CATALOGUE OF THE ME R C AN TILE LIBRARY IN The true University of these days is a Collection of Books."-CA-tyj.B. NEW-YORK: BAKER, GODWIN & COMPANY, PRINTERS, TRIBUNE BUILDINGS. 1850. (Nffirmr nf t je 15t dtinu fur 185(. President, THOMAS J. BAYAUD. Vice-President, HENRY R. BARKER. Secretaries, Corresponding. Recording, GEORGE PECKHAM. CHARLES W. OGDEN. Treasurer, THEODORE STOUT. Directors, SAMUEL P. TITUS. HUGH N. CAMP. GEORGE C. COLBURN. R. A. BACHIA. FLETCHER PLACE. JOIN MERCHANT. CHARLES 0. RICHARDSON. Librarian, Assistant Librarian, S. HASTINGS GRANT. VICTOR LOHSE. TERMS OF MEMBERSHIP. [Extract from the Constitution of the Mercantile Library Association.] CHAP. I.-ART. 3. Any person engaged in mercantile pursuits as a Clerk, may become a member of this Associations if approved by the Board of Direction, when he shall have subscribed the Constitution, paid an initiation fee of $1,00, and $1,00 for the first six months. His further regular dues shall be, thereafter, 50 cents quarterly, in advance. CHAP. I.-ART. 4. Any member of this Association, commencing business on his own account, may continue his membership, upon the payment of $1,00 semi-annually, in advance. Merchants, also, may become members by paying $5,00 annually; but no merchant shall be entitled to a vote, or eligible to any office. Persons not engaged in mercantile pursuits may, if approved by the Board of Iirection, be admitted to the use of the Library and Reading-Rooms, upon the same terms as merchants. PREFACE. THE MERCANTIL:E LIBRARY ASSOCIATION OF NEW-YORK was formed on the ninth of November, 1820. A few active and zealous young men, perceiving the necessity of a library for the use of merchants' clerks, after a public meeting held for the purpose of taking the matter into consideration, determined upon founding one, and united themselves for that object, under the name still retained by this institution. A small apartment was hired at No. 49 Cliff-street, and subscriptions, as well as donations in books and money, were solicited. During the first five years this location sufficed for the wants of the library; but at the end of that time, the number of volumes obtained, mainly by donations, having reached 3,300, its removal was resolved upon. In 1826 the library was established in more spacious quarters in Cliff-street, near the site of the present Harper's establishment. This removal had a most beneficial effect upon the growth of the institution. Its progress was so rapid, that it soon became evident that still larger and more permanent accommodations were needed This necessity incited the members to make an appeal to the mercantile community for aid. Accordingly, a meeting of merchants and others was held, at which subscriptions were obtained to a large amount. At the invitation of the officers of the library, their fiiends, who so generously had come to its assistance, formed themselves into a separate corporation, in order that the Mercantile Library Association should always enjoy the full benefit of the sum contributed for it, and at the same time a proper supervision be exercised by the donors in the appropriation of bounty. The results of this plan were the formation of the Clinton Hall Association, and the subjoined articles of agreement between the two bodies. The site having been at once chosen, the present edifice was commenced. The corner-stone was laid, and the building formally dedicated to science and literature. The magnificent sum of $33,500, collected from the merchants, not being sufficient to defray the cost of the ground and building, a debt had to be incurred, which by the judicious management of the Board of Trustees has been nearly paid off, without, until lately, depriving the library of sufficient room in the building for its books. When the Association assumed possession of the Hall, in the year 1830, it numbered 1,200 members and 6,000 volumes. Within the twenty years which have since elapsed, 12,000 young men have enrolled themselves among its members, and over 32,000 volumes have been purchased. It has been almost wholly self-sustainedi 4 PREFA CE. having received during the above space of time few donations of books, and none of money, until the present year, when by the munificent bequest of the late Miss E. Demilt, $3,000 were added to its funds. The average amount annually invested in books since 1830, is $2,500. Total number of volumes added to the library since its formation is, - 38,718 Deduct books worn out and lost, - - - 7,019 Leaving the present number, - - - 31,699 volumes. The greater portion of those remaining are standard works, and the loss has been principally of the cheaper and more ephemeral class. During the last summer the delivery of books was suspended, and extraordinary efforts made to obtain the outstanding volumes. When all were received that were supposed to be attainable, the library was carefully counted, and 29,147 volumes were found upon the shelves. Although the institution suffered somewhat from the effects of the commercial depression during the years 1839 to 1841, it passed in safety through them, and it is now steadily and daily advancing. Its subscription list is increasing; its library and reading-room are thronged by its members, and its lectures and classes are well attended. So great has been the growth in every department, that the present accommodations have become too restricted. This inconvenience, however, will be shortly remedied. In adopting the plan of the present Catalogue, the compiler had chiefly in view ease and certainty of reference, and any alterations from former methods, which have been introduced, were made to secure this end. Perhaps it should be stated that many of its errors were necessarily owing to the continual circulation of the books. It is hoped, however, that it will be found such a key to the library as will enable its most inexperienced member to unlock its treasures. CONSTITUTION. AS AMENDED, JANUARY, 1850. WE, the SUBSCRIBERS, engaged in Mercantile pursuits as CLERKS in the CITY OF NEW-YORK, being desirous to adopt the most efficient means to facilitate mutual intercourse; extend our information upon mercantile and other subjects of general utility; promote a spirit of useful inquiry, and qualify ourselves to discharge properly the duties of our profession and the social offices of life,-have associated ourselves for the purpose of collecting a LIBRARY, establishing a READING-ROOM, and organizing a system of instruction by LECTURES and CLASSES, together with such other means of mutual improvement as may be found advantageous: and have, for our government, adopted the following CONSTITUTION: CHAPTER I. OF MEMBERS. ART. 1. This Association shall be known by the name of " THE MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION" of the CITY OF NEW-YORK. ART. 2. This Association shall be composed of persons engaged in mercantile pursuits as CLERKS, and of such other persons as shall be elected Honorary Members by the Board of Direction, or shall become members as hereinafter provided. ART. 3. Any person engaged in mercantile pursuits as a Clerk, may become a member of this Association, if approved by the Board of Direction, when he shall have subscribed the Constitution, paid an initiation fee of $1, and $1 for the first six months. His further regular dues shall be, thereafter, 50 cents quarterly, in advance. ART. 4. Any member of this Association commencing business on his own account, may continue his membership upon the payment of $1 semi-annually, in advance. Merchants, also, may become members by paying $5 annually; but no merchant shall be entitled to a vote, or eligible to any office. Persons not engaged in mercantile pursuits may, if approved by the Board of Direction, be admitted to the use of the Library and Reading-Rooms, upon the same terms as merchants. ART. 5. Persons may be elected Honorary Members by the Board of Direction; and such persons shall be entitled to all the privileges of regular membership, except the right to vote and to hold office. ART. 6. A membership of at least six months shall be requisite to make a member eligible to any office. ART. 7. If the dues of any member remain unpaid for the term of twelve months, his privileges and rights of membership shall be forfeited, unless his delinquency be excused by the Board of Direction. ART. 8. There shall be an annual meeting of the members of the Association, on the second Tuesday of January, for the purpose of receiving the Reports of the Treasurer and Board of Direction, and for the transaction of such other business as may be presented. ART. 9. The President, at the request of the Board of Direction, or at the written request of one hundred members, stating the reasons therefor, shall call a meeting of the members, for the transaction of special business; two weeks' notice thereof having been given. CHAPTER II. OF OFFICERS. ART. 1. The officers of the Association shall be a PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT, CORRESPONDING SECRETARY, RECORDING SECRETARY, TREASURER, and seven DIRECTORS, to be elected annually; the President by separate ballot, the other officers by general ticket. b6 c CONSTITUTION. ART. 2. The President shall preside at the meetings of the Association; preserve order therein; and, in case of an equal division of the members on any question, give the casting vote. ART. 3. The President of the Association shall be ex-officio President of the Board of Direction, in which capacity he shall give only a casting vote. ART. 4. The Vice-President, in the absence of the President, shall perform all the duties of that officer. ART. 5. The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Association, under the superintendence of the Board of Direction. ART. 6. The Recording Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the transactions of the Association and of the Board of Direction. ART. 7. The Treasurer shall give security, in the sum of $2,000, for the faithful discharge of his trust. He shall receive all dues and donations of money; pay all drafts on him, when signed by the Secretary and countersigned by the President; and keep a regular account of the financial concerns of the Association, an abstract of which, accompanied by satisfactory vouchers, he shall exhibit at each annual meeting. ART. 8. The President, Vice-President, Secretaries, Treasurer, and Directors, shall constitute a Board of Direction, with full powers to appropriate funds, enact by-laws, and conduct the affairs of the Association. The Board shall meet at least once in each month, for the transaction of business; and at the annual meeting, report its proceedings for the last year, and the state of the Association. ART. 9. In case of flagrant official or personal misconduct, the Board of Direction shall have power, by a vote of three-fourths of its number, to expel a member of the Board, two weeks' notice of the charges against him having been previously rendered in writing to the Secretary; and in case of flagrant misconduct on the part of any member of the Association, the Board of Direction shall have the power of suspending such member by a vote of threefourths of their number; two weeks' notice of the charge having been given him by the Secretary in writing, and the privilege of appeal being reserved to him at the succeeding annual meeting, for its decision thereon, as to his restoration or expulsion. ART. 10. In case any vacancies shall occur in the Board of Direction, the Board shall have power to fill such vacancies. ART. 11. Six weeks previous to the second Tuesday of January, of each year, the Board of Direction shall call a meeting of the members of the Association, for the purpose of appointing a committee of seven, whose duty it shall be to nominate officers for the ensuing year, and to publish said nomination at least three weeks before the election. ART. 12. There shall be an election for officers of this Association, on the Tuesday succeeding the annual meeting,-the polls to be opened at 9 o'clock, A. M., and to close at 6 o'clock, P. M.; and no member shall be entitled to vote, who is in arrears for dues. ART. 13. Four weeks previous to each election for officers of the Association, the Board shall give public notice thereof, and shall also appoint inspectors to superintend said election; and if a failure to elect a Board of Direction or any part thereof shall occur, said inspectors shall order a new election to be held within one week thereafter, to fill such vacancy. ART. 14. The Board of Direction shall enter upon the performance of its duty on the Tues. day next succeeding their election. CHAPT ER III. OF THIE LIBRARY, READING-ROOM., AND CABINET. ART. 1. The Board of Direction shall have power to make all proper provisions and regulations for the preservation, management, and direction of the Library, Reading-Rooms, and Cabinet. ART. 2. It shall be the duty of the Board to appoint a Librarian, with such assistants as may be deemed necessary, and to require of him sufficient sureties, in a sum not less than $2,000, for the faithful discharge of his duties. ArT. 3. A committee shall be appointed by the Board of Direction to examine the books and other property of the Association, and report thereon, at least one month previous to each annual meeting. ART. 4. There shall be no alteration in this Constitution, unless the same shall have been proposed to the Board of Direction, at least one month previous to an annual meeting, and then approved by two-thirds of the members of the Association present at such meeting. CHAPTER IV. OF DONATIONS AND BEQUESTS. ART. i. In case any moneys shall accrue to the Association by gift or devise (without condition as to the mode in which such donation shall be expended), it shall be the duty of BY-LAWS AND REGULATIONS. 7 the Board of Direction to fund the moneys thus acquired, in such securities as shall be approved of by two-thirds of their number; and no part of the principal of such fund shall be expended for any purpose whatever, without the previous sanction of two-thirds of the members present, at a special or annual meeting of the Association. BY-LAWS AND REGULATIONS. ART..1. The LIBRARY and READING-ROOM shall be open from 10 o'clock, A. M., until 10 o'clock, P. M., every day, except Sundays, Fourth of July, Annual Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New-Year's day. ART. 2. The LIBRARIAN shall keep a full and accurate Catalogue of all the Books, Magazines, Maps, Charts, and Papers, belonging to the Association, and arrange them in proper order; he shall keep a duplicate of the same, which shall at all times be open to the inspection of the members. He shall make a record of all books presented to the Association in a book provided for that purpose, with the names of the donors. ART. 3. He shall register in a book prepared for that purpose, and to be kept in the Library-Room, the name of each member of this Association; and shall in no case deliver a book to any member, until the name of such member shall have been so registered. ART. 4. IIe shall enter in a book to be kept for that purpose, the number of every volume delivered by him; the name of the person to whom delivered; the time of taking and returning the same; together with the forfeitures arising from every default. ART. 5. He shall collect all dues and forfeitures incurred by the members, and account for the same to the Treasurer at the close of each month, or oftener if required by the Board of Direction. ART. 6. He shall, at the close of each year, or oftener if required, report to the Board of Direction the names of such members as may refuse to pay their forfeitures, or lose or damage any book belonging to the Library; and the names of all delinquents, with the amount of dues remaining unpaid. ART. 7. He shall suffer no person, except members of the Board, to remove a book from its place in the Library without his permission. ART. 8. He shall replace the books in proper order upon the shelves as soon as may be after they are returned, having first examined them with care, and ascertained whether they have been injured or defaced. ART. 9. He shall see that the Books, Library-Room, and Reading-Rooms, are kept in good order; shall duly observe the instructions which may be given him by the Board of Direction; and take care that the regulations relative to the loaning of books be strictly adhered to. ART. 10. He shall ascertain, during the months of January, April, July, and October, by examination of the account of each member, the book or books not then returned to the Library in due season; and he shall cause the same to be procured of the member in default. ART. 11. He shall deliver,to any member applying personally, or to his WRITTEN ORDER, one volume, if it be a folio or quarto, and one book or set (not exceeding three volumes), if an octavo, a duodecimo, or volume of less size. ART. 12. Every member may detain each book or set delivered aforesaid, if it be a folio or quarto, four weeks; an octavo, three weeks; or a book or a set of less size, two weeks; except new publications, which, until they shall have been in the Library two months, shall not be detained, an octavo longer than two weeks, and books of less size, one week; and which shall not be renewed. No book shall be reserved by the Librarian for any Director or member. ART. 13. Any member who shall detain a book or set longer than the times above limited, respectively, shall forfeit and pay to the Librarian, for every day a volume is so detained, if it be a folio, four cents; a quarto, three cents; an octavo, two cents; if it be a duodecimo, or smaller volume, or a pamphlet, one cent; provided, always, if a whole set be taken out and a part of it detained longer than the time above limited, the fine shall be exacted for each book not returned; and if such book be detained one week beyond the time above limited, the forfeiture shall be doubled. ART. 14. If any member lose or injure a book, he shall make the same good to the Librarian; and if the book lost or injured be one of a set, he shall pay the Librarian, for the use of the Association, the full value of said set, and may thereupon receive the remaining volumes as his property. ART. 15. No member shall be permitted to receive a book from the Library until he shall have paid all sums due from him to the Association, and made good all damages and losses which he may have occasioned. 8 ARTICLES OF AGREEMENTi ART. 16. The books marked in the Catalogue as books of Reference, (thus *), and such others as may from time to time be specially designated by the Board, shall not be taken from the Library, except by special permission of a member of the Board of Direction. ART. 17. Any member wishing to withdraw from the Association, must inform the Librarian of it; see that his resignation is registered, and pay up his dues and fees; else he will be considered as continuing a member, and charged accordingly, unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Direction. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CLINTON HALL ASSOCIATION OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK AND THE MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION OF NEW-YORK. TnIS AGREEMENT, between the Clinton Hall Association of the City of New-York, of the first part, and the Mercantile Library Association of New-York, of the second part, WITNESSETH:That the party of the first part, being the owner of a building called Clinton Hall, situate on the corner of Beekman and Nassau-streets, in the City of New-York, do hereby stipulate and agree with the party of the second part as follows: 1st. That the party of the second part may occupy, free of rent, two rooms in said building, which have been appropriated for a Library and Readinzg-Roosm; and may use, when not wanted by the party of the first part, the room called the Trustees' azndl Directors' Room; and may use also the Lecture-Hall for the general meetings of the Association, and for lectures to be delivered to its members, as often as twice in each week: which privileges shall be enjoyed under such terms and conditions as are hereinafter expressed, and for as long a time as they are fulfilled to the satisfaction of the party of the first part. Additional room for the Library and Reading-Room, and additional nights for the Lecture Hall, shall be set apart, if necessary, on the same conditions. 2d. That when the cost of erecting and fitting up said building, and the cost of the lots, with the accruing interest, shall have been paid, either by new subscriptions, by the rents of the building, or from any other source, the surplus funds arising from rents shall be laid out in such books, cabinets, or scientific apparatus as the party of the first part may deem proper; the said party reserving to itself the right to make earlier appropriations for those purposes. All such books, cabinets, or apparatus, shall continue to belong to the party of the first part, and shall be deposited in the building, and be used by the members of the Clinton Hall and Mercantile Library Associations, under such regulations as may be made by the parties of the first part for that purpose. And the party of the second part doth hereby stipulate and agree with the party of the first part as follows: 1st. That its Library shall be deposited in the room or rooms of said building appropriated to receive it; that the room or rooms set apart as Reading-Rooms shall be used by its members for that purpose; and that the Lecture-Hall shall be used for the geelral meetings ot the Association, and for the lectures which are delivered to its members. 2d. That during the continuance of this agreement it will pay the taxes on said building, if any are imposed; and will at its own cost keep the rooms it occupies, in full and complete repair, and defray such proportion of the expenses of lighting and warming the house as may be fair and equitable. 3d. That the whole income of the party of the second part, after defraying the necessary charges of the establishment (not including the expense of lectures), shall be annually invested in books, which shall be deposited in the Library with its other books, and the shareholders of the Clinton Hall Association shall have access to the Library free of charge, under the same regulations as the members of the Mercantile Library Association are subjected to, without giving to such shareholders a right to vote in the elections of that Association. 4th. That in case the Trustees of the Clinton Ilall Association shall be of opinion that the party of the second part shall convert the rooms it occupies in the said building to any purpose not intended by the party of the first part, or that the character of the Mercantile Library Association shall have become so changed that its usefulness shall have ceased, or that it shall have deposited immoral or irreligious books in its Library, and not removed them within twenty days after being advised to do so by the Trustees of the Clinton Hall Association, or that they shall have wilftlly neglected or violated any of the stipulations contained in this agreement; then the said Trustees may call a meeting of the shareholders of the Clinton Hall Association and the directors of the Mercantile Library Association, and lay before the meeting the facts, to show that either of those contingencies has occurred; and the shareholders of the Clinton Hall Association, after a full consideration, may determine to resume the use and occupation of the rooms so appropriated, and the books, cabinets and apparatus, purchased by the party of the first part; and such determination shall be final and conclusive on the party of the second part, who shall thereupon surrender and give up the premises and the said books, cabinets, and apparatus to the party of the first part, and shall remove from said building after thirty days' notice of such determination. 5th. That the shareholders of the Clinton Hall Association may attend the course of lectures which may be delivered to the Mercantile Library Association on the same terms as are enjoyed by its members. In witness whereof, the said parties have respectively caused their corporate seals to be hereunto affixed, and these presents to be signed by their respective Presidents, the second day of November, one thousand eight hundred and thirty. TIE CLINTON HALL ASSOCIATION, BY WM. WV. WVOOLSEY),. —...... —— President. THE MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, BY R. B. BRoWN,.............. President. CATALOGUE OF THE MERCANTILE LIBRARY. ABA -ABE Abailard et Heloise-Lettres, avec un Essai par Guizot. 2 v.. 8vo. Paris. 1839 Abbott, Chas.-Law relative to Merchant Ships and Seamen. 8vo. Lond. 1802 Jacob-China and the English.... 18o. N. Y. 1835 Corner Stone..... -12o. Bost. 1834 History of Alexander the Great... 16o. N. Y. 1848 " King Alfred of England.. 160. N. Y. 1849 Julius Caesar... 16o. N. Y. 1849 King Charles I.... 16o. N. Y. 1848 " " Charles II.... 16o. N. Y. 1849 Cyrus the Great... 16o. N. Y. 1850 Queen Elizabeth..16o. N. Y. 1849 " Hannibal the Carthaginian.. 16o. N. Y. 1849 - Mary Queen of Scots.. 16o. N. Y. 1848 - " -William the Conqueror.. 16o. N. Y. 1849 Summer in Scotland..... 12o. N. Y. 1848 Teacher...... 12o. Bost. 1836 Way to do Good.....12o. Bost. 1836 Young Christian. 12o. N. Y. 1833 ---- "..... 12o. N. Y. 1834 J. S. C.-History of Maria Antoinette... 16o. N. Y. 1849 Kings and Queens; or, Life in the Palace.. 12o. N. Y. 1848 Abdy, E. S.-Residence and Tour in U. S., 1833-4. 3 v.. 12o. Lond. 1835 Abeel, Dav.-Residence in China, &c., 1829-33... 12o. N. Y. 1834 Abeillard and Heloisa, Hist. of the Lives of. [Title wanting.]. 8vo. See Abailard. Abell, Eliz.-Recollections of Napoleon at St. Helena. 12o. Lond, 1845 2 10 A BE- ADA [Merc. Lib. Abenlihatin-Civil Wars of Granada... 8vo. Lond. 1801 Abercrombie, o.Ihn-Hl-l armony of Christian Faith and Character. 18o. N. Y. 1839 ---- -- Ilnquiries concerning Intellectual Powers. (H.F.L.) 18o. N.Y. 1832 & 37 --- _- -- Phlilosophy of the Moral Feelings. (t1. F. L.). 18o. N. Y. 1832 & 35 Aln)t, J. W.-Re(port on thle exaination of New Mexico. 8vo. Wash. 1848 Al)lesimotof, A.-Komictheskaya Opera.... So. St. Pet'rsb'g.1792 Ablralites, l)uclless (d' (lMde. Jnnot)-Une Soirle clez MAad. Geoffrin 16o. Brux. 1837 l- Memoirs of ler Life.... 8vo. N. Y. 1832 Alb,'ge (de I'1tistoie Ancienne..... 12o. Brux. 1833 ------ Romnaine..... 12o. Paris. 1819 Ablstract of Official Returns on the Population of Great Britain. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1833 Abi, Tallb Khan-Travels in Asia, Africa, &c., (Fr. Pers.) 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1810 Aca.rete.-See Acu-na, C. d'. Accounlt of tlee Spanish Settlements in America... 8vo. Edin. 1762 United Provinces of Rio de la Plata.. 8vo. Lond. 1825 Accounts and Extracts of MSS. in the Bibliotheque du Roi. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1789 Acumn, Fred.-Adulterations of Food; and, Culinary Poisons. 18o. Phil. 1820 Accurate account of Orders of Knighthood in Europe. 2 v. in one. 8vo. Lond. no date Acerbi, Jos.-Travels in Sweden, Finland and Lapland, 1798-9. 2 v. 4to. Lond. 1802 *Achkelran, R.-Hist. of Cambridge Univers. and its buildings. 2 v. -Ito. I,ond. 1815 s_ — --- - Hist. of Oxford Univers. and its buildings. 2 v.. 4to. Lond. 1814 *- ---- - Microcosm of London. 3 v.. 4to. Lond. no date -* -—. - (Ed'r)-Repository of Arts, Literature, &c. 14 v. 8vo. Lond. 1809-15 Acton; or, the Circle of Life..... 12o. N. Y. 1849 Actor, the; or, a Peep behind the Curtain.... 12o. N. Y. 1846 Acts and Laws of the State of Connecticut... Fol. N. Lond. 1784 - of the Province of New Jersey, from 1702-76... Fol. Burl. 1776 -- passed in the Reigns of Geo. II. and Geo. III... Fol. Lond. 1740 Acugna, C. d', Acarete, and Grillet-Travels in South America. 12o. Lond. 1698 Adair, Jas.-History of the American Indians... 4to. Lond. 1775 Adalbert, Prince-Travels in South Europe and Brazil. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Adam, Alex.-Roman Antiquities..... 8vo. N. Y. 1814 " edited by Boyd... 18o. Glas. 1836 Robt.-Religious World Displayed. 3 v.... 8vo. Phil. 1818 Adams, Abigail-Letters: with a Memoir, by C. F. Adams. 2 v. 12o. Bost. 1840 --- iss A.-Jour. and Letters fr. France and Eng. 1785. 2 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1841-2 F. A., Root, G. F., and Sweetzer, J. E.-Singer's Manual 18o. N. Y. 1849 Geo.-Lect. on Nat. and Experimental Philosophy. 5 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1799 ---- Hannah-Memoir of herself.... 12o. Bost. 1832 --- John-Flowers of Modern Travets. 2 v.... 12o. Bost. 1816 --- John-Analysis of Horsemanship. 3 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1805 John (Pres.)-Defence of U. S. Constitution, ag'st Turgot. 3 v. 8vo. Phil. 1797 and Cunningham, W.-Correspondence fr. 1803-1812 8vo. Bost. 1823 and Sewall, J.-Novanglus and Massachusettensis. 8vo. Bost. 1819 John Q.-Dermot MacMorrogh. A Poem.. 8vo. Bost. 1832 Jubilee of the Constitution. An Oration.. 8vo. N. Y. 1839 ---- -- Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory. [2 vols.] Vol. 1 8vo. Camb. 1810 Letters on the Masonic Institution... 8vo. Bost. 1847 Letters to his Son, on the Bible... 16o. Auburn. 1850 ---- - Poems of Religion and Society.. 18o. N. Y. 1848 Catalogue.] ADA A IK 11 Adams, John Q. (Ed'r)-Documents on the Treaty of Ghent. 8vo. Wash. 1822 ------ Robt.-Narr. of Shipwreck on West Coast of Africa, 1810. 8vo. Bost. 1817 Thos.-Three Divine Sisters; Faith, Hope, and Charity 12o. N. Y. 1847 --- Wim.-The Old Man's Home.... 18o. N. Y. 1849 Adamson, John-Memoirs of Louis de Camoens. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1820 ----- J. L.-Scripture Metaphors.... 8vo. Edin. 1849 Addison, Chas. G.-Damascus and Palmyra. 2 v... 12o. Phil. 1838 ---- - -- The Knights Templars.... 8vo. Lond. 1842 — _- -- The Temple Church.... 8vo. Loend. 1843 -- - Treatise on the Law of Contracts... 8vo. Phil. 1847 ---- Chas. J.-Punctuation upon Fixed Principles.. 12o. Lond. 1826 Jos.-Complete Works. 3 v. [Vol. 1 wanting.].. 8vo. N. Y. 1837 - Works, except Spectator. 6 v. [Vols. 1 and 2 wanting.] 12o. N. Y. 1811 - See Spectator, the. Addisoniana. 2 v. 18o. Lond. 1803 Adelung, J. C.-Hist. Sketch of Sanscrit Literature. (Fr. Ger.). 8vo. Oxford. 1832 *Adler, G. J.-German and English Dictionary... 8vo. N. Y. 1849 Adlerfeld, G.-Milit. Hist. of Chas. XII. of Swed. 3 v. [Vol. 1 wanting.] 8vo. Lond. 1740 Adventurer, the-By J. Hawkesworth and others.. 8vo. Lond. 1825 See British Essayists; vols. 23-25. Adventures of British Seamen. (C. M.)..18o. Edin. 1827 a, Gentleman in Search of a Horse... 16o. Lond. no date a Young Rifleman in Spain and Portugal.. 18o. Phil. 1826 Advice to a Young Christian.. 18o. N. Y. 1850 Young Gentleman on entering Society.. 18o. Phil. 1839 iEschylus.-Agamemnon, Grk. Text with Translation by Connington 8vo. Lond. 1848 Tragcediwe. [Grec6.].... 12o. Lipsie. 1817 Prometheus and Agamemnon. (Translated by Herbert.) 12o. Camb. 1849 (Tragedies. Translated by Potter.) (F. C. L.). 18o. Loend. 1833 ----- ". " (4 (F. C. L.).. 18o. N. Y. 1836 iEsop.-Fables. Fr. Grk. by Croxall.... 18o. Phil. 1836...." " by Thos. James.... 8vo. Lond. 1848 - Junior, in America. A Series of Fables.. 12o. N. Y. 1834 Agassiz, Louis-Introduction to the Study of Nat. History.. 8vo. N. Y. 1847 Journey to, and Tours in Switzerland.. 8vo. Loend. 1833 _ —— _ -- Lectures on Comparative Embryology.. 8vo. N. Y. 1849 Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles. 10 v.. 4to. Neuch. 1833-43 ----..- Cabot, J. E., and others.-Lake Superior, &c.. 8vo. Best. 1850 ----- -- and Gould, A. A.-Principles of Zoology. 12o. Bost. 1848 Age of Pitt and Fox, the. Vol. 1....8vo. o. L1846 *Agincourt, Serou d'-Hist. of Art by its Monuments. 3 v. in one Fol. Lond. 1847 Agnel, H. R. —Chess for Winter Evenings... 12o. N. Y. 1848 Adie-M6inoire to the Military Sciences. Vols. 1-2. (A-P). 8vo. Lond. 1846-50 Aiken, P. F.-Comparative View of Brit. and Amer. Constitutions 16o. Lond. 1842 Aikin, Arthur-Illustrations of Arts and Manufactures.. 16o. Lond. 1841 - Tour in North WVales, with observations on Nat. Hist. 8vo. Lond. 1797 - - John-Annals of the Reign of George III. 8vo. Lond. 1825 Essays on Song Writing, with a Collection of Songs 12o. Lond. 1810 Letters from a Father on Literature and conduct of Life 16o. Loud. 1838 - - Letters to a Young Lady on English Poetry. 18o. N. Y. 1806 12 A IK- A LD [Mere. Lib. Aikin, John-Lives of John Selden and James Usher.. 8vo. Lond. 1812 - Select Works of British Poets, with Prefaces. 8vo. Phil. 1830 Ben Jonson, Prior, A. Phillips, Lyttleton, Cowley, Gay, Collins, Goldsmith, Milton, Green, Dyer, Johnson, Waller, Tickell, Shenstone, Armstrong, Dryden, Hammond, Churchill, J. Warton, J. Philips, Somerville, Young, T. Warton, Parnell, Pope, Akenside, Mason, Rowe, Swift, Gray, Cowper, Addison, Thomson, Smollett, Beattie. The Same, continued. See Frost, John. -- Lucy-Epistles on Women, with other Poems 16o. Bost. 1810 -- - Life of Joseph Addison. 12o. Phil. 1846 - Memoir of John Aikin... 8vo. Phil. 1824 M- emoirs of the Court of Charles I. 2 v... 8vo. Phil. 1833 Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth. 8vo. Phil. 1823 Aikman, Jas.-Popular View of the Animal Kingdom.. 18o. Edin. 1839 Aim6-Martin, Louis-Education des Meres de Famille. 8vo. Paris. 1838 *_ —- --- -- LLa Physique, La Chim. et 1'Hist. Nat. (Lettres.) 2 v. 8vo. Brux. 1821. —-- - The Education of Mothers. (Fr. French.). 12o. Phil. 1843 *Ainsworth, Robt.-Latin and English Dictionary... 8vo. Lond. 1830 ------ WVm.-Researches in Assyria, Babylonia, and Chaldea 8vo. Lond. 1838 Ainsworth's Magazine. Vols. 1-17. [Continued.]... 8vo. Lond. 1842-50 Airy, G. B.-Gravitation and Perturbations in the Solar System 12o. Lond. 1834 - - Six Lectures on Astronomy... 8vo. Lond. 1849 Aitkin, T. J.-Elements of Physiology.... 120. Lond. 1838 Akenside, Mark-Pleasures of the Imagination; and other Poems. 18o. N. Y. 1819 Poems. (Ald. Poets.).... 16o. Lond. 1835 Akerman, J. Y.-Anc. Coins of Hispania, Gallia, and Britannia. 8vo. Lond. 1846 Archaeological Index to Remains of Antiquity. 8vo. Lond. 1847 ---- - Introduc. to the Study of Ancient and Modern Coins 16o. Lond. 1848 -- -- Numismatic Illus. of the New Testament.. 8vo. Lond. 1846 ----- - - Numismatic Manual of Grk., Rom., and Eng. Coins 160. Lond. 1832 ---- -- The same, enlarged... 8vo. Lond. 1840 Alban, Ernst.-High Pressure Ste'am Engine. (Fr. Ger.) 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1847-8 *Albany Evening Journal. Feb. 8th, 1840, to May 5th, 1840. 1 v. Fol. Albany. 1840 *Albion, the-(a weekly Newspaper.) Vols. 15-27. [Continued.] Fol. N. Y. 1837-49 *Albion Gallery-Select Engravings, with Memoirs and Descriptions Fol. N. Y. 1843 Albites, Achilles-Authors of France..... 24o. Lond. 1839 Albohazen, Hali-Liber Completus in Judiciis Stellarum. Fol. Venice. 1485 Alcedo, A. de-Geog. & Hist. Dict. of Amer. & W. Ind's. (Fr. Span.) 5 v. 4to. Lond. 1812-15 Alcott, Wm. A.-Famliliar Letters to Young Men.. 12o. Buffalo. 1849 --—, -- The House I Live in; or the Human Body.. 18o. Bost. 1837 ---- -- On Vegetable Diet... 12o. Bost. 1838 (Ed'r)-The Library of Health. 6 v... 12o. Bost. 1837-42 Alden, Tim.-American Epitaphs and Inscriptions. 5 v... 18o. N. Y. 1814 -- -- Missions among the Senecas and Munsees. 18o. N. T. 1827 Aldine-Edition of the British Poets, with Memoirs and Notes. 39 v. 16o. Lond. 1830-9 Akenside, 1 v. Collins, 1 v. Goldsmith, 1 v. Beattie, 1 v. Cowper, 3 v. Gray, 1 v. Burns, 3 v. Dryden, 5 v. Milton, 3 v. Butler, 2 v. Falconer, 1 v. Parnell, 1 v. Catalogue.] A L D -- A L L 13 Aldine-Edition of the British Poets, with Memoirs and Notes (continued). Pope, 3 v. Surrey, 1 v. Kirk White, 1 v. Prior, 2 v. Swift, 3 v. Wyatt, 1 v. Shakspeare, 1 v. Thomson, 2 v. Young, 2 v. Aleman, Matheo-The Rogue; or Life of Guz. d' Alfarache. (Fr. Span.) 4to. Lond. 1656.... -- The Same in French. See Le Satge, (Euvres de. Alembert, J. L. R. d'-Encyclopedie. See Diderot, D. Alexander, Arch.-Canons of the Old and New Testaments.. 12o. N. V. 1826 - Hist. of Colonization on West Coast of Africa 8vo. Plil. 1846 ------ T Jas. E.-L' Acadie; or Seven Years in Brit. Amer. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1849 - Sketches in Portugal, during the War of 1834. 8vo. Lond. 1835 -Transatlantic Sketches of N. & S. Am. & W. Indies 8vo. Phil. 1833 - -.- -- ~ Voyage of Observation in W. Africa, in 1835. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1837 —. W.-Journev to Beresford Hall... 4to. Lond. 1841 Alfieri, Vittorio-Quindici Tragedie. 3 v..... 16o. Edin. 1806 Autobiography. (Fr. Ital., by C. Edwards Lester.) 12o. N. Y. 1845 Alford, Henry —School of the Heart: and other Poems. 2 v.. 12o. Camb. (E.) 1835 Algarotti, F.-On Newton's Philos. of Light & Colours, (Fr. Ital.) 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1739 Alhoy, Maurice-Les Bagnes de Paris.... 8vo. Paris. 1845 et Lurine L.-Les Prisons de Paris.. 8vo. Paris. 1846 Ali, Mrs. Meer Hassan-Mussulmauns of India. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1832 Ali Bey-Travels in Mor., Egypt, Arabia, &c., 1803-7. 1 v. 4to. & 2 v. 8vo. Phil. 1816 Alison, Arch.-History of Europe, from 1789 to 1815. 10 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1834-42 Thle Same, 20 v...... 16o. Lond. 1847-8 The Same Abridged, by E. S. Gould.. 8vo. N. Y. 1843 (For Atlas to the Same, see Johnston, Alex. K.) ---- --- Military Life of John, Duke of Marlborough. 8vo. Edin. 1848 -- - - - Nature and Principles of Taste... 4to. Edin. 1790 -- - The Same..... 8vo. Bost. 1812 - The Same..... 8vo. Hartford. 1821 Principles of Population. 2 v.... 8vo. Edin. 1840 - Sermons on Particular Occasions. 2 v... 8vo. Edin. 1820-5 Alken, Hen.-Art of Etching and other Miodes of Engraving. 12o. Lond. 1849 Allan, T.-List of Minerals, in English, French, and German. 8vo. Edin. 1808 Alldridge, W. J.-Universal Merchant in Theory and Practice. 8vo. Phil. 1797 Allen, Benj.-History of the Church of Christ. 2 v... 8vo. Phil. 1823-4 Ethan-Narrative of his own Captivity, in 1775-8. 18o. Albany. 1814 John-Modern Judaism..... 8o. Lond. 1816 - - The Same..... 8vo. Lond. 1830 Paul-History of the American Revolution. [2 vols.] Vol. 1 8vo. Balt. 1819 R. L.-Compend. of American Agriculture... N... 12. 846 - Domestic Animals... 12o. N. Y. 1848 - Thad.-Leading Men in the Organization of our Union 8vo. Bost. 1847 -- - Win.-American Biographical and Historical Dictionary 8vo. Bost. 1832 -- Win.-Views of the Island of Ascension.. ol. Lond. 1835 Wmi. —ife of, 3 v...... 8vo. Lond. 1846-7 W. (Capt.)& Thomson, T.R.H.-Exped. to the Niger, 1841. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Wmin. H. (Publisher)-Map of India.. Folded in 8vo. Lond. 1841 --- -- tMap of Overland Routes between England and India 8vo. Lond. 1841 Alletz, Edouard-Esquisses Poetiques de la Vie.. 24o. Paris. 1846 14 ALL - A NA [Merc. Lib. Alletz, Edouard-Harmonies de l'Intelligence Humaine. 2 v.. 8vo. Paris. 1846 Allston, Washington-Lectures on Art; and, Poems.. 12o. N. Y. 1850 Almanach de Gotha pour 1850..... 32o. Gotha. 1849 Alves, Robt. —Sketches of a list. of Literature, and other Essays 8vo. Edin. 1794 Amalie, Princess of Saxony-Six Dramas. (Fr. Ger.)..12o. Lond. 1848 Ambrose, Isaac-Works, with a Memoir.... 8vo. Lond. 1829 American Agriculturist, the. Vols. 4-5. [Continued.].. 8vo. N. Y. 1845-6 - Alnanac, 20 v...... 12o. Bost. 1831-50 - Anecdotes; Original and Selected. 2 vols. in one. 12o. Bost. 1830 Annals of Education and Instruction. 9 v... 8vo. Bost. 1830-9 - Annual Register, 1825-32. 8 v.... 8vo. N. Y. 1827-35 ---- Biblical Repository. 22 v..... 8vo. Andov. 1831-43 Fowl Breeder...... 18. Bost. 1850 Journal of Education. See American Annals. Library of Useful Knowledge. Vol. 1.. 12o. Bost. 1831 - Magazine of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge. 3 v. 8vo. Bost. 1835-7 Medical Intelligencer. 5 v..... 8vo. Phil. 1837-9 Missionary Register. Vols. 2-5.... 8vo. N. Y. 1821-4 - Monthly Magazine. 12 v..... 8vo. N. Y. 1833-8 and Critical Review. 4 v.. 8vo. N. Y. 1817-18.. 8vo. Bost. 1829 Museum. 2 v...... 8vo. Balt. 1838 Phrenological Journal. Vols. 1-11. [Continued.]. 8vo. N. Y. 1838-49 Quarterly Review. 22 v.... 8vo. Phil. 1827-37 Q uerist; on the dispute between Gt. Brit. and her Colonies 16o. Lond. 1744 --- ail Road Journal. 6 v...... 4to. N. Y. 1832-7 Second and third Series. 11 v... 8vo. N. Y. 1838-44.- - -- New Series. Vols. 1-5. [Continued.].. 4to. N. Y. 1845-9 - Register; Repository for Hist. Politics and Science. 6 v. 8vo. Phil. 1806-10 - Remembrancer; relating to the British Treaty. 3 v.. 8vo. Phil. 1795 Repertory. 4 v...... 8vo. N. Y. 1840-2 -- Review; a Whig Journal. Vols. 1-10. [Continued.] 8vo. N. Y. 1845-9 -- ----- of History and Politics. 4 v... 8vo. Phil. 1811-12 State Papers. 21 v..... Fol. Wash. 1832-4 Class 1. Foreign Relations. 4 v. Class 6. Naval Affairs. 1 v. 2. Indian Affiirs. 2 v. 7. Post Office. 1 v. 3. Finance. 3 v. 8. Public Lands. 3 v. 4. Com. & Navigation. 2 v. 9. Claims. I v. 5. Military Affairs. 2 v. 10. Miscellaneous. 2 v. - Sunday School Teacher's Magazine. Vols. 7-8.. 8vo. N. Y. 1830-1 American's Guide; comprising the Constitutions of the U. States. 12o. Phil. 1838 Amerique (L') Septentrionale et MIridionale... 8vo. Paris. 1835 Ames, Fisher-Works; with Memoir by J. T. Kirkland.. 8vo. Bost. 1809 - Jos. & Herbert W.-Typograph. Antiq. Ed. by T. F. Dibdin. 4 v. 4to. Lond. 1810-19 Amory, Thos.-Life of John Buncle. 3 v..... 12o. Lond. 1825 Amos, And.-Advantages of a Classical Education.. 8vo. Lond. 1846 Trial of the Earl of Somerset.. 8vo. Lond. 1846 Amnpere, A. M.-Essai sur la Philosophic des Sciences. 2 v. 8vo. Paris. 1838-43 --- - J. J.-La Grece, Rome, et Dante. 12. Paris. 1848 Anacharsis, Travels of. See Barthelemy, J. J. Analectic Magazine. 14 v..... 8vo. Phil. 1813-19 Catalogue.] ANA- A N S 15 Analogies and Contrasts; or, France and England Compared. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Analyst, the. 10 v....... 8vo. Lond. 1834-40 Anburey, Thos.-Travels through the Interior of America.. 8vo. Lond. 1789 Ancient lIist., Eng. and French; or the "Saxon Chronicle" Dissected 18o. Lond. 1830 - Scottish Ballads...... 12. Lond. 1827 Andersen, tHans C.-Rambles in tle Hartz Mloulntains. (Fr. Danish.) 12o. Lond. 1848 - True Story of' ly Life. (Fr. Danish.).. 16o. Bost. 1847 Anderson, Adam-H-istory of Commerce. 4 v... 4to. Lond. 1787-9 - The Same. 6 v..... 8vo. Dublin. 1788-90 - - -- The Same. 6 v...... 8vo. Dublin. 1790.-Encals-Narrative of the Brit. Embassy to China, in 1792-4 8vo. Lond. 1796 ----- Chris.-Annals of the English Bible. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1845 - The Same, abridged and continued, by S. I. Prime 8vo. N. Y. 1849 -- -- GGenius and Design of the Domestic Constitution 12o. N. Y. 1849 ------ Ruf.-Observ's on the Peloponnesus & Greek Isl'ds, in 1829 12o. Bost. 1830 -- Wm.-London Commercial Diet. and Seaport Gazetteer 8vo. Lond. 1819 Andrews,. — Plans of Capital Cities, with Descriptions.. 4to. Lond. 1771 ------- Jas. P.-Anecdotes, &c., Ancient and Modern. 8vo. Lond. 1789 - ---- - - Hist. ofGt. Brit. connect. with that ofEurope. 2v. in 1 4to. Lond. 1794-5 - J. —War. [of Eng.] with Amer., France, &c., 1775-83. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1785-6 -~ —.J.-Jour. fr. Buenos Ayres to Potosi & Coquimbo, 1825-6. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1827 Wnm. E.-Rcview of Fox's Book of Martyrs. 2 v... 8vo. Balt. no date Andryane, Alex.-Memoirs of a Prisoner of State. (Fr. French.) 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1842 Anecdote Library....... 16o. Lond. 1834 Anecdotes of Books and Authors.... 16o. Lond. 1836 Anecdotiana; or, Library of Anecdote.... 8vo. Lond. 1841 Angel Voices; or, Words of Counsel for Overcoming the World 240. Bost. 1849 Angelo, Michael-Literary Works; with Life, by R. Duppa. 4to. Lond. 1806 Animal Biography; or the Habits, &c., of various Animals. 8vo. Lond. 1840 Annales de Chimie et de Physique. Vols. 70 et 71.. 8vo. Paris. 1839 Annals and Magazine of Natural History. First Series. 20 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1838-47, —-— ~I- --- Second Series. Vols. 1-5. [Continued.] 8vo. Lond. 1848-50 ----- of Electricity, Magnetism, and Chemistry. Vols. 3-10. 8vo. Lond. 1839-43 --- of the Lyceum of Nat. Hist. of N.Y. Vols. 1-4. [Continued.] 8vo. N. Y. 1824-48 Anne, Queen-History of the Life and Reign of... Fol. Lond. 1740 Life of...... 18o. Lond. 1714 Annesley, Alex.-Law of Marine, Life, and Fire Insurance.. 12o. Middletown.1808 Anniversary Calendar, Natal Book, and Universal Mirror. 2 v. in one 8vo. Lond. 1832 Annual Biography and Obituary. 21 v... 8vo. Lond. 1817-37 --- Register; a View of Hist., Politics & Lit., fr. 1758 to 1843. 91 v. 8vo. Lond. 1768-1848 Index to the Same, from 1758-1819.. 8vo. Lond. 1826 ----- Review and History of Literature. Vols. 1-4 and 6-7 8vo. Lond. 1802-8 Anquetil, L. P.-Histoire de France. 13 v..... 8vo. Paris. 1830 Summary of Universal History. 9 v... 8vo. Phil. 1805-9 Ansell, Chas.-On Friendly Societies. (L. U. K.)... 8vo. Lond. 1835 Anson, Geo. (Lord)-Voyage Round the World, 1740-4. 8vo. Lond. 1748 The Same..... 8vo. Lond. no date Anspach, Lewis-History of Newfoundland... 8vo. Lond. 1819 - ---- Margravine of-Memoirs of herself. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1826 Ansted, D. T.-Ancient World; or, Sketches of Creation. 12o. Phil. 1847 16 A N S - A R I [Merc. Lib. Ansted, D. T.-Geologist's Text Book.. 16o. Lond. 1845 - Geology. 2 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1844 Gold Seeker's Manual.. 12o. N. Y. 1849 Anstey, Chris.-New Bath Guide; in Poetical Epistles.. 12o. Lond. 1830 ---- - Pleader's Guide; a Satirical Poem.. 8vo. Phil. 1803 Answer to " Six Months in a Convent," by the Superior. See Reed, R. T. 8vo. Best. 1835 Anthon, Chas.-Classical Dictionary.... 8vo. N. Y. 1841 System of Ancient and Mediaeval Geography 8vo. N. Y. 1850 Chas. E.-Pilgrimage to Treves, in 1844.. 12o. N. Y. 1845 John-Law Student; Guide to the Study of Law 8vo. N. Y. 1850 Antijacobin, the; or Weekly Examiner. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1799 Review and Magazine. 7 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1799-1801 Anti-MIasonic Documents; Letters of Eminent Men on Free-Masonry 8vo. Best. 1849 Antiquarian and Architectural Year Book, for 1844... 8vo. Lond. 1845 -- Itinerary; Specimens of Archit. and Antiq. in Gt. Brit. 7 v. 8vo. Lond. 1816 _ —--- Repertory; Illustrat. several Remains of Old Times. 4 v. 4to. Lond. 1775-84 *Antiquitates Americanae; Anti-Columbianarum in America.. 4to. HIafnihe. 1837 Antoninus (Liberalis)-Trallianus, et alt., Opuscula Varia. (Gr. et Lat.) 12o. Basileee. 1568 -------- Marcus-Commentaries. (Fr. Grk.)... 8vo. Lond. 1747 Anville, J. B. B. d'-Ancient Geography. (Fr. French.) 2 v.. 8vo. N. Y. 1814 Apocryphal New Testament. See Bible. Apollonius Rhodius. Argonautica. [Graece.].. 12o. Lipsiae. 1817 ----- - ---- The Argonautics. (Fr. Greek, by W. Preston.) 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1811 *Appleton's Library Manual..... 8vo. N. Y. 1847 Arago, F.-Lecons d' Astronomic..... 18o. Paris. 1845 - Historical Eloge of James Watt. (Fr. French.). 8vo. Lond. 1839 -- -- Life of James Watt..... 8vo. Edin. 1839 --- -- Popular Lectures on Astronomy... 8vo. Lond. 1841 - The Same. Edited by D. Lardner... 8vo. N. Y. 1845 Arblay, Mde. d' [Mliss Burney.]-Diary and Letters, from 1778-1840. 7 v. 12o. Lond. 1843-6 The Same. 2 v...... 8vo. Phil. 1842 Arbuthnot, Chas.-Tables of Ancient Coins, Weights, and Measures 4to. Lond. 1727 Archaeologia Americana-Transacts. &c., of the Am. Antiq'an Soc. 2 v. 8vo. Worces. 1820-36 Archaeologist, the (Monthly.)...... 8vo. Lond. 1842 Archaio-Ploutos; a Suppl'nt to "Treasurie of Anc't & Mod'n Times" Fol. LoId. 1619 Architecture. Part I. Ancient Architecture... 16o. N. Hav. 1831 of Birds. (L. E. K.)..... 18o. Lond. 1831 Arcturus, a Monthly Magazine. 3 v.... 8vo. N. Y. 1841-2 Arcularius, Henry (Translator)-School of the Gunner.. 24o. N. Y. 1838 Argensola, L. L. d'-La Conquete des Isles Moluques. (Fr. Span.) 2 v. 12o. Ams'dam. 1706 Argenson, Marquis d'-Essays, Civil, Moral, and Literary. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Lond. 1789 Arguments and Facts in the Girard Will Case... 8vo. Phil. 1844 Argyll, Duke of-Presbytery Examined.... 12o. Lond. 1848 Ariosto, Ludov.-Orlando Furioso. 3 v. (Ital.)... 4to. Venezia. 1772 The Same. 6 v...... 18o. Prato. 1821 The Same. Translated by J. Hoole. 5 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1799 - - The Same. 6 v...... 18o. Phil. 1816 --- -- The Same, abridged... 240. Lond. 1818 Aristophanes-Comoedime. [Graece.].... 12o. Lipsiae. 1818 Clouds and Peace. Trans. by a Graduate of Oxford 8vo. Oxford. 1840 Catalogue.] AR I — ATH 17 Aristophanes-Comedies. Translated by T. Mitchell. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1820-2 Aristotle-Histoire des Animaux. (Graece et Franqaise.) 2 v. 4to. Paris. 1783 Ethica et Politica. (Latine.)... 4to. Paris. 1506 Ethics and Politics. Translated by J. Gillies. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1813 Metaphysics. Translated by Thomas Taylor. 4to. Lond. 1801 Rhetoric. Translated by J. Gillies... 8vo. Lond. 1823 Rhetoric. Trans. by T. Hobbes; Poetics. Tr. by T. Buckley 160. Lond. 1850 Treatise on Poetry. Trans. by Thomas Twining. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1812 Arlincourt, le Vicomte d'-L'Herbagre.... 16o. Brux. 1837 Armitage, John-History of Brazil, from 1808 to 1831. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Armstrong, John-Art of Preserving Health; a Poem.. 16o. Kennebunk. 1804 Notices of the War of 1812. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1836-40 R.-On the Boilers of Steam Engines.. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Army and Navy Chronicle. Vols. 2-8.... 8vo. Wash. 1836-9 Arnaud, A.-Pierre. 2 v....... 18o. Brux. 1836 F. T. M. d'-Anne Bell, Hist. Anglaise. [B'd with " Euphemie."] 8vo. Paris. 1769 --- -- Les Epoux Malheureux.... 8vo. Paris. 1788 Euphemie, Drame..... 8vo. Paris. 1768 Arnold, T.-Complete Vocabulary, English and German. 8vo. Zullichau. 1784 Thos.-American Practical Lunarian and Seaman's Guide. 8vo. Phil. 1822 History of Rome. Vols. 1-2... 8vo. Lond. 1838-40 --— _ - History of the Later Roman Commonwealth 8vo. N. Y. 1846 ---- —, Lectures on Modern History... 8vo. Lond. 1843.-...- The Same. Edited by Henry Reed... 12o. N. Y. 1845 Miscellaneous Works.... 8vo. N. Y. 1845 Sermons Preached in the Chapel of Rugby School 16o. N. Y. 1846 Arnold's Chronicle; or, the Customs of London... 4to. Lond. 1811 Arnott, Neil-Elements of Physics. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1833 -- -- The Same. Vol. 1, with additions by I. Hays. 8vo. Phil. 1829-36 Arnould, A.-Les Jesuites, depuis leur origine jusqu'a nos jours. 2 v. 8vo. Paris. 1846 et Lavergne A.-Les Trois Aveugles.. 18o. Brux. 1839 Arrian-Expedition of Alexander. Trans. by J. Rooke. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1814 Voyage Round the Euxine Sea. Edited by W. Vincent 4to. Oxford. 1805 *Art de Verifier les Dates des Faits Historiques, etc. 43 v.. 8vo. Paris. 1819-44 - of Contentment. By the Author of " The Whole Duty of Man." 12o. N. Y. 1803 -- Union, a Journal of the Fine Arts. Vols. 5-11. [Continued.] 4to. Lond. 1843-9 Arthur of Little Britain, History of, (Fr. French, by Lord Berners.) 4to. Lond. 1814 Arthur, T. S.-Advice to Young Men.... 18o. Bost. 1847 Art's Masterpiece of Useful and Ingenious Secrets... 18o. Belfast. 1824 Arundale, T., Bonomi, J., and Birch, S.-Gallery of Antiquities 4to. Lond. no date Arundell, F. V. J.-Discoveries in Asia Minor. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1834 Visit to 7 Churches of Asia; with Excur. into Pisidia 8vo. Lond. 1828 Arvine, K.-Cyclopaedia of Moral and Religious Anecdotes. 8vo. N. Y. 1848 Asiatic Journal. Vols. 22-41..... 8vo. Lond. 1837-43 ----- Researches, on the History, Antiquities, &c., of Asia. 7 v. 8vo. Lond. 1801-3 Asmar, Maria Theresa.-Memoirs by herself. 2 v. in one.. 18o. Phil. 1845 Astle, Thos.-Origin and Progress of Writing, Hieroglyphical, &c. 4to. Lond. 1803 *Athenaum, a Weekly Journal. 18 v. [Continued.].. 4to. Lond. 1832-49 Athenian Letters; from Athens during the Peloponnes. War. 3 v. 8vo. Basil. 1800 Atherstone, Edwin-Fall of Nineveh. A Poem. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1828-30 3 18 A TH- A UT [Merc. Lib. Atherstone, Edwin-Last Days of Herculaneum; and, Abradates, &c. 12o. Lond. 1821..- - Midsummer Day's Dream. A Poem.. 12o. Lond. 1824 Atkinson, Jas.-Medical Bibliography. A and B... 8vo. Lond. 1834 - - -- Wm.-Principles of Political Economy. 8vo. N. Y. 1843 and Clarke. (Compilers.)-Naval Pocket Gunner. 8vo. Lond. 1814 Atlantic Magazine. 2 v...... 8vo. N. Y. 1824-5 *Atlas, the-a Weekly Newspaper. Vols. 1-18. [Wanting Vols. 4 & 6.] Fol. Lond. 1828-43 * — Classica; Select Maps of Ancient Geography.. 4to. Phil. 1824 Atwood, Anthony-Young Man's Way to Honor.. 160. Phil. 1850 Auber, Peter-Rise and Progress of British Power in India. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1837 Aubigne, J. H. Merle d'-Germany, England, and Scotland.. 8vo. Lond. 1848 - Hist. of the Reformation. 4 v.... 12o. N. Y. 1842-6 ------- The Same. 4 v. in one... 8vo. N. Y. 1846. — - Luther and Calvin.... 18. N. Y. 1845 ---- - Miscellan. Writings. [D'Aubigne and his Writings.] 12o. N. Y. 1846 -..- - The Protector: a Vindication... 12o. N. Y. 1847-8 *Audubon, John J.-Birds of America, from original drawings. 4 v. Fol. Lond. 1827-38 *.-. - Birds of America. 7 v.... 8vo. N. Y. 1840-4 ------ -- OOrnithological Biography of Birds of U. S. 5 v. 8vo. Phil. 1831-9 - Synopsis of the Birds of North America.. 8vo. Edin. 1839 - ---- -- and Bachman, J.-Vivipar. Quad. N. A. [3 v.] Vol. 1 8vo. N. Y. 1846 * —-- -- Plates to the Same. 3 v..... Fol. N. Y. 1845-8 Auerbach, Berthold-Events in Vienna, from Sept. to Nov. 1848 12o. Lond. 1849 Augier, Vic.-Le Beaupere, et le Gendre. See Lebrun, P. Augustine (St.)-The Confessions of.... 240. Oxford. 1848 Ausonius, D. M. See Walker, G. S. —Corpus Poet Lat. Austin, Benj.-Constitutional Republicanism vs. Fallacious Federalism 8vo. Bost. 1803 - Gilb.-Chironomia; a Treatise on Delivery and Gesture. 4to. Lond. 1806 - Jas. T.-Life of Elbridge Gerry. 8vo. Bost. 1828 J. IM.-A Voice to Youth.... 18o. Utica. 1839 ---- John-Province of Jurisprudence Determined.. 8vo. Lond. 1832 -- Sarah-Trans. from Ger. Prose Writers, with Biog. Sketches 120. N. Y. 1841 -(Trans. and Ed'r)-Characteris. of Gcethe. (Fr. Ger.) 3 v. 12o. Lond. 1833 -- The Same: entit. " Goethe and his Contemporaries." 3 v. 120. Lond. 1835 Author's Printing and Publishing Assistant.... 12o. N. Y. 1839 Authors of England; Medall. Portraits with Notices, by H. F. Chorley 4to. Lond. 1838 Autobiography; a Coll. of Lives, with Introductions and Sequels. 31 v. 18o. Lond. 1828 Vol. 1. Colley Cibber. 4" 2. D. Hume; W. Lilly; F. M. A. de Voltaire. " 3, 4. Jean Francois Marmontel. 5. Robert Drury. " 6. George Whitefield; James Ferguson. " 7. Charlotte Charke; Mary Robinson. " 8. Lord Herbert; Prince Eugene. 9, 10. Augustus Von Kotzebue. " 11. J. Creichton; W. Gifford; T. Elwood. " 12. Lewis Holberg. " 13. James Hardy Vaux.' 14,15. Edward Gibbon. "16, 17. Benvenuto Cellini. " 18. James Lackington. 19. Theobald Wolf Tone. "20, 21. Margravine of Bareith. Catalogue.] A U T- B A D 19 Autobiography; a Collection of Lives, etc. (continued.) Vol. 22. George Bubb Doddington. "23, 24. Charles Goldoni. "25-28. Eugene Francois Vidocq. "29-31. Madame du Barri. Autumn Leaves; Miscellaneous Poems, from various Authors. 12o. N. Y. 1837 Avila, H. C. d'-History of the Civil Wars of France.. Fol. Lond. 1678 Ayeen, Akberry; Institutes of the Emperor Akber. (Fr. Pers.) 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1800 *Ayscough, Sam.-Index to Passages and Words in Shakspeare. 8vo. Lond. 1827 Aytoun, W. E.-Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers; and other Poems 8vo. Edin. 1849 --— _ -- Life of Richard I. of England... 16. Lond. 1840 Azara, Don Felix de-Quadrup. of Paraguay. (Fr. Span.) [2 v.] Vol. 1 8vo. Edin. 1838 Azuni, M. D. A.-Maritime Law of Europe. 2 v.. 8vo. N. Y. 1806 Babbage, Chas.-Comparative View of Life Assurance Institutions 8vo. Lond. 1826 The Decline of Science in England 4to. Lond. 1830 --- - - Economy of Machinery and Manufactures. 18o. Phil. 1832 ---- - The Same...... 16o. Lond. 1835.. —. -- The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise. A Fragment 8vo. Lond. 1837 Babington, C.-Review of Macaulay, and his view of the Clergy. 8vo. Camb. (E.) 1849 - T.-Christian Education in its Earliest Stages. 12o. Bost. 1819 Babylon the Great; or, Men and Things in the British Capital. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1826 Bache, Franklin. See Wood, G. B. Bachhoffner, Geo. H.-Chemistry as applied to the Fine Arts. 8vo. Lond. 1837 Bachman, John. See Audubon, J. J. Back, Geo. (Capt.)-Narr. of the Arctic Land Expedition in 1833-5 4to. Lond. 1836 The Same..... 8vo. Phil. 1836 Backgammon; its History and Practice.... 16o. Lond. 1844 Bacon, Francis (Lord)-Essays; and, Wisdom of the Ancients. 12o. Lond. 1836 -- Essays; with Locke on the Understanding.. 18o. N. Y. 1844 - Fables of the Ancients.... 16o. Lond. 1803 - Proficience and Advancement of Learning.. 12o. Lond. 1825. —--.. — Works. 10 v. [Vols. 1-6 English; Vols. 7-10 Latin.] 8vo. Lond. 1824 - Works. Edited by Basil Montagu. 17 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1825-34 Vol. 1. Essays; Apophthegmes; Meditationes Sacre. 2. Advancement of Learning; New Atlantis. "' 3. Wisdom of Ancients; Henry VII; Elizabeth. t" 4. Sylva Sylvarum; a Natural History. " 5. Tracts on Scotland, Ireland, Spain, and England. "u 6. Speeches; Charges; &c. 7. Theological and Judiciary Tracts; Miscellaneous. i" 8. De Augmentis Scientiarum, Libri 1-7. " 9. De Aug. Scient., Libri 8, 9; Nov. Organum. "10, 11. Minor Latin Works. 12,13. Letters; Miscellanies; Law Tracts. " 14, 15. Translations. [Of the Novum Organum, etc.] "16, 17. Life of Lord Bacon, by Basil Montagu. - John Fran.-Six Years in Biscay, in 1830-7.. 8vo. Lond. 1838 - Leon.-Slavery discussed in Occasional Essays.. 12o. N. Y. 1846 -Thos.-First Impressions of Nature in Hindostan. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1837 Win. T.-Poems...... 12o. Bost. 1837 Baden, G. L.-Hist. of Norway; contin. by Baron Holberg. (Fr. Dan.) 8vo. Lond. 1818 20 B A I- B AN [Merc. Lib. Bailey, Eben.-First Lessons in Algebra... 12o. Bost. 1834 ---- H. I.-The Liturgy compared with the Bible.. 12o. Lond. 1845 ----- John J.-Waldimar. A Tragedy... 8vo. N. Y. 1834 - Nathan-English Dictionary..... Fol. Lond. 1755 The Same...... 8vo. Edin. 1800. —- Phil. J.-Angel World; and other Poems... 12o. Bost. 1850 - -.- Festus; a Poem..... 12o. Bost. 1845 ---. Sam.-Essays on Formation and Publication of Opinions. 12o. Phil. 1831 ----- - Essays on the Pursuit of Truth... 12o. Phil. 1831 — ~- -- Review of" Berkeley's Theory of Vision".. 8vo. Lond. 1842 Baillie, Joanna-Complete Poetical and Dramatic Works. 8vo. Phil. 1832 Dramas. 3 v...... 8vo. Lond. 1836.. — --. Metrical Legends of Exalted Characters.. 8vo. Lond. 1821 Bailly, J. S.-Ancient History of Asia. 2 v.... 12o. Lond. 1814 Baines, Edw.-Hist. of Wars of Fren. Rev. (1792-1815.) 2 v. & Atlas 8vo. Phil. 1835 --- Edw. (Jr.)-History of Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain 8vo. Lond. 1835 Baird, Robt.-Impressions, &c., of the West Ind. and No. Amer. 2 v. 12o. Edin. 1850 - - Memoir of Joseph Sandford.... 12o. Phil. 1836 -- -- Visit to Northern Europe. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1841 Baker, D. E.-Memoirs of Eng. Dramatists; continued by others. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1812 - John W.-Commerce of U. S. with the Mediterranean. 8vo. Phil. 1847 Sir Rich.-Chronicle of English Kings, to death of James I. Fol. Lond. 1660 - T.-Railway Engineering. 8vo. Loud. 1848 Bakewell, Fred. C.-Natural Evidence of a Future Life. 8vo. Lond. 1835 Philosophical Conversations.. 12o. Lond. 1843...- The Same..... 12o. Lond. 1842 -- Robt.-Introduction to Geology... 8vo. Lond. 1838 Balbi, Adrien-Abr6eg de Geographie.... 8vo. Paris. 1847 - Atlas Ethnographique du Globe... Fol. Paris. 1826.- -- Abridgement of Universal Geog. Compiled by Bradford 12o. N. Y. 1835 - Introduction to the Same. Vol. 1... 8vo. Paris. 1826 Balbirnie, John-Philosophy of the Water Cure... 16o. N. Y. 1846 Balch, W. S.-Ireland as I saw it..... 12o. N. Y. 1850 Baldwin, Eben.-Annals of Yale College... 8vo. N. Haven. 1831 - - - Thos., and others.-Universal Pronouncing Gazetteer. 12o. Phil. 1845 Balfour, Clara L.-The Women of Scripture... 16o. Lond. 1847 J. H.-Manual of Botany..... 16o. Lond. 1849 ----- Walt.-Scriptural Meaning of Sheol, Hades, Tartarus, &c. 12o. Bost. 1832 Ball, Chas.; Life of..... 12o. N. Y. 1837 - Isaac-View of the Animal Economy... 18o. N. Y. 1808 - Sam.-Cultivation and Manufacture of Tea in China. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Ballantyne, R. M.-Residence in the Hudson Bay Territories 12o. Edin. 1848 Ballard, John-Guaging Unmasked..... 8vo. Cork. 1812 Balzac, Honor6 de-Illusions Perdues.... 18. Brux. 1837 (E- uvres. 16 v...... 8vo. Paris. 1846 Bancks, John-History of House of Austria and the German Empire 8vo. Lond. 1743 Bancroft, Aaron-Life of Washington. 2 v..... 18o. Bost. 1844 ---- Geo.-History of the United States. Vols. 1-3. 8vo. Bost. 1836-40 Bandinel, Jas.-African Slave Trade, as conn. with Amer. and Europe 8vo. Loud. 1842 Banker's Magazine & State Financial Register. Vols. 1-2. [Continued.] 8vo. Bait. 1847-8 Catalogue.] BA NT- B AR 21 Banks, F. C.-Genealog. and Histor. Gleanings, illus. Eng. Nobility 4to. Lond. 1837 - Wm.-English Master; or, Guide to Reading and Composition 8vo. Lond. 1829 Banning, E. P.-Treat. on Chron. Diseases of the Truncal Organs 120. N. Y. 1845 *Baptist Repository, a Weekly Newspaper... Fol. N. Y. 1833 Barante, A. G. P. B. de-De la Litterature Fran;aise du XVIIIe Siecle 240. Brux. 1838 ---- -- Melanges Historiques et Litteraires. 3 v.. 16o. Brux. 1835 Questions Constitutionnelles... 8vo. Paris. 1849 Barbauld, Anna L.-Works; with a Memoir, by Lucy Aikin. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1826 Barber, John W.-Connecticut Historical Collections.. 8vo. N. Haven. 1837 - Historical Collections of Massachusetts.. 8vo. Worces. 1839 --- -- Hist. and Antiq. of New England, N. Y., and N. J. 8vo. Worces. 1841 -- - I- Incidents in American History "..12o. N. Y. 1847 and Howe, H.-Historical Collections of New Jersey 8vo. N. Y. 1844 - " " " New York 8vo. N. Y. 1841 Jon.-Grammar of Elocution.... 12o. N. Haven. 1832 Introduction to Grammar of Elocution.. 12o. Bost. 1834 Barbour, John. See Jamieson, J. (Ed'r). Barclay, Capt.-Agricultural Tour in United States and Canada. 12o. Lond. 1842 ---- Robt.-Apology for the Quakers.... 8vo. Lond. 1780 ----- -- Account of Life and Writings of.. 120. Phil. 1805 Bardwell, Wm.-Temples, Ancient and Modern... 8vo. Lond. 1837 Bareith, Wilhelmina Margravine of.-Mem. of herself. See Autobiog. *Baretti, Jos.-Italian and English Dictionary. 2 v.... 4to. Venice. 1795.- -.- Journey from London to Genoa. 4 vols. in two. 18o. Dublin. 1770 Barham, R. H. D.-Life and Remains of Theodore E. Hook. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1849 Barhydt, D. P.-Industrial Exchanges and Social Remedies. 12o. N. Y. 1849 Barker, Emily-Extracts from Eminent Authors. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1847 Jac.-Speeches on his Trial for Conspiracy.. 8vo. N. Y. 1826 Barlow, J. See Small Books on Great Subjects. Joel-The Columbiad; an Epic Poem. 2 v... 12o. Phil. 1809 -- -- Political Writings.... 2o. N. Y. 1796 Pet.-Essay on Strength and Stress of Timber, Iron, etc. 8vo. Lond. 1817 -- - M-anufactures and Machinery of Great Britain. 4to. Lond. 1836 Barnard, Chas. H.-Voyage Round the World, 1812-16. 8vo. N. Y. 1829 -- Hen.-School Architecture in United States.. 8vo. N. Y. 1848 Barnes, Albert-Scriptural Views of Slavery... 12o. Phil. 1846 Charlotte-Plays, Prose, and Poetry... 12o. Phil. 1848 Barney, Mary (Ed'r)-Memoir of Commodore Joshua Barney. 8vo. Bost. 1832 Barnum, II. L.-Memoirs of Enoch Crosby, alias "Harvey Birch". 8vo. N. Y. 1828 Barn-Yard Rhymes..... 8vo. N. Y. 1838 Baron, John-Life of Edward Jenner. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Barr, Jas.-Anglican Church Architecture... 160. Oxford. 1846 Barre, L.-Nouvelle Biographie Classique.... 18o. Paris. 1844 Barrett, B. F.-Life of Emanuel Swedenborg... 12o. N. Y. 1841 Eaton S.-Woman: Her Character and Influence. A Poem 16o. Lond. 1841 Eliz. B.-Drama of Exile, and other Poems. 2 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1845 Phin.-Tables of European Exchanges.. 4to. Lond. 1771 -S.-Principles of Grammar... 12. Albany. 1848 - S. A.-Maintonomah, and other Poems. 120. N. Y. 1849 Barrington, D.-Possibility of approaching the North Pole. 8vo. N. Y. 1818 22 BAR — BAX [Merc. Lib. Barrington, G.-London Spy; or, London Frauds Detected. 24o. Bost. 1832 Jonah-Historic. Memoirs of Ireland; Secret Rec., &c. 2 v. 4to. Lond. 1835 Rise and Fall of the Irish Nation.. 12o. N. Y. 1845 Barrow, Isaac-Treatise on the Pope's Supremacy. 8vo. N. Y. 1834 ---- -- Works; with Life, by Hamilton. 3 v... 8vo. Edin. 1842-5 Sir John-Autobiographical Memoirs... 8vo. Lond. 1847 Life of Lord Anson..... 8vo. Lond. 1839 " Richard, Earl Howe... 8vo. Lond. 1838 " and Corres. of Sir W. Sidney Smith. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Travels in China..... 8vo. Phil. 1805 -- - " -South Africa, 1797-8... 8vo. N. Y. 1802 Voyages within the Arctic Regions since 1818. 18o. N. Y. 1846 John (Jr.)-Pitcairn's Island; & Mut. of the Bounty. (H. F.L.) 180. N. Y. 1832 Excursions in the North of Europe.. 12o. Lond. 1835 - Life of Peter the Great. (H. F. L.)... 18o. N. Y. 1834 - [Mutiny of the Bounty.] (M. F. L.). 16o. Lond. 1839 --- -- Tour in Austrian Lombardy, Tyrol, &c., 1840 12o. Lond. 1841 ---- - " round Ireland in 1835... 12o. Lond. 1836 - Visit to Iceland in 1834.... 12o. Lond. 1835 - S.-Popular Dictionary of Facts and Knowledge. 18o. Lond. 1827 Wm.-Essays on Education.... 8vo. Phil. 1825 Barruel, A.-History of the Clergy during the French Revolution 12o. Dublin. 1795 Barry, Jno. S.-Sketch of Stetson's Name and Family, 1634-1847 8vo. Bost. 1847 Barstow, Geo.-History of New Hampshire, to 1819.. 8vo. Concord. 1842 Barthelemy, J. J.-Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis en Gr6ce. 7 v. 18o. & 4to. Paris. 1819-20 -- - Travels of Anacharsis in Greece. (Fr. French.) 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1796 Bartlett, E.-Hist. and Treatment of Fevers of the United States. 8vo. Phil. 1847 ---- _ -- Inquiry into the Certainty of Medicine.. 8vo. Phil. 1848 * —--- John R.-Dictionary of Americanisms... 8vo. N. Y. 1848 -- - Progress of Ethnology and Physical Geography 8vo. N. Y. 1847 ---- M. R.-Astronomy; Physical, Practical, and Descriptive. 4to. Utica. 1825 * — WW. H.-The Nile Boat; or, Glimpses of Egypt. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Bartoli, R. P. D.-Hist. de Loyola et des Jesuites. 2 v... 8vo. Paris. 1844 Bartolomeo, P. Da San.-Voyage to East Indies. (Fr. Ger.). 8vo. Lond. 1800 Barton, Bern.-Memoirs, Letters, and Poems. Ed. by his daughter. 12o. Phil. 1850 - Poems...... 12o. Phil. 1821 ---- m.-Memoirs of David Rittenhouse... 8vo. Phil. 1813 - W. P. C.-Hints to Officers cruising in West Indies. 18o. Phil. 1830 Bartram, John-Travels from Pensilvania to Lake Ontario.. 12o. Lond. 1751 - Wm.-Travels through the Carolinas and Florida. 8vo. Dublin. 1793 Bastiat, Fred.-Harmonies Economiques.... 8vo. Paris. 1850 --—. - Sophisms of Protective Policy. (Fr. French.). 12o. N. Y. 1848 Batchelder, Jac.-Book-keeping by Single and Double Entry. 4to. Bost. 1847 Bateman, Thos.-Life and Character of.. 12o. Lond. 1827 Bates, Wm.-Harmony of Divine Attributes in Redemption. 12o. N. Y. 1831 - Spiritual Perfection Unfolded. See Sacred Classics. Baxter, Rich.-Call to Unconverted; Now or Never; Fifty Reasons 180. N. Y. 1847 - Choice Works..... 12o. N. Y. 1848 -- -- Dying Thoughts. See Sacred Classics. - Jesuit Juggling; Popish Frauds Disclosed 12o. N. Y. 1835 Catalogue.] B AX - B E C 23 Baxter, Rich.-Select Practical Writings; with Life, by Bacon. 2 v. 8vo. N. Haven. 1831 Bayard, Chev.; History of the Feats, Gests, &c., of. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1825 --- Jas.-Exposition of United States Constitution.. 12o. Phil. 1838 Bayle, A. L. J.-Elementary Treatise on Anatomy.. 18o. N. Y. 1837 - Pierre-Dictionnaire Historique et Critique. 16 v... 8vo. Paris. 1820 -- General Dictionary; Hist. and Crit. (Fr. Fren.) 10 v. Fol. Lond. 1734-42 * —- The Same; abridged, with Author's Life. 4 v.. 16o. Lond. 1826 *Bayley, J.-History of Tower of London. 2 v... 4to. Lond. 1825 Baylies, Fran.-Hist. Memoir of Colony of New Plymouth. 2 v.. 8vo. Bost. 1830 Beach, S. B.-Escalala; an American Tale. A Poem. 12o. Utica. 1824 W.-Amer. Med. Prac. on Vegetable Principles.. 8vo. N. Y. 1847 --- -- Improved System of Midwifery... 4to. N. Y. 1847 — _- -_ - Medical and Botanical Dictionary... 8vo. N. Y. 1848 Treatise on Anatomy, Physiology, and Health. 8vo. N. Y. 1848 Beamish, N. L.-Discovery of America by Northmen, in 10th Century 8vo. Lond. 1841 Beard, J. R.-Illustrations of the Trinity.... 8vo. Lond. 1846 Beasly, H.-Druggist's General Receipt Book.. 12o. Phil. 1850 Beatson, R.-Naval and Military Memoirs of Gr. Brit., 1727-83. 6 v. 8vo. Lond. 1804 Beattie, Jas.-Minstrel, and other Poems.... 160. Alnurick. 1807 ---- -- Nature and Immutability of Truth.. 180. Edin. 1805 The Same..... 240. Lond. 1827 -- -- Poems. (Ald. Poets.).... 16o. Lond. 1831 The Same. See Milton, John. -- —. Works. 10 v. [Vol. 2 wanting.].. 18o. Phil. 1809 Vols. 1, 2, 3. Dissertations, Moral and Critical. " 4, 5, 6. Miscellaneous Essays. " 7, 8, 9. Elements of Moral Science. " 10. Poems. --- Wm.-Life and Letters of Thomas Campbell. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1849 Beatty, A.-Essays on Practical Agriculture... 12o. Maysville. 1844 Beaudoux, Mad. C. L.-La Science Maternelle; ou, Educat. des Filles 16o. Paris. 1844 Beaufort, Fran.-Karamania; a Description of South'n Asia Minor 8vo. Lond. 1818 Beaufoy, Mark-Nautical and Hydraulic Experiments. Vol. 1. 4to. Lond. 1834 Beauharnais, Hortense [Ex-Queen of Holland]; Mem. of. (Fr. Fren.) 18o. Phil. 1833 Beaujour, Felix-View of Commerce of Greece, 1787-97. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Lond. 1800 Beaumont, Fran., and Fletcher, John-Dramatic Works. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1840 - G. de, and Tocqueville, A. de-Penitentiary Sys. of U. S. 8vo. Phil. 1833 Prince de-Anec. des Femmes Illustres du XIVe Siecle 18o. Lond. no date -- Wm.-Experiments and Observations on Gastric Juice 8vo. Plattsburg. 1833 Beauties of German Literature..... 18o. Lond. 1847 Beaver, Phil.-African Memoranda, relative to Island of Bulama, 1792 4to. Lond. 1805 Beawes, W.-Lex Mercatoria Rediviva, or Commercial Code. Fol. Lond. 1783 The Same..... Fol. Lond. 1792 The Same. 2 v...... 4to. Lond. 1813 Beccaria, Marquis de-Essay on Crimes and Punishments.. 18o. Edin. 1778 Becher, J. T.-Book-keeping, for Savings Banks.. 8vo. Lond. 1829 Bechstein, J. M.-Natural History of Cage Birds... 16o. Lond. 1841 Beck, Lewis C.-Botany of the Northern United States.. 12o. N. Y. 1848 -Mineral. and Chemical Report in N. Y. State Survey. 8vo. Albany. 1841 ~- -- See Natural History of State of N. Y. 24 BE C - BEL [Merc. Lib. Becker, W. A.-Charicles; Manners and Cust. of Anc. Greeks. (Fr. Ger.) 12o. Lond. 1845 --- -- Gallus; or Man. and Cust. of Anc. Romans. (Fr. Ger.) 12o. Lond. 1844 Becket, And.-Shakspeare's himself again; or his Lang. asserted. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1815 G. A. k-Comic Blackstone.... 12o. Lond. 1846 --- -- Comic History of England. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1847-8 Beckett, Wm. a-Universal Biography. 3 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1834 Beckford, Peter-Thoughts on Hunting.. 12o. Lond. 1847 ---- Wm.-Excursion to Monast. of Alcobaca and Batalha 12o. Phil. 1835. -- --- - Hist. of Spain, to the Death of Ferdinand VI. 2 v. 8vo. Dublin. 1793 " France, to the Death of Louis XVI. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1794 — _ —- -- Italy, with Sketches of Spain and Portugal. 2 v.. 12o. Phil. 1834 The Same, with Excursion to the Monasteries, &c. 160. N. Y. 1845 Beckmann, John-Hist. of Inventions and Discoveries. (Fr. Ger.) 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1817 - The Same, revised. 2 v.... 16o. Lond. 1846 Bede (The Venerable)-Ecclesiastical History of England.. 16o. Lond. 1847 Bedford, John (Fourth Duke of)-Correspondence. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1842-6 Beecher, Chas.-The Incarnation; or, the Virgin and her Son. 16o. N. Y. 1849 Henry W.-Industry and Idleness.... 18o. Phil. 1850.-.. —- -.- Lectures to Young Men.... 16o. Bost. 1846 Lyman-A Plea for the West.... 16o. Cincin. 1835 Beechey, F. W.-Voyage to the Pacific and Behring's Sts. 1825-8. 2 v. 4to. Lond. 1831 --- -- Botany of the Voyage. See Hooker, W. J. - - Zoology of the Voyage. See Richardson, J. - and H. W.-Exped'n to North Coast of Africa, 1821-2 4to. Lond. 1828 Belcher, Edw. (Capt.)-Voyage Round the World, 1836-42. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1843 ---- -- Voyage of the Samarang in East. Archipel. 1843-6. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Belden, E. P.-New York; Past, Present, and Future.. 12o. N. Y. 1849 Belinaye, Hen.-Sources of Health and Disease in Communities. 16o. Bost. 1833 Belknap, Jeremy-American Biography. (H. F. L.) 3 v.. 18o. N. Y. 1844 ---- --'History of New Hampshire. 3 v.... 8vo. Bost. 1813 The Same; edited by J. Farmer. Vol.1. 8vo. Dover. 1831 ---- ~ —~ Life of, with Select Writings... 18o. N. Y. 1847 Bell, A.-Elements of Algebra. See Chamber's Educ. Course. -Practical Mathematics. See Chamber's Educ. Course. -Sir Chas.-Anatomy of Expression, as connec. with Fine Arts 8vo. Lond. 1844 - -- [Animal Mechanics.] (L. U. K.)... 8vo. Lond. no date The Hand; its Mechanism, etc. See Bridg. Treatises. Institutes of Surgery. 2 v..... 12o. Edin. 1838 -—..- Nervous System of the Human Body.. 8vo. Edin. 1836 The Same..... 8vo. Phil. 1840 -- Chas. A.-Organs of the Senses, familiarly described. 18o. Lond. no date -- Currer, Ellis, and Acton-Poems.... 12o. Phil. 1848-9 -- Hen. G.-Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. (C. M.) 2 v.. 16o. Edin. 1831 - The Same. (H. F. L.) 2 v.... 18o. N. Y. 1831 - Jas.-System of Geography. 6 v. [Vol. 6 wanting.]. 8vo. Glasgow. 1836 -- Jas. S.-Residence in Circassia, in 1837-9. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1840 - John-Travels from Russia to Divers Parts of Asia. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1764 - Observations on Italy..... 4to. Edin. 1825 - The Same..... 12o. Bost. 1826 - On Baths and Mineral Waters.... 12o. Phil. 1831 Catalogue.] B EL -- B E N 25 Bell, John-On Regimen and Longevity.... 12o. Phil. 1842 -- Robt.-History of Russia. 3 v. (L. C. C.)... 16o. Lond. 1836 -- ife of Geo. Canning.... 12o. N. Y. 1846..- - Lives of the British Poets. 2 v. (L. C. C.).. 16o. Lond. 1839 -- Wayside Pictures in France, Belgium, and Holland 8vo. Lond. 1849 -- -- (Ed'r)-Mem. of Civil War. [" Fairfax Corr.," V. 3 & 4.] 2 v. 8vo. Edin. 1849 - Thos.-History of British Quadrupeds, including Cetacea. 8vo. Lond. 1837 Bellendenus-Preface of, translated; with Political Strictures. 8vo. Lond. 1788 Bellini, V.-La Norma; an Opera.... 8vo. Paris. no date - La Somnambule; an Opera.... 8vo. Paris. no date Beloe, Wm.-Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books. 6 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1807-12. — Sexagenarian; or, Recollections of a Literary Life. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1817 Belsham, Wm.-Memoirs of Reign of Geo. III., to 1793. 4 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1795 Beltz, G. F.-Review of the Chandos Peerage Case... 8vo. Lond. 1834 Belzoni, G.-Discoveries in the Pyramids, &c., of Egypt and Nubia. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1822 Bement, C. N.-American Poulterers' Companion... 12o. N. Y. 1847 Benedict, David-History of all Religions.... 12o. Prov. 1824 Beneficence of Design in the Problem of Evil, vindicated.. 12o. N. Y. 1849 Benger, Miss-Life of Anne Boleyn.... 8vo. Phil. 1822 Bennett, E. T.-Gardens and Menagerie of Zoological Soc. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1835 -. J.-Pedestrian Tour in North Wales, 1837.. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Jas. A.-American Arithmetic.... 8vo. N. Y. 1843 - Book-keeping by Double Entry... 8vo. N. Y. 1836 - - " " Single Entry... 8vo. N. Y. 1846 John-Letters to a Young Lady.... 12o. Hudson. 1811 - John C.-The Poultry Book..... 12o. Bost. 1850 - J. W.-Ceylon and its Capabilities... 4to. Lond. 1843 Benson, Egbert-Memoir [on Dutch Names and Places near New York] 12o. Jamaica, L. I.1825 *Bent's Literary Advertiser; or, List of New Publications. 5 v.. 4to. Lond. 1835-9 Bentham, Jeremy-Art of Packing Special Juries... 8vo. Lond. 1821 -- Book of Fallacies.. 8vo. Lond. 1824 -- -- Chrestomathia..... 8vo. Lond. 1816 Church of England, and its Catechism.. 8vo. Lond. 1818 _____ __ Constitutional Code, Vol. 1... 8vo. Lond. 1830 -.. — Defence of Usury.... 12o. Lond. 1816 _ —-— _ --- Essay on Political Tactics in Legislative Assemblies 4to. Lond. 1791 Fragment on Government... 8vo. Lond. 1823 I - Tntroduc. to Principles of Morals and Legislation. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1823 Not Paul, but Jesus.... 8vo. Lond. 1823 - - Panopticon; or Penitentiary. 3 v...160. Dublin. 1791 __- --- Papers relative to Codification and Public Instruction 8vo. Lond. 1817 ----- - Principles of Legislation. (Fr. Fren.).. 8vo. Bost. 1830 --- --- Scotch Judicial Reform... 8vo. Lond. 1808 ____ -- - Works. Edited by John Bowring. 11 v... 8vo. Edin. 1838-43 Vol. 1. Introduction to the Study of Bentham's Works, by J. H. Burton. Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. Essay on the Promulgation of Laws; with Specimens of a Penal Code. Essay on the Influence of Time and Place in Legislation. A Table of the Springs of Action. A Fragment on Government; or, a Comment on Blackstone's Commentaries. Principles of the Civil Code. Principles of Penal Law. Vol. 2. Principles of Judicial Procedure, with outlines of a Procedure Code. 4 26 B E N B E R [Merc. Lib. Bentham, Jeremy-Works (continued). The Rationale of Reward. Leading Principles of a Constitutional Code for any State. On the Liberty of the Press, and Public Discussion. Essay on Political Tactics. The Book of Fallacies. Anarchical Fallacies. Principles of International Law. A Protest against Law Taxes. Supply without Burden; or, Escheat vice Taxation. Tax with Monopoly. Vol. 3. Defence of Usury. A Manual of Political Economy. Observations on the Restrictive and Prohibitory Commercial System. A Plan for saving all Trouble and Expense in the Transfer of Stock. A General View of a complete Code of Laws. Pannomial Fragments. Nomography; or, the Art of Inditing Laws. Equity Dispatch Court Proposal. Equity Dispatch Court Bill. Plan of Parliamentary Reform, in the form of a Catechism. Radical Reform Bill, with Extracts from the Reasons. Radicalism not Dangerous. Vol. 4. A View of the Hard-Labor Bill. Panopticon; or, the Inspection-House. Panopticon versus New South-Wales. A Plea for the Constitution. Draught of a Code for the Organization of the Judicial Establishment in France. The same compared with that of the National Assembly. Emancipate your Colonies! Jeremy Bentham to his Fellow-Citizens of France, on Houses of Peers and Senates. Vol. 5. Scotch Reform. Summary View of the Plan of a Judicatory, under the name of the Court of Lords' Delegates. The Art of Packing Special Juries. "Swear not at all." Truth versus Ashhurst. The King against Edmonds and others. The King against Wolseley and Harrison. Official Aptitude Maximized; Expense Minimized. Commentary on Mr. Humphrey's Real Property Code. Outline of a Plan of a General Register of Real Property. Justice and Codification Petitions. Lord Brougham Displayed. Vol. 6. An Introductory View of the Rationale of Evidence; for the use of Non-Lawyers as well as Lawyers. Rationale of Judicial Evidence, specially applied to English Practice. (Books 1-4.) Vol. 7. Rationale of Evidence. (Books 5-10.) Vol. 8. Chrestomathia. A Fragment on Ontology. Essay on Logic. Essay on Language. Fragments on Universal Grammar. Tracts on Poor Laws and Pauper Management. Observations on the Poor Bill. Three Tracts relative to Spanish and Portuguese Affairs. Letters to Count Toreno, on the Proposed Penal Code. Securities against Misrule. Vol. 9. The Constitutional Code. Vol. 10. Memoirs of Bentham, including Autobiographical Conversations and Correspondence, by John Bowring. (Chap. 1-22.) Vol. 11. Memoirs. (Chap. 23-26.) Appendix to Memoirs. Analytical Index to Works and Memoirs. Tratados de Legislacion Civil y Penal. 8 v.. 180. Paris. 1820 Bentley, Rich.-Disser. on Epistles of Phalaris, Themistocles, &c. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Bentley's Miscellany, a Monthly Magazine. Vols. 2-27. [Continued.] 8vo. Lond. 1837-50 Bentz, L., and Roville, A. J. C. de-Elements of Agricult. (Fr. Fren.) 180. Phil. 1849 Benyowsky, M. A.-Memoirs and Travels. 2 v... 4to. Lond. 1790 Beowulf; with other Anglo-Saxon Poems. See Kenble. Beranger, P. J. de —Chansons.... 240. Brux. 1836 CEuvres Completes 2 v..... 8vo. Paris. 1847 - Lyrical Poems, with a Biographical Notice. 16o. Edin. 1847 -.- -- Songs. (Fr. Fren.)..... 16o. Lond. 1837 Berard, C.-Leqons Franqaises, recueilles... 12o. Phil. 1822 Beresford, Jas.-[Bibliosophia; or, Book Wisdom]... 16o. Lond. 1810 Berens, E.-History of the Prayer Book of the Church of England 12o. Oxford. 1841 Bergman, T.-Physical and Chemical Essays. (Fr. Lat.) 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1788 Berington, Jos. —Literary History of the Middle Ages. 16o. Lond. 1848 Berkeley, Geo. (Bishop)-Alciphron; or, Minute Philosopher. 8vo. Lond. 1767 Works; with a Memoir. 3 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1820 Berkshire Jubilee at Pittsfield, Mass., Aug. 22d and 23d, 1844.. 8vo. Albany. 1845 Bernan, Walter-History and Art of Warming and Ventilating. 2 v. 16o. Lond. 1845 Bernard, C. E.-Arithmetical Perspective.... 8vo. Lond. 1839 Catalogue.] B E R -- BIB 27 Bernardi, J. E. D.-Origine et Progres de la Legislation Franvaise 8vo. Paris. 1816 Berneaud, T. de-Vine Dresser's Manual. (Fr. Fren.).. 8vo. N. Y. 1829 Bernhard (Duke of Saxe-Weimar)-Trav. in N. Am., 1825-6. 2 v. in 1 8vo. Phil. 1828 Bernouilli, J., and Wallis, J.-Doct. of Permutations and Combinations 8vo. Lond. 1795 Berrian, Wm.-Historical Sketch of Trinity Church, N. Y... 8vo. N. Y. 1847 Travels in France and Italy in 1817-18.. 8vo. N. Y. 1828 Berthollet, C. L., and A. B.-Elements of Art of Dyeing. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1824 Bertrand, Alex.-Lettres sur les Revolutions du Globe.. i80. Paris. 1833.. —-- -- Revolutions of the Globe. (Fr. Fren.).. 12o. Lond. 1835 Berwick, Duke of-Memoirs of. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1779 Berzelius, J. J.-Annuaire des Sciences Chimiques... 240. Paris. 1839 Traite de Chimie. 4 v..... 8vo. Paris. 1830-1 -- - Use of the Blow Pipe in Chem. Analysis. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Lond. 1822 Bescherellc freres et Litais de Gaux.-Grammaire Nationale. 8vo. Paris. 1847 Betham, Matilda-Biographical Dictionary of Celebrated Women. 12o. Lond. 1804 Betham, Wm.-The Baronetage of England. 5 v.... 4to. Lond. 1801-5 Bethune, Geo. W.-Lays of Love and Faith; and other Poems. 8vo. N. Y. 1848 Orations and Occasional Discourses.. 12o. N. Y. 1850 Bettner, Geo.-Harmoniae Ccelestes; or, Christian Melodies. 12o. N. Y. 1833 Beudant, F. S.-Mineralogie et Geologie. See Cours Elem. d'Hist. Nat. --- -- See Ruschenberger, W. S. W. Bevan, Sam.-Sand and Canvas; or, Adventures in Egypt.. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Beveridge, Wm.-Private Thoughts. See Sacred Classics. Beverley, Robt.-History of Virginia.... 8vo. Lond. 1722 Bewick, Thos.-History of Birds and Quadrupeds.. 8vo. Phil. 1824 H-istory of British Birds. 2 v.... 8vo. Newcast. 1847 History of Quadrupeds.... 8vo. Lond. 1791 -- -- and John-Select Fables.... 8vo. Newcast. 1820 Beyle, L. A. C.-[Bombet, L. A. C.] Lives of Hadyn and Mozart 12o. Prov. 1820 -- - Memoirs of Rossini..... 8vo. Lond. 1824 Bezout, E.-Cours de Mathematiques. 6 v.... 8vo. Paris. 1798 *Biblia-Cum Concordantiis Veteris et Novi Testamenti.. Fol. Lugduni. 1521 Bible-The Holy Bible; cont'g the Scriptures of the Old and New Test. 8vo. N. Y. 1818 The Same....... 8vo. N. Y. 1819 The Same...... 12o. N. Y. 1821 - The Same; translated by Myles Coverdale. [Fr. Ed'n of 1535] 4to. Lond. 1838 -- The Same; in Danish..... 8vo. Christiana. 1835 The Same; in Dutch... 8vo. Lond. 1812 The Same; in French..... 12o. N. Y. 1820 The Same; in Gaelic..... 12o. Edin. 1807 The Same; in German..... 8vo. Lond. no date - The Same; in Italian..... 8vo. Lond. 1819 The Same; in Polish..... 8vo. Berlin. 1813 -- The Same; in Spanish..... 8vo. N. Y. 1830 The Same; in Welsh..... 12o. CaerGrawntl808 * — The Same; with Comment. and Notes, by Adam Clarke. 6 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1831-48 * — " " by Matthew Henry. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1828 _ —- " " i" by Thomas Scott. 3 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1848 * — Pictorial Bible; with original Notes. 3 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1836-8 Old Test.; trans. fr. Septuagint Vers., by L, C, L. Brenton. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1844 28 B IB B IB N [Merc. Lib. Bible Caedmon's Anglo Saxon Version of Parts of the Bible. 8vo. Lond. 1832 - Pentateuch in the Mahratta Tongue.. 8vo. Bombay. no date - New Testament of our Lord and Saviour. (Grece.). 12o. Phil. 1833 -- The Same; translated.... 12o. N. Y. 1819 The Same...... 18o. N. Y. 1820 The Same; translated by Wm. Tyndale. [Fr. Ed'n of 1526] 8vo. Lond. 1836 The Same; reprint of the Geneva Testament. [1557]. 120. Lond. 1842 - The Same; in Dutch..... 8vo. Lond. 1812 The Same; in French..... 8vo. Paris. 1816 The Same; in French...12o. Paris. 1820 The Same; in the Murathee Tongue.. 8vo. Bombay. no date - The Same; in Spanish..... 12o. N. Y.. 1819 - English Hexapla; Six Versions of New Testament in English 4to. Lond. 1841 Anglo Saxon Version of the Gospels... 12o. Lond. 1842 - Four Gospels. Fr. Grk. with Notes, by Geo. Campbell. 4to. Phil. 1796 Paul's Epistles in Chinese..... 8vo. No place nor date Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians. English and Hebrew 12o. No place nor date Apocryphal New Testament..... 8vo. N. Y. 1845 Bible Explained; by way of Questions and Answers. 8vo. Balt. 1808 Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review. Vols. 3-15.. 8vo. Phil. 1831-43 -- The Same. Vols. 20-21. [Continued.]. 8vo. Phil. 1848-9 Bibliographical and Retrospective Miscellany... 12o. Lond. 1830 Bibliographie de la France; ou, Journal de l'Imprimerie. Vols. 30-32 8vo. Paris. 1841-3 *Bibliotheca Americana; a Catalogue of Books on America. 4to. Lond. 1789 - - Anglo Poetica; a Catalogue of early English Poetry. 8vo. Lond. 1815 * —--- Londinensis. [Suppl. to,&b'd. with"Lond. Cat. 1814-49"] 8vo. Lond. 1848 ---- Sacra; edited by E. Robinson. 8vo. N. Y. 1843 -' and Theolog. Rev. Vols. 1-6. [Continued.] 8vo. Andover. 1844-9 Bibliotheque Economique. 8 vols. in six... 360, Paris. 1826-7 Astronomic. Hygiene. Chimie Organique. Mineralogie. Chimie Inorganique. Physique des Corps Ponderables. Histoire du Moyen Age. Physique des Corps Imponderables. Bichat, M. F. Y.-Recherches Physiologiques, sur Vie et Mort. 12o. Paris. 1843 Bigelow, And.-Travels in Malta and Sicily, in 1827.. 8vo. Bost. 1831 Jac.-Elements of Technology.... 8vo. Bost. 1829 - -- Useful Arts, in connection with Science. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1847 Bigland, John-Geographical and Historical View of the World. 5 v. 8vo. Bost. 1812 ---- -- Letters on French History... 12o. Balt. 1819 ---- -- Letters on the Study and Use of History.. 12o. Lond. 1805 Bill relating to the Custom House Officers of United States. Fol. Wash. 1836 Billington, John-Architectural Director.... 8vo. Lond. 1848 Bingham, Jos.-Origines Eccles.; or, Antiq. of Chris. Church, &c. 9 v. 8vo. Lond. 1843-5 Bingley, Wm.-Animal Biography; or, Popular Zoology. 4 v.. 12o. Lond. 1829 Travels in Africa; from Modern Writers. 12o. Lond. 1819 " Asia; from Modern Writers.. 12o. Lond. 1822 " North America; from Modern Writers 12o. Lond. 1821 " North Europe; from Modern Writers 12o. Lond. 1822 " South America; from Modern Writers. 12o. Lond. 1820 --- ---. South Europe; from Modern Writers 12o. Lond. 1821 Catalogue.] B IN — B L A 29 *Bingley's London Journal. 2 v. in one.... Fol. Lond. 1777-83 Binns, Edw.-Anatomy of Sleep; or, Art of procuring Slumber. 12o. Lond. 1842 *Biographia Britannica; or, Lives of Persons in Gt. Brit. and Ireland. 5 v. Fol. Lond. 1778-93 * — The Same. 7 v..... Fol. Lond. 1747-66 *Biographical Diet. of Living Authors of Great Britain and Ireland 8vo. Lond. 1816 * —- -- of Soc. for Diff. of Useful Knowledge. Vols. 1-7 8vo. Lond. 1842-4 Sketches of Eccentric Characters... 18o. Bost. 1832 The Same...... 18o. Cooperst'n. n. d. Biographie des Representants a l'Assemblee Nationale.. 12o. Paris. 1848 * -- Universelle, Ancienne et Moderne. 8 v... 8vo. Paris. 1811-47 Bion.-Poems. (Fr. Grk., by Fawkes.) (F. C. L. Bound with Hesiod.) The Same. (Fr. Grk., by Chapman.) See Theocritus. Birch, S.-Gallery of Antiquities. See Arundale, F. Bird, Golding-Elements of Natural Philosophy... 12o. Lond. 1839 The Same,..... 160. Lond. 1844 -..- Lectures on Electricity and Galvanism... 16. Lond. 1849 Biringoccio, V.-Pirotechnia..... 4to. Venice. 1558 Bischoff, Jas.-Hist. of Woollen Manufactures, and of Sheep. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1842 Bishop, Dan.-Introduction to Study of the Mind... 12o. Lond. 1849 Bisset, And.-Memoirs and Papers of Sir Andrew Mitchell. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1850 ----- Robt. —History of Reign of George III. to year 1801. 4 v. 8vo. Phil. 1811 *Black's General Atlas..... 4to. Edin. 1847 - - John-Life of Torquato Tasso. 2v.... 4to. Edin. 1810 R-. H.-Etymological Diet. of Words derived from Latin 240. Lond. no date ---- -- Student's Manual of Words derived from the Greek 18o. Lond. 1838 & 41 Black Book, the; or, Corruption Unmasked. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1828 -Hawk, and Scenes in the West. A Poem.. 12o. N. Y. 1848 Life of, dictated by Himself. Edited by J. B. Patterson 18o. Bost. 1845 Blacklock, Ambrose-Treatise on Sheep... 18o. N. Y. 1841 Blackmore, Rich.-Alfred; an Epic Poem.... 12o. Lond. 1723 Blackstone, Wm.-Commentaries on Laws of England. 4 v.. 8vo. Portland. 1807 - ---- -- The Same, with a Life and Notes. 2 v... 8vo. N. Y. 1836 The Same, with Notes for Amer. Students. 4 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1847 - ----- -- Extracts from the Same, by S. Warren.. 12o. Lond. 1837 Blackwall, Anthony-Introduction to the Classics.. 18o. Lond. 1725 - Sacred Classics Defended and Illustrated. 2 v.. 18o. Lond. 1737 Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. Vols. 1-67. [Continued.]. 8vo. Edin. 1817-50 *Blaine, D. P.-Encyclopaedia of Rural Sports... 8vo. Lond. 1840 Blainville, H. M. D. de-Man. de Malacologie et de Conchyliologie. 2 v. 8vo. Paris. 1825-7 Blair, Dav.-Grammar of Natural and Experimental Philosophy. 18o. Hartford. 1824 - The Same...... 18o. Hartford. 1826 - - Universal Preceptor..... 18o. Greenfield. 1826 -- Hugh-Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres. 2 v.. 8vo. Brooklyn. 1812 - The Same..... 8vo. N. Y. 1817 - The Same. 2 vols. in one.... 8vo. N. Y. 1829 The Same, abridged.. 12o. N. Y. 1819 * — John-Chronological and Historical Tables, to 1844.. 8vo. Lond. 1844.- -- History of Sir Wm. Wallace, in Metre.. 12o. N. Y. 1820 Robt.-The Grave. A Poem..... 4to. Lond. 1813 Blake, J. L.-Biblical Reader..... 12o. Bost. 1826 30 BLA — BLU [Merc. Lib. Blake, J. L.-Biographical Dictionary.... 8vo. N. Y. 1839 - Juvenile Companion and Fireside Reader.. 18o. N. Y. 1846 Blakey, Robt.-Essay on Logic.... 16o. Lond. 1848 - Essay on Moral Good and Evil, and on the Will 8vo. Lond. 1847..- -- History of the Philosophy of Mind. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1848 - Lives of the Fathers of the Church... 8vo. Lond. 1842 -- - Temporal Benefits of Christianity.. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Blanc, Louis-Histoire des Dix Ans, 1830-40. 2 v... 8vo. Brux. 1847 ---- -~ Histoire de la Revolution Fran;aise. Vols. 1-2. 8vo. Paris. 1847 - Organization du Travail.... 24o. Paris. 1848 - Iist. of the Fren. Revolution of 1789. (Fr. Fren.) Vol. 1 8vo. Phil. 1848 --- H- History of Ten Years, 1830-40. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1844 Blanchard, Laman-Life and Remains of L. E. L. [L. E. Landon.] 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1841 ----- ~ — Sketches from Life; with Mem. by E. Bulwer Lytton 12o. N. Y. 1846 Miles-Geometrical Problems deducible from Euclid. 8vo. Camb. (E.) 1819 ---- -- Problems in Different Branches of Philosophy 8vo. Lond. 1830 Robt.-Collections from the Greek Anthology. 12o. Lond. 1833 — _ —-_ - Proverbs, chiefly from Erasmus. 2 v. in one. 12o. Lond. 1814 Blandin, Fred.-Treatise on Topographical Anatomy. 2 v. 8vo. and 4to. N. Y. 1834 Blanqui, A.-Histoire de l'Economie Politique en Europe. 2 v.. 16o. Paris. 1845 Blaquiere, E.-Letters from Greece.... 8vo. Lond. 1828 Blarra, P. de-La Nanceide. (Latin Poem, with French trans.) 2v. 8vo. Nancy. 1840 Blatchley, C. C.-Popul. Poverty. [B'd with "Pleasures of Contem."] 12o. Phil. 1817 Blayney, Fred.-On Life Annuities.... 8vo. Lond. 1817 Blessington, Countess of-Conversations with Lord Byron.. 18o. Phil. 1836 Idler in France. 2 v..... 12o. Phil. 1839 - Idler in Italy. 2 v.... 12o. Phil. 1841 Bligh, W.-Narrative of the Mutiny of the Bounty.. 8vo. Lond. no date Blofeld, J. H.-Algeria, Past and Present.... 8vo. Lond. 1844 Blok, R.-History of Island of Celebes. (Fr. Dutch.) 4 v. 8vo. Calcutta. 1817 Blomfield, Ezek.-Philosophy of History.... 4to. Lond. 1819 Blondel, J. E.-Cours d'Architecture. 9 v... 8vo. Paris. 1771 Bloomfield, Robt.-The Farmer's Boy. A Rural Poem.. 18o. Phil. 1801 ----- - Rural Tales, and other Poems.. 18o. Bait. 1802 S. T.-Recensio Synoptica; Digest of N. Test. Annot. 8 v. 8vo. Lond. 1826-8 Blount, Thos.-Fragmenta Antiquitatis; or Ancient Tenures of Land 4to. Lond. 1815 Bloxam, M. H.-Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture. 16o. Lond. 1846 Blucher (Field Marshal)-Life and Campaigns of. (Fr. Germ.) 8vo. Lond. 1815 Blue Book, or Register of U. S. Officers and Agents, for 1833. 12o. Phil. 1834 - The Same; for 1841.... 12o. Wash. 1841 The Same; for 1843..... 12o. Wash. 1843 The Same; for 1845.... 12o. Wash. 1845 The Same; for 1847....12o. Wash. 1847 — * The Same; for 1849.... 12o. Wash. 1849 Blue Laws of Connecticut and other States.... 2o. Hart. 1838 Blumenbach, J. F.-Institutes of Physiology. (Fr. Lat.). 8vo. Phil. 1817 Manual of the Elements of Nat. Hist. (Fr. Ger.) 8vo. Lond. 1825 Blundell, Jas.-Observations on Diseases of Women.. 8vo. Phil. 1840 Blunt, Chas. F.-Beauty of the Heavens.... 8vo. Lond. 1845 - E.M.- American Coast Pilot.. 18o. N. Y. 1847 Catalogue.] BL U- B O N 31 Blunt, E. M.-Stranger's Guide to New-York City.. 18o. N. Y. 1817 J. J.-Undesigned Coincidences in Old and New Tests.. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Sketch of the Reformation in Italy. (M. F. L.). 16o. Lond. 1838 *- Jos.-Hist. Sketch of Formation of American Confederacy 8vo. N. Y. 1825 - Shipmaster's Assistant and Commercial Digest. 8vo. N. Y. 1837 - The Same. 8vo. N. Y. 1846 Blydenburgh, J. W.-Law of Usury...... 8vo. N. Y. 1844 Blyth, J.-Outlines of Qualitative Chem. Analysis.. 12o. Lond. 1849 Boaden, Jas.-Authenticity of Portraits of Shakspeare.. 8vo. Lond. 1824 - Life of Dora Jordan. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1831 - Life of Sarah Siddons... 8vo. Phil. 1827 - Memoirs of John P. Kemble, with Hist. of the Stage 8vo. Lond. 1825 On tie Sonnets of Shakspeare..8vo. Lond. 1838 Boase, H. S.-On Primary Geology... 8vo. Lond. 1834 Bobbin, Tim. See Collier, John. Boccaccio, Giov.-I1 Decaineron. 4 v.... 8vo. Firenze. 1823 — Le Dceameron, (de l'Ital.). 8vo. Paris. 1846 - The Decameron. (Fr. Ital.) 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1800 *Bodin, Camille-L'Abb6 Maurice. 2 v..... 24. Brux. 1837 -- - Melchior. 2 v....... 24o. Brux. 1839 - Felix-Summary of the Hist. of England. (Fr. French.) 18o. Lond. 1840 Bodinier, J. V.-Theses pour les Doctorats en Medicine, etc..4to. Paris. 1844 1. Methode pour 1' Operation de la Cataracte 2. L'Etude des Maladies de l'Oreille Boeckh, Aug.-Public Economy of Athens. (Fr. Ger.)..8vo. Lond. 1842 Boerhaave. Herman, Account of the Life and Writings of. 8vo. Lond. 1743 Chemistry. 2 v...... 4vo. Lond. 1753 Boethius, A. M. T. S.-De Consolatione Philosophise (Ang. Sax. Vers.) 8vo. Lond. 1829 Boyd (Capt.)-Description of the Azores or Western Islands.8vo. Lond. 1834 Boileau, D.-Introd. to Study of Political Economy.. 8vo. Lond. 1811 ---- -- Nature and Genius of the German Language. 12o. Lond. 1840 Boileau-Despreaux N.-(Euvres, augmentees de rem. par St. Marc. 5 v. 12o. Amst'dam. 1775 et Malherbe, F. de —Euvres; Poemes de Rousseau 8vo. Paris. 1835 Bojesen, E.' F.-Manual of Grk. and Roman Antiquities. (Fr. Ger.) 12o. N. Y. 1848 Boker, Geo. H.-Anne Boleyn; a Tragedy....12o. Phil. 1850 Calaynos; a Tragedy.... 12o. Phil. 1848 Bolingbroke, Henry St. John (Lord)-Letters on Patriotism..8vo. Lond. 1749 - - Letters on Study and Use of History. 8vo. Paris. 1808 --- - Official Letters as Secretary of State. 4.. 8vo. Lond. 1798 Works. 11 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1754-83 Bolton, Robt. Jr.-History of the County of Westchester, N.Y. 2 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1848 Bombet, L. A. C.-See Beyle, L. A. C. Bonar, And. A.-Life and Remains of Robt. M. McCheyne. 8vo. N. Y. 1850 - Horatius-Night of Weeping.....18o. N. Y. 1849 Story of Grace..... 18o. N. Y. 1848 Bond, Alvan-Memoirs of Pliny Fisk, Missionary to Palestine.12o. Bost. 1828 Boniface, A.-Une Lecture par jour; Lemons de Litterature, &c.. 8vo. Brux. 1837 Bonnechose, E. de-Christophe Sauval, ou les Deux Families. 2 v. 18o. La Haye. 1837 Bonnycastle, John-Elements of Geometry... 8vo. Lond. 1789.....- - Introduction to Arithmetic...8vo. Lond. 1810 32 BO N- BOS [Merc. Lib. Bonnycastle, John-Introduction to Astronomy... 8vo. Lond. 1787 - --- -- Treatise on Algebra. 2 v....8vo. Lond. 1813 Rich. H.-Canadas in 1841. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1842 Newfoundland in 1842. 2 v....12o. Lond. 1842 Bonomi, Jos.-Gallery of Antiquities. See Arundale, F. Bonpland, Aime. See Humboldt, A. von. Book of Ballads-Edited by Bon Gaultier... 18o. Lond. 1849 Commerce by Sea and Land....12o. Bost. 1833 * — Family Crests. 2 v.....16o. Lond. 1845 Jasher, referred to in Joshua and 2nd Samuel. (Fr. Heb.) 8vo. N. Y. 1840 Notable Things..... 8vo. Glasgow. 1840 * --- Shakspeare Gems, in a Series of Landscape Illustrations 8vo. Lond. 1845 Table Talk. 2 v.......18o. Lond. 1836 Trades, or Circle of the Useful Arts.. 18o. Glasgow. 1837 Boone, T. C.-Marriage Looking Glass....16o. Lond. 1848 *Booth, Dav.-Analytical English Dictionary... 4to. Lond. 1836 - Principles of English Composition.. 12o. Lond. 1831 Grammar...12o. Lond. 1837 — * Jas. C.-Encyclopedia of Chemistry... 8vo. Phil. 1840 --- -- Memoirs of Geological Survey of Delaware. 8vo. Dover. 1841 Bopp, F. A.-Comp. Gram. of Sanscrit, Grk., Lat., &c. (Fr. Ger.) 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Borget, A.-La Chine et les Chinois...Fol. Paris. 1842 Borrow, Geo.-Bible in Spain..... 8vo. Phil. 1843 Zincali; or, Account of Gypsies in Spain. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1841 The Same. 2 vols. in one....12o. N. Y. 1842 ----- - (Trans.)-Romantic Ballads. (Fr. Danish.)..8vo. Lond. 1826 Boscana, Gero.-Indians of Alta California. [B'nd with Robinson, A~f.] Bosquet, Abr'm-Essays for Seafaring Men... 8vo. Lond. 1818 Bossuet, J. B.-Discours sur 1' Histoire Universelle...12o. Paris. 1843 ----- - Euvres Completes. 12 v.... 8vo. Paris. 1836 Oraisons Funebres.....18o. Paris. 1815 --- -- History of France. (Fr. Fren.) 4 v... 18o. Edin. 1762 _ —— _ -- Variations of Protestant Churches. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v. 8vo. Dublin. 1836....- - Universal Hist., to time of Charlemagne. (Fr. Fren.) 12o. N. Y: 1821 Bostock, John-Elementary System of Physiology. 3 v...8vo. Bost. 1825-8..... - The Same.... 8vo. Lond. 1836 ---- - History of Medicine....8vo. Lond. 1835 Boston, Thos.-Human Nature in its Fourfold State. 18o. N. Y. 1849 Book; a Specimen of Metropolitan Literature. 12o. Bost. 1850 Directory......18o. Bost. 1818 - Journal of Nat. History. Vols. 1-5. [Continued.]. 8vo. Bost. 1837-47 Bostwick, Homer-Nature and Treatment of Seminal Diseases.12o. N. Y. 1849 *..... -- Venereal Diseases 4to. N. Y. 1848 Boswell, Jas.-Account of Corsica, with Memoir of Pascal Paoli 8vo. Lond. 1769 Life of Samuel Johnson. 4 v..8vo. Lond. 1824 The Same....... Lond. 1830 - The Same, including Tour to the Hebrides. 2 v. 8vo. Bost. 1833 The Same. 2 v......8vo. N. Y. 1837 --- -- The Same. 2 v.... 8vo. N. Y. 1844 The Same, with Notes by various Hands. 10 v. 16o. Lond. 1835 Catalogue.] B 0 S -- B 0 33 Boswell, Peter-The Poultry Yard.... 18o. Lond. 1841 Bosworth, Jos.-Compendious Anglo Saxon Grammar.. 8vo. Lond. 1826 * —-- - Dictionary of Anglo Saxon Language. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Elements of Anglo Saxon Grammar.. 8vo. Lond. 1823 ---- -- Origin of Germanic and Scandinavian Languages, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1836 The Same..... 8vo. Lond. 1848 - Scandinavian Literature, with Specimens.. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Botta, Carlo-Guerra dell' Independenz degli U. S. 4 v... 8vo. Milano. 1819 --- -- Hist. of Italy, during Cons. of Buonaparte. (Fr. Ital.) 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1828 - -- The Same. 2 vols. in one.... 8vo. Phil. 1829 -- -- Hist. of War of Amer. Independence. (Fr. Ital.) 2 v. 8vo. Bost. 1826 -- - The Same. 2 v..... 8vo. N. Haven. 1834 --- - - Letters on the Discoveries at Nineveh, 1st S. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Lond. 1850 Bottarelli, F.-Exercises upon the Ital. Lang.; with Key by Rota. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1838-41 Bouchette, Jos.-Topographical Description of Lower Canada. 8vo. Lond. 1815 Boudinot, Elias-Starin the West; or, the Lost Tribes of Israel 8vo. Trenton. 1816 Bougainville, Lewis-Voyage Round the World in 1766-9. 4to. Lond. 1772 Bourbon, Armand de-Works; with a Discourse by Fenelon. 8vo. Lond. 1711 Bourdaloue, Louis-t(Euvres. 3 v..... 8vo. Paris. 1834 Bourdon, Isidore-La Physiognomie et la Phrenologie.. 12o. Paris. 1842. —-- - L. P. M.-Elements of Algebra. Ed. by C. Davies. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Phil. 1844 Bourne, John-Catechism of the Steam Engine... 18o. Lond. 1847... -- (Ed'r)-Treat. on the Steam Eng., by the Artizan Club 4to. Lond. 1846 Vincent-Poems...... 8vo. Oxford. 1826 Bourrienne, F. de-Memoirs of Napoleon Buonaparte.. 8vo. Phil. 1832 _- --- -- The Same. 4 v. (C. M.)... 16o. Edin. 1831 --- -- The Same. 2 v..... 18o. N. Y. 1843 Boussingault, J. B.-Rural Economy; or, Chem. applied to Agricul. 12o. N. Y. 1845 Bouterwek, Fred.-History of Span. and Port. Literature. (Fr. Ger.) 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1823 Bowden, J., Cooke, J. E., Onderdonk, H. U.-Works on Episcop. 2 v. 12o.. Y. 1831 Bowditch, Nath'l.-Am. Practical Navigator. Ed. by J. J. Bowditch 8vo. N. Y. 1848 -- N. J.-Memoir of Nathaniel Bowditch.. 4to. Bost. 1840 Bowdler, Miss-Poems and Essays. 8vo. N. Y. 1811 Bowen, Abel-Picture of Boston. 18o. Bost. 1833 -- Fran.-Critical and Philosophical Essays... 12o. Bost. 1842 --- - - - Lowell Lect. on Metaphys. Science applied to Religion 8vo. Bost. 1849 -—.- Henry L.-Memoirs of Tristam Burges.. 8vo. Prov. 1835 Bower, Alex.-Life of Martin Luther.. 8vo. Phil. 1824 - A.-Hist. of Popes, fr. the Foundation of the See of Rome. 4 v. 4to. Lond. 1749 Bowl of Punch-Selections from the London Charivari. 12o. Phil. 1844 Bowles, Caroline-Birth-day, and other Poems.. 12o. Lond. 1836 See Southey, Caroline. Wm. L.-Discourses on the Subject of Raphael's Cartoons 8vo. Lond. 1838 Lessons on Criticism. 8vo. Lond. 1826 The Missionary; a Poem.. 12o. Phil. 1815 ---- - The Same... 16o. Lond. 1816 -- -- Poems. See Milman, H. H. -— _- _ __ Scenes, &c. of Days Departed, a Narr.; with Poems 16o. Lond. 1837 Bowman, John E.-Introduction to Practical Chemistry. 12o. Phil. 1849 Win-m.-Lectures on the Eye.. 8vo. Lond. 1849 5 34 BO W -BRA [Merc. Lib' Bowring, John-Ancient Poetry and Romances of Spain 8vo. Lond. 1824 ---— _ - Cheskian Anthology; a Hist. of Poet. Lit. of Bohemia 16o. Lond. 1832 _ —— __ - - Life of Jeremy Bentham. See Bentham, J.; Works. ----- Matins and Vespers; with occasional Pieces. 18o. Lond. 1841 - Minor Morals for the Young.. 12o. Phil. 1837 - Poetry of the Magyars.... 8vo. Lond. 1830 Specimens of the Russian Poets.. 12o. Lond. 1823 -The Same..... 12o. Bost. 1822 - See Report. Thos.-Church of the Saviour; or Early Hist. of Christianity 16o. Lond. no date Boyardo, M. M.-Roland l'Amoureux. (De l'Ital.) 2 v.. 12o. Dublin. 1783 - -- -- The Same. See Le Sage, (Euvres de. Boyd, Arch.-Episcopacy and Presbytery.. 8vo. Lond. 1841 Hen.-The Woodman's Tale, and other Poems.. 8vo. Lond. 1805 J. R.-Eclectic Moral Philosophy... 12o. N. Y. 1846 -- Wm. —History of Literature. [4 vols.] Vols. 1-3. 8vo. Lond. 1843-6 *Boydell, J. & J. (Pub'rs)-Shakspeare illus. by Artists of Gt. Brit. Fol. Lond. 1803 *Boyer, Abel-Dictionnaire; Franqais-Anglais, et Angl.-Franc. 2 v, 4to. Lyons. 1792 Boyle, Robert-Occasional Reflections on Several Subjects 16o. Oxford. 1848 - Select Works. See Sacred Classics. Works of. 6 v...... 4to. Lond. 1772 Boys, Edw.-Captivity and Adventures in France and Flanders. 12o. Lond. 1831 - John (Dean of Canterbury.)-Works... Fol. Lond. 1622 - and Girls' Library. 27 v..... 18o. N. Y. 1833-7 Vol. 1. Lives of the Apostles and Early Martyrs. " 2, 3. The Swiss Family Robinson. " 4, 13, 18. Sunday Evenings; an Introduction to the Bible. c" 5. The Son of a Genius. 6. Nat. History; or Uncle Philip's Conversations about Animals. 7, 8. Indian Traits. By B. B. Thatcher. " 9, 10, 11. Tales from American History. By Eliza Robbins. 12. The Young Crusoe. By Mrs. Hofland. "' 14. Perils of the Sea. 15. Lives of Distinguished Females. " 16. Caroline Westerley, the Young Traveller. By A. H. Phelps.'" 17. Clergyman's Orphan, and other Tales. 19. The Ornaments Discovered. By Mary HIughs. 20. Evidences of Christianity.'" 21. Uncle Philip's Conversations about the History of Virginia. 22. " " " " Trees of America. 23, 24. " " " History of New York. 26, 27. " " " Whale Fishery, &c. " 25. Tales of the American Revolution. By B. B. Thatcher. - Treasury of Sports, &c...... 18o. Phil. 1847 Bozman, J. L.-History of Maryland, from 1633 to 1660. 2 v. 8vo. Bait. 1837 Brackenridge, H. M.-Hist. of War of 1812-15, between U. S. and G. B. 12o. Bait. 1817 - Recollections of Persons and Places in the West 120. Phil. 1834.... - -. Voyage to South America in 1817-18. 2 v.. 8vo. Bait. 1819 Braconnier, Edw.-Application de la Geographie a l'Histoire. 2 v.. 18o. Paris. 1845 Bradbury, John.-Travels in the Interior of America in 1809-11,. 8vo. Liverp. 1817 Bradford, Alden-Hist. of Massachusetts from 1764 to 1820. 3 v.. 8vo. Bost. 1822-9 Alex. W.-Am. Anitq. and Research. concerning the Red Race 8vo. N. Y. 1841 * —--- Thos. C.-Atlas of the United States.. Fol. Bost. 1838 * —--- - Comprehensive Atlas; Geogr., Hist., and Commer. 4to. Bost. 1835 Catalogue.] B R A -- BR E 35 Bradford, W. J. A.-Notes on the Northwest... 12o. N. Y. 1846 Bradley, Thos.-Pract. Geometry, Linear Perspec. Projection (L. U. K.) 8vo. Lond. 1834 Bradshaw, Jas.-Scheme for making the Eng. Language Universal. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Brady, John H.-Visitor's Guide to Knole House in Kent. 16o. Lond. 1839 Robt.-Hist. Treatise of Cities and Boroughs.. Fol. Lond. 1690 --- -- Hist. of Eng. from Entrance of Romans to Rich. III. 2 v. Fol. Lond. 1685 ---- -- Introduction to the Old English History.. Fol. Lond. 1684 - Wm.-Kedge Anchor; or, Young Sailor's Assistant. 8vo. N. Y. 1847 Braim, Thos. H.-History of New South Wales. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1846 Brainard, J. G. C.-Poems, with a Memoir... 16o. Hartf. 1842 Braithwaite, W.-Medicine and Surgery. [Half-yearly.] Vols. 1-20. 12o. Lond. 1840-9 Branagan, Thos.-Avenia; a Tragical Poem.... 18o. Phil. 1805 ----- _ -- Excellency of the Female Character Vindicated 18o. Phil. 1808 Brand, John-Observations on Popular Antiquities. 3 v... 16o. Lond. 1841-2 H. W.-Process for Preserving Fresh Provisions. 18o. Lond. 1838 Brande, Wm. Thos.-Dict. of Materia Medica and Pract. Pharmacy. 8vo. Lond. 1839 ---- -- Manual of Chemistry. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1848 - Outlines of Geology..... 12o. Lond. 1829... -- (Ed'r)-Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art 8vo. N. Y. 1844 Brandon, R. and J. A.-Analysis of Gothic Architecture. 2 v.. 4to. Lond. 1847 - Parish Churches; Perspective Views, with Descript. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Brathwayte, Rich.-Essays on the Senses. See Brydges' Archaica. Bray, Mrs. A. E.-Description of Part of Devonshire. 3 v... 12o. Lond. 1836 - Wm.-Tour into Derbyshire and Yorkshire.. 8vo. Lond. 1783 Brayley, Edw. W.-Isle of Thanet and the Cinque Ports. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1817 - Londiniana; Reminiscences of the Brit. Metrop. 4 v. 16o. Lond. 1829 ----- - (Ed'r)-The Graphic and Historical Illustrator. 4to. Lond. 1834 - and Britton, J.-Hist. of late Houses of Parliament 8vo. Lond. 1836 _ —— _ --,and others-Topog. & Hist. Descrip. of Lond., &c., 5 v. 8vo. Lond. no date Memoir of Tower of London. See Britton, John. Breckenridge, John-Discuss. on Rom. Cath. Relig. See Hughes, John. -.- - Robt. J.-Memoranda of Travel in France, Germany, &c. 12o. Phil. 1839 Brees, S. C.-Glossary of Civil Engineering.... 8vo. Lond. 1844 -- -- Railway Practice..... 4to. Lond. 1838 -- -- Appendix to Do., with a Glossary.... 4to. Lond. 1839 Bremner, Robt.-Excursions in the Interior of Russia. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Brenton, J. J. (Ed'r)-Voices from the Press; Essays, &c., by Printers 8vo. N. Y. 1850 Breton, Nich.-Small Handful of Fragrant Flowers, and other Poems 4to. Lond. 1815 --- -- Characters. See Brydges, Sir E.; Archaica. Brewer, J. N.-Beauties of Ireland; Topographical, Historical, &c. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1825-6 Brewster, Sir David-Letters on Natural Magic.'(M. F. L.). 16o. Lond. 1838 ((.. (H. F. L.). 18o. N. Y. 1832 Life of Sir Isaac Newton (M. F. L.). 16o. Lond. 1831..... __ c; (H. F. L.). 18o. N. Y. 1831 _____ -- Martyrs of Science; or, Lives of Galileo, Kepler, &c. 12o. Lond. 1841 The Same. (II. F. L.).... 18o. N. Y. 1841 - Treatise on Magnetism.... 12o. Edin. 1837 _______ " the Microscope... 12o. Edin. 1837 _" Optics. (L. C. C.)... 16o. Lond. 1831 _______ " The Same. 12o. Phil. 1833 36 B R I1 — B R I [Merc. Lib. Briancourt, Math.-Organization of Labor and Association. (Fr. Fren.) 12o. N. Y. 1847 Bricheteau, I.-Medical Clinics of the Hospital Necker. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Phil. 1837 Bride of Fort Edward; a Drama..... 12o. N. Y. 1839 Bridge, B.-Treatise on the Three Conic Sections. 8vo. N. Haven. 1836 Bridgeman, Thos.- Florist's Guide.. 12o. N. Y. 1847 - Young Gardener's Assistant..8vo. N. Y. 1847 Bridgewater Treat. on the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God. 12 v. 8vo. Lond. 1830-6 I. Chalmers, Thos. Adaptation of External Nat. to the Intellect. Nat. of Man. 2v. II. Kidd, John. Adaptation of External Nat. to the Physical Condition of Man, III. Whewell, Wm. Astronomy and General Physics. IV. Bell, Sir Charles. The Hand; as evincing Design. V. Roget, Peter Mark. Animal and Vegetable Physiology. 2 v. VI. Buckland, William. On Geology and Mineralogy. 2 v. VII. Kirby, William. On the Iistory, Habits, and Instincts of Animals. 2 v. VIII. Prout, William. Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Function of Digestion. -__- -- The Same. Parts 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8. 10 v.. 8vo. Phil. 1836-7 __ — - -- The Same. Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8. 5 v.. 12o. Phil. 1833-4 - --- - The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise. See Babbage. Briffault, F. T.-Prisoner of Ham; or, Captivity of Louis Napoleon 12o. Lond. 1846 Briggs, G. W.-The Bow in the Cloud. Fifteen Discourses. 12o. Bost. 1846 Brigham, A.-Influence of Mental Cultiv. and Excitement upon Health 12o. Hartf. 1832 - - The Sane. 12. Phil. 1845 Bright, Rich.-Travels through Lower Hungary in 1814. 4to. Edin. 1818 Brisbane, Alb.-Social Destiny of Man; or, Association, &c., of Industry 12o. Phil. 1840 Brissot de Warville, J. P.-Travels in the United States in 1778 12o. N. Y. 1792 Bristed, Chas. A.-Letter to Horace Mann, in reply to " Few Thoughts" 18o. N. Y. 1850 ----- John-Hints on the National Bankruptcy of Britain. 8vo. N. Y. 1809 Resources of the British Empire... 8vo. N.. Y. 1811 British Almanac and Companion, for 1828-49. 22 v... 12o. Lond. 1828-49 ___ —-— _-________- Index to the. 1828-43.. 12o. Lond. 1843 and For. Medico-Chirurgical Review. Vols. 1-5. [Continued.] 8vo. Lond. 1848-50 ---- and Foreign Review. Vols. 1-18.... 8vo. Lond. 1835-44 ----- Annual and Epitome of the Progress of Science. 3 v.. 18o. Lond. 1837-9 Chronologist. 3 v....... 8vo. Lond. 1789 - Critic. Vols. 25-34..... 8vo. Lond. 1839-43 - Drama; a Collection of Tragedies, Comedies, Operas, &c. 2 v. 8vo. Phil. 1838 Essayist. Edited by Alex. Chalmers. 45 v.... 16o. Lond. 1808 Vols. 1-5. The Tattler. Vols. 33. The Idler. 6-15. The Spectator. 34, 35. The Mirror. 16-18. The Guardian. 36, 37. The Lounger. 19-22. The Rambler. 38-40. The Observer, by Richard Cum23-25. The Adventurer. berland. 26-29. The World. 41-44. The Looker-on, by W. Roberts. 30-32. The Connoisseur. 45. General Index. ---- Galleries of Art..... 8vo. Lond. 1824. Husbandry; or, the Farming Practice in Gt. Br. (L. U. K.) 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1837 ---- Magazine; a Religious and Eccles. Journal. Vols. 15-22 8vo. Lond. 1839-42 ---- artial; an Anthology of English Epigrams. 2 v... 18o. Lond. 1806 ----- Naval Biography, with an Outline of Nav. Hist. of England 24o. Lond. 1839 ------ Plutarch; Lives of Most Eminent Men, since Henry VII. 4 v. 8vo. Belfast. 1808-10 Brittan, S. B.-Illustration and Defence of Universalism.. 12o. Albany. 1847 Britton, John-Diet. of the Architect. and Archeology of Middle Ages 8vo. Lond. 1838 Catalogue.] B R I — B R 0 37 Britton, J.-Author. of Junius' Letters Elucidated, with Mem. of Barre 8vo. Lond. 1848 ---— _ - (Ed'r)-The Original Picture of London.. 18o. Lond. no date See Brayley, E. W., and Godwin, George, Jr. and Brayley, E. W.-Memoirs of the Tower of London 12o. Lond. 1830 Brockedon, Wm.-Journals of Excursions in the Alps.. 12o. Lond. 1833 Brocklesby, John-Elements of Meteorology... 12o. N. Y. 1848 Brocquiere, B. de la-Travels to Palestine & back, in 1432-3. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Hafod. 1807 Br6der, C. G.-Practische Grammatik der Lateinischen Sprache. 8vo. Leipzig. 1820 Broderip, W. J.-Zoological Recreation.... 12o. Lond. 1847 -- - The Same...... 12o. Phil. 1849 Brodhead, J. R.-Report, relative to the Colonial Hist. of N. Y. State 8vo. Albany. 1845 Bromley, Robt. A.-History of the Fine Arts. 2 v... 4to. Lond. 1793-5 Bronson, C. P.-Elocution...... 8vo. Louisv. 1845 Brook, B.-Hist. of Religious Lib. in Gt. Brit. to Death of Geo. III. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1820 Brookes, R.-General Gazetteer; or, Geographical Dictionary. 8vo. Phil. 1806 Brooks, Jas. G. and Mary E.-The Rivals of Este, and other Poems 12o. N. Y. 1829 J. T.-Four Months among the Gold-Finders in California 8vo. N. Y. 1849 Thos.-Apples of Gold. [A Religious Discourse.]. 18o. N. Y. 1825 Brot, Alphonse-La Chute de Feuilles. 2 v..... 18o. Brux. 1837 Brougham, len. (Lord)-Colonial Policy of the Europ. Powers. 2 v. 8vo. Edin. 1803 ---- -- Critical and Miscellaneous Writings. 2 v.. 12o. Phil. 1841 Dialogues on Instinct; and, View of Fossil Osteology 18o. Phil. 1845 Discourse on Natural Theology.. 12o. Lond. 1835 -— __ _ - Disserta. on Science as connect. with Nat. Theol. 2v. 12o. Lond. 1839 - Hist. Sketches of States. of Time of Geo. III. 1st Ser. 8vo. Lond. 1839 ----- -- The Same. 2 v..... 12o. Phil. 1839 The Same. Second Series... 8vo. Lond. 1839 - --- -- The Same. 2 v..... 12o. Phil. 1839 - ----- -- The Same. Third Series... 12o. Phil. 1844 ---— __- - - Letter on the Late Revolution in France. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Lives of Men of Let. & Sci. of Time of Geo. HI. 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1845-6 _ —-- - -- Opinions on Politics, Theology, Law, Science, &c. 12o. Lond. 1837 Political Philosophy. (L. U. K.) 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1844 ---- - - Sketches of Public Characters, Discourses, &c. 12o. Phil. 1839 ------ _ -- Speeches at the Bar and in Parliament fr. 1810-38 8vo. Edin. 1838 Broussais, F. J. V.-Lecture on Phrenology. (Fr. Fren.).. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Exam. des Doctrines Med. de Laennec, Louis, &c. 2 v. 18o. Brux. 1836 Treatise on Philos'y applied to Pathology. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Phil. 1832 Brown, C.-Expd. fr. Eng. to So. Am. in 1817 on acc't of Span. Patriots 8vo. Lond. 1819 Chas. A.-On Shakspeare's Autobiographical Poems. 12o. Lond. 1838 Goold-English Grammar; abridged... 18o. N. Y. 1826 H.-History of Illinois..... 8vo. N. Y. 1844 J.-History and Present Condition of St. Domingo. 2 v.. 12o. Phil. 1837 Jas. B.-Life of John Howard.... 18o. Bost. 1831 John-Northern Courts; Memoirs of Sover'gns since 1766. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1818 John-History of the Rise and Progress of Poetry. 8vo. Newcast. 1764 Thoughts on Civil Liberty, Licentiousness, and Faction 12o. Dublin. 1765 J. J.-American Anglers' Guide.... 12o. N. Y. 1849 Newton (Ed'r)-Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. 8vo. Brattlebo. 1837 Rich.-Sacred Architect.; its Rise, Progress, and Present State 4to. Lond. 1845 38 BR O — BR Y [Merc. Lib. Brown, Samuel R.-Western Gazetteer... 8vo. Auburn. 1817 Thos.-Observations on the Zoonomia of E. Darwin. 8vo. Edin. 1798 Thos.-Account of the People called Shakers.. 12o. Troy. 1812 ----- Thos.-Philosophy of the Human Mind. 3 v...8vo. Andover. 1822 Relations of Cause and Effect... 8vo. Lond. 1835 --- T. (Capt.)-Book ofButterflies, Sphinges & Moths. (C. M.) 3v. 16o. Lond. 1834 Conchologist's Text Book... 120. Glasgow. 1837 - Zoologist's Text Book....120. Glasgow. 1832-3 ---- W.-Propagation of Christ'y among Heathen since Reform. 2 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1821 Wm.-Antiquities of the Jews. 2 v... 8vo. Phil. 1823 W. L.-Essay on the Natural Equality of Men..12o. Phil. 1793 Browne, D. J.-American Bird Fancier.... 12o. N. Y. 1850 - - Poultry Yard......12o. N. Y. 1850 Sylva Americana; or, Trees Indigenous to U. States 8vo. Bost. 1832 Trees of America, Native and Foreign.. 8vo. N. Y. 1846 - Jas.-History of the Highlands and of the Highland Clans. 4 v. 8vo. Glasgow. 1843 - J. R.-Etchings of a Whaling Cruise; & Hist. of Whale Fishery 8vo. N. Y. 1846 - Thos.-Poems on Several Occasions...12o. N. Y. 1801 ---- Sir T.-Pseudodoxia Epidemica, or Enquiries concern. Truth 4to. Lond. 1762 Religio Medici..... 12o. Lond. 1838 --- -- Works and Life. 4 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1835-6 Browning, C. A.-The Convict Ship.... 12o. Phil. 1850 ----- - Robt.-Poems. 2 v......18o. Lond. 1849 W. S.-Hist. of the Huguenots, during the 16th Century 8vo. Lond. 1829 --— ___f- - — from 1598 to 1838. 8vo. Lond. 1839 ----- --- ------- The Same..8vo. Phil. 1845 Brownlee, W. C.-Christian Father at Home... 18o. N. Y. 1837 ---- -- Letters on the Roman Catholic Controversy.8vo. N. Y. 1834 - Lights and Shadows of Christian Life. 12o. N.Y. 1837 Brownson, O. A.-New Views of Christ'y, Society and the Church 12o. Bost. 1836 - -___- (Ed'r)-Boston Quarterly Review. 5 v.. 8vo. Bost. 1838-42 Bruce, Jas.-Travels to discover the Source of the Nile. 1768-73. 5 v. 4to. Edin. 1790 - The Same, abridged.....24o. Lond. 1839 Brucker, Jacob. See Enfield, Wm. Bruen, Matthias; Memoirs of the Life and Character of.8vo. N. Y. 1831 Brumoy, Peter-Theatre des Grecs. 3 v...4to. Paris. 1730 ---- ~- Greek Theatre. (Fr. Fren.) 3 v... to. Lond. 1759 Brunet, Gustave-Les Evangiles Apocryphes... 12o. Paris. 1848 * — Jas. C.-Manuel du Libraire et de 1' Amateur des Livres. 5 v. 8vo. Paris. 1842-4 *Bryan, Miclhael-Biograph. and Crit. Diet. of Painters & Engrav. 2 v. 4to. Lond. 1816 The Same; revised.... 8vo. Lond. 1849 Bryant, Edwin-What I Saw in California; a Jour. of a Tour in 1846-7 12o. N. Y. 1848 -- Jacob-Dissertation on the War of Troy...4to. Lond. no date - Observations on Ancient History... 4to. Camb. (E.) 1767 ---- -- ------- - the Poems of Thos. Rowley. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1781 ---- -- Sentiments of Philo Judaeus concerning Word of God 8vo. Camb. (E.) 1797 ----- W. C.-The Fountain, and other Poems.. 12o. N. Y. 1842 - - Letters of a Traveller....12o. N. Y. 1850 --- - Poems.....12o. N. Y. 1836 -- -- The Same......8vo. Phil. 1847 CataZogue.] BRY B U C 39 Bryant, W. C.-The White-Footed Deer, and other Poems. 18o. N. Y. 1844 Brydges, Sir E.-Ataviae Regia..... 4to. Florence. 1820 --- -- Autobiography. 2 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1834.-..- Bertram; a Poetical Tale... 8vo. Lee Priory. 1814 _- _ -- -- Censura Literaria; cont.Tit. of Old Eng. Books. 4 v. in 2 8vo._Lond. 1805-7 ----- -- Imaginative Biography. 2 v.... 12o. Lond. 1834 - Letters from the Continent... 8vo. Lee Priory. 1821 _ —— _ -- Note on Suppres. of Mem. announced by the Author 12o. Paris. 1825 --— _ -- Odo, Count of Lingen; a Poetical Tale.. 180. Geneva. 1824... - -. Recollections of Foreign Travel. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1825.....- - Restituta; or, Tit. &c. of Old Eng. Lit. revived. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1814 -— _ - -- (Ed'r)-Archaica; Reprint of Scarce Old Eng. Tracts. 2 v. 4to. Lond. 1815 Vol. 1. Robert Greene's Philomlela; and Vol. 2. Gabriell Harvey's Four Letters Arcadia. and Sonnets touching Robert Greene; Rob't Southwell's Triumphs over Death. Pierce's Supererogation; and New LetNicholas Breton's Characters; and Good ter of Notable Contents. and the Bad. Richard Brathwayte's Essays upon the T. Nash's Christ's Tears over Jerusalem. Five Senses. - Excerpta Tudoriana; Extracts from Elizabethan Lit.. 8vo. Kent. 1814 Brydone, P.-Tour through Sicily and Malta. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1773 --- -- The Same.... 120. Aberdeen. 1848 Brydson, Thos.-View of Heraldry in Reference to Chivalry, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1795 Buchanan, Claudius-Sermons on Missionary Subjects.. 12o. N. Y. 1812 Works; comprising his Researches in Asia, &c. 12o. N. Y. 1812 - Dav.-Taxation and Commercial Policy of Gt. Brit.. 8vo. Edin. 1844 ------ Geo.-History of Scotland. (Fr. Lat.) 4 v... 8vo. Glasgow. 1827 -- Jas.-History, Manners, and Customs of No. Amer. Indians 12o. N. Y. 1824 ----- RR.-Ten Years' Conflict; or, Disruption of Ch. of Scot. 2 v. 8vo. Glasgow. 1849. —- Robertson-On Mill-Work and other Machinery. 8vo. Edin. 1814, —- W. M.-Technological Dictionary.. 180. Lond. 1846 - --- - Book-keeping... 4to. Lond. no date Buck, Chas.-Religious Anecdotes. 2 v..... 8vo. N. Y. 1831 - Theological Dictionary.... 8vo. Phil. 1823 - Works. 6 v...... 12o. Phil. 1822 Bucke, Chas.-Beauties, Harmonies, and Sublimities of Nature. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1823 The Same. 3 v...... 8vo. Lond. 1837 - The Same; abridged. (H. F. L.)... 18o. N. Y. 1841 - Book of Human Character. 2 v.... 12o. Lond. 1837 - Classical Grammar of the English Language. 12o. Lond. 1829 - Life of John, Duke of Marlborough. (M. F. L.). 16o. Lonl. 1839 Life, Writings, and Genius of Akenside.. 120. Lond. 1832 ---- -- Ruins of Anc. Cities; their Rise, Fall, &c. 2 v. (M. F. L.) 16o. Lond. 1840 The Same. 2 v. (H. F. L.)... 18o. N. Y. 1841 Buckingham, J. Silk-America; Histor., Statistical, & Descriptive. 2 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1841 --- - - Travels among the Arabs of Syria and Palestine 4to. Lond. 1825 " in Assyria, Media, and Persia. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1830 See Parliamentary Report. T.-New Universal Gazetteer. 8vo. Lond. no date Buckland, A. C.-Letters on Early Rising... 12o. Bost. 1825 Wm.-Geology and Mineralogy. See Bridgewater Treatises. Buckler, J. C. and C. A.-Architecture of the Church of St. Albans 8vo. Lond. 847 40 B UC - B UO [Merc. Lib. Bucklin, J. N.-Double Entry Book-keeping... Fol. Troy. 1833 Buckminster, Jos. S.-Works; with Memoirs of his Life. 2 v.. 12o. Bost. 1839 Budge, J.-Practical Miner's Guide..... 8vo. Lond. 1845 Budget of Letters; or, Things which I saw Abroad.. 12o. Bost. 1847 Buel, J.-The Farmer's Instructor. 2 v.... 18o. N. Y. 1844 Buffon, G. L. L.-Histoire Naturelle, Generale et Particuliere. 38 v. 4to. Paris. 1749-1804 -- -- Natural History. 20 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1812 The Same; abridged. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1821-2 The Same. 4 v..... 16o. Lond. 1831-4 Buffum, E. G.-Six Months in the Gold Mines [of California]. 12o. Phil. 1850 Buist, Robt.-American Flower Garden Directory... 8vo. Phil. 1841 Family Kitchen Gardener...12o. N. Y. 1848 - Rose Manual....12o. Phil. 1844 Bull, Geo.-English Theological Works... 8vo. Oxford. 1844 Works; with Life. 8 v.. 8vo. Oxford. 1846 Marcus-Experiments on Fuel and Combustion. vo. Phil. 1827 Thos.-Hints to Mothers....12o. Lond. 1837 The Same; revised.... 12o. N. Y. 1848 - Maternal Management of Children... 12o. Phil. 1849 Bullar, J. & H.-Winter at Azores, and Summer at Baths of Furnas 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1841 Bullock, W.-Six Months in Mexico. 2 v.... 12o. Lond. 1825 Bulstrode, W.-Essay on Transmigration; or, a Discourse on Nat. Phil. 1 60. Lond. 1692 Bulwer, Edw. L.-Athens; its Rise and Fall. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1837 - Conversations with an Ambitious Student, &c.. 12o. N. Y. 1832 - - The Same...... 12o. N. Y. 1848 --- -- Critical and Miscellaneous Writings. 2 v.. 12o. Phil. 1841 - England and the English. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1833 King Arthur; a Poem. 2 v. in one 16o. Leipzig. 1849 --- - Lady of Lyons; a Play... 12o. N. Y. 1838 [New Timon; a Poem].... 12o. Phil. 1846 - Poems..... 12o. N. Y. 1845 Richelieu; a Play..... 12o. N. Y. 1839 The Siamese Twins; with other Poems.. 12o. N. Y. 1831 and Forbes, J.-Water Treatm.; ed. by R. S. Houghton 12o. N. Y. 1849 --- Hen. L.-Duchess of La Valliere; a Play.. 12o. N. Y. 1836 ------ --- FFrance; Social, Literary, and Political. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1834 B1unbury, H. E. (Ed'r)-Life and Correspond. of Sir Thos. Haniner 8vo. Lond. 1838 Bunn, Alf.-The Stage, Before and Behind the Curtain. 3 v.. 12o. Lond. 1840 _ - The Same. 2 v,. 12o. Phil. 1840 Bunsen, C. C. J.-Church of the Future. (Fr. Germ.)..12o. Lond. 1847 _Egypt's Place in Universal Hist. Vol. 1. (Fr. Germ.) 8vo. Lond. 1848 Bunting, Ed.-Ancient Music of Ireland, and Irish Harp and Harpers 4to. Dublin. 1840 Bunyan, John-Grace Abounding; Heart's Ease; &c.. 18o. Lond. 1840 Greatness of the Soul; and other Works. 18o. N. Y. 1849 - The Holy War..... 12o. Lond. 1803 ____ __ Pilgrim's Progress;' Life of the Author, by R. Westall 8vo. N. Y. 1822 - The Same; with Life by Robert Southey. 12o. Bost. 1832 - The Same.... 12o. N. Y. 1846 The Same; with Life by T. Scott... 18o. Lond. 1841 Buonaparte, C. L.-American Ornithology. See Wilson Alexander. Catalogue.] B U -- B UR 41 Buonaparte, Louis-Hist. Docum. &c., on the Gov't of Holland. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1820 -.- Reply to Sir W. Scott's History of Napoleon 8vo. Phil. 1829 ---- Lucien-Charlemagne. An Epic Poem. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v. 4to. Lond. 1815 The Same. 2 v..... 18o. Phil. 1815 - Memoirs of Himself.... 12o. N. Y. 1836 - - Napoleon, and the Marshals of the Empire. 2 v.. 12o. Phil. 1848 Letters and Dispatches, from the Originals. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1846 - Military Maxims. (Fr. Fren.) Edit. by J. Akerly 12o. N. Y. 1845 _ — -— _- - Orig. Journals of his Campaigns. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v. 8vo. Lond. no date - Pictorial Life of..... 120. Phil. 1847 Burat, A.-Geologie Appliquee; ou, Mineraux utiles.. 8vo. Paris. 1846 Burbidge, Thos.-Poems..... 160. Lond. 1838 ---- -- and Clough, A. H.-Ambarvalia. Poems. 16o. Lond. 1849 Burckhardt, Jno. L.-Notes on the Bedouins and Wahabys. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1831 Travels in Arabia. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1829 __ - " Nubia..... 4to. Lond. 1819 --— _- -- " Syria and the Holy Land.. 4to. Lond. 1822 Burder, Wm.-Religious Ceremonies and Customs... 8vo. Lond. 1841 Burdon, Wm.-Materials for Thinking. 2 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1820 Burge, Wm.-Commentaries on the Law of Suretyship.. 8vo. Bost. 1847 Burger, G. A.-Sammtliche Werke.... 8vo. Gottingen. 1835 ---- -- Poems. Translated. See Ripley, Geo., Specimens. Vol. 14. Burges, Tristam-Battle of Lake Erie, and Notices of Com. Elliott 12o. Phil. 1839 Burgess, Thos. IH.-Physiology and Mechanism of Blushing 8vo. Lond. 1839 Burgh, Jas.-The Dignity of Human Nature. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1767 --- -- Political Disquisitions on Public Errors, etc. 3 v. 8vo. Phil. 1775 Burgon, J. W.-Life and Times of Sir Thos. Gresham. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Burgoyne, John-Rud. Treat. on the Quarrying of Stone.. 12o. Lond. 1849 --- _- John (Gen)-Dram. and Poetical Works, with Life. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1808 - State of the Expedition from Canada in 1777. 4to. Lond. 1780 Burk, John-Hist. of Virginia. Cont'd. by Jones and Girardin. 4 v. 8vo. Petrsbg. 1804-16 Burke, Edmund-Acc't of the European Settlements in America. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1765 Correspondence from 1444-97. 4 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1844 ---- -- Origin of our Ideas on the Sublime and Beautiful 8vo. Montrose. 1803 The Same.... 12o. N. Y. 1829 The Same 12o.. Bat. 1833 Reflections on the Revolution in France 18o. Lond. no date Select Speeches. See Chatham, Lord. Works. 7 v. 8vo... Bost. 1826-7 The Same. 3 v..... 8vo. N. Y. 1837 Edmund. See Report of the Sec. of Treasury for 1845. J. B.-Anecdotes of the Aristocracy. 12o. Lond. 1849 ------ J. & J. B.-Encyclopedia of Heraldry... 8vo. Lond. 1847 Diet. of the Landed Gentry of Gt. Britain. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Supplement to the Same.. 8vo. Lond. 1848 - Heraldic Illustrations, with Pedigrees, &c. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1844-6 - Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire. 8vo. Lond. 1847 B; G.-Principles of the Philos. of Nat. Hist. (Fr. Ger.) 12o. N. Y. 1804 Bm J. J. —Principles of Nat. and Polit. Law. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v. 8vo. Camb. 1807 Bur!i L C, — Thoughts on the Death Penalty.. 12o. Phil. 1845 6 42 B UR B UR [Merc. Lib. Burmeister, H.-Manual of Entomology. (Fr. Ger.).. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Burn, Rich.-Statistics and History of the Cotton Trade.. 8vo. Lond. 1847 - Robt. S.-Practical Ventilation.... 12o. Lond. 1850 Burnap, Geo. W.-Lectures on the Doctrine of Christianity. 12o. Bost. 1848 -- ---— _ —___ - HHistory of Christianity. 12o. Balt. 1842 - to Young Men... 12o. Balt. 1848 - Objections to Unitarian Christianity answered. 18o. Bost. 1848 --- -- Sphere and Duties of Womnn... 16o. Balt. 1848 Burnes, Sir Alex.-Cabool;.ourney to, and Residence in, in 1836-8 8vo. Lond. 1842 Burnet, G. (Bishop)-Exposition of Thirty-nine Articles of Ch. of Eng. 8vo. Lond. 1827 --— _ --- History of his own Time from 1660-1713. 2 v.. Fol. Lond. 1724 The Same..... 8vo. Lond. 1839....- - Hist. of the Reformation of the Church of Eng. 3 v. Fol. Dublin. 1730 The Same. 3 vols. in six.. 18o. Lond. 1825 _ The Same, abridged.... 12o. Wash. 1820 ---.- Heer.-Nauwkewrige Voyagie door Italien, Switzerland, &c. 8vo. Utrecht. 1687 - Jac.- Notes on the Early Settlement of the N. W. Territory 8vo. N. Y. 1847 John-Education of the Eye with Reference to Painting. 4to. Lond. 1837 HI ints on Color in Painting... 4to. Lond. 1835 Composition in Painting.. 4to. Lond. 1836 Light and Shade in Paintin.. 4to. Lond. 1834 [The above Four Treatises are bound together.] Landscape Painting in Oil Colors..4to. Lond. 1849 Practical Essays on the Fine Arts. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Practical Hints on Portrait Painting.. 4to. Lond. 1850 R-embrandt and his Works... 4to. Lond. 1849 Burnett, C. M.-Insanity tested by Science... 8vo. Lond. 1848 Geo.-Specimens of English Prose Writers to 1700. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1807 G. T. —Outlines of Botany. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1835 Bumey, Chas.-General Iist. of Music from Earliest Ages. 4 v.. 4to. Lond. 1789 The Same, abridged. See Busby, Thos. Memoirs of Pietro Metastasio. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1796 - Present State of Music in France and Italy.. 8vo. Lond. 1773 Jas.-Hist. Discoveries in the Pacific from 1579-1723. 4 v. 4to. Lond. 1803 Burnley, WVm. H.-Present Condition of Trinidad.. 8vo. Lond. 1842 Burns, Robt.-Correspondence with Clarinda [Mrs. McLehosel. 12o. N. Y. 1843 Poems. (Ald. Poets.) 2 v...16o. Lond. 1839 - Poetical Works.... 18o. Leipzig. 1845 Works, with Life. 2 v.... 18o. Phil. 1804 - -- The Same. 4 v....8vo. Lond. 1820 - The Same...... 8vo. Phil. 1835 The Same..... 8vo. Phil. 142 Burr, Aaron-Private Journal and Correspondence... 8vo. N. y. 1838 F.-Elements of Practical Geology. 2o. Lond. r Burrit, E. H.-Geography of the Heavens. (Atlas in Fol.). 12o. Hart. Burroughs, Stephen-Memoirs of his own Life. 2 vols. in one. 12o. Albany Burrow, E. I.-Elements of Conchology.... 12o. Lon( Burrows, Geo.-Disorders of Cerebral Circulation, &c... 8vo. Phil..8 Burtin, F. X. de-Knowl. Necessary to Amateurs in Painting. (Fr. Fr.) 8vo. Lono A45 Burton, Edw.-Antiquities, and other Curiosities of Rome. 2 v. 12o. Loud,.828 Catalogue.] B UR - B U T 43 Burton, J. H.-Life and Correspondence of David Hume. 2 v.. 8vo. Edin. 1846 ---- - Lives of Simon Lord Lovat, and Duncan Forbes 12o. Lond. 1847---- -- Political and Social Economy..12o. Edin. 1849 Robt.-Anatomy of Melancholy. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1826 --- - The Same. 2 v.... 8vo. Phil. 1836 The Same..... 8vo. Lond. 1845 Robt.-Hist. Remarks on London, Ancient and Present. [1681.] 8vo. Lond. 1810 ---- Thos.-Cromwellian Diary from 1656-9. 4 v... 8vo. Lond. 1828 - Wm. E. (Ed'r)-Gentleman's Magazine. 4 v.. 8vo. Phil. 1837-9 Busbequius, A. G.-Travels in Turkey. (Fr. Lat.). 12o. Lond. 1744 Busby, Thos.-Anecdotes of Musicians, Ancient, and Modern. 3 v. 18o. Lond. 1825 -- -_- Grammar of Music... 18o. Lond. 1818 --- -- -History of Music; from Hawkins and Burney. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1819 Busch, J. G.-Geschicte der Hamburgischen Handlung. 12o. Hamburg. 1797 Bush, Mrs. Forbes-Memoirs of the Queens of France. 2 v.. 12o. Phil. 1847 - George-Anastasis; or, Resurrection of the Body. 12o. N. Y. 1845 - Illustrations of the Holy Scriptures.. 8vo. Brattleboro. 1836 Life of Mohammed. (H. F. L.)... 18o. N. Y. 1830 M esmer and Swedenborg.. 12o. N. Y. 1847 --- --- The Soul; Inquiry into Scripture Psychology.. 12o. N. Y. 1845 Treatise on the MIillenium.. 12o. N. Y. 1832 Bushnan, J. S.-Fishes, their Structure and Economical Uses. (N. L.) 16o. Edin. 1840 Philosophy of Instinct and Reason.. 16o. Edin. 1837 Bushnell, Horace-Fathers of New England. A Discourse. 12o. N. Y. 1850 God in Christ; a Dissertation on Language.. 120. Hartf: 1849 Views of Christian Nurture... 12o. Hartf. 1847 Busk, Mrs.-[Hist. of Spain andPort. B.C. 1000-A.D. 1811.] (L. U.K.) 8vo. Lond. 1833 Bussey, G. M.-Fables, Original and Selected... 8vo. Lond. no date ---- -- and Gaspey, T.-History of Napoleon. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1840 Pictorial History of France and the French. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1843 Butler, Chas.-Hist'l Memoir of Eng., Irish, and Scotch Catholics. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1822 Reminiscences. 2 v..... 12o. Bost. N.Y.1824-7 Chas.-The American Gentleman... 18o. Phil. 1836." " Lady. 18o. Phil. 1836 Frances Anne, [Miss Kemble].-Journal in America. 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1835 --- Poems..... 12o. Phil. 1844 ---- -- Star of Seville. A Drama... 12o. N. Y. 1837 Year of Consolation..... 12o. N. Y. 1847 Butler, Fred.-Sketches of Universal History, to 1818.. 12o. Hartf. 1821 ---- Jos.-Analogy of Natural and Revealed Religion. 18o. Lond. 1826.. -- The Same...... 8vo. Hartf. 1819 The Same..... 12o. Camb. 1830 The Same. See Sacred Classics. Complete Works. 12o. Lond. 1841 - Fifteen Sermons. See Sacred Classics. Three Sermons on Human Nature.. 12o. Camb. (E.) 1849 ---- -- Six Sermons on Moral Subjects. [Sequel to the above.] 12o. Camb. (E.) 1849 Works..... 8vo. Lond. 1828 Mann-History of Kentucky.. 8vo. Lexington. 1834 Sam.-Hudibras...... 24o. Hartf. no date 44 B U T — CAL [Merc. Lib. Butler, Sam.-Hudibras... 24o. N. Y. 1839 --- - The Same. 2 v..... 12o. Lond. 1847 _ — The Same.. 16o. N.Y. 1847 - Poems. (Ald. Poets.) 2 v... 16o. Lond. 1835 Poetical Remains.. 8vo. Lond. 1827 Buttmann, Phil.-Catalogue of Irregular Greek Verbs. (Fr. Ger.) 8vo. Lond. 1844 - Lexilogus; Crit. Exam. of Grk Words, &c. (Fr. Ger.) 8vo. Lond. 1836 Buxton, Chas.-Memoirs of Sir Thos. Fowell Buxton.. 8vo. Lond. 1848 - Thos. F.-African Slave Trade, and its Remedy 8vo. Lond. 1840 Byam, Geo.-Wanderings in Western America..12o. Lond. 1850 Wild Life in Central America. 120. Lond. 1849 Byllesby, L.-Sources and Effects of Unequal Wealth.. 12o. N. Y. 1826 Byrdsall, F.-History of the Loco Foco Party... 12o. N. Y. 1842 Byrne, J. C.-Twelve Years' Wander. in the Brit. Colonies, 1835-47. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1848 - Oliver-Method of Calculating Logarithms.. 12o. N. Y. 1849 Byron, Lord-Don Juan. A Poem. 2v... 18. Phil. 1825 -- -- Poetical Works.... 8vo. Phil. 1834 --- The Same..... 8vo. Phil. 1838 - The Same..8vo. Phil. 1845 --- - - Select Poetical Works.. 12o. Bost. 1849. —.- -- - Works, Letters, and Journals. Ed. by Thos. Moore. 17 v. 16o. Lond. 1848 --- -- See Southey, Robert. --- John-Narrative of his Shipwreck off Patagonia. 12o. Wigan. 1784 Cabanis, P. J. G.-Rapports du Physique et du Moral de l'Homme 12o. Paris. 1843 Cabinet of Curiosities; or, Wonders of the World Displayed.. 8vo. Lond. 1831 Cabot, J. E. See Agassiz, Louis. -- Sebastian; Memoirs of, and Hist. of Maritime Discovery. 8vo. Phil. 1831 Cabrera, P. F.-Research into American History. See Rio, Don A. del. Cadell, W. A.-Jour. in Carniola, Italy, and France, in 1817-18. 2 v. 8vo. Edin. 1820 Cadena, V. de la-Elementos de la Lengua Inglesa.. 8vo. N. Y. 1810 - - Introduction to Spanish Conversation... 16o. N. Y. 1849 Caesar, C. Jul.-Commentaries. (Fr. Lat., by Wm. Duncan.) (F. C. L.) 2 v. 18o. N. Y. 1833 Life...... 18o. N.Y. 1846 --- -- and Hirtius, A.-Opera. [Title wanting.].. 18o. Caillie, Rene-Travels in Cent. Africa to Timbuctoo, in 1824-8. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1830 Caines, Geo.-Law Merchant of the United States... 8vo. N. Y. 1802 Caird, Jas.-Plantation Scheme as relates to Ireland.. 8vo. Edin. 1850 Calderon de la Barca, (Mde.)-Life in Mexico. 2 v... 12o. Bost. 1843 Caldwell, Chas.-Life and Campaigns of Maj. Gen. Nathaniel Greene 8vo. Phil. 1819 ------- Phrenology Vindicated.. 12o. N. Y. 1838. —--- J. S.-Results of Reading. 8vo. Lond. 1843 Calef, Robt.-More Wonders of the Invisible World.. 12. Salem. 1823 Calendar of Nature; or, Natural History of the Year.. 18o. Lond. 1839 Calhoun, John C.-Life; with Selections from his Speeches, &c. 8vo. N. Y. 1843 Calcott, John Wall-Musical Grammar... 18o. Bost. 1833 ------- Maria-Essays toward the History of Painting.. 12o. Lond. 1836 - - Scripture Herbal..... 8vo. Lond. 1842 Callender, J.-Discourse on Colony of R. I. See Collect, of R. I Hist. Soc. Callet, Francois-Tables de Logarithmes.. 8vo. Paris. 1795 Catalogue.] C A L — CAM 45 Callet, Francois-Tables of Logarithms. (Fr. Fren.). 8vo. Paris. 1809 Calmet, Don A.-Dictionary of the Bible. 4 v... 4to. Cha'st'n. 1812-17 [For Supplement. Vol. of Sacred Geog. See Wells, E.] Calpurnius, Siculus. See Walker, G. S. Corpus Poet. Lat. Calvert, Geo. H.-Scenes and Thoughts in Europe. 12o. N. Y. 1846 Calvin, John-On Secret Providence. (Fr. Ger.)... 18o. N. Y. 1840 -- -- - and Servetus. See Rilliet, llM. A. Cambreling, C. C. —Rept. on Comn. and Na.; with a Rev. of the Same 8vo. Balt. 1830 Cambridge Prize Poems...... 16o. Lond. 1847 Camden, Wm.-Britannia; a Descrip. of Eng. and Irel'd. (Fr. Lat.) 2 v. Fol. Lond. 1772 Camden Society Publications. Vols. 1-37.... 4to. Lond. 1838-47 1. Restoration of King Edward IV., 1471,.. Edit. by Bruce. 2. King Johan; a Play, by Bishop Bale,.. " Collier. 3. Poems on the Deposition and History of Richard III.. " Wright. 4. Plumpton Correspondence,.." Stapleton. 5. Anecdotes, &c., illustrative of Early English Hist. and Liter., " Thoms. 6. Political Songs of England; from John to Edward II.,. Wright. 7. Hayward's Annals of Four Years of Elizabeth's Reign, " Bruce. 8. Ecclesiastical Documents,.... " Hunter. 9. Norden's Description of Essex (1594),... Ellis. 10. Warkworth's Chronicle of Reign of Edward IV.,. Halliwell. 11. Kemp's Nine Daies WVonder,.... Dvce. 12. Egerton Papers,..... Collier. 13. Chronicle of Jocelina de Brakelonda,... Rokewoode. 14. Narrative of the Contests in Ireland, in 1641 and 1690, Croker. 15. Chron. of Win. of Rishanger; Miracles of Simon de Montfort, " HIalliwell. 16. ILatin Poems; attributed to Walter Mapes,..' Wright. 17. Travels of Nicander in England, in Reign of Henry VIII.,. " Cramer. 18. Three Early English Metrical Romances,. " Robson. 19. Diary of Dr. John Dee, and Catalogue of his MSS.,. Halliwell. 20. Apology for Lollard Doctrines attributed to Wickliffe,. " Todd. 21. Rutland Papers; or, the Courts, &c., of Henry VII. and VIII., " Jerdan. 22. Diary of Bishop Cartwright in 1686-7,.. " Hunter. 23. Letters of Literary Men of 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries,. " Ellis. 24. Proceedings against Alice Kytler, for Sorcery, in 1324, " Wright. 25. Galfrid's Promptorium Parvulorun. Vol. 1,.. " Way. 26. Letters on the Suppression of Monasteries,.. " Wright. 27. Correspondence of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, 1585-6 " Bruce. 28. Polydore Vergil's, Reigns of Hen. VI., Ed. IV., and Rich. III., " Ellis. 29. Croniques de London depuis 1260 jusqu'k 1344,.. Aungier. 30. Thornton Romances; Early English Metrical Romances, " Halliwell. 31. Verney Papers, of Proceedings in the Long Parliament,. " Bruce. 32. Autobiography of Sir John Bramstone,.. " Braybrooke. 33. Letters of James, Earl of Perth, to his Sister, 1688-96,. " Jerdan. 34. Liber de Antiquis Legibus, 1578-1774,... Stapleton. 35. Chronicle of Calais; Reigns of Henry VII. and VIII., to 1540, " Nichols. 36. Polydore Vergil's, English Hist., Vol. 1. (to Norman Conquest.) " Ellis. 37. Relation; or, True Account of Eng. about 1500. (Fr. Ital.) " Sneyd. Camlelon, le; Journal non Politique. 3 v... 8vo. Paris. 1834-5 Camoens, Luis de-Lusiad, or Discovery of India. (Fr. Port.) 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1798 - Poems. (Fr. Port.)..... 16o. Phil. 1805 Camp, Geo. S.-Democracy. (H. F. L.).... 18o. N. Y. 1841 Camp and Barrack Room; or, British Army as it is... 12o. Lond. 1846 Campan, Mde J. L. H.-Court of Maria Antoinette. 2 v.. 12o. Phil. 1850 --- -- - Private Journal; Anecdotes of French Court. 12o. Phil. 1825 Campbell, Arch.-Sale of Authors.... 12o. Lond. 1767 ---- Arch.-Voyage Round the World, 1806-12.. 12o. N. Y. 1817 The Same..... 12o. N. Y. 1819 Chas.-History of the Colony of Virginia. 8vo. Richmond. 1847 46 CA M — C A R [Merc. Lib. Campbell, Dugald-Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry. 160. Lond. 1849 Geo.-The Four Gospels, with Notes. See Bible. ----- -- Philosophy of Rhetoric.... 8vo. Bost. 1823 ------ Jas.-Ireland; its History, Past and Present.. 8vo. Lond. 1847 ---- John-Lives of British Admirals, to 1812. 8 v. 8vo. Lond. 1813 - The Same, continued by various persons, to 1816. 8 v. 8vo. Lond. 1817 - The Same, abridged and cont. to 1841, by G. Gilfillan. 12o. Glasgow. 1841 Naval Hist. of Gt. Brit. with Lives of Admirals. 4 v. 160. Lond. 1758 ---— _ - John (Lord)-Lives of the Chief Justices of England. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Lives of the Lord Chancellors of England. 7 v. 8vo. Lond. 1845-7 Maria-Life of Gen. Wm. Hall.... 8vo. N.Y. 1848 -- - Thos.-Letters from Algiers.. 12o. Phil. 1836 - Life of Petrarch. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1841 - Life of Sarah Siddons.... 12o. N. Y. 1834 Pilgrims of Glencoe, and other Poems.. 12o. Lond. 1842 - Pleasures of Hope, and other Poems.. 12o. Lond. 1842 ---— _- - The Same, with Pleasures of Memory, by Sam. Rogers, 16o. Albany. 1814 Theodoric and other Poems... 18o. N. Y. 1825 Poems. See Rogers, Samuel. -- -- Poetical Works..... 16o. Lond. 1836 - (Ed'r)-Frederick the Great, and his Times. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1841 The Same. 2 v.... 12o. Phil. 1842 - The Same. Second Series. 2 v... 12o. Phil. 1843 - — _- -- Specimens of the Brit. Poets, from 1400 to 1805. 7 v. 8vo. Lond. 1819 - and Stone, W. L.-Poetry and History of Wyoming 12o. N. Y. 1841 - Wm.-British India, as regards Progress of Christianity 8vo. Lond. 1839 Wmi. W.-Annals of Tryon County; or, Bord. War. ofN.Y. 8vo. N. Y. 1831 - The Same..... 8vo. N. Y. 1848...- -- Life and Writings of De Witt Clinton.. 8vo. N. Y. 1849 ----- _ -- Memoirs of Mrs. Judith S. Grant.. 18o. N. Y. 1844 Campe, J. H.-E1 Nuevo Robinson. 3 v.... 18o. Paris. 1825 Camper, Petrus-Kindermoord..... 8vo. Leeuwarden.1774 Can Woman Regenerate Society..... 16o. Lond. 1844 Canada and the Oregon. (L. E. K.).... 12o. Lond. 1846 Canning, Geo.-Select Speeches. Edited by Robt. Walsh.. 8vo. Phil. 1835 Speeches, with a Life by E. Thierry. 6 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1830 Memoirs of the Life of. 2 v.... 12o. N. 1830 Cannabich, J. G. F.-Lehrbuch der Geographie.. 8vo. Ilmenau. 1823 Canons of Good Breeding...... 18o. Phil. 1839 Cantatrice per Disgrazia. Vol. 1..... 12o. Parma. 1763 Cap, P. A.-Principes Elementaires de Pharmaceutique.. 18o. Phil. 1830 Cape of Good Hope Literary Gazette. 3 v... 4to. Capet'n. 1830-33 Capefigue, B. H. R.-Histoire de Philippe Auguste. 5 v... 16o. 3rux. 1830 -- -- Louis XIV., et son Gouvernement.. 8vo. Brux. 1838 - The Diplomatists of Europe. (Fr. Fren.). 16o. Lond. 1845 Capes, J. M.-A Sunday in London.... 12o. Lond. 1850 Caprices; Poems....... 12o. N. Y. 1849 Carraccioli, Chas.-Life of Robt. Lord Clive. 4 v... 8vo. Lond. no date Cardonne, D. D.-Miscellany of Eastern Learning. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1771 Cardozo, J. N.-Political Economy..... 8vo. Charlest'n. 1826 Catalogue.] CAR CAR 47 Carew, Thos.-Poetical Works..... 12o. Edin. 1832 Carey, Eustace-Memoir of Wi. Carey....12o. Bost. 1836 Alice, and Phoebe-Poems....12o. Phil. 1850 --- Geo. G.-System of Arithmetic.. 8vo. Lond. 1818 H. C.-Essay on the Rate of Wages... 8vo. Phil. 1835 - The Past, Present, and Future... 8vo. Phil. 1848 ---- - Principles of Political Economy. 3 v... 8vo. Phil. 1837-40 -- Matthew-Addresses of the Phil. Society, on National Industry 12o. Phil. 1820 ----- Essays on Political Economy... 8vo. Phil. 1822 Olive Branch...... 12o. Bost. 1815 - New Olive Branch..... 8vo. Phil. 1820 - Vindiciae Hibernicae, or Ireland Vindicated.. 8vo. Phil. 1837 *Caricature Scrap Book...... 4to. Lond. 1840 Carleton, J. H.-Battle of Buena Vista.... 16. N.. 1848 ----- J. W. (Ed'r)-Sporting Sketch Book... 12o. Lond. 1842 Carli, J. R.-Lettres Americaines. Vol. 1..... 8vo. Paris. 1788 Carlisle, Sir H.-Preservation of Health, and Prevention of Diseases 8vo. Lond. 1838 (Fred. Howard, Earl of)-Tragedies and Poems..8vo. Loud. 1810 Carlyle, Thos.-Chartism...... 12o. Bost. 1840 Critical and Miscellaneous Writings. 4 v.. 120. Bost. 1838-9 French Revolution; a History. 3 v.. 12o. Lond. 1839 ---.- The Same. 2 v......12o. Bost. 1838 --- -- German Romance; with Specimens and Notes. 2 v. 12o. Bost. 1841 Heroes, Hero Worship, and the Heroic in History. 12o. N. Y. 1841 & 46 Life of Frederic Schiller... 18o. Bost. 1833 The Same...... 1. N.Y. 1837 ---- -- Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1845-9 Past and Present.... 12o. Bost. 1843 Sartor Resartus....18o. Bost. 1836 The Same..... 12o. N.. 1846 Carmichael, A.-Life and Philosophy of J. G. Spurzheim..12o. Bost. 1833 - Mrs.-Five Years in Trinidad and St. Vincent. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1834 Carnochan, John M.-Congenital Dislocations of the Femur. 8vo. N. Y. 1850 Carpenter, T. C.-Memoirs of Thomas Jefferson. 2 v... 8vo. no place. 1809 ___ —-- Wm.-Comprehensive Diet. of English Synonymes. 18o. Lond. 1842 Popular Introduction to the Study of the Scriptures 8vo. Lond. 1826 Wm. Angler's Assistant.... 160. Lond. 1848 - Wm. B.-Animal Physiology....12o. Lond. 1847 i- Human Physiology, and Physiological Anatomy 16o. Lond. 1846 - Mechanical Philosophy, Horology, and Astronomy 120. Lond. 1844 - Use and Abuse of Alcoholic Liquors.. 12o. Phil. 1850 Vegetable Physiology, and Botany.. 8vo. Lond. 1842 Zoology. 2 v...... 8vo. Lond. 1845 Carpentry; a Guide Book for Carpentry, and Joinery. 2 v.. 4to. Lond. 1849 Carpzovius, D. J. G.-Critica Sacra Veteris Testamenti. 4to. Lipsie. 1748 Carr, Sir John-Caledonian Sketches; Tour through Scotland, 1807 8vo. Lond. 1809 - Northern Summer; or, Travels Round the Baltic. 12o. Hartf. 1806 Stranger in France... 4to. Lond. 1803 The Same... 8vo. Balt. 1805 - The Same.. 12o. Brattleboro. 1806 48 CA R — CA T [Merc. Lib. Carr, Thos. S.-Classical Pronunciation of Proper Names.. 12o. Lond. 1842 - - Manual of Classical Mythology... 16o. Lond. 1846 Carrard, Benj.-See Essays on the Spirit of Legislation. Carrel, Armand-Hist. of Counter Revolution in England.. 12o. Lond. 1846 Carrick, J. D.-Life of Sir William Wallace. (C. M.) 2 v.. 18o. Edin. 1830 Carriere, Edw.-Climat de l'Italie..... 8vo. Paris. 1850 Carroll, B. R.-Historical Collections of S. Carolina. 2 v.. 8vo. N. Y. 1836 Carson, Alex.-Baptism Considered; with Review of Dwight. 12o. N. Y. 1832 Jos.-Illustrations of Medical Botany. 2 v... 4to. Phil. 1847 Carstairs, J.-Methode d'Ecriture..... 8vo. Paris. 1829 -- - The Same.... 18o. Paris. no date -— _ -- Lectures on the Art of Writing... 8vo. Lond. 1838 Carter, Eliz.-Letters to Mrs. Montague from 1755 to 1800. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1817 Jas.-Two Lectures on Taste.... 12o. Colchester. 1834 * John-Specimens of Ancient Art remaining in England. Fol. Lond. 1838 N. H.-Letters from Europe. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1827 Cartwright, John; Life and Correspondence. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1826 Carus, C. G.-King of Saxony's journey thro' Eng. and Scot. 1844 8vo. Lond. 1846 - --. Trait6 Elementaire d'Antomie Comparee. 2 v. 8vo & 4to. Brux. 1838 Carver, Johann-Reisen durch Nord Amerik... 8vo. Ham'bgh. 1766-8 Cary, Hen.-Life of H. F. Cary; with his Journal and Letters. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1847 Memoirs of the Civil War in Eng. 1646 to 1652. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1842 - - Testimonies of the Fathers to Ch. of Eng., doctrine, &c. 8vo. Oxford. 1835 - Hen. F.-The Early French Poets... 18o. Lond. 1846 - Lives of English Poets from Johnson to Kirke White 18o. Lond. 1846 Case of the Seneca Indians; with, Further Illustrations of the Same. 2 v. 8vo. Phil. 1840-1 Thomas, Lord Cochrane..... 12o. N. Y. 1814 Cash Book in the Gujeratee Language. MS. Cass, Lewis-France; its King, Court, and Government.. 12o. N. Y. 1841 Castellan, A. L.-Letters sur l' Italic. 3 v... 8vo. Paris. 1819 Castelli, G. T. di-Grammatica Italiana e Tedesca... 8vo. Vienna. 1773 Castle, H. J.-Text Book for Young Surveyors and Levellers. 12o. Lond. 1846 Castlereagh, Viscount-Jour. to Damascus, thro' Egypt, Nubia, &c. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1847 _ -- - Memoirs and Correspondence of,.. 8vo. Lond. 1848-9 *Catalogue des Livres Franmais etc en vente par Hector Bossange 8vo. Paris. 1841 * —-- Of the Same.... 8vo. Paris. 1845 * ----- First Supplement to the above... 8vo. Paris. 1847 *.-.- Of Books for sale by Bartlett & Welford.. 8vo. N. Y. no date * " ---' " by H. G. Bohn. 8vo. Lond. 1841 * ----- Of the Same. Vol. 1.... 8vo. Lond. 1847 * ~ — Of Books for sale by John Doyle. 8vo. N. Y. 1848 * ----- " " " Geo. P. Putnam. 8vo. N. Y. 1850 *..... " " ".Thos. Thorpe... 8vo. Lond. 1842 *.-... Of Books in the Boston Library... 8vo. Bost. 1830 [The above bound with the " London Cat. 1800-1822"] *....... Of Books in the Collection of S. D. Langtree.. 8vo. Wash. 1842 * —-- Of Five Hundred Living Authors of Great Britain. 8vo. Lond. 1788 * ---- Of Greek and Latin Classics, for sale by D. A. Talboys 12o. Oxford. 1838 * ---- Of Law Books in the Edinburgh Advocate's Library 8vo. Edin. 1831 *m —.- - Of the Library of the American Antiquarian Society 8vo. Worces. 1837 Catalogue.] CA T- CA T 49 *Catalogue of the Library of Baltimore Library Company. 8vo. Bait. 1809 * —,- " "( Boston Athenaeum... 8vo. Bost. 1827 * — __ -- " " Boston Mercan. Library Association 12o. Bost. 1839 * —— _ " " Of the Same... 8vo. Bost. 1844 _* — -. " " Boston Society of Natural History. 8vo. Bost. 1837 * ------ ( " Brown University.. 8vo. Prov. 1843 * -—._ - " " Cincinnati Mercantile Library Assoc. 8vo. Cincinnati. 1846 * —-. -" " Congress in the Capitol of the U. States 8vo. Wash. 1840 * ----- " " Hartford Young Men's Institute. 8vo. Iartf. 1844 * -.." ". Harvard University. 4 v.. 8vo. Camb. 1830-4 * ——.." " Linonian Society of Yale College.8vo. N. Iaven. 1846 * ---— _ "'* London Institution. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1835-43:* ---— __'C" " Middlesex Mechanics'Assoc. tt Lowell 8vo. Lowell. 1840 * — _ " " New-York Mere. Librlary Association 12o. N. Y. 1821 k —-... Of the Same.. 12o. N. Y. 1825:* ---— _: i" Of the Same... 120. N. Y. 1828:* --- - ~ Of the Same... 8vo. N. Y. 1830 ~~I* —-_ " Of the Same... 8vo. N. Y. 1834 * ----'" I Of the Same, with Supplement. 8vo. N. Y. 1837-40 *__- i " Of the Same...8vo. N. Y. 1844 * —- " " Of the Same... 8vo. N. Y. 1850 * — _ — " " Phil. Academy of Natural Sciences. 8vo. Phil. 1836 _...-." "5 Philadelphia Library Company. 8vo. Phil. 1807 * —-_ " " Of the Same. 2 v.. 8 vo. Phil. 1835 8* -- (....." First Supplement 8vo. Phil. 1844 *-..." ". " " Second Supplement 8vo. Phil. 1849 * ----. " " Phil. Mercantile Library Company 12o. Phil. 1840 * —'" " Of the Same...8vo. Phil. 1850 * -_...' Providence Athenaeum, with Appendix 8vo. Prov. 1839 *-.-.. " Duke of Roxburghe.. 8vo. Lond. 1812 * --- " " Royal Institution of Great Britain 8vo. Lond. 1821 * --- - " " Salem Athenaeum... 8vo. Salem. 1842 *- - " " Soc. of Brothers in Unity, Yale College 8vo. N. Haven. 1846 * -- _ " " Zanesville Athenaeum.. 12o. Zanesville. 1843 * - _ Of the Lib. removed from Stowe House. [Duke of Bucking.] 8vo. Lond. 1849 * ----- Of the London Library, established in 1841..8vo. Lond. 1842 * —-- Of the New-York Apprentices' Library.. 12o. N. Y. 1839 * —- Of the New-York Society Library...8vo. N. Y. 1838 *.... " " " Supplement to the Same 8vo. N. Y. 1843 *_____ ". " " " 8vo. N. Y. 1850 * --- Of the Pennsylvania State Library... 8vo. Harrisburg. 1839 * — Of Printed Books in the British Museum. Vol. 1.Fol. Lond. 1841 * —-- Of Scarce and Valuable Books on the Hist. of Eng. MS. Fol. * —- - Of Scientific Books in the Library of the Royal Society 8vo. Lond. 1839 * —-- Of the Strawberry-Hill Collection of Sir II. Walpole 4to. Lond. 1842 * _ —-- Of Theological Books for sale by D. A. Talboys.12o. Oxford. 1835 * —_ Of Works in Med. and Nat. tist. cont'd in Radcliffe Lib. 8vo. Oxford. 1835 Catechism of Health....... 18o. Phil. 1831 - Phrenology..... 12o. Phil. 1835 Cathedral, the; or, the Catholic and Apostolic Church in Eng. (Poems.) 12o. Oxford. 1841 7 50 CA T — CHA [Merc. Lib. Catherine II.; Imperatrice de Russia, Vie de. 2 v.... 8vo. Warsaw. 1798 Empress of Russia, Life of. 3 v. (Fr. Fren.). 8vo. Lond. 1798 Catlin, Geo.-Letters, &c., on the No. Amer. Indians, 1832-9. 2 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1841 - - Notes of Travel, with his Indian Collection. 2 v.. 8vo. N. Y. 1848 Catlow, Agnes-Popular Conchology.. 18o. Lond. 1843 Cattermole, Rich.-Book of the Raffaele Cartoons.. 8vo. Lond. 1837 ------ ~Literature of the Church of England. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1844 (Ed'r) See Sacred Classics. Catullus, C. V. See Walker, G. S. Corpus Poet. Lat. ---- -- Poems; in English Verse. (Fr. Lat. by Dr. Nott.) 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1795.-.... -- Selections from, with Notes by Cookesley.. 12o. N. Y. 1849 Caubul and its Dependencies. 2 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1842 Caulfield, Jas.-Port. and Mem. of Remarkable Persons, 1688-1727. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1819 Caussidiere; Memoirs of. 2 v...... 12o. Lond. 1848 Caulincourt (Duke of Vicenza)-Napoleon and his Times. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1838 ____ —---------- - The Samne. 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1838 Cavallo, Tiberius-Elemnents of Natural Philosophy. 2 v. 8vo. Phil. 1813 Cave, Wm.-Lives of the Apostles. See Sacred Classics. - Primitive Christianity. See Sacred Classics. Cavendish, Geo. —Life of Cardinal Wolsey. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1825 - - Sir Hen.-Notes of Debates in H. of Coln. (1774) on Quebec 8vo. Lond. 1839 -- Society Publications. Vols. 1-4.. 8vo. Lond. 1845-9 Vol. 1. Chemical Reports and Memoirs. Edited by Thos. Graham. " 2, 3, 4. Gmelin's Hand Book of Chemistry. Vols 1-3 Cavendishe, Marg.-Life of Wim. Cavendishe, Duke of Newcastle. 4to. Lond. 1838 Ceba, Ansaldo-Cit. of a Republic; his Rights, Duties, &c. (Fr. Ital.) 12o. N. Y. 1845 Cecil, Rich.-Works; with a Memoir, by J. Pratt. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1827 Remains " " ".. 12o. Bost. 1817 Celebrated Trials of all Countries... 8vo. Phil. 1835 Cellini, Benvenuto-Life of Himself. See Autobiography. The Same. (Fr. Ital.) 2 v.... 12o. N. Y. 1845 Celnart, Mde-Gentlemen's and Lady's Book of Politeness. (Fr. Fren.) 16o. Phil. 1844 Cerfberr, A. E.-Rapport sur Hbpitaux de Bienfaisance en Italic. 4to. Paris. 1840 Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de-Novelas Exemplares. 12o. Perpinan. 1816 -- -- DonQuixotte. (Fr. Span.) With a Life. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1801 El Buscapie. (Fr. Span.) With a Life 8vo. Lond. 1849......-.... -- Squib; or, Searchfoot... 12o. Camb. (E.) 1849.... ------ _ -- Don Quichotte. (In Fren. fr. Span. 2 v.) 8vo. Paris. 1836 Cevallerius, A. R.-Rudimenta Linguae Hebraicae. 4to. Geneva. 1592 Chaboulon, F. de-Memoirs of Napoleon in 1815. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1820 Chaisneau, C.-Atlas d'Histoire Naturelle... Fol. Paris. 1802 Chalkhill, John-Thealma and Clearchus. A Poem.. 12o. Chiswick. 1820 Chalmers, Alex. (Ed'r) See British Essayists. - The Projector; a Periodical Paper. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1815 Geo.-History of the Revolt of the American Colonies. 2 v. 8vo. Bost. 1845 ---- -- Life of Mary Queen of Scots; from State Papers. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1822 ------- The Same. 3 v..... 8vo. Phil. 1822 ___ _ ----- - Poetic Remains of some of the Scottish Kings 8vo. Lond. 1824 ---- - Thos.-Adaptation of Nature to Man. See Bridgewager Treatises. Application of Christianity to Ordinary Life 12o. Bost. 1821 Catalogue.] CHA -- CHA 51 Chalmers, Thos.-Political Economy.... 12o. N. Y. 1832 -..- -- Posthumous Works. 8 v..... 8vo. Edin. 1847-9 Daily Scripture Readings. 3 v. Sabbath Scripture Readings. 2 v. Sermons. 1 v. Institutes of Theology. 2 v. - Works..... 8vo. Phil. 1830 - The Same. Vols. 1-12. 12o. Glasgow. no date Chamberlaine, John-Engravings from Designs of the Caracci. Fol. Lond. 1797 _- - -- -- Portraits from Holbein's Court of Henry VIII. 4to. Lond. 1828 Chamberlayne, Edw.-Anglie Notitia; or, Present State of England 12o. Lond. 1684 --- ---- Wm.-Pharonnida, and Loves Victory. See Old Eng. Poets. Chambers, Robt.-Ancient Sea Margins.... 8vo. Edin. 1848 ----- -- Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotsmen. 4 v. 8vo. Glasgow. 1835 - -- -- Conditions of Health and Long Life.. 18o. N. Y. 1846 — ~ — -- History of English Language and Literature. 12o. Hartf. 1'837 * -- -- Index to Heirs at Law and Next of Kin. 12o. Lond. 1847 ---- - -- Life of King James I. of England. (C. M.) 2 v. 18o. Edin. 1830..-.- Scot. Rebel, of 1638-60,1689,1715,1745. (C.M.) 2v. 18o. Edin. 1828 - - Select Writings. 7 v..... 12o. Edin. 1847 Vols. 1, 2. Essays Familiar and Humorous. " 3. Essays Moral and Economic.' 4. Essays Philosophical, Sentimental, and Historical. 5. History of Scotch Rebellion, 1745-6. " 6. Traditions of Edinburgh. " 7. Popular Rhymes of Scotland; and, Original Poems. (Ed'r)-Cyclopedia of English Literature. 2 v.. 8vo. Edin. 1844 Scottish Songs and Ballads, Illustrated. 3 v.. 12o. Edin. 1829 ----- T/Wm.-Tour in Holland and Belgium in 1838.. 8vo. Edin. 1839 -... -- Tour in Switzerland in 1841... 8vo. Edin. 1842 Wm. and Robt. (Ed'rs)-Atlas for the People.. 4to. Edin. 1847 - ---- Information for the People... 8vo. Edin. 1842 - - Edinburgh Journal. Vols. 1-6 and 12.. Fol. Edin. 1832-7&43 The Same. Vols. 7-8.... Fol. N. Y. 1838-39 _____ __ - The Same. New Series. Vols. 1-13. [Continued.] 8vo. Edin. 1844-50 E_ - Educational Course. 30 vols.... 16o. Edin. 1836-49 Arithmetic, Theoretical and Practical. Book-keeping. By Wi. Inglis. Electricity. Elements of Algebra, with a Key. By A. Bell. 3 v. Elements of Drawing and Perspective. By John Clark. Elements of Mechanics. Elements of Plane Geometry. By A. Bell. English Grammar and Composition. By A. J. D. D'Orsey. 2 v. Exemplary and Instructive Biography. History and Present State of the British Empire. History of the English Language and Literature. History of Greece. Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, and Pneumatics. Infant Education. Introduction to the Sciences. Latin Grammar. By L. Schmitz. Laws of Matter and Motion. Mechanics. Meteorology. Practical Mathematics. By A. Bell. 3 v. Principles of Elocution. By W. Graham. Rudiments of Animal Physiology. By G. Hamilton. 52 C H -A C HA [Merc. Lib. Chalmers, Wm. and Robt.-Educational Course, (continued.) Rudiments of Chemistry. By D. B. Reid. Rudiments of Geology. By David Page. Rudiments of Knowledge. Rudiments of Vegetable Physiology. Rudiments of Zoology. Solid and Spherical Geometry and Conic Sections. By A. Bell. --- -- Gazetteer of Scotland.... 8vo. Edin. 1846 Miscellany of Useful and Entertaining Tracts. 20 v. 12o. Edin. 1845 Chamier (Capt.)-Review of the French Revolution of 1848. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Chamisso, Albert Von-Werke. 4 v..... 12o. Leipzig. 1836 Champollion-Figeac, J. J.-Egypte Ancicnne.. 8vo. Paris. 1843 Chandler, John-Life of William of Wykeham.. 180. Lond. 1842 ------ Jos.-Grammar of the English Language. 12o. Phil. 1847 -__ Peleg W. —American Criminal Trials. 2 v.. 12o. Bost. 1841-4 Changes in Commercial Systems of Foreign Nations. 8vo. Wash. 1843 Channing, Walter-Treatise on Etherization in Childbirth. 8vo. Bost. 1848 - Wm. E.-Conversations in Romo.... 18o. Bost. 1847 - Discourses..... 12o. Bost. 1832 -- - Discourses and Essays... 8vo. Bost. 1830.- -- On Slavery. 12o. Bost. 1836 -- -- Self-Culture... 12o. Bost. 1839 ----- -- W-orks. 5 v.... 12o. Glasgow. 1840 - The Same..... 8vo. Glasgow. 1840 W. H.-Memoir of Wm. Ellery Channing. 3 v.. 12o. Bost. 1848 Chapin, A. B.-Puritanism not Genuine Protestantism.. 18o. N. Y. 1847 --- E. H.-Lectures on the Duties of Young Men.. 18o. Bost. 1840 L. B.-Vegetable Kingdom; or, Hand-Book of Plants & Fruits 12o. N. Y. 1843 Chapman, Geo.-Hymns of Homer, the Batrachomyomachia, &c.. 12o. Chiswick. 1818 -- See Marlowue, Christopher. ----- J. R.-Instructions to Young Marksmen.. 12o. N. Y. 1848 I —-- N. (Ed'r)-Select Speeches, Forensic and Parliamentary. 2 v. 8vo. Phil. 1818 Chapone, Mrs.-Letters on the Improvement of the Mind.. 18o. Bost. 1832 Chappell, Edw.-Narrative of a Voyage to Hudson's Bay. 8vo. Lond. 1817 ----- W.-Collection of National English Airs... 4to. Lond. 1838 Chappus, A. M.-Histoire Abrege des Revolutions du Commerce 18o. Paris. 1809 Chaptal, J. A.-Des Douanes, etdes Prohibitions.. 8vo. Phil. 1819 Chemistry applied to Agriculture. (Fr. Fren.). 12o. Bost. 1835 Elements of Chemistry. (Fr. Fren.).. 8vo. Bost. 1806 Characteristics of Men of Genius; a Series of Essays. 2 v.. 12o. Bost. 1847 Charivari, le (Journal). Jan.-Juin., 1843. [Continued.]. Fol. Paris. 1843 Chlarke, Charlotte-Life of Herself. See Autobiography. Charles I. [King of Eng.]- Works. With a Hist. of his Life, Trial, &c. Fol. Lond. 1687 Charles X. and Louis Philippe; Secret Hist. of Revolution of 1830 8vo. Lond. 1837 Charms of Benevolence, and Patriotic Mentor... 18o. Phil. 1814 Charnock, John-History of Marine Architecture. 3 v... 4to. Lond. 1800 Chase, Lucien B.-History of the Polk Administration.. 8vo. N. Y. 1850 Chasles, Philarete-Etudes sur 1'Antiquit6... 18o. Paris. 1847 Chastellux, F. J. (Marquis de)-Travels in N. America in 1780-2. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1787... - The Same..... 8vo. N. Y. 1828 Chateaubriand, F. A. de-Discours sur la Chute de 1'Emp. Romaine. 4 v, 16o. Brux. 1831 Catalogue.] C HA - CHI 53 Chateaubriand, F. A. de-Genie du Christianisme, 5v... 8vo. Paris. 1816 - tineraire de Paris k J6rusalem. 3 v... 8vo. Paris. 1812 - -- Memoires d'Outre Tombe. Vols. 1-8. 8vo. Paris. 1849 - Congress of Verona. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1838 Memoirs of Himself. Vol. 1. (Fr. Fren.) 12o. Lond. 1848 Recollections of Italy, England, and America 8vo. Phil. 1816........ -- Sketches of English. Literature. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1837.-.... ——.- - Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt, &c. 1806-7 8vo. N. Y. 1814 Chatelet, Duke de-Travels in Portugal. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1809 Chatham, Wm. P. (Earl of)-Correspondence. 4 v... 8vo. Lond. 1838-40 ---- - Burke, Erskine, and Mackintosh-Speeches. 8vo. Phil. 1835 Chatterton, Thos.-Poetical & Select Prose Works; with a Memoir. 2 v. 16o. Camb. (E.) 1842 See Dix, John. Pen and Ink Sketches. Chaucer, Geoffrey-Canterbury Tales, and other Poems. 2 v. 18o. Lond. no date - Canterbury Tales, Modernized. 3 v... 8o. Lond. 1742 - Poems. 5 v...... 12o. Chiswick. no date Poems, Modernized...16o. Lond. 1841 _ —— _ -- Poet. Works; with an Essay on his Language, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Selec. from his W'ks, with Remarks by C. D. Deshler 12o. N.. 1847 Chaudon, L. M.-Memoirs of Voltaire's Life and Writings.. 8vo. Lond. 1786 Cheetham, Jas.-Life of Thomas Paine.8vo. N. Y. 1809 Cheever, Geo. B.-American Commonplace Book of Prose.. 12o. Bost. 1837 - Defence of Capital Punishment.. 12o. N. Y. 1846 itill Difficulty, with other Miscellanies.. 12o. N. Y. 1849 ---- -- Lectures on the Pilgrim's Progress.. 8vo. N. Y. 1844 - Pilgrim in the Shadow of the Jungfrau Alp. 12o. N. Y. 1846 Studies in Poetry.... 12o. Bost. 1830 - Wanderings of a Pilgrim in the Shadow of Mt. Blanc 12o. N. Y. 1845 Windings of the River of the Water of Life. 12o. N. Y. 1849 - -- -- (Ed'r)-Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth. 12o. N. Y. 1848 H. T.-The Whale and its Captors... 16o. N. Y. 1850 Chemical Gazette. Vols. 1-7. [Continued.]... 8vo. Lond. 1842-9 Chenevix, Rich.-Essay upon National Character. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1832 -- - See Spurzheim, J. G. Chess-Players' Hand-Book, the..... 24o. Bost. 1844 Chesterfield, Earl of (Philip Dormer Stanhope)-Complete Works 8vo. N. Y. 1845 Elements of a Polite Education... 12o. Lond. no date - Letters to his Son. 3 v.... 18o. N. Y. 1824 ------ -.- Man of Education; or,Beauties of Lord Chesterfield 12o. Bost. 1801 - Miscellaneous Works. 4 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1779 Chevalier, Michael-Letters upon Society and Politics in No. America 8vo. Bost. 1839 ----- - Mexico; Before and After the Conquest.. 8vo. Phil. 1846 Chevy Chase; a Poem, founded on the Ballad of Chevy Chase. 4to. Lond. 1813 Cheyne, Geo.-Philosophical Principles of Religion... 8vo. Lond. 1715 - Life of...... 18o. Oxford. 1846 Chickering, Jesse.-Immigration to the United States.. 8vo. Bost. 1848 Child, Dav. L.-Life, Letters, and Poems of Wm. Person. 18o. Camb. 1820 - Mrs. L. Maria-Appeal in favor of American Africans. 12o. Bost. 1833 - Biographies of Good Wives... 18o. N. Y. 1846 ------ Brief History of the Condition of Women. 18o. N. Y. 1845 54 CHI- CH U [Merc. Lib. Child, Mrs. L. Maria-Coronal; Miscellaneous Pieces 18o. Bost. 1832 - Letters from New-York 12.. 0. N. Y. 1844 The Same; second Series.... 12o. N. Y. 1845 - Memoirs of Mde. De Stael and Mde. Roland.. 18o. N.Y. 1847 Chillingworth, Wm.-Works. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1820 China Mission Advocate, the (a Monthly Magazine) 8vo. Louisville. 1839 Chirchmair, M.-Gramatica.della Lingua Tedesca. 18o. Venice. 1778 Chitty, Jos.-Law of Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes 8vo. Lond. 1803 The Same. Edited by J. W. Hulme. 8vo. Springfield. 1842 Law of Contracts....8vo. Springfield. 1848 Chorley, Henry F.-Memorials of Mrs. Hemans. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1836 --- --- Music and Manners in France and Germany. 3 v.. 4to. Lond. 1844 - See Authors of England. Chretien, C. P.-Essay on Logical Method.... 8vo. Oxford. 1848 Christian Examiner and Gen. Review. Vols. 10-48. [Continued.] 8vo. Bost. 1831-50 Florist. Names of Plants, illustrated with Scripture Texts 24o. Phil. 1835 _ —----- Mission'y Civilization; its Necessity, Progress, and Blessings 8vo. Lond. 1842 Missions; Travels and Researches of English Missionaries 12o. Lond. 1832 ----- Observer, the. Vols. 1-3..... 8vo. Bost. 1802-4 -- The Same. Vols. 10-15..8vo. Bost. 1811-6 T-he Same. New Series. Vols. 6, 10-12 [Continued.] 8vo. N. Y. 1843 & 7-9 --- - Rerembrancer. Vols. 15-18. [Continued.. 8vo. Lond. 1848-9 Retirement... 12o. N. Y. 1837 Scholar, thle. By the Author of the " Cathedral". 12o. Oxford. 1849 Spectator, the. Vols. 4-5..... 8vo. N. Haven. 1822-3 - - Traveller, the; Western Africa.. 8vo. Lond. 1841 - Views; or, Discourses, Doctrinal, Practical, and Devotional 12o. Bost. 1848 Christiani, C.-Unterricht fiir werdende Kaufleute.. 12o. Hanover. 1790 Christianity; the Deliverance of the Soul and its Life.. 16od. Bost. 1847 Christie, Robt.-Military and Naval Operations in the Canadas, 1812-15 12o. Quebec. 1818 Christison, Robt.-On Granular Degeneration of the Kidneys. 8vo. Phil. 1838 Treatise on Poisons.... 8vo. Edin. 1836 ----- - and Griffith, R. E.-Dispensatory of Gt. Brit. & U.S. 8vo. Phil. 1848 Christmas, Hen.-Cradle of the Twin Giants, Science and History. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1849 Universal Mythology... 16o. Lond. 1837 Christmas Carols, with appropriate Music... 8vo. Lond. 1836 Chronicles of London Bridge..8vo. Lond. 1836 ---- The Same. (M. F. L.).... 16o. Lond. 1839 of the Crusades of Richard Coeur de Leon, and of St. Louis 12o. Lond. 1848 *Chronological Tables of Ancient and Modern History.. Fol. Oxford. 1835-40 Chrysostom, St. John-Homilies on the Gospel of St. John, Part 1 8vo. Oxford. 1848 Chubbuck, Emily [Fanny Forrester]-Memoirs of Sarah B. Jndson 18o. N. Y. 1848 Church, John-Cabinet of Quadrupeds. 2 v... 4to. Lond. 1805 ---- Thos.-History of Philip's War (1675-6).. 18o. Exeter. 1829 -- Pharcellus-Philosophy of Benevolence... 12o. N. Y. 1836 - Prize Essays on Religious Dissensions.. 12o. N. Y. 1838 --- -- of England Magazine. Vols. 7-13.... 8vo. Lond. 1839-42 —. —---- Quarterly Review. Vols. 5-14.. 8vo. Lond. 1839-43 Poetry; or, Christian Thoughts in Old and Modern Verse. 18o. Lond. 1847 Churches of Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely... 8vo. Camb. (E.) 1845 Catalogue.] C H U - CL A 55 Churchill, Fleetwood-Diseases of Infants and Children.. 8vo. Phil. 1840 Diseases of Pregnancy and Childbed. 8vo. Phil. 1850 ---- -- Outlines of Principal Diseases of Females. 8vo. Phil. 1839 ---- Charles-Poems. 2 v...... 4to. Lond. 1763 *Churchman, the (a Weekly Newspaper.) Vols. 2-5.. Fol. N.Y. 1831-6 The Same. Vols. 9-13.... Fol. N.Y. 1839-44 Churton, Edw.-The Early English Church. Edited by L. S. Ives 12o. N. Y. 1842 Cibber, Colley-Apology for his own Life.... 8vo. Lond. 1740 The Same. See Autobiography. Dramatic Works. 5 v..... 18o. Lond. 1735-6 Cicero, Marcus Tullius-De Oratore, cum Notis.. 8vo. N. Y. 1823 - The Same, with English Notes.. 12o. Bost. 1823 Dialogus de Partitione Oratoria... 12o. Lugd. 1554...... - Epistolaw ad Lentulun, et Alios.. 12o. Paris. 1541 - -- Orationes Selects..... 12o. Bost. 1836 Rhetorica...... 24o. Lugd. 1560 --—..- Cato; and, Laelius. Translated by W. Melmoth. 8vo. Lond. 1820 The Same. (F. C. L.).... 18o. N. Y. 1837 -- -- fDe Finibus. Translated by S. Parker.. 8vo. Lond. 1812 --- -- De Officiis; or, On Moral Duties. Trans. by W. Guthrie 8vo. Lond. 1820 -— _- -- The Same. Translated by T. Cockman. (F. C. L.) 18o. N. Y. 1837 ---- -- De Republica; The Republic. Tr. by Featherstonhaugh 12o. N.Y. 1829 Epistles to Atticus. Translated by W. Guthrie. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1806 - Last Two Pleadings against C. Verres. Tr. by Kelsall 8vo. Lond. 1812 Letters to his Friends. Trans. by W. Melmoth. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1814 On Oratory and Orators. (Fr. Lat.) With Notes. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1808 On the Nature of the Gods. (Fr. Lat.).. 8vo. Lond. 1741 Orations. Translated by W. Guthrie. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1820 The Same. Translated by W. Duncan. (F. C. L.) 2 v. 18o. N. Y. 1837 Tusculan Disputations. (Fr. Lat.)... 12o. Lond. 1841 Circle of the Sciences. 5 v...... 36o. Lond. 1787-93 Grammar. Arithmetic. Rhetoric. Logic. Geography. Circulaire de l'Institut Royal des Sourds-Muets de Paris. 8vo. Paris. 1836 Circulating Credit, with Hints on Banks of Great Britain.. 8vo. Edin. 1832 City, the; or, Physiology of London Business... 12o. Lond. 1845 Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal. Vols. 1-2... 4to. Lond. 1837-8 The Same. Vols. 6-12. [Continued.]. 4to. Lond. 1843-9 Civiale, J.-Treatment and Prevention of Stone and Gravel. 8vo. Phil. 1841 Claiborne, N. H.-Notes on the War in the South.. 12o. Richmond. 1819 Claims of Labor; or, Duties of Employers to the Employed. 16o. Lond. 1845 Clairbois, V. de-Elements of Naval Architecture. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Lond. 1846 Clairon, Hyppolite-Memoirs of Herself. 2 v. (Fr. Fren.). 12o. Lond. 1800 Clarendon, (E. Hyde, Earl of)-Hist. of Rebell. and Civ. Wars in Eng. 8vo. Oxford. 1707 ------ -- The Same. 6 v...... 8vo. Oxford. 1827 Life of Himself. 3 v..... 8vo. Oxford. 1759 ---- - State Papers, commencing from 1621. 3 v.. 8vo. Oxford. 1767 Claridge, R. (Capt.)-Facts in Support of Hydropathy.. 8vo. Lond. 1844 Clark, Aaron-Manual of the Assembly.... 12o. Albany. 1816 - Chas. Jolhn Noakes and Mary Styles, with a Glossary. 12o. Lond. 1839 -Davis W.-Elements of Algebra... 8vo. N. Y. 1844 56 CLA C L E [Merc. Lib. Clark, Geo.-Memoranda Legalia; or, Digest of English Laws. 8vo. Lond. 1800 - Hugh-History of Knighthood. 2 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1784 Introduction to Heraldry. 16o. Lond. 1845 Jas.-Sanative Influence of Climate.... 12o. Lond. 1841..- -.. The Same...... 8vo. Phil. 1841 - -- Treatise on Pulmonary Consumption... 8vo. Phil. 1835 John-Drawing and Painting in Water Colors.. 12o. Lond. 1849 -- -- Drawing and Perspective. See Chambers' Educ. Course. - John A.-Gathered Fragments.... 12o. Phil. 1836 - -- Glimpses of the Old World. 2 v.... 12o. Phil. 1840 Young Disciple; a Memoir of Anzonetta R. Peters. 12o. Phil. 1837 - J. V. H.-Onondaga; or, Reminiscences of Other Times. 2 v. 8vo. Syracuse. 1849 L. G. (Ed'r)-Knickerbocker Sketch Book... 12o. N. Y. 1845 S. WY.-Grammar of the English Language.. 12o. N. Y. 1847 W. G.-Gazpacho; or, Summer Months in Spain.. 12o. Lond. 1850 -- -- Literary Remains. (Edited by L. G. Clark) 8vo. N. Y. 1844 Clarke, Adam-Account of his own Infancy and Later Life.. 12o. N. Y. 1833 --— _ — - Life; by Himself and Daughter... 8vo. Lond. 1841 -*- -- tHoly Bible, and Commentary and Notes. 6 v. See Bible. Succession of Sacred Literature to 1300. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1830-1 Andrew-Tour in France, Italy, and Switzerland, 1840-1 12o. Lond. 1843 *7 - Mrs. Cowden-Complete Concordance to Shakspeare. 8vo. N. Y. 1846.Edw. D.-Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa. 11 v.. 8vo. Lonud. 1816-24 Vols. 1-2. Russia, Tartary, and Turkey. 3-8. Greece, Egypt, and the Holy Land. 9-11. Scandinavia. - The Same. (Comprising first six vols. of the above.) 4 v. 12o. N. Y. 1815 ---- -- The Same. (Comprising first two vols. of the above.) 8vo. Edin. 1839 F.-Campaign of 1812. [B'd with Maria Campbell's Life of Hull.] F. L., and Dunlap, W.-Mem. of Marq's and Earl of Wellington 8vo. N. Y. 1814 John-Cause and Origin of Evil. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1720-1 -- -- Essay upon Study..... 18o. Lond. 1737 ---- M. St. C. & Hall, D. A. (Ed'rs)-Contested Elections in Congress 8vo. Wash. 1834 ---- -- History of the United States Bank... 8vo. Wash. 1832 McDonald-Poems.... 12o. N. Y. 1836 S. and Williams, J.-Cyclo. of Commerce and Commercial Law 4to. Lond. no date Thos. B.-Disorganizations of Europe... 8vo. Lond. 1803 Clarkson, Thos.-Hist. of Abolition of Slave Trade by Brit. Parl. 3 v. 12o. N. Y. 1836.-....- The Same. Abridged by Evan Lewis.. 12o. Wilming. 1816 - ---- - Memoirs of William Penn. 2 v... 12o. Phil. 1814 -- Portraiture of Quakerism. 3 v... 8vo. N. Y. 1806 Researches concerning God and Religion. 8vo. Loud. 1836 Claudianus, C.-Works. (Fr. Lat. into Eng. Verse.) By A. Hawkins. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1817 --- - See Walker, G. S. Corpus Poet. Lat. Clavigero, F. S. (Abbe)-Hist. of Mexico. (Fr. Ital. by C. Cullen.) 3 v. 8vo. Phil. 1817 Claxton, Timothy-Life of; or, Memoir of a Mechanic.. 12o. Bost. 1839 Clayton, Robt. (Bishop of Cloglher)-Jour. from Cairo to Mount Sinai 12o. Lond. 1753 Clay, Cassius M.-Writings, including Speeches and Addresses. 8vo. N. Y. 1848 - Henry-Life and Speeches of. Edited by Mallory. 2 v.. 8vo. N. Y. 1844 Cleaveland, N.-Greenwood [Cemetery]; a Directory for Visitors 16o. N. Y. 1849 Catalogue.] CLE - C 0 F 57 Clegg, Sam.-Practical Treatise on Coal Gas.. 4to. Lond. 1841 Cleghorn, Geo.-Ancient and Modern Art. 2 v... 16o. Edin. 1848 -------- J.-Treatise on Agriculture.... 4to. Lond. 1790 Clerk, John-Essay on Naval Tactics.... 4to. Lond. 1790 Clerk's and Magistrate's Assistant... 12o. Po'keepsie. 1834 Clerke, Thos.-Rudiments of American Law and Practice. 8vo. N. Y. 1842 Cleveland, C. D.-Compendium of English Literature.. 12o. Phil. 1847 - R. J.-Narr. of Voyages and Commercial Enterprises. 2 v. 12o. Camb. 1842 Clias, P. H.-Elementary Course of Gymnastic Exercises.. 8vo. Lond. 1825 Clifford, E.-Fractional Arithmetic.... 12o. Lond. 1842 Clinton, De Witt; Tribute to the Memory of... 12o. Albany. 1828 --- Sir Henry-Narrative of his Conduct in North America 8vo. Lond. 1783 Cloney, Thos.-Personal Narr. of Transact. in Wexford Co. in 1798 8vo. Dublin. 1832 Clopper, Jonas-Fragments of the History of Bawlfredonia. 8vo. Balt. 1819 Cloquet, II.-System of Human Anatomy. (Fr. Fren.).. 8vo. Bost. 1830 The Same......8vo. Lond. 1835 ------ - Jules-Recollections of Private Life of La Fayette. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1836 Clough, A. H.-Bothie of Toper-na-fuosich; a Vacation Pastoral 12o. Camb. 1849 Clubs of London. 2 v....... 12o. Lond. 1828 Cludius, H. H.-Betrachtungen tiber die Lehren der Religion. 2 v. 12o. Bremen. 1782 - Wahrheit der Christlichen Religion.. 12o. Bremen. 1782 Clulow, W. B.-Aphorisms and Reflections.... 12o. Lond. 1843 Coad, John-Wonderful Providences of God to Himself.. 16o. Lond. 1849 Cobb, J. H.-Manual of Information concerning the Mulberry Tree 12o. Bost. 1831 Cobbett, William-Advice to Young Men and Women.. 18o. N. Y. 1833 --- -- Cottage Economy.... 12o. N. Y. 1833 -- -- English Grammar... 18o. N. Y. 1832 - The Same... 18o. N. Y. 1846 - Hist. of Protest. Reformation in England and Ireland 120. N. Y. 1832 -- - Legacy to Parsons..... 18o. N. Y. 1835 Iife of Andrew Jackson... 18o. N. Y. 1834 --- -- Regency and Reign of George IV. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1830-4 ---- -- Paper against Gold. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1815 Picture of the United States, 1783-1801. 12 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1801 - Rural Rides in Counties of Surrey, Kent, &c.. 12o. Lond. 1830 -- - Life of...... 12o. Phil. 1831 The Same..... 12o. Lond. 1835 - The Same.... 12o. Phil. 1835 - See Parliamentary History of England. Cobbin, I.-The Annual Historian for 1831... 18o. Lond. 1832 Cobbold, Rich.-History and Adventures of Margaret Catchpole. 8vo. N. Y. 1846 Cochelet, M'lle de-Mem. sur la R. Hortense et la Famille Imperiale. 2 v. 16o. Brux. 1837 Cochrane, Geo.-Wanderings in Greece. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1837 J. D.-Pedestrian Journey in Russia & Siberian Tart. 1820-3 8vo. Phil. 1824 - The Same. (C. M.) 2 v... 18o. Edin. 1829 Cockburn, Sir Geo.-Buonaparte's Voyage to St. Helena. 12o. Bost. 1833 Code of Connecticut in 1650; with the "Blue Laws".. 16o. Hartf. 1833 Codice Diplomatico Colombo-Americano... 4to. Genoa. 1823 Coffey, W. A.-Inside Out; a View of N. Y. State Prison.. 12o. N. Y. 1823 Coffin, Josh.-Hist. Newbury, Newburyport, & W. Newbury, 1635-1845 8vo. Bost. 1845 8 58 C F —- CO L [Merc. Lib. Coffin, Robt. S.-The Oriental Harp. (Poems.)... 8vo. Prov. 1826 Cogan, Thos.-Ethical Questions; or, Speculations on Moral Philos. 8vo. Lond. 1817 - On the Passions...... 12o. N. Y. 1821 Coghlan, Fran.-Hand-Book for Italy... 16o. Lond. 1847 Cogswell, Wm.-Assistant to Family Religion... 12o. Bost. 1836 Coit, Thos. W.-On Puritanism.... 12o. N. Y. 1845 Coke, Roger-Detection of State of England under the Stuarts. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1719 Colbert, John Baptist; Life of. (Fr. Fren.)... 8vo. Lond. 1695 Colburn, Hen. (Pub'r)-United Service Mag. Vols. 10-65. [Continued.] 8vo. Lond. 1832-50 W arren-Arithmetic, upon the Inductive Method. 12o. Bost. 1841 ------- Zerah-Memoir of his own Life.... 12o. Springfield. 1833 Colden, Cadwallader-Celebration of Completion of N. Y. Canals 4to. N. Y. 1825 History of Five Indian Nations of Canada.. 8vo. Lond. 1747 Cadwallader D.-Memoirs of the Life of Robert Fulton 8vo. N. Y. 1817 Cole, Hen.-Hand-Book for Westminster Abbey.. 18o. Lond. 1842 Coleman, Chas.-Mythology of the Hindus.... 4to. Lond. 1832 -- - Wm. (Ed'r)- Facts relative to Death of Alex. Hamilton 8vo. N. Y. 1804 Coleridge, Hartley-Biographia Borealis; or, Lives of Dis. Northerns 8vo. Lond. 1833 -- Hen. N.-Introduction to Study of Greek Classic Poets 12o. Lond. 1830 ----- Six Months in the W. Indies. (M. F. L.). 16o. Lond. 1832 ----- Sam. T.-Aids to Reflection; with an Essay by J. McVickar 12o. N. Y. 1839 ---- -- - The Same; with an Essay by J. Marsh.. 8vo. N. Y. 1840.... - -. Biog. Literaria; Sketches of his own Life. 2 v. in 1 120. N. Y. 1817. —. -- The Same. 2 v..... 8vo. N.Y. 1834 - Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit.. 12o. Lond. 1840 Constitution of Church and State; and, Lay Sermons 12o. Lond. 1839... -- The Friend. A Series of Essays.. 8vo. Burlington. 1831 --- - - The Same. 3 v...... 16o. Lond. 1837 ---- - - Hints towards the Formation of a New Theory of Life 12o. Phil. 1848 Letters, Conversations, and Recollections. 12o. N. Y. 1836 --- --.Literary Remains, collected by H. N.,Coleridge. 4 v. 8vo. Loud. 1836-9 -- -- On Method..... 12o. Lond. 1849 Poems...... 12o. N. Y. 1848 ----- - - Poetical Works. 3v..... 16o. Bost. 1835 - Specimens of his Table-Talk. 2 vols. in one. 12o. N. Y. 1835 Works in Prose and Verse... 8vo. Phil. 1846 Shelley, and Keats, Poetical Works of.. 8vo. Paris. 1829 -- - The Same.... 8vo. Phil. 1846 Coley, Hen.-Consideration of Poisons and Asphyxia.. 8vo. N. Y. 1832 - J. M.-On the Diseases of Children... 8vo. Lond. 1846 Collectanea Curiosa; Relating to the Hist. of Eng. and Ireland. 2 v. 8vo. Oxford. 1781 Collection of Modern Voyages and Travels. 11... 8vo. Lond. 1805-9 - State Tracts on the Revol. of 1688 and War of 1672. 3 v. 4to. Lond. 1705-7 ----- Voyages and Travels. 6 v.... Fol. Lond. 1704-32 Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Vols. 1-10 8vo. Bost. 1792-1810 _-__ —------ NNew-Hampshire Historical Society. Vols. 1-2. 8vo. Concord. 1824-7 —. —---- New-Jersey Historical Society. Vols. 1-3.. 8vo. N. Y. 1846-9 Vol. 1. East Jersey underthe Proprietary Government; by W. A. Whitehead, Model of the Government of East New Jersey; by G. Scot. 2. Life of Wm. Alexander, Earl of Stirling; by W. A. Duer. 3. Provincial Courts of New Jersey; by R. S. Field. Catalogue.] C L -- C 0L 69 Collections of the New-York Historical Society. 4 v... 8vo. N. Y. 1811-26 The Same. New Series. Vol. 1.. 8vo. N. Y. 1841.. —------ Rhode Island Historical Society. Vols. 2-4. 8vo. Prov. 1835-8 Vol. 2. Simplicity's Defence against Seven Headed Policy; by S. Gorton. 3. Early History of Narragansett; by E. R. Potter, Jr. 4. Historical Discourse on the Colony of R. Island; by J. Callender. Collen, G.W.-Britannia Saxonica; a Map of Brit. during Sax. Octarchy 4to. Lond. 1833 Colles, Abr.-Venereal Disease, and Use of Mercury.. 8vo. Phil. 1837 *Collier, Jeremy-Histor., Geogr., Geneal., & Poetical Dictionaiy. 4 v. Fol. Lond. 1701-21. — - John [Tim Bobbin]-Lancashire Dialect and Poems. 12o. Lond. 1833 ---- J. P.-Hist. of the English Drama to Time of Shakspeare. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1831 New Particulars regarding Shakspeare's Works. 12o. Lond. 1836 ------ Poet. Decameron; Convers. on Eng. Poets & Poet. 2 v. 12o. Edin. 1820.-... -. Reasons for a New Edition of Shakspeare's Plays 8vo. Lond. 1841.... - (Ed'r)-Book of Roxburghe Ballads.. 4to. Lond. 1847 - -- -- Five Old Plays; (a Supplem. to Dodsley's Collection.) 8vo. Lond. 1833 Shakspeare's Lib.; Romances, &c., used by him. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1843 See Shakspeare Society's Publications. Colligny, Gaspar de; Mem. of; & Massacre of St. Bartholomew. (Fr. Fren.) 160. Edin. 1844 Collingwood, G. L. N.-Correspondence of Lord Collingwood. 8vo. N. Y. 1829 Collins, Arthur-Peerage of England. 7 v.... 8vo. Loud. 1768 ----- Dav.-Account of New South Wales, 1778-1801.. 4to. Lond. 1804. —.- Fran.-Voyages to Portugal, Spain, Sicily, &c. 1796-1801 12o. Phil. 1809 --- Lewis-Historical Sketches of Kentucky... 8vo. Cincin. 1848 -- Stephen-Miscellanies..... 12o. Phil. 1842 ----- Wm. —Poems. (Ald. Poets.).... 16o. Loud. 1830 --— _ -- - The Same. See Milton, John. - W. W.-Memoirs of Wm. Collins. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1848 Colman, Geo.-Dramatic Works. 4 v..... 12o. Lond. 1777 -—.- Hen.-Agriculture and Rur. Econ. of France, Belgium, &c. 8vo. Bost. 1848 ------- -- European Agriculture and Rural Economy. 2 v. 8vo. Bost. 1849 --- - -- European Life and Manners. 2 v... 12o. Bost. 1849 ---- -- What is Religion? The Question Answered. 16o. Lond. 1846..- --- Jas. F.-Island Bride, and other Poems.. 12o. Bost. 1846 Colnet, C. J.-L'Hermite du Faubourg Saint Germain. 2 v.. 16o. Paris. 1825 Colombat, de l'Isere-Diseases of the Organs of the Voice. 18o. Bost. 1845 Colonisation en Algerie. [Title wanting.].... 4to. Paris. no date Colquhoun, P.-Commerce and Police of the River Thames. 8vo. Lond. 1800 Colt, John C.-Book-keeping..... 8vo. Cincin. 1839 Colton, Calvin-Four Years in Great Britain, 1831-5. 2 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1835 - ---- -- Life and Times of Henry Clay. 2 v.... 8vo. N. Y. 1846 ---- ---- [Protestant Jesuitism].... 12o. N. Y. 1836 ----- -- Public Economy for the United States.. 8vo. N. Y. 1848 ---— _ - Rights of Labor.... 8vo. N. Y. 1846 --- ---- Thoughts on the Religious State of the Country. 12o. N. Y. 1836 - C. C.-Lacon; or, Many Things in Few Words.. 18o. N. Y. 1823 - - The Same..... 12o. N. Y. 1836 -- Geo. H.-Tecumseh; or, The West Thirty Years Since. Poem 12o. N. Y. 1842 Walter-Deck and Port. A Cruise to California. 12o. N. Y. 1850 60 CO L C ON [Mere. Lib. Colton, Walter-Ship and Shore. A Cruise to the Levant. 12o. N. Y. 1835 Visit to Constantinople and Athens... 12o. N. Y. 1836 Columbian Lady's and Gentleman's Magazine. Vols. 5-9. 8vo. N. Y. 1846-8 Comazzi, J. B.-Morale des Princes. (de l'Ital.) 2 v... 16o. Hague. 1754 Combe, And.-Observations on Mental Derangement.. 8vo. Bost. 1834 Physiology of Digestion and Principles of Dietetics. 18o. N. Y. 1836 - The Same... 18o. N. Y. 1846 — _ — -- Principles of Physiology.. 12o. Edin. 1841 - The Same.... 12o. N. Y. 1838 - Geo.-Constitution of Man... 12o. Bost. 1829 --- -- The Same.. 12o. Bost. 1835 --- - The Same... 18o. N. Y. 1842......- Elements of Phrenology... 2o. Bost. 1835 Lectures on Moral Philosophy... 12o. Bost. 1836 - Lectures on Phrenology; with Notes, by A. Boardman 12o. N. Y. 1839 Lectures on Popular Education.. 12o. Bost. 1834 - oral Philosophy.... 12o. Edin. 1841 Notes on the United States, in 1838-40. 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1841 - System of Phrenology... 8vo. Bost. 1834 The Same.... N. N.Y. 1841 W- m.-Tour of Dr. Syntax; in Search of the Picturesque 8vo. Lond. 1838 Comer, N.-Book-keeping by Double Entry.. 8vo. Bost. 1847 Comfort, J. W.-Practice of Medicine on Thomsonian Principles 8vo. Phil. 1845 Comic Almanac, le; Keepsake Comique pour 1842.. 120. Paris. 1841 - English Grammar. 12o. Lond. 1840 -- Latin Grammar..... 12o. Lond. 1840 Comines, Phil. de-Mem. Louis XI., Chas. VIII. of France, & others. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1712 Commentary and Review of Montesquieu's "Spirit of the Laws". 8vo. Phil. 1811 Commercial Directory of the Extent and Productions of the U. States 4to. Phil. 1823 Common-Place Book of British Eloquence.... 18o. Lond. 1827 Companion to the Newspaper and Journal of Facts for 1833. 4to. Lond. 1834 *Compendium of the Census of the United States for 1840.. Fol. Wash. 1841 *Complete American Atlas..... Fol. Phil. 1827 ------ Grazier; or, Farmer's and Cattle Breeder's Assistant. 8vo. Lond. 1833 Letter Writer.. 18o. N. Y. 1848 - Wizzard; Narratives of Ghosts, &c.; and, Treatise on Magic 8vo. Lond. 1770 Comstock, J. L.-Hist. of Precious Metals, with directions for testing 12o. lHartf. 1849 Introduction to the Study of Botany.. 12o. Hartf. 1833 -Outlines of Physiology, Comparative and Human 12o. N. Y. 1836 System of Natural Philosophy, for Schools. 12o. N. Y. 1844 Conde, Jos.-Domination des Arabes en Espagne. (Fr. Span.). 8vo. Paris. 1825 Conder, Josiah-Dictionary of Geography.... 12o. Loud. 1834 (Ed'r)-Mod. Trav.; Descrip. of Various Countries. 33 v. 180. Lond. 1824-34 Vol. 1. Palestine. Vol. 17. Russia. " 2, 3. Syria and Asia Minor. " 18, 19. Spain and Portugal. " 4. Arabia. " 20-22. Africa. 5, 6. Egypt, Nubia, and Abyssinia. " 23, 24. North America. 7-10. India. " 25, 26. Mexico and Guatimala. 11. Birmah, Siam, and Ananl. " 27. Colombia. 12, 13. Persia arid China. " 28. Peru and Chili. 14. Turkey. " 29, 30. Brazil and Buenos Ayres. 15, 16. Greece. " 31-33. Italy. Catalogue.] C 0 N- C 0 N 61 Condillac, E. B. de-Logique..... 12o. Paris. 1811 --- -- Origin of Human Knowledge... 8vo. Lond. 1756 Condorcet, M. J. A. N. C. de-Histor. View of Human Mind. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Lond. 1795 Confucius et Mencius-Quatre Livres de Philosophie. (Du Chinois.) 12o. Paris. 1846 Congressional Globe; Deb. and Proceed. fr. 23d to 30th Congress. 18 v. 4to. Wash. 1834-48 Congreve, Wm. See Wycherley. Conkling, Alf.-Jurisdiction, Law, and Practice of U. S. Courts. 2 v. 8vo. Albany. 1848 Young Citizen's Manual.... 12o. Albany. 1836 Connected View of the Internal Navigation of the United States 8vo. Phil. 1826 Connoisseur, the; by Bonnel Thornton, and others... 8vo. Lond. 1826 ___ _- The Same. See British Essayists. Vols. 30-32. Conquerors of the New World and their Bondsmen. Vol. 1. 12o. Lond. 1848 Constable's Miscellany of Literature, Science, and the Arts. 80 v. 18o. Edin. 1827-34 Vols. 1-3. Hall, Basil (Capt.) Voyages. " 4. Adventures of British Seamen. 5. La Rochejacquelein, the Marchioness. Memoirs.' 6, 7. Crichton, A. Converts from Infidelity. 8, 9. Syme, M. Embassy to Ava. " 10. Table-Talk; or, Selections from the Ana. " 11. Perils and Captivity. " 12. Bell, H. G. Phenomena of Nature. 13, 14. Mariner, W. The Tonga Islands. " 15, 16. Chambers, R. History of the Rebellion in Scotland in 1745-6. 17. Roberts, 0. W. Voyages in Central America. 18, 19. Schiller, F. The Thirty-Years' War, etc. (Fr. Ger.) " 20, 21. Thompson, R. Historical View of Great Britain. 22. Register of Politics and Literature, in Europe and America, in 1827. " 23. Lockhart, J. G. Life of Robert Burns. " 24, 25. Bell, H. G. Life of Mary Queen of Scots. 26. Wrangham, F. Evidences of Christianity. " 27, 28. Memorials of the Late [Peninsular] War. " 29, 30. Russell, John. Tour in Germany. " 31, 32. Chambers, R. Rebellions in Scotland, from 1638 to 1660.' 33-35. Koch, C. The Revolutions of Europe. 36, 37. Cochrane, J. D. Tour in Russia and Siberian Tartary. 38. Inglis, H. D. [Derwent Conway.] Norway, Sweden, and Denmark,' 39. Memes, J. S. Sculpture, Painting, and Architecture. 40, 41. Upham, E. History of the Ottoman Empire. 42. Chambers, R. Rebellions in Scotland in 1689 and 1715.' 43, 44. Lawson, J. P. Remarkable Conspiracies. 45. White, G. Natural History of Selbourne. 46. Sinclair, J. D. Autumn in Italy, in 1827. 47, 48. Russell, M. History of Oliver Cromwell. 49. Trueba y Cosio, T. de. Life of Hernan Cortes. " 50, 51. James, G. P. R. Chivalry and the Crusades. 52. Stafford, W. C. History of Music. " 53, 54. Carrick, J. D. Life of Sir William Wallace. " 55, 56. Chambers, R. Life of King James I. " 57-59. Bourrienne, F. D. Memoirs of Napoleon. " 60, 61. Keightley, T. Greek War of Independence. 62. Trueba y Cosio, T. de. Conquest of Peru. 63, 64. Sutherland, A. The Knights of Malta. " 65. St. John, J. A. Residence in Normandy. " 66, 67. Inglis, II. D. Switzerland, France, and the Pyrenees. 68-71. Wilson, A., and Buonaparte, C. L. American Ornithology. 72. Memes, J. S. Memoirs of Josephine. " 73, 74. Taylor, W. C. Civil Wars of Ireland. " 75, 76. Brown, T. Book of Butterflies. Vols. 1, 2. " 77. Mudie, R. Guide to the Observation of Nature. " 78, 79. Redding, C. Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sev. " 80. Brown, T. Book of Butterflies. Vol. 3. Constant, A.-Last Incarnation.... 12o. N. Y. 1848 62 C ON — C OR [Merc. Lib. Constant, Benj.-De la Religion. 5 v... 8vo. Paris. 1824-31 --- - — Philosoph. Miscel. See Ripley, Geo., Specimens. Vols. 1 & 2. Constitution of Society, as designed by God... 8vo. Lond. 1835 Contest of the Twelve Nations; or, Causes of Human Character, &c. 8vo. Edin. 1826 Conversations at Cambridge..... 16o. Lond. 1836 ---- on Geology...... 12o. Lond. 1828 on Nature and Art. 2 v.... 12o. Lond. 1837-8 Conybeare, John F.-Illustrations of Anglo-Saxon Poetry.. 8vo. Lond. 1826 ------ W. D., and Phillips, W.-Geology of England and Wales 8vo. Lond. 1822 Cook, Eliza-Melaia, and other Poems.... 12o. N. Y. 1844 - Poems. 2d Series..... 160. Lond. 1845 - - Jas., and King, Jas.-Voy. to the Pacific Ocean, in 1776-80. 3 v. 4to. Lond. 1784 ---- ---- Voyages. 2 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1842 ---- The Same; abridged. See Kippis, A. Cooke, C. TS.-Use of White Mustard Seed for Liver Complaints. 12o. N. Y. ]827 G. W.-Hist. of Party, fr. Rise of Whig and Tory Factions 8vo. Lond. 1836-7 Memoirs of Henry St. John (Lord Bolingbroke). 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1836 J. E.-Works on Episcopacy. See Bowden, J. - Phil. P.-Froissart Ballads, and other Poems.. 12o. Phil. 1847 ---- Wm.-Memoirs of Samuel Foote. 2 v.... 12o. N. Y. 1806 Cooley, A. J.-Six Thousand Practical Receipts.. 8vo. N. Y. 1846 --- Jas. E.-American in Egypt, Arabia Petrsea, &c... 8vo. N. Y. 1842 T. M.-Life of Lemuel Haynes.... 12o. N. Y. 1837 Cooper, B. B.-Life of Sir Astley Cooper. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1843 Jas. F.-American Democrat.... 12o. Cooperst'n. 1838 ---- --- Gleanings in Europe: England. 2 vols. in one. 12o. Phil. 1837 c;-(( " ( France. 2 v... 12o. Phil. 1837 -"( " Italy. 2 v.. 12o. Phil. 1838 ---- -- History of the United States Navy. 2 v.. 8vo. Phil. 1839 - Letter to his Countrymen.... 8vo. N. Y. 1834 — _ — -_- Lives of Distinguished Amer. Nav. Officers. Vols. 1-2. 12o. Phil. 1846 [Notions of the Americans.] 2 v... 12o. Phil. 1848 --- - Review of the Mackenzie Case. See Proceedings of Court Martial. Sketches of Switzerland. 4 v... 12o. Phil. 1836 - Sam.-Dictionary of Practical Surgery. 2 v... 8vo. N. Y. 1842 S. (Capt.)-Militia Tactics and Regulations. 12o. Phil. 1836 Thos.-Information Concerning Gas Light.. 8vo. Phil. 1816 Thos.-Political Economy..... 8vo. Columbia. 1828 Thos.-Information Respecting America.. 8vo. Lond. 1795 Two Orations against taking away Human Life. 12o. Lond. 1846 W. D.-Hist. of Maritime and Inland Discovery. (L. C. C.) 3 v. 16o. Lond. 1830 - Hist. North America to Declaration of Independence 12o. Albany. 1818 - W. W.-Remarks on Near Sight, Aged Sight, &c.. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Coote, Chas.-History of Europe, 1802-15. [Contin. of Russell.] 12o. Keene,N.H. 1822 H.-Homologies of the Human Skeleton... 8vo. Lond. 1849 *Copland, Jas.-Dictionary of Practical Medicine.. 8vo. Lond. 1844 Coquerel, A.-Christianity, and its Adaptation to Man. (Fr. Fren.). 12o. Lond. 1847 Corbet, Rich. (Bishop)-Poems..... 8vo. Lond. 1807 Cordiner, Jas.-Description of Ceylon. 2 v.... 4to. Lond. 1807 Corkran, J. F.-Hist. National Constit. Assembly, from May, 1848. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1849 Catalogue.] COR — C 0 U 63 Cormenin, L. de [Timon]-Etude sur les Orateurs Parlementaires. 18o. Paris. 1838 Orators of France. (Fr. Fren.).. 12o. N. Y. 1847 Cornaro, L.-Discourses on a Sober and Temperate Life. (Fr. Ital.) 240. Phil. 1791 - The Same..... 18o. N. Haven. 1823 - The Same; with Memoir and Notes.. 18o. N. Y. 1846 Corneille, Pierre —Euvres; avec le Commentaire de Voltaire. 12 v. 8vo. Paris. 1801 --..- Theatre. See Repertoire du Thedtre Francais. 3 v. 12o. Paris. 1813..... - - et Thos.-Chefs d'oeuvres; avec les Notes de Voltaire 8vo. Tours. 1795 - - Thos.-Theatre. See Repertoire du Theatre Franpais 12o. Paris. 1813 Corner, Julia-History of China and India.... 8vo. Lond. 1847 ---- --- ~ " Poland and Russia... 12o. Lond. no date Corney, Bolton-Biographical Dictionary.... 8vo. Lond. 1839 Cornish, T. H.-Historical Picture of Woman... 12o. Lond. 1838 Cornwall, Barry. See Proctor, B. W. Cornwallis (Lord)-Reply to Clinton. See Clinton, Sir H., Narrative. Correspondence of Scientific Men of the 17th Century. 2 v.. 8vo. Oxford. 1841 Corrovan, Seigneux de. See Essays on the Spirit of Legislation. Corry, John —History of Bristol. 2 v..... 8vo. Bristol. 1816 *Corsair, the; a Weekly Gazette..... 4to. N. Y. 1839-40 Corson, J. W.-Loiterings in Europe.... 12o. N. Y. 1848 Cortes, Hernando-Despatches. (Fr. Span. by Geo. Folsom.). 12o. N. Y. 1843 Cory, I. P.-Anc't Fragments of Phoenician and other Writers. 8vo. Lond. 1832 --- --; Inquiries; Metaphysical, Mythological, and Chronological 12o. Lond. 1833 - Practical Treatise on Accounts. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Costello, Dudley-Tour through the Valley of the Meuse. 12o. Lond. 1846 Louisa S.-Jacques Cceur, the French Argonaut.. 8vo. Lond. 1847. ——. - Memoirs of Eminent English Women. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1844 Costill, O. H.-Practical Treatise on Poisons... 18o. Phil. 1848 Costume, Book of; or, Annals of Fashion... 8vo. Lond. 1846 *Costumes of Various Countries, (English and French.) 6 v.. 4to. Lond. 1802-17 Austria; by Bertrand de Moleville. Netherlands; by Miss Semple. China; by G. H. Mason. Russia. Turkey. *Cotman, J. S.-Sepulchral Brasses in Norfolk and Suffolk. 2 v.. Fol. Lond. 1839 Cottage Lectures on the Pilgrim's Progress... 16o. Phil. no date Cotter, John R. (Trans.)-Mass and Rubrics of Roman Cath. Church 18o. N. Y. 1846 Cotterill, Hen.-Seven Ages of the Church. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Cotting, J. R.-Synopsis of Lectures on Geology.. 12o. Taunton. 1835 Cottle, Jos.-Reminiscences of S. T. Coleridge and R. Southey. 12o. N. Y. 1847 Cotton, Hen.-Editions of the Bible, 1505-1820... 8vo. Oxford. 1821 - - Typographical Gazetteer.... 8vo. Oxford. 1821 Cottrell, Chas. H.-Recollections of Liberia in 1840-1.. 8vo. Lond. 1842 Couch, John-Illustrations of Instinct.... 12o. Lond. 1847 Coulter, John-Adventures in the Pacific... 12o. Dublin. 1845 Adventures in South America and California. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1847 County Annual Register, 1809-10. 2 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1809-11 *Courier des Etats Unis. Vols. 3-11.... Fol. N. Y. 1830-9 Cours Elementaire d'Histoire Naturelle. 3 v.... 12o. Paris. no date Botanique; par A. de Jussieu. Min6ralogie, et Geologie; par F. S. Beudant. Zoologie; par Milne-Edwards. 64 C O U- COX [Merc. Lib. Cours de Mathematiques, a l'usage des Ecoles Militaires. 8vo. Paris. 1813 Courson, Aurelien de-Histoire des Peuples Bretons. 2 v. - 8vo. Paris. 1846 Court and Camp of Buonaparte. (M. F. L.)... 16o. Lond. 1831 The Same. (H. F. L.)... 18. N. Y. 1837 - Lady's Magazine, united. Vols. 12-13.. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Times of Charles I. 2 v...... 8vo. Lond. 1848 -- - James the First. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1848 Magazine. Vols. 10-11..... 8vo. Lond. 1837 Courtenay, Thos. P.-Commentaries on Shakspeare's Hist. Plays. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1840.... - - Mem. of the Life and Works of Sir W. Temple. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Cousin, Victor-De l'Instruction Publique en Hollande. 2 v. 18o. Brux. 1838 - Elements of Psychology. (Fr. Fren.).. 8vo. Hartf. 1834 Introduction to History of Philosophy. (Fr. Fren.). 8vo. Bost. 1832 State of Education in Iolland. (Fr. Fren.). 8vo. Lond. 1838 --- -- Philosophical Miscellanies. See Ripley, Geo., Specimens. Vols. 1-2. Philosophy of the Beautiful. (Fr. Fren.).. 16o. Lond. 1848 - Report on Public Instruction in Prussia. (Fr. Fren.) 12o. N. Y. 1835 Covent Garden Journal. 2 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1810 Coventry, G.-Inquiry as to Authorship of Junius' Letters. 8vo. Lond. 1825 Coverdale, Myles-Trans. of Scriptures fr. Ed. of 1535. See Bible. -.- Memorials of..... 8vo. Lond. 1838 Cowell, Joe-Thirty Years among Players in England and America 8vo. N. Y. 1844 Cowley, Abraham-Prose Works.... 12o. Lond. 1826 Cowper, Wm.-Complete Works. Edited by T. S. Grimshawe. 8 v. 16o. Lond. 1835 - The Same. Edited by Robt. Southey. 15 v.. 16o. Lond. 1836-7 - Poems. 2 v..... 18o. N. Y. 1814 -- - The Same. 3 v...18o. Best. 1839 --- -- The Same. (Ald. Poets.) 3 v... 16o. Lond. 1830-1 - Poetical Works. Edited by H. F. Cary. 8vo. Lond. 1839 ------ Private Correspondence... 12o. Best. 1824 Cox, A. C.-Advent; a Mystery.... 12o. N. Y. 1837 St. Jonathan; the Lay of a Scald... 12o. N. Y. 1838 Saul; a Mystery...... 12o. N. Y. 1835 -- F. A.-Our Young Men; their Importance and Claims. 12o. Lond. 1838 - F. E.-Sacred Hymns, from the German... 18o. Lond. 1841 Hiram-Residence in the Burman Empire... 8vo. Lond. 1821 - Robt. (Ed'r)-Selections from Phrenological Journal.. 12o. Lond. 1836 - Ross-Adventures on the Columbia River.. 8vo. N. Y. 1832 - Sam. H.-Quakerism not Christianity. 8vo. Bost. 1833 Coxe, Dan.-Description of the Province of Carolana [Carolina] 8vo. Lond. 1727 J. R.,& Cooper, S. (Ed'rs)-Emporium of Arts and Sciences. 5 v. 8vo. Phil. 1812-14 - Tench-United States of America, 1787-94. 8vo. Lond. 1794 -- Wm. (Arch-Deacon) —Hist. of House of Austria, 1218-1792. 5 v. 8vo. Lond. 1820 - - Memoirs of the Duke of Marlborough. 3 v. 12o. & Atlas 4to. Lond. 1847 - - ----- Horatio, Lord Walpole. 2 v...8vo. Lond. 1820 - —. _ —..- Kings of Spain, 1700-88. 5 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1815 -Russian Discoveries between Asia and America. 4to. Lond. 1780 The Same...... 8vo. Lond. 1787 -- - -Travels in Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark. 3 v. 8vo. Dublin. 1784 --. The Same. 5 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1802 Catalogue.] C OX - CR 0 65 Coxe, Wm.-Travels in Switzerland. 2 v.... 8vo. Dublin. 1789 Cozzens, Issachar, (Jr.)-Geological History of New-York Island. 8vo. N. Y. 1843 Crabb, Geo.-Dictionary of General Knowledge.. 12o. Lond. 1830 --- -- English Synonymes..... 8vo. N. Y. 1844 - -- History of English Law.... 8vo. Burlington. 1831 * --- Universal Historical Dictionary. 2 v.... 4to. Lond. 1825 * —- -- Universal Technological Dictionary. 2 v... 4to. Lond. 1823 Crabbe, Geo.-Poetical Works. 8 v.... 16o. Lond. 1823... -- Posthumous Poems... 12o. Phil. 1835.-.. -- System of Natural Theology... 8vo. Lond. 1840 ---- --- Tales in Verse. 2 v..... 12o. N. Y. 1813 ---- --.Tales of the Hall. (Poems.) 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1819 Life of; by his Son..... 12o. N. Y. 1837 Craig, A. R.-Philosophy of Training; or, Normal Education. 12o. Lond. 1847 Craigie, David-Elements of Anatomy.... 4to. Edin. 1838 Craik, Geo. L.-English " Causes Celebres." Remarkable Trials. Vol. 1 16o. Lond. 1840 --- -- History of Literature and Learning in England. 6 v. 18o. Lond. 1844-5 - Pictorial History of England. B. C. 55-A. D. 1760. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1837-41 --- -- Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties. (L. E.K.) 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1831-6 -- -- Romance of the Peerage. 3 v... 12o. Lond. 1848-9 ---- -- and McFarlane, G.-Pictor. Hist. of Eng., 1760-1820. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1841-4 Cramer, J. A.-Description of Ancient Italy. 2 v... 8vo. Oxford. 1826 Cramp, Wm.-Philosophy of Language.... 8vo. Lond. 1838 Cranch, C. P.-Poems..... 12o. Phil. 1844 Cranmer, Thos.-Life of...... 18o. Lond. 1848 Crantz, Dav.-History of Greenland. (Fr. Ger.) 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1820 Crawfurd, John-Jour. of an Embassy from India to Siam and China. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1830 ---- - Philosophy of Wealth.... 18o. Lond. 1846 Crebillon, P. J. de-CEuvres. 2 v..... 16o. Paris. 1750 - Th6atre. See Repertoire du Theatre Francais 2 v. 12o. Paris. 1813 Creichton, John-Memoirs of his own Life. See Autobiography. Crequy, Marquis de-Souvenirs, de 1710 a 1803. 5 v... 12o. Paris. 1842 *Cresy, E4dw.-Encyclopeedia of Civil Engineering.. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Cretineau-Joly-Histoire de la Compagnie de Jesus. 6 v.. 12o. Paris. 1845-6 Crevier, J. B. L.-Histoire des Empereurs Romains. 9 v.. 8vo. Paris. 1824-8 Crichton, And.-Lives of Converts from Infidelity. (C. M.) 2 v. 18o. Edin. 1827 - History of Arabia. (E. C. L.) 2 v... 16o. Edin. 1834 - The Same. (H. F. L.) 2 v.... 18o. N. Y. 1834 _ —— _ - and Wheaton, H.-Scandinavia. (E. C. L.) 2 v. 16o. Edin. 1838 ---- -- The Same. (H. F. L.) 2 v... 18o. N. Y. 1841& 43 Critic in Parliament and in Public since 1835... 12o. Lond. 1841 Crittenden, A. F., and S. W.-Double Entry Book-keeping.. 8vo. Phil. 1845 Crocker, Z.-Catastrophe of the Presbyterian Church in 1837. 12o. N. Haven. 1838 Crockett, Dav.-Life of Martin Van Buren.... 12o. Phil. 1835 -------- Narrative of his own Life... 12o. Phil. 1834 ---- - Sketches and Eccentricities of... 12o. N. Y. 1833 Croft, H.-Love and Madness. A Series of Letters.. 12o. Lond. 1786 Croker, J. W.-Johnsoniana; or, Supplement to Boswell.. 12o. Phil. 1842 T. C.-Popular Songs of Ireland... 12o. Lond. 1839 -- -- Researches in the South of Ireland... 4to. Lond. 1824 9 66 C R 0 - C UR [Merc. Lib. Croly, Geo.-Apocalypse of St. John.. 12o. Phil. 1827 - -- Beauties of British Poets... 12. Y. 1831 Life and Times of George IV. (H. F. L.). 18o. N. Y. 1831 &32 -Poetical Works. 3 v.... 12o. Lond. 1830 - Sermons...... 8vo. Lond. 1848 Crombie, Alex.-Etymology and Syntax of English Language. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Cromwell, Thos.-Oliver Cromwell and his Times... 8vo. Lond. 1822 Crosby, Alpheus-Second Advent... 12o. Bost. 1850 Cross, J. L.-Masonic Chart; or, Hieroglyphic Monitor.. 12o. N. Haven. 1820 - - Maurice (Ed'r)-Selections from Edinburgh Review. 6 v. 8vo. Paris. 1835-6 Crossley, J. T., and Martin, W.-Intellectual Calculator, or Pract. Arith. 18o. Lond. no date Crouch, E. A.-Introduction to Lamarck's Conchology.. 4to. Lond. 1827 Crousaz, J. P. de-Art of Thinking. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1724 Crowe, Cath.-Night Side of Nature; or, Ghosts and Ghost Seers. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1848 - Eyre, E.-History of France. (L. C. C.) 3 v... 16o. Lond. 1836 The Same. 3 v.... 12o. Phil. 1831 *Cruden, Alex.-Concordance to the Holy Scriptures.. 4to. Lond. 1761 * — -- The Same. Revised by D. King... 12o. Glasgow. 1841 Cruikshank's Omnibus; Edit. by Laman Blanchard. Illustr. by Cruiksh. 8vo. Lond. 1842 Cruise of the Somers; illustrating the Conduct of Coin. Mackenzie 18o. N. Y. 1844 Crump, W. H.-World in a Pocket-Book... 12o. Phil. 1850 Crusius, Lewis-Lives of Roman Poets. 2 v.... 12o. Lond. 1733 Cruveilhier, J.-Anatomy of Human Body.. 8vo. N. Y. 1844 Cuba and the Cubans...... 12o. N. Y. 1850 Cudworth, Ralph-Intellectual System of the Universe. 2 v. 8vo. Andover. 1837 Cullen, Wm. —Physiology and Practice of Physic. 2 v... 8vo. Edin. 1827 Cultivator; devoted to Agriculture. Vol. 1-6. [Continued.] 8vo. N. Y. 1844-9 Cumberland, John (Ed'r)-British Theatre. 43 v... 18o. Lond. no date Minor Theatre. 15 v... 18o. Lond. no date Rich. (Bishop)-Origines Gentium Antiquissima. 8vo. Lond. 1724 Rich.-Calvary; or, the Death of Christ. A Poem 12o. Bost. 1796 Memoirs of his own Life... 4to. Lond. 1806 - The Same..... 12o. Bost. 1806 - The Observer... 8vo. Lond. 1825 - The Same. See British Essayists. Vols. 38-40. Cumming, John. See Hammersmith Discussion. Cummings, Asa-Memoir of Edward Payson... 2o. Bost. 1830 Cunningham, Allan-History of British Literature of Last Fifty Years 12o. Paris. 1834 The Same..... 12o. Paris. 1834 Life and Land of Burns... 12. N. Y. 1841 - Lives of Brit. Painters & Sculptors. (H. F. L.) 5 v. 18o. N. Y. 1831-4 - " Brit. Paint. Sculpt. & Archit.(M. F. L.)6 v. 18o. Lond. 1830-9 - Pictures of the First Masters; with Notices. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1836 -- Poems and Songs.... 18o. Lond. 1847 Songs of Scotland, Anc. and Mod.; withNotes. 4 v. 12o. Lond. 1825 - J. D.-IIistory of the Sikhs; with a Map.. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Pet.-Hand-Book of London. 2 v.... 12o. Lond. 1849 --- -- P.-Two Years in New South Wales. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1827 Cunynghame, Arth.-Opium War; or, Service in China. 18o. Phil. 1845 Curr, John-Railway Locomotion and Steam Navigation. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Catalogue.] C UR -- D A L 67 Curran, John P.-Speeches. 2 v...... 8vo. N. Y. 1811 - The Same. See Phillips, C. Currie, W. W.-Memoir of James Currie. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1831 Curtis, G. T.-Law of Copyright in England and America. 8vo. Bost. 1847 --- John H.-Observations on Preservation of Health.. 18o. Lond. 1838 Curtius, Quintus-De Gestis Alexandri Magni... 120. Phil. 1849 ----- H- History of Alexander the Great. (Fr. Lat.) 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1809 - De Fatti di Alessandro Magno... 240. Lucca. no date Curwen, Sam.-Journal and Letters, 1775-84.. 8vo. N. Y. 1842 Curzon, Robt.-Visit to the Monasteries of the Levant. 12o. N. Y. 1849 Cushing, Caleb-Reminiscences of Spain. 2 v.... 12o. Bost. 1833 - Review of Late Revolution in France. 12o. Bost. 1833 - L. S. Rules of Debate, &c., in Deliberative Assemblies. 18o. Bost. 1845 Cust, Edw.-Noctes Dominicae; or, Sunday Night Reading 8vo. Lond. 1848 Custance, Geo.-Concise View of Constitution of England.. vo. Lond. 1808 Cutbush, Jas.-System of Pyrotechny... 8vo. Phil. 1825 Cutter, Calvin-Anatomy and Physiology.... 12o. Bost. 1847 --- Wm.-Life of Gen. Lafayette.... 12o. N. Y. 1849... " " Israel Putnam.... 12o. N. Y. 1849 Cutts, J. M.-Conquest of California and New Mexico, 1846-7. 12o. Phil. 1847 Cuvier, Baron-Histoire Naturelle des Mollusques... 4to. Paris. 1817 -. -.- Ossemens Fossiles des Quadrupedes. 4 v.. 4to. Paris. 1812 _ — - Regne Animal, d'apres son Organisation. 4 v.. 8vo. Paris. 1817....- - Animal Kingd., accord. to its Organization. (Fr. Fren.) 4 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1831 -_- - On the Theory of the Earth. (Fr. Fren.).. 8vo. N. Y. 1818 -- - Revolutions of Surfaceof the Globe. (Fr. Fren.) 12o. Phil. 1831 Cyclopaedia of Popular Songs. 2 v...... 18o. Lond. no date *- - - PPractical Medicine. Edited by Forbes, and others. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1833-5 Daboll, Nath.-Practical Navigator...8vo. N. Lond. 1820 D'Abrantes, Duchess. See Abrantes, Duchess d'. D'Acugna, C. See Acugna, C. d'. Dagley, R.-Death's Doings; a Series of Illustrations.. 8vo. Lond. 1826 _ Theory and Practice of Drawing and Painting. 4to. Lond. 1822 Dahlmann-Life of Herodotus, drawn from his Works. 12o. Lond. 1845 F. E.-History of English Revolution. (Fm;. Ger.). 8vo. Lond. 1844 *Daily Albany Argus, from Sept. 25, 1835, to Aug. 12, 1840. 7 v.. Fol. Albany. 1835-40 * Union (Washington). Nov. 1845-Dec. 1847. 4 v.. Fol. Wash. 1845-7 Dall, Caroline W. H.-Essays and Sketches.. 12o. Bost. 1849 Dal Rio, Ercole.-The Incomparable Game of Chess. (Fr. Ital.) 8vo. Lond. 1820 Dale, Thos.-Poetical Works..... 12o. Lond. 1836 Dallas, R. C.-History of the Maroons. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1803 ___ __ Recollections of Lord Byron, 1808-14.. 8vo. Phil. 1825 Dallaway, Jas.-Constantinople, Ancient and Modern.. 4to. Lond. 1797 Discourses on Architecture in England. 8vo. Lond. 1833 -___ _ — - Statuary and Sculpture among the Ancients. 8vo. Lond. 1816 Dalrymple, Sir David (Lord Hailes)-Annals of Scotland, 1057-1371 4to. Edin. 1776 ______ __ The Same. 3 v.... 8vo. Edin. 1819 ____ _ Review of Gibbon on Christianity. 4to. Edin. 1786 Sir John-Memoirs of Gt. Brit. andIrl. 1681-1702. 2 v. in 3 4to. Loud. 1771-3 68 D A L — DA T [Merc. Lib. Dalrymple, Sir John-The Same. 3 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1790 Daly, Robt.-Letters and Papers of Theodosia A. Powerscourt. 12o. Lond. 1845 Dalyell, J. G.-Darker Superstitions of Scotland.. 8vo. Glasgow. 1835 Dalzel, And.-Collectanea Graeca Majora. 2 v.... 8vo. Camb. 1811 Damerum, W.-Map of Southern New-York.. Folded in 8vo. N. Y. 1815 Damirou, P.-Cours de Philosophie. 4 v..... 16o. Brux. 1834 Dampier, W.-Voyage Round the World, 1679-91. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1699 Dana, Jas. D.-Geology. See U. S. Exploring Expedition. System of Mineralogy and Crystallography.. 8vo. N. Haven. 1837 - -- The Same..... 8vo. N. Y. 1844 The Same..... 8vo. N. Y. 1850 - Zoophytes. See U. S. Exploring Expedition. - R. H.-Poems and Prose Writings... 12o. Phil. 1833 - The Same. 2 v..... 12o. N. Y. 1850 - R. H., Jr.-Seaman's Manual.... 12o. Lond. 1844 [Two Years before the Mast.] (H. F. L.). 18o. N. Y. 1840 & 41 - Sam. L.-Muck Manual for Farmers... 12o. Lowell. 1842 Dando, Jos.-Practical Book-keeping.. 4to. Phil. 1842 Dandolo, V. (Count) —Art of Rearing Silk Worms.. 12o. Lond. 1825 Danforth, J. N.-Life of William C. Walton... 12o. Hartf. 1837 Daniel, Geo.-Merrie England in Olden Time... 12o. Lond. 1842 Daniell, J. F.-Elements of Meteorology. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1845 Dante, Alighieri-Canzoniere. [Lyric Poems, Ital. and Eng.]. 12o. Lond. 1840 Divine Comedy. (Fr. Ital. by Carlyle.).. 12o. Lond. 1849 The Same...... 12o. N. Y. 1849 Vision. (Fr. Ital. by H. F. Cary.) 3 v... 12o. Lond. 1831 -- - The Same..... 8vo. Lond. 1845 D'Anville, J. B. B.-See Anville, J. B. B. d'. Da Ponte, L.-History of the Florentine Republic. 2 v... 8vo. N. Y. 1833 D'Arblay, Mde.-See Arblay, MAde. d'. Darley, Wm.-Emigrants' Guide to West. and South-West. States 8vo. N. Y. 1818 Geographical Description of Louisiana.. 8vo. N. Y. 1817 Tour from New-York to Detroit in 1818. 8vo. N. Y. 1819 View of the U. States, Histor., Geog., and Statist. 2 v. 18o. Phil. 1828. —-- -- and Dwight, T.-United States Gazetteer.. 8vo. Hartf. 1833 Darlington, Wm.-Memoirs of J. Bartram and H. Marshall. 8vo. Phil. 1849 Darrow, Dav., and others-Christ's Second Appearing.. 12o. Albany. 1810 -Pierce-National Militia Standard. 2 v... 12o. Hartf. 1821-2 Daru, P.-Histoire de la R6publique de Venise. 7 v.. 8vo. Paris. 1819 -(le Comte.)-Des Chemins de Fcr... 8vo. Paris. 1843 Rapports sur Chemins de Fer. 2 v.... 4to. Paris. 1843-4 De Paris a Lille. De Paris a Chalons-sur-Sa6ne. Darwin, Chas.-Geology of the Voyage of the Beagle. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1842-6 Part 1. Structure of Coral Reefs. "2. Observations on Volcanic Islands. " 3. Geological Observations on South America. --- -- Journal of Researches, on Voyage of Beagle, 1832-6 8vo. Lond. 1839....- The Same. 2 v...... 12o. N. Y. 1846 _ —-- -- (Ed'r)-Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle. 3 v. 4to. Lond. 1840-2 Erasmus-Zoonomia; or, Laws of Organic Life. 4 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1801 Dates and Distances; a Tour in Europe, 1829-30... 8vo. Lond. 1831 Catalogue.] DA U DA V 69 Daubeny, Chas.-Description of Active and Extinct Volcanoes. 8vo. Lond. 1826 " Volcanoes, Earthquakes, and Springs 8vo. Lond. 1848 ---- -- Introduction to the Atomic Theory.. 8vo. Oxford. 1831 D'Aubign6. See Aubigne, J. A. Merle d'. Dauney, Wm. (Ed'r)-Ancient Scotch MIelodies... 4to. Edin. 1838 Daunt, W. J. O'N.-Personal Recollections of Daniel O'Connell. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1848 Davenant, Sir Wm.-Works... Fol. Lond. 1673 Davenport, R. A.-Dictionary of Biography.. 8vo. Exeter. 1836 - History of the Bastile and its Captives. (M. F. L.) 160. Lond. 1838 The Same... 12o. Phil. 1846 - --- - Life of Ali Pasha. (M3. F. L.).. 16o. Lond. 1837 - Lives of Men self-raised from Poverty. (M. F. L.) 16o. Lond. 1841 - Narratives of Peril and Suffering. (M. F. L.) 2 v. 16o. Lond. 1840. —--- - Perilous Adventures. [Selcc. from "Narr."] (H.F.L.) 18o. N. Y. 1844 Davison, G. F.-Trade and Travel in the Far East... 12o. Lond. 1846 - J. B.-Difficulties of Eng. Grammar and Punctuation removed 12o. Lond. 1839 --- - L. M.-Amir Khan, and other Poems; \with a Memoir. 12o. N. Y. 1829 - Poetical Remains; with a Life by C. M. Sedgwick 12o. Phil. 1841 -— _ - M. M.-Poetical Remains; with a Life by W. Irving. 12o. Phil. 1841 --- W., and Hudson, A.-Essays on Fever... 8vo. Phil. 1841 Davies, Chas.-Arithmetic for Academies and Schools. 12o. Phil. 1844 --- -- Elementary Algebra.... 12o. Phil. 1844 — ___ - Elementary Geometry and Mensuration.. 12o. Phil. 1844 Elements of Analytical Geometry.. 8vo. Phil. 1844 ---- -- " Descriptive Geometry and Spherics. 8vo. Phil. 1844 -- - " Differential and Integral Calculus. 8vo. Phil. 1844.-...... " Drawing, &c., applied to Mechanics. 12o. N. Y. 1846 -- - " Surveying and Navigation.. 8vo. Phil. 1845 - First Lessons in Arithmetic.... 12o. Phil. 1845 - Grammar of Arithmetic.... 12o. N. Y. 1850 -- Practical Geometry..... 12o. Phil. 1844 Treat. on Shades and Shadows, and Linear Perspective 8vo. Phil. 1840 C. M.-History of Holland. 3 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1841-4 Edw.-Researches on Origin, Traditions, &c., of Anc't Britons 8vo. Lond. 1804 J.-Handmaid; or, Literature Subservient to Morality. 16o. Lond. 1841 John-Estimate of the Human Mind... 8vo. Lond. 1847 John (Trans.)-Natural and Political Hist. of Caribbean Isles 4to. Lond. 1666 John-Selections in Pathology and Surgery... 8vo. Plil. 1839 Sam.-Sermons. 3 v...... 8vo. N. Y. 1828 Thos.-Dramatic Miscellanies; with Criticisms and Anec. 3 v. 12o. Dublin. 1784 Life of David Garrick. 2 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1781 D'Avila, H. C. See Avila, H. C. d'. Da Vinci, Leonardo. See Vinci, Leonardo da. Davis, And. J.-Great Harmonia. The Physician. Vol. 1. 12o. Bost. 1850 -- -- Principles of Nature, her Divine Revelations, &c. 8vo. N. Y. 1847 Chas. A.-[Major Jack Downing's Letters to Mr. Dwight]. 12o. N. Y. 1834 Dan. (Jr.)-Manual of Magnetism and Electricity. 12o. Bost. 1842 D. D.-Hydrocephalus; or, XWater on the Head.. 8vo. Phil. 1840 -- J. B.-Ancient and Modern History of Nice. 8vo. Lond. 1807 - J. F.-The Chinese. (L. E. K.) 2 v.... 12o. Lond. 1836 70 DAV - DEL [Merc. Lib. Davis, J. F.-The Same. (H. F. L.) 2 v... 18o. N. Y. 1836 -- Matt. L.-Life of Aaron Burr. 2 v.. 8vo. N. Y. 1836-7 - Paris M.-History of the Late War. (1812-15).. 12o. N. Y. 1836 Wm.-Olio of Bibliographical and Literary Anecdotes. 12o. Lond. 1817 Davison, Fran.-Poetical Rhapsody, with other Pieces. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1826 Davy, Sir Humphrey-Collected Works. 9 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1839-40 -- --- Consolations in Travel; or, Last Days of a Philosopher 18o. Phil. 1830 - - Elements of Agricultural Chemistry... 8vo. Lond. 1836 - - Illustrations of Origin and Progress of the Passions. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1825 - On the Safety Lamp..... 8vo. Lond. 1825 - Salmonia; or, Days of Fly-fishing... 16o. Lond. 1832 The Same..... 16o. Phil. 1832 - John-Account of Ceylon..... 4to. Lond. 1821 -_- M-_ - Memoirs of the Life of Sir Humphrey Davy. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Researches; Physiological and Anatomical. 8vo. Phil. 1840 Dawson, Moses-Life and Services of Maj. Gen. Wm. Hen. Harrison 8vo. Cincin. 1824 Day, Chas. W.-Hints on Etiquette.... 18. Bost. 1844 - Maxims, Experiences, and Observations.. 18o. Bost. 1844 - G. E.-Domestic Management, and Diseases of Advanced Life 8vo. Lond. 1849 - Jas.-Constitution and Formation of Railways.. 2o. Lond. 1848 -- Jeremiah-Introduction to Algebra.... 8vo. N. Haven. 1819 - Sherman-Historical Collections of Pennsylvania.. 8vo. Phil. 1843 Deacon, Aug.-Elements of Perspective Drawing.. 8vo. Lond. 1841 Deakin, H. C.-Deliverance of Switzerland; a Dramatic Poem. 8vo. Lond. 1830 Dean, Amos-Philosophy of Human Life... 12o. Bost. 1839 Dearborn, H. A. S.-Commerce and Navigation of the Black Sea. 2 v. 8vo. Bost. 1819 ----- Nath.-Bost. Notions; acc't of "That Village" fr. 1630-1847 16o. Bost. 1848 Debates and Proceedings in Congress, 1789-1837. 31 v... 8vo. Wash. 1825 in Congress with respect to Treaties, and on the Brit. Treaty 8vo. Phil. 1796 Debay, A.-Medecine du Visage, et Hygiene de la Peau.. 12o. Paris. 1850 De Burtin, F. X. See Burtin, F. X. de. Defence of the Drama; containing Mansell's Free Thoughts, &c. 18o. N. Y. 1826 Defoe, Dan.-History of the Great Plague in London, in 1665. 18o. Lond. no date The Same. Edited by E. W. Brayley. (M. F. L.). 16o. Lond. 1839 -- - Works, with a Memoir by Wm. Hazlitt. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1840 - - Aventures de Robinson Crusoe.... 8vo. Paris. 1840 De Fontaine, A. See Fontaine, A. de. Degerando, J. M. (Baron)-Self-Education. (Fr. Fren.). 12o. Bost. 1832 De Grand's Bost. Weekly Rep't of Pub. Sales & Arriv. Vols. 1-2 in I Fol. Bost. 1819-20 De Guignes, C. L. J. See Guignes, C. L. J. de. De Hell, X. H.-Travels in the Steppes of the Caspian Sea, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Deighan, P.-Treatise on Book-keeping. 2 v.... 8vo. Dublin. 1807 De Kay, Jas. E.-[Sketches of Turkey in 1831-2].. 8vo. N. Y. 1833 - See Natural History of the State of Newu- York. De la Beche, H. T.-Geological Manual.... 8vo. N. Y. 1832 ------ - ~- How to Observe; Geology.. 12o. Lond. 1836 _ —— _ — - -- Researches in Theoretical Geology..12o. N. Y. 1837 Delafield, John (Jr.)-Origin of the Antiquities of America. 4to. N. Y. 1839 Delano, Amasa-Narr. of Voyages and Travels around the World. 8vo. Bost. 1817 Delavigne, J. F. C.-CEuvres. (Vols. 1-3, Theatre. 4, Messeniennes.) 4 v. 16o. Brux. 1832 Catalogue.] DEL - -D E S71 Delavigne, J. F. C.-Th&etre. 4 v..... 12o. Paris. 1826 Delessert, Eugene-Voyages dans les Oceans Atlan. et Pacif. 1844-7 8vo. Paris. 1848 De Leuze, J. P. F. See Leuze, J. P. F. de. Delille, J.-CEuvres Completes..... 8vo. Paris. 1840 Delloye, H. L. (Ed'r)-Chants et Chansons de la France. 3 v.. 8vo. Paris. 1843 De Lolme, J. L. See Lolme, J. L. de. De Luc, J. A. See Luc, J. A. de. Democratie Pacifique; Journal des Interets des Gouvernements, etc. 7 v. Fol. Paris. 1843-6 De Moivre, A.-Annuities upon Lives.... 8vo. Lond. 1725 Demonologia; or, Natural Knowledge Revealed. By J. S. F.. 12o. Lond. 1827 De Morgan, Aug.-Differential and Integral Calculus. (L. U. K.). 8vo. Lond. 1842 Essay on Probabilities. (L. C. C.).. 16o. Lond. 1838 Gnomonic Projection of the Sphere. (L. U. K.) 8vo. Lond. 1836 ---—.. — Formal Logic; or, Calculus of Inference. &c.. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Notices of Arithmetical Books.. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Demosthenes-Orations. (Fr. Grk. by Thomas Leland.) 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1806 - The Same. (F. C. L.) 2 v.... 18o. N. Y. 1831 - ----- - The Same, with Sallust's Cat., Conspir., &c. (F. C. L.) 2 v. 18o. Lond. 1832 Orations upon the Crown. (Grk. Text, Brougham's Trans.) 12o. Lond. 1840 [For a Review of the above Translation, see Review.] Demourier (Gen.)-Memoirs of Himself. (Fr. Fren.).. 8vo. Dublin. 1794 Dempsey, G. D.-Drainage of Towns and Buildings.. 12o. Lond. 1849 Dendy, W. C.-Phenomena of Dreams.... 16o. Lond. 1832 Philosophy of Mystery.... 12o. N. Y. 1845....- -- Practical Remarks on Diseases of the Skin. 8vo. Phil. 1841 Denham, D., & Clapperton, H.-Travels in N. and Central Africa, 1822-4 8vo. Bost. 1826 - - The Same. 4 v...... 18o. Lond. 1831 Denina, Carlo-Rivoluzioni della Germania. 6 v... 8vo. Firenze. 1804 Dennis, Geo.-Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1848 John-Original Letters, Familiar, Moral, and Critical. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1721 Denon, D. V.-Trav. in Egypt with Buonaparte's Army. (Fr. Fren.) 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1803 Denton, Dan.-Descript. of N. York, formerly called N. Netherlands 4to. N. Y. 1845 The Same..... 8vo. N. Y. 1844 Depons, F.-Voyage to the Eastern Part of Terra Firma, 1801-4. 3 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1806 Depping, G. B.-Hist. des Normands, et de leurs Exped. Maritimes 16o. Paris. 1846 ----- -- Even'g Entertainments. 1stand 2d Series. (Fr. Fr.) 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1833 De Pradt, (Abbe). See Pradt, D. D. de. De Quincey, Thos.-Logic of Political Economy... 8vo. Edin. 1844 M.-Confessions of an English Opium Eater. 18o. Lond. 1825 The Same..... 18o. Phil. 1823 Let. to a Yo. Man whose Educ. has been Neglect. 18o. Phil. 1843 De Quincy, Quatremere. See Quincy, Quatremere de. D'Eres, C. D. R. See Eres, C. D. R. d'. Dermoncourt (Gen.)-Duchess of Berri in La Vendee.. 12o. Phil. 1833 Des Cartes, Mace-Histoire et Geographie de Madagascar.. 8vo. Paris. 1846 _____- Rene-Methode pour bien conduire sa Raison, &c.. 4to. Paris. 1668 Desdouits-La Physique en Action. 2 v.... 8vo. Paris. 1846 Deseze, J. B. A. M. (Ed'r)-L'Abeille Francaise... 12o. N. Y. 1821 Deslandes, L.-Manhood; its Premature Decline, &c. (Fr. Fren.) 18o. Bost. 1845 De Smet, P. J.-Oregon Missions, and Travels over Rocky Mts. 1845-6 16o. N. Y. 1847 72 D E S -— D IC [Merc. Lib. Des Michels, O. C.-Manual of History of Middle Ages. (Fr. Fren.) 18o. Lond. 1841 Des Moulins, Jacob-Account of the Ancient Druids.. 16o. Lond. 1794 De Solis, Don Antonio. See Solis, Antonio de. Desperthes-Naufrages; augment6e par Duromesnil. 2 v.. 12o. Paris. 1835 De Stael, La Baronne. See Stael,,a Baronne d'. Destouches, G. N.-(Euvres Choisies. 2 v..... 18o. Paris. 1810 Destruction of Jerusalem, a Proof of Divine Origin of Christianity 12o. Phil. 1814 Desultoria; the Recovered MSS. of an Eccentric.. 12o. N. Y. 1850 De Tocqueville, Alexis. See Tocqueville, Alexis de. De Vere, Aubrey-English Misrule and Irish Misdeeds.. 12o. Lond. 1848 - Song of Faith, Devout Exercises and Sonnets. 16o. Lond. 1842. --- -- - Waldenses; Fall of Rome; and other Poems. 16o. Oxford. 1842 De Vericour, L. Raymond. See Vericoltr, L. R. de. Devil on Two Sticks in England; (Continuation of Le Sage's.) 6 v. 12o. Lond. 1790-1 Dewar, Dan.-Elements of Moral Philosophy and Christian Ethics. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1826 Dewees, W. P.-Compendious System of Midwifery.. 8vo. Phil. 1847 De Wette, W. M. L.-Introduction to Old Test. (Fr. Ger.) 2 v. 8vo. Bost. 1843 ----- -- Human Life; or, Prac. Ethics. 2 v. See Ripley's Specim. Vols. 12, 13. Theodore; or, Sceptic Converted. 2v. See Ripley's Specim. Vols. 10, 11. Dewey, Chester. See Reports on Ntaltral History of 3Massachusetts. Orville-Discourses and Reviews on Theology and Religion 12o. N. Y. 1846 --- - " on Human Life.... 12. N. Y. 1841 - Human Nat., Human Life, and Religion 12o. N. Y. 1847 -''~ Nature of Religion; on Commerce, &c. 12o. N. Y. 1847 " Various Subjects... 12o. N. Y. 1835 -- " " The Same... 12o. N. Y. 1838 _ —----:Moral Views of Commerce, Society, and Politics. 12o. N. Y. 1838 Old World and New; Jour. of a Tour in Europe. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1836 Dewhurst, H. W.-Guide to Human and Comparative Phrenology. 18o. Loud. 1831 D'Haussez, Baron. See Iladssez, Baron d'. D'Homergue, J., and Duponceau, P. S.-Essays on American Silk. 12o. Phil. 1830 Silk Culturist's Manual... 12o. Phil. 1839 Dial; a Quarterly Journal. 4 v..... 8vo. Bost. 1840-4 Dialect of Craven in Yorkshire. 2 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1828 Diaz del Castillo, Bernal — em. of himself, and Acc't of N. Spain. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1844 Dibdin, Chas.-Songs; with a Memoir.... 16o. Lond. 1841 Thos.-Last Lays of the Last of the Three Dibdins. 8vo. Lond. no date - Thos. F.-Bibliograph. & Antiquar. Tour in France & Ger. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1829 --- -- Bibliomania; a Bibliographical Romance.. 8vo. Lond. 1842 [Bibliophobia]..... 8vo. Loud. 1832 - Hist. and Lit. Tour of a Foreigner, in Eng. and Scot. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1825 _ —-- -- Knowledge of Rare Ed. of Grk. and Lat. Classics. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1827 - Library Companion; a Guide in choice of a Library. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1825 Reminiscences of a Literary Life. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1836 *Di-cionario de la Academia Espanfola. Edicion abbreviada. 8vo. Paris. 1826 Dick, Thos.-Celestial Scenery. (H. F. L.).... 18o. N. Y. 1838 -Christian Philosopher.... 12o. N. Y. 1829 - - Essay on Covetousness.... 12o. N. Y. 1836 Mental Illumination, and Moral Improvement of Mankind 12o. Phil. 1836 - The Same...... 12o. N. Y. 1836 Catalogue.] DI C — D IX 73 Dick, Thos.-Improvement of Soc., by Diffus. of Knowledge. (H. F. L.) 18o. N. Y. 1836 Philosophy of a Future State... 12o. N. Y. 1829 The Same...... 12o. Phil. 1833 -- Philosophy of Religion.... 12o. Brookfield. 1829 - Practical Astronomer..... 12o. N. Y. 1846 -Sidereal Heavens. (H. F. L.)... 18o. N. Y. 1840 Dickens, Chas.-Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi... 12o. N. Y. 1838 --- -- The Same. 2 v...... 12o. Phil. 1838 - The Same..... 16o. Lond. 1846 ---- - --- Pictures from Italy.... 12o. Lond. 1846 -- - The Same...... 12o. N. Y. 1846 Dickinson, Baxter-Prize Letters to Students... 18o. N. Y. 1831 --- Rodolphus-Elements of Geography... 8vo. Bost. 1813 Dickson, Jas. H. —Cultivation and Management of Flax.. 16o. Lond. 1846 --- --- Sam.-Principles of Chrono-Thermal System of Medicine. 8vo. N. Y. 1845 -- The Same...... 8vo. N. Y. 1850 Dictionary of Merchandize...... 8vo. Phil. 1805 * —- Quotations fr. Latin, French, Greek, Span. and Ital. Lan. 12o. Phil. 1848 Sports. By Harry Harewood... 12o. Lond. 1835 *Dictionnaire de l'Acad6mie Francaise. 2 v.... 4to. Paris. 1798-9 -------'Industrie Manufacturiere, Commerciale, etc. 10 v. 8vo. Paris. 1833-41 -* du Commerce et des Marchandises. 2 v... 8vo. Paris. 1839 * —---- Encyclopedique des Amusemens des Sciences, etc. 2 v. 4to. Paris. 1792 Diderot, Denis —Euvres, Completes. 7 v..... 8vo. Paris. 1818-19 — _ — -- and Alembert, J. L. R. d'-Encyclop6die des Sciences. 25 v. Fol. Lucca. 1758 Didier, F. J.-Let. fr. Paris and other Cities of France, &c. 1816-20 8vo. N. Y. 1821 Digby, Sir Kenelm-Private Memoirs of Himself; with Introduct. Mem. 8vo. Lond. 1827 Dilworth, Thos.-Book-keeper's Assistant.... 8vo. N. Y. 1803 -The Same, improved by R. Wiggins.. 8vo. N. Y. 1822 - Miscellaneous Arithmetic... 12o. Lond. 1773 Dinsmoor, Robt.-Poems...... 12o. Haverhill. 1828 Diodorus Siculus-Historical Library. (Fr. Lat. by G. Booth.) 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1814 Diogenes Laertius-Vies des Plus Illustres Philosophes de l'Antiquit6 18o. Paris. 1841 Dionysius Halicarnassensis-Roman Antiq. (Fr. Grk. by Spelman.) 4v. 4to. Lond. 1758 Diplomatic Correspond. of the U. S. of America, fr. 1783 to 1789. 7 v. 8vo. Wash. 1833 Discourses deliv. in Murray-st. Ch., 1830, by Drs. Spring, Cox, etc. 8vo. N. Y. 1830 Discovery of the Vital Principle; or, Physiology of Man.. 8vo. Lond. 1838 D'Israeli, J.-Amenities of Literature; Sketches and Characters. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1841 - Calamities of Authors. 2 v.. 12o. Y. 1812 - Curiosities of Literature. 3 v... 12o. Bost. 1834 ---- -- The Same......8vo. Lond. 1838.... -- The Same; Second Series. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1824... -.- Genius of Judaism.... 12o. Lond. 1833...... - Literary Character; or, History of Men of Genius 18o. Lond. 1839... -- Miscellanies of Literature. 3 v... 12o. N. Y. 1841 --—. - Quarrels of Authors. 3 v... 12o. Lond. 1814 Dissertation on the Passage of Hannibal over the Alps.. 8vo. Oxford. 1820 Disturnell, J.-U. S. Almanac and National Register for 1850. 24o. N. Y. 1850 Ditson, Geo. L.-Circassia; a Tour to the Caucasus.. 8vo. N. Y. 1850 Dix, John R.-[Loiterings and Visits in the Vicinity of Boston] 12o. Bost. 1845 &46 10 74 D IX — D O R [Merc. Lib. Dix, John R.-[Pen and Ink Sketches; and Chatterton, a Romance] 12o. Bost. 1845 Dixon, Edw. H.-Treatise on Diseases of the Sexual Organs. 12o. N. Y. 1845 - Woman and her Diseases.... 12o. N. Y. 1846 - Hepworth-John Howard, and the Prison-World of Europe 16o. Lond. 1849 London Prisons..... 16o. Lond. 1850 - Jas.-Tour in U. S. & Canada; with Notice of Methodism in Am. 12o. N. Y. 1849 Robt. V.-Treatise on Heat. Part... 8vo. Dublin. 1849 Doane, A. Sidney-Surgery Illustrated; Compiled fr. Cutler, Hind,&c. 8vo. N.Y. 1836 --- Geo. W.-Songs by the Way; chiefly Devotional. 12o. N. Y. 1824 Dobrizhoffer, Martin-Account of the Abipones (Fr. Lat.) 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1822 Dobson, Edw.-Manufacture of Bricks and Tiles... 12o. Lond. 1850 --— _ - On Masonry and Stone Cutting... 12o. Lond. 1849 - Rudiments of the Art of Building... 12o. Lond. 1849 Susanna-Life of Petrarch... 8vo. Phil. 1817 Doctor Bell's Lessons on the Human Frame... 18o. Phil. 1839 Dod, C. R.-Manual of Dignities, Privilege, and Precedence in Eng. 12o. Lond. 1842 - -- - Parliamentary Pocket Companion for 1841.. 240. Lond. 1841 Peerage and Baronetage of Great Britain and Ireland 16o. Lond. 1844 - The Same, for 1848... 16o. Lond. 1848 * —- _ — The Same, for 1850..... 16o. Lond. 1850 Dodd, M. A.H.-Poems..... 12o. Hart. 1844 -- Wmn.-Discourses to Young Men.... 320. Lond. 1840 Doddington, Geo. B.-Memoirs of Himself. See Autobiography. Doddridge, Phil.-Discourses on Regeneration and Salvation by Grace 12o. Ballston. 1815 * —---- -- Family Expositor; Paraphrase of New Testament. 6 v. 8vo. Bost. 1807-8 --- -- Mem'r of Col. J. Gardiner, slain at Preston-Pans, 1745 12o. Lond. 1796 ----. - Miscellaneous Works... 8vo. Lond. 1839 - Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul. 18o. N. Y. 1832 -- --- The Same; Introductory Essay by J. Foster 12o. N. Y. 1835 Dodsley, Robt.-[Economy of Human Life]... 18o. Lond. no date -- -- The Same...... 12o. N. Haven. 1793 - [Select Collection of Old Eng. Plays, with Notes.] 12 v. 12o. Lond. 1825-7 [For Supplement to the Same, see Collier, J. P., Ed'r.] Dodwell, Edw.-Classical and Topograph. Tour through Greece. 2 v. 4to. Lond. 1819 Doheny, Michael-History of the American Revolution.. 18o. Dublin. 1846 Dolby, Thos.-Christian's Economy of Human Life.. 24o. N. Y. 1845 The Shakspearian Dictionary.... 12o. Lond. 1832 Domestic Happiness Portrayed. Extr. fr. Classic Auth., with Orig. Essays 12o. N. Y. 1835 Donaldson, John-Treatise on Manures.... 8vo. Lond. 1842 - John W.-New Cratylus; Contribu. to Knowl. of Grk. Lan. 8vo. Camb. (E.) 1839 - - Varronianus; or, Study of the Latin Language 8vo. Camb. (E.) 1844 -..- Jos.-Recollections of the Life of a Soldier.. 18o. Phil. 1845 Donizetti, G.-Lucia di Lammermoor. (An Opera.). 8vo. Paris. no date ----- - Roberto Devereux. (An Opera.)... 4to. Paris. no date Donovan, E.-Natural History of British Fishes. 5 v... 8vo. Lond. 1802-8 Naturalist's Repos.; Miscell. of Exotic Nat. Hist. 5 v. 8vo. Lond. 1834 - Michael-Treatise on Chemistry. (L. C. C.).. 16o. Lond. Treatise on Domestic Economy. (L. C. C.) 2 v. 16o. Lond. 1836-7 Dorat, C. J.-[Declamation Theatrale; Poeme Didactique]. 12o. Paris. 1771 D'Orsey, A. J. D.-Eng. Gram. and Composition. See Chambers' Educ. Course. Catalogue.] D 0 U — D R Y 75 Doubleday, Thos.-Financial, Monetary, and Statis. Hist. of England 8vo. Lond. 1847 -- -- Law of Population, as connected with Food of People 8vo. Lond. 1846 Doubourg, J. H.-Life of Cardinal Cheverus. (Fr. Fren.). 12o. Phil. 1839 Douce, Fran.-Illustrations of Shakspeare and of Ancient Manners 8vo. Lond. 1839 Douglas, Jas.-Errors regarding Religion, and Thoughts on Prayer 12o. N. Y. 1831 --- - -- Philosophy of the Mind... 8vo. Edin. 1839 Douglass, Wm.-State of British Settlements in North America. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1755 Dover, (Lord)-Memoirs of Frederic the Great. (H. F. L.) 2 v.. 18. N. Y. 1832 Dow, Alex.(Trans.)-History of Hindostan. (Fr. Pers.) 3 v.. 8vo. Dublin. 1792 Dowling, J. G.-Introduction to Critical Study of Ecclesiastical History 8vo. Lond. 1838 ---- John-History of Romanism.... 8vo. N. Y. 1847 Downame, John-Consolations for the Afflicted... 8vo. Lond. 1613 Downes, Geo.-Letters from Continental Countries. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1832 ---- -- Jos.-Mountain Decameron. 3 v..... 12o. Lond. 1836 Downing, A. J.-Cottage Residences; Designs for Cottages and Gardens 8vo. N. Y. 1842. —-. - - Fruits and Fruit-Trees of America.. 12o. N. Y. 1845 * —-- -- The Same. Illustrated.... 8vo. N. Y. 1847 ----- - - Landscape Gardening, adapted to N. America. 8vo. N. Y. 1841 - (Ed'r)-Horticulturist. Vols. 1-3. [Continued.] 8vo. Albany. 1846-9 --- - C. T.-Stranger in China. 2 v.... 12o. Phil. 1838 Doyle Martin-Cyclopedia of Practical Husbandry.. 8vo. Dublin. 1839 D'Oyley, Geo.-Remarks on Sir Wm. Drummond's CEdipus Judaicus 8vo. Lond. 1813 Dragoon Campaigns to Rocky Mountains. [By Jas. Hildreth]. 12o. N. Y. 1836 Drake, Dan.-Picture of Cincinnati and the Miami Country. 12o. Cincin. 1815 - Sir Fran.-Life of; reprinted from Biographia Britannica. 4to. Lond. 1828 Jos. R.-Culprit Fay; and other Poems... 8vo. N.Y. 1836 ---- Lawrence-Heroes of England.... 18o. Lond. 1846 --- Nathan-Essays Bibliographical, Critical, and Historical. 5 v. 12o. Lond. 1805-10 - Evenings in Autumn; Essays Narrative and Miscell. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1822 -- -- - - Literary Hours; Sketches Critical and Narrative. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1800 Memorials of Shakspeare.... 8vo. Lond. 1828 -- - M- Mornings in Spring; Retrospections, Biograph. &c. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1828 - Noontide Leisure. 2 v..... 12o. Lond. 1824 Shakspeare and his Times. 2 v.... 4to. Lond. 1817 The Same... 8vo. Paris. 1838 Winter Nights. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1820 --- Sam. G.-Biography and History of N. American Indians 8vo. Bost. 1834 Draper, John W.-Forces which produce Organization of Plants. 4to. N. Y. 1845 Text Book on Chemistry.... 12. N. Y. 1846 " on Natural Philosophy... 12o. N. Y. 1847 Drayton, John-Memoirs of Am. Revolution; relating to So. Car. 2 v. 8vo. Charleston. 1821 Drew, John-Manual of Astronomy.... 16o. Lond. 1845 - Sam.; Life, Character, and Literary Labors. By his Son. 12o. N. Y. 1835 Drinkwater John-History of the Siege of Gibraltar.. 18o. Edin. 1839 Droz, F. X. J.-Art of Being Happy. (Fr. Fr. by T. Flint.) Title want. 12o. Drummond, Wm. (of Hawthornden)-Poems... 18o. Lond. 1790 -Sir Wm.-Odin; a Poem. Part.. 4to. Lond. 1817 --------- Origines; Remarks on Origin of Empires, &c. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1824-9 Drury, Robt.-Memoirs of his own Adventures. See Autobiography. Dryden, John-Critical and Miscellaneous Prose Works, 4 v. 8vo. Lond, 1800 76 D R Y —D UN [Merc. Lib. Dryden, John-Works; with Life, by J. Mitford. 2 v.. 8vo. N. Y. 1836.... - -The Same. (Ald. Poets.) 5 v... 16o. Lond. 1832-3 Duane, W. (Ed'r)-Passages fr. Diary of Chr. Marshall. Vol. 1. 1774-7 12o. Phil. 1839-49 --- Wm.-Visit to Colombia, in 1822-3... 8vo. Phil. 1826 Du Barri, Mde.-Memoirs of Herself. 3 v. See Autobiography. Dublin Penny Journal. Vols. 2 and 4.... 8vo. Dub. 1833-4;5-6 Review. Vols. 1-14... 8vo. Dublin. 1836-43 The Same. Vols. 25-28. [Continued.] 8vo. Dublin. 1848-50 ---- University Magazine. Vols. 1-35. [Continued.].. 8vo. Dublin. 1832-50 Du Bois, J. A.-Charac., Manners, &c. of People of India. (Fr. Fr.) 2 v. 8vo. Phil. 1818 Dubourg, Geo.-Violin. Account of the Instrument and its Professors 12o. Lond. no date Ducerceau, J. A.-Life and Times of Rienzi... 12o. Phil. 1836 Duckett, Geo. F.-Technological Military Diet. in Ger., Eng., & Fren. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Ducoeurjoly, S. J.-Manuel des Habitans de St. Domingue. 2 v. in 1 8vo. Paris. 1802 Dudevant, Mde. See Sand, George. Dudley, Sir B. & Lady-Vortigern & Rowena; a Comic Trag. 4 v. in 2 18o. Lond. 1795-1807 - Dean-Dudley Genealogies, and Family Records.. 8vo. Bost. 1848 (J. W. Ward, Earl of)-Letters to the Bishop of Llandaff 8vo. Lond. 1841 Duer, John-Law of Representations in Marine Insurance.. 8vo. N. Y. 1844 - Wm. A.-Life of Wm. Alexander (Earl of Stirling). See Coll.f 5J J. H. ist. Soc. -Outlines of Constitutional Jurisprudence of the U. S. 12o. N. Y. 1833 The Same. (H. F. L.)..18o. N. Y. 1844 Duff, P.-No. Am. Acc'tant; or, Single and Double-Entry Book-keeping 8vo. N. Y. 1848 *Dufief, N. G.-Dictionary of the French and English Languages. 3 v. 12o. Phil. 1810 ---- -- Nature displayed in Teaching Language; Spanish. 2 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1825 Dufton, Wm.-Nature and Treatment of Diseases of the Ear. 12o. Phil. 1848 Duhalde, J. B.-General History of China. (Fr. Fren.) 4 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1841 Duke, E.-Druidical Temples of the County of Wilts.. 12o. Lond. 1846 Dulaure, J. A.-Histoire Abr6eg de Differens Cultes. 2 v.. 8vo. Paris. 1825. —-- - Principaux Evenemens de la Revolution Franjaise. 6 v. 8vo. Paris. 1825-6 Dumas, Alex.-Comte de Monte Christo... 8vo. N. Y. 1846 Dame de Monsereau. 3 v....18o. Paris. 1847 - Louis XIV. et son Siecle. 2 v..8vo. Paris. 1844-5... — - Maitre d'Armes.... 18o. Paris. 1848 -..- Memoires d'un Medecin. 11 vols. in six.. 24o. Brux. 1846 -- - iCEuvres. Vols. 1-7..... 8vo. Brux. 1842-4 ---- - Quarante-Cinq. 6 vols. in three... 24o. Brux. 1847 Trois Mousquetaires..... 8vo. N. Y. 1846 --- -- Impressions of Travel in Egypt and Arabia Petraea 12o. N. Y. 1839 - Sketches of Naples. (Fr. Fren.)... 8vo. Phil. 1845 ---- -- et Dauzat, A.-Quinze Jours au Sinai.. 18o. Paris. 1847 - Count Matthew-Memoirs of his own Time. 2 v... 12o. Phil. 1839 -- M.-Chimie appliquee aux Arts. 5 v. 8vo., et Atlas 4to. Paris. 1828-35 ---- -- Lecons sur la Philosophic Chimique..8vo. Paris. 1836 *Dumesnil, J. B. G.-Latin Synonyms. (Fr. Fren.).. 8vo. Lond. 1825 Dumont, Etienne-Recollections of Mirabeau..8vo. Phil. 1833 John-Voyage to the Levant... 8vo. Lond. 1696 Dunbar, John-Bees; Management, &e., of Honey Bee. (N. L.). 16o. Edin. 1840 Duncan, Hen.-Sacred Philosophy of the Seasons. 4 v.. 16o. Edin. 1836-8 --- -- The Same. Edited by F. W. P. Greenwood. 4 v.. 12o. Bost. 1839 Catalogue.] D UN — D UR 77 Duncan, Jas.-Introduction to Entomology. (N. L.).. 16o. Edin. 1840 Natural History of Beetles. (N. L.)... 16o. Edin. 1835." " British Butterflies. (N. L.). 16o. Edin. 1837.... -- British Moths, Sphinges, &c. (N.L.) 16o. Edin. 1836.- -. i " Exotic Moths. (N. L.). 16o. Edin. 1841....i -- Foreign Butterflies. (N. L.). 16o. Edin. 1837 ----- John-Travels in Western Africa, in 1845-6. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1847 ---- John M.-Travels in U. States and Canada, in 1818-19. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1823 --- John-Dukes of Normandy, from Rollo to expulsion of K. John 12o. Lond. 1839 ---- -- Religions of Profane Antiquity... 12o. Lond. no date --- -- Relig. Wars of France fr. Hen. II., to Peace of Vervins 12o. Lond. 1840 *Dunglison, Robley-Dictionary of Medical Science... 8vo. Phil. 1846 Elements of Hygiene... 8vo. Phil. 1835 -- -. General Therapeutics.... 8vo. Phil. 1836 Human Physiology. 2 v.... 8vo. Phil. 1832 - The Same. 2 v...... 8vo. Phil. 1838 New Remedies; their Preparations and Effects 8vo. Phil. 1839 Practice of Medicine. 2 v.... 8vo. Phil. 1842 Dunham, S. A.-Hist. of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. (L. C. C.) 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1839-40 ~ —-_ — " Europe, during the Middle Ages. (L. C. C.) 4 v. 16o. Lond. 1833-4 - the Germanic Empire. (L. C. C.) 3 v. 16o. Lond. 1834-5 " Poland. (L. C. C.)... 16o. Lond. 1836....- -- " Spain and Portugal. (L. C. C.) 5 v.. 12o. Phil. 1832-3 ----- - - and others-Lives of British Dramatists. (L. C. C.) 2 v. 16o. Lond. 1837-8 ~ —--- -- -- Lives of Early British Writers. (L. C. C.) 16o. Lond. 1836 Dunlap, Wm.-History of the American Theatre. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1833 ---- - - " Arts of Design in United States. 2 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1834 " New Netherlands and N. Y., to 1787. 2 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1839-40....- - " New-York; for Schools. 2 v.. 18o. N. Y. 1837...- - Life of Charles Brockden Brown. 2 v... 8vo. Phil. 1815 ---- -- Memoirs of George Frederic Cooke. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1813 Dunlop, John-History of Fiction, from Earliest Greek Romances. 3 v. 12o. Edin. 1816 " Roman Literature, to Augustan Age. 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1827 --- -- Memoirs of Spain, from 1621 to 1700. 2 v.. 8vo. Edin. 1834 ----- Robt. G.-Drinking Usages of Great Britain and Ireland 12o. Lond. 1839 Travels in Central America.... 12o. Lond. 1847 Dunn, John-Oregon Territory, and British North American Fur Trade 18o. Phil. 1845 - Matthias-Winning and Working of Collieries.. 8vo. New Castle. 1848 Dunton, John-Life and Errors of; with Lives of Contemp. Div. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1818 Dupin, Chas. (Baron)-Commercial Power of Great Britain. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1825 Duppa, R.-Life of Michael Angelo. See Angelo, Michael. ---- -- and Quincy, Quatremere de-Lives of Angelo & Raffaello 12o. Lond. 1846 Dupuis, C. F.-Abrege de l'Origine de Tous les Cultes. 8vo. Paris. 1836 Jos.-Journal of a Residence in Ashantee... 4to. Lond. 1824 Dupuy, L.-Theatre de Sophocle. (See Brumoy, P.).. 4to. Paris. 1773 Durant, C. F.-New Theory of Animal Magnetism.. 12o. N. Y. 1837 --- Thos.-Memoir of an Only Son.... 8vo. Andover. 1823 Durbin, John P.-Observ. in Egypt, Palestine, Syria, & Asia Minor. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1845 - -" Europe; principally France & Gt. Brit. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1844 Durham University Calendar, for 1839.. 12o. Durham. 1838 78 D U T- E CL [Merc. Lib. Dutard, et Sasserre-Dictionnaire de Jurisprudence Usuelle 8vo. Paris. 1845 Du Tiel, Suetonius-L'Histoire des Empereurs Romains.. 12o. Paris. 1799 Duties on Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, imported into the U. States 120. N. Y. 1819 Dutrochet, M. H.-Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire Anatom., etc. 2 v. 8vo. Paris. 1837 Duty of American Women to their Country. [By Catherine E. Beecher.] 18o. N. Y. 1845 Dwight, H. E.-Travels in North Germany, in 1825-6.. 8vo. N. Y. 1829 M. A.-Grecian and Roman Mythology... 8vo. N. Y. 1849 -- N.-Biography of Signers of Declaration of Independence 12o. N. Y. 1830 - S. E.-Life of Jonathan Edwards (the Elder).. 8vo. N. Y. 1830 --- Theo.-Character of Jefferson, as shown by his Writings 12o. Bost. 1839 History of the Hartford Convention.. 8vo. N. Y. 1833 -- Theo. (Jr.)-History of Connecticut. (H. F. L.). 18o. N. Y. 1841 ---- Tim.-Theology Explained and Defended. 4 v... 8vo. N. Y. 1829 Travels in New England and New-York. 4 v.. 8vo. N. Haven. 1821-2 - Incidents in Life of..... 18o. N. Haven. 1831 Dwyer, J. H.-Essay on Elocution.... 12. N. Y. 1828 Dyce, Alex.-Remarks on Collier and Knight's Editions of Shakspeare 8vo. Lond. 1844 - - Specimens of English Sonnets... 16o. Lond. 1833 Dyer, Thos. HI.-Life of John Calvin.... 8vo. Lond. 1850 Dyer and Color Maker's Companion.... 12o. Lond. 1849 Dymond, John-Essays on the Principles of Morality.. 8vo. N. Y. 1839 Inquiry into the Accordance of War with Christianity 12o. Phil. 1834 Eadie, John (Ed'r)-Biblical Cyclopadia.... 12o. Lond. 1849 Earl, G. W.-Eastern Seas; Voyage in East. Archipelago, in 1832-4 8vo. Lond. 1837 Earle, Pliny-History of the Bloomingdale Asylum for the Insane. 8vo. N. Y. 1848 - Thos.-Treatise on Railroads, and Internal Communications 8vo. Phil. 1830 Early Magnetism in its Higher Relations to Humanity.. 8vo. Lond. 1846 Eastburn, Jas. W.-Yamoyden; a Poem... 12o. N. Y. 1820 Eastern Europe, and the Emperor Nicholas. 2 v.... 12o. Lond. 1846 Eastlake, Chas. L.-Contributions to the Literature of Fine Arts 8vo. Lond. 1848 -- -- - Materials for a History of Oil Painting.. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Eastman, F. S.-History of N. Y. State, from its Discovery 12o. N. Y. 1828 - Mary-Dahcotah; Life and Legends of the Sioux, at Ft. Snell. 12o. N. Y. 1849 Eaton, Amos-Chemical Instructor. 12o. Albany. 1826 _ —- -- - Geolog. and Agricultur. Survey of Dist. adjoin. Erie Canal 8vo. Albany. 1824 Index to Geology of Northern States.. 12o. Troy. 1820 - J. H.-Life of Andrew Jackson.... 8vo. Phil. 1824 Life of Gen. Wm. Eaton.... 8vo. Brookfield. 1813 Ebers, John-Seven Years of the King's Theatre... 120. Phil. 1828 *Ebert, F. A.-General Bibliographical Dictionary. (Fr. Ger.) 4 v. 8vo. Oxford. 1837 Eccentricities of Literature and Life; or, Recreative Magazine. 8vo. Bost. 1822 Eccleston, Jas.-Introduction to English Antiquities... 8vo. Lond. 1847 Echard, Lawrence-History of England. Fol. Lond. 1707 Echo des Feuilletons, Recueil de Nouvelles, Contes, Anec., &c. 2 v. 8vo. Paris. 1841-2 Eckermann, J. P.-Convers. with Goethe. See Ripley, Geo., Specimens. Vol. 4. *Eckfeldt, J. R., and Dubois, W. E.-Manual of Gold and Silver Coins 4to. Phil. 1842 ----— ____ --- - New Gold & Silv. Coins & Bullion 18o. Phil. 1850 Ecking, Sam.-Three Essays; on Grace, Faith, and Experience. 12o. Chester. 1791 Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature. Vols. 1-19. [Continued.] 8vo. N.Y. 18244-50 Catalogue.] E CL EDW 179 Eclectic Museum of Foreign Literature, Science, and Art. Vol. 3 8vo. N. Y. 1843 Review; 1st, 2d, and 3d Series. 64 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1805-36 The Same. New Series. Vols. 1-27. [Continued.]. 8vo. Lond. 1837-50 Eddis, Wm.-Letters from America, from 1769 to 1777.. 8vo. Lond. 1792 Eddy, Dan. C.-Heroines of the Missionary Enterprise.. 16o. Bost. 1850 Ede, R. B.-Facts in Chemistry, with Reference to his Apparatus 12o. Lond. 1837 Edgar, Sam.-Variations of Popery..... 8vo. Lond. 1838 Edgeworth, Maria, and Rich. L.-Practical Education. 2 v.. 8vo. N. Y. 1801 ---— ___- - The Same. 2 vols. in one... 8vo. Prov. 1815 R.-Memoirs of; by Himself and his Daughter. 2 v. in 1 8vo. Bost. 1821 Edinburgh Cabinet Library. 38 v.... 16o. Edin. 1832-44 Vol. 1. Leslie, Sir John, and others. Discovery and Adventure in the Polar Seas. " 2. Murray, H., and others. Discovery and Adventure in Africa. " 3. Russell, M. Ancient and Modern Egypt. 4. " " History of Palestine. " 5. Lives and Voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier. " 6-8. Murray, H., and others. Account of British India. 9. Tytler, P. F. Discovery on the Northern Coasts of America. 10. MacGillivray, W. Travels and Researches of Alex. Von Humboldt. " 11. Tytler, P. F. Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. 12. Russell, M. History of Nubia and Abyssinia. "13,14. Crichton, A. History of Arabia. 15. Fraser, J. B. History of Persia. 16. MacGillivray, W. Lives of Eminent Zoologists. 17. Russell, M. History of the Barbary States. " 18-20. Murray, H., and others. China, from the Earliest Ages. 21. Historical Account of the Circumnavigation of the Globe. 22. Tytler, P. F. Life of King Henry VIII. " 23, 24. Crichton, A., and Wheaton, H. Scandinavia. "25-27. Murray, H., and others. Account of British America. 28. Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands. "29-31. Spalding, W. Italy, and the Italian Islands. 32. Frazer, J. B. Mesopotamia and Assyria. 33. Russell, M. History of Polynesia. " 34. Voyages Round the World; from the Death of Capt. Cook. " 35-37. Murray, H. United States of America. " 38. " " Travels of Marco Polo. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal. Vols. 25-48. [Continued.] 8vo. Edin. 1838-50 Review. Vols. 1-31..... 8vo. N. Y. 1802-19 The Same. Vols. 32-62... 8vo. Bost. 1819-36 The Same. Vols. 63-91 [Continued.]. 8vo. Edin. 1836-50'* -- -- - Index to Vols. 1-20... 8vo. N. Y. 1816 * - Index to Vols. 21-50... 8vo. Edin. 1832 -- Tales, the. 3 v...... 8vo. Edin. 1845-6 Edmonds, Cyrus R.-Life of George Washington. (M. F. L.) 2 v. 160o. Lond. 1838 Educator, the; Essays on the Profession of the Educator.. 12o. Lond. 1839 Edward, David B.-History of Texas.... 12o. Cincinnati. 1836 Edwards, B. B.-Biography of Self-Taught Men.. 12o. Bost. 1832 - -- See Sears, B. -_____ - Bryan-History of the Brit. Colonies in the W. Indies. 3 v. 4to. Lond. 1793-1801 ___ _ The Same. 4 v...... 8vo. Phil. 1805-6 --- Chas.-Feathers from my Wings. [Poems and Tales.] 12o. N. Y. 1832 -_____ - Juryman's Guide.... 8vo. N. Y. 1831 F. S.-Campaign in New Mexico, with Col. Doniphan. 12o. Phil. 1847 H. Milne.-Outlines of Anatomy and Physiology. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Bost. 1841 ____ _ Zoologie. See Cours Elem. d'Hist. Nat. 80 E D W -- ELL [Merc. Lib. Edwards, John-Uncertainty of Human Knowledge.. 8vo. Lond. 1714 John (Pres.)-Treatise on Religious Affections. 12o. Bost. 1832.... - -- Works; with a Memoir. 8 v.... 8vo. Worces. 1808-9.... - -- Life and Character of; with Extracts from his Diary 12o. Edin. 1799 Wm.-Book-keeper's Atlas; or, Double Entry Book-keeping 4to. N. Y. 1834 - Wm. H.-Voyage up the Amazon, and Residence at Para 12o. N. Y. 1847 - W. F.-Influence of Physical Agents on Life. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Lond. 1832 Egan, Pierce-Sporting Anecdotes.... 12o. Phil. 1822 Egede, Hans-Description of Greenland. With Life of Author. 8vo. Lond. 1818 Egron, A.-Livre de l'Ouvrier et de ses Devoirs... 12o. Paris. 1844 Egypt; a Familiar Description of the Land, People, and Produce. 12o. Lond. 1839 Eikon Basilike; " Pourtraicture of his Sac. Maj. [ Ch. I.] in his Solitudes" 8vo. Lond. 1824 Eisdell, J. S.-Treatise on the Industry of Nations. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Elements and Practice of Rigging and Seamanship. 2 v... 4to. Lond. 1794 of Chemistry, familiarly explained. Part.. 18o. Lond. 1831 Eliot, John-Biographical Dictionary of First Settlers of N. England 8vo. Salem. 1809 - Sam.-Liberty of Rome; and Ancient Nations. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1849 - - Passages from the History of Liberty.. 16o. Bost. 1847 Ellet, Eliz. F.-Characters of Schiller.... 12o. Bost. 1839 - - Family Pictures from the Bible... 12o. N. Y. 1849 Women of the American Revolution. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1848-50 Ellicott, And.-Journal in 1796-1800 as U. S. Boundary Commissioner 4to. Phil. 1803 Elliot, Jona.-Funding System of United States and Great Britain. 8vo. Wash. 1845 (Ed'r)-Debates on Fed. Const. in State Conven., &c. 4 v. 8vo. Wash. 1836 Elliotson, John-Principles and Practice of Medicine. Ed. by Rogers 8vo. Lond. 1839 Elliott, C. B.-Travels in Austria, Russia, and Turkey. 2 v.. 12o. Phil. 1839 - Ebenezer-Corn-Law Rhymes; and other Poems. 3 v.. 16o. Lond. 1833-5 - Jesse D.; Biographical Notice of... 12o. Phil. 1835 Ellis, C. M.-History of Roxbury Town [Mass.]... 8vo. Bost. 1847 - Geo.-Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances. 16o. Lond. 1848 Specimens of Early English Poets. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1811 - Geo. Agar-History of the State Prisoner, the Iron Mask 8vo. Lond. 1827 - (Ed'r)- Ellis Correspondence, 1686-8... 8vo. Lond. 1829 - Geo. V.-Demonstrations of Anatomy... 12o. Lond. 1849 - Sir Hen.-Townley Gallery. (L. E. K., Brit. Museum.) 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1836 -- - Elgin and Phigaleian Marbles. (L. E. K., Brit. Mus.) 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1833 -- -- (Ed'r)-Original Letters Illust. of Brit. Hist. 1st Ser. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1825 -The Same. 2nd Series. 4 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1827 The Same. 3rd Series. 4 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1846 - Hen.-Journal of Embassy from England to China in 1816. 8vo. Phil. 1818 - Robt.-British Tariff for 1836.... 12o. Lond. 1836.-... " " for 1838.... 12o. Lond. 1838 -- " " for 1840... 12o. Lond. 1839 -" " for 1846.. 12o. Lond. 1845 - - Laws and Practical Regulations on Shipping. 12o. Lond. 1837 -- -- Laws and Practical Regulations of Customs.. 12o. Lond. 1837 - Sarah, Mrs.-Daughters of England... 12o. N. Y. 1842 -Irish Girl, and other Poems.... 12o. N. Y. 1844 --- Mothers of England... 8vo. N. Y. 1844 -Prevention Better than Cure. 12o. N. Y. 1847 Catalogue.] E L L - E N G 81 Ellis, Sarah, Mrs.-Social Happiness; Poetry of Life; etc.. 8vo. N. Y. 1848 - Wives of England... 12o. N. Y. 1843 - Women of England..... 12o. N. Y. 1839 - Wm.-History of Madagascar. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1838 Life of Mary M. Ellis, his Wife... 12o. Bost. 1836 Polynesian Researches. 4 v.... 12o. Lond. 1831 The Same. 4 v... 12o. N. Y. 1833 Ellsworth, Hen. L.-Report of Commissioner of Patents for 1844 8vo. Wash. 1845 H. W.-Valley of the Upper Wabash, Indiana.. 8vo. N. Y. 1838 Ellwood, Thos.-Memoirs of Himself. See Autobiography. Elmes, Jas.-Topographical Dictionary of London and its Environs 8vo. Lond. 1831 Elphinstone, M.-Account of Caubul and its Dependencies. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1839 - The Same. 2 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1842 Elrington, C. R.-Life of James Ussher. (Abp.).. 8vo. Dublin. 1848 Elton, Chas. A.-Boyhood, and other Poems.. 8vo, Lond. 1835 - Specimens from Classic Poets. 3 v...8vo. Lond. 1814 *Elwell, Wm. O.-English and German Dictionary.. 12o. N. Y. 1850 Elwood, Anne K.-Journeys to and from, with Residence in India. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1830 - Memoirs of Literary Ladies of England. 8vo. Phil. 1845 Emerson, Fred.-North American Arithmetic. Part 3rd..12o. Bost. 1844.. —- - Geo. B. See Reports on the Natural History of Massachusetts. - Schoolmaster. See Potter, Alonzo. - Jas.-Letters fiom the iEgean.... 8vo. N. Y. 1829 R. W.-Essays..... 12o. Bost. 1841 Essays. 2nd Series.... 16o. Bost. 1844...- -- Essays, Lectures, and Orations...16o. Lond. 1848 [Nature]... 12o. Bost. 1836 ---- - Nature; with Addresses and Lectures..12o. BAst. 1849 — Poems...... 16o. Bost. 1847.... - Representative Men... 12o. Bost. 1850 - Wm.-Mathematical Tracts.. 8vo. Lond. 1793 - [Treatise of Algebra].... 8vo. Lond. 1780 Emigrant's Guide to New Mexico, California, and Oregon 24o. N. Y. 1850 -True Guide...... 18o. N. Y. 1844 Emmett, Robt.-Speech on his Trial for Treason. See Phillips, C. Emmons, E. See Reports on Natural History of Massachusetts. ---- -- See Natural History of New York State. Emory, Wm.-Notes of Military Reconnoissance, from Mo. to Cal.. 8vo. Wash. 1848 The Same...... 8vo. N. Y. 1848 Empson, Chas.-Narratives of South America... 8vo. Lond. 1836 *Encyclopeedia Americana. 14 v..... 8vo. Phil. 1830-47 -*. -- Britannica. 5th Edition. 20 v... 4to. Edin. 1816-17 *- ------ The Same. 7th Edition. 21 v.. 4to. Edin. 1830-42 * —-- Metropolitana. 26 v..... 4to. Lond. 1845 Endless Amusement; Entertaining Experiments in Science.. 180. Phil. 1847 Enfield, Wm.-Hist. of Philosophy. (Fr. Brucker's "Historia Critica.") 8vo. Lond. 1839 - Institutes of Natural Philosophy... 4to. Bost. 1802 England, John (Bishop)-Works of. Edited by J. A. Reynolds. 5 v. 8vo. Balt. 1849 and Its People..... 12o. Lond. 1839 and Russia..... 8vo. Lond 1836 11 82 ENG — E UL [Mere. Lib. England, Delineated; a Description of every County in Eng. and Wales 8vo. Lond. 1803 ------ the Civilizer; her History developed in its Principles. 12o. Lond. 1848 English Country Life. By Martingale.... 12o. Lond. 1843 ------ Hexapla; Six Versions of the New Testament. See Bible. ------ Housewife.... 8vo. Lond. 1660 Maiden; her Moral and Domestic Duties 12o. Lond. 1841 Geo. B.-Expedition to Dongola and Sennaar., 8vo. Bost. 1823 Englishman's Sketch Book; or. Letters from New-York 12o. N. Y. 1828 Ensamples of Railway-making... 8vo. Lond. 1843 Entertaining Mag.; or, Repository of General Knowledge. Vol. 2 8vo. Lond. 1814 Entick, John, and others-Late War in Europe, Asia, &c. 5 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1765 Entz, J. F.-Exchange and Cotton Trade between Eng. and U. S. 8vo. N. Y. 1840 Epictetus-Works. (Fr'omn Grk. by Elizabeth Carter.) 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1807 Episodes of Insect Life..... 8vo. Lond. 1849 Epitome Historia Graeeae. (Groece.) 2 v..... 8vo. Venice. 1807 (Latine.).... 18o. N. Haven. 1822 Epps, John-Internal Evidences of Christianity, from Phrenology. 18o. Bost. 1837 Erasmus, Desiderius-Apothegms of the Ancients. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1753 _ —-— _ -- Colloquies. (Fr. Lat. by Sir Roger L'Estrange.) 8vo. Lond. 1725 Ercilla y Zufiga, Alonzo de-La Araucana. 4 v... 18o. Paris. 1824 Eres, C. D. R. d'-Memoirs of his Captivity among the Indians. 12o. Exeter. 1800 Erman, Adolph-Travels in Siberia. (Fr. Ger.) 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1848 -- - -- The Same. 2 v...... 12o. Phil. 1850 Erskine (Lord)-Speeches. See Chatham, Win. P. Ertheiler, Moritz-Phrase Book; in English and German. 18o. N. Y. 1845 Eschenburg, J. J.-MNanual of. Classical Literature. (Fr. Ger. by Fiske.) 8vo. Phil. 1841 Esdaile, Jas.-Mesmerism in India, and its Application to Surgery, &c. 16o. Lond. 1846 Espy, Jas. P. —-Philosophy of Storms.... 8vo. Bost. 1841 Esquirol, E.-Histoire des Montagnards. 2 v... 8vo. Paris. 1847 Esquiros, Alphonse-Mental Maladies; a Treat. on Insanity. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Phil. 1845 Essayist; or, Literary Cabinet.... 8vo. N. Y. 1826 Essays and Sketches of Life and Character. 12o. N. Y. 1830 on Christian Union; by Thos. Chalmers, and others 8vo. Lond. 1845 Conversation and Quackery... 12o. Lond. 1836 Government.. 8vo. Lond. 1839 ---- Exist. of Kraken, Sea Serpent, and other Sea Monsters 8vo. Lond. 1849 Relig. Subj. [Attributed by some to Geo. Psalmanaasar.] 8vo. Lond. 1753 the Spirit of Legislation; encouraging Agriculture, &c. 8vo. Newark. 1800 Various Subjects of Taste, Morals, &c. 8vo. Georget'n. 1822 written in the Intervals of Business. 12o. Lond. 1804 Essex, W. R. H., and Smirke, S.-Architec. Illus. of Temple Church 4to. Lond. 1845 Etching Described and Simplified.... 6o. Lond. 1849 Euclid-Elements of Geometry. Edited by D. Lardner 8vo. Lond. 1838 --- ---- The Same. Edited by R. Sirnpson.. 8vo. Edin. 1787 The Same. 8vo. Edin. 1835 ---- The Same. Edited by E. Stone. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1731 ---- Elements of Geometry and Data. Edited by Isaac Barrow 8vo. Lond. 1751 ------ Symbolical Euclid. Edited by J. M. Williams.. 24o. Lond. 1848 --- De Ses eerste Boeken van Euclides. Door H. Coets. 12o. Leyden. 1752 Eugene of Savoy (Prince)-Memoirs of Himself. See Autobiography. Catalogue.] E U L — E YR 83 Euler, Leonard-Volledige Inleiding tot de Algebra. 2 v. in one. 8vo. Amst'dam. 1773 --- -- Letters on Natural Philosophy. (H. F. L.) 2 v.. 18o. N. Y. 1833 -- - -- Lettres a une Princesse d'Allemagne sur Philosophic. 2 v. 8vo. Paris. 1842 Eureka, a Journal of Inventions, Patents, and Science. Vols. 1 and 2 4to. N. Y. 1846-8 Euripides-Tragedie et Fragmenta. (Greece). Ed. A. Matthiae. 4 v. 8vo. Lipsie. 1813-17 - Tragedies. (Fr. Grk. by R. Potter.) (F. C. L.) 3 v. 18o. N. Y. 1836 _ —— _- The Same. 2 v...... 8vo. Oxford. 1823 Hecube, expliquee en Frangais, avec Traductions. 12o. Paris. 1829 European Magazine and London Review. 24 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1782-93 Eusebius Pamphilus-Ancient Eccles. History, A. D. 600. (Fr. Grk.) Fol. Lond. 1576 _ —-— _ -- Life of Emperor Constantine, from 306 to 337 A. D. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Eustace. J. C.-Classical Tour through Italy in 1802. 4 v... 8vo. Lond. 1821 -— _ —- The Same. (M. F. L.) 3 v.... 16o. Lond. 1841 Eustaphieve, Alexis-Homceopathia Revealed.. 8vo. N. Y. 1846 Evangelical Guardian and Review. 2 v..... 8vo. N. Y. 1817-18 Evangelio en Triunfo. 4 v....... 16o. Perpinan. 1823 Evans, A. B. (Ed'r)-Leicestershire Words, Phrases, and Proverbs 16o. Lond. 1848 - Estwick-Pedestrian Tour through West. States and Territories 12o. Concord. 1819 - John-Parnassian Garland; or, Beauties of Modern Poetry. 18o. Phil. 1814 --- -- Shakspeare's Seven Ages of Life Illustrated. 12o. Lond. 1831 -- Lewis-Analysis of Map of Middle British Colonies in America 4to. Phil. 1755 Oliver-Young Millwright, and Miller's Guide.. 8vo. Phil. 1829 R. M.-Evenings with the Chroniclers... 12o. Lond. 1841 Thos. (Ed'r)-Ballads collected from rare Copies and MSS. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1810 - - W. J.-Sugar Planter's Manual. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Evelyn, John-Life of Mrs. Godolphin.... 12o. N. Y. 1847 - Memoirs; Diary from 1641 to 1706, and Letters. 5 v. 8vo. Lond. 1827 ---- -- Sylva; a Discourse on Forest Trees. 2 v... 4to. N. Y. 1812 *Evening Post, from May, 1810, to July, 1811... Fol. N. Y. 1810-1 1 * - - The Same. July, 1837, to Dec., 1849. 21 v. [Contin.] Fol. N. Y. 1837-49 -- --- Thoughts. By a Physician.... 12o. Lond. 1850 Everest, Chas. W. (Ed'r)-The Poets of Connecticut.. 8vo. Hartf. 1843 Everett, Alex. H.-[America; Survey of Powers of the West. Cont.] 8vo. Phil. 1827 -— __- -- Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, with Poems. 2 v. 12o. Bost. 1845-6 ------ Edw.-Importance of Practical Education and Useful Knowl. 12o. N. Y. 1847 ---- -- Orations and Speeches on Several Occasions 8vo. Bost. 1836 Erastus-System of English Versification.. 12o. N. Y. 1848 Evers, P.-Student's Compendium of Comparative Anatomy. 8vo. Phil. 1839 Ewbank, Thos.-Account of Hydraulic and other Machines. 8vo. N. Y. 1842 Examination of the Claims of N. England to Commercial Pre-eminence 18o. Phil. 1814 Doctrine of the Moon's Rotation.. 8vo. Edin. 1847 ----------- New Tariff of H. Baldwin... 8vo. N. Y. 1821 *Examiner; a Weekly Paper. 11 v. [Continued.]... Fol. Lond. 1838-49 Exmore Scolding and Courtship. With a Glossary.. 12o. Lond. 1839 *Expilly, J. J.-Dict. Geographique, Ilistor. etPolitique des Gaules. 6 v. Fol. Paris. 1762 Explanations; a Sequel to the "Vestiges of the Nat. Hist. of Creation" I2o. N. Y. 1846 *Extractor: a Monthly XMagazine. Vol. 2.... 8vo. Lond. 1829 [For a Continuation of the Same, see Polar Star.] Extracts from the Diary of a Lover of Literature... 4to. Ipswich. 1810 Eyries, J. B. B.-Abrege des Voyages Modernes, depuis 1780. 14 v. 8vo. Paris. 1822-4 84 FAB -- FAR [Merc. Lib. Faber, Geo. S.-Difficulties of Infidelity..2o. N. Y. 1825 - "'; Romanism... 12o. Phil. 1830 - Dissertations on the Prophecies. 2 v... 8vo. N. Y. 1811 -- -- Mysteries of the Cabiri; or, Great Gods of the East 8vo. Oxford. 1803 Facciolati, J., and Forcellini, E.-Totius Latinitatis Lexicon. 2 v. 4to. Lond. 1828 Facetiae Cantabrigienses..... 18o. Lond. 1836 Facts and Figures; a Record of St'tistics... 8vo. Lond. 1842 - on Transmission of Qualities from Parents to Children 12o. N. Y. 1844 Fairbairn, Hen.-Political Economy of Railroads... 8vo. Lond. 1836 Fairfax Correspondence. See Bell, Robt., and Johnson, G. Fairfield, Sumner L.-Abaddon, and other Poems.. 8vo. N. Y. 1830 Last Night of Pompeii, and other Poems.. 8vo. N. Y. 1832 - Mina, and other Poems.... 12o. Balt. 1825 Poems...... 18o. N. Y. 1823 Fairholt, F. W.-Costume in England until 19th Century. 8vo. Lond. 1846 ----- Home of Shakspeare, Illustrated and Described. 16o. Lond. 1847 Falconer, Thos.-Discov. ofMississip.; also, on W. Boundaries of U. S. 120. N. Y. 1844 - Wm.-Universal Marine Dictionary; Enlarged by Burney 4to. Lond. 1815 - Influence of Climate, Country, &c., on Man. 4to. Lond. 1781 --- -- Poems. (Ald. Poets.).. 16o. Lond. 1836 Shipwreck. A Poem.... 18o. N. Y. 1825 Fame and Glory of England Vindicated.... 12o. N. Y. 1842 Familiar Views of Lunacy and Hints on Management of Lunatics 180. Lond. 1850 Family Book; or, Instructions Concerning all Relations of Life. 12o. N. Y. 1835 Family Classical Library; Translations of Grk. and Lat. Classics. 52 v. 18o. Lond. 1830-4 Vols. 1, 2. Demosthenes and Sallust. Vols. 30. Hesiod, Bion, Moschus, Sappho, 3, 4. Xenophon. Musaeus, and Lycophron. 5-7. Herodotus. 31, 32. Caesar. 8, 9. Virgil. 33. Sophocles. 10. Pindar and Anacreon. 34-36. Euripides. 11-15. Tacitus. 37-39. Homer. 16. Theophrastus. 40, 41. Ovid. 17,18. Horace and Phaedrus. 42-44. Cicero. 19. Juvenal and Persius. 45. iEschylus. 20-22. Thucydides. 46-52. Livy. 23-29. Plutarch. Family Classical Library. Parts of the Same reprinted. 36 v.. 18o. N. Y. 1836-7 iEschylus. Homer. 3 v. Pindar and Anacreon. Caesar. 2 v. Horace and Phaedrus. 2 v. Sallust. Cicero. 3 v. Juvenal and Persius. Sophocles. Demosthenes. 2 v. Livy. 5 v. Thucydides. 2 v. Euripides. 3 v. Ovid. 2 v. Virgil. 2 v. Herodotus. 3 v. Xenophon. 2 v. Family Magazine. Vols. 5-7.. 8vo. N. Y. 1838-40 ---- Tour through South Holland. (M. F. L.)... 16o. Lond. 1836 Fanning, Edm.-Voyages Round the World... 8vo. N. Y. 1833 - -- Voyages to the South Seas, Indian Ocean, &c.. 12o. N. Y. 1838 Fanshawe, Anne-Memoirs of Herself and some Letters of R. Fanshawe 12o. Lond. 1830 Faraday, Michael-Chemical Manipulation... 8vo. Phil. 1831 ---. -- Experimental Researches in Electricity. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Farewell to Time; or, Last Views of Life... 12o. N. Y. 1838 Farmer, Hen. T.-Imagination; and other Poems.. 12o. N. Y. 1819 --- John-Register of First Settlers of N. England. 8vo. Lancaster. 1829 Catalogue.] FAR -- FEN 85 Farmer, John, and Moore, J. B. (Ed'rs)-Coll. relating to N. Hamp. 3 v. 8vo. Concord. 1822-4 Rich.-Essay on the Learning of Shakspeare.. 8vo. Lond. 1789 - The Same...... 8vo. Lond. 1821 Farnham, D. L.-Description of a Patent Hydraulic Apparatus. 8vo. N. Y. 1846 Eliza W.-Life in Prairie Land... 12o. N. Y. 1846 - T. J.-History of the Oregon Territory... 8vo. N. Y. 1844.... - -- Life and Adventures in California.. 8vo. N. Y. 1846 ----- -- Mexico; its Geography, People, and Institutions. 8vo. N. Y. 1846 Farquhar, Geo. See Wycherly, Wm. Farr, Edw.-Ancient History. 4 v..... 12o. N. Y. 1850 History of the Persians.... 12o. N. Y. 1850 - J.-Anatomy of the External Man... 4to. Lond. 1849 Farrar, Eliza-Young Ladies' Friend.... 12o. Bost. 1847 - John-Experimental Treatise on Optics... 8vo. Camb. 1826 ---- _ - (Ed'r)-Cambridge Mathematics. 2 v... 8vo. Bost. 1831-3 1. Elements of Algebra; by S. F. Lacroix. 2. Trigonometry; drawn from Lacroix and B6zout. Far West; a Tour beyond the Rocky Mountains. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1838 Fate of Infidelity....... 18o. N. Y. 1848 Faujas de Saint Fond, B.-Essai de G6ologie... 8vo. Paris. 1805 Fauna Boreali Americana. 3 v...... 4to. Lond. 1829-32 Part I. Quadrupeds; by J. Richardson. II. Birds; by W. Swainson and J. Richardson. IV. Insects; by W. Kirby. Faust, B. C.-Catechism of Health..... 12o. N. Y. 1798 Faux, W.-Memorable Days in America; Journal of a Tour. 8vo. Lond. 1823 Fay, Theo. S.-[Dreams and Reveries of a Quiet Man. 2 v.]. 12o. N. Y. 1832 Fearn, John-Anti-Tooke; Analysis of the Eng. Language. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1824 Fearnside, W. G., & Harral-History of London. Illustrated. 4to. Lond. no date Fearon, H. B.-Journey through East. and West. States of America 8vo. Lond. 1818 Featherstonhaugh, G. W.-Excursion through the Slave States. 8vo. N. Y. 1844 Federalist; by Hamilton, Madison, & Jay; Letters of "Pacificus," &c. 8vo. Hallowell. 1837 The Same..... 8vo. Hallowell. 1842 Feinagle, Gregor Von-New Art of Memory... 12o. Lond. 1813 Fellowes, Robt.-Religion of the Universe... 12o. Lond. 1836 Fellows, Chas.-Journal of an Excursion in Asia Minor.. 8vo. Lond. 1839 _ —-- - John-Ancient Mysteries; with an Inquiry into Free Masonry 8vo. N. Y. 1835 -- —. -.- Veil Removed; Humphrey's Life of Putnam Reviewed 12o. N. Y. 1843 Felltham, Owen-Resolves; Divine, Moral, and Political.. 4to. Lond. 1840 Felton, C. C. See Sears, B. - - J. B.-The Horse-Shoe; a Poem... 12o. Camb. 1849 Female Revolutionary Plutarch; Biog., Hist., & Revolu. Sketches. 3 v. 18o. Lond. 1808 Fenelon, F. de Salignac de Lamotte-Aventures de T1eemaque. 12o. Cork. 1800 - The Same..... 12o. Phil. 1824 - The Same...... 12o. Lond. 1795..- - The Same.... 18o. Lond. 1824 - Dialogues des Morts; avec quelques Fables 12o. Limoges. 1805 --- -- CEuvres. 3 v.... 8vo. Paris. 1835 --—... - Dialogues on Eloquence; with Letters on Rhetoric 12o. Lond. 1808 ---- -- On Charity.....12o. Lond. 1802 86 FE N — F IN [Mere. Lib. Fenelon, F. de Salignac de Lamotte-On the Education of Daughters 12o. Bost. 1831 - Selections from his Writings; with a Memoir. 12o. Bost. 1831 _- -- ~Lives of the Ancient Philosophers. (H. F. L.). 18o. N. Y. 1844 Fenn, John (Ed'r)-Let. by Persons of Consequence during 15th Cent. 4to. Lond. 1787 The Same. 2 v..... 12o. Lond. 1840 Fergus, Hen.-History of United States of America. (L. C. C.) 2 v. 16o. Lond. 1830-2 Ferguson, Adam-Essay on the History of Civil Society. 8vo. Phil. 1819 -- -- History of the Roman Republic... 8vo. Lond. 1827 The Same... 8vo. Phil. 1830 - The Same...8vo. Phil. 1838 ~ —-- - Moral and Political Science. 2 v... 4to. Edin. 1792 ---- Jas.-Memoirs of Himself. See Autobiography. Fergusson, Adam-Notes of a Tour in Canada, in 1831.. 12o. Edin. 1834 ---- Jas.-Inquiry into Principles of Beauty in Art.. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Ferrand, A.-L'Esprit de l'Histoire. 4 v.... 8vo. Paris. 1809 *Ferrario, Giulio-Il Costume Antico e Moderno. 26 v... 8vo. Torino. 1829-33 Ferriar, John-Illustrations of Sterne; with Essays, &c. 2 vols. in I 12o. Lond. 1812 Ferris, Benj.-History of Settlements on the Delaware.. 8vo. Wilmington. 1846 Floyd T.-Treatise on Epidemic Cholera, as in New-York, 1834 8vo. N. Y. 1835 Fessenden, Thos. G.-Terrible Tractoration; and other Poems. 12o. Bost. 1836 Feurbach, Ritter Anselm Von-Account of Caspar Hauser. 18. Bost. 1832 Rem'k. Crim. Trials. (Fr. Ger., by Lady DuffGordon.) 12o. N. Y. 1846 Feuchtwanger, Lewis-Treatise on Gems.. 8vo. N. Y. 1838 Fichte, J. G.-Characteristics of the Present Age. (Fr. Ger.). 12o. Lond. 1847 Destination of Man. (Fr. Ger.)... 12o. Lond. 1846 -- -- ~Nature of the Scholar. (Fr. Ger.) With a Memoir. 12o. Lond. 1845 Destination de l'Homme. (de l'Allemand.) 8vo. Paris. 1832 Fidler, Isaac-Observations on United States and Canada, 1832. 12o. N. Y. 1833 Field, Geo.-Chromatography; or, Colors and Pigments 4to. Lond. 1835 -- - Outlines of Analogical Philosophy. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1839 Rudiments of Painter's Art; or, Grammar of Coloring 12o. Lond. 1850 - R. S.-Provincial Courts of New Jersey. See Coll. of N. J. Historical Society. Fielding, Hen.-Works; with a Memoir, by Thos. Roscoe 8vo. Lond. 1845 - The Same. 12 v.... 12o. Lond. 1824 Thos.-Select Proverbs; also, Anc. Pastimes and Customs 18o. Lond. no date - T. H.-Art of Engraving..... 8vo. Lond. 1841 ____ - Painting in Oil and Water Colors.. 8vo. Lond. 1839 ---- -- Synopsis of Practical Perspective.. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Theory of Painting.. 8vo. Lond. 1842 Fields, J. T.-Poems...... 12o. Bost. 1849 Fifty Years' Recollections of an Old Bookseller... 8vo. Cork. 1835 Filson, John. See Imlay, George. Financial Register. (Monthly.) 2 v...... 8vo. Phil. 1837-8 Finch, John-Natural Boundaries of Empires... 16o. Lond. 1844 J. I. —Travels in United States and Canada... 8vo. Lond. - 1833 Findley, Robt.-Vindication of the Sacred Books, and of Josephus 8vo. Glasgow. 1790 Wm. —History of Insurrection in West Pennsylvania, 1794 8vo. Phil. 1796 Finlay, Geo.-Greece under the Romans.... 8vo. Edin. 1844 ---- W. M.-Arithmetical Magazine; or, Mercantile Accountant 8vo. N. Y. 1803 Finlayson, Geo. —Mission to Siam and Hue, 1821-2; with a Memoir 8vo. Lond. 1826 Catalogue.] FIN - F OL 87 Finn, Jas.-Sephardim; or, History of Jews in Spain and Portugal 12o. Lond. 1841 Finney, C. G.-Sermons on Important Subjects... 8vo. N. Y. 1836 Fiormona; oder, Briefe aus Italien.... 12o. Kreuznach. 1803 First Book of Geometry...... 18o. Lond. 1835 Fischer, E. S.-Elements of Natural Philosophy 8vo.'Bost. 1827 Fisher, Dan.-System of Military Tactics.. 8vo. N. Y. 1805 ---- Geo. T.- Photogenic Manipulation... 18. Phil. 1845 ---- R. S.-Book of the World; Acc't of Republics, Empires, &c. 2 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1849 ---- W. L.-Examination of Robt. Owen's New System of Society 8vo. Phil. 1826 Fisher's Colonial Magazine. Vols. 2-4.... 8vo. Lond. 1843 Fisk, Geo.-Memorial of Egypt and the Holy Land.. 12o. N. Y. 1848 -- Wilbur-Travels on the Continent of Europe... 8vo. N. Y. 1838 Fitch, Sam. S.-Diseases of the Chest.... 12o. Phil. 1841 -Lectures on Uses of the Lungs.. 12o. N. Y. 1847 Fitzgerald, Jas. E.-Hudsons' Bay Co., with refer. to Vancouver's Is. 16o. Lond. 1849 *Flaxman, John-Compositions from Tragedies of AEschylus. Fol. Lond. 1831...... - " Works, Days, &c. of Hesiod. Fol. Lond. 1817 *.... - - " Homer's Iliad.. Fol. Lond. 1805 *... — "' "- Homer's Odyssey. Fol. Lond. 1805 Lectures on Sculpture.. 8vo. Lond. 1809 Fleming, John-Moluscous Animals, including Shell Fish.. 8vo. Edin. 1837 -- Robt.-Rise and Fall of Papal Rome.. 16o. Lond. 1848 — * et Tibbins —Dictionnaire; Francais-Ang. et Angl.-Fran-. 2 v. 4to. Paris. 1841 Fletcher, Geo.-Studies of Shakspeare.... 8vo. Lond. 1847 ---- Jas.-History of Poland. (H. F. L.)... 18o. N. Y. 1831 John-Dramatic Works. See Beaumont, Fran. - - J. P.-Notes from Nineveh and Travels in Mesopotamia 12o. Phil. 1850 -- Phineas-Purple Island..... 8vo. Lond. 1816 - The Same, with Christ's Vict. & Trium., by G. Fletcher 8vo. Lond. 1783 Fleury, C.-Manners of Ancient Israelites. Enlarged by Clarke. 12o. Lond. 1837 - Lam —History of Discovery of America. (Fr. Fren.). 16o. Lond. 1849 Flinders, Matthew-Voyage to Australia, in 1801-3. 2 v. 4to. and AtlasFol. Lond. 1814 Flint, Tim.-Geography and History of the Western States. 2 v. 8vo. Cincin. 1828 - The Same...... 8vo. Cincin. 1833 - Indian Wars of the West... 12o. Cincin. 1833 -- - Lectures on Natural History.... 12o. Bost. 1833 -I Memoir of Daniel Boone.... 16o. Cincin. 1845 - Ten Years in the Valley of Mississippi... 8vo. Bost. 1826 Flinter, Geo. D.-Present State of the Island of Puerto Rico. 8vo. Lond. 1834 Floral Cabinet and Magazine of Exotic Botany. 3 v... 4to. Lond. 1837-40 Florian, J. P. C. de-Numa Pompilius. (Fran;aise.).. 24o. Lond. 1825 Florus, L.-De Gestis Romanorum, Libri IV... 240. Vlyssipone. 1624 Flower Garden; or, Directions for the Cultivation of Garden Flowers 12o. Lond. 1845 Flowers of Fable....... 18o. N. Y. 1847 *Flugel, J. G., and Sporschil, J.-German and English Dictionary. 8vo. Leipzig. 1838 -* —- ------- -- The Same; Additions by others. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1841 Foley, Fanny-Romance of the Ocean; a Voyage to California. 12o. Phil. 1850 Folger, R. M.-Exchange Tables, Sterling. 8vo. N. Y. 1848 -- -- Exchange Tables, Sterling and Federal. 8vo. N. Y. 1849 Follen, Chas.-Practical Grammar of the German Language. 12o. Bost. 1828 88 FOL — FO S [Merc. Lib. Follen, Chas.-Works; with a Memoir by Mrs. Follen. 5 v. 12o. Bost. 1841 -- Eliza Lee-Life of Charles Follen.. 12o. Bost. 1844 - -- Poems...... 12o. Bost. 1839 Foltz, J. M.-Endemic Influence of Evil Government Illus. by Minorca 8vo. N. Y. 1843 Fonblanque, Albany-England under Seven Administrations. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1837 Fontaine, A. de-Book of Prudential Revelations.. 8vo. Bost. 1845 Fontenelle, B. L. B. de-CEuvres. 5 v..... 8vo. Paris. 1825 ------ -- Pluralite des Mondes; et Astronomic par Lalande 8vo. Paris. 1826 Foot, Jos. I.-Sermons; with Biographical Sketches by G. Foot 8vo. Phil. 1841 Foote, Samr.-Dramatic Works. 3 v..... 18o. N. Y. 1814 -- Wm. H.-Sketches of Virginia.... 8vo. Phil. 1850 Forbes, Alex.-History of California.... 8vo. Lond. 1839 - F. E.-Five Years in China, 1842-7... 8vo. Lond. 1848 --- Jas.-Oriental Memoirs; 2 v. 8vo. and Atlas. 4to. Lond. 1834 ---- as.-Horticultural Tour through Germany, &c., 1835. 8vo. Lond. 1837 ---- -- Hortus Woburnensis; acc't of Plants at Woburn Abbey 8vo. Lond. 1833 Jas. D.-Danger of Superficial Knowledge.. 12o. Lond. 1849.. —- Jas. G.-Historical and Topograph. Sketches of the Floridas 8vo. N. Y. 1821 ---- John-Manual of Select Medical Bibliography..8vo. Lond. 1835 ---- -- Homceopathy, Allopathy, and Young Physic. 12o. Phil. 1846 -- --- Physician's Holiday; or, a Month in Switzerland. 12o. Lond. 1849 Water-Cure; or, Hydropathy... 12o. Phil. 1847 Forby, Robt.-Vocabulary of East Anglia. 2 v.... 2o. Lond. 1830 Force, Peter-National Calendar. Vols. 3, 5, 8, 12, 13, 14. 12o. Wash. 1822-36 Tracts, &c., on Colonies of North America.. 8vo. Wash. 1836-44 Ford, John-Dramatic Works..... 18o. N. Y. 1831 - Rich.-Spaniards and their Country.... 12o. N. Y. 1847 Foreign and Colonial Quarterly Review. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1843 ---- uarterly Review. Vols. 1-36.... 8vo. Lond. 1832-46 [For Continuation of this Magazine, see Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Review.] -Review, and Continental Miscellany. 5 v... 8vo. Lond. 1828-30 Forester, Thos.-Norway in 1848-9.... 8vo. Lond. 1850 Forman, J. G.-Elements of Phrenology.... 8vo. Cincin. 1844 Form Book; Forms for Conveyancing, Bills, Bonds, &c.. 12o. Phil. 1830 Forry, Sam.-Climate of United States, and its Influences.. 8vo. N. Y. 1842 Forster, John-Life and Adventures of Oliver Goldsmith. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Statesmen of English Commonwealth.. 8vo. N. Y. 1846 --- -- and others-Eminent Brit. Statesmen. (L. C. C.) 5 v. 16o. Lond. 1836-8 T.-Pocket Encyclopedia of Natural Phenomena.. 12o. Lond. 1827 Forsyth, J.-Antiquities, Arts, and Letters, in Italy.. 12o. Lond. 1835 Wm.-Hortensius; or, the Advocate. An Historical Essay 12o. Lond. 1849 Fortune, Robt.-Three Years in Northern China.. 8vo. Lond. 1847 T.-Epitome of the Stocks and Public Funds.. 18o. Lond. 1799 The Same; revised.... 16o. Lond. 1850 Fosbroke, T. D.-Greek and Roman Antiquities. (L. C. C.) 2 v.. 16o. Lond. 1833-5 Foss, Edw.-Judges of England...8vo. Lond. 1848 - John-Journal of his Captivity at Algiers... 12o. Newb'yp't. n. d. Foster, And. See Lester, C. Edwards. ----- B. F.-Clerk's Guide.... 12o. Bost. 1837 Merchant's Manual.... 12o. Bost. 1838 Catalogue.] FO S - F R A 89 Foster, B. F.-Review of " Wyse on Education"... 8vo. N. Y. * 1835-7 - Summary of Law of Bills of Exchange, &c.. 8vo. Bost. 1837 System of Penmanship.... 8vo. Bost. 1830 & 5 -Commercial Book-keeping... 8vo. Bost. 1837 G. G., and English, T. D.-French Revolution of 1848. 8vo. Phil. 1848 ----- Jas.-Obligations and Duties of the Married State. 18o. N. Y. 1845 ---- John-Essay on Evils of Popular Ignorance. 12o. N. 1821.-.- -. " Importance of Religion. 12o. Bost. 1827 --- Essays; Biographical, Literary, &c.. 12o. Y. 1844 " on Christian Morals.. 18o. N. Y. 1844 " on Decision of Character, &c.. 18o. Bost. 1839 ----- " The Same.... 12o. N. Y. 1847 Lectures. 2d Series.. 8vo. Lond. 1847 -—.. Mrs.-Hand-Book of Modern European Literature 16o. Lond. 1849 Thos. C.-Letters on Condition of Ireland. 8vo. Lond. 1846 Foucaud, Edw.-Les Artizans Illustres.. 8vo. Paris. 1844 Fouche, Jos. (Duke of Otranto)-Mlemoirs of 8.vo. Bost. 1824 Foucher, Paul —Reputation de jeune Fille 16o. Brux. 1837 Fouinet, Ernest-Le Village sous les Sables. 2 v.. 18o. Brux. 1837 Foulhouze, Jas.-Abolition of Capital Punishment. 12o. Phil. 1842 Fountain of Living Waters...... 18o. N. Y. 1850 Four Old Plays...... 12o. Camb. 1848 Fourcroy, A. F.-Systeme des Connaissances Chimiques. 10 v.. 8vo. Paris. 1801 - Elements of Natural History and Chemistry. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1788 - -- -- Supplement to the Same.. 8vo. Lond. 1789 Fowler, L. N.-Marriagec; its History, Ceremonies, &c.. 12o. N. Y. 1847 ---- Mrs. L. N.-Physiology and Phrenology. 2 vols. in one 12o. N. Y. 1847 ----- 0. OS.-Hereditary Descent, Applied to Human Improvement 12o. N. Y. 1847 ---- -- Home for all; or, a Cheap mode of Building. 8vo. N. Y. 1848 --- -- Love and Parentage..12o. N. Y. 1846 ---- - M1iaternit...... 12. N. Y. 1848 - Memory and Intellectual Culture applied to Education 12o. N. Y. 1846 ----- --- Physiology, Animal and Mental... 12o. N. Y. 1847 ---- -- Religion; Nat. and Revealed; or, Theol. of Phrenology 8vo. N. Y. 1844 - and others-Practical Phrenology, &c.. 12o. N. Y. 1846 Fownes, Geo.-Chemistry, as Exemplifying the Wisdom of God 12o. N. Y. 1844 - Elementary Chemistry... 12o. Phil. 1845 ---- —;- -Rudimentary Chemistry.. 18o. Phil. 1848 Fox, C. J.-Reign of James II. (Bound with Carrel, Armand.) - Geo.-Complete Works. 8 v.. 8vo. Phil. 1831 -- John-Book of Martyrs..8vo. Lond. 1824 - - -The Same...8vo. Phil. 1843 Sam.-Anglo-Saxon Poetical Calendar 8vo. Lond. 1830 - W. J.-Finsbury Lectures.. 8vo. Lond. 1835 Lectures to the Working Classes. 4..12o. Lond. 1845-9 On the Religious Ideas. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Fragments of Literature. 2 v.... 12o. Glasgow. 1825-8 France: Carte de l'Empire Francais. (Folded.).. 4to. Paris. 1806 Francis, F. J.-Chemical Experiments.. 8vo. Lond. 1842 Survey of Physical and Fossil Geology 8vo. Lond. 1839 12 90 F R A -- FRE [Mere. Lib. Francis, G.-Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Manufactures 8vo. Lond. 1842 ----- -- Practical Levelling Applied to Railways, &c.. 12o. Lond. 1846. —-- G. H.-Orators of the Age... 12o. N. Y. 1847 John-Chronicles and Characters of the Stock Exchange. 8vo. Lond. 1849 History of the Bank of England. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Franck, A. M.-Guide to the Study cf the Holy Scriptures. (Fr. Lat.) 12o. Phil. 1823 Francke, A. H; Memoirs of the Lifl of... 12o. Phil. 1831 Francceur, L. B.-Uranographie, Trnit6 Elementaire d'Astronomie 8vo. Brussels. 1838 Frankland, C.-Visit to Courts of Russia and Sweden in 1830-31. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1832 Franklin, Benj.-Collection of His Familiar Letters, &c. 12o. Bost. 1833 ---- -- Constitution and Government of Penn. from its Origin 8vo. Lond. 1759 --- - -- EExperiments and Observations on Electricity. 4to. Lond. 1769.... -- -- Memoir of His Own Life 24o. N. Y. 1824 - The Same..... 8vo. Phil. 1837 The Same; with Essays... 24o. N. Y. 1824 & 31 The Same: with Sel. from His Works. (H. F. L.) 2 v. 18o. N. Y. 1839 - Works; with a Memoir. 6 v.. 8vo. Phil. 1809-17 - Works; with Notes and Life by Sparks. 10 v. Svo. Bost. 1833 - - Pictorial Life of. 12o. Phil. 1847 Jas.-Present State of Hayti. 12o. Lond. 1828 - - The Same. 4 v..... 18o. Lond. 1829. —-- Sir John-Journey to the Polar Sea in 1819-22 4to. Lond. 1823 -.. --. Second Expedition in 1825-27. 4to. Lond. 1828 ---- -- The Same... 8vo. Phil. 1828 The Same. 4v. 18o. Lond. 1829 Franks, A. W.-Book of Ornamental Glazing Quarries.. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Franz, J. C. A.-Treatise on the Eye. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Fraser, Jas. B.-Journey to Khorassan in 1821-2.. 4to. Lond. 1825 - istory of Persia. (E. C. L.).. 12o. Edin. ---- - The Same. (H. F. L.)... 18o. N. Y. 1834 ----- -- Mesopotamia and Assyria. (E. C. L.) 12o. Edin. 1842 The Same. (H. F. L.).. 18o. N. Y. 1842 --—.. -- Tour through the Himala Mountains 4to. Lond. 1820 Travels in some Persian Provinces.. 4to. Lond. 1826..... -- Journey from Constantinople to Teheran. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1838 ---- R. —Scientific Wanderings. 18o. Edin. 1843 Fraser's Magazine. Vols. 1-41. [Continued.]. 8vo. Lond. 1830-50 Frederick II., (Roi de Prusse)-(Euvres Posthumes. 15 v. 8vo. Berl. 1789......- [Anti-Machiavel.] The " Prince " Examined 8vo. Lond. 1741 Panegyric of Voltaire.. 8vo. Lond. 1779 Posthumous Works. (Fr. Fren.) 13 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1789.......- Anecdotes of. (Title wanting) 12o. Freeman, E. A.-History of Architecture. 8vo. Lond. 1849 ---- Sam.-American Clerks' Magazine 12o. Bost. 1805 Fr6gier, H. A.-Des Classes Dangereuses dans les Villes 8vo. Brux. 1840 Fremont, J. C. (Capt.)-Geographical Memoir on Upper California 8vo. Phil. 1849.... —-- --. Narrative of Exploring Exped. to Rocky Mountains 8vo. Wash.&N.Y.1845 _ —— _- --— ~ and Emory, WV. H.-Travels fr. Mo. to San Diego 8vo. N. Y. 1849 French, B. F.-H-istorical Collections of Louisiana, 1678-91 8vo. N. Y. 1846 Dan. See Hammersmith Discussion. Catalogue. FR E -- FUR 91 Freret, Nicholas-Letter from Thrasybulus to Leucippe. 8vo. Lond. 1826 Fresenius, C. R.-Instructions in Chemical Analysis. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1846 Freygan, M. & Mde. de-Letters from Caucasus & Georgia. (Fr. Fr.) 8vo. Lond. 1833 Friend of Peace; by Philo Pacificus. Vol. 1... 8vo. Bost. 1822 Friends in Council; a Series of Readings. Books First and Second 12o. Lond. 1847-9 - The Same. Book First 12o. Bost. 1849 Friends' Intelligencer.... 8vo. N. Y. 1838 Frisch, J. L.-Dictionnaire; FranCais-Allemand et Allem.-Fratn. 8vo. Leipzig. 1730 Froissart, Sir John-Chronicles of Europe. (Fr. Fren. by Berners.) 2 v. 4to. Lond. 1812. — -- The Same. (Fr. Fren. by Johnes.) 2 v. 8vo. Lond, 1839 The Same.. 4to. N. Y. 1844 Frome, Lieut.-Method of Conducting a Trigonometrical Survey 8vo. Lond. 1840 Frost, John-Art of Swimming.. 8vo. N.. 1818 — John-Beauties of English History 12o. N. Y. 1846 --- -- Book of the Army; United States Military History 12o. N. Y. 1845._ - " Good Examples.... 12. N. Y. 1847 " the Navy; United States Naval History. 8vo. N. Y. 1842 - History of Ancient and Modern Greece. 8vo. Bost. 1831 --- - Pictorial Ancient History. 8vo. Phil. 1846 History of the Middle Ages.8vo. Phil. 1846 - History of the United States. 4 v.. 8vo. Phil. 1844 - Modern History.. 8vo. Phil. 1846 Remarkable Events in American History. 2 v.. 8vo. Phil. 1848 -- -- (Ed'r)-Select Works of Brit. Poets. (Contin. of Aikin.) 8vo. Phil. 1838 Falconer, Chatterton, Grahame, Bowles, Mrs. B:urbauld, Gifford, Jonna Baillie, Coleridge, Sir Win. Jones, Burns, Bloomfield, Montgomery, Crabbe, Rogers, Wordsworth, Walter Scott. Frothingham, Rich. (Jr.)-History of the Siege of Boston. 8vo. Bost. 1849 Froude, J. A.-Nemesis of Faith. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Fry, Caroline-The Listener. 2 v..12o. Phil. 1832 - - Sabbath Musings 18o. N. Y. 1849 A Word to Women; with other Pieces 12o. Phil. 1840 - Eliz., Memoirs... 8vo. Phil. 1847 Fugitive Pieces on Various Subjects by Several Authors. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1761 Fullarton, John-On the Regulation of Currency. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Fuller, And.-Complete Works... 8vo. Lond. 1845 - J. G.-Conversations on Strict and Mixed Communion 12o. Bost. 1831 --- S. Margaret-Papers on Literature and Art. 2 v. 120. N. Y. 1846 ---- - Summer on the Lakes in 1843 12o. Bost. 1844 ---- -- Voman in the Nineteenth Century. 12o. N. Y. 1845 ---- Thos.-Church History of Britain, to 1648. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1837 History of English Worthies. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1840 Holy and Proifne States. With Memoir. 12o. Camb. 1831 Funes, G.-Historia del Paraguay, Buenos Ayres, &c. 2 v.. 8vo. Buenos A. 1816 Furlong, L.-American Coast Pilot..... 8vo. Newb'port. 1806 Furman, G. —Maspeth Poems..... 16o. N. Y. 1837 Furness, W. H.-Jesus and His Biographers... 8vo. Phil. 1838 Furniss, W.-Old World, or Scenes and Incidents in Foreign Lands 12o. N. Y. 1850 ---- Waraga, or Charms of the Nile.. 120. N. Y. 1850 92 F US — G A Y [Merc. Lib. Fuseli, Hen.-Writings, with Life by Knowles. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1831 Fysh, F.-Examination of the " Anastasis" of Prof. Bush 12o. Lond. 1847 - - Frencl Revolution in reference to Prophecy 8vo. Lond. 1842 Gaetani, Pietro-Crestomatia Italiana.. 12o. Leipsic. 1783 Gage, Thos.-New Survey of West Indies and South America. 12o. Lond. 1699 Gale, L. D.-Elements of Chemistry. 12o. N. Y. 1837' Natural Philosophy.. 12. N.. 1843 Galerie des Contemporains Illustres. 10 v.. 16o. Paris. 1844 *- du Musee Napoleon (Grav6e par Filhol.) 11 v. 4to. Paris. 1804-28 * ---- Palais Royal. (Gravee par Couche) 3 v... Fol. Paris. 1786-1808 *Galeries Hist. de Versailles. (Publiee par Gavard; Notices par Janin) 8vo. Paris. 1838 Galibert, Leon-Histoire de la Republique de Venise 8vo. Paris. 1847 Galignani's New Paris Guide.16o. Paris. 1841 Galilei, Galileo; Memoirs of.. 12o. Bost. 1832 Gall, John J.-Complete Works. 6 v.. 12o. Bost. 1835 - System of Phrenology.. 12o. Phil. 1835 Gallatin, Albert (Ed'r)-Right of the U. S. to the North East. Boundary 8vo. N. Y. 1840 Gallier, Jas.-American Builder's Price Book and Estimator 8vo. N. Y. 1833 Galt, J.-Life of Byron. (H. F. L.) 18. N. Y. 1836 "- Cardinal Wolsey. 12o. Lond. 1846 - Lives of the Players. 2 v. 8vo. Bost. 1831 - ragedies. 4to. Lond. 1812 --- -- Literary Life, and Miscellanies of. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1834 Gammell, Win.-H-istory of American Baptist Missions 12o. 1 Bost. 1849 i- - fe of Rogrer W'illiams 1..ost. 1846 Gandee, B. F.-The Artist; or, Young Ladies' Instruc. in Drawing, &c. 16o. Lond. 1835 Gandell, H. W.-Philosophy of History.. vo. Lond. 1829 Ganilh, Chas.-Inquiry into Various Systems of Political Economy. 8vo... 1812 Garbert, E. L.-Principles of Design in Architecture.12o. Lond. 1850 Garden, A.-Anecdotes of the American Revolution 8vo. Charlest'n. 1822 Jas. —History of Henry III, of France.. 8vo. Dublin. 1783 Gardener's Magazine. Vols. 15-19... 8vo. Lond. 1839-43 Gardenier, Barent (Ed'r)-The Examiner; a weekly Polit. Jour. Vol. 2. 8vo. N. Y. 1814 Gardens and Menagerie of the Zoological Soc. Delineated. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1835 Gardiner, A. K.-Old Wine in New Bottles 12o. N. Y. 1848 ---- mWuVm.-M-Iusic of Nature... 8vo. Bost. 1837-38 -Silhts in Italy; with an account of Music there 8vo. Lond. 1847 Gardner, D. P.-Medical Chemistry; applied to Toxicology, &c.. 2o. Phil. 1848 -- - Geo.-Travels in Interior Brazil, 1836-41. 8vo. Lond. 1846 Garnet, T.-Tour through Scotland.and the Western Isles. 2 v. in 1 4to. Lond. 1800 Gasc-Livre des Peres de Famille... 12o. Paris. 1844 Gaskell, P.-Artisans and MIachinery.... 12o. Lond. 1836 Gass, P.-Journal of Tour of Discovery under Lewis and Clarke 12o. Phil. 1810 Gault de St. Germain, P.-Vie de Nicolas Poussin'. 8vo. Paris. 1806 Gaultier, L.-Lecons de Geographie...18. N. Y. 1813 Lecciones de Geografia. 12o. Paris. 1825 Gay, John-Gay's Chair; Posthumous Poems 18o. Bost. 1820 - Sophie de-Salons Cdelbres.... 16o. Brux. 1827 Gayarre, Chas.-Histoire de la Louisiane. 2 v.. 8vo. N. 0. 1846-7 Catalogue.] G A Y — G ER 93 Gayarr6, Chas.-Rornance of the History of Louisiana. 12o.. Y. 1848 Gedike, F.-Griechisches Lesebuch fur die Anfanger.12o. Berlin. 1809 Gell, Sir Wm.-Geography and Antiquities of Ithaca.. 4to. Lond. 1807 Itinerary of Greece..... 4to. Lond. 1810 - - Narrative of a Journey in the Morea.. 8vo. Lond. 1823 - - Pompeiana; the Topography &c., of Pompeii. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1832 * -- The Same. 2 v... 4to. Lond. 1832 -Topography of Rome and Vicinity, and Map. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1832 Gellert, C. F.-Moralische Vorlesungen. 2 v... 8vo. Leipzig. 1770 Gemini, Thos.-Anathomie of Mannes Body. Fol. Lond. 1552 *General Atlas....Fo]. Edin. 1817 ---- Outline of the United States; Her Resources and Prospects 8vo. Phil. 1825 -- Public Acts of Congress, respecting Sale of Public Lands. 2 v. 8vo. Wash. 1838 ------ RRegister of Politics and Lit. in Europe & Am., 1827. (C. M.) 16o. Edin. 1828 -Regulations of the Army.... 8vo Wash. 1847 Genin, Thos. H.-The Napolead; a Poem. 18o. St. Clairsv. 1833 Genlis, Mde. de-Alphonse; ou, le Fils Naturel. 2 v.. 12o. Paris. 1824 Annales de la Vertu; ou, Hist. Univer. 5 v. 12o. Paris. 1819 --- - - Belisaire. 2 v... 16o. Paris. 1808 - The Same. 2 v... 120. Paris. 1824 - Comte de Corke. 2 v. 12o. Paris. 1819 - Histoire de Henri le Grand. 2 v.. 12o. Paris. 1816 --- - Jeanne de France. 2 v.... 12o. Paris. 1818 3-'lle de Lafayette; ou, Siecle de Louis XIII. 2 v. 12o. Paris. 1821 - -- i-/Meres Rivales. 3 v.... 12o. Paris. 1819 Nouveaux Contes moraux. 6 v. 12o. Paris. 1819 - - almyre et Flaminie; ou, le Secret. 2 v.. 16o. Paris. 1821 --- - Les Parvenus... 16o. Paris. 1824 -- - Petits Emigres. 2 v.. 12o. Paris. 1825 Religion l'unique Base de Bonheur. Title wanting. 120. --- -- Souvenirs de Felicie L***.. 12o. Paris. 1821 - Suite des Souvenirs de Felicie L***. 12o. Paris. 1823 ---- -- Theatre de Societe. 2 v... 12o. Paris. 1823 - Les Veill6es de la Chaumiere. 2 v. 12o. Paris. 1823 - Vie Penitente de Mde. de la Valli6re 12o. Paris. 1816 - Zuma..... 16o. Paris. 1817 - Memoirs of Her Own Life. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v.. 8vo. Y. 1825 Gentleman's Magazine. Vols. 1-140. (N. S. Vol. 34.) [Continued.] 8vo. Lond. 1731-1850 Index to Vols. 1-56, (1731-86).. 8vo. Lond. 1818 57-88, (1788-1818). 8vo. Lond. 1821 " Plates to Vols. 1-88.. 8vo. Lond. 1821 Gentoo Laws; or, Ordinations of the Pundits. (Fr. Pers.). 8vo. Lond. 1777 Genuineness, Authenticity, and Inspiration of the Word of God. 12o. N. Y. 1846 Geological Map of England.... Folded in 12o. Lond. 1826 Geologist, the. Vol. 1..... 8vo. Lond. 1842 Geometry; Plane, Solid, and Spherical. (L. U. K.).. 8vo. Lond. 1830 George III., his Court and Family. 2 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1820 Georgia Historical Society Collections. Vols. 1 & 2.. 8vo. Savannah.1840-2 Georgian Era; Memoirs of Eminent Persons. 4 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1832-4 Gerard, Alex.-Essays on Taste.... 12o. Phil. 1804 94 G ER — GI [Mlere. Lib. German Reformation of the 19th Century.. 8vo. Lond. 1846 Gerstaecker, F.-Wanderings of Some Ger. Emigrants. (Fr. Ger.) 120. N. Y. 1848 Gervinus, G. G.-Mission of German Catholics. (Fr. Ger.) 12o. Lond. 1846 Gesner, Abraham-Industrial Resources of Nova Scotia 8vo. Halifax. 1849 Nova Scotia Geology and Mineralogy 8vo. Halifax. 1836 Sol.- Euvres. 2 v... 8vo. Paris. no date Ghost Stories; collected to counteract the belief in them 120. Phil. 1846 Gibbon, Edw.-Autobiography... 12o. N. Y. 1846 - The Same. See Autobiography. ---- - - Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 12 v. 8vo. Lond. 1821 The Same. 4 v... 8vo. N.. 1831 The Same. 4 v.. 8vo. N. Y. 1837 - The Same. 6 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1846 Miscellaneous Works... 8vo. Lond. 1839 Gibbs, Geo.-Administrations of Washington and Adams. 2 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1846 -- John-Letters from Graefenberg, 1843-6..120. Lond. 1847 Gibert, C. M.-Changes of Blood in Disease. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Phil. 1841 Gibrat, J. B.-Traite de Geographie Moderne. 12o. Toulouse. 1789 Gibson, F. I1.-French, English and Latin Vocabulary 12o. Edin. 1832 -- Robt.-Theory and Practice of Surveying 8vo. N. Y. 1835 ---- m. S.-Essay on the Filial Duties..8vo. Lond. 1848 Gieseler, J. C. L.-Ecclesiastical Hist. (Fr. Ger. by Cunningham.) 3 v. 8vo. Phil. 1836 - The Same. (Fr. Ger. by Davidson.) Vol. 1 8vo. Edin. 1846 Giffard, Edw.-Visit to Ionian Islands, Athens, &c.. 12o. Lond. 1837 Gifford, John-History of France. 4 v... 4to. Phil. 1796 Political Life of Wim. Pitt. 6 v...8vo. Lond. 1809 - WVm.-MAemoirs of his own Life. See Autobiography. Gilbart, J. W.-History and Principles of Banking.8vo. Lond. 1835 - The Same... 8vo. Lond. 1837 History of Banking in America 8vo. Lond. 1837.... --; Ireland.. 8vo. Lond. 1837 -Lectures on Ancient Commerce 120. Lond. 1847 --- -- Practical Treatise on Banking.. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Gilchrist, 0.-Ben Jonson's Enmity to Shakspeare Refuted 8vo. Lond. 1808 Giles, Hen.-Lectures and Essays. 2 v....12o. Bost. 1850 - J. A.-Historical Documents concerning Ancient Britons. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1847 - Life and Letters of Thomas a Becket. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1846 "- " Times of Alfred the Great.. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Gilfillan, Geo.-Gallery of Literary Portraits. 12o. Edin. 1845 _ --- The Same. 2 vols. in one 1. 12. N. Y. 1846 __ —--- Second Gallery of Literary Portraits.12o. Edin. 1850 Gillespie, Wm.-Exposure of Combe's "Constitution of Man" 8vo. Edin. 1837 -Wmi. M.-Manual of Road-Making.. 8vo. N. Y. 1847 -------- [Rome, as Seen by a New-Yorker, 1843-4] 12o. N. Y. 1845 Gilliam, A.M.- Travels in Mexico, 1843-4... 12o. N.Y. 1846 Gillies, John-Historical Collections, relating to Success of the Gospel 8vo. Lond. 1845 History of Greece. 4 v..... 8vo. N. Y. 1814 The Same. 4 v...... 8vo. Phil. 1822 The Same..... 8vo. Phil. 1843 _ - -- View of Reign of Frederick of Prussia.. 8vo. Lond. 1789 Catalogue.l GIL-. GOD 95 Gilly, W. S.-Valdenses, Valdo and Vigilantius.. 12o. Edin. 1841 Gilman, Caroline-Oracles from the Poets... 12o. N. Y. 1847 - Poetry of Travelling in the United States. 12o. N. Y. 1838....- Sybil; or, New Oracles from the Poets.. 12o. N. Y. 1848 - Verses of a Life Time.. 12o. Bost. 1849 Gilpin, Wm.-Remarks on Forest Scenery... 12o. Edin. 1834 Wm. S.-Practical Hints on Landscape Gardening 8vo. Lond. 1835 Gilroy, C. G.-Art of Weaving by Hand and Power. 8vo. N. Y. 1844 Girard, l'abbe G.-Synonymes Francais. 2 v... 12o. Paris. 1799 Stephen-Will of...... 8vo. Phil. 1839 Girardin, E. de-Bon Sens, Bonne Foi...12o. Paris. 1848 - S. M.-Notices sur l'Allemagne.. 12o. Brux. 1835 Giraud, J. P. (Jr.)-Birds of Long Island... 8vo. NY. 1844 Description of 16 New Specimens of American Birds Fol. N. Y. 1841 Girault, A. N.-Vie de George Washington 18o. Phil. 1836 Glance at New York..18o. N. Y. 1837 Glasgow Athenaeum Album, 1848. 4to. Glasgow. 1848 ---- Geography. 5 v..... 8vo. Glasgow. 1819 Glass, Geo.-History of Discovery of Canary Islands. 4to. Lond. 1764 Glasse, Sam.-Lectures on the Holy Festivals... 8vo. Lond. 1797 Gleig, G. R.-British Army at Washington and New Orleans, 1814-15 12o. Lond. 1827 -- - Family History of England. 3 v... 12o. Lond. 1836 --- -- History of the Bible. (H. F. L.) 2 v.. 18o. N. Y. 1831 "- British Empire in India. (M. F. L.) 4 v. 16o. Lond. 1830-5 --- -- Lives of British Military Commanders. (L. C. C.) 3 v. 16o. Lond. 1831-2 Memoirs of Warren Hastings. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1841 --- - Story of the Battle of Waterloo..12o. N. Y. 1847 --- - - Subaltern; or, Sketches of Peninsular War, 1813-14 12o. N. Y. 1825 Gleim, F. W.-Sammtliche Werke. 4 v.... 8vo. Carlsr. 1819-20 Gliddon, Geo. R.-Otia _Egyptiaca; Discourses on Egypt. Archaeology 8vo. Lond. 1849 Glimpses of the Dark Ages... 18o. N. Y. 1846 Globe; Atlas Classique de Geographie Ancienne et Moderne 4to. Paris. no date Glossary of Teesdale.... 12o. Lond. 1849 Terms used in Architecture..8vo. Lond. 1836 ------- The Same; illustrated and enlarged. 3 v.. 8vo. Oxford. 1845-6 - Terms used in British Heraldry.. 8vo. Oxford. 1847 Glynn, Jos.-Construction of Cranes and Machinery.. 12o. Lond. 1849 Goddard, T. H.-History of Banking in Europe and United States. 8vo. N. Y. 1831 The Merchant; or, Practical Accountant 4to. N. Y. 1828 Godman, J. D.-American Natural History. 3 v. 8vo. Phil. 1826-8 - The Same. 2 v..8vo. Phil. 1836 Godoy, Don M.-Memoirs of Himself. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Godwin, Geo., and Britton, J.-Churches of London. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1838-9 ---- M- Mary W.-Posthumous Works. 4 v.. 12o. Lond. 1798 _ —_ - P.-Popular View of Fourier's Doctrines.8vo. N. Y. 1844 _ —— _ - Wm.-The Enquirer.. 8vo. Lond. 1797 History of Commonwealth of England. 4 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1824-8 ---- -- Inquiry concerning Political Justice. 2 v.. 4to. Lond. 1793 Life of Geoffrey Chaucer. 4 v... 8vo. Lond. 1804.. -.. Lives of Edward and John Philips, Nephews of Milton 4to. Lond. 1815 96 G OD — GOL [Merc. Lib. Godwin, Wm.-Lives of the Necromancers.... vo. Lond. 1834 The Same.. 12o. N. Y. 1835.-...- - Memoirs of Mary W. Godwin.. 16o. Lond. 1798 - Thoughts on Man... Svo. Lond. 1831 Godwyn, Thos.-Moses and Aaron; Ancient Hebrew Rites. 8vo. Lond. 1685 Goede, A. G.-Foreigners' Opinion of England. (Fr. Ger.). 8vo. Bost. 1822 Goethe, J. W. von-Sammtliche Werke. 2 v.... 12o. Stullg't. 1815-19.-.... - The Same. 2 v...... 8vo. Paris. 1837 ---- -- Autobiography; (entit. " Mem. of Goethe, by Himself.") 8vo. N. Y. 1824 The Same; (entit. "Truth & Poetry from My Life.") 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1846-7 - -- Campaign in France, 1792. 12o. Lond. 1849 ---- -- Correspondence with a Child. 3 v..12o. Lond. 1839 ------- ---- " " Schiller. See Schiller, F. - The Same. See Ripley, Geo., Specimens, Vol. 15.. —- - Essays on Art. (Fr. Ger. by Ward.).. 12o. Bost. 1845 Faust. Part I. (Ger. Text, and Translation by Talbot) 8vo. Lond. 1839 -The Same. (Fr. Ger. by Hayward.). 8vo. Lond. 1834 - ---- -- The Same. (Fr. Ger. by Birch.) 8vo. Lond. 1839.. — -- The Same. (Fr. Ger. by Hills.).. 16o. Lond. 1840 The Same. (Fr. Ger. by Lefevre.). 18o. Lond. 1841 --- -- The Same. (Fr. Ger. by Filmore.).. 8vo. Lond. 1841 --- -- The Same; with other Poems. (Fr. Ger. by Anster.) 12o. Lond. 1835 - - The Same; Pt. II. & other Poems. (Fr. Ger. by Bernays.) 8vo. Lond. 1839.. — -- Goetz Van Berlichingen; a Drama. (Fr. Ger.) 16o. Phil. 1837.... —. Minor Poems. See Ripley, Geo., Specimens, Vol. 3. --- -- aTheory of Colours. (Fr. Ger. by Eastlake.). 8vo. Lond. 1840 Goguet, A. W.-Origin and Progress of Ancient Laws, Sciences, &c. 8vo. Edin. 1775 Gold-Headed Cane; Memoirs of Physicians..120. Lond. 1828 Goldoni, Chas.-Memoirs of Himself. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1814 -- - - The Same. See Autobiography. Goldsborough, C. W.-United States Naval Chronicle. Vol. 1.8vo. Wash. 1824 Goldsmith, Lewis-Statistics of France... 8vo. Lond. 1832 - Histoire Secrete du Cabinet de Napoleon 8vo. Lond. 1810 - Oliver-Citizen of the World... 18o. Lond. no date History of the Earth and Animated Nature. 5 v. 8vo. Phil. 1823 -- - " England, to Death of Geo. II. 4v. 8vo. Lond. 1779 -- -- The Same. 2 v. 16o.... 16Lond. 1783 --— _ — --- The Same; (continued by Lynam.) 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1825 - The Same; abridgedby Author..12o. Lond. 1803 - - The Same. 2 v....8vo. Bost. 1815 -- - The Same. Edited by Pinnock. 12o. Phil. 1845 History of Greece. 2 v...8vo. Lond. 1820 -- - The Same. Edited by Grimshaw.. 12o. Phil. 1833 - ----- - History of Rome; abridged by the Author. 12o. Hartf. 1826 - The Same. Editedby Pinnock... 12o. Phil. 1845 —.. Miscellaneous Works. 2 v... 12o. Glasgow. 1834 - The Same. Edited by Washington Irving 8vo. Phil. 1836 - - - The Same. Edited by Jas. Prior. 4 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1850.- Poems.... 240. Bost. 1825 - The Same; with Beattie's "Minstrel". 18o. N.Y. 1820 Catalogue.] GOL -- G O U 97 Goldsmith, Oliver-Poems, Plays, and Essays... 18o. N. Y. 1825 The Same; with a Memoir... 18o. Lend. 1838 The Same. Edited by Corney... 4to. Lond. 1845.-. — - The Same. (Ald. Poets.)'... 16o. Lond. - Selections from his Writings. (H. F. L.) See Irving, W. - -- -- Compendio de la Hist. Griega. (Del. Tng.) 2 v. 12o. Paris. 1825 Goldsmith, O. B.-Gems of Penmanship. 4to. N. Y. 1845 Golovine, Ivan-Russia under Nicholas I. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1846 Golownin (Capt.)-Memoirs of Captivity in Japan, 1811-13. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1824 Good, John M.-Book of Nature. 2 v..... 8vo. Bst. 1826 - The Same...... 8vo. N. Y. 1831 &34 - -- Study of Medicine. Enlarged by Cooper. 5 v.. 8vo. N. Y. 1829 -- -- See Polehampton, E. Goodhugh, Wm.- Englishman's Library Manual.. 8vo. Lond. 1827 - - - and Taylor, W. C.-Bible Cyclopaedia. 2 v. Fol. Lond. 1841-3 Goodman, G.-Court of James I., with Illustrative Letters.. 8vo. Loud. 1839 - Wm.-Social Hist. of Great Britain in Time of Stuarts. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1843-4Goodrich, Chas. A.-Greek Grammar..12o. Hartf. 1836 -- - IHistory of the United States... 12o. Hartf. 1838 -- -- Outlines of Modern Geography... 12o. Bost. 1831 - ---- -- Pictorial and Descriptive Views of all Religions 12o. Hartf. 1846 - S. G.-[Fireside Education].. 12o. N. Y. 1838 Pictorial History of England.. 120. Phil. 1846 i" " France... 12o. Phil. 1846 - " " United States.. 12o. Phil. 1846 Sketches from a Student's Window. 12o. Bost. 1841 Goodsir, Robt. A.-Voyage to Baffin's Bay and Lancaster Sound 12o. Lond. 1850 Gordon, Alex.-Lives of Pope Alexander VI. and Cesar Borgia. 8vo. Phil. 1844 - Jas.-History of Ireland to 1801. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1806 - Thos.-History of the Greek Revolution. 2 v... 8vo. Edin. 1844 - T. F.-Digest of Laws of United States. 8vo. Phil. 1827 -- - " Treaties, &c., of U. States on Commerce 8vo. Phil. 1830. —-.- Gazetteer of New Jersey. (Bound with Hist. of N. J.) 8vo. Trenton. 1834'; New-York... 8vo. Phil. 1836 _ —-- -- History of New Jersey to 1789.. 8vo. Trenton. 1834.....- " Pennsylvania to 1776... 8vo. Phil. 1829 __" Spanish Discoveries in America. 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1831 - Wm. —Hist. of the Independence of the United States. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1788 -- -- Universal Accountant. 2 v... 8vo. Edin. 1777 Goring, C. R., and Pritchard, A.-Microscopic Illustrations. 8vo. Lond. 1830 Gorman, J. B.-Philosophy of Animated Existence... 8vo. Phil. 1845 Goss & Co.-Hygeiana... 8vo. Lond. 1827 Gosse, Phil. H.-Birds of Jamaica..... 12o. Lond. 1847 Canadian Naturalist... 8vo. Lond. 1840 Gostick, Jos.-Spirit of German Poetry; a Series of Translations 8vo. Lond. 1845 Gouge, W. M.-History of American Banking System.. 12o. Phil. 1833 --- - The Same; enlarged... 8vo. N. Y. 1835 Gould, A. A. See Reports on Natural History of Massachusetts. -- -- See Agassiz, Louis. John-Biographical Dictionary of Painters, Sculptors, &c. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1838-9 13 98 GO U- V GRA [Merc. Lib. Gould, Hannah F.-Poems. 2 v...... 12o. Bost. 1836 - M. T. C.-System of Short-Hand... 18o. Phil. 1829-30 - T. A.-Bouquet of Poesy..... 12o. N. Y. 1848 Gouraud, F. F.-Cosmo-Phonography; a System for all Languages 8vo. N. Y. 1850. —- - - Phreno-Mnemotechnic Dictionary. Part 1.8vo. N. Y. 1844 ------ -- Phreno-Mnemotechny; or, Art of Memory. vo. N. Y. 1845 Gove, Mary S.-Lectures to Women on Anatomy and Physiology.12o. N. Y. 1846 Gower, C. F.-Scientific Phenomena of Domestic Life.. 18o. Lond. 1847 Gozlan, Leon-Les Meandres; Romans et Nouvelles. 2 v...12o. Brux. 1837 Graah, Wm. A.-Expedition to Greenland in Search of Lost Colonies 8vo. Lond. 1837 Grafton, Rich.-Chronicles of England. 2 v....... 4to. Lond. 1809 The Pioneer; Essays, Literary, Theological, &c. 12o. Pittsburg. 1812 Graham, G. F.-Elements of Musical Composition.. 4to. Edin. 1838 - English; or, Art of Composition. 18o. Lond. 1844 English Synonymes Explained.. 16o. Lond. 1846 - - Isabella; Memoirs of..... 12o. N. Y. 1817 -- John A.-Descriptive Sketch of Vermont... 8vo. Lond. 1797 _ — — ~ Mem. of J. H. Tooke; and his Identity with Junius 8vo. N. Y. 1827.. —-- - Sylvester-Lecture to Young Men on Chastity. 18o. Bost. 1838.-... - - Lectures on the Science of Human Life. 2 v.. 12o. Bost. 1839 -- T. J.-Chemical Catechism.... 8vo. Lond. 1829 Indigestion, Tic Douloureux, etc....8vo. Phil. 1831 * -- -[Sure Methods of Improv. Health & Prolonging Life] 12o. Lond. 1827 Graham's Magazine.. Vols. 21-36. [Continued.].. 8vo. Phil. 1842-50 Grahame, Jas.-British Georgics; a Poem.... 16o. Edin. 1812 Hist. of United States of N. America to 1688. 2 v. 8vo. Lon.& Bost.1833. —.- The Same, continued to 1776. 4 v... 8vo. Lond. 1836. —-- - The Same. 2 v......8vo. Phil. 1846. —.- Grammar of Law.... 12o. Lond. 1839 Grainger, R. D.-Cultivation of Organic Science...8vo. Lond. 1848 Granger, Jas.-Biograph. Hist. of England from Egbert to 1688. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1804 [For Continuation of the Same, see Noble, Mark.] Grant, Asahel-Nestorians; or, The Lost Tribes.. 12. N. Y. 1841 - - Jas.-Memorials of the Castle of Edinburgh.. 16o. Lond. 1850 -- - Mrs.-Superstitions of Highlanders of Scotland..12o. N. Y. 1813 --- --- Memoirs of an American Lady. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1808 -- Robt.-[Bench and the Bar.] 2 v.... 12o. Phil. 1839 [British Senate; a 2nd Series of Random Recoll.] 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1838 -- [Great Metropolis].... 12o. N. Y. 1837 -- - The Same. 2nd Series. 2 v... 12o. Phil. 1838 -- - [Ireland and the Irish].... 18o. Phil. 1845 - [Metropolitan Pulpit].... 12o. N. Y. 1839 Random Recollections of House of Commons.12o. Phil. 1836 - Random Recollections of House of Lords. 12o. Phil. 1836 - [Sketches of London.] 2 v....12o. Phil. 1839 --- -- Walks and Wanderings in the World of Literature. 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1840 -- Robt. E.-Outlines of Comparative Anatomy. 8vo. Lond. 1841 Granville, A. B.-Counter Irritation..... 8vo. Phil. 1838 ------- [Spas of Germany.] 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1837 --- - Travels to and from St. Petersburg. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1829 Catalogue.] GR A - RE 99 Grattan, Hen.-Speeches... 8vo. Dublin. 1811. - The Same. See Phillips, C. - Memoirs of Rt. Hon. Henry Grattan. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1839 - T. C.- History of the Netherlands. (L. C. C.). 16o. Lond. 1833 The Same..... 12o. Phil. 1831 Graves, Mrs. A. J.-Woman in America. (H. F. L.).. 18o. N. Y. 1844 - Robt. J.-Clinical Lectures at Dublin in 1834-7..8vo. Phil. 1838 Gray, Asa-Botanical Text Book..... 12o. N. Y. 1842 - - Elements of Botany.....12o. N. Y. 1836 --- -- Genera of Plants of United States. Vols. 1 & 2. 8vo. Bost. 1848 --- Manual of Botany of Northern States...12o. Bost. 1848 See Torrey, John. - F. C.-Prison Discipline in America.. 8vo. Bost. 1847 M-rs. H.-History of Etruria.....12o. Lond. 1843-4. —- History of Rome. 2 v.... 12o. Lond. 1847 - Tour to Sepulchres of Etruria, in 1839..12o. Lond. 1841 - Hugh-Letters from Canada in 1806-8... 8vo. Lond. 1809 - Jas.-Earth's Antiquity Comp. with Mosaic Record of Creation 12o. Lond. 1849 - John-Lectures on Nature and Use of Money.. 8vo. Edin. 1848 - J. T.-Exercises in Logic.....12o. Lond. 1845 - Robt.-Tour in Germany, Switzerland, and Italy, in 1791-2 8vo. Lond. 1794 - S. F.-Natural Arrangement of British Plants. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1821 - Thos.-Poems. (Ald. Poets.)..... 16o. Lond. 1836 The Same. See Milton, John. Poems and Letters..... 18o. N. Y. 1821 - - Poetical Works; with a Life, by Mitford..8vo. Eton. 1847 - - Works..... 18o. Lond. 1821 The Same. 4 v...... 12o. Lond. 1835-6 - Wmi.-Historical Sketch of Origin of English Prose Literature 8vo. Oxford. 1835 Graydon, Alex.-Memoirs of his own Time... 8vo. Edin. 1822 The Same..... 8vo. Phil. 1846 Greeley, Horace-Hints towards Reforms... 12o. N. Y. 1850 ---- -- and Raymond, H. J.-Association Discussed. 8vo. N. Y. 1847 Green, Ashbel-Autobiography; Continued and Edited by J. H. Jones 8vo. N. Y. 1849 ---- --- Discourses in the College of New Jersey..8vo. Phil. 1822 ---- Calvin-[Essays on Theological Subjects. MS.]. 4to. N. Leba. no date and Wells, Seth T.-View of the Shakers..12o. Albany. 1823 H-orace-Observations on the Pathology of Croup. 12o. N. Y. 1849 -- - - On Diseases of the Air Passages...8vo. N. Y. 1846 Jac.-Notes of a Traveller through England and Europe. 3 v. 18o. N. Y. 1831 ---- Jona.-Compendium of Diseases of the Skin..8vo. Phil. 1838 -- Jona. H.-Arts and Miseries of Gambling.. 12o. Cincin. 1843 - The Same......12o. N. Y. 1845 Gambling Unmasked.... 18o. Balt. 1844 ---- -- Secret Band of Brothers....12o. Phil. 1847 J. H.-Mental Dynamics..... 8vo. Lond. 1847 Vital Experience..... 8vo. Lond. 1840 Mary A. E.-Lives of the Princesses of England. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1849 Roland-Cultivation of Ornamental Flowers..12o. Bost. 1828 ---- Sam.-Life of Mahomet. (M. F. L.)... 16o. Lond. 1840 100 GR E - G R I [Merc. Lib. Green, Thos. J.-Journal of the Texian Expedition against Mier 8vo. N. Y. 1845 --- -- Greenbank's Periodical Library. 3 v... 8vo. Phil. 1833 Greene, Geo. W.-Historical Studies... 12o. N. Y. 1850 - Nath'l-Tales and Sketches. (Fr. Ital., Fren., and Ger.) 18o. Bost. 1843 Robt.-Dramatic Works. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1831 ---- - - See Brydges, Sir E.; Archaica. Greenhow, Robt.-History of Oregon and California. 8vo. Bost. 1844 Greenleaf, Jona.-History of the Churches in New-York City to 1846 18o. N. Y. 1846 ----- P. H. (Ed'r)-Consolatio; or, Comfort for the Afflicted. 16o. Bost. 1849 -Simeon-Examination of Testimony of the Four Evangelists 8vo. Bost. 1846 Treatise on the Law of Evidence. 2 v.. 8vo. Bost. 1848 Greenwood Leaves; Sketches and Letters by "Grace Greenwood". 12o. Bost. 1850 ------ F. W. P.-Lives of Twelve Apostles and John the Baptist 12o. Bost. 1846 - Miscellaneous Writings... 12o. Bost. 1846 Gregg, Josiah-Commerce of the Prairies. 2 v.... 12o. N. Y. 1844 Gregory, Geo.-Dictionary of the Arts and Sciences. 3 v.. 4to. N. Y. 1821-2 - -- - - Life of Thomas Chatterton... 8vo. Lond. 1789 - Olin-Evidences, Doct., and Duties of Christ. Religion. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1826 - The Same..... 12o. Lond. 1847 M- athematics for Practical Men... vo. Lond. 1833 ----- -- Memoirs of John Mason Good. 12o. Bost. 1829 - - - " Robert Hall.... 18o. Bost. 1833 --- Vm.-Outlines of Chemistry for Students. 2 v.. 6o. Lond. 1845 Greppo, J. G. H.-On Hieroglyphic System of Champollion. (Fr. Fren.) 12o. Bost. 1830 Gresley, W.-Ecclesiastes Anglicanus.. 16o. Lond. 1840 Gresset, J. B. L.-CEuvres. 2 v. 1... 2. o. Nismes. 1808 Greswell, W. P.-Annals of Parisian Typography.. 8vo. Lond. 1818 --- - - Early Parisian Greek Press. 2 v... 8vo. Oxford. 1833 Greville, Fulke-[M1axims, Characters, and Reflections].. 8vo. Lond. 1756 Grew, Neh.-Description of the Rarities of the Royal Society. Fol. Lond. 1681 Griffin, E. D.-Remains; with a Memoir. 2 v... 8vo. N. Y. 1831 Geo.-The Gospel, its Own Advocate... 12o.. N. Y. 1850 Jas.-Epitome of Practical Navigation, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1843 J. J.-Chemical Recreations.... 18o. Glasgow. 1834 The Same, re-written. Part 1... 12o. Glasgow. 1838 - System of Crystallography.. 8vo. Glasgow. 1841 Rich.-Specimens of Novelists and Romancers. 2 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1831 Griffith, Eliz.-Morality of Shakspeare's Drama Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. 1775 ----- H. W.-[Lift for the Lazy]..... 12o. N. Y. 1849 J. W.-Description of Human Blood, &c... 18o. Lond. 1846 M-rs. M.-[Discoveries in Light and Vision]. 8o. N. Y. 1836 R. (Ed'r)- Collection of English Prologues and Epilogues. 4 v. 18o. Lond. 1779 ---- R. E.-Formulary for Preparing Medicines.. 8vo. Phil. 1850 l Medical Botany..... 8vo. Phil. 1847 Thos.-Live while you Live... 8o. N. Y. 1847 Thos. W.-Sketlhes of Early History of Maryland. 8vo. Balt. 1821 Griffiths, Thos.-Chemistry of the Four Elements.. 12o. Lond. 1842 -- - - - Chemistry of the Four Seasons... 8vo. Phil. 1846 Grillet, - Voyages. See Acug-na, C. d'. Grimblot, P. (Ed'r)-Let. of Wm. III. & Louis XIV. &c. 1697-1700. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Catalogue.] ( R I- GUI 101 Grimes, J. S.-Compend. of the Phreno-Philosophy of Human Nature 12o. N. Y. 1848 Grimke, Fred.-Nature and Tendency of Free Institutions..8vo. Cincin. 1848. Thos. S.-On Science and Literature... 12o. N. Haven. 1831 *Grimshaw, Wm.-Etymological Dictionary... 12o. Phil. 1821 _- -- - -- History of France to the Death of Louis XVI. 12o. Phil. 1829 The Same..... 12o. Phil. 1830 - History of France to Final Abdication of Napoleon 12o. Phil. 1828 ----- - - History of the United States to 1821.. 12o. Phil. 1824 -~- - The Same..... 12o. Phil. 1832 History of England to 1830... 12o. Phil. 1832 Grimshawe, T. S.-Life of Legh Richmond... 12o. N. Y. 1829 Grindrod, R. B.-Bacchus; an Essay on Intemperance.. 12o. N. Y. 1840 Griscom, John-Address at Opening of New-York High School 12o. N. Y. 1825 Year in Europe, 1818-19. 2 v... 8vo. N. Y. 1823 John H.-Animal Mechanism and Physiology. (H. F. L.) 18o. N. Y. 1839 Use and Abuse of Air.... 12o. N. Y. 1850 Griswold, Rufus W. (Ed'r)-Female Poets of America. 8vo. N. Y. 1849 ---- -- Poets and Poetry of America...8vo. N. Y. 1842 -- - The Same..... 8vo. Phil. 1845 -- --- - The Same...... 8vo. Phil. 1847 --- - The Same..... 8vo. Phil. 1850 - Poets and Poetry of England in the 19th Century 8vo. Phil. 1845 - Prose Writers of America... 8vo. Phil. 1847 - Sacred Poets of England and America..8vo. N. Y. 1849 *Grose, Fran.-Classical Diet. of the Vulgar Tongue. (Slang Diet.) 8vo. Lond. 1823 *____ - Glossary of Provincial and Local Words of England. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Grozier, G. B. G. A.-Description of China. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1788 Grote, Geo.-History of Greece. Vols. 1-8...8vo. Lond. 1846-50 -- -- Recent Politics of Switzerland... 12o. Lond. 1847 Grotius, Hugo-Rights of War and Peace. 3 v....8vo. Lond. 1715 Droit de la Guerre et de la Paix. 2 v... 4to. Basle. 1746 Grove, J.-Life and Times of Cardinal Wolsey. 4 v...8vo. Lond. 1792 - W. R.-Correlation of Physical Forces... 8vo. Lond. 1846 Grund, Fran.-Americans; in their Social, Moral, and Political Character 12o. Bost. 1837 Guardian, the...... 8vo. Lond. 1825 -_- The Same. See British Essayists. Vols. 16-18. Guarine, Battista-I1 Pastor Fido; e la Idropica Conimedia. 4to. Lond. 1736 _ Pastor Fido; or, the Faithful Shepherd. (Fr. Ital.) 16o. Edin. 1809 Guerin, L. F.-Manuel de l'Histoire des Conciles...8vo. Paris. 1846 Guest, Lady C. (Trans.)-The Mabinogion. (Fr. Welsh MSS.) 4 Parts 8vo. Lond. 1838-42 Edwin-History of English Rhythms, to 14th Century. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Moses-Poems; with Extracts from Journals.. 12o. Cincin. 1824 - Rich.-History of the Cotton Manufacture...4to. Manchester. 1823 Guicciardini, Francesco-Istorie d'Italia. 8 v.... 8vo. Firenze. 1818-19 Guide to Architectural Antiquities in the Neighborhood of Oxford.8vo. Oxford. 1846 Devotion. (In Raised Characters.)... 4to. Bost. 1846 Laurel Hill Cemetery.... 8vo. Phil. 1844 Northern Archaeology....8vo. Lond. 1848 Service; The Dairy Maid. 18o. Lond. 1838 - Trade; Chemist and Druggist... 18o. Lond. 1838 102 G U I — HAD [Merc. Lib. Guide to Trade; Plumber and Painter..18o. Lond. 1838 C" Printer.... 18o. Lond. 1838 Guido; a Tale. Sketches from History, and other Poems. By Ianthe 12o. N. Y. 1828 Guignes, C. L. J. de-Voyages a Peking, Manille, etc. 2v. 8vo. & Atlas Fol. Paris. 1808 Guillemard, Robt.-Adventures of a French Sergeant, in 1805-23. 12o. Phil. 1826 *Guillim, John-Display of Heraldry.... Fol. Lond. 1724 Guiraud, Alex.-Flavien ou de Rome au Desert. 3 v... 18o. Brux. 1837 Guizot, F.-Democratie en France.... 8vo. Paris. 1849 - Essais sur l'IHistoire de France. 2 v... 18o. Brux. 1837 --- - Essai sur Washington.... 18. Paris. 1844 - Histoire de la Civilisation en Europe.. 12o. Paris. 1847 - -- " Civilisation en France. 4 v.. 12o. Paris. 1846 "i- - R6volution d'Angleterre. 2 v.. 12o. Paris. 1846 Causes of Success of English Revolution of 1640-88 8vo. Lond. 1850 Democracy in France. (Fr. Fren.)... 12o. N. Y. 1849 -- -- Essay on Washington. (Fr. Fren.).. 12o. N. Y. 1840 General History of European Civilization. (Fr. Fren.) 12o. N. Y. 1838 ---- --- The Same; entitled "Lectures on Europ'n Civilization" 12o. Lond. 1837 History of Civilization. (Fr. Fren.) 3 v... 12o. Lond. 1846 ---- -- The Same. 4 v...... 12o. N. Y. 1846 History of the English Revolution. 2 v. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Oxford. 1838 I Memoirs of Geo. Monk, Duke of Albemarle. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Gully, Jas. M. —Water-Cure, in Chronic Diseases.. 12o. N. Y. 1846 Gummere, John-Elementary Treatise on Astronomy.. 8vo. Phil. 1846 Gunn, Alex.-Memoirs of John Livingston... 8vo. N. Y. 1829 John C.-Domestic Medicine. 8vo. N. Y. 1849 Gunter, Edmund-Mathematical Works... o. Lond. 1673 Gurley, R. R.-Mission to England for American Colonization Society 12o. Wash. 1841 Gurney, Thos.-System of Short-Hand. See Sarjeant, Thos. Gutch, John M. (Ed'r)-Robin Hood Garlands & Ballads, and Life. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1850 Guthrie, G. J.-Clinical Lectures on Compound Fractures.. 8vo. Phil. 1839 -------,Maria-Tour in Crimea and Neighboring Countries in 1795-6 4to. Lond. 1802 ------ m.-Geographical, Historical, and Commercial Grammar 8vo. Lond. 1792 Hist. of England from Roman Invasion to 1688. 3 v. Fol. Lond. 1744-51 ---- - - History of Scotland. 10 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1767-8 Gutteridge, Wm.-Tables of British Measures of Capacity. 12o. Lond. 1825 Gutzlaff, Chas.-China Opened. 2 v...... 12o. Lond. 1838 - - Journal of Voyages along Chinese Coast in 1831-2 12o. N. Y. 1833 - Sketch of Chinese History. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1834 Guy, Wm. A.-Principles of Forensic Medicine... 16o. Lond. 1844 Guyot, Arnold-Earth and Man; Physical Geography. (Fr. Fren.) 12o. Bost. 1849 Gwilt, Jos.-Anglo-Saxon Grammar..... 8vo. Lond. 1829 * —- - Encyclopeedia of Architecture... 8vo. Lond. 1842 Haas, Jas. D.-Select Specimens of German Romance and History. 12o. Lond. 1839 Hackley, Chas. W.-Algebra..... 8vo. N. Y. 1846 -- - -- Elementary Course of Geometry... 12o. N. Y. 1847 Haddock, Jos. W.-Somnolism and Psycheism, or Mesmerism. 16o. Lond. 1849 Haddon, Jas.-Rudimentary Arithmetic.... 12o. Lond. 1849 Hadley, G.-Hindostanee Grammar... 8vo. Lond. 1801 Catalogue.] HA G - HAL 103 Hagemeister, Julius de-Corn. of Ports of the Black Sea. (Fr. Russ.) 8vo. Lond. 1836 Hahnemann, Sam.-Organon of Medicine. (Fr. Ger.).. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Haight, Mrs.-[Letters from the Old World.] 2 v.. 1. N. Y.. 1840 Haines, C. G. — Memoirs of Thos. A. Emmet, with Life of Author 18o. N. Y. 1829 Hakluyt Society Publications. Vols. 2-4.... 8vo. Lond. 1847-9 Vol. 2. Voyage into the South Sea (1593) by Rich. Hawkins. Ed. by C. R. D. Bethune. " 3. Discovery of Guiana (1595) by Sir Walter Raleigh. Robt. Schomburgh. " 4. Sir Francis Drake's Voyage (1595). Ed. by Thos. Maynarde. Halberg, Lewis-Memoirs of Himself. See Autobiography. Hale, Mrs. C. V-R. M.-Saturday Evenings. 12o. N. Y. 1845 - Horatio-Ethnography and Philology. See U. S. Exploring Expedition. Sir Matthew-Jurisdiction of Parliament... 4to. Lond. 1796 - Salma —History of the United States to 1815.. 18. N. Y. 1835 The Same. Continued to 1817. (H. F. L.) 2 v.. 18o. N. Y. 1841 - Sarah J.-Sketches of American Character.. 18o. Bost. 1831 -- - Three Hours; or, Vigil of Love, with other Poems. 12o. Phil. 1848 - Wm. A.-History of Jews, from Alexander the Great to A. D. 70 12o. Lond. 1850 Hales, Steven-Groeijende Weegkunde. (Fr. Eng.).. 8vo. Amst'dam. 1734 Halford, Sir Hen.-Essays and Orations before Roy. Coll. of Physicians 12o. Lond. 1833 Haliburton, T. C.-[Bubbles of Canada]... 12o. Phil. 1839 Historical Account of Nova Scotia. 2 v.. 8vo. Halifax. 1829 Hall, Basil-Fragments of Voyages and Travels. 2 v.. 12o. Phil. 1831 -- -- The Same...... 8vo. Lond. 1840..- - Journal on Coast of Chili, &c., in 1820-2. 2 v.. 12o. Phil. 1824 - The Same. 2v...... 16o. Edin. 1827 - -- Patchwork..... 12o. Phil. 1841 - Skimmings; or, a Winter at Schloss Hainfeld. 12o. Phil. 1836 --.- Travels in North America in 1827-8. 2 v... 120. Phil. 1829 Voyage to the Eastern Seas, in 1816.. 12o. N. Y. 1827 The Same..... 12o. Edin. 1832 -- - Voyage to the Western Coast of Corea and Loo Choo 8vo. Phil. 1818 -- Baynard, R.-Teaching a Science.... 12o. N. Y. 1848 - Benj. F.-Land Owner's Manual.... 8vo. Auburn. 1847 - B. R.-New Purchase; or, Life in the Far West.. 12o. N. Y. 1843 - - Something for Every Body.... 12o. N.Y. 1846 - Chas. H.-Memoirs of Andrew Hofer... 8vo. Lond. 1820 -- Chas. R.-Mesmerism; its Rise, Progress, and Mysteries. 18o. N. Y. 1845 - Edwin-Puritans, and their Principles... 8vo. N. Y. 1846 - Fanny W.-Rambles in Europe..... 12o. N. V. 1839 - len.-Roots of the French Language... 12o. Lond. 1826 Roots of the Latin Language... 8vo. Lond. 1840 Jas.-Sketches of History, Life and Manners in the West. 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1835 - The West; its Soil, Surface, and Productions. 12o. Cincin. 1848 -..- -- See.Natural History of Netl- York. - Jos. (Bishop)-Satires..... 12o. Chiswvick. 1824 - Robt.-Miscellaneous Works and Remains.. 12o. Lond. 1846 Works; with Memoir. 4 v.. vo. N. Y. 1832-3 The Same. 4 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1844 - S. C. (Ed'r)-Book of British Ballads. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1842-4 S. W.-On Bronchitis, Laryngitis, Asthma, and Consumption 8vo. N. Y. 1847 104 HA L H A A [Merc. Lib. Hall, W. H., and Bernard, W. D.-Nemesis in China.. 12o. Lond. 1847 Hallam, Henry-History of England from Henry VII. to Geo. II. 3 v. 8vo. Bost. 1829 The Same. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1832 ---- -- - Intro. to Lit. of Europe, in 15th, 16th& 17th Cent. 4v. 8vo. Lond. 1837-9 ----- --- View of the State of Europe dur. the Middle Ages. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1837 The Same......8vo. N. Y. 1837 Supplemental Notes to the Same.. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Halleck, Fitz Greene-[Alnwick Castle, and other Poems].. 8vo. N. Y. 1827 ---- -- Fanny; a Poem. MS..... 18o. N. Y. 1834 Poetical Works..... 8vo. N. Y. 1847 Selections from the British Poets. 2 v. (H. F. L.) 180. N. Y. ~ —----- H. W. —Elements of Military Art and Science.. 12o. N.'Y. 1846 Haller, Albert-Physiology. 2 v.... 8rvo. Lond. 1754 Halliday, Sir And.-History of the West Indies... 12o. Lond. 1837 Halliwell, J. O.-Character of Sir John Falstaff... 12o. Lond. 1841 Diet. of Provincial Words, &c., from 14th Cent. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1847 ----- ---- Early History of Freemasonry in England. 12o. Lond. 1840 ---- _ — Introduction to "Midsummer Night's Dream". 8vo. Lond. 1841. —.- -- Letters Illustrative of the Progress of Science in Eng. 8vo. Lond. 1841 Life of William Shakspeare.. 8vo. Lond. 1848 (Ed'r)-Harrowing of Hell; an Anc't Miracle, &e. 8vo. Lond. 1840 Letters of the Kings of England. 2 v... 12o. Lend. 1848 Merry Tales of the Wise Men of Gotham 12o. Lond. 1840 Shakspeariana...... 8vo. Lond. 1841 Halm, Friedrich —The Son of the Wilderness; a Poem.. 12o. N. Y. 1848 Halsted, Caroline-Life of Margaret Beaufort, Mother of Henry VII. 8vo. Lond. 1839 ------- Caroline A.-Life of Richard the Third... 8vo. Phil. 1844 ---- O.-New Method of Curing Dyspepsia... 12o. N. Y. 1830 Hamilton, Alex. —Official and other Papers. Vol. 1.. 8vo. N. Y. 1842 ----- Count A.-Fairy Tales and Romances. (Fr. Fren.). 12o. Lond. 1849 Memoirs of the Count de Grammont. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1828 - -- Tl'he Same; with History of Charles II., &c.. 12o. Lond. 1846. Lady A.-Marriage Rites, Customs, &c., of all Nations 8vo. Lond. 1822 - liz.-Letters to the Daughter of a Nobleman. 2 v.. 12o. Salem. 1841 Elementary Principles of Education. 2 v.. 12o. Bost. 1825 - - Memoirs of Modern Philosophers. 3 v... 12o. Lond. 1801 G.-Animal Physiology. See Chambers' Educ. Course. ----- Jas.-Harp on the Willow; and other Works.. 180. N. 1849 Life in Earnest..... 18o. N. Y. 1850 Life of Joseph Hall.... 18o. N. Y. 1847 ----- -- Mount of Olives; and other Lectures on Prayer 18o. N. Y. 1850 Thankfulness; and other Essays.. 18o. N. Y. 1848 Jas.-Observations relating to Midwifery. 2 Parts. 8vo. Phil. 1837-8 ----- John C. —Life of Alex. Hamilton. Vols 1 & 2. 8vo. N. Y. 1834-40 --------- Rich. W.-Institutions of Popular Education; Prize Essay 12o. Lond. 1846 ---- obt.-Introduction to Merchandize 8vro. Edin. 1802... - - Progress of Society.... 8vo. lond. 1830 ----- Robt.-Natural Hist. of Amphibious Carnivora. (N. L.) 16o. Edin. 1839 -- -- " British Fishes. (N. L.) 2 v. 16o. Edin. 1843 ---- -- "m Whales. (N. L.) 16o. Edin. 1837 Catalogue.] HA M — HA R 105 Hamilton, Thos.-[Annals of Peninsular Campaigns, 1808-14.] 3 v. 12o. Phil. 1831 - The Same......8vo. Edin. 1849.... - -- [Men and Manners in America].. 8vo. Phil. 1833 Walter-Dictionary of Terms in Arts and Sciences.12o. Lond. 1825 ------ Wm.-History of Medicine, Surgery, and Anatomy. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1831 - Wm. Remarks on Turkey. Part 1. Egyptiaenc. 4to. Lond. 1809 -- Wmn. J.-Researches in Asia Minor. 2 v...8vo. Lond. 1842 Hammersmith Protestant Discussion between J. Cumming & D. French 16o. Lond. 1848 Hammond, Jabez D.-Hist. of Pol. Parties in N. Y. fr. 1788-1840. 2 v. 8vo. Albany. 1842 --- --- - Life and Times of Silas Wright.. 8vo. Syracuse. 1848 ----- -- Political History of N. Y. from 1841-7.8vo. Syracuse. 1848 --- Nath'l-Elements of Algebra.... 8vo. Lond. 1764 Hampden in the 19th Century. 2 v.....12o. Lond. 1834 ---- - R. D.-Life of Thos. Aquinas... 180. Lond. 1848 Hampson, R. T.-Medii iEvi Kalendarium, 10th to 15th Century. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1841 Hand, the; Phrenologically Considered.. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Hand-book for Central Italy... 12o. Lond. 1843 the Continent...... 12o. Lond. 1838 Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Russia. 120. Lond. 1839 - France......12o. Lond. 1844 - -- Gardening...... 180. Lond. 1839 ---- Northern Italy.....12o o. Lond. 1843 Southern Germany.... 120. Lond. 1837 Spain. 2 v......12o. Lond. 1845 Switzerland, Savoy, and Piedmont.. 12o. Lond. 1838 - Turning......16o. Lond. 1846 of English Ecclesiology.... 18o. Lond. 1847 - Trade and Commerce.....18o. Lond. 1840 -...- Young Artists in Oil Painting... 12o. N. Y. 1845 Handel, G. F.-Sacred Oratorios, as set to Music. 2 v... 18o. Lond. 1799 Handvesten Octroyen Privilegien en Regten aan de Stede Vlaardingen Fol. Hague. 1772 Hann, Jas.-Elements of Plane Trigonometry...12o. Lond. 1849 _-_- _- _ Examples on the Integral Calculus.. 12o. Lond. 1850 Hanna, Wm.-Memoirs of Thos. Chalmers. [3 vols.] Vol. 1. 12o. N. Y. 1850 Hannett, John-Bibliopegia; or, Art of Bookbinding.. 12o. Lond. 1848 Hanover Succession Justified; or, Parliamentary Right Maintained. 8vo. Lond. 1714 Hansard, G. A.-Book of Archery... 8vo. Lond. 1840 Hanway, Jonas-Brit. Trade over Caspian Sea; with Travels, &c. 2 v. 4to. Lond. 1754 ---- -- Reflections on Life and Religion. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1761 - Revolutions of Persia. 2 v... 4to. Lond. 1783 - - Virtue in Humble Life. 2 v....4to. Lond. 1777 Harbinger of Peace, (Periodical). 2 v.... 12. N. Y. 1828-30 Hardcastle, Dan. (Jr.)-Banks and Bankers. 12o. Lond. 1842 Hardenburg, F. Von [Novalis]-Schriften. 2 v... 12o. Berlin. 1837 Hardie, Jas.-Biographical Dictionary. 4 v.....8vo. N. Y. 1805 ____ __ New Free Mason's Monitor.. 12o. N. Y. 1822 Yellow Fever of 1822 in City of New-York 16o. N. Y. 1822 *Harding, J. D.-Elementary Art; or, Use of Chalk, and Lead Pencil Fol. Lond. 1846 *____ - Park and Forest... Fol. Lond. 1841 Hardinge, Geo.-Miscellaneous Works. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1818 14 106 HA R -- HA R [Merc. Lib. Hardy, Fran.-Memoirs of James Caulfield. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1812 Hare, J. C., and A. W.-[Guesses at Truth]... 12o. Lond. 1838 [The Same]...... 16. Lond. 1847 - [The Same. 2d Series].... 16o. Lond. 1848 - R.-Chemical Apparatus and Manipulations... 4to. Phil. 1836 Hargrove, Wm.-History of the Ancient City of York. 3 v.. 8vo. York. 1818 Harlan, J.-Memoir of India and Afghanistan... 12o. Phil. 1842 Rich.-Fauna Americana... 8vo. Phil. 1825 Harle, W. L.-Career in the Commons.. 12o. Lond. 1850 Harleian Miscellany, the. 12 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1808-11 Selections from the Same... 4to. Lond. 1793 Harney, J. H.-Algebra.... 12o. Louisv. no date Harper, Robt. G.-Select Works. Vol. 1. 8vo. Balt. 1814 -- -- and Walsh, Robert-Correspondence. 8vo. Phil. 1814 Harpers' Family Library. 187 v..... 8vo. N. Y. 1830-49 Vols. 1-3. Milman, H. H. History of the Jews. 4, 5. Lockhart, J. G. Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. 6. Southey, R. Life of Horatio Lord Nelson.'7. Williams, J. Life of Alexander the Great. 8, 74. Natural History of Insects. 9. Gait, J. Life of Byron. 10. Bush, G. Life of Mohammed. 11. Scott, Sir W. Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft. 12, 13. Gleig, G. R. History of the Bible. 14. Leslie, Sir J., and others. Discovery in the Polar Seas. 15. Croly, G. Life of George IV. S1. Murray, H., and others. Discovery and Africa. 17-19; 66, 67. Cunningham, Allan. British Painters, Sculptors, and Architects. 20. James, G. P. R. History of Chivalry and the Crusades. 21, 22. Bell, H. G. Life of Mary Queen of Scots. 23. Russell, M. History of Egypt. 24. Fletcher, Jas. History of Poland. 25. Smith, H. Festivals, Games, and Amusements. 26. Brewster, Sir D. Life of Sir Isaac Newton. 27. Russell, M. History of Palestine. 28. Memes, J. S. Memoirs of the Empress Josephine. 29. Court and Camp of Buonaparte. 30. Lives and Voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier. 31. Barrow, J. Pitcairn's Island; and Mutiny of the Bounty. 32, 72, 84. Turner, S. Sacred History of the World. 33, 34. Jameson, Anna. Memoirs of Female Sovereigns. 35, 36. Lander, R. & J. Travels in Africa. 37. Abercrombie, J. Inquiries concerning Intellectual Powers. 38-40. St. John, J. A. Lives of Celebrated Travellers. 41, 42. Dover, Lord. Life of Frederic the Great. 43, 44. Smedley, E. Sketches from Venetian History. 45, 46. Thatcher, B. B. Indian Biography. 47-49. Murray, H., and others. Account of British India. 50. Brewster, Sir D. Letters on Natural Magic. 51, 52. Taylor, W. C. History of Ireland. 53. Tytler, P. F. Discovery on more Northern Coasts of America, 54. MacGillivray, W. Life and Travels of Humboldt. 55, 56. Euler, L. Letters to a Princess on Natural Philosophy. 57. Mudie, R. Popular Guide to Observations of Nature. 58. Abercrombie, J. Philosophy of the Moral Feelings. 59. Dick, T. Improvement of Society, by Diffusion of Knowledge. 60. James, G. P. R. History of Charlemagne. 61. Russell, M. History of Nubia and Abyssinia. 62, 63. - Life of Oliver Cromwell. 64. Montgomery, J. Lectures on Poetry, Literature, &ce 65. Barrow, J. Life of Peter the Great. 68, 69. Crichton, A. History of Arabia. Catalogue.] HA R HA R 107 Harpers' Family Library (continued). Vol. 70. Fraser, J.B. History of Persia. 71. Combe, A. Physiology applied to Health and Education. 73. Russell, M. History of the Barbary States. 75, 76. Paulding, J. K. Life of George Washington. 77. Ticknor, C. Philosophy of Living. 78. Higgins, W. MI. The Earth; its Condition and Phenomena. 79. Sforzozi, L. History of Italy. (Fr. Ital.) 80, 81. Davis, J. F. The Chinese. 82. Historical Account of the Circumnavigation of the Globe. 83. Dick, T. Celestial Scenery. 85. Griscom, J. H. Animal Mechanism and Physiology. 86-91. Tytler, A. F., and Nares, E. Universal History. 92, 93. Franklin, B. Life of Himself, and Select Writings. 94, 95. Craik, G. L. Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties. 96, 97. Paley, Wm. Natural Theology; with Notes. 98. Rennie, J. Natural History of Birds. 99. Dick, T. Sidereal Heavens. 100. Upham, T. C. Imperfect, or Disordered Mental Action. 101, 102. Murray, H., and others. History of British America. 103. Lossing, B. J. History of the Fine Arts. 104, 164. Ogilby, Martin, and Knight, C. Quadrupeds. (Menageries of L. E. K.) 105. Park, Mungo. Writings, Life, and Travels of: 106. Dana, R. H., (Jr.) Two Years before the Mast. 107, 108. Parry, Sir W. E. Three Voyages for Discovery of Northwest Passage. 109, 110. Johnson, S. Life of; with Selections from his Works. 111. Bryant, W. C. (Ed'r). Selections from American Poets. 112,113. Halleck, F. G. (Ed'r). Selections from the British Poets. 114-118. Keightley, T. History of England. 119, 120. Hale, S. History of the United States. 121,122. Irving, W. Life of Goldsmith; with Select Writings. 123, 124. Malden, H. Distinguished Men of Modern Times. 125. Renwick, J. Life of De Witt Clinton. 126,127. Mackenzie, A. S. Life of Oliver Hazard Perry. 128. Head, Sir F. B. Life and Travels of Bruce. 129. Renwick, J. Lives of John Jay and Alexander Hamilton. 130. Brewster, Sir D. Martyrs of Science. 131. Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands. 132. Manners and Customs of the Japanese. 133. Dwight, T. (Jr.) History of Connecticut. 134, 135. Bucke, Chas. Ruins of Ancient Cities. 136, 137. Crichton, A., and Wheaton, H. Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. 138. Camp, G. S. Democracy. 139. Lannman, J. H. History of Michigan. 140. Fenelon, F. de S. de L. Lives of the Ancient Philosophers. 141,142. Segur, Count P. de. Napoleon's Expedition to Russia. 143, 144. Henry, C. S. (Trans.). History of Philosophy. 145. Bucke, Chas. Beauties of Nature. 146. Lieber, F. Essays on Property and Labor. 147. White, G. Natural History of Selborne. 148. Wrangell, F. Expedition to the Polar Seas. 149,150. Hazen, E. Popular Technology. 151-153. Spalding, W. Italy and the Italian Islands. 154,155. Lewis, M., and Clarke, W. Travels West of the Mississippi. 156. Smith, H. T. History of Education. 157. Fraser, J. B. Mesopotamia and Assyria. 158. Russell, M. History of Polynesia. 159. Davenport, R. A. Perilous Adventures. 160. Duer, W. A. Constitutional Jurisprudence of the United States. 161-163. Belknap, J. American Biography. 165. Potter, A. Hand-Book for Readers and Students. 166. Graves, Mrs. A. J. Woman in America. 167, 168. Stone, W. L. Border Wars of the Revolution. 169. Vegetable Substances used for Food. 170. Michelet, J. Elements of Modern History. 171. Bacon, F. Essays; and, Locke, J. On the Understanding. 172. Voyages Round the World; from the Death of Captain Cook. 108 HA R - HA S [Mere. Lib. Harpers' Family Library (continued). Vol. 173. Murray, H. Travels of Marco Polo. 174, 175. American Adventure. 176. Bunner, E. History of Louisiana. 177. Florian, M. Moors in Spain. (Fr. Fren.) 178. Lee, Chas. Elements of Geology. 179. Potter, A. Objects and Uses of Science and Literature. 180. Mosely, H. Illustrations of Mechanics. 181,182. Spectator in Miniature. 183. Potter, A. Political Economy. 184. Maury (Abbe). Principles of Eloquence. 185. Robertson, Wm. History of America; abridged. 186. - - History of the Reign of Charles V.; abridged. 187. Ferguson, Adam. History of Rome; abridged. Harral, Thos. See Fearnside, W. G. Harris, Isaac-Pittsburg and Western Business Directory for 1837 12o. Pittsburg. 1837 - Jas. (Earl of Malmesbury)-Diaries and Correspondence. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Jas.-Works. 5 v....... 8vo. Lond. 1803 - John (Ed'r)-Complete Collection of Travels. 2 v.. Fol. Lond. 1744-8 John-Britannia; or, Moral Claims of Seamen enforced. 8vo. Lond. 1837 - Great Teacher; with an Essay... 8vo. Amherst. 1836 i- ammon; or, the Sin of Covetousness.. 18o. Bost. 1837..- Man Primeval..... 8vo. Lond. 1849 --- - Pre-Adamite Earth... 12o. Bost. 1847 ---- Nich.-Book-keeping.... 8vo. Hartf. 1840 - T. M.-Natural History of the Bible... 8vo. Bost. 1821 -- T. WV. See Reports on Natural History of Massachusetts. ---- Thos.-Life, &c., of Com. Wm. Bainbridge.. 8vo. Phil. 1837 Wm.-Livcs of Jas. I. and Chas. I.; Cromwell and Chas. I. a v. 8vo. Lond. 1814 -- W. C.-Highlands of Ethiopia.... 8vo. N. Y. 1844 Sir W. S.-Rudimentary Electricity... 120. Lond. 1848 ---- WV. T.-Epitaphs from the Old Burying Ground in Cambridge 12o. Camb. 1845 Harrison, Matthew-English Language... 12o. Lond. 1848 -- W. H.; Life of.. 18o. Bost. 1839 Hart, A. S.-Elementary Treatise on Mechanics.. vo. Dublin. 1847 - John S.-Class Book of Poetry... 12o. Phil. 1845 " " Prose.. 12o. Phil. 1845 - On the Life and Writings of Edm. Spenser.. 8vo. N. Y. 1847 - Nath. C.-Documents relating to House of Refuge. 8vo. N. Y. 1802 -- S. C.-Romance of Yachting. Voyage the First.. 12o. N. Y. 1848 Harte, Walter-Life of Gustavus Adolphus. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1837 Hartford, Countess of, and Pomfret, Countess of-Correspondence. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1806 Hartley, Dav.-Observations on Man.... 8vo. Lond. 1834 - R...-Essav on MIilk....... 12. N. Y. 1842 Hartman, F.-Acute Diseases, their Homceopathic Treat. (Fr. Ger.) Vol. 1 12o. N. Y. 1847 Hartshorne, C. H. (Ed'r)-Anc. Metrical Tales, from Original Sources 12o. Lond. 1829 Harvey, Gabriel-Four Letters; reprinted from Edition of 1592. 4to. Lond. 1814 - The Same. See Brydges, Sir E.; Archaica. -- -- Wm. H.-Manual of the British Marine Alga.. 8vo. Lond. 1849 - Sea-Side Book..... 16o. Lond. 1849 Harwood, John E.-Poems..... 16o. N. Y. 1809 Haskel, Dan.-Chronological View of the World... 12o. N. Y. 1845 -- -- and Smith, J. Calvin-Gazetteer of the United States 8vo. N. Y. 1843 Catalogue.] HAS - HA Z 109 *Haskel, Dan., and Smith, J. Calvin-The Same.. 8vo. N. Y. 1849 Haskoll, W. D.-Clerk of Works and Architect's Guide.. 18o. Lond. 1849 Hassell, J.-Memoirs of Geo. Morland.... 4to. Lond. 1806 [The above is bound with Malcolm, J. P., Art of Caricaturing.] Hassler, F. R.-United States Coast Survey; Weights and Measures 8vo. N. Y. 1834-6 Hastings, Lady Flora-Poems..... 16o. Edin. 1842 Hatton, Edw.-Intire System of Arithmetic... 4to. Lond. 1731 Hauff, W.-Sammtliche Werke. 10 v..... 12o. Stuttgart. 1837 Haughton, G. D.-On Sex in the World to Come.. 12o. Lond. 1841 Sir G. C.-Prodromus; Inquiry into Principles of Reason. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Haussez, Baron d'-Great Britain in 1833. 2 v.... 12o. Phil. 1833 Hawes, Joel-Lectures to Young Men on Character and Reading 32o. Hartf. 1848 Hawker, P.-Instructions to Young-Sportsmen. Edited by Porter 8vo. Phil. 1846 Hawkesworth, John-Voyage of Discovery in the South. Hemisphere 4to. Lond. 1773 See Adventurer and, British Essayists. Vols. 23-25. Hawkins, Alf.-Picture of Quebec..... 12o. Quebec. 1834 -.- Bisset-Germany; her History, Literature, &c.. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Hawks, Fran. L.-[Auricular Confession in the Protestant Church] 12o. N. Y. 1850 ---- -- Contributions to Eccles. Hist. of the U. S. Vol. 1; Va. 8vo. N. Y. 1836 --- -- "'..' Vol. 2; Md. 8vo. N. Y. 1839 - Monuments of Egypt; with Voyage up the Nile 8vo. N. Y. 1850 Hay, D. R.-First Principles of Symmetrical Beauty.. 12o. Edin. 1846 -- -- Laws of Harmonious Coloring... 8vo. Edin. 1838 Natural Principles and Analogy of the Harmony of Form 4to. Edin. 1842 Nomenclature of Colors, &c., applicable to Arts, &c.. 8vo. Edin. 1845 -- -- Ornamental Design, as applied to the Decorative Arts 4to. Lond. 1844 Principles of Beauty in Coloring, Systematized. 8vo. Edin. 1845 Proportion; or, Geometric Principle of Beauty. 4to. Lond. 1843 Proportions of the Human Head... 4to. Edin. 1849 Hayden, G. T.-On the Wear and Tear of Human Life.. 8vo. Dublin. 1846 Haydn, Jos.-Dictionary of Dates, and Universal Reference. 8vo. Lond. 1841 Haydon, B. R.-On Painting; with Essay on Fine Arts by Hazlitt 8vo. Edin. 1838 --- -- Lectures on Painting and Design. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1844-6 Hayes, Rich.-Negotiator's Magazine.... 8vo. Lond. 1777 Haygarth, Wm.-Greece; a Poem.... 4to. Lond. 1814 Hayley, Wm.-Poems and Plays. 6 v..... 12o. Lond. 1788 Haynes, Thos. WV.-Baptist Cyclopaedia of Biography, &c. Vol. 1 8vo. Charleston. 1848 Hays, Mary-Female Biography of all Ages and Countries. 3 v.. 8vo. [Title wanting.] Hayter, Chas.-Introduct. to Perspective, Pract. Geom., Drawing, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Hayward, John-Book of Religions; Creeds of all Sects.. 12o. Bost. 1842 New England Gazetteer... 8vo. Bost. 1839 Haywood, Eliza-Secret History of Mary Queen of Scots.. 8vo. Lond. 1825 Hazard, Eben.-Historical Collections, relating to United States. 2 v. 4to. Phil. 1792 - Jos.-Poems...... 18o. Brooklyn. 1814 Hazen, E.-Grammar of the English Language.. 12o. N. Y. 1844 Popular Technology. (H. F. L.) 2 v... 18o. N. Y. 1842 Hazlitt, Wm.-Characteristics in the Manner of Rochefoucault's Maxims 18o. Lond. 1837 -- -- Characters of Shakspeare's Plays... 12o. Bost. 1818 The Same...... 12o. Lond. 1838 --- -- The Same...... 12o. N. Y. 1845 110 HA Z — HE A [Merc. Lib. Hazlitt, Wm.-Conversations of James Northcote 8vo. Lond. 1830 Criticisms on Art, and Picture Galleries. 12o. Lond. 1843 Eloquence of the British Senate. 2 v... 8vo. Brooklyn. 1809 Essay on the Fine Arts. See Haydon, B. R. Essays on'the Principles of Human Action, &c.. 12o. Lond. no date Lectures on Dramatic Literature of Age of Elizabeth 12o. Lond. 1840 -- The Same...... 12o. N. Y. 1845 - Lectures on the English Comic Writers.. 8vo. Phil. 1819 The Same..... 12o. Lond. 1841 - Lectures on English Poets... 12o. N. Y. 1845 Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. 4 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1828 The Same. 3 v.... 12o.N. Y. 1847 Literary Remains. 2 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1836 -- -- The Same..... 8vo. N. Y. 1836 - Notes of a Journey through France and Italy. 8vo. Lond. 1826 - [The Plain Speaker.] 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1826 - -.- Political Essays..... 8vo. Lond. 1819 - Round Table; Essays on Literature, &c. 2 v.. 16o. Edin. 1817 The Same...... 12o. Lond. 1841 Sketches and Essays.... 12o. Lond. 1839 _ — -- Spirit of the Age..... 8vo. Lond. 1826 The Same..... 12o. N. Y. 1846 - [Table Talk; on Books, Men, and Things.] 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1824 - The Same. Second Series.. 12o. N. Y. 1845 - -- View of the English Stage.... 8vo. Lond. 1818 - (Ed'r) Select Poets of Gt. Britain; with Critical Notices 8vo. Lond. 1825 Head, Sir Edmund-Hand-Book of Span. & Fren. Schools of Painting 12o. Lond. 1848 Sir F. B.-Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau..12o. Lond. 1836 - The Same...... 12o. N. 1845 - Emigrant.. 12o. N.Y. 1845 - Journey across the Pampas and Andes.. 12o. Bost. 1827 - Life of Jas. Bruce, the African Traveller. (M. F. L.) 160. Lond. 1838 - The Same. (H. F. L.).... 180. N. Y. 1841 - Narrative of his Administration in Canada.. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Sir Geo.-Rome. A Tour of Many Days. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1849 - Tour through the Manuf. Districts in England in 1835 12o. Lond. 1836 The Same (continued).... 12o. Lond. 1837 Headley, Hen.-Select Beauties of Ancient English Poetry. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1810 - J. T.-Adirondack; or, Life in the Woods.. 12o. N. Y. 1849 - Alps and the Rhine; a Series of Sketches.. 12o. N.Y. 1845 Italy and the Italians.... 8vo. N. Y. 1844 -- -- Letters from Italy..... 12o. N. Y. 1845 Life of Oliver Cromwell... 12o. N. Y. 1848 Miscellanies...... 12o. N. Y. 1850 - Napoleon and his Marshals. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1846 - The Same..... 12o. N.. 1847 -- - The Same.... 12o. N. Y. 1848 - -- Parlor Book..... 8vo. N. Y. 1850 Sacred Mountains.... 12o. N.. 1847 --- ---- -Sketches and Rambles... 12o. N. Y. 1850 Catalogue.] HE A -HEN 111 Headley, J. T.-Washington and his Generals. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1847 Heads of the People; or, Portraits of the English...8vo. Lond. 1840 Hearne, Thos.-Works. 4 v...... 8vo. Lond. 1810 Heath, Benj.-Revisal of Shakspeare's Text...8vo. Lond. 1765 Wm. (Maj. Gen.)-Memoirs of Events during the Am. War 8vo. Bost. 1798 Heathen Mythology. Illustrated.... 8vo. Lond. 1843 Heaton, Geo.-Essay on Prison Discipline....12o. Lond. 1847 Hebbe, G. C.-Universal History. Vols. 1 & 2... 8vo. N. Y. 1848 Heber, Reginald (Bishop)-Journey in India, 1824-5..8vo. Phil. 1828 The Same. 2 v.... 12o. Phil. 1829 Life of Jeremy Taylor....8vo. Lond. 1828 The Same. 12o. Hartf. 1832 -- Palestine; and other Poems....18o. Phil. 1828 The Same...... 24o. Hingham. 1830 The Same.....16o. Phil. 1841 - Sermons Preached in England... 8vo. N. Y. 1829 Mrs.-Memoirs of Reginald Heber. 2 v....4to. Lond. 1830 The Same. 2 v...... 8vo. N. Y. 1830 Heckewelder, John-Mission of the United Brethren among Indians 8vo. Phil. 1820 Hedendaagsche Tegenwoordige Staat Van Spanje en Portugal.8vo. Amst'dam. 1759 *Hedericus, Benj.-Groecum Lexicon Manuale... 4to. Lond. 1821 Hedge, F. H. (Ed'r)-Prose Writers of Germany...8vo. Phil. 1848 Heeren, A. H. L.-Historical Treatises on the Reformation. 8vo. Oxford. 1836 History of the States of Antiquity...8vo. Northamp. 1828 _ —- -- The Same [entitled, Manual of Ancient History] 8vo. Oxford. 1833 ---- -- Political System of Europe and its Colonies. 2 v. 8vo. Northamp. 1829 The Same. 2 v...... 8vo. Oxford. 1834 ---- -- Politics, Intercourse, Trade, &c., of Antiquity. 5 v. 8vo. Oxford. 1832-3 Reflections on the Politics of Ancient Greece.8vo. Bost. 1824 --- -- The Same [entit., Sketch of Polit. Hist. of Anc. Greece] 8vo. Oxford. 1834 - Manuel Hist. du Systeme Politique de ]'Europe, &c. 3 v. 16o. Brux. 1834 Heidelberg, and the Way thither. By Nil... 18o. Lond. 1845 Heisch, P. J.-Memoirs of Lavater.... 18o. Lond. 1842 Heliodorus-JEthiopica [Grec].....12o. LipsiEe. 1772 Helms, A. Z.-Travels from Buenos Ayres, by Potosi, to Lima 18o. Lond. 1807 Helvetius, C. A.-De'Esprit..... 12o. Paris. 1845 CEuvres. 5 v......8vo. Paris. 1794 Treatise on Man. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1810 Hemans, Felicia-Complete Poems..... 8vo. Phil. 1836 - Forest Sanctuary; and other Poems.. 8vo. Bost. 1827 - League of the Alps; and other Poems..8vo. Bost. 1826 --- - Poems...... 18o. Hartf. 1827 --- -- The Same 2 v..... 18o. N. Haven. 1828 - Records of Women, with other Poems. 16o. N. Y. 1828 Memoirs of, by her Sister....12o. Edin. 1839 - The Same..... 12o. Phil. 1840 H6nault, C. J. F.-Abrege Chronologique de l'Histoire de France 12o. Paris. 1761 Henderson, Eben.-Biblical Researches and Travels in Russia, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1826 - Journal of a Residence in Iceland in 1814-15 8vo. Edin. 1810 -The Same....12o. Bost. 1831 112 HEN - HER [Merc. Lib. Henderson, Jas.-History of Brazil.... 4to. Lond. 1821 - Wm.-Homceopathic Practice of Medicine.. 8vo. Lond. 1845 * — Housekeeper's Instructor and Univer. Family Cook 8vo. Lond. no date Hengstenberg, E. W.-Christology of the Old Test. (Fr. Ger.) 2 v. 8vo. Alex. 1836-9 __ —_ —- --- Egypt and the Book of Moses. (Fr. Ger.) 12o. N. Y. 1850 Hennell, C. C.-[Christian Theism].... 8vo. Lond. 1845 - Inquiry Concerning the Origin of Christianity. 8vo. Lond. 184.5 Hennepin, L.-New Discovery of a Vast Country in America. 8vo. Lond. 1698 Henniker, Sir Fred.-Visit to Egypt, Nubia, Palestine, &c... 8vo. Lond. 1823 Henningsen, C. F.-Twelve Months' Campaign with Zumalcarregui 12o. Phil. 1836 Henricks, M. P.-Guide du Colon et de l'Ouvrier en Algerie. 240. Paris. 1843 Henrion, le Baron-Histoire Generale de Missions Catholiques. 4 v. 8vo. Paris. 1846-7 Henry, Alex.-Travels in Canada and the Indian Territories, 1760-76 8vo. N. Y. 1809 --- - Caleb S.-Compendium of Christian Antiquities.. 8vo. Phil. 1837...- - (Trans.)-Epitome of Hist. of Phil. (Fr. Fren.) (H. F. L.) 18o. N. Y. 1843 ----- J. J.-Suffer. of the Heroes in the Camp. against Quebec, 1775 12o. Lancaster. 1812 ---- Jos.-Contributions to Electricity and Magnetism. 4to. Phil. 1839 * — Matthew-Commentary. See Bible. - Communicant's Companion... 12o. Bost. 1723 The Same..... 18o. N. Y. 1848 - Directions forDaily Communion with God. 18o. N. Y. 1848 - Method for Prayer..... 18o. N. Y. 1849 - Pleasantness of a Religious Life... 320. N. Y. 1850 Select Works..... 12. N. Y. 1848 Paul-Life and Times of Calvin. (Fr. Ger.) 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1849 -- Philip; Life and Times of..... 16o. N. Y. 1849 -- Wm.-Elements of Experimental Chemistry. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1826 -W. S.-Campaign Sketches of the War with Mexico. 12o. N. Y. 1847 the Minstrel. See Jamieson, J. Henshaw, J. P. K,-Memoir of Bishop Moore... 8vo. Phil. 1843 - J. S.-Manual for United States' Consuls.. 18o. N. Y. 1849 Henslow, J. S.-Treatise on Botany. (L. C. C.)... 16o. Lond. 1837 Henslowe, W. H.-Phonarthron; or, Nat. Sys. of Sounds of Speech 8vo. Lond. 1840 *Herald, the; a Gazette for the Country. 3 v.... Fol. N. Y. 1795-7 Herbert, Chas.-Italy and Italian Literature... 12o. Lond. 1835 Edw. (Lord)-Life of Himself.... 8vo. Lond. 1826 - The Same. See Autobiography. - Geo.-Remains of; with a Life... 160. Lond. 1836 --- Hen. W. [Frank Forrester]-Field Sports of U. S., &c. 2 v. 8vo. N. Y 1849 -- -- - Fish and Fishing of U. S., and British Ame rica 8vo. N. Y. 1850 Supplement to the Same... 8vo. N. Y. 1850 - Wm.-Attila; a Poem: also, Attila; an Historical Treatise 8vo. Lond. 1838.. —-- -- Hist. of the Twelve Great Livery Comp. of London. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1837 Hermann, C. F.-Manual of the Polit. Antiquities of Greece. (Fr. Ger.) 8vo. Oxford. 1836 Herodotus-Histori'e (Grsece)..... 12o. Lipsiae. 1819 History. Translated by Wm. Beloe. 4 v... 8vo. Lond. 1791 The Same. (F. C. L.) 3 v.... 16o. Lond. 1830 The Same. Translated by Henry Cary. 12o. Lond. 1848 Geography of Herodotus; with Maps..4to. Camb. (E.) 1841 Heron, Robt.-History of Scotland to 1748. 6 v.. 8vo. Perth. 1794-9 Catalogue.] HE R HIL 113 Herrick, Robt.-Poetical Works. 2 v..... 12o. Lond. 1825 Herries, John-Elements of Speech.... 8vo. Lond. 1773 Herrmann, C. G.-Lehrbuch der Christlichen Religion.. 12o. Erfurt. 1799 Herschel, Sir J. F. W.-Discourse on Natural Philosophy. (LT. C. C.) 16o. Lond. 1830 -The Same..... 12o. Phil. 1831 ----— * — Outlines of Astronomy... 8vo. Lond. 1849 ---- -- Astronom. Observat. at Cape of Good Hope, 1834-8 4to. Lond. 1847 - Treatise on Astronomy. (L. C. C.).. 16o. Lond. 1830 & 37 - - The Same. 12o. Phil. 1834 Hershberger, H. R.-The Horseman; a work on Horsemanship 12o. N. Y. 1844 Hertz, Henrick-King Rene's.Daughter; a Lyric Poem. (Fr. Dan.) 18o. Lond. 1845 Hervey, Jas.-Meditations and Contemplations. 2 v... 24o. N. Y. 1824 - The Same...... 12o. Title wanting Theron and Aspasio; Dialogues and Letters. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1825 - John (Lord)-Reign of Geo. II., to Death of Q'n Caroline. 2v. 12o. Phil. 1848 ----- Thos. K.-Book of Christmas; or, its Customs and Ceremonies 16o. Lond. 1837 - The Same... 12o. N.Y. 1845 Hesiod-Opera et Dies, Theogonia et Clypeus, &c.. 18o. Venetiis. 1543 - Poems. Translated by T. Cooke. 2 v.... 24. Lond. 1811 - The Same. Translated by C. A. Elton. (F. C. L.). 16o. Lond. 1832 Hetherington, W. M.- History of the Church of Scotland.. 8vo. N. Y 1848 _- -- -- History of Rome.... 8vo. Edin. 1839 Hewit, Alex.-[Rise and Prog. of Colonies of So. Car. and Geor.] 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1779 Heyne, Benj.-Tracts on India, with an Account of Sumatra. 4to. Lond. 1814 Heywood, Sam.-Distinctions in Society under the Anglo Saxons. 8vo. Lond. 1818 Hibbert, Sam.-Philosophy of Apparitions... 8vo. Edin. 1825 Hibernicus [De Witt Clinton]-Nat. Hist. and Inter. Resources of N. Y. 12o. N. Y. 1822 Hickie, Jas.-Key to Rutherford's Edition of Hutton's Mathematics 8vo. Lond. 1849 Hickok, L. P.-Rational Psychology. 8vo. Auburn. 1849 Higgins, Godfrey-Celtic Druids. 4to. Lond. 1829 - W. M.-Alphabet of Electricity.... 18o. Lond. 1834 - Alphabet of Geology... 18o. Lond. 1837.-... -- Book of Geology; an Elementary Treatise. 12o. Lond. 1842... - -- The Earth; its Phys. Condit. & Phenomena. (H. F. L.) 18o. N. Y. 1836. —-- -- Entertaining Philosopher... 12o. Lond. 1844.... -. Experimental Philosopher.... 12o. Lond. 1838.- --. - Philosophy of Sound and History of Music. 12o. Lond. 1838 Highmore, Anthony-Hist. of the Hon. Artillery Company of London 8vo. Lond. 1804. - - History, &c., of Public Charities in andnear London 12o. Lond. 1810 Hildreth, - Abridged History of the United States.. 12o. Bost. 1831 ---- -Jas.-[Dragoon Campaigns to the Rocky Mountains]. 12o. N.. 1836..- Rich.-Hist. of United States to Federal Constitution. 3 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1849 - Theory of Morals.... 12o. Bost. 1844 ---- - S. P.-Pioneer History of the Western United States. 8vo. Cincin. 1848 Hildrop, John-Miscellaneous Works. 2 v..... 12o. Lond. 1754 Hill, Benson E.-Epicure's Almanac for 1841 & 1842. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1841-2 - G.-Ruins of Athens; and other Poems... 8vo. N. Y. 1839 - H. D.-Institutions, Government, &c., of Ancient Greece. 12o. Lond. 1819 -- Ira-Abstract of New Theory of Formation of the Earth. 12o. Bait. 1823 John-Arithmetic.. 8vo. Lond. 1761 15 114 HIL - HIS [Merc. Lib. Hill, Rowland-Mature Reflections and Devotions in his Old Age. 18o. N. Y. 1836 -- -.- Village Dialogues. 3 v... 12o. N. Y. 1825 - Thos.- Geometry and Faith..... 12o. N. Y. 1849 - Thos. (Ed'r)-Letters and Memoirs of Walter A. Shirley. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Hillard, Geo. S.-Connection between Geography and History. 12o. Bost. 1846 Hillhouse, Jas. A.-Dramas, Discourses, and other Pieces. 2 v. 12o. Bost. 1839 -.- -- Hadad; a Dramatic Poem.... 8vo. N. Y. 1825.... — [Percy's Masque; a Drama]... 12o. N. Y. 1820 Hilliard, Fran.-Elements of Law; Summary of Amer. Civil Jurispr. 8vo. Bost. 1835 -—..- Law of Sales of Personal Property... 8vo. N. Y. 1841 Hincks, Wm.-Illustrations of Unitarian Christianity.. 12o. Lond. 1845 Hindoos, the. (L. E. K.) 2 v...... 12o. Lond. 1834-5 Hinds, Sam.-Inspiration and Authority of Scripture.. 8vo. Oxford. 1831 - - - Rise and Early Progress of Christianity.. 12o. Lond. 1850 -- - - Three Temples of the One True God Contrasted. 8vo. Oxford. 1830 Hinton, John H.-History and Topography of the United States. 2 v. 4to. Bost. 1834 Hints on the Art of Teaching Modern Languages, Music, and History 12o. Lond. 1841 -- Letter Writing.... 18o. Lond. 1841 Hippisley, G.-Expedition to the River Orinoco and Apure. 8vo. Lond. 1819 ------ J. H.-Chapters on Early English Literature.. 12o. Lond. 1837 Hirsch on the Literal Calculus and Algebra. (Fr. Ger.).. 8vo. Lond. 1827 Hirst, Hen. B.-Book of Cage-Birds.... 12o. Phil. 1843. —-.- Endymion; a Tale of Greece.... 12o. Bost. 1848 - Penance of Roland; and other Poems.. 12o. Bost. 1849 - Thos.-Music of the Church..... 12o. Lond. 1841 Histoire des Etablissemens des Europeans dans les deux Indes. 7 v. 8vo. La Haye. 1774 - du Syst. des Finances sous la Minorite de Louis XV. 6 v. 12o. La Haye. 1739 Historic Gallery of Portraits and Paintings; or Biograph. Review. 7 v. 8vo. Lond. 1807-12 ----- " " " with Memoirs. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. no date Historical Account of Circumnavigation of the Globe. (E. C. L.). 16o. Lond. 1837. —. —. The Same. (H. F. L.)... 8. N. Y. 1837 ---- Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1779 ------ ----- Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe Is. (E. C. L.) 16o. Edin. 1840 The Same. (H. F. L.)... 18o. N. Y. 1841 Letters; includinga View of the Hist. of the World, to 1811 12o. Richmond. 1812 -- Pictures of the Middle Ages. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1846 ---- Pocket Library. Vols. 1-4.. 18o. Bost. 1818 --- Register of the United States. 4 v... 8vo. Wash. 1814-16 Historisch Genealogischer Jahrbuch fuir 1784..24o. Leipzig. 1784 History of American Naval Battles, 1799-1837. 12o. Bost. 1837 " Revolution... 18o. Bost. 1832 --- The Same...... 18o.. N.1846 Banks....... 16o. Bost. 1837 Buccaneers of America... 240. Lond. 1810 ------- -City of Chester. (Eng.)... 8vo. Chester. 1815 Congress from 1789-93.. 8vo. Phil. 1843 -.. ——.- County of York. (Eng.) 2 v.... 8vo. Title wanting. - Covenanters in Scotland. 2 v... 18o. Edin. 1837 - Germany, on the Plan of Mrs. Markham's Histories. 12o. Lond. 1847 Hebrew Monarchy..8vo. Lond. 1847 Catalogue.] HIS — H F 116 History of Inquisitions..... 4to. Lend. 1810 -- Insects..... 18o. Lend. 1839 -Island of St. Domingo to 1818.. 8vo. N. Y. 1824 -- - Oracles and the Cheats of Pagan Priests. 1. 12o. Lond. 1688 ------- Prime Ministers and Favorites in England.. 12o. Lond. 1763 __ —-— _ - Principal States of Europe, from Peace of Utrecht. 2 v. 120. Lond. 1826 ----- Prussia....... 8vo. Lond. 1756... —-- - Rome. (L. C. C.) 2 v.. 16o. Lond. 1835-6 - The Same...... 88vo. Phil. 1837 -— _ — - Religion, and Principal Denominations of Christians, &c. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1744 - --- Ship, from her Cradle to her Grave... 18. Lond. no date Silk, Cotton, Linen, Wool, &c., and their Manufacture 8vo. N. Y. 1845 Switzerland. (L. C. C.)..... 16o. Lond. ------- Two Acts " for Safety of H. M.," and "for Prevent. Sedit." 8vo. Lond. 1796 ----- War between the United States and Mexico.. 8vo. Phil. 1847 Wonderful Inventions.... 12o. N. Y. 1849 Hitchcock, D. K.-Vindication of Russia and Emperor Nicholas. 12o. Bost. 1844 -- Edw.-Dyspepsia Forestalled and Resisted.. 12o. Amherst. 1831 ------ -- Elementary Geology.... 12o. N. Y. 1842 ---- -- -- Rep. on Geology, Mineralogy, Botany, &c. of Mass. 8vo. Amherst. 1833 Final Report on Geology of Mass. 3 v. (and Atlas.) 4to. Amherst. 1841 Hobart, J. H. (Bp.)-Analysis of Butler's Analogy of Religion,a bridged 18o. N. Y. 1848 - Posthumous Works. 3 v.... 8vo. N. Y. 1823 - - Memorial of; Sermons on his Death, with Memoir 12. N. Y. 1831 Hobbes, Jas. R.-Picture Collector's Manual. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1849. —- Thos. (of Malmesbury)-English Works. 10 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1839-44 Treatise on Human Nature, &c.... 12o. Lond. 1812 Hobhouse, J. C.-Illustrations of Childe Harold, Canto IV.. 8vo. N. Y. 1818.- - _ Journey to Constantinople in 1809-10.. 8vo. Phil. 1817 ---- _ — [Substance of Letters from Paris, by an Englishman] 8vo. Phil. 1816 Hoblyn, R. D.-Dictionary of Scientific Terms... 12o. Lond. 1849 -- - i Terms used in Medicine.. 12o. Lond. 1835 -Manual of the Steam Engine... 12o. Lond. 1842 Hoccleve, Thos.-Poems. 4to. Lond. 1796 Hocken, E. O.-Amaurosis and Amaurotic Affections.. 8vo. Phil. 1842 Hodge, Chas.-Way of Life..... 12o. Phil. no date Hodgkin, Thos.-Means of Promoting and Preserving Health. 16o. Lond. 1841 ----- -- Morbid Anatomy of Serous and Mucous Membranes 8vo. Phil. 1838 Hodgskin, Thos.-Lectures on Popular Political Economy.. 12o. Lond. 1827 Hodgson, Adam-Journey through North America in 1819-21. 8vo. N. Y. 1823 - Jas.-Doctrine of Fluxions.... 4to. Lond. 1736 - W.-Critical Grammar of French and English Languages 12o. Lond. 1818 Hoffman, C. F.-Echo; or, Borrowed Notes for Home Circulation 8vo. Phil. 1844 - Vigil of Faith; and other Poems... 12o. N. Y. 1842 - Wild Scenes in Forest and Prairie. 2 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1843 - [Winter in the West.] 2 v.... 12o. N. Y. 1835 Hoffmann, E. T. W.-Sammtliche Werke... 8vo. Paris. 1841 -- F. L.-Commerz Bibliothek in Hamburg.. 8vo. Leipzig. 1849 Hofland, Mrs.-Young Pilgrim..... 12o. N. Y. 1828 Hofland, T. C.-British Angler's Manual.... 12o. Lond. 1848 116 HO G - HOL [Merc. Lib. Hogarth, Geo.-Memoirs of the Musical Drama. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1838 ---- -- Musical History, Biography, and Criticism. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1838 -- - - The Same.... 8vo. N. Y. 1845 --- - Wim.-Analysis of Beauty. 8vo. Lond. no date - Works. From the Original Plates Fol. Lond. no date - - - - ~Hogarth Moralized. Selections from his Works 8vo. Lond. 1841 Hogg, Jas.-Anecdotes of Walter Scott, and Life of Hogg. 12o. N. Y. 1834 -- --- Forest Minstrel; a Collection of Songs.. 18o. Phil. 1816 Poetical Works. 2 v..... 18o. Y. 1825 -- The Same. 5 v..... 2o. Glasgow. no date John-London as It Is..... 12o. Lond. 1837 - T. J.-Two Hundred and Nine Days on the Continent. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1827 - -- Visit to Damascus and Jerusalem... 12o. Lond. 1835 Holbach, Paul (Baron d')-Moral Universal. 3 v... 12o. Valladolid. 1821 Sistema de la Naturaleza. 4 v... 18o. Paris. 1822 Holbrook, Josiah (Ed'r)-Scientific Tracts. Vol. 2.. 12o. Bost. 1832 Holcombe, Jas. P.-Digest of Decisions of Sup. Court of U. States 8vo. N. Y. 1848 - Merchant's Book of Reference in North America 8vo. N. Y. 1848 ----— _ -- Leading Cases in Commer. Law, decid. by Sup. Court 8vo. N. Y. 1847 *Holgate, Jerome B.-Atlas of American History, 1492-1842. Fol. N. Y. 1842 - - Key to Historical Chart.. 8vo. N. Y. 1838 Holinshed, R.-Scottish Chronicle. History, &c., of Scotland. 2 v. 4to. Perth. 1806 Holland, Hen. Rich. (Lord)-Lives of F. de Vega, Carpio, & others. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1817 J.-[Fossil Fuel; the Coal Trade of Great Britain]. 8vo. Lond. 1835 --- - Treatise on Manufactures in Metal. (L. C. C.) 3 v. 16o. Lond. 1831-4 - John-Life of John Summerfield... 8vo. N. Y. 1829 --- - W. M.-Life and Opinions of Martin Van Buren.. 12o. Hartf. 1835 Holley, 0. L.-Life of Benj. Franklin.... 12o. N. Y. 1848 (Ed'r)-New-York State Register, 1843-6. 3 v.. 12o. Albany. 1843-5 Hollick, Fred.-Neuropathy; or, Galvanism, &c., in cure of Disease 18o. Phil. 1847 Origin of Life..... 18o. N. Y. 1845 ---- -- - Outlines of Anatomy and Physiology.. 4to. Phil. 1846 Hollings, J. F.-Life of Cicero. (M. F. L.)... 16o. Lond. 1839.... - -- " Gustavus Adolphus. (M. F. L.).. 16o. Lond. 1838 Hollingsworth, N. G. H.-Holy Land Restored, and Restoration of Jews 12o. Lond. 1849 Hollinshead, Raphael-History of Scotland to 1585. 2 v.. 4to. Arbroath. 1806 *Holloway, Wm.-Dictionary of Provincialisms.. 8vo. Lond. 1840 Holman, Jas.-Travels in China, New Zealand, &c... 8vo. Lond. 1840 - - -- Voyage Round the World. 4 v... 8vo. Lond. 1834 Holmes, Abiel-Annals of America, 1492-1826. 2 v... 8vo. Camb. 1829 - E.-Exploration of Aroostook Territory in 1838.. 8vo. Augusta. 1839 Edw.-Life of Mozart..... 12o. N. Y. 1845 -John, and Getty, J. A.-Art of Rhetoric; or, Elem. of Oratory 12o. Phil. 1849 ---- Oliver W.-Homoeopathy and Kindred Delusions.. 12o. Bost. 1842 -Poems...... 12o. Lond. 1846 -- - Poems..... 12o. Bost. 1849 ---- W. R.-Sketches on the Shores of the Caspian. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Holstein, H. L. V. Ducoudray-Memoirs of Simon Bolivar.. 8vo. Bost. 1830 Holthaus, P. D.-Wanderings of a Journeyman Tailor in Europe, &c. 8vo. N. Y. 1844 *Holthouse, H. J.-New Law Dictionary... 12o. Phil. 1847 Catalogue.] HOL -H 0O 117 Holtzappfel, Chas.-Turning and Mechanical Manipulation. Vols. 1-2 8vo. Lond. 1843-6 Homans, Benj. (Ed'r)-Military and Naval Magazine of U. S. 6 v. 8vo. Wash. 1833-5 Hombron-Aventures les plus Curieuses des Voyageurs. 2 v.. 8vo. Paris. 1847 Home, John-Works. 3 v...... 8vo. Edin. 1822 - a Poem...... 16o. Bost. 1806 Homer-Ilias (Greece) cum Scholiis Didumi... 8vo. Oxonii. 1817 The Same. 2 v...... 12o. Lipsie. 1819 Iliad. In Greek, with English Notes... 8vo. Bost. 1833 ----- Odyssea, (Greece). 2 v..... 16o. Lipsie. 1820. —- Homeric Ballads, taken from Homer, by W. Maginn. 12o. Lond. 1850 Hymns. See Chapman, G. - Iliad. Translated by A. Pope... 240. Lond. 1839 The Same. " G. Chapman. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1843 The Same. " W. Mumford. 2 v.... 8vo. Bost. 1846 ----- Iliad and Odyssey. Translated by W. Sotheby. 4 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1833-4 - The Same. " A. Pope. 3 v... 16o. Lond. 1833 The Same. " " 3 v.. 16o. N. Y. 1836 - The Same. " into English Prose. 2.. 8vo. Lond. 1833-41 - Odyssey. Translated by A. Pope. 2 v... 12o. Y. 1808 The Same. " " 2 v... 18o. N. Y. 1822 Poems. Translated by A. Pope. (F. C. L.) 3 v.. 16o. Lond. 1833 - The Same. (F. C. L.) 3 v..... 18o. N. Y. 1836 L'Iliade et l'Odyssee; Illustre. 2 v... 8vo. Paris. 1842-3 (CEuvres. Traduites par P. J. Bitaube. 4 v... 8vo. Paris. 1819 Hone, Wm.-Ancient Mysteries Described... 8vo. Lond. 1823 -- - Autobiography; Edited by his Son... 8vo. Lond. 1841 ---- - Every-Day Book, and Table Book. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1827 - The Same. 3 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1833 -Facetiae and Miscellanies.... 8vo. Lond. 1827.. — -- Year Book of Daily Recreation and Information. 8vo. Lond. 1832 Hood, Edwin P.-Age and its Architects... 16o. Lond. 1850 -- Geo.-History of Music in New England... 16o. Bost. 1846 - Thos.-Comic Annual for 1842.... 160. Lond. 1842 -- Endless Fun..... 12o. Phil. 1839 - Hood's Own..... 8vo. Lond. 1839 -- - Poems....... 12o. N. Y. 1846 Prose and Verse..... 12o. N. Y. 1845 -- Up the Rhine......18o. Frankfort. 1840 - Whims and Oddities.... 12o. Phil. 1844 -- -- Whimsicalities; a Periodical Gathering.. 12o. Phil. 1845 Hook, Theodore-Adventures of an Actor. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1842 Hooke, Nath'l-Roman History. 8 v..... 8vo. Dublin. no date The Same. 3 v..... 8vo. Lond. no date Hooker, Rich.-Works; with a Life, by Isaac Walton. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1825 The Same. 4 v..... 8vo. Oxford. 1836 - The Same. 3 v..... 8vo. Oxford. 1841 - Wm. J.-Botanical Miscellany. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1830-3 Flora Boreali Americana. Botany ofNo. Brit. Am. 2 v. 4to. Lond. 1840 --- -Journal of Tour in Iceland, in 1809. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1813 ---- --- Icones Plantarum. New and Rare Plants. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1836-7 118 HO O — HO W [Merc. Lib. Hooker, Wm. J., (Ed'r)-Niger Flora... 8vo. Lond. 1849 ---- -.- and Arnott, G. H. W.-Botany of Capt. Beechey's Voy. 4to. Lond. 1841 -—.- Worthington-Physician and Patient; their mutual Relations 12o. N. Y. 1849 Hooper, Lucy-Poetical Remains. Edited by J. Keese.. 12o. N. Y. 1842 - Robt.-Lexicon Medicum; or, Medical Dictionary. 2 v.. 8vo. N. Y. 1844 Hope, J.-Diseases of the Heart and Great Vessels -. 8vo. Phil. 1842 - Thos.-Costumes of the Ancients. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1841 Historical Essay on Architecture. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1840 Hopkins, Caleb-School Lib. of Useful or Gen. Knowledge. 5 v. in one 18o. N. Y. 1832 * —- D.-Vocabulary; Pers., Arab., and Eng.; abr. fr. Richardson 8vo. Lond. 1810 ---- John H. (Bishop)-Essay on Gothic Architecture. 4to. Burlington. 1836 History of the Confessional... 12o. N. Y. 1850 ---- -- Prim. Church comp'd with Present Prot. Epis. Church 12o. Burlington. 1836 Hoppus, John-Continent in 1835; Sketches in Belg., Germ., &c. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1836 Horace, Quinti Horatii Flacci-Opera; with English Notes. 8vo. Lond. 1832 ---- -- The Same. See Walker, G. S. Corpus Poet. Lat. -- -- The Same. Translated by P. Francis. 2 v.. 32o. N. Y. 1825 ---- -- The Same. Trans. by Francis and others. (F. C. L.) 2 v. 16o. Lond. 1831 The Same. (F. C. L.) 2 v... 18o. N. Y. 1835 Home, Geo.-Commentary on the Psalms.... 8vo. Lond. 1829 The Same. 3 v. See Sacred Classics. - R. H. (Ed'r)-New Spirit of the Age... 16o. N. Y. 1844 - Thos. H.-Introduc. to Critical Knowledge of Scriptures. 4 v. 8vo. Phil. 1831 " Study of Bibliography. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1814 - Manual of Biblical Bibliography... 8vo. Lond. 1839 Horner, Fran.; Memoirs of; with Selections from his Correspondence 16o. Edin. 1849 J.-Popery stripped of its Garb.... 12o. N. Y. 1836 Horse and the Hound; their Uses and Treatment. By "Nimrod" 8vo. Edin. 1842 Horsley, Sam.-Sermons..... 8vo. Lond. 1826 Horsmanden, Dan.-History of the Negro Plot at New-York, 1741 8vo. N. Y. 1810 Hosack, Dav.-Essays on Various Subjects of Medical Science. 3 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1824-30 Inaugural Discourse at Opening of Rutgers Med. Coll. 8vo. N. Y. 1826 Memoirs of De Witt Clinton... 4to. N. Y. 1819 System of Practical Nosology... 8vo. N. Y. 1821 --- -- and Francis, J. W.-Amer. Med. & Philosoph. Reg. 4 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1810-13 Hosking, Wm.-Guide to the Regulation of Buildings in Towns 12o. Lond. 1848 Treatises on Architecture and Building.. 4to. Edin. 1835 Hoskins, G. A.-Travels in Ethiopia.... 4to. Lond. 1835 -— __- Visit to the Great Oasis of the Lybian Desert. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Hoskyns, C. W.-Inquiry into the History of Agriculture. 12o. Lond. 1849 Hot Water Cure sought out in Germany, in the Summer of 1841 12o. Lond. 1845 Hotchkin, J. H.-History of the Settlement of Western New-York 8vo. N. Y. 1848 Houghton, J. F., and Bristol, T. W.-U. S. Surveys on Lake Superior 16o. Detroit. 1846 Houssaye, Arsene-Poesies Completes.... 18o. Paris. 1850 Houston, Mrs.-Hesperus; or, Travels in the West. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1850 -- - Texas and the Gulf of Mexico... 16o. Phil. 1845 Houtteville, C. F.-Method of Princip. Authors for and ag'st Christ'y 8vo. Lond. 1739 Howard, Edw.-[Memoirs of Sir Sidney Smith.] 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1839 - Frank-Color as Means of Art.... 12o. Lond. 1838... - Imitative Art; Details for the Sketcher.. 12o. Lond. no date Catalogue.] HO W - HUG 119 Howard, Frank-Sketcher's Manual.... 12o. Lond. 1837 - Hen.-Lectures on Painting. Edited by Frank Howard 12o. Lond. 1848 - John-Account of the Principal European Lazarettos. 4to. Lond. 1791 -- - - State of the Prisons in England and Wales. 4to. Lond. 1797 -- Luke-Climate of London. 3 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1833.-... - Lectures on Meteorology... 12o. Pontefract. 1837 Howe, Hen.-Historical Collections of Ohio... 8vo. Cincin. 1847 - -" " Virginia... 8vo. Charleston. 1845..- -- Memoirs and Anecdotes of Mechanics..12o. N. Y. 1840 - - See Barber, John W. - John-Redeemer's Tears wept over Lost Souls, &c.. 18o. N. Y. 1848.. — - Select Treatises. See Sacred Classics. Sam. D.-Historical Sketch of the Greek Revolution. 12o. N. Y. 1828 Reader, the. Part 2. [In Raised Characters for the Blind] 4to. Bost. 1839 - Sir Wm.-His Conduct during Command in No. America 4to. Lond. 1781 Howell, Wm.-History of the World to Constantine the Great. 3 v. Fol. Lond. 1680 *Howison, Jas.-Malay Dictionary and Grammar... 4to. Lond. 1801 - Robt. R.-History of Virginia. 2 v... 8vo. Phil. 1846-8 Howitt, Mary-Ballads, and other Poems.... 12o. N. Y. 1847 - Seven Temptations. A Poem... 16o. Lond. 1834 Sketches of Natural History; in Verse.. 16o. Bost. 1839 Wm.-Book of the Seasons; or, Calender of Nature. 12o. Phil. 1831 ----. - Colonization and Christianity... 8vo. Lond. 1838. —- -- German Experiences.... 16o. Lond. 1844......- -Hall and Hamlet; or, Scenes of Country Life. 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1847 --- -- History of Priestcraft.... 12o. N. Y. 1833 - Homes and Haunts of Eminent British Poets. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1847 --- -- Rural and Domestic Life of Germany. 8vo. Lond. 1842 - Rural Life of England. 2 v.... 12o. Lond. 1838 - Student Life of Germany.. 8vo. Lond. 1841 - The Same....... 8vo. Phil. 1842 - - Visits to Remarkable Places... 8vo. Lond. 1840 - - The Same. 2d. Series.... 8vo. Lond. 1842 Hoyle, E.-Games...... 18o. Phil. 1838 - - The Same..... 18o. Lond. 1847 Hubbard, W.-Present State of New England (1677).. 4to. Lond. 1677 Huber, Francis-Observations on the Natural History of Bees. 12o. Lond. 1841 Hudson, H. N.-Lectures on Shakspeare. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1848 Hughes, Dav.-Marine, Life, and Fire Insurance... 8vo. N. Y. 1833 - J. (Bp.) & Breckenridge, J.-Discussion on Rom. Cath. Relig. 8vo. Phil. 1836 J. F.-Doniphan's Expedition; Conquest of New Mexico. 12o. Cincin. 1848 T. M.-Overland Journey to Lisbon in 1846. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1847 -- - [Revelations of Spain in 1845.] 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1845 -- - Thos. S.-History of England, 1760-1837. 7 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1846 - Travels in Sicily, Greece, and Albania. 2 v.. 4to. Lond. 1820 Hughs, Thos.-The New American Speaker.. 12o. Phil. 1835 Hugo, Victor-Notre Dame de Paris. 2 v.. 16o. Paris. 1841 --- Euvres. 19 v.... 18o. Brux. 1831-7 Dernier Jour d'un Condamne. Le Roi s'amuse. Bug Jargal. Lucrece Borgia. 120 H U G — HUN [Merc. Lib. Hugo, Victor-CEuvres (continued). Han d'Islande. 3 v. Marie Tudor. Notre Dame de Paris. 3 v. Odes. 2 v. Les Feuilles d'Automne. Litterature et Philosophie Melees. 2 v. Hernani. Angelo. Marion de l'Orme. ---- The Rhine...... 12o. N. Y. 1845 Huie, Jas. A.-History of the Jews, from Taking of Jerusalem. 12o. Edin. 1841 Huish, Robt.-Bees; their Natural History and Management. 12o. Lond. 1842 Hull, W. (Gen.)-Defence of Himself... 12o. Bost. 1814 Hullah, John-Wilhelm's Method of Teaching Music. 2 Parts. 8vo. Lond. 1842 Human Body in Health and Disease.... 12o. Edin. 1845 Human Nature; Divine Institution of Rewards and Punishments 12o. Lond. 1844 Humble, Wm.-Dictionary of Geology and Mineralogy.. 8vo. Lond. 1843 Humboldt, Alex. von-Aspects of Nature in Diff. Lands. (Fr. Ger.) 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1849... -- The Same..... 12o. Phil. 1849.- - - Cosmos. (Fr. Ger., by Otte.) Vols. 1-2. 16o. Lond. 1848-9 --—.-. — The Same. (Fr. Ger. by E. Sabine.) Vols. 1-2. 12o. Lond. 1848 ----- - Travels in Equinoct. Regions of Amer. (Fr. Fr.) 7 v. 8vo. Lond. 1822-9. —.. -- - Political Essays on New Spain. 4 v... 8vo. N. Y. 1811 ------ -- and Bonpland, Aim —Observ. de Zoologie. Vol. 1 Fol. Paris. 1811...- —. -------- - Plantes Equinoxiales. Vol. 1 Fol. Paris. 1808 Hume, A.-Learned Societies and Printing Clubs of United Kingdom 12o. Lond. 1847 -- Dav.-Correspondence. 1761-6.... 4to. Lond. 1820.. - Essays. 2 v....... 8vo. Edin. 1817 --- -- History of England, to the Revolution in 1688. 6 v. 8vo. Phil. 1795-6 -.- -- The Same. 6 v...... 8vo. Phil. 1796-8 -- -- The Same. 4 v...... 8vo. Phil. 1821-2 --- - The Same. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1823 -.- The Same. 2 v..... 8vo. Phil. 1832 & 37 --- -- The Same 5 v... 12o. N. Y. 1850 - The Same, continued. See Smollett, T. and Miller, J. R., —- -- Philosoph. Essays; Morals, Literature, and Politics. 2 v. 8vo. Georget'n. 1817.- -- Philosophical Works. 4 v..... 8vo. Edin. 1826 Humphrey, Heman-Great Britain, France, and Belgium. 2 v.. 16o. N. Y. 1838 Humphreys, Dav.-Account of Society for Propagating the Gospel 8vo. Lond. 1730 Memoirs of General Israel Putnam.. 12o. Bost. 1818 ------ - Miscellaneous Works. (Poems and Essays) 8vo. N. Y. 1804 - --- H. N.-Ancient Coins and Medals... 4to. Lond. 1850 --.- -. Art of Illumination and Missal Painting. 12o. Lond. 1849... —- Illuminated Illustrations of Froissart.. 4to. Lond. 1845 ---- - -and Westwood, S. O.-British Butterflies. 4to. Lond. 1841 Hundeiker, G. T., and Plate, G. E.-Morceaux des Prosateurs, etc. 8vo. Bremen. 1826 Hundertpfund, Libertat-Art of Painting. (Fr. Ger.).. 12o. Lond. 1849 Hunt, Freeman-[Letters about the Hudson River and its Vicinity] 18o. N. Y. 1837 - F. K.-Fourth Estate; Contribut. to a Hist. of Newspapers. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1850 - Leigh-Book for a Corner. Selections in Prose and Verse. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1849 -- -- Byron and his Contemporaries... 8vo. Phil. 1828 -.- -- Imagination and Fancy; Selections from English Poets 12o. N. Y. 1845 - Indicator and the Companion. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1834 The Same.. 120. N. Y. 1845 Catalogue.] H UN..- H Y ) 121 Hunt, Leigh-Jar of Honey from Mt. Hybla... 12o. Lond. 1848 - [Liberal; Verse and Prose from the South.] 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1822-3 -- -- London Journal; a Weekly Newspaper. 2 v. in one Fol. Lond. 1834-5 Men, Women, and Books. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1847 - -.- Palfrey; a Poem.. 8vo. Lond. 1842 -Poetical Works... 8vo. Lond. 1832 - -- Readings for Railways..16o. Lond. no date -Seer; or, Common-Places Refreshed. 2 Parts. 8vo. Lond. 1840-1 - - Stories from Italian Poets. 12o. N. Y. 1846 -- -- Town; its Memorable Characters and Events. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1848 - - Wit and Humour; from English Poets.. 12o. N. Y. 1846 -.- --. and others-[The Reflector; Miscellaneous Essays.] 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1810-11 - Robt.-Art of Photography and Daguerreotype.. 8vo. Glasoow. 1841 -- - Poetry of Science; or, Studies of Nature.. 8vo. Lond. 1848 -- -- Researches on Light.. 8vo. Lond. 1844 Hunter, Hen.-Sacred Biography; or, History of the Patriarchs. 4 v. 8vo. Phil. 1818 -J. D.-Manners and Customs of Indian Tribes.. 8vo. Phil. 1823 Captivity among Indians of North America. 8vo. Lond. 1823 Jos.-Illustrations of Life and Writings of Shakspeare. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Thos.-Philosophical Character of Lord Bolingbroke. 8vo. Lond. 1770 - Wm.-Trav. in France, Turkey, and Hungary, 1792-1800. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1803 Huntington, Selina (Countess of); Life and Times. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1844 Hurd, John R.-Hyponoia; Thoughts on the Apocalypse. 8vo. N. Y. 1844 - Seth D.-Grammatical Corrector.. 16o. Phil. 1847 Hurdis, Jas.-[Village Curate; a Poem]. 12o. Newb'yp't. 1793... - The Same...... 18o. Newb'yp't. 1808 Hurlbut, E. P.-Human Rights and Political Guaranties. 12o. N. Y. 1845 Hurwitz, Hyman-Hebrew Tales, from Ancient Hebrew Sages. 12o. Lond. 1826 - The Same..... 12o. N. Y. 1847 Huskisson, Wm.-Depreciation of the Currency.. 8vo. Lond. 1819 - - Speeches; with a Memoir. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1831 Huss, John-Letters in Exile and Imprisonment. (Fr. Ger.) 12o. Edin. 1846 Hutcheson, Fran.-Inquiry into our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue. 16o. Glasgow. 1772 Hutchinson, Graham-Essays on Unexplained Phenomena.. 8vo. Glasgow. 1838 -- Meteorological Phenomena; with other Essays 8vo. Glasg. 1835 & 43. —---- Lucy-Principles of the Christian Religion.. 8vo. Lond. 1817......- - Mem. of Col. Hutchinson, & Siege of Latham House 12o. Lond. 1846 ------ Thos. (Gov.)-Hist. of Prov. of Mass. Bay, fr. 1628 to 1750 8vo. Lond. 1760-8 -- - W. N.-Dog Breaking.. 16o. Lond. 1848 Hutchison, John-Popular View of Life Assurance... 12o. Glasgow. 1846 Hutton, Cath.-Tour of Africa; Selected from Best Authors. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1819-21 Chas.-Course of Mathematics.... 8vo. Lond. 1833....... The Same. Edited by W. Rutherford.. 8vo. Lond. 1846 [For a Key to this Edition, see Hickie, Jas.] -.- -.- Recreations in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy 8vo. Lond. 1840 --- Wm,-Autobiography, and History of his Family. 16o. Lond. 1841 -- W.-Book of Nature Laid Open... 12o. Bost. 1831 - The Same...... 18o. N. Y. 1846 Huyshe, John-On Logic....12o. Lond. 1842 Hyde, Nancy M.-Writings; with a Sketch of her Life.. 12o. Norwich. 1816 16 122 IA M — IR E [Mere. Lib. Iamblichus-Life of Pythagoras; or, Pythagoric Life. (Fr. Grk). 8vo. Lond. 1818 Ideal Man; Conversation on the Beautiful, the Good, and the True 12o. Bost. 1842 Identity of the Religions called Druidical and Hebrew.. 12o. Lond. 1829 Idler, the. See Johnson, Samuel; and British Essayists. Vol. 33. Illinois in 1837...... 8vo. Phil. 1837 ---— Monthly Magazine. Vol. 1.... 8vo. Vandalia. 1831 Illustrated Commentary on the Old and New Testaments. 8vo. Lond. 1840 * —- Itinerary of the County of Cornwall.. 8vo. Lond. 1842 *-' " " ". Lancaster... 8vo. Lond. 1842 -— * London News. Vols. 7-15. 5 v. [Continued.]. Fol. Lond. 1845-9 ----- Year Book......16o. Lond. 1850 *Illustration 1'; Journal Universel. Vols. 4-6. [Continued.]. Fol. Paris. 1845-6 Illustrations of Eating. By a Beef-Eater.... 18o. Lond. 1847 Phrenology, from Journals of Societies.. 12o. Balt. 1832 Imison, John-Elements of Science and Art. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1808 Imlay, Geo.-Topograph. Descrip. of West. Territory of North Amer. 8vo. Lond. 1793 [Bound with the above is Filson, J., Discovery and Present State of Kentucky.] Impartial History of the War between Great Britain and America. 8vo. Lond. 1780 Inchbald, Eliz.-Collection of Farces. 7 v.... 12o. Lond. 1809 Independent Whig; or, Defence of Primitive Christianity. 4 v. in one 8vo. Hartf. 1816 Index Expurgatorius. (Exact Reprint.).... 16o. Dublin. 1837 Indicator and Dynamometer, and their Practical Application. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Ingersoll, Chas. J.-War of 1812-15 between the U. S. and Gt. Brit. 8vo. Phil. 1845-9 C. M.-Conversations on Grammar... 12o. N. Y. 1822 Inglis, Hen. D.-Channel Islands; Jersey, Guernsey, &c.. 8vo. Lond. 1838.- - Journey through Ireland in 1834... 8vo. Lond. 1838 - [Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.] (C. M.). 6o. Lond. 1830 ---- - Switzerland, South France, and the Pyrenees. 8vo. Lond. 1840 - [The Same.] (C. M.) 2 v... 16o. Edin. 1831 - The Tyrol; with a Glance at Bavaria.. 8vo. Lond. 1837 W.-Book-keeping. See Chamber's Educational Course. Ingoldsby, Thos.-Ingoldsby Legends; or, Mirth and Marvels. 18o. Phil. 1844 Ingpen, Abel-Collection and Preserv. of English Insects and Shells 18o. Lond. 1839 Ingraham, J. H.-[The Southwest; by a Yankee.] 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1835 Ingram, Jas.-Anglo-Saxon Chronicles; with English Translation 4to. Lond. 1823 _ —-- -- Utility of Anglo-Saxon Litera.; and King Alfred's Geog. 4to. Oxford. 1807 - Memorials of Oxford. 3 v..... 8vo. Oxford. 1834-7 Inman, W. S.-Report on Ventilating, Warming, &c.. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Innes, John-Human Muscles as Dissected.... 12o. N. Y. 1818 Inquiry into Anct. Glass Paintings; with Hints on Glass Painting. 2 v. 8vo. Oxford. 1847 ------ Moral and Religious Character of the Amer. Government 8vo. N. Y. 1838 *Instrumenta Ecclesiastica..... 4to. Lond. 1847 Introduction to Geometry and Science of Form... 12o. Bost. 1846 Gothic Architecture... 12o. Lond. 1849 - Surveying and Levelling.... 8vo. Lond. 1846 Introductory and other Lectures before American Instit. of Instruction 8vo. Bost. 1834 ---- Lectures delivered at Queen's College, London 16o. Lond. 1849 Investigator; or, Defence of the Society called Shakers. 12o. Lexington. 1846 Ireland, John-Hogarth Illustrated. 3 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1843 - Sam.-Exam. of Malone's Inq. concern. Shakspeare MSS. &c. 8vo. Lond. 1797 Catalogue.] IR E -- JA C 123 *Ireland, Sam.-Graphic Illustrations of Hogarth. 2 v... 4to. Lond. 1794 ---- W. H.-Confessions of, concerning Shakspeare MSS.. 12o. Lond. 1805 Irving, Dav.-Life and Writings of Geo. Buchanan.. 8vo. Edin. 1817 --- --. Observations on the Study of the Civil Law. 8vo. Edin. 1823 - Edw.-Missionaries after the Apostolical School.8vo. N. Y. 1825 ---- - Oracles of God; with Judgment to Come 12o. Phil. 1824 ---- John T.-Expedition to the Pawnee Tribes. 12o. Phil. 1835 ---- Theo.-Conquest of Florida. 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1835 -- Washington-Alhambra. 2 v.. 12o. Phil. 1832 & 36 ---- - Astoria. 2 v.... 8vo. Phil. 1836 The Same 12o. N. Y. 1849 Beauties of., 18o. Phil. 1835 Book of the Hudson... 16o. N. Y. 1849 ----- - Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada. 2 v.. 12o. Phil. 1835 - The Same. 2 v... 18o. Phil. 1837.... - Columbus, Life and Voyages of. 2 v.. 8vo. N. Y. 1831 T- - he Same. 2 v... 8vo. Phil. 1838 - The Same, abridged... 12o. N. Y. 1829..__ - The Same. (M. F. L.)...16o. Lond. 1831 --- -- The Same; Voy. and Discov. of Compan. of Colum. 3v. 12o. N. Y. 1848-9 - Voyages and Discov. of the Companions of Columbus 8vo. Phil. 1831 - - The Same. (M. F. L.).. 16o. Lond. 1831 - Crayon Miscellany. 3 v....12o. Phil. 1835 - [History of New-York, by Diedrich Knickerbocker.] 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1836 The Same..... 18o. Lond. 1839 T-he Same...... 12o. Phil. 1842 -. - FThe Same..... 12o. N. Y. 1848......- Mahomet and His Successors. 2 v... 12o. Y. 1850. Life of Oliver Goldsmith; with Select Writings 12o. N. Y. 1849.- -- Rocky Mountains; Adventures of Capt. Bonneville. 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1837 The Same...... 12o. N. Y. 1849 -- Sketch Book. 2 v.. 8vo. N. Y. 1819 T-he Same. 2 v... 12o. Phil. 1842 The Same.... 12o. N. Y. 1848.- - The Same. (M. F. L.) 2 v.. 16o. Lond. 1838.- _ - Tales of a Traveller. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1824 - - The Same..... 18o. Lond. 1839 --- -- and Paulding, J. K.-Salmagundi. 2 v. 18o. N. Y. 1820 The Same. 12o. Lond. 1824 The Same. (M. F. L.)... 16o. Lond. 1839 Isaac, D.-Doctrine of Universal Restoration Refuted.. 12o. N. Y. 1819 Isocrates. See Lycias. Italian Comedies, Selected and Translated from Goldoni, Giraud, &c. 12o. N. Y. 1849 Ivernois, Francis d'-Constitution and Revol. of Geneva in 18th Cent. 8vo. Lond. 1784 Ivimey, Jos.-Life of John Bunyan.... 12o. Bost. 1814 Life and Times of John Milton... 12o. N. Y. 1833 Jackson, And.-Annual Messages to Congress, from 1829-34. 8vo. Bait. 1835 Civil and Military History of, by an American Officer 12o. N. Y. 1825 - - Pictorial Life of. 12o. Phil. 1846 124 J A C —J AM- [Merc. Lib. Jackson, C. T.-First Report on the Geology of the State of N. Hamp. 8vo. Concord. 1841.... —-- ---- Report on Geolog. and Agricult. Survey of Rhode Island 8vo. Prov. 1840. —--- Second Report on Geology of Maine and Massachusetts 8vo. Augusta. 1838 - Third Report on Geology of Maine.. 8vo. Augusta. 1839 ---- -- Atlas of Plates Illustrating Geology of Maine 8vo. Augusta. Geo. New Check Journal.... 8vo. Lond. 1830 ---- Jas. G.- Account of Empires Moroco, Suse, and Timbuctoo 12o. Phil. 1810 John-Commerce of the Mediterranean... 8vo. Lond. 1804 - - The Same 12o. N. Y. 1806 & 9 ---- John-Treatise on Wood-Engraving... 8vo. Lond. 1839 ---- John-Chronolog. Antiquities from Creation, for 5000 years. 3v. 4to. Lond. 1752 -- J. R. —Minerals, and their Uses... 12o. Lond. 1849 What to Observe; or, Traveller's Remembrancer 8vo. Lond. 1841 - Robt.-Formation, Discipline, and Economy of Armies 8vo. Lond. 1845 ---- Wm.-Book-keeping in the Italian Form. 8vo. N. Y. 1816. —-. Z.-Shakspeare's Genius Justified.... 8vo. Lond. 1819 Jacob, Paul L.-De Pres et de Loin; Roman Conjugal. 12o. Brux. 1837 -- Wm.-Production and Consumption of Precious AIetals. 8vo. Phil. 1832 Jacobite Minstrelsy, from 1640-1784... 18o. Glasgow. 1829 Jacobs, Thos. J.-Scenes, Incidents, and Adventures in Pacific Ocean 12o. N. Y. 1844 Wm.-Mysteries of Latin Language Revealed.. 12o. Lond. 1840 Self-Instructing Latin Classics. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1841-2 Jacocks, A. B.-General Features of God's Moral Government 18o. Bost. 1848 Jacquot, Felix-Expedition du Gen. Cavaignac dans Afrique. 8vo. Paris. 1849 Jaeger, B.-Class-Book of Zoology.... 12o. N. Y. 1850 Jaenisch, C. F. de-Chess Preceptor. (Fr. Fren.). 8vo. Lond. 1847 Jahn, John-Biblical Archaeology. (Fr. Lat. by Upham.).. 8vo. Andover. 1827 History of the Hebrew Commonwealth. (Fr. Ger.) 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1829 Jahr, G. H. —Manual of Homoeopathic Medicine. (Fr. Ger.) 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1847 Jamaica as it Was, Is, and May Be; also, the Negro Insurrection, 1831 12o. Lond. 1835 James, D.-Patriarchal Religion of Britain.. 8vo. Lond. 1836 --- G. P. R.-Dark Scenes of History.. 12o. N. Y. 1850 - Educational Institutions of Germany... 12o. Lond. 1835 History of Charlemagne. (H. F. L.). 18o. N. Y. 1835 & 7 The Same..... 8vo. Lond. 1847 History of Chivalry, and the Crusades. (H. F. L.) 18o. N. Y. 1831 The Same. (C. M.) 2 v.. 16o. Lond. History of Edward the Black Prince. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1836 The Same. 2 v.. Phil. 184' Life and Times of Louis XIV. 4 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Life of Henry IV., King of France and Navarre. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1847 The Same. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1847 - Life of Richard Cccur-de-Lion. Vols. 1 and 2. 12o. N. Y. 1842 Lives of De Retz, Colbert, De Witt, and Louvais. 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1837 Lives of Great Commanders. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1835. Memoirs of Richelieu, Oxensteirn, and others. 2 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1836 ---- -- (Ed'r)-Memoirs of Celebrated Women. 2 v.. 12o. Phil. 1839 - & Crowe, E. E.-Emin. Foreign Statesmen. (L. C. C.) 5 v. 16o. Lond. 1833-8 - J. Angell —Anxious Enquirer after Salvation.. 18o. N. Y. 1849 Christian Charity Explained... 12o. N. Y. 1829 Catalogue.] J.A M —JA R 125 James, J. Angell-Christian Professor Addressed. 12o. N. Y. 1838 -- -- The Same... 18o. N. Y. 1838 --— _ -- The Flower Faded; a Biography of Clementine Cuvier 12o. N. Y. 1838 - True Christian.... 18. N. Y. 1849 - Young Man from Home.... 18o. N. Y. 1840 ----- -- Venn, Wilson, Philip, and Jay-Select Works. 8vo. N. Y. 1847 J. T.-Tour in Germany, Sweden, &c., 1813-14. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1819 - Wm.-Late War between Great Britain and America. 2 v.. 18o. Lond. 1818 ---- -- Naval History of Gt. Britain; Notes by Chamier. 6 v. 8vo. Lond. 1837 - -- Naval Occurrences of the American War of 1812. 8vo. Lond. 1817 Jameson, Alex.-Dict. of Sciences, Arts, Manufact., and Miscellanies 4to. Lond. 1828 ----- -- - Mechanics for Practical Men... 8vo. Lond. 1845 -- Anna-Beauties of the Court of Charles II.. 8vo. Phil. 1834 - - The Same. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1838 - Characteristics of Women... 24o. Annapolis. 1833 [Diary of an Ennuy6e]. 12o. Bost. 1833 - Hand-Book to the London Public Galleries. 12o. Lond. 1842 ---- -- [Loves of the Poets.] 2 v.... 18o. N. Y. 1833 I - emoirs and Essays on Art, Lit., and Social Morals 12o. N. Y. 1846 ----- -- - Memoirs of Celeb. Female Sovereigns. (H. F. L.) 2 v. 18o. N. Y. 1832 - Sacred and Legendary Art. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1848 --- - Visits & Sketches; Including "Diary of an Ennuyee" 12o. N. Y. 1834 Winter Studies and Summer Rambles. 2 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1839 - Robt.-Mineralogy according to Natural History System 8vo. Edin. 1837 *Jamieson, John-Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Lang. 2 v. 4to. Lond. 1808 *__ —-— _ -- Scottish Dictionary and Supplement. 4 v.. 4to. Edin. 1841 ~ —- - ~- (Ed'r)-Bruce, by Barbour; and Wal. by Hen. the Min.4to. Edin. 1820 M — rs.-Topographical Hist. and Domestic History of France 12o. Lond. 1836 ---- Robt. (Ed'r)-Popular Ballads and Songs. 2 v... 8vo. Edin. 1806 Janeway, Jas.-Heaven upon Earth... 12o. N. Y. 1848 Jamin, Jules-American in Paris, during the Summer.. 8vo. N. Y. 1844 4. -' " " Winter.. 8vo. N. Y. 1844 See Galeries Historiques des Versailles. Janson, Chas. W.-Stranger in America.. 4to. Lond. 1807 Jaques, Geo.-On the Management of Fruit Trees.. 160. Worcester. 1849 ---- - John-History of Junius and his Works. 12o. Lond. 1843 Jardine, Dav.-Criminal Trials. (L. E. K.) 2 v... 12o. Lond. --- Sir W.-Natural History of British Birds. (N. L.) 4 v.. 16o. Edin. 1838-43 ---- -- Natural History of Fishes of the Perch Family. (N. L.) 16o. Edin. 1835....- " " Gallinaceous Birds. (N. L.). 16o. Edin. 1834....- " Game Birds. (N. L.). 16o. Edin. 1834 -— i --. Humming Birds. (N. L.) 2 v.. 16o. Edin. 1834-6.... -- Lions, Tigers, &c. (N. L.). 16o. Edin. 1837...i -- Monkeys. (N. L.).. 16o. Edin. 1833 ---- -- " r " Ruminating Animals. (N. L.) 2 v. 16o. Edin. 1835-6..; —. Sun Birds. (N. L.).. 16o. Edin. 1843 ------ Thick-Skinned Quadrupeds. (N. L.) 16o. Edin. 1836 (Ed'r) See Naturalist's Library. --- -- and Selby P. J.-Illustrations of Ornithology. 3 v.. 4to. Edin. no date Jarvis, Sam. F.-Chronological Introduction to Hist. of the Church 8vo. N. Y. 1845 126 JA Y — JO E [Merc. Lib. Jay, John C.-Catalogue of Recent Shells in his Collection. 8vo. N. Y. 1836 ---- The Same, according to Lamarckian System. 4to. N. Y. 1839 - Wm.-Causes and Consequences of the Mexican War 12o. Bost. 1849 - -- Colonization and Anti-Slavery Societies. 12o. N. Y. 1835 - - Life of John Jay; with Selections from his Papers. 8vo. N. Y. 1833 - Thoughts on Marriage.. 18o. Bost. 1833 War and Peace... 120. N. Y. 1842 -- Wm.-Select Works. See James, J. Angell. - - eanne d'Arc, and her Times. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1824 Jefferson, Thos.-Manual of Parliamentary Practice.. 18o. Phil. 1840 - -~- -- Memoirs, Correspondence, and Miscellanies. 4 v. 8vo. Bost. 1830 - Notes on Virginia.... 8vo. N. Y. 1801 & 31 ----- The Same..... 12o. Bost, 1832 Jeffers, W. N. See Murphy, John McLeod. *Jeffersonian, the; a Weekly Newspaper.. 4to. Albany. 1838-9 Jeffrey, Fran.-Contributions to Edinburgh Review. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1844 ----- - The Same. 8vo. Phil. 1849 Jenkins, John S.-Clerk's Assistant..... 12o. Auburn. 1846 _ —-- -- History of Political Parties in New-York State. 12o. Auburn. 1846 History of War between United States and Mexico 12o. Auburn. 1848 Life of Gen. Andrew Jackson... 12o. Auburn. 1847 ---- -- Life of Silas Wright.... 12o. Auburn. 1849 * —-- Warren-Ohio Gazetteer.. 12o. Columbus. 1837 Jennings, Dav.-Jewish Antiq.; or, Lect's on Godwyn's " Moses & Aaron" 8vo. Lond. 1837. —- Isaac-Medical Reform; a Treatise on Man.. 12o. Oberlin, 0. 1847 ----- Wm.-Book-keeping. 8vo. Dublin. 1802 Jenour, Alf.-Treatise on Languages, and Best Method of Learning 12o. Lond. 1832 Jenyns, Leonard-Manual of British Vertebrate Animals.. 8vo. Camb. (E.) 1835 ---- - Observations in Natural History.. 8vo. Lond. 1846 -- Soame-Works; with Sketches of Life and Family. 4 v.. 120. Lond. 1793 Jermyn, Jas.-Book of English Epithets... 4to. Lond. 1849 Jerrold, Douglas-Punch's Lectures to his Son.. 18o. Lond. 1843 Shilling Magazine. 7 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1845-8 Jesse, Edw.-Anecdotes of Dogs..... 4to. Lond. 1846 -Favorite Haunts and Rural Studies.. 12o. Lond. 1847 Gleanings in Nat. Hist., 1st, 2d, and 3d Series. 3 v.. 12o. Lond. 1835-6 Summer's Day at Windsor, and a Visit to Eton. 12o. Lond. 1841 - John H.-Literary and Historical Memorials of London. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1847 -- - Memoirs of Court of England, from 1688 to 1760. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1843 Memoirs of the Pretenders, and their Adherents. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1845 The Same. 2 v.....18o. Phil. 1846 - (Capt.)-Life of Geo. Brummell... 8vo. Phil. 1844 Jewett, Isaac A.-Passages in Foreign Travel. 2 v. 12o.. Bost. 1838 Jewish Spy; a Correspondence between Certain Jews. 5 v.. 12o. Lond. 1744 Jewitt, John R.-Narrative of his Captivity at Nootka Sound. 12o. N. Y. 1816 Jewsbury, Maria J.-Letters to the Young.. 12o. N. Y. 1834 Joanna of Sicily, Queen of Naples; Historical Life of. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1824 Jobert, A. C. G.-Philosophy of Geology... 18o. Lond. 1847 Joe Miller's Complete Jest-Book.... 12o. Lond. 1840 Joerres, L.-On Equation of Payments... 8vo. N. Y. 1839 Catalogue.] J 0 H J 0 H 127 Johnes, Arth. J.-Philological Proofs of the Unity of the Human Race 8vo. Lond. 1843 Johnson, A. B.-Treatise on Language. 8vo. N. Y. 1836 C. W. (Ed'r)-Farmer's Encyclop. and Dict. of Rural Affairs 8vo. Phil. 1844 ---- - Edw.-Domestic Practice of Hydropathy... 12o. N. Y. 1849 Life, Health, and Disease... 12o. Lond. 1841 - The Same...... 12o. N. Y. 1850..... -- Nuces Philosophice.... 8vo. Lond. 1842 Results of Hydropathy; or, Nat. & Cause of Constip. 12o. Lond. 1846 - G. H. S.-Optical Investigations.... 8vo. Oxford. 1835 Geo. W.-Dictionary of Modern Gardening.. 12o. Phil. 1847.-. -- Memoirs of John Selden.... 8vo. Lond. 1835 - Principles of Practical Gardening.. 16o. Lond. 1845 (Ed'r)-Fairfax Corresp. 2 v. (Vols. 3 & 4. See Bell, R.) 8vo. Lond. 1848 - H. C.-Invisible Universe Disclosed.. 12o. Lond. 1843 Jas.-Change of Air; or, Philosophy of Travelling. 8vo. N. Y. 1831 - Economy of Health..... 18o. N. Y. 1837 - Essay on Indigestion.... 12o. Phil. 1831 - - Influence of Civil Life, Sedentary Habits, &c.. 8vo. Lond. 1818 --— ~ — & H. J. (Ed'rs)-Medico-Chirurgical Review. Vol. 38 8vo. Lond. 1843 [For Contin. of this Mag., see Brit. and For. Medico-Chirurg. Review.] - John-Typographia; or, Printer's Instructor. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1824 Lorenzo D.-Memoria Technica.... 8vo. Bost. 1847 ----- Sam.-Dictionary of the English Language. 2 v.. 4to. Phil. 1818 * —- -- The Same; abridged.... 18o. N. Y. 1822 - The Idler. See British Essayists. Vol. 33. - Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland. 12o. Balt. 1810 - - -Lives of the Poets. 2 v.... 8vo. Charleston. 1810 -- - The Same......12o. Lond. 1831 - - Noetica; and Ethica..... 8vo. Phil. 1752 - The Rambler..... 8vo. Lond. 1826....- -. The Same. See British Essayists. Vols. 19-22. - - Select Writings; with Life by Page. (H. F. L.) 2 v. 18o. N. Y. 1840-1 ---- -. Works; with Life by A. Murphy. 12 v.. 12o. N.Y. 1809-12 - The Same. 2 v..... 8vo. N. Y. 1832 -.- The Same. 2 v.....8vo. N. Y. 1838 --— _ — Wisdom of Rambler, Adventurer, and Idler. 16o. Lond. 1848 His Religious Life and Death... 12o. Lond. 1850 T. B.-Mental Susceptibility; Influence of Education.12o. Lond. 1838...- - Shooter's Companion.... 120. Lond. 1834.-.. - Shooter's Preceptor.... 12o. Lond. 1838 - T. T.-Sights in the Gold Regions [of California]. 12o. N.. 1849 W. R.-Use of Anthracite in the Manufacture of Iron. 12o. Bost. 1841 Wm.-Life and Correspondence of Maj. Gen. N. Greene. 2 v. 4to. Charleston. 1822 *Johnston, A. K.-National Atlas.. Fol. Edin. 1846 * - - - Physical Atlas..... Fol. Edin. 1848 - Chas.-Narrative of his Capture by the Indians, 1790 12o. N. Y. 1827 -- -- Travels in Southern Abyssinia. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1844 - Jas. F. W.-Experimental Agriculture...8vo. Edin. 1849 -.- -. Lectures on Agriculture, Chemistry, and Geology 120. N. Y. 1842 - Use of Lime in Agriculture 160. Edin. 1849 128 J O H — JO U [Merc. Lib. Johnston, John-Manual of Chemistry.... 12o. Middletown.1840 ------ Robt.-Travels through part of Russia and Poland. 8vo. N. Y. 1816 Johnstone, Chevalier de-Mem. of Rebell. in Scot., in 1745-6. (Fr. Fr.) 8vo. Lond. 1822 - Jas.-Theraupeutic Arrang. and Syllabus of Mat. Medica 12o. Lond. 1835 Joinville, J. de (Lord)-Mem. of Himself, & I,ife of Louis IX. (Fr. Fr.) 4to. Hafod. 1807 Jones, - Views of the Seats, Mansions, Castles, etc., of Eng. 3 v. 4to. Lond. 1829 And. A.-Digest of Custom House Duties of United States 8vo. N. Y. 1835 - A. D.-Illinois and the West.... 12o. Bost. 1838 - Dav.-Annuities and Reversionary Payments. (L. U. K.) 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1844 E-. T.-Book-keeping..... 4to. N. Y. 1796 Geo.-Excursions to Cairo, Jerusalem, Damascus, &c.. 12o. N. Y. 1836 The Same..... 12o. Phil. 1844 --- -- Manual of Natural Philosophy..12o. Phil. 1846 --- -- Recollections of Sir Francis Chlantrey. 12o. Lond. 1849 - --- H. B.-Gravel, Calculus, and Gout... 8vo. Lond. 1842 - Jas. A.-Traditions of North American Indians. 3 v. 12o. Lond. 1830 Jenkin-What is Life Assurance?... 12o. Lond. 1847 ---- John-Attempts in Verse; Introductory Essay by Southey 8vo. Lond. 1831 ---- J. Paul-Life and Correspondence of... 8vo. N. Y. 1830 - Sir J. T.-Sieges in Spain under the Duke of Wellington. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1846 Jos. S.-Defence of North Carolina.... 12o. Bost. 1834 - Rich.-Distribution of Wealth and Sources of Taxation 12o. Lond. 1844 - Sam.-Treatise on the Right of Suffrage. 12o. Bost. 1842 ---- Silas-Introduction to Legal Science.. 12o. N. Y. 1842 ---- Thos.-Principles and Practice of Book-keeping. 8vo. N. Y. 1841 Book-keeping and Accountantship. 4to. N. Y. 1849 Thos. R.-Outlines of Animal Kingdom... 8vo. Lond. 1841 Wm.-Figur. Lang. of the Bible, and Evidence of Christianity 8vo. Phil. 1818 ---- W. A.-[Analyst; Miscellaneous Papers].. 12o. N. Y. 1840 Essays upon Authors and Books.. 12o. N. Y. 1849 -- -- Literary Studies. 2 v..... 12o. N. Y. 1847 --- -- Memorials of D. S. Jones, and the Jones Family. 12o. N. Y. 1849 Sir W.-Biographical Sketches of Reform Ministers, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1832 - Discourses, &c., relative to India.. 18o. Lond. 1824 - Grammar of the Persian Language..4to. Lond. 1809 Memoir of Rowland Hill..12o. Lond. no date ----- Poems..... 18o. Lond. 1818 ---- --- Works; with Life by Teignmouth. 13 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1807 Jongh, J. L. de-Three Kinds of Cod-Liver Oil. (Fr. Ger.). 12o. Phil. 1849 Jonson, Ben-Works; with Notes. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1811 ---- -- The Same, with a Memoir.. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Joplin, T.-History of the Currency Question. 8vo. Lond. 1832 Jortin, John-Life of Desiderius Erasmus.. 4to. Lond. 1758 Remarks on Ecclesiastical History. 5 v. 8vo. Lond. 1751 Josephine, Empress; Memoirs of, with Anecdotes. 3 v.. 12o. Lond. 1829 Josephus, Flavius-Jewish Antiquities. 6 v... 12o. N. Y. 1824-8 The Same. 2 v. 8. vo. Lond. 1845 - The Same.... 8vo. Title wanting -- - The Same..... 8vo. Cincin. 1835 Jouffroy, Theo.-Introduction to Ethics. See Ripley, Geo., Specimens. Vols. 5, 6. Catalogue.] JO U — JUN 129 Jouffroy, Theo.-Philosophical Miscellanies. See Ripley, Geo.; Specimens. Vols. 1, 2. *Jourdan, A. J. L.-Dictionnaire des Termes des Sciences Naturelles 8vo. Paris. 1834 Journal, Acts and Proceedings of the Federal Convention of 1787 8vo. Bost. 1819 - and Docum. of Board of Assist. Aid. of N. Y. City. Vols. 8-14 8vo. N. Y. 1836-9 - de Pharmacie. Vols. 25-26... 8vo. Paris. 1839-40 --- d'un Voyage au Levant. 3 v....8vo. Paris. 1848 - - of Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Vols. 1-8 8vo. Phil. 1817-39 - African Cruiser. (Edited by Hawthorne.).. 12o. N. Y. 1845 -Agriculture, July, 1845, to March, 1849. 2 v. [ Continued.] 8vo. Edin. 1845-9 American Institute. 4 v.... 8vo. N. Y. 1836-40 Assembly of N. Y. State, 1835-9 and 1849. 7 v. 8vo. Albany. 1835-49 Commerce (daily), July, 1837 to Dec., 1849. 25 v. [ Contin.] Fol. N. Y. 1837-49 Convention of People of South Carolina. 8vo. Columbia. 1833 — * Design and Manufacture. Vol. 1. [Continued.] 8vo. Lond. 1849 Education. Vols. 3 and 4.. 8vo. Bost. 1828-9 Franklin Institute. Vols. 9-49. (Vol. 19,3rd Series.) [Con.] 8vo. Phil. 1832-50 Health. 3v...... 8vo. Phil. 1830-3 Heart... 12o. Phil. 1830 - House of Represent. fr. lst-13th Cong. (1789-1815.) 9 v. 8vo. Wash. 1826 Law.... 8vo. Phil. 1831 Naturalist.. 12o. Phil. 1831 Nobleman, during the Congress at Vienna 18o. Phil. 1833 Proceedings in Congress in 1774. 8vo. Lond. 1775 Residence in Portugal and Spain. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1847 Royal Agricultural Society of London. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1839-41._.. " Geographical Society. Vols. 1-10. 8vo. Lond. 1831-41 Science and the Arts. 5 v..... 8vo. Y. 1817-18." " Edited at Royal Instit. of Gt. Brit. 29 v. 8vo. Lond. 1816-30 Senate of N. Y. State for 1831-2, 1835-9, 1849. 8 v. 8vo. Albany. 1831-49 Statistical Society of London. Vols. 1-10. 8vo. Lond. 1839-47 Tour in Italy in 1821.. 8vo. N. Y. 1824 Journals of the Ocean; and other Poems.... 12o. N. Y. 1826 Journey-Book of England; Berkshire..12o. Lond. 1840 Joutel-La Sale's Last Voyage to Gulf of Mexico. (Fr. Fren.). 8vo. Lond. 1714 Jouy, V. J. E. de-L'Hermite de la Guiane. 3 v.. 16o. Paris. 1818 Jowett, Wm.-Researches in Syria and the Holy Land 12o. Bost. 1826 Joyce, J.-Dialogues on Chemistry. 2 v... 18o. N. Y. 1818 Introduction to the Arts and Sciences. 12o. Lond. 1840 _- -- Scientific Dialogues. 3 v... 18o. Phil. 1819 - - The Same.. 16o. Lond. 1846 Jukes, J. B.-Excursions in Newfoundland. 2 v..,. 12o. Lond. 1842 Voyage of the Ship Fly, 1842-6. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Julius, Pacius-Legum Conciliatarum; Centuriae VII.. 12o. Lugduni. 1606 Junius-Letters of. 2 v.... 8vo. Phil. 1813 & 36 The Same...... 8vo. Title wanting. - The Same... 18o. Camb. 1811 Letters to Hon. Brig. Gen. in America; with a Refutation. 12o. Lond. 1841 Unmasked; or, Lord Geo. Sackville as Junius.. 12o. Bost. 1828 Posthumous Works..... 8vo. N. Y. 1829 Junkin, D. X.-The Oath; a Divine Ordinance.. 12o. N. Y. 1845 17 130 JUP - KEI [Mere. Lib. Jupp, E. B.-History of Company of Carpenters of London 8vo. Lond. 1848 - Elements of Botany. (Fr. Fren.)... 12o. Lond. 1849 Justin-Historie Phillippicoe. (Lat. and Eng.).. 8vo. Lond. 1780 Juvenal-Satires. (Fr. Lat. by Dryden.) 2 v... 18o. Lond. 1812 -- The Same. (Trans. by Gifford.).. 12o. Lond. 1836 The Same. (Trans. by Badham.) (F. C. L.). 16o. Lond. 1831 - The Same. (F. C. L.)... 8. N. Y. 1837 - Third Satire; with Poems.. 12o. N. Y. 1806 ----- See Walker, G. S.; Corpus Poet. Lat. and Persius —Satires. (Fr. Lat. by Holyday.). Fol. Oxford. 1673 ---- The Same. (Trans. by Madan.) 2 v.. 8vo. Oxford. 1839 Kaemtz, L. F.-Meteorology. (Fr. Ger.) With Notes by Walker. 12o. Lond. 1845 Kalm, Pet.-Travels in North America. (Fr. Swedish). 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1771 Kames (Lord)-Elements of Criticism. 2 v... 8vo. Bost. 1796 --- -- Sketches of the History of Man. 2 v.. 8vo. Dublin. 1779 ---- -- The Same. 2 v.... 8vo. N. Y. 1819 Kane, Robt.-Elements of Chemistry..8vo. N. Y. 1842 Kant, Immanuel-Anthropologie in Pragmatischer Hinsicht 8vo. 8 K6ningsb. 1820 -- --- Religion Der Blossen Vernunft.. vo. Ksningsb. 1794 - Werke. Gesammtausgabe. Vols. 1-9 8vo. Leipzig. 1838-9 Critique of Pure Reason (Fr. Ger.). 8vo. Lond. 1838 Metaphysical Works. (Fr. Ger.). 8vo. Lond. 1836 -- Metaphysics of Ethics. (Fr. Ger.).. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Kater, Capt.-Treatise on Mechanics. (L. C. C.)... 16o. Lond. 1844 Kavanagh, Julia-Woman in France during 18th Century. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1850 Kay, Jos.-Education of the Poor in England and Europe 8vo. Lond. 1846 - Condition & Educat. of the People of Eng. & Europe. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1850 _ Stephen-Travels and Researches in Caffraria. 12o. N. Y. 1834 Keate, Geo.-Account of Pelew Islands; from Wilson's Journal 4to. Lond. 1788 Short Account of the Republic of Geneva.18o. Lond. 1761 Keath, E. V.-Musings in the Laboratory... 12o. N. Y. 1849 Keatinge, Maurice-Travels in France, Spain, and Morocco, 1814 4to. Lond. 1817 Keats, John-Poetical Works... 12o. Lond. 1841 The Same.... 12. N. Y. 1846 -- -- See Coleridge, S. T., and Shelley, P. B. Kebbell, Wm.-On the Prevailing Diseases of Towns. 16o. Brighton. 1848 Keese, John (Ed'r)-Poets of America. Illustrated. 12o. N. Y. 1840 Keightley, Thos.-Crusaders... 16o. Lond. 1847 --- -- -- Fairy Mythology. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1833 --- - Greek War of Independence. (C. M.) 16o. Edin. 1830 -.- -- History of England to 1839. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1844 _ - The Same. 5 v. (H. F. L.).. 8o. N. Y. 1840-1 -- - History of Greece.... 12o. Lond. 1839 - History of India from the Earliest Times 8vo. Lond. 1847 --- -- History of Rome..... 12o. Lond. 1837 ---- -- Mythology of Ancient Greece and Italy 8vo. Lond. 1831 ---- -- The Same; abridged...18. N. Y. 1837 ----- -- Notes on the Bucolics and Georgics of Virgil 12o. Lond. 1846 ---- - On Tales and Popular Fictions. 12o. Lond 1834 Catalogue.] KE I- KE T 131 Keightley, Thos.-Outlines of History. (L. C. C.). 16o. Lond. 1836 Keith, Alex.-Truth of the Christian Religion... 12o. N. Y. 1839 Signs of the Times. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1832 - R. M.-Memoirs and Correspondence. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1849 - Thos. —Treatise on the Use of the Globes.. 8vo. N. Y. 1811 *Kelham, Robt.-Dictionary of the Norman Language.. 8vo. Lond. no date Kellogg, Edw.-Labor and other Capital.. 8vo. N. Y. 1849 Kelly, Mich.-Reminiscences of the Stage... 8vo. N. Y. 1826 * - P.-Cambist, and Commercial Dictionary. 2 v.. 4to. Lond. 1821 - W. K.-History of the Year 1848.... 12o. Lond. 1849 - French Revolution of 1848... 12o. Lond. 1848 - - Syria and the Holy Land.. 8vo. Lond. 1844 --- M. A.-Early days in the Society of Friends.. 12o. Lond. 1840 Kemble, Frances Anne. See Butler, Frances Anne. - John M.-Saxons in England. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1849 --- -.- (Ed'r)-Beowulf; and other Anglo-Saxon Poems 12o. Lond. 1835 --- --- (Trans.)-The Same. (Fr. Anglo-Saxon.). 12o. Lond. 1837 - John P.-Macbeth and Richard III.; an Essay.. 12o. Lond. 1817 Kempe, A. J. (Ed'r)-Documents Illust. of English History. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Kempis, Thos. a-Vier Biicher von der Nachfolgung Christi 12o. Augsburg. 1498 - mitation of Christ. (Fr. Lat.)..12o. Oxford. 1841 - The Same. (Fr. Lat. by Stanhope.).. 12o. Lond. 1727 Kendall, E. A.-Travels in Northern United States, 1807-8. 3 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1809 - G. W.-Texan Santa F6 Expedition. 2 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1844 Kendrick, A. C.-Introduction to the Greek Language. 12o. Utica. 1841 -- Jas.-Conversations with Byron on Religion.12o. Phil. 1833 ---- - Philosophy of the Mosaic Record..8vo. Lond. 1826 --- J. C.-Algeria and Tunis in 1845. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1846 J. P.-Memoirs of William Wirt. 2 v.. 8vo. Phil. 1849 - - The Same. 2v.... 12o. Phil. 1850 ----- Wm.-Texas; its Geography, Natural History, &c.. 8vo. N. Y. 1844 *Kennet, White-Bibliothecce Americanae Primordia; or, Amer. Lib'ry 4to. Lond. 1713 Kennett, Basil-Antiquities of Rome... 8vo. Edin. 1812 _ The Same... 8vo. Phil. 1822 Kennion, Edw.-Essay on Trees in Landscape. 4to. Lond. 1844 Kenny, Chas.-Manual of Chess.. 24o. Lond. 1847 Kenrick, Wm.-Review of Johnson's Shakspeare. 12o. Lond. 1765 ---- Wm.-American Orchardist.. 12o. Bost. 1841 - American Silk Grower's Guide. 12o. Bost. 1839 Kent, Jas.-Commentaries on American Law. 4 v.. 8vo. N. Y. 1826-30 Kentish, Thos.-Treatise on a Box of Instruments, etc. 12o. Lond. 1847 Keppel, Geo.-Journey Across the Balkam. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1831 ----- -- Journey from India to England in 1824. 8vo. Phil. 1827 Keppell, Hen.-Expedition of Ship Dido to Borneo. 12o. N. Y. 1846 Ker, Hen.-Travels in the West of the United States.. 8vo. Eliz'town. 1816 -- John B.-Archaeology of our Popular Rhymes. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1837 Kerner, Justin-Seeress of Provorst.. 8vo. N. Y. 1845 Kerr, Jac.-Trials of David Barclay..... 12o. Eliz'town. 1814 - Robt.-History and Collection of Voyages and Travels. 17 v. 8vo. Edin. 1811 Kett, Hen.-Elements of General Knowledge. 2 v... 12o. Balt. 1812 132 K E T —KIT [Merc. Lib. Kettell, Sam.-Specimens of American Poetry. 3 v... 12o. Bost. 1829 Keysler, J. G.-Travels in Germany, Bohemia, &c. 4 v.. 12o. Lond. 1760 Kidd, Jas.-The Eternal Sonship of Christ... 8vo. Aberdeen. 1822.- -.- John-Nature adapted to Physical Condition of Man. See Bridg. Treatises. - Sam.-China; its Laws, Literature, &c... 8vo. Lond. 1841 Kidder, Dan. P.-Residence and Travels in Brazil. 2 v.. 8vo. Phil. 1845 - The Same. 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1845 *Kiener, L. G.-Coquilles Vivantes. Vols. 1-6.. 8vo. Paris. no date Kieswetter, R. G.-Modern Music of Western Europe. (Fr. Ger.) 8vo. Lond. 1848 Kincaid, J.-Adventures of the Rifle Brigade.. 12o. Phil. 1836 -- - Random Shots from a Rifleman. 12o. Phil. 1835 King, Chas.-British Merchant. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1721 --- Chas.-Memoirs of Croton Aqueduct... 4to. N. Y. 1843 -- C. W., and Lay, G. T.-Claims of Japan and Malaysia. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1839 - Dav.-Principles of Geology... 12o. Lond. 1850.- --. State and Prospects of Jamaica..16o. Lond. 1850 - J. A.-Twenty-four Years in Argentine Republic 12o. N. Y. 1846 Lord-Life of John Locke. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1830 -. P0., and Fitzroy, R.-Voyages of the Adventure & Beagle. 4v. 8vo. Lond. 1839 R.-Journey to Arctic Ocean, in 1833-5. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1836 - Wm.-Essay on the Origin of Evil.. 4to. Lond. 1731 Kinglake-[Eothen; or, Traces of Eastern Travel]. 16o. N. Y. 1845 Kingsbury, C. P.-Treatise on Artillery and Infantry. 12o. N. Y. 1849 Harmon-Law and Government... 12o. N. Y. 1849 Kingsley, J. L., and J. P.-Laws, &c., of all Nations as to Patents 8vo. N. Y. 1848 Kingston, John-Life of George Washington..12o. Balt. 1813 - W. H. G.-Lusitanian Sketches. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1845 Kinnear, John G.-Cairo, Petra, and Damascus, in 1839. 12o. Lond. 1841 Kinneir, J. McD.-Geographical Memoirs of Persian Empire 4to. Lond. 1813 Kinnersley, T.-Matrimonial Miscellany. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1818 Kinney, Aaron-Explanation of Scripture Types and Prophecies 8vo. Bost. 1814 Kinsey, W. M.-Portugal Illustrated... 8vo. Lond. 1829 Kip, Wm. I.-Christmas Holydays in Rome. 12o. N. Y. 1846 - Early Conflicts of Christianity.. 12o. N. Y. 1850 - Early Jesuit Missions in North America. 2 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1846 Kippis, Andrew-Life of the Earl of Shaftesbury. See Martyn, B. Kirby, Wm.-History, Habits, &c., of Animals. See Bridgewater Treatises. See Fauna Boreali Americana. --- -- and Spence, Wm.-Introduction to Entomology 8vo. Phil. 1846 Kirkaldy, Sir W.-Memoirs and Adventures of.. 12o. Edin. 1849 Kirkes, W. S., and Paget, Jas.-Hand-Book of Physiology. 12o. Lond. 1848 Kirkham, Sam.-English Grammar... 12o. Balt. 1836 - - Essay on Elocution... 12o. N. Y. 1836 Kirkland, C. M.-Holydays Abroad; or, Europe from the West. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1849 Kirkpatrick, Col.-Account of Kingdom of Nepaul.. 4to. Lond. 1811 ------ W.-Pious Meditations.. 12o. Po'keepsie. 1813 Kirwan, Rich.-Logic. 2 v..8vo. Lond. 1807-9 Kirwan. See Murray, Nicholas. Kitchener, H. T.-Letters on Marriage. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1812 Wm.-Cook's Oracle and Housekeeper's Manual 12o. N. Y. 1833 Catalogue.] KIT- KNO 133 Kitchener, Wm.-Invalid's Oracle.... 18o. N. Y. 1831... -- The Same.... 18o. N. Y. 1833 Kitchiner, Wm.-Economy of the Eyes. Part.. 18o. Bost. 1824 - The Same....12o. Lond. 1826 *Kitto, John-Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature. 2 v.. 8vo. Edin. 1845 --- -- Pictorial History of Palestine and Jews. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1841 Uncle Oliver's Travels in Persia.. 16o. Lond. 1846 Klapka, Gen.-War of Independence in Hungary. Vols. 1 and 2 12o. Lond. 1850 Kleist, Heinr.-Gesammelte Schriften. 6 v... 18o. Vienna. 1827-8 Klipstein, L. F.-Analecta Anglo-Saxonica. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1849 -.- - Anglo-Saxon Grammar..12o. N. Y. 1848 Klopstock, F. G.-Sammtliche Werke..8vo. Leipsic. 1840 Messiah. (Fr. Ger.)... 8vo. Bungay. 1816 ------.- Odes from 1747-80. (Translated by Nind.) 16o. Lond. 1848...... - Memoirs of, and of Margaret Klopstock 12o. Phil. 1810 Klose, Chas. L.-Memoirs of Charles Stuart. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1846 Knapen, D. M.-Mechanic's Assistant.8vo. N. Y. 1849 Knapp, F.-Chemical Technology. 2 v...8vo. Lond. 1848 -- Geo. C.-Lectures on Christian Theology. 2 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1831 -- S. L.-Advice in Literary Pursuits 12o. N. Y. 1832 - Biographies of Eminent Men 8vo. Bost. 1821 - [Extracts from Ali Bey's Travels. 12o. Bost. 1818 - - Female Biography. 12o. Phil. 1843 - Genius of Freemasonry. 12o. Prov. 1828 Lectures on American Literature.8vo. N. Y. 1829 ----- Library of American History. Vol. 1 4to. N. Y. 1835 Life of Aaron Burr. 12o. N. Y. 1835 -— _ - -- Life of Thomas Eddy..8vo. N. Y. 1834 - - [Sketches of Public Characters].12o. N. Y. 1830 Kneeland, Abner-Columbian Miscellany... 12o. Keene. 1804 Knickerbocker, the, (Monthly.) Vols. 1-35. [Continued.] 8vo. N. Y. 1833-50 Knight, Chas. (Ed'r)-Half Hours with Best Authors. 4 v. 12o. N. Y. 1847-9 ---- -- The Same. 4 v.... 12o. Lond. no date * —-- London. 6 v... 8vo. Lond. 1841-4 - Penny Magazine. Vols. 1 and 2.. 8vo. Lond. 1846 - H. G.-Normans in Sicily..... 12o. Lond. 1838 Madam, and Buckingham's Journey from Boston to N.York, 1704 12o. N. Y. 1825 --- R. P.-Inquiry into Principles of Taste. 8vo. Lond. 1808 Landscape; a Didactic Poem. 4to. Lond. 1794 - Wm,-Oriental Outlines in 1838.. 12o. Lond. 1839 Knighton, Lady-Memoir of Sir Wm. Knighton. 8vo. Phil. 1838 Knolles, Rich.-General History of the Turks..Fol. Lond. 1638 *Knowles, Jas.-English Dictionary.. 8vo. Lond. 1845 - J. D.-Memoir of Mrs. Ann H. Judson 12o. Bost. 1829 - - - " Roger Williams.12o. Bost. 1834 ----- Jas. S.-The Daughter; a Play.12o. N. Y. 1837 - Elocutionist.... 12o. N. Y. 1845 -- -- Love-Chase; a Comedy.. 12o. N. Y. 1838 ----- -- Select Dramatic Works. 18o. Balt. 1835 - The Same..18o. Title wanting. 134 KN O- KO T [1Merc. Lib. Knowles, John-Life of Fuseli. See Fuseli, lien. Knowlton, Miner-Text-Book of the Military Academy; Artillery, &c. Fol. West Point. 1841 Knox, Vicesimus-Christian Philosophy. See Sacred Classics. ----- Essays; Moral and Literary. 8vo. Lond. 1827 -- - V Winter Evenings. 2 v.... 12o. N. Y. 1805 Kobell, Franz von-Chemical Discrimination of Minerals. 8vo. Glasgow. 1841 Koch, C. W.-Revolutions de l'Europe. 4 v.... 8vo. Paris. 1814 - - The Same. (Fr. Fren.).. 8vo. Lond. 1839 - The Same. (C. M.).. 18o. Edin. 1828 Kock, Paul de-Andre le Savoyard. 12o. Paris. 1842 -- - Barbier de Paris..... 12o. Paris. 1842 - Bon Enfant...12o. Paris. 1842 - - Cocu.... 12o. Paris. 1842 - Dupont.... 12o. Paris. 1842 L'Enfant de ma Femme. 12o. Paris. 1842 --- - Les Enfants de Marie.... 12o. Paris. 1843 -- - La Femme, le Mari, et l'Amant.. 12o. Paris. 1842 - Frere Jacques... 12o. Paris. 1842 - Georgette... 12o. Paris. 1842 -. - Gustave, ou le Mauvais Sujet.. 12o. Paris. 1842 -- - Un Homme.a Marier.. 12o. Paris. 1843 --- - L'Homme de la Nature, etc... 12o. Paris. 1843 Jean...12o. Paris. 1842. — - Jeune Homme Charmant...12o. Paris. 1843 -- Laitiere de Montfermeil... 12o. Paris. 1842 Madelaine... 12o. Paris. 1842 --- --. Maison blanche.. 12o. Paris. 1842 - -- Mari Perdu..12o. Paris. 1843 -Mon Voisin Raymond. 12o. Paris. 1842 Moustache....12o. Paris. 1843 Ni Jamais, ni Toujours.. 12o. Paris. 1843 - - Pucelle de Belleville.. 12o. Paris. 1843 - - Soeur Anne... 12o. Paris. 1842 Un Tourlourou 12o. Paris. 1843 - Zizine.. 12o. Paris. 1843 Kohl, J. G.-Austria, Vienna, Prague, &c.. 8vo. Phil. 1844 - -- England and Wales... 8vo. Phil. 1846 -. -- Ireland... 8vo. Phil. 1844 -Russia and the Russians in 1842. 8vo. Phil. 1843 The Same. 8vo. Lond. 1848 -Scotland... 8vo. Phil. 1844 Kohlrausch, Fred.-History of Germany, 1825-6... 8vo. N. Y. 1845 Kolff, D. H. (Jr.)-Voyages in the Moluccan Archipelago 8vo. Lond. 1840 K6rner, Theod.-Sammtliche Werke.. 8vo. Berlin. 1839 _ —-- -- Correspondence with Schiller. See Schiller, F. ---- -- Life by his Father, and Select Writings. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1827 - See Ripley, Geo.; Specimens. Vol. 14. Kost, J.-Practice of Medicine on Thomsonian Principles,. 8vo. Mt. Vernon. 1847 Koster, Hen.-Travels in Brazil. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1817 Kotzebue, A. von-Dramas (in Greek)... 8vo. Vienna. 1801 Catalogue.] K O T- L A F 135 Kotzebue, A. von —Memoirs of Himself. See Autobiography. - - Travels through Italy in 1804-5. 4 v.. 12o. Lond. 1806 ---. von-Journey into Persia... 8vo. Phil. 1820 ---- Otto von-Voyages in South Seat &c., in 1815-18 8vo. Lond. 1821 Koubrakiewicz-Revelations of Austria. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1846 Kramer, Matthiae-Italianische Grammatica.. 12o. Nturnberg. 1753 --- Wim.-Treatment of Diseases of the Ear.. 8vo. Lond. 1837 - The Same.. 8vo. Phil. 1838 Krasinski, V. (Count)-Religion of the Sclavonic Nations. 16o. Edin. 1849 Krummacher, F. A.-Parables.... 180. Lond. 1824 ---- -- F. W.-Elijah the Tishbite. (Fr. Ger.). 18o. N. Y. 1847 ------ -- Last Days of Elisha. (Fr. Ger.). 12o. N. Y. 1849 Martyr-Lamb. (Fr. Ger.). 18o. N. Y. 1849 Kugler, Franz-History of Painting. (Fr. Ger.) 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1842-6 --- -- Pictorial History of Germany.. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Kyan, J. H.-On the Elements of Light.. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Labanoff, Alex.-Lettres de Marie Stuart. 7 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1844 La Bedollierre, Emile de-Mitiers et Professions en France. 8vo. Paris. 1842 Labillardiere, J. J.-Voyage in Search of La Perouse. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1800 Laborde, Alex. de-Jardins et Chateaux de la France. (Fren. Eng. Ger.) Fol. Paris. 1808 View of Spain; Itinerary of each Prov. (Fr. Fren.) 5v. 8vo. Lond. 1809 - Leon de-Comment. Geograph.,sur l'Exode et les Nombres Fol. Paris. 1841 -— __- - Arabia Petraea, Mount Sinai, and Petra. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Lond. 1838 LaBruyere, Jean de-Les Caracteres. (Trad. du Grec.) 2 v. 18o. Paris. 1829 - The Same...... 12o. Paris. 1844 Lackington, Jas.-Memoirs of Himself. See Autobiography. Laconics; or, Best Words of Best Authors. 3 v...12o. Phil. 1829 - The Same. 3 v..... 18o. Lond. 1840 Lacroix, P. F. de-Constitutions of Europe and U. S. (Fr. Fren.) 2v. 8vo. Lond. 1792 Sylvestre F.-Algebra. See Farrar, John (Ed'r). Algebre, Elemens d'.... 8vo. Paris. 1825 Algebre, Complement des Elemens d'.. 8vo. Paris. 1817 Arithmetique, Traite Elementaire d'.8vo. Paris. 1830 Calcul. Differ. et de Calcul. Integral... 8vo. Paris. 1820 Calcul. des Probabilites.. 8vo. Paris. 1822 Elemens de Geometrie.. 8vo. Paris. 1830 Trigonometrie Rectiligne et Spherique.. 8vo. Paris. 1827 Lacy, Capt.-Modern Shooter.. 8vo. Lond. 1842 Ladd, Jos. B.-Literary Remains; with a Life... 12o. Phil. 1832 Ladies' Companion. Vols. 7-20... 8vo. N. Y. 1827-44 Ladreyt, C.-Chrestomathie de la Litterature Fran;aise. 12o. N. Y. 1845 ---- -- Repertoire de Litterature Francaise.. 12o. Phil. 1842... - Study of French Simplified... 12. N. Y. 1844 Lady's Magazine. Vols. 10 and 11.... 8vo. Lond. 1837 - See Court and Lady's Magazine. Lafarge, Marie-Memoirs of her own Life... 12o. Phil. 1841 Lafayette, Marquis de-Memoires et Correspondance par sa Famille. 6 v. 8vo. Paris. 1837-8 _ -- The Same. (Fr. Fren.) Vol. 1... 8vo. N. Y. 1837._____ - Historical Sketches of... 12o. N. Y. 1824 136 L A F - L A M [Merc. Lib. Lafayette, Marquis de-History of; with Tour in the United States 8vo. N. Y. 1825 Pictorial Life of..... 12o. Phil. 1847 Lafitau, Jas. F.-Decouvertes et Conquetes des Portugais. 2 v. 4to. Paris. 1733 La Fontaine, Jean-Excerpta; ou, Fables Choisies.. 8vo. N. Y. 1810 Theatre..... 18o. Paris. 1823. - Fables. (Fr. Fren.)..., 8vo. Lond. 1842 - Loves of Cupid and Psyche. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Lond. 1744 - La Fontaine for the Young. (Fr. Fren.). 18o. Bost. 1839 La Harpe, J. F. de-Lycee; ou, Cours de Litterature. 18 v.. 8vo. Paris. 1827-9 - The Same. 16 v....18o. Paris. 1815 La Hontan, Baron de-Voyages dans l'Amerique Septentrionale 16o. La Haye. 1703 Laing, Alex. G.-Travels in Western Africa... 8vo. Lond. 1825 - Sam.-Heimskringla; Norwegian Chronicle. (Fr. Icelan.) 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1844 - History of the German Catholic Church.12o. Lond. 1846 Journal of a Residence in Norway, 1834-6 8vo. Lond. 1836 - Notes of a Traveller in Europe.. 8vo. Lond. 1842 -- -- Observations on the Political State of Europe 8vo. Lond. 1850 - Tour in Sweden in 1838... 8vo. Lond. 1839 Laird of Logan; Anecdotes Illustrative of Scottish Wit. 12o. Glasgow. 1841 Laird, McG., and Oldfield, R. A. K.-The Niger Expedi., in 1832-4. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1837 Lalande, J. de-Astronomie des Dames. [Bound with Fontenelle, B. L. B. de.] Lallemand, F.-Treatment of Spermatorrhaea... 8vo. Phil. 1848 Lamarck, J. P. B. A.-Hist. Naturelle des Animaux sans Verteb. 9 v. 8vo. Paris. 1835-8 Lamartine, Alphonse de-Chute d'un Ange.. 8vo. Paris. 1847 ------ - Confidences.. 8vo. Paris. 1849 -- IHarmonies Poetiques et Religieuses.. 8vo. Paris. 1847 Histoire des Girondins. 8 v.. 8vo. Paris. 1847 HIistoire de la Revolution Francaise, 1848. 2 v.. 8vo. Paris. 1849 - Jocelyn. (Poeme.) 2 v... 18o. Brux. 1836 - The Same...8vo. Paris. 1847 Meditations Poetiques. 8vo. Paris. 1847 - Melanges en Prose et en Vers... 8vo. Paris. 1847 (Euvres. 4 v... 18o. Brux. 1834-6 - Raphael. 8vo. Paris. 1849 - Recueillemens Poetiques 8vo. Paris. 1847 - Tribune.. 8vo. Paris. 1849 Trois Mois au Pouvoir. 12o. Paris. 1848 Voyage en Orient, 1832-3. 2 v. 12o. Paris. 1843 France and England. (Fr. Fren.) 18o. Lond. 1848 HIeroic Characters of Revolution. (Fr. Fren.). 24o. Lond. 1848 History of French Revolution of 1848. (Fr. Fren.) 12o. Bost. 1849 ---- -- History of the Girondists. (Fr. Fren.) 3 v.. 12o. Lond. 1847-8 ----- -- Pilgrimage to Holy Land in 1832-3. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1835 ----- --- Three Months in Power. (Fr. Fren.)..12o. Lond. 1848 ------- (Ed'r)-Narrative of Fatalla Sayeghir.. 12o. Phil. 1836 Lamb, Chas.-Essays of Elia.. 12o. N. Y. 1845 - Letters; with Life by T. N. Talfourd. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1837 Poems. See Rogers, Samuel. - -- Poetical Works.... 16o. Lond. 1836 Prose Works. 3 v..... 12o. Lond. 1835 Catalogue.] L A M — L A N 137 Lamb, Chas.-Specimens of English Dramatic Poets. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1835 - - The Same. 2 v.... 12o. N. Y. 1845 --- - Tales from Shakspeare. 12o. Lond. 1831 *.- -W.orks.. 8vo. Lond. 1840 ---- -- The Same. With Life and Letters. 2 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1837 - E. R.-Ancient Domestic Architecture. Fol. Lond. 1846 --- P.-Hebrew Characters from Hieroglyphics. 8vo. Lond. 1835 Lamballe (Princesse de)-Secret Memoirs of French Revolution 8vo. Phil. 1826 Lambert, John-Perpetual Balance Book-keeping.. 8vo. Lond, 1812 Travels in Canada and United States. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1810 La Mennais, F. R. de-Affaires des Rome.. 160. Brux. 1837 -__-.... - (Euvres Completes. 10 v... 12o. Paris. 1844 Lamping, Clemens, and Vance, M. de-French in Algiers. (Fr. Fr. & Ger.) 12o. N. Y. 1845 Lancaster, Jos.-Improvements in Education. 12o. N. Y. 1807 Lanci, M. A.-Lettre sur Hieroglyphes Egyptiens... 8vo. Paris. 1847 *Landais, N.-Dictionnaire Frannaise. 2 v...4to. Paris. no date Lander, R. and J.-Niger Expedition. (M. F. L.) 2 v. 16o. Lond. 1838 -- - The Same. (H1. F. L.) 2 v. 18o. N. Y. 1832 Landis, R. W.-Liberty's Triumph; a Poem 8vo. N. Y. 1849 Landon, E. H. —Councils of Holy Catholic Church 12o. Lond. 1846 - General Ecclesiastical Dictionary. Vol. 1 12o. Lond. 1849 --- Letitia E. [L. E. L.] —Golden Violet; and other Poems. 18o. Phil. 1827 ---- -- Improvisatrice; a Poem.. 18o. Bost. 1825 --- -- Poetical Works.. 8vo. Phil. 1841 - Vow of the Peacock; and other Poems 18o. Lond. 1825.... -- Characteristics of the Genius and Writings of L. E. L. 12o. Lond. 1841 Landor, Edw. W.-Adventures in the North of Europe. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1836 ----- - W. S. —Citation of Shakspeare for Deer-stealing 12o. Lond. 1834 -_-. —- Geber; Count Julian; and other Poems 12o. Lond. 1831 - Hellenics... 16o. Lond. 1847 _- -- Imaginary Conversations. 5 v. 8vo Lond. 1826-9 - Pericles and Aspasia. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1836.- - The Same. 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1839 -. - Works. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1846 Landseer, John-Lectures on the Art of Engraving. 8vo. Lond. 1807 ---- - Sabsean Researches..4to. Lond. 1823 Lane, B. I.-Mysteries of Tobacco.. 2o. N. Y. 1846 -- - Responses on the Use of Tobacco. 12o. N. Y. 1846 - E.W.-Account of Modern Egyptians. 2 v.. 8. vo Lond. 1836 _ -- - The Same. (L. E. K.) 2 v...12o. Lond. 1836 - -- -- (Ed'r)-Selections from the Kurin. See Mahomet. * — -- (Trans.)-Thousand and One Nights. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1839-41 - R. J.-Life at the Water-Cure.. 120. Lond. 1846 Lanfranc (Abp.)-Opera Omnia. Edited by J. A. Giles. 2 v. 8vo. Oxford. 1844 Lang, J. D.-Account of New South Wales. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1834 -Cooksland in North-East Australia. 12o. Lond. 1847 - View of the Polynesian Nations... 12o. Lond. 1834 - Wm.-Mesmerism; its History, &c... 16o. Edin. 1843 Langford, R.-Introduction to Trade and Business 8vo. Lond. 1832 Merchants' Accounts; Book-keeping. 8vo. Lond. no date 18 138 LAN — LAR [Merc. Lib. Langley, L.-Principia Saxonica. 12o. Lond. 1839 Langon, Baron-Evenings with Prince Cambaceres. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1838 The Same. 2 v..... 12o. Phil. 1838 Langsdorff, G. H. von-Voyages and Travels in 1803-7 8vo. Phil. 1817 Language; its Connection with the Condition of Man. 12o. Prov. 1836 Lankaster; Porter; etc.-Veget. Sub. for Food, & Manuf. (L. E. K.) 3 v. 12o. Lond. 1829-33 Lanman, Chas.-Essays for Summer Hours.... 12o. Bost. 1842 _ —— _ - Letters from Alleghany Mountains.. 12o. N.Y. 1849 - - " " a Landscape Painter. 16o. Bost. 1845 - Summer in the Wilderness..12o. N. Y. 1847 --------- Tour to the River Sauguenay in L. C.. 12o. Phil. 1848 ------ J. H.-History of Michigan.. 8vo. N. Y. 1839 ---- -- The Same. (H. F. L.).. 18o. N. Y. 1841 Lanzi, Luigi-History of Painting in Italy. (Fr. Ital.) 6 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1828 - The Same. 2 v.... 12o. Lond. 1831 La Prouse, J. F. G. de-Voy. Round the World, 1785-8. (Fr. Fren.) 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1799 Lapham, J. A.-Wisconsin; its Geog. and Topography.. 12o. Milwaukie. 1846 La Place, P. A. de-Romans et Contes. 8 v... 8vo. Paris. 1788 P. S. de-Essai sur les Probabilites. 4 v... 8vo. Paris. 1814 ------ - Mecanique Celeste. (Fr. Fren.)... 4to. Bost. 1829-39 La Placette, Jean de-Nouveaux Essais de Morale. 4 v.. 12o. Amst'dam. 1797 -Death of the Righteous. (Fr. Fren.).. 18o. N. Y. 1833 Lappenberg, J. M.-Hist. of England, under Anglo-Saxon Kings. 2 v. 6vo. Lond. 1845 Lardner, Dionysius-Lectures on Science and Art. 2 v.. 8vo. N. Y. 1846 c;. Steam Engine. 12o. N. Y. 1828 - Railway Economy... 12o. Lond. 1850 - Steam Engine Explained and Illustrated 8vo. Lond. 1840 - Treatise on Arithmetic. (L. C.C.) 16o. Lond. 1834 -- -- Geometry. (L. C. C.) 16o. Lond. 1840 __ -- -- " Heat. (L. C. C.).16o. Lond. 1833 - ---- " Hydrostatics and Pneumatics. (L. C. C.) 16o. Lond. 1836 - The Same; by B. F. Joslin. 12o. Bost. 1832 -_- - & Walker, C. V.-Man. of Electricity, &c. (L. C.C.) 2 v. 16o. Lond. 1841-4 ____ __ (Ed'r)-Cabinet Cyclopedia. 133 v... 16o. Lond. 1829-44 Vols. 1, 4. Scott, Sir W. History of Scotland. 2, 11, 16. Cooley, W. D. Maritime and Inland Discovery. 3, 94. Donovan, M. Domestic Economy. 5. Kater, Capt., and Lardner, D. Mechanics. 6. Roscoe, H. Lives of Eminent British Lawyers. 7. Cities and Principal Towns of the World. 8,18, 37, 62. ) 69, 81, 95, 104. Mackintosh, Sir J., and others. History of England. 113, 124. ) 9. Keightley, T. Outlines of History. 10. Grattan, T. C. History of the Netherlands. 12, 15, 23. Crowe, E. E. History of France. 13, 33. Fergus, H. History of the United States of America. 14. Herschel, Sir J. F. W. Discourse on Natural Philosophy. 17. Lardner, D. Hydrostatics and Pneumatics. 19. Brewster, Sir D. Treatise on Optics. 20. Dunham, S. A. History of Poland. 21, 78, 91, 99. Foster, J., and others. Lives of British Statesmen. 101, 108,'115. 22. Porter, G. R. Manufacture of Silk. 24, 42, 54. Holland, J. Manufactures in Metal. Catalogue.] L A R — LA 139 Lardner, Dionysius (Ed'r)-Cabinet Cyclopaedia, (continued). Vols. 25, 28, 36. Gleig, G. R. British Military Commanders. 26. Porter, G. R. Manufactures of Porcelain and Glass, 27. Sismondi, J. C. L. S. de. Italian Republics. 29, 30, 32. Dunham, S. A. History of Spain and Portugal. 35, 38. ~ 31. History of Switzerland. 34. Donovan, M. Treatise on Chemistry. 39. Lardner, D. Treatise on Heat. 40, 48, 57. Southey, R., and Bell, R. Royal British Naval Commanders. 41, 52. Stebbing, H. History of the Church. 43. Herschel, Sir J. F. W. Treatise on Astronomy. 44. Nicholas, Sir H. Chronology of History. 45, 49, 53, 58. Dunham, S. A. Europe during the Middle Ages. 46, 76, 82 James, G. P. R., and Crowe, E. E. Foreign Statesmen. 47, 70. Fosbroke and others. Grecian and Roman Antiquities. 50, 73. History of Rome. 51. Powell, B. History of Natural Philosophy. 55. Lardner, D. Treatise on Arithmetic. 56, 61. Sismondi, J. C. L. S. de. Fall of the Roman Empire. 59. Swainson, W. Preliminary Discourse on Natural History. 60, 64, 67. Dunham, S. A. Germanic Empire. 63, 71, 96. Montgomery, J., and others. Authors of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. 65, 90, 121, 133. Moore, T. History of Ireland. 66. Swainson, W. Geography and Classification of Animals. 68, 74, 80, 88. ) 103, 114, 125. Thirlwall, C. History of Greece. 132. 72. Swainson, W. Natural History of Quadrupeds. 75. Henslow, J. S. Principles of Physiological Botany. 77, 86. Stebbing, H. History of the Reformation. 79, 85, 100. Bell, R. History of Russia. 83, 92. Swainson, W. Natural History of Birds. 84, 93, 106. Dunham, S. A., and others. Literary and Scient. Men of G. B 112, 119. 97, 111. Phillips, J. Treatise on Geology. 98. Swainson, W. Animals in Menageries. 105, 117. Shelley, Mrs., and others. Authors of France. 107. De Morgan, A. Essay on Probabilities. 109, 116. Swainson, W. Fish, Amphibians, and Reptiles. 110, 118, 122. Dunham, S. A. Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. 120. Swainson, W. Habits and Instincts of Animals. 123. " Shells, and Shell-Fish. 126. " Taxidermy and Bibliography. 127. Lardner, D. Geometry and its Application. 129. Swainson, W., and Shuckard, W. E. History of Insects. 130, 131. Lardner, D., and Walker, C. V. Electricity and Magnetism. ----- - Nath.-Credibility of Gospel History. 15 v... 8vo. Lond. 1730-1 Lamed, Sylvester-Life and Eloquence; by R. R. Gurley.. 12o. N. Y. 1844 La Rochefoucauld (Duc de)-Moral Maxims. (Fr. Fren.). 12o. Lond. 1749 ------ Liancourt, F. A. F. (Due de)-Voyage dans Etats U. 8vo. Paris. 1799.-..... — - Travels in U. S. and Canada. (Fr. Fren.) 4to. Lond. 1799 La Rochejaquelein (Marchioness de)-Memoirs of Herself. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Phil. 1816...-.- The Same. (C. M.).. 16o. Edin. 1827 Las Casas, Bartholomew-Spanish Discoveries in America.. 8vo. Lond. 1699 Las Cases, M. J. E. (Count de)-Napoleon dans l'Exil. 2 v. 8vo. Paris. 1842 _- -- Life of Napoleon at St. Helena. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1823 -- The Same. 2 v..... 8vo. Bost. 1823 The Same. 4 v... 16o. Lond. 1836 140 LA S — LEA Merc.Lib. Las Cases, M. J. E. (Count de)-The Same. 4 v... 160. Lond. 1848 La Serre, R. de. See Perlin, E. Last Days of Eminent Christians... 12o. Edin. 1841 Lasteyre, C. P.-History of Auricular Confession. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1848 Latham, R. G.-English Language....8vo. Lond. 1841 - - The Same.... 8vo. Lond. 1848 Latilla, Eugenio-Fresco, Encaustic, and Tempera Painting 8vo. Lond. 1842 Latimer, Hugh-Select Sermons; with Life.. 12o. Bost. 1832 Latour, A. L.-War in Florida and Louisiana, in 1814-15. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Phil. 1816 - Seran de-Lives of Epaminondas and Scipio 8vo. Lond. 1787 Latrobe, Chas. J.-Rambler in Mexico in 1834.. 12o. N. Y. 1836 -- -- Rambler in North America, 1832-3.. 12o. N. Y. 1835 Latude, H. M. de-Memoirs of Himself. Edited by Thierry. (Fr. Fr.) 120. Dublin. 1834 Laurance, John-Geology in 1835.... 12o. Lond. 1835 Laurel and Lyre; Fugitive Poems of the 19th Century. 2 v.. 18o. Lond. 1838 Laurent, (de'Ardeche) —History of Napoleon. 2 v. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. N. Y. 1843 - J. C. M.-Practical German Grammar. 12o. Lond. 1847 - P. E.-Tour in Greece, Turkey, and Italy, 1818-19. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1822 Laurie, J.-Homoeopathic Practice of Physic.. 8vo. Lond. 1847 --- - Robt., and Whittle, J.-New General Atlas 4 to. Lond. 1807 Lavallee, Theo.-Histoire des Frangais jusqu'en 1830. 4 v. 12o. Paris. 1847 Lavater, J. C.-Essays on Physiognomy. (Fr. Ger.) 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1804 --- - The Same...8vo. Lond. 1840 ---- Pocket Lavater. 18o. N. Y. 1818 Lavoisier, A. L.-Elements of Chemistry.. 8vo. N. Y. 1806 *Lavoisne, C. V.-General, Historical, Chron., and Geographical Atlas Fol. Phil. 1821 Law and Lawyers; or, Sketches of Legal History. 2 v.. 12o. Phil. 1841 -- en.-Rudiments of Civil Engineering. Part 1 12o. Lond 1848 Lawrence, Edwin-Xamayca; a Romantic Poem.. 16o. Lond. 1847 W.-Lectures on Comparative Anatomy, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1822 -.- - The Same.. 12o. Lond. 1838 -The Same..... 12o. Lond. 1848 ---- W. B.-Discourses and Reviews on Political Economy 8vo. N. Y. 1834 Laws of Etiquette... 240. N. Y. 1836 - of N. Y., passed from the First to the Twelfth Session Fol. N. Y. 1789; T " Thirty-sixth to the Forty-eighth Session 8vo. Albany. 1813-25.. ". Fifty-ninth to the Sixty-second Session 8vo. Albany. 1836-9 " passed at Seventy-second Session.8vo. Troy. 1849 - of United States relating to Patents.. 8vo. Wash. 1848 Lawson, J. P.-Remarkable Conspiracies. (C. M.) 2 v. 16o. Edin. 1829 --- -- W. J.-History of Banking.. 8vo. Lond. 1850 Lay, G. T.-Chinese as they Are.. 8vo. Lond. 1841 *Layard, A. H.-Nineveh and its Remains. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1849 - - The Same. 2 v.... 8vo. N. Y. 1849 Lays and Ballads from English History.. 18o. Lond. 1845 Lays of the Minnesingers, or German Troubadours.. 12o. Lond. 1825 Leake, W. M.-Journal of a Tour in Asia Minor... 8vo. Lond. 1824 - -- Researches in Greece.. 4to. Lond. 1814 -- - -- Topography of Athens.. 8vo. Lond. 1821 - Travels in the Morea. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1830 Catalogue.] L E A -- L E 141 Leake, W. M.-Travels in Northern Greece. 4 v... 8vo. Lond. 1835 Leaves from M. Smith's Jour. in Prov. of Massachusetts Bay, 1678-9 12o. Bost. 1849 Le Bas, C. W.-Life of Archbishop Cranmer... 18o. N. Y. 1833 " John Wickliffe.... 18o. N. Y. 1832 Phil.-Histoire des Temps Modernes. 2 v... 12o. Paris. 1842 Lebeau, Chas.-Histoire du Bas Empire. 21 v... 8vo. Paris. 1824-36 Le Boys des Guays, J. E.-Letters to a Man of the World. (Fr. Fren.) 12o. N. Y. 1848 Le Brethon, J. J. P.-Guide to the French Language. 8vo. Lond. 1837 - The Same... 12o. N. Y. 1839 Le Brun, G. C. A. P.-Adelaide de Meran. 4 v.. 12o. Paris. 1820....- -. Angelique et Jeanneton. 2 v.... 12o. Paris. 1820 -- - Le Beau-Pere et le Gendre. 2 v.. 12o. Paris. 1822 --- - L'Egoisme. 2 v....12o. Paris. 1819 -Famille Suceval. 4 v. 12o. Paris. 1819 - - L'Homme i Projets. 4 v....12o. Paris. 1819 - -- Jerome. 4 v....12o. Paris. 1822 L'Observateur; ou, Mons. Martin. 2 v..12o. Paris. 1821 --- Tableaux de Societe. 4 v. 12o. Paris. 1821 -- -- Th6odore; ou, les Pcruviens. 12o. Paris. 1820 ---- - Pierre-(Euvres. 2 v.. 8vo. Paris. 1844 Le Bruyn, Corneille-Voyage au Levant. 3 v... 4to. Rouen. 1725 ---- -- Travels in Muscovy, Persia, &c. (Fr. Fren.) 2. v. Fol. Lond. 1737 Voyage to the Levant. (Fr. Fren.) Fol. Lond. 1702 Lechford, Thos.-Plain Dealings; News from New England 12o. Lond. 1642 Le Clerc, John-Lives of Primitive Fathers. (Fr. Fren.). 12o. Lond. 1701 Le Comte, Lewis-Memoirs during Travels in China. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Lond. 1737 Le Coq, H. —Gographie Physique, et Meteorologie. 8vo. Paris. 1836 Lecount, Peter-Treatise on Railways... 12o. Edin. 1839 Lectures on Painting, by Barry, Opie, and Fuseli. 12o. Lond. 1848 ---- the Social and Physical Condition of People in Towns 12o. Glasgow. no date Ledyard, John-Travels and Adventures...12o. Lond. 1834 Lee, Alex.-Chemical Diagrams 120. Lond. 1833 -- Chas.; Memoirs of; with Essays and Letters.. 12o. N. Y. 1792&1813 -- Chas.-Elements of Geology. (H. F. L.). 18o. N. Y. 1846 -- Eliza-Life of Jean Paul F. Richter. 2 v.. 12o. Bost. 1842 - E. B.-Memoirs of Joseph Buckminster and Son 12o. Bost. 1849 -- Hannah-[Historical Sketches of the Old Painters]. 160. Bost. 1838 ---- - Life and Times of Martin Luther.. 160. Bost. 1839 -- H.-Campaign of 1781 in the Carolinas. 8vo. Phil. 1824 ---- Life of Emperor Napoleon. Vol. l. 8vo. N. Y. 1835 -- --- Observations on Jefferson's Writings.. 8vo. N. Y. 1832 -- Hen.-War in S. Department of U. States. 2 v.. 8vo. Phil. 1812 — Hen —Evidence supporting Anti-Tariff Memorial. 8vo. Bost. 1832 -- R. (Mrs.)-Memoirs of Baron Cuvier. 12o. N. Y. 1833 & 47 -- R. H.-Life of Richard Henry Lee. 2 v.. 8vo. Phil. 1825 - Life of Arthur Lee. 2 v..8vo. Bost. 1829 - Sam.-Hebrew Grammar.. 8vo. Lond. 1827 - Nature and End of Prophecy. 8vo. Camb. 1849 Leeds, W. H. (Ed'r)-Rudimentary Architecture. 12o. Lond. 1848 --- -- Public Buildings of London. 2 v.. 8vo. Lend. 1838 142 L E F- LE S [Merc. Lib. Lefanu, Alicia-Life and Writings of Mrs. F. Sheridan.. 8vo. Lond. 1824 Lefranc, E.-Histoire de la Littirature Francais. 3 v.. 12o. Paris. 1840-1 Legare, H. S.-Writings and Life. 2 v... 8vo. N. Y. 1845-6 Legendre, A. M.-Elements of Geometry. (Fr. Fren.).. 8vo. N. Y. 1830.... Geometry & Trigonometry. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Phil. 1844 Leger, Theo.-Animal Magnetism.. -. 12o. N. Y. 1846 Legge, Thos.-True Tragedy of Richard Third.. 8vo. Lond. 1844 Leggett, Wm.-[Leisure Hours at Sea.] (Poems.)... 12o. NY. 1825 - Political Writings. 2 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1840 -— __- -_- (Ed'r)-The Critic. Vol. 1... 8vo. N. Y. 1828-9 Legrand, P. J. B.-Fabliaux; or, Tales. (Fr. Fren.) 3 v. 12o. Lond. 1815 Le Gros, W. B.-Fables and Tales, in Verse... 4to. Lond. 1835 Lehmanoski, Louis F.-Fall of Warsaw; a Tragedy 16o. Annapolis. 1840 Leibnitz-CEuvres. 2 v..... 12o. Paris. 1846 Leichard, Ludwig-Expedition in Australia, 1844-5.8vo. Lond. 1847 Leigh, W. H.-Voyages in South Australia, 1836-8. 8vo. Lond. 1840 Leighton, Robt.-Exposition of Creed, Lord's Prayer, &c. See Sacred Classics..-.. Whole WTorks. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1846 Leithead, Wm. —On Electricity... 8vo. Lond. 1837 Le Keux, J., Wright, T., and Jones, H. L.-Memor. of Cambridge. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Leland, Thos.-History of Ireland from Invasion of Henry II. 3 v. 8vo. Dublin. 1774 Lelyveld, F. van-Aanmerk. over het Storten Van Olie, &c. 8vo. Leyden. 1775 Lemery, Nich.-Course of Chemistry.... 8vo. Lond. 1720 *Lempriere, John-Classical Dictionary.. 8vo. N. Y. 1832 -------- The Same. Edited by Anthon. 2 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1833 -* -- -- Universal Biography. 2v.... 8vo. N. Y. 1810 _ —----- W.-Lectures on Natural History... 8vo. Lond. 1830 L'Enclos, Ninon de-Lettres au Marquis de Sevign. 18o. Amst'dam. 1776 Lennox, Charlotte-Shakspeare Illustrated. 3 v.. 12o. Lond. 1753-4 Lenoir, Alex.-MIusie des Monumens Francais. 6 v... 8vo. Paris. 1800-6 Le Normand, M. A.-Memoirs of Empress Josephine. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1848 Leonard, C. E.-Mechanical Principia.. 12o. N. Y. 1848 Leone (Abbate)-Jesuit Conspiracy. (Fr. Fren.).. 12o. Lond. 1848 Lerminier, E.-Histoire des Legislations Comparees. 16o. Brux. 1838 Leroux, Pierre-Origine Democratique du Christianisme.. 12o. Boussac. 1848 Discours sur la Societe. 2 v. in one. 12o. Boussac. 1847 - De l'Egalit6.... 8vo. Boussac. 1848 ---- -- De l'Humanit6 de son Principe, &c. 2 v. 8vo. Paris. 1845 Le Sage, A.-Atlas Historique, Gennealog., Chronolog., &c.. Fol. Paris. no date A. R.-Gil Blas. 4 v... 18o. Paris. 1820-4 The Same. 8vo. Paris. 1838 - The Same.... 12o. Paris. 1845 --...- CEuvres Choisies. 16 v... 8vo. Paris. 1810 Vol. 1. Diable Boiteux. 8, 9. Roland l'Amoureux. 2, 3. Gil Blas. 10. Histoire d'Estevanille Gonzalez. 4. Aventures de Beauchene. 11. La Valise Trouvie. 5, 6. Guzman d'Alfarache. 12. Thietre Francais. 7. Bachelier de Salamanque. 13-16. Theatre de le Foire. ----- --- -Roland l'Amoureux. 2v.. 12o. Dublin. 1783 Lescallier, Dan.-Le Tr6ne Enchante. (Fr. Pers.) 2 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1817 Catalogue.] L E L E W 143 Leslie, Chas.-Theological Works. 7 v..8vo. Oxford. 1832 --- Sir John-Natural and Chemical Philosophy.8vo. Edin. 1838 --- - - Philosophy of Arithmetic... 8vo. Edin. 1820 _. —-- - and others-Polar Seas and Regions. (E. C. L.) 16o. Lond. 1835 - The Same. (H. F. L.)... 18o. N. Y. 1843 -- iss-Ladies' Receipt Book.. 12o. Phil. 1850 Lessing, G. E.-Sammtliche Werke. 30 v.. 12o. Carlsruhe.1823-5 r - Laocoon; Limits of Poetry and Painting. (Fr. Ger.) 8vo. Lond. 1838 Lessons on Shells, at the School at Cheam... 18o. N. 1833 Lester, C. Edwards.-Artist, Merchant, and Statesman. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1845 _ — -- _ Artists of America; Biographical Sketches 8vo. N. Y. 1846 _ —__- Condition and State of England. 2 v... 12. N. Y. 1843 ---- -- Glory and Shame of England. 2 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1841 - Sam Houston and his Republic.. 8vo. N. Y. 1846 ---- -- and Foster, A.-Life and Voyages of Americus Vespucius 8vo. N. 1846 --- J. W.-Criticisms..... 16o. Lond. 1847 Letter-Writing Simplified. (A Reprint of "lHints on Letter-Writing.") 18o. N. Y. 1844 Letters after a Tour through France, Italy, &c., in 1816. 8vo. Edin. 1817 - Concerning Mythology..... 8vo. Lond. 1748 6" the State of the French Nation..8vo. Lond. 1769 --- Descriptive of Virginia Springs...18o. Phil. 1835 -- from Danube. 2 v..... 12o. Lond. 1847 Elder to a Younger Brother... 24o. Middlebury. 1815 -Madras in 1836-9... 12o. Lond. 1843 - North of Scotland. 2 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1815 South and West of United States... 8vo. Bost. 1824 Switzerland and France.. 8vo. Lond. 1821 --- of British Dramatists; by Campbell, Gifford, and others. 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1846 Certain Jews to Voltaire..... 8vo. Paris. 1845 --- - Eminent Men to Ralph Thoresby. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1832 " Persons to David Hume.. 8vo. Edin. 1849 on the Church. By an Episcopalian..12o. N.. 1837 the Writings of the Fathers, &c.. 12o. Lond. 1844 - to Caleb Strong, on Retaliation, &c... 8vo. Prov. 1818 -- My Unknown Friends.... 180. Lond. 1848. R. Heber, on the Waverley Novels... 12o. Bost. 1822 - Warden, from the Cape of Good Hope... 12o. N. Y. 1817 Wilberforce, on Hereditary Depravity.12o. Lond. 1816 Lettres d'un Negociant k son Fils... 12o. Strasburg. 1789 Lettsom, J. C.-On Beneficence, Temperance, and Medical Science. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1801 Leuze, J. P. F. de-Instruction in Animal Magnetism. (Fr. Fren.) 12o. Prov. 1837 Le Vaillant, Fran.-Travels in Africa, 1780-5. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1796 Levasseur, A.-Voyage in United States with Lafayette. 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1829 Lever, Darcy-Young Sea Officer's Sheet-Anchor.. 4to. N. Y. 1843 *Leverett, F. P.-Lexicon of the Latin Language.. 8vo. Bost. 1839 Levi, Dav.-Defence of Old Testament against T. Paine. 8vo. Lond. 1797 Levinge, R. G. A.-Echoes from the Backwoods. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1849 Levison, J. L.-Mental Culture.... 12o. Bost. 1834 Levizac, J. P. V. L. (Abbe de)-French Grammar.. 12o. N. Y. 1823 Lewes, G. H.-Life of Maximilian Robespierre.. 12o. Lond6 1849 144 L E W -- LIB [Mer. Lb. Lewis, Alonzo-History of Lynn and Nahant... 8vo. Bost. 1844 --- - --- Influence of Authority in Matters of Opinion. 8vo. Lond. 1849 ---- Origin of the Romance Languages... 8vo. Oxford. 1835 --- M., and Clarke, W.-Exped. to Missouri and Col. Rivers. 2 v. 8vo. Phil. 1814 -.- - The Same, abridged. (H. F. L.) 2 v... 18o. N. Y. 1844 ---- M. G.-Tales of Wonder. (Poems.) 2 v... 18o. N. Y. 1801 -----' - Life and Correspondence. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1839 -- S. Anne-Child of the Sea.... 12o. N. Y. 1848 Tayler-Discourses...... 8vo. N.Y. 1841-3 ----- -- Punishment by Death. [B'nd with Cheever, Geo. B., "Defence" &c.] ---- Thos.-Origines Hebraise. 4 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1724 --- W.-Chess for Beginners.... 16o. Lond. 1835 - Lessons on the Game of Chess. 1st Series. 12o. Lond. 1842 -- - The Same. 2nd Series... 8vo. Lond. 1834 Lexiphanes; a Dialogue, imitated from Lucian.. 8vo. Lond. 1843 Leyden, John-Discoveries and Travels in Africa. 2 v... 8vo. Edin. 1817 Lherbette, A. J.-De la Liberte Commerciale, &c... 8vo. Paris. 1835 L'Homond, C. F.-Doctrine Chr6tienne.... 12o. Lyons. 1809 Library of Entertaining Knowledge. 43 v. 12o. Lond. 1831-8 Vols. 1, 7, 42, 43. Ogilby Martin, and Knight, C. Menageries. 2, 15, 21. Lankaster (Dr.), Porter, J. K., and others. Vegetable Substances. 3, 6, 12. Rennie, J., and Westwood, J. O. Insect Architecture & Transformations. 4,8. Craik, G. L. Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties. 5. The New Zealanders. 9, 19, 23. Rennie, J. Architecture, Faculties, and Habits of Birds. 10,14. Paris, and its Historical Scenes. 11,28. Malkin, J. H. Historical Parallels. 13, 18. Pompeii. 16, 27. Jardine, Dav. Criminal Trials. 17, 20, 22. British Museum. Egyptian Antiquities, by Geo. Long. 30-32. ~ Elgin Marbles, and Townley Gallery, by Sir H. Ellis, 24. Planche, J. R. History of British Costume. 25, 26. The Hindoos. 29. Canada, and the Oregon. (Backwoods of Canada.) 33. Secret Societies of the Middle Ages. 34,35. Lane, E. W. Modern Egyptians. 36, 37. Davis, J. F. Description of China. 38-41. Malden, H. Distinguished Men of Modern Times. Library of the Fine Arts. 4 v...... 8vo. Lond. 1831-9 Useful Knowledge.. 8vo. Lond. 1831-41 Ansell, C. Friendly Societies. Bell, Sir C. Animal Mechanics. Bradley, T. Geometry and Perspective. British Husbandry. 3 v. Brougham, H. (Lord). Political Philosophy. 3 v. Busk, (Mrs.) History of Spain and Portugal. De Morgan, A. Elements of Spherical Trigonometry. 4" "' Gnomonic Projection of the Sphere. Flemish Husbandry. Geometry; Plane, Solid, and Spherical. Hopkins, W. Elements of Trigonometry. Jones, Dav. Annuities, &c. 2 v. Lindley, J. Treatise on Botany. Lives of Eminent Persons. Long, Porter, and Tucker. Geography of America and West Indies. McCulloch, J. R. Commerce. Malken. History of Greece. Manufacture of Iron. Catalogue.] L IB- L:IN 145 Library of Useful Knowledge (continued). Mathematics. 2 v. Miller, K. O. Literature of Ancient Greece. Natural Philosophy. 2 v. Outlines of Chemistry. Planting of Trees. Roget, P. M. Animal Physiology. " " Electricity and Magnetism. Smedley, E. History of France. Tables of Logarithms. (120.) Treatise on Brewing. Vaughan, R. History of England. 2 v. Waddington, G. History of the Church. Ward, S. W. Algebraical Geometry. Youatt, W. Cattle. (" " The Horse. " Sheep. Lichtenstein, Hen.-Travels in South Africa, 1803-6. (Fr. Ger.) 3 v. 4to. Lond. 1812-15 *Liddell, H. G., and Scott, R.-Greek and English Lexicon. 8vo. N. Y. 1846 R.-Seaman's Vade Mecum.... 8vo. Lond. 1787 Lieber, Fran.-Character of the Gentleman... 12o. Charleston. 1847 --- --- Constitution, &c., of Girard College... 8vo. Phil. 1834 --- -- Essay on Property and Labor. (H. F. L.). 18o. N. Y. 1841 -- --- -Great Events told by Eminent Writers.. 12o. N. Y. 1847 ---- -- Letters after a Trip to Niagara... 8vo. Phil. 1834 - Manual of Political Ethics. 2 v.... 8vo. Bost. 1838-9 - Reminiscences of Niebuhr the Historian.. 12o. Phil. 1835 Liebig, Justus-Animal Chemistry. (Fr. Ger.)... 8vo. Lond. 1842 - The Same.... 12o. N. Y. 1842 --- - Chemical Analysis of Organic Bodies.. 8vo. Glasgow. 1839 - Chemistry and Physics.... 8vo. Lond. 1846 - Chemistry applied to Agriculture, &c...12o. N. Y. 1847 Familiar Letters on Chemistry... 18o. N. Y. 1843 - The Same, in relation to Commerce, &c. 1st and 2d Ser. 18o. Lond. 1845 —. —-- Introduction to Chemistry.... 12o. Loud. 1839 ------- Motion of Juices in the Animal Body.. 8vo. Lond. 1848 __ — -- On the Chemistry of Food.... 8vo. Lond. 1847 Light, Hen.-Travels in Egypt, Nubia, and Syria, 1814.. 4to. Lond. 1818 Lilly, Wm.-Introduction to Astrology... 8vo. Lond. 1835.- -- Memoirs of Himself. See Autobiography. Lincoln, A. H. (Mrs.) See Phelps, A. H., /Mrs. - ELR. W.-Lives of Presidents of United States, &c.. 8vo. N. Y. 1834 -- Wm.-History of Worcester, Mass. 8vo. Worcester. 1837 Lindley, Geo.- Guide to Orchard and Kitchen Garden..8vo. Loud. 1831 John-Elements of Botany... 8vo. Loud. 1841 - First Principles of Horticulture... 18o. Loud. 1842 ---- -- Flora Medica.... 8vo. Loud. 1838 - Glossary of Botanical Terms... 8vo. Lond. 1848 -—.. - Introduction to Botany.... 8vo. Lond. 1835 The Same. 2 v...... 8vo. Lond. 1848 - Introduction to Natural System of Botany. 8vo. N. YV 1831 - - Key to Botany.... 8vo. Loud. 1835 - - Ladies' Botany..... o. Lond. 1841 19 146 L IN —L I V [Mere. Lib. Lindley, John.-Medical and Economical Botany...8vo. Lond. 1849 _ —-- -- Natural System of Botany... 8vo. Lond. 1836 - -- School Botany. 16o. Lond. 1839 -- --- Theory of Horticulture.... 12o. N. 1841 - --- Treatise on Botany. (L. U. K.).. 8vo. Lond. 1838 - -- Vegetable Kingdom.... 8vo. Lond. 1846 Lindo, E. H.-History of Jews in Spain and Portugal..8vo. Lond. 1848 Lindsay, Lord-Lives of the Lindsays. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1849 ------- -- Sketches of Christian Art. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1847 Lingard, John-History of England. 10 v... 18o. Phil. 1827 Linguet, S. N. H.-Critical Analysis of Voltaire's Works..8vo. Lond. 1779 Linn, W.-Legal and Commercial Common-Place Book. 8vo. Ithaca. 1850 Linnseus, Chas.-Lachesis Lapponica; or, Tour in Lapland. 2 v. 8vo. Lond 1811 -Philosophia Botanica... 8vo. Vienna. 1783 -- -- - Systema Nature. 3 v....8vo. Stockh'm.1766-8 Liot, W. B.-Panama, &c.; or, Communic. between Atlan. and Pacific 8vo. Lond. 1849 List, C.-Outlines of Astronomy.. 18o. Phil. 1846 - - " Natural Philosophy...18o. Plil. 1846 Lister, J. H.-Life of First Earl of Clarendon. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1838 - - Martin-Journey to Paris in 1698....8vo. Load. 1699 Liston, Robt.-Practical Surgery.... 8vo. Phil. 1838 Literary and Scientific Repository. 2 v... 8vo. N Y. 1820-21 Theological Review. 6 v.. 8vo. N. Y. 1834-9 - Chronicle and Weekly Review...4to. Lond. 1821 ---- Gazette, the. (Weekly.).... 4to. Lond. 1827.- -- The Same. 12 v..... 4to. Lond. 1832-43 - World, the. 3 v........ 8vo. Lond. 1839-40 * —- ---- for Authors, Readers, &c. Vols. 1-6. [Continued.] 4to. N. Y. 1847-50 Littell, E. (Ed'r)-Living Age. Vols. 1-25. [Continued.] 8vo. Bost. 1844-50 Little Book Open; a Prophecy of Coming of Christ, &c.. 8vo. Phil. 1763 - Geo.-Life on the Ocean. 12o. Bost. 1844-5 Livermore, A. A.-Acts of Apostles, with Commentary. 12o. Bost. 1844 --------- Four Gospels, with a Commentary. 12o. Bost. 1847 ------ --- Lectures to Young Men... 18o. Bost. 1847 —..- - War with Mexico Reviewed... 12. Bost. 1850 ------- Harriet-[Millenial Tidings].. 12o. Phil. 1831 Liverpool (Earl of) —Memoirs of his Life... 8vo. Lond. 1827 Lives and Voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier. (E. C. L.) 16o. Edin. 1837 - The Same. (H. F. L.).... 18o. N. Y. 1832 - - of American Merchants.... 18o. N. Y. 1846 - Ancient Philosophers.....8vo. Lond. 1702 ---- Balboa, Hernando Cortes, and Francisco Pizarro. 18o. N. Y. 1847 - British Dramatists; by Campbell, Gifford, and others. 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1846 - Christopher Columbus and Americus Vespucius 18o. N. Y. 1847 Eminent British Physicians. (M. F. L.)... 16o. Lond. 1830 --- " Persons. (L. U. K.).. 8vo. Lond. 1833 - English and Irish Admirals...12o. Dublin. 1783 - Princes of the House of Orange... 8vo. Lond. 1734 Living and the Dead...... 12o. N. Y. 1827 Livingston, Edw.-System of Penal Law for United States. Fol. Wash. 1828 Catalogue.] L I V —- L 0 N 147 Livy, Titus-Historiarum Libri Quinque.. 12o. Edin. 1779 --- History of Rome. (Fr. Lat.) 6 v... 8vo. Phil. 1823 --- The Same. 2 v...... 8vo. Lond. 1830 ---- The Same. (F. C. L.) 7 v.... 160. Lond. 1833-4 - The Same. (F. C. L.) 5 v....18o. N. Y. 1836 -- History of Rome. First Eight Books. (Fr. Lat.). 12o. Lond. 1849 *Lizars, John-Anatomical Plates of the Human Body. Fol. Edin. no date Lloyd, W.-Letters from the West Indies in 1836-7.. 12o. Lond. no date -- - --,and Gerard, A.-Journeys through Himalaya Mts. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1840 Llobb, Rich. —Contemplative Philosopher. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1817 Locke, John-Conduct of the Understanding. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1796 - - The Same..... 8vo. Phil. no date -- -- The Same. See Bacon, Francis. ---- -- Education...... 12o. Lond. 1836 ----- Reasonableness of Christianity. See Sacred Classics. - - Works. 3 v...... Fol. Lond. 1759 ---- The Same. 10 v......8vo. Lond. 1823 Lockhart, J. G.-[Ballantyne Humbug Handled].. 8vo. Edin. 1839 ------- Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. (M. F. L.) 2 v. 16o. Lond. 1835 ------- -- The Same. (H. F. L.) 2 v.. 18o. N..1Y. 1831-8 ----- --- ife of Robert Burns. (C. M.)... 16o. Edin. 1830 The Same..... 18o. Y. 1831 - Life of Sir Walter Scott. 2 v.. 8vo. Phil. 1827 ---- - The Same. 6 v.....12o. N. Y. 1837-8 The Same.... 8vo. Edin. 1842 --- - - _ [Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk.] 3 v... 8vo. Edin. 1819 -- [The Same]..... 8vo. N. Y. 1820 ------ (Ed'r)-Ancient Spanish Ballads. (Fr. Span.). 4to. Lond. 1823 --- -- The Same. (With Additions.).. 8vo. N. Y. 1842 -- J. I.-Attica and Athens. (Fr. Ger.).. 8vo. Lond. 1842 Lockman-Travels of the Jesuits. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1743 Lodge, Edm.-Illustrations of British History, &c. 3 v...4to. Lond. 1791 -- - - - Portraits of Personages of Great Britain. 8 v. 16o. Lond. no date Thos.-Glaucus and Silla; and other Poems. 12o. Chiswick. 1819 Logan, Jas.-Scottish GaSl. 2 v...... 8vo. Lond. 1831 The Same...... 8vo. Bost. 1833 Logic of the Ancients. MS...... 4to. 1785 Lolme, J. L. de-Constitution of England....8vo. Lond. 1821 The Same; Edited by Stephens. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1838 London Almanac for 1841... 12o. Lond. 1841 -- Anecdotes. Vols. 1 and 2... 18o. Lond. no date *- -_Art Union Prize Annual.....Fol. Lond. 1845 * —- The Same Fl... Fo Lond. 1847 * - -Catalogue of Books published from 1800-22..8vo. Lond. 1822,*__. __ " 1810-31.. 8vo. Lond. 1831,___ -s,, " 1800-34. 8vo. Lond. 1835,*___,,,, " 1814-39.. 8vo. Lond. 1839 *___,, " " 1814-49..8vo. Lond. 1846-9 -* Encyclopedia. 22 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1845 - Journal of Arts and Sciences. First Series. Vols. 1-13.8vo. Lond. 1820-7 148 L O N -L O U [Merc. Lib. London Journal of Arts, &c. The Same. Second Series. Vols. 1-4 8vo. Lond. 1828-30 ---- in 1838. By an American..... 18o. N. Y. 1839 ----- Medical Gazette. 9 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1837-42 --- Saturday Journal. 5 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1839-41 ---- Stage, the. 4 v....... 8vo. Lond. no date Londonderry, C. W. van (Lord)-Peninsular War... 12o. N. Y. 1848 ---- -- ~H. Vane (Marchioness of)-Courts of Vienna, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1844 Long, Geo.-Egyptian Antiquities. (L. E. K. British Museum.) 2 v. 120. Lond. 1832-6 - (Pro.), Porter, & Tucker,-Geog. of Am. & W. Indies. (L.U. K.) 8vo. Lond. 1845 - J.-North American Indians..... 4to. Lond. 1791 -- S. H. (Maj.)-Expedition to St. Peter's River. 2 v.. 8vo. Phil. 1824 Longfellow, H. W.-Estray, the; a Collection of Poems.. 16o. Bost. 1847 ---- - Evangeline; a Tale of Acadie.. 12o. Bost. 1848 ---- [Outre Mer; a Pilgrimage.] 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1835 __ Poems..... 8vo. N. Y. 1846 The Same.... 8vo. Phil. 1846...._ — The Same. 2 v..... 16o. Bost. 1850.... -- Seaside and Fireside.... 12o. Bost. 1850 __ --- Voices of the Night; and other Poems. 12o. Camb. 1839 ------ - - (Ed'r) —Poets and Poetry of Europe.. 8vo. Phil. 1845.... - - - Waif, the; a Collection of Poems.. 16o. Camb. 1845 Longinus-Treatise on the Sublime.... 12o. N.Y. 1832 Loomis, Elias-Plane and Spherical Trigonometry.. 8vo. N. Y. 1848. —- J. V.-Laws of Common Carrying Trade, and Insurance 16o. N. Y. 1849 Lord, D. N.-Exposition of the Apocalypse... 8vo. N. Y. 1847 - E.-Life of Joseph Christmas.... 12o. N. Y. 1831 - -- Principles of Currency and Banking... 12o. N. Y. 1829 - John —Mlodern History.... 8vo. Phil. 1849 - P. B.-Algiers and Barbary. 2 v..... 12oo. Lo. 1835 Lorenz, J. F.-Die Elemente der Mathematik. 2 v... 8vo. Leipzig. 1795-7. —-- Life of Alcuin (Tutor to Charlemagne.). (Fr. Ger.) 12o. Lond. 1837 Loskil, Geo. H.-Mission of UnitedBreth. among the Indians. (Fr. Ger.) 8vo. Lond. 1794 Lossing, B. J.-History of the Fine Arts. (H. F.L.).. 18o. N. Y. 1840 -Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-Six.. 8vo. N. Y. 1847 _ ---- -- Signers of the Declaration of Independence. 12o. N. Y. 1848 *Loudon, J. C.-Arboretum et Fruticetum Brit. 8 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1838 --— _-_ - -Architectural Magazine. 4 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1834-7 * ------ Encyclopaeia of Agriculture. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1835 *. —-- " " Cottage and Village Architecture 8vo. Lond. 1842 *_ —-- ---- " " Gardening. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. no date ---.- " " Plants... 8vo. Lond. 1836 * —-_- - "- " Trees and Shrubs.. 8vo. Lond. 1842 - Suburban Gardener.... 8vo. Lond. 1838 " Horticulturist.... 8vo. Lond. 1842 ---- - Mrs.-Amateur Gardener's Calendar... 12o. Lond. 1847 * —- -- British Wild Flowers.... 4to. Lond. 1846..-. Entertaining Naturalist... 16o. Lond. 1843 - Facts from the World of Nature... 16o. Lond. 1848 -— _ — - Gardening for Ladies... 12o. N. 1846 - _ —--. Lady's Country Companion..16o. Lond. 1845 Catalogue.] L 0 U —L U T 149 *Loudon, Mrs.-Ladies' Flower Garden of Bulbs.. 4to. Lond. 1841 *.__-____ ". "C Greenhouse Plants 4to. Lond. 1848 -" Magazine of Gardening.. 8vo. Lond. 1842 - - -- Philanthropic Economy....8vo. Lond. 1835 Louis Philippe, King of the French; Memoirs of.. 12o. Lond. 1848 Lounger, the.......8vo. Lond. 1826 Lovet de Couvray, (J. B.)-Aventures de Chevalier de Faublas. 2 v. 8vo. Paris. 1842 Lovell, John E.-United States Speaker.. 12o. N. Haven. 1848 Lover, Sam.-Songs and Ballads.... 16o. Lond. 1839 - - The Same...12o. N. Y. 1847 - The Same.....16o. Phil. 1847 Lovelace, Rich.-Lucasta; Poems, Sonnets, &c. 2 Parts..12o. Chiswick. 1817-8 Low, David-British Domesticated Animals... 8vo. Lond. 1845 --- -- Elements of Practical Agriculture.. 8vo. Edin. 1834 --- The Same.....8vo. Lond. 1838 -- -- Nature of Simple Bodies of Chemistry...8vo. Lond. 1848 — Hugh-Sarawak; its Inhabitants, Productions, &c.. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Lowe, Jos.-State of England..... 8vo. Lond. 1824 Lowell, Jas. R.-[Biglow Papers].... 12o. Camb. 1848 Conversations on the old Poets..18o. Camb. 1846 [Fable for Critics].... 12o. N. Y. 1848..... - Poems. 1st and 2nd Series. 2 v... 12o. Camb. 1844-8 ---- -- The Same. 2 v..... 12o. Bost. 1849 ---- -- Vision of Sir Launfal.... 12o. Camb. 1848 Lower, M. A.-Curiosities of Heraldry.... 8vo. Lond. 1845 -.-.- - English Surnames..... 12o. Lond. 1842 *Lowndes, J. —Modern Greek and English Lexicon.. 8vo. Corfu. 1837 — J —-..J.-Historical Sketch of Law of Copyright..8vo. Lond. 1840 * -, Win. T.-Manual of English Literature. 4 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1834 Lowth, Robt.-[Introduction to English Grammar]... 12o. Lond. 1772 - - saiah; a new Translation.. 8vo. Bost. 1815 - ebrew Sacred Poetry. (Fr. Lat.)...8vo. Andover. 1829 Luc, J. A. de-Lettres Physiques et Morales sur la Terre. 5 v. 8vo. Paris. 1779 ---- Letters on the Physical History of the Earth. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Lond. 1831 Lucan, M. A.-Pharsalia. See Walker, G. S.; Corpus Poet. Lat. — _ —-- Pharsalia. (Fr. Lat. by May.)... 18o. Lond. 1631-2 -—. - The Same. (Fr. Lat. by N. Rowe.) 2 v.. 16o. Lond. 1812 Lucas, J. A. H.-Tableau Methodique des Minerales. 2 v...8vo. Paris. 1806-13 -- Sam.-Charter of old English Colonies in America. 8vo. Lond. 1850 Lucian, Samosatensis-Select Dialogues, Greek and Latin..12o. N. Y. 1818 --- - - Works; with Comments. (Fr. Grk., by Toole.) 2 v. 4to. Lond. 1820 Lucretius, Titus-De Rerum NaturL. See Walker, G. S.; Corpus Poet. Lat. Ludewig, H. E.-Literature of American Local History.8vo. N. Y. 1846 * - - C.-Teutsch-Englisches Lexicon... 4to. Leipzig. 1765 *Luffman, John-Select Plans of Countries, Cities, &c. 4to. Lond. 1809 Lugol, J. G. A.-Researches on Scrofulous Diseases 12o. N. Y. 1845 Lumisden, And.-Antiquities of Rome.. 4to. Lond. 1812 Lunt, Geo.-Poems...... 12o. N. Y. 1839 Lush, R.-Abolition of Arrest on Mesne Process..12o. Lond. 1838 Luther, Martin-Select Works. (Fr. Ger.) 4 v. 8vo. Loud. 1826 150 -L U T — M A C [Merc. Lib. Luther, Martin-Table-Talk. (Fr. Ger.)... 12o. Lond. 1848 Lycophron-Poems. (Fr. Grk.) [Bound with Hesiod, F. C. L.] Lyde, A. F.-Buds of Spring.... 12o. Bost. 1838 Lyell, Chas.-Elements of Geology.. 12o. Lond. 1838 -- The Same. 2 v.... 12o. Bost. 1841 --- - - Principles of Geology. 4th Ed. 4 v... 16o. Lond. 1835 The Same. 5th Ed. 2v.... 8vo. Phil. 1837 --- - The Same. 6th Ed. 3 v...12o. Bost. 1842 ---- i:the Same. 7th Ed. 8vo. Lond. 1847 - Travels in North America in 1841-2. 2 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1845 -- -- Second Visit to United States. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1849 The Same. 2 v.... 12. N. Y. 1849 Lyford, W. G.-Western Address Directory.. 12o. Balt. 1837 Lyman, A. S.-Questions on Chart of Universal History 12o. Phil. 1845 Lyman, Robt.-History of the Rqman Emperors. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1850 Lynch, Anne C.-Poems.. 8vo. N. Y. 1849 ----— W. F.-United States Expedition to the Dead Sea. 8vo. Phil. 1849 Lynd, S. W.-Life of William Staughton... 12o. Bost. 1834 Lyndsay, Sir Dav.-Poetical Works. 3 v... 12o. Lond. 1806 Lyon, C. H.-Initia Latina; or, Rudiments of Latin. 12o. N. Y. 1834 -. S.-United States Tariff of 1828.. 12o. N. Y. 1828 -- G. F.-Private Journal during Capt. Parry's Voyage. 12o. Bost. 1824 Lyre; Fugitive Poetry of the Nineteenth Century.. 180. Lond. 1838 Lysias and Isocrates-Orations. (Fr. Grk.). 4to. Lond. 1778 Lyttleton, Geo. (Lord)-Letters.... 8vo. Phil. no date ---- --- - Life and Age of Henry II. 4 v... 8vo. Dublin. 1768-72 — _ —-- -- - Works; Edited by Ascough. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1776 Mably, G. B. de-Government and Laws of the United States. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Lond. 1784 Macaulay, T. B.-Critical and Historical Essays. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1844...... — " " Miscellaneous Essays. 5 v. 12o. Phil. 1841-44 - _ -- - The Same...... 8vo. Phil. 1846 - - -_ - Essays and Reviews... 12o. Buffalo. 1849 _ ----- -- History of England from James I. Vols. 1-2. 8vo. Lond. 1849 -___ - The Same. Vols. 1-2... 8vo. N. Y. 1849.... -- The Same 2 vols. in one.. 8vo. N. Y. 1849 ----- ---- Lays of Ancient Rome.... 12o. Phil. 1843 —.-. — -- The Same; with "Ivry" and "Armada". 12o. Lond. 1848 ----- --..- Selections from the Writings of.. 16o. N. Y. 1846 Macauley, Jas.-Natural, Civil, and Political History of New-York. 3 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1829 M'Call, Hugh-History of Georgia. 2 v..... 8vo. Savan'h. 1811-16 Maccall, Wm.-Agents of Civilization.... 12o. Lond. 1843 - - Education of Taste.... 12o. Lond. 1846 ----: — Elements of Individualism.. 12o. Lond. 1847 McCartney, Washington-Origin and Progress of United States 12o. Lond. 1847 McClelland, Alex.-Canon and Interpretation of Holy Scripture 12o. N. Y. 1850 -—. — John-Inquiries relative to Geology, &c., in Kemaon. 8vo. Calcutta. 1835 M'Clung, John A.-Sketches of Western Adventure.. 180. Phil. 1832 McCormac, Hen.-Philosophy of Human Nature.. 8vo. Lond. 1837 M'Crie, Thos.-History of Reformation in Italy in 10th Century 8vo. Lond. 1829 Catalogue.] MA C - MA C 51 M'Crie, Thos.-History of Reformation in Spain in 16th Century. 8vo. Lond. 1829 --- -- - Life of John Knox; with Illustrations of Reformation 8vo. N. Y. 1813 --- -- The Same.. 16o. Edin. 1840 _-_-, — Sketches of Scottish Church History. 2 v.. 12o. Edin. 1846 McCullagh, W. T.-Industrial History of Free Nations. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1846 -- - - On the Use and Study of History.. 8vo. Dublin. 1842 Macculloch, John-Geological Classification of Rocks. 8vo. Lond. 1821 - System of Geology; with Theory of the Earth. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1831 McCulloch, J. R. —Dictionary of Commerce and Navigation. 8vo. Lond. 1835 ---- -- The Same; with a Supplement... 8vo. Lond. 1847 Supplement to the Same... 8vo. Lond. 1839 * —---- -- Geographical, Historical and Statist. Dictionary. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1841-2 - Literat. of Polit. Econ., a Catalogue; with Notices 8vo. Lond. 1845.. —--- -- Principles of Political Economy...8vo. Lond. 1830 ----- -- Principles of Taxation and the Funding System 8vo. Lond. 1845 - The Same..8vo. Edin. 1843 - Treatise on Commerce. (L. U. K.).. 8vo. Lond. 1833: —------ - Statistical Account of the British Empire. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1837 McCulloh, Jas. H. —Researches as to Aborigines of America, &c. 8vo. Balt. 1817 M'Dermot, M.-Nature and Principles of Taste.. 8vo. Lond. 1823 ----- -- -- Pleasures derived from Tragic Representation 8vo. Lond. 1824 Macdonald, Wm. R. —Economy of Human Life. (A Poem.) 16o. Lond. 1817 Maceroni, F. (Col.)-Memoirs, by Himself. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1838 Mac Farlane, Chas.-French Revolution. 4 v.... 16o. Lond. 1844...... - - Glance at Revolutionized Italy in 1848. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1849 -- _. — Lives and Exploits of Banditti. (M. F. L.). 16o. Lond. 1839 ~ —,-~ -. The Same. 2 v.... 12o. N. Y. 1833 - Our Indian Empire... 12o. Lond. 1847 ~:.~ —- -- Turkey and its Destiny. 2 v. 8vo. Loud. 1850 McFarlane, John-Mlountains of the Bible.. 12o. N. Y. 1849 Mac Gillivray, Wm.-History of British Birds. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1837-40 _ —---- --..Lives of Eminent Zoologists. (E. C. L.) 16o. Lond. 1834 -. — ---- Manual of British Ornithology. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1840-2 -------- -~- Natural Hist. of British Quadrupeds. (N. L.) 16o. Edin. 1838......_ _ --. Travels of Alex. von Humboldt. (E. C. L.) 16o. Lond, 1836 ----- -- The Same. (H. F.L.).. 18o. N. Y. 1833-8 *- _... -_ (Ed'r)-Edinburgh Journal of Natural Hist., &c. Fol. Edin. no date Mac Geoghegan, J.-History of Ireland. (Fr. Fren.). 8vo. N. Y. 1845 Mac Gregor, John-Commercial Statist. of all Nations. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4. 8vo. Lond. 1844-8 - Holland and the Dutch Colonies. 8vo. Lond. 1848.- -—.- M. ily Note-Book. 3 v... 12o. Lod..1835 * —-- - —.. Progress of America from Discov. to 1846. 2 v. 8vo. Lold. 1847 - Resources and Statistics of Nations. Vol.1. 8vo. Lond. 1835 M'Guire, E. C.-Religious Opinions and Character of Washington 12o. N. Y. 1836 Machiavelli, Nich.-Opere. 10 v..... 8vo. Firenze. 1818-21 - Art of War; with Anecdotes of Machiavelli, &c. 8vo. Albany. 1815 -__.. - Florentine Histories. (Fr. Ital.) 2 v.. 12o. N.. 1845 -- Hist. of Florence; with The Prince, &c. (Fr. Ital.) 16o. Lond. 1847...__. — Works. (Fr. Ital.)... Fol. Lond. 1695 M'I!vaine, Chas. P.-External Evidences of Christianity.. 8vo. N. Y. 1832 152 MA C — MA C [Mer. Lib. M'Intosh, Chas.-Greenhouse, Hothouse, and Stove... 16o. Lond. 1846 Mac Intosh, M. J.-Woman in America.... 12o. N. Y. 1850 Mackay, Alex.-Western World; or, Trav. inU. States in 1846-7. 3 v. 12o. Lond. 1849 - The Same. 2 v.... 12o. Phil. 1849 ---- Chas.-History of London to Accession of Victoria. 12o. Lond. 1838 ----- --- Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1841 ---- -- Salamandrine. (A Poem.).. 12o. Lond. 1842 --- - - Scenery and Poets of the English Lakes. 8vo. Lond. 1846 --- -- Town Lyrics; and other Poems... 16o. Lond. 1848 ---- - Voices from the Crowd; and other Poems.. 16o. Lond. 1846 ---- -- Voices from the Mountains... 160. Lond. 1847 ---- J. T.-Flora Hibernica.... 8vo. Dublin. 1836 Mackeldy, Ferd.-Compendium of Modern Civil Law. Vol. 1. 8vo. N. Y. 1845 M'Kenny, Thos. L.-Sketches of a Tour on the Lakes.. 8vo. Title wanting Travels among the Indians; their Origin, &c. 2 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1846 * — - -- and Hall, J.-Hist. of Indian Tribes of N. Amer. 3 v. Fol. Phil. 1838-44 Mackenzie, A.-Voy. fr. Montreal thro. Continent; Hist. Fur Trade. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1802 -- -- The Same..... 8vo. N. Y. 1802 -- Alex. S.-[American in England.] 2 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1835 & 47 -- ---- -- Life of Paul Jones. 2 v. 12o. Bost. 1841 ----- - The Same. 2 v......16o. N.. 1845 -. —--. -- Life of Oliver Hazard Perry. (H. F. L.) 2 v. 18o. N. Y. 1841 - --- --- - [Spain Revisited.] 2 v.... 12o. N. Y. 1836...- Year in Spain. 3 v. 12o. N. Y. 1836 -------- Colin-Five Thousand Receipts in the Useful Arts. 8vo. Phil. 1831 & 46 -. — — Sir G. S.-On Education; for Mechanic's Institutions. 12o. Lond. 1840.. —-- -- Theory of Taste founded on Association. 12o. Edin. 1842 -~- - -- Travels in Iceland in 1810.. 4to. Edin. 1812 -- - Hen.-Miscellaneous Works.12. N. N. 1836 ----- Hen.-Report of Highland Society on Ossian's Poems. 8vo. Edin. 1805 ------ - John-Memoirs of Life and Writings of John Calvin 12o. Phil. 1823 ------ K. S.-Narrative of Second Campaign in China. 12o. Lond. 1842 ----- -- W. L.-Life and Times of Martin Van Buren. 8vo. Bost. 1846 ~ ------ Lives and Opinions of B. F. Butler, and J. Hoyt. 8vo. Bost. 1845 Mackie, J. M.-Life of G. W. von Leibnitz... 12o. Bost. 1845 Mackinnon, W. H.-History of Civilization. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1846 Mackintosh, Sir J.-Hist of Revolution in England in 1688. 8vo. Phil. 1835 - Law of Nature and of Nations... 16o. Lond. 1835. —. - - Miscellaneous Works. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1846 ---- -- Progress of Ethical Philos. in 17th and 18th Cent's 8vo. Edin. 1836 ---- Reign of James II.... 4to Lond. 1835 Speeches. See Chatham, Win. P. _ —--- -- Vindicie Gallica; a Defence of French Revolution 8vo. Lond. 1791 __-_ —— _ -- and others-History of England. (L. C. C.) 10 v. 16o. Lond. 1830-40 _; —-_- - - History ofEngland. 3 v... 12o. Phil. 1830 - - R. J.-Memoirs of Sir Jas. Mackintosh. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1836._..... - The Same. 2 v..... 12o. Phil. 1835' —-- T. S.-" Electrical Theory" of the Universe.. 12o. Bost. 1846 M'Laughlin, Dan.-Book-keeping by Double Entry.. 8vo. N. Y. 1847 Maclaurin, Colin-Account of Newton's Philosophical Discoveries. 4to. Lond. 1748 Catalogue.] MA C — MA G 163 M'Laurin, John-On Christian Piety; with a Life by Hooker. 12o. Phil. 1836 M'Lean, John-Twenty-five Years' Service in Hudson Bay Terr. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1849 Maclean, L.-History of the Celtic Languages... 12o. Lond. 1840 Macleay, H.-Memoirs of Rob Roy and the Clan Macgregor. 12o. Phil. 1819 McLellan, Isaac-Fall of the Indian; with other Poems. 12o. Bost. 1830 McLeod, John-Voyage to China, &c., and Shipwreck of the Alceste 8vo. Lond. 1819 Maclure, Wm.-Opinions. Dedicated to the Industrious Producers 8vo. N. Harmony.1831 Macneven, W. J.-Ramble through Switzerland in 1802. 8vo. Dublin. 1803 Macnish, Robt. —Anatomy of Drunkenness.. 12o. N. Y. 1835 ---.... — [Book of Aphorisms; by a Modern Pythagorean]. 18o. Glasgow. 1840 ---- --' Introduction to Phrenology... 12o. Bost. 1836 _ —-- -_- nMod. Pythagorean, a Series of Tales; with Life. 2v. 16o. Glasgow. 1838.-.. - - Philosophy of Sleep. 12o. N. Y. 1834 Macpharlain, P.-Choice Collection of Gaelic Poems.. 18o. Edin. 1813 McPherson, D.-The War in China..... 8vo. Lond. 1843 Macpherson, Dav.-Annals of Commerce, Manufactures, &c. 4 v. 4to. Lond. 1805 -.- Jas.-Introduction to Hist. of Great Britain and Ireland 4to. Lond. 1771 -.-p- John-Dissertation on Caledonians, Picts, and Scots. 4to. Lond. 1768 M'Queen, Jas.-Geographical Survey of Africa... 8vo. Lond. 1840. —. —- -- West India Colonies, a Refutation of Calumnies 8vo. Lond. 1824 Macray, W. D.-Manual of British Historians to 1600.. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Macrobin, John-Introduction to Study of Practical Medicine. 8vo. Phil. 1841 McSherry, Jas.-History of Maryland.... 8vo. Balt. 1849 M'Sherry, R.-E1 Puchero; or, a Mixed Dish from Mexico. 12o. Phil. 1850 McSweeney, Dan.-System of Practical Book-keeping. 8vo. Cork. 1804 MeVicar, John-Early Years of Bishop Hobart. 12. o. N. Y. 1834 ---- - -- Life of Samuel Bard.. 8..8vo. N. Y. 1822 ---- - -- Political Economy... 8vo. N. Y. 1825 - Professional Years of Bishop Hobart.. 12o. N. Y. 1836 Macvicar, J. G.-The Beautiful, Picturesque, and the Sublime 8vo. Lond. 1837 Macy, Obed-History of Nantucket and the Whale Fishery 12o. Bost. 1835 Madden, D. O.-Revelations of Ireland.... 12o. Dublin. 1848 - Fred. (Ed'r)-Lazemon's Brut; or, Chronicles of Britain. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1847 -- - R.R.-Infirmities of Genius. 2 v.... 12o. Phil. 1833. —-_- -- Travels in Turkey and Egypt. 2 v... 12o. Phil. 1830 - - Twelve Months in the West Indies. 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1835 ----: United Irishmen. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1842 Maddock, A. B.-Consumption treated by Medicated Inhalation. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Madison, Jas.-Papers; being Correspondence and Reports. 3 v.. 8vo. N. Y. 1841 Madrid in 1835. 2 v....... 8vo. N. Y. 1836 Magazine of Domestic Economy. 4 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1836-9 Horticulture. New Series. Vols. 2, 3, 4. [Continued.] 8vo. Bost. 1846-8 Natural History. Vols. 9-13..... 8vo. Lond. 1836-40 Popular Science. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1836-8 Science and School of Arts. 3 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1841-2 ------ Zoology and Botany. 4 v. 8vo. Edin. 1836-8 Magendie, F.-Formulary for several New Remedies. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Lond. 1835 - ~- -- Prussic Acid in Diseases of the Breast. (Fr. Fren.) 12o. N. Haven. 1820 ---- -- Treatise on Human Physiology. (Fr. Fren.). 8vo. N. Y. 1844 Magoon, E. L.-Living Orators in America.... 12o. N. Y. 1849 20 154 MA G — MA N [Merc. Lib. Magoon, E. L.-Orators of the American Revolution. 12o. N. Y. 1848....- Proverbs for the People.... 12o. Bost. 1849..- - -.. Republican Christianity.... 12o. Bost. 1849 Mahan, Asa-Doctrine of the Will..... 12o. N. Y. 1846...-.- System of Intellectual Philosophy.. 12o. N. Y. 1845 D. H.-Course of Civil Engineering.. 8vo. N. Y. 1837 & 46 Mahomet-Koran, in Arabic MS. The Same. (Fr. Arabic by G. Sale.) 2 v... 8vo. Phil. 1833.-...- Selections from the Same; with Notes by Edw. W. Lane 8vo. Lond. 1843.-... Coran; Traduit de l'Arabe avec Notes par Savary. 2 v. 8vo. Mecque. 1787 Mahon, Lord-Historical Essays..... 12o. Lond. 1849 History of England. 4 v...,. 8vo. Lond. 1842-6..- -.- The Same. Edited by Hen. Reed. 2 v.. o 8vo. N. Y. 1849 - - History of the War of Succession in Spain. 8vo. Lond. 1836 _ _ —-- - Life of Belisarius..... 12o. Phil. 1832 ---- -- Life of Louis, Prince of Conde. (Fr. Fren.). 12o. N. Y. 1845 Mahoney, S. I.-Six Years in the Monasteries of Italy.. 12o. N. Y. 1836 Maintenon, (Mde. de)-Secret Correspondence. (Fr. Fren.) 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1827 Mainger, Jos.-Singing for the Million.... 8vo. Lond. 1842 Mair, John-Book-keeping Modernized... 8vo. Edin. 1800 Maistre, Jos. de-Generative Princip. of Polit. Constitutions. (Fr. Fren.) 16o. Bost. 1847 Maitland, Chas.-Apostles' School of Prophetic Interpretation. 8vo. Lond. 1849.... Church in the Catacombs... 8vo. Lond. 1846 - F. L.-Narrative of the Surrender of Napoleon.. 12o. Bost. 1826 S. R.-Dark Ages; Essays on Religion from 9th-12th Cents. 8vo. Lond. 1845 ------- - ruvin; or, Essays on Man... 16o. Lond. 1850.. —..- Essays on the (English) Reformation., 8vo. Lond. 1849 Makataimeshekiakiak; or, Black Hawk and Scenes in the West; a Poem 12o. N. Y. 1848 Malcolm, Howard-Travels in South-Eastern Asia. 2 v.. 12o. Bost. 1839.-.. -- The Same. 2 v..... 12o. Bost. 1840 Jas. P.-History of the Art of Caricaturing.. 4to. Lond. 1813 ---- - -- Manners and Customs of London to 1700. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1811 --— __ -- The Same in the 18th Century. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1810 -- Sir John —History of Persia. 2 v....... 4to. Lond. 1815 Malden, H.-Distinguished Men of Modern Times. (L. E. K.) 4 v. 12o. Lond. 1838.-.- - The Same; abridged. (H. F. L.) 2 v... 18o. N. Y. 1844 Malespini, Ricordano-Storia Fiorentina.... 4to. Firenze. 1816 Malherbe, F. de-(Euvres. See Boileau-Despreaux N. Malkin, J. H.-[Historical Parallels.] (L. E. K.) 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1831-5 [History of Greece.] (L. U. K.)... 8vo. Lond. 1829 Mallet, Dav.-Ballad of Edwin and Emma.... 12o. Lond. 1849 ---- P. H.-Northern Antiquities. (Fr. Fren.).. 12o. Lond. 1847 Malmesbury (William of)-Chronicle of the Kings of England. 12o. Lond. 1847 Malone, Edm.-Authenticity of pretended Shakspeare MSS.. 8vo. Lond. 1796 Malte-Brun, C.-Principles of Geography.... 8vo. Edin. 1834....... -. Universal Geography. 8 v... 8vo. Bost. 1824-31 Malthus, T. R.-Essay on Population. 2 v..... 8vo. Georget'wn.1809 --- - - Principles of Political Economy... 8vo. Bost. 1821 ~____ __ - The Same. 2nd Edition, with Memoir.. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Manasses, Constantinus-Fragmenta. See Nicetas, Acominates. Catalogue.] MA N — MA R 155 Mandeville, Bernard-Fable of the Bees. 2 v... 12o. Edin. 1730 & 72. —.- Hen.-Course of Reacing. 12o. N. Y. 1846. ——. - -- Elements of Reading and Oratory.. 8vo. Utica. 1845 ------- Sir John-Voyage and Travaile to Hierusalem. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Mangan, J. C. (Trans.)-German Anthology. 2 v... 18o. Dublin. 1845 Mangnal], Richmal-Historical and Miscellaneous Questions 12o. Lond. no date Mann, Horace-Few Thoughts for a Young Man.. 16o. Bost. 1850 ~ —- -- Report of Educational Tour in Germany, Britain, &c. 16o. Lond. 1846 -- Jas.-American Bird-keeper's Manual 18o. Bost. 1848 ----- R. J.-Planetary and Stellar Universe... 16o. Lond. 1845 Manners and Customs of the Japanese.... 12o. Lond. 1841 -..-....- Jews, and others 1.. 12o. Hartf. 1833 Manning, Robt.-Moral Entertainments. 2 v... 16o. Dublin. 1819 Mansel, R.-Free Thoughts upon Actors, &c. [Bound with "Defence of the Drama."] Mansfield, E. D.-Legal Rights and Duties of Women.. 12o. Salem, Mass.1845 -- - Life of Gen. Winfield Scott... 12o. N. Y. 1846 Mexican War..... 12o. N. Y. 1848... -- Political Grammar of United States.. 12o. N. Y. 1834 Mant, Rich.-Primitive Christianity Exemplified... 8vo. Lond. 1842 Mante, Thos.-History of the Late French War in No. America. 2 v. 4to. Lond. 1772 Mantell, Gideon A.-Fossils of the South Downs.. 4to. Lond. 1822 - Geological Excursions Round the Isle of Wight 12o. Lond. 1847.. —-- -- Geology of the Southeast of England.. 8vo. Lond. 1833 - Medals of Creation. 2v.... 16o. Lond. 1844 --- - Thoughts on Animalcule... 12o. Lond. 1846 --— _ -- Wonders of Geology. 2 v... 16o. Lond. 1838 Manual for Mechanic's Institutions..... 12o. Lond. 1839 --- of Commercial Correspondence. (Eng. and Fren.). 12o. N. Y. 1850 ---- of Liberty....... 8vo. Lond. 1795 Manufacture of Iron. (L. U. K. Bound with " Outlines of Chemistry.") Manuscript, the....... 8vo. N. Y. 1838 ----- from St. Helena; [attributed to Buonaparte.] (Fr. Fren.) 120. N. Y. 1817 *Map of the Country 33 miles Round New-York... 18o. N. Y. 1846 *Maps Illustrating the Revolutionary War... Folio various dates * -- and Plans to Report on a Pier in New-York Harbor.. 8vo. N. Y. no date -- of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 2 v. Fol. Lond. 1844 Marana, J. P.-[Letters of a Turkish Spy, 45 Years at Paris.] 8v. 12o. Lond. 1748 Marbois, Barbe-History of Louisiana. (Fr. Fren.).. 8vo. Phil. 1830 Marcel (Abb6)-Chefs d'(Euvre de l'Eloquence. 3 v... 8vo. Paris. 1843-4 Marcet, Jane-Conversations on Chemistry. 2 v.... 12o. Lond. 1837 ---- - -- " " Natural Philosophy.. 12o. Lond. 1836 ------- [The Same. Edited by T. P. Jones.].. 12o. Phil. 1826.-. - - [Conversations on Political Economy].. 18o. N. Y. 1820... - [ " on Vegetable Physiology].. 12o. N. Y. 1830.... -- The Same. 2 v.... 12o. Lond. 1832 ---- - [John Hopkins' Political Economy]... 12o. Bost. 1833 Marchant, John-Puerilia; or, Amusements for the Young. 12o. Lond. 1751 Marchmont (Earl of)-Selections from the Papers of. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1831 Marci, A. F.-Tafelen of Prim-getallen van 1 tot 400,000. 8vo. Amst'dam. 1772 Marine Steam Engine... 8vo. Lond. 1849 156 MAR -— MAR [Merc. Lib. Mariner, Wmi.-Account of the Tonga Islands.. 8vo. Bost. 1820 ---- -- The Same. (C. M.) 2 v..... 16o. Edin. 1827 Marion (Gen.); Pictorial Life of... 12o. Phil. 1847 Mariotti, L.-Italy; its History and Literature. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1841 __ _ ---- - - Italy; Past and Present. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1848 & 9 Markham, Gervase-[English Housewife].'... 8vo. Lond. 1660 -- rs. [Mrs. Penrose]-History of England.. 12o. Lond. 1848 ----- -- History of France.. 12o. Lond. 1848 -- W. O.-Surgical Practice of Paris... 8vo. Phil. 1841 Markland, J. H.-Remarks on English Churches.. 16o. Lond. 1847 Marlowe, Christopher-Works. 2 v.... 12o. Lond. 1826 ---- -- and Chapman, Geo.-Hero and Leander; a Poem. 12o. Chiswick. 1821 -. — - - The Same. See Old English Poets. Vol. 5. Marmion, Shakerly-Cupid and Psyche; a Poem.. 12o. Chiswick. 1820 Marmontel, John F.-Belisaire....16o. Paris. 1814 ------ -- Memoirs of Himself. 4 v... 12o. Lond. 1805 -—. —- The Same. (Fr. Fren.) 4 v... 12o. Edin. 1808 The Same. See Autobiography. -- ---- -- and Gresset-Select Translations from.. 12o. N. Y. 1801 Maroncelli, Piero-Additions to " My Prisons," with Mem. of Pellico 16o. Camb. 1836 Marryatt (Capt.)-Diary of a Blas..... 12o. Phil. 1836 ------ --- Diary in America.... 12o. N. Y. 1839 - The Same. 2d Series.... 12o. Phil. 1840 Marsden, Joshua-Leisure Hours; Poems... 16o. N. Y. 1812 ---- Wm.-Bibliotheca Marsdeniana Philologica, &c.. 4to. Lond. 1827 —. — -- History of Sumatra. 4to., and Atlas Fol. Lond. 1811 Marsh, C. C.-Art of Single Entry Book-keeping.. 8vo. N. Y. 1836 & 43 -- ---- Lectures on the Study of Book-keeping.. 12o. N. Y. 1837 - Science of Double Entry Book-keeping.. 8vo. Phil. 1834 & 6 - The Same..... 8vo. Phil. 1844 --- Herbert-Politics of Great Britain and France, 1791-3. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1800 John-Decimal Arithmetic.... 4to. Lond. 1742 - Josiah-Life of Geo. Fox.... 12o. Phil. no date -- W. T.-Church and State.... 16o. Lond. 1849 --- Wm. —England; and other Poems.... 120. N.Y. 1839 Marshall, Christopher-Passages from his Remembrancer. 12o. Phil. 1839 - ---- -- The Same; (entitled "Passages from his Diary"). 12o. Phil. 1849 ----- Hen.-Enlisting, Pensioning, and Discharging Soldiers 8vo. Phil. 1840 _ —-- - History of Kentucky. 2 v..... 8vo. Frankfort. 1824 ----- - John-History of English Colonies in North America 8vo. Phil. 1824 -— _____ - Life of George Washington. 5 v.... 8vo. Phil. 1805 __ —_ - The Same. 2 v..... 8vo. Phil. 1832 & 3 -- - The Same. 2 v...... 8vo. Phil. 1836 & 8 -_____ -- The Same; abridged.... 12o. Phil. 1838 _ —-- - Royal Naval Biography. 12 v... 8vo. Lond. 1823-35 - - ---- Writings on the Federal Constitution.. 8vo. Bost. 1839 -- ---- Josiah T.-Farmer's and Emigrant's Hand-Book. 12o. N. Y. 1845 --- Sam.-On the Law of Insurance. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1808 --- -- The Same. 2 v... 8vo. Phil 1810 Martial, M. Valerius-Epigrammata. See Walker, G. S.; Corpus Poet. Lat. Catalogue.] MAR -- A S 157 Martin, Benj.-Eminent Philosophers and Mathematicians. 8vo. Lond. 1764 - Chas. and Leopold-Civil Costume of England. 4to. Lond. 1842 ---- Fran. X.-History of North Carolina. 2 v... 8vo. N. Orleans. 1829 ---- -_ " Louisiana. 2 v... 8vo. N.Orleans.1827-9 --. J.-Geology of Western Sussex... 4to. Lond. 1828 ---- R. M.-China; Political, Commercial, and Social. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond, 1847 ---- - History of the British Colonies. 5 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1834-5 ---- -- ---- History, Antiquities, &c., of Eastern India. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1838 ----- H- Hudson Bay Territories and Vaucouver's Island 8vo. Lond. 18.49 --- -- -British Colonial Library. 10 v. 1. 16 ond. 1836-7 Vol. 1. Upper and Lower Canada. Vol. 6. Novia Scotia. 2. Australasia. 7. Brit. Possessions in Mediterranean. 3. Southern Africa. 8, 9. East India Company's Possessions. 4, 5. The West Indies. 10. Brit. Poss. in Ind. & Atlantic Oceans. -- S.-Summary of Irish History. 2 v... 16o. Lond. 1847 - - Thos.-Character of Lord Bacon.. 12o. Loud. 1835 Martineau, Harriet-Eastern Life; Present and Past. 3 v... 12o. Lod. 1848 - — "-'The Same.... 8vo. Phil. 1848 ----- - History of England from 1816-46. Vol 1 8vo. Lond. 1849 -__ —-- - Household Education... 12o. Lond. 1849 The Same... 12o. Phil. 1849 ------- — How to Observe; Morals and Manners. 12o. N. Y. 1838... --- -- Life in the Sick-room 1.. 12o. Bost. 1845 ---- Miscellanies. 2 v.,... 12o. Bost. 1836 --- ---- Prize Essays... 18o. Bost. 1836 - -- - Retrospect of Western Travel. 2 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1838 Society in America. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1837 - Jas.-Endeavors after the Christian Life.. 12o. Loud. 1843 The Same; 2d Series.. 12o. Bost. 1848 - - --- - Rationale of Religious Inquiry.. 16o. Lond. 1836 Martyn, B., and Kippis, A.-Life of the First Earl of Shaftesbury. 2 v. 8vo. Loud. 1836 ----- SJ.-Mem. of Roy. Acad. of Sciences at Paris, 1669-1720. 5 v. 8vo. Lond. 1742 Marx, K. F. H.-Moral Aspects of Medical Life. (Fr. Ger.). 8vo. Loud. 1846 Mary Queen of Scots; Letters of. 2 v..... 12o. Lond. 1844 Maseres, F. (Ed'r)-Tracts on the Civil Wars in Eng., 1625-48. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1815 Mason, G. H.-Costumes of China. See Costumes. --- H. M.-Compendium of Ecclesiastical History.. 120. N. Y. 1828 ----- John-Treatise on Self-Knowledge... 18. Bost. 1809 J. M.-Sacramental Communion.. 8vo. N. Y. 1816 ---- --- Writings. 4 v..... 8vo. N. Y. 1832 Lowell-Manual of Boston Academy of Music.. 180. Bost. 1839 ---- T. M.-Refutation of " Vestiges of Nat. Hist. of Creation" 12o. Lond. 1845 Masse, J. N.-Anatomy of the Human Body. (Fr. Fren.). 12o. N. Y. 1845 Massey, W.-Origin and Progress of Letters... 8vo. Loud. 1763 Massie, J. W.-Evangelical Alliance.... 12o. Loud. 1847 Massillon, J. B.-CEuvres. 13 v... 8vo. Paris. 1810 _ —-- -- -Sermons..... 8vo. Bost. 1845 - ---- - and Bourdaloue, Louis-Sermons.. 12o. Hartf. 1805 Massinger, Philip-Dramatic Works, (Expurgated.) 3 v.. 160. N. Y. 1831 ------ and Ford, John-Dramatic Works.. 8vo, Lond. 1840 158 M1 A S M A X [Merc. Lib. Masson, C, F. P.-Memoires Secretes sur la Russie. 4 v. 8vo. Amst'dm. 1800-2 ---- J. R.-Encyclopedie des Enfans.. 8vo. Paris. 1807 Materials for Thinking... 12o. Lond. 1846 Mathematics. (L. U. K.) 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1830-6 Mather, Cotton-Christian Philosopher... 12o. Charlestown.1815 --- -- Magnalia Christi Amer. Eccles. Hist. of New Eng. 2 v. 8vo. Hartf. 1820 ---- Wm. W., and others-Report of Geological Survey of Ohio 8vo. Columbus. 1838 Mathews, Mrs.-Memoirs of Charles Mathews. 4 v... 12o. Phil. 1839 Mathias, T.-On the Writings of Thomas Gray... 12o. Lond. 1815 - T. J.-Pursuits of Literature; a Poem.. 8vo. Lond. 1798 (Ed'r)-Garland of Flowers.. 12o. N. Y. 1806 Matter, Jacques-Histoire Critique du Gnosticisine. 3 v.. 8vo. Strasburg. 1843-4 Matteucci, Carlo-On the Phenomena of Living Beings. (Fr. Fren.) 12o. Lodn. 1847 Matthews, Hen.-Diary of an Invalid.... 12o. Lond. 1835 Matthie, Aug.-History of Greek and Roman Literature 12o. Oxford. 1841 Mattson,M.-American Vegetable Practice.. 8vo. Bost. 1845 Maude, John-Visit to the Falls of Niagara, in 1800.. 8vo. Lond. 1826 Mauduit, A. R.-Inleiding tot de Kegel Sneeden. (Fr. Fren.) 12o. Leyden. 1764 Maunder, Sam.-Biographical Treasury.. 12o. Lond. 1838 - The Same... 12o. Lond. 1841 - Scientific and Literary Treasury.. 12o. Lond. 1841 --- - Select British Biography... 12o. Lond. 1839 Treasury of History... 12o. Lod. 1844 ----- -- The Same. 2 v..... 8vo. N. Y. 1845 ---- -- Treasury of Knowledge... 12o. Lod. 1841....- - The Same. 2 v.... 12o. N.Y. 1832-6 - [Treasury of Natural History].. 18o. Lond. 1848 - Universal Class Book... 12o. Lond. 1847 Maundrell, Hen.-Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem in 1697 8vo. Lond. 1810 Maurice, F. D. —Religions of the World.. 8vo. Lond. 1847 - Thos.-Dissertation on the Oriental Trinities..8vo. Lond. 1801 ---- -- - IHistory of Hindostan. 2 v... 4to. Lond. 1802-20 - Indian Antiquities. 5 v... 8vo. Lond. 1793-4 --. -- On the Ruins of Babylon. 4to. Lond. 1816 -- - - Appendix to the Same... 4to. Lodn. 1818 Maury (Abb6)-On Eloquence. (H. F. L.).. 18o. N. Y. 1841 ----- J. S.-Esprit, Pens6es, et Maximes....8vo. Paris. 1791 ---- S. M.-Englishwoman in America... 12o. Lond. 1848 -- - - Statesmen of America in 1846... 12o. Phil. 1847 Mavor, Wm.-British Nepos; or, Youth's Mirror. 12o. Lond. 1798 - -- Universal History. 25 v..... 18o. N. Y. 1804 Mawe, John-Travels in the Interior of Brazil.. 8vo. Lond. 1822 ---- -- Voyager's Companion.... 18. Lond. 1825 Maximilian (Prince)-Travels in Brazil, 1815-17. 4to. Lond. 1820 Maxims, Morals, and Golden Rules... 180. Lond. 1843 Maximus Tyrius-Dissertations. (Fr. Grk.) 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1804 Maxwell, A. M.-Run through the United States, 1840. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1841 Hugh (Ed'r)-Trials of Barker, Vermilyea, &Davis, for Consp. 8vo. N. Y. 1827 - J. S.-The Czar, his Court, and People.. 12o. N.Y. 1848 W-. H.-Life of the Duke of Wellington. 3 v...8vo. Lond. 1839-41 Catalogue.] MA X — M E 1i59 Maxwell, W. H. —[Ramble in Germany in 1827].. 8vo. Lond. 1827 ----- -- [The Same]..... 12o. Bost. 1827 -- --- - Recollections of a Soldier of Fortune. 12o. Dublin. 1842.-. — - - Victories of the British Armies. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1839 May, Caroline (Ed'r)-American Female Poets.. 8vo. Phil. 1848 Mayer, Brantz-Mexico as It Was, and as It Is.. 8vo. N. Y. 1844 --- L.-Views in Egypt... Fol. Lond. 1801 Mayo, Herbert —Management of the Organs of Digestion. 12o. Lond. 1840 - -- - Outlines of Human Pathology.. 8vo. Phil. 1839 --- -- Philosophy of Living... 12o. Lond. 1838 - Robt. —New System of Mythology. 4 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1815-19...- Political Sketches in Washington. Part 1. 8vo. Balt. 1839 ---- - Commercial Revenue System of United States. 2 v. 4to. Wash. 1847 - Thos.-Pathology of the. Human Mind... 12o. Lond. 1838 --- - The Same..... 8vo. Phil. 1839 *Meadows, F. C.-Spanish and English Dictionary. 18o. Lond. 1843 Mease, Jas.-Picture of Philadelphia... 12o. Phil. 1811 Mechanic's and Engineer's Magazine. 1st Series. 4 v... 4to. Glasgow. 1841-5 The Same. 2nd Series. 2 v..... 4to. Glasgow. 1845-7 ------ Magazine. 9 v.. 8vo. N. Y. 1833-7 Magazine. Vols. 1-52. [Continued.].. 8vo. Lond. 1823-50 Medhurst, W.-H.-China; its State and Prospects.. 12o. Bost. 1838.-..- -. Glance at the Interior of China.. 8vo. Lond. 1850 Medical and Surgical Monographs. 3 v... 8vo. Phil. 1838-40 Vol. 1. Babington, B.; On Morbid Conditions of the Blood. Brodie, B. C.; On Certain Local Nervous Affections. Itard, J. E. M. C.; Surgical Treatment of Deafness. Farr, W.; Formulary of New Medicines. Bright, R.; Cases of Renal Disease. Andral, G.; Lectures on the Grippe. Louis, P. C. A.; The Examination of Patients. Cormack, J. R.; Properties of Creosote. Carmichael, tR. Observations on " Colles on the Venereal." Andral, G.; Treatment of Typhoid Fever by Purgatives. Dubois, E. F. (of Amiens); Report on Animal Magnetism. Beck, C. J.; Application of Ligatures to Arteries. Maunoir, T.; Essay on Cataract. Clutterbuck, H.; On Pyrexia, or Symptomatic Fever. Brodie, B. C.; On Injuries of the Spinal Cord. Burne, J.; On Diseases of the Cecum. Louis, P. C. A.; On Emphysema of the Lungs. Taylor, A. S.; On the Lungs of Newborn Children. Vol. 2. Syme, J.; On Diseases of the Rectum. Osborne, J.; On Dropsical Diseases. Coulson, W.; On Diseases of the Bladder. Clendinning, J.; Pathology of the Heart. Rowland, R.; Treatise on Neuralgia. Dunglison, R.; Condition of the Insane Poor. Cooper, Sir A.; On Spermatocele. Vol. 3. Stokes, W.; State of the Heart, and use of Wine in Typhus Fever. Taylor, A. S.; On Perforations of the Stomach. Ashwell, S. A.; On Incisions, in Disease of the Uterus. Hughes, H. M.; On Fibrinous Concretions of the Heart. Carpenter, W. B.; Nervous System inlnvertebrated Animals. Scoutetten, H.; Memoir on the Cure of Club-Feet. Key, C. A.; Report of Syphilitic Cases. Henry, W. C.; Physiology of the Nervous System. Graves, R. J.; On the Asiatic Cholera. Medley of Joy and Grief.. 12o. N. Y. 1822 Medwin, Thos.-Conversations of Lord Byron. 12o. N. Y. 1824 --------- - Life of P. B. Shelley. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1847 Mehegan, G. A.-View of Universal History. 3 v. (Fr. Fren.), 8vo. Lond. 1779 Meigs, C. D.-Females, and their Diseases... 8vo. Phil. 1848 --- J. F.-Diseases of Children.. 12o. Phil. 1848 Meikle, Jas.-Traveller; or, Meditations, &c... 12o. N. Y. 1811 *Melish, John-Military and Topographical Atlas of United States 8vo. Phil. 1813 160 ME L -- MET [Merc. Lib. Mellen, G. (Ed'r)-Book of United States.... 8vo. Hartf. 1838 & 42 Melmoth, Wm.-Fitzosborne's Letters.... 16o. Lond. 1807.-.- - The Same.... 12o. Bost. 1815 --- - Importance of a Religious Life.. 240. Lond. 1830 Melodino, Relics of; Poems from a MS. 1645... 8vo. Lond. 1815 Melun, A. de-Intervention de la Societe pour Soulager la Misere 8vo. Paris. 1849 Melville, Herman-Omoo; or, South Sea Adventures.. 12o. N. Y. 1847 ------ - Typee; or, a Peep at Polynesian Life. 12o. N. Y. 1846 Memes, J. S.-History of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture 12o, Bost. 1834 ---- --- The Same. (C. M.)..... 16o. Edin. ----- -- Memoirs of Canova.... 8vo. Edin. 1825 - " Empress Josephine. (C. M.).. 16o. Edin. 1831 ---- -- The Same. (H. F. L.).... 18o. N. Y. 1832 ---- --- (Ed'r)-Chris. Literature; Works of Watson, Paley, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Memoires de la Soci6te Linn6enne de Paris. 5 v. 8vo., and atlas 4to. Paris. 1822-7 Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 4 v.. 4to. Bost. 1785-1818 ------- The Same. New Series... 4to. Bost. 1833 Geological Survey of Gt. Britain. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1846-8 Memoirs of the Persons Composing the Kit Cat Club. 4to. Lond. 1821 Memorials of the Peninsula War. (C. M.) 2 v... 16o. Edin. 1831 Mendham, Jos.-Literary Policy of Church of Rome.. vo. Loud. 1830 Mengous, Petros-Narrative of a Greek Soldier... 12o. N Y. 1830 Mengwe, a Tale of the Frontier; a Poem... 180. Phil. 1825 Mensch; eine Moralische Wochenschrift. 2 v.... 12o. Halle. 1751 Menzel, Wolfgang-Europe in 1840. (Fr. Ger.).. 12o. Edin. 1841 ___ —-- German Literature. See Ripley, Geo.; Specimens. Vols. 7-9. _ —--- --- History of Germany. (Fr. Ger.) Vol. 1. 12o. Lond. 1848 ----- - The Same. 4 v.....8vo. Oxford. 1840 Mercadante-I1 Giuramento, (An Opera.).. 8vo. Paris. no date Mercantile Advertiser, and New-York Advocate. 8 v... Fol. N. Y. 1830-7 Merchant's Mag. and Com. Rev. Ed. by F. Hunt. Vols. 1-22. [Con.] 8vo. N. Y. 1839-50 Mercurio Italico; or, Italian Mercury. (Eng. and Ital.) 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1789-90 Meredith, W. G.-Memoirs of Bernadotte... 8vo. Lond. 1829 Merimee, J. F. L.-Art of Painting in Oil and Fresco. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Lond. 1839 Merivale, Chas.-Romans under the Emperors. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1850 - Herman-Lectures on Colonization and Colonies. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1841-2 - J. H.-Orlando in Roncesvalles; a Poem... 16o. Lond. 1814..- - --- Poems; Original and Translated. 2 v... 16o. Lond. 1838 Merrick, J. L. (Trans.)-Religion of Mohammed. (Fr. Pers.). 8vo. Bost. 1850 Merrifield, Mrs. (Ed'r)-Treat. on Painting fr. 12th to 18th Cent's. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Merryweather, F. S.-Bibliomania in the Middle Ages. 12o. Lond. 1849 Mery, J.-Scenes de la Vie Italienne. 2 v.... 16o. Brux. 1837 Mesmerism; its History, Phenomena, and Practice... 16o. Edin. 1843 Message of the President of U. S. to Congress, Dec. 4th, 1838. 8vo. Wash. 1838 _- " " " Dec. 7th, 1842. 8vo. Wash. 1842 --- - " 5 " Dec. 7th, 1847. 8vo. Wash. 1848 --- " L "4 Dec. 5th, 1848. 8vo. Wash. 1848 "6 " C " " Dec. 24th, 1849. 3 v. 8vo. Wash. 1849 - - The Same See Williams, Edwin. Metastasio Pietro-Dramas; and other Poems. (Fr, Ital.) 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1800 Catalogue.] M E T- MIL 161 Metcalf, S. L.-Caloric in the Phenomena of Nature. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1843 --—. -.- Theory of Terrestrial Magnetism.. vo. N. Y. 1833 Methodist Quarterly Review. Vols. 29-31. [Continued.].. 8vo. Y. 1847-9 Methuen, H. H.-Life in the Wilderness... 12o. Lond. 1846 Metropolitan Magazine. Vols. 1-57. [Continued.].. 8vo. Lond. 1831-50 Meurer, Moritz-Life of Martin Luther.... 8vo. N. Y. 1848 Miall, Edw.-British Churches in Relation to British People. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Michaelis, J. D.-Commentaries on Law of Moses. (Fr. Ger.) 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1814 Michaud, J. F.-Histoire des Croisades. 6 v... 8vo. Paris. 1841 *Michaux, F. A.-North American Sylva. 2 v.... 8vo. Paris. 1819 -- -- Travels in United States, 1802... 8vo. Lond. 1805 *Michel, Fran.-Bibliotheque Anglo-Saxonne... 8vo. Paris. 1837 ---— _ - - (Ed'r)-Tristan; Po6mes relatifs a ses Aventures. 2 v. 16o. Lond. 1835 Michelet, J.-Histoire Romaine Republique. 2 v... 8vo. Paris. 1843. ——. —. History of France. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1845.-... — The Same. 2 v..... 8vo. N. Y. 1845 - - --- History of the French Revolution. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1847-8 --------'" Roman Republic. (Fr. Fren.). 12o. Lond. 1847 ---- -- Life of Martin Luther. (Fr. Fren.).. 12o. N. Y. 1846 - Modern History. (H. F. L.)... 18o. N. Y. 1843 ------ - The People. (Fr. Fren.).... 12o. N. Y. 1846 ----- - Spiritual Direction and Auricular Confession. 12o. Phil. 1845. — - and Quinet-The Jesuits. (Fr. Fren.)... 12o. N. Y. 1845 Microscopic Objects; with Instructions for Preparing them. 12o. Lond. 1847 Middleton, Conyers-Letter from Rome; or, Popery and Paganism 8vo. Lond. 1741 - Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero.. 8vo. Lond. 1837 ----- - Erasmus-Evangelical Biography. 4 v... 8vo. Lond. 1816 ---- - Hen.-Government and the Currency.. 12o. N. Y. 1850 -- - J. W.-Memoirs of the Reformers. 3 v.... 18o. Lond. 1829 Mignet, F. A.-Histoire de la Revolution Francaise. 8vo. Brux. 1839 _ —-- -- Antonio Perez and Philip II. (Fr. Fren.).. 12o. Lond. 1846 — _ - -- History of the French Revolution. (Fr. Fren.). 8vo. N. Y. 1827 Mihill, Rich.-Length of the Days, Nights, and Twilights.. 4to. Lond. 1775 Milburn, Wm.-Oriental Commerce. 2 v... 4to. Lond. 1813 Miles, E.-Royal Naval Service of England. 8vo. Lond. 1841 G. H.-Mohammed; a Tragedy.... 12o. Bost. 1850 - Hen. A.-Gospel Narratives; their Origin, &c... 18o. Bost. 1848 Lowell as it Was, and as it Is... 18o. Lowell. 1845 - J. W.-Philosophic Theology.... 12o. Charleston. 1849 Miley, John-[Rome under Paganism and under the Popes.] 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1843 Mill, Jas.-Elements of Political Economy... 8vo. Lond. 1826... —-- History of British India. 6 v...8vo. Lond. 1826 - John-Principles of Political Economy. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1848 - System of Logic... 8vo. N. Y. 1846 Unsettled Questions in Political Economy.. 8vo. Lond. 1844 Millar, John-Historical View of the English Government. 4to. Lond. 1790 Miller, Geo.-History Philosophically Illustrated. 4 v... 8vo. Lond. 1832 ---- Hugh-First Impressions of England... 12o. Lond. 1847 -- - Footprints of the Creator.12. o. Lnd. 1849 -- - - Old Red Sandstone. 12 o. Edin. 1841 21 162 MIL- MIL [Mere. Lib. Miller, Hugh-The Same. 2d Edition... 12o. Edin. 1842 - Scenes and Legends of the North of Scotland. 12o. Lond. 1850 - John-Province and City of New-York in 1695..8vo. Lond. 1843 --- John-Design of the Church.. 12o. Phil. 1846 * — John-Illustratio Systematis Sexualis Linncei..Fol. Lond. 1794 Jona. P.-Condition of Greece in 1827-8. 12o. N. Y. 1828 --- J. R.-History of Great Britain, 1760-1820...8vo. Lond. 1825 & 27 -- -- The Same... 8vo. Phil. 1832 & 37 — a- Sam.-Letters on Clerical Manners... 12o. N. Y. 1827 --- - Retrospect of 18th Century. 2 v... 8vo. N. Y. 1803 -- Thos.-Beauties of the Country... 12o. Lond. 1837 ---- - History of the Anglo-Saxons... 12o. Lond. 1848 _ —P- - Pictures of Country Life.... 12o, Lond. 1847 -- - Poems.... 12o. Lond. 1841 --- -Rural Sketches.... 12o. Lond. 1839 -- - Water-Color Painting.. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Millengen, J. G.-Curiosities of Medical Experience.vo. Loud. 1839 ---- - H History of Duelling. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1841 ___ —--- _ Mind and Matter; Illustrated by Insanity, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1847 ----- - - Republican France, 1790-1801. 12o. Lond. 1848 Julius-Memoirs of the Affairs of Greece..8vo. Lond. 1831 Millington, John-Elements of Civil Engineering.. 8vo. Phil. 1839 Millot, C. F. X. (Abb6)-Elemens de l'Histoire d'Angleterre. 3 v. 16o. Paris. 1783 -- -- Elements of General History. (Fr. Fren.) 5 v.. 8vo. Salem. 1796 Mills, Chas.-History of Chivalry.....8vo. Phil. 1826 & 44 - -- History of the Crusades.. 8vo. Phil. 1826 & 44 - -- History of Mohammedanism... 8vo. Loud. 1818 - John-Sportsman's Library.... 12o. Phil. 1846 Robt.-American Pharos; or, Lighthouse Guide.. 8vo. Wash. 1832 Milman, H. H.-Belshazzar; a Dramatic Poem... 18o. NY. 1822 - - Fall of Jerusalem.....18o. N. Y. 1820. —-- -- History of Christianity. 3 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1840 --- -- " of the Jews. (M. F. L.) 3 v.. 16o. Lond. -- The Same. (H. F. L.) 3 v... 18o. N. Y. 1830 - Life of Edward Gibbon.. 8vo. Lond. 1839 -- - M Martyr of Antioch.. 18o. N.Y. 1822 --- -- Nala and Dalmayanti. (Fr. Sanscrit.)..4to. Oxford. 1835 --- Poetical Works. 3 v.. 16o. Lond. 1839 ---- Samor, Lord of the Bright City; a Poem..18o. N.Y. 1818 -_. - Bowles, Wilson, and Proctor; Poems.. 8vo. Paris. 1829 -- R.-Life of Torquato Tasso. 2 v....12o. Lond. 1850 Milne; a Tract on Gambling. (Fr. Chinese.)... 12o. no date Milner, Jos.-History of Church of Christ. 5 v.... 8vo. Bost. 1809-11._.. - The Same, abridged.. 8vo. Utica. 1816 --- Thos.-Gallery of Nature. 8vo. Loud. 1846 Milnes, R. M.-Life, Letters, &c., of John Keats. 12o. N.Y. 1848 Poems. 2 v....... 8vo. Lond. 1838 ---- - Poetry for the People.... 8vo. Lond. 1840 Milton, John-On Christian Doctrine. (Fr. Lat.) 2 v...8vo. Bost. 1825 - - Paradise Lost. 18o. Bost, 1820 Catalogue. MIL — MIT 163 Milton, John-Paradise Regained.....18N. Y. 1831 --- - Poems. (Ald. Poets.) 3 v....16o. Lond. 1835-9 ---- -- " on Several Occasions... 8vo. Lond. 1780 — o —- Poetical Works; with Notes by Mitford. 2v.. 8vo. Lowell. 1848 - Prose and Poetical Works....8vo. Lond. 1834 - - Prose Works. 2 v..... 8vo. Phil. 1845 - - Select Prose Works. 2 v.... 12o. Lond. 1836 - Thomson, and Young; Poems... 8vo. Lond. 1841 --- - Young, Gray, Beattie, and Collins; Poems. 8vo. Phil. 1832 Mind among the Spindles; a Miscellany.... 16o. Bost. 1845 Miner, T. B.-American Bee-keeper's Manual...12o. N. Y. 1849 -. P.-History of Wyoming.... 8vo. Phil. 1845 Mining Review. Edited by H. English. Vol. 4... 4to. Lond. 1838 Minot, G. R.-History of Prov. of Massachusetts Bay, 1748-65. 2 v. 8vo. Bost. 1798-1803 -- -- Hist. of the Insurrection in Massachusetts in 1786-7 8vo. Bost. 1810 - Laurence-Poems written in 1352... 12o. Lond. 1825 Minutoli,M. von (Baroness)-Recollections of Egypt. 12o. Phil. 1827 Mirabaud, J. B. de-Nature and her Laws. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1816 Mirabeau, H. G. R. (Comte de)-Memoires, par lui-meme, &c. 9 v. 16o. Brux. 1834-5 ---- - --- Letters during his Residence in England. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1832. ---- -- Memoirs, by Himself, his Uncle, and Son. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1835-6 Mirror for Magistrates. 3 v.... 4to. Lond. 1825 -- of Literature, Amusement, &c. 49 v... 8vo. Lond. 1823-46 The Same. New Series. 6v.... 8vo. Lond. 1847-9 --- the; a Paper published at Edinburgh in 1779-80...8vo. Lond. 1825 The Same. See British Essayists. Vols. 34, 35. Miscellanea Antiqua Anglicana..... 4to. Lond. 1814-22 Miscellaneous Poems, from United States Literary Gazette. 18o. Bost. 1826 Missionary Herald, the. Vols. 18-39....8vo. Bost. 1822-43. —-- -.. Magazine. 2 v... 8vo. Phil. 1806-7 -k —.- Voyage of the Ship Duff, 1796-8... 4to. Lond. 1799 Mitchell, D. G.-[Battle Summer].... 12o. N. Y. 1850 - - --- [Fresh Gleanings from Fields of Europe]. 12o. N. Y. 1847 - - J. (Col.)-Fall of Napoleon. 3 v... 12o. Lond. 1846 Life of Wallenstein.... 8vo. Lond. 1837 --- - John-Manual of Practical Assaying... 12o. Lond. 1846.- -.- Notes from Over Sea. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1845 ---- - On Falsifications of Food... 16o. Lond. 1848 —. — J. K.-Malarious and Epidemic Fevers..12o. Phil. 1849 --- - --- Planetary and Stellar Worlds... 12o. N. Y. 1848 ------ S. A.-Accompaniment to Map of United States..8vo. Phil. 1838 T. L.-Expedition into Interior of Australia. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1848 -------- - Three Expeditions into Eastern Australia. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Wm.-Doctrinal Guide for the Young Christian. 18o. N. Y. 1833 Mitford, M. R.-Works.....8vo. Phil. 1846 -- Wm.-[Harmony of Language].. 8vo. Lond. 1774 ---- -- H-istory of Greece. 8 v.....8vo. Bost. 1823 - -- The Same; to Death of Alexander the Great. 8 v. 12o. Lond. 1835 --- -- Principles of Design in Architecture. 8vo. Lond. 1824 Mitscherlich, E. —Elemens de Chimie. (De l'Allemand.) 3..8vo. Brux. 1835-6 164 MIT — MON [Merc. Lib. Mitscherlich, E.-Practical and Experimental Chemistry. (Fr. Ger.) 8vo. Lond. 1838 Mix, Eben.-Practical Mathematics.... 12o. N. Y. 1846 Moberly, C. E.-Lectures on Logic..... 12o. Oxford. 1848 Mock and Absurd Philosophy..... 12o. Bost. 1811 Modern Orator; Celebrated Speeches of Chatham, &c... 8vo. Lond. 1847 Standard Drama. 9 v..... 16o. N. Y. 1846-8 Moehler, John A.-Symbolism. (Fr. Ger.).. 8vo. N. Y. 1844 Moffat, J. M.-Book of Science; ist and 2d Series. 2 v.. 16o. Lond. 1834-5 - The Same. 2 v. in one.... 16o. Phil. 1835 Mohr, Fran., and Redwood, Theoph.-Practical Pharmacy. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Moigno (Abbe)-Trait de dTelegraphie Electrique... 8vo. Paris. 1849 Molesworth, Robt.-Account of Denmark in 1642.. 12o. Glasgow. 1752 Moleville, A. F. B. de-Costumes of Austria. See Costumes. —.- - -- Last Year of Reign of Louis XVI. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1797 Moliere, J. B. P.-CEuvres. 6 v...... 18o. Paris. 1822-3 ---- -- -- The Same. 2 v.... 12o. Paris. 1845.-..- Theatre. See Repertoire du Theatre Franqais. 7 v. 12o. Paris. 1813 Molina, J. I.-Geograph., Nat., and Civil Hist. of Chili. (Fr. Ital.) 2 v. 8vo. Middletown. 1808 *Moller, Geo.-Denkmaler der Deutschen Baukunst. 2 v.. Fol. Leipzig. no date -- - Gothic Architecture, 8th-16th Century.. 8vo. Lond. 1824 Mollien, G.-Voyage dans Colombia en 1823. Vol. 1.. 8vo. Paris. 1824 _.- - Travels in Interior of Africa in 1818.. 4to. Lond. 1820 Monboddo (Lord)-[Origin and Progress of Language.] 4 v.. 8vo. Edin. 1774-77 Mondet, J.-Sterilite de l'Homme et de la Femme... 8vo. Montpelier. 1840 -- - On Sterility in Man and Woman.. 12o. N. Y. 1844 Monette, J. W.-History of the Mississippi Valley. 2 v... 8vo. N. Y. 1846 Monge, G.-Application de l'Analyse a la Geometrie. Vol. 1. 4to. Paris. 1849 Monro, Vere-Summer Ramble in Syria. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1835 Monroe, Jas.-On the Mission to the French Republic,.1794. 8vo. Phil. 1797 Monsigny, Mary-Mythology.... 12o. Randolph. 1809 Monstrelet, E. de-Wars of France, 1400-1516. (Cont. ofFroissart.) 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Montagu, Basil-[Effects of Fermented Liquors.. 8vo. Lond. 1841 ----- ----- Essays and Selections... 12o. Lond. 1837 - - Life of Francis Bacon, See Bacon, Francis; Works. ---- - (Ed'r)-Select Prose Works of Taylor, Hall, &c. 16o. Lond. 1839 The Same... 16o. N. Y. 1845 -- - Elizabeth-Letters. 3 v... 12o. Bost. 1825 _....... - [On the Writings and Genius of Shakspeare] 8vo. Lond. 1770 -- G.-Ornithological Dictionary of British Birds.. 8vo. Lond. 1831 —........ Lady M. W.-Letters and Works. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1837 - The Same. 2 v...,. 8vo. Phil. 1837 ----- -- Letters from the Levant... 16o. Lond. 1838 Montague, E. P. (Ed'r)-Expedition to the Dead Sea.. 12o. Phil. 1849 Montaigne, M. de-Essais; Edition de P. Coste. 10 v.. 24o. Lond. 1768-9 --- - - Complete Works. (Fr. Fren., with Life and Notes.) 8vo. Lond. 1842 Montalembert (Count)-Life of St. Elizabeth of Hungary. (Fr. Fren.) 4to. Lond. 1839 Montanus, Arnold (Ed'r)-Atlas Chinensis. Fol. Lond. 1671 *Montefiore, Joshua-Commercial Dictionary... 4to. Lond. 1803 -— Synopsis of Mercantile Laws... 8vo. N. Y. 1830........ Trader's and Manufacturer's Compendium. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1804 Catalogue.] MO N — 00 165 Montemont, Alb.-Lettres sur l'Astronomie. 2 v... 8vo. Paris, no date Montengon, Pedro-Eusebio. 3 v..... 18o. Paris. 1824 Montesquieu, Chas. (Baron de) —Cuvres Completes. 6 v... 8vo. Paris. 1816 -- The Same. 8 v..... 8vo. Paris. 1822 -.- -..- Spirit of Laws. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1773 Montgomery, Jas.-Lectures on Poetry, Literature, &c. (H. F. L.) 18o. N. Y. 1836.... - -- Pelican Islands; and other Poems. 180. Phil. 1827 -....- Poems. See Rogers, Samuel. -------- - Poetical Works. 4 v.... 18o. Bost. 1825 -.- -- The Same. 2 v.... 12o. Phil. 1845....- - The Same..... 8vo.' Lond. 1850 -...... - [Prose by a Poet.] 2 v... 18o. Phil. 1824.. —. —. World before the Flood; and other Poems. 18o. N. Y. 1814 - - -- -- & others-Authors of It., Spn., &c. (L.C.C.) 2 v. 16o. Lond. 1835 -- - The Same. 2 v.... 12o. Phil. 1841 __ - West Indies; with other Poems.. 16o. N. Y. 1810 ------- Jas.-Theory and Practice of Cotton Spinning. 8vo. Glasgow. 1836 - Robt.-Messiah; a Poem... 16o. Lond. 1836..- ---- - Omnipresence of the Deity.. 16o. Phil. 1828 --------- -W. F.-Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy, &c. 8vo. Phil. 1839 Monthly Chronicle. 7 v... 8vo. Lond. 1838-41 -- Magazine. Vols. 81-97... 8vo. Lond. 1836-43 --- Military Repository. 2 v... 8vo. N. Y. 1796-7 ----- Mirror. Vols. 2-6... 8vo. Lond. 1807-9 --- - Register of the United States. Vol.1.. 8vo. Charleston. 1807 -- - " " Vols. 2 and 3.. 8vo. N. Y. 1807-8 ---- Repository. Vols. 10-13.... 8vo. Lond. 1836-7 Review, the. First Series. 81 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1749-89 _ - The Same. New Series. 108 v... 8vo. Lond. 1790-1825 *- - - General Index to the First Series. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1786-96 *___ " " New Series. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1818 ---- Visitor, the. 15 v...... 18o. Lond. 1799-1802 Montholon (Count)-History of the Captivity of Napoleon. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1846-7. —-- - The Same. 4 v..... 8vo. N. Y. 1846-7 Montpensier (M'lle)-Memoirs of Herself. (Fr. Fren.) 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Moody, C. C. P.-Biography of the Moody Family.. 16o. Bost. 1847 Moore, Geo.-Views on the Nile.. Fol. Lond. 1843 Geo.-Man and his Motives.. 12o. Lond. 1848 ------ - Power of the Soul over the Body... 8vo. Lond. 1845 - Use of the Body in Relation to the Mind. 12o. N. Y. 1847 -_____ The Same.... 12o. Lond. 1846 H- ugh-Memoir of Ethan Allen... 12o. Plattsburg. 1834 - J. B. See Farmer, John. Jas.-Campaign of the British Army in Spain.. 8vo. Lond. 1809 John-Journal during a Residence in France in 1792. 12o. Lond. 1793.-....- View of Society and Manners in France, &c. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1779 ____ _ - The Same. 18o. Paris. 1803 Jos., and Dan.-[System of Exchange] 12o. N. Y. 1800 N. F.-Ancient Mineralogy.... 12o. N. Y. 1834 _. —- _ — History of Columbia College in New-York. 12o. N. Y. 1846 166 M O — M R [Merc. Lib. Moore, Thos.-Dublin Mail; a Poem... 18o. N. Y. 1822 ------ --- Epicurean, a Tale; and Alciphron, a Poem. 16o. Lond. 1839 _- --- - [Fables for the Holy Alliance].. 18o. Phil. 1823 -- - History of Ireland. (L. C. C.) 4 v....16o. Lond. 1837-40 The Same. 2 v..... 8vo. Phil. 1843-6 ---- -- LallaRookh..... 12o. N. Y. 1845.... - Life and Death of Lord Ed. Fitzgerald. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1831 --- -- Life of R. B. Sheridan.. 8vo. Phil. 1825 ----- Melodies, Songs, and National Airs. 18o. N. Y. 1821 - The Same...... 24o. Exeter. 1829 ---- - [Odes upon Cash, Corn, and Catholics]. 12o. Phil. 1828 --- - Poetical Works... 8vo. Phil. 1836 -- -- -The Same.... 8vo. Phil. 1837. —- - The Same, Collected by Himself. 8vo. Paris. 1842.- - The Same..... 8vo. Phil. 1845 --- -- The Same......12o. Bost. 1849 ---- -- -[Travels in Search of a Religion]. 18o. Phil. 1833 - Works. 5 v.......24. N. Y. 1821 ------ ----- f(Ed'r)-Letters and Journals of Lord Byron, & Life. 2 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1830 Moorsom, W.-Letters from Nova Scotia... 12o. Lond. 1830 Moratin, L. F. de-Comedias. 3 v... 18o. Madrid. 1821.-. — and N. F. de-Poesias...16o. Valencia. 1830 More, Cresacre-Life of Sir Thomas More... 8vo. Lond. 1828 - annah-Accomplished Lady.....16o. Bost. 1838 ----- Christian Morals..... 18o. N. Y. 1813 ----- Practical Piety... 12o. Burlington. 1811 Sacred Dramas..... 12. Bost. 1811.-. Works. 7 v...... 12o. N. Y. 1835 ----- The Same.... 8vo N. Y. 1835 - -- The Same. 2 v.... 8vo. Bost. 1837 --- Sir Thos.-History of King Richard III... 12o. Lond. 1821 - Utopia. (Fr. Lat.) 2 v.....12o. Lond. 1808 The Same.... 12o. Loud. 1838 Moreau, Victor-His Life and Campaigns. (Fr. Fren.).. 12o. N. Y. 1806 Morell, J. D.-Philosophical Tendencies of the Age.. 8vo. Lond. 1848 ----- _ Philosophy of Religion....8vo. Lond. 1849 --- - The Same.12. N. Y. 1849 ----- Speculative Philosophy of Europe. 2 v...8vo. Lond. 1846 Moreton, A. H.-Civilization.... 8vo. Lond. 1836 Morewood, Sam.-On Inebriating Liquors....8vo. Dublin. 1838 Morfit, Campbell-Chemical and Pharmaceutical Manipulation. 8vo. Phil. 1849 Chemistry applied to Manufacture of Soap and Candles 8vo. Phil. 1847. —- -- Manures, their Composition, &c... 18o. Phil. 1848 Morgan, Sir C., and Lady-Book without a Name. 2 v. 12o.. Y. 1841 Geo. T.-On Inflammation and its Effects. 8vo. Phil. 1838; — - John-On Diseases of the Eye,. 8vo. Lond. 1848 --- -J.-'History of Algiers and Barbary. 4to. Lond. 1731 -- Lady S.-Book of the Boudoir. 2v... 12o. N.Y. 1828.- -- Dramatic Scenes from Real Life.. 12o. N. Y. 1833 - France. 2 v...... 12o. N. Y. 1817 Catalogue.] MO R M 0 T 167 Morgan, Lady S. —France in 1829-30. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1830 - Italy. 2 v...... 8vo. N. Y, 1821 - Life and Times of Salvator Rosa. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1824 Wm.-On Life Assurance.. 8vo. Lond. 1820 --- Wm.-Illustrations -of Masonry.. 16o. N.-Y. 1826 Morgann, M.-[Dramatic Character of Falstaff] 4to. Lond. 1777 Morier, Jas.-Second Journey through Persia, 1810-16 4to. Lond. 1818 Morrison, J. H.-Life of Hon. Jeremiah Smith. 8vo. Bost. 1845 Moritz, C. P.-Mythology of Greeks and Romans. 12o. N. Y. 1830 *Morning Courier and New-York Enquirer, 1830-49. [Continued.] 36 v. Fol. N. Y. 1830-49 Morning Watch; a Poem.... 12o. N. Y. 1850 Morrell, Abby J.-Voyage to the Pacific.... 12o. N. Y. 1833 ---- Benj. —Four Voyages to the South Sea, &c... 8vo. N. Y. 1833 L. A.-American Shepherd.... 12o. N. Y. 1845 Morrill, C.-Physiology and Diseases of Woman... 12o. N. Y. 1848 Morris, E. Joy-Tour through Turkey, to the Holy Land. 2 v.. 12o. Phil. 1842 --- — G. P., and Willis, N. P.-Prose and Poetry of Europe and Am. 8vo. N. Y. 1847 ~Morrison, C. —Book-keeping...... 8vo. Edin. 1828 * Jas.-Book-keeping..... 12o. Lond. 1829 Complete System of Merchant's Accounts. 4to. Edin. 1808 -— * - Robt. —Vocabulary of the Canton Dialect. 2 v.. 8vo. Macao. 1828 - Mrs. S.-Memoirs of Robt. Morrison. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Morse, Jedidiah-American Universal Geography. 2 v... 8vo. Bost. 1819 The Same; abridged..... 8vo. Bost. 1814 ---- -- Report to Secretary of War, on Indian Affairs. 8vo. N. Haven. 1822 Universal Gazetteer..... 8vo. N. Haven. 1823 -- S. E. —North American Atlas.... Fol. N. Y. 1847 ---- S. F. B.-For. Conspiracy against Liberties of U. S.. 12o. N. Y. 1835 ---- -- (Ed'r)-Confessions of a French Catholic Priest. 12o. N. Y. 1837 Morton, Nath.-New England's Memorial.... 8vo. Bost. 1826 * - Sam. Geo. —Crania Americana.... Fol. Phil. 1839 ---- -- Illustrated System of Human Anatomy.. 8vo. Phil. 1849 Moschus-Poems. (Bound with Hesiod, F. C. L.) The Same. See Theocritus. Moseley, H.-Illustrations of Mechanics... 12o. Lond. 1839 The Same. (H. F. L.)... 18o. N. Y. 1839 -. ——.-. — Lectures on Astronomy... 12o. Lond. 1839.-... -- Mechanics applied to the Arts.. 16o. Lond. 1834.. -- The Same. 2d Edition. 8vo. Lond. 1839 ----- -- Mechanics of Engineering and Architecture. 8vo. Lond. 1843 Moses, M. —Commercial Directory.... 8vo. N. Y. 1830 Mosheim, J. L.-Ecclesiastical History. 4 v... 8vo. N.Y. 1824&44 *Moss, J. W.-Classical Bibliography. 2v..... 8vo. Lond. 1837 Motherwell, Wm.-Poems, Narrative and Lyrical. 12o. Bost. 1841 - -- Poetical Works; with a Memoir.. 16o. Glasgow. 1847 -- - - -~L L (Ed'r) —Minstrelsy, Ancient and Modern. 4to. Glasgow. 1827 - - The Same. 2 v..... 16o. Bost. 1846 Mott, A.-Biographies of Persons of Color... 12o. N. Y. 1826 - Valentine-Travels in Europe and the East.. 8vo. N. Y. 1842 Mottley, John —Life of Peter I. of Russia. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1739 168 M O U- M U R [Merc. Lib. Moule, Thos.-Heraldry of Fish... 8vo. Lond. 1842 Moulton, R. K.-Constitutional Guide... 12o. N. Y. 1834 Moultrie, John-Poems...... 12o. Lond. 1838 -- Wm.-Memoirs of the American Revolution. 2 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1802 Mounier, J. J.-Influence of Philosophers, &c., on French Revolution 8vo. Lond. 1801 Mountford, Wm.-Christianity..... 16o. Bost. 1847 ----- -_- Euthanasy; or, Happy Talk... 16o. Bost. 1848 - Martyria; a Legend.... 12o. Bost. 1846 Moxon, Edw.-Sonnets...... 8vo. Lond. 1837 Mudie, Robt.-British Naturalist. 2 v.. 16o. Lond. 1835 Domesticated Animals... 18o. Winchester. 1839 -- TheEarth..... 12o. Phil. 1836 - Gleanings of Nature... 8vo. Lond. 1838 - Guide to the Observation of Nature. (C. M.). 16o. Lond. 1832 The Same. (H. F. L.). 18o. N. Y. 1833 - The Heavens..... 12o. Phil. 1836 - Lessons in Astronomy.... 16o. Lond. 1842 - - Man, as a Moral and Accountable Being. 16o. Lond. 1840 - ---- Man in his Physical Structure.. 12o. Bost. 1838 - - ental Philosophy.... 12o. Lond. 1838 - -- Natural History of Birds.... 18o. Lond. 1834 Muehry, Adolph-Medicine in France, Eng., and Germany. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Phil. 1838 Miihleisen, John-Genuine and Spurious Religion. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1849 Muhlenberg, H. A.-Life of Maj. Gen. Muhlenberg. 12o. Phil. 1849 Muhlenfels, L. von-Introduction to Study of German Literature. 8vo. Lond. 1830 _ —— __ - Introductory Lecture at London University. 8vo. Lond. 1829 - - - (Ed'r)-Manual of German Prose... 12o. Lond. 1836 Mulder, G. J.-Chemistry of Vegetable and Animal Physiology 8vo. Edin. 1849 Mulford, I. S.-History of New-Jersey.. 8vo. Camden. 1848 Mullen, Sam.-Pilgrim of Beauty; and other Poems.. 12o. Lond. 1845 Miller, C. O.-Ancient Art and its Remains. (Fr. Gel.).. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Hist. and Antiquities of Doric Race. 2 v. (Fr. Ger.) 8vo. Oxford. 1830 - Scientific System of Mythology. (Fr. Ger.).. 8vo. Lond. 1844 Johann von-Sammtliche Werke. 40 v... 18o. Stuttgart. 1831-5 - K. O.-Literature of Ancient Greece. (Fr. Ger.) (L. U. K.) 8vo. Lond. 1847 Muller, J.-Embryology, and Physiology of Generation. (Fr. Ger.) 8vo. Lond. 1848 --- -- ~Physiology of Senses, Voice, &c. (Fr. Ger.). 8vo. Lond. 1848 - Principles of Physics and Meteorology. (Fr. Ger.) 8vo. Lond. 1847 _ S.-Voyages from Asia to North-West Coast of America. 4to. Lond. 1761 Munch, B.-Son of the Wilderness. (Fr. Ger.)... 12o. N. Y. 1848 Mundy (Capt.)-Sketches of a Tour in India. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1833 Municipal Corporation Boundaries (of England and Wales.) 3 v. Fol. Lond. 1837 Munsell, Joel-Albany Annual Register, 1849... 12o. Albany. 1849 *Munster, S.-Dictionarium, Latinum, Grecum, et Hebraicum. Fol. Basileae. 1562 Murat, Achille-America and the Americans. (Fr. Fren.). 12o. N. Y. 1849 Murchison, R. J.-Silurian System of Rocks. 2 v.... 4to. Lond. 1839 Murden-Art of Memory..... 8vo. Title wanting. Murdoch, Jas. E., and Russell, Wm.-Orthophony; or, Vocal Culture 12o. Bost. 1845 Murdock, Jas.-Sketches of Modern Philosophy... 18o. Hartf. 1846 Mure, Wm.-Language and Literature of Ancient Greece. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1850 Catalogue.] M U R - MUR 169 Murphy, Jas. C.-History of the Mahometan Empire in Spain. 4to. Lond. 1816 J. McL., and Jeffers, W. N.-Nautical Routine and Stowage 8vo. N. Y. 1849 -Patrick-Meteorology in Relation to Astronomy.. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Murray, C. A.-Travelsin NorthAmerica. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1839 - ugh-Discoveries and Travels in North America. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1829 ---- -- Encyclopedia of Geography... 8vo. Lond. 1834 *.- -- The Same; with Additions. 3 v... 8vo. Phil. 1837 --— _ -- Travels of Marco Polo. (E.C. L.).. 16o. Edin. 1844. —- -- The Same. (H. F. L.).... 18o. N. Y. 1845 ---- -- United States of America. (E. C. L.) 3 v.. 16o. Edin. 1844... —-- - and others-Account of British India. (E. C. L.) 3 v. 16o. Edin. 1833 ---- -- --- -- The Same. (H. F. L.) 3 v... 18o. N. Y. 1832 _ —-- _ — ---- - China from Earliest Ages. (E. C. L.) 3 v. 16o. Edin. 1836 -- - -- ---- D- Discovery and Adventure in Africa. (E.-C. L.) 16o. Edin. 1832 --- -- T —--- The Same. (H. F. L.)... 18o. N. Y. 1831 ---- -- ---- History of British America. (E. C. L.) 3 v. 160. Edin. 1839 ------ --- The Same. (H. F. L.) 2 v... 18o. N. Y. 1840 - Jas.-Electricity as a Cause of Cholera.. 12o. Dublin. 1849 J. F.-The World of London. 2v.... 16o. Lond. 1844 - -- The Same. New Series... 12o. Lond. 1845 - Lindley-English Grammar..,.. 8vo. N. Y. 1819 --. The Same..... 12o. N. London. 1836 _ —-- -- English Reader..... 12o. Albany. 1819 Sequel to the Same.... 12o. N. Y. 1801. —-- -. — Religion in Retirement, Affliction, &c... 12o. N. Y. 183E --- —._ Memoirs of his Life and Writings.. 8vo. N. Y. 182q Nicholas [Kirwan]-[Letters to Bishop Hughes].. 12o. N.Y. 184I - [Reply to Bishop Hughes]... 24o. N. Y. 184E --- Robt.-Commercial Arithmetic.... 12o. Edin. 183( Murray's Family Library. 80 v...... 16o. Lond. 1828-4' Vols. 1, 2. Lockhart, J. G. Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. 3. Williams, J. Life of Alexander the Great. 1, 27, 38. Cunningham, A. British Painters, Sculptors, and Architects. 19, 27, 38. 5, 6, 9. Milman, H. H. History of the Jews. 7, 51. Natural History of Insects. 8. Court and Camp of Buonaparte. 11. Irving, W. Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. 12. Southey, R. Life of Nelson. 14. Lives of Eminent British Physicians. 15,48-50. Gleig, G. R. History of British Empire in India. 16. Scott, Sir W. Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft. 17. Head, Sir F. B. Life of Bruce, the African Traveller. 18. Irving, W. Voyages and Discoveries of Companions of Columbus. 20, 32. Smedley, E. Sketches from Venetian History. 21. Palgrave, F. History of the Anglo-Saxons in England. 22, 34, 37. Tytler, P. F. Lives of Scottish Worthies. 23. Family Tour through South Holland. 24. Brewster, Sir D. Life of Sir Isaac Newton. 25. Barrow, J. History of the Mutiny of the Bounty. 26. Blunt, S. J. Sketch of the Reformation in England. 28, 29. Lander, R. and J. Expedition to explore Source of Niger. 30. Irving, W., and Paulding, J. K. Salmagundi. 31. Trials of Charles I. and some of the Regicides. 33. Brewster, Sir D. Letters on Natural Magic. 35. Barrow, J. Life of Peter the Great. 22 170 M UR —N A P [Merc. Lib Murray's Family Library (continued). 36. Coleridge, H. N. Six Months in the West Indies. 39, 40. Irving, W. Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon. 41-46. Tytler, A. F., and Nares, E. Universal History. 47. Croker, T. C. Fairy Legends of South of Ireland. 52. De Foe, D. History of the Plague in London in 1665. 53, 54. Edmonds, C... Life and Times of Geo. Washington. 55. Irving, W. History of New-York; by Diedrich Knickerbocker. 56-58. Wesley, J. Compendium of Natural Philosophy. 59, 60. Segur, Count P. de. Napoleon's Expedition to Russia. 61. Davenport, R. A. Life of Ali Pasha. 62. Macfarlane, C. Lives of Banditti and Robbers. 63. Sketches of Imposture, Deception, and Credulity. 64. Davenport, R. A. History of the Bastile. 65. Hollings, J. F. Life of Gustavus Adolphus. 66. Chronicles of London Bridge. 67. Bucke, C. Life of John, Duke of Marlborough. 68. Roscoe, T. Life of M. de Cervantes Saavedra. 69. Hollings, J. F. Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. 70, 71. Bucke, C. Ruins of Ancient Cities. 72. Aytoun, W. E. Life and Times of Richard Cceur de Lion. 73. Green, S. Life of Mahomet. 74, 75. Davenport, R. A. Narratives of Peril and Suffering. 76-78. Eustace, J. C. Classical Tour through Italy. 79. Davenport, R. A. Lives of Eminent Men. 80. Mutiny at Spithead and the Nore. Musseus-Poems. (Fr. Lat.) (Bound with Hesiod. F. C. L.) Museum Criticum; or, Cambridge Classical Researches. 2 v.. 8vo. Camb. (E.) 1826 of Foreign Literature and Art. 44 v.... 8vo. Phil. 1822-42 - of Literature; Choice Selection from English Reviews 8vo. Bost. 1850 Musgrave, Rich.-Memoirs of the Irish Rebellions. 2 v... 8vo. Dublin. 1802 ----- Sam.-Two Dissertations.... 8vo. Lond. 1782 Mushet, Dav.-Papers on Iron and Steel.. 8vo. Lond. 1840 Musical Gem; a Collection of Songs, Duetts, &c.... 8vo. Lond. 1845 * Library. (Instrumental, 4 v.; Vocal, 4 v.) 8 v.. 4to. Lond. 1842 -- World. 2 v..,.... 12o. Lond. 1836 Mutiny at Spithead and the Nore. (M. F. L.)... 16o. Lond. 1842 Muzzy, Harriet-Poems; Moral and Sentimental... 12o. N. Y. 1821 My Children's Diary..... 18o. N. Y. 1826 My Daughter's Manual...... 18o. N. Y. 1837 Myers, John-Life and Travels Round the World. 8vo. Lond. 1817 Mysteries of Popery Unveiled..... 12o. Hartf. 1820 Mystery Revealed. Facts Relating to the Late M[inistry]. 8vo. Lond. 1759 Mythological Fables, in Verse. Translated by Dryden, Pope, &c.. 12o. N. Y. 1837 Nack, Jas.-Ode on the Proclamation of Jackson.. 8vo. N. Y. 1833 Nagel, Gustavus-Pronunciation of the German Language.. 12o. Lond. 1841 Napier, Sir Chas.-War in Syria. 2 v..... 12o. Lond. 1842 --- ----- E. E.-Excursions Along the Mediterranean. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1842:____, I " in Southern Africa. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1849.... --- Wild Sports in Europe, Asia, and Africa.. 8vo. Phil. 1846 ---- - — H S.-Florentine History. 2 v..... 12o. Lond. 1846-7 Mark-Life and Times of Montrose.... 12o. Edin. 1840 ---- -- Montrose and the Covenanters. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1838 W. F. P.-Conquest of Scinde and Life of Napier.. 8vo. Lond. 1845........History of the Peninsular War. 6 v... 8vo. Loud. 1835-40 Catalogue.] NA P -- NA T 171 Napier, W. F. P.-The Same. 4 v..... 8vo. Phil. 1842 Napoleon; Une Annie de la Vie de.... 8vo. N. Y. 1815 Napoleon Gallery...... 16o. Lond. 1846 Nares, Edw.-Life of Wm. Cecil, Lord Burghley. 3 v.. 4to. Lond. 1828-30 -- Robt.-General Rules for Pronunciation of English.. 8vo. Lond. 1792 --- - Glossary for Works of Shakspeare and Contemporaries 4to. Lond. 1822 Narrative of Three Years' Residence in Italy... 12o. Dublin. 1831 Narrien, John-Origin and Progress of Astronomy.. 8vo. Lond. 1833 Nash, Thos. See Brydges, Sir E.; Archaica. *National Intelligencer. 23 v.... Fol. Wash. 1813-35 Natural History of Insects. (M. F. L.) 2 v.... 16o. Lond. 1830 - The Same. (H. F. L.) 2 v.,. 18o. N. Y. 1833-5 - History of State of New-York. 15 v... 4to. Albany. 1842-9 Vols. 1. Zoology; Mammalia. By Jas. E. De Kay. 2. " Birds. " 3, 4. " Reptiles and Amphibia. " 5. " Mollusca and Crustacea. 6, 7. Botany. By John Torrey. 8. Mineralogy. By Lewis C. Beck. 9. Geology. First District. By Wm. W. Mather. 10. " Second " By Ebenezer Emmons. 11. " Third " By Lardner Vanuxen. 12. " Fourth " By James Hall. 13, 14. Agriculture. By Ebenezer Emmons. 15. Paleontology. By James Hall. Natural Philosophy. (L. U. K.) 3 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1829-34 Naturalist's Library. Edited by Sir Wm. Jardine. 40 v.. 16o. Edin. 1836-43 MAMMALIA. Vol. 1. Jardine, Sir W.-Monkeys; with Memoir of Buffon. 2. - - Lions, Tigers, &c.; with Memoir of Cuvier. 3. - Ruminating Animals; Part I.; with Memoir of Camper. 4. - The Same; Part II.; with Memoir of Hunter. 5. - - Pachyderms; with Memoir of Sloane. 6. Hamilton, R.-,Whales; with Memoir of Lacepede. 7. Macgillivray, W.-British Mammas; with Memoir of Aldrovandi. 8. Hamilton, R.-Amphibious Carnivora; with Memoir of Peron. 9. Smith, C. H.-Dogs; Part I.; with Memoir of Pallas. 10. - - Dogs; Part II.; with Memoir of D'Azara. 11. Waterhouse, G. R.-Marsupialia; with Memoir of Barclay. 12. Smith, C. H.-Horses, Asses, Zebras, &c.; with Memoir of Gesner. 13. - - Introduction to Mammalia; with Memoir of Drury. ORNITHOLOGY. Vol. 1. Jardine, Sir W.-Humming Birds; Part I.; with Memoir of Linnaeus. 2. ---- - The Same; Part II.; with Memoir of Pennant. 3. --- -- Gallinaceous Birds; with Memoir of Aristotle. 4. - - Game Birds; with Memoir of Raffles. 5. Selby, P. J.-Pigeons; with Memoir of Pliny. 6. - Parrots; with Memoir of Bewick. 7. Swainson, W.-Birds of Western Africa; Part I.; Memoir of Bruce. 8. -- -- The Same; Part II.; with Memoir of Le Vaillant. 9. Jardine, Sir W.-British Birds; Part I.; with Memoir of Sibbald. 10. Swainson, W.-Fly Catchers; with Memoir of Haller. 11. Jardine, Sir W.-British Birds; Part II.; with Memoir of Smellie. 12. - The Same; Part III.; with Memoir of Walker. 13. - - Sun Birds; with Memoir of Willughby. 14. -- - British Birds; Part IV.; with Menooir of Wilson. 172 NA T — NE W [Mere. Lib2 Naturalist's Library (continued). ICTHYOLOGY. Vol. 1. Jardine, Sir W.-Fishes of the Perch Family; with Memoir of Banks. 2. Bushnan, J. S.-Fishes; their Struct. and Uses; with Memoir of Salviani. 3. Schomburgk, R. H.-Fishes of Guiana; with Account of the Author. 4. Hamilton, R.-British Fishes; Part I.; with Memoir of Rondelet. 5. Schomburgk, R. H.-Fishes of Guiana; Part II.; with Mem. of Burckhardt. 6. Hamilton, R.-British Fishes; Part II.; with Memoir of Humboldt. ENTOMOLOGY. Vol. 1. Duncan, J.-Introduc. to Entomology; Memoir of Swammerdam; De Geer. 2. - Beetles; with Memoir of Ray. 3. - British Butterflies; with Memoir of Werner. 4. - - British Moths, Sphinxes, &c.; with Memoir of Mde. Merian. 5. - Foreign Butterflies; with Memoir of Lamarck. 6. Dunbar-Bees; with Memoir of Huber. 7. Duncan, J.-Exotic Moths; with Memoir of Latreille. Naunton, Robt.-Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth, &c... 8vo. Lond. 1824 Nautical Magazine. Vols. 7-18. [Continuec.]... 8vo. Lond. 1838-49 Naval Anecdotes of British Seamen. 8vo. Lond. 1806 - Magazine. 2 v...... 8vo. N. Y. 1836-7 - Monument of American and British Battles, 1812-15.. 8vo. Bost. 1838 Navarrete, M. F. de-Voyages de Chris. Colomb. 1492-1504. (de l'Esp.) 8vo. Paris. 1828 Neal, D.-History of the Puritans. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1811 Neale, J. M.-Hierologus; or, Church Tourists... 16o. Lond. 1843 Neander, Aug.-History of the Christian Church. (Fr. Ger.) 2 v.. 8vo. Bost. 1847-8 - The Same... 8vo. N. Y. 1847.- --- - Life of Jesus Christ.... 8vo. N. Y. 1848 - --- -- St. Chrysostom. (Fr. Ger.)... 8vo. Lond. 1845 Necker de Saussure, A. A. —Progressive Education. (Fr. Fren.). 12o. Bost. 1835 - -- ~- Study of the Life of WToman. (Fr. Fren.) 12o. Phil. 1844 Nederlandsch India, in haare Tegenwoordige Toestaind beschouwd 8vo. Batavia. no date Neele, Hen.-Literary Remains... 8vo. N. Y. 1829 Neff, Jac. K.-Army and Navy of America.. 8vo. Phil. 1846 Negris, Alex.-Dictionary of Modern Greek Proverbs.. 180. Edin. 1831 Neill, J., and Smith, F. G.-Analytical Compendium of Med. Science 12o. Phil. 1848 - P.-Fruit, Flower, and Kitchen Garden... 8vo. Edin. 1838 Neilson, Chas.-Account of Burgoyne's Campaign... 12o. Albany. 1844 W- m.-Greek Exercises..... 8vo. Dundalk. 1804 Neison, F. G. P.-Contributions to Vital Statistics.. 4to. Lond. 1846 Nelson, Dav.-Cause and Cure of Infidelity... 12o. N. Y. 1837 - Horatio (Lord)-Dispatches and Letters. 7 v... 8vo. Lond. 1845-6 Neues Gesanbuch zur Offentlichen Erbauung... 12o. Nuremberg. 1791 *Neuman, Hen.-Dictionary of Spanish and English Languages. 2 v. 8vo. Phil. 1823 Nevins, Wm.-Select Remains..... 120. N. Y. 1836 Newbold, T. J.-British Settlements at Malacca. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1839 Newcastle, M. C.-Life of Wm. Cavendish, Earl of Newcastle. Fol. Lond. 1667 Newell, C.-History of the Revolution in Texas... 120. N. Y. 1838 -- R. H.-Zoology of the English Poets... 16o. Lond. 1845 Newman, Edw.-History of British Ferns.... 8vo. Lond. 1840 & 4 --- - E. M.-Analysis of Sounds; English Pronunciation. 12o. Lond. 1834 -- F. H.-Contrasts of Ancient and Modern History. 16o. Lond, 1847 Catalogue.] NEW — N E W 173 Newman, F. W.-Phases of Faith.....12o. Lond. 1850 John B.-Fascination; or, Philosophy of Charming 12o. N. Y. 1847 & 48 J. H.-Essay on Christian Doctrine'... 8vo. N. Y. 1845...- -- Life of Apollonius Tyanseus. [Bound with Hind, Sam.; Rise, i~c.] - - S.-Mercantile Tables upon a New Method.. 8vo. Lond. 1804 Newnham, W.-Human Magnetism.....12o. N. Y. 1845 - Reciprocal Influence of Body and Mind. 8vo. Lond. 1842 New Annual Register for 1780-95. 16 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1784-96 - Elegant Extracts from British Writers. 12 v... 18o. Chiswick. 1827 England and her Institutions..... 12o. Bost. 1835 Histor. and Geolog. Register. Vols. 1-3. [Continued.] 8vo. Bost. 1847-9 -.- Magazine. 9 v...... 8vo. Bost. 1831-5 * —--- I Mercantile Business Directory...8vo. N. Y. 1849 - Englander; a Quarterly Review. Vols. 2-7. [Continued.] 8vo. N:Haven.1844-9 - General Atlas....... Fol. Edin. 1817 -Jerusalem Missionary; and, Intellectual Repository. 8vo. N. Y. 1823-4 Tracts. Vol. 1..... 12o. Bost. 1830 * — Mirror; a Weekly Journal. 3 v.... vo. N. Y. 1843-4 -Monthly Magazine. Vols. 3-88. [Cdntinued.]..8vo. Lond. 1822-50 Orleans as I Found It. Part 1... 8vo. N. 1845 - Theory of Vegetable Physiology, based on Electricity.16o. Edin. 1847 - Universal Letter-Writer..... 12o. Phil. 1841 - Voyages and Travels; Original and Translated. 9 v... 8vo. Lond. various * - York American. (Daily.) 23 v.... Fol. N. Y. 1828-45 - - Book of Poetry...... 8vo. N. Y. 1837 *. - Business Directory, 1846-7. (Pub. by J. Doggett). 18o. N. Y. 1846 --- City Directory for 1800-1. ( " Longworth) 12o. N. Y. 1800 - - ". 1807-8. ( " " ) 12o. N.Y. 1807 -_ " 1816-20. ( " " ) 4 v. 12o. N. 1816-20 -* — " 1825-6. ( " ) 12o. N. Y. 1825 = -- " 1828-9. ( " " ) 12o. N. Y. 1828 * — " 1830-2. ( " " ) 2 v. 120. N. Y. 1830-1 *-_ — " 1833-6. ( " 4' ) 3 v. 12o. N. Y. 1833-5 * — - " 1837-42. ( " " ) 3 v. 120. N. Y. 1837-41 -*- - t" 1842-50. (Pub. by Doggett.) 8 v. 8vo. N.. 1Y842-50 -*- " 1850-1. ( " Rode. ). 8vo. N.. 1850 * — Commercial Advertiser. (Daily.) 36 v. [Continued.] Fol. N. Y. 1828-49 -* - Daily Advertiser. 6 v..... Fol. N. Y. 1830-5 *_..- " Express. Vols. 1-4.... Fol. N. Y. 1837-9 * — Evangelist. (Weekly.) Vols. 1-2. Fol. N. Y. 1842-3 -e- Illustrated Magazine. 2 v...8vo. N. Y. 1846-7 * — Literary Gazette. (Semi-Monthly.).. 4to. N. Y. 1834-5 -*- " (Weekly.)... 4to. N. Y. 1839 --- Mirror. (Weekly.) Vols. 8-20..4to. N. Y. 1830-42 - - Monthly Chronicle of Medicine and Surgery.. 8vo. N. Y. 1825 *_ -- Observer. (Weekly.) 3 v.... Fol. N. Y. 1833-6 - Review. 9 v....... 8vo. N.. 1837-41 " and Atheneeum Magazine. 2 v... 8vo. N. Y. 1825-6. * - Spectator. 5 v.. Fol. N. Y. 1797-1802 * —- State and City Business Directory, 1850. 8vo. N. Y. 1850 174 N E W- 1N I C [Mere. Lib. *New-York State Register for 1843-5.. 12o. Albany. 1843-5 --- - Times and Commercial Intelligencer. 6 v. Fol. N. Y. 1836-41 * — Tribune. 14 v. [Continued.]... Fol. N. Y. 1841-9 -- - Weekly Messenger. Vols. 3-4. Fol. N. Y. 1833-4 * — -- " Mirror...... 4to. N. Y. 1844 *- Yorker. (Weekly.) Vols. 2-10.... 4to. N. Y. 1836-41 Zealanders. (L. E. K.)..... 12o. Lond. 1830 Newton, Sir Isaac-Chronology, abridged by Himself.. 4to. Lond. 1728 ---- -- Mrathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1803 --— ~ - Method of Fluxions and Infinite Series. (Fr. Lat.) 4to. Lond. 1736 ----.- Philosophize Naturalis Principia Mathematica. 2 v.. 8vo. Glasgow. 1833 Universal Arithmetic.... 8vo. Lond. 1769 --- - John-[Cardiphonia; or, Utterance of the Heart.] 2 v..12o. Phil. 1795 Letters and Sermons. 6 v... 12o. Phil. 1795 - - " to his Wife.. 12o. Whitehall. 1814 --- --- Messiah; Fifty Expository Discourses. 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1812 --- -- Narrative of his own Life.. 18. N. Y. 1806. Posthumous Works. 2 v..... 12o. Phil. 1813 J. F.-Three Enigmas attempted to be Explained. 8vo. Lond. 1821 Thos.-Dissertations on the Prophecies... 8vo. Lond. no date --- Wm.-Display of Heraldry.... 8vo. Lond. 1846 Ney, Michael (Marshal); Memoirs of.... 8vo. Phil. 1834 Nibelungen Lied; or, Lay of the last Nibelungers.. 8vo. Berlin. 1848 Nicetas, Eugenianus-Narratio Amatoria, &c. (Greec.). 12o. Lug. Bat. 1819 Nichol, J. P. —Architecture of the Heavens.. 8vo. Edin. 1839 --- The Same...... 8vo. Lond. 1850 -- Contemplations on the Solar System. 12o. Edin. 1844 & 7 ---- -- Phenomena of the Solar System.. 8vo. Edin. 1838 ---- Planet Neptune; Exposition and History.. 12o. Edin. 1848 - - Stellar Universe..... 16. Edin. 1848 ---- — _ Thoughts on the System of the World.. 8vo. Edin. 1846 Nicholas, John L.-Voyage to New Zealand in 1814-15. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1817 Nicholls, John-Recollections during the Reign of George III. 12o. Phil. 1822 Nichols, John-Illustration of Literary History, 19th Century. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1817-22 ------ -- Progresses and Processions of Queen Elizabeth. 3 v. 4to. Lond. 1823 - The Same, of James I. and Court. 4 v... 4to. Lond. 1828 Nicholson, A.-Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger.. 12o. N. Y. 1847 - John-Operative Mechanic and Machinist. 2 v... 8vo. Phil. 1826 Peter-On the Five Orders of Architecture.. 8vo. N. Y. 1837 *. Wm.-British Encyclopmdia; or, Diet. of Arts, &c. 12 v. 8vo. Phil. 1819-21 Nicol, Jas.-Introductory Book of the Sciences.. 12o. Edin. 1844. - _ Manual of Mineralogy.... 12o. Edin. 1849 Nicolas, Sir H.-Chronology of History. (L. C. C.).. 16o. Lond. 1833._- - Life and Times of Sir Christopher Hatton. 8vo. Lond. 1847 * __ N. H.-History of the British Orders of Knighthood. 4 v.. Fol. Lond. 1842. " " ( Royal Navy. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1847.- - - -Life of Wm. Davison, Secretary to Elizabeth. 8vo. Lond. 1823,* -.- Synopsis of the English Peerage. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1825 P. H.-History of the Royal Marine Forces. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1845 Nicollet, J. N.-Report on Basin of Upper Mississippi.. 8vo. Wash. 1843 Catalogue.] NIC — N 0 T 175 Nicolson, W.-Scottish Historical Library... 12o. Lond. 1702 Niebuhr, B. G.-History of Rome. (Fr. Ger.) 5 v... 8vo.Camb.(E.)1831-44 - Lectures on the Same....8vo. Lond. 1848 -C.-Travels through Arabia. 2 v.... 8vo. Dublin. 1792 Niles, Hez.-Journal of Convention of Friends of Domestic Industry 8vo. Balt. 1831 - Principles and Acts of American Revolution. 8vo. Bait. 1822 --- -- Weekly Register. Vols. 1-73... 8vo. Balt. 1811-48 - J. M.-Life of Oliver H. Perry.... 12o. Hartf. 1820 Nimrod's Hunting Tours. 2 v...... 12o. Phil. 1836 Nineteenth Century. Vols. 1-2.. 8 vo. Phil. 1848 Nixon, Wm.-Ballads; and other Poems....12o. Dublin. 1823 Noad, H. M. —Chemical Analysis...8vo. Phil. 1849 Lectures on Chemistry.. 8vo. Lond. 1843 -- -- " Electricity, Galvanism, &c... 12o. Lond. 1839 Noah, M. M.-Gleanings from a Gathered Harvest... 16o. N. Y. 1845 -.- - Travels inEngland, France, Spain, &c., in 1813-15 8vo. N. Y. 1819 Noble, Dan.-The Brain and its Physiology.... vo. Lond. 1846 - Mark-Continuation of Granger's Biograph. Hist. of Eng. 3 v. 12o. Lond. 1806 - Sam.-Appeal for the New Jerusalem Church.. 12o.'Bost. 1830 -- - - Doctrines of the True Christian Religion.. 8vo. N. Y. 1848 --- -- Plenary Inspiration of Scripture Asserted. 8vo. Bost. 1828 Nodier, Charles-Contes en Prose et Vers. 2 v...18o. Brux. 1837 Ines de las Sierras...18o. Brux. 1837 Noel, Baptist-Christian Baptism.. 16o. N. Y. 1850 -- - On the Union of Church and State... 8vo. Lond. 1849 - -. The Same..... 12o. N. Y. 1849 Nolan, Fred.-Egyptian Chronology Analysed... 8vo. Lond. 1848 Nollet, J. A.-L'Art des Experiences. 3 v.... 12o. Paris. 1787 Nonnus Panopolites-Dionysiaca.... 4to. Antwerp. 1569 Norden, F. L.-Travels in Egypt and Nubia. (Fr. Danish.). 8vo. Lond. 1757 Norman, B. M.-New Orleans and Environs...18o. N.Orleans. 1845 -_ —-.. - Notes of Travel in Cuba and Mexico.. 12o. N.Y. 1845 -- -- Rambles in Yucatan.... 8vo. N.Y. 1843 North, E. D.-Practical Speaking as Taught in Yale College 12o. N. Haven. 1846 - Roger-Lives of F. D. and J. North. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1826 North American Review. Vols. 11-70. [Continued.].. 8vo. Bost. 1820-50 -- British Review. Vols. 1-12. [ Continued.].. 8vo. Edin. 1844-50 Northampton (Lord) (Ed'r)-The Tribute; a Collection of Poems 8vo. Lond. 1837 Northcote, Jas.-Artist's Book of Fables... 12o. Lond. 1845...- -- Life of Titian. 2 v..... vo. Lond. 1830 ---- -- Memoirs of Sir Joshua Reynolds.. 8vo. Phil. 1817..- - One Hundred Fables.... 8vo. Lond. 1828 Norton, And.-Evidences of the Genuineness of the Gospels. 3 v. 8vo. Bost. 1837-44 - Reasons for not Believing Doctrine of Trinity. 12o. Camb. 1833 - Mrs.-Child of the Islands; a Poem.. 8vo. Lond. 1846 -- The Dream; and other Poems.. 12o. Lond. 1841.-.. -- The Same...... 12o. N. Y. 1845 - Poems...... 16o. Bost. 1833 --- W. A.-Treatise on Astronomy.. 8vo. N. Y. 1839 Notes on Colombia in 1822-3... 8vo. Phil. 1827 176 N 0 T -- O G D [Merc. ib. Notes on Cuba..... 12o. Bost. 1844 ----- Various Sciences to Assist the Memory.. 12o. Lond. 1827 *Noticioso de Ambos Mundos. 8 v. 4to.. N. Y. 1836-43 Nott, Eliphalet-Addresses at Union College Commencement. 12o. Schenectady. 1814 - First Lessons in English Composition.. 18o. N. Y. 1846 Nourse, J. D. —Remarks on the Past... 12o. Louisville. 1847 Nouveau Manuel des Notaires..... 8vo. Paris. 1818 Novalis, F. von H. See IHardenburg, F. Von. Noverre, J. G. —Essay on the Art of Dancing. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1783 Nugent (Lord)-Lands, Classical and Sacred. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1845 ---- -- Memorials of John Hampden. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1832 -- Thos.-History of Vandalia; or, Mecklenburg. 2 v.. 4to. Lond. 1769 Nutbrowne Maid; an Ancient Poem.... 18o. Lond. 1836 Nuts to Crack; by Oxford and Cambridge Scholars.. 12o. Phil. 1835 Nuttall, P. A.-Classical and Archceological Dictionary.. 8vo. Lond. 1840 * --- Thos.-North American Sylva. 3 v... 8vo. Phil. 1849 -- - Ornithology of United States and Canada. 2 v.. 12o. Camb. 1832-4 ------ --- Travels into the Arkansas Territory.. 8vo. Phil. 1821 O'Brien, Edw.-The Lawyer's Character and Rule of Holy Life 18o. Lond. 1842 --- Hen.-Round Towers of Ireland... 8vo. Lond. 1834 O'Byrne, W. R.-Naval and Biographical Dictionary.. 8vo. Lond. 1849 O'Callaghan, E. B.-Documentary History of New-York State. 2 v. 8vo. Albany. 1849 ------- -- History of the New Netherlands. 2 v.. 8vo. N. Y. -1846-8. —--- - Jer.-Usury, Funds, &c., Repugnant to Divine Laws. 12o. Burlington. 1824 O'Connell, Dan.-Memoir of Ireland; Native and Saxon. Vol. 1 12o. Dublin. 1844 --- -- Life and Speeches. Vol. 1.. 8vo. Dublin. 1846 ---- - Jas. F.-Adventures in New Holland... 18o. Bost. 1836 O'Donovan, John-Irish Grammar.... 8vo. Dublin. 1845 O'Keefe, John-Recollections of his Own Life... 8vo. Phil. 1827 O'Meara, B. E.-Memoirs of Napoleon. 2 v... 12o. Hartf. 1822 -— _ -- -- - Napoleon in Exile. 2 v..... 12o. Phil. 1822 The Same. 2 v.... 12o. Bost. 1823 O'Neil, A.-Dictionary of Spanish Painters. 2 Parts.. 8vo. Lond. 1833 O'Reilly, Bernard-Greenland and Davis' Straits in 1817. 8vo. N. Y. 1818 - - Hen.-Sketches of Rochester.... 12o. Rochester. 1838 O'Sullivan, J. L.-On Abolition of Capital Punishment.. 8vo. N. Y. 1841 -------- M.-Guide to an Irish Gentleman in Search of a Religion 12o. Phil. 1833 Oberlin, J. F.-Memoirs...... 18o. Pittsburg. 1830..-' The Same..... 12o. Camb. 1832 Observer, the; see Cumberland, Rich., and British Essayists. Vols. 38-40. Ockley, Simon-History of the Saracens.. 12o. Lond. 1847 Oddy, J. J.-European Commerce.... 4to. Lond. 1805 - -- The Same. 2 v.... 8vo. Phil. 1807 *- S. A.-New General Atlas... 4to. Loud. 1811 Odiorne, Jas. C.-Origin, &c., of Speculative Masonry. 12o. Bost. 1830 *Oettinger, E. M.-Bibliographie Biographique... 8vo. Leipsic. 1850 Official Army Register for 1849....12o. Wash. 1849 Ogden, E. D. (Ed'r)-Tariff of the United States for 1842. 12o. N. Y. 1842 - -- The Same, for 1846... 8vo. N. Y. 1846 Catalogue.] 0 G D -- R D177 Ogden, Uzal-Antidote to Deism. 2 v.... 12o. Newark. 1795 Ogilby,- Martyn,W. C.,and Knight, C.-Menageries. (L.E.K.) 4 v. 12o. Lond. 1830-1 --- -- The Same; [entitled " Hist. of Quad."] (H. F. L.) 2 v. 18o. N. Y. 1844 -- John-Africa; a Description of Egypt, &c... Fol. Lond. 1670 - --- Britannia; England and Wales Surveyed Fol. Lond. 1698 - Embassies to China. 2 v... Fol. Lond. 1769-71 John D.-Against the Validity of Lay Baptism. 12o. N. Y. 1842 Okey, C. H.-Laws of Intercourse between Great Britain and France 8vo. Paris. 1842 Old English Drama.... 12o. Lond. 1824-5 -Poets. 5 v.... e, 18o. Lond. 1820 - Humphrey-Addresses... 18o. N. Y. 1847 -- - -- Country Strolls,.. 180. N. Y. 1847 -- ------. Eph. Holding's Hints to Sunday School Teachers 18o. N.Y. 1847 -- ---- My Grandparents...8. N. Y. 1848 Observations... 18o. N. Y. 1847 --- ---- Owen Haddon's Wanderings 18. 18. Y. 1846 ------ - Pithy Papers on Singular Subjects 18o. N. Y. 1850 -------- Pleasant Tales for Young People..18oN.N. Y. 1849 Thoughts for the Thoughtful.. 18o. N. Y. 1848 -- ----- Walks in London and its Neighborhood o 18o. N. Y. 1843 - Plays... 4to. Lond. 1668 O[ld] P[rices'] Riots at Covent Garden Theatre... 8vo. Lond. 1809 Oldenburg, H.-Acta Philosoph. Regie Soc. in Anglia, 1667. Vol. 2 24o. Amst'dam. 1672 Oldfield, R. A. K. See Laird, McG. Oldmixon, J.-History of the British Colonies in America. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1708 Oldys, Wm.-British Librarian..... 8vo. Lond. 1738 Olin, Stephen-Travels in Egypt, Arabia Petrea, &c. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1844 Oliphant, Thos.-La Musa Madrigalesca., 12o. Lond. 1837 Oliver, B. L.-Rights of an American Citizen... 8vo. Bost. 1832 - G.-Theocratic Philosophy of Free Masonry. 8vo. Lond. 1840 - Sam.-Critical Grammar of the English Language. 8vo. Lond. 1825 Ollendorff, H. G.-German Grammar.... 12o. Lond. 1838 ~k - - - New Method of Learning German. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1841 * —- -- Key to the Exercises in the Same. 8vo. Lond. 1841 - Method of Learning French 12o. N. Y. 1846 --- - - New Method of Learning French 16o. N. Y. -1850 Olmsted, Denison —Introduction to Astronomy.. 8vo. N. Y. 1839 -- - t" Natural Philosophy. 2 v. 8vo. N.Haven. 1831-2 --- - -Letters on Astronomy.. 8vo. Bost. 1840 - Fran. A.-Incidents of a Whaling Voyage. 12o. N. Y. 1841 Onderdonk, Hen. (Jr.)-Revolutionary Incidents of Queen's Co., L. I. 12o. N. Y. 1846 -Revolut. Incidents of Suffolk and King's Counties 12o. N. Y. 1849 ------ H. U.-Works on Episcopacy. See Bowden, J. Onis, Luis de'-Negotiation for Treaty between Spain & U. S., 1819 8vo. Balt. 1821. Ontiva, the Son of the Forest; a Poem... 8vo. N. Y. 1825 Oppianus-Cynegetica et Halieutica.. 8vo. Lipsiae. 181 Oracle of Rural Life; an Almanac for Sportsmen l. 16o. Lond. 1840 Orann-Poems. See Ossian. Orator's Own Book.. 12o. Phil. 1835 Ord, Geo.-Life of Wilson, the Ornithologist,. 8vo, Phil. 1828 23 178 0 R I — PA G [Merc. Lib. Oriental Field Sports; or, Wild Sports of the East.. Fol. Lond. 1807 Origin and Progress of Language..18o. Lond. 1848 Origin of the Material Universe... 12o. Bost. 1850 Original Poetic Effusions. 16o. Bost. 1822 Ormay, Louis d'-Histoire de Paris en 1848.. 12o. Paris. no date Orme, Wm.-Life and Times of Richard Baxter. 2 v... 8vo. - Bost. 1831 Orpheus-Mystical Hymns. (Fr. Grk.).... 8vo. Chiswick. 1824 Osborn, Elbert-Passages in his own Life and Ministry.8. 18. Y. 1847 Osgood, Frances S.- Poems..... 12o. N. Y. 1846 ---- Sam.-Studies in Christian Biography. 12o. N. Y. 1850 Os ler, Edw.-Life of Admiral Viscount Exmouth 12o. Lond. 1835 Ossian; Poems of. " Fr. Gaelic." 2 v.... 12o. Lond. 1803 - enuine Remains of... 12o. Lond. 1841 ---- Orann, Ulin, etc.-Poems of... 8vo. Montrose. 1816 Osterwald, J. R.-Von Denen Pflichten der Communicanten. 12o. Bremen. 1791 Oswald, Jas.-Appeal to Common Sense, in favor of Religion. 2 v. 8vo. Edin. 1772 Otter, Wm.-Life and Remains of Edw. D. Clarke 8vo. N. Y. 1827 Otto, Friedrich-History of Russian Literature. (Fr. Ger.) 8vo. Oxford. 1839 Otway, Thos.-Works. 3 v.... 12o. Lond. 1813 Ouseley, Wm.-Oriental Collections. 2 v. 4to. Lond. 1797-8 - Travels in the East, (Persia, &c.) 3 v... 4to. Lond. 1819-23 - WmG. G.-Statistics and Institutions of United States. 8vo. Lond. 1832 -- -. The Same..... 8vo. Phil. 1832 Outline of a System of National Education... 120. Lond. 1834 Outlines of Chemistry. (L. U. K.).... 8vo. Lond. 1839 Ouvaroff (Comte)-Esquisses Politiques et Litteraires 8vo. Paris. 1848 Over the Ocean; or, Travels in Many Lands.. 12o. N. Y. 1846 Overman, Fred.-Manufacture of Iron... 8vo. Phil. 1850 Ovid, Publius Naso-Opera. See Walker, G. S.; Corpus Poet. Lat. - Art of Love. (Fr. Lat.)... 18o. Lond. 1757 Epistles. (Fr. Lat.). 240. Lond. 1808 -- -- Metamorphoses. (Fr. Lat.).. 18o. Lond. 1826 - -- - Poems. (Fr. Lat.) (F. C. L.) 2 v. o. Lond. 1833 Owen, John-Fashionable World Displayed... 12o. N.. 1806 --- Rich.-History of British Fossil Mammals and Birds. 8vo. Lond. 1846 - Archetype, &c., of the Vertebrate Skeleton o. 8vo. Lond. 1848 --- - On the Nature of Limbs... 8vo. Lond. 1849 --- - On Parthenogensis. 8vo. Lond. 1849 -- Robt.-New System of Society... 12o. N. Y. 1825 - Revolution in Human Mind and Practice.. 8vo. Lond. 1849 --- W. F. W.-Voyages to Explore the Shores of Africa, &c. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1833 Owl Creek Letters; and other Correspondence. By "W." 12o. N.Y. 1848 Oxford English Prize Essays, from 1771 to 1836. 5 v... 12o. Oxford. 1830-6. —- Sausage; Poetical Pieces by Wits of Oxford.. 12o. Loud. 1815 Ozanam, Jacques. See Hutton, Charles; Recreations in Mathematics. Ozell, John-Logic; or, the Art of Thinking.. 12o. Lond. 1717 Pacca, Cardinal-Historical Memoirs. (Fr. Ital.) 2v... 12o. Lond. 1850 Page, Dav.-Geology. See Chambers' Educ. Course. Pages from the Ecclesiastical History of New England, 1740-1840 12o. Bost. 1847 Catalogue.] P A G — P A M 179 Paget, Fran. E.-Warden of Berkingholt. 12o. Oxford. 1843 - John-Hungary and Transylvania. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Paine, Martyn-Cholera Asphyxia, as it was in New-York 8vo. N. Y. 1832 -- - Discourse on the Soul and Instinct.. 12o. N.Y. 1849 - - herapeutical Arrangement of Materia Medica 12o. N.Y. 1842 - - R. T. (Jr.)-Works in Prose and Verse, and Memoir. 8vo. Bost. 1812 - Thos.-Age of Reason..... 12o. N. Y. 1848 - American Crisis... 8vo. Lond. no date Jests, Patriotic Bon Mots, &c.... 160. Phil. 1794 -- --- Polilical Writings. 2 v... 8vo. Charleston. 1824 Paley, F. A.-Manual of Gothic Architecture. 18o. Lond. 1846 -- Wm.-Law of Principal and Agent.. 8vo. Lond. 1833 --- Wm.-Evidences of Christianity. See Memes, J. S. Hore Paulinee..... 12o. N. Y. 1849 -- -- Natural Theology; with Notes... 12o. Bost. 1829 - The Same; with Notes by Brougham and Bell. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1836 The Same. (H. F. L.) 2 v. 18o. N. Y. 1843 _ — --- PPrinciples of Moral and Political Philosophy. 8vo. Bost. 1810 - - The Same.... 8vo. Bost. 1821 - The Same.... 8vo. Lond. 1824 -- - The Same. 2 v... 12o. Bost. 1827 - Works V..... 8vo. Bost. 1810 - -- The Same. 4 v... 8vo. Lond. 1818 -- - The Same. 5 v...... 24o. Lond. 1823 Palfrey, John G.-Sermons on Duties of Private Life.. 12o. Camb. 1835 Palgrave, Sir Fran.-History of the Anglo-Saxons. (M. F. L.) 16o. Lond. 1838.-.- -- Merchant and Friar.. 16o. Lond. 1837 --- I — Rise, &c., of English Commonwealth. 2 v. 4to. Lond. 1832 Pallas, E.-Influence de l'Electricite sur ]'Organisme. 8vo. Paris. 1847 --- P. S.-Travels in Russia, 1793-4. 2 v... 4to. Lond. 1802 Palmer, John-Travels in United States and Canada, 1817 8vo. Lond. 1818 -Mrs.-Devonshire Dialogue... 12o. Lond. 1839 T. H.-Teacher's Manual. 12o. Bost. 1843 Wm.-Ecclesiastical History. 12o. N. Y. 1844 ----- -- Origines Liturgicae. 2 v... 8vo. Oxford. 1839 Pambour, F. M. G. de-Locomotive Engines upon Railways 8vo. N. Y. 1836 Pamphlets. Vols. 1-25. 8vo. Vols. 51-2. 12o. The Volume in which each Pamphlet is contained, is denoted by the Figure preceding it in Parenthesis. The Time and Place of Delivery of Public Addresses, unless otherwise indicated, is the same with that of Publication. Vol. (12) Adams, J. Q. Eulogy on James Monroe... Bost. 1831 (12) - Fourth of July Oration at Quincy.. Bost. 1831 (16) - Oration on Life of Gen. Lafayette. Wash. 1835 (10) - and others. Correspon. on Dissolution of Union Bost. 1829 (20) Adan, J. R. Case of the Seneca Indians and others.. Bost. 1840 (13) Address of City Anti-Slavery Society... N.Y. 1833 (6) " Executive Committee of American Tract Society N. Y. 1825 (1) " Members of H. R. on War with Great Britain.. N.. 1812 (20) " Native American State Convention.. N. Orleans. 1841 (15) " Young Men's Anti-Slavery Society.. NY. 1834 (1) " to the Freemen of New Jersey... Trenton. 1812 (52) " People of Eng. against Suspension Law. (Whig.) Lond. 1778 (8) Akerly, Sam. Address at Exhibition of Deaf and Dumb Asylum N. Y. 1826 (4) - - Cultivation of the Locust Tree... N.Y. 1823 (4) - -- Language of Signs... N. Y. 1823 180 PA M — P A iM M erc. Lib. Pamphlets (continued). Vol. (51) Americans against Liberty; American Revolution tends to Tyranny Lond. 1776 (4) Answer to " War in Disguise".. N. Y. 1806 (1) Appeal on Rejection of British Minister.. N. Y. 1810 (6) Armstrong, H. Last Trumpet; a Discourse. N. Y. 1824 (11) ---- Lebbeus. Masonry, a Work of Darkness N. Y. 1830 (6) Austin, Sam. Discourse before the A. B. C. F. M.. Bost. 1824 (21) Bankrupt and Insolvent Acts.. Lod. 1842 (20) Banks, John. Address before the Wm. Penn Institute Reading, 1841 (9) Bard, Wm. Address before Alumni of Columbia College. N. Y. 1826 (17) Barnard, Dan. D. Lecture on James Madison.., Albany. 1837 (17) Bartlett, Rich. Preservation of the Public Archives. Concord. 1837 (6) Bates, Joshua (Pres. of Middlebury College.) Inaugural Oration Middlebury. 1818 (7) Bayard, Wmi. Answer to Contostavlos on Greek Frigates N. Y. 1826 (10) Bedell, Gregory T. Discourse in Behalf of the Greeks. Phil. 1827 (4) Beecher, Lyman. Thanksgiving Sermon at Litchfield, Conn.. N. Y. 1820 (22) Bolles, John A. Abstract of Returns of Insurance Companies Bost. 1844 (17) Breckenridge, John. Address before Society of City University N. Y. 1836 (23) Brent, John C. National Institute, Smithsonian Legacy, &c. Wash. 1841 (17) Brigham, A. Letter to D. M. Reese on Phrenology. Hartf. 1836 (25) Broad Hints at Retirement. (Covent Garden Riots.).. Lond. 1809 (11) Burges, Tristam. Address before American Institute N. Y. 1830 (10) Brownlee, Wm. C. Oration before Literary Soc. of Rutger's Coll. New Bruns. 1827 (12) Calm Appeal on Expulsion of J. R. Wilson (Assembly's Chaplain) Albany. 1832 (10) Carey, Matthew. Internal Improvement of Pennsylvania. Phil 1831 (13) - Letters on the Colonization Society.. Phil. 1833 (12) ---- Public Charities of Philadelphia.. Phil. 1830 (20) Casserly, Pat. S. To Ed'r of N. Amer. Rev. (Grk. Reader Quarrel.) N. Y. no late (22) Caste and. Slavery in the American Church... Y. 1843 (20) Channing, Wm. E. Address before Mercantile Library Co. Phil. 1841 (9) - -- - Dedication Discourse of 2nd Unitarian Church N. Y. 1826 (9) -- Remarks on Scott's Life of Napoleon. Best. 1827 (23) Chester, E.W. Address before 7th Ward Am. Repub. Assoc. N. Y. 1844 (4) Circular and Address of National Institute for Promoting Industry N. Y. 1820 (25) Clifford Forever! O0ld] Pirices] and no P[rivate] B[oxes] Lond. 1809 (16) Coates, Benj. H. Biographical Sketch of Thos. Say., Phil. 1835 (51) Constitution of Pennsylvania. Phil. 1790 (51) Constitutional Answer to Wesley's Address.. ond. 1775 (23) Coffin, Chas. Life and Services of Maj. Gen. Thomas N. Y. 1844 (14) Colfax, Rich. H. Proofs of Inferiority of Negroes, N. Y. 1833 (10) Common Sense Addresses in Favor of the Tariff. Phil. 1829 (22) Conspiracy against General Freedom.. Y.. 1843 (7) Contostavlos, Alex. Building of the Two Greek Frigates. Y. 1826 (23) Coolidge, Geo. Poem before Apprentices' Library Association Best. 1844 (15) Coote, Clement T. Address before Anacostia Lyceum. Wash. 1835 (21) Copyright Act...... Lond. 1842 (14) Cunningham, Abner. Address to the Infidel Party. N. Y. 1833 (4) Cursory Review of the Schuylkill Coal; its Use in N. Y. N. Y. 1823 (24) Davy, Edm. H. New Acid, (Fulminic) and its Combinations Dublin. 1829 (20) Dean, Amos. Introductory Lecture before Franklin Lib. Assoc. Hudson. 1840 (51) Declaration of Congress on Necessities for taking up Arms. Phil. 1i775 (52) Dialogue on the American Question. (Whig).. Lond. 1776 (20) Downer, Dav. R. Intemperance the Great Destroyer N. Y. 1841 (13) Drayton, Wm. Farewell Address to the Washington Society Charleston. 1833 (7) Duer, E. R., and Sedgwick, R. Answer to the Arbitrators N. Y. 1826 (11) Dunlap, Wm. Address before National Academy of Design N. Y. 1831 (15) Du Ponceau, P. S. Discourse before Pennsylvania Library Phil. 1834 (16) Edwards, Chas. L. Antique Statues; Lectures on.. Y. no date (2) Elfe, Robt. Fourth of July Oration before Riflemen. Charleston. 1821 (10) Emmons, Wm. Fourth of July Oration and Poem. (Not deliv. at) Bost. 1826 (10) - --- Inaugural Speech. (Member of State Legislature.) Best. 1826 (22) Emerson, G. Address at Godfrey's Monument at Laurel Hill Phil. 1843 (18) Espy, J. M. Youth's Manual of the Christian Religion. Columbus. 1838 (12) Essays on the Policy of Manufacturing.... Phil. 1830 (10) " " Policy of United States. (In favor of a Tariff.) Phil. 1826 (51) Evans, Caleb. Reply to Fletcher's American Patriotism, &c. Bristol. 1776 (51) - - Reply to Wesley's Address to American Colonies Lond, 1775 Catalogue.] P A n.. P A M 181 Pamphlets (continued). Vol.(15) Everett, Alex. H. Address to,I B K of Bowdoin College Bost. 1834 (18) -- Edw. Address before Mercantile Library Association Bost. 1838 (14) -- --- " ( B K Yale College.. N. Haven. 1833 (13) -— " Introductory to Franklin Lectures Bost. 1832 (12) ---- --- " on Anniv. of Gov. Winthrop's Arrival Charlestown1830 (15) -- Eulogy on Lafayette. Bost. 1834 (1) Exact Account of the Rupture between France and Spain, 1808 N. Y. 1808 (52) Fawcett, Benj. Dissenters Encouraged to Hope for Liberty Shrewsbury. 1773 (6) Fay, W. Sermon before the Foreign Mission Society.. Bost. 1825 (18) Fields, Jas. T. Poem before Mercantile Library Association Bost. 1838 (51) Fletcher, J. (Vicar of Madely.) Amer. Patr. confront. with Reason Shrewsbury. 1776 (51) ---- -- " c Vindication of Wesley's Address Lond. 1775 (18) Fondey, Wm. H. Fourth of July Ora. before Young Men's Assoc. Albany. 1838 (13) Foot, John F. Principles and Advantages of Elocution. N. 1833 (22) Fowler, John W. Lecture before Young Men's Association Utica. 1843 (16) Frothingham, N. L. Sermon Preached to the First Church Bost. 1835 (22) Gallatin, Alb. (President of Historical Soc.) Inaugural Address N. Y. 1843 (5) Gallison, John. Memoir of... Bost. 1821 (1) General Account of Miranda's Expedition... N. Y. 1808 (22) " History of the I. O. of O. F.. N. Y. 1842 (13) Gibbons, Hen. Address before Del. Academy of Nat. Science Wilmingt'n. 1833 (11) ---- Wm. Exposition of Modern Scepticism.. Wilmingt'n.1829 (25) Gibbs, Vicary. Speech for Hen. Clifford relating to O. P. Riots Lond. 1809 (24) Gilman, Chandler R. Prevention and Treatment of Cholera N. Y. 1832 (9) Godmatm, John D. Introductory Lecture at Rutger's Med. College N. Y. 1826 (13),Gordon, Geo. W. Lecture on Lotteries.. Bost. 1833 (17) Gould, E. S. Lecture before Mercantile Library Association N. Y. 1836 (17) Gourlie, J. H. " " " 4" "C N. Y. 1836 (11) Gouverneur, Sam. L. Oration in Commem. of Revolut. in France N. Y. 1830 (24) Granville, A. B. Counter Irritation.... Phil. 1839 (11) Gray, F. C. Letter in Relation to Harvard University. Bost. 1831 (13) Grimke, Thos. S. Fourth of July Oration... Charleston. 1833 (11) Griscom, John. Address before Mechanic's Association. Newark. 1830 (18) Hamilton, F. H. Importance of Knowl. of Physiology to Females Auburn. 1838 (18) ----- --- Introductory Address to the Medical Lectures Auburn. 1837 (17) Hare, R. Reformation of the Banking System.. Phil. 1827 (10) Hayne, Joln. Speech on Bankruptcy... Wash. 1826 (20) History of Negotiations Concerning N. E. Boundary of U. S. N. Y. 1841 (15) " Polish Revolution.... N. Y. 1834 (17) Hoe, thel; designed to Uproot " The Branmble" of J. Gregory. Bost. 1836 (11) Hosack, Dav. Address before City Temperance Society N. Y. 1830 (16) Hubbell, Levi. Oration before Young Mien's Assoc... Albany. 1835 (22) Hurd, John R. National Bank or No Bank.. N. Y. 1842 (16) Imminent Dangers from Foreign Immigration... N.Y. 1835 (21) Income and Property Tax Act.. Lond. 1842 (22) Inquiry into Condition and Prospects of N. Y. and Erie R. R. N. Y. 1843 (22) International Literary Exchanges... Paris. 1843 (5) Irving, Wash. Letters of Jonathan Oldstyle; with Notice. N.Y. 1824 (5) ------ [Manuscript-of Diedrich Knickerbocker, Jun.] N. Y. 1824 (22) Jay, John. Results of Emancipation in West Indies. N.Y. 1842 (16) Johnson, W. R. Life of'Lewis D. Schweinitz,.. Phil. 1835 (13) Joslin, B. F. Man a Progressive Being... Schenec. 1833 (25) Justice and Generosity against Malice; Defence of New Prices Lonld. 1809 (17) Kent, Jas. Address before the City Law Association.. Y. 1836 (24) King, H. Directions for Making Collections in Nat. Hist.. Wash. 1840 (22) Kinne, Asa. Laws on Imprisonment for Debt.. N. Y. 1842 (24) Kirk, Jas. B. Cholera Asphyxia N. Y. 1832 (10) Lafayette, G. M. de. Speech on Censorship of the Press. Phil. 1824 (14) Lancaster, Jos.'Events in his own Life; Lancasterian Syst. of Ed. N. Haven. 1833 (13) Lawrence, Wm. B. Lecture before Mere. Lib. Association. N.. 1832 (24) Lee, Gideon. Two Lectures on Tanning.. Y. 1838 (12) Lehmanowski, Mrs. S. A. E. Africa; a Poem.. Andover. 1826 (20) Letters to Bishop Onderdonk on the Missionary Organization 1841 (23) Lincoln, Fred. W. Address before Apprentice's Lib. Association Bost. 1844 (22) Loomis, A. W. Annual Address before the Board of Trade. Pittsburgh. 1842 (18) --- Elias. Inaugural Address in West. Reserve College N. Y. 1838 182 P A M P — AM [Merc. Lib, Pamphlets (continued). Vol. (15) Lucock, Benj. Sermoon n the Death of Wm. H. Bard N. Y. 1834 (18) M'Dowell, Jas. Address before Alumni of College.. Princeton. 1838 (21) Macgowan, Dan. J. Claims of Mission Enterprise on Med. Profess. N. Y. 1842 (15) McVickar, John. Address on Death of W. M. de Rham N. NY. 1834 (13) - Tribute to the Memory of Sir W. Scott N. Y. 1833 (14) Malcolm, H. Discourse before Boston Baptist Association. Bost. 1833 (17) Manley, Jas. R. Address before County Medical Society N. Y. 1836 (4) Mariner's Church; Address N. Y. Y 1818 (2) Miason, J. M. Sermon on Death of Isabella Graham N. Y. 1814 (12) Mellen, Grenville. Poem before ~ B K at Cambridge. Bost. 1830 (13) Memorial of Committee of Free Trade Convention.. N. Y. 1832 (4) Mercein, Thos. R. On Laying Corner Stone of Mlechan. Institute N. Y. 1822 (9) Milnor, Jas. Sermon on the Death of De Witt Clinton. N. Y. 1828 (8) Mitchell, Sam. L. Address before N. Y. Horticultural Society N. Y. 1826 (8) --- - -- Organic Remains pres. to N. Y. Lye. of Nat. Hist. N. Y. 1826 (8) ---- - -- Thos. Jefferson as a Promoter of Science. N.Y. 1826 (4) Monthly Extracts of the American Bible Society N. Y. 1823 (6) Moore, C. C. Address before Alumni of Columbia College. N. 1825 (9) Morse, Sam. F. B. Discourse before National Academy of Design N. Y. 1827 (52) Murray, Jas. Maid of the Oaks; Saratoga Tragedy.. Lond. 1778 (24) --- John. Observations on Flame and Safety Lamps Lond. 1836 (21) New Tariff...... Lond. 1842 (16) Norton, Alf. Address before Mercantile Library Association Bost. 1836 (1) Official Correspondence on the Attack on the Chesapeake. Wash. 1808 (9) Olmsted, D. Oration before ~ B K Society. N. Haven. 1827 (12) Onderdonk, Hen. U. Sermon before the Gen. Episcopal Conven. N. Y. 1832 (25) O-Poeiad, the; a Satire..... Lond. 1810 (5) Particular Account of the Battle of Bunker Hill Bost. 1825 (14) Philip, John. Letter from South Africa to Society of Inquiry Princeton. 1833 (14) Phillips, Steph. C. Address Introductory to Franklin Lectures Bost. 1833 (20) Phrenological Developments of Fanny Ellsler and J. V. Stout N. Y. 1841 (1) Pickering, Tim. Letter on Impending War... Bost. 1808 (4) Plain Sense on National Industry.... Y. 1820 (20) Poinsett, Joel R. Discourses on Object of National Institution Wash. 1841 (2) Postscript to Peter's Letters; addressed to S. T. Coleridge N. Y. 1820 (17) Potter, A. Address before Mechanic's Society of Poughkeepsie Schenec. 1836 (20) Potts, Geo. Popular Reading N. N.Y. 1841 (2) Prelatical Usurpation Exposed. Case of Rev. Cave Jones. No place. 1812 (1) Pringle, J. J. Fourth of July Oration. Charleston. 1800 (4) Proceedings of Convention of Friends of National Industry o N. Y. 1819 (21) " National Convention for Protection. N.Y. 1842 (5) Public Defaulters brought to Light N... N.Y. 1842 (1) Ramsay, Dav. Oration on the Death of Washington. Charleston. 1800 (25) Reason versus Passion; Rev. of Covent Garden Dispute.. Lond. no date (25) Rebellion; Serio-Comic Hurly-Burly (Covent Garden Riots) Lond. 1809 (24) Redfield, W. C. Courses of Hurricanes N. Haven. 1839 (24) - - Letter to Sec. of Treas., on Steamboat Explosions N. Y. 1839 (24) ---- -- Remarks on Espy's " Centripetal Storms". N. Haven. 1831 (24) ---- - -- Reply to Mr. Espy, on Storms. Phil. no date (24) --- -- -- Reply to Hare on the Whirlwind Theory N. Haven. 1842 (24) - -- Second Reply to Hare on the Whirlwind Theory N. Haven. 1842 (24) --- --- Storm of Dec. 5th, 1839.. Phil. 1841 (I 1) —- -- Storms of the Atlantic Coast.. N. Haven. 1831 (24) ---- - -- Tornado, New Brunswick, N. J., 1835. no date. (12) Reed, Charlotte C.; Memoirs of. ~. N. Y. 1832 (15) Reese, Dav. M. Review of Report of Anti-Slavery Society. N. Y. 1834 (51) Reflections on the Contentions with the Colonists. (Whig.) Edin. 1776 (18) Remarks; (Defence of the Military Academy at West Point). no title. (14) Remonstrance of American Institute against Reducing Revenue N. Y. 1833 (4) Report of American Bible Society... Y. 1823 (11) " " Colonization Society. Wash. 1830 (7) " Arbitrators on the two Greek Frigates. Y. Y. 1826 (8)' Boston Citizens against the Tariff E. Bost. 1827 (11) " City Temperance Society.... N. Y. 1830 (21) " Commissioners on the Fine Arts.. Lond. (8) " Deaf and Dumb Institution N. Y. 1827 Catalogue.] P A M — P A 183 Pamphlets (continued). Vol. (23) Report of Deaf and Dumb Institution.. N. Y. 1844 (4) " Female Sabbath School Society... N. Y. 1821 (23) " Prison Association.... N. Y. 1844 (20) " Trial of Delavan, for Libel (Beer Case).. Albany. 1840 (24) " on Explosion of Steamboat New England, Oct. 9th N. Haven. 1833 (23) Reports of the Railroad Corporations of Mass.... Bost. 1844 (23) Reply, &c., to Henry Jones (Anti-Millerite Pamphlet). N. Haven. 1844 (9) Review of Channing's Discourse, at Ded. of 2d Unitarian Church N. Y. 1827 (21) " Cooley's "American in Egypt"... N. Y. 1842 (21) " Duffield's Letters on Apostolical Succession. Detroit. 1842 (14) " Spring, on Native Depravity... N. Y. 1833 (4)' Trade and Commerce of New-York... N. Y. 1820 (13) Ripley, Ezra. History of the Fight at Concord.. Concord. 1832 (51) Rise and Hist. of Dispute bet. Amer. and Eng.; and other Papers Lond. 1775 (52) Rodgers, John. Thanksgiving Sermon on the Peace of 1783 N. Y. 1784 (6) Rowan, Steph. N. Resignation Sermon... N. Y. 1818 (18) Russian Ports of the Black Sea. (Fr. Ger.).. Lond. 1837 (5) Schooleraft, Hen. R. Fossil Tree on River Des Plaines. (Illinois.) Albany. 1822 (20) Scott, John B. Against Removal of Justices of Marine Court N. Y. 1840 (51) Second Answer to John Wesley.... Lond. 1775 (20) " Appeal for an Asylum for the Insane Poor.. Phil. 1841 (21) " Bulletin of the Proceedings of National Institute. Wash. 1842 (7) Sedgwick, H. D. Refutation of Arbitrators of Greek Frigates N. Y. 1826 (7) -- Concerning Two Greek Frigates.. N. Y. 1826 (10) Sismondi, J. C. L. S. de. Progress of Religious Opinions. (Fr. Fren.) Beost. 1827 (8) - - - Progress of Nations for 25 Years. (Fr. Fren.) Phil. 1825 (14) Smith, Sam. B. Renunciation of Popery... Phil. 1833 (52) - - Wm. Sermon on American Affairs. (Whig.). Phil. 1775 (12) Southern Traveller's Visit to New England. (Poem).. Bost. 1830 (24) Spencer, Thos. Working il Metal by Voltaic Electricity. Liverpool. 1839 (11) Sprague, Chas. Centennial Ode on Anniversary of Settlement of Bost. 1830 (10).- Curiosity; Poem before () B K at Cambridge Bost. 1829 (18) ---- Wm. B. Introduc. Address before Young Men's Assoc. Albany. 1838 (6) Spring, Gardiner. Sermon on Female Character.. N. Y. 1825 (25) Statement of Facts in Relation to Covent Garden Riots. Lond. 1809 (4) Stearns, John. Address before New-York Medical Society. Albany. 1820 (4) Stevens, John H. Duty of the Union in a Just War. N. Y. 1813 (18) Stewart, Chas. (Corn.) Biographical Sketch of.. Phil. 1838 (2) Stockton, L. H. Address before the Friends of Peace. Trenton. 1814 (20) Strong, Nath. T. Appeal for the New-York Indians. N. Y. 1841 (11) Stuart, Moses. Letter to Channing on Religious Liberty. Bost. 1830 (2) Sullivan, Wm. Address to the Members of Suffolk Bar, 1824 Bost. 1825 (17) Tallmadge, Jas. Address at Dedication of City University. N. Y. 1837 (21) Teschmacher, J. E. Address before Nat. Hist. Society. Bost. 1841 (25) Theatric Count; a Tragic Comedy. (Burlesque on 0. P. Riots.) Lond. 1809 (25) Theatrical Taxation; State of Covent Garden Property. Lond. no date (23) Tochman, G. Lecture on Condition and Prospects of Poland Balt. 1844 (52) Toplady, Aug. Fast Sermon at St. Mildred's, 1776.. Lond. 1787 (52) Toulmin, Josh. Sermon at Taunton. (Whig.).. Lond. 1776 (23) Treatise on Life Insurance.... N. Y. 1844 (2) Trial of Calvin and Hopkins, versus Bible and Common Sense Bost. 1819 (3) " John Johnson for Murder of James Murray. Y N. 1824 (3) " Thos. Selfridge for killing Chas. Austin.. Bost. 1817 (3) Trials of Rich. Smith and Ann Carson for Murder of John Carson Phil. 1816 (9) Truair, John. Appeal in Behalf of Seamen. N. Y. 1826 (10) Tyler, E. R.-Doctrine of Election; a Sermon.. Middletown. 1831 (18) Vancott, J. M. Discourse on James Madison... Brooklyn. 1837 (8) Vanderbilt, John (Jr.) Masonic Oration... N. Y. 5819 (17) Vermilye, Thos. E. Introd. Address before Young Men's Asso. Albany. 1837 (11) Verplanck, Gulian, C.-Address before Societies of Columbia Coll. N. Y. 1830 (5) Discourse before Historical Society.. N. Y. 1818 (14) -- Introductory Lecture before Mechan. Association N. Y. 1833 (14) Vethake, Hen. Lecture on Political Economy... N. Y. 1833 (25) Victory of the 0. P's. (Close of Covent Garden Riots.). Lond. 1809 (16) Wainwright, Jonathan M. Election Sermon.. Bost. 1835 (9) Walsh, Hatton. Dedication Sermon at St. Mary's Church N. Y. 1826 184 P A M - P A R [Mere. Lib. Psmphlets (continued). (17) Ward, Sam. Address at the Opening of Stuyvesant Institute. N. Y. 1837 (12) Ware, Hen. (Jr.) Address before Temperance Society. Camb. 1832 (4) Warner, G. J. Fourth of July Oration; Public Liberty. N. Y. 1797 (11) Wayland, Fran. (Jr.) Sermon for the American S. S. Union Phil. 1830 (4) Wealth of Society...... Phil. 1820 (15) Weaver, Win. A. Review of " Diplomatic Correspond. of U. S." Wash. 1835 (10) Webster, Dan. Eulogy of Adams and Jefferson.. Bost. 1826 (17) - - Speech at Niblo's Saloon.. N. Y. 1837 (24) Welchman, Edw. On Apparent Death, and Apparatus for Resusci. N. Y. 1842 (25) "What-do-You-Want?" Explained in an Epistle from 0. P. Lond. no date (11) Whitman, Bernard. Letters to M. Stuart on Religious Liberty Bost. 1830 (2) Wise, Sam. Union of Churches of Eng. and Rome Recommended Lond. 1819 (51) Wesley, John. Address to our Am. Colonies (against Am. Rev.) Lond. 1775 (15) Williams, Win. R. Sermon before Baptist General Convention N. Y. 1834 (6) Wisner, Benj. B. Sermon before Boston Foreign Miss. Society Bost. 1824 (23) Wood, Robt. S. Nature of Electricity... Phil. 1844 (5) Silas.. History of Towns of Long Island till 1781. Brooklyn. 1824 (15) Woodworth, W. Oration before Young Men's Association. Albany. 1834 (12) Worcester, Hen. A. Discourse on Christian Life.. no date (20) Wyatt, W. E. Lecture before Lib. Assoc. of Mechan. Fire Co. Bait. 1841 (18) Young, Sam. Best Mode of Promoting Civilization.. Albany. 1837 Pananti (Signor)-Residence in Algiers... 4to. Lond. 1830 Panizzi, A.-Italian Grammar.... 12o. Lond. 1836 Panoplist and Missionary Magazine. Vol. 11... 8vo. Bost. 1815 Panorama of the Hudson from New-York to Albany.. 18o. N. Y. 1846 Paper of Tobacco. By " Joseph Fume"... 12o. Lond. 1839 Papers respecting the Culture of East India Sugar... Fol. Lond. 1822 Parbury, Geo.-[Hand-Book for India and Egypt]. 12o. Lond. 1841 - - Map to the Above... folded in 18o. Lond. 1841 Pardoe (Miss)-City of the Magyars, in 1839-40. 3 v.. 12o. Lond. 1840 " Sultan, in 1836. 2 v.. 12o. Phil. 1837 -- ---- Court and Reign of Francis I. 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1849 --- --- --- Louis XIV. and Court of France. 3 v. 8. 8vo. Lond 1847 -- The Same. 2 v.... 12o. N. Y. 1847 --- - River and the Desert. 2 v... 12o. Phil. 1838...- -- Traits and Traditions of Portugal. 2 v... 12o. Phil. 1834 Paris, Aim&-Principes et Applications de la Mnemotechnie. 2 v.. 8vo. Paris. 1833-4 - J. A.-Philosophy in Sport made Science in Earnest 12o. Lond. 1839 - - Treatise on Diet... 8vo. N. Y. 1828 - -- The Same.. 8vo. Phil. 1841 Paris and its Historical Scenes. (L. E. K.) 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1831 -- Chit-Chat; or, Views of the Parisians. 2 v., 18o. Phil. 1816 -- Directory and Visitor's Guide. 12o. Paris. 1827 - et se Curiosites, avec Notice des Environs. 2 v. ~. 16o. Paris. 1807 Park, Sir Jas. A.-Law of Marine Insurance 8vo. Lod. 1800 & 9.- -. The Same; Edited by Hildyard. 2 v.. ~ 8vo. Loud. 1842 - L. J. —[Miriam; a Dramatic Poem]... 12o. Bost. 1838 -- Mungo-Mission to the Interior of Africa in 1805 8vo. Phil. 1815 - - - Travels in Interior of Africa, 1795-7. 12o. N. Y. 1813 -- - - Life of.... 12o. Edin. 1835.- -. Life and Travels of. (H. F. L.)... 18o. N. 1841 & 4 - Roswell-Pantology; or, Survey of Human Knowledge. 8vo. Phil. 1841 Parke, W. T.-Musical Memoirs. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1830 Parker, So.-Treatment of Syphilitic Diseases, 8vo. Phil. 1840 Catalogue.] P A -P AS 185 Parker, L.-The Stomach, in its Morbid States.. 8vo. Phil. 1839 R. G.-Natural and Experimental Philosophy..12o. N. Y. 1848 ---- - Outlines of General History... 12o. N. Y. 1848. —--. Sam.-Tour beyond the Rocky Mountains in 1835-7.12o. Ithaca. 1838 --- Theodore-Critical and Miscellaneous Writings. 12o. Bost. 1843 ---- -- Discourse on Matters Pertaining to Religion.8vo. Bost. 1842 _ —- _ — Letter to the People of the United States on Slavery 12o. Bost. 1848 Parkes, Sam.-Chemical Catechism. Edited by Brayley..8vo. Lond. 1834 - The Same. Edited by W. Barker.. 12o. Lond. 1837 & 9 - Chemical Essays...8vo. Lond. 1830 —.- - Rudiments of Chemistry.. 12o. Lond. 1826 M- -rs. W.-Domestic Duties.....12o. N.. 1828 Parkhurst, John-Hebrew and English Lexicon. 8vo. Lond. 1807 Parkinson, Jas.-Study of Fossil Organic Remains...8vo. Lond. no date -- - Rich.-Rationalism and Revelation... 8vo. Lond. 1838 Parkman, F. (Jr.)-California and Oregon Trail...12o. N. Y. 1849 Parliamentary Report on J. S. Buckingham's Claims on the East Ind. Co. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Parnell, E. A.-Applied Chemistry.... 8vo. N. Y. 1844 - Elements of Chemical Analysis...8vo. Lond. 1842 -Sir H.-Treatise on Roads.... 8vo. Lond. 1838 -- Thos.-Poems. (Ald.Poets.)....16o. Lond. 1833 Parny, Evariste —CEuvres Choisies.... 8vo. Paris. 1826 Parr, Sam. (Ed'r)-Metaphysical Tracts....8vo. Lond. 1837 - - Works. 8 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1828 Parrot, Fred.-Journey to Ararat.....8vo. Lond. 1845 --- - - The Same 12o... Y. 1846 Parry, John H.-Cambrian Plutarch....8vo. Lond. 1834 -- Sir W. E.-Voyage to North-West Passage in 1819-20 4to. Lond. 1821 - - The Same..... 8vo. Phil. 1821 ---- - Second Voyage in 1821-3... 4to. Lond. 1824 - The Same...... vo. N. 1824 - Appendix to the Same.... 4to. Lond. 1825 ------ Third Voyage in 1824-5....4to. Lond. 1826 -The Same.... 8vo. Phil. 1826 ---- -- Three Voyages for Discov. of N. W. Pass.; abridg. 2 v. 18o. N. Y. 1841 _ —---- Attempt to reach the North Pole in 1827.. 4to. Lond. 1828 Parson's Home; a Poem.... 12o. Lond. 1849 Parsons, B.-Anti-Bacchus....12o. N.. 1840 ---- H. A.-Book of Niagara Falls. 12o. Buffalo. 1836 _ —_- Jas.-Remains of Japhet. Origin, &c., of European Lang. 4to. Lond. 1767 Parterre of Fiction, Poetry, History, &c. 4 v...8vo. Lond. 1834-5 Parthenon; a Magazine of Art and Literature... 8vo. Lond. 1826 Partington, C. F.-National History and Views of London. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1835 Partridge, Alden-On Education. [Bound with Peyre-Ferry's Epistolary Composition.] Paruta, Paulo-History of Venice. (Fr. Ital.)... Fol. Lond. 1658 Pascal, Blaise-Lettres Ecrites a un Provincial...12o. Paris. 1843 -- - Pens&es de..... 12o. Paris. 1844 ---- - Pensees, Fragments, et Lettres. 2 v... 8vo. Paris. 1844 — _ -- Miscellaneous Writings of... 12o. Lond. 1849 - Provincial Letters. (Fr. Fren.). 12o. N.Y. 1828 24 186 P A S -P E C [Merc. Lib. Pascal, Blaise-The Same; with an Essay on Pascal. 12o. Lond. 1847 Thoughts on Religion, &c. (Fr. Fren.). 12o. Amherst. 1829 ---- - The Same.... 16o. Andover. 1846 Pashley, Robt.-Travels in Crete. 2 v.... 8vo. Camb. (E.) 1837 Pasley, C. W.-On Limes and Calcareous Cements. 8vo. Lond. 1838 F. H.-Natural Philosophy on Mechanical Principles. 8vo. Lond. 1836 --- ---- Philosophy which shows the Physiology of Mesmerism 8vo. Lond. 1848 Passages from Modern History..... 180. Lond. 1848 --- in th,3 Life of an English Heiress... 12o. Lond. 1847 Passavan; Tour of a German Artist in England. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1836 Pastorale ad Usum Romanum Accommodatum... 4to. Ingoldstadt. 1629 Paterculus, M. V.-History of Rome.. 8vo. Lond. 1814 Paton, A. A.-Highlands and Islands of the Adriatic. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Patrick, Symon-Discourse on Prayer.... 16o. N. Y. 1841 ---- -- Heart's Ease; addressed to the Bereaved. 16o. N. Y. 1841 * — Lowth, Whitby and others-Comment. on Old & N. Test. 8vo. Lond. 1844-6 Patterson, D.-Description of the British Cross Roads. 12o. Lond. 1778 ----- Robt.-Insects mentioned in Shakspeare. 16o. Lond. 1838 --- -- Wm.-On the Climate of Ireland.. 8vo. Dublin. 1804 Paul's Epistles. See Bible. - - R. B.-Antiquities of Greece.... 12o. Oxford. 1835 Paulding, Hiram-Cruise in the Dolphin to the Pacific 2. 12o. N. Y. 1831 ---- Jas. K.-Backwoodsman; a Poem.. 12o. Phil. 1818 --- -- [Letters from the South.] 2 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1835 --- - Life of George Washington. (H. F. L.) 2 v.. 18o. N. Y. 1835 ---- -- Salmagundi. See Irving, Washington. - Slavery in the United States... 18o. N.. 1836 _ —-- ---- - and W. L.-American Comedies. 12o. Phil. 1847 Pauli, C. W. H.-Analecta Hebraica; with Notes 8vo. Oxford. 1842 Pausanias-Graeciwe Descriptio. (Graece.) 3 v.... 12o. Lipsie. 1819 - Description of Greece. (Fr. Grk.) 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1824 Pauw, C. de-Dissertations on Egyptians and Chinese. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1795 -- -- Dissertations on the Greeks. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1793 - - Selections from... 12o. Bath. 1795 Paxton, Geo.-Illustrations of the Holy Scriptures. 2 v... 8vo. Phil. 1822 ---- Jos.-Pocket BotanicalDictionary... 12o. Lond. 1849 -- -- J. D.-Letters from Palestine in 1836-8... 12o. Lond. 1839 Payne, Geo.-Elements of Mental and Moral Science.. 8vo. N. Y, 1829 * — John-Universal Geography. 3 v..... 4to. Dublin. 1808 Payson, Edw.-Sermons for Christian Families... 12o. Bost. 1832 Pazos, Vincente-United Provinces of South America. (Fr. Span.) 8vo. Lond. 1819 Peabody, A. P.-Lectures on Christian Doctrine... 120. Bost. 1844 ------- Everett-Literary Remains of 0. B. Peabody.. 12o. Bost. 1850 ----- W. B. 0. See Reports on Natural History of Massachusetts. Peake, Jas.-Rudiments of Naval Architecture... 12o. Lond. 1849 Peale, Rembrandt-Notes on Italy in 1829-30... 8vo. Phil. 1831 Pebrer, Pablo-Taxation, Revenue, &c., of British Empire.. 8vo. Lond. 1833 Peck, J. M.-Gazetteer of Illinois.... 18o. Phil. 1837 --- - Guide for Emigrants..... 18o. Bost. 1831 & 6 Peckston, Thos. S.-Gas Lighting and Apparatus.. 8vo. Lond. 1841 Catalogue.] P E E P ER 187 Peel, Sir Robt. —Memoirs of. 2 v.... 12o. Lond. 1842 ------ Opinions Expressed in Public... 12o. Lond. 1843 Peele, Geo.-Dramatic Works. 2 v......12o. Lond. 1829 Peers, B. O.-American Education... 12o. N. Y. 1838 Pegge, Sam.-Anecdotes of the English Language.. 8vo. Lond. 1814 [Anonymiana; or, Observations on Authors, &c] 8vo. Lond. 1809 Curialia Miscellanea.... 8vo. Lond. 1818 Peirce, Benj.-Elementary Treatise on Algebra... 12o. Bost. 1843 --—. — " " Curves, Functions, & Forces. 2 v. 12o. Bost. 1841-6....C.. " Geometry... 12o. Bost. 1841 -- - " " Sound... 8vo. Bost. 1836 " — — " " Trigonometry.. 12o. Bost. 1840 ---- --- History of Harvard University.. 8vo. Camb. 1833 Pelayo; or, Cavern of Covadonga; a Poem... 12o. N. Y. 1836 Pellarin, C.-Life of Charles Fourier. (Fr. Fren.). 12o. N. Y. 1848 Pellatt, Apsley-Curiosities of Glass Making 8vo. Lond. 1849 Pellew, Geo.-Life of Hen. Addington. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Pellico, Silvio-My Prisons. (Fr. Ital.).. 12o. N. Y. 1833 -- -- The Same... 16o. Camb. 1836 --- See Maroncelli, Piero. Pelouze, J. and F. E.-Cours de Chimie Generale. 3 v. and Atlas 8vo. Paris. 1848-50 Peltier, J. G.-Paris pendant l'Annee 1795. 4 v... 8vo. Lond. 1795 Pemberton, Hen.-View of Newton's Philosophy. 4to. Lond. 1728 Pemble, Wm.-Treatise of Justification by Faith, &c... 8vo. Oxford. 1627-9 Peninsular Scenes and Sketches.... 18o. Edin. 1846 Penn, Granville-Mineral and Mosaical Geologies. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1825 -- - Life and Times of William Penn. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1833 - Wm.-No Cross, No Crown.... 8vo. Phil. 1807 Pennant, Thos.-British Zoology. 4 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1812... -- Jour. from Downing to Harrowgate via Alston Moor 4to. Lond. 1801-4 ---- London to Isle of Wight. 2 v.. 4to. Lond. 1801 _ — -_ — Literary Life of, by Himself... 4to. Lond. 1793. —. -- London, Westminster, and Southwark. 2 v.. Fol. Lond. no date View of Hindostan. 2 v... 4to. Lond. 1798 Pennecuik, Alex.-Description of Tweeddale; and Poems. 8vo. Leith. 1815 *Penny Cyclopaedia of Society for Diffusion of Useful Knowl. 29 v. 8vo. Lond. 1833-43 - Magazine of the Same. Vols. 2-12.. 8vo. Lond. 1832-43 Penrose, Eliz. See Markham (Mrs.) Pentateuch in Mahratta. See Bible. People's Journal. 5v... 8vo. Lond. 1846-8....._ -- The Same. [People's & Howitt's J1.] V. 6-9, [Con.] 8vo. Lond. 1848-50 Pepe, G. (Gen.)-Principal Events of Modern Italy. 3 v. 12o. Lond. 1846 Pepys, Sam.-Memoirs, Diary, and Letters. 5 v... 8vo. Lond. 1828 Perceval, Geo.-History of Italy. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1825 Percival, J. G.-Clio; a Poem. Part 3.. 12o. N. Y. 1827 - Poems...... 8vo N. Y. 1823 - Robt.-Island of Ceylon.... 4to. Lond. 1805 Percy, J. W.-Romanism as it Exists at Rome... 12o. Lond. 1847 -- S., and R.-Percy Anecdotes; with, American Anecdotes. 2 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1832 ----..Thos. (Ed'r)-Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. 3 v.. 8vo. Phil. 1823 188 PER —PHA [Merc. Lib. Percy, Thos. (Ecl'r)-The Same. 3 v.... 12o. Lond. 1839 - - - The Same.. 8vo. Lond. 1839 ---- Society Publications. 11 v... 12o. Lond. 1840-6 Vol. 1. Old Ballads,...... Edit. by Collier. Early English Naval Ballads,.... " Halliwell. 2. The Pain ncd Sorrow of Evil Marriage, The King and a Poor Northern Man. (Attrib. to M. Parker.) " Dyce. Porter, Hen. The Two Angry Women of Abington,. " Dyce. Chettle, Hen. Kind Heart's Dream,.. Rimbault. 3. Songs and Ballads relative to London Trades, 14, 15, 16 Cent., " Mackay. Specimens of Lyric Poetry of Age of Edward I.,. " Wright. 4. Specimens of Old Christmas Carols,... Wright. Nursery Rhymes of England,... Halliwell. 5. Political Ballads; pub. in England during Commonwealth, " Wright. 6. Rowley, Win. A Search for Money. (From Edn. of 1609.) Mad Pranks and Merry Jests of Robin Goodfellow,. " Collier. Meeting of Gallants at an Ordinarie,.... Halliwell. History of Patient Grisel. With Notes, 7. Lydgate, Dan. John. Select Minor Poems,... Halliwell. 8. Strange Histories; Ballads, &c. Principally by Thos. Deloney. Historical Songs of Ireland, illust. of Revol. of 1688,. " Croker. Boke of Courtasaye; a Poem of 14th Century,.. " Halliwell. 9. Seven Sages; a Poem of the 14th Century,.. " Wright. 10. Hawes, Steph. Pastime of Pleasure; an Allegorical Poem, " Wright. 11. Romance of Sir Tryamoure,... Halliwell. Pereira, Jonathan-Materia Medica and Therapeutics. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1839.-.- - [On Polarized Light].. 8vo. Lond. 1843 -- - Treatise on Food and Diet.. 8vo. N. Y. 1843 Perils and Adventures of the Deep.... 16. Edin. 1839 -- and Captivity. (C. M.)... 16o. Edin. 1827 Perkins, Sam.-Historical Sketches of United States from 1815. 12o. N. Y. 1830 ---- ----- - Hist. of Late War between U. S. & Gt. Brit. 1812-15 8vo. N. Haven. 1825 Perlin, E.-Angleterre et Ecosse; avec Hist. par P. de La Serre. 4to. Lond. 1775 Perrin, John-French Grammar.... 12o. N. Y. 1817 --- - - Select Fables..... 12o. N. Y. 1828 Perry, Chas.-View of the Levant.... Fol. Lond. 1743 W. C.-German University Education... 12o. Lond. 1846 Persius, Aulus Flaccus-Satir'e. See Walker, G. S.; Corpus Poet. Lat.. — - Satires. (Fr. Lat.).... 8vo. Lond. 1803 ---- -- The Same. (F. C. L. Bound with Juvenal.) Person, Wm.-Letters and Poems. See Child, D. L. Peschel, C. F.-Elements of Physics. (Fr. Ger.) 3 v... 18o. Lond. 1845-6 Peter Schlemihl in America..... 12o. Phil. 1848 -- - Wm. (Ed'r)-Poets and Poetry of Greece and Rome. 8vo. Phil. 1847 Peters, Rich.-Digest of Cases in Fed. Courts of U. S. 1789-1847. 2 v. 8vo. Phil. 1848 Petrarca, Fran.-Le Rime. 2 v.... 8vo. Firenze. 1821 -- --- Views of Human Life. (Fr. Lat.)., 8vo. Lond. 1791 Pettigrew, T. J.-Life of Nelson. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1849 ---- - -- Medical Portrait Gallery. Vol. 2.. 4to. Lond. 1839 Petzholdt, Alex.-On Agricultural Chemistry... 12o. Lond. 1844 --- -- The Same..... 8vo. N.Y. 1846 Peuchet, J.-Dictionnaire de la Geographie Commergante. 5 v. 4to. Paris. 1799 Peyre-Ferry, F.-Epistolary Composition.. 12o. Middletown.1826 Phcedrus-Fabulas. See TWalker, G. S.; Corpus Poet. Lat. — _. Fables. (Fr. Lat.) (F. C. L.) (Bound with Horace.) Catalogue.] P HA P HI 189 Pharmacopoeia of Royal College of Physicians of London. (Fr. Lat.) 8vo. Lend. 1838 Phelps, A. H. (Mrs.)-Familiar Lectures on Botany.. 12o. Hartf. 1831 - (Trans.) Dictionary of Chemistry. (Fr. Fren.) 12o. N. Y. 1830 Phmnix; Collection of Old and Rare Fragments.. 12o. N. Y. 1835 Philadelphia Book; or, Specimens of Metropolitan Literature.12o. Phil. 1836 Philidor, A. D.-Analysis- of the Game of Chess... 18o. Bost. 1826 Philip, A. P. W.-Laws of the Vital Functions...8vo. Lond. 1839 -- -- Nature of Sleep and Death. 8vo. Lond. 1834 John-Researches in South Africa. 2 v....8vo. Lond. 1828 -- Robt.-The Hannahs..... 18. N. Y. 1848 -- - Life of John Bunyan...12o. N. Y. 1839 -- -- Love of the Spirit.... 18o. N. Y. 1848 --- - The Lydias......18o. N. Y. 1848 --- - The Marthas..... 18o. N.Y. 1848 - Select Works. See James, J. Angell. ----- - Young Man's Closet Library.. 12o. N. Y. 1849 Philippart, John-Memoirs of Bernadotte... 8vo. Balt. 1815 --. —-- - Northern Campaignsin 1812-13. 2 v...8vo. Lond. 1813 Philippe, Louis d'Orleans-Mon Journal... 12o. Paris. 1849 Phillimore, J. G.-Study of Roman Law....8vo. Lond. 1848 Phillips, Chas.-Recollections of Curran, &c... 8vo. N. Y. 1818 Specimens of Irish Eloquence.. 8vo. N. Y. 1820 - Curran, Grattan, and Emmett. Speeches. 8vo. Phil. 1831 * —- Edw. —Universal English Dictionary...Fol. Lond. 1696 -- Geo.-Syriac Grammar..... 8vo. Camb. (E.) 1837 ---- G. F.-Drawing and Painting in Water Colors..8vo. Lond. 1839 ---- John-Fossils of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset. 8vo. Lond. 1841 General History of Inland Navigation.. 4to. Lond. 1792 -- -.- Guide to Geology... 16o. Lond. 1835 ---- -- Treatise on Geology... 8vo. Edin. 1837.... -- The Same. (L. C. C.) 2 v....16o Lond. 1837-9 ---- Rich. (Ed'r)-Annals of Philosophy. New Series. 12 v. 8vo. Lond. 1821-6 Sir Rich.-Million of Facts... 12o. N. Y. 1836 —. — Thos.-Life of Reginald Pole. 2 v.....8vo. Lond. 1767 --- Thos.-Lecture on Painting... 8vo. Lond. 1833 ----- -- Wales; its Language and Condition..8vo. Lond. 1849 Willard-Inventor's Guide.... 12o. Bost. 1837 --- -- Manual of Political Economy.. 8vo. Bost. 1828 ----- Wm.-Introduction to Mineralogy... 8vo. Lond. 1823 --- - -- The Same. Edited by Allan.. 12o. Lond. 1837.... — -- See Conybeare, W. D. Philo; an Evangeliad....... 12o. Bost. 1850 Philomorus; on the Latin Poems of Sir Thomas More.. 12o. Lond. 1842 *Philosophical Magazine. 68 v......8vo. Lond. 1798-1826 The Same. 2d Series. 10 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1826-31 The Same. United Series. Vols. 1-36. [Continued.] 8vo. Lond. 1832-50 -........ Trans. of Roy. Soc. of Lond., 1638-1750, abridged. 10 v. 4to. Lond. 1749-56.-... The Same, from 1751-1848. 95 v... 4to. Lond. 1753-1848 _....... Index to the Same; Vols. 1-70. (1638-1780.). 4to. Lond. 1787 Abstracts from the Same, 1800 to 1837. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1832-7 190 P fi — P IR [Merc. LIh. Philosophy of Evil....... 18o. Phil. 1845 - Phrenology..... 16o. Glasgow. 1845 Phipps, C. J.-Voyage towards the North Pole... 4to. Lond 1774 Phrenological Journal. Vols. 10-19.... 8vo. Edin. 1836-46 Physic and Physicians; a Medical Sketch Book. 2 v... 8vo. Lod. 1839 Physich-moralische zeitbedurfnisse.... 16o. Bremen. 1794 Pichot, Amedi —Galerie de Personnages de Shakspeare. 8vo. Paris. 1844 *Pickering, Chas.-Races of Men. See U. S. Exploring Expedition. * —- John-Greek Lexicon, with Additions... 8vo. Bost. 1826 *.- - The Same. Revised.... 8vo. Bost. 1846 ----- Tim.-Political Essays... 16o. Cannand. 1812 ---- -- On Corres. between J. Adams and Wm. Cunningham 8vo. Salem. 1824 Picket, A., and J. W.-Academician. A Periodical... 8vo. N.1820 *Pictorial Bible. See Bible. - -- Book of Ballads. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1847-8 ----- History of the American Revolution. 8vo. N. Y. 1845 Picture of New York in 1840..... 18o. N.Y. 1846 -or Traveller's Guide... 18o. N. Y. 1807 Pictures and Painters. An Essay on Art... 12o. N. Y. 1849 - of the French. By Janin; Balzac, &c.. 8vo on. d. 1840 Piddington, Hen.-Sailor's Horn-Book for the Law of Storms 8vo. N. Y. 1848 Pierce, W. L.-The Year. A Poem.... 18. N. Y. 1813 Pierpont, John-Airs of Palestine; a Poem.... 18o. Balt. 1816 -- - The Same 12o. Bost. 1840 Pignotti, Lorenzo-History of Tuscany. (Fr. Ital.) 4 v... 8vo. Lond. 1826 Pigott, Grenville-Scandinavian Mythology... 16o. Lond. 1839 Pike, J. G.-Religion and Eternal Life... 18. N. Y. 1835 - True Happiness..... 18o. N. Y. 1848 - Nicholas-New System of Arithmetic.... 8vo. Troy. 1832 - Z. M.-Travels to Sources of Western Rivers of N. Amer. 8vo. Phil. 1810 -- The Same..... 4to. Lond. 1811 Pillet, R. M. (Gen.) —Views of England. (Fr. Fren.).. 12o. Bost. 1818 Pinch of Snuff; or, Anecdotes of Snuff-taking. 16o. Lond. 1840 Pinchard, Geo.-Notes on the West Indies. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1806 Pindar, and Anacreon-Poems. (Fr. Grk.) (F. C. L.). 16o. Lond. 1830 The Same. (F. C. L.).. 18o. N. Y. 1837 Pinelli, B.-Etchings, Illustrative of Italian Manners. Fol. Rome. 1844 Pinkerton, John-Collection of Voyages and Travels. 6 v.. 4to. Phil. 1811 The Same, in Various Parts of America. 4 v.. 8vo. Phil. 1811 -------- - History of Scotland fiom the Stuarts to Mary. 2 v. 4to. Lond. 1797 - -- --- Literary Correspondence. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1830 - ----- Petralogy; a Treatise on Rocks. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1811 - Robt.-Observations on Russia... 8vo. Lond. 1833 Pinkney, E. C.-Poems...... 18o. Bait. 1825 Pinney, Joel-Antidote for Causes that Abridge Human Life. 8vo. Lond. 1847 - Norman-Practical French Teacher... 12o. Hartf. 1847 Piomingo-The Savage; a Series of Essays... 12o. Phil. 1810 Piozzi, Hester L.-British Synonomy. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1794 ---- Love-Letters, Written at the age of80, to W. A. Conway 8vo. Lond. 1843 Pirate's Own Book.....12o. Bost. 1837 Catalogue.] PIT - POH 191 Pitkin, Tim.-Commerce of the United States... 8vo. N. Y. 1817 -- -- The Same..... 8vo. N. Haven. 1835 -- -- [History of the United States.] 2 v,.. 8vo. N. Haven. 1828 Pitman, Isaac-Manual of Phonography.. 8vo. Lond. 1842... -- The Same.... 8vo. Y. 1844 Pitt, Wn. (Earl of Chatham.) See Chatham. - -- Speeches in the House of Commons. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1808 - Wm.-Life of....... 12o. Phil. 1806 Pitts, John-Acc.of the Mahometans. [Bound with Maundrell, H.; Journey to Aleppo.] Plain-Dealer, the; a Weekly Newspaper. Vol. 1.. Fol. N. Y. 1836-7 Plain Sermons, by Contrib. to " Tracts for the Times." 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1841 Planche, J. R.-History of British Costume. (L. EK.).. 16o. Lond. 1834 Plans for Gentlemen's Libraries..... 16o. Lond. no date Planting of Trees. (L. U. K.).... 8vo. Lond. 1832 Plater, Emily (Countess); Life of. (Fr. Polish.).. 12o. N. Y. 1842 Plato-Divine Dialogues, and Apology of Socrates.. 16o. Lond. 1839 & 41 - Works of. (Fr. Grk. by Sydenham and Taylor.) 5 v. 4to. Lond. 1804 -- Works of. (Fr. Grk. by Cary.) Vol. 1. 12o. Lond. 1848 -- CEuvres. (Du Grec by Schwalbe.) Vols. 1-3.. 12o. Paris. 1843-6 Platon-Greek Church in Russia. (Fr. Sclavonic.)... 12o. N. Y. 1815 Platt, John-Universal Biography. 5 v.... 8voo. Lond. 1825-6 Plattner, C. F.-Blow Pipe in Examination of Minerals. (Fr. Ger.) 8vo. Lond. 1845 Platts, John-Dictionary of English Synonymes.. 12o.:Lond. 1845 --- - Literary and Scientific Class Book.. 12o. Lond. 1830 Plautus-Seven Comedies. (Fr. Lat.).. 8vo. Lond. 1827 *Playfair, Jas. —-System of Chronology.. Fol. Edin. 1784 - John-Works; with a Memoir. 4 v... 8vo. Edin. 1822 Pleasures of Contemplation......12o. Phil. 1817 Pliny, Caius Secundus-Natural History of the World. (Fr. Lat.) 2 v. Fol. Lond. 1601 - Excerpta ex HistoriU Naturali.. 12o. Lond. 1829 -- -- Histoire Naturelle. (Grec et Frangaise.) 20 v.. 8vo. Paris. 1829 --- Caius Cuecilius Secundus-Letters. (Fr. Lat.) 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1786 Plowden, Fran.-History of Ireland, from 1801-10. 3 v.. 8vo. Dublin. 1811 Plumptree, Jas.-Collection of Songs. 3 v.... 12o. Lond. 1806-8 Plutarch, Chaeronensis-Opera. (Greece.) Cum Latina Interp. 6 v. 12o. Paris. 1572 -— _- -_- Lives of Grks. and Rom. (Fr. Grk. by Langhorne.) 8 v. 8vo. Phil. 1811 - The Same. 3 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1812-13 --- -- The Same. 8 v..... 12o. N. 1822 ---- - The Same. 4 v.... 8vo. Phil. 1822 _ -- - The Same. 4 v..... 12o. N. Y. 1836.-.. - The Same.... 8vo. Lond. 1846....- -. The Same. (F. C. L.) 7 v.... 16o. Lond. 1831-2 Les Vies des Hommes Illustres. 15 v... 18o. Paris. 1811 Pocahontas; a Drama...... 12. Y. 1837 Pocket and the Stud; or, Hints for the Stable.. 18o. Lond. 1848 Poe, Edgar A.-Eureka; a Prose Poem.. 12o. N. Y. 1848 - Raven; and other Poems... 16o. N. Y. 1845 --- The Same.... 8vo. Lond. 1846 Works; Life and Genius. 2 v... 12. N. Y. 1850 Pohlman, J. G.-Chess. Drawn Chiefly from Philodor.. 8vo. Lond. 1819 192 P 0 I- P R [Merc. Lib. Poinsett, Joel R.-[Notes on Mexico in 1822]... 8vo. Phil. 1824 Polar Star, the; Continuation of the "Extractor." 11 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1829-32 Polehampton, G., and Good, J. M.-Gallery of Nature and Art. 6 v. 8vo. Lond. 1821 Police and Crimes of London..... 8vo. Lond. 1829 Policy and Operations of the Navigation Laws. 2 v... 4to. Lond. 1848 Politianus, Angelus-Rusticus. (Poema.)....8vo. Paris. 1527 Political Dictionary, Constitutional and Legal. Vol. 1.. 8vo. Lond. 1845-6 ----— History of the Devil.....120. Oxford. 1840 Pollok, Robt.-Course of Time; a Poem... 12o. Bost. 1828 Polson, Archer-Principles of the Laws of Nations..120. Lond. 1848 Polyennus-Stratagems of Wars. (Fr. Grk.).. 4to. Lond. 1796 Polyanthus; *a Literary Magazine.' 4 v...8vo. Bost. 1812-14 Polylogy; a Dual-line of Paraphrases of Wisdom, &c. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1842 Polytechnic Journal. 7 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1839-42 Pomfret (Countess of)-Correspondence. See Hartford, Countess of. Pompeii. (L. E. K.) 2 v.... 12o. Lond. 1836 Pontet, Desir6-Conversational Grammar of French..120. Lond. 1847 Poole, Ayliffe-Churches; their Structure, &c.... 16o. Lond. 1846 --- G. A.-History of Ecclesiastical Architecture in England. 8vo. Lond. 1848 --- (Mrs.)-[Englishwoman in Egypt]... 18o. Phil. 1845 Poor Artist; or, Seven Eyesights and One Object.. 16o. Lond. 1850 Poore, B. P.-Rise and Fall of Louis Philippe... 12o. Bost. 1848 Pope, Alex.-Poetical Works. 3 v...... 12o. Phil. 1819 - -- The Same. 2 v.....12o. Princeton. 1828 - The Same......8vo. Phil. 1839 - - The Same, by Cary.... 8vo. Lond. 1841 - The Same. 4 v.....12o. N. Y. 1808 - - - Works; with Life by Roscoe. 8 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1847 - Chas.-Laws of Customs, Exports, &c., of Great Britain. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1818 - - - Merchant's and Ship-Owner's Custom and Excise Guide 8vo. Lond. 1823 - -- Yearly Journal of Trade, 1842 & 3. 2 v...8vo. Lond. 1842-3 -- Thos.-Treatise on Bridge Architecture... 8vo. N. Y. 1825 Popular Rhymes and Fireside Stories of Scotland...8vo. Edin. 1842 Porphyry-Select Works. (Fr. Grk.).... 8vo. Lond. 1823 Porter, A. M.-Ballads, Romances, and other Poems.. 18o. Phil. 1816 - Arthur L.-Chemistry of the Arts.. 8vo. Phil. 1830 ---- Dav. (Com.)-Constantinople and its Environs. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1835 - Cruise to the Pacific in 1812-14. 2 v. 8vo.. N.. 1822 ---- Ebenezer-Rhetorical Reader.. 12o. Andover. 1831 G. R.-Manufacture of Porcelain and Glass. (L. C. C.) 16o. Lond. 1832. - " Silk. (L. C. C.)...16o. Lond. 1831 --- -- Progress of British Nation during 19th Century. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1836-8 - The Same...... 8vo. Lond. 1847 -- - Tropical Agriculturist.... 8vo. Lond. 1833 --- Sir R. K.-Campaign in Russia under Napoleon.. 8vo. Title wanting - Travels in Russia and Sweden, 1805-8.. 8vo. Phil. 1809 ---- Wm.-Musical Cyclopadia....18o. Bost. 1834 Porteous, B. (Bp.)-[Evidences of the Christian Revelation]. 16o. Bost. 1803 Portfolio; a Monthly Magazine. 27 v.....8vo. Phil. 1809-25 Portlock, Nath.-Voyage Round the World, 1785-8.. 4to. Lond. 1789 Catalogue.] P OR -- PRE 193 Portlock (Lt. Col.)-Treatise on Geology.... 12o. Lond. 1849 Port-Royal, Mess. de-Method of Learning Greek; abridged. (Fr. Fren.) 12o. Lond. 1749 ~- -- Moral Essays. 4 vols. in two.. 8vo. Lond. 1696 Portwine, Edw.-Steam Engine, Atmospheric Railways, &c.. 18o. Lond. 1847 Post, H. A. V.-Visit to Greece and Constantinople in 1827-8 8vo. N. Y. 1830 Postlethwayt, Malachy-Dict. of Trade and Commerce. (Fr. FLen.) 2 y. Fol. Lond. 1757 ------- -- The Same. 4th Edition. 2 v... Fol. Lond. 1774 Pothier, R. J.-CEuvres.. 13 v...... 8vo. Paris. 1817-20 Potter, Alonzo-Hand-Book for Readers and Students. (H. F. IL.) 18o. N. Y. 1847 -— __- Objects and Uses of Science and Literature. (H. F. L.) 18o. N. Y. 1848 ---- -- Political Economy. (H. F. L.)... 18o. N. Y. 1841 ----- Science Applied to the Useful Arts... 12o. Bost. 1841 ---- -- The Same..... 12o. N. Y. 1847 ---- -- and Emerson, G. B.-The School and Schoolmaster. 12o. N. Y. 1844 John-Archaeologia Greca.... 8vo. N. Y. 1825 - -.- The Same, by Boyd.... 12o. Lond. 1837 Poussin, G. T.-Chemins de Fer Americains. o. 4to. Paris. 1836 --—. -- De la Puissance Americaine. 2 v.... 8vo. Paris. 1848 Pouteau, Claude-(CEuvres Posthumes. 3 v... 8vo. Paris. 1783 Powell, Baden-Experimental and Mathematical Optics.. 8vo. Lond. 1833. —. - History of Natural Philosophy. (L. C. C.). 16o. Lond. 1834 - Jas. W.-The Eye; its Imperfections and their Prevention. 8vo. N. Y. 1847.-..- J. J.-Law of Contracts and Agreements.. 8vo. Walpole. 1809 Mary [Mrs. Milton] Maiden and Married Life of.. 8vo. Bost. 1848 Thos.-Living Authors of America... 12o. N. Y. 1850. ——.. " (" England.... 12o. N. Y. 1849 Power, Geo.-History of the Mussulmans in Spain and Portugal 8vo. Lond. 1815 Tyrone-Impressions of America, 1833-5. 2 v... 12o. Phil. 1836 W. T.-Sketches in New Zealand in 1846-8. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Powerscourt, Theodosia A.-Letters and Papers... 16o. Lond. 1845 Poynder, John-Literary Extracts. 3 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1847 Popery in Alliance with Heathenism.. 8vo. Lond. 1835 Poyntz, Albany-World of Wonders; Popular Superstitions, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Practical Suggestions for the Sick. 2 v..... 12o. Lond. 1837 ---- --- Treatise on Dyeing and Calico Printing.. 8vo. N. Y. 1846 - Wisdom; or, the Manual of Life.... 18o. Lond. 1835 Pradt, D. D. de-Memoires sur la Revolution d'Espagne'. 8vo. Paris. 1816 --- -- Colonies and Present American Revolution. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Lond. 1817. —.- Congress of Vienna.... 8vo. Lond. 1816 -- -- Europe and America in 1821. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1822 ----- Sistema de la Europa. 2v..... 12o. Paris. 1825 Praed,W. M.-Poems...... 12o. N. Y. 1844 Pragay, Johann-Hungarian Revolution.... 12o. N. Y. 1850 Prairiedom; Rambles and Scrambles in Texas... 12o. N. Y. 1845 Pratt, P. P.-Voice of Warning and Instruction to all People. 18o. N. Y. 1837 - S. J.-Glean. thro' Wales, Hol., &c.; also Humanity, a. Poem. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1798-9 Preceptor, the; containing a Course of Education -. 8vo. Lond. 1754 Prentice, J. D.-Life of Henry Clay..... 12o. Hartf. 1831 Presbyterian Clergyman Looking for the Church.. 12o. N. Y. 1849 Prescott, W. H..-Biographical and Critical Miscellanies. 8vo. N. Y. 1845 25 194 P R E — P R 0[Merc. Lib. Prescott, W. H.-History of the Conquest of Mexico. 3 v.. 8vo. N. Y. 1843 & 4 The Same. 5 v..... 8vo. N. Y. 1849 - - ----- History of the Conquest of Peru. 2 v... 8vo. N. Y. 1847 &50 - -- " " Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. 3 v. 8vo. Bost. 1838 Preston, John-On the Divine Essence and Attributes..8vo. Lond. 1624 --- Lyman-Treatise on Book-keeping... 8vo. N. Y. 1829 The Same......8vo. N. Y. 1835 & 6 Prevost, A. F.-CEuvres Choisies. 39 v...... 8vo. Paris. 1810 Price, Dav.-Principal Events of Mahommedan History. 4 v.. 4to. Lond. 1821 -- J. M.-Tables of Sterling Exchange... 8vo. N. Y. 1848 - Rich.-Observations on the American Revolution. 18o. Lond. 1785 -- -- Reversionary Payments and Annuities. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1803 - Sam.-All Voyages Round the World from 1520 to 1820. 12o. Loud. no date - Thos. —Wisdom and Genius of Shakspeare.. 12o. Phil. 1839 -- Sir Uvedale.-Essay on the Picturesque. 2 v...8vo. Lond. 1796-8 - - he Same, by Lauder.... 8vo. Edin. 1842 Prichard, Jas. C.-Analysis of Egyptian Mythology.. 8vo. Lond. 1819 - --- - Eastern Origin of Celtic Nations.. 8vo. Lond. 1831 ---- -- Natural History of Man....8vo. Lond. 1843 --- - -- On Insanity.... 8vo. Lond. 1835. —-.- - Researches into Physical History of Man. 5 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1836-47 Pridden, W.-History and Condition of Australia.. 160. Lond. 1843 Prideaux, Humphrey-Connection of the Old and New Testaments. 4 v. 8vo. Charlest. 1815-16 Nature of Imposture; Life of Mahomet. 12o. Lond. 1718 Pridham, Chas.-History of Ceylon and its Dependencies. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Priest, Josiah-American Antiquities.... 8vo. Albany. 1833 Priestley, Jos.-Discoveries in Vision, Light, &c... 4to. Lond. 1772 -_ — - English Grammar... vo. Lond. 1833 --- -- - Evidence of Revealed Religion...8vo. Lond. 1794 --- -- Harmony of the Evangelists in English. 4to. Lond. 1780 ---- --- - History of the Corruptions of Christianity. 2 v..8vo. Birm.(E.)1782-93..... — " " Early Opinions concer. Jesus Christ. 4 v. 8vo. Birmingham.1786.... - - Institutes of Natural and Revealed Religion. 2 v. 8vo. Birm. (E.) 1782 ----- -- Lectures on History and General Policy..4to. Birm. (E.) 1788 - The Same 8. vo.. Dublin. 1791 __ —- -- Mem. of Himself, with Observ. on his Writings. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1806-7 Prime, N. S.-History of Long Isrand to 1845... 12o. N. YY. 1845 Primer on the Origin of Knowledge.... 12o. Saratoga. 1835 Prince, Thos.-Chronological History of New England..8vo. Bost. 1826 --- - W. R., and W.-On the Vine and Vineyards.. 8vo. N. Y. 1830 Pringle, Thos.-Residence in South Africa... 12o. Lond. 1835 Printing Machine, the; or, Companion to the Library. 3 v.. 8vo. Loud. 1834 Prior, Jas.-Life of Oliver Goldsmith. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1837. —- The Same...... 8vo. Phil. 1837 -- -- Life and Character of Edm. Burke... 8vo. Loud. 1839 - - Matthew.-Poems. (Ald. Poets.) 2 v... 160. Lond. 1835 Pritchard, Andrew-English Patents granted from 1800-40. 12o. Loud. 1841 ---- -- Microscopic Illustrations. See Goring, C. R. Prize Essays on a Congress of Nations.... 8vo. Bost. 1840 Proceedings and Debates of the Virginia Convention in 1829-30 8vo. Richmond. 1830 Catalogue.] PR O P U G 195 Proceedings and Rules of the Bombay Geological Society 8vo. Bombay. 1836-7 --- of the Board of Aldermen. (N. Y. City.) Vols. 1-31 8vo. N. Y. 1835-46 --- " Assistant Aldermen. (N. Y. City.) Vols. 1-2 Svo. N. Y. 1837.. —.. -c " Common Council of the City of N. Y. Vols. 1-13 8vo. N. Y. 1831-46 -.-.'" Court on the Trial of Bishop Onderdonk.. 8vo. N. Y. 1845..- - " Executive of U. S. in Case of Insurgents, 1794 16o. Phil. 1795.-..... " JointMeetings of Aldermen and Assist. (N.Y.) Vol. 1 8vo. N. Y. 1836..... - " London Geological Society, 1826-37. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1834-7 -_-_-_ " Naval Court Martial in Case of A. S. Mackenzie 8vo. N. Y. 1844 " New-York Historical Society. Vols. 1-6. 3 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1843-8 - _ " United States Anti-Masonic Convention. 8vo. Phil. 1830 Proclus-Fragments of his Lost Writings. (Fr. Grk.).. 8vo. Lond. 1825 -- Two Treatises of. (Fr. Grk.)... 8vo. Lond. 1833 Proctor, B. W. [Barry Cornwall]-Life of Edmund Kean. 12o. N. Y. 1835 -- -- Marcian Colonna; and other Poems... 8vo. Lond. 1820 -- -- Poems. See Milman, H. H. -- Geo.-History of Italy..... 8vo. Lond. 1844 - Robt.-Journey Across the Andes in 1823-4.. 8vo. Lond. 1825 Progress and Present Position of Russia in the East. 8vo. Lond. 1847 - - of Homceopathy..... 8vo. Lond. 1838 ---- of Pilgrim Good Intent in Jacobinical Times.. 16o. N. Y. 1828 Propertius, Sextus Aurelius-Poemata. See Walker, G...; Corpus Poet. Lat. Prophecy of the Santon; and other Poems. [J. A. Swan.]. 16o. Worcester. 1847 Propiac, Girard de —Petit Tableau de Paris et des Francais. 18o. Paris. 1820 Prospective Review, the. Vol. 3..... 8vo. Lond. 1847 *Protestant Vindicator. Vol. 2.... Fol. N. Y. 1835-6 Proud, Robt.-History of Pennsylvania. 2 v.... 8vo. Phil. 1797-8 Proudhon, P. J.-Confessions d'un Revolutionnaire.. 12o. Paris. 1850 ----- - - -Creation de l'Ordre dans l'Humanite.. 12o. Paris. 1849 - - Qu'est ce que la Propriete? 2 v. in 1.. 16o. Paris. 1848 - Systeme des Contradictions Economiques. 2 v.. 8vo. Paris. 1846 *Prout, Sam.-Sketches at Home and Abroad... Fol. Lond. 1844 - Wm.-Chemistry, Meteorology, etc. See Bridgewater Treatises. Psalmanaasar, Geo.-Description of Formosa... 12o. Lond. 1704 ---— _ -- -- See Essays on Religious Subjects. Psalms and Hymns used in the Protestant Episcopal Church. 18o. N. Y. 1836 Public Characters; or, Contemporary Biography... 8vo. Balt. 1803 Publications of the American Tract Society. Vols. 1-6. 12o. N. Y. no date Central Society of Edinburgh. 3 v... 12o. Lond. 1837-9 Puckler Muskau (Prince)-Semilasso in Africa. 5 v... 12o. Stuttgart. 1836 - - Tutti Frutti..... 12o. N. Y. 1834 ---- --- Vorletzer Weltgang von Semilasso. 3 v.. 12o. Stuttgart. 1835 --— _ -- Egypt and Mahomet All. 3 v.... 12o. Lond. 1845. —-- - - Tour in England, Ireland, &c., in 1828-9. (Fr. Ger.) 8vo. Phil. 1833 Puffendorf, Sam. (Baron)-Law of Nature and Nations. (Fr. Ger.) Fol. Lond. 1717 - ~ — - Introduc. a P'Hist. Generale de l'Univers. 11 v.. 12o. Amst'dam.1743-5 *Pugin, A.-Examples of Gothic Architecture. 3 v... 4to. Lond. 1838-40 ---- -- Specimens of Gothic Architecture. 2 v... 4to. Lond. 1825-6 --- A. W.-Glossary of Ecclesiastical Ornament and Costume 4to. Lond. 1846 ---- -- True Principles of Pointed Christian Architecture. 4to. Lond. 1841 196 P U G- R A C [Merc. Lib. Pugna Porcorum per Publium Porcium Poetam. See Specimens of Macaronic Poetry. Pulpit Orator; a Selection of Discourses.. 12o. Bost. 1804 Pulszky, Theresa-Memoirs of a Hungarian Lady... 12o. Phil. 1850 *Punch; or, the London Charivari.'Vols. 1-17. [Continued.]. 4to. Lond. 1841-50 *Punishments of China. (English and French.)... Fol. Lond. 1801 Purdie, Thos.-Form and Sound... 8vo. Edin. 1849 Pursh, Fred.-Flora Americe Septentrionalis. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1814 Pusey, E. B.-Law of Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister. 8vo. Oxford. 1849 Putnam, Geo. P.-Chronology, Book of.... 12o. N. Y. 1833 --— _ -- Memorandum Book of Trip to Italy, &c.. 16o. N.Y. 1847 -_ - -- Statistics of Government and Resources of U. States 12o. Lond. 1845 - - Tourist in Europe..... 12o. N. Y. 1838 Puttenham, Geo.-Arte of English Poesie... 4to. Lond. 1811 Putz, Wilhelm-Ancient Geography and History. (Fr. Ger.). 12o. N. Y. 1849 Pycroft, Jas.-Course of English Reading... 12o. N. Y. 1845 Pye, John-Patronage of British Art.... 8vo. Lond. 1845 Pym, Arthur G.-Mutiny, Famine, and Shipwreck in South Seas 12o. Lond. 1838 Pyne, Geo.-Treatise on Perspective.. 12o. Lond. 1849 Pyrker, J. L.-Saimmtliche Werke. 3 v... 8vo. Stuttgart. 1832 Quarterly Christian Spectator. 10 v... 8vo.N. Haven.1829-38 - Journal of Agriculture. Vol. 10-13.. 8vo. Edin. 1840-2 _ — ^" Education. 10 v..... 8vo. Loud. 1831-5 -- Review. Vols. 1-47.... 8vo. N.Y.&B. 1803-32 I —-- The Same. Vols. 48-86. [Continued.]... 8vo. Lond. 1832-50 [For Indexes to Vols. 1-59 (1803-39); see Vols. 20, 40 and 60. Quekett, John-Treatise on the Microscope.... 8vo. Lond. 1848 Qu6rard, J. M.-La France Litteraire. 10 v... 8vo. Paris. 1828 Qu6telet, L. A. J.-Facts, Laws, &c., of Nat. Philosophy. (Fr. Fren.) 12o. Glasgow. 1835 Quetelet, M. A.-Theory of Probabilities. (Fr. Fren.).. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Quevedo de Villegas, Don Francisco-Works. (Fr. Span.) 3 v. 12o. Edin. 1798 Quin, M. J.-Steam Voyage down the Danube. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1836 Quincy, Josiah-History of Harvard University. 2 v... 8vo. Camb. 1840 - Memoirs of Josiah Quincy (Jr.)... 8vo. Bost. 1825 ----- Quatremere de-Essay on Imit. in the Fine Arts. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Loud. 1837.- -- See Duppa, R. Quinet, Edgar-History of Christianity. (Fr. Fren.).. 12o. Lond. 1846 -- --- -Roman Church, and Modern Society. (Fr. Fren.) 12o. N. Y. 1845 ------ See Michelet, J. Quintana, Don M. J.-Lives of Celebrated Spaniards. (Fr. Span.) 8vo. Lond. 1833 Quintilian Institutes of the Orator, (Fr. Lat.) 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1774 Quinton, J.A.-Heaven's Antidote to the Curse of Labor. 24o. N. Y. 1850 Quintus Smyrnmus-Post Homerica. (Grece.)... 8vo. Argentorati. 1807 Rabadan, Carlos-Lessons in Spanish.... 12o. N. Y. 1846 Rabelais, Fran. —Euvres.... 8vo. Paris. 1838 --- --- - Works. (Fr. Fren.) With Notes. 4 v... 12o. Lond. 1807 The Same. 2 v..... 16o. Lond. 1849 Raben, M. P.-Cursus Philosophicus... 12o. Leipsic. 1703 Racine, Jean-(Euvres Completes. 6 v.. 8vo. Paris. 1828 Catalogue.] R A C — R A 197 Racine, Jean-Theatre. See Repertoire du Thdetre Francais. 3 v. 12o. Paris. 1813 -. — Letters to his Son. (Fr. Fren.).. 16o. Lond. 1785 Radcliffe, Ann-St. Alban's Abbey; a Metrical Romance. 12o. Phil. 1826 ---- - Journey through Holland and Germany, 1794. 8vo. Dublin. 1795 Rae, John-New Principles of Political Economy.. 8vo. Bost. 1834 Raffles, Thos.-Letters during a Tour in France, Savoy, &c., 1817 12o. N. Y. 1818. — - Memoirs of Thomas Spencer.... 8vo. Bost. 1814 ---- Sir T. S.-History of Java. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1830 - Life and Public Services. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1835 Rafn, Chas. C.-Americas Landes Gamle Geographic. 8vo. Copenhagen.1845 - - Mmoire sur la Decouverte de l'Amerique.. 8vo. Copenhagen.1843 - America Discovered in the 10th Century.. 8vo. N. Y. 1838 Raguet, C.-On Currency and Banking.. 8vo. Phil. 1839 - r —. Principles of Free Trade Illustrated. 8vo. Phil. 1835 Rahusen, Reinhard-Sammlung einiger Predigten und Reden 8vo. Bremen. 1784 Raikes, Thos.-City of the Czar. 2 v.... 12o. Phil. 1838 - France since 1830. 2 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1841 Raisson, Horace-Code Galant....18o. Paris. 1834 Raleigh, Sir W.-Complete Works. 8 v.. 8vo. Oxford. 1829 - istory of the World... Fol. Lond. 1621 The Same. 6 v.... 8vo. Edin. 1820 ____ _ Life of.... 8vo. Lond. 1711 - - Poems...... 4to. Lee Priory. 1813 Ralfe, J.-Naval Chronology of Great Britain. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1820 Ralfs, John-British Desmidiee..... 8vo. Lond. 1848 Rambler, the. See Johnson, Sam., and British Essayists. Vols. 19-22. Rambles in Sweden and Gottland..... 8vo. Lond. 1847 Ramsay, And. C.-Geology of the Island of Arran. 8vo. Glasgow. 1841.. —-- - Alb. C. (Trans.)-Other Side of the Mexican War. (Fr. Span.) 12o. N. Y. 1850 - A. M.-Philosophical Principles of Religion. 2 v.. 4to. Lond. 1749-51 -- Dav.-History of American Revolution. 2 v... 8vo. Trenton. 1811 -— " Revolution of South Carolina. 2 v.. 8vo. Trenton. 1785 -- -' South Carolina to 1808. 2 v.. 8vo. Charleston: 1809 ---- -' United States to 1808. 3 v... 8vo. Phil. 1818 - Life of Washington.... 120. Bait. 1818 ---- -------- Universal History Americanized. 12 v... 8vo. Phil. 1819 ---- -- Vida de Jorge Washington.. 18o. N. Y. 1825 -- Geo.-Essay on Distribution of Wealth... 8vo. Edin. 1836 ---- - - Principles of Human Happiness and Duty. 8vo. Lond. 1843 Ramsbotham, F. H.-Practice of Obstetric Medicine.. 8vo. Phil. 1842 Randall, S. S.-Incentives to Cultivation of Geology.. 12o. N. Y. 1846 Randolph, F. J.-Memoirs of Thos. Jefferson. See Jefferson, Thos.; Memoirs, &c. ---- John-Letters to a Young Relative... 8vo. Phil. 1834 Ranke, Leopold-History of the Popes of Rome. (Fr. Ger.) 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1841 - The Same....8vo. N. Y. 1845 ---- H- History of the Reformation in Germany. Vols. 1-3 8vo. Lond. 1845-7 Nine Books of Prus. Hist. (Fr. Ger. byDemmler.) Vol.1 8vo. Lond. 1848 The Same. [Title changed.] (Fr. Ger. by Sir A. Gordon.) 8vo. Lond. 1849 - Servia and the Servian Revolution. (Fr. Ger.). 8vo. Lond. 1847 Ranken, Alex.-History of France to 1793. 9 v... 8vo. Lond. 1801-22 198 RAN -REA [Merc. Lib, Ranking, John-Conquest of Peru, Mexico, &c., by the Mongols 8vo. Lond. 1827 Rapelje, Geo.-Travels in the Four Quarters of the Globe. 8vo. N. Y. 1834 Rapin, Rene-Critical Works. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1706-16 -- - Thoyras, Paulde-History of England to 1688. (Fr. Fren.) 15 v. 8vo. Lond. 1728-32 - --- The Same...... Fol. Lond. 1731 Rask, Erasmus-Anglo-Saxon Grammar. (Fr. Danish).. 8vo. Copenhagen.1830 Raspail, F. V. de-Nouveau Systeme de Chimie Organique. 3 v.. 8vo. Paris. 1838.*.... " de Phys. Vegetale. 2 v. & Atlas 8vo. Paris. 1837 ---- -- _ New System of Organic Chemistry. (Fr. Fren.). 8vo. Lond. 1834 Rauch, F. A.-Psychology and Anthropology... 12o. N. Y. 1846 Raumer, F. von-America and the American People. (Fr. Ger.). 8vo. N. Y. 1846 ----- - Contributions to Modern History. 2. v.. 12o. Lond. 1836-7. ——.- England in 1835. (Fr. Ger.)... 8vo. Phil. 1836 -- - " 1841. (Fr. Ger.) 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1842 -__ —— _- Italy and the Italians. 2 v..... 12o. Lond. 1840 __- ------ Political Hist. of England, 16th-19th Centuries. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1837 Raupach, Ernest-The Niebelungen Treasure. (Fr. Ger.).. 18o. Lond. 1847 Rausse, J. H.-Errors in the Practice of the Water-Cure. (Fr. Ger.) 12o. N. Y. 1849 __ -- [Grefenberg Water-Cure.] (Fr. Ger.).. 12o. N. Y. 1848 Ravenscroft, John (Bishop)-Works; with a Memoir. 2 v.. 8vo. N. Y. 1830 Rawle, Wm.-View of the Constitution of United States.. 8vo. Phil. 1825 Rawlinson, H. C.-Persian Inscription at Behistun. Translated. Vol. 1 8vo. Lond. 1846 Rawson, S. S.-Memoir of Edward Rawson... 8vo. Bost. 1849 Ray, I.-Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity... 8vo. Bost. 1838 _ John-Wisdom of God in the Works of Creation.. 24o. Lond. 1827 - Wm.-Poems on Various Subjects. 12o. Auburn. 1821. — - The Same...... 18o. N. Y. 1826 Ray Society Publications. Vols. 1-16... 8vo. and 4to. Lond. 1841-9 1. Progress of Zoology and Botany, 1841-2. 2. Memorials of John Ray. 3. Alternation of Generations. By J. J. Steenstrup. 4. Elements of Physio-Philosophy. (Fr. Ger.) 5. Reports on Zoology for 1843-4. (Fr. Ger.) 6. Bibliographia Zoologioe et Geologie. Vol. I. By L. Agassiz. 7. Correspondence of John Ray. 8. Outlines of the Geography of Plants. By F. J. F. Meyer. (Fr. Ger.) 9-12. Brit. Nudibrianchiate Mollusca. By J. Alden,and A. Hancock. 4 Pts. 4to. 13. British Naked-Eyed Medusme. By E. Forbes. 4to. 14. Organization of Trilobites. By H. Burmeister. 4to. 15. Natural History of the British Entomostraca. By W. Baird. 16. Reports and Papers on Botany. Edited by Arthur Henfrey. Raymond, Daniel-Thoughts on Political Economy.. 8vo. Balt. 1820 Geo.-Memoirs of R. W. Elliston, 1774-1810. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1844-5 --- ------ Michael-Mensonge. 2 v..... 16o. Brux. 1837 Raynal, T. G. F. (Abbe)-Europ6ens dans les Deux Indes. 7 v. 8vo. Le Haye. 1774 -.__ -- The Same. 17 v...... 24o. Lond. 1792. — - History of the American Revolution.. 12o. Lond. 1781 ___. — _ —- " Europeans in the Indies. (Fr. Fren.) 6 v. 12o. Edin. 1804 Rayner, B. L.-Life of Thos. Jefferson; with Letters.. 8vo. N. Y. 1832 - _- The Same...... 8vo. Bost. 1834 Read, Hollis-Hand of God in History.... 12o. Hartf. 1849 _ --- ----- Memoir of Christian Brahmun, Babajee. 2 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1836 - Harriete F.-Dramatic Poems.... 8vo. Bost. 1848 Catalogue.] R E A- R E I 199 Read, T. B.-Female Peets of America.... 8vo. Phil. 1849 -- -- Lays and Ballads..... 12o. Phil. 1849 Reade, J. E.-Prose from the South. 2 v..... 12o. Lond. 1847 Readings in Science..... 12o. Lond. 1838 Reason, Revelation, and Faith.....12o. Lond. 1848 Recollections of the Peninsula..... 12o. Phil. 1824 Records of the Spanish Inquisition. (Fr. Span.)...8vo. Bost. 1828 Reddie, Jas.-On International Law.... 8vo. Edin. 1842 - On the Law of Maritime Commerce...8vo. Lond. 1841 Redding, Cyrus-History and Description of Modern Wines. 8vo. Lond. 1835... — Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea. (C. M.) 2 v..16o. Lond. 1833 Rede, Wm. L.-Music for the Million... 8vo. Lond. no date. Redfield, J. W.-New System of Physiognomy...8vo. N. Y. 1849 ---- W. C.-Whirlwind Storms.... 8vo. N. Y. 1842 Redford, Geo.-Body and Soul; or, Life, Mind, and Matter.. 8vo. Lond. 1847 -- - -- (Ed'r)-Pastor's Sketch Book.. 180. N. Y. 1827 Reed, Andrew-Martha; a Memorial of a Sister... 12o. N. Y. 1835 & 6 --- - and Matheson, J.-Visit to the American Churches. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1835 --- Rebecca-Six Months in a Convent... 12o. Bost. 1835 -- Sampson-Observations on Growth of the Mind.. 18o. Bost. 1838 -- Wm. B.-Life and Correspondence of Joseph Reed. 2 v..8vo. Phil. 1847 *Rees, Abraham(Ed'r)-Cyclopwedia; or, Universal Dictionary. 47 v. 4to. Phil. no date - - Jas.-Dramatic Authors of America... 12o. Phil. 1845 Reese, Dav. M.-Epidemic of 1819 in Baltimore.. 12o. Bait. 1819. —--.- Humbugs of New-York.. 12o. N. Y. 1838 --- - Phrenology Known by its Fruits.. 12o. N.. 1836 -.- Quakerism versus Calvinism... 12o. N. Y. 1834 Reeve, Hen.-Characteristics of Painters... vo. Lond. 1842 Reflector, the. See Hunt, Leigh. Refutation of Misstatements in Lockhart's Life of Scott. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Regnard, J. F.-Theatre. See Repertoire du Theatre Francais. 3v. 12o. Paris. 1813 Regnault, Eugene-Criminal History of the English Govern. (Fr. Fren.) 12o. N. Y. 1843 ----- M. V.-Treatise on Crystallography...8vo. Lond. 1848 Reiche, C. C.-Discourses on the Works of Nature.. 12o. Phil. 1791 Reichenbach, C. von-Relat'n of Imponderables to Vital Force. (Fr. Ger.) 8vo. Lond. 1850 Reid, Alex.-Dictionary of the English Language. (Fr. Ger.).12o. N. Y. 1845 -- D. B.-Acoustics and Ventilation in the House of Commons 4to. Edin. 1825 -- -- Elementary Chemistry. See Chambers' Educational Course. -- --- Elements of Chemistry.. 8vo. Edin. 1839.- - Examinations in Chemistry. 2 v... 12o. Edin. 1825 --- --- Theory and Practice of Ventilation. 8vo. Lond. 1824 ---- Hugo-Chemistry of Nature.. 12o. Edin. 1837 _- -- " of Science and Art... 12o. Edin. 1840 - Outlines of Medical Botany... 12o. Edin. 1832 --- Steam Engine..... 12o. Edin. 1838 - (Mrs.)-Woman; her Education and Influence 12o. N. Y. 1847 - Thos,-Intellectual and Active Powers of Man. 2 v.. 8vo. Phil. 1793 --- -- Works; with Life and Writings by Stewart. 3 v.. 8vo. N. Y. 1822. — The Same. Edited by Sir W. Hamilton. 8vo. Edin. 1846 Win. (Col.)-Attempt to Develope the Law of Storms 8vo. Lond. 1838 200 RE I —R E P [Merc. Lib. Reid, Wm. (Col.)-Law of Storms, &c., Applied to Navigation. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Reign of Humbug, the; a Satirical Poem... 8vo. Lond. 1836 Reinhard, Fran.-Memoirs and Confessions. (Fr. Ger.).. 12o. Bost. 1832 ---- - Plan of the Founder of Christianity. (Fr. Ger.) 12o. N. Y. 1831.-.. - - Religious Conference; in Four Dialogues. 12o. N. Y. 1808 Religious Discourses; by a Layman..... 12o. Phil. 1828 Remarkable Shipwrecks...... 12o. Hartf. 1813 Remarks on the Science of History..... 12o. Bost. 1849 Remembrance of Bon Church, Isle of Wight... 12o. Lond. no date Render, Win.-Tour through Germany. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1801 Rengger, J. R.-Reign of Dr. De Francia in Paraguay. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Lond. 1827 Rennie, J.-Architecture, Habits, and Faculties of Birds. (L.E. K.) 3 v. 12o. Lond. 1831-5 ---— _ - Natural History of Birds. (H. F. L.).. 18o. N. Y....-*.- New Supplement to the Pharmacopoeias &c. 8vo. Lond. 1833 Alphabets. 8v...... 18o. Lond. 1832-7 Angling, Botany, Gardening, Insects, Medical Botany, Natural Philosophy, Natural Theology, Zoology. -- —.. and Westwood, J. O.-Insects; their Architecture, &c. 12o. Lond. 1830-1 Rennell, Jas.-Memoir of a Map of Hindostan... 4to. Lond. 1792 Rennevill (Mde)-Biographie des Femmes Illustres. 2 v. o 12o. Paris. 1825 Renouard, A. A.-Annales de l'Imprimerie des Aide.. 8vo. Paris. 1825 Renwick, Jas.-Elements of Mechanics.... 8vo. Phil. 1832 - First Principles of Natural Philosophy.. 18o. N. Y. 1842 --- - Life of De Witt Clinton. (H. F. L.).. 18o. N. Y. 1840 -- --- --- - Lives of John Jay and Alex. Hamilton. (H. F. L.) 18o. N. Y. 1840 ---- -- Outlines of Geology.... 12o. N. Y. 1838 ----- -- " Natural Philosophy. 2 v... 8vo. N. Y. 1822-3 -- — ~ —- Treatise on the Steam Engine... 8vo. N. Y. 1830 ---- ------ _-.The Same. 2d Edition.... 8vo. N. Y. 1839 Repertoire General du Theatre Franqais. 51 v... 12o. Paris. 1813 Vols. 1-3. P. Corneille. Vols. 14-20. Moliere. 4. T. Corneille. 21-23. Regnard. 5-7. Racine. 24-28. Trag6dies 8, 9. Cr6billon. 29-30. Drames. 10-13. Voltaire. 31-51. Comedies. Repertorium Bibliographicum; or, Account of British Libraries. 8vo. Lond. 1819 Repertory of Patent Inventions. Vols. 10-18... 8vo. Lond. 1838-42 ----- The Same. Enlarged Series. Vols. 1-15. [Continued.] 8vo. Lond. 1843-50 Reply to Ballantyne Humbug Handled.... 8vo. Lond. 1839 Report, Minutes of Evidence, Index, &c., on Arts as conn. with Manuf. Fol. Lond. 1836.... " Affairs of Brit. Mus. 2 v. Fol. Lond. 1835 ----- 4".... Public Libraries Fol. Lond. 1849 --- - of American Institute..... 8vo. Albany. 1847 Citizens of Boston, on Increase of Duties. 8vo. Bost. 1827 - Commissioners of Patents for 1847... 8vo. N. Y. 1848 ---- " <( 1848... 8vo. Wash. 1849 ---- Committee of Arrangements for the Obsequies of Harrison 8vo. N. Y. 1841 ---- Governors of the Alms House for 1849... 8vo. N. Y. 1849 Inspectors of State Prisons of N. Y. State.. 8vo. Albany. 1850 Merchants of Liverpool on Payment of Town's Dues. 8vo. Lond. 1835 _..... Sec. of Treas. on Public Credit.. 8vo. Phil. 1795 Catalogue.] REP - R E V 201 Report of Sec. of Treas. on Finances and Public Appropriations. 8vo. Wash. 1839.-.- " -The Same; for 1849... 8vo. Wash. 1.850 --- " with Essays on Protective System. 8vo. Wash. 1846 Land Office Commissioner's Report 8vo. Wash. 1847 on Commerce and Navigation of U. States 8vo. Wash. 1848 --— " <( Scientific Investigation of Sugars, &c. 8vo. Wash. 1848 ---- " Warehousing System... 8vo. Wash. 1849 Select Committee on Canal Frauds of N. Y. State. 8vo. Albany. 1847 Superintendent (A. D. Bache) of Coast Survey for 1849. 8vo. Wash. 1850 --— _ ~ " of Common Schools of N. Y. State. 8vo. Albany. 1847 on Colonial Trade of United States and Great Britain. 8vo. Wash. 1842 Commerce and Manufactures of Switzerland. (By Bowring.) Fol. Lond. 1836 Commer. Relat. of France with Gt. Brit. (By Bowring.) 2 v. Fol. Lond. 1834-5 Literary and Scientific Institutions of England. 12o. Lond. 1841 New-York State Cabinet of Natural History. 8vo. Albany. 1850 Penitentiaries of the United States. (By Crawford.) Fol. Lond. 1834 Poor-Law Commission..... Fol. Lond. 1834 Present Quarantine Laws.... 8vo. Albany. 1846 Reports and Documents; Minutes, &c., concerning East India Co.. 4to. Lond. 1830-2 ---- " on State Lunatic Asylum at Worces., Mass. 8vo. Bost. 1837 of Alms House Commissioners for 1847-8. 2 v... 8vo. N. Y. 1847-8 - American Bible Society for 1817-21.. 8vo. N. Y. 1817-21 British and Foreign Bible Society, 1805-19. 5 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1805-19 _ —— _ " Association for Advancement of Science, 1831-49 8vo. Lond. 1832-50 on Ecclesiastical Revenue and Patronage in Ireland. 3 v.. Fol. Lond. 1833-6 Natural History of Massachusetts. 5 v... 8vo. Bost. 1839-46 Part 1. Fishes and Reptiles. By D. H. Storer. Birds. By W. B. 0. Peabody. 2. Herbaceous Plants. By Chester Dewey. Quadrupeds. By Eben. Emmons. 3. Invertebrata. By A. A. Gould. 4. Insects Injurious to Vegetation. By T. W. Harris. 5. Indigenous Trees and Shrubs. By George B. Emerson. - Policy and Operation of the Navigation Laws. 2 v.. Fol. Lond. 1848 - Public Records of Great Britain. 2 v... Fol. Lond. 1819 Repton, Humphrey-Landscape Gardening, and Architecture. 8vo. Lond. 1840 Republic of Letters; a Republication of Standard Works. 2 v.. 4to. N. Y. 1834-5 The Same; continued. Vols. 3-6... 8vo. N. Y. 1835-6 Republic of the United States of America.. 12o. N. Y. 1848 Reresby, Sir J.-Travels and Memoirs.... 8vo. Lond. 1821 Restant, Pierre-Principes de la Grammaire Frangaise.. 12o. Amst'dam. 1770 Retrospective Review. 16 v...... 8vo. Lond. 1820-8 Returns (Parliamentary) relating to Mills and Factories.. Fol. Lond. 1839 on the Slave Trade of East India and Ceylon Fo]. Lond. 1838 Retz, J. F. de (Cardinal)-Memoires par Lui-meme. 2 v... 12o. Paris. 1844 Memoirs of Himself. (Fr. Fren.) 3 v... 8vo. Phil. 1817 *Retzsch, Moritz-Umrisse zu Schiller's Lied von der Glocke. 4to. Stuttgart. 1837 * ---- - Illustrations of Goethe's Faust... 4to. Lond. 1843 Reuss, W. F.-Trade between Great Britain and the United States 8vo. Lond. 1833 Reveille, Parise J. H.-Hygiene des Hommes Studieuses.. 8vo. Brux. 1840 Reveley, Hen.-Notices of Drawings and Sketches of the Best Masters 8vo. Lond. 1820 26 202 RE V — R I C [Merc. Lib. Revere, Jos. W.-Tour of Duty in California... 12. N. Y. 1849 Review of Brougham's Translation of Demosthenes de Corona. 12o. Lond. 1840 -- - the Lady Superior's " Answer to Six Months in a Convent" 8vo. Bost. 1835 -Laws of the United States, Brit. Provinces, & W. Indies 8vo. Lond. 1790 Revue de Paris. Vols. 1-18... 8vo. Paris. 1839-40 - - Encyclopedique. Vols. 45-52.... 8vo. Paris. 1830-1 --- Frangaise. 7 v...... 8vo. N. Y. 1833-7 Reybaud, Louis-Etudes sur Reformnteurs. 2 v... 8vo. Paris. 1844-8.-...- -- Jerome Paturot et une Position Sociale. 2 v. in one 16o. Paris. 1847.. — -- Jerome Paturot et les Republiques. 4 v... 12o. Paris. 1849 Reynaud, A. A. L. (Baron)-Traite de Mathemat., de Physique, etc. 8vo. Paris. 1824 Reyneval, Gerard de-Derecho Natural des Gentes. 2 v... 18o. Paris. 1825 Reynolds, Geo.-Scholar's Introduction to Merchant's Accounts 8vo. Lond. 1829 ------- J. N.-On an Explor. Exped. to Pacific Ocean and South seas 8vo. N.. 1836 -.-. — Voyage Round the World in 1831-4.. 8vo. N.Y.. 1835 ----- Sir Joshua-Complete Works. 3 v... 16o. Lond. 1824 -- -- -- Discourses. Edited by John Burnet.. 4to. Lond. 1842 ----- --- Literary Works; with a Life. 2 v. 1. 60o. Lond. 1835 Rhind, W.-Age of the Earth.... 12o. Lond. 1838 -. —- Geology and Physical Geography. 12o. Edin. 1837 Rhoads, J.-Primary Arithmetic..... 12o. Phil. 1844 --- - Second Part of Practical Arithmetic.. 12o. Phil. 1849 Rhododaphne; or, the Thessalian Spell. A Poem... 16o. Lond. 1818 Ricardo, Dav.-Political Economy and Taxation... 8vo. Georgetown.1819 ------- J. L.-Anatomy of the Navigation Laws... 8vo. Lond. 1847 Ricci, Scipio de-Secrets of Nunneries Disclosed.. 12o. N. Y. 1834 Rice, E. L.-Introduction to American Literature... 12o. Cincin. 1846 - J. H., and B. H.-Memoir of Jas. B. Taylor.. 12o. N. Y. 1833 Rich, Anth. (Jr.)-Illustrated Companion to Lat. and Grk. Dictionaries 12o. Lond. 1849 Claudius J.-Journey to Site of Babylon, 1811.. 8vo. Lond. 1839 - Residence in Koordistan, &c. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1836 *- O.-Catalogue of Books relating principally to Amer., 1500-1700 8vo. Lond. 1832 -. -- Bibliotheca Americana Nova. Part I. 1700-1800. 8vo. Lond. 1835 * - - The Same. Part II. 1800-30... 8vo. Lond. 1844 * --- Supplement to the Same. Part I 1700-1800.. 8vo. Lond. 1841 Richards, Wm.-Complete Penman.... 4to, Lond. 1753 *Richardson, Chas.-Dictionary of the English Language. 2 v.. 4to. Lond. 1839 *___ —--- - _ The Same; abridged... 8vo. Lond. 1839 Illustrations of English Philology.. 4to. Lond. 1815 ----- D. L,-Literary Leaves; or, Prose and Verse. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1840 -- P — G. F.-Geology for Beginners. 12o. Lond. 1843 H___ H. D.-Dogs; their Origin and Varieties.. 12o. Dublin. 1847 - ____ --- Hive and the Honey-Bee. 16o. Dublin. 1849 -_ -Jas.-Travels in Desert of Sahara. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1848 John. See Fauna Boreali Americana.:* —---.. — and others-Zoology of Capt. Beechey's Voyage 4to. Lond. 1.839 --- Robt. —Travels along the Mediterranean, 1816-18. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1822.- -.. — Wm. —On Shakspeare's Dramatic Characters.. 8vo. Lond. 1812 - W. H.-Journal of a Soldier in Mexico. 12o. Balt. 1848 3Richerand, A.-Elements of Physiology. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Phil. 1818 & 25 Catalogue.] RI C — R I T 203 Richesse de la Hollande. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1798 Richmond, Legh-Annals of the Poor... 18o. N. Y. 1850 Domestic Portraiture.... 12o. N. Y. 1833 Richter, J. P. F.-Das Sch6nste und Gediegenste a. s. Schriften. 11 v. 16o. Leipzig. 1826-37 --- -- Sammtliche Werke. 5 v..... 8vo. Paris. 1836-7 -- -- Levana; or, Doctrine of Education. (Fr. Ger.) 12o. Lond. 1848 Rickman, Thos.-Architecture in England from Conquest to Reforma. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Ricord, Eliz.-Philosophy of Mind..... 12o. Geneva,N.Y.1840 Riddell, J. L. —Monograph of the Silver Dollar... 8vo. N. Orleans. 1845 Riddle, J. E.-Illust. of Aristotle on Men and Manners; fr. Shakspeare 12o. Oxford. 1832 _ - -_- ~Manual of Christian Antiquities... 8vo. Lond. 1839 & 42 Ridley, G.-Review of Phillips' Life of Reginald Pole.. 8vo. Lond. 1766 Ridpath, Geo.-Border History of England and Scotland.. 4to. Lond. 1776 Riedesel (Baroness von)-Letters and Mem. on Revol. War. (Fr. Ger.) 12o. N. Y. 1827 Riffault, J. R. D.-Manuel de Chimie.... 18o. Paris. 1825 Rights of Morality; Essay on English Society... 18o. Lond. 1832 Riley, Jas.-Loss of American Brig Commerce, on African Coast 8vo. N. Y. 1817 Rilliet, M. A.-Calvin and Servetus. (Fr. Fren.)... 16o. Edin. 1846 and Barthez-On the Pneumonia of Children. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Phil. 1839 Ringelbergius, J. F.-De Ratione Studii. (Fr. Ger.).. 12o. Phil. 1847 Rio, A. del-Ruins of Ancient City in Guatemala.. 4to. Lond. 1822 Riofrey, A. M. B.-Treatise on Physical Education.. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Ripley, Geo.-On Latest Form of Infidelity... 8vo. Bost. 1840 -- - (Ed'r)-Specimens of Foreign Standard Literature. 15 v. 12o. Bost. 1838-45 Vols. 1, 2. Philosophical Miscellanies of Cousin, Jouffroy, and Constant. (Fr. Fren.) 3. Schiller, Friedrich; and Goethe, J. W. von. Select Minor Poems. (Fr. Ger.) 4. Eckermann, J. P. Conversations with Goethe. (Fr. Ger.) 5, 6. Jouffroy, Theodore. Introduction to Ethics. (Fr. Fren.) 7-9. Menzel, Wolfgang. German Literature. (Fr. Ger.) 10,-11. De Wette, W. M. L. Theodore; or, Sceptic Converted. (Fr. Ger.) 12, 13. " " " Human Life; or, Practical Ethics. (Fr. Ger.) 14. Songs and Ballads, from Uhland, K6rner, &c. (Fr. Ger.) 15. Correspondence between Schiller and Goethe. (Fr. Ger.) R. S.-War with Mexico. 2 v.... 8vo. N.Y. 1849 Ritch, J. W.-American Architect. 2 v.... 4to. N. Y. no date Ritchie, Leitch-Russia and the Russians... 12o. Phil. 1836 Robt.-Farm Engineel..... 8vo. Glasgow. 1849 -. —-.- Railways; Rise and Progress, &c.. 16o. Lond. 1846 - Wm.-Differential and Integral Calculus... 12o. Lond. 1847 -- -- Principles of Geometry.... 12o. Lond. 1833 Ritson, Jos.-Ancient Songs and Ballads. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1829 Annals of the Caledonian Picts and Scots. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1828 ---- -- Bibliographia Poetica. (Catalogue of Eng. Poets.) 8vo. Lond. 1802 --- -- [English Anthology.] 3 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1793-4 - - Fairy Tales..... 12o. Lond. 1831 - Letters; with a Memoir. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1833 Life of King Arthur.... 8vo. Lond. 1825. — - - Memoirs of the Celts or Gauls... 8vo. Lond. 1827 Northern Garlands.... 8vo. Lond. 1810 -- Pieces of Ancient Poetry.... 8vo. Lond. 1833. Robin Hood. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1832 204 RI T R O B [Merc. Lib. Ritson, Jos.-Select Collection of English Songs. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1813 Ritter, H.-History of Ancient Philosophy: (Fr. Ger.) 4 v.. 8vo. Oxford. 1838-46 Roads and Railroads; Vehicles, &c., in Modern Times.. 12o. Lond. 1839 Robberds, J. W.-Life and Writings of Wi. Taylor, of Norwich. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1843 Robbins, Eliza-English History..... 12o. N. Y. 1843 ---- -- Grecian " 12o. N. Y.. 1833. —-.- Tales from American History. See Boys' and Girls' Library. ----- a- Royal-Outlines of Ancient and Modern History. 12o. Hartf. 1830 Roberts, EdJm.-Embassy to China in the "Peacock," 1832-4 8vo. N. Y. 1837 Emma-Memoirs of the Houses of York and Lancaster. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1827 ---- Scenes, &c., of Hindostan. 2 v... 12o. Phil. 1836 ------ Geo.-Dictionary of Terms in Geology 160. Lond. 1839.._ —. Jos.-Oriental Illustrations of Sacred Scriptures e. 8vo. Lond. 1844 -— M rMary-Conchologist's Companion.,. 16o. Lond. 1834 - Progress of Creation... 16o. Lond. 1846 ---- -- Sea-Side Companion.... 12o. Lond. 1835 ---- O. W.-Voyages on Coast of Central America. (C. M.). 16o. Edin. 1827 - Wm.-Looker-On. See British Essayist. Vols. 41-44. ---- - Wm.-Memoirs of Hannah More. 2 v,.. 12o. N. Y. 1834 - The Same. 2 v...... 12o. N. Y. 1836 Wm. —History of Letter Writing. 8vo. Lond. 1843 Robertson, Arch.-Elements of the Graphic Arts. Vol. 1. Fol. N. Y. 1802 ----- D.-Trial of Aaron Burr for Treason. 2 v... 8vo. Phil. 1808 ----- SJas.-Mission of Secession Church to Nova Scotia, &c. 12o. Edin. 1847 * -- - - Jos.-Theological Lectures.... 8vo. Edin. 1806 J. P., and W. P.-Four Years in Paraguay. 2 v.. 12o. Phil. 1838 ------ -- De Francia's Reign of Terror. 2 v...12o. Phil. 1839 * —--- Wnm.-Dictionary of Latin Phrases... 12o. Lond. 1829 Disquisition on Ancient India... 8vo. Phil. 1812 - --- -- History of America. 2 v.... 8vo. Albany. 1822 The Same..... 8vo. N.Y. 1837 ---- -- -- The Same; abridged. (H. F. L.). 18o. N. Y. no date ----- -- - History of the Reign of Charles V. 3 v.. 8vo. Albany. 1822 - (-_ - The Same; abridged. (H. F. L.).. 18o. N. Y. 1848 ----- - History of Scotland under Mary.. 8vo. Lond. no date The Same; and Ancient India.. 8vo. N. Y. 1829 ----- W. H.-On Diet and Regimen.... 12o. Lond. 1838 Robinson, Alf.-Life in California.... 12o. N. Y. 1846. —--- Edw., & Smith, E.-Bib. Researches in Palestine in 1838. 3 v. 8vo. Bost. 1841 ----- -- (Mrs.)-[Language and Literature of Sclavic Nations] 12o. N. Y. 1850 ----- Fayette-California and its Gold Regions.. 8vo. N. Y. 1849 ---- -- Mexico and her Military Chieftains.. 12o. Phil. 1847. —.. -.- Organization of the United States Army. 2 v.. 12o. Phil. 1848 ---- — H. (Ed'r)-Zurich Letters.... 8vo. Camb. (E.) 1846 H. B.-Memoirs of Gen. Sir Thos. Picton. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1836 -- Jas.-Art of making British Wines, Cordials, &c.. 16o. Lond. 1848 —. — John-Antiquities of Greece.... 8vo. Loud. 1807 -- ----- John-Conspiracy of Freemasons against Religion and Gov. 8vo. Phil. 1798 ------ J. H.-Expedition up Orinoco and Arauca.. 8vo. Lond. 1822 Mary —Memoirs of her own Life. See Autobiography. Catalogue.] R B — R 0 205 Robinson, Sam.-Catalogue of American Minerals. 8vo. Bost. 1825 ----- Thos.-Last Days of Bishop Heber... 12o. N. Y. 1831 Scripture Characters; with a Memoir. 4 v.. 12o. Lond. 1837 --- - Thos. R.-Poems..... 12o. Brooklyn. 1808 _- --- Wm.-Self-Education.... 16o. Lond. 1845 Robson, Jos.-Residence in Hudson's Bay.... 8vo. Lond. 1752 Rocca -- War of French in Spain. 8vo. Phil. 1823 Roche, Martin-American Book-keeping.. 8vo. Phil. 1835 Rockwell, Chs. —Sketches of Foreign Travel. 2 v.. 8vo. Bost. 1842 Rodd, Thos. (Trans.)-Spanish Ballads. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1812 Roe, Rich.-Book-keeping... 8vo. Lond. 1825 - - ---:Radiography; a System of Short-Hand.. 8vo. Lond. 1821 Roebuck, J. A.-Colonies of England.... 8vo. Lond. 1849 Roelker, Bernard-Constitutions of France....12o. Bost. 1848 Roger, Chas.-Collation of English Translations of Bible. 4to. Lond. no date Rogers, Eliza-Lives of the Twelve Cesars. 5 v... 8vo. Lond. 1811 Hen.-Reason and Faith.... 240. Lond. 1850 -. D.-Geology of New Jersey.... 8vo. Phil. 1840 --- H. J.-Telegraph Dictionary.. 8vo. Balt. 1845 ---- N. P. —Fugitive Pieces..... 12o. Concord. 1847 Robt. (Maj.)-Excursions in North America in Late War 8vo. Lond. 1765 ---- Sam.-Italy; a Poem. 2 v.... 12o. N. Y. 1823 -----. Pleasures of Memory; a Poem... 18o. N. Y. 1820 -— _ -- The Same. (Bound with Campbell, Thos.) -- - Poems...... 16o. Lond. 1827 ---- -- Campbell, Montgomery, Lamb, and K. White; Poems 8vo. Phil. 1836 - -T. J.-Lives of Heroes of Revolutionary War.. 12o. Easton,(Pa.)1823 - - - The Same..... 12o. N. Y. 1834 ----- W. B.-Geological Survey of Virginia for 1838.. 4to. Richmond. 1839 - The Same, for 1839-40.... 8vo. Richm'd. 1840-1 - Woodes-Voyage Round the World in 1708-11.. 8vo. Lond. 1712 Roget, Peter M.-[Animal Physiology.] (L. U. K.).. 8vo. Lond. 1830 --- -- Animal and Vegetable Physiology. See Bridgewater Treatises. -- Physiology and Phrenology. 2 v... 8vo. Edin. 1838 --- -~ — Treatises on Electricity, Galvanism, &c. (L. U. K.) 8vo. Lond. 1832 Roland, Geo.-Treatise on the Art of Fencing... 8vo. Edin. 1823 ---- (Mde.) —Mmoires. 2 v...... 8vo. Paris. 1827 __ — - Appeal to Impartial Posterity. 2 v.. 8vo. N. Y. 1798 Rolliad, the; Probationary Odes for the Laureateship.. 8vo. Lond. 1799 Rollin, Chas.-Histoire Romaine. 20 v.... 18. Paris. 1816 ------ Egyptians and other Ancient Nations. (Fr. Fren.) 4 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1825 - The Same. 8 v..... 12o. Hartf. 1836-7 - - The Same. 2 v..... 8vo. N. Y. 1837 -- -- Arts and Sciences of the Ancients. (Fr. Fren.). 8vo. Glasgow. 1832 -- - --- History of Rome. (Fr. Fren.) 16 v... 8vo. Lond. 1754 Romance of Modern Travel..... 16o. Lond. 1850 Romer (Mrs.)-The Rhone, Darro, and Guadalquiver. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1843 ----- Temples and Tombs of Egypt, Nubia, &c. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1846 Romilly, Sir Samuel-Life of..... 16o. Lond. 1842 Ronna,A.-Teatro Scelto, Italiano..... 8vo. Paris. 1837 206 R -- R 0 U [Mllerc. Lib. Root, J.-Horrors of Delirium Tremens... 8vo. N. Y. 1844 Roper, Wm.-Life of Sir Thomas More.. 18o. Lond. 1832 *Roquefort, J. B. B. de-Dictionnaire Francaise 2 v... 8vo. Paris. 1829 Rordansz, C. W.-European Commerce.... 8vo. Bost. 1819 Roscoe, Hen.-Life of his Father, Wn. Roscoe. 2 v... 12o. Bost. 1833 ---- -- Lives of Eminent British Lawyers. (L. C. C.) 16o. Lond..-. -- The Same. 2 v..... 12o. Phil. 1841 ---- Thos —Italian Novelists, till 19th Century. 4 v.. 16o. Lond. 1836 ---- - - Life of M. de Cervantes Saavedra. (M. F. L.). 16o. Lond. 1839 ---- -- Lives of Eng. Kings from Norman Conquest. Vol. 1 8vo. Phil. 1846 - Wm.-Life of Lorenzo de Medici. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1825.- -- The Same; abridged.... 16o. Lond. 1836. — - Life and Pontificate of Leo X. 6 v... 8vo. Lond. 1806 - Origin and Vicissitudes of Literature, Science, and Art 4to. Liverpool. 1817 - - Wm. S.-Poems...... 16o. Lond. 1834 Rose, Hen.-Chemical Analysis. (Fr. Ger.) 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1848-9 ---- - M- Manual of Analytical Chemistry. (Fr. Ger.).. 8vo. Lond. 1831 ---- - Traite d'Analyse Chimique. (De l'Allemand.). 8vo. Brux. 1836 * — H. J.-General Biographical Dictionary. 12 v... 8vo. Lond. 1840-8 Ross, Alex.-Continuation of Raleigh's History of tile World Fol. Lond. 1652 -- -- First Settlers on Oregon, or Columbia River. 8vo. Lond. 1849 - Dav.-Atmopathy and Hydropathy.... 16o. Lond. 1848 - Sir J. C.-Voyage of Discovery and Research, 1839-43. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1847, — - Second Voyage in Search of a N. W. Passage in 1829-33 4to. Lond. 1835 The Same..8vo. Phil. 1835 - Appendix to the Same.... 4to. Lond. 1835 -.- - Memoirs and Correspondence of Admiral Saumarez. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1838 -On Steam Navigation.. 4to. Lond. 1837 - J. H.-Golden Rules of Health.. 12o. N. Y. 1849 - W. A.-Yacht Voyage to Norway, &c.... 8vo. Lond. 1849 W. P. M.-Accountant's Own Book. 12o. Phil. 1848 -- -- Double Entry Book-keeping.. 4to. Phil. 1847 Rossini, G.-Mose in Egitto. (An Opera.) 8vo.. Paris. no date -.- -- Stabat Mater. (An Oratoria.)... to. Paris. no date Rotteck, Chas. von-History of the World to 1831. (Fr. Ger.) 4 v. 8vo. Phil. 1840 Rouillon, de-French Companion..... 18o. N. Y. 1841 Roupell, G. L.-Treatise on Typhus Fever... 8vo. Phil. 1840 Rousseau, J. Baptist-CEuvres Poetiques. See Boileau-Deslprea'ux, N. ------- J. Jaques-(EuvresCompletes. 25 v... 8vo. Paris. 1823-5 Vols. 1, 2. Discours. Vols. 11. Ecrits sur la Musique. ( 3, 4. Emile. " 12, 13. Dictionnaire de Musique. " 5. Politique. " 14-16. Les Confessions. 6. Lettres de la Montagne. " 17. Dialogues. " 7. Lettres sur la Botanique. " 18-22. Correspondance. " 8, 9. La Nouvelle Heloise.' 23, 24. (Euvres Inedits. 10. Melanges; ou, Litterature Variee. " 25. Table Generale. - Emile; ou, de'Education... 18o. Paris. 1844 _____ - Nouvelle Hloise.... 18o. Paris. 1845 & 7 C — Euvres Choisies..... 18o. Paris. 1804 _____ - -- Confessions. (Fr. Fren.) Part 2. 3 v.. 16o. Lond. 1790..- --.Eloisa; a Series of Letters. (Fr. Fren.) 3 v.. 12o. Lond. 1810 Catalogue.] R 0 U- RU S 207 Rousseau, J. Jaques-Emilius and Sophia. (Fr. Fren.) 4 v.. 18o. Lond. 1762-3.. —--- -- Inquiry into the Social Contract. (Fr. Fren.). 12o. Lond. 1791 --- -- Letters to De Malesherbes and others. (Fr. Fren.) 18o. Lond. 1799 - - The Same. See Voltaire, F. M. Arouet de. Rowan, F. M.-History of the French Revolution. 2 v. in 1. 18o. N. Y. 1845 *Rowbotham, John-Dictionary of English Words from Grk. and Lat. 16o. Lond. 1838, —---- - --- Grammar of the German Language..16o. Lond. 1832 *Rowlett, John-Tables of Interest.... 4to. Phil. 1802 Rowton, Fred. (Ed'r)-Female Poets of Great Britain.. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Roy, Rammohun-Precepts of Jesus; with First Reply to Marshman 8vo. Lond. 1833. The Same; with First and Second Replies to Marshman 8vo. N. Y. 1825 - - Second Reply to Marshman... 8vo. Lond. 1834 - - (Ed'r)-Principal Books & Passages of the Veds. (Fr. Sans.) 8vo. Lond. 1832 Royall, Anne-[Sketches of the United States]... 12o. N. Haven. 1826 Roger, Alphonse-Manel.... 18o. Brux. 1834 -- C. E.-Institutions de Credit Foncier en Allemagne et en Belg. 8vo. Paris. 1845 Rufiana; or, Poetical Sinnings of Wm. Rufus... 12o, N. Y. 1826 Rugby Magazine. Vol. 1..... 12o. Lond. 1835-6 Rules for the Naval Service of the United States... 12o. Wash. 1818 - - of the Bombay Geographical Society... 8vo. Bombay. 1836 Rumford, Ben. (Count)-Essays; Political, Economical, &c. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1796-8 Rumsey, J.-[Life and Character of Thos. Bateman].. 8vo. Lond. 1827 Ruoff-Repertory of Homceopathic Medicine. (Fr. Ger.).. 12o. N. Y. 1845 Rupp, J. D. (Ed'r)-Religious Denominations in the United States 8vo. Phil. 1844 Rural Visiter; a Periodical Work.... 4to. Burl. (N. J.) 1811 Ruschenberger,W. S. W. (Ed'r)-First Book Nat. Hist. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1847 Anatomy and Physiology. From Milne Edwards, and A Comte. Mammalogy. " " " " Ornithology. " " "44 Herpetology and Ichthyology." " " I Conchology. " " " " Entomology. ( " " Botany. ( " " Geology. From S. F. Beudant, Milne Edwards, and A. Comte. E.. —.;-. Three Years in the Pacific.. 8vo. Phil. 1834 Voyages Round the World in 1835-7. 8vo. Phil. 1838 Rush, Benj.-Medical Inquiries and Observations. 4 v... 8vo. Phil. 1805..... " " on Mental Diseases... 8vo. Phil. 1830 -- Jac.-Charges on Moral and Religious Subjects.. 12o. Phil. 1804 - The Same.... 18o. Lennox. 1815 -- Jas.-Philosophy of the Human Voice... 8vo. Phil. 1833 -- Rich.-Residence at the Coirt of London... 8vo. Phil. 1833 RuSkin, John (" Graduate of Oxf.")-[Modern Painters.] Vols. 1 & 2 8vo. Lond. 1846 --- - - [The Same.] Vols. 1 and 2..12o. N. Y. 1847 - Seven Lamps of Aichitecture.. 8vo. Lond. 1849 -- TheSame.. 12. N. Y. 1849 Russell, A.-Principles of Statistical Inquiry. 8vo. N. Y. 1839 - John-Tour in Germany in 1820-2..8vo. Bost. 1825 ---- -- The Same. (C. M.) 2 v.. 16o Edin. 1828 Lord John-[Causes of the French Reolution].. 8vo. Lond. 1832.-... Life and Times of Lord Wm. Russell. 4to. Lond. 1819 208 R U S- SA C [Merc. Lib. Russell, J. F.-Life of Samuel Johnson.... 16. Lond. 1847 ----- J. Scott-Nature, Properties, &c., of Steam.. 12o. Edin. 1841 ---- - Treatise on the Steam Engine... 12o. Edin. 1841 Michael-Ancient and Modern Egypt. (E. C. L.). 16o. Edin. 1838 ---- -- The Same. (H. F. L.).... 18o. N. Y. 1836 Connection of Sacred and Profane History. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1827-37 -___ —- -- History of the Barbary States. (E. C. L.). 16o. Edin. 1835 The Same. (H. F. L.).... 18o. N. Y. 1835 - History of Nubia and Abyssinia. (E. C. L.). 16o. Edin. 1833 ----- --- The Same. (H. F. L.).... 18o. N. Y. 1835. —.- -- History of Palestine. (E. C. L.).. 16o. Edin. 1831 ---- -- The Same. (H. F. L.).... 18o. N. Y. 1836 ---- -- History of Polynesia. (E. C. L.).. 16o. Edin. 1842 - The Same. (H. F. L.).... 18o. N. Y. 1843 ---- __ Life of Oliver Cromwell. (C. M.) 2 v.. 16o. Edin. 1829 The Same. (H. F. L.) 2 v.... 18o. N. Y. - Lady Rachel-Letters; fr. MSS. in Lib. at Woburn Abbey 16o. Lond. 1828 ---- Wm. —History of America. 2 v..... 4to. Lond. 1778 -- — _ " Ancient Europe. 2 v... 8vo. Phil. 1801 -" Modern Europe to 1825. 10 v.. 16o. Lond. 1829 ---- - The Same, to 1802. 5 v..... 8vo. Phil. 1815 ---- -- The Same. 3 v...... 8vo. N. Y. 1830 -. S.-Guide to Plymouth, and Recollections of the Pilgrims 18o. Bost. 1846 Ruter, Martin-History of the Christian Church.. 8vo. N. Y. 1839 Rutherford, Sam.-Three Hundred and Fifty-two Religious Letters 8vo. N. Y. 1826 Ruxton, G. F.-Adventures in Mexico and Rocky Mountains. 16o. Lond. 1847... -- The Same..... 12N.. Y. 1848 Life in the Far West.... 12o. N. Y. 1849 Ryan, Jas.-Elementary Treatise on Algebra.. 12o. N. Y. 1824:_ _ " " on Arithmetic.. 12o. N. Y. 1827 --- --: " on Mensuration.. 12o. N. Y. 1831 - - Michael-Medical Jurisprudence... 8vo. Lond. 1836 ---- Philosophy of Marriage.. 16o. Lond. 1837 - R. —Dramatic Table Talk.... 16o. Lond. 1825-30 ---- Poetry and Poets. Collection of Anecdotes. 3 v.. 16o. Lond, 1826 Ryland, Fred.-Diseases and Injuries of the Larynx and Trachea. 8vo. Phil. 1838 J. E.-Life and Correspondence of John Foster. 2 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1846 Sabbathier, F.-Institutions and Customs of Anc. Nations. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Lond, 1776 Sabin, Elijah R.-Life and Reflections of Charles Observator. 12o. Bost. 1816 Sabine, Lorenzo-American Loyalists.... 8vo. Bost. 1847 Sabrinae Corolla Regie Scholse Salopiensis.... 8vo. Lond. 1850 Sackville, Thos. (Earl of Dorset)-Poems. See Old English Poets. Sacred Classics; Edited by R. Cattermole and H. Stebbing. 30 v. 12o. Lond, 1830-6 Vol. 1. Taylor, J. Liberty of Prophesying. 2, 3. Cave, W. Lives of the Apostles. Notes and Essay, by Stebbing. 4. Bates, W. Spiritual Perfection Unfolded and Enforced. Essay, by Smith. 5. Hall, J. (Bp.) Treatises, Devotional and Practical. Essay, by Cattermole. 6. Baxter, R. Dying Thoughts. Essay, by Stebbing. 7. Taylor, J. Select Sermons. Essay, by Cattermole. 8. Butler, J. (Bp.) Analogy of Religion. Memoir, by Croly. Catalogue.] S A C - S A L 209 Sacred Classics (continued). 9. Watts, I. Lyric Poems. Essay, by R. Southey. 10, 11. Beveridge, W. Private Thoughts; Necessity.of Frequent Communion, etc. 12,13. Cave, W. Primitive Christianity; Paganism under First Christian Emps., etc. 14. Leighton, R. Expositions of Creed, Lord's Prayer, Ten Commandments, etc. 15. Sermons on Retirement, Self-Denial, and Resignation. 16. Sermons on Resurrection. 17. Sermons on Divinity and Operations of the Holy Spirit. 18. Boyle, R. Veneration due to God; Things above Reason. 19. Knox, V..Christian Philosophy. Essay, by H. Stebbing. 20. Howe, J. Select Treatises. Memoir, by T. Taylor. 21. Sacred Poetry of Seventeenth Century. Vol. 1. 22-24. Taylor, J. Life of Christ. 25. Locke, J. Reasonableness of Christianity. 26. Sacred Poetry of the 17th Century. Vol. 2. Essay and Remarks, by Cattermole. 27. Butler, J. (Bp.) Sermons and a Charge; and Defence of Butler, by Bp. Halifax. 28-30. Horne, G. (Bp.) Commentary on Psalms. Essay, by J. Montgomery. Sacy, A. I. S. de-Principles of General Grammar. (Fr. Fren.). 16o. N. Y. 1837 Sadler, Mich. Thos.; Life and Writings of... 8vo. Lond. 1842 Sady (of Shiraz)-Gulistan; or, Rose-Garden. (Poems.) (Fr. Pers.) 8vo. Lond. 1808 Sailor's Magazine. Vols. 10-21. [Continued.]... 8vo. N. Y. 1838-49 Saint Beuve, C. A.-Portraits Contemporains. 3 v... 12o. Paris. 1847 St. Croix, Baron de-On Life of Alex. Great by Ancient Historians 4to. Bath. 1793 St. Evremont, C.-Works. 3 v...... 8vo. Lond. 1828 St. George, C. —Civil and Ecclesiastical History of England. 2 v. 120. Lond. 1830 Saint Germain, B. de-Intelligence a l'Aide de l'Organisation. 8vo. Paris. 1848 St. John-Gospel of St. John in Mohawk... 18o. N. Y. 1818 -—.- Bayle-Adventures in the Libyan Desert... 12o. Lond. 1849. —. - The Same..... 12o. N. Y. 1849.-. —- -- Two Years' Residence in a Levantine Family. 8vo. Lond. 1850 -.. —.Chas.-Tour in Sutherlandshire. 2 v... 120. Lond. 1849 - H. R.-Life of Christopher Columbus... 16o. Lond. 1850 Jas. A.-Egypt and Mohammed All; Travels. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1834 _ —-- -- Egypt and Nubia..... 8vo. Lond. 1845 ---- -- fLives of Celebrated Travellers. (H. F. L.) 3 v.. 18o. N. Y. 1844 -- Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece. 3 v.. 8vo. Load. 1842 - S. Hector-Letters from an American Farmer.. 8vo. Lond. 1782 John R.-Lake Superior Country; and the Copper Mines 12o. N. Y. 1846 P. B.-French Revolution in 1848... 18o. N. Y. 1848 St. Leger, Barry-Stories from Froissart. 3 v... 12o. Lond. 1832 St. Marie (Count)-Visit to French Possessions in Africa in 1815. 12o. Loud. 1846 St. Pelaye, J. B. la C. de-Liter. History of Troubadours. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Lond. 1771 -- - - -Memoirs of Sir John Froissart. (Fr. Fren.). 120. Lond. 1801 St. Pierre, J. H. B. de-Paul et Virginie.... 8vo. Paris. 1823 --..- - Beauties of the Studies of Nature... 8vo. Lond. 1799 ---— _ - Studies of Nature. (Fr. Fren.) 5 v... 8vo. Lond. 1796.-.-.- The Same.... 8vo. Phil. 1836 Saintes, Amand-History of Rationalism in Germany. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Lond. 1849 Saintine, X. B.-Picciola; or, Captivity Captive... 12o. Paris. 1845 Saisset, Emile-Philosophie et Religion au XIX Siecle.. 1o. Paris. 1845 Salazan, F. L. de-Historia del Gerundio Campazas. 5 v.. 18o. Paris. 1824 Sale (Lady)-Disasters in Affghanistan in 1841-2... 12o. Lond. 1843 Sale of Authors; a Dialogue in Imitation of Lucian.. 12o. Lond. 1767 Salkeld, Jos.-Roman and Grecian Antiquities.. 180. N. Y. 1846 27 210 SAL — SAN [Merc. Lib. Sallust, Caius Crispus-Works and Life. (Fr. Lat.).. 8vo. Phil. 1824 ---- ---- Cataline Conspir. & Jugurthine War. (Fr. Lat.) (F.C.L.) 18o. N. Y. 1837 Salmon, Thos.-Chronological (English) Historian... 8vo. Lond. 1723.-.. -- Modern History; Present State of Nations. 32 v. 8vo. Lond. 1724-39 Salmond, Jas.-Review of the War in Mysore... 8vo. Lond. 1800 Salt, Hen.-On Young's and Champollion's System of Hieroglyphics 8vo. Lond. 1825 -- -------- Voyage and Travels in Abyssinia in 1809-10.. Fol. Lond. 1814 -- The Same...... 8vo. Phil. 1816 Salverte, Eus;be-Des Sciences Occultes.... 8vo. Paris. 1843 ---- -- - Philosophy of Magic. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1846' —-- -- The Same. 2 v..... 16o. N. Y. 1847 Salzmann, C. G.-Gymnastics for Youth. 8vo. Phil. 1802 Sammlung von Predigten der Berihmtesten Kanzelredner. Vol. 1 8vo. Leer. 1799 Sampson, Ezra-Remarker on Ways of Man.. 12o. Hud. 1818 & 20 - M. B.-Rationale of Crime. 12o. N. Y. 1846 -—.- Thos.-Electrotint..... 12o. Lond. 1842 -...-. Wm.-Discourse on the History of Law.. 8vo. Wash. 1826 Sancho, Ignatius-Letters; with a Memoir 8vo. Lond. 1803 Sand, Geo. [Mde. Dudevant]-Consuelo. 4 v.. 12o. Paris. 1845 ---- - --- Lettres d'un Voyageur. 2 v.... 18o. Brux. 1837 -- -- Mauprat. 2 v...... 18o. Brux. 1837 - -- CEuvres Completes. 16 v.... 12o. Paris. 1843-7 Vol. 1. Indiana. Vol. 9. Lettres d'un Voyageur. 2. Jacques. 10. Simon; L' Uscoque. 3. Valentine. 11. Mauprat. 4. Leone Leoni; Le Secretaire. 12. Compagnon du Tour de France. 5. Andr6 la Marquise. 13. Le Sept Cordes de la Lyre; Gabriel. Lavinia; Metella; Mattea. 14. Pauline; Les Majorcains. 6, 7. Lelia; Spiridion. Geo. de Guerin; Mouny Robin. 8. La Derniere Aldini. 15. Horace. 9. Les Maitres Mosaistes. 16. M6elanges. Sanderson, John-American in Paris. 2 v..... 12o. Phil. 1847 --- -- Biog. of Signers of Declaration of Independ. 12 v. 8vo. Phil. 1820-7 Sanford, Dan.-Remains; with a Memoir. 2 v.... 8vo. Edin. 1830 ------- E., and Walsh, Robt. (Ed'rs)-Brit. Poets; with Lives. 50 v. 18o. Phil. 1819-22 The Volume in which the Works of any Poet may be found is denoted by the number attached. This mark (+) indicates that the entire Poems of the Author are given; of others, only the Select Poems. t Addison, 14 Cary (Dante), 45, 46 t Denham, 6 Akenside, 28 Chatterton, 29 Dodsley, Earl of, 26 Armstrong, 31 Chaucer, 1 Donne, 4 Bampfylde, 37 Churchill, 27 Dorset, Earl of, 13 Beattie, 32 f Collins, 23 Drayton, 2 Bishop, 37 Colman (Terence), 44 Drummond, 5 Beaumont, 5 Congreve, 14 j-Dryden, 11, 12 Blacklock, 35 Cowper, 28 Duke, 13 Blackmore, 15 Corbet, 4 t Dyer, 19 Blackstone, 37 Cotton, C., 5 Falconer, 27 Blair, 21 Cotton, N., 35 Fenton, 14 Boyce, 31 Cowley, 6 Ferguson, 37 Brome, 5 Cowper, 36, 37 Fletcher, G., 5 Browne, W., 5 Craggs, 37 Fletcher, P., 5 Bruce, 37 Crashaw, 5 Franklin (Sophocles), 50 [ Burns, 38, 39 Cunningham, 32 Garth, 14 jButler, 9, 10 Daniel, 2 j Gay, 16 Carew, 4 Davenant, 5 Gascoigne, 1 Cartwright, 5 Davies, 4 Gifford (Persius), 44 Catalogue.] S AN -- SA V 211 Sanford, E., and Walsh, Robt. (Ed'rs)-British Poets (continued). Glover, 33 Mallet, 26 Shaw, 31 Glynn, 37 Mickle, 34 Sheffield, 14 Goldsmith, 30 Mickle (Camoens), 47 t Shenstone, 24 Gower, 1 t Milton, 7, 8 Sherburne, 5 Grainger, 27 Mitchell (Aristophanes), 44 Skelton, 1 Gray, 29 Montagu, 13 Smart, 30 tGreen, 17 Moore, 23 Smith, Edw., 13 Habington, 5 Otway, 10 Smollet, 33 Hall, 4 tParnell, 13 Somerville, 17 tHammond, 17 Pattison, 14 Spenser, 2 Harte, 29 tPhillips, 13 Spratt, 13 Hawthorn, 24 Pitt, 21 Stepney, 13 Herrick, 5 Pomfret, 10 Sterling, Earl of, 4 Hughes, 14 f Pope, 20, 21 Suckling, 5 Hunt (Tasso), 48, 49 Pope (Homer), 40-43 Surrey, Earl of, 1 Jago, 37 Porteus, 37 Swift, 18 Jenyns, 32 Potter (.Esch. & Eurip.), 50 Thompson, 28 Johnson, 31 Prior, 15 t Thomson, 22 Jones, Sir W., 35 Raleigh, Sir W., 5 t Tickell, 17 Jonson, Ben, 3 Ramsay, 26 Waller, 6 King, 13 Richardson, 37 Walsh, 13 Langhorne, 30 Roberts, 37 Warton, J., 34 Lansdowne, 17 Rochester, Earl of, 10 Warton, T. 34 Lloyd, 37 Roscommon, Earl of, 10 Watts, 23 Logan, 37 Rowe, 13 Whitehead, 37 Lovell, 37 Russel, 37 Wither, 5 Lovibond, 37 t Savage, 19 Wyatt, 1 Lyttelton, 31 Scott, 32 Yalden, 17 MacNeill, 39 Shakspeare, 3 t Young, 26 Sandby, Geo.-Mesmerism and its Opponents... 8vo. N. Y, 1844 Sandier, Louis-French Pronouncing Book.... 8vo. Lond. 1847 Sands, Robt. C.-Writings in Prose and Verse; with a Memoir. 2 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1834 Sandys, Wm.-Christmas Carols; Ancient and Modern.. 8vo. Lond. 1833 Sansom, Jos.-Sketches of Lower Canada... 12o. N. Y. 1817 Santagnello, M.-Dictionary of Peculiarities of Italian Language. 8vo. Lond. 1820 Sappho-Poems. Translated by Fawkes. (F. C. L. Bound with Hesiod.) Sargeant, John-Memoirs of Henry Martyn.... 18o. N. Y. 1821 The Same..... 12o. Hartf. 1822 The Same...... 12o. N. Y. 1844 Sarjeant, T.-System of Short-Hand; Gurney's Brachygraphy Impr'd 18o. Phil. 1789 Sargent, Epes-Life of Henry Clay..... 8vo. N. Y. 1844 -— _ — - Songs of the Sea; and other Poems.. 16o. Bost. 1847....- -- Velasco; a Tragedy.... 12o. N. Y. 1839 Sarrans, B.-Mem. of La Fayette and French Revolution, 1830. 2 v. 12o. Bost. 1833 Sarrazin, J.-Histoire de la Guerre d'Espagne et Port., 1807-14. 8vo. Paris. 1814 Sass, Hen.-Journey to Rome and Naples in 1817.. 12o. N. Y. 1818 Saturday Magazine, the. Vols. 6-9..... 8vo. Lond. 1835-6 Saunders,- Portraits and Memoirs of Political Reformers. Vol. 1 8vo. Lond. 1838 - Edwin-What is Phrenology?.... 18o. Lond. 1835 Saunderson, Nich.-Elements of Algebra. 2 v.... 4to. Camb. (E.) 1740 _ —-- - - Method of Fluxions.... 8vo. Lond. 1756 Saurin, Jas.-Sermons. (Fr. Fren.) 8 v.... 8vo. Schenec. 1813-16 Savage, Rich.-Poetical Works..... 18o. Lond. no date * --- Wm.-Dictionary of Printing.... 8vo. Lond. 1841 Savary, Claude-Letters on Egypt. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1799 J. See Postlethwayt, M. 212 SA V — S C [Merc. Lib. Savigny, F. C. von-Vocation of our Age for Legislation. (Fr. Ger.) 8vo. Lond. 1831 Savonarola, Jeremy-Facts and Figures from Italy.. 12o. Lond. 1847... —-—.- -- Life and Times; illustrating Reformation in Italy 120. Lond. 1843 Sawyer, F. W.-Plea for Amusements... 18o. N. Y. 1847 --- L. A.-Critical Exposition of Baptism... 18o. Cincin. 1844 --- - -- Elements of Mental Philosophy.. 12o. N.-Y. 1846 ---- -- " Moral Philosophy... 12o. N. Y. 1845 ---- Lemuel-Autobiography... 8vo. N. Y. 1844 ---- -- Biography of John Randolph... 8vo. N. Y. 1844 Saxe, John G.-Poems...... 12o. Bost. 1850 Saxon Chronicle. [Bound with Bede's Ecclesiastical History.] Say, Jean Baptiste-Catechism of Political Economy. (Fr. Fren.). 8vo. Phil. 1817..- - Political Economy. (Fr. Fren.) 2 vols. in one. 8vo. Bost. 1824 - - The Same...... 8vo. Phil. 1836 -- Thos.-American Entomology. With a Glossary. 3 v. 8vo. Phil. 1824-5 Sayers, Edw.-American Flower Garden Companion.. 12o. Cincin. 1846 Scenes and Impressions in Egypt and Italy... 8vo. Lond. 1825 in Rocky Mountains, Oregon, California, New Mexico, &c. 12o. Phil. 1846 - Spain....... 120. N.Y. 1837 ---- of the Civil War in Hungary, 1848-9... 12o. Lond. 1850 ----- where the Tempter has Triumphed.. 12o. Lond. 1849 Scheller, I. J. G.-Latin Grammar. (Fr. Ger.) 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1825 Schiller, Frederich-K-abale und Liebe; ein Trauerspiel.. 8vo. Tiibingen. 1818 -- - Sammtliche Werke. 2 v.... 8vo. Stuttgart. 1824. —— _ -- iEsthetic and Philosoph. Letters; and, Essays. (Fr. Ger.) 16o. Bost. 1845 --- --. Bride of Messina; a Tragedy. (Fr. Ger.).. 8vo. Lond. 1837 ---- -- - Correspondence with K6rner. (Fr. Ger.) 3 v. 12o. Lond. 1849 --- -- Don Carlos; a Tragedy. (Fr. Ger.).. 12o. Manheim. 1837, —-- -L- Early Dramas and Romances. (Fr. Ger.). 16o. Lond. 1849 ---- - ----- History of the Revolt of Netherlands, &c. (Fr. Ger.) 18o. N. Y. 1847. —. - Poems and Ballads. (Fr. Ger. by E. B. Lytton.) 2 v. 8vo. Edin. 1844 --- - Song of the Bell. (Fr. Ger.)... 16o. Edin. 1836 -_.. -- Thirty Years' War, and other Works. (C. M.) 2 v. 16o. Edin. 1828 - - The Same...... 12o. N. Y. 1846 ---- -- William Tell; a Drama. (Fr. Ger.).. 18o. Prov. 1838 and Goethe, J. W.-Corres. 1794-1805. (Fr. Ger.) See Ripley, Geo.; Spec..-.. - -—. — - Select Minor Poems. (Fr. Ger.) See Ripley,Geo.; Specimens. Schindler, A.-Life of Beethoven. 2v..... 12o. Lond. 1841 Schlegel, A. W.-Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature. (Fr. Ger.) Svo. Phil. 1833 ____ __ The Same. 2 v...... 16o. Lond. 1840 -- SSammtliche Werke. 10 v.... 8vo. Wien. 1822-5 Vols. 1. Geschichte der alten und neuen Litteratur. 2. " epischen Dichtkunst der Griechen. 2, 3. Bruchstucke zur Geschichte der lyrischen Dichtkunst. 4, 5. Studien des classischen Alerthums. 6. Ansichten und Ideen von der Christlichen Kunst. 7. Geschichte des Zauberers Merlin. Lotter und Mailer, eine Rittergeschichte. 8, 9. Gedichte von Friedrich Schlegel. 10. Beytrage zur Kenntniss der romantischen Dichtkunst. Neue Kunst und Litteratur. Alte Weltgeschichte. Catalogue.] S C H — S C 0 213 Schlegel, A. W. —Esthetic and Miscellaneous Works. (Fr. Ger.). 16o. Lond. 1849 -- - -- Lecture on the History of Literature. (Fr. Ger.) 2 v. 8vo. Phil. 1818 - - - The Same...... 12o. N. Y. 1841. - - -- Lecture on Modern History. (Fr. Ger.). 16o. Lond. 1849 --- - -.- Philosophy of History. (Fr. Ger.) With Mem. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1835 — _ — - -- The Same. 2 v..... 12o. N. Y. 1841. —-- -- Philosophy of Life and Language. (Fr. Ger.) 16o. Lond. 1847 Schleiden, J. M.-The Plant; a Biography. (Fr. Ger.).. 8vo. Lond. 1848. —-. --- Principles of Scientific Botany. (Fr. Ger.). 8vo. Lond. 1849 Schleiermacher, F.-Introduction to Plato's Dialogues. (Fr. Ger.) 8vo. Camb. (E.) 1836 Schlosser, F. C.-Hist. of Mental Cult. of 18th & 19th Cent. (Fr. Ger.) 8vo. Lond. 1843-5 Schmitz, Leonhard-History of Rome.... 16o. Lond. 1847 Schmitzler, J. H.-Secret Hist. of Russia under Alex. and Nicholas. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Schmolder, B.-Wegweisen nach Oregon und California.. 8vo. Mayence. 1849 Schmucker, S. M.-Errors of Modern Infidelity Refuted.. 12o. Phil. 1848 Schomberg, Alex. C.-Historical and Chronolog. View of Roman Law 8vo. Oxford. 1785 ---- -- J. D.-Theocratic Philosophy of English Hist. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1842 Schomburgk, R. H.-History of Barbadoes.... 8vo. Lond. 1848 __ -- - Nat. Hist. of Fishes of Guiana. (N. L.) 2 v. 16o. Edin. 1841-3 Schon, J. F., and Crowther, S.-Expedition up the Niger in 1841 12o. Lond. 1842 Schonberg, Chas. L.-The Chain Rule; a Commercial Arithmetic 18o. Lond. 1842 Schooleraft, H. R.-Expedition to Itasca Lake in 1832.. 8vo. N. Y. 1834 - -- -- Notes on the Iroquois... 8vo. N. Y. 1846 ---- - The Same..... 8vo. Albany. 1847 --- -- One6ta; or, Characteristics of Red Race of America 8vo. N. Y. 1845 ---. — -- Travels from Detroit to the Mississippi, 1820 8vo. Albany. 1821 - _ -- - " in Central Portions of Mississippi Valley 8vo. N. Y. 1825 Schoolmaster; Selected Essays on Practical Education. 2v.. 12o. Lond. 1836 Schramke, T.-Description of Croton Aqueduct. (In Eng., Fren., & Ger.) 4to. N. Y. 1846 Schroeder, Fran.-Shores of the Mediterranean, 1843-5. 2 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1846 Schubart, C. F. D.-Sammtliche Gedichte. 3 v... 240. Frank. A.M. 1829 Schubert, G. H.-Mirror of Nature. (Fr. Ger.)... 12o. Phil. 1849 Schulz, Alb.-Influence of Welsh Tradit. on Europ. Liter. (Fr. Ger.) 8vo. Llandovery. 1841 Schuster, C. G. T.-Dictionnaire Allemande et Francaise. 2 v.. 8vo. Paris. 1844-5 Science of Geology..... 18o. N. Haven. 1838 Scoffern, John-Chemistry no Mystery.... 16o. Lond. 1839 --- — _ - Manufacture of Sugar.... 8vo. Lond. 1849 Scoresby, Wm.-American Factories and their Female Operatives. 16o. Bost. 1845 __ — - -- Franklin Expedition, and its Relief.. 8vo. Lond. 1850 _ —— _ - MMagnetical Investigations. Parts 1 and 2. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1839-44 --- - - Voyage of the Mary Russell... 12o. Loud. 1850 - -.Zoistic Magnetism..... 8vo. Lond. 1849 Scot, Geo.-Model of Government of East N. J. See Coll. of N J. Historical Society. Scotia Rediviva; Tracts illustrating Scotch History. Vol.1. 8vo. Edin. 1826 Scott, C. R.-Excursions in Mts. of Ronda and Granada. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1838 *- Dav.-Engineer's and Machinist's Assistant. 2 v... 4to. Glasgow. 1849 - D. D. (Trans.)-Memoirs of G. de Colligny. (Fr. Fren.). 16o. Edin. 1844 -John-Essays on English Poets.. 8vo. Lond. 1785 - -- Luther and Lutheran Reformation. (H. F. L.) 2 v.. 18o. NY. 1833 - John-Paris Revisited in 1815; and a Walk at Waterloo 12o. N. Y. 1816 214 s C 0- S E C [Mere. Lib, Scott, John-Tour to Waterloo and Paris, with Sir W. Scott, 1815 12o. Lond. 1842 - - Jonath. (Trans.)-Ferishta's Hist. of Dekkan and Bengal. 2 v. 4to. Shrewsbury.1794 - - Jos.-Geographical Dictionary of the United States. 8vo. Phil. 1805 -— M. Y.-Fatal Jest; and other Poems.. 18o. N. Y. 1819 --- Robt.-Principles of Writing.... 12o. Edin. 1820 -- - Thos.-Essays on Important Subjects in Religion. 8vo. Phil. 1821 - - - Remarks on Tomline's "Calvinism Refuted." 2 v. 8vo. Phil. 1817 Theological Works. 6 v... 12o. Middletown.1832 - --- -See Bible. -- Sir Walter-Autobiography.... 12o. Phil. 1831 - Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. 3 v... 12o. Phil. 1841 -- - Doom of Devorgoil; and, Auchindrane. 12o. N. Y. 1830 --- -- History of Scotland. (L. C. C.) 2 v.. 16o. Lond. 1836 --- -- The Same. 2 v...... 18o. Phil. 1835 — _ - Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft. (M. F. L.) 16o. Lond. 1831 --- The Same. (H.F.L.).... 18o. N.Y. 1830 --- - Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. 3 v..8vo. Phil. 1827 ---- "t i " 33 v. 8vo. N. Lond. 1834 -- -- " " " 2 v. 8vo. Exeter. 1836 _- -- " " 1' - 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1839 ------ " " " 3 v... 8vo. N. Y. 1839 -- " " <" 3 vols. intwo..8vo. N. Y. 1847 --- -- "' " " abridged. 8vo. N. Y. 1827 p —--- Minstrelsy of Scottish Border. 3 v.... 8vo. Edin. 1821 -Miscellaneous Prose Works. 6 v... 12o. Bost. 1829 Poetical Works.vo... Edin. 1841 The Same..... 8vo. Title wanting Sir Tristrem; a Metrical Romance... 8vo. Edin. 1806 - - Tales of a Grandfather. 4 v.... 12. Bost. 1834-6&45 --- -- Une Legende de Montrose. 2 v. (de l'Anglais.).240. Brux. 1827 __- -- VtWaverley; ou, I1 y a Soixante Ans. (de l'Anglais.) 4 v. 12o. Paris. 1825 -- Wm.-Harmony of Phrenology and Scripture.. 8vo. Edin. 1835 -- Wn. B.-Memoirs of David Scott; his Journal, &c.. 8vo. Edin. 1850 -- Winfield-Infantry Tactics. 3 v..... 180. N. Y. 1847 Scouttetten, H.-History of Cholera Morbus.. (Fr. Fren.).. 8vo. Bost. 1832 Scribe, E.-CEuvres Choisies. 5 v.... 12o. Paris. 1845 Scripture Dialogues, containing a History of the Bible and the Jews 8vo. Lond. 1808 Scrivenor, Harry-History of the Iron Trade... 8vo. Lond. 1841 Scrope, Geo. P.-Considerations on Volcanoes... 8vo. Lond. 1825 -- -- Principles of Political Economy... 16o. Lond. 1833 Scudamore, Sir Chas.-Medical Visit to Gruefenberg, 1843 8vo. Lond. 1843 - Wm. E.-Office of the Intellect in Religion.. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Sculpture and the Plastic Art..... 12o. Bost. 1850 Sea Book; Nautical Repository of Perils, &c., on the Deep. 8vo. Lond. no date Seaman, E. C.-Essays on the Progress of Nations.. 8vo. N. Y. 1846 Sears, B., Edwards, B. B., and Felton, C. C.-Classical Studies. 12o. Bost. 1849 Seeker, Thos. (Abp.)-Nine Sermons on the Late War.. 8vo. Lond. 1758 - Works; with a Memoir. 6 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1825 Second Stage of Arithmetic...180. Lond. 1841 Secret History of the Court and Cabinet of St. Cloud. 12o. Phil. 1806 Catalogue. SE C - S E W 215 Secret History of the Court and Cabinet of St. Cloud.. 8vo. Phil. 1806 - " " of Berlin. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1789 -- 4Horrors of St. Domingo... 12o. Phil. 1808 --- Journal of the Congress of the Confederation, 1774-89. 4 v. 8vo. Bost. 1820 -- Proceedings and Debates of the Federal Convention, 1789. 8vo. Albany. 1821 --- Societies of the Middle Ages. (L. E. K.).. 12o. Lond. 1837 Sedgwick, Adam-Discourse on Studies of Cambridge University 8vo. Camb. (E.) 1835 - C. M.-Letters from Abroad to Kindred at Home. 2 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1841 - - Means and Ends; or, Self-Training.. 180. Bost. 1839 Theodore-Public and Private Economy. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1836-8 ---- Theodore (Jr.)-Memoirs of William Livingston. 8vo. N. Y. 1833 Segur, J. A.-Women; their Condition and Influence. (Fr. Fren.) 3 v. 18o. Lond. 1803 Segur, L. P. de-Polit. de l'Europe, en Regnes de Louis XIV. & XV. 8vo. Paris. 1801 - Four Ages of Life. (Fr. Fren.). 12o. N. Y. 1826 --- - - Memoirs of Himself. 8vo. Bost. 1825 - P. P. de —History of Charles VIII. of France. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1842 -.- - " Napoleon's Expedition to Russia, 1812 8vo. Phil. 1825 -- -- The Same. (M. F. L.) 2 v... 16o. Lond. 1836 - - The Same. (H. F. L.) 2 v.... 18o. N. Y. 1843 Seller, G. F.-Geschichte der Geoffenbarten Religion.. 120. Erlargen. 1777 Selby, P. J.-History of British Forest Trees.. 8vo. Lond. 1842 - Natural History of Parrots. (N. L.).. 16o. Edin. 1836 -— e- " " Pigeons. (N. L.)... 16o. Edin. 1835 See Jardine, Sir W. Selections from the Correspondence of Executive of N. Jersey, 1776-86 8vo. Newark. 1848 French Anas; Remarks on Men and Books. 2 v. 12o. Oxford. 1797 — __ _ -- - Papers of Earls of Marchmont, 1685-1700. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1831 ----------- S Proverbs & Ecclesiastes; (Eng., Fren., Ital., & Ger.) 18o. Lond. 1841 Select Views in Mysore; with Historical Descriptions.. 4to. Lond. 1794 Self-Formation; or, the History of an Individual Mind. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1837 Semple, Miss-Costumes of the Netherlands. See Costumes. Seneca, L. A.-Morals, by way of Abstract, by L'Estrange. 180. Phil. 1834 Senior, N. W.-Lectures on Political Economy... 8vo. Lond. 1830-2 Sept Codes du Royaume [Francais].. 24o. Paris. 1830 Series of Letters on Indostan.... N. N. Y. 1817 Serjeant, John-Select Speeches.. 8vo. Phil. 1832 Serle, Ambrose-Hore Solitarie. 2 v. 12.. Dublin. 1835 Sermons; or, Homilies of Time of Queen Elizabeth.. 8vo. N. Y. 1815 Sevigne, Marie (Mde.)-Lettres h sa Fille et a ses Amis. 8 v. 8vo. Paris. 1806 -- -- - Lettres Choisies. 2 v.... 12o. Paris. 1815 --- -- Letters to her Daughter and her Friends. (Fr. Fren.) 9 v. 12o. Lond. 1811 -- -- and her Contemporaries. 2 v.... 12o. Phil. 1842 Sewall, Jonathan. See Adams, John. (Pres.) - R. K.-St. Augustine, and its Advantages for Invalids. 12o. N. Y. 1848 Seward, Anne-Louisa; Poetical Novel... 12o. N. Haven. 1789..... —. Memoirs of Erasmus Darwin... 8vo. Phil. 1804 W — m.-'Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons. 5.. 12o. Lond. 1795-7 - m. H.-Introduction to Nat. History of New-York. See Nat. Hist. of N. Y. State, Life and Services of John Quincy Adams. 12o. Auburn. 1849 Sewel, Wm.-History of the Quakers; with Memoirs. 2 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1844 216 S E W -- $ HA [Merc. Lib. Sewell, Wm. —Introduction to Plato's Dialogues... 12o. Lond. 1841 Seybert, Adam-Statistical Annals of the United States, 1789-1818 4to. Phil. 1818 Seymour, E. S.-Sketches of Minnesota, 1849... 12o. N. Y. 1850 ----- - MI. H.-Mornings with the Jesuits at Rome.. 8vo. Lond. 1849 -- - The Same..... 12o. N. Y. 1849 Sforzosi, L.-Compendious History of Italy. (Fr. Ital.) (H. F. L.) 18o. N. Y. 1836 Shaftesbury (Earl of)-Characteristics of Men, Manners, &c. 3v. 8vo. Lond. 1732-8 --- ---- - The Same; with a Collection of Letters. 3 v. 8vo. Basil. 1790 Shakers, Proceedings concerning. 2v..... 12o. N. Y. 1846 Shakspeare, Wm.-Beauties of; by Dodd... 18o. Lond. no date Dramatic Works... 12o. Lond. 1836 -____ - The Same. 7 v..... 8vo. Bost. 1836 The Same. 2 v.... 8vo. N. Y. 1839 -... - Family Shakspeare; by Thos. Bowdler. 8vo. Lond. 1839 _-____ —- Poems.... 12o. Lone. 1774 _ —--- - The Same. (Aid. Poets.)... 160. Lond. 1837 - --..- Select Comedies... 18o. Bost. 1825 __ —- - -- Supplem't to Plays of; compr. Dramas ascrib. to him 8vo. N. Y. 1846 __ —-- - Shakspeare Proverbs. (Selectedby Mary C. Clarke.) 18o. Lond. 1848.-..... -( CEuvres Dramatiques. (de l'Anglais.) 2 v.. 8vo. Paris. 1835 ___ —- - and Milton, John. Sonnets... 16o. Lond. 1830 Shakspeare Society's Publications. Vols. 1-36... 8vo. Lond. 1841-7 1. Collier, J. P. Mem. of E. Alleyn, with Notices of Ben Jonson, Massinger, &c. 2. Gosson, S. The School of Abuse; Pleasant Invective against Poets, Pipers, &c. Heywood, T. Apology for Actors; with Introduction and Notes. 3. Ludus Coventrie; Collection of Mysteries. 4. Thynn, Fran. Debate between Pride and Lowliness. 5. Dekker, T., Chettle, Hen., and Haughton, Wm. Patient Grissil; a Comedy. 6. Extracts from Accounts of Revels at Courts of Elizabeth and James I. 7. First Sketch of Shakspeare's Merry Wives of Windsor. 8. Notes of Ben Jonson's Conversations with Wm. Drummond. 9. Armin, Robt. A Nest of Ninnies. (1608.) 10. Timon; a Play. Now first Printed. 11. Nash, Thos. Pierce Pennyless's Supplication to the Devil. 12. Heywood, Thos. First and Second Parts of King Edward IV.; Histories. 13. Northbrooke, John. Treatise against Dicing, Dancing, Plays, &c. (1577.) 14. Halpin, N. J. Oberon's Vision compared with Lylie's Endymion. 15. First Sketches of Second and Third Parts of King Henry VI. 16. Chester Plays; a Collection of Mysteries. Vol. 1. 17. Alleyn Papers; Illust. Life and Times of Edw. Alleyn and Early English Stage. 18. Forde, John. "Honor Triumphant;" and, "A Line of Life:" Tracts. 19. Tarlton's Jests; and News out of Purgatory; with Life. 20. Legge, Thos. Latin Play of Richardus III. True Tragedy of Richard III. 21. Ghost of Richard the Third; a Play. 22. Sir Thomas More; a Play. 23. Shakspeare Society's Papers. Vol. 1. 24. The Old Taming of the Shrew, upon which Shakspeare founded his Comedy. 25. Illustrations of the Fairy Mythology of Midsummer Night's Dream. 26. Shakspeare's Play of Henry the Fourth. 27. Diary of Philip Henslowe, from 1591-1609. 28. Shakspeare Society's Papers. Vol. 2. 29. Heywood, T. Fair Maid of the Exchange; a Comedy. " and Rowley, Wm. Fortune by Land and Seao 30. Marriage of Wit and Wisdom; an Ancient Miracle Play. 31. Collier, J. P. Memoirs of Principal Actors in Shakspeare's Plays. 32. Eight Novels, Employed by English Dramatic Poets of Reign of Elizabeth. 33. Udall, N. Ralph Roister Doister; a Comedy. 34. Norton, Thos., and Sackville, Thos. Tragedie of Gorboduc. 35. Chester Plays; Collection of Mysteries. Vol. 2. 36. Shakspeare Society's Papers. Vol. 3. Catalogue.] SHA — SHI 217 Shaler, Wm.-Sketches of Algiers.... 8vo. Bost. 1826 Sharan, Jas.-Voyages and Travels in Several Quarters of the Globe 12o. Bait. 1808 Sharp, Rich.-Letters and Essays in Prose and Verse.. 12o. Phil. 1835 Sharpe, Edmund (Ed'r)-Decorated Windows; with Descriptions. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Sam.-History of Egypt under the Ptolemies.. 4to. Lond. 1838 - " " Romans.. 8vo. Lond. 1842 Shattuck, Lemuel-Report on Census of Boston, 1845.. 8vo. Bost. 1846 Shaw, John-Book-keeping..... 12o. Leeds. 1794 -- - Poems....... 12o. Phil. 1804 -.- Sam.-Journal and Life of.... 8vo. Bost. 1847 -- T. B.-Outlines of English Literature... 12o. Lond. 1848 - The Same...... 12o. Phil. 1849 Shea, J. A.-Clontarf; or, Field of Green Banner; with other Poems 12o. N. Y. 1843 Shebbeare, John-History of the Sumatrans. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. no date Sheffield, John (Duke of Buckingham)-Works. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1740 Sheil, R. L.-Speeches; with a Memoir... 8vo. Lond. 1847 Sheldon, Fred.-Minstrelsy of the English Border.. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Shelley, Mrs. M. M.-Rambles in Germany and Italy, 1840-3. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1844 - and others-Authors of France. (L. C. C.) 2 v.. 16o. Lond. 1838-9 - - The Same. 2v...... 12o. Phil. 1840 - - Authors of Italy. See Montgomery, Jas. Percy B.-Essays, Letters, Translations, and Fragments. 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1840 ---- -- Poems. 4 v....... 16o. Lond. 1839 - - The Same..... 8vo. Lond. 1844 --— _ -- The Same. See Coleridge, Sam. T. Prometheus Unbound; with other Poems.. 8vo. Lond. 1820 ---- -- and Keats-Poems.... 8vo. Phil. 1836 Shepard, Chas. U.-Report on Connecticut Geological Survey. 8vo. N. Haven. 1837 _ —— _ -- Treatise on Mineralogy. 3 vols. in one.. 12o. N. Haven.1832-5 Shepherd, E.-Columbian Accountant; or, Arith. and Mensuration. 12o. N. Y. 1812 -- -- Wm.-Life of Poggio Bracciolini... 4to. Liverpool. 1802 Sheppard, John-Trees; their Uses and Biography.. 18o. Lond. 1848 Wm.-Law of Common Assurances... Fol. Lond. 1669 Sherburne, J. H.-Life of the Chevalier John Paul Jones.. 8vo. Wash. 1835 _- ----.-.Tourist's Guide; Pencillings in Eng. and the Cont. 12o. Phil. 1847 Sherer, Moyle-Military Memoirs of Duke of Wellington. 2 v.. 18o. Phil. 1833 Sheridan, Chas. F.-History of Late Revolutions in Sweden. 8vo. Lond. 1783 - Rich. B.-Dramatic Works.... 8vo. Lond. 1840 The Same..... 16o. Lond. 1848.-..-.- Speeches. 3 v...... 8vo. Lond. 1842 ----- -- - Sheridaniana; Anecdotes and Table-Talk. 12o. Lond. 1826 ----- Thos.-Lectures on Elocution.... 12o. Prov. 1796 Sherman, Hen.-Digest of the Law of Marine Insurance. 8vo. N. Y. 1841 ----- --- Governmental History of the United States. 12o. N. Y. 1843 Sherwood, H. H.-Motive Power of Life, and Applica. of Magnetism 8vo. N. Y. 1841 Shew, Joel-Hydropathy; or, the Water-Cure... 12o. N. Y. 1844 Sheys, B.-American Book-keeper.... 8vo. N. Y. 1818 Shillinglaw, J. J.-Narrative of Arctic Discovery from Earliest Period 12o. Lond. 1850 Shipping and Commercial List and N. Y. Prices Current. 7 v.. Fol. N. Y. 1832-8 Shirley, Jas.-Dramatic Works and Poems. 6 v... 8vo. Lond. 1833 28 218 SHI - SIM [Merc. Lib. Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea.. 160. Lond. 1846 Shirreff, P.-Tour through North America... 8vo. Edin. 1835 Shoberl, Fred.-Description of Persia.... 12o. Phil. 1845 Shooter's Hand-Book 12o..Edin. 1842 Shuck, J. L. (Ed'r)-Portfolio Chinensis; or, Chinese State Papers 8vo. Macao. 1840 Shuckford, Sam.-Sacred and Profane Hist. of World Connected. 2 v. 8vo. Phil. 1824 Shurtleff, J. B.-Governmental Instructor of the United States. 120. N. Y. 1845 Shuttleworth, P. N.-Revelation Consistent with Itself and Reason 18o. N. Y. 1832 Sibbes, Rich. —Bruised Reed, and Smoking Flax, &c...16o. Lond. 1838.. - -Soul's Conflict.... 12o. Lond. 1837 Sibly, Eben.-Complete Illustration of Astrology... 4to. Lond. 1785 Siborne, W. (Capt.) —War in France and Belgium, 181J5. 2 v. 8vo. & At. Fol. Lond. 1844... - The Same.... 8vo. Phil. 1845 Siddons, Hen.-Rhetoric, Gesture, and Action, adapted to Eng. Drama 8vo. Lond. 1822 Sidney, Algernon-Discourses Concerning Government. 2 v.. 8vo. Phil. 1805 - The Same. 3 v...... 8vo. N.Y. 1805 Edwin-Memoir of Rowland Hill... 12o. N.. Y 1834 -- Hen.-Diary of Times of Charles II. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1843 Sir Phil.-Aphorisms..... 12o. Lond. 1807 - - Arcadia...... Fol. Lond. 1627 - Miscellaneous Works; with Life.. 12o. Oxford. 1829 ---- -- and Mary (Countess of Pem.)-Psalms of David, in Verse 18o. Lond. 1803 ---- - The Same...... 12o. Chiswick. 1823 Sigmond, G. G.-Tea; its Effects, Medicinal and Moral. 12o. Lond. 1839 Sigourney, Mrs. L. H.-Letters to Young Ladies... 12o. N. Y. 1837 _"_- - Mothers... 12o. Y. 1839 - Poems.. 12o. Phil. 1834 -- - The Same..... 8vo. Phil. 1849 - ~ — - Zinzendorff; and other Poems... 12o. N. Y. 1837 Silius Italicus-Punica. See Walker, G. S.; Corpus Poet. Lat. Silliman, Aug. E.-Gallop among American Scenery.. 16o. N. Y. 1843 -- Benj.-Elements of Chemistry. 2 v.... 8vo. N. Y. 1830-1 __ —— _ -- Journal in Eng., Holland, and Scotland, 1805-6. 2 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1810 Tour from Hartford to Quebec, in 1819.. 12o. N. Haven. 1820 ---- - The Same 2.... 2o. N. Haven. 1824 ---- - (Ed'r)-American Journal of Science. 46 v...8vo. N.Haven.1818-44 - - Benj. (Jr.)-First Principles of Chemistry.. 12o. Phil. 1847 Simcoe, J. G. (Col.)-Military Journal; a Hist. of the Queen's Rangers 8vo. N. Y. 1844 Simeon, Chas.-Memoirs. Edit. by Win. Carus and Bp. Mcllvaine 8vo. N. Y. 1847 Simms, F. W.-Principles and Practice of Levelling.. 8vo. Lond. 1846 J. R.-Hist. of Schoharie County; and N. Y. Border Wars 8vo. Albany. 1845 W. G.-[Atalantis; a Tale of the Sea.] (Poem.). 8vo. N. Y. 1837 ---— _ - Life of Chevalier Bayard.... 12o. N. Y. 1847 -- - " Francis Marion.... 12o. N. Y. 1844 -- -- " Capt. John Smith.... 12o. N. Y. 1846. —. --. Southern Passages and Pictures. (Poems.). 12o. N. Y. 1839 ---- -- Views and Reviews, in Literature, History, and Fiction 12o. N. Y. 1845 Simon, J. F.-Animal Chemistry. (Fr. Ger.)... 8vo. Phil. 1846 Simond, Lewis-Tour and Residence in Great Britain, 1810-11. 2 v. 8vo. Edin. 1817 Simpson, Alex,-Life and Travels of Thos. Simpson. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Catalogue.] S IM- S K I 219 Simpson, Sir Geo.-Overland Journey Round the World.. 8vo. Phil. 1847 - - Jas..-Necessity of Popular Education... 12o. Edin. 1834 ---- - -The Same...... 12o. N. Y. 1834 ---- -- Visit to Flanders in 1815; an Account of Waterloo 18o. N. Y. 1816 - - J. Y.-Anuesthesia; or, Use of Chloroform and Ether. 8vo. Phil. 1849 -- - Stephen-Biography of Stephen Girard.. 12o. Phil. 1832 -- - Thos.-Narrative of Discoveries on North Coast of' America 8vo. Lond. 1843 _ —-_- Thos.-Treatise of Fluxions.... 4to. Lond. 1737 Simson, Robt.-Elements of Conic Sections... 8vo. Glasgow. 1817 Sinclair, Cath.-Hill and Valley; or, Hours in Englandnd d Wales 12o. N. Y. 1838 -- Journey of Life..... 160. Lond. 1847 --- - Sir John-Code of Agriculture.... 8vo. Lond. 1832 ---- - Correspondence and Reminiscences. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1831 - J. D.-Autumn of 1827 in Italy. (C. M.).. 16o. Lond. no date Sinnett, P.-Picture of Paris...... 18o. Lond. 1847 Mrs. P.-By-ways of History, 12th to 16th Century. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1847 Sirey, J. B.-Les Cinque Codes; avec Notes et Trait6s.. 8vo. Paris. 1818 Sirr, Hen. C.-Ceylon and the Ceylonese. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1850 - - China and the Chinese. 2 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1849 Sismondi, J. C. L. S. de-Hist. des Repub. Ital. duMoyen Age. 12v. 8vo. Brux. 1826 ----- -- Nouveaux Principes d'Economie Politique. 2 v.. 8vo. Paris. 1827 -..- - Hist. View of the Literature of Southern Europe. 2 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1827 ^- - History of Crusades against Albigenses, 13th Cent. 12o. Bost. 1833 - ~- -- ~" Fall of the Roman Empire. (L. C. C.) 2 v. 16o. Lond. 1834 --- The Same..... 8vo. Phil. 1835 --. — History of Italian Republics. (L. C. C.). 16o. Lond. 1832 ------- -- Political Economy, and Philosophy of Government 8vo. Lond. 1847 Six Lectures on Arithmetic......12o. Lond. 1842 - Months in the West Indies in 1825.... 12o. N. Y. 1826 Skene, Wm. F.-Highlanders of Scotland; History, &c. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1837 Sketch of Connecticut Forty Years Since... 12o. Hartf: 1824 --- - Military and Political Power of Russia, 1817.. 8vo. N. Y. 1817 ----- -a Railway judiciously constructed. (Phil. & Pottsville Road.) 8vo. N. Y. 1841 the Seminole War......12. Charleston. 1836 Sketches and Anecdotes Illustrative of Female Character. 12o. Bost. 1833 by a Traveller...... 12o. Bost. 1830 in Verse..... 8vo. Phil. 1810 --- -.of Germany and the Germans. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1836 -_ _- Hindoos. 2 v...... 8vo. Lond. 1792 Imposture, Deception, and Credulity. (M. F. L.). 16o. Lond. 1837 ------. Ireland Sixty Years Ago.... 16o. Dublin. 1847 -- Java....... 8vo. Lond. 1812 - -Paris....... 12o. Phil. 1838.-. - Persia.... 12o. Phil. 1828... —--- - Popular Tumults, Illustrating the Evils of Social Ignorance 12o. Lond. 1837. 7- -Roman Institutions and Domestic Manners..12o. Lond. 1826 Skinner, J. S.-The Dog and Sportsman... 12o. Phil. 1845. (Ed'r)-Plough, Loom, and Anvil. Vols. 1 & 2. [Con.] 8vo. N. Y. 1848, 9..- Otis A.-Universalism Illustrated and Defended. 12o. Bost. 1839 * —- Steph.-Etymologicon Linguae Anglicanse... Fol. Lond. 1671 220 S KI- SMI [Merc. Lib. Skinner, Thos. H.-Aids to Preaching and Hearing.. 12o. N. Y. 1839 Skioldebrand, A. F.-Picturesque Jour. to the North Cape. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Lond. 1813 Skottowe, Augustine-Life of Shakspeare. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1824 Slade, A.-Travels in Turkey, Greece, &c. 2 v... 12o. Phil. 1833 -- J.-Imag. Colloquies of a Phrenologist with Stewart's Shade 16o. Lond. 1838 Sleeman, W. H.-Thugs; or, Phansigars of India. 2 v... 12o. Phil. 1839 Slight Reminiscences of the Rhine, Switzerland, and Italy. 2 v.. 12o. Phil. 1835 Small Books on Great Subjects. Vols. 1-15... 16o. Lond. 1843-9 Vol. 1. Philosophical Theories and Philosophical Experience. 2. Barlow, J. Connection between Physiology and Intellectual Philosophy. 3. - Man's Power over Himself to Prevent Insanity. 4. Introduction to Practical Organic Chemistry. 5. Brief View of Greek Philosophy to Age of Pericles. 6. " " " from Age of Socrates to Christian Era. 7. Christian Doctrine and Practice in Second Century. 8. Exposition of Vulgar Errors adapted to Year 1845. 9. Introduction to Vegetable Physiology. 10. On the Principles of Criminal Law. 11. Christian Sects in the Nineteenth Century. 12. General Principles of Criminal Law. 13. Sketches of Geology. 14. State of Man before the Promulgation of Christianity. 15. Thoughts and Opinions of a Statesman. ---- -- The Same. First Twelve of the above Series. 3 v.. 18o. Phil. 1847 Smart, B. H.-Beginning of a New School of Metaphysics. 8vo. Lond. 1839 -- -- )Manual of Logic..... 16o. Lond. 1849 ---- - - Practice of Elocution.... 8vo. Lond. 1832 ---- - - rWalker remodelled; a New Pronouncing Dictionary 180. Lond. 1836 Smeaton, A. C.-Builder's Pocket Manual... 18o. Lond. 1840 - John-Miscellaneous Papers.... 4to. Lond. 1814.... - -- Narrative of Building of Eddystone Lighthouse. Fol. Lond. 1791 Smedley, Edw.-History of France; Part I. (L. U. K.). 8vo. Lond. 1836 Poems and Letters; with a Memoir.. 8vo. Lond. 1837.... —- - [Sketches'of Venetian History.] (M. F. L.) 2 v. 16o. Lond. 1831-8 ---- - The Same. (H. F. L.) 2 v.... 18o. N. Y. 1832 ----- E. A.-Treatise on Moral Evidence... 8vo. Camb. (E.) 1850 Smee, Alf.-Electro Biology; or, Voltaic Mechanism of Man. 8vo. Lond. 1849 ----- Elements of Electro Metallurgy. (Electrotype.). 8vo. Lond. 1841 - -- Instinct and Reason.... 8vo. Lond. 1850 ----- Potatoe Plant; its Uses and Properties.. 8vo. Lond. 1846 -- - Principles of Human Mind deduced from Phys. Laws 8vo. Lond. 1849 Smellie, of Natural History. Edited by Ware 8vo. Bost. 1824 Smethurst, Thos.-Hydrotherapia; or, the Water-Cure.. 8vo. Lond. 1843 Smiles, S.-Physical Education..... 16o. Edin. 1838 Smirke, Robt.-Review of a Battallion of Infantry ~.. 8vo. N. Y. 1810 Smith, Adam-Essays on Philosophical Subjects.. 4to. Lond. 1795 -- - Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. 4 v.. 8vo. Edin. 1828 ---- -- The Same..... 8vo. Edin. 1838 -___- The Same; with Commentary by E. G. Wakefield. 6 v. 16o. Lond. 1835-9.- -- - Theory of Moral Sentiments.... 8vo. Bost. 1817 _ — - Theorie der Sittlichen Gefdhle. (a. d. Eng.). 8vo. Leipzig. 1791 -- Alb.-Month at Constantinople.... 8vo. Lond. 1850.... Arch. —Peru as It Is; Residence in Lima, &c. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1839 Catalogue.] S -- S M I 221 Smith, A. W.-Elementary Treatise on Mechanics... 8vo. N. Y. 1849 - C.B.-Life in Earnest; to Young Men.. 12o. Hartf. 1848 Chas. H.-Ancient Costume of Great Britain and Ireland. Fol. Lond. 1848 ---- -- - Introduction to Natural History of Mammals. (N. L.) 16o. Edin. 1842 - Natural History of Dogs. (N. L.) 2 v... 16o. Edin. 1839-40 --—. -- " Horses. (N. L.)... 16o. Edin. 1841 --- - " " Human Species.. 160. Edin. 1848 - -- C. J.-Historical and Literary Curiosities. (Fac Similes, &c.) 4to. Lond. 1845 - Edw.-Journey through N. E. Texas in 1849.. 12o. Lond. 1849 Eli, and Dwight, H. G. 0.-Mission. Researches in Armenia 8vo. Lond. 1834 - Elisha-Botanic Physician; a Compendium.. 8vo. N. Y. 1844 F. H., and Duke, R. T. W. —American Statistical Arithmetic 12o. Phil. 1845 -- Geo.-Consular Cities of China, &c.... 12o. N. Y. 1847. ---- - - Hebrew People; Hist. and Religion of Israelites. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1850 --- -- Religion of Ancient Britain... 8vo. Lond. 1846 H. I.-History of Education. (H. F. L.)... 18o. N. Y. -— Horace-Modern Dunciad; and other Poems.. 16o. Lond. 1835 -- ---- and Jas.-Rejected Addresses. 16. Lond. 1833 - The Same... 16o. Bost. 1841 - Horatio-Festivals, Games, and Amusements. (H. F. L.) 18o. N. Y. 1831 Hugh-Letters to Married Ladies.... 120. N. Y. 1827 - Jas.-The Mechanic; a Compendium of Pract. Inventions. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1825 Jas.-Letters and Comic Miscellanies. 2 v... 12o. Phil. 1841 -- Jas.-Rural Records; or, Glimpses of Village Life.. 12o. Lond. 1845 J. C.-Illustrated Hand-Book; Traveller's Guide thro. U. S. 18o. N. Y. 1847.... -- See Haskel, Dan. - Sir Jas. E.-English Flora. 4 v.. 8vo. Lond. no dato - Grammar of Botany.... 8vo. N. Y. 1822 -- (Ed'r)-Some Correspondence of Linneus and others. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1821 - J. V. C.-Class-Book of Anatomy.... 12o. Bost. 1834 J. Jay-Summer's Jaunt across the Water. 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1846 -- and Watson, J. F.-Amer. Histor. and Liter. Curiosities 4to. Phil. 1847 John (Capt.)-Travels and Adventures from 1593-1629. 2 v. 8vo. Richmond. 1819 John-Irish.Diamonds..... 12o. Lond. 1847 --- John (Ed'r)-Our Scottish Clergy. Vols. 1 and 2. 8vo. Edin. 1848-9 ---- Jno. Cotton-Correspondence and Miscellanies.. 12o. N. Y. 1847 ---- John F.-Book for a Rainy Day... 12o. Lond. 1845 John Pye-Relation of the Scriptures to Geological Science 8vo. Lond. 1848 -John Storrs-[Mirabeau; a Life-History.] 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1848 - - T The Same...... 12o. Phil. 1848 - J. T.-Management of Mints; chiefly those in India b 8vo. Madras. 1848 John T.-Nollikens and his Times. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1829 - John Thos.-Antiquarian Ramble in Streets of London. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1846 ----- John Wm.-Compendium of Mercantile Law.. 8vo. N. Y. 1847 -- Josh. H.-Narrative of Causes of Death of Major Andre 8vo. Lond. 1808 Josh. T.-Northmen in New England... 8vo. Bost. 1839 - - -- Progress of Philosophy among Ancients.. 12o. Lond. 1836 - Sam.-Hist. of Colony of Nova Cmesaria; or, New Jersey. 8vo. Burlington. 1765 ---- S. S. —Variety of Complexion and Figure in Human Species 8vo. New Bruns. 1810 Southwood-Lecture over Remains of Jeremy Bentham. 12o. Lond. 1832 222 S MA - S 0M [Merc. Lib. Smith, Southwood-On Divine Government... 8vo. Lond. 1837 _ ----— _- Philosophy of Health. Vols. 1 and 2.. 18o. Lond. 1835-9 -- -- Treatise on Fever..... 8vo. Lond. 1830 ---- -- - Use of the Dead to the Living. [B'd with his Lecture.] 12o. Lond. 1836 -- Sydney-Miscellaneous Sermons... 12o. Phil. 1846 -- -- Sketches of Moral Philosophy... 8vo. Lond. 1850.-... - Works. 4 v..... vo. Lond. 1839-40 - The Same. 3 v...... 12o. Phil. 1844 Thos —Wonders of Nature and Art. 14 v... 18o. Phil. 1806-7 Wm.-History of Province of New-York to 1762.. 4to. Lond. 1757 --- - The Same...... 8vo. N. Y. 1830 W- m.-Ahiman Rezon; a Help to Freemasons.. 8vo. Phil. 1783 - Wm.-Journal of a Missionary Voyage in 1796-1802. 12o. N. Y. 1813 * — Wn. —Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. 8vo. Lond. 1842 ---- -- (Ed'r)-Chronological Tables of Greek and Roman Hist. 8vo. Loud. 1849 - Wm.-Memoirs of Johann Gottlieb Fichte... 12o. Bost. 1846 - Wm. H.-Birmingham and its Vicinity... 8vo. Lond. 1836 Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge.... 4to. Wash. 1848 Vol. 1. Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley, by E. G. Squier and E. H. Davis. Smollet, Tobias-Hist. of Eng., 1688-1760. (Contin. of Hume.) 2 v. 8vo. Phil. 1822 - -- - The Same...... 8vo. Phil. 1837. —.- The Same; continued to 1783. 6 v.. 8vo. Phil. 1797-8 ---- -- - Miscellaneous Works; with Memoir by Roscoe. 8vo. Lond. 1845 - - -- Select Works; with Memoir by Walter Scott. 2 v. 8vo. Phil. 1833 ----- - Travels through France and Italy... 160. Lond. 1824 Smyth, Geo. Lewis-Ireland; Historical and Statistical. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1844-7 - Thos.-Unity of the Human Race.... 12o. N. Y. 1850 -- Wm.-Elements of Algebra.... 8vo. Portland. 1830 Lectures on French Revolution. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1842. —- - " Modern History. 2 v... 8vo. Camb. 1843 -W. H.-Cycle of Celestial Objects. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1844 -- W-. L., and Lowe, F.-Journey from Lima to Para. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Snelling, H. H.-History of Practice of Art of Photography. 12o. N. Y. 1849 --- Wm. J.-Polar Regions of Western Continent Explored 8vo. Bost. 1831 --- -- Truth; a Gift for Scribblers. (A Satirical Poem.) 18o. Bost. 1832 Snow, C. H.-History of Boston...8vo. Bost. 1825.- John-Inhalation of Ether in Surgical Operations. 8vo. Lond. 1847 _- Jos.-Light in Darkness; or, Sermons in Stones.. 12o. Lod. 1847 Snowe, Jos.-The Rhine, from Cologne to Mainz. 2 v.. 18o. Frankfort. 1840 Soane, Geo.-Life of the Duke of Wellington. 2 v... 18o. Lond. 1839-40...-,- Curiosities of Literature, aqd Book of the Months. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1847 Soeten, Mathaeus-Medulla Algebree... 12o. Amsterdam. 1702 Solis, Antonio de-Historia de la Conquista de Mejico. Fol. Madrid. 1684 - The Same. 4 v... 18o. Paris. 1824 -- - - Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. (Fr. Span.) 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1738 Solitude Sweetened; or, Miscellaneous Meditations.. 18o. Title wanting Sollogub (Count)-The Tarantas. Travelling Impr. of Young Russia 12o. Lond. 1850 Solly, Sam.-The Human Brain; its Structure and Diseases. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Some Enquiries into the Effects of Fermented Liquors.. 8vo. Lond. 1841 Somers (Mrs.)-Select. fr. Mod. Poets of France,Trans. into Eng. Verse 8vo. Dublin. 1846 Catalogue.] S 0 M- S 0 U 223 Somerville, Mary-Connection of the Physical Sciences. 12o. Phil. 1834 & 46.-...- - - Mechanism of the Heavens... 8vo. Lond. 1831 - - Physical Geography. 2 v.. 16o. Lond. 1848 ------- -:- Preliminary Essay on Mechanism of the Heavens 18o. Phil. 1832 Songs and Carols...... 18o. Loud. 1836 -- of England and Scotland. 2 v..... 16o. Lond. 1835 Sonnini, C. S.-Travels in Greece and Turkey. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1801 " in Upper and Lower Egypt. (Fr. Fren.). 4to. Lond. 1800 Sophia de Valengay; on, la Beaute Persecut6e. 4 v... 180. Paris. 1809 Sophisms of Frc e Trade and Popular Political Economy Examined. 12o. Lond. 1849 Sophocles-Tragediee Septem. (Greece.). Edidit J. M. S. Du Plan 12o. Paris. 1787 ~ —--- Antigone. (Greek and English.) Notes by Donaldson 8vo. Lond. 1848 - Tragedies. Translated by T. Francklin. (F. C. L.) 18o. N. Y. 1834& 8 -- The Same. (F. C. L.)... 18o. N. Y. 1844 -----' Tragedies; in English Prose... 8vo. Oxford. 1833 The Same..... 12o. N. Y. 1837 Sotheby, Wm.-Saul; a Poem..... 16. Bost. 1808 - -- Tragedies...... 8vo. Lond. 1814 Soules, Francois-Histoire des Troubles de l'Amerique Anglaise. 4 v. 8vo. Paris. 1787 Soulie, Fred.-Miemoires du Diable... 8vo. Brux. 1837 - - The Same. 3 v....12o. Paris. 1843 Serpent..... 18o. Brux. 1839 South African Almanac and Directory for 1831... 12o. Cape Town. 1831 - J. F.-Household Surgery; or, Hints on Emergencies. 16o. Lond. 1847 --- Robt.-Sermons. 4 v...... 8vo. Phil. 1845 - Sea Islander, the-Facts as to the State of Otaheite. 12o. N. Y. 1820 Southard, S. L.-" Mystery of Godliness".... 8vo. N. Y. 1848 Southern Literary Messenger. Vols. 2-15. [Continued.]. 8vo. Richm'd. 1836-49 -- - Quarterly Review. Vols. 7-16. [Continued.].. 8vo. Char'ton.1845-50 -.- iReview. 8 v....... 8vo. Char'ton.1828-32 Southey, Caroline [Miss Bowles]-Chapters on Churchyards. 12. N. Y. 1842 -- - Solitary Hours..... 12o. N.Y. 1846 - Chas. C. (Ed'r)-Life and Correspondence of R. Southey. 6 v. 12o. Lond. 1849-50 - Robt.-All for Love; and Pilgrims of Compostella. (Poems.) 16o. Loud. 1829 - Beauties of Prose Works of... 12o. Lond. 1833 --- -- Book of the Church. 2 v.... 8vo. Bost. 1825 - - The Same...... 8vo. Lond. 1837 --- -- Colloquies on the Prog. and Prospects of Society. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1831 ----- - Common-Place Book. Vols. 1 and 2. 8vo. Lond. 1849 The Same. Vol. 1... 8vo. N. Y. 1849 --- --- Curse ofKehama; a Poem. 2 v... 18o. N.Y. 1811 --- - The Doctor, &c. 7 v..... 12o. Lond. 1836-47 The Same. Vols.1-3 reprinted. 2v.. 12o. N. Y. 1836 -- - - Essays, Moral and Political. 2 v... 18o. Lond. 1832 ____ - - I- History of the Peninsular War. 6 v... 8vo. Lond. 1828-37 ----- - Letters from England. By M. A. Espriella. 3 v. 12o. Lond. 1814 ____ -- Life of William Cowper. 2 v..., 12o. Bost. 1839 ___" Oliver Cromwell....18o. N. Y. 1845 -__ __- " Horatio Lord Nelson. (M. F. L.). 16o. Lond. 1831 * -- The Same. (H. F. L.).. 18o. N. Y. 1836 224 S 0 U -. S P A [(Merc. Lib. Southey, Robt.-Life of John Wesley, and Rise & Prog. of Methodism 8vo. N. Y. 1820 -. -.The Same. 2 v..... 12o. N.Y. 1847 - -- - Madoc; a Poem. 2 v..... 8vo. Best. 1821..-... --- Oliver Newman (unfinished); with other Poems 16o. Lond. 1845.-.. - - 4 Poetical Works. 10 v. 12.... o. Lod. 1838 -- -- The Same 8vo. N. N.Y. 1842 -- -- - - Roderic, the Last of the Goths; a Poem. 18o. Phil. 1815.- -... - - Specimens of the later English Poets. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1807 ---- -- Tale of Paraguay; a Poem... 18o. Best. 1827 --- -- (Trans.)-Chronicles of the Cid. (Fr. Span.). 8vo. Lowell. 1846 ---- -- - and Bell, R.-Lives of Brit. Admirals. 5 v... 16o. Lond. 1833-40 -—.- -- and Byron (Lord)-The Two Visions; a Poem 18o. N. Y. 1823 -- Thos.-Chronological History of the West Incies. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1827 --- - - Rise, Progress, and Present State of Colonial Wools 8vo. Lond. 1848 Southwell, Robt. See Brydges, Sir E.; Archaica. Sowerby, G. B. (Jr.)-Conchological Manual... 8vo. Lond. 1839 Soyer, Alexis-Modern Housewife; or, Menag6re. 12o. N. Y. 1850 *Spafford, H. G. —Gazetteer of the State of New-York v. vo. Albany. 1813&24 Spalding, J. J.-De Christen in Ernstige Overweeging.. 8vo. Utrecht. 1771 — > —- Wm. —Italy and the Italian Islands. (E. C. L.) 3 v.. 16o. Edin. 1841 _..- The Same. (H. F. L.) 3 v.... 18o. N. Y. Spallanzani, L.-Nat. Hist. of Animals & Vegetables. (Fr. Ital.) 2 v. 8vo. Edin. 1803 Sparke, Edw.-Primitive Devotion in Fasts, &c., of English Church 12o. Lond. 1682 Sparks, Jared-Life of Benjamin Franklin. [See Franklin, B.]. 8vo. Bost. 1844 " John Ledyard, the American Traveller. 8vo. Camb. 1828....- —. The Same... 12o. Camb. 1828 " George Washington. [See W/ashinrgton, G.] 8vo. Bost. 1839 --- - P-Memoirs of Gouverneur Morris. 3 v... 8vo. Bost. 1832 _ —-- - _ - (Ed'r)-Diplomatic Correspondence of Revolution. 12 v. 8vo. Bost. 1829-30 ---- Library of American Biography. 1st Series. 10 v. 16o. Bost. 1834-8 Vol. 1. Life of John Stark; by Edward Everett. " Charles B. Brown; by Wm. H. Prescott. " Robert Montgomery; by John Armstrong. " Ethan Allen; by Jared Sparks. 2. " Alexander Wilson; by W. B. 0. Peabody. " Capt. John Smith; by Geo. S. Hillard. 3. " Benedict Arnold; by Jared Sparks. 4. " Anthony Wayne; by John Armstrong. " Sir Henry Vane; by C. W. Upham. 5. " John Eliot, the Apostle of the Indians; by Convers Flrancis. 6. " William Pinkney; by Henry Wheaton. " William T. Ellery; by Edward T. Channing. " Cotton Mather; by W. B. 0. Peabody. 7. " Sir William Phips; by Francis Bowen. " Israel Putnam; by W. B. 0. Peabody. " Lucretia Maria Davidson; by Miss Sedgwick. " David Rittenhouse; by James Renwick. 8. " Jonathan Edwards; by S. Miller. " David Brainerd; by W. B. 0. Peabody. 9. " Baron Steuben; by Francis Bowen. " Sebastian Cabot; by Charles Hayward. (Jr.) " William Eaton; by C. C. Felton. 10. " Robert Fulton; by Jas. Renwick. Henry Hudson; by H. R. Cleveland. Joseph Warren; by Alexander H. Everett. " Father Marquette; by Jared Sparks. Catalogue.] SPA -- S P I 225 Sparks, Jared (Ed'r)-Library of American Biography. 2d Series. 15 v. 16o. Bost. 1844-8 Vol. 1. Life of R. de la Salle; by Jared Sparks. " Patrick Henry; by Alexander H. Everett. 2. " James Otis; by Francis Bowen. " James Oglethorpe; by W. B. O. Peabody. 3. " John Sullivan; by " " " Jacob Leisler; by Chas. F. Hoffman. Nathaniel Bacon; by Wm. Ware. " John Mason; by Geo. E. Ellis. 4. " Roger Williams; by Wm. Gammell. " Timothy Dwight; by Wm. B. Sprague. " Count Pulaski; by Jared Sparks. 5. " Count Rumford; by James Renwick. " Zebulon Montgomery Pike; by H. Whiting. Samuel Gorton; by John M. Mackie. 6. " Ezra Stiles; by James L. Kingsley. " James Fitch; by Charles Whittlesey. " Anne Hutchinson; by Geo. E. Ellis. 7. " John Ribault; by Jared Sparks. " Sebastian Rale; by Convers Francis. " William Palfrey; by J. G. Palfrey. 8. " Charles Lee; by Jared Sparks. " Joseph Reed; by Henry Reed. 9. " Leonard Calvert, of Maryland; by George W. Burnap. " Samuel Ward; by Wm. Gammell. " Thos. Pusey; by James Hall. 10. " Nathaniel Greene; by Geo. W. Greene. 11. " Stephen Decatur; by Alexander Slidell Mackenzie. 12. " Edward Preble; by Lorenzo Sabine. " William Penn; by Geo. E. Ellis. 13. <" Daniel Boone; by John M. Peck. " Benjamin Lincoln; by Francis Bowen. 14. " John Ledyard; by Jared Sparks. 15. " William R. Davie; by F. M. Hubbard. " Samuel Kirkland; by Samuel K. Lothrop. Sparrman, And.-Voyage to Cape of Good Hope, 1772-6. 2 v.. 8vo. Dublin. 1785 Spear, Chas.-On Punishment of Death...12o. Bost. 1844 Specimens of Macaronic Poetry..... 8vo. Lond. 1831 Spectator, the. By Addison, Steele, and others. 10 v.. 18o. N. Y. 1810 -..- The Same...... 8vo. Lond. 1822 The Same. See British Essayists. Vols. 6-15. *Spectator, the. A Weekly Newspaper. Vols. 11-16.. Fol. Lond. 1838-43 Speculum Episcopi; the Mirror of a Bishop... 12o. Lond. 1849 Speeches in Congress of U. S., on the Bill for Removal of Indians 12o. Bost. 1830 Spence, Jos. —Anecdotes, Observations, & Characters of Books & Men 8vo. Lond. 1824 * —-- —. Polymetis; Agree. of Rom. Poets with Rem. of Ane. Art Fol. Lond. 1747 Spencer, E.-Travels in the Western Caucasus. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1838 -- J. A.-The East. Sketches of Trav. in Egypt and Holy Land 8vo. N. Y. 1850 - Jos. C.-Manual for the Legislature... 16o. Albany. 1840 -—. - Thos.-Electrography..... 8vo. Glasgow. 1840 Spenser, Edm.-Fairy Queen; with Life by Mrs. C. M. Kirkland 12o. N. Y. 1847..- -. Poetical Works. 5 v..... 12o. Lond. 1825.-... -- The Same. Edited by G. S. Hillard. 5 v.. 12o. Bost. 1839 *Spiers, A.-English-French and French-English Dictionary. 2 v. 8vo. Paris. 1849 -..- -- Manual of Commercial Terms in English and French 12o. Phil. 1847 Spinoza, Benedict —Euvres. (De l'Ital. par. Saisset.) 2 v.. 12o. Paris. 1842 Spirit of Humanity..... 24o. Albany. 1834 -----— Missions, the. Vols. 9-14. [Continued.]. 8vo. N. Y. 1844-9 29 226 SP -- S TA [Merc. Lib. Sporting Scenes and Country Characters. By "Martingale". 8vo. Lond. 1840 Sprague, Chas.-Poetical and Prose Writings.. 12o. Bost. 1850 - J. F.-History of the Florida War... 8vo. N. Y. 1848 -- Wm. B.-Lectures on Christianity. 12o. N. Y. 1837 " to Young People... 12o. N. Y. 1831 --- - Letters to aDaoghter. 12o. N.Y. 1831 Spratt, T. A. B., & Forbes, Edw.-Travels in Syria, Milyas, &c. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Springs Gardiner-Dissertation on the Rule of Faith.. 8vo. N. Y. 1844 Distinguishing Traits of Christian Character. 8vo. N. Y. 1813 -—;;b -- Fragments from the Study of a Pastor. Vol. 1. 12o. N. Y. 1838 ---.. - Memoir of S. J. Mills, late Missionary to Africa. 8vo. N. Y. 1820 --- -- Mercy Seat; Thoughts on Prayer.. 8vo. N. Y. 1850 -— _ -- Power of the Pulpit; to Ministers and Hearers 8. 8v. N. 1848 Sproat, Mrs. N. —Family Lectures..... 18. Bost. 1819 Spurzheim, John G. -Observations on Insanity. Appendix by Brigham 8vo. Bost. 1835 --- - -- On Objections to Doctrines of Gall and Spurzheim 12o. Bost. 1833 ---—. -- Phrenology Connected with Physiognomy. 8vo. Bost. 1836 ----- - --- Phrenology; or, Doctrine of Mental Phenomena. 2 v. 8vo. Bost. 1832 - Principles of Education.... 12o. Bost. 1832 ---- -- The Same; with Appendix by S. R. Wells. 12o. N. Y. 1847 Squarey, Chas.-Popular Treatise on Agricultural Chemistry. 12o. Phil. 1842 Squier, E. G.-Aboriginal Monuments of Mississippi Valley. 8vo. N. Y. 1847 and Davis, E. H. See Smithsonian Contributions to Knotwledge. Vol 1. Squire Papers; List of the Long Parliament, &c... 8vo. Lond. 1849 Staats, Cuyler-Tribute to the Memory of De Witt Clinton. 12o. Albany. 1828 Stackhouse, Thos.-History of the Bible. 2 v... Fol. Lond. 1733 Stael (Mde. le Baronne de)-Corinne; ou, l'Italie.. 12o. Paris. 1845 - De l'Allemagne. 4 v...12o. Paris. 1818 - - - De l'Influence des Passions... 8vo. Paris. 1818 - - De la Litterature. 2 v...... 8vo. Paris. 1792 - - (Euvres Completes. 17 v..... 8vo. Paris. 1821 -- -- Influence of Literature upon Society. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v. 12o. Bost. 1813 -- -- Principal Events of the French Revolution. (Fr. Fren.) 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1818 - -- The Same. 2 v...... 8vo. N. Y. 1818 - Ten Years' Exile..... 8vo. Lond. 1821 Stafford, W. C.-History of Music. (C. M.)... 16o. Edin. 1830 Stahl, P. J. (Ed'r)-Scenes de la Vie des Animaux. 2 v.. 8vo. Paris. 1842 Stallo, J. B.-General Principles of Philosophy of Nature.. 12o. Bost. 1848 *Standard Library Cyclopaedia of Political, Knowledge, &c. 4 v. 120. Lond. 1848-9 Standish, F. H.-Life of Voltaire; with Particulars of his Death. 8vo. Lond. 1821 Stanford, John-Christian's Pocket Library. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1796-1800 Stanhope (Lady Hester)-Memoirs of Herself. 3 v.... 12o. Lond. 1846 --— _- _ -- Travels of. Narrated by her Physician. 3 v.. 12o. Lond. 1846 - - -- Leicester-Greece in 1823-4... 8vo. Phil. 1825 Stanley, A. D.-Spherical Geometry and Trigonometry.. 12o. N. Haven. 1848 - -- Arthur P.-Life and Correspondence of Thomas Arnold. 12o. N. Y. 1845 O —-- C. H. (Ed'r)-American Chess Magazine.. 8vo. N. Y. 1847 --- Win.-Faith and Practice of a Church of England Man. 16o. Lond. 1848 Starkey, D. P.-Theoria; Poems.... 16o. Dublin. 1847 Starkie, Thos.-Treatise on the Law of Evidence. 3 v... 8vo. Bost. 1826 Catalogue.] S TA - S TE 227 Starling, Elizabeth-Noble Deeds of Woman... 16o. Lond. 1848 Stars and the Earth; or, Thoughts upon Time, Space, and Eternity 12o. Bost. 1849 State of the Cape of Good Hope in 1822.. 8vo. Lond. 1823 Statius, Publius Papinius-Sylvee, Thebais, et Achilleis. See Walker, G. S.; Corp. Poet. Lat. Staunton, Sir Geo.-Embassy fr. Gt. Brit. to China. 2 v. 4to. & Atlas Fol. Lond. 1797 -- Hen. B.-Reforms and Reformers of Gt. Brit. and Ireland 12o. N. Y. 1849 --—.- Howard-Chess-Player's Companion... 12o. Lond. 1849 " Hand-Book... 12o. Lond. 1847 ---- Wm —Dictionary of the Church.... 8vo. N. Y. 1839 Stearns, Sam.-Tour from London to Paris... 8vo. Lond. 1790 Stebbing, Hen.-History of Chivalry and the Crusades. (C. M.) 2 v. 16o. Edin. ~ — - -- " Christian Church. (L. C. C.) 2 v.. 16o. Lond. 1833-4 " — - " Reformation. (L. C. C.) 2 v... 16o. Lond. 1836-7 -- -- Lives of Italian Poets. 3 v... 12o. Lond. 1831 Stedman, C.-History of the American War. 2 v.... 4to. Lond. 1794 Steedman, And.-Wanderings in Southern Africa. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1835 Steele, Rich.; Dramatic Works of..... 18o. Lond. 1761..- -- See Spectator. Steenstra, P.-Grondbeginsels der Meetkunst... 8vo. Leyden. 1770 -- -- " Sterrekunde... 8vo. Amsterdam. 1781 Steinitz, Fran.-Moderate Monarchy; Life and Maxims of Alfred Great 12o. Lond. 1849 --- -- The Ship; its Origin and Progress.. 4to. Lond. 1849 Steinmetz, And.-History of the Jesuits. 3 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1848 ------ -- The Novitiate; a Year among the English Jesuits 12o. N. Y. 1846 Stephanini, J.-Personal Narrative of his Sufferings.. 12o. N. Y. 1829 Stephen, Sir Jas.-Critical and Miscellaneous Essays.. 12o. Phil. 1843 ----- - Essays in Ecclesiastical Biography. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1849 ---- - Thos.-Book of the British Constitution.. 8vo. Glasgow. no date Stephens, Alex.-Memoirs of John Home Tooke. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1813 - Hen.-Book of the Farm. 2 v.... 8vo. N. Y. 1846-7 --- -- -Manual of Practical Draining... 8vo. Lond. 1847 -*. Jas. F.-Illustrations of British Entomology. 12 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1828-46 ----- J. L.-Incidents of Travel in Central Amer., Chiapas, &c. 2 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1841 & 3. - --:'" Egypt, Arabia Petrea, &c. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1837,8 & 9 - ----' — " " Greece, Turkey, &c. 2 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1838: —- " " Yucatan. 2 v... 8vo. N. Y. 1841 & 3 Thos.-Liter. of the Kymry; Language and Liter. of Wales 8vo. Llandovery. 1850 Stephenson, D.-Sketch of Civil Engineering of North America. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Sterling, John-Essays and Tales; with Memoir by J. C. Hare. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1848 - Poems.... 16o. Lond. 1839 ---- -- The Same...... 12o. Phil. 1842 Sterne, Lawrence-[Sentimental Journey through France and Italy] 12o. N. Y. 1795 Works. 4 v...... 8vo. Lond. 1808 The Same; with an Autobiography... 8vo. Phil. 1833 Steuart, Sir Hen.-Planter's Guide; Removal of Large Trees. 8vo. N. Y. 1832 Steven, Wm.-History of High School of Edinburgh.. 12o. Edin. 1849 Stevens, G. A.-Lecture on Heads, and Essay on Satire. 12o. Lond. 1821 - W. B.-History of Georgia. 2 v..... 8vo. N. Y. 1847 Steversloot, Lawrentius-Jona de Profeet. [Een Geidicht]. 4to. Leyden. 1730 Stewart, Chas.-History of Bengal until 1757. 4toe Lond. 1813 228 TE - S TO [Mer. Lib. Stewart, C. S.-Residence in the Sandwich Islands.. 12o. Bost. 1839 -___ - Sketches of Society in Great Britain and Ireland. 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1834 & 5 - Visit to the South Seas in 1829-30. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1831,- - - Voyage to Pacific, and Residence in Sandwich Islands 12o. N. Y. 1828 - Dugald-Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind 8vo. Brattleboro. 1808 --- -- The Same. 3 v...... 8vo. Bost. 1814-27 __ — --- Life and Writings of Wm. Robertson.. 8vo. Lond. 1802 --- -- Philosophical Essays.... 8vo. Phil. 1811 - Jas.-The Lungs; their Uses, and Prevention of Diseases. 180. N. Y. 1848 -- -John-Stable Economy; Management of Horses. 12o. Edin. 1840 Robt.-Poems in Gaelic and English... 12o. Edin. 1802 - Virgil A.-Capture of Murrell, the Western Land Pirate 12o. N. Y. 1836 & 8 Stilcke-Physisch-Moralische Zeitbediirfnisse fur die Menschh. 16o. Bremen. 1794 Stiles, Ezra-Hist. of Whalley, Goffe, and Dixwell. (Judges of Chas. 1.) 12o. Hartf. 1794 Stilli, Alf.-Elements of General Pathology.... 12o. Phil. 1848 Stilling, J. Heinrich Jung-Autobiography. (Fr. Ger.) 3 v.. 8vo. N. Y. 1844 -- -- The Same; with a Supplement... 12o. Lond. 1835-6 Stillingfleet, Benj.-Literary Life, and Select Works of. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1811 Stirling, P. J.-Philosophy of Trade; Theory of Profits and Prices. 8vo. Edin. 1846 -- Wm. —Annals of Artists of Spain. 3 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1848 Stisted, Mrs. Henry-Letters from the Bye-Ways of Italy.. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Stockdale, Percival-His own Life and Writings. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1809 Stocqueler, J. H.-Fifteen Months in Khuzistan and Persia. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1832 ---—' - Oriental Interpreter, and Treas. of E. India Knowl. 12o. Lond. no date Stoddart, John-Philosophy of Language and Glossology. 12o. Lond. 1849 ---- - -T. T.-Angler's Comp. to the Rivers and Lochs of Scotland 12o. Edin. 1847 Stoerer, D. H.-Life of Linnmus; with a Sketch of his Son. 4to. Lond. 1794 Stokers and Pokers; or, the London and North-Western Railway. 12o. Lond. 1849 Stokes, Wm.-Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Physic. 8vo. Phil. 1837 - Treatise on the Diagnosis and Diseases of the Chest 8vo. Phil. 1837 Stone, John S.-Memoirs of Jas. Milnor, D. D.... 8vo. N. Y. 1848 - (Mrs.)-Fashions of Eng. Society from Time of Elizabeth. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1846 - - Wm. L.-Border Wars of Revolut., and Life of Brant. (H. F. L.) 18o. N. Y..- -- Letters on Masonry and Anti-Masonry, to J. Q. Adams 8vo. N. Y. 1832 --- - Life of Jos. Brant, and Indian Wars of Revolution. 2 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1838 --- -- Life and Times of Sa-go-ve-wat-ka, or Red Jacket 8vo. N. Y. 1841 -- -- Matthias and his Impostures... 12o. N. Y. 1835 -- -- See Campbell, Thos. Storch, Hen.-Cours d'Economie Politique; avec des Notes. 5 v.. 8vo. Paris. 1823 Storer, D. H.-See Reports on Nat. Hist. of Massachusetts. Stories from Italian Writers, with Interlinear Translation and Notes 12o. Lond. 1835 Stork, Wm.-Description of East Florida... 4to. Lond. 1769 Story, Jos.-Commentaries on Conflict of Laws... 8vo. Bost. 1834 --- - ---- " Constitution of United States. 3 v. 8vo. Bost. 1833 - The Same; abridged.... 8vo. Bost. 1833 --- - - Constitutional Class-Book... 12o. Bost. 1834 - - - Miscellaneous Writings.. 8vo. Bost. 1835 - Power of Solitude. (A Poem.)... 12o. Salem. 1804 - The Same..... 12o. Bost. no date - Robt.-Peace in Believing; Memoir of Isabella Campbell 12o. N. Y, 1830 Cartalogue.] S TO - -.S T U 229 Stoughton, John-Spiritual Heroes; or, Sketches of the Puritans 12o. Lond. 1848 Stow, John-Survey of London; written in 1598. 8vo. Lond. 1842 Stowell, W. H.-History of Puritans in England.. 12o. N. Y. 1849 Strachey, Edw.-Shakspeare's Hamlet... 8vo. Lond. 1848 Strait, H.-Allitter; or, the Melody of Language.. 18o. N. Y. 1836 Stranger in Liverpool... 12o. Liverpool. 1820 Stratton, Thos.-Book of the Priesthood... 12o. N. Y. 1831 Strauss, D. F.-The Life of Jesus, Critically Examined. (Fr. Ger.) 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1846 --- - Fred.-Helon's Pilgrimage to Jerusalem. (Fr. Ger.) 2 v. 12o. Bost. 1825 --- F. A.-Sinai and Golgotha; a Journey in the East. 16o. Lond. 1849 Street, Alf. B.-Frontenac; a Metrical Romance... 12o. N. Y. 1849 - - Poems...... 8vo. N. Y. 1845 Stricken, John-Life of Cicero.... 12o. Bait. 1835 Strickland, Agnes-Lives of Queens of Eng.; fr. Norman Conq. 12v. 8vo. Phil. 1841-8.-. —-. - The Same. 11 v.... 12o. Phil. 1841-7 --—. —. — - TheSame, 2dSeries; [Selectionsfr. theAbove.] 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1842 Struthers, John-Peasant's Death; and other Poems.. 18o. Glasgow. 1806 Strutt, Jos. —Regal and Ecclesiastical History of England. 4to. Lond. 1842 - Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. 8vo. Lond. 1834 Stryker, J. (Ed'r)-Am. Quar. Register & Mag. Vol. 1. [Continued.] 8vo. Phil. 1848 Strzelecki, P. E. de-Physical Description of New South Wales, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Stuart, Jas.-Three Years in North America. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1833 ---- ~ a — and Revett, Nich.-Antiquities of Athens, &c.. 16o. Lond. 1841 Moses-Hints on the Interpretation of Prophecy. 12o. Andover. 1842 -* — - i- MIiscellanies... 12o. Andover. 1846 - Robt.-Dictionary of Architecture. 3 v.... 8vo. Lond. no date -_ — -- Hist. and Descriptive Anecdotes of Steam Engine. 2 v. 18o. Lond. 1829 Student's Cabinet Library of Useful Tracts. 3 v.... 160. Edin. 1835-6 Vol. I. 1. Reynolds, E. Hints on the Use of the Eyes. 2. Hitchcock, E. Connect. between Geology and Nat. Religion. 3. Channing, W. E. Importance and Means of National Literature. 4. Negris, A. Outline of Literary History of Greece. 5. Robinson, E. View of GermanUniversities. 6. Reynolds, E. Necessity of Physical Culture to Literary Men. 7. Edwards, B. B. State of Slavery in Ancient Greece. Vol. II. 8. Eichorn, J. G. Life and Writings of J. D. Michaelis. (Fr. Ger.) 9. Staeudlin, C. F. History of Theological Knowledge and Literature. 10. Verplanck, G. C. Influence and Use of Liberal Studies. 11. Ware, J. Lecture on the Character and Duties of a Physician. 12-16. Story, J. Discourses on Science, Literature, and Government. 17. Sawyer, L. A.-Popular Elements of Biblical Interpretation. 18. Edwards, B. B. Slavery in Early and Middle Ages of Christian Era. Vol. III. 19. Niebuhr, B. G. Life of Carsten Niebuhr, his Father. 20. Stapfer, Prof. Life of Emmanuel Kant. (Fr. Ger.) 21. Child, L. Maria. Life of Mde. de Stail. 22. Hitchcock, E. Geology and the Mosaic Hist. of the Creation. 23. Stuart, M. Philological View of Modern Doctrines of Geology. - ---- Guide to the Locomotive Engine. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1849 Studies in Religion...... 18o. N. Y. 1845 Sturgeon, Wm.-Elementary Lectures on Galvanism.. 12o. Lond. 1843 ----- - Lectures on Electricity.... 12o. Lond. 1842 Sturges, Josh.-Guide to the Game of Draughts... 12o. Lond. 1835 Sturm, C. C.-Reflections on the Works of God. (Fr. Ger.) 2 v. 24o. Phil. 1821 - The Same... 12o. Lond. 1839 230 S U C- - S W E [Merc. Lib. Suckling, Sir John-Fragmenta Aurea; Collec. of Incomparable Pieces 12o. Lond. 1646 Suddards, W.-British Pulpit Discourses by Eminent Divines. 8vo. Phil. 1836 Sue, Eugene-Les Mysteres de Paris. 4 v... 12o. Brux. 1845 The Same...... 8vo. N. Y. 1844 Suetonius Tranquillus-Lives of the First Twelve Caesars. 8vo. Lond. 1796 Suffolk, Henrietta (Countess of) —Let. to and fr. Hon. G. Berkeley. 2v. 8vo. Lond. 1824 Suggestions for a Domestic Currency.... 8vo. N. Y. 1847 Sullivan, F. S.-On the Constitution and Laws of England. 2 v. 8vo. Portland. 1805 ----- - Wm. —[Letters on Public Charac. and Events fr. 1783-1815] 12o. Bost. 1834 - Historical Causes and Effects... 8vo. Bost. 1838 Sully, Maximilian de Bethune (Duke of)-Memoirs of Himself. 5 v. 8vo. Phil. 1817 Sulpicia-Satira. See Walker, G. S.; Corpus Poet. Lat. Summary of the Principles of Political Economy... 8vo. Camb. 1826 Sumner, John-Compendium of Physiological and Systematic Botany 12o. Hartf. 1820 *Sun, the; for June 28th, 1838, containing Coronation of Victoria. Fol. Lond. 1838 *Sunbeam; a Journal Devoted to Polite Literature and Music. 2 v. 4to. Lond. 1839 *Sunday School Journal. 2 v. Fol.Phil.&N.Y.1833-4 Surrey, Hen. Howard (Earl of), and Wyatt, Sir Thos.-Works. 2 v. 4to. Lond. 1815.....- Poems. (Ald. Poets.). 16o. Lond. 1831 Survey of the Province of Moray.... 8vo. Aberdeen. 1798 Sutherland, A. —History of the Knights of Malta. (C. M.) 2v.. 160. Edin. 1830 Sutton, Christopher-Disce 3Mori; Learn to Die.. 12o. N. Y. 1841. - -- Godly Meditations on the Lord's Supper.. 12o. N. Y. 1841 Suvern, J. W.-Essay on the " Birds" of Aristophanes. (Fr. Ger.) 8vo. Lond. 1835 Swain, Chas. —English Melodies..... 160. Lond. 1849 -.1_Jos.- Redemption. (A Poem.).... 16o. N. Y. 1827 Swainson, Wm.-Animals in Menageries. (L. C. C.).. 16o. Lond. 1838 -- - Birds. (L. C. C.) 2 v.. 16o. Lond. 1836-7 Fishes, Amphibians, and Reptiles. (L. C. C.) 2 v. 16o. Lond. 1838-9 _ —__ _- Geography and Classification of Animals. (L. C. C.) 16o0. Lond. - Habits and Instincts of Animals. (L. C. C.). 160. Lond. 1840 Nat. Hist. of Birds of Western Africa. (N. L.) 2 v. 16o. Edin. 1837 -_ __ __ " Fly Catchers. (N. L.). 160. Edin. 1838 Prelim. Discourse on Study of Nat. Hist. (L. C. C.) 16o. Lond. 1834 - _ - _ Quadrupeds. (L. C. C.).... 16o. Lond. 1835 Shells and Shell Fish. (L. C. C.).. 16o. Lond. 1840 - -____ - Taxidermy and Bibliography. (L. C. C.).. 16o. Lond. 1840 — _ - _ See Fauna Boreali Americana. _ and Shuckard, W. E. Insects. (L. C. C.). 16o. Lond. 1840 Swan, J. A. —[Prophecy of the Santon; and other Poems]. 120. Worcester 1847 Swedenborg, Emanuel-Angelic Wisdom concerning Divine Providence 12o. Bost. 1840 Apocalypse Revealed. 3 v. 12o. Bost. 1836 Athanasian Creed Explained.. 18o. Bost. 1828 --- _ _ Delights of Wisdom concern. Conjugial Love, &c. 8vo. Bost. 1833 -_ - Divine Love, and Divine Wisdom.. 18o. Bost. 1828 Doct. of Church, called " New Jerusalem" in Apoc. 12o. Bost. 1839 -____ - _ Doct. of the New Jerusalem, concerning Faith 18o. Bost. 1828 __.... " the Lord 18o. Camb. 1821 __ ____ __ ( " " respecting Sac. Scrip. 18o. Bost. 1829. - Heaven and Hell.... 12o. Bost. 1837 Catalogue.] S WE -- TA C 231 Swedenborg, Emanuel-Heavenly Arcana. 4 v.... 8vo. Bost. 1837-40 --- -- -- Internal Sense of Prophetical Books of Bible 12o. Bost. 1833 -- - Last Judgment and Destruction of Babylon. 18o. Bost. 1828 -.... - - Nature of Influx.... 12o. Bost. 1794.....- -- The Planets and the Earths in the Starry Heavens 18o. Bost. 1828.-.... - What is Taught in New Jerusalem Church 12o. Edin. 1837 - ---- -- True Christ. Relig.; or, Theol. of the New Church 8vo. Bost. 1833......- - Documents concerning his Life and Character 8vo. N. Y. 1847 ----- - Life of; with Account of his Writings. 12o. Bost. 1831 Sweeny, Robt. —Odds and Ends. Original and Selected. (Poems.) 12o. N. Y. 1826 Sweetser, Wm.-Mental Hygeine.. 12o. N. Y. 1843 Swift, Jonathan-Works. 24 v...... 12o. N. Y. 1813 - -- - The Same; edited by Walter Scott. 19 v... 8vo. Edin. 1824 -- -- - The Same; with a Memoir by Thos. Roscoe. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1841 Swindell, J. G.-Treatise on Well-Digging and Pump Work. 12o. Lond. 1849 Swinton, Arch.-Trial of Alexander Humphreys.. 8vo. Edin. 1839 Sydenham Society's Publications. Vols. 1-20... 8vo. Lond. 1843-9 Vol. 1. Hecker, J. F. C. Epidemics of the Middle Ages. 2. Sydenham, Thos. Opera Omnia. 3. Louis, P. C. A. Researches on Phthisis. 4. Paulus AEgineta; Seven Books of. Vol. I. 5. Observations in America. 6. Simon, J. F. Animal Chemistry. Vol. I. 7. "- " Animal Chemistry. Vol. II. 8. Paulus Aggineta; Seven Books of. Vol. II. 9. Hasse, C. E. Diseases of Organs of Circulation and Respiration. 10. Paulus _Egineta; Seven Books of. Vol. III. 11. Hewson, Wm. Works. 12. Dupuytren (Baron). Injuries and Diseases of Bones. 13. Harvey, Wm. Works. (Fr. Lat.) 14. Feuchterleben, E. von (Baron). Medical Psychology. 15. Schwann, T. Microscopical Researches in Animal, and Plants. 16. Surgical Diseases of the Neck and Head. 17. Rhazes. On Small Pox and Measles. (Fr. Arabic.) 18. Sydenham, Thos. Works; with a Life by Latham. 19. Genuine Works of Hippocrates. (Fr. Grk.) Vol. I. 20. Rokitansky, Carl. Manual of Pathological Anatomy. Vol. II. Sylvan Sketches; with Illustrations from the Poets.. 8vo. Lond. 1831 Syme, M.-Embassy to Ava. (C. M.) 2 v.... 16o. Edin. 1827 Symons, J. O.-Arts and Artisans at Home and Abroad.. 8vo. Edin. 1839 System of Natural History.... 8vo. Brattleboro. 1834 Table-Talk; or, Selections from the Ana. (C. M.)... 16o. Edin. 1827 Tableau de Paris....... 8vo. Amsterdam. 1782 Ge~ne~ral du Commerce Belgique, 1831-4.. Fol. Brux. 1836 ---- _ " " de la France, &c. 3 v... 4to. Paris. 1844-6 Tables of Logarithms. (L. U. K.)..... 12o. Lond. 1839, --- Revenue, Populat., &c., of the United Kingdom, Pt. 15, 1846 4to. Lond. 1848 Tacitus, Caius Cornelius-Annalium Libri Sedecim.. 12o. Lugduni. 1542 ----..- Historiarum Libri Quinque... 12o. N. Y. 1825 - --- -.- Five Books of the Histories, with English Notes. 12o. Hartf. 1826:- -- Works. (Fr. Lat.) With an Essay on his Life. 4 v. 8vo. Dublin. 1794 -.-.. The Same. 6 v...... 8vo. N. Y, 1822 — ___ - The Same. (F. C. L.) 5 v. 16o. Lond. 1831 The Same.... 8vo. Phil. 1846 232 TA I- TA Y [Mere. Lib. Tait's Edinburgh Magazine. Vol. 2.... 8vo. Edin. 1832-3 -- The Same. New Series. Vols. 1-16. [Continued.].. 8vo. Edin. 1834-9 Talbot, Hen. Fox-Antiquity of the Book of Genesis.. 8vo. Lond. 1839 --- - English Etymologies.... 8vo. Lond. 1847 Tale of the Basyn, the Frere, and the Boy. (An old Poem.). 18o. Lond. 1836 Tales in the Persian Language. MS..... 4to. no date of the Classics. 3 v...... 12o. Lond. 1830 Talfourd, Thos. Noon-Athenian Captive; a Tragedy.. 12o. N. Y. 1838 - Ion; a Tragedy.... 12o. N.Y. 1837 -------- - Miscellaneous Writings... 12o. Phil. 1842.-... - Sketches and Letters; Memorials of C. Lamb. 12o. N. Y. 1848....-.- Speeches on the Copy-right Bill... 16o. Lond. 1840 --- -- Tragedies..... 8vo. Lond. 1840 - -- The Same; and a Few Sonnets and Verses. 12o. N. Y. 1846 ---- ----- -- Vacation Rambles and Thoughts.. 12o. Lond. 1845 Talisman for 1830...... 18o. Phil. 1829 Talleyrand, the Prince de; Life of.... 8vo. Phil. 1834 Reminiscences of; with Select Writings. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1848 Tams, G.-Visit to Portuguese Possessions in Africa. (Fr. Ger.) 2 v. 12o. Lond. no date Tannehill, Wilkins-History of Literature to Fifteenth Century. 8vo. Nashville. 1827 Tanner, John-Thirty Years' Captivity among Indians.. 8vo. N. Y. 1830 Tanquerel des Planches, L.-Lead Diseases; with Notes by S. L. Dana 8vo. Lond. 1848 Tappan, Dav.-Sermons; with a Biographical Sketch.. 8vo. Bost. 1807 A —-- Hen. P.-Doctrine of the Will; Appeal to Consciousness 12o. N. Y. 1840 ---- - Doctrine of the Will; Applied to Human Agency. 12o. N. Y. 1841. —-- Elements of Logic; with Philosophy and the Reason 12o. N. Y. 1844 ------ Review of Edwards on Freedom of the Will. 12o. N. Y. 1839 a — ---- Wm. B.-Poems..... 16o. Phil. 1822 The Same...... 18o. Phil. 1836 — _ — -- Sunday School; and other Poems.. 12o. Bost. 1848 Tardieu, A.-Du Colera Epidemique.... 8vo. Paris. 1849 - - - Treatise on Epidemic Cholera. (Fr. Fren.). 12o. Bost. 1849 Tariff for the Sound of Ore. (Baltic Sea.).... 12o. Cop'hagen. 1821 Tarleton, Banastre (Col.)-Hist. of Campaign of 1780 & 81, in N. Am. 4to. Lond. 1787 ---- - The Same...... 8vo. Dublin. 1787 Taschereau, M. J.-Vie et des CEuvrages de Moliere.. 12o. Paris. 1844 Tasistro, Louis F.-Random Shots and Southern Breezes.. 12o. N. Y. 1842 Tassie, Wm.-Descriptive Catalogue of Devices and Mottoes. 18o. Lond. 1846 Tasso, Torquato-Jerusalem Delivered; an Epic Poem. (Fr. Ital.). 12o. Lond. 1819 m__ - _ The Same. (Fr. Ital. by Fairfax.) With Lives. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1845 _:_ —-- The Same. (Fr. Ital. by Hoole.) 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1846 __- - Rinaldo; a Poem. (Fr. Ital. by Hoole.).. 8vo. Lond. 1792 Tate, Wm.-Commercial Arithmetic.. 12o. Lond. 1834 -- -- Modern Cambist..... 8vo. Lond. 1849 Tatius, Achilles-Erotica. (Greece.) Edidit B. G. L. Boden. 12o. Lipsie 1776 Tattler, the... 8.. 8vo. Lond. no date --- ---- The Same. 5 v..... 18o. N. Y. 1809 ---- The Same. See British Essayists. Vols. 1-5. Tayler, Chas. B.-Facts in a Clergyman's Life... 12o. N. Y. 1849 Records of a Good Man's Life.. 12o. N. Y. 1844 Catalogue.] TA Y - TA Y 233 Taylor, Alf. S.-Elements of Medical Jurisprudence. Vol.. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Arthur-The Glory of Regality....8vo. Lond. 1820 Bayard-Eldorado. Adventures in California. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1850 -— _- -- Rhymes of Travel; Ballads and Poems.. 12o. N. Y. 1849 Views A-Foot; Travels in Europe.. 12o. N. Y. 1846 --- -Fitch W.-Broad Pennant; Cruise during Mexican War. 12o. N. Y. 1848 ---- -- Flag-Ship; a Voyage Round the World. 2 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1840 Hen.-Edwin the Fair; a Historical Drama... 16o. Loud. 1842 __ —- - - Eve of the Conquest; and other Poems.. 16o. Lond. 1847 -- Notes from Books, in Four Essays... 12o. Lond. 1849 --- - <" " Life, in Six Essays... 12o. Lond. 1847 ---- -- Philip Van Artevelde; a Drama. 2 v.. 12o. Camb. 1835 --— __ -- The Statesman..... 16o. Loud. 1836. —.- Virgin Widow; a Play.... 16o. Lond. 1850 Hen.-Bee-Keeper's Manual.... 16o. Lod. 1839 ---- Isaac-Ancient Christianity, and Doctrines of Oxford Tracts 12o. Phil. 1840 - - - [Fanaticism]..... 12o. N. Y. 1834 ---- - Home Education..... 12o. N. Y. 1838 -- Loyola, and Jesuitism in its Rudiments.. 8vo. Lond. 1849 --- -- Memoirs and Poetical Remains of Jane Taylor. 12o. Bost. 1826 - -- [Natural History of Enthusiasm]... 12o. N. Y. 1834 _- - -- On Spiritual Christianity... 12o. N. Y. 1841 ---- - [Physical Theory of Another Life].. 12o. N. Y. 1836 [Saturday Evening].....12o. N. Y. 1832 --- -- [Spiritual Despotism].... 12o. N. Y. 1835 Isaac (of Ongar)-Advice to the Teens... 18o. Bost. 1820 --— __ - Elements of Thought. Terms used in Intellec. Phil. 12o. Lond. 1834 -— __ - Self-Cultivation..... 18o. Ithaca. 1842 Jane-Contributions of Q. Q. to a Periodical Work. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1826 -- __ - Writings. 5 v......12o. Bost. 1832 -- Jeremy-Holy Living and Dying... 12o. Amherst. 1831..... -- Liberty of Prophesying. See Sacred Classics. Vol. 1. Life of Christ. See Sacred Classics. Vols. 22-24. -— t —'Selections from his Works....16o. Bost. 1833......- Select Sermons. See Sacred Classics. Vol. 7. --- -- Whole Works; with an Essay. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1835 ---- John-Identity of Junius with Sir Philip Francis.. 8vo. N. Y. 1828 - -- Records of my Life... 8vo. N. Y. 1833 --- John (of Va.)-Tyranny Unmasked....8vo. Wash. 1822 John Jas.-Retrospect of Religious Life of England. 12o. Lond. 1845 ---- John N.-On American Law of Landlord and Tenant 8vo. N. Y. 1844 ---- Mrs.-Itinerary of a Traveller in the Wilderness. 18o. N. Y. 1825 -.- Rich. (Ed'r)-Scientif. Mem. fr. Transac. of Foreign Acad. V. 1 8vo. Lond. 1837 R. C.-Statistics of Coal.... 8vo. Phil. 1848 - Thos.-Dissertation on Philosophy of Aristotle.. 4to. Loud. 1812 ---- -- Elements of New Arithmetical Notation. 8vo. Loud. 1823 ---- -- Theoretic Arithmetic....8vo. Lond. 1816 --- Wm.-Survey of German Poetry; with Translations. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1830 W. B. S.-History of University of Dublin.. 8vo. Loud. 1845 ---. - History of Fine Arts in Great Brit. and Ireland. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1841 30 234 TA Y — THA [Merc. Lib. Taylor, Wm. Cooke-Civil Wars of Ireland. (C. M.) 2 v.. 16o. Edin. 1831...- Hand-Book of Silk, Cotton, and Woolen Manufactures 18o. Lond. 1843 - Historical Miscellany.... 12o. Lond. 1829 ---- -- - History of British India.... 8vo. Lond. 1842 " Ireland to Time of the Union. (H. F. L.) 2 v. 18o. N. Y. 1833 -- - " Mahomedanism, and its Sects.. 12o. Lond. 1834 -- -- Illustrations of Bible from Egyptian Monuments. 12o. Loud. 1838 Life and Times of Sir Robert Peel. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1848 _ —--- - Manual of Ancient and Modern History.. 8vo. N. Y. 1845 - Memoirs of the House of Orleans. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1850 - Modern British Plutarch.... 12o. N. Y. 1846 - Revolu., Insurrections, and Conspiracies of Europe. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1843 - Society in Barbarous and Civilized State. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1841 ---- -- — Tour in Manufacturing District of Lancashire. 160. Lond. 1842 --- -- (Ed'r)-Romantic Biography of Age of Elizabeth. 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1842 Zachary-Life and Public Services of. 8vo. N. Y. 1846 --— _ - - and his Generals: Worth, Wool, and Twiggs. 12o. Phil. 1847 Teatro Italiano Antico. 9 v.... 8vo. Milan. 1808-9 Tegg, Thos.-Book of Utility..... 12o. Lond. 1828 ---- - Dictionary of Chronology.... 12o. Lond. 1835 Tegner, Esaias-Frithiof's Saga; a Legendary Poem. (Fr. Swed.) 8vo. Lond. 1835. — - The Same..... 8vo. Stockholm. 1839 Teignmouth (Lord)-Sketches of Coasts and Islands of Scotland. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1836 ----- - Life of Sir William Jones. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1837 Temple, Edm.-Travels in Peru. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1830 The Same. 2 v..... 8vo. Phil. 1833 - - Sir Wm-Works. 2 v...... Fol. Lond. 1740 Tench, Watkin-Letters from France to a Friend in England. 8vo. Lond. 1796 Tennant, Wm.-Indian Recreations; Domestic Econ. of India. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1804.-... Effects of British Government on India.. 8vo. Edin. 1807 -Wm.-Anster Fair; with other Poems., 18o. Bait. 1815 - The Same.... 12o. Lond. 1821 Tennemann, W. G.-Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie 8vo. Leipzig. 1829 ----.- -- Manual of History of Philosophy. (Fr. Ger.). 8vo. Oxford. 1832 -— _ —- -- Manuel de l'Hist. de Philosophie. (De lAllemand.) 2 v.8vo. Paris. 1829 Tennyson, Alf.-Poems. 2 v..... 12o. Bost. 1842 & 8 - ---- -- The Princess. (A Poem.).... 16o. Lond. 1847 - -- -- The Same.... 16o. Bost. 1848 Terence, Publius-Comcedie Sex. Edidit N. Camus.. 8vo. Loud. 1731 --- - The Same..... 18o. Hale. 1762 Terror of the Lord; Account of Earthquake in New Eng., Oct. 1727 18o. Bost. 1727 Terry, Chas.-Scenes and Thoughts in Foreign Lands.. 16o. Lond. 1848 Teschemacher, J. R.-Tables for the Arbitration of Exchanges. 4to. Lond. 1802 Testament. See Bible. *Text-Book of U. States Military Academy. Civil Engineering. 4 v. 4to. West Point. 1841 " Composition of Armies and Artillery. Fol. West Point. 1841 -- " Fortification; and Attack of Fortresses. Fol. West Point. 1841 Thacher, Jas.-American Medical Biography. 2 vols. in one. 8vo. Bost. 1828 ----- -- Essay on Demonology, Apparitions, &c... 18o. Bost. 1831 -..... -- History of the Town of Plymouth.. 12o. Bost. 1832 & 5 Catalogue.] T HA - T 0 235 Thacher, Jas.-Military Journal during Amer. Revolut. War, 1775-83 8vo. Bost. 1823 & 7 Thackeray, Fran.-Ecclesiastical and Polit. State of Ancient Britain. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1843 ---- W. M.-Irish Sketch-Book; by Michael Angelo Titmarsh 8vo. N. Y. 1844 - --- -- [Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo].. 12o. N. Y. 1846 Thackrah, C. T.-Effects of Arts, Trades, and Professions on Health 8vo. Lond. 1832 Thackwray, W.-Example-Book on the Use of Globes.. 4to. Lond. 1810 Thaer, Alb. D.-Principles of Agriculture. (Fr. Ger.).. 8vo. N. Y. 1846 Thatcher, B. B.-Indian Biography. (H. F. L.) 2 v... 18o. N. Y. 1832 --- -- Indian Traits. See Boy's and Girl's Library. ---. i[Memoirs of Geo. T. Hewes; of Boston Tea-Party] 18o. N. Y. 1835 -- Tales of the American Revolution. See Boy's and Girl's Library. Theatre of the Greeks; or, History, Literature, &c., of Grecian Drama 8vo. Camb. (E.) 1830 Thelwall, A. S.-Iniquities of the Opium Trade with China.. 12o. Lond. 1839 -- --- (Mrs.)-Life of John Thelwall. Vol.1.. 8vo. Lond. 1837 Thenard, L. J.-Chimie Elemen., Theorique et Pratique. 5 v. and Atlas 8vo. Paris. 1834 Thenot, T. P-Practical Perspective. (Fr. Fren.)... 8vo. N. Y. 1834 Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus-The Greek Pastoral Poets. Trans. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Theological Essays reprinted from the Princeton Review. 2 v.. 8vo. N. Y. 1846-7 Theophilus (Rugerus)-Encycl. of Chris. Art of 1 th Cent. (Lat.&Eng.) 8vo. Lond. 1847 Theophrastus-Characters from the Greek. (F. C. L.).. 16o. Lond. no date ------ - Les Caracteres de Theophraste. See La Bruyere, Jean de. Theory and Practice of Warming and Ventilating Buildings. 8vo. Lond. 1825 Theremin, Fran.-Eloquence a Virtue. (Fr. Ger.).. 12o. N. Y. 1850 Thesaurus Poeticus; Selections foro Foreign and American Poets 12o. N. Y. 1826 Thibaut, B. F.-Grundriss der reinen Mathematik.... 8vo. Gttingen. 1822 Thicknesse, Philip; Memoirs of.... 8vo. Dublin. 1790 Thiebault, Dieudonne —Anecdotes of Frederick the Great. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Phil. 1806 - - ((le Baron)-Relation de l'Exp6dition du Portugal en 1807-8 8vo. Paris. 1817 Thierry, Amedie-Histoire des Gaulois. 3 v.... 8vo. Paris. 1844 -- J. N. A.-Conquete de l'Angleterre par les Normans. 4 v. 8vo. Brux. 1835 Lettres sur l'Histoire de France... 8vo. Brux. 1836 _ — --- Conquest of England by the Normans. (Fr. Fren.) 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1825 -. - - The Same...... 8vo. Lond. 1841 _- - -- Essays and Narratives of Merovingian Era. 8vo. Phil. 1845 Thiers, Louis Adolphe-De la Propriete... 8vo. Paris. 1848 --- - Histoire du Consulat et de l'Empire. Vols. 1-9. 8vo. Paris. 1845-9 " de la Revolution Francaise. 10 v. 8vo. Atlas 4to. Paris. 1845-6 --- -- Consulate & Emp. of France under Napoleon. Vol. 1-7 8vo. Lond. 1845-7 - French Revolution. (Fr. Fren.) 4 v... 8vo. Phil. 1842 - -- The Same. 4 v...... 8vo. Phil. 1844 &7 -- - - and Bodin, F.-The Same. 3v.... 8vo. Lond. 1q25 - Rights of Property; a Refutation of Communism, &c. 12o. Lond. 1848 Things as They Are,; By a Trav. through the Mid. and North. States 12o. N. Y. 1834 Thirlwall, Connop-History of Greece. (L. C.C.) 8 v... 16o. Lond. 1835-44 -- -- The Same. 2 v..... 8vo. N. Y. 1845 Tholuck, F. A. G.-Circle of Human Life. (Fr. Ger.).. 18o. Edin. 1847 *Thom, R.-Chinese and English Vocabulary... 8vo. Canton. 1843 Thomas, Gabriel-Account of Pa. and N. J. (Fac Simile of 1698. Edn.) 12o. N. Y. 1848 -- - Isaiah-History of Printing in America. 2 v... 8vo. Worcester. 1810 - John J.-American Fruit Culturist... 18o. N. Y. 1846 236 T H O T H [Mere. Lib. Thomas, John J. —American Fruit Culturist.... 12o. Auburn. 1849 - R.-Glory of America. Memoirs of Officers in War with G. B. 12o. N. Y. 1836 - History of American Revolution and War of 1812 12o. Hartf. 1847 S.-Banker's Sure Guide..... 24. Lond. 1762 ---- - -T.-Working-Man's Cottage Architecture. 8vo. N. Y. 1848 Thomason, D. R.-Fashionable Amusements... 12o. N. Y. 1831 - Sir Edw.-Memoirs during Half a Century. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Thompson, Benj. (Trans.)-German Theatre. 6 v.. 18o. Lond. 1811 B-. F.-History of Long Island.. 8vo. N. Y. 1839 ---- Chas.-Travels in France, Italy, Arabia, &c. 3 v.. 8vo. Reading. E. 1744 --- -- The Same. 3 v... 8vo. Reading. E. 1752 - E. P.-Austria...... 12o. Lond. 1849 --- - -- Life in Russia; or, the Discipline of Despotism 12o. Lond. 1848 H — en. (Ed'r)-Original Ballads by Living Authors. 8vo. Lond. 1850 Jos. P.-Memoir of David Hale.... 12o. N. Y. 1850 - Young Men Admonished; in a Series of Lectures 12o. N. Y. 1848 ----- M Waddy-Recollections of Mexico... 12o. N. Y. 1846 ----- - Wm. —Natural History of Ireland; Birds. Vol. 1. 8vo. Lond. 1849 ---- - Zadock-Natural, Civil, and Statistical Hist. of Vermont 8vo. Burlington. 1842 Thomson, Adam-Time and Time-keepers....12o. Lond. 1842 Anthony-Domestic Management of the Sick-Room. 12o. Lond. 1841 - Elements of Materia Medica... 8vo. Lond. 1835 Mrs. A. T.-Life of Sir Walter Raleigh.. 8vo. Lond. 1830 r -- - The Same...... 12. Phil. 1841 ---- -- Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715-45. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1845-6 ---—..- " Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, &c., 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1839 -- Christopher-Autobiography of an Artizan..12o. Lond. 1847 Dav. P.-Introduction to Meteorology.. 8vo. Edin. 1849 --- Jas.-Poems. (Ald. Poets.) 2 v.... 16o. Lond. 1830 - - Poetical Works.. 120. Lond. 1849 - ~- ~ — The Same. See M1ilton, John. --- - The Seasons; a Poem... 18o. Bost. 1810 -- - The Same..... 18o. N. Y. 1820 The Same...... 240. Exeter. 1836...- - The Same...... 8vo. Lond. 1847 - The Same...... 16o. Lond. 1847 -- John-Etymons of English Words. [Bound with Nares' Glossary.] - John M.-Practical Dyer's Assistant... 16o. Lond. 1849 --- J. B.-Higher Arithmetic.... 12o. N. Y. 1848 -- Rich.-Chronicles of London Bridge. See Chronicles. -- -- - Coronation Ceremonies of England.. 8vo. Lond. 1820 - --- - Illustrations of Hist. of Great Britain. (C. M.) 2 v. 18o. Edin. 1828 Robt. D.-Records of General Science. 4 v... 8vo. Lond. 1835-6 -- Sam.-Thomsonian Mateia Medica... 8vo. Albany. 1841 - Thos.-Attempt to Establish Chemistry by Experiment. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1825 Chemistry of Animal Bodies... 8vo. Edin. 1843 - - " Inorganic Bodies. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1831 --- -- " Organic Bodies; Vegetables. 8vo. Lond. 1838 -- -- Geology, Mineralogy, and Mineral Analysis. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1836 -- ---- History of Chemistry. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1830-1 Catalogue.] THO - TO C 237 Thomson, Thos.-Science of Heat and Electricity.. 8vo. Lond. 1830 System of Chemistry; with Notes. 4 v... 8vo. Phil. 1818 - - - (Ed'r)- Annals of Philosophy. 16 v... 8vo. Lond. 1813-20 --— ^-.- The Same. New Series. See Phillips, Rich. Wm.-[Outlines of the Laws of Thought].. 18o. Lond. 1842 ---- -- - The Same...... 16o. Lond. 1849 Thorburn, Grant-PFifty Years' Reminiscences of New-York. 18o. N. Y. 1845 Forty Years' Residence in America. 12o. Bost. 1834 Thoreau, Henry D.-A Week on Concord and Merrimack Rivers 12o. Bost. 1849 P.-Book-keeping...... 4to. Lond. 1815 Thoresby, Ralph-Diary. [For his Correspondence, see Letters.] 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1830 Thornton, J. Q.-Oregon and California in 1848. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1849.- - - R. J.-Elements of Botany.. 8vo. Lond. 1812 Wm. T.-Over-Population and its Remedy.. 8vo. Lond. 1846 Thorpe, Benj. (Ed'r)-Analecta Anglo-Saxonica.. 8vo. Lond. 1834 ---- T. B.-Our Army at Monterey.. 12o. Phil. 1848 ---- - _- " " on the Rio Grande... 12o. Phil. 1846 Thoughts in Past Years. (Poems.).... 12o. N. Y. 1841 --- on Domestic Education. By a Mother.. 12o. Bost. 1829 on the Degradation of Science in England.. 8vo. Lond. 1847 - ---- " Importance of the Manners of the Great to Gen. Society 24o. Phil. 1788 " Mental Functions. Part 1... 12o. Edin. 1843 Three Words to Novel-Readers..... 12o. N. Y. 1837 Thucydides-De Bello Peloponnesiaco, Libri Octo. (Grece6.) 2 v.. 12o. Lipsie. 1820 - - History of the Grecian War. (Fr. Grk. by Hobbes.) 8vo. Lond. 1812 The Same. (Fr. Grk. by Wm. Smith.) 2 v.. 8vo. Phil. 1818 - The Same. (F. C. L.) 3 v..... 16o. Lond. 1831 The Same. (F. C. L.) 2v.... 18o. N. Y. 1836 Tibullus, Albius-Carmina. See Walker, G. S.; Corpus Poet. Lat.....- - Poetical Works. (Fr. Lat. by Jas. Grainger.) 2 v. 18o. Lond. 1812 Ticknor, Caleb-Philosophy of Living. (H. F. L.)... 18o. N. Y. 1836 Popular Treatise on Medical Philosophy. 12o. N. Y. 1838 Geo.-History of Spanish Literature. 3 v... 8vo. N. Y. 1849 Tieck, Ludwig-Sammtliche Werke.... 8vo. Paris. 1837 Tiffany, Osmond (Jr.)-The Canton Chinese; Sojourn in Celest. Empire 12o. Bost. 1849 Tilley, Jos.-New Arithmetical Table-Book... 12o. Lond. 1836 Tillotson, John (Abp.)-Works; with Life, by Thos. Birch. 10 v. 8vo. Lond. 1820 Timbs, John-Knowledge for the People. 4 v.... 18o. Lond. 1831-2 ---- -- Popular Errors Explained and Illustrated.. 12o. Lond. 1841 --— _ - -(Ed'r)-Arcana of Science and Art. 12 v... 12o. Lond. 1838-9 ---- - - Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art, 1839-50. 12 v. 12o. Lond. 1839-50 Timperley, C. H.-Encyclopmdia of Literary and Typographical Anec. 8vo. Lond. 1842 Timpson, Thos.-Memoirs of Mrs. Elizabeth Fry... 12o. Lond. 1847 Tischendorff, Constantine-Travels in the East. (Fr. Ger.). 16o. Lond. 1847 Tischer, J. F. W.-Life of Martin Luther. (Translated by J. Kortz.) 12o. Hudson. 1818 Tin Trumpet; or, Heads and Tales for the Wise and Waggish. 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1836 Tissot, S. A.-Verhandeling over de Ziekten der Geleerden. 8vo. Utrecht. 1768 Tocqueville, Alex. de-Democracy in America. (Fr. Fren.) 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1836 The Same.... 8vo. N. Y. 1838 _____ - The Same. Part 2.... 8vo. N. Y. 1840 238 T O D- TR A [1Merc. Lib. Todd, Hen. John-Lives and Writings of Gower and Chaucer. 8vo. Lond. 1810 -- John-Sabbath School Teacher... 12o. Northamp'n. 1837 -Student's Manual.... 12o. Northamp'n. 1841 Toland, John-Miscellaneous Works. 2 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1847 Tolhausen, Alex.-Klopstock, Lessing, and Wieland; Ger. Literature 8vo. Loud. 1848 Tomes, John-Dental Physiology and Surgery... 8vo. Lond. 1848 Tomkins, E.-Beauties of English Poetry... 18o. Lond. 1847 Tomline, F. G.-History of England. 3 vols. in Six.. 8vo. Lond. no date G —G eo. —Life of William Pitt. 2 v..,. 8vo. Phil. 1821 Tomlinson, Chas.-Introduction to Study of Nat. Philosophy. 12o. Lond. 1848 Pneumatics for the Use of Beginners. 12o. Lond. 1848 ------ -- Student's Manual of Natural Philosophy. 8vo. Lond. 1838.. —... Lewis-Recreations in Astronomy... 16o. Lond. 1840 Tone, T. W.-Life of Himself; continued by his Son. 2 v.. 8vo. Wash. 1826 The Same. See Autobiography. Tonna, Mrs. C. E. [Charlotte Elizabeth]-Posthumous & other Poems 16o. Lond. 1846 -War with the Saints; or, Persecution of the Vaudois 8vo. N. Y. 1848. —-. - Works. 3 v...... 8vo. N. Y. 1844-5 Tooke, And.-Pantheon of Heathen Gods and Illustrious Heroes 12o. Balt. 1833 -.-. JJohn Horne-Epea Pteroenta; or, the Diversions of Purley. 2 v. 8vo. Phil. 1806-7 The Same. Edited by Richard Taylor.. 8vo. Lond. 1840 ^. —- -- Miscellaneous Tracts.... 8vo. various dates Thos.-History of Prices from 1792 to Present Time. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1838 ---- -- " " and Circulation, from 1839-47 8vo. Lond. 1848 Toone, Wm.-Chronological Historian. Great Britain. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1828 *~: —- Glossary of Obsolete Words and Phrases.. 12o. Loud. 1834 Toplady, A. M.-Works; with a Memoir. 6 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1825 Toplis, John-Observations on the Weather... 12o. Loud. 1849 Torrey, John-Cat. of Plants within 30 miles of N. Y. [Bound with Lond. Cat., 1800-22.] -— _- -- Compendium of Flora of Northern and Middle States 12o. N. Y. 1826 -- - and Gray, Asa-Flora of North America. Vol. 1. 8vo. N. Y. 1838-40 Tott, Baron Francis de-Memoirs.... 8vo. Lond. 1786 Tour in Holland in 1734...... 8vo. Worcester. 1790 Tournefort, J. P. de-Voyage into the Levant. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1741 Tower, F. B.-Illustrations of the Croton Aqueduct.. 4to. N. Y. 1843 Towers, John-Domestic Gardener's Manual... 8vo. Lond. 1839 Town, Salem-Analysis of Derivative English Words.. 12o. N. Y. 1836 -- - System of Speculative Masonry... 12o. Salem, N.Y. 1822 Townsend, Geo.-Journey through Spain, in 1786-7. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1792 John; Life of..... 12o. Bost. 1831 Jos.-Elements of Therapeutics; or, Guide to Health 8vo. Bost. 1807 - Josh.-Etymological Researches... 4to. Bath. 1824.. -- Geological and Mineralogical Researches. 4to. Bath. 1824 --- Peter S.-Topography and Diseases of Bahama Islands 8vo. N. Y. 1826 - - Yellow Fever in New-York in 1822.. 8vo. N. Y. 1823 - - W. C. —Modern State Trials. 2 v.... 8vo. Lonud. 1850 Townshend, C. H.-Facts in Mesmerism.... 12o. Bost. 1841 -- The Same..... 12o. N. Y. 1841 Tract, entitled Discourse between Jno. Hampden and Oliver Cromwell 4to. Lond. 1847 Tracts for the Christian Seasons. Vol. 1.... 12o. Oxford. 1849 Catalogue.] TR A - TR 0 239 Tracts for the Times. By Members of the University of Oxford. 5 v. 8vo. Lond. 1840-2 -Illustrative of Traditional and Historical Antiquities of Scotland 8vo. Edin. 1836 T;acy, A. L. C. D.-Treatise on Political Economy.. 8vo. Georgetown.1817 Sobre el Espiritu de las Leyes de Montesquieu. 12o. Valencia. 1822 Traill, T. S.-Outlines of Lectures on Medical Jurisprudence. 8vo. Phil. 1841 -- --.Physical Geography... 12o. Edin. 1838 - - Wm.-[Elements of Algebra].. 8vo. Edin. 1796 Transactions of the American Ethnological Society. Vols. 1, 2. 8vo. N. Y. 1845-8 " Philosophical Society. Vol. 1. 4to. Phil. 1818 Highland & Agric. Soc. of Scotland. [Contin.] 2 v. 8vo. Edin. 1847-9 Institution of Civil Engineers. 2 v... 4to. Lond. 1836-8.-...- Literary and Philosophical Society of New-York 4to. N. Y. 1816 New-York State Agricultural Society.. 8vo. Albany. 1847 Royal Asiatic Soc. of Gt. Br. & Ireland. Vols. 1,2, 3 4to. Lond. 1827-30-5.-.. — Royal Institute of British Architects. 2 v.. 4to. Lond. 1839-42 Royal Soc. of Literature of U. King. Vol. 1. 4to. Lond. 1827-9.-..-. Soc. for Encouragement of Arts, Man., & Com. 47 v. 8vo. Loud. 1806-29 Traveller's Guide through Middle and Northern States.. 180. Saratoga. 1834 Travis, Geo.-Letters to Edward Gibbon... 8vo. Lond. 1794 Treasury of Knowledge and Library of Reference. 2 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1836 Vol. 1. Brown, Goold. English Grammar. Cobb, Lyman (Ed'r). English Dictionary. Williams, Edwin. New Universal Gazetteer. Epitome of Chronology and History; Classical and Law Dictionary. 2. Moore, Hugh. Dictionary of Quotations. Phillips, Sir Rich. Million of Facts. Knapp, S. L. American Biography. Treaties between the United States and Indian Tribes from 1778-1837 8vo. Wash. 1837 Treatise on Brewing. [Bound with Outlines of Chemistry. L. U. K.] Treaty between United States and Mexico.... 8vo. Wash. 1848 Tredgold, Thos.-Elementary Principles of Carpentry.. 4to. Phil. 1847 -- - Treatise on Railroads and Carriages. 8vo. N. Y. 1825 Trelawny, Collins-Perranzabuloe; the Lost Church Found. 12o. Lond. 1843 Trembly, Abraham-Instruct. d'un Pere a ses Enfans sur la Relig. 3 v. 12o. Geneva. 1789 Trench, C. B.-Notes on the Miracles of our Lord. 8vo. N. Y. 1850 -- R. C.-Sacred Latin Poetry.... 160. Lond. 1849 Trenck, Fran. (Baron de)-Life of Himself. (Fr. Ger.).. 24o. Lond. 1835 --- - - Memorias de; par El Misme. 2 v.. 120. Madrid. 1804 Trevor, A.-Life and Times of William III. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1835 *Trevoux-Dictionnaire Universel, FranSais et Latin. 8 v.. Fol. Paris. 1771 Trial of Charles I., and Some of the Regicides. (M. F. L.). 16o. Lond. Trimen, And.-Church and Chapel Architecture... 8vo. Lond. 1849 Trimmer, Josh.-Practical Geology and Mineralogy.. 8vo. Phil. 1842 Tripp, Hen.-Selections from Percy's Reliques and Evans' Old Ballads 16o. Lond. 1849 Trollope (Mrs.)-Belgium and Western Germany in 1833. 8vo. Phil. 1834 --- - - Domestic Manners of the Americans.. 8vo. N. Y. 1832 - - Paris and the Parisians in 1835... 8vo. N. Y. 1836 -- - W.-Belgium since the Revolution of 1830.. 12o. Lond. 1842 Trollopiad; or, Travelling Gentlemen in America. (A Satirical Poem.) 12o. N. Y. 1837 Tronchet, Louis-Picture of Paris. 18o. Lond. no date Trotter, John B.-Latter Years of Charles James Fox.. 8vo. Balt. 1812 240 T R 0 -- 7 UR [Merc. Lib. Trousseau & Belloc-Laryngeal Phthisis & Diseas. of Voice. (Fr. Fr.) 8vo. Phil. 1839 Trueba y Cosio, T. de —Conquest of Peru. (C. M.).. 16o. Edin. 1830 ---- -- - Life of Hernan Cortes. (C. M.).. 16o. Edin. 1829 Truman, Matthew.-Food; and its Influence on Health and Disease 12o. Lond. 1842 Trumbull, Benj. —History of the United States to 1765.. 8vo. Bost. 1810 -- - " Coninecticut, 1630-1764. 2 v.. 8vo. Hartf. 1797-1818 ----- Hen.-Remarkable Indian Wars in New Eng. and the West8vo. Bost. 1822 -----— ~ John —McFingal; a Modern Epic Poem... 24o. Bost. 1826 Poetical Works. 2 v. 8vo. Hartf. 1820,~~. — John (Col.)-Autobiog. Reminiscences, and Let., 1766-1841 8vo. N. Y. 1841 ^ —--- Robt.-Pulpit Orators of France and Switzerland. 12o. N. Y. 1848 Tschudi, J. J. von-Travels in Peru in 1838-42. (Fr. Ger.). 8vo. Lond. 1847 ----- -- The Same.. 12o. N. Y. 1847 Tucker, Abraham-Light of Nature Pursued. 4 v.... 8vo. Camb. 1831 Geo.-Life of Thomas Jefferson. 2 v. 8vo. Phil. 1837 ---- --- Progress of U. S. in Population and Wealth in 50 years 8vo. N. Y. 1843 ---- -- Theory of Money and Banks... 8vo. Bost. 1839 ----- J. M.-Life of Lord Nelson.... 8vo. Lond. 1847 ---- evi-Lectures on Infidelity.. 12o. N. Y. 1837 Tuckerman, Hen. T.-Artist Life; or, Sketches of American Painters 12o. N. Y. 1847. —.....- Characteristics of Literature... 12o. Phil. 1849 - --— _ - Isabel; or Sicily. A Pilgrimage.. 12o. Phil- 1839 [Italian Sketch-Book].... 12o. Phil. 1835 The Same,... 12o. N. Y. 1848 -.- - Optimist. 12o. N. Y. 1850 -Rambles and Reveries... 12o. N. Y. 1841. --. Thoughts on the Poets.. 18o. N. Y. 1846 Tuckey, J. H.-Maritime Geography and Statistics. 4 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1815 Tudor, Wm.-[Letters on the Eastern States]... 12o. N.. Y. 1820 [Miscellanies]... 12o. Bost. 1821 L — - - Life of James Otis of Massachusetts.. 8vo. Bost. 1823 Tunstall, Jas.-On the Present Collection of Epistles of Cicero & Brut. 8vo. Lond. 1744 Tuomey, M.-Report on the Geology of South Carolina. 4to. Columbia. 1848 Tupper, Martin F.-An Author's Mind; the Book of Title-Pages. 12o. Phil. 1847 Geraldine; Sequel to Coleridge's Christabel, &c. 12o. Beost. 1846 - Hactenus. (Poems.).... 12o. Lond. 1848 =-~-P -- Modern Pyramids to Honor a Septuagint of Worthies 12o. Lond. 1839 Poetical Works of. 19. N. Y. 1849 Probabilities; an Aid to Faith, 12o. N. Y. 1847... —-- Proverbial Philosophy. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1838-42 __ —- -- The Same,. 12o. Phil. 1846 -.- The Same...... 32o N. Y. 1848 ---- -- Thousand Lines. (Poems.)... 12o. Phil. 1846 Turle, Jas., and Taylor, Edw.-Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes 8vo. Lond. 1844 Turnament of Totenham and the Feest. (A Poem.).. 18o. Lond. 1836 Turnbull, A.-Medical Properties of Nat. Order Ranunculacee 8vo. Phil. 1838. —-- Peter E.-Austria. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1840. —- Robt.-Genius of Italy; Sketches of Italian Life, &c.. 12o. N. Y. 1849 ---- - " Scotland; Sketches of Scenery, Liter., &c. 12o. N. Y. 1848 Pulpit Orators of France and Switzerland. 12o. N. Y. 1848 Catalogue.] T UR -- U L I 241 Turnbull, Robt. J.-Visit to the Philadelphia Prison.. 8vo. Lond. 1797 Turner, Edw.-Elements of Chemistry.... 12o. Phil. 1830 & 5 - The Same. (Sixth Edition.) Enlarged and revised 8vo. Lond. 1842 ---- -- - The Same; with Outlines of Organic Chemistry. 8vo. Phil. 1846 -- John-Easy Guide to Vocal Music... 18o. Bost. 1836 O.-Pioneer History of Holland Purchase of West. New-York 18o. Buffalo. 1850 --- -R.-Introduction to Book-keeping... 12o. Bost. 1794 -- Sharon —Sacred History of the World. (H. F. L.) 3 v.. 18o. N. Y. 1832-8 History of Anglo-Saxons to the Norman Conquest. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1836 ---- - - " England during Middle Ages. 5 v.. vo. Lond. 1830 -- -- " " " Reign of Henry VIII. 2 v. 8vo. Loud. 1828 _ — --- Hist. of Eng. during Reigns Edw. VI., Mary & Eliz. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1835 - Thos.-Book-keeping..... 12o. Portland. 1804 - Wm.-Journal of a Tour in the Levant. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1820 Turton, Wm.-Bivalve Shells of British Islands... 4to. Lond. 1822 Tussaud (Mde.)-Reminiscences of French Revolution. 2 v..- 12o. Phil. 1839 Tuthill, L. C.-History of Architecture from the Earliest Times. 8vo. Phil. 1848 ---- -- Young Ladies' Home.... 12o. Phil. 1848 Twelve Lectures before the Young Men's Christian Association. 16o. Lond. 1850 Twining, Hen.-Philosophy of Painting. 8vo. Loud. 1849 *Twiss, Francis-Complete Verbal Index to Shakspeare's Plays. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1805 Horace-Life and Correspondence of Chancellor Eldon. 2 v. 8vo. Phil. 1844 -Travers-Oregon Territory; its History and Discovery 12o. N. Y. 1846 --- -- Progress of Political Econ. in Europe, fiom 16th Cent. 8vo. N. Y. 1847 --- -- Relat. of Schleswig & Holstein to Den. & Germ. Confed. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Tyerman, D.,& Bennet, G.-Trav. in South Sea Islands, China, &c. 3 v. 12o. Bost. 1832 Tyler, Sam.-Discourse of the Baconian Philosophy.. 12o. Frederick C.1846 -- - Robert Burns; as a Poet and a Man.. 12o. N. Y. 1848 Tyndale, J.W.-Island of Sardinia; with Man. & Cust. of its People. 3 v. 12o. Lond. 1849 --- - Wm.-Trahslation of the New Testament publ. in 1526-8 8vo. Lond. 1836 Tyng, S. H.-Christ is All...... 8vo. N. Y. 1849 —.- - Lectures on the Law and the Gospel.. 8vo. N. Y. 1848 -- - Recollections of England.... 12o. Lond. 1847 Tynna, J.-Almanach du Commerce de Paris.. 8vo. Paris. 1815 Tyrwhitt, Thos.-Observations upon Passages of Shakspeare. 8vo. Oxford. 1766 Tytler, Alex. F.-Essay on the Principles of Translation. 8vo. Edin. 1813 - Universal History, from Creation to 1700. (M. F.L.) 6v. 16o. Lond. 1835-9 The Same; continued by E. Nares. (H. F. L.) 6 v. 18o. N. Y. 1839 ---- -- The Same; abridged.... 12o. Concord. 1830 P. F.-Hist. of Progress of Discov. onN. Amer. Coast. (E. C. L.) 16o. Edin. 1833 The Same. (H. F. L.).... 18o. N. Y. 1833 & 44 ---- -- History of Scotland. 9 v..... 8vo. Edin. 1828-43 ---- - - Life of Henry VIII. (M. F.L.)... 16o. Lond. 1837 - -__ - Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. (M. F. L.).. 16o. Lond. - Lives of Scottish Worthies. (M. F. L.) 3 v.. 16o. Lond. 1831-3 Ude, L. E.-French Cook; for the Use of English Families. 12o. Lond. 1841 Uhland, Ludwig-Sammtliche Gedichte.... 8vo. Lond. 1838 -- -- Songs and Ballads. (Fr. Ger.) See Ripley, Geo.; Specimens. Vol. 14. Ulin, -- Poems. See Ossian. 31 242 ULL -- VA L [Mere. Lib. Ullman, C.-Worship of Genius; and Distinctive Char. of Christianity 12o. Lond. 1846 Ulloa, Juan de-Adventures in a Voyage to Calcutta.. 12o. N. Y. 1826 - Geo. J. de, and Ant. de-Voyage to S. Amer. (Fr. Span.) 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1850 Ulrici, Hermann-Shakspeare; and his Relation to Calderon & Goethe 8vo. Lond. 1846 Union Magazine of Literature and Art. Vols. 1-6. [Continued.]. 8vo. N. Y. 1847-50 United States Almanac for 1843. Edited by John Downes. 12o. Phil. 1842 * —-- - Exploring Exped. Vols. 7-12.. 4to. & Fol. various. 1846-9 [For Vols. 1-6, see Wilkes, Charles.] Vol. 7. Ethnography and Philology. By Horatio Hale. 8, 10. Zoophytes. " Jas. D. Dana. 9. Races of Men. " Chas. Pickering. 11, 12. Geology. " Jas. D. Dana. - Farmer.. Vol...... 8vo. N. Y. 1842 Form Book..... 8vo. N. Y. 1845 ---- --- Literary Gazette. Vol. 2.. 8vo. Bost. 1825 __ —-— _ -- Magazine and Democ. Review. Vols. 14-26. [Continued.] 8vo. N. Y. 1837-50 --- --- Medical and Surgical Journal. Vol. 2.. 8vo. N.Y. 1835 -- - -- Review and Literary Gazette. 2 v.. 8vo. N. Y. 1826-7 *Universal Directory. Annuaire General du Commerce.. 8vo. Paris. 1843 ---- History. Ancient and Modern. 69 v... 8vo. Lond. 1747-84 ----- Songster, the. 3 v...... 8vo. Lond. 1829-34 Universalist Quarterly, and General Review. Vols. 4-6. [Continued.] 8vo. Bost. 1847-9 Untaught Bard, the. A Poem..... 12o. N. Y. 1804 Upham, Chas. W.-Lectures on the Salem Witchcraft. 18o. Bost. 1831 -- Edw.-History and Doctrines of Budhism... Fol. Lond. 1829 -- - History of the Ottoman Empire. (C. M.) 2 v.. 16o. Edin. 1829 --- Thos. C.-Elements of Mental Philosophy. 2 v... 8vo. Portland. 1831 Life and Religious Opinions of Mde. Guyon. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1847 - - Life of Faith.... 12o. N. Y. 1848 --- - - -Manual of Peace..... 8vo. N. Y. 1836. —-- -- Imperfect or Disordered Mental Action. 12o. N. Y. 1841 - The Same. (H. F. L.)... 18o. N. Y. 1843 Ure, Alex.-Practical Compendium of the Materia Medica. 18o. Lond. 1839 - And.-Cotton Manufacture of Great Britain. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1836 -- Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. 2 v. 8vo. N. Y. 1844 - --- Dictionary of Chemistry and Mineralogy.. 8vo. Lond. 1831 -- -- New System of Geology.... 8vo. Lond. 1829 --- --- Philosophy of Manufactures... 12o. Lond. 1835 -- - Recent Improvements in Arts, &c. Suppl't to Diet. of Arts 8vo. Lond. 1845 The Same...... 8vo. N. Y. 1845 Uring, Nath. (Capt.)-History of his Voyages and Travels.. 8vo. Loud. 1726 Urling, R. W.-Laws of Patents in Foreign Countries.. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Urquhart, Dav.-Pillars of Hercules; or, Trav. in Spain & Morocco. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1850 --..- Spirit of the East. 2 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1838 ----- - The Same; abridged by C. Morris. 2 v.. 12o. Phil. 1839 --- - - - Turkey and its Resources.... 8vo. Lond. 1833 Vacani, C.-Campagne e Assedj degl' Italiani in Ispagna 1808-13. 4 v. Fol. Milan. 1823 Vail, Alf.-American Telegraph, with Description of all Telegraphs 8vo. Phil. 1845 Vale, G.-Life of Thomas Paine..... 8vo. N.Y. 1841 -- -- On the Spirit of the Times; and other Tracts 12o. N. Y, 1846 Catalogue.] VA L V E R 243 Valentine, D. T.-Manual of the Corporation of New-York City for 1847 18o. N. Y. 1847 - The Same for 1848... 12o. N. Y. 1848 ----- The Same for 1849.... 12o. N. Y. 1849 * -- - The Same for 1850.... 12o. N. Y. 1850 Valerius, Caius Flaccus-Argonautica. See Walker, G. S.; Corpus Poet. Lat. Valery, Mons.-Correspondance de Mabillon et de Montfaucon. 3 v. 8vo. Paris. 1846 Vallemont's Historie-Saal..... 12o. Leyden. 1703 Valpy, F.-Fundamental Words of Greek Language, in Selections 8vo. Lond. 1826 Van Amringe, W. F.-Investig. of Prichard & others; Nat. Hist. of Man 8vo. N. Y. 1848 Vanburgh. See Wycherly.. Vancouver, G.-Voyage Round the World. 6 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1801 Van de Graaf, J. S.-Treatise on the Location of Railway Curvatures 12o. N. Y. 1836 Vandenhoff, G.-Art of Elocution... 12o. N. Y. 1847 ----- - Plain System of Elocution... 12o. N. Y. 1847 Vane, C. W.-Histoire de la Guerre de la Peninsule. 2 v.. 8vo. Paris. 1828 --- -- Narrative of the War in Germany and France. 1813-14 12o. Phil. 1831 - Story of the Peninsular War.... 120. N. Y. 1848 Van Halen, Juan-Imprisonment by Inquisition at Madrid, and Escape. 8vo. N. Y. 1828 Van Heuvel, J. A.-Narrative of Enterprises in Search of El Dorado 8vo. N. Y. 1844 Van Rensselaer, Jer.-Lectures on Geology... 8vo. N. Y. 1825 Sol.-Affair of Queenstown in the War of 1812 12o. N. Y. 1836 Vanuxen, Lardner. See Natural History of New- York State. Van Schaack, Hen. C.-Life of Peter Van Schaack.. 8vo. N. Y. 1842 Van Winkle, C. S.-Printer's Guide.... 12o. N. Y. 1836 Varley, D.-Rudimentary Treatise on Mineralogy.. 12o. Lond. 1849 Vattel, Emer de-Law of Nations. (Fr. Fren.) Edited by J. Chitty 8vo. Lond. 1834 *Vattemare, Alex.-Album Cosmopolite.... 4to. Paris. 1837 Vaudoncourt, Guillaume de-Memoirs of the Ionian Isles. (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Lond. 1816 Vaughan, Hen.-Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations.. 160. Lond. 1847 - Robt.-The Age, and Christianity... 8vo. Lond. 1849.. —.. - Causes of the Corruption of Christianity.. 8vo. Lond. 1834 -- -- -- Essays on History, Philosophy and Christianity. 2 v. 16o. Lond. 1849 --- --- --- History of England. (L. U. K.) 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1840 -----. — Life and Opinions of John de Wycliffe. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1831 ---- - - Memorials of the Stuart Dynasty. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1831 - - -- (Ed'r)-Protectorate of Cromwell; Letters. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Vaux, Jas. HI.-Memoirs of Himself. See Autobiography. -- U. S. W.-Nineveh and Persepolis, Ancient and Modern. 8vo. Lond. 1850 Vega, Garcilasso de la-Works. (Fr. Span.)... 12o. Lond. 1823 --- Lope de-Theatre Choisi. Traduction nouvelle. 2 v. 12o. Paris. 1842 Velpeau, A. A. L. M.-New Elements of Surg. (Fr. Fren.) 3 v. 8vo. Atlas 4to. N. Y. 1847 Treatise on Diseases of the Breast. (Fr. Fren.).. 8vo. Phil. 1840 Venables, R. L.-Domestic Scenes in Russia... 12o. Lond. 1839 Veneroni, J.-Complete Italian Master. Edited by A. Ronna. 18o. Lond. 1840 Venice under the Yoke of France & Austria; with Mem. of Italy. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1824 Venn-Select Works. See James, J. Angell. *Ventouillac, L. T.-French Librarian; or, Literary Guide.. 8vo. Lond. 1829 - ------ - Paris and'its Environs. Illustrated. Fol. Lond. 1835 Verbruggi, J.-Examen van Land und Zee Chirurgie.. 160. Amsterdam. 1714 Verdi, G.-Ernani il Proscritto. (An Opera.).. 8vo. Paris. no date 244 VE R -- V IR [Merc. Lib. Verdi, G.-I Lombardi. (An Opera.).... 8vo. Paris. no date Vergennes, Chas. G.-Memoire Hist. et Politique sur la Louisiane 8vo. Paris. 1802 Vericour, L. R. de-Historical Analysis of Christian Civilization. 12o. Lond. 1850.... - -- Modern French Literature. With Notes by Chase 12o. Bost. 1848 Verity, Robt.-Changes produced in Nervous System by Civilization 8vo. Loud. 1839 Vermont State Papers. Collection of Rec., Docum., Constitution, &c. 8vo. Middlebury. 1823 Vernon, Jas.-Letters illustrative of Reign of Wi. III. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1841 Verplanck, Gulian C.-Advantages and Dangers of American Scholar 8vo. N. Y. 1836 -- -.- Discourses on Amer. Hist. of Arts and Literature 12o. N. Y. 1833 ---- - Essay on the Doctrine of Contracts. 8vo. N. Y. 1825 -- --- Influence and Use of Liberal Studies.. 8vo. N. Y. 1833... -... Influences of Moral Causes on Opinion, Science, &c. 8vo. N. Y. 1834 ----- ~ — -Various Evidences of Revealed Religion.. 8vo. N. Y. 1824 - m —-- -- BylBryant, & Sands-Miscellanies. (The Talisman.) 3 v. 18o. N. Y. 1833 Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation. [See Explanations.]. 16o. N. Y. 1845 Vertot, R. A. de (Abb6)-Estab. of Britons among the Gauls. (Fr. Fr.) 12o. Lond. 1722 History of the Knights of Malta. 2 v... Fol. Lond. 1728 ---- -I- History of the Revolutions in Spain. 5 v.. 8vo. Loud. 1724 ---- -- Revolutions in Government of Roman Republic. 2 v. 8vo. Loud. 1770 Vethake, Hen.-Principles of Political Economy.. 8vo. Phil. 1838 Vicars, John-England's Worthies... 12o. Lond. 1845 Vicat, L. J.-Treatise on Calcareous Mortars and Cements 8vo. Lond. 1837 Vico, J. B.-Principes de la Philosophie de l'Histoire. (de l'Ital.) 2 v. 16o. Brux. 1835 - -- Science Nouvelle..... 12o. Paris. 1844 Vidocq (French Police-Agent)-Memoirs of Himself. See Autobiography. Vieusseux, A.-[History of Switzerland.] (L. U. K.).. 8vo. Lond. 1846 Views in the South Seas; with Descriptions of Scenery, &c.. Fol. Loud. 1848 --- on the Nile, from Cairo to the Second Cataract.. Fol. Loud. 1843 *Vieyra, Anthony-Dictionary of Portuguese and Eng. Languages. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1840 - ----- Portuguese Grammar.... 8vo. Lond. 1813 Vigne, G. T.-Six Months in America.. 12o. Phil. 1833 Vigny, Alfred de-Stello...... 12o. Paris. 1841 Vignoles, Chas.-Observations on the Floridas. 8vo. N. Y. 1823 Village Curate, the; a Poem.... 12o. Newb'yp't. 1793 Villars, U., and Crevat, A.-L'Ecriture Regeneree.. 4to. Paris. 1833 Ville-Hardovin, G. de-Conquest of Constantinople in 1204 (Fr. Fren.) 8vo. Lond. 1829 Villemain, A. F.-Cours de Litter. Frangaise an XVIII. Siecle. 4 v. 12o. Paris. 1847 --- - -- Cours de Litter. Franraise du Moyen Age. Vol. 1 12o. Paris. 1848 -- -- --- -- Discours et Melanges Litteraires.. 12o. Paris. 1846 Etudes d'Histoire Moderne... 12o. Paris. 1846 ---- - Etudes de Litterature Ancienne et Etrangere. 12o. Paris. 1846 Villers, Chas.-Essai sur la Reformation de Luther.. 8vo. Paris. 1804 Vince, Sam.-Elements of Astronomy.. 8vo. Camb. (E.) 1810 --. - The Same... 8vo. Phil. 1811 Vincent, G. G.-The Moral System; or, Law of Human Nature. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1841-6 ~ —..Wm.-Periplus of the Erythrean Sea. 2 v.. 4to. Loud. 1800-5 Vinci, Leonardo da-Treatise on Painting. (Fr. Ital.).. 12o. Lond. 1835 Vindication of the Captors of Major Andre. [By Egbert Benson.] 18o. N. Y. 1817 Virgil, Publius-Bucolica, Georgica, et fEneis. See Vcalker, G. S.; Corpus Poet. Lat..- Eneis. (Fr. Lat. by Chas. Symmons.).. 8vo. Chiswick. 1820 Catalogue.] VIR - V Y S 245 Virgil, Publius-Georgics. (Fr. Lat. by W. Sotheby.) 12o. Middletown.1808 -- - Works. (Translated into English Prose by Davidson.) 16o. Lond. 1847 - - -. The Same. (Fr. Lat. by Pitt and Wharton.) 4 v.. 18o. Lond. 1763 -- - The Same. (Fr. Lat. byWrangham, Sotheby, & Dryden.) 16o. Lond. 1830 The Same. (F. C. L.) 2 v..... 18o. N. Y. 1837 Virgile Travesti; ou, Vers Burlesques. Par M. Scavron 18o. Paris. 1651 Vision and Creed of Piers Ploughman. 2 v..... 16o. Lond. 1842 - of Rubeta. A Satirical Poem.. 8vo. Bost. 1838 Visit to the British Museum. 18o. Lond. 1838 ---- Texas; with Sketch of Late War. 18o. N. Y. 1836 Vitet, L.-Etudes sur les Beaux Arts. 2 v....12o. Paris. 1847 Vogel, Theo. See Hooker, Wm. J. Vogt, C. B.-Letters on Chess. (Fr. Ger.).. 12o. Lond. 1848 Voice from America to England.. 8vo. Lond. 1839 -- Danube; State of the Case between Austria and Hungary 12o. Lond. 1850 Volney, Count C. F. C. de-Les Ruins; Med. sur les Rev. des Empires 8vo. Paris. 1827 -— _- - The Ruins; Survey of the Revolutions of Empires 18o. N. Y. 1796 - The Same..... 18o. Bost. 1833. —.. The Same..... 18o. Bost. 1835 --- -- View of Climate and Soil of the United States. 8vo. Lond. 1804..... - Le Rovine; ossia, Meditazioni sulle Revoluzioni. 2 v. 18o. Lond. no date Voltaire, F. M. Arouet de-La Henriade.... 12. Charleston. 1836.. —.. Histoire de Charles XII., Roi de Suede.. 18o. Paris. 1813 Histoire de l'Empire de Russie sous Pierre le Grand 18o. Lond. 1830 t —uvres. 75 v.... 8vo. Paris. 1838 - - -- La Pucelle d'Orleans.. 12o. Amsterdam. 1788 --- -- Siecles de Louis XIV. et de Louis XV. 4 v.. 18o. Paris. 1836 -- - - Th6etre. [See Repertoire du The6d. Frang. Vols. 10-13.] 12o. Paris. 1813 --..- - Age of Louis XIV. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1752 Dramatic Works. 5 v.. 18o. Lond. 1761-2 - --: — Essay on the Manner and Spirit of Nations. 5 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1779-80 - History of Charles XII., King of Sweden. 12o. Hartf. no date - Hist. ofEurlope from Charlemagne to CharlesV. 3v. 8vo. Lond. 1754-7 _-.- -- History of Peter the Great. Trans. by T. Smollett 12o. Lond. 1840 - Letters concerning the English Nation.. 8vo. Lond. 1733 - - Memoirs. See Autobiography. --- - Miscellanies, Hist., Literary, Philosophical, &c. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1779-80 ---- -- Philosophical Dictionary; translated. 6v... 12o. Lond. 1824 - omances, Novels, and Tales. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1806 -- - Cuentos y Satiras; traduccion en Verso.. 18o. N. Y. 1825 -- - D- Diccionario Filosofico; (traducido en Espaiol.) 10 v. 18o. N. Y. 1825.. —- - - and Rousseau-Against Atheists. Selections. (Fr. Fren.) 12o. N. Y. 1845 Von Buch, Leopold-Trav. thro' Norway & Lapland, 1806-8. (Fr. Ger.) 4to. Lond. 1813 Von Tietz, M.-St. Petersb'g, Constanti., &Napoli di Romania, 1833-4 12o. N. Y. 1836 Voyage d'un Franaais en Angleterre en 1810-11. 2 v... 8vo. Paris. 1816 Historique et Pittoresque de Rouen au Havre, sur la Seine 18o. Rouen. 1839 -- to Arabia the Happy, by the French, 1708-13. [By La Roque.] 12o. Lond. 1726 Voyages Round the World. (E. C. L.).... 16o. Ein. 1843 The Same. (H. F.L.).... 18o. N. Y. Vyse, Howard-,Operations at the Pyramids of Gizeh in 1837. a v.. 8vo. Lond. 1840-2 246 W A A W AL [Merc. Lib. Waagen, G. F.-Life of Peter Paul Rubens. (Fr. Ger.). 12o. Lond. 1840 ---- - -- - Works of Art and Artists in England. 3 v.. 12o. Lond. 1838 Wace, Master-Chronicle of Norman Conquest, fr. " Roman de Rou." 8vo. Lond. 1837 Wachsmuth, Wm.-Historical Antiquities of the Greeks. (Fr. Ger.) 8vo. Oxford. 1837 Wackerbath, A. D.(Trans.)-Beowulf; an Epic Poem.(Fr. Ang.-Saxon.) 16o. Lond. 1849 F. D.-Music & the Anglo-Saxons; Anglo-Sax. Orchestra 8vo. Lond. 1837......._.-.- Hist. of the Church to the Reformation. (L. U. K.) 8vo. Loud. 1833 The Same..... 8vo. N. Y. 1834 Wade, John-British History Chronologically Arranged. 8vo. Lond. 1847 --- -- History of the Middle and Working Classes.. 12o. Lond. 1835. —. -- Unreformed Abuses in Church and State.. 12o. Lond. 1849 Wafer, Lionel-Voyage and Description of Isthmus of America. 12o. Lond. 1699 Wagner, K. F. C.-Englische Sprachlehre fur die Deutschen. 8vo. Braunsch. 1822 Wagstaff, Wm. R.-History of the Society of Friends. Part 1. 8vo. N. Y. 1845 Wagstaffe, Thos.-Piety Promoted; in Memorials of certain Quakers 12o. N. Y. 1823 Wahshih, A. B. A. B.-Ancient Alphabets and Hieroglyphics Explained 4to. Lond. 1806 Wailly, N. F. de-Principes de la Langue Frangaise.. 16o. Paris. 1807 Wainwright, Jona. M.-Sermons on Religious Educa. and Filial Duty 8vo. N. Y. 1829 Waite, Geo.-The Gums; their Structure, Growth, Diseases, &c. 8vo. Phil. 1838 Wakefield, Edw. G.-[Eng. and America; Comparison of State of Both] 8vo. N. Y. 1834 ------ - - (Ed'r)-View of the Art of Colonization. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Priscilla-Introduction to Botany; in Familiar Letters. 12o. Phil. 1811 ------ -- Variety; or, Selections and Essays.. 12o. Phil. 1809 Wakeman, W. F.-Archaeologia Hibernica; Irish Antiquities. 16o. Dublin. 1848 Waldie, Miss-[Rome in the 19th Century.] 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1827 Waldie's Literary Omnibus. (Weekly.).... Fol. Phil. 1837 * —- Select Circulating Library. Vols. 9-16.. 4to. N. Y. 1837-41 Waldo, S. Putnam-Life of Andrew Jackson... 12o. Hartf. 1820 - Tours of Pres. Monroe in N., E., andW. States, 1817-8 12o. Hartf. 1820 Waldor, Melanie-La Rue aux Ours.... 18o. Brux. 1837 Walker, Alex.-Beauty; Analysis, &c., of Beauty in Woman. 12o. N. Y. 1844 -- -- The Same.... 8vo. Lond. 1846 _ —-- -- On Intermarriage..... 12o. Lond. 1838 ---- -- The Same..... 12o. N. Y. 1844 ---- -- ---- Physiognomy, as founded on Physiology.. 12o. Lond. 1834 ---- - -- Woman, Physiologically Considered.. 12o. N. Y. 1843 Chas. V.-Electrotype Manipulations... 12o. Phil. 1844. —- -- Telegraphic Manipulations... 12o. Lond. 1850 Donald-British Manly Exercises.... 18o. Phil. 1837 - - Defensive Exercises... 12o. Lond. 1840 --- Games and Sports..... 18o. Lond. 1837 -- -- Manly Exercises.... 18o. Lond. 1843 Geo.-Chess and Chess-Players; Original Stories and Sketches 16o. Lond. 1850.- -_ Chess Studies; a Thousand Games Actually Played 8vo. Lond. 1844 New Treatise on Chess... 12o. Lond. 1841 ----- G. S.-Corpus Poetarum Latinorum... 8vo. Lond. 1835 Catullus, Ovidius, Juvenalis, Valerius Flaccus, Lucretius, Horatius, Martialis, Calpurnius Siculus, Virgilius, Phmedrus, Sulpicia, Ausonius, Tibullus, Lucanus, Statius, Claudianus, Propertius, Persius, Silius Italicus, Catalogue.] WAL -- WA R 247 Walker, Jas.-Letters on the West Indies... 8vo. Lond. 1818 Report on Locomotive and Fixed Engines. 8vo. Phil. 1831 -- - John-Pronouncing English Dictionary; abridged.. 12o. N. Y. 1815 - Rhetorical Grammar.... 8vo. Bost. 1822 Rhyming Dictionary. 12o. Lond. 1824 ---- John-Philosophy of the Eye.... 8vo. Lond. 1837 - Robt.-Elements of the Theory of Mechanics.. 8vo. Oxford. 1830 -- Thos.-Art of Dining; and Art of Attaining High Health 240. Phil. 1837 ---- -- The Original; a Periodical Work.. 8vo. Lond. 1836 - W. F.-Arithmetic..... 8vo. Troy. 1841 Wall, W.-Ancient Orthography of the Jews. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1835-41 Wallace, Thos.-On Brougham's "Discourse on Natural Theology" 12o. Lond. 1835 - Additional Observations on the Same.. 12o. Dublin. 1835 - - Wm. —Alban, the Pirate. (A Poem.)... 12o. N. Y. 1848 Win. C.-Accommodation of the Eye to Distances. 8vo. N. Y. 1850 --- -- Structure of the Eye with reference to Nat. Theology 12o. N. Y. 1836 Wallis, S. T.-Glimpses of Spain in 1847.... 12o. N. Y. 1849 Waln, Robt.-Life of Lafayette. 8vo. Phil. 1825 Walpole, B. C.-Life of Charles James Fox.... 12. N. Y. 1807 - Fred.-Two Years in the Pacific. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1849 --- - Horace-Anec. of Painting in Eng.;with acc't of Artists. 5 v. 8vo. Lond. 1828 - Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors of Gt. Brit. 5 v. 8vo. Lond. 1806 _-_- -- Historic Doubts on Life and Reign of Richard III. 4to. Lond. 1768 --- - Letters. 4 v.... 8vo. Phil. 1842 ---- -- " to the Countess of Ossory, from 1769-97. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1848 - " Sir Horace Mann. 2 v.... 12o. N. Y. 1833 ---- - -- The Same; concluding Series. Vol. 1.. 8vo. Phil. 1844 - - - Memoirs of the Reign of George the Third. 2 v.. 8vo. Phil. 1845 Walsh, Robt. (Jr.)-Appeal from Judgments of G. Brit. respect. U. S. 8vo. Phil. 1819 - Didactics; Social, Literary, and Political. 2 v.. 12o. Phil. 1836 -- - R.-Notices of Brazil in 1828-9. 2 v. Svo. Loud. 1830 - -- The Same. 2 v.....12. Bost. 1831 _ —-- - Resid. at Constantinople during Grk. and Turk. Rev. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1836 -- - (Ed'r)-American Register. 2 v.... 8vo. Phil. 1817 - See Sanford, E. ---- R. M. (Trans.)-Sketches of Conspicuous Characters of France 12o. Phil. 1841 Walter, T. U., and Smith, J. J.-Designs for Cottages & Villas. 4 pts. 4to. Phil. 1846 Walton, Isaac-Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, &c. 2 v... 16o. Bost. 1832 -- - The Same..... 12o. N. Y. 1846 l —. — \ and Cotton, Chas.-Complete Angler; with Lives, &c. 16o. Edin. 1833 - The Same. [Edited by Geo. W. Bethune.]. 12o. N. Y. 1847 Wansey, Hen.-Excursions in the United States in 1794. 8vo. Salisbury. 1796 War Inconsistent with the Religion of Jesus Christ... 12o. N. Y. 1815 - in Disguise; or, the Frauds of the Neutral Flags.1. 12o. Y. 1806 -The Same...... 8vo. N. Y. 1806 Warburton, (Capt.)-Hochelaga; or,England in the New World 12o. N. Y. 1846 - Eliot-Crescent and the Cross. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1845 - --- - Memoirs of Prince Rupert and the Cavaliers. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1849 ------ Wm. (Bp.)-Divine Legation of Moses Demonstrated. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1755 - --- - The Same. [Edited by R. Hurd.] 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1837 248 WVA R — WA T [Merc. Lib. Warburton, Wm. (Bp.)-Letters fr. a Late Emin. Prelate, to a Friend 8vo. Bost. 1809 Ward, A. H.-History of Town of Shrewsbury (Mass.), 1717 to 1829 8vo. Bost. 1847 -- Caroline-National Proverbs in Principal European Languages 16o. Lond. 1842 - D. B. Statist., Political, and Historical Acc't of U. States. 3 v. 8vo. Edin. 1819 - H. G.-Mexico in 1827. 2 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1828 -- N. B.-On Growth of Plants in Closely Glazed Cases. 8vo. Lond. 1842 _ R. P.-Real Character of the Revolution of 1688. 2 v.. 12o. Lond. 1838 -- Thos.-[Passaic; a Group of Poems Touching that River]. 12o. N. Y. 1842 - Wm.i-History, Literature, Religion, and Manners of Hindoos 12o. Hartf. 1824 W. G.-Ideal of a Christ. Church; Comp. with Existing Practice 8vo. Lond. 1844 Wardrop, Jas.-Curative Effects of the Abstraction of Blood. 8vo. Phil. 1837 Ware, Hen. (Jr.)-Formation of Christian Character.. 18o. Bost. 1850 - - Foundation, Evidences, and Truths of Religion. 2 v. 12o. Camb. 1842 ---- Progress of Christian Life.... 18o. Bost. 1850 --- -- Works. Vols. 1-4..... 12o. Bost. 1846-7 - John-Memoir of the Life of Henry Ware, Jr. 2 v... 12o. Bost. 1846 - Katherine A.-Power of the Passions; and other Poems. 12o. Lond. 1842 -- Wm. (Ed'r)-American Unitarian Biography. Vol. 1. 12o. Bost. 1850 Waring, E. S.-Tour to Sheeraz; with a History of Persia. 4to. Lond. 1807 Warner, Jas. F.-Rudimental Lessons in Music. e. 18o. N. Y. 1845 - ---— * Universal Dictionary of Musical Terms.. 8vo. Bost. 1842 - - J. W.-Immigrant's Guide and Citizen's Manual.. 18o. N. Y. 1848 -;Rich.-Illustrations of Novels, by the Author of Waverley. 3 v. 12o. Lond. 1824 - -- - - Literary Recollections. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1830 Warren, Edw.-Boylston Prize Dissertations, 1838-9. On Scrofula, &c. 8vo. Phil. 1840 - - John C.-Etherization; with Surgical Remarks.. 12o. Bost. 1848 ----- -- Physical Education; and Preservation of Health 18o. Bost. 1846 Mrs. Mercy-History of the American Revolution. 2 v.. 8vo. Bost. 1805 _ —__ — Sam.-Moral, Social, and Professional Duties of Attorneys 16o. Edin. 1848 ---- -- Popular Introduction to Law Studies.. 12o. Lond. 1835 -- - The Same...... 8vo. N. Y. 1836 - J. Bentham, and others-Essays on Gothic Architecture 8vo. Lond. 1808 Warriner, Fran.-Cruise of U. S. Fr. Potomac Round the World, 1831-4 12o. N. Y. 1835 Warton, John-Death-bed Scenes and Pastoral Conversations. 8vo.-Phil. 1828 - - T.-Hist. of Eng. Poetry 11th to 18th Cent.; with Notes. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1824 - - - Observations on Spenser's Fairy Queen. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1807 Warwick, E.-The Poet's Pleasaunce; or, Garden of Pleasant Flowers 8vo. Lond. 1847 Washington, Geo.-Monuments of his Patriotism. (Fac Similes, &c.) Fol. Wash. 1844 - -- - Fac Similes of Letters to Sir John Sinclair 4to. Wash. 1844 -___ — -- Farewell Address. (Author's first Draft & Correc.) 4to. N. Y. 1850 -'* —-- -- Message to Cong., in Relation to French Rep. 1797 8vo. Phil. 1797 _- - -- -- Official Letters to Congress during the War. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1795...-..- Political Legacies.... 12o. N. Y. 1800 - ----- -- Revolutionary Orders, Issued during 1778-82 8vo. N. Y. 1844 ----- -- Writings of. Edit.,with a Life, by J. Sparks. 12 v. 8vo. Bost. 1833-9 Pictorial Life of.... 12o. Phil. 1847 - ---- (Eand the Generals of the American Revolution. 2 v. 12o. Phil. 1847 Waterhouse, Benj.-The Botanist; with Principle of Vitality. 8vo. Bost. 1811: —-- - G. R.-Natural History of the Mammalia. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1848.- __.... " " of Marsupialia. (N. L.). 16o. Edin. 1841 Catalogue.] WA T — WA Y 249 Watering Places of Great Britain, Illustrated... 4to. Lond. 1831 Waterland, Dan.-Importance of the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity 12o. Camb. (E.) 1800 Waterman, Cath. H.-Flora's Lexicon; Language of Flowers. 12o. Phil. 1840 -Elijah-Memoirs of John Calvin; with Select Letters 8vo. Hartf. 1813 Waterston, R. C.-Thoughts on Moral and Spiritual Culture. 12o. Bost. 1843 ------ m.-Cyclopdedia of Com., Mercantile Law, Finance, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1844 --- - Manual of Commerce; Tables of Moneys Inter., &c. 16o. Edin. 1840 Waterton-Essays on Natural History; chiefly Ornithology. 16o. Lond. 1838 ----- aWanderings in South America, N. W. of U. S., &c. 1812-24 16o. Lond. 1836 & 9 Waterworth, J. (Ed'r)-Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent 8vo. Lond. 1848 Watkins, Chas. F.-Causes of Pleasure & Delight in the Human Mind 12o. Lond. 1841 - John-Biographical, Historical, and Chronological Diet. 8vo. Lond. 1807 --- -- Life and Times of William IV.... 8vo. Lond. 1831 ---- Thos.-Travels through Switzerland, Italy, &c., 1787-9. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1794 Watson, Elkanah-History of New-York Canals... 8vo. Albany. 1820 ---- H. C.-Geographical Distribution of British Plants. 12o. Lond. 1835 ---- John F.-Annals and Occurrences of N. York in Olden Time 8vo. Phil. 1846 - Historic Tales of Olden Time in New-York. 12o. N. Y. 1832 -..- -. ( " " " Pennsylvania 120. Phil. 1833 - --- John T.-Dictionary of Poetical Quotations.. 12o. Phil. 1847 ---- Jos.-Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb.. 8vo. Lond. 1809 ----; Rich. (Bp.)-Apology for the Bible; Letters to T. Paine 12o. N. Y. 1796 ---- -.- (Ed'r)-Collection of Theological Tracts. 6 v.. 8vo. Camb. (E.) 1785 - - Rich.-Life of John Wesley.... 12o. N. Y. 1831 - Theological Institutes; a View'of Christianity. 8vo. N. Y. 1830 - Robt.-History of the Reign of Philip II. of Spain. 8vo. N. Y. 1818 --------'" " " Philip III. of Spain. 8vo. N. Y. 1818 -- Thos.-Lectures on Physic. 2 v..... 8vo. Lond. 1848 Watt, Jas.-Correspondence on his Theory of Composition of Water 8vo. Lond. 1846 --- John-On Life and Health Insurance.. 8vo. Edin. 1837 -- Peter-Progress and State of Life Insurance.. 8vo. Edin. 1837 -- Robt.-Bibliotheca Britannica; Index to Brit. and For. Liter. 4 v. 4to. Edin. 1824 Watts, Isaac-Beauties of...... 12o. Lod. no date - The Same..... 18o. Elizabetht'n.1796 ~ — -- First Principles of Astronomy and Geography. 8vo. Lond. 1752 ~s —-- -- Logic..... 12o. Exeter. 1806.-. — The Same..... 12. d. 1813 -.- -.- Lyric Poems. See Sacred Classics. Vol. 9. -- Miscellaneous Thoughts in Prose and Verse. 12o. Elizabetht'n.1796 - On the Improvement of the Mind.. 18o. Bost. 1833 --— _ -- Rational Defence of the Gospel... 12o. N. Y. 1831 Waud, S. W.-Algebraical Geometry. (L. U. K.)... 8vo. Lond. 1835 Waverley Anecdotes; Illustrative of the Novels of Walter Scott. 2 v. 12o. Bost. 1833 Wayfaring Sketches among the Greeks and Turks.. 12o. Lond. 1847 Wayland, Fran.-Elements of Moral Science.. 12o. Bost. 1837 ----- -- Elements of Political Economy.. 8vo. N. Y. 1837 r- --- - The Same...... 12o. Bost. 1847 -- --- Limitations of Human Responsibility.. 12o. Bost. 1838 --- -- Sermons Delivered in Chapel of Brown University 12o. Bost. 1849 ---- -_ r- Thoughts on Collegiate System in U. States. 16o. Bost. 1842 32 i0 WA Y — WE S [Merc. Lib. Wayland, Smith-On a Tradition of the Middle Ages. (Fr. Fren.) 16o. Lond. 1847 Waylen, Edw.-Ecclesiastical Reminiscences of the United States. 8vo. N. Y. 1846 Weale, John-Ensamples of Railway-making... 8vo. Lond. 1843 --- -- Rudimentary Dictionary of Terms used in Arts. 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1849-50 Webb, Benj.-Sketches of Continental Ecclesiology.. 8vo. Lond. 1848 --- R.-Tables of Advance.... 8vo. Bost. 1805 Webbe, Cornelius-Glances at Life in City and Suburb. 12o. Lond. 1836 Weber, F. A.-New English and German Pocket Dictionary. 16o. Lond. 1833 Godfrey-Theory of Musical Composition. (Fr. Ger.) 2 v. 8vo. Bost. 1846 Hen.-Metrical Romances of 13th, 14th, and 15th Cents. 3 v. 12o. Edin. 1810 --- - Jas.-Memoirs of Marie Antoinette. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1805 Webster, Dan.-Beauties of. Edited by James Rees. 12o. N. Y. 1839 -a — — s --- Diplomatic and Official Papers... 8vo. N. Y. 1848. —- -- Speeches and Forensic Arguments. 3 v... 8vo. Bost. 1843 -- Jas.-Travels in the Crimea, Turkey, & Egypt, 1825-8. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1830..... —-- John W.-Island of St. Michael, and its Geology. 8vo. Bost. 1821 - Manual of Chemistry, on the Basis of Brande's 8vo. Bost. 1826 * —---- Noah-American Dictionary of the English Language. 2 v. 4to. N. Y. 1828 * —- - - The Same. Revised and Enlarged by C. A. Goodrich 4to. Springfield. 1848 - American Selection of Lessons in Reading & Speaking 12o. Phil. 1809 ----- --- Brief Hist. of Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases. 2 v. 8vo. Hartf. 1799 ----- _ — Dissertation on the English Language; with Notes 8vo. Bost. 1789 -- - -- Papers on Political, Literary, and Moral Subjects. 8vo. N. Y. 1843 ---- Thos.-Elements of Physics... 12o. Lond. 1837 Encyclopedia of Domestic Economy.. 8vo. N. Y. 1845 ----- -- Subject-Matter, Title, &c. of Letters-Patent. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Wedgwood, Heusleigh-On the Development of the Understanding 12o. Lond. 1848 Weems, M. L.-Life of Benjamin Franklin 12o. Phil. 1835 - --- Life of George Washington... 12o. Phil. 1816 Weil, G.-The Bible; the Koran; and the Talmud. (Fr. Ger.). 12o. N. Y. 1846 Weisbach, Julius-Mechanics of Machinery and Engineering. 8vo. Lond. 1847-8 Weiszbach, Christian-Wahrafte Cur aller Kranckheiten. 18o. Strasburg. 1737 Weld, Chas. R.-Auvergne, Peidmont, and Savoy. A Summer Ramble 12o. Lond. 1850 - -- - H-ist. of the Royal Soc.; with Mem. of Presidents. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1848 - Isaac-Travels in North America and Canada in 1795-7. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1799 Wellesley (Marquis)-Despatches and Correspondence fr. Spain, 1809 8vo. Lond. 1838 Wells, Dav. A., & Bliss, Geo. (Jr.) (Ed'rs)-Annual of Scientif. Discov. 12o. Bost. 1850 - - Edw.-Sacred Geog. (Suppl. Vol. to Calmet's Diet. of Bible.) 4to. Charleston. 1817 ---- W. C.-Essay on Dew; and Appearances Connected with It 8vo. Phil. 1838 - W. H.-Grammar of the English Language... 12o. N. Y. 1847 Wellsted, J. R.-Travels in Arabia. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1838 Welsford, Hen.-Mithridates Minor; Essay on Language.. 8vo. Lond. 1848 ---- - - Origins and Ramifications of the English Language 8vo. Lond. 1845 Welsh, David-Life and Writings of Thomas Brown.. 8vo. Edin. 1825 Wemyss, F. C.-Twenty-six Years as an Actor and Manager. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1847 ---- - Thos.-Job and his Times; with New Version of the Poem 8vo. Lond. 1839 Wendell, J. L.-Digest of Cases in Courts of N. Y. State, 1828-35 8vo. Albany. 1836 Wentworth, W. C.-Description of the Colony of New South Wales 8vo. Lond. 1819 Werne, Fred.-Expedition to the White Nile, 1840-1. (Fr. Ger.) 2 v. 12o. Lond. 1849 Wesley, John-Compendium ofNatural Philosophy. (M. F. L.) 3 v. 16o. Lond. 1836 Catalogue.] WE S - WHE 51 Wesley, John-Extracts from his Journals. 4 v... 12o. various dates....- Sermons on Several Occasions... 12o. Hudson. 1810 Wesleyan Methodist Magazine. Fourth Series. Vols. 2-6. [Continued.] 8vo. Lond. 1846-50 Wessenberg, F. A. von-Life in Athens in Time of Pericles. 18o. Lond. no date Western Business Directory, the..... 8vo. N. Y. 1842 ---- Monthly Magazine. 5 v.....8vo. Cincin. 1833-6 ------- Review. [Edited by Timothy Flint.] 3 v... 8vo. Cincin. 1828-30 Westminster Review. Vols. 1-44..... 8vo. Lond. 1828-45..-......- and ior. Quar. Rev. (Con. of Above.) Vols. 45-53. [Con.] 8vo. Lond. 1846-50 Westmoreland and Cumberland Dialects; Specimens in the. 12o. Lond. 1839 Weston, Stepen (Ed'r)-Fan-hy-cheu. A Tale from Chinese. 8vo. Lond. 1814 Westwood, J. 0.-Arcana Entomologica. 2 v...8vo. Lond. 1845 _ — -- - Entomologist's Text-Book... 12o. Lond. 1838 --- -- See Rennie, J. Wetmore, A.-Gazetteer of Missouri.... 8vo. St. Louis. 1837 Whalley, Peter-Inquiry into the Learning of Shakspeare. 8vo. Lond. 1748 Wharton, Fran.-State Trials of U. S., under Washington and Adams 8vo. Phil. 1849 Whately, Rich. (Abp.)-Easy Lessons in Reasoning.. 12o. Bost. 1848 -- -- Essays on Dangers to the Christian Faith. 8vo. Lond. 1839 _ —— _ -- " the Errors of Romanism. 8vo. Lond. 1837..... —.- " some Difficulties in Paul's Writings 8vo. Lond. 1837...... -'- " Peculiarities of Christianity. 8vo. Lond. 1837 ------ -- Kingdom of Christ Delineated... 8vo. Lond. 1845 -- - Lectures on Political Economy... 8vo. Lond. 1832 ---- - Logic...... 12o. N. Y. 1832 -_ —- - The Same...... 12o. Lond. 1850 ------ -- The Same.... 12o. Camb. 1834 -_ — -- Rhetoric...... 8vo. Oxford. 1830 ---- -- The Same.... 12o. Lond. 1849 --- - -- Secondary Punishments, Transportation, &c.. 8vo. Lond. 1832 --- - Thos.-[On some of Shakspeare's Characters]. 8vo. Lond. 1785 Wheatley, Chas. -Illustration of Common Prayer-Book of England. 8vo. Lond. 1845 -.. — Chas. M.-Catalogue of U. S. Shells and Localities. 18o. N. Y. 1842 & 5 - ---- Hewett-The Rod and the Gun... 16o. Lond. 1849.-...- John-On the Theory of Money and Commerce. 4to. Lond. 1807 --- - Remarks on Currency and Commerce.. 8vo. Lond. 1803 Wheaton, Hen.-Account of Life and Writings of Wm. Pinckney 8vo. N. Y. 1826 --- ----- ---- British Claim to Right of Search of American Vessels 8vo. Phil. 1842..... — Elements of International Law.. 8vo. Phil. 1836 _.... - -- History of the Northmen to 1087... 8vo. Phil. 1831 ----- N. S.-Tours in England, Scotland, and France. 12o. Hartf. 1830 Wheeler, H. G.-History of Congress, Biograph. and Polit. Vols. 1 & 2 8vo. N. Y. 1848 ----- — Jas.-Manchester; its History, Ancient and Modern. 12o. Lond. 1836 Whelpley, Jas.-[The Triangle, Three Theological Points]. 8vo. N. Y. 1832.. Sam.-Compend of History from Earliest Times.,12o. Phil. 1808 Whetstone, Geo. —Mirror of Honneure; Life of Fran. Earl of Bedford 4to. Lond. 1815 WVhewell, Wm.-Architectural Notes on German Churches.. 8vo. Camb. 1842.-..- -- Astronomy and Physics in refer. to Nat. Theol. See Bridgewater Treatises. _ —--— _ - Elements of Morality, including Polity. 2 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1845 -_ —-- --- English University Education... 12o. Lond, 1838 252 W H E W H [Merc. Lib. Whewell, Wm.-History of the Inductive Sciences. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1837 ---— ~ - Indications of the Creator.,. 12o. Phil. 1845 _ —. -- Of a Liberal Education.... 8vo. Lond. 1845 _ —--- -- The Same. Part 2... 12o. Lond. 1850 ----- -- Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1840 _ —--- — _- Sermons Preached in Trinity College, Camb. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Whig Club; or, Sketch of Modern Patriotism... 8vo. Lond. 1794 Whipple, E. P.-Essays and Reviews. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1848-9 Lectures on Subjects connected with Literature, &c. 12o. Bost. 1850 Whist; its History and Practice..... 18o. Lond. 1843 Whiston, Wm.-Dissertations relating to the Old and New Testaments 8vo. Lond. 1733 ----- -- Life of Samuel Clarke.... 8vo. Lond. 1730 Whitaker, E. W.-Abridgment of Universal History. 4 v... 4to. Lond. 1817.-..- John-Gibbon's Roman Empire, Reviewed.. 8vo. Lond. 1791 Whitby, Dav.-Last Thoughts; also, Five Discourses.. 8vo. Lond. 1822 White, A.-On the Plague; and on Quarantine... 8vo. Lond. 1846 ----- Chas.-Three Years in Constantinople. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1846 Geo.-Statistics of the State of Georgia... 8 Svo. Savannah. 1849 ----- Geo. S.-Memoir of Sam. Slater, and Hist. of Cotton Manuf. 8vo. Phil. 1836 ----- Gilbert-Natural History of Selborne.. 18o. Phil. 1832 --- -- The Same..... 16o. Lond. 1833 ---- - The Same. (C. M.)..... 16o. Edin. 1832 -— _ -- The Same. (H. F. L.)..,. 18o. N. Y. 1842 Hen.-Early History of New England... 12o. Concord. 1845 _ ---- - - History of Great Britain and Ireland.. 12o. Edin. 1849 ---- Hen. Kirke-Beauties of..... 18o. Bost. 1826 ---- -- Poems. (Ald. Poets.).... 16o. Lond. 1830 The Same. See Rogers, Sam. ---- -- Remains; with Memoir by R. Southey. 2 v.. 12o. Phil. 1811 ------ The Same. 2v...... 12o. N.Y. 1815 Hugh-Meditations and Addresses on Prayer. 18o. N. Y. 1849 ---- Jas.-Designs and Descriptions of 100 Machines. 4to. 3Manchester. 1822 ---- - John-Voyage to Cochin China.... 8vo. Lond. 1824 -- - -- |The Same..... 8vo. Bost. 1826 ---- Jos.-lggyptiaca; or, Antiquities of Egypt... 4to. Oxford. 1801 - Jos. Blanco-Life of Himself; with Select Correspond. 3 v. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Josh. E.-Letters on England. 2 v.... 8vo. Phil. 1816 ---- T. H.-Fragments of Italy and the Rhine-Land.. 16o. Lond. 1841 Whitefield, Geo.-Memoirs of Himself. See Autobiography. ------ -- Sermons; with a Memoir by Drew.. 8vo. Lond. 1828 Whitehead, Wm. A. See Collections of the New Jersey Historical Society. Whiteside, Jas.-Italy in the Nineteenth Century. 3 v... 12o. Lond. 1848 Whitlaw, Chas.-Inflammatory Fever, &c.... 8vo. Lond. 1831 - -- -- New Medical Discoveries. (Linnuean Doctrines) 8vo. Lond. 1829 Whitley, Nich.-Application of Geology to Agriculture.. 8vo. Lond. 1843 Whitlock, J. C.-Elements of Geometry... 8vo. N. Y. 1848 Whittier, John Q.-Legends of New England, in Verse and Prose 12o. Hartf. 1831 ---- -- - - Old Portraits and Modern Sketches.. 12o. Bost. 1850 Poems...,.. 8vo. Bost. 1849 ------- -- Stranger in Lowell.... 12o. Bost. 1845 Catalogue.] WHI W IL 253 Whittier, John G.-[Supernaturalism of New England].. 12o. N. Y. 1847 Whittock, N.-Construction and Decoration of Shop-Fronts of Lond. 4to. Lond. 1840 Whole Duty of an..... 12o. Lond. 1827 Whyte, Jas. C.-History of British Turf. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1840 Wickham, Geo.-A Blue-Coat Boy's Recollect. of Hertford School 12o. Lond. 1841 Wieland, C. M.-Poetische Werke.... 8vo. Paris. 1839 Gandalin; or, Love for Love. (Fr. Ger.).. 12o. Lond. 1838 -- -- Oberon; a Poem. (Fr. Ger.) 2 v... 16o. Newport. 1810 - -- - The Same. 2 v.... 12o. Lond. 1826 Wiffen, J. H.-M-emoirs of the House of Russell. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1833 Wigan, A. L.-Duality of the Mind Proved.... 8vo. Lond. 1844 Wiggers, G.-Life of Socrates. (Fr. Ger.)... 12o. Lond. 1840 Wight, J.-Mornings at Bow-street. 12o. Lond. 1825 Wighton, John-History and Management of Bees. 12o. Lond. 1842 Wightwick, Geo.-Hints to Young Architects... 8vo. N. Y. 1847 - Palace of Architecture... 8vo. Lond. 1840 Wikoff, Hen.-Sketches of Napoleon Louis Bonaparte.. 12o. N. Y. 1849 Wilberforce, R. J.-The Five Empires; an Outline of Anc. History 18o. Lond. 1847 ---- - - and S.-Life of William Wilberforce. 5 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1838........ -- The Same; abridged... 12o. Phil. 1839 _- - -- The Same..... 12o. Lond. 1843 - - Sam.-Hist. of Protestant Episcopal Church in America 16o. Lond. 1846 — Wm.-Practical View of Christianity.. 12o. Phil. 1835 Wilbraham, Rich.-Travels in Trans-Caucasian Russia, 1837. 8vo. Lond. 1839 ------ Roger-Cheshire Glossary.... 16o. Lond. 1836 Wilbur, Hervey-Elements of Astronomy.... 18o. N. Haven. 1829 * —- -- Lexicon of Useful Knowledge... 12o. N. Y. 1830 Wilcox, Carlos-Remains; with a Memoir.... 8vo. Hartf. 1828 Wild Western Scenes; Adventures Forty Years Ago.. 12o. Phil. 1845 Wilde, R. H.-Madness and Imprisonment of Tasso. 2 v... 12o. N. Y. 1842 --- W. R.-Beauties of the Boyne and its Tributary. (Blackwater.) 8vo. Dublin. 1849 --- - Closing Years of Dean Swift's Life... 8vo. Dublin. 1849 *Wilkes, Chas.-Chart of St. George's Shoal and Bank. Folded in 4to. N. Y. 1837 *- -- -- Narrat. of U. S. Exploring Expedition, 1838-42. 6 v. 8vo. Phil. 1845 - The Same. 5 v...... 8vo. Phil. 1845 ---- ---- Western America.... 8vo. Phil. 1849 ---- - John-Correspondence with his Friends. 5 v... 12o. Lond. 1805 Letters, Poems, and Life. 4 v... 12o. Lond. 1804 Wilkins, John-Philosophical Language.... Fol. Lond. 1668 Wilkinson, Eliza-Letters during Revolutionary War.. 12o. N. Y. 1839 ----- G. B.-South Australia; its Advantages, &c... 12o. Lond. 1848 ----- Sir Gardner-Hand-Book for Travellers in Egypt. 16o. Lond. 1847 Sir J. G.-Dalmatia and Montenegro. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1848 ---- -- Manners of Ancient Egyptians. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1837 --- -- The Same. 2d Series. 3 v... 8vo. Lond. 1841 I —-- -- Topography of Thebes, and Gen. View of Egypt 8vo. Lond. 1835 Willard, Emma-History of the United States... 8vo. N. Y. 1828 & 9 -- - The Same...... 8vo. Phil. 1842 _ —-- --- Journal and Letters from France and Great Britain 12o. Troy. 1833.- - Last Leaves of American History.. 12o. N. Y. 1849 254 W I L -- WIL [Merc. Lib. Willard, Emma-System of Universal History... 8vo. Hartf. 1835 Willett, Wm. M.-Memoirs of Col. Marinus Willett.. 8vo. N. Y. 1831 Willets, Jacob-Book-keeping by Single Entry... 12o. Po'keepsie. 1830 William of Malmesbury-Chronicle of English Kings. Edit. by Giles 12o. Lond. 1847 Williams, Chas.-Seven Ages of England.... 16o. Lond. 1838 -...- Cynric-Tour through Jamaica, 1823.. 8vo. Lond. 1826 ------ D. E.-Life and Correspondence of Sir Thos. Lawrence. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1831 ~ —- Edwin-N. Y. Annual Register for 1832-4, 37, 40-1, & 45 12o. N. Y. 1832-45 _ —— __ - - Statistical Companion for 1846... 18o. N. Y. 1846. —.. -- (Ed'r)-Addr. and Mess. of Presid. of U. S., 1789-1846 8vo. N. Y. 1846 H. M.-Letters from France in Time of Robespierre. 12o. Phil. 1796 -- - - - Political Correspondence of Louis XVI. 3 v.. 12o. N. Y. 1803 --...- Manners and Opinions in French Republic. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1801 ---- John-Life of Alexander the Great. (M. F. L.). 16o. Lond.. — - The Same. (H. F. L.).... 18o. N. Y. --... -- Missionary Enterprises in the South Sea Islands 8vo. N. Y. 1837.....- J. B.-Practical Geodesy..... 8vo. Lond. 1846 -- J. F. L.-Inventions and Discoveries in Arts & Sciences. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1820 - - John L.-Territory of Florida.... 8vo. N. Y. 1837 Penry (Jr.)-Recollections of Malta, Sicily, & the Continent 16o. Edin. 1847. —. Sam.-Natural and Civil History of Vermont. 2 v.. 8vo. Burlington. 1809 - - S. W.-Genealogy and Hist. of Williams' Family in America 12o. Greenfield. 1847 - S. W.-Middle Kingdom; Survey of Chinese Empire. 2 v. 12o. N. Y. 1848 - ---- W. —Appleton's R. R. & Steamboat Comp. (North. States.) 16o. N. Y. 1848 ----- -- " Southern and Western Traveller's Guide 16o. N. Y. 1850 W. R.-Miscellanies..... 8vo. N. Y. 1850 Williamson, Hugh-History of North Carolina. 2 v... 8vo. Phil. 1812 J. D.-Argument for the Truth of Christianity. 12o. N. Y. 1836 __ —-- -- Exposition and Defence of Universalism. 12o. N. Y. 1840 W. D.-History of the State of Maine. 2 v.. 8vo. Hallowell. 1839 Willis, N. P.-A l'Abri; or, the Tent Pitched... 12o. N. Y. 1839 - - Fugitive Poetry.... 8vo. Bost. 1829 ----- Melanie; and other Poems.... 12o. N. Y. 1837 _- - Pencillings by the Way.... 8vo. N. Y. 1844 ---- -- People I have Met; or, Pictures of Society, &c.. 12o. N. Y. 1850 ---- -- Poem before " United Brothers;" with other Poems 8vo. N. Y. 1831 - - -- Poems...... 8vo. N. Y. 1844 *-. — Poems...... 8vo. Phil. 1848 -____ - - Rural Letters; and other Records of Thoughts. 12o. N. Y. 1849 ---- -- Sketches. (Poems.).... 8vo. Bost. 1827 --- - - Robt.-Hist. of Church of Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Wm.-Journals of Smith and Deane; with Biograph. Sketches 8vo. Portland. 1849 Willison, John-Sanctification of Sabbath; & Hist. of Church of Scot. 8vo. Edin. 1819 Williston, E. B. (Ed'r)-Eloquence of the United States. 5 v.. 8vo. Middletown.1827 Willm, J.-Education of the People.... 12o. Glasgow. 1847 Willmott, Robt. A.-Bishop Jeremy Taylor; a Biography. 16o. Lond. 1847 - - - Gems of Epistolary Correspond.; from Eng. Authors 12o. Lond. 1846 ----- -- Letters of Eminent Persons... 8vo. Lond. 1839 _____ ---- Lives of Sacred Poets. 1st and 2d Series. 16o. Lond. 1834-8 -..- Pictures of Christian Life.... 16o. Lond. 1841 Catalogue.] W IL - W IN 255 Wills, Jas.-Letters on the Philosophy of Unbelief.. 8vo. Lond. 1835 Willson, Harry-Use of a Box of Colors... 8vo. Lond. 1842 Marcius-American History.... 8vo. N. Y. 1847 --- - History of the United States... 12o. N. Y. 1846 ----- - The Same..... 12o. N. Y. 1847 ---- --- - Treatise on Civil Polity and Political Economy. 12o. N. Y. 1845 Wilson, Alex., and Buonaparte, Lucien-American Ornithology. 12o. Bost. 1840 ----- -- The Same. (C. M.) 4 v..... 16o. Edin. 1831 ---- -. Bird-Memoir of the Life of Bishop White.. 8vo. Phil. 1839 C. A.-Treatise on Book-keeping.... 8vo. Phil. 1848 Dan.-Divine Authority of the Lord's Day Asserted. 12o. Bost. 1831 --—..- Evidences of Christianity; Popular and Practical. 2 v. 8vo. Bost. 1829-30 -- The Same. 2 v...... 12o. Bost. 1833 --- - Pilgrim Fathers. [Bound with Stowell, W. H.] Erasmus.-Anatomist's Vade Mecum.. 12o. Lond. 1840 -—.- - Human Anatomy..... 16o. Lond. 1840 ---- -- On Healthy Skin, and Cutaneous Diseases. 12o. N. Y. 1846 H.-Business Directory..... 18o. N. Y. 1848 Hen.-Wonderful Characters; Memoirs and Anecdotes. 2 v. 8vo. Loud. 1826.. — The Same...... 8vo. N. Y. 1834 H. B.-History of a Merchant Tailor's School.. 4to. Lond. 1814 * -- H. H.-Dictionary in Sanscrit and English... 4to. Calcutta. 1832 ----- Hist. of Brit. India from 1805 to 1835. Vols. 1-3 8vo. Lond. 1845-8 -- -- f Introduction to Sanscrit Grammar.. 8vo. Lond. 1841 -- - Jas.-Introduction to the Natural History of Fishes. 4to. Edin. 1838 ---- --- Mammalia. Natural Hist. of Quadrupeds and Whales 12o. Edin. 1837 ---- -- The Rod and the Gun; Angling and Shooting. 8vo. Edin. 1844 ---- - - Treatise on Entomology.... 4to. Edin. 1837 -- John-Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. 3 v... 12o. Phil. 1842 -- -- Genius and Character of Burns.. o 12o. N. Y. 1845 "Noctes Ambrosianme" of Blackwood's Magazine. 4 v. 12o. Phil. 1843 - Poems. See Milman, H. H. --- -- Shakspeariana. Books Relating to Shakspeare. 12o. Lond. 1827.-.- Specimens of the British Critics... 12o. Phil. 1846 *-..... Jos.-French and English Dictionary... 8vo. Lond. 1845.-...R. T.-L'Expedition de l'Armee Britannique en Egypte. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1802 S. F.-History of the American Revolution.. 12o. Bait. 1836 - W. R.-Route through France and Italy.. 8vo. Lond. 1835,:: - Travels in the Holy Land~ Egypt, &c. 2 v. o. 8vo. Lond. 1847. —--- -" Russia. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1828 ------- T. (Bp)-Sacra Privata; Private Devotions 6 6 12o. N. Y. 1841 - -- Select Works. See James, J. Angell. Thos.-Biography of American, Naval and Military Heroes. 2 V. 12o. N. Y. 1821 Winckelmann, Johann-Werke. Vol. 1. 8vo... Atlas 4to. Dresden. 1839.-.-.. - History of Ancient Art. (Fr. Ger.) Vol. 2.. 8vo. Bost. 1849 Wine and Walnuts;by Ephraim Hardcastle. 2 v... 12o. Lond. 1823 Winer, Geo. B.-Grammar of Chaldee Language. (Fr. Ger.). 8vo. Andover. 1845 Wines, E. C.-Trip to Boston..... 12o. Bost. 1838.- -- Two Years and a Half in the Navy. 2 v... 12o. Phil. 1832 Winning, W. Bo-Manual of Comparative Philology.. 8vo. Lond. 1838 256 W I N - WO 0 [Merc. Lib. Winslow, Forbes-Anatomy of Suicide.... 8vo. Lond. 1840 --.- Diseases of Body and Mind... 8vo. Lond. 1842 -----. J. B.-Samenstel des Menschenlyke Lichnams. 4 vols. in two 8vo. Rotterdam. 1758 ----- Miron-Attempts to Propagate Christianity among Heathen 12o. Andover. 1819 ----- Octavius-Personal Declension and Revival of Religion. 12o. N. Y. 1848 Winterbotham, Wm.-View of the American United States. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1795....- -.. " Chinese Empire. 2 v.. 8vo. Phil. 1796 Wirt, Wm.-Letters of a British Spy.. 12o. N. Y. 1832 ---- Life of Patrick Henry.... 8vo. Phil. 1831 & 8 - -- -- The Same...... 8vo. N. Y. 1836 Wise (Lieut.)-Los Gringos; View of Mexico and California. 12o. N. Y. 1849 Wiseman, Nich.-Connection between Science and Revealed Religion 8vo. Andover. 1837 ---- -- Principal Doctrines, &c., of the Catholic Church 12o. Lond. 1847 Wislizenus, A.-Tour to Northern Mexico, 1846-7... 8vo. Wash. 1848 Wisner, B. B.-Memoirs of Mrs. Susan Huntington.. 12o. Bost. 1826 Witham, H. T. M.-Internal Structure of Fossil Vegetables of Gt. Brit. 4to. Edin. 1833 Withering, Wm. —Arrangement of Brit. Plants on Linnmean Sys. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1796 Withers, Philip-[Aristarchus; or, the Principles of Composition]. 8vo. Lond. 1791 -- - [The Same].... 8vo. Lond. 1822 Withington, Leonard-[The Puritan; Essays,by Jon. Oldbug, Esq.] 2 v. 16o. Bost. 1836 Wittich, W.-German for Beginners.... 12o. Lond. 1838 Wodderspoon, J.-Historic Sites of Suffolk; with Verses by B. Barton 12o. Lond. 1841 Wolcott, John [Peter Pindar.]-Poems. 4 v. 24o. Bost. 1811 -. - [The Same]..... 8vo. Lond. 1824 Wolff, Jens.-Tour to Copenhagen through Norway and Sweden 4to. Lond. 1814 - ---- Jos.-Mission to Bokhara, in Search of Stoddard and Connolly 8vo. N. Y. 1845 ----- O. L. B.-Hausschatz Deutscher Prosa... 8vo. Leipzic. 1847 Poetischer Hausschatz des Deutschen Volkes. 8vo. Leipzic. 1849 Wollaston, Wm.-Religion of Nature Delineated.. 8vo. Lond. 1750 Wollstonecraft, Mary-Vindication of Rights of Woman; with Life 12o. N.Y. 1833 - ee Godwin, Mary W. Wood, Geo. B.-Treatise on the Practice of Medicine. 2 v. 8vo. Phil. 1847 --- -- and Bache, F.-Dispensatory of the U. States. 8vo. Phil. 1845 ----- Jas.-Elements of Optics. [Bound with Vince's Astronomy.] ---- John-Description of the City of Bath. 2 v... 8vo. Lond. 1765 -- John-Elementary Treatise on Sketching from Nature. 8vo. Lond. no date ---- -- - Manual of Perspective; Familiar Explanation of It 8vo. Lond. 1843 -- John-History of the Administration of John Adams 8vo. N. Y. 1802 -- John-Journey to the Source of the River Oxus in 1836-8 12o. Lond. 1841 N. A.-Practical Treatise on Railroads... 8vo. Lond. 1838 - --- Robt.-Essay on Homer, and Account of the Troade. 8vo. Lond. 1824 Silas-First Settlement of Towns on Long Island 8vo. Brooklyn. 1828 T-hos.-Mosaic History of the Creation.. 8vo. N. Y. 1831 ---- W.-General Conchology....8vo. Lend. 1835 Wmi. M.-Wandering Sketches in South Amer., Polynesia, &c. 12o. Phil. 1849 Woodard, Dav.-Narr. of Himself and others; Prisoners to Malays 8vo. Lond. 1805 Woodbridge, John-Practical Religion.. 12o. N. Y. 1837 Woodcock, W. J.-Scripture Lands; Visit to Scenes of the Bible 12o. Lend. 1849 Woodcroft, Bennet-Origin and Progress of Steam Navigation. 4to. Lond. 1848 Woodland Gleanings. (Descriptions of Trees.). 16o. Lond. 1837 Catalogue.] W -- W R I 257 Woodruff, Sam.-Tour to Malta, Greece, Asia Minor, &c., 1828 12o. Hartf. 1831 Woodward, Chas. —Introduction to Study of Polarized Light. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Woodworth, Sam. —Melodies, Songs, and Ballads.. 16o. N. Y. 1830 Woolrych, H. W. —Memoirs of the Life of Judge Jeffries.. 8vo. Lond. 1827 Woolwich and its Environs 16o. Woolw. no date Worcester, Jos. E.-Elements of History; Ancient and Modern. 12o. Bost. 1826 - Gazetteer of the United States. 8vo. Andover. 1818 * —--- -- Historical Atlas; Charts of History, Chronology, &c. Fol. Bost. 1826 8* - -- Universal and Critical English Dictionary. 8vo. Bost. 1846 - Noah-Friend of Youth; or, Selections in Prose and Verse 12o. Bost. 1822 Worcester Magazine and Histor. Jour. Ed. by Lincoln & Baldwin. 2 v. 8vo. Worcester. 1826 Words of Christ, the; from the New Testament.. 16o. Bost. 1847 Phrases, and Proverbs of Leicestershire... 12o. Lond. 1848 Wordsworth, Chas.-Law of Joint-Stock Companies.. 8vo. Lond. 1842 --— _ — - Christoph.-Athens & Attica; Journal of Residence there, 8vo. Lond. 1836 ------ -- -Diary in France; on Education, the Church, &c. 12o. Lond. 1846 -- - Greece; Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical. 8vo. Lond. 1844 ----- - -- Lectures on the Apocalypse.. 8vo. Lond. 1849 -- "Who wrote Eikon Basilike2" Considered. 8vo. Lond. 1824 - - Wm.-Poetical Works.... 8vo. Paris. 1828 _- - -- The Same. 6 v... 16o. Lond. 1836-7 - The Same. 7 v.. 160. Lond. 1841-2 - -- The Same..... 8vo. Lond. 1845 - -- -- Yarrow Revisited; and other Poems. 8vo. N. Y. 1835 Working-Man's Companion; Cottage Evenings... 180. Phil. 1831 - -' "' Rights of Industry.. 18o.'Phil. 1832 Works of the Learned; an Acc't of Books Printed in Europe. 11 v. 8vo. Lond. 1699-1710 World, the; by Lord Chesterfield and others... 8vo. Lond. 1825 The Same. See British Essayists. Vols. 26-9. Wornum, R. N.-Epochs of Painting Characterized.. 18o. Lond. 1847 Worthy, A. N.-Botanic Theory and Practice of Medicine.. 8vo. Forsyth. 1842 Wotton, Sir Hen.-Reliquae Wottoniane. Lives, Letters, Poems, &c. 12o. Lond. 1685 Wrangell, F.-Expedition to thePolar Seas. (H. F. L.). 18o. N. Y. Wrangham, F. (Ed'r)-Evidences of Christianity. (C. M.).. 16o. Edin. 1828 Wraxall, Sir N. W.-Historical Memoirs of his own Time. 4 v. 8vo. Lond. 1836.... -- The Same..... 8vo. Phil. 1837 _ _ —-- -- History of France from 1574 to 1610. 3 v... 8vo. Dublin. 1796... — The Same. 6 v...... 8vo. Lond. 1814 - Mem'rs of Courts of Berlin, Dresden, &c., 1777-9: 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1800 * - - Posthumous Memoirs of his own Time. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1836.. — The Same..... 8vo. Phil. 1836 - Tour Round the Baltic.... 8vo. Lond. 1807 Wreath, the; a Collection of Poems from Celebrated Authors. 18o. Hartf. 1824 Wright, Frances-Course of Popular Lectures.. 12o. N. Y. 1831 --- - - Few Days inAthens... 12o. N. Y. 1831 ---- - Society and Manners in America, 1818-20.. 8vo. N. Y. 1821 - Geo.-Gentleman's Miscellany... 12o. Exeter. 1797 --- G. N.-Life and Times of Louis Philippe... 8vo. Lond. 1842 - Hen. C.-Defensive War a Denial of Christianity. 12o. Lond. 1846 - hos.-Anecdota Literaria; Poems in Eng., Lat., and French 8vo. Lond. 1844 33 258 WR I — YO U [Mere. Lib. Wright, Thos.-Biographia Britannica Literaria. Anglo-Norman. 8vo. Lond. 1846 --—. -. " " " Anglo-Saxon. 8vo. Lond. 1842 ---— _ - Early Travels in Palestine.... 12o. Lond. 1848 ---- _ --- England under the House of Hanover. 2 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1848 --- -- Literature, Superstitions, &c., in Middle Ages. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1846 * - --- (Ed'r)-Archeological Album... 4to. Lond. 1845 --- --- -- Political Songs of England; from John to Edward II. 8vo. Lond. 1839 ---- --- --- Treatises on Science; written in Middle Ages. 12o. Lond. 1841 -- - and Halliwell, J. 0. (Ed'rs)-Reliquiee Antiqum. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1841 W. A.-Philosophical Grammar of the English Language 12o. N. Y. 1838 W. H.-Mortars; with Account of Processes in Boston Harbor 12o. Bost. 1845 Wrightson, R.-New Triennial Directory of Birmingham. 12o. Birm'gham. 1818 Wyatt, Thos.-History of the Kings of France... 12o. Phil. 1846 M- anual of Conchology.... 8vo. N. Y. 1838 Sir Thos.-Poems. (Ald. Poets.).... 16o. Lond. 1831 -- -- The Same. See Surrey, Hen. Howard (Earl of). Wycherly, Congreve, Vanburgh, and Farquhar-Dramatic Works 8vo. Lond. 1840 Wyld, Jas. —Chart of the Canton River.. Folded in 18o. Lond. 1841' Chusan Archipelagos and Coast of China " 18o. Lond. 1840 - -- Map of China.... " 18o. Loud. 1842 ----- " to Illustrate the War in China.. " 18o. Lond. 1842 ----- Sketch of Amoy and the Neighboring Islands " 18o. Lond. 1842 Wyman, Morrill-Practical Treatise on Ventilation.. 12o. Bost. 1846 Wyse, Fran.-America; its Realities and Resources. 3 v.. 8vo. Lond. 1846 - Thos.-Education Reform; Necessity of National System. Vol. 1 8vo. Lond. 1836 Wyttenbach, J. H.-Stranger's Guide to Roman Antiquities of Treves 8vo. Lond. 1839 Xenophon-Anabasis. (Greece.). 1o. Lipsik. 1828 Opera. (Grece.) 2 v..... 12o. Leipsic, 1818-19 ---- Anabasis and Cyropsedia. (Fr. Grk.) (F. C. L.) 2 v. * 16o. Lond. - --- The Same. (F. C. L.) 2 v..... 18o. N. Y. -..- Cyropoedia; Translated by Maurice Ashley.. 8vo. Phil. 1810 Memorabilia of Socrates; Translated by G. B. Wheeler 12o. Lond. 1847 -- Works...... 8vo. Phil. 1845 Yarrell, Wm.-History of British Fishes. 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1836 ---- -- Supplement to the Same.... 8vo. Lond. 1839 Yates, J. V. N. & Moulton, J. W.-Hist. of N. Y. State. Vol. 1, Pts. 1 & 2 8vo. N. Y. 1824-6 -— Wm. H.-Modern Hist. and Condition of Egypt; Travels. 2 v. 8vo. Lond. 1843 Yorke, Oliver-Reliques of Father Prout. 2 v.... 16o. Lond. 1836 Youatt, W.-Cattle; Breeds, Management, and Diseases. (L. U. K.) 8vo. Lond, 1834 -— __ - The Dog; Edited by E. J. Lewis.. 8vo. Phil. 1847 ------ The Horse. (L. U. K.).... 12o. Lond. 1831..- -.- The Same; Edited by J. S. Skinner. 8vo. Phil. 1847 ---- -- The Pig; Breeds, Management, Feeding, &c.. 8vo. Lond. 1847 - - - - Sheep; Breeds, Management, and Diseases. (L. U. K.) 8vo. Lond. 1837 Young, Alex.-Chronicles of Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 1623-36. 8vo. Bost. 1846 -.-. Discourse on Life of Nathaniel Bowditch.. 8vo. Bost. 1838 ---- - Arthur-Course of Experimental Agriculture. 2 v.. 4to. Lond. 1770....... Travels through France in 1787-9... 4to. Lond. 1792 Catalogue.] Y 0 U — Z S C 259 Young, Arthur-The Same; with Register of a Tour in Spain. 2 v. 8vo. Dublin. 1793 ----- Edw.-[The Centaur, not Fabulous; Letters on Life in Vogue] 8vo. Lond. 1755 - -. Night Thoughts..... 24o. Lond. 1807.- The Same. 2 v......18o. Phil. 1820 - The Same...... 18o. Brunswick. 1822... - The Same...24o. Exeter. 1834 -- - Poems. (Ald. Poets.) 2 v.... 16o. Lond. 1834....- - The Same. See Milton, John. ----- John-Lectures on Intellectual Philosophy...8vo. Glasgow. 1835 J. R.-Advantages of Mathematical Study.. 12o. Lond. 1846.... - Algebra...... 8vo. Phil. 1832 ---- Philip-History of Mexico, from 1520 to 1847.. 8vo. Cincin. 1847. —-- Thos.-Discoveries in Hieroglyphical Lit. and Egyptian Antiq. 8vo. Lond. 1823 ----- Clerk's Assistant; or, Penmanship made Easy..8vo. Lond. no date - Gentleman's Book; a Series of Readings.. 12o. Lond. 1834 -Husband's Book......240. Phil. 1836 ---- Lady's Friend...... 12o. Bost. 1837 - Man's Guide.......18o. Bost. 1833 - " Own Book..... 24. Lond. 1845 * —-— Men's Advocate; a Weekly Newspaper...Fol. N.Y. 1832 Rifleman's Comrade. Narrative of Military Adventures. 12o. Phil. 1827 Youth's Hand-Book of Entertaining Knowledge. 2 v..12o. Lond. 1844 - Miscellany of Knowledge and Entertainment. 3 v.. 12o. Lond. 1823 Zallony, M. P.-Essai sur les Fanariotes.... 8vo. Marseilles. 1824 Zarate, Augustin de-Histoire de Perou. (De l'Espagnol.) 2 v. 12o. Paris. 1774 Zavala, Lorenzo de-Miejico desde 1808-30. 2 v....8vo. Paris. 1831-2 Zeydelaar, Ernst —De Hoogduitsche Spraakmeester.. 8vo. Amsterdam. 1772 - - Graammaire Generale Raisonnee Hollandoise. 8vo. Utrecht. 1781 Zimmerman, John G.-On Solitude.... 24. Lond. 1808 ____ -- The Same..... 12. N. Y. no date Zollikoffer, G. J.-Sermons. (Fr. Ger.) 2 v.... 8vo. Lond. 1806 Zornlin, Rosina M.-Bible Narrative, Chronologically Arranged.12o. Lond. 1842 ---- -- Recreations in Geology.... 16o. Lond. 1839 & 41 - " PPhysical Geography...16o. Lond. 1848 Zouch, Thos.-Memoirs of Sir Philip Sydney... 4to. York. 1809 Zschokke, J. H. D.-Autobiography..... 8vo. Lond. 1845 - Hours of Meditation on Duties of Life. (Fr. Ger.) 18o. N. Y. 1844 - Incidents of Social Life among the Alps.. 12o. N. Y. 1844 ------ -- -- Popular History of Switzerland. (Fr. Ger.). 12o. Lond. 1834 NOVELS, TALES, AND ROMANCES, IN ENGLISH PROSE.?art fit. ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT. Abbess. Mrs. Frances Trollope. Althea Vernon; & Hen. Harrison. Miss Leslie. Abbot; Sequel to " Monastery." W. Scott. Altowan; or, Life in the Rocky Mountains. Abednego, the Money-Lender. Mrs. Gore. Amaury. Alex. Dumas. Abel Allnut. J. Morier. Ambrosio de Letinez. A. T. Myrthe. Abellino; or, Bravo of Venice. M. G. Lewis. Amelia. Hen. Fielding. Aben-Hamet. F. A. de la Chateaubriand. American Cruiser; Tale of Last War. G. Little. Adam Blair. J. Galt. Amer. Lounger. (Tales, &c.) J. H. Ingraham. Adam Brown. Horace Smith. Amy Herbert. Edited by Rev. Wm. Sewell. Adelaide Lindsay. Mrs. M1.arsh. Anastasius; or, Mem. of a Greek. T. Hope. Admiral's Daughter. Ancient Eng. Fictions. W. J. Thors (Ed'r). Adsonville; or, Marrying Out. Ancient Regime. G. P. R. James. Adven. of a French Gentleman. Reynolds. Angela. Mrs. Marsh. Adven. of a Medical Student. Robt. Douglas. Annals of Family of McRoy. Mrs. Blackford. Adventures of an Attorney. Annals of the Parish. John Gait. Adven. of a Younger Son. Capt. Trelawney. Anne of Geierstein. Walter Scott. Afloat and Ashore. J. F. Cooper. Antidote to the Miseries of Human Life. Agathonia. Mrs. Gore. Antiquary. W. Scott. Agincourt. G. P. R. James. Arabella Stuart. G. P. R. James. Agnes de Mansfeldt. Thos. C. Grattan. Arabian Night's Entertainments. Agnes Grey. Currer Bell. Arasmanes; or, the Seeker. E. L. Bulwer. Agnes Morris; or, Heroine of Domes. Life. Archibald Werner. Chas. Spindler. Agnes Serle. Ellen Pickering. Ardent Troughton. Capt. Marryat. Alamance; or, the Great and Final Experiment. Armenians. Charles Macfarlane. Albatross. Wm. H. G. Kingston. Arrah Niel. G. P. R. James. Alderbrook. Emily Chubbuck. Arthur Arundel. Horace Smith. Algic Researches. H. R. Schooleraft. Arthur Mervyn. Chas. B. Brown. Alida; or, Town & Country. Mrs. Sedgwick. Arthur Monteith. Mrs. Blackford. Alice; or, The Mysteries. E. L. Bulwer. Ascanio, the Sculptor's Appren. Alex. Dumas. Alice Paulet. Sequel to " Sydenham." Asmodeus at Large. E. L. Bulwer. Aline; an Old Friend's Story. Atlantic Club-Book. Paulding and others. Allen Prescott. Mrs. Sedgwick. Atar Gull; or, the Slave's Revenge. E. Sue. Almack's. Attila. G. P. R. James. 262 NOVELS, 7ALES [Merc. Lib. Augustus; or, the Ambitious Student. Cabinet Minister. Mrs. Gore. Aunt Kitty's Tales. Maria J. McIntosh. Calavar; a Romance of Mexico. Dr. Bird. Aunt Patty's Scrap-Bag. Caroline L. Hentz. Calderon, the Courtier. Edw. L. Bulwer. Aurifodina; or, Adventures in Gold Regions. Caleb Williams. Wm. Godwin. Aurunzebe, a Tale of Alraschid. Camilla; or, Picture of Youth. Miss Burney. Author's Daughter. Mary Howitt. Camperdown; or, News fr. Our Neighborhood. Authorship. Canterbury Tales. S. and H. Lee. Autobiography of Jack Ketch. Canvassing. J. Banim. Ayesha, the Maid of Kars. J. Morier. Captain Kyd. J. H. Ingraham. Ayton Priory. John M. Neale. Captain O'Sullivan. W. H. Maxwell. Bachelor of the Albany. Carbonaro. Duke de Levis. Bachelors, the; and other Tales. S. L. Knapp. Cardinal's Daughter. Robt. M. Daniel. Bar Sinister; or, Memoirs of an Illegitimate. Carl Werner; with other Tales. W. G. Simms. Barnaby Rudge. C. Dickens. Carpenter of Rouen. J. S. Jones. Barny O'Reirdon; and other Tales. S. Lover. Castle Dismal. W. G. Simms. Battle of Life. Chas. Dickens. Castle of Ehrenstein. G. P. R. James. Beauchamp; or, the Error. G. P. R. James. Castle Rackrent. Maria Edgeworth. Beauties of the English Annuals, for 1835. Castles in the Air. Mrs. Gore. Behemoth. Cornelius Mathews. Cavaliers of Virginia. Dr. Caruthers. Belford Regis. Mary R. Mitford. Caxtons. Edw. L. Bulwer. Belinda. Maria Edgeworth. Cecil; or, Adven. of a Coxcomb. Mrs. Gore. Ben Brace. Capt. Chamier. Cecil, a Peer; Sequel to "Cecil." Mrs. Gore. Benjamin, the Jew of Granada. E. Maturin. Cecil Hyde. Berkeley, the Banker. Harriet Martineau. Cecilia; or, Mem. of an Heiress. Miss Burney. Bernardo del Carpio. Jorge Montgomery. Cecilia Howard. T. S. Arthur. Betrothed. (I Promessi Sposi.) A. Manzoni. Celebrated Crimes. Alex. Dumas. Big Abel and Little Manhattan. C. Mathews. Chainbearer. J. F. Cooper. Big Bear of Arkansas. W. T. Porter (Ed'r). Chairolas; and other Tales. Bulwer & others. Bit o' Writin'; and other Tales. J. Banim. Chance Medley of Light Matter. T. C. Grattan. Blackbeard. Chances and Changes. Black Prophet. Wmi. Carleton. Charcoal'Sketches. J. C. Neal. Blanche of Brandywine. G. Lippard. Charcoal Sketches. 2d Series. J. C. Neal. Blue-Stocking Hall. Mrs. Wilmot. Charles Chesterfield. Mrs. Trollope. Boarding Out. Mrs. Sarah J. Hale. Charles Elwood. O. A. Brownson. Body and Soul. Charles O'Malley, the Irish Dragoon. C. Lever. Bondman; a Story of the Times of Wat Tyler. Charles Tyrrell. G. P. R. James. Book of St. Nicholas. Jas. K. Paulding. Charles Vincent; or, the Two Clerks. Border Beagles. W. G. Simms. Charles Westcote. Bosom Friend. Mrs. Grey. Charmed Sea. Harriet Martineau. Boy of Mount Rhigi. Miss Sedgwick. Charms and Counter Charms. Miss McIntosh. Bracebridge Hall. Wash. Irving. Chatsworth. R. P. Ward (Ed'r). Bragelonne, the Son of Athos. A. Dumas. Chevalier D'Harmental. Alex. Dumas. Brambletye House. Horace Smith. Cheveley. Lady Bulwer. Bravo. J. F. Cooper. Children of the Abbey. R. M. Roche. Breach of Promise. (By Author of" The Jilt.") Children of New Forest. Fran. Marryat. Brian O'Linn. W. H. Maxwell. Christian Indian; or, Times of First Settlers. Brothers and Sisters. Frederika Bremer. Christmas Carol. Chas. Dickens. Brothers. Wm. Hen. Herbert. Christmas Stories. (Carol, &c.) C.Dickens. Budget of the Bubble Family. Lady Bulwer. Christopher Tadpole. Albert Smith. Buff and Blue. Chas. F. Stirling. Chronicles of the Canongate. W. Scott. Bug Jargal. Victor Hugo. Chronicles of Clovernook. Douglass Jerrold. Burton; or, The Sieges. J. H. Ingraham. Chronicles of Pineville. Bush Rangers of V. Dieman's Land. Rowcroft. Chrysal; or, the Adventures of a Guinea. Butchers of Ghent. H. H. Weld. Cinq-Mars. Alf. De Vigny. Catalogue.] A ND R MAN C E S. 263 Claiborne the Rebel. W. H. Carpenter. Cruise of the Midge. Capt. Chamier. Clarence. Miss C. M. Sedgwick. Cyril Thornton. T. Hamilton. Clarissa Harlowe. S. Richardson. Czarina. Mrs. Hofland. Clement Falconer. Dacre. Countess of Morley (Ed'r). Clement Lorimer. Angus B. Reach. Damsel of Darien. W. G. Simms. Clement Walton. W. Gresley. Daniel Dennison. Mrs. Hofland. Cleveland; a Tale of the Catholic Church. Dark Lady of Doona. W. H. Maxwell. Clinton Bradshaw. F. W. Thomas. Darnley. G. P. R. James. Clockmaker. T. C. Haliburton. Dashes at Life with Free Pencil. N. P. Willis. Cloudesley. W, Godwin. Davenels. Club-Book. Tales by Various Authors. David Dumps. Thos. H. Bayly. Ccelebs in Search of a Wife. Hannah More. Dead Boxer; an Irish Legend. Wm. Carleton. Collegians, the. Gerald Griffin. Debtor and Creditor. T. S. Arthur. Comic Tales, &c. W. M. Thackeray. Decameron. (Fr. Ital.) Giov. Boccaccio. Commander of Malta. Eugene Sue. Decision, Profession, is not Principle, &c. Con Cregan. C. Lever. De Clifford. R. P. Ward. Confession; or, Blind Heart. W. G. Simms. Deerbrook. Harriet Martineau. Confess. of an Elderly Gent. Lady Blessington. Deerslayer. J. F. Cooper. Confessions of a Poet. Deerstalkers. H.. WHerbert. Confessions of a Pretty Woman. Miss Pardoe. Deformed. Confidances. A. de Lamartine. De l'Orme. G. P. R. James. Coningsby. B. D'Israeli. Delphine. Mde. de Stael. Conquest and Self-Conquest. Miss McIntosh. Denounced. J. Banim. Conscious Duplicity. Dermot O'Brien. Wm. H. Herbert. Constance; or, the Debutante. J. H. Mancur. Destiny. Miss. Ferrier. Consuelo. Geo. Sand. Desultory Man. G. P. R. James. Contarini Fleming. B. D'Israeli. De Vere. R. P. Ward. Conti, the Discarded, &c. Hen. F. Chorley. Devereux. E. L. Bulwer. Convict. G. P. R. James. Devil's Pool. Geo. Sand. Coquette. Devoted. Coquette; or, History of Eliza Wharton. Diamond and the Pearl. Mrs. Gorec Corinne; or, Italy. Mde. de Stal. Diana of Meridor. Alex. Dumas. Corse de Leon. G. P. R. James. Diary, a; and Strife and Peace. F. Bremer. Cottages of Glenburnie. Eliz. Hamilton. Diary of a Blase. Capt. Marryat. Count Julian. W. G. Simms. Diary of a Desennuyee. Count of Monte-Christo. Alex. Dumas. Diary of a Physician. S. Warren. Countess Ida. T. S. Fay. Dinarbas; a Contin. of" Rasselas." Countess of Morion. Fred. Soulie. Discipline. Mary Brunton. Countess of Rudolstadt. Geo. Sand, Discipline of Life. Country Curate. G. R. Gleig. Disgrace to the Family. Wm. B. Jerrold. Country Quarters. Lady Blessington. Disowned. Ed. L. Bulwer. Courtier of the Days of Chas. II. Mrs. Gore. Doctor Birch. W. M. Thackersy. Courtship and Wedlock. Dolores. Harro Harring. Cousin Marshall. Harriet Martineau. Dombey and Son. Chas. Dickens, Cousin William. Dominie's Legacy. Cousins, the. Maria J. McIntosh. Don Quixote. (Fr. Span.) M. de Cervantes. Crater; or, Vulcan's Peak. J. F. Cooper. Doomed. Crayon Sketches. By an Amateur. Dowager. Mrs. Gore. Creole. J. H. D. Zschokke. Down-Easters, &c. John Neal. Crichton. Wm. H. Ainsworth. Drama of Pokerville. J. M. Field. Cricket on the Hearth. Chas. Dickens. Dreamer and the Worker. D. Jerrold. Crock of Gold. Martin F. Tupper. Dream of Little Tuk. Hans C. Andersen. Crockfords; or, Life in the West. Dreams & Rever. of a Quiet Man. T. S. Fay. Cromwell. H. W. Herbert. Duke and the Cousin. Mrs. Grey. 264 NOVELS, TALES, [Mere. Lib. Duke of Monmouth. Gerald Griffin. Fatalist; or, Fortunes of Godolphin. Dumb Love. Aug. Musaus. Father Darcy. Mrs. Marsh. Dunallan. Grace Kennedy. Father and Son. Theo. E. Hook. Dutchman's Fireside. J. K. Paulding. Faust. G. W. M. Reynolds. Duty and Inclination. Letitia E. Landon. Fear of the World. Bros. Mayhew. East and West. F. W. Thomas. Felon's Track. M. Doheny. Early Called. Mrs. Southey, Female Minister; or, a Son's Revenge. Edgar Huntley. Chas. B. Brown. Female Robinson Crusoe. Edward. J. Moore. Fencing Master. Alex. Dumas. Edward Lascelles. Ferdinand, Count Fathom. Tobias Smollett. Effinghams; or, Home as I found It. Fernande; or, Fallen Angel. Alex. Dumas. Eighteen Hundred and Twelve. L. Rellstab. Fielding; or, Society. R. P. Ward. Elinor Fulton., Mrs. H. Lee. Fifteen Hundred and Seventy-Two. Merimee. Elinor Wyllys. Jas. F. Cooper (Ed'r). First Impressions. Mrs. Sarah Ellis. Elizabeth Benton. First of the Knickerbockers. P. H. Myers. Elkswatawa; or, the Prophet of the West. Fitz George. Ellen Middleton. Lady Geo. Fullerton. Fitzgerald and Hopkins. H.N. Moore. Ellen Munroe. G. W. M. Reynolds. Five Nights of St. Albans. Ellen Seymour. Mrs. Savile Shepherd. Five Years of Youth. H. Martineau. Ellen Wareham. Ellen Pickering. Fleetwood; or, New Man of Feeling. Godwin. Elliott Family. Chas. Burdett. Fleetwood; or, Stain of Birth. Epes Sargent. Elves, with other Tales and Sketches. Florence Macarthy. Lady Morgan. Emilia Wyndham. Mrs. Marsh. Flower, Fruit, & Thorn Pieces. J. P. Richter. Emma. Miss J. Austen. Folchetto Malaspina. (Fr. Ital.) Emma de Lissau. Forecastle Tom. Mary S. B. Dana. English at Home. Forest Days. G. P. R. James. English Life; or, Manners at Home, Forest Life. Mrs. C. M. Kirkland. Epicurean. Thos. Moore. Foresters; Tale of Domestic Life. J. Wilson. Ernest Maltravers. Edw. L. Bulwer. Forgery. G. P. R. James. Errata; or, Works of Will Adams. J. Neal. Fortescue. James S. Knowles. Esther de Medina. G. W. M. Reynolds. Fortunes of Col. Torlogh O'Brien. Ethan Allen; or, the King's Men. Melville. Forty-five Guardsmen. Alex. Dumas. Ethel Churchill; Two Brides. L. E. Landon. Fortunes of Nigel. W. Scott. Ettore Vieramosca. Massimo Dazeglio. Foscarini; or, the Patrician of Venice. Eugene Aram. Edw. L. Bulwer. Foster Brother. Leigh Hunt (Ed'r). Eva; or, Isles of Life and Death. E. Maturin. Foster Brothers. Mrs. Emilie Carlen. Evelina. Miss Burney. Fourth Experiment of Living. Evelyn. Anna C. Mowatt. Francesca Carrana. Evenings at Woodlawn. Mrs. Ellet. Frank. Maria Edgeworth. Exile of Erin; Sorrows of a Bashful Irishman. Frank Mildmay; or, Naval Officer. F. Marryat. Expectant. Ellen Pickering. Frank Orby; or, One of the Eleven. Fact and Fiction. L. Maria Child. Frankenstein. Mrs. M. W. Shelley. Fair Isabel. Eugene Sue. Freaks of Cupid. Fairy Bower; or, History of a Month. Friends & Fortune; Moral Tale. A. H. Drury, Fairy Legends and Traditions of Ireland. Fright. Ellen Pickering. Falkland. Edw. L. Bulwer. Frolics of Puck. Fairy Tales. Montalba. Gale Middleton. Horace Smith. Falcon Family; or, Young Ireland. Galley-Slave. H. Zschokke. Falkner. Mrs. Shelley. Gaieties and Gravities. Smith. False Heir. G. P. R. James. Game of Iife. Leitch Ritchie. Fame and Fancy; or, Voltaire Improved. Gammer Grethel. Brothers Grimm (Ed'rs). Family Failings. Gammer Gurton's Story Book. Family Secrets. Mrs. Ellis. Gaston de Blondveille. Mrs. A. Radcliffe. Fanny Dale. T. S. Arthur. Gebel Teir. Catalogue.] AND ROMANCES. 265 Genevieve. A. de Lamartine. Harry Lorrequer. Chas. Lever. Genevieve; or, Chev. of Maison Rouge. Dumas. Harry O'Reardon. Mrs. S. C. Hall. Gentleman in Black. Haunted Merchant. C. F. Briggs (Ed'r). Gentleman of the Old School. G. P. R. James. Haverhill. Jas. A. Jones. George; or, Planter of Isle of France. Dumas. Hawk Chief. John T. Irving, Jr. George Balcombe. B. Tucker. Hawkstone. Rev. Wm. Sewell (Ed'r). George Barnwell. T. S. Surr. Headlong Hall; and other Tales. G. Peacock. George Lovell. Jas. S. Knowles. Headsman. J. F. Cooper. George Mason, the Young Backwoodsman. Heart, the. Martin F. Tupper. George St. George Julian. H. Cockton. Hearts and Homes. Mrs. Ellis. Georgia Scenes. A. B. Longstreet. Hector O'Halloran. W. H. Maxwell. Georgianal Hammond. Mrs. Daniel. Heidelberg. G. P. R. James. Gertrude. Edited by Rev. Wm. Sewell. Heidenmauer. J. F. Cooper. Ghost-Hunter, and his Family. J. Banim. Heiress. Ellen Pickering. Ghost-Seer. (Fr. Ger.) F. Schiller. Heiress. T. S. Arthur. Giafar al Barmeki. G. Spring, Jr. Heiress of Bruges. T. C. Grattan. Gideon Giles, the Roper. T. Miller. Helen. Maria Edgeworth. Gil Blas. A. R. Le Sage. Helen Halsey. W. G. Simms. Gilbert Gurney. Theod. Hook. Henpecked Husband. Gipsey. G. P. R. James. Henri Quatre. J. H. Mancur. Glimpses of Home Life. Emma C. Embury. Henry Masterton. G. P. R. James. Godolphin. Edw. L. Bulwer. Henry Milner. Mrs. Sherwood. Gold-Maker's Village. H. Zschokke. Henry of Guise. G. P. R. James. Gold Mines of the Gila. C. W. Webber. Henry of Ofterdingen. Fred. von Hardenberg. Golden Calf. Henry Russell. Golden Sands of Mexico. W. Croome. Herbert Tresham. J. M. Neale. Good Fellow, the. Paul de Kock. Herbert Wendall. Gossips & Sket. of Rivertown. Mrs. Neal. Heretic. (Fr. Russian.) Lajetchnikoff. Gowrie; or, the King's Plot. G. P. R. James. High Life in New-York. Grandfather. Ellen Pickering. Hill and the Valley. Harriet Martineau. Grantley Manor. Lady Geo. Fullerton. Hill-Side and Border Sketches. Maxwell. Great Hoggarty Diamond. W. M. Thackeray. History of a Flirt. Greatest Plague of Life. Brothers Mayhew. History of John Marten. Mrs. Sherwood. Green Mountain Boys. D. P. Thompson. History of Tekeli. P. le Brun. Greville; or, a Season in Paris. Mrs. Gore. Hoary Head, and Valleys Below. J. Abbott. Greyslaer. C. F. Hoffman. Hoboken. Theo. S. Fay. Groves of Blarney. Mrs. S. C. Hall. Hobomok. Mrs. L. M. Child. Grummett's Log. Holly Grange. Mde. E. de K —. Guards, the. Home. Catharine M. Sedgwick. Guarica, the Charib Bride. H. W. Herbert. Home; or, the Iron Rule. Sarah Ellis. Gulliver's Travels. Jonathan Swift. Home as Found. J. F. Cooper. Gurney Married. Theo. Hook. Home Influence. Grace Aguilar. Guy Mannering. W. Scott. Homes Abroad. Harriet Martineau. Guy Rivers. W. G. Simms. Homeward Bound; or, the Chase. Cooper. H- Family. Frederika Bremer. Honey-Moon, &c. Various Authors. Hajji Baba in England. J. Morier. Hope Leslie. Miss C. M. Sedgwick. Hajji Baba of Ispahan. J. Morier. Horse-Shoe Robinson. J. P. Kennedy. Half Sisters. C. E. Jewsbury. Hour and the Man. Harriet Martineau. Handy Andy. Sam. Lover. Huguenot. G. P. R. James. Harcourts, the. Humorist. Theod. Hook. Harold, the Last of the Saxons. Bulwer. Humor and Pathos...G. R. W. Baxter. Harrington. Maria Edgeworth. Humphrey Clinker. T. Smollett. Harry and Lucy. Maria Edgeworth. Hunchback of Notre Dame. Victor Hugo Harry Austin. Hungarian Brothers. Anna M. Porter. 34 266 NOVELS, TALES, [Merc. Lib. Hungarian Tales. Keeping up Appearances. T. S. Arthur. Hussar. G. R. Gleig. Kenilworth. W. Scott. Hyperion. Hen. W. Longfellow. King of the Hurons. Image of his Father. Bros. Mayhew. King's Highway. G. P. R. James. Improvisatore. (Fr. Danish.) H. C. Andersen. King's Own. Fran. Marryat. Incognito. T. de Trueba. Kitty's Relations; & other Sketches. E. Leslie. Indian Cottage. B. de St. Pierre, Klosterheim; or, the Mask. M. De Quincy. Indiana. Geo. Sand. Knight of Gwynne. Chas. Lever. Infidel. Dr. Bird. Knight of Mauleon. Alex. Dumas. Inheritance of Evil. Koningsmarke. Jas. K. Paulding. Inklings of Adventure. N. P. Willis. Kruitzner; or, German's Tale. S. H. Lee. Insubordination. T. S. Arthur Lady Alice; or, the New Una. Huntington. Invalide. C. Spindler. Lady Jane Grey. Thos. Miller. Irish Sketch-Book. Win. M. Thackeray. Lady Mary. Chas. B. Tayler. Irrelagh, the Last of the Chiefs. Lady of the Manor. Mrs. Sherwood. Isabel of Bavaria. Alex. Dumas. Lady of Milan. Mrs. Thomson (Ed'r). Italian. Mrs. Radcliffe. Lafitte, Pirate of the Gulf. J. H. Ingraham. Ivan Vejeeghen. T. Bulgaririn. Lake of Killarney. Anna M. Porter. Ivanhoe. W. Scott. Lancashire Witches. Win.. Ainsworth. Jack Ashore. E. Howard. Land-Sharks and Sea-Gulls. Jack Brag. Theod. Hook. Laneton Parsonage. Rev. Wim. Sewell (Ed'r). Jack Halyard, the Sailor Boy. W. S. Cardell. Last Days of Pompeii. E. L. Bulwer. Jack Hinton, the Guardsman. C. Lever. Last of the Barons. E. L. Bulwer. Jack Malcolm's Log. Capt. Chamier. Last of the Lairds. J. Galt. Jack of the Mill. WTm. Howitt. Last of the Mohicans. J. F. Cooper. Jack Sheppard. W. H. Ainsworth. Last of the Plantagenets. Jack Tier; or, the Florida Reef. J.F. Cooper. Latreaumont; or, Court Conspirator. E. Sue. Jacob Faithful. Fran. Marryat. Launcelot Widge. Chas. Horton. Jacquerie, the. G. P. R. James. Lawrie Todd. John Galt. Jacques. Geo. Sand. Legends and Stories of Ireland. Sam. Lover. James Montjoy. A. T. Roe. Legends of a Log Cabin. James the Second. Wm. H. Ainsworth. Legends of Mexico. Geo. Lippard. Jane Eyre. Miss Bronte. Legends of the Revolution. Geo. Lippard. Jane Talbot. Chas. B. Brown. Legends of Rubezahl. Mlusaus. Janet Hamilton. Leila; or, Siege of Grenada. E. L. Bulwer. Japhet in Search of a Father. F. Marryat. Leonora. Maria Edgeworth. Jeremiah Parkes. Leontine. Mrs. Maberly. Jessie's Flirtations. Miss Curtis. Leslie Linkfield. Jew, the. C. Spindler. Letter-Bag of Great Western. Haliburton. Joan, the Heroic Maiden. Alex. Dumas. Levenworth. J. D. Nourse. Joanna of Naples. Miss L. J. Park. Life in Dalecarlia. F. Bremer. John Bull and Bro. Jonathan. J. K. Paulding. Life in India; or, English at Calcutta. John de Lancaster. Rich. Cumberland. Life in London. Pierce Egan. Jonathan Wild. Hen. Fielding. Life in London. Jonce Smiley, the Yankee Boy. H. H. Weld. Life in the New World. Seatsfield. Joseph Andrews. Hen. Fielding. Life in the Wilds. Harriet Martineau. Joseph Rushbrook. Fran. Marryat. Life of a Sailor. Journal of a Poor Vicar. J. H. D. Zschokke. Life's Lessons. Journeyman Joiner. Geo. Sand. Light Dragoon. G.R. Gleig. Julian; or, Scenes in Judea. W. Ware. Lights and Shadows of Scot. Life. J. Wilson. Kaloolah. W. S. Mayo. Lights of Education. Kate Walsingham. Ellen Pickering. Linda. Caroline L. Hentz. Kavanagh. Hen. W. Longfellow. Linwoods, the. Cath. M. Sedgwick. Keeping House & House-Keeping. S. J. Hale. Lionel Lincoln. J. F. Cooper. Catalogue.] AND ROMAN C ES. 267 Lionel Wakefield. Marguerite de Valois. Alex. Dumas. Little Savage. Fran. Marryat. Marmaduke Herbert. Countess of Blessington. Live and Let Live. Cath. M. Sedgwick. Marmaduke Wyvil. Hen. W. Herbert. Locke Amsden. D. P. Thompson. Marriage. Susan Ferrier. Lodore. Mrs. M. W. Shelley. Married and Single. T. S. Arthur. Lofoden. E. W. Landor. Marston; or, Memoirs of a Statesman. Croly. Log of a Privateer's Man. Capt. Marryat. Martin Chuzzlewit. C. Dickens. Loiterings of Arthur O'Leary. C. Lever. Martin Faber; Story of a Crim. W. G. Simms. Lone Dove. Martin, the Foundling. Eugene Sue. Lone Star, a Tale of Texas. J. W. Dallam. Mary Barton. Look to the End. Mrs. Ellis. Mary de Clifford. Sir E. Brydges. Loom and the Lugger. Harriet Martineau. Mary of Burgundy. G. P. R. James. Lord Roldan. Allan Cunningham. Mary Schweidler; Amber Witch. W. Meinhold. Lorette; Louise, Daughter of a Nun. Masterman Ready. Fran. Marryat. Lost Brooch. Matilda. Eugene Sue. Lost Ship; or, Atlantic Steamer. W. J. Neale. Matricide. John K. Duer. Louisa Mildmay. Mrs. Marsh. Matthew Wald. J. G. Lockhart. Love and Duty. Mrs. Marsh. Maxwell. Theod. Hook. Love and Mesmerism. Horace Smith. May-Day in New-York. Chas. A. Davis. Love and Money. Mary Howitt. May Martin; or, Money Dig's. D. P. Thompson. Love Match. Hen. Cockton. Mayor of Windgap. J. Banim. Love Token for Children. C. M. Sedgwick. Means and Ends. Cath. M. Sedgwick. Love in High Life. T. S. Arthur. Melincourt. G. Peacock. Lover and Husband. Mrs. Gore. Mellichampe. W. G. Simms. Lovers and Husbands. T. S. Arthur. Melmoth, the Wanderer. R. C. Maturin. Lucretia. Edw. L. Bulwer. Mem. of Fem. de Chambre. Lady Blessington. Magdalen, and other Tales. J. S. Knowles. Memoirs of a Nullifier. A. S. Johnston. Magdalen and Marcia. Mrs. Grey. Memoirs of a Peeress. Lady C. Bury (Ed'r). Magic Goblet. (Fr. Swed.) Emilie Carlen. Memoirs of a Physician. Alex. Dumas. Magic of Kindness. Bros. Mayhew. Mephistopheles in England. Magpie Castle, and other Tales. Theo. Hook. Mercedes of Castile. J. F. Cooper. Mahmoud. Merchant. Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. Maid of Honor. Tale of 16th Century. Merchant's Clerk, & other Tales. S. Warren. Maiden Aunt. Merry Mount; Romance of Mass. Major Jones's Courtship. Merry Tales of Three Wise Men ofGotham. Major Jones's Sketches of Travel. Messrs. Vanderput & Snock. Har. Martineau. Making Haste to be Rich. T. S. Arthur. Michael Armstrong. Mrs. F. Trollope. Man-at-Arms. G. P. R. James. Midnight Sun. Frederika Bremer. Man made of Money. Douglas Jerrold. Midshipman Easy. Fran. Marryat. Man of Fortune, and other Tales. Mrs. Gore. Midshipman's Expedients and other Tales. Man of Honor; and, the Reclaimed. Midsummer's Eve. Mrs. S. C. Hall. Man of Many Friends. Milford Malvoisin. F. E. Paget. Manceuvering Mother. Minstrel Love. (Fr. Ger.) F. de la M. Fouque. Manchester Strike. Harriet Martineau. Miranda. Man-o'-War's Man. Miriam; or, Power of Truth. Mansfield Park. Jane Austen. Miriam Coffin; or, Whale Fisherman. Mardens, the; and Daventrys. Miss Pardoe. Miser; or, Convicts of Lisnamona. Carleton. Mardi, and a Voyage Thither. H. Melville. Miseries of Marriage. Mrs. Gore. Margaret, a Tale of the Real and Ideal. Judd. Miserrimus. Margaret; or, the Pearl. Chas. B. Tayler. Miser's Daughter. Wm. H. Ainsworth. Margaret Percival. Rev. Wm. Sewell (Ed'r). Mission; or, Scenes in Africa. Capt. Marryat. Margaret Ravenscroft. Jas. A. St. John. Modern Accomplishments. Cath. Sinclair. Marian; or, Young Maid's Fortunes. Mrs. Hall. Modern Chivalry. H. H. Brackenridge. Mark Wilton, the Merch. Clerk. C B. Tayler. Modern Society. Catherine Sinclair. 268 N O VELS, TA L E S, [Merc. Lib. Modern Vassal. John Wilmer. Naval Sketch-Book. Monaldi. Wash. Allston. Naval Stories. Wrm. Leggett. Monastery. Walter Scott. Neal Malone. Wm. H. Carleton. Moneypenny. Cornelius Mathews. Ned Myers. J. F. Cooper. Monikins. J. F. Cooper. Neighbors. Frederika Bremer. Monk. M.. G. Lewis. Nevilles of Garretstown. Chas. Lever. Monk's Revenge; or, Secret Enemy. S. Spring. New England Tale. Cath. M. Sedgwick. Mons. Violet. Fran. Marryat. New Forest. Horace Smith. Montezuma, Last of the Aztecs. E. Maturin. New Gil Bias. H. D. Inglis. Montezuma, the Serf. Jas. H. Ingraham. New Home. Mrs. C. M. Kirkland. Moral Tales. Maria Edgeworth. New-York in Slices. G. G. Foster. Moral Tales. Mde. de Genlis. Newton Forster. Fran. Marryat. Morals of Pleasure. (Stories for the Young.) Nicholas Nickleby. Chas. Dickens. Mordaunt. John Moore. Night and Morning. E. L. Bulwer. Mordaunt Hall; or, Sept. Night. Mrs. Marsh. Nights at Mess. Morley Ernstein. G. P. R. James. Nights of the Round Table. Morton Montagu. Charlotte B. Mortimer. Nina; Seq. to "Presid't's Daughters." Bremer. Morton's Hope. J. L. Motley. Norman Leslie. C. H. G. Mosaic Workers. Geo. Sand. No Fiction. And. Reed. Mosses from an Old Manse. Nath. Hawthorne. Norman's Bridge. Mrs. Marsh. Mother, the. T. S. Arthur. Northanger Abbey. Jane Austen. Mother-in-Law. Maria A. Burlingham. Norval Hastings. Mothers and Daughters. Mrs. Gore. Notre Dame de Paris. Victor Hugo. Motley Book. Cornelius Mathews. Novelletes of a Traveller. H. J. Nott (Ed'r). Mrs. Armytage. Mrs. Gore. Now and Then. Sam. Warren. Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures. D. Jerrold. Nubilia in Search of a Husband. My Aunt Pontypool. Nun, the. Mrs. Sherwood. My Cousin Nicholas. Nun, the. Chas. Spindler. My Life. Wm. H. Maxwell. O'Briens and O'Flahertys. Lady Morgan. My Marine Memorandum Book. H. Jennings. O'Donoghue, the; a Tale of Ireland. Lever. My Mother. O'Halloran. Jas. McHenry. My own Home and Fireside. Syr. O'Sullivan's Love. Wm. Carleton. My Shooting-Box. Hen. W. Herbert. Oak Openings. J. F. Cooper. My Sister Minnie. Mrs. Daniel. Odd Volume; a Collection of Tales. My Uncle, the Curate. Ogilvies. My Uncle Hobson and I. Pascal Jones. Old Commodore. E. Howard. Myrtis; with other Etchings. Mrs. Sigourney. Old Continental. J. K. Paulding. Mysteries of the Backwoods. T. B. Thorpe. Old Cro' Nest. Mysteries of Bedlam. Old Curiosity Shop. Chas. Dickens. Mysteries of Berlin. C. B. Burkhardt. Old English Baron. Clara Reeve. Mysteries of City Life. Jas. Rees. Old Friends. Mysteries of Court of London. Reynolds. Old Hicks, the Guide. Chas. W. Webber. Mysteries of the Heaths. Fred. Soulie. Old Joliffe. Miss Planche. Mysteries of the Inquisition. V. de Fereal. Old Judge; or, Life in a Colony. Haliburton. Mysteries of London. (Trans.) H. C. Deming. Old London Bridge. C. H. Rodwell. Mysteries of Old London. G. W. M. Reynolds. Old Maids. Mysteries of Paris. Eugene Sue. Old Oak Chest. G. P. R. James. Mysteries of Udolpho. Mrs. Radcliffe. Old St. Paul's. Win. H. Ainsworth. Mysterious Picture. Oliver Twist. C. Dickens. Mystery, the; or, Forty Years Since. "Only." Miss Planche. Nan Darrell. Ellen Pickering. One in a Thousand. G. P. R. James. Naomi; or, Boston. Mrs. E. B. Lee. Only a Fiddler and 0. T. H. C. Andersen. Natalia; and other Tales. F. de la M. Fouque. Only Daughter. National Tales. Onslow; or, Proteg6 of an Enthusiast. Catalogue.] A ND ROMAN C E S. 269 Onyx Ring. John Sterling. Picciola. X. B. de Saintine. Ormond. Maria Edgeworth Pickings from the New Orleans Picayune. Ottawah, Last Chief of the Red Indians. Pickwick Club. C. Dickens. Our Guardian. Mrs. Daniel. Picnic Papers. Edited by-Chas. Dickens. Our Island. Picnics; or, Tales of Ireland. Our Street. W. M. Thackeray. Pictures of Private Life. Mrs. S. Ellis. Our Village. Mary R. Mitford. Pilgrims of the Rhine. E. L. Bulwer. Outlaw. Pilgrims of Walsingham. Agnes Strickland. Outward Bound. E. Howard. Pilot. J. F. Cooper. Pacha of Many Tales. Fran. Marryat. Pin Money. Mrs. Gore. Pageant; or, Pleasure & its Price. F. E. Paget. Pioneers. J. F. Cooper. Palais Royal. J. H. Mancur. Piquillo Alliaga. Eug. Scribe. Panthea. Robt. Hunt. Pirate. Walter Scott. Parent's Assistant. (For Youth.) Edgeworth. Plebeians and Patricians. Parricide. Polish Orphan. Parricide; or, Career of Crime. Reynolds. Popular Tales. Maria Edgeworth. Parson's Daughter. Theod. Hook. Poor Cousin. Ellen Pickering. Partisan. W. G. Simms. Poor Jack. Fran. Marryat. Partners for Life. Camilla Toulmin. Poor Rich Man, and Rich Poor Man. Sedgwick. Pastor's Fireside. Jane Porter. Posthumous Papers. Pastourel. Fred. Souli6. Posthumous Records of a London Clergyman. Path-Finder. J. F. Cooper. Pottleton Legacy. Alb. Smith. Patronage. Maria Edgeworth. Prairie. J. F. Cooper. Paul and Virginia. J. H. B. de St. Pierre. Prairie Bird. C. A. Murray. Paul Clifford. E. L. Bulwer. Praise and Principle. Maria J. McIntosh. Paul Pry's Residence in Little Pedlington. Precaution. J. F. Cooper. Paul Pry's Delicate Attentions. Preferment. Mrs. Gore. Paul Redding. T. B. Read. President's Daughters. Frederika Bremer. Paul Ulric. Pretension. Mrs. S. Ellis. Paula Monti; or, Hotel Lambert. Eug. Sue. Pride and Irresolution. Peace Campaigns of a Cornet. Prince Arthur, and his Knights. Sir T. Malory. Peasant and his Landlord. Baroness Knorring. Prince and the Pedler. Ellen Pickering. Peers and Parvenus. Mrs. Gore. Princess; or, the Beguine. Lady Morgan. Peer's Daughter. Lady Bulwer. Priors of Prague. W. J. Neale. Pelayo; Story of the Goth. W. G. Simms. Probus; or, Letters from Rome. W. Ware. Pelham. E. L. Bulwer. Protestant. Miss Bray. Pencil Sketches. Miss Leslie. Puritan and his Daughter. J. K. Paulding. Percival Keene. Fran. Marryat. Purraul of Lum Sing. Percy; or, the Old Love and the New. Quadroone, the. Jas. H. Ingraham. Peregrine Pickle. Tobias Smollett. Quaker City. Geo. Lippard. Perils of Pearl Street. Quarter Race in Kentucky. W. T. Porter. Persuasion. Jane Austen. Queen of Denmark. Mrs. Gore. Peter Ploddy, and other Oddities. J. C. Neal. Queen's Necklace. Alex. Dumas. Peter Schlemihl. A. von Chamisso. Quentin Durward. Walter Scott. Peter Simple. Fran. Marryat. Quiet Husband. Ellen Pickering. Peter Wilkins. R. Pultock. Quod Correspondence. Peveril of the Peak. Walter Scott. Rambleton; Rom. of Life in N. Y. Seatsfield. Phantom Ship. Fran. Marryat. Random Recollections of ah Old Doctor. Phil Purcel. Wm. Carleton. Random Shots & Southern Breezes. Tasistro. Philanthropy; or, My Mother's Bible. Raphael. A. de Lamartine. Philip Augustus. G. P. R. James. Rasselas; a Tale. Sam. Johnson. Philosopher's Stone. H. Balzac. Rattlin, the Reefer. E. Howard. Philothea. Mrs. L. M. Child. Real Life. Physiognomist. Rebel; and other Tales. E. L. Bulwer. 270 NOVELS, TALES, [Merc.Lib. Recollections of a Chaperon. Lady Dacre. Russell. G. P. R. James. Recollections of a Housekeeper. Gilman. Russian Sketch-Book. Ivan Golovine. Recollections of a Southern Matron. Gilman. Safia. Roger de Beauvior. Rectory of Valehead. R. W. Evans. Sailor's Life and Sailor's Yarns. Red-Gauntlet. Walter Scott. Sainclair. Mde. de Genlis and Florian. Red Rover. J. F. Cooper. St. Antholins. Fran. Paget. Red Skins. J. F. Cooper. St. Giles and St. James. Douglas Jerrold. Redburn. Herman Melville. St. James's. Wm. H. Ainsworth. Redwood. Calth. M. Sedgwick. Saint Leger; or, Threads of Life. Kimball. Reformed Highwayman. G. W. M. Reynolds. St. Leon. W. Godwin. Refugee in America. Mrs. Trollope. St. Ronan's Well. Walter Scott. Regent's Daughter. Alex. Dumas. Salathiel; or, the Wandering Jew. G. Croly. Reginald Dalton. J. G. Lockhart. Saracen; or, Matilda and Malek Adhel. Reginald Hastings. Eliot Warburton. Satanstoe; or, Littlepage Mans. J. F. Cooper. Religion at Home. Mrs. Williams. Sayings and Doings. Theo. Hook. Retiring from Business. T. S. Arthur. Scarlet Letter. Nath. Hawthorne. Retribution. Emma D. E. N. Southworth. Scenes at Washington. Reuben Apsley. Horace Smith. Scenes in our Parish. Rhoda. School of Fashion. Rich Enough. Mrs. Lee. Scottish Chiefs. Jane Porter. Richard Hurdis. W. G. Simms. Scottish Orphans. Mrs. Blackford. Richard of York; or, White Rose of England. Scrap-Book; Collection of Tales. Richelieu. G. P. R. James. Sea Lions; or, Lost Sealers. J. F. Cooper. Riches have Wings.' T. S. Arthur. Secret Passion. F. Williams. Rienzi. E. L. Bulwer. Secret Foe. Ellen Pickering. Rising in the World. T. S. Arthur. Self. Mrs. Gore. Rival Beauties. Miss Pardoe. Self-Condemned. Rob of the Bowl. J. P. Kennedy. Self-Control. Mary Brunton.. Rob Roy. Walter Scott. Sense and Sensibility. Jane Austen. Robber. G. P. R. James. Separation, the. Mrs. Gore. Robber of the Rhine. Leitch Ritchie. Settlers in Canada. Fran. Marryat. Robert Macaire in Eng. G. W. M. Reynolds. Seven Capital Sins. Anger. E. Sue. Robert Rueful. T. S. Fay. " " " Envy. " Robin Day. " " " Pride. " Robinson Crusoe. Dan. Defoe. " " " Voluptuousness. " Roderick Random. Tobias Smollett. Seven Champions of Christendom. Roland Cashel. Chas. Lever. Shakspeare and his Friends. F. Williams. Roman Nights. Alex. Verri. She lives in Hopes. Miss Hatfield. Roman Traitor. Hen. W. Herbert. Shepherd's Calendar. Jas. Hogg. Romance of the Forest. Miss A. Radcliffe. Sheppard Lee. Romance of the Harem. Miss Pardoe. Shirley. Miss Bronte. Romance of History. France. L. Ritchie. Shoshonee Valley. Tim. Flint. Romance of History. India. H. Caunter. Shoulder Knot. B. K. Tefft. Romance of History. Italy. C. Macfarlane. Sidonia. Wm. Meinhold. Romance of History. Spain. T. de Trueba. Siege of Vienna. Mde. C. de Pichler. Romance of Vienna. Mrs. Trollope. Simple Story. Mrs. Inchbald. Rombert; a Tale of Carolina. Sin of Monsieur Antoine. Geo. Sand. Rookwood. Wm. H. Ainsworth. Sir Andrew Wylie. John Galt. Rory O'More. Sam. Lover. Sir Charles Grandison. S. Richardson. Rosamond. Maria Edgeworth. Sir Edward Graham. Cath. Sinclair. Rose d'Albret. G. P. R. James. Sir Edw. Seaward's Narr. Miss J. Porter. Rose of Tistelon. (Fr. Swed.) Mrs. E. Carlen. Sir Elidoc. F. de la M. Fouque. Rosine Laval. Mrs. Smith. Sir Frizzle Pumpkin; and other Tales. Roxobel. Mrs. Sherwood. Sir Henry Morgan. E. Howard. Catalogue.] AND ROMANCES. 271 Sir Launcelot Greaves. T. Smollet. Tales. H. Zschokke. Sir Theodore Broughton. G. P. R. James. Tales and Ballads. Mrs. C. Gilman. Sisters. H. Cockton. Tales and Sketches. Nath. Greene (Ed'r). Six Nights with the Washingtonians. Arthur. Tales and Sketches. Cath. M. Sedgwick. Skeptic; a Tale. Mrs. E. L. Follen. Tales and Sketches by a Schoolmaster. Legget. Sketch-Book of Fashion. Mrs. Gore. Tales and Souvenirs of Residence in Europe. Sketches. Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. Tales and Stories fr. History. A. Strickland. Sketches of Every-Day Life, &c. C. Dickens. Tales by the O'Hara Family. J. Banim. Sketches of a Seaport Town. H. F. Chorley. Tales for Fifteen. Jane Morgan. Sketches from Flemish Life. H. Conscience. Tales for Mothers. (Fr. Fren.) J. N. Bouilly. Sketches of Married Life. Mrs. E. L. Follen. Tales from the German. N. Greene (Trans). Smuggler. J. Banim. Tales of the Border. Jas. Hall. Smuggler. G. P. R. James. Tales of the Caravanserai. J. B. Fraser. Snarleyyow; or, Dog Fiend. Fran. Marryat. Tales of the Crusaders. Walter Scott. Solomon Seesaw. J. P. Robertson. Tales of the Early Ages. Horace Smith. Some Adventures of Capt. Suggs, &c. Tales of Fashion & Reality. Misses Beauclerk. Sorrows of Werter. (Fr. Ger.) Goethe. Tales of Fashionable Life. M. Edgeworth. Sowers, not Reapers. Harriet Martineau. Tales of the Garden of Kosciusko. Knapp. Specimens of the Novelists and Romancers. Tales of the Genii. Sir Chas. Morell. Speculation. Miss Pardoe. Tales of the Glauber Spa. Sedgwick, &c. Sporting Scenes. Tales of the Good Woman. J. K. Paulding. Spy, the; a Tale of Neutral Ground. Cooper. Tales of Humor and Romance. Holcroft (Tr), Squints through an Opera Glass. G. G. Foster. Tales of My Landlord. Walter Scott. Squire. Ellen Pickering. Tales of the Passions. G. P. R. James. Staff-Officer; or, Soldier of Fortune. O. Moore. Tales of Peerage and Peasantry. Lady Dacre, Standish, the Puritan. Eldred Grayson. Tales of a Physician. W. H. Harrison. Stanley; or, Recollections of Man of World. Tales of the Revolution. John H. Mancur. Stanley Buxton; or, Schoolfellows. J. Galt. Tales of the Scottish Peasantry. H. Duncan, Stanley Thorn. H. Cockton. Tales of the Sea. Capt. Marryat. Step-Mother. G. P. R. James. Tales of the Town. H. W. Bellairs. Steward. Hen. Cockton. Tales of a Traveller. Wash. Irving. Stonehenge; or Romans in Britain. Tales of the Wars of Montrose. J. Hogg. Stories of the Sea. Fran. Marryat. Tales of Woman's Trials. Mrs. S. C. Hall. Stories of Waterloo. Wm. H. Maxwell. Tales of the Woods and Fields. Mrs. Marsh, Story of a Feather. Douglas Jerrold. Tancred; or, New Crusade. B. D'Israeli. Story of a Life. Telemachus. Abbe Fenelon. Story of a Royal Favorite. Mrs. Gore. Temper and Temperament. Mrs. S. Ellis. Stray Subjects. F. A. Durivage & G. Burnham. Temptation. Eugene Sue. Streaks of Squatter Life. John S. Robb. Temptation of Wealth. Mrs. E. Carlen. String of Pearls. G. P. R. James. Ten Thousand a Year. Sam. Warren. Student. E. L. Bulwer. Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Miss Bronte. Subaltern's Log-Book. Thaddeus of Warsaw. Jane Portel. Swallow-Barn. J. P. Kennedy. Theatrical Apprenticeship of Sol. Smith. Swamp Doctor. Madison Tensas. Theobald. (Fr. Ger.) H. Stilling, Sweethearts and Wives. T. S. Arthur. Thinks-I-to-Myself. Swedes in Prague. Caroline Pichler. Thiodolf the Icelander. F. de la M. Fouque. Sybil Lennard. Mrs, Grey. Thirty Years Ago. W. Dunlap. Sybil; or, Two Nations. Benj. D'Israeli. Thirty Years Since. G. P. R. James. Sydney Clifton. Theodore S. Fay. Thousand and One Phantoms. Alex. Dumas. Sylvandire; or, Disputed Inheritance. Dumas. Three Eras of Woman's Life. E. E. Smith. Sylvester Sound, the Somnambulist. Cockton. Three Experiments of Living. Mrs. H. Lee. Talbot and Vernon. Three Guardsmen. A. Dumas. Tales. (Fr. Ger.) L. Tieck. Three Nights in a Life-Time. Tales. Edgar A. Poe. Three Perils of Woman. Jas. Hogg. 212 NOVEL S, TALE S, [Merc. Lib. Three Sisters, and Three Fortunes. Lewes. Vanity Fair. W. M. Thackeray. Three Spaniards. J. Walker. Vathek; an Arabian Tale. W. Beckford. Thurleston Tales. Venetia. Benj. D'Israeli. Thyrnau, the Bohemian Conspirator. Palzoni. Veronica. J. H. D. Zschokke. Tom Burke of Ours. Chas. Lever. Vicar of Wakefield. Oliver Goldsmith. Tom Cringle's Log. Capt. Chamier. Victims of Society. Lady Blessington. Tom Jones. H. Fielding. Village Belles. Tor Hill. Horace Smith. Village Notary. Baron E6tvos. Tower of London. Wim. HI. Ainsworth. Village Tales. Traditionary Stories, &c. And. Picken. Village Tales from Alsatia. Alex. Weill. Traits and Stories of Irish Peasantry. Lover. Violet Woodville; or, The Danseuse. Traits and Traditions of Portugal. Pardoe. Visionary. (Fr. Ger.) F. Schiller. Traits and Trials. Letitia E. Landon. Vivian Grey. Benj. D'Israeli. Traits of American Life. Mrs. S. J. Hale. Voyage to the Moon. G. Tucker. Traits of Travel. T. C. Grattan. Waggeries and Vagaries. W. E. Burton. Transfusion. W. Godwin, Jr. Wagner, the Wehr-Wolf. G. W. M. Reynolds. Trap to Catch a Sunbeam. Walt and Vult; or, the Twins. J. P. Richter. Travellers, the. Miss E. Savage. Waltham. Treasure Trove; or, ~ s. d. S. Lover. Waldemar. W. H. Harrison. Trial and Self-Discipline. Miss S. Savage. Wallace, the Hero of Scotland. G. Alexander. Trials of the Heart. -Miss Bray. Wandering Jew. Eugene Sue. Trials of Margaret Lyndsay. John Wilson. Wanderings of a Germ. Tailor. P. D. Holthaus. Trippings in Author Land. Em. Chubbuck. War of Women; or, Riv. in Love. A. Dumas. Trippings of Tom Pepper. C. F. Briggs. Warning to Wives. Tristam Shandy. L. Sterne. Warwick Woodlands. H. W. Herbert. Triumphs of Time. Mrs. Marsh. Water-Witch. J. F. Cooper. Tuileries. Mrs. Gore. Waverley; or,'Tis Sixty Years Since. Scott. Turkish Evening Entertainments. Ways of the Hour. J. F. Cooper. Twenty Years After. Alex. Dumas. Wept of Wish-ton-Wish. J. F. Cooper. Twice-told Tales. Nath. Hawthorne. Western Clearings. Mrs. C. M. Kirkland. Twins, the. M. F. Tupper. Westward Ho! Jas. K. Paulding. Two Admirals. J. F. Cooper. Whim, and its Consequences. G. P. R. James. Two Baronesses. Hans C. Andersen. Whim-Whams. (Tales and Poems.) Two Dianas. Alex. Dumas. White Jacket. Herman Melville. Two Flirts; and other Tales. White Slave; or, Russian Peasant Girl. Two Husbands; and other Tales. Arthur. Whiteboy; Story of Ireland, 1822. S. C. Hall. Two Lives; or, to Seem and to Be. McIntosh. Who shall be Heir? Ellen Pickering. Two Loves; or, Eros and Anteros. Whom to Marry, and How to get Married. Two Old Men's Tales. Mrs. Marsh. Wieland; or, the Transforma. C. B. Brown. Two Rectors. Wife. T.S. Arthur. Tylney Hall. Thos. Hood. Wife, the; and Woman's Reward. Mrs. Norton. Uncle Horace. Mrs. S. C. Hall. Wigwam and the Cabin. W. G. Simms. Uncle John. Mary Orme. Wild Love. F. de la M. Fouque. Undine and Sintram. F. de la M. Fouque. Wild Sports of the West. W. H. Maxwell. Unfortunate Maid; or, Miser's Fate. Wilderness and the War Path. Jas. Hall, Unfortunate Man. Capt. Chamier. Wilhelm Meister. J. W. Goethe. Unloved One. Mrs. Hofland. Will Watch. W. J. Neale. Ups and Downs. W. L. Stone. Wilmingtons. Mrs. Marsh. Vale of Cedars. Grace Aguilar. Windsor Castle. Wm. H. Ainsworth. Valentine McClutchy, Irish Agent. Carleton. Wing-and-Wing; or, Le Feu Follet. Cooper. Valentine Vox. H. Cockton. Winter in Washington. Valerie. Capt. Marryat. Wit and Humour. D. W. Valentine. Valerius. Jos. G. Lockhart. Woman an Enigma. Maria J. McIntosh. Valley of Shenandoah. Woman's Friendship. Grace Aguilar. Catalogue.] AND ROMANCES. 273 Woman's Whims. X. B. de Saintine. Young Crusoe. Mrs. Hofland. Woodman. G. P. R. James. Young Duke. Benj. D'Israeli. Wondrous Tale of Alroy, &c. Benj. D'Israeli. Young Kate; or, the Rescue. Wood Leighton. Mrs. Howitt. Young Muscovite. Capt. Chamier. Woodstock. Walter Scott. Young Patroon. Wreath from Jessamine Lawn. Mrs. Livermore. Young Student. Mde. Guizot. Writer's Clerk. Youth of Shakspeare. Wuthering Heights. Miss Bronte. Zanoni. E.L. Bulwer. Wyandotte; or, Hutted Knoll. J.F. Cooper. Zeluco. J. Moore. Wyoming; a Tale. Zenobia; or, Fall of Palmyra. W. Ware. Yankee Notions; a Medley. Zillah; Tale of the Holy City. Horace Smith. Yemassee, the. W. G. Simms. Zoe; History of Two Lives. M. J. Jewsbury. Yellow Plush Correspond. W.M. Thackeray. Zohrab, the Hostage. J. Morier. Yes and No. Eugene Sue. aort nad. ARRANGED ACCORDING TO AUTHORS. Abbott, Jac. Arthur, T. S. Hoary Head, and the Valleys Below. Cecilia Howard. Aguilar, Grace. Debtor and Creditor. Home Influence. Fanny Dale. Vale of Cedars. Heiress. Woman's Friendship. Insubordination. Ainsworth, Wm. H. Keeping up Appearances. Crichton. Love in High Life. Jack Sheppard. Making Haste to be Rich. James the Second; or, Revolu. of 1688. Married and Single. Lancashire Witches. Mother, the. Miser's Daughter. Retiring from Business. Old St. Paul's. Riches have Wings. Rookwood. Rising in the World. St. James's; or, Court of Queen Anne. Six Nights with the Washingtonians, Tower of London. Sweethearts and Wives. Windsor Castle. Two Husbands; and other Tiles. Alexander, Gabriel. Wife, the. Wallace, the Hero of Scotland. Austen, Jane. Allston, Washington. Emma. Monaldi. Mansfield Park. Andersen, Hans C. Northanger Abbey. Dream of Little Tuk. Persuasion. Improvisatore. Sense and Sensibility. Only a Fiddler; and 0. T. Balzac, Honore de. Two Baronesses. Philosopher's Stone, 35 274 NOVELS, TALES, [Merc. Lib. Banim, J. Briggs, C. F. [Harry Franco.Bit o' Writin'; and other Tales. Haunted Merchant. Canvassing. Trippings of Tom Pepper. Denounced. Bronte, fMiss. [Currer Bell.] Ghost Hunter, and his Family. Jane Eyre. Mayor of Windgap. Shirley. Smuggler. Bronte, Miss. [Acton Bell.] (Sister to above.) Tales by the O'Hara Family. Agnes Grey. Baxter, G. R. W. Tenant of Wildfell Hill. Humor and Pathos. Wuthering Heights. Bayly, T. H. Brown, Chas. B. David Dumps. Arthur Mervyn. Beauclerk, C. F., and I. M. Edgar Huntly, the Sleep-Walker. Tales of Fashion and Reality. Jane Talbot. Beauvoir, Roger de. Wieland; or, the Transformation. Safia. Broonson, 0. A. Beckford, Wm. Charles Elwood. Vathek; an Arabian Tale. Brunton, 1Mary. Bellairs, S. H. W. Discipline. Tales of the Town. Self-Control. Biglow, C. A. Brydges, Sir E. Aurifodina; or, Adven. in Gold Regions. Mary de Clifford. Bird, Dr. Bulgaririn, Thaddeus. Calavar; a Romance of Mexico. Ivan Vejeehen; or, Life in Russia. Infidel. Bulwer, Sir E. L. Blackford, Mrs. Alice; or, the Mysteries. Annals of the Family of McRoy. Arasmanes; or, the Seeker. Arthur Monteith. Asmodeus at Large. Scottish Orphans. Calderon, the Courtier. Blessington, Countess of. Caxtons, the. Confessions of an Elderly Gentleman. Devereux. Country Quarters. Disowned. Marmaduke Herbert. Ernest Maltravers. Memoirs of a Femme de Chambre. Eugene Aram. Victims of Society. Falkland. Boccaccio, Giovanni. Godolphin. Decameron. Harold, the Last of the Saxon Kings. Bouilly, J, N. Last Days of Pompeii. Tales for Mothers. Last of the Barons. Brackenridge, H. H. Leila; or, Siege of Grenada. Modern Chivalry. Lucretia. Bray, Miss. Night and Morning. Protestant; Tale of Reign of Queen Mary. Paul Clifford. Trials of the Heart. Pelham. Bremer, Frederika. Pilgrims of the Rhine. Brothers and Sisters. Rebel; and other Tales. Diary; and, Strife and Peace. Rienzi. H - Family. Zanoni. Home; or, Family Cares & Family Joys. Bnlwer, Lady. Life in Dalecarlia. Budget of the Bubble Family. Midnight Sun. Cheveley. Neighbors. Peer's Daughter. Nina. (Sequel to "President's Daughters.") Student. President's Daughters. and others. Chairolas; and other Tales. Catalogue.] AND R MAN CE S. 275 Burdett, Chas. Chorley, IHen. F. Elliott Family; or, Trials of N. Y. Seam. Sketches of a Sea-port Town. Burkhardt, C. B. Chubbuck, Emily. [Fanny Forrester.] Mysteries of Berlin. Alderbrook. Burlingham, Maria A. Trippings in Author Land. Mother-in-Law. Cockton, Hen. Burney Frances. [Mde. D'Arblay.] George St. George Julian. Camilla; or, Picture of Youth. Love Match. Cecilia. Sisters. Evelina. Stanley Thorn. Burton, W. E. Steward. Waggeries and Vagaries. Sylvester Sound, the Somnambulist. Bury, Lady Charlotte. Valentine Vox. Memoirs of a Peeress. Conscience, Hendrick. Cardell, VWm. S. Sketches from Flemish Life. Jack Halyard, the Sailor-Boy. Cooper, Jas. Fennimore. Carlen, Emilie. Afloat and Ashore. Foster Brother. Bravo, the. Magic Goblet. Chain-Bearer; or, Littlepage Manuscripts. Rose of Tistelon. Crater; or, Vulcan's Peak. Temptation of Wealth. Deer-Slayer. (1) Carleton, W. H. Headsman. Black Prophet. Heidenmauer, the. Dead Boxer. Home as Found. Miser; or, Convicts of Lisnamona. Homeward Bound; or, the Chase. Neal Malone. Jack Tier; or, the Florida Reef. O'Sullivan's Love. Last of the Mohicans. (3) Phil Purcell; and other Tales. Lionel Lincoln; or, Leaguer of Boston. Valentine McClutchy, the Irish Agent. Mercedes of Castile. Carpenter, W. H. Monikins, the. Claiborne, the Rebel. Ned Myers. Caruthers, Dr. Oak Openings; or, Bee-Hunter. Cavaliers of Virginia. Pathfinder. (2) Caunter, Hobart. Pilot. Romance of History. India. Pioneers. (4) Posthum. Records of a Lond. Clergyman. Prairie. (5) Cervantes, Miguel de. Precaution. Don Quixote. Red Rover. Chamier, Capt. Redskins, the; or, Indian and Injin. Ben Brace. Satanstoe. Cruise of the Midge. Sea Lions; or, Lost Sealers. Tom Cringle's Log. Spy; a Tale of the Neutral Ground. Unfortunate Man. Two Admirals. Young Muscovite. Water-Witch. Chamisso, A. von. Ways of the Hour. Peter Schlemihl. Wept of Wish-ton-Wish. Chateaubriand, Viscount de. Wing-and-Wing. Aben-Hamet,the Last of the Abencerages. Wyandotte; or, Hutted Knoll. Child, L. lMaria. (Ed'r.) Elinor Wyllys. Fact and Fiction. IN. B.-Those of the above volumes marked (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), form the Series of the Leather-Stocking Hobomok; a Tale of Early Times. Tales.] Philothea. Croly, Geo. Chorley, Hen. F. Marston; the Memoirs of a Statesman. Conti, the Discarded; and other Tales. Salathiel; or, the Wandering Jew. 276 NOVELS,TALES, [Merc. Lib Croome, W. Dickens, Chas. (Ed'r.) Golden Sands of Mexico. Pic-nic Papers. Cumberland, Rich. Doheny, Michael. John de Lancaster. Felon's Track. Cunningham, Allan. Douglass, R. Lord Roldan. Adventures of a Medical Student. Drury, A. H. Curtis, Miss.Drury, A Curtis, Miss. Friends and Fortune. Jessie's Flirtationsuer J K. Duer, John K. Dacre, Lady. (Ed'r.) Matricide. Recollections of a Chaperon. Dumas, Alex. Tales of the Peerage and Peasantry. Amaury. Dallam, J. W. Ascanio; the Sculptor's Apprentice. Lone Star of Texas. Bragelonne, the Son of Athos. Dana, Mary S. B. Celebrated Crimes. Forecastle Tom. Chevalier D'Harmental. Daniel, Mrs. Count of Monte Christo. Georgiana Hammond. Diana of Meridor. My Sister Minnie. Fencing Master. Our Guardian. Fernande; or, the Fallen Angel. Daniel, Robt. M. Forty-Five Guardsmen. Cardinal's Daughter. Genevieve; or, Chevalier of Maison Rouge. Davis, Chas. A. [Jack Downing.] George; or, Planters of the Isle of France. May-Day in New-York. Isabel of Bavaria. Dazeglio, Massino. Jack Malcolm's Log. Ettore Fieramosca. Joan; the Heroic Maiden. D'Israeli, Benj. Knight of Mauleon. Coningsby; or, the New Generation. Marguerite de Valois. Contarini Fleming. Memoirs of a Physician. Sybil; or, Two Nations. Queen's Necklace. Tancrec. Regent's Daughter. Venetia. Sylvandire; or, Disputed Inheritance. Vivian Grey. Thousand and One Phantoms. Wondrous Tale of Alroy. Three Guardsmen. Young Duke. Twenty Years After. (Sequel to above.) Defoe, Dan. Two Dianas. Robinson Crusoe. War of Women; or, Rivals in Love. Deming,, Hen. C. (Trans.) Duncan, Hen. Mysteries of London. Tales of the Scottish Peasantry. Desmond, D. J. (Trans.) Dunlap, Win. Folchetto Malaspina. Thirty Years Ago. Dickens, Chas. Durivage, F.. and Burnham, G. Barnaby Rudge. Stray Subjects. Battle of Life. Edgeworth, Maria. Christmas Carol. Tales and Novels. 20 vols. in 10. Christmas Stories. Vol. 1. Castle Rackrent. Irish Bulls. Cricket on the Hearth. 2, 3. Moral Tales. Dombey and Son. 4, 5. Popular Tales. Martin Chuzzlewit. 6-10. Tales of Fashionable Life. Nicholas Nickleby. 11, 12. Belinda. Old Curiosity Shop. 13. Leonora. Let. on Female Educa. Oliver Twist. 14-16. Patronage. Comic Dramas. Pickwick-Club Papers. 17. Harrington. Thoughts on Bores. Sketches of Every-Day Life and People. 18. Ormond, Catalogue.] AND ROMANCES. 277 Edgeworth, Maria. Fouque, F. de la M. 19, 20. Helen. Frank, Harry, and Lucy. Thiodolf the Icelan.; & Aslauga's Knight. Parent's Assistant. (Tales.) Rosamond. Undine and Sintram, and his Companions. Egan, Pierce. Wild Love. Life in London. Fraser, Jas. B. Ellet, Mrs. Tales of the Caravanserai. Evenings at Woodlawn. Fullerton, Lady G. Ellis, Mrs. Sarah [Miss Stickney.] Ellen Middleton. Family Secrets. Grantley Manor. First Impressions. Galt, John. Hearts and Homes. Adam Blair. Home; or, the Iron Rule. Annals of the Parish. Look to the End; or, Bennets Abroad. Last of the Lairds. Pictures of Private Life. Lawrie Todd. Pretension. Sir Andrew Wylie. Temper and Temperament. Stanley Buxton; or, the Schoolfellows. Embury, Emma C. Genlis, Countess de. Glimpses of Home Life. Moral Tales. Eotvos, Baron. Gilman, Caroline. Village Notary. Recollections of a Housekeeper. Evans, R. W. Recollections of a Southern Matron. Rectory of Valehead. Tales and Ballads. Fay, Theo. S. Gleig, Geo. R. Countess Ida. Country Curate. Dreams and Reveries of a Quiet Man. Hussar. Hoboken. Light Dragoon. Robert Rueful. Sydney Clifton. Godwin, Wm. Fenelon, F. de S. de L. Caleb Williams. Telemachus. Cloudesley. Fereul, V. de Fleetwood; or, New Man of Feeling. M;ysteries of the Inquisitioln. St. Leon; a Tale of the Sixteenth Cent Ferrier, Susan. Transfusion; or, Orphans of Unwalden. Destiny; or, Chief's Daughter. Goethe, Johann W. von. Inheritance. Sorrows of Werter. Marriage. Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship. Field, J. fM. Goldsmith, Oliver. Drama of Pokerville. Vicar of Wakefield. Fielding, Hen. Golovine, Ivan. Amelia. Russian Sketch-Book. Jonathan Wild. Gore, Mrs. Chas. Joseph Andrews. Abednego, the Money-Lender. Tom Jones. Agathonia. Flint, Tim. Cabinet Minister. Shoshonee Valley. Castles in the Air. Follen, Eliza L. Cecil; or, Adventures of a Coxcomb. Skeptic; a Tale. Cecil a Peer. (Sequel to " Cecil.") Sketches of Married Life. Courtier of Days of Chas. II., &c. Foster, G. G. Diamond and the Pearl. New-York in Slices. Dowager. Squints through an Opera-Glass. Greville. Fouque, F. de la M. Lovers and Husbands. Minstrel Love. Man of Fortune; and other Tales. Natalia; and other Tales. Miseries of Marriage. Sir Elidoc; an Old Breton Legend. Mothers and Daughters. 278 NOVELS, TALES, [Merc. Lib. Gore, Mrs. Chas. Hall, Mrs. S. C. Mrs. Armitage; or, Female Domination. Uncle Horace. Peers and Parvenus. Whiteboy; Story of Ireland in 1822. Pin-Money. Hamilton, Mrs. Eliz. Preferment; or, My Uncle, the Earl. Cottagers of Glenburnie. Queen of Denmark. Hamilton, Thos. (Capt.) Self. Cyril Thornton. Separation. Hairdenberg, Friecrich von. [Novalis]. Sketch-Book of Fashion. Henry of Ofterdingen. Story of a Royal Favorite. Harrison, TW. H. Tuileries. Tales of a Physician. Grattan, Thos. C. Waldemar. Agnes de Mansfeldt. Harro Harring. Chance Medley of Light Matters. Dolores. Heiress of Bruges. Hatfield, Miss. Traits of Travel. She Lives in Hopes; or, Caroline. Grayson, E. Hawthorne, Nath. Standish, the Puritan. Mosses from an Old Manse. Greene, Nath. (Trans.) Twice-told Tales. Tales and Sketch. (Fr. Ital., Fren. & Ger.) Hentz, Caroline Lee. Tales from the German. Aunt Patty's Scrap-Bag. Gresley, W. Linda; or, Young Pilot of theBelle Creole. Clement Walton. Herbert, Hen. W. Grey, Mrs. Brothers. Bosom Friend. Cromwell. Duke and the Cousin. Deer-Stalkers. Magdalen and Marcia; or, Rectory Guest. Dermot O'Brien; a Tale of 1649. Sybil Lennard; Record of Woman's Life. Guarica; the Charib Bride. Griffin, Gerald. Marmaduke Wyvil. Collegians. My Shooting-Box. Duke of Monmouth. Roman Traitor. Grimm, Brothers. Warwick Woodlands. Gammer Grethel. Hofland, Mrs. Guizot, Mde. Czarina. Young Student; or, Ralph and Victor. Dan Dennison & Cumberland Statesman. Gurley, Robt. F. Unloved One. Old Cro' Nest; or, Outlaws of the Hudson. Young Crusoe. Hale, Mrs. Sarah J. Hoffman, Chas. F. Boarding Out. Greyslaer. Keeping House, and Housekeeping. Iogg, Jas. Traits of American Life. Shepherd's Calendar. Haliburton, Thos. C. Tales of the Wars of Montrose. Clockmaker; or, Sayings, &c. of Sam Slick. Three Perils of Woman. Letter-Bag of the Great Western. Iolcr oft, Rich. (Trans). Old Judge; or, Life in a Colony. Tales of Humor, &c., from Ger. Writers. Hall, Jas. Holthaus, P. D. Tales of the Border. Wanderings of a Journeyman Tailor. Wilderness and War-Path. Hood, Thos. Hall, Mrs. S. C. Tylney Hall. Groves of Blarney. Hook, Theod. E. Harry O'Reardon. Fathers and Sons. Marian; or, a Young Maid's Fortunes. Gilbert Gurney. Midsummer Eve. Gurney Married. Tales of Woman's Trials. Humorist. Catalogue.] AND ROMANC E S. 279 Hook, Theod. E.James, G. P. iR. Jack Brag. Arrah Neil. Magpie Castle; and other Tales. Attila. Maxwell. Beauchamp; or, the Error. Parson's Daughter. Castle of Ehrenstein. Sayings and Doings. Charles Tyrrell; or, the Bitter Blood. Hope, Thos. Convict. Anastasius; or, Memoirs of a Greek. Corse de Leon. Horton, Chas. Darnley; or, Field of the Cloth of Gold. Launcelot Widge. De l'Orme. Howard, Edw. Desultory Man. Jack Ashore. False Heir. Old Commodore. Forest Days. Outward Bound. Forgery. Ratlin, the Reefer. Gentleman of the Old School. Sir Henry Morgan, the Buccaneer. Gipsey. Howitt, Mrs. IMary. Gowrie; or, King's Plot. Author's Daughter. Heidelberg. Love and Money. Henry Masterton. Wood Leighton. Henry of Guise. Howoitt, Win. Hugenot. Jack of the Mill. Jacquerie, the. Hugo, Victor. King's Highway. Bug Jargal. Man-at-Arms. Hunchback of Notre Dame. Mary of Burgundy. Notre Dame de Paris. Morley Ernstein. Hunt, Leigh. Old Oak Chest. Foster Brothers. One in a Thousand. Hunt, Robt. Philip Augustus. Panthea. Richelieu. Huntington, Rev. Mr. Robber. Lady Alice; or, the New Una. Rose d'Albret. Inchbald, Mrs. Eliz. Russell. Simple Story. Sir Theo. Broughton; or, Laurel Water. Inglis, Hen. D. Smuggler. New Gil Bias; or, Penaflor. Step-Mother. Ingraham J. H. String of Pearls. American Lounger.Tales of the Passions. American Lounger. Burton; or the Sieges. Thirty Years Since; or, Ruined Family. Captain yd. Whim and its Consequences. Captain Kyd. Lafitte, the Pirate of the Gulf. Woodman. Montezuma, the Serf. Jennings, Hargrare. Quadroonie. pMy Marine Memorandum Book. Jerrold, Douglas. Irving, John J., (Jr.) Chronicles of Clovernook. Hawk Chief. Dreamer and the Worker. Irving, Washington. Man made of Money. BracebridgeHall. Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures. Crayon Sketches. St. Giles and St. James. Tales of a Traveller. Story of a Feather. James, G. P. R. Jerrold, W. B. Agincourt. Disgrace to the Family. Ancient R6gime. Jewsbury, Maria. J. Arabella Stuart. Half-Sisters. 280 NOVELS, TALES, [Merc.Lib. Jewsbury, Maria J, Landor, E. TW. Zoe: History of Two Lives. Lofocden; or, Exiles of Norway. Johnson, Sam. Le Brun, P. Dinarbas; a Sequel to Rasselas. History of Tekeli. Rasselas; a Tale. Le Sage, A. R. Johnson, A. S. Gil Blas. Memoirs of a Nullifier. Lee, Mrs. Hannah. Jones, J. A. Elinor Fulton. Haverhill. Naomi; or, Boston a Hundred Years Ago. Jones, J. S. Rich Enough. Carpenter of Rouen. Three Experiments of Living. Jones, Pascal. Lee, Sophia. H. My Uncle Hobson and I. Kruitzner; or, the German's Tale. Judd, Sylvester. Lee, S. and H. Margaret; a Tale of the Real and Ideal. Canterbury Tales. Kennedy, Grace. Leggett, Wn. Decision; Profession is not Principle, &c. Naval Stories. Dunallan. Tales & Sketch. by Country Schoolmaster. Kennedy, J. P. Leslie, Miss E. Horse-Shoe Robinson. Althea Vernon. Rob of the Bowl. Kitty's Relations. Swallow-Barn. Pencil Sketches. Kimball, R. B. Lever, Chas. St. Leger; or, the Threads of Life. Charles O'Malley, the Irish Dragoon. Kingston, Wm. H. G. Confessions of Con Cregan. Albatross. Harry Lorrequer. Kirkland, Mrs. Caroline M. Jack Hinton, the Guardsman. Forest Life. Knight of Gwynne. New Home; Who'll Follow. Loiterings of Arthur O'Leary. Western Clearings. Nevilles of Garretstown. Knapp, Sam. L. O'Donoghue; Tale of Fifty Years Ago. Bachelors; and other Tales. Roland Cashel. Tales of the Garden of Kosciusko. Tom Burke of Ours. Knorring, (Baroness). Levis, Duke de. Peasant and his Landlord. Carbonaro, the; a Piedmontese Tale. Knowles, Jas. Sheridan. Lewes, H. Fortescue. Three Sisters, and Three Fortunes. George Lovell. Lewis.. Magdalen; and other Tales. MaZgdalen; and otthe Tales, Abellino; or, Bravo of Venice. Kock, Paul de. Monk. Goodfellow, the. Kotzebue, Aug. von. d Geo Blanche of Brandywine. Sufferings of the Family of Ortenberg. Blanche of andywine. Lal, hnikoff. /Legends of Mexico. Lajetchnikof. L eretichn. Legends of the Revolution. Heretic.~~~~.,Quaker City. Lamartine, Alphonse de. Q ke C. Confidances; or, Memoirs of my Youth. Little, Geo 1^ ~. r,TAmerican Cruiser. Genevieve; Peasant Love and Sorrow. Raphael. Livermore, 1'Mrs. Ha rriet. Landon, Letitia E. Wreath from Jessamine Lawn. Duty and Inclination. Lockhart, John G. Ethel Churchill. Matthew Wald. Francesca Carrara. Reginald Dalton. Traits and Trials. Valerius. Catalogue.] AND ROMANCES. 281 Longfellow, Hen. W. Marryat, Fran. (Capt.) Hyperion. Peter Simple. Kavanagh. Phantom Ship. Longstreet, Aug. B. Poor Jack. Georgia Scenes. Settlers in Canada; Tale for the Young Lover, Sam. Snarleyyow; or, the Dog Fiend. Barny O'Reirdon; and other Tales. Stories of the Sea. Handy Andy. Valerie. Legends and Stories of Ireland. Marsh, Mrs. ~ s. d.; or, Treasure Trove. Adelaide Lindsay. Rory O'More. Angela. Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry. Emilia Wyndham. Maberly, Mrs. Father Darcy. Leontine; or, Court of Louis Fifteenth. Louisa Mildmay. Macfarlane, C. Love and Duty. Armenians. Mordaunt Hall. Romance of History. Italy. Norman's Bridge. McHenry, Jas. Tales of the Woods and Fields. O'Halloran. Triumphs of Time. McIntosh, Maria J. Two Old Men's Tales. Aunt Kitty's Tales. Wilmingtons. Charms and Counter Charms. Martineau, Harriet. Conquest and Self-Conquest. Berkeley, the Banker. Cousins. Charmed Sea. Praise and Principle. Cousin Marshall. Two Lives; or, to Seem and to Be. Deerbrook. Woman an Enigma. Five Years of Youth. Malory, T. Homes Abroad. Prince Arthur and his Knights. Hour and the Man. Mancur, John H. Life in the Wilds. Constantine;- or, Debutante. Loom and the Lugger. Henri Quatre; or, Days of the League. Manchester Strike. Palais Royal. Messrs. Vanderput and Snock. Tales of the American Revolution. Sowers, not Reapers. Manzoni, Allesandro. Mathews, Cornelius. The Betrothed; I Promessi Sposi. Behemoth; Legend of Mound Builders. Marryat, Fran. (Capt.) Big Abel and Little Manhattan. Ardent Troughton. Motley Book. Children of the New Forest. Moneypenny; or, Heart of the World. Diary of a Blase. Maturin, Edw. Frank Mildmay. Benjamin, the Jew of Grenada. Jacob Faithful. Eva; or, Isles of Life and Death. Japhet in Search of a Father. Montezuma, the Last of the Aztecs, Joseph Rushbrook; or, the Poacher. Maturin, Robt. C. King's Own. Melmoth, the Wanderer. Little Savage. Maxwell, H1. H. Log of a Privateer's Man. Brian O'Linn. Masterman Ready. Captain O'Sullivan. Midshipman Easy. Dark Lady of Doona. Mission. Hector O'Halloran. Mons. Violet. Hill-Side and Border Sketches. Newton Forster; or, Merchant Service. My Life. Pacha of Many Tales. Stories of Waterloo. Percival Keene. Wild Sports of the Westb 86 282 NOVELS, TALES, [Merc. Lib. Mayhew, Bros. Morley, Countess of (Ed'r). Fear of the World. Dacre. Greatest Plague of Life. Mortimer, Charlotte B. Image of his Father. Morton Montagu. Magic of Kindness. Mowatt, Anna C. Mayo, W S. Evelyn; a Tale of Domestic Life. Kaloolah. Motley, John L. Meinhold, W. Morton's Hope. Mary Schweidler, the Amber-Witch. Murray, Chas. A. Sidonia. Prairie Bird. Melville. Muesus. Ethan Allen; or, King's Men. Dumb Love. Melville, Herman. Legends of Rubezahl. Mardi, and Voyage Thither. Myers, P. N. Redburn. First of the Knickerbockers. White Jacket. King of the Hurons. Merimee, Prosper. Young Patroon. Fifteen Hundred and Seventy-Two. Myrthe, A. T. Miller, Thos. Ambrosio de Letinez. Gideon Giles, the Roper. Neal, Alice B. Lady Jane Grey. Gossips of Rivertown. Mitford, Mary R. Neal, John. Belford Regis. Down-Easters, &c., &c. &c. Our Village. Errata; or, Works of Will Adams. Montalba, A. K. Neal, Jos. C. Fairy Tales. Charcoal Sketches. Montgomery, Jorge. Peter Ploddy; and other Oddities. Bernardo del Carpio. Neale, J. M. Moore, H. N. Ayton Priory. Fitzgerald and Hopkins. Herbert Tresham. Moore, John (Dr.). Neale, W. J. Edward. Gentleman in Black. Mordaunt. Lost Ship; or, Atlantic Steamer. Zeluco. Priors of Prague. Moore, Oliver. Will Watch. Staff Officer; or, Soldier of Fortune. Norton, Caroline E. S. Moore, Thos. Wife; and Woman's Reward. Epicurean. Nott, Hen. J. More, Hannah. Novelletes of a Traveller. Ccelebs in Search of a Wife. Nourse, J. D. Morell, Chas. Levenworth. Tales of the Genii. Opie, Mrs. Amelia. Morgan, Jane. Works. Tales for Fifteen. Orme, Mary. Morgan, Lady. Uncle John; or, It's too Much Trouble. Florence Macarthy. Paget, F. E. O'Briens and the O'Flahertys. Milford Malvoisin. Princess' or, the Beguine. Pageant; or, Pleasure and its Price. Morier, J. Paget, C. F. Abel Allnut. St. Antholins; or, Old Church and New. Ayesha, the Maid of Kars, Pardoe, Miss. Hajji Baba in England. Confessions of a Pretty Woman. Hajji Baba of Ispahan. Mardens and the Daventrys. Zohrab, the Hostage. Rival Beauties. Catalogue.] AND ROMA N CES. 283 Pardoe, Miss. Porter, Wm. T. Romance of the Harem. Big Bear of Arkansas. Speculation. Quarter Race in Kentucky. Traits and Traditions of Portugal. Pultock, Robt. Paulding, Jas. K. Peter Wilkins. Book of St. Nicholas. Quincy, M. de. Dutchman's Fireside. Klosterheim; or, the Mask, John Bull and Brother Jonathan. Radcliffe, Mrs. Ann. Koningsmarke. Gaston de Blondeville. Merry Tales. Three Wise Men of Gotham. Mysteries of Udolpho. Old Continental. Romance of the Forest. Puritan and his Daughter. Reach, Angus B. Tales of the Good Woman. Clement Lorimer; Book with Iron Clasp. Westward Ho! Reed, T. B. Peacock, Geo., and Others. Paul Redding; a Tale of the Brandywine. Atlantic Club-Book. Reed, And. Headlong Hall; and other Tales. No Fiction. Melincourt. Rees, J. Pichler, Mde. Caroline de. Mysteries of City Life. Siege of Vienna. Reeve, Clara. Swedes in Prague. Old English Baron. Picken, And. Rellstab, Louis. Traditionary Stories, and Legendary Illus. Eighteen Hundred and Twelve. Pickering, Ellen. Reynolds, G. W. M. Agnes Serle. Adventures of a French Gentleman. Ellen Wareham; or, Love and Duty. Ellen Munroe. Expectant. Esther de Medina. Fright. Faust; Romance of the Secret Tribunals, Grandfather. Mysteries of the Court of London. Grumbler. Mysteries of Old London. Heiress. Parricide. Kate Walsingham. Reformed Highwayman. Nan Darrel. Robert Macaire in England. Poor Cousin. Wagner, the Wehr-Wolf. Prince and the Pedler, Richardson, Sam. Quiet Husband. Clarissa Harlowe. Secret Foe. Secret Foe. Sir Charles Grandison. Squire. Richter, J. P. F. Who Shall be Heir. Flower Fruit, and Thorn Pieces. i~P-~lache', Miss. -Walt, and Vult; or, the Twins. Planche, Miss. Ritchie, Leitch. Old Joliffe. Old Jonlie. Game of Life. " *Only." -, Robber of the Rhine. Trap to Catch a Sunbeam. Trap to Catch a SunbeRomance of History. France. Poe, Edgar A. Robb, John. Tales. Streaks of Squatter Life. Porter, Anna M. Robertson, J. P. Hungarian Brothers. Solomon Seesaw. Lake of Killarney. Roche, Regina M. Porter, Jane. Children of the Abbey. Pastor's Fireside, Rodizell, C. H. Scottish Chiefs. Old Lond. Bridge; or, Days of Hen. VIII. Sir Edward Seawalrds Narrative. Roe, A. T. Thaddeus of Warsaw. James Montjoy; or, I've been Thinking. 284 NOVELS, TALE, [Merc. Lib. Rowcroft, C. Tales of My Landlord. Bush Rangers of Van Diemen's Land. Scott, Sir Walter. St. John, James A. 1st Series: Black Dwarf. Margaret Ravenscroft. Old Mortality. St. Pierre, J. H. B. de. 2d Series: Heart of Mid Lothian. St. Pierre, t. ta B. de. Indian Cottage. 3d Series: Bride of Lammermoor. Paul and Virginia. Legend of Montrose. Saintine, X. B. de. 4th Series: Castle Dangerous. Picciola. Count Robert of Paris. Woman's Whims. Waverley; or,'T is Sixty Years Since. Sand, Geo. [Mde. Dudevant.] Woodstock. Consuelo. Scribe, Eugene. Countess of Rudolstadt. Piquello Alliaga; Moors under Phil. III. Devil's Pool. Seatsfield, Wm. Indiana. Life in the New World. Jacques. Rambleton; Romance of Fash. Life. Journeyman Joiner. Sedgwick, Catharine IM. Mosaic Workers. Boy of Mount Rhigi. Sin of Mons. Antoine.Clarence. Sargent, Epes.Home. Fleetwood; or, Stain of Birth, Hope Leslie; or, Early Times in Mass. Savage, Miss E.Linwoods. Travellers. Live and Let Live. ~~Savr~age, Sarah. Love-Token for Children. Savage, Sarah. Sa B.: - - ^ -~-..nMeans and Ends. Trial and Self-Discipline. Men and Ens. New-England Tale. Schiller, Frederic. N Tl Schi osler, Frederic. Poor Rich Man and the Rich Poor Man. Ghost-Seer. Redwood. Visionary. Tales and Sketches. Schoolcraft, Hen. R. Travellers. Algic Researches. (Indian Tales.) J. K. Paulding, Jc. Tales of Glauber Sp, Scott, Sir Walter. Sedgwick, Mrs. Abbot. (Sequel to the Monastery.) Alida; or, Town and Country. Anne of Geierstein. Allen Prescott. Antiquary. Sewell, Wm. (Ed'r.) Chronicles of the Canongate. Amy Herbert. Ist Series: Higland Widow. Gertrude. Two Drovers. Hawkstone. Surgeon's Daughter. Laneton Parsonage. 2d Series: St. Valentine's Day. Margaret Percival. Fortunes of Nigel. Shelley, Mrs. Mary W. Guy Mannering. Falkner. Ivanhoe. Frankenstein; or, Modern Prometheus. Kenilworth. Lodore. Monastery. Shepherd, IMrs. S. Peveril of the Peak. Ellen Seymour. Pirate. Sherwood, Mrs. Quentin Durward. Works. 16 v. Red Gauntlet. Vol. 1. History of Henry Milner. Rob Roy. 2. Fairchild Family. St. Ronan's Well. Orphans of Normandy. Tales of the Crusaders. Latter Days. Betrothed. 3. Little Henry and his Bearer. Talisman. Lucy and her Dhaye. Catalogue.] AND ROMANCES. 285 Sherwood, Mrs. Sherwood, 1Mrs. Memoirs of Sergeant Dale. Common Errors. Susan Gray. 9-12. Lady of the Manor. Lucy Clare. 13. Mail Coach. Hedge of Thorns. My Three Uncles. Recaptured Negro. Old Lady's Complaint. Susannah; or, Three Guardians. Hours of Infancy. Theophilus and Sophia. Shepherd's Fountain. Abdallah; Merchant of Bagdad. Economy. 4. Indian Pilgrims. "Her Age." Broken Hyacinth. Old Things and New Things. Little Woodman. Swiss Cottage. Babes in the Woods of N.World. Obstinacy Punished. Clara Stephens. Infant's Grave. Golden Clew. Father's Eye. Katharine Seward. Red Book. Mary Anne. Dudley Castle. Iron Cage. Happy Grandmother. Little Beggars. Blessed Family. 5. Infant's Progress. My Godmother. Flowers of the Forest. Useful Little Girl. Juliana Oakley. Caroline Mordaunt. Ermina. Le Fevre. Emancipation. Penny Tract. 6. Little Female Academy. Potter's Common. Little Momiere. China Manufactory. Stranger at Home. Emily and her Brothers. Pere la Chaise. 14. Monk of Cimies. English Mary. Rosary. My Uncle Timothy. Roman Baths.;7. Nun. Saint Hospice. Intimate Friends. Violet Leaf. My Aunt Kate. Convent of St. Clair. Emmeline. 15. History of Henry Milner, pt. 4. Obedience. Sabbaths on the Continent. Gipsey Babes. Idler. Basket Maker. 16. History of John Martin. Butterfly. Sigourney, Mrs. Lydia H. Alune. Myrtis; & other Etchings and Sketchings. Procrastination. Sketches. Mourning Queen. Simms, Wm. G. 8. Victoria. Border Beagles; Tales of Mississippi. Arzoomund. Carl Werner. Birthday Present. Castle Dismal; or, Bachelor's Christmas. Errand Boy. Confession; or, the Blind Heart. Orphan Boy. Count Julian; or, Last Days of the Goths. Two Sisters. Damsel of Darien. Julian Percival. Guy Rivers. Edward Mansfield. Helen Halsey; a Tale of the Borders. Infirmary. Martin Faber; Story of a Criminal. Mrs. Catharine Crawley. Mellichampe. Joan; or, Trustworthy. Partisan. Young Forester. Pelayo. Bitter Sweet. Richard Hurdis. 286 NOVELS, TALES, [Merc. Lib. Simms, Wm. G. Stilling, J. H. J. Wigwam and the Cabin. Theobald; or, the Fanatic. Yemassee, the. Stirling, Chas. F. Sinclair, Catherine. Buff and Blue. Modern Accomplishments. Stone, Wm. L. Modern Society. Ups and Downs. Sir Edward Graham.'trickland, Agnes. Smith, Alb. Pilgrims of Walsingham. Christopher Tadpole. Tales and Stories from History. Pottleton egacy. Sue, Eugene. Smith, Eliz. E. Atar Gull; or, Slave's Revenge. Three Eras of Woman's Life. Commander of Malta. Smith, Horace. Fair Isabel. Adam Brown. Latreaumont; or, Court Conspirators. Arthur Arundel. Martin, the Foundling. Brambletye House. Matilda. Gale Middleton. Mysteries of Paris. Love and Mesmerism. Paula Monti; or, Hotel Lambert. New Forest. Seven Capital Sins. Pride. Reuben Apsley." " " Envy. Tales of the Early Ages. " " " Anger. Tor Hill. " " " Voluptuousness. Zillah; or, Tale of the Holy City. Temptation. Smith, Mr. Wandering Jew. Gaieties and Gravities. Yes and No. Rosine Laval. Surr, T. S. Smollett, Tobias. George Barnwell. Ferdinand Count Fathom. Swift, Jonathan. Humphrey Clinker. Gulliver's Travels. Peregrine Pickle. Tasistro, Louis F. Roderic Random. Random Shots and Southern Breezes. Sir Launcelot Greaves. Tayler, Chas. B. Soulie, P. Lady Mary; or, Not of this World. Mysteries of the Heath. Margaret; or, the Pearl. Pastourel. Mark Wilton, the Merchant's Clerk. Southworth, Emma D. E. N. Tensas, Madison. Retribution. Swamp Doctor. Spindler, Chas. Thackeray, Wm. M. Archibald Werner; or, Brother's Revenge. Comic Tales, (Yellow Plush Corresp.) Invalide. Doctor Birch. Jew. Great Hoggarty Diamond. Nun. Irish Sketch-Book. Countess of Morion. Our Street. Spring, G. (Jr.) Vanity Fair. Giafar al Barmeki. Yellow Plush Correspondence. Spring, Sam. Thomas, F. W. Monk's Revenge. Clinton Bradshaw; Adven. of a Lawyern Stael, Baroness de. East and West, Corinne; or, Italy. Thompson, D. P. Delphine. Green Mountain Boys. Sterling, J. Locke Amsden. Onyx Ring. May Martin; or, Money-Diggerl. Sterne, Laurence. Thoms, Wm. J. (Ed'r.) Tristam Shandy. Ancient English Fictionsa Catalogue.] AND ROMANCES. 287 Thomson, Mrs. Ed. Ward, R. P. Lady of Milan. Chatsworth; or, Romance of a Week. Thorpe, T. B. De Clifford; or, Constant Man. Mysteries of the Back Woods. De Vere; or, Man of Independence. Tieck, Ludwig. Fielding; or, Society; with other Tales. Tales from the German. Ware, Wm. Teft, B. K. Julian; or, Scenes in Judea. Shoulder Knot. Probus; Let. from Rome in Third Cent. Toulmin, Camilla. Zenobia; or, Fall of Palmyra. Partners for Life. Warren, Sam. Trelawney, Capt. Diary of a Physician. Adventures of a Younger Son. Merchant's Clerk; and other Tales. Trollope, Mrs. Frances. Now and Then. Abbess. Ten Thousand a Year. Chas. Chesterfield. Webber, Chas. W. Michael Armstrong. Gold Mines of the Gila. Refugee in America. Old Hicks, the Guide. Romance of Vienna. Weill, Alex. Trueba, T. de. Village Tales from Alsatia. Incognito. Weld, H. H. Romance of History. Spain. Butchers of Ghent. Tucker, B. Jonce Smiley. George Balcombe. Williams, F. Tucker, G. Secret Passion. Voyage to the Moon. Shakspeare and his Friends. Tupper, /Martin F. Youth of Shakspeare. Crock of Gold. Williams, Mrs. Heart. Religion at Home. Twins. Willis, N. P. Tuthill, Mrs. L. C. Dashes at Life with a Free Pencil. Merchant. Inklings of Adventure. Valentine, Dr. W. Wilmer, John. Wit and Humor.Modern Vassal. Van Lennep, J. Wilmot, Mrs. Adsonville; or, Marrying Out. Blue-Stocking Hall. I- ^.-~.,Wilson, John. Van Palzoni, Mde. so o. Foresters. Thyrnau, the Bohemian Conspirator. F t Thyrna, the BohemiaLights and Shadows of Scottish Life. Vigny, Alfred de. Trials of Margaret Lyndsay. ~~~Cinq-Mars. ~Zschokke, John H. D. Verri, Count Alex.. Creole. Roman Nights; or, Tomb of the Scipios. Galley Slave. Walker, Geo. Gold-Maker's Village. Three Spaniards. Journal of a Poor Vicar. Warburton, Eliot. Tales. Reginald Hastings. Veronica. CLASSIFIED INDEX, The word in italic indicates the first word of the line in the alphabetical arrangement of books. When there is no italic in the line, the work has not yet been placed in the Alphabetical Catalogue. THEOLOGY. BIBLES, AND PARTS OF THE BIBLE. EXEGETICAL WORES. Biblia, cum Concordantiis- HIorne's Introduction to the Holy Scriptures. Holy Bible, in English; Carpenter's Introduction to Study of Scriptures. - - Translated by Coverdale. (Bible)- De Wette's Introduction to Old Testament. -- -- in Danish. (Bible). Francke's Guide to Study of Holy Scriptures, - utch. (Bible). Sawyer on Biblical Interpre. (Stud. Cab. Lib.) -..- - French. (Bible), R. Jones' Lectures on Holv Scriptures. — Gaelic. (Bible), D'Oyley on Drummond's Cdipus Judaicus. - - German. (Bible). Arch. Alexander's Canons of Old & N. Test., --. — Italian. (Bible). i1' Clelland's Canon and Interpre. of Scripture, - - Polish. (Bible). Critica Sac. Testamenti Veteris. Carpzovius- Spanish. (Bible). Bloomfield's Recensio Synoptica; N. T. Annot. W- elsh. (Bible), Bible Explained; Questions and Answers. Old'Testament, fiom Septuagint. (Bible). Paxton's Illustrations of Holy Scriptures. Pentateuch, in Mahratta. (Bible). American Biblical Repository. (1831-43). New Testament, in Greek. (Bible), Bibliotheca Sacra. (1843-9). English. (Bible), Bush's Illustrations of Holy Scriptures. -- -- Trans. by Tyndale. (Bible). Eng. Translations of Bible, collated. Roger-.- -- Reprint of the Geneva Ed. (Bible), Anderson's Annals of English Bible. -- --- Six Ver. or Eng. Hexapla. (Bible)- Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible- in Dutch. (Bible). Bible Cyclopeedia. Goodhzugh- French. (Bible); Kitto's Cvclopedia of Biblical Literature. - -- - ilurathee. (Bible). Brown's Encyclop. of Religious Knowledge. Selections fr. Prov. & Eccl. (Eng. Fr. & Ital.), Eadie's Biblical Cyclopedia, Anglo-Saxon Version of the Gospels. (Bible), Haynes' Baptist Cyclopedia. Priestley's Harmony of Evangelists, in Eng.- Jahn's Biblical Archueology. St. John's Gospel, in Mohawk. (Bible), Roberts' Oriental Illustration of Sac. Scriptures. Words of Christ, from the New Testament, Fleury's Manners of Ancient Israelites, Paul's Epistles, in Chinese. (Bible). Brown's Antiquities of the Jews. First Corinthians. (Heb. & Eng.) (Bible), Jennings' Jewish Antiquities. Cruden's Concordance to Holy Scriptures-, 1rollingsworth's Holy Land Restored, CO1IMENTARzIES. HTeadley's Sacred Mountains, T. aylor's Illustrations of Bible from Egypt, Patrick, Lowth, and Whitby's Commentary. Egypt and the Books of Moses. Hengstenberg, Scott's Commentary. (Bible). Mosaic History of Creation. Wood. Henry's Commentary. (Bible). Job and his Times. Wlemyss. Clarke's Commentary. (Bible). Exode et Nombres, Comm. Geogr. LabordePictorial Bible, with Notes. (Bible). Commentaries on Law of Moses. Michaelis. Illustrated Corn. on Old & New Test. (Bible). Moses & Aaron; Anc. Hebr. Rites. Godwyn..Horne's Corn. on Psalms. (Sac. Classics). Jahn's Hebrew Commonwealth. Lowth's Isaiah; with Notes. History of the Hebrew Monarchy. Caedmon's Parts of Bible in Ang.-Sax. Verse. Krummacher's Elijah the Tishbite,.Doddridge's Family Expositor. Krummacher's Last Days of Elisha, Campbell's Four Gospels; with Notes. (Bible). Lowth's Lectures on Sacred Poetry of Hebrews. Livermore's Four Gospels; with Commenta., Hengstenberg's Christology of the Old Test. Livermore's Acts of the Apostles; with Comn., Prideaux's Connection of Old and New Test. 37 290 CLA S FIE D INDEX. [Merc. Lib. Theology-Exegetical. Theology —Devotrioal. Kitto's Pictorial Hist. of Palestine and Jews. History of Success of the Gospel. Gillies. Lectures on History of Christianity. Burnap, Remarks on Ecclesiastical History. Jortin. Introduct. to History of the Church. Jarvis. Cave's Primitive Christianity. (Sac. Classics), Strauss' Life of Christ. Primitive Christianity Exemplified. Mant. Taylor's Life of Christ. (Sac. Classics), Early Conflicts of Christianity. Kip, Neander's Life of Christ. Early Progress of Christianity. Hinds. Furness' Jesus and his Biographers. Church in the Catacombs. iaitlandl. Miracles of Our Lord. Trench. Antiquities of Christian Church. Bingham. Not Paul, but Jesus. Bentham. Histoire des Conciles. Guerin. Difficulties in Paul's Writings. Whately.DEVOTIONAL WORKS. Stuart's Interpretation of Prophecy, Christ is All. Tyng. Explanat. of Script. Types & Proph. Kinney. Martyr Lamb. Krnummacher, Apostles' School of Prophetic Interp. Maitland. The Great Teacher. Harris. Dissertations on the Prophecies. Faber. Plan of the Founder of Christ'y. Reinhard, Nature and End of Prophecy. Lee. Incarnation; or, Virgin & her Son. Beecher, Little Book Open; of Christ's Coming. Reflections on the Works of God. Sturm, Signs of the Times. Keith, Oracles of God. Irving, Dissertations on Prophecies. Newton. Letters to his Son on the Bible. Adams, Hyponoia; Thoughts on Apocalypse. Hrd. Boyle's Hum. Intel. & the Scrip. (Sac. Clas.), Lord's Exposition of the Apocalypse. Daily Scripture Readings. Chalmers. Wordsworth's Lectures on the Apocalypse. Sabbath Scripture Readings. Chalmers. Apocalypse of St. John. Croly, Treatise on Millennium. Bush, Way of Life. i-odge, Bush's Anastasis; Resurrection of the Body; Windings of the River of Life. Cheever, "Anastasis" examined. Fysh, Pleasantness of Religion. IHenry, Soul; or, Scriptural Psychology. Bush, Importance of Religion. Foster, Millennial Tidings. Livermore, Importance of Religious Life. Mlelmoth, Second Appear. of Christ. Darrow, and others, Apples of Gold. Brooks, Second Advent. Crosby, Prize Letters to Students. Dickinson, Letters to the Young. Jewsbury, BIBLICAL AND EAPLY CHURCEI HISTORY. nxious nquier. James, Anxious Enquirer. James, History of Bible. Stackhouse- Endeavors after Christian Life. Martineau, History of Bible. Gleig, Doddridge's Rise and Progress, Bible Narrative. Zornlin, Regeneration and Salvation. Doddridg'e, Sunday Evenings. (Boys' and Girls'Lib.), Abbott's Corner Stone, Scripture Dialogues. Christian. the Deliv. of the Soul. iMoarvyford, Scripture Characterg. Robinson, Bunyan's Holy War, Sacred Biography. Hunter. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress; Family Pictures from the Bible. Ellet, Cottage Lectures on Pilgrim's Progress, Lives of Apos. and Mar. (Boys' & Girls' Lib.) Cheever's Lectures on Pilgrim's Progress. Lives of Apostles. Cave, Fountain of Living Waters, Lives of the Apos. & John Baptist. Greenwood, True Happiness. Pike, Apocryphal New Testament. (Bible). Heaven upon Earth. Janewacy, Evangiles Apocryphes. Brunet, Bates' Spiritual Perfe. Unfolded. (cac. Clas.), Manual of Christian Antiquities. Riddle. Christian Piety. iM'Laurin, Compendium of Christian Antiquities. Henry. Live while you Live. Gri1ffiit1, Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History-'Treatise on Religious Affections. Edwards, Neander's Hist. of Christian Relig. & Church.. Personal Declension & Revival. Winslow, Histoire du Gnosticisme. Mlcatter. Harmony of Faith & Character. Abercrombie, History of the Christian Church. Ruter. Progress of Christian Life. Ware, History of the Church of Christ. Allen. Young Man's Closet Library. Philip, Dowling's Introduction to Ecclesiastical list. No Cross, No Crown. Penn. Seven Ages of the Church. Cotterill. True Christian. James, Stebbing's History of Christian Church, Pictures of Christian Life. Wiillmott, Milner's History of Church of Christ. Formation of Christian Character. Ware, Giesler's Ecclesiastical History. Traits of Christian Character. Spring. Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History. Life of Faith. Uplham, Milman's History of Christianity. Discourse concerning Prayer. Patrick, Compendium of Ecclesiast. Hist. Palmer, Mt. of Olives; Lect. on Prayer. Hamilton, Church of Saviour; Early Christ'y. Bowlin, Henry's Method for Prayer, Lives of the Fathers of the Church. Blakey. The Mercy Seat. Spring. Rome under Paganism and under Popes. Miley. Sacra Privata. Wilson, Causes of the Corrup. of Christianity. Vanghan. Daily Communion with God. H-enry, Compendium of Ecclesiastical History. Mason, Guide to DevotionHist. of Church to Reformation. Waddingtoni Pious Meditations. Kirkpatrick, Catalogue.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 291 Theology-PDevotional. Theology-iSlisceilanaeoaas. Meditations and Contemplations. Hervey, Dick's Essay on Covetousness, The Traveller; or, Meditations. lMeikle, Fashionable Amusements. Thomason, Pleasures of Contemplation, A Plea for Amusements. Sawyer, God's Wisdom manifest in Creation. Ray, Letters to a Athn of the World. Le Boys, Solitude Sweetened, Miscellan. Meditations, Sanctification of the Sabbath. Willison. Kempis' Imitation of Christ, Heaven's Antidote to Curse of Labor. Quinton, Nachfolgung Christi. Kempis, Divine Autho;rity of Lord's Day. Wilson, Beveridge's Private Thoughts. (Sac;ed Clas.), Power of the Pulpit. Spring. Hours of Meditation, &c. Zschokke, Aids to Hearing and Preaching. Skinner, Sabbath Musings. Caroline Fry, Todd's Sabbath School Teacher. Christian Retirement, Old Humphrey's Hints to S. School Teachers, Zimmerman on Solitude, American S. School Teacher's Mag. (1830-1). Vie Penitente de Mad. Valliere. Genlis, Sunday School Journal. (1833-4)Treatise on Self-Knowledge. Mason, Old Humphrey's Observations, Aids to Reflection. Coleridge; ---- Pithy Papers. (Old), Private Thoughts, &c. Beveridge, — -- Thoughts for the Thoughtful. (Old), Thoughts on Religion. Pascal. Addresses. (Old), Meditations on the Lord's Supper. Sutton, Parables. Krummacher, Pflichten der Communicanten. Osterwald, Moral Entertainments. Mannin1g, Communicant's Companion. Henry, Old Humphrey's Pleasant Tales, Consolation for the Afflicted. Downame. Adams' Old Man's Home, Consolation for the Afflicted. Greenleaf, Owen Gladdon's Isle of Wight. (Old Humph ), De Consolatione Philos. (Aug. Sax.) Boethius. My Grandparents. Old Humphrey, Soul's Conflict. Sibbes, Traveller in the Wilderness. Taylor, Bow in the Cloud. Briggs, Brownlee's Lights & Shadows of Christ. Life, Bruised Reed and Smoking Flax. Sibbes, Tayler's Facts in a Clergyman's Life, Heart's Ease in Heart's Trouble. Patrick, Browning's Convict Ship, Night of Weeping. Bonar, Publications of American Tract Society, Light in Darkness. Snow, Nash's Christ's Tears over Jer. (Brydges' Arc)Power of Religion on the Mind. Murray, Baxter's Dying Thoughts, Temporal Benefits of Christianity. Blakey. Last Thoughts. Whitby. Christianity adapted to Man. Coquerel, Baxter's Dying Thoughts. (Sacred Classics), Appeal to Corn. Sense for Religion. Oswald. Farewell to Time; Last Views of Life, Locke's Reasonableness of Christ. (Sac. Clas.), Sutton's Disce Mori; Learn to Die, What is Religion? Colman, Death of the Righteous. La Placette, De la Religion. Constant. Southwell's Tr'phs over Death. (Brydges' Arc)- Researches concern. God and Relig. Clarkson. Religion and Eternal Life. Pike, Instruct. d'un Pere sur la Religion. Trembly, Physical Theory of Another Life. Taylor, Lehren der Religion. Cludius, Philosophy of Future State. Dick, Studies in Religion, Sex in the World to Come. HaZughton, Peculiarities of Christianity. TWhately. Errors regarding Religion. Doug1las, Hannah More's Christian Morals, Christian Views, Foster's Essays on Christian Morals, Bonar's Story of Grace, Abbott's Young Christian, Christian Doctrine of 2d Cent. (Small Books), Advice to Young Christian, Doctrine Chr6tienne. L'Homond, Abbott's Way to do Good, Principles of Christian Religion..lutchinson. Family Assistant to Religion. Cogsswell, Divine Attributes in Redemption. Bates, Christian Father at Home. Brownlee, Boston's Human Nature in Fourfold State, Views of Christian Nurture. Bushnell, Watson's Theological Tracts. Applic. of Chris. to Ordinary Life. Chalmers, Moral Government of God. Jacocks, Jeremy Taylor's Holy Living and Dying, Divine Essence and Attributes. Preston. Practical Religion. Woodbridge, Knox's Christian Philosophy. (Sac. Classics), Hannah More's Practical Piety, Fanaticism. Isaac Taylor, Christian Professor Addressed. James, Nat. History of Enthusiasm. Isaac Taylor. Wilberforce's Practical Christianity, Reason and Faith. Rogers, The Marthas. Philip, Office of Intellect in Religion. Scudamore. The Hannahs. Philip, Mystery of Godliness. Southard. The Lydias. Philip, Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit. Coleridge, Whole Duty of Man, Three Temples of one True God. Hinds. Village Dialogues. I ill, Brathwayt's Essays on Senses. (Brydges' Arc)Hamilton's Life in Earnest, Grace, Faith, and Experience. Ecking, Smilh's Life in Earnest, Adams' Divine Sisters; Faith, Hope & Charity, Charges on Moral and Relig. Subjects. Rush, Fenelon on Charity, The Oath a Divine Ordinance. orunkin, Christian Charity Explained. James, Mammon, or Sin of Covetousness. Harris, Love of the Spirit. Philip, 292 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [Merc. Lib. Theology-Serrmonaas. Theologians-lWorfks of. Saturday Evening. Isaac Taylor, Thankfulness, and other Essays. Hamilton, Words of Counsel; (Angel Voices), Harp on the Willow, &c. Hnamilton, Beecher's Plea for the West, Essays on Religious Subjects. Hist. of Evangelical Alliance. Massie, Essays on Important Subjects in Relig. Scott. Tracts for the Christian Seasons, Boyle's Venera. due to God, &c. (Sac. Class), Cust's Noctes Domin. Sunday Night Readings. SERMONS, ETC. $Sprin2g's Fragments from a Pastor's Study, Lectures on Holy Festivals. Glass:. Reflections on Life and Religion. Hanway. Dewey's Discourses on Human Life, Religious Discourses; by a Layman, Alison's Sermons on Particular Occasions. Theron and Aspasio. elervey, Secker's Nine Sermons on the Late War. Mountford's Euthanasy, Messiah; Fifty Discourses. Newton, Luther's Table Talk Sermons on the Resurrection. (Sac. Classics), Columbian Miscellany. Kneeland, Butler's Sermons on Human Nature, Christian's Pocket Library. Stanford, Sermons on Retirement. (Sacred Classics), Panoplist and Missionary Magazine. (1815), Butler's Sermons on Moral Subjects, Christian Spectator. (1822-3). Tholuck's Circle of Human Life, Quarterly Christian Spectator. Discourses on Raphael's Cartoons. Bowles. Literary and Theological Review. (1834-9). Mountains of the Bible. Macfarlane, British Magazine and Religious Journal. Scripture Metaphors. Adamson. Theological Essays from Princeton Review. Arnold's Sermons at Rugby School, Christial Remembrancer. (1848-9). Green's Discourses in the College of N. J. Andrew Fuller's Complete Worls. Murray-st. Discourses. (1830). Lanfranc's Opera Omnila. Plain Sermons, Barrow's Works. Wesley's Sermons on Several Occasions, (Euvres de Bourdaloue. Sammlung von Predigten. Buck's Works Pulpit Orator. Selection of Discourses, Cuvres de Massillon. Predigten und Reden. Rahusen. Ware's Works British Pulpit Discourses. Suddard. Ravenscroft's Works. Blair's Sermons. Jeremy Taylor's Works. Butler's Sermons. (Sacred Classics), Archbishop Tillotson's Works. Chalmers' Posthumous Sermons. Toplady's Works. Croly's Sermons. Scott's Works, Davies' Sermons. Leighton's Works. Finney's Sermons. Chillingworth's Works..Fobt's Sermons. Luther's Works. (Translated). Heber's Sermons. Ambrose's Works and Life. Iorsley's Sermons. Bull's Works and Life. Latimer's Sermons, President Edwards' Works. Tayler Lewis' Discourses. Hall's Works and Memoir. Massillon's Sermons, Hooker's Works; with a LifeMassillon's and Bourdaloue's Sermons. Hobart's Posthumous Works; with a Memoir. Palfrey's Sermons, Buchanan's Works; with Researches in Asia, Payson's Sermons, Matthew Henry's Select Works, Saurmn's Sermons. Doddridge's Miscellaneous Works, Sydney Smith's Sermons, Select Works of James and others. South's Sermons. Baxters Select Writings. J mTappaynlr's SroSeScenons. lsiHowe's Select Treatises. (Sacred Classics), Jeemy Taylor's Sermons. (Sacred Classics), Selections from Jeremy Taylor, Wayland's Sermons, Baxter's Choice Works. " Making Light," &c, Whewell's Sermons. Whieftell's Sermons. Baxter's Call; Now or Never, &c., Whitefield's Sermons. Bp. Hall's Devotional and Practical Treatises, Zollikoffer's Sermons. Robt. Hall's Works and Remains, Chrysostom's Homilies on Gospel of John. Nevins' Remains and Memoir, Homilies for Churches in Elizabeth's Time- Sandford's Remains and Memoir. Dewey's Discourses on Various Subjects, John Newton's Letters, Sermons, &c, Sprague's Lectures-to Young People, Powcerscourt's Letters and Papers, Hawes' Lectures to Young Men, Wilcox's Remains. Thompson's Young Men Admonished, Bunyan's Grace Abounding, Heart's Ease, &c, Twelve Lect. before Young Men's Chris. Ass, Bunyan's " Greatness of Soul;" & other W'ks, Sproat's Family Lectures, AAubigni's Miscellaneous Writings, John Foster's Lectures. 2d Series. Mason' Writings. MISCELLANIES AND COLLECTED WORKS. Bull's Theological Works. (English). Moses Stuart's Miscellanies, Howe'sT Various Theological Works, Howe's Treatises. MISSIONARY ENTERPRISE. Green's Essays on Theological Subjects- Buchanan's Sermons on Missions, Catalogue.] CLA SSIFIED INDEX. 293 Theology-Systeraat c. lheology-PoBlemla ic. History of Missions. Winslow, Roman Church and Modern Society. Quinet, Propagation of Christ. among Heathen. Brown. Romanism at Rome. Percy, History of Amer. Baptist Missions. Gammell, Letters fr. Rome, on Popery, &c. Middleton. Missionaries after Apostolical School. Irving. Affaires de Rome. La 1Mennais, Heroines of the Missionary Enterprise. Eddy, Popery and Heathenism Allied. Poynder. Society for Propagating Gospel. Humphreys. Kirwan's Letters to Bishop Hughes. Murray, Christian Missionary Civilization. Kirwan's Reply to Bishop Hughes. Murray, American Missionary Register. Popery Stripped of its Garb. Horner, Spirit of Missions. (1844-9). Protestant Vindicator. (1835-6)China Mission Advocate. Reports of Amer. Bible Society. (1817-21). Hawks on Auricular Confession, Reports of Brit. and For. Bible Soc. (1805-19). Lasteyre's History of Auricular Confession, T AHopkins' History of the Confessional, SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY.. SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY. Michelet's Spiritual Direct. and Auric. Confes, Chalmers' Institutes of Theology. Secrets of Nunneries Disclosed. Ricci, Watson's Theological Institutes. Six Years in Monasteries of Italy. Malhoney,.Knapp's Lectures on Christian Theology. Answer to Six Months in a Convent. Dwight's Theology, Explained and Defended. History of the InquisitionPriestley's Institutes of Nat. & Revealed Relig. Records of the Spanish Inquisition. Principles of Nat. & Revealed Relig. RamsayRobertson's Theological Lectures. Wickliffe's Apol. for Lollards. (Camden Soc)Peabody's Lectures on Christian Doctrine, Blunt's Sketch of the Reformation in Italy, Newman's Development of Christian Doctrine. Cobbett's Prot. Reformat. in Eng. and Ireland, Milton's Treatise on Christian Doctrine. Fox's Book of Martyrs. Burnap's Lectures on Doctrines of Christianity, The Same, Reviewed. Andrews. Intellectual Sys. of the Universe. Cudworth. Charlotte Elizabeth's War with Saints. Tonna. Lehrbuch der Christlichen Religion. Herrmann, Sismondi's Hist. of Crusades ag'st Albigenses, Young Christian's Doctrinal Guide. Mitchell, Gilly's Valdenses, Valdo, and Vigilantius, Tyng's Lectures on the Law and Gospel. Massacre of St. Bartholo. (in Coligny's Mem), Sprague's Lectures on Christianity, Luther and the Lutheran Reformation. Scott, Christen in Ernstige Overweeging. Spalding. Essai sur Reformation de Luther. Villers. Spring's Dissertation on Rule of Faith. Ranke's Hist. of Reformation in Germany. Justification by Faith. Pemble. Aubigne, J. H. M. d'., Hist. of the Reformat; Isaac Taylor's Spiritual Christianity, Aubigne, J. H. M. d'., Luther and Calvin, Whately's Kingdom of Christ Delineated. Hist. of Ref. in Italy. (16th Cent.) MA'Crie. Miller's Design of the Church, Hist. of Ref. in Spain. (16th Cent.) M'Crie. Staunton's Dictionary of the Church. German Reformation of the 19th Century. Burnet's Exp. of Thirty-nine Art. of Ch. of Eng. Mission of German Catholics. Gervinus, Abp. Leighton's Exposition of the Creed, &c, Laing's Rise of German Catholic Church, Abp. Leighton's Expos. of Lord's Prayer, &c, _ Religio Medici. Browne, History of the Jesuits. Steinmetz. CHURCH OF ROME. Hist. de la Compagnie de J6sus. Cretineau, Les J6suites. Arnould. Wiseman's Lectures on the Catholic Church, The Jesuits. Michelet and Quinet, Genie du Christianisme. Chateaubriand. Lettres Provincial. Pascal; Pastorale ad Usum Romanum Accomodatum- Pascal's Provincial Letters, Mass & Rubrics of R. Cath. Church. Cotter, Leone's Jesuit Conspiracy Detected, Moore's Irish Gent. in Search of a Religion, Baxter's Jesuit Juggling, Guide to Moore's Irish Gentleman. O'Sullivan, Conspiracy against the United States. Morse, Canons & Dec. of Coun. of Trent. Waterworth. Seymour's Mornings among Jesuits at Rome; Councils of Roman Catholic Church. Landon, The Novitiate. Steinmetz. Butler's Hist. of Eng., Irish, & Scotch Catho. Jesuit Missions in North America. Kiy, Bossuet's Variations of Protestant Churches. Hist. des Missions Catholiques. Henrion. Hammersmith's Discussion on Prot. & Popery, IHughes & Brecken.; Discus. on R. Cath. Relig. CHURCH OF ENGLAND, kC. Edgar's Variations of Popery. Works of Episcopacy. Bowden and others, Difficulties of Romanism. Faber, Early English Church. Churton, Abp. Whately's Essays on Errors of Romanism. Wheatley's Illust. of Book of Common Prayer. Fleming's Rise and Fall of Papal Rome; Hist. of Church of Eng. Prayer Book. Berens, Erasmus' Colloquies. Liturgy and Bible Compared. Bailey, Ranke's History of Popes of Rome. Palmer's Origines Liturgicae. Quinet's Hist. of Christ. to French Revolution, Cary's Testimony of Fathers to Ch. of Eng. Dowling's History of Romanism. Letters on Writings of the Fathers, Moehler's Symbolism; or, Cath. and Prot. Burnet's Hist. of Reform. of Church of Eng-, Barrow's Treatise of the Pope's Supremacy. Maitland's Essays on the Reformation in Eng. Brownlee's Letters on Rom. Cath. Controversy. Bunsen's Church of the Future, 294 CLA SSIFIED INDE. [Merc. Lib. Theology —Polemic. Theology-PolIenlic. Book of the Priesthood. Stratton, Parker's Discourses on Religion, Southey's Book of the Church. Brownson's New Views of Christianity, &c, Letters on the Church. By an Episcopalian, Dana's Letters on Doctrine of the Trinity, Feasts and Fasts of Church of Eng. Sparke, Roy, Trans. of Principal Passages of the Veds. Primitive and Present Episc. Church. Hopkins, Precepts of Jesus. RoyBoyd's Episcopacy and Presbytery. First and Second Replies to Mfarshman. Roy. Tracts [Oxford] for the Times. Dissertation on the Oriental Trinities. Maurice. Newman's Phases of Faith, Early Opinions concerning Christ. Priestley. Ward's Ideal of a Christian Church. Channing's Discourses. Report on Eccl. Rev. & Patronage in Ireland- Priestley's Hist. of Corruptions of Christianity. Miall's British Churches and British People. Dewey's Discourses on Human Nature, &c, Baptist Noel's Union of Church and State; Dewey's Dis. & Reviews on Theol. & Religion, Marsh's Church and State, Letters to WVilberforce on Depravity, Taylor on Anc. Christ'y and the Oxford Tracts, Beard's Illustrations of the Trinity. Speculum Episcopi; Mirror of a Bishop, Serle's Hore Solitaris, Whately's Essays on Dangers to Chris. Faith. Waterland on Importance of Doct. of Trinity, The Independent Whig. Kidd on Eternal Sonship of Christ. Bentham's Church of Eng. and its Catechism. Div. and Operations of Holy Spirit. (Sac. Clas), Peranzabuloe; Lost Ch. Found. Trelawney,FUTURE ISH T. FUTURE: PUNSHIMENT. Reason, Revelation, and Faith, Isaac Taylor's Spiritual Despotism, Williamson's Expos. & Defence of Universal., Wilberforce's Hist. of Prot. Episc. Ch. in Am, Brittan's Defence of Universalism, Hawks' Contributions to U. S. Ecclesiast. Hist. Universalism Defended. 0. A. Skinner. Chapin's Puritanism not Genuine Protestan, Smith on Divine Government, Colton on Religious State of the Country, Script. Mean. of Hades, Tartarus, &c. Badfour, Colton on Protestant Jesuitism, Universalist Quarterly and General Review. Presbyterian Clergyman looking for the Church, Doctrine of Univ. Restoration Refuted. Isaac, PRESBYTERIANS, ETC. QUAKERS. Puritans and their Principles. Hall. Clarkson's Portraiture of Quakerism. Neal's History of the Puritans. Robt. Barclay's Apology for Quakers. Coit on Puritanism, Wagstaff's History of Society of Friends. Calvin on Secret Providence. Early Days in Society of Friends. Kelly, Calvin and Servetus. Rilliet, Sewel's History of Quakers. Edwards on Uncertainty of Human Knowledge. Fox's Complete Works. Religious Conference, Howitt's History of Priestcraft, Ann Whelpley's Triangle; Three Theol. Points. Quakerism not Chistianity. Cox. Scott's Remarks on Tomline's Ref. of Calvin. Quakerism versus Calvinism. Reese, Hetherington's Hist. of Churches of Scotland. SWEDENBORGIANISM. M' Crie's Scottish Church History, What' sCrie's Scottish Church History, What is Taught in Jons. Church. Swedenbor., History of Covenanters in Scotland, History of tCovenanters in nS.otlanozll Appeal for New Jerusalem Church. Noble, Hist. of te Puritans in Eng. Stowell. Doctrines of Christian Religion. Noble. Argyll's (Duke of ) Presbytery Examined,s venl Arcana. Passages in the Life of an English Heiress, Docne of Jerusalem Faith. Sedenbo Ten Years' Conflict [Ch. of Scot.]. Buchanan. Doedenborin s Ineernal Snse of Proph. edooks, Swedenboro's Internal Sense of Proph. Books, Mission of Seceders to N Scotia. Robertson, wedeb Divine Love ndWis ttotchkin's Hist. of Western New-York State. Swedenborg on Divine Love a-ad Wisdoo, Hotchkin's CHist.p of Western NeCw-York State. New Jerus. Missionary & Intellect. Repository, Crocker's Catastrophe ofPresb. Church in 1837, Reed's Observations on Growth of Minl, BAPTISM ND COMMUNION. New Jerus. Doct. of Sacred Script. Swedenborg, Plenary Inspiration of Sacred Script. Noble. Noel on Baptism, Apocalypse Revealed. Swedenborg, Baptism Considered. Carson, Swedenborg on the Nature of Influx, Sawyer's Exposition of Baptism, Athanasian Creed Explained. Swedenborg, No Validity in Lay Baptism. Ogilby, New Jerusalem Doct. of the Lord. Swedenborg, Communion on Catholic Principles. Mason. Swedenborg on Angelic Wisdom Strict and Mixed Communion. Fuller, Mesmer and Swedenborg. Bush, TRINITY. True Christian Religion. Swedenborg, Planets & Earths of the Heavens. Swedenborg, Unitarian Christianity Defended. Burnap, Swedenborg on Conj ugial and Scortatory Love. Illustrations of Unitarian Christianity. Hincks, Swedenborg on the Last Judgment, Harriet Martineau's Prize Essays, Swedenborg on Heaven and Hell, Mountford's Martyria, New Jerusalem Tracts, Pages from Ecclesiastical History of England, Remarks on Science of History, Mock and Absurd Philosophy, Norton's Reasons against Trinitarian Doctrines, SHAKERS. Dewey's Discourses on Nature of Religion, View of Shakers. Green and Wells, Catalogue.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 295 Natraal Theology. Infidelity. Brown's Account of the Shakers, Philosophic Theology. I/iles, Proceedings of Legislatures relative to Shakers, Foundation, Evidences, &c., of Relig. TWare, Investigation of the Defence of the Shakers, Evidences of Christian Religion. Gregory, Evidences of Christianity. Wilson; Genius of Judaism. D'Israeli. Evidences of Christianity. Wrangham, State of the Greek Church in Russia. Platon, Evidences of Christianity. (Boys' & Girls' Lib), Pratt's Voice of Warning [Mormonism], External Evidences of Christ'y. M'llvaine. Evidences of Christian Literature. Memes. DENOMINATIONS. Evidences of Christian Revelation. Porteous, History of all Religions, Evidence of Revealed Religion. Priestley. View of all Religions. Goodrich. Evidences of Revealed Religion. Verplanck. Religions of the World. tMaurice. Evangelio en Triunfo, Christian Sects in 19th Cent. (Small Books), Sacred Classics Defend. & Illust. Blackwall, Burder's Religious Ceremonies and Customs. Parkinson on Rationalism and Revelation. Hayward's Book of Religions, Bible, Koran, and Talmud. Weil, History of Relig., and Prin. Denom. of Chris. Divine Legation of Moses. Warburton. Dulaure's Histoire des Diff6rens Cultes. Antiquity of Book of Genesis. Talbot. Religious World Displayed. Adam. Whiston's Dissertat. on Old and New Test. Rupp's Hist. of Relig. Denominations in U. S. Bryant's Sentiments of Philo Judaeus. Buck's Theological Dictionary, Findley's Vindication of Bible and Josephus. Mlagoon's Republican Christianity, The Gospel its own Advocate. Grigin, Origine Democrat. du Christianisme. Leroux, Gospel Narratives. ivfiles, Essays on Christian Union. Greenleaf's Examination of the Evangelists, Jeremy Taylor on Liberty of Prophesying, Blunt's Undesigned Coin. in Old & New Test. Church's Prize Essays on Relig. Dissension, Norton on the Genuineness of the Gospels. Lardner's Credibility of Gospel History. NATURAL THEOLOGY AND EVIDENCES. Isaac Watts' Rational Defence of the Gospel, B h cous on Shuttleworth's Consistency of Revelation, Brougham's D.iscourse on Natural Theology, Paley's Horse Paulina, Brougham's Science as conn. with Nat. Theol, Destruction of Jerusalem a Proof of ChristianWallace's Rev. of Brougham- on Nat. Theol, Genuineness, Authen. & Inspir. of Word of God, Crabbe's System of Natural Theology. Iinds on the Inspiration of Scripture. Rennie's Alphabet of Natural Theology, Chalmers on External Nature adapted to Man. Nelson's Cause and Cure of Infidelity, Kidd on Natutre adapted to Man. Tucker's Lectures on Infidelity, Paley's Natural Theology, Faber's Difficulties of Infidelity, Wallace on Struct. of Eye in refer. to Theol, Ripley's Latest Forms of Infidelity. Ninth Bridigewater Treatise. Babbage. Errors of Mod. Infidelity Refuted. Schmucker, Alciphron; or, Minute Philosopher. Berkeley. Progress of Good Intent in Jacobinical Times. Dick's Christian Philosopher, Philosophy of Unbelief. Willis. Cotton Mather's Christian Philosopher, Antidote to Deism. Ogden, Reiche's Discourses on Works of Nature, Leslie's Theological Works. Chemistry Exemp. God's Wisdom. i'ownes, Dalrymple on Gibbon's Growth of Chris'yIndications of the Creator. Whewell, Travis' Letter to Edward Gibbon. Geometry and Faith. HIil/, Letters of certain Jews to Voltaire. Stars and Earth; Space, Time, and Eternity, Levi's Defence of Old Test. against Paine. Astronomy, &c., in rela. to N. Theol. Whewell. Watson's Apol. for Bible; addres. to Paine, Metaphysics applied to Evid. of Relig. Bowden. Paine's Age of Reason, Connection of Science and Relig. SWiseman. Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, Butler's Anal. of Religion. (Sacred Classics); Explanaton to the Vestiges, The Same; analyzed. I Vesiges of Creation Refuted. lasn, Bakewell's Natural Evidence of Future Life. eroude's Nemesis of Faith. Tucker's Light of Natture Pursued. Volney's Ruins. Religion of Nature Delineated.;Wollaston. Le Puins. Volney. Tupper's Probabilities; an Aid to Faith, Le Rovine. Volney, Picciola. Saintine, Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary, PFox on the Religious ideats. l,Vale's Spirit of the Times, Primer on the Origin of Knowledge, Diccionnario Filosofico en Espanol. Voltaire, Extracts fr. Voltaire and Rous., ags't Atheists, Meth. of Authors for & ag'st Chris. Houtteville. RELIGIOUS PHILOSOPHY. Truth of Christian Religion. Keith, Wahrheit der Christlichen Religion. Cludius, Dick's Philosophy of Religion, Williamson's Argument for Truth of Christ'y, Morell's Philosophy of Religion; Locke's Reasonableness of Christ'y. (Sac. C1.), Essais sur Philosophic et Religion. Saisset, Hennell on the Origin of Christianity. Mde. de Genlis Religion, Christian Theism. Ilennell- Religion der Blossen Vernunft. Kant. 296 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [Merc. Lib. Mlorlal Philosophy. ]Logic. Fellowes' Religion of the Universe, Beneficence of Design in Problem of Evil, (Euvres de Spinoza, Martineau's Rationale of Religious Inquiry, Constant on Last Incarnation, Bushnell's God in Christ, Knox's Christian Philosophy. (Sac. Classics), De Wette's Theodore. (Ripley's Spec.), Edwards on the Will (in Works). Genuine and Spurious Religion. Muihleisen. Review of the Same by Tappan, Lord Bolingbroke's Works. Doct. of Will from Consciousness. Tappan, Bolingbroke's Letter to Pope. Blakey on Moral Good and Evil; and the Will. Vaughan's Age and Christianity. Mahan's Doctrine of the Will, Morell's Philosoph. Tendencies of the Age. King's Origin of Evil- Fichte's Characteristics of Present Age, Clark's Cause and Origin of Evil. Constant's Philosoph. Miscel. (Ripley's Spec.), Philosophy of Evil. Cousin's Philosoph. Miscel. (Ripley's Spec.), MENTAL AND MORAL SCIENCE. Payne's Elements of Mental and Moral Science. Reid on Intellec. and Active Powers of Man. Wayland's Elements of Moral Science, Young's Lectures on Intellectual Philosophy. Dewar's Elements of Moral Philosophy. Mahan's System of Intellectual Philosophy, Sawyer's Elements of Moral Philosophy, Mudie's Mental Philosophy, Moralische Vorlesungen. Gellert. Sawyer's Elements of Mental Philosophy, Combe's Moral Philosophy, Upham's Elements of Mental Philosophy. Wayland's Limita. of Human Responsibility, Hickock's Rational Psychology. Man, Moral and Accountable. Mudie. Inquiries concer. Intellec. Powers. Abercrombie, Abercrombie's Philosophy of Moral Feelings, Thoughts on the Mental Functions, Theorie der Settlichen Gefihle. Smith. Chapone's Letters on Improvement of Mind, Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments. Wedgwood on Development of Understanding, Sidney Smith's Moral Philosophy. Locke's Conduct of Human Understanding. Combe's Lectures on Moral Philosophy, Green's Mental Dynamics. Boyd's Eclectic Moral Philosophy, Beattie's Elem. of Moral Science. (Works), LOGIC. Paley's Moral and Political Philosophy; Chretiens Essay on Logical Method. Mandeville's Fable of the Bees, i *, Ferguson's Princi. of Moral and Polit. Science- gilcs (s e Re asoning, Systema de la Naturaleza. Holbach, Whately's Easy Lessons in Reasoning, Systema de la Natalez. irabundc, Thomson's Outlines of Laws of Thought, Nature and her Laws. Mirabund, W g c, Principles of Philosophy of Nature. Stallo, Wat'Lgic, Nuces Philosophie. Johnson. MoeGreay's Exercises in Logic, Invisible World disclosed. Johnson, berley's Lectues on Loc, Kant's Metaphysical Works. ogic of the AncientsHelvetius' Treatise on Man. ioil' System of Tonic Hartley's Observations on Man. o Critiqe of Puie Reason. Ozell's Logic; or, Art of Thinking, Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. she's Logic, eletius Phlosophial Essays.srit De Morgan's Form. Logic, or Calculus of Infer. Stewart's Philosophical Essays. Kirwan's ogic, Brown on the Relations of Cause and Effect. ran og Body and Soul. Bedford. Tappan's Elements of Logic, Moore's Power of the Soul over the Body. mart's Manual of Logic, Psychology and Anthropology. Rauch, Blakey'sE on Logic, Human Mind according to Physi. Laws.,Sme. Condillac De Logiqne, Instinct and Reason. Smee. Snedley's Treatise on Moral Evidence. Condorcet's Historical View of the Mind. I ler's Discourse of Baconian Philos, Blakey's History of Philosophy of the Mind. Des Cartes' Mthode pouro Conduire sa RaisonBrowne's Pseudodoxia Epidemica- Crousa's Art ofThliing. Influence of Authority in Opinions. Lewis. Tylor's Elements of Thought, Forbes on Danger of Superficial Knowledge, Podromus, st Pri. of Reasoning. cugto, Bailey's Essays on Formation of Opinions, Davies' Estimate of Human Mind. METAPHYSICS. Cousin's Elements of Psychology. Bishop's Introduction to Study of the Mind, Beginn. of New School of Metaphysics. Smart. Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind. Millingen on Mind and Matter illus. by Insan. Stewart's Philosophy of the Human Mind. Upham on Disordered Mental Action, Ricord's Philosophy of the Mind, Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy. Douglas' Philosophy of the Mind. Parr's Collection of Metaphysical Tracts. Catalogue.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 297 Mletaphysics. Edication. Dean's Philosophy of Human Life, Hali's Teach. a Science; the Teacher an Artist, Burgh's Dignity of Human Nature. Barrow's Essays on Education. Human Nature-, Schoolmaster; Selected Essays on Education, Hobbes' Treatise on Human Nature, Introductory Lectures at Queen's College, Vincent's Law of Human Nature. Introductory Disc. before Am. Inst. of Instruc. Petrarca's Views of Human Life. Emile, ou de l'Education. Rousseau, Hazlitt's Principles of Human Action, Emilius and Sophia. Rousseau, Sampson's Brief Remarker on Ways of Men, Necessity of Popular Education. Simpson. Moore's Man and his Motives, Combe's Lectures on Popular Education. Anthropologie. Kant. Villm on Education of the People, Godwin's Thoughts on Man. Kay on Education of the Poor. Moral Universal. Holbach, Foster on Evils of Popular Ignorance, Physique et Moral de l'Homme. Cabanis, Bentham on Codification and Pub. Instruction. Cogan on the Passions, Wyse on Education Reform. L'Influence des Passsions. Mde. de Stael. Review of the Same by Foster. Davy's Illustrations of the Passions. Lancaster, Improvements in Education, Essay on National Character. Chenevix. Hints on the Art of Teaching. Man Primeval. Harris. Ringelbergius de Ratione Studii, Fichte's Destination of Man. Infant Education. (Chambers' Educ. Course), Destination de 1'Homme. Fichte. Maria Edgeworth on Practical Education. Maccal's Agents of Civilization, Thoughts on Domestic Education, Maccal's Elements of Individualism, Goodrich on Fireside Education. Schlegel's Philosophy of Life and Language, Richter's Levana, or Doctrine of Education, Bailey's Rev. of Berkeley's Theory of Vision. Bentham's Chrestomathia. Cousin's Introduction to History of Philosophy. Harriet Martineau on Household Education, Morell's Speculative Philosophy of Europe. Beaudoux, Educ. des Filles; Science Mater., Henry's Epitome of the History of Philosophy, Isaac Taylor on Home Education, Cours de Philosophie. Damirou, Fenelon's Education of a Daughter, Ritter's History of Ancient Philosophy. Eliz. Hamilton's Let. to Daugh. of Nobleman, Tenneman's History of Philosophy. Manual for Mechanics' Institutions, Histoire de Philosophie. Tenneman. Levison on Mental Culture, Geschichte der Philosophie. Tenneman. Degerando on Self-Education, Murdock's Modern Sketches of Philosophy, Robinson on Self-Education, Enfield's History of Philosophy. Taylor on Self-Cultivation, Philosoph. Theo. and Exper. (Small Books,) Channing on Self-Culture, Handmaid, or Literat. and Morality. Davies, Self-Formation; Hist. of an Individual Man. Verplanck's Influ. of Moral Causes on Litera. Means and Ends, or Self-Training. Sedgwick, Origin of Human Knowledge. Condillac. Watts on the Improvement of the Mind, Johnson's Noetica, or First Princip. of Knowl. Clarke's Essay on Study, Bacon de Augmentis Scientiarum. (Works.) De Quincy's Let. to Young Man of Neg. Educ., Bacon's Advancement of Learning, Pycroft's Course of English Reading, Bailey's Essay on Pursuit of Truth, Three Words to Novel Readers, Beattie's Dissertations. (Works,) Waterston's Thoughts on Moral Culture, Bowen's Critical and Philosophical Essays, Babington on Early Christian Education, Poe's Eureka, a Prose Poem, Educational Institutions of Germany. James, Philosophie de Confucius and Mencius, Perry on German University Education, Plato's Divine Dialogues, Mann's Educational Tour in Germany, &c., Plato's Works- Robinson on Ger. Univer. (Stud. Cab. Lib.), CEuvres de Platon, Public Instruction in Prussia. Cousin, Epictetus' Works. Education in Holland. Cousin. Two Treatises of Proclus. Institutions of Popular Education. Hamilton, EDUCATION. Instruction Publique en Hollande. Cousin, Report on Literary and other Institu. of Eng., Hamilton's Letters on Princip. of Education, Language, Condition, &c., of Wales. Phillips. Smith's History of Education, Outline of a System of National Education, Locke on Education, Peers on American Education, Dick's Mental and Moral Improve. of Mankind, Partridge on Education. (Peyre-Ferry), Fichte's Nature of the Scholar, Publications of Central Society of Education, Edw. Everett on Impor. of Educa. and Knowl, Report of Superint. of Corn. Schools. (N. Y.) Whewell Lib. Educa. in relat. to Camb. Studies; Wayland's Thoughts on Collegiate Syst.of U.S, Craig's Philosophy of Training, Verplanck's Advant. & Dang. of Am. Scholar. Mackenzie's Principles of Education, Quarterly Journal of Education. (1831-5). Mde. Necker on Progressive Education, Journal of Education. (1828-9). Palmer's Teacher's Manual, American Annals of Education and Instruct. The Teacher. Abbott, The Academician. Picket. The Educator. Profession of the Teacher, Influ. and Use of Liberal Studies. Verplanck 38 298 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [Mere. Lib. Education. Ethics. Advant. of a Classical Education. Amos. Art of being Happy. Droz, Classical Studies. Sears, Art of Contentment, Advantages of Mathematical Study. Young, Philosophy of Benevolence. Church, Use and Study of History. McCullagh. Spirit of Humanity, Watson on Instruction for Deaf and Dumb. Commentaries of Marcus Antoninus. Murden's Art of Memory. Harriet Martineau's Life in the Sick-Room, Feinagle's New Art of Memory, Segur's Four Ages of Life, Mn6motechnie. Paris. Natural Equality of Men. Bacon, Gouraud's Phreno-Mnemotechny. Historical Picture of Woman. Cornish, Gouraud's Phreno-Mnemotechnic Dictionary. Can Woman Regenerate Society?, Caroline Fry's Word to Women, Whewell on English University Education, Mde. Necker's Study of Woman's Life, History of Oxford University. Ackerman- Duty of American Women, History of the Univ. of Cambridge. Ackerman- Sphere and Duties of Woman. Burnap, Durham University Calendar for 1839, Sketches of Female Character, Election at Edin. Univ. Stewart's Works, V. 7. Female Character Vindicated. Branagan, Stevens' Hist. of Edinburgh High School, Butler's American Lady, Taylor's History of Dublin University. Woman in America. Miss McIntosh, Recollections of Blue-Coat School. Wickham, Woman in America. Mrs. Graves, Wilson's History of Merchant Tailors' School- Women of England. Mrs. Ellis, Pierce's History of Harvard University. Wives of England. Mrs. Ellis, Quincy's Hist. of Harvard University. Mothers of England. Mrs. Ellis. Baldwin's Annals of Yale College. Letters to Mothers. Mrs. Sigourney, Moore's History of Columbia College, Education des Meres de Famille. Aime Martin. Griscom's Address at the N. Y. High School, Education of Mothers. Aime Martin, Lieber's Const. and Plan for Girard College. Young Ladies' Home. Mrs.'Tuthill, My Daughter's Manual, PRACTICAL ETHICS. Sprague's Letters to a Daughter, Daughters of England. Mrs. Ellis, Jouffroy's Introd. to Ethics. (Ripley's Spec.), Duties of the English Maiden, Kant's Metaphysics of Ethics. Bennett's Letters to a Young Lady, Ethical Phil. of 17th & 18th Cent. Mackintosh. Mrs. Sigourney's Letters to Young Ladies, Hildreth's Theory of Morals, Farrar's Young Ladies' Friend, Whewell's Elements of Morality, Hannah More's Accomplished Lady, ------ Principles of Morality. Letters to a Younger Brother, De Wette's Human Life; or, Practical Ethics, Austin's Voice to Youth, Seneca's Morals, Taylor's Advice to the Teens, Essais de Morale. La Placette, Buckland's Letters on Early Rising, Cogan's Ethical Questions. Common Errors of 19th Cent. (Small Books), Cicero de Offienis. Domestic Constitution. Anderson, Polylogy; Dual Line Version, Gibson's Essays on Filial Duties. Cicero's Tusculan Disputations, Wainwright's Sermons on Relig. Educat., &c. Tupper's Proverbial Philosophy, Thoughts on Importance of Manners. Bland's Proverbs, chiefly from Erasmus, Canons of Good Breeding, Ward's National Proverbs, Chesterfield's Elements of Polite Education, Fielding's Select Proverbs of all Nations, Chestefield's Man of Education, Magoon's Proverbs for the People, Atwood's Way to Intelligence, &c.,.Hazlitt's Characteristic, Day's Hints on Etiquette, La Rochefoucauld's Moral Maxims, Laws of Etiquette, Day's Maxims, Celnart's Hand-Book of Politeness, Maxims, Morals, and Golden Rules, Advice to a Young Gent. on entering Society, Apothegms of the Ancients, Code Galant. Raisson, C.ulow's Aphorisms and Reflections,Butler's American Gentleman, Sidney's Aphorisms, Letters from an Elder to a Younger Brother, Practical Wisdom, Young Man from Home. James, Human Economy of Christian Life. Dolby, Todd's Students' Manual, Dodsley's Economy of Human Life, Young Man's Guide, Lieber's Manual of Political Ethics. Alcott's Familiar Letters to Young Men, Ethica et Politica. Aristotle, Livermore's Lectures to Young Men, Aristotle's Ethics and Politics Trans. Arthur's Advice to Young Men, The Statesman. Taylor, Cobbett's Advice to Young Men and Women, Career in the Commons. Harte,Chapin's Lectures to Young Men, Citizen of a Republic. Ceba, Burnap's Lectures to Young Men, Ramsay's Princ. of Human Happin. and Duty. Beecher's Lectures to Young Men, Bourbon's Works. Young Men; their Importance, &c. Cox, Mrs. Ellis' Prevention better than Cure, Dodd's Discourses to Young Men, Catalogue.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 299 Ethics. Rhetoric. Young Man's Own Book, TEMPERANCE. Lieber's Character of the Gentleman, Chester'ed's Letters tof his SoGen, Use & Abuse of Alcoho. Liquors. Carpenter, Mann's Thoughts for a Young Man, Montagu on Effects of Fermented Liquors. ille's Clerical Manners and Habits, Some Enquir. on Effects of Fermented Liquors. Miller's Clerical Manners andMorewoo on Inebriating Liquors. Foster on Married State; its Obligations, &c., Morewod on nebriating Liquors...'.".'Grindrod's Bacchus; Essay on Intemperance, Domestic Happiness Portrayed. Extracts, Gnro s Bachus Parsons' Anti-Bacchus, Boone's Marriage Looking Glass, Macnish's Anatomy of Drunkenness, Kitchiner's Letters on Mvarriage, KThe Familet B on Maok r Dunlop's Drinking Usages of Gt. Britain, &c., The Family Book, Young Husband's Book, Gasc. Livre des Peres de Famille, Lane's Mysteries of Tobacco, Law of Marr. of Dec'd Wife's Sister. Pusey. t Tobacco. Laneo Paper of Tobacco, Pinch of Snuff, Fox's Finsbury Lectures. Moral Aspects of Medical Life. Marx. Green's Arts and Miseries of Gambling, The Physician and the Patient, Hooker, Green's Gambling Unmasked, The Lawyer; his Character, &c. O'Brien, Green's Secret Band of Brothers, Warren's Moral and Prof. Duties of Att'ys, Milne's Tract on Gambling, Dewey's Views of Commerce and Society, Usury repug. to Divine Law. O'Callaghan, Town's Speculative Masonry, Defence of Usury. Bentham, Free-Mason's Monitor. Hardie. Responsibilities of Employers, Masonic Chart. Cross, Industry and Idleness. Beecher, Smith's Ahiman Rezon. Social Happiness, &c. Mrs. Ellis. Morgan's Illustrations of Masonry. Theocratic Philos. of Free-Masonry. Oliver. PEACE. Excuses of Free-Masonry. Knapp, O'Brien's Mysteries of Free Masonry, Prize Essays on Congress of Nations. Letters on Masonic Institution. Adams. Jay on War and Peace, Letters on Masonry & Anti-Masonry. Stone. Dymond on Accordance of War with Christ'y, Letters on Free-Masonry. (Anti-Masonic). Defensive War a Denial of Christ'y. Wright, Proceedings of Anti-Masonic Convention. War Inconsistent with Religiop of Christ, Hist. of Free-Masonry in Eng. Halliwell, Upham's Manual of Peace. Odiornes Origin and Tendency of Masonry, Harbinger of Peace. (1828-30), Exposition of Ancient Mysteries. Fellows. Friend of Peace. Secret Societies of Middle Ages, Letters on Retaliation, Capit. Pun., and War. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. Young, The Centaur not Fabulous. Northbrooke against Dicing, &c. (Shaks. Soc.) Kingsbury on Law and Government, Owen's Fashionable World Displayed. Foulhouze on Abolition of Capital Punishment, Swan on Abolition of Capital Punishment. RHETORIC. Spear on Punishment by Death, Nature and Principles of Taste. Alison. Cheever's Defence of Capital Punishment, Nature and Principles of Taste. M'Dermot. Burleigh's Thoughts on the Death Penalty, Carter's Lectures on Taste, Cooper's Orat. against taking Human Life, Theory of Taste. Mackenzie, Gerard's Essay on Taste, S ~LABVERY. XKnight's Principles of Taste. Channing on Slavery, Watkins on Caus. of Pleas. & Delight in Mind, Bacon's Essays on Slavery, M'Dermot on Source of Pleas. of Tragic Rep. Barnes' Scriptural Views of Slavery, Macvicar on the Beautiful, Pictur. & Sublime. Bandinel on the African Slave Trade. Ideas on Sublime and Beautiful. Burke; Edwards' on Slavery in Anct. Greece, Cousin's Philosophy of the Beautiful, West India Colonies. M'Queen- Ideas of Beauty and Virtue. Hutchinson, African Slave Trade. Buxton. Treatise on the Sublime. Longinus, Abol. of Slave Trade in Great Brit. Clarkson, Education of Taste. Maccal, Returns of Slave Trade in E. Indies & Ceylon- Kames' Elements of Criticism. Conquerors of New World & their Bondsmen, Blair's Lect. on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres; Walker's Letters on West Indies. Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory. Adams. Paulding's Slavery in United States, Art of Rhetoric. Holmes & Getty, Parker's Letter on Slavery, to People of U. S., Principles of Eloquence. Maury, Appeal for Africans of America. Mrs. Child, Whately's Rhetoric; Jay's Charters of Coloniz. & Anti-Slav. Soc., Aristotle's Rhetoric, Trans; Life of Charles Ball, Rhetoric. Cicero,. MOtt's Biograph. Sketches of Colored Persons, Cicero de Oratore 300 CLA S SIFIED INDEX. [Merc. Lib omnposition E 1locutiola, 1 anguagge Cicero on Oratory and Orators. Wilkin's Philosophical LanguageOrationes Select.e. Cicero, Stoddart's Philosophy of Language, Cicero's Orations; Cramp's Philosophy of Language. Cicero de Partitione Oratoria, Johnson's Treatise on Languages. Quintilian's Institutes of the Orator. Language, its Connection with Man, Walker's Rhetorical Grammar. Monboddo's Origin and History of Language. Aristotle's Rhetoric and Poetics, Origin and Progress of Language, Campbell's Philosophy of Rhetoric. Winning's Manual of Comparative Philosophy. Rhetoric. (Circle of the Sciences), Mitford's Harmony of Language. Ecclesiastes Anglicanus. Gresley, Sacy's Picnic of General Grammar, Henslowe's Phonarthron, or System of Sounds. Nott's First Lessons in English Composition, Newman's Analysis of Sounds, English; or, the Art of Composition. Graham, Gouraud's Cosmo-Phonography. Aristarchus; or, Princ. of Compos. Withers. Strait's Allitter, or Melody of Language, Booth's Principles of English Composition, Banks' Eng. Master; Guide to Eng. Compos. Young's Discoveries in Hieroglyphics. Aristotle's Treatise on Poetry. Trans. Greppo on Hieroglyphic Syst. of Champollion, Puttenham's Arte of English Poesie- Lettre sur les Egyptiens Hieroglyphes. Lanci. Tytler's Essays on Principles of Translation. Wahshih, Anct. Alpha. & Hierog. ExplainedHints on Letter Writing, Principles of Writing. Scott, Letter Writing Simplified, Origin and Progress of Writing. AstlePeyre-Ferry's Art of Epistolary Correspond, System of Penmanship. Foster. New Universal Letter Writer, Complete Penman. RichardsComplete Letter Writer, Lectures on Art of Writing. Carstairs. Universal Amanuensis, Methode d'Ecriture. Carstairs; Ecriture R6egner6e. Villars & CrevatRush's Philosophy of the Human Voice. Gems of Penmanship. GoldsmithOrthophony, or Vocal Cult. Murdock & Russell, Young Clerk's Assistant. Elements of Speech. Herries. System of Short-Hand. Sargeant. System of Short-Hand. Gurney, Smart's Practice of Elocution. System of Short-Hand. Gould, Knowles' Elocutionist, Radiography, or Short-Hand. Roe. Fenelon's Dialogues on Eloquence, Manual of Phonography. Pitman. Dwyer's Essays on Elocution, Eloquence a Virtue. Theremin, Landseer's Sabean ResearchesGraham's Elocution. (Chambers' Ed. Course), Winer's Chaldee Grammar. Bronson on Elocution. Jones' Grammar of Persian LanguageBarber's Introduct. to Grammar of Elocution, Hopkins' Persian, Arabic, and English Diet. Barber's Grammar of Elocution, Lee's Hebrew Grammar. Kirkham's Essay on Elocution, Rudimenta Hebraica Linguae. CevalleriusVandenhoff's Art of Elocution, Wall's Ancient Orthography of Jews. Sheridan's Lectures on Elocution, Hebraica Analecta. Pauli. Speaking as Taught in Yale College. North, Hebrew Char. deriv. fr. Hieroglyphics. Lamb. Chironomia; or, Delivery and Gesture. Austin- Parkhurst's Hebrew and English Lexicon. Gesture & Act. adapted to the Drama. Siddons. Diet. Trilingue, Lat. Grk. Heb. MlunsterPorter's Rhetorical Reader, Phillip's Syriac Grammar. Webster's Lessons in Reading and Speaking, Wilson's Introduc. to Sanscrit Grammar. Mandeville's Elements of Read. and Oratory. Wilson's Sanscrit DictionaryVandenhoff's Plain System of Elocution, Bopp's Comp. Gram. of Sanscrit, Grk., &c. Howe's Reader for the Blind- Hadley's Hindostanee Grammar. Murray's English Reader, Stocqueler's Oriental Interpreter, Murray's Sequel to English Reader, Cash Book in the Gujeratee Language Hart's Class Book of Prose, Howison's Malay Dictionary and GrammarBlake's Biblical Reader, Morrison's Canton Dialect Vocabulary. Maunder's Universal Class Book, Remains of Japhet. ParsonsLovell's United States' Speaker, Hughes' New American Speaker, Kendrick's Introduction to Greek Language, Orator's Own Book, Goodrich's Greek Grammar, Mandeville's Course of Reading for Schools, Buttman's Catalogue of Irregular Grk. Verbs. Blake's Juvenile Compan. and Fireside Reader, Donaldson's New Cratylus; or Knowl. of Grk. Rudim. of Knowl. (Chambers' Educ. Course), Messrs. de Portroyal's Meth. of Learning Grk, Modern Orator. Speeches of Chatham, &c. Neilson's Greek Exercises. LANGUAGE. cValpy's Fundam. Words of Grk. adap. to Stud. Buttman's Lexilogus; Grk. Words & Passages. Jenour's Treatise on Languages, Griechisches Lerebuch. Gedike, Welsford's Mithridates Minor; Essay on Lang. Grecum Lexicon Manuale. Hedericus Catalogue.] CLA SSIFIED INDEX. 301 German, Anglo.Saxon, &c. English Language. Pickering's Greek Lexicon. Comic English Grammar, Liddell and Scott's Greek and English Lexicon. Elementos de la Inglesa Lingua. Cadena. Leake's Researches in Greece- Everett's System of English Versification, Lowndes' Modern Greek and English Lexicon. Talbot's English Etymologies. Tooke's Epea Pteroenta; or, Diver. of Purley. Bosworth's Orig. of Germ. & Scandinav. Lang. Etymologicon Linguae Anglicane. SkinnerBoileau's Nature and Genius of German Lang, Townsend's Etymological ResearchesMuhlenfel's Introd. Lect. at Lond. University. Thomson's English EtymonsLaurenl's German Grammar. Grimshaw's Etymological Dictionary, Follen's Pract. Grammar of Germ. Language, Town's Derivative Words of English Lang, Rowbotham's German Grammar, Rowbotham's Eng. Dictionary from Grk. & Lat, Ollendoiff's New Method of Learning German. Black's Student's Manual of Words der. fr. Grk, Ollendorff's Key to New Meth. of Learn. Ger. Black's Diet. of Words derived from Latin, Ollendorff's German Grammar, Nares on Pronunciation of English. Wittich's German for Beginners, Crabbe's English Synonymes. Sprachlehre fur Deutschen. Wagner. Graham's Synonymes, Ertheiler's Phrase Book; English and German, Piozzi's British Synonymy. Nagel's Pronunciation of German. Platt's Dictionary of English Synonymes, Adler's German and English Dictionary. Carpenter's Dictionary of English Synonymes, Weber's German Dictionary, Johnson's English Dictionary-, Elwell's English and German Dictionary, Knowles' English Dictionary. Flugel & Sporschil's Diet. of Ger. and Eng. Ried's English Dictionary, Teutsch Englisches Lexicon. Ludwig- Bailey's English DictionaryArnold's German and English Vocabulary. Phillips' English DictionaryHoogduitsche Spraakmeester. Zeydelaar. Richardson's English DictionaryHollandoise Grammaire. Zeydelaar. Worcester's English Dictionary. Bush's Analytical English DictionaryBosworth's Elements of Anglo-Saxon Grammar. Walker's English Dictionary, Swift's Rudiments of Anglo-Saxon Grammar. Smart's Walker Remodelled, Klipstein's Anglo-Saxon Grammar, Webster's American DictionaryKilpstein's Analecta Anglo-Saxonica, Walker's Rhyming Dictionary, Rask's Anglo-Saxon Grammar. Book of English Epithets. JermynBosworth's Compendious Anglo-Saxon Gram. Halliwell's Diet. of Archaic & Prov.Words, &c. Langley's Principia Saxonica, Pegge's Anecdotes of English Language. Bosworth's Anglo-Saxon Dictionary. Grose's Provincial Glossary of England. Hollaway's Dictionary of Provincialisms. Webster's Dissertation on English Language. Wilbraham's Cheshire Glossary, Fearne's Anti-Tooke; Analysis of Eng. Lang. Dialect of Craven in Yorkshire. Harrison on English Language, Glossary of Obso. Words and Phrases. Toone, Latham on the English Language. Ker's Archoeology of Rhymes, Richardson's Illustrations of Eng. Philology- Grose's Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. Welsford's Origin & Ramif. of Eng. Language. Forby's Vocabulary of East Anglia, Eng.Lang. to be Lang. of the World. Bradshaw. A Devonshire Dialogue. Palmer, Murray's English Grammar; Exmoor Scolding and Courtship. (Dev. Dial.), Wright's English Grammar, Specimens of Westmoreland & Cumb. Dialects, Difficult, of the Eng. Gram. Remov. Davison, Glossary of Teesdale, Hazen's Grammar of English Language, Leicestershire Dialect and Ploverbs. Evans, Bucke's Classical English Grammar, Tim Bobbin's Lancashire Dialect. Collier, Booth's Principles of English Grammar. Bartlett's Dictionary of Americanisms. Cobbett's English Grammar, Jamieson's Etymolog. Dict. of Scottish LangBrown's English Grammar, Jamieson's Scottish DictionaryLowth's Introduct. to English Grammar, Maclean's Hist. of Celtic Languages, Barrett's Principles of Grammar, Stephens' Literature and Language of Wales. D'Orsey's Eng. Grammar. (Chamb. Ed. Course), O'Donovan's Irish Grammar. Oliver's English Grammar. Kirkham's English Grammar, Jacob's Latin Language Revealed, General Principles of Grammar. (Small Books), Jacob's Self-Instructing Latin Classics, Wells' English Grammar, Initia Latina. Lyon, Clark's English Grammar, Roots of the Latin Language. Hall. Priestley's English Grammar. Schmitz's Latin Gram. (Chamb. Ed. Course,) Ingersoll's Conversations on Grammar, Donaldson's Varronianus; Study of Latin. Chandler's English Grammar, Scheller's Latin Grammar. Crombie's English Grammar. Comic Latin Grammar, Grammar. (Circle of Sciences), Lateinische Grammatik. Broder. Punctuation upon Fixed Principles. Addison, Gibson's French, English, & Latin Vocabulary, Hurd's Grammatical Corrector, Robertson's Latin Phrase Dictionary, 302 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [Merc. Lib. ]latin, Frenchl &c. General lLiteratuare. Dumesnil's Latin Synonymes. Boyd's History of Literature. Latin and English Dictionary. Ainsworth. Progress of Philos. among Ancients. Smith, Leverett's Latin Lexicon. Lycee; ou, Cours de Litterature. La Harpe; Carr's Pronunciation of Proper Names, Staeudlin's HI-ist. of Theol. (Stud. Cab. Lib.), Galfridus'Anglo-Lat. Lex. (Camden Soc. Pub.). Brown's Rise and Progress of Poetry. Totius Latinitatis Lexicon. Facciolati- History of Letter Writing to 5th Cent. Roberts. Dictionnaire Francais et Latin. Trevoux- Dunlop's History of Fiction, Lewis' Essays on the Romance Languages. Adelung's Hist. Sketch of Sanscrit Literature. Kelhan's Dictionary of the Norman Language. Scandinavian Literature. Bosworth. Veneroni's Italian Master, Lan. & Lit. of Sclavic Nations. Mrs. Robinson. Crestomatia Italiana. GUaetani. Hallam's Introd. to Literature of Europe. Italiana Grammatica. Castelli. Sismondi's Hist. Literature of South Europe. Panizzi's Italian Grammar, Coleridge's Introduc. to Greek Classic Poets, Grammatica della Lingua Tedesca. Chirchmair. Griechen Poesie. Schlegel. (Works), Bottarelli's Exercises in Italian Language, Lyrischen Dichtkunst der Griechen. Schlegel, Key to the Same by Rota. (Bottarelli), Epische Dicht. der Griech. Schlegel. (Works), Italianische Grammatica. Kramer. Theatre of the Greeks. Barretti's Italian and English Dictionary- Dunlop's History of Roman Literature, Santagnello's Italian Dictionary. Ticknor's History of Spanish Literature. Bowring's Poetry and Romances of Anc. Spain, Nature Displayed in Teaching Span. Duflef. Bibliomania of the Mid. Ages. Merryweather, Rabadan's Lessons in Spanish, Modern European Literature. Foster, Cadena's Introduction to Spanish Conversation, Influ. of Welsh Traditions on For. Lit. Schulz. Diccionario de la Academia Espafola. Hipperley's Chapters on Early Eng. Literature, Vieyra's Portuguese Grammar. Chateaubriand's Sketches of Eng. Literature, Vieyra's Portuguese and English Dictionary. Shaw's Outlines of English Literature, Meadow's Spanish and English Dictionary, Chambers' Hist. of Eng. Language and Litera, Neuman's Spanish and English Dictionary. Cunningham's History of British Literature. Thoughts on Degradation of Science in England. Perrin's French Grammar, Hunt's Fourth Estate; or, Hist. of Newspapers, Grammaire Francaise. Restant, Gray's Hist. Sketch of English Prose Litera. Pontet's French Grammar, Hazlitt's Lect. on Elizabethan Dramatic Liter., Hodgson's French and English Grammar, Spirit of the Age. Hazlitt, Grammaire Nationale. Bescherelle Freres. Warton's Hist. of Eng. Poetry, 1 Ith-18th Cent. Levizac's French Grammar. Literary Hist. of the Nineteenth Cent. Nichols. Roots of the French Language. Hall, John Scott's Essays on English Poets. Dictionnaire Fran9. Fleming et Tibbins- Aikin's Letters to Young Lady on Eng. Poetry. Dictionnaire de l'Acadnemie Frangaise- Guest's Hist. of Eng. Poetry to 14th Cent. Leqons Frangaises. Berard, Rice's Introduction to American Literature, Rouillon's French Companion, Knapp's Lectures on American Literature. Ollendorff's New Method of Learning French, Orators of the Age. Francis, Pinney's Practical French Teacher, Muhlenfel's Introduction to German Literature. Le Brethon's Guide to the French Language; Klopstock; Treat. on Ger. Liter. Tolhausen. Abeille Francaise. Deseze, Taylor's Historic Survey of German Poetry. Principes de la Langue Frangaise. Wailly, Litterature Francaise. Barante, Sandier's French Pronouncing Book, Litt6rature Francaise. Villemain, Chrestomathie Francaise, par Ladreyt, Litterature Franc. du Moyen Age. Villemain, Ladreyt's Study of French Simplified, Histoire de Francaise Litterature. Lefranc, Synonymes Francaise. Girard, Vericour's Modern French Literature, Diction. Allemande et Frangaise. Schuster. Otto's History of Russian Literature. Dufief's Dictionary of French and English, Objects and Uses of Science and Lit. Potter, Wilson's French and English Dictionary. Influ. of Literature on Society. Mde de Stael, Diet.NouveauFraniaise-Allemand. Frisch. Tuckerman's Characteristics of Literature, Dictionnaire Frangaise-Anglais. Boyer- Montgomery's Lect. on Poetry, Literature, &c, Spier's English and French Dictionary. Litt6rature et les Institutions Sociales. Stael. Dictionnaire Francaise. Roquefort. Uber Die Poesie. (Works.) Schlegel, GENERAL LITERATURE. Spirit of German Poetry. Gostick. Hunt's Stories from Italian Poets, Massey's Origin and Progress of Letters. Italian Novelists. Roscoe, Alten und neuen Litteratur. (Works.) Schlegel, Bowles' Letters on Criticism. Etudes sur l'Antiquit6. Chasles, Brydges' Censura Literaria, Matthiae's Manual of Greek & Roman Litera. Rapin's Critical Works. Classicher Althen Thum. (Works.) Schlegel, Hazlitt's Lectures on Eng. Comic Writers. Schlegel's Anc. and Mod. History of Literature; Lester's Criticisms, Alves' Sketches of a History of Literature. Lowell's Conversations on Old Poets, Tannehill's Hist. of Literature to 15th Cent. Lexiphanes; a Dialogue imitated from Lucian. Catalogue.] CLA S SIFIED INDEX. 303 Literary Criticism. Bibliography. Menzel's Dissert. on Germ. Lit. (Ripley's Spec.) Editions of Holy Bible, 1505 to 1820. Cotton. Miuhlenfel's Manual of German Prose, Succession of Sacred Liter. to 1300. Clarke. Sale of Authors. Campbell, Bibliothece Americanee Primordia. KennetSpecimens of British Critics. Wilson, Liter. of Local American History. Ludewig. Critic in Parliament and Public since 1835, Bibliotheca Marsdeniana. MarsdenUtility of Anglo-Saxon Literature. Ingraham. American Books, 1500-1830. Rich. Lectures on English Poets. Hazlitt, Catalogue of Five Hund. Liv. Auth. of Gt.Brit. Illustr. of Anglo-Saxon Poetry. Conybeare. Scarce Books on History of Eng. CatalogueEssays on Authors and Books. Jones, American Antiquarian Society Catalogue. Wood's Essay on Homer. Baltimore Lib. Co. Catalogue. Taylor's Dissertation on Aristotle's Philos- Boston Athenaeum Catalogue. Sewell's Introduction to Plato's Dialogues, Boston Library Cat. (Lond. Cat. 1800-22). Schleirmacher's Introduc. to Plato's Dialogues. Boston Mere. Lib. Association Catalogue; Bentley's Dissertation on Epistles of Phalaris. Boston Soc. of Nat. History Catalogue. Review of Demosthenes de Corona, Brown University Catalogue. Suvern's Essay on' the Birds of Aristophanes. Cincinnati Mere. Lib. Assoc. Catalogue. Forgery in Let. of Cicero & Brutus. Tunstall. Congress Library Catalogue. On Wayland Smith; a Trad. of Middle Ages, Hartford Young Men's Institute Catalogue. Illustr. of Childe Harold, &c. Hobhouse. Harvard University Catalogue. Gibbon's Roman Empire Reviewed. Whitaker. Linonian Soc. (Yale College.) Catalogue. Notes on Virgil's Geor. & Bucolics. Keightley, Lowell Middlesex Mechanic's Assoc. Catalog. Voltaire's Works Analysed. Linguet. New-York Society Library Catalogue. Report on Ossian's Poems. Mackenzie. New-York Mere. Lib. Assoc. Catalogue; Warton's Observ. on Spenser's Fairy Queen. New-York Apprentices' Lib. Catalogue, Philomorus, an Examina. of T. More's Poems, Pennsylvania State Library Catalogue. Essay on Life & Writ. of E. Spenser. Hart. Phil. Academy of Natural Sciences Catalog. On Lives & Writ. of Gower & Chaucer. Todd. Philadelphia Library Co. Catalogue. Oberon's Vis. & Lylies Endymion. (Shaks. So.) Philadel. Mere. Lib. Co. Catalogue; Bryant's Observ. on Poems of Thos. Rowley. Providence Athenaeum Catalogue. Warner's Illustrations of Waverley Novels, Salem Atheneum Catalogue. Letters to Heber on the Waverley Novels, Soc. of Brothers in Unity, (Yale Col.) Catal. Characters of Schiller. Mrs. Ellet, Zanesville Atheneum Catalogue, Law Books in Edin. Advocate's Lib. Catalogue. 3BIB~LIOG:RAPHY. London Institution Catalogue. Introduct. to Study of Bibliography. Borne. London Library Catalogue. Advice in Literary Pursuits. Knapp, Printed Books in British Museum CatalogueAppleton's Library Manual. Royal Institution of Gt. Brit. Catalogue. Manuel du Libraire. Brunet. Scientific Books in Lib. of Royal Soc. Catal. Lowndes' Manual of English Literature. Works on Med. & Nat. Hist. of Radcliffe Lib. Ebert's Bibliographical Dictionary. Library of Duke of Roxburghe. Catalogue. Watts' Bibliotheca Britannica- Library of Duke of Buckingham. Catalogue. La France Litt6raire. Querard. Library of Sir Horace Walpole. CatalogueRestituta; Titles Revived. Brydges. Books for Sale by Bartlett & Welford. Catal. Eng. Gentleman's Lib. Manual. Goodhugh. " " H. G. Bohn. Catalogue. Bibliographie de la France. (1841-3)." " John Doyle. Catalogue. Rare Edit. of Grk. and Latin Classics. Dibdin. " " Geo. P. Putnam. Catalogue. Manual of Classical Bibliography. Moss. " " Thos. Thorpe. Catalogue. Museum Criticum. Grk. and Lat. Class. for Sale by Talboys. Cat, Bibliotheque Anglo-Saxonne. Michel. Theolog. Books for Sale by Talboys. Catalog, Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica. Livres Franqais en Vente par Bossange. Catal. Bibliographia Poetica. Ritson. London Catalogue of Books. Catalogue of Authors of Gt. Brit. Walpole. Bibliotheca Londinensis. Authors of France. Albites, Bent's Literary AdvertiserLiterature of Church of England. Cattermole. Bibliomania. Dibdin. Manual of British Historians to 1600. Macray. Bibliophobia. Dibdin. Bibliographie Biographique. Oettinger. Bibliosophia; or, Book Wisdom. Beretsord, Medical Bibliography. Atkinson. Bibliographical and Retrospective Miscellany, Manual of Medical Bibliography. Forbes. Library Companion. Dibdin. Notices of Arithmetical Books. De Morgan. Report on Public LibrariesLiterature of Political Economy. M' Culloch. Notes on the Sup. of Author's Mem. Brydges, History of the Works of the Learned. Repertorium Bibliographicum. British Librarian. Oldys. Anecdotes of Books and Authors, Bibliotheca Americana. Roorback. Timperley's Lit. and Typographical Anecdotes. Bibliotheca Americana- Olio of Bibliographical Anecdotes. Davis, French Librarian. Ventouillac. Anecdota Literaria. Wright. Manual of Biblical Bibliography. Horne. Anecdotes of Literat. and Scarce Books. Beloe. 304 CLA SSIFIED INDEX. [Merc. Lib. Typography. Reviews, Magazines. Index Expurgatorius, The Parthenon Magazine. (1826). Liter. Policy of Church of Rome. Mendham. Glasgow Athenwum Album. (1848)Plans for Gentlemens' Libraries, Court and Lady's Magazine. Columbian Lady's and Gentle. Mag. (1846-8). Annales de l'Imprimerie des Alde. Renouard. Hone's Year Book. Annals of Parisian Typography. Greswell. The Talisman for 1830, Early Parisian Greek Press. Greswell. The Analyst. (1834-40). Author's Printing and Publishing Assistant, U. States Mag. & Democratic Rev. (1837-50). Typographical Gazetteer. Cotton. Youth's Miscellany of Knowledge, Typographia, or the Print. Instructor. Johnson, People's Journal. (1846-50). Typographical Antiquities. Ames- Chambers' Edinburgh Journal. (1832-50)-, History of Printing in America. Thomas. Eclectic Magazine. (1844-50). Dictionary of Printing. Savage. Eclectic Museum of Foreign Liter., &c. (1843). Printer's Guide. Van Winkle, Burton's Gentleman's Magazine. Guide to Trade. Printer, European Mag. and Lond. Review. (1782-93). PERIODI~CALS. Museum of Foreign Liter. and Art. (1822-42). Littell's Living Age. (1844-50). Edinburgh Review. (1803-50). Western Monthly Magazine. (1833-6). Dublin Review. (1836-43 and 48-50). United Service Mag. (1832-50). Colburn. Quarterly Review. (1803-50). Literary World. Lond. (1839-40). Foreign Quarterly Review. (1832-46). Monthly Magazine. (1836-43). Westminster Review. (1828-45). Ackerman's Repository of Arts, Literature, &c. Foreign and Colonial Quarterly Rev. (1843). Journal of the American Instit. (1836-40). North British Review. (1844-50). Amer. Jour. of Sci. & Art. (1818-44). Silliman. Monthly Review. (1749-1825). Plough, Loom, and Anvil. (1848-9). Skinner. Selections from the Edinburgh Review. Cross. Western Review. (1828-30). British and ForeignReview. (1835-44). Jerrold's Shilling Magazine. (1845-8). British Critic. (1839-43). The Knickerbocker. (1833-50). Church of Eng. Quarterly Review. (1839-43). Literary World. (1847-50)Annual Review and Hist. of Literat. (1802-8). lirror of Liter., Amusements, &c. (1823-39). Revue Francaise. (1833-7.) Foreign Review and Continen. Miscellany. Eclectic Review. (1805-50). New-York Literary Gazette. (1834-5)Revue Encyclopedique. (1830-1). Gentleman's Miscellany. Wright, Southern Review. (1828-32). Examiner. Gardinier. Southern Quarterly Review. (1845-50). New-York Illustrated Magazine. (1846-7). American Quarterly Review. (1827-37). Ladies' Companion. (1827-44). Stryker's American Quar. Regis. (1848). New-England Magazine. (1831-5). Walsh's American Register. (1817). Asiatic Journal. (1837-43). New-York Review. (1837-41). Atlantic Magazine. (1824-5). N. Y. Review and Atheneum Magazine. Union Magazine. (1847-50). United iStates Review and Lit. Gaz. (1826-7). Analectic Magazine. (1813-19). Massachusetts Quarterly Review. (1847-9), Bentley's Miscellany. (1837-50). North American Review. (1820-50). Frazer's Magazine. (1830-50). Boston Quarterly Rev. (1838-42.) Brownson. American Monthly Magazine. Biblical Reper.& Prince. Rev. (1831-43,48-9) Ainsworih's Magazine. (1842-50). American Review, a Whig Journal. (1845-9). American Museum. Methodist Quarterly Review. (1847-9), Army and Navy Chronicle. (1836-9). Literary and Scientific Repository. (1820-1). Monthly Military Repository. (1796-7). Retrospective Review. (1820-8). Rugby Magazine, American Rev. of Hist. & Politics. (1811-12). Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. (1817-50). Mercurioltalico; or, the Italian Mercury. Prospective Review. (1847). Journal of Science and Arts. (1817-18). The Family Magazine. (1838-40). New Monthly Magazine. (1822-50). Sailor's Magazine. (1838-49). Athenccum, the. (1832-49)- Monthly Visitor. (1799-1802). Southern Literary Messenger. (1836-49). Evangelical Guardian and Review. (1817-18). Dublin University Magazine. (1832-50). Christian Examiner. (1831-50). Illinois Monthly Magazine. (1831). Christian Observer. (1802-4, 11-16, 43, 47-9). Gentlemen's Magazine. (1731-1850). Church of England Magazine. (1839-42). U. States Literary Gazette. (1825). Wesleyan Methodist Magazine. (1846-50). The Extractor. (1829). Nineteenth Century. (1848). The Polar Star. (1829-32). Missionary Magazine. (1806-7). The Mirror. (1779-80). Missionary Herald. (1822-43). Monthly Mirror. (1807-9). Christian Missionary Civilization. New Mirror. (1843-4). Tait's Edinburgh Magazine. (1832-49). American Month. Mag. and Crit. Review. The Portfolio. (1809-24). Graham's Magazine. (1842-50). Lady's Magazine. (1837). Catalogue.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 305 Newspapers. Essays. London Saturday Journal. (1839-41). De Finibus. Cicero. The New-Englander. (1844-9). British Essayists, Merchant's Mag. and Corn. Rev. (1839-50). Essayist. Illustrated Year Book, Guardian. (British Essayists); Court Magazine. The Tatler. (British Essayists); Monthly Repository. (1836-7). The Spectator, by Addison. (Brit. Essayists); The Critic, by Leggett. The Rambler. Johnson. (British Essayists); Monthly Register. (1807-8). Adventurer, by Hawkesworth, &c. (Brit. Ess.); The Rural Visitor- The Idler. Johnson. (British Essayists), Milit. and Naval Mag. of U. S. Homans. Wisdom of Ramb., Advent., & Idler. Johnson. The Polyanthos. (1812-14). Bacon's Essays, The Original. Walker. Looker-On, by Roberts. (Brit. Essayists), Metropolitan Magazine. (1831-50). The Connoisseur. (British Essayists.) The Sunbeam- Essays of Elia. Lamb, Revue de Paris. (1839-40). Lost Essays of Elia. Lamb. (Greenbank's Lib.) Mensch Moralischen Wochenschrift, Hume's Essays. The Observer. Cumberland. X- Scatr (1797-1802)- The Seer, or Cor. Places Refreshed. Hunt. New-kYork Spectator. (1797-1802)- The Reflector. Hunt and others. The Jeffersonian. (1838-9)- Imagination and Fancy. Hunt, The Spectator. Weekly Newspaper. (1838-43)-The Liberal. H t. Literary Chronicle and Weekly Rev. (1821)- Ja of Honey fom Mt. Hyba. Hunt Companion to the Newspaper for 1833- The Town; its Character and Events. Hunt, New-York Weekly Mirror. (1844)- Indicator and Companion. Hunt, New-York Mirror. (1830-42)- The Projector. Chalmers. Atlas. G(1828-43)- The Pioneer, a Series of Essays. Graham, Literary Gazette. (1827, 1832-43)- The Optimist. Tckerman, Albany Evening Journal. (Feb.-May, 1840)- The ptimist. Tuckemion, New-York Daily Advertiser. (1830-5)- The Savage, a Series of Essays. Piomingo, Albion. (1837-49)- The Lounger. (1826). Daily Union. (1845-7)- Arcturus. Mercantile Advertiser. (1830-7)- The Enquirer. Godwin. New-York Literary Gazette. (1839)- Plain Speaker. Hazlitt. The New-Yorker. (1836-41)- TheFriend. Coleridge New-York Times & Corm. Intellig. (1836-41)- Illustrationsof Sterne, &c. Ferriar Journal of Commerce. (1837-49)- Moral and Literary Essays. Knox. Evening Post. (1810-11, 1837-49)-Selections from Macaulay New- fork American. (1828-45)- Macaulay's Essays and Reviews. Morning Courier & N. Y. Enquir. (1830-49)- Macaulay's Essays, Critical and Historical. National Intelligencer. (1813-35)- Chambers Essays, New-York Commercial Advertiser. (1828-49)- Hume's Philosophical Essays. New- York Daily Express. (1837-9)- Emerson's Essays, New-York Tribune. (1841-9)- Cheever's Hill Difficulty and other Miscellanies, New-York Weekly Messenger. (1833-4)- Salmagundi. Irving and Paulding, Daily Albany Argus. (1835-40)- Papers on Polit., Moral, & Lit. Sub. Webster. Friends' Intelligencer. Sub. connect. with Literature & Life. Whipple, The Churchman. (1831-6,1839-44)-Whiple's Essays and Reviews, New- York Observer. (1833-6)- Physisch-Moralische Zeitbedurfnisse. Stilcke, New- York Evangelist. (1842-3)- Drake's Essays, Biograph., Critical, and Hist., Baptist Repository. (1833)- Brougham's Critical & Miscellaneous Writings, Illustrated London News. (1845-9)- Brougham's Opinions on Politics, &c, Leigh Hunt's London Journal- Scott's Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, Ntles' Weekly- Register.J(1811-48)- Foster's Essays on Decision of Character, &c., Congressional Globe- Foster's Essays, contributed to Eclectic Rev, The Examiner. (1838-49)- Wakefield's Variety; Essays and Selections, The Corsair. (1839-40)- Jameson's Essays on Morals, Literature, & Art, The Dial. (1840-4). Boyle's Occasional Reflections, Cape of Good Hope Literary Gazette- Rousseau's Discourses. Courrier des Etats Unis. (1830-9)- Essais de Montaigne, L'lllustration; Journal Universel. (1845-6)- Montagu's Essays and Selections, Le Charivari. (1843)- Allemagne. Mde. de Stael, Le Cameleon Journal. Giles' Lectures and Essays, Noticioso de Ambos Mundos. (1836-43)- Maximus' Dissertations. ESSAYS, LETTERS AND SPEECHE. Drake's Even. in Autumn; a Series of Essays, DESSAYS, LETTEs, Drake's Mornings in Spring, Cato and Lelius. Cicero. Drake's Winter Nights, 39 306 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [Merc. Lib. Letters and Speeches. liscellaneous Literature. Knox's Winter Evenings, Extracts from Eminent Authors. Barker, Lanman's Essays for Summer Hours, Translations, &c. from Gresset and Marmontel, Mrs. Hale's Saturday Evenings; Ser. of Essays, Chambers' Cyclopaedia of English Literature. Museum of Literature. Select. fr. Eng. Rev. Potter's Reader's and Student's Hand-Book, Friends in Council, Cleveland's Compendium of Eng. Literature, Adam Smith's Philosophical Essays- Half Hours with the Best Authors. Knight, Beattie's Essays. (Works), Specimens of Eng. Prose Writers. Burnett. Butler's Holy and Profane States; with Mem, Gr-eca Majora. Dalzel. Jeffrey's Contributions to the Edinb. Review. New Extracts from British Writers, Manuscript, tile. Essays. Literary Extracts. Poynder. Channing on National Liter. (Stud. Cab. Lib.), Fragments of Literature, Working-Man's Companion; Cottage Even, Prose & Po. of Europe & Am. Morris & Willis. Fox's Lectures to Working Classes, Fragments from Germ. Prose Writers. Austin, Rumford's Essays, Political, Economical, &c. German Romance and History. Haas, Fuller's Papers on Literature and Art, Prose Writers of Germany. Hedge. Shaftesbury's Characteristics of Men, &c. German Literature. Menzel, D'Israeli's Curiosities of Literature, Hausschatz Deutscher Prosa. Wolff. The Analyst. Jones, Repertoire de Litt6rature Franqaise. Ladreyt, Butler's Reminiscences, School Library of Useful Knowledge. Hopkins, Wilson's Essays, Prosateurs et Poetes Frangaise. Hundeiker. Stephen's Essays, Analecta Anglo-Saxonica. Thorpe. Tooke's Miscellaneous Tracts. Mind among the Spindles, Everett's Essays, with Poems, Voices from the Press. Brenton. Essays on Taste, Morals, &c. Republic of Letters. Vols. 1-2-. Franklin's Essays, (in Life), Accounts and Extracts of MSS. in Bib. du Roi. Argenson's Essays, Civil, Moral, and Literary. American Library of Useful Knowledge, Charms of Benevolence, Brydges' Archaica; Reprint of TractsEssays Written in Intervals of Business, Chambers' Miscel. of Useful & Enter. Knowl, Walsh's Didactics, Chambers' Information for the People. Essays on Conversation and Quackery, Boston Book of Metropolitan Literature, Vaughan's Essays on History, Philos., &c., Friend of Youth. Selections. Worcester, Oxford English Prize Essays. 1771-1836, Parterre of Fiction, &c. Vermischte Aufsktse. Schlegel. (Works), Miscellany of Eastern Learning. Cardonne, Child's Letters from New-York, Dictionary of Quotations, Dudley's Letters to Bishop of Llandaff. Clark's Gathered Fragments, Schiller's _Esthetic Letters, The Phenix, a Collection of Fragments, Goethe's Correspondence with a Child, Gleanings from a Gathered Harvest. Noah, Fitzosborne's Letters. Melmoth, Results of Reading. Caldwell. Carter's Letters to Mrs. Montagu.(1755-1800). Taylor's Notes from Books, Bedford's (Duke of) Correspondence. Southey's Common-Place Book. Landon's Pericles and Aspasia, Amer. Common-Place Book. Prose. Cheever, Cicero's Letters. Letters and Essays. Sharp, Letter from Thrasybulus to Leucippe. Frreet. Greenwood Leaves, Thoughts of a Statesman. (Small Books), Dreams and Reveries of a Quiet Man. Fay, The Turkish Spy; Letters from Paris. Marana, Richardson's Lit. Leaves in Prose and Verse. Burke's Correspondence. (1744-97). Fragments, Lettres, et Pensees. Pascal. Dennis' Original Letters. Montgomery's Prose, by a Poet, Cicero's Orations. Knickerbocker Sketch Book. Clark, Cicero's Pleadings against Verres. Clark's Literary Remains. Lysias and Isocrates. Orations translated- Hillhouse's Dramas, Discourses, & other Piec, Everett's Orations and Speeches. Book of the Boudoir. Lady Morgan, Brougham's Speeches. 1810-38. The World, by Chesterfield and others. Specimens of Irish Eloquence. Phillips. Talfourd's Sketches and Let. Mem. of Lamb, Channing's Discourses and Essays. Landor's Imaginary Conversations of Lit. Men. Bethune's Orations and Occasional Discourses, Tucker's Rambles and Reveries, Chapman's Select Speeches. Sporting Scenes and Country Characters. Channing's Select Speeches. Journal of the Heart, Canning's Speeches. Barton's Memoirs, Letters, and Poems, Emerson's Addresses and Lectures on Nature, Eccentricities of Literature and Life. Serjeant's Speeches. Waldie's Literary OmnibusSpeech. of Phillips, Curran, Grattan, & Emmett. Hood's Whims and Oddities, Webster's Speeches and Arguments. Hunt's Wit and Humor, Common-Place Book of British Eloquence, Hunt's Readings for Railways, Eloq. de Tribune Fran. et Anglaise. Marcel. Hunt's Men, Women, and Books, Oraisons Funebres de Bossuet, Grant's Walks, and Wand. in World of Liter, Selections from Taylor, Hall, &c. Montagu, Visit to the British Museum, Catalogue.] C L A S IFIED IND E X. 307 lMiscellaneous Literature. Anecdotes, &c. Decline of Science in England. Babbage- Something for Every Body. Hall, Breton's Characteristics; and Good, and Bad- Shelley's Essays, Letters, &c. Beauties of Webster, Reliquae Wottonianue. W1otton, Story on Science, Liter., &c. (Stud. Cab. Lib.), Divine, Moral, and Political Resolves. FellthamSketches from a Student's Window. Goodrich, Frances Wright's Course of Popular Lectures, Chapters on Churchyards. Caroline Southey, Contributions of Q. Q. Jane Taylor, Lift for the Lazy. Griffths, Discours et Melanges Litteraires de Villemain, Sacred Philosophy of the Seasons. Duncan, Le Beau-Pere et le Gendre. Le Brun, Materials for Thinking. Burdon. Pegge's Anonymiana. Materials for Thinking, The Doctor, &c. Southey, Headley's Parlor Book. Caracteres. La Bruyere, Goldsmith's Poems, Plays, and Essays, Boston & Vicinity, Travels by Ali Bey. Knapp, Hazlitt's Sketches and Essays, Book without a Name. Morgan, Hazlitt's Round Table, Beloe's Sexagenarian's Recol. of a Liter. Life. Book of Table Talk, An Author's Mind. Tupper, Table-Talk; Selections from the Ana, Litt6rature et Philosophie. Hugo, Coleridge's Specimens of Table Talk, Allston's Lectures on Art, and Poems, Hazlitt's Table Talk, Acton, or the Circle of Life, Drake's Noontide Leisure, Remaining Fragments of ProclusNoctes Ambrosianse of Blackwood. Wilson, Une Lecture par Jour. Boniface. Drake's Literary Hours. Tutti Frutti. Puckler Muskau, Jones' Literary Studies, Winter Stud. and Summer Rambles. Jameson. Irving's Crayon Miscellany, Visits & Sketches at Home & Abroad. Jameson, Irving's Sketch Book; Extracts fr. the Diary of a Lover of LiteratureHairiet Martineau's Miscellanies, Transactions of Lit. and Philos. Soc. of N.Y.Talfourd's Miscellanies, Chateaubriand's Recol. of Italy, Eng. & Amer. Collins' Miscellanies, Philadelphia Book. Prescott's Miscellanies. Forbe's Line of Life. (Shakspeare Soc.) Verplanck's and others' Miscellanies, Hare's Guesses at Truth, Watts' Miscellaneous Thoughts, Rogers' Fugitive Pieces, Melanges de Rousseau. Reade's Prose from the South, Melanges de George Sand, The Printing Machine. D'Israeli's Miscellanies of Literature, Young Gentleman's Book, D'Israeli's Amenities of Literature, Young Men's AdvocateSmeaton's Miscellaneous Papers- The Literary Character. D'Israeli, Williams' Miscellanies. Dialogues des Morts. F6nelon, Hone's Facetie and Miscellanies. Book of Human Character. Bucke, Barante, Melanges, Historiques et Litteraires, Characters. Theophrastus, Headley's Miscellanies, Ideal Man, Headley's Sketches and Rambles, Char. et Mceurs de ce Siecle. La Bruyere, Smith's Letters and Comic Miscellanies, Carlyle's Sartor Resartus, Tudor's Miscellanies, Living and Dead, Melanges en Prose en en Vers de Lamartine. Wise Men of Gotham. Halliwell, Voltaire's Miscellanies. Glances at Life in City and Suburb. Webbe, Hone's Every Day Book. Vortigern & Rowena, a Com. Tragedy. Dudley, Edwards' Feathers fi. Wings. Poems & Tales, Quarrels of Authors. D'Israeli, Sterling's Essays and Tales. Calamities of Authors. D'Israeli, DaIl's Essays and Sketches, Anecdotes, Ancient and Modern. Andrews. Hunt's Book for a Corner, Anecdotes of Books and Men. Spence. Taylor's Notes from Life, Anecdotiana. Conversations at Cambridge, Anecdote Library, Davy's Consolations in Travel, American Anecdotes, Simms' Views and Reviews in Literature, Religious Anecdotes. Buck. Carlyle's Critical and Miscellaneous Writings, M6lange Amusante. Le Sage, Bulwer's Conversa. with Ambitious Student, Laird of Logan; or Anecdotes of Scotch Wit Charlotte Barnes' Plays, Prose and Poetry, London Anecdotes, Pensees de Pascal, Selections from French Anas, Echo des Feuilletons, &c. Lectures on Heads. Stevens, Miss Bowdler's Poems and Essays, Heads of the People. Esquisses Politiques et Litteraires de Ouvarof. Punch's Letters to his Son. Jerrold, Evening Thoughts, by a Physician, Caricature Scrap Book. Kind Heart's Dream. (Percy Soc.), Scenes de Vie des Animaux. Stahl. Fugitive Pieces, Hazlitt's Characteristics, Cabinet of Curiosities. Apothegms of the Ancients. Erasmus, Conversations in Rome. Channing, Aphorisms and Reflections. Clulow, Salons Celebres. Gay, Proverbial Philosophy. Tupper, 308 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [Mere. Lib. Facetie. iMiicellaneous Works. Sidney's Aphorisms, Pope's Works. Polylogy, Milton's Prose and Poetical Works. Hood's Comic Almanac. (1842), Dryden's Prose Works. Bowl of Punch, Hood's Prose and Verse, Joe Miller's Jest-Book, Mitford's Works. Hood's Own. Hobbes' Works. Hood's Endless Fun, Fielding's Works, with Memoir. Cruikshank's Omnibus. Sir Thos. Browne's Works and Life. Comic Almanac for 1842, Berkeley's Works, with Memoir. British Martial; English Epigrams, Sidney's Works, Greville's Maxims, Characters, &c. Parr's Works. Esprit, Pensees, et Maximes. Maury. Follen's Works, with a Memoir, Lacon. Colton, Davy's Works. Laconics, or Best Words of the Best Authors, Burke's Works. Book of Notable Things. Cowley's Prose Works, Nuts to Crack, Bp. England's Works, Edited by Reynolds. Tin Trumpet; or Heads and Tales, Buckminster's Works, with Memoir, Devil on Two Sticks in England, Butler's Works, Political History of the Devil, Mrs. Tonna's [Charlotte Elizabeth] Works. Search for Honey. (Percy Soc.), Bentham's Works. Poor Artist; Seven Eyesights and One Object, Earl of Chesterfield's Works. Early Magnet. in its Higher relat. to Humanity. Chesterfield's (Earl of) Miscellaneous Works. Cooper's Letter to his Countrymen. James' Works. Harriet Martineau's How to Observe, St. Evremond's Works. Death's Doings. Dagley. Sprague's Writings, Pierce Penniless' Supp. to Devil. (Shaks. Soc.) Shefield's Works, Forde's Honor Triumphant. (Shaks. Soc.) Jenyns' Works and Life, WORKS. Cecil's Works. Lady Montagu's Letters and Works. Xenophon. Opera. (Greec6), Reid's Works. Xenophon's Works. Defoe's Works. Porphyry's Works. Coleridge's Works in Prose and Verse. Lucian's Works. Translated- Coleridge's Literary Remains. Addison's Complete Works. Temple's WorksAddison's Works, except Spectator, Mary W. Godwin's Posthumous Works, Raleigh's Works. Dana's Poems and Prose Writings, Sterne's Works. Charles I., Works ofLamb's Works, with Life and Letters, Sydney Smith's Works, Lamb's Works; Lyttleton's Works. Lamb's Prose Works, Channing's Works, Bacon's Works. Franklin's Works, with Mem. of his own Life. Swift's Works; Franklin'sWorks,with Notes & Life by Sparks. Hume's Philosophical Works. Franklin's Select Writings, Smollett's Miscellaneous Works. Fisher Ames' Works. Home's Works. Literary Remains of O. B. Peabody, Jane Taylor's Writings, Newton's Posthumous Works, Sands' Writings, in Prose and Verse. Cassius M. Clay's Writings. Paley's Works; Boyle's WorksMore's Works; Boys' WorksLegare's Writings. Goldsmith's Miscellaneous Works; Johnson's Works; with Life; Selections from Goldsmith's Writings. Irving, Locke's Works-. Stillingfteet's Literary Life and Select Works. Sir Win. Jones' Works and Life. Chambers' Select Writings, Posthumous Works of Frederic II. Gibbon's Miscellaneous Works. Chalmers' Works. Smollett's Select Works. Harris' Works. Hildrop's Miscellaneous Works, Cowpers' Works, Beauties of Southey's Prose Work, Dryden's Works. Parker's Critical and Misc. Writings, Beattie's Works, Griffin's Remains, with a Memoir. Mrs. Barbauld's Works, Cecil's Remains, Byron's Works and Life, by T. Moore, Neele's Remains, in Prose and Verse, Gray's Poems and Letters, White's Remains, Chatterton's Works, and Select Prose, Beauties of White, Landor's Works. Scott's Miscellaneous Prose Works, Poe's Works, Life, and Genius, Pascal's Miscellaneous Writings, Wilkes' Lettersi Poems, and Life, Humphrey's Miscellaneous Works. Catalogue.l CA L A SS IFIED IND E X. 309 Works, French and German. Poetry. Hazlitt's Remains. Poetic Reniains of the Scot. Kings. Chalmers. Tribune. Lamartine. Poems of Ossian, Orann and Ulin. Hardinge's Miscell. Works, Prose and Verse. Excerpta Tudoriana. Brydges. Greenwood's Miscellaneous Writings, Beauties of Anc. English Poetry. Headley. Toland's Miscellaneous Works. Metrical Romances, 13th to 15th Cent. Weber, Beauties of Waits, Thornton Romances. (Camden Soc.)Arnold's Miscellaneous Works. Three Early Eng. Romances. (Camden Soc.)Selections from Fenelon, with a Memoir, Ellis' Early English Metrical Romances, Bulwer's Critical and Miscellaneous Writings, Lyric Poetry in Reign of Edw. I. (Percy Soc.), Story's Miscellaneous Writings. Old English Poets, Mackintosh's Miscellaneous Works. Collier's Poetical Decameron, Beauties of Irving, Select Works of British Poets. Aikin. CEuvres de Prevost. Works and Lives of British Poets. Sanford, (Euvres de Voltaire. The Aldine Poets, (Euvres de Boileau-Despreaux. Campbell's Spec. of British Poets. (1400-1805). CEuvres de Helveltus. Select Poets of Great Britain. Hazlitt. CEuvres de Balzac. Select Works of British Poets. Frost. CEuvres de Leibnitz, Lord Northampton. The Tribute. (Euvres de Dumas. Laurel and Lyre. Fugitive Poetry, (Euvres de Le Brun. Songs and Carols, CEuvres de La MUennais, Sketches in Verse. CEuvres de Pothier. Female Poets of Great Britain. Rowton. CEuvres Posthumes de Frederic II. Ritson's English Anthology. CEuvres Completes de Rousseau. Beauties of English Poetry. Tomkins, Boileau-Despreaux et Malherbe. CEuvres &c. Beauties of British Poets. Croly, CEuvres de Fenelon. Selections from British Poets. Halleck, CEuvres de Mde. de Stael. Specimens of English Poets. Southey. CEuvres de Moliere. Hogg's Forest Minstrel, Works of Montaigne. Griswold's Poets & Poetry of Eng. (19th Cent.) CEuvres de Racine. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe. CEuvres Completes de Bossuet. Griswold's Sacred Poets of Eng. and America. CEuvres de Rabelais. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of America. Rabelais' Works. Keese's Poets of America, CEuvres Completes de Diderot. Bryant's Selections from American Poets, CEuvres de Gresset, Specimens of American Poetry. Kettell, CEuvres de Malherbe. (Boileau-Despre aux). Griswold's Female Poets of America. (Euvres de Montesquieu. May's Female American Poets. CEuvres Posthumes de Pouteau. Read's Female Poets of America. CEuvres de Lamartine, Poets of Connecticut. Everest. Sammtliche Werke von Schiller. Class-Book of Poetry. Hart, Werke von Pyrker. The Waif; Poems. Longfellow, Werke von Muller, Cheever's Studies in Poetry, Werke von Richter. New- York Book of Poetry. Schonste Schriftenvon Richter, Watson's Dictionary of Poetical Quotations, Werke von Lessing, Gilman's Oracles of the Poets, Werke von Burger. Gilman's Sybil, Werke von Winckelmann. Wreath, the; Poems from Celebrated Authors, eEsthetic and Miscel. Works. A. W. Schlegel, Autumn Leaves; Poems from Var. Authors, Gesammlte &c. Schriften von Kleist. Odds and Ends. Sweeny, Werke von Kant. Miscellaneous Poems for U. S. Liter. Gazette, Sammtliche Werke von A. W. Schlegel. Sacred Poetry of 17th Century. Sacred Clas, S&mmtliche Werke von Goethe. Psalms and Hyms of Prot. Episc. Church, Werke von Tieck. Cathedral; or the Church in Eng. (Poems), Works of Quevedo de Villagas. Church Poetry, Opere. Machiavelli. Matins and Vespers. Bowring, Machiavelli's Translated Works. Old Christmas Carols. (Percy Soc.), Poems relatifs a Tristan. Michel, POETRY. Anc. and Mod. Christmas Carols. Sandys. Ancient Scottish Ballads, Sacred Latin Poetry. Trench, Pieces of Ancient Poetry. Ritson. Sacred Hymns. Fr. Ger. Cox, Ancient Metrical Tales. Hartshorne, Old Ballads. Evans. Collection of Songs. Plumptree, Book of Roxburghe Ballads. CollierAncient and Modern Minstrelsy. Motherwell, Delong, & others. Str'ge Hist. (Percy Soc.), Gaelic Poems. Macpharlain, Tripp's Selections from Percy's Reliques, &c, Specimens of the Early English Poets. Ellis. Polit. Ballads of the Com'wealth. (Percy Soc.), Percy's Reliques of Ancient English Poetry; Political Songs of England, (Camden Soc.) 310 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [Mere. Lib. Poetry, MIiscellaneous. Greek and Latin Poets. Polit. S'gs of Eng., fr. John to Edw. Wright. Odyssea. Grece. Homer, Jacobite Minstrelsy, 1040-1704, Iliade et Odyssee Illustre. Homere. Naval Ballads of England. (Percy Soc.), Iliad Translated. Homer; Collection of Songs and Ballads. Ritson. Odyssey Translated by Pope. Homer, Popular Ballads and Songs. Jamieson. Hymns of Homer, Ballads by Living Authors. Thompson. Homer's Ballads, Greek and English, London Ballads of Trades, &c. (Percy Soc.), Homere. CEuvres traduite par Bitaube. Select Collection of English Songs. Ritson. Quintus Smyrneaus. Post-Homerica. Book of British Ballads. Hall. Hesiod. Opera et Dies, Theog. et Clypeus, &c, Robin Hood Ballads. Gutch. Hesiod's Poems, Book of Ballads, by Bon Gaultier, Sappho's Poems. Hesiod, Pictorial Book of Ballads. Pindar and Anacreon. Poems, Lays and Ballads from English History, Anacreon's Poems. Pindar, Cyclopcedia of Popular Songs, Eschylus. Tragcedime (Greece). Songs of Ireland. Croker, XEschylus. Agamemnon. Grk. Text & Trans. Scottish Songs and Ballads. Chambers, AEschylus' Tragedies Translated, Songs of Scotland. Cunningham, Eschylus' Prometheus & Agamemnon. Trans, Old Ballads. (Percy Soc.), Euripides. Hecube en Frangais, Lays of Scottish Cavaliers, &c. Aytoun. Euripides. Tragcedim et Fragmenta. (Grace). Minstreley of the Scottish Border. Scott. Euripides' Tragedies. Translated; Songs of England and Scotland, Sophocles' Antigone in Greek and English. Specimens of English Sonnets. Dyce, Sophocles. Tragcedie Septem. (Graece), Nursery Rhymes of England. (Percy Soc.), Sophocles' Tragedies. Translated; Universal Songster. Theatre de Sophocle. DupuyMinstrelsy of the English Border. Sheldon. Aristophanes. Comcedie. (Grvec6), Poet's Pleasaunce. Warwick. Aristophanes' Comedies. Translated. Oxford Sausage. Poetical Pieces, Aristophanes. "The Clouds" and "Peace." Cambridge (Eng.) Prize Poems, Theatre des Grecs. BrumoyRolliad; Laureateship Odes. Greek Theatre. BrumoySabrinac Corolla Salopiensis. Lycophron's Poems. Hesiod, Thesaurus Poeticus, Apollonius Rhodius. Argonautica. (Graece). Mythological Fables, translated into Verse, Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus. Poems. Specimens from Classic Poets. Elton. Bion's Poems. Hesiod, Spec. of Poets & Poetry of Greece, &c. Peter. Bion's Poems. Theocritus. Poet. Haus. des Deutschen Volkes. Wolf: Moschus' Poems. Hesiod, Neues Gesanbuch, Moschus' Poems. Theocritus. Lays and Ballads fiom Ger. (Ripley's Spec.), Manasses. Fragmenta. Nicetas, German Anthology. Mangan, Antoninus Liberalis. Opuscula, Lays of the Minnesingers, Nicetas. Narratio Amatoria, La Musa Madrigalesca. Oliphant, Nonnus. DionysiacaSpecimens of Arabian Poetry. Carlyle. Bland's Collections from Greek Anthology. Specimens of Russian Poets. Bowring, LATIN POETS. Poetry of the Magyars. Bowring. Cheskian Anth. Poet. Lit. of Bohem. Bowring, Corpus Poetarum Latinorum. Walker. Romantic Ballads from Danish. Borrow. Plautus' Comedies. Northern Garlands. Ritson. Terence. Comoedia Sex; Ancient Spanish Ballads. Lockhart.- Lucan's Pharsalia. Walker. Early French Poets. Carey, Sulpicia. Satira. Walker. Selec. from Mod. Poets of France. Somers. Silius Italicus. Punica. Walker. Fabliaux. Legrand, Phmdrus. Fabulae. Walker. Spanish Ballads. Rodd. Phiedrus' Fables. Horace, Milton; Young, Gray, &c. Poetical Works. Catullus. Selections from, by Cookesley, Milton, Thompson, and Young. Poet. Works. Virgil. Bucolica. Walker. Hero and Leander. Marlowe & Chapman, Virgil's Works Translated. Poetical Works of Milman, Bowles, &c. Virgil's Georgics Translated, Ambarvalia. Poems. Burbidge and Clough, AEneis. Virgil. Rogers, Campbell, Montgomery, &c. Poems. Virgil's _Eneid, Translated. Coleridge, Shelley, and Keats' Poetical Works. Virgile travesti au Vers Burlesque par Scavr on, Shelley and Keats' Poems. Propertius. Poemata. (Walker). Poems of Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell, Tibullus' Poetical Works, Translated, Tibullus. Carmina. Walker. GREEK POETS. Horace's Works Translated, Orpheus' Mystical Hymns. Ovid. Opera. Walker. Musaeus. Hesiod, Ovid's Metamorphoses, Bias. GrEece, Illustrative Designs. Homer. Ovid's Epistles, Ilias. Greece. Homer; Ovid's Poems, Catalogue.] CLA SSIFIED INDEX. 311 Poems. Poems. Ovid's Art of Love, Fairy Queen. Spenser, Valerius. Argonautica. Walker. Farmer's Boy, a Poem. Bloomfield, Statius. Sylvee, Thebais et Achilleis. Walker. Fanny, a Poem. Halleck, Martial. Epigrammata. Walker. Festus, a Poem. Bailey, Persius. Satiree. Walker. Forest Sanctuary. Mrs. Hemans. Juvenal and Persius' Satires, Translated.- Frithiof's Saga, a Poem. Tegner. Juvenal. Walker. Frontenac, a Metrical Romance. Street, Juvenal's Third Satire, with Poems, Gandalin, or Love for Love. Wieland, Juvenal's Satires, The Grave; a Poem. BlairClaudianus. Works in Eng. Verse. Greece, a Poem. HaygarthMapes' Latin Poems. Guido, a Tale, La Henriade. Voltaire, POEMS. Home, a Poem, Abradates and Panthea, a Poem. Atherstone, Horse-Shoe, a Poem. Felton, Advent, a Mystery. Cox, Hudibras. Butler, Airs of Palestine, a Poem. Pierpont, Humanity. Pratt "Gleanings," Alban the Pirate, a Poem. Wallace, Improvisatrice, a Poem. Landon, Alciphron, a Poem. Mloore, Italy, a Poem. Rogers, Alfred, an Epic Poem. Blackmore, Jerusalem Delivered, an Epic Poem. Tasso, Araucana, la. Ercilla y Zuniga, Jocelyn, Poeme. Lamartine; Argonautics. Apollonius Rhodius, John Noakes and Mary Stiles, a Poem. Clark, Art of Preserving Health. Armstrong, Jona de Profeet. SteverslootAtalantis, a Poem. Simms. King Arthur, a Poem. Buluer, Attila, a Poem. Herbert. Lalla Rookh. Moore; Avenia, a Tragical Poem. Branagan, The Landscape, a Poem. KnightBackwoodsman, a Poem. Paulding, Last Days of Herculaneum. Atherstone, Barn-Yard Rhymes, Last Night of Pompeii. Fairfield. Bath Guide. Anstey. Liberty's Triumph, a Poem. Landis. Beowulf, an Epic Poem. Wackerbath, Louisa, a Poetical Novel. Seward, Bertram, a Poetical Tale. Brydges. Lusiad; a Poem. Camoens. Black Hawk, and Scenes in the West, McFingal; an Epic Poem. Trumbull, Bothie of Toper-na-fuosich. Clough, Madoc; a Poem. Southey. British Georgics, a Poem. Grahame, Mlakataimeshekiakiak; or Black Hawk, &c, Bruce and Wallace. Jamieson- Mengwe; a Poem, Calendar of Anglo-Saxons. Fox, Messiah. Klopstock. Calvary, or the Death of Christ. Cumberland, Messiah; a Poem. Montgomery, Charlemagne, an Epic Poem. Buonaparte- Midsummer Day's Dream; a Poem. Atherstone, Poem founded on the Ballad of Chevy Chase- Miriam; a Poem. Park, Child of the Islands, a Poem. Mrs. Norton. Morning Watch; a Poem, Child of the Sea. Lewis, Napolead; a Poem. Genin, Christ's Vict. & Triumph. (Sacred Classics,) La Nanc6ide, Latine et Franaaise. Blarra. Christian Scholar, New Timon; a Poem. Bulwer, Chronicles of Robert of Glou. Hearnes' Works. Nibelungen Lied. ------ Peter Langtoff, Hearnes' Works. Night Thoughts. Young, Chute d'un Ange. Lamartine. Nutbrowne Maid; an Ancient Poem, Clio, a Poem. Percival, Oberon; a Poem. Wieland, Clontarf, or Field of the Green Banner. Shea, Odin; a Poem. DrummondColumbiad, an Epic Poem. Barlow, Oliver Newman; a New Eng. Tale. Southey, Course of Time; a Poem. Pollok, Odo, Count of Ling; a Poetical Tale. Brydges, Cupid and Psyche, a Poem. Marlowe, Omnipresence of the Deity. Montgomery, Curse of Kehama, a Poem. Southey, Ontiva, the Son of the Forest; a Poem. Debate between Pride and Lowliness. Flynn. Orlando Furioso. (Ital.) AriostoDeclamation Theatrale. Dorat, Orlando Furioso. Trans. Ariosto; Dermot MacMorrogh, a Poem. Adams. Orlando in Roncesvalles; a Poem. Merivale, Divine Comedy. Dante, Palfrey. Hunt. Don Juan. Byron, Paradise Lost. Milton, Doom of Devorgoil. Scott, Paradise Regained. Milton, Dream, a Poem. Mrs. Norton, Parson's Home; a Poem, Dublin Mail. Moore, Pelayo; or, Cavern of Covadonga; a Poem, The Echo. Hoffman, Pharronida. Chamberlayne. (OldEng. Poets), Ballad of Edwin and Emma. Mallet, Philo, an Evangeliad, Endymion, a Tale of Greece. Hirst, Pleader's Guide; a Poem. Anstey. Escalala, a Poem. Beach, Pleasures of Memory; a Poem. Rogers, Evangeline. Longfellow, Power of Solitude; a Poem. Story, Fable for Critics. Lowell, Princess. Tennyson, Fall of Nineveh, a Poem. Atherstone. La Pucelle d'Orleans. Voltaire, 312 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [Merc. Lib. Poems. Poems. Purple Island; a Poem. Fletcher. Fatal Jest, and other Poems. Scott, Pursuits of Literature; a Poem. Mathias. Fountain, and other Poems. Bryant, Roderic, the Last of the Goths. Southey, Geraldine, and other Poems. Tupper, Ralph Roister Doister. (Shaks. Soc.) Ghebor, Count Julian, & other Poems. Landor, Redemption; a Poem. Swain, Glaucus and Sylla, with other Poems. Lodge, Reign of Humbug; a Satirical Poem. Golden Violet, and other Poems. Landon, Rhododaphne; or, Thessalian Spell; a Poem, Imagination, and other Poems. Farmer, Maydiston Richard II. his Deposi. (Cam. Soc)- Irish Girl, and other Poems. Mrs. Ellis, Le Rime. Petrarca. Island Bride, and other Poems. Colman, Rinaldo; a Poem. Tasso. League of the Alps, & others Poem. Hemans. Robin Hood. Ritson. Lucasta; Poems, Songs, &c. Lovelace, Politianus Angelus Rusticus; a Poem. Maintonomah, and other Poems. Barrett, St. Alban's Abbey; a Metrical Rom. Raddiffe, Marian, Colonna, and other Poems. Proctor. St. Jonathan; Lay of a Scald. Cox, Melaia, and other Poems. Cook, Salamandrine; a Poem. Mackay, Melanie, and other Poems. Willis, Samor; a Poem. M1ilman, Mina, and other Poems. Fairfield, Saul; a Poem. Sotheby, Minstrel, and other Poems. Beattie, Saul; a Mystery. Cox, Missionary, a Poem. Bowles, The Seasons; a Poem. Thomson; Modern Dunciad, and other Poems. Smith, Seven Temptations; a Poem. Howitt, Nala & Dalmayanti, and other Poems. iilmanThe Shipwreck; a Poem. Falconer, Peasant's Death, and other Poems. Struthers, Sir Tristrem; a Metrical Romance. Scott. Pelican Islands, & other Poems. Montgomery, Son of the Wilderness; a Poem. Holm, Penance of Roland, and other Poems. Hirst, Syr Tryamoure. (Percy Soc.), Pilgrim of Beauty, and other Poems. Mullen, Tale of the Basin andthe Frere. (Old Poem), Pleasures of Hope, and other Poems. Campbell, Tale of Paraguay. Southey, Pilg. of Glencoe, & other Poems. Campbell, Tales of the Hall. Crabbe. Pleasures of Imag. and other Poems. Akenside, Tales of Wonder; Poems. Lewis, Power of the Passions, other Poems. Wlare, Tecumseh; a Poem. Colton, Prophecy of the Santon, other Poems. Swan. Thealma and Clearchus; a Poem. Chalkhill, Prometheus Unbound, other Poems. Shelley. Thousand Lines. Tupper, Raven, and other Poems. Poe, Tour of Dr. Syntax in Search of Pict. Combe. Records of Women, & other Poems. Htemans, Tournament of Totenham and the Feest, Rivals of Este, and other Poems. Brooks, Trollopiad, the. A Satirical Poem, Ruins of Athens, and other Poems. Hill, Truth, a Gift for Scribblers; Poem. Snelling, Rural Tales, and other Poems. Bloomfield, Two Visions; a Poem. Southey, Scenes of Days Departed, with Poems. Bowles, Untaught Bard; a Poem, School of the Heart, and other Poems. Alford, Village Curate; a Poem. Hurdis, Siamese Twins, and other Poems. Bulwer, The Vision. Dante; Song of the Bell, and other Poems. Schiller, Vision and Creed of Piers Ploughman, Songs of the Sea, and other Poems. Sargent, Vision of Rubeta; a Poem. Song of Faith, and other Poems. DeVere, Vision of Sir Launfal. Lowell, Small Handful Flowers, other Poems. BretonVow of the Peacock; a Poem. Landon, Sunday School, and other Poems. Tappan, Waldenses; or, Fall of Rora. De Vere, Terrible Tractoration, other Poems. Fessenden, History of Wm. Wallace in Metre. Blair, Theodoric, and other Poems. Campbell, Woman; a Poem. Barrett, Three Hours, and other Poems. Hale, Yamoyden; a Poem. Eastburn, Town Lyrics, and other Poems. Mackay, The Year; a Poem. Pierce, Vigil of Faith, and other Poems. Hqffman, Xamayea; a Poem. Lawrence, West Indies, and other Poems. Montgomery, White Footed Deer, other Poems. Bryant, Woodman's Tale, and other Poems. Boyd. Abaddon and other Poems. Fairfield. Worldbef. Flood, other Poems. Montgomery, Alnwick Castle, and other Poems. Halleck. Yarrow Revisited, other Poems. Wordsworth. Amir Khan, and other Poems. Davidson, Zinzendorf, and other Poems. Sigourney, Angel World, and other Poems. Bailey, Anster Fair, and other Poems. Pennant. All for Love, &c., Poems. Southey, Beowulf, and other Anglo-Sax. Poems. Kemble, Attempts in Verse. Jones. Boyhoodi and other Poems. Elton. Ballads and other Poems. Howitt, Birth Day, and other Poems. Bowles, Ballads, Romances, and other Poems. Porter, Canterbury Tales, and other Poems. Chaucer. Biglow Papers. Lowell, Culprit Fay, and other Poems. Drake. Rhymes of Travel. Taylor, Drama of Exile, and other Poems. Barrett, Bouquet of Poesy. Gould, England, and other Poems. Marsh, Buds of Spring. Lyde, Epistles on Woman, and other Poems. Aikin, Caprices; Poems, Eve of the Conquest, and other Poems. Taylor, Cash, Corn, and Catholics; Odes. Moore, Fall of the Indian, and other Poems. McLellan, Chair; Posthumous Poems. Gay, Catalogue.] CLAS SIFIED INDEX. 313 isicellaneous Poetry Poetical Works. Chansons. Beranger, Songs by the Way. Doane; Characteristics of Painters; Poems. Reeve. Songs, Translated. Beranger, Corn-Law Rhymes, and other Poems. Elliott, Songs and Ballads. Lover, Economy of Human Life. Macdonald, Tales in Verse. Hogg, Esquisses Poetiques de la Vie. Alletz, Theoria; Poems. Starkey, Estray. Poems. Longfellow, Specimens of Macaronic Poetry. Excerpta; ou, Fables Choisies. La Fontaine. Thoughts on Past Years. (Poems,) Fables. La Fontaine. Songs. Dibdin, Fables and Tales, in Verse. Le Gros. Aikin's Essays on Song Writing, Fables for the Holy Alliance, &c. Moore, Sonnets. Moxon. Feuilles d'Automne. Hugo, Southern Passages, Pict., and Poems. Simms, Fragmenta Aurea. Suckling, Songs and Ballads. Uhland. (Ripley's Spec.) Froissart Ballads, and other Poems. Cooke, Willis' Poems before the United Brothers, &c. Fugitive Poetry. Willis. Verses of a Lifetime. Mrs. Gilman, Garland of Flowers. Mathias, Voices fr. the Crowd, & other Poems. Mackay, Ghost of Richard III. (Shakspeare Soc.) Voices from the Mountains. Mackay. Gulistan, or Rose-Garden; Poems. Sady. Voices of the Night. Longfellow, Hactenus. Poems. Tupper, Akenside's Poems, Harmonise Ccelestes; Chris. Melodies. Bettner, Bacon's Poems, Harmonies Poetiq. etReligieuses. Lamartine; Joanna Baillie's Poetical and Drama. Works. Hellenics. Landor, Barton's Poems, Journals of the Ocean, Beattie's Poems, La Fontaine for the Young; Beranger. CEuvres ComplBtes. Last Lays of the Last of the Dibdins. Dibdin. Bourne's Poems. Lays of Ancient Rome. Macaulay, Brainard's Poems, Lays Anc. Rome,"Ivry" & "Armada. Macaulay, Browning's Poems, Lays of Love and Faith. Bethune, Bryant's Poems, Lays and Ballads. Read, Bulwer's Poems, Leisure Hours; Poems. Marsden, Burbidge's Poems, Leisure Hours at Sea; Poems. Leggett, Burger's Poems. Translated. (Ripley's Spec.), Lyric Poems. Watts, Gen. Burgoyne's Dramatic & Poetical Works. Lyrical Poems. Beranger, Burns' Works; Maspeth Poems. Furman, Mrs. Butler's Poems, Medley of Joy and Grief, Samuel Butler's Poems, Melodies, Songs, &c. Moore, Samuel Butler's Poetical Remains. Melodies, Songs, and Ballads. Woodworth, Byron's Poetical Works. Metrical Legends of Exalted Char. Baillie, Byron's Select Poetical Works, Minor Poems. Goethe, Camoen's Poems, Minor Poems. Lydgate, Campbell's Poetical Works, Schiller's Select Minor Poems, Carew's Poetical Works, Poems on Several Occasions. Milton. Alice and Phoebe Carey's Poems, Poems on Several Occasions. Browne, Carlisle's Tragedies and Poems. Ode on Pres. Jackson's Proclamation. Nack. Chamisso. Gedichte (Werke), Oriental Harp; Poems. Coffin. Chaucer's Poems, Original Poetic Effusions, Chaucer's Poems Modernized, Parnassian Garland. Evans, Selections from Poetical Works of Chaucer, Passaic; Poems. Ward, Person's Life, Letters, and Poems. Child, Pastime of Pleasure. Hawes. (Percy Soc.) Churchill's PoemsPoems and Songs. Cunningham, Clarke's Poems, Peter Pindar's Poems. Wolcott; Coleridge's Poems, Poetry for the People. Milner. Eliza Cook's Poems, Poems of Religion and Society.- Adams; Corbet's Poems. Poetical Rhapsody, and other Pieces. Davison. Pierre et Thos. Corneille. Chefs d'CEuvres. Poetical Satires. Hall, Pierre Corneille. (Euvres. Popular Rhymes of Scotland. Cowper's Poems, Psalms of David, &c.; Trans. by Sir P. Sydney, Crabbe's Poetical Works, Puerilia; Songs for the Young. Marchant, Crabbe's Posthumous Poems Rejected Addresses. Smith, Cranch's Poems, Relics of Melodino. Croly's Poetical Works, Rufiana, or Poetical Sinnings of Wm. Rufus, Dale's Poetical Works, Sacred Poems. Vaughan, Dante's Lyrical Poems, Ital. and Eng, Sea-Side and Fire-Side. Poems. Longfellow, Davenant's WorksSeven Sages. (Percy Soc.) Margaret M. Davidson's Poetical Remains, Sketches. (Poems.) Willis. Lucretia M. Davidson's Remains, Sketches of Nat. Hist. in Verse. Howitt, Dinsmoor's Poems, Solitary Hours. Southey, Delavigne. CEuvres, 40 314 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [Mere. Lib Poetry. Poetical Works' Delille. CFuvres. Percival's Poems. Dodd's Poems, Pinkney's Poems, Drummond's Poems, Pope's Poetical Works; Dryden's Poems, Prior's Poems, Emerson's Poems, Praed's Poems, Fairfield's Poems, Proctor's Poems. (Milman). Falconer's Poems, Raleigh's PoemsField's Poems, Ray's Poems, Eliza Follen's Poems, Robinson's Poems, Goethe's Siect Poems. (Ripley's Spec.), Rogers' Poems, Goldsmith's Poems, Roscoe's Poems, Hannah F. Gould's Poems-, Rousseau. CEuv. Poet. (Boileau-Despreaux), Gray's Poems, Rousseau. CEuvres Choisies, Guest's Poems, Sackville's Poems, Halleck's Poetical Works. Savage's Poetical Works, Harwood's Poems, Saxe's Poems, Lady F. Hastings' Poems, Schiller's Poems and Ballads. Hayley's Poems and Plays, Shelley's Poems; Hazard's Poems, Schlegel. Gedichte. (Werke), Heber's Poems, Schubart. Sammtliche Gedichte, Mrs. Hemans' Poems. Scott's Poetical Works. Herrick's Poetical Works, Shaw's Poems, Hoccleve's Poems- Mrs. Sigourney's Poems; Hogg's Poetical Works, Smedley's Poems, Letters, and a Memoir. Holmes' Poems, Southey's Poetical Works; Hlood's Poems, Spenser's Poetical Works, Hooper's Poetical Remains, Slerling's Poems, Iloussaye. Poesies Completes, Stewart's Poems; G.elic and English, Hunt's Poetical Works. Street's Poems. Victor IHugo's Odes, Earl of Surrey's Poems, Sir Win. Jones' Poems, Surrey's and Wyatt's WorksKeats' Poetical Works, Tappan's Poems, Klopstock's Odes. (1747-80), Tennyson's Poems, Klopstock. Werke. Thomson's Poetical Works, Korner. Werke. Mrs. Tonna's Posthumous and other Poems, Ladd's Literary Remains and Life, Trumbull's Poetical Works. Chas. Lamb's Poems; Tupper's Poetical Works, Letitia E. Landon's Poetical Works. Uhland. Simmtliche Gedichte. Lamartine. Meditations Poetiques. Garcilasso de la Vega's Works, Lamartine. Recueillemens Poetiques- Kirke White's Poems, Longfellow's Poems; Whittier's Poems. Lowell's Poems, Wieland. Poetische Werke. Lunt's Poems, Willis' Poems. Anne C. Lynch's Poems. Wilson's Poems. (Milman). Lyndsay's Poetical Works, Wordsworth's Poetical Works; Marlowe's Works, Wyatt's Poems. (Surrey)-, Merivale's Poems, Young's Poems, Metastasio's Dramas and other Poems. Defence of the Drama, Miller's Poems, Dunlap's History of American Theatre. Milman's Poetical Works, American Dramatic Authors. Rees. Milner's Poems. Covent Garden Journal. Milton's Poetical Works; The Stage. Bunn, Minot's Poems, Written in 1352, Seven Years of the King's Theatre. Ebers, Montgomery's Poetical Works; Twenty-Six Years as Actor & Man. Wemyss, Moore's Poetical Works; Thirty Years among Players in Am. Cowell. L. F. & N. F. Moratin. Poesias, Ryan's Dramatic Table-Talk, Moultrie's Poems, The Actor; or, a Peep behind the Curtain, Motherwell's Poetical Works, Reminiscences of the Stage. Kelly. Muzzy's Poems, View of the English Stage. Hazlitt. Mrs. Norton's Poems, Schlegel's Lectures on Dramatic Art; Nixon's Ballads and other Poems, 0. P. Riots at Covent Garden Theatre. Old. Osgood's Poems, Eng. Drama to the time of Shakspeare. Collier. Ossian's Poems, Mansel's Free Thoughts upon Actors, Remains of Ossian, Collec. of Prologues and Epilogues. Griffith, Parnell's Poems, Modern Standard Drama, Parny, CEuvres Choisies. London Stage. Catalogue.] CL A S I FIED IND E X. 315 Dramatic Literature. The Draima. Spec. of English Dramatic Poets. Lamb, Angry Women of Abingdon. (Percy Soc.), British Theatre. Cumberland, Anne Boleyn; a Tragedy. Boker, Minor Theatre. Cumberland, Athenian Captive; a Tragedy. Talfourd, British Drama. Belshazzar; a Dramatic Poem. Milman, Old English Drama, Bride of Fort Edward; a Drama, Collection of Old English Plays. Dodsley, Bride of Messina; a Tragedy. Schiller. Old Plays- Calaynos. Boker, Four Old Plays, Chester Plays. (Shakspeare Soc.). Robt. Dodsley's Five Old Plays. Collier. Coventry Mysteries. (Shakspeare soc.). Inchbald's Collection of Farces, Daughter, the; a Play. Knowles, Thehtre Frangais. Le Sage, Deliv. of Switzerland; a Dram. Poem. Deakin. Repertoire General du Theatre Frangais, Don Carlos; a Tragedy. Schiller, German Theatre. Thomson, Duchess of La Valliere; a Play. Bulwer, Teatro Italiano Scelto. Ronna. Edwin the Fair; a Hist. Drama. Taylor, Teatro Italiano Antico. Epoux Malheureux. Arnaud. Italian Comedies Translated, Euph6mie. Drame. Arnaud. Komicheskaya Opera. Ablesimoff. Fair Maid of the Exchange. (Shakspeare Soc.) Alfieri. Tragedie, Fall of Jerusalem; a Dram. Poem. Milman, Princess Amalie's Dramas, Fall of Warsaw; a Tragedy. Lehmanowski, Joanna Baillie's Dramas. Faust. Goethe. Beaumont's Dramatic Works. Felix de Mendoca. Le Sage, Colman's Dramatic Works, Fortune by Land and Sea. (Shakspeare Soc). Congreve's Dramatic Works. Wycherly. Goetz von Berlichingen. Goethe, Corneille. Th6etre, Gorboduc. (Shakspeare Soc). Crebillon. CEuvres, Gabriel. Sand, Crebillon. Theatre. Hadad; a Dramatic Poem. Hillhouse. Delavigne. Th'eatre, Harrowing of Hell. Halliwell. Davies' Dramatic Miscellanies, Hernani. Hugo, Destouches. (Euvres Choisies, Ion; a Tragedy. Talfourd, Farquhar's Dramatic Works. Wycherly. Kabale und Liebe. Schiller. Fletcher's Dramatic Works. Beaumont. King Edward IV. (Shakspeare Soc). Foote's Dramatic Works, King Johan. (Shakspeare Soc). Ford's Dramatic Works, King Rene's Daughter. Hertz, Galt's Tragedies- Lady of Lyons; a Play. Bulwer, Mad. de Genlis. Theatre de Societe, Love Chase; a Comedy. Knowles, Greene's Dramatic Works, Lucrece Borgia. Hugo, Ben Johnson's Works and Memoir. Marie Tudor. Hugo, Knowles' Dramatic Works, Marion de l'Orme. Hugo, Kotzebue's Dramas, in Greek. Marriage of Wit and Wisdom. (Shak. Soc). La Fontaine. Theatre, Martyr of Antioch; a Dram. Poem. Milman, Le Sage. Theatre de la Foire, Mohammed; a Tragedy. Miles, Massinger's Dramatic Works; Niebelunger Treasure; a Tragedy. Raupach, Moliere. Theatre, I1 Pastor Fido. GuariniMoratin. Comedias, Pastor Fido. Trans. Guarini, More's Sacred Dramas, Patient Grissell. (Shakspeare Soc). Morgan's Dramatic Scenes from Real Life, Percy's Masque; a Drama. Hillhouse, Otway's Works, Philip Van Artevelde; a Drama. Taylor, Paulding's Comedies, Pocahontas; a Drama, Racine. Theatre, Rich. III. Two Trag. One in Lat. (Shak. Soc). Peele's Dramatic Works, True Tragedy of Richard III. Legge. Read's Dramatic Poems. Richelieu; a Play. Bulwer, Regnard. Theatre, Le Roi s'amuse. Hugo, Rousseau. CEuvres Dramatiques. Sept Cordes de Lyre. Sand, Scribe. CEuvres Choisies, Sir Thos. More; a Play. (Shakspeare Soc). Schiller's Robbers, Early Dramas, &c, Son of the Wilderness; aDram. Poem. Munch, Sheridan's Dramatic Works, Star of Seville; a Drama. Mrs. Butler, Shirley's Dramatic Works. Old Taming of a Shrew. (Shakspeare Soc). Sotheby's Tragedies. Timon. (Shakspeare Soc). Steele's Dramatic Works, Traitre Puni. Le Sage, Talfourd's Tragedies; Velasco; a Tragedy. Sargent, Vanburgh's Dramatic Works. Virgin Widow; a Play. Taylor, Lope de Vega. Theatre, Waldimar; a Tragedy. Bailey. Voltaire. TheStre, William Tell; a Drama. Schiller, Voltaire's Dramatic Works, SHAKSPEARIANA. Wycherly's Dramatic Works, Life of Shakspeare. Halliwell. Angelo. Hugo, Life of Shakspeare. Skottowe. 316 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [Mere. Lib Shakspeare. Novels, English. Il'ust. of Life, &c., of Shakspeare. Hunter. Shakspeare Library. Collier. Learning of Shakspeare. Farmer. FICTION IN ENGLISH PROSE. Inq. into Learning of Shakspeare. Whalley. (See also pages 261-287.) Wisdom and Genius of Shakspeare. Price, Thousand and One Nights. Lane. Writings and Genius of Shakspeare. Montagu... (Br Arch.)Shakspeare's Genius Justified. Jackson. Arcadia. irneNew Particulars concern. Shakspeare. Collier, isittle Jonson's E y to S s r. er History of Arthutr, of Little BritainJonson's Enmity to Shakspearerefut. Gilchrist. Beauies of German Literature, a,.i. Beauties of German Literature, On Shakspeare's Autobiog. Poems. Brown, Book for a Rainy Day. Smith, Memorials of Shakspeare. Drake. El Buscapie. Cervantes. Authentic. of Portraits of Shakspeare. Boaden. aroline Westerly. (Boy's and Girl'sLib), Shakspeare Illustrated. Lennox, Citizen othe orld. dsmith, Shakspeare's Dramatic Works; Shakspeare's Dramatic Works; Clergyman's Orphan. (Boy's and Girl's Lib), Shakspeare's Poems, Coronal; Miscellaneous Pieces. Mrs. Child, Shakspeare's Select Comedies, The Decameron. English. Boccaccio. $hakspeare's Sonnets,p..p gy. nln hakspeare's Sonnets,, Devil upon Two Sticks in England, Shakspeare PLroverbsll. 1 Shakspeare Proverbs, Diary of Horace Templeton. Lever, Shakspeare. CEuvres Dramatiques.Edinburgh Tales. Bowdler's Family Shakspeare. Eight Novels used by Eliza. Dram. (Shak. Soc.) Beauties of Shakspeare. Dodd, Fairy Legends of South Ireland. Croker. Tales from Shakspeare. Lamb, Tales from Shakspeare. Lmb, Fairy Tales and Romances. Hamilton, Book of Shakspeare Gems. Fan-hy-cheu; a Tale from Chinese. Weston. Complete Verbal Index to Shakspeare. Twssays in Athens. Wright, Four Days in Athens. Wright, Ind. to Pass. & W'ds in Shakspeare. Ayscough. all an Hamlet. tt, H-Jall and Hamlet. howitt, Concordance to Shakspeare. Clarke.Hebrew Tales Hurwitz, Glossary, &c., for Shakspeare's Works. Nares-Helon' Pi ageto salem. Strauss lHelon's Pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Strauss, Shaksperian Dictionary. Dolby, Ingoldsby Legends. Ingoldsby Supplement to Plays of Shakspeare. o J In, odsbyJ Supplement to Plays of Shaks peae. MIncidents of Social Life in Alps. Zschokke, Authen. of Pretended Shraks. MSS. Malone. Th en. At of Pretene Shaks. MSS. Malone. 7 Life in Athens at time of Pericles. Wessenberg, Inq. into Authen. of Shaks. MSS. Ireland. Listener. 1Fry, Confess. of Fabrication Shaks. MSS. Ireland, e Fontaine. Loves of Cupid and Psyche. La Fontne. Review of Johnson's Shakspeare. Kenrick, M Revisal of Shakspeare's Text. Heath. Mrtyrin Mointford, On Ed. of Shaks., by Collier & Knight. Dyce. Matrimonial Miscellany. inners Reasons for a new Ed. of Shakspeare. Collier. oirs o or ioopr. io ~^ TT-^ -t' ~ n<1 1 ^ i ~Memoirs of Modern Philosophers. Hamilton, Comm. on Histor. Plays of Shaks. Courtenay, Merrie Enand in Olden Time. Daniel, Shakspeare's Hist. of Hen. IV. (Shaks. Soc.)Miscellneous Works. Mackenzie, Lectures on Shakspeare..Hdson, Minor Morals for Young People. Bowring, Shakspeare's Dramatic Art. Ulrici. On the Sonnets of Shaikspeare. Boande. PMod. Pythagorean; Series of Tales. lMacknish, On the Sonnets of Shakspeare. Boaden Mountain Decameon. Dones, Introd. to Shaks. Midsum'rs Night. Halliwell. Mountain Decamero. Shakspeare and his Times. Drake.-s Diary, akp eare and i Ti Dre * New Atlantis. Bacon. (In Works). Character of Shakspeare's Falstaff. Halliwell, e i an ltins. Bacon. Character of S Plays. a Observator's Life and Reflections. Sabin, Character of Shakspeare's Plays. Hazlitt,r Fictions ei On Tales and Popular Fictions. Keightley, First Sketch of Merry Wives, &c. (Slaks. Soc.). First Sketch of Merry Wives, &c. (Shaks. Soc.). Ornaments Discovered. (Boy's and Girl's Lib), Dramatic Char. of Sir John Falstaff. Morgann- ris i Macbeth and Richard III.; an Essay. Kemble, Pares Clt hae t. Remarks on Characters of Shaks. Whately. People I have Met. n Wis, Characteristics of Women. Jameson,Peter Schlemihl in America Characteristics of W~omen. Janme~son, Philomela. Greene. (Brydges' Arch.)Essays on Shaks.' Dram. Char. Richardson. Phlomela. Greene. (Bryd Arch)Obser. on certain Parts of Shaks. Tyrwhitt. he hne (olo to inz)' Rural Records. Smith, Shakspeare's Hamlet. Strachey. Rural ketces. Smih, Shakspeare Studies. Fletcher.Rural Sketches. MSller Illust. of Fairy Mythol. of Shak. (Shaks. Soc.) Sentimental Journey. Sterne, Illustrations of Shakspeare. Boydell-Sketches of American Character. Hale, Illustrations of Shakspeare. oucel- Son of a Genius. (Boy's and Girl's Lib.), Illustrations of Shakspeare. Douce. Shakspere's ges of Life, illust Eans, Specimens of Novelists and Romancers. Griffin, Shakspearens Ages o, Life illust Emm, Galerie de Shakspeare. Pichot. Squib, or Searchfoot. Cervantes, HGome of Shakspeare, illustrted. Specimens of German Romances. Carlyle, Home OI Shakspeare, illlustated. litFairholt, r. Stories fiom Italian Writers, Shakspeare's Drama, illustrated. Griffith Stores fom Italian Writers, Shakspeare's Drama, illustrated A. Griith. Swiss Family Robinson. (Boy's and Girl's Lib), Shakspeare's Illustrations of Aristotle. Riddle, Tales of a Traveller. Irving; Shakspeariana. Wilson, Shakspeariana. Halliwell. Up the Rhine. Hood, Shakspeare's iCita. for Deer Stealing. L Wanor, Waldie's Circulating LibraryShakspeare's Cita. for Deer Stealing. Landor, Whimsicalities. Hood, Shakspeare Papers. Warden of Berkingholt; Rich& Poor. Paget, Shakspeare' Himself Again. Becket. Young Crusoe. (Boy's and Girl's Lib.), Catalogue.] C L A S S IF IE D I N D E X. 311 Fables. Novels, Foreign ]Languages. Wine and Walnuts, Gustave, ou le Mauvais Sujet. Kock, Young Pilgrim. Hofland, Guzman d'Alfarache; par Aleman. Le Sage. Han d'Islande. Hugo, jEisop's Fables, Translated by James. L'Herbagere. Arlincourt,.Ssop's Fables, Translated by Croxall, L'Hermite du St. Germain. Colnet, JEsop Junior in America; Fables, Homme a Marier. Kock, Bewick's Select Fables. Homme a Projets. Le Brun, Bussey's Original and Selected Fables. Homme de la Nature. Kock, Northcote's One Hundred Fables. Horace. Geo. Sand, Northcote's Artist's Book of Fables, Illusions Perdues. Balzac, Flowers of Fable, Indiana. Geo. Sand, Perrin's Select Fables, Infes de las Sierras. Nodier, Ritson's Fairy Tales, Isabel; or, Sicily. A Pilgrimage. Tucker, Jacques. Geo. Sand, NOVELS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES. Jean. ock, Abbe Maurice. Bodin, Jeanne de France. Mde. de Genlis, Adelaide de Meran. Le Brun, Jerome. Le Brun, Adelbert's Fabel. (Werke). Chamisso, Jeune Homme Charmant. Kock, Alphonse, ou le Fils Naturel. Mde. de Genlis, Lauberer Merlin. Schlegel. (Werke), Andral. Geo. Sand, Laitiere de Montfermeil. Kock, Andre le Savoyard. Kock, Lavinia. Geo. Sand, Angelique et Jeanneton. Le Brun, Legende de Montrose. (Da'Ang.) Scott, Anne Bell. Arnaud. Lelia. Geo. Sand, Aventures de Chev. de Faublas. Louvret. Leone Leoni. Geo. Sand, Bachelier de Salamanque. Le Sage, Lettres d'un Voyageur. Geo. Sand, Barbier de Paris. Kock, Lotter und Maller. Schiegel. (Werke), Belisaire. Mde. de Genlis, The Mabinogion. Welsh Tales & Trans. Guest. Belisaire. Marmontel, Madelaine. Kock, Bon Enfant. Kock, Mademoiselle de Lafayette. Mde. de Genlis, Bug Jargal. Hugo, Maison Blanche. Kock, Christophe Sauval. Bonnechose, Maitre d'Armes. Dumas. Chute de Feuilles. Brot, Maitres Mosaistes. Geo. Sand, Cocu, le. Kock, Majorcains. Geo. Sand, Compagnon du Tour de France. Geo. Sand, Manoel. Roger, Comte de Corke. Mde. de Genlis, Mari Perdu. Kock, Comte de Monte Christo. Dumas. La Marquise. Geo. Sand, Confidances. Lamartine. Mattea. Geo. Sand, Consuelo. Geo. Sand, Mauprat. Geo. Sand, Contes en Prose et Vers. Nodier, Meandres, les. Gozlan, Corinne; ou, l' Italie. Mde. de Stael; Melchior. Bodin, Dame du Monsereau. Dumas, Mcmoires du Diable. Soulie; Decameron, il. Boccaccio. Memoires d'un Medecin. Dumas, Le Decameron, Francaise. Boccaccio. Mensonge. Raymond, Dernier Jour d'un Condamne. Hugo, Meres Rivales. Mde. de Genlis, De Pres et de Loin. Jacob. Metella. Geo. Sand, Derniere Aldini. Geo. Sand, Mons. Botte. Le Brun. Diable Boiteux. Le Sage, Mon Voisin Raymond. Kock, Don Quixotte. Spanish. Cervantes. Mouny Robin. Geo. Sand, Don Quichotte. French. Cervantes. Moustache. Kock, Dupont. Kock, Mysteres de Paris. Sue; L'Egoisme. Le Brun, Ni Jamais, ni Toujours. Kock, Eloisa. Rousseau, Notre Dame de Paris. Hugo, Enfant de ma Femme. Kock, Nouveaux Contes Moraux. Mde. de Genlis, Enfants de Marie. Kock, Nouvelle Heloise. Rousseau; Erotica. (Grece.) Tatius, Novelas Exemplares. (Spanish.) Cervantes, Estevanille Gonzalez. Le Sage, Nuevo Robinson. (Spanish.) Campe, Eusebio. Montegnon, Numa Pompilius. Florian, Famille Suceval. Le Brun, Observateur. Le Brun, Femme, le Mari, et l'Amant. Kock, Palmyrie et Flaminie. Mde. de Genlis, Fiormona; oder,Briefe aus Italien, Les Parvenus. Mde. de Genlis, Flavien, ou de Rome au Desert. Guiraud, Paul et Virginie. St. Pierre. Frere Jacques. Kock, Pauline. Geo. Sand, Fra Gerundio. Salazar, Petits Emigres. Mde. de Genlis, George de Guerin. Geo. Sand, Peter Schlemihl. Chamisso. Werke, Georgette. Kock, Pierre. Arnaud, Gil Bas. Le Sage. Pucelle de Belleville. Kock, 318 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [Merc. Lib. Fine Arts. Painting, Drawing, &e. Quarante-Cinq. Dumas, Reynold's Works, complete, Raphael. Lamartine, Reynold's DiscoursesUne Reputation de jeune Fille. Foucher, Reynold's Literary Works, Roland l'Amoureux. Boyardo, Lectures on Painting by Royal Academicians, Roland l'Amoureux. Le Sage. Lecture on Painting. Phillips. Romans et Contes. La Place. Fuseli's Writings. Rue aux Ours. Waldor. Knowledge of Pictures for Amateurs. Burton. Secretaire Intime. Geo. Sand, Pictures and Painters, Serpent, le. Soulie, Library of Fine Arts. Simon. Geo. Sand, Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting in England. Sophia de Valenqay; on, la Beaut6 Persecutee, Sacred and Legendary Art. Jameson. Sceur Anne. Kock, Philosophy of Painting. Twining. Souvenirs de Felicie L***. Mde. de Genlis, Art of Painting. Hundertpfund, Suite des Souvenirs de Felicie L***. Genlis, Theory of Painting. Fielding. Spiridion. Geo. Sand, Artist, the; or, Instructor in Painting. Gandee, Stello. Vigny, Practical Essay on the Fine Arts. Burnet. Tableaux de Societe. Le Brun, Criticisms on Art. Hazlitt, Tales in the Persian Language- Lessing's Laocoon. Telemaque. Fenelon, Haydon's Essays on Painting. Theodore. Le Brun, Treatise on Painting. Vince, Tourlourou. Kock, Modern Painters. Ruskin; Trois Aveugles. Arnaud, Hogarth's Analysis of Beauty. Trois Mousquetaires. Dumas Principles of Symmetrical Beauty. Hay, Trone Enchante. Lescallier. Proportion; Geomet. Princ. of Beauty. HayL'Uscoque. Sand, Principles and Analogy of Form. HayValentine. Sand, Form and Sound. Purdie. Valise Trouvee. Le Sage, Proportions of Hum. Head & Counten. HayVeillees de la Chaumiere. Mde. de Genlis, Man; Anatomy of the External Form. Fau. Village sous les Sables. Fouinet, Anat. of Expres. Connect. with Fine Arts. Bell. Waverley. (De l'Anglaise.) Scott, Ornamental Design App. to Decor. Art. HayZizine. Kock, Imitative Art. Howard, Zuma. Mde. de Genlis, Imitation in the Fine Arts. Quincy. (Euvres de Gesner. Practical Perspective. Thenot. Sammtliche Werke von Hauf, Introd. to Perspect., Pract. Geom., &c. Hayter. Sammtliche Werke von Ioffman. Treatise on Perspective. Pyne, Arithmetical Perspective. Bernard. FINE ARTS. Manual of Perspective. Wood. Ancient and Modern Art. Clegfhorn, Sketching from Nature. Wood. Ancient Art and its Remains. Muller. Clark's Draw. & Persp. (Chamb. Edu. Course), History of the Fine Arts. Bromley- Sketcher's Manual. Howard, History of the Fine Arts. Lossing, Theory and Pract. of Draw. & Paint. DagleyHist. of Painting, Sculpt. & Archit. Memes, Oil and Fresco Painting. MIerimee. Christian Art of 11th Cent. Theophilus. Encaustic, Tempera, & Fresco Paint. Latilla, Lindsay's Sketches of Christian Art. Elements of Water Color Painting. Clark, Hist. Sketch of Caricaturing. Malcolm- Hints on Color in Painting. BurnetHistory of Painting. Kugler, Color as a Means of Art. Howard, Essays toward History of Painting. Callcott, Painter's Art of Coloring. Field, Materials for Hist. of Oil Painting. Eastlake. Laws of Coloring. Hay. Contributions to Liter. of Fine Arts. Eastlake. Chromatography. FieldHist. of Arts of Design in U. States. Dunlap. Use of a Box of Colors. Willson. Treatises on Painting. Merrifield. Nomenclature of Colors..ay. History of Painting in Italy. Lanzi; Principles of Beauty in Coloring. Hay. Hist. Span. and Fren. Schools Painting. Head, Education of Eye for Painting. BurnetHistoric. Annals of Artists of Spain. Sterling. Composition in Painting. BurnetThe Epochs of Painting. l/ornum, Light and Shade in Painting. BurnetHist. of Fine Arts in Gt. Britain. Taylor, Hand-Book of Young Artists on Oil Painting, Art and Artists in England. Waagen, Painting in Oil and VWater-Colors. Fielding. Patronage of British Art. Pye. Treatise on Water-Color Painting. Phillips. True Principles in Art. Fergusson. Painting, Water Colors. IMiller. Essays on Art. Goethe, Hints on Portrait Painting. BurnetElements of the Graphic Arts. Robertson- Sketch. & Hints on Landscap. Painting. ProutEssay on Fine Arts. Hazlitt, Harding's Park and the ForestEtudes sur les Beaux Artes. Vitet, LandScape Painting in Oil. BurnetHarding's Elementary Art- Essay on Trees in Landscape. KennionLectures on Painting and Design. Haydon. Essays on the Picturesque. Price. Lectures on Painting. Howard, Art Union Journal of Fine Arts. (1843-9) Catalogue.] CLA SSIFIED INDEX. 319 Illustrated Works. Ivlusic. Musee des Monumens Francais. Lenoir. La Somnambule; an Opera. Bellini. Drawings & Sketches of the Masters. Reveley. La Norma; an Opera. Bellini. Hogarth's Works, from the Original Plates- Stabat Mater. RossiniAlbum Cosmopolite. Vattemare- Ernani; an Opera. Verdi. Graphic Illustrations of Hogarth. Ireland- I Lombardi; an Opera. Verdi. Hogarth Illustrated. Ireland. Lucia di Lammermoor. Donizetti. Rembrandt and his Works. Burnet- Ancient Scottish Melodies. DauneyGaleries Historiques de Versailles, par Gavard. Anglo-Saxon Music. Wackerbath. Pictures of First Masters. Cunningham. Music of the Church. Hirst, The Albion Gallery- English Melodies. Swain, Galerie du Palais Royal- Chants et Chansons Populaires de la France. Galerie du Musee Napoleon- Musical LibraryNapoleon Gallery, Collection of English National Airs. ChappellBook of the Raffaeleartoo Cartoons mo. ttermole Music for the Million. Rede. Engravings from the Caracci. Chamberlaine, Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes. Turle. Art Union Prize Annual. London- Singing for the Million. Mainzer. Hogarth Moralized. Christmas Carols; with appropriate Music. Goethe's Faust, illustrated. Retzsch- Musical Gem. Umrisse zu Schillers Lied v. d. Glocke. Retzsch- Musical Encyclopaedia. Porter, British Galleries of Art. Musical World, Hand-Book to Loud. Pub. Galleries. Jameson, Anecdotes of Musicians. Busby, Art of Engraving. Fielding. Romantische Dichtkunst. Schlegel, Lectures on Art of Engraving. Landseer. Musical Memoirs. Parke, Treatise' on Wood Engraving. Jackson. Etching Described and Simplified. GAMES, SPORTS, AND AMUSEMENTS. Art and Practice of Etching. Alken, Games and Sports. Walker, Art of Illumination. Humphreys, Festivals, Games, and Amusements. Smith, Lectures on Sculpture. Flaxman. Boy's Treasury of Sports, Sculpture and the Plastic Art, Dictionary of Sports, Sculpture:among the Ancients. Dallaway. Course of Gymnastic Exercises. Clias. Illustrations of the Odyssey. Flaxman- Manly Exercises. Walker, Illustrations of the Iliad. Flaxman- British Manly Exercises. Walker, Compositions from _Eschylus. Flaxman- Gymnastics for Youth. Salzmann. Compositions from Hesiod. Flaxman- Art of Dancing. Noverre. Specimens of Ancient Art in England. Carter, Art of Swimming. Frost. Neue Kunst und Litteratur. Schlegel, Defensive Exercises. Walker, MUSIC. Art of Fencing. Roland. Book of Archery. Hansard. Hist. of Philos. of Sound and Music. Higgins, Analysis of Horsemanship. Adams. History of Music in New England. Hood, The Horseman. Hershberger, State Music iul France & Italy. (1773). Burney. History of British Turf. Whyte. Ecrits sur la Musique. Rousseau. Oriental Field SportsAncient Music of Ireland. Bunting- Encyclopaedia of Rural Sports. Blaine. History of Music. Busby. U. States and B. Amer. Field Sports. Herbert. History of Music. Burney- Oracle of Rural Life, for Sportsmen, History of Music. Stafford, Sportsman's Library. Mills, Memoirs of Musical Drama. Hogarth. Instructions to Young Sportsmen. Hawker. Musical Hist., Biography & Criticism. Hogarth; Sporting Sketch-Book. Carleton, Music of Nature. Gardiner. Sporting Scenes, by Martingale. Music of Western Europe. Kieswetter. Sporting Anecdotes. Egan, Theory of Musical Compos. Weber. Thoughts on Hunting. Beckford. Elements of Musical Composition. Graham- Nimrod's Hunting Tours, Musical Dictionary. Warner. Young Rifleman's Comrade, Dictionnaire de la Musique. Rousseau. Shooter's Hand-Book, Musical Grammar. Callcott, Recreations in Shooting, by Craven. Grammar of Music. Busby, Modern Shooter. Lacy. Wilhelm's Method of Teaching Music. Hullah. Shooter's Companion. Johnson, The Violin and its Professors. Dubourg, Shooter's Preceptor. Johnson, Rudimental Lessons in Music. Warner, Instructions to Young Marksmen. Chapman, Singer's Manual. Adams, Cynegetica et Halieutica. Oppianus. Boston Acad. Manual of Vocal Music. Mason, The Rod and Gun. Wilson. Guide to Vocal Music. Turner, Complete Angler. Walton and Cotton, Handel's Sacred Oratorios, Angler's Assistant. Carpenter, Mose in Egitto. Rossini. Alphabet of Angling. Rennie, II Guiramento; an Opera. Mercadante. Rod and the Line. Wheatley, Roberto Devereux, Donizetti- American Angler's Guide. Brown, 320 CLA S SIFIED INDEX. [Merc. Lib, Games and Sports. Chess. Fish and Fishing of N. America. Herbert. Chess Player's Hand-Book, British Angler's Manual. IHofland, Treatise on Chess. Walker, Angler's Companion in Scotland. Stoddart, Chess for Winter Evenings. Agnel, Hoyle's Games, Chess and Chess Players. Walker, Chess Player's Companion. Staunton, Chess. Dal Rio. Letters on Chess. Vogt, Chess for Beginners. Lewis, Chess Studies; Games Played. Walker. Lessons on Chess. Lewis, American Chess Magazine. Stanley. Manual of Chess. Kenny, Guide to Draughts. Sturges, Chess Preceptor. Jaenisch. Chess rendered Familiar. Pohlman. History and Practice of Backgammon, Analysis of Chess. Philidor, Whist; its History and Practice, Chess Player's Hand-Book. Staunton, POLITICAL SCIENCE. Lord Brougham's Political Philosophy. Constitutional Jurisprudence of U. S. Duer, Sidney's Discourses on Philos. of Government. Constitutional Code. Bentham. Bentham's Fragment on Government. Essays on Progress of Nations. Seaman. Essays on Government. Observ. on Political State of Europe. Laing. Principes d'Organisation Politique. Proudhon. Letter to Windham. Bolingbroke. Demosthenes' Oration on the Crown, State of Nat. in Let. to Windham. Bolingbroke. Cicero de Republica. Condition and Fate of England. Lester, Nature and Tendency of Free Instit. Grimke. France and England. Lamartine, Tyranny Unmasked. Taylor. France & Eng. compared: Analogies & Contr. Manual of Liberty. Democratie en France. Guizot, Treatise on Right of Suffrage. Jones, Democracy in France. Guizot, Civil y Penal Legislacion. (Span.) Bentham, Democracy in America. Tocqueville. Principles of Legislation. Bentham. Democracy. Camp, Essays on Human Rights. Hurlburt, Voice from America to England. Anti-Machiavel. Frederic II. Lettres de la Montagne. Rousseau. De l'Egalitb. Leroux. Gouvernement de Pologne. Rousseau. Polit. Tactics in Legis. Assemb. Bentham- Political Essays on New Spain. Humboldt. Jefferson's Manual of Parliamentary Practice, Rela. of Schlew.&c. to Den. & Ger. Con. Twiss. Cushing's Rules for Debate in Delib. Assemb, Hanover Succession Justified. Bentham's Book of Fallacies. Vindica. of Russia & Emp. Nicholas. Hitchcock, Thoughts on Lib., Licen. & Faction. Brown, Correspondence on Russia. Harper. Generative Principles of Polit. Cons. Maistre, Manual for U. S. Consuls. IHenshaw, Rousseau's Inquiry into Social Contract, Corporation Manual of N.Y. City. Valentine, Questions Constitutionnelles. Barante. General Pub. Acts of Congress on Pub. Lands. Sistema de la Europa. Pradt, Success of Revolution in England. Guizot. Constitutions of Europe and U. S. Lacroix. Letters on French Revolu. (1848). Brougham. Constitution of England. Lolme. American Crisis. Paine. Book of the British Constitution. Stephens. Real Charact. of Revolution of 1688. Ward, View of Constitution of England. Custance. Vindicioe Gallicae. Mackintosh. Constitution of Church and State. Coleridge, Reflections on the French Revolution. Burke, Abuses in Church and State. Wade, Causes of French Revolution. Russell. Legacy to Parsons. Cobbett, Observations on American Revolution. Price, Constitutions of France. Roelker, Disorganizations of Europe. Clarke. View of U. S. Constitution. Rawle. Recent Politics of Switzerland. Grote, Writings on Federal Constitution. Marshall. Letters on Parties. Bolingbroke. Republicanism vs. Federalism. Austin. Hist. of Politic. Parties N.Y. State. Hammond, The Federalist. Antijacobin Review. (1799-1801). Rights of an American Citizen. Oliver. The Antijacobin. 1799. Debates on Adoption of Fed. Const. Elliott. Bellendenus' Preface of, Translated. Inquiryinto Character of American Governm't. The Plain-Dealer. (1836-7)Defence of U. S. Constitution. Adams. Maj. Jack Downing's Letters. Davis, Brit. and Amer. Constit. compared. Aiken, Patriotic Bon Mots, Epigrams, &c. Paine, U. S. Constitutional Guide. Moulton, The American Democrat. Cooper, Remarks on U. S. Gov. and Laws. Mably. Olive Branch. Carey, Political Grammar of U. S. Mansfield, Harper's Select Works. Catalogue.1 CLA SSIFIED INDEX. 321 Political Science. Law. Orateurs Parlementaires. Cormenin, INTERNATIONAL LAW. Orators of Franc. Cormenin, Guerre et Paix, le Droit de. GrotiusPaine's Political Writings. Rights of War and Peace. Grotius. Paine's Political Essays, Law of Inter. of Gt. Brit. and France. Okey. Eloquence of the United States. Williston. Elements of International Law. Wheaton. Pitt's Speeches*. Brit. Claim to Right of Search. Wheaton. Earl of Chatham's Speeches. Law of Nature and Nations. Puffendorfheusiss's Speechesw. t a ieor Inquiry into International Law. Reddie. Huskisson's Speeches, with a Memoir. Law of Nations. Vatel. Demosthenes' Orations; Derecho Natural des Gentes. Reyneval, Sheridan's Speeches. Law of Nature and of Nations. Mackintosh, Hazlitt's Eloquence of British Senate. HazMitt's Eloquence of British Senate. Principles of the Laws of Nations. Poison, Ecritures Politiques. Rousseau. Papers of Madison. CIVIL LAW. Maclure's Opinions on Various Subjects. Barlow's Political Writings, Study of Civil Law. Irving. Hazlitt's Political Essays. Origine et Progres de Legis. Fran. Bernardi. Peel's Opinions, Study and Hist. of Roman Law. Phillimore. Leggett's Political Writings, Historical View of Roman Law. Schomberg. Bolingbroke's Letters on Patriotism, &c. Compendium of Civil Law. Mackeldy. Southey's Essays, Treat. on Eng. & Amer.Copyright Law. Curtis. Mirror for Magistrates- Talfourd's Speeches on the Copyright Bill, Debates on Treaties in Congress. History of Copyright Law. Lowndes. Speeches on the Removal of Indians, Acts and Laws of New Jersey, 1702-76English Misrule and Irish Misdeeds. De Vere, Acts and Laws of ConnecticutColonies of England. Roebuck. Acts and Laws of Reigns of George II. & IIIAdministration in Canada. Head. Blue Laws of Connecticut, Bubbles in Canada. Haliburton, Lect. on Colonization and Colonies. Merivale. CRIMINAL LAW. Colonial Policy of Euro. Powers. Brougham. Juryman's Guide. Edward. Immigration to United States. Chickering. Clerk's and Magistrate's Assistant, Miss. to England on Colonization. Gurley, Principles of Criminal Law. (Small Books), Colonization and Christianity. Howitt. Penal Law for the U. States. LivingstonArt of Colonization. Wakefield. Rationale of Crime. Sampson. LAW. REAL ESTATE LAW. Prin. of Law, Natural and Polit. Burlamaqui. Land-Owner's Manual. Hall. Montesqueiu's Spirit of the Laws. Index to Heirs at Law. Chambers, Commentary on Montesqueiu's Spirit of Laws. American Law of Land. and Tenant. Taylor. Tracy's Commentary on the Same; in Spanish, Hist. des Legislations Comparees. Lerminier, COMMERCIAL LAW. Vocation of our Age for Legislation. Savigny. Treatise on Law of Contracts. Addison. Scotch Judicial Reform. Bentham. Nouveau Manuel des Notaires. Grammar of Law- Law of Contracts. Powell. Popular Introduct. to Law Studies. Warren; Law of Joint Stock Companies. Wordsworth. Bacon's Elements of Common Law. (Works.) Law of Marine Insurance. Sherman. Elements of Law. Hilliard. Law of Principal and Agent. Paley. Province of Jurisprudence Determ. Austin. Marine Representation in Insurance. Duer. Law Stud.; Guide to Study of Law. Anthon. Law of Marine Fire, and Life Insur. Hughes. Selections from Blackstone's Commentaries, Laws of Trade and of Insurance. Loomis, Diet. de Jurisprudence. Dutard et Sausserre. Law of Common Assurances. SheppardStandardLib. Cyclopaedia of Forensic Knowl, Law of Insurance. Annesley, New Law Dictionary. Holthouse, Law of Maritime Commerce. Reddie. Political Dictionary. Law of Marine Insurance, 1800. Park. Legal Sciences and Diet. of Terms. Jones, Law of Suretyship. Burge. Governmental Instructor. Shurtleff, Treatise on Law of Insurance. Marshall. Legal Rights, &c. of Women. Mansfield, Law of Usury. Blydenburgh. Rud. of Am. Law and Practice. Clarke. Law of Sales of Personal Property. Hilliard. Commentaries on American Law. Kent. Law of Contracts. Chitty. Blackstone's Commentaries on English Law. Doctrine of Contracts. Verplanck. Story's Comments on Conflict of Laws. Bills of Exch. and Promissory Notes. Chitty. Hortensius; a Hist. Essay. Forsyth, Synopsis of Mercantile Law. IMontefiore. Review of Laws of U. S., Brit. Prov., & W. I. Law Compendium of Traders. Montefiore. Treatise on Law of Evidence. Starkie. Report Liverpool Mer. on Pay. of Town's Dues. Law of Evidence. Greenleaf. Merchant's Book of Reference. Holcombe. 41 822 CLA S IFIED INDEX. [Merc. Lib. Commercial Laaw., Social Polity, Lex Mercatoria Rediviva. Beawes- Essay on Prison Discipline. Heaton, Law of Merchant Ships and Seamen. Abbott. Panopticon; or, Penitentiary. Bentham, Compendium of Mercantile Law. Smith. System of U. States Penitentiary. Beaumont. Laws of Shipping. Ellis, Report on the Penitentiaries of the U. S.Laws of Customs. Ellis, Documents on House of Refuge. Hart. Duties of U. S. Custom House Officers. Jones. Prison Discipline in America. Gray. Laws of Grt. Brit. on Customs, & Exp. Pope. Report of Inspectors N. Y. State Prison. Report on the Quarantine Laws, (U. S.). Inside Out; View ofN. Y. State Prison. Coffey, Law Merchant of U. States. Caines. Prisons in England, Wales, &c. HowardYoung Citizen's Manual. Conkling, Bagnes de Paris. Alhoy. Report on the Policy, &c., of the Nav. Laws- Prisons de Paris. Alhoy. Anatomy of the Navigation Laws. Ricardo. Howard and the Prison-World. Dixon, Maritime Law of Europe. Azuni.Hopitaux, &c., en Italie. CeifberrAmerican Clerk's Magazine. Freeman, Report of Governors of N. Y. Alms-House. The Form-Book of Notes, Bills, &c, Reports of Alms-House Corn. of N. Y. 1847-8. Laws of Foreign Patents. Urling. Report on the Poor-Law Com. of Grt. Brit.Laws of U. States relative to Patents. Soulagement de Misere. lIelun. Laws of all Nations on Patents. Kingsley. Hist. of Public Charities of Lond. Highmore, Treatise on Accounts. Cory. Philanthropic Economy. Mrs. Lotdon. Specification of Letters Patent. Webster. Hints on Beneficence,Temperance, &c. Lettsom. Inventor's Guide. Phillips, Reports on Lunatic Hospital at Worcester. Clerk's Assistant. Jenkins, Lazarettos in Europe. HowardUnited States Form Book. Friendly Societies. Ansell. Abolition of Arrest on Mesne Process. Lush. Institutions for Life Assurance. Babbage. Reversionary Payments and Annuities. Price. CONSTITUTIONAL AND STATUTE LAW. Annuities and Reversionary Payments. Jones. U. S. Treaties & Statutes on Corn. Gordon. Annuities upon Lives. De Moivre. Exposition of U. S. Constitution. Bayard, Life and Health Insurance. Watt. Sept Codes du Royaume, Life Assurance. Jones, Story's Commentaries, on U. S. Constitution. Life Annuities. Blaney. Les Cinques Codes. Sirey. Life Assurance. Morgan. Laws of New-York State, 72d Session. Life and Health Insurance. Wait. Digest of Laws of United States. Gordon. Popular View of Life Assurance. Hutchinson, Connecticut Code of 1650, SOCIAL CONDITION. Constitution and Laws of England. Sullivan. Gentoo Laws; or, Ordinations of the Pundits.The People. Michelet, Story's Constitutional Class-Book, Socil Destiny of Man. Brisbane, Jurisdiction of the House of Lords. Hale- Constitution of Society. Carr. Juris. & Prac. of U. S. Law Courts. Conkling.Situation Actuelle de Societe. Leroux, Legalia Memoranda. Clark. Natural History of Society. Taylor, History of English Law. Crabbe. Colloquies on Progress of Society. Southey. Discourse on the History of Law. Sampson. Civilization. Moreton. Law and Lawyers; Legal st. and Biography, History of Civil Society. Ferguson. American Criminal Trials. Chandler, Creation de l'Ordre dans l'Humanite, Proudhon, Journal of Law. The Age and its Architects. Hood, Cases in Commercial Law. Holcombe. Hints toward Reforms. Greeley, Digest of Cases in U. S. Courts. Peters. Reforms of Gt. Brit. & Ireland. Staunton, Digest of Cases in N. Y. Courts. Wendell. Indust. Exchanges and Social Rem. Barhydtj Review of Chandos' Peerage Case. Beltz. Bon Sens, Bonne Foi. Girardin, Decisions of U. S. Supreme Court. Holcombe. More's Utopia, Lond. Spy; Lond. Fraud Detected. Barrington, New System of Society. Owen, Curran's Speeches. Exam. of Owen's System of Society. Fisher. Celebrated Trials of All Countries. Etudes sur R~formateurs. Reybaud. English Causes Celebres. Craik, Jerome Paturot; Position Sociale. Reybaud. Criminal Trials. Jardine, Jerome Paturot. et les Republiques. Reybaud, Remarkable Criminal Trials. Fuerbach, Confessions d'un Revolutionnaire. Proudhon, Arguments, Judgment,&c. in Girard Will Case. Doctrines of Charles Fourier. Godwin. Modern State Trials. Townsend. Qu' est ce que la Propriete. Proudhon, Comic Blackstone. Becket, Humanite, Principes, et 1' Avenir. Leroux. Art of Packing Special Juries. Bentham. Systeme des Contrad. Economiques. Proudhon. Woman in France, (18th Century.) Kavanagh, Woman in the 19th Century. Miss Fuller, Essay on Crimes and Punishments. Beccaria, Condition and Influence of Women. Segur, Thoughts on Secondary Punishment. Whately. Education and Influence of Women. Reid, sfLondon Prisons. sixon, London Prisons. Dixon, Woman's Rights Vindicated. Wollstonecraft, Police and Crimes of London Metropolis. R ts of Morality. Essay on English Society, Rigts of Morality. Essay on English Society, Catalogue.] CLA SSIFIED INDEX. 323...=........,..,.. Political Economy. Conmmerce and Trade. Britannia; or, Claims of Seamen. Harris. National Bankruptcy of Britain. Bristed, Condit. of People in England & Europe. Kay, Politics of France and Great Britain. Marsh. Condition of the People of Ireland. Foster. Report of Sec. of Treasury on Public Credit. Glory and Shame of England. Laster, Report of Secretary of Treasury on Finance. Fame and Glory of England Vindicated, Report of Sec. of Treas. on Warehouse Syst. England and America Compared. Wakefield. Financial Register. Middle and Working Classes. Wade, Puissance Americaine. Poussin. Artisans and Machinery. Gaskell, Treatise on Civil Polity & Polit. Econ. Willson, Association Discussed. Greeley. Hampden in the 19th Century, Labor and Association. Briancourt, Progress of Society. Hamilton. Principles of Population. Alison. Progress of Political Econ. in Europe. Twiss. Law of Population. Doubleday. Hist. d' Econ. Politique en Europe. Blanqui, Principles of Population. Malthus. Past, Present, and Future. Carey. Abstract of the Population of Great Britain- Essay on Distribution of Wealth. Ramsay. Enumerat. of Inhab. of Scot., 1801, 1811,1821. Plantation Scheme in Ireland. Caird. Population dans les Grands Villes. Fregier. Essays on Legislation in Encour. Agricul. Condition of People in Large Towns. Distribution of Wealth. Jones, Over Population, and its Remedy. Thornton. Sources & Effects of Unequal Wealth. Byllesby, Rights of Property. Thiers, POLITICAL ECONOMY. Indust., Metiers &c. en France. La Bedolliere. John Hopkins' Notions on Polit. Econ. Marcet, Causes of Popular Poverty. Blatchley, Various Systems of Political Econ. Ganilh. De la Propriete. Thiers. Introduc. to Political Economy. Boileau. Claims of Labor, Disputed Questions of Political Econ. Mill. Essay on Rate of Wages. Carey. Principles of Political Economy. Mill. Arts and Artisans. Symons. Political Economy. Say. Organisation du Travail. Blanc, Political Economy. Coper. Livre de l'Ouvrier. Egron, Harmonies Economiques. Bastiat. Industry of Nations. Eisdell, Lectures on Political Economy. Whately. Industrial Hist. of Free Nations. M' Cullagh. Principles of Political Economy. Vethake. Rights of Industry. (Working Man's Comp.), Essay on Political Economy. Carey, Amer. Factories and their Fem. Op. Scoresby, Principles of Political Economy. Atkinson. Essays on Property and Labor. Lieber, Principles of Political Economy. Malt/hus. Chartism. Carlyle, Conversations on Political Economy. Marcet, Labor and other Capital. Kellogg. Discourses, &c., on Political Econ. Lawrence. Political Disquisitions on Public Errors. Burgh. Principles of Political Economy. Mc Culloch.COMMERCE AND TRADE. Treatise on Political Economy. Tracy, Co cil ad R e. ayoNouveau Principes d' Econ. Polit. Sismondi. U. S Commercial and Revenue Syst. MayoManual of Political Economy. Phillips. Treatise on Commerce. McCulloch. New Principles of Political Economy. Rae. Philosophy of Trade. Stirling. Popular Lectures on Polit. Econ. Hodgkinson, ammtliche Werke. Gleim. Elements of Political Economy. Mill. Syst. of Exchange with all the World. Moors, Principles of Political Economy. Carey. Sophisms of Protective Policy. Bastiat, Catechism of Political Economy. Say. ublic Economy for U. States. Colton. Cateehism of Political Economy. Say. Libert6 Commercial e. Lherbette. Summary of Principles of Political Economy. Wr in Diommecie. Lbete. Political Enonomy. Potter, War iv Disguise; Lectures on Political Economy. Senior. New Olive Branch. Carey. Logicn of Political Economy. De Queincey. Report of Boston Citizens on Incr. of Duties. Elements of Political Economy. Ricardo. Sophisms of Free Trade, Political Economy. Sismondi. Principles of Free Trade. Raguet. Thoughts on Political Economy. Rymond. Proceed. of Friends of Dom. Industry. Niles. Elements of Political Economy. Wayland Address of Phila. Soc. on Nat. Indust. Carey. Political Economy. Cardoz, Rights of Labor. Colton. Political Economy. McVickcar. Des Douanes et des Prohibitions. Chaptal. Political Economy. Chalmers,Evidence in Sup. of Anti-Tariff Memor. Lee. Political and Social Economy. Burton, Policy of the Navigation LawsPublic and Private Economy. Sedwick, Changes in Commer. Systems of For. Nations. Smith's Wealth of Niations; Annals of Commerce. MacphersonResources and Statis. of Nations. MacGregor. Lectures on Ancient Commerce. ilbart, Philosophy of Wealth. Craouford, History of Commerce. Anderson-, Princ. of Taxat. and Funding Sys. McCulloch. Hist des Rvolutions du Commerce. Chappus, Taxation & Corn. Policy of Gt. Brit. Buchanan. Report on Com. and Navigation. Cambreleng. Agricult., Trade & Finance of England. Lowe.Report on Commerce and Navigation of U. S. Taxation, Debt, &c., of British Empire. Pebrer. port on Com. td Navigation, Sec. of Treas. Financial History of England. Doubleday. Report of the Secretary of the Treas. for 1849. Resources of British Empire. Bristed, Report of See of the Treas on Prot. System 324 CLA S IFIED INDEX. [CAerc. Lib. Commerce. Banrking and Clurrency. Land Office Commissioner's Report. Hist. of Precious Metals. Comstock, Report on the Canal Frauds of N. Y. State. Management of Mlints. Smith. Mediterranean Commerce of U. S. Baker. Monograph of Silver Dollar. Riddell. Trade between Grt. Brit. & U. States. Reuss. Theory of Money, & Prin. of Corn. Wheatley. Commercial Power of Grt. Brit. Dupin. Nature and Use of Money. Gray. History of Inland Navigation. Phillips- Eckfeldt's and Dubois, New Coins and Bullion, Corn. and Police of Thames River. Colquhoun. Theory of Money and Banks. Tucker. Comn. Relations of Fran. with Grt. Brit. Report- Government and Currency. Middleton, Colonial Trade of U. S. & Great Brit. Report. Remarks on Currency and Corn. Wheatley. European Commerce. Rordansz. Regulation of Currency. Fullarton. European Commerce. Oddy.- Anal. and Hist. of Currency Question. Joplin. Europeens dans les Deux Indes. Raynal; Suggestions for Domestic Currency. Almanach du Commerce de Paris. Tynna. Depreciation of Currency. IHskisson. Geschichte der Hamburgischen Hand. Busch. Currency and Banking. Raguet. Commerce of Mediterranean. Jackson; Sterling Exchange Tables. Folger. Tableau du Commerce Belgique. 1831-4- Sterling & Federal Exchange Tables. Folger. Commerce of Greece, 1787-97. Beaujour. Mercantile Tables. Newman. Oriental Commerce. lelburn- Interest Tables. RawlettReport on Corn. and Manuf. of Switzerland- Tables of Advance. Webb. Report on Com. of Black Sea. Hagemeister. Tables of Exchange. TeschemacherCommerce of Black Sea. Dearborn. Tables of European Exchanges. BarrettHist. of Brit. Trade in the Caspian. Hanway- Bills of Exchange & Promiss. Notes. Foster. Opium Trade with China. Thelwall, Tables of Exchange. Price. History of Iron Trade. Scrivenor. Epitome of Stocks and Public Funds. Forsyth, Cotton Trade and Exchange. Entz. Epitome of Stocks and Public Funds. Fortune, Shipmaster's Assist. and Cor. Digest. Blunt. Chronicles and Char. of Stock Exch. Francis. Cyclopaedia of Commerce, &c. Waterston. Circulating Credit; and Bank. Sys. of Gt. Brit. Introduct. to Trade and Business. Langford. Funding System of U. S. and Gt. Brit. Elliott. Merchant's Manual. Foster. Negotiator's Magazine. Hayes. Foster's Clerk's Guide; or, Commer. Corres, Modern Cambist. Tate. Unterricht furWerdende Kaufleute. Christiani. Banking Institut. in Europe & U. S. Goddard. The Universal Merchant. Alldridge. History of the Bank of England. Francis. Dictionary of Commerce. IMcCulloch. History of Banking in America. Gilbart. Degrand's Boston Report of Sales and Arrivals. History of Banking in Ireland. Gilbart. Eng. and French Commer. Terms. Spiers, History and Principles of Banking. Gilbart. Hand-Book of Trade and Commerce, Banks and Bankers. Hardcastle, Yearly Jour. of Trade, 1842 and 3. Pope. Speeches on Trial for Conspiracy. Barker. National Calendar, 1822-36. Force, History of Banks, Manual of Commerce. Waterston, History of Banking. Lawson. History of Prices from 1792-1838. Tooke. History of Amer. Banking System. Gouge. History of Prices from 1839 to 1847. Tooke. Trial of Barker, & others for Conspir. Maxwell. Cambist and Commer. Dictionary. Kelly- History of U. S. Bank. Clarke. British Merchant. King. Practical Treatise on Banking. Gilbart. Manual of Eng. & Fr. Commer. Correspond, Principles of Currency and Banking. Lord, Book of Trades. Paper against Gold. Cobbett. Commercial Directory. Moses. Banker's Guide. Thomas. Diet. of Trade and Commerce. Postlethwayt- Banker's Magazine. (1847-8). Commercial Dictionary. MontefioreLettres d'un Negociant, a son Fils, BOOK-XEEPING. Common-place Book of Law & Corn. Linn. Bat r' Sin d i London Commercial Dictionary. Anderson. Bachedr's So gle and Double r S ng -keeping. Commercial Directory of the United States- Benneer's Book-g fr ngs. Book of Commerce by Sea and Land, Bchannn's Book-leeping. Cyclopaedia of Commerce. Clarke- Buchanan's Book-keeping. United States Tariff of 1828. Lyon,Buclin's Double Entry BookeeinTariff of the U. S. for 1842. Ogden, Colt's Book-keeping. Tariff of the U. S. for 1846. Ogden. omer's Double Enty Bookkeeping. Duties, &c. on Goods, &c. imported U. S., Crittenden's Double Entry Book-keeping. Tariff of Sound of Ore,Dando's Book-keeping. British Tariff for 1836-38, 1840-46. Ellis, Deighans Book-keeping. Examination of Tariff of Henry Baldwin. Dilworths Book-keepels Assistant. Custom Guide. Pope. Dzuf's North American Accountant. Bill Relating to U. S. Custom House Officers- Edwards' Book-keeper's AtlasFoster's Treat. on Commercial Book-keeping. BANKING AND CURRENCY. Goddard's Merchant; or, Practical AccountantProduct. & Consump. of Prec. Metals, Jacob. Gordon's Universal Accountant. Catalogue.] CLA SSIFIED INDEX. 325 Book-keeping. Statistics. Hamilton's Introduction to Merchandize. Directory of Birmingham. Wrightson, Harris' Book-keeping. Contributions to Vital Statistics. NeisonInglis' Book-keeping. (Chambers' Ed. Course,) Journal of Statistical Soc. of Lond. (1839-47). Jackson's New Check Journal. Account of United States. Warden. Jackson's Book-keeping in Italian Form. Facts and Figures from Italy. Savonarola, Jenning's Book-keeping. Report on Census of Boston. Shattuck. Joerres' Equation of Payments. British Almanac and Companion. 1828-49, Jones' Principles & Practice of Book-keeping. United States Almanac. 1843, Jones's Book-keeping- American Almanac. (1831-50), Jones' Book-keeping and Accountantship- U. S. Almanac & Nation. Reg. 1850. Disturnell, Lambert's Perpet. Bal., or Imp. Book-keeping. London Almanac for 1841, Lang's Book-keeping. Almanack de Gotha pour 1850, Liddell's Seaman's Vade Mecum. New-York Annual Register. Williams, M'Laughlin's Book-keeping by Double Entry. New-York State Register. (1843-5), McSweeney's System of Book-keeping. General Army Register. 1846, Mair's Book-keeping. General Army Register. 1849, Marsh's Sciepce of Book-keeping, Dble. Entry. Tables of Revenue, &c., of United KingdomMarsh's Art of Book-keeping, Single Entry. View of the United States. 1787-94. Coxe. Marsh's Lecture on Study of Book-keeping, Learned Soc. & Printing Clubs Gt. Brit. Hume, Morrison's Book-keeping; Albany Annual Register. (1849). Mansell, Morrison's System of Merchants' Accounts- Progress of British Nation in 19th Cent. Porter; Preston's Book-keeping. Commer. Statistics of all Nations. MacGregor. Reynold's Introduction to Merchants Accounts. Business Directory of N. Y. 1848. Wilson, Roche's Book-keeping. New-England Mercant. Union Business Direct. Roe's Book-keeping. N. Y.City Dir. (1800-1,7-8,16-20,25-6,28-42), Ross' Accountant's Own Book, New-York City Directory. (1842-50). Ross' Double Entry Book-keeping- Boston Directory, Royer's Credit Foncier en Allemagne et Belgi, New-York Business Directory, Shaw's Book-keeping, Western Business Directory. Shey's American Book-keeper. Brit. Tables of Meas. of Capacity. Gutteridge. Thoreau's Book-keeping- Compendium of the Census of U. S. for 1840R. Turner's, Book-keeping, Black Book; or, Corruption Unmasked. T. Turner's, Book-keeping, Economie Politique. Storch. Willett's Single Entry Book-keeping, Blue Book. (1833, 1841, 3, 5, 7, 9). Wilson's Book-keeping. Statistics, &c., of U. States. Ouseley. Young Clerk's Assistant. Progress of U. States in Fifty Years. Tucker. Shipping and Commercial ListPrinciples of Statistical Inquiry. Russell. Statistics of U. States. (1789-1818.) SeybertTheo. of Prob. applied to Moral Sci. Quetelet. Tableau du Commerce de la FranceStatist. & Resources of U. S. Govern. Putnam, Statistics of France. Goldsmith. Statist. Account of British Empire. McCulloch. Statistical Companion. Williams, HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY. UNIVERSAL TRAVELS. Voyage Round the World. 1836-42. Belcher. Pinkerton's Collection of Voyages- Voyage Round World. 1766-9. BougainvilleComp. Collec. of Voyages & Travels. Harris- Voyage Round the World. Holman. Voyages Modernes. (1780-1820). Eyries. Voyage Round the World. Anson. Christian Missions; Travels, &c., of Eng. Mis. Histor. Acct. of Circumnavigation of Globe, Collection of Voyages and Travels. 1704-32. Voyage Round the World. 1806-12. Campbell, Collection of Modern Voyages and Travels- Voyage Round the World. 1785-8. PortlockNew Voyages and Travels. Reise um die Wlet. (Werke.) Chamisso, Collection of Voyages and Travels. Kerr. Voyage Round the World. 1708-11. Rogers. Voyages Round the World, Voyage Round the World. 1831-4. Reynolds. Voyages Round the World. 1520-1820. Price, Overland Journey Round World. Simpson. Voyages Round the World. Delano. Voyage Round World in Flag Ship. Taylor, Voyages Round the World. Fanning. Cruise Round World in Potomac. Warriner, Voyages Round the World. 1679-91, Dampier. Voyage Round the World. Vancotuver. Voyage Round the World. 1812-16. Barnard, VoyageRound the World. 1785-8. LaPerouse. 326 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [Mere. Lib. Universal Travels. Universal Geography. Voyage Round World. 1835-7. Ruschenberger. Geography. (Circle of Sciences), Travels in Europe, Asia & Africa. Rapelje. Le ons de Geographie. Gaultier, Wild Sports in Europe, Asia & Africa. Napier. Lecciones de Geografia. Gaultier, Travels in Asia, Africa, &c. Abu Taleb Khan, Lehrbuch der Geographic. Cannabich. Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa. Clarke. Sacred Geography. WellsTailor's Wander. in Europe & East. Holthaus. Ancient Geography. Anville. Mott's Travels in Europe and the East. Ancient Geography and History. Putz, Travels of the Jesuits. Lockman. Ancient and Medieval Geography. Anthon. Voyages and Travels. (1803-7). Langsdo.f. Maps of the Soc. Diff. U. KLives & Voya. of Drake, Cavendish & Dampier, Johnston's National AtlasVoyages. Cook. Black's General AtlasVoyages and Travels. Sharan, Chambers' Atlas for the PeopleLetters of a Traveller. Bryant, New General AtlasFragments of Voyages and Travels. Hall, Oddy's General AtlasWandering Sketches in S. America. Wood, Laurie's General AtlasNarrative of Voyages. Cleveland, Atlas Historique, Geneal. et Geogr. Le SageVoyages and Travels. Uring. Atlas Genealog., Hist., and Geogr. LavoisneVoyage in search of La Prouse. Labillardiere. Bradford's Geogr., Hist., and Commer. AtlasTravels and Memoirs. Reresby. Le Globe; Atlas Ancienne et ModerneTravels in Europe and Brazil. Adalbert. Atlas ClassicaVoyage of Sir F. Drake. (Hakluyt Soc.) Map of Count. between Eng. & India. Parbury, Enterprises in Search of El Dorado. VanHuevel. Collection of Plans of Cities. AndrewsVoyages en Atlantique et Pacifique. Delessert. Plans of Countries, Cities, &c. LuffmanOver the Ocean; or, Travels in Many Lands, Use of the Globes. Keith. Mrs. Elwood's Journey from Eng. to India. Use of the Globes. ThackwrayMap of Overland Routes; Eng. to India. Allen. Bounderies of Empires. Finch, Keppel's Journey from Eng. to Indiain 1824. Book of the World. Fisher. Sketches by a Traveller, World in a Pocket-Book. Crump, The Modern Traveller. Conder, Geograph. and Hist. View of World. Bigland. The Broad Pennant. Taylor, First Principles of Astron. and Geogr. Watts. Two Years and a Half in the Navy. Wines, Diet. de Geographie Commergante. PeuchetSketches of Travel, & Life at Sea..Rockwell. Maritime Geography and Statistics. Tuckey. Life on the Ocean. Little, Dictionary of Geography. Conder, Two Years before the Mast. Dana, Encyclopaedia of Geography. Murray. History of Maritime & Inland Discov. Cooley, Buckingham's Universal Gazetteer. Voyages of Ships Adventurer & Beagle. King. Brooks' General Gazetteer; or, Geograph. Diet. Narrative of U. S. Exploring Expedit. Wilkes. Morse's Universal Gazetteer. Ledyard's Travels and Adventures, Guthrie's Geograph., Hist., & Com. Grammar. Myer's Life and Travels. Connection of Geography & Hist. Hillard, Benyowsky's Memoirs, and Travels- Applic. de Geograph. B l'Hist. Braconnier, Etchings of Whaling Cruise. Browne. Geographie Moderne. Gibrat, Incidents of a Whaling Voyage. Olnsted, Outlines of Modern Geography. Goodrich, Whale and its Captors. Cheever, Journal of Royal Geographical Society. Flowers of Modern Travels. Adams, Perils and Captivity, PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Adventures of British Seamen; Physical Geography. Somerville. Remarkable Shipwrecks, Traill's Physical Geography, Histoire des Naufrages. Desperthes, Johnston's Physical AtlasShipwrecks and Disasters at Sea, Guyot's Lee. on Phys'l Geog., Earth and Man, Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea. Redding, Recreations in Physical Geography. Zornlin, Aventures des Voyageurs. Hombron. Humboldt's Aspects of Nature, Romance of Modern Travels, The Earth. Mu.die, Perils of the Sea. (Boy's and Girl's Lib.), Physical Con'n and Phe'a of Earth. Higgins, Perils and Adventures of the Deep, Pocket Encyclop. of Natural Phen'a. Forster, NIVERSAL GEOGRAPHY. Geographie, Physique et Meteorologie. LeCoq. Elements of Meteorology. Daniell. Elements of Geography. Dickinson. Dictionary of Facts and Knowledge. Barrow, Principls of Geography. Malte Brun. Introduction to Meteorology. Thomson. Universal Geography. Malte Brun. Murphy's Meteorology. System of Geography. Bell. Meteorology. (Chambers' Educ. Course), Abrege de Geographie. Balbi, Howard's Meteorology, Balbi's Geography. Abridgment by Bradford. Kaemtz' Meteorology, Ewing's Universal Geography, Muller's Physics and Meteorology. Morse's Universal Geography. Causes of Meteorological Phen. Hutchinson. The Glasgow Geography. Observations on the Weather. Joplis. Paine's Universal Geography-'Reid's Attempt to develop the Law of Storms. Catalogue.] CL A SSIFIED D N X. 327 Universal lEistory. Ancient lHistoryi Reid's Law of Storms applied to Navigation. Gandell's Philosophy of History. Whirlwind Storms. Redfield. Principes de 1' Philos. de la Hist. Vico, La Science Nouvelle. Vico, ETHNOGRAPHY. L'Esprit de 1' Histoire. Ferrand. Atlas Ethnographique du Globe. Balbi. History Philosophically Illustrated. Miller. Introduc. to Atlas Ethnographique. Balbi. Raleigh's History of the WorldPhysical History of Mankind. Prichard. Raleigh's Hist. of World, continued. RossNatural History of Man. Prichard. Rotteck's History of the World to 1831. Rev. of Prichard & others. Van Amringe. Shuckford's Sac. and Profane Hist. of World. Eastern Origin of Celtic Nations. Prichard. Russell's Connection of Sac. and Profane Hist. Contests of the Twelve Nations. Turner's Sacred Hstory of the World, Complex. and Figure of Human Spec. Smith. U ersal History. Natural History of Human Species. Smith, Mavor's Universal Histoy to 1801, Unity of the HIuman Race. Smyth, Summary of Universal History. Anquetil. Philolog Proofs of Unity Human Race. Johnes. Introd. k l'Histoire Generale. Puffendorf, Pickering's Races of Men. (U. S. Ex. Ex.)- Discourses sur l'Histoire Universelle. Bossuet, Hale's Ethnog. and Philol. (U. S. Ex. Ex.)- Sir Wm. Drummond's Origines. Transactions of American Ethnolog. Society.Bossuets Universal History to Charlemagne, Progr ess of Ethnology. Bartl~ett. ICrabbe's Universal Historical DictionaryParker's Outlines of General History, ANTIQUITIES; MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. Willard's System of Universal History. Whitaker's Abridgment of Universal HistoryAkerman's Introduc. to Anct. and Mod. Coins, e r's Universal History, Tytler's Universal History, to 1700, Akerman's Man. of Greek, Rom., Eng. Coins, Tyller's Universal History, to 1820 Akerman's Anc. Coins of Hispania, Gallia, Brit. amsay's Universal Histoy Americanized. Akerman s Numismatic Illustra. of New Test. Akerman's Numismactic Illustra. of New Test.^ Butler's Sketches of Universal History, Eckfeldt and Dubois' Manual of Coins- Keightley's Outlines of History Ancient Co and dphreys- Coinspend of History. Whelpley, Ancient Mysteries Described. Stone.ebe's Univesal History. Religions of Profane Antiquity. Duncan, Worcester's Historical Atlas Origin of Laws, Arts, and Sciences. Goguet, dn's Dictionary of Dates. Roscoe's Origin and Vicissitudes of Liter., &c.- Artde Verefier les Dates Instit., Manners, &c. of the Anc. Sabbathier. Haskels Chronological Views of the World Origine des Cultes. Dupuis.ns Chonology Mackinnon's History of Civilization.Plnyfairs ChronologyHist. of Ancient Arts and Sciences. Rollin. Py's Diction y Chronology, History of Ancient Art. Wincklemann. eg's Dictionary of Chronology, History.of Ancien7t eArt. Wi cklemann. Jackson's Chronolog. Antiquities of 5000 Years. Lady Hamilton's Marriage Rites of all Nations. Nicolas's History of Chronology L qtcolas' s History of Chronology, Soane's Curiosities of Literature, Putnam's Chronology; an Introd. to Hist., &c, The Archceologist. The Archaologtzst Blair's Chronological Tables, to 1844. Brand's Observations on Popular Antiquities, Antiquarian Repertory- Milman's History of the Jews. Arbuthnot's Ane. Tables of Coins, Weights, &c. Huie's Hstory of Jews, Antiquarian Itinerary- Archaw-Ploutos- 1~Hale's History of Jews. Archo-Ploutos-. v. Arcai- s..Smith's Hebrew People. Archeological Album. WrightRArch aologicadl Albumn. WVright-.Manners and Customs of the Jews, Roads, Rail-Roads and Vehicles,Orignes Hebree. Lewis Smith's Historical and Literary Curiosities- Ji Antiquities. Josehus Jewish Antiquities. Josephus; Akerman's Index to Remains of Arch. Antiq.Book of Jasher. Heathen Mythology Illustrated. Christmas' Universal Mythologv, ANCIENT HISTORY. Book of Costume. Costumes of the Ancients. Hope. Farr's Ancient History, II Costume, Antico et Moderno. Ferrario. Howell's Ancient History of the WorldDepping's Evening Entertainments, Abrege de l'Histoire Ancienne, Anniversary Calendar, Natal Book, &c. Rtins of Ancient Cities. Bucke, Sketches of Popular Tumults, Bryant's Observations on Ancient HistoryCalef's Wonders of the Invisible World. Sax. Chron. dissected Eng. & Fr. Ancient Hist; Mackay's Extraordinary Popular Delusions. Voltaire's Essays on Manner & Spirit of Nati. Hist. of the Condition of Women. Mrs. Child, Heeren's Resear. concern. Nations of Antiquity, Book of Christmas. Hervey, Frost's Pictorial Ancient History. History of Duelling. Millingen. Origines Gentium Antiquissime. Cumberland. Alten Weltgeschichte. Schlegel, UNIVERSAL HISTORY. Fragments of Anct. Phenician Writers. Cory. Schlege's Philosophy of History; History of theStates of Antiquity. Heeren. Blomfield's Philosophy of History- The Historical Library. Diodorus Siculus. 328 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [Merc. Lib. Greece. lRome. The Five Empires. Wilberforce, Annalium Libri Sedecim. Tacitus, Historife Phillippicce. (Lat. and Eng.) Justin. Historiarum Libri Quinque. Tacitus, Quintus Curtius, de Gestis Alexandri Magni, Tacitus' Five Books of Histories, Quintus Curtius' Hist of Alex. the Great. Tacitus' Works; Quintus Curtius, de Fatti de Alessando Magno, Opera. Cc sar, Alexander the Great. St. Croix- Ccsar's Commentaries. Trans. Abbott's History of Alexander the Great, Jugurthine Wars & Cataline's Consp. Sallust. Dissertations on Hannibal's Passage over Alps. GREECE. Hooke's Roman History. Historie. Grmce. Herodotus,Arnold's History of Rome. Geography of Herodotus with Maps-History of Rome; Herodotus' History Translated; Schmitz' History of Rome, Grote's History of Greece. Keightley's History of Rome, Thirlwall's History of Greece, Paterculus' History of Rome. Mitford's History of Greece. Histoire Romaine. Rollin, Malkin's Hist. of Greece. (Lib. U. K.). Rollin's History of Rome. History of Greece. (Chambers' Educ. Course), Niebur's History of Rome. Robbin's Grecian History for Schools, Niebuhr's Lectures on History of Rome. Keightley's History of Greece, L'Histoire des Empereurs Romains. DuTiel, Goldsmith's History of Greece. Histoire des Empereurs Romains. Crevier, Compendio de la Griega Historia. Goldsmith, Gray's History of Rome. Epitome Greecae Historife. (Greece). History of the Roman Emperors. Lyman. Epitome Graeece Historiee. (Latine), Lives of the Twelve Cesars. Suetonius. Gillies' Ancient and Modern Greece, Merivale's Hist. of Romans und. the Emperors. Ancient and Modern Hist. of Greece. Frost. Eliot's Liberty of Rome & of Ancient Nations. Hist. of Ancient States of Greece. Hill, Arnold's History of Roman Commonwealth. Politics of Ancient Greece. Heeren. Abrege de l'Histoire Romaine, Thucydides de Bello Peloponnesiaco. (Greece), Revolutions in the Roman Republic. Vertot. Thucydides' History of Grecian War Trans.; Ferguson's History of the Roman Republic. Athenian Letters during Pelopennesian War. Histoire du Republique Romaine. Mlichelet. Pauw's Greeks, Philosophical Dissertations. Michelet's History of the Roman Republic, Bryant's Dissertation concern. War of Troy- Gibbon's Decline and Fall of Roman Empire. Negris' Lit. Hist. of Greece. (Stud. Cab. Lib.), Fall of the Roman Empire. Sismondi; Literature of Ancient Greece. Muller. Sur la Chute de 1' Emp. Rom. Chateaubriand. Literature of Anc. Greece. Mure. De Gestis Romanorum. Florus, View of Greek Philosophy. (Small Books), Antiquities, Arts, and Letters in Italy. Forsyth, Chronology of the Olympiads. Musgrave. Antiq. of Rome and its Environs. LumisdenLockhart's Attica and Athens. Description of Ancient Italy. Cramer. Hist. and Antiquities of Doric Race. Muller. Becker's Gallus; Manner, &c., of Romans, Boeckh's Public Economy of Athens, Sketches of Institut. and Manners of Romans, Greece under the Romans. Finlay. Kennett's Antiquities of Rome. Athens; its Rise and Fall. Bulwer, Adam's Roman Antiquities. Grsecie Descriptio. Pausanias- Roman Antiq. Dionysius of HalicarnassensisDescription of Greece. Pausanias. Antiquities and Curiosities of Rome. Burton, Voyage d'Anacharsis en Grace. Barthiemy. Gell's Topography of Rome and Vicinity. Barthelemy's Travels of Anacharsis in Greece. Stuart's and Revett's Antiquities of Athens, Chronolog. Tab. of Grk. & Rom. Hist. Smith. Robinson's Antiquities of Greece. Lempriere's Classical Dictionary. Man. and Customs of Anct. Greece. St. John. Greek and Roman Antiquities. Fosbroke, Becker's Charicles; Manners, &c., of Greeks, Salkeld's Comp. of Rom. & Greek Antiquities, Political Antiquities of Greece. Hermann. Smith's Diet. of Grk. and Roman Antiquities. Hist. Antiquities of Greece. Wachsmuth. Latin and Greek Diet. Illustrations. Rich, Antiquities of Greece. Paul, Akerman's Man. of Grk., Roman & Eng. Coins. History of Etruria. Mrs. Gray, Spence's Polymetis; Anc. Artists and PoetsMrs. Gray's Tour to Sepul. of Etruria. (1839), Bojesen's Manual of Grec. & Rom. Antiquit. Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria. Dennis. Nuttall's Classical and Archaeological Diet. Topography of Athens. Leake.Anthon's Classical Dictionary. Topography of Thebes. Wilkinson. Eschenburg's Manual of Classical Literature. Geog. and Antiquities of Ithaca. Gell- Carr's Manual of Classical Mythology, Grece, Rome et Dante. Ampere, Bacon's Wisdom of the Ancients. (Works). Bacon's Fables of the Ancients, ROME. Greek and Roman Mythology. Moretz, Tooke's Pantheon of Heathen Gods, Hetherington's History of Rome. Dwight's Grecian and Roman Mythology. Historiarum Libri Quinque. Livy, Lucian's Greek and Latin Dialogues, Livy's History of Rome Translated; Scientific System of Mythology. Muller. Catalogue.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 329 1iIohanimedanism and Crusades. Heraldry, Modern History. Monsigny's Mythology, Display of Heraldry. Newton. Keightley's Myth. of Anc. Greece and Italy. Curiosities of Heraldry. Lower. Mayo's New System of Mythology. Heraldic Illustrations. Burke. Cory's Mythological Inquiries. Catalogue of Devices and Mottoes. Tassie, Musgrave's Dissertations. Book of Family Crests, Cicero on the Nature of the Gods. Heraldry of Fish. Moule. Letters on Mythology. View of Heraldry. Brydson. Tales of the Classics, Atavioe Regihe. BrydgesThree Enigmas Explained. Newton. Glossary of Terms in British Heraldry,Manual of Dignities in England. Dodd, Chronological Tables of Anc. and Mod. Hist. Peerage and Baronetage of Gt. Brit. Burke. Mehegan's Univ. Hist. from Fall of Rome. Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage. Dodd, Newman's Contrasts of Anc. and Mod. Hist. Parliamen. Pocket Companion for 1841. Dodd, Historical Causes and Effects. Sullivan. Baronetage of England. BethamTaylor's Manual of Anc. and Modern History. English Surnames. Lower, Robbins' Outlines of Anc. and Mod. History, Peerage of England. Collins. Worcester's Elem. of Anc. & Mod. History, Romance of the Peerage. Craik, Millot's Elem. of Anc. and Modern History. Synopsis of Peerage of England. Nicolas, Heeren's Historical Treatises. Hist. of Brit. Orders of Knighthood. NicolasMaitland's Essays on the Dark Ages. Diet. of Landed Gentry of Gt. Brit. Burke. Glimpses of the Dark Ages, Genealogical and'Hist. Gleanings. BanksHist. of Europe during Middle Ages. Dunham, —-- Views of Europe in Middle Ages. Hallam. Elements of Modern History. Michelet, Pictorial History of Middle Ages. Frost. Modern History. Salmon. Historical Pictures of Middle Ages. Lectures on Modern History. Arnold; Slavery in the Mid. Ages. (Student's Cab. Lib.), Lectures on Modern History. Smyth. Berington's Literary Hist. of Middle Ages. Lectures on Modern History. Schlegel, Histoire du Moyen Age, Etudes d' Histoire Moderne. Villemain, Manual of Hist. of Middle Ages. Des Michels, Modern History. Lord. Hist. Analysis of Chris. Civilization. Vericour, Hist. des Temps Modernes. Le Bas, Die. of Archi.& Archaeol. of Mid. Ages. Britton, Pictorial Modern History. Frost. Medii LEvi Kalendarium. Hampson. Passages of Modern History, Evenings with the Chroniclers. Evans, Modern Judaism. Alien. Hist. Treatise of Cities & Boroughs. Brady- Historisch Genealogisch Jahrbuch. (1781), Pranks of Robin Goodfellow. (Percy Soc.), Let. on Char. & Events, 1783-1815. Sullivan, Fairy Mythology. Keightley, Hist. of Mental Cult. of 18th Cent. Schlosser. Retrospect of Eighteenth Cent. Miller. Mohammedanism and its Sects. Taylor, Annual Historian for 1831. Cobbin, Annual Register. 1758-1848. Life of Mahomet. Green,Annual Reoister 758-1848 Koran in Arabic MS. Mahomet.New Annual Register. 1780-95 History of Mohammedanism. Mills. History of the Year 1848. Kelly, The Koran, by Sale. Mahomet. Contributions to Modern History. Raumer, Life and Religion of Mohammed. Merrick. Remarks on the Past. Nourse, Kur-an Selec. from & Corn. Lane. (Mahomet). Lect. on Gen Policy and History. PriestleyMahomet and his Successors. Irving, History of Civilization. Guizot, Coran, par traduit. Savary. (Mahomet). Remarkable Conspiracies. Lawson, True Imposture displa'd in Mahomet. Prideaux, Study and Use of History. Bgland, Dark Scenes of History. James, Historical Studies. Greene, History of the Crusades. Mills. Hist. and Miscellaneous Questions. Mangnall, Histoire des Croisades. Michaud. Questions on Lyman's Chart of Hist. Lyman, Stebbings' Hist. of Chivalry and the Crusades, Historical Pocket Library, Chivalry and the Crusades. James, Hand of God in History. Read, Chronicles of the Crusades, Mahon's Historical Essays, Crusaders. Keightley, Historical Parallels. Malkin, Ockley's History of the Saracens, Historical Miscellany. Taylor, Hist. of Chivalry and Knighthood. Mills. Great Events. Lieber, History of Knighthood. Clark. Holgate's Key to the Historical Chart. Knights Templars. Addison. Historical Letters, Accurate Ace. of all Orders Knighthood Europe. Passages from the History of Liberty. Eliot Literary History of Troubadours. St. Pelaye. GREAT BRITAIN. Introduction to Heraldry. Clark, Norman Conquest of England. Thierry. Encyclopaedia of Heraldry. Burke. Chronicle of the Norman Conquest. Wace. Display of Heraldry. -Guillim- Conquete de l'Ang. par Normans. Thierry. 42 330 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [Mere. Lib. An glo-Saxons Normans. English Hiistory. Camden's Britannia- History of England to 1830. Grimshaw, Hist. of Britons among the Gauls. Vertot, Social History of Great Britain. Goodman, Britain under the Emperors. Thackeray. Seven Ages of England. Williams, Documents con. Hist. Ancient Britons. Giles. History of England. Markham, Palgrave's Rise and Progress of English Corn. History of England to 1783. Smollett. Researches on Origin, &c. Anc. Brit. Davies. History of England. GraftonSaxons in England. Kemble. History of England. EchardMemoirs of the Celts or Gauls. Ritson. Regal and Eccle. Hist. of England. StruttBritannia Saxonica. Collen- English History for Schools. Robbins, Anglo-Saxons Chronicle. Ingram- History of England. Tomline. History of the Anglo-Saxons. Palgrave, History of Great Britain. AndrewsTurner's History of the Anglo-Saxons. History of England. Ifeightley, Miller's History of the Anglo-Saxons, History of England. 1H-ume; Hist. of Eng. under Anglo-Sax. Lappenburg. History of England. Mahon. Distinctions in Anglo-Saxon Soc. Heywood. Hist. of England to 1688. GuthrieMod. Monarchy; Alfred the Great. Steinitz, Hist. of England to 1779. Goldsmith; Alfred the Great and his Times. Giles. Hist. of Gt. Brit. from 1760-1820. Miller. Transactions of the Society of Literature- View of History of Gt. Britain. Thomson, -Essays on England in Middle Ages. Wright. History of England. Lingard, Science in England in Middle Ages. Wright, Elemens dl'Hist. d'Angleterre. Millot, Craik's Sketches of Eng. Liter. and Learning, Anec. of Early Eng. Hist. & Lit. (Cam. Soc.)Excerpta Tudoriana. Brydges. Rapin's History of England to 1688-. Account of the Ancient Druids. Des Moulins, Bodin's Summary of the History of England, Celtic Druids. Higgins- Raumer's Polit. Hist. of Eng., 16th to 19th Cen. Religion of Ancient Britain. Smith. Hallam's Constitutional History of England. Identity of Druidical and Hebrew Religions, Vaughan's History of England. Religion of Patriarchal Britain. James. Wade's British Hist. chronologically arranged. Hist. of Relig. Lib. in Brit., to Geo.IV. Brook. Mackintosh's History of England, Ecclesiastical History of England. Bede, Pictorial History of England. Craik. Church History of Britain to 1648. Fuller. Pictorial History of England. Goodrich, Theocratic Philos. of Eng. Hist. Schomberg. Bolingbroke's Remarks on History of England. Ecclesiastical Charters. (Camden Soc)- Lazemon's Brut; or, Chron. of Brit. Madden. Suppression of Monasteries. (Camden Soc.)- Wim. of Malmesbury's Chron. of Kings of Eng, Hist. of Som. Bishop. to 1174. (Camden S.)- Beauties of English History. Frost, Macaulay's Char. of Clergy Consid. Babington. History of Prime Ministers, of &c. England, Six Old English Chronicles. Giles, Illust. of British History and Biot. LodgeNicander's Travels. (Cam. Soc.)- Illustrations of Hist. of Great Brit.. Thomson, Glory of Regality. Taylor. Harleian Miscellany. 12 volsKemp's Nine Days' Wonder. (Camden Soc.)- Tracts from the Harleian MiscellanyCollectanea Curiosa. Views of England. Pillet, Introd. to English Antiquities. Eccleston. Biographical History of England. Noble, Brayley's Graphic and Historic Illustrator- Voltaire's Letters on the English Nation. Antiquae Reliquie. Wright. Criminal Hist. of the English Gov. Regnault, Antiquitatis Frag., Ane. Ten. of Land. Blount. Comic History of England. Becket. Curialia Miscellanea. Pegge. Naval History of Great Britain. James. Miscellanea Antiqua Anglicana- Naval History of Great Britain. Campbell, Ceremonies, &c., of Eng. Corona. Thomson. Naval Chronology of Great Britain. Ralfe. Sports and Pastimes of England. Strutt. Hist. Record of Royal Marine Forces. Nicolas. British Costume. Planche, History of Royal Navy. Nicolas. Accounts of Revels at Court. (Shaks. Soc.) Victories of the British Armies. Maxwell. Palgrave's Merchant and the Friar. Lett. of William III. & Louis XIV. Grimblot. Armin's Nest of Ninnies. (Shaks. Soc.) Burnet's Hist. of his Own Time. (1660-1713).Cost of Anc. Gt. Britain and Ireland. Smith- Naval and Milit. Memoirs of Gt. Brit. Beatson. English Fashions from Time of Q. Eliz., Stone. Letters by Persons of 15th Century. Fenn,Civil Costume of England. Martin- Abstract of Population of Great Britain. Costume in England. Fairholt. Report on the Public Records of Gt. BritainIntroduction to English History. Brady- Brakelonda Chronica SanctiEdm. (Camd. Soc)History of Great Britain and Ireland. White, Eng. under Seven Administrations. Fonblanque. Chronological Historian (English). Salmon. Mem. of Rupert and the Cavaliers. Warbnrton. Gt. Britain Chronological Historian. Toone. Memoirs of the House of Russell. Wifen. British Chronologist of England and Wales. Detection of Court and State of Eng. Coke. Britannia, or Eng. and Vales Survey. Ogilby- Plumpton Correspondence. (Camden Soc)Hist. of Gt. Britain and Ireland. Macphcrson- Memoirs of the Court of England. Jesse. Vergil's English History. (Camden Soc.)- Egerton Papers. (Camden Soc)History of the British Empire, Mystery Revealed. Facts relating to Late Min. Family History of England. Gleig, Rutland Papers. (Camden Soc) Catalogue.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 33i Englh ish listory. Socllanld Collection of State Tracts, Wright's England, under House of Hanover. Memoirs of Gt. Britain and Ireland. Dalrymple- Angliee Notitia. Chamberlayne, Smollett's History of England. 1688-1760. Memoirs of Reign of George II. Hervey, St. George's Civil and Eccles. Hist of Eng, Political Life of William Pitt. Gifford. Hist. of Party, from Chas. II. to 1832. Cooke. Age of Pitt and Fox. Macaulay's History of England, from Jas. II. Nichols' Recollec. during Reign of Geo. III, Hughes' History of England. (1760-1837.) Memoirs of Reign of Geo. III. Belsham. Martineau's History of England. 1816-46. Reign of George III. Bisset. Sneyd's Island of Eng. (1500). (Camden S.)- Memoirs of Reign of George III. Walpole. Brady's Hist. of England to Richard III- Annals of Reign of Geo. III. Aikin. Restor. of KingEFdw. IV. 1471. (Camden Soc.)- Brougham's Statesmen of Geo. III's Time; Mem. of Houses of York and Lane. Roberts, Pictorial Hist. of Eng. during Geo. III. Craik. Ridpath's Border -list. of Eng. and Scotland- Wraxall's Memoirs of his own Time. Warkworth's 13Yrs. Rgn.Edw.IV.(Cam..Soc.)- Wraxall's Posthumous Mem. of his own Time. Turner's History of England to Henry VII. Regency and Reign of Geo. IV. Cobbett, Life and Age of Henry II. Lyttleton. History of Acts for His Majesty's Safety, &cTurner's Hist. ofEng.,Hen.,Edw.VI. Mary,Eliz. The Sun; a Descrip. of Victoria's CoronationRishanger's Chron. Baron'sWars. (Cam. Soc.)- War of England with America, &c. Andrews. Henry VII., Reign of. Bacon. (Works.) Bligh's Narrative of the Mutiny of the Bounty. Chron. of Calais. (Hen.VII.-VIII.) (Cam.Soc.)- Letters of Junius; Turner's History of England, during Hen.VIII. Junius' Letter to Brig. Gen. in America. Kempe's Doc. con. Eng. His. (Hen.VIiI to JasI.) Junius' Posthumous Works. Hayward's 1st 4 yrs.Q.-Eliz. Reign. (Cam. S.)- Junius Unmasked; or, Sackville proved Junius, Aikin's Memoirsof Court of Queen Elizabeth. Britton. Author of Junius' Letters Elucidated. Processions of Queen Elizabeth. INichols- Taylor's Junius Identified. Correspon. Earl of Leicester. (Camden Soc.)- Coventry's Inq. concerning Letters of Junius. Earl of Clarendon's State Papers from 1621. Jaques' History of Junius and his Works, Clarendon's Hist. Rebel. & Civil Wars in Eng. J. Horne Tooke proved to be Junius. Graham Squire Papers; Long Parl., East. Ass. Comm. Statesmen of the Comm. of England. Forster. SCOTLAND. Fairfax's Correspon. of the Civil War. (1642). History of Scotland. Robertson. Coad's Providences of God, History of Scotland. Tytler. Life and Times of John Hampden. Nugent. History of Scotland. Scott, Ellis' Original Letters, Illust. of Eng. Hist. Tales of a Grandfather. Scott, Ellis' Correspondence (1686-8). History of Scotland. Guthrie. Union of Scotland with Eng. Bacon. (Works). History of Scotland. Buchanan. Selections from Papers of Earls of Marchmont. History of Scotland. PinkertonMemoirs of Stuart Dynasty. Vaughan, Scottish Chronicle. HolinshedCourt of James I. Goodman. Annals of Scotland, 1057-1371. Dalrymple.Court and Times of James I. History of Scotland to 1585. HolinshedProgresses, Process., &c. of James I. N7ichols- History of Scotland to 1748. Heron. Aikin's Memoirs of Court of Charles I. Scottish Historical Library. Nicolson, Court and Times of Charles I. Annals of Caledonians,Picts and Scots. Ritson. laseres' Tracts concern. Eng. under Chas. I. Dissert. on Caledonians, Picts, &c. MacphersonWho Wrote Eikon Basilike. Wordsworth. Scotia Rediviva. Trial of Chas. I. and Some of the Regicides, History of Highlands and Clans. Browne. Civil War in England. (1646-51.) Cary. Tracts, illustrating Antiquities of Scotland. Hist. of Revolution in Eng. 1688. Mackintosh. Scottish Gael; or, Celtic Manners. Logan. Hist. of English Revolution. Guizot. Highlands of Scotland. Skene, Histoire de R6volution Angleterre. Guizot, History of Scottish Rebellions. Chambers, English Revolution. Dahlmann. Mem. of Scottish Rebell. in 1745-6. Johnstone, Tract entitled Dis. between Hamp. & Crom- Montrose and the Covenanters. NTapier. Burton's Cromwellian Diary. (1656-9). Scotland. Kohl. Note of Long Parlia. Verney. (Camd. Soc.)- Coasts and Islands of Scotland. Teignmouth, Cromwell's Protectorate Illust. Vaughan. Tour through Scot. and Western Isles. GarnetHist. of Commonwealth of England. Godwin. Jour. to West'n Islands of Scotland. Johnson, Counter-Revolution in England. Carrel, Caledonian Sketches; or, Tour in Scot. Carr. View of Reign of James II. iMackintosh- Tour in Sutherlandshire. St. John, Reign of James II. Fox, Chambers' Traditions of Edinburgh, Sidney's Diary and Times of Charles II. Castle of Edinburgh. Grant, Hamilton's Memoirs Count de Grammont. Survey of the Province of Moray. Hamilton's Granmont and Hist. of Chas. II, Letters from North Scotland. Letters Illust. Reign of William III. Vernon. Summer in Scotland. Abbott, Life and Times of William IIL Trevor. Scenes and Leg. of North Scotland. M1iller. Life and Times of William IV. Watkins. Genius of Scotland. Turnbull, Biographical Sketches of Reformers. Jones. Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk. Lockhart. 332 CLA S SIFIED INDEX. [Merc. Lib' Ireland. Londoln. Gazetteer of Scotland. Chambers. Hist. of Plague in London, 1665. Defoe, Great Livery Companies of London. Herbert. IRELAND. Account of Lond., Westminster,&c. PennantHistory of Ireland. Moore; Londiniana. Brayley, Hist. of Anc. & Mod. Ireland. MacGeoghlegan. Residence at the Court of London. Rush. Summary of Irish History. Martin, The City; or, Physiology of London Business, History of Ireland. Leland. Sketches of London. Grant, History of Ireland to 1801. Gordon. Manrs. & Custs. of Lond. in 18th C. Malcolm. Hist. of Ireland to the Time of Union. Taylor, Climate of London. Howard. History of Ireland. Campbell. Old Humphrey's Walks in London, History of Ireland. (1801-10.) Plowden. London as it Is. (1837). Hogg, Ireland, Historical and Statistical. Smyth. London in 1838, by an American, Hist. Mem. of Ireland. (Sec. Rec.) Barrington- History of Westminster, &c. Brayley. Civil Wars of Ireland. Taylor, Hand Book for Westminster Abbey. Cole, Narr. of Contests in Ireland. (Camden Soc.)- Sunday in London. Capes, Memoirs of Rebellions in Ireland. Musgrave. World of London. Murray, Transactions in Wexford, 1698. Cloney. Hand Book of London. Cunningham, Vindicie Hibernice. Ireland Vindic. Carey. Madden's Lives and Times of United Irishmen, ENGLAND, MISCELLANEOUS. Memoir of Ireland. O' Connell, Hist. of Brit. Poss. in Mediterranean. Martin, Rise and Fall of the Irish Nation. Barrington, Hist. of Brit. Colonies. Martin. Archaeologica Hibernica. Wakeman, Hist. of Brit. Southern Islands. Martin, Round Towers of Ireland. O'Brien, Hist. of Manchester (Eng.) Wheeler, Sketches of Ireland Sixty Years ago, Hist. of Bristol. Corry. Beauties of Ireland. Brewer. Norden's Hist. of Essex Co. (Camden Soc.)Researches in South Ireland. Croker- Memorials of Cambridge. Le Keutx. Ireland. Kohl. Hist. & Description City of York. Iaargrave. Ireland's Welcome to the Stranger. Nicholson, History of the County of York. Beauties of Boyne and Black-Water. Wilde. History of the City of Chester. Picture of Dublin. Municipal Corporate Boun. of Eng. and WalesJourney through Ireland (1834). Inglis. Historic Sites of Suffolk. Wodderspoon, Tour round Ireland, (1835). Barrow, Illustrated Itinerary of County of Cornwall. Impressions of Ireland and the Irish. Grant, Illustrated Itinerary of County of Lancaster. Irish Sketch Book. Thackeray. Cross Roads in Great Britain. Patterson, Ireland as I saw it. Balch, Watering Places of Great BritainRevelations of Ireland. Madden, Birmingham and its Vicinity. Smith. Climate of Ireland. Patterson. Woolwich and its Environs, Description of Devonshire. Bray, LONDON. Summer Day at Windsor. Jesse, History of London. Mackay, Churches of Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely. Picture of London (original). Britton, Temple Church. Addison. Arnold's Chronicle; or, Customs of London- Druidical Monuments of Wiltshire. Duke, Survey of London in 1598. Stow. Rural Rides in Surry and Kent. Cobbett, Lond. Chron. (Hen. III. & Ed. III.) Cam. Soc- Sepul. Brasses in Norfolk & Suffolk. CotmanState of Lond. & Westminster. (1681). Burton Jones' Views of Mans. in North & West. EngLondon. Knight. Tour in Lancashire. Taylor, Hist. of London, illustrated. Fearnside- Scenery and Poetry of Eng. Lakes. MIackay. Great Metropolis. Grant, Description of Tweeddale. Pennecuik. Hist. & Views of Lond. & Env'rns. Partington. Guide to Knolc House, in Kent. Brady, Description of Lond. & Middlesex. Brayley. Tour in Derbyshire and Yorkshire. Bray. Chronicles of London Bridge. Thomson; Journey to Beresford Hall. AlexanderHist. of Worshipful Co. of Carpenters. Jupp. Stranger in Liverpool, Hist. Hon. Artil. Comp. of London. Highmore, Description of City of Bath. rWood. Microcosm, of London. Ackerman- Manufacturing Districts of England. Head, Babylon the Great, Memorials of Oxford. Ingraham. Clubs of London, Delin. & Cinque Ports Isle of Thanet. Brayley. Report on the Affairs of the Brit. Museum- Jersey Channel Islands, &c. Inglis. British Museum, Townley Gallery. Ellis, Downing to Har'gate, via Als. Moor. PennantBritish Museum, Elgin Marbles. Ellis, Tour in North Wales. Aikin. London Antiquarian Ramble. Smith. Pedestrian Tour thro' North Wales. Bennett. History of the Tower of London. Brayley, County Annual Register. (1809-10). Memoirs of the London Tower. Britton, Hill and Valley. Sinclair, Topograph. Diet. of Lond. & Environs. Elwes. Tour from London to Isle of Wight. PennantManners & Cust. of Lond. to 1700. Malcolm. Old Humphrey's Country Strolls, Lit. and Hist. Memorials of London. Jesse. Passavan; Tour of a German Artist in Eng, Catalogue.1 CLASSIFIED INDEX. 333 Travels in England. France.'Visits to Remarkable Places. Howitt. Wraxall's Hist. of France. 1574-1610. American in England. Mackenzie, Hist. de la Civilisation en France. Guizot, Foreigner's Opinion of England. Goede. Avila's History of Civil Wars of FranceHierologus; or, Church Tourist. Neale, Wars of France, 1400-1516. lMonstrelet. Englishman's Sketch-Book, Religious Wars of France. Duncan, Favorite Haunts and Rural Studies. Jesse, Jeanne d'Arc's Memoirs and Times, Gleanings in England. Cooper, Carte de la FranceFour Years in Gt. Britain. (1831-5.) Colton, Browning's Hist. of Huguenots in 16th Cent. Descrip. d'Angleterre et Ecosse. Perlin- Browning's Hist. of Huguenots. 1598-1838. England and Wales. Kohl. Thierry's Essays and Nar. of Merovingian Era. Vacation Rambles, and Thoughts. Talfourd, Bigland's Letters on French History, Recollections of England. Tyng, Lettres sur l'Hist. de France. Thierry. King of Saxony's Jour. in Eng. & Scot. Carus. Essais sur l'Histoire de France. Guizot, Journey Book of England, Pictures of the French. Hist. Tour in England & Scotland. Dibdin. French in Algiers. Lamping, Tour & Resid. in Gt. Brit. (1810- 11). Simond. History of Charlemagne. James; Society in Grt. Britain, and Ireland. Stewart, History of Charles VIII. Segur, England and the English. Bulwer, Miss Pardoe's Court and Reign of Francis I, England and its People, History of Henry III. of France. Garden. Religious Life of England. Taylor, Louis XIV. et son Siecle. Dumas. England Delineated. Voltaire's Age of Louis XIV. Carlyle's Past and Present, Siecles de Louis XIV. and XV. Voltaire, Fame and Glory of England Vindicated, James' Life and Times of Louis XIV. Voyage d' un Franqais en Angleterre. 1810-41. Miss Pardoe's Louis XIV. and Court of France; Great Britain in 1833. D'Haussez, Louis XIV. et Son Gouvernment. Capefigue. England in 1835. Raumer. Dumas' Memoirs of his own Time, England in 1841. Raumer, Letters on Present State of the French Nation. Hist. View of the Eng. Government. Millar- Hist. des Finan. souslaMinorite de Louis XV, England the Civilizer, Last Year of Reign of Louis XVI. Moleville. English Country Life, by Martingale, Political Correspond. of Louis XVI. Williams, Pictures of Country Life. Miller, Campan's Court of Marie Antoinette, Rural Life of England. Howitt, Charles X. and Louis Philippe. First Impressions of England. Miller, Taylor's Memoir of the House of Orleans, Letters during Residence in Eng. Mirabeau. Letters from England. Southey, Lamartine's History of the Girondists, Letters on England. White. Histoire des Girondins. Lamartine. Mutiny of the Bounty. Barrow, Histoire des Montagnards. Esquiros. Mutiny at the Spithead and Noe, Davenport's History of Bastile, and its Captives, Wanderings in the Brit. Colon. 1835-47. Byrne. Williams' Let. fr. France in Robespierre's time, England and Russia. Mignet's History of the French Revolution. Fisher's Colonial Magazine. Histoire de Revolution Frangaise. Mignet. Anecdotes of British Seamen. Blanc's Hist. of French Revolution of 1789. France and England, Analogies and Contrasts. Histoire. de Revolution Francaise. Blanc. Thiers' History of the French Revolution. FRANCEichelet's History of the French Revolution, Dictionnaire des Gaules et de la Fran. Expilly- Carlyle's French Revolution; a History, Histoire de Gaulois. Thierry. Rowan's History of the French Revolution, Hist. d'Exped. Maritimes Normands. Depping, Smyth's Lectures on the French Revolution. Histoire de Peuples Bretons. Ciourson. Baines' Hist. of Wars of French Revolution. Michelet's History of France. Macfarlane's French Revolutions, History of France. Busk. French Revo. as fulfilling Prophecy. Fysh. Goodrich's Pictorial History of France, Hist. of the Clergy dur. French Rev. Barruel, Bussey's Pict. Hist. of France and the French. Influence of Philosoph., on Fr. Rev. Mounier. Smedley's History of France. Fren. Rev. Vindic. against Burke. Mackintosh. Crowe's History of France, Prin. Events of French Revolu. Mde. do Stael. Histoire de France. Anquetil. Hisf. de la Revolution Franqaise. Thiers. Abrege Hist. de France. Hinault, Mde. Tussaud's Remin. of French Revolution, Histoire des Franqais. Lavallee, Dulaure's Revolution Franqaise. Beckford's Hist. of Fran. to Death of Louis XVI. Millingen's Recolof Repub. Franc. 1790-1801 Grimshaw's Hist. of France to Abdic. of Nap, History of the Iron Mask. Ellis. Ranken's Hist. of France. 1486-1793. Secret Hist. of Court and Cabinet of St. Cloud, Gifford's History of France- Caulincourt's Napoleon and his Time; Jamieson's Hist. of Frcance, Cabinet de Hist. du Napoleon. Goldsmith. Mrs. Markham's History of France, Napoleon, his Court and Family. Abrantes. Bossuet's Hist. of France to Charles IX, Buonaparte, Original Jour, of his Campaigns. 334 CL A SS IFIED INDE X. [Merc. Lib. France. E uope. Buonaparte's Letters and Despatches. Janin's American in Paris during Summer. Thiers' Hist. of Consu. and Empire of France. Janin's American in Paris in Winter. Histoire de Consulat et l'Empire. Thiers. Old Wine in New Bottles. Gardiner, Gleig's Story of Battle of Waterloo, Hobhouse's Let. fr. Paris during Napol. Reign,GEERA URO Froissart's Chronicles of EuropeSouvenirs, 1710-1803. Crequy, Humphreys' Illustrations of FroissartHistoire des Dix Ans. 1830-1840. Blanc. Russell's History of Ancient Europe. Cushing's Review of the French Revolution, Guizot's History of Civilisation in Europe, Blanc's History of Ten Years. (1830-40). Hist. de la Civilisati on en Europe, Guizot. Guizot's Lectures on European Civilization, St. John's French Revolution, 1848, Heeren's Political Sys. of Europe and its Coll. Lamartine's Hist. of French Revolution, 1848, Politique Systeme Europe et ses Col. Ifeeren, Hist. de Revolution Franc. 1848. Lamartine. History of States of the EuropeFoster's French Revolution of 1848. Revolutions of Europe. Koch; French Revolution. 1848. Kelly, Revolutions de l'Europe. Koch. Corkran's Hist. of Nat. Assem. of Fran. 1848, Revolutions, &c., of Europe. Taylor. Three Months in Power. Lamartine, Sinnett's By-Ways of Hist, 12th-16th Cent, Trois Mois au Pouvoir. Lamartine, Polit. d'Eur. en Reg. Louis XIV. & XV. Segur. Histoire de Paris, en 1848. Ormay, Capefigue's Diplomatists of Europe, Chamier's Review of French Revol. of 1848. Robinson's Conspiracy of Free-Masons. Williams' Manners and Opin. in Fren. Repub. Voltaire's Hist. of Eur. fr. Charlem. to Chas. V. Entick's History of the Late European War. Young's Travels in France. 1787-9- Alison's History of Europe, 1789-1815; Bulwer's France, Social, Literary and Political, Atlas to Alison's History of EuropeJardins et Chateaux de la France. Laborde- Documents on the Treaty of Ghent. Adams. Cooper's Gleanings in France, Coote's History of Europe, 1802-15, Hand-Book for France, Russell's History of Modern Europe to 1825; Morgan's France. (1817), War of 1815 in France and Belgium. Siborne. Wordsworth's Diary in France, General Register of Polit. & Lit. in Eu.& Am. Carr's Stranger in FranceGoethe's Campaign in France, Hand-Book for the Continent, Blessington's Idler in France, Dates and Distances. Tour in Eu. 1829-30. Moore's Residence in France. 1792, Change of Air; or, Philos. of Travel. Johnson. Tench's Letters from France. 1795. Durbin's Observations in Europe, Guillemard's Adventures of a French Serjeant, Menzel's Europe in 1840, France, its King, Court & Government. Cass, Brydges' Recollections of Foreign Travel. Morgan's France in 1829-30. Brydges' Letters from the Continent. Raikes' France since 1830. Clark's Glimpses of the Old World, Battle Summer. Mitchell, Mlaxwell's Recollec. of a Soldier of Fortune, Henningsen, Campaign in Navarre and Basque, Jameson's Diary of an Ennuy6e, Bacon's Six Years in Biscay, 1830-7. Hall's Rambles in Europe, St. John's Residence in Normandy, Matthews' Diary of an Invalid, L'Hermite de la Guiane. Jouy, MdcGregor's My Note Book, Miss Pardoe's River and the Desert, Green's Travels in Europe, Costello's Tour through Valley of the Mense, Hoypus' Continent in 1835, Voyage de Rouen au Havre, Raffes' Tour in Europe, 1817, Wyttenbach's Guide to Treves. Jewett's Passages in Foreign Travel, Anthon's Pilgrimage to Treves. (1844), Laing's Notes on Europe. Didier's Letters from Paris and other Cities. Downe's Letters from the Continent, Tableau de Paris. Carter's Letters from Europe, Galignani's New Paris Guide, Journal of a Nobleman. Paris Directory and Visitor's Guide, Griscom's Year in Europe. (1818-19). Tronchet's Picture of Paris, Hogg's Two Hundred and Nine Days on Cont, Sinnett's Picture of Paris, Clark's Glimpses of the Old World, &c, Views of Paris and Environs. Ventouillac- Mitchell's Notes from over Sea, Paris-1795. Peltier. Catlin's Notes of Travel with his Collection. Paris, Petit Tableau de. Propiac, Cooper's Gleanings in Europe, Paris et Des Curiosit6s, Fisk's Travels on Continent of Europe. Paris and its Historical Scenes, Terry's Scenes in Foreign Lands, Lister's Journey to Paris in 1698. Longfellow's Outre-Mer, Scott's Paris Rev. in 1815; andWalk at Water, Smith's Summer's Jaunt across the Wa:ter, Sketches of Paris, Hall's Patchwork, Mrs. Trollope's Paris and the Parisians in 1835. Corson's Loiterings in Europe, Sanderson's American in Paris, Sherburne's Tourist's Guide, Catalogue.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 335 Continent. Spain and Portugal. Mrs. Haight's Letters from the Old World, Arabes en Espagne. Conde. Miss Sedgwick's Letters from Abroad, Mussulmen in Spain and Portugal. Power. Dewey's Old and New World, or Tour in Eur, Southey's Chronicles of the Cid. Putnam's Tourist in Europe, Irving's Conquest of Granada, Budget of Letters, or Things I saw Abroad, Abenhamin's Civil Wars of Granada. Furniss' Old World, D6couvertes et Conquet des Portugais. LafitauCalvert's Scenes and Thoughts in Europe, Prescott's Hist. of Reign of Ferd. and Isabella. Taylor's Views A-Foot, Watson's Reign of Philip II. of Spain. Willis' Pencillings by the Way. Perez, Antonio and Philip II. Mignet, Willis' Rural Letters, Watson's Reign of Philip III. of Spain. Colman's European Life and Manners, _ Mitchell's Fresh Gleanings of Europe, Mahon's War of Succession in Spain. Mrs. Kirkland's Holidays Abroad, Napier's History of Peninsular War. Miss Adams' Journal & Letters fr. Fr. & Eng. Marquis Wellesley's Despatches and Correspon. Puckler-Muskau Tour in Eng. & Fr. (1828-9), Vane's Story of Peninsular War, Wheaton's Tours in Eng., Scotland & France, Hist. de Guerre de la Peninsule. Vane. Aubigne's Germany, England and Scotland. Gleig's Sketches of Penin. War, Willard's Jour. and Let. fr. France & Gt. Brit, Memorials of Peninsular War, Stearns' Tour to Paris from London. Hamilton's Annals of Penin. Campaigns; Silliman's Trav. in Eng. and Holland, (1805-6). Southey's History of Peninsular War. Pratt's Gleanings in Wales, Holland, &c. Peninsular Scenes and Sketches, Humphrey's Tour in Gt. Brit., Fran. & Belgium, Espagne et Portugal, Guerre de. Sarrazin. Baretti's Journey to London and Genoa, Londonderry's Story of the Peninsular War, Breckenridge's Trav. in France, Germany, &c, Sieges in Spain by Wellington's Army. Jones. Dibdin's Bibliog. &c. Tour in Fran. & Germ. Adventures of a Young Rifle, in Spain & Port, Bell's Wayside Pict. Fran. Belgium & Holl. French War in Spain under Napoleon. Rocca. Chorley's Music & Man. in France & Germany- Campagne e Assedj degl' Ital. in Esp. VacaniScott's Tour to Waterloo and Paris, in 1815, Recollections of the Peninsula. Moore's Soc. in France, Switzerland & Germ.; Moore's Campaign of Sir John Moore in Spain. Putnam's Trip to Italy and Germany, M6moires sur Revolution d'Espagne. Pradt. White's Fragments of Italy and Rhine-Land, History of the Siege of Gibraltar. Drinkwater, Mrs. Shelley's Rambles in Germany and Italy, Gray's Tour in Ger. Switz. & Italy in 1791-2. Clark's Gazpacho; Summer Months in Spain, Slight Reminis. of Rhine, Switzerland, &c, Cushing's Reminiscences of Spain, Letters from Switzerland and France. Scott's Excursions in Ronda & (ranada Mts. Voyagie door Italien, Switz. &c. Burnet. Townsend's Journey through Spain, 1786-7. Trav. in S. Europe; fr. Mod. Writ. Bingley, Madrid in 1835. Clark's Tour in France, Switzerland and Italy. Hughes' Revelations of Spain. 1845, Watkin's Tray. in Swit., Italy, &c., in (1787-9). Hand-Book for Spain, Berrian's Trav. in France and Italy. (1817-18). Wallis' Glimpses of Spain, Wilson's Route through France and Italy. Mackenzie's Year in Spain, Smollett's Travels through France and Italy, Mackenzie's Spain Revisited, Hazlitt's Journey through France and Italy- Ford's Spaniards and their Country, Cadell's Journey in Carniola, Italy and France. Kincaid's Adventures of the Rifle Brigade, Young's Travels in Spain and France. Irving's Alhambra, Hunter's Trav. thro' Fran., Turkey and Hung. Scenes in Spain, 1835-40, Beckford's Italy, Spain and Portugal. Borrow's Bible in Spain. Trav. in Fran. Spain and Morocco. Keatinge- Romer's The Rhone, Darro, and Guadelquiver. Travels in Spain and Morocco. Urquhart. Residence in Portugal and Spain; Collins' Voy. to Portugal,Spa.&c.(1796-1801)) SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. Travels in Spain and Portugal. Conder, Memoirs of Kings of Spain. 1700-88. Coxe. IHughes' Journey to Lisbon. (1846), Laborde's View of Spain. Hedendaagsche Staat Van Spanje en Portugal. Hist. of Spain & Portugal. 1000-1800. Busk. Kingston's Lusitanian Sketches, Dunham's History of Spain and Portugal, Chatelet's Travels in Portugal. Historie Spanje en Portugal. Expedition du Portugal. 1807-8. Thiebault. Dunlop's Memoirs of Spain. (1621-1700). Kinsey's Portugal Illustrated. Beckford's Hist. of Spain, to death of Ferd. VI. Pardoe's Traits and Traditions of Portugal, Vertot's Revolutions in Spain. Alexander's Sketches in Portugal, 1834. Annals of Queens of Spain. George, Beckford's Excursion toAlcobaga & Batalha, Lindo's Hist. of Jews of Spain and Portugal. Sephardim; Jews in Spain & Portugal. Finn, ITALY. Borrow's Zincali, or Gypsies in Spain, Proctor's History of Italy. Bouterwek's Hist. of Span. and Portuguese Lit, Perceval's History of Italy. Mohammedan Empire in Spain. Murphy- Istorie d'Italia. Guicciardini. 336 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [Merc. Lib. Italy. Switzerland and Germany. Mariotti's Hist. and Literature of Italy, Macneven's Ramble through Switzerland. 1802. Herbert's Italy and Italian Literature, Coxe's Travels in Switzerland. Mariotti's Italy; Past and Present, Agassiz's Journey to, & Tours in Switzerland. Sforzosi's Compendious Hist. of Italy, Chambers' Tour in Switzerland. 1841. Scenes de la Vie Italienne. Mery, Cooper's Sketches of Switzerland, Whiteside's Italy in the 19th Century, Forbes' Physic. Holiday, or Month in Switzer, Eustace's Tour through Italy, 1802; Andersen's Rambles in the Hartz Mountains, Kotzebue's Travels through Italy. (1804-5), Keate's Short Account of Geneva, Journal of a Tour in Italy in 1821. Ivernois' Constitution and Revolu. of Geneva. Peale's Notes on Italy. 1829-30. Brockedon's Excursions in the Alps, Sinclair's Autumn in Italy. 1827, fleadley's Alps and the Rhine, Tuckerman's Italian Sketch Book, Cheever's Pilgrim in the Shadow of Jungfrau, Spalding's Italy and the Italian Islands, Cheever's Pilgrim in the Shadow of Mt. Blanc, Turnbull's Genius of Italy, Inglis' The Tyrol and Bavaria. Cooper's Gleanings in Italy, Barrow's Tour in Lombardy, Tyrol, Bavaria, Sights in Italy and Music there. Gardiner. Weld's Auvergne, Piedmont and Savoy, Travels in Italy. Conder, Hand-Book for Switzerland, Savoy&Piedmont, Mrs. Stisted's Letters from Italian Bye-Ways. Pinelli's Etchings of Ital. Manners & Customs-GERMANY. Headley's Letters from Italy, Dunham's History of Germanic Empire, Lettres sur 1' Italie. Castellan. Robertson's History of Reign of Charles V. Morgan's Italy. Menzel's Histoiry of Germany, Bell's Observations on Italy. Kugler's Pictorial History of Germany. Raumer's Italy and the Italians, History of Germany, on Mrs. Markham's Plan, Narrative of Three Years' Residence in Italy- Kohlrausch's History of Germany. 1825-6. Blessington's Idler in Italy, Hist. du Bas Empire. Lebeau. Dickens' Pictures from Italy, Rivoluzioni della Germania. Denina. Headley's Italy and the Italians. Schiller's Thirty Years' War, Climat de l'Italie. Carriere. Stebbings' History of the Reformation, Coghlan's Hand-Book for Italy. Notices sur I' Allemagne. Girardin, Hand-Book for Northern Italy, Vane's War in Germany and France. 1813-14, Hand-Book for Central Italy, Hawkins' Spirit of Germany. Hist. des Republiques Italiennes. Sismondi. Sketches of Germany and the Germans. Sismondi's History of Italian Republics, Hand-Book for Southern Germany, Storia Fiorentina. Malespini- Russell's Tour in Germany. 1820-2; Napier's Florentine History, Dwight's Travels in Germany. (1825-6). Machiavel's Florentine Histories, Keysler's Travel through Germany, &c, Da Ponte's History of Florentine Republic. Howitt's Rural and Domestic Life of Germany. Machiavel's History of Florence, Howitt's Student Life in Germany, Ranke's Hist. of Servia and Servian Revolution. Handvesten Octroyen PrivilegienPradt's Congress of Vienna. Maxwell's Rambles in Germany. (1827); Paruta's History of Venice- Render's Tour through Germany. Hist. de la Republique Venise. Galibert. Hugo's The Rhine, Venice under the Yoke of France and Austria. Head's Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau, Smedley's Sketches of Venetian History, Hall's Skimmings, Histoire de R6publique de Venise. Darn. Howitt's German Experiences, Knight's Normans in Sicily, Hot Water Cure in Germany, Pignotti's History of Tuscany. Nugent's Hist. of Vandalia, or MecklenburgGell's Pompeiana; Result of Excavations-. Heidleberg and the Way Thither, Pompeii, History of Prussia; Chateaubriand's Congress of Verona. Ranke's Memoirs of House of Brandenburg, Davis' History of Nice. Ranke's Nine Books of Prussian History. Gillespie's Rome, as seen by a New-Yorker, History of Prussia, (Fred. Win. I.) Kip's Christmas Holidays in Rome, Reign of Frederick of Prussia. Miss Waldie's Rome in 19th Century, Secret History of the Court of Berlin. Sass' Journey to Rome and Naples. 1817, Wraxall's Hist. of Berlin, Dres., &c. in 1777-9, Head's Rome; a Tour of Many Days. Dumas' Sketches of Naples. Coxe's Hist. of House of Austria. 1218-1797. Cardinal Pacca's Historical Memoirs, Banck's Hist. of House of Aus. and Ger. Emp. Macfarlane's Glance at Revolut. in Italy 1848, Revelations of Austria. Koutbrackiewicz, Costumes of Austria. MolevilleSWITZERLAND. Thompson's Austria, Turnbull's Austria. History of Switzerland. Vieusseux. Kohl's Austria, Vienna, Prague, &c, History of Switzerland, Mar. of Londonderry Vis. to Courts of Vienna. Botta's Hist. of Italy during Napol. Consulate. Quin's Voyage down the Danube, Catalogue.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 337 Norithern Euwaope. Eastern Eurlope. Austria and Hungary. (Voice fr. the Danube), Chamber's Tour in Belgium and Holland, 1838. Auerbach's Events in Vienna, Sep. to Nov. 1848, Simpson's Visit to Flanders, 1815Klapka's War of Independence in Hungary, Mrs. Trollope's Belgium & West Ger. in 1833. Scenes in Civil War in Hungary, Radcliffe'sTour in Holland and Germany, 1794. Pragay's Hungarian Revolution, Religion of the Sclavonic Nations. Krasinski, RUSSIA AND POLAND. Wilkinson's Dalmatia and Montenegro. Bell's History of Russia, Paget's Hungary and Transylvania. Hist. de Russie sous Pierre le Grand. Voltaire, Miss Pardoe's City of the Magyars, Reigns of Peter III. and Cath. II. of Russia. Bright's Travels through and over Hungary- Eastern Europe and the Emperor Nicholas, Letters from the Danube, Russia and Nicholas I. Golovine, Mallet's Northern Antiquities, Secr. Hist. Russia under Alex. &c. Schnitzler. Guide to Northern Archaeology. Buonaparte's Campaign in Russia. Porter. History of Scandinavia. Crichton, Buonaparte's Expedition to Russia. Segur; Pigott's Manual of Scandinavian Mythology, M6moires Secretes sur la Russie. Masson. Brown's Nor. Courts, or Sover. of Swe. & Den. Costumes of RussiaDunham's Hist. of Denm., Norw. and Sweden. Pallas' Travels in Russia in 1793-4Molesworth's Account of Denmark. 1642, Progress and Present Condition of Russia, &c, Wheaton's History of Northmen to 1087. Sketch of Military and Polit. Power of Russia. Laing's Heimskringla; Norwegian Chronicle. Russia and the Russians in 1842. Kohl. Baden's History of Norway. Pinkerton's Observations on Russia. Adlefield's History of Charles XII. of Sweden. Russia and the Russians. Ritchie, Mem. of Charles John, King of Swe. Meredith. Granville's Travels to and from St. Petersburg. Voltaire's History of Charles XII. The Czar, his Court and People. Maxwell, Histoire de Charles XII. Voltaire, City of the Czar. Raikes, Sheridan's Hist. of Revolution in Sweden. Venables' Domestic Scenes in Russia, Philippart's Northern Campaigns in 1812-3. Wlilson's Travels in Russia. Baird's Visit to Northern Europe, Bremner's Excursions in Interior Russia. Landor's Travels in North Europe, Travels in Russia. Conder, Bcrrowz's Excursions in North Europe, Life in Russia. Thompson, Bingley's Trav. in North Europe, fr. Mod. Writ, Trav. Impress. of a Young Russian. Sollogub, Tour round the Baltic. History of Poland and Russia. Corner, Carr's Northern Summer, or Tra. round Baltic, Travels in Russia and Poland. Johnston. Pictures. Jour. to the North Cape. Skioldebrand. History of Poland. Fletcher, Lachesis Laponica; or Tour in Lap. Linnceus. Dunham's History of Poland, Rambles in Sweden and Gothland. Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Inglis. Guthrie's Tour through the Crimea, &c. Clarke's Travels in Scandinavia. Von Tietz's St. Petersburgh, Constantino., &c. VonBuch's Trav. in Norway & Lap'd. 1806-8- Elliott's Travels in Austria, Russia, & Turkey, Laing's Residence in Norway. Clarke's Trav. in Russia, Tartary, and Turkey, Ross' Yacht Voy. to Norway, Denmark, Swed, Bell's Travels from Russia to Asia. Acerbi's Trav. in Sweden, Finland, & Lapland- Henderson's Travels in Russia and Caucasus. Haud-Book for Denmark, Norway, &c, Cochrane's Journey in Russia and Siberia, Forester's Norway in 1848-9. Cottrell's Recollections of Siberia in 1840, Wolf's Tour thro' Norway& Sweden to Copen. Wilbraham's Trav. in Fran., Caucasia, Russia. Mackenzie's Travels in Iceland- Ditson's Circassia, or Tour to Caucasus. Hooker's Tour in Iceland, Freygan's Letters from Caucasus and Georgia. Barrow's Visit to Iceland. 1834, Spencer's Travels in Western Caucasus. Henderson's Residence in Iceland; Bell's Residence in Circassia. Historical Account of Iceland, Greenland, &c., Holmes' Sketches on the Shores of the Casp. Cox's Travels in Poland, Russia, Sweden &c. De Hell's Travels near the Caspian. Porter's Sketches in Russia and Sweden. Frankland'sVis. toCourts ofRus.,Swe.(1830-1). GREECE. James' Tour Ger., Swe., Rus, Pol. (1.813-14.) Geography and History of Modern Greece, HOLLAND. History of Greek Revolution. Gordon. Howe's Hist. Sketch of Greek Revolution, Dazies' History of Hollandc. Keightley's Greek War of Independence, Buonaparte's Hist. Documents on Holland, &c. Wordsworth's Greece, Pict., Descriptive, &c, Richesse de la Hollande........ Millengen's Affairs of Greece. Grattan's History of the Netherlands, Gell's Itinerary in GreeceSchiller's History of Revolt of Netherlands, Stanhope's Greece in 1823-4. Trollope's Belgium since Revolution of 1830, Picture of Greece in 1825 Miss Semple's Costumes of Netherlands- Miller's Greece in 1827-8, MacGregor's Holland and the Dutch Colonies- Blaquiere's Letters from Greece. Family Tour in South Holland, Dodwell's Tour through Greece43 338 CLA S SIFIED INDEX. [Merc. Lib. Turkey and the IMediterranean. Turkey and thee iFa4it. Travels in Greece. See Conder, Journey to Constan. in 1809-10. Hobhouse. Cochrane's Wanderings in Greece. Constantinople and Environs. Porter, Essai sur les Fanariotes. Zallony. Gell's Journey in Morea. Arrian's Voyage round the Euxine Sea, Leake's Travels in Northern Greece. Rem. on Parts of _Egypt. Turkey. HamiltonWordsworth's Residence in Athens and Attica. Tott's Memoirs. (Turks and Tartars). Leake's Travels in the Morea. Ayeen Akberry; Institutes of the Emp. Akber. Woodruff's Tour to Malta, Greece, &c. 1828, DeKay's Sketches of Turkey. Miss Pardoe's City of the Sultan, MEDITERRANEAN AND LEVANT. Stephens' Trav. in Greece, Turkey and Russia, Richardson's Travels on Mediterra. (1816-18).Travels n Turkey. Busbequius, Shores of the Mediterranean. Schroeder, Travels inTurey. onde Thompson's Trav. in France, Italy, Arabia, &c. Journey across the Balkan. Keppel. Excursions on Mediterranean Shores. Napier, Travels in Milyas, &e. Spatt and Forbes. ItinerairedeParis i Jerusalem. Chateaubriand Hamlton's Resea. in Asia Minor, Pontus &c. Sardinia and Sardinians. Tyndale, Excuson in Asia Minor. Fellows, Account of Corsica. Boswell. Mlcom's Trel in ou Wsrn Asia. Hughes' Travels in Sicily,Greece and Albania- Visit to Seven Churches of Asia. Arundell. History of the Knights of Malta. Sutherland, Karamania; S. Coaes of Asia. Beaufrt. History of the Knights of Malta. VertotHistory of the Knights of Malta. Vertot- Karamania; S. Coast of Asia Minor. Beaufort. Tour through Sicily and Malta. Brydone; Alexanders Expedition. Arian. Travels in Malta and Sicily in 1812. Bigelow. Xenopdon's Cyropvedias; Recollections of Malta, Sicily, &c. Williams.Aranells isrie in Asia Minor. Adriatic Islands and Highlands. Paton. Travels in Syria and the Holy Land. Conder, Periplus of the Erythrean Sea. Vincent- Kinglake's Eothen; or Trav. in the East. Memoirs of the Ionian Isles. Vaudoncourt. To through Egypt, Turkey &c. Jorris Giffard's Visit to the Ionian Islands. Websters Travels in Turkey, Egypt, Palestine, Peloponnesus & Greek Isl. in 1829. Anderson, adden's Travelsin Turkey, Egypt, Pales., &c, Letters from LEgean. Emerson. Trav. in Egypt, Greece, Pal. &c. Chateaubriand, Hogg's Visit to Damascus and Jerusalem, lark's Tlac in Greece, Egypt, a nd H. Land. Mandeville's Voyages to Hierusalem. Scenes, &c. in Egypt an Italy. Lynch's Expedit. to Jordan and Dead Sea. rescent and theros. Warurton, Curzon's Visit to Monasteries of Levant, Travels of Lady H. Stanhope Voyage an Levant. Stephens' Trav. in Egypt, Arabia & Holy Land, Colon's Ship and Shore, Wilson's Travels in Holy Land, Egypt, &c. St. John's Two Years in a Levantine Family. Chateaubriand's Trav. in Palestine, Greece, &c. Dumont's Voyage to the Levant. MBurckhardt's Trav. in Syria and the Holy Land — Tournefort's Voyage into the Levant. Martineau's Eastern Life; Present and Past; Turner's Tour in the Levant. Montague's Expedition to Dead Sea, Le Bruyn's Voyage to Levant-Travels i Palestine. Conder Le Bruyn's Voyage au Levant- Lamartine's Pilgrimage to Holy Land. 1832-3, Lady Montagu's Letters from the Levant, Woodcock's Scriptue Lands, Travels in Crete. Pashley. Monro's Ramble in Syria. Travels in Turkey, Greece, &c. Slde, Travels in Syria and the Holy Land. elly, Travels in Greece and Turkey. Sonnini. War in Syria. Napier, Trav. in Greece, Palestine, &c. Chateaubriand. Vlew of theLeva.nt PerryWayfaring Sketches among Gr'ks & Turks- History ofPalestne. Russell Post's Visit to Greece and Constan. 1827-8. Travels to Palestine. (1432-3.) Brocqzie Nugent's Classical and Sacred Lands,B Biblical Resear. in Palest. Robinson and Smith. Laurent's Classical Tour in Greece, Tur., Italy. Letters fro Palestine. (1836-8.) Paton, Researches in Syria and Holy Land. Jowett, TURKEY. Early Travels in Palestine. Wright, Quinze Jours au Sinai. Dumas et Dauzat, Knolles' General History of Turks- A Journey to Sinai and Golgotha. Strauss, Turkey and its Resources. Urquhart. Damascus and Palmyra. Addison, Con. of Constanti. in 1204. Ville Hardovin. Journey to Damascus. Castlereag. Dallaway's Ancient and Mod. Constantinople- Journal from Cairo to Mt. Sinai. Xenophon's Anabasis. (Grece), Jones' Cairo, Jerusalem, Damascus, &c, Anabasis. Translated. Xenop1hon, Spencer's Travels in Egypt and Holy Land. Costumes of Turkey- z( Costumes of Turkey- Light's Travels in Egypt, Nubia, Syria, (1814)Turkey and its Destiny. Macfarlane. Journ. to Jerusalem from Aleppo. i3aundrell. A Month at Constantinople. Smith.Egypt and the oly Land. isk Visit to Constantinople and Athens. Colton, rav. in Egypt, Arabia, & Holy Land. Olin, Residence at Constantinople. Walsh. Travels in Egypt and Arabia Pctrl a. Dumas, Three Years in Constantinople. W hith. Travels in Egypt and Arabia Petn-ea. Dumas, Three Years in Constantinople. White. Jour. to Bishop of Sinai fr. Gr. Cairo. Clogher, Journey from Constan. to Teheran. Fraser. Thackeray's Jour. fr. Cornhill to Grand Cairo, Catalogue.] CLA S S IFIED INDEX. 339 Egypt and Arabia. Africa. Cairo, Petra and Damascus. 1839. Kinnear, Hoskin's Travels in EthiopiaJournal from Cairo to Sinai. Clayton, Burckhardt's Travels in NubiaRussell's Nubia and Abyssinia, ARABIA. Salt's Travels in Abyssinia. 1809-10-. Crichton's History of Arabia, Johnston's Travels in Southern Abyssinia. Principal Events of Mohammedan Hist. PriceBurckhardt'sNotes on the Bedouins&Wahabys. AFRICA, GENERAL. Arabia Petrsea, Mt. Sinai and Petra. Laborde. Hutton's Tour of Africa. Voy. to Arab the Happy, by the Fren. 1208-17, Ogilby's Description of AfricaTravels in Arabia. Burckhardt. M'Queen's Geographical Survey of Africa. Buckingham's Travels among the Arabs- Leyden's Discoveries and Travels in Africa. Wellsted's Travels in Arabia. Bingley's Trav. in Africa, fr. Modern Writers, Niebuhr's Travels through Arabia, &c. Owen's Voyages to Africa, &c. Shores, Laborde's Journey through Arabia Petrea. Journal of an African Cruiser, Lamartine's Fat. Sayeghir; Nar. of Arab. Des, Discovery in Africa. Murray, Travels in Arabia. Conder, Travels in Africa. Conder, Willis' A l'Abri; or, the Tent Pitched, Alexander's History of African Colonization. EGYPT AND ABYSSINIA. Jackson's Empire of Morocco. Wilkinson's Manners & Cus. of An. Egyptians. Ali Bey's Travels in Morocco, Egypt, &c. Bonomi's Gallery of Egyptian Antiquities- Russell's Hist. and Pres. State of Barb. States, Prichard's Analysis of Egyptian Mythology. Lord's Algiers and other States of Barbary, Egypte Ancienne. Champollion. Morgan's History of AlgiersRollin's Ancient History of Egyptians, &c. Shaler's Sketches of Algiers. Sharpe's History of Egypt under Romans. Pananti's Residence in AlgiersSharpe's History of Egypt under Ptolemies- Guide du Colon en Algerie. Henricks, jEgyptiaca. White- Colonisation en AlgerieJEgyptiaca Otia, Egyp. Archaology. Gliddon. Blofeld's Algeria; Past and Present. Long's Egyptian Antiquities, Campbell's Letters from Algiers, Salt's System of Hieroglyphics. Foss' Journal of a Captivity at Algiers, Egyptian Chronology Analysed. Nolan. The French in Algiers. Lamping, Egypt's Place in Universal Hist. Bunsen. Kennedy's Algeria and Tunis. 1845, Dis. or Philos. of Egyptians & Chinese. Pauw. Beecher's Exp. to N. Coast of Africa. (1821-2)-. Russell's Ancient and Modern Egypt, St. Marie's Visit to French Possess. in Africa, Hawks' Monuments of Egypt. Denham's Trav. in N. & Cent. Africa. 1822-4; Savary's Letters on Egypt. Expedition du Cavaignac dans Africa. Jacquot. L'Armee Britannique en Egypte. Wilson. King's Twenty-four Years in Argentine Repub, Familiar Description of Egypt, Semilasso in Africa. Puckler-Muskau. Yates' Hist. and Condition of Modern Egypt. Weltgang von Serilasso. Puckler-Muskau. Denon's Travels in Egypt with Buonaparte. Werne's White Nile Expedition. 1840-1, Cooley's American in Egypt. Adams' Shipwreck on West Coast of Africa. Wilkinson's Hand-Book for Egypt, Beaver's Afric. Memoranda; Island of BulamaMrs. Romer's Temples and Tombs of Egypt. Riley's Loss of Brig Commerce. Henniker's Visit to Egypt, Nubia, &c. Discovery of Canary Islands. GlassMinutoli's Recollections of Egypt, Description of Azores; or, West. Islands. Boid. Bartlett's Glimpses of Egypt; Nile Boat. Bullar's Winter at the Azores. Bevan's Sand and Canvas; Advent. in Egypt. Webster's Descript. of Islands of St. Michael. Bruce's Travels to Discover Source of Nile-, Duncan's Travels in Western Africa. (1845-6), Furniss' Waraga; Charms of the Nile, Laing's Travels in Western Africa. Trav. in Egypt, Nubia, and Abyssinia. Conder, Christian Traveller. Mayer's Views in Egypt- Journal of a Residence in Ashantee. DupinsSt. John's Egypt, and Mohammed Ali. Allen's Expedition to the Niger. 1841. Lane's Manners and Cus. of Mod. Egyptians; Schon's Expedition up the Niger. 1841, Vyse's Operations at Pyramids. 1837. Laird's Expedition into Africa, by the Niger. Views on the Nile- Lander's Expedition to the Source of Niger, Puckler Muskau's Egypt and Mahomet Ali, Alexander's Observations in West. Africa. 1835. Sonnini's Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt- Mungo Park's Life and Travels, Poole's Englishwoman in Egypt. 1842-4, Tams' Portuguese Western Africa, Belzoni's Discov. in Pyramids of Egypt, &c. Martin's History of Africa, Egypt and Nubia. St. John. State of the Cape of Good Hope, 1822. Norden's Travels in Egypt and Nubia. Sparrman's Voy. to Cape Good Hope. 1772-6. Hoskin's Visit to Oasis of Lybian Desert. Napier's Excursion in South Africa, St. John's Adventure's in Lybian Desert, Lichtenstein's Trav. in South Africa. (1803-5)AEthiopica. Heliodorus, Methuen's Life in the Wilderness, Highlands of Ethiopia. Harris South African Almanac and Direct. (1831), 840 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [Merc. Lib. Asia. India and H[lindostan. Barrow's Travels in South Africa. (1797-8). Lady Sale's Disas. in Affghanistan. (1841-2), Philip's Researches in South Africa. Pringle's Residence in South Africa,INDIA AND HINDOSTAN. Steedman's Wanderings in Inter. South. Africa. Robertson's Disquisition on Ancient India. Kay's Reseirches and Travels in Caffraria, Origin, Antiquities &c. of the Hindoos, Richardson's Travels in the Desert of Sahara. Keighiley's History of India. Mollien's Travels in Interior Africa- Scott's History of Dekkan, Levaillant's Trav. in Inte. of Africa. (1780-5). Stewart's History of Bengal to 1757Park's Travels in Interior of Africa. (1795), India Nederlandisch. Caillie's Trav. through Cent. Africa. (1824-8). Maurice's History of HindostanDes Cartes' Hist. et G6og. de Madagascar. Pennant's View of HindostanEllis' History of Madagascar. Sketches of the Hindoos. Hindoos, their Literature, &c. 1Ward, ASIA, GENERAL. History of Hindostan. Dow. Gleig's History of British Empire in India, Bailly's Ancient History of Asia, Our East Indian Empire. Macfarlane, Asiatic Researches, Auber's History of British Power in India. Upham's History of Ottoman Empire, Napier's Conquest of Scinde. Myster. of Cabiri, or Gods of the East. Faber. War in Mysore, Reviewed. Salmond. Trav. in Asia, from Modern Writers. Bingley, Wilson's History of British India. 1805-35. Durbin's Observations in the East, Taylor's History of British India. Ouseley's Travels in the East- 1Mill's History of British India. Tischendorff's Travels in the East, Murray's Account of British India, Forbes' Oriental Memoirs. Cunningham's History of the Sikhs. Voyage en Orient. 1832-3. Lamartine, AMfartin's Hist. of Territory of E. India Co., Knight's Oriental Outlines in 1838, Reports on East India Co.Urquhart's Spirit of the East; Tennant's Effects of British Gov. on E. India. Davidson's Trade and Travel in the Far East, Europeans in East and West Indies. Raynal, Ouseley's Oriental Collections- Harlan's Memoir of India and Affghanistan, Syme's Embassy to Ava, Jones' Discourses and Papers on India, Ainsworth's Researches in Assyria, Babylonia. Coleman's Mythology of the HindoosFraser's Mesopotamia and Assyria, Upham's History and Doctrines of BudhismAnc. & Mod. Nineveh & Persepolis. Vaux. Mrs. Ali's Mussulmauns of India. Buckingham's Trav. in Assyr., Media, & Persia. Campbell's Progress of Christ. in Brit. India. Botta's Letters on Discoveries at Nineveh. Tennant's East Indian Recreations. Fletcher's Nineveh, Syria, and Assyria, Dar Bois' Manners and Characters of India. Layard's Nineveh and its Remains. Sleeman's Thugs, or Phansigars of India, Maurice's Ruins of Babylon. Allen's Map of India. Rich's Journey to the Site of Babylon. 1811. Proceedings of Bombay Geographical Society. Heyne's India, Tracts on and Acc't of SumatraFraser's History of Persia, Rennell's Memoir of a Map of HindostanMalcolm's History of Persia- Travels in India. Conder. Farls History of t PersianBacon's First Impressions &c. in Hindostan. Farrs Historyersia Roberts' Scenes and Characteris. of Hindostan. Hanway's Revolutions of Letters from Madras. (1836-9.) Sketches of Persia, Capt. IMundy's Sketches of a Tour in India. Cuniform Inscr. at Behistun Decyp. Rawlinson. Camp and Barrack Room, Waring's Tour to Sheeraz- Indostan Letters. Kinneir's Geogra. Memoirs of Persian Empire- Heber's Journey through Upper Prov. of India; Smith & Dwight's Miss. Research. in Armenia. Ulloa's Voyage to Calcutta Grant's Nestorians, or the Lost Tribes. Parbury's Hnd-Book of India and Egypt, Shoberl's Description of Persia, Fraser's Tour in Himalaya MountainsKotzebue's Journey into Persia. McClelland's Inquiries in Kamaon Province. Fraser's Travels in Persian Provinces- Lloyd's Journey through Himalaya Mountains. Morier's Second Jour. through Persia, &c- Maurice's East Indian Antiquities. Kitto's Uncle Oliver's Travels in Persia, Travels of Marco Polo. lurray Parrot's Journey to Ararat, Parrots Journey to AraratBartolomeo's Voyage to East Indies. Stocqueler's Pilgrim. in Khuzistan and Persia, Europeens dans ies Deux Indes. Raynal. Travels in Persia. Conder, WTooves Jou Condf Gns. (1M8, iMartin's History, Topog., &c. of East India. Wood's Jour. to Source of Oxus. (1736-8), Fraser's Jour. to Khorassan. (1 821-2)- Cox's Residence in Burman Empire. Wolff's Mission to Bokhara. (1843-5). Select Views in Mysore, Le Brun's Trav. in Muscovy, Persia, and E. I.- Travels in Birmah, Siam, and Anan. Conde Elphinstone's Carbul and its Dependencies. Finlayson's Mission to Siam and Hue. Burnes' Jour. to and Res. in Cabool. (1836-8). ^Newbold's British Settlements of Malacca Str's. Rfch's Rebideice in Koordistan, and Nineveh. IWoodard's Narra. of Himself andfour Seamen. Catalogue.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 341 China. Australia and Soulth Seas. Earl's Voyage to Eastern Seas. (1832-4.) Fortune's Wanderings in North. Prov. of China, Sirr's Ceylon and the Ceylonese. Kirkpatrick's Account of Kingdom of NepaulPercival's Island of Ceylon- Williams' The Middle Kingdom, Blok's History of Celebes Island. Tiffany's Canton Chinese, Davy's Account of Ceylon. Wyld's Chart of Canton, Bennetl's Ceylon and its Capabilities. Wyld's Chart of Chusan Archipelagos, Pridhanm's Hist. of Ceylon and Dependencies. Wyld's Sketch of Amoy, Cordiner's Description of Ceylon- Crawford's Embassy to Siam and Cochin China. Rules of the Bombay Geographical Society. Marsden's History of Sumatra- Holman's Travels in China, New Zealand, &c. Shebbeare's History of the Sumatrans. Jukes' Surveying Voyage of Ship Fly. Low's Sarawak, its History and Productions. Claims of Japan and Malaysia. King, Keppeil's Expedition to Borneo, Golownin's Captivity in Japan. (1811-13). Raffles' History of Java. Hall's Voyage to West'n Coast of Corea, &c. Sketches of Java and its Dependencies. Manners and Customs of the Japanese, Conquete des Isles Moluques. Argensola. Psalmanaasar's Description of Formosa, Rolf's Voyages in Moluccan Archipelago. Martin's History of Australasia, Belcher's Voyage of Samarang in East. Archi. Travels in South Sea Islands, &c. Tyerman, Hall's Voyage to the Eastern Seas, O' Connell's Adventures in New Holland, CHINA. Pridden's Hist. and Present State of Australia, Keate's Account of Pelew Islands- Lang's Cooksland in N. E. Australia, Duhalde's General History of China. Flinders' Voyage to AustraliaCorner's History of China and India. Mitchell's Expedition to Tropical Australia. Gutzlaff's Anc. and Mod. Chinese History, Leichardt's Overland Expedition to Australia. Grosier's Description of China. Wilkinson's Advant., &c., of South Australia, China from the Earliest Ages. Murray, Leigh's Voyages in South Australia. (1836-8). Martin's Polit., Commercial, and Social China. Mtchell's Expeditions to Eastern Australia. Chinese as they Are. Lay. Strzelecki's Phys. Descrip. of New South Wales. Chine et Chinois. Borget. Braim's History of New South Wales. Punishments of China- Lang's Account of New South Wales. Mason's Costumes of China- Wentworth's Des. of Col. of New South Wales.'Medhurst'sChina, its State and Prospects, Cunningham's Two Y'rs in New South Wales,'Anderson's British Embassy to China. 1792-4. Collins' Acct. of Colony of New South WalesKidd's Laws, Literature, &c., of China. Nicholas' Voyage to New Zealand. (1814-15). Thorne's Chinese and English Vocabulary. Manners and Customs of New Zealanders, Sirr's China and the Chinese. English's Exped. to Dongola and Sennaar. Ogilby's Embassies to China- Power's Sketches in New Zealand. (1846-8). Hall's Nemesis in China, SOUTH SEAS. Staunton's Embassy to China from Gt. Britain- - s. Staunton's Embassy to China from Gt. Britain- Ross' Voyage to South. and AntarLic Regions. Roberts' Embassy to China, &c. Kotzebue's Voyages in South Sea. (1815-18). Ellis' Journal of Embassy to China. (1816). Williams' Miss. Enterp. in South Sea Islands. Wyld's Map of War in China, Fanning's Voyages to South Seas, Opium War. Cunningham. Hawkesworth's Discov. in Southern HemisphMackenzie's Second Campaign in China, Views in South SeasWar in China. McPherson. n McPMersonMorrell's Four Voyages to the South Sea. Gutzlaff's China Opened,' Gumtzlha's Chiona Opened, Pym's Mutiny in Voyage to South Seas, SmWil's Consular Cities of China,Morrell's Voyage to Southern Oceans. 1829, Wh1ite'sH Voyage to China. Stewart's Visit to South Seas in 1829-30, Atlas Chinensis. M8ontanusPortfolioas Chinensis. Montanus- Hawkin's South Sea Voyage. (Hakluyt Soc). Portfolio Chinensis. Shuck. Wyld's Map of China, PACIFIC. Gutzlaff's Voyages on Coast of China, Ellis' Polynesian Researches, Barrow's Travels in China. Melville's Typee, Travels in China. Conder, Melville's Omoo, Le Compte's Ten Years' Travel in China. Russell's History of Polynesia, Abeel's Residence in China. (1829-33), Stewart's Resid. in Sandwich Islands. 1822-5, Abbott's China and the English, Paulding's Cruise among Pacific Islands, Forbes' Five Years'in China. (1842-7). Barrow's Mutiny of the Bounty, Pitcairn's Isl, Winterbotham's View of Chinese Empire. Lang's Origin and Migrations of Polynesians, Medhurst's Glance at the Interior of China. Mariner's Account of Tonga Islands, McLeod's Voyage to China and Corea. Missionary Voyage to South Pacific OceanDavis' Chinese, Walpole's Two Years in the Pacific. iDowningg's Stranger in China, Porter's Cruise in the Pacific, 1812-14. Voyages a Peking, &c. Guignes, Cook's Voyage to Pacific Ocean. 1776-80-. 342 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [Merc. Lib. South America. West Indies. Ruschenberger's Three Years in the Pacific. Southey's History of West Indies. Burney's Discoveries in Pacific. (1579-1723), Halliday's History of West Indies, Coulter's Adventures in the Pacific, Edwards' Hist. of Brit. Colonies in W. Indies; Smith's Missionary Voyage. 1796-1802, Prichard's Notes on the West Indies. Stewart's Voyage to Pacific. 1822, Mladden's Residence in West Indies, Reynold's On an Exped. to the Pacific Ocean. Six Months in the West Indies. (1825), Colton's Deck and Port; Cruise to California, Notes on Cuba, Foley's Romance of the Ocean; Cruise to Cal, Cuba and the Cubans, Jacobs' Scenes and Adven. in Pacific Ocean, Norman's Travels in Cuba and Mexico, Muller's Voyages to America from Asia- Coleridge's Six Months in the West Indies, Gage's Trav. in and Survey of W. I. and Am., SOUTH AMERICA. Lloyd's Letters from West Indies. (1836-7), Decouverte et Conquete de Perou. Zarate. Brown's Hist. and Pres. Con. of St. Domingo, Trueba y Cosios' Conquest of Peru, History of St. Domingo to 1818. Prescotl's History of Conquest of Peru. Secret Hist. of Horrors of St. Domingo, Temple's Travels in Peru. Manuel des Habitans de St. Domingo. Tschudi's Travels in Peru. 1838-42; Burnley's Present Condition of Trinidad. all's Jour. on Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mx, Mrs. Carmichael, Five Years in Trinidad, &c., Coulter's Adventures in S. Amer. and Mexico, Frnklin's Present State of Hayti, Conquest ef Peru, Mexico, &c. by the Mongols, Jamaica as it Was, Is, and may Be, Peru as it Is. Smith, Dallas' History of the Maroons. Travels in Peru and Chili. Conder, State and Prospects of Jamaica. King, Smyth's Journey to Para from Lima. Williams' Tour through Jamaica in 1823. Molina's History of Chili. Townsend's Topog., Diseases &c. of Bahamas. Proctor's Journey across Andes. (1823-4). Schomburgk's History of Barbadoes. Depons' Voyage to Eastern Part Terra Firma. Flinter's Pres. State of Island Puerto Rico. Byron's Shipwreck on Coast of Patagonia, Allen's Views of Ascension IslandHistoria de Paraguay. Funes.Scoresby's Voyage of the Mary Russell, De Francia's Reign in Paraguay. Rengger.SPAN AMERICA Francia's Reign of Terror. Robertson, Robertson's Four Years in Paraguay, Irving's Life and Voyages of Columbus. Account ofAbipones of Paraguay. Dobrizhoffer, Irving's Voyages of Columbus and Compan. Helms' Travels from Buenos Ayres to Lima, Spanish Discoveries in America. Las Casas. Andrews' Jour. from Buenos Ayres to Potosi, Accounts of Spanish Settlements in America. Travels in Brazil and Buenos Ayres. Conder, Gordon's Hist. of Span. Discoveries in Amer. Brown's Exped. in behalf of Spanish Patriots. La Sale's Last Voyage to Mexico. Joutel. Account of United Prov. of Rio de la Plata. Mexico before and after the Conq. Chevalier. Henderson's History of Brazil- Young's History of Mexico. 1520-1847. Armitage's History of Brazil. 1808-31. Clavigero's History of Mexico. Mawe's Travels in Interior of Brazil. Prescott's History of Conquest of Mexico. Prince Maximilian's Trav. in Brazil. ('15-17)- Solis' Mexico; Conquest by Spaniards. Koster's Travels in Brazil. Hist. Conquista de Mejico. SolisWalsh's Notices of Brazil. 1828-9; Cortes' Despatches, Gardiner's Trav. in Inter. of Brazil. (1836-41). M1artin's Hist. of Brit. Colonies in Trop. Amer. Kidder's Residence and Travels in Brazil; Mejico desde 1808, hasta 1830. Zavala. Robinson's Journeys up Orinoco and Arauca. Mexico and her Military Chieftains. Robinson, Hippisley's Exp. to Orinoco and Apure Rivers. Poinsett's Notes on Mexico. 1822. Edwards' Voyage up the Amazon, Mexico in 1827. Ward. Head's Journey across the Pampas and Andes, Rambles in Mexico. (1834). Latrobe, Pazos' Let. on United Provinces of S. Amer. Mexico as it Was and Is. Mayer. Mollien's Voyage en Colombie. El Puchero; Mexican Miscellanies. M cSherry, Duane's Visit to Colombia. Bullock's Six Months in Mexico, Travels in Colombia. Conder, Gilliam's Travels in Mexico. 1843-4, Notes on Colombia, 1822. Farnham's Mexico, its People, &c. Travels in South America. Acugna, Thompson's Recollections of Mexico, Brackenbridge's Voyage to S. Amer. 1817-18. Wislizenus' Tour in North. Mexico. 1846-7. Voyages in South America. Acugcna. Calderon's Life in Mexico, Ulloa's Voyage to South America. Abert's Examination of New Mexico. Trav. in S. Amer. from Mod. Writ. Bingley, Travels in Mexico and Guatamala. Conder, Empson's Narratives of South America. Ruins of an Anc. City in Guatemala. RioAmerique Septentrionale et M6ridionale. Stephens' Travels in Central America. Travels of A. Von. Humboldt. MacGillivray, Incidents of Travels in Yucatan. Stephens. Humboldt's Travels in Equinoc. Reg. of Amer. WEST INDIES. Dunlop's Travels in Central America, Davies' History of Caribbean Islands, Byam's Wild Life in Central America, Catalogue.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 343 North America. American Hlistory and Travels. Roberts' Voyages on East Coast Cent. Amer, INDIANS. Wafer's Voyage and the Isthmus of America, Schoolcrafits Oneota, or Red Race of America, Norman's Rambles in Yucatan,, Drake's Biog. & Hist. of Indians of N. America. Panama, Nicaragua and Tehuantepee. Liot. History of North Amer. Indians. M'KennyNORTT AMERICA. - Buchanan's Hist. Manners, &c. ofN. A. Indians. Adair's Hist. of American IndiansTytler's Hist. of Coasts of Northern America, McCulloch's Res. on Aborigines of America. Snelling's Polar Regions of Western Contin. Boudinot's Star in tle West, &c. Phipps' Voyage toward North Pole- Long's Travels of an Indian TraderFranklin's Expedition to Polar Seas, Long's Manners, &c. of N. American IndiansRoss' Second Voyage North-West Passage-. Hunter's Cus. of Ind. Tribes West of Missis. Parry's Voyage to Dis. North-West Passage-. Catlin's Letters on North American Indians. Parry's Second Voyage. (1821-3)-. Indian Traits. (Boy's and Girl's Library), Parry's Third Voyage. (1824-5)-. Jones' Traditions of North. American Indians, Lyon's Private Journal during Parry's Voyage, Eres' Captivity among the Indians, Parry's Three Voyages for Dis. of North Pole, Tanner's 30 Years' Captivity among Indians. Parry's Attempt to reach North Pole. 1827- Alden's Missions to Senecas and Munsees, Back's Narrative of Land Expedition to Arctic-. Heckewelder's Mis. to Indians, Del. & Mohigans, King's Journey to Arctic Ocean. (1833-5). Loskiel's Mis. of Un. Breth. to N. A. Indians. Beechey's Voy. to Pacific and Behring's Str'ts- McIKenny's Trav. among N. and'S. Indians. Mackenzie's Voyage fr. Montreal through Con. Morse's Report on Affairs N. A. Indian. Simpson's Discov. on North Coast of America. U. States Treaties with Indians. 1778-1837. Wrangell's Expedition to Polar Seas, Colden's Hist. of Five Nations of Canada. Goodsir's Arctic Voyage, Irving's Expedition to Pawnee Tribes, Shillinglaw's History of Arctic Discovery, Schoolcraft's Notes on the Iroquois. Barrow's Voyages in Arctic Regions. 1818, Case of Seneca Indians. Discovery and Adven. in Polar Seas. Leslie, Case of Seneca Indians further Illustrated. Possibil. of Approach. North Pole. Barrington. Eastman's Dahcotah, or Life and Leg. of Sioux, Franklin Expedition and its Relief. Scoresby. Iceland, Greenland, and Faroe Islands. AMERICAN HISTORY AND TRAVELS. Egede's Description of Greenland. Rafn's America discovered in 10th Century. Graah's Expedition to Greenland. Beamish's America, Discovery by Northmen. Crantz's History of Greenland. - Smith's Northmen in New England. Greenland and Davis' Straits in 1817. O'Reilly. Americas Landes Gamle Geographic. Rafn. Rus. Discov. between Asia and Amer. Coxe. History of British America. Murray, New Discov. of Country in Amer. Hennepin. Colonies in British America. Evans- Voyages de Christ. Colomb., Navarette. Martin's Hist. of Brit. N. A. Pos. Exe. Canada, Antiquitates Americane. Alexander's L'Acadie; Seven Years in Brit. A, Codice Diplomatico Colombo AmericanoMartin's History of Canada, Robertson's Hist. of Discov. and Sett. of Amer. Gray's Letters from Canada in 1806-8. Decouverte de l'Amerique. Rafn. Fergusson's Tour in Canada. 1821, Fleury's History of Discovery of America, Bonnycastle's Canadas in 1841, Trumbull's History of America. (1592-1765). Cavendish's Debates in House of Com. Quebec, Russell's History of AmericaChristie's Ope. in Canada dur. War of 1812-15, MacGregor's Prog. of Amer. fi. Disc. to 1846. Henry's Suffering in Campaign against Quebec, Holmes' Annals of America to 1826. Canada and the Oregon, Archacologia Americana. Henry's Trav. in Canada and Indian Territories. Priest's American Antiquities. Hawkins' Picture of Quebec, Delafield's Antiquities of AmericaThe Emigrant. Head, Bradford's American Antiquities. Samson's Sketches of Lower Canada, Morton's Crania AmericanaBouchette's Description of Lower Canada. Mon. of Aborigines Mississ. Valley. Squier. Lanman's Tour to the River Sanguenay, Anct. Mon. of Miss. Valley. Smithsonian ConFitzgerald's Char. & Pro. of Hudson's Bay Co. American Curiosities and Literary. SmithRobson's Residence in Hudson's Bay. 1733-47. Alden's American Epitaphs and Inscriptions. Ballantyne's Residence in Hudson's Bay Ter. Ferris's Hist. of Orig. Settle. on the Delaware. M'Lean's Twenty-five Years in Hud. Bay Ter, Falconer's Discovery of the Mississippi, Martin's Hudson's Bay Territories. Oldmixon's Hist. of Brit. Colonies in America. Chappell's Voyage to Hudson's Bay. Marshall's Hist. of North American Colonies. Haliburton's History of Nova Scotia. Charters of American Colonies. Lucas. Moorsom's Letters from Nova Scotia, American Querist. Industrial Resources of Nova Scotia. Gesner. Burke's Account of Settle. in European Am. Anspach's Hist. of Newfoundland. Force's Tracts Relat. to N. Amer. Colonies. Jukes' Excursion in Newfoundland, Willis' Jour. of Swift and Lam. Deane. Bonnycastle's Newfoundland in 1842, St. John's Letters from American Farmer. 344 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [Merc. Lib. Travels in North America, Anaericain Revolution. Eddis' Letters from America. (1769-77). U. S. Guerra dell' Indep., Storia della. Botta. Retrospect of Boston Tea Party. Impartial History of American Revolution. Lettres Am6ricaines. Carli. Moultrie's Memoirs of American Revolution, Mante's Hist. of French War in North Amer- Lee's Mem. Southern Depart. American Rev. Basil's Impress. of West Indies and N. Amer, Claiborne's Notes on War in the South, Reisen durch Nord Amerika. Carver. Amer. Rev. as relating to S. Carolina. Dayton. Alcedo's Geog. & Hist. Diet. of Amer. & W. I. Ramsay's Hist. of the Amer. Rev. in S. Caro'a. Long's Geog. of America and the West Indies. Lee's Campaign of 1781 in South Carolina. Alexander's Trans-Atlantic Sketches. American Revolution. (Pamphlets, vol. 52-2), Waterton's Wand'gs in North and South Amer, Thomas' History of American Wars, Holgate's Atlas of American History- Maps illustrating American RevolutionComplete American Atlas- Military Hist. of the United States. Melish. Morse's North American Atlas- Stone's Border Wars of American Revolution, Imlay's Topography of North America. Onderdonk's Inc. of Rev. in Suff. & Kings Co, Douglass' Settlements of North America. Gleig's British Army at Wash. and N. Orleans, History of the Buccaneers of America, Neilson's Narrative of Burgoyne's Campaign, Chevalier's Society and Politics in North Amer. Burgoyne's Expedition from Canada in 1777. Hall's Travels in America. Tarleton's Campaigns in N. America in 1780-1Murray's Discoveries in North America. Clinton's Narrative of his Conduct in N. Amer. Pinkerton's Collec. of Voyag. &c., in America. Howe's Narrative of his ConductRoger's Excursions in North America. Vindication.of Captors of Major Andr6, Kalm's Travels in North America. Simcoe's Milit. Journal; Hist. of Queen's Ran. Shirreff's Tour through North America. Niles' Documents, &c., on American Revolu'n. Wyse's America; its Realities and Resources. Baroness von Riedesel's Letters and Memoirs, Buckingham's Statist. and Des. Hist. of Amer. Graydon's Memoirs of his own Time. Travels in N. Amer. from Mod. Writ. Bingley, Marshall's Passages from Remembrancer, Voy. dan l'Am6r. Septentrionale. La Hontan, Mrs. Grant's Memoirs of an American Lady, Stuart's Three Years in North America, Wilkinson's Letters during Revolutionary War, Vigne's Six Months in America, Thacher's Journal in American Revolution, Chastellux's Travels in North Amer. (1780-2). Auberey's Travels through Interior of America. Weld's Travels in North America. (1795-7). Hodgson's Journey through North America. Blunt's Hist. of Formation of Amer. Confed. Bernhard's Travels in North Amer. (1825-6).Washington's Political Legacies, Latrobe's Rambler in North Amer. (1832-3), inngtons olrtecal acdes,,,r r m 1 * aT 1i.. /\OQ^ ^\ v Washitngton's Fm'ewell AddressMurray's Travels in North Amer. (1834-6), Washington and Adams. Hall's Travels i n Nrth America, Gibb's Administrat. of Washington and Adams. Hall s Travels in North America, Wharton's U. S. State Trials und. Wash'ton, &c. Janson's Stranger in AmericaTravelsS in North America. Conder Adams' Correspondence with V. Cunningham. nravelsir N rth eric a. 1odAdamts and Sewall. Novanglus, &c. La Rochefoucauld's Travels through U. S &c-,. Palmer's Travels in U. S. and Canada. (1817). Monroe's Mission to the French Republic. Duncan's Trayv in U. S. & Canada. (1818-19), Lee's Observ. on Writings of Thos. Jefferson. Duncan's Trav. in U. S. & Canada. (1818-19), Chase's History of Polk's Administration. Fidlr's Travel. on United States and Canada. Sherman's Governmental History of U. States, Fidler's Observ. on United States and Canada. Journal of Acts and Proceed. of Fed. Conyen. Lambert's Travels in U. S. and Lower Canada. 1 r 1 a. T J1'.n...................... Diplomatic Correspond. U. States. 1783-9. Lyell's Travels in North America. (1841-2), ipomatic Correspond. U. States. 1783-9. Wael rburons m.Hochelaga, l l American State Papers-, Warburton's HochelagWashington's Message to Congress. 1797. Wood's History of Administr. of John Adams. Treaty of Spain and U. States. 1819. Onis. The Colonies and Amer. Revolutions. Pradt. Jackson's Ann. Messages to Congress. 1829-34. Chalmer's Hist. of Rev. of American Colonies. History of Congress to 1793. Lossing's Seventeen Hundred Seventy-Six. Debates and Proceed. in Cong. in 1789-1837. Botta's History of American Revolution. Wheeler's History of Congress. Wilson's History of American Revolution, Journal of House of Rep. (lst-13th Cong.) Allen's History of American Revolution. Presidents Messages, United States.'38. Ramsay's History of American Revolution. Mess, &c. of U. S. Pres. (1789-1846). Walker. Mrs. Warren's Hist. of American Revolution. United States Treaties with Mexico. Raynal's History of American Revolution, Message of the Pres. U. S. Dec. 24th, 1847. Pictorial History of American Revolution. Alex. Hamilton's Official and other Papers. Doheny's History of American Revolution, Webster's Diplomatic and Official Papers. History of the American Revolution, Cases of Contested Elect. in Congress. Clarke. Stedman's History of American Revolution- McCartney's Origin and Progress of U. States, Heath's Memoirs of American Revolution. Ramsay's History of U. States to 1808. Thatcher's American Revolution, Pitkin's History of United States. Gordon's History of the Independence of U. S. Hildreth's Abridged History of United States, Troubles de l'Am6rique Anglaise. Soules. Wilson's American History. Catalogue.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 345 United States; 5Bistor'y. United States; Travels. Wilson's History of the United States, Royall's Sketches of United States, Frost's Pictorial History of the United States. Lafayette's Hist. of Tour through U. States. Bancroft's History of the United States. Levasseur's Voyage in U. S. with Lafayette, Willard's History of the United States. Winterbotham's View of the United States. Grimshaw's History of United States to 1821, Wansey's Excursions in U. States. 1794. Goodrich's Pictorial History of United States, Volney's View of United States. Goodrich's History of the United States, Everett's America; Survey of its Powers. Hale's History of the United States, Reed and Matheson's Visit to Amer. Churches, Fergus' History of the United States, Waylen's Ecclesiast. Reminisc. of U. States. Grahame's Hist. of the United States to 1776. Dixon's Methodism in America; a Tour, Hildreth's History of United States to 1781. Wright's Soc. and Manners in Amer.(1818-20). Cooper's History of N. America to 1776, Abdy's Residence and Tour in U. S. (1833-4), Perkins' Hist. Sketch of U. States from 1815, Power's Impressions of America. 1833-5, Historical Register of the United States. Combe's Notes on United States. 1838-44, General Outline of the United States. Maxwell's Run through United States in 1840, Murray's Hist. and Institutions of U. States, Trollope's Domestic Manners of Americans. Robbins' Tales fr. Hist. (Boy's & Girl's Lib.), Raumer's America and the American People. Hinton's Hist. and Topography of U. States- Marryat's Diary in America, History of American Naval Battles. 1799-1837, Fearon's Journey thro' East. & West. States. Cooper's Hist. of Navy of the United States. urat's America and Americans, Frost's Book of the American Navy. Cooper's Information concerning America. Goldsborough's U. States Naval Chronicle. Cooper's Notions of the Americans, American Army and Navy. Neff. Silliman's Gallop among American Scenery, Cooper's History of United States Navy. Lyell's Second Visit to the United States; Hazard's Historical Collections of U. States- Martineau's Retrospect of Western Travel, American Register. Martineau's Society in America, American Annual Register. (1825-32). Hamilton's Men and Manners in America. The Herald. (1795-7)- Mrs. Butler's Journal in America, Duties and Relations of U. States Republic, Mrs. Maury's Englishwoman in America, Barber's Incidents in American History, Mrs. Gilman's Poetry of Travelling in U. States, Byrdsall's History of the Loco-Foco Party, Faux's Memorable Days in America. Frost's Remarkable Events in Hist. of Amer. Mackay's Travels in Western World, Worcester Magazine and Historical Journal. Adams' Jubilee of the Constitution. Knapp's Library of American History- Mellen's Book of jhe United States. Verplanck's Discourses on Amer. History, &c, Frost's Book of the Army. (United States), American's Constitutional Guide, Connected View of Internal Naviga. of U. S_Mayo's Political Sketches at Washington. r Darby's View of the United States, Ingersol's War of 1812-15 bet. U. S.& GrtBrt Silliman's Tour to Quebec fr. Hartf. (1819), James war of 1812; Great Brit. & America, Jaes Wa of1; t Bi. & A a Journey from Boston to N. Y. 1704. Knight, Brackenridge's History of War of 1812, resident onro Perkins' Hist. of U. States War of 1812-15. Lanmaldos Summer in th e Wilderness, Lanman's Summer in the Wilderness, Davis' History of War of 1812-15,l St. John's Descrip. of Lake Superior Country, Clarke's Campaign of 1812. (U. S. A.) JCames'Ncscampaign on f 1812. (US. A.) Darby's Tour to Detroit from N. Y. in 1818. James' Naval Occurr. of Amer. War of 1812. Lakes Burges,:Miss Fuller's Summer on the Lakes, Battle of Lake Erie.'Burges M'Kenny's Tour on the Lakes. Armstrong'sNoti ceso of War of 1812, Agassiz' Lake Superior, Tour by J. E. Cabot. Christie's War of 1812; Milit. Oper. in Canad- Dwiht's Trav. in New England and N. York. NavalMonluments of Am. & Brit. Bat.1812-15. Kendall's Travels in Northern U. S. (1807-8). Bartram's Trav. from Lake Ontario to Penn, Haskel's Gazetteer of the U. States. Things as they are in North. and Mid. States, Worcester's United States Gazetteer. Traveller's Guide in North. and Middle U. S, Darby & Dwight's Gazetteer of U. States, Lanman's Letters from Alleghany Mountains, Bradford's United States Atlas- Lanman's Letters from a Landscape Painter, Mitchell's Accompaniment to U. S. Map. Paulding's Letters from the South, Scott's United States Geograph. Dictionary. Hart's Romance of Yachting, Peck's Emigrant's Guide, Tasistro's Random Shots & Southern Breezes, Peck's New Emigrant's Guide, Featherstonaugh's Excur. through Slave States. Emigrant's True Guide, Ingraham's The South West, Warner's Immigrant's Guide, Appleton's R. R. and S. B. Corn. (VWilliams), Smith's Illust. Hand-Book; Guide thro' U. S, Flint's Hist. and Geog. of Western States. Letters from South and West United States. Hildreth's Pioneer History of West. U. S. Appleton's So. & Wes. Trav. Guide. Williams. Flint's Indian Wars of the West, Voyages dans les Etats-Unis. LaRochefoucauld. Brown's Western Gazetteer. Trav. hi U. States.(1788). Brissot de Warville, Lyford's Western Address Directory, Cobbett's Picture of U. States. (1783-1801). Hall's The Soil, Surface, and Produc. of West, 44 346 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [Mere. Lib Western America. Ncw England. Darby's Emi. Guide to the West and Southw. Farnham's Life and Adventures in California. Harris' Pittsburg and West. Business Direct, Revere's Tour of Duty in California, Flint's Hist. and Geog. of. Mississippi Valley. Johnson's Sights in the Gold Regions, Monette's History of Mississippi Valley. Buffum's Six Months in Gold Regions, Nicollet's Report on Hydrogra. Basin of Miss. Brooks' Four Months among Cal. Gold Finders. Schoolcraft's Travels to Sources of the Miss. Robinson's California and its Gold Regions. Schoolcraft's Exped. to Itasca Lake. Taylor's Eldorado; Adventures in California, Schoolcraft's Travels to Central Missis. Valley. Flint's TelA Years Residence in Miss. Valley. EW EGLAD. Bradbury's Trav. in Interior Amer. 1809-11. Prince's Chronological History of New Eng, Michaux' Trav. in Ohio, Kentucky, &c. 1802. Barber's Hist. & Antiq. of N. E., N. Y.,& N.J. Brackenridge's Recollections of the West, Mather's Magnalia Christi Americana. Erans' Tour through Western States, Leaves from Margaret Smith's Journal, Ker's Travels through Western United States. Terror of the Lord: Earthquake in N. Eng, Hall's New Purchase in the Far West, Trumbull's Hist. of Indian Wars in N. Eng. Hall's History, Life, and Manners of theWest,'Farmer's Genealogical Register of New Eng, Gerstaecker's Wanderings of German Emig'ts, Morton's New England's Memorial. Ho.fman's Winter in the West, New England History and Geneal. Register. Burnel's Notes on Settle.of N.West. Territory. Hayward's Gazetteer of New England. Bradford's Notes on the North West, Bushnell's Fathers of New England, Pike's Travels to River Sources of West.Ter.- Pilgrim Fathers. Wilson. (Stowell), Seymour's Inci. of Trav. in Minnesota. 1849, Exam. of N. Eng's Claims to Commer. Preem, M' Clung's Sketches of Western Adventure, Whittier's New England Legends, Byam's Wanderings in Western America, New England and her Institutions, Ruxton's Life in the Far West, Hubbard's Present State of New EnglandHildreth's Dragoon Campaign to Rocky Mts., Tudor's Letters on the Eastern States, Irving's Rocky Mountains, Parker's Exp. Tour be. Rocky Mts. (1835-7,) SEPARATE STATES. Long's Expedition to St. Peter's River, &c. liamso istory of aine. Mrs.,Houston's Hesperus: Trav. in the West, Wlliamsons History of Maine. Mrs. Houston's Hesperus: Trav in the West,,Holmes' Exploration of Aroostook Territory. Far West; a Tour beyond Rocky Mountains, Barstow's Hist. o New Hampshire to 1819. Ruxton's Adventures in Mexico& Rocky Mts, Belknap's History of New Hampshire. Hoffman's WTild Scenes in Forest and Prairie, Collections of New Hampshire Histor. Society. Gregg's Commerce of the Prairies, Collections relating to New Hamp. Farmer. iFarnham's Life in Prasirie L andl, Thoreau's Week on Concord & Merrimack, Twiss' History and Discovery of Oregon, Thompson's History of Vermont. Farnham's History of Oregon Territory. Farnham's History of Oregon Terrtory Williams' Nat.- & Civil History of Vermont. Dunn's Oregon Ter. and N. Amer. Fur Trade, Veon State Papers. DeSme's Miss., & Trav. in Oregon. (1805-6), Gaham's escripte Sketch of Veont. Gass' Lewis & Clarke's Discoveries, Lewis & Clarke's Ex. to Source Missouri, &c. - Cox's Adventures on Columbia River. Young's Chronicles of Mass. Bay Colony. Ross' Settlers on Oregon or Columbia River. Hutchinson's Hist. of Province of Mass. Bay. Irving's Astoria; Minot's Hist. of Prov. of Mass. Bay. 1748-65. Scenes in Rocky Mts., Oregon, California, &c, Bradford's Hist. of Massachusetts. 1764-1820. Fremont's Ex. to Rocky Mts., Oregon, Califor. Minot's Hist. of Insur. and Rebellion of Mass. Greenhow's History of Oregon and California. Thacher's History of Plymouth, Thornton's Oregon and California in 1848, Baylies' Hist. Memoir of Plymouth Colony. Parkman's California and Oregon Trail, Cheever's Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, Los Gringos, or Mexico and California. Wise, Russell's Guide to Plymouth, Fremont's Trav. from Fort Lea. to San Diego. Barber's Historical Collections of Massachu. Emory's Military Reconnoi. from Mo. to Cal. King Philip's War. (1765-6). Church, Wilkes' Western America. Collections of Massachusetts Histor. Society. Emigrant's Guide to New Mex., Cal., Oregon, Snow's History of Boston. Wegweisen nach Oregon und Cal. Schmolder. Bowen's Picture of Boston, Edwards' Campaign in New Mexico, Frothingham's Siege of Boston. Doniphan's Expedition to New Mex. Hughes, Wines' Trip to Boston, Dea?bon's Boston Notions. 1830-47, Dix's Local Loiterings near Boston, Forbes' History of California. Ellis' History of Roxbury Town. Indians of Alta California. Boscana, Harris' Cambridge Epitaphs, Robinson's Life in California, Dudley Genealogies. Coulter's Adventures in Interior California, Lewis' History of Lynn, including Nahant. Bryant's What I saw in California. (1846-7), Macy's Hist. of Nantucket and Whale Fishery, Fremont's Geographical Mem. Upper California. Ward's History of Shrewsbury, Mass. Cutts' Conq. of Cal. and New Mex. (1846-7), Cofin's History of Newbury and Newburyport. Catalogue. ] C LA SS IFIE D IND E X. 347 United States. United States. Lincoln's History of Worcester, Mass. Irving's Book of the Hudson River, The Berkshire Jubilee. Cleaveland's Direc. of Greenwood Cemetery, Whittier's Stranger in Lowell, Simm's History of Schoharie County. Lowell as it Was and as it Is. Miles, Campbell's Annals of Trvon County. Wilkes' Chart of St. George's Shoal & Banks- Bolton's History of Westchester Co., N. Y. Maude's Visit to Niagara Falls in 1800. Trumbull's Hist. of Connecticut. (1630-1764). Lieber's Letters after a Trip to Niagara. Dwight's History of Hartford Convention. Headley's Adirondack. Duight's History of Connecticut, O'Reilley's Sketches of Rochester, Barber's Historical Collections of Connecticut. Parsons' Book of Niagara Falls, Sketch of Connecticut Forty Years Since, Wood's First Settlements on Long Island. Prime's History of Long Island to 1845, Collections of the Rhode Island Historical Soc. Thompsoz's History of Long Island. Onderdonk's Revolu. Incid. of Queen's Co., L.I, Onderdonk's Rev. Inci. in Suffolk & Kings Cos, Smith's Hist. of Prov. of New-York, to 1762.h' abyg' Ht of New- rlan t 1d.* Van Rensselaer's Affair of Queenstown in 1812, O' Callaghan's History of New Netherlands. Dunlap's History of New Netherlands to 1787. O'Callaghan's Documentary Hist. of N. Y. Smith's History of New Jersey Colony. Macauley's History of State of New-York. Gordons History ofNew Jesey to 1789. oates and Moulton's History of State of N. Y. Mulford's History of New Jersey. Eastman's History of the State of New-York, Scot's Gov. of N. J. (Col. of N. J. Hst. So). Dunlap's School History of New-York, Field's Pr. Courts of N. J. (Col. of N. J. H. S). Turner's Hist. of the Holland Purchase of N. Y. Selections fr. N. Jersey Exec. Cor. (1776-86). Hist. of State of N. Y. (Boy's and Girl's Lib,) Collections of ew Jersey Historical Society. History of N. Y. by Knickerbocker. Irving, Barber & Howe's Hist. Collec. of N. Jersey. Jenkins' Hist. of Polit. Parties in State of N. Y, Gordo's Gazetteer of New Jersey. Hammond's Polit. Hist. of State of New-York. New-York State Register. (1843-6). Holley, Thomas' Ace. of Penn. and N. Jersey in 1698, New-York State Assembly Journal. Gordon's Hist. of Pennsylvania to 1776. New-York State Senate Journal. Proud's History of Pennsylvania. Spcafford's New-York State Gazetteer. FFranklin's Hist. Review of Penn. Government. Gordon's Gazetteer of State of New-York. Findley's Hist. of Insurrection in Penn. in 1794. Damerum's Southern Map of New-York. Proceedings of Exec. in Case of Insurg. (1794), Seward's Introd. to Nat. Hist. of State of N. Y- Clopper's Hstory of Bawlfredonia. Nat. Hist. & Res. of State of N. Y. Hibernicus, Mier's Histor of Wyoming. Clark's Onondaga Reminiscences. Poetry and History of Wyoming. Campbell, Brodhead's Rep. on Col. Hist. of State ofN. Y. Watson's Hist. Tales of Olden Time in Penn, Watson's Annals and Occurrences of N. Y. Day's Histor. Collections of Pennsylvania, Watson's Historic Tales of Olden Time in N. Y, Mease's Picture of Philadelphia, Barber and Howe's Hist. Coll. of New-York. Turnbul's Visit to Philadelphia Prison. N. Y. Hist. Society's Collections. (1809-21). Guide to Laurel Hill Cemetery. N. Y. Hist. Society's Proceedings. (1843-8). Benson's Mem. on Dutch Names, &c., near N. Y. Grth's Ealy History of Maryland. McSherry's History of Maryland. Bozman's History of Maryland. 1633-60. Denton's Description of New-York.Greenleaf's Hist. of Churches of City of N. Y, Campbell's Hstory of the Colony of Virginia. Berrian's History of Trinity Church. Burk's History of Virginia. Hist. of Negro Plot at New-York. Horsmanden. Proceedings of Virginia Convention. 1829-30. Journal of Ass't Aldermen of N. Y. City. Howison's History of Virginia. Proceed. of Ald'n and Ass't Ald'n of N. Y. City. Beverley's History of Virginia. Proceedings of Common Council of N. Y. City. H story of Virginia. (Boy's and Girl's Lib), Thorburn's Fifty Years' Reminiscences of N. Y, Howard's Historical Collections of Virginia. Miller's Province and City of N. Y. in 1695. Foote's Sketches of Virginia. Picture of New-York. (1837), Jefferson's Notes on Virginia; Picture of New-York in 1840, Letters descriptive of Virginia Springs, Blunt's Stranger's Guide to City of New-York, Smith's Travels. 1593-1629. Belden's New-York. Past, Present, & Future, Glance at New-York, Description of Province of Carolina. Coxe. Map of Thirty Miles around City of New-York, Williamson's History of North Carolina. Martin's History of North Carolina. Colden's Celebrat. and Complet. Canals in N. Y- Jones' Defence of North Carolina, Hudson River Panorama, Ramsay's History of South Carolina to 1808. Hunt's Letters about the Hudson River, Carroll's Hist. Collections of South Carolina. Owl Creek Letters, Hewit's Hist. of Colo~ of S. Carolina & Geor 848 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [Merc. Lib. United States,. Journal of Convention of S. Carolina. 1837. BIOGRAPHY. Hist. Acct. of Colonies of S. Carolina & Geor. Rose's Biographical Dictionary. Bartram's Trav. through Carolinas & Florida. Biographical Dictionary of Soc. for Diff. U. K. Stevens' History of Georgia. Maunder's Biographical Dictionary, Georgia Hist. Society Collections. (1810-2). Davenport's Biographical Dictionary. White's Statistics of Georgia. Hardie's Biographical Dictionary. M'Call's History of Georgia. Blake's Biographical Dictionary. Martin's Louisiana. Corney's Biographical Dictionary. Marbois' History of Louisiana. Biographie Universelle. Gayarre's Romance of Louisiana History, Annual Biography and Obituary. (1817-37.) 1Histoire de la Louisiane. Gayarre. Lempriere's Universal Biography. Mernoires de Louisiane. Vergennes. Platt's Universal Biography. French's Hist. Collec. of Louisiana. (1678-91). Beckett's Universal Biography. Darby's Description of Geog. of Louisiana. Biography. (Chambers' Educational Course), Norman's Hist. Sketch of N. Orleans & Envir. Watkins' Biographical and Historical Diction. New Orleans as I Found It. Autobiography; a Collection of Lives, Irving's Conquest of Florida, Tupper's Modern Pyramid, Forbes' Sketches of Hist. & Topog. of Floridas. Lives of Eminent Persons. (Lib. of U. K.) Williams' Territory of Florida. Knapp's Biography of Eminent Men. Latour's Mem. of Florida & La. War. 1814-5. Maiden's Disting. Men of Modern Times, Vignole's Observations on Floridas. Dix's Pen and Ink Sketches, Stork's Description of East Florida- Plutarch's Lives; Sprague's History of the Florida War. Plutarch Vies des Hommes Illustres, Sketch of the Seminole War, Plutarch. Opera, Sewall's St. Augus. and its Advant. for Inval, Brydges' Imaginative Biography, s Wilson's Wonderful Characters, Howe's Historical Collections of Ohio. Caulfield'sMem. of Rein. Pers. (1688-1727). Jenkins' Ohio Gazetteer, Davenport's Lives of Men Self-raised from Pov, Drake's Picture of Cincin. and Miami Country, Memoirs of Persons comp. the Kit-Kat ClubEllsworth's Valley of the Upper Wabash, Ind. The Whig Club. Brown's History of Illinois. Biographical Sketches of Eccentric Characters, Peck's Gazetteer of Illinois, IHistoric Gallery of Portraits and Paintings. Jones' Illinois and the West, Galerie des Contemporains Illustres, Illinois in 1837. Portraits Contemporains. Saint Beuve, Collins' Historical Sketch of Kentucky. Whittier's Old Portraits and Modern Sketches, Butler's History of Kentucky. Gallants at an Ordinarie.. (Percy Soc,) Marshall's History of Kentucky. Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons. Seward, Wetmore's Gazetteer of Missouri. Burke's Anecdotes of the Aristocracy, Lanman's History of Michigan; Waverley Anecdotes, Illustr. of Scott's Novels, Lapham's Geog. Hist., and Geology of Wis, Percy Anecdotes. Nuttall's Travels in Arkansas. 1819. Allen's American Biographical Dictionary. Edwards' History of Texas, Belknap's American Biography, Newell's History of Revolution in Texas. Spark's Library of American Biography, Mrs. Houston's Texas and the Gulf of Mexico, Eliot's Biog. Dictionary of New England. Kennedy's Texas, Geography, Nat. Hist., &c. British Plutarch; Emi. Men since Henry VII. Visit to Texas, Taylor's Modern British Plutarch, Green's Texian Expedition against Mier. Coleridge's Biographia Borealis. Rambles in Texas, IMaunder's Select British Biography, Smith's Journey through N. E. Texas. (1849), Biographia BritannicaKendall's Narrative of Santa Fe Expedition, Fuller's Worthies of England. Taylor's Romantic Biog. of Age of Elizabeth, MEXICAN WAR. Granger's Biog. Hist. of England to 1688. Ripley's War witlh M~exico. Burton's Lives of Lord Lovat, and D. Forbes, Ripley's War xvith Mexico. Lives of E. and J. Philips. GodwinJenkins' Hist. of War of U. S. and Mexico, Vicrs Engand Worthies, Richardson's Campaign in Old and N. Mexico, a ti es History of War between U. S. and Mexico. P B po, Henry's Camp. Sketches of War with Mexico, Lodge's Port. of Illustrious Persons of Gt. Brit, Willard's Last Leaves of American History, alof's Lines of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, &c, Thorpe's Our Army on thle Rtio Gramde, c bLives of the Princes of the House of Orange. Thorpe's Our Army on the Rio Grande, CambranfPltarch Perry. Carleton's Battle of Buena Vista, Chambers' Biograph. Dictionary of Scotsmen. Thorpe's Our Army at Monterey, T er' L o S t or s Mansfield's Mexican War, I;tler's Lives of Scottish W]orthies, Ramsay's Ote Sidee xican Wa v, Walsh's Conspicuous Characters of France, Rasa'sOterSielf exca Wr, James' Lives of De Retz, Colbert, De Witt, &c, Jay's Causes and Consequences of Mex. War, Lives of Abeillard and Heloisa. Livermore's Review of Mexican War, Quintana's Lives of Celebrated Spaniards. Catalogue.] CL A S SIF I ED INDEX. 349 Collective Biography. Collective Biography. Lives of Pizarro and Cortes. Balboa, Foss' Sketches of Judges of England. Thatcher's Indian Biography, Campbell's Lives of English Chancellors. Duncan's Dukes of Normandy, Campbell's Lives of the Chief Justices. Lindsays Lives of the Lindsays. Wight's Mornings at Bow Street, Geneal. of the Williams Family in America, The Bench and the Bar. Grant, Barry's Sketch of the Family of Stetson. Roscoe's Lives of British Lawyers, Biographical Sketches of the Moody Family, Lives of British Physicians, David S. Jones and the Jones Family, Thatcher's American Biography. Abbott's Kings and Queens, Gold Headed Cane; Memoirs of Physicians, Portraits of Court of Hen. VIII. Chamberlain- Pettigrew's Medical Portrait GalleryHarris' Lives of Jas. I., Chas. I., Cromw. &c. Physic and Physicians. Court and Camp of Napoleon Buonaparte, Artisans Illustres. Foucaud. Headley's Napoleon and his Marshals, Howard's Mem. and Anecdotes of Mechanics, Nap. Buonaparte and Marshals of the Empire, The Artist, Merchant, and Statesman. Lester, Wyatt's History of Kings of France, Lives of American Merchants, Roscoe's Lives of Kings of Eng. fr. Nor. Conq. Narratives of Peril and Suffering. Davenport, Strickland's Lives of Queens of England; The Sea Book; Memoirs of Female Sovereigns. James, Pirate's Own Book, Bush's Memoirs of Queens of France. Perilous Adventure. Davenport, Comines' Mem. of Louis XI. and Chas. VIII. Lives & Exploits of Banditti &c. MacFarlane, Jesse's Mem. of Pretend. and their Adherents, St. John's Lives of Celebrated Travellers, Bower's History of the Popes- Life and Travels of Simpson. Pope Alexan. VI. and Caesar Borgia. Gorden, Lives of Columbus and Vespucius, Baker's Chronicles of Kings of England- Biographie Classique. Barre, Lives of the Twelve Caesars. Rogers. Latour's Lives of Epaminondas and Scipio. Naunton's Fragmenta Regalia. Middleton's Evangelical Biography. The Georgian Era. Stephens' Essays on Ecclesiastical Biography. Lincoln's Lives of Presidents of U. States. Cave's Lives of the Apostles, Public Characters, or Cotemporary Biograph. Le Clerc's Lives of the Primitive Fathers, Brougham's Sketches of Public Characters, Aubigne's Luther and Calvin, Knapp's Sketches of Public Characters, Middleton's Mem. of Brit. and For. Reformers, Emerson's Representative Men, Stoughton's Spirit. Heroes; or, Sketch. of Purit, Biographie de l'Assemblee Nationale, Smith's Scottish Clergy. Lives of Sign. of Decl. of Inde. Sanderson. Grant's Metropolitan Pulpit, Lossing's Lives of Signers of Decla. of Indep. Arvine's Moral and Religious Anecdotes. Lives of Heroes of Amer. Revo. Rogers, Mysteries of Popery Unveiled, Miaury's Statesmen of America in 1846, Crichton's Lives of Converts from Infidelity, Sabine's Sketches of American Loyalists. Fate of Infidelity. (Paine and others), Wilson's Biographies of American Heroes, 1'Yarton's Death-Bed Scenes. Lives of J. Bartram & H. Marshall. Darlington. Last Days of Eminent Christians, Lives of Foreign Statesmen. James, Wagstaffe's Piety Promoted, James' Lives of Richelieu, Oxensteirn, &c, Ware's American Unitarian Biography, Joinville's Memoirs of Self, and Louis IX- Osgood's Studies in Christian Biography, Forster's Lives of Eminent British Statesmen, Frost's Book of Good Examples, Grant's Recollections of the House of Lords, Redford's Pastor's Sketch Book, Grant's Recol. of the House of Commons, Legh Richmond's Annals of the Poor, Grant's British Senate, Tayler's Facts in a Clergyman's Life, Carlyle's Heroes and Hero-Worship, Coleridge's Biographia Literaria; Drake's Heroes of England, Gifillan's Gallery of Literary Portraits, Saunder's Memoirs of Political Reformers. Gilfillan's Second Gallery of Literary Portraits, Hist. of Whalley, Goffe, and Dixwell. Stiles, Brougham's Men of Letters in time of Geo. III, Thomson's Mem. of Jacobites of 1815 & 1745. Characteristics of Men of Genius, Headley's Washington and his Generals, Madden's Infirmities of Genius, Washington and Generals of the Revolution, Edwards' Biography of Self-Taught Men, Thomas' Glory of America, Dibdin's Reminiscences of a Literary Life. Taylor and his Generals, Fifty Years' Recollections of an old Bookseller. Robinson's Organization of U. States Army, Vies Philos. de l'Antiquit6. Diogenes Laertius, O'Byrne's Naval and Biographical Dictionary. Fenelon's Lives of Ancient Philosophers, James' Lives of Greek Commanders, Lives of Ancient Philosophers. Gleig's Lives of British Military Commanders, Marten's Lives of Philosophers and Mathemat. Marshall's Royal Naval Biography. Pursuit of Knowl. under Difficulties. (Craik), Southey's Lives of British Admirals, Brewster's Lives of Martyrs of Science, British Naval Biography. MacGillivray's Lives of Eminent Zoologists, Campbell's Lives of British Admirals. Wright's Biographia Britannica Literaria. Lives of English Admirals, Lives of Early British Writers. Dunham, Cooper's Lives of American Naval Officers, Biograph. Diet. of Living Authors of Gt. Brit, 350 CLA S SIFIE D IND EX. [Merc. Lib. Collective Biography. Alficri-Brydges. Authors of Eng. Port. and Not. by Chorley- Afieri's Autobiography, Cottle's Reminis. of Coleridge & Southey, History of King Alfred. Abbott, North's Lives of T. and J. Francis North. Life of Ali Pacha. Davenport; Austin's Goethe and his Cotemporaries, Memoirs of Ethan Allen. Moore, Griswold's Prose Writers of America. Ethan Allen's Narrative of his own Captivity, Elwood's Literary Ladies of England. Life of Wm. Allen, Shelley's Lives of French Writers, Memoirs of Edw. Allen. (Shakspeare Soc.) Lives of Authors of Italy, &c. Montgomery, Memoir of Isaac Ambrose. (Works), Johnson's Lives of the Poets; Fisher Ames, Memoirs by Kirkland. (Works). Ryan's Poets, and Poetry, True Story of Life of Hans C. Anderscn, Tuckerman's Thoughts of the Poets, Causes of the Death of Maj. Andre. Smith. Wilmott's Lives of Sacred Poets, Life of Michael Angelo. DiuppaCrusius' Lives of Roman Poets, Life of Lord Anson. Barrow. Cary's Lives of Eng. Poets, Johnson to White, Andryane's Memoirs of a Prisoner of State, Bell's Lives of British Poets, Life of Thomas Aguinas. Hampden, Howitt's Homes and Haunts of British Poets, Life and Correspond. of Thos. Arnold. Stanley, Hunt's Byron and his Cotemporaries. Bristed's Letter to Horace Mann. [Astor, J. J.], Stebbing's Lives of Italian Poets, Life of King Arthur. Ritson. Holland's Lives of Lope de Vega, Carpio, &c. Confessions of St. Augustine, Frederic G., and Margaret Klopstock. Memoirs, Babajee the Christian Brahmin. (Read), Galt's Lives of the Players. Character and Life of Lord Bacon. Marten, Collier's Shakspeare's Actors. (Shakspeare S). Life of Corn. Wm. Bainbridge. Harris. Lives of British Dramatists, On Lockhart's Life of Scott. Ballantyne. Lives of British Dramatists. Dunham, Ballantyne Humbug Handled. Lockhart. Lives of English Dramatists. Baker. Reply to Ballantyne, Humbug Handled. Turnbull's Pulpit Orators of France & Switz, Ecclesiastical Trials of David Barclay. Kerr, Magoon's Orators of American Revolution, Account of the Life and Writings of Barclay, Magoon's Living Orators of America, Life of Samuel Bard. Mlc Vickar. Tuckerman's Artist Life, Life of Com. Joshua Barney. Barney. Lee's Sketches of the Old Painters, Barrington's Personal Sket. of his Own TimeGould's Biograp. Diet. of Painters, Sculp., &c, Life of Isaac Barrow, by Hamilton. (Works). Hobbes' Picture Collector's Manual. Autobiographical Memoir of John Barrow. Bryan's Biograph. Diet. of Painters & Engrav- Life & Character of Thos. Bateman. Rumsey, Lester's Artists of America. Life and Times of Baxter. Orme. Cunningham's Brit. Paint., Sculp. & Arc. Lives, Life of Chev. Bayard. Simms, Dictionary of Spanish Painters. O'Neil. Feats, Jests, &c., of Chevalier Bayard, Beyle's Memoirs of Hadyn and Mozart, Life and Letters of Thos. a Becket. Giles. Betham's Biog. Diet. of Celebrated Women, Memoir of the. Earl of Bedford. WhetstoneJames' Lives of Celebrated Women, Life and Correspond. of Beethoven. Schindler, Female Biography. (Boy's and Girl's Lib,) Life of Belisarius. Mahon, Hays' Female Biography. Life and Select Writings of Jeremy Belknap, Noble Deeds of Women. Starling, Bentham's Life, by Bowring. (Works). Renneville's Biography of Eemmes Illustred, Lecture on Jeremy Bentham. Smith, Anecdotes des Femmes Illustre. Beaumont, Memoirs of the Duke of Berwick. Balfour's Women of Scripture, Black Hawk's Life; Dictated by Himself. Costello's Memoirs of English Women. Blackstone's Life. (Commentaries.) Green's Lives of Princesses of England, Life and Campaigns of Marshal Blucher. Jameson's Beauties of the Court of Charles II- Account of Life and Writings of Boerhaave. Jameson's Loves of the Poets, Memoir of Lord Bolingbroke. Cooke. Ellet's Women of American Revolution, Character of Lord Bolingbroke. Hunter. Female Revolutionary Plutarch, Memoirs of Simon Bolivar. Holstein. Child's Memoirs of Mdes. de Stael & Roland, Memoir of Daniel Boone. Flint, Child's Biographies of Good Wives, Wild Western Scenes. [Daniel Boone], Bourrienne's Memoirs of N. Buonaparte; INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Memoirs of Nathaniel Bowditch. BowditchDiscourse on Life of Nath. Bowditch. Young. Life and Services of John Q. Adams. Seward, Boys' Captivity and Advent. in Fran. 1883-9, Remembrance of Bon Church, Isle of Wight, Life of Bracciolini. Shepherd, Life of Henry Addington. Pellew. Bramston's Autobiography. (Camnd. Soc.)Life of Jos. Addison. Aikin, Life of Joseph Brant. Stone. Addisoniana, Life of Chas. Brockden Brown. Dunlap. Memoir of John Aikin. Aikin, Life and Writings of Thomas Brown. Welsh. Life, Writings, & Genius of Akenside. Bucke, Life of James Bruce. Head, Life of Alcuin, Tutor to Charlemagne. Lorenz, Life and Character of Matthias. Bruen. Life of Alexander the Great. Williams, Life of George Brummell. Jesse. Life of Wm. Alexander. Duer, Sir Egerton Brydges' Autobiography. Catalogue.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 351 B uchllanan -Cartwright. ay-Crockett. Life and Writings of Geo. Buchanan. Irving. Life of Henry Cary. Cary, Claims of Buckingham to Comp. (Par. Rep). Account of Casper Hauser. Feuerbach, Memoirs of J. Buckminster and his Son. Lee, Memoirs and Correspon. of Vis. Castlereagh. Life of John Buncle. Amory, Life of James Caulfield. Hardy. Life and Times of John Bunyan. Ivimey. Memoirs of Caussidiere, Life of John Bunyan. Philip, Life of W. Cavendish. NewcastleHistory of Napoleon Buonaparte. Biussey. Life of Wm. CavendisheHistory of ---- -- Laurent. Mem. Wm. Cecil, (Lord Burghley.) NaresLife of --- Hazlitt; Benuvento Cellini, Life of Himself, Life of - Lockhart, Life of M. de Cervantes Saavedra. Roscoe, Life of - --- --- Scott. Memoirs of Thos. Chalmers. Hanna, Life of -- ----- Lee. Memoir of Wm. E. Channing. Channing, Une Annee de la Vie de Napoleon. Recollections of Sir Francis Chantrey. Jones, Reply to Scott's History of Buonaparte. History of Charles I. Abbott, Memoirs of Napoleon Buonaparte. Chaboulon. Eikon Basilike; Portraiture of Charles I. Memoirs of -- -- O'Meara, History of Charles II. Abbott, Pict. Life of —-- --, Philippart's Mem. Chas. John, Cr. Pr. Sweden. Surrender of --- Maitland, Chateaubriand's Memoirs, by Himself, Fall of ----- - Mitchell, Memoires d'outre Tombe. Buonaparte's Voyage to St. Helena. Cockburn, Life of Thomas Chatterton. Gregory. Recollec. of Napoleon at St. Helena. Abell, Life of Geoffrey Chaucer. Godwin. Manuscript from St. Helena, attr. to Buonap, Life of Cardinal de Cheverus. Doubourg, Napoleon Buonaparte in Exile. O'Meara, Life of George Cheyne, Memorial de St. Hlebne. Las Cases. Life of Joseph Christmas. Lord, N. Buonap. Captivity at St. Helena. Montholon. Life of St. Chrysostom. Neander. Priv. Life of Buonap. at St. Helena. Las Cases, Cibber's Apology for his own Life; Louis Nap. Buonap. Prisoner of Ham. Brffault, Life of Cicero. Hollings, Letters in Reply to Wm.Warden. [Nap.Buona.], Life of - lMiddleton. Sketches of Louis Napol. Buonaparte. Wikof, Life of - Stricken, Lucian Buonaparte's Memoirs of Himself. Earl of Clarendon's Life of Himself; Memoirs of Tristam Burges. Bowen. Life of - - Lister. Robt. Burns, as a Poet and as a Man. Tyler, Life of Adam Clarke, by Himself and Daugh. Genius and Character of Burns. Wilson, Infancy, Relig. and Lit. Life of Adam Clarke, Life of Robert Burns. Lockhart, Life and Remains of Edward D. Clarke. Otter. Life and Land of Burns. Cunningham, Life of Samuel Clarke. Whiston. Life of Edmund Burke. Prior. Life of Timothy Claxton, Life of Aaron Burr. Davis. Life of Henry Clay. Prentice, Life of Aaron Burr. Knapp, Life of —- Sargent. Aaron Burr's Trial for Treason. Robertson. Life and Speeches of Henry Clay. Steph. Burroughs, Memoirs of his Own Life, Life and Times of Clay. Colton. Memoirs of Thos. Powell Buxton. Buxton. Life of DeWitt Clinton. Campbell. Conversations of Lord Byron. Medwin, Life of --- Renwick, Conversations with Countess of Blessington, Memoirs - --- HosackKennedy's Conversations on Religion, Tribute to Memory of DeWitt Clinton. Staats, Letters and Journal of Lord Byron. Moore. Life of William Cobbett, Life of Lord Byron. Galt, Case of Lord Thomas Cochrane, Recollections of Lord Byron. 1808-14. Dallas. Life of Colbert. Memoirs of Sebastian Cabot. Colburn's Memoir of his own Life, Life of Caius Julius Ccsar, Letters. Conversations and Recol. of Coleridge, Life and Select Writings of J. C. Calhoun. Memoirs of Admiral G. de Coligny. Scott, Life and Times of Calvin. Henry. Memoirs of William Collins. Collins, Memoirs of John Calvin. Waterman. Life of Christopher Columbus. St John, Life of Calvin. Dyer. Life of Louis, Prince of Conde. Mahon, Memoirs of John Calvin. Mackenzie, Life of Constantine. Eusebius. Evenings with Prince Cambaceres. Langon, Memoirs of Geo. Frederick Cooke. Dunlap, Memoirs de Louis Camoens. Adamson. Sir Astley Cooper. Cooper. Life and Letters of Thos. Campbell. Beattie. Life of Hernan Cortes. Trueba y Cosio, History of Julius Cesar. Abbott, Cceur Jaques; the French Argonaut. Costello. Canning's Memoirs, Memorials of M. Coverdale. Life of George Canning. Bell, Life of William Cowper. Southey, Memoirs of Canova. Memes. Life of Geo. Crabbe, Memoirs of William Carey. Carey, Life of Thomas Cranmer, Life of Robert Lord Clive. Carraccioli. Life of Le Bas, Cartwright's Life and Correspondence. Crichton's Memoirs of his own Life, Cartwright's Diary. 1586-7. (Camd. Soc.) Crockett's Narrative of his own Life, 352 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [Merc. Lib. Crockett-Frederic Iu. Froissar't-Msobarlt. Sketches and Eccentricities of Crockett, Memoirs of Sir John Froissart. St. Pelaye, Letters and Speeches of Cromwell. Carlyle, Eliz. Frye's Memoirs, with Journal and Lett' Life of Oliver Cromwell. Southey, Memoir of Robert Fulton. Colden. Life of Oliver Cromwell. Headley, Memoirs of Galileo Galilei, Cromwell and his Times, Galt's Life and Miscellanies. Memoirs of Russell, Memoirs of Col. James Gardiner. Doddridge, The Protector; a Vindication. Aubigne, Memoirsof David Garrick. Davies. Memoirs of Enoch Crosby. Barnum. Une Soir6e chez Mad. S. Geoffrin. Abrantes, Cumberland's Memoirs of his own Life; George III., his Court and Family. Recollections of Curran & Contempo. Phillips. Life and Times of George IV. Croly, Memoir of Jas. Currie. Currie. Life of Elbridge Gerry. Austin. Memoirs of Baron Cuvier. Lee, Autobiography of Edward Gibbon, History of Cyrus the Great. Abbott, Life of - Milman. Memoirs of Erasmus Darwin. Seward. Gifford's Memoirs of his own Life. Life of Wm. Davison. Nicolas.. Biography of S. Girard. Simpson, Memoirs of Sir Humphrey Davy. Davy. S. Girard's Will and Biography. Confessions of an Opium Eater. De Quincey, M. Godoy's Memoirs of his own Life. Private Diary of John Dee. (Camden Soc)- W. von Goethe's Autobiography; Demourier's Memoirs of Himself. — Characteristics of. Austin. Diaz del Castillo. Memoirs by Himself. Eckermann's Conversations with. (Ripley's S), Digby's Private Memoirs. Chas. Goldoni's Memoirs of Himself; Doddington's Memoirs of Himself, Life and Adven. of Oliver Goldsmith. Forster. Donaldson's Recollections of a Soldier's Life, Oliver Goldsmith; a Biography. IrvingS Life of Sir Francis Drake- Life of Prior. Life of Samuel Drew, Memoir of John M. Good. Gregory, Drury's Memoirs of his own Adventures, Memoirs of Rt. Hon. Henry Grattan. Life and Errors of John Dunton. Observations on Thomas Gray. Mathias, Memoirs of an Only Son. Durant. Autobiography of Ashbel Green. Incidents in the Life of Timothy Dwight, Life and Campaigns of Nat. Greene. Caldwell. Memoirs of Gen. W. Eaton. Life and Corres. Maj. Gen. N. Greene. Johnson. Life of Thos. Eddy. Knapp. Letters and Sonnets by Robt. Greene. BrydgesHist. of Edward and the Black Prince. James; Life and Times'of Sir Thos. Gresham.Burgon. Life of Jonathan Edwards, Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi. Dickens, Memoirs of Jonathan Edwards. Dwight. Life of Gustavus Adolphus. Harte. Life of Lord Chancellor Eldon. Twiss. Life of Hollings, Biographical Notice of Elliott, Memoirs of David Hale. Thompson. Memoirs of Robert W. Elliston. Raymond. Lewis Halberg's Memoirs of his own Life. Ellwood's Autobiography, Life of Jos. Hall. Hamilton, Emmett's Speech on his Trial. Phillips. Memoirs of Robert Hall. Gregory, Memoirs of Thos. A. Emmett. Haines, Life of Alex. Hamilton. Hamilton. Life of D. Erasmus. Jortin- Hamilton; Facts relating to his Death. Autobiography of Prince Eugene of Savoy, Life of Alex. Hamilton. Renwick. Evelyn's Memoirs during 1641-1706. Correspond. & Life of T. Hamner. Bunbury. Life of Admiral Exmouth. Osler, History of Hannibal. Abbott. Ferguson's Memoirs of Himself, Jas. Harris' Diaries and Correspondence. Memoir of Johann G. Fichte. Smith, Harrison, W. H., Life of, Memoirs of Pliny Fisk. Bond, - Obsequies of, in N. York. Report. Memoirs of Edward Fitzgerald. Moore, -- Life and Services of. Dawson. Life of Charles Follen. Follen, Harvey's Pierce's Supereroga. (Bridg. Arch.)Memoirs of Samuel Foote. Cooke,- - Fair Letters. HarveyLife and Correspond. of John Foster. Ryland, Life of Warren Hastings. Gleig. Memoirs of J. Fouche. Memoirs of Christopher Halton. Nicolase Life of Charles Fourier. Pellarin, Life of Lemuel Haynes. Cooley, Latter Years of Charles James Fox. Trotter. Memoirs of Reginald Heber. Heber. Life of Walpole, Last Days of -- - Robinson, Life of George Fox. Marsh, Life of Henry IV. James; Memoirs of Augustus H. Francke, Life of Henry VIII. Tytler, Life of Benjamin Franklin. Sparks, Histoire de Henri le Grand. Genlis, Life of -- - Holley, Life of Patrick Henry. W/Virt. Life of -- Weems, Life and Times of Philip Henry, Memoir of his own Life; Remains and Life of Geo. Herbert, Pictorial Life of Franklin, Life of Herodotus. Dahlmann, Anecdotes of Frederick the Great. Thiebault. Memoirs of G. R. S. Hewes. Thatcher, Frederick the Great and his Times. Campbell, Hill, Rowland, Life of. Jones, Memoirs --- Dover, - - Memoir of. Sidney, Anecdotes of Frederic II, Hobart, John H. (Bp.) Ear.Years of. McVickar, Catalogue.] C L A S S IF IED IN D E X. 353 Hobart-L atude. Lara ta —Mozart. Memor. of Hobart, Serm. on his Death & Mem, Mem. and Corres. of John C. Lavater. Heisch, Professomal Years of Bp. Hobart. Mc V ickar, Life & Corr. of Sir Thos. Lawrence. Williams. Memoirs of Andrew Hofer. Memoirs of John Ledyard. Sparks; Hone's Early Life and Conversion. Life of Arthur Lee. Lee. Hook's Adventures of an Actor, Memoirs of Charles Lee, Theod. E. Hook's Life and Remains. Barham, Life and Corres. of Richard Henry Lee. Lee. Horner's Memoirs and Correspondence, Life of G. W. von Leibnitz. Mackie, Sam Houston and his Republic. Lester. Life and Pontificate of Leo. X. Roscoe. Life of John Howard. Brown, Life and Correspondence of Matthew G. Lewis. Life of Earl Richard Howe. Barrow. William Lilly's Memoirs of Himself, Gen. Wm. Hull's Life. Campbell. Life of Charles Linnaeus and Son. StoererDefence of Himself. Hull, Memoirs of Earl of Liverpool. Hume's Life and Correspondence. Burton. Memoirs of John Livingston. Gunn. Hunter's Captivity among N. Amer. Indians. Memoirs of William Livingston. Sedgwick. Humphreys' Trial for Forgery. Swinton. Life of John Locke. King. Memoirs of Col. Hutchinson. Hutchinson, Life and Times of Louis Philippe. Wright. Hutton's Autobiography, Personal Hist. of - -, Hyde's Life and Writings, Rise and Fall of - -. Poore, Jackson, Andrew, Life of. Cobbett, Loyola and Jesuitism. Taylor. -Life of. Eaton. Histoire de Ignace de Loyola. Bartoli. -- - - Life of. Jenkins, Life of Luther, from his Writings. M-ichelet, -- - Life of. Waldo, Life of Martin Luther. Bower. --- Pictorial Life of, Life of - Meurer. - - Civil and Military History of, Life of — Tischer, Life of James I. Chambers, Life and Times of Martin Luther. Lee, Life of John Jay. Renwick, Life and Remains of R. M. McChenye. Bonar. Jay's Memoirs and Select Papers. Maceroni's Memoirs of his own Life. Jefferson's Life. Rayner. Proceed. of Court-Martial in Case of Mackenzie. - Life. Tucker. Mackenzie's Case Rev. by Cooper. (Proceed.) - Memoirs. Carpenter. Life of Sir James Mackintosh. Mackintosh; ----- Memoirs & Miscellan. Correspond. Procedures in de zak von Marcus. ----- Character. Dwight, Life of Francis Marion. Simms, Memoirs of Judge Jeffries. Woolrych. Pictorial Life of Gen. Marion, Life of Edward Jenner. Baron. Life of John, Duke of Marlborough. Bucke, Jewett's Captivity at Nootka Sound, Memoir of John, Duke of Marlborough. Alison. Life of Samuel Johnson. Boswell; Memoirs of Duke of Marlborough. CoxeLife of - Russell, Marmontel, Memoirs of Himself, Johnsoniana. Croker, Maroncelli, Additions to " My Prisons," &c, Religious Life and Death of Samuel Johnson, Memoirs of Henry Martyn. Sargeant, Capt. of Chas. Johnston by the Indians. (1790), Memoirs of Charles Matthews, Life of John Paul Jones. Sherburne. Life of Lorenzo de Medici. Roscoe. Life and Correspondence of John Paul Jones. Narrative of a Greek Soldier. Mengous, Life of Paul Jones. Mackenzie, Memoirs of Mestatasio. Burney. Life of Sir William Jones. Teignmouth. Life of Michaelis, by Eichorn. (Stud. Cab. Lib), Conver. with Ben Jonson. Drummond. Shaks. Memoirs of Marshal Michel Ney. Life of Kant. Stapfer. (Student's Cab. Lib.), Memoirs of Samuel J. Mills. Spring. Life of Edmund Kean. Proctor, Memoir of James Milnor. Stone. Life, Letters, &c. of John Keats. Milnes, Life and Times of John Milton. Ivimey, Memoir and Correspondence of R. M. Keith, Mirabeau; a Life History. Smith, Memoirs of John P. Kemble. Boaden. -- - Mmoires par lui mhme, &c, Mem. and Adven. of Sir W. Kirkaldy, - Memoirs by Himself, and others. Memoir of Sir William Knighton. Knighton. Recollections of Mirabeau. Dumont. Life of John Knox. M'Crie; Mem. and Papers of Sir And. Mitchell. Bisset. Life and Select Writings of Theodore Korner, Life of Mohammed. Bush, A. von Kotzebue's Memoirs of Himself, Vie de Moliere. Taschereau, Jas. Lackington's Memoirs of Himself, Memoirs of George Monk. Guizot. Historical Sketches of M. de Lafayette, Life and Times of Montrose. Napier, Life of Lafayette. Waln. Life of Bishop Moore. Henshaw. Memoir of Lafayette. Sarrans, Life of Sir Thomas More. Memoires, Correspondance, etc., de Lafayette. Life of Sir Thomas More. Roper, Pictorial Life of M. de Lafayette, Life and Campaigns of Victor Moreau, Private Life of - --. Cloquet, Memoirs of George Morland. HassellLife of Gen. ---. Butler, Memoirs of Gouverneur Morris. Sparks. Life and Letters of Chas. Lamb, by Talfourd, Memoirs of Robert Morrison. Life and Eloquence of Syl. Lamed, by Gurley, Confessions of a Catholic Priest. Morse, Memoirs of M. de Latude, Life and Correspondence of Mozart. Holmes, 45 354 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [Merc. Lib. MI[ulhlenberg-Reed. ReinhardS-ully. Life of Maj. Gen. Muhlenberg, Memoirs and Confessions of Francis Reinhard, Mem. of Muhlenberg's Life and Writ. Murray. Cardinal de Retz. Memoires, Capture of Murrell the Land Pirate. Stewart, M — - Memoirs of Himself. Life of Lord Horatio Nelson. Southey, Memoirs of Sir Joshua Reynolds. Northcote. Life of Nelson. Pettigrew. Life of Richard I. Aytoun, Memoirs of Lord Nelson. Tucker. Life of Richard Coeur de Lion. James, Life of Sir Isaac Newton. Brewster, Historic Doubts concer. Richard III. WalpoleNarrative of Life of John Newton, History of Richard III. More, Life of Carsten Niebuhr. (Student's Cab. Lib.), Richard III. Icalsted. Reminiscences of Niebuhr. Lieber, Domestic Portraiture. Richmond, Nollikens and his Times. Smith. Life of Legh Richmond. Grimshawe, Conversations of James Northcote. Hazlitt. Life of Jean Paul Richter. Lee, Memoirs of John Frederic Oberlin, Life and Times of Rienzi. Ducerceau, Life and Speeches of D. O'Connell. Memoirs of David Rittenhouse. Barton. Personal Recollections of O'Connell. Daunt, Hist. of Rob Roy & Clan Macgregor. Macleay, John O'Keefe, Recollections of his own Life. Life of Wm. Robertson. Stewart. Proceedings on the Trial of Bp. Onderdonk. Life of Robespierre. Lewes, Elbert Osborn, Life and Ministry of Himself, Life of Sir Samuel Romilly, Life of James Otis. Tudor. Horrors of Delirium Tremens. Root. Life of Thos. Paine. Cheetham. Life of Wm. Roscoe, Life of- - Vale. Memoirs of Rossini. Beyle. Mem. of P. Paoli, in Acct. of Corsica. Boswell. Confessions. (French and English). Rousseau. Life of Mungo Park, Rousseau. Dialogues. Memoirs of Edward Payson. Cummings, Life and Genius of Rubens. Waagen, Life and Times of Sir Robert Peel. Taylor. Life and Times of Lord Wn. RussellMemoirs of, Sallust. Life by Stuart. Silvio Pellico, My Prisons, Life and Times of Salvator Rosa. Morgan. Life and Times of Admiral William Penn. Ignatius Sancho's Letters and Memoirs. Memoirs of William Penn. Clarkson, Memoirs of Joseph Sanford. Baird. Wm. Tennant, Life of Himself- Mem. and Cor. Adm. Lord de Saumarez. Ross. Principal Events of Modern Italy. Gen. Pepe, Life and Times of Jeremy Savonarola, Pepys' Memoirs and Diary. Autobiography of Lemuel Sawyer. Life of Oliver H. Perry. Mackenzie, Life of Fred. Schiller. Carlyle, Life of -- iles, Memoirs and Papers of David Scott. Life of Peter I., Emperor of Russia. Mottley. Familiar Anecdotes of Walter Scott. Hogg, History of Peter the Great. Voltaire, Life of Sir Walter Scott. Lockhart; Life of ----- -- Barrow, Sir Walter Scott's Autobiography, Young Disciple, or Memoirs of A. Peter. Clark, Life of General Winfield Scott. Mlansfield, Life of Petrarch. Campbell. Segur's Memoirs of Himself. Life of Dobson. Life of John Selden. Aikin. Histoire de Philippe Auguste. Capefigue, Memoirs of John Selden. Johnson. Mem. & Corres. of Sir Thos. Picton. Robinson. Martyn & Kippis. Life of Earl of Shaftesbury. Life of William Pinckney. Wheaton. Journal and Life of Wm. Shaw. Life of William Pitt, Life of Percy B. Shelley. Medwin, Life of — Tomline. Life of Mrs.. F. Sheridan. Lefanu. Life of Reginald Pole. Phillips. Life of Richard B. Sheridan. Moore. Review of Phillips' Life of Pole. Ridley. Sheridaniana, Vie de Nicolas Poussin. Gault. Letters and Memoirs of W. A. Shirley. Hill. Priestley's Memoirs of Himself. Memoirs of Charles Simeon. By Carus. Memoirs of Israel Putnam. Humphreys, [Singleton,] Rec. of Good Man's Life. Tayler, Life of Israel Putnam. Cutter, Life of Jeremiah Smith. Morison. Veil Removed. Fellows, Life of Capt. John Smith. Simms, Life of Pythagoras. Iamblichus. Life and Correspondence of Smith. Barrow. Memoirs of Josiah Quincy, Jr. Quincy. Memoirs of Sidney Smith. Howard. Life of Raffaello. Duppa, Life of Socrates. Wiggers, Memoirs of Sir Stamford Raffes. Memorabilia. Translated. Xenophon, Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. Trial of Earl of Somerset. Amos. Life of Thomson; Life and Correspondence of Robt. Southey, Life of —-- Tytler, Memoirs of Thomas Spencer. Raffles. Life of John Randolph. Sawyer. Life and Phi. of J. G. Spurzheim. Carmichael, Memoir of E. Rawson. Life of William Staughton. Lynd, Memorials of John Ray. Lankaster. (RaySoc). Stephanini's Ace. of Sufferings in Greek Rev, Life and Times of Red Jacket. Stone. Stilling's Autobiography; Six Months in a Convent. Reed, Stockdale's Memoirs. Ans. to Six Months in a Convent Rev'd. Reed. Mem. of Chas. Stuart, the Pretender. Klose. Life and Correspondence of Joseph Reed. Sully, Maximilian de B., Duke, Mem. of Him'f Catalogue.] CLA S S IFI ED I NDEX. 355 Summerfield-Washington. Washington — emalns. Life of John Summerfield. Holland. Vie de George Washington. Girault, Life of Swedenborg, Life of James Watt. Arago. Life of -- Barrett, Historical Eloge of James Watt. Arago. Life and Character of Swedenborg. Life of Marquis and Earl of Wellington. Clarke. Closing Years of Life of Dean Swift. Wilde. Life of Duke of Wellington. Maxwell. Memoirs of Philip Sydney. Zouch- Memoirs of - Sherer, Memoirs of Prince de Talleyrand. Life of - Soane, Reminiscences of, Extracts from his Journals. Wesley, Life of TorquatoTasso. Black- Wesley's Life. Watson, Life of ---- - Milman, - Mem.&Progress. of Method. Southey; Madness and Imprisonment of Tasso. Wilde, White's Life of Himself. Memoir of James B. Taylor. Rice, Memoir of Bishop White. Wilson. Jeremy Taylor. A Biography. Willmott, Whitefield's Memoirs of Himself, Life of. Heber; Life of John Wickliffe. Le Bas, Records of My Life. John Taylor. Wilberforce's Life; Memoirs of William Taylor. Robberds. Memoirs of Marinus Willett. Life and Services of Zachary Taylor. History of William the Conqueror. Abbott, Memoirs of Sir Wm. Temple. Courtenay. Life of William of Wykeham. Chandler, Life of John Thelwall. Life of Roger Williams. Gammel, Memoirs of Philip Thicknesse. Memoirs of Roger Williams. Knowles. Thomason's Memoirs during Half a Century. Life of Alex. Wilson, Ornithologist. Ord. Thomson's Autobiography of an Artisan, Memoirs of Wm. Wirt. Kennedy; Thorburn's Forty Years in America, Life of Cardinal Wolsey. Cavendish. Diary of Ralph Thoresby. Life of Cardinal Wolsey. Gait, Life of Titian. Northcote. Life and Times of Wolsey. Grove. Tone's Life of Himself. Life of Silas Wright. -Jenkins, Memoirs of John Horne Tooke. Stephens. Life and Times of Silas Wright. Hammond. Baron Frederic Trenck's Life by Himself, Life of Wycliffe. Vaughan. Baron Fred. Trenck. Memorias par El Misme, Zschokke's Autobiography. Memoirs of J. Townsend, Autobiography of Col. J. Trumbull.LIVES OF FEMALES. Life of Jas. Usher. Aikin, Duchess of Abrantis' Mem. of her own Life. Life of Jas. Usher. Elrington. Hannah Adams' Memoir of Herself, Life & Opinions of Martin Van Buren. Holland. Life of Queen Anne, Life of - - Crockett, Life and Reign of Queen AnneLife and Times of --— Mackenzie. Margravine of Anspach's Memoirs of Herself. Van Halen's Narrative of his Imprisonment. Mde. d'Arblay's Diary and Letters. Life of P. Van Schaack. Memoirs of Maria Theresa Asmar, by Herself, J. H. Vaux's Memoirs of Himself, Bareith's Memoirs of her own Life, Vidocq's Memoirs of Himself; Life of Margaret Beaufort. Halsted. Life and Death of Voltaire. Standish. Hortense Beauharnais' Memoirs, Memoirs of ---, Memoir de La Reine Hortense. Cochelet, Memoirs of -. Chaudon. Duchess of Berri in La Vendee. Dermoncourt, Panegyric of ---. Frederic II. Life of Anne Boleyn. Benger. Life of Sir W. Wallace. Carrick, Mde. Campan's Private Journal, Life of Wallenstein, Duke of Friedl. Mitchell. Peace in Believing. Story, Memoirs of Horatio Walpole. Coxe. Memoirs of Isabella Campbell. Life of Wm. C. Walton. Danforth, Life of Margaret Catchpole. Cobbold. Memoir of Henry Ware, Jr. Ware, Life of Catherine II. Empress of Russia. Literary Recollections of Rich. Warner. Vie de - Imperatrice de Russia. Life of Geo. Washington. Bancroft, Charke's Life of Herself, Life of —- - Edmonds, Clairon's Memoirs of Herself, Life of -- Kingston- Mde. Du Barri's Memoirs, Life of -- - - Marshall. Life of Elizabeth of Hungary. MontalembertLife of --- Paulding, History of Queen Elizabeth. Abbott, Life of - --- - Ramsay, Life of Mary Ellis, Life of - - Sparks. Fanshawe's Memoirs of Herself, Life of -— eems,- Flower Faded. James, Essai sur - Guizot, Memoirs of Mrs. Elizabeth Fry. Timpson, Essay on - Guizot, Mde. Genlis' Memoirs of her own Life. Fac Simile of Ace., &c., of Geo. Washington- Life of Mrs. Godolphin. Evelyn, Fac Sim. of Geo. Washington's Let. to Sinclair- Memoir of Mary Wollstonecraft. Godwin, Memo. & Writ. of Geo. Washington. Sparks. Memoirs of Isabella Graham. Pictorial Life of Geo. Washington, Memoirs of Mrs. Judith Grant. Campbell, Religi. Opin. of -------'Guire, Life & Relig. Exper. of Mde. Guyon, Ulpham, Vida de ----- Ramsay, Hemans' Memoirs, by her Sister, 356 CLA SSIFIED INDEX. [Merc. Lib. Feurale Biography. lCorreespondence. Memorials of Mrs. Hemans. Chorley, Familiar Letters of FranklinLife & Times of Selina, Count. of Huntington. Gems of Epistolary Correspondence. Willmott, Memoir of Susan Huntington. Wisner, Goethe's Correspondence with Schiller, Life of Joanna of Sicily, Queen of Naples. Corres. of Countesses of Hartford & Pomfret; Life of Dora Jordan. Boaden. Hume's Correspondence. (1761-6)Hist. & Mem. Emp. Joshphine. Le Normand, Huss' Letters during Exile and Imprisonment, Memoirs of Empress Josephine, Halliwell's Letters of Kings of England, Memoirs of Empress Josephine. Memnes, Ninon de l'Enclos. Let. au Marq. de Sevigne, Memoirs of Mrs. Ann H. Judson. Knowles, Letters of Eminent Men to Ralph Thoresby. Memoirs of Sarah B. Judson. Chubbuck, Letters of Eminent Persons. Willmott. M. de La Rochejaquelein, Memoirs of Herself; Letters of Eminent Persons to David Hume. Marie Lafarge, Memoirs of Herself, Correspondence of Linnaeus, &c. Smith. Secret Mem. of Princess de Lamballe, Fr. Rev. Cor. de Mabillon et Montfaugon. Valery. Character and Genius of Letitia E. Landon, Secret Correspondence of M. de Maintenon, History of Maria Antoinette. Abbott, Lettres de Marie Stuart. Labanoff. Memoirs of Marie Antoinette. Weber. Mary Queen of Scots' Letters, Life of Sarah, Duchess of Marlboro'. Thomson. Montague's Letters, Martha. Reed, Despatches and Let. of Lord Henry NelsonHistory of Mary, Queen of Scots. Abbott, Harvey's Let. of Notable Contents. (Brydges)Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. Bell, Newton's Cardiphonia, Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. Chalmers. --- - Letters to his Wife, Sec. Hist. of Mary, Queen of Scots. Haywood. Orig. Let. of Eminent Men. (Camden Soc.)M'lle Montpensier, Memoirs of Herself. Earl of Perth's Let. to his Sister. (Cam. Soc)Mein. and Corresp. of Hannah More. Roberts, Literary Correspondence of Pinkerton. Life of Countess Emily Plater, Piozzi's Love Letters at the Age of Eighty. Mem. of Theresa Pulszky, a Hungarian Lady, Pliny's Letters. Mary Robinson, Memoirs of Herself, Let. and Papers of T. A. Powerscourt. Daly, Mde. Roland's Appeal to Impartial Posterity. Racine's Letters to his Son, Memoirs of Mde. Roland. Randolph's Letters to a Young Relative. Mde. Marie Sevigne, and her Contemporaries, Correspondence of John Ray. (Ray. Soc). Life of Sarah Siddons. Boaden. Ritson's Letters. Life of --- Campbell, Rousseau's Correspondance. Life of Mde. de Stael. Child. (Stud. Cab. Lib), -- - Indits. Mde. de Stael's Ten Years' Exile. ----- Letters to Malesherbes, Lady Hester Stanhope, Memoirs of Herself, ----- Lettre a Beaumont. Memoir of Jane Taylor, Lady Russell's Woburn Abbey Manuscripts, Rutheiford's Religious Letters. 1636-1661. CORRESPONDENCE. cSchiller's Correspondence with K6rner, Abailard et Heloise. Lettres. Schiller and Goethe, Correspondence, Mrs. A. Adams' Letters, with a Memoir, Sevigne Lettres au Ninon de l'Enclos, Lord Bolingbroke's Let. as Secretary of State. -- Letters to her Daughter, Robt. Burns Correspondence with Clarinda, -- Lettres i sa Fille et a ses Amis. Private Jour. and Correspond. of Aaron Burr. ---- Choisies, Life and Opin. of Benj. F. Butler. Mackenzie. Sir J. Sinclair's Corresp. and Reminiscences. Correspondence of Earl of Chatham. Su.folk's Letters to and from Berkeley. Cicero, Epistles to Atticus. Walpole's Letters. ------ Epistole ad Lentulum, Walpole's Letters to Countess of Ossory. Correspondence of Lord Collingwood. Walpole's Letters to Horace Mann, Correspondence of Scientific Men of 17th Cent. Warburton's Letters from a Prelate. Cowper's Private Correspondence, Wilkes' Correspondence, Curwen's Journal and Letters. 1775-84. The Zurich Letters. Robinson. MATHEMATICS, Mathematics. (Lib. of Useful Knowledge.) Traite de Mathematiques. Reynaud. Course of Mathematics. Hutton. Bell's Pract. Math. (Chambers' Educ. Course), Cours de Mathematiqes. Bezout. Ozanan's Mathemat. Recreations. (Hutton). Cours de Mathematiques. Emerson's Mathematical Tracts. Playfair's Works. Grundriss der Mathematik. Thibaut. Gunter's Mathematical Works. Die Elemente der Mathematik. Lorenz. Catalogue.1 CLA S IFIED INDEX. 357 Arithmetic and Algebra. Geometry. Hutton's Key to Mathematics. Hickie. Algebrwe Medulla. Soeten, Bland's Prob. in the diff. Branches of Philos. Harney's Algebra, Practical Mathematics. Mix, Doct. of Permut. & Commut. Bernouilli. Cambridge Mathematics. (Farrar). Hackley's Algebra. Grondbeginsels der Moetkunst. Steenstra. Euler's Algebra. (Dutch). Hutton's Recreations in Mathematics. GEOMETRY. ARITHMETIC. Lardner's Treatise on Geometry, Euclid's Elements, by Barrow. Ryan's Treatise on Elementary Arithmetic, Eucid's Elements by Lardne Bonnycastle's Introduction to Arithmetic. Euclid's Elements, by Simpson. Traite Elementaire d'Arithmetique. Lacroix. ucid's Elements, by Coetes. (Dutch), Euclid's Elements, by Coetes. (Dutch), Six Lectures on Arithmetic, Euclid's Elements, by Stone. Taylor's Theoretic Arithmetic. Lesloe's losoph y eoretic Arithmetic. SymbolicalEuclid. Wiliams, Lesie's PhilAsophy of Arithmetic. Hackley's Elementary Geometry, Taylor's New Arithmetical Notatio. Bell's Plane Geom. (Chambersduc. Course), Bell's Plane Geom. (Chambers'Educ. Course), Lardner's Treatise on Arithmetic,avies Descriptive Geometry. F nlays Arithmetical Magazine. 7' Geo t Finlay's Arithmetical Magazine. Ritchie's Principles of Geometry, Carey's System of Arithmetic. uateyn's System of Arithmetic. Peirce's Plane and Solid Geometry, Hutton's System of ArithmeticHutt's System of Arithmetic-. Davies' Elementary Geometry and Mensura, Pike's System of Arithmetic. T 7 PiNewn's Univytem Arithmetic. Legendre's Elements of Geometry. Newton's Universal Arithmetic.,Hill's.Arithmetic. DADavies' Elements of Analytical Geometry. H.ns ArithmeticB. Bonnycastle's Elements of Geometry. Arithmetic. (Circle of Sciences),First Boo of Geometry, Davies' First Lessons in Arithmetic,Whitlock's Elements of Geometry. Davies' Grammar of Arithmetic,Emens de Gometri. Laco. Rhoads'Primary,rithm ~. E..lelmens de Geomftrie. Lacroix. Rhoads' Primary Arithmetic, Plane, Solid, and Spherical Geometry, Rhoads' Second Part of Arithmetic, Ph R ads' Second Part of Arithmetic,tanley's Spherical Geometry and Trigonom, Haddon's Rudimentary Arithmetic,and's eometical Problems. Bland's Geometrical Problems. Dilworth's Arithmetic, Dilworths Arithmetic, Application de l'Analyse a Geometrie. MongeWalker's Arithmetic. Colburn's *Arithmetic, vWaud's Algebraical Geometry. Intellect. Calculat. (Arith.). Crossiy& Martin, Bradley's Geometry, Perspective & Projection. Intellect Calculat (Arith). Crossley & Martin, Introduction to Geometry and From, Second Stage of Arithmetic, Davies' Treatise on Shades and Shadows. Thomson's JHigher Arithmetic, Deacon's Elements of Perspective. Marsh's Decimal ArithmeticMarsh's Decimal Arithmetic- Fielding's Synopsis of Perspective. Clfford's Fractional Arithmetic, Han's Plane Trigonometry, Davies' Arithmetic for Academies, Lacroix's Trigonometry. Farrr. Emerson's North American Arithmetic, Peirce's Elementary Treatise on Trigonometry, Bennett's American Arithmetic. Bennett's American Arithmetic. Trigonometric Rectili. et Spherique. Lacroix. Tilley's Arithmetical Table-Book, oomis' Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. The Arithmetic Chamn Rule. Schonberg, Legendre's Elem. of Trigonometry & Geom. Amer. Statist. Arithmetic. Smith and Duke, Byrne's Collection of Logarithms, Shepherd's Columbian Accountant, Tables de Logarithmes. Callet. Tate's Commercial Arithmetic,le's Tables of Logaritms. Murray's Commercial Arithmetic,abes of Logarithms, Tables of Logarithms, Tafelen van Prim-getallen. Marci. A~LGEBRA,. Simson's Elements of Conic Sections. Emerson's Treatise of Algebra. Inleiding tot de Kegel Sneeden. Mauduit, Bonnycastle's Treatise on Algebra. Solid & Sph. Geom.& Conic Sec. (Cham. E. C), Peirce's Elementary Treatise on Algebra, Bridges' Treatise on Conic Sections. Ryan's Elementary Treatise on Algebra, Peirce's Elem. Trea. on Curves, Func., Forces, Day's Introduction to Algebra. Simpson's Treatise of FluxionsDavies' Elementary Algebra, Saunderson's Method of Fluxions. Bailey's First Lessons in Algebra, Hodgson's Doctrine of FluxionsClark's Elements of Algebra. Newton's Method of Fluxions and Infinite SerHammond's Elements of Algebra. DeMorgan's Differential and Integral Calculus. Lacroix' Algebra. Farrar. Hann's Examples in Integral Calculus, Elemens d' Algebre. Lacroix. Calcul. Differentiel et Integral. Lacroix. Complement des Elemens d'Algebre. Lacroix. Davies' Differential and Integral Calculus. Smyth's Elements of Algebra. Ritchie's Differential and Integral Calculus, Bourdon's Elements of Algebra. Hirsch's Literal and Algebraical Calculus. Traill's Elements of Algebra. Essai sur les Probabilites. LaPlace. Saunderson's Elements of Algebra- De Morgan's Essay on Probabilities, Bell's Algebra. (Chambers' Educ. Course), Calcul. de Probabilites. Lacroix. Young's Algebra. Knapen's Mechanic's Assistant. 358 CLA S SIFIED INDEX. [Merc. Lib. NATURAL SCIENCES. Introd. to Sciences. (Chambers'Educ. Course), Blair's Grammar of Nat. and Exper. Philos. Gorman's Philosophy of Animated Existence. Jones' Manual of Natural Philosophy, Humboldt's Cosmos, Laws of Matter and Motion. (Chambers' E. C), Magazine of Popular Science. (1836-8), Olmsted's Introduction to Natural Philosophy. Diet. des Termes dans Nat. Sciences. Jourdan. Physique (Bibliotheque Economique,) Robert's Progress of Creation, Gale's Elements of Natural Philosophy, Essai sur la Philosop. des Sciences. Ampere. View of Newton's Philosophy. PembertonSomerville's Connec. of the Physical Sciences, Powell's History of Natural Philosophy, Schubert's Mirror of Nature, Enfield's Institutes of Natural PhilosophyWhewell's History of Inductive Sciences. Moffat's Book of Science, Whewell's Philosophy of Inductive Sciences. Renwick's Outlines of Natural Philosophy. Hitchcock's Rep. on Geo., Miner., &c., of Mass. List's Outlines of Natural Philosophy, Systema Naturae. Linnaeus. Physique des Corps Ponder. et Imp. (Biblio), Lettres a une Princess sur Philosop. Euler. Leslie's Treatises on Nat. and Chem. Philos. Hoblyn's Dictionary of Scientific Terms, Renwick's First Principles of Nat. Philosophy, Physique, Chimie et l'Hist. Nat. Aime-Martin. Grove's Correlation of Physical Forces. Mudie's Guide to Observation of Nature, Somerville's Connection of Physical Sciences, Mudie's Gleanings of Nature. Herschell's Discourses on Natural Philosophy, Milner's Gallery of Nature. Draper's Text-Book on Natural Philosophy, Good's Book of Nature. Comstock's System of Natural Philosophy, Bell's Phenomena of Nature, Pasley's Natural Philos. on Mechanical Princi. Dictionary of Merchandize. Gower's Scientific Phenomena of Domes. Life, Dictionnaire de Commerce et Merchandizes. Llobb's The Contemplative Philosopher, Qttekett's Use of the Microscope. Math. Principia Nat. Philosophiae. Newton. Microscopic Objects, & Instr. for Prepar. them, Newton's Math. Principles of Nat. Philosophy. Wesley's Compend of Natural Philosophy, Quetelet's Facts, Laws, &c., of Natural Philos, Annales de Chimie et Physique. Peschel's Elements of Physics, Nicol's Introductory Book of Sciences, Arnott's Elements of Physics. Miller's Beauties of the Country, Webster's Elements of Physics, Bucke's Beauties, Harmonies, &c. of Nature. Hutchinson's Essays on Unexplained PhenomMudie's British Naturalist, Rennie's Alphabet of Natural Philosophy, Natural Philosophy. Joyce's Scientific Dialogues, Holbrook's Scientific Tracts, Marcet's Conversations on Natural Philosophy, Thomson's Records of General Science. Euler's Letters on Natural Philosophy, Bacon's Sylva Sylvarum. Adams' Lectures on Nat. and Experim. Philos. Thomson's Annals of Philosophy. Fraser's Scientific Wanderings, Phillips' Annals of Philosophy, Readings in Science, Halliwell's Let. Illus. Prog. of Science in Eng. Bakewell's Philosophical Conversations, Abs. fr. Philosophical Transac. of Roy. Soc. Tomlinson's Student's Manual of Nat. Philos. Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society- Cavallo's Elements of Natural Philosophy. Acta Regiae Societatis in Anglia. Oldenburg, Endless Amusement; Entertaining Experim, Taylor's Scientific Memoirs. Parker's Compend. of Nat. and Exper. Philos, Edinburgh Jour. of Nat. Hist. MacGillivray- Peirce's Elementary Treatise on Sound. Mlartyn's Mem. of Roy. Acad. of Sciences, Paris' Philos. in Sport made Science in Earn, Trans. of Highland and Agri. Soc. of Scotland. lMaclaurin's Philosoph. Dis. of Isaac NewtonEdinburgh New Philosoph. Jour. (1838-50). Higgins' Experimental Philosopher, Transactions of Royal Asiatic Society- Higgins' The Entertaining Philosopher, Entertaining Magazine. Brewster's Letters on Natural Magic, Silliman's American Journal of Science. Farrar's Experimental Treatise on Optics. American Repertory. (1840-2). Johnson's Optical Investigations. Memoirs of Amer. Acad. of Arts and Sciences- Brewster's Treatise on Optics, Annals of the N. Y. Lyceum of Nat. History. Kyan's Elements of Light. Transactions of Amer. Philosophical Society- Mrs. Griffith's Discoveries in Light and Vision, Journal of Phil. Academy of Natural Sciences. Wood's Elements of Optics. Philosophical Magazine. (1798-1850). Goethe's Theory of Colors. Report on N. Y. State Cab. of Natural History. Pereira's Lectures on Polarized Light. Report of Brit. Asso. for Advance. of Science. Woodward's Intro. to Study of Polarized Light. Priestley's Discov. in Vision, Light, ColorsNATURAL PHILOSOPHY. On Newton's Philos. of Light & Col. Algarotti, Tomlinson's Introd. to Natural Philosophy, Powell's Experimental and Math. Optics Dixon on Heat. Part I. Fischer's Elements of Natural Philosophy. Dlxon on Heat. Part I Bird's Elements of Natural Philosophy. Lardner's Treatise on Heat, Catalogue.] CL A S S IFIE D IND B X. 359 Natural Philosophy. Astrouony. Metcalf's Caloric. Mecanique Celeste. La PlaceThomson's Science of Heat and Electricity. Somerville's Disserta. on Mechan. of Heavens, Sturgeon's Lectures on Electricity, Somerville's Mechanism of Heavens. Electricity. (Chambers' Educ. Course), Astronomie (Bibliotheque Economique,) Higgins' Alphabet of Electricity, Mann's Planetary and Stellar Universe, Mackintosh's Electrical Theory of the Universe, Pluralit6 des Mondes. Fontenelle. Harris' Rudimentary Electricity, Johnson's Invisible Universe Disclosed, Franklin's Exper. and Observ. on Electricity. De Morgan's Projection of Gnomonic Sphere. Faraday's Exper. and Researches in Electricity. Drew's Manual of Astronomy, Leithead's Electricity. Uranographie ou Trait6 d'Astrono. Francceur. Noad's Lectures on Electricity, Galvanism, &c, Burritt's Geography of the Heavens, Electricity and Galvanism. Roget. Smyth's Celestial Cycle. Annals of Electricity, Magnetism, & Chemistry. Maps of Stars. (Maps of Soc. for Diff. U. K.)Sturgeon's Lectures on Galvanism, Herschell's Outlines of Astronomy. Davis' Manual of Magnetism and Electricity, Herschell's Treatise on Astronomy, Man. of Magnetism, &c. Lardner and Walker, Blunt's Beauty of the Heavens. Henry's Contrib. to Electricity and Galvanism- Dick's Sidereal Heavens, Brewster's Treatise on Magnetism, Mihill's Length of Days, Nights and TwilightsScoresby's Magnetical Investigations. Herschell's Astron. Observ. at Cape of G. HopeMetcalf's Theory of Terrestrial Magnetism. Dick's Practical Astronomer, Carpenter's Mechanical Philosophy, &c, Leonard's Mechanical Principia, CHEMISTRY. Walker's Theory of Mechanics. Mechanics. (Chambers' Educ. Course), Fourcroy's Elements of Nat. Hist. and Chem. Renwick's Elements of Mechanics. Reid's Science and Art of Chemistry, Treatise on Mechanics. (Kater and Lardner),Annuaire des Sciences Chimiques. Berzelius, Smith's Treatise on Mechanics. Katan aner), Reid's Chemistry. (Chambers' Educ. Course), Smith's Treatise on Mechanics. Moseley's Illustrations of Mechanics, Davy's Elements of Chemical Philosophy. Trait6 de Chimie E16mentaire. Thdnard. Hart's Elementary Treatise on Mechanics. Trat de hme E entaie. Thenard. Lardner's Treat, on Hydrostatics & Pneumat's,s ChemistryScoffern's Chemistry, no M[ystery, Tomlinson's Pneumatics for Beginners, cofern's hemistry Mystery, Hydrodynamics, &c. (Chamb.'s-Educ.Course), Gmelin's Chemistry. (Cavendish Soc. Pub.). Syst6me de Chimie. Fourcroy. Beaufoy's Nautical & Hydraulic Experiments- Systeme deChmie. Fourcroy. Ewbank's Nauticydraulics. Lemons sur la Philosophie Chimique. Dumas. Reid's Chemistry of Nature, ~ASTRONOMY.~Traite de Chimie. Berzelius. Chimie. (Bibliotheque Economique), Olmsted's Introduction to Astronomy. Manual of Chemistry. Johnston, Bonnycastle's Introduction to Astronomy. Outlines of Chemistry. Gummere'sTreatise on.Elementary Astronomy. Elements of Chemistry, Vince's Elements of Astronomy. Donovan's Treatise on Chemistry, Norton's Treatise on Elementary Astronomy. Thomson's System of Chemistry. List's Outlines of Astronomy, Thomson's History of Chemistry, Olmsted's Letters on Astronomy. Liebig's Introduction to Chemistry, Lettres sur l'Astronomie. Montemont. Cours Generale de Chimie. Pelouze. Airy's Six Lectures on Astronomy. Lemery's Course of Chemistry. Mudie's Lessons in Astronomy, Elemens de Chimie. Mitscherlich. Narrien's Origin and Progress of Astronomy. Parkes' Rudiments of Chemistry, Moseley's Lectures on Astronomy, Silliman's Elements of Chemistry. Arago's Lectures on Astronomy. Fownes' Rudimentary Chemistry, Lemons d'Astronomie. Arago, Fownes' Elementary Chemistry, Nichols' Thoughts on System of the World. Turner's Elements of Chemistry; Nichols' Architecture of the Heavens. fKane's Elements of Chemistry. Wilbur's Elements of Astronomy, Chaptal's Elements of Chemistry, Dick's Celestial Scenery, Reid's Elements of Chemistry. Mudie's The Heavens, Gregory's Outlines of Chemistry, Exposit. and Hist. of Planet Neptune. Nichol, Gale's Elements of Chemistry, Tomlinson's Recreations in Astronomy, Lavoisier's Elements of Chemistry. Mitchell's Planetary and Stellar World, Graham's Chemical Catechism, Nichols' Stellar Universe, Eaton's Chemical Instructor, Nichols' Contemplations on Solar System, Parke's Chemical Catechism; Astronomie des Dames. Lalande. Reid's Academical Examinations on Chemistry, Gronbeginsels der Sterrekunde. Steenstrup. Draper's Text-Book on Chemistry, Nichols' Phenomena and Order of Solar Sys. Silliman's First Principles of Chemistry, Airy's Gravitation and Perturba. in Solar Sys, Daubeny's Introduction to Atomic Theory. Bartlett's Physical, Practical Astronomy, &c- Low's Simple Bodies of Chemistry. s60 CLASSIFIED INDEX. [Merc. Lib. Chemiltry. Geology. Noad's Lectures on Chemistry. Higgins' Book of Geology, Bergman's Physical and Chemical Essays. Rhind's Geology and Physical Geography, Grifith's Chemistry of the Four Seasons. The Geologist. Grifth's Chemistry of the Four Elements, Renwick's Outlines of Geology, Joyce's Dialogues on Chemistry, Lyell's Principles of Geology; Marcet's Conversations on Chemistry, - Elements of Geology, Liebig's Familiar Letters on Chemistry. Brande's Outlines of Geology, Webster's Manual of Chemistry. Page's Geology. (Chamb. Educ. Course), Brande's Manual of Chemistry. Ansted's Geology. Manuel de Chimie. Riffault, Portlock's Geology, Booth's Encyclopeedia of Chemistry. King's Principles of Geology, Dictionary of Chemistry. Phelps, Science of Geology, Ure's Dictionary of Chemistry and Mineralogy. Burr's Elements of Geology, Gardner's Medical Chemistry, Van Rensselaer's Lectures on Geology. Liebig's Chemistry of Food. Hitchcock's Elementary Geology, Watt's Discovery of Composition of Water. Lee's Elements of Geology, Accum's Adulter. of Food & Culinary Poisons. Cotting's Lectures on Geology, Synopsis, Bowman's Introduction to Practical Chemistry, Ansted's Geologist's Text-Book, Henry's Elements of Experimental Chemistry. Higgins' Alphabet of Geology, Thomson's Experimental Chemistry. Conversations on Geology, Francis' Chemical Experiments. De la Beche's Geological Manual. Faraday's Chemical Manipulation. Zornlin's Recreations in Geology, Morfit's Chemical Manipulations. Phillips' Guide to Geology, Griffin's Chemical Recreations, Richardson's Geology for Beginners, Lee's Chemical Diagrams, Roberts' Dictionary of Terms in Geology, Keath's Musings in the Laboratory, Sketches of Geology. (Small Books,) Plattner's Use of the Blow Pipe. Pinkerton's Petralogy; a Treatise on Rocks. Berzelius' Use of Blow Pipe in Chem. Analy. IMacculloch's Geolog. Classification of Rocks. Trait6 d'Analyse Chimique. Rose. Murchison's Silurian System of RocksParnell's Chemical Analysis, Organic & Inorg. Boase's Primary Geology. Rose's Analytical Chemistry. Ansted's Ancient World, Fresenius' Chemical Analysis. Origin of the Material Universe, Rose's Chemi. Analysis, Quantitative & Ana. Cuvier's Theory of the Earth. Blyth's Qual. Outlines of Chemical Analysis, Harris' Pre-Adamite Earth, Noad's Chemical Analysis. Hill's New Theory of Formation of Earth, Mitchell's Manual of Practical Assaying, Age of the Earth. Rhind, Hare's Chem. Apparatus and Manipulations- Stuart's Philol. view of Geol. (Stud. Cab. Lib), Guide to Trade. Chemist and Druggist, Histoire de Terre et Homme. Luc. Chemical Gazette. (1842-9). Luc's Physical History of the Earth. Chemical Reports and Memoirs. (Caven. Soc). Chambers' Ancient Sea Margins. Campbell's Text-Book of Inorganic Chemistry, Daubeny's Description of Volcanoes. Thomson's Inorganic Chemistry. Scrope's Considerations onVolcanoes. Raspail's New System of Organic Chemistry. Daubeny's Volcanic Islands. Liebig's Animal Chemistry; Cuvier's Revolutions of Surface of Globes, Practical Organic Chemistry. (Small Books), Revolutions du Globe. Bertrand. Thomson's Chemistry of Animal Bodies. Bertrand's Revolutions of the Globe, Liebig's Chem. Analysis of Organic Bodies. Francis' Physical and Fossil Geology, Nouveau Syst. de Chimice Organique. Raspail. Recherches surles Poissons Fossiles. AgassizSimon's Animal Chemistry. Parkinson's on Study of Fossil Organic Rem. Thomson's Organic Chemistry. Mantell's Medals of Creation, Prout's Chemistry, Meteorology, & Digestion, Owen's Hist. of Fossil Mammals & Birds. Liebig's Chemistry related to Physiology. Witham's Struc. of Fossil Vege. of Gt. BritMulder's Chemistry of Phys., Veg. & Animal. Phillips' Fossils of Cornwall, Devon, &c. Draper's Organization of Plants- Miller's Old Red Sandstone. Miller's Foot-Prints of the Creator, GEOLOGY. Mantell's Wonders of Geology, Hitchcock's Geol. and Mosaic Hist. (Stu. C,) Bakewell's Introduction to Geology. Hitchcock's Geol. and Nat. Relig. (Stu. Cab,) Ure's New System of Geology. Mosaic Record of the Creation. Kennedy. Jobert's Philosophy of Geology, Earth's Antiquity and Mosaic Record. Gray, Randall's Incentives to Cultivation of Geology, Smith's Sacred Scriptures and Geology. De la Beche's Researchesin Theoretical Geolo, Mineral & Mosaical Geolo. Compared, Penn. De la Beche's How to Observe Geology. Proceedings of Geol. Soc. of Lond. (1826-7). Phillips' Teatise on Geology. Geology in 1835. Lawrence, Macculloch's System of Geology. Geological Map of England. Essai de Geologies Faujas de St. Fond Geol. of Eng. & Wales. Conybeare & Phillips, Catalogue.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 36i Geology and ITlineralogy. Botany. Martin's Geolog. Memoir of Western Sussex- The Botanist. Waterhouse. Memoirs of Geological Survey of Grt. Brit. Phelps' Familiar Lectures on Botany, Mantell's Geology of Southeast of England. Lettres sur Botanique. Rousseau. Mantell's Fossils of South Downs- Henslow's Treatise on Botany, Mantell's Geolog. Excur. round Isle of Wight, Lindley's Treatise on Botany. Ramsay's Geology of Arran Island. Lindley's Ladies' Botany, Darwin's Geology of the Beagle. Burnett's Outlines of Botany. Dana's Geology of United States Expl. Exp- Gray's Elements of Botany, Gesner's Nova Scotia Geology. Smith's Grammar of Botany. Eaton's Index to Geology of Northern States, Rennie's Alphabet of Botany, U. S. Surv.mof Lake Superior. 1845. Houghton, Jussieu's Elements of Botany, Jackson's Geology of Maine. Thornton's Elements of Botany. Jackson's Geology of Maine and Mass. Lindley's Elements of Botany. Jackson's Report on Geology of N. Hampshire. Lindley's School Botany, Jackson's Report on Geology of R. Island. Gray's Botanical Text-Book, Shepard's Report on Geolog. Surv. of Conn. Lindley's Key to Botany. Hitchcock's Final Report on Geology of Mass- Balfour's Manual of Botany, Vanuxen's Geolo. of N. Y. (Nat. Hist. N.Y)- Sumner's Compendium of Botany, Eaton's Geol. & Agric.Sur. of Dist. of E. Canal. Loudon's Encyclopaedia of Plants. Beck's Mineralog. & Chemi. Rep. of N.Y. State. Lindley's Glossary of Botany. Cozzens' Geological History of N. Y. Island. Paxton's Botanical Pocket Dictionary, Rogers' Report on New Jersey Geology. Dictionnaire de Botanique. Rousseau. Booth's Memoirs of Geo. Survey of Delaware. Carpenter's Vegetable Physiology. Rogers' Geological Survey of Virginia. 1828- Vegetable Physiology. (Chambers' Educ. C.), Rogers' Geolog. Survey of Virginia. 1839-40. New Theory of Vegetable Physiology, Tuomey's Report on S. Carolina Geology- Link's Physiological Botany in 1841. (Ray S). Report of Geolog. Survey of Ohio. Mather. Physiologie Vegetale, Nouveau Sys. Raspail. Marcet's Conversations on Vegetable Physiol, MINERALOGY. Introduc. to Veget. Physiology. (Small Books), Geologie Appliquee, ou Miner. Utiles. Burat. Meyer's Geography of Plants. (Ray Soc). Townsend's Geolog. and Mineralo. Researches- Torrey and Gray's Flora of North America. Thomson's Outlines of Geology & Mineralogy. Flora Boreali Americana. ookerTrimmer's Practical Geology and Mineralogy, Torrey's Flora of Northern and Middle States, Buckland's Geology & Mineralogy. Beck's Botany of the North United States, Humble's Diet. of Geology and Mineralogy. Gray's Botany of the United States, Northern, Mineralogie et Geologie. Beudant, Torrey's Cat. of Plants within 30 Miles of N.Y. Phillips' Introduction to Mineralogy.Flora Ameice Septentonalis. Push IVarley's Mineralogy, Michaux's North American Sylva. Jameson's Nat. Hist. System of Mineralogy. Nuttall's North Ameican Sylva. Shepard's Treatise on Mineralogy, Browne's Sylva Amer. Trees Indigen. to U. S. Moore's Ancient Mineralogy, American Forest. (Boy's and Girl's-Lib.), Nicol's Manual of Mineralogy, Browne's Trees of America, Native & Foreign. Mineialogie. (BManualof Min Economiqgy, e), Emerson's Trees and Shrubs of Mass. Forests. MinJacks ralogie. Biblios and thque Economique), sGeog. Distribution of British Plants. Watson, Jackson's Minerals and their Uses, Names of Minerals in Eng. Fr. & Ger. Allan. Gry's Arangement of British Plants. Tableau des Minerales. Lucas. Withering's Brit. Plants, arr. on Linnean Sys. Robinson's Catalogue of American Minerals. Smwth's Engllsh Flor a. Feuchtwanger's Treatise on Gems. ewman's History of British Ferns. Kobell's Chemical Discrimination of Minerals, e's Histoy of Bitis Forest Trees Dana's Mineralogy and Crystallography. Ralfs' BLitlsh Desmidieae. Regnault's Elem. Trea. on Crystallography. Luarvey's British Marine Alg esG~rifm~n's Crvstallography. ~Harvey's British Marine Algee. Gesner's Nova Scotia Minealogy. yMackay's Flora Hibernica. Botany of Beechey's Voyage. Hooker & ArnottnOTANY. Plantes Equinoxiales. Humboldt & BonplandPlantes d'Usaye. Rousseau. Wakefield's Introduction to Botany, Niger Flora. Hooker. Lindley's Introduction to Botany. Sheppard's Biography of Trees and their Uses, Comstock's Introduction to Botany, Gilpin's Remarks on Forest Scenery. Chapin's Vegetable Kingdom, Sylvan Sketches. Lindley's Vegetable Kingdom. Icones Plantarum. Hooker. Philosophia Botanica. Linnceus. Griffith's Medical Botany. Illustratio Systematis Linnaei. Miller- Rennie's Alphabet of Medical Botany, Lindley's Introduction to Natural System. Lindley's Flora Medica. Lindley's Natural System of Botany. Reid's Outlines of Medical Botany, Schleiden's Scientific Principles of Botany. Carson's Illustrations of Medical Botany46 62 CLASS IFIED INDE X. [Mere. Lib, Natural History. Quadrupeds. Lindley's Medical and (Economical Botany. Animal Biography. Hooker's Botanical Miscellany. Jesse's Nat. Gleanings in History, Botanical Tracts. (Ray Soc.) Broderip's Zoological Recreations, The Plant; a Biography. Schleiden. Bingley's London Journal. 1777-83Mrs. Loudon's Ladies' Ornam. Flower-Garden- Boston Jounal Nat. History. 1837-47. Waterman's Flora's Lexicon, Brewster's Treatise on Microscope, The Floral Cabinet- Micros. Illus. of Liv. Ob. Goring & Pritchard. Veget. Sub. used as Tim., Food, &c. Lankaster, Roget's Physiology and Phrenology. Callcott's Scripture Herbal. Roget's Animal Physiology. Christian Florist, Hamilton's Animal Phy. (Chambers' Educ. C), NATURAL HISTORY. Steenstrup's Alternation of Gener. (Ray S.) Agassiz's Lects. on Comparative Embryology. Spallanzani's Nat. Hist. of Animals & Veget. Carpente's Animal Physiology, Grainger's Cultivation of Organic Science. Brown's Observations on Darwin's Zoonomia. Magazine of Zoology and Botany. (1836-8). Matteucci's Physical Phen. of Living Beings, Howitt's Book of the Seasons, Edwards' Outlines of Anatomy and Physiology. Lempriire's Study of Natural History. Traite Elementaire d'Anatomie Corn. Carey. St. Pierre's Studies of Nature. Zoologie et Anatomic Compar. Humboldt-- l Beauties of Studcies of N Nature. Student's Com. of Compa. Anatomy. Evers. Annals and Magazine of Nat. Hist. (1838-50). L'Histoire Anatomique. Dutrochet. Memoires de la Societe Linneenne. Grant's Outlines of Comparative Anatomy. Schwam's Growth of Animals, &c. (Syd. Soc.) awrence's Comparative Anatomy, Physio., &c, Roget's Animal and Vegetable Physiology, Owen on the Nature of Limbs. Gosse's Canadian Naturalist. Bell's Animal Mechanics. Burkhard's Philosophy of Natural History, Penncnt's British Zoology. Calendar of Nature; or, Natural Hist. of Year, ewell's Zoology of English Poets, Corrected, Ruschenberger's Natural History, hite's Nt. story of Selborne. Flint's Lectures on Natural History, &c., Zoology of theVoyage of the Beagle. DarwinMagazine of Natural History. (1836-40). Darwin's Resear. on Voy. of Bea. 1832-6; Hunt's Poetry of Science. Zoology of Beechey's Voyage. RichardsonH2arris' Natural H-istory of the Bible. rGardens and Menagerie of Zoological Society. Carpenter's Zoology. Swainson's Taxidermy and Bibliography, Cuvier's Animal Kingdom. Bennett's Gardens and Men. of Zoological Soc. Agassizs's Introduction to Natural History. Bushnan's Philosophy of Instinct and Reason, Jones' Outline of Animal Kingdom. Couch's Illustrations of Instinct, Bewick's History of Birds and Quadrupeds. iiby's Hist. of Habits and Instinct of Animals. Zoology. (Chambers' Educ. Course,) Bingley's Animal Biography, Smellie's Philosophy of Natural History. Brougham's Dialogues on Instinct, Agassiz's Bibliog., Zool. & Geolog.(Ray. Soc). Swainson's Habits and Instincts of Animals Natural History. (Boy's and Girl's Lib,) Waterhouse's Nat. Hist. of Mammalia. System of Natural History. Regne Animal d'apres son Organisat. Cuvier. QUADRUPEDS. Histoire Naturelle. Pliny. Excerpta ex Historia Naturali. Pliny, Smith's Nat. Hist. of Mammalia, Pliny's Natural History of the World- Wilson's Nat. Hist. of Mammalia, Principles of Zoology. (Agassiz & Gould), Bell's History of British Mammals. Harvey's Sea-Side Book, Fauna Americana. Harlan. Aikman's Popular View of Animal Kingdom, Godman's American Natural History. Jaeger's Class Book of Zoology, Swainson's Animals in Menageries, Swainson's Discourse on Study of Nat. Hist, Menageries. Ogilby, Jenyns' Observations in Natural History. Owen's Archetype, &c. of Vertebrate Skeleton. Rennie's Alphabet of Zoology, Audubon's & Bachman's Viviparous Quad. N.A. Swainson's Geog. and Classificat. of Animals, Audubon's Plates of QuadrupedsHist. des Animaux Grec et Frang. Aristotle- Jenyns' Manual of British Vertebrate Animals. Goldsmith's Hist. of the Earth & Anim. Nature. Church's Cabinet of QuadrupedsBuffon's Natural History. Natural History of Quadrupeds. Ogilby, Histoire Naturelle. Bufon- Azara's Quadrupeds of Paraguay. Atlas d'Histoire Naturelle. Chaisneau- Swainson's Quadrupeds, Brown's Zoologist's Text-Book, Bewick's History of Quadrupeds. Blumenbach's Elements of Natural History. Ossemens Fossiles des Quadrupedes. CuvierZoologie. Edwards, Jardine's Nat. Hist. of Ruminating Animals, Waterton's Essays on Natural History, Jardine's Nat. Hist. of Thick-Skinned Quad, Maunder's Treasury of Natural History, MacGillivray's Nat. Hist. of Br. Qd. (Nat. Lib.), Donovan's Naturalist's Repository. Richardson's Quad. of N. Am. (Fauna. B. A.)Progress of Zoology in 1841-4. (Ray Soc). Youatt On the Dog. Mrs. London's Entertaining Naturalist, Dogs; their Origin and Varieties. Richardson Catalogue.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. X363 Birds and Fishes. Insects and Shells. Smith's Nat. History of Dogs. (Nat. Lib.), Roberts' Sea-Side Companion, The Dog and Sportsman. Skinner, Swainson's Fishes Amphibians & Reptiles. Dog Breaking. Hutchinson,SECTS Jesse's Anecdotes of Dogs- IE. The Pocket and the Stud, Duncan's Introd. to Entomology. (Nat. Lib), Horse and the Hound, by " Nimrod." Kirby & Spencer's Introduct. to Entomology. Smith's Natural History of Horses, Wilson's Treatise on Entomology. Jardine's Nat. History of Lions, Tigers, &c, Natural History of Insects, Hamilton's Nat. Hist. of Amphibious Carnivora, Rennie's Alphabet of Insects, Waterhouse's Nat. Hist. of Marsup. (Nat. Lib.), Episodes of Insect Life, Jardine's Natural History of Monkeys, Insect Arch., Trans., & Miscellanies. Rennie, Whale Fishery. (Boy's and Girl's Lib.), History of Insects, Hamilton's Nat. Hist. of Whales. (Nat. Lib.), Swainson and Shuckard's Insects, Westwood's Arcana Entomologica. ~BTIRDS-. Westwood's Entomologist's Text-Book, Illustrations of Ornithology. Jardine & Selby- Natural History of Insects, Birds. Swainson, Burmeister's Manual of Entomology. Mludie's Natural History of Birds, Brown's Book of Butter., Sphinges & Moths, Natural History of Birds. Rennie, Duncan's Natural Hist. of Beetles. (Nat. Lib), Architecture, Habits & Facul. of Birds. Rennie, Huber's Natural History of Bees, Selby's Nat. History of Pigeons. (Nat. Lib.), Huish's Nat. Hist. & Management' of Bees, Jardine's Nat. Hist. of Galli. Birds. (Nat. Lib.), Say's American Entomology, with a Glossary. Selby's Nat. History of Parrots. (Nat. Lib.), Kirby's Insects of N. Amer. (Fauna Bor. Am)Swainson's Nat. Hist. of Fly Catch. (Nat. Lib.), Stephens' British Entomology. Jardine's Nat. Hist. of Game Birds. (Nat. Lib.), Humphreys & Westwood's British ButterfliesJardine's Nat. Hist. of Sun Birds. (Nat. Lib.), Duncan's Nat. Hist. of Brit. Butter. (Nat. Lib), Jardine's Nat. H-ist. of Hum. Birds. (Nat. Lib.), Duncan's Nat. Hist. of Brit. Moths. (Nat. Lib.), Hirst's Book of Cage Birds, ---- Nat. Hist. of Fore. Butterflies.(icat.Lib), Bechstein's Nat. History of Cage Birds, -- Nat. Hist. of Exotic Moths. (Nat. Lib.), Browne's American Bird Fancier, Patterson's Nat.Hist. of Ins. men. byShakspeare, Mann's Bird-keeper's Manual, Ingpen's Preserv. of Brit. & For. Ins. & Shells, Audubon's Birds of America- M Audubon's Ornitholog. Biog. of Birds of U. S. Audubon's Synopsis of Birds of N. America. Wood's General Conchology. Nuttall's Manual ofOrnithol. of U. S. & Canada. Burrow's Elements of Conchology, Giraud's Birds of Long Island. Man. de Malacalogie et Conchyliol. Blainville. Giraud's Sixteen New Speci. of Birds of N. A.- Catlow's Popular Conchology, Wilson's American Ornithology, Swainson's Shells and Shell-Fish, Swainson's Birds of N. America. (Fau. B. A.)- Wyatt's Manual of Conchology. Gosse's Birds of Jamaica. Roberts' Conchologist's Companion, MacGillivray's Indig. & Migrat. British Birds. Brown's Conchologist's Text-Book, Bewick's History of British Birds. Sowerby's Conchological Manual. Montagu's Dictionary of British Birds. Lessons on Shells, Jardine's Nat. Hist. of Brit. Birds. (Nat. Lib.), Crouch's Introd. to Lamarek's ConchologyMacGillivray's Manual of British Ornithology, Mawe's Voyager's Comp., Shell-Collect. Pilot, Thompson's Nat. History of Birds of Ireland. Coquilles Vivantes. Kiener. Swainson's Birds of West Africa. (Nat. Lib.), Jay's Catalogue of Shells in his Collections. - Cat. Shells in his Col. on Lamarck. SystFISHES. Wheatley's Catalogue of U. States Shells, Wilson's Introduc. to Natural Hist. of Fishes- Turton's Bivalve Shells of British IslandsFishes; their Structure and Uses. Bushnan, Fleming's Treatise of Molluscous Animals. Jardine's Nat. Hist. of Fishes, &c. (Nat. Lib), Histoire Naturelle des Mollusques. CuvierDavy's Salmonia, Brit. Naked-eyed Meduse. Forbes. (Ray Soc.) Donovan's Natural History of British Fishes. Brit. Nudibranchiate Mollusca. (Ray Soc.)Yarrell's History of British Fishes. Hist. Nat. des Animaux sans Verteb. Lamarck. Hamilton's Nat. Hist. of British Fishes, Burmeister's Organiz. of Trilobites.(Ray Soc.)Schomburgk's Nat. Hist. of Fishes of Guiana, Dana's Zoophytes. (United S. Expl. Exp.)Essays on the Kraken, Sea-Serpent, &c. Mantell's Thoughts on Animalculee, 364 CLA S SIFIED INDE X. [Merc. Lib. MEDICAL SCIENCE. ANAT'OMY AND PHIYSIOLOGY. Grffith's Character of Blood and Secretions, Coote's Homologies of the Human Skeleton. Gilbert's Changes of Blood in Disease. Smith's Use of the Dead to the Living, Liebig's Motion of the Animal Juices. Cloquet's System of Human Anatomy. Darwin's Zoonomia, or Laws of Organic Life. Gemini's Human Anatomy- Discovery of Vital Principle, or Phys. of Man. Bayle's Treatise on Elementary Anatomy. Muller's Embryology. Craigie's Elements of Anatomy- Owen's Parthenogensis. Cruveilhier's Human Anatomy. Graham's Lect. on Science of Human Life, Wilson's Human Anatomy, Physique en Action. Desdouits. Morton's System of Human Anatomy, Hollick's Origin of Life, Smith's Class-Book of Anatomy, Fowler's Love and Parentage, Wilson's Anatomist's Vade Mecum, Philips' Laws of Vital Functions. Griscom's Animal Mechanism, Recherches Physiologiques sur Mort. Bichat, Masse's Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy, Philip's Nature of Sleep and Death. Lizar's Anatomical Plates- Burn's Anatomy of Sleep, Ellis' Demonstrations of Anatomy, Mlacnish's Philosophy of Sleep, Innes' Description of Human Muscles, Reichenbach's Rela. of Impond. to Vital Force. Bell's Nervous System of Human Body. Pathology applied to Physiology. Broussais. Hodgkin's Anatomy of Morbid Membranes. Rokitansky's Pathological Anat. (Syden. Soc). Bell's Description of Organs of Sense, Inflammation and its Effects. Mlorgan. Blandain's Treatise on Topographical Anat- Curative Eff. of Abstract. of Blood. Wardrop. Bell's Mechanism & Endow. of Hand. (Bridg.). Walker on. Intermarriage, Alcott's House I Live In; or, the Hum. Body, Facts on Transm. of Qual. fi. Parents to Chil, Lessons on the Human Frame. Bell, Walker on Beauty; Mudie's Man in his Physical Structure, Ryan's Philosophy of Marriage, Combe's Constitution of Man, Illustrations of Eating, Combe's Constit. of Man Exposed. Gillespie. Walker's Art of Dining, Human Body in Health and Disease, Paris' Treatise on Diet. Hollick's Outlines of Anatomy and Physiology- Robertson on Diet and Regimen, Cutter's Anatomy and Physiology, Pereira's Treatise on Food and Diet. Gove's Lee. to Women on Anat. & Physiology, Alcott on Vegetable Diet, Beach's Anatomy, Physiology, and Health. Tea; its Effects Med. and Moral. Sigmond, Coventry's Human Physiology, Food; its Influence on Health and Dis. Truman, Bostock's Elementary System of Physiology. Bell on Regimen and Longevity, Dunglison's Human Physiology. Causes of the Decline of Manhood. Deslandes, Comstock's Outlines of Physiology, Chambers' Conditions of Health & Long Life, Magendie's Treatise on Human Physiology. Cornaro's Dis. on Sober and Temperate Life, Richerand's Elements of Physiology. Johnson on Life, Health, and Disease, Aitkin's Elements of Physiology, Hayden on Wear and Tear of Human Life. Blumenbach's Institutes of Physiology. Pinny's Antidote for Abridg. of Human Exist. Kirke and Paget's Hand-Book of Physiology, Uses and Diseases of the Lungs. Stewart, Haller's Physiology. Mayo's Philosophy of Living, Cullen's Physiology and Practice of Physics. Ticknor's Philosophy of Living, Combe's Principles of Phrenology, Green's Vital Dynamics. Walker's Woman, Physiologically considered, Smith's Philosophy of Health. Brain and its Physiology. Noble. Kitchener's Invalid's Oracle, Human Brain. Solly. Ross' Golden Rules of Health, Changes of Nervous Sys. by Civiliz. Verity. Graham's Sure Method of Improving Health, Franz's Treatise on the Eye. Mayo's Management of Organs of Digestion, Bowman's Lectures on the Eye. Johnson's Essay on Indigestion, Reynolds on Use of Eyes. (Stud. Cab. Lib.), Hitchcock's Dyspepsia Forestalled & Resisted, Walker's Philosophy of the Eye. Wilson's Treatise on Healthy Skin, Accommodation of Eye to Distances. Wallace. M1edec. du Visage et Hyg. de la Peau. Debay. Physiology of Blushing. Burgess. Faust's Catechism of Health, Uses of Lungs. Fitch, Smiths Letters to Married Ladies, Beaumont's Experiments on Gastric Juice. Smiles on Physical Education, Combe's Physiology of Digestion, Riofrey's Physical Education of Ladies. Samenstel des Menschenl. Lichn. Winslow. Warren on Physical Education, Muller's Phy. of Senses, Voice, and Mus. Mo. Dunglison's Elements of Hygiene. Ball's View of Animal Economy. Hodgkin's Means of Preserving Health, Hewoon on Blood and Lymphat. (Syd. Soc). Prudential Revelations, Fontaine. Catalogue.] CLASSIFIED INDEX. 365 Hygiene and Jlateria lledica, Water Cuxre; C1onleceopatlly. Hygeiana. (Goss & Co.) Montgomery's Signs of Pregnancy. Carlisle's Preservation of Health Ramsbotham's Princi. and Prac. of Obstetrics. Curtis' Preservation of Health, Hosack's Practical System of Nosology. Graham's Lectures on Chastity, Bell on Baths and Mineral Waters, Journal of Health. (1830-3.).Granville on Counter-Irritation. Hygiene Domestique. (Biblio. Economique), IHalsted's New Mode of Curing Dyspepsia, Catechism of Health, Sources of Health and Dis. in Com. Belinaye, WATER CURE. Hartley's Essay on Milk, Forbes on Water Cure or Hydropathy, Kebbell's Lectures on Diseases of Towns, Gully on Water Cure in Chronic Diseases, Evil, Endemic In. of Minorca Govern. Foltz. Bulwer and Forbes' on Water Treatment, Griscom's Use and Abuse of Air, Balbirnie's Philosophy of Water Cure, Thackrah's Effect of Trades on Health, &c. Johnson's Domestic Practice of Hydropathy, Hyg. des Horn. Studieuses. (Reveille, Parise). Gibbs' Letters from Graefenberg, Ziekten der Geleerden. Tissot. Lane's Life at the Water Cure, Sweetser's Mental Hygeine, Smethurst's Hydrotherapia. Brigham's Influence of Men. Cult. on Health, Scudamore's Medical Visit to Graefenberg. Johnson's In. of Civil and Sed. Life on Health. Shew's Hydropathy, Reynolds' Phy. Cul. of Lit. Men. (Stu. C. L), Rausse's Errors in Practice of Water Cure, Johnson's Economy of Health, Rausse's Graefenberg Water Cure Miscella's, Clark's Influence of Climate- Johnson's Results of Hydropathy, Falconer's Influence of Cli. & Country on Man- Claridge's Facts in Support of Hydropathy. Barton's Hints on Cruizing in the West Indies, Ross' Atmopathy and Hydropathy, On Enlisting, Pension'g, &c., Soldier. Marshall. IOMCOPATHY. Forry's Climate of United States. ______ lHahnemann's Organon of Medicine. Brande's Diet. of Materia Medica & Pharm. Hartmann's Homceo. Treat. of Acute DiseasesUre's Compendium of Materia Medica, Jahr's Manual of Homceopathic Medicine, Dispensatory of the U. S. (Wood andBache.) Laurie's Elements of Homoeopathic Practice. Dunglison's New Remedies. Holmes' on Homceopathy & Kindred Delusions, Jongh on Cod Liver Oil, Eustaphieve's Homeopathy. Cur Aller Krankheiten. Weisbach, Ruof's Hommeopathic Repertory, Pharmacopceia of Royal College of Physicians View of the System of -Iomceopathy, Magendie's Formula for New Remedies. Forbes on Homceo., Allo., & Young Physic, Thomson's Elements of Materia Medica. Progress of Homoeopathy. Paine's Therapeutic Arrangement of Mat. Med, Henderson's Homceopathic Prac. of Medicine. Rennie's Sup. to London Pharmacopoeias. Pereira's Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Hollick's Neuropathy, Beasley's Druggist's Receipt Book. Channing on Etherization in Child-Birth. Quinn's Domestic Medicine. Snow's Inhalation of Ether in Surgery. Griffith's Universal Medical Formulary. Maddock's Pulmo. Cons. treated by Inhalation. Car. Principes de Pharmaceutique, Simpson's Anesthesia. Mohr and Redwood's Practical Pharmacy. Warren on Etherization, Journal de Pharmacie. (1839-40.) Influence d'Electricite. Pallas. Christison's Dispensatory of G. Bt. & U. S. Bird's Lectures on Electricity and Galvanism, Christison's Treatise on Poisons. Murray's Electricity a Cause of Cholera, Costill's Practical Treatise on Poisons, Sherwood's Motive Power of Life, &c. Johnstone's Thera. Arrangement of Mat Med., VEGETABLE PRACTICE Turnbull's Med. Properties of Ranunculaceac. Cooke's White Mustard Seed for Dis. of Liver, Beach's Med. Prac. on Vegetable Principles. Magendie's Use of Prus. Acid in Dis. of Breast, Smith's Botanic Physician. _ Kost's Practice of Thomsonian Medicine. Good's Study of Mdicine. Worthy's Botanic Medicine. aGoodb's S Itu rdcontudy of Mednicine. Thomsonian Materia Medica. Thomson. Mlacrobin's Introduction to Study of Medicine. Mattson's Vegetable Practice. Dunglison's Practice of Medicine. Carson's Illustrations of Medical BotanyWlood's Treatise on Practice of Medicine. Beach's Medical and Botanical Dictionary. MIed. Clinics of the Hosp. Neckar. Bricheleau. Comfort's Thomsonian Medicine. Elliotson's Principles and Practice of Medicine. Ware's Duties of the Phy. (Stu. Cab. Lib.), SPECIAL DISEASES. Thomson's Management of the Sick Room, Stilli's Elements of Pathology, Dunglison's General Therapeutics. Miayo's Outlines of Human Pathology. Townsend's Elements of Therapeutics. Webster's Hist. of Pestilen. & Epidem. Diseas. Hamilton's Observations on Midwifery. Hecker's Epid. of Mid. Ages. (Sydenham Soc.). Bach's Improved System of Midwifery- Reese's Epidemic of 1819 in Baltimore, Dewees' Midwifery. Whitlaw's Treatise on Inflammatory Fever, &co 366 C LA SSIFIED INDEX. [Merc. Lib. Pathology. Surgery, &c. Bartlett's Hist. and Treat. of Fevers of U. S. Maternal Management of Children. Bull, Townsend on Yellow Fever in N. Y. in 1822. Lead Diseases. Tanquerel des Planches. Paine's Cholera Asphyxia in N. Y. in 1822. Observations on Aneurism. (Sydenham Soc.) Sources, &c., of Fever. Davidson & Hudson. Graham's Treat. on Indig., Tic Doloreux, &c. Roupell's Treatise on Typhus Fever. Diseases of Advanced Life. Day. Smith's Treatise on Fever. Consideration of Poison and Asphyxia. Coley. Hardie on Yellow Fever in New-York, 1822, Mitchell's Orig. of Malarious & Epidem. Fevers,SURGERY. White on the Plague and the Quarantine. Velpeau's Elements of Operative Surgery. Colera Epidemique. Tardieu. Coop&r's Practical Dictionary of Surgery. Tardieu on Epidemic Cholera, Mlarkham's Surgical Practice of Paris. Ferris' Treatise on Epidemic Cholera, 1834. Carnochan on Congenital Dislo. of the Femur. Scouttetten's History of Cholera Morbus. Dupuytren's Diseases and Injuries of Bones. Rhazes' Small-Pox, &c. (Sydenham Soc.) Guthrie'sLectures on Fractures of Extremities. Warren's Prize Essay on Scrofula, &c. Surgical Dis. of Head and Neck. (Syd. Soc). Dendy's Diseases of the Skin. Guy's Principles of Forensic Medicine, Lugol's Researches on Scrofulous Diseases, Surgery Illustrated. Doane. Green on Diseases of the Skin. Land und Zee Chirurgie. Verbruggi, Burrow's Disorder of Cerebral Circulation. Liston's Practical Surgery. Davis on Hydrocephalus. South's Household Surgery, Kramer on Diseases of the Ear. Bell's Institutes of Surgery, Dufton on Deafness and Diseases of the Ear, Morgan on Diseases of the Eyes. MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. Hocken's Treatise on Amaurosis. Taylor's Elements of Medical Jurisprudence. Cooper's Remarks on Near and Aged Sight. Ryan's Manual of Medical Jurisprudence. Kitchener's Economy of the Eyes, Traill's Lectures on Medical Jurisprudence. Powell on Imperfection of the Eye. Ray's Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. Tomes on Dental Physiology and Surgery. Kindermoord. Camzper, Waite on the Struct., Dis., &c. of the Gums. MEDICAL MTSCELLANY. Green on Diseases of the Air Passages. Ryland on Diseases of Larynx and Trachea. Hippocrates' Works. (Sydenham Soc.) Diseases of the Voice. Colombat de l'Isere, Harvey's Works. (Sydenham Soc.) Harris on Dis. of Circu., &c. (Sydenham Soc.). Sydenham's Works. (Sydenham Soc.) Hall's Nature of Bronchitis, Consumption, &c. Opera Omnia. Sydenham. (Syden. Soc.) Dis. of Voice & Laryngeal Phthisis. Trousseau. Seven Books of Paulus iEgineta. (Syd. Soc.) Clark's Treatise on Pulmonary Consumption. Hosack's Various Essays on Medical Science. Louis' Resear. on Phthisis. (Sydenham Soc.). Legum Conciliatarum. Julius Pacius. Rilliet and Barthez on Pneumonia of Children. Hosack's Discourse at Rutgers Med. College. Green's Pathology of Croup, New-York Chronicle of Medicine and Surgery. Stokes on Diseases of the Chest. Medical and Surgical Monographs. Fitch on Diseases of the Chest, Davies' Selections in Pathology and Surgery. Velpeau on Diseases of the Breast. Dunglison's Dictionary of Medical Science. Banning on Chronic Dis. of Truncal Organs, Davy's Philosophical and Anatom. Researches. IHope on Diseases of the Heart. Med. and Philo. Register. Hosack & Francis. Parker on the Stomach in Morbid States. United States Medical and Surgical Journal. Christison on Granular Degenera. of Kidneys. London Medical Gazette. (1837-42). Treatment Prev. of Stone and Gravel. Civiale. British and For. Med. Chirur. Rev. (1848-50.) Jones on Gravel, Gout, &c. Dickson's Chronothermal Medicine. Lallemand's Treatment of Spermatorrhea. Medico-Chirurgical Review. (1843). Johnson. Parker on Syphilitic Diseases. Cycloqpdia of Medicine. Sterilite de l'Homme et de Femme. Mondat. Neill & Smith's Comp. of Med. Science. Mondat on Male and Female Sterility, Hoblyn's Dictionary of Terms in Medicine, Bostwick's Nature and Treat. of Venereal Dis- lHooper's Medicum Lexicon. Colles' Observations on the Venereal Disease. Rush's Medical Inquiries and Observations. Dixon's Diseases of Sexual Organs, Copland's Dictionaiy of Medicine. Bostwick's Nature and Treat. of Seminal Dis, Examen des Medicales Doctrines. Broussais. Woman and her Diseases. Dixon, American Medical Intelligencer. Morrill's Woman and her Diseases, Graves' Clinical Lectures. Diseases of Females. Meigs. Practical Suggestions for the Sick, Diseases of Women. Blundell. Alcott's Library of Health, Diseases of Females. Churchill. Theses pour les Doctorats. BodinierDiseases of Pregnancy. Churchill. Halford's Essays, &c., before Roy. Col. Phys, Diseases of Children and Infants. Churchill. Medicine in France, Eng. and Germ. Muehry. Diseases of Children. Coley. Edwards' Influence of Phys. Agents on Life. Diseases of Children. Meigs, Millengen's Curiosities of Medical Experience. Bull's Hints to Mothers, Ticknor's Popular Trea. on Med. Philosophy, Catalogue.] CLA S S IFIED INDEX. 367 1Mental Disorders; ]Phrenologyo Rlesmerism and Saiperstitions. Bartlett's Inquiry concerning Certainty in Med. Hand, the, Phrenologically Considered. Bostock's History of Medicine. Slade's Col., or Phren. with Stewart's Shade, Whitlaw's New Medical Discoveries. Grimes' Compend. of Phreno-Philosophy, Hamilton's History of Med., Surg. and Anat, Redfield's System of Physiognomy. Braithwaite's Retrospect of Med. and Surgery, Pocket Lavater. Jennings on Medical Reform, Lavater's Essays on Physiognomy, 1804. Timbs' Popular Errors Explained, Walker on Physiognomy, Watson's Lectures on Physic. Gall's Works, Complete, Stokes' Lectures on Physic. Physio. and Phrenol. for Youth. Mrs. Fowler, American Phrenological Journal. (1838-49). MENTAL DISORDERS. Fowler's Physiology and Phren. of Religion. Barlow on Physiol. & Int. Phil. (Small Books), Feuchtersleben Med. Psych. (Sydenham Soc.) MESMERISM AND SUPERSTITIONS. Coleridge's Hints for a Theory of Life, Fowler's Physiology, Animal and Mental, Newnham's Recip. Influence of Body & Mind, Maternity. Fowler, Intelligence a l'Aide de l'Org. Saint Germain. Marriage, its Hist. and Ceremonies. Fowler, Dendy's Phenomena of Dreams, Hereditary Descent. Fowler, Oken's Physio-Philosophy. (Ray Society.) Memory and Intellectual Improvement. Fowler, Wigan's proved Duality of the Mind. Leuze's Instructions in Animal Magnetism, Soul's Instinct not Materialism. Paine, Pasley's Mes. and Clairvoy., Phil. of their Phy. Johnson on Mental Susceptibility, Hall's History of Mesmerism, Circulaire d'Institut Royal des Sourds Muets. Mesmerism, its History, Phenom. and Practice, Winslow on Diseases of Body and Mind. Lang's History and Practice of Mesmerism, Moore's Use of the Body in Relation to Mind, Mesmerism and its Opponents. Sandby. Rush's Medical Inquir. in Diseases of Mind. Townshend's Facts in Mesmerism, Barlow's Pow. of Self-Cul., &c. (Small Books), Durant's New Theory of Animal Magnetism, Pritchard on Insanity. Leger's Animal Magnetism, Familiar View of Lunatic Life, Mes. in India and Applic. to Surgery. Esdaile, Earle's Hist. of Bloomingdale Asy. for Insane. Newnham on Human Magnetism, Spurzheim's Observations on Insanity. Newman on Fascination, or Phil. of Charming, Esquiros on Mental Maladies. Somnolism, and Psycheism. Haddock, Mayo's Pathology of Human Mind, Zoistic Magnetism. Scoresby. Combe's Observ. on Mental Derangement. Smee's Elements of Electro-Biology. Winslow's Anatomy of Suicide. Davis' Great Harmonia; Physician, Burnett's Insanity tested by Science. Stel. in Judicus, Liber Completus. AlbohazenSciences Occultes. Salverte. PHRENOLOGY. Davis' Principles and Revelations of Nature. Physiognomie et Phr6nologie. Bourdon, Crowe's Night Side of Nature, Macnish's Introduction to Phrenology, Demonologia; Natural Knowledge Revealed, Phreno., or Doct. of Men. Phenom. Spurzheim. Thatcher's Essay on Demonology, &c., What is Phrenology'? Saunders, Scott's Let. on Demonology and Witchcraft, Catechism of Phrenology, Dendy's Philosophy of Mystery, Forman's Elements of Phrenology. Salverte's Philosophy of Magic, Prodigies, &c; Broussais' Lectures on Phrenology, Cradle of the Twin-Giants. Christmas, Combe's System of Phrenology; Ghost Stories, Phrenology Vindicated. Caldwell, The Wizzard; Narratives of Ghosts, &c. Combe's Lectures on Phrenology, Hibbert's Philosophy of Apparitions. Phren. in connect. with Physiog. Spurzhiem. Poyntz's World of Wonders. Scott's Harmony of Phrenology and Scripture. History of Oracles and Pagan Cheats, Spurzheim's Examination of Objections to him, Sketches of Imposture, Deception & Credulity Spurzheim's Principles of Education. Matthias and his Impostures. Stone, Epps' Evidences of Christ. from Phrenology, Reese's Humbugs of New-York, Cox's Selections from Phrenological Journal, Whittier's Supernaturalism of New England, Combe's Elements of Phrenology, Upham's Lectures on Salem Witchcraft, Phrenological Journal. (1836-46). Godwin's Lives of the Nscromancers; Philosophyof Phrenology, Seeress of Provorst. Kerner. Dewhurst's Guide to Phrenology, Kyteler's Prosecution for Sorcery. (Cam. Soc.) Gall's System of Phrenology, Sibly's AstrologyIllustrations of Phrenology, Lilly's Astrology. Phrenology known by its Fruits. Reese, Dalyell's Superstitions of Scotland. Fowler's Practical Phrenology, Mrs. Grant's Superstitions of Scotland, 368 CLASSIFIED INDEX, [Merc. Lib, TECHNOLOGY. Bigelow's Elements of Technology. Nautical Magazine. 1838-49. Useful Arts in Con. with Science, Piddington's Sailor's Horn-Book. Johnson's Memoria Technica. Dana's Seaman's Manual, Nollet's L'Art d'Experiences, Bosquet's Essays for Seafaring Men. Potter's Principles of Science Applied, Arnold's Lunarian and Seaman's Guide. Crabbe's Technological Dictionary- Brady's Kedge Anchor, or Young Sailor's As. Buchanan's Technological Dictionary, The Ship; its Origin and Progress. SteinitzTransact. of Soc. to Encour. Arts, Manuf., &c. Magazine of Sci. & Schools of Arts. (1841-2). MECHANICAL ARTS. Polytechnic Journal. Moseley's Mechanics applied to the Arts; Francis' Diet. of Arts, Sciences & Manufact. Nicholson's Mechanic, Operative, & Machinist. Dictionnaire d'Industrie. Jameson's Mechanics for Practical Men. Hamilton's Diet. of Terms in Arts & Sciences, Davies' Elements of Drawing ap. to Mechanics, Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, &c. White's Designs & Des. of one hun. MI achinesReport of the American Institute. Scott's Engineer's and Machinist's AssistantJournal of Design and Manufactures. Mechanics' and Engineers' Magazine. 1841-7Hazen's Popular Technology, Weisbach's Princ. of Mechanics, Mach., Engin. Journal of the American Institute. Glynn's Construction of Cranes & Machinery, Weale's Dictionary of Terms used in Arts, Farnham's Hydraulic Apparatus. Aikin's Illustrations of Arts and Manufactures, Swindell on Well Digging and Pump Work, Report on Arts as Connected with Manufact- Buchanan's Mill Work and other Machinery, Annual Scientific Discourses. Wells, Evans' Millwright and Miller's Guide. Williams' Inventions and Discoveries. Parliamentary Returns on Mills and FactoriesEureka. Journal of Inventions, &c- Thomson's Time and Time Keepers, Beckmann's History of Inventions and Discov. Hannett's Bibliopegia, or Art of Bookbinding, History of Wonderful Inventions, Barlow's Essay Strength & Stress of Iron, &c. Pritchard's List of Patents in Eng. (1800-40). Hand-Book of Turning, Repertory of Patent Inventions. (1838-50). Holtzappfel's Turning & Mechan. Manipulation. Ellsworth's Report as Corn. of Patents. (1844). Report of Commissioner of Patents. Peake's Naval Architecture, Davies' Practical Geometry, Charnock's.Hist. of Architecture in MaineRyan's Treatise on Mensuration, Clairbois' Elements of Naval Architecture, Ballard's Guaging Unmasked. ARCHITECTURE. TSURVEYING AND LEVELLING. Nicholson's Five Orders of Architecture. Gibson's Theory and Practice of Surveying. Cours d'Architecture.' Blondel. Frome's Method of Trigonometrical Survey. Mitford's Prin. of Design in Architecture. Kentish's Treatise on Box of Instruments, Garbert's Prin. of Design in Architecture, Hassler's Documents on U. S. Coast Survey. Stuart's Dictionary of Architecture. Report of Superintendent of Coast Survey. Leeds' Rudimentary Architecture, Introduction to Surveying and Levelling. Glossary of Terms in Architecture. Castle's Text-Book for Surveyors &-Levellers, Billington's Architectural Director. Present Practice of Surveying and Levelling, Gwilt's Encyclopmdia of Architecture. Francis' Levelling applied to Rail. & Canals, Hosking's Treatises on Architecture & BuildSimms' Principles and Practice of Levelling. Ruskin's Seven Lamps of Architecture; Williams' Practical Geodesy. Wightwick's Palace of Architecture. Davies' Elements of Survey. and Navigation. Hosking's Regulation of Buildings in Towns, Loudon's Architectural Magazine. NWightwick's Hints to Young Architects. Davies' Elements of Navigation. Carpentry; Guide for JoineryClerk's Essay on Naval Tactics- Tredgold's Principles of Element. Carpentr yGriffin's Epitome of Nav. and Nautical Astron. Dobson's Rudiments of Art of Building, Daboll's Practical Navigator. Smeaton's Builders Pocket Manual, Bowditch's American Practical Navigator. Gallier's Builder's Price Book and Estimator. Falconer's Marine Dictionary- Ancient Architecture, Elements and Practice of Rigging and Seaman- Architecture, Antique et Modern. Freard. Navigation and Storage. Murphy & Jeffers. Ancient and Modern Temples. Bardwell. Blunt's American Coast Pilot, Tuthill's History of Architecture. Furlong's American Coast Pilot. Freeman's History of Architecture. Ross on Steam Navigation- Hope's Historical Essay on Architecture. Naval Magazine. 1836-7. Antiquarian and Architect. Year-Book for 1844. Catalogue.] CLASSIFIED IN D E X. 369 Civil Engineering. Roads and Rail Roads. Agincourt's History of Art by its Monuments- King's Memoirs of Croton AqueductIntroduction to Gothic Architecture, Tower's Illustrations of Croton AqueductHopkins' Essay on Gothic Architecture- Schramke's Croton AqueductBrandon's Analysis of Gothic Architecture- Watson's History of New-York Canals. Essays on Gothic Arch. Warren & Bentham. Maps and Plans of Great Pier in N.Y. Harbor. Moller's Gothic Architec. of 8th to 16th Cent. Pope's Bridge Architecture. Paley's Manual of Gothic Architecture, Gillespie's Manual of Road-Making. Gotischen Baukunst. Schlegel, Parnell's Treatise on Roads. Pugin's Examples of Gothic ArchitecturePugin's Specimens of Gothic Architecture- Earle's Rail Roads and Internal Communica. Pugin's Princ. of Pointed or Christ. Architect- Baker's Railway Engineering, Bloxam's Ecclesiastical Gothic Architecture, Tredgold's Treatise on Rail Roads & Carriages. Loudon's Ecclesiastical Dictionary, Van de Graff's Location of Railway Curvatures, Brown's History of Sacred Architecture- Des Chemins du Fer. Daru.Instrumenta Ecclesiastica- Ritchie's Rise and Construction of Railways, Brandon's Views & Descr. of Parish Churches. Day's Construction of Railways, Willis' Architec. of Church of Holy Sepulchre. Lecount's Treatise on Railways; Markland's Remarks on English Churches, Brees' Railway PracticeChurches of London. Godwin and Britton. Wood's Practical Treatise on Rail Roads. Buckler's Archit. of St. Albans' Abbey Church. Weale's Ensamples of Railway-Making. Poole's Arrangement, Struct., &c. of Churches, Chemins de Fer Am6ricains. PoussinHand-Book of English Ecclesiology, Sketch of Philadelphia and Pottsville Railway. Essex's Illustrations of Temple Church- Stokers & Pokers, or Lond. & N.W. Railway, Trimmer's Church and Chapel Architecture. Fairbairn's Political Economy of Rail Roads. Whewell's German Church Architecture. Lardner's Railway Economy, Poole's Hist. of Ecclesiastic. Architect. in Eng. American Rail Road Journal. (1832-49)Barr's Anglican Church Architecture, Pambour's Locomotive Engines on Railways. Webb's Sketches of Continental Ecclesiology. Walker's Report on Locomotives & Engines. Franks' Book of Ornamental Glazing Quarries, Student's Guide to Locomotive Engine. Inquiry into Ancient Glass Painting. Bourne's Treatise on Steam EngineSharpe's Window Tracery in England. Steam Engine Explained. Lardner. Pugin's Glossary of Ecclesias. Ornam. & Cost- Russell's Nature and Application of Steam, Rickman's Differ. Styles of Eng. Architecture. Russell's Treatise on Steam Engine, Leeds' Public Buildings of London. Manual of Steam Engine, Guide to Architectural Antiquities at Oxford- Alban's High Pressure Steam Engine. Whittock's Construction, &c., of London Shops- Renwick's Treatise on Steam Engine. Transactions of Roy. Inst. of Brit. Architects- Indicator and Dynamometer. Dallaway's Discourses on Architecture in Eng. Curr's Railway Locomotion & Steam Naviga. Ritch's American Architect- Lardner's Lectures on Steam Engine, Barnard's School Architecture in U. S. Bourne's Catechism of Steam EngineDenkmaler der Deutschen Baukunst. Moller- Portwine's St'm Engine, Atmos. Railways, &c, Lamb's Ancient Domestic Architecture- Stuart's Anecdotes of Steam Engine, Thomas' Working-Man's Cottage Architecture. Reid's Steam Engine, Loudon's Encyclop. of Vill. & Cott. Architect. Armstrong's Essay on Steam Engine Boilers. Downing's Cottage Residences. Woodcroft's Origin & Progress of Steam NaviDesigns for Cottages, &c. Walter & Smith- Marine Steam Engine. Fowler's Home for All. Telegraphe Electrique. Moigne. Smeaton's Construe, of Eddystone Lighthouse- American Telegraph. Vail. Mills' American Pharos; or, Lighthouse Guide. Rogers' Telegraph Dictionary. Guide to Trade. Plumber and Painter, Walker's Telegraphic Manipulation, Reid's Theory and Practice of Ventilation. CIVIL ENGINEERING. Wyman's Treatise on Ventilation, Burn's Practical Ventilation, ahan's El. ofCivilnil Engineee. Reid's Acoustics and Venti. of House of ComMahnan's Element. Course of Civil Engineering. Bernan's Hist. and Art of Warming and Vent, Brees' Glossary of Civil Engineering- Theory of Warming and Ventilating. Breesy's Encylo pessa of Civil Engineering- Inman's Report on Ventilating, Warming, &c. Cresy's Encyclopedia of Civil Engineering. Stephenson's Civil Engineering of North Amer. Text-Book of Civil Engineering of Milit. Acad- CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY. Transactions of Civil Engineers' Institution- Knapp's Chemical Technology. Moseley's Mechanics of Engineering & Archit. Parnell's Chemistry Applied. Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal- Porter's Chemistry of the Arts. Haskoll's Clerk of Work & Architect's Guide, Parkes' Chemical Essays. Burgoyne's Quarrying of Stone, Bachhoffner's Chemistry applied to Fine Arts, Dobson's Masonry and Stone Cutting, Chimie appliques aux Arts. Dumas. IS~c 370 CL ASSIFIED INDEX. [Mere. Lib.. Chemical Technology. Agriculture. Mitscherlich's Chem. adapted to Arts & Manu. British Husbandry. Mackenzie's Five Thousand Receipts. Marshall's Farmer's and Emigrant'sHand-Book, Cooley's Six Thousand Receipts. Buel's Farmer's Instructor, Hunt's Art of Photography. Doyle's Cyclopaedia of Husbandry. Fisher's Photogenic Manipulation, Stephens' Book of the Farm. Snelling's History of Photography, American Agriculturist. (1845-6). Walker's Electrotype Manipulations, Transactions of Agricultural Soc. of Scotland. Sampson's Electrotint, Transactions of Agricul. Soc. of N. Y. State, Spencer's Electrography. Journal of Agriculture. (1845-9). Peckston on Gas Lighting and Apparatus. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society. Cooper's Information on Gas Light. The Cultivator. (1844-9). Clegg's Treatise on Coal Gas- Hoskyns' History of Agriculture, Morfit's Chemistry of Soap and Candles. Monthly Journal of Agriculture. Aanmerkingen, &c. Leleyveld. Quarterly Journal of Agriculture. (1840-2). Davy on the Safety Lamp. Whitley's Geology applied to Agriculture. Bull's Experiments on Fuel and Combustion. Johnston's Agriculture, Chem. and Geology, Dyer and Color-Maker's Companion, Chaptal's Chemistry applied to Agriculture, Practical Treatise on Dyeing and Calico Print. Squarey's Treatise on Agriculture Chemistry, Berthollet's Elements of the Art of Dyeing. Petzholdt's Lect. to Farmers on Agric. Chemis; Thompson's Dyer's Assistant, Boussingault's Rural Econ.; or, Chem. & Agr. Porter's Manufacture of Porcelain and Glass, Liebig's Chemistry applied to Agriculture, Shaw's Chemistry of Glass and Pottery. Davy's Agriculture Chemistry. Pellat's Curiosities of Glass-Making. Petzholdt's Lect. to Farmers on Agric. ChemScoffern's Manufacture of Sugar. Ritchie's Farm Engineer, Papers respecting East India Sugar- Stephens' Manual of Draining. Report on Sugar and Hydrometers. IMorfit's Composition and Action of Manures, Pasley's Observations on Limes and Cements. Johnston's Use of Lime in Agriculture, Vicat's Treatise on Mortars, Cements, &c. Dana's Muck Manual for Farmers, Wright's Treatise on Mortars, Donaldson's Treatise on Manures. Dobson's Manufacture of Brick and Tiles, Steuart's Planter's Guide. Cutbush's System of Pyrotechny. Evans' Sugar Planter's Manual. Pirotechnia. Birinjoccio- Ball's Manufac. and Cultiva. of Tea in China. Treatise on Brewing. Dickson's Cultiva. and Management of Flax, Robinson's Art of Making Wines, Cordials, &c, Smee on the Potatoe Plant, its Uses & Proper, Redding's Hist. and Descrip. of Mod. Wines. — Holland's Hist. & Des. of Fossil Fuel, Col., &c. Allen's Domestic Animals. Taylor's Statistics of Coal. Mudie's Domesticated Animals, Dunn's Winning and Working of Collieries. Low's British Domesticated Animals. Budge's Practical Miner's Guide. Youatt's Breeds, Manag. &c., of Cattle. Mining Review. (1838)- Complete Grazier. Ansted's Gold-Seeker's Manual, Blacklock's Treatise on Sheep, Smee's Electro-Metallurgy. Morell's American Shepherd, Holland's Treatise on Metal Manufactures, Youatt's Breeds, Manag., &c. of Sheep, Overman's Manufacture of Iron. Southey on Colonial Wools. Manufacture of Iron. Youatt on the Pig. Mushat's Papers on Iron and Steel. Berent's American Poulterer's Companion, Johnson's Use of Anthracite in Manu. of Iron, Boswell's Poultry-Yard, Bennett's Poultry-Book, AGRICULTURE. Browne's American Poultry-Yard, American Fowl-Breeder, Low's Practical Elements of Agriculture. Youatt on the Horse; Johnston's Experimental Agriculture. Adventures of a Gent. in Search of a Horse, Course of Experimental Agriculture-Stewart's Stable Economy, Porter's Tropical Agriculture. Uses and Treat. of the Horse, and the Hound Allen's Compend. of American Agriculture. Taylor's Bee-Keeper's Manual, Cleghorn's Treatise on Agriculture-Richardson's Hive of Honey-Bee, United States Farmer. on Agl'Richardson's Hive of Honey-Bee, United States Farmer. ub on Bees, Barclay's Agriculture in U. States & Canada, Wighton's Hist. and Management of Bees, Elements of Agriculture. Bentz and Roville. Mliner's Bee-Keeper's Manual, Beatty's Essay on Practical Agriculture, Kenrick's Amer. Silk Grower's Guide, Thaer's Principles of Agriculture. Dandolo's Art of Rearing Silk Worms,.Johnson's Farmer's Encyclopoedia. Cobb's Manual of Mulberry Tree, Loudon's Encyclopdia o( f Agsriculture. Silk Cult. Man. D'Homergue & Duponceau. Sinclair's Code of Agriculture. Colman's European Agricult. & Rural Econo. HORTICULTURE. " —~- - Agricult & Rural Econ.on Continent. Magzine of Horticulture, 1846-8 Catalogue.] CLA SSIFIED INDEX. 371 Hlorticulture. lmIanufactures. Lindley's Theory of Horticulture, Guest's History of Cotton ManufactureLindley's First Principles of Horticulture, White's Memoir of Samuel Slater. Loudon's Suburban Horticulturist. Baines' Hist. of Gt. Britain Cotton Manufac. The Horticulturist. Downing. Ure's Cotton Manufactures of Great Britain. London's Encyclopaedia of Gardening. Montgomery's Theory & Prac. of Cotton Spin. Johnson's Practical Principles of Gardening, Porter's Treatise on Silk Manufacture, Towers' Gardener's Domestic Manual. Essays on Amer. Silk. D'Homergue & Duponc, Bridgeman's Young Gardener's Assistant. Bischoff's History of Woollen Manufactures. Johnson's Modern Diet. of Gardening, Gilroy's Art of Weaving. Rennie's Alphabet of Gardening, Neill's Flower, Fruit, and Kitchen Garden. DOMESTIC ARTS. Mrs. Loudon's Amateur Gardener's Calendar, Webster's Encyclo. of Domestic Economy. Mrs. Loudon's Gardening for Ladies, Donovan's Domestic Economy, Hand-Book of Gardening, Magazine of Domestic Economy. (1836-9). Loudon's Suburban Gardener. Soyer's Modern Housewife, Forbes' Hor. Tour in Germany, Belgium, &c. English Housewife. Mrs. Loudon's Facts from World of Nature, Miss Leslie's Ladies' Receipt Book, Gardener's Magazine. (1839-43.) Markham's English Housewife, Berneaud's Vine-Dressers' Manual. Parkes' Doestic Duties, Prince's Treatise on Vine and Vineyards. ay's Thoughts on Marriage, Jaques' Management of Fruit Trees, Mrs. Loudon's Ladies' Country Companion, Thomas' Fruit Culturist of Northern States, Cobbett's Cottage Economy. Downing's Fruits and Fruit Trees of America; Guide to Service. (Dairy), Kenrick's American Orchardist.e GHenderson's Housekeeper's Inst. & Fam. Cook. Lindley's Orchard and Kitchen Garden. Kilchiner's Cook's Oracle & Housekeep. Manu, Buist's Family Kitchen Gardener, Hill's Epicure's Almanac, Green's Cultivation of Ornamental Flowers, Ude's The French Cook, Mrs. Loudon's Ladies' Mag. of Gardening. 1itche's Falsification of Food Bridgeman's Florist's Guide, Brand's Process for Preserving Provisions, Ward on Growth of Plants in Glazed Cases. Mrs.Loudon's Ladies' Gar. Orn. Green. Plants- MILITARY ARTS. Sayers' Flower Garden Companion, McIntosh's Greenhouse, Hothouse, & Store, Halleck's Elements of Military Art & Science, Buist's Rose Manual, Aide-Memoire to the Military Sciences. The Flower Garden, Machiavel's Art of War. The Flower Garden, Polycenus' Stratagems of WarBuist's American Flower Garden Directory. Fisher's Straystem of Military WTactics. Hortus Woburnensis. Forbes, Fiser's System of Military Tactics. Repton's Landscape Gardening and Architect. Milar Maximsof Napoleon Buonarte, Downing's Landscape Gardening. Cooper's Militia Tactics and Regulations, Gilpin's Hints on Landscape Gardening. Scott's Infantiy Tactics, Loudon's Arboretum et Fruticetum Britannic. General Regulations of United States Army. Loudon's Encyclopeedia of Trees and Shrubs. Jackson's Formation, Discipli., &c. of Armies. Planting of Trees. Smirke's Battalion of Infantry Reviewed. Woodland GleaningsKingsbury's Treatise on Artillery & Infantry, Evelyn's Sylva; a Discourse of Forest Trees- Text-Book of U. S. Military Acad. Fortification. Text-Book.- - Artillery. MANUACTURES. Darrow's National Militia Standard, tire's Philosophy of Manufactures, Arcularius' School of the Gunner, tgre's Philosophy of Ma Manufactures, Naval Pocket Gunner. Atkinson and Clarke. Bbbage's Economy of Machinery & Manufac, Miles' History of Naval Service of England. Barlow's Manufac. & Machi. of Great Britain-ed States Navy Service Rules for United States Navy Service, Taylor's Silk, Cotton, & Woollen Mnufact, Duckett's Technology and Military Dictionary. History of Silk, Cotton, Linen, Wool, &c, ENCYCLOPADIC. Nicholson's British Encyclopaedia. Encyclopcedia MetropolitanaLondon Encyclopaedia. Encyclopedia BritannicaRees' Cyclopaedia- Encyclopedie des Enfans. Ma'sson. Encyclopedia Americana, Encyclopedie des Sciences. DiderotEncyclopedie des Sciences des Amusemens- Bayle's Historical and Critical Dictionary, Penny Cyclopeedia, by S. D. U. K. (1833-43.) Dictionnaire Historique et Critique. Bayle. 372 CLASS IFIED IND EX. [Merc. Lib. Encyclopaedic. Universal. Wilbur's Lexicon of Useful Knowledge, Youth's Hand-Book of Knowledge, Collier's Hist. Geograph. General Poet. Diet.- Maunder's Scientific and Literary Treasure, Brande's Diet. of Science, Liter. and Arts, Timbs' Arcana of Science and Art, Jameson's Diet. of Mechan., Science, Arts, &c- Hutton's Book of Nature Laid Open, Crabbe's Dictionary of General Knowledge, Lardner's Lectures on Science and Art. McCulloch's Hist. and Des. Diet. Geograph. British Annual of Prog. of Science. (1837-9.) Gregory's Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, Coxe's Emp. of Arts and Sciences. (1812-14.) London Journal of Arts and Sciences. 1820-30. Ar's Masterpiece of Useful and Ing. Secrets, Journal of Science & Art Royal Ins. of Gt. B. Jamieson's Elements of Science and Art. Journal of the Franklin Institute. Gal. of Nature and Art. Polehampton & Good. Mechanic's Magazine. (1823-50.) Smith's Wonders of Nature and Art, American Magazine of Useful Knowledge. Conversations on Nature and Art, Penny Mag., by Soc. Diff. U. K. (1832-43.) Joyce's Introduction to Arts and Sciences, Mechanic's Magazine. (1833-7.)prs Pantology. Mechanic's Magazine. (1833-7.) Park's Pantology. Saturday Magazine. (1835-6.) Raison, Methode pour bien Con. Des CartesDublin Penny Journal. (1833-6.) Bacon's Novum Organum. mnight's Penny Magazine. Coleridge on Method. Tegg. Book of Utility, Cursus Philosophicus. Raben, The Preceptor. Kett's Elements of Knowledge, Student's Cabinet Library, Chambers' Educational Course, IMaunder's Treasury of Knowledge, Platt's Literary and Scientific Class-Book, Dick's Imp. of Soc. by Diffusion of Knowledge. Field's Outlines of Analogical Philosophy. Notes on Various Sciences to assist Memory, Smith's Corespond and iscellanies Macnish's Book of Aphorisms, Weld's History of the Royal Society. Timbs' Knowledge for the People, Grew's Rarities of the Royal SocietyBlair's Universal Preceptor, CONTENTS. Abyssinia. 339 Burlesque. 308 Africa.... 339 Burman Empire.... 340 Agriculture. 370 Calculus.... 357 Algebra.... 357 California.... 346 Algiers....339 Calvinism... 294 Almanacs 325 Canada. 343 America. 342 Canals.347, 369 American Revolution.. 344 Cape of Good Hope. 339 Amusements. 319 Capital Punishment. 299,322 Anatomy.... 364 Carpentry..368 Ancient History.327 Catalogues. 303 Anecdotes 303,307 Catholics....293 Anglo-Saxons. 330 Caucasus.. 337 Anglo-Saxon Language.. 301 Central America.. 342 Annuities. 322 Ceylon. 341 Antiquities. 327, 328, 330-1-2-7-9, 343 Chemistry. 359 Aphorisms... 298,307 Chess... 320 Arabia. 339 China.. 341 Architecture. 368 Chinese Language.. 300 Arctic Voyages... 343 Christ.... 290 Arithmetic. 357 Christian Morals. 291 Arkansas.... 348 Chronology. 327 Asia.. 340 Civil Engineering. 369 Astrology.... 367 Civil Law..321 Astronomy.359 Civilization. 322,327,334 Atlases 326, 328, 341, 345, 347 Collected Works. 308 Australasia.... 341 Colleges. 298 Austria.... 336 Colonization. 299, 321 Azores.... 339 Commentaries. 289 Babylon.....340 Commerce..323 Backgammon. 320 Commercial Law 321 Banking.... 324 Comparative Anatomy 362 Baptism... 294 Composition.. 300 Barbary 339 Conchology 363 Beauty.. 299, 318 Concordance. 289 Bees... 363, 370 Conic Sections.... 357 Bible. 289,293 Connecticut... 347 Biblical Antiquities.. 289 Constitutional Law.. 322 Biblical History.. 290 Continent... 334 Bibliography. 303 Cookery.... 371 Biography.. 348 Copyright. 321 Birds. 363 Correspondence (Personal). 356 Book-binding.. 368 Costume... 327, 330, 341 Book-keeping. 324 Cotton Manufacture...371 Boston 346 Criminal Law... 321 Botany.. 361 Criticism (Literary).. 302, 316 Brazil... 342 Crusades... 329 Bridges.. 369 Currency.... 324 British America.. 343 Dancing. 319 British India. 340 Denmark. 337 Buonaparte. 333, 351 Denominations. 295 ~74 CON T ENT. [Mer. Lib Devotion 290 Geology.....360 Dictionaries 300-1-2 Geometry 357 Domestic Animals 370 Georgia.... 348 Domestic Arts. 371 German Language 301 Drama 314 Germany 336 Draughts..320 Ghosts 367 Drawing. 318 Glass Pottery 370 Druids 330 Government. 320 Dutch Language.. 301 Grammar (Universal) 300 Dyeing.... 370 Great Britain 329 East..... 340 Greece 328, 337 East Indies 340 Grecian Antiquities... 328 Eastern Archipelago,.. 341 Greek.... 300 Eastern Europe 337 Greek Church 295 Ecclesiastical History 290 Greenland 343 Education....297 Gymnastics. 319 Egypt 339 Heat 358 Electricity 359 Hebrew.... 300 Eleemosynary Institutions 322 Heraldry 329 Elocution 300 Herpetology 363 Embryology 362 Hieroglyphics....300 Encyclopoedias 371 Hindooism 340 England 330, 332 Hindostan 340 English Grammar 301 History 327 English Language 301 History of Literature 302 Engraving 319 Holland 337 Entomology 363 Holy Land 338 Episcopacy 293 Homceopathy 365 Essays 305 Horticulture 370 Etching 319 Hospitals 322 Ethics 298 Human Philosophy 296 Ethnology 327 Human Rights 320 Etiquette 298 Hungary 337 Euclid 357 Hunting. 319,370 Europe 334 Hydropathy 365 Evidences of Religion 295 Hygiene 364 Evil.... 296 Iceland....337 Exchange 324 Ichthyology 363 Exegetical Works 289 Illinois 348 Fables..317 India..... 340 Facetie.... 308 Indiana 348 Fencing 319 Indians.... 343 Fiction 261,316 Infidelity. 295 Finance..... 323 Inquisition 293 Fine Arts 318 Insanity. 322, 367 Fishes 363 Insects 363 Fishing. 319 Insurance 321, 322 Florida.....348 International Law 321 Fluxions.... 357 Ireland....332 Fortification 371 Irish Language 301 Fowls 370 Italian Language 302 France 333 Italy.. 335 Free-Masonry 299 Jesuits. 293 French Language 302 Jews 289, 295, 327, 329 French Revolution 333 Kentucky 348 Fruit 371 Knighthood.... 329 Fuel.... 370 Labor 323 Future State... 291,294 Language 300 Gaelic 301 Latin 301 Galvanism 359 Law. 321 Gambling 299 Law Cases 322 Games 319 Letter-Writing 300 Gardening 370 Letters (Literary, &c,) 306 Gas Lighting Apparatus 370 Levant 338 General Literature 302 Levelling 368 Geodesy.368 Light and Colors 358 Geography 326 Light-Houses 369 Catalogue.] CONTENTS. 375 Logic.... 296 North Carolina... 347 London.. 332 Northern Europe. 337 Long Island.... 347 Norway. 337 Louisiana.... 348 Nova Scotia 343 Machinery.... 368 Novels 261, 316 Madagascar. 340 Numismatics.. 327 Magazines.... 304 Odd Fellows.... 299 Magnetism... 359 Ohio..... 348 Maine. 346 Optics....358 Mammals 362 Orations. 306, 321 Manners & Customs 327, 330-2-6-7-8-9, 345 Oregon.. 346 Manufactures. 368, 371 Oriental Languages. 300 Maryland....347 Ornithology. 363 Massachusetts. 346 Pacific Ocean 341 Materia Medica. 365 Painting. 318 Mathematics.... 356 Palestine. 338 Mechanical Arts...368 Pamphlets..179 Mechanics 359 Pantology....368, 372 Medical Jurisprudence..366 Patents. 322 Medicine.... 364 Pathology.... 365 Meditations.. 238 Peace.....299 Mediterranean... 338 Peninsular War. 335 Mensuration... 368 Pennsylvania.... 347 Mental Disorders... 367 Periodicals.... 304 Mental Science....296 Persia.....340 Mesmerism. 367 Perspective.. 318, 357 Metallurgy.... 370 Peru..... 342 Metaphysics.... 296 Philosophy.... 297 Meteorology.... 326 Phonography....300 Mexican War.. 348 Photography.. 370 Mexico.....342 Phrenology....367 Michigan.... 348 Physical Geography.. 326 Middle Ages... 329, 330 Physics, or Natural Science. 358 Military Tactics... 371 Physiology.... 362, 364 Mineralogy.... 361 Physiognomy.... 367 Mining.... 370 Plays.... 315 Miscellany....306 Plumbing....369 Missions... 292 Poems. 309 Mississippi Valley.. 343-5-6 Poetical Works. 313 Missouri... 348 Poetry.... 309 Mnemotechny..298 Poland.. 337 Modern History... 329 Polemic Theology.. 293 Mohammedanism...329 Political Economy...323 Mollusks.... 363 Political Philosophy... 320 Moral Science.... 296 Political Sciences... 320 Mormonism. 295 Political Writings... 321 Mortars and Cements... 370 Politics..320 Mothers.... 298 Polynesia. 341 Music..... 319 Population... 323, 325 Mythology. 327-8, 337-9 Portugal..335 Natural History.. 362 Practice of Medicine.. 365 Natural Philosophy.. 358 Presbyterianism.. 294 Natural Sciences... 358 Printing..... 304 Natural Theology... 295 Prison Discipline.. 322 Naval Architecture... 368 Probabilities.... 357 Navigation....368 Property.... 323 New England... 346 Prophecy....290 New Hampshire.... 346 Public Characters... 349 New Jersey.... 347 Puritans.. 294 New Mexico... 342-6 Quadrupeds... 362 New Testament... 289 Quakers.... 294 New-York....347 Radiata.... 363 Newfoundland... 343 Railroads.... 369 Newspapers.... 305 Real Estate Law... 321 Niger. 339 Reformation... 293 Nineveh.. 340 Religious Miscellany. 292 North America 343 Religious Philosophy., 295 376 CONTENTS. [3Mlerc. Lib. Reptiles.... 363 Systems of Theology.. 293 Reviews... 304 Tariff.....323 Rhetoric... 299 Taste.... 299 Rhode Island....347 Technology....368 Riding.... 319 Telegraph.... 369 Roads.. 369 Temperance.... 299 Rocky Mountains... 346 Texas.... 348 Roman Empire... 328 Textile Manufactures...371 Romanism.... 293 Theology.... 298 Rome... 328, 336 Therapeutics... 365 Russia... 337 Thomsonianism... 361, 365 Schools.....298 Tobacco.. 299 Scotland... 331 Travels... 325, 331-348 Sculpture... 319 Trigonometry...357 Seamanship.. 368 Trinity. 294 Secret Societies.. 299 Turkey.....338 Sermons... 292 Turning.... 368 Shakers.. 294 Typography.... 304 Shakspeariana.. 315 United States.. 344 Shooting.. 319 Universal Biography.. 348 Silk... 370-1 Universal Geography and Travels. 325 Slavery.. 299 Universal History... 327 Social Polity.. 322 Vegetable Physiology.. 362 South America.. 342 " Practice.. 365 South Carolina 347 Ventilation.... 369 South Seas.. 341 Vermont. 346 Spain.. 335 Virginia.... 347 Spanish Language 302 Voyages 325 Speeches... 306,321 Wages.... 323 Sporting. 319,361 Wales.....330 Sports... 319 War.299, 371 Statistics 325 Warming Apparatus 369 Statute Law.. 322 Water Cure.. 365 Steam Engine.. 369 Weaving....371 Stenography.. 300 West.... 345 Sugar. 370 West Indies.... 342 Superstition.. 367 Whist.... 320 Surgery... 366 Wisconsin.... 348 Surveying.. 368 Witches.. 367 Sweden 337 Woman.. 298, 322, 327, 350, 355 Swedenborgianism. 294 Writing.... 300 Swimming... 319 Youth.... 292, 298 Switzerland.. 336 Zoology... 362