THE CHARTER City of East iagna,w,,; AS ENACTED AND AMENDED BY TIlE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN, TOGETHER WITH OTHER ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE, FOR THE USE OF TlHE OFFICER,S OF THE 'COMPILEDI) AND PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE COMNIMON COUNCIL. a., _~ EAST SAGINAW: -NTERPR1SE PRINTING COMPANY, WASIIINGTON STREET, 18693. OF'I'li-E CITY. CHARTER OF THE CITY OF EAST SAGINAW. An Act to Incorporate the Oity of East Saginaw, Approved Feb. 14th, 1859, with Amendments made thereto by the Acts Approved March 1st, 1865; March 22d, 1867, and March 16th, 1869. TITLE I. INCORPORATION-CITY AND WARD BOUNDARIES. SECTION.. SECTION. 1. Boundaries; Incorporation; 2. Division into Wards; Boun Seal; Right to purchase, hold daries of the Wards. and convey real estate and other property. TITLE I. (~ 1.) SECTION 1. The People of the State ef Miehigan enact: That so much of the township of Buena Vista, in the County of Saginaw, as is embraced in the following boundaries, to-wit: corn- Boundaries mencing at a point in the centre of Saginaw river, where the north of the City. section line of said section eighteen, in township twelve north, of range five east, crosses said river; thence east along said section line to the north-east corner of said section eighteen; thence south along the east section lines of sections eighteen, nineteen and thirty to the south-east corner of said section thirty, in said township and range; thence west along the south line of said section thirty to the south-west corner of said section thirty; thence north on the west section line of said section thirty, to the south-east corner of the James Riley Reservation; thence west along the south line of said James Riley Reservation to the centre of Saginaw River, thence down Saginaw River to the place of beginning, be and the . Amended by Act of 1869, so as to run to east line of Mackinaw road, thence north to east line of the bayou, thence along the east line of bayou to its junction with the river, thence down the centre of river, &c. That portion west of bayou is attached to town of Spaulding. -- F CI4 ARl4T, OF TILE CIT7' OF E,AST SAGINAA. T1iTL,F I. INCORPORATION —CITrY AND IVAID BOUNDAIlIES. same is hereby detached and set off from said township and constiIncorpora- tuted an incorporated City by name of the City of East Saginaw, tion. C and by that name may sue and be sued, implead and be imipleaded, complain and defend, in any court of record, and any other place sea.L whatsoever; may have a common seal and alter it at pleasure; and may take, hold, purchase, lease, convey and dispose of, any real, I),o'd Pro- personal or mixed estate for the use of said corporation. [Act of 1865.] (~ 2.) SEcTION 2. Said City shall be divided into six Wards, as follows: All that part of the City lying north of the centre of MilFij).te ler street, shall constitute the First Ward; all thatMart of the City lying between the centre of Miller street and the centre of Johnson Second. street, shall constitute the Second Ward; all that portion of the City lying between the centre of Johnson street and the centre of William street, to its junction with Genesee street, thence along the centre of Genesee street to the centre line of Janes street, thence along the centre line of Janes street to the East City line, shall Third. constitute the Third Ward; all that portion of the City lying be tween the line last mentioned and the cenltre line of Hoyt street, to where said line shall intersect the centre line of Walnut street, thence along the centre line of Walnut street to the east City line, Fo-rtli. shall constitute the Fourth Ward; all that part of the City lying South of the centre line of Hoyt street and west of the centre line of Maple street, including its intersection with Martha street, and as extended on the township line to the south City line, shall constitute iftl. the Fifth Ward; all that portion of said City lying east of the Fift.h. above boundary line of the Fifth Ward, and south of the above ixt boundary line of the Fourth Ward, shall constitute the Sixili Ward of said City. [4ct of 1S69.] 4 CHARTER OF TIIHE, Cll'Y OF EASk' kSAGIVA V. OFFICERS:-Wiio ELECTED, WHo APPOINTED, TEWIOMs, &C., &C. TITLE II. TITLE II. OFFICERS:-WHO ELECTED; WHO APPOINTED; QUALIFICATIONS; OATh; TERMS; REMOVAL; VACANCY; ELECTIONS, HOW CONDUCTED. SECTION. 1. What officers elected on Gen eral ticket; what on Ward ticket; what appointed. 2. Of eligibility to office. 3. When elections to be held and notice of. 4. Terms of Office; Justices of the Peace; Mayor; Recorder; Treasurer; Directors of the Poor; Aldermen; School In spectors; Constables; Su pervisors; Collector of Taxes 5. What officers shall be appoin ted by ballot; Wvhen appoin ted; Term of office; Other officers and how appointed. 6. Vacancies, and how filled. 7. What officers may be removed and how. 8. Mayor to appoint in certain cases. 9. Hours at which polls shall be open. 10. Who are electors; Challengers, &c. 11. Who shall be Inspectors of City Elections. 12. Who shall be Inspectors of General Elections. 13. Vote, how and what ballot to contain. 14. Ballot, how headed; Sepa rate boxes. SECTION. 15. Vacancies, so designated on ballot. 16. Votes to be counted and state ment filed. 17. Duties of Inspectors of Elec tion. 18. How canvass shall be conduc ted. 19. Who elected; Proceedings in case of a tie. 20. Common Council to determine and certify as to persons elec ted; When to meet. 21. Clerk to give notice to persons elected. 22. Vacancy in office of Alder man; How filled. 23. Vacancies in other offices; How filled. 24. Provides for special elections. 25. Acceptance to be filled; When. 26. Neglect to qualify to be deem ed a refusal to serve. 27. Clerk to give notice to Council who accept. 28. Mayor to report neglect to file bonds. 29. Registrations. 30. Residence and voting in Wards 31. Vacancy in office of Inspector of elections; How filled. 32. Expenses of elections; How paid. 33. Term of offlce in certain cases. (~ 3.) SECTION 1. The following officers of the City of East City OffiSaginaw shall be elected at the annual City election, by the quali- ers. fled electors of the whole City, voting in their respective Wards on a general ticket, viz: one Mayor, one Recorder, one Treasurer, and one Director of the Poor. The following officers of the corporation shall be elected at said Ward Offielection, on a Ward ticket, in each Ward, by the qualified electors cers. 5 6CHARTER OF THE CITY OF EAST SAGINAW. TITLE II. OFFICERS:-WHO ELECTED, WHO APPOINTED, TERMS, &C., &C. thereof, viz: two Aldermen, two School Inspectors, one Supervisor, one Collector (of taxes,) and one Constable. The following officers of said corporation shall be chosen by the officers to be elected Common Council, as hereinafter provided, by ballot, viz: one City by the Co uncil Clerk, one Controller, one Assessor, one Marshal, one Street Corn by ballot. missioner, one City Surveyor, one City Attorney, one City Physi cian, two Cemetery Commissioners, and one Chief Engineer of the Fire Department. The following officers of said corporation shall be appointed by Ob,er poto the Common Council, in such manner as is hereinafter provided, or be appoin tedunycilthe as the said Common Council may, by ordinance, direct, viz: an as Council. sistant Marshal, one or more keepers of the City Prison, Alms house or Hospital, two assistant Engineers of the Fire Department, Pound Masters, Sealers of Weights and Measures, Board of Sewer Commissioners, Board of Water Commissioners, Inspectors of Gas and Gas Meters, Clerks of Markets and for City Officers, Inspec tors of Fire-Wood, Hay and Provisions, Harbor Masters, Port Wardens, Fire Wardens, Scavengers, Common Criers, Auctioneers, Weigh Masters, and such other officers as may be necessary to carry into effect the powers herein granted. Council t o The said Common Council shall have power to regulate and preregulate a nd pre scribe the duties of all officers of said corporation, appointed scribe compensation. by virtue of the powers herein granted, and to fix the fees, cornm pensation and emoluments to be paid such officers, except as herein otherwise provided. [Act of 1869.] ~ 4.) SEC. 2. No person shall be eligible to either of said elecO fi c e r s tive offices, unless he shall then be an elector and resident of said must resideiWnCitdy City, nor shall he be eligible to any such office for any Ward or and Ward. district, unless he shall then be an elector and resident of such Ward or district, and when any officer elected or appointed for any Ward or district, shall cease to reside in said City, or if elected or Removl appointed for any Ward or district, shall cease to reside in such will vacate Ward or district, his office shall thereby become vacant. [Act of 1859.] (~ 5.) SEc. 3. An election shall be held in each Ward, in the Time and year 1865, on the 10th day of March, and annually thereafter on notice of annua I the first Monday in April in each year, at such place as the Corn e lection. mon Council shall appoint by a notice published at least six days 6 CIIAR7ER OF THE CITY OF EAST SAGINAW. OFFICERS:-WHo ELECTED, WHO APPOINTED, TERMS, &C., &C. TITLE II. previous to the election, in a newspaper printed in said City, or by posting printed notices of the holding of said election, in at least three of the most public places in each Ward, at least six days pre. vious to said election. Provided: That for the annual election in the year 1865, the notice to be given as hereinbefore provided, may be, by a notice of four days given in the manner in this section provided, if sufficient time shall not elapse after the passage of this act for the usual six days notice. [Act of 1865.] (~ 6.) SEC. 4. At the first annual election after the passage of this act, there shall be elected, by the qualified electors of said Justices of City, voting in their respective Wards, four Justices of the Peace the Peace. one of whom shall be elected for the term of one year, one for the term of two years, one for the term of three years, and one for the term of four years; and the term for which each person is voted shall be distinguished on the ballots, who shall enter upon the duties of the office immediately upon being qualified according to law; and at every annual election thereafter, there shall be elected one justice of the peace, who shall hold his office for the term of four years; and every Justice of the Peace elected in said City shall take the oath and file his bond within ten days after his election, and enter upon the performance of the duties of his office on the tenth day after his election; and in case of vacancy in said office of Justice of the Peace, the same shall be filled at the succeeding annual election, as provided by law. [Act of 1859.] There shall also be elected by the qualified electors of said City, K[Yaouorrr, voting in their respective Wards, one Mayor, one Treasurer and Directorr of Poor. one Director of the Poor, who shall hold their office for one year, or until their successors are elected and qualified. At the annual election in said city, in the year 1870, and every two years thereafter, there shall be elected, by the qualified electors of said City, voting in their respective Wards, one Recorder, who shall hold his Recorder office for two years, or until his successor shall be elected and quali. fled. At the annual election to be held in said City, in the year 1869, there shall be elected, by the qualified electors thereof, two Aldermen for each Ward, one for the term of one year and one for the term of two years; and thereafter, there shall be elected an. nually, in each Ward, one Alderman for the term of two years. At the annual election, in the year 1869, there shall also be elected 7 CIIAR'ER OF THE CITY OF EAST SAGI!NAV. TITLE Ii. OFFICERs -WHO ELECTED, WHO APPOINTED, TERES, &C., &C. School oIn- by the qualified electors thereof, in each Ward, two School Inspec spectors. tors, one for the term of one year and one for the term of two years, and thereafter there shall be elected, annually, in each Ward one School Inspector, for the term of two years. There shall also be elected, annually, in each Ward, by the qualified electors thereof, Constables. one Constable, who shall give like security, perform all the duties, be vested with like powers and be subject, in all respects, to the laws of the State, as provided in the case of Constables in the the townships of this State. There shall also be elected, at the an nual election held in said city, in the year 1869, in each Ward, by Supervisors the qualified electors thereof, one Supervisor, who shall hold office as follows:-those elected for the even numbered Wards, for one year, those for the odd numbered Wards, for two years, and thereTerm of after, upon the expiration of such terms, their successors shall be office. elected for two years, in each Ward: Provided, That in case of Vacancy. vacancy, the Common Council shall have power to fill such vacancy by appointment, such appointee to hold office until the next annual election, when such vacancy shall be filled by the electors of the Ward in which such vacancy shall have occurred: Said SuperviDuties and sors shall be entitled to the same compensation, and shall be paid compen sation of in the same manner, and perform all the duties of Supervisors of Supervi Sors.- townships, as provided by law, in their several Wards, except such duties as are by this act devolved upon the Assessor or other officer of said City; and the Supervisors shall, in addition to the foregoing compensation, receive three dollars per day, for every day actually engaged in the duties of their office, to be paid by the City.a There shall also be elected, at the annual election, in each Ward of said Collector of City, by the qualified electors thereof, one Collector of Taxes, who Taxes. shall become duly qualified, give the same bonds, and be vested, in Powers and all respects, with the same powers as are by the laws of this State duties of. conferred upon the Treasurers of townships, for the collection of taxes for County and State purposes, and each of said collectors shall also give such bonds, with sureties, as may be required by the Common Council, for the faithful performance of all duties devolved upon them by this act, or by any ordinance of said City, and they shall possess the same powers, for the collection of City taxes, as is conferred upon township Treasurers of this State, for the collection a-Vide Sec. 1!, of Title 2; Sec. 6, of Title 4, and Sec. 6, of Title 5. CI;AR TER OF THE CITY OF EAST SA GINA4 W. OFFICERS;-Wito ELECTED, WIuO APPOINTED, TERMS, &C., &C. TITLE IJ. of taxes in the townships of this State, or may hereafter be conferred by law. [Aet of 1869.1 (0 7.) SEC. 5. The Common Council shall at the third regular Council sha 11 elect meeting in the month of April in each year, or as soon thereafter M larch a 1, ffCe lerk, Phyas may be, and as often as any vacancy occurs in any of the offices sician,street Commis'ner, in this section nanled, appoint, by ballot one City Marshal, one S u r v eyor, q- hief EngiClerk of said city, one City Physician, one City Surveyor, one neer. Street Commissioner, and one Chief Engineer of Fire department, to hold their respective offices for one year, or during the pleasure of the Common Council. They shall also appoint two Commission- Cem. Corn. ers for the City Cemetery or Cemeteries, one of whom shall hold his office for the term of two years, and one of them for the term of one year; and annually thereafter, the said Common Council shall appoint one Commissioner of the City Cemetery, who shall hold his office for two years. They shall also appoint one City City Attor ney. Attorney to act as Attorney and Counselor at law for said city, who shall hold office for one year, or during the pleasure of the Coimmon Council, and who shall receive an annual salary to be fixed by the Common Council, and who shall not receive for any duties imposed or services rendered to said city during the term of his office, besides his salary, any fee or reward whatever which shall be paid out of or withheld from the treasury of said city. The Common Council may, from time to time, as may be Appointone Ass't Marnecessary, appoint an Assistant Marshal, one Captain of the Watche shal. Police and and so many Police Constables and Watchmen as they may deem, Watchlmen. expedient or necessary to preserve the peace of said city and protect the property of the citizens, and may make all necessary rules and regulations for the appointment and government of said Police Constables and Watchmen, not herein provided for, and said Police Constables and Watchmen shall have the same power and authority Powers of to make complaints and arrests, as constables now have by law, except as to the service and return of civil process and proceedings in civil cases, and shall be subject to the same liabilities and penalties, except as herein otherwise provided: Provided, The Common Proviso. Council may limit or prescribe the duties and powers of such Police Constables and Watchmen by ordinance, and remove them or provide for their suspension or discharge at any time. The Common - Other offiCouncil shall also appoint a Keeper of the City Prison or Prisons, cers to be Work-House, Almshouse, Hospital and so many Fire Wardens, In- appointed. 9 CIAIRTE,R OF THE CIT'Y OF EASI' SA GINA W. TITTLE II. OFFICERS:-WHO ELECTED), WTIHO APPOINTED, TERMS, &C., &C. spectors of Gas and Gas Metres, Common Criers, Clerks of City Markets, or for City Officers, Inspectors of Firewood, Hay and Pro visions, Pound Masters, Sealers of Weights and Measures, Weigh Masters, Auctioneers, Scavengers, and such other officers or boards of officers, as are herein provided for, or which mnay be created by the ordinances of said city, made pursuant to the provisions of this charter, and such appointments shall be -made in such manner as Terms of of- the said Conmmon Council shall authorize and direct, and all such Terms of offlee. appointees shall hold their offices during the pleasure of said Com mon Council. [Acet of 1869.] Vacancies (~ 8.) SEc. 6. When any vacancy occurs in any of the offices provided for which are appointed by the Common Council, either by death, resignation or removal of the incumbent, the said Council may fill such vacancies by appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term for which such officer was appointed. [Act of 1859.] What offi- (~ 9.) SEc. 7. All officers appointed by the Common Council, cers may be removedand by virtue of the powers conferred by this act, may each be re how. moved from office by the Common Council for incompetence, for official misconduct, or for the unfaithful and insufficient perform ance of the duties of his office, or for disobedience of the ordi nances of the Common Council, or for performing any unlawful act: Provided, No officer who is required to be elected by ballot, or who is required by this act or by the Common Council to give bonds, shall be removed without reasonable notice of the charges against him, and an opportunity to be heard in his defense, in per son and by counsel, nor without a majority of all the members elected to the Common Council, shall, after such notice and hear ing, vote for such removal. [SAt of 1869.] Mayor may (~ 10.) SEC. 8. The Mayor may appoint an additional number appoint Police,t Po- of liceice Constables or Watchmlen, not exceeding ten of each, when he shall deem it necessary for the purposes of justice, for the preservation of peace, or for the security of the said city; but no such appointment shall be valid for a longer period than until the next meeting of the Common Council. [Act of 1859.] Pollsofelec- (~ 11.) SEc. 9. On the day of election, held by virtue of this tion. tion. act, the polls shall be opened in each ward, at the several places designated by the Common Council, at nine o'clock in the morning, 10 (,]I-4RTER OF TIIE CITY OF FAST SA'4GIYA W. OFFICERS:-WHO ELECTED, Wiio APPOINTED, TEREIS, &C., &C. TIrLE.. and shall be kept open, without intermission or adjournment, until four o'clock in the afternoon, at which hour they shall be finally closed. [Act of 1859.] (~ 12.) SEC. 10. The inhabitants of the said city, being elec- Electors. tors under the constitution of the State of Michigan, and no others, are declared to be electors under this act, and qualified to vote at the elections held by virtue of this act; and each person offering to vote at any such election, if challenged by an elector of said Challenges. city, before his vote shall be received, shall take one of the oaths Oath. now provided by the laws of this State, entitled "an Act to provide for holding General and Special Elections," unless such person shall claim to be an elector under the proviso nanled in Section thirty of this title, and in that case the oath shall be varied according to that proviso, which oath shall be administered to him by one of the Inspectors of election, and if any person shall swear falsely, upon conviction thereof, he shall be liable to the pains and penalties of perjury, but the Common Council of said city are Penalty. hereby authorized and empowered to provide by general ordinance. from time to time, to so change the form of the oath or oaths to be administered to such elector (if challenged) as to conform to the constitution and laws of the State which may from time [to time] be in force. [Aet of 1865.] (~ 13.) SEC. 11. The Supervisors and Aldermen of each Ward Inspectors shall constitute the Board of Inspectors of elections, two of whom and Cle orks o~f election. shall constitute a quorum, and such one of their number as they may appoint, shall be chairman of said board; the board shall also appoint two competent persons to be clerks of the elections, who shall take the oath of office required by law; and each of said Board of Inspectors shall be authorized to administer any oaths required by law to be taken by either of said Inspectors, Clerks, or other persons at said elections. [Aet of 1869.] (~ 14.) SEC. 12. Inspectors of elections, as specified in the preceding Section, shall be Inspectors of election held in said Wards respectively, as well as for election of State, District and County, as for the City and Ward Officers. [Aet of 1859.] (~ 15.) SEC. 13. The Electors shall vote by ballot, and each Votebybal lot, &C. person offering to vote shall deliver his ballot, so folded as to conceal its contents, to one of the Inspectors, in the presence of the 11 CHARTER OF TILE CITY OF EAST SAGIiYL4 W. TITLE II. OFFICERS;-WiiO ELECTED, Wiio APPOINTED, TERMS, &C., &C. Board; the ballot shall be a paper ticket, which shall contain, written or printed, or partly written and partly printed, the names of the persons for whom the elector intends to vote, and shall des ignate the office to which each person so named or intended by him to be chosen; but no ballot shall contain a greater number of names of persons, designated for any office than there are persons to be chosen at the election to fill such Qffice. On the outside of each ballot, when folded, there shall appear, written or printed, one of the following words, "ward," "city;" but no ballot found in the proper box, shall be rejected for want of such endorsement. [Aet of 1859.] Ballots and (~ 16.) SEC. 14. The ballot endorsed "city" shall contain the boxes. names of persons designated as officers for the city; the ballot con taining the names of persons designated as officers for a ward, shall be endorsed "ward." The Common Council shall provide two boxes for each ward, with locks and keys, in which these two kinds of votes shall be deposited separately. [Act of 1859.] Ballotsfo. (f 17.) SEC. 15. If, at any annual election to be held in the said city, there shall be one or more vacancies to be supplied in any office, and at the same time any person is to be elected for the full term of said office, the term for which each person is voted for, for the said office, shall be designated on the ballot. [Alt of 1859.] vanvas of (~ 18.) SEC. 16. Immediately after the closing of the polls, the Inspectors of election shall forthwith, without adjournment, publicly canvass the votes received by them, and declare the result; and shall on the same, or on the next day, make a certificate, stating the number of votes given for each person for each office, and shall file such statement and certificate, on the day of election, or on the next day, with the clerk of the city. [Act of 1859.] Duties of Inupect.r. (~ 19.) SEc. 17. It shall be the duty of the Inspectors of election, on receiving the vote, as specified in Section thirteen of this title, to cause the same, without being opened or inspected, to be deposited in the proper box provided by the Common Council for that purpose; the said Board shall also write down, or cause to be written down, the name of each elector voting at such election, in a poll list to be kept by said Inspectors of election, or under their direction. [Act of 1859.] HowInspec- (~ 20.) SEC. 18. The manner of canvassing said votes shall be tors shall canvas. as follows: The Inspectors shall proceed first to count the ballots 12 CHARTER OF THE CIlTYl OF EAST SAGILYAIV 13 OFFICERS:-WHo ELECTED, WHto APPOINTED, TERMS, &C., &C. TITLE Il. unopened, in the box marked "city," and if the number of ballots so counted shall exceed the number of names of electors contained in the poll list, one of the Inspectors shall draw out and destroy as many as the number of ballots exceeds the number of electors contained in said poll list; and if two or more ballots are found rolled or folded up together, they shall not be counted; and they shall proceed in the same manner with the ballots contained in the box marked "ward," they shall then proceed to count and estimate said votes as provided in the preceding Section: Provided, That Proviso. at the first election to be held under this act, the electors may choose in each Ward three competent proper persons to act as a Board of Inspectors of election, who shall each take the constitutional oath of office before they enter on the performance of their duties: And also provided, That at said first election the polls shall be opened at such place in each Ward as the present Common Council of the Village of East Saginaw shall appoint, of which place public notice shall be given by said Village Council at least six days prior to such election: And provided further, That the Inspectors of said first election shall certify the statement and cer tificate mentioned in Section sixteen of this title to the present Recorder of the said Village of East Saginaw, and the Common Council of said Village, for the purpose of determining the result of said first election is hereby vested with all the powers hereby conferred on the Common Council of the City by Section nineteen and twenty of this title. [Act of 1859.] (~ 21.) SEC. 19. The person receiving the greatest number of Who seemheall be deemed votes for any office in said City or Ward, shall be deemed to have elected. been duly elected to such office; and if any officer, shall not have been chosen by reason of two or more candidates having received an equal number of votes for the same office, the Common Council T i e votrt e, hiowdeterm shall take as many strips of paper of equal size, as there are per-ined sons having an equal number of such votes, and write a ballot for each of such persons, one on each of said slips of paper, and shall put said ballots together in a hat or box, and one of the members of the Common Council shall then draw from said hat one of said ballots, and the person whose name shall be upon the ballot so drawn shall be declared elected. [Act of 1859.] (~ 22.) SEC. 20. The Common Council of the preceding year canvas by shall convene on the Wednesday next succeeding such election, at 4CIL4IRTE~ OF' TIIE CITY OF WE AST SU 6TN4 TI TITLE 11. OIICERS:-WHo ELECTED, WHO APPOINTED, TERMS, &C., &C. two o'clock in the afternoon, at their usual place of meetinig; and the statement of votes filed with the Clerkli of the City, by the In-l spectors of election, shall be produced by said Clerk, when the Common Council shall forthwith determine and certify, in the man Certificate, how made ner provided by law, what persons are duly elected, at the said and filed. election to the several offices respectively. Such certificate shall be made in duplicate, one of which shall be filed with the Clerk of the City, and the other with the Clerk of the County of Saginaw. All officers elected as hereinbefore provided, shall enter upon the duties of their respective offices on the tenth day next following such election, unless otherwise herein provided. [2ct of 1859.] Clerk to (~ 23.) SEc. 21. It shall be the duty of the Clerk of said City, notify. Oaths, &c. as soon as practicable, and within two days after the meeting of the Common Council, as provided in the preceding Section, to noti fy the officers, respectively, of their election; and the said officers, so elected and notified, as aforesaid, shall within ten days after such election, take the oath of office prescribed by the constitution of this State, before some officer authorized by law to administer oaths, and file the same with the Clerk of the City. [A4ct of 1859.J Vacancy in (~ 24.) SEC. 22. Whenever a vacancy occurs in the office of case of an Alderman. Alderman, by his refusal or neglect to take the oath of office, within the time required by this act, by his resignation, death, ceasing to be an inhabitant of the City or Ward for which he shall have been elected, removal from office, or by the decision of a com petent tribunal declaring void his election, or for any other cause, the Common Council of said City shall ilnmediately appoint a Special election to be held in the Ward for which such officer was chosen, at some suitable place therein, not less than five days nor more than fifteen days from the time of such appointment: Pro vided, That in case any such vacancy shall occur in the said office of Alderman within three months before the first Monday of March in any year, it shall be optional with the Common Council to order a Special election or not, as they shall deem expedient. [Act of 1859.] Vacancies, ( 25.) SEC. 23. In case a vacancy shall occur in any of the dermepnAald offices in this act declared to be elective or appointive, except AlJustice of the reace. derman and Justices of the Peace, the Common Council may, in their discretion, fill such vacancy by the appointment of a suitable 14 CILlARlER OF THE ('7IT OF EAST SA GINA T. OFFICES:-WIHO EL,ECTED, WHO APPOINTED, TERMS,, &C &C. TITLE LI. person, who is an elector, and if appointed for a ward, who is also a resident of the Ward for which he shall be appointed, and any officer appointed to fill a vacancy, if the office is elective, shall hold by virtue of such appointment only until the tenth day after the election next succeeding; if an elective office which shall have become vacant was of that class whose terms of office continue after the next annual election, a successor for the unexpired term shall be elected at the next annual election. [Act of 1859.] ( 26.) SEc. 24. Whenever a Special Election is to be held, SpecIalelecthe > ommon Council shall cause to be delivered to the Inspectors of election in the Ward where such officer is to be chosen, a notice s,gned by them, specifying the officer to be chosen, and the day and place at which such election is to be held, and the proceedings at such election shall be the same as at the Annual General Election; such notice shall also be published in a newspaper of the City, at least once, or posted in three public places in the City or Ward, as the case may be, before the day of such Special election. [Act of 1859.] (~ 27.) SEC. 25. Every person chosen or appointed by the Acceptance Common Council, before he enters upon the duties of his office, to be filled. and within five days after being notified of his appointment, shall cause to be filed in the office of the City Clerk, a notice in writing, signifying his acceptance of such office. [Act of 1859.] (~ 28.) SEC. 26. If any person, elected or appointed under Neglect to file acceptthis title, shall not take and subscribe the oath of office, and ance. file the same as therein directed, or shall not cause a notice of acceptance to be filed as therein directed, or if required by the Common Council to execute an official bond or undertaking, shall neg_ lect to execute and file the same, in the manner and within the time prescribed by the Common Council, such neglect shall be deemed a refusal to serve, unless before any step is taken to fill any such office by another incumbent, such oath shall be taken or such acceptance be signified as aforesaid. [Act of 1859.] (~ 29.) SEc. 27. At the expiration of twenty days after any Duty ofCity election or appointment of any officer or officers in the said City, Clerk. the Clerk of the said City shall deliver to the Common Council a list of the persons elected or appointed, and of the office to which they are chosen therein, specifying such as have filed with him the 15 C,4 RHA TlER 0 T I' IIE CITY 0 F EA ST SA GINA TV. TITLE II. OFFICERS:-WHo ELEC(TED, WHO APPOINTED, TERMS, &C., &C. oath of office, or notice of acceptance required by this act, and such as shall have omitted to file the same within the time herein pres cribed. [Act of 1859.] ]Dnutryof (~ 30.) SEC. 28. The Mayor shallreport to the Common Coun cil the names of such officers as shall have neglected to give the Bond and security required by the provisions of this Act. [Act of 1859.] Resignation (~ 31.) SEC. 29. Resignations by any officer authorized to be chosen or appointed by this Act, shall be made to the Common Council, subject to their approval and acceptance. [Act of 1859.] Righttovote (~ 32.) SEC. 30. At all City elections, every elector shall vote in ward. in the Ward where he shall have resided ten days next preceding the day of election, otherwise he may vote in the Ward from which he removed: Provided, He shall have resided in said Ward ten days prior to such removal. The residence of an elector under this Act shall be the Ward where he boards or takes his regular meals. [ACt of 1859.] Vacancy in (~ 33.) SEC. 31. At any election held under this Act, if, from Inspectors of election. any cause, either or all of the Inspectors of election shall fail to attend any such election, at the appointed time and place, his or their place may be supplied for the time being by the electors pres ent, who shall elect any of their number viva voce, who when so elected, shall be duly sworn, by an officer authorized to administer oaths, to a faithful performance of their duties. [Act of 1859.] Expenses. (~ 34.) SEC. 32. The expense of any election to be held as provided by this Act, shall be City charges, and defrayed in the same maimner as the other contingent expenses of the City. [Act of 1859.j Expiration, (~ 35.) SEC. 33. Any person elected to any office under this Succession to OCffice. Act, at the expiration of the term thereof, shall continue to hold the same until his successor shall be elected or appointed and qualified; and when a person is elected to fill a vacancy in any elective office, he shall hold the samne only during the unexpired portion of the regular term limited to such office, and until his successor shall be elected and qualified. [Act of 1859.] 16 CHARTER OF'lIE CITY OF E]4ST SA GIVN TW. (COMMON COUNCIL:-WVIo SHIALL CONSTrITUTE; POWERS, &C., &C. TITTiE IIlL TITLE III. (COMMON COUNCIL:-WIIO SHALL CONSTITUTE; —POWERS,-DUTIES, PROCEEDIINGS. S ECTTON. 1. Who to constitute Common Couincil s miieeting' of: 2. Who to preside at meetings. . Powertossuspenld certaiin acts lodlgedI with Mayor. 4. Clerk to present same to the Council at its next meeting. . Each member to vote: How recorded. f. Sessions and minutes to be public. 7. Council may prescribe Rules and Penalties. 8. What constitutes a quorum: Business shall not lapse for want of: Seven votes re (luired to appropriate money &c.: No member excluded fi'om voting by reason of in terest; Yeas and Nays. 9. Aldermen prohibited fronm takinig contracts, &c. 10. General Powers Public Peace; Disorderly Houses; Intoxicating Liquors; Auc tionis; Exhibitionis; Nuis an ices: Storing Powder and other infilamable substances; Clearing Streets and Walks; Regulate Railroads; Bath iiig; Vagrants; Impound int- Animals Taxideg Docs; Putrid Meats, Hicdes, &c.; Sidewalks; Ringing Bells; Watchmen; Regulate burial of (lead; Mlark ets; Reser voirs; Porters, Runners, &c.; Lighting Streets; Pec ling; Duties, Penalties and Boinds of Officers; Saginaw River; Stands; Docks; Har bor Masters; Weights and Measures, &c. 11. Boundaries of Streets, Preven tio,ns of Fires; Taxes; Wa tel and General -Municipal Power. 12. May provide penalties, &c. 1W3. When Ordinances shall take effect. 14. Record to be used in evidence. 15. Publication of Notices. 16. Establish and regulate Ceme teries. 19. Establish and regulate Alms Houses, City Hall, &c. 20. Regulate and License Inn Keepers, Saloons and pein alties. 21. Audit and Settle accounts. 22. Statement to be published. 23. Power over Ferries and Bridges: 24. Compensation of lnembers of Council. 25. Absence to vacate office. 26. Direct the deposit of Moneys, &c. 27. Power and mode to remove elective officers of the city. (~ 36.) SEc. 1. The Mayor and Alderman of said City shall Whocosiiti tute ('omc o n s t i t u t e the Coimmon Council. They shall meet a t suc h times mon Coui cil. nd places as they shall from time to time appoint; and on special Meeting. OGGA~~iOI1S, whellever the Mayor or person oicieetiigas.Myr occasions, when ever the M ayor or person officiating as Mayor, (in case of vacancy in the office of the Mayor, or of his absence from the city, or inability to officiate), shall, by written notice appoint, and which shall be served on the memibers in such a mianner I 17 i Is CIIL4I?LRTElf, OF [!II,, CTI71' 0.T -,AST'It GL-'-A IV. TTL' TI I. IC OMMO-N COUNCIL: M-WIIo SHiALL CONSTITUTE; POWERS, &C., C. and for such time as the Common Countcil may by ordinance di rect. [Act of 1859.] si~le. \ topro- (~ 37.) SEC. 2. The Mayors when present, shall preside at thle meetings of the Coimmon Council, and in his absence the Recorder shall preside; but if both, Mayor and Recorder be absent, then the Common Council shall appoint ogle of their number, who shall preside. L[ect of 1859.] Po wer to (~ 38.) SEC. 3. No ordinance or resolution passed by the Coitlsuspend certa i actis Iion Council, authorizing any public improvement, or for, or col - l odged in the Mayor. cerniing the same, or for the payment of money by the Treasu rer, shall have any force or effect, if, on the day of its passage, or on the next day thereafter, the Mayor or other officer legally dislcharging the duties of Mayor, shall lodge in the office of the City Clerk a notice in writing, suspending the immediate operation of such ordinance or resolution. If the Mayor or other officer legally exercising the office of Mayor, shall, within twenty-four hours after the passage of such ordinance or resolution, lodge in the office of the City Clerk his reasons in writing why the same should not go into effect, the same shall not go into effect, nor have any legal operation, unless it shall, at a subsequent meeting of the Common Council, be passed by a majority of two-thirds of all the mnembers of the Common Council then in office, exclusive of the Mayor or other officer legally discharging the duties of Mayor, and if so re-passed, shall go into effect according to the terms thereof. If such reasons in writing shall not be lodged with the Clerk, as above provided, such ordinance or resolution shall have the same operation and effect as if no notice suspending the same had been lodged with the City Clerk, and no ordinance or resolution of the Common Council, for any of the purposes mentioned in this Sec tion, shall go into operation until after the expiration of twenty four hours after its passage. [Act of 1859.] (:lerktopre- (~ 39.) SEc. 4. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to coiirnFent same to Council. municate to the Common Council, at the next meeting of the board. any paper that may be lodged with him pursuant to the last pre ceding Section. [Act of 1859.] of (~ 40.) SEC. 5. In all proceedings and meetings of the Comme m bt e r s mon Council, each Alderman present shall, have one vote: Proco~ded. vide& Whenever the votes of the Aldermen present shall be equally divided, the Mayor, or when presiding in the absence of the Mayor, tlIIARTft OF'1'1] CIT'Y OF IEA$,T,A4GIVA IV. CO.MMON COUNCIL:-WHO SHALL CONSTITUTE; POWERS, &C., &C. I'IlTFi if. the Recorder shall give the casting vote, which vote shall ill all cases be entered upon the proceedings of the Council as so decided [Act of 1869.] (~ 41.) SEC. 6. The sittings of the Common Council shall be s e sio,s a,,d milinIIpublic, except when the public interests shall in their opinion re- utes. (juire seeresy. The minutes of the proceeding shall be kept by the Clerk, and the same shall be openii at all times to public inspection. [4ct of 1859.] (~ 42.) SEC. 7. The Commnon Council shall prescribe the C'ouneil to rules for the transaction of its business, and for its proceedings, u resribe ules and which rules shall have the effect of law, as to the regularity and penalties the recording of said proceedings, and may prescribe in said rules penalties for the non-performance of the duties of Aldermen, City Clerk, or other officers of said Comnmonl Council. [Act of 1869.] (~ 43 ) Sac. 8 A majority of the Aldermen elect shall be a quorum of the Common Council, for the transaction of business. In case a quorum shall not attend any regular meeting, any number present less than a quorum may adjourn said meeting to the next regular meeting, or to any time prior to the next regular meeting and require the C lerk to give notice thereof, as of Special meetings, Bsin and such adjournment shall operate to carry with it all business and shall n ot lapse for proceedings postponed to or set down or noticed for such regular want of a meetings, or for any special or adjourned meeting, and- no business quorum. or proceedings postponed or set down or noticed for any regular, special or adjourned meeting, shall lapse or fail to become invalid or lose its precedence on the order of business, by reason of a failure to hold such meeting, but the same shall go over, to be Shall go over acted upon at the next regular adjourned or special meeting. to the next meeting. No public improvement shall be ordered, nor any tax or assess- A ote of nient shall be levied or confirmed, nor any work, services, labor, seven mem bers requiror material purchased, nor any contract awarded or let, nor any edin certain cases. moocy appropriated to be paid for or out of, or by means of any special assessment or tax. or from the general fund, except by a concurring vote of seven members of the Common Council, including the vote of the Mayor or Recorder when given in case of t, tie, when presiding over the sessions of the Council: Provided, cNo mmenle', Poieexcluded No member of the Council shall be excluded from voting upoln iyreaootnof personal inally question of improvements, leyying assessments or taxes, or on tn,.ea~t, any other proceeding, by reason of his personal or private inter I!) Cll-ARIER OF TIE UCITY OF FAST SA G~LVA IV. TITL,E III. CO.IMMNON COUNCII,L-WHIO SHFALT, CONSTITUTE; POWERS, &C., &C. est in said improvement, assessment, taxes, or any property to be affected by it; nor shall such vote prejudice, void or invalidate any action of the Common Council by reason or on account of any otle to be such interest, On all questions ordering any public improvement, entered o n the minutes levying or confirming any tax, approving any contract, appropriaby ayes and Tr)-ys. ting or expending any moneys, and on the final passage of any or dinance, the names of the members voting for and against the same, by yeas and nays, shall be entered upon the record of pro ceedings. [Act of 1869.] AldCermen (~ 44.) SEC. 9. No member of the Common Council shall not to be ino terested in during the period for which he was elected, be appointed to or be c o n t r acts, &C. competent to hold any office, of which the emoluments are paid from the city treasury, or paid by fees directed to be paid by any act or ordinance of the Commnon Council, or be directly or indi rectly interested in any contract, as principal, surety, or otherwise, the expenses or consideration whereof are to be paid under any ordinance of the Common Council; but this section shall not be construed to prevent the Mayor or Recorder from receiving any salary which may be fixed by the Comntmon Council, nor from hold ing anlly office, nor to deprive any AldQrnian of any emoluments or fees to which he may be entitled by virtue of his office. [Aet of 1859.] Ge,'l Pow- (~ 45.) SEC. 10. The Common Council in addition to the , f t powers and duties specially onferred upon them in this Act, shall Council are pwr n uisseilycnerduo hmi hsAt hl e,umerated have the management and control of the finances, rights and in terests, buildings, and all property, real and personal, belonging to the city, and make such orders and By-Laws relating to the same, as they shall deem proper and necessary; and further they shall have power within said City to enact, make, continue, establish, modify, amend and repeal such Ordinances, By-Laws and Regula tions as they deem desirable within said City, for the following purposes: The Pulbile First. To prevent vice and immorality, to preserve public Peace, &c. peace and good order, to regulate the Police of the City, to pre vent and quell riots, disturbances and disorderly assemblages; Disorderly Second. To restrain and prevent disorderly and gaming houses, a.nd Gaming houses.ming and houses of ill-fame, all instruments and devices used for gam ing, and to prohibit all gaming and fraudulent devices, and regu late or restrain billiard-tables and bowling alleys; 20 CfLRlPTEPR OF TlH CI'TY OF FAG kUINAW. 21 CoOIMON COuNCIL:-WI-1ro SHALL CONSTITUTTE, POWEORS, &C,, &c. TITLE II t. Thard. To forbid and prevent the vending or other disposition I n t oxicat ing Liquors. of liquors and intoxicating drinks, in violation of the laws of this State, and to forbid the selling or giving, to be drank, any intoxicating liquors to any child or young person, without the consent of his or her parent or guardian, and to prohibit, restrain and regu- Auctioi. late the sale of all goods, wares and personal property at auction, except in cases of sales authorized by law, and to fix the fees to be paid by and to auctioneers; Fourth. To prohibit, restrain, license and regulate all sports, Ex.ibitions exhibitions of natural or artificial curiosities, caravans of animals, theatrical exhibitions, circuses, or other public performances and exhibitions for money; Both. To abate or remove nuisances of every kind, and to Abate Nuiscompel the owner or occupant of any grocery, tallow-chandler- ance.. shop, butcher's-stall, soap factory, tannery, stable, privy, hog-pen, sewer or other offensive or unwholesome house or place; to cleanse, remove or abate the same, from tinme to time, as often as they may deem necessary for the health, comfort and convenience of the inhabitants of said city; Sixth. To direct the location of all slaughter-houses, markets Ibid. and buildings for storing gunpowder or other combustible substances; Seventh. Concerning the buying, carrying, selling and using Gu-ipowda, gunpowder, fire-crackers or fire-works manufactured or prepared therefrom, or other combustible materials, and the exhibition of fire-works, and the discharge of fire-arms, and the lights in barns, stables and other buildings, and to restrain the making of bonfires in streets and yards; Eighth. To prevent the encumbering of streets, sidewalks C l e a r i,g streets, &C. cross-walks, lanes, alleys, bridges, acqueducts, wharves or slips, in any manner whatever; Ninth. To prevent and punish horse-racing and inmmoderate Hgors, Rae ing, &c. riding or driving in any street, and to authorize the stopping and detaining any person who shall be guilty of immloderate driving or riding in any street; Tenth. To determine and designate the routes and grades of Rit lroads. any railroad to be laid in said city, and to restrain and regulate the use of locomotives, engines and cars upon the railroads within the city. (,[tA R I']R OF THE Clf]IY O11 EA,7 S If GIA. T V. TITLI,,l Il. CO —r.oN COUNCIL,:-WHO SUALL CONSTITUTE; POWERIS, &C., &C. t.hinr, Eleventh. To prohibit or regulate bathing in any public water, and to provide for cleansing Saginaw River of drift-wood and other obstructions; Vagrants, Twelfth. To restrain and punish drunkards, vagrants, mendi cants, street beggars, and persons soliciting alms or subscriptions for any purpose whatever; Thirteenth. To establish and regulate one or more pounds, and Impound- ng animals. to restrain and regulate the running at large of horses, cattle, swine and other animals, geese and poultry, and to authorize the impounding and sale of the same for the penalty incurred, and the costs of keeping and impounding; Dogs. fourteenth. To regulate and prevent the running at large of dogs, to impose taxes on the owners of dogs, and to prevent dog fights in the streets; P u t rid Fifteenth. To prohibit any person from bringing and depositing M ea,atc. within the limits of said city, any dead carcass or other uiiwholeT~i~les, &e. some or offensive substances; and to require the removal or des truction thereof, if any person shall have on his premises such substances, or any putrid meats, fish, hides or skins of any kind, and on his default, to authorize the removal or destruction thereof by some officer of the city; Clearing of Sixteenth. To compel all persons to keep side-walks in front Sidewalks. of premises owned or occupied by them, clear from snow, dirt wood or obstructions; Ringing of Siventeenth. To regulate the ringing of bells, and the crying Bell. of goods and other commodities for sale at auction or otherwise; and to prevent disturbing noises in the streets; Watchmen. Eighteenth. To prescribe the powers and duties of Watchmen and the fines and penalties for their delinquencies; Burial of Nineteenth. To regulate the burial of the dead, and compel the dead. dead. keeping and return of bills of mortality; Regulate Twentieth. To establish, order and regulate the lmarkets, and Markets. to prohibit forestalling the same, to regulate the vending of wood, meats, vegetables, fruits, fish and provisions of all kinds, and prescribe the time and place for selling the same, and the fees to Proviso. be paid by butchers for license: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall authorize the Commoii Council to restrict in any way the sale of fresh and wholesome mneats by the quarter, within Add? IflARI7JR OF 7'IIE C~7TY OF F.AST AIAG[LV14T I CO —MMON COUNCIL:-W110o SH.ALLT, CONSTITUTEF; POWERS, &C., &C. TITTi,E II. the limits of the city, at any time later than nine o'clock in the Reservois, morning of each day; :Tweny-fir8,. To establish, regulate and preserve public reser- Concerning Sex toil s, voirs, wells and pumps; and to prevent the waste of water; Porters and Twenty-second. To adopt rules for the regulation of sextons oths. arnd undertakers in burying the dead; also for carmen and their carts, hackney carriages and their drivers, omnibuses and their drivers, scavengers, porters and chimney sweeps, and their fees and compensation, and the fees to be paid by themn into the City Treasury for licenses; lwenty-third. To prevent runners, stage drivers and others, Runners from soliciting passengers or others to travel or ride in any stage, omnnibus, boat, or upon any railroad, or to go to any hotel or otherwheres; :7i:entyfourth. Concerning the lighting of the streets and Lighting of Streets. alleys. and the protection and safety of public lamps; Twenty-fifth. To regulate and restrain hawking and peddling Peddling. in the streets, and to regulate pawn-brokers; Duties, Pel Twenty-sixth. To prescribe the duties of all officers appointed altics. a i Bonds., by the Common Council, and their compensation, and the penalty or penalties for failing to perform such duties, and to prescribe the bonds and sureties to be given by the officers of the city for the discharge of their duties, and the time for executing the same, in cases not otherwise provided for by law; Twenty-seventh. To preserve the salubrity of the Waters of RSaaglin a w River~ Saginaw River, or other streams within the limits of the said city; to fill up all low grounds or lots covered or partially covered with sabacte Nuiwater, or to drain the same, as they may deem expedient; Twenty-ei7hth. To prescribe and designate the stands for car- Staii(ids for C a r r iages, riages of all kinds which carry persons for hire, and for carts and &c carters, and to prescribe the rates of fare and charges, and the stand or stands for wood, hay and produce exposed for sale in said city; Twenty-ninth. To prescribe the line upon which docks shall be Docks aiil Dockv Lip. es. built in Saginaw River, and beyond which they shall not extend, and to enforce the same by a fine not exceeding five hundred dol-Penalty. lars, and to regulate such docks, and to compel the owners or occupants thereof to keep the same in repair; 23 CIIL4RY'R 0' TIlE ('ItY 0OFP' Pt4S7 AS GIY4 TV TITLIE ITT. COMMION COTINCTTI,:-WIto SIrT,LT CONSTITUTE; POWERS, &C., &C. a r b l r Thirtieth. To appoint so many harbor masters as they may Masters. deem necessary, and to prescribe their powers, duties and compen sation. w e i g hts Thirtyfir8t. To prescribe the duties of sealers of weights and atnd Meas-res. measures, and the penalty for using false weights and measures, and all the laws of this State in relation to the sealing of weights and measures shall apply to said city, except as herein otherwise provided. [Act of 1859.] Streets and (~ 46.) SEC. 11. The Common Council may ascertain, estabAlleys. lish and settle the boundaries of all streets and alleys in the said city, and prevent and remove all encroachments thereon, and exercise all other powers conferred on them by this Act, in relation to Taxes, Fires highways, the prevention of fires, the levying of taxes, the sup plying of the city with water, and all other subjects of municipal regulation, not herein expressly provided. [Aet of 1859.] Penalties (~ 47.) SEC. 12. Where, by the provisions of this Act, the Provided by orclinance. Common Council have authority to pass ordinances on any subject, they may prescribe a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars, (unless the imposition of a greater penalty be herein otherwise provided,) for a violation thereof, and may provide that the offen der, on failing to pay the penalty imposed, shall be imprisoned in the county jail of Saginaw County, or in the city prison, for any term not exceeding ninety days, which penalties may be sued for and recovered, with costs, in the name of the City of East Saginaw. [.Act of 1859.] When Ord- (~ 48.) SEC. 13. No Ordinance of the Common Council iminances to take effect. posing a penalty shall take effect until after the expiration of at least three days after the first publication thereof in a newspaper published in said city. [Act of 1859.] Record to (~ 49.) SEC. 14. A record or entry made by the Clerk of the be used as evidence. said city, or a copy of such record or entry duly certified by him shall be prima facie evidence of the time of such first publication and all laws, regulations and ordinances of the Coinmmon Council may be read in evidence in al] courts of justice, and il all pro ceedings before any officer, body or board in which it shall be necessary to refer thereto; either, First. From a copy certified by the Clerk of the city, with the seal of the city of East Saginaw affixed; or, 2)-i CHARTER OF TYIE C(ITY OF EAST SAGINAW. COIMMON COUNCIL:-WHO SHIALL CONSTITUTE, POWERS, &C., &C. TITLT,E Ir. Second. From the volume of ordinances printed by authority of the Common Council. [Act of 1859.] (~ 50.) SEC. 15. Whenever the Common Council are required Pu)icatio of N~otices, by law to make publication of any notices, ordinances, or resolu- &c tions or proceedings, in one or more newspapers of said city, it shall be deemed sufficient to publish the same in any daily orweekly newspaper published in said city. [Act of 1859.] (~ 51.) SEC. 16. The Common Council shall have power to City Cemepurchase and to hold a suitable lot or lots of land, within or without the corporation limits, for the purpose of a City Cemetery or Cemeteries; and they shall make such rules and regulations regarding the same as they may deem necessary; and may cause the same to be surveyed into suitable lots, and may dispose of the same to purchasers, and thereupon cause to be executed to such purchaser a good and sufficient deed, in the corporate name of the said city, which deed shall be signed by the Mayor and Clerk, and countersigned by the Comptroller. [Act of 185.9] (~ 52.) SEC. 17. The Commissioners of the City Cemetery Cemetery Commisand the Comptroller, shall constitute a board of Superintendants sioners. of the City Cemetery, and the Comptroller shall be the Treasurer of said board. [Act of 1859.] (~ 53.) SEC. 18. The Common Council shall have power to P otter'F purchase a Potter's Field, within or without the city limits, for the ield. burial of the city poor, and may make such rules and regulations concerning the same as they may deem necessary. [Act of 1859.] (~54.) SEC. 19. The Common Council shall have powerAlmshoust, M ark et, whenever, in their opinion, the necessities of the city require, to c1i t y Hall, construct a City Alms House, City Hall and City Market or Markets, and to appoint the Keepers, Clerks, and. necessary officers thereof, and may locate such City Alms House, City Hall and City Market or Markets, within or without the city limits, and may make such regulations concerning the same as the Common Council may think proper. [.Act of 1859.] (~ 55.) SEC. 20. The Common Council shall have and exercise Innkeepels, in and over said city, the same powers in relation to the regula- Saloons &C. tion of Taverns, Groceries, Common Victualers, Saloon Keepers and others, as are now or may hereafter be conferred by the general laws of this State upon Township Boards, or upon the corpo 25 2(i CIIAR,TE'PR OF THE CITY OF EAST SA GI ~A W. TITT,E IIl. CO.MION COUuNCII.-WrHO SHALL CONSTITUTE, POWERS, &C., &C. rate authorities of Cities and Villages in relation to Taverti Keepers and Commnion Victualers, and subject to the same condi tions and limitations; and the general laws of this State now in force, or which may hereafter be enacted, in relation to the regala tion of Taverns, Groceries and Cominoii Victualers, shall be Must first deemled applicable to the city, unless otherwise limited. No perobtain a Licebt.aia Lison shall engage in or exercise the business or occupation of Tavern Keeper, Inn Holder, Commotio Victualer, or Saloon Keeper within the limits of said city, until he is first licensed as such by the Common Council; and any person who shall assunle to exercise such business or occupation, without having first obtained such license, shall forfeit and pay, for every day he shall so exercise such Penalty. occupation or business, the sumi of two dollars, to be recovered by action of debt, in the name of the City of East Saginaw, before any justice of the peace of said city, together with the costs of C o u n c i 1 prosecution. The Common Council shall have power to grant may License, &c. licenses to authorize persons to exercise the business of Tavern Keeper, Inn Holder, Common Victualer, or Saloon Keeper, within the said city, and may impose such fees to be paid into the City Treasury on the granting of such license, as they may see fit. [Act of 1859.] C o mmm on (~ 56. SEC. 21. Onthe last Tuesday before the last Monday Councills Annttal Re- in the month of March of each year, the Common Council shall port. audit and settle the accounts of all other officer and persons having claims against the city, or accounts with it; and shall make out a statement in detail of the receipts and expenditures of the cor poration during the preceeding year, in which statement shall be Contents of. clearly and distinctly specified the several items of expenditure made by the Common Council, the objects and purposes for which the same were made, and the amount of money expended under each, the amount of taxes raised for the general contingent ex penses, the amount raised for lightning and watching the city, the amount of highway taxes and assessments, the amount of assessiments for opening, paving, planking, repairing and altering streets, and building and repairing bridges, the amount borrowed on the credit of the city, and the terms on which the same was obtained, and such other information as shall be necessary to a full understanding of the financial concerns of the city. [Act of 1867.] CHAPRTEI OF THE CT7Y OF EAST SAGINA V. 2 7 COHMMON COUNCIL:-WHO SI-IALL CONSTITUTE, POwVERS, &C., &C. TITI,TE Ii. (~ 57.) SEC. 22. The said statement shall be signed by the Signe,l,filed an'dj pu b 3)layor and Clerk, and filed with the papers of the city; and the lished. same shall be published by the Clerk, at the expense of the city, in some newspaper thereof, to be designated by the Common Coun (il, previous to the first Monday of April thereafter. [Act of 1867.] (~ 58.) SEC. 23. The Common Council of the City of East Ferries. Saginaw, or the major part of themn, shall have the sole and exclu sive power from time to time, to license, continue and regulate so many Ferries from within said City of East Saginaw to the oppo site shore of Saginaw River, for the carriage and transportation of people, goods and chattels across the said river, in such manner as shall appear to them most conducive to the public good: Pro vided, That nothing contained in this section shall be so construed as to deprive any person whatever of the possession of the pro perty or soil on the shore of said river, nor of any right of fer riage under any existing license. LAce of 1859.] (5 59.) SEC. 24. The members of the Common Council shall Compensa'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tion of be allowed, as compensation for their services, one dollar for actual members. attendance at each regular session of the Council, to be certified by the Clerk to the Controller, quarterly, and paid out of the general fund. [Act of 1869.] (~ 60.) SEC. 25. Any Alderman who shall be absent from the Abse,eciee to !acat offce sessions of the Common Council, without leave, for six consecutive vae weeks, shall be deemed to have resigned, and the office shall be deemed vacant, and the Common Council shall order a new election to fill such vacancy, as in this act provided in case of vacancies. [Act of 1869.] (~ 61.) SEC. 26. The Common Council shall have power to Deposit of direct the deposit of all moneys, bonds, papers and evidences of money,&cvalue, in any bank, vault or safe, and receive interest on all balances and moneys so deposited, which interest received shall be c-redited to and from a part of the interest fund. [Aet of 1869.] (~ 62.) SEC. 27. The Common Council shall have power to Exd peulsio'i anld removal expel or remove from office any of its own mnemibers, or ally other o! Offiers. (officer holding office by electionl, except the Mayor and Recorder, for corrupt or wilful mialfeasance or misfeasance in office, or for the wilful neglect of the duties of his office, by a vote of two-thirds of all the Aldermen elect; and in such ease, the reasons for such ex CHA4RTER OF THE CITY OF EAST SAGINAW.] TITT,E If. COMMON COUNCIL:-WHO SHALL CONSTITUTE, POWERS, C., &C. pulsion or removal7 shall be entered upon the records of the Com mion Council, with the names and votes of the members voting on the question. But no officer holding office by election, shall be re moved or expelled by said Common Council, unless first furnished with a copy of the charges against him in writing, and be allowed to be heard in his defence, with aid of counsel; and for the pur poses hereof, the Common Council shall have power to issue sub poenas, to compel the attendance of witnesses, to examine witnesses upon oath to be administered by the presiding officer, and the pro duction of papers, when necessary, and shall proceed within ten days after service of a copy of the charges, to hear and determine upon the case. If any such officer shall neglect to appear and answer to said charges, his default shall be deemed good cause for his removal from office. [Act of 1869.] 28 CIIARTERP OF THE CITY OF EAST SAGINAW. OFFICERS:-THEIR RIGHTS, POWERS AND DUTIES. TITLE IV. OFFICERS:-THEIR RIGHTS, POWERS AND. DUTIES. SECTION. 1. The Mayor. 2. Of Official Bonds, where de posited. 3. Aldermen, General duties of. 4. Special Powers granted Mayor and Aldermen. 5. Controller; how appointed and duties of. 6. Assessor; how appointed and duties of. 7. Assessment districts and Rolls. 8. Supervisors; duties of. 9. City Clerk; duties -of. 10. City Clerk; to publish Ordi nances and Notices. 11. Treasurer; General duties of the 12. City Attorney; Qualifications and duties. 13. Marshal; duties, powers and responsibilities. 14. Recorder; powers, duties and compensation. 15 to 23. Justices of the Peace; jurisdiction, &c. 24.-25. Constabl es; duti es an d obligations of. SECTION. 26. Criminal Expenses chargable to County. 27. Street Commissioner; appoint ment and duties of the 28 to 31. Cemetery Commissioners; duties of the 32. School Inspectors. 33. Duties of Surveyor, Physician and other officers to be pres cribed by Council. 34. Compensation of Officers; when and how fixed. 35. Collectors of Taxes; powers and duties of; vacancies and compensation provided for, * &sc. 36. Director of the Poor; duties of the 37. Oaths, Affidavits anddAcknow ledgements; who shall ad minister, &c. 38. Officers to deliver up books, funds, &c., to successors. 39. Additional rights and duties; how gran ted. 40. Malfeasance in office, how punished. care that the laws of the State, and the ordinances of the Common Council be faithfully executed; to exercise a constant supervision and control over the conduct of all subordinate officers, and to receive and examine into all complaints against them for neglect of duty; to recommend to the Common Council such measures as he shall deem expedient; to expedite such as shall be resolved by them, and, in general, to maintain the peace and good order, and advance the prosperity of the city. [Act of 1859.] (~ 64.) SEC. 2. All official bonds of said city shall be depos- o f fl c i a l bonds,whein ited with the Clerk of the city for safe keeping, unless the Council deposited. otherwise order, in which case they shall be deposited as they 2cg TITLE -IV. .~30 (~CrLARi]'JR OF ]IIE CIT'Y OF A..4sI' L4GIiVAIV. T.TITLF IV. OFFICERS:-THIEIR RIGHTS, POWERS AND DurIES. may direct; and it shall be his duty to deliver the same to his successorin office. [Aet of 1859.] l)ii ties of (~ 65.) Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of every Aldermian in said Aldermen city to attend the regular and special meetings of the Common Council; to act upon committees when thereunto appointed by the Mayor or Common Council; to order the arrest of all persons vio lating the laws of this State, or the ordinances, by-laws or police regulations; to report to the Mayor all subordinate officers who are guilty of any official misconduct or neglect of duty; to main tain peace and good order, and to perform all other duties required (f them by this act. [Act of 1859.] peia1 du- (~ 66.) SEc. 4. The Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen, by ties of the virtue of their respective offices, shall be conservators of the public Mayor, Recorder and peace, and as such, shall each have and exercise all the power and Aldermen. authority of Justices of the Peace in criminal cases, and in en forcing the laws of the State, relating to the police thereof, but shall have no jurisdiction of civil cases, other than such as by this act shall be expressly conferred upon them, or either of them. [Act of 1859.] Controller, Cohenlerp- (~ 67.) SEc. 5. There shall be appointed by the Common poli,ntedfand Council at their first meeting in the month of March, 1865, and duities of. at their third regular meeting in the month of April, every three years thereafter, or as soon thereafter as may be, one Controller, who shall hold his office for the term of three years. It shall be Keoep A c- the duty of the Controller to keep the financial accounts of said counts. Countersign corporation to countersign all bonds, orders upon the treasury, Bonds, &c. licenses, burial permits, cemetery deeds, and all evidences of debt and transfer of property which the Common Council or corpora tion are authorized to issue or make, pledging the faith of said Receive and Audit a II city; to receive all accounts and demands against the said corpoA c cou nts against,the ration, examine them in detail, audit or allow them, or such parts city. thereof as to the correctness of which he has no doubt, and which the claimant is willing to accept in full discharge thereof, file and number them as vouchers, with the date of their allowance, and the funds out of which payable, and when so audited, settled, filed, Record of dated and numbered, to report the same to the Common Council, ~Bonds. and when payment shall be duly authorized by the Common Coun cil, to countersign and register the orders drawn therefor by the City Clerk, upon the City Treasurer. No claim so audited shall be binding against the city until approved by vote of the Common CHARP'ER OF CITE ITY' OF EAST SA GLiVA W 31 OFFICERS -THEIR RIGHTS; POWERS AND DUTIES. TiTL.E iv. Council. The Controller shall keep a record of bonds issued by said corporation, with the number, amount and dates, when issued, when payable, and all coupons attached thereto, and shall keep account. in proper books, of all such bonds and the bonded indebtedness, for the information of the Common Council. And the Controller shall also, in like manner, keep accounts of all funds Funds,TV.xtaxes, assessments, receipts and expenditures, and on the last es, &ec. Tuesday before the last Monday, in the month of March, in each Annual Reyear, shall make out and present a full statement and balance-sheet port. of the financial accounts of the city, with such recommendations and explanations as may be proper to add thereto. The Controller shall advertise and receive proposals for all contracts for or on be half of the city, except as in this act otherwise provided and R eceiv e p r o p o sals report his action thereon to the Common Council. He shall sign and m a kl e contracts. all contracts and agreements on behalf of the city, except as inco this act otherwise provided, subject to the orders of the Common C o u n c i l, and make all purchases of materials, tools, books, station- Make Pur chases. cry, apparatus, and property for the city or its officers, not otherwise provided for herein, or ordered by the Common Council. He shall keep a record of all officers and employees of the city, and certify the pay-rolls and wages of all such officers and persons to Pay Roll. the Common Council; he shall be charged with the leasing, repairs, insurance and general supervision of the property of the city, and for his information may require reports from all officers and persons having any city property in charge or possession, and Officers to report to. report upon the same when required by the Council. It shall also be the duty of the Controller to examine all tax rolls and reports Tax Rolls. of city officers, and transfer abstracts of the same to his account book, and take and exercise a general supervision of the financial concerns of the corporation; to keep complete sets of books, exhi- Books. biting the condition of said corporation in its various departments and funds, its resources and liabilities, with proper classification thereof, of each fund or appropriation for any distinct object of expenditure or class of expenditures. Whenever any such fund or appropriation has been exhausted by warrants already drawn there- Fuins. on, or by appropriations, liabilities, debts, or expenses actually incurred or contracted for, the Controller shall advise the Council thereof at its next meeting. The Controller shall also be a mcaly Cemetcry bcr of and Treasurer of the Board of Cemetery Conmmissioners, Commis'r. CIIARTP,' OF THE CITY OF EAST,SAGINA T. TITLE IV. OFFICEIS:-THTEIR RIGHTS, POWERS AND DUTIES. and keep all records and accounts of said board, except as other wise herein provided. The Controller shall open an account with Account of the Treasurer, in which he shall charge said Treasurer with the Tre asurer. h whole amount of taxes, special or general, levied in said city and placed in his hands for collection. all sums received for licenses, rents, and all other moneys which may be paid into the city treas ury, and all bonds, coupons, notes, leases, - mortgages, interest, and Accodunt of bills receivable by said city, of whatever nature. He shall charge, WVard Collectors. to the several Ward Collectors all taxes which may be placed in their hands for collection, and all other officers of the corporation, with all funds, moneys, and property placed or being in their posSettlenients session, and shall require settlement with such officers at least once in each year, and as much oftener, not to exceed once in each month as the interests of the city and the safety of its property may require and he shall give said Treasurer, Collectors and all other officers Credits,how credits for all moneys disbursed, upon showing of proper vouchers, given. and for all property consumed, expended and destroyed by ordinary wear and use, and not otherwise. The Controller shall make out Warrants to and attach warrants to all tax rolls of said city, whether for State, Tax Rons. County, City, General or Special Assessments, or Taxes, and such warrants shall be in the usual form of law, and shall have the same virtue, force and legal effect as warrants made by the Supervisors of townships, pursuant to the laws of the State. The Controller shall also perform such other duties as are or may be prescribed by this act, or by ordinances of the Common Council, not inconsistent herewith, and shall receive for his services such annual salary as the B]ond. Common Council shall prescribe, and he shall give a bond with sureties in the sum of not less than five thousand dollars, for the faithful performance of the duties hereby imposed. And the Con troller shall have a seat in the Common Council, and may speak upon all matters that come before the Council, and serve upon com inittees thereof, but shall have no vote. [Act of 1869.] Assessor; (~ 68.) Sec. 6. The Common Council shall, at their third A p pointinents and meeting in the month of April, in the year 1869, or as soon thereduts of. after as may be, and every three years thereafter, appoint one Assessor for said city, who shall annually assess all the property in said city liable to taxation under the laws of this State, now or hereafter in force, for the purpose of levying the taxes lawfully im posed thereon, and who shall, for the purpose of making such as 32 CIIARTER OF TIHE CITY OF EADST SA GINA TV. OFFICERS:-THEIR RIGHTS, POWERS AND DUTIES. TITLE IV. sessment, have all the powers, and perform all the duties of Super visors of townships in this State. The Assessor shall also prepare and make the returns required by law, relative to the registration of births and deaths of said city, and the list of persons to serve B i r t h s, Deaths, as jurors, and perform such other duties as this act imposes. The Jurors. Assessor, the Controller, the City Attorney, and the Supervisors elected in the several Wards, shall be members of the Board of Supervisors Supervisors of Saginaw County, and represent the interests of this corporation on said board; and the Assessor, City Attorney and the Controller as such Supervisors, shall be entitled to receive the same compensation as other Supervisors, for attendance upon said board. The Assessor shall have power to administer oaths and Podweri to minister affirmations, whenever necessary to the proper discharge of the du- Oaths. ties of the office, and any person who shall wilfully swear falsely to any return, valuation, record, property, or material fact regarding his property liable to be assessed under the laws of this State. shall be held and deemed guilty of the crime of perjury. The Assessor C(ompensashall receive such compensation, for his services in making assess ments and levying and extending taxes thereon, as the Common - Council may determine, and shall be subject to removal for cause the same as other officers appointed by the Common Council. [Act of 1869.1 (~ 69.) SEc. 7. The Wards of said City shall each constitute Anosessment Rollfs. a separate Assessment District; Provided, The assessment rolls made and used for City purposes, may, for convenience, be enclosed in one book or voluiie, which shall be bound and preserved in the office of the City Clerk, for future reference and use of said city, as hereinafter provided. The assessment rolls of the several Wards for State and County purposes, shall not be so bound, but shall be made separately by Wards, in the imanner, and for the purposes hereinafter provided and specified.'A4ct of 1869.] (~ 70.) SEC. 8. The Supervisors of the several Wards of said Supervis.ors city shall be members of the Board of Supervisors of Saginaw County, and shall perform all the duties of Supervisors of Townships, except as herein especially provided, and except as to such duties as are herein especially devolved upon other officers of said city, and shall be entitled to the same compensation as Township Supervisors, and to such additional compensation as is hlereinbefore provided. [Act of 1869.J 33 CHARTER OF ITHE CITY OF EAST SAGINAW. TITLE IV.. OFFICERS:-THEIR RIGHTS, POWERS ANTD DUTIES. city Clerk, (~ 71.) SEC. 9. The Clerk shall keep the corporate seal, and duties of. all the papers and files belonging to said city as a corporation, not properly by this act in the custody of some other officer thereof, and shall make a full and complete record of the Proceedings of the Common Council, whose meetings it shall be his duty to attend; and copies of all papers duly filed in his office, and transcripts from the records of the proceedings of the ( ommon Council, cer tified to by him under the corporate seal, shall be evidence in all places, when produced, of the matters therein contained; he shall attest all licenses granted for any purpose whatever by the Mayor or Common Council, and shall enter in an appropriate book, the Licenses. name of every person to whom a license shall be granted, and the number of such license, and the date thereof, and the time during which it is to be continued in force, and the sum paid for such license; no license for any purpose granted shall be valid until thus attested by the Clerk and countersigned by the Controller Hie shall also act as Clerk of the Board of Health and the Board of Water Commissioners of said city, and when so required, of the Standing Committees of the Common Council, and perform such other duties as may be required by law of township clerks, so far as applicable under this act or the ordinances of the city. [Act of 1869.] Ordinances, (~ 72.) SEC. 10. The Clerk shall publish at least one week in & c., to be published one of the newspapers printed in the city, all ordinances of the Common Council, for the violation of which any penalty may be imposed, and all votes, ordinances and resolutions, directing the payment of money, shall be published at least once in like manner; within eight days after the passage of such vote, ordinance or reso lution; he shall also perform such other duties as this act shall direct, or which may be directed by ordinance of the Common Council. [lAct of 1859.] Treasurer, ( 73.) SEC. 11. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys be duties of. longing to the city, except such as are required to be kept in the hands of the Controller, and shall receive all taxes of said city, levied by order or authority of the Common Council, except as herein otherwise provided. The Treasurer shall alsh collect all rents, interest, claims and dues to said city, arising from rentals, leases, sales of property, or claims of any other nature whatever, not herein otherwise provided for. He shall hold all bonds, notes, 34 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF EAST SAGINAW. OFFICERS:-THEIR RIGHTS, POWERS AND DUTIES, mortgages and other evidences of debt or value belonging to the said corporation. He shall deposit the moneys of the city under the direction of the Common Council, and shall keep an accurate account of the same, and all receipts and expenditures thereof, and with every fund and appropriation thereof, made by this act, or by the authority and direction of the Common Council. He shall pay no money out of the treasury, except in pursuance of or by authority of law, or in satisfaction of warrants drawn by order of the Common Council, signed by the City Clerk and countersigned by the Controller, or of coupons and bonds regularly and lawful issued by said corporation. He shall keep an accurate account of and report to the Controller once in each week, a detailed stateient of all taxes collected and moneys received, as well as all moneys disbursed, and at the end of every quarter shall make a full Settlements settlement with the Controller and Finance Committee of the Common Council, producing the vouchers for all transactions, which vouchers shall be-canceled by said Controller and Committee, and the result of such settlement reported to the Council. Bonds and coupons shall be paid out of the particular funds constituted or raised for the purpose for which the same are issued, and warrants shall be paid only out of moneys in the funds against which the same are drawn as written upon the face thereof. Whenever Interest on Warrants. any warrant is presented for payment, if there is no money in the fund upon which such warrant is drawn, the Treasurer shall endorse the date of such presentation on the back of such warrant, which shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, for a period not exceeding six months, unless the same shall be again presented for payment and endorsed, and the Treasurer shall compute interest as above provided, and pay the same when said warrant is redeemed, and charge the amount so paid for interest to the interest fund. The Treasurer shall keep an office Keep anofin some convenient place in said city, and the books and accounts fice. in his charge belonging to the city shall be open to the inspection of any tax-payer of said city at reasonable hours, in any week day (except in case of sickness or leave of absence ganted by the Common Council,) and where all bonds, coupons and warrants shall be presented for payment; and the Treasurer shall not discriminate w h e r e money to be as to parties holding bonds, coupons or warrants, or other lawful paid out. 35 TITLI-1, IV. CHARTER OF THE CITY OF EAST SAGINAW. TITLE IV. OFFICERS:-THEIR RIGHTS, POWERS AND DUTIES. demands, and shall pay them only when so presented at his office. The Treasurer shall obey all orders and resolutions of the Common Council, and perform all duties devolved upon him by this act or by resolution or ordinance of said Common Council, not inconsist ent with the provisions of this act, and shall turn over to his suc cessor in office all money, books, papers, and property of every kind and description, due and belonging to said corporation, upon to be adaded demand. The Common Council shall have power to prescribe the to Tax Rolls Bonds, &c. percentage added to all tax rolls, not herein provided for, and to direct to what fund it shall be credited, and may direct the TreasBonds, etc. urer as to the deposit and safe keeping of all books and papers of his office, and require bonds with such sureties and in such amount as they deem proper for the faithful performance of his duties as Treasurer; and said Treasurer shall receive for all services he may render, such annual salary as the Common Council may direct [Act of 1869.] city Attor- (~ 74.) SEc. 12. The City Attorney shall be an attorney and ney. counselor at law of good standing, and qualified to practice in all the courts in the State. Hie shall, on application of the Common Council, or of any officer of the city, furnish advice relative to all matters of law, in the discharge of their duties, appear in behalf of the city in all suits, and perform such other legal duties as may be prescribed by ordinance. [Act of 1869.] Marshal, (~ 75.) SEc. 13. The Marshallshall possess and exercise the Powers and duties of. powers and duties as conservator of the peace which township con stables possess and may exercise by virtue of the laws of the State; he shall attend the sittings of the recorder's court, and be vested with full power and authority to serve papers and execute all proServe P rocess of Re-cess issued by said recorder's court; he, or his assistant, shall atcor der's court. tend the sessions of the Common Council, and obey all orders Attend the received from the Mayor and Council; he shall, by virtue of his Sessions of the Council. office, be chief of the police force of the corporation, and as such, Chief of Po- perform all the duties required by the ordinances of the Common lice. Council; he shall be superintendent of the city, and charged with its peace, and the execution and enforcement of the by-laws and ordinances thereof; he shall be chief fire warden of the city, and attend all fires, and report to the Mayor, and, whenever necessary, Fire Warden. to the Common Council, any drunkenness and disorderly conduct among firemen, and shall have summary power, and it shall be his 36 CItARIER OF THE CITY OF EAST SAGINAW. 37 OFFICERS:-TITHEIR RIGHTS; POWERS AND DUTIES. TITLE IV. duty, to arrest, or cause to be arrested, all members of the fire department, or other persons who shall be drunk or disorderly at fires; he shall report, in writing, to the Mayor. the origin, extent Incendiarand cause of all fires, with such information as will tend to check ism. incendiarism and preserve property; he shall be the fence viewer of the city, and for that purpose, is hereby vested with the same F n c e powers and duties, and entitled to the same compensation as is now Viewer or may be prescribed by the laws of the State for fence viewers in townships; he shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be imposed by the laws of the State, or by the resolutions, orders and ordinances of the Common Council, and shall receive, in addition to his annual salary, such fees for the performance of Fees. the duties of the office, as are allowed to sheriff's or constables in like cases, except where such fees are a charge against the city Assistants. treasury. The Assistant Marshal shall have and exercise the same powers as the Marshal, except as fence viewer, and as limited by ordinances of the Common Council. [Act of 1869.] (~ 76.) SEc. 14. The Recorder shall possess the same powers Rec order, and peform and discharge the municipal duties of Mayor during Powers and the absence, inability, death, resignation or removal of the Mayor; he shall also have power to hold a recorder's court, with such jurisdiction and powers as are hereinafter prescribed, and he shall have the power, and may exercise the jurisdiction, in all cases arising within the limits of the said city, which is now or may hereafter be conferred upon the Circuit Court Commissioners of the State, under proceedings for the collection of demands against ships, boats and vessels, by chapter one hundred and twenty-two of the revised statutes of the State, aud the amendments thereof; also in cases of proceedings to recover the possession of land in certain cases by chapter one hundred and twenty-three of said revised statutes and the amendments thereof; also in cases of habeas corpus and certiorari, to inquire into causes of detention by chapter one hundred and thirty-four of said revised statutes; and in the exercise of such jurisdictions, shall be entitled to demand and receive the same fees for the services so rendered, as are now or may hereafter be allowed to Circuit Court Commissioners for like services; the Recorder shall be entitled to a seat within the Common Council for the purpose of deliberation, and of acting on committees, but CHA RTER OF THE CIT'Y OF EAST SA GINA W. TITL,E IV. OFFICERS:-THEIR RIGHTS, POWERS AND DUTIES. shall have no vote therein except when performing the duties of Mayor, according to the provisions of this act. [Act of 1859.] J usticeof (~ 77.) SEC. 15. The Justices of the Peace of said city shall t h e Peace, Powers of.' file their oaths of office in the office of the clerk of the County of Saginaw, and shall have, in addition to the jurisdiction conferred by this act on them, the same jurisdiction, powers and duties con ferred on Justices of the Peace in townships, and shall have con current jurisdiction with the -recorder's court of said city, of all actions brought for the recovery of any fine, penalty or forfeiture imposed by this act or any ordinance of said city, where such fine, penalty or forfeiture shall not exceed one hundred dollars, and when there shall not be in addition to such fine, penalty or forfeit ure, any imprisonment by such law or ordinance for the violation thereof exceeding thirty days. [Act of 1867.] Deueties and (~ 78.) SEC. 16. It shall be the duty of the Justices of the Fees. Peace of said city, to keep their offices in said city, and attend to all complaints of a criminal nature which may properly come be fore them, and they shall receive for their services when engaged in cases for violation of the ordinances of said city, such fees as the Common Council shall by ordinance prescribe. [.At of 1859.] To account (~ 79.) SEC. 17. All fines, penalties or forfeitures, recovered fmon rys a l before any of the Justices, shall, when collected, be paid into the moneys,&. city treasury; and each of said Justices shall report on oath to the Common Council, at the first regular meeting thereof, in each month during the term for which he shall perform the duties of such Justice, the number and name of every person against whom judgment shall have been rendered for such fine, penalty or for feiture, and all moneys by him received, for or on account thereof, which moneys so received, or which may be in his hands, collected on such fine, penalty or forfeiture, shall be paid into the said city treasury on the first Monday of each and every month during the time such justice shall exercise the duties of said office; and for Penalty. any neglect in this particular, he may be suspended or removed, as lay be sus- hereinafter provided. [Act of 1859.] pendead o r removed. (~ 80.) SEC. 18. Any Justice of the Peace of said city may be suspended or removed from his said office by the circuit court of the County of Saginaw, for neglect or refusal to pay over as required by law, any moneys by him collected for or on account 38 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF EAST SAGINAW. OFFICERS:-THEIR RIGHTS, POWERS AND DUTIES, TITLE IV. of any fine, penalty or forfeiture; or the unfaithful or insufficient performance of his duties in relation to the internal police of the State, or for any official misconduct, on charges specifically preferred, by said Common Council of said city or any member or officer thereof, or by three electors of said city, founded on affidavit filed in said circuit court, specifically stating the charges com plained of, a copy whereof shall be served upon -him at least ten days before presenting such charges to said court, and opportunity shall be given him to be heard in his defense, [Act of 1859.] (~ 81.) SEC. 19. In addition to the security now required by Security. law to be given by Justices of the Peace, each of the Justices of the Peace shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, execute a bond to the City of East Saginaw, with one or more sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Mayor or Recorder of said city; which approval shall be endorsed on said bond, in the penalty of one thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties as a Police Justice of said city, and to pay over the moneys so collected, and make his report as in this act required; which bond shall be filed in the office of the Treasurer of said city. [Act of 1859.] (~ 82.) SEc. 20. All dockets and office books, kept by the Docketsand Justices of the Peace, shall at all times be subject to inspection and examination by the Common Council, or any member or officer thereof, and it shall be the duty of said Justices of the Peace to produce such dockets and books at all times, whenever and wherever the said Common Council shall require or direct; and if they shall neglect or refuse to produce such docket or office book as directed and required, the Recorder may, on a proper application to him for the purpose, make an order requiring the same to be produced, and enforce obedience thereto in the, same manner in which other orders made:by the recorder's court are enforced. [Act of 1859.] (~ 83.) SEc. 21. It shall be the duty of each Justice of the Unclaimed Pr-op e rty, Peace at the first regular meeting of the Common Council in each hpo iepros ed of,and of the months of August, November, February and May, in every accounted for. year, to account on oath, before the Common Council, for all such moneys, goods, wares and merchandise seized as stolen property, as shall then remain unclaimed in the offices of either of said 39 CHARITER OF TIIE CITY OF EAST SA GINA W. TITLE IV. OFFICERS -THEIR RIGHITS, POWERS AND DUTIES. Justices of the Peace, and immediately thereafter to give notice for four weeks, in one of the public newspapers printed in the said City of East Saginaw, to all persons interested or claiming such property: Provided, always, That if any goods, wares, merchan dise, or chattels of a perishable nature, or which shall be expensive to keep, shall at any time remain unclaimed in the offices of either of said Justices, it shall be lawful for such Justice to sell the same at public auction, at such time and after such notice, as to him and the said Common Council shall seem proper. [Act of 1859.] Ibid. (~ 84.) SEC. 22. It shall be the duty of each of the Justices of the Peace aforesaid, who may recover or obtain possession of any stolen property, on his receiving satisfactory proof of property, from the owner, to deliver such property to the owner thereof, on his paying all necessary and reasonable expenses, which may have been incurred in the recovering, preservation or sustenance of such property, and the expenses of advertising the same. [Act of 1859.] Ibid. (~ 85.) SEsc. 23. It shall be the duty of each of the Justices of the Peace aforesaid, to cause all property unclaimed after the expiration of the notice specified in the last preceeding section but one of this act, money excepted, to be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, unless the Prosecuting Attorney of the County of Saginaw shall direct that it shall remain unsold for a longer period, to be used as evidence in the administration of justice, and the proceeds thereof forthwith to pay to the Treasurer of the said City of East Saginaw, together with all money, if any, which shall remain in his hands after such notice as aforesaid, first de ducting the charges of said notice of sale. [Act of 1859.] Police Con: (~ 86.) SEC. 24. The Police Constables of said city shali have stables. and receive the same fees, and have the like powers and authority, in matters of a criminal nature, as is conferred by law upon con stables in the several towns of this State, and shall, if required by the Common Council, give like security, apd each City Constable shall possess the same powers and be under the same duties and obligations as constables of townships, and shall give like security. [.Act of 1859.] Ibid (~ 87.) SEC. 25. The City Constables and Police Constables shall obey the orders of the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen, or of any person legally exercising the criminal jurisdiction of a Justice 40 CHAR TER OF THE CITY OF EAST SAGINA W. T OFFICERS:-THEIR RIGHTS; POWERS AND DUTIES. TITLE rv. of the Peace in said city, in enforcing the laws of the State or the ordinances of said city, and in case of refuasal or neglect so to do, he or they shall be subject to a penalty of not less than one, nor more than twenty-five dollars. [Act of 1859.] Criminal ex (~ 88.) SEc. 26. The expenses Qf examining and committing penses paid offenders against any law of this State, in the said city, and of by county. their confinement, shall be audited, allowed and paid by the Supervisors of the County of Saginaw, in the same manner as if such expenses had been incurred in any town of said county. [Act of 1859]. (~ 89 ) Sxc. 27. The Common Council shall annually, at their Street Corm m issioner, third meeting in the month of April in each year, or as soon duties of. thereafter as may be, appoint one Street Commissioner of said city, who shall superintend the construction and repairs and cleaning of all pavements side-walks, cross-walks, culverts, bridges, drains and sewers, and direct the working, cleaning and improvement of highways, streets, lanes, alleys, parks and public places in said city, not otherwise provided for under the direction of the Common Council. l1 e shall keep an accurate record of all moneys received and disbursed, and of all persons, together with the number of horses, carts and wagons employed by him in the several wards, and render, under oath, to the Controller, each week, a true account of the time of each, and the expenses thereof, and the fund or funds out of which the same are payable. The Street Commissioner shall perform such other duties as may be required by resolutioni or ordinances of the Common Council, not inconsistent with the nature of his duties or the provisions of this act: Provided, That nothing in this act contained shall be construed to prevent the Common Council from paving, macadamizing, gravelimg, or otherwise improving or cleaning the streets, alleys, lanes, parks or public places of said city by contract, in case the Common Council shall decide to let such work to the lowest responsible bidder. [,oe of 1869.] (~ 90.) SEc 28. The Superintendents of the City Cemetery Cemmeteryi Commislrs,. or Cemeteries shall have care of the City Cemetery or Cemeteries and all the grounds or other property belonging thereto, subject to the ordinances and directions of the Common Council, they shall make such improvements upon the property as they shall think expedient, but shall not expend in any one year more than three 41 42 CHARPi'ER OF I'HE CITY OF ~ASTl S4 GINA W. TITLE IV. OFFICERS:-THEIR RIGHTS, POWERS AND DUTIES. hundred dollars, without the consent of the Common Council pre viously obtained, and they shall receive no pecuniary compensation for their services; and said Superintendents she,-l report quarterly to the Common Council the amount expended by them in the im provement of said property. [Act of 1859.] to-neys and (~ 91.) SEC. 29. The Controller shall, as treasurer of the Expenses. Board, receive all moneys for lots which-shall be sold in said City cemetery or cemeteries, and also all penalties collected for viola tion of city ordinances in relation to such cemetery or cemeteries, and shall pay, upon resolution of the board, for improvements made upon the grounds of the said cemetery or cemeteries, and also the incidental expenses of the board, when the accounts for said incidental expenses shall have been audited and allowed by the Superintendents. LAc4et of 1859.] Ibid. (~ 92.) SEC. 30. The Controller shall pay over to the City Treasurer all moneys which shall come into his hands as treasurer the board of Superintendents of the city cemetery, which are of not by this act appropriated. [Act of 1859.] Annual Re- (~ 93.) SEC. 31. It shall be the duty of said board of Superport. intendents to publish an annual report in relation to matters com mitted to their charge, in one of the newspapers printed in said city, between the first and fifteenth days of March in each year. [Act of 1867.] Xchool In - (~ 94.) SEC. 32. The School Inspectors of said city shall pectors. perform such duties as are required by the laws of the State, and the "Act to incorporate the Board of Education of the City of East Saginaw," approved February 15th, 1859, and the acts amend atory thereto: *Provided, The said Inspectors shall be required to make and file with the Common Council on or before the third Monday in March, in each year, a detailed report of all receipts and expenditures of said board up to and including the last day of February, in each year, and such statement shall be published with and form a part of the annual statement of said city. [Act of 1869] (~ 95) SEC. 33 The City Surveyor, Health Physician, Fire Duties orf Wardens, Common Criers, Pound Masters, Inspectors of fire wood Survey or, Physician, and Weigh Masters, shall perform such duties, and if required, This Proviso repealed by act of 1869. CHARITER OF I'HE CITY OF EAST SAGINA W. OFFICERSP:-THIEI RIGHTS, POWERS AND DUTIES. TITLE IV. shall file such securities as the Common Council shall by ordinance direct. (~ 96.) Sec. 34. The Common Council shall annually, at their Salary of of first regular meeting in the month of May, or as soon thereafter fdler, wheto and how to as may be, determine or fix the salary or compensation to be paid be fixed. to the several officers of said city, and they may also, from time to time, establish fees and compensation for all officers appointed by them, whose fees or salary are not prescribed by law, and whose compensation for services is required to be paid out of the city treasury. [Act of 1869.] (~ 97.) SEC. 35. The Collector of each Ward shall collect all ocolletors State and County taxes assessed and imposed upon the real and personal property of the Ward, and such city, highway, sewer and school taxes, and all such special taxes as may be, from time to time, levied by the Common Council for the improvement of streets, the construction of sidewalks, or any other purposes authorized by this act or the laws of this State, as may be placed in his hands for collection by the Controller or other proper officer of said city, and the warrant of the Controller of said city shall confer full Power of power and authority upon said Collector to collect, by levy and Warrant. sale, all taxes set forth upon any copy or transcript of any general or special roll and so placed in his hands, the same as warrants made by supervisors of townships, under the laws of this State. All such Collectors shall give receipts for all taxes collected by Receipt,. them, and mark the same paid upon the proper rolls, and shall pa Pay over over all moneys in their hands, belonging to the city, to the city moneys. Treasurer, on Monday, of each week, and deposit with the Colntroller a detailed statement of all collections and a receipt from the Treasurer for the same, and shall make due returns of all rolls, and the uncollected taxes thereon, as required by the war- Return of rant of the Controller and the provision of this act and the laws Warrant. of the State: Provided, The returns of all State and County taxes, and the uncollected taxes upon the city tax rolls shall be made direct to the County Treasurer of Saginaw County, as required by law; and a copy of the returns of all such city taxes, with a receipt from the City Treasurer for all moneys due on the fiC'Py totbe filedf w it same shall also be filed with the Controller by the Collector, with- Controller. in ten days after the time specified in the warrant for the return 4.-, CHA ARTPER OF THE CITY OF EAST SAGINAW. TITLE IV. OFFICERS:-THEIR RIGHTS, POWERS AND DUTIES. Bonds. of said roll. Each of said Collectors shall give bonds to the city of East Saginaw, in such amount and with such sureties, as the Common Council may require, in a sum not exceeding twice the amount of the taxes placed in their hands for collection; and the Controller or Common Council may require additional bonds, Fees from time to time, as the public interests may require. For the Fees. collection of all city taxes and special assessments, said Collectors shall be entitled to receive the sum of four per cent, upon all moneys actually collected and paid into the city treasury by them, which amount shall be paid by the city Treasurer to said Collector upon the certificate of the Controller that the Collector has fully complied with the requirements of his warrant and the provisions How Bonds of this act. The bonds required by the city from Ward Collectors shall be discharged. shall be deposited with the Controller; and whenever final settle ment is made with such Collector, the Controller shall endorse the same upon said bond, which endorsement shall operate as a full dis charge of said Collector and his sureties, unless it shall afterwards appear that the returns filed by said Collector, in whole or in part, were false, in which case such bond shall continue in force; and F a I e Re- such Collector and his sureties shall be liable therefor for all damturns. ages occasioned by such false returns. Vaca n ey In case any person elected as Ward Collector shall refnse to provided for serve, or shall die, resign or remove out of said city before he shall have entered upon, or completed the duties of his office, or be dis abled, from any cause, from completing the same, the Common Council shall forthwith appoint a Collector for the remainder of the year, who shall give like security, and be subject to like duties and penalties, and have the same powers and compensation as if regu larly elected to said office of Collector, and the City Clerk shall Clektoieve immediately give notice of such appointment to the County Treas urer of Saginaw County; but such appointment shall not operate to discharge or exonorate the former Collector, or his sureties, from any liability incurred by him, while acting as Collector: Proviso. Provided, Nothing in this act contained shall be construed to pre vent the giving of bonds to the County Treasurer, which bond shall be approved, as required by law. (~ 98.) SEc. 36. The Director of the Poor shall perform such Dierctor of duties as are imposed by law upon such officers in townships, and such other duties as may be imposed by ordinance. All expendi 44 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF EAST SAGINAW. 45 OFFICERS:-TIITHEIR RIGHTS, POWERS AND DUTIES, TITLE IV. tures of money, and all accounts made by him. shall be duly certified under oath, to the Controller, as often, and in such manner, as the Common Council may require., LAct of 1869.] (~ 99.) SEC. 37. The Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of said Administer Oaths, tic. city, the City Clerk, Clerk of the Recorder's Court and Control- Oaths, & ler, are authorized generally to administer oaths and take affidavits, but neither of such officers shall receive any fees therefor, except the clerks. The Controller shall have power to take acknowledg ments of deeds under the laws of this State, and to certify copies of all papers in his office, and receive the legal fees therefor. [Act of 1869.] (~ 100.) SEC. 38. Whenever any officer shall resign or be re- deOfficers to deliver to moved from office, or the term for which he shall have been elected their succes sors all or appointed shall expire, he shall on demand, deliver over to his books, &c. successor in office, all the books, papers, moneys and effects of said corporation in his possession or custody as such officer, and in any way appertaining to his office; and every person violating this provision shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and may be Penalty proceeded against in the same manner as public officers generally for the like offense under the general laws of this State, now or hereafter in force or applicable thereto; and every officer appointed or elected under this act, shall be deemed an officer within the meaning and provisions of such general laws of this State. [Acto of 1869.] (~ 101.) SEC. 39. In addition to the rights, powers, duties and Additional Rights and liabilities of officers prescribed in this act, all officers, whether Duties. elected or appointed, shall have such other rights, duties, powers or liabities, subject to and consistent with the provisions of this act, as the Common Council may deem expedient, and shall prescribe by resolution, by-laws or ordinance. [Act of 1869.] (~ 102.) SEC. 40. If any officer of the corporation shall, di- Malfeasanoe rectly or indirectly, appropriate or convert any of the moneys, securities, evidences of value, or any property whatsoever belonging to the corporation, to his own use, or shall knowingly appropriate or convert the same to any other purpose than that for which such moneys, securities or evidences of value, or property may have been appropriated, raised or received, he shall be deemed guilty of willful and corrupt malfeasance in office, and may be prosecuted, tried a vide Sec. 1; Title 8. CHARTER OF THE CI['Y OF EAST' SAGINA W. TITLE IV. OFFICERS -THEIR RIGHTS, POWERS AND DUTIES. Penalty. and convicted therefor, and on conviction, may be punished by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or imprisonment in the State prison or the jail of Saginaw County, not to exceed one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. [Act of 1869.] 46 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF EAST SAGILYVA W. 47 TAXES, FUNDS, REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES. TITLE V. TITLE V. TAXES, FUNDS, REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES. SECTION. 1. Common Council authorized to levy and collect Taxes; Division of funds. 2. Limits amount to be raised. 3. Appropriates moneys received fr-om licenses, permits and fines to Poor Fund. 4. Time and manner of Council to determine amount of Tax to be raised. 5. When Assessment Roll to be completed. 6. Board of Review; Notice; powers and duties of. 7. Tax(es; how assessed; duties of Assessor, &c. 8. Treasurer to collect; penalty, 9. Colle(tio; Power of the war rant L oe the 10. School Money; how paid over. SECFTION. 11. Taxes; when a charge against person aond when lien on real estate. 12. Assessment Roll for State and County purposes. 13. Common Council may bor row money and issue bonds as herein provided. 14. Limitation of expenses and expenditures. 15. Basis of Assessment; Ex emptions. 16. Sinking Fund provided for. 17. Money not to be drawn tfrom Treasury without previous ly appropriated by Council. s18. C o I n c i to Appropriate; Claims to be verified; want of affidavit a bar to suit; 'Cotllacts. 19. The p ublic faith pledged to redeem Bonds. 20. The Electors mav vote tax to constract Public Buildings. (~ 103.) SEC. 1. The resources and moneys of the corporation Powe r to le~vy and colshall be controlled by the Common Council, as herein provided; lectYTa es and control and the said Common Council is hereby vested with the power to resources of the city yeorder assessments, direct the levying of taxes thereon, and provide ted in tvh e Council. for the collection of the same, under the provisions and restrictions in this act contained; and all assessments, taxes and revenues of said corporation shall be paid into and form a part of one of the following named funds, viz: 1st. General Fund, which shall be appropriated to defray the FGe nd e r a 1 Fund. expenses of the City of East Saginaw, for the payment of which, out of some other fund, no provision is herein or otherwise made. 2d. Highway Fund, to defray the expenses of repairing paved, Highway Funa. CHARITER OF THE CITY OF EAST SAGINAW. TITLE V. TAXES, FUNDS, REVENUES AND ExPENDITUIRES. graded, planked and improved streets, and for the construction and repair of crosswalks, bridges, drains, culverts, the cleaning of streets, sidewalks, drains, parks and public places, and such other general highway purposes as the Common Council may direct. Fire Dep't 3d. Fire Department Fund, which shall be appropriated to deFund. fray the expense of purchasing lots, erecting engine houses thereon, purchasing engines and other fire apparatus, paying the regularly appointed firemen of the city, and all other expenses incident and necessary to the maintenance of the fire department of said city. si n k in g 4th. Sinking Fund, to redeem the bonds and pay the funded Fund. debt of the city. I n t er est 5th. Interest Fund, to pay the interest on the funded debt of Fund. the city. Sewel Fund 6th. Sewer Fund, to defray the expenses of building, repairing and maintaining the public sewers of the city, and for paying the interest and principal of bonds, issued by the corporation for sew erage purposes. Poor Fund. 7th. Poor Fund, to defray the expenses of providing for and taking care of the poor of the city. S i d e walk 8th. Sidewalk Fund, to defray the expenses of constructing Funds. sidewalks in said city, as provided in title six of this act. ru,ueedt.Imp't 9th. Street Improvement Funds, to be assessed, levied and col lected as hereinafter provided in title six of this act. O t h e r 10th. Such other Funds as are herein provided for, or as the Funds. Common Council may constitute for special purposes, not incon sistent with tthe provisions of this act, not to be taken from any of the funds above provided for, excepting the general fund [Act of 1869.] Tax may be (~ 104.) SEC. 2. For the purpose of defraying the ordinary levied. expenses and liabilities incurred by said city, and paying the same General Ex- the Common Council may raise annually, by tax levied upon the penses. real and personal property within said city, for the general fund; such suli as they may deem necessary, not exceeding one and one haif per cent. on the valuation of such real and personal estate within the limits of said city, according to the valuation thereof taken from the assessment roll of the year preceding the levying of such tax; and the Common Council may, in addition thereto, .i9phwa Y levy such sum, not exceeding three-fourths of one per cent. of the P'urposes. 48 CHARTER OF T'IE CITZY OF EAST SAGINA W. TAXES, FUNDS, REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES. TITLE V. valuation of the preceding year, as they may deem necessary for highway purposes, to be paid into the highway fund; and the Common Council may also, in addition to the above, levy such Eqxpenses of sum, not exceeding three mills on the dollar of the valuation of Fire Dep't the preceding year, as they may deem necessary for defraying the expenses and making improvements in the fire department, to be credited to the fire department fund, and which shall be raised, assessed and collected on the same roll and in the same manner as the other city taxes. If the said Common Council shall deem A d d itional it expedient for the purposes of the city, to levy a larger tax than Tax meday be voted by the is allowed by this section, they may, by giving ten days notice, by citizens. publishing the same in a newspaper published in said city, and posting a notice thereof in three public places in each ward in said city, call a meeting of the inhabitants of said city, at some place therein, who may then and there vote to levy, assess and collect a further money tax upon all the real and personal property in said city, in such sum as the meeting shall direct; and such tax shall be levied, assessed and collected in the same manner as is provided for the levying or collection of the other taxes mentioned in this act: Provided, That no person shall vote at such meeting who is not an elector in said city. The Mayor of said city shall preside Proviso or in his absence, the then acting Mayor shall preside at such meeting; and in the absence of both the Mayor and Recorder, the electors present may select one of their number to preside at such meeting. [.Act of 1869.] (~ 105.) SEC. 3. The moneys assessed by the Comminon Council [, i e e n c es, under the authority of this act, for licenses and permits, and all &c., to go to Poor Fund. fines imposed for the violation of the ordinances of the city, ex cept as herein otherwise provided, shall be paid into and constitute the Poor Fund of said city. And in case of any deficiency in said fund, the Commlon Council shall have power, and it shall be their provided for duty to appropriate from the general fund and transfer to the poor fund, such sum or sums as may be necessary for the proper care and keeping of the poor of said city.a [Act of 1869.] (~ 106) SEc. 4. It shall be the duty of the Common Council, on or before the first day of June in each year, to determine by Council t o resolution the amount necessary to be raised by tax for city pur- detenrminto poses within said city for such year; and it shall be the duty ofberaised Duty of aVide Title 8, Sec. 6. C(lerk. 49) CI ARTLS'- OF TIfE CI'Y OF EAST SA GINAT 1VT TITILE V. TAXES, FUNDs, REvNE,UES AND EXPENDITURES. the City Clerk to certify thie amiount so to be raised to the AssesDuty of tle sor, andl it is hereby made the duty of the Assessor of said city to, Assessor. levy the sum so certified, and such other taxes as may be required by law, upon the taxable property of said city, in the samie manner as specified in section seven of this title. [4ct of 1869.] W h.en Roll (~ 107.) SEc. 5. The Assessor of said city shall cointo be completed plete his atnnual assessmenit of all the taxable property in said city, on or before the fourth Monday in May, and upon the completion thereos, shall file a notice thereof with the City Clerk, who shall report the samte to the Commion Councii at their next mlleeting. [Act of 1869.] Board of R-eview. lReview. (~ 108.) SEc. 6. The Assessor, City Attorney and SuperviDuties and sors of said city shall constitue a Board of Review, five of whom Powers o f Board. lshall constitute a quorum. They shall elect one of their number Chairman, and the Assessor shall act as Secretary of the Board. They shall have power, and it shall be their duty to examine said assessment and correct any errors found therein, and on cause shown, to reduce, equalize, or increase the valuation of any property found on said rolls, and to add thereto any taxable property iT Time and said city that may have been omitted, and to value the same. Pleat cge of They shall meet at such time and place as shall be appointed by meetinrg. the Commono Council, of which timei and p1iac( lotice shall be given by the Clerk of said Coui:tcil at least ten days prior to tlhe tile of meeting, by publishing a nIotice thlereof in some llnewspaper Si published in said city, and also by posting the same in three pul)_ Session of Board. lie places in each ward of said city, and shtiall continue in sessionl at least three days successively, and as much longer as nmay be necessary, at least six hours in each day, during said three drays and any person desiring so to do, may examine his or her assess ment on said rolls, and may show cause,'if any, why the valuatio,ni thereof should be changedt, and the said board shall decide the same, and their decision shall be final. The concurrence of It majority of a quorum of said board, shall be sufficient to decide Xy admin- any question of altering or correcting any assessment complained ister Oaths. of; and the members of the board shall have the power to ad minister oaths and examine witnesses, as provided for Supervisors of Townships, by the general laws of this State. The said board i,-) 0 CIIHARIER OF TFI'E CL'0' OF E AST SAGIN-A IV. TAXES, FUNDS, REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES. TITLE V. shall keep a record of their proceedings, and all changes made by Record( them in said rolls, and their record shall be signed by a majority of said board, and deposited with the City Clerk. [Act of 1869.] (~ 109.) SEc. 7. The said Assessor shall deliver the assess- Assessor to spread taxes meient roll to said board of review at their first meeting, and after on Rolls. the same shall be confirmed by resolution of said board, to be entered on their records, the said assessor shall again take such roll into his possession, and cause the amount of all taxes, in dol lars and cents, authorized to be assessed and collected in each year, to be ratably assessed to each person named on lots described upon, anid according to the aggregate valuation such person or lots shall have been assessed in said assessment roll, or book pre pared as herein provided for that purpose, to be known as the an nual tax roll of said city, in separate columns, showing the amount of highway, school, sewer and other city taxes assessed according to this act, to each person or lots in each year, and when said rol1 has been completed, and footed and balanced, which shall be on or before the first Monday in July. the said Assessor shall deliver When to be o m p leted said assessment roll to the controller, who shall make entry of the and deliver ed to Consame, and of the totals of all taxes assessed thereon, on the books troller. of his office, and the said Controller shall within one week thereaf- Dutie "Iof Controller ter, deposit said roll with the City Treasurer, with an order for its rd Treasu rer. collection, as hereinafter provided, and the Treasurer shall give a receipt therefior, aid be charged therewith, and shall thereupon and thereafter receive the taxes assessed thereon as hereinafter directed. And for all taxes and assessments on said roll not collected by said Treasurer, such proceedings shall be had for their col-Ilection and return as is in this act provided. [4ct of 1869.] ( 110.) SEc. 8. Upon the receipt of the tax-rolls by the When taxes ' t o becomo Treasurer, as hereinbefore provided, the taxes therein stated shall d u e a 4 payable. become due and payable, and the Treasurer shall forthwith, uponi Treasurer to receiving said tax-roll, give public notice by publication iii one or give notice. more papers in said city, and by posting the same ill at least six What is o - public places in each ward of said city, which notice shall be at tiene shall conta~in. sufficient demand for the payment of all taxes upon said rolls Such notice shall set forth that the said rolls have been deposited with him for collection, and that payment of the taxes therein specified may be made to himi at any time before the last Saturday 51 L 5) CHi.4ARTFR OF THE CITI' OF EAS'T SAGINA TV. TITLE V. TAXES, FUNDS, REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES. in December thereafter; that no addition will be made to taxes paid before the first day of August next thereafter, but that an addition of one per cent. of every unpaid tax will be made there to, on that day, and like addition of one per cent. every thirtieth day thereafter, until such addition shall amount to six per cent. Duties of the Treasu- And said Treasurer shall thereupon receive all taxes paid to him rer. according to the terms of said notice, except as to such taxes as are assessed upon property other than real estate hereinafter men tioned and specified, and provided for, adding thereto, on the first day of August, one per cent. of every such tax or assessment then unpaid, and an additional one per cent. thereto every thirtieth day thereafter, until the last Saturday in December. Upon the receipt of any tax, the Treasurer shall mark the same paid upon the pro per tax roll, adding after the word "paid," the day and month when so paid, and shall in all cases give a receipt for the tax or taxes received, to the party paying the same. On the Monday succeeding the last Saturday in December, the Treasurer shall re turn the said tax-roll to the Controller, who shall give him a receipt for the same, and credit him with the amount of taxes on Duties of said roll, unpaid; and the Controller shall thereupon make out, Controller. in duplicate a copy of all assessments, and of the unpaid taxes thereon in each ward, which shall be a substantial transcript of such portion of the original tax rolls as relate to the unpaid taxes, adding six per cent. to the amount of each tax or assessment so unpaid, and exhibiting the original tax, and in the last column, the tax as augmented by the per cent. hereinbefore provided; one copy of said duplicate transcript shall be for record in the Con troller's office and the other for the use of the proper Ward Col lector to collect the same; and the Controller shall attach a warant thereto and deliver the samue to the proper Ward Collector, Deliver aoll who shall receipt for and be charged with the same, and said wara n d Warrant to Collector Co- rant shall command said Collector to collect the amounts due upon D U t y o f said rolls or transcripts of the alnnual tax roll, in the same manner Collector. as State and County taxes are collected, and to make return of the same to the County Treasurer of Saginaw County, as required by the general laws of this State, now, or hereafter in force for the collection and return of taxes by Township Treasurers; and said fax on Per- Collector shall make a duplicate return of all uncollected city bonal P r o - perty. taxes to the Controller, as hereinbefore provided; but the Common C[ART~FI OF THE CITY OF h,AST SAGILYA W. 53 TAXES, FUNDS, REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES. TITLE V. Council may, by resolution, direct the Controller, at any time after the first day of August in each year, to make out transcripts or copies of any taxes remaining due and unpaid on said assessment roll, for each ward, and which are assessed wholly or partly against ally property or value other than real estate, together with such percentage as shall be fixed by the Common Council, as compensation for the collection of such taxes or assessments, and to be stated in such rolls, and warrants shall be issued and annexed to each tax or assessment, signed by the Controller, and under the corporate seal of the corporation, directed to the proper Ward Collector, and made returnable upon such day as shall be designated by the Common Council, commanding him to collect from the persons named in the said transcript rolls the assessment and taxes therein specified and set forth as due from such persons, and for such purpose, if necessary, to levy upon and sell the personal property of such person, occupant or lessee refusing or neglecting to pay the same, wherever the same may be found within the limits of said city, and to pay over and account for the taxes or assessments thus collected, as herein provided. The Controller Credits. shall credit the Treasurer with the amounts of the taxes or assessments upon which warrants may be issued by order of the Common Council, and charge the same to the Collector to whom the same is delivered, and take a receipt therefor. Warrants for the collection of taxes, in the hands of the Collectors, may be Warrants r enew e d and extended by the Common Council frol time to time tenY be exbut the time of the payment of any general tax shall not be ex- renewxed. tended beyond the time for the return of the State and County taxes, as fixed by law. [Act of 1869.] (~ 111.) SEC. 9. By virtue of the warraLts by this act au- Powers 0of Warrant. thorized to be issued by the Controller, the several Collectors to whom they may be respectively directed, shall have power to levy upon the personal property of persons from whom taxes may be due, wherever the same may be found within the limits of said city, and shall sell the same, in the same manner and with the same duties and powers of proceedings as now or hereafter may be provided by the laws of this State. for the collection of State and County taxes by Township Treasurers or Collectors. [Act of 1S69.] CILARTb,'R OFp THLI' CII'Y OFP EAS' SA GINA T. TITLE V. TAXES, FUNDS, REVENUES AND EXPENDI)ITURES. Tpaeyaevto (~ 112.) SEC. 10. The City Treasurer shall pay over to the Schoolemen- Board of Edu-ation, all moneys belonging to the school fui,d at eys weekly. least once in each week, taking duplicate receipts therefor, one of which shall be filed with the Controller; he shall keep a separate Percentage. account of all moneys received for percentage in excess of the tax stated upon the several tax rolls, which amounts shall be exhibited in his weekly statement to the Controller, and which shall be credited to the interest fund. [Acet of 186(9.] When Tax (~ 113.) SEc. 11. The taxes assessed for city purposes upon tibecme aany real estate of any resident or non-resident, and all legal lien. charges made thereon, shall be a tax against the person owning the same, on the first Monday of July, and shall be a lien on said real estate from the fifteenth day of November, of the year in which such tax was assessed. LAet of 1869.] (~114.) SEC. 12. When the annual assessment roll shall have Tax Roll for State and been examined, corrected, equalized and confirmed by the board of County pur- poses. review, as provided in section six of this title, it shall be the duty of the Assessor to make copies of said rolls, by wards, as finally confirmed, and certify to the same, and retain the same until after the equalization thereof by the Board of Supervisors of Saginaw county; and said rolls are hereby determined and made the assess mnent rolls of the several wards of said city, for State and County purposes, upon which the Assessor shall ratably assess the State and County taxes certified to him from the board of supervisors of Saginaw county, adding thereto four per cent. foi collector's fees, a at the same time, and in the same mnianner as township supervisors are or may be by law required to do; and when said rolls sh)all be completed, footed and balanced, the assessor shall deliver the sanme to the controller of said city, who shtall annex thereto, a warrant authorizing and commanding the collection of the taxes thereon assessed, and the returns to be made to the county treasurer, itn all respects as the same is or may be by law required in warrants of township treasurers, for the collection of taxes in the townships of this State. [Act of 1869.] C o in m on (~115.) SEc. 13. For public improvenients and building school, ouncil ma-y borrow houses and other public buildings in said city, the common council money. may, if thereto authorized by a vote of the electors of said city, as provided in section two, title five, of this act, borrow on the faith Note a See Amendled Tax Law 18(9. 54 C,ItARTE,R OF 2fIE CUTI' OF FA487T?AG,~NA 1V. TAXES, FUNDS, REVE-NUES AND EXPFENDInTUiES. TITLE V-. of the city, a sum not exeeedind one hundred and twenty-five Limit of u amount and thousand dollars, for a term not exceeding twenty years, at a rate termis. of interest not exceeding ten per cent. per annium, payable annual ly, and for that purpose mAay issue bonds of the city, signed by Issuebonds. the Mayor and Clerk, and countersigned by the Controller, and in such forms and sums, not exceeding iil the aggregate the said sum of one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars, as the said Cornm imon Council shall direct; and such bonds shall be disposed of un- ow dis H ow d is der the direction of the Commion Council of said city, upon such posed of. terms as they shall deem advisable, but not less than their par value, and the avails thereof shall be applied only for the purpose of public improvement and building school-houses and other public buildi-gs in said city. But the Common Council may issue new'o m mon bonds for the refunding of bonds and other evidences of debt, Bonds for already issued, not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars, in any certain pur one year, and for a term not exceeding twenty years, at a rate of poses. interest not exceeding ten per cent. per annum, to be sold as above provided, the proceeds to be applied solely to paying existing iii debtedness: Provi'ded, The aggregate of bonds issued under author ity of this section shall not at any one time, exceed the sum of one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. [A4ct oj 1869.] L i m itation (~116.) SEC. 14. It shall not be lawful for the Commono Coun- Loi emitxpatenses t o Annual cil, except as herein otherwise provided, to borrow any money or Receipts. authorize the creation of any liability or indebtedness against said city in any one year, exceeding ill the aggregate the amount which by this act may be raised by tax for such year, and in case any sum or sums of money shall be borrowed by said Common Council in any one year, oi the said Common Council, or any (fficer thereof, shall enter into any contract or contracts for tile payment of money binding upon said city, the same shall be paid out of tihe sums raised by tax for such year, if the payment there of is not otherwise provided, and all sums of money borrowed by said city shall be applied to the purposes for which the same was borrowed, and for 11o other purpose whatsoever, but noting il this act contained shall be construed to prohibit said Coimmon Counci1 from making assessments and levying and collectiing taxes for the purpose of local improvements. [4ct of i865.] (~117.) Adz 1l5. All sums of money directed to be raised y Basie ofAs the Commioni Council, except as in this act otherwise provided, ,1-15 CHARTFIR OF THE CITY OF EAST SAGINAW. TITLE V. TAXES, FUNDS, REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES. shall be assessed upon all the real and personal estate in the said city, according to the valuation of the same as from the valuation thereof by the last preceeding assessment rolls filed in the office of the City Clerk; but no real or personal property which shall Exemptions be exempt from taxation by the general laws of this State, nor any public square, park, or other public ground, shall be assessed for the ordinary city or county taxes. [Act of 1865.] Sink ing (~118.) SEC. 16. Whenever by the provisions of this act the Fund; how 1 e v i e d, Common Council shall be authorized to issue city bonds for the raised and collected payment of any sum or sums of money, the said Common Council shall thereupon have the power to create a sinking fund for the payment of the interest as it falls due, and the extinguishment of the principal at the expiration of the time limited for the payment thereof, which fund shall be raised by a direct tax, which shall not exceed in any one year one half of one per cent. on the dollar on the valuation of the real and personal property within said city, and which shall be levied and collected in the same manner as the ordinary city taxes are levied and collected, but shall be put in a separate column in the tax roll, and when so collected, the same shall be applied to the credit of such sinking fund, for the purpose of paying off the principal and interest of the debt so created, as the same becomes due, and for no other purpose; and the fund so raised shall be securely invested in stocks of the United States or of this State, and said sinking fund shall not be used or borrowed for any other purpose than that for which it was raised. [Act of 1867.] Money not to be drawnt (~ 119.) SEC. 17. No money shall be drawn from the City from Treas-Tet h ury excapt Tre asury unless it shall have been previously appropriated to the bry ap'es,cept byaprion~pri purpose for which it shall be drawn; and all ordinances, resoluation. tiors and orders directing the payment of money, shall specify the object and purposes of such payment, which shall be certified by the Clerk, and countersigned by the Controller, before the same shall be paid by the Treasurer. [Act of 1865.] Common (~ 120.) SEC. 18. The Common Council shall possess the exhave excnlu- elusive power to appropriate moneys, and authorize the payment sive power to appropri- of claims and accounts chargeable against said corporation; but ate money. no unliquidated account or claim shall be allowed or received for audit by the Common Council or the Controller, unless it be ac 56 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF EAST SAGINAW. 57 TAXES, FUNDS, REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES. TITLE V. companied by the affidavit of the person rendering it, or some lquids,hoated lliq lu idated person acquainted with the facts, to the effect that he verily believes and audited. that the services or property therein charged, have been actually performed or delivered to the city; that the sums charged therefor, are reasonable and just, and that to the best of his knowledge and belief, no setoff exists nor payment has been made on account thereof, except such as are included, or referred to in such account or claim. It shall be a sufficient bar or answer to any action or proceeding in any court for the collection of any demand or claim against said city, that it has never been presented to the Controller or Common Council for audit and allowance, or if so presented, was rejected for want of such affidavit, or that the action or proceeding was brought before the Common Council had a reasonable time to investigate and pass upon it. All amounts due upon contracts shall be audited according to the terms thereof, without unreasonable delay, but on the final settlement thereon, the contractor may be required to make the affidavit herein provided for, as in the case of other accounts. [Act of 1869.] (~ 121.) SEC. 19. The faith and property of the City of East Public faith Saginaw, shall remain pledged for the final payment of all bonds pledged. issued and all moneys borrowed by authority of or in accordance with this or any other act of the Legislature of this State. [Act of 1869.] (~ 122.) SEC. 20. The Common Council may, whenever there- EIaec toorte m a y vote to authorized by vote of the electors of the city as provided in tax fou lie buildings section two of this title, levy such tax in any one year or succession of years as the electors of said city, shall authorize, for the purpose of constructing a city hall, court house, prison, work-house or alms-houses. [Act of 1869.] CHARTER OF THE CITY OF EAST SA GINA W. STRIEETS AND PUBLIC IMPRO VEMENTS. TITLE VI. OF STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. 1. Powers of the Common Coun cil over streets, &c. 2. Manner of commencing Pro ceedings to take private property. 3. Notice to be given. 4. Attorney, duty of; to appear. 5 to 9. Jury to be called, &c. 10 to 15. Jury; duties and pow ers of the 16. Confirmation of report. 17. Basis of objections. 18. Proceedings in Court. 19. Provides for new Jury. 20. Disability of Juror. 21. Right of Appeal. 22. Duty of City Clerk in appeal. 23. Proceedings on appeal. 24. If remanded for correction. 25. In case of amendment. 26. Confirmation; to be final. 27. Decision to be filed with City Clerk. 28. Assessments; to whom paid, &c. 29. Common Council shall pay, &c. 30. When title to vest in city. 31. When property taken is en cumbered. 32. Marshal, duties of, &c. 34. General Powers of Council as Highway Commissioners over streets, &c. 35. Powers to construct sewers, pavements, &c. 36. To discontinue streets, &c. 37. Proceedings when improve ments are to be assessed on o8. Order for improvement; how made; what to contain; es timate of expenses, &c. 39. Assessment; how made. 40. Assessor: duties of 41. Assessment Roll to be filed, &c. 42. Public Notice to be givenl. 43. Complaints; Correction; Col firmatio n of Roll. 44. T ax a l egal charge; how col lected, &c. 45. Occupant or Tenant liable. 46. Right to recover. 47. Agreements not affected. 48. Excess o f Tax; how disposed of. 49. Deficiency: how supplied. 50. "Public Improvemente;" how construed; Record not to be void; construed favora bly; litigant to give secuiri ty, &c 51. Side Walks; general provi sions as to, and repairs of 52. Orders and Ordinances; how enforced. 53. May assess non-residents. 54. Assessments for drains, &c. 55. Collection of Assessments. 56. Sale of Personal Property by Collector. 57. Owner or Agent may make improvement. 58. Re-assessments; when may be made; manner of mak ing; when tax has been once paid; legal effect of: how collected. Power of the Council (~ 123.) SEC. 1. The Common Council of the City of East over the P u b I i c Saginaw shall have full power to lay out, establish, open, extend, Streets. 5T TITLE VI. SECTION. SECTION. i ! i property benefitted. CHARTER OF THE CITY OF EAST SAGINAW. 59 STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. TITLE IV. widen, straighten, alter, close, fill in or grade, vacate or abolish any highways, streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, public grounds or spaces in said city, whenever they shall deem it a necessary public inm provement, and private property may be taken therefor; but the Proceedings necessity for using such property, the just compensation to be when pri vate proper made for the same, shall be ascertained by a jury of twelve free- ty is taken. holders residing in said city, and it shall be and is hereby made the duty of the Common Council, within two years after this act takes effect, —to establish and fix the grades for all streets in said city, and to have the same recorded in a book to be provided for that purpose, which book shall, at all times during reasonable hours be open to the inspection of all persons in said city. [Aot oy 1859] (~ 124.) SEc. 2. Whenever the Common Council shall deem c hl u nle i r shall declare any such improvement necessary, they shall so declare by resolu- b y resolu tion. tion, which shall be drawn by the Attorney of the corporation, and said resolution shall describe the contemplated improvement; and if they intend to take private property therefor, they shall declare such intention, and describe such property in said resolution, with particularity sufficient for an ordinary conveyance thereof, and further declare that they will, on some day to be named in said resolution, apply to the Recorder's Court of said Application city, for the drawing of a jury to ascertain the necessity for using for a Jury. the property intended to be taken, if it be intended to take any for such improvement, to ascertain the just damages and compensation which a-y person may be entitled to if such intended inmprovement be made, and to apportion and assess such damages and compensation to and upon all lots, premises and subdivisions thereof, which will be benefitted by such improvement, and the time to be named for applying to said court shall be on a day subsequent to the required publication of said resolution. [c4t of 1859.] (~ 125) SEC. 3. The Common Council shall give notice of the Resolutioi tobe pubintended improvement, and of the intended application to said tished. court, by causing a copy of said resolution, certified by the Clerk of the city, to be published for four suaccessive weeks, in som. newspaper published in said city; and the Marsha! shall also b, e notice of said resolution by delivering a noTce thereof, wlth a copy Notice to the owner. of the samne annexed, to the owner or owners of any property -the owner tended to be taken, if they can be found in said city, which notLce 60 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF EAST SAGINAW. TITLE VI. STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. shall be directed to them; or, if they cannot be found in said city, by leaving the sanme at their place of residence in said city, with some person of proper age; if they or their place of residence cannot be found, and such property be occupied, said notice and copy of said resolution shall be served by delivering the same to the occupant or occupants, or by leaving the same at their place of residence within said city, with some person of proper age; but Notice to if the owner or owners of such property, or their place of residence n o n- resi- cannot be found, and it be not occupied, or, if it be occupied, but dents. they, their place of residence, and that of the occupant or occu pants cannot be found, or if the owner or owners, occupant or occupants cannot be found, or if the owner or owners, occupant or occupants be unknown, or non-residents of said city, then, in either of such cases, notice of said resolution may be given by posting the same, with a copy of said resolution, in some conspicuous place upon the property intended to be taken; the Marshal shall give notice of said resolution, as above directed, and make return of his doings, and of the manner of giving said notice, as soon as practicable after the passage thereof, which return shall be made to the Recorder's Court at least six days before the day appointed in said resolution for the hearing of said application, and all per sons interested therein, after notice given in the manner aforesaid, shall take notice of, and be bound by, all subsequent proceedings without any further notices, except as herein otherwise provided. [ect of 1859.] Attorney to (~ 126.) SEc. 4. The Clerk of said city shall deliver to the make application. attorney of the corportion, a certified copy of said resolution of the Common Council, whose duty it shall be to appear in said court, and make the application therein referred to, and conduct all fur ther proceedings thereon in behalf of the Common Council. [Act of 1859.] List of'Ju- (~ 127.) SEc. 5. Upon the day designated in said resolution, rors. or on some other day to be appointed by the court, and on filing a copy of said resolution, and an affidavit showing the required pub lication thereof, the Marshal shall attend said court, and write down the names of twenty-four disinterested freeholders residing in said city, and who shall be approved by the court, as such dis interested freeholders and residents, and qualified to serve. [Act of 1859.] CHARIER OF'LITE CITY OF EAST SAGINAW. 61 STREETS AND PUBLIC IMIPROVEMENTS. TITLE IV. (~ 128.) SEC. 6. Said court shall then issue a summons, corn- Suurmmyons for- Jury. manding the Marshal to summon said twenty-four persons to be and appear in said court to serve as jurors, on some day to be named therein, which shall not be less than seven days after the issuing thereof; the Marshal shall serve such summons at least three days before the return day thereof, and make return in the same manner as in the case of an ordinary venire for jurors of said court, and the persons thus summoned shall be bound to attend said court, and serve until discharged; and said court shall impose upon them a fine, not exceeding five dollars, for each day's nonattendance in court, or neglect to serve; but they may be exempted Exemptions and excused by the court from servivg, for the same reasons for which jurors in the circuit court may be exempted or excused[Act of 1859.] (~ 129.) SEC. 7. The names of the jurors in attendance and Drawing'of Jury. who do not claim to be exempted, and are not excused from serving, shall then be written by the clerk of the court on separate slips of paper of equal size and appearance as near as practicable, and be deposited by him in a box having a lid or cover; he shall then shake said box so as thoroughly to mix said slips of paper, and shall then draw impartially, openly, and in presence of the court, so many of the slips of paper or ballots containing names written thereon, one after another, as shall be sufficient to form a jury. [Act of 1859.] (~ 130.) SEC. 8. If, in consequence of jurors being exempted, hDeOfwienucyp; excused or set aside, there shall not be in the box any slips or hal- plied. lots, or not a sufficient number of ballots from which to draw the jury, the Marshal shall forthwith, under the order of the court, summons such number of persons as the court shall deem necessary, and may order to be and appear in said court to serve as jurors, and the persons thus summoned shall be returned, be bound to attend said court and serve, and be competent to form the jury in the same manner, and to the same effect, as those first summoned. ~[Act of 1859.] (~ 131.) SEc. 9. The first twelve persons who shall appear as w h o t o serve as J utheir names are drawn and called by the clerk, or who are called rors. by him when all the ballots have been drawn from. the jury box, and shall be approved by the court as qualified, shall be the jury, CHARTER- OF THE CIITY OF EASt' SAGINAW. STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. and shall be sworn to discharge the duties imposed on them by this title, faithfully, impartially, and according to the best of their abilities; said court shall then instruct said jury as to their duties, and the law applicable to the case, and deliver to them a copy of the resolution of the Common Council as filed in said court, certified by the clerk thereof. [Act of 1859.] tJuhrytoPrveiew (~ 132.) SEC. 10. Each of said jurors shall go to the place of t h e Premises. the intended improvement, and upon or as near as practicable to any property intended to be taken and described in said resolution or as the case may be, which will be damaged or benefitted if the' intended improvement be made. [-4ot of 1859.] N re c e s ity (~ 133.) SEC. 11. Said jury shall then ascertain the necessity for using ascertained. for using the property intended to be taken, if it be intended to take any for such improvement, the just damages and compensation to be paid to the owner or owners of any property intended to be taken for, and to award the owner or owners thereof such damages and compensation as they shall deem just. If such property shall be subject to a valid mortgage, lease, lien, levy or agreement, or to either, then said jury shall apportion and award to the owner or owners of such property, the parties in interest to such mortgage, lease, lien, levy or agreement, or to either of them, such portions of the damage and compensation as they shall deem just. [4ct of 1859.] Apportion (~ 134.) SEC. 12. Said jury shall then apportion and assess anld Assess damages. the total damages and compensation to be paid in any case to and upon all lots of land, premises or subdivisions thereof, which will be benefitted if the intended improvement be made, apportioning and assessing to and upon each, such portion of said total damages Proviso. and compensation as they shall deem just: Provided, however,!That if the total damages and compensation to be awarded to any person or persons as above shall exceed the total benefits to be apportioned to and assessed upon any property for the benefit such property will receive, then such excess shall be apportioned and assessed to the city of East Saginaw. [Act of 1859.] Report ef (~ 135.) SEc. 13. Said jury shall then make, in writing, and Jury. each shall sign a report to said court of their doings, enclose the same in a sealed envelope, and file it in the office of the clerk of said court, within ten days after they were sworn. [Act of 1859.] 62 TITLE YAT. CHARTELR OF I'HE CITY OF EAST SAGINAW. 63 STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMIENTS. TITLE V I. (~ 136.) Sec. 14. Said jury shall state in their report the just Woht hIRaRldaniages and compensation ascertained and awarded by them to state. the owner of any private property, or to any person claiming an interest therein by virtue of any mortgage, lease, lien, levy or agreement, or either, to which such.:property may be subject, together with the name of such owner or claimant, if known, and a description of the property intended to be taken. In case any damage and compensation be awarded to any person claiming an interest in such property by virtue of any valid mortgage, lease, lien, levy or agreement, or either, to which such property may be subject, it shall be sufficient to state further, in such case, the name of such interested party, the date of such mortgage, lease, lien, levy or agreement, or assignment thereof, if there be any, by virtue of which such interested party has an interest in the property intended to be taken. [Aet of 1859.] (~ 137.) SEC. 15. Said jury shall also state in their report Ibid. what portions in amount of the total ascertained damages and compensation they have apportioned to and assessed upon any lot premises, or subdivision thereof, which will be benefitted by the intended improvement, together with the names of the owners thereof, if known, and a description of the same, and also what portion, if any, of the ascertained damages and compensation, they have apportioned and assessed to the city of East Saginaw, in the case above provided for. [Aci,' of 1859.] (~ 138.) SEc. 16. Said report may be confirmed by said court tioon off ema at any term thereof, or at any time when said court may be regu- port ]arly in session; and the said court shall appoint some day when it will consider said report, and objections against the confirmation o bj ections thereof on the part of all persons interested therein, whereof the to Report. City Attorney shall give notice by publishing the same in some newspaper published in said city for one week, and he shall file in said court an affidavit of such publication before the time appointed for considering said report; said objections shall be filed with the Clerk in writing, but may be argued, and the consideration of said report and objections may be adjourned from time to time, until said report be confirmed or otherwise disposed of, as herein provided. [Act of 1859.] 64 CHARTER OF THE CITIY OF EAST SAGINAVAW. TITLE VI. STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. Basis of Ohb- 139.) SEc. 17. Said report shall not be annulled for objecjections. tions as to matters of form; all objections shall be objections of law, and to matters of substance; but the damages and compen sation to be paid to any person, or the portions thereof, apportion ed thereto or assessed upon any lot of land, premises, or subdivis ion thereof, may be enquired into, if objected to as being exces sively large or small. [Act of 1859.] Further Proceedings (~ 140.) SEC. 18. If no objections be filed, said report shall be confirmed; but if objections be filed, said court, after considering the same, and after argument thereon, shall in its discretion, con firm or annul said report, or may refer it back to the same jury, for the purpose of reviewing all matters and correcting all errors therein contained, and making any alterations thereof which said court may direct, or said jury may deem just or necessary; and thereon said jury shall review, correct or alter said report, in man ner aforesaid, and shall return and file the same with the clerk of said court, within five days after said report was referred back to them as aforesaid, and thereupon said court shall confirm or annul said report. [Act of 1859.] Provides for ( ~ 141.) SEC. 19. If said report be annulled, or the jury cannew,Jury. not agree, or from death, sickness, or any other cause, shall fail to make a report within the ten days required above, the court may, on the application of the Attorney, designate some day in term when another jury may be had, and such jury "shall be obtained, drawn, summoned, returned, bound to attend and serve, have the same qualifications, be sworn, and when sworn, have the same pow ers and duties as the first jury; the same proceedings, after they are sworn, shall be had by them, and by and in said court, as pro vided for above, after the first jury is sworn. [Act of 1859.] Disabilityof (~ 142.) SEC. 20. If any juror, after being sworn, shall die Jurors. or from sickness be unable to discharge his duties, the court may appoint another person to serve in his place, who shall be sworn, and shall have the like qualifications, powers and duties as those already sworn. [Act of 1859.] Rpipgehlt of (~ 143.) SEc. 21. Any person to whom damages and compenAppeal. sation may be awarded for any of his property intended to be taken, or on account of the intended improvement, or to and upon whose property any portion of such damages and compensation may be apportioned and assessed, considering himself aggrieved, CIIARI,ER OF I'HE CITY OF EAST SAGINAW. STREETS ANDI PUBLIC IIMPROV:EMENTS. may appeal from the judgment of the Recorder's Court confirming the report of the jury to the Supreme Court, by filing in writing with the clerk of said Recorder's Court a notice of such appeal and specification of the errors complained of, within five days after the confirmation, and serving within the same time a copy of said notice and specification of errors on the Attorney of the corporation, and filing a bond in said Recorder's Court, to-be approved by the Recorder, conditioned for the prosecution of said appeal, and the payment of all costs that may be awarded against the appellant, in case the judgment of confirmation of the Recorder's Court be affirmed. [.ct of 1859.] (~ 144.) SEC. 22. In case of appeal as above, it shall be the D uty of duty of the clerk of the Recorder's Court forthwith, or as soon as lerk. practicable, to transmit to the Supreme Court a certified copy of all the proceedings in the case, which may be filed in the office of any clerk of said Supreme Court. [Act of 1859.] (~ 145.) SEC. 23. The Supreme Court, at any term thereof, rroceedings shall with the least practicable delay, hear and try the matter f on Appeal' said appeal, and may affirm or reverse the judgmeut of the Recorder's Court confirming the report of the jury; but the same shall not be reversed for matter of form, nor for any errors except errors of law, and only in regard to the appellant or appellants. The court shall give judgment for reasonable costs and expenses in the matter of said appeal and proceedings thereon, to be taxed, and all costs and expenses awarded to the City of East Saglnaw in case of affirmation, shall be applied on and deducted from the damages and compensation, if any, to be paid to the appellant or appellants. [Acet of 1859.] (~ 146.) SEc. 24. If there be a reversal for any errors which Proceedings it is practicable for the Recorder's Court or said jury to correct fe r mancorded f or correcwith due regard to the public interest and rights of individuals, tion. the proceedings shall be remanded to said Recorder's Court, with directions that such errors be corrected. Said Recorder's Court at any term thereof, or (as the case may be) said jury, under the direction of said court, shall correct such error, and thereupon the report of the jury shall be confirmed by said Recorder's Court, without any further right of appeal. L[act of 1859.] 6 7 ITLE VI CHARTER OF THlE CITY OF EAST SAGINAW. TITLE VI. STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. Proceedings ( 147.) SEc. 25. In case of every annullmenit of the report in case of amendment. of the jury by the Recorder's court, or reversal by the Supreme Court, the Common Council, in behalf of said city may, by resolu tion, elect to pay the damages and compensation claimed by, or the assessment made upon the property of the objector, appellant or appellants, on filing a certified copy of said resolution in the Re corder's court, within twenty days after The annulment or reversal, the report of said jury shall be reviewed and confirmed by said Recorder's court, as to all persons interested therein, except the objector, appellant or appellants, and without further right of ap peal. If the Common Council do not elect as above provided, all the proceedings shall be null and void, and no further proceedings shall be had, except in case of reversal, when the proceedings may have been remanded to the Recorder's court, for the correction of certain errors, in which case, such errors shall be corrected, and the report of the jury confirmed, as above provided. [Act of 1859.] Confirma- (~ 148.) Sic. 26. If the report of the jury be confirmed by tion to be final. the Recorder's court, in any case above provided for, or if the judgment of confirmation be affirmed, on appeal to the Supreme Court, such confirmation shall be final and conclusive, as to all persons interested therein; and the damages and compensation ap portioned to and assessed upon any lot of land, premises, or subd i vision thereof, according to said report, as confirmed, shall be a lien thereon, from the time of the aforesaid confirmation until they are paid and satisfied. [Act of 1859.] CioePdy totbhe (~ 149.) SEC. 27. When the report of the jury shall have flied w i t h the C i t Y thus been finally confirmed, or the judgment of confirmation affirmClerk ed by the Supreme Court, the Clerk of the Recorder's court shall prepare a certified copy, under the seal of the court, of the report of the jury as confirmed by the Recorder's court, and of the order of the court confirming the same, and the Clerk shall file said cer tified copy in the office of the Clerk of the city, who shall record the same in a book to be provided, used and known as a book of street records. Such certified copy, such record, or a like copy made and certified by the Clerk of the Recorder's court, shall, in all courts and places be presumptive evidence of the matters there in contained, and of the regularity of all proceedings from the 66 CHIIARTER OF THE CITY OF EAST SAGINA W. STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. TITLE VT. commencement thereof to the order of the court confirming the report of the jury. [Aet of 1859.] (~ 150.) SEC. 28. The amounts apportioned to, and assessed Assessrmts, *' ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~to who m upon all lots of land, premises, or subdivisions thereof, for the paid. benefits they will receive, shall be paid to the Treasurer of said city, in case of confirmation of the report of the jury as above provided, or in case the judgment of confirmation -be affirmed by the Supreme Court, and warrant or warrants authorizing the col- Warrants for the col lection thereof shall be issued as soon as practicable, under the lection of same. hand of the Mayor and the corporate seal of the city, directed to the Marshal thereof, and in the collection of such assessments the said Marshal shall proceed in the same manner, and shall levy, collect, make return to the City Clerk of the sums remaining un collected, with a description of the lots, premises or subdivisions parts or portions thereof, upon which such tax was assessed, and which remains unpaid as aforesaid, and the City Clerk shall report the same to the Controller, who shall assess the same upon the assessment and tax roll upon such premises, and the same shall be thereupon collected and returned, and the same proceedings had for the collection and return thereof, and for the sale of such premises for the non-payment of such assessment and the charges accruing thereon, as is provided by this act in the case of the collection of assessments made for public improvements in said city. [Act of 1859.] Common (~ 151.) SEC. 2'. Within three months after the confirmation o Ou n c i l of the report of the jury, or after the judgment of confirmation tndl erPdamor shall, on appeal, be affirmed, the Common Council shall pay orages' tender to the respective persons the several amnounts of damages and compensation awarded to them, according to the report of the jury as confirmed, or elected, as above provided for, to be paid by the Common Council; and in case any such person shall refuse the same, be unknown, or a non-resident of said city, or from any reason incapacitated from receiving his or her amount, or the right thereto to be disputed or doubtful. the Common Council Deposi!t in may deposit the amount awarded in such case, or elected to be eP r t a i n paid by the Common Council, in the treasury of the city, to the cases. credit of any person entitled thereto, and shall, on demand, pay the same over to any person or persons competent and entitled to 67 68 CIIATER 0OF 1ItE C~IT' OF EAST SA GINA W. TITLE VI. STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. receive it, and the Treasurer shall take receipt and voucher there for. [Act of 1859.] tWhventitle (~ 152.) SEC. 30. Upon such payment, tender or deposit in city. the City Treasury, the fee and ownership of the land and pro perty to be taken, shall be fully vested in the said city, and the Common Council may enter upon, take possession of, and convert the same to the uses and purposes for -which it has been taken. A certificate of the City Treasurer of such tender, payment or deposit, or record thereof in the book of street records, or certified copy of such record, shall, in all courts and places, be presumptive evidence of the facts therein stated, of the vesting of the fee of the property taken in the City of East Saginaw, and of the right of the Common Council to take possession and convert the same to the uses for which it has been taken. [Act of 1859.] Proceedings (~ 153.) SEC. 31. In all cases where any real estate, subject when p r operty taken to any lease or agreement, shall be taken as aforesaid, all the covis encum- bered. enants and stipulations contained therein shall cease, determine, and be discharged, upon the final confirmation of the report of the jury, or upon the affirmation, by the Supreme Court, of the judg ment of confirmation. If a part only of such real estate be taken, said covenants and stipulations shall cease, determine and be dis charged, only as to such part; and the Recorder's Court, on ap plication of any party in interest to such lease or agreement, and after a notice thereof of eight days, in writing, to the other par ties in interest. may appoint three disinterested residents and Commi s - freeholders of said city, commissioners to determine the rents and sioners. payments (to be) thereafter paid, and the covenants, stipulations or conditions thereafter to be performed under the lease or agree ment, in respect to the residue or part of such real estate not taken. Said Oommissioners shall, before entering on their duties, take and subscribe an oath, to be administered by the court, faithfully to discharge their duties, which oath shall be filed in said court. Said three Commissioners shall make and sign a report in writing, of their doings to said court, which shall be filed therein within thirty days after their appointment; and said report on being confirmed by the court, shall be binding and conclusive on the parties in interest to such lease or agreement, and the fees and expenses of proceedings under this section shall be borne in CIIARTEER OF THIIE CITY OF EAST SAGINAW. 69 STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. TITLE VI whole or in part by the parties to such lease or agreement, or either of them or by the City of East Saginaw, in the discretion of the Common Council. [Act of 1859.] (~ 154.) SEC. 32. The duties above in this title to be per-Duties of Marshal formed by the Marshal of said city, excepting the collection of the may be per formed by assessments by virtue of section twenty-eight, in case of the inabil- Constable. ity of such Marshal, whether by absence, sicknss, or interest in the subject matter of the proceedings, may be performed by either of the Ward Constables of said city. lcet of 1859.] (~ 155.) SEC. 33. The Common Council shall pay said jury tciompensar ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tion to Jury such compensation for their services as they may deem just, and May aban don p ro - they shall have power to abandon or discontinue proceedings under ceedings. this chapter in said Recorder's Court, at any time before the final confirmation of the report of the jury. [Act of 1859.] (~ 156.) SEC. 34. The Common Council shall be Commission- G ewn re r a I Power o ers of highways of said city, and shall have the care and supervi- touneilta s sion of the highways, streets, bridges, lanes, alleys, parks and public grounds therein; and it shall be their duty to give directions for the repairing, preserving, improving, cleansing and securing of such highways, bridges, lanes, alleys, parks and public grounds, and to cause the same to be repaired, cleansed, improved and secured, from time to time, as may be necessary; to regulate the roads, streets, highways, lanes, parks and alleys already laid out, or which may hereafter be laid out, and to alter such of them as they shall deem inconvenient, subject to the restrictions contained in this title; to cause such of the streets and highways in said city as shall have been used for six years or more as public highways and streets, and which are not sufficiently described, or have not been duly recorded, to be ascertained, described, and recorded in the office of the ( ity Clerk of said city, in the book of street records; and the recording of such highways, streets, lanes, alleys or public grounds, so ascertained and described, or which shall hereafter be laid out and established by said Common Council, and recorded in the book of street records, in the office of the clerk, by order of the Common Council, shall be presumptive evidence of the existence of such highway, street, lane, alley or public ground, therein described; to divide said city from time to time, into so many highway districts as they shall deem expedient, by CHARTER OF THE CITY OF EAST SAGINqAWT. TITILE VI. STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. an ordinance or resolution entered upon their minutes; to appoint and assign to each of such districts so many inspectors of streets, as they shall from time to time deem proper, and such Inspectors shall in all cases, when required by the Common Council, give such securities as said Council shall require, for the faithful per formance of their duties; and the Council may assign to said In spectors such duties in relation to the opening, laying out, making, repairing and preserving the streets, highways, lanes, alleys, parks, squares and public grounds of said city, as they may deem expedient; and the said Inspectors shall possess all the powers and be sub ject to all the liabilities of Overseers of Highways in the several townships, of the State, so far as the same may be applicable to said city under the provisions of this act. [Aot of 1859.] Power to (~ 157.) SEC. 35. The Common Council shall have power to cons t rnuct Sewers, &c. cause common sewers, drains and vaults, arches and bridges, wells, pumps and reservoirs to be built in any part of said city; to cause the grading raising, leveling, repairing, amending, paving or cover ing with broken or pounded stone, plank or other material, any street, lane, alley, highway, public ground or sidewalk of said city. [Act of 1859.] Discontinu- (~ 158.) SEC. 36. The Common Council shall have the same ftreetspower in relation to discontinuing any street, highway, lane or alley in said city, which the commissioners of highways in town ships have or may hereafter receive in relation to town highways, and they may adopt the same proceedings to affect such object as near as may be, as the commissioners of highways in townships are or may be by law required to adopt, and appeals may be taken to the Recorder's court in like manner as far as practicable, as ap peals are now or may hereafter by law be taken from the decisions of highway commissioners in townships, and the said Recorder's court is hereby authorized and empowered to hear and determine such appeals. [Act of1859.] Proceedings when e x" (~ 159.) SEC. 37. Whenever the Common Council shall de pense is totemnthtpbi benasesis td termine that the whole or any part of the expenses of any public benePfitedd.tY improvement not requiring the taking of any land by the said city, shall be defrayed by an assessment on the owners or occupants of houses and lands to be benefitted thereby, they shall declare the same by an entry in their minutes, and cause the necessary plans, profiles and specifications to be made, and proceed to advertise and 70 CHARTER OF THE CITY OF EAST SAGINA W. 71 STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. TITLE VI. let the contract for the performance of said work to the lowest responsible bidder therefor; and the Common Council shall also declare, by resolution, whether the whole or what portion of the cost of such improvement shall be assessed to such owners and occupants; and the Common Council shall further declare and set forth by rcsolution. to be entered upon the proceedings, all lots, boce. id parcels of real estate, or parts thereof, which in their opinion, will be benefitted thereby, and which shall be assessed therefor, which resolution shall be printed in at least one newspaper published in said city, at ]east once prior to the ordering of any assessment thereon; and the owner or occupant of any property so mentioned and set forth, if he shall feel injured or aggrieved objeetr. may thereby, or shall take any exception thereto, shall appear at the next regular meeting of the Common Council, and object; and the Common Council shall hear and determine upon such objections but if such owner or occupant shall fail so to appear, or if the Common Council shall, after hearing the objections, refuse to change such designation, the same shall be final. [Act of 1869.] Expense a (~ 160.) SEe. 38. The Common Council shall thereupon and certained. thereafter, make an order reciting the public improvement to be made, the estimated amount of the expense to be assessed as aforesaid, including the cost and expenses of making estimates, plans, assessments, and other expenses incidental thereto, not including interest, which estimate shall be made by the City Surveyor, and filed in the office of the Controller, and the description of property on which the same is to be assessed. [Act of 1869.] (~ 161.) SEc. 39. The City Clerk shall, within one week after As3essment the making of such order, certify a copy of the same, under seal, made. to the assessor of said city, who shall proceed without unnecessary delay, to make an assessment, according to such order, and make out an assessment roll, reciting in the heading thereof the improvement ordered, and in the body of which shall be entered the names of the persons assessed, a description of the property, and the amount or amounts, in dollars and cents, assessed thereon: Provided, In all cases where the property designated shall be vacant and unoccupied, and the ownership thereof unknown to the assessor, he shall insert in lieu of the name of said owner, the word "Don-resident." [,Act of 1869.] CII:ARTER OF TlEJ C'~TY OF EAST' SA GINA WT. TITLE VI. STREETS AND PUBLIC I.IPROVEMENTS. Certificate. (~ 162) SEC. 40. The assessor shall certify upon such roll that he has made said assessment upon the persons and property des cribed, in accordance with the order of the Common Council rela ting thereto, and that the said roll contains a just,nd true assess mnent of the costs of such improvement, (stating the sum thereof,) and that the several amounts assessed against each person and des cription of property has been set down, as Dearly as may be, and to the best of his judgment, according to the benefit and advantage which such person or description of property is by him deemed to acquire from the making of said improvement. [Act of 1869.] D u ty o f (~ 163.) SEC. 41. As soon as said roll is completed and certiClerk. fled to, the assessor shall file the same with the City Clerk, who shall letter it as "special assessment roll, (using the letters of the alphabet in their orders) for the year 18-," and also endorse the date when so filed thereon, and report the same to the Common Council at its next meeting. [Act of 1869.] Notice to be (~ 164.) SEC. 42. Upon such notice of the completion of such given on completion assessment, and filing of any special assessment roll, the Common of Roll. Council shall cause notice to be given to all parties interested therein, reciting the names on said roll, by publication in a news paper published in said city, for at least two weeks, that the Com mon Council will, at such time as they shall appoint, hear objec tions to, and appeals from said assessment. [Act of 1869.] Pr oceeding (~ 165.) SEC. 42. At the time appointed for that purpose, and thereon, such other times as the hearing shali be adjourned to, the Common Council shall hear the allegations and proofs of all persons who may complain of such assessment, and may rectify and amend the said assessment in whole or in part, or may set the same aside and direct a new assessment, or the said Common Council may ratify and confirm such assessment without any corrections or with such conditions therein, as they may think proper. [Act of 1869.] Confirma- (~ 166.) SEC. 44. Every assessment so ratified and confirmed tion final Tax a legal shall be final and conclusive, and the same shall become a legal charge. charge against the persons named therein; and within five days after the same shall be confirmed, the Controller shall deliver the same to the City Treasurer, and give public notice thereof by advertisement in the official paper of the city, for at least one week, and the said Treasurer shall give a receipt for said roll, and be 72 CHARIER OF TIHE CITY OF EAST SAGIYA W. ST'PFEETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. TITL,E VI. charged therewith, and shall retain the same in his office for the C o l ection of Tax. space of sixty days, during which time any person may pay the amount of taxes against such person or his property respectively to said Treasurer, who shall receive said taxes and give a receipt therefor, and mark the same paid upon the roll; and within five days after the expiration of the time for the payment of said assessment to the Treasurer as aforesaid, the Controller shall take DC t I, o f Contr-oller. such assessment roll into his hands, and shall add four per cent. as fees for collecting the same, and shall annex or attach a warrant to said special assessment roll, directed to any Ward Collector of the city, which warrant shall be signed by the Controller, and have the city seal stamped thereon, which warrant shall command said Collector to collect the taxes unpaid upon said roll within the time prescribed in said warrant; and such Collector shall thereupon be iu t y o f authorized and required to levy and collect the same by distress Collector. and sale of any personal property of the person chargeable with such tax; and in case sufficient personal property cannot be found whereon to levy and collect such tax, the Collector shall, within five days after the time prescribed by his said warrant for the collection thereof has expired, pay to the City Treasurer all sums collected on such tax roll. and make report to the Controller of the sums so paid, and of all assessments thereon remaining unpaid, which he was unable, for want of such persollal property, to levy and collect of the same, together with the description of the premises assessed for such unpaid taxes, which return shall, in all cases, be made under oath, and shall be filed and preserved in the office of the Controller. Upon the filing of such return by the Collector, thereupon such unpaid taxes shall become a lien upon the realB cc o me a lien. estate described on said roll; and the taxes assessed thereon shall Interest. draw interest at the rate of twenty per cent. per annum as hereinafter provided; but any person owning any premises so chargeable Owner nay with such special assessment ot tax, iuay discharge such premises raedee,. from such tax at any time after such return by the Collector, and befbre it is put into the general city roll as hereinafter provided, by paying to the City Treasurer the amount of tax so assessed against him or his property, together with the interest at the rate of twenty per cent. per annum from the time of the return by the D elinquernt Taxes reCollector of such roll to the date of such payment. On or before turneds t o the first day of une succeeding, the Cotroller shall certify to ritPr 73 CHARTER OF T'HE CITY OF EAlST SA GINA W. .TITLE VI. STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. the Assessor the amount of such taxes, and the description of the premises assessed and ehargable with such tax, who shall assess such unpaid taxes, together with interest, at the rate of twenty per cent. on all sums so uncollected and uinpaid, from the date of the return of such assessment and tax roll by the Collector, to the first day of August in the year in which the saine shall be placed by the Assessor, as herein provided, on such premises in the tax roll next thereafter to be made, and such tax shall then be levied, collected -nd returned, and the said premises may be sold for non payment thereof, as provided by law for the non-payment of other taxes. [Act of 1869.] Who shail (~ 167.) SEC. 45. In cases where there is no agreement to be liable for Ta.x. the contrary, the owner or landlord, and not the occupant or ten nant, shall be deemed in law the person who ought to bear and pay every such assessment. made for the expense of any public im provement in the said city. [Act of 1859.] Right to re- (~ 168.) SEC. 46. Where any such assessment shall be made cover. upon or paid by any person, when by agreement or by law the same ought to be borne or paid by any other person, it shall be lawful for the one so paying to sue for and recover of the person bound to pay the same the amount so paid, with interest. [Act of 1859.] Agreements (s 169.) SEC. 47. Nothing herein contained shall imnipair, or not affected. in any way effect, any agreement between any landlord and tenant, or other persons, respecting the payment of any such assessments. [Act of 1859.] Ex,e..of (~ 170.) SEC. 48. If, upon completion of any such improveT a x. hiow ment, for which such assessment shall have been made, it shall apdisposed of. pear that a greater amount has been assessed and collected than is necessary to defray the expenses thereof, the Common Council shall apportion such excess among the persons and property as sessed, in proportion to the amount collected of them, and shall pay the same to such persons, and the owner of such property en titled thereto, on demand. [Act of 1859.] Deficiency, (~ 171.) SEC. 49. If it appear that a greater sum of money hlo w supplied. has been expended, in the completion of such improvement, than was estimated as aforesaid, the Common Council may direct the I74 .TITLE VI. (,tHARTPR OF TIIE CITY OF EASST SAGILVAW. TV STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. TITLE VT assessment of the same on the owners and occupants of houses and lands benefitted by such improvenienits, in the same manner as herein above directed, and the same proceedings, in all respects, T, r r i tory er l arged. shall be had thereon, and the Common Council may enlarge the territory to be assessed for such improvements. [Act of 1859.] (~ 172.) SEC. 50. The term public improvemnent, as used in Public i m hp r ovement this act, shall be held and construed to include, not only those set shaulbe on strued, to out and recited in the first section of this title, but the stumping, include, &c ditching and grading of all public streets, highways, lanes and alleys; the construction of plank roads, the laying of pavements of wood or stone, including the cross-walk, flagging, and curbing, excavating and grading for the same; the planking, graveling or inacadamizing, with broken or pounded stone, of the streets or road-ways of said city; the draining and filling of all low lands and lots, and the general betterment of all streets, highways, lanes, alleys, parks, public places and grounds within said city. All proceedings of the Comm-on Council. under the provisions of Ru(corjdfl ln)t void on acthi s title, shall be matters of record in the proceedings of th e Coin- counteof cle rical errors. mon Council, and shall not fail on account of any technical or clerical C o n strued e r r o r made by any officer of the city, and shall be Construed favor- favorably. a b l y by all courts of the State for any beneficial pu rpose therein