... 487 Rail Roads-An ordinance to aid in the construction of the Mil. & Miss. R. R., ----------- 349 City authorized to take stock, - 349 Tax levied for that purpose, -— 349 Form of tax receipt, may be converted into stock, &c., ------- --- --------- -------- - - 350 An ordinance for issuing bonds to pay for stock in Mil. & Miss. R. R., 351 Bonds to be guaranteed by Company, 352 Ordinance to give further aid to M. & M. R. R., 353 Further bonds authorized, the same to be guaranteed by said Company,. 353 Ordinance to aid G. B., Mil, & Chicago R. R.,:- 354 Bonds authorized, to be secured by said Co.,- 354 Ordinance submitted to the voters,. 355 531 Page. Rail Roads-~Ordinance to aid the Mil. & Fond du Lac R. R., 356 Bonds authorized, to be secured by said Company, and the ordinance submitted to voters, -- - 357 Ordinance to aid the La Crosse & Mil. R. R.,.. 358 Bonds issued, to be secured by said Company, and the ordinance submitted to voters,. — 359 Further bonds authorized for the Mil. & Fond du Lac R. R.,- 360 Bonds authorized to aid Mil. & Wat. R. R.,.. 361 Bonds authorized to aid G. B., Mil. & Chic. R. R., 361 Bonds authorized to aid the La Crosse & Mil. R. R.,,-...6_. 362 Bonds issued to the La Crosse & Mil. R. R., to be made payable at the office of Duncan, Sherman & Co.,.-. —----... 363 Bonds issued to the Mil., Fond du Lac & G. B. R. R., to be payable at the office of Duncan, Sherman & Co., ----------- 364 Ordinance authorizing bonds to aid the Mil. & Wat. R. R..Co.,.3,.._ 365 Said Company to give security, and ordinance to be submitted to the voters, ------ - 365 Ordinance authorizing bonds to aid the Mil. & Miss. R. R., from Janesville to Mississippi river, - a — _ - 368...... 368 Company to give security, and the question submitted to the voters, -—,,- 369 Ordinance authorizing bonds to aid the Mil. & Horicon R. R.,. 371 Company to give security, and the question to be submitted to the voters, -.. -.... 372 Mayor authorized to execute said bonds, —. 373 Mayor authorized to execute bonds to the Mil. & Miss. R. R., for the Janesville extension,, - 373 Mayor authorized to execute bonds to the Mil. & Wat. R. R.,.- ----- — __ 375 Ordinance authorizing bonds to aid the Fox R. Valley R. R., -. 376 Company to give security and to connect with the Mil. & Beloit R. R., and the question to be submitted to voters, 377 Ordinance authorizing bonds to aid the Mil. & Beloit. R.., 378 Company to give security, and to connect with the Fox R. Valley R. R., and the question to be submitted to voters, 379 532 Paqe. Rail Roads-Further bonds authorized to aid the M. &W.R.R., 380 Ordinance authorizing bonds to aid the Mil. & Superior R. R. Co.,. 381 Company to give security, and the question submitted to the voters, -- -382 Ordinance authorizing bonds to aid the Fox R. Valley R. R., 383 Company to give security, and make certain connections, 383 Ordinance authorizing bonds to aid the Mil. & BeloitR. R.,.. - -— 385 Company to give security, and make certain connections, and the question submitted to the voters, 386 Rules and regulations for the government of the Police of Milwaukee, 393 Runners and solicitors for boats and public houses-An ordinance to regulate, -..444 Reward offered for the detection of incendiaries, -------- 475 Rules of the Common Council, 495,496 Streets-Foot of.Park Street, in 5th Ward, vacated, —- ---- 231 New street laid out in place of it, ---- - 232 Metes and bounds, benefits and damages,- -- 232 Certain streets and alleys, in the 1st Ward, vacated,. 233 Certain streets and alleys, in the 3d Ward, laid out, 235, 237 Certain streets and alleys laid out in the 2d and 4th Wards, -— 238, 239 Certain streets, in the 1st Ward, laid out,-.. — 239, 240 Certain streets, in the 5th Ward, changed and extended, ^240 How damages to be assessed in laying out said streets, -—....-241, 242 Virginia Street, in the 5th Ward, extended, ----- 243 Benefits and damages assessed, -.. 244 Oregon street, in the 5th Ward, extended, —--- 244 Benefits and damages to be assessed,. —-...- 245 Certain streets, in Sherman's addition, laid out and corrected, - -------------- - 247 Damages and benefits to be assessed, 247 Certain streets, in the 2d Ward, laid out, ---- 248 Damages and benefits to be assessed, ---- 249 Brown and Virginia streets, in 5th Ward, opened and extended, -......- 249 Damages and benefits to be assessed, -—.- - 250 Grade of Spring, Ninth and Tenth streets, in 4th Ward, established, - -—.... e -. 250 533 Page. Streets-Spring street widened, the necessity for the same to be established by a Jury, --------. --- 251 Clybourn street extended, and grade established,.... 251 Clermont and Ninth streets established, -. 251 Side-walk on said stseets, established,, 252 Profile of said streets to be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds,, 252 (.rade not to be altered, unless damages are paid,.. 252 Side-walks-On Spring, Ninth and Tenth streets, established, 252 Grade of, established on the west side of Market Square, 1st Ward, 258 Streets-Ninth street, in the 4th Ward, vacated, - ----- 254 Tamarack street, in the 4th Ward, altered and corrected, ----- - 254 How damages and benefits assessed, 255 Grade of, in the 1st Ward, permanently established, 256, 265 Grade of North Water street, 1st Ward,...- 266 Grade of, in the 3d Ward, permanently established, 267, 272 Grade of, in the 4th Ward, permanently established, 272, 278 Grade of, in the 5th Ward, permanently established, 279, 287 Port Washington road, named and known as Michigan Avenue, 288 Names of streets, in the 5th Ward, changed,. —- 289 Grade of Prospect street established,.....- 289 Grade of Martin and Jefferson streets, in 1st Ward, changed,... 290 Grade of Clermont street, 4th Ward, established,... 291 Grade of, in the 2d Ward, permanently established, 292, 304 Grade of Michigan Avenue, in 1st Ward, established, 305 Grade of certain streets, in 2d Ward, changed,..,.-, 306 Grade of certain streets, in 5th Ward, changed, - 307 Grade of certain streets, in 1st Ward, changed, - -- 309 Grade of Spring Street, in 4th Ward, changed,. —.. 310 Grade of Seventh Street, amended, -.310 Grade of Fourth Street, in 4th Ward, changed,.. - 311 Grade of certain streets, in 5th Ward, changed,.... 313 Grade of North Water Street, in 1st Ward, - - 314 Front Street, how located, ---—, —- - 315 Grade of certain streets, in 2d Ward, established,.. 315 Clybourn and Hill streets, in the 4th Ward, extended 317 Grade of North Water street, in part established,.. 318 Grade of Seventh street, in 2d Ward, in part established,.....-..,. 319 Grade of Prospect stieet, in the 1st Ward, established, 319 Grade of certain streets, in 5th Ward, established,. 321 Names of certain streets, in 1st Ward, changed, - 327 J2 534 Page. Streets-Grade of Walnut street, in 6th Ward, changed, -.- 327 Grade of certain streets, in 1st Ward, established,., 328 Grade of Elizabeth street, in 5th Ward, changed,. 332 Grade of Poplar street, 2d Ward, changed, — _ — 340 Grade of certain streets, 4th Ward, established,.., 341 Grade of certain streets, 1st Ward, established, _ 342 Grade of certain streets, in 2d and 4th Wards, established, 344 School Houses-An ordinance to purchase lots for school houses, in the 2d and 7th Wards,..387 Bonds authorized to make repairs, 388 Sinking Fund-An ordinance for creating the same, Comptroller to report city indebtedness, and tax to be levied,........ — ___. 389 How bonds to be issued, drawn numbers to be paid, and notice given, -.., - 390, 391 Streets, Alleys and Side-walks-An ordinance to prevent their obstruction of the same,. 407 Side-walks, to prevent their obstruction,..........-. 406 Signs and Sign Posts, how regulated, 407, 409 Sewers and Drains, not to be filled up and obstructed, 412 Sewers and Vaults, how constructed, and with the permission of Aldermen, -412, 413 Snow to be removed from side-walks,,.- -4..._1.. 414 Streets and side-walks, nauseous substances not to be left on the same, nor on alleys and lots,. 416 Streets-What are made public stands for hackney coaches, cabs, drays, &c.,___... 428 Steamers and sail-vessels-Not to unload at public wharves and docks,.-...... —-. 431 How to sail up and down the river, how to pass through the bridges, to carry a light in the night, and not to throw obstructions in the river, -— _- - __ 432 Sealer of Weights and Measures-How appointed, to have custody of the city standards, to give. bond, and his duties, _ 436 His seal, and fees,.... 437 Slaughter Houses not to be kept, nor animals slaughtered within the limits of the city,. 441 Shows and Showmen-How regulated,..... —_~. 452 Prohibited unless licensed, 453 Sealer of Weights and Measures-Additional duties, to call on all merchants, and may appoint a deputy, -...-.....,, 457 635 Page. Sale of Spirituous Liquors, how licensed and regulated,,-.. 4 467 Streets-Fees and compensation of officers for opening and laying out streets, &c.,...-... 474 An ordinance changing said fees,......-_-.. 476 Superintendent of Bridges to be appointed, his salary and his duties,.- ------------------------------------ - 485 Streets and side-walks, buildings on, how they are to be removed,,-488 Slaughter houses and nauseous manufactories, how they are to be removed, ----- ----,, --- - 489 Toll Gates, of plank road companies, not to be in the city limits, -.. 243 Tax-Levied to aid the Mil. & Miss. R. R.,... 349 To be levied to pay bonds for dredging the Milwaukee river,.. - 367 How levied to create a sinking fund,-.. 389 Trees-For shade, horses not to be fastened to,,,-. —-- 411 How to be set out,,- --—, --- —, 412 Penalty for injuring or cutting,......... 415 Telegraph Companies, how their posts to be erected, and when to be removed, 435 Taxes, ordinance regulating the assessing, levying and collecting, —.............. 447 Wood and Hay Stand established in 3d Ward, 434 Weights and Measures-Ordinance regulating the same, 436 Wood and Hay Stand established in 1st Ward,.-........ 449 Wood and Fuel not to be offered for sale until measured, and certificate given, - -...-,, -. - - 473 APPEND X. APPENDIX. THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCES AND ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE WERE NOT PASSED IN TIME TO BE INCORPORATED IN THE FOREGOING PAGES. AN ORDINANCE To regulate the Sale of Hay in the Seventh Ward of the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. All that part of Biddle Street, between Water Stand for and Market Streets, and the west side of Market Street, be- hayrdth tween Biddle and Division Streets, in the Seventh Ward of the City of Milwaukee, is hereby declared to be, and made a public stand for the sale of hay. SEC. 2. No person shall be allowed to expose for sale Penalty for any hay, or load of hay, in any portion of the Seventh Ward selling bay of said city, except in the places designated in the first section of this ordinance; and any person who shall suffer his team, sleigh, wagon, or other vehicle, with a load of hay, to remain more than ten minutes in any other part of said Seventh Ward, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than one, nor more than five dollars. SEC. 3. It is hereby made the duty of the Inspector and Duty of InSuperintendent for the sale of wood and hay in this city, to spector. enforce the provisions of this ordinance, and to make complaint for any violations of the provisions thereof. Passed, November 24, 1856. AN ORDINANCE To authorize an issue of City Bonds to make repairs and additions to the several Common School Houses in the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: Bonds au- SECTION 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized for school thorized and directed to sign and execute seven thousand dollars in Milwaukee city bonds, of one thousand dollars each, payable in ten years from the date thereof, at the office of Duncan, Sherman & Co., in New York City, with interest, semi-annually, at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, payable at the same place; said bonds to be issued for the purpose of making additions to and repairing the several Common School Houses in the City of Milwaukee. SEC. 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to deliver the city bonds named in the first section of this ordinance to James B. Cross, Mayor, and take his receipt for the same. Mayor tone- SEC. 3. The Mayor of this City is hereby authorized and gotiate the same. directed to negotiate and sell the city bonds named in this ordinance, and place the proceeds thereof in the City Treasury, to be paid out by the Treasurer on city orders, for work done under the contracts for the additions and repairs to the several Common School Houses in the City of Milwaukee. May hypo- SEC. 4. The Mayor may, in his discretion, instead of thecate the same. selling at once the city bonds to be issued under the provisions of this ordinance, hypothecate them, in whole or in part, and raise the money necessary to continue and complete the work namred in this ordinance, and thereafter sell 541 the bonds to -replace such money, at such time and place as he may deem for the best interests of the city. Jassed, November 24, 1856. AN ORDINANCE'Toatathorize an-issue of City Bonds for the construction of Bridges. Thle Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby au- Bonds autbhoized and directed to sign and execute fifteen thousand c thorindfor tion of cIlzrars in Milwaukee city bonds, of one thousand dollars bridges. teaeeh, payable in twenty years from the date thereof, at the office of Messrs. Duncan, Sherman & Co, in the City, of INew York, with interest, semi-annually, at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, payable at the same place; said bonds to be issued for the purpose of constructing bridges across the Milwaukee River, according to the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the State of Wisconsin, entitled "An.act relating to the City of Milwaukee," approved October 6, 1856. SEC. 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to deliver the city bonds named in the first section of this ordinance to James B. Cross, Mayor, and take his receipt for the same.'SEC. 3. The Mayor of the City is hereby authorized and MIayorto directed to negotiate and sell the city bonds named in this snegti the ordinance, and place the proceeds thereof in the City Treasury, to be paid out by the City Treasurer on city orders, for work done under the contracts for constructing bridges. SEc. 4. The Mayor, in his dircretion, may, instead of aMayhypothecate themi selling at once the city bonds, to be issued under the provisions of this ordinance, hypothecate them, in whole or in part, and raigs the money necessary for immediate use on _^ 542 said bridge contracts, and thereafter sell the bonds to replace such money, at such time and place as he may deem for the best interests of the city. Passed, November 24, 1856, AN OR DINAN C E Authorizing the purchasing, improving and establishing a Market Square in the Third Ward of the City of Milwaukee. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: Market SECTION 1. More than twenty-five freeholders, residents Square in 3d ward. of the third ward of the City of Milwaukee, having by petition represented to the Common Countil, that it is necessary to take for a Market Square all of block twenty-five (25), in said ward; authority, therefore, is hereby given to the Aldermen of said third ward to purchase said premises, or any part thereof, of the owner or owners thereof, with whom they can agree for such purchase, or to take the same, or any portion thereof which they may be unable to purchase, in accordance with and according to the provisions of an act of the Legislature, entitled " an act to authorize the several wards, in the City of Milwaukee, to purchase grounds for Market and Public Squares," approved, March 19, 1856. SEC. 2. The premises described in the foregoing section, are hereby set off and established as a Market Square in said third ward, to be under the control of the Aldermen of said ward, and to be kept and regulated for the public use, and hereafter to be called and known by and under the name of the Third Ward Market Square. Bondsau- SEC. 3. For the. purpose of purchasing and improving thorized. said Market Square, the Aldermen of said ward are hereby authorized, for and in the name of said ward, to issue bonds, not exceeding in amount the sum of fifty thousand dollars, k.4 j~~ 543 on such terms, for such time and drawing such interest as to them shall seem advisable; but to be issued in accordance with and within the restrictions imposed by said act of the Legislature. SEc. 4. The Aldermen of the said ward shall cause an Surveyand profile to be accurate survey and profile, or map, of said Market Square made to be made by the City Surveyor, and filed in his office, and before proceeding to improve the same, they shall cause a plan and specifications of such improvement to be drawn, and a copy thereof deposited in the office of the City Comptroller. SEC. 5. All the proceedings of said Aldermen, under Proceedings to be recordthis ordinance and said act of the Legislature, shall be en- ed. tered at length in the records of said ward, and they shall make out a certified list of all the bonds so issued, specifying the amount, the rate of interest they draw, and the time when the interest and principal thereon become due, which shall be filed with the City Comptroller, and entered on the records in his office. SEC. 6. This ordinance shall not be in force until sub- Submitted to the voters. mitted to the legal voters of the Third Vard of the City of Milwaukee, at an election to be held for that purpose, at the time hereinafter provided, and adopted by a majority of the whole number of votes given at such election. SEC. 7. An election shall be held on the nineteenth day Time of election. of December, 1856, between the hours of two and seven o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the usual place in said ward for holding elections, for the purpose of the adoption or rejection of this ordinance, and such election shall be conducted, and the votes canvassed and returned in the same manner, and by the same officers, as at other city elections. SEC. 8. Onthe ballots which shall be received by the Inspectors at said election, shall be either written or printed the words, "For the Market Square," or the words, "Against the Market Square." v'atslld o t the t r r r eetng of th Vatmq# how Gym 0. At'i a fext regular or Speol meeting oI th Common Coupnc'l, after the returns of the election from said Ward are piude to the City Clerk, the Common Council shall proceed to canvass said returns; and if it is found that a majority of all the votes taken are in favor of said Market Square, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to make proclamation thereof in the official papers of the city, and this ordinance shall be in force from and after its first publication, subsequent to the date of such proclamation. Notice, ow SEC. 10. It is hereby made the duty of the City Clerk,'given to cause a certified copy of the petition on file in his office for this Market Square, together with a notice of the time and place of holding the election specified in this ordinance, to be published in the official papers of this city three several times, one of which publications shall be made in each of said newspapers, at least fifteen days previous to the time; of holding said election. Passed, December 1, 1856. AN OR DINA NCE To authorize an issue of City Bonds to make repairs and additions to tlie' several Common School Houses in the City of Milwaukee. Thle Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: Bond SECTION 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authmrirepads thorized and directed to sign and execute twenty-five thoutho scsol sand dollars in Milwaukee city bonds, of one thousand dollars each, payable in twenty years from the date thereof, at the office of Messrs. Duncan, Sherman & Co., in New York City, with interest, semi-annually, at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, payable at the same place; said bonds to be issued for the purpose of constructing new School Houses in the Second and Seventh Wards. MQ4 s8309 I, The City Clerk ti hereby authorized and direct, ed to deliver the city bonds named in the first section of this ordinance to James B. Cross, Mayor, and take his receipt for the same. SEC. 3. The Mayor of this city is hereby authorized andMayortonegotiate the directed to negotiate and sell the city bonds named in this same. ordgc,, ce, and place the proceeds thereof in the City Treasury, to, be paid out by the Treasurer on city orders, for work done under the contracts for the construction of said School Houses in the Second and Seventh Wards of the City of Milwaukee. SEC. 4. The Mayor may, in his discretion, instead of Mayhypothecate them selling at once the city bonds to be issued under the provisions of this ordinance, hypothecate them, in whole or in part, and raise the money necessary to continue and com* plete the work named in this ordinance, and thereafter sell the bonds to replace such money, at such time and place as he may deem for the best interest of the city. Passed, December 4, 1856. AN ORDINANCE To authorize an issue of City Bonds to the Milwaukee and Beloit Rail Road Company.'The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The Mayor of the city and the City Clerk Bonds iue!are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver to tBoheMitR. & the Milwaukee & Beloit Rail Road Company, Milwaukee Co city bonds to an amount not exceeding one hundred thousand ~dollars, in the manner and upon the conditions hereinafter mentioned, said bonds to be used in the completion and'equipment of the rail road now being constructed by said company, from the City of Milwaukee to the City of Beloit, via the villages of East Troy, Elkhorn and Delavan, in the County of Walworth, in this state, as mentioned in the pro 546 visions of an ordinance authorizing an issue of pity bonds to the Milwaukee & Beloit Rail Road Company, passed June 16, 1856, and adopted by a vote of the people July 14, 1856. Po. to give SEC. 2. Such bonds may be delivered by the Mayor and security. Clerk of this Board, at any time after the securities from said rail road company, for the payment of the principal and interest on said bonds are executed and delivered to the city, in accordance with the requirements of the conditions of the report of the committee on rail roads, submitted and approved by the Common Council, December 4, 1856. Passed, December 4, 1856. A N O RD I NANCE To authorize an issue of City Bonds to I. A. Hazbrook, to apply on his contract to construct the Harbor at the " Straight Cut." The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain asfollows: Bonds issued SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City, and the Clerk of this for the Harbor at the Board, are hereby authorized to execute and deliver to Isaac Straight Cut. A. Hazbrook, eighteen thousand dollars in Milwaukee city bonds, to apply on his contract for the construction of the Harbor at the Straight Cut, and endorse the amount on his contract, when so executed and delivered to him. Passed, December 4, 1856. AN ORDINANCE To amend an ordinance entitled "An ordinance to amend an ordinance permanently to establish the grade of certain streets in the First Ward of the City of Milwaukee," passed August 1, 1856. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, do ordain as follows: Grade of SECTION 1. The first section of "An ordinance to amend Milwaukee street, in ordinance permanently to establish the grade of certain streets in the First Ward of the City of Milwaukee," passed 547 August 1, 1856, is hereby so amended as to fix the elevation of Milwaukee Street, at a point half way between Knapp and Ogden Streets, at fifty-five feet, and the grade of said Milwaukee Street is hereby fixed and permanently established at fifty-five feet, at a point half way between Knapp and Ogden Streets, and all parts of any ordinance or ordinances conflicting with this ordinance, as to the elevation of Milwaukee Street, at the point herein specified, are hereby repealed. Passed, December 4, 1856. AN ACT To amend an Act entitled "An Act to Incorporate the City of Milwaukee, and the several Acts amendatory thereof," approved February 20, 1852. The People of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Fifth Ward SECTION 1. All the territory now included in the Fifth divided. Ward of the City of Milwaukee, which lies east of the center of Monroe Street, and the quarter section line through section thirty-two, running through the center of said street to the south line of said Ward, shall hereafter constitute and Eighthwardbe the Fifth Ward of the City of Milwaukee; and all the established. territory now included in the Fifth Ward of the City of Milwaukee, which lies west of the center of Monroe Street, and the quarter section line above referred to, shall hereafter constitute and be the Eighth Ward of the City of Milwaukee; and said Fifth and Eighth Wards hereby created shall have all the rights and privileges, and be subject to the same regulations, laws and ordinances, as the other wards in said city. Aldermen SEC. 2. At the next annual charter election in the City and officers, how elected. Of Milwaukee, there shall be elected in the 5th Ward hereby created, one Alderman, who shall hold his office for two years, and one Alderman, who shall hold his office for one year; and there shall be elected in the Eighth Ward hereby created, one Alderman, who shall hold his office for two years, and two Aldermen, who shall hold their respective offices for one year; and, annually thereafter, there shall be elected in each of the aforesaid Fifth and Eighth Wards, one Alderman, who shall hold his office for two years, and one Alderman, who shall hold his office for one year; and the Alderman elected for two years, in the Fifth Ward, at 549 the last city election, shall continue and be Alderman for the said Fifth Ward, hereby created, for the remainder of his term of office; and it shall be the duty of the Common Council, at the next city election, to appoint three Inspectors of Election in each of said Fifth and Eighth Wards, and to designate the places for holding the election in said wards. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the City Comptroller to City Comproller to apapportion the amount of city indebtedness now charged to portion the indebtedness the fifth ward, between the fifth and eighth wards hereby created, in proportion to their respective equalized assessment rolls for the year 1857; and all property, real or personal, which, prior to the passage of this act, belonged to the fifth ward of the City of Milwaukee, shall thereafter belong jointly to the fifth and eighth wards of said city. SEC. 4. The foregoing sections, one, two and three, of When act to take effect. this act, shall take effect and be in force from and after the thirty-first day of March, A. D. 1857. SEC. 5. The corporate limits of the City of Milwaukee Corporate limits extenare hereby enlarged and extended so as to include within the de and 6th Ward en. limits of said city all of section seventeen (17), and all of larged. section eighteen (18), town seven (7), north of range twenty-two (22) east, and the territory hereby added to sail city shall constitute and become a part of the sixth ward thereof, and shall be subject to the laws, regulations and ordinances governing said ward and city. SEC. 6. Hereafter, annually, it shall be the duty of the city indebtedness hereCommon Council of the City of Milwaukee to ascertain the after to be ascertained. total amount of the general city indebtedness, over and above any floating debt that is to be paid out of the taxes of the current year, and not to include any bonds issued to rail road or other companies, for the final payment of which the city has taken security. SEC. 7. Hereafter, annually, at the time of raising and Sinking fund created, and levying a tax for city and ward purposes, the Common tleibe L2 550 Council arehereby authorized to levy a tax on all the property in said city liable to taxation, at a rate per cent. sufficient to raise a sum equal to five per cent. of the then city indebtedness-the same to be enforced and collected in the same manner as other city taxes are collected, and tv be known as a sinking fund, for the ultimate redemption of the whole city indebtedness. Tax, how SEC. 8. The tax annually provided for in the preceding levied. section, it shall be the duty of the said Common Council to apply in such manner as they may deem advisable for the payment, each year, of five per cent. of the city indebtedness, and the same shall be applied for no other purpose. Provided, The Common Council are hereby authorized to issue city bonds, to have the benefit of this act to pay off any present city indebtedness that has never been funded, and also, to issue new bonds under this act, to take up and pay Old bonds may be any outstanding city bonds when they become due. All e bonds hereafter issued to draw interest, not exceeding seven per cent. payable semi-annually, the principal to be paid twenty years from date in the City of New York. SEC. 9. This act, except sections one, two and three, shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, October 11, 1856. INDEX TO APPENDIX. Page. Bonds-Authorized for school houses,.-........ 540 Authorized for the construction of bridges, — 541 Authorized for Market Square, 3d Ward, ----- 543 Bridges, bonds authorized for their construction, 541 Bonds-Authorized for repairs and additions to school houses, 544 Authorized to aid the Mil. & Beloit R. R., 545 Issued to J. A. Hazbrook for harbor at the Straight Cut, —...... —...- -—. 546 New ones may be issued, under the sinking fund, for old ones, --- 550 City Charter-An act to amend the same, 5th Ward dividend and 8th Ward established, 548 6th Ward enlarged, and corporate limits extended, city indebtedness to be reported, -- 549 Sinking fund established, tax to pay it, how levied, and old bonds may be taken up,. —- 550 Fines, for selling hay in 7th Ward, except at the public stand, 539 Grade of Milwaukee street, 1st Ward, changed, -547 Hay, stand for selling hay established in 7th Ward,, 539 Harbor at the Straight Cut, bonds issued,.. 546 Inspector of hay and wood, his duty, ---------— 539 Market Square-Ordinance for establishing and improving the same in the 3d Ward,..542 Bonds authorized for the same, 542 Proceedings to be recorded,,,-. 543 Tro be submitted to voters,- 543 Rail Roads, bonds authorized to aid the Mil. & Beloit R. R. Company, -545 School Houses-Bonds authorized for repairs and additions, 540 Bonds authorized for repairs and additions, - 544 Streets, grade of Milwaukee street, 1st Ward, changed, -. —- 547 Sinking Fund established by law,. 550 Wards, 5th Ward divided, and 8th Ward established,. —..1 548