BOARD OF ALDERMEN, MAY 11, 1876. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the Clerk of the Common Council be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause one thousand copies of all laws relating particularly to this city, passed at the late session of the Legislature, to be printed in the usual manner, in document form, for the use of the Mayor, Common Council, and Departments; the expense of procuring certified copies of such laws, which shall not exceed the sum of one hundred dollars, to be paid from the appropriation for " City Contingencies" by the Comptroller. FRANCIS J. TWOMEY, Clerk. INDEX. City Government-Miscellaneous Laws relating to. PAGE. Chapter 73. Ferry from Grand street, New York, to Grand street, Brooklyn, act authorizing sale of lease of......... 3 Chapter 103. Assessments for local improvements, act relating to the payment of............................. 5 Chapter 208. Assessment for taxes, act to extend the time for making....................................... 21 Chapter 212. Frauds upon the treasury of the city, act making provision for the claims and expenses of conducting suits, etc., growing out of.................. 27 Chapter 213. New York Infant Asylum, act to amend an act to incorporate the............................. 28 Chapter 274. Arrears of taxes, act in relation to................ 30 Chapter 429. Armories and drill-rooms, act to provide for payment for the use and occupation of................ 51 Courts-Laws and Matters pertaining to. Chapter 24. First and Second Judicial Districts, act to alter.... 3 Chapter 130. Notaries Public, act to provide for the appointment of an additional number of..................... 7 Chapter 136. Marine Court, act to amend an act in relation to the jurisdiction of, etc........................... 8 vi INDEX. PAGE. Chapter 199. Court of General Sessions, act in relation to........ 20 Chapter 205. Clerks, etc., of the several Courts of Record, act in relation to.......................21 Chapter 209. Court-house in the Third Judicial District, act to provide for the completion of.................. 22 Chapter 316. Judgments entered upon forfeited recognizances, act relative to............................. 37 Chapter 356. Proceedings to recover possession of lands for nonpayment of rent, act in relation to............. 38 Chapter 409. Act to enable the Court of General Sessions to appoint an Interpreter......................... 46 Chapter 413. Marine Court, act in relation to the Clerks, Officers, and Attendants of............................ 49 Department of Public Parks-Matters pertaining to. Chapter 139. American Museum of Natural History and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, act in relation to the powers and duties of the Commissioners of the Department of Public Parks in connection with...................................... 9 Chapter 411. Act to provide for the surveying and mapping out of the territory comprised in the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards.................... 47 Department of Public Works-Matters pertaining to. Chapter 169. Public baths, act to provide for the construction and maintenance of four additional............. 17 Chapter 432. Act to provide for a further supply of water for the new wards............................... 53 Chapter 433. Act to amend an act to provide a further supply of pure and wholesome water..................... 56 WEDEX. Vli Educational. Matters-Laws relating to. PAGE. Chapter 296. School property in the town of Westchester, act to provide for the payment of amount due for..... 33 Chapter 372. Act to amend an act to secure to children the benefits of an elementary education............ 39 Chapter 434. Claims for repairs, printing, labor, etc., in and about public school buildings, act to provide for the audit and payment of......................... 57 Harbor and River Frontage-Laws relating to. Chapter 147. Harlem river and Spuyten Duyvel creek, act granting the right of way necessary for the improvementof, etc................................ 10 Chapter 188. Improvement of lands on the Harlem river, act to fix the time for.............................. 19 Chapter 376. Act to prevent the deposit of refuse in the Hudson river, etc..................................... 43 Chapter 414. Act to amend an act to establish regulations for the port of New York............................ 5 Local and Street Improvements. Chapter 210. Opening, widening, and extending of streets, etc., act to repeal an act in relation to................ 23 Chapter 436. Act to amend and act to provide for the surveying laying out, etc., of certain portions of the city... 59 Chapter 447. Riverside avenue and park, act in relation to....... 60 Miscellaneous Acts. Chapter 1. Act to prevent persons appearing disguised and armed, act to amend.......................... 1 Chapter 16. Animals, act to prevent injury to................ 2 viii INDEX. PAGE. Chapter 116. Public amusement, places of, act to amend an act to regulate................................... 6 Chapter 148. Bridget Porter, act to release certain real estate to. 16 Chapter 211. Jamem B. Taylor, act for the relief of the creditors of...................................... 24 Chapter 275. Cornelius Flynn, act for the relief of............. 31 Chapter 291. Commissioners of Emigration, act making an appropriation to enable them to perform their duties... 32 Chapter 300. Patrick McCabe, act for the relief of.............. 36 Chapter 1. AN ACT to amend chapter three of the laws of one thousand eight hundred and forty-five, entitled " An act to prevent persons appearing disguised and armed." Passed January 20, 1876; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. Section six, of chapter three, of the laws of eighteen hundred and forty-five, entitled "An act to prevent persons appearing disguised and armed," passed January twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and forty-five, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: ~ 6. Every assemblage in public houses or other places of three or more persons disguised as aforesaid, is hereby declared to be unlawful, and every individual so disguised present thereat, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding one year, provided that nothing contained in this act shall be held or construed as prohibit- Persons rPing or as rendering unlawful any peaceable assemblage for sembe i n any masquerade or fancy dress ball or entertainment, or orssncy any assemblage therefor of persons masked, or as prohib-ress iting or rendering unlawful the wearing of masks, fancy dresses, or any other disguise, by persons on their way to, or returning from, such ball or other entertainment; and provided, also, that in the cities of this state permission be first obtained from the police authorities of the said cities for the holding or giving of any such masquerade or fancy 1 2 dress ball or entertainment therein, under such regulations as may be prescribed by the said police authorities. ~ 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. ~ 3. This act shall take effect immediately. Chapter 16. AN ACT to prevent injury to animals in the city of New York. Passed February 8, 1876; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Throwing of SECTION 1. Every person who shall willfully throw, exmetal, glass, etc., upo pose, or place, or who shall willfully cause or procure to be any street deemed a thrown, exposed or placed, in or upon any street, highway, misdemeanor. or public place in the city of New York, open for the passage of animals, any nails, pieces of metal, glass, or other substance or thing which might main, wound, lame, cut or otherwise injure any animal, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Sprinkling ~ 2. Every person who shall throw, expose, or place, or salt or t- who shall cause or procure to be thrown, exposed or placed, peter upon any street in or upon any such street, highway or public place except upon the curves, crossings or switches of railroad tracks, any salt, saltpeter or other substance for the purpose of dissolving any snow or ice which may have fallen or been deposited thereon, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. ~ 3. This act shall take effect at the expiration of ten days after its passage. 3 Chapter 24. AN ACT to alter the first and second judicial districts of the state as established by chapter two hundred and forty-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and fortyseven, entitled " An act to divide the state into judicial districts," so as to conform the same to the boundaries of the city of New York and of the county of Westchester as now constituted by law. Passed February 21, 1876; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The first judicial district of the state shall con- Establishing the first and sist of the city of New York, as the same has been consti- seond judituted by law since the first day of January, eighteen hundred c stcts. and seventy-four. The second judicial district shall consist of the counties of Richmond, Suffolk, Queens, Kings, Westchester, as the same has been constituted by law since the first day of January, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, Orange, Rockland, Putnam and Dutchess. ~ 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Chapter 73. AN ACT to authorize the commissioners of the sinking fund of the city of New York to sell at public auction the lease of the ferry from Grand street, in the city of New York, to Grand street, in the city of Brooklyn. Passed March 24, 1876; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The commissioners of the sinking fund of the city of New York are hereby authorized and directed, 4 Leasing within twenty days from the passage of this act, to adverferry from foot of Grand tise in three of the daily newspapers having the largest street, East river. circulation, published in the city of New York, and one newspaper published in the city of Brooklyn, for six days in each of said newspapers, a notice of the sale by public auction at the expiration of said six days, to the highest bidder, at a time and place to be designated therein, in the said city of New York, of the lease for a period of ten years, of the full and absolute purchase and right, to run maintain, operate, and use with the franchises, the ferry from Grand street in said city, to Grand street in the city of Brooklyn, together with the docks, slips, and facilities, now or heretofore used for the purpose of a ferry. Delivery of ~ 2. The said commissioners of the sinking fund shall, lease, and lr.ictions within ten days after such sale, execute and deliver to the therein conta ined con-highest bidder as aforesaid, a lease for the term of ten years from the date thereof, of the said ferry, docks, slips, and facilities; such lease to contain proper and reasonable restrictions as to the kind of boats to be used, the time of running the same, the kind of buildings to be erected for the accommodation of passengers at each terminus of said ferry, and the rate or rates of fare to be charged for the conveying of passengers, goods, and merchandise, vehicles, animals, and all other articles which may be conveyed over such ferry, all of which are to be specified and determined by the said commissioners of the sinking fund. But such fare or charges shall not at any time exceed the fare or charges now made and collected by the Houston Street Ferry Company for similar services performed by them. Provision 3. Such lease shall also contain a suitable provision fory aymentf for the payment to such lessee or his assigns at the end of bulding, said term, by any other person or persons to whom such etc. franchise and property shall thereafter be leased, of the value of the buildings, bridges, and racks which shall have been provided by him or them for the operation of said franchises under such lease; such value to be ascertained by arbitration and appraised in a manner to be provided in and by such lease. ~ 4. All acts or parts of acts conflicting with this act, are hereby repealed. ~ 5. This act shall take effect immediately. Chapter 103. AN ACT relating to the payment of assessments for local improvements in the City of New York. Passed April 7, 1876; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. All assessments for local improvements in ayment by the city of New York, confirmed prior to the first day of tim~'p'"January, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, and which, atfled for the. the time of the passage of this act, have been returned to the clerk of arrears for collection, may be paid at the option of the person liable to pay the same, in three equal installments, as follows: The first installment on or before the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and seventy-six; the second installment on or before the thirtyfirst day of December, eighteen hundred and seventyseven, and the third installment on or before the thirtyfirst day of December, eighteen hundred and seventyeight, with interest at the rate of eight per cent. per annum thereon. But nothing contained in this section shall prohibit the person liable to pay an assessment from paying the whole amount of such assessment in one payment, if he may so desire. 6 ~ 2. No lien shall be enforced by said city for payment of said assessments, or any part or portion thereof, if payment of the same is made as hereinbefore provided. Failure to ~ 3. Nothing herein contained shall in any way affect make the necear the rights or remedies of the said city in relation to said payments. assessments and the recovery thereof, except that the payments may be made as herein provided. Upon a failure in the payment of said assessments, as herein provided,. the privileges by this statute confirmed, shall be forfeited,, and the said assessments, or the balance remaining unpaid, may, upon such forfeiture, be enforced, as if this statute had never been passed. ~ 4. This act shall take effect immediately. Chapter 116. AN ACT to amend chapter one hundred and fifty-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-five, entitled " An act to amend chapter eight hundred and thirty-six of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-two, entitled 'An act to regulate places of public amusement in the city of New York.'" Passed April 11, 1876. The People of the State of Hew York, represented in. Senate and Assembly, do enact asfollow8: SECTION 1. Section one of chapter one hundred and fifty-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventyfive, entitled "An act to amend chapter eight hundred and thirty-six of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventytwo, entitled 'An act to regulate places of public amusement in the city of New York,' " is hereby amended so as to read as follows: 7 SECTION 1. Section nine of chapter eight hundred and thirty-six bf the laws of eighteen hundred and seventytwo, entitled " An act to regulate places of public amusement in the city of New York," is hereby amended so as to read as follows: ~ 9. The provisions and requirements of said act shall Places of not be held to apply to any building, hall, room, or rooms, exemptfrom in which only private theatricals, tableaux, and other ex- acnt of iad hibitions for charitable and religious purposes are given, nor to the manager or managers of exhibitions given by amateurs for the benefit of any church, mission, parish, or Sunday school, or for any other charitable or religious purpose, nor shall the same be held to apply to the masonic temple in New York, or the trustees of the masonic hall and asylum fund, so long as the revenues of said temple shall continue to be applied to the use of the masonic hall and asylum fund, or other charitable purpose. ~ 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Chapter 130. AN ACT to provide for the appointment of an additional number of Notaries Public. Passed April 18, 1876; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The governor is hereby authorized and em-otaries Public in powered, by and with the advice and consent of the senate, the ou.y to appoint in each county, except the city and county of ofNewYork. New York, notaries public equal to ten for each assembly district, and in the said city and county two hundred and fifty notaries public, in addition to the number now 8 allowed by law; provided, however, that in each county which is a single assembly district the additional number of notaries public be fifteen. ~ 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Chapter 136. AN ACT to amend chapter four hundred and seventynine of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-five entitled "An act in relation to the jurisdiction of the marine court of the city of New York, and to the justices of said court." Passed April 21, 1876; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The fifty-first section of chapter four hundred and seventy-nine of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-five, entitled " An act in relation to the jurisdiction of the marine court of the city of New York and to the justices of said court," is hereby amended by adding thereto the following sub-division: on.e. 14. No person being a resident of the state of New dents. York, who shall have a place of business in the city of New York, shall be deemed to be a non-resident under the provisions of this act. ~2. This act shall take effect immediately. 9 Chapter 139. AN ACT in relation to the powers and duties of the board of commissioners of the department of public parks in connection with the American Museum of Natural History and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Passed April 22, 1876; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The board of commissioners of the depart- rection of the Ameriment of public parks in the city of New York, is hereby can Museum of Natural authorized and directed to make and enter into a contract aHitory. with the American Museum of Natural History for the occupation by it of the buildings erected or to be erected on that portion of the Central park in the city of New York, formerly known as Manhattan square in accordance with the second section of chapter two hundred and ninety of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and chapter three hundred and fifty-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-five, and transferring thereto, and establishing and maintaining therein, its museum, library, and collections, and carrying out the objects and purposes of the said society. ~ 2. The board of commissioners of the department of occupation of by the public parks of the city of New York, is hereby authorized Metropoltan Museum of and directed to make and enter into a contract with the Art. Metropolitan Museum of Art for the occupation by it of the buildings erected or to be erected on that portion of the Central park of the city of New York east of the old receiving reservoir, and bounded on the west by the drive, on the east by the Fifth avenue, on the south by a continuation of Eightieth street and on the north by a continuation of Eighty-fifth street, in accordance with the second section of chapter two hundred and ninety of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and transferring 10 thereto and establishing and maintaining therein its museum, library, and collections, and carrying out the objects and purposes of the said Museum of Art. ~ 3. This act shall take effect immediately. Chapter 147. AN ACT granting to the United States the right to acquire the right of way necessary for the improvement of the Harlem river and Spuyten Duyvel creek, from the North river to the East river through the Harlem Kills, and ceding jurisdiction over the same. Passed April 22, 1876, by a two-third vote. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Improve- SECTION 1. The consent of the state of New York is Harlemrier hereby given to the improvement, by the United States, "DuySel of the Harlem river and Spuyten Duyvel creek, from the creek. North river to the East river through the Harlem Kills, and the United States may take and hold so much land and land underwater, with any improvements thereon, as may be necessary for the location, construction, and convenient use of the said improvement. Petition for ~ 2. In the absence of any agreement between the United the appoint- States or its authorized agents and the owners of such ment of commis- lands in regard to the compensation therefor, the engineer appraisal. in charge of the improvements for the United States, and any other authorized agent of the United States may verify and present a petition, in the name of the United States, praying for the appointment of commissioners of appraisal to the supreme court at any general or special term thereof, held in the first judicial district, which petition shall describe the real estate and material which the 11 United States seeks to acquire, and shall aver that such land is necessary for the construction and use of said improvement, and that the United States has not been able to acquire title thereto, and the reason of such inability. The petition must also state the names and places of residence, Petition to contain so far as the same can by reasonable diligence be ascer- names and places of tained, of the persons who own or hold, or claim to own business of the owners or hold, estates or interests in the said real estate, and if of real estate. any such persons are infants, their ages, as near as may be,tae shall be stated, and if any such persons are idiots or persons of unsound mind, or are unknown, the fact shall be stated, together with such allegations of liens or incumbrances, as the United States may see fit to make. A copy of such petition with notice of the time and place the same will be presented to the supreme court shall be served on all persons whose interests are to be affected by the proceedings, at least ten days prior to the presentation of the same to the said court. ~ 3. On presenting such petition to the supreme court Persons whose intesas aforesaid, with proof of service of a copy thereof, and ests are to be affected by notice as aforesaid, all persons whose estates or interests the proceedings may are to be affected by the proceedings, may show cause show cause Iagainst against granting the prayer of the petition, and may dis-a granting the prayer of the prove any of the facts alleged in it. The court shall hear petition. the proofs and allegations of the parties, and if no sufficient cause is shown against granting the prayer of the petition, it shall make an order for the appointment of five disinterested and competent persons who reside in the city of New York, commissioners to ascertain and appraise the compensation to be made to the owners, or persons interested in the real estate proposed to be taken for said improvement, and to fix the time and place for the first meeting of such commissioners. ~ 4. The commissioners shall take and subscribe the oath prescribed by the twelfth article of the constitution. 12 Any one of them may issue subpoenas, administer oaths to witnesses, and any three of them may adjourn the proceedings before them, from time to time, in their discretion. commis- Whenever they meet, except by the appointment of the sioners appointed, court, or pursuant to adjournment, they shall cause powers and duties of. reasonable notice of such meetings to be given to the parties who are to be affected by their proceedings, or their attorney or agent. They shall view the premises described in the petition, and hear the proofs and allegations of the parties, and reduce the testimony, if any is taken by them, to writing, and after the testimony is closed in each case, and without any unnecessary delay and before proceeding to the examination of any other claim, a majority of them, all being present and acting, shall ascertain and determine the compensation which ought justly to be made to the party or parties owning or interested in the real estate appraised by them. They, or a majority of them, shall also determine and certify what sum ought to be paid to a general or special guardian or committee of an infant, idiot, or person of unsound mind, or to an attorney appointed by the court to attend to the interest of any unknown owner or party in interest, not personally served with notice of the proceedings, and who has not appeared for costs, expenses, and counsel fees. They shall make a report to the supreme court, signed by them, or a majority of them, of the proceedings before them, with the minutes of the testimony taken by them, if any. Parties to be ~ 5. On such report being made by said commissioners, notified of the confir- the United States shall give notice to the parties, or their mation of report of the attorneys, to be affected by the proceedings, according to commissioners. the rules and practice of said court at a general or special term thereof for the confirmation of such report; and the court shall thereupon confirm such report, and shall make an order containing a recital of the substance of the proceedings in the matter of the appraisal, and a description of the real estate appraised for which compensation is to 13 be made; and shall also direct to whom the money is to be paid, or in what bank, and in what manner it shall be deposited. ~ 6. A certified copy of the order, to be made as afore- Certified copy to be said, shall be recorded at length in the county clerk's office filed in the office of the of the city and county of New York, and thereupon the county United States shall be entitled to enter upon, take possession of, and use the said land for the purpose of said improvement; and all persons who have been made parties to the proceedings shall be divested and barred of all right, estate, and interest in said land. All real estate acquired by the United States under and pursuant to the provisions of this act for the said improvements shall be deemed to be acquired for the public use. Within twenty days after the confirmation of the report of the commissioners, as provided for in the fifth section of this act, either party may appeal, by notice in writing to the other, "to the supreme court from the appraisal and report of the commissioners. Such appeal shall be heard by the supreme court at any general or special term thereof, on such notice thereof being given according to the rules and practice of said court. On the hearing of such appeal, the court may direct a new ap- Appeal taken therepraisal before the same or new commissioners in its dis- on. cretion; the second report shall be final and conclusive on all the parties interested. If the amount of the compensation to be made is increased by the second report, the increase or difference shall be a lien on the land appraised, and if the comensaamount is diminished the difference shall be refunded by second rethe party to whom the same may have been paid; and port. judgment therefor may be rendered by the court on the filing of the second report against the party liable to pay the same. Such appeal shall not affect the possession by the United States of the land appraised, and when the same is made by others than the United States it shall not be heard, except on a stipulation of the party appealing not to disturb such possession. If there are adverse and 14 conflicting claimants to the money, or any part of it to be paid as compensation for the real estate taken, the court may direct the money to be paid into said court, and may determine who is entitled to the same, and direct to whom the same shall be paid; and may, in its discretion, order a reference to ascertain the facts on which such determination and order are to be made. The court shall appoint some Unknown competent attorney to appear for and protect the rights of parties to be represented any party in interest who is unknown, or whose residence by counsel. by cose is unknown, and who has not appeared in the proceedings by an attorney or agent. The court shall also have power at any time to amend any defect or informality in any of the special proceedings authorized by this act, as may be necessary, or to cause new parties to be added, and to direct such further notices to be given to any party in interest, as it deems proper, and also to appoint other commissioners in place of any who shall die, or refuse, or neglect to serve, or be incapable of serving. Defective 7. If at any time, after an attempt to acquire title by titles, how perfected. appraisal of damages or otherwise, it shall be found that the title thereby attempted to be acquired is defective, the United States may proceed anew to acquire or perfect such title in the same manner as if no appraisal had been made, and at any stage of such new proceedings the court may authorize the United States, if in possession, to continue in possession, and if not in possession, to take possession and use such real estate during the pendency, and until the final conclusion of such new proceedings; and may stay all actions or proceedings against any agent of the United States on account thereof, on his giving security as the court may direct to pay the compensation therefor when finally ascertained; and in every such case the party interested in such real estate may conduct the proceedings to a conclusion, if the United States delays or omits to prosecute the same. ~ 8. In case any title or interest in real estate required 15 by the United States for said improvement, shall be vested Summary proceedings in any trustee not authorized to sell, release, and convey to acquire certain real the same, or in any infant, idiot, or person of unsound estate. mind, the supreme court shall have power, by a summary proceeding, on petition, to authorize and empower such trustee, or the general guardian or committee of such infant, idiot, or person of unsound mind, to sell and convey the same to the United States for said improvement on such terms as may be just; and in case any such infant, idiot, or person of unsound mind has no general guardian or committee, the said court may appoint a special guardian or committee for the purpose of making such sale, release, or conveyance, and may require such security from such general or special guardian or committee, as said court may deem proper. But before any conveyance or release, authorized by this section, shall be executed, the terms on which the same is to be executed, shall be reported to the court on oath, and if the court is satisfied that such terms are just to the party interested in such real estate, the court shall confirm the report, and direct the proper conveyance or release to be executed, which shall have the same effect as if executed by an owner of said land, having legal power to sell and convey the same. ~ 9. The jurisdiction of the state of New York, in and Jurisdiction ceded to the over the land and land under water required for said im- United provements, shall be and the same hereby is ceded to theStates. United States, subject to the reservations and restrictions hereinafter mentioned. ~ 10. The said consent is given and the said jurisdiction Jurisdiction ceded upon the dxpress reservation to the state of Newand tunnels.b York of all the rights of said state over all bridges and tunnels now constructed, or hereafter to be constructed, in pursuance of existing laws, for the location thereof, by the department of public parks of the city of New York, over the said Harlem river, or Spuyten Duyvel creek, and upon 16 the express condition that the state of New York shall retain concurrent jurisdiction with the United States in and over the territory covered by said improvement as to all crimes committed thereon, and so far as that all civil Execution of and criminal process which may issue under the laws or civil and criminalpro- authority of the state of New York, may be executed thereon in the same way and manner as if such consent had not been given or jurisdiction ceded, except so far as such process may affect the real or personal property of the United States. ~ 11. The jurisdiction hereby ceded shall not vest in any respect as to any portion of said territory until the United States shall have acquired the title thereto by grant, or by virtue of the provisions of this act. The United ~ 12. The said property, when acquired by the United charged States, shall be, and continue forever thereafter, exonerated from all taxes and and discharged from all taxes, assessments, and other aement. charges which may be levied or imposed under the authority of this state. ~ 13. This act shall take effect immediately. Chapter 148. AN ACT to release to Bridget Porter the right, title, and interest of the people of the state of New York in and to certain real estate in the twenty-fourth ward of the, city of New York. Passed April 22, 1876, by a two-third vote. The People of the State of New York, represented inZ Senate and Assembly,do enact asfollows: SECTION 1. All the estate, right, title, and interest of the people of the state of New York, of, in and to that certain lot or parcel of land, and the buildings thereon erected,, 17 situate, lying, and being in the twenty-fourth ward of the city of New York, designated by the number one hundred and sixty on a map, entitled "map of the Westchester property of Edward T. Young, Springhurst, New York," filed in the office of the register of New York on the twenty-fifth of October, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, and particularly described in the deed for the same, bearing date the second day of January, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and executed by Edward T. Young and wife to Isaac Porter, which is recorded in the office of the register of the city of New York, in book one thousand two hundred and seventy-one of conveyances, page three hundred and ninety-six, on the fifth day of January, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, are hereby released to Bridget Porter, widow and sole devisee of said Isaac Porter, and to her heirs and assigns forever. And the said Bridget Porter is hereby authorized and empowered to sell, convey, mortgage, and devise the same in the manner, and with the like effect, as if she were a citizen of the United States of America. ~ 2. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to impair, release, or discharge any right, claim, or interest of any heir-at-law, devisee or grantee of the said Isaac Porter, or of any creditor by judgment, mortgage, or otherwise. ~ 3. This act shall take effect immediately. Chapter 169. AN ACT to provide for the construction and maintenance of four additional public baths in the city of New York. Passed April 22, 1876; three-fifths present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The mayor, aldermen and commonalty of 2 18 Additional the city of New York is hereby authorized to construct public baths, constructionhs' and maintain four free public floating baths in addition to of. the two now in use in said city, and said additional baths shall be constructed on such plans as the said department shall deem proper, but the work therefor shall be awarded to the lowest bidder with adequate security, as provided by law, and said baths shall be and remain under the exclusive control and management of the said department of public works. The board ~ 2. It shall be the duty of the commissioners of public of estimate and appor- orks to make requisition upon the board of estimate tionment to make an ap- and apportionment within ten days after the passage of propriation. an ordinance therefor by the common council of said city for the appropriation of such sum of money, not exceeding sixty thousand dollars, as he may deem necessary for the construction and maintenance of the four additional public floating baths, and it shall be the duty of the board of estimate and apportionment to meet within ten days after the receipt of such requisition and appropriate such sum of money for said purposes. Comptroller 3. It shall be the duty of the comptroller of the city to issue bonds. of New York, and he is hereby authorized and directed to raise such sums of money as is hereby authorized to be appropriated by the first and second sections of this act, by the issue of revenue bonds, in anticipation of the taxes of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, and said moneys, go to be raised, shall be paid for the construction and maintenance of said baths by the comptroller, on the requisition of the department of public works. The Payment of amount of money necessary to pay said bonds so issued bonds when made. shall be included in the tax levy in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, and the said bonds shall be paid out of the moneys raised by taxation that year. ~ 4. The department of docks of the city of New York shall, upon the requisition of the department of public 19 works of said city, furnish free of charge, in the vicinity Department of docks to of such locations as shall be designated by the department provide convenient of public works, accessible, convenient, and safe berths moorings. for mooring the floating baths herein provided to be constructed and maintained. ~ 5. This act shall take effect immediately. Chapter 188. AN ACT to fix the time for filling in and improving the lands between high and low water mark on the easterly shore of the Harlem river. Passed April 28, 1876; three-fifths present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The period of time fixed for the appropria- TimeextendSed for imtion to the purposes of commerce by the construction of a proving. dock or docks and filling in the same in all letters patent issued by the people of the state of New York to the owners of the adjacent upland, for lands under water and between high and low water mark in front of and adjacent to the lands of the said owners of the adjacent upland on the easterly shore of the Harlem river is hereby extended until two years after the time when plans for the improvement of said river shall be completed by the proper authorities, and copies of such plans filed, one in the office of the register of the city and county of New York, and one in the office of the secretary of state at Albany. ~ 2. Nothing herein contained shall in any way affect any other grants, except those made for the purpose of promoting the commerce of this state, in which a time is 20 limited for the completion of the improvement specified in such letters patent. ~ 3. This act shall take effect immediately. Chapter 199. AN ACT in relation to the court of general sessions of the peace in and for the city and county of New York. Passed May 3, 1876; three-fifths present-without the approval of the Governor, pursuant to provision of section nine of article four of the Constitution. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Appoint- SECTION 1. The court of general sessions of the peace ment of additional of the city and county of New York, is hereby authorized deputy clerks, etc. and empowered to appoint two additional deputy clerks, one interpreter, and one stenographer for said court. One of the clerks to be appointed by virtue hereof shall receive an annual salary of twenty-five dundred dollars. Salary fixed. The stenographer shall receive an annual salary of two thousand dollars; and one of the clerks and the interpreter, to be appointed by virtue hereof, shall each receive an annual salary of twelve hundred dollars from the date of their appointment. Provisionfor ~ 2. The salaries of the clerks, interpreter, and stenops et r. grapher, whose appointment is hereby authorized, shall be a county charge, and the board of estimate and apportionment of said city and county of New York, shall provide for the payment of the same, so soon as the sums requisite therefor shall be certified to the said board by the said court of general sessions. ~ 3. This act shall take effect immediately. 21 Chapter 205. AN ACT in relation to clerks, deputy clerks, and assistant clerks of the several courts of record in the counties of New York and Kings, and of the surrogate's court in said counties. Passed May 4, 1876. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. No clerk, deputy clerk or assistant clerk of Not to be appointed any court of record in the counties of New York and referee, receiver, or Kings, or of the surrogate's court in said counties, shall ommshereafter be appointed referee, receiver or commissioner under any order or judgment of any court, unless the parties to the action or proceeding mutually agree to such referee. ~ 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Chapter 208. AN ACT to extend the time for making assessments for taxes in the city and county of New York. Passed May 12,1876; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. Any assessments made by the commissioners Time for making of taxes and assessments in the city of New York author- assesments ized by any law of this state shall be as valid, if made on or before the fourth Monday of March, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-six, as if they had been made on or before the second Monday in January. ~ 2. This act shall take effect immediately. 22 Chapter 209. AN ACT to provide for the completion of the courthouse in the third judicial district in the city of New York. Passed May 12, 1876; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Comptroller SECTION 1. The comptroller of the city of New York is to issue bonds. hereby authorized and directed to raise on bonds of said city, for the completion of the court-house for the third judicial district in said city, the sum of fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as shall be certified by the commissioners having in charge the erection of said building, to be necessary. Bonds, when ~ 2. The bonds so authorized to be issued, by section edeemable. one of this act, shall be entitled " Third district courthouse bonds of the city of New York," and shall bear interest not exceeding seven per cent., and to be payable in not less than ten nor more than fifty years, as the said comptroller shall determine, and shall not be issued at less than par value. Said bonds shall be signed by the compHow signed. troller and countersigned by the mayor, and it shall be the duty of the clerk of the common council to affix the common seal of the corporation thereto and attest the same. salaries of ~ 3. The board of estimate and apportionment of the onr fixed. city of New York are hereby authorized to fix the salaries or compensation for the services of the three commissioners for the erection of the court-house in the third judicial district of the city of New York, appointed under the provisions of chapter eight hundred and six of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-three, from the date of their appointment as such commissioners, and from time to time to make such appropriations therefor as may be necessary; 23 and it shall be the duty of said commissioners to complete the said court-house building on or before the thirty-first office of day of December, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, on sioner, when abolished. which date the office of the commissioners for the erection of the court-house in the third judicial district of the city of New York shall be abolished. ~ 4. This act shall take effect immediately. Chapter 210. AN ACT to repeal chapter nine hundred and twenty of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, entitled "An act in relation to the opening, widening, and extending of streets, avenues, and public places in the city of New York." Passed May 12, 1876; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter nine hundred and twenty of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, entitled "An act in relation to the opening, widening, and extending of streets, avenues, and public places in the city of New York," is hereby repealed. Provided, however, that no existing right or interest lawfully created or established by and under the provisions of said act, and no action or proceeding now pending, lawfully commenced and prosecuted, shall be affected or in any manner prejudiced or invalidated by the repeal thereof. ~ 2. This act shall take effect immediately. 24 Chapter 211. AN ACT for the relief of the creditors of James B. Taylor, late of the city of New York, deceased. Passed May 12, 1876. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. Upon the petition of any judgment creditor of the estate of James B. Taylor, late of the city of New York, deceased, whose judgment shall have been recovered since the decease of said James B. Taylor, the surrogate of the county of New York shall have power to apurrogate topoint some suitable person as receiver of the real eapoint estate left by the said James B. Taylor, pending the conreoeiver. test upon his last will and testament. Such receiver shall have and possess the same power and authority, and shall be required to give the same security as if appointed by any other court of competent jurisdiction. The said surrogate shall have the same power to remove such receiver and appoint another in his stead as is possessed by the supreme court in cases of receivers appointed by it, and may in like manner direct and control his conduct from time to time. ~ 2. Whenever it shall be made to appear to said surrogate by the petition of the said receiver, or of any such judgment creditor or creditors of the said James B. Taylor, that the personal estate of the said James B. Taylor is insufficient to pay all the debts of the said Taylor, together with the cost and expenses of administration, the said surrogate of the county of New York shall have power and authority to order the real estate of the said James B. Rel estate Taylor, or any part of the same, to be leased, mortgaged to be sold or sold by the said receiver in the same manner as if ased, etc.n executor or administrator, as now proapplied for by an executor or administrator, as now pro 25 vided by law; to direct such receiver to execute and deliver any lease, mortgage or conveyance necessary to carry into effect such order of the said surrogate, and to require the money arising from such lease, mortgage or sale, after paying the costs and expenses of the same, to be brought into said surrogate's court, to be distributed, paid out and applied as required by law in case of a lease, mortgage or sale made by an executor or administrator under the order of a surrogate, as now authorized and provided by law. ~ 3. The said petition shall set forth: first, the amount, Petition, what it shall character and value of the personal property of said setforth. deceased, remaining; second, the debts outstanding against the said James B. Taylor; third, a general description of all the real estate of which the said James B. Taylor died seized, situated in this State, with the estimated value of the same and the incumbrances, if any thereon (designating such parts as have been sold for taxes or in foreclosure), and whether occupied or not, and if occupied the name of the occupant or occupants; fourth, the names, ages, and residence of the heirs-at-law of said James B. Taylor, and also of the devisees named in his alleged will; and all the matters required to be stated in such petition shall be stated as fully and particularly as the same can be ascertained, and such petition shall be verified by the petitioner or his attorney, to the effect that the same is true to the knowledge of the deponent, except as to the matters therein stated on his information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. If the affidavit be by an attorney, the reason why the petitioner does not make the same shall be stated. If there be more than one petitioner, the verification may be by any one of those jointly interested. ~ 4. Upon presenting such petition to the surrogate of the county of New York, said surrogate shall proceed in the same manner as upon the petition of an executor or 26 administrator applying to the surrogate for authority to mortgage, lease, or sell so much of the real estate of the testator or intestate as shall be necessary to pay his debts, and shall in like manner determine whether such real estate shall be leased, mortgaged or sold; and the order of the said surrogate in the premises shall be executed by the said receiver, as in the case of an order for an executor or an administrator to lease, mortgage, or sell the real estate of his testator or intestate, and the moneys produced by Proceeds of such lease, mortgage or sale shall be brought into the to be distri- office of said surrogate, as in such case; and the said surbuted among creditors. rogate shall apply and distribute such moneys among the creditors of the said James B. Taylor, and in all respects proceed as he is required by law to do on a similar application by an executor or administrator. ~ 5. Upon receiving the petition above mentioned, the jurisdiction of the said surrogate shall continue, and the said surrogate shall proceed until the creditors of said James B. Taylor are paid in full, or so far as the proceeds of the said real estate will pay the said debts. Surplus to ~ 6. If, after the payment of said debts and the said be deposited or invested costs and expenses, there shall be any surplus of the proceeds of the sale, the same shall be deposited or invested by said surrogate in his name of office to abide the determination of such contest upon said will, and when such contest is finally determined, such surplus or any surplus which may arise shall be paid over to the parties entitled thereto. ~ 7. Any order or decree made by the surrogate under the provisions of this act may be reviewed on appeal to the supreme court within thirty days after such order or decree shall have been made, and such court may thereupon affirm, reverse, or modify the same. ~ 8. This act shall take effect immediately. 27 Chapter 212. AN ACT to make further provision for the audit and payment of the claims and expenses of conducting civil and criminal suits and proceedings growing out of the frauds upon the treasury of the city and county of New York. Passed May 12, 1876; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact asfollows: SECTION 1. The board of supervisors of the county Board of of New York is hereby authorized and required to raise Ito rab by tax upon the estates, real and personal, in the city and tax. county of New York subject to taxation, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, twenty-five thousand dollars, for the purposes hereinafter mentioned. ~ 2. The said sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, in addition to sums heretofore appropriated by chapter five hundred and eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and chapter six hundred and thirty-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-three, and chapter three hundred and fifty-nine of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-four, shall be applied to the payment Payment ot expenses and of the liabilities and expenses for counsel fees, and other- counsel f wise, which have been or may be incurred by the attorneygeneral and Charles O'Conor, or under their direction, or that of either of them, in the conduct and prosecution of suits and criminal proceedings connected with or growing out of the alleged frauds mentioned in said act, chapter five hundred and eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-two; said liabilities shall be paid by the comptroller of the city of New York, on production of accounts therefor duly certified by the attorney-general and the governor. ~ 3. This act shall take effect immediately. Chapter 213. AN ACT to amend chapter one hundred and six of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-five, entitled "An act to incorporate the New York Infant Asylum." Passed May 13, 1876; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Inoorpora- SECTION 1. Section twenty-two of chapter one hundred tion of. and six of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-five, entitled "An act to incorporate the New York Infant Asylum," as amended by chapter two hundred and sixtythree of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-two, entitled an act to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the New York Infant Asylum, passed March eleventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, is hereby further amended so as to read as follows: Board of ~ 22. In each and every year after this act shall take supervisors to raise by effect, the board of supervisors of the city and county of tax. New York shall levy and collect by tax at the same time and in the same manner as the contingent charges and expenses of the city and county are levied and collected, and pay over to said corporation such a sum per week for every infant under eighteen months of age, for whose care some provision has not been made by some person or persons as the commissioners of charities and corrections shall certify to have been expended during the last fiscal year, in the care and provision for the infants per week each, in the infants' hospital, which is under the control of said commissioners; and for every child over the age of Maintenance eighteen months such a sum per year, in monthly payments, achchild. as the said commissioners shall certify to have been ex 29 pended as an average cost for maintenance and the hospital care of each child, for a full year, at the institution known as the Nursery for Children on Randall's Island, in the last previous fiscal year, as shown and reported by said commissioners, and the said commissioners shall so inform and certify, upon the request of the managers of said asylum, on or before the fifteenth day of February, in each year, and such certification shall be based upon the total expenditures charged and chargeable by the said commissioners against their said infants' hospital and their said nursery (according to the ages of the children continuing in the house), and proportionately for any fraction of a year for each any every child which agreeable to the provisions of this act, shall be entrusted to the care and custody of the said corporation from the city and county of New York, and shall be supported and maintained by Care and attendance them. It is further provided that whenever any homeless to needy or needy mother has received care and attendance in the lying in wards of the New York Infant Asylum, the managers of said asylum shall be entitled to receive, and shall receive, from the county treasurer, as hereinabove provided, the sum of twenty-five dollars for said care and obstetric attendance, and whenever any mother thus domiciled and attended at the birth of her child, and whenever any other homeless or needy mother with a nursing infant, resides at the asylum by the request of its officers, and wetnurses her own infant, the managers of said institution shall be entitled to receive and shall receive from the county treasurer, the sum of eighteen dollars per month, and proportionately for any fraction of a month for each mother so remaining under their charge in said asylum, provided such residence shall exceed the period of two months, to be paid as hereinbefore provided in monthly, quarterly or annual payments, as said managers may request, but the managers of the said institution shall not be entitled to receive the said monthly allowance for 30 a longer period than for one year for any mother so remaining. ~ 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Chapter 274. AN ACT in relation to arrears of taxes in the city of New York, and to provide for the reissuing of revenue bonds in anticipation of such taxes. Passed May 15, 1876; three-fifths present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact asfollows: SECTION 1. At any time within one year after the passage of this act, any person may pay to the comptroller Arrears of of the city of New York, the amount of any tax upon taxes, how and when property, real or personal, belonging to such person, herepaid. tofore laid or imposed and now remaining unpaid, together with interest at seven per cent. per annum, to be calculated from the time that such tax was imposed to the time of such payment, and the comptroller shall make and deliver to the person so making such payment a receipt therefor, and shall forthwith cancel the record of any such tax. Tax ceasing Upon such payment such tax shall cease to be a lien upon be a lien.the property and shall be deemed fully paid, satisfied, and discharged, and there shall be no right to any further interest or penalty by reason of such tax not having been paid within the time heretofore required by law, or by reason of any statute heretofore passed requiring the payment of any penalty or interest over seven per cent. upon any unpaid tax. Reissue of ~ 2. Any revenue bonds heretofore issued in anticipabrenue tion of the taxes in the first section specified which may 31 fall due and become payable before such taxes are collected, may be reissued by the comptroller of said city, in whole or in part, for such period as he may determine, not exceeding one year. ~ 3. This act shall take effect immediately. Chapter 175. AN ACT for the relief of Cornelius Flynn. Passed May 15, 1876; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact asfollows: SECTION 1. The comptroller of the city of New York Comptroller to examine is hereby authorized and required to examine into the claim. claim of Cornelius Flynn for services rendered by him as acting assistant clerk of the district court in the city of New York for the first judicial district, during the months of January, February, March, April, May, and June, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-five; and upon the production to said comptroller of the original certificate of appointment of said Cornelius Flynn to the office of assistant clerk of said district court by the justice holding office as justice of said district court at the time of the execution of such certificate, a certified copy of the official bond executed by said Cornelius Flynn, and certificate of the filing thereof with the county clerk of the city and county of New York, and the certificate by said justice so holding office as justice of said district court during the period of said alleged services of the performance by said Cornelius Flynn of the duties of said office during said period, accompanied by the affidavit of said Flynn, verifying the truth of such certificate, the said comptroller shall audit and certify the amount of such claim at the rate established by 32 law as the compensation for the services of the clerks of the said district courts in the city of New York at the time of the rendition of such services, and report the same to Board of the board of estimate and apportionment of said city, who estimate and apportion- shall thereupon make an appropriation for the payment of ment to provide for the amount thereof, for which amount the said comptroller payment of claim when shall thereupon draw his warrant upon the treasury of the city of New York, and deliver the same to said Cornelius Flynn in satisfaction of said claim; and it is further provided that the comptroller of the city of New York shall be authorized and directed to issue and sell bonds of the city of New York to raise the amount necessary to pay such amount in full with interest, which shall be levied and assessed on the taxable property of the city and county of New York. Chapter 291. AN ACT making an appropriation to the commissioners of emigration to enable them to perform the duties imposed upon them by law. Passed May 15, 1876, by a two-third vote. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Comptroller SECTION 1. The comptroller of the state is hereby authorof the state to provide ized and directed to draw his several warrants upon the for the payment of ex- treasurer, who shall pay the same respectively when prepenses of commission. sented, in favor of the commissioners of emigration, for such amounts as they may, from time to time, require for the purpose of paying the current expenses, during the year commencing on the first day of May, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, which warrants shall not exceed in Amount the aggregate the sum of two hundred thousand dollars, limited. 33 but whenever any appropriation shall be made by the Congress of the United States for the purposes herein mentioned, no more money shall be paid under this act. -~ 2. The said sum of two hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is h6reby appropriated for the'payment of the warrants in and by the first section of this act mentioned and authorized which shall be paid out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. ~ 3. The comptroller is hereby prohibited, however, from drawing his warrant upon the state treasurer in favor of the commissioners of emigration, against the funds hereby, appropriated, unless a detailed account of their Detailed aoexpenses, for which a warrant is desired, be at such time exuenses must be presented to the comptroller, duly verified by said commis- furnished. sioners or a majority of them, and such warrant shall in no case exceed in amount the expenses incurred by such commissioners, and for which such detailed account is presented as aforesaid. ~ 4. This act shall take effect immediately. Chapter 296. AN ACT to provide for the determination and payment of the amount due by the city of New York to that portion of the town of Westchester, which, prior to January one, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, was part of joint union school district number two, of the town of West Farms, for school property taken by the city of New York. Passed May 15, 1876; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact asfollows: SECTION 1. The board of education of the city of New York, and the board of education of school district num3 34 ber four of the town of Westchester, in the county of Westchester, shall examine, audit, and determine the Proportion amount which ought, proportionally and fairly, to be paid paid to the by the mayor, aldermen, and commonalty of the city of Westchester. New York to the inhabitants and estates of that portion of the town of Westchester, which, prior to the annexation of the town of West Farms to the city of New York, formed part of the joint union school district, number two, of the town of West Farms, for their contribution by payment- of taxes, to the cost of the land, schoolhouse, furniture, books, apparatus, and other school property, which, by such annexation, was vested in and declared to be the property of the mayor, aldermen, and commonalty.of the city of New York, and for their interest in the same, and their loss sustained by the vesting thereof in said city of New York. The amount found due on said audit, examination, and determination, with interest thereon from the first day of January, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, shall be paid by the mayor, aldermen, and commonalty of the city of New York, to the board of education of school district number four, of the town of Westchester, whose duty it is hereby made to receive the same for the benefit of said inhabitants and estates of said portion of the town of Westchester. In case of failFailure of ure of said boards to agree upon the amount so to be paid, th gre"8 within six months after the passage of this act, the supreme court, in the second department, shall have power and jurisdiction to determine such amount, after hearing, in an action which said board of education of school district number four, of the town of Westchester, is hereby authorized to commence, after six.months, and within one year, from the passage of this act, in the name of said. board, against the mayor, aldermen, and commonalty of the city of New York, and in said action said court shall adjudge the payment of such amount as shall proportionally and fairly be due upon the principles hereinbefore declared. 35 ~ 2. Within ninety days after the passage of this act comptroller the comptroller of the city of New York is hereby bond. directed to borrow, on the credit of the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York, on bonds of the said city, to be denominated revenue bonds, and in anticipation of the collectibn of the taxes to be levied and imposed on the property, real and personal, subject to taxation in the city and county of New York for the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, the sum of ten thousand dollars for the purpose of paying the amount which shall be audited and determined to be due as aforesaid. The revenue bonds herein mentioned shall bear interest at the rate of not exceeding seven per cent. per annum. ~ 3. It shall be the duty of the said comptroller of the comptroller to pay withcity of New York, and he is'hereby directed to pay, with- interet. in ten days after the determination of the amount due as aforesaid, the money derived from the sale of said bonds to the said board of education of school district number four, of the town of Westchester, so far as the same may be necessary to pay the amount so determined or adjudged to be due, with interest to the day of payment. ~ 4. The board of estimate and apportionment of New Amount thus paid to York are hereby authorized, directed and required to causebe raised by to be included in the taxes to be levied and raised in the taxes. said city of New York for the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, upon the estates subject to taxation in the city and county of New York, an amount sufficient to pay the revenue bonds herein directed to be issued by the said comptroller in anticipation of the collection of the said taxes, with all interest due or to become due thereon. ~ 5. For the purpose of this act, all acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. ~ 6. This act shall take effect immediately. 36 Chapter 300. AN ACT for the relief of Patrick McCabe. Passed May 15, 1876; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: comptroller SECTION 1. The comptroller of the city of New York is hereby authorized and required to examine into the claim of Patrick McCabe, for services rendered by him as acting assistant clerk of the district court in the city of New York, for the third judicial district, from the first day of January, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, to the first day of July, eighteen hundred and seventy-five; and upon the production to said comptroller of the original certificate of appointment of said Patrick McCabe to the office of assistant clerk of said district court, by the justice holding office as justice of said district court at the time of the execution of such certificate, a certified copy of, the official bond executed by said Patrick McCabe, and a certificate of the filing thereof with the county clerk of the city and county of New York, and the certificate of the justice holding office as justice of said district court during the period of said alleged services, of the performance by said Patrick McCabe of the duties of said office during said period, accompanied by the affidavit of said McCabe verifying the truth of such certificate, the comptroller shall audit and certify the amount of such claim at the rate established bylaw as the compensation for the services of the clerks of the said district courts in the city of New York at the time of the rendition of such services, Board of and report the same to the board of estimate and apportionapportion- ment of said city, who shall thereupon make an appropriation ment to prvide mt for the payment of the amount thereof, for which amount m, when the said comptroller shall thereupon draw his warrant upon audited.r 37 the treasury of the city of New York, and deliver the same to said Patrick McCabe, in satisfaction of said claim; and it is further provided that the comptroller of the city of New York shall be authorized and directed to issue and sell bonds of the city of New York to raise the amount necessary to pay such amount in full with interest, which shall be levied and assessed on the taxable property of the city and county of New York. Chapter 316. AN ACT relative to judgments entered upon forfeited recognizances in the city and county of New York. Passed May 16, 1876. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The court of common pleas for the city and county of New York, upon the certificate of the district attorney of the county of New York, that the people of the state of New York have lost no rights by reason of the failure of a surety to produce a principal in compliance with the terms of a recognizance given by them, and that Forfeited reby reason of the principal being produced, the said people cogances of the state of New York are in as good a position to prosecute said principal as when such failure occurred, may by order vacate and set aside any judgment heretofore entered, or that may be hereafter entered, upon the forfeiture of such recognizance against such principal or surety, or either of them, on payment to the chamberlain of the city of New York of all costs included in such judgment and of all expenses incurred in the apprehension or recapture of such principal. ~ 2. This act shall take effect immediately. 38 Chapter 356. AN ACT in relation to summary proceedings in the city of New York, to recover the possession of lands for non-payment of rent and for holding over after expiration of term. Passed May 19, 1876; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follow8: SECTION 1. No proceedings shall be taken before any justice of any district court of the city of New York to dispossess any tenant or tenants under the statute in relaispossess tion to summary proceedings to recover the possession of proceedings, where re lands unless the summons is returnable and all the proturnable. urna ceedings are before such justice at the district court-house, or the building designated by the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New York as the place where the court of said justice shall be held. Clerk to pay ~ 2. All costs and fees allowed by law to any such justroller al tice in any such proceeding shall be paid to the clerk of amats and fes. the district court of the justice before whom such proceedingis commenced, and every such clerk shall, monthly, on the last day of each month, account for, return and pay over all such costs and fees therefor paid to the comptroller of the city of New York. ~ 3. This act shall take effect immediately. 39 Chapter 372. AN ACT to amend chapter four hundred and twenty-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-four, entitled "An act to secure to children the benefits of an elementary education." Passed May 20, 1876; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do hereby enact as follows: SECTION 1. Section two of chapter four hundred and twenty-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventyfour, entitled " An act to secure to children the benefits of an elementary education," is hereby amended so as to read as follows: ~ 2. No child under the age of fourteen years shall be children under fourteen employed by any person to labor in any business whatever not to be during the school hours of any school day of the school during school hours term of the public school in the school district of the city where such child is, unless such child shall have attended some public or private day school where instruction was given by a teacher qualified to instruct in spelling, reading, writing, geography, English grammar and arithmetic, or shall have been regularly instructed at home in said branches, by some person qualified to instruct in the same, Thoseeat least fourteen weeks of the fifty-two weeks next pre- stuction ceding any and every year in which such child shall be exepted. employed, and shall, at the time of such employment, deliver to the employer a certificate in writing, signed by the certificate of i instruction teacher or school trustee of the district, or of a school, and to be ad countersigned by such officer as the board of education or employers. public instruction, by whatever name it may be known in any city, incorporated village or town, shall designate, certifying to such attendance or instruction, and any person who shall employ any child contrary to the provisions 40 Penalty t of this section, shall for each offense forfeit and pay a be paid by employe, penalty of fifty dollars to the treasurer or chief fiscal officer of act. of the city or supervisor of the town in which such offense shall occur; the said sum or penalty, when so paid, to be added to the public shool money of the school district in which the offense occurred. ~ 2. Section three of said act is herby amended so as to read as -follows: school trs- ~ 3. It shall be the duty of the trustee or trustees of tees, duty o. every school district, or public school, or union school, or of officers appointed for that purpose by the board of education or public instruction, by whatever name it may be known, in every town or city, in the months of September and of February of each year, and at such times as may be deemed necessary, to examine into the situation of the children employed in all manufacturing and other establishments in such school districts where children are employed, and in case any town or city is not divided into school districts, it shall, for the purposes of the examination provided for in this section, be divided by the school authorities thereof into districts, and the said trustees or other officers as aforesaid, notified of their respective districts on or before the first day of January of each year, and the said trustee or trustees, or other officers as aforesaid, shall ascertain whether all of the provisions of this act are duly observed, and report all violations thereof to the treasurer or chief fiscal officer of said city or supervisor imployers of said town. On such examination the proprietor, supernitist exhibit lit of ch~- intendent, or manager of said establishment shall, on ploe, etc. demand, exhibit to said examining trustee or other officers as aforesaid, a correct list of all children between the ages of eight and fourteen years, employed in said establishment, with said certificates of attendance on school or of instruction. 41 ~3. Section 5 of said act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: ~ 5. The trustee or trustees of any school district or public school, or the president of any union school, or such officer as the board of education of said city, incorporated village or town may designate, is hereby authorized and empowered to see that sections one, two, three, four, and school ormcers must five of this act are enforced, and to report in writing all reuort yiolations thereof to the treasurer or chief fiscal officer ofoto. this city, or to the supervisor of his town; any person who shall violate any provision of sections one, three, and four of this act shall, on written notice of such violation from one of the school officers above named, forfeit for the first offense, any pay to the treasurer or chief fiscal officer of the Penalty for the first city, or to the supervisor of the town in which he resides, offense. or such offense has occurred, the sum of one dollar, and after such first offense, shall for each succeeding offense in the same year, forfeit and pay to the treasurer of said city, or supervisor of said town, the sum of five dollars for each and every week, not exceeding thirteen weeks in any one For succeed~ ing offenses. year, during which he, after written notice from said school officer, shall have failed to comply with any of said provisions; the said penalties, when paid, to be added to the public school money of said school district in which the offense occured. ~ 4. Section seven of said act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: ~ 7. In case any person having the control of any child between the ages of eight and fourteen years is unable to induce said child to attend school for the said fourteen weeks in each year, and shall so state in writing to said trustee or said other officers, appointed by the board of education or public instruction, by whatever name it may be known, the said child shall, from and after the date and delivery to said trustee or other officer as aforesaid of said 42 buantb, statement in writing, be deemed and dealt with as an dealt with. habitual truant, and said person shall be relieved of all penalties incurred for said year after said date, under sections one, four, and five of this act, as to such child. ~ 5. Section eight of said act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Board of ~ 8. The board of education or public instruction, by education empowered whatever name it may be called, in such city and incorpoto make provision con- rated village, and the trustees of the school districts and cerning habitual union schools in each town, by an affirmative vote of a truants. majority of said trustees, at a meeting or meetings to be called for this purpose, on ten days' notice, in writing to each trustee, said notice to be given by the town clerk, are for each of their respective cities and towns hereby authorized and empowered and directed, on or before the first day of January, 1877, to make all needful provisions, arrangements, rules and regulations concerning habitual truants, and children between said ages of eight and fourChildren teen years of age, who may be found wandering about the found wandering streets or public places of said city or town during school during 9chool hours of the school day of the term of the public school of said city or town, having no lawful occupation or business, and growing up in ignorance; and said provisions, arrangements, rules and regulations shall be such as shall, in their judgment, be most conducive to the welfare of such children, and to the good order iof said city or town: and Places of shall provide suitable places for the discipline and instrucdiscipline and instruc- tion and confinement, when necessary, of such children, and may require the aid of the police of cities or incorporated villages and constables of towns to enforce their said rules and regulations; provided, however, that such provisions, arrangements, rules and regulations, shall not go into effect as laws for said several cities and towns until they shall have been approved in writing by a justice of the Supreme Court, for the judicial district in which said 43 city, incorporated village or town is situated, and when so nuleand regulations approved he shall file the same with the clerk of the said to be approved of by city, incorporated village or town, who shall print the a justice of the supreme same and furnish ten copies thereof to each trustee of each court. school district, or public or union school of said city, incorporated village or town; the said trustees shall keep one copy thereof posted in a conspicuous place, in or upon Copies of rules to be each school house in his charge during the school terms posted in each school each year. In like manner the same in each city, incor- house. porated village or town may be amended or revised within Rules may be amended. six months after the passage of this act, and thereafter annually as the trustee or trustees of any school district, or public school, or the president of any union school, or the board of education or public instruction, or by whatever name it may be known, in any city, incorporated village or town, may determine. ~ 6. This act shall take, effect immediately. Chapter 376. AN ACT to prevent the deposit of mud, earth, soil, ashes, or refuse in the North or Hudson river, and to prevent the filling up the navigable waters of said river, and to preserve the navigation thereof. Passed May 20, 1876; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or per- No refueto sons, by means of any boats, scows, or vessels, or in anybe umpd, other manner whatever, to cast, throw, dump, or deposit any mud, earth, soil, ashes, refuse, stone, rock, or other solid substance or materials, into the waters of the North or obtructionor Hudson river, or to place, construct, or buildplaced any conor Hudson river, or to place, construct, or build: any con- in the river. 44 trivance, substance, or thing whatever, within said waters, which shall or may operate in any manner whatever to lessen or decrease the depth of such waters, or in any manner whatever interfere with niavigation therein, or imperil or jeopardize the free and safe navigation thereof, or tend in any manner thereto; provided, however, that Bxceptions. nothing herein shall prevent any steamboat or steam vessel from dumping or casting into said river at any point not between the city of New York and Stoney Point, or between Tivoli and the State dam above Troy, any ashes which shall be accumulated upon such boat or vessel upon any trip. penalties. ~ f. Any person designedly doing any act forbidden by the provisions of this act shall be deetned guilty of a misdemeanor and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than sixty days, or to a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, or both, in the discretion of the court, for each and every offense, and may be arrested by the authorities of either of the counties adjacent to the Hudson river at the location where such offense shall be committed. The courts in said counties, respectively, shall have concurrent power and jurisdiction to try such offender or offenders, whether the offense be committed in the respective county or not. -Any constable, policeman, sheriff, under or deputy sheriff, alderman of a city or trustee of a village, in either of said counties, finding or Offenders seeing any person or persons offending against the proted with- visions of this act, may and it is hereby declared to be his out arrt. duty to arrest, without warrant, such person or persons so offending, and them to take before the nearest magistrate to be dealt with for such offense according to law. Additional ~ 3. Any persons offending against the provisions of penalties. this act, shall also forfeit and pay a penalty of fifty dollars for each offense, to be recovered by suit or action at law in any court having jurisdiction. Such action may be 45 brought in any county adjacent to said river, in the name of any municipal corporation, or in the name of any commissioner of highways or overseers of the poor of any town located within either of said counties, and the sum of money recovered in such action shall be for the super- Fines to be 0 used for visors of the county in which such action is tried, for the beneft of the poor. benefit of the poor of said county.e poo ~ 4. This act shall not apply to the depositing of sub- Act not to 0apply in cerstances upon the building of wharves or piers upon, or the tai caes. filling in of land under water granted by the people of the state of New York to any person, or the waters now dyked off by the river commissioners for improving the channel of the river, or when such act, which otherwise would be an offense, is done by the owner of such land or under his authority, or by his direction or by direction of any public officer having charge of the improvement of the river. Nor shall this act apply to the sweeping, washing, or clearing from the decks of canal boats, freight, passenger or pleasure boats or vessels, of such dirt' only as collects naturally thereon from the use thereof of human beings using the same for transportation or pleasure, nor the hauling of fire from the furnance-grate, of any steamboat having state rooms above the main deck, provided no coal or ashes shall be dumped from the ash-box of said steamboat except as.authorized in the first section of this act, nor to the setting of shad poles in the shad season; nor to the use of Shad poles etc., allowed any other devices or contrivances for the purposes of fish- to be set in the season ing in any season of the year, but no such setting of shad within certain limits. poles or devices for fishing shall be allowed below the northerly line established by the harbor commissioners of the city of New York; nor shall this act apply to throwing overboard the refuse and waste matter which ordinarily accumulates in and about canal boats engaged in the transportation of goods and merchandise. But this act shall not be construed to authorize the throwing in said water of food or any contrivance or device in which food may be kept, carried, or preserved. 46 ~ 5. In case the mud-scow from which such mud, earth, soil, ashes, refuse, stone, rock, or other solid substance shall be cast, thrown, dumped, or deposited, as specified in section 1, shall be towed by a steamboat or tug to the point at which such substance shall be thrown, dropped, asters of cast, dumped, or deposited, the master of such steamboat contractor or tug and the contractor using the same shall be jointly toibe joi and severally liable to a penalty of two hundred dollars violations. for each and every such offense, recoverable in an action by any overseer of the poor, or supervisor of any town located within any of said counties, in any court having jurisdiction of an action for penalties, not exceeding two hundred dollars, for the supervisors of the county in which such action is tried for the benefit of the poor of said county. Penalties for ~ 6. Any person who shall accept any money or other i 'for8 valuable thing by way of compromise for the violation of violations. any of the provisions of this act, without the approval of the court, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Chapter 409. AN ACT to enable the court of general sessions of the peace of the city and county of New York to appoint an interpreter. Passed May 24, 1876; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Appoint- SECTION 1. The court of general sessions of the peace is mef,nd hereby authorized and empowered to appoint an interpreter for said court. The interpreter to be appointed by virtue hereof shall receive an annual compensation, to be fixed by said court, not to exceed two thousand five hundred dollars per annum. 47 ~ 2. The expense of carrying into execution the pro-Board of ~.estimate visions of this act and the salary of the said interpreter andapportionment to whose appointment is hereby authorized, shall be a county provide for the payment charge, and the board of estimate and apportionment of ofalary. said city and county of New York shall provide for the payment of the same, so soon as the sums requisite therefor shall be certified to the said board by the said court of general sessions. ~ 3. This act shall take effect immediately. Chapter 411. AN ACT to amend chapter three hundred and twentynine of the Laws of eighteen hundred and seventyfour, entitled "An act to re-enact and amend an act, entitled 'An act to provide for the annexation of the towns of Morrisania, West Farms, and Kingsbridge, in the county of Westchester, to the city and county of New York,'" passed May twenty-three, eighteen hundred and seventy-three. Passed May 25, 1876; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECAION 1. Section seventeen of chapter three hundred and twenty-nine of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-four, entitled "An act to re-enact and amend anm act to provide for the annexation of the towns of Morrisania, West Farms, and Kingsbridge, in the county of Westchester, to the city and county of New York," passed May twenty-third, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, is hereby amended to read as follows: ~ 17. (1.) It shall be the duty of the board of commissioners of the department of public parks of the city of 48 commisy New York to cause to be made maps of the territory consioners of the depart- stituting the twenty-third and twenty-fourth wards, as dement of public parks to fined by this act, for the use of the department of taxes cause maps, etc., to be and assessments of New York city. Such maps shall show all street, road, and property lines, and the divisions of all lots and separate properties, and the dimensions of the same. The said maps shall be of such scale, form, and dimensions, and bound in volumes of such size as may be directed by the commissioners of taxes and assessments. The said lots and separate property shall be designated on said maps by numbers, as may be directed by the Commissioners of taxes and assessments. (2.) The commissioners of the department of public parks shall cause such maps and such surveys as may be.Maps, by found necessary for their completion, to be made by comwhom made. petent surveyors and draughtsmen in the office and under the direction of the civil and topographical engineer in charge of surveying, laying out, and monumenting the twenty-third and twenty-fourth wards, and, so far as practicable, from the maps of topographical surveys of the town of Morrisania, made under the direction of the commissioners appointed under chapter eight hundred and forty-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, and the topographical maps of the towns of West Farms and Kingsbridge, made under the direction of the commissioners of the Central park and the commissioners of the department of public parks, which said maps are now in the possession of said department of public parks. Appropria- (3.) The board of estimate and apportionment of the city tion for. of New York is hereby authorized to appropriate from any unexpended balances for the year eighteen hundred and seventy-five the sum of ten thousand dollars, for the use of the department of public parks, to pay for work which may be done under this act during the year eighteen hundred and seventy-six. 49 (4.) The board of estimate and apportionment of the city Of New York shall annually include in the estimate of the amounts necessary to pay the expenses of conducting the business of the department of public parks of the city of New York such sum or sums of money as shall in the judgment and discretion of said board be necessary to carry on the work authorized by this act. ~ 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Chapter 413. AN ACT in relation to the clerks, officers, and attendants of the marine court of the city of New York. Passed May 25, 1876; three-fifths present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The marine court of the city of New York Number of shall hereafter be entitled to the following number of erkaclerks, assistant clerks, stenographers, attendants, and etcdesg. interpreters: one clerk, three deputy clerks; not more than ten assistant clerks; not more than three stenographers; not more than thirteen attendants, and one interpreter. ~ 2. The said clerks, officers, attendants, and interpreter of said court shall receive the following salaries: The clerk, four thousand dollars; one deputy clerk, three sa of, thousand five hundred dollars; and the other deputy clerks i" three thousand dollars each; the assistant cleiks, two thousand dollars each; the stenographers, two thousand dollars each; the attendants, twelve hundred dollars each, and.the interpreter, fifteen hundred dollars. 4 50 Chief clerk, 3. The chief clerk of said marine court may be rehow remov-.' ed. moved by the court at pleasure, and any vacancy by removal or otherwise shall be filled by the court. Deputy ~ 4. The several deputy clerks, assistant clerks, stenogclerks, etc. remo'aiof. raphers, attendants, and interpreter may be removed by the chief clerk of said court at pleasure, and any vacancy by removal or otherwise shall be filled by the said clerk. ~ 5. The provisions of any act inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. ~ 6. This act shall take effect immediately. Chapter 414. AN ACT to amend chapter six hundred and seventy-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, entitled "An act to establish regulations for the port of New York." Passed May 25, 1876; three-fifths present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact asfollows: SECTION 1. Section seven of chapter six hundred and seventy-one of the laws. of eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, entitled "An act to establish regulations for the port of New York," is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Mud, sand, ~ 7. When any slip, basin, or shoal in the port of New etc., how Adiposed of. York shall be dredged or excavated, it shall be the duty of the person or persons causihg the same to be dredged to cause the sand, mud, or other material so dredged to be towed to sea to a point at least three miles outside of Sandy Hook, or deposited at some place above 51 high-water mark, or to be deposited behind a bulkhead for filling; and any person wilfully violating the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay to the said commissioners the sum of five dollars for every cubic yard removed not so disposed of, one-half of which shall be retained by the commissioners. ~ 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Chapter 429. AN ACT to provide for payment for the use and occupation of armories and drill-rooms in the city of New York. Passed May 26, 1876; three-fiths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact asfollows: SECTION 1. Whenever any building or buildings in the city of New York, between the first day of January, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and the first day of May, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, has or have been, or shall be, in whole or in part, actually used and occupied Buildins used and as an armory or drill-room or rooms, for any regiment or occupied as armories and other organization of the national guard of the state of drill-rooms. New York, it shall be lawful for the comptroller of the city of New York to, and he shall, and the mayor, aldermen, and commonalty of the city of New York are hereby made liable to pay for such use and occupation, during such period as has not bedh paid for, such compensation as shall be determined to be fair and reasonable by a commis- commission, sion consisting of the mayor and comptroller of the onistg. city of New York and such commissioner of the depart 52 ment of taxes and assessments of the said city as the said comptroller shall,, and he is hereby required to, designate, within ten days after the passage of this act; the'determination of a majority to be the decision of the commission. claimants to ~ 2. Claimants may be heard before the commission upbe heard upon ten on ten days' notice to the department of finance, and upon days' notice. the hearing, witnesses may be examined for and against the claim. The commissioners are, and each of them is, hereby authorized to administer an oath to witnesses. The attendance of witnesses may be compelled by subpoena, signed by'any commissioner. Determina. ~ 3. The commissioners, or a majority of them, shall tion of the commi- certify and report in writing, and file in the office of the sioners to be filed. comptroller of the city of New York, their determination upon each claim brought before them, and such determination shall be final and binding upon all parties concerned. The comp- ~ 4. The comptroller of the city of New York is hereby troller to issue bonds. directed to borrow upon bonds of the mayor, aldermen, and commonalty of the city of New York, bearing interest at a rate not exceeding seven per cent. per annum, and payable at a period not to exceed three years from the date thereof, such amounts as shall be necessary to make all the payments herein provided for. ~ 5. This act shall take effect immediately. 58 Chapter 439. AN ACT to provide for a further supply of pure and wholesome water for the twventy-third and twentyfourth wards of the city of New York. Passed May 27, 1876; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact asfollows: SECTION 1. The commissioner of public works of the city of New York is hereby authorized to expend for materials and labor, and other services, in such munner as the said, commissioner shall deem for the best interests of said city in laying pipes and doing such other things as Pipes, etc., S&for the dismay be necessary to the distribution of Croton water for tibution of S', Croton water the extinguishment of fires and all other purposes that may inthe 2t be required in the twenty-third and twenty-fourth wards wards. of said city of New York, a sum not exceeding three hundred thousand dollars. The work connected with the laying of such pipe shall be done and performed by con- work to be done by contract, entered into by the department of public works of tract. said city, founded on sealed bids or proposals, made in compliance with public notice, duly advertised in the City Record; said notice to be published at least ten days, and all such contracts when given shall be given to the lowest bidder, the terms of whose contract shall be settled by the counsel to the corporation as an act of preliminary specification to the bid or proposal, and who shall give security for the faithful performance of his contract in such amount as may be required, and the adequacy and sufficiency of said security shall, in addition to the justification and acknowledgment, be passed upon and determined by the comptroller of said city within twenty days from and after the declaration of the award of said contract. All bids or proposals shall be publicly opened by the officers advertis- Bids when ing for the same, and in the presence of said comptroller;opened. 54 but the opening of the bids shall not be postponed if the comptroller shall, after due notice, fail to attend. If the Aocepta ce lowest bidder shall neglect or refuse to accept the contract ntrt within forty-eight hours after written notice that the same has been awarded to his bid or proposal, or if he accepts, but does not execute the contract, and give the proper security, it shall be readvertised and relet as above proWork aban vided. In case any work shall be abandoned by the contractor. tractor, it shall be readvertised and relet by the commissioner of public works in the manner in this section Bid to be provided. And any bid shall be rejected which, if at the rejeced. time it is submitted, is not accompanied by a certified check payable to the order of the comptroller of the city of New York, for an amount equal to one per cent. of the entire amount named in the bid, which said check shall be forfeited to the city in case the bid shall be accepted, and the bidder or bidders shall not furnish good and sufficient ureties. sureties for the performance of the contract thereunder, and the said sureties shall not justify according to law; and upon the justification of the said sureties, the said check shall be returned to the contractor; and in either of such cases, it shall be lawful to.readvertise for the performance of such work, and furnishing such supplies and materials, and to receive new bids or proposals therefor. The amount herein authorized to be expended is hereby declared to be in reduction to that extent of the amount authorized to be expended under chapter four hundred and seventy-seven of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-five. Bonds to be ~ It shall be the duty of the comptroller of the city issued of New York, and he is hereby authorized and directed, to borrow upon bonds or stocks of the mayor, aldermen, and commonalty of the city of New York, such amounts as the commissioner of public works shall, from time to time, deem necessary to carry out the provisions of the first section of this act, not, however, exceeding in the. DD55 whole the sum of three hundred thousand dollars. And -the mayor and comptroller of said city of New York are hereby authorized and directed to sign such bonds; such Bonds, how bonds shall be entitled "Croton water main stock of the signed. city of New York," and shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding seven per cent. per annum, and shall be redeemable in not less than ten nor more than fifty years from when rethe date of their issue, as the said comptroller shall deter- deemed. mine to be for the best interest of said city. Such bonds shall not be disposed of for less than the par value thereof, and it shall be the duty of the clerk of the common council of said city to countersign the same, and affix the seal of the city thereto. And the proper authorities of the city and county of New York are hereby authorized and directed to cause to be raised, from time to time, by tax upon the estates, real and personal, subject to taxation, in the city and county of New York, the sum of money which may be required to pay the interest on said bonds and to redeem them at maturity. ~ 3. The money to be raised by virtue of this act, shall be applied and expended for the purposes authorized by this act, and for no other purpose whatever. ~ 4. The faith of the city and county of New York, and Payment of interest of the revenues thereof, are hereby pledged for the payment ondsa. of the interest of said bonds or stock, and the redemption of the principal of said debt hereby created, and the bonds authorized 'to be issued under this act. ~ 5. This act shall take effect immediately. 56 Chapter 433. AN ACT to amend chapter fifty-six of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-one, entitled "An act to provide a further supply of pure and wholesome water for the city of New York." Passed May 27, 1876; three-fifths being present. The PeQple of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. Section eight of chapter fifty-six of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-one, entitled "An act to provide a further supply of pure and wholesome water for the city of New York, is hereby amended so as to read as follows:. ~ 8. If, in executing any of the provisions of this act, it becomes necessary or proper to use, occupy, or overflow the ground now occupied by a public highway, the aforesaid mayor, aldermen, and commonalty may either raise the surface of such highway above the surface of the water, Title of land or acquire the title for and cause a new and convenient quired, highway to be laid out and constructed in lieu thereof, provided said highway shall be located, subject to the approval of the board of supervisors of Putnam county, and the said commissioners shall make due and reasonable Allowance allowance to parties injuriously affected by the alteration on any road; said new highway shall be of as great width and as well drained and graded as the one discontinued. When such new highway has been completed, the said commissioner of public works shall deposit a map of the same in the office of the clerk of the town or of the towns in which said highway is located. The said new highway shall thereupon become a public highway in lieu of that occupied by the works constructed pursuant to this act. ~ 2. This act shall take effect immediately. 57 Chapte 434. AN ACT to provide for the audit and payment of claims for repairs, printing, labor, and other incidental matters in and about public school buildings, incurred during the years eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, eighteen hundred and seventy, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and eighteen hundred and seventy-two, by the trustees of the common schools of the several wards in the city of New York, and to provide means therefor. Passed June 1, 1876; three-fifths being present. The People.of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follow8: SECTION 1. The board of education of the city of New York are hereby authorized and required, within thirty days after the passage of this act, to audit and adjust the several claims which have heretofore been filed with the clerk of said board in the office of said board, for mechanics, Clerk of tbs services and other expenses relating to the school build- e aon to audit claims ings under the charge of said board, and which remain un- unadjusted. adjusted for the years eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, eighteen hundred and seventy, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and eighteen hundred and seventy-two, which claims, in the aggregate, shall not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars. ~ 2. Within ninety days after the passage of this act the comptroller of the city of New York is hereby directed to borrow, on the credit of the mayor, aldermen, and com- Payment of, how made. monalty of the city of New York, on bonds of the said city, to be denominated revenue bonds, and in anticipation of the collection of the taxes to be levied and imposed on the property, real and personal, subject to taxation in the city and county of New York for the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary 58 for the purpose of.paying the clainms which are referred to in section one, and which shall be audited and adjusted by said board. The revenue bonds herein mentioned shall bear interest at the rate of not exceeding seven per cent. per annum. ~ 3. It shall be the duty of the said comptroller of the city of New York, from the moneys derived from the sale of said bonds, to pay the amount of such claims as he shall deem to be just, after the same have been allowed and cerTo be certi- tified to him as correct and just by the auditor of accounts in the finance department, and no claims referred to in section one shall be paid until after certification thereof is made to the finance department by the board of education. Payment of ~ 4. The board, of estimate and apportionment of the the bonds., city Of New York are hereby authorized, directed, and required to cause to be included in the taxes to be levied and raised in the said city of New York, for the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, upon the estate subject to taxation in the city and county of New York, an amount sufficient to pay the revenue bonds herein directed to be issued by the said comptroller in anticipation of the collection of the said taxes, with all interest due or to become due thereon. ~ 5. For the purpose of this act, all acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. ~ 6. This act shall take effect immediately. 59 Chapter 436. AN ACT to amend chapter six hundred and four of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-four, entitled " An act to provide for the surveying, laying out, and monumenting of certain portions of the city and county of New York, and to provide means therefor.' Passed June 2, 1876; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The second section of an act entitled " An act to provide for the surveying, laying out, and monumenting of certain portions of the city and county of New York, and to provide means therefor," passed June fifth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof, the following: On the maps Maps, how or plans prepared and filed in accordance with the provisions of this act, the said commissioners of the department of public parks shall designate each street, avenue.or road, as belonging to one of three classes. A street, avenue, or road of the first class shall be such as in the judgment of said commissioners, is or may be needed for the convenience of the general public, either as a main route of travel, or for drainage. The streets of this class may be opened by the board or the department of the city government having control of such opening, whenever in their opinion the interest of the pifblic demands such opening or grading. A street, avenue, or road of the second class shall be such street or as in the judgment of said dommissioners is or may be opn" how needed for the use or convenience of the inhabitants of certain areas or districts, as thoroughfares but which are not main routes of travel. Streets of this class shall be opened only on the petition of the owners of at least one third of the linear feet of frontage on such streets, and the streets intersecting the same for five hundred feet in each 60 direction from such intersection. A street, avenue, or road of the third class shall be such as in the judgment of the said commissioners is or may be needed only, for the subdivision of the property through which it passes. Streets of this class shall be opened or graded only on the petition of the owners of at least three-fourths of the linear feet of frontage on such streets. ~ 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Chapter 447. AN ACT in relation to Riverside avenue and park in the city of New York. Passed June 2, 1876; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Payment for SECTION 1. The comptroller of the city of New York labor and materi. is hereby authorized and directed to pay for any work, services, or material furnished, or to be furnished under any contract or contracts for improving the avenue known as Riverside avenue, in the city of New York, as laid out under the second section of chapter eight hundred and fifty of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-three, and shown upon,a map thereof, filed under the provisions of said section, on the twenty-third day of February, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, by the construction of the roadways, curb and gutter and sidewalks, which have been or may be adopted by the department of parks; and in order to enable the said comptroller to make such payments, he is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to borrow from time to time, in the name of the mayor, aldermen, and commonalty of 61 the city of New York, by the isstAe 6f bonds e*aring Bonds to be such rate of interest as he may deem propjf not exceeding issued. seven per cent. per annum, such sums as shall be riecessary to pay all expenses incurred or to be incurred, as aforesaid; the expenses of such work shall be assessed by the board Asment of assessors, of said city, on the property benefited, and made the money collected by such assessment is hereby pledged for the redemption of the bonds so to be issued. ~ 2. The whole of the land embraced within the bound- Declared on aries of Riverside avenue, is hereby declared to be one of ofothe rks the parks and public places in the city of New York, and New York. shall be under the control and management of the department of parks of said city, subject to the provisions of the first section of this act in respect to the roadways, curb and gutter, and sidewalks therein mentioned. ~ 3. This act shall take effect immediately.