IS THE PROPERTY OF THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL IN FOREIGN PARTS, AND MIUST NOT BE REMOVED FROM THE SOCIETY'S HOUSE, 79, Pall Mall, LONDON. CATALOGUE OF THE At Pod 0rk -tate t b0ar O. JANUARY 1, 1850, ALBANY: CHARIXS VAN BENTHUYSEN9 PRINTES 1850.Q The Legislature, by a provision of Law passed at their session of 1849, authorized the publication of a Catalogue of the State Library. All the officers connected with it, have been diligently engaged since May last, in carrying out and completing the required volume, and the result is now presented. While aware of its imperfections, many of which may be hereafter corrected in future Annual Reports, the Trustees still feel a justifiable degree of pride in presenting this evidence of the regard of the State, through its constituted authorities, for the promotion of Science and Literature. The volumes which have been received from the valuable library of the late Chancellor, are designated by the letters C. L. Those obtained by purchase from Mr. Warden, have annexed to them the letters W. C. It would not comport with their feelings, were the Trustees t omit an expression of their obligations, and through them of the State, to M. VATTEMARE, for his unceasing, most devoted and most successful labors to promote the cause of STATE AND INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES, and by means of which the Library has been so much enriched. His full reward is yet to come, and in its maturity, will only reach his descendants. Here, in the bosom of a mighty empire, and throughout the continent, his name will ever be inscribed as one of the earliest and ablest friends and promoters of the diffusion of knowledge. The grave has closed over two others of the truest and most valued friends of the NEw-YORK STATE LIBRARY, one of whom, at least, the Trustees hoped to present with a copy of this Catalogue, as a iv PREFACE. testimony of their heartfelt respect and esteem. But the death of 0. RICHn deprives them of the desired pleasure. It cannot, however, be otherwise than just, to express their gratitude (and indeed, that of their predecessors for many years previous to their entrance on office,) to the kind-hearted and learned American, who, in a foreign land, was one of the most uniform friends and supporters of the Library. When IRVING and PRESCOTT and TICKNOR acknowledge the assistance received in the prosecution of their literary labors, from Mr. Rich, the Trustees may at least be permitted to add their remembrance of his many disinterested services. JONATHAN GooDHUE, the pride and model of the American Merchant, was for nearly a quarter of a century the medium of intercourse between foreign correspondents and the Trustees. iHe ever refused to receive any compensation for his labors-often, doubtless, tedious, and certainly interfering with his accustomed employments. But they were always volunteered, to use his own words, I freely and cheerfully, for the promotion of Science and Learning." His memory is united with the annals of the institution, and the present tribute (all that possibly he might have consented to receive,) is now added to the many which " length of days and an unspotted life " have accumulated on his tomb. It is not among the smallest of the gratifications incident to their arduous and unceasing duties, that the Trustees are enabled to continue their mercantile connexions with the houses of Goodhue & Co., and of O. Rich, in the persons of their sons and partners, March, 1850. O Formerly U. S. Consul at Valencia, in Spain; for many years acting as Agent for the purchase of books for Congress, the New-York State Library, and for numerous societies and individuals, &c. Mr. Rich died in London, January 20, 1850. lRUSTEES OF THE STATE LIBRARY, 1850o The Regents of the University of the State of New-York, are'by law declared ex offcio Trustees of the State Library. HAMILTON FISH, Governor, ex officio. GEORGE W. PATTERSON, Lieut. Governor, ex oficio. CHRISTOPHER MORGAN, Secretary of State, ex officio. JOHN GREIG, DAVID BUEL, GULIAN C. VERPLANCK, LLD., JAMES S. WADSWORTH, GERRIT Y. LANSING, JOHN V. L. PRUYN, JOHN K. PAIGE, JABEZ D. HAMMOND, LL. D., ERASTUS CORNING, JOHN L. O'SULLIVAN, PROSPER M. WETMORE, ROBERT CAMPBELL, JOHN L. GRAHAM, SAMUEL LUCKEY, D. D., JOHN McLEAN, ROBERT G. RANKIN, GIDEON HAWLEY, LL. D., PHILIP S. VAN RENSSELAERc (One Vacancy.)-22. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD. GERRIT Y. LANSING, Chancellor, JOHN GREIG, Vice Chancellor, T. ROMEYN BECK, Secretary. STANDING COMMITTEE ON THE LIBRARY, 1850. MR. PRUYN, Ma. BUEL, THE LIEUT. GOVERNOR, MR. RANKIN, Ma. VAN RENSSELAER. The Secretary of the Regents acts as Secretary of the Library Committee, and conducts the Correspondence on the part of the Trustees. ALFRED B. STREET, Librarian, ELISHA W. SKINNER, Assistant Librarian, JOHN H. HICKCOX, Messenger. CONTENTS'. Pg Law Books,.... 6... e...... e... 9 to 245 Law Books arranged according to their Subjects,.... 247 to 282 Statute Law,, o................ o........ * 282 to 315 State Papers,..............*..... s.... 321 to 365 Classification of Statute Law and State Papers,.... 367 to 376 Law Books, &c.; Supplementary Catalogue,....e 951 to 972 Miscellaneous Books,,.................. 377 to 815 Miscellaneous Books, Classification,.............e, 817 to 908 Olobes, Atlases, Maps, Military Plans, &c.,,.,..o, 909 to 938 Paintings, Engravings, Busts and Medals......... 938 to 950 Donations to the State Library,.............. 973 to 1020 Manuscripts from the office of the Secretary of State, deposited in the State Library,....... 1021 to 1054 Rules and Regulations of the State Library,,..... 1055. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, MAPS, &c. BELONGING TO THE STATE LIBRARY, JANUARY 1, 1850. LAW BOOKS. N. B. All the Books enumerated in this Catalouge, are bound, lnd of Octavo size, unless otherwise mentioned. A. Abbott (Charles) on Shipping. 3d American Edition, by Joseph Story. Exeter, 1822. 1 vol. Abbott (Charles, Ld. Tenterden) on Shipping. 7th London Edition, by William Shee. 1844. 1 vol. Abbott (Charles, Ld. Tenterden) on Shipping: A Treatise of the Law relative to Merchant Ships and Seamen. The 7th English Ed. By William Shee. The 5th American Ed., with Notes of Mr. Justice Story, and additional annotations, by J. C. Perkins. Boston, 1846, 1 vol. Abstract of the Revised Statutes of New-York. Canandaigua, 1830. I vol. Acta Cancellariae. See "Munro," (Cecil). Acton's (Thomas Harman) Reports. Appeals in Prize Causes, from June, 1809, to July, 1811. London, 1811-12. 2 vols. Acts of Sederunt of the Lords of Council and Session. Vol 1, from 1553 to 1810. Vol. 2, 1810 to 1831. 2 vols. folio. Edinburgh, 1790-1831. (C. L) Adam (William) Practical Treatise and Observations on Trial by Jury in Civil Causes. Edinburgh, 1836. 1 vol. (C. L.) Adams (John) A Treatise on the Principles and Practice of the Action of Ejectment, &c.: With notes of Decisions in the [STATE LIBRARY.] 1 10 LAW BOOKS. United States and State Courts, Statutory Provisions, &c. By John L. Tillinghast. Albany, 1830. 1 vol. Adams (John) on Ejectment: A Treatise on the Principles and Practice of the action of Ejectment, and the Resulting Action for Mesne Profits. With Notes, &c., by John L. Tillinghast, and Annotations, &c.,by Thomas W. Clerke: With additional Notes of Decisions in the Courts of the Several United States to the present time, by William Hogan. NewYork, 1846. 1 vol. Adams' (John) Defence of the American Constitution. 3d Ed. Philadelphia, 1797. 3 vol6. Adams (John) Defense des Constitutions Americains. Paris, 1792. 2 vols, (.Warden Library.) Adams' (Nathaniel) See New Hampshire Reports: Addams' (Dr. J.) Reports of Ecclesiastical Courts, from Hil. T. 1822, to Trin. T.,: 1825. London, 1823 - 1825. 2 vols. Addington's (William) Abridgment of Penal Statutes. 2d Ed. London 1783 1 vol. 4to. Addison's (Alexander) Reports. Pennsylvania. From September, 1791, to March, 1799. Washington, 1800. 1 vol. Addison, (Alexander) See 6 "Trill of." Addison (C. G.) on Contracts. A Treatise on the Law of Contracts and Rights and Liabilities ex Contractu. London, 1847. 1 vol. Admiralty Decisions. See " Marriott's (Sir J.) Reports." Admiralty. Rules of Practice of the Courts of the United States, in causes of Admiralty and Maratime Jurisdiction on the Instance side of the Court; in pursuance of the act of 23d of 1842, Chap. 188. New-York, 1847. 1 vol. See;" Rules in U. S. Courts Admiralty." Adolphus (John Leycester) and Ellis' (Thomas Flower) Reports. King's Bench, from E. T., 1834,, to Mich. Fac., 1840-41. London, 1835- 1842. 12 vols. Adolphus (John Leycester) and Ellis' (Thomas Flower) New Reports. Queen's Bench, from Hil. T., 1841, to East Vac. 1848. London, 1843- 1848. 8 vols. [Cited as Q. B.], Adye (Stephen Payne) A Treatise on Courts Martial, &c. Philadelphia, 1779. 1 vol. 18vo. (In exchange.) Adye (S. Payne); A Treatise on Courts Martial. Also an Essay on Military Punishments and Rewards. Sixth Ed. Birkhamsted and Loondon, 1801. 1 vol. 24mo. Aiken's (Asa) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of the State of Vermont, from December, 1825, to March, 1828. Windsor, 1827 - 1828. 2 vols. Aikin's (John G.) Alabama Digest (Statute Law). 2d Ed. Tuscaloosa, 1836. 1 vol. Ainger's (Alfred) Building Act, with Notes and Cases. London, 1836. 1 vol. 12mo. LAw BooK-s. 1 Akber (Emperor) See "Ayeen Akbery." Alabama Reports (Old Series). By Minor (Henry), Stewart (Geo. N.) and Porter (Benjamin F.) From May, 182,- to June, 1839. New-York, Tuscaloosa, 1830 - 1840. 18 vols. Alabama Reports (New Series). By the Judges of the Supreme Court. From 1840 to 1848. Tuscaloosa, 1840- 1848. 13 volS. Ala.uzet (J.) Traite General des Assurances. Paris, 1843 —44. 2 vols. (C. I..). Albermarle (Dutcheess of) See:Reports in Chancery in the reign of Charles I, Charles II, and James II" Alcock (Iohn C.) and Napier's (Joseph) Reports of Cases in the Courts of King's Bench and Exchequer Chamber, in Ireland From: Trin. 7T.; 1831, to Trin. fac., 1833. Dublin, 1834. I vol. Aldridge's (Henry) Courts of Law. A Short Treatise of the History and Antiquities, and Jurisdiction of All the Courts of Law, Equity, Ecclesiastical, Military, University, Copyhold, and Other Courts of Justice. London, 1835. 1 vol. 24mo. Aleyn's (John) Reports, King's Benchl,22 to 24 Car, I. London 1688. 1 vol. fol. Alison's (Archibald) Practice of itlhe Criminalt Law of Scotland. Edinburgh. 1 183. vol Alison's (Archibald) Principles 6f-tthe Criminal: Law of Seotland, Edinburgh, 1832. 1 vol..Alen (John)- OnPrerogative: An:nquiry into the Rise and Growth of the Royal Prerogative in England. London, 1830. 1 vol. Allen (Otis). The Duties and Liabilities of Sheriffs in their various Relations to the Public and to Individuals' as governed by the Principles of the Common Law, and regulated by the Statutes of New-York. Albany and: New-York, 1845. 1 vol. Allen (R.) On Wills. Digest of the whole law relating to: their construction, forms, &c. London, 1841.. 1 vol. oblong. Alen's (Robert)'Town and Country Practice of the Court for the relief of Insolvent Debtors. London, 1839. 1 vol 12mo (C. L.) Alleyne's (John) Legal Degrees of Marriage stated and considered in a series of letters to a friend. 3d Edition. London, 1810* I vol. (C. L.) Allnatt (Charles Blak) On Partition. London, 18,20. 1 vol Allnatt (Charles Blake)- On: Partition. See " Law Library, vol. 5. Ambler's (Charles) Reports of Cases in the High Court of tCancery, with some few in Other Courts 1st Ed. Dublin, 1790. I vol. Ambler's (Charles) Reports. 2nd Ed. By John Elijah Blunt. London, 1828. 2 vols. American Chancery Digest A Digested Index of All the Repor 12 LAw BooKs. ted Decisions in Equity, in the United States Courts and in the Courts of the Several States, by John D. Campbell and Stephen Cambreleng. New-York, 1828. 1 vol. American Chancery Digest. 2d Ed. By Jacob D. Wheeler. NewYork, 1841. 2 vols. American Citizen's Sure Guide. Being a Collection of most important State Papers. Portsmouth, 1804. 1 vol. 12mo. (Warden Library.) American Common Law: A Practical Abridgment of American Common Law Cases, Argued and Determined in the Courts of the Several States, and the United States Courts, from the earliest period to 1833. By J. D. Wheeler. New-York, 1833 to 1836. 8 vols. American Constitutions, (Hogan and Thompson). Philadelphia, 1839. 1 vol. 12mo. American Constitutions. See " Constitutions.? American Digest: A Digested Index of the Reported Decisions of the Several Courts of Law in the United States, by John Anthon, Thomas Day, Thomas J. Wharton, Thomas S. Smith, Francis J. Troubat. New-York and Philadelphia, 1813-1830. 5 vols. American Diplomatic Code. See " Elliot's Diplomatic Code." American Jurist, 1829 - 1843. Boston. 28 vols. American Law Journal, from 1808 to 1817, by John EL. Hall. Philadelphia, 1808 - 1817. 6 vols. American Law Journal (The) Vol. 8. New Series, vol. 1. Conclueluding Pennsylvania Law Journal, vol. 7; and being a continuation of the same. 8 vo. Philadelphia, 1849. American Law Magazine, from April, 1843, to January, 1846. Philadelphia, 6 vols. American Leading Cases. See "Hare and Wallace's American Leading Cases." Amos (A.) and Ferard (J.) on Fixtures: A Treatise on the Law of Fixtures and Other Property partaking both of a Real and Personal Nature, &c. First American Edition, with Notes and References to American Authorities. New-York, 1830. 1 vol. Amos (Andrew), The Great Oyer of Poisoning. Trial of the Earl of Somerset for the poisoning of Sir Thomas Overbury in the Tower of London, &c. London, 1846. 1 vol. Amyot (W. H.) See "Dwarris on Statutes." Anderson (R. B.) Treatise on the duties of Church Wardens. London, 1824. 1 vol. (C. L.) Anderson's (Edmund) Reports, Common Pleas. Parts I and 2^ bound together London, 1664 - 1665. 1 vol. fol. Anderson's (Robert H.) Law and Practice of County Courts, and particularly of the County Court of Yorkshire. YorkI 1830. I vol. 12 mo. (C. L.) LAW Boois. 13:sldrews' (George) Reports, King's Bench, George II. & III. 2d Ed. By George William Vernon. Dublin, 1791. 1 vol. Andrews (Henry Bartlett) on Criminal Law: A Commentary on Bentham on Death Punishment. London, 1833. 1 vol. Angell (Joseph K.) on Adverse Enjoyment: An Inquiry into the Rule of Law which creates a right to an Incorporeal Hereditament, by an Adverse Enjoyment of Twenty Years. Boston, 1827. 1 vol. Angell (Joseph K.) on Assignments: A Practical Summary of the Law of Assignments in Trust for the Benefit of Creditors. Boston, 1835. 1 vol. 12mo. Ailgell (Joseph K) on Tide Waters: A Treatise on the Right of Property in Tide Waters, and in the Soil and Shores thereof. Boston, 1826. 1 vol. Angell (Joseph K.) on Tide Waters A Treatise on the Right of Property in Tide Waters, and in the Soil and Shores thereof. Second Edition: Boston, 1847. 1 vol. Angell (Joseph K.) on Water Courses: A Treatise on the Common Law in Relation to Water Courses. Boston, 1824. 1 vol. Angell (Joseph K.) on Water Courses: A Treatise on the Law of Water Courses; with an Appendix, containing Forms of Declaration, &c. Third Editionm Boston, 1840. 1 vol. Angell (Joseph K.) Treatise on the law of Carriers of Goods and Passengers, by Land and Water. Boston and London, 1849. I vol. Angell (Joseph K.) on Limitations: A treatise on the Limitations of Actions at Law and Suits in Equity and Admiralty; with an Appendix containing the American and English Statutes of Limitations. 2d Ed. Boston, 1846. 1 vol. Angell (Joseph K.) See Law Intelligencer. Angell (Joseph K.) and Ames (Samuel) on Private Corporations Aggregate. Boston, 1832. 1 vol. Angell and Ames on Corporations. 2d Ed. Boston, 1843. 1 vol. Angell (Joseph K.) and Ames (Samuel) on Corporations: A Treatise on the Law of Private Corporations Aggregate. Third Edition, Revised, &c. Boston, 1846, 1 vol. Annalyes Reports. See' Cases Tempore Hardwicke:" By Lee. Annand's (Alexander) Brief Outlines of the Existing System of the Government of India, with a Tabular Statement of Legislative Enactments from 1773 to 1826. London, 1832. 1 vol. 4to. (C. L.) Annesley (Alexander) on Insurances: A Compendium of the Law of Marine Insurances, Bottomry, Insurance on Lives, and of Insurance against Fire. Middletown (Conn.), 1808. 1 vol. 12mo. Anstey's (J.) Pleader's Guide: A Didactic Poem in 2 Parts. 6th Ed. London, 1810. 1 vol. 12mo. Anstey's (T. C.) Guide to the Laws of England affecting Roman Catholics. London, 1842. 1 vol. (C. L.) 14 L-AW BOOKS. Anastey's (Thomas Chisholme) Lectures: Guide to the History of the Laws and Constitutions of England, consisting of Six Lectures delivered at the Colleges of St. Peter; and Paul, Prior Park,:Bath. -London 1845. I vol. Anstruther's (Alexander) Reports, Exchequer. E. T, 32 Geo. III. to Trin. T., 35 Geo. III. 2 vols. in one. Dubl^n, 1796, 1 vol. Anstruther's (Alexander)Reports, Exchequer. -E.:T. 32 Geo. IIIl to Trin. T., 37 Geo. III London, 1796- 1797. 3 vols. Anthon's (John) Nisi Prius: Being Reports of Cases determined at Nisi Prius in the Supreme Court of the State of New-York. New-York, 1820, 1 vol. Anthon (John) and Beebee's (Pierre Ogilvie) Blackstone: An Analytical Abridgment of the Commentaries on the Laws of England. In Four Books. Together with an Analytical Synopsis of each Book. To which is prefixed An Essay on the Study of the Law. By John Anthon. 2d Ed. Philadelphia, 1832. And An Analysis of Mr. Anthon's Abridgment and Synopsis of Sir William Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England, by Pierre Ogilvie Beebee. New-York, 1837. Bound together in 1 vol. Antiquities of the Inns of Court. See Herbert. Appleton (John) See Maine Reports, vol. 19 20. Archbolds:(John Frederick) Civil Pleadings: A Digest of the Law relative to Pleading and Evidence in Actions, Real, Personal and Mixed. New-York, 1824. I vol. Archbold's (John F,) Criminal Pleadings: A Summary of the Law relative to Pleadings and Evidence; in Criminal cases, with Precedents of Indictments, and the Evidence necessary to support them. 2d American, from 3d London Ed. Waterford, (N. Y.), 1830 1 vol. Archbold's (John Frederick) Criminal Pleadings: Archbold's Summary of the Law relating to Pleadings and Evidence in Criminal Cases; with the Statutes, Precedents of Indictments, &c., and the evidence necessary to support them: By John Jervis. Fifth American, from the Tenth London Edition, much Enlarged and Improved. New-York, 1846. 1 vol. Archbold's (J. F.) Forms of Indictment with the Evidence necessary to support them. New-Yorky 1828. 1 vol. Archbold's (J. F.) Practical Forms, in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, in Personal Actions and Ejectment. New-York, 1828. 1 vol. Archbold's (John Frederick) Practice of the Courts of King's Bench in Personal Actions and Ejectment. 2d American Ed. from 2d London Ed. New-York, 1827. 2 vols. Archbold's (J. F.) Practice of CountryAttorneysand their Agents, in the Courts of:Law at Westminster. London1li838. - vol. 12mo. LA.W BooKS. 15 Archbold's (J. F.) Practice of.the Crown-Office of.the Court of Queen's Bench. London, 1844. 1 vol. l2mo. Archbold's (John Frederick) Nisi Prius: The Law of Nisi Prius, Comprising the Declarations and other Pleadings insPersonal Actions, and the evidence necessary to support them. (Vol. 1, 2 )d Ed.) London, 1845. 2 vols. l2mo. Archbold's (John Frederick): Thle.Law of Nisi Prius: Comprising Declarations.and ithier jPleadings in Personal Actions, and the Evidence necessary to spport. them. 2 vols..See "Law Library, vols. 49 anid 50."' Archbold's (John Frederick) Landlord and Tepant: The Laws of Landlord and Tenant, with all.the, requisite forms, including the Pleadings in the several Actions by and against Landlords and Tenants, and the evidence necessary to support. them.:Philadelphia, 1846. 1 vol. Archbold's (John Frederick) Laws of Landlord and Tenant. See "Law Library, vol. 53." Archbold's (J. F.) Law and Practice in Bankruptcy as founded.on the recent Statutes. 10th Ed. Including Statutes and Cases to 7 Vict. By John Flather. London, 1844. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Archbold's (J. F.) Magistrate's Pocket Book, or an epitome of the Duties and Practice of a Justice of the Peace. 2nd Edit. London,1837. 1 vol. (C. L.) Archbold's (J. F.) Act for Abolishing Imprisonment for Debt. London, 1838. 1 vol. -2mo..(C. L.) Archer's (C. P.) Analytical Digest of all the Reported. Cases in the Several Courts of Com. Law inIreland from the' Earliest to the Present Time. London, 1842. Argout (M.) See Beaver's (J.) History of the Origine of the French Laws, "(Preface, I.)" Arkansas. Digest of the Statutes of. See "English Digest." Arkansas Reports: Reports of the Supreme Court of Arkansas. By Albert Pike. January Term, 1837, to July Term, 1844. Little Rock, 1840-1845. 5 vols. Arkansas Reports. See "English's Reports, &c." Arkley's (Patrick) Reports of Cases before the High Court and Circuit Courts of Justiciary in Scotland, during the years 1846-47-.48. Edinburgh,- 1849. 1 vol. Armstrong (John Simpson) and Trevor's (Edward Shirley) Report of the Case of the Queen v. O'Connell and Others. Dublin 1844. 1 vol. Armstrong, (Richard) Macartney (John) and Ogle's (John Craven) Reports of Cases, Civil and Criminal. Argued and Deter-:mined at Nisi Prius and the Commission in Dublin respectively. From Mich. T., (4th Vict.) 1840, to Trin. T., (6th Vict.) 1842. Dublin, 1843. 1 vol. Arnold's (Thomas James) Reports of Cases argued and determined 16 LA W BOOKS. in the Court of Common Pleas, and upon Writs of Error from that Court to the Exchequer Chamber. From Hil. Term, (1st Vict.,) 1838, to Trin. Term, (2d Vict.,) 1839. In 2 vols. (2d vol. imperfect). London, 1840. 2 vols. Arnold (T. J.) and Hodges (W.) Reports of Cases determined in the Bail Court, and the Practice Cases in all the Courts of Common Law. From Mich. Term, 1840, to East Term, 1841. 208 pages. (Imperfect, but all that was ever published.) Arnold (T. J ) and Hodges (W.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Queen's Bench. From Mich. Term, 1840, to East Term, 1841. 320 pages. (Imperfect, but all that was ever published). Arnott's (Hugo) Criminal Trials in Scotland, from 1536 to 1784. Edinburgh, 1785. 1 vol. 4to. Arnould's (Joseph) Treatise on the Law of Marine Insurance and Average. With references to the American Cases. London, 1848. 2 vols. Ashe's (Thos.) General Table to Coke's Reports. London, 1653. 1 vol. 12mo. Ashley's (Henry) Doctrine and Practice of Attachment in the Mayor's Court. London, (2d Ed.) London,.1819. I vol. (C. L.) Ashby v. White and Others. See "Holt (Lord Chief Justice.)" Astor's (John Jacob) claim to lands in Putnam County. Report of the trial before Judges Thompson and Betts, in the Circuit Court of the U S., for the Southern District of New-York. in the case of James Jackson, ex dem. Theodosius Fowler and others, vs. James Carver; involving the claim of John Jacob Astor to lands in Putnam County; with the Arguments of Counsel and the charge of Judge Thompson. By Edward V. Sparhawk, Reporter to the N. Y. American. New-York, 1827. 1 vol. Ashmead's (John W.) Reports of Cases in the Courts of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer, and Orphan's Court of First Judicial District of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1831 -1841. 2 vols. Atcheson's (Nathaniel) Report of a Case (Havelock v. Rockwood) in the King's Bench on the Validity of a Sentence of Condemnation by an Enemy's Consul in a Neutral Port. With an Appendix on Prize Law. London, 1800. 1 vol. Atcheson's (Nathaniel) Report of the Case of Fisher v. Ward. London, 1803. 1 vol. (C. L.) Atcheson's (Nath'l) American Encroachments on British Rights; on the importance of the British North American Colonies, and in late Treaties with the United States. London, 1808. 1 vol. (C. L.) Atherley's (Edmond Gibson) Law of Marriage and Other Family Settlements. London, 1813. 1 vol. LAW BOOIS. 17 Atherley (E. G.) The Same. See "' Law Library, vol. 27." Atherton (William) on the Commencement of Personal Actions and Proceedings therein to Declaration, in the Superior Courts at Westminster. London, 1833. 1 vol. 12mo. Atkinson (George) on Sheriff Law: Containing the New Writs under the New Imprisonment for Debt Bill. Also Interpleader Act, Reform Act, Coroner's Act, &c., with Returns, Bills of Sale, Bonds of Indemnity, &c. &c. &c. London, 1839. 1 vol. Atkinson's (Solomon) Chancery Practice: A Summary of the Practice of the Court of Chancery. Together with Lord Brougham's New Orders, The Orders of Lord Lyndhurst as amended by Lord Brougham, and the two Acts 3 and 4 William IV. Cap. 84 and 94, Respecting the Offices and and Practice of the Court of Chancery. London, 1834. 1 vol. 24mo. Atkinson's (Solomon) Conveyancer's Manual. London, 1830. 1 vol. Atkinson's (Solomon) Practical Points in Conveyancing, from the Manuscripts of Butler, Preston, and Bradley. Lond. 1829, 1 vol. Atkinson (Solomon) on Conveyancing: A Practical Treatise on Conveyancing, Comprising a Digest of the Laws of Real Property. London, 1829. 2 vols. Atkinson (S.) on Marketable Titles. London and Edinburgh, 1833. 1 vol. Atkinson (S.) on Marketable Titles. See "Law Library, vol. 20." Atkinson's (Solomon) Common Forms and Precedents in Conveyancing. With Practical Suggestions. London, 1830. 1 vol. (C. L.) Atkyns' (John Tracy) Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery in the time of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke. 1st American from 3d London Ed. By Francis William Sanders. New-York, 1825 - 1826. 3 vols. Atterbury (M.) See "Kennett's Ecclesiastical Synods." Attorney's Companion (The). Containing the Rules of the Supreme Court, Court of Chancery, and Court of Errors of the State of New-York, Notes of Cases of Practice, and Practical Forms. Poughkeepsie and Philadelphia, 1818. 1 vol. Auchterauder Case. See a Robertson." Austin. See Barron and Austin's Reports. Austin (John) on Jurisprudence: The Province of Jurisprudence Determined. London, 1832. 1 vol. Ayckbourn's (H.) New Chancery Practice and Appendix of Forms. London, 1844. I vol. (C. L.) Ayeen Akbery, or the Institutes of the Emperor Akber. Translated from the Original Persian, by Francis Gladwin. London, 1800. 2 vols. 18 LAw BOOKS. Ayliffe's (John) Canon Law. Parergon Juris Canonici Anglicani or a Commentary by way of supplement to the Canons and Constitutions of the Church of England, not only from the books of the Canon and Civil Law, but likewise from the Statute and Common Law. of this Realm. 2d Edition. London, 1734. 1 vol. fol. Ayliff's (John) Roman Civil Law: A New Pandect of Roman Civil Law, as anciently established in that Empire, and now received and practiced in most European Nations: With a Preliminary Discourse,. touching the Rise; and Progress of the Civil Law. London, 1734. 1 vol. fol. Azuni's (Dominick Albert) Maritime Law of Europe. Translated from the French. New-York,-1806. 2 vols. -B. Babington (Richard.) A Treatise on the Law of Auctions. London, 1826. 1 vol. Babington (Richard) on Auctions. See'Law Library, vol. 19." Babington (Richard.) A Treatise on the Law of Set-off and Mutual Credit. London, 1827. 1 vol. Babington (Richard) on Set-off. See "Law Library, vol. 6." Backus' (Joseph) Sheriff: A Digest of Laws relating to the Offices and Duties of Sheriff, Coroner and Constable. New-York, 1812. 2 vols. Bacon (D.) See New-York Judicial Repository. Bacon's (Francis) Law Tracts. 2d Ed. In the Savoy, 1741. 1 vol. (C.L.) Bacon's (Francis) Reading upon the Statute of Uses. A new Ed., by W. H. Rowe. London, 1804. 1 vol. (C. L.) Bacon's (Mattlew) Abridgment: A New Abridgment of the Law, with Additions by Henry Gwillim. 1st American from 6th London Ed. With the Addition of the Later English, and the American Decisions. By Bird Wilson. Philadelphia, &c. &c. 1811. 7vols. Bacon's (Mathew) Abridgment of the Law. By Matthew Bacon, Esq. With Large Additions and Corrections, by Sir Henry Gwylliml, and Charles Edward Dodd, Esq., and with the Notes and References made to the edition published in 1809, by Bird Wilson, Esq. To which are added Notes and References to American Law and Decisions by John Bouvier. Philadelphia, 1842-1846. 10 vols. Bacon (Matthew) on Leases and Terms for years. London, 1798. 1 vol. Bacon (Nathaniel) See "Selden's (John) Political and Historical Discourse." B~gley's (William) Practice at Chambers, of the Judges of the Courts of Common Law in Civil Actions. London, 1834. 1 vol. 24mo. LAW BOOKS. 19 Bagley's (William) Practice at Chambers, See " Law Library, volo 15." Bagley's (William) New Practice of the Courts at Law at Westminster: With Forms embodied in the Text. London, 1840. I vol. Bailey's (Henry) Equity Reports: Cases in Equity, in the Court of Appeals of South Carolina, from January, 1830, to April, 1831. Charleston, 1841. 1 vol. Bailey's. (H.) Reports of Cases in the Court of Appeals of South Carolina, from May, 1828, to January, 1832. Charleston, 1833 -1834. 2 vols. Baillie's (N. B. E.) Moohammudan Law of Inheritance according to Aboo Huneefa, and his followers, with an Appendix of Original Aut. Calcutta, 1832, 1 vol. (C. L.) Bainbridge's (William) Practical Treatise on the Law of Mines and Minerals. London, 1841. 1 vol. (C. L) Baird's (Thos.) Treatise on the Law of Scotland relative to Mass ter and Servant and Master and Apprentice. London, 1840. I vol. Baldwin (C. N.) Trial. See "; Lottery investigation." Baldwin's (Henry) Reports of Cases Determined in the Circuit Court of the United States, in and for the 3d Circuit. From October Term, 1828, to April Term, 1833. Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, 1837. 1 vol. Ball (Thomas) and Beatty's (Francis) Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland; Manners, Ld. Chancellor. JMich. Vac., 1807, to Trin. Vac. 1811. 2d Ed. London & Dublin, 1823. 2 vols. Ball (Thomas) and Beatty (Francis) Reports. 1st American from last London Ed. 2 vols. in one. Philadelphia, 1839. 1 vol. Ballantine (William) on the Statute of Limitations (21 Jac. I. c, 16.) New-York, 1812. 1 vol. Ballantine (William) A Treatise on the Statute of Limitations, &c. with Notes of American Decisions and Summary of the Statutes of Limitations of various States, &c..By John L. Tillinghast. Albany, 1829. 1 vol. Bank of Maryland Conspiracy, as developed in the Report of the Creditors, by Thomas Ellicott, Trustee of said Bank. Philadelphia, 1839. 1 vol. Bannister (S.) See Sir 0. -Bridgman's Reports. Banks, (Sir Thomas C.) See " Lord Stirling Peerage Case." Bankrupt Rules and Law of 1841. Albany, 1842. 2 copies. 2 vols. Barbour's (Oliver L.) Chancery Practice, Albany and New-York, 1843. 2 vols. Barbour's (Oliver L;) Treatise on the CriminalLaw. Albany, 1841. -1 vol. Barbour (Oliver L.) on Set-Off: A Treatise on the Law of Set-Off, with an Appendix of Precedents. Albany & New-York, I vol. I841, 20 LAW B3oo0 s. Barbour (Oliver L.) and Harrington's (E. B.) Digest. See cEquin ty Digest, Barbour and Harrington." Barbour's (Oliver L.) Reports of cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Chancery of the State of New-York. From August, 1845, to June, 1848. 3 vols. New-York, 1847-49. (2 copies). 6 vols. Barbour's (Oliver L.) Reports of Cases in Law and Equity, in the Supreme Court of the State of New-York. From Sept., 1847, to August, 1848. 3 vols. Albany and New-York, 1848 -9. Two copies. 6 vols. Barclay's (Hugh) Act of Sederunt relative to the form of process in Civil Causes before the Sheriff Courts of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1830. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Barclay's (Hugh) Notes on the Law and Practice relative to Applications against Debtors. Edinburgh, 1832. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) See " Barclay's Act of Siderunt." Barnardiston's (Thomas) Chancery Reports. Cases Determined in the High Court of Chancery, from April 25, 1740, to May 9, 1741. London, 1742. 1 vol. fol. Barnardiston's (Thomas) Reports of Cases in the Court of King's Bench. Together with some Other Cases. Trin. T., 12 Geo, 1. (1726), to Trin. T., 7 Geo. II. (1744). London, 1744. 2 vols. fol. Barnes (Alexander) See Neutral Trade." Barnes' (Ralph) Equity Practice; and Law of Real Property. London, 1827. 1 vol. Barnes' (Henry) Notes of Cases and Points of Practice: Taken in the Court of Common Pleas at Westminister. From Mich. T., 1732, to Hil. T., 1754. London, 1754. 2 vols. Barnewell (Richard Vaughan) and Alderson's (Edward Hall) Reports of Cases in the Court of King's Bench. Mich. T., 58 Geo. III. (1817), to Trin. T., 3 Geo. IV. (1822). Vols. 1, 2, 3 and 4. Boston, 1820; and vol. 5. London, 1822. 5 vols. Barnewell (Richard Vaughan) and Adolphus' (John Leycester) Reports of Cases in the Court of King's Bench. From Trin, T, 1830, to Hil. T., 1834. London, 1831-35. 5 vols. Barnewell (Richard Vaughan) and Creswell's (Creswell) Reports of Cases in the Court of King's Bench. From JMich. T., 1822, to E. T., 1830. London, 1823 - 1832. 10 vols. Barnham's Law Questions. 4th Ed. By Edward Ings. London, 1840. 1 vol. 12mo. Baron and Feme. A Treatise of Law and Equity concerning Husbands and Wives. 3d Ed. In the Savoy. 1738. 1 vol, (C. L.) Barr (Robert M.) See Pennsylvania State Reports. Barrington (Daines) on Statutes: Observations on the Statutes, chiefly the more Ancient, from Magna Charta to 21st James the First. Chapter 27. Dublin, 1767, 1 vol. LAw B ooK S. 21 Barron (Arthur) and Arnold's (T. J.) Reports of Cases of Controverted Elections in the 14th Parliament, and of Cases upon Appeal from the decisions of the Revising Barristers in the Court of Common Pleas, from Mich. Term 1843 to East Term 1846, Inclusive. London, 1846. 1 vol. (C. L.) Barron (Arthur) and Austin's (Alfred) Reports of Cases of Controverted Elections in the 14th Parliament of the United Kingdoms. London, 1844. 1 vol. (C. L.) Barron's (Commodore James) Trial: Proceedings of the General Court Martial, Convened for the Trial of Commodore James Barron, Captain Charles Gordon. Mr. William Hook, and Captain John Hall of the United States ship Chesapeake in the month of January, 1808. Published by order of the Navy Department, (Printed by Jacob Gideon, Junior, 1822.) 1 vol. Barry (M. J.) J. Keogh's (Wm.) Treatise on the practice of the High Court of Chancery in Ireland. Dublin, 1840 -42. 2 vols. (C. L.) Bartons's (Charles Jr.) Practical Points, or Maxims in Conveyancing: Being Selections from the Manuscripts of Mr. Butler, Mr. Preston and Others. London, 1831. 1 vol. Barton (Charles) An Historical Treatise of a Suit in Equity, in which is attempted a Scientific Deduction of the Proceedings used on the Equity Sides of the Courts of Chancery and Exchequer, from the Commencement of the Suit to the Decree, and Appeal. London, 1796. 1 vol. Barton (Charles) Elements of Conveyancing: To which are prefixed, An Essay on the Rise, Progress and Present State of that Science; and Remarks on its Study and Practice. London, 1802-1805. 6 vols. Bateman's (Joseph) Law of Excise, being a collection of all the existing Statutes relating to the Revenue of Excise. London, 1843. 1 vol. (C. L.) Bathe (Earl of) See "Reports in Chancery, in the reign of Charles I, Charles, II and James II." Battur (G. B.) Traite des privileges et hypotheques. Deuxieme Ed. Paris, 1824. 4 vols. (C. L.) Battur (G. B.) Traite de la Communuate de biens entre eponx. Paris, 1830. 2 vols. (C. L.) Batty's (Espine) Reports of Cases in the Court of King's Bench, Ireland Mich. T., 1825, to Mich T., 1826. Dublin, 1828. 1 vol. Bay's (Elihu Hall) Reports of Cases in the Superior Courts of Law of South Carolina. From 1783 to 1804. 2d Ed. New-York, 1809-1811. 2 vols. Bayard (James) on the Constitution. A brief Exposition of the Constitution of the United States, with the Declaration of Independence, and the Articles of Confederation. Philadelphia, 1834. 1 vol. 12mo. LAW BOOKs. Bayard's (Samuel)' Abstract of those Laws of the United States, which relate chiefly to the Duties and Authority of the Judges of the Inferior State Courts, and the Justices of the Peace throughout the Union. New-York, 1804. 1 vol. Bayley (Sir John) on Bills of Exchange, Cash Bills and Promissory Notes. 1st American from 4tlh London Ed. with Notes, &c. By Willard Philips and- Samuel E. Sewell. Boston, 1826. 1 vol. Baylies' (Nicholas) Digested Index to the Modern Reports of the Courts of Common Law in England and the United States. Montpelier (Vt.), 1814.: 3 vols. Bayly's (John B.) Commentaries on the Laws of England, in the order and compiled from the Text of Blackstone. London, 1840. lvol. (C.L.) Beale (Robert) See " Trial of Commodore Porter." Beames' (John) Glanville: Translation of Glanville, with Notes. London, 1812. 1 vol. Beames' (John) Ne Exeat: A Brief View of the Writ of JVe Exeat Regno, with Practical Remarks upon it as an Equitable Process. 1st American Ed., with Notes, &c. By H. W. Warner. New-York, 1821. 1 vol. Beames' (John) Pleas in Equity. 1st American Ed. with Notes, &c. By William Halsted, Jun. New-York, 1824. 1 vol. Beames' (John)- on Costs, in Equity. 2d Ed. London & Dublin, 1840. 1 vol. Beames' (John.) The Same. See "Law Library, vol. 22." Beames' (Jno.) Orders in the High Court of Chancery. London, 1815. 1 vol. (C. L.) Beasley'S (T. J.) General Precedents for the Master's Office. Dublin, 1843. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Beasley's (T. J.) Synopsis of Proceedings in the Master's Office. Dublin, 1837. vol. 1. 1 vol. (C. L.) Beatty's (Francis) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Higl Court of Chancery, in Ireland, during the time of Lord Chancellor Hart; with a few in the time of Lord Chancellor Manners. Dublin, 1847. 1 vol. Beaumont (Geo.) Inquiry into the origin of Copyhold: Tenure. Dublin, 1835. 1 vol. (C. L.) Beaumont, (G. D. B.) on the Code of Real Property. See " Essays on Codification." Beaumont's (George) Law of Fire and Life Insurance. London. 1833. 1 vol. Beavan (Chas.) Reports of Cases in Chancery Argued and Determined in the Rolls Court. Temp. Lord Langdale. 8 vols. 1838 -46. London, 1840-47. Beavan's (Chas.) General' Orders in. the High Court of Chancery from 1814 to the present time. London, 1842. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Beaver's (John) History of the Roman or Civil' Law: its Origin LAW BOOKS. 23 and Progress; how and when the several Parts of it were first compiled, with some Accotmnt of the Principal Writers and Commentators thereupon. Written originally in French, by M. Claude Joseph de Ferriere. To which is added, Dr. Duck's Treatise of the Use and Authority of the Civil Law in England. Translated into English by J. B., Esq. London, 1724. 1 vol. 16tio. Beaver's (John) Histbry of the Origine' of the French Laws. Translated from the French [of Monsieur Argout,] by J. B. Esq.; With a Preface and Notes, showing The Analogy of the Laws of the Ancient- Gauls and' Britons. London) 1724. 1 vol. 16mo. Beawes' (Wyndham) Lex Mercatoria. 6th Ed. By Joseph Chitty. London, 1813. 2 vols 4to. Beccaria s Essay on Crimes and Punishments. Translated for the Italian. With a Commentary attributed to Mons. De Voltaire. Translated from the French. London, 1767. 1 vol. (C. L.) Beccaria, (Caesar Bonesana, Marquis) on Crimes and Punishments: With a Commentary by M. D. Voltaire. 2d American Ed. By Edward- D. Ingralam. Philadelphia, 1819. 1 vol. Becks (Theodric Romeyn) Medical Jurispradence. 1st Ed. Albany, 1823. 2 vols. Beck's (T. Romeyn,) Elements of Medical Jurisprudence, 3d Ed: by John Darwall M. D. London, 1829. 1 vol. (C. L.) Beck's (Theodric Romeyn, and John B.) Medical Jurisprudence. 5th Ed. Albany, New-York & Philadelphia, 1835. 2 vols. Beck's (Theodric Romeyri and John B.) Medical Jurisprudence. 5th Ed., with Notes of Dr. Dunlop and Dr. Darwell. London, 1836. 1 vol. Beck's (T. Romeyn and John B.) Elements of Medi-cal Jurisprudence. 7ti Ed: London, 1842. 1 vol. Beck's (John B.) Medical RBesearches. 2d Ed. New-Tork. 1835. 1 vol. Beckwith (I. and H. M.) See Blount. Bees (Thomas) Reports of Cases in the District Court of the United States, for South Carolina. With an Appendix, containing Decisions in the Admiralty Court of Pennsylvania, by the late Francis Hopkinson, Esq. And Cases determined in Otlher Districts of the Unitedd States. Philadelphia, 1810. I vol. Beldam's (Jos.) Summary of the Laws peculiarly affecting Protestant Dissenters. London, 1827. 1 vol. (C. L.) Bei3fs (George Joseph) Comhimeitaries on the Laws of Scotland and on the Principles of Mercantile Jurisprudence. 5th Ed. Edinburgh & Londont, 1826. 2 vols. 4to. Bell (George Joseph) on Contract of Sale: Inquiries into the Contract of Sale of Goods and' Merchandise, As Recognized in 24 LAW BOOKS. the Judicial Decisions and Mercantile Practice of Modern Nations. See "Law Library, vol. 50." Bell's (George Joseph) Principles of the Lawv of Scotland. 4th Edition. Edinburgh, 1839. 1 vol. Bell's (George J.) Illustrations from adjudged cases of the Principles ofthelawofScotland. Edinburgh, 1838. 3vols. (C.L.) Bell's (Henry N.)Huntingdon Peerage, comprising a detailed account of the evidence and proceedings connected with the recent restoration of the Earldom, &c. London, 1820. 1 vol. 4to. (C. L.) Bell's (John) Treatise on the Game Laws including all the Statutes connected therewith, and the law and practice of Appeals against charges by Surveyors of Taxes. London, 1839. 1 vol. (C. L.) Bell's (Robert) Treatise on Leases explaining the nature, form and effect of the contract of Lease, and the legal rights of the parties. Edinburgh, 1825. 2 vols. (C. L.) Bell's (Robert) Law Dictionary. Scotland. 3d Ed. Edited by William Bell. Edinburgh, 1826. 2 vols. Bell (Robert) Report of a Case of Legitimacy, under a putative Marriage Tried before the Court of Sessions. 1811. Edinburgh, 1825. 1 vol. Bell (Sydney S.) The law of property as arising from the relation of Husband and Wife. 8vo. London, 1849. Bell's (Sydney S.) Cases decided in the House of Lords on Appeal from the Courts of Scotland. from 4 & 5 Vict. 1842, to 8 & 9 Vict. 1846. Edinburgh, 1843-4. 4 vols. in 3. (C. L.) Bellendeni (Gulielmi) Magistri Supplicum Libellorum Augusti Regis Magnae Britanniue, &c. De Statu, Libri Tres. Editio Secunda, &c. Londini, 1787. 1 vol. Bellewe's Cases Henry 8th. See Brooke. Bellewe's (Rich.) Cases in the time of Richard the 2d. 1585. London (no date) 1 vol. 16mo. (C. L,) Bellot (M.) Commentaire Sur L'Arbitrage, Volontaire et force. La Reole. 1838. 3 vols. (C. L.) Bellot (M.) Traite du Contract de Marriage. Paris, 1838. 4 vols. (C. L) Belt (Robert) See Vesey's Chancery Report. Supplement. Beltz's (George F.) Review of the Chandos Peerage Case adjudicated 1803, and of the pretensions of Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges to designate himself per leg.m terrae Baron Chandos of Sudeley. London, 1834. 1 vol. (C. L.) Bendloe's (Guelielme) Reports des divers R6solutions & Judgments Temp. Hen. VIII. Edw. VI. Phil.;.Mlar. et Elizab. Jaques & Charles I. London, 1661. 1 vol. fol. Benecke (William) on Indemnity in Marine Insurance, Bottomry, and Respondentia, &c. London, 1824. 1 vol. Benecke (William.) See " Stevens and Benecke on Average, &c.9 (427) L A BO OK S. 25 Benedlic',s (J. ) Treatise: Containing a Summary of the Jurisdiction, Powers, and Duties of Justices of the Peace in the State of New-York. Utica, N. Y., 1846. 1 vol. Benediti's (J.) Treatise; Containing a Summary of the Jurisdiction, Powers and Duties of Justices of the Peace, in the State of New-York, with An Appendix, containing the New Constitution of the State of New-York. Second Edition. Auburn, N. Y., 1847. 1 vol. Benjamin (J. P.) and Slidell's (T.) Digest of Reported Decisions of the Superior Court of the Late Territory of Orleans, and the Supreme Court of the State of Louisiana. Revised and. Enlarged. By Thomas Slidell. New-Orleans, 1840. 1 vol. Benloe's (Gulielme and Dalison's (Gulielme) Reports, Temp. Hen. VII. Hen. VIII. Edo. VI. Mar. i.Eliz. London, 1689. 1 vol. fol. Bennet's (W. IT.) Master's Office in the Court of Chancery. See' Law Library, vol. 37." Bennett (E. H.) See " Bingham's Law of Infancy and Coverture." Bentham's (Jeremy) Treatise on Judicial Evidence. London, 1825. 1 vol. Bentham (Jeremy) On Codification and Public Instruction, &c. London, 1817. 1 vol. Bentham (Jeremy) On Government, or, A Comment on the Commentaries, &c. 2d Ed. Enlarged. London, 1823. 1 vol. Bentham (Jeremy) Th6orie des Peines et des Recompenses. Ouvrage extrait des Manuscrits de M. Jeremie Bentham, Jurisconsulte Anglais. Par Et. Dumont. Seconde Edition. A Paris, et a Londres. 1818. 2 vols. Bentham's (Jeremy) Introduction to the principles of Morals and Legislation. London, 1823. 2 vols. (C. L.) Bentham's (Jeremy) Fragments on Government being an examination of what is delivered on the Subject of Government in General in the Introduction to Blackstone's Commentaries. London, 1776. 1 vol. (C. L.) Bentham (Jeremy) Traite de Legislation Civile et Penale; Ouvrage extrait des Manuscrit de M. Jeremie Bentham. Par Et. Dumont, &c. 2nde Edit. Paris., 1820. 3 vols. Bentham (Jeremy) Rationale of Judicial Evidence Specially applied to English Practice. London, 1827. 5 vols. (C. L.) Bentham (Jeremy) Elements of the Art of Packing as applied to Special Juries, particularly in the' cases of Libel Law. London, 1821. 1 vol. (C. L.) Berryer's (M) Lecons et Modeles D'Eloquence Judiciare par. Edition Illustre. Paris, 1838. 1 vol Large 8vo. Best's (William M.) Right to Begin, and Right to Peply, in Trials by Jury, and in Appeals at Quarter Sessions. Londdn, 1837. 1 vol. [STATE LIBRARY.I 2 26 LAW BOOKS. Best (W. M.) On Presumptions of Law and Fact. With the Theory and Rules of Presumptive or Circumstantial Proof in Criminal Cases. London & Dublin, 1844. 1 vol. Best (W. M.) On Presumptions of Law and Fact. See "Law Library, vol. 47." Betham's (Sir William) Dignities, Feudal and Parliamentary. And the Constitutional Legislature of the United Kingdom. London, 1830. 1 vol. (C. L.) Betts' (Samuel R.) Admiralty Practice, in the Courts of the United States, for the Southern District of New-York. NewYork, 1838. 1 vol. Beveridge's (Thomas) Treatise on the History, Constitution and Forms of Process of the Bill Chamber, from 1532 to the present time. Edinburgh, 1828. 1 vol. (C. L.) Bevill (Robert) On Homicide, and on Larceny at Common Law. London, 1799. 1 vol. Bibb's (George M.) Reports of Cases in the Court of Appeals of Kentucky. From Fall Term, 1808, to Spring Term, 1817. Franfort, 1815 - 1817. 4 vols. Bicheno's (J. E.) Observations on the Philosophy of Criminal Jurisprudence. London, 1819. 1 vol. (C. L.) Biddle (Clement C.) See " Montefiore's (Joshua) Precedents." Bigelow (George T.) and Bemis (George) See " Trial of Abner Rogers." Bigelow's (Lewis) Digest of Reports of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. From Sept. 1804, to Nov. 1815. (lst Edition). Cambridge, 1818. 1 vol. Bigelow's (Lewis) Digest of Reports of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. From Sept. 1804, to Oct. 1823. 2d Ed. Boston, 1825 1 vol. Bigelow's (Lewis) Supplement: A Digest of Pickering's Reports, Volumes II - VII (From Oct. 1823, to March, 1829). Being a Supplement to the Digest of the Previous Volumes of the Massachusetts Reports. Boston, 1830. 1 vol. Billing (R. A.) See " Yeo & Billing's Exchequer Practice." (C. L.) Billing's (Sidney) Laws relating to Pews in Churches. London, 1845. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Billing's (Sidney) and Prince's (Alexander) Law and Practice of Patents and Registration of Designs. London, 1845. 1 vol. Billing (Sidney) on Awards: A Practical Treatise on the Law of Awards and Arbitrations, with Forms of Pleadings, Submissions and Awards London, 1845. 1 vol. Billing (Sidney) on Awards, See " Law Library, vol. 51." Billinghurst. See " Mysteries of Clerkship." Bingham's (Peregrine) A Digest of the Law of Landlord and Tenant. With an Appendix of Precedents. London, 1820. 1 vol. LAw BooKxs 27 Binghanis (Peregrine) New Cases in the Court of Common Pleas and Other Courts: Trin T., 1834, to Mich T., 1840. London, 1835- 1841. 6 vols. I Cited as "New Cases."] Bingham's (Peregrine) Reports of Cases in the Court of Common Pleas and other Courts. Trin. T., 1822, to B. T., 1834. London, 1824-1834. 10 vols. Bingham (Peregrine) On Infancy and Coverture, (1st American from Last London Edition, with Notes and References to American Decisions). Exeter, 1824. 1 voL Bingham's (Peregrine) Law of Infancy and Coverture. 2d American fiom the last London Edition, with notes and references to English and American Cases, by E. H. Bennett. Albany. 1849. 1 vol. Bingham (Peregrine) On Judgments and Executions.: Including the Extents at the Suit of the Crown. London, 1.815. 1 vol. Bingham (Peregrine) on Judgments and Executions. See " Law Library, vol. 13." Binns' (John) Justice. Digest of the Laws and Judicial Decisions of Pennsylvania touching the Authority and Duties of Justices of the Peace, &c. Philadelphia, 1840. 1 vol. (C. L.) Binney's (Horace) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. From the Year 1799, to the Year 1814. Philadelphia, 1809 - 1815. 6 vols. Bird's (G.) Scrivener and Conveyancer. London., 1729. 1 vol. fol. Bird's (James Barry) Precedents: Original Precedents of Settlemnents. Drawn by the most Distingushed Conveyancers of the Present Day, and now First Published. London, 1800. 1 vol. Bird's (James B.) Selections from the Laws of England. In 2 vols. VOL. I contahingl 1st. The Laws respecting Landlords and Tenants, 2d. The Laws respecting Wills and Testaments. 3d. The Laws respecting Parish Matters. 4th. The Laws respecting Masters and Servants. VOL. 2. containing, 1st. The Laws respecting Titles. 2d. The Laws respecting Commons and Commoners. 3d. The Laws respecting Highways & Turnpike roads. 4th. The Laws respecting Travellers & Travelling. London, 1817-1833. 2 vols. (C. L.) Biret (M.) Trait6 du Contract de Marriage. Paris, 1825. 1 vol. (C. L.) Biret's (M.) Applications au Code Civil des Institutes de Justinien et des Cinquante Livres du Digeste. Paris, 1824. 2 vols. (C. L.) Birtwhistle v. Vardill. See "Moylan." Bischoff s (James) Marine Insurances. Their rise, progress and decline. 2d Ed London, 1836. 1 vol. (C. L.) Bissett (Andrew). Practical Treatise on the Law of Estates for Life. London, 1842. 1 vol. Bissett (Andrew) On Estates for life. See "Law Library, vol. 42." 28 LAw Bo OKSo. Bissett.'s (Andrew) reatise raical Treatise on the law of. tnersi-lip, including the La, rtelating to Joint-Stock Companies: Witih Notes of American Cases. See New Law Library, vol. 9' B-a kburn (John) on Contract of Sale: A Treatise of the Effect of tie Contract of Sale, on the Legal Rights of Property and Possession in Goods, Wares, and' Merchandize. Ldondo 1845 1 vol Blackburn's (Colin) Treatise on the effect of the Contract of Sale. See "New Law Library, vol 10." Blackburn (Colin) A Treatise on the effect of the Contract of Sale, See "Law Library, vol. 57." Blackford's (Isaac) -Reports of the Supreme Court of Indiana:. From May Term, 1817, to May Term, 1845. Indianapolis' 1830 - 1847. 7 vols. Blackstone's (Henry) Reports, Common Pleas, and Exchequer Chamber, E. T. 1788, to Hil. T. 1796. Philadelphia, 1808, 1809. 2 vols. Blackstone's (Sir William) Commentaries on the Laws of England. With Notes and Additions. By Edward Christian. Boston. 1818. 4 vols. Blackstone's (Sir William) Commen'taries, By Henry John Stephen. "See Stephen." Blackstone's (Sir William) Law of Real and Personal Property,. By James Stewart. 2d, Ed. London, 1840. 1 vol. Blackstone's (Sir William) Law Tracts. Containing, 1. An Essay on Collateral Consanguinity, its Limits, Extent, and Duration. II. Considerations on the Question whether Tenants by Copy of Court Roll, according to the Custom of the Manor, Though not at the Will of the Lord, are Freeholders Qualified to Vote in Elections for Knights of the Shire. III. The Law of Descents in Fee Simple.. IV. The Great Charter and Charter of the Forest, with Other Authentic Instruments: To which is prefixed an Introductory Discourse, Containing an History of the Charter. Dublin. 1767. 1 vol. Blackstone's (William) Reports of the Several Courts of Westminster Hall, 1746-1749. Dublin, 1786, 2 vols. Blackstone (William) See Letters to Blackstone. Blackstone's (Sir William.) Commentaries. See "Bayly, Chitty, Curry, Tucker and Wendells Blackstone Blair's (William) Inquiry into'the State of Slavery amongst the Romnans from the Earliest Period till the establishment of' the Lombards in Italy. Edinburgh, 1833. 1 vol. 121mo. (C. L.) Blair's (William) Scottish Justice's Manual: being an Alphabetical Compendium of the Powers and Duties of Justices of the Peace within Scotland. Edinburgh, 1834. 1 vol. (C. L.) Blake's (D. T.) Chancery Practice- An Historical Treatise of the LA o OIS. 29 Practice of the Court of Chancery of the State of NewYork: Containing All the Proceedings of a Suit, as well in the Court of Chancery as in the Court for the Trial of Impeachrments and Correction of Errors. New-York, 1818. 1 vol, Bland's (Theodorick) Chancery Reports: Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland. Baltimore, 1836 -1841. 3 vols. Blanding (A.) See " Carolina Law Journal". Blanshard (William) on Limitations (Statutes of). London, 1826. 1 vol. Blanshard (William) on Limitations. See 1" Law Library, vol. 1." Blaxland's (Geo.) Digest of the principles of English Law. London, 1839. 1 vol. (C. L.) Blayney's (Frederick) Life Assurance (Practical Treatise on). London, 1826. 1 vol. Blights (Richard) Parliamentary Reports: Cases in the House of Lords, 1819 to 1821. London, 1823-1827. 3 vols. Blights (Richard) New Parliamentary Reports: Cases in the House of Lords, 1827-1836. London, 1829-1838. 10 vols. Blount's (Thos.) Fragmnenta Antiquitatis, or Ancient Tenures of land. Englarged and corrected by Josiah Beckwith, with considerable additions by IH. M. Beckwith. London, 1815. I vol. 4to. (C. L.) Blunt's (John Elijah) Legal History of the Jews in England. London, 1830. 1 vol. Blunt's (Joseph) Commercial Digest: The Shipmaster's Assistant and Commercial Digest: Containing Information useful to Merchants, Owners, and Masters of Ships. Together with;the Tariff for 1832. New-York, 1837. 1 vol. Blunt's (Joseph) Commercial Digest: The Shipmaster's Assistant, and Commercial Digest: Containing Information necessary for Merchants, Owners and Masters of ships With an Appendix, containing the Treaty between China and the United States, and the Tariff, imposed by the act of Congress of 30th August, 1842. 3d edition. New-York, 1846. I vol. Blunt's (Joseph) Commercial Digest. The Shipmaster's Assistant and Commercial Digest, containing information necssary for Merchants, Owners and Masters of Ships. 4th Edition, New-York, 1848. Blyd.enburgh (J. W.) on Usury. New-York, 1844. 1 vol. Boehmeri (Joannes Samuel Fredericus De) Meditationes in Constitutionemi Criminalem Carolinam. 1-al e Magdeburgics 1774. 1 vol. 4to. Boeyss (Thymon) Woorden-Tolk, of Verklaring der Voornaamste onduitsche en andere Woorden, in de hedendaagsche en aloude Retchtspleginge voorkoomende,;mitsgaders Korte Schets van den oorsp.ronk en he.t Departement der Hoven 30 LAW BooKS, van Justitie en andere Voornaame Staats Collegien. I - Gravenhaag.e, 1773. 2 vols. Small 4to. Bohun's (William) Cursus Cancellarite: Or the Cbouse of Proceedings in the High Court of Chancery. 2d Ed. London, 1723, 1 vol. Bohun (W.) on Tithes: The Law of Tithes; shewing their Nature, Kinds, Properties and Inrcidents;, by whom;, to whom, when, and in what manner payable; how and in what Courts to be sued for and recovered; what Things, Lands' or Persons are charge with, or exempted therefrom. 3d ed. London, 1744, 1 vol. Boileau (L. J.) On Fines and Recoveries See "Essays on Codification.' Bolton's (George) Practice of the Criminal Courts, including the Proceedings bef6re Magistrates in Petty and Quarter Sessions, and at Assizes. London, 1835. I vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Bolton (Sir Richard). See "Justice of the Peace for Ireland.'7 Bone's (S. Vallis) Precedents in Conveyancing; a collection of Forms of Assurances of Real and Personal Property, adapted to the present state of the Law. London, 1838. 4 vols. (C. L.) Book of Assizes and. Pleas of the Crown. Temp. Edw, III, Londoun 1679. 1 vol. fol. Boote's (R.) Suit at Law: An Historical Treatise of an Action or Sui t aLaw.R And of the Proceedings used in the King's Bench and Common Pleas, from the Original Processes to' the Judgment in both Courts. 3d Ed. Dublin, 1791. 1 vol. 24mo..Booth (George) oni Real Actions:' The Nature and Practice of Real Actions,.in their Writs and Process, both Original and Judicial, 1st American Ec. By John Anthon. New-York,. 1808. 1 vol.... Boothby's (B.) Synopsis of the Law relating to Indictable offences-, embracing a condensed Digest of Cases tabularly arranged. London, 1842. 1 vol. 12mo. (C, L.) Bosanquet (John Bernard) and Pullerrs (Christopher) Reports of Cases in the Court of Common Pleas, and Other Courts. From EI T. 1796, to Trin. T.71807. Hartford, 1810-1811. 5 vols..Bosanquet (John' Bernard) and Puller's (Christopher) Reports of' Cases agreed and determined in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, and in the House of Lords. From East. Term, 36, Geo. 3d, 1796,to Trin. Term, 47 Geo. 3d, 1807. London, I1826. 5 vols. (3 vols, of these Reports are of the 3d Edition. Vols. 4 & 5 are styled NEW Reports,. and 2d Edition.) Bosanquet (S. R.) New Rules of Pleadingsl, &c.. London & Dublin, 1835. 1 vol. 24mo. LAW 300oK., 31 Boscawen (William) on Convictions on Penal Statutes. Dublin, 1792. 1 vol. 12mo. Botts' (Edmund) Laws relating to the Poor, by Francis Const. 4th Ed: vol. 3 being a Digest of Const's Poor Laws. London, 1800. 3 vols. (C. L.) Boucher's (P. B.) Manuel des Arbitres on Traite Complete de L'Arbitrage. Paris 1807. 1 vol. (C. L.) Boucher (P. B.J Les Principes du Droit Civil proprement dit, et du Droit Commercial Compares. Paris, 1804. 2 vols. (C. L.) Boulay-Paty. Corns de Droit Commercial Maritime. Nouvelle Edition. Bruxelles, 1838. 2 vols. in 1. 1 vol. (C. L.) Bourguignon (M.) See 6 Codes Francaises" Bourke (Richard) See Jebb & Bourke's Reports." "Smythe & Bourke's Marriage Law of Ireland." Boutaric (Francois De). Explications de L'Ordonnance de Louis XIV. Roi de France et Navarre. Concernant le Commerce: Et Sur les Matieres Criminelles: Et, Sur les Matieres Civiles. Avec les Edits, Declarations & Arrets donnes en interpretation de cette Ordonnance & plusiers Arrets et Reglemens du Conseil. A Toulouse, 1743. 2 vols. 4to. Bouvier's (John) Law Dictionary. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1843. 2 vols. Bouvier's (John) Law Dictionary adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States of America, and of the several States; With references to the Civil and other Systems of Foreign Law. 3d Ed: Philadelphia, 1848. 2 vols. Bouvier (John) See "Bacon's (Matthew) Abridgement." Bowdich's (J.) Treatise on the History, Revenue Laws and Government of the Islands of Guernsey and Jersey. London, 1836. 1 vol. (C. L.) Bowdler (Charles) See " Queen's College Case." Bowring (John) See " State Papers, British, House of Commons Papers. Vol. 31." Bowyer's (George) Commentaries on the Modern Civil Law. London, 1848. 1 vol. Bowyer's (George) A popular Commentary on the Constitutional Law of England. London, 1846. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Boyle's (William Robert Augustus) Law of Charities. London, 1337. 1 vol. Brackenridge's (Hugh Henry) Law Miscellanies. Philadelphia, 1814. 1 vol. Brackenbridge (H. M.) An Essay on Trusts and Trustees: in relation to the Settlement of Real Estate-the Power of Trustees-and involving many of the most abtruse questions in the English and American Law of Tenures. Washington, 1842. 1 vol. Bracton (Henricus) De Legibus & Consuetudinibus Angliae. Londimi, 1569. 1 vol. fol. 32 LAW BooXs. Bracdby (James) on Distresses. 1st American from London Ed. of 1808. New-York, 1808. 1 vol. Bradby's (James) Law of Distresses. 2d Ed. by John Adams. See' Law Library, vol 1." Bradby's (James) Law of Distresses. 3rd Ed. by John Adams. London, 1828. 1 vol. Bradstreet (Martha) The memorial of AMartha Bradstreet, praying for the Impeachment of Alfred Conkling, U. S. District Judge New-York, 1829. 1 vol. Brady's (John H.) Instructions to Executors and Administrators. 4th Ed. London. 1832. 1 vol. Brady's (John H.) Plain Instructions to Executors and Administrators, showing their duties and responsibilities; and a supplement containing an elaborate fictitious Will. 4th Ed. London, 1832. 1 vol. (C. L.) Brady's (John H.) Plain Advice on the making of Wills, containing forms, &c. With explanatory notes, with copy of the act, Stat. 1 Vict. Chap. 26. (4th Ed). London, 1838. 1 vol. (C. L.) Brady's (Doctor) Historical Treatise of Cities and Boroughs. New Ed. London, 1777. 1 vol. (C. L.) Brady (Francis) See " O'Donnell & Brady's Report's." (C. L.) Braintree Church Rate Case. See " Johnson." Branch (Thos.) Principia Legis et Equitatis. 5th Edition, by J, J. Richmond.. 12mo. London, 1824. (C. L.) Branch (Jos.) See' Florida Reports, vol. 1." Brayton's (William) Vermont Reports. Cases in the Supreme Court. Middlebury, 1831. 1 vol. Breese's (Sidney) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of the State of Illinois. From 1819 to December Term, 1830. Kaskaskia, 1831. 1 vol. Bretounier (M.) Recueil des principales questions de droit. Troisieme Edition. Paris, 1756. 2 vols. 12mo. (C. L.) Brevard's (Joseph) Reports of Judicial Decisions in the State of South Carolina. From 1793 to 1816. Charleston, 18391840. 3 vols. Brewster's (A.) Criminal Trials at Clonmel Summer Assizes of 1829. Dublin, 1830. 1 vol. Briand (Jh.) et Bresson (J. K.) Manuel Complet de Medecine Legale. Troisieme Edition, Paris, 1836 1 vol. (C. L.) Bridgen's (Thomas Atwood) Office of Surrogate; And Executor's and Administrator's Guide: With Precedents and Forms, &c. Albany & New-York, 1825. 1 vol. Bridgman's (Sir. John) Reports: Cases in the Common Pleas, from 12 Jac. I. (1614) to 19 Jac. 1. (1621). London, 1659. 1 vol. fol. Bridgman's (Sir Orlando) Reports of Judgments Delivered by him, when Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, from MRich. T. LAw Boo.00 o 8$ 1660, to Trim. T., 1667. By S. Bannister. London, 1823. 1 vol. Bridgman's (R. 0.) Practical Digest of Reported Cases on Points of Practice and Pleading, in the Courts of Equity in England and Ireland, from the Earliest Period, to 1824. NewYork, 1829. 1 vol. Bridgngan's (Richard Whalley) Analytical Digest of Reported Cases in the Courts of Equity, and the High Court of Parliament, from the Earliest Authentic Period, to 1822. 1st American from 3d London Ed. By R. O. Bridgman. NewYork, 1828. 3'vols. Bridgman's (Richard Whalley) Legal Bibliography. London, 1807. I vol. Bright (Gen. Michael) See " Trial of." Brightly (Frederick C,) on tle Law of Costs. A Practical Treatise on the Law of Costs in Pennsylvania, with the Fee Bill and Decisions of the Court thereon, and a view of the remedies for taking Illegal Fees. Philadelphia, 1847. 1 vol. Britton, See " Kelham." Brockenbrough's (J. W ) See " Virginia Cases." Brockenbrough's (John W.) Reports of Chief Justice Marshall's Decisions in' the Circuit Court of the United States, 4th Circuit. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 vols, Broderip (William John) and Binghlam's (Peregrine) Reports of Cases in the Common Pleas and Other Courts From E. T., 59 Geo. III. (1819), to E.., 3 Geo. IV. (1822). London, 1820 -1822. 3 vols. Brodie (George) See a Stair."' Brooke's (Richard) Treatise on the Office.and Practice of a Notary of England, and Statutes relative to the presentment, acceptance and dishonor of Bills of Exchangge &c. 2d Edition. London, 1848. 1 vol. BIrooke's (Sir Robert) New Cases: Ascons nouel Cases de les ans and temps le Roy IT. 8. Edw. 6, and la Reygne Maryo Escrie ex la grauld Abridgment compose per Sir Robert Brooke, &c. la disperse en les Titles: Mes icy collect sub ans. Londini, 1I04. 1 vol. 16mo. Brooke's (Sir Robert) Abridgement. London, 1576. 1 vol. 4to. Broom's (Herbert) Selection of Legal Maxims, Classified and Illustrated. See " Law Library, vol 50."' Broom's (Herbert) Legal MAaxims: A Selection of Legal Maxims, Classified and Illustrated. London, 1845. 1 vol. Broom's (Herbert) Legal Maxims, see " New Law Libraryvol 1." Broom's (Herbert) Practical Rules for Determining. Parties to Actions; Digested and Arranged with Cases. See "Law Library, vol. 56." Brown's (Archibald) Reports of Cases before tlhe High Court and 34 LAW BOOKS. Circuit Courts of Justiciary in Scotland during the years 1842 - 1845. Edinburgh, 1844 - 46. 2 vols. (C. L.) Brown (George William) See " Maryland Digest." Brown's (Josiah) Parliamentary Cases: On Appeals and Writs of Error in the High Court of Parliament, from 1701 to 1779. 7 vols. And vol. 8, containing " Colles' (Richard) Reports of Cases upon Appeals and Writs of Error in the High Court of Parliament from 1697 to 1713, with Tables, Notes and References; being a Supplementary Volume to Brown's Cases in Parliament." Dublin, 1784 - 1789. 8 vols. Brown's (M. P.) Treatise on the Law of Sale. Edinbugh. 1821. 1 vol. (C. L.) Brown's (M. P.) Supplement to the Dictionary of Decisions of the Court of Sessions. Edinburgh, 1826. 6 vols. 4to. (C. L.) Brown's (Thomas) Practical Treatise on Borough Courts of Record held by charter and custom in Great Rritain, with practical precedents. London, 1836. 1 vol. (C. L.) Brown's (William) Chancery Reports. From Trin. T., 18 Geo. III. 1778, to Hil. T., 34 Geo. III. 1794. Dublin, 1786- 1795. 4 vols. Brown's (William) Chancery Reports, from 1778 to 1794. 1st American from 5th London Ed. By J. C. Perkins. Boston, 1844. 4 vols. Brown's (William) Modus Intrandi Placita Generalia. 2d Ed, London, 1687. 1 vol. 16mo. Browne's (Arthur) Compendious View of the Civil Law and of the Law of the Admiralty. 2d Ed. London & Dublin, 1802. 2 vols. Browne's (Arthur) Compendious View of the Civil and of the Ecclesiastical Law, (Vol. I. Civil, Vol. II. Ecclesiastical Law.) Dublin, 1797- 1799. 2 vols. Browne's (John) Chancery Practice. London, 1830. 2 vols. Browne (J. W., Jr.) See I Maryland Digest." Browne's (Peter A.) Reports of Cases in the Common Pleas of 1st Judicial District of Pennsylvania, from 1806 to 1811. Philadelphia, 1811 -1813. 2 vols. Browne (Rowland J.) on Actions at Law. London, 1843. 1 vol. Browne (R. J.) The Same. See " Law Library, vol. 45." Brownlow's (Richard) Entries. (Brownlow Latine Redivivus.) London, 1693. 1 vol. fol. Brownlow (Richard) and Goldsborough's (John) Reports. In 2 Parts. 1st Part. 3d Ed. by Brownlow and Goldsborough. London, 1675. 2d Part. 2d Ed. by Brownlow. London, 1675. Bound together. 1 vol. 4to. Brunton's Geo.) and Hay's (David) Historical Account of the Senators of the College of Justice from its institution in 1532, Edinburgh, 1832. 1 vol. (C. L.) LAW BOOKS. 35 Brydges (Samuel Egerton) See "Beltz' Chandos Peerage Case. (C. L.) Btchanan's (William) Reports of certain remarkable Cases in the Court of Session, and Trials in the High Court of Justiciary. Edinburgh, 1813. 1 vol. (C. L.) Buck's (J. W.) Cases in Bankruptcy. Containing Reports of Cases Decided by Lord Chancellor Eldon, and by Vice Chancellors Sir Thomas Plumer and Sir John Leach. From Mich. T., 1816, to Mich. T 1820. And A Digest of All the Contemporary Cases relating to the Bankrupt Laws Decided in Other Courts. London, Dublin and Edinburgh, 1820. 1 vol. Buckley's (W.) Jurisdiction and Practice of the Marshalsea, and Palace Courts. London, 1827. 1 vol. (C. L.) Bugby's (Samuel) Practice of the Court of King's Bench in Civil Actions. London, 1819. 1 vol. tBullard (Henry A.) and Curry's (Thomas) Digest of the Statute Laws of the State of Lousiana, from the Change of Government (1812), to the Year 1841, inclusive. Vol. 1. New Orleans, 1841. 1 vol. Bullen's (Edw.) Practical Treatise on the Law of Distresses for Rent and of things Damage-Feasant. London, 1842. 1 volo 12mo. (C. L. Buller's (Sir Francis) Nisi Prius. 7th Ed. By Richard Whalley Bridgman. (Interleaved, and bound in 2 Parts.) London, 1817. 2 vols. Bulstrode's (Edward) Reports of Cases in the Court of King's Bench. Temp. James I. and Charles I. Parts I. II. & IIIL Bound together. London, 1657, 1658, & 1659. 1 vol. fol. Bunbury's (William) Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer, Temp. Geo. I. and Geo. II. 1713 to 1741. 2d Ed. London, 1802. 1 vol. Burgees (William) Commentaries on Colonial and Foreign Laws Generally, and in their Conflict with each Other, and with the Law of England. London, 1838. 4 vols. Burge (William) Commentaries on- the Law of Suretyship, and the Rights and Obligations of the Parties thereto. And, herein of Obligations in Solido, under the Laws of England, Scotlands, and other States of Europe, the British Colonies and United States of America, and on the Conflict of those Laws. First American, from the London Editon. Boston, 1847. I vol. Burke (Edmund Plunkett) on the Laws and Government of Rome. Designed as An Introduction to the Study of the Civil Law. 2d Ed. Revised. Cambridge, London, Oxford, Edinburgh, & Glasgow, 1830. 1 vol. Burke (Peter.) A Treatise on the Law of Copyright in Literature, the Drama, Music, Engraving and Sculpture; and also in 836 LAW B O S i, Designs for Onamentin.1 Articles of Manufiactaure including the recent Statutes on the subject. London, 1842, 1 vol. Burke's (Peter) Criminal Law and its Sentences in Treasons, Felonies and Misdemeanors. With a Supplement, including al1. Statuable Alterations and additions down to the present time. London, 1845. 1 vol. 16 mo. Buirlamaqul's (J. J.) Principles of Law Natural and Politic Law. Translated by Thomas Nugent. 5th Ed. Cambridge, (Mass.) 1807. 2 vols Burnside (Judge). See " Hinchman v. Richie, et al"6 Burn's (John Ilderton) Digested Index to the Modern Reports of the Courts of Common Law previous to the Commencement of the Term Reports. (Micth. T.) 26 Geo. III. 1785). London, 1804. 1 vol. Burn's (John Ilderton) Practical Treatise or Compendium of the Law of Marine Insurances. London, 1801. 1 vol. 12mo. (C L.) Burn's (Richard) Ecclesiastical Law. 5th Ed. London, 1788. 4 vols. Burn's (Richard) Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer. 18th Ed. London and Dublin, 1793. 4 vols. Burn's (Richard) Law Dictionary. London, 1792. 2 vols. Burn's (John Southerden) Marriage & Registration Acts. (6 & 7 Will. 4. Cap. 85 & 86). London, 1836. 1 vol. (C. L.) Burns' (Rev. Robt.) -Historical Dissertations on the law & practice of Great Britain, and particularly of Scotland with regard to the Poor. 2d Ed. enlarged, Glasgow, 1819. 1 vol. (C. L.) Burnett's (Jno.) Treatise on the various branches of the Criminal Law of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1811. 1 vol. 4to. (C. L.) Burr's (Aaron) Trials for Treason and Aisdemeanor, in. the Cir cuit Colrt of the United S-ates, for tlhe 4th Circuit, 1807. Philadelphia, 1808. 2 vols. Burrills (Alexander M.) Practice: A Treatise on the Practice of the Supreme Court of the State of New-York with an Appendix of Practical Forms. 2d Ed. New-York, 1846. 3 vols. Burroughs (Edward H.) and Gresson's (Henry B.) Irishl Equity Pleader, being a collection of forms of Pleadings in Equity Suits in Ireland, with preliminary dissertations and practical notes. Parts I & 2. Dublin, 1842. 1 Vol. (C. L ) Burrow's (Sir James) Reports: KingSs Bench Mich. T, 30 Geo. II. 1756, to E. T., 12 Geo. III. 1772. 1st American from 4th London Ed. With Notes and References by the American Editors. Philadelphia, 1808. 5 vols. 3Burrow's (Sir James) Settlement Cases: Decisions of the Court of King's Bench upon Settlement Cases, from Marchl 1732, to Junle 1776. 2d Ed. Dublin, 1790. 1 vol. LAW BooKs. 37 Burton's (John Hill) Manuel of the Law of Scotaind; Civil, MuLnicipal, Criminal and Ecclesiastical: witli a Praecical Commentary. Edinburgh, 1839. 1 vol. 12mo. (C L.) Burton (Walter Henry) on Real Property, 2d Ed., London, 1830. 1 vol. Burton (Walter Henry) on Real Property. 5th Ed. with Notes by Edward Priestly Cooper. London, 1841. 1 vol. Burton (Walter Henry) on Real Property. See' Law Library, vol. 23." Butler (Charles). See " Horse Juridics Subsecivse." Butler's (Charles.) Memoir of the life of Henry Francis D'Aguesseau: Chancellor of France and of his ordonnances for consolidating and amending certain portions of the French Law. And an H-istorical and Literary Account of the Roman and Canon Law. 5th Edition. London, 1830. 1 vol. (C. L.) Butterworth (J.) Catalogue of Law Books. London, 1801. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Byles (John Barnard) On Bills of Exchange: A Practical Treatise of the Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Bank Notes, Banker's Cash Notes,and Checks. 4th Ed Enlarged. London, 1843. 1 vol. 24mo. Byles (John Barnard) on Bills of Exchange, &c. 1st Ed. See "'Law Library, vol. 16."' Byles (John Barnard) Treatise of the Law of Bills of Exchange. See "Law Library vol. 61." Byles (John Barnard) on the Usury Laws: Observations on the Usury Laws, and on the Effect of the Recent Alterations; with Suggestions for the Permanent Amendment of the Law, and the Draft of an Act for that Purpose London, 1845. 1 vol. 24mo. Bynkershoek (Cornelii Van) Observationes Juris Romani. In quibus plurima Juris civilis aliorumlque Auctorum loca explicantur et emendantur. Lugduni Batavorum. Tomus Primus (Editio Tertia) 1749; Tomus Sceundus, 1733. 2 vols. 4to. Bynkershoek (Cornelii Van) Opera Minora, olim Separatim, nunc Conjunctim Edita. Rencensuit. et nonnula addidit Auctoro Lugduni Batavorum, 1730. 1 vol. 4to. Bynkershoek (Cornelli Van) Qusstiones Juris Privati: Quarum plerisque insertse sunt utriusque in Hollandia Curie Res de his ipsis Questionibus Judieatr. Lugduni Batavorum: 1744. 1 vol. 4to. Bynkershoek (Cornelii Van) Questiones Juris Publici: Libri duo, quorum Primus est, de Rebus Bellicis, Secundus de Rebus Varii Argumenti Lugduni Batavorum, 1737. 1 vol. 4to. Bynkershoek (Cornelius Van) on the Law of War: A Treatise on the Law of War. Translated from the Original Latin of Cornelius Van Bynkershoek. Being the First Book of his 38 LAW BOOKS. Quastiones Juris Publici. With Notes, by Peter Stephen Du Ponceau. Philadelphia, 1810. 1 vol. C. Cabinet Lawyer (The) or Popular Digest of the Laws of England, with the Criminal Law, and a Dictionary of Law Terms, Maxims, &c. 6th Ed. London, 1830. 1 vol. 12mo. (C.L.) Caines (George) See "Trial of Thomas 0. Selfridge." Caines (George) See " Lex Mercatoria." Caines' (George) Cases in Error: Determined in the Court for the Trial of Impeachments and the Correction of Errors, NewYork, from February, 1801, to February, 1805. Two volumes in one. New-York, 1810. 1 vol. Caines' (George) Practice of the Supreme Court of New-York. New-York, 1808. 1 vol. Caines' (George) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of NewYork, from May Term, 1803, to November Term, 1805. 2d Ed. New-York, 1813-1814. 2 copies. 6 vols. Caldecott's (Thomas) Reports of Cases relative to the Duty and Office of a Justice of the Peace. From Mich. T., 1776, to Mich. T., 1785. Dublin, 1790. I vol. Caldwell (James Stamford) on Arbitrations. 1st American Ed. Improved by a Copious Digested Index of American Decisions. Exeter, 1822. 1 vol. Call's (Daniel) Reports. Cases in the Court of Appeals of Virginia, from April Term, 1797, to December, 1818. The 1st, 2d, and 3d volumes are a 2d Edition by Joseph Tate, Richmond, 1824. 4th, 5th and 6th vols. 1st Ed. Richmond, 1833. 6 vols. Callis (Robert) On the Statute of Sewers. 4th Ed. byWilliam John Broderip. London, 1824. 1 vol. Calthrop's (Sir I-I.) Reports of Special Cases touching several Customs and Liberties of the City of London. London, 1655. 1 vol. 16mo. Calvert (Frederic) on Parties to Suits in Equity. London, 1837. 1 vol. Calvert (Frederic) On Parties to Suits in Equity. See " Law Library, vol. 17." Cambreling (S.) See " American Chancery Digest." Cambria (Ancient Laws of) See' Probert." Cambridge Church Case. Pleadings and Proofs in, before the Chancellor of the State of New-York. Salem, 1844. 1 vol. Cambridge Toll Case. Reports of, Tried in K. B., to determine the right of the Corporation of Cambridge to exact certain tolls. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1829. (C. L.) Camden (Lord) Treatise on the Process of Latitat in Wales. See "Hargrave's Law Tracts." LAw BooKS. 39 Cameron (Duncan) and Norwood's (William) Reports of Cases in the Court of Conference, North Carolina, from June Term, 1800, to June Term, 1804. Raleigh, 1805. 1 vol. Campbell (A. C.) See " Grotius on War and Peace." Campbell's (John) Nisi Prius Reports, King's Bench and Common Pleas, and on the Circuits. Vols. 1 and 2, New-York, 1811. Vols. 3 & 4, with Notes, referring to American Authorities, by Samuel Howe. New-York, 1821. 4 vols. Campbell (J. D.) and Cambreleng (S.) See "American Chancery Digest." Campbell's (Lord.) Libel Act. (6 & 7 Vict. Cap. 96), with an Introduction on the law of Oral Slander, &c. By Jno. Humphrys Parry. London, 1844. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Canning's (Thos.) Observations, how far a contingent or reversing interest of husband and wife in her right in personal estate is assignable or in law during the coverture. London, 1820. 1 vol. (C.L) Canon Law, See "Odenheimer." Case (Henry) See "English Liberty." Carey's (Peter Stafford) Rules in the Borough Courts of England and Wales. 2 & 3 Vict. C. 27. London, 1841. 1 vol. (C. L.) Carolina Law Journal, by A. Blanding and D. J. McCord. Vol. 1. Columbia, S. C. 1821. 1 vol. Carpaleal's (William) Law of Patents. London, 1838. 1 vol. (C. L) Carpmeal (William) The Law of Patents for inventions familiarly explained for inventors and patentees. 3rd Edit. London, 1842. 1 vol. Carrington (F. A.) and Kirwan's (A. V.) Reports of Cases Argued and Ruled at Nisi Prius in the Courts of Queen's Bench) Common Pleas and Exchequer; From Hil. T., 6 Vict. (1843,) to Trin. T., 8 Vict. (1845,) vol. 1. London and Dublin, 1845. 1 vol. Carrington (F. A.) and Payne's (J.) Reports, Nisi Prius, King's Bench and Common Pleas, from Mich. T, 1823, to E. T. 1841. London & Dublin, 1825 - 1841. 9 vols. Carrington (F. A.) and Marshman's (J. R) Reports, Nisi Prius, Queen's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer, and on the Circuits, and in the Central Criminal Court, from E. T., 4th Vict., 1841, to Hil. T., 6th Vict., 1843. London & Dublin, 1843. 1 vol. Carrow (J. M) Hammerton (J.) and Allen's (T.) Reports: New Session Cases: Containing Reports of Cases relating to the Duties and Liabilities of Magistrates; Determined in the Superior Courts at Westminster. Hil. T., 1844, to Trin. T., 1847. London, 1845-1847. 2 vols. 40 LAW BOOKS. Carrow (John Monson) and Oliver's (Lionel) Reports. See " Railway and Canal Cases, Vol. 3." Carson (Ann) See " Trials of Richard Smith &c." Carson (Capt. John) See' Trials &c." Carson (James) See " Trial of Eberle and Others." Carter's (S.) Reports of Several Special Cases Argued and Resolved in the Court of Common Pleas: In the 16, 17, 18 and 19th Years of Charles II. In the Time when Sir Orlando Bridgman sate Chief Justice there. To which are added, Some Cases Adjudged in the time of Chief Justice Vaughan, never before printed. London, 1688. 1 vol. fol. Carthew's (Thomas) Report of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, from 3 Jac. II. to 12 Gul. III. 2d Ed. Lon1741. 1 vol. fol. Cary's (Sir George) Reports in Chancery, collected out of the labors of William Lambert. London, 1650. 1 vol. 16mo. Cary (Sir George) Reports of Cases in Chancery. London, 1820. 16mo. 1 vol. Cary's (Henry) Commentary on Littleton's Tenures. London, 1829. I vol. Cary's (Henry) Practical Treatise on the law of Jurors. London, 1826. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Cary (Henry) A Practical Treatise on the Law of Part-nership, with Precedents of Copartnership Deeds. London, 1827. 1 vol. Cary (Henry) on Partnership. See "Law Library, vol. 5." Case of the Snipe & Al. Arguments of Counsel in High Court of Admiralty, July, 1812. London, 1812. 1 vol. Cases of the Snipe & A1. Report of Judgment in High Court of Admiralty, July, 1812.. By Thomas Edwards. London, 1812. 1 vol. Cases in Chancery. 12 Car. II. to 4 Jac. II. in two Parts. NewYork & Philadelphia, 1828. Together with Select Cases in the High Court of Chancery. 1st American from 2d London Ed. Containing the Duke of Norfolk's Case, or the Doctrine of Perpetuities, and Bath and Montague's Case. New-York & Philadelphia, 1828 All bound together. 1 vol. Cases on Appeals. HIouse of Lords 1769, 1774, 1776, 1777, 1779, 1783, 1784, 1786, 1789, 1790. 12 vols. folio " Cases Tempore Hardwicke, in King's Bench. 7, 8, 9 & 10. Geo. II. 1733-1737. With some Determinations by Lord Chief Justice Lee; and also Two Equity Cases by Ld. Chancellor Hardwicke. 2d Ed. by Thomas Lee. London, 1815. (Cited as Annaly's Reports.) 1 vol. Cases Tempore King, in the High Court of Chancery, from 1724 to 1733. London, 1740. 1 vol. fol. * This is said to have been Justice Borland's Copy. (799) LAW BooKs. 41 Cases Tempore Talbot in Equity. Mich. T, 7 Geo. II. (1733) to Hil T., 10 Geo. II. (1737). 3d Ed. by John Griffith Williams. Dublin, 1793. 1 vol. (Cited sometimes as Forrester's Reports.) Cases and Opinions of Eminent Counsel in Matters of Law, Equity, and Conveyancing. Dublin, 1191 - 1793. 2 vols. Cases of Practice in the Court of King's Bench at Westminster from the reign of Queen Elizabeth to the 14th of George 3d. London, 1778. 1 vol. 4to. Cases in the.Court of Session, (Scotland). From May, 1821, to July, 1838. Edinburgh & London, 1834 - 1838. 16 vols. [Vol. 1, by Patrick Shaw and James Ballantine: Vols. 2 to 7, by Patrick Shaw and Alex. Dunlop: Vols. 8, 10, 1, 12, by Patrick Shaw, Alex. Dunlop and J. M. Bell: Vol. 9, by Patrick Shaw, Alex. Dunlop, Mark Napier and J. M. Bell: Vols. 13, 14, 15, 16, by Patrick Shaw, Alexander Dunlop, J. M. Bell and John Murray.] Cases in the Court of Session, (Scotland,) From November 13, 1838, to July 30, 1848. Reported at various times by Alexander Dunlop, J. M. Bell, John Murray, James Donaldson, George Young, A. L. Tennant and Patrick Fraser. Edinburgh, 1838-48. 12 vols. Case in the Court of Errors 1798. See " Gouverneur V. Le Guen." Case in the Court of Errors Mackie V. Cairns, 1825. 1 vol. Cases in the Court of Errors 1840 -41 (Appeals). 3 vols. Cases in the Court of Errors 1842 (Appeals). 2 vols. Cases in the Court of Errors 1843 (Appeals). 2 vols. Cases in the Court of Errors 1844 (Appeals). 1 vol. Cases in the Court of Errors 1845 (Appeals). 3 vols. Cases in the Court of Errors 1846 (Appeals). 1 vol. Cases in the Court of Errors 1840 -41 (Writs of Error). 3 vols. Cases in the Court of Errors 1842 (Writs of Error). 1 vol. Cases in the Court of Errors 1843 (Writs of Error). 3 vols. Cases in the Court of Errors 1844 (Writs of Error). 3 vols. Cases in the Court of Errors 1845 (Writs of Error). 2 vols. Cases in the Court of Errors 1846 (Writs of Error). 2 vols. Cases in the Court of Appeals 1847. 3 vols. Cases in the Court of Appeals 1848. 5 vols. Cassation. Bulletin des Judgments du Tribunal de Cassation rendus en Matiere Civile. Paris, An. 7-1839. 40 vols. in 16. 16 vols. (C. L.) Caswall's (Alfred) Treatise on Copyholds and Copyhold Enfranchisement. 3d Ed. London, 1841. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Catalogue of the Law Books in the Advocates' Library. By David Irving. Edinburgh, 1831. 1 vol. Catalogues of Law Books.-Vol. I, Containing: 1. Catalogue of Books in the Law Department of the Library of Congress, January 1, 1839. 2. Catalogue of the Library of the Court [STATE LIBRARY.] 3 42 LAw BOOKS. of Chancery (of the State of New-York), April 1st, 1843. 3. A Catalogue of the Law Library of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 2d Ed. Cambridge, 1841. 4. Catalogue of the Library of the New-York Law Institute. July 1, 1842. New-York, 1843. —Vol. 2, Containing: 1. A Catalogue of Modern Law Books, including the Irish and Scotch, with all the Reports from the Earliest Period. By L. Sweet, Law Bookseler and Publisher. 18mo. London, 1843. 2. A Catalogue of Law Books, published and for sale by Charles C. Little and James Brown, 18mo. Boston, 1843. 3. A Catalogue of Law Books for sale by T. & J. W. Johnson, Law Booksellers. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. Vol. 3, containing advertisements of the Law Magazine and Law Review, and Catalogues of Banks & Gould, Benning, Butterworth, Carey, Clark, Johnson, Little & Brown, Maxwell, Milleken, Richards, Robertson, and Stevens & Norton. Catalogue of Harvard Law Library, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 4th Edition. Cambridge, 1846. 1 vol. Catalogue of Law Books in the Different Libraries in Rochester, on the 31st August, 1847. By William F. Liddle. Rochester, N. Y. 1847. 1 vol, (Presented by the Author). Catalogue of Law Books. See "Johnson." Catalogue of Law Books. See Butterworth." Catalogue of Law Books. See Clarke's Bibliotheca Legum. vol. Catalogue of Law Books. Annual Reports of New-York State Library, 1846-47-48-49. 1 vol. Catalogue of New-York State Law Library from 1846 to 1849. 1 vol. Catholic Question in America. Whether a Catholic Clergyman can be compelled to divulge the Secrets of Auricular Confession. See " Sampson." Cauchy (M.) Les Precedents de la Cour des Pairs, recuellis, ret mis en ordre par M. Cauchy. 8vo. Paris, 1839. (Presented by the author.) Causes Celebres du droit des Gens, redigees par Le Baron Charles de Martens. Leipsic, 1827. 2 vols. Causes C6elbres (Recueil des), et des Arrets qui les out decidees. Redigees par Maurice Mejan. Paris, 1807 -1813. 23 vols. Causes Criminelles Celebres du XIXe Siecle. Redigees par une Soci6et d'Avocats. Paris, 1828. 4 vols. Causes Politiques C6elbres du XIXe Siecle. Redigees par une Societe d'Avocats et de Publicistes. Paris, 1826-1828. 4 vols. Causes Celebres. See " Saint Edme." Chalmers' (George) Opinions of Eminent Lawyers on Various Points of English Jurisprudence, chiefly concerning the Colonies, Fisheries, and Commerce of Great Britain: col LAw BoOKS. 43 lected and digested from the originals, in the Board of Trade and other depositories. London, 1814. 2 vols. Chambers' (Charles Harcourt) Landlord and Tenant. London, 1823. I vol. Chambers' (Charles Harcout) Treatise on Leases and Terms for Years. London, 1818, 1 voL'Chambers' (John D.) Practical Treatise on the Jurisdiction of the High Court of Chancery, over the persons and property of Infants. London, 1842. 1 vol. (C. L.) Chambers (John D.) Complete Dictionary of the Law and Practice of Election of Members of Parliament, &c., for England, Scotland and Ireland. London, 1837. 1 vol. (C. L.) Chambers (Sir Robert) on Estates and Tenures. London, 1824. 1 vol. Chambers (Montagu) See "Law Journal Reports." Chambers (Thomas) and Peterson's (A. T.. T.) Treatise on the Law of Railway Companies in their Formation, Incorporation and Government, with an abstract of the Statutes, and a Table of forms. London, 1848. 1 vol. Chance (Henry) on Powers. London, 1831. 2 vol. Chancery Commnissioners' Reports. See "' Parliamentary Reports, Court of Chancery." "State Papers." Chancery Court Rules. Edition of 1824. 1 vol. Chancery Court Rules. Revised by Chancellor Walworth. Ed. of 1829. 1 vol. Chancery Court Rules. Revised by Chancellor Walworth. Ed. of 1834. 1 vol.'Chancery Court Rules. Revised by Chancellor Walworth. Ed. of 1837. 1 vol. Chancery Court Rules. Revised by Chancellor Walworth. Ed. of 1839. 1 vol. Chancery Court Rules. Revised by Chancellor Walworth. Ed. of 1844. 1 vol. Chancery Practice of the High Court of Chancery as altered by the orders of the 3d of April, 1828, the 23d of Nov., 1831; the Chancery regulation Act 3 & 4 W, 4, C. 94 and the orders issued in pursuance thereof on the 21st of December, 1833. By a Chancery Barrister. London, 1834. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Chandler's (Peleg W.) American Criminal Trials, Boston, 18411844. 2 vols. Chandler (P. W.) See' Law Reporter." Chardon (M.) Traite du dol et de la fraude, en matiere civile et commerciale. Paris, 1838. 3 vols. (C. L.) Charities (Endowed) of the city of London. Reprinted at large from 17th Report of the Commissioners for Inquiry concerning Charities. London, 1829. 1 vol. (C. L.) Charlton's (Robert M..) Reports. Superior Courts, Eastern District 44 LAW BooKS. of Georgia, from January, 1811, to May, 1837. Savannah! 1838. 1 vol. Charlton's (Thomas U. P.) Reports. Superior Courts, Eastern District of Georgia, from January Term, 1805, to August Term, 1811. New-York, 1824. 1 vol. Charnock's (Richd.) Police Guide; containing tie Metropolitan and city of London Police Acts, &c. London, 1841. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Charnock's (Richard) Digest New Rules, Relating to Pleadings and Practice in All the Courts. From Easter Term, I Will, IV. London, 1836. 1 vol. 12mo. Charnock's (Richard) Digest of the various decisions since the new pleading Rules came into operation. London, 1837. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Chasers (Samuel) Trial on Impeachment.' Washington City, 1805. 2 vols. Chase (Samuel) The Answer and Pleas of, to the Articles of Impeachment by the House of Representatives, U. S. Albany, 1805. (Presented by John V. L. Pruyn.) Cheetham (James) Trial for a Libel. See " Trials." Chenier (L. J. S.) Manuel des Conseils de Guerre, &c. Paris, 1831. 1 vol. (C. L.) Cherokee Case; The Case of the Cherokee Nation against the State of Georgia, Argued and Determined at the Supreme Court of the United States, January term, 1831;' With an Appendix Containing the opinion of Chancellor Kent; the Treaties between the United States and the Cherokee Indians; the Act of Congress to regulate Intercourse with the Indian Tribes, &c., and the Laws of Georgia relative to the country occupied by the Cherokee Indians within the Boundary of that State. By Richard Peters. Philadelphia, 1831 I vol. lheves' (L. Jr.) Cases in Chancery, in the Court of Appeals of South Carolina; from November, 1839, to May, 1840'. Vol. 1. Columbia, S. C., 1841. 1 vol. Cheves' (L. Jr.) Reports, Cases at Law in the Court of Appeals of South Carolina; from Nov. 1839, to May, 1840. Vol. 1. Columbia, S. C., 1840. 1 vol. Chipman's (Daniel) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Vermont, from December, 1789-August, 1824. Middlebury, 1824. Burlington, 1835. 2 vols. Chipman (Daniel) on Contracts for the Payment of' Specifick Articles. Middlebury, 1822 1 vol. Chipman's (Nathaniel) Reports and Dissertations in 2 Parts. Part I. Reports of Supreme Court of Vermont, in 1789, 1790 and 1791. Part II Dissertation on Statutes, &c. Rutland, 1793. 1 vol. 12mo. Chipman (Nathaniel) on Government. A Treatise on Free Institu LAW BOOKS. 45 tions, including the Constitution of the United States. Burlington, 1833. 1 vol. thittendon, (Lucius E.) See Reeve's Domestic Relations. Second edition.'hitty's (Edward) Equity Cases. An Index to All the Reported Cases, &c. of Equity and Bankruptcy, in the Several Courts of Equity in England and Ireland, the Privy Council, and House of Lords, from the Earliest Period to the Year 1831. 1st American from the last London Ed. Philadelphia, 1831. 2 vols. Uhitty's (Henry) Law of Descents. London, 1825. 1 vol. Chitty's (Joseph) Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England. From the 18th London Ed. New-York, 1838. 2 vols. ~Chitty's (Joseph) Commercial Law. London, 1820. 1 vol. Chitty's (Joseph) Criminal Law, Comprising the Practice, Pleadings and Evidence which occur in the course of Criminal Prosecutions. With Additional Notes, &c. By Richard Peters, Jr. Vol. 2 being bound in two Parts. Philadelphia, 1819. 3 vols. Chitty's (Joseph) Criminal Law; A Practical Treatise on the Criminal Law. 5th American from the 2d and Last London Edition. With Notes by Richard Peters and Thomas Huntington. To which are now added Notes and References to the Cases Decided in the Courts of the United States and of the Several States, as well as the late English Decisions. By J. C. Perkins. New-York, 1847. 3 vols. Chitty's (Joseph) Reports of Cases in the Court of King's Bench. London, 1820- 1823. 2 vols. Chitty (Joseph) On Bills of Exchange, Checks on Bankers, Promissory NotesBankers' Cash Notes, and Bank Notes. A New Edition from the 5th London Ed. Philadelphia, 1821. 1 vol. Chitty (Joseph) On Bills of Exchange, Checks on Bankers' Promissory Notes, Bankers' Cash Notes, and Bank Notes. 9th American from 8th London Ed. By O. L. Barbour. Spring. field, 1839. 1 vol. Chitty (Joseph) A Treatise on the Laws of Commerce and Manufactures, and the Contracts Relating thereto. With an Appendix of Treaties, Statutes, and Precedents. London, Edinburgh, & Dublin, 1824. 4 vols. Chitty's (J.) General Practice of the Law in All its Departments. Philadelphia, 1834- 1839. 4 vols. Chity's (J.) Medical Jurisprudence, Part 1. London, 1834. 1 vol. Chitty's (J.) Medical Jurisprudence, Part 1. Philadelphia, 1835. 1 vol. Chitty's (J.) Pleadings. Vols. 1 & 2. 4th American from 3d London Ed. By John A. Dunlap. With Additional Notes, &c. by E. D. Ingraham. (3d vol. 1st Edition). Philadelphia, 1825 - 1821. 3 vols. 46 LLAW BooKs. Chitty's (I.) Pleadings. 8th American from 8tl London Edition By John A. Dunlap. (With Additional Notes, &c.,by E. D. Ingraham.) ringfield, Mass., 1840. 3 vols, Chitty (J.) On Pleading and Parties to Actions. With Modern Precedents of Pleadings and Practical Notes. 7th Ed. Corrected and Enlarged by Henry Greening. London and Dublint 1844. 3 vols. Chitty's (Joseph) Treatise on the Game Laws and on Fisheries, and an Appendix. 2ld Ed. London, 1826. 1 vol. (C. L.) Chitty's (Joseph) Treatise on the Law of Nations relative to the legal effect of War on the commerce of Belligerents and Neutrals. London, 1812. 1 vol. (C. L.) Chittys (Joseph Jr,) Law of Prerogatives of the Crown. London, 1820. 1 vol. Chitty's (Joseph Jr.) Precedents in Pleading, 1st American from. 1st London Ed. Springfield, 1839. 2 vols. Chitty (Joseph, Jr.) On Contracts: A Practical Treatise on the Law of Contracts, not under Seal: And upon the Usual Defences to Actions thereon. With Corrections and Additional References, by a Member of the Massachusetts Bar. Boston & Philadelphia, 1827. 1 vol. Chitty (Joseph, Jr.) On Contracts: A Practical Treatise, &c. 6th American Edition, from the 3d London Ed., Corrected, Rearranged, and Enlarged, by Thompson Chitty. With JVotes of.imerican and Late English Decisions on the Law of Contracts to 1844. By J. C. Perkins. Springfield, 1844. 1 vol. Chitty (Edward) and Forster's (Francis) Digested Index to the Common Law Reports relating to Conveyancing and Bankruptcy commencing with the reign of Queen Elizabeth in 1558 to the present time. London, 1841. 1 vol. (C. L.) Christian's (Edward) Examination of precedents and principles. whether an Impeachment is determined by a dissolution of Parliament. 2d Ed. London, 1791. 1 vol. (C. L.) Christian's (Edward) Charge delivered to Grand Juries in the Isle of Ely: 2d Ed. London, 1819. 1 vol. (C. L.) Christian's (Edward) Dissertation shewing that the House of Lords in cases of Judicature are bound by the same rules of evidence that are observed by all other Courts. 2d Ed. London, 1820. (C. L.) (The two last in one vol.) Christian's (Edward) Treatise on the Game Laws. London, 1821. 1 vol. (C. L.) Christian's (Edward) Origin, progress and present practice of the Bankrupt Law both in England and Ireland. 2d Ed: London, 1818. 2 vols. (C. L.) Christison's (Robert) Treatise on Poisons, in relation to Medical Jurisprudence, Physiology and the Practice of Physic. lst. American, from the 4th Edinburgh Edition. Philadelphia, 1845. 1 vooL LAW BooKs. 47 Ohristy9s (William) Digest of Martin's Reports of the Supreme Court of Louisiana, to vol. 4. N. S. New-Orleans, 1826. 1 vol. Church (Rodney S.) See " New-York Digest." Cicero's (Marcus Tullius) Political Works, Comprising his Treatise on the Republic, and his Treatise on the Laws. Translated by Francis Barham. London, 1841. 2 vols. City Hall Recorder (The New-York) for the Years 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820 & 1821. Containing Reports of the most Interesting Trials and Decisions which have arisen in the Various Courts of Judicature, for the Trial of Jury Causes in the Hall during those Years, Particularly in the Court of Sessions. By Daniel Rogers. 6 vols. bound in 2. New-York, 1817 -1822. 2 vols. Civil Code of France. Book the First. Translated by Theobald McKenna. London, 1833. 1 vol. Civil Code of the State of Louisiana. Published by a Citizen of Louisiana, 1825. 1 vol. Civil Code of the State of Louisiana, with Annotations. By Wheelock S. Upton. and Needler R. Jennings. New-Orleans, 1838. 1 vol. Civil Law of Spain. Institutes of the, by Drs. Jordan de Asso y Del Rio & Rodriguez Translated from the 6th Spanish Edition by Lewis F. C. Johnston. 8vo. London, 1825. I vol. Clancy's (James) Treatise on the Rights, Duties and Liabilities of Husband and Wife, at Law and in Equity. First American from the 3d London Edition. New-York. 1828. 1 vol. Clapham's (Rev. Samuel) Collection of the Several Points of Sessions Law alphabetically arranged. London, 1818. 2 vols. (C. L.) Clark's (Aaron) Manual of Parliamentary Practice, Compiled and Arranged for the Use of the Senate and Assembly of the State of New-York. 2d Ed. New-York, 1826. 1 vol. Clark's (Charles) Summary of Colonial Law. The Practice of the Court of Appeals from the Plantations, and of the Laws and their Administration in all the Colonies: with Charters of Justice, Orders in Council, &c. London, 1834. 1 vol. Clark (C.) and Finnelly's (W.) Parliamentary Reports of Cases in the House of Lords, on Appeals and Writs of Error, during the Sessions 1831 to 1836. London, 1835-1837. 12 vols. Clark's (George) Memoranda Legalia, or an Alphabetical Digest of the Laws of England. London, 1800. 1 vol. (C. L.) Clark's (John) Enquiry into the nature and value of Leasehold property. Glocester, 1806, 1 vol. (C. L.) Clark's (Robert) View of the office of Sheriff in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1824. 1 vol. (C. L.) Clark's (Thomas) Perpetuation or extinction of the Eccleastical Jurisdiction in Temporal Concerns, being an Analysis and 48 LAW IBooXs. review of the Special and General Reports of the Ecclesiastical Commission &c. London, 1840. 1 vol. (C. L.) Clarke's (Charles L.) Chancery Reports: Cases decided in the 8th Circuit of the State of New-York. Frederick Whittlesey, Vice Chancellor. Vol 1. Rochester, 1841. 1 vol. Clarke (Francisci) Praxis tarn Jus dicentibus quam Aliis Omnibus qui in Foro Ecclesiastico versantur apprime utilis. Per Thomnam Bladen. Editio Secunda, Londini, 1684. 1 vol.1 Clarke's (John) Bibliotheca Legum, or complete Catalogue of the Common and Statute Law Books of the United Kingdom. London, 1819. 1 vol. (C. L.) Clarke's New Law List. See " Cockell's New Law List." Clay's (C. C.) Alabama Digest, of Statutes of a Public and General Nature in Force in February, 1843. Tuscaloosa, 1843. 1 vol. Clayton's (John) Reports and Pleas of Assizes at York, held before several judges in that circuit, with some precedents useful for pleaders at the assizes, never englished before. London, 1651. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Clerk's Instructor (The) in the Ecclesiastical Courts: Consisting of a variety of the best Precedents in English now made use of in the Practice of the Civil Law. Together with several Adjudged Cases, Letters of Induction into a Living, &c. Also A Treatise concerning Pluralities, The Dispensation of them according to the Statute of 21 Hen. VIII. and of Retainder of Chaplains. London, 1740. 1 vol. Clerk's Instructor (The) in the Ecclesiastical Courts (Same). Dublin, 1766. 1 vol. Clerk of Assize (The Office of the) Containing the Form and Mlethod of the Proceedings at the Assize and General Gaol Delivery, as also on the Crown and Nisi Prius Side. Together with the Office of the Clerk of the Peace. London, 1 vol. Clerke's (Francis) Admiralty Practice: Praxis Supreme Curiae Admiralitatis Francisci Clerke, Una cum Indice et Notis Cui Adjiciuntur Articuli Magistri Roughton ad Officium Admiralitatis Anglie, &c. Spectantes. Londini, 1829. 1 vol. 12mo. Clerke's (Thomas W.) Rudiments of American Law and Practice, on the plan of Blackstone; Prepared for the Use of Students at Law, and Adapted to Schools and Colleges. NewYork, 1842. 1 vol. Clerke's (Thomas W.) Digest: A Practical Digest of the Reported Cases in the Supreme Court of Judicature, and the Court for the Correction of Errors of the State of New-York. Together with the Reported Cases of the Superior Court for the City and County of New-York, from the Earliest Period to the Year 1844. 2 vols. in 4. New-York, 1845. 4 vols. LAW BooKS, 49 Clifts (Henry) New Book of Entries. 2d Ed. By Sir Charles Ingleby. London, 1719. 1 vol. fol. Cobb's (Howell) Analysis and Forms. An Analysis of the Statutes of Georgia in General use with Forms and Precedents. New-York, 1846. 1 vol. Cobbett's (J. P,) Law of Pawns or Pledges. London, 1841. 1 vol, 12mo. (C. L.) Cobbett (William) See " State Trials." Cockburn's (William) Clerk's Assistant, in the Practice of the Ecclesiastical Courts. 4th Ed. Dublin, 1792. 1 vol. Cockburn (A. E.) and Rowe's (W. Carpenter) Cases of Controverted Elections determined in the 11th Parliament of the United Kingdoms, &c. Vol 1. London, 1833. 1 vol. Cockell's (Teesdale) New Law List, being a list of the Judges and Officers of the different Courts of Justice. London, 18341840 - 1845. 3 vols. (C. L.) Code Napoleon. Or the French Civil Code. Literally Translated from the Original and Official Edition. Published in Paris, 1804. London, 1817. 1 vol. Code Napoleon (Discussions du), dans le Conseil D'Etat, sur le Plan donn6 pas S. Ex. M. Regnaud de Saint-Jean d'Angely, Ministre d'etat. Par MM. Jouanneau, L. C. et Solon. Pr6cedees des Articles Correspondans du Texte et du Projet, Seconde Edition. Augmentee d'un Troisieme Volume, contenant de Nouveaux Eclaircissemens sur les Discussions, et des Commentaires sur les Questions qui se sont presentees dans les Cours Souveraines, les Changemens faits par le Decrets du 3 Septembre, 1807, et une Table alphabetique et raisonnee ponr les trois volumes. Par J. B. Delaporte, Auteur des Pandectes frangaises: Paris, 1808. 3 vols. 4to. Codes Frangaises (Les) Conformds aux textes officiels, avec la Conf6rence des articles entre eux. Par MM. Bourguignon et Royer-Collard. Paris, 1844, 1 vol. Codes (Les Six), avec indication de leur dispositions correlatives, et rapports ertre eux, augmentes de la Charte constitutionelle. Paris, 1829. 1 vol. 18mo. Codes (Les Cinq) Reunis, cours du droit Francais contenant imprimes sur ceux du Bulletin des lois &c. Precedes de la charte Constitutionnelle &c. Paris, 1819. 1 vol. 18mo. Code Civil, Recueil complet des Discours prononc6s lors de la pre sentation du Code Civil, par les divers Orateurs du Conseil d'Etat et du Tribunat, et discussion particuliere de ces deux Corps avant la redaction definitive de chaque projet de loiPaais, 1841. 2 vols. Code Civil General de iEmpire D'Autriche. Traduit sur la derniere edition officielle par A. De Clereq. Paris, 1836. 1 vol. (C. L.) Code de Commerce et loi de procedure sur les affaires et causes de 50 LAW BOOKS. commerce du royaume D Espagne. Traduit par M. Victor Foucher. Paris, 1838. 1 vol. (C. L.) Code des Prises, ou Recueil des Edits, Declarations, Lettres patentes, Arrets, Ordonnances, Reglemens and Decisions sur la Cours et l'Administration des Prises, depuis 1400 jusqu' a present. Imprimne par ordre du Roi. A Paris. 1784. g vols, 4to. Code. See " Commercial Code of France," Code. See "Civil Code of Louisiana." Code of Practice. See " Louisiana;" Code of Procedure. First four Reports of the Commissioners on Practice and Pleadings. Albany, 1848. 4 vols. Code of Procedure. First Report of the Commissioners on Practice and Pleadings, with the amendments of the Legislature. Albany, 1848. Code of Procedure as amended by the Legislature, by an Act passApril 11, 1848. With an Index. Albany, 1849. Code Reporter (The) A Journal for the Judge, the Lawyer, and the Legislature. Vol. 1. Containing also Judge Edmonds' Address on the Code. New-York, 1848- 9. Codex Theodosianus, cum Perpetuis Commentariis Jacob Gothofredi. (6 vols. in 3.) Lugduni, 1665. 3 vols. fol. Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Anglicani: or, The Statutes, Constitutions, Canons, Rubricks and Articles of the Church of England, methodically Digested. With a Commentary, Historical and Juridical. Before it, is An Introductory Discourse, concerning tho Present State of the Powers, Discipline and Laws of the Church of England; And after it, An Appen dix of instruments, Ancient and Modern. By Edmlind Gibson, D. D. Lond.on, 1713. 2 vols. fol. Coke's (Sir Edward) Book of Entries. 2d Ed. London, 1671. 1 vol. fol. Coke's (Sir Edward) Second Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England. Containing the Exposition of many Ancient and Other Statutes. London, 1797. 2 vols. Ckoke's (Sir Edward) Third Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England. Concerning High Treason, and Other Pleas of the Crown and Criminal Causes. London, 1797. 1 vol. Coke's (Sir Edward) Fourth Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England. Concerning the Jurisdiction of Courts. London, 1797. 1 vol. (These 3 Parts are contained in 4 vols. Marked vol. I, II III, & IV.) Coke's (Sir Edward) Reports in English in 13 Parts Complete. With Notes and References by George Wilson. Bound in 7 vols. Dublin, 1793, 1792. 7 vols. Coke's (Sir Edward) Reports in 13 Parts. A New Edition by John Henry Thomas, and John Farquhar Fraser. In 6 vols, London, 1826. 6 vols. LAW BoOKs. 51 Coke's (Sir Edward) Reports in verse, wherein the name of each case, and the principal points are contained in two lines. In the Savoy, 1742. 1 vol. (C. L.) Coke (Sir Edward) on Littleton. First Institutes. The First Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England, or a Commentary upon Littleton. With Notes by Francis Hargrave and Charles Butler. To which are added Considerable Improvements by Thomas Day. Philadelphia, 1812. 3 vols. Coke (Sir Edward) on Littleton. Systematic Arrangement of Lord Coke's First Institutes of the Laws of England. On the Plan of Sir Matthew Hale's Analysis. With the Annotations of Mr. Hargrave, Lord Chief Justice Hale and Lord Chancellor Nottingham, and a New Series of Notes and References to the Year 1818. By J. Thomas. Second American from the Last London Ed. To which are added the Notes of Charles Butler, Esq. Philadelphia, 1836. 3 vols. Coke upon Littleton. See;" Cary, Coventry." Coke's (Edward) Three Law Tracts, by William Hawkins. London, 1764. 1 vol. Coke, Life of. See' Woolrych." Coke's (Lord) Speech and Charge, at the Norwich Assizes; with a Discourse of the abuses and corruptions of Officers. London, 1607. Small 4to. Colby's (H. G. 0.) Practice in Civil Actions and proceedings at law, in Massachusetts; with references to decisions in NewHampshire, Maine, &c. Boston, 1848. 1 vol. Cole (W. R.) on Criminal Informations, and Informations in the Nature of Quo Warranto. London, 1843. 1 vol. 24mo. Cole (W. R.) on Criminal Informations and Informations in the Nature of Quo Warranto; see " Law Library, vol 56." Cole (J.) Considerations on the Origin, Progress and Recent State of the English Bankrupt Laws. London, 1818. 1 vol. (C. L.) Colebrooke's (H. T.) Digest of Hindu Law, on Contracts and Successions. With a Commentary by Jagannatha Tercapanchanana. Translated from the Original Sanscrit. Calcutta, Printed: London, Reprinted, 1801. 3 vols. Coleman's (William) Cases of Practice, Supreme Court New-York, from April Term, 1794, to October Term, 1800. Together with the Rules and Orders of the Court, from October Term; 1791, to October Term, 1800 New-York, 1801. 1 vol. Coleman (William) and Caines' (George) Cases of Practice, Supreme Court New-York, from April Term, 1794, to November Term, 1805. With all the Rules and Orders of the Court to August Term, 1806. New-York, 1808. (2 Copies). 2 vols. Collectanea Juridica. Consisting of Tracts Relative to the Law and LAW Boo. s. Constitution of England, By Francis Hargrave. London, 1791,1792. 2 vols. Collectanea Maritima. Being a Collection of Public Instruments, &c., &c. Tending to Illustrate the History and Practice of Prize Law.'By Chr. Robinson. London, 1801. 1 vol. Colles' (Richard) Parliamentary Reports, &c. Being a Supplementary Volume to Brown's Cases in Parliament. See " Brown's Parliamentary Cases, vol. 8." Collier's (J. D.) Essay on the law of Patents for new Inventions. London, 1803, 1 vol. (C. L.) Collinson (George Dale) on Lunacy. A Treatise on the Law Concerning Idiots, Lunatics, and Other Persons Non Compotes Mentis. London, 1812. 2 vols. Collyer (John) on Partnership. With Notes of American Cases, by Willard Phillips and Edwaird Pickering. Springfield, 1834. 1 vol. Collyer (John) on Partnership. A Practical Treatise on the law of Partnership; with an Appendix of Forms. 3d American from the 2d English Edition, with large additions, by J. C. Perkins. Boston, 1848. 1 vol. Collyer (John) see " Younge (Edward) and Collyer's (John) Reports." Collyer's (John) Reports of Cases Decided in the High Court of Chancery, by Sir J. L. Knight Bruce, Vice Chancellor. From Hil. T. 1844, to Hil. T., 1847. London, 1845 47. 2 vols. Colquhoun's (Ludovic) Report under a brieve of Idiotry. Peter Duncan v. David Yoolow. Tried at Coupar-Angus. Edinburgh, 1837 1 vol. (C. L.) Comberbachls (Roger) Reports of Cases in the Court of King's Bench from 1 James II., to 10 William III. London, 1724. I vol. fol. Commentary & Review of Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws. Philadelphia, 1811. 1 vol. (C. L.) Comlmercial Code of France (The) in French and English. With the Motives, or discourses of the Counsellors of State, delivered before the Legislative Body, Illustrative of the Principles and Provisions of the Code. Translated from the French by John Rodman. New-York, 1814. 1 vol. Common Bench Reports: Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Common Pleas, and upon Writs of Error from that Court to the Exchequer Chamber. Hil. T., 1845, (8 Vict.) to Hil. T. 1847. By James Manning, T. C. Granger, and John Scott. London, 1846-48. 3 vols. Common Law Commission. Fair's (T. M.) Abridgement of First Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Practice and Proceedings of the Superior Courts of Common Law. London, 1829. 1 vol. LAW BOOKS. 53 Common Law Reports. Cases argued and determined in the English Courts of Common Law. Edited by Thomas Sergeant, John L. Lowber, and Thomas McKean Pettit. Philadelphia, 1822 - 1849. 58 vols. (There are duplicates of vols. 4 & 47.) CONTENTS: Vol. 1st. Taunton's Reports, vol. 5 and 6. Vol. 2d. Taunton, vol. 7. Starkie, vol. 1. Vol. 3d. Holt, vol. 1. Starkie, vol. 2. Vol. 4th. Taunton, vol. 8. Marshall, vol. 1 and 2. Moore, vol. 1, 2, and 3. Vol. 4th.* Barnewall and Alderson, vols. 1 and 2. Vol. 5th. Broderip and Bingham, vol. 1. Barnewell and Alderson, vol. 3. Niel Gow, vol. 1. Vol. 6th. Broderip and Bingham, vol. 2. Barnewall and Alderson, vol. 4. Vol. 7th. Barnewall and Alderson, vol. 5. Broderip and Bingham, vol. 3. Vol. 8th. Barnewall and Creswell, vol. 1. Bingham, vol 1. Vol. 9th. Barnewall and Creswell, vol. 2. Bingham, vol. 2. Vol. 10th. Barnewall and Creswell, vols 3 and 4. Vol. 11th. Bingham, vol. 3. Barnewall and Creswell, vol. 5. Carrington and Payne, vol. 1. Vol. 12th. Carrington & Payne, vol. 2. Barnewall and Creswell, vol. 5. Vol. 13th. Bingham, vol. 3. Barnewall and Cresswell, vol. 6. Vol. 14th. Barnewall and Cresswell, vol. 7. Starkie, vol. 3. Carrington and Payne, vol. 3. Vol. 15th. Bingham, vol. 4, 5. Barnewell and Creswell, vol. 8. Vol. 16th. Dowling and Ryland, vols. 12,3,4, 5 6, 7,8. Moore (J. B.) vols. 4 and 5. Vol. 17th. More (J. B.) vols. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Moore and Payne, vols. 1 and 2. Manning and Ryland, vols. 1 and 2. Barnewall and Cresswell, vol. 9. Vol. 18th. Chitty, vols. 1 and 2. Vol. 19th. Bingham, vol. 6. Carrington and Payne, vol. 4. Vol. 20th. Bingham, vol. 7. Barnewall and Adolphus, vol. 1. Vol. 21st. Barnewall and Cresswell, vol. 10. Bingham, vol. 8. Ryan and Moody. Vol. 22d. Barnewall and Adolphus, vol. 2. Moody and Malkin, vol. 1. Dowling and Ryland, vol. 9. Moore, (J. B.) vols. 11 and 12. Vol. 23d. Barnewall and Adolphus, vol. 3. Bingham, vol. 9. Vol. 24th. Barnewall and Adolphus, vol 4. Carrington and Payne, vol. 5. Vol. 25th. Bingham, vol. 10. Carrington and Payne, vol. 6. Vol. 26th. Douglas, (Sylvester) vols. 3 and 4. Vol. 27th. Barnewall and Adolphus, vol. 5. Bingham's New Cases, (C. P.) vol. 1. 54 LAW BooKs. Vol. 28th. Adolphus and Ellis, vol. 1. Moore, Payne and Scott, vols. 1 and 2. Neville anld Manning vols. 1, 2, 3. Vol. 29th. Adolphus and Ellis, vol. 2. Bingham's New Cases, vol. 2. Vol. 30th. Adolphus and Ellis, vol. 3. Moore and Scott, vols. 3 and 4. Neville and Manning, vol. 4. Scott, vol. 2. Vol. 31st. Adolphus and Ellis, vols. 4 and 5. Vol. 32d. Bingham's New Cases, vol 3. Carrington and Puyne, vol. 7. Vol. 33d. Adolphus and Ellis, vol. 6. Bingham's New Cases, vol. 4. Vol. 34th. Adolphus and Ellis, vol. 7. Carrington and Payne, vol. 8. Vol. 35th. Bingham's New Cases, vol. 5. Adolphus and Ellis, vol. 8. Vol. 36th. Adolphuns and Ellis, vol. 9. Scott, vols. 3 and 4. Neville and Manning, vol. 5, 6. Neville and Perry, vols. 3 and 4. Vol. 37th. Adolphus and Ellis, vol. 10. Bingham' s New Cases, vol. 6. Vol. 38th. Carrington and Payne, vol. 9. Deacon vol. 1. Vol. 39th. Adolphus and Ellis, vol. 11. Manning and Granger, vol. 1. Vol. 40th. Adolphus and Ellis, vol. 12, Manning and Granger, vol. 2. Vol. 41st. Carrington and Marshman, vol 1. Adolphus and Ellis, (New Series). vol. 1. Vol. 42d. Manning and Granger, vol. 3. Adolphus and Ellis, (New Series). vol. 2. Vol. 43d. Manning and Granger, vol. 4. Adolphus and Ellis, (New Series). vol. 3. Vol. 44th. Manning and Granger, vol. 5. Vol. 45th. Adolphus and Ellis, vol. 4. Vol. 46th. Manning and Granger, vol. 6. Vol. 47th. Carrington and Kirwan, (Nisi Prius). vol 1. Vol. 47th* Index. vols, I to 47. Inclusive. By the Hon. George Sharswood and George Washington Biddle. Vol. 48th. Adolphus and Ellis, (New Series). vol. 5. Vol. 49th. Manning and Granger, vol. 7. Vol. 50th. Manning, Granger and Scott, vol. 1. Vol. 51st. Adolphus and Ellis, (New Series). vol. 6. Vol. 52d. Manning, Granger and Scott, vol. 2. Vol..53d. Adolphus and Ellis, (New Series). vol. 7. Vol. 54th. Manning, Granger and Scott, vol. 3. Vol. 55th. Adolphus and Ellis, (New Series). vol. 8. Vol. 56th. Manning, Granger and Scott, vol. 4. Common Pleas Judgments. Judgments Given in the Court of Comi LAW BOOKS. 55 mon Pleas, in all Manner of Actions whatsoever. Together with the Number Rolls in which they are Entered. [This volume wants the Title Page]. 1 vol. 12mo. Common School Decisions and Laws. Decisions of the Superintendent of Common Schools of the State of New-York. Selected and Arranged by John A..Dix, Superintendent. Together with the Laws relating to Common Schools, and the Forms and Regulations prescribed for their Government. Albany, 1837. 1 vol. Compleat Arbitrator (The) or the Law of Awards. By a Barrister. London, 1744. 1 vol. Comstock's (Franklin G.) Digest of the Law of Executors and Administrators, Guardian and Ward, and Dower. Hartford, 1832. 1 vol. Comstock (George F.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of the State of New-York from September, 1847, to December, 1848. Albany, 1849. vol. 1. Comyn's (Sir John)'Digest of the Laws of England. 1st American, from the 5th London Ed. With the Addition of the Principal American Decisions. By Thomas Day. Vols. 1 to 6, New-York, 1824- 1825. Vols. 7 & 8, Philadelphia & NewYork, 1826. 8 vols. Comyn's (Sir John) Reports, Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer. To which are added some Special Cases in the Court of Chancery, and before the Delegates. 2d Ed. With Marginal Notes and References by Samuel Rose. London, 1792. 2 vols. Comyn (Robert Buckley) on the Law of Landlord and Tenant. 2d Ed. by George Chilton, Jr. London, 1830. 1 vol. Comyn (Robert Buckley) on the Law of Landlord and Tenant. See "Law Library, vol. 6." Comyn (Robert Buckley) on the Law of Usury. London, 1817. 1 vol. Comyn (Robert Buckley) on the Law of Usury. See " Law Library, vol. 5." Comyn (Samuel) on Contracts and Agreements not under Seal, with Cases and Decisions thereon in the Action of Assumpsit. Flatbush, (N. Y.), 1801. 2 vols. Concanen's (George) Report of the Trial at Bar, Rowe v. Brenton. King's Bench. Mich. T., 9 Geo. IV. London, 1830. 1 vol. Concetius (H.) Practice of the Spiritual or Ecclesiastical Courts. London, 1708. 1 vol. (C. L.) Condensed Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, January Term, 1834. Edited by William Cranch; assisted by Rufus Dawes. Washington, 1835. 1 vol. Condensed Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of the United States, containing the whole series of the decisions of the 56 LAW BOOKS. Court from its organization to the commencement of Peters' Reports at January Term, 1827. Edited by Richard Peters. Philadelphia, 1833- 41. 6 vols. (Vols. 2 & 3, 2d edition.) Congress (History of). Exhibiting a Classification of the Proceedings of the Senate, and the House of Representatives. From March 4th 1789, to March 3d, 1793. Philadelphia, 1843. 1 vol. Conkling's (Alfred) Treatise on the Organization, Jurisdiction and Practice of the Courts of the United States. 1st Ed. Albany, 1831. 1 vol. Conkling's (Alfred) Treatise. 2d Ed. New-York, 1842. 1 vol. Conkling's (Alfred) Jurisdiction, Law and Practice of the Courts of the United States in Admiralty and Marine Cases including those of Admiralty Jurisdiction arising under the Act of February 26, 1845: with an Appendix containing the New Rules of Admiralty Practice prescribed by the Supreme Court of the United States.,Albany and Boston, 1848. 1 vol. Connecticut Reports. Cases in the Supreme Court of Errors. From June, 1814, to November, 1847. Prepared and Published in Pursuance of a Statute Law of the State. By Thomas Day. (6th volume Published at New-York, 1829.) Hartford, 1817-1848. 18 vols. Cornell's (Arthur) Treatise on the Election Laws in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1827. I vol. (C. L ) Connell's (John) Treatise on the Law of Scotland respecting Tithes and the Stipends of the Parochial Clergy. 2d Ed: Edinburgh, 1830. 2 vols. (C. L.) Connell's (John) Treaties on the Law of Scotland respecting the erection, &c., of Parishes, the Manses and Glebes of the Parochial Clergy, and the patronage of Churches. Edinburgh, 1818. 1 vol. (C. L.) Connor, (Henry) and Lawson's, (James A.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery during the Time of Lord Chancellor Sugden. 1841 -42 (5th Vict.) to 1842-3, (6th Vict.) Dublin, 1842, 1844. 2 vols. Conover's (James F.) Digested Index of all the Reported Decisions in Law and Equity of the Supreme Courts of the States of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. Philadelphia, 1834, 1 vol. Conroy's (John) Custodiam Reports,of Cases relative to Outlawries and the Grants thereon, as Argued and Determined on the Revenue Sides of the Courts of Exchequer, both in England and Ireland. Dublin, 1795. 1 vol. Constable's Guide, (The) being a concise Treatise on the powers and duties of a Constable and Collector in the State of NewYork. Binghamton, 1832. 1 vol. (C. L.) Constitutions of the Several Independent States of America, the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, (1260) LAw BooKs. 57 "Treaties, &c. Arranged by Sev. William Jackson. u d Ed. London, 1783. 1 vol. (Warden Library.) QConLstitutions (The) of the several Lndependent States of -America; the Declaration of Indepesdence - the akrticles of Confederation b.etween the said States; the Treaties betw.een His most Christian Majesty and the United States of America and the Treaties between their High Mightinesses the States General of the United Netherlands and the United States of America. Published originally by order of Congress. The 2d Edition. Boston, 1785. 12nlo. (In exchange for Duplicates.) ~Constitutions des Treize Etats Unis De L'Amerique; avec la BDclaration de L'Independance, Les Articles de Confederation, Les Traites entre Sa Majeste Tres Chretienne, les Etats Generaux des Pays-Bas Unis, Le Roi de Suede et les EtatsUnis de L'Ameriique. Philadelphie.& Paris, 1783. 1 vol. 4to. ( Warden Library.),Constitution (Political) of Jamaica, inciding the Judicial and Ec-. clesiastical Establishment of that Colony, and its Annual. Laws in force for 1844. London, 1:844. 1 tol. Constitution of New-York; Constitution of the State of New-York, Adopted Nov. 3, 1846, (with Marwginal References, and an Index.) 1 vol. Folio. Const's (Francis) Poor Laws. 5th Ed. London, 1807. (With the 3d volume is bound up "'The Laws Relating io the Poor." By Edmund Bott & Francis Const. Continued to Hilary Term, 1814.") London, 1815. 3 vols.,Const (Francis).See' BottPs Poor Laws."?onstitutional Reports. Reports of.Judicial Iecisions in the Constitutional Court of South Carolina, in the Years 1817 and 11818 Published by Jolm Mill. Charleston, 1819. 2 vols..Constitutional Reports. Reports of Constitutional Court of South Carolina, During the Years 1812,'13, 14,' 5 &'16. And Two Cases in the Court of Equity in the Year 1822. Published by W. R. H. Treadway. Charleston, 1823.. 2 vols. Contested Elections in Congress (Cases of)<, From the Year 1789 to 1834, Inclusive. Compiled by M. St. Clair Clarke and David A. Hall. Printed by Order of the House of Representatives. Washington, 1834. I vol. Convention Manual Malanual for the'Use of the Convention to revise the Constitution of the State of New-York, convened at Albany, Jnre 1, 1846t. Prepared pursuant to order of the Convention, by the Secretaries, under Supervision of a Select Committee. New-Yorlk 1846. 1 vol. Conversations on the English:Oonstitution. London, 1828. 1 volo l12mo. Coode (George) on Legislative Expression or the language of the Written Law; see "Law Library," vol. 60. {STATr LIBRARY.] 4 58 L Aw BooKS. Cooke's (EdwaUrd) Treatise upon the Law and practice of the Court for relief of Insolvent Debtors. 2d Ed. London, 1839. 1 vol. (C. L.) Cooke's (Sir George.) Reports and Cases of Practice in the Court of Common Pleas in the reign of Queen Anne, Geo. the Ist: and 2d. In the Savoy, 1742. 1 vol, Folio. (C. L.) Cooke (George Wingrove), on Defamation: A Treatise on the Law of Defamation; with Forms of Pleadings. London, 1844. 1 vol. 24mo. Cooke (George Wingrove.) Treatise on the Law of Defamation. See " Law Library, vol. 53." Cooke's (John) New Orders in the High Court of Chancery. London, 1838. 1 vol. 12mo. Cooke's (William) Bankrupt Laws. 4th Ed. London, 1799. 2 vols. Cooke's (William) Bankrupt Laws. 8th Ed., by George Roots. London, 1823. 2vols. (C. L.) Cooke's (William Wilcox) Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals of Tennessee, and in the Federal Court for the District of West Tennessee. Vol. 1. Nashville, 1814. 1 vol. (Presented by Hon. Garnett Duncan, of Kentucky.) Cooper's (Charles Purton) Select Cases. Decided by Lord Brougham in the Court of Chancery, in the Years 1833 & 1834. London, 1835. 1 vol. Cooper's (Charles Purton) Chancery Reports: Reports of some Cases adjudged in the Courts of the Lord Chancellor in the years 1837-8. With Notes and Appendix. Vol. 1. London and Dublin, 1838, 1841. I Vol. (Presented by the Author.) Cooper (Charles Purton) Reports of Cases in Chancery, decided by Lord Cottenham, commencing July 7, 1846. Vol. 1. London, 1846-47. Cooper's (C. P.) Lettres sur la Cour de la Chancellerie D'Angleterre, et sur quelques Points de la Jurisprudence Anglaise: Enrichies de Notes et Appendices, et Publiees avec une Introduction par M. P. Royer-Collard. Paris, Strasbourg, Londres, Bruxelles, 1830. 1 vol. Cooper's (Charles) Municipal Corporations Act in England and Wales, (5 & 6, W. 4, c. 76.) London, 1835. 1 vol. Cooper (C. P.) on Registration and the Extrinsic Formalities of Conveyances. London, 1831. 1 vol. Cooper's (C. P.) A Brief Account of some of the most Important Proceedings in Parliament relative to the Defects in the Administration of Justice in the Court of Chancery, The House of Lords, and the Court of Commissioners of Bankrupts. London, 1828. 1 vol. Cooper's (Charles Purton) Speech. Substance of the Speech of Charles Purton Cooper, Esq., as Counsel for the Rev. Charles LAw Boo K. 59 Wellbeloved, in the Suit of the Attorney-General vs. Shore. Instituted in the High Court of Chancery. Lady Hewley's Foundations. Wednesday, 2nd July, 1834. London, 1834. 1 Vol. (Presented by the Author.) Cooper's (Charles P.) Specimen of a catalogue of the books on Foreign Law, lately presented by C. P. Cooper to the Society of Lincoln's Inn. London, 1847. 1 Vol. (Presented by the Author.) Cooper's (George) Equity Pleading. High Court of Chancery. London, 1809. 1 vol. Cooper's (George) Equity Pleading. High Court of Chancery. New-York, 1813. 1 vol. Cooper's (George) Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery: Temp. Eldon Ld. Chancellor. Hil., E., ^ T. Terms. 55 Geo. III. 1815. With a Few Cases of an Earlier Period. 1st American Ed. with Notes and References to the Subsequent Decisions and American Cases. By Murray Hoffman. New-York, 1824. 1 vol. Cooper's (Brevt. Capt. S.) Concise System of Instruction and regulations for the Militia and Volunteers of the United States. Philadelphia, 1849. 1 Vol. (Presented by the Adjutant General.) Cooper's (Thomas) Opinion on the Effect of a Sentence of a Foreign Court of Admiralty. Published by Alexander James Dallas. Philadelphia, 1810. 1 Vol. Cooper's (Thomas) Justinian (Institutes of.) Philadelphia, 1812. 1 vol. Cooper's (Thomas) Medical Jurisprudence. Philadelphia, 1819. 1 vol. Cooper's (Thomas) Treatise on the Law of Libel, and Liberty of the Press. New-York, 1830. 1 vol. (C. L.) Coote (Richard Holmes) on the Law of Mortgage. 2d Ed. London, 1837. 1 vol. Coote (Richard Holmes) on the Law of Mortgage. See " Law Library, vol. 18." Coote's (R. H.) Analysis of Fearne's Essay on Contingent Remainders. London, 1814. 1 vol. (C. L.) Coote's (R. H.) Treatise on the Law of Landlord and Tenant. London, 1840. 1 vol. (C. L.) Corbett (Uvedale) and Daniell's (Edmund Robert) Reports. Election Cases, in the Sixth Parliament of the United Kingdom. London, 1821. 1 vol. Cordwainers' Trial. See " Trial of Journeymen Cordwainers.' Corner's (A. B.) Forms of Writs and other Proceedings on the Crown Side of the Court.of Queen's Bench, with practical directions. London, 1844. 1 vol. (C. L.) Cornish's (Thomas H.) Manual of Common Law, and Juryman's Legal Hand Book. London, 1843. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) 60 LAW BOOKS. Cornish (William Floyer) on Purchase Deeds. London, 1828. 1 vol. Cornish (William Floyer) on Remainders and Executory Limitations. London, 1827. 1 vol. Cornish (William Floyer) on Uses. London, 1825. 1 vol. Cornish (William Floyer) on Uses. See "' Law Library, vol. 3." Corpus Juris Canonici, emendatum et notis illustratum Gregorii XIII. Pont. Max. JussuEditum. LibriVII. (No place,) 1730. 1 vol. 4to. (C. L.) Corpus Juris Civilis, Recognoverunt Adnotationibusque Criticis Instructum, Ediderunt D. Albertus et D. Mauritius fratres Kriegelii, D. AEmilius Herrman, D. Eduardus Osenbruggen. Impressio Tertia. Lipsiae, 1844. 3 vols. Corpus Juris Civilis Reconcinnatum. Auctore Eusebio Begero. Francofurti et Lipsime, 1767. 3 vols. 4to. Costs in Chancery: Costs in the Court of Chancery; with Practical Directions and Remarks for the Guidance of the Solicitor in the Conducting of a Cause; with an Appendix of Modern Precedents. Dublin, 1791. 1 vol. Cotelle (M.) Privileges et hypotheques on Explication du titre 18 du livre 3. du Code Civil. Paris, 1820. 1 vol. (C. L.) Cotelle (M.) Traite des Interets ou Commentaire du Code Civil. Paris, 1826. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Cottu (M ) on the Administration of Criminal Justice in England, and the Spirit of the English Government. Translated from the French. London, 1822. 1 vol. Couch, (R.) See " Wendell's Blackstone's Commentaries. Vol. 3." County and Town Officer, or a Concise View of the Duties and Offices of County and Town Officers in the State of NewYork. By John Tappan Kingston, 1816. 1 vol. Coventry's (Thomas) Coke upon Littleton. London, 1830. 1 vol. Coventry (Thomas) on Conveyancer's Evidence. London, 1832. I vol. Coventry's (Thomas) Concise Forms in Conveyancing. 4th ed. London, 1841. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Coventry (Thomas) on Conveyancer's Evidence. See " Law Library, vol. 26." Coventry (Thomas) and Hughes' (Samuel) Digest of the Common Law Reports, from the Time of Henry III. to the Commencement of the Reign of George III. 1st American from last London ed. Philadelphia, 1832. 2 vols. Cowell (Dr. John) A Law Dictionary or the Interpreter of Words and Terms, used either in the Common or Statute Laws, &c. London, 1708. 1 vol. folio. Cowen's (Esek) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court; and in the Court for the Trial of Impeachments and the Correction of Errors of the State of New-York. From May Term, 1823, to August Term, 1828. New-York, 1824-1830. 9 vols& 2 copies. 18 vols. LAW Boo s. 61 Cowen's (Esek) Treatise on the Civil Jurisdiction of a Justice of the Peace in the State of New-York. 1st Ed. Albany, 1821. 1 vol. Cowen's (Esek) Treatise, 2d Ed. Revised by Sidney J. Cowen. Albany, 1841. 2 vols. Cowen's (Esek) Treatise. 3d Ed. By 0. L. Barbour. Albany, 1844. 2 vols. Cowen's (Esek) Treatise, Appendix to, adapting it to the Code of Procedure, by Chester Hayden. Albany, 1848. 1 vol. Cowen (Esek) and. Hill's (Nicholas) Notes to Phillipps' Treatise on the Law of Evidence. New York, 1839. 2 vols. Cowper's (Henry) Reports, King's Bench. From Hil. T, 14 Geo. III. 1774) to Trzn. T., 18 Geo. III. 1778: 1st American from 2d London ed. Boston. 1809. 2 vols. Cox's (Edward W,) Law and Practice of the County Courts in England and Wales. vol. 1. London. 1848. 1 vol, 12mo. Cox's (Samuel Compton) Equity Reports, of Cases, from 1783 to 1796, inclusive. With a few of an Earlier Date, by Lord Hardwicke and Lord Northington. 1st American Ed., with Notes and References to the Subsequent Decisions and American Cases, by Murray Hoffman. New-York, 1824. 2 vols. Coxe's (Richard S.) Digest of the Decisions in the Supreme Court, Circuit Courts, and District Courts of the United States. Philadelphia, 1829. 1 vol. Coxe's (Richard S.) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of New-Jersey, from.Jpril Term, 1790, to JVovember Term, 1795. Burlington, N. J., 1816. vol. Crabb's (George) Conveyancer's Assistant. London, 1835. 2 vols. Crabb's (George) Digest and Index, with a Chronological Table of all the Statutes, from Magna Charta to 7 Vict. 1843. London, 1843. 3 vols. Crabb's (George). History of the EnglishLaw. 1st American Ed. With Definitions and Translations of Law Terms and Phrases, &c. Burlington (Vt.), 1831. 1 vol. Crabb's (George) Law of Property in its Present State; Practically Arranged and Digested in all its Branches, including the very latest Decisions of the Courts. See "Law Library, vols. 53 and 54." Cragii (Thoms) Jus Feudale, Tribus Libris Comprehensum. Editio Tertia, Prioribus multo emendatior. Opera & Studio Jacobi Baillie. Edinburgi. 1732. 1 vol. fol. Craig (R. D.) and Phillips' (T. J.) Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery, during the Time of Lord Chancellor Cottenham, 1840-41. 3 & 4 Vict. Vol. 1. London, 1842. 1 vol. Craig's Reports. "See Mylne.l 62 LAW BOOKS. Craigie (J.) and Stewart (J. S.) Parliamentary Reports: Reports of Cases Decided in the House of Lords, upon Appeal from Scotland, from the Commencement of the Reign of George the Second. Vol. 1, Part 1. Edinburgh and London, 1825. 1 vol. Cranch (William) see "Condensed Reports Supreme Court, U. S." Cranch's (William) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of the United States, from August Term, 1801, to Feb. Term, 1815. New-York, Flatbush & Washington City, 1804-1817. 9 vols. Crawford (George) and Dix's (Edward Spencer) Abridged Notes of Cases. Argued and Determined in'the several Courts of Law and Equity in Ireland, during the years 1837 and 1838: with some Decisions at Nisi Prius, on the Circuits. Vol. 1. Dublin, 1839. 1 vol. Crawford (George) and Dix (Edward S.) Reports of Cases argued and ruled on the Circuits in Ireland, together with Cases decided at Nisi Prius, from 1839 to 1842, inclusive. Dublin, 1841 - 43. 2 vols. (C. L.) Crawford's (Geo. Morland) Report on Copyright. The case of Sanders v. Smith. London 1839. 1 vol. (C. L.) Cresswells (Robert Nathaniel) Insolvency Reports. Cases in the Court for Relief of Insolvent Debtors. From October, 1827, to June, 1829. London, 1830. 1 vol. Cripps' (H. W.) Treatise on the laws relating to the Church and Clergy. London, 1845. 1 vol. (C. L.) Crisp's (John) Conveyancer's Guide, Or the Law Student's Recreation. A Poem. 3d Ed. London. 1832. 1 vol. 12mo. Critica Juris Ingeniosa, or Choice Cases in the Common Law by H. B. London, 1661. 1 vol. (C. L.) Criticisms on the Bar, including Strictures on the principal Counsel practising in the Courts of K. B., Corn. Pleas.,Ch'y and Exchequer, by Amicus Curiae. London, 1819. I vol. (C. L.) Croke (Alex.) on the Right of Search. See "England and Neutral." Croke's (Alexander) Report of the case of Horner against Liddiard upon the question of what consent is necessary to the marriage of Illegitimate Minors, &c. With an Introductory Essay relating to Illegitimate Children. London, 1800. 1 vol. (C. L.) Croke's (Sir George) Reports of Cases in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, During the Reigns of Elizabeth, James I. and Charles I. Published in English by Sir Harbottle Grimston. 5th Ed. With Marginal Notes and References. By Thomas Leach. Dublin, 1791. 3 vols. Crompton (Charles) and Jervis' (John) Reports of Cases in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber. From E. T., LAw BooKS. 33 -i Geo. IV. (1830), to Trin. T., 2 Will. IV. (1832). London, 1832- 1833. 2 vols. Orompton (Charles) and Meeson's (R.) Reports of Cases in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber. From Jlich. T., 3 Will. IV. (1832), to E. T., 4 Will. IV. (1834). London, 1834-1835. 2 vols Crompton (Charles), Meeson (R.) and Roscoe's (H.) Reports of Cases in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber. From Trin. T., 4th Will. IV. (1834), to JMich. T, 6 Will. IV. (1835). London, 1825 - 1836. 2 vols. Crompton's (George) Practice in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas. 3d Ed. Dublin. 1787. 2 vols. Crompton (R.). L'Avthorite et Jvrisdiction des Covrts de la Maiestie de la Roygne. London, 1637. 1 vol. Crosley (Henry) on the Law of Wills. London, 1828. 1 vol. Cross (John) on the Law of Lien and Stoppage in Transitu. London, 1840. 1 vol. Cross (John) on the Law of Lien, &c. See' Law Library, vol. 34." Crosses (P. B.) Interesting and impartial view of the practical benefits and advantages of the Laws and Constitution of England. London, 1797. I vol. (C. L.) Crowder (George A.) on Prohibited Marriage: Letters of Several Distinguished Members of the Bench of Bishops, on the subject of Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister. With Remarks, by George A. Crowder. Second Edition. London, 1846. 1 vol. 12mo. Crowell's (Moses) The Counsellor, or every manl his own Lawyer. Ithaca, 1844. 1 vol. 12mo. Crown Circuit Companion, 1st American Ed. Into which has been incorporated the Work formerly Published under the Name of the Crown Circuit Assistant. New-York, 1816. 1 vol. Cruden's (R. P.) Observations upon the Municipal Bodies in Cities and Towns. Incorporated by Royal Charters within England and Wales. London, 1826. 1 vol. (C. L.) Cruise's (William) Digest of the Laws of England respecting Real Property. 2d American from 2d London Ed. With References to American Decisions, by Edward D. Ingraham. 7 vols. in 5. New —York, 1823. 5 vols. Cruise's (William) Digest of the Law of Real Property, revised and enlarged by H. H. White: further. revised and abridged, with Notes for the use of American Students, by Simon Greenleaf. In 7 vols. Vols 1 and 2. Containing a preliminary Dissertation on Tenures. Boston and London, 1849. 1 vol. Cruise (William) on Fines and Recoveries. 4th Ed. 2 vols. in one, Dublin, 1790. 1 vol.'Cruise (William) on the Origin and Nature of Dignities or Titles of Honor. 2d Ed. London, 1823. 1 vol 64 LAW BOOKS, Cruise (William) on Uses. London, 1797. 1 vol, Cujacfi (Jacobi) Opera Oinia. Ad Parisiensem Frabotianam Editionemn Diligentissime Exacta. In Tomos XI. Distributa Airctiora atque Emlendatiora. Venetiis, Mntine, 1758 -1783, Et (Nmineraftman Tomus XII.) Promptuarivam:Tniversoruim Oper-m Jacobi Cajaceii Variantibus inter se lectionibus, presetim Titrlormim, & Legrnm Florentinae, Vulgatae quwa Editionis Pandectaram,, sive Digestoram accommodatlm, Catra, et Indtistria Domlinici Albanensis. Tomni.. Mtinae 1795. 1 vols. Folio. Utdverho-ise's (C.) Arrangement of the Bread Iaws out of the City of London. Bathb 1813. 1 vol. 16mo. (C. L.) Cumbe.rland's (Richard) Laws of Nat re, lMade English from theLatin9 by John, Maxwell. London, 172f. 1 vol. 4to. Cunningham's (Joshua) Forms and Precelents for the Ecclesiastical Coarts and Clergy of Ireland, with the General Rules of Practice, adopted in the Contrts of Prerogative and Faculties and Metro-political Courts. Dtiblin, 1834. 1 voL (C. L.) Cunningham's (T.) Reports of Cases arg-ed and adjudged in the Court of K. B. in the 7th, 8th, 11 th anld 0th years of George 2d. London, 1766 1I vol. Folio. (C. L,) Cunninghaim's (T.) Law Dictionary: A New and Complete Law Dictionary, or General Abridgme:t of the Law. On a moreExtensive Plan than any Law Dictionary hitherto p-blish — ed ~ Containing not only the RExplanation of the Terms, but also the Law itself; both With regard to Tkeory and Practice, London, 1654 and 1655. 2 vols. Folio. CtEninghamn's (T. Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Bankl Notes, and Insurances. 6th Ed. London, 1778. 1 vol. Curran s (John Philpot) Speeches, With a Brief Sketch of the History of Ireland, And a Biographical Accoint of Mro, Currana New-York, 1911. 2 vols.. Carry (Thomas.) See'- Louisiana Reports'." Curry's (William) Commentaries of Sir William Blackstone on tlhe Laws and Constitation of England carefally abridged. London, 1809. 1 vol. (C. L.) Cu'rteis (W. C.) Frll Report of the case of Martin v. Escott for refusing to biry a child baptised by a Wesleyan MTinistero (May 8 1841.) London, 1841. I vol, (C. L.) Curteis' (W. C.) Ecclesiastical Reports. Cases in the Ecclesiastical Courts at Doctors Commons. From Jiiich. T., 18341 to Trin. T., 1844. London. 1840- I1844. 3 vols, Curtis' (George T.) Conveyancer: The American Conveyancer: Containing a large Variety of Legal Forms and Instrumentso With Forms and Directions for Applicants under the Patent Laws of the United States, and the Insolvent Acts of Massachusetts. Revised according to the Acts of 144 and 1846. New Ed. Boston, 1847. 1 vol, lgmo. LAW Boo,,s 6 Curtis (George T.) See 6, United States Digest." Curtis (George Ticknor) on Copyright A Treatise 0on the Law of Copyright in books, dramatical and musical compositions, letters, and other manuscripts, engravings and sculpture, as enacted and administered in England and Americawith some notices of the history of literary property. Boston and London, 1846. 1 Vol. Curtis (George Ticknor) Digest of Cases Adjudicated in the Courts of Admiralty of the United States, and in the High Court of Admiralty in England. Boston, 1839. 1 vol, Curtis (George Ticknor) on the rights and duties of Merchant Seamen, According to the General Maritime Law, and the Statutes of the United States. Boston, 1841. 1 vol. Curtis (George Ticknor) Treatise on the Law of Patents for Useful Inventions in the United States of Anmerica. Boston, 1849. 1 vol. Cushing's (Luther S.) Manual of Parliamentary Practice. Boston, 1845. 1 vol. 18mo. Cushing's (L. S.) Trustee Process, or Foreign Attachment of the Laws of Massachusetts and Maine. Cambridge, Boston, 1833d 1 vol, Custance's (George) Concise View of the Constitution of England. 3d Ed d Lononn 1808, 1 vol. (C. L.) 1D. Dagge (Henry) On Criminal Law. Md Ed, London, 1774, 3 vols. 12mo. D'Aguesseau (Euvres Completes TDI Chancelier. Nouvelle Ed. par M. Pardessus. Paris, 1819. 16 vols. D'Aguesseau (H. F.) See 6" Butler's Memoir." Dallas (A. J.) Reports. 1st vol. Containing Reports of Cases in the Courts of Pennsylvania, before and since the Revolution. Md Ed. Philadelphia, 1806, And vols, 2 3, & 4. Containing Reports of Cases in the Several Courts of the United States and of Pennsylvania, held at the Seat of the Federal Government. From August Session, 1781, to October Term, 1805. Philadelphia, 1798 - 1807. 4 vols. Dal Pozzo (Count Ferdinand) Catholicism in Austria or an Epitome of the Austrian Ecclesiastical Law, London, 1827, 1 vol. (C. L.) Dalrymple (John) on Feudal Property in Great Britain, 3d Ed, London, 1758. 1 vol, Dalrymple v. Dalrymple Case of. See " Dodson." Daltonls (Michael).Country Justice, Containing the Practice of Jus. tices of the Peace out of their Sessions. And the Duty and Power of Justices of the Peace in their Sessions. London, 1805, 1 vold fol 36 LAw BooIs. Dalton's (Michael) Sheriff: Officium Vicecomitum. LQndon, 1700~ 1 vol. fol. Damhoudere, (Josse De) Practique Criminelle: La Practique et Enchiridion des Causes Criminelles, iliustr6e par plusieurs elegantes figures, redig6e en esscript par Josse de Damr houdere, docteur es droictz. &c., fort utile et necessaire a tous Souuerains Baillifz, Escoutestes, Mayeurs, et Aultres Justiciers et officiers. A Louvain, 1555. 1 vol. Dana's (James G.) Reports of Cases in the Court of Appeals, Kentucky. From 1834 to 1840. Frankfort (Ky.), 1834- 1840. 9 vols. Dane's (Nathan) Abridgement and Digest of American Law, with Notes and Comments. Boston, 1823 -1824. 8 vols, Daniell's (Edmund Robert) Practice of the High Court of Chancery. London, 1837 -1845. 3 vols. Daniel's (Edmund Robert) Reports of Cases on the Equity Side of the Court of Exchequer. From 1717 to 1820. London, 1824. 1 vol. Daniel's (Edmund Robert) Chancery Pleading and Practice of the High Court of Chancery. Second English Edition. By Thomas Emerson Headlam. First American Edition. By J. C. Perkins. Boston, 1846. 3 vols. Daniell (Edmund Robert) on the New Orders of the Court of Chancery. London, 1841. 1 vol. Daniell's (Edmund Robert) Chancery Practice; A Treatise on the Practice of the High Court of Chancery, with some Practical Observations on the Pleadings in that Court, See " New Law Library, vols. 3, 4, and 5." Danish Laws: or the Code of Christian the 5th, faithfully translated for the use of the English Inhabitants of the Danish Settlements in America. London, 1756. 1 vol. (C. L.) Danson (F. M.) and Lloyd's (J. H.) Reports. Mercantile Cases. 1828 & 1829. Vol. 1, London, 1830. 1 vol. D'Anvers' (Knightley) General Abridgment of the Common Law, Alphabetically Digested under Proper Titles. 2d Ed. London, 1722 - 1737. 3 vols. fol. Darley's (W. F.) General Orders of the Court of Chancery in Ireland; also General orders of the Lord Chancellor in matters of Bankruptcy and Lunacy. Dublin, 1843. 1 vol. (C. L) Darling's (J. J.) Practice of the Court of Session. Edinburghl 1833. 2 vols. (C. L.) Darwall (John) See " Beck's Medical Jurisprudence," David, (E. W.) See Pennsylvania Law Journal, vol. 1." Davies (John) Collection of the most important cases respecting patents of Invention. London. 1 vol. 1816. (C. L.) Davies' (Sir John) Reports of Cases and Matters of Law Resolved LAW BoOOKS, 67 and Adjudged in the King's Court in Ireland. Dublin, 1763. 1 vol. Davis' (Daniel) Practical Treatise upon the Authority and duty of Justices of the Peace in Criminal Prosecutions. With Precedents of declarations and pleadings in Civil Actions. 2d Ed. Boston, 1828. 1 vol. (C. L.) Davis' (Daniel) Precedents of Indictments, to which is prefixed a Concise Treatise on the Office and Duty of Grand Jurors. Boston, 1831 1 vol. Davis' (Matthew L.) Report of the Case between the Rev. Cave Jones and the Rector and Inhabitants of the city of NewYork, &c. New-York, 1813. 1 vol. (C. L.) Also see " Trial of Jacob Barker." Davis (William A.) see " Statute Law, United States, Laws of the District of Columbia." Davison (H.) see' Willmore, Wollaston & Davison's Reports." Davison (Henry) and Merivale's (Herman) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Queen's Bench, and upon Writs of Error from that Court to the Exchequer Chamber. Trin. T., 18t3, to E. T.,1844,vol 1. London and Dublin, 1844. Dawes (M.) On Real Estates and Remainders therein, Expressed, Implied, and Contingent. London, 1814. 1 vol. Dawes (Rufus) see 1 Condensed Reports, Supreme Court U. S." Dawson's (J. Hooper) Law of Attornies, Solicitors and their Agents. London, 1830. 1 vol. Dax's (Thomas) Costs as at present allowed on taxation. London, 1839. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Dax's (Thomas) Practice on the Plea Side of the Court of Exchequer. London, 1831. 1 vol. (C. L.) Day's (Thomas) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Errors of Connecticut, from 1802 to 1813. Hartford, 1806 - 1823. 5 vols. Day's (Thomas) Digest of the Reported Cases, decided by the Supreme Court of Errors of the State of Connecticut, from 1786 to 1838, inclusive. Hartford, 1840. 1 vol. Day, (Thomas) see "Connecticut Reports. Day v. Day. A Question of legitimacy between John Day of Bedford, and Thomas Day of Spaldwick, for the recovery of a freehold estate in the County of Huntingdon. London, 1826. 1 vol. (C L.) Dayton's (Isaac) Law of Surrogates, Executors, &c: the office of Surrogates, and Surrogates' Courts,and Executors, Administrators and Guardians in the State of New-York. New-York and Albany, 1846. 1 vol. Deacon's (Edward E.) Bankruptcy Reports, in the Court of Review, and on Appeal before the Lord Chancellor, From 1835 to 1840. London, 1837-1841. 4 vols. 68 LLAW BooKs. Deacon's (Edward E.) Digest of the Criminal Law of England, as Altered by the Recent Statutes for the Consolidation and Improvement of it. London, 1831. 2 vols. Deacon's (Edward E.) Law and Practice of Bankruptcy, as Altered by the New Act. (6 Geo. 4. c. 16.) London, 1827, 2 vols, Deacon's (Edward E.) Guide to Magistrates out of Sessions, including a Digest of the Poor Laws. London, 1843. 2 volso (C. L.) Deacon (Edward E.) and Chitty's (Edward) Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy, in the Court of Review, and on Appeal, before the Lord Chancellor. 1832 to 1835. London, 1833- 1837. 4 vols. Deacon (Edward E.) See 6"Montagu, Deacon and De Gex's Reports." Dean (Amos) See "; Manual of Law." Deas (George) and Anderson's (James) Reports of Cases in the Court of Session, Jury Court, and High Court of Justiciary (Scotland). From March 13th, 1829, to Sept. 8th, 1832. Edinburgh, 189 - 1833. 5 vols. Debates in Congress (House of Representatives, Ist Session of Fourth Congress), upon the Constitutional Powers of the House with respect to Treaties. Philadelphia, 1796. 1 vol. Debate in the Senate of the United States, on a Resolution Relative to the Mode of Electing a President and Vice President, By William Duane. Philadelphia, 1804. 1 vol. Debate in the Senate of the U. S., Report of a, on the 23d, 24th, & 25th of February, 1803, on certain resolutions, concerning the violation of the right of deposit in the Island of NewOrleans, by Wmi. Duane. Philadelphia, 1803. 1 vol. 8vo. ( Warden Library.) Debates on the Judiciary, in the Congress of the United States, on the Bill for Repealing the Law for.the more Convenient Organization of the Courts of the United States. Albany, 1802. 1 vol. De Bonald (M.) du divorce. Quatrieme Ed. Paris, 1839. 1 vol. (C. L.) Decisions of the Court of Session, collected by appointment of the Faculty of Advocates, from 1'752 to 1825. Edinbtrgh, 21 vols. fol. (C. L.) Decisions of the Court of Session, collected by appointment of the Faculty of Advocates,from 1825 to 1841. 16 vols.. (C. L.) Decisions of the Court of Session, collected by Sir James Fergusson, of Kilkerran. From 1738 to 1752. 1 vol. fol. (C. L.) Decisions of the Court of Session, collected by Kames. From 1752 to 1768. 1 vol. fol. (C. L.) Decision of the Court of Session. See " Cases in the Court of Sessionx anid also " Dictionary of Decisions." LAW BooKs. 69 Decisiones Rotae genvae de Mercatura et rebus ad cam pertinentibus. Francoforti, 1592. 1 vol. 4to. (C. L.) Decow, (Stacy) See " Trenton Quaker case." De Ferriere (Claude) See " Jurisprudence (La) du Code de Justinian.' De Gex (John) See " Montagu, Deacon and De Gex's Reports." Delaborde (J.) Traite des avaries particulieres Sur Marchandises. Deuxi6me Ed. Paris, 1838. 1 vol. (C. L.) De La Croix (M.) on Constitutions. A Review of the Constitutions of the Principal States of Europe, and of the United States of America. Translated from the French. London, 1792, 2 vols. Delafons (John) Treatise on Naval Courts-Martial. London, 1805. 1 vol. (C. L.) De Lolme (J. L.) on the Constitution of England. A New Edition, with Supplemental Notes and a Preface Biographical and Critical. London, 1807. 1 vol. De Lolme. Edited by Stephens, " which see." Delvincourt (M.) Institutes de droit Commercial Francais. 2d Ed: Paris, 1834. 2 vols. (C. L.) Denio's (Hiram) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court and in the Court for the Correction of Errors of the State of New-York. 4 vols. From May Term, 1845, to May Term, 1847. Albany and New-York, 1846 - 7 (2 copies.) 8 vols. Denman's (Lord) Judgment, in the Case of O'Connell and Others against the Queen, as Delivered in the House of Lords, September 4, 1844. With Notes, A Preface, and Additional Observations. Edited by David Leahy, Esq. One of the Counsel in the. Cause. London & Dublin, 1844. 1 vol. De Reinhard's (Charles) Trial. See " Trial of De Reinhard." Derham's (Robert) Manuell or Briefe Treatise of some Particular Rights and Priviledges belonging to the High Court of Parliament: Wherein is shewed how of late times they have been violated. London, 1647. 1 vol. 16mo. Desaussure's (Henry William) Chancery Reports: Cases in the Court of Chancery of the State of South Carolina, and in the Court of Appeals in Equity, from the Revolution to December, 1816. Columbia, (S. C.) 1817-1819. 4 vols. D'Este (Sir Augustus) Papers relative to the claim of. See " Dillon's (J. J.) claims." Devereux's (Thomas P.) Equity Reports: Equity Cases in the Supreme Court of North Carolina. From June Term, 1828, to June Term, 1834. 2 vols. Devereux's (Thomas P.) Reports: (Law) Cases in the Supreme Court of North Carolina. From December Term, 1826, to June Term, 1834. Raleigh, 1829 - 1836. 4 vols. Devereux (Thomas P.) and Battle's (W. H.) Equity Cases in the 70 LAW BOOKs. Supreme Court of North Carolina. From December Term, 1834, to December Term, 1839. Raleigh & Philadelphia, 1838. Raleigh, 1840. 2 vols. Devereux (Thomas P.) and Battle's (William H.) Reports of Cases at Law in the Supreme Court of North Carolina. From December Term, 1834, to December Term, 1839. 4 vols. in 3. Raleigh, 1837 - 1840. 3 vols. Devon Peerage Case. See " Nicolas." Dew v. Clark & Clark. See " Haggard." D'Hauteville Case (Report of the.) The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at the suggestion of Paul Daniel Susalve Grand D'Hauteville, versus David Sears, Miriam C. Sears and Ellen S.S. De'Hauteville. Habeas Corpus for the custody of an Infant child Philadelphia, 1840. 1 vol. Dickens' (John) Chancery Reports: Cases in the High Court of Chancery. Revised by John Wyatt. From 2 & 3 Eliz. 1559, to 32 Geo. III. 1792. London, 1803. 2 vols. Dickinson's Guide to the Quarter Sessions, and other Sessions of the Peace. 5d Ed: With great Additions by T. N. Talfourd. London, 1841. 1 vol. (C. L.) Dickinson's (William) Justice of the Peace: A Practical Exposition of the Law relative to the Office and Duties of a Justice of the Peace. Chiefly out of Sessions. 2d Ed. London, 1822. 3 vols. Dictionary of Decisions of the Court of Session, from 1808. By W. M. Morrison. Edinburgh, 1811. 21 vols. 4to. (C. L.) Dictionary of Decisions. Index to. Edinburgh, 1823. 1 vol. 4to. (C. L.) Dictionary of Decisions. Supplement to. See " Brown" (M. P.) Digest of Adjudged Cases in the Court of King's Bench, from the Revolution to the year 1775. London, 1775. 1 vol. fol. Digest of Cases in the Federal Courts of the United States. See " Peters' Digest." Digest of Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States. See " Holcombe's Digest." Digest of New-York Reports: A Practical Elementary Digest of the Reported Cases in the Supreme Court of Judicature, and the Court for the Correction of Errors of the State of New-York. Together with the Reported Cases of the Superior Court for the City and County of New-York, from the Earliest Period to the Year 1841. By Thomas W. Clerkeo 2 vols. in 4 Parts. New-York, 1841. 4 vols. Digest of South Carolina Reports of Cases in the Constitutional Court. Charleston, S. C. 1824. 1 vol. Digest of Wendell's Reports: A Digest of Cases Decided and Reported in the Supreme Court of Judicature, and in the Court for the Correction of Errors of the State of New.York. From May, 1828, to May 1835. With Tables of the Names of Cases, &c. By John L. Wendell. Albany, 1836. 1 vol. LAW BOOKS, 71 Digested Index to the Earlier Chancery Reports. By George Kekewich. London, 1804. 1 vol. Digested Index to Modern Chancery Reports, Containing the Points of Equity Determined in the High Court of Chancery from the Year 1689 to the Year 1805. 2dEd. London& Dublin, 1807. 1 vol. Dillon's (Sir J. J.) Claims of Sir Augustus D'Este. London, 1832. 1 vol. (C. L.) Dirleton's Doubts Answered: Dirleton's Doubts and Questions in the Law of Scotland, Resolved and Answered. By Sir James Steuart. Edinburgh, 1715. 1 vol. folio. Disney's (John) Collection of Acts of Parliament to 6th of George 4th relative to County and Borough Elections. In four parts. London, 1826. 1 vol. (C. L.) Disney's (John) Outlines of a Penal Code on the basis of the Law of England, with a Commentary. London, 1826. 1 vol. (C. L.) Disney's (John) Law of Gaming, Wagers, Horse racing, and Gaming Houses. London, 1806. 1 vol. (C. L.) Divorce. See "Processus." Dix (Jno. A.) See "Common School Decisions." Dixon's (Robert) Practical Treatise on the laws relative to Title Deeds and other Documents. London, 1826. 2 vols. (C. L.) Dixon (Robert) on Title Deeds and Other Documents. London & Dublin, 1826. 2 vols. Dixon, (Robert) on the Code of Real Property. See "Essays on Codification." Dobie's (Alexander) Collection of English Styles or forms for the Use of the Profession of the Law in Scotland. London, 1824. 1 vol. Doctor and Student: Or Dialogues between a Doctor of Divinity and a Student in the Laws of England. 16th Ed. London, 1761. I vol. Dodd (Charles Edward) See "Bacon's (Mathew) Abridgment." Doderidge (Sir J.) See " English Lawyer." Dodson's (John) Reports of Cases in the High Court of Admiralty, Commencing with the Judgments of the Right Hon. Sir William Scott, Trinity Term, 1811, and Ending March, 1822. London, 1815-1828. 2 vols. Dodson's (John) Special Cases. Containing: 1st. Report of Judgment of Dalrymple v. Dalrymple. 2d. Cases of the Louis, Forest Master. 3d. Report of Judgment of Sullivan v. Sullivan, alias, Oldacre. 4th. Report of Judgment on the question of Head money. London. 1811. 1 vol. (C. L.) Domat (J.) Oeuvres Completes. Nouvelle Ed. par. J. Remy. Paris, 1835. 4 vols. (C. L.) Domat's (M.) Civil Law: The Civil Law in its Natural Order: To 72 LAw B oo K s. gether with the Public Law. Translated into English by William Strahan. London, 1722. 2 vols. fol. Donnelly's (Ross) Chancery Cases: Cases in the High Court of Chancery. London and Dublin, 1837. 1 vol. Douglas Cause. Speeches, Arguments, &c. of the Lords of Session in Scotland in the Douglas Trial, with an Introductory Preftce, giving an impartial and distinct account of this suit. London, 1747. 1 vol. Douglas Cause. See " Stuart's Letters I Douglas' (Samuel T.) Michigan Reports; Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Michigan. Vol. 1. From January Term, 1843, to January Term, 1845. Detroit, 1846. 1 vol. Douglas' (Sylvester, Lord Glenbervie) Election Cases. Tried and Determined During the First and Second Sessions of the 14th Parliament of Great Britain, 15 & 16 Geo. III. (1774 to 1775). 2d Ed. London, 1802. 4 vols. Douglas (Sylvester) Reports of Cases in the Court of King's Bench. From the 19 to the 25th Geo. III. (1778 to 1785). Vols. 1 & 2. First American from 3d London Ed. with Additions and New References to Later Authorities, and to American Decisions. Philadelphia, 1807. Vols 3 and 4. Edited by Henry Roscoe and Mr. Serj. Frere. London, 1831. 4 vols. Dow's (P.) Parliamentary Reports of Cases upon Appeals and Writs of Error in the House of Lords, in the 5th Parliament of the United Kingdom, 53 Geo. III. 1813, to 58 Geo. III. 1818. London, 1814-1819. 6 vols. Dow (P.) and Clark's (C.) Parliamentary Reports of Cases upon Appeals and Writs of Error in the House of Lords during the Sessions 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832. London, 1830-1832. 2 vols. Dowling's (Alfred and Vincent) Practice Cases. New Series. Reports of Cases in the Queen's Bench Practice Court. With the Points of Pleading and Practice decided in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer. From Trin. T., 1841, to E. T., 1843. London, 1843 - 1844. 2 vols. Dowling's (Alfred S.) Practice Report: Reports of Cases in the King's Bench Practice Court. With the Points of Practice decided in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer. From Mich. T., 1830, to Mich. T. 1841. London, 18331842. 9 vols. Dowling's (A. S.) Practice of the Superior Courts of Common Law, as altered by Statute and Rule. London, 1838. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Dowling's (Alfred) and Lowndes' (John James) Practice Reports. Reports of Cases in the Queeh's Bench Practice Court: With the Points of Pleading and Practice decided in the Courts of (1715) LAwB ooKS. 73 common Pleas and Exchequer. From.. T., 1843, to E. T., 1847. London, 1845-48. 4 vols. Dowling (James) and Ryland's (Archer) Reports of Cases in the Court of King's Bench. From lHil. T., 3 Geo. IV. (1822), to Trin. T. 8 Geo. IV. (1827). London & Dublin, 1822 1831. 9 vols. Dowling (James) and Ryland's (Archer) Reports of Cases Relative to the Duty and Office of Magistrates.: Determined in the Court of King's Bench. From Hil. T., 1822, to Trin. T. 1827. London & Birmingham. 1823 - 1831. 4 vols. Drewry (Charles Stewart) on the Law and Practice of Injunctions. London, 1841 1 vol. Drewry (Charles Stewart) on the Law, &c. of Injunctions. See " Law Library, vol. 36." Drewrr's (C. S.) Patent Law Amendment Act. With Notes and Cases. London, 1838 1 vol. (C. L ) Drinkwater's (W. L.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas from,Jich. Term, 1840, to Trin, Term, 1841. London, 240 pages, (Imperfect, but as far as it has been published). Drummond's (T. B ) Forms of proceedings before the Sheriff's Courts in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1826. 1 vol. (C. L.) Drury's (W. B.) Analytical Digest of the IReports of Cases of Law and Equity, and on Circuit. From Alich. Term, 1838, to.Mich. Term, 1839. Dublin, 1839 1 vol. (C. L.) Drury (William B,) and Walsh (T. W.) Reports of Cases, Argued and Determined nm the High Court of Chancery, during tl:e Time of Lord Chancellor Plunket. From January, 1837, (7, Will iv.) to June, 1840. (4 Vict.) Dublin and London, 1839 - 1842. 2 vols. Brury (William B.) and Warren's (Robert R.) Reportsof Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the Time of Lord Chancellor Sugden. From JVovember, 1841, (5 Vict ) to June, 1843, (6 Vict.) Dblin,1843-1846. 4 vols. Duck, (Dr. Arthur) See - Beaver's History of the Roman law." Dudley's (C. W.) Cases in Chancery. Determined in the Court of Appeals of South Carolina, on Appeals from tle Courts of Equity. From December, 1837, to May 1838. Columbia, S. C., 1838. 1 vol. Dudley's (C W.) Reports of Cases at Law in the Court of Appeals of South Carolina. From December, 1837, to May, 1838. Columbia, 1838. 1 vol. Dudley's (G.. M.) Reports of Decisions made by the Judges of the Superior Courts of Law and Chancery of the State of Georgia. New-York, 1837. 1 vol. Duer (John) on Marine Insurance. A Lecture on the Law of Representations in Marine Insurance, with Notes and Illustra-,STATE LIBRARY. 5 74 LAW BooKs. tions; And a Preliminary Lecture on the Question whether Marine Insurance was known to the Ancients. New-York5 1844. 1 vol. Duer (John) on Insurance: The Law and Practice of Marine Insurance, deduced from a critical Examination of the Adjudged Cases, the Nature and Analogies of the Subject, and the General Usage of Commercial Nations. New-York, 184546. 2 vols. Duer's (William A.) Course of Lectures on Constitutional Jurisprudence. New-York, 1845. 12mo. 1 vol. Duff's (Alex.) Treatise on Deeds chiefly affecting moveables. Edinburgh, 1840. 1 vol. (C. L.) Dugdale's (Sir William) Writings. The Ancient Usage in Bearing such Ensigns of Honour as are commonly called Arms. To which is added a Brief Discourse touching the Office of Lord High Chancellor of England. A Supplement thereto, by T. C. Banks, Containing a Brief Treatise upon the Laws and Jurisdictions of the Courts of Law at Westminister:With a Catalogue of the Justiciary of England, and of the Chief Justices of the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, with the Chief Barons of the Exchequer: as also of the Masters of the Rolls, and of the Attorneys and Solicitors General, to the Year 1810. Whereto is Superadded Honores Anglicani or, Titles of Honour of the English Nobility. London, 1811. 1 vol. fol. Dugdale (William) see "* Historical Memoirs of the Inns of Court."' Duhigg's (Barthol. Thomas) History of the King's Inn or an account of the Legal Body in Ireland, from its connexion with England. In 3 parts. Dublin, 1806. 1 vol. Duncombe (Giles) See 1 Trials per pais.' Duke's (George) Law of Charitable Uses. Continued and Enlarged by Richard Whalley Bridgman. London, 1805. 1 vol. Dunlap's (Andrew) Admiralty Practice in Civil Causes of Maritime Jurisdiction. Philadelphia, 1836. 1 vol. Dunlap's (John A.) Practice of the Supreme Court of New-York in Civil Actions: Together with the Proceedings in Error. Albany, 1821 - 1823. 2 vols. Dunlap's (John A.) See' Paley on Agency.' Dunlop's (Alex.) Law of Patronage. Edinburgh, 1833. 1 vol. (C. L.) Dunlop's (A.) Parochial Law.. 2d Ed. Edinburgh & London, 1835. 1 vol. (C. L.) Dunod (F. J.) Traites des prescriptions de l'alienation des biens d'eglise, et des dixmes &c. Paris, 1774. 1 vol. 4to. (C. L.) Dupin aine et Camus. Profession D'Avocat; Recueil de Pieces et Bibliotheque choisie des Livres de Droit.. Paris, 1832. 2 vols. LAW BOOKS. 75 Dupin, Manuel des Etudians en Droit et des Jeunes Avocats. Paris, 1835. 1 vol. 18mo. Du Ponceau (Peter S.) on Jurisdiction: A Dissertation on the Nature and Extent of the Jurisdiction of the Courts of the United States. To which are added A Brief Sketch of the National Judiciary Powers exercised in the United States prior to the Adoption of the Present Federal Constitution. By Thomas Sergeant. And the Author's Discourse on Legal Education. Philadelphia, 1824. 1 vol. Du Ponceau (Peter S.) See" Bynkershoek on the Law'of War." Duranton (M.) Cours de droit Francais, suivant le Code Civil. Troisieme Ed. Paris, 1834 -37. 21 vols. (C. L.) Durham Chancery Practice. Practice of the Court of Chancery of the County Palatine of Durham. By a Solicitor of that Court. Sunderland, (Eng.) 1807. 1 vol. (C. L.) Durnford (Charles) and East's (Edward Hyde) Reports of Cases in the Court of King's Bench. From Mich. T., 26 Geo. III. (1785), to Trin. T., 40 Geo. III. (1800). First American from the last London Ed. Philadelphia, 1808-1809. 8 vols. Dutton's (Henry) Connecticut Digest of All the Decisions in Kirby's, Root's and Day's Reports, and in the first 7 and part of the 8th volume of Connecticut Reports. New-Haven, 1833. 1 vol. Duvergier (M. J. B.) See " Fcelix (M.) Revue Etrangere et Frangaise." Dwarris' (Fortunatus) on Statutes: Their Rules of Construction, And the Proper Boundaries of Legislation and Judicial Interpretation. Including A Summary of the Practice of Parliament, and the Ancient and Modern Method of Proceeding in Passing Bills of Every Kind. Part the First: Parliamentary. Part the Second: Legal. London, 1830 - 1831. 2 vols. Dwarris (Sir Fortunatus) assisted by W. H. Amyot. A General Treatise on Statutes, their rules of construction, and the proper boundaries of legislation and of Judicial Interpretation. In two parts. Part 1st. Constitutional and Parliamentary. Part 2d. Legal. 2d Edition. London, 1848. 2 vols. Dwarris (Fortunatus, on Statutes. (2d Part only.) See " Law Library, vol. 9." Dyer's (Sir James) Reports. Les Reports Des Divers Select Matters & Resolutions des Reverend Judges & Sages del Ley. Touchant & Concernant mults Principal Points occurrent estre Debate per Eux: En le several Reignes de les treshault & Excellent Princes Le Roys. Hen. 8 & Edw. 6 & le Roignes Mar. & Eliz. London, 1688. 1 vol. fol. Dyer's (Sir James) Reports of Cases in the Reigns of Hen. VIII., Edw. VI., Q. Mary, and Q. Eliz. Now First Translated, 76 LAW BOOKS. with Additional References to the Latest Books of Authority, Marginal Abstracts of the Points Determined in Each Case; And an Entire New Index to the Whole. By John Vaillant. In three Parts. London, 1794 3 vols. Dyer (Oliver.) See " Hinchman v. Richie, et al." Dyett's (Anthony R ) Law and Practice relative to summary proceedings to recover possession of Lands in certain cases, &c. With an appendix of Practical Terms and Precedents. New-York, 1848. 1 vol. E. Eagle's (William) Magistrates' Pocket Companion. Containing a Practical Exposition of the Duties of a Justice of the Peace out of Quarter Sessions. London, 1839. 1 vol. 12mo. Eagle (F. K.) and Younge's (E.) Tithe Cases. A Collection of the Reports of Cases, the Statutes, and Ecclesiastical Laws Relating to Tithes. London, Oxford, & Cambridge, 1826. 4 vols. East's (Edward Hyde) Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown. Philadelphia, 1806. 2 vols. East's (Edward Hyde) Reports of Cases in the Court of King's Bench. From Mich. T., 41 Geo. III. (1800,) to Mich. T., 53 Geo. III. (1812). A New Edition, with Corrections and the Addition of Notes and References. By Thomas Day. Philadelphia, 1817. 16 vols. East's (Edward Hyde) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench. 16 vols. in 8. Second American Edition, with the addition of Notes and References, by G. M. Wharton. Philadelphia and New-York, 1845. 8 vols. Eberle (Frederick) See " Trial of Eberle and others." Ecclesiastical Legal Guide (The) to Archbishops, Bishops and their Secretaries, The Clergy, Patrons of Benefices, Solicitors, Parish Officers, &c., &c. Part 1. London, Oxford, & Cambridge, 1839. 1 vol. Eden's (Robert Henley) Practical Treatise on the Bankrupt Law. See " Law Library, vols. 34 & 35" Eden's (Robert Henley) Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery. From 1757, to 1766. 2d Ed. London, 1827, 2 vols. Eden (Robert Henley) on the Law of Injunctions. 1st American Ed. With Notes and References to American Decisions. Albany & New-York, 1822. 1 vol. Edinburgh Law Journal (The). Edinburgh and London, 1832 and 1837 2 vols. Edwards' (Charles) Chancery Reports. Cases Decided in the First Circuit of the State of New-York. By the Hon. William To LAW BOOKS. 77 McCoun, Vice Chancellor. New-York and Albany, 18331843. 2 Copies. 6 vols. Edwards' (Charles) Treatise on Parties to Bills and Other Pleadings in Chancery. With Precedents. New-York and Albany, 1832. 1 vol. Edwards' (Charles) on Receivers in Chancery. New-York, 1839. 1 vol. Edwards' (Charles) See "Juryman's Guide." Edwards' (Edwin) Treatise on the Jurisdiction of the High Court of Admiralty of England. London, 1847. 1 vol. Edwards' (Fred.) Treatise on the Law of Gaming, Horse Racing, & Wagers. London, 1839. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Edwards' (George C.) Treatise on the Powers and Duties of Justices of the Peace and Town Officers in the State of NewYork, under the Revised Statutes. With Practical Forms. Ithaca, 1834. 1 vol. Edwards' (Jeremy) See " Mitford's Chancery Pleading." Edwards' (Thomas) Reports of Cases in the High Court of Admiralty. From April, 1808, to July, 1812. London, Printed. New-York, Reprinted, 1813. 1 vol. Edwards' (Thomas) " See Case of the Snipe, et al." Egan and another v. Threlfall. See ":Farquharson." Egremont's (John) Law relating to Highways, Turnpike Roads Public Bridges and Navigable Rivers. London, 1830. 1 vol. (C. L.) Election Law of New-York, (1842) a~ amended in 1847. 1 vol. Ellicott (Thomas) See " Bank of Maryland Conspiracy." Elliot's (Jonathan) American Diplomatic Code. Embracing a Collection of Treaties and Conventions Between the United States and Foreign Powers. From 1778 to 1834. With an Abstract of Important Judicial Decisions on Points Connected with our Foreign Relations. Also a Concise Diplomatic Manual, Containing a Summary of the Law of Nations. Washington, 1834. 2 vols. Elliot's (Jonathan) Debates in the Several State Conventions, on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution, as recommended by the General Convention at Philadelphia, in 1787. Together with The Journal of the Federal Convention, Luther Martin's Letter, Yates' Minutes, Congressional Opinions. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798'99, and Other Illustrations of the Constitution. 2d Ed. Washington, 1836 4 vols. Ellis' (Charles) Treatise on the Law of Debtor and Creditor. London & Dublin, 1822. 1 vol. Ellis' (Charles) on the Law of Fire and Life Insurance, and Annuities. London, 1832. 1 vol. Ellis' (Charles) On the Law of Fire and Life Insurance, and Annuities. See " Law Library, vol. 4." 78 LAW BOOKS. Ellis' (Charles) on the Law of Fire and Life Insurance and annuities with practical observations. 2d. edition, revised and enlarged. London 1846. 1 vol. Ellis (T. F.) See " Adolphus and Ellis." Elmer's (Joseph) Practice in Lunacy: An outline of the Practice in Lunacy, under Commissions in the Nature of Writs de Lunatico Inquirendo. London, 1844. 1 vol. Elmer's (Lucius Q. C.) Digest of the Laws of New-Jersey. Bridgeton, 1838. 1 vol. Elmes (James) on Architectural Jurisprudence. In which the Constitutions, Canons, Laws and Customs relating to the Art of Building, are Collected from the Best Authorities. London, 1827. 1 vol. Elmes (James) on Ecclesiastical and Civil Dilapidations, Re-Instatements, Waste, &c. 3d Ed. London, 1829. 1 vol. Elsynge (Henry.) The Ancient Method and Manner of Holding Parliaments in England. 3d Ed., Enlarged. London, 1675. 1 vol. 24mo. Emerigon, (Balthazard Marie.) Traite Des Assurances et Des Contrats a la Grosse. A Marseille, 1783. 2 vols. 4to. Emerigon. An Essay on Maritime Loans, from the French of M. Balthazard Marie Emerigon. With Notes. To which is added An Appendix containing the Titles De Exercitoria Actione, De Lege Rhodia, De Jactu, and De Nautico Foenore. Translatedfrom the Digests and Code of Justinian. And the Title, Des Contrats a la Grosse Aventure ou a Retour De Voyage, from the Marine Ordinance of Louis XIV. By John E. Hall. Baltimore, 1811. 1 vol. E]mlyn (Soilom) See " Hale's (Sir Matthew) Pleas of the Crown." England and Neutrals. Containing, I, 1 A Discourse on the Conduct of Great Britain in Respect to Neutral Nations. A New Ed. By Charles, Earl of Liverpool. London, 1801. 2, A Dissertation upon the Visitation of Neutral Vessels under Convoy, or, An Impartial Examination of a Judgment pronounced by the English Court of Admiralty the 11th June, 1799, in the Case of the Swedish Convoy. With some Additions and Corrections by Mr. J. F. W. Schlegel. Translated from the Danish under the Inspection of the Author, by Mr. De Juge, French Instructor at the Academy of Cadets of Marine at Copenhagen, and thence into English. London, 1801. And, 3, Remarks on Mr. Schlegel's Work upon the Visitation of Neutral Vessels under Convoy. By Alexander Croke." London, 1801. 1 vol. English Lawyer (The). Describing a Method for the Managing the Laws of this Land. By Sir John Doderidge. London, 1631. 1 vol. 12ulo. English Liberties. Or the Free-Born Subject's Inheritance. London, 1691. 1 vol. 24mo. By Henry Care (Marvin.) LAW BooKS. 79 English Pleader (The). Being a Select Collection of Various Precedents of Declarations. And the Forms of Pleas and Issues both General and Special, with Replications thereto. Dublin, 1738. 1 vol. 12mo. English's (E. H.) Digest of the Statutes of Arkansas; together with Notes and Decisions of the Supreme Court upon the Statutes. Examined and approved by Samuel H. Hempstead. Little Rock, 1848. 1 vol. (From the State of Arkansas, through the Governor.) English's (E. H.) Reports of Cases at Law, and in Equity, argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Arkansas. From January, 1845 to January, 1848. Little Rock, 1846 -49. 3 vols. (From the State of Arkansas through the Governor.) English's (H. S.) Laws respecting Pews or Seats in Churches. London, 1826. 1 vol. (C. L.) Equity Cases Abridged. A General Abridgment of Cases in Equity Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, &c. With a Large Collection of Cases never before Published. 3d Ed. Dublin, 1792, 1793. 2 vols. Equity Digest. An Analytical Digest of the Equity Cases Decided in the Courts of the Several States, and of the United States, from the Earliest Period. And of the Decisions in Equity, in the Courts of Chancery and Exchequer in England and Ireland, and the Privy Council and House of Lords, from Hilary Term, 1822. By 0. L. Barbour and E. B. Harrington. 3 vols. Springfield, Mass., 1837. And An Analytical Digest of the Equity Cases Decided in the Courts of the Several States, and of the United States, in the Courts of Chancery and Exchequer in England and Ireland, and in the English Privy Council and House of Lords, since the Year 1836. By Oliver L. Barbour, (1 vol. marked vol. 4). Springfield, Mass. 4 vols. Equity Draftsman (The). Being A Collection of Precedents, Drawn by some of the Leading Men at the Equity Bar. Selected by Mr. F. M. Van Heythuysen. 1st American Ed. New-York & Albany, 1819. 1 vol. Equity Draftsman (The). Being a Selection of Forms of Pleadings in Suits in Equity. Originally Compiled by F. M. Van Heythuysen, Esq. Revised and Enlarged: With Numerous Additional Forms and Practical Notes, by Edward Hughes, Esq. From the 2d London Ed. New-York, 1832. 1 vol. Equity Pleader (The). London, 1835. 1 vol. 24mo. Equity Pleader's Assistant: Containing a great variety of precedents &c. Dublin, 1796. 2 vols. (C. L.) Erskine's (John) Institute of the Law of Scotland, in Four Books. In the Order of Sir George McKenzie' s Institutions of that Law. A New Edition by Alexander Mac Allan. EdinburghGlasgow, Aberdeen & London, 1838, 1 vol. 80 LAW BooK s ErskineIs (John) Principles of the Law of Scotland. New Ed. LEdinburgh, 1802. 1 vol. (C. L.) Erskine's (Thomas) Speeches: The Speeches of the Hon. Thomas Erskine, (now Lord Erskine,) when at the Bar, on subjects connected with the Liberty of the Press, and against Constructive Treasons; Collected by James Ridgway, (Vols. 1 22 and 3, Second Edition,) 4 vols. And a volume of his Speeches when at the Bar, on Miscellaneous Subjects. 1 vol. London, 1810 - 1813. In all, 5 vols. Espinasse's (Isaac) Nisi Prius. A Digest of the Law of Actions and Trials at Nisi Prius. From the 3d London Ed. New-York & Albany, 1811. 2 vols. Espinasse's (Isaac) Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius in the Coirts of King's Bench, and Common Pleas. From E. T.E 33 George III. 1793, to 47 George III. 1807. Vols. I & 2. London, 1796 -1799. Vols. 3, 4, & 5. Bound in two. A New Edition by Thomas Day. Hartford, 1808 - 1810. Vol. 6, New-York & Utica, 1825. 5 vols. Espinasse (Isaac) on the Law of Actions on Penal Statutes in General. 1st American Ed. Exeter, N. H., 1822. 1 vol. Espinasse (Isaac) on the Law of Actions on Statutes, Remedial as well as Penal, in General, and on Statutes respecting Copyright. For Offences against the Law Concerning the Election of Members of Parliament. Against the Hundred. And, Against Sheriffs or their Officers. London & Dublin, 1824, I vol. Essays on' Codification; 1 vol. Containing, 1. A Letter to the Right Hon. Robert Peel, one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, on the Law of Real Property and the Practice of Conveyancing. By William Hayes., London and Dublin, 1825. 2o An Enquiry into the Means of Consolidation and Digesting the Laws of England. By Horace Twiss. London, 1826. 3. Observations on the Code of Real Property, Proposed by James Humphreys, Esq. By J. G. B. Beaumont. London, 1827. 4. Remarks on the Expediency of Framing a New Code of Lawa for Real Property. By a Barrister of the Inner Temple. London, 1827. 5. Observations on the Proposed New-Code relating to RealProperty. By Robert Dixon. London, 1827. 6. Observations on the Passing of Fines and Recoveries. By S. J. Boileau. London, 1829. 7. Strictures on the Conduct and Competency of the Real Property Commissioners By Thomas Swinburne. London. Euer's (Sampson) System of Pleading, including a translation of the Doctrina Placitandi, and now first translated from the obsolete Norman French. Dublin, 1791. 1 vol, (C. L.) LAw BOOKS, 81 Emuomus, Or Dialogues Concerning the Law and Constitution of England, by Wynne. With an Essay on Dialogue. London, 1774. 4 vols 12mo. Eunomus. See " Wynne's Eunomus." Evans' (Hugh D.) Essay on Pleading, with a View to an Improved System. Baltimore, 1827. 1 vol. Evans' (T. E.) History of the Political Institutions of the Nations Europe and America. From the French. vol. 1. Containing France and the Netherlands. London, 1824. 1 vol. (C. L.) Evans' (W. D.) Essays on the Law of Insurances, Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes. Liverpool, 1802. 1 vol. (C. L.) Evans' General view of the Decisions of Lord Mansfield. 2 vols. in 1. Liverpool, 1811. 1 vol. 4to. Evans' (W. D.) Practice of the Court of Comn. Pleas for the County Palatine of Lancaster. London. 1813. 1 vol. (C. L.) Ewing's (James) Justice. A Treatise on the Office and Duty of a Justice of the Peace, Sheriff, Constable, and Executors, Administrators and Guardians. 3d Ed. With the New Constitution [of New-Jersey] Added. New-York and Albany, 1845. 1 vol. Executors. A Practical Treatise on the Duties and Resporsibilities of. London, 1823. 1 vol. (C. L.) F. Faculty Collection of Decisions. Court of Session. See " Decisions." Fair (T. M.) Abridgment of the Report of the Common Law Comn mission. See " Common Law Commission." Fairbanks. See a Trials. Fairfield (Jno.) See Maine Reports. vols. 10 and 12. Falconer (Thomas) and Fitzherbert (Edward H). Cases of Controverted Elections Determined in Committees of the House of Commons, in the Second Parliament of the Reign of Queen Victoria Being the Third Parliament since the passing of the Acts for the Amendment of the Representation of the People. London, 1839. 1 vol. Farquharson's (G.) Report of the Case of Egan and another v, Threlfall. London, 1824. 1 vol. (C. L.) Farr's (Samuel, M. D.) Elements of Medical Jurisprudence. 2d Ed. London, 1814. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Farren's (George Jr.) Handbook. Being a Guide to the Chancery Judges Opinions. With an Index of Cases, &c. London 1839. 1 vol. (C. L.) Farren's (George) Liabilities of Members of Existing and Future 82 LAw BOOKs. Public Companies and Partnerships. London, 1844. 1 vol. (C. L.) Farren's (George) Treatise on Life Assurance. London, 1823. 1 vol. (C. L.) Fearne (Charles) on Contingent Remainders and Executory Devises. 3d American, from the 8th London Ed. By Charles Butler. Philadelphia, 1826,1 vol. Fearne (Charles) on Contingent Remainders and Executory Devises. 10th Ed. Ry Josiah W. Smith. London, 1844. 2 vols. Fearne on Contingent Remainders. See " Coote's Analysis.' Fearne's (Charles) Posthumous Works. Consisting of A Reading on the Statute of Inrolments, Arguments in the singular Case of General Stanwix, and a Collection of Cases and Opinions, Selected from the Author's Manuscripts, by Thomas Mitchell Shadwell. London, 1797. 1 vol. Felice. Legons de droit de la Nature et des Gens. Paris, 1830. 2 vols. (C. L.) Fell (Walter William) on the Law of Mercantile Guarantees, and of Principal and Surety in General. 1st American from 2d English Ed. By Charles Walker. New-York, 1825. 1 vol. Ferguson's (William Dwyer) Practice of the Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, and Excheqer of Pleas in Ireland, in Personal Actions and Ejectments. 2 vols. bound in 3. Dublin, 18411842. 3 vols. Fergusson's (James) Reports of Some Recent Decisions by the Consistorial Court of Scotland in Actions for Divorce, Concluding for Dissolution of Marriages Celebrated under the English Law. Edinburgh & London, 1823. 1 vol. Fergusson's (James) Observations on Entails. Parts I & 2. Edinburgh, 1830 -31. 1 vol, (C. L.) Fergusson's (James) Treatise on the present State of the Consistorial Law in Scotland, with reports of decided cases. Edinburgh, 1829. 1 vol. (C. L.) Ferrall's (S. A.) Exposition of the Law of Parliament, as it relates to the Power and Privileges of the Commons House. To which are Added the Proceedings on the Principal Questions of Privilege which have arisen in Parliament. London, 1837. 1 vol. Ferrars (Earl) see' Trial of Smith, vs. Ferrars." Ferriere (Claude De) Jurisprudence Du Code de Justinian, conferee avec Les Ordonnances Royaux, Les Coutumes De France et Les Decisions Des Cours Souveraines. A Paris, 1684. 2 vols. 4to. Ferriere (C. De) See Beaver. Fessenden (Thomas Green) on Patents. An Essay on the Law of Patents for New Inventions. 2d Ed. Boston, 1822. 1 vol. Fieffe-Lacroix. La Clef des lois Romaines on Dictionarie Analytique &c, Metz, 1809 - 10. 2 vols. 4to. (C. L) LAW:BooXs, 83 Field's (Barron) Analysis of Blackstone's Commentaries, 3d Ed. London, 1821. 1 vol. (G. L.) Field's (David D.) Tracts on Law Reform, viz: 1st. A letter to Gulian C. Verplanck on the reform of the Judicial system of this State. December, 1839. 2d. Appendix to the Report of the Committee of the Judiciary in relation to the more simple and speedy administration of Justice. 1842. 3d. Reorganization of the Judiciary. (Five articles originally published in the Evening Post on that subject.) NewYork, January, 1846, 4th. What shall be done with the Practice of the Courts? Shall it be wholly reformed? Questions addressed to lawyers, New-York, 1847. 5th. Some suggestions respecting the Rules to be established by the Supreme Court. (From the Evening Post.) 1847. (Presented by the Author.) l vol. Finches (Sir Heneage) Cases in Chancery. Reports of Cases Decreed in the High Court of Chancery, During the Time Sir Heneage Finch, Afterwards Earl of Nottingham, was Lord Chancellor, London, 1625. 1 vol. fol. Finch's (Sir Henry) Law, or a Discourse thereof. In four Books, Written in French and done into English by the same author. London, 1678. 1 vol. 16mo. Finches (Sir Henry) Law, or a Discourse thereof. In 4 Books, by Danby Pickering. In the Savoy, 1759. 1 vol. (C. L.) Finlason' s (W.) Selection of leading Cases in Pleadings and Parties to actions, with Practical Notes, elucidating the Principles of Pleading by a reference to the Earliest Authorities. See "New Law Library, vol, 10.7 Finlay's (John) Digest and Index of All the Irish Reported Cases in Law and Equity. From the Earliest Period to the Year 1830. And also of the Reported Cases in Ecclesiastical and Criminal Law. Dublin, 1830. 1 vol. Finilay's (John) Treatise on the law of Renewals in Ireland. Dublin, 1829. 1 vol. (C. L.) Finlay's (John) Treatise on the law of Landlord and Tenant in Ireland. 2d Ed. Dublin, 1835. 1 vol. (C. L.) Finlay's (John) Treatise on the laws of Game and Inland Fisheries in Ireland. Dublin, 1827. 1 vol. (C. L.) Finnelly's (William) Law and Practice of Elections in England, Scotland and Ireland. London, 1830. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Firth's (Wm.) Remarks on the recent State Trials. London, 1818. 1 vol. (C. L.) Fisher (Richard Trott). An Act for the Amendment of the Law with Respect to Wills (1 Vict. C. 26). With Remarks Explanatory of the Several Clauses, the Object of their Enact 84 LAW BOOKS. ment, And the Alteration in the Laws thereby Effected. London, 1837. I vol. Fisher (Richard Barnard) A Practical Treatise on Copyhold Tenure, with the Methods of Holding Coturts-Leet, Court-Baron, and other Courts. 2d Ed. London and Dublin, 1803. 1 vol. Fisk's (Geo) Analysis of Coke on Littleton. London, 1824, 1 vol. (C. L.) Fitz-Gibbon's (John) Reports, of Several Cases in the Courts of King's Bench. With some Special Cases in the Courts of Chancery, Common Pleas, and Exchequer (1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 Geo. II.). London, 1732. 1 vol. fol. Fitzherbert's (Anthony) Abridgement (La Graunde abridgement) of the Laws of England. London, 1565. 1 vol. fol. Fitz-Herbert's (Anthony) Natura Brevium. To which is Added a Commentary, Supposed to be written by the late Lord Chief Justice Hale. 9th Ed. London, 1794. 2 vols. Fitzsimmons (Thomas) Higbee (Joseph) Morris (Robert, Jun.) and others, v. Thomas Ludlow Ogden, and others. Abstract of Pleadings, Proofs &c. in this Cause in the U. S. Circuit Court for the New-York District &c. New-York, 1808. 1 vol. Flanagan (Stepl en Woulfe) and Kelly's (Charles) Reports of Cases in Chancery, Argued and Determined in the Rolls Court during the time of the Right Hon. Sir Michael O'Loghlen. Bart. 1840 -1842. Dublin, 1843. 1 vol. Flather (John) See " Archbold's Law and Practice of Bankruptcy."^ Fleta, Seu Commentarius Juris Anglicani, Sic Nuncupatus, sub Edwardo Rege Primo, sen Circa Annos abhinc CCCXL ab Anonymo conscriptus, atque e Codice Veteri, Auctore ipso aliquantulim recentiori, nunc primum Typis Editus. Accedit Tractatulus Vetus de Agendi Excipiendiq; Formulis Gallicanus, FET ASSAVOIR dictus. Subjungitur etiam Joan. Seldeni ad Fletam Dissertatio Historica. Editio Secunda. Londini, 1685. 1 vol. 4to. Fletcher's (Charles) Essay on the Estates of Trustees, London, 1835. 1 vol. 24mo. Fletcher's (Charles) Essay on the Estates of Trustees. See' Law Library, vol. 10." Flintoff's (Owen) Introduction to Conveyancing, and the History, Nature, Incidents and Titles of Legal Estates. London, 1840. 1 vol. (C. L.) Flintoff"s Owen) Law of Real Property. With the Statutes Relating thereto, down to the Year 1839. London, 1839 -1840. 2 vols. Flintof (Owen) on the Rise and Progress of the Laws of England and Wales. With an Account of the Origin, History, and Customs of the Several Nations, Britons, Saxons, Danes LAW BooKS. 85 and Normans who now compose the British Nation. London, 1840. 1 vol. Florida Reports. Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Florida, from January Term, 1848, to January Term, 1849. vol. 1. Reported by Joseph Branch. Vol. 2 by J. T. Archer and D. P. Hogue. Tallahassee, 1848 -1849. 2 vols. Floyer's (Philip) Proctor's Practice in Ecclesiastical Courts. 2d Ed. To which is added An introduction to the General Rules of Practice, with the whole Proceedings on Excommunication. By Thomas Wright. London. 1746. 1 vol. Foelix (M.) Revue' Etrangere et Frangaise de Legislation et D'Economie Politique, par une Reunion de Jurisconsultes et de Publicistes Franqais et Etrangers; Tom. 1 -6, Publiee Par M. Fcelix, Avocat a la Cour Royale de Paris: Tom. 7- 9, Publi6e pour la Partie Etrangere; par M.Fcelix; pour la Partie Frangaise par M. J. B. Duvergier, Avocat a la Cour Royale de Paris, Directeur des Affaires Civiles; et Par M. Valette, Professeur de Code Civil a la Faculte de Droit de Paris, Avocat a la Cour Royale. Paris, 1834 - 1842. 9 vols. Fonblanque (John). A Treatise of Equity. 3d Ed. London, 1805. 2 vols. Fonblanque (Jno.) Treatise of Equity. 3d American Ed. By Antony Laussat. Philadelphia, 1830 - 31. 2 vols in 1. (C L.) Forbes' (William) Journal of the Session. Containing the Decisions of the Lords of Council and Session, in the most Important Cases. Heard and Determined from February, 1705, till November, 1713; And the Acts of Sederunt made in that Time Edinburgh, 1714. 1 vol. fol. Forrest's (Robert) Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer. From JMich. T., to Trin. T., 41 Geo. III. London, 1802. 1 vol. Forrester. See " Cases Temp. Talbot." Forster (Francis). See " Chitty & Forster s Digest." Forsyth's (J. S.) Medical Jurisprudence. London, 1829. 1 vol. 12mo. Forsyth's (William) Dictionary of the Statute Law of Scotland. With an Appendix, Containing a Summary of the Laws of Customs and Excise. Edinburgh, 1842 -44. 2 vols. (C. L.) Forsyth (William) on Composition with Creditors See " New Law Library." vol. 1. Forsyth (William) on the Law Relating to Composition with Creditors. 2d Ed. London, 1844. 1 vol. Fortescue (Sir John) De Laudibus Legum Jinglice Hereto are added the two surns of Sir Ralph de Hengham, commonly called Hengham Jlagna, and Hengham Parva. By John Selden. London, 1672. 1 vol. 16mo. 86 LAM BOOKS. Fortescue (Sir John) De Laudibus Legurn nng'lict. 2d Ed. London, 1741. 1 vol. fol. Forum Romanum, or the Roman Tribunal, and Lex Pretoria, or, The Pretorian Law. Two Treatises on the Proceedings in Equity and the Jurisdiction of that Court. 2 vols. in one. Dublin, 1756. 1 vol. Foss (Edward) Grandeur of the Law; Or the Legal Peers of England. With Sketches of their Professional Career. London, 1843. 1 vol. Foster's (M.) Crown Law. A Report of some Proceedings on the Commission of Oyer and Ternminer and Goal Delivery for the Trial of the Rebels in the Year 1746, in the County of Surry, and other Crown Cases. To which are added Discourses upon a few Branches of the Crown Law. Dublin, 1766. 1 vol. 16mio. Foster (T. Campbell) on Prohibited Marriages. A Review of the Law relating to Marriages within the Prohibited Degrees of Affinity; and of the Canons and Several Considerations by which the Law is supposed to be justified. London, 1847. 1 vol. 12mo. Fournel. Histoire des Avocats au Parlement et du Barreau de Paris, depuis S. Louis jusqu'au 15 Octobre, 1790. Paris, 1813. 2 vols. Fowler's (David Burton) Exchequer Practice, upon Proceedings in Equity. London, 1795. 2 vols. Fox (Michael Charles) and Smith's (Thomas Berry Cusack) Reports of Cases in the Court of King's Bench, and Court of Error, Ireland. From E. T, 1822, to Hil. T., 1823. Vol. 1. Dublin, 1825. 1 vol. Fox (William) Treatise on Simple Contracts, and the Action of Assumpsit. London, 1842. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) France. See " Commercial Code of France. Francis' (Richard) Maxims of Equity. Richmond, 1823. 1 vol. Fraser's (Alexander) Report of the Proceedings on the Trial of the Cause, Doe, on the demise of Lord Teynham against Charles H. Tyler, before Sir N. C. Tindal, (Ld. Ch. Jus.) and a Special Jury in January, 1830. London, 1830. 1 vol. (C. L.) Fraser (Simon) on Elections. Reports of the Proceedings before Select Committees of the House of Commons in certain Cases of Controverted Elections, During the First Session of the Seventeenth Parliament of Great Britain. London, 1733. 2 vols. Frazer's (Alexander) Judicial Proceedings before the High Court of Admiralty, the Supreme Commissary Court, and the Sheriff Courts, &c., in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1814. 1 vol. (C. L.) Freeman's (John D.) Chancery Reports. Cases Decided in the Superior Court of Chancery of the State of Mississippi. Be LAW BOOKS. 87 tween December Term, 1839, and July Term, 1843. Vol 1. Cincinnati, 1844. 1 vol. Freeman's (Richard) Chancery Reports. Cases in the High Court of Chancery. Principally between the Years 1660, and 1706. But including some Earlier Decrees of that Court, and a few Cases Decided on the Equity Side of the Court of Exchequer. 2d Ed. By John Eykyn Hovenden. London, 1823. 1 vol. Freeman' s (Richard) Law Reports of Cases in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas. From 1670 to 1704. 2d Ed. By Edward Smirke. London, 1826. 1 vol. Freeman's (Richard) Reports of Cases in Law and Equity. From 1670 to 1706. And Cases Argued and Decreed in the High Court of Chancery, Ireland. From 1676 to 1706. Revised and Published by Thomas Dixon. 2 vols. in one. London, 1742. 1 vol. fol. Freeman (William) See "Trial of." Fremery (A) Etudes de droit Commercial. Paris, 1833. 1 vol. (C. L.) Fries' (John) Trials (Two) on an Indictment for Treason. Tried in 1799 & 1800. Reported by Thomas Carpenter. 1 vol. Philadelphia, 1800. Frost (John) See " Trial of." Fry's (Alfred A.) Reports of the Case of the Canadian Prisoners. With an Introduction on the Writ of Habeas Corpus. London, 1839. 1 vol. Fulbeck's (William) Direction or Preparative to the Study of the Law. 2d Ed: Revised by T. H. Stirling. London, 1829. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) G. Gabbett's (Joseph) Criminal Law: Comprehending All Crimes and Misdemeanors Punishable by Indictment, And all Offences Cognizable Summarily by Magistrates, With the Modes of Proceeding upon Each. 1835 - 43. 3 vols. Gael (Samuel Higgs) on the Analogy between Legal and General Composition. London, 1840. 1 vol. Gale (Charles James) and Davison's (Henry) Reports of Cases in the Queen's Bench, and Upon Writs of Error from that Court to the Exchequer Chamber. From E. T., 1841, to E. Vac., 1843. London & Dublin, 1842-1843. 3 vols. Gale (C. J.) aad Whatley (T.. D.) on Easements: A Treatise on the Law of Easements, with American Notes. By E. Hammond. New-York, 1840. 1 vol. Gale's (C. J.) Term Reports in the Court of Exchequer. Vols 1 88 LAW BOOKS. 2. From Hil. Term, 1835, to Mich. Term, 1836. Londci, 1835 - 38. 2 vols. Gallison's (John) Reports of Cases in the Circuit Court of the United States for the 1st Circuit, in the Years 1812, 1813, 1814 and 1815. Roston, 1815-1817. 2 vols. Galloway's (Lieut. Col.) Observations on the Law, Constitution and Present Government of India, 2d Ed. London, 1832. 1 vol. (C. L.) Garde's (Richard) Practical Treatise on the Law of Evidence. London, 1830. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Gardner (Daniel): A Treatise on International Law, and a Short Explanation of the Jurisdiction and Duty of the Governmeit of the Republic of the United States. Troy, N. Y., 1844. 1 vol. 12mo. Gardner Peerage Case. See Le Marchant. Gardner's (William) Articled Clerk's Assistant or Guide to the Examination. London, 1839. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Garnier (F X. P) Regime des Eaux, ou Traite des Eaux de la Mer, des Fleuves, Rivieres navigables et flottables &c. Troisieme Ed Paris, 1839-40. 3 vols (C. L.) Garratt (William Albin) on Reform, in Proceedings in Chancery. London, 1837. 1 vol. Gautier (A. G J ) Etudes de Jurisprudence Commerciale, avec, une notice sur la ire de ce jurisconsulte par M. Dupin, Aine. Paris, 1829. 1 vol. (C. L.) Gazette des Tribunaux. Paris. January, 1844, to January, 1849. 10 vols. fol. Geldart (Francis William) See " Hallifax' s Analysis of the Civil Law." General Banking Law Cases: A Report of the Opinions and Decisions of the Court for the Correction of Errors, in the Cases of Warner and Ray vs. Beers, President, &c. And of Bolander vs. Stevens, President, &c. Given at a Special Term of the Court, held on the 7th April, 1840. New-York, 1840. 1 vol. George's (Jno.) Treatise on the Offence of Libel, with a Disquisition on the Right, Benefits, and Proper Boundaries of Political Discussion. London, 1812. 1 vol. (C. L.) George's (J.) View of the Existing Law Affecting Unincorporated Joint Stock Companies. A New Ed. with Additional Matter on the Repeal of the Bubble Act &c. London, 1825. 1 vol. (C. L.) Georgia Reports: Decisions of the Superior Courts of the State of Georgia, During the Years 1842 and 1842-3. Augusta, 1843 - 1844. 2 vols. Gerahty (James) on the Jus Sugdenianum: A. Letter to Lord Cottenham, lately Lord Chancellor of England, on the Jus Sugdenianum, as Delivered in the Irish Chancery, in Janua(2054) LAW BOOKS. 89 ry and February, 1843, and lately Reported by Messrs. Drury and Warren. London & Edinburgh, 1845. 1 vol. cGholson (.Wi-ilam Y.) See' Smith's (John William) Mercantile Law,." Gibbons' (David) Lex Temporis. A Treatise on the Law of Limitation and Prescription. London, 1835. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) RGibbons' (David) Manual of the Law of Fixtures. London, 1836. I vol. 16mo. Gibbons' (David) Manual of the Law of Fixtures. See L Law Library, vol. 13.." iGibbons (David) on Dilapidations and Nuisances. London, 1838. 1 vol. Gibson (Bishop Edmund.) See "Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Anglicani." G;ibbs (G.) See " Judicial Chronicle." Gilbert's (E. W.) Bills of Costs as between Attorney and Agent in the Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer of Pleas, according to the late regulations. 2d Ed. London, 1839. 1 vol.,(C. L ) -Gilbert's (Lord Chief Baron) Cases in Law and Equity in the King's Bench and Chancery, (12 & 13 Anne) D.uring the Time of Lord Chief Justice Parker. With two Treatises, One on the Action of Debt, the other on the Constitution of England. London, 1740. 1 vol. {Gilbert's (Lord Chief Baron);Chancery:. The History and Practice of the High Court of Chancery. London, 1758. 1 vol. Gilbert's (Lord Chief Baron) Common Pleas:'The History and Practice of Civil Actions, Particularly in the Court of Common Pleas, with an Introduction on the Constitution of England. London, 1779. 1 vol. Gilbert's (Lord Chief Baron) Equity: A Treatise of Equity, 3d Ed. Dublin, 1792. 1 vol. Gilbert's (Lord Chief Baron) Exchequer.: A Treatise on the Court of Exchequer. London, 1758. 1 vol. Gilbert's (Lord Chief Baron) Law of Devises. Last Wills, and Revocations. 3d Ed. London 1773. 1 vol. Gilbert's (Lord Chief Baron) Law and Practice of Distresses, and Replevin. 2d Ed. London, 1780. 1 vol. Gilbert's (Lord Chief Baron) Law and Practice of Distress and Replevin. 4th Ed., by W. J. Impey. London, 1823. 1 vol. (C. L.) Gilbert's (Lord Chief Baron) Law of Evidence. Enlarged by Capel Lofft. Dublin, 1795. 2 vols. iGilbert's (Lord Chief Baron) Law of Executions. To which are T{STAT.E LIBR.ARlY] 6 90 LAW BOOKS. added. The History and Practice of the Court of Kingi Bench; And some Cases Touching Wills of Lands and Goods. London, 1763. 1 vol. Gilbert's (Lord Chief Baron) Law of Tenures, Including the Theory and Practice of Copyholds; With An Historical Introduction on the Feudal System, &c. by Charles Watkins, 5th Ed. By Robert Studley Vidal. London, 1824. 1 vol. Gilbert's (Lord Chief Baron) Reports of Cases in Equity in the Courts of Chancery and Exchequer, Chiefly in the Reign of Geo. I. To which are added some Select Cases in Equity~, Determined in the Court of Exchequer in Ireland. London, 1734. 1 vol.:foL Gilbert (Lord Chief Baron) on Rents. Dublin 1792. 1 vol. Gilbert (Lord Chief Baron) on Rents. See " Law Library, vol. 20." Gilbert (Lord Chief Baron) on Uses and Trusts. 3d Ed. By Edward Burtenshaw Sugden. London & Dublin, 1811. 1 vol. Gilbet's (Richard) Clerical Guide or Ecclesiastical Directory. 3d Ed. London, 1829. 1 vol. (C. L.) Gilchrist's (John James) Digest of the Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Superior Court of Judicature of NewHampshire. Vols. 1 -12. Concord, 1846. 1 vol. Gill's (Joseph) Epitome of the Law and Practice of the Courts for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors. London, 1836. 1 vol. (C. L.) Gill's (Richard W.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of Maryland. 3 vols. Containing Cases in 1843 - 46. Annapolis, 1846 -48. Gill (Richard W.) and Johnson's (John) Reports of Cases in the Court of Appeals of Maryland. From 1829 to 1842. Baltimore & Annapolis, 1830 -1845. 12 vols. Gilman's (Charles) Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Courts, of the States of Indiana and Illinois, and the Circuit Court of the United States, for the Seventh Circuit. Columbus. 1844. 1 vol. Gilman's (Charles) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Illinois. December, 1844, to, December, 1847. Quincy, Galena, &c. 1846-8. 4 vols. Gilmer's Reports. See " Virginia Reports." Gilpin's (Henry D.) Reports of Cases in the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1837. 1 vol. Gilpin (H. D.) See "Opinions of the Attorneys-General of theUnited States." Girard Will Case. Arguments of the Defendant's Counsel, And' Judgment of the Supreme Court therein. January Term, 1844. Philadelphia, 1844. 1 vol. Giraud (Charles) Recherehes sur le droit de Propriete chez, les Ro LAW BOOKS. 91 mains, sous la Republique et sous PEmpire. Tome Premier. Aix, 1838. 1 vol. (C. L.) Girdler's (J. S.) Observations on the Pernicious Consequences of Forestalling, Regrating and Ingrossing, with a List of the Statutes, &c., which have been adopted for the Punishment of those Offences, &c. London, 1800. 1 vol. (C. L.) Gladwin (Francis) See "Ayeen Akbery." Glanvilla (Ranulphus de). Tractatus De Legibus & Consuetudinibus Regni Anglime, Tempore Regis Henrici Secundi Compositus. London, 1673. 1 vol. 16mo. Glanville, Translated by Beames. See " Beames." Glanville's (John) Reports of Certain Cases Determined and Adjudged by the Commons in Parliament in the 21st and 22d Years of the Reign of James the 1st. To which is prefixed an Historical Account of the Ancient Right of Determining Casesupon.Controverted Elections. Lon., 1775. 1 vol. (C. L.) Glascock's (Walter) Miscellaneous Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of K. B., C. P. and Exchequer in Ireland, from the Sittings in Trin. Term, 1831, to the Sittings after Trin. Term, 1832, in the 1st and 2d Years of Will. 4. vol 1. Dublin, 1832. 1 vol. (C. L.) Glassford (James) on the Principles of Evidence, and their Application to Subjects of Judicial Inquiry. Edinburgh, 1820. 1 vol. Glassford's (James) Remarks on the Constitution and Procedure of the Scottish Courts of Law. Edinburgh, 1812. 1 vol. (C. L.) Glen (William) on the Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, and Letters of Credit, in Scotland. 2d Ed. Edinburgh, 1824. I vol. Glover' s (William) Law of Municipal Corporations. Adapted to the Recent Reforms in the Corporate Bodies of England, Wales and Scotland. London, 1836. 1 vol. Glyn (Thomas C.) and Jameson's (Robert S.) Bankruptcy Reports. Containing Reports of Cases Decided by Lords Chancellors Eldon, and Lyndhurst, and by Vice Chancellors Sir John Leach, Sir Anthony Hart and Sir Lancelot Shadwell. From JllichT. 1821,to E. T., 1828. London, 1824-1828. 2 vols. Godbolt's (John) Reports of Certain Cases, arising in the Severall Courts of Record at Westminster, in the Raignes of Q. Elizabeth, K. James) and the late King CHARLES. London, 1652. 1 vol. 4to. Godolphin (John). The Orphan's Legacy: or, A Testamentary Abridgment. In Three Parts. 1. Of Last Wills and Testaments. 2. Of Executors and Administrators. 3. Of Legacies and Devises. 4th Ed. London, 1701. 1 vol. 4to. Godolphin (John) on Admiralty: A View of the Admiralty Juris 92 LAW BOOKS. diction. Whereunto is added by Way of Appendix, an Extract of the Ancient Laws of Oleron. With a Catalogue of. all the Lords High Admirals. 2d Ed. London, 1685. 1 vol. 16mo. Godson's (Richard) Law of Patents for Inventions, and of Copyright: Illustrated by Notes of the Principal Cases, and an Abstract of the Laws in Force in Foreign Countries. 2d Ed. And Supplement. London, 1840 - 1844. 2 vols. Goldsborough. See " Gouldsborough.' Goldsmith's (G.) Doctrine and Practice of Equity. 2d Ed. London, 1842. 1 vol. Goldsmith's (G.) Doctrine and Practice of Equity. See " Law Library, vol. 40." Goldsmith's (G.) Equity. The Doctrine and Practice of Equity: or, a Concise Outline of Proceedings in the High Court of Chancery. 3d Ed. London, 1845. 1 vol. 16mo. Goldsmith's (Geo.) English Bar, or Guide to the Inns of Court. London, 1843. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Goldsmith (Lewis). See " Neutral Trade." Gordon (Charles). See "Barron's Trial." Gordon's (Thomas F.) Digest of the Laws of the United States, Including an Abstract of the Judicial Decisions Relating to the Constitutional and Statutory Law. With Notes Explanatory and Historical. 1st Ed. Philadelphia, 1827. 1 vol. Gordon's (Thomas F.) Digest of the Laws of the United States, Including the Treaties with Foreign Powers, and an Abstract of the Judicial Decisions Relating to the Constitutional and Statutory Law. 3d Ed. Philadelphia, 1844. 1 vol. Gould's Alphabetical List of Attorneys Practising in the Supreme Court of New-York. Together with a List of County Officers. Compiled and Arranged by Julius Rhoades. New-York. 1841. 1 vol. Gould's (James) Principles of Pleading in Civil Actions. Boston, 1832. 1 vol. Gould (Francis). See c Lloyd (Bartholomew Clifford) and Gould's (Francis) Reports." Gould (Marcus T.) See " Trial of Journeymen Tailors," and "Trial of Friends." Gouldsborough's (J.) Reports, or his Collection of Choice Cases and Matters never before published, and now printed by his original copy. London, 1653 1 vol. 4to. (C. L.) Gouverneur (Isaac) and Kemble (Peter) Plaintiffs in Error v. Louis Le Guen Defendant in Error. Report of the case of, in the Court of Errors for the State of New-York. Albany. 1798. (Presented by John V. L. Pruyn.) In this volume is also preserved probably one of the earliest cases ever printed for the above Court. It is the case by Egbert Benson, Counsel for the Appellants in Lawrence v. Ogelvie. 1 vol. LAw BooKse 93 Gow (Neil) on Partnership. 3d American, from tle last London Ed. By Edward D. Ingraham. Philadelphia, 1837. 1 vol. Gow's (Neil) Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius, in the Court of Common Pleas. From the Sittings after MIich. T., 59 Geo. III., 1818, to the Adjourned Sittings before E T., I Geo. IV.> 1820: And on the Oxford Circuit, from the Lent Assizes, 1818, to the Summer Assizes, 1820. London, 1828. 1 vol. Grady (S. G.) and Scotland's (C. H1.) Law and Practice in Proceedings on the Crown Side of the Court of Queen's Bench. London & Dublin, 1844. 1 vol. 24mo. Grady (Standish Grove) on Fixtures and Dilapidations: The Law of Fixtures, with Reference to Real Property, and Chattels of a Personal Nature. To which is also added the Law of Dilapidations, Ecclesiastical and Lay. London, 1845. I vol. 24mo. Grady (Standish Grove) on Fixtures and Dilapidations, See "Law Library, vol. 51." Graham (David) on New Trials. New-York, 1834. 1 vol. Graham (David, Jun.) on Jurisdiction: A Treatise on the Organization and Jurisdiction of the Courts of Law and Equity in the State of New-York. New-York, 1839. 1 vol. Graham's (David, Jun.) Practice of the Supreme Court of the State of New-York. 1st Ed. New-York and Albany, 1832. I vol. Graham's (David, Jun.) Practice. 2d Ed. New-York, 1836. 1 vol. Graham's (David, Jun.) Practice: A Treatise on the Practice of the Supreme Court of the State of New-York. 3d Edition. Revised, Corrected and Enlarged. Vol. 1. New-York, 1847. 1 vol. Grandeur of the Law. See " Foss." Granger (T. C.) See "Common Bench Reports." Granger (T. C.) See " Manning (James) and Granger's (T. C.) Reports;" l Roscoe's (-lenry) Criminal Evidence." Grant's (Harding) Advice to Trustees, and to those who appoint to that Office. London & Dublin, 1830. 1 vol. Grant's (Harding) Practice of the High Court of Chancery under the New Orders. 2d Ed London & Dublin, 1829. 2 vols. 24mo. Grant's (Jno. Peter) Summary of the Law Relating to the Granting New Trials in Civil Suits by' Courts of Justice in England. Edinburgh, 1817. 1 vol. (C. L.) Grattan's (Peachy R.) Reports of Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of Appeals, and in the General Court of Virginia. From April 1, 1844, to April 1, 1848. 4 vols. Richmond, 1845 -48. Gravinge (J. V.) Originum Juris Civilis Libri 1 & 2. Sen Operum Tomus I. Lipsiae, 1717. 1 vol. 4to. Gravina (Jean Vincent) Esprit des Loix Romaines; Ouvrage traduit 94 LAW BooKs. du latin. Par M. Requier. Amsterdam et Londres, 1766. 3 vols. 12mo. (C. L.) Gray's (John) Country Attorney's Practice in Conducting Actions in the Superior Courts of Law at Westminster. 4th Ed. London, 1829. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Gray's (John) Country's Solicitor's Practice in the High Court of Chancery. With an Appendix of Forms. 2d Ed. London, 1837. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Graydon's (William) Digest: An Abridgment of the Laws of the United States, Or, A Complete Digest of All such Acts of Congress as Concern the United States at Large. Harrisburgh, (Penn.) 1803 -1813. 2 vols. Greaves (Joseph) See " Thompson's Suggestions to Attorneys." (C. L.) Green's (C. J.) Trials for High Treason in Scotland under a Special Commission held at Stirling, Glasgow, Dumbarton, Paisley and Ayr. In the year 1820. Edinburgh, 1825. 3 vols. (Co L.) Green's (Henry W.) Chancery Reports. Cases Determined in the Court of Chancery of the State of New Jersey. From January, 1838, to Jan., 1845. Elizabethtown, 1842-46. 3 vols. Green's (James S.) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of New Jersey. From November Term, 1831, to November Term, 1836. Trenton, 1833-1835. Woodbury, 1838. 3 vols. Greene's (Joshua) DI)igested Index to the Cases Determined in the High Court of Admiralty,before Sir William Scott, Contained in the Several Reports of Robinson, Edwards, and Dodson. London, 1818. 1 vol. Greene's (Richard Wilson) Report of the Arguments and Judgments in the Court of Exchequer Chamber, in Ireland, upon a Writ of Error from the Court of King's Bench, Respecting the Right of Appointment to the Office of Clerk of the Pleas in the Court of Exchequer. Dublin, 1818. 1 vol. Greene's (Richard Wilson) Report of the Proceedings upon an Information in the Nature of a Quo Warranto, at the Suit of the King against Walter O'Grady, Esq. Respecting the Right of Appointment to the Office of Clerk of the Pleas in the Court of Exchequer in Ireland. Tried at Bar in the Cotrt of King's Bench, Dublin, in November, 1816. Dublin, 1816. 1 vol. Greene's (Richard Wilson) Report of the Trial of James Forbes & Al. for a Conspiracy to Create a Riot, &c. And also for a Riot, Dublin, 1823. 1 vol. Greening's (Henry) Collection of Forms, Declarations- and Other Pleadings Usually Prepared in Attorneysy Offices. London. 1837. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Greening's (Henry) Collection of Forms of Declarations and Other LAW BOOKe S 91 Pleadings Usually Prepared in Attorneys' Offices, with Notes. See " New Law Library, vol 2.":Greenleaf's (Simon) Cases: A Collection of Cases, Overruled, Doubted, or Limited in their Application. Taken from American and English Reports. 1st Ed. Portland, 1821. 1 vol. Greenleaf' s (Simon) Overruled Cases. 2d Ed. Albany and NewYork, 1838. 1 vol, Greenleaf (Simon) on the Law of Evidence. 1st Ed. Boston, London, Edinburgh & Dublin, 1842. 1 vol. Greenleaf (Simon) See " Cruise's Digest, by." Greenleaf (Simon) on Evidence: A Treatise on the Law of Evidence. 2d Ed. Boston & London, 1844 -1846. 2 vols. Greenleaf's (Simon) Examination of the Testimony of the Four Evangelists by the Rules of Evidence Administered in the Courts of Justice; with an account of the Trial of Jesus. Boston, 1846. 1 vol. Greenleaf (Simon) See;" Maine Reports. Vols 1 & 9." Gregg's (Francis) Law and Practice in Bankruptcy, as connected: with the choice, &c., of Official Assignees. London, 1838. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Gregg (Francis) See "Montagu and Gregg's Bankrupt Law." (C. L.) Gresley's (Richard Newcombe) Equity Evidence: A Treatise on the Law of Evidence in the Courts of Equity. Philadelphia, 1837. 1 vol. Gresley's (Richard Newcombe) Treatise on the Law of Evidence in the Courts of Equity. See " New Law Library, Vol. XI.'9 Gresson (H. B.) See' Irish Equity Pleader." Grey's (Richard) System of Ecclesiastical Law. Extracted from the Codex Juris EcclesiasticiAnglicani. gd Ed. In the Savoy, 1732. 1 vol. (C.L.) Griffith's (William) Annual Law Register of the United States, Vols. 3 & 4. Burlington, New-Jersey, 1822. 2 vols. Griffith's (William) Treatise on the Jurisdiction and Proceedings of Justices of the Peace in Civ:il Suits in New Jersey: with an Appendix,containing Advice to Executors, &c., &c., &e. 3d Ed. Burlington, N. J., 1813. 1 vol. Griffiths' (Frederick A.) Notes on Military Law; Proceedings of Courts Martial, &c., &c. Woolwich, 1841. 1 vol. 16mo. Grigor's (Alexander) Treatise on the Game Laws of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1837. 1 vol. (C. L.) Grindall v. Grindall. Report of a Trial of an Action of Ejectment between Mr. C. E. Grindall as Lessor of the Plaintiff, and Capt. Sturt Grindall, R.N., Deft. London, 1830. 1 vol. (C. L) Grim's (Charles Frederick) Essay towards an Improved Register of Peeds. New-York, 1822. 1 vol. Griswold (Hiram) See " Ohio Reports." 96 LAW 3BOUKS, Grotits (Hugonis) de Jure Belli ac Pacis. Libri Tres, in Quiblu Jus Naturae & Gentium, item Juris Publici pracipua explicantur. Amstelodami, 1689, 1 vol. 16 mo. Grotius (Hugo) on War and Peace: The Rights of War and Peace, in three books. Wherein are explained, The Law of Nature and of Nations, and the Principal Points relating to Government. Translated into English. To which are added All the Large Notes of Mr. J. Barbeyrac, London 1738. 1 vol. fol. Grotius (Hugo) on War and Peace: The Rights of War and Peace, including the Law of Nature and of Nations, Translated from the Original Latin of Grotius: With Notes and Illustrations, by the Rev. A. C. Camlpbell, Pontefract, 18-14. 3 vols. Grotius7 (Hugo) Dutch Jurisprudence: The Introduction to the Dutch Jurisprudence of Hugo Grotius, now first rendered into English by Charles Herbert. London, 1845. 1 vol. Grun et Joliat. Traite des assurances Terrestres et de l'assurance sur la vie des hommes. Paris, 1828. 1 vol. (C. L.) Gude's (Richard) Crown Practice; The Practice of the Crown Side of the Court of King's Bench, and the Practice of the Sessions, &c. Lonton and Dublin, 1828. 2 vols. Guidon dela mer, &c. Vs, et coustumes de la mer. Bovrdeavx, 1661. 1 vol. 4to. (C. L.) Guillamore v. O'Grady, See " Milward." Gumley's (John) Outline of the Law and Practice of Elections in Ireland. Dublin, 1832. 1 vol. (C. L.) Gunning's (Frederick) Law of Tolls. London, 1833, 1 vol. Gurdon's (Thornhagh) History of the High Court of Parliament - Its Antiquity, Preheminence and Authority: And the History of Court Baron and Court Leet. London, 1731. 2 vols. Gurney (W. B.) See "Trial of James Watson." Gurney (Joseph and Thomas) See' Trial of John Frost." Guthrie (John) Elementary Principles of the Laws of England, traced down, (as modified by Recent Statutes) to the present time. London. 1843. 1 vol. Guyot (M.) See 6 Repertoire de Jurisprudence." Guy's (William A.) Principles of Medical Jurisprudence. 1st American Ed. Edited by C. A. Lee. New-York, 1845. 1 voI, Gwyllim (Sir Henry) See Bacon's (Matthew) Abridgement." Gwynne (Thomas) on the Law Relating to the Duties on Probates and Letters of Administration in England, and Inventories of Personal or Moveable Estates in Scotland, and of Legacies and Successions to Personal or Moveable Estates in Great Britain. 2d Ed. London, 1836. I vol. LAW BooKsi 97 H. Haggard's (John) Admiralty Reports: Cases in the High Court of Admiralty, During the Time of Lord Stowell. Sittings after Hil. T.o 1822, to liich T., 183b. London, 1825-1840. 3 vols. Haggard's (John) Consistory Reports. Cases in the Consistory Court of London. Containing the Judgments of Sir William Scott (Ld. Stowell). May, 1789, to November, 1821. London, Dublin & Edinburgh, 1822. 2 vols. Haggard's (John) Ecclesiastical Reports: Cases in the Ecclesiastical Courts at Doctor's Commons, and in the High Court of Del egates, Jich. T., 1827, to Hil. T., 1832. London, 1829 - 1832. 3 vols. Haggard's (John) Report of the Judgment in Dew v. Clark & Clark, Delivered by Sir John Nicholl in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. Easter Term, 1826. 1 vol." (C. L.) Haig's (Jas.) Separation of Law & Equity. London, 1841. 1 vol. (C. L.) Halcomb's (Jno.) Report of the Trials and Subsequent Proceedings in the Causes of Rowe v. Grenfell, Rowe v. Brenton and another. London, 1826. 1 vol. (C. L.) Halcombe's (John) Practical Treatise on Passing Private Bills through both Houses of Parliament. London, 1838. 1 vol. (C. L.) Hale's (Lord Chief Justice) Jurisdiction of the Lords' House, or Parliament, Considered according to Ancient Records. To which is Prefixed, by the Editor, Francis Hargrave, Esq., an Introductory Preface, Including a Narrative of the same Jurisdiction from the Accession of James the First. London, 1796. 1 vol. 4to. Hale's (Sir Matthew) Common Law (History of). 5th Edition. By Charles Runnington. London. 1794. 2 vols. Hale's (Sir Matthew) Pleas of the Crown. Historia Placitorum Corona. By Sollom Emlyn. London, 1736. 2 vols. fol. Hale's (Sir Matthew) Pleas of the Crown: With Additional Notes and References. By George Wilson. A New Edition, with Additions, by Thomas Dogherty. London, 1800. 2vols. Hale's (Sir Matthew) Historia Placitorum Coronie. The History of the Pleas of the Crown, with Notes by Sollom Emlyn. First American Edition, by W. A. Stokes and E. Ingersoll. Philadelphia, 1847. 2 vols. Halifax. See' Hallifax." Halkerston's (Peter) Collection of Latin Maxims and Rules in Law and Equity. Edinburgh, 1823. 1 vol. (C. L.) Halkerston's (Peter) Digest of the Law of Scotland Relating to Marriage. Edinburgh, 1831. 1 vol. (C. L.) Halkerston's (Peter) Translation and Explanation of the Principal S9 LAW BooD-s. Technical Terms and Phrases used in Mr. Erskine's Instittte of the Law of Scotland. 2d Ed. Edinburgh, 1829. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Halkerston's (Peter) Treatise on the History; Law and Privileges of the Palace and Sanctuary of Holyroodhouse. Edinburgh, 1831. 1 vol (C. L.) Hall (Benjamin F.) See " Trial of William Freeman." Hall's (Benjamin F.) Land Owner's Manual. Containing a Summary of Statute Regulations in New-York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Iowa and Wisconsin, concerning Land Titles, Deeds, Mortgages, Wills of Real Estate, Descents,Land Taxes, Tax Sales, Redemptions, Limitations, Exemptions, Interest of Money and Usury. Witl an Appendix containing the Constitutions of the said States. Auburn, N. Y. Buffalo and Cincinnati, 1847. 1 vol. Iall's (Everard) Digested Index to the Reports in the Court of Appeals of Virginia. From Washington, to SeJcond Randolph, Inclusive. Richmond, 1825. 1 vol. Hall (Captain John.) See " Barron's (Commodore James) Trial." Hall (John E.) See "6 American Law Journal." Hall (J. E.) See " Journal of Jurisprudence." Hall's (J. E.) Practice and Jurisdiction of the Court of Admiralty. Baltimore, 1809. 1 vol. (C. L.) Hall's (Jona. Prescott) Reports of Cases in the Superior Court of the City of New-York. From August Term, 1828, to December Term, 1829. New-York, 1831 -1833 (2 copies.) 4 vols. Halls (R. G.) Essay on the Rights of the Crown and Privileges of the Subject in the Sea shores of the Realm. London, 1830. 1 vol. (C. L.) Hallifax's (Samuel) Analysis of the Civil Law in which a Comparison is occasionally made between the Roman Laws and those of England. A new Edition, with alterations and additions, being the Heads of a Course of Lectures publicly read in the University of Cambridge, by James William Geldart LL. D. Cambridge and London, 1836. 1 vol. Halsted's (William) Digested Index to the Decisions of the Superior Courts of the State of New-Jersey. 1st Ed. Trenton, 1830. 1 vol. Halsted's (William) Digeste nd, 2d de &c. d Ed renton, 1843, 1844. 2 vols. Halsted's (William, Jun ) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of New-Jersey. From November Term, 1821, to September Term, 1831. Trenton, 18231831. 7 vols. Hamilton. See " Trial of Shippen." Hamilton's (Chas.) Hedaya. A Commentary on the Mussulman Laws. London, 1791. 4 vols. 4to. (C. L.) LAW B0os.S 99 Hamilton (James A.) See " Trial of W. W. Van Ness." Hammond's (Anthony) Criminal Code; Including a Digest, Consolidation, a.nd Collection of the Statutes. Collated witlh the original Records, Forgery. London, 1823. 1 vol. Hammond's (Anthony) Digest of Reports in Equity. 1st American Ed. New-York & Albany, 1822. 1 vol. Hammond's (Anthony) Law of Nisi Prius 1st American, from Last London Ed. Exeter, N. H., 1823. 1 vol. Hammond's (Anthony) Practice and Proceedings in Parliament. The Passing of Public and Private Bills; And the Law of Elections. London, 1825. I vol. Hammond (Anthony) on Parties to Actions and Proceedings, Civil and Criminal; and of Rights and Liabilities, with References to that Subject. 1st American from the Last London Ed. Exeter, N. H., 1822. 1 vol. Hammond's (Anthony) Analysis of the Principles of Pleading, or Idea of a Study of that Science. London, 1819. 1 vol. (C. L.) Hammond (Charles). See " Ohio Reports." Hammond (Elisha) on Insurance: A Treatise on the Law of Fire Insurarnce, and Insurance on Inland Waters. New-York, 1840. 1 vol. Hammond (E.) See c Sugden (Sir Edward) on Vendors." Hampson's (G. F.) Short Treatise on the Liabilities of Trustees, 2dEd. London, 1830. 1 vol. (C. L.) Hand's (William) Crown Practice. On the Crown Side of the Court of King's Bench. London, 1803. 1 vol. Hand's (William) Law and Practice of Patents for Inventions. London, 1808. 1 vol. Handus (William) Solicitor's Assistant in the Court of Chancery. London, 1809. 1 vol. (C. L.) H-annay's (Robert) Defence of the Usury Laws. Edinburgh, 1823. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Hansard (George). A Treatise on the Law Relating to Aliens, and Denization and Naturalization. London, 1844. 1 vol, -lardin's (Martin D.) Reports of Cases in the Court of Appeals of Kentucky. From Spring Term, 1805, to Spring Term, 1808. Frankfort (Ken.), 1810. 1 vol. Hardinges (G.) Letters to the Right Hon. Edmund Burke; in which are Contained Enquiries into the Constitutional Existence of an Impeachment against Mr. Hastings. 2d Ed. London, 1791. I vol. Hardres? (Sir Thomas) Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer. From the Year 1655. to the Year 1669. 2d Ed. Dublin, 1792. 1 vol. Hardy's (Thomas Duffy) Catalogue of Lords Chancellors, Keepers of the Great Seal, Masters of the' Rolls, and Principal Offi 100 LAW BOOKS. cers of the High Court of Chancery. London, 1843. 1 vol Hare's (Thomas) Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery, Before Sir James Wigram, Vice Chancellor. From 5 Vict. 1841. to 10 Vict. 1847. London, 1843-1847. 5 vols. Hare (Thomas) on Discovery of Evidence by Bill and Answer in Equity. 1st American Ed. New-York, 1836. 1 vol. Hare (J. I. C.) and Wallace (H. B.) American Leading Cases in Several Departments of Law, with Especial Reference to Mercantile Law. Philadelphia. 1847 -8. 2 vols. Hargrave's (Francis) Juridical Arguments and Collections. London, 1797 -1799. 2 vols. 4to. Hargrave's (Francis) Jurisconsult Exercitations. London, 1811 - 1813. 3 vols. 4to. Hargrave's (Francis) Law Tracts. A Collection of Tracts Relative to the Law of England, from Manuscripts, Vol. 1. Dublin, 1787. I vol. Hargrave's (Francis) State Trials. See " State Trials." Hargrave (Francis). See " Collectanea Juridica." Hargrave (Francis). See "HIale's (Lord Chief Justice) Jurisdiction." Hargrave (John F.) on the Thellusson Act, 39 & 40 Geo. III. C. 98. With Practical Observations upon Trusts for Accumulation. London, 1842. 1 vol. Hargrave (John F.) See;" Wendell's Blackstone's Commentaries, Vol. 1." Harper's ( -) Equity Reports, of Cases in the Court of Appeals of the State of South Carolina. Columbia, S. C., 1825. 1 vol. IHarper's ( —- -.) Reports of Cases in the Constitutional Court of South Carolina. Vol. 1. Columbia, 1824. 1 vol. 1Harper (Samuel). Practical Hints for Abstractilg Title Deeds, with short Remarks on the Distinguishing Properties and Peculiar Efficacy of Particular Deeds, from the Best Authorities: Also the Operative Words Peculiar to Each Species of Deed. 3d Ed. London, 1829. 1 vol. Harington's (John H.) Elementary Analysis of the Laws and Regulations, Enacted by the Governor General in Council at Fort William in Bengal. Calcutta, 1814-17. Vols. 2 and 3. fol. 2 vols. (C. L ) Harrington's (E. Burke) Chancery Reports. Cases Determined in the Court of Chancery of the State of Michigan. Farnsworth, Chancellor. From 1836 to 184-2. Detroit, 1845. 1 vol. Harrington (Samuel M.) Reports of Cases in the Superior Court, and Court of Errors and Appeals of the State of Delaware. From 1832, to 1846. Dover, 1837 -1848. 4 vols. Harris (Thomas) and Gill's (Richard W.) Reports of Cases in the Court of Appeals of Maryland. From 1826 to 189. Annapolis, 1828, 1829. 2 vols. LAW BOOKS. 101 Harris (Thomas) and Johnson's (Reverdy) Reports of Cases in the General Court and Court of Appeals of the State of Maryland. From 1800 to 1826. Annapolis, 1821-1827. 7 vols. Harris (Thomas Junior) and McHenry's (John) Maryland Reports. Being a Series of the Most Important Law Cases in the Provincial Court and Court of Appeals of the then Province of Maryland. From the Year 1700 down to the American Revolution. And in the General Court and Court of Appeals of the State of Maryland. From May, 1780, to the end of 1799. New-York and Annapolis, 1809-1818. 4 vols. Harrison's (George) Report of the Law and Jurisdiction of the Stannaries in Cornwall. London, 1835. 1 vol. (C. L.) Harrison's (Joseph) Practice of the High Court of Chancery. Enlarged by John Griffith Williams. First American from the Last London Ed. By Wilmot Parker. Philadelphia, 1807. 2 vols. Harrison's (Joseph) Practice of the High Court of Chancery. Newly Arranged by John Newland. Two volumes in one. London, 1808. 1 vol. Harrison's (Joseph) Practice of the Court of King's Bench, and of the Court of Common Pleas. London, 1761. 2 vols. Harrison's (Josiah) Reports of Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of New-Jersey. From February Term, 1837, to September Term, 1842. Camden, 1839-1843. 4 vols. Harrison's (R. Tarrant.) Analytical Digest of All the Reported Cases Determined in the House of Lords, and the Several Courts of Common Law, in Bane and at Nisi Prius and the Court of Bankruptcy. From Mich. T., 1756, to E. T., 1843. 3d Ed. London, 1844. 4 vols. Harrison's (R. Tarrant) Analytical Digest. Supplement to. Containing a Digest of All the Reported Cases decided in the Several Courts, in the Years 1846-7 and 8, Carefully Arranged by a Member of the Philadelphia Bar. Vol. VI. Supplement Vol. II. Philadelphia, 1849. 1 vol. Harrison's (S. B.) Analytical Digest of All the Reported Cases Determined in the House of Lords, and the Several Courts of Common Law, both in Bane and at Nisi Prius. And also the Crown Cases Reserved, from Mich. T., 1756, to Hil. T., 1829. 1st Ed. London and Dublin, 1829. 2 vols. Harrison's (S. B.) and Edwards' (Frederick) Nisi Prius: A Practical Abridgment of the Law of Nisi Prius: Together with the General Principles of Law applicable to the Civil Relations of Persons, and the Subject Matters of Legal Contention. London, 1838. 2 vols. 12mo. Harrison (S. B.) and Wollaston's (F. L.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench and in the Bail Court, Vols. I and 2. From Hil. Term, 1835, to Mich. Term, 1836, inclusive. London, 1836 -7. 2 vols. 102 LAW BOOKS. Harvard Law Library. " See Catalogue of Harvard Law Library." Haslewood (William) on Reform of Chancery: Heads of a Bill for an Effectual Reform of the Court of Chancery; with an Explanatory Preface. London, 1829, 1 vol. Hastings (Warren) Trial of, from Februairy 1789, to June 1793, with a List of the Charges. London, 1793. 2 vols. Hastings (Warren) Speech of, in the High Courtof Justice in Westminster Hall, June 2d, 1791. London, 1791. 1 vol. Hastings (Warren) the Answer of, to the Articles exhibited by the Commons of Great Britain, Nov. 28, 1787. London, 1788. I vol. Hastings (Warren) Proceedings in the House of Lords on the Articles of Impeachment Against, Subsequent to the Close of Evidence on both sides. London, 1793. 1 vol. Hatchell's (John) Report in the Case of Henry E. Taffe v. the Right Hon. Wm. Downes, in Ireland. Dublin, 1815. vol. (C.L.) Hatsell's (John) Precedents of Proceedings in the House of Commons. Dublin, 1786. 3 vols. 16mo. Hatsell's (John) Precedents of Proceedings in the House of Commons. London, 1818. 4 vols. 4to. (C. L,) Havelock v. Rockwood See "Atcheson's Report of Case of." Hawkins' (William) Pleas of the Crown: Or a System of the Principal Matters relating to that Subject. Digested under Proper Heads. 7th Ed. By Thomas Leach. London, 1795. 4 vols. Hawkins (William) See " Coke's Law Tracts." Hawks' (Francis L.) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, During the Years 1820 to 1826, (the Former Part of Vol. 1, by Thomas Ruffin, the Latter by Francis L. Hawks). Raleigh, 1823-1828. 4 vols. Hawkshead (James) on Wills: An Essay on the Operation in Wills of the Word Issue: And also of the Words, Heirs of the Body, Dying without Issue, And Dying without leaving Issue: With a Familiar Illustration of the Rule in Shelley's Case. London, 1826. 1 vol. Hay (William) See " Statute Manual." Hayden's (Chester) Appendix to Cowen's Treatise. See "Cowen's Treatise." Hayden's (Chester) New Practice and Pleadings. An Analytical Digest of the Code of Procedure of the State of New-York: and an Appendix, and Collection of Practical Forms Adapted to the New Practice. Albany, 1848. 1 vol. Hayes' (Edmund) Crimes and Punishments, or An Analytical Digest of the Criminal Statute Law of Ireland. Dublin, 1837. 1 vol. 12mo. (C.L) Hayes' (Edmund) Crimes and Punishments, or Digest of the Criminal Statute Law of Ireland, with Notes, Alphabetically Arranged. 2d Ed. Dublin, 1843. 2 vols. (C. L.) LAW BOOKS. 103 Hayes (Edmund) Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer in Ireland. From Hil. T., 10 & 1 Geo. IV. (1830), to E. T., 2 Will. IV. (1832). Dublin, 1837. 1 vol. Hayes (Edmund) and Jones' (Thomas) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Exchequer in Ireland. From Triin. T., Will. IV. (1832) to Trin. T. 4 Will. IV. (1834). Dublin, 1843. 1 vol. Hayes' (William) Doctrine of Equity as to Separate Estate. London, 1836. (Bound up with the succeeding.) (C. L.) Hayes' (Wm.) Elementary View of the Common Law, Uses, Devises and Trusts, with reference to the Creation and Conveyance of Estates. London, 1840. 1 vol. (C. L.) Hayes' (William) Introduction to Conveyancing, and the New Statutes Concerning Real Property. 4th Ed. London, 1839. 1 vol. (C. L.) Hayes (William) on Dispositions of Real Estate: Principles for Expounding Dispositions of Real Estate to Ancestor & Heirs in Tail, Parent and Issue, and Solving the Question, "Whether the First Taker is Tenant for Life or in Tail?" With a Dissertation on Several of Mr. Fearne's Doctrines. London, 1829. 1 vol. Hayes (William) on Dispositions of Real Estate. See "Law Library, vol. 7." Hayes' (William) Popular View of the Law of Real Property. London, 1831. 1 vol. (C. L.) Hayes (William) See" Essays on Codification." Hayes (William) and Jarman's (T.) Concise Forms of Wills, with Practical Notes. London & Dublin, 1835. 1 vol. 24mo. Hayward (A.) The Statutes Founded on the Common Law Reports. Including the Judgment and Execution Act, the Prohibition and Mandamus Act, the Interrogatory Act, and the Uniformity of Process Act, with the Orders made under it. London, 1832. 1 vol. 12mo. Haywood's (John) Reports of Cases in the Superior Courts of Law and Equity of the State of North Carolina. From the year 1789 to 1806. Halifax, Raleigh, 1799- 1806. 2 vols. Haywood's (John) Reports of Cases in the Courts of Errors and Appeals of the State of Tennessee. From the year 1816 to 1818. 1st vol. 8vo. 2d & 3d vols. 12mo. Knoxville and Nashville, 1818. 3 vols. Heineccii (Joh. Gottlieb) Operum ad Universam Juris Prudentiam, Philosophiam et Litteras Humaniores Pertinentium. Genevae, 1744 - 1748. 8 vols. 4to. Heineccius. (Jo. Got.) Methodical System of Universal Law. Translated by Geo. Turnbull. London, 1763. 2 vols. bound in 1. (C.L) HIempstead (Samuel H.) See " English's Digest." 104 LAW BOOKS. Hendry (William) on Life Annuities: The Method of Calculating the Value of Life Annuities, Assurances, Fines Payable on the Renewing of Leases, &c. For Term of Years Certain and for Lives. London and Hull,.1825. 1 vol. Hendrickson (Joseph) See " Trenton Quaker Case." Hening (William H.) and Munford's (William) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia, with Select Cases decided by the Superior Court of Chancery for the Richmond District. From 1806 to 1810. Vol. 1. 2d Ed. Flatbush, N. Y., 1809 - 1811. 4 vols. Henley's (Robert, Ld.) Digest of the Bankrupt Law: With an Appendix of Precedents, framed with reference to the New Act of the I and 2 William IV. C. 56. 3d Ed. London, 1832. 1 vol. I-ennel's (Charles) Forms of Affidavits to hold to Bail; Declarations in Common Assumpsit, and Debt on Simple Contract, on Bills of Exchange, Banker's Checks, and Promissory Notes, and Particulars of Demand, &c. 2d Ed. London, 1837. 1 vol. Hennell's (Charles) Forms of Affidavits, &c. See 4 Law Library, vol. 3." Henry's (J.) Report on the Criminal Law at Demarara, and in the Ceded Dutch Colonies. London, 1821. 1 vol. (C. L.) Henry's (J.) Report of the Judgment of the Court of Demerara, in the case of Odwin v. Forbes, on the Plea of the English Certificate of Bankruptcy in Bar, in a Foreign Jurisdiction, to the Suit of a Foreign Creditor, as Confirmed in appeal, with the Authorities, and Foreign and English Cases. London, 1823. 1 vol. Herbert (Charles). See" Grotius' (Hugo) Dutch Jurisprudence." Herbert's (W.) Antiquities of the Inns of Court and Chancery: Containing Historical and Descriptive Sketches relative to their Original Foundation, Customs, Ceremonies, Buildings, Govvernment, &c. With a Concise History of the English Law. London, 1804. 1 vol. Herne's (John) Pleader: Containing Perfect Presidents and Formes of Declarations, Pleadings, Issues, Judgments and Proceedings in all Kinds of Actions, Reall, Personall, and Mixt. London, 1657. 1 vol. fol. Heron's (Robert) Minutes of Evidence taken on the Statement made by the Attorney-General of Ireland respecting the Proceedings on the Trials of Forbes, Graham and Handwich, and the Conduct of the Sheriff of the City of Dublin on that occasion. Dublin, 1823. 1 vol. (C. L.) Hetherington, (Richard) v. Wogan (Robt.) Rolls Office. Dublin, 1817. 1 vol. (C. L.) Hetley's (Sir Thomas) Reports and Cases. Taken in the 3d, 4th, (2382) LAw BOOKS. 105 Sth, 6th.and 7th Yeais of the late King Charles. Londong 1657. 1 vol. fol. Heywood's (Samuel) Dissertation upon Distinctions in Society and Ranks of the People under the Anglo-Saxon Governments. London, 1818. 1 voL (C. L.) Highmore (A.) on Executors Accounts: An A rrangement of the Accounts Necessary to be kept by Executors of Wills and: Codicils, and Administrators of Intestates' Estates. 2d Ed. London, 1821. I vol. 16mo. Highmore (Anthony) On Mortmain, and Charitable Uses: A Succinct View of the History of Mortmain, and the Statutes Relative to Charitable Uses. id Ed. London, 1809. 1 volo 16mo. Ilighmore (A.) on Idiocy and Lunacy: A Treatise on the Law of Idiocy and Lunacy. First American, from the last London. Edition. Exeter, N. H., 1822. 1 vol. Hildyard's (Francis) Treatise on the Principles of the Law of Marine Insurances. See " New Law Library. vol. 7." ll's (Alex.) Practice in the Several Judicatories of the Church of Scotland, 2d Ed. Edinburgh 1830. 1 vol. l2mo. (C. L.) Hill (James) Practical Treatise on the Lawrelating to Trustees, their Powers, Duties, Privileges, and Liabilities. London, 1845. 1 vol. Hills (Nicholas, Jr.) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court and in the Court for the Correction of Errors of the State of New York, from January Term, 184:, to December Term, 1844. Albany, 1842 - 1847. (2 copies.) 14 vols. Hill's (W. R.) Chancery Reports. Cases in Chancery, in the Court of Appeals of South Carolina; from January, 1833, to May, 1837. Columbia, S. C., 1834-1837. 2 vols. Hill's (W. IL) Law Reports: Cases at Law in the Court of Appeals of South Carolina; from January, 1833, to December, 1837. Columbia, 1834-1837. 3 vols. Hilliard's (Francis) Abridgment of the American Law of Real Property. Boston., 1838, 1839. 2 vols Hilliard's (Francis) Digest of Pickering's Reports, vols. 8 -14, inclusive,. Boston, 1837. 1 voL Hilliard (Francis) A, Treatise on the Law of Sales of Personal Property. New-York 1841. 1 vol. Hilliard (Francis)'The American Law of Real Property 3d Ed" Revised, Correeted and Enlarged. Philadelphia, 1846. 2 vols. Hilliard (Francis) American Surisprudence. The Elements of Law, being a Comprehensive Summary of American Jurisprudence. 2d Ed., revised, enlarged and improved. New-York, 1848. 1 vol. [STATE LIBRARY.] 7 106 LAW BOOKS. IHinchman v. Richie et al. Speeches of Defendant's Counsel, a'h the Charge of Judge Burnside; Reported by Oliver Dyer & Dennis F. Murphy. Philadelphia, 1849. 1 vol Hinde's (Robert) Practice of the High Court of Chancery, Methodized and Digested in a Manner Wholly New, &c. London, 1785. 1 vol. Hindmarch's (W. M.) Treatise on the Law relating to Patent Privileges for the sole use of Inventions, and the Practice of Obtaining Letters Patent by Inventions. London, 1846o 1 vol. (C. L.) Hindmarcl's (W. M.) Treatise on the Law relative to Patent Privileges for the sole use of Inventions, with the acts of Congress, and Decisions of the Courts of the United States. See 1' New Law Library, vol. 8." Hindmarch (W. M.) See "' Deacon's Digest of Criminal Law." Hindu Law. See "c Jones." Historical Law Tracts. 3d Ed. Edinburgh, 1776. 1 vol. (C. L.) Historical Memorials of the English Laws, Ancient Parliaments' Courts of Justice, Forms of Trial before the Norman Conquest, also of the four Inns of Court, the Inns of Chancery, &c. Extracted from Sir William Dugdale's. Origines Juridiciales. In 2 parts. London, 1790. 1 vol. (C. L.) History of the Rise and Progress of the Judicial or Adawlut System as Established in Bengal. London, 1822. 1 vol. (C.L.) History of Two Acts: Entitled An Act fbr the Safety and Preservation of his Majesty's Person and Government against Treasonable and Seditious Practices andAttempts; And An Act for the more effectually Preventing Seditious Meetings: and Assemblies. Including the Proceedings of the British Parliament, and of the Various Popular Meetings, Societies, and Clubs throughout the Kingdom. London, 1796. 1 vol. Hobart's (Sir Henry) Reports, in Several Courts, from 11 to 197 James 1. London, 1724. 1 vol. fol. Hobart's (Sir Henry) Reports in Several Courts. First American from the Fifth English Edition with Notes and References, to Prior and Subsequent Decisions, by John M. Williams, one of the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas of Massachusetts. Boston, 1829. 1 vol. Hoble's (F'.) Familiar Exercises Between an Attorney and his Ara ticled Clerk on the General Principles of the Law of Real Property. London, 1830. 1 vol. l2mo. (C. L.) Hodges' (William); Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the' Court of Common Pleas. From Hil. Term, 1835, to Mich. Term, 1837. 3 vols. London, 1836-7. Hodges (W.) See "Willmore, Wollaston and Hodges' Reports." Hoffbauer (J. C.) Medecine Legale, relative aux Alienes et aux Sourds-Muets on les lois Appliquees aux desordres. de F LAW BOOKS. 107 intelligence. Traduit de l'Allemand sur la derni6re edition par A. M. Chambeyron, avec des notes par Mm. Esquirol et Itard. Paris & London, 1827. 1 vol. (C. L.) Ioffman's (David) Course of Legal Study. 2d Ed. Baltimore, 1836. 2 vols. Hoffman's (David.) Legal Outlines: Being the Substance of a Course of Lectures now delivering in the University of Maryland. Vol. 1. Baltimore, 1829. 1 vol. Hoffman's (Murray) Chancery Practice: With an Appendix of Forms. New-York, 1834-1840. 3 vols. Hoffman's (Murray) Chancery Reports: Cases in the Court of Chancery of the State of New-York, Before the Assistant Vice Chancellor of the First Circuit, Hon. Murray H1offmian. From June 1st, 1839, to September, 1840. Vol. 1. New-York, 1841. (2 copies.) 2 vols. Hoffman's (Murray) Practice: The Office and Duties of Masters in Chancery, and Practice in the Master's Office. With an Appendix of Precedents. New-York & Albany, 1824. 1 vol. Hogan's (William) Reports of Cases in the Rolls Court in Ireland, Temp. Sir William McMahon. February, 1816, to December, 1834. Dublin, 1828 - 1838. 2 vols. Hogue (David P.) See " Florida Reports, vol. 2." Holcombe's (James P.) Introduction to Equity Jurisprudence, on the basis of Story's Commentaries, with Notes and References to English and American Cases. Cincinnati, 1846. 1 vol. Holcombe's (James P.) Selection of Leading Cases upon Commercial Law. Decided by the Supreme Court of the United States. With Notes and Illustrations. New-York, 1847. 1 vol. Holcombe's (James P.) Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States, from its organisation to the present time. New-York, 1848. 1 vol. Holcombe's (James P.) Law of Debtor and Creditor, in the United States and Canada, adapted to the wants of Merchants and Lawyers. New-York, 1848. (Presented by D. & G. Appleton.) 1 vol. Holman's (James T.) Digest of the Reported Cases Ruled and Adjudged in the Courts of Tennessee from the year 1796 to 1835. Nashville, 1835. 1 vol. (C. L.) Holmes (Hugh) See'" Virginia Cases, vol 1." Holroyd (Edward) on Patents: A Practical Treatise of the Law of Patents for Inventions. London, 1830. 1 vol. Holt's (Francis L.) Bankrupt Laws as established by the New Act. 6th Geo. 4th, Chap. 16. In 3 parts. London, 1827. 1 vol. (C. L.) Holt' s (Francis Ludlow) Law of Libel. In which is contained a Ge 108 LAW BOOS-. neral History of this Law in the Ancient Codes, and of its Introduction and Successive Alterations in the Law of England. 1st American from 2d London Ed. By Anthony Bleecker. New-York, 1818. 1 vol. Holt's (Francis Ludlow) Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius in the Court of Common Pleas and on the Northern Circuit. From tlfe Sittings after Trin. T., 55 Geo. III., 1815, to the Sittings after Mic,. T., 58 Geo. III., 1817. London, 1818. I vol. Holt (Francis Ludlow) on Shipping, &c.: A System of the Shipping and Navigation Laws of Great Britain. And of the Laws Relative to Merchant Ships and Seamen; and Maritime Contracts. 2d Ed. London, 1824. 1 vol. Holt's (Sir John) Reports: A Report of All the Cases Determined by Sir John Holt, from 1688 to 1710, during which Time he was Lord Chief Justice of England. London, 1738. 1 vol. fol. (Reported: by Farresley.) Holt's (Lord Chief Justice) Judgments in the Case of Ashby v. White and others, and in the Case of John Paty and others. Printed from Original Mss. With an Introduction. London, 1837. 1 vol. (C. L.) Holthouse's (Henry James) New Law Dictionary, containing Explanations of Technical Terms and Phrases, with an outline of an Action: at Law and of a Suit in Equity, Edited, from the Second London Edition, by Henry Pennington. Philadelphia, 1847. 1 vol. 16mo. Home. See " Kames (Lord)." Homes' (J. A.) Practice of the Tolzey Court of the City and County of Bristol. London, 1840. 1 vol. l2mo. (C. L.) Hopkins' (Joseph R ) Report of the Case of Trespass, and Assault and Battery; Evans v. Yarnall and others, including a discussion respecting the Discipline of the Religious Society of Friends. Philadelphia, 1810. (Presented by J. V. L. Pruyn.) 1 vol. Hopkins' (Samuel M.) Reports of Cases in the Court of Chancery of the State of New-York. From September 1823 to January 1826. (Sanford:, Chancellor.) New-York, 1827. (2 copies.) 2 vols. Hoppii (Joachimi). Examen Institutionum Inperialium, &ce Francofurti, 1750. 1 vol. (C. L.) Horse Juridica Subsecivme: A Connected Series of Notes, respecting the Geography, Chronology, and Literary History of the Principal Codes and Original Documents of the Grecian, Roman, Feudal, and Canon Law, by Charles Butler. With Notes and Illustrations by an Eminent American Civilian. Philadelphia, 1:808. 1 vol. Horn (Henry) and Hurlstone's (Edwin Tyrrell) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer; and upon Writs of Error from that Coart to the Exchequer LAW BooKs. 109 Chamber. Vol. 1. From Hil. Term 1838 to Hil. Term 1839. London,1840. 1 vol. Horne (Andreas). La Somme appele Miroir des Justices; vel speculum Justiciariorum. Factum per Andream Horne. London, 1642. 1 vol. 16mo. Hornets (Andrew) Mirrour of Justices. Written originally in the old French long before the Conquest; and many things added. London, 1768. 1 vol. (C. L.):Horne (Thos. Hartwell) Compendium of the Statute Laws and Regulations of the Court of Admiralty. London, 1803. 1 vol. 12mo. (C.,L.) Horne (T. Hartwell.) See " Martens on Captures." Horner v. Liddiard. See "Croke." Horrys (S. C.) Law and Practice of Insolvents in the Bankrupt Court,&c. London, 1844. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Horry's (S. C.) Laws Relating to Licensed Victuallers, with an Appendix containing the trial of the King v. Ivens. London, 1838. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Horsman's (Gilbert) Precedents in Conveyancing. London, 1785, 3 vols. Horsmanden. See " Proceedings" and " Negro Plot." Hosack's (John) Treatise on the Conflict of Laws of England and Scotland. Part 1st. London, 1847. 1 vol. Htotchkiss' Codification of the Statute Law of Georgia. See Catalogue of " Statute Law. Georgia." Hough's (Capt.) Practice of Courts Martial. The legal portion of the work Revised by Geo. Long. 2d Ed. London, 1825. I vol. (C. L.) -Hough (William) on Military Courts: The Practice of Courts Martial and other Military Courts, With Chapters on InquestCourts of Request-Three Trials, Arson, Larceny and Murder, With full Evidence, Rules of Evidence, and other useful matter, and Tables. London-& Calcutta, 1834. 1 vol. Hovenden (John Eykyn) on Fraud: A General Treatise on the Principles and Practice by which Courts of Equity are guided as to the Prevention or Remedial Correction of Fraud. 1st American Edition. By Thomas Huntington. New-York, 1832. 2 vols.:lovenden. See " Vesey Jr." Howard's (Benjamin C.) Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States. From January Term, 1843, to January Term, 1848. Containing in an Appendix, a List of all the Cases Decided in that Court from the Earliest Reports to the Present Time. Philadelphia, 1841-48 6 vols. Howard's (G. E.) Treatise on the Rules and Practice of the Plea Side of the Exchequer in Ireland. Dublin, 1759. 2 vols. (C. L.) 110 LAW BOOKs. Howard's (G. E.) Treatise on the Rules and Practice of the Equity Side of the Exchequer in Ireland. Dublin, 1760. 2 vols, (C. L.) Howard's (John Henry) Colonial Law: The Law of British Colonies in the West Indies, and other parts of America, concerning Real and Personal Property, and the Manumission of Slaves; with a view of the Constitution of each Colony. London, 1827. 2 vols. Howard (John Henry) on the Duties of Solicitors in Sales by Auction, or Private Contract, or under Extents, or Decrees of Courts of Equity. London, 1827. 1 vol. Howard's (Nathan Jr,) Practice Reports: Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court at Special Term, with the Points of Practice Decided. From October Term, 1844, to March, 1849 Albany, 1849. 3 vols. (2 copies) 6 vols. Howard's (Volney E.) Reports of Cases in the High Court of Errors and Appeals of the State of Mississippi. From January Term, 1834, to January Term, 1843. With a General Index to the Matters contained in the First Six Volumes, by Richard M. Corwine. Philadelphia, New-Orleans & Cincinnati, 1839 - 1844. 7 vols. Howell (Thomas B. & Thomas Jones) See State Trials." HIubback (John) on Evidence of Succession to Real and Personal Property and Peerages. London, 1844. 1 vol. Hubback (John) on Evidence of Succession. See " Law Library, vols 47 & 48." Huberi (Ulrici) Prselectionum Juris Civilis. Quarta Editio. Francofurti et Lipsise, 1749. 3 parts. 3 vols. 4to. (C. L.) Huber de Conflictu Legum. Translated by P. S. Du Ponceau. See " Dallas' Reports, 3. 370." Hudson (William Elliot) and Brooke's (John) Reports of Cases in the Courts of King's Bench, and Exchequer Chamber in Ireland. From Hil. T., 7 & 8 Geo. IV. to I William IV. 1827-31, 2 vols. Dublin, 1829 -1846. Hudson (W. E.) Statute Law of Ireland & England, Respecting Suits, &c., between Landlord and Tenant. Dublin, 1829. 1 vol. (C. L.) HIughes (David) on the Law of Insurance, in 3 Parts, viz: I. Of Marine Insurance; II. Of Insurance on Lives; III. Of Insurance against Fire. 1st American Ed. References to American Decisions. New-York, 1833. 1 vol. Hughes (Edward) See 6' Equity Draftsman." Hughes (Henry G.) Practice of the Court of Chancery in Ireland. Dublin, 1837. 1 vol. (C. L.) Hughes (James) Report of the Causes Determined by the Late Supreme Court for the District of Kentucky, and by the Court of Appeals, in which the Titles to Land were in Dispute. LAW BIOOKS. 111 Prom June Term, 1785, to March Term, 1801. Lexington, 1803. 1 vol. 4to. Hughes (R. M.) Duties of Judge Advocates; Compiled from His Majesty's and the Hon. East India Company's Military Regulations, and from the Works of various Writers on Military Law. London, 1845. 1 vol. 12mo. Hughes (T. B.) Report of the Case of the King v. Bebb & Others, on an Extent. London, 1811. 1 vol. (C. L.) Hughes (Will.) Practical Directions for Taking Instructions for and Drawing Wills. London, 1833. 1 vol. l2mo. (C. L.) Hughes (William) Practice of Sales of Real Property. With an Appendix of Precedents. London, 1846 -7. 2 vols. 12mo. Hughson's (David) Epitome of the Privileges of London, London, 1816. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Hullock's (John) Law of Costs. Dublin, 1793. 1 vol. 16mo. Hulton (William Adam) on Convictions: A Treatise on the Law of Convictions; With the Statutes and Forms Applicable to Summary Convictions, before Justices of the Peace. London, 1835. 1 vol. 24mo. Hume's (David) Commentaries on the Law of Scotland Respecting the Description and Punishment of Crimes. Edinburgh, 1797. 2 vols. 4to. Hume's (David) Commentaries on the Law of Scotland Respecting Crimes. 3d Ed. Edinburgh, 1829. 2 vols. 4to. Hume's (J. D.) Laws of the Customs Compiled by Direction of the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury. London, 1834. 1 vol. (C. L.) Humphrey's (Charles) Precedents.: A Collection of Practical Forms in Suits at Law; Also, Precedents of Contracts, Conveyances, &c.; And Proceedings under the Pension, Patent, and Naturalization Laws of the United States. Albany, 1845. 2 vols. Humphreys (James) on Real Property: Observations on the Actual State of the English Laws of Real Property, with Outlines for a Systematic Reform. 2d Ed. London, 1827. 1 vol. Humphreys' (West H.) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Tennessee. From the year 1839 to 1848. Nashville & Columbia, 1841 - 1849. 8 vols. Hunter's (Robert) Treatise on the Law of Landlord and Tenant, with an Appendix Containing Forms of Leases. Edinburgh, 1833. 1 vol. (C. L.) Huntington (Thomas) See "6Chitty's Criminal Law." 5th American Edition. Hurlstone (Edwin Tyrrell) on Bonds: A Practical Treatise on the Law of Bonds; with an Appendix of Forms, Declarations, and Pleas. London & Dublin, 1835. 1 vol. 12mo. Hurlstone (Edwin Tyrrell) on Bonds. See " Law Library, vol. 9." 112 LAW BooKs,'Hurlstone (Edwin Tyrrell) See "Murphy and Hurlstone' s Reports"' and " Horn and Hurlstone." Hurlstone (E. T.) and Walmsley's ( ) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Exchequer from Mich, Term 1840,to East. Term, 1841. 160:pages. (Imperfect,but all that was ever published.) nHuston (Charles) Essay on the History and Nature of Original Tities to Land in the Province and State of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1849. 1 vol. Hutton's (Sir Richard) Reports: Containing many Choice Cases. Judgments and Resolutions, in Points of Law during the Several Reigns of King James and King Charles. London, 1656. 1 vol. fol. Illingworth (William) on Forestalling: An Inquiry into the Laws, Ancient and Modern, respecting Forestalling, Regrating, and Ingrossing. London, 1800. "'vol, 12mo. Impey's (John) Practice: The New Instructor Clericalis, Stating; the Authority, Jurisdiction, and Modern Practice of the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas. Dublin, 1785. 2 vols. 12mo, mpey's (John) Instructor Clericalis, Stating the Authority,'Jurisdiction and Modern Practice of the Court of Common Pleas. 7th Ed. London, 1826. I vol (C. L.) Impey's (John) Instructor Clericalis, Stating the Authority, Jurisdiction and Modern Practice of the Court of King's Bench. 10th Ed. London, 1823. 1 vol. (C. L,) Impey's (John) Sheriff and Coroner. The Practice of the Office of Sheriff and Under Sheriff. Also, of the Office of Coooner, 6th Ed. By H. Jeremy. London, 1835. 1 vol. Impey s (John) Modern Pleader. Dublin, I795. 1 vol. (C. L.) Impey (Walter J.) on Mandamus: A Treatise on the Law and Practice of the Writ of Mandamus. London, 1826. 1 vol. Impeyfs (W. J.) Series of Questions on the Practice of the Court of King's Bench and Common Pleas. Londony 1825. I vol (C. L.) Impey (W. J.) See - Gilbert on Distresese and Replevin." India. See' Theobald?" "Galloway." Infant's Lawyer (The): Or the Law (Ancient andModern) relating to Infants. Also Treating of Infant Executors, Administrators, durante minori,Etate; &c. Likewise of Devises byand to Infants, Apprentices, &c. 2d Ed, London, 1712. 1 vol. 16mo Ingersoll's (Edward) Digest of the Laws of the United States of America, from March 4th1 17891 to May 15th, 1820. Inclu LAW B oo S. 1:13 ding also the Constitution, and the Old Act of Confederation, and Excluding All Acts Relating to the District of Columbia, Acts Establishing or Discontinuing Post Roads, and Private Acts. Philadelphia, 1821. 1 vol..Ingersoll's (E.) History and Law of the Writ of Habeas Corpus with an Essay on the Law of Grand Juries. Philadelphia, 1849. 1 vol:Ingersoll's (Joseph Reed) Roccus: A Manual of Maritime Law, Consisting of a Treatise on Ships and Freight, and a Treatise on Insurance, Translated from the Latin of Roccus. Philadelphia, 1809. 1 vol. Ingersoll (E.) See " IrHale's Pleas of the Crown." Ingraham (Edward D.) A View of the Insolvent Laws of Pennsylvania. 2d Ed. Philadelphia, 1827. 1 vol. Ings' (Edward) Act for the Abolition of Arrest on Mesne Process in Civil Actions. London, 1840. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.:) Instructor Clericalis-Directing Clerks in the Present Practice of the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas-in 6 Parts. Part 1, (7th Ed.). London, 1727. Part 2, (5th Ed.). London, 1724. Part 3, (4th Ed.). London, 1724. Part 4, (3d Ed.). London, 1727. Part 5, (2d Ed.). In 2 volumes. London, 1722. Part 6, (1st Ed.). London, 1714, being " Vol. VII." 7 vols. Inwood's (Wm.) Tables for Purchasing of Estates. London, 1839. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Iowa Reports. See " Morris' Reports." Iredell's (James) Digest of all the Reported Cases Determined in the Courts of North Carolina, from the year 1778 to 1845, Raleigh, 1839 - 46. 3 vols. Iredell's (James) Reports of Cases in Equity, Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, from June, 1840, to December, 1848. Raleigh, 1841 -9. 5 vols. Iredells (James) Reports of Cases at Law, Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, from June, 1840, to August, 1848. Raleigh, 1841 -8. 8 vols. Irish Circuit Reports, taken during the Assizes in the Years 1841^'42 and'43. Dublin, 1843. 1 vol. (C. L.) Irish Equity Pleader. See " Burroughs & Gresson." Irish Equity Reports, (3d series of the " Law Recorder.") particularly of Practice Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, the Rolls' Court and the Exchequer of Ireland, from Mich. Term, 1838, to the end of 1846. Reporters at different times, Charles Haig, Wm. B. Stoker, Ross S. Moore, R. Deasy, Thomas Jones, John C. Deane, John C, Creighton, John E. Walsh, Edward S. Trevor, John F. Waller, J. P. Boyle and Lewis Morgan. Dublin, 1839 -46. 8 vols. Irish Law Reports, (3d Series of the " Law Recorder,") particue 114 LAW Boots, larly of Points of Practice Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer in Ireland; from Mich. Term, 1838, to the end of 1846. Reporters at different times, Francis Brady, Gabriel Stokes, Ross S. Moore, John Adair, Dominick McCausland, Thos. Jones, John S. Armstrong, Wim. H. Falloon, J. P. Boyle and Lewis Morgan. Dublin, 1839 -46. 8 vols. Irish State Trials: Or, The Queen vs. Daniel O'Connell, and Others. New-York, 1844. 1 vol, Irish Term Reports, Or Reports of Cases Determined in the King's Courts, Dublin, from E. T. 34 George III. (1793), to Hil. T., 35 George III, (1795). By William Ridgeway, William Lapp, and John Schoales. vol. 1. Dublin, 1796. 1 vol. Irvine's (Patrick) Considerations on the Inexpediency of the Law of Marriage. Edinburgh, 1828. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Irvine's (Patrick) Considerations of the Inexpediency of the Law of Entail in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1826.. 1 vol. (C. L.) Irving's (David) Introduction to the Study of the Civil Law. 4th Ed. London, 1837. 1 vol. Irving (David). See " Catalogue of Advocates' Library. Edinburgh." Isambert (M.) See " Peyre, Lois des Francs." Jackson (Charles) on Real Actions: A Treatise on the Pleadings and Practice in Real Actions; with Precedents in Pleadings. Boston, 1828. 1 vol. Jackson (Rev. William.) See 4 Constitutions of the United States." Jacob's (Edward) Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery) during the Time of Lord Eldon, 1821- 1823 (2 and 3 Geo, IV.) London, 1828. 1 vol. Jacob (Edward) and Walker's (John) Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery, during the Time of Lord Chancellor Eldon, 1819-1821, 59Geo, III. to 2 Geo. IV. vol 1. istAmerican from 1st London Ed. With Notes and References to American Cases, by Henry W. Warner. New-York, 18221827. 2 vols. Jacob's (Giles) Complete Court Keeper: Or Land Steward's Assistant. 6th Ed. London, 1764. 1 vol. Jacob's (Giles) Law Dictionary: Explaining the Rise, Progress and Present State of the English Law: Defining and Interpreting the Terms or Words of Art, and Comprising Copious Information on the Subjects of Law) Trade and Government. Corrected and Enlarged by T. E. Tomlins. 1st American from the 2d London Ed. New-York and Philadelphia, 1818. 6 vols. LAW BooKs, 115,Jacob9s (Giles) Law Grammar, or Rudiments of the Law. 8th Ed. By John Hargrave, London, 1840. 1 vol. 24mo. Jacobsen' s (Frederick J.) Laws of the Sea, with Reference to Maritime Commerce during Peace and War. From the Germane By William Frick. Baltimore, 1818. 1 vol. Jamaica. See " Constitution (political) of." James (Charles). A Collection of the Charges, Opinions and Sentences of General Courts Martial, as published by Authority, from 1795, to the present time, as an Appendix to Tytler's Treatise on Military Law. London, 1820. 1 vol. James' (William Robert) Charter and the Documents Relating to the King's Town and Parish of Maidstone in the County of Kent. London, 1825. 1 vol (C, L.) Jardine's (David) Reading on the use of Torture in the Criminal Law of England. London, 1837. 1 vol. (C. L,) Jarman (Thomas) on Wills. 1st American Ed. With Notes and References to American Decisions. By J. C. Perkins. Boston, 1845. 1 vol. Jeake's (Saml.) Charters of the Cinque Ports. London, 1728. 1 vol. fol. Jebb's (Robert) Crown Cases chiefly relating to the Criminal and Presentment Law, Reserved for Consideration, and Decided by the Twelve Judges of Ireland, from May, 1822, to November, 1840. 1st American Ed. With References by John William Wallace. Philadelphia, 1842. 1 vol. Jebb (Robert) and Bourke's (Richard) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Queen's Bench, in Ireland, from JMichaelmas to Trinity Term, 5th Victoria, [(1841, 1842.) Dublin, 1843. 1 vol. Jebb (Robert) and Symles's (Arthur R.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Queen's Bench and Exchequer Chamber in Ireland. From Hil. T. 1 Victo, (1838,) to Trin. T., (1841.) Dublin, 1840-1842. 2 vols. Jefferson (Thomas). Manuel du Droit Parlementaire, Traduit de L'Anglais, par L. A. Piehon. Paris. 1814. 1 vol. j Warden Library.] Jefferson's (Thomas) Reports of Cases Determined in the General Court of Virginia. From 1730 to 1740, and from 1768 to 1772. Charlottesville, 1829. 1 vol. Jefferson (Thomas) on the Batture Case. The proceedings of the Government of the United States, in maintaining the public right to the beach of Mississippi, adjacent to New-Orleans, against the intrusion of Edward Livingston. Prepared for the use of Counsel, by Thomas Jefferson. New-York, 1812. 1 vol. Jemmett's (W. T.) Acts relating to the Administration of the Law in Courts of Equity. London, 1836. 1 vol. 12mo. (. L.) 116 LAW BOOK'S. Jenkins' (David) Eight Centuries of Reports: Or Eight Hundred Cases, Solemnly Adjudged in the Exchequer Chamber, or upon Writs of Error. 2d Ed. London, 1734. 1 vol. fol. Jenkins' (David) Eight Centuries of Reports. 3d Ed. London, 1771. 1 vol. fol. Jenkins' (Judge) Works. Upon Divers Statutes, Concerning the Liberty and Freedome of the Subject. London, 1648. 1 vol. 24mo. Jenkins' (Johln S.) New Clerk's Assistant, or Book of Practical Forms;;Designed for the Use of County and Town Officers, Merchants, Mechanics, Farmers and Professional Men. Auburn, Geneva and Cincinnati, 1846. 1 vol. 16mo. Jenkinson (Earl of Liverpool.) See "1 England and Neutrals" and'Law Tracts.' Jenner's (David) Prerogative of Primogeniture. London, 1685. I vol. 16mo Jennings' (Needler R.) See " Civil Code of Louisiana." Jeremy's (Henry) Analytical Digest of the Reports of Cases Decided in the Courts of Common Law and Equity, of Appeals, and Nisi Prius, and in the Ecclesiastical Courts. From the Year 1817, to the Year 1846. London, 1825-1847. 17 vols. Jeremy's (George) Equity Jurisdiction of the High Court of Chancery. 1st American from the Last London Ed. Philadelphia. 1830. 1 vol. Jeremy's (Henry) Law of Carriers, Inn Keepers, Warehousemen, and Other Depositories of Goods for Hire. New-York, 1816. 1 vol. Jerram's (Charles) Considerations on the Irpolicy and Pernicious Tendency of the PoorLaws. London, 1818. 1 vol. (C. L.) Jervis' (John) New Rules from Mich. Term 1st Will. IV. to Hil. Vac. 2dVict. 4th Ed. London, 1839. 1 vol. (C. L.) Jervis' (John) Office and Duties of Coroners. London & Dublin, 1829. 1 vol. 24mo. Jickling's (Henry) Practical Treatise on the Analogy between Legal and Equitable Estates and Modes of Alienation. London & Dublin, 1829. 1 vol. Johnes' (A. J.) Suggestions for Reform in the Court of Chancery. London, 1834. 1 vol. (C. L.) Johnson's (C. W.) Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, &c. London, 1837. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Johnson's (C. W.) Report of the Braintree Church Rate Case. 2d Ed. London, 1840. 1 vol. (C. L.) Johnson's (I.) View of the Jurisprudence of the Isle of Man. Edinburgh, 1811. 1 vol. (C. L.) Johnson's (T.:& J. W.) Catalogue. Philadelphia, 1847.:1 vol. 12mo. LA- BOOKS. 117 Johnson's (William) Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of New-York, and in the Court for the Correction of Errors, from January Term, 1799, to January Term, 1803. New-York, 1808-1812. (2 copies.) 6 vols. Johnson's (William) Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of New-York, and in the Court for the Correction of Errors, from January Term, 1799, to January Term, 1803. Second Edition; with many Original Cases not included in the former Edition, from the Original Notes of the late Judge Radcliff. With Notes and References, 3 Vols By Lorenzo B. Shepard. New-York, 1846 - 9. Johnson's (William) Chancery Reports: Cases Adjudged in the Court of Chancery of New-York. From March, 1814, to July, 1823. To which is added A General Digested Index of the Cases Decided and Reported in the Court of Chancery, and in the Court for the Correction of Errors on Appeal, from 1799 to 1822. Albany, 1816 - 1824. 7 vols. Johnson's (William) Chancery Reports. 2d Ed. Philadelphia, 1835 -1839. 7 vols. Johnson's (William) Digest of the Cases Decided and Reported in the Supreme Court of Judicature, and the Court for the Correction of Errors in the State of New-York. From January Term, 1799, to October Term, 1813, inclusive. With the Names of the Cases, and a Table of the Titles and: References. Albany, 1815. 1 vol. Johnson's (William) Digest of the Cases Decided and Reported in the Supreme Court of Judicature, the Court of Chancery, and the Court for the Correction of Errors, of the State of New-York. From 1799 to 1823. Albany, 1825. 2 vols. Johnson's (William) Digest. 2d Ed. Corrected. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 vols. bound in 1: And, A Digest of the Cases Decided and Reported in the Superior Court of the City of New-York, the Vice-Chancellor's Court, the Supreme Court of Judicature, the Court of Chancery, and the Court for the Correction of Errors of the State of New-York. From 1823, to October, 1836. Being a Supplement to Johnson's Digest. Philadelphia, 1838. (Marked " Johnson's Digest. Supplement. Vol. 3.") 3 vols. in 2. Johnson's (William) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Judicature, and in the Court for the Trial of Impeachmentsand the Correction of Errors, in the State of New-York. From February Term, 1806, to February, 1823. NewYork and Albany, 1811 (Vol. 1. 2d Ed.) - 1823. 20 vols. Johnson's (William) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court. 3d Ed. Philadelphia, 1839. 20 vols. Jones' (F. C.) Attorney's and Solicitor's New Pocket Book, and. Conveyancer's Assistant. 7th Ed. by John Crisp. London & Dublin, 1841. 2 vols. 24mo. 118 LAW BOOKS. Jones (George Frederick). Of the Law Concerning the Liabilities and Rights of Common Carriers. London, 1827. 1 vol. Jones (John)Law of Libels. London. 1812. 1 vol. (C. L.) Jones (J. W.) Translation of All the Greek, Latin, Italian and French Quotations which occur in Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England; And also in the Notes of the Editions by Christian, Archbold, and Williams. London, Edinburgh & Dublin, 1823. 1 vol. 16mo. Jones (Samuel, Chancellor) Opinion in the Case of the Orphan Asylum Society vs. Peter McCartee and Others. 1 vol. Jones (Thomas) Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, from Mich. T, 5 Will, IV. to Trin. T. 1 Vict. Dublin, 1838 - 47. 2 vols. Jones (Thomas) See "Hayes' (Edward) and Jones' (Thomas) Reports." Jones (Thomas) and La Touche's (Edmond Digges) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Time of Lord Chancellor Sudgen. 1844 - 5. Dublin, 1846, 48. 2 vols. Jones (Sir Thomas) Reports of Several Special Cases Adjudged in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas at Westminister in the Reign of King Charles II. The Second Edition in French and English. London, 1729. 1 vol. fol. Jones (Sir William) Institutes of Hindu Law, or the Ordinances of Menu. Calcutta & London, 1797. 1 vol. (C. L.) Jones (Sir William) Les Reports De Divers Special Cases cy bien in le Court de Banck Le Roy, Come le Common-Banck in Angleterre, cy bien en le Frreign Temps del Reign de Roy Jaques, Come en 1'Anns de-Roy Charles I. London, 1675, 1 vol. fol. Jones [Sir William) on the Law of Bailmnents. 3d London Ed. By William Nichols. With Additional Notes and References to American Decisions by William Halsted, Jr. New-York, 1828. 1 vol. Jouanneau (M. M.) See a( Code Napoleon Discussions du Journal of Jurisprudence (The): A New Series of the American Law Journal. By John E. Hall. vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1821. 1 vol. Journal of Law (The) Conducted by an Association of Members of the Bar. Philadelphia, 1833. 1 vol. Journal (A) Of the Proceedings in the Detection of the Conspiracy formed by some White People, in Conjunction with J\egro and other Slaves, for Burning the City of Jew- York in America, and Murdering the Inhabitants. By the Recorder of the City of New-York. New-York, 1744. Two Copies. 1 Bound. 1 Half Bound. 2 vols. 4to. Journeymen Cordwainers' Trial. See " Trial of Journeymen Cordwainers." Journeyman Tailors' Trial. See " Trial of Journeymen Tailors." LAW BOOKS. 119 Joy (Henry Lord Chief Baron) on the Evidence of Accomplices, See "Law Library, Vol. 45." Joy (Henry H.) on the Admissibility of Confessions, and Challenge of Jurors in Criminal Cases in England and Ireland. See "Law Library, Vol. 40." Joy's (H. H.) Peremptory Challenge of Jurors. London, 1844. 1 vol. (C. L.) Joynes' (William T.) Essay upon the Act of the General Assembly of Virginia, Passed April 3,1838, Entitled "An Act Amending the Statute of Limitations," and founded on the English Statute of 9 Geo. IV., C. 14. Richmond, Va., & Philadelphia, 1844. 1 vol. Judicial Chronicle (The): Being a List of the Judges of the Courts of Common Law and Chancery in England and America. and of the Contemporary Reports, from the Earliest Period of the Reports to the Present Time, (By George Gibbs). Cambridge 1834. 1 vol. Judicial Opinions Delivered in the Mayor's Court of the City of New-York, in the Year 1802. New-York, 1803. 1 vol. Jure (De) Colonias inter, et Metropolen apud Priscos. Geneva, 1777~ 1 vol. 16mo. [ Warden Library.] Jura Ecclesiastica: or the Present Practice in Ecclesiastical Courts. By a Barrister of the Middle Temple. In the Savoy. 1749. 2 vols. (C. L.) Jurist (The): Containing Reports of Cases Determined in Law and in Equity, During the Years 1837 to 1848: with a General Digest, Table of Cases and Index, &c. 12 Volumes Bound in 21 Parts. London & Dublin, 1838 -1848. Jurist (The), or Quarterly Journal of Jurisprudence and Legislation. London, 1827-1832. 3 vols. Juryman's Guide (The) throughout the State of New-York, and Containing General Matter for the Lawyer and Law Officer. By Charles Edwards. New-York, 1831. 1 vol. Jus Appellandi ad Regem Ipsum a Cancellaria: Or, a Manifestation of the King's Part and Power to Relieve His Subjects against Erroneous and bUnjust Decrees in Chancery. By Walter Williams. London, 1684. 1 vol. 16mo. Justices' Manual (The) See "; Waterman (T. W.)' Justice of the Peace (A) for Ireland. Consisting of two Books. Composed By Sir Richard Bolton: With Additions by Michael Travers. Dublin, 1750. 1 vol. 4to. Justinian's Institutes: D. Justiniani Institutionum Libri Quatuor. The Four Books of Justinian's Institutions. Translated into English, with Notes by George Harris. 2d Ed. London, 1761, 1 vol. 4to. Justinian's Pandects. See " Pothier's Pandects de Justinien." (C. L,) 120 LAW BOOKS. K. Kames' (Henry Home, Ld.) Law Antiquities: Essays upon Several Subjects concerning British Antiquities, viz: 1. Introduction of the Feudal Law into Scotland. 2. Constitution of Parliament. 3. Honor. Dignity. 4. Succession or Descent. With an Appendix upon Hereditary and Indefeasible Right. 3d Ed. Edinburgh, 1763. 1 vol. 12mo. Kames (Henry Home, Ld.) Principles of Equity. 2d Ed. Edinburgh, 1767. 1 vol. fol. Kames (Henry Home, Ld.) Historical Law Tracts. vol. 1. Edinburgh, 1758. 1 vol. Kames' Select Decisions of Court of Session. See " Decisions." Kaufmann's (Philip Ignatius) Mackeldey: Compendium of the Civil Law. By Ferdinand Mackeldey, Prof. of Law in the Univ. of Bonn. Edited by Philip Ignatius Kaufmann, Ph. D. of the University of Freiburg. From 12th German Ed. vol. 1. New-York, 1845. 1 vol. Keane's (D. D.) Courts of Requests. 3d Ed. London, 1845. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Keatinge (Thomas) on Family Settlements and Devises: Principally Designed to Show in what Manner, and to what Extent of Duration, Property may be Preserved within Families. London, 1810. 1 vol. Keble's (Joseph) Reports in the Court of King's Bench at Westminster, from 12 to 30 Car. II. London, 1685. 3 vols. folio. With the Table of References. (See Nichol's Literary Anecdotes, 1, 23.) Keen's (Benjamin) Chancery Reports: Cases in Chancery, in the Rolls Court, during the Time of Lord Langdale, Master of the Rolls, 1836 to 1839, 6 Will. IV. to 2 Victoria. London: 1837-1839. 2 vols. Keilwey's (Robert) Reports DI)Ascuns Cases (Qui ont evenus aux Temps du Roy Henry le Septieme, &c. du Roy Henry le Huitiesme, and ne sont Comprises deins les Livres des Terms and Ans demesmes les Roys). Seliges hors des papieres de Robert Keilwey, Esq.; par Jean Croke, La Tierce Edition. London, 1688. 1 vol. fol. Kekewich (George). See "- Digest of Early Chancery Reports." Kelham's (Robert)- Britton. Containing the Antient Pleas of the Crown, Translated; and Illustrated with References, Notes, and Additional Records. London, 1762. 1 vol. Kelham's (Robert) Dictionary of the Norman or Old French Language. Collected from such Acts of Parliament, Parliament Rolls, Journals, Acts of State, Records, Law Books, Antient Historians and Manuscripts, as relate to this Nation. To which are added The Laws of William the Conqueror (with Notes and References.) London, 1779. 1 vol. 16mo. (2792) L:w B OO.KIS. 121 Kellett's (Rich.) Amended General Orders for the Regulation of the Practice of the Court of Chancery in Ireland. Dublin, 1836. I vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Kelly's (Edmund Meares) Treatise on the Law and Practice of Scire Facias to revive Judgments in Ireland, &c. Dublin, 1841. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Kelly (James Birch) on the Law of Life Annuities, with the Statutes and Precedents. London, 1835. I vol. Kelly (James Birch) on Usury: A Summary of the History and Law of Usury, its Policy, and Suggestions for its Amendment. London, 1835. 1 vol. Kelly's (James M.) Reports of Cases in Law and Equity, Argued and? Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Georgia. From March Term, 1846, to November Term, 1847. New-York & Savannah, 1847 - 8. 3 vols. Kelyng's (Sir John) Report of Divers Cases in Pleas of the Crown in- the Reign of Charles II. To which is added the Report of three Modern Cases, Armstrong and Lisle-The King and Plummer-The Queen and Mawgridge, as originally published by Lord Chief Justice Holt. With Additional Notes and References, by G. J. Browne. Dublin, 1789. 1 vol. Kelynge's (William) Report of Cases in Chancery, The King's Bench, &c., in the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th years of George II. During which Time Lord King was Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, and the Lord Raymond, and Lord Hardwicke, were Lord Chief Justices of England. London1764. 1 vol. fol. Kennedy's (James) Treatise on the Law and Practice of Juries, as amended by the Stat. 6 Geo. 4, c 50. London, 1826. 1 vol. (C. L.) Kennedy's (Thomas) Code of Practice of the High Court of Chaneery. London. 1843. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Kennedy, (Vans) on Courts Martial: Practical Remarks on the Proceedings of General Courts Martial. London, 1825. 1 vol. 24mo. Kennett's (White) Ecclesiastical Synods and Parliamentary Convocations in. the Church of England, Historically stated and justly vindicated from the Misrepresentation of Mr. Atterbury. London, 1701. 1 vol. (C. L.) Kent's (James) Commentaries on American Law. 1st Ed. NewYork, 1826-1830. 4 vols. Kent's (James) Commentaries. 2d Ed. New-York, 1832. 4 vols. Kent's (James) Commentaries. 4th Ed. New-York, 1840. 4 vols. Kent's (James) Commentaries. 5th. Ed. New-York, 1844. 4 vols. Kent's (James) Commentaries. 6th Edition. New-York, 1848. 4 vols. [STATE LIBRARY.] 8 122 LAW BOOKS. Kent's (James) Dissertations: Being the Preliminary Part of a Course of Law Lectures. By James Kent, Professor of Law in Columbia College. New-York, 1795. 1 vol. Kent's (James) Introductory Lecture: A Lecture Introductory to a Course of Law Lectures in Columbia College. Delivered February 2, 1824. Published at the request of the Trustees of the College. New-York, 1824. 1 vol. Kent (Chancellor). See "New-York City Charter and Kent's Notes." Kenyon's (Lloyd, Ld.) Reports: Notes of Cases in the Court of King's Bench, and of some determined in the Other High Courts. From E. T., 26 Geo. II., 1753, to Trin T.,33 Geo. II., 1759. Published by Job Walden Hanmer. London, 1819-1825. 2 vols. Kilburn's (Richard) Justice: Choice Presidents upon all Acts of Parliament relating to the Office and Duty of a Justice of the Peace, Including the first Session of King William and Queen Mary. 4th Ed. (By G. F.) London, 1690. 1 vol. 24mo. Kilkerran's Collection of Decisions, Court of Session. See "Decisions." Kime's (W. T.) Treatise on the Replication de Injuria. London. 1843. 1 vol. (C. L.) Kinahan's Digested Index to the Reports Decided in Courts of Equity in Ireland. Dublin, 1830. 1 vol. King's College Case. See " Williams." Kinne's (Asa) Kent: The most Important Parts of Kent's Commentaries, Reduced to Questions and Answers. New-York, 1839. 1 vol. Kinne's (Asa) Law Compendium: Questions and Answers on Law. Alphabetically arranged. With Reference to the most Approved Authorities. 4th Ed. New-York, 1844- 6. 6 vols. Kinne's (Asa) Blackstone: The Most Important Parts of Blackstone's Commentaries, Reduced to Questions and Answers. 4th Ed. New-York, 1844. 1 vol. Kingsley (J. L.) and Pirsson (J. P.) on Patent Laws. Laws and Practice of all Nations and Governments, relating to Patents for Inventions, with Tables of Fees and Forms, &c. NewYork, 1848. I vol. Kirby's (Ephraim) Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Superior Court of the State of Connecticut, from the year 1785, to May, 1788; with some Determinations in the Supreme Court of Errors. Litchfield, 1789. 1 vol. Kirtland's (Dorrance) Surrogate: A Treatise on the Practice ini Surrogates' Courts in the State of New-York. Albany, 1835. I vol. Kliber (Jean Louis) Droit des Gens Moderne De L'Europe. Stuttgart, 1819 1 vol. (C. L.) Knapp' s (John Francis) Trial. See " Trial of John Francis Knapp." LAW BooKs. 123:napp's (Jerome Win.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined before the Committees of His Majesty's Most Honorable Privy Council Appointed to hear Appeals and Petitions, 1829 to 1836. (Third Volume Completed by Edmund F. Moore.) London, 1831 - 1836. 3 vols. Knapp (J. W.) See " Perry & Knapp's Election Cases." Knapp (J. W.) and Ombler's (Edward) Cases of Controverted Elections in the 12th Parliament of the United Kingdom. Lcndon 1.837. 1 vol. (C. L.) Kyd (Stewart) on Awards: A Treatise on the Law of Awards. 1st American from 2d London Ed. Philadelphia, 1808. 1 vol. Kyd (Stewart) on the Law of Corporations. London, 1793 -1794. 2 vols. Kyd (Stewart) on Bills: A Treatise on the Law of Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes. 3d Ed., with Considerable Additions. London and Salisbury, 1795. 1 vol. L. Lafond's (Gabriel) Guide de 1assureur et de lPassure en matiere d'assurances maritimes. Paris, 1837. 1 vo1. (C. L.) Lainne (M.) Memorial du Commerce et de'Industrie, Repertoire Universel, &c. Paris, 1837-9. 6 vols. (C. L.) Lalaure (M.) Traite des Servitudes Reelles, a -1Usage de tous les Parlemens et Sieges du Royaume, &c. Paris, 1777. 1 vol. 4to. (C. L.) Lambard's (William) Eirenarcha, or the Office of the Justices of Peace. In fouie bookes. Revised, Corrected & Enlarged in the fortie & fourth Yeare of the peaceable Raigne of our most gracious Queene Elizabeth. London, 1602. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Lambard's (William) Eirenarcha. Or -the Office of the Justices of Peace London, 1610. 1 vol. 1-6mo. Lambert (William) See "Cary's Reports." Lambert's (William) Collection of Precedents, consisting of Proceedings and Questions of Order and Appeals in the House of Representatives; and disagreeing votes of the Two Houses, on Bills, &c. From the Commencement of the First Session of the First Congress, to the end of the'Third Session ot the Eleventh Congress, inclusive. Prepared in pursuance of a resolution of the House of Representatives, of the 26th of April, 1810.. Washington City, 1811. 1 vol. Lambert (Eli) on Dower: Comprising a Digest of the American Decisions, and the Provisions of the Revised Statutes of the State of New-York. New-York, 1834. 1 vol. Lane's (Richard) Reports in the Court of Exchequer, Mich. T., 3 Jac. 1., to E. T., 9 Jac. 1. London, 1657. 1 vol. fol. Latch's (Jean) Reports: Plusieurs Tres-Bons Cases, Come ils Estoyent adjudgees es trois premiers Ans du Raign du feu Roy 1244 LA W Boo K s.. Charles le Premier, en la Court de Bank le Roy Non enlco:e publiees per aucun autre. London, 1661. 1 vol fol. Latch's (John)l Reports of Cases Determined in the King's Bench, During the I., II. & III. Years of Charles I. First Published in Norman French (1661) by Edward Walpoole (of Gray's Inn, Esquire). Translated into the English Language by Francis-Xavier Martin, Newbern (North Carolina), 1793. 1 vol. (Warden: Library.) La Touche (Edmund D.) See "Jones' and La Touche's Reports." Laussat (Antony) See-' Fonblanque" Law Catalogues: See: Catalogues of Law Books." Law French Dictionary (The), & Law Latin Dictionary (The): The Law-French Dictionary Alphabetically Digested; To which is added, The Law-Latin Dictionary. Being aln.tlphabetical Collection of such Law-Latin Words as are found in several Juthentic Manuscripts, and Printed Books of Precedents &c 2d Ed. Corrected and Enlarged. London, 1728. 2 vols. in One. Law Chronicle (The). Or Journal of Jurisprudence and Legislation. (Conducted by Professional Gentlemen.) 1829-1832. Vols. 1,2 & 3, Edinburgh,; London & Dublin, 1829-1831. Vol. 4:, Edinburgh, 1832. 4 vols. Law Glossary (The): Being a Selection of the Greek, Latin,. Saxon, French, Norman and Italian Sentences, Phrases and Maxims, found in the Works of Coke, Shower, &c., &c. Alphabetically Arranged and Translated into English. By Thomas. Tayler. Albany, 1833. 1 vol. Law Grammar (A): Or, An Introduction to Theory and Practice of English Jurisprudence. Dublin, 1791. 1 vol, Law Intelligencer;,. The United States Law Intelligencer, and Review, for the Years 1829, 1830 & 1831. Edited by Joseph K. Angell Providence; Philadelphia, 1829-1831. 3 vols. Law Journal (The) Comprising Reports of Cases in the Courts of Chancery, King's Bench, Corn. Pleas, Exchequer of Pleas, & Exchequer Chamber, & also some Reports on the Duties of Magistrates, for the Years 1823 -31. 1st series. London, 1823-31. 9 vols. 4to. Law Journal (The) New Series Comprising Reports of Cases in the Courts of Chancery, King's Bench, Corn. Pleas, Exchequer of Pleas, & Exchequer Chamber. Also, Cases Connected with the Duties of Magistrates. (Old Series. Vol. 10 to vol. 26 inclusive.) (New Series, vol, 1 to 17, inclusive) For the Years 1832-48, inclusive. Edited by Montague Chambers.) Vols. I to 6, single vols. Vols. 7 to 17 in 2 Parts, Equity & Common Law. London, 1832 to 49, 28 vols. 4to. Law Journai (From the) A Compendious Abstract of the Public General Acts of the United Kingdom of Great Britain from 4th, of Geo. 3d, 1823 to 11th of Vict. 1848. London, 1823348. 26 vols. bouitd in 14 vols. 4to L.A.W D OO 5. lp law Library (The). Edited by Thomas Sargeant, and John C. Lowber From July, 1833, to March 1849. Philadelphia, 1833 1849. 63 volumes. Containing: Vol. 1. Theobald on Principal and Sur6ty, Blanshard on Limitations, Wilkinson on Limitations, Bradby on Distresses. (2d Ed. by Adams.) Vol. 2. Shelford on Lunacy. Vol. 3. Platt on Covenants, Sugden on Sales of Estates, Hennells Forms of Declarations, &c., Cornish on Uses. Vol. 4. Woolrych on Ways, Ellis on Insurance and Annuities, Perpigna on Patents for Inventions, &c. Vol. 5. Leigh and Dalzell on Equitable Conversion, Alluatt on PartitionCary on Partnership, Comyn on Usury. Vol. 6. Comyn's Law of Landlord.and Tenant, Babington on:Set-offt Wilkinson on Replevin. Vol. 7. Watson's Office of Sheriff, Hayes on Estates for Life and in Remainder. Vol. 8. Ram on Assets, Ram on Devises and Wills of Landed Property. Vol. 9, Hurlstone's Law of Bonds, Ram on Legal Judgment, Dwarris on Statutes, Matthews' Guide to Executors, &c. Vol. 10. Petersdorff on Bail Willis on Trustees, Fletcher on Estates of Trustees.. Vol. 11. Watson on Arbitration and Awards, Park on Dower, Wilson on Springing Uses. Vol. 12. Ross on Sales of Personal Property. (2d:Ed. by arriason.) Robertson on the Law of Personal Succession. Vol. 13. Bingham on Judgments and Executions, Wigram's Law of Discovery, Poynter on Marriage and Divorce, Gibbons' Law of Fixtures. Vol. 14. Willcock on Municipal Corporations, Warren on Law Studies. Vol. 15. Bagley's Practice at Chambers, Sugden on Powers. 1st:vol. Vol. 16. Sugden on Powers. 2d vol. Byles on Bills of Exchange, &e. 126 LAw BooKs. Vol. 17. Calvert on Parties to Suits in Equityy Smith's Mercantile Law. Vol. 18. Coote's Law of Mortgage, Ward on Legacies. Vol. 19. Smith's Leading Cases, with Notes. Vol. 1I Babington's Law of Auctions. Vol. 20. Atkinson on Marketable Titles to Real Estate~ Watkins on Conveyancing (by Pteston), Gilbert on Rents. Vol. 21. Powell on Devises (by Jarman). Vol. 1. Vol. 22. Powell on Devises (by Jarman). Vol. 2. Beames on Costs in Equity. Vol. 23. Burton on Real Property, Smith's Leading Cases. Vol. 2, Part 1t Vol. 24. Lewin on Trusts and Trustees, Schultes on Aquatic Rights. Vol. 25. Lovelass on Wills, Stock on the Law of Non Compotes Mentis, Vol. 26. Mansell on Demurrer, Coventry on Conveyancer's Evidence. Vol. 27. Atherley on Marriage Settlements, Stephens' Criminal Law. Vol. 28. Paley's Principal and Agent, Roscoe on Actions Relating to Real Property, Volo 1. Vol. 29. Roscoe on Actions Relating to Real Property. Vol. 2. Willcock's Office of Constable, Worthington's Power of Juries. Vol. 30. Smith's Leading Cases, Vol. 2, Part 2. Sheppard's Touchstone. Vol. 1. Vol. 31. Sheppard's Touchstone. Vol. 2. Roper on Husband and Wife. Vol. 1, Part 1. Vol. 32. Roper on Husband and Wife. Vol. I, Part 2, and Vol. 2. Vol. 33. Shelford on Marriage and Divorce. Vol. 34. Cross' Law of Lien, Eden's Bankrupt Law. Part 1. Vol 35. Eden's Bankrupt Law. Part 2. Willis' Pleadings. Vol. 36. Drewry on Injunctions, Shelford on Mortmain. Part I, Vol. 37. Shelford on Mortmain. Part 2, Bennet's Master's Practice. Vol. 38. Wooddesson's Lectures on the Law of England. Vols. - and 2. Vol. 39. Wooddesson's Lectures on the Law of England. Vol. 3. Wordsworth on Joint Stock Companies. Part 1. Vol. 40. Wordsworth on Joint Stock Companies. Part 2. Joy on Admissibility of Confessions in Criminal Cases, and on Challenge of Juries, Goldsmith's Practice in Equity, LAW BOOKS. 127 Pitman on Principal and Surety. Vol. 41. Macpherson (W.) on Infancy, Wills on Evidence. Vol. 42. Bissett on Estates for Life, Preston on Estates. Vol. 3. (Merger.) Winslow on the Plea of Insanity in Criminal Cases. Vol. 43. Smith's Leading Cases. (2d Ed.) Vol. 1. Vol. 44. Smith's Leading Cases. (2d Ed.) Vol. 2. Vol. 45. Browne on Actions at Law, Joy on the Evidence of Accomplices. Vol. 46. Sewell's Law of Sheriff. Vol. 47. Best on Presumptions of Law and Fact, Miller's Law of Equitable Mortgages, Hubback's Evidence of Succession. Vol. 48. Hubback's Evidence of Succession. Russell on Factors and Brokers. Vol. 49. Archbold's Nisi Prius. Vol. 1, and Vol. 2, Part 1. Vol. 50. Archbold's Nisi Prius. Vol. 2, Part 2. Bell on Contract of Sale. Broom's Legal Maxims. Vol. 51. Tamlyn's Law of Evidence. Billing's Law of Awards. Grady's Law of Fixtures. Vol. 52. Lewis on the Law of Perpetuity, Notes of Recent Leading Cases. Vol. 53. Archbold's Law of Landlord and Tenant, Cooke on Defamation. Vol. 54. Crabb's Law of Real Property. Vol 1. Vol. 55. Crabb's Law of Real Property. Vol. 2. Vol. 56. Smith's Law of Contracts, Broom on Parties to Actions, Cole on Criminal Informations: and Quo Warranto Informations. Vol. 57. Pulling on Mercantile Accounts, Blackburn on Contract of Sale, Phillimore' s Law of Domicil, Vol. 58. Lee on Abstracts of Title, Oliphant on the Law of Horses, Racing, &c. Vol. 59. Watson on Arbritration and Awards, Macqueen on Husband and Wife. Vol. 60. Smith on Actions at Law, Worthington on Wills, Long's Discourses, Coode on Legislative Expression. Vol. 61. Byles on Bills of Exchange, Williams on Personal Property. Vol. 62. Williams on Personal Property, Raymond on Bill of Exceptions, 128 LA W'B o-ox.K, Notes of Recent Leading Cases. 1846 - 7 -:8, [From the Lond. Law Mag. ] Whitwortl's Equity Precedents. Vol. 3. Russell's Arbitrator, Law ibrary (New). See "New Law Library." Law ist(The). 1834-40-45. See C"Cockell." Law Magaz ne (The): Or, Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence, From June, 1828, to November, 1848. London, 1830- 1848. 40 vols., of which 9 vols. are of the New Series. Law Pamphlets: Containing: Collectanea Maritima, Being a SCollection of Public Instruments &c., &c., Tending to Illustrate the History and:Practice of Prize Law..By Chr. Robinson. London, 1801. And, A Brief Statement of Opinions, given in the Board of Commissioners, under the Sixth Article of the Treaty of Amity, -Commerce, and Navigation with Great Britain: With an Appendix, Containing Certain Artides of the Treaties with Great:Britain;'The Commissions under the said Sixth Article of the Treaty of Amity; And References to Opinions Delivered by Judges of the Supreme and Circuit Courts of the United States.'Philadelphia, 1800. 1 vol. Law Quibbles: Or, A Treatise of the Evasions, Tricks, Turns, and Quibbles, Commonly used in the Profession of the Law to the Prejudice of Clients and others. London, 1736. 1 vol. Law Recorder Containing Reports of Cases and Proceedings in the Courts of Law and Equity at Dublin. From Mich. Term, 1827, to Trin. Term, 1831, both inclusive. Dublin, 1828-31. 4vols. (C. L.') Law Recorder. New Series: Containing Reports of Select Cases and Decisions, Chiefly on Points of Practice in the Courts of Equity and Common Law in Ireland. From Hil. Term, 1833, to Trin. Term, 1838, both inclusive. Dublin, 1833 - 37. 6 vols. (C.L.) Law Reporter (The) From March, 1838, to April 1848. Edited by Peleg W. Chandler. Boston, 1839- 48. 10 vols. Law Reporter (The Monthly). Editedtby Stephen H. Phillips. Vol. XI. New Series, Vol. 1.:Boston, 1849. 1 vol. Law Review (The) and Quarterly Journal of British and Foreign Jurisprudence. (November, 1844, February 1849.) London, 1845-49. 9 vols. Law Students Guide (The) by a Member of Gray's Inn.'London, 1827. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Law Tracts. Cabinet Law Library of Scarce and Celebrated Law Tracts. Edinburgh, 1837 -41. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) CONTENTS.' 1. Sir James Mackintosh: Discourse on -the Study of the Law of Nature and of Nations. II. Justice Story's Discourse on the Past HIistoryPresent State and Future Prospects of the Law. LAW Boois. 12 9'II, Sir William Scott's Judgment, Pronouanced in the CSonsis tory Court of'London, in the Case of Dairymple v. Dalrymple. I'V. Sir William Scott's Judgments in the Cases of the Maria, and the Gratitudine. V. C, Jenkison, Earl of Liverpool, on the Conduct of the Government of Great Britain in Respect to Neutral Nations, (Written in 1758.) VI. Controversy, Respecting the Law of Nations, especially Relative to Prussia's Attachment of British Funds by way of Reprisal for English Captures, including the Memorial of IM. Michell, -Prussian Secretary of Legation, and the Duke of Newcastle's Letter to him. VII. Analysis of Savigny's Treatise on the Law of Possession, by Prof. L. A. Warnkonig. VIIII. On the Effect of Drunkenness upon Criminal Responsibility, and the Application of Punishment, by Professor Mittermaier. Law and Constitution of India, (Observations on the.) London, 1825. 1 vol. (C. L.) Law of Auctions & Directions to Auctioneers. -London, 1838. 1 volo 12mo. (C. L.) Law of Awards. See "-Complete Arbitrator." Law of Bills of Exchange, Inland Bills and Promissory Notes, Edinburgh, 1829. I vol. -2mo. (C.L.).Law of Debtor and Creditor. See.Holcombe.' Law of Evidence. By a Late Learned Judge. 2d Ed. In the Savoy, 1760. 1 vol. (C. L.) Law of Masters, &.; Jus Imperii & Servitutis: Or the Law Concerning Masters, Apprentices, Bayliffs, Receivers, Stewards, Attorneys, Factors, Deputies, Carriers, Covenant Servants, &c. London, 1707. 1 vol. 16mo. Law of Mortgages: An Essay on the Law. of Mortgages in the State of New-York. Albany, 1824. 1 vol. Law of Set-Off. Se, " Barbour on Set-Off. Law of Surrogates, Executors, &c. See 6'Dayton's Law of Surrogates, Executors, &c.' Laws of the Admiralty. Laws, Ordinances and Institutions of the Admiralty of Great Britain, Civil and Military. Interspersed with Dissertations, Notes and Comments. 2 vols. London, 1746. Laws of:the Admiralty. A General Treatise of Naval Trade & Commerce as founded on the Laws and Statutes of the Realm. 2d-Ed. In the Savoy, 1753. 2 vols. (C. L.) Laws of Landlords and Tenants: The Laws Respecting Landlords, Tenants and Lodgers, laid down in a plain, easy, and familiar manner, and free from the technical terms of the Law. Dublin, (No date). 1 vol. 12mo. 130 LAW BOOKS. Laws-of Oleron. See " Malynes' Lex Mercatoria;' Sea Laws.' Laws of Wisby. See " Malynes' Lex Mercatoria;' Sea Laws." Laws (James T.) Forms of Ecclesiastical Law, or Mode of Conducting Suits in the Consistory Courts. London, 1831. 1 vol. (C. L.) Lawes (Edward) on Charter Parties of Affreightment, Bills of Lading, and Stoppage in Transitu. London, 1813. 1 vol. Lawes (Edward) on Declaration: The Declaration on Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, &c. Illustrated and Explained; 2d Ed. London, 1844. 1 vol. Lawes (Edward) on Pleading in Assumpsit: With the Addition of the Decisions of the American Courts, by Joseph Story. Boston, 1811. 1 vol Lawson (James A.) See 1 Connor, (Henry,) and Lawson's (James A.) Reports." Lawton's (Geo.) Brief Treatise of Bona Notabilia. London, 1825. 1 vol. Lawyers and Magistrates' Magazine. In which is included an Account of every Important Proceeding in the Courts at Westminster during the Years 1790, and 1791, With the Decisions of the Judges, in their own words. Dublin, 1792 - 94 3 vols. Leach's (Thomas) Crown Law: Cases in Crown Law, Determined by the Twelve Judges; By the Court of King's Bench; and by Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer and General Goal Delivery, From 4 Geo. II., 1730, to 40 Geo. III., 1800. 3d Ed. London, 1800. 2 vols. Leach's (Thomas) Cases in Crown Law, Determined by the Twelve Judges in the Court of King's Bench, from 1730 to 1815. 4th Ed. London, 1815. 2 vols. Leading Cases, Notes of. See' Law Library, Vols, 52 & 62." Le Cras. (A. J:) Laws, Customs & Privileges, and their Administration in the Island of Jersey. London, 1839. 1 vol. (C. L.) Lee (Sir George) See Phillimore." Lee's (John Yate) Treatise on the Evidence of Abstracts of Title to Real Property. London, 1843. 1 vol. (C. L.) Lee's (John Yate) Treatise on the Evidence of Abstracts of Title to Real Property. See " Law Library, Vol. 58." Lee (Richard) on Captures in War. 2d Ed. London, 1803. 1 vol. Lee (Thomas) See " Cases Temp. Hardwicke. Legal Almanac (The), Remembrancer & Diary, for 1844: Containing a Law Calendar, Specifying the Times of Legal Proceedings under the various Statutes and Rules of Court; With Numerous Lists. London, 1844. 1 vol. Legal Observer (The): Or, Journal of Jurisprudence, from November, 1830, to October, 1848. London, 1831-1848. 36 vols. LAw BooXs. 131 Legal Observer (The) Index to the 1st 20 vols. London, 1841. 1 vol. Legat's (B. J.) Code Des Estrangers. Paris, 1832. 1 vol. (C. L.) Legge's (Thomas) Law of Outlawry, and Practice in Civil Actions. London, 1779. 12mo., (with the Autograph of Aaron Burr.) Presented by Joel A. Wing. Leigh's (Benjamin Watkins) Reports of Cases in the Court of Appeals, and in the General Court of Virginia. From January, 1829, to December, 1841. (Vol. 12, Containing only Cases in the Court of Appeals from February, 1841, to August, 1841.) Richmond, 1830-1844. 12 vols. Leigh (J. H.) and Dalzell (R.) on Equitable Conversion: A Treatise on the Equitable Doctrine of the Conversion of Property. London, 1825. 1 vol. Leigh & Dalzell on Equitable Conversion. See "Law Library. Vol. 5." Leigh's (P. Brady) Nisi Prius: An Abridgment of the Law of Nisi Prius. With Notes and References to the Latest American Cases, by George Sharswood. Philadelphia, 1838. 2 vols. Leigh's (P. B.) Practical Treatise on the Poor Laws, with an Appendix of Forms and Statutes. London, 1826. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Leigh's (P. B.) Practical Treatise on the Poor Laws, with an Appendix of Forms and Statutes, and a Supplement, containing all the Statutes and Decisions relating thereto, from the publication to the end of Trin. Term last. London, 1838. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Le Marchant's (Dennis) Report of the Proceedings of the House of Lords on the Claims -to the Barony of Gardner; With an Appendix, Containing a Collection of Cases Illustrative of the Law of Legitimacy. London, 1828. 1 vol. Leonard's (William) Reports and Cases of Law: Argued and Determined in the Courts of Law, at Westminster. From 18 Eliz. to 12 Jac. I. Translated and Published by Will. Hughes. 4 Parts in One Volume. London, 1658-1675. 1 vol. fol. Lepage's (P.) Elements de la Science du droit. Paris, 1819. 2 vols. (C. L.) Lepage's (P.) Lois des Batimens ou le Nouveau Desgodets, &c. Paris, 1822. 2 vols. (C. L.) Letters to Blackstone. The Palladium of Conscience: or the Foundation of Religious Liberty displayed, asserted, and established. Containing: Furneaux's Letters to Blackstone, Priestley's Remarks on Blackstone's Reply to Priestley, And Blackstone's Case of the Middlesex Election. With some other Curious Tracts. Philadelphia, 1774. 1 vol. Levinz's (Sir Creswell) Reports: Les R6ports de Sr. Creswell Levinz, Jades del Justice del Common Bank: En Trois Parts: 1S^ L~AW Bools, Commencant en le 12 An de Roy Charles II., & fini en le 8 An de Son Majesty Wiliamn III. London, 1702. 2 tom. fol. Levinz's (Sir Creswell) Reports of the Courts of King's Bench and Corn. Pleas during the time of Sir Matthew Hale. (Translated into English by Sergeant Salkeld.) 3d Ed. Dublin, 1793 -97. 3 vols. (C. L.) Lewin's (Sir Gregory A.) Crown Circuit Reports A Report of Cases Determined on the -Crown Side on the Northern Circuit. From Summer Circuit of 1822, to Summer Circuit of 1833. London, 1834. 1 vol. 24mo. Lewin's (Thomas) Law of Trusts and Trustees, London & Dublin, 1837, 1 vol. Lewin's (Thomas) Law of Trusts and Trustees. See "Law Library, vol. 24." Lewis (Ellis). See "United States Criminal Law'" "6 New Law Library." Lewis' (Randle) Reflections on the Causes of unhappy Marriages. London, 1805. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Lewis (Thomas) on the Constitution, Jurisdiction and Practice of of the Sheriff's Courts of London. London, 1833. 1 vol, (C. L.) Lewis' (William David) Inaugural Address on the Study of the English Laws of Real Property, delivered in the Hall of Grey's Inn., on Thursday, the 4th of November, 1837. With an outline of the Proposed Course of Lectures. London, 1848. 1 vol. Lewis' (William David) Law of Perpetuity: A Practical Treatise on the Law of Perpetuity; or Remoteness in Limitations of Estates, as applicable to the various Modes of Settlement of Property, Real and Personal. London, 1843.; vol. Lewis' (William David) Law of Perpetuity. See I; Law Library, vol.:52~?' wLex Mercatoria Americana An Enquiry into -the Law Merchant of the United States. Vol. 1. By George Caines. New-York, 1802. 1 vol. Lex Parliamentaria: Or) a Treatise of the Law and Custom of Parliaments, Shewing their Antiquity, Names, Kinds and Qualities. With an Appendix of a Case in Parliament between Sir Francis Goodwyn and Sir John Fortescue, for the Knights Place for the County of Bucks. I Jac. -I. The Second Edition with Larger Aditions. London. -No date.] 1 vol.,Ley-s (Sir James) Reports of Divers Resolutions in- Law, arising upon Cases in the Court of Wards and other Courts at Westminster, in the.Reigns of James I. and -Chares 1. London, 1659. 1 vol. fol. Liber Ecclesiasticus. An Authentic Statement of the Revenues of the Established Church. Lo ndon, 1835. i vol. (C. L.) LAW BOO-KS. 133 Liber Placitandi: A Book of Special Pleadings. London, 1674. 1 vol. fol. Library of the Law. 3d Ed. London, 1757. 1 vol. Liddle. See "' Catalogue of Law Bools." Lieber's (Francis) Legal and Political Hermeneutics: or Principles of Interpretation and Construction in Law and Politics. Boston,1839. 1 vol. 12mo. Lieber's (Francis) Political Ethics (Manual of). Boston, 18381839. 2 vols. Life of a Lawyer (The). Written by himself. London 1830. 1 vol. (C. L.) Lilly's (John) Abridgment: The Practical Register; or, a General Abridgment of the Law. 2dEd. London, 1735. 2 vols. fol. Lilly's (John) Practical Conveyancer, 2d Ed-. London, 1732. 1 vol. fol. Lilly's (John) Modern Entries: A Collection of Modern Entries: or Select Pleadings in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer. 5th Ed. London, 1791 2 vols. Lilly's (John) Reports and Pleadings of Cases in Assize, for Offices, Nuisances, Lands and Tenements. London, 1719. 1 vol. fol. Lislet (L. Moreau) and Carleton's (Henry) Laws of Las Siete partidas (the seven parts). which are still in force in the State of Louisiana. New-Orleans, 1820. 2 vols. (C. L.) Lispenard Case: Case on Appeal from Decree of the Chancellor inRelation to the Will of Alice Lispenard,: deceased; Robert Stewart, Executor, &c., Appellant, and Augustus A. Nicholson and Others, Respondents. New-York, 1841. 1 vol. Lister's (Daniel) Digest of the Law of Elections in England, Ireland and Scotland. London, 1828. 1 vol. (C. L.) Little's (William) Reports of Cases at Common Law and in Chancery, Decided by the Court of Appeals of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. From the Spring Term, 1822, to the Spring Term, 1824. Frankfort 1'822 - 1824. 5 vols. Littell's (William) Selected Cases, from the Decisions of the Court oi Appeals of Kentucky, not heretofore Published. Frankfort, 1824. I vol. Littleton's (Edward) Reports (Les) en le Courts del Common Banck & Exchequer; en le 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Ans del Reign de Roy Charles le I. London, 1683. 2 vols. fol. Littleton's Tenures in French and English. With an Alphabetical Table. London, 1671. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Littleton. His Treatise of Tenures. In French and English. A new Edition by T. E. Tomlins. London, 1841. 1 vol. (C L.) Livermore (Samuel): on Agency. A Treatise on the Law of Princi pal and Agent, and Sales by Auction. Baltimore. 1818. 2 vols. Liverpool. (Lord) on the Right of Search. See " England and Neutrals." 134: LAW BOOKS. Livingston's (Edward) Criminal Code: A System of Penal Law for the State of Louisiana; Consisting of a Code of Crimes and Punishments, a Code of Procedure, a Code of Evidence, a Code of Reform and Prison Discipline, a Book of Definitions, Prepared under the Authority of a Law of that State. Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. 1 vol. Livingston (Edward) on the Batture Case: An Answer to Mr. Jefferson's Justification of his Conduct in the Case of the NewOrleans Batture. Philadelphia, 1813. 1 vol. Lloyd (Bartholomew Clifford) and Goold's (Francis) Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, during the Time of Lord Chancellor Sugden. From Hil T., 1835, to E. T., 1835. London and Dublin, 1836. 1 vol. Lloyd (Bartholomew Clifford) and Goold's (Francis) Reports. A Selection of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, during the time of Lord Chancellor Plunket; Principally in the years 1834, 1835 & 1836. Dublin, 1839. 1 vol. Lloyd's (R.) New Table of Costs in Parliament, Chancery and the Exchequer. London, 1820. 1 vol. (C. L.) Lloyd (Thos.) See " Trial of Boot and Shoe Makers." Lloyd (Thomas.) See' Report of the whole Trial of Gen. Michael Bright," and " Trial of Alexander.Addison." Lloyd (Thomas.) See " Trial of Thomas O. Selfridge." Lobe's (M. G.) Guide aux Droits Civils et Commerciaux des Etrangers en Espagne, &c. 2d Ed. Paris, 1837. 1 vol. (C. L.) Lockwood's (Ralph). Reversed Cases. An Analytical and Practical Synopsis of all the Cases argued and reversed in Law and Equity in the Court for the Correction of Errors, of the State of New-York, from 1.799 to 1847; with the names of the Cases and a Table of the Titles. New-York, 1848. 1 vol. Locre (M.) La Legislation Civile, Commerciale, et Criminelle de la France, ou Commentaire et Compl6ment des Codes Francais. Paris, 1827-32. 31 vols. (C. L.) Lofft's (Capel) Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, from E. T., 12 Geo. III to Mich. T., 14 Geo. III. With some Select Cases in the Court of Chancery, and of the Common Pleas, within the Same Period. To which is added, The Case of General Warrants. Dublin, 1790. 1 vol. Logan's (James) Compendium of the Laws of England, Scotland and Ancient Rome relative to Marriages. Edinburgh, 1839. 1 vol. (C. L.) Logan's (W. H.) Pocket Bill Book. Edinburgh, 1842. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Logical and Experimental Sciences. (Elements of.) Considered in their relation to the Science of the Law. London, 1835. 1 vol. (C. L.) LAW BOOKS. 135 Lomax's (John Taylor.) Treatise on the Law of Executors and Administrators, generally in use in the United States; and adapted more particularly to the practice of Virginia. Philadelphia, 1841. 2 vols. London. See " Charities of." Long (George) on Sales: A Treatise on the Law Relative to Sales of Personal Property. 1st American from the last London Ed. Improved by a Digest of American Decisions. Exeter, N. H., 1823. 1 vol. Long (George) on Sales: A Treatise on the Law relative to Sales of Personal Property. 2d American Ed., with Additions. By Benjamin Rand. Boston, 1839. 1 vol. Long's (George) Reflections on Certain Parts of the Law of England, with Suggestions for Improvement of the Same. London, 1827. 1 vol. (C. L.) Long (George) See "' Hough's Practice of Courts Martial." Long (George) Two Discourses, Delivered in the Middle Temple Hall. With an Outline of the Course. See "Law Library, vol. 60." Longfield's (Robt.) Law of Distress and Replevin in Ireland. Dublin, 1841. 1 vol. (C. L.) Longfield (Robt.) See N Napier's Practice." Longfield's (Robert) Treatise on the Action of Ejectment in the Superior Courts of Ireland. Dublin, 1840. 1 vol. (C. L.) Longfield (Robert) and Townsend's (John. Fitzhenry) Reports of Cases Argued in the Court of Exchequer in Ireland. From Hil. T., 1841, to Trin. T. 1842. (4 and 5 Vict.) Dublin, 1843. 1 vol. Lonsdale's (James J.) Statute Criminal Law of England as regards Indictable Offences. London, 1839. 1 vol. (C. L.) Lord Stirling Peerage Case: An Analytical Statement of the Case of Alexander Earl of Stirling and Dovan, &c., &c., &c. By Sir Thomas C. Banks. London, 1832. 1 vol. Lord's (Jas.) Theory and Practice of Conveyancing. London, 1844. I vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Loring, Trial of, before Court Martial. See "T Trials." Lothian's (Maurice) Law Practice and Styles peculiar to the Consistorial Actions Transferred to the Court of Sessions. Edinburgh, 1830. 1 vol. (C. L.) Lottery Investigation: Report of the Select Committee of the Assembly Relative to Lotteries, Made April 6, 1819. Albany, 1819. 1 vol. Lottery Investigation, &c. 1 vol. CONTENTS. 1st. Report of the Select Committee in Assembly, Relative to Lotteries, April 1, 1819, Together with an Appendix Containing the Proceedings on the Trial of C. N. Baldwin. 136 LAW B OK- s. 2d. Address of the Delegates in Convention to their Constituents, together with the Constitution of the State, as Amended. 1821. 3d. Thoughts on the Constitution and Strictures of the Court of Chancery. Albany, 1821. Louisiana Code of Practice in Civil Cases, With Annotations. By Wheelock S. Upton. New Orleans, 1839. 1 vol. (C. L.) Louisiana (Laws of las siete partidas). See " Lislet & Carleton." Louisiana Reports: Cases in the Supreme Court of the State of Louisiana. From March, 1830, to October. 1841. First 5 vols. By Branch W. Miller; the remaining 14 vols. by Thomas Curry. New Orleans, 1831-41. 19 vols. Louisiana Annual Reports. Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Louisiana, From the Organization of the Court under the Constitution of 1845, to the 31st of December, 1847. By Merritt M. Robinson. NewOrleans, 1847 - 8. 2 vols. Lovelass' (Peter) Full, Clear & Familiar Explanation of the Law Concerning Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, &c. 3d Ed. Philadelphia, 1791. 1 vol. (C. L) Lovelass (Peter) on Wills: The Law's Disposal of a Person's Estate who dies without Will or Testament. To which is Added The Disposal of a Person's Estate by Will and Testament. With an Explanation of the Mortmain Act. 12th Ed. Remodelled, &c., by Arthur Barron. London & Dublin, 1838. I vol. Lovelass (Peter) on Wills. See " Law Library, vol. 25." Lowe v..Huntingtower (Lord) in the Court of King's Bench: on the Construction & Legal Effect of the Will of Richard Lowe, and on the Admissibility of Evidence to explain it. Edited by William Haslewood. London, 1827. 1 vol. (C. L.) Lowndes (William) on the Law of Legacies. London & Dublin, 1824. 1 vol. Lowndes (J. J.) Historical Sketch of the Law of Copyright. London, 1840. 1 vol. (C. L.) Lowndes (John James) See' Dowling:" Lowry's (T. K.) General Rules and Orders of the Equity Side of the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, From the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Dublin, 1838.1 vol. (C. L.) Lube's (D. G.) An Analysis of the Principles of Equity Pleading; Containing a Compendium of the Practice of the High Court of Chancery, and the Foundation of its Rules: London, 1823. I vol. Luders' (Alexander) on Elections: Reports of the Proceedings in Committees of the House of Commons upon Controverted Elections, Heard and Determined during the Parliament Called in 1784. London, 1785- 90. 3 vols. (3258) LAW BOOKS. 137 Luders' (Alexander) Tracts on Various Subjects in the Law and History of England. Bath, 1810. 2 vols. (C. L.) Lumley's (William Golden) Law of Annuities and Rent Charges. London, 1833. 1 vol. Lumley (William Golden) on the Law of Settlement and Removals, 2d Ed. London, 1842. 1 vol. 24mo. Lumley's (W. G.) Treatise on the Law of Apprenticeship. London, 1845. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Lumley's (W. G.) Laws Relating to the Poor in England. 3d Ed, London, 1846. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Lumley (W. G.) on the New Lunacy Acts, 8 and 9 Vict. cc. 100 126; with an Introduction, Abstracts, Notes and Index; ana an Appendix, Containing the Statutes relating to Insane Criminals and Prisoners, and a Statement of the Different Forms of Insanity. London, 1845. 1 vol. 24mo. Lush's (Robert) Practice of the Superior Courts of Law at Westminster, with Introductory Treatises respecting Parties to Actions. London, 1840. 1 vol. (C. L.) Lushes (R) Act for the Abolition of Arrest on Mesne Process. London, 1838. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Lutwyche's (A. J. P.) Inquiry into the Principles of Pleading the General Issue. London, 1838. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Lutwyche's (Sir Edward) Reports: Un Livre des Entries: Contenant auxi un Report des Resolutions del Court sur diverse Exceptions, Prises as Pleadings, et sur auters Matters en Ley; Surdant (pur la plupart) en le Court de Common Bank, enter le 34 An del Roy Charles le Second, & le 2 An del Raigne de sa present Majesty, la Roigne Anne. London, 1704..2 vols. fol. Lutwyche's (Sir Edward) Reports and Entries. The several Cases therein are truly stated upon the respective Pleadings and Entries in English. By W. Nelson. London, 1718. 1 vol. fol. Lynches (William) View of the Legal Institutions, Honorary Hereditary Offices & Feudal Baronies established in Ireland. London, 1830. 1 vol. (C. L.) Lynches (Wm.) Case Illustrative of the Law and Usage of the Prescriptive Baronies of Ireland. London, 1835. 1 vol. fol, (C. L.) Lyne's (Jas.) Treatise on Leases for Lives. Dublin, 1837. I vol. (C. L.) Lyne's (Jas.) Statute Law of Ecclesiastical Leases in Ireland. Dublin, 1838. 1 vol. (C. L.) Lyne (James). See "Wallis' (John) and Lyne's (James) Reports." Lyons (George) Elements of Scots Law in the Form of Questions and Answers. Edinburgh, 1834. 1 vol. (C. L.) [STATE LIBRARY.] 9 138 LAW BOOKS. M. Macallan's (Alexander) Pocket Lawyer. A Practical Digest of the Law of Scotland, Mercantile Law of Great Britain, and Forms regulating the Law of Scotland. 4th Ed. Edinburgh, 1840. 1 vol. (C.L.) Macartney (John). See "Armstrong (Richard), Macartney (John) and Ogle's (John Craven) Reports." Macfarlane's (Robert) Reports of Jury Trials in the Court of Session, from March 12th, 1838, to Dec. 27th, 1839. Edinburgh, 1841. 1 vol. Mackeldey (Ferdinand). See " Kaufmann's Mackeldey." Mackeldey's (Dr. F.) Manuel de droit Romain. Traduit de l'Allemand, Sur la dixieme Ed: par Jules Beving. Bruxelles, 1837. 1 vol. (C.L.) McKenna (Theobald). See " Civil Code of France." Mackenzie's (George) Criminal Law of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1678. 1 vol. Mackenzie's (Sir George) Laws of Scotland: The Laws and Customs of Scotland in Matters Criminal. 2d Ed. To which is added a Treatise of Mutilation and Deinembration and their Punishments, by Sir Alexander Seton; also, a Second Edition of the Observations upon the 18 Act. Parl. 23 K. James Sixth, against Dispositions made in defraud of Creditors, &c. Edinburgh, 1699. 1 vol. fol. Mackintosh (Sir James) on the Law of Nature and Nations. See " Law Tracts." Maclaurin's (Mr.) Arguments and Decisions in Remarkable Cases before the High Court of Justiciary, and the other Supreme Courts in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1774. 1 vol. 4to. (C. L.) Maclean (Charles Hope) See "Shaw (Patrick) and Maclean's (Charles Hope) Cases." Maclean (Charles Hope) and Robinson's (George) Parliamentary Reports. Cases Decided by the House of Lords on Appeals and Writs of Error, 2 & 3 Victorie, Session of Parliament, 1839. London, Dublin & Edinburgh, 1840. 1 vol. Macnaghten's (W. H.) Nizamut Adawlut Reports. New Ed. Containing Select Cases from 1805 to 1834. Calcutta, 1827 -35. 4 vols. (C. L.) lacNally's (Leonard) Evidence; The Rules of Evidence on Pleas of the Crown Illustrated from Printed and Manuscript Trials and Cases. Philadelphia, 1811. 1 vol. Macnamara (HI.) on Nullities and Irregularities: A Practical Treatise on Nullities and Irregularities in Law, their Character, Distinctions, and Consequences. London and Dublin, 182. 1 vol. 241no. Macnamara's (Henry) Practical Treatise on Pleading. London, 1844. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) LAW BooKs. 189 Maconmb (Alexander) on the Practice of Courts Martial. New-York 1840. 1 vol. M acpherson (William),on GQuardianship. A Treatise on the Law relating to Infants. Part I. Guardianship. London, 1841. 1 vol. Macpherson (William) on Guardianship. See.' Law Library, vol. 41." Macqueen's (John) Practice: A Practical Treatise on the Appellate Jurisdiction of the House of Lords and Privy Council. Together with the Practice on Parliamentary Divorce. London, 1842. 1 vol. Macqueen (John Fraser) On the Rights and Liabilities of Husband and Wife. See " Law Library, vol. 5.9." Macrory's (A. J.) Authentic Report of the Clough Case. Dublin, 1836. 1 vol. (C.L.) Maddock's (Henry) Chancery. A Treatise on the Principles and Practice of the High Court of Chancery. 3d American from the last London Ed. Witl the Principal American Decisions in Chancery. By Thomas Huntington. Hartford, 1827, 2 vols. Maddock's (Henry) Reports of Cases in the Court of the Vice Chancellor of England, Temp Sir Thomas Plumer alld Sir John Leach. From July, 1814, to March. 1821. London, 18117 - 1822. 5 vols. haddock (H.) and Geldart's (T. C.) Reports of Cases in the Court of the Vice Chancellor of England. Temp. Sir John Leach. From January, 1821, to August 1821. London, 1829. I vol. M'addy's (Edwin) Ecclesiastical Digest of Cases Argued and Determined in the Arches and Prerogative Courts of!Canterbury. The Consistory Court of London, and the High Court of Delegates: And Contained in the Reports of Sir George Lee, Phillimore, Adams and Hagga-rd. London, 1835. 1 vol. Madox (Thomas). History and Anticfities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England, in Two Periods. From the JNorman Conquest, to the End of the Reign of K. John; and from the End of the Reign of K John, to the End of the Reign of K. Edward 11. Taken from Records. With a Correct Copy of the Ancient Dialogue concerning the Exchequer, generally ascribed to Gervasius Tilburiensis; and a Dissertation concerning the most Ancient Great Roll of the Exchequer, commnonly styled The Roll of Quinto Regis Stephani. London, 1711. 1 vol. fol. Madox (Thomasi Baronia Anglica. An History of Land Honos and Baronies, and of Tenure in Capite, veriled by Records. Londoln 1741. 1 vol. fol. (C. L.) Madox s (Thomas) Firma Burgi, or an Historical Essay concerning 140 LAW BOOKS. the Cities, Towns and Boroughs of England, taken fromu Records. London, 1827. 1 vol. fol. (C. L.) Magens (Nicolas) on Insurances: An Essay on Insurances, Explaining the Nature of the various Kinds of Insurance Practised by the Different Commercial States of Europe. Vol. 2. Being a Collection of all the Foreign Ordinances of Insurances, and Forms of Policies, translated into English; all the English Acts of Parliament relating to Insurances, Shipwrecks, Salvages, and Insurance Companies; the Forms of Policies and Bottomry Bonds; the Conditions of Insurances against Fire, &c. With a Summary of all the Treaties of Commerce between England and Foreign Powers. London, 1755. 2 vols. 4to. Magnin (A). Traite des Minorites tutelles, et curatelles de la puissance paternelle, &c. Paris, 1833. 2 vols. (C. L.) Magnitot (Albin Le Rat De) et Delamarre (Huard) Dictionnaire de Droit public et Administratif, &c. Paris, 1837. 2 vols. (C. L.) Maine. A Review of the Constitution of: By an Elector. 1830. I vol. Maine Reports: Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Jludicial Court of the State of Maine. From 1820 to 1847. I-lallowell & Portland, 1822 - 1847. 26 vols. [Vols. I to 9 by Simon Greenleaf; Vols. 10,11 & 12,by John Fairfield; Vols. 13 to 18, Part of vol. 20, and vols. 21 & 22, by John Shepley; and vol. 19, and part of vol.. 20, by John Appleton; vol. 21 by John Appleton and John Shepley;: vols. 22, 23, 24,25 and 26 by John Shepley.l Male's (George Edward) Forensic Medicine: Elements of Juridical or Forensic Medicine; for the Use of Medical Men, Coroners, and Barristers. 2d Ed. London, 1818. 1 vol. Malepeyre et Jourdain. Traite des Societes Commerciales accompagn6 d'un precis de L'Arbitrage force et suive de Modeles des divers genres d'actes de Societes Commerciales. Paris, 1833. 1 vol. (C.L.) Mallory's (John) Modern Entries, in English: Being a Select Collection of Pleadings in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer. And also all kinds of Writs, Original and Judicial. Translated from the most Authentic Books, &c.e &c. 1st Ed. London, 1734- 1735. 2 volso fol. Mallory's (John) Modern Entries in English: 4th Ed. With Additions. Dublin, 1791. 2 vols. Maltby (Isaac) on Courts Martial: A Treatise on Courts Martial and Military Law. Boston, 1813. 1 vol. Malynes' (Gerard) Lex Mercatoria: Consuetudo, vel Lex J.ercatoria: Or, the Ancient Law Merchant, in Three Parts, according to the Essentials of Traffick. Containing I. The Collection ,LA BooKs. 141,f Sea Laws. II. Advice Concerning Bills of Exchange. By John Marius, Public Notary. III. The Merchant's Mirtour: or Directions for the Perfect Ordering or Keeping of his Accompts, by way of Debtor and Creditor, after the Italian Manner. By R. Dafforne, late Accomptant. IV. An Introduction to Merchants' Accompts. By John Collins. V. The Accountants' Closet, being an Abridgment of Merchants' Accounts' kept by Debtor and Creditor. By Abraham Lisst. The Third Edition, Wherein are Inserted the Three Tracts following, never before printed in any former impression. I. The Jurisdiction of the Admiralty of England Asserted. By Richard Zouch, Doctor of the Civil Laws, and late Judge of the Admiralty. II. The Ancient Sea Laws of Oleron, Wisby, and the Hanse Towns, still in force. Rendered into English for the Use of Navigators. By G. Meigs, Gent. III. The Sovereignty of the British Seas, proved by Records, History, and the Municipal Laws of this Kingdom. By Sir John Buroughs, late Keeper of the Records in the Tower of London. London, 1686. 1 vol. fol. Manning's (E. W.) Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, &c. 3dEd. London 1808. 1 vol. (C. L.) Manning's (James) Digest of the Nisi Prius Reports, with Notes and References; And some Original Cases, chiefly collected on the Western Circuit. 1st American from the last London Ed. Exeter, 1823. 1 vol. Manning (James) and Granger's (T. C.) Reports: Cases in the Court of Common Pleas. From E. T., 1840, to JM. T., 1844. With the Registration Appeal Cases of JMich. T., 1843, to B. T., 1845. London, 1841 -46. 7 vols. Manning (James) and Ryland's (Archer) Reports of Cases in the Court of King's Bench. From Mich. T., 8 Geo. IV. (1827) to E. T., 11 Geo. IV. (1830). London & Dublin, 182737. 5 vols. Manning (James) and Ryland's (Archer) Reports of Cases relating to the Duty and Office of Magistrates. Determined in the Court of King's Bench. From Mich. T., 1827, to Mich. T., 1829. London & Birmingham, 1829 - 32. 2 vols. Manning (James) Granger (T. CO) and Scott's (John) Reports. See " Common Bench Reports, vols. 1, 2 & 3." "Common Law Reports, vols. 50 and 52." Manning's (James) Report of Proceedings before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, &c., In Relation to Warrants for the Suppression of the Antient Privileges of the Sergeants at Law. London, 1840. 1 vol. (C. L.) Manning's (Wm. M.) Proceedings in Courts of Revision in the Isle of Wight, Before James Manning, Esq., Revising Barrister, 142 LAW BOOKS. To which are added, Cases Decided in South Hants in 18356 London, 1836. 1 vol. Manning's (Wm. Oke, Jr.,) Commentaries on the Law of Nations. London, 1839 1 vol. Mansel (George Barclay): A Treatise on the Law and Practice of Demurrer to Pleadings and Evidence, Of Bills of Exceptions, Wager of Law, Issue and Trial by the Record, Motion in Arrest of Judgment, &c, &c., in Personal Actions. London, 1828. 1 vol. Mansel (GeorgeBarclay) on Demurrer, See "Law Library, Vol. 26." Mansel (George Barclay) Law and Practice as to Costs; with Statutes and Practical Forms. London, 1840, I vol. 12mo. (C. L.) MansePs (G. B.) Practical Treatise on Jurisdiction, Rights & Limitation. London 1834. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Mansel's (G. B.) Treatise on the Law of Limitation. London, 1839. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Mansel's (G. B.)Rules of the Courts of Law at Westminster. Collected and Arranged with reference to' the late Statutes. London, 1834. 1 Vol. (C. L.) Manual of Law for the Use of Business Men. By Amos Dean, Albany & New-York, 1838. 1 vol. March's (John) Reports: Or, New Cases' with Divers Resolutions and Judgments Given upon Solemn Arguments, and with Great Deliberation. From E. T, 15 Car. I., to Trin: T. 18: Car. 1. London, 1648. 1 vol. small 4to. March's (John) Reports of Cases taken in the 15th, 16th, 17th & 18th Years of Charles 1st, with Divers Judgments and Resolutions. 2d Ed. London, 1675. I vol. Small 4to. (C. L.) March's (John) New Cases of the Years and Time of King Hen. 8., Edw. 6, & Qu: Mary; Written out of the Great Abridgement Composed by Sir Robt. Brook. London, 1651. 1 vol. 12mo. Mare Clausum-: Ioannis Seldeni Mare Clausurn seu De Dominio Maris Libri Duo. Primo, Mare ex Jure JVatura? seu Gentium, Omnium Hominum, non esse Commune, sed Domin i Privati seu Proprietatis capax, pariter ac Tellurem, esse demonstratur. Secundo, Serenissimum Magna Britannia Regem Mlaris circumflui, ut individuae atque perpetuae Imperii Brittannici appendicis, Dominum esse, asseritur. Londini, 1635. I vol. fol. Maritime Contracts: A Treatise on Maritime Contracts of Letting to Hire. By Robert Joseph Pothier. Translated from the French, With Notes and a Life of the Author, by Caleb Cushing. Boston, 1821. 1 vol. Marriott's (Sir Sames) Reports: Decisions in the High Court of Admiralty, during the time of Sir George Hay, and of Sir James Marriott, late Judges of that Court. Mick. T., 1776 to Hi!. T., 1779, London, 1801i I vol. LAW Boos-. 143 Marriotts (Sir James) Forms, Formulare Instrumentorum: Or, a Formulary of Authentic Instruments, Writs, and Standing Orders, used in the High Courts of Admiralty of Great Britainm of Prize and Instance. "Perused and Approved as Correct, by Sir James Marriott, Late Judge of the said Courts." London, 1802. 1 vol. Marshall's (Alex. K.) Kentucky Reports: Decisions of the Court of Appeals of Kentucky. From Fall Term, 1817, to Fall Term, 1821. Washington, (Ky.) 1819-26. 3 vols. Marshall's (Charles) Reports of Cases in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber. From Mich. T., 1813, to Mich. T., 1816 London, 1815 -17. 2 vols. Marshall's (Ebenezer) Treatise on the British Constitution. Edinburgh, 1812. 1 vol. (C. L.) Marshall's (J. J.) Reports of Cases at Law and in Equity in the Court of Appeals of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. From 15th January, 1829, to 5th November, 1832. Frankfort, 1831 - 34. 7 vols. Marshall (John) on the Federal Constitution: The Writings of John Marshall, late Chief Justice of the United States, upon the Federal Constitution. Boston, 1839. 1 vol. Marshall (Samuel) on Insurance: A Treatise on the Law of Insurance, in Four Books. 2d American from 2d London Ed. Including the Cases Decided in the National and State Courts of the United States. Collected and Arranged by J. W. Condy. Philadelphia, 1810. 2 vols. Marshall (T. A.) See "'Smedes and Marshall's Reports." Martens' (Charles) Manuel Diplomatique. Paris, 1822. 1 vol. (C L.) Martens' (Charles) Guide Diplomatique. Nouvelle Ed. par M. De Hoffinanns. Paris, 1837. Vol. 1. in 2 parts and vol 2. 3 Martens' (G. F. Von) Law of Nations: Summary of the Law of Nations, Founded on the Treaties and Customs of the Modern Nations of Europe. With a List of the Principal Treaties concluded from the Year 1748, down to the Year 1788, Indicating the Works in which they are to be found. Translated from the French, by William Cobbett. Philadelphia, 1795. 1 vol. Martens' (G. F. Von) Law of Nations, &c. Translated by William Cobbett: and the List of Treaties, &c., brought down to June, 1802. London, 1802. 1 vol. Martens' (M.) Essay on Privateer's Captures, and particularly Recaptures. London, 1801. 1 vol. (C. L.) vols. (C. L.) Martin's (Francois-Xavier) General Digest of the Acts of the Legislatures of the late Territory of Orleans, and of the State of Louisiana, and the Ordinances of the Governor under the Territorial Government. LPreceded by the Treaty of Ces 144 LAW BOORKS sion, &c., &c.] In French and English. New-Orleans, 1816. 3 vols. Martin's (Francois-Xavier) Reports: Orleans Term Reports, or Cases Argued and Determined in the Superior Court of the Territory of Orleans. From Fall Term, 1809, to Fall Term, 1812. New-Orleans, 1811 -1813. 2 vols. bound in 1. And Louisiana Term Reports, or Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of that State. From March Term, 1813, to February Term, 1823. New-Orleans, 1816-1823. 10 vols. Both together comprising the Old Series of Martin's Reports in 11 vols. Martin's (Francois-Xavier) Reports (New Series): Louisiana Term Reports, or Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of that State. From March Term, 1823, to March Term, 1830. New-Orleans, 1824 - 1830. 8 vols. Martin's (Francois-Xavier) Reports: Notes of a Few Decisions in the Superior Courts of the State of North Carolina, and in the Circuit Court of the United States for North Carolina District. From October Term, 1787, to November Term, 1796. Newbern, 1797. 1 vol. (Warden Library.) Martin (Francois-Xavier.) See " Latch's (John) Reports." Martin (John H.) and Yerger's (Geo. S.) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Tennessee. From January Term, 1827, to January Term, 1828. vol. 1. Nashville, 1832. 1 vol. Martin v. Escott. See "Curteis." Martin's (Thomas) Common Forms in Conveyancing with Introduction and Notes. London, 1837. 1 vol. (C. L.) Martin's (Thos.) Conveyancer's Recital Book. With an Explanatory Introduction and Notes. London, 1834. 1 vol. (C. L.) Marvin's (J. G.) Legal Bibliography, or a Thesaurus of American, Irish, English and Scotch Law Books. Together with some Continental Treatises, Interspersed with Critical Observations upon their various Editions and Authority. Philadelphia, 1847. 1 vol. Maryland Digest: Digest of the Maryland Reports, Comprising Harris and McHenry, 4 vols. Harris and Johnson, 7 vols. Harris and Gill, 2 vols. Gill and Johnson 12 vols. Bland's Chancery Reports, 3 vols. By William Henry Norris, Geo. William Brown, and Frederick William Brune, Jr., Baltimore, 1817. 2 vols. Mascall's (Francis) Law of Distribution: A Digest of the Law of the Distribution of the Personal Estates of Intestates. London, 1818. 1 vol. Mason's (William P.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Circuit Court of the United States for the 1st Circuit. From Massachusetts October Term, 1815, to Massachusetts October Term, 1830. Boston, 1819 -1831. 5 vols. LAw Boots. 146 Massachusetts Reports: Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. From September, 1804, to March Term, 1822. Boston, Exeter, and Newburyport, 1811- 1823. 17 vols. [Vol. I contains Reports by Ephraim Williams. 2d Ed. 1816. Vols. 2 to 17, inclusive, contain Reports by Dudley Atkins Tyng. Mathews' (John H.) Presumptive Evidence: A Treatise on the Doctrine of Presumption and Presumptive Evidence, as affecting the Title to Real and Personal Property. With Notes and References to American Cases. By Benjamin Rand. New-York, 1830. 1 vol. Mathews (John H.) on the Law of Portions, and Provisions for Children of the Nature of Portions. With an Appendix of Precedents. London, 1829. 1 vol. Mathew's (J. M.) Manual of the Law of Landlord and Tenant. London, 1842. 1 vol. (C. L.) Matthew's (Richard) Practical Guide to Executors: A Practical Guide to Executors and Administrators. 2d Ed. London, 1839. 1 vol. 24mo. Matthews' (Richard) Practical Guide to Executors. See Law Library, vol. 9." Matthews' (Richard) Law relating to Offences punishable by Indictment, and by Information in the Crown Office: with a Collection of Precedents, London, 1833. 1 vol. (C. L.) Maugham's (Robert) Law of Attornies, Solicitors, and their Agents. With Notes and Disquisitions. London, 1825. 1 vol. Maugham (Robert) on the Laws of Literary Property. (A Treatise.) Comprising the Statutes and Cases Relating to Books, Manuscripts, Lectures, Dramatic and Musical Compositions, Engravings, Sculpture, Maps, &c. Including the Piracy and Transfer of Copyright. London, 1828. 1 vol. Maugham's (Robert) Outlines of the Law of Real Property, or Readings from Blackstone and other Text Writers, includingo the alterations to the present time. London, 1842. 1 vol. (C. L.) Maughamns (Robert) Outlines of the Jurisdiction of all the Courts in England and Wales, or Readings from Blackstone and other Text Writers, altered according to the present law, London, 1838. 1 vol. (C. L.) Maugham's (Robert) Outlines of Law, Civil and Criminal, or Readings from Blackstcne and other Text Writers,,alteed according to the present law. vol. 2. Comprising;-r.lic Wrongs. London, 1,837. 1 vol (C. L.) 146 LAW BOOKS. Maugham's (Robert) Outlines of Law, or Readings from Blackstone, Mitford, Fonblanque, and other Text Writers. Part 1.-Common Law and Statute Law. Part 2.-Equity and Bankruptcy. London, 1841. 1vol. (C. L.) Maugham's (Robert) Questions in Common Law, Equity, Bankruntcy, Criminal Law and the Jurisdiction of all the Courts in England and Wales. London, 1839. 1 vol. (C. L.) Maugham's (Robert) Complete Collection of the Statutes and Rules, and Orders of Court relating to Attorneys, Solicitors and Agents, from the earliest to the present time. London, 1839. I vol. (C. L.) Maule (George) and Selwyn's (William) Reports of Cases in the Court of King's Bench. From Hil. T., 53 Geo. III., 1813, to Trin. T., 57 Geo. III., 1817. Vols. I to 5, Boston, 18191823. Vol, 6, London, 1829 6 vols. Maxwell (Hugh). See " Trial of Jacob Barker." Maxwell's (John Irwing) Law Dictionary: A. Pocket Dictionary of the Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Bank Notes, Checks, &c. Philadelphia, 1808. 1 vol. 12mo, Maxwell's (John Irwing) Spirit of Marine Laws, or Compendium of the Statutes Relating to the Admiralty. London, 1808o 2 vols. (C.L.) May's (Thos.) History of the Long Parliament of England. London, 1812. 1 vol. 4to. (C. L.) May (Thomas Erskine). A Treatise upon the Law, Privileges, Proceedings, and Usage of Parliament. London, 1844. 1 vol. Maynard's (Sir Jehan') Reports. See Year-Books, Part I. Fol.J 1678.Y McArthur (John) on Courts Martial: Principles and Practice of Naval and Military Courts Martial. With an Appendix Illustrative of the Subject. 4th Ed. London, 1813. 2 vols M'Candless (Wilson). See " New Law Library.' McClelland's (Thomas) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Exchequer, and Exchequer Chamber, at Law, in Equity, and in Error. From Hil. T., 4 & 5 Geo. IV., 1824, to Mich, T., 5 Geo. IV., 1824. London, 1825, 1 vol. McClelland (Thomas) and Younge's (Edward) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Exchequer, and Exchequer Chamber, at Law, in Equity, and in Error. From Hil. T., 5 & 6 Geo. IV., 1825, to Mich. T., 6 Geo. IV., 1825. Vol. 1. London, 1827. 1 vol. McCord's (D. J.) Chancery Reports Chancery Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of South Carolina. From LAW BooRs. 147 January, 1825, to May, 1826. Philadelphia, 1827-1829. 2 vols. McCord's (D. J.) Reports of Cases Determined in the Constitutional Court of South Carolina. From January Term, 1821, to April Term, 1828. Columbia, 1822- 1830. 4 vol. McCord (D. J.) See " Carolina Law Journal." McCulloch's (J. R.) Treatise on the Succession to property vacant by death: including inquiries into the influence of Primogenittre, Entails, Compulsory Partition, Foundations, &c., over the Public Interests. London, 1848. 1 vol. McDermott's (William) Criminal Code for Ireland, as amended by the late Enactments. Dublin, 1829, 1 vol. (C. L.) McGlashan's (Jno.) Law and Practice in Actions of Aliment. Edinburgh, 1837. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) McIntyre & Yates v. Trustees of Union College. Complaint and Answer in Chancery. 1834 35. Small fol. I vol. McKean' s (Alex.) Practical Life Tables, Comprehending Assurances of Single and Joint Lives from 14 to 72, at 3, 4 5 and 6 per cent per annum. Edinburgh, 18374 1 vol. (C. L.) McKean's (Alex.) Exposition of the Practical Life Tables; with a Digest of the most Approved Rules and Formula. London, 1837. 1 vol. (C. L.) McKinnon's (Daniel) Philosophy of Evidence. London, 1812. 1 vol. McLean's (John) Reports of Cases Argued and Decided in the Circuit Courtof the United States for the Seventh Circuit. From May Term, 1829, to July Term, 1845. Cincinnati; Columbus, 1840 - 1847. 3 vols. McLeod (Alex.) See " Trial of." McMullan's (J. J.) Equity Cases in the Court of Appeals of South Carolina. From November, 1840, to May, 1842. To which are Added, Cases Omitted by Former Reporters, from 1827 to 1837. Vol. I. Columbia, S. C., 1842. 1 vol. McMullan7' (J. J.) Reports: Cases at Law in the Court of Appeals and Court of Errors of South Carolina. From November, 1840. to May Term, 1842. To which are added, Cases Omitted by Former Reporters, from 1835 to 1840. Columbia, S. C., 1841 -1843. 2 vols. M'Naghten's (Capt.) Annotations on the Mutiny Act, London, 1828. 1 vol. (C.L) Mechanics of Law Making. See ( Symonds." Meermanni (Gerardi.) Novus Thesaurus Juris Civilis et Canonici, Continens Varia et Rarissima Optimorum Interpretulm, Inprimis Hispanorum et Gallorum, Opera tam Edita antehac, quam Inedita, &c. Hag - Comitum, 1751 - 1753. 7 vols. folio. Meeson (R.) and Welsby's (W. N.) Reports of Cases in the Courts of Exchequer, and Exchequer Chamber. From Hil T., 6 148 LAW BiooTs, Will. IV., 1836, to E. T., 10, Vict. 1847. London, 18371849. 16 vols. Meeson (R.) and Welsby's (W. N.) Reports. General Index to% from 1836 to 1847, inclusive; with a Table of all the Cases in the 16 vols. By Edward Wise. London, 1849. 1 vol. Meggison (Holker) on the Administration of Assets in Equity, London, 1832. 1 vol Meigs' (Return J.) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Tennessee, during the Years 1838 - 9. Nashville, 1839. 1 vol. Mejan. See' Causes Celebres." Mence's (Richard) Law of Libel. London, 1824. 2 vols. in one. 1 vol. Merewether (Henry Alworth) and Stephens (Archibald John) on Corporations: The History of the Boroughs and Municipal Corporations of the United Kingdom. From the earliest to the present time. London, 1835. 3 vols. Merewether's (H. A.) Report of the Case of the Borough of West Looe in the County of Cornwall, London, 1823. 1 vol. (C. L.) Merivale's (J. H.) Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery. from JIich. T., 1815, to Alich. T., 1817. New-York, 1825. 3 vols. Merlin (M.) Recueil Alphab6tique de Questions de droit. Quatri6me Ed. Bruxelles, 1828 - 30 16 vols. (C. L.) Merlin (M.) R6pertoire Universel et Raisonn6 de Jurisprudence. Cinquieme Ed. Bruxelles, 1825 -28. 36 vols. (C. L.) Merrifield's (John) Law of Attornies, with Practical Directions in Actions and Proceedings by and against them. Also, The Law of Costs at Common Law, in Equity, in Bankruptcy, and in Criminal Proceedings and Penal Actions. London, 1830 1 vol. Merritt (Henry W.) See " Trial of." Metcalf's (Theron) Digest of the Cases Decided in the Supreme Judicial Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. From March, 16, 1816, to October, 1823. As contained in the 5 last Volumes of Tyng's, and the First of Pickering's Reports, and a Digested Index of the Names of the Cases in the Eighteen Volumes of Massachusetts Reports. Boston, 1835. 1 vol. Metcalf's (Theron) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. From March Term, 1840, to October Term, 1846. Boston, 1841 -1846. 11 vols. Metcalf (Theron) and Perkins' (Jonathan C.) Digest. See " United States Digest. vol 1." Meyer (J. D ) des Institutions Judiciaires: Esprit, Origine et Progres des Institutions Judiciares des Principaux Pays de L'Europe. Paris, 1823. 5 vols. LAW BooKs. 149 Michaelis' (Sir John David) Commentaries on the Laws of Moses. Translated from the Gernman by Alexander Smith. London, 1814. 4vols. Michell's (Charles) Principles of Legislation. London, 1796. 1 vol. (C. L.) Miles' (John) Reports of Cases Determined in the District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia. From March, 1835, to December, 1840. Philadelphia, 1836 - 1842. 2 vols. Millar (John, Jun.) on Insurances: Elements of the Law Relating to Insurances. Edinburgh, 1837. 1 vol. Miller (B. W.) See " Louisiana Reports " Miller (John) Inquiries into the Present State of the Statute and Criminal Law of England. London, 1822. 1 vol. Miller (John) on the Civil Law of England. An Inquiry into the Present State of the Civil Law of England. London, 1825. 1 vol. Miller (Samuel) on the Law of Equitable Mortgages: Treating of the Liens of Vendors and Purchasers, of the Rights and Remedies of Equitable Mortgagees, &c. With Observations on the Case of Whitworth v. Gaugain, &c. London, 1844. 1 vol. Miller (Samuel) on Equitable Mortgages. See " Law Library, vol. 47." Miller's (Samuel) Orders in the High Court of Chancery. London, 1841. 1 vol 12mo. (C. L.) Miller (Samuel). See a" Montagu and Ayrton's Law and Practice of Bankruptcy." Milward's (C. R.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Prerogative in Ireland, and in the Consistory Court of Dublin; Temp. Radcliff. Dublin, 1847. 1 vol. Milward's (C. R.) Report of the Case of Guillamore v. O'Grady in the High Court of Prerogative in Ireland. Dublin, 1844. 1 vol. (C. L.) Miltitz (Alexander) Manuel des Consuls. London and Berlin, 1837. 4 vols. (C. L.) Minor's Reports. See " Alabama Reports." Minot's (George) Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. Reported in the 17 vols. of Massachusetts Reports, the 24 vols. of Pickering's Reports, and the first 4 vols. of Metcalf's Reports. Boston, 1844. 1 vol. Minot. See " Woodbury." Mirehouse's (John) Practical Treatise on the Law of Advowsons. London, 1824. 1 vol. (C. L.) Missouri Reports: Decisions of the Supreme Court of the State of Missouri, from 1821 to 1848. St. Louis, Jefferson, Fayette, 1829-1848. 11 vols. Mitford's (John) Pleadings in Suits in the Court of Chancery by English Bill. (3d Ed.) Philadelphia, 1812. 1 vol. 150 LAW BOOKS. MWitford's (John, Ld. Redesdale,).Chancery Pleadings. A Treatise on Pleadings in Suits in the CourL -of Chancery, by English Bill. 4th Ed. With Additional Referent - and Notes, by George Jeremy. London, 1827. 1 vol. Mitford's (John, Lord Redesdale.) Treatise oW.,he Pleadings in Suits in the Court of Chancery, by English Bill. With Notes by Jeremy Edwards and Joshua W. Smith. 6th Ed. With Copious American Notes, by Joseph W. Moulton. NewYork, 1849. 1 vol. Mittermaier on the Effect of Drunkennesson CriminalResponsibility. See " Law Tracts.' Modern Probate of Wills: Containing an Analysis of the Modern Law of Probate in England and America, with Numerous References to the English and American Cases, and Copious Extracts from the Leading Cases. Boston, 1846. 1 vol. Modern Reports: Or Select Cases Adjudged in the Courts of King's Bench, Chancery, Common Pleas and Exchequer, from the Restoration of Charles the Second, to the 28th year of George the Second. 5th Ed. Corrected: With Additions, &c., by Thomas Leach. London, 1796. 12 vols. Molesworth's (Robert) Essay upon the law regarding the Registration of Deeds and Conveyances in Ireland. Dublin, 1838. 1 vol. (C. L ) Moiloy (Charles) De lure Maritimo & Navali: Or, A Treatise of Affairs Maritime, and of Commerce. 8th Ed. London, 1744. 1 vol. Molloy (Charles) De Jure Maritimo, &c. 9th Ed. London, 1749. 2 vols. Molloy's (Philip) Chancery Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, during the Time of Lord Chancellor Hart. (1827 to 1829.) Dublin and London, 1832, 1833. 2 vols. Monell's (Claudius L.) Treatise on the Practice of the Courts of the State of New-York: Adapted to the Code of Procedure as amended 1849. To which is added the Practice of the Courts of Justices of the Peace Albany, 1849. 1 vol. Monro (Cecil) Acta Cancellarike; or Selections from Records of the Court of Chancery remaining in the Office of Reports and Entries. In Two Parts. Part 1st. Containing Extracts from the Master's Reports and Certificates, during the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and James 1st. Part 2d. Containing Extracts from the Registrar's Books, from A. D. 1545, to the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. London, 1847. 1 vol. Monroe's (Ben ) Law and Equity Reports: Cases at Common Law and in Equity, Decided in the Court of Appeals of Kentucky. LAw BooKs. 151 From Fall Term, 1840, to Summer Term, 1848. Frankfort, Ky., 1841 -48. 8 vols. Monroe's (Thomas B.) Reports of Cases at Law and Equity in the Court of Appeals of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. From Fall Term, 1824, to December 1828. Frankfort, 1825 - 30. 7 vols. Montagues (Basil) Digest of Pleading in Equity. London, 1824. 2 vols. (C. L.) Montagu (Basil) on Lien: A Summary of the Law of Lien. First American from the last London edition; Improved by a Digest of the American Decisions. Exeter, 1824. 1 vol. Montagu (Basil) on Partnership: A Digest of the Law of Partnership: With a Collection of the Cases Decided in the Courts of Law and Equity upon that Subject. Vol. I. 1st American from 2d London Ed. of 1822. Enlarged by Copious References to American Decisions, by a Member of the Philadelphia Bar. New-York, 1824. Vol. II. Philadelphia, 1822. 2 vols. Montagu (Basil) on Set-Off: A Summary of the Law of Set-Off: With an Appendix of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Law and Equity upon that Subject. 2d American from last London Ed. Philadelphia, 1825. 1 vol. Montagu's (Basil) Opinions of different Authors upon the Punishment of Death. London, 1809. 3 vols. (C. L.) Montagu's (Basil) Summary of the Law of Composition with Creditors. London, 1823. 1 vol. (C. L.) Montagu's (Basil) Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy, Decided by the Lord Chancellors Lyndhurst and Brougham, the Vice-Chancellor, Sir Lancelot Shadwell, and the Court of Review. With a Digest of the Cases, and of the Contemporary Cases Relating to Bankruptcy in the Other Courts. (1829 to 1832). London, 1832. 1 vol. Montagu (Basil) and Ayrton's (Scrope) Law and Practice of Bankruptcy, as altered by the recent Statutes, Orders and Decisions. The Second Edition, with a Supplement containing the Statutes 7 & 8 Vict. cc. 96, 70 and 111. And all the Rules, Orders and Decisions to the Present Time. By John Herbert Koe, and Samuel Miller. London, 1845. 2 vols. Montagu (Basil) and Ayrton's (Scrope) Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy, Decided by the Lord Chancellor Brougham, The Court of Review and Subdivision Courts. With a Digest of the Cases, and of the Contemporary Cases Relating to Bankruptcy Decided in all the other Courts. London, 1834 - 39. 3 vols. Montagu (Basil) and Bligh's (Richard) Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy, Decided by Ld. Chancellor Brougham, the Vice 152 L A Boo Ks. Chancellor, Sir Lancelot Shadwell, and the Court of Review. With a Digested Index of the Contemporaneous Cases Relating to Bankruptcy. London, 1835. 1 vol. Montagu (Basil) and Chitty's (Edward) Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy, Decided by Ld Chancellor Cottenham, and the Court of Review. With a Digest of the Cases and of the Contemporary Cases Relating to Bankruptcy Decided in all the other Courts. London, 1840. 1 vol. Montagu (Basil) Deacon (Edward E.) and De Gex's (John) Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy, Argued and Determined in the Court of Review, and on Appeal before the Lord Chancellor. With a Digest of the Cases Relating to Bankruptcy, in all the Contemporaneous Reports. (1840 to 1845). London, 1842 -45. 3 vols. Montagu (Basil) and Gregg's (Francis) Digest of the Bankrupt Laws, as altered by the New Statutes. 3d Ed. London, 1827. 2 vols. (C. L.) Montagu (Basil) and Macarthur's (John) Reports of Cases Decided by the Lord Chancellor and Vice Chancellor. And a Digest of the Contemporary Cases Relating to Bankruptcy in the other Courts. Vol. 1. London, Edinburgh, & Dublin, 1830. 1 vol. Montefiore's (Joshua) Precedents, Commercial and Notarial Precedents; consisting of the Most Approved Forms, Special and Common, required in the Daily Transactions of Business, by Merchants, Traders, Notaries, Attorneys, &c. Second Amercan, from the last London Edition, by Clement C. Biddle. Philadelphia, 1822. 1 vol. Montefiore's (Toshua) Synopsis of Mercantile Laws, With an Appendix, Containing Notarial and Commercial Precedents. A New Edition, Revised, Corrected and Enlarged, with Reference to the Alterations Effected by the Revised Statutes of the State of New-York. New-York, 1830. 1 vol. Montesquieu (M. De Secondat, Baron De) The Spirit of Laws, Translated from the French of 1st American from the 5th London Ed. Worcester, (Mass.) 1802. 2 vols. Montescuieu's (Baron De) Spirit of Laws. Translated from the French by Thomas Nugent. London, 1823. 2 vols. (C. L.) Monypenny's (David) Remarks on the Poor Laws, and on the Method of Providing for the Poor in Scotland. 2d Ed. Edinburgh, 1836. 1 vol. (C. L.) Moody's (William) Crown Cases Reserved for Consideration: and Decided by the Judges of England. From the Year 1824 to the Year 1844. London, 1837-44. 2 vols. Moody (William) and Malkin's (Benjamin Heath) Reports of Cases Determined at Nisi Prius, in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, and on the Western and Oxford CirCuits. From the Sittings after lMich. T., 7 Geo. IV. 1826, (3709) LAW BOOKS. 153 to the Sittings after Trin. T., 1 Will. IV. 1830. Vol. 1. London, 1831. 1 vol. Moody (William) and Robinson's (Frederic) Reports of Cases Determined at Nisi Prius, in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas and. Exchequer, and on the Northern and Western Circuits, From the Sittings after JMich. T. 1 Will. IV. 1830, to the Sittings after Hil. T. 7 Vict, 1844. London, 1837-1844. 2 vols. Moore's (A) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Common Pleas, Exchequer Chamber & House of Lords. 36 and 37. Geo. 3d. (Bound up at the End of the 1st vol. of Bosanquet and Puller's Reports). Moore's (Edmund F.) Privy Council Reports: Cases Heard and Determined by the Judicial Committee and The Lords of His Majesty's Privy Council. From 1836 to 1840 -45. London. 4 vols. Moore's (Edmund F.) Privy Council Reports: East Indies Appeal Cases: Reports of Cases Heard and Determined by the Judicial Committee, and the Lords of His Majesty's Privy Council, on Appeal from the Supreme and Sudder Dewanny Courts in the East Indies. From 1836 to 1841. London. 2 vols. Moore's (Sir Francis) Reports: Cases Collect & Report per SirFra. Moore. Le Second Edition. London, 1688. 1 vol. fol. Moore's (Henry) Instructions for preparing Abstracts of Titles. London, 1832. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Moore's (Henry) Country Attorney's Pocket Remembrancer. London, 1838. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Moore's (John Bayly) Digested Index to the Term Reports; Containing all the Points of Law Argued and Determined in the King's Bench and Common Pleas. From 1785 to 1818. Continued to the Year 1819; by J. E. Hall. Philadelphia, 1819. 2 vols. Moore's (John Bayly) Reports of Cases in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber. From Hil. T., 57 Geo. III. 1817, to Trin. T., 8 Geo. IV. 1827. London & Dublin, 1818 - 1831. 12 vols. Moore (John Bayly) and Payne's (Joseph) Reports of Cases in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber. From Mich. T., 8 Geo. IV. 1827, to Trin. T., 1 Will. IV. 1831. London & Dublin, 1828 to 1832. 5 vols. Moore (John Bayly) and Scott's (John) Reports: Cases in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, and in the House of Lords. From Mich. T.) 1831,to Trin. T., 1834. London, 1833 - 34. 4 vols. [STATE LIBRARY.] 10 154 LAW BOOKS. Moore's ( ) Precedents of Decrees in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland. 3d Edition. Dublin, 1839. 1 vol, 12mo. (C. L.) Morgan (James.) See " Trial of John Kennedy." Morgan's (John) Essays upon I. The Law of Evidence. II. New Trials. III. Special Verdicts. IV. Trials at Bar, and V. Repleaders. Dublin, 1739. 3 vols. Morgan's (John) Modern Pleader; or, Attorney's Treasury: Containing the Forms of the General and most Useful Pleas in Abatement and in Bar, Demurrers, Continuances, and all other Matters Incident to the pleadings and Proceedings of the Common Law. 3d Ed., corrected. Dublin, 1793. 2 vols. Morgan's (John) Vade Mecum: The Attorney's Vade Mecum,and Client's Instructor, Treating of Actions, &c Also, of Hue and Cry. Dublin, 1792. 3 vols. bound in 2. Morgan (William) on Annuities: The Doctrine of Annuities and Assurances on Lives and Survivorships, Stated and Explained. Also, An Essay on the Present State of the Population in England and Wales, by the Rev. Dr. Price. London, 1779. 1 vol. Morris's (Eastin) Reports of Cases argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Iowa. From July Term, 1839, to January 1846. Vol. 1.. Iowa City, 1847. 1 vol. Morris' (P. Pemberton) Practical Treatise on the Law of Replevin in the United States, &c. Philadelphia, 1849. 1 vol. Morris' (Richard) Analytical Digest of Selected Practice Cases decided in the Common Law Courts, to Trinity Term, 1847. Arranged under the several heads of Practice. London, 1847. 1 vol. Morris (Robert) and others. See " Fitzsimons." Morrison's (W. M.) Dictionary of Decisions of the Court of Session. See " Dictionary of Decisions." Morton (Charles) on Whitelocke: Whitelocke's Notes upon the King's Writ for Choosing Members of Parlement XIII. Car. II. Being Disquisitions on the Government of England by King, Lords and Commons. Published by Charles Morton, M. D. London. 1776. 2 vols. 4to. Morton (T. C.) on Vendors and Purchasers: A Practical Treatise on the Law of Vendors and Purchasers of Chattels Personal. London, 1837. 1 vol. Moseley's (Joseph) Law of Inferior Courts for the Recovery of Debts. London, 1845. 1 vol. (C. L.) Moseley's (William) Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery. During the Time of Lord Chancellor King. Dublin, 1793. 1 vol. LAW BooKs. 155 loser (Johann Jacob) Deutsches Staats Recht. 50 vols. 4to. bound in 25. Nurnberg, Frankfort, and Leipsic, 1737-1753. (Presented by the Royal Library of Paris.) Moser (Johann Jacob) Nouveau Droit Public Allemand (Van Dem Romischen Kayser, &c., with Supplements.) 28 vols. 4to. Frankfort on the Maine and Leipsic, 1767 - 1782, (Presented by do.) Moulton's (Joseph W.) Chancery Practice of the State of NewYork. New-York] 1829 - 32. 3 vols. Moulton (Joseph W.) See' Mitford's Treatise on Chancery Pleadings." Moylan's (D. C.) Case of the Antenatus in Scotland; being a report of the case of Birtwhistle v. Vardill. London, 1841. I vol. (C. L.) Muhlenbruch's (C. F.) Doctrina Pandectarum. Editio Nova. Bruxelles, 1838. 1 vol. (C. L.) Muir's (Robert) Summary of the Law relating to Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes. Edinburgh, 1836. 1 vol. 12mo. (aC L.) Munford's (William) General Index to the Virginian Law Authorities: Reported by Washington, Call, Hening and Munford, Jointly; and Munford, Separately. With Notes. Richmond, 1819. 1 vol. Munford's (William) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia. From March, 1810, to March, 1820. New-York, 1812 - 1821. 6 vols. Murphey's (A. D.) Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of North Carolina. From the Year 1804, to the Year 1819. Raleigh, 1822 - 1826 - 1821. 3 vols. Murphy (Dennis F.) See " Hinchman v. Richie., et al."' Murphy (Francis Stack) and Hurlstone's (Edwin Tyrrell) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Exchequer. From Hil. Term, 7. W. 4th, 1836, to Mich. Term, I Vict. 1837, both inclusive. London, 1838. 1 vol. Murray's (Joseph) Reports of Cases Tried in the Jury Court. From the Institution of the Court, in 1815, to July, 1830. Edinburgh, 1838. 5 vols. Mylne (James Win.) and Craig's (R. D.) Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery. During the Time of Lord Chancellor Cottenham. 1835, 6 Will. IV., to 1840, 4 Vict. London, 1837 - 1843. 4 vols. Mylne's (James Wm.) and Keen's (Benjamin) Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery. During the Time of Lord Chancellor Brougham. and. Sir John Leach, Master of the Rolls. 1832, 3 Will. IV., to 1835, 6 Will. IV. London, 1834 -1837. 3 vols. Mysteries of Clerkship:.rcana Clericalia, Or, The Mysteries of Clerkship. Being a Sure Way of Settling Estates by Deeds, 156 LAW BOO KS Fines and Recoveries. With the Forms of all Manner of Charter-Parties in Maritime Cities, Towns and Corporations, &c. By George Billinghurst. London, 1674. 1 vol. 16mo. N. Napie's (Joseph) Manual of Improved Precedents. London, 1831, 1 vol.' 12mo. (C. L.) Napier's (Joseph) Practice of the Civil Bill Courts and Courts of Appeal. 2d Ed. by Robert Longfield. Dublin, 1843. 1 vol1 (C. L.) Napier' s (Mark) Commentaries on the Law of Prescription in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1839. 1 vol. (C. L.) Nares' (John) Summary of the Law on Penal Convictions. London and Dublin, 1814. 1 vol. Negro Plot in New-York, in 1741. See 6' Proceedings." Nelson's (William) Abridgment of the Common Law: Being a Collection of the Principal Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Several Courts of Westminster Hall. London, 1725 - 1726. 3 vols. fol. Nelson's (W.) Reports of Special Cases Argued and Decreed in the Court of Chancery, in the Reigns of Kings Charles I., Charles II., and William III. London, 1717. 1 vol. Neutral Trade. Pamphlets Relating to. vol. 1. Containing: 1. An Inquiry into the Causes and Consequences of the Orders in Council; and an Examination of the Conduct of Great Britain towards the Neutral Commerce of America. By Alexander Baring. New-York, Reprinted from the London Ed., 1808. 2. Memorial of the Merchants of the City of New-York. NewYork, 1806. 3. Letters of Sulpicius, on the Northern: Confederacy. With an Appendix, Containing the Treaty of Armed Neutrality, together with Other Documents Relative to the Subjects London, January, 1801. 4. An Examination of the British Doctrine, which subjects to, Capture a Neutral Trade not Open in Time of Peace. 1 ittributed to.Mr. Madison.] Vol. II. Containing: 1. War in Disguise: Or, the Frauds of the Neutral Flags. London Printed. New-York, Reprinted, January, 1806. 2. War without Disguise: Or, the Frauds of Neutral Commerce a Justification of Belligerent Captures. With Observations on the Answer to War in Disguise, and Mr. Madison's Examination. Showing that the Interests of America require the Rigid Application of the British Rule of'56o Printed in America, 1807. LAW BooKS. 157:. An Answer to War in Disguise: Or, Remarks upon the New Doctrine of England, Concerning Neutral Trade. NewYork, February, 1806. Tol. III. Containing: 1. Message from the President of the United States, transmiting Copies of All Acts, Decrees, Orders and Proclamations, Affecting the Commercial Rights of Neutral Nations, Issued since 1791; In Pursuance of a Resolution of the House of the Eleventh Ultimo. Read December 23, 1808. Washington, 1808. 2. Message from the President of the United States to both Houses of Congress, at the Commencement of the Second Session of the Eleventh Congress, November 29, 1809. Washington, 1809. 3. Documents Accompanying the President's Message of November 29, 1809. City of Washington, 1809. -4. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting Extracts from the correspondence of Mr. Pinkney, Agreeably to a Resolution of the House, of the 13th Instant. December 18, 1809. City of Washington, 1809. 5, An Exposition of the conduct of France towards America. Illustrated by cases decided in the Council of Prizes in Paris. By Lewis Goldsmith. 2d Ed. New-York, 1810. Neutral Trade. See 6 Atcheson)' Neville (Sandford) and Manning's (William M.) Reports of cases in the Court of King's Bench. From Mict. T., 3 Will. IV. (1832), to Trin. T., 6 Will. IV. (1836). London & Dublin 1834- 1839. 6 vols. [The 6th vol. contains also, Cases upon Writs of Error, from the King's Bench to the Exchequer Chamber.] Neville (Sandford) and Manning's (William M.) Reports of Cases Relating to the Duty and Office of Magistrates, Determined in the Court of King's Bench and Other Courts. From Mich. T., 832 (3 Will. IV.), to Trin. T., 1836 (6 Will. IV. London, Birmingham, Dublin, 1834 -1838. 3 vols. Neville (Sandford) and Perry's (Thomas Erskine) Reports of Cases in the King's Bench, and upon Writs of Error from that court to the Exchequer Chamber. From Mich. T., 1836 (7 Will. IV.) to Trin. T., 1838 (1 Vict.) London & Dublin, 1837 - 1838. 3 vols. New-England Laws: An Abstract of the Lawes of New-England, as they are now established. London, 1641. I vol. small 4to. New-Hampshire Reports: Cases Argued and Determined in the Superior Court of Judicature for the State of New-Hampshire. From September, 1816, to Janlry, 1842. Exeter, Coneord, Chester, Newport, 1819-1845. 12 vols. [Vol. 1 by Nathaniel Adams, VTol. 2 by William M. Richardson and Levi Woodbury ] 158 L:AW BOOKS. New-Hampshire Reports. Reports of cases of the Superior Court of New-Hampshire, vol. 13, Second Series. vol. 1. 1842-43. Concord, 1847. 1 vol. Newland's (John) Chancery Practice. High Court of Chancery. To which is added, A collection of the Forms of Proceedings in that Court. 1st American, from 2d London Ed. NewYork, 1826. 2 vols. Newland (John) on Contracts within the Jurisdiction of Courts of Equity. London & Dublin, 1806. 1 vol. New Law Library. The New Library of Law and Equity; Edited by Francis J. Troubat, Ellis Lewis, and Wilson M'Candless. From July, 1845, to March, 1849. Harrisburgh, 18451849. 15 vols. containing~ Vol. 1. Forsyth on Composition with Creditors. The Student's Manual, Broom's Legal Maxims, Roscoe on Pleading the General Issue, Vol. 2. Williams on the Law of Real Property, Wigram on Extrinsic Evidence, Greening on Declarations and Pleadings, Vol. 3. Daniel's Chancery Practice, vol. 1. Vol. 4. Daniell's Chancery Practice, vol. 2. Vol. 5. Daniel's Chancery Practice, vols. 2 and 3. Vol. 6. Welford on Equity Pleading. Vol. 7. Hildyard on Marine Insurances, Vol. 8. Iindmarch on Patent Privileges. Vol. 9. Bisset on the Law of Partnership. Vol. 10. Finlason's Leading Cases on Pleading, Blackburn on the Contract of Sale. Vol. 11. Gresley's Law of Evidence. Vol. 12 & 13. Pritchard's Analytical Digest. 1 vol. Vol. 14. Wharton's Law Lexicon. Vol. 15. Wharton's Law Lexicon, (concluded.) Newnam (William) on Conveyancing. The Complete Conveyancer or the Theory and Practice of Conveyancing in all its Branches. Dublin, 1786. 3 vols. in 6 parts. 6 vols. New-York. Abstract of the Revised Statutes. See " Abstract." New-York. Remarks on the Projected Revision of tlhe Laws of New York. (From the Atlantic Magazine, April, 1825.) NewYork, 1825,1 vol. New-York. See " Revisers' Reports." New-York City Charter and Kent:s Notes. The char-ter of the City of NTew-York, withl Notes thereon. Also a Treatise on the powers and duties of the Mayor, Aldermen and Assistant Aldermen, and the Tournal of the City Convention. Prepared at the request of the Common Council by Chancellor Kent, and published under their direction. New-York, 1836, I vol. (Presented by D. T. Valentine.) LAW BOOKS. 159 New-York Code. See " Code of Procedure." New-York Digest: A Digested Index to the Reports of the Supreme Court, and the Court for the Correction of Errors, in the State of New-York. Including Coleman's Cases, Caines' Cases, 2 vols. Caines' Reports, 3 vols. Johnson's Cases, 3 vols. Johnson's Reports, 18 vols. and the 1st part of the 19th vol. Anthon's Nisi Prius. By Rodney Smith Church. New-York & Albany, 1822. 2 vols. New-York Digest: An Analytical Digest of the Reported Cases in the Supreme Court of Judicature, and the Court for the Correction of Errors, of the State of New-York. Together with the Reported Cases of the Superior Court for the City and County of New-York. From the Earliest Period to the Present Time. New-York & Albany, 1836. 2 vols. New-York Form Book and Interest Tables. Buffalo, 1845. 1 vol. 12mo. New-York Judicial Repository (The). Vol. I. By D. Bacon. NewYork & Albany, 1818. 1 vol. New-York Legal Observer (The): Containing Reports of Cases Decided in the Courts of Equity and Common Law, and Important Decisions in the English Courts, &c., &c. Edited by Samuel Owen. October, 1842 - Dec. 1848. New-York, 1843-1848. 6 vols. Nicholl (HTenry Iltid), Hare (Thomas),and Carrow's (John Monson) Reports: Cases Relating to Railways and Canals, Argued and Adjudged in the Courts of Law and Equity. See "Railway and Canal Cases." Nicholson's (John) Trial. See " Pennsylvania State Trials. Vol. 1.) Nicolas (Sir N. Harris) on the Law of Adulterine Bastardy. With a Report of the Banbury Case, and of all other cases bearing upon the subject. London, 1836. I vol. Nicolas' (Sir N. Harris) Report of Proceedings on the Claim to the Barony of L'Isle, in the House of Lords. With Notes and an Appendix containing the Cases of Abergavenny, Botetourt, and Berkeley. Accompanied by Observations on Baronies by Tenure. London, 1829. 1 vol. Nicolas' (Sir N. Harris) Report of Proceedings on the Claim to the Earldom of IDevon, in the H[ouse of Lords. With Notes and an Appendix containing Copies of Patents, and cases Illustrative of the Claim. London, 1832. 1 vol. Nicolas' (Sir N. Harris) History of the Earldoms of Strathern, Monteith and Airth, with a Report of Proceedings on the Claim of Robert Barclay Allardice to the Earldom of.Mirth. London, 1842. 1 vol. (C. L.) Nicolas' (Sir Nicholas H-arris) Synopsis of the Peerage of England, London, 1825. 2 vols. (C. L.) Nic olas' (Niholas Harris) Notitia HIistorica. London, 1824. 1 vol. l2mo. (C. L.) 160 LAW'BOOKs. Nicolas' (Nicholas Harris) Testamenta Vetusta Being Illustrations from Wills, of Manners, Customs, &c., as well as of the Descents and Possessions of many Distinguished Families, From the Reign of Henry the Second to the Accession of Queen Elizabeth, Vols. I and II. London, 1826. 2 vols. in one. Niven's (George W.) Case. See " Sampson's (William) Report." Noah's (Mordecai M.) Trial. See " Trial of Mordecai M. Noah." Nolan's (Michael) Cases: Reports of Cases Relating to the Duty and Office of a Justice of the Peace. From Mich. T., 1791, to the end of Trin. T., 1792. London, 1793. 1 vol. Norris' (Joseph P.) Peake: A Compendium of the Law of Evidence. By Thomas Peake. From the Fifth London Edition. The American Edition containing the largest collection ever published, of Decisions in the Different State and United States Courts. By Joseph P. Norris, Jun. Philadelphia, 1824. 1 vol. Norris (William Henry.) See " Maryland Digest." North Carolina Law Repository (The): Containing Biographical Sketches, of Eminent Judges, Opinions of American and Foreign Jurists, and Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Northl Carolina. Raleigh, 1814-1816. 2 vols. North's (Roger) Discourse on the Study of the Laws. London, 1824. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Norton's (George) Commentaries on the History, Constitution and Chartered Franchises of the city of London. London, 1829. 1 vol. (C. L.) Notaire (Le nouveau parfait) on Manuel Theorique et pratique des Notaires, par deux avocats a la cour Royale. Nouvelle Edit, Paris, 1828. 2 vols. (CL.) Notes of Recent Leading Cases. From the London Law Magazine for the years 1846 -47-48. See " Law Library, vol. 62.." Nott (Henry Junius) and M'Cord's (David James) Reports of Cases Determined in the Constitutional Court of South Carolina. From November Term, 1817, to November Term, 1820. Columbia, S.C., 1820-1821. 2 vols. Nougarede (M. Baron De Fayet) Lois du Mariage et du Divorce, Deuxieme Edition. Paris, 1816. 1 vol. (C. L.) Noy's (William) Maxims in Law and Equity. 1 vol. Noy's (William) Reports and Cases, taken in the Time of Queen Elizabeth, King James and King Charles. The 2d Ed., corrected and amended. London, 1669. I vol. fol. Noy's (William) Tenures: The Compleat Lawyer, Or A Treatise Concerning Tenures and Estates in Lands of Inheritance for Life and other Hereditaments, and Chattels Real and Personal. And how any of them may be conveyed in a legal LAW BooKsB 161 Form by Fine, Recovery) Deed, or Word, as the case shall require. Together with Observations on the Author's Life. London, 1670. 1 vol. 16mo. Nun (Richard) & Walsh's (John Edward) Powers and Duties of Justices of the Peace in Ireland, and of Constables as connected therewith. 2d Ed. Dublin, 1844. 2 vols. (C. L.) 0. 09Brien (olhn) on American Military Laws; A Treatise on American Military Laws, and the Practice of Courts Martial, with Suggestions for their Improvement. Philadelphia. 1846. 1 vol. O'Connell's (Daniel) Trial. See 6 Irish State Trials." Odenheimer's (Rev. W. H.) Essay on Canon Law, delivered before the Associate Alumni of the General Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, at their Triennial Meeting in 1847; to which is Appended an Index of the Canonical Code of the Primitive Eastern and Western Church; and also a Digest of the Canon Law of the Church in the U. S. with the Canons passed in 1847. NewYork, 1847. 1 vol. 12mo. O'Donnell (Matthew) & Brady's (Francis) Analytical Digest of all the Reported Cases, Statutes and General Orders in or Relating to the Principles, Pleadings & Practice of Equity in the several Courts of Equity in Ireland and the House of Lords. Dublin, 1840. 1 vol. (C. L.) O'Donnell (Matthew) & Brady's (Francis) Treatise on the Law of All Actions and Suits within the Jurisdiction of the Civil Bill Court, Dublin, 1844. 1 vol. (C. L.) Officina Brevium; Select and Approved Forms of Judicial Writs, and other Process: With their Retorns and Entries in the Court of Common Pleas at Westminster. As also Special Pleadings to Writs of Scire Facias. Collected out of many Choice Manuscripts by Several Eminent Clerks and Practicers of the said Court. London, 1676. 1 vol. fol. Officium Vicecomitun. See' Dalton's (Michael) Sheriff.: Ogden's (Samuel G.) Trial See Trial of Smith and Ogden." Ogden (Thos. Ludlow) and Others, See Fitzsimons." Ogle (John Craven) See "Armstrong (Richard) Macartney (John) and Ogle's (John Craven) Reports." Ohio Condensed Reports, of Decisions in the Supreme Court of Ohio. Containing all the Cases Decided by the Court in Bank from its Organization to December, 1831: With Cases Decided upon the Circuit and ordered to be Reported by the Judges; and Including all the Decisions in the Four First Volumes of Hammond's Reports, Omitting only the Arguments of Counsel. With a New and more Complete Index to the Whole. Edited by P. B. Wilcox, Columbus, 1832. 1 vol, 162 LAW Bo00KS Ohio Reports: Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of Ohio. From 1821 to December Term. 1848, Cincinnati; Columbus, 1824 -1849. 17 vols. IVols. I to 9 by Charles Hammond; Vol. 10 by P. B. Wilcox; Vols. 11, 12 & 13, by Edwin M. Stanton; Vols. 14, 15, 16 & 17, by Hiram Griswold.l Ohio Supreme Court Reports, of Cases at Law and in Chancery, Decided by the Supreme Court of Ohio, during the Years 1831,1832, 1833, 1834. Taken from the Original Minutes. By John C, Wright. Columbus, Ohio, 1835. 1 vol. Okey's (Charles) Concise Digest of the Law, Usage and Custom Affecting the Commercial and Civil Intercourse of the Subjects of Great Britain and France. 5th Ed. Paris & London, 1837. 1 vol. 16mo. Old Bailey Experience. Criminal Jurisprudence and the Actual Working of Our Penal Code of Laws. Also an Essay on Prison Discipline, to which is Added, A History of the Crimes Committed by Offenders in the Present Day: By the Author of "The Schoolmaster's Experience in Newgate./' London, 1833. 1 vol. Oldfield's (T. H. B.) History of the Original Constitution of Parliaments, from the Time of the Britons to the Present Day; Showing their Duration and Mode of Election, the Various Innovations and Alterations which have Taken Place in the State of the Representation of the People in the Reigns of the several Kings and Queens of England, the Periods at which Cities and Boroughs respectively first sent Members, the Times of their Discontinuing to Exercise that Privilege, their Restoration, &c. To which is added, The Present State of the Representation, &c. London, 1797. 1 vol. Oleron Laws of. See " Malyne's Lex Mercatori..a;" " Peters' Admiralty Decisions;" " Sea Laws.. Oliphant (John Henry Hewitt) on the Law concerning Horses, Racing, Wages, and Gaming; With an Appendix Containing Recent Cases, Statutes, &c. See " Law Library, vol. 58." Oliver's (Benjamin L.) Law Summary. A. Collection of Legal Tracts and Subjects of General Application in Business. 2d Ed. Hallowell, 1833. 1 vol. (C. L) Oliver's (Benjamin L.) The Rights of an American Citizen; With a Commentary on State Rights, and on the Constitution and Policy of the United States. Boston, 1832. 1 vol. Oliver's (Benjamin L.) Forms in Chaneery, Admiiralty, and at Common Law, Adapted to the Practice of the Federal aLnd. State Courts. Boston, 1842. 1 vol. Oliver's (Benjamin L.) Practical Conveyancing. A Selection of Forms of General Utility. With Notes.. 3d Ed. H allowell, 1836. 1 vol. Olmsted v. Executors of Rittenhouse. See c Trial of Gen. Michael Bright." LAw BOOKS. 163 Onderdonk's (Bishop Benjamin T.) Trial. See "Trial of Bishop Onderdonk." Onslow's (Arthur) Nisi Prius. An Institute of the Law Relative to Trials at Nisi Prius. A New Edition. London, 1789. 1 vol. Opinions of the Attorney General of the United States from the Beginning of the Government to March 1st, 1841. Taken from Official Documents transmitted to Congress. Published under the Inspection of Henry D. Gilpin. Washington City, 1841. 2 vols. Ord (Mark) on the Law of Usury. 2d Ed. Enlarged. London and York, 1804. 1 vol. Ord (Mark) on the Law of Usury. 3d Ed. Comprising the Later Decisions in England, Ireland & America. With Notes and. References by Thomas Day. Hartford, (Conn.) 1809. 1 vol, Orme's (Robert) Practical Digest of the Election Laws. 2d Ed. London, 1812. 1 vol. (C. L.) Ormond (J. J.) See "Alabama Reports (new series) vols. 11 & 12." Orphan Asylum Society. See " Jones (Samuel) Opinion." Osborne's (D. G.) Nature and Form of Actions, and the Rules and Principles of Pleading. London, 1844. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) O'Sullivan (M.) See " Phelan and O'Sullivan's Evidence:" (C.L) Oughton (Thomas) Ordo Judiciorum: Sive Methodus Procedendi in Negotiis et Litibus in Foro Ecelesiastico-Civili Brittannico et Hibernico. Londini, 1738. 1 vol. 4to. Overall's (Bishop) Convocation Book; MDCVI. Concerning the Government of God's Catholic Church, and the Kingdom of the Whole World. London, 1696. 1 vol. 4to. Overbury (Sir Thomas) See "Amos (Andrew)." Overton's Reports. See " Tennessee Reports." Owen (Samuel) A Treatise on the Law and Practice of Bankruptcy, with reference to the General Bankrupt Act. With an Appendix, Containing the Rules of Court, &c., &c. NewYork, 1842. 1 vol. Owen (Samuel) See " New-York Legal Observer." Owen's (Thomas) Reports. King's Bench and Common Pleas. (Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and James 1.) London, 1656. 1 vol. fol. Paige's (Alor zo C.) Reports of Cases in the Court of Chancery of the State of New-York. (From April, 1828, to May, 1848.) New-York, 1830 to 1848. 2 Copies. 22 vols. Paine9s (Elijah Jun.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Circuit Court of the United States, for the Second Circuit, Comprising tho Districts of New-York, Connecticut, and Vermont. Vol. 1. New-York, 1827.1 vol. 164 LAW BooKS. Paine (Elijah) and Duer's (William.) Practice in Civil Actions and Proceedings at Law in the State of New-York, in the Supreme Court and other Courts of the State; And also in the Courts of the United States. New-York, 1830. 2 vols. Paley (William) on Agency: A Treatise on the Law of Principal and Agent, Chiefly with Reference to Mercantile Transactions. A New Edition, with Considerable Additions, by Niel Gow. 2d American Edition, Improved by a Copious Digested Index of American Decisions. Exeter, N. H. 1822. 1 vol. Paley on Agency. " See Law Library, vol. 28." Paley (William) on Agency. 3d Ed. By John A. Dunlop. NewYork, 1847. 1 vol. Paley (William): The Law and Practice of Summary Convictions on Penal Statutes by Justices of the Peace: Also the Responsibility and Indemnity of Convicting Magistrates and their Officers. 3d Ed. by Edward E. Deacon. London, 1838. 1 vol. Palmer's (Sir Gefrey) Reports: Les Reports de Sir Gefrey Palmer, Chevalier & Baronet; Attorney General a Son Tres Excellent Majesty Le Roy Charles Le Second. Paschee 17 Jac. B. R. - Trin. 4 Car. B. R. London, 1678. I vol. fol. Palmzer's (John) Practice in the House of Lords, on Appeals, Writs of Error, and Claims of Peerage, with a Compendious Account of Dignities; to which is prefixed, An Introductory Historical Essay on the Appellate Jurisdiction. London, 1830. 1 vol. Palmer's (Jno.) Practice on Appeals from the Colonies to the Privy Council; And Supplement. London, 1831-4. 1 vol. (C. L.) Palmer's (John) Tracts on Law, Government, and other Political Subjects. London, 1836. 1 vol. (C. L.) Palmer's (Wm.) Principles of the Legal Provision for the Relief of the Poor. London, 1844. 1 vol. (C. L.) Palmer's (Wm.) Law of Wreck. London, 1843. 1 vol. (C. L.) Pandectae Sustinianae in Novum Ordinem Digestae. By R. J, Pothier, In Latin and French. Parisiis, 1818 - 27. 24 vols, (C. L.) Pardessus (J. M) Traite des Servitudes ou Services fonciers. Huitieme Ed. Paris, 1838. 2 vols. (C. L.) Pardessus (J. M.) Cours de Droit Commercial. Seconde Edition. A Paris, 1821 - 1822 5 vols. Paridis de Puteo, Tractatus Duo. I De Redintegratione Feudorum. II De Finibus Feudorum et Modo Decedendi Que-stiones Confinium Territorium; Quibus annextum est ejusdem AButoris breve Compendium, e Tractatu iFeudal Andrti de Iserna excerptum. Noriberge, 1677. 1 vol 4to. Paris (J. A.) and Fonblanque's (J. S. M.) Medical Jurisprudence, London, 1823, 3 vols LA-w BOOS. 165 Park (James Allan) on Insurances: A System of the Law of Insurances. With three chapters on Bottomry; on Insurances on Lives; and on Insurances against Fire. 3d Ed. London, 1796. I vol. Park (James Allan) on Insurances. 7th Ed. With considerable Additions. London, 1817. 1 vol. Park's (John James) Contre-Projet to the Humphreysian Code, and to the Projects of Redaction of Messrs. Hammond, Uniacke and Twiss. London, 1828. 1 vol. Park (John James) on Dower: A Treatise on the Law of Dower; Particularly with a view to the Modern Practice of Conveyancing. London, 1819. 1 vol. Park on Dower. See " Law Library, vol. 11." Park's (J. J.)Juridical Letters; Addressed to the Right Hon. Robert Peel, in reference to the present crisis of Law Reform. London, 1830. 1 vol. Parke (Benjamin) and Johnson's (Ovid F.) Digest of the Revised Code and Acts passed by the Legislature between the 7th April, 1830, and the 16th June, 1836, forming, with Purdon's Digest of 1830, a complete Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania to the present time, &c., &c. 2 vols in one. Philadelphia, 1837. 1 vol. Parkes' (Joseph) History of the Court of Chancery; With practical remarks on the Recent Commission, Report and Evidence, and on the means of improving the Administration of Justice in the English Courts of Equity. London, 1828. 1 vol. Parkes' (Joseph) Statutes and Orders of the Court of Chancery and the Statute Law of Real Property of the State of New-York. London, 1830. 1 vol. (C. L.) Parker's (John) Law of Arbitration: Notes on the Law of Arbitration in Scotland. 2 Ed. Edinburgh, 1830. 1 vol. Parker's (Sir Thomas) Reports of Cases concerning the Revenue Argued and Determined in the Exchequer: From E. T., 1743, to Hil. T., 1767. With an Appendix, containing Cases upon the same subject in former Reigns. London, 1776. 1 vol. fol. Parker's (Wilmot) Analysis of the Practice of the Court of Chancery. London, 1794. 1 vol. Parry on Lord Campbell's Libel Act. See " Campbell." Patch's (John) Practical Treatise on the Law of Mortgages. London, 1821. 1 vol. (C. L.) Patent Laws of the United States, with the Decisions of the Courts of the United States; also, the Opinions of the Hon. William Cranch upon Appeals from the Decisions of the Commissioners of Patents. Washington, 1848. 1 vol. (Presented by the Hon. John A. Dix.) 166 LAW BooKS. Patteson (John). See " Saunders' (Sir Edmund) Reports." Paty (John) and others. See " Holt (Lord Chief Justice)." Paul's (Father) Rights of Souvereigns and Subjects, Argued from Civil and Canon Law under the several Heads of Excommunication, Interdicts, Persecution, Councils, Infallibility. By Father Paul, the Venetian, Author of the History of the Council of Trent. Translated from the Italian 2d Edition. London, 1725. 1 vol. 16mo. Paul (Father) on Benefices: Father Paul of Beneficiary Matters: Or the Dues of the Altar. Being a compleat History of Ecclesiastical Revenues. London, 1730, 1 vol. 16mo. Payne's (William) Treatise on Municipal Rights. London, 1813. 1 vol. (C. L.) Peake's (Thomas) Nisi Prius Reports: Vol. I. Containing Cases Determined at Nisi Prius in the Court of King's Bench, from the Sittings after E. T., 30 Geo. III. 1790, to the Sittings after Mich. T., 35 Geo. III. 1794. A New Edition, with Improvements. By Thomas Day. Hartford. Vol. II. Containing, Additional Cases; Being a continuation of Cases at Nisi Prius, before Lord Kenyon and other eminent Judges, taken at different times between the Years 1795, and 1812. With Notes, by Thomas Peake, Jun. London, 1829. 2 vols. Peake's Law of Evidence. See "Norris' Peake." Pearce's (James) Treatise on the abuses of the Law, particularly in actions by arrest. London, 1814. 1 vol. Pearce's (Robert A.) History of the Inns of Court and Chancery, &c., including an account of the eminent men of the four learned and honorable Societies: Lincoln's Inn; the Inner Temple; Middle Temple, and Gray's Inn, &c. London, 1848. 1 vol. Peck's (Jacob) Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Errors and Appeals of the State of Tennessee. Commencing with September Term, 1822, and Ending with May Term, 1824. Knoxville, Tennessee, 1824. 1 vol. Peck's (James H.) Trial. See " Trial of James H. Peck." Peckwell's (Robert H.) Cases of Controverted Elections in the 2d Parliament of the United Kingdom, begun in 1802 and dissolved in 1806. London, 1806. 2 vols. (C. L.) Peere Williams' (William) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, and of some special Cases Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench. Published, with Notes, &c,by his Son, William Peere Williams. With additional references, by Samuel Compton Cox. First American from last London Edition. Philadelphia, 1823 - 1824. 3 vols. Pennington (Henry.) See " Holthouse's (Henry James) New Law Dictionary." LAW BooKs. 167 Pennington's (William Sanford) Reports of cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of New-Jersey. (From May Term, 1806, to February Term, 1812.) Newark, 1808- 1812. 2vols. Pennington (William Sanford) on Small Causes. A Treatise on the Courts for the Trial of small causes, held by Justices of the Peace in the State of New-Jersey. Newark, 1806. 1 vol. 12mo. Pennsylvania Digest. A Digest of all the Reported Cases determinined in the several courts of Pennsylvania, from May Term, 1836, to December Term, 1841. Together with all the Reported Decisions of the several Circuit and District Courts of the United States on Bankruptcy. Being Volume Third of the Digested Pennsylvania Reports. By Robert E. Wright. Philadelphia, 1842. 1 vol. Pennsylvania Law Journal. Philadelphia, 1842 -1848. 7 vols. [Vol. 1 edited by Henry E. Wallace and E. W. David. Vol. 2, no Editor named; 3, 4 and 5, by H. E. Wallace and David Webster, Editors and Proprietors. Vol. 6, New Series; vol. 1, J. J. Robbins, Editor; vol. 7, New Series; vol. 2, Edited by an Association of Gentlemen learned in the Law. For vol. 8, see " American Law Journal." Pennsylvania Reports: Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. From September Term, 1829, to June Term, 1832. vol. 1. By William Rawle, Jun., Charles B. Penrose, and Frederick Watts. Harrisburgh, 1830. vols. 2 & 3, by Charles B. Penrose and Frederick Watts. Carlisle, 18321833. 3 vols. Pennsylvania State Reports, containing Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court. From May Term, 1845, to December Term, 1848. By Robert M. Barr, State Reporter. Philadelphia, 1849. 9 vols. Pennsylvania State Trials (The): Containing the Impeachment, Trial, and Acquittal of Francis Hopkinson (Judge of the Court of Admiralty); and of John Nicholson (ComptrollerGeneral of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.) Vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1794. 1 vol. Penruddocke's (Charles) Short Analysis of the Criminal Law of England 2d Ed. By H. W. Woolrych. London, 1842. 1 vol. (C.L.) Percival (Spencer.) Review of the Arguments in favor of the continuance of Impeachments, notwithstanding a dissolution. London, 1791. 1 vol. (C. L.) Perkins (John) on Conveyancing: A Treatise on the Laws of England, on the Various Branches of Conveyancing. 15th Ed. Corrected and Enlarged. Dublin, 1792. 1 vol, 24mo. Perkins (J. C.) See'Vesey's (Jun.) Reports." Perkins (J. C.) See " Collyer on Partnership." 168 LAW BOOKs. Perkins (J. C.) See a Chitty's Criminal Law," 5th American Ed.) Daniell's (Edmund Robert) Chancery Pleading and Practice." Perpigna (A.) on Patents: The French Law and Practice of Patents for Inventions, Improvements, and Importations. See " Law Library, vol. 4." Perry (Thomas Erskine) and Davison's (Henry) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Queen's Bench, and upon Writs of Error from that Court to the Exchequer Chamber. From JMich. T., 2 Vict. (1838,) to Hil. T, 4 Vict. (1841.) London, 1839-1842. 4 vols. Perry (Henry J.) and Knapp's (Jerome W.) Cases of controverted Elections in the 1 th Parliament of the United Kingdom. London, 1833. 1 vol. (C. L.) Persil (Eugene) Socite6s Commerciales, &c. Paris 1833. 1 vol. (C. L.) Persil (Eugene) Lettre de change et du Billet a Ordre, ou Commentaire sur le titre 8, du Code de Commerce. Paris, 1837. 1 vol. (C. L.) Persil (Eugene) Traite desAssurances Terrestres, suivi des Statuts de diverses Compagnies d'Assurance. Paris, 1835. 1 vol. (C. L.) Peterkin's Compendium of the Law of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1830. 2 vols. (C. L.) Peters (Richard.) See " Chitty's Criminal Law," 5th American Edition. Peters' Admiralty Decisions in the District Court of the United States for the Pennsylvania Districts, by the Hon. Richard Peters, Comprising, also, some Decisions in the Same Court, by the late Francis Hopkinson, Esq. To which are added, Cases Determined in other Districts of the United States. With an Appendix, Containing the Laws of Oleron; The Laws of Wisby; The Laws of the Hanse Towns; The Marine Ordinances of Louis XVI.; A Treatise on the Rights & Duties of Owners, Freighters, and Masters of Ships, and of Mariners: And the Laws of the United States Relative to Mariners. Philadelphia, 1807. 2 vols. Peters' (Richard Jr.) Digest of Cases in the Federal Courts of the United States, from 1789 to 1847. A Full and Arranged Digest of the Decisions in Common Law, Equity and Admiralty, of the Courts of the U. S. from the Organization of the Government in 1789 to 1847, in the Supreme, Circuit, District and Admiralty Courts: With an Appendix, Containing the Rules and Orders of the Supreme Court of the U. S. and the Rules of the Circuit Court of the U. S. in Proceedings in Equity Established by the Supreme Court. Philadelphia, 1848. 2 vols. (4121) LAW BOOKs. 169 Peters (Richard Jr.) Circuit Court Reports: Reports of Cases Determined in the Circuit Court of the United States for the 3d Circuit. Vol. I. Contaning the Cases Determined in the District of New-Jersey, from the Year 1803 to 1818: And the District of Pennsylvania in the Years 1815, 1816, 1817, 1818. Philadelphia. 1819. 1 vol. Peters' (Richard Jr.) Digest:: A Full and Arranged Digest of Cases Decided in the Supreme, Circuit, and District Courts of the United States, from the Organization of the Government of the United States. Philadelphia, 1838 - 1839. 3 vols. Peters' (Richard Jr.) Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States. From January Term 1828, to January Term, 1843. Philadelphia, 1828-1843. 17 vols. Peters' (Richard) See "Condensed Reporttsof Cases in the Supreme Court of the U. S." Petersdorffls (Charles) Abridgment: A Practical and Elementary Abridgment of the Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer, and at Nisi Prius- and of the Rules of Court, From the Restoration in 1660, to Mich. T.) 4 Geo. IV. (1824). New-York, 18291832. 15 vols. Petersdorff's (Charles) Abridgment, Supplement to:: Being a Practical Abridgment of the Cases Reported from JMich. T. 4 Geo. IV. (1824), to Hil. T.,3 Will. IV. (1833) Alphabetcally & Systematically Arranged under Appropriate Titles. By Elisha Hammond. New-York, 1835. 2 vols. Petersdorff (Charles) on Bail: A Practical Treatise on the Law of Bail, in Civil and Criminal Proceedings. London & Dublin 1824. 1 vol. Petersdorff (Charles) on Bail. See " Law Library, Vol. 10." Petersdorff's (Charles) Law Students Common Place Book. In which the Law is Alphabetically Divided and Subdivided into Titles with Blanks. 2d Ed. London, 1841. l vol. 4to (C L.) Peterson (A. T. T.) See "c Chambers and Peterson's Law of Railway Companies." Petrie's (Samuel) Report of the Cricklade Case, Comprehending the whole of the Proceedings in the Courts of Law before the Select Committee of the Commons and both Houses of Parliament. London, 1785. 1 vol. (C. L.) Peyre (J. F. A.) Lois des Francs Contenant la loi Salique et la ioi Ripuaire. Precede d'une Preface par M. Isambert. Paris, 18.28. 1 vol. (C. L.) Pezzani (J, A.) Traite des Empechements du Mariage. Paris, 1838. 1 vol. (C. L.) Phelan (William) & O'Sullivan's (Mortimer) Digest of the Evidence taken'before the Two Houses of Parliament Appointed to [STATE LIBRARY.] 11 170 LAW BooKxs Enquire into the State of Ireland. London, 1826. 2 voIs. (C. L) Philipps' (John) Election Cases: Determined during the 1st Session. of the 15th Parliament of Great Britain, by Committees of the House of Commons, Appointed by Virtue of Stat. 10, Geo. III. London, 1782. 1 vol. 16mo. Phillimore's (John G.) Introduction to the Study and History of the Roman Law. London, 1848. 1 vol. Phillimore's (Joseph) Ecclesiastical Reports: Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Arches and Prerogative Courts of Canterbury, and in the High Court of Delegates. Containing the Judgments of the Right Hon. Sir Geo. Lee. From, Iil. T., 1752, to.Mich. T. 1758. With Several Cases Determined between 1724 and 1733. London, 1833 - 1832. 2 vols. Phillimore's (Joseph) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Ecclesiastical Courts at Doctors' Commons; and in the High Court of Delegates. From Hil, T., 1809, to Mich. T., 1821. London, 1818-1827. 3 vols. Phiillimore (Robert) The Law of Domicil. London, 1847. 1 vol. Phillimore (Robert). The Law of Domicil. See "Law Library, vol. 57." Phillimore's (Robt.) Report of the Proceedings in the Visitorial Court at York. London, 1841. 1 vol. (C. L.) Phillimore's (Robert) Thoughts on the Law of Divoirce in England. London, 1845. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Phillimore's (Robert Joseph) Report of the Judgment Delivered on the 6th day of June, 1835, by Joseph Phillimore, D. Co. L., &c., in the Cause of Belcher, the Wife, against Belcher, the Husband. With an Appendix, Containing the Letters of the Parties, and Other Papers Exhibited in the Cause. London, 1835. 1 vol. Phillipps' (S. March) Evidence: A Treatise on the Law of Evidence. Vol. I. 3d American from 3d London Ed. With Notes and References to American Authorities. By John A. Dunlap. And Additional Notes and References by a Gentleman of the New-York Bar. New-York, 1823. Vol.II. 2d American Ed. With Notes and References to American Authorities, by an Eminent Counsellor at Law. New-York, 1823. 2 vols. Phillipps' (S. March) Evidence: A Treatise on the Law of Evidence. Vol. I. 4th American from 7th London Ed. With Notes to the 1st volume by Esek Cowen, and Nicholas Hill, Jun., Vol. II. 4th American from 7th & 8th London Editions. With Notes by a Counsellor at Law. New-York, 1839, 2 vols. Phillipps (Samuel March) State Trials; or, A Collection of the most Interesting Trials, Prior to the Revolution of 1688, Reviewed and Illustrated. London, 1826. 2 vols. Philipps (S. March) and Amos (Andrew) on the Law of Evidence. 5th American fron 8th London Edition, With Considerable LAW BOOKS. 171 Additions. With Notes and References to American Cases. New-York, 1839. 2 vols. Phillips' (Jacob) First Book for a Conveyancing Student; Being the First Twelve Lectures supposed to be given by a Tutor to his Pupil. London, 1842. 1 vol. (C. L.) Phillips' (Jacob) Lectures on the Nature, Usual Trusts & Provisions of Marriage Settlements of Personalty. London, 1842. 1 vol. (C. L.) Phillips (Jacob) Letter from a Grandfather to his Grandson, an Articled Clerk. London, 1818. 1 vol. (C. L.) Phillips (P.) New Digest of Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the State of Alabama, from Minor to 3. Alabama Reports inclusive. Mobile, 1846 -49. 2 vols. Phillips (Stephen H.) See " Law Reporter. Vols. 10 & 11." Phillips (J. T.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery during the Time of Lord Chancellor Lyndhurst, with a few during the time of Lord Chancellor Cottenham. Vol. 1, 1841 -1847. London, 1847. 1 vol. Phillips (Willard) Digest of Pickering's Reports from the Second to the 8th volume, inclusive. Boston, 1831. 1 vol. Phillips (Willard) on the Law of Insurance. Vol. 1. Boston, 1823. Vol, II. Philadelphia & Boston, 1834. 2 vols. Phillips (Willard) on Insurance: A Treatise on the Law of Insurance, Second Edition. Boston, 1840. 2 vols. Phillips (Willard) on Patents: The Law of Patents for Inventions; Including the Remedies and Legal Proceedings in Relation to Patent Rights. Boston & New-York, 1837. 1 vol. Phillips (Willard) Inventor's Guide. Comprising the Rules, Forms, and Proceedings, for Securing Patent Rights. Boston. 1 vol. 12mo. Pickering (Danby) See 1 Finch's Law" Pickering's (Octavius) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. From September Term, 1822, to March, 1840. Boston, 1824 - 1842. 24 vols. Pigott (G.) & Rodwell's (Hunter) Reports of Cases decided in the Court of Common Pleas on appeal from the decisions of the Revising Barristers. London, 1846. 1 vol. (C. L.) Pigott (N.) on Common Recoveries. A Treatise of Common Recoveries, their Nature and Use. To which is added the case of Page and Hayward. And also a case between the late Earl of Derby and the Coheirs of his Elder Brother, &c. London, 1739. 1 vol. Small 4to. Pirsson (J. P.) See "' Kingsley and Pirsson on Patent Laws." Pirtle's (Henry) Digest of the Decisions of the Court of Appeals of Kentucky. Louisville, 1832. 2 vols. Pitcairn's (Robert) Criminal Trials in Scotland, from A. D., 1488, to A. D. 1624. Embracing the Entire Reigns of James 4th 172 LAW BOOKS. and 5th, Mary Queen of Scots, and James 6th. Compiled from the Original Records and MSS. With Historical Notes and Illustrations. Edinburgh and London, 1833. (3 vols. in 4 parts.) 4 vols. 4to. Pitman (Edward Dix) on the Law of Principal and Surety. London, and Dublin, 1840. 1 vol. Pitman (E. D.) on the Law of Principal and Surety. See "Law Library, vol. 40." Platt (Thomas) on Covenants. A Practical Treatise on the Law of Covenants. London, 1829. 1 vol. Platt (Thomas) on Covenants. See " Law Library, vol. 3". Plees (Les) del Coron. See " Staunforde, Les Plees del Coron." Plitti (Friderici) Corpus Juris Civilis. Denuo Editum. Hagae comitvm et Francofurti ad Moenum, apvd Fratres Van Duren, 1789. 1 vol. (C.L.) Plowden's (Edmund) Reports. The Commentaries, or Reports of Edmund Plowden, of the Middle Temple, Esq., an Apprentice of the common Law, containing Divers Cases, Argued and Adjudged in the Several Reigns of king Edward 6th, queen Mary, king and queen Philip and Mary, and queen Elizabeth. Originally written in French, and now faithfully Translated into English, &c. To which are Added the Qureries of Mr. Plowden, now first Rendered into English. Dublin, 1792. 2 vols. Plowden's (Francis) on Usury. A Treatise upon the law of Usury and Annuities. London, 1798. 1 vol. Plowden's (Francis) Jura Anglorum. London, 1772. 1 vol. (C. L.) Pocock's (Lewis) Familiar Explanation of the Nature, Advantages and Importance of Assurances upon Lives. London, 1842. 1 vol. (C. L.) Pollexfen's (Sir Henry) Reports. The Arguments and Reports of Sr. Hen. Pollexfen, Kt. Late Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, in some Special Cases. By him Argued during the Time of his Practice at the Barr. Together with Divers Decrees in the High Court of Chancery; upon Limitations of Trusts for Terms of Years. London, 1702. 1 vol. folio. Pope's (Charles) Merchant, Ship Owner and Shipmaster's Import and Export Guide. 15th Ed. London, 1831. I vol. (C.L.) Popham's (Sir John) Reports. Reports and Cases Collected by the Learned Sir John Popham, Late Lord Chief Justice of England. Written with his own Hand in French, and now faithfully translated into English. To which are Added, some Remarkable Cases Reported by other Learned Persons since his Death. London, 1656. 1 vol. fol. Porter's (Benjamin F.) Reports. See " Alabama Reports." Porter's (Commodore) Trial. See " Trial of Commodore Porter." LAw BooKs. 173 Postlethwayts (Malachy) Dictionary. The Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce, Translated from the French of the Celebrated Monsieur Savary, Inspector-General of the Manufactures for the King, at the Custom House at Paris. 2d Ed London, 1757. 2 vols. fol. Pothier (Robert-Joseph) on Maritime Contracts. See Maritime Contracts, by Pothier." Pothier (Robert-Joseph) on Obligations. A Treatise on the Law of Obligations, or Contracts. Translated from the French. With an Introduction, Appendix, and Notes, Illustrative of the English Law on the Subject. By William David Evans. London, 1806. 2 vols. Pothier (Robert-Joseph) on Obligations. Translated, &c., by William David Evans. 2d American Ed. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 vols. Pothier's (R. J.) Treatise on Contracts. Vol. 1. (Contract of Sale.) Translated from the French. By L. S. Cushing. Boston, 1839. 1 vol. Pothier's (Robert-Joseph) gEuvres. A Paris, A Orleans, 17701787. 23 vols. 24mo. Pothier (R. J.) Oeuvres Completes. Precedes d'une dissertation sur sa vie et ses Ecrits, et suivies d7une table de Concordance par M. M. Rogron et Firbach. Paris, 1830. 2 vols. (C. L.) Pothier (R. J.) See' Pandectes Justinien." Powell's (Arthur J.) Advice to Executors. Familiar and Practical Advice to Executors and Administrators, and Persons wishing to make their wills. London, 1832. 1 vol. 24mo. Powell (John-Joseph) on Contracts. An Essay upon the Law of Contracts and Agreements. 6th American Ed. Revised and Corrected. New-York, 1825. 1 vol. Powell (John Joseph) on Devises: An Essay upon the Learning of Devises, from their Inception by Writing, to their Consummation by the Death of the Pevisor. 3d American from the Last London Edition. Exeter, N. H.1 1822. 1 vol. Powell (John Joseph) on Devises. An Essay on Devises, 3d Ed. With Copious Notes, and an Appendix of Precedents; Also, a Treatise on the Construction of Devises. By Thomas Jarman. London, 1827. 2 vols. Powell (John Joseph) on Devises. See Law Library, vols. 21 and 22." Powell (J. J.) on Mortgages. A Treatise on the Law of Mortgages. Reprinted from the Sixth English Ed. With Copious Notes. by Thomas Coventry. Notes and References to American Cases, by Benjamin Rand. Boston, 1828. 3 vols Powell (John Joseph) on Powers. An Essay on the Learning Respecting the Creation and Execution of Powers. And also Bespecting the Nature and Effect of Leasing Powers. 2d Ed 174 LAW 1BOOKS, Corrected and Enlarged from'Modern Determinations. London, 1799. 1 vol. Poynter (Thomas) on Marriage and Divorce. A Concise View of the Doctrine and Practice of the Ecclesiastical Courts in Doe - tors' Commons on Various Points Relative to the Subject of Marriage and Divorce. 2d Ed. London, 1824. 1 vol, Poynter (Thomas) on Marriage and Divorce. See " Law Library, vol. 13." Practice of the English Common Law. The English Practice; A Statement, Showing some of the Evils and Absurdities of the Practice of the English Common Law, as Adopted in Several of the United States, and Particularly in the State of New-York. By a Lover of Improvement. New-York, 1822. 1 vol. Practice of the High Court of Chancery, See " Chancery Practice." (C. L.) Practice of Church Courts. Styles of Writs and Forms of Procedure in the Church Courts of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1838. 1 vol (C. L.) Prater's (Henry) Essay on the Law respecting Husband and Wife in England, Scotland and Ireland, 2d Ed. Lonon, 1836. 1 vol. (C. L.) Prater's (Henry) Cases Illustrative of the Conflict between the Laws of England and Scotland, with Regard to Marriage, Divorce and Legitimacy; Designed as a Supplement to an Essay respecting Husband and Wife. London, 1835. See " Prlater's Law of Husbandd and Wife. (C. L.) Pratt's (John Tidd) Law Friendly Societies. 4th Ed. London, 1843. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Pratt's (John Tidd) Law relating:to Savings' Banks in England and Ireland. London, 1828. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Pratt's (John Tidd) Epitome of the Law of Landlord and Tenant, to which is added an Appendix of Precedents. London, 1826. 1 vol. (C. L.) Pratt (John Tidd) on the Law relating to Highways, with Explanatory Notes, Forms, References, Statutes. The whole of the Cases:brought down to the Present Time. Directions for Repairing Roads, and an Index. 4th Ed. London, 1844, 1 vol. 24mo. Praxis Alme Curiae Cancellarie,; Being a Collection of Precedents by Bill and Answer, Plea and Demurrer, &c. With Appeals. Also, a Complete Collection of all the Writs and Process Concerning thle Same. Together with a Preliminary Discourse, &c. Containing the Practice of the said Court, &c. 4th Ed. London, 1725.2 vols. 16mo.,Precedents in Chancery: Being Cases Argued and Adjudged in the High Court of Chancery, in the Reigns of King William the Third, Queen Anne, and the first Eight Years of King Geo. LAW Be ooxs. 1:75 the first, viz: from 1689 to 1722. 2d Ed. London, 1750o I vol. fol. Precedents in Chancery. 2d Ed. Revised and Corrected. With Notes and References to the Former and Latter Reports. By Thomas Finch. Dublin, 1792. 1 vol. Precedents of Decrees in the High.Court of Chancery in Ireland. 3d Ed. Dubin, 1839. 1 vol. (C. L.) Presbyterian Church Case: The Case of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, before the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Compiled by tlie Rev, D. W. Lathrop, Philadelphia, 1839. 1 vol. Prescott's (James) Trial, See " Trial of James Prescott." Preston (Richard) on Abstracts of Title: An Essay, in aCourse of Lectures on Abstracts of Title, to facilitate the Study and the Application of the First Principles and General Rules of the Laws of Real Property, New-York, 1828. 3 vols. in 1. Preston (Richard) on Estates: An Elementary Treatise on Estates, In Fee, In Tail, For Life, &c., &c., &c. With Preliminary Observations on the Quality of Estates. Vols. 1 and 2. NewYork and Philadelphia, 1828. Bound together. Vol. 3. A Treatise on Conveyancing, &c. Being vol. II., containing an Essay on the Quantity and Quality of Estates, with more Immediate Reference to the Law of Merger. 3d Ed. Corrected, with Additions. London, 1829. 2 vols. Preston (Richard) on Estates. Vol. III. Merger. See'"Law Library, vol, 42." Preston's (Richard) Treatise on Conveyancing; with a View to its Application to Practice: Being a Course of Lectures. With an Appendix of Precedents. 3d Edition, London, 18191829. 3 vols. Preston (William Scott) on Legacies: A Practical Treatise on the Law of Legacies. New-York, 1827. 1 vol. Price's (George) Practice of the Superior Courts: New Practice of the Courts of Law at Westminster in Personal Actions Commenced by Writ, With an Appendix of Statutes, Rules and Forms. London, 1833 -1835. 2 vols. 24mo. Price's (George) Reports of Cases Argued and -Determined in the Court of Exchequer. From E. T., 54 Geo. III. (1814,):to Jlich. T., 5 Geo. IV. (1824.) London, 1816 - 1828. 13 vols. Prices (George) Treatise on the Law of Exchequer, stating the Practice of the Court as Founded on the Principles of thle Jurisdiction Conferred by the King's Prerogative. London, 1830. lvol. (C.L.) Prichard's (James Cowles) Treatise on Insanity. Lodondon-1835. vol. (C.L.) 176 LAW BOO0Ks, Prideaux (Frederick) on Judgments and Crown Debts. The Law of Judgments and Crown Debts, as they affect Real Property. 3d Edition. London, 1845. 1 vol. 12mo. Prideaux (Humphrey) and Tyrwhitt's (R. P.) Directions to Church Wardens; also Instructions for Select Vestries, Overseers and Constables. 10th Ed. London, 1855. 1 vol. (C. L.) Prince's (J. H.) Remarks on the Best Method of Barring Dowers London, 1805. 1 vol. (C. L.) Prince's (J. H.) Observations on the Act for Incorporating the London Company, including Remarks on the Dearness of Bread and on Monopoly, Forestalling and Regrating. 4th Ed. London, 1802. Bound up with Prince's Remarks on Barring Dower." Prince's (Oliver H.) Digest of the Laws of the State of Georgia o Containing all Statutes, and the Substance of all Resolutions, of a General and Public Nature, and now in Force, which have been passed in this State Previous to the Session of the General Assembly of December, 1837. The Constitution of the State of Georgia, as Amended, &c. Under the Authority of the General Assembly. 2d Ed. Athens, 1837. I vol. Prior's (John V.) Treatise on the Construction of Limitations, in which the words "' issue" and " child" occur. London, 1839. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Pritchard's (William Tarn) Analytical Digest of all the Reported Cases Determined by the High Court of Admiralty of England, the Lords Commissioners of Appeal in Prize Cases' and by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, &c. London, 1847. 1 vol. Pritchard's (William Tarn) Analytical Digest. See 1' New Law Library. Vols. 12 and 14." Probert's (William) Ancient Laws of Cambria. London, 1823. 1 vol. (C. L.) Proceedings against the Conspirators in Negro Plot. A Journal of the Proceedings in the Detection of the Conspiracy Formed by some White People, in Conjunction with Jregro and other Slaves, for Burning the City of Jeew-York, in America, and Murdering the Inhabitants, &c. By the Recorder of the City of JVew-York. New-York, 1744. 2 copies. 2 vols. 4to. Proceedings against the Queen (Caroline): Evidence for the Prosecution, in I vol. And EVidence for the Defence in I vol. 2 vols. fol. Processus Divorcii inter Joannem Gyb et Margaretam Hillok. A. D. 1563. (Evidently a modern re-print.) No date. Small 4to, I vol. Proctor's Practice in. the Ecclesiastical Courts. London, 1816. 1 vol. (C. L,) Property Lawyer (The.) New Series London, 1830. 2 vols, (C. L) LAw Booixs 177 Prynne's (William) History of King John, King Henry III. and the most Illustrious King Edward the I. Wherein the Ancient Sovereign Dominion of the Kings of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, over all Persons in all Causes, is asserted and vindicated, against all Incroachments and Innovations whatsoever. London, 1670. 1 vol. fol. Prynne (William) on Parliaments: The Soveraigne Power of Parliaments and Kingdomes. Divided into Foure Parts. Together with an Appendix. London, 1643. 1 vol. 4to. Pufendorff (Baron) of the Law of Nature and Nations. Eight books. Translated into English. 2d Ed- With Barbeyrac's Notes, Oxford, 1710. 1 vol. fol. Pulling's (Alexander) Practical Compendium of the Law and Usuages of Mercantile Accounts, and of Law affecting them. See " Law Library, vol. 57." Pulling's (Alex.) Practical Treatise on the Laws, Customs and Regulations of the City and Port of London, as settled by Charter Usages, By-Law or Statute. London, 1842. 1 vol. (C. L.) PurdonJs (John W.) Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania. From the Year 1700, to the 7th April, 1830. Philadelphia, 1831. 1 vol. Purdon's (John) Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania. From the year 1700, to the 22d of April, 1.846. Seventh Editioan The First Four Editions by the Late John Purdon, Esq. The Last Three by George M. Stroud. Philadelphia, 1847. 1 vol. Putnam (John Phelps) See " United States Digest, Supplement." Putnam (John Phelps) United States Digest, being a Digest of Decisions, &c. See " United States Annual Digest, vol. 1, by J. P. Putnam." Pye's (I. J.)) Summary of the Duties of a Justice of the Peace out of Sessions. 4th Ed. 1827. 1 vol. (C. L.) Q. Queen's Bench Reports. See "Adolphus & Ellis." Queen's College Case, Determined in the High Court of Chancery, Edited by Charles Bowdler. London, 1821. 1 vol. (C. L.) Quenault (M.) Traite des assurances Terrestres. Paris, 1828. 1 vol. (C. L.) Questions on the Law of Real Property, & Conveyancing, with Answers. London, 1839. l vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Questions on the Code of Procedure in Practice and Pleadings for the State of New-York. By a Member of the New-York Bar. I voL 18 LA AV B 0 0 R OO. R. Radcliff (Jacob) See 6 JOhnson's Report, volL 2. 22d Ed." Railway Cases See "5 Nicholl & Carrow's Reports.-" Railway and Canal Cases, ArgUed and Adjudged in the Courts of Law and Equity, from 1835 to 1846, inclusive. London, 1840 -48. 4 vols. (Reported by H. J. Nicholl, Thomas Hares J. N. Carrow) Lionel Oliver, Edward Beavan and Thomas E. P. Lefroy.) Raithby (Jno.) See -" Vernon:s Reports, 3d edition." Raithby (John) on the Study and Practice of the Law) considered in their Various Relations to Society. In a Series of Lettersb 2d edition. London, 1846. 1 vol, Ram's (James) Natural Right of a Fathers Observation on the Natural Right of a Father to the Custody of his Children, and to Direct their Education; His Forfeiture of this:Right; And the Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery to Control it. London, 1828. 1 vol. Ram (James) on Assets: A Practical Treatise of Assets, Debts, and Incumbrances. London, 1832. 1 vol. Ram (James) on Assets: See "Law Library, Vol. 8." Ram (James) on Devises. See 6' Ram (James) on Wills of Landed Property." Ram (James) on Legal Judgment: The Science of Legal Judgment, A Treatise Designed to Show the Materials whereof, and the Process by which, the Courts of Westminster Hall construct their Judgments. London, 1834. 1 vol. kam (James) on Legal Judgment. See:"Law Library, vol, 9. Ram (James) on Tenures; An Outline of the Law of Tenure and Tenancy Containing the First Principles of the Law of Real Property. London & Dublin, 1825. 1 vol. Ram (James) on Wills of Landed Property: A Treatise on the Exposition of Wills of Landed Property. London, 1827. 1 vol. Ram (James) on Wills of Landed Property. See "; Law Library, Vol. 8." Ramshay's (W) Decisions of the Courts at Westminster, to Trinity Term, 1836, on the New Rules of Pleading, and upon Evidence as Modified by those Rules,&c. London, 1838. 1 vol. Rand (Benjamin) See "Long (George) on Sales." Randell's (Henry) an Essay on the Law of Perpetuity, and on Trusts of Accumulation. With an Introduction, Containing the History of Alienation. London, 1832. 1 vol. Randolph's (Peyton) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of Virginia: To which are added, Reports of Cases Decided in the General Court'of Virginia. From November, 1821, to December, 1828. Richmond; NewYork, 1.823 -1832. 6 vols& [Vol. 6, 2d Ed.. New-York 1832.] LAAW BooKbS 179 Pankin's (R. R.) Analysis of the Law of Patents, London, 1824, 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Rastell's (William) Entries: A Collection of Entries of Declarations, Barres, Replications, Rejoynders, Issues, Verdicts' Judgments, Executions, Proces, Continuances: Essoynes, and divers other matters. Newly Amended, &c. The Last Edition Carefully Corrected. London, 1670. 1 vol. fol. Rawle's (William Jun.) Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. FromDecember Term, 1828, to March Term, 1835, Philadelphia, 1828 -1836, 5 vols. Rawle (William) on the Constitution. A View of the Constitution of the United States of America. Philadelphia, 1825. 1 vol. Rawlinson's (Christopher) Municipal Corporation Act. 5 and:6 Will. 4th, C. 76. And the Acts Passed Since for Amending the Same. London, 1842. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. Lb) Ray's (J.) Treatise on the Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity, Boston) 1838, 1 vol, Ray's (J.) Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. 2d Ed, Boston, 1844. 1 vol. 12mo.;Raymond's (James) Digested Chancery Cases: Contained in the Reports of the Coturt of Appeals of Maryland. Baltimore, 1839. 1 vol. Raymond's (John) Bill of Exceptions, its Origin, Nature, &c. See " Law Library, vol. 62." Raymond's (Robert, Ld.) Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, in the Reigns of the Late King, William, Queen /Inne, King George the First, and King George the Second. The Fourth Edition Corrected; with Additional References, by John Bayley6 Dublin, 1792. 3 vols. Raymond's (Sir Thomas) Reports of Divers Special Cases Adjudge ed in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas & Exchequer, in the Reign of King Charles II. London, 1690. 1 vol, fol. Rayner's (John) Cases at Large Concerning Tithes, upon an entire new Plan, Digested in Chronological Series, with Proper Tables of Cases. London 18336 3 vols. (C. L.) Rayne's (Samuel) Guide to the Practice of the Courts of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in England. 2d Ed. Bath, 1826. 1 vol. (C. L.) Recorder's Decisions: Reports of some of the Criminal Cases on Primary Hearing, Defore Richard Vaux, Recorder of the City of Philadelphia; Together with.some Remarks on the Writ of Habeas Corpus, and Fcrms of Proceeding in Criminal Cases. Philadeiphia, 1846. 1 vol. Beddie's (James) Inquiries, Eelientery and Historical, in the SCP ence of Law. London, 1840. 1 vol. 180 LAw BOOKS. Reddie's (James) Inquiries in the Science of Law. 2d Ed. enlarged. London, 1847. 1 vol. Reddie's (James) Inquiries in International Law, London, 1842. 1 vol. (C. L.) Reddie's (James) Researches, Historical and Critical, in Maritime International Law. Edinburgh, 1845. Vol. 2. (Vol. 1 wanting.) 1 vol. (C. L.) Reddie's (James) Historical View of the Law of Maritime Commerce. Edinburgh, 1841. 1 vol. (C. L.) Reddie's (John) Historical Notices of the Roman Law, and of the Recent Progress of its Study, in Germany. Edinburgh, 1826. 1 vol. Reed (George W.) See " Modern Probate of Wills." Reeve's (Tapping) Domestic Relations: The Law of Baron and Femme; Of Parent and Child; Of Guardian and Ward; Of Master and Servant; and of the Powers of Courts of Chancery. With an Essay on the Terms Heir, Heirs, and Heirs of the Body. New Haven, 1816. 1 vol. Reeve's (Tapping) Domestic Relations: The Law of Baron and Femme, of Parent and Child, Guardian and Ward, Master and Servant, and of the Process of Courts of Chancery; with an Essay on the Terms Heir, Heirs, and Heirs of the Body, 2d Ed., with Notes. By Lucius E. Chittenden. Burlington, 1846. 1 vol. Reeve (Tapping) on Descents: A Treatise on the Law of Descents in the several United States of America. New-York, 1825. I vol. Reeves' (John) History of the English Law, from the time of the Saxons, to the end of the Reign of Philip and Mary. 2d Ed. In four volumes. London, 1787. And a fifth volume, continuing the History to the end of the Reign of Elizabeth. London, 1829. 5 vols. Reeves' (John) Law of Shipping and Navigation, from Edward III. to 1806, inclusive. 2d Ed. London, 1807. 1 vol. (C. L.) Reeves' (John) Two Tracts: Showing that Americans, born before the Independence, are, by the Law of England, not Aliens. First, A Discussion, &c. Second, A Reply, &co 2d Ed. London, 1846. 1 vol. Registrum Brevium tam Originalium, quam Judicialium: Correctum & Emendatum ad Vetus Exemplar Manuscriptum, Cujus Beneficio, a Multis Erroribus Purgatum, ad Usus, quibus inservit redditur accommodatius. Editio Quarta, cui Subjicitus Appendix Diversa Brevia tam Vetera tam Recentiora in Officiis Clerici Coronac in Cancellario, Clericorum de Cursa, & Jiliorum Clericorum Cancellaria Usitata (quae in Registro Brevivum non extant), continens. Una cum Libro Consultis LAW BooKS. 181 simi Viri Simonis Tleloall, cui Titulus, Le Digest des Briefs Originals et des Choses Concernants Eux. London, 1687. 1 vol. fol. Remy (J.) See "Domat.' Renouard (Augustin Charles) Traite des droits D'Auteurs, dans la litterature les Sciences et les Beaux Arts. Paris, 1838 - 9. 2 vols. (C. L.) Renouard (Augustin Charles) Traite des Brevets D'Invention, De Perfectionnement et ID'Importation; Suivi D'Un Appendice Contenant le Texte des Lois et Reglemens Rendus en France, Un Precis de la Legislation Anglaise; Les Lois des EtatsUnis de L'Am6rique Septentrionale et des Cortes D'Espagne. A Paris, 1825. 1 vol. (Warden Library.) Repertoire du droit Commercial, par F. M. Patorni. Troisieme Ed. Paris, 1833-36. 9 vols. (C.L.) Repertoire Universel et Raisonne de Jurisprudence Civile, Crimnelle, Canonique et beneficiale, ouvrage de plusieurs Jurisconsultes: Mis en ordre and public par M. Guyot. Paris, 1784-5. 16 vols. 4to. (C. L.) Repertorium Juridicum. A General Index to all the Cases and Pleadings in Law and Equity, contained in all the Reports, Year-Books, &c., hitherto published. Part the First. By T. E. Tomlins. London, 1786- 7. 1 vol. fol. Report of Convictions in the Court of General Sessions of the Peace held in and for the City and County of New-York, in Decr., 1798. (In Manuscript.) 1 vol. fol. Reports of Cases taken and adjudged in the Court of Chancery in the reign of King Charles I., Charles II. and James II. To which are added learned arguments relating to the antiquity of the said Court; also the Great Case between the Duchess of Albemarle and the Earl of Bathe. In 2 vols. The 2d edition. In the Savoy, 1715. Reports of Cases (The third part of) taken and adjudged in the Court of Chancery, in the reigns of King Charles II. King William and Queen Ann; being Special Cases, and none of them ever before printed. Vol. 3d. In the Savoy, 1716, (making with the preceding two) 3 vols. Repp's (Thorl. Gudm.) Historical Treatise on Trial by Jury, Wager of Law, and other co-ordinate Forensic Institutions, formerly in use in Scandinavia and in Iceland. Edinburgh, 1839. 1 vol. (C: L.) Requier (M.) See " Gravina." Review of Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws: A Commentary and Review of Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws. Prepared for the Press from the Original Manuscript, in the Hands of the Publisher. To which are annexed Observations on the Thirty-First Book, by the late M. Condorcet, and two Letters of Helvetius, on the Merits of the same Work. Philadelphia, 182 LAW BOOKS. 1811. 1 vol. This Commentary is said to be by M. Destutt De Tracy. Revisers' Reports: Reports of the Revisers Appointed to prepare the Revised Statutes of the State of New-York. Albany, 1827 -1828. In 4 volumes. 2 copies. One imperfect. 8 vols. Rey (Joseph) Des Institutions Judiciaires del'Angleterre, Comparees avec celles de le France. Deuxieme Ed. Paris, 1839o 2 vols. (C. L.) Rhodes (Maritime Law of.) See " Schomberg." Rice (John.) See " Tremaine's Pleas of the Crown." Rice's (William) Digest of the Cases Decided in the Superior Courts of Law of the State of South Carolina. From the Earliest Period to the Present Time, (1838.) Charleston, 1838. 2 vols. Rice's (William) Digested Index of the Statute Law of South Carolina. From the Earliest Period to the Year 1836, Inclusive Charleston, 1838. 1 vol. Rice's (William) Equity Reports: Reports of Cases in Chancery, Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals and Court of Errors of South Carolina. From December, 1838, to May, 1839. Charleston, 1839. 1 vol. Rice's (William) Reports of Cases at Law Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals and Court of Errors of South Carolina, from December, 1838, to May, 1839. Vol. 1. Charleston, 1839. 1 vol. Richards' Owen) Book of Costs in the Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer. 2d Ed. London, 1844. 1 vol. 12mo. Richardson's (J. S. G.) Reports of Cases at Law Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals-and Court of Errors of S. Carolina, from December, 1844, to August, 1846. Columbia, S.C., 1845 - 47. 3 vols. Richardson's (J. S. G.) Equity Reports: Reports of Cases in Equity, Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals in Equity and Court of Errors of South Carolina. From December, 1844, to May, 1816. Columbia, S.C., 1845- 47. 2 vols. Richardson (Robert) on Wills. The Law of Testaments and Last Wills; Containing what is necessary to be known by Testators, their Executors, Administrators, &c. 2d Ed. 1769. 1 vol. Richardson's (Robert) Practice. The Attorney's Practice in the Court of King's Bench, or an Introduction to the Practice of that Court, as it now stands, &c. With Variety of Useful and Curious Precedents in English, settled or drawn by Counsel, &c. 5th Ed. With Large Additions. London, 1769o 2 vols. L-AW BOOKs. 181 Richardson's (Wm ) Epitome of the Practice of the High Court of Chancery. London, 1838. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Riddell's (John) Tracts Legal and Historical, with other Antiquarian Matter, chiefly relative to Scotland. Edinburgh. 1805. vol. (C. L.) Riddell's (John) Inquiry into the Law and Practice in Scottish Peerages before and after the Union. Edinburgh, 1842. 2 vels. (C. L.) Ridgeway's (William) Cases Tempore Hardwicke. Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the King's Bench and Chancery, during the Time in which Lord Hardwicke Presided in those Courts. Collected from a Manuscript never before Printed. Dublin, 1794. 1 vol. Ridgeway's (William) Parliamentary Cases. Reports of Cases upon Appeals and Writs of Error in the High Court of Parliament in Ireland, since the Restoration of the Appellate Jurisdiction. With Tables, Notes, and References. Dublin, 1795. 3 vols. Ridgeway (William). See " State Trials," Ridgeway, Lapp & Schoales. See " Irish Term Reports." Ridley's (Sir Thomas) View of the Civile and Ecclesiasticall Law: And wherein the Practice of them is streitned and may be relieved wittin this Laid. The 3d Ed. ByJ. G., Mr. of Arts. Oxford, 1662. 1 vol. 16mo. Rights of Manors, as Deduced from the most Ancient and best Authorities. London, 1817. 1 vol. (C. L.) Riley's ( —— ) Chancery Cases, Determined in the Court of Appeals of South Carolina, April Term, 1836, and February Term, 1837. Charleston, 1839. 1 vol. Riley's ( - ) Law Cases: Report of Law Cases Determined in the Court of Appeals of South Carolina. January Term, 1836, April Term, 1836, and February Term, 1837. Charleston, 1839. 1 vol. Ring (David Babington) See " Smith's Actions at Law. Law Library, vol. 60." Ritchie's (Win.) Essays on Constitutional Law. Edinburgh, 1824. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Ritso's (Frederick) Introduction to the Science of the Law, showing the Advantages of a Law Education, grounded on the Learning of Lord Coke's Commentaries upon Littleton's Tenures. London, 1815. 1 vol. Ritson's (J.) Practical Points or Maxims in Conveyancing. 3d Edo London, 1826. vol. (C. L.) Robbin's (J. J.) See "; Pennsylvania Law Journal." Roberts' (William) on Frauds: A Treatise on the Statute of Frauds as it Regards Declarations in Trust, Contracts, Surrenders' Conveyances, and the Execution and Proof of Wills and Codicils. 2d American Ed., and an Appendix, shewing the 184 LAW BOOKS. Extent of the Adoption of the Statute of 29 Car. II. c. 3, in the several States of the Union. By a Member of the Bar. Hartford, 1823. 1 vol. Roberts (William) on Fraudulent Conveyances. A Treatise on the Construction of the Statutes, 13 Eliz. c.,5 and 27 Eliz. c. 4, Relating to Voluntary and Fraudulent Conveyances. 2d American from the last London Ed. With References to the American and later English Decisions. By a Member of the Bar. Hartford, 1825. 1 vol. Roberts (William) on Fraudulent Conveyances. A Treatise on the Construction of the Statutes of 13 Eliz. c. 5, and 27 Eliz. c. 4. Relating to Voluntary and Fraudulent Conveyances. 3d American, from the last London Ed. Burlington, 1845. 1 vol. Roberts (William) on Wills. A Treatise on the Law of Wills and Codicils. 1st American, from the last London Ed. Improved by a Digest of the American Decisions on the Subject. Exeter, N. H., 1823. 2 vols. Robertson's (Charles) Report of the Auchterarder Case, the Earl of Kinnoul and the Rev. R. Young, v. The Presbytery of Auchterarder. Edinburgh, 1838. 2 vols. (C. L.) Robertson's (David) Reports of Cases on Appeal from Scotland, Decided in the House of Peers. Volume the First. Containing the Period from the Union, in 1707, to the Commencement of the Reign of George II. London, 1807. 1 vol. Robertson (David) on Personal Succession: A Treatise on the Rules of the Law of Personal Succession in the different parts of the Realm; And on the Cases Regarding Foreign and International Succession, which have been decided in the British Courts. Edinburgh, 1836. 1 vol. Robertson (David) on Personal Succession. See 4 Law Library, Vol. 12." Robertson (Erasmus) on Legitimation by Subsequent Marriage: Illustrative of the Variances between the Laws of Succession to Property in England and Scotland. London, 1829. 1 vol. Robertson's (J. E. P.) Stone Altar Case. London, 1845. 1 vol. (C. L.) Robinson's (Chr.) Admiralty Reports: Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Admiralty (Great Britain), Commencing with the Judgments of Sir William Scott, Mich. T., 1798. (Continued to March 4th, 1808.) Philadelphia New-York, 1800 -1810. 6 vols. Robinson (Chr.) See " Collectanea Maritima." Robinson's (Conway) Virginia Reports: Reports of Cases Decided In the Supreme Court of Appeals, and in the General Court (4493) LAW BOOKS. 185 of Virginia. From April 1 1842, to April 1 1844. Richmond, 1843 -1844. 2 vols. Robinson's (Geo ) Cases Decided in the House of Lords on Appeal from the Courts of Scotland. 3 and 4 Vict. 1840. Edinburgh, 1840-2. 2vols. Robinson's (Merritt M.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Louisiana. From October, 1841, to March, 1846. New-Orleans, 1842-1846. 12 vols. Robinson (Merritt M.) See "Louisiana Annual Reports." Robinson's (M. M.) Digest of the Penal Law of the State of Louisiana, analytically arranged. New-Orleans, 1841. 1 vol. Robinson's (Sir Thomas) Entries: A. Book of Special Entries of Declarations, Pleadings, Issues, Verdicts, Judgments, and Judicial Process in such Actions as are now in use, and have not hitherto been published in any printed book of Precedents. London, 1684. 1 vol. fol. Robinson's (Thos.) Common Law of Kent, or- Customs of Gavelkind, with an Appendix concerning Borough English. With Notes, by Jno. Wilson. London, 1822. 1 vol. (C. L.) Robinson's (William) Admiralty Reports: Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Admiralty; commencing with the Judgments of the Right Hon. Stephen Lushington. Vol. 1., 1838-1842. London, 1844. 1 vol. Robinson's (William) Introduction of a Justice of the Peace to the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace. London, 1836. -;2 vols 24mo. Robinson's (William) Lex Parochialis; or a Compendium Relating to the Poor. With the Adjudged Cases on Parochial Settlements. London, 1827. 2 vols. (C. L.) Rocci (Francisci) De Navibus et Naulo. Item de Assecurationibus Notabilia. Accedunt ejusdem Selecta Responsa. Editio Nova priore emendatior. A msteladami, 1708. 1 vol. 16mo. Rodwell (Hunter). See " Pigott & Rodwell's Reports." Roe's (William T.) Treatise on the Law of Elections, Relating to England, Scotland and Ireland. 2d Ed. London, 1818-19. 2 vols. (C. L.) Rogers' (Abner, Jr.) Trial. See' Trial of Abner Rogers, Jr." Rogers' (Daniel) See " City Hall Recorder." Rogers' (Francis N.) Practical Arrangement of Ecclesiastical Law. London, 1840. 1 vol. (C. L.) Rogron (J. A.) Code Civil Expliqu6 par ses motifs, par des Exemples et par la Jurisprudence. Deuxieme Ed. Paris, 1840. 1 vol. (C. L.) Rolle's (Henry) Abridgment: Un Abridgment des Plusiers Cases et Resolutions del Common Ley; Alphabeticalment digest desouth severall Titles. Ouesque un Table des General Titles contenus en ceo. London, 1668. 2 vols. fol.) Rolle's (Henry) Reports: Les Reports de oHenry Rolle, Serjeant (L'l [STATE LIBRARY. 12 186 LAW BOOKS. Ley, de divers Cases en Le Court del'Banke le Roy. En le Temps del'Reign de Roy Jaques. Colligees par luy mesme & Imprimees par l'Original. London, 1675 -1676. 2 vols. fol. Roman Law. See " Reddie's (John) Historical Notices of the Roman Law." Roman and Canon Law (Historical and Literary Account of) See 4; Butler's (Chas.) Memoir." Root's (George) See " Cooke's Bankrupt Law." Root's (Jesse) Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Superior Court, and Supreme Court of Errors. From July, A. D., 1789, to January, A. D., 1798. With a Variety of Cases Anterior to that Period. Prefaced with Observations upon the Government and Laws of Connecticut. Hartford, 1798 -1802. 2 vols. Roper's (R. S. Donnison) Husband and Wife: A Treatise on the Law of Property arising from the Relation of Husband and Wife. New-York & Utica. 1824. 2 vols. Roper's (R. S. Ionnison) Husband and Wife. See " Law Library, Vols. 31 & 32." Roper (R. S. Donnison) on Legacies: A Treatise on the Law of Legacies. Under an Entirely New Arrangement, and with very Considerable Additions, by Henry Hopley White. 1st American from the 3d London Edition. Philadelphia, 1829. 2 vols. Roper (R. S. D.) and White's (Henry) Treatise on the Law of Legacies, with Reference to American Cases. 2d American from 4thll London Ed. Philadelphia, 1848. 2 vols. Roper (R. S. Donnison)A Treatise on the Revocation and Republication of Wills and Testaments Together with Tracts upon the Law concerning Baron and Feme. London, 1800. 1 vol. Roscoe's (Henry) Digest: A General Digest of the Law for the Year 1835 & 1836. Containing all the Reported Decisions of all the Courts. Together with the Rules of Court, from 1 Will. IV. London & Dublin, 1835-1836. 2 vols. Roscoe's (Henry) Digest of the Law relating to Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes and Banker's Checks. London, 1829. 1 vol. (C. L.) Roscoe (Henry) on Evidence: A Digest of the Law of Evidence on the Trial of Actions at Nisi Prius. 1st American from the 2d London Ed. With Notes and References to the English Common Law and Ecclesiastical Reports, By James Bayard. Philadelphia. 1832. 1 vol. Roscoe (Henry) on Evidence. 6th Ed. With considerable Additions, by Edward Smirke. London, 1844. 1 vol. 12mo. Roscoe's (Henry) Criminal Evidence: A Digest of the Law of Evidence in Criminal Cases. Second Edition. By T. C. Granger. With Notes and References to American Decisions, and to the English Common Law, and Eeclesias LAW BOOKS. 187 tical Reports. By George Sharswood. Philadelphia, 1840. 1 vol. loscoe's (Henry) Criminal Evidence: A Digest of the Law of Evidence in Criminal Cases, with Considerable Additions. By T. C. Granger. Third American from the third London edition. With Notes and References to American Decisions, and to the English Common Law and Ecclesiastical Reports. By George Sharswood. Philadelphia, 1846. 1 vol. Roscoe (Henry) Of Pleading the General Issue under the New Rules of the Courts of Westminster: And of the Evidence Applicable to Issues obtained by Pleading Specially under those Rules. See' New Law Library." Vol. 1. Roscoe (Henry) on Real Property: A Treatise on the Law of Actions Relating to Real Property. London, 1825. 2 vols bound in one. Roscoe (Henry) on Real Property. See " Law Library, Vols. 28 & 29." Roscoe (William) on Penal Jurisprudence: Observations on Penal Jurisprudence, and the Reformation of Criminals. With an Appendix, Containing the Latest Reports of the State Prisons or Penitentaries of Philadelphia, New-York and Massachusetts: and Other Documents. London, 1819. 1 vol. Roscommon Claim of Peerage Explained by the Speeches Delivered in the Session of 1827-28, before the Lords Committee of Privileges. Edited by J. Sidney Taylor. London, 1829. 1 Vol. (C. L.) Rose's (George) Cases in Bankruptcy: Containing Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy, Decided by Lord Chancellor Eldon. From E. T., 1810, to Sittings after Trin T., 1816; And Contemporaneous Cases in other Courts. VoL 1. Second Edition. London, 1821. Vol. II., London 1816. 2 vols..oss (George) on Sales of Personal Property. See " Ross (George) on Vendors.' Ross (George) on Vendors: A Treatise on the Law of Vendors and Purchasers of Personal Property. The Second Edition by S. B. Harrison. London, 1826. 1 vol. Ross (George) on Vendors. See " Law Library, vol. 12." Rouse's (Rolla) Practical Man. 2d Ed. London, 1737. 1 vol. Oblong 12mo. (C. L.) Rouse's (Rolla) Precedents of Mortgages & Conveyances of Mortgaged Property. London, 1844. 1 vol. (C. L.) Rowan's (Archibald Hamilton) Trial. See "Trial of Archibald Hamilton Rowan." Rowe's (Richard R.) Reports of Interesting Cases Argued and Determined in the King's Law Courts of England and Ireland, the Houses of Parliament and Military Courts; with a Treatise on Martial Law. Dublin, 1824. 1 vol. (C. L.) 188 LAW BOKS. Rowe's (Wm. H ) Practical Observations on Certain Points of Frequent Occurrence in Conveyancing. London, 1815. 1 voli (C. L.) Rowe's (W. H.) Vindication of the Commentaries of Sir William Blackstone and against the Strictures Contained in Mr. Sedgwick's Critical and Miscellaneous Remarks. London, 1806. I vol. (C. L.) Rowe's (W. H.) Observations on the Rules of Descent & on Points of Law in Defence of Mr. Justice Manwood's Position, and in reply to the Advocate for the Doctrine of Mr. Justice Blackstone..London, 1803. 1 vol. (C. L.) Royer (Collard) See "! Codes Francaises." Rudiments of Law and Equity: The Grounds and Rudiments of Law and Equity Alphabetically Digested, Containing a Collection of Rules or Maxims, &c. By a Gentleman of the Middle Temple. London, 1749. 1 vol. fol. Ruggles' (Thos.) Barrister. 2d Ed. London, 1818. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L) Rules of the Court for the Correction of Errors. Adopted 18th September, 1818. See " Supreme Court Rules. Edition of 1818." Rules of the Court for the Correction of Errors. Adopted December 17, 1841. (2 Copies.) 2 vols. Rules and Orders of the Courts of Queen's Bench and Common Pleas at Westminster, to Hil.., 1712. Examined by the Original Rules and Orders. London, 1712. 1 vol. 16mo. Rules of the Court of Chancery of the State of New-York. See "Chancery Court Rules." Rules of the Supreme Court of the State of New-York. See Supreme Court Rules." Rules of Court. See "VWordsworth." Also, Mansel." Rules of Practice of the Courts of the U. S. in Causes of Admiralty, &c. See "Admiralty." Rules and Orders of the Supreme Court of the United States. See " United States Supreme Court Rules." Rules of the Court of Appeals of the State of New-York. Adopted at a Term of the Court held at the Capitol, in the City of Albany, on the 6th day of July, 1847. Albany, 1847. 1 volo (2 copies.) Rules of the Court of Appeals of the State of New-York, Adopted May 25th, 1849. (2 copies.) Rules of the Borough Courts. See " Carey." Rules of the Exchequer, Com. Pleas. K. B. & Exchequer Chamber. See "Jervis." Rules of the Courts of Stannaries. See "Stannaries." Rules, Orders and Notices in the Court of Common Pleas at Westminster, from 35th of Henry 6th, to J15th Geo 2d. In the Savoy, 1742. See "Cooke's (Sir Geo.) Reports and Cases.' LA BOOKSo 189 Run sey's (John) Wycombe Corporation Case. London 1830. 1 vol. (C. L.) Runnington (Charles) on Ejectment: The History, Principles, and. Practice (Ancient and Modern), of the Legal Remedy of Ejectment; and the Resulting Action for Mesne Profits. 1st American Edition, from the Last London Edition. NewYork, 1806. 1 vol. Rushes (Jacob) Charges and Extracts of Charges on Moral and Religious Subjects: Delivered at Sundry Times. Lenox, 1829. 1 vol. 18mo. Russell's (Francis) Treatise on the Power and Duty of an Arbitrator, and the Law of Submissions and Awards, &c. See" Law Library. Vol. 63." Russell's (James) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, During the Time of Lord Chancellor Eldon. From 1826, 6-& 7 Geo. IV., to 1828, 9Geo. IV. Vol. I., New-York & Albany, 1828. Vols. 2, 3 & 4, London, 1829-1830. 4vols. Russell (James) and Mylne's (J. W.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, During the Times of Lord Chancellor Lyndhurst, and Lord Chancellor Brougham. From 1829, 10 &'11 Geo. IV., to 1831, 1 & 2 Will. IV. London, 1832 - 1837. 2'vols. Russell (John A.) on Factors and Brokers: A Treatise on the Laws relating to Factors and Brokers. London, 1844. 1 vol.24mo. Russell (John A.). A Treatise on the Laws:Relating'to Factors and Brokers. See " Law Library, Vol. 48." Russell (Win. Oldnall) on Crimes: A Treatise on Crimes & Misdemeanors. 1st American Ed. With Additional Notes of Decisions in the American Courts. By Daniel Davis. Boston, 1824. 2 vols. Russell (Sir Wm. Oldnall) on Crimes: A Treatise on Crimes & Misdemeanors. 5th American from 3d London Edition. With' Notes & References. By Daniel Davis and Theron Metcalf. And Additional Notes, by George Slharswood. Philadelphia, 1848. 2vols. Russell (William Oldnall) and Ryan's (Edward) Crown Cases'Reserved for Consideration; and Decided by-the'Twelve Judges of England, from the Year 1799, to the Year 1824. London, 1825.- 1 vol. Rutherforth's (T.) Institutes of Natural Law: Being the Substance of a Course of Lectures on Grotius de.Jure Belli et! Pacis, Read in St. Johns College. Cambridge, 1754. 2 vols. Rutherforth's Institutes of Natural Law. 2d American Ed. Baltimore, 1832. I vol. Ryan (Edward) and Moody's (William) Reports of Cases, Determined at Jisi Prius, in the Courts of King's Bench, and Common Pleas, and on the Oxford and Western Circuits, 190 LAW BOOKS, from the Sittings after Michaelmas Term, 4 Geo. IV., 1823y to the Sittings after Trinity Term, 7 Geo. IV., 1826. London, 1827. 1 vol. Ryley's (William) Pleadings in Parliament, with the Judgments thereon, in the Reigns of Edward the First, and Edward the Second, Kings of England. London, 1661. 1 vol. fol. So Sacheverell (Dr. Henry). The Tryal of Dr. Henry Sacheverell, before the House of Peers, for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. Begun in Wustrminster-Hall, the 27th Day of February. 1709 -10; continued until the 23d Day of March. Published by Order of the House of PEERS. London, 1710. 1 vol. fol. Sadgrove's (W. H.) Insolvency Practice: The Plain Instructor for Debtors, Creditors, & Assignees, under the Act of 1 & 2 Victoria, cap. 110: Stating the Authority, Jurisdiction, and Practice of the Court for the Relief of Insolvents in England, London, 1839. 1 vol. 12mo. Saint-Edme (B.) Causes Celebres. 1st Series. 4 vols. Saint-Edme (B.) Causes Celebres. 2d Series. 5 vols. Saint-Edme (B.) Causes Celebres. 3d Series. 6 vols. Paris, 1834 - 5. 15 vols. (C.L.) Salkeld's (William) Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench: With some Special Cases in the Courts of Chancery, Common Pleas, and Exchequer; from the First Year of King William and Queen Mary, to the Tenth Year of Queen Anne. From the 6th London Ed. Including the Notes of Knightley D'Anvers, Esq.,and Mr. Serjeant Wilsono And Notes by William David Evans, Esq. Philadelphia, 1822. 3 vols. Salkeld (S.) See "Levinzs' Reports." Sampson (William). An Anniversary Discourse, Delivered before the Historical Society of New-York, December 6, 1823, Showing the Origin, Progress, Antiquities, Curiosities, and Nature of the Common Law. New-York, 1824. 1 vol. Sampson (William) on Common Law: Sampson's Discourse and Corsespondence with Various Learned Jurists, upon the History of the Law, with the Addition of Several Essays, Tracts, and Documents Relating to that Subject. Compiled and Published by Pishey Thompson. Washington City, 1826. 1 vol. Sampson's (William) Report of the Case of George W. Niven, Esq., Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Charged with Mal-Practices, and Suspended, by Order of the Court of Common Pleas, of the City of New-York, 1822. 1 vol. LAW BOOKS. 191 Sampson (William). The Catholic Question in America, whether a Roman Catholic Clergyman can be Compelled to Disclose the Secrets of Auricular Confession. Decided at the Court of General Sessions, in the City of New-York. Reported by William Sampson. 8vo. New-York, 1813. 1 vol. Sampson (William.) See " Trial of Journeymen Cordwainers." Samuel (E.) on Military Law: An Historical Account of the British Army, and of the Law Military, as Declared by the Ancient and Modern Statutes, and Articles of War, for its Government. Illustrated by Various Decisions of Courts Martial. London, 1816. 1 vol. Sande (Joannes & Fredericus). Opera Omnia Juridica Joannis & Frederici a Sande Jurisconsultorum Clarissimorum; Quorum Primus in Suprema Frisiorum Curia magna cum laude Preses, Alter non impari elncomio in Civitate Arnhemiensi Consul eluxit. Antuerpiae, 1674. 1 vol. fol. Sanders (Francis William). An Essay on Uses and Trusts, and on the Nature and Operation of Conveyances at Common Law, and of those which derive their Effect from the Statute of Uses. 1st American, from the 4th London Ed. Revised. Philadelphia, 1830. 2 vols. in One. Sanders' (G. W.) Orders of the High Court of Chancery, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Vol. 1. Parts 1 and 2. London, 1845. 2 vols. (C. L.) Sandford's (Erskine Douglas). A Treatise on the Law of Heritable Succession in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1830. 2 vols. Sandford's (E. D.) Treatise on the History and Law of Entails in Scotland. 2d Ed. Edinburgh, 1842. 1 vol. (C. L.) Sandford's (Lewis H.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Chancery of the State of New-York, before the Hon. Lewis IH Sandford, Assistant Vice-Chancellor of the First Circuit. From April, 1843, to November, 1848. NewYork, 1846 - 48. 3 vols. 2 copies. 6 vols. Sandford's (Lewis H.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Superior Court of the City of New-York. vol. 1. N. York, 1849. 2 copies. 2 vols. Sargent's (R.) Principles of the Law of England in the various departments. 2d Ed. London, 1843. 1 vol. (C. L.) Sarpi (Paolo.) See' Paul (Father.") Saunders' (Sir Edmund) Reports of Several Pleadings and Cases in the Court of King's Bench, in the Time of the Reign of King Charles the Second. 3d American from the last London Ed. With Notes and References to the Pleadings and Cases, by John Williams. Brookfield, 1825. 2 vols. bound in 3. Saunders' (Sir Edmund) Reports of Several Pleadings and Cases in the Court of King's Bench, in the Time of the Reign of King Charles the Second. Edited by John Williams. The fifth Edition, by John Patteson, and Edward Vaughan Williams. 192 LAW Bouos. The sixth Edition, by Edward Vaughan Williams. Philadelphia, 1846. (2 vols. bound in 3.) 3 vols. Saunders (John Simcoe) on Pleading and Evidence: The Law of Pleading and Evidence in Civil Actions, Arranged Alphabetically: With Practical Forms: And the Pleadings and Evidence to support them. Philadelphia, 1829. 2 vols. Sausse & Scully's Chancery Reports: Cases in Chancery Argued and Determined in the Rolls Court during the Time of Sir Michael O'Loghllen, Master of the Rolls; and the Case of Ogle vs. Ogle, Decided in the Court of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber, 1837, 1840. Dublin, 1841. 1 vol. Savary (M.) See " Postlethwayt's (Malachy) Dictionary." Savigny's (Frederick-Charles Von). The History of the Roman Law during the Middle Ages. Translated from the Original German. By E. Cathcart. Vol 1. Showing the Influence of Roman Jurisprudence on the Laws of the Nations of Western Europe Generally, during the Six Centuries before Irnerius. Edinburgh, 1829. 1 vol. Savigny (Frederic-Charles). Histoire du Droit Romain au MoyenAge, Traduite de L'Allemand sur la Derniere E'dition, et Precedee d'une Notice sur la Vie et les E'crits de L'A.uteur. Par M. Charles Guenoux. Paris, 1839. 3 vols. Savigny on the Law of Possession. See " Law Tracts." Saville's (Sir John) Reports. Les Reports de Sir John Savile, de Divers Special Cases cybieu en le Court de Common Bank, come PExchequer en le Temps de Royne Elizabeth. London, 1688. 1 vol. fol. Saxton's (N.) Chancery Reports: Reports of Cases Decided in the Court of Chancery of the State of New-Jersey. (From January Term, 1830, to July, 1832.) Elizabethtown, 1836-1838. 2 Parts bound in 1 vol. Saxton's (N.) Reports (Index to.) Elizabethtown, 1843. 1 vol. Sayer's (Joseph) Law of Costs. 2d Ed., Corrected and much Enlarged. London, 1777. 1 vol. Sayer's (Joseph) Law of Damages. Dublin, 1792. 1 vol. l2mo. Sayer's (Joseph) Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench. Beginning JMich. T., 25 Geo. II. Ending Trin. T.,29 & 30 Geo. II. London, 1775. 1 vol. fol. Scammon's (J. Young) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Illinois. (From December Term, 1832, to December Term, 1843.) Vol. 1. (2d Ed,) & Vol. II., Philadelphia, Boston, & Chicago, 1841. Vols. III. & IV., Chicago & Galena, 1843 - 1844. 4 vols. Schiefer (John F.) Explanation of the Practice of Law, Containing the Elements of Special Pleading. Dublin, 1793. 1 vol. (C. L.) Siehlgel on the Right of Search. See" England and Neutrals." LAw BooKI s. 193 Schmalz (M.) Droit des gens Europeen. Paris, 1823. 1 vol. (C. L.) Schmier (P. Francisco) Jurisprudentia Publica Universalis, Editio Secunda. Salisburgi, 1742. 1 vol. fol. (C. L.) Schoales (John) and Lefroy's (Thomas) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, during the Time of Lord Redesdale. New-York, 18081811. 2 vols. Schomberg's (A. C.) Historical and -Chronological View of the Roman Law. Oxford, 1785. 1 vol. (C. L.) Schomberg's (A. C.) Treatise on the Maritime Law of Rhodes. Oxford, 1786. 1 vol. (C. L) Schroder (Herman) on the Law-of Bail in an Action at Common Law. London and Dublin 1824. 1 vol. 24mo. Sehultes' (Henry) Essay on Aquatic Rights. Intended as an Illustration of the Law Relative to Fishing, and to the Propriety of Ground or Soil Produced by Alluvion and Dereliction of the Sea and Rivers. See "' Law Library, vol. 24." Scott's (John) New Reports in the Court of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber. From E. T., 3 Vict. (1840)' to,ich T. 8 Vie. (1844.) London, 1841 -1845. 8 vols. Scott's (John) Reports. Cases in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber. From Mich. T., 5 Will. IV. (1834) to il. T., 3 Vie. (1840). London. 8 vols. Scott (John). See " Common Bench Reports, vols. 1, 2, and 3." Scott's (Thomas) Articles of the Synod of Dort. Utica, 1831. 1 vol. (C.L.) Scottish Law List (The). A Legal Almanac, Directory and Remembrancer for 1848, Officially Revised. Edinburgh, 1848. 12mo. 1 vol. Scriven's (John) Treatise on Copyhold, Customary Freehold, and Ancient Demesne Tenure, with the Jurisdiction of Courts Baron and Courts Leet. 3d Ed. London, 1833 - 42. 2 vols. and a Supplement. 3vols. (C. L.) Scroggs' (Sir Will.) Courts-Leet: The Practice of Courts-Leet and Courts-Baron. With many Curious Notes and Cases in Law relating to Customs, Prescriptions, By-Laws, Waifs, Wrecks, Estrays, Heriots, Eseheats, &c. 4th Ed. London, 1728. 1 vol. 16mo. Sea Laws: A General Treatise' of the Dominion of the Sea, and a Compleat Body of the Sea Laws; Containing the Antient Laws of the Rhodians and Romans; those of Oleron,Wisbuy, and other Countries. As, also, that' Excellent Body of Sea Laws lately published in France. Witlh several Discourses about the Jurisdiction and manner of Proceeding in the Admiralty of England. The second Edition. London. 1 vol. 4to. 194 LAW-V BOOKS. Sears (David). See "I D'Hauteville Case." Seaton's (Henry Wilmot) Forms of Decrees in Equity, and of Orders Connected with them. With Practical Notes. NewYork, 1831. 1 vol. Sedgwick (Theodore) on the Measure of Damages, or an Inquiry into the Principles which govern the Amount of Compensation recovered in Suits at Law. New-York, 1847. 1 vol. Selden's (John) Fleta: The Dissertation of John Selden Annexed to Fleta. Translated, with Notes. By the Editor of Britton. London, 1771. I vol. Selden (John). See " Fleta;" " Mare Clausum." Selden's (John) Political and Historical Discourse of the Laws and Government of England, fromn the First Times to the End of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, with a Vindication of the Ancient Way of Parliaments in England. Collected from some Manuscript Notes of John Selden, Esq. By Nathaniel Bacon. London, 1789. 1 vol. fol. Selden's (John) Titles of Honor. Third Edition. With Additions and Amendments by the Author. London, 1672. 1 vol. fol. Selden's (Joannis) Opera Omnia, tam Edita quam Inedita in Tribus Voluminibus, Collegit ac Recensuit; Vitam Auctoris, Prefationes et Indices adjecit, David Wilkins. Londini, 1726. 3 vols. fol. Bound in 6 parts. 6 vols. Select Cases in the High Court of Chancery, Solemnly Argued and Decreed, by the late Lord Chancellor, with the Assistance of the Judges. London, 1702. 1 vol. fol. Select Cases, Adjudged in the Courts of the State of New-York. Vol. I. Containing the Case of John V. N. Yates, and the Case of the Journeymen Cordwainers of the City of NewYork. New-York, 1811. 1 vol. Select Cases: A Select Collection of Cases, with the Opinions of the Principal Counsel of the Two last Reigns, and a few of Earlier Date. Also, Reports of some Decisions in the House of Lords not before published. By a Solicitor. London, 1825. 1 vol. Select Cases from the Records of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland. St. John's, Newfoundland, & London, 1829. 1 vol. Selfridge's (Thomas 0.) Trial. See " Trial of Thomas O. Selfridge." Sellon's (Baker John) Practice of the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas. Originally Compiled by George Crompton, Esq. Revised, corrected, and newly arranged, by Baker John Sellon. First American from the Last London Edition. New-York, 1813. 2 vols. Selwyn's (William) Nisi Prius: An Abridgment of the Law of Nisi LAW BooKs. 195 Prius. ltl Ed., with alterations and additions. London, 1845. 2 vols. Selwyn's (William) Nisi Prius. Wheaton's Edition. (2d American.) See " Wheaton's Selwyn " Selwyn's (William) Nisi Prius. Wheaton & Wharton's Edition. With Notes, &c., by E. E. Law. (5th American Ed.) See "'Wheaton's Selwyn's Nisi Prius (Law.)" Sergeant (Henry J.) See " Watts (Frederick) and Sergeant's (Henry J.) Reports." Sergeant's (Henry J.) Treatise on the Lien of Mechanics and Material Men in Pennsylvania: With the Acts of Assembly relating thereto; and various Forms of Claims. Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, 1839. 1 vol. Sergeant's (Thomas) Constitutional Law: Being a Collection of Points arising upon the Constitution and Jurisprudence of the United States, which have been Settled by Judicial Decision and Practic'e. Philadelphia, 1822. 1 vol. Sergeant's (Thomas) View of the Land Law in Pennsylvania. With Notices of its Early History and Legislation. Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh, 1838. 1 vol. Sergeant (Thomas) on Attachment: A Treatise' upon the Law of Pennsylvania Relative to the Proceedings by Foreign Attachment. With the Acts of Assembly now in Force in Pennsylvania on the Subject of Foreign and Domestic Attachments. Philadelphia, 1811. 1 vol. Sergeant (Thomas) and Rawle's (Wm. Jun.) Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. From June, 1814, to September, 1828. Philadelphia, 1818 -1829. 17 vols. Sessions Cases Adjudged in the King's Bench, Chiefly touching Settlements, from the Latter End of Queen Anne's Reign to the Present Time. Second Edition. London, 1760. 2 vols. 16mo. Seton (Sir Alexander). See "Mackenzie's (Sir George) Laws of Scotland." Sewell's (Richard Clarke) Law of Sheriff: A Treatise on the Law of Sheriff, with Practical Forms aud Precedents. See "Law Library. Vol. 46." Sewell (R. C.) Collectanea Parliamentaria. London, 1831. 1 vol. (C. L.) Sewell's (R. C.) Treatise on the Law of Sheriff, with Practical Forms and Precedents. London, 1842. 1 vol. (C. L.) Sewell's (Richard Clarke) Treatise on the Law of Coroner; with Copious Precedents of Inquisitions, and Practical Forms of Proceedings. London, 1843. 1 vol. Shadwell (Thomas Mitchell). See " Fearne's (Charles) Posthumous Works." 196 LAW B0ooRs. Sharswood (George). See' Roscoe's (Henry) Criminal Evidence." Shaw's (Patrick) Digest of Cases Decided in the Courts of Session, Teinds, and Justiciary. In the House of Lords, 1821 - 37; In the Jury Court, 1815 - 1833; And a Selection from Recent Statutes and English Reports. Edinburgh, 1834 - 1838. 2 vols. Shaw's (Patrick) Reports: Cases Decided in: the House of Lords, on Appeal from the Courts of Scotland, 1821 -1824. Edinburgh, 1826 - 1828. 2 vols. Shaw (Patrick) and Maclean's (Charles Hope) Cases Decided in the House of Lords, on Appeal from the Courts of Scotland. From 19 March, 1835, to.16-August, 1838. Edinburgh, 1836 - 39. 3 vols. Shelford's (Leonard) Law of Mortmain: A Practical Treatise 9f the Law of Mortmain, and Charitable Uses and Trusts. London, 1836. 1 vol. Shelford's (Leonard) Law of Mortmain. See ( Law Library, Tols. 36 & 37." Shelford (Leonard). A Practical Treatise on the Law Concerning Lunatics, Idiots and Persons of Unsound Mind. With an Appendix of the Statutes of England, Ireland: and Scotland, relating to such Persons. London, 1833. 1 vol. Shelford (Leonard) on Lunacy. See " Law Library, Vol. 2." Shelford (Leonard) on Marriage and Divorce, and Registration as Altered by the Recent Statutes: Also the Mode of Proce ding on Divorce in the Ecclesiastical Courts and in Parliament; The Right to the Custody of Children; Voluntary Separation between Husband and Wife; The Husband's Liability to Wife's Debts; And the Conflict between the Laws of England and'Scotland respecting Divorce and Legitimacy. London, 1841. 1 vol. Shelford (Leonard) on Marriage and Divorce. See " Law Library, Vol. 33." Shelford (Leonard) on- Wills: A Practical Treatise on the Law of Wills, as Altered by the Statute 7 Will. IV. & I Vict. c. 26. for the Amendment of the Laws with respect to Wills. London, & Dublin, 1838. 1 vol. 24mo. Shelford's (Leonard) Real Property Statutes of the 2d &:3d, & 3d & 4th Will. 4th with Explanatory Notes. London, 1835. 1 vol. (C. L.) Shelford's (Leonard) Law of Railways in England and Ireland. 2d Ed. London, 1846. 1 vol. (C. L.) Shepard (Lorenzo B.) See "Johnson's Cases. 2nd Edition."' Shephard's (Charles) Colonial Practice of St. Vincent, containing an Abstract of the Court Acts and the Rules of the Several Courts in the Island London, 1822. 1 vol. (C. L.) Shepley (John.) See "i Maine Reports. Vols. 13 to 26." LAW BookiS. 1:97 Sheppard's (William) Epitome of the Law: An Epitome of All the Common and Statute Law of this Nation now in Force. Wherein more than Fifteen Hundred of the hardest Words or Terms of the Law are Explained. Published by His Highness Special Command. London, 1656. 1 vol. fol Sheppard's (William) Grand Abridgment. London, 1675. 1 vol. 4to. Sheppard's (William) Touchstone of Common Assurances: Or a Plain and Familiar Treatise, Opening the Learning of the Common Assurances, or Conveyances of the Kingdom. To which is Added the Laws of the Several States of the Union, Relative to Common Assurances. [Contained in an appendix, by John Anthon, & Marked " Vol. III." I:First American, from Hilliard's Last London Ed. New-York, i8081810. 3 vols. bound in 2. Sheppard's (William) Touchstone, Including All the Notes and Additional:References in the Former Editions, and in the copy of Edward Hilliard, Esq. Also, an Enlargement of the Text, &c. by the Addition of Various Criticisms, Distinctions, &c., &c. And a Copious Index; By Richard Preston, Esq. See "Law Library, Vols. 30, &:31. Sheridan's (John) Practice of the Court of King's Bench. With the Rules of Court, down to Michaelmas Term, 1784. Dublin, 1794. 1 vol. Sherman's (Henry) Digest: An Analytical Digest of the Law of Marine Insurance, Containing a Digest of All the Cases Adjudged in this State, from the Earliest Reports down to the Present Time. New-York, 1841. 1 vol. Shipman's (Richard) Attorney's New Pocket Book, Notary's Manual and Conveyancer's Assistant; Also NotarialForms. London, 1837. 1 vol. (C. L) Shipman's (R.) Law and Practice-relating to Landlords and Tenants. 2d Ed. London, 1841. 1 vol. (C. L.) Shippen's (Edward) Trial. See "Trial of Shippen, Yeates, and Smith." Shotwell, (Thomas L.) See "Trenton Quaker Case." Shower's (Sir Bartholomew) Parliamentary Cases: Cases in Parliament Resolved and Jdjudged, upon Petitions and Writs of Error. London, 1698. 1 vol. fol. Shower's (Sir Bartholomew) Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, during the Reigns of Charles the Second; James the Second; and William the Third. 2d Edition. Corrected, with Notes. By Thomas Leach, Esq. London, 1794. 2 vols. Siderfin's (Thomas) Reports: Les Reports des Divers Special Cases Argue and Adjudge en le Cou: t del Bank Le Roy, et Auxy en le Co. Ba. & L'Exchequer, en les premier dix ans apres le Restauration del son Tres-Excellent Majesty Le Roy 198 LAW BOOKS. Charles le II. London, 1683. Et. Le Second Part de les Reports du Thomas Siderfin Esteant plusiers Cases come ils estoyent Argue & Adjudgees en le Court del Upper Bank, en les Ans 1657, 1658, & 1659. London, 1684. 2 vols. fol. Simmons' (T. F.) Remarks on the Constitution and Practice of Courts Martial. London, 1830. 1 vol. (C. L.) Simon's (Henry A.) A Practical Treatise on the Law of Interpleader, with an Appendix Containing the Interpleader Act, and forms of Notices, Affidavits, Rules, Feigned Issues, &c. London, 1842. 1 vol. Simons' (Nicholas) Report of Cases Decided in the High Court of Chancery, by Sir John Leach, Sir Anthony Hart, Sir Lancelot Shadwell, Vice-Chancellor of England. 1826 to 1847. London, 1829 - 1848. 15 vols. Simons (Nicholas) and Stuart's (John) Reports of Cases Decided by Sir John Leach, Vice-Chancellor of England. 1822 (2 Geo. IV.) to 1826 (7 Geo. IV.) London, 1824-1827. 2 vols. Simpson, (William S.) See " Trial of De Reinhard." Sinclair's (Jno.) History of the Public Revenue of the British Empire. Dublin, 1785. 1 vol. (C. L.) Sirey (J. B.) Recueil General des lois et des arrets en Matiere Civile, Criminelle, Commerciale et de droit public, jurisprudence de la cour de Cassation, from 1800 to 1830 Inclusive. Paris, 1828 - 34. 31 vols. bound in 21 vols. 4to. (C. L.) Sirey (J. B.) Devilleneuve (L. M.) and Renard (E.) Recueil G6neral des lois et des arrets en Matiere Civile, Criminelle, Commerciale et de droit public. 2d Series; from 1831 to 1839, Inclusive. Paris, 1831 -39. 9 vols. 4to. (C. L.) Sismondi (J. C. L. Simonde) Etudes sur les constitutions des peuples libres. Bruxelles, 1836. 1 vol. C. L;) Skinner's (Robert) Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Courts of King's Bench from the 32d Year of King Charles the Second, to the 9th Year of King William the Third. With Some Arguments in Special Cases, Published by his Son Mathew Skinner, Serjeant at Law. London, 1728. 1 vol. fol. Skirrow' s (Geo.) Complete Practical Under Sheriff, Also Sheriff in Person. Lon, 1811, 1 vol. fol. (C. L.) Slade's (William) Reports. See " Vermont Reports, Vol. 15." Small v. Atwood. See' Younge.1" Smedes' (W. C.) Digest of the Cases Decided and Reported in the High Court of Errors and Appeals, and the Superior Court of Chancery of the State of Mississippi. From 1818 to 1847. Boston, 1847. 1 vol. Smnedes (W C.) and Marshall's (T. A.) Reports: Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Superior Court of Chancery LAW BOOKS. 199 of the State of Mississippi. December Term, 1843, and Previously. Robert H. Bucknor, Chancellor. Boston, 1844. 1 vol. Smedes (W C ) and Marshall's (T. A.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Errors and Appeals for the State of Mississippi. From July Tern, 1843, to November Term, 1848. Boston, 1844 -1848. 10 vols. Smith (Alexander) See " Michaelis' Commentaries." Smith's (Baron) Charges. Also, Addresses Presented to Him, and His Answers: together with a Report of the Two Debates in the House of Commons upon His Case. Dublin, 1834. 1 vol. (C. L.) Smith's (E. Fitch) Commentaries on Statute and Constitutional Law and Statutory and Constitutional Construction. NewYork, 1848. 1 vol. Smith's (J. G.) Principles of Forensic Medicine. 2d Ed. London, 1824. 1 vol. (C. L.) Smith's (John Prince) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench, Together with some Cases in the High Court of Chancery, and some other Cases From Jiich. T. 44 Geo. III. (1803.) to Trin. T., 46 Geo. HII. (1806.) Vol. 1. (2d Ed.) London, 1806. Vols. II & III. (1st. Ed.) 1806-1807. 3 vols. Smith's (John Sidney) A Treatise on the Practice of the Court of Chancery. With an Appendix of Forms and Precedents of Costs, Adapted to the Last New Orders. Second Edition. London, 1837. 2 vols. Smith's (John William) Compendium of Mercantile Law. 3d Ed. London, 1843. 1 vol. Smith's (John William) Compendium of Mercantile Law. See "Law Library, Vol. 17." Smith's John William) Compendium of Mercantile Law: Greatly Enlarged from the Third and Last London Edition. By James P. Holcombe and William Y. Gholson. New-York & Philadelphia, 1847. 1 vol. Smith's (John William) Leading Cases: a Selection of Leading Cases on Various Branches of the Law; With Notes. Vol. I. Second Ed. London, 1841. II vols. Vol. II. Fiist Ed. London, 1840. 2 vols. Smith's (John William) Leading Cases (2d Ed.) See " Law Library, Vols. 19, 23 & 30." Smith's (John William) Leading Cases (2d Ed.) See "Law Library, Vols. 43 & 44." Smith (John William.) The Law of Contracts: In a Course of Lectures Delivered at the Law Institution, With Notes and Appendix, by Jelinger C. Symons. Philadelphia, 1847. 1 vol. Smith (John William) on Contracts: See "Law Library, vol. 56." 200 LAW BooIS. Smith (John William) An Elementary View of the Proceedings in an Action at Law. 2d Ed. London, 1842. 1 vol. 24mo. Smith's (John William) Elementary view of the Proceedings in an Action at Law. From the 3d London Edition. With Additions and Notes by David Babington Ring. See " Law Library, vol. 60." Smith's (John William) Epitome of the Law Relating to Patents for Inventions. London, 1836. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Smith's (J. W.) Manual of Equity Jurisprudence as Administered in England. Founded on the Commentaries of Joseph Story. London, 1845. 1 vol. (C. L.) Smith (Josiah W.) See " Mitford' s Chancery Pleadings.' Smith's (Josiah W.) An Original View of Executory Interests in Real and Personal Property, Comprising the Points -Deducible from the Cases stated in the Treatise of Fearne, as well as Statements of, and the Conclusions from, Three Hundred Additional Modern Cases. Philadelphia, 1845. 1 vol. Smith (Mary Elizabeth) See' Trial of Smith vs. -Ferrars," Smith (Richard) See " Trial of." Smith (Thomas Berry Cusack) and Batty's (Espine) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench in Ireland, from Mich. T., 1824, to the end of Trin. T., 1825. Dublin, 1830. 1 vol. Smith's (Thomas) Trial See " Trial of Shippen, Yeates:& Smith." Smith's (William) A Treatise on the Duties and Office of a Receiver under the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, As also, a Summary view of Certain Portions of the Law of Landlord and Tenant, Including Practical Directions for Making and Disposing of a Distress for Non-Payment of Rent. 2d Ed. Dublin, 1828, 1 vol. Smith's (William) Trial See " Trial of Smith and Ogden." Smith's (William) General Rules and Orders of the Court of Chancery in Ireland: With Practical Notes and an Appendix. Dublin, 1839.:1 vol. (C. L.) Smith's (William) Maritime Practice, adapted to the Sheriff Courts of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1832. 1 vol. 12mo. (C L.) Smith' s (William) General Orders of the Court of Chancery in Ireland: Also, General Orders in Matters of Bankruptcy and Lunacy. Dublin, 1843. 1 vol. (C. L.) Smyth's (Constantine J.) Chronicle of the Law Officers of Ireland, Containing Lists of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal. London, 1839. 1 vol. (C. L.) Smyth's (James) Practice of the Customs in the Entry, Examination and Delivery of Goods,-Merchandise, &c., usually Imported from Foreign Ports. 2d Ed. London, 1821. 1 vol. (C. L.) Smythe's (Hamilton) Law of Landlord and Tenant in Ireland. Dublin, 1842. 1 vol. (C. L.) (4840) LAW BOOKS. 201 Smythe's (Hamilton) Office of Justice of the Peace in Ireland. Dublin, 1841. 1 vol. (C. L.) Smythe's (Hamilton) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber in Ireland. Vol. 1. (Hil. Term, 2d Vie. to Trin. Term, 3d Vict.) Dublin, 1840. 1 vol. Smythe (Hamilton) and Bourke's (Richard) Marriage Law of Ireland. The Queen vs. Milles, and the Queen vs. Carroll. Re. port of Two Cases upon the Marriage Law of Ireland, in the Court of Queen's Bench, in Ireland. In Easter and Trinity Terms, 1842. Dublin, 1842. 1 vol. Smythies' (Henry) Stepping Stone to the Law of Real Property, being an Elementary Treatise on the Statute of Uses. London, 1838. 1 vol. (C. L.) Solon. See " Code Napoleon, Discussions du." Somerset (Earl of) See " Amos (Andrew.)" Southard's (Samuel L.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of New-Jersey. From Feb. 7l.rm, 1818, to May Term, 1820. Trenton, 1819, 1820. 2 vols. Spain, Civil Law of. See " Civil Law." Sparhawk (Edmund V.) See " Astor's Claim." Speers' (R. H.) Equity Reports. Equity Cases, Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of South Carolina. From November, 1842, to May, 1844. Vol. I. Columbia, S. C., 1844. 1 vol. Speers' (R. H.) Reports of Cases at Law, Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals and Court of Errors of South Carolina. From November, 1842, to May, 1844. Columbia, S.C. 1843, 1844. 2 vols. Spelman (Sir Henry). The English Works of Sir Henry Spelman, Kt., Published in his Lifetime. Together with his Posthumous Works relating to the Laws and Antiquities of England; and the Life of the Author. By Edmund Lord Bishop of London; To which are added, Two more Treatises of Sir Henry Spelman, never before printed-One of the Admiral Jurisdiction, and the Officers thereof-The other of Ancient Deeds and Charters, with a compleat Index to the whole. The Second Edition. London, 1727. 1 vol. fol. Spence's (George) Inquiry into the Origin of the Laws and Political Institutions of Modern Europe, particularly those of England. London, 1826. 1 vol. (C. L.) Spence's (George) Evils and Abuses of the Court of Chancery. London, 1839. 1 vol. (C. L.) Spence (George) on the Court of Chancery. The Equitable Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery, comprising its Rise, Progress and Final Establishment. Vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1846. I vol. [STATE LIBRARY.] 13 202 LAW: BOOKS Spencer's (Robert D.) Cases Determined in the Supreme! Court of Judicature of the State of New-Jersey at Nov. Term, 1842, and July Term, 1846. 1 vol. Princeton, 1847.- (Presentedby the State of New-Jersey.) Stair's (James, Viscount) Institutions of the Law of Scotland. 4th Ed. By Geo. Brodie. 4 vols. in 2. Edinburgh, 1826. 2 vols. (C. L.) Stalman (Henry). A Practical Treatise on the Law and Doctrine of Election and' Satisfaction, Applicable to Real and Personal Property. Withl an Appendix Illustrative:of the Analogous Doctrine in the Law of Scotland. London, 1827. 1 vol. Stannaries, Rules and Orders of the Courts of. Truro. (No date.) 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Stanton (Edwin M.) See "Ohio: Reports, vols. 11, 12 and 13.'Stark's (James) Treatise on the Law:of Partnership. Edinburgh, 1825. 1 vol. (C. L.) Starkie. (Thomas). A -Treatise on Criminal Pleading, with Precedents of Indictments, Special Pleas, &c. 1st American from the last London Ed. Exeter, 1824. 1 vol. Starkie's (Thomas) Reports of Cases Determined at Nisi Prius, in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, and on the' Circuit, from the sittings after JMich. T., 55 Geo. III. 1814, to sittings after:ich. T:, 60 Geo. III., 1819. 1st American Ed. Exeter, N. H., 1822. 2:vols. Starkie's (Thomas) Practical Treatise on the Law of Evidence, and Digest of Proofs in Civil and Criminal Proceedings. With Reference to American Decisionsi by Theron Metcalf. Boston, 1826. 3 vols. Starkie (Thomas) on Slander. A Treatise on the Law of Slander, Libel, ScandalumMagnatum, and FalseRumours. IstAmerican Ed. With Notes and References to American and the Late English Cases. By Edward D. Ingraham. New-York, 1826. 1 vol. Starkie's (Thos.) Treatise on the Law of Slander and Libel from the 3d English Ed. of 1830, with Notes and' References to American Cases and to English decisions since 1830, by John L. Wendell. Albany, 1843 2:vols. State Trials. Cobbett's Complete Collection of State Trials, and Proceedings for High Treason, and- other Crimes and Misdemeanors, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. London, Edinburgh, and Dublin, 1809 - 1811. 10 vols. Vols. 11 to 21. Compiled by T. B. Howell,.Esq. London, 1811 -1816; and a Continuation from the Year 1783 (23 George III.) to 1820 (1 George IV.,) by Thomas Jones Howell, Esq., in 12 vols. Being vols. 22 to 33 of the Entire Series. London, 1817-18'26; and a General Index to the Collection of State Trials, compiled by T. B. Howell and T. LAW BOOKS. 203 J. Howell. By David Jardine, Esq. London, 1828. Entitled State Trials, vol. 34." In all~ 34 vols. State Trials. A Complete Collection of, and Proceedings for High Treason and other Crimes and Misdemeanors. 4th Ed. From the 11th of Richard 2d, annd endilg with the 16th of George 3d. With a Preface by Francis Hargrave. London, 1776 & 1781. 11 vols. bound in 6 vols. fol. State Trials reported by Wmi. Ridgeway. IDublin, 1803. 2 vols. (C. L.) Statute Manual. Manual of the Revised Statutes of the State of New-York, or a Complete series of all the Practical Forms, or Precedents, Required by fie Revised Statutes. In Five Parts. By a Couisellor at Law. Glen's Falls, 1831. 1 vol. Staundforde (Guilliaulme ) Les Plees del Coron diuisees in plusors Titles & comon lieux, Per queux home plus redemen: & plenairement trouera quelque chose u i q ilquira, touchaunt les dits Plees. London, 1754-. 1 vol. Staunton's (Sir George Thomas) Penal Laws of China. Ta Tsing Leu Lee; being the Fundamental Laws, and a Selection from the Supplementary Statutes, of the Penal Code of China. Originally Printed and Published in Pekin,' in various Successive Editions, under the Sanction, and by the Authority, of the several Emperors of the T Tsiong, or Present' Dynasty. Translated from the Chliinese; by Sir George Thomas Staunton. London, 1810. I vol. 4to. Stearns (Asahel)o A Summary of the Law and Prac'ce of Real Actions. With an Appendix-of Practical Forms. 2d Ed. Hallowell, 1831. i vol. Steele's (William) Summary of the Powers and Duties of Juries in Criminal Trials in Scotland. Edinburgh,1833. 1 vol. 12mo. (C.' L). Steer's (John) Parish Law, being a Digest of the Law relating to Parishes, Churches, Church Wardens, &cO London, 1820. 1 vol: (C. L.) Stephens (A. J.) Practical Treatise on the Law of Elections, and an Appendix containing the Statutes for England, Scotland, and Ireland. London, 1840. 2 vols. (C. L.). Stephens' (A. J.) Treatise on the Municipal Corporation Acts, Mlandamus, Quo Warranto and Criminal Information. -2d Ed. Lonon, 1837 2 vols. (C. L.) Stephens (Archibald John) Ecclesiastical and Eleemosynary Statutes: The Statutes relating to the Ecclesiastical and Eleemosynary Institutions of England, Wales, Ireland,' India, and' the Colonies; with the Decisions thereon, 1845. 2 vols. large 8vo. Stephens' (A. J.) De Lolme on the Constitution: The Rise and Progress of the English Constitution: i The' Treatise of J' L.Die 204 LAW BOOKS. Lolme, L.L.D. With an Historical and Legal Introduction and Notes, by A. J. Stephens. London, 1838. 2 vols. Stephens' (Archibald John): The Law of Nisi Prius, Evidence in civil Actions, and Arbitration and Awards. With Notes and References to the Latest American Decisions, by George Sharswood. Philadelphia, 1844. 3 vols. Stephen's (Henry J.) Summary of the Criminal Law. London, 1834. 1 vol. Stephen's (Henry J.) Summary of the Criminal Law. See "Law Library, Vol. 27." Stephen's (Henry John) Treatise on the Principles of Pleading in Civil Actions: Comprising a Summary View of the Whole Proceeding in a Suit at Law. From the 3d and Last London Edition. 3d American Ed.; by Francis J. Troubat. Philadelphia, 1837. 1 vol. Stephen's (Henry John) New Commentaries on the Laws of England. (Partly founded on Blackstone). 1st American Ed. NewYork, 1841 -46. 4 vols. Steuart (Sir James.) See " Dirleton's Doubts Answered." Stevens' (Rob't) Essay on Arbitration. London, 1834. 1 vol. (CG L.) Stevens (Robert) and Benecke (William) on Average, &c.: Treatises on Average, and Adjustments of Losses in Marine Insurances. By Stevens and Benecke. With Notes, by Willard Phillips. Boston, 1833. 1 vol. Stewart's (James) Suggestions as to Reform in Some Branches of the Law. London, 1842. 1 vol. (C. L.) Stewart's (James) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Vice-Admiralty, at Halifax, in Nova-Scotia, from the Commencement of the War, in 1803, to the End of the Year 1813, in the Time of Alexander Croke, L.L.D., Judge of that Court. London, 1814. 1 vol. Stewart (J. S.) See "Craigie (J.) and Stewart's (J. S.) Reports." Stewart's (James) Practice of Conveyancing. 2d Ed. London, 1829 32. 3 vols. (C. L) Stewart's (William) Digest of the Practice of the Exchequer of Pleas in Ireland. Dublin, 1823- 26. 2 vols. (C. L.) Stewart's (William) Precedents of Law Forms in the Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer: Also, Precedents in Chancery, Rolls Courts. 3d Ed. Edinburgh, 1839 -40. 3 vols. (C.L.) Stewart's (William) Law Points; Selected from " Stewart's Telegraphic Despatch & Daily Advertiser." Dublin, 1834. 1 vol. (C. L.) Stewart's Reports. See " Alabama Reports." Stewart & Porter's Reports. See " Alabama Reports." Stirling (Lord.) See " Lord Stirling's Peerage Case." Stirling (T. H.) See "Fulbeck's Law Studies." LAW BooiKS. 205 Stock (John Shapland) on Non Compotes Mentis: A practical Treatise on the Law of Non Compotes Mentis, or Persons of Unsound Mind. London, 1838. I vol. Stock (John Shapland) on Non Compotes Mentis. See "Law Library. Vol. 25." Stockdale (John.) See Trial of. Stoddart's (Sir John) Irish Marriage Question. Observations on the Opinion Delivered by the Right Hon. Lord Cottenhan, on the Writ of Error, in the Case of the Queen vs. Millis. London, 1844. 1 vol. (C. L ) Stoddart's (Sir John) Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Brougham & Vaux, on the Opinions of the Judges on the Irish Marriage Cases. (Bound up with the preceding.) Stokes' (Anthony) View of the Constitution of the British Colonies, in North America and the West Indies, at the time the Civil War broke out on the Continent of America. London, 1783. 1 vol. (C L.) Stokes (W. A.) See "; Hale's (Sir Matthew) Pleas of the Crown." Stone's (John) Practice of the Petty Sessions, comprising all the Proceedings as well Ministerial as Judicial, before Justices of the Peace out of Sessions. 2d Ed. London, 1837. 1 vol. (C. L.) Stone Altar Case. See " Robertson." Storrs' (Henry R.) Speech on the Proposition to amend the Constitution of the United States, respecting the Election of President and Vice-President. Delivered in the House of Representatives, February 17, 1825. Washington, 1826. 1 vol. Story's (Joseph) Commentaries on the Law of Agency, as a Branch of Commercial and Maritime Jurisprudence. With Occasional Illustrations from the Civil and Foreign Law. Boston, 1839. 1 vol. Story (Joseph) on Agency. 2d. Ed. Revised, Corrected, and Enlarged. Boston & London, 1844. 1 vol. Story's (Joseph) Commentaries on the Law of Bailments, with Illustrations from the Civil and Foreign Law. Cambridge, 1832. I vol. Story (Joseph) on Bailments. 3d Ed. Revised, Corrected, and Enlarged. Boston, London, & Dublin, 1843. 1 vol. Story's (Joseph) Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws, Foreign and Domestic, in Regard to Contracts, Rights, and Remedies, and Especially in Regard to Marriages, Divorces, Wills, Successions, and Judgments. Boston, 1834. 1 vol. Story's (Joseph) Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws. 3d Edition. Revised and Enlarged Boston, 1846. 1 vol. Story's (Joseph) Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States; with a Preliminary Review of the Constitutional History of the Colonies and States, before the Adoption of the Constitution. Boston, & Cambridge, 1833. 3 vols. 206 LAW BooKs. Story' s: (Joseph) Commentaries on Equity Jurisprudence, as Administered in England and America. Boston, 1836. 2 vols. Story (Joseph) on Equity Jurisprudence. 3d Ed. Boston, London, & Dublin, 1843. 2 vols. Story's (Joseph) Commentaries on Equity Pleadings, and the Incidents thereto, According to the:Practice of the Courts of Equity of England and America. Boston, 1838, 1 vol. Story's (Joseph) Equity Pleadings. 3d Ed. Bostony 1844. 1 vol. Story's (Joseph) Commentaries on Equity Pleadings,&ce 4th Edition. Boston, 1848. 1 vol. Story's (Joseph) Commentaries on the Law of Bills of Exchange, Foreign and Inland, as Administered in England and America. With Occasional, Illustrations from the Commercial Law of the Nations of Continental Europe. Boston, 1843. I vol. Story's (Joseph) Commentaries on the Law of Partnership, as a Branch of Commercial and Maritime Jurisprudence. With Occasional Illustrations from the Civil and Foreign Law. Boston, 1811. 1 vol.. Story's (Joseph) Commentaries on the Law of Partnership, as a Branch of Commercial and Maritime Jurisprudence, with Occasional Illustrations from the Civil and Foreign Law. 2d Ed. Boston, 1846. 1 vol. Story's (Joseph) Commentaries on the Law of Promissory Notes, and -Guaranties of Notes, and Checks on Banks and Bankers, With Occasional Illustrations from the Commercial Law of the Nations of Continental Europe. Boston, 1845. 1 vol. Story' S (Joseph) Selection of Pleadings in Civil Actions, subsequent to the Declaration. Salem, 1805. 1 vol. Story's (Joseph) Selection of Pleadings. 2d Ed. with Additions by Benjamin Oliver. Boston, 1829.1 vol. Story (Joseph) See " Smith's Manual of Equity Jurisprudence." Story's (William W.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Circuit Court of the: United States for the First Circuit. From October Term, 1839, to May Term, 1845. Boston, 1842-1847. 3 vols. Story (William W.) A Treatise on the Law of Contracts not under Seal. Boston, 1844. 1 vol. Story (William W.) On Sales; A Treatise on the Law of Sales of Personal Property. With Illustrations from the Foreign Law. Boston, 1847. 1 vol.: Strang's (Jesse) Confession: The Confession of Jesse Strang, who was Convicted of the Murder of John Whipple, at a Special Court of Oyer and Term-iner, held in and for the County of Albany, on the 4th of August, 1827. Made to C. Pepper, Esq., His Counsel. 1 vol. Strang's (Jesse) Trial: Trial of Jesse Strang, for the Murder of LAw:Boo s. 207 John Whipple, At a Special Court of Oyer and Terminer, Holden in Albanyj in July. 1827. Albany, 1827. 1 vol,:Strange's (Sir John) Reports of Adjudged Cases in the Courts of Chancery, King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer, From Trin.- T. 2 Geo. I. (1716). to- Trin. T., 21 George II. (1747). 2d-Ed. London, 1782.: 2 vols Strange's (Sir Thomas) Hindu Law, Principally with reference to such Portions of it as concern the Administration of Justice in the King's Courts in India, London, 1830. 1 vol. (C. L.) Strange's (Sir Thomas A.) East India Reports.' Notes and Cases, in Court of theRecorder, and in the Supreme Court of Judicature at Madras. 1708 to 1816, with Copies of the Statutes, Charter and- Rules of the Supreme Court, 1827. 2 vols. Strickland (Eustachius). A Treatise on Evidence. London, 1830. i vol. Stringfellow (Benjamin F.) See " Missouri Reports." Strobhart's (James A.) Reports of Cases in Equity,: Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals, and in the Court of Errors of South Carolina. From November, 1846, to December, 1847, inclusive. Columbiaj S; C., 1848. 1 vol. Strobhart's (James A) Law Reports: Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals and Court of Errors of South Carolina, on Appeals from the Court of Law. From November, 1846, to May, 1848. Charlestown & Columbia, 1847-48. 2 vols. Stroud (G. M.) See Purdon's (John) Digest. 7th Edition." Stuart's (Andrew) Letters to Lord Mansfield. Dublin, 1775. 1 vol. Stuart's (George Okill) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of King's Bench, and in the Principal Court of Appeals in Lower Canada. With a few of the More Important Cases in the Court of Vice Admiralty, and on Appeals from Lower Canada, before the Lords of the Privy Council. Quebec, 1834. 1 vol. Stubbs' (W.) and Talmash's (G.) Crown Circuit Companion: Containing the Practice of the Assizes on the Crown Side, and of the Courts of General, and General Quarter Sessions, of the Peace. To which is Added, The Clerk of Jlssises Circuit Companion. 5th Ed. London, 1783. 1 vol. Student's Manual (The): A Manual for Law Students: Exhibiting Courses for the study of Conveyancing, of Equity, and of Common Law, with Questions for Each Course. See " New Law Library, Vol. 1." Study of the Law: The Study and Practice of the Law, Considered in their Various Relations to Society. In a Series of Letters, By a Member of Lincoln's Inn. 1st American Ed. Portland, 1806. 1 vol. Study of the Law. A General Course of Preparatory Study for the 208 LAW BOOKS. Duties of the Bar. by a Counsellor at Law in the City of New-York. New-York, 1810. 1 vol. 12mo. Style's (William) Reports: Narrationes Modernee or Modern Reportis Begun in the Now Upper Bench Court at Westminster in the Beginning of Hillary Term, 21 Caroli, and Continued to the End of Michaelmas Term, 1655, as well on the Criminall as on the Pleas Side. Most of which time the Late Lord Chief Justice Roll gave the Rule there. London, 1658. 1 vol. fol. Styles' (William) Practical Register, Begun in the Reign of King Charles I., Consisting of Rules, Orders, and the Principal Observations Concerning the Practice of the Common Law in the Courts at Westminster, Particularly the King's Bench, as well in Matters Criminal as Civil. 4th Ed. London, 1707. 1 vol. Sugden (Edward Burtenshaw) A Practical Treatise of Powers. 1st American, from 3d London Ed. With Notes and References to American Decisions, by Edward D. Ingraham. Philadelphia, 1823. 1 vol. Sugden (Edward Burtenshaw) on Powers. See' Law-Library, vols. 15 & 16." Sugden (Sir Edward B.) A Practical Treatise of Powers. 7th Ed. London, 1845. 2 vols. Sugden (Edward Burtenshaw) on Vendors: A Practical Treatise of the Law of Vendors and Purchasers of Estates. 1st American from 7th London Ed. With Notes and References to American Decisions. By Thomas Huntington. Brookfield, 1828. 1 vol. Sugden (Sir Edward) on Vendors: A Practical Treatise of the Law of Vendors and Purchasers of Estates. 6th American, from the 10th London Edition. With American Notes. Springfield, Mass., 1843. 3 vols. Sugden (Edward Burtenshaw.) See " Gilbert's Law of Tenures." Sugden (Sir Edward B.) on Estates. A series of Letters to a Man of Property, on Sales, Purchases, Mortgages, Leases, Settlements, and Devises of Estates. 5th Ed. London, 1829. 1 vol. Sugden's (Henry) Essay on the Law of Wills. London, 1837. 1 vol. (C. L) Sullivan's (Francis Stoughton) Lectures on the Constitution and Laws of England. With a Commentary on JMagna Charta. 2d Ed. To which a Discourse is Prefixed, concerning the Laws and Government of England. By Gilbert Stuart. London,1776. 1 vol. 4to. Sullivan (James). The History of Land Titles in Massachusetts. Boston, 1801. 1 vol. Sumner's (Charles) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Circuit Court of the United States for the First Circuit. LAW B o oKS. 209 From May Term, 1829, to October Term, 1839. Boston, 1836 - 1841. 3 vols. Sumner (Charles). See " Vesey's (Junr.) Reports.', Sumner (William H.) See " Trial of Lieut. Col. Winthrop." Supreme Court Rules: Rules of the Supreme Court of tile State of New-York. With Short Notes of Cases in Relation to the Rules, &c., &c. Fourth Revised Edition. New-York, 1818. 3 Copies. 3 vols. Supreme Court Rules: Rules and Orders of the Supreme Court of the State of New-York, Revised and Established by the Court, pursuant to the Directions of the Revised Statutes, and Adapted to the Provisions thereof. With Precedents, &c., Approved by the Judges. Albany, 1830. 1 vol. Supreme Court Rules: Rules and Orders of the Supreme Court of the State of New-York. With Additional Rules, and Notes of Cases Arising under them. Albany, 1831. 1 copy. 1 vol. Supreme Court Rules: Rules and Orders of the Supreme Court of the State of New-York, Revised and Established by the Court, Pursuant to the Directions of the Revised Statutes in January Term, 1837. Albany, 1837. 2 copies. 2 vols. Supreme Court Rules: Rules and Orders of the Supreme Court of the State of New-York, Revised and Established by the Court, in May Term, 1845. Albany, 1845. 2 copies. 2 vols. Supreme Court Rules: Rules of Practice of the Supreme Court of the State of New-York, at Law and in Equity. July 1, 1847. (2 copies.) 2 vols. Supreme Court Rules: Rules of Practice of the Supreme Court of the State of New-York, established August, 1849, with Notes of Decisions, &c. 2 copies. 2 vols. Surtees' (R. S.) Horseman's Manual. London, 1831. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Sutherland's (Joel B.) Legislative Manual: A Manual of Legisla" tive Practice and Order of Business in Deliberative Bodies. 2d Ed. Philadelphia, 1830. 1 vol. 12mo. Swan (Robert) on Testamentary Jurisdiction: A Practical Treatise on the Jurisdiction of the Ecclesiastical Courts, relating to Probates and Administrators. London, 1830. 1 vol. Swanston's (Clement Tudway) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Eldon. From the Commencement of the Sittings before Hilary Term, 1819, to the End of the Sittings after.Michaelmas Term, 1819. 1st American, from 1st London Edition. With Notes and References to American Cases, in the First Volume, by Henry W. Warner. New-York, 1822 - 1828. 3 vols. Sweet's (Geo.) Cases on a Wife's Separate Estate. London, 1840. Sweet'slvol. (C. L.) (Geo.) Law of Wills. London, 1838. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) 210 LA`W:-:Boo s. Sweet (Geo.) See Wendell's Blackstone's Commentaries. vol. 8.' Swift's (Zephaniah) Digest of the Law of Evidence in Civil and Criminal Cases. And a Treatise on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes. Hartford, 1810. 1 vol. Swift's (Zephaniah) Digest of the Laws of the Stateof Connecticut. New-Haven, 1822, 1823. 2 vols. Swift's Digest of the Laws of Connecticut. A revision of. Vol. 1. By Henry Dutton, assisted by N. A!. Cowdrey. 8 8vo. NewHaven, 1849. 1 vol. Swinburne (Henry) on Wills: A Treatise of Testaments and Last Wills. The 7th Ed. With the annotations of John Joseph Powell, Esq. Prepared for the Press, by James Wake, Esq. London, 1803. 3 vols. Swinburne's (Thos.) Thorough Elucidation of the Whole Doctrine of Descents. London, 1825. 1 vol. (C. L.) Swinton (Archibald). See " Trials of Cotton Spinners," and " Earl of Stirling." Swinton's (Archibald) Reports of Cases before the High Court, and Circuit Courts of Justiciary, in Scotland, from November, 1835, to December, 1841. Edinburgh, 1838- 1842. 2 vols. Sydney's (William Robert) Appeal Piactice. A Treatise on the Jurisdiction and Modern Practice in Appeals to the House of Lords, and in Proceedings on Claims to Dormant Peerages. London, 1824. 1 vol. Syme's (David) Justiciary Reports: Reports of Proceedings in the High Court of Justiciary, from 1826 to 1829. Edinburgh, 1829. 1 vol. Symes (Arthur R.) See "' Jebb (Robert) and Symes' (Arthur R.) Reports." Symonds' (Arthur) Mechanics of Law Making. Intended for the Use of Legislators, and all other Persons Concerned in the Making and Understanding of English Laws. London, 1835, 1 vol. 16mo. Symons (Jelinger C.) See " Smith (John William) on Contracts." System of Pleading (A). Including a Translation of the Doctrina Placitandi; or the Art and Science of Pleading: originally written by Samson Euer, Serjeant at Law, and now first translated from the Obsolete Norman French.!By a Gentleman of the Middle Temple. London, 1771. 1 vol. 4to. T. Tabram's (R.) Law of Landlord and Tenant, with an Introductory View of the Origin and Foundation of Property in: Land. Stanford, 1823. 1 vol. (C. L.) LAw IBOos. S 21 Tait's (George). A Treatise on the Law of Evidence in Scotland. 3d Ed. Edited by Adam Urquhart, Esq. Edinburgh and London, 1834. 1 vol. Talbot's (J. C.) Report of the Case of the Forfar,&c., District of Burghs, tried Dec. 3, 1830. Edinburgh, 1831. 1 vol. (C. L.) Talfourd (T. N.) See "Dickinson's Guide." Tamlyn's (John) Reports of Cases decided in the High Court of Chancery, by Sir John Leach, Master of the Rolls. Vol. 1. London, 1831. 1 vol. Tamlyn (John). A Treatise on the Disposition and Conveyance of Lands Entailed, and of the Estates and Interests of Married Women, and on the several Acts of 3 & 4 Will. lV. Regarding the Abolition of Fines and Recoveries, Limitations of Actions Relating to Real Property, and the Title to Dower. London, 1835. 1 vol. Tamlyn (John). A Treatise on Terms of Years and other Chattels. Including a Dissertation on Executory Interests and Trusts; and an Inquiry into the Point whether Terms of Years merge in each other. London, 1825. Ivol. Tamlyn (John). A Treatise on the Law of Evidence, principally with Reference to the Practice of the Court of Chancery, and in the Masters' Offices. London, 1845. 1 vol. 24mo. Tancred's (H.I W.) Legal Review of the Origin of the System of Representation inEngland. London, 1831, 1 vol. (C. L.) Tancred (Henry William). A Treatise on Informations in the Nature of a Quo Warranto; with an Introduction, Containing some Account of the Proceedings in the Court of the Eyre. London, 1830. 1 vol. Tappan (John). See " County & Town Officer." Tapping's (Thos.) Law and Practice of the High Prerogative Writ of Mandamus as it obtains both in England and Ireland. London 1848. 1 vol. Tate's (Benjamin) Analytical Digested Index of the Reported Cases of the Court of Appeals and General Court of Virginia; from Washington to second Grattan inclusive. Richmond, Va., 1847. 2 vols. Tate's (Joseph) Digest of the Laws of Virginia, which are of a Permanent Character and General Operation; Illustrated by Judicial Decisions: To which is added, an Index of the Names of the Cases in the Virginia Reporters. Richmond, 1823. 1 vol. Taunton's (William Pyle) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Common Pleas and other Courts, from Mich. T., 48 Geo. III., 1807, to Hil. T., 59 Geo. III, 1819. NewYork; Boston, 1810 - 1824. 8 vols. Tayler (Thomas). See " Law Glossary." 212 LAW IBOooKS. Tayler's (Thomas) Precedents of Wills, drawn conformably to the Revised Statutes of the State of New-York, with Practical Notes: Comprising the duty of Executors, Administrators, and Guardians. Two vols. in one. New-York, 1843. 1 vol. Taylor's (Alfred S.) Medical Jurisprudence (Manual of.) London, 1844. 1 vol. 16mo. Taylor's (Edgar) Book of Rights or Constitutional Acts and Parliamentary Proceedings, Historically Arranged, with Notes and Observations. London, 1833. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Taylor's (John) Elements of the Civil Law. 2d Ed. London, 1755. 1 vol. 4to. Taylor's (John) Elements of the Civil Law. 4th Ed. London, 1818. 1 vol. (C. L.) Taylor's (John N.) Treatise on the American Law of Landlord and Tenant; Having Reference to the Statutory Provisions and Decisions of the several United States. New-York, 1844. I vol. Taylor's (John Louis) Reports: Cases Determined in the Courts of Law and Equity of the State of North Carolina. (From March Term, 1799, to July Term, 1802.) Newbern, 1802. I vol. Taylor's (J. L.) Reports: Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of N. Carolina, from July Term, 1816, to January Term, 1818. Raleigh, 1818. 1 vol. Tebb's (H. V.) Essay on the Scripture Doctrines of Adultery and Divorce. London, 1822. I vol. (C. L.) Tennessee Reports, or Cases Ruled and Adjudged in the Superior Courts of Law and Equity, and Federal Courts, for the State of Tennessee, by John Overton. (From November, 1791, to June,1817.) Knoxville, 1813-1817. 2 vols. Term Reports. See " Durnford & East's Reports." Termes De La Ley: Or, Certain Difficult and Obscure Words and Terms of the Common and Statute Laws of England, now in Use, Expounded and Explained. 1st American, from the Last London Edition of 1721. Portland, 1812. 1 vol. Terms and Circuits of the Supreme Court, and Courts of Oyer and Terminer. 2 copies (pamphlet). 2 vols. Texas Reports. See " Webb & Duval." Thacher (Peter 0.) Reports of Criminal Cases, tried in the Criminal Court of the City of Boston, before Peter Oxenbridge Thacher, Judge of that Court, from 1823 to 1843. Edited by H-oratio Woodman. Boston, 1845. 1 vol. Theloall (Simon). Digest (Le) des Briefes Originals, et des Choses concernants eux. Londini, 1579. 1 vol. 16mo. Theobald (William). A Practical Treatise on the Law of Principal and Surety; Particulary with Relation to Mercantile Guar LAW BOOKS. 213 anties, Bills of Exchange, and Bail Bonds. See "'Law Library. Vol. I." Theobald's (Wn.) Acts of the Legislative Council of India, with a Glossary; An Analytical Abstract prefixed to each Act. Calcutta, 1844. 1 vol. (C. L.) Theobald's (Wm.) New Law for Abolishing Imprisonment for Debt on Mesne Process, including Acts of Parliament, &c. 2d Ed. London, 1838. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L) Theobald's (Wm.) Elementary Practice of the Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer. London, 1841. 1 vol. (C. L.) Theobald's (Wm.) Questions of Practice of the Courts of Common Law. London, 1839 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Thesaurus Brevium: Or, a Collection of Approved Forms of Writs, and Pleadings to those Writs, and Entries of those Writs and Pleadings. The Second Edition. London, 1687. 1 vol. fol. Thomas' (John P.) Treatise of Universal Jurisprudence. 2d ed. 1829. I vol. (C. L.) Thomson (Charles) on the Ordinances of the Mines of New Spain; Translated from the Original Spanish. London, 1825. 1 vol. Thomson (Robert) on Bills: A Treatise on the Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Bank Notes, Bankers' Notes, and Checks on Bankers, in Scotland; Including a Summary of English Decisions Applicable to the Law of Scotland. Edinburgh, & London, 1825. 1 vol. Thompsoii's (Leslie A.) Digest. A Manual of the Statute Law of Florida, of a general and public character, in force at the end of the 2d Session of the General Assembly of the State on the 6th day of January, 1847. In pursuance of an Act of the General Assembly. Approved, Dec. 10th, 1845. Boston, 1847. 1 vol. Thornton (James B.) on Conveyancing: A Digest of the Conveyancing, Testamentary, and Registry Laws of all the States of the Union: Embracing References to the Leading Decisions in most of the States. Philadelphia, 1847. 1 vol. Thoughts on the Constitution; and Strictures on the Court of Chancery. Albany, August, 1821. 1 vol. See "Lottery Investigation." Thrupp's (Jno.) Historical Law Tracts. London, 1843. 1 vol. (C. L.) Tidd's (William) Practical Forms: Being chiefly Designed as an Appendix to the Practice of the Court of King's Bench in Personal Actions. London, Printed: Albany, Reprinted, 1803. 1 vol. Tidd's (William) Practical Forms and Entries of Proceedings in the Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer of Pleas. Eighth Edition. London, 1840. 1 vol. 214 LAW B.OOKS. Tidd's (William) Practice of the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas in Personal Actions and Ejectment: The Law and Practice of Extents: And the Rules of Court, and Modern Decisions in the Exchequerof Pleas. 2d American, from the 8th London Edition. With Notes and Additions of the Recent English and some American Cases. By Francis J. Troubat. Philadelphia, 1828. 2 vols. Tidd's (William) Law of Costs in Civil Actions. Dublin, 1793. 1 vol. 24mo, Tillinghast's (John L.) General Collection of Forms and Precedents, for Process, Entries, and Pleadings, in Civil Actions at Law; Adapted to the Revised Statutes of the State of New-York. Albany, 1830. l vol. Tillinghast (John L.) Editor of " Adams on Ejectment" and " Ballantine on Limitations;" which see. Tillinghast (John L.) and Yates' (John V. N.) Treatise onthe Principles and Practice, Process, Pleadings, and Entries, in Cases of Writs of Error; Writs in the Nature of Writs of Error; Appeals, and Proceedings in the Nature of Appeals: Vol. 1. Albany, 1840. 1 vol. Toller's (Sir Samuel) Law, of Executors and Administrators. With Considerable Additions. By. Francis Whitmarsh, Esq. 2d American, from the 5th London Edition. By Thomas F. Gordon. Philadelphia, 1824. 1 vol. Tomlins' (Harold Nuttall) Digested Index to the Crown Law. Containing all the Points Relating to Criminal Matters, Comprehended in the Reports of Blackstone, Burrow, Cowper, Douglas, Leach's C. L. Lord Raymond, Salkeld, Strange, Wilson, and the Term Reports in the K. B. & C. P. (Including the Cases Argued in the Excheq. Ch.) 1st American. from the 2d Revised London Edition. A Digest of All the Criminal Cases, which have been Decided in the Supreme, Circuit, and District Cour s of the United States, and in the Supreme Courts of the Several States, with a few Decisions of the Court of Sessions for New-York City. By James A. Jones. New-York, 1823., vol. Tomlins (H. N.) See ".Williams' Justice." Tomlins' (Sir Thomas Edlyne): Law-Dictionary, Explaining the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the British Law: Defining and Interpreting the Terms of Words of Art, and, Comprising, Also, Copious Iuformation on the Subjects of Trade and Governmeut. With Extensiv;e Additions, Embodying the Whole of the Recent Alterations in the Law. By Thomas Colpitts Granger, Esq. 1st. American, from the 4th London Ed. Philadelphia, 1836. 3 vols. Tomlins' (T. E.).Election Cases. Cases Explanatory of the Rules of Evidence, before Committees of Election of the House of Commons. Compiled from the Reports of the Trials of Con LAW BOOKS' 215 troverted Elections before such Committees. London, 1796, I vol. Tomlins' (T. E.) Popular Law Dictionary. London, 1838. 1 vol. (C. L.) Tomlins (T. E.) See' Repertorium Juridicum." i Tomlins (T. E.) See' Littleton." Tompson's (Geo.) Practical Suggestions and Instructions to Young Attorneys and Attorney's Clerks. 2d Edition by Joseph Greaves. London, 1836. 1-vol. (C. L.) Tompson's (Geo.) Tradesman's Law Library. London, 1830. 1 vol. (C. L.) Toone's (Wm.) Magistrate's Manual, or a Summary of the Duties and Powers of a Justice of the Peace. 4th Ed. London, 1828. 1 vol. (C. L.) Tothills (William) The Transactions of the High Court of Chancery, both by Practice and President; with the, Fees thereunto belonging, and All Special Orders in Extraordinary Cases which are to be found in the Register's Office as they are quoted by Terms, Years and Books. London, 1671. 1 vol. 16mo. Toullier (C. B. M.) Le droit Civil Francais, Suivant l'ordre du Code. CinquiemeeEd. Paris, 1839. 20 vols. (C. L.) Townesend's (George) A Preparative to Pleading. Being a Work Intended for the Instruction and Help of Young Clerks of the Courtof Common Pleas. 3d Ed. London, 1713. 1 vol. Townsend's (J. F.) Treatise on the Law of Salvage in Ireland. Dublin, 1840. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Townsend (John Fitzhenry). See "Longfield (Robert) and Townsend's (John Fitzhenry) Reports." Townsend's (William C.) Lives of Twelve Eminent Judges of the last and Present Century. London, 1846. 2 vols. Townshend's (John)-A RCompendium of all the Forms, Practical Proceedings and Pleadings required for use in Civil Actions in the Courts of Judicature of the State of. New-York; Also a Table of the Terms, &c. The whole forming a suitable Appendix to Townshend's New Practice. New-York, 1848. 1 vol. Townshend's (John) New Practice in Civil Actions in the Courts of' Judicature in the State of New-York, as Established; by the New Code of Procedure and recent; Statutes: to which is Appended the Code, Supplementary Act, and an Index. New-York, 1848. 1 vol. Townshend (John) See " Code Reporter," Traill's (T. W ) Outlines of a Course of Lectures in Medical Jurisprudence. Philadelphia, 1841. 1 vol. (C. L.) Translation of the Gentoo Code of Laws; A Code of-Gentoo Laws, or, Ordinations of the Pundits, from a Persian Translation, Made from the Original, written in the Shanscrit Language. London, 1776. 1 vol. 4to. 216 L Aw BOOKS. Tremaine's (Sir John) Pleas of the Crown: Placita CoronEe: or, Pleas of the Crown, in Matters Criminal and Civil. 1723. 1 vol. fol. Tremaine's (Sir John) Pleas of the Crown in Matters Criminal and Civil: Containing A Large Collection of Modern Precedents, Digested and Condensed by John Rice. Translated into English by Thomas Vickers. Dublin, 1793. 2 vols. (C. L.) Trenton Quaker Case: A Full Report of the Case of Stacy Decow and Joseph Hendrickson vs. Thomas L. Shotwell. By the New-Jersey Court of Appeals, held at Trenton, in July and August, 1833. Embracing the Decision of the Court of Chancery and the Final Decision of the Court of Appeals. Philadelphia, 1834. 1 vol. Trevett v Weeden. The Case of, On Information and Complaint for Refusing Paper Bills in Payment for Butcher's Bills in Market at Par with Specie. Tried before the Superior Court at Newport, Sept. 1786; also the Case of the Judges of said Court, before the General Assembly at Providence. October, 1786, on citation for Dismissing said Complaint. By James M. Varnum. 8vo. Providence, 1787. See Pamphlets, vol. 33, Miscellaneous Library. Trevor's (Charles) Practical Illustration of the Laws and Business of the Customs, with Forms, Precedents, and Instructions. Belfast 1828. 1 vol. (C. L.) Trial of Alexander Addison, Esq., President of the Court of Common Pleas, &c., on an Impeachment by the House of Representatives before the Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Taken in short hand by Thomas Lloyd. 2d Edition. With additions. Lancaster, 1803. 1 vol. Trial of Jacob Barker, Thomas Vermilyea and Matthew L. Davis, for alleged Conspiracy. Testimony as reported by Hugh Maxwell, District Attorney, &c. New-York, 1827. 1 vol. (C. L.) Trial of Boot and Shoe Makers of Philadelphia, on an Indictment for a Combination and Conspiracy to raise their Wages. Taken in short by Thomas Lloyd. Philadelphia, 1806. 1 vol. Trial of Gen. Michael Bright and others, before the Circuit Court of the United States, in and for the District of Pennsylvania, for Obstructing, Resisting and Opposing the Marshal. By Thomas Lloyd. Philadelphia, 1800. 1 vol. Trial of the British Soldiers of the 29th Regiment'of Foot, for the Murder of Crispus Attucks, Samuel Gray, Samuel Maverick, James Caldwell, and Patrick Carr, on Monday evening, Mar. 5, 1770, before the Hon. Benjamin Lynde, John Cushing, Peter Oliver, and Edmund Trowbridge, Esqrs., Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and Gen(5148) LAW BooKs., 217 Containing Select Cases Adjudged in the King's Bench in the Reign of King Charles II. Part II., Containing the Choice Cases Adjudged in the Common Pleas, in the Reign of King Charles II. and King James 1I. and in the Three First Years of King William and Q. Mary; while he was a Judge in the' said Court- Also, Several Cases and Pleadings thereupon, in the Exchequer Chamber, upon Writs of Error from the King's Bench, Together with Many Remarkable and Curious Cases in the Court of Chancery. The Fourth Impression. London, 1726. 1 vol. fol. Vermont Reports: Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Vermont. From February, 1826, to February, 1847. St. Albans; Middlebury; Burlington, 1829 - 1848. 19 vols. [Vols. 1 to 9 inclusive, Reported by the Judges of-,said Court, agreeably to a Statute Law of the State. Vol. 10, and the 1st part of vol. 11, Reported by G. B. Shaw. The last part of vol. 11, and vols. 12, 13 & 14 Reported by William Weston. Vol. 15 Reported by William Slade. Vols. 16, 17, 18, & 19, by P. T. Washburn.] Vernon (G. W.) and Scriven's (J.. B.) Reports of Cases Determined in the King's Courts, Dublin; with Select Cases in the House LAW BOOKS. 225 of Lords of Ireland. From Trin. T., 26 Geo. III.; 1786, to Hil. T., 28 Geo. III., 1788. Dublin, 1787-1789. 2 Parts' bound in one vol. Vernon's (Thomas) Reports: Cases Argued and Adjudged in the High Court of Chancery. From Hil. T., 1680, to Trin. T., 1719. Published from the Manuscripts of Thomas Vernon, Late of the Middle Temple, Esq.; By Order of the High Court of Chancery. London, 1726- 1728. 2 vols. fol. Vernon's (Thomas) Reports: with References to the Proceedings in the Court, and to Later Cases. By John Raithby. 3d Ed. London, 1828. 2 vols. Verplanck (Gulian C.) on Contracts: An Essay on the Doctrine of Contracts. Being an Inquiry how Contracts are Affected in Law and Morals, by Concealment, Error, or Inadequate Price. New-York, 1825. 1 vol. Vesey's (Francis, Senior) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, in the Time of Lord Chancellor Iardwicke. From the years 1746 - 7 to 1755. 4th Ed. By Robert Belt, Esq. London, 1818. 2 vols. Vesey's (Francis, Senior) Reports, Supplement to: Comprising Corrections of Statement, and Extracts of the Decrees and Orders from the Registrar's Books, References to the Cases Cited, Subsequent Determinations on the Several Points, some Manuscript Cases, &c., &c. By Robert Belt, Esq. 1st American from the last London Ed. Philadelphia, 1831. 1 vol. Vesey's (Francis, Junr.) Chancery Reports: Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery. From the Sittings after Hil. T., 29 Geo. III., 1789, to February 12, 1817, 56 Geo. III. First American from the Third London Edition. With Notes, and References to American Cases by Edward D. Ingraham, Esq. Philadelphia, 1821 - 1823. 20 vols. Vesey's (Francis, Junr.) Chancery Reports, Supplement to:' Containing Notes, Occasionally Illustrated by Cases Decided by Lords Hardwicke, King, &c. From the MSS. of Mr. Forrester. By John Eykyn Hovenden, Esq. Philadelphia, 1828. 2 vols. Vesey's (Francis, Junr.) Chancery Reports: From the last London Edition, with the Notes of Francis Vesey, Junr., Esq., and the Extensive Annotations cf John E. Hovenden, Esq. The whole Edited, with Notes and References to American Law, and Subsequent English Decisions, by Charles Sumner and J. C. Perkins, Esqrs. Boston, 1844-1845. 20 vols. Vesey (Francis) and Beames' (John) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery in the time of Lord Chancellor Eldon. From October 31, 1812m 53 Geo. III to 226 LAW Bof) s. December 19, 1814, 55 Geo. III. 1st American from the 2d London Ed. With Notes, and References to American Cases) By Edward D. Ingraham, Esq. Philadelphia, 1822. 3 volsb bound in 2. Vickers (Thomas). See Tremaine's Pleas of the Crown." Vidal (Robert Studley). See " Gilbert's (Lord Chief Baron) Law of Tenures." Vidian's (Andrew) Entries: The Exact Pleader: A Book of Entries of Choice, Select and Special Pleadings in the Court of King's Bench, in the Reign of King Charles II., with the Method of Proceeding in all Manner of Actions in the said Court. London, 1684. 1 vol, fol. Vincens' (E.) Exposition Raisonnee de la Legislation Commerciale, et Examen Critique du Code de Commerce. Paris, 1834. 3 vols. (C. L.) Viner's (Charles) Abridgment: A General Abridgment of Law and Equity, Alphabetically Digested under Proper Titles; with Notes and References to the whole. 2d Ed. London, 17911794. 24 vols. [Vol. 23, containing, "An Index of the Names of the Cases Abridged and Cited: An Index of Reporters and an Index of General Titles." Vol. 24, containing, "An Indexto the Titles and Principal Matters contained in Viner's Abridgment, as also in the Principal Abridgments of Law and Equity."] Viner's (Charles) Abridgment of the Modern Determinations in the Courts of Law and Equity: Being a Supplement to Viner's Abridgment. By Several Gentlemen in the Respective Branches of the Law. London, 1799 -1801. 4 vols. Vinnii (Arnoldi J. C.) Commentarius: Arnoldi Vinnii J. C. in Quatuor Libros Institutionum Imperialium Commentarius Acadenicus et Forensis Jo: Gottl. Heineccius J. C. Recensuit, & Prmfationem Notulasque adjecit. Venetiis, 1804. 2 vols. 4to. Vinnii (Arnoldi J. C.) Tractatus quinquee, De Pactis; De Jurisdictione; De Collationibus; De Transactionibus; et Selecte Juris Quaestiones. Quibus Additae sunt Simonis Vinnij Arn Fil. Orationes Dute & alia quaedam) Cum Indicibus Locupletissimis. Editio quarta Auctior & Prioribus EmendatiQor Franequer)e, 1690. 1 vol. small 4to. Virginia Cases, or Decisions of the General Court of Virginia, chiefly on the Criminal Law of the Commonwealth. Commencing in the year 1789, and ending June Term, 1826. With an Index to the Principal Matters in both volumes. Vol. I, by Judges Brockenbrough and Holmes: Vol. II, by Judge Brockenbrough (William). Philadelphia; Richmond, 1815-1826. 2~ vols. LAW Booxs. 22 Virginia Reports: Reports of Cases Decided in the Court of Appeals of Virginia, from April 10th, 1820, to June 28th, 1821. By Francis W. Gi. Gile. ichmond, 1821. 1 vol. Voet (Johannis) Commentarius ad Pandectas, Colonise Allobrogum.'1757, 2vols, fol. (C. L.) Voet(Pauli) Be Statutis, Eorumque Concursu, Liber Singularis. Nova Editio Atctior et Correctior. Bruxellis, 1715. 1 vol, 16mo. Voltaire. See " Beccaria's Essay on Crimes." Walford's (Frederick) Treatise on the Law Respecting Parties to Actions. London, 1842. 2 vols. (C. L.) Walford's (Frederick) Summary of the Law of Railways. 2d. Ed. London, 1846. 1 vol. (C, L.) Walker's (Henry N.) Chancery Reports: Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Chancery of the State of Michigan, From April, 1842, to March, 1845. Randolph Mannings Chancellor Detroit, 1845. 1 vol. Walker's (R. J.) Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Mississippi. From June Term, 1818, to December Term, 1832. Natchez, 1834. 1 vol. Walker's (Timothy) Introduction to American Law, Designed as a First Book for Students. Philadelphia, 1837. 1 vol. Wallace (H. B.) See " Hare (J. 1, Clark) and Wallace's (H. B.) American Leading Cases." Wallace (H. E.) See I Pennsylvania Law Journal, vols. 1 3, 49 and 5." Wallace's (John B.) Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Third Circuit. May and October Sessions, 1801. 2d Edition. Philadelphia, 1838. 1 vol. Wallace's (Jolm William) Reporters Chronologically Arranged With occasional Remarks upon their Respective Merits. 2d Ed. Philadelphia, 1845. 1 vol. Wallack Divorce Case. A Report of the very Singular and Interesting Divorce Case, Wallack vs. Wallack, recently Decided by his Honor the Vice Chancellor, in the Court of Chancery, New-York, with Introductory Remarks, by John Lomas. 2d Ed. New-York, 1834. 1 vol. WVallis (John) and Lyne's (James) Reports of Select Cases, Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, principally in the time of Lord Lifford. Edited from the Original Notes of the late John Wallis, Esq. By James Lyne. From 1766 to 1791, Dublin, 1839. 1 vol, 228 TLAW BOO 0 S. Walsh (F. W.) See c"Drury (W. B) and Walsh's (F. W.) Reports." Walsh (J. E.) See " Nun & Walsh's Reports.' Walters (William Clayton) on the Rule in Shelley's Case: Together with an Essay on Cross Remainders; and an Essay on the Law of Jointures. London, 1826. 1 vol. Walthew's (Richard) Essay on the English Poor Laws. London, 1814. 1 vol. (C. L.) War in Disguise. See " Neutral Trade. Ward's (Robert) Law of Nations. An Enquiry into the Foundation and History of the Law of Nations in Europe, from the Time of the Greeks and Romans, to the Age of Grotius. London, 1795. 2 vols. Ward's (Robert) Treatise on the Relative Rights and Duties of Bel ligerant and Neutral Powers in Maritime Affairs, in which the Principles of Armed Neutralities and the Opinions of Hubner and Schlegel are fully discussed. London, 1801. 1 vol. Ward (William) on Legacies. A Treatise on Legacies: or Bequests of Personal Property. London, 1826. 1 vol. Ward (William) on Legacies. See " Law LibraryT vol. 18 " Ware's (Ashur) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the District Court of the United States for the District of Maine. From September, 1822, to August, 1839. Portland, 1839, 1 vol. Wareing's (Wm.) Practice of the Court of Common Pleas at Lancaster in Personal Actions and Ejectment. London, 1836. 1 vol. (. L.) Warren (Robert R.) See "Drury & Warren's Reports." Warren's (Samuel) Select Extracts from Blackstone's Commentaries, Carefully Adapted to the Use of Schools and Young Persons. London, 1837. 1 vol. (C. L.) Warren's (Samuel) Duties of Attorneys and Solicitors. The Moral, Social and Professional Duties of Attorneys and Solicitors. New-York, 1848. 1 vol. 12mo, Warren's (Samuel) Law Studies. A Popular and Practical Introduction to Law Studies. 1st Ed. London, 1835. 1 vol. Warren's (Samuel) Law Studies. See' Law Library, vol. 14." Warren's (Samuel) Law Studies. A Popular and Practical Introduction to Law Studies. With an Account of the State of the Law in Ireland and Scotland, and Occasional Illustrations from American Law. Second Edition. London, 1845, I vol. Washburn's (Emory). Sketches of the Judicial History of Massachusetts, from 1630 to the Revolution in 1775, Boston, 1840, 1 vol, LAW BOOKS. 229 Washburn's (Peter T.) Digest of all the Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of the State of Vermont, as Reported in N. Chipman's, Tyler's, Brayton's, D. Chipman's and Aiken's Reports, and the first 15 vols. of the Vermont Reports: Together with many Manuscript Cases not hitherto Reported. Woodstock, 1845. 1 vol. Washburn (Peter T.) See " Vermont Reports, vols. 16, 17, 18 and 19." Washington' s (Bushrod) Circuit Court Reports. Reports of Cases Determined in the Circuit Court of the United States, for the Third Circuit, comprising the Districts of Pennsylvania and New-Jersey, commencing at April Term, 1803, and Ending with October Term, 1827. Published from the Manuscripts of the Honorable Bushrod Washington, one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. Philadelphia, 1826 -1829. 4 vols. Washington's (Bushrod) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of Virginia. (From the Fall Term, 1790, to the Fall Term, 1796.) Richmond, 1797 -1799. 2 vols. Waterman's (Thomas G.) Justices' Manual, or a Summary of the Powers and Duties of a Justice of the Peace in the State of New-York. 2d Ed. Albany, 1829. 1 vol. Waterman's (Thomas G.) Treatise on the Civil Jurisdiction of a Justice of the Peace in the State of New-York, Adapted to the Statutes and the Code of Procedure. New-York, 1849. 1 vol. Watkins (Charles). The Principles of Conveyancing. With an Introduction on the Study of that Branch of Law. 8th Ed. With Large Additions, Containing the Law Relative to the Creation and Transfer of Estates and Interests in Real and Personal Property. By John Merritield. London, 1833. 1 vol. Watkins (Charles) on Conveyancing. Principles of Conveyancing. With an Introduction on the Study of that Branch ot the Law. With the Author's Last Corrections, and with very Considerable Additions by Richard Preston, Esq. See " Law Library, vol. 20." Watkins (Charles) on Descents. An Essay towards the further Elucidation of the Law of Descents. London, 1793. 1 vol. Watkins (Charles). An Historical Introduction on the Feudal System. See " Gilbert's (Lord Chief Baron) Law of Tenures."' Watkins' (Chas.! Treatise on Copyholds. 3d Ed. Revised by Robert Studley Vidal. London, 1826. 2 vols. (C. L.) Watson (James) See " Trial of." Watson's (James) Treatise on the Law of Scotland Respecting Suc~ S0! L A LAW B: OO Ks. cession as Depending on Deeds of Settlement. Edinburght 1826. 1 vol. (C. L.) Watson's (James) Statute Law A Practical View of the Statute Law of Scotland, from the Year 1824, to the Close of the Session of Parliament, 1827, in a Series of Titles. Edinburgh, 1828. 2 vols. Watson's (William Henry) Office of Sheriff. A Practical Treatise on the Law Relating to the Office and Duty of Sheriff. London, 1827. 1 vol. Watson's (William Henry) Law of Sheriff. See Law Library, vol: 7." Watson (William Henry). A Treatise on the Law of Arbitration and Awards. Including the Act of Parliament relating to Arbitration between Masters and Workmen. 2d Ed. London, 1836. 1 vol. Watson (William Henry) on Arbitration and Awards. See " Law Library, vol. 11 and 59." Watson (William) on Partnership. A Treatise on the Law of Partnership. 2d Ed. London and Dublin, 1807. 1 vol. Watterston's (George) Course of Study, Preparatory to the Bar or the Senate: To which is annexed a Memoir on the Private or Domestic Lives of the Romans. Washington, 1823. 1 vol. 12mo. Watts' (Frederick) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. From May, 1832, to September, 1840. Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, 1834- 1841. 10 vols. Watts (Frederick) and Sergeant's (Henry J.) Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. From May Term, 1841, to May Term, 1845. 9 vols Webb (James) and.Duva's (T. H.) Reports of Cases Argued and Decided in the Supreme Court of the State of Texas during December Term, 1846, and a part of December Term, 1847. Vol. 1. Galveston, 1848. 1 vol. (Presented by the State of Texas.) Webster (David). See " Pennsylvania Law Journal, vols. 3, 4, and 5." Webster's (Thomas) Patent Cases. Reports and Notes of Cases on Letters Patent for Inventions. (From 44 Eliz., 1602, to 1843.) London, 1844. 1 vol. Webster (Thomas) on Patents. The Law and Practice of Letters Patent for Inventions, Statutes, Practical Forms, and Digest of Reported Cases. London, 1841. 1 vol. Welford (Richard Griffiths.) A Practical Treatise on Equity Pleadings, with Observations on the New Orders of 1841, and an Appendix containing those Orders. See " New Law Library, vol. 6." LAW BooKx. 231 Wellbeloved's (Robt.) Treatise on the Law Relating to Highways. Comprehending Turnpike Roads, Public Bridges and Footpaths. London, 1829. 1 vol. (C. L.) Wellesley's (W. L.) View of the Court of Chancery. London, 1830, 1 vol. (C. L.) Wells' (Samuel) History of the Drainage of The Great Level of the Fens, called Bedford Level; with the Constitution and Laws of the Bedford Level Corporation. London, 1830. 2 vols, (C. L.) Welsby (W. N.) See "Meeson (R) and Welsby's (W. N.) Reports;" " Wendell's Blackstone's Commentaries, vol 4." Welsh's (Thos.) Registry Cases: Argued and Decided at Sligo, durring the Spring Assizes, 1838. Dublin, 1838. 1 vol. Welsh's (Thos.) Report of the Case of James Feighny at the Summer Assises, 1837, for the County of Sligo. Dublin, 1837. 1 vol. Welshes (Thomas) Registry Cases. Comprising all the Published and many of the Unpublished Decisions in Ireland respecting the Registration of Voters under the Irish Reform Act Dublin, 1840. 1 vol. Wendell (John L.) See " Digest of Wendell's Reports." Wendells (John L.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature, and in the Court for the Trial of Impeachments. and the Correction of Errors of the State of New-York. (From May Term, 1828, to October Term. 1841.) Albany & New-York, 1829-1842. 26 vols. 2 Copies. 52 vols. Wendell (John L ) See " Starkie on Slander." Wendell's (John L.) Blackstone's Commentaries; Commentaries on the Law of England. In four books; with an Analysis of the Work. By Sir William Blackstone. With the Last Corrections of the Author, and Notes from the twenty-first London Edition. With Copious Notes Explaining the Changes Effected by Decision or Statute down to 1844. Vol. first, by J. F. Hargrave; vols. second, by G. Sweet; vol. third, by Ro Couch; vol. fourth, by W. N. Welsby. With Notes adapting the Work to the American Student. By John L. Wendell. New-York, 1847. 4 vols. Wentworth's (John) Pleadings: A Complete System of Pleading: Comprehending the Most Approved Precedents and Forms of Practice. Dublin, 1799. 10 vols. Wentworth's (John) Pleadings, Index to: A Complete Index to Wentworth's System of Pleading. New-York, 1822. 1 vol. Wentworth's (Thomas) Office (and Duty) of Executors; or, a Treatise Directing Testators to Form and Executors to Perform their Wills according to Law. To which is added, The Supplement of H. Curson, Gent. Dublin, 1763. 2 vols. 232 LAW BooIKs. Wentworth's (Thomas) Office (and Duty) of Executors. With the Supplement of H. Curson, Gent., and Notes of the Late Serjeant Wilson and Other Editors. From the 14th London Ed. Revised by Henry Jeremy. With References to the English Common Law Reports, and to American Decisions, by E. D. Ingraham Philadelphia. 1832. 1 vol. Weskett (John) A Complete Digest of the Theory, Laws and Practice of Insurance; Compiled from the Best Authorities, in different Languages. Dublin, 1783. 1 vol. West's (Edward) Treatise of the Law and Practice of Extents in Chief and in Aid. London, 1817. 1 vol. (C. L.) West's (Martin John) Parliamentary Reports: Cases Heard and Determind by the House of Lords on Appeals from the Courts of Equity, and on Writs of Error, in England and Ireland, and on Questions of Peerage. 1839, 1840 & 1841. Vol 1. London,1842. 1 vol. West's (Martin John) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery, from 1736, to July, 1739, from the Original Manuscripts of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke, and the Contemporaneous Reports Compared with and Corrected by Lord Hardwicke's Notes. Vol. 1. London, 1827. 1 vol. West's (William) Simboleography: The First Part of Simboleography. Which may be termed the Art, or Description, of Instruments and Presidents. London, 1615. 1 vol. 4to. Westenbergii Jo. Ortiw. Juris Consulti et Antecessoris principia juris. Secundum Ordinemn Digestorum seu Pandectarum, in usum Auditorumn vulgata. Editio Berolinensis altera Berolini, 1823. 2 vols. (C. L.) Wharton (Francis) A Treatise on the Criminal Law of the United States: Comprising a Digest of the Penal Statutes of the General Government, and of Massachusetts, New-York, Pennsylvania and Virginia. With the Decisions or Cases arising upon those Statutes. Philadelphia, 1846. 1 vol. Wharton's (Francis) Precedents of Indictments adapted to the use both of the Courts of the United States and those of all the several States; with Notes on Criminal Pleadings and Practice. Philadelphia, 1849. 1 vol. Wharton's (Francis) State Trials of the United States during the Administrations of Washington and Adams. Philadelphia, 1849. 1 vol. Wharton (G. M.) See " East's (Edward Hyde) Reports. Second American Ed." Wharton's (J. J. S.) Law Lexicon or Dictionary of Jurisprudence, Explaining Technical Words and Phrases, Legal Terms and Latin Maxims, &c. See " New Law Library; vols. 14 and 15." (5516) Low Boos. 3s Wharton's (Thomas I.) Digest of Cases Adjudged in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Third Circuit, and in the Courts of Pennsylvania, as contained in the Reports and Public Journals: with a large number of Manuscript Cases. (And Rules of several Courts.) Vol. II. Containing the Cases published since the Fifteenth Volume of Sergeant and Rawle. Philadelphia, 1822- 1836. 2 vols. Wharton's (Thomas I.) Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in the Eastern District. From December Term, 1835, to March Term, 1841. Philadelphia, 1836 - 1841. 6 vols. Wharton (Thomas I.) See "' Wheaton's Selwyn's Nisi Prius." Wheaton's (Henry) Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States, from its establishment in 1789, to Februa-'ry Term, 1820. Including the Cases Decided in the Continental Court of Appeals in Prize Causes During the War of the Revolution. New-York, 1821. 1 vol. Wheaton's (Henry) International Law: History of the Law of Nations in Europe and America; from the earliest times to the Treaty of Washington, 1842. New-Yorlk 1845. 1 vol. Wheaton's (Henry) Elements of International Law. 2d Ed. Philadelphia, 1846. 1 vol. theaton's (Henry) Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States. From February Term, 1816, to January Term, 1827. Philadelphia, 1816 - 1827. 12 vols. Wheaton's (Henry) Selwyn: An Abridgment of the Law of Nisi Prius. By William Selwyn. 2d American from the 5th London Ed. Withf Notes and References to the Decisions of the Courts of this Country. Albany, 1823. 2 vols. Wheaton's (Henry) Selwyn's Nisi Prius: An Abridgment of the Law of Nisi Prius. By William Selwyn. With Notes and References to the Decisions of the Courts of this Country, by Henry Wheaton, and Thomas I. Wharton. 5th American, from the 9th London Edition. With Additional Notes and References, by Edward E. Law. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 v1os. Wheaton (Henry) on Captures: A Digest of the Law of Maritime Captures and Prizes. New-York, 1815. 1 vol. Wheaton (Henry) on the Right of Search: Enquiry into the Validity of the British Claim to a Right of Visitation and Search of American Vessels suspected to be engaged in the African Slave Trade. Philadelphia, 1842 1 vol. Wheeler (Jacob D.) See" American Chancery Digest;" "American Common Law.? IjSTATs LIBRARY.] 234 LAw Booes. Wheeler's (Jacob D.) Criminal Law Cases: with Notes and References. Containing, also, a View of the Criminal Laws of the United States. From September, 1822, to 1824. NewYork, 1823-1825. 3 vols. Whillier's (Thos.) General Directory to all the Counties, Cities, Hamlets, &c. in England. London, 1825. 1 vol. (C. L.) Whishaw's (Jas.) New Law Dictionary. London, 1829. 1 vol. (C. L.) Whishaw's (James) Synopsis of the Members of the English Bar, Containing their Academical Degrees, Inns of Court, Dates of Call, Courts in which they Practise, Official Appointments, Circuits, Chambers, &c., with Lists of the Judges, King's Counsel, S rjeants, &c.,with the Dates of their Appointments; of the Advocates, with the Dates of their Admission; and a Table of Legal Precedency. London, 1835. 1 vol. 12mo. Whitaker (Richard) on Lien: A Treatise on the Law relative to the Rights of Lien, and Stoppage in Transitu. London Printed: New-York, Reprinted 1816. 1 vol. Whitcombe (Richard) on Witnesses: An Enquiry into some of the Rules of Evidence, Relating to the Incompetency of Witnesses. London, 1824. 1 vol. White (F. T.) and Tudor's (0. D.) Selection of Leading Cases in Equity, with Notes and Additional Annotations, containing References to American Cases, by J. J. C. Hare, and H. B. Wallace. Philadelphia, 1849. 1 vol. White (H. H,) See " Cruise's Digest, by Greenleaf.' White (H. H.) See' Roper on Legacies." White's (Joseph M.) New Recopilacion: A New Collection of Laws, Charters and Local Ordinances of the Governments of Great Britain, France and Spain, Relating to the Concessions of Land in their Respective Colonies: with the Laws of Mexico and Texas on the same subject. To which is Prefixed Judge Johnson's Translation of Azo and Manuels Institutes of the Civil Law of Spain. Philadelphia, 1839. 2 vols. White (George Towry) on Supplement and Revivor: A Treatise on Proceedings in Equity by way of Supplement and Revivor. With an Appendix of Precedents. London and Dublin. 1843. 1 vol. Whitelocke. See " Morton." Whitworth's (Jno.) Equity Precedents Adapted to the Orders of May, 1845. See "Law Library, vol. 62." Wickstead's (J.) Solicitor's New and Complete Table of Costs in the Court of Chancery, together with Charges in Conveyancing; Also Fines and Recoveries. London, 1830. 1 vol. (C. L.) Wicquefort's (M. De) Embassador, The Embassador and his Functions. To which is Added, An Historical Discourse, Concerning the Election of the Emperor, and the Electors. LAw BooKS. 235 Translated into English by Mr. Digby. London. 1 vol. fol. No date. 1740.? Wightman (Justice.) See " Trial of Smith v Ferrers." Wightwick's (John) Reports of Law Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Exchequer, from the Sittings after Hil. T., 50 Geo. III., 1810, to the Sittings after E. T., 51 Geo. III. 1811. London, 1819. 1 vol. Wigram's (James) Points in the Law of Discovery. 2d Edition. London & Dublin, 1840. 1 vol. Wigram's (James) Points in the Law of Discovery. See " Law Library, vol. 13." Wigram (James) on Extrinsic Evidence: An Examination of the Rules of Law Respecting the Admission of Extrinsic Evidence in Aid of the Interpretation of Wills. 2d Ed. London, 1835. 1 vol. Wigram (James): An Examination of the Rules of Law Respecting the Admission of Extrinsic Evidence in Aid of the Interpretation of Wills. 3d Ed. See "New Law Library, vol. 2." Wilcox's (P. B.) Digest of the First Twelve Volumes of the Ohio Reports, Containing all the Cases ever Reported at Law and in Equity, in the Supreme Court of Ohio in Bank. Columbus, 1844. 1 vol. Wilcox's (P. B.) Digest of the First Sixteen Volumes of the Ohio Reports. Vols. 13, 14, 15 and 16, by way of Supplement. Containing, together, all the Cases Ever Reported at Law & in Equity, in the Supreme Court of the State of Ohio, in Bank. Columbus, 1848. 1 vol. Wilcox(P. B)See "Ohio Condensed Reports." "Ohio Reports, vol.l 0.' Wilkinson (James John) The Law of Shipping, as it Relates to the Building, Registry, Sale, Transfer and Mortgage of British Ships. Including the Registry and Trading of Ships built in India, With an Appendix: I., of Statutes, with the Indian Act No. X., of 1841, and the Proclamation of the Governor General of India in Council; and II., of Forms and Precedents. London, 1843. 1 vol. Wilkinson (James John) A Treatise on the Limitation of Actions, as Affecting Mercantile and other Contracts, with the Important Changes therein, Occasioned by Several Late Decisions, and by Lord Tenterden's Act, 9 Geo. IV. c. 14. London, 1829. 1 vol. Wilkinson (James John) Limitation to Actions. See "LawLibrary: vol. 1." Wilkinson's (James John) Practice in (the Action of) Replevin, With a Collection of Practical Forms. London, 1825. 1 vol. Wilkinson's (James John) Practice in Replevin. See "' Law Library, vol. 6." Wilkinson's (Tames J.) Law of Public Funds, including the Practice by Distringas, and Appendix and Forms. London, 1839. I vol(C. L.) 236 LAW BOOKS. Wilkinson (William Irving) on Wills: Letters to a Landowner, on the Disposition of Estates, by Settlement and Will. London, 1831. 1 vol. Willcock's (J. W.) Office of Constable: Comprising the Laws Relating to High, Petty, and Special Constables, Headboroughs, Tithingmen, Borsholders, and Watchmen. London, 1827. 1 vol. Willcock's (J. W.) Office of Constable. See "Law Library, vol. 29." Willcock's (J. W.) The Laws Relating to Inns, Hotels, Alehouses, and Places of Public Entertainment: To which is Added, An Abstract of the Statute for the Regulation of Post Horses. London, 1829. 1 vol. Willcock (J. W.) on the Laws Relating to the Medical Profession; With an Account of the Rise and Progress of its Various Orders. London, 1830. 1 vol. Willcock (J. W.) on (the Law of) Municipal Corporations: Together with a Brief Sketch of their History, and a Treatise on Mandamus and Quo Warranto. London, 1827. -1 vol. Willcock (J. W.) oa Municipal Corporations. See "Law Library, vol. 14." Willes' (Lord Chief Justice) Reports of Adjudged Cases in the Court of Common Pleas, During the Time Lord Chief Justice Willes presided in that Court; Together with some Few Cases of the same Period Determined in the House of Lords, Court of Chancery, and Exchequer Chamber. Taken from the Manuscripts of Lord Chief Justice Willes. With Notes and References to Prior and Subsequent Decisions, by Charles Durnford. Dublin, 1800. 1 vol. Williams' (David) Law Relating to the Clergy; being a Practical Guide to the Clerical Profession in the Legal and Canonical Discharge of their Various Duties. London, 1813. 1 vol. (C. L.) Williams (Edward Vaughan) A Treatise on the Law of Executors and Administrators, With Notes and References to the Decisions of the Courts of this Country, by Francis J. Troubat. Philadelphia, 1832. 2 vols. Williams' (E. V.) Treatise on the Law of Executors and Administrators. 3d American from the 4th London Ed. With Notes and References to American Authorities. Philadelphia, 1849. 2 vols. Williams (Edward Vaughan) See "Saunders' (Sir Edmund) Reports," Williams' (Ephraim) Reports. See " Massachusetts Reports. Vol. Williams (Jno.) Treatise on the Study'and Practice of the Law. London, 1823. 1 vol. (C. L.) Williams (John Griffith) See " Cases Tempore Talbot." Williams (John M.) See "Hobart's (Sir Henry) Reports. First American Edition." LAW BooKSs. 237 Williams (John) See " Saunders' (Sir Edmund) Reports." Williams (Joshua) on Real Property. Principles of the Law of Real Property, Intended as a First Book for the use of Students in Conveyancing. London & Dublin; 1845. 1 vol. Williams (Joshua) on Real Property. See " New Law Library, vol. 2." Williams' (Joshua) Principles of the Law of Personal Property. London, 1848. 1 vol. Williams' (Joshua) Principles of the Law of Personal Property. See " Law Library, Vols. 61 and 62." Williams' (Philip) Report of King's College Case. London, 1816. I vol. (C. L.) Williams' (T.) Law of Auctions: The Auctioneers' Legal Guide & Adviser; Containing a Practical Exposition of the Law of Auctions; A Comprehensive Summary of the Law of Distress; And the Qualifications and Duties of Appraisers, &c, 6th Ed. By William King. London, 1829. 1 vol. 24 mo. Williams' (Thomas Walter) Abridgment of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Law, During the Reign of His Present Majesty, King George the Third. London, 1798 to 1803. 5 vols. Williams' (Thos. W.) Jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace, & Authority of Parish officers in all matters relating to Parochial Law. London, 1817. 2 vols (C. L.) Williams' (Thos. W.) Whole Law Relative to the DIuty and Office of a Justice of the Peace. 3d Edition. By H. Nuttall Tomlins. London, 1812. 4 vols. (C. L.) Williams (Walter) See "Jus Appellandio. Willis (John Walpole) on Equity Pleading; Pleadings in Equity Illustrative of Lord Redesdale's Treatise on the Pleadings in Suits, in the Court of Chancery, by English Bill. London, 1820. 1 vol. Willis (John Walpole) on Equity Pleading. See " Law Library, vol. 35." Willis (John Walpole) on Trustees: A Practical Treatise on the Duties and Responsibilities of Trustees. London, 1827. 1 vol. Willis (John Walpole) on Trustees. See " Law Library, vol. 10.,' Willis (J. W.) Digest of the Rules and Practice as to Interrogatories. London, 1816. 1 vol. (C. L.) Willmore (Graham), Wollaston (F. L.) and Davison's (H.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench, and upon Writs of Error from that Court to the Exchequer Chamber, and in the Bail Court. From Hil. T., 7th Will. 4th, 1837, to Mich T., 1st Vict. 1839. London; 18393. 9 vol. 238 LAW BOOKS, Willmore (Graham) Wollaston (F. L.) and Hodges' (W.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Queen's Bench, and upon Writs of Error from that Court to the Exchequer Chamber, and in the Bail Court. From Hil. T., 1st Vict., 1838, to Hil. T., 2d Vict., 1839. London, 1840. 2 vols. (2d vol. imperfect.) Willis (William) An Essay on the Rationale of Circumstantial Evidence; Illustrated by Numerous Cases. London, 1838. 1 vol. Willis (William) on Circumstantial Evidence. See " Law Library, vol. 41.'7 Wilmot (Edward Coke) on Mortgages: A Succinct View of the Law of Mortgages, With an Appendix, Containing a Variety of Scientific Precedents of Mortgages. London, 1798. 1 vol. Wilmot (Sir John Eardley) Notes of Opinions and Judgments Delivered in Different Courts by the Right Honorable Sir John Eardley Wilmot, Knt., Late Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, &c. London, 1802. 1 vol. 4to. Wilson (Bird) See "Bacon's (Matthew) Abridgment," Wilson (George) Entries or Pleadings, in many of the Cases Reported by Robert, Lord Raymond, Late Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench. Collected and Translated into English. Vol. III. London, 1765. 1 vol. fol. Wilson's (George) Reports of the Cases Argued and Adjudged in the King's Courts at Westminster. In Three Parts. Part 1., Containing Cases in the Court of King's Bench, from Hil. T., 16 Geo. II., 1742, to Hil. T., 26 Geo. II., 1752; Part II. Containing Cases in the Court of Common Pleas, &c., fromn Hil. T., 26 Geo. II., 1753 to Trin. T., 9 Geo. III., 1769; Part III. Containing Cases in the Court of Common Pleas, from Mich. T., 10 Geo. III., 1769, to E. T., 14 Geo. III., 1774. 4th Ed. Dublin, 1792. 3 vols Wilson's (James) Lectures: The Works of the Honorable James Wilson, LLD. Late one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, and Professor of Law in the College of Philadelphia. Published under the Direction of Bird Wilson, Esquire. Philadelphia. 1803, 1804. 3 vols. [The Third volume Contains, in Addition to the " Lectures on Law," Speeches, Orations, and some Legal Disquisitions. ] Wilson (James) and Shaw's (Patrick) Reports. Cases in the House of Lords, on Appeal from the Courts in Scotland. From 1825, to 1834. Vol. 7. Containing an Index to the Seven Volumes. Edinburgh, 1829-1839. 7 vols. [Vol. 6, is Reported by James Wilson, Patrick Shaw, C. H. Maclean, and W. R. Courtenay; vol. 7, by James Wilson, Patrick Shaw, and Charles Hope Maclean, although continued under the Name of " Wilson and Shaw's Reports'"l LAW BfooKS. 239 Wilson (John). A Short Treatise on the Law relative to Arbitration. Containing Adjudged Cases on that Useful Subject to the Present Time. Dublin, 1793. 1 vol. 24mo. Wilson (John). -A Treatise on Springing Uses and other Limitations by Deed, Corresponding with Executory Devises, according to the Arrangement in Mr. Fearne's Essay. See " Law Library, vol. 11." Wilson (John). See " Robinson's Customs of Gavelkind." Wilson (Serjeant). A Practical Treatise on Fines and Recoveries, containing the Principles, Cases and Statutes relating to, and a great Variety of Precedents of Fines and Recoveries. 4th Ed. Dublin, 1792. I vol. 12mo. Winch's (Sir Humphrey) Entries. Le Beau-Pledeur. A Book of Entries containing Declarations, Informations, and other Select and Approved Pleadings. With Special Verdicts and Demurrers, in most Actions; Real, Personal and Mixt, which have been Argued and Adjudged in the Courts at Westminster. London, 1680. 1 vol. fol. Winch's (Sir Haumphrey) Reports. Containing many Choice Cases, and excellent Matters touching Declarations, Pleadings, Demurrers, Judgements, and Resolutions in Points of Law, in the foure last Years of the Raigne of King James, faithfully Translated out of an exact French copie. With two Tables, &c. London, 1657. 1 vol. fol. Wingate's (Edmond) Maximes of Reason: Or, The Reason of the Common Law of England. London, 1658. 1 vol. fol. Wingate's (Edmund) Abridgment. An Exact Abridgment of all the Statutes in Force and Use, from the Beginning of Magna Charta, and since Continued under their Proper Titles, down to the Year 1689. London, 1708. 1 vol. (Presented by the Hon. J. V. L, Pruyn.) Winthrop (Lieutenant Colonel). See " Trial of Lieutenant Colonel Winthrop." Wisbuy (Laws of.) See' Malyne's Lex Mercatoria;" "Peters' Admiralty Decisions;" Sea Laws." Winslow (Forbes). The Plea of Insanity in Criminal Cases. London, 1843. 1 vol. 24mo. Winslow (Forbes). The Plea of Insanity, &c. See " Law Library, vol. 42." Wise (E.) See " Meeson & Welsby's Reports, (Index to.)" Withy (Robert). A Practical Treatise upon the Law of Annuities: Wherein the Different Securities for Annuities, and the Remedies for the Recovery thereof, are fully exemplified. London, 1800. 1 vol. Wolfii (Christiano L. B. De) Jus Gentium Methodo ScientificaPertractatum, in quo Jus Gentium Naturale abeo, qtnod Voluntarii Pactitii et Consuetudinarii est, accurate Distinguitur. Hake Magdeburgicae 1749. 1 vol. 4to, 4:1- Ls A W B 0Eoo sX, Wolfii (Christiano L. B. De) Institutiones Juris Natura et: Gentittm in quibus ex ipsa hominis natura continuo nexu omnes obligationes et jura omnia deducuntur. Halae Magdeburgicre. MDCCLIV. 1 vol. 12mo. Wollaston (F. L.) See 6 Harrison and Wollaston's Reports."' Willmore, Wollaston and Davison's Reports," and Willmore, Wollaston and Hodges' Reports." Wood's (Edward) Conveyancing. A Complete Body of Conveyancing, in Theory and Practice. A New Ed., being the Sixth, by John Joseph Powell. Dlblin, 1793. 6 vols. Wood's (Tho.) Civil Law. A New Institute of the Imperial or Civil Law. With Notes, shewing in some Principal Cases amongst other Observations, how the Canon Law, the Laws of England, and the Laws and Customs of other Nations differ from, it. In four bookso. The 4th Edition. London, 1730. 1 vol. folio. Wood's (Thomas) Institute of the,aws of England o or, the Laws of England in their Natural Order, according to Common Use. 10th Ed. Revised, corrected and enlarged, &c. By a Sergeant at Law. London, 1772. I vol. fol. Woodbury (Charles L.) and Mlinorts (George) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Circuit Court of the United States, for the 1st Circuit. Vol. 1st. Boston, 1847. 1 vol. Woodbury (Levi), See New-Hampshire Reports, vol. 2." Woodcock's (H. J.) Laws and Constitution of the British Colonies in the West Indies. 2d Ed. London, 1838. 1 vol. (C. L.) Wooddeson's (Richard) Lectures. A Systematical View of the Lawsa of England, as Treated of in a Course of Vinerian Lectures, Read at Oxford, during a Series of Years, Commencing in AMich. T., 1777. Dublin, 1792 1794. 3 vols. Wooddeson's (Richard) Lectures. See "Law Library,' vols. 389 and 39." Woodfalls (William) Law of Landlord and Tenant. To which is, added an Appendix of Precedents, 1st American, from the 4th London Ed. New-York, 1816. 1 vol. Woolrych's (Humphry W.) Commercial Law. A Practical Treatise on the Commercial and Mercantile Law of England. London, 1829. 1 vol. Woohlych (Humphry W.) A Treatise on the Law of Waters and of Sewers; including the Law Relating to Rights in the Sea, and Rights in Rivers, Canals, Dock Companies, Fisheries, Mills, Watercourses, &c. London, 1830. 1 vol. Wookych (Humphry W.) A Treatise on the Law of Ways, including Highways, Turnpike Roads and Tolls, Private Rights of Way, Bridges and Ferries. London, 1829. 1 vol. Woolrych's (Humphry W.) Law of Ways. See " Law Libraryy vol' 4." Woolrychb (Humplmy W.),on (the Law of) Party Walls and Fen LAW BooKS. 241 es, including the New Metropolitan Buildings Act, with Notes. London, 1845. I vol. Woolrych (Humphry W.) A Practical Treatise on the Law of Window Lights. London, 1833. 1 vol. 24mo. Woolrych's (I-1. W.) Treatise on the Law of Certificates. London, 1826. 1 vol. (C. L.) Woolrych's (H. W.) Series of Law Officers. London, 1826. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Woolrych's (H. W.) Treatise on Misdemeanors. London, 1842. 1 vol.2. C1mo. (C.L.) Woolrych's (H. W.) Life of Sir Edward Coke. London, 1826. 1 vol. (C. L.) Woolrych's (H. W.) Treatise on the Law of Rights of Common: With a Supplement. London, 1835. 1 vol. (C. L.) Woolrych (1H. W.) See " Penruddocke." Woolsey's (Robert) Doctrine and Practice of Attachment in the Mayor's Court, London. London, 1816. 1 vol. (C. L.) Wordsworth's (Chas.) Rules of Court, from Mich. Term, 1830, to the present time. London, 1839. 1 vol. (C. L.) Wordsworth (Charles) on the Law of Joint Stock Companies. 3d Ed. London, 1842. 1 vol. Wordsworth (Charles) on the Law of Joint Stock Companies. See " Law Library, vols. 39 and 40." Wordsworth's (Charles F. F.) Digest of all the Election Reports from the earliest to the present time. London, 1834. 1 vol, (C. L.) Worthington (George). An Inquiry into the Power of Juries to Decide Incidentally on Questions of Law. London, 1825. 1 vol. Worthington (George) on the Power of Juries. See' Law Library, vol. 29." Worthington's (G.) Precedent for Wills. See " Law Library, vol. 60." Wright's (David) Executor's Administrator's and Guardian's Guided 2d Ed. Auburn, 1846, 1 vol. Wright's (Jas.) Treatise on the Internal Regulations of Friendly Societies. 2d Ed. London, 1829. 1 Vol. 12mo. (C. L.) Wright (John C.) See " Ohio Supreme Court Reports." Wright's (Sir Martin) Tenures. An Introduction to the Law of Tenures. 4th Ed. London, 1792. 1 vol. Wright's (R. E.) Pennsylvania Justice. A Practical Digest of the Statute and Common Law of Pennsylvania, on the Rights Duties, Authority and Jurisdiction of the Aldermen and Justices of the Peace. Philadelphia, 1839. 1 vol. (C. L.) Wright (Robert T.) See " Pennsylvania Digest." Wright's (Wn.) Advice on the Study and Practice of the Law. 3d Ed. London, 1824. I vol, (C,. L.) 4% L ALAW Boois. Wyatt's (John) Practical Register in Chancery. With the Addition of the Modern Cases. London, 1800. 1 vol. Wyche's (William) Practice. A Treatise on the Practice of the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of New-York in Civil Actions. 2d Ed. New-York, 1794. 1 vol. Wycombe Corporation Case. See " Rumsey." Wynne's (Edward) Eunomus, or Dialogues concerning the Law and Constitution of England. 5th Ed. By W. M. Bythewood. London, 1822. 2 vols. (C. L.) Wynne (Edward). See " Eunomus." Wythe's (G-eorge) Decisions of Cases in Virginia, by the High Court of Chancery, with Remarks upon Decrees by the Court of Appeals, Reversing those Decisions. Richmond, 1795. 1 vol. fol. Wythe's (George) Reports of Cases Determined by the High Court of Chancery of the State of Virginia. Richmond, 1796. 1 vol, Y. Yates' (John V. N.) Pleadings. A Collection of Pleadings and Practical Precedents, with Notes thereon, and Approved Forms of Bills of Costs Containing, also, References, &c., to Graham's Practice. 2d Ed. Albany, 1837. 1 vol. Year Books Or, Reports in the following Reigns: 11 Parts, fol~ vix: Part 1. Maynard's (Sir Jehan) Reports: Les Reports des Cases Argue & Adjudge in le Temps del'Roy Edward le Second, et auxy Memoranda del'Exchequer en Temps le Roy Edward le Primer. London, 1678. 1 vol. fol. Part II. Regis Edwardi Tertii a primo ad decimum (inclusiue) anni omnes, &c. Londini, 1582. 1 vol. Fr. fol. Part III. Reports from 17 to 39 Edw. III. [Title page wanting.] 1 vol Fr fol. Part IV. Regis Pie Memorie Edwardi Tertii, a Quadrigessimo, ad Quinquagessimum, Anni Omnes, &c. Londini, 1600. 1 Vol. PFr. fol. Part V. Le Liver des Assises (Liber Assisarum) et Plees del Corone, moues & dependants denant les Justices, cibien en lour Circuits come aylours, en Temps le Roy Edward le tierce. Londini, 1606. 1 vol. Fr. fol. Part VI. In hoc Volumine continentur onnes Casus antehac impressi, qui acciderunt annis Regum Henrici quarti & Henrici quinti, &c. (Londini,) 1605. 1 vol. Fr. fol. Part VIL Le Primier part des Ans del Roy Henrie le 6. London. Printed for the Companie of Stationers, 1608a I vol. Fr. fol. LAW B1ooKs, 243 Part VIII. Les Reports de les Cases conteinus in les ans vint primer, et apres in temps del roy Henry le siz: Communement appelle, The Second Part of Henry the Sixt. Londini, 1601. 1 vol. Fr. fol. Part IX. Les Ans on Reports del Raigne du Roy Edwardle quart. Londini, 1599. 1 vol. Ft. fol. Part X. Les Reports des Cases en Ley en le Cinque An du Roy Edward le Quart. Communement Appelle Long Quinto. London, 1680. 1 vol. fol. Part XI. Anni Regum Edwardi Quinti, Richardi Tertii, Henrici Septimi, et Henrici Octavi, Omnes qui antea impressi fuerunt. London, Printed for the Companie of Stationers, 1620. 1 vol. Fr. fol. Yeates (Jasper) Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania: with some Select Cases at Nisi Prius and in the Circuit Courts. From April Term, 1791, to June, 1808. Philadelphia, 1817 - 1819. 2 vols. Yelvertonls (Sir Henry) Reports of Divers Special Cases in the Court of King's Bench, as well in the Latter End of the Reign of Q Elizabeth, as in the First Ten Years of K. James. 1st American, from the 4th English Ed., with Notes and References to Prior and Subsequent Decisions. By Theron Metcalf. Andover, 1820. 1 vol. Yeo (Henry) and Billing's (Richard A.) Practice of the Pleas Side of the Court of Exchequer in Ireland. Dublin, 1843. 1 vol. (C. L.) Yerger's (Geo. S.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Tennessee. From December, 1818, to December, 1837. Nashville, 1832 - 1838. 10 vols. Yorke (Charles) on the Law of Forfeiture: Some Considerations on the Law of Forfeiture for High Treason: Occasioned by a Clause in the Late Act, for making it Treason to correspond with the Pretender's Sons, or any of their Agents, &c. With an Appendix, concerning Estates-Tail in Scotland. 4th Ed. London, 1795. 1 vol. Younge's (Edward) Report of the Case of Small v, Attwood, in the Court of Exchequer. London, 1833. 1 vol. (C. L.) Younge's (Edward) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Exchequer in Equity. From Trin. T., 11 Geo. IV. (1830), to Mich. T., 2 Will. IV. (1832). Vol. I. London, 1833. 1 vol. Younge (Edward) and Collyer's (John) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Exchequer in Equity. From Trin. T., 4 Will. IV. (1834,) to Trin. Vac., 4 and 5 Vict. (1839 -40). London, 1836-1846. 4 vols. Younge (Edward) and Collyer's (John) Reports of Cases Decided in the High Court of Chancery by Sir J. L. Knight Bruce, Vice a4 i iT 1 o ox s. Chancellor. From Mich. T., 1841, (5 Vict.,) to iMi. T., 18449 (8 Vict.) London, 1843- 1844, 2 vols. Younge (Edward) and Jervis' (John) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Exchequer, & Exchequer Chamber, at Lawr in Equity, and in Error, from Mich. T,7 Geo. IV. (1826), to Hil. T.. 10 & 11 Geo. IV. (1830.) London, 1828 -1830. 3 vols. Z. Zacchiae (Pauli) Medici Romani Collegii Archiatrorum Romanorum Prioris. Qusestiones Medico-Legales. Opus Jurisperitis apprime necessarium, medicis perutile, cateris non iniucundutm Editio Quinta. Avenione, 1660. 1 vol. fol. Zenger's (John Peter) Trial: The Tryal of John Peter Zenger, of New-York, Printer, who was lately Try'd and Acquitted for Printing and Publishing a Libel against the Government, With the Pleadings and Arguments on both sides. The 4th Ed. London, 1738. 1 vol. 4to. (5708) IMPERFECT VOLUMES OF REPORTS. (There are also in the State Library, the following Reports, not yet Completed in Volumes:) Addams' Ecclesiastical Reports. Vol. 3. Part 1. Alcock's (J. C.) Registry Cases, Reserved and Decided by the twelve Judges of Ireland. 3 parts. 1837 -41..Bell's (Sydney) Reports of Scotch Appeal Cases to the House of Lords. Vol. 5. Part 1 & 2. (C L.) Cooke (J. B.) and Alcock's (J. C.) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the King's Bench, Ireland. Part 1. Crawford (G.) and Dix's (E. S.) Reports of Cases Argued and Ruled on the Circuits in Ireland. Vol. 3. Parts 1, 2, 3, 4) 5, & 6. (C L.) Denison (Stephen C.) Crown Cases Reserved for Consideration and Decided byt —ie Judges of England. Vol. 1 Part 1. (C. L.) Haggard's Ecclesiastical Reports. Vol. 4. Parts 1 & 2. Jones (Thomas) and Latouche's (E. D.) Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery (Ireland) during the time of Lord Chancellor Sugden. Vol. 3. Part I. Lloyd (J. H.) and Welsby's (W. N.) Reports of Cases relating to Commerce, Manufactures, &c., Determined in the Courts of Common Law. Parts 1, 2 & 3. 245 LAW B300OK Lutwyche (Alfred J. P.) Reports of Cases in the Court of Common Pleas on Appeal from the Decisions of Revising Barristers. Vol. 1. Parts 1, & 3. (C. L.) Molloy's (Philip) Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, during the time of Sir Anthony Hart. Vol. 3. Part 1. Mylne (J. W.) and Craig's (R. D.) Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery. Vol. 5. Part 1. Neville (S.) and Perry's (T. E.) Reports of Cases relating to the Office and Duties of Magistrates, Determined in the King's Bench and other Courts. Parts 1 & 2. Price's (George) Notes of Points in Practice Ruled in the Exchequer of Pleas and the Cases at Law and in Revenue, Argued and Determined in the Court of Exchequer and the Courts of Error and Appeals. Part 1. Robertson's (J. E. P.) D. C. L. Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Ecclesiastical Courts at Doctors' Commons, Vol. 2. Parts 1 & 2. Russels (James) Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the High Court of Chancery. Vol. 5. Parts 1 & 2. Wilson's (John) Reports of Cases in Chancery, commencing in the Sittings after Hilary Term, 1818. Vol. 1. Parts 1, 2 & 3. Vol. 2 Part 1. Book omitted in the present Catalogue and also in that of 1846. Cowen's (Esek) Digested Index to the Nine Volumes of Cowens$ Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court, &c., of the State of New-York. Albany, 1831. 1 vol. (5709) CATALOGUE OF LAW-BOOKS. ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THE SUBJECTS. ABRIDGMENTS, see Titles " DIGESTS;" O'Donnell & Brady on the Law of all CC INDICES." Actions. (Civil Bill Court.) Osborne's Nature and Form of Actions, American Law. Pennington on Small Causes. Dane's Abridgment. Roscoe on Actions. Real Property. Hilliard's Abridgment. Smith's Actions at Law. 2d Edit. Lewis' Abridgment of U. S. Criminal Stearns on Real Actions. Law. Walford on Parties to Actions. Walker's American Law. Wheeler's Abridgment. ADMINISTRATORS, see Title "EXECU~British Law. ~TORS AND ADMINISTRATORS." British Law. Bacon's Abridgment, 1811. ADMIRALTY, see Titles " CIVIL LAW;" Bacon's Abridgment, 1846. CODES," &C.; " COMMERCIAL AND MABrooke's Abridgment. RITIME LAW;" " LAW OF NATIONS;' D'Anvers' Abridgment. "REPoRTS; Privy Council and AdmiFitzherbert's Abridgment. ralty." Lilly's Abridgment. Nelson's Abridgment. ADVOWSONS. Petersdorff's Abridgment. Rolle's Abridgment. Mirehouse on Advowsons. Sheppard's Grand Abridgment. Trusler's Abridgment. AGENCY, "PRINCIPAL AND AGENT." Viner's Abridgment Williams' Abridgment of Cases. Livermore on Principal and Agent. Wingate's Abridgment of Statutes. Paley on Agency. Paley on Agency, (by Dunlap ) ABUSES OF THE LAW. Story on Agency. 1st Ed. Story on Agency. 2d Ed. Law Quibbles. Pearce's Abuses of the Laws. ALIENS. Spence's Abuses in Chancery.ansard on Aliens *Hansard on Aliens. ACTIONS. ACTIONS. Reeve's Two Tracts. Atherton on Personal Actions. ANNUITIES. Barton's Suit in Equity. Ellis on Annuities. Book of Assizes. Hendry on Life Annuities. Boote's Suit at Law. Kelly's Life Annuities. Booth on Real Actions. Lumley's Law of Annuities. Broom on Parties to Actions. McKean's Annuity Tables and ExposL Browne on Actions at Law. tion. Calvert on Parties to Suits in Equity. Morgan on Annuities. Edwards on Parties in Chancery. Withy on Annuities. Espinasse's Actions on Statutes. Gilbert on the Action of Debt. See "Gil- APPEALS, see Title s ERRORs.. bert's Cases in Law and Equity." Hammond on Parties to Actions. AQUATIC RIGHTS. Jackson on Real Actions. Morgan's Vade Mecum. Schultes on Aquatic Rights. 248 LAW BOOKS ARRaANGED ARBITRATIONS, see Title " AWARDS." BAIL. Bellott sur L'Arbitrage. Petersdorffon Bail. Boucher Manuel des Arbitres. Schroder on Law of Bail. Caldwell on Arbitrations. Compleat Arbitrator. BAILMENT. Parker on Arbitration, Scotland. Russell on the Duty of an Arbitrator. Jones on Bailments. Stephens on Arbitration and Awards. Story on Bailments. See " Stephen's Nisi Prius." Story on Bailments,?d Ed. Stephens on Arbitration. Watson on Arbitration. B NKING. ARCHITECTURAL JURISPRUDENCE. Prat's Law of Saving's Banks. Law of Bills of Exchange. Ainger's Building Act. Elmes on Architectural Jurisprudence. BANKRUPTCY. Lepage Lois des Batimens. Woolrych on Party Walls and Fences. Archbold on Bankruptcy. Bankrupt Law, New-York, 1841, and Rules. ARREST. | Christian's English Bankrupt Law. Archbold's Abolition of Arrest. Cole's English Bankrupt Laws. Cookers Bankrupt Law. Ings' Abolition of Arrest. Cooke's Bankrupt Law. Lush's Abolition of Arrest. Deacon's Law of Bankruptcy. Pearce's Abuses of the Laws Arrest. Eden on Bankrupt Law. Gregg's Bankruptcy. Henley's Bankrupt Law. ASSETS. Holt's Bankrupt Laws. Keane's Courts of Request. MIeggison on Assets. Maugham's Questions. Ram on Assets. Montagu & Ayrton's Bankrupt Law. Montagu & Gregg's Bankrupt Laws. ASSIGNMENTS. Owen on Bankruptcy. Angell on Assignments. BAR. (THE) ASSIZES, see Title c' ACTIONS." Criticisms on the Bar. Dupin & Camus. Profession D'Avocat. ASSURANCE, see Title "-INSURANCE." Goldsmith's English Bar. Whishaw's Synopsis of the Bar. ATTACHMENT. BARON AND FEME, see Titles "iHusls Ashley's Attachment Law. BAND AND WIFE" AND "MARRIAGr Cushing's Trustee Process. AND DIVORCE." Sergeant on Attachment. BASTARDiY. ATTORNEYS AND SOLICITORS. Nicolas' Law of Adulterine Bastardy. Dawson's Law of Attorneys. Tebb's Adultery and Divorce. Howard on Duties of Solicitors in Sales by Auction, &e. BIBLOGRAPHY. See " CATALOGUES."' Maugham's Statutes and Rules relating to Attorneys and Agents. Bridgman's Legal Bibliography. Maugham's Law of Attorneys. Catalogues of Law Books. Merrifield's Law of Attorneys. Marvin's Legal Bibliography. Warren's Attorneys and Solicitors. Wallace's Reporters. AUCTIONS, see Title' PRINCIPAL AND BILL CHAMBER. AGENT.". Beveridge's Bill Chamber. Babtningtonn Aouctions. Howard on Sales by Auction. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. Law of Auctions. Williams' Law of Auctions. Bayley on Bills of Echange. Brooke on the Office of a Notary. AWARDS, see Title " ARBITRATION." Byles on Bills of Exchange. 4th Ed. Chitty on Bills of Exchange. Billing on Awards. Cunningham's Bills of Exchange. Kyd on Awards. Evans on Bills of Exchahge. A. CCO aDING TO SUBJECTS. 249 Glen on Bills of Exchange. ports of the N. Y. State Library, Johnson on Bills of Exchange. 1846-47-48-49.) Kyd on Bills of Exchange. Catalogues of Law Books, 4 vols. Law of Bills of Exchange. Catalogue of Law Libraries, (RochesLogan's Pocket Bill Book. ter.) Lovelass on Bills of Exchange. Catalogue N. Y. State Library, 1846Manning's Bills of Exchange. 1849. Muir's Bills of Exchange. Johnson's Catalogue. Notaire (Le Nouveau Parfait.) Persil Lettre de Change et du Billet a British. Ordre. Butterworth's Catalogue. Roscoe's Bills of Exchange. Catalogue of Law Books in the AdvoStory on Bills of Exchange. cate's Library, Edinburgh. Story on Promissory Notes. Clarke's Bibliotheca Legum. Thomson on Bills of Exchange. Cooper's Specimen Catalogue. BIOGRAPHY LEGAL. CATHOLICS. Butler's Life of D'Aguesseau. Anstey's Laws of England affecting RoFoss' Grandeur of the Law. man Catholics. Fournel. Histoire des Avocats. Dal Pozzo. Catholicism in Austria. Townsend's Lives of Twelve Eminent Overall's Convocation Book. Judges. Sampson's Catholic Question in AmeTytler's Life of Craig. rica. Woolrych's Life of Cole. CERTIFICATES. BONDS. Woolrych on the Law of Certificates. Hurlstone on Bonds. CHANCERY, see Titles " EQUITY;3 BOROUGHS. "PLEADINGS;" "PRACTICE;" AREPORTS." Brady on Cities and Boroughs. Brown's Borough Courts of Records. CHARITIES. Madox Firma Burgi. Merewether & Stephens on Boroughs Boyle's Law of Charities. and Municipal Corporations. Cooper's (C. P.) Speech. (Lady Hewley's Case.) BREAD-LAWS. Duke on Charitable Uses. Highmore's Mortmain, and Charitable Culverhouse's Bread-laws. Uses. BROKERS, see Title " FACTORS AND CHARTERS. BROKERS." American. CANON LAW, see Title ccECCLESIASTI- The Charters of New-York, Albany and CAL LAW." Brooklyn, will be found under Statute Law. Ayliffe's Canon Law. Corpus Juris Canonici. British. Horm Juridicne Subsecive. Spelman's Ancient Records and Charters. Odenheimer on Canon Law. Local. CAPTURES, see Title "LAW OF NA- James' Charters of King's Town and Pa" TIONS." rish of Maidstone. Jeakes' Charters of the Cinque Ports. Lee on Captures. Norton's Franchises of London. Martens on Captures. Wheaton on Captures. CHURCHES AND CHURCH WARDENS. CARRIERS, see Title'" BAILMENT." Anderdon's Duties of Church Wardens. Billing's Law of Pews. Angell on Carriers. Cripps' Law of Church and Clergy. Jeremy on Carriers. English's Law of Pews. Jones on Carriers. Liber Ecclesiasticus. Peterkin's Law of the Church, (ScotCATALOGUES, see "L LAW JOURNALS' land.) Prideaux and Tyrwhitt's Directions to American. Church Wardens. Catalogue of Harvard Law Library. Steer's Parish Law, Catalogues of Law Books (Annual Re[STATE LIBRARY.] 16 250 LAW BOOKS ARRANGED OHATTELS PERSONAL, see Title sSales." COLONIAL LAW. CIVIL LAW, CODES, &c., see Titles Burge's Colonial and Foreign Law. " COMMENTARIES;" cc JURISPRU- Clark's Colonial Law. DENCE." Henry's Criminal Law at Demarara. Howard's Colonial Law. Ayliff's Roman Civil Law. Jamaica Political Constitution of. Biret Applications. Jure de Colonias. Boucher Les principes, du Droit Civil Shephard's Colonial Practice. et Commercial. Stokes' View of the Colonies. Bowyer on Modern Civil Law. Woodcock's British Colonies (West InBrowne's Civil Law. dies.) Bynkershoek, Juris Romani. Civil Code of France. COMMENTAR1ES, see Titles " HISTORY Civil Code of Louisiana. OF AMERICAN, BRITISH AND ROMAN Civil Law of Spain. LAW." Code Civil de l'Empire D'Autriche. Code Civil, Recueil, &c. American. Code des Prises. Anthon & Beebee's Blackstone. Code Napoleon. Hoffman's Legal Outlines. Code Napoleon discussions du. Jefferson on the Batture Case. Codes Francaises. Kent's Commentaries. (1st Ed.) Codes (Les Cinq.) Kent's Commentaries. (2d Ed.) Codes (Les six.) Kent's Commentaries. (4th Ed.) Codex Theodosianus. Kent's Commentaries. (5th Ed.) Cooper's Justinian. Kent's Commentaries. (6th Ed.) Cujacii Omnia Opera. Kent's Dissertations. D'Aguesseau U(Euvres Completes. Kent's Introductory Lecture. Danish Laws, (Code of Christian the Kinne's Blackstone. 5th.) Kinne's Kent. Domat's Civil Law. Kinne's Law Compendium. Domat's CEuvres Completes. Livingston on the Batture Case. Elliot's American Diplomatic Code. Smith's Commentaries. FredericianCode. (Laws of Prussia.) Story's Commentaries. (Agency.) Giraud, Droit de Propriete chez les Ro- Story's Commentaries. (Agency. 2d maines. Ed.) Gravine. Juris OriginumCivilis. Story's Commentaries. (Bailment.) Hallifax's Civil Law. Story's Commentaries. (Bailment. 3d Heineccii Opera. Ed.) Huberi, Praelectionum Juris Civilis. Story's Commentaries. (Conflict of Irving's Introduction to the Civil Law. Laws.) Justinian's Institutes. Story's Commentaries.. (Conflict of Justinian Pandectes by Pothier. Laws. 3d Ed.).Kaufmann's Mackeldey. Story's Commentaries. (Equity PleadLegat Code des Etrangers. ing.) Lobe. Guide aux Droits, Civils et cor- Story's Commentaries. (Equity Pleadmerciaux. ing. 3d Ed.) Long's Discourses. Story's Commentaries. (On the ConstiMackeldey, Manuel de Droit Romain. tution.) Meermanni Novus Thesaurus.. Tucker's Blackstone. Miller on the Civil Law of England. Walker's IntroductiontoAmerican Law. M3oser, Deutsches Staats Recht. Wendell's Blackstone. Moser, Nouveau Droit Public Alle- Wilson's Lectures. mand. Muhlenbruch's Doctrina Pandectarum. British. Paul's (Father) Rights of Sovereigns Barnham's Law Questions. and Subjects. Bayly's Commentaries. Plitti Corpus Juris Civilis. Beames' Glanville. Questions on Code of Procedure, (N. Bell's Commentaries. Y.) Bowyer's Commentaries. Ridley's View of the Law, (Civil and Blackstone's Commentaries, (by Anthon Ecc.) & Beebee.) Rogron's Code Civil. Blackstone's Commentaries, (by ChitSande (J. & F.) Opera Omnia Juridica. ty.) Taylor's Civil Law. Blackstone's Commentaries, (by ChrisToullier, Le Droit Civil Frangais. tian.) Vinnii Commentarius. Blackstone's Commentaries, (by Curry.) Vinnii Tractatus Quinque. Blackstone's Commentaries, (by WenVoet. Commentarius. dell.) Westenbergii Principia Juris. Blackstone's Commentaries, (by TuckWood's Civil Law. er.) ACcc'o aDs N'G TO SUBJECTS. 251!Bracten de Legibus, &c. Chitty on Commerce and Manufactureso Jurge's Commentaries. (1824.) 4Cary's Commentary on Littleton. Code de Commerce D'Espagne. Coke's Commentary on Littleton. 1st Code Des Prises. Institute. Collectanea Maritima. Coke's Institutes 2d, 3d & 4th. Commercial Code of Franee. ~Cole on Littleton. (Thomas' Ed.) Cooper's Opinion on a Sentence of a Fo"Coke upon Littleton, (by Coventry.) reign Court of Admiralty.,Commentary on Montesquieu's Spirit of Cotelle. Privileges et Hypotheques. the Laws. Cotelle. Des Interets. Erskine's Institutes. Curtis on Merchant Seamen. Field's Analysis of Blackstone. Decisiones RotaGeenuae. Finch's Law. Delvincourts. Droit Commercial FranFinch's Law, (by Pickering..) gais. Fisk's Analysis of Coke on Littleton. Edwards' Admiralty Jurisdiction. Fitzherbert's Natura Brevium. Ellis' British Tariff. Fleta. (Selden's.) Emerigon on Maritime Law. Fortescue. De Laudibus. (1st Ed.) Fremery. Etudes de Droit Commercial. Fortesque. De Laudibus. (2d Ed.) Garnier. Regime des.Eaux..Glanvilla. (1673.) Gautier. Etudes de Jurisprudence CoomGlanville. By Beames. merciale.:Hume's Commentaries. Godolphin on the Admiralty JurisdicMaugham's Outlines of Law. (Public tion, Wrongs.),Guidon de la M er. Maugham's Outlines of Law. (Corn. & Hall's Seashores of the Realm. Stat. Law.) Hare & Wallace's American Leading.Montesquieu's Spirit of thle Laws. Cases. Plowden's Jura Anglorum. Holcombe's Leading Cases. Rowe's Vindication of Blackstone. Holt on Shipping. Sargent's Principles Law of England. Horne on the Statute Laws of the Court.Smith's Leading Cases. of Admiralty. Stephen's Commentaries. Ingersoll's Roccus. Stewart's Rights of Persons. Jacobson's Laws of the Sea.;Sullivan's Lectures. Lainne. Memorial dnaCommerc'ee Warren's Extracts from Blackstone. Lawes on Charter Parties. Wood's Institute. Laws of Admiralty. Wooddeson's Lectures, Laws of the Hanse Towns. Laws of Oleron. Dutch. Laws of Wisbuy. Wanleeouwen Commentaries on Roman- Lex Mecatoria. (Americana.) Dutch Law. Malepeyre & Jourdain. Societes,Comn merciales. French. Malyne's Lex Mercatoria. tDe La Porte's Commentaries on the Law Mare Clausum. of France. See "Code Napoleon Martens (De) on Privateers, Captures, discussions dlu," and Recaptures.. Maxwell's Spirit of Marine Laws. Mohaelmedan. Molloy de Jure 8th Ed.'Hamilton's Hedaya. Montefiore's Meicantile Laws, Neutral Trade.'COMME:RCAL AND MARITIME LAW, see Palmer's Law of Wreck. Titles "CIVIL LAW;" "CODES, &tc.;" Pardessus' Droit Commercial.'LAW OF NATIONS." PersiL Societes Commerciales. Pope's Merchants' Ship Owner. Abbott on Shipping. Postlethwayt's Dictionary of Trade and Abbott on Shipping. (7th Lond. Ed.) Commerce. Abbott on Shipping. (Story & Perkins' Poth'ier's Maritime Contracts. Notes.) Pulling on Mercantile Accounts. Atcheson's American Encroachments. Reddie on the Law of Maritime Comrn Azuni's Maritime Law. merce.'Battur, des Privileges et Hypotheques. Reddie on Maritime International Law. Beawes' Lex Mercatoria. Reeves' Law of Shipping. Blunt's Commercial Digest. Repertoire du Droit Commercial.'Boucher. Les prineipes du Droit Civil Rocci de Navibus et Naulo. et Commercial. Schomberg on the Maritime Law of Boulay-Paty. Cours de Droit Commer- Rhodes. cial. Sea Laws. Boutaric. Explication de l'Ordonnance Smith's Mercantile Law. Louis XIV. Townsend's Law of Salvage (Ireland.) Browne's Admiralty Law. Trollope's Mortgage of ships.,:Chitt y's Commercial Law.o (1820.) Valin. Ordonnance de la Marine. 252 LAW BooIKs ARRANGE.D Vincens, Legislation Commercial.. Duer on the Constitutional Juris-pr — Wheaton on Captures. dence of the U. S. Wheaton on the Right of Search. Elliott's Debates on the Federal Consti,Wilkinson's Law of Shipping. tution. Woolrych's Commercial Law. Federalist (The). Maine, Review of the Constitution of. Local. Marshall on the Federal Constitution. Bowditch's Revenue, &c., of the Islands Oliver's American Citizen. of Guernsey and Jersey, and Trade Rawle on the Constitution of the Unitedof the Isle of Man and Channel Is- States. lands. Ritchie's Constitutional Law. Sergeant's Constitutional Law. COMMON CARRIERS, see Title 6C CAR- Smith's Constitutional Law. RIERS. Storrs' Speech on Amendment Constitution. COMMON LAW, see Titles "COMMENTA- Story's Commentaries on tlheConstituRIES;" " COMMON LAW HISTORY;" tion. " HISTORY OF BRITISH LAWS;" "C RE- Thoughts on the Constitution, see "LotPORTS." tery Investigation." COMMON LAW HISTORY. British. Bellendeni de Statu, Libri Tres. Crabb's History of the English Law, Conversations on the English ConstituHale's Common Law. tion. Reeve's English. Law. Cross' Laws. and Constitution of England. COMMONS, Custan.c.e's Constitution of England. De La Croix on Constitutions, EuropeBird's Selections. and Am.erica. Woolrych's Right of Commons.. De Lolme on the Constitution of England. CONFLICT OF LAWS De Lolme on the English Constitution,, by Stephens. Hosack's Conflict of Laws. English Liberties. Huber de Conflictu Legum. Eunarmus, by Wynne. Prater on the Conflict between the Laws: Evans on the Political Institutions of of England and Scotland with regard Europe and America. to Marriage and Divorce. Gilbert on the Constitution of England'. Story's Conflict of Laws. Jenkins' (Judge) Works. Story's Conflict of Laws, 3d Ed.. Marshall on the British Constitution, Morton on Whitelocke. CONSTABLES, see Title " MINISTE.RIAL Rey's des Institutions Judicaires deOFFICERS.." L'Angletcrre. Ritehie's Essays. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND GOVERN.- Sismondi Etudes sur les. Constitutions. MENT, see Titles " GOVERNMENT AND des Peuples libres. LEGISLATION,"' C" PARLIAMENT." Spence's Laws and Political Institutionis of Modern Europe. American. Sullivan's Lectures. Adams' Defence of the American Con- Taylor's Book of Rights or Constitu-. stitution. tional Acts. Adams' Defense des Constitutions-Americains. Roman. American Citizen's Sure Guide. Cicero's P'olitical Worls.. American Constitutions. Bayard's Constitution of the United CONSULS. States. Constitution of the State of New York. Miltitz Manuel dtes Consu'ls,. Constitutions of the several Independent States of America. CONTRA.CTS. Constitutions des treize- Etats Unis. de I'Amerique. Addison on Contracts. Debates on Electing a. President and Blackburn on the'ontract of Sane (1845L, Vice-President, Chipman on Contracts. Debate on the Violation of the Right of Chitty on Contracts (1844). Deposit at New Orleans. Comyn on Contracts. Debates on the Powers of Congress as Fox on Simple Contracts. to Treaties.. Newland on Contracts. Debates ou the Judiciary. Pothier on Obligations, by Evans., De La Cro.ix on Constitutions,. Europe Pothier on Contracts. and America.. Pothier on MaritimWe Cotra.cts... A~'C CORD i IG TO SUBJI CT S. 25 ~owell on UontractS. Hulton on Convictions. Smith on Contracts. Nares on Penal Convictions.,Story on Contracts. Paley's Summary Convictions. Verplanck on ContractsCOPYHOLDS. CONV:EYANCP S, see Titles "FRAUDS;" ( REAL PROP'ERTY." Beaumont's Origin of Copyhold Ten, ures. -Atherley's Law of Marriage. Caswall's Copyholds. Atkinson's Conveyancer's MLan-al. Coke's Compleat Copyholder. See Coke's Atkinson on Conveyancing. Law Tracts." Atkinson's Points in Conveyancing. Fisher on Copyhold Tenure. Atkinson's Precedents in Conveyancing. Gilbert's Tenures, including Copyholds. ~Barton on Conveyancing. Scriven on Copyhold. Barton's Points in Conveyancing. Watkins on Copyholds. Bird's Precedents. Bird's.,crivener and Conveyancer. COPYRIGHT, Bone's Conveyancing.'Cooper on Registration, &c., of Convey- Burke on Copyright. ances. Crawford on Copyright. Cornish on Purchase Deeds. Curtis on Copyright. Coventry's Concise Forms in Convey- Lowndes' Law of Copy-right. ancing. Maugham's Laws of Literary Property. Coventry on Conveyancing. Renouard des Droits d'Auteurs dans la Crabb's Conveyancer's Assistant. Litterature. Crisp's Conveyancer's Guide. Curtis' Conveyancer. CORONERS, see Title MINISTERIAL Dixon on Title Deeds. LAW." Duff on Deeds. Flintoff's Conveyancing. Impey's Sheriff and Coroner, -Grim on Registry of Deeds. Jervis' Coroners. Harper on Abstracting Title Deeds. Sewell's Ceroner. Hayes' Conveyancing. Umfreville's Lex Coronatoria. Horsman's Conveyancing. Jones' Attorney's and Conveyancer's CORPORATIONS, see Title Mu"NICIPAL Assistant. LAW." Keatinge on Family Settlenents. Lilly's Practical Conveyancer. Angell & Ames on Corporations. Lord's Conveyancing. Angell & Ames on Corporations. 2d Ed. Martin's Conveyancer's Recital Book. Angell & Ames on Corporations. 3d Ed..Molesworth's Registration of Deeds and Farren's Liabilities of Members of ConConveyances in Ireland. panies. Mysteries of Clerkship. George on Unincorporated Joint Stock Newnam on Conveyancing, Companies. 0Oliver's Conveyancing. Glover on Municipal Corporations. Perkins on Conveyancing. Kyd on Corporations. Phillips' Conveyancing Student. Merewether & Stephens on CorporaPreston on Conveyancing. tions. Property Lawyer. Rawlinson's Municipal Corporation Act.'Questions on Real Property and Con- Rumsey's Wycombe Corporation Case. veyancing. Wells' Bedford Level Corporation. Ritson on Conveyancing. Willcock on Municipal Corporations. Rowe's Conveyancing. Wordsworth on Joint Stock Companies, Sheppard's Touchstone. Shipman's Attorney's New Pocket-book. CosTs. Stewart on Conveyancing. Student's Manual. Beames on Costs in Equity. Thornton's Conveyancing. Brightly on the Law of Costs. Watkins on Conveyancing, by MIerri- Costs in Chancery. field. Dax's Costs. Williams on Personal Property. (Con- Gilbert's Costs. veyancing.) Hullock on Costs. Williams on Real Property. (Convey- Lloyd's Tables of Costs, ancing.) Mansel's Law of Costs. Wood's Conveyancing. Richards Book of Costs. Sayer's Law of Costs. CO NVICTINS. Tidd's Costs in Civil Actions. CONVICTIONS. Wickstead's Solicitor's Table of Costso Poscawen on Convictions on Penal Statutes. 254 LAW BOOK S A RANG E COURTS MARTIA-L. Joy on admissibility of Confessiomsy (criminal,) Adye on Courts Martial. Kelham's Britton. Chenier Conseils de Guerre. Livington's Criminal Code. Delafon on Courts Martial, (Naval.): Lonsdale's Statute Criminal Law of Griffith on Courts Martial, England. Hough on Courts Martial. Mackenzie's Criminal Law of Scotland;. Hough on Military Courts, M-atthews' offnces punishable by IndictJames on Courts Martial. ment Kennedy on Courts Martial. Maugham's Questions. Macomb on Courts Martial. M'Dermott's Criminal CodeMcArthur on Courts Martial, Miller's Statute and- Criminal Law. Maltby on Courts Martial. Montagu on Punishment of death. Simmons on Courts Martial, Nares on Penal Convictions. Tytler on Courts Martial. Old Bailey Experience. Penruddocke's Criminal Law. C'OVENANTSo Robinson's Penal Law of Louisiana~Roscoe on Penal Jurisprudence. Platt on Covenantso, Russell on Crimes. Staundforde's Pleas del Coron. COVER-TURE, see Titles "Hc IHSBAAND AN:D Staunton's Penal Laws of China. WItFE'3" MARRIAGE A-ND DIVORCE.") Stephens' Criminal Law. Stubbs' & Talmash's Crown Circuit Cowm'CREDSTOR, see Title " LAW OF DEBTOR panion. AND' CRBEDITOR." Tomlins' C'rown'Law. Tremaine's Pleas of the Ciown. CRaMiNAL LA-w, see Title "PLEADtNGS5^" United States Criminal Law (by Lewis.)' cc TRIALS.." Wharton's American Criminal Law. Winslow on the Plea of Insanity in CriAlison's Practice of Criminal Law of minal cases. Scotland. Woolrych on Misdemeanors.. Alison's Principles of Criminal Law of Scotland. CrOWN- LAW, see Title " —C'alMISNA-},_ Andrews on Criminal Law. LA.-." Barbour on Criminal Law. Beccaria on Crimes and Punishments., CoUSTOMS Bevil on Homeicilde Bicheno's Criminal Jurisprudence, Hume on the. Customs, Boehmeri Constitutionem Criminalem Smyth on the Customs. Carolinam. T xevor on the Customs,. Book of Assizesand Pleas of the' Crown. Boothby on Indictable offences. DAMAGES. Boscawen on Convictions on Penal Statutes. Sayer's Law of Damages. Burnett's Criminal Law of Scotland. Sedgwick on the measure of iamages' Burkles Ciiminal Law. Chitty's Criminal Law. DEBTOR A.ND' CREDITOR. Clerk of Assize. Cottu on Cririinal Justiceo Barclay's applications against Debtors, Crown Circuit Companion., Ellis' Debtor and Creditor. Dagge on Criminal Law. Forsyth on Composition with Creditorm;' Damhoudere, Practiqure Criminelle'. Gale's Composition with creditors. Davis' Indictmentas. Holcombe's Debtor & Creditor. Deacon on;Criminal Law. Montagu's Composition with Creditors. Disney's Penal Code. Moseley's Law of Inferior Courts for the' East's Pleas of the Grownr.. Recovery of Debts. Espinasse's Penal Statutes., Foster's Crown Law. DECLARATrONS, see title': PF"LEADINGS. " Gabbett's Criminal Law. Hale's Pleas of the Crowry. DEEDS, see Titles " CONVEYANCING; Hammond's Criminal Code'. " FRA-U' S,, C "PEAL PROPERTY,"' Hand's Crown Practice. "WILLLS." Hawkins' Pleas of the Crown Hayes' Crimes and Punishments. DEMU-tRERS, see- Title 6" P"LEA.DINGS.' Henry's Report on the Criminal Law at Demarara. DES CENTS,. see Title " REAAL PaoHEume's Laws of Scotlanda respecting P-iART." Crimes, (1st Edlit.) Jardine's use of Torture in the Criminal Chitty's Law of Descents. Law of' Englandl McCulloch on Succession to, Propertyv.Reeve on, Descents' ACCORDING TO SuBJECTS 255 lowe on the Rules of Descent. Holcombe's Digest, Swinburne on Descents. Holman's Digest. Watkins on Descents. Ingersoll's Digesto Iredell's Digest. DEVISES, see Title c WILLS." Johnson's Digest. Johnson's Digest (1825). Gilbert on Devises. Johnson's Digest (1825). Keatinge on Family Settlements and Johnson's Digest (2d Ed). ~~~Devises. ~Martin's General Digest. P ell Devises. Maryland Digest. Powell on Devises, by Jarman.Metcalfs Digest RamPowell on Devises by JarmanMinot's Digest. lRam on Devises. n'IsMississippi Digest. New-York Digest (Church's)~ DICTIONARIES, GRAMMARS, &C. New-York Digest (1836). Bell's Law Dictionary Parke and Johnson's Digest. Boey's Woorden Tolk. Pennsylvania Digest (Wright's). Bouvier's Law Dictionary. Peters' Digest (1789 to 1838). Burn's Law Dictionary. Peters' Digest (1789 to 1847). Cowell's Law Dictionary. Phillip's Digest. Cunningham's Law Dictionary. Phillip's New Digest. Fieffe La Croix, La Clef Lois Romaines. Pirtle's Digest. Forsyth's Statute Law Dictionary (Scot- Purdon's Digest. tish.) Prince's Digest. Holthouse's New Law Dictionary. Raymond's Digested Chancery Cases. Jacob's Law Dictionary. Rice's Digest. Jacob's Law Grammar. Rice's Digested Index. Kelham's Norman Dictionary. Robinson's Digest. Law French and Law Latin Dictionary. Smedes' Digest. Law Glossary. Swift's Digest Law Grammar. Tate's Digest. Maxwell's Law Dictionary. Thompson's Digest. Termes de La Ley. United States Digest. Tomlin's Law Dictionary. United States Digest (Supplement.) Tomlin's Popular Law Dictionary. United States Annual Digest, (1847-48.) Wharton's Iaw Lexicon. Washburn's Digest. Whishaw's New Law Dictionary. Wharton's Digest. Wheaton's Digest. DIGESTS, see Titles "INDICES," " RE- Wilcox's Digest. PORTS." British. American. Archer's Analytical Digest. Aiken's Alabama Digest. Bridgman's Analytical Digest. American Chancery Digest. Bridgman's Practical Digest. American Chancery Digest (2d Ed.) Burn's Digest of Modern Reports. American Digest. Cabinet Lawyer. Benjamin and Slidell's Digest. Charnock's Digest. Bigelow's Digest and Supplement. Clark's Memoranda Legalia. Blunt's Commercial Digest. Comyn's Digest. Bullard and Curry's Digest. Coventry & Hughes' Digest. Charnock's Digest. Crabb's Digest. Christy's Digest. Cruise's Digest. Clay's Alabama Digest. Cruise's Digest, by Greenleaf. Clerk's Digest. Digest of Adjudged Cases. Conover's Digested Index. Drury's Analytical Digest. Cowen's Digest. English's Digest. Cox's Digest. Espinasse's Digest. Curtis' Admiralty Digest. Finlay's Digest. Day's Digest. Hammond's Digest. Digest of South Carolina Reports. Harrison's Analytical Digest and SuppleDigest of N. Y. Reports (Clerke 1841). ment. Digest of Wendell's Reports. Harrison's Analytical Digest. Dutton's Connecticut Digest. Jeremy's Analytical. Digest. Elmer's Digest. Library of the Law. Equity Digest (Barbour and Harring- Maddy's Ecclesiastical Digest. ton). Manning's Digest. Gilchrist's Digest. Morris' Analytical Digest. Gilman's Digest. O'Donnell & Brady's Analytical Digest. Gordon's Digest. Okey's Digest. Graydon's Digest. Phelan & O'Sullivan's Digest of EviHalsted's Digest. dence before the two Houses of ParHilliard's Digest. liament on State of Ireland. 256 LAW BooKS AtRRANGED Pritchard's Analytical Digest. DoMIcrIL Roscoe's Digest. Shaw-s Digest of Cases. Phillimore's Law of Domicil, Sheppard's Epitome of the Law, (1656.) Sirey, Devilleneuve, & Renard, (Re- DOWER. cueil General.) Sirey's Recueil General. Comstock on Dower. Stewart's Digest. Lambert on Dower. Theloall's Digest. Park on Dower. Wordsworth's Digest. Prince on Barring Dower, 1Hindiu. EASEMENTS. Colebrooke's Digest of Hindu Laws. Gale & Whatley on Easements. DIGNITIES. k' o rlin's Peerae Case. ECCLESIASTICAL LAW, see Titles'"CAN, Banks' Lord Stirling's Peerage Case.t Bell's Huntingdon Peerage. ON LAREORTW,;"ccTesi Estical.", Bell's Chandos Peerage Case. Bentham's Dignities. Cruise on Dignities. Beldam's Laws of Dissenters. Cruise on Dignities. Dillon's Claims of Sir Augustus D'Este. rd's Selectons, (Parish Mattes.) Bird's Selections, (Tithes.) Dugdale's Writings. Bohun on Tithes. Haywood's Distinctions in Society. Browne's Ecclesiastical Laws. Lynch's Irish Baronies. Burns' Ecclesiastical Law. Lynch's Legal Instituteions and Feudal Eccl iisdictioaw Lynch's Legal Institutions, and Feudal Clark on Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. Mad Baronies. (Ireland.) Clarke's Praxis, by Bladen. M~ adox's Baronia Anglica. Clerk's Instructor (The). 1740. Nicolas on the Earldoms of Strathern,n r ( MPonteith and Airth. -Clerlk's Instructor (The). 1746. Monteithand Airth. Cockrburn's Clerik's Assistant. Nicolas' Synopsis of the Peerage of Eng- Code Juris lcclesiastaii. Riddell's Scottish Peerages before and onnel on Tites.:Ridldell's Scottish Peeragres before -nd Connel oil the Erection of Parishes. afte the Union. Connel on Tithes. Roscommon Claim of Peerage. Courts. Roscommon Clain^l of Peerage. Cunninglham's Forms of Ecclesiastical Selden's Titles of PHonor. Dunlop's Law of Patronage. DILAPIDATIONTS AND FIXTURES. Dunlop's Parochial Law. Dunod. Des Prescriptions de P'aliena Amos and Ferrard on Fixtures. tion des biens d'Eglise. Ecclesiastical Legal Guide. EGlmes on Dilapidations. and Nus Gibson's Codex Juris Ecclesiastici, Gibbons on FDilpidations ad Nuisaes. Gilbert's Clerical Guide. Gribbons on Fixtnres. Grey's Ecclesiastical Law. Grady on Fixtures and Dilapidations. ennetts Ecclesastical Synods. Kennett's Ecclesiastical Synods. ~DIPLOMACY. Law's Forms Ecclesiastical Law. Lawton's Bona Notabilia. Elliott's American Diplomatic Guide. Liber Ecelesiasticus. Marten's Manuel Diplomatique. LyneM s Ecclesiastical Leases. Marten's Guide Diplomatique, by De Ma s Ecclesiastical igest. Oughton, Ordo Judiciorum. Paul (Father) on Benefices. DISCOVERY, see Title C"EVIDENCE." Ridley's View of the Law. (Civile and Ecclesiasticall.) NVTigram's Points in Law of Discovery. Rogers' Ecclesiastical Law. Scott's Articles of the Synod of Dort. DIsTREsr S. Stephens' Ecclesiastical and Eleemosynary Statutes. Bradby on Distresses. Steer's Parish Laws.'s Law of Dtresses. Swan's Jurisdiction Ecclesiastical Gilbert's Distresses and Replevin. Courts. Longfield's Distresses and Re- Williams' Law Relating to the Clergyo Splevin. sWilliams' Parochial Law. DISTRIBUTION, see Title " "EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS." EJECTMENT. Mascall's Law of Distribution. Adams on Ejectment. Adams on Ejectment, by Tillinghaste DIVORCE, see Title "MARRIAGE AND Longfield on Ejectment. DIVORCE." Runnington on Ejectment, ACCORDInG TO SUJetCT. C5. ELECTION LAW. Jacob's Complete Court Keeper. Jickling's Legal and Equitable Estates, Chambers' Dictionary. (Election Mem. Preston on Estates. Par.) Sugden on Estates. Connel's Election Laws. Contested Elections in Congressb EVIDENCE. Disney's Election Laws. Finnelly's Law of Elections. Bentham's Judicial Evidence. Glanville's Reports (Introduction). Bentham's Rationale of Judicial EviGumley's Law of Elections. dence. Lister's Law of Elections. Best's Presumptions of Lawand Fact. Orme's Digest of the Election Laws. Christian on the Rules of Evidence. Roe on Elections. (House of Lords.) Stalman on Election and Satisfaction. Coventry's Conveyancer's Evidence. Stephens' Law of Elections. Cowen & Hill's Phillips' Evidence. Garde on the Law of Evidence, Local. Gilbert's Law of Evidence. Manning't Proceedings in Courts of Re- Glassford on Evidence. vision. (Isle of Wight.) Greenleaf's Testimony of the Evangelists. Greenleaf's Evidence. EQUITY, see Titles "ACTIONS;5" cc As- Gresley's Equity Evidence. SETS;" " DIGESTS;" ~"EVIDENCE;" Hare on Discovery of Evidence. ~"INDICES;") ~"PLEADINGSi' ~PPRAC- Hubback on Evidence of Succession. TICE.') Joy on the Evidence of Accomplices, Law of Evidence. Beames' Equitcl y. ee's Evidence of Abstract of Title. Calvert on Parties to Suits in Equity. MacNally's Evidence. Farren's Hand Book. Mathews' Presumptive Evidence. Fonblanque on Equity. McKinnon's Philosophy of Evidence. Forum Roml-anum. ^Morgan's Essays. Gerahty on the Jus Sugdenianum. Peake on Evidence, by Norris. Goldmith's Equ ity. Phelan & O'Sullivan's Digest of Evisith ity. ence on St'ate of Ireland. Haig s eparation of Law and Equity. Phillimore on the Law of Evidence. Hand's Solicitor's Assistant. Phillips' Evidence. Iayes' Doctrine of Equity. Phillips' Evidence (notes by Cowen & Jemmett's Acts in Courts of Equity. H ) Jeremy's Equity Jurisdiction. Phillips & Amos' Evidence. Kames' Principles of Equity. Roscoe on Evidence. Leigh & Dalzell on Equitable Conver- Roscoe's Criminal Evidence. sion. Saunders on Pleading and Evidence. Maflddock's Chancery. Starkie on Evidence. Maugnlham's Questions. Strickland on Evidence. Meggison's Assets in Equity. Swift's Evidence. Monro's Acta Cancellariae. Taits Evidence. Newland on Contracts. Tamlyn on Evidence. Notes to Recent Leading Cases. ( qui- Van Heythuysen's Marine Evidence, ty.) Wigram on Extrinsic Evidence. Reeve's Donmestic Relations. Willis on Circumstantial Evidenceo.Rudiments of Law and Equity. Smith's Equity Jurisprudence. EXCHEQUER, Spelce on Court of Chancery. Story's Equity Jurisprudence. Gilbert's Exchequer. Story on Equity Pleading. 1st Ed. Price's Law of Exchequer. WVellesley's Court of Chancery. Willis on Equity Pleading. EXCISE, ERROR. Bateman's Law of Excise, Tillinghast & Yates On Errors and Ap- EXECUTIONS, see Title " JUDGMENTS peals. AND EXECUTIONS*",STATES, see Titles " PERSONAL PRO- EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS. PERTY;"' " REAL PROPERTrY. Brady's Instructions to Executors. Bisset on Estates. Comstock on Executors and AdministraChambers on Estates. tors. Dawes on Real Estates. Dayton's Law of Surrogates & Executors. Fletcher on Estates of Trustees. Executors & Administrators (Duties of.) Hayes Dispositions of Real Estate. Highmore on Executors' Accounts, 258 LAW BooKs ARRANG D Lomax's Executors and Administrators, Equity Pleader's Assistant, Mascall's Law of Distribution. Fitzherbert's Natura Breviuma Matthews' Guide to Executors. Greening's Forms. Powell's Advice to Executors. Hatsell's Precedents. Smith's Executory Interests. Hennell's Forms. Toller's Law of Executors. Humphrey's Precedents. Vallett's Deputy Commissary's Guide. Hunter's Forms of Leases. Wentworth's Office of Executors. Jenkins' New Clerk's Assistant, Williams' Executors. Kilburn's Presidents. Wright's Executor's Guide. Lambert's Precedents. Law's Forms. FACTORS AND BROKERS. Lilly's Modern Entries. Lutwyche's Reports and Entries, Russell's Laws of Factors and Brokers. Mallory's Modern Entries. Marriott's Forms. FEME, see Title ccHUSDAND AND WIFE." Martin's Common Forms. Montefiore's Precedents. FERRY, see Title C WAYs." Moore's Pocket Remembrancer. Moore's Precedents. FEUDAL LAW. Napier's Precedents. New York Form Book. Cragii Jus Feudale. Officina Brevium. Dalrymple on Feudal Property. (liver's Forms. Lalaure Traite des Servitudes Reeles. Praxis Curime Cancellariae. Pardessus Traite des Servitudes ou Ser- Precedents of Decrees in Chancery. vices Fonciers. Rastell's Entries. Paridis de Puteo Tractatus Duo Registrum Brevium. Peyre Lois des Francs (loi Salique.) Robinson's Entries. Rights of Manors. Rouse's Practical Man. Watkins on the Feudal System. See Rouse's Precedents. c" Gilbert's Tenures." Seaton's Forms. Stewart's Precedents. FORFEITURE. Tayler's Precedents. Thesaurus Brevium. Yorke on Forfeiture. Tidd's Forms. Tillinghast;s Forms. FORESTALLING. Townshend's Forms. United States Form Book, Girdler on Forestalling, Regrating and Vidian's Entries. Ingrossing. West's Symboleography, Illingworth on Forestalling, Regrating Wharton's Precedents. and Ingrossing. Whitworth's Precedents. Prince on Forestalling and Regrating, Wilson's Entries. bound up with' Prince on Dower." Winch's Entries. Yates' Forms. FORMs, ENTRIES AND PRECEDENTS. FRAUDS. Archbold's Forms of Indictment. Archbold's Practical Forms. Chardon, Traite du Dol, &c. Atkinson's Common Forms in Convey- Hovenden on Fraud. ancing. Roberts on Frauds. Attorney's Companion. Roberts on Fraudulent Conveyanl es. Beasley's Precedents. Brown's Modus Intrandi. FRIENDLY SOCIETTES. Brownlow's Entries. Cauchy, Les Precedents, Pratt's Law of Friendly Societies. Chitty's Precedents. Wright's Law of Friendly Societies. Christian's Precedents. Clift's New Book of Entries. GAME LAWS. Cobb's Analysis and Forms. Coke's Book of Entries. Bell on the Game Laws. Common Pleas Judgments. Chitty on the Game Laws. Corner's Forms. Christian on the Game Laws. Cunningham's Precedents. Finlay on Laws of Game. Davis' Precedents. Game Laws (Report on), see "Rights Dean's Statute Manual. of Manors." Dobie's English Styles. Grigor on the Game Laws. Drummond's Forms. English Pleader. GAMING, I-ORSE-RACING3 &C. Equity Draftsman, Equity Pleader, Disney's Law of Gaming. A ccORDING TO SUBJ CTS, 5 Adwards on Gaming, Horse-Racing. Flintoffon Rise and Progress, Laws of Oliphant on Law of Horses, Racing, &e. England and Wales. Surtees' Horseman's Manual. Gilbert's History and Practice Court of Chancery. GOVERNMENT AND LEGISLATION, Gilbert's History and Practice Court of Common Pleas. Annand's Government of East Indies. Gilbert's History of the K. B. see " GilBentham's Fragment on Government. bert's Law of Executions." Bentham on Government. Gurdon's History High Court ParliaBentham's Morals and Legislation. ment, and of Court Baron, and Court Bentham's Traite de Legislation. Leet. Burke on the Laws and Government of Hale's History Common Law. Rome. Herbert's Antiquities of Inns of Court. Chipman on Government. Historical Law Tracts. Coode on Legislative Expression. Historical Memorials of English Laws, Jenner's Prerogative of Primogeniture. from c Dugdale." Lieber's Political Ethics. History of Two Acts. Locre la Legislation Civile. Horse Jurldice Subsecivoe. Merlin Recueil Alphabetique. Ingersoll's History of the Writ of Ha, Michell on Legislation. beas Corpus. Morton on Whitelocke Kames' Law Antiquities, Selden's Political and Historical Dis- Madox's Firma Burgi. course. Madox's History and Antiquities. Spence's Laws and Political Institutions May's History of the Long Parliament, of Modern Europe. lVeyer (J. D.), Des Institutions JudiciSullivan's Lectures, aires. Nicolas, Notitia Historica. Local. Parke's History Court Chancery. Lislet and Carleton's Partidas. Pearce's History of Inns of Court and Probert's Ancient Laws of Cambria. Chancery. Robinson's Common Law of Kentd Reeve's History English Laws. Sandford's History and Law of Entails. GUARANTEESd Seldon's Fleta. Sinclair's History of the Public ReFell on Guarantees. venue. Spelman's Works. GUARDIAN AND WARD. French. C(omstock's Guardian and Ward, see Beaver's History of the Origin of the cL Digest." French Laws. Macphergon on Guardianship. Duranton, Cours de Droit Francaise. Magnin, Minorites Tutelles. Reeve's Domestic Relations. Indies (East). History of the Jtudicial or Adawlut SysHIGHWAYS, see Titles c WATERa, tem. 6'WAYs." Roman. Beaver's History of the Roman or Civil HISTORY OF LAWo Law. Blair's Slavery amongst the Romans. American. Butler's Roman Law. See "Butler's Congress, (History of), Life of D'Aguesseau," Sampson's Discourse. PPhillimore on the Roman Law. Sampson on Common Law. Reddie's Historical Notices of the RoWashburn's Judicial History of Massa- man Law. chusetts. Savigny's History of the Roman Law. Savigny's Histoire du Droit Romain. Britisha Schomberg's Historical View of the ROa Acta Cancellariae. a man Law. Aldridge's History of Courts of Law. Anstey's Lectures. tHUSBAND AND WIFE, see Title " MARBeveridge's History of Bill Chamber. RIAGE AND DIVORCE., Blount's Antiquities. Blount'sLegal History Jews of England, Baron and Feme. Brunton and Haig's Historical Account Battur, Communaute de biens entre Senators College of Justice. epoux. Burns' Historical Dissertation. Bell's Law of Property, (Husband and Crabb's History of English Law. Wife.) Duhigg's History King's Inn (Ireland). Bingham's Law of Infancy and CoverEvans' Political Institutions of Europe turee and America. `60 tLAW B13ooK ARRANGED tanning's Reversionary Interests of Chambers' Jurisdiction o Chancery ove Husband and Wife. Infants. Clancy's Treatise. Infant s Lawyer (The.) Macqueen on Husband and Wife. MacPherson on Guardianship, (Infants.) M'Glashan's Law and Practice of Aliment. INFORMATIONS. Prater on the Law of Husband and Wife. Reeve's Domestic Relations. Cole on Criminal Informations, &c. Roper's Husband and Wife. Sweet's Cases on a Wife's Separate Es- INJUNCTIONS. tate. Drewry on Injunctions. IMPEACHSMEN TS. Eden on Injunctions. Bradstreet's Memorial. INN-KEEEPERS' Chase, (Answer and Pleas of.) Christian on Impeachment. Bird's Selections, vol. 2. Harding's Letters, (Impeachment.) Willcock on Inns. Percival on Impeachments..INSANITY, see Titles ~ LUtNACY " AND IMPRISONMENT FOR DEBT. "MEDICAL JUYRISPRUDENCE." Archbold's Act for Abolishing it. INSOLVENCY. Theobald's New Law for Abolishing it. Ingraham on Insolvency Laws. ^~~INDICES. ~INSTITUTES. iNDICES. Coke's Institutes, (On Littletion, 1st InAshe's General Tables. stitutes.) Baylies' Digested Index. Coke's Institutes, (2d Inst'es., vols. I Burn's Digested Index. & 2.) Chitty's Equity Cases, (Index to.) Coke's Institutes, (3d Inst'es, vol. 3.) Chitty & Forster's Digested Index. Coke's I;stitutes, (4th Inst'es, vol. 4.) Conover's Digested Index. Erskine's Institute. Digested Index to Modern Chancery Re- Justinian's Institutes. ports. Rutherforth's Institutes. Greene's Digested Index. Stair's Institute. Hall's Digested Index. Wood's Institute. I-alsted's Digested Index. Index to Dictionary of Decisions. INSURANCE Kekewich's Digested Index to the earlier Chancery Reports. Alauzet Traite des Assurances. Kinahan's Digested Index. Annesley on Insurances. Moore's Digested IndeY. Arnould on Marine Insurance. Munford's Gen. Index. Beaumont's Fire and Life Insurance. Repertorium Juridicum. Benecke on Indemnity in Marine lnsur~ Rice's Digested Index. ance. Saxton's Index to Reports. Bischoff's Marine Insurance, Tate's Analytical Digested Index. Blaney's Life Assurance. Tomlin's Digested Index. Burn's Marine Insurances. Delaborde Avaries particulieres. Duer on Insurance. INDIA. Duer on Marine Insurance. Ellis' Fire and Life Insurance. Annand's Government of East India, llis on Insurance and Annuities. Ayeen Akbery. Emerigon, Traite des Assurances. Baillies' Moohummiddan Law. Evans on the Law of Insurances. Galloway's Law of India. Farren's Life Assurance, Gentoo Code of Laws, (Halhed.) Grun and Joliat Assurances. Hamilton's Hedaya. Hammond on Insurance. Harrington's Analysis. Hildyard's Marine Insurances. History of Adawvlut System. Hughes on Insurance. Jones' Hindu Law. Lafond Guide de 1' Assureur et de 1' Asg Law and Constitution of India. sure. Strange's Hindu Law. Magens on Insurances. Theobald's Acts of Legislative Council Marshall on Insurance. of India. Millar on Insurances. Park on Insurances. INFANCY. Persil Des Assurances. Phillips on Insurance. Bingham on Infancy and Coverture. Pocock's Assurances on Lives, ACCORDNG TO SUBJECTS. 261 Quenault, Des Assurances. Grotius' Dutch Jurisprudence. Sherman on Insurance. Guthrie's Elementary Principles. (Laws Stevens & Benecke on Average, &c. of England.) Weskett on Insurance. Hale's Jurisdiction. House of Lords. Hargrave's Juridical Arguments. INTERPLEADER. Hargrave's Jurisconsult Exercitations. Hargrave on the Thelluson Act. Silmon's Law of Interpleader. Hayes' Common Law. Hilliard's American Jurisprudence. INTERROGATORIES. Holcombe's Introduction to Equity Jurisprudence. Willis Digest as to Interrogatories. Hone's Mirrour des Justices. Jus Appellandi. JUDGMENTS AND EXECUTIONS. Lepage. Science du Droit. Logical Science in its Relation to Law. Bingham on Judgments and Executions. Mansel on Jurisdiction and Limitation. Gilbert's Law of Executions. Maugham's Jurisdiction. Prideaux on Judgments and Crown Maugham's Questions.. Debts. Merlin. Repertoire Universelle. Ram on Legal Judgment. Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws. Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws. By NuJURIES. gent. Opinions of the Attorneys Gen. of the Adam, Trial by Jury in Civil Causes. U. S. Bentham's Art of Packing. Pothier's (Euvres Completes. 2 vole. Cary on the Law of Juries. Pothier's (Euvres. 23 vols. Cornish's Juryman's Hand Book. Reddie's Science of the Law. Joy's Peremptory Challenge. Repertoire Universel par M. Guyot. Juryman's Guide. Review of Mentesquieu's Spirit of the Kennedy on Juries. Laws. Repps on Trial by Jury. Roscoe on Penal Jurisprudence. Steele on Powers and Duties of Juries. Schmier Jurisprudentia Publica UniverTrials Per Pais. salis. Worthington on Juries. Sewell's Collectanea Parliamentaria. Smith's Equity Jurisprudence. JURISDICTION, see Titles c JURISPRU- Stewart's Law Points. DENCE; " EQUITY." Story's Equity Jurisprudence. Swan on Testamentary Jurisdiction. JURISPRUDENCE, see Titles c"COMMEN- Symonds on the Mechanics of Law MakTARIES;" "EQUITY;" "MAXIMS." ing. Thomas' Universal Jurisprudence. Austin on Jurisprudence. Tompson's Tradesman's Law Library. Battur. Communaute des Biens. Van Heythuysen's Rudiments. Bentham on Codification. Bentham's Theorie des peines et des LOCAL. Recomp enses. Blaxland's Principles of English Law. Bowditch's Revenue Laws of Jersey and Bretonnier. Des Principales Questions Guernsey. de Droit. Harrison's Law and Jurisdiction of the Burlamaqui's Principles of Law. Stannaries, (Cornwall.) Cases and Opinions in Law and Equity. Johnson's Jurisprudence of the Isle of Chalmers' Opinions. Man Clerke's Rudiments of American Law. Le Cras, Laws of the Island of Jersey. Code of Procedure. (N. Y.) Code of Procedure, (N. Y.) amended. JUSTICES' COURTS. Common Law Commission. (Fair's Abridgment.) Archbold's Magistrate's Pocket Book. Cooper. Lettres sur la Cour de la han- Barbour's Magistrate's Criminal Law cellerie D'Angleterre. (Justices of Peace.) Crompton.,'Authorite et Jurisdiction Bayard's Abstract. des Courts. Benedict's Treatise. Debates on the Judiciary. Binns' Justice. Du Ponceau on Jurisdiction. Blair's Scottish Justice's Manual. English Lawyer. Bolton's Criminal Courts. Essays on Codification. Burn's Justice. Evans' View of the Decisions of Lord Clapham's Sessions Law. Mansfield. Cowen's Treatise, Ferrier. Jurisprudence du Code de Jus- Cowen's Treatise (Hayden's-Appendix. tinien. Crowell's Counsellor (Justices' Courts.) Graham on Jurisdiction. Dalton's County Justice. Greenleaf's Overruled Cases. Davis' Justices of the Peace. 262 LLAW B oois ARRAN'GED Deacon's Guide to Magistrates out of LAW MINISTERIAL, see Title " MINISSessions. TERIAL LAW." Dickinson's Justice of the Peace. Dickinson's Guide (Quarter Sessions.) LAW MUNICIPAL, see Title MUNICIEagle's Magistrate's Pocket Companion. PAL LAW.) Edwards on Justices Courts. Ewing's Justice, LAW NATIONAL, see Title " LAW OF Griffith's Justices of the Peace. NATIONS.'" Justice of the Peace. Kilburn's Justice. LAW NATURAL, see Title "NATURAL Lambard's Eirenarcha. LAW." Lumley on Settlement and Removals. Nun & Walsh's Justices of the Peace. LAW MISCELLANIES. Paley on Summary Convictions. Pye's Duties of a Justice of the Peace. Law Quibbles. Robinson's Introduction to the Quarter Life of a Lawyer. Sessions. Tompson's Tradesman's Law Library. Smythe's Justice of the Peace. Whillier's Directory. Stone's Petty Sessions before Justices of Peace. LAW OFFICERS. Toone's Magistrate's Manual. Waterman's Justice's Manual. Gould's Alphabetical List of Attorneys. Waterman's Jurisdiction of Justice of Hardy's Catalogue. the Peace. Judicial Chronicle. Williams' Jurisdiction of Justices of the Smyth's Law Officers. Peace. Woolrych's Law Officers. Williams' Office of a Justice of the Peace. Wright's Pennsylvania Justice. LAW OF NATIONS. LANDLORD AND TENANT. Atcheson on Prize Law. Azuni's Treatise. Archbold's Landlord and Tenant. Burlamaqui's Principes Du Droit. Bingham's Landlord and Tenant. Bynkershoek's Juris Privati. Bird's Selections. Bynkershoek's Juris Publici. Chambers' Landlord and Tenant. Bynkershoek. Law of War. Comyn's Landlord and Tenant. Bynkershoek. Opera Minora. Coote's Landlord and Tenant. Causes Celebres du Droit des Gens. Finlay's Landlord and Tenant. Chitty's Law of Nations. Hudson's Landlord and Tenant. England and Neutrals. Hunter's Landlord and Tenant. Gardner's International Law. Jacob's Complete Court Keeper. Grotius de Jure Belli ac Pacis, Laws of Landlord and Tenant. Grotius on War and Peace. Mathew's Landlord and Tenant. Heineccius' Universal Law. Pratt's Landlord and Tenant. Kluber. Droit des Gens. Shipman's Landlords and Tenants. Manning's Law of Nations. Smythe's Landlord and Tenant. Martens' Guide Diplomatique. Tabram's Landlord and Tenant. Martens' Law of Nations. Taylor's Landlord and Tenant. Molloy's Treatise. Woodfall's Landlord and Tenant. Neutral Trade. Puffendorf on the Law of Nations. LAW CONSTITUTIONAL, see Title cCON- Reddie's Maritime International Law. STITUTIONAL LAW AND GOVERN- Schmalz. Droit des Gens Europeen. MENT." Vattel's Law of Nations. Ward's Law of Nations. LAW CRIMINAL, see Title " CRIMINAL Wheaton's International Law. LAW." Wheaton's Law of Nations. Wicquefort's Embassador. LAW ECCLESIASTICAL, see Title CEc- Wolfii. Jus Gentium. CLESIASTICAL LAW." Wolfii Institutiones Juris Naturae et Gentium. LAW FEUDAL, see Title " FEUDAL LAW." LAW OF NATURE. LAW MARITIME, see Title cCOMMER- Burlamaqui on Natural Law. CIAL AND MARITIME LAW." Cumberland's Law of Nature. Felice, Droit de la Nature des Gens. LAW MERCANTILE, see Title "COMMER- Puffendorf's Law of Nature and Nations. CIAL AND MARITIME LAW." Rutherforth's Institutes. Tyrrell's Law of Nature. LAW MILITARY, see Title " MILITARY Wolfii Institutiones Juris Naturae at LAW;" C COURTS MARTIAL. Gentium. ACCORDING TO SUBJECTS. 263 LAW OF WAR, see Title c LAW OF NA- Historical Law Tracts. TIONS." Kames Law Tracts. Law Pamphlets. LAWS OF THE IHANSE TOWNS, see Title Law Tracts.' COMMERCIAL AND IMARITISIE LAW." Letters to Blackstone. Oliver's Law Summary. LAWS OF OLERON, see Title ConIMER- Palmer's Tracts. CIAL AND MARIT1 IE LAW." Luder's Law Tracts. Riddell's Legal Tracts. LAWS OF WISBUY, see Title COMMER- Thrupp's Historical Law Tracts. CIAL AND MARITIME LAW." Vinii Tractatus Quinque. LAW PERIODICALS. LEADING CASES. American. Finlason's Leading Cases. American Jurist. 28 vols. Hare & Wallace's Leading Cases. American Law Journal. 6 vols. Smith's Leading Cases. American Law Journal. (New Series.) White & Tudor's Leading Cases. 1 vol. American Law Magazine. 6 vols. LEASES. Carolina Law Journal. 1 vol. Code Reporter, (N. Y.) 1 vol. Bacon on Leases. Griffith's Annual Law Register. Bell on Leases. Journal of Jurisprudence. 1 vol. Chambers on Leases. Journal of Law. 1 vol. Finlay on Renewals. (Leases). Kinne's Law Compendium. 6 vols. Lyne on Leases for Lives. Law Intelligencer. 3 vols. Lyne's Statute Law. Ecclesiastical LeaLaw Reporter. 11 vols. ses. New-York Judicial Repository. I vol. North Carolina Law Repository. 2 vols. LEGACIES, see Title "Wills." Owen's New-York Legal Observer. 6 vols. Godolphin's Orphan's Legacies. Pennsylvania Law Journal. 7 vols. Lowndes Law of Legacies. U. States Law Journal. 1 vol. Preston on Legacies. Roper on Legacies. British. Roper & White on Legacies. Clarke's New Law List. 3 vols. Ward on Legacies. Edinburgh Law Journal. 2 vols. Jurist (The). 8vo. 3 vols. LEGAL POETRY. Jurist (The). Large 8vo. 12 vols. Law Chronicle. 4 vols. Anstey's Pleader's Guide. Law Journal (Reports). 26 vols. Coke's Reports in Verse. Law Journal. (Statutes). 26 vols. Crisp's Conveyancer's Guide. Law Library. 63 vols. Law Magazine. 40 vols. LEGISLATIVE MANUALS, see " MANULaw Recorder. 4 vols. ALS." Law Recorder. (New Series.) 6 vols. Law Review. 9 vols. LEGITIMACY AND ILLEGITIMACY. Lawyer's and Magistrate's Magazine. 3 vols. Nicolas on Adulterine Bastardy. Legal Almanac. 1 vol. Robertson on Legitimacy by Subsequent Legal Observer. 36 vols. Marriage. New Law Library. 15 vols. Scottish Law List. 1 vol. LIBEL AND SLANDER. French. Campbell's (Lord) Libel Act. Foelix Revue Etrangere. 9 vols. Cooke on Defamation. Gazette Des Tribunaux. 10 vols. Cooper on Libel. George on Libel. LAW REFORM, see Title "c REFORM;' Holt on Libel. Jones on Libel. LAW TRACTS. Mence's Law of Libel. Starkie on Slander and Libel. Bacon's Law Tracts. Bird's Law Selections. LIEN. Blackstone's Law Tracts. Brackenridge's Law Miscellanies. Cross on Lien. Coke's Law Tracts. Montagu on Lien. Collectanea Juridica. Seageant's Mechanic's Lien Law. Fearne's Posthumous Works. Whitaker on Lien. Hargrave's Law Tracts. 264 LAW BooKs ARRANGED LIFE ESTATE, see Title " REAL PRO- MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE, see Title PERTY." " HUSBAND AND WIFE." LIMITATIONS. Alleyne's Legal Degrees of Marriage. Atherley's Law of Marriage. Bellot Traite de Marriage. Angell on Limilations. Biret's Contract de Marriage. Ballantine on Limitations. Ballantine on Limitations (. TlgBurn's Marriage and Registration Acts, Ballantine on Limitations (by Tilling- Crowder on Prohibitetd Marriage. hast.) DeBonald du Divorce. Blanshard on Limitations. Foster on Prohibited Marriages. Gibbons Lex Tempois.. Halkerston's Law of Marriage. Gibbons on Limitations and Prescrip- Irvine on the Inexpediency of the Law tions' ~~... of Marriage. Joynes on Limitations. on Unhapy ariae Mansel on Jurisdiction and Limitation. L as omni ( iaa Mansel on Limitation Logan's Compendium (on MNarriages.) Prior's Construction of Limitations. ougare Lis d age t du Wilkinson's Limitations to Actions. Divorce. Pezzani des Empechements du Mariage. LONDON. iage. Phillimore on Divorce. Phillips' Marriage Settlements. Calthrop's Special cases, Customs and Poynter on Marriage and Divorce. Poynter on Marriage and Divorce. ChLiberties(E ) of oLon tlon. Processus' Divorcii inter Joannem Gyb Charities (Endowed) of London. et Margaretam Hillok. Charnock's Police Guide (London Po- Shelfor on Marriage and Divorce. Huglison's Privilegs of L. Smythe & Bourke's Marriage Law of Hughson's Privileges of London. eland Lewis' Sheriffs' Courts of London.s Irh Mn. Norton's Franchises of Lonion. Stoddart's Irish Marriage Question. oPrince on c s oh London Comany. Tebb's Scripture Doctrines of Adultery Prince on the London Company. anl Divorce Pulling's Law and Custom- of London. MASTER AND SERVANT. LUNACY. Baird's Law of Master and Servant. Collinson on Lunacy. Bird's Selections (Masters ant Servants.) Elmer's Practice in Lunacy. Law of Masters &c. Jus Imperil & Highmore on Idiocy and Lunacy. Servitutis. Hinchman v. Richie. Lumley on Apprenticeship. Lumley, on the New Lunacy Act. Reeve's Master and Servant. Prichard on Insanity. Ray on Insanity. MASTER'S OFFICE. Shelford on Lunacy. Stock on Non Coinpotes Mentis. Beasley's Master's Office. Winslow on the Plea of Insanity in Bennet's Master's Office. Criminal Cases. MAXIMS, MANDAMUS. Barton's Maxims. Impey's Mandamus. Branch's Principia. Tapping's Prerogative Writ of Manda- Broom's Maxims. mus. PrerVg~t1Ve Francis' Maxims. Halkerston's Maxims!. Jones' Translation of Quotations from MANUALS, see Titles - PRACTICE, Ame- Blaclstone. rican Legislative;'" " LAW OF NA- Noy's Maxims. TIONS." Ritson's Maxims. Rudiments of Law and Equity (Rules Clark's Manual. and Maxims.) Convention Manual N. Y. (1846.) Wingate's Maximes. Cushing's Manual. Derham's Manuell. MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. Elsynge's Ancient Parliament. Jefferson's Manual. Beck's Medical Jurisprudence. Jefferson's Manuel du Droit Parliamen- Beck's (T. R. & J. B.) Elements of taire. Medical Jurisprudence (7th Ed.) Sutherland's Manual. Beck's Medical Researches. Briand & Bresson Medicine Legale. MARITIME LAW, see Title C COMIMER- Chitty's Medical Jurisprudence. CIAL AND MARTIME LAW." Christison on Poisons. Cooper's Medical Jurisprudence, A cCO D ING TO.SUBJE TS. 265 Farr's Medical Jurisprudence. MORTMAIN.. Forsyth's Medical Jurisprudence. l.uyrs Medical Jurisprudence. Highmore on Mortmain. Hoffbauer Medicine Legale. Shelford on Mortmain. Male's Forensic Medicine. Paris and Fonblanque's Medical Juris- MosAI.c LAW. prudence. Priehard on Insanity. Michaelis' Law-s of Moses. Ray's Medical Jurisprudenceof Insanity. Seldenss Opera Omnia. Smith's Forensic Medicine. Taylor's Mledical Jurisprudence. MUNICIPAL LAW., Traill's Medical Jurisprudenae.:Zacchias. American. New-York City Charter, and Kent'* MEDICAL P.ROF.ESSION Ntote-s. Willcock on the Medical Profession. British. Brown on Borough Courts. "MERCANTLLE LAW, sec Title "COMMER- Cooper's Munitcpal Act. CIAL AND MARITIME LAW." Cruden on Municipal Bodies. Payne on Municipal Rights. MILITART LAW, see Title " 1"COURTS Stephens on the Municipal Acts. MARTIAL." Willcock on Municipal Corporationas'Cooper's Instructions. NATURAL LAW, see Title "LAW o NA~Griffith's Military Law. TURE." Eughes' Duties of Judge Advocates. Lewis' U. S. Military Law. NAVIGAT.ION, see Title 6'CoM an:ERiCi McNaghten^s Mutiny Act. AND MARITIME LAW.",O'Brien on Military Laws. Rowe's Military Lawvs, see s Row.e's Nisi PaRIxs, see Title IREroTTS, NTS Interesting Cases." Prims" Samuel on Military Lavw. Tytler's Military Law. Archbold's Nisi Prius. Buller's Nisi Prius. MINES AND MINERAL3S. Espinasse's Nisi Prius. tHammond's Nisi PRrius..Bainbridge on Mines and Minerals Harsonan Edwards Nisi Priu Halcomb's Case of Rowe v. Grenfell. Leigh's Nisi Prius. Thomson on the Mines of New Spain. Selwyn's Nisi Priuc. Stephens' Nisi Prius. 1MINYiSTF.R AL LAW, See Titlk "CORO- Trials per Pais, (Juries by Nisi Prius.) MERS." Wheaton's Selwyn. Allen on Sherif~fs. Wheaton's Selwyn's Nisi Prius. Alien on Sheriffs. Atkinson on Sheriff Law. NUSANCES, see Title "DILAID!ABackus' Sheriff. TION"S.<"'Ulark's Sheriff. Constable' s Guide. Gibbons on Dilapidations and Nuisances. bCounty and Town Officer. Dalton's Sheriff. NULLITIES AND IREGULARITIESd;mpey's Sheriff and Coroner. Letter on the Office of Constable, see M cnamara on Nullities and Irregulari" Prince on Dower." ties "Lewis on Sheriffs' Courts. -Sewell's Sheriff. OUTLAWRY. ~Skirrow's Under Sheriff. WVatson's Sheriff. Conroy's Custodiam Reports. IWillcock's Constable. Legge on Outlawry. MORTGAGES. PARENT AND CHILD., fCoote on Mortgage. Ram's Natural Right of a Father. Law of Mortgages. Reeve's'Domestic Belations. Miller on Equitable Mortgages.'Patch's Law of Mortgages. PARLIAMENT,'Powell. on Mortgages. Rouse's Mortgage Precedents. Christian's Jurisdiction, (House of Trollope's Mortgage of Ships. Lords.) iW ilmot on Mortgages. Derham's ManuelL [STATE LIBRA.RY.] 17 266 LAW B'OOKS AARRANGED Dwarris' Statutes, (Parliamentary.) PERSONAL PROPERTY, see Titles cc EE-. Elsynge's Ancient Parliaments. CUTORS AND ADMIINISTRATORS;" " LEFerralls Law of Parliament. GACIES;" " PATENTS;" "SALES;"' Halcombe on passing Private Bills.'6 WVI:LS.) Hale's Jurisdiction of Parliament. Hammonl's Practice in Parliament. Duff on Deeds, chiefy- affecting Morea-. Hargrave on duration of Impeachment. bles. Hatsell's Precedents, (H. of Commons.) Robertson on Personal Succession. Lex Parliamentaria. Williams' Law of Personal Property. May's Long Parliament. May's Parliament. PLEADINGS, see titles "CCCRIMINAL LAW;"' Macqueen's Practice, (H. of Lords..) " FORMS." Oldfield's History of Parliiaments. Palgrave's Origin of King's Council. Equity. Palmer's Practice, (H. of Lords.) Beames' Pleas in Equity. Prynne on Parliameut. Burroughs. & Gressons. Irish- EquityTancred's Representation in England.. Pleader. Cooper's Equity Pleading. PARTITION. Equity Draftsman. Equity Pleader. A~ll~nat o. Partition,. Equity Pleader's Assistant. lunat o'Partition. Lawton's Bona Notabilia. Lube's Equity Pleading. PARTNERSI.IP. o Mitford's Chancery Pleadings. Montagu's Pleadings in Equity. Bisset on Partnership. Praxis Alme Curie Cancellarisen, Carey on Parnership. Story's Equity Pleadings. Collyer on Partnershipo Welford's Equity Pleadings. Farren's Liabilities. Willis' Pleadings. Equity. Gow on Partnership. Montagu on Partnerships, Llaw. Stark on Partnership. Archbold's Civil Pleadings. Story on Partnership. Archbold s Crimrinal Pleadings.. Watson on Partnership. Attorney's Companion. Brownlow's Book of Entries. PATENTS. Chitty's Criminal Law. PATENTSO. Chitty's Pleadings. f4th Am. Ed.)I Code of Procedure, (N. Y.) Billing & Prince on Patents.. Euer's Pleading. Carpmeal on Patents. Evans. on Pleading. Collier on Patents. Gould's Pleadings. Curtis on Patents. Hammond's Principles of Pleadings.. Davies' Cases, (Patents.) Hayden's New Practice and PleadingsDrewry's Patent Law Amendment Act. Herne's Pleader. Fessenden on Patents. Impey's. Modern Pleader. Godson on Patents. Kime's Replication de Injuria. Hand on Patents. Lawes on Declarations on Bills, &co. Hindmarch on Patent Privileges. Lawes on Pleadings. Holroyd on Patents. Liber Placitandi. Kingsley & Pirsson on Patent Laws. Lilly's Modern Entries.. Patent Laws of the U. S. Lutwyche on Pleading the General Is.. Perpigna on Patents. sue. Renouard. Brevet D'Invention. Lutwyche's Reports & Entries. (Plead-, Smith's Patents for Inventions. ings.) Urling's Foreign Patent Law. Macnamara on Pleading. Webster on Patents. Mallory's Modern Entries. Mansel on Demurrer. PATRONAGE. Morgan's Essays. Morgan's Modern Pleader. Osborne's Actions andt' Rules of PleadDunlop's Law of Patronage. ing. ing. Ramshay's Decisions on New Rules ofi PAWNS. OR: PLED:GES. Pleading. Raymond on Bill of Exceptions. Cobbett's Law of'Pawns or Pledges. Roscoe of Pleading the Gen. Issue. Ryley's Pleadings in Parliament. PERPETUITY. Saunders on Pleading and Evidence. Schiefer's Elements of Special PleadLewis' Law of Perpetuity. Star s Criminal Peading Randel's Law of Perpetuity. Steahken on Civil. Pleading.. JStetpheux on, Civil. Pleading~, ACCORDING TO SUBJECTS. 267 Story's Pleadings. Admiralty. System of Pleading. Betts' irdmiralty Practice. Tillinghast's Forms. Conkling's Practice Courts, U. S. Townshend's Pleadings. Dunlap's Admiralty Practice. Townshend's Forms and Pleadings. Tyrwhitt's Modern Pleading. British. Vidian's Entries. Parlianmentary. Walker's Rule in Shelley's Case. Chambers' Law of Elections. Wentworth's Pleadings Finnelly Practice of Election. Wentworth's Pleadings. (Index to.) Hammond's Practice. Wharton's Precedents of Indictments. Hatsell's Precedents. Yates' Pleadings. Macqueen's Practice. Palmer's Practice. (Appeals fiom ColPooR LAWs. onies to Privy Council.) Palmer's Practice. Bott's Poor Laws. Sydney's A)ppeal Practice. Burns' Great Britain and Scotland Re- Urquhart's Experienced Solicitor. garding the Poor. Const's Poor Laws. Chancery. Deacon's Guide to Magistrates. Atkinson's Chancery Practice. Jerram on the Poor Laws. Ayckbourne's New Chancery Practice. Leigh on the Poor Laws Barnes' Equity Practice. Leigh on the Poor Laws, and Supple- Barton's Suit in Equity. ment. Beames' Ne Exeat. Lumley on the Poor in England. Browne's Chancery Practice. Monypenny on the Poor Laws. Bohun s Cursus Cancellariee. Palmer on Relief of the Poor. Chancery Practice. 1834. Robinson's Lex Parochialis. Chitty's General Practice. Walthew on the English Poor Laws. Daniell's Chancery Practice. Williams' Parochial Law. Daniell on the New Orders. Daniell's Chancery Practice. 2d AmerPORTIONS. ican Ed. Gilbert's Practice of Court of Chancery, Mathews on Portions. Goldsmith's Practice in Equity. Grant's Practice. POWERS. Gray's Country Solicitor's Practice. Hand's Solicitor's Assistant. Chance on Powers. Harrison's Chancery Practice. Powell on Powers. Hinde s Practice of Chancery. Sugden on Powers. Hughes' Practice of Chancery. Kennedy's Code of Practice of Chancery. PRACTICE, see Titles'C BAIL;" ( MAN- Maddock's Chancery. DAMUS;" "~REPLEVIN;'" "RULES." Newland's Chancery Practice. Parker's Analysis of Practice. American. Praxis Almm Curiae Cancellariae. Equity. Richardson's Practice of Chancery. Barbour's Chancery Practice. Smith's Chancery Practice. Blake's Chancery Practice. Tothills Transactions of Chancery Edwards on Receivers in Chancery. (Practice). Hoffman's Chancery Practice. Turner's Chancery Practice. Hoffman's Practice of Masters in Chan- White on Supplement and Revivor.. cery. Wigram's Points in Discovery. Moulton's Chancery Practice. Wyatt's Practical Register. Law. Exc equer. Burrills Practice. Day's Practice. Caines' Practice. Fowler's Exe. Prac. in Equity. Clerke's American Law and Practice. Morgan's Essays. Code of Procedure, N. Y. Price's Practice of Exchequer. Colby's Practice. Price's Practice Superior Courts. Dunlap's Practice. Stewart's Practice Exchequer. Graham's Practice. Theobald's Elementary Practice. Graham on New Trials. Hayden's New Practice and Pleadings. KIin"'s rench. Louisiana Code of Practice. Archbold's Practice. Monells Practice. Archbold's Practice (Country AttorPaine & Duer's Practice. neys ) Tillinghast & Yates' Practice. Archbold's Practice Crown Office). Townshend's New Practice. Bagley's New Practice. Wharton's Precedents. Bugby's Practice. Wyche's Practice. Cases of Practice. ~68 LAW BOOKS A RRANGED Chitty's Gen. Practice. Concetius' Practice. Crompton's Practice. Floyer's Proctor's Practice. Dowling's Practice. Jura Ecclesiastica. Gilbert s Practice, see "Gilbert'sLaw Law's Practice. of Executions." Proctor's Practice. Grady and Scotland's Crown Practice. Grant on Granting New Trials. Insolvency, see Title " Bankrtptcy."' Gray's Country Attorney's Practice. Allen's Practice. Gude's Crown Practice. Archbold's Law and Practice. Harrison's Practice. Christian's Origin and Practice BankImpey's Instructor Clericalis. rupt Law. Impey's Questions. Cooke's Law and Practice. Instructor Clericalis. Gill's Law and Practice (Relief InsolKelly's Law and Practice (Scire Fa- vent Debtors.) cias). Gregg's Law and Practice in BankruptLush's Practice. cy. Lutwych's Principles Pleading Gen. Is- Horry's Law and Practice of Insolvents. sue. Montagu & Ayrton's Law and Practice Morgan's Essays. of Bankruptcy. Morgan's Vade Mecum. Sadgrove's Insolvency Practice. Notes of Recent Leading Cases. Raymond's Bill of Exceptions. Richardson's Practice. Critninal, see Title " Crimiinal Law." Sellon's Practice. Bolton's Practice of the Criminal Sheridan's Practice. Courts. Stearns' Law and Practice of Real Ac- Raynes' Practice. tions. Stone's Practice Petty Sessions. Styles' Practical Register. Stubbs' Crown Circuit Companion. Tapping's Practice Writ of Mandamus. Theobald's Elementary Practice. Admiralty. Theobald's Questions Clerke's Admiralty Practice. Tidd's Practice. Hall's Practice and Jurisdiction of the Trye's Jus Filizarii. Court of Admiralty. West's Law of Extents. Wilkinson's Law of Public Funds. Scotti.h Courts. Wilkinson's Practice in Replevin. Alison's Practice Criminal Courts. Darling's Practice. Anderson's La.w an Practice County Finnelly's Law and Practice of Election. Courts. 0n~s Law anti Practice County Hill's Practice in the Several JudicatoCourts. ries of the Church of Scotland. Archbolds Practice Country Attorneys. ris of the Church of Scotland. Chitty's Gen. Practice. Smith's Maritime Practice. Crompton's Practice. Cox's Law and Practice County Courts. Irish Courts. Dyett's Law and Practice. Barry & Keogh's Practice. Harrison's Practice. Ferguson's Practice. Impey's Instructor Clericalis. Finnelly's Law and Practice of ElecImpey's Questions. tion. Instructor Clericalis. Howard's Rules and Practice. Price's Practice Superior Courts. Howard's Rules and Practice. Schiefer's Practice of Law. Napier's Practice. Sellon's Practice. Yeo & Billing's Practice. Theobald's Elementary Practice. Tidd's Practice. Local. Wilkinson's Practice in Replevin. Ashley's Doctrine and Practice Mayor's Woolsey's Doctrine and Practice of At- Court, London. tachment Mayor's Court. Buckley's Practice and Jurisdiction Marshalsea and Palace Courts. Nisi Prius. Durham Chancery Practice County PaBest's Right to Begin and Reply. latine, Durham. Evans' Practice County Palatine, LanCourts Lee.t and Cotrt.s Paron caster. Scroggs' Court Leet. Home's Practice Tolzey Court, Bristol. WareingS Practice at Lancaster. Chambers. Bagley's Practice at Chambers. PREROGATIVE. Ecclesiastical. Allen on Prerogative. Clarke Praxis. Chitty on Prerogatives. Clerk's Instructor. Prynne's History of King John. Cockburn's Clerk's Assistant. ACCORDING TO SUBJECTS. 269 PRESCRIPTION. Fearne on Contingent Remainders. Ferguson's Entails. Angell on Adverse Enjoyment. Flintoff on Real Property. Gibbons on Limitations and Prescrip- Gardner's Articled Clerk's Assistant. tions. Gilbert on Tenures. Napier on Law of Prescription. Hall's Land Owner's Manual. Hayes on Real Property. PRINCIPAL AND SURETY. Hilliard's Law of Real Propertyi Hilliard on Real Property. Burge on Suretyship. Hobler's Familiar Exercises. Pitman on Principal and Surety. Hughes' Sales of Real Property. Theobald on Principal and Surety. Humphrey on Real Property. Huston on Land Titles. PRISONS, see Title " CRIMINAL LAW." Inwood's Tables for Purchasing Estates, Irvine's Law of Entail. PROBATE, see Titles "EXECUTORS AND Jickling's Legal and Equitable Estates. ADMINISTRATORS;" "~C'SURROGATES;" Lee's Abstracts of Title. " WILLS." Littleton's Tenures, French and English. Gwynne on Duties on Probates. Littleton's Tenures (Tomlins.) Robertson on Probate. See' Robertson Maugham's Law of Real Property. on Personal Succession." M'Culloch's Succession to Property. Swan on Probates and Administrators. Moore's Abstracts of Title. See Swan on Testamentary Juris- Napier on Prescription. diction." Noy's Tenures. Park's Contre Projet. PURCHASERS, see Titles " REAL PRO- Parke's Real Property. PERTY;')'c SALES." Patch on Mortgages. Pigott on Common Recoveries. QUo WARRANTO, see Titles "INFORMA- Preston's Abstracts of Titles. TIONS;" "CTRIALS." Questions on Real Property and Conveyancing. Tancred on Quo Warranto. Ram on Tenures. Reeve's Domestic Relations. RAILW,iYS. Roscoe on Real Property. Sandford s Heritable Succession. Chambers and Peterson's Law of Rail- Sargeant's Land Law way Companies. Shelford's Real Property Statutes. Shelford's Law of Railways. Smythies' Stepping Stone. Walford's Law of Railways. Stearns' Real Actions. Sullivan on Land Titles. REAL ACTIONS, see Title " ACTIONS'" Tamlyn on Lands Entailed. Tamlyn on Terms of Years. REAL PROPERTY, see Titles "s CONVEY- Walters on Rule in Shelley's Case. ANCING:" C; FRAUDS." Williams on Real Property. Wilson on Fines and Recoveries. Angell on Adverse Enjoyment. Wright's Tenures. Atkinson on Marketable Titles. Yorke on Forfeiture. Bacon's Statute of Uses. Barnes' Law of Real Property. RECEIVER. Bissett on Estates for Life. Blackstone's Law of Real and Personal Edwards on Receivers in Chancery. Property. Smith's Office of Receiver. Boileau on Fines and Recoveries. Burton on Real Property. REFoRnm, LEGAL. Cary's Commentaries on Littleton's Tenures. Cooper's Defects in C ourt of Chancery. Chambers on Estates. Field's Tracts on Law Reform. Clark's Leasehold Property. Garratt on Reform in Chancery. Coote on Fearne's Contingent Remain- Grim's Essay. ders. Haslewood on Reform in Chancery. Cornish on Remainders. Johnes' Suggestions. Crabb's Law of Real Property. Law Quibbles. Cruise on Fines and Recoveries. Long's Reflections. Cruise on Real Property. See''Cruise's New-Yorlk Remarks on the Revision of Digest." Laws of. Dawes on Real Estates. Old Bailey Experience. Dixon on Title Deeds. Parkes' History of Chancery. Dixon's Titles to Real Property. Park's Juridical Letters. Dyett's Law and PracticeJ"to Recover; Ritchie's Essays. Lands. Schiefer's Practice of Law. 270 LAW BOOKS ARRANGED Spence's Evils and Abuses of Chancery. 4th Circuit. Stewartds Law Reform. Brockenbrough's Reports, (of Chief Jue^ REMAINDERS, see Title " REAL PRO- Mtice Marshall's Decisions) 2 vols. PERTY." 5th Circuit. RENTS. Martin's Reports. 1 vol. 7th Circuit. Bullen on Distresses for Rent. M'Lean Reports, 3 vls. G~ilbert on Rents. M'Lean's Reports, 3 vols. Gilbert on Rents. Lumley's Annuities and Rent Charges. REPORTS OF THE DISTRICT COURTS, REPLEVIN. District of Mlaino, Morris on Replevin. Ware's Reports, 1 vol. Wilkinson's Practice in Replevin, Dis:r-ict of Maryland. REPORTS. Peters' Admiralty Decisions, 2 vols. American. (Pehn. and Maryland.) REPORTS OF THE COURTS OF THE UNI- District of New-York. TED STATES. Astor's Claim. Van Ness' Prize Cases, I vol. Repor's of the Senate of the United States. in Cases of I2mpeachment. of fIsmpeachm tent. J Dl District of Pennsylvania. Trial of 5Wiliam Blount. See CCENATE JTrial of William Blount. ENATE Peters' Admiralty Decisions, 2 vols. JOURNAL.", Trial of Judge Chase. See "STATE Gilpin's Reports, vol. TRIALS, American." Trial of James Peck. See " STATE Dstr of South Caroina. TRIALS, American" Bee's Reports. Trial of John Pickering. See "c SENATE JOURNAL." District of Ilrest Tennessee. Cooke's Reports. Reports of the IHoutse of Repeesentatives, Election There are also several of the DeciCases. sions of the Supreme Court, and of the Circuit Courts of the United Contested Elections in Congress, from te ct in he t 1;789 to 1834I vol. fStates, contained in Dallas' Reports. 19 to 1, See "Reports of the Courts of Reports of the Sutprerme Court. Pennsylvania." Digests of Reports. See'cAmerican Dallas' Reports vols. 2, 3, 4. Chancery Digest;" "c American DiCranch's Reports, 9 vols. gest;" "c Coxe's Digest;" " Curtis) Wheaton's Reports, 12 vols. Admiralty Digest;" Gilman's DiPeters' Reports, 17 vols. gest;" " Holcombe's Digest;" "P PePeters' Condensed Reports, 6 vols. ters' Digest;" " Peters' Digest (FeCranch and Dawes' Condensed Reports, deral Courts);" " Wheaton's Di1 vol. gest;","United States Digest and Howard's Reports, 6 vols. Supplement;" "; United States AnCherokee Case, 1 vol. nual Digests." REPORTS OF THE CIRCUIT COURTS. REPORTS OF THE STATE COURTS: 1st Circuit. Reports of the Courts of Alabama. Gallison's Reports, 2 vols. Alabama Reports, 18 vols. Mason's Reports, 5 vols. }st volume by Minor, Sumnner's Reports, 3 vols. 2d, 3d, and 4th volumes by Stewart., Story's Reports. 3 vols. 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th. and 9th volumes by Woodbury and Minot's Reports, 1 vol. Stewart and Porter, oodbury an inot's Report10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 2d Circuit. 17th, and 18th volumes by Porter. Alabama Reports (New Series), 13 vols. Paine-s Reports, I vol. Phillips' New Digest, 2 vols. Fitzsimons v. Ogden (Appeal) 1 vol. Reports of the Courts of Arkansas. 3d Circuit. ~3d Circuitr~. ~Arkansas Reports, 5 vols. Dallas' Reports, vols. 2, 3, 4. English's Reports, 3 vols. Washin.ton's Reports, 4 vols. Peters' Reports, 1 vol Reeports of the Coturts of ConnecticutL Baldwin's Reports, I vol.. Connecticut Reports, 18 vols, Wallace's Reports, 1 vol.. Day's Reports, 5 vols. ACCORDING TO SUBJECTS. 271 Kirby's Reports, I vol. Reports of the Courts of Maryland. Root s Reports, 2 vols. Bland's Chancery Reports, 3 vols. Digests of Reports. See c" Day's Di- Gill and Johnson's Reports. 12vols. gest;" " Dutton's Digest.", Harris and Gills Reports, 2 vols. Harris and Johnson's Reports, 7 vols. Reports of the Courts of Delawuare. Harris and M lcenry's Reports, 4 vols. Harrington's Reports, 4 vols. Gill's Reports, 3 vols. United States Bank Conspiracy Case. Reports of the Courts of F!otida. Raymond's Digested Chancery Cases. Florida Reports, 2 vols. Court of Appeals, 1 vol. Maryland Digest, 2 vols. Reports: f the Cour:s of Georgia. Charlton's (Thomas U. P.) Reports 1 Reorts of the Courts of Massachusetts. vol. Massachusetts Reports, 17 vols.'Charlton's (R. M.) Reports, 1 vol. MetcalfPs Reports, 11 vols. Dudley's Reports, 1 vol. Pickering's Reports, 24 vols. Georgia Reports, 2 vols. Thacher's Criminal Cases (Municipal Kelly's Reports, 3 vols. Court, Boston), 1 vol. Digests of Reports. See " Bigelow's Reports of the Courts of Illinois. Digest" (Old and New Editions and Supplement); "Hilliard's Digest;" Breese's Reports, I vol. ("( Metcalf's Digest;" " Minot's DiScammoon's Reports, Illinois, 4 volS. gest5'" " Phillips' Digest-" Gilman's Reports, 4 vols Digest of Reports. See' Conover's Di- Reports of the Courts of Michigan. gested Index;" "Gilman's Digest." Reprts (. C.), vo Douglas' Reports (S. C.), I vol. epots of the Coorts of sediana. Harrington's Chancery Reports, 1 vol. Walker's (Henry N.) Chancery Reports, Blackford's Reports, 5 vols. I vol. Digest of Reports. See "c Conover's Digested Index;" "' Gilman's Digest." Reports of the Courts of Mississippi. Freernans Chancery Reports, 1 vol. Reports oJ tJhe Courts of iwtoX. Howard's Reports, 7 vols. Morris' Reports, I vol. Walker's (R. J.) Reports 1 vol. Smedes and Marshall's Chancery ReRep-srs of the Courts of Kentucky. ports, I vol. Smeldes and Marshall's Reports, Court of Bibb's Reports, 4 vols. Errors, 11 vols. Dana's Reports, 9 vols. Dadna's Reports, vols. Digest of Reports. See " Smedes' DiHardin's Reports, 1 vol. est." Hughes' Reports, I vol. 4to. Littell's Reports, 5 vols. Reports of the Courts of Missouri. Littell's Selected Cases, 1 vol. Reptso slf Marshall's (A. K.) Reports, 3 vols. Missouri Reports) 11 vols. Marshall's (J. J.) Reports, 8 vols. Marshall's (J. J.) Reports, 8 vols. Reports of the Courts of New-rlampshir& Monroe's Reports, 7 vols. Monroe's Law and E quity, 8 vols. New-Hampshire Reports, 13 vols. Digest of Reports. See "Pirtle's Di~~~~~~~~~~gest." ~Reports of the Courts of New.Jersey. gest." Coxe's Reports, I vol. Reports of the Courts of Lonisiana Green's Reports, 3 vols. Louisiana Reports, 19 vols. Green's Chancery Reports, 3 vols. Martin's Reports, 12 vols. bound in 11. Halstead's Reports, 7 vols. Martin's Reports, New Series, 8 vols. Harrison's Reports, 4 vols. Robinson's Reports, 12 vols. Pennington's Reports, 2 vols. Louisiana Annual Reports, 2 vols. Saxton's Chancery Reports, 1 vol., and Digest of Reports See c Christy's Di- Index 1 vol. gest;" CC Benjamin ard Slidell's Digest." Southard's Reports, 2 vols. Spencer's Reports. 1 vol. Reports of the Courts of Maine. Digest of Reports. See " Halsted's Digest,"l st and 2d Ed. Maine Reports, 26 vols. st," t an 2 Appleton's Reports. See cMaine Re- Reports of the Courts of New-York. ports, vol. 19 & part of vol. 20.)" Fairfield's Reports. See "Maine Re- Anthon's Reports, Nisi Prius, I vol. ports, vols. 10, 11, and 12." Barbour's S. C. Reports, 3 vols. Greenleaf's Reports. See "Maine Re- Barbour's Chy. Reports, 3 vols. ports, vols 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9." Caines' Cases in Error, 2 vols in 1. Shepley's Reports. See "Maine Re- Caines' Reports, 3 vols. ports, vols. 13 to 18, part of vol 20, Cambridge Church Case, I vol, and vols. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26 " 92t LAW BoKicS AR A N 0 IY Case in the Court of Errors. Mackie v. Hawks' Reports, 4 vols. Cairns, 1825, Haywood's Reports, 2 vols. Cases in the Court of Errors (Appeals), Iredell's Equity Cases, 5 vols-. 12 vols. Iredell's Reports (Law), 8 vols. Cases in the Court of Errors (Writs of Murphy's Reports, 2 vols. Error), 14 vols. North Carolina Law Repository, 3 vGlt Cases in the Court of Appeals, 8vols. Taylor's Reports, Law and Equity, I City Hall Recorder, 6 vols. in 2. vol. Clarke's Chancery Reports. Vol. 1. 1 Taylor's Reports. I vol. vol. Digests of Reports. See Ilredell's DiColemawn's Cases, I vol. gest. " Coleman & Caines' Cases, I vol. Common School Decisions, 1 voL. Reports of the C urts of Ohio Comstockl's Reports, 1 vol. Ohio Reports by Wright, I vol. Cowen's Reports, 9 vol&. Ohio Reports Condensed by Wilcoxg, Davis' Report, (Cave Jones,) 1 vol. vol. Denio's Reports:, 4 vols. ohio Reports, 17 vols. Edwards' Chancery Reports,. McCoun, Ohio Reports, vols., to 9by Hammond;; Vice Chancellor, 1 vol. vol. 10 by Wilcox; vols. 11, 12, 13: General Banking Law Cases, 1 vol. by Stanton; vols. 14, 15, 16 & 17 by Gouverneur & Kem1ble v. Louis Le Guen, Griswold. 1 v'ol. Digest of Reports. See "Conover:' Hall's Superior Court Reports, 2 vol.. Digested Indexi" 4c<-Wiloxns DiHill's Reports, 7 vols. gest. Hoffman's Chancery Reports, 1 vol. Hopkins' Reports, Chanceryy 1 vol. Reports of the Courts of PennsylvaJia. Howard's Practice Reports, 3 vols. Adson Reports ol Johnson's Cases, 3 vol,. Ashmeadsn s Ieports, 2 vols Johnson's Cases, (2d Ed. by Sheparl.,) Binney's Reports, 6 vols. Jones' (Chancellor) Opinion? (Orphan DGiautrvill Case, I vol. Asylum Society v. McCartee & Al.r) Girard Will Case, 1 vol. 1 vol. Hoplins Quaker Case, 1 volo Judicial Opinions. Mayor's Court,. New- Miles' Reports, 2 vols. YJ ork, 1 vol. Pennsylvania Reports, by Penrose and Lispenard Case, 1 vol. Watts, 3 vols. LockwooT's Reversed Cases, I vol. Pennsylvania State Reports, by Barr.v McIntyre & Yates v. Trustees of Union 9 volCs. College. Praesbyt rian Church Case, I vol. Paige's Chancery Reports, 11 vols. Rawle s Reports, 5 vols. Reports of Convictions in the Coirt of Recorders Decisions, I vel. General Sessions of the City of New- Sergeant & Rawle s Reports, 17 ols York, MS., 1 vol. fol. Trenton Quaker Case, 1 vol. Sampson's Report of George W. Niven's Wattsl R eaports, 0 vols. Case, I vol. Watts & Sergeant's Reports, 7vols. Sampson's Catholic Question, l Wharton v s Repoats, 6 vols Sandford's Chancery Reports, 3 vols. Yeates' Reports, 4 vols. Sandford's Superior Court Reports, I vol Digests of Reports. See "Wharton' Select Cases, Adjudged in the Courts of Digest;" "Pennsylvania Digest." the State of New-York, 1 vol. Wallack Divorce Case, 1 vol. Reports of te Coeurts of Rhode Isla d. Wendell's Reports, 26 vols. Trevett v. Weeden, by Varnum, I vol. Wheeler's Criminal Cases, 3 vols. iligest of Reports. See Clerle's Di- Reports of the Courts of South Carolina. gest;" "Cowen's Digest;" "Digest Bailey's Equity Reports, 1 vol. of New-York Reports;," "Digest Bailey's Reports, 2 vols. of Wendell's Reports;" "Johnson's Bay's Reports, 2 vols. Digest," (1st, 2d and last:Editions), Brevard's Reports' 3 vols. "cNew-York Digest," (Church's); Cheves' Cases in Chancery in the Court "New-York Digest," (Ed. of 1836). of Appeals, I vol. Cheve' Cases at Law in the Court of' Reports of the Courts of North Carolina. Appeals, I vol. Cameron & Norwood's Reports, I vol. Constitutional Reports, by Mill, 2 vol-s. Devereux's Equity Reports, 2 vols. Constitutional Reports, by Treadway, 2 Devereux's Reports, Supreme Court, 4 vols. vols. Dessausure's Chancery Reports, 4 vols. Devereux and Battle's Equity Cases, 2 Dudley's Cases in Chancery, (Court of' vols. Appeals,) I v ole Devereux and Battles Reportsy S vols. ACCORDING TO SVUBJECTS. Dudley's Reports of Cases at Law (Court Digests of Reports. See "H'Iall's Diof Appeals), 1 vol. gested Index;","Munford's General Harper's Reports, 1 vol. Index;" "Tate's Analytical DigestHarper's Equity Reports, 1 vol. ed Index,a^ Hill's Chancery Reports, 2 vols. Hill's Reports, 3 vols. British. McCord's Chancery Reports, 2 vols. McCord's Reports, Constitutional Court, Parlianzentary. 4 vols. Barron & Arnold's Election Reports. McMullan's Equity Cases, 1 vol. Barron & Austin's Election Reports. McMullan's Reports, Law, 2 vols. Bligh's Parliamentary Reports, 3 vols. Nott & McCord's Reports, 2 vols. Bligh's New Parliamentary Reports, 1t Rice's Equity Reports, I vol. vols. Rice's Reports (Law), I vol. Bosanquet & Puller's Reports. Richardson's Equity Reports, 2 vols. Broderip & Bingham's Reports, 3 vols. Richardson's Law Reports, 3 vols. Brown's Parliamentary Cases, 8 vols. Riley's Chancery Cases, I vol. Cases on Appeals, 12 vols. Riley's Law Cases, 1 vol. Clark & Finnelly's Parliamentary ReSpeer's Equity Reports, I vol. ports, 12 vols. Speer's Reports (Law), 2 vols. Cockburn & Rowe's Election Cases. I Strobhart's Equity Reports, 1 vol, vol. Strobhart's Law Reports, 2 vols. Colles' Reports, 1 vol. Digests of Reports, See,"Digest of Comyn's Reports, 2 -.ols South Carolina Reports;" " Rice's Conroy's Custodiam Reports, I vol. Digest." Corbett & Daniell's Reports (Election Cases,) 1 vol. Reports of the Courts of lennessec. Denman's (Lord) Judgment, in the Case Cooke's Reports, I vol. of O'Connell and Others, against the Haywood's Reports, 3 vols. Qeen, I vol. Humphrey's Reports, 8 vols. Douglas' Election Cases, 4 vols. Martin and Yerger's Reports, I vol. Dows Parliamentary Reports, 6 vols. Meigs' Reports, 1 vol. Dow and Clark's Parliamentary Reports, Peck's Reports, 1 vol. New Series, 2 vols. Tennessee (Overton's) Reports, 2 vols. Falconer and Fitzherbert's Election CaYerger's Reports, 10 vols. ses, 1 vol. eprt, -0 v Fraser on Elections: Reports, &c., 2 Reports of the Courts of Texas. v Glanville's Reports. I vol. Webb & Duval's Reports, I vol. Heron's Case of the Sheriffof Dublin. I vol. Reports of the Courts of Vermonst. Jurist (The) 12 vols. Aiken's Reports, 2 vols. Knapp & Ombler's Election Cases. 1 vole Brayton's Reports, 1 vol. Le Marchant's Reports, Gardner PeerChipman's (Daniel) Reports, 1 vol. age, 1 vol. Chipman's (Nathaniel) Reports, 1 vol. Luders on Elections, 3 vols. 18mo. Maclean and Robinson's Parliamentari Tyler's Reports, 2 vols. Reports, I vol. Vermont Reports, 15 vols. Vols. 1 to Merewether's Report. I vol. (West 10 by the Judges; Vol. 10 and part Looe.) of Vol. 11 by Shaw; part of Vol. 11 Moore and Scott's Reports, 4 vols. and Vols. 12, 13, and 14 by Weston; Nicolas' Report, Devon Peerage, 1 vol, Vol. 15 by Slade; Vols. 16, 17, 18, Nicolas' Report, L'Isle Peerage, I vol. and 19 by Washburn. Peckwell's Election Cases. I vol. Perry & Knapp's Election Cases. 1 volo Reports of the Courts of Virginia. Petrie's Report. 1 vol. (Cricklade Case.) Call's Reports, 6 vols, Phillips' Reports, Election Cases, 1 vol. Grattan's Reports, 4 vol. 12mo. Hening & Munford's Reports, 4 vols. Ridgeway's Parliamentary Cases, 3 vols. Jefferson's Reports, 1 vol. Rowe's Reports. 1 vol. Leigh's Reports, 10 vols. Rumsey's Wycombe Corporation Case, Munford's Reports, 6 vols. Shaw's Reports, Scotch Appeals, 2 vols. Randolph's Reports, 6 vols. Shaw & Maclean's Reports, Scotch ApRobinson's Virginia Reports, 2 vols. peals, 2 vols. Washington's Reports, 2 vols. Shower's Parliamentary Cases, 1 vol. Wythe's Decisions, I vol. fol. fol. Wythe's Reports, I vol. Talbot's Case of Forfar. 1 vol. Virginia Cases, (1st vol. by Brocken- Tomlin's Election Cases, 1 vol. brough & Holmes, 2d vol. by Brock- Webster's Patent Cases, 1 vol. brough,) 2 vols. West's Parliamentary Reports, 1 vol Virginia Reports, by Gilmer, I vol. Willes' Reports, 1 vol, 274 LAW BOOKS ARRANGa D Wilmot's Opinions and Judgments, 1 Mylne and Keen's Reports, 3 volao vol. 4to. Nelson s Reports, 1 vol. Wilson & Shaw's Repoits, Scotch Ap- Peere Williams' Reports, 3 vols. peals, 7 vols. Phillips, Chancery Reports, 1 vol. Pollexfen:s Reports, 1 vol. fol. Privy Coucil. Popham s Reports, I vol. fol. Jurist (The). 12 vols. Precedents in Chancery, 1 vol. fol. Knapp s Reports, 3 vols. Precedents in Chancery. 2d Edition, by Manning s Report, Sergeants. 1 vol. Finch, I vol. Moore s Privy Council Reports: East Queen's College Case. India Appeal Cases, 2 vols. Reports in Chancery, 3 vols. Webster s Patent Cases, 1 vol. Ridgeway:s Cases Tempore lardwickeg l vol. Ahmncery. Russell s Reports, 4 vols. A~mbler s:Reports, I vol. Russell and Mylne's Reports, 2 vols. Ambler's Reports, 2d Edition, by Blunt, Salkeld s Reports, 3 vols. A-ky2 Reportsols. 3vole.Select Cases in Chancery, 1 vol. fol. Atkyn's Reports, 3 vols. Smith's Repo-ts, 3 vols. Barnardiston's Chancery Reports, I vol. Strange's Reports, 2 vols. fol. Swanston's Reports, 3 vols. Brown's Chancery Reports, 4 vols. Sweets Cases. Brown's Chancery Reports. (J. C. Per- Tamlyn's Reports, 1 vol. kins' Ed, 1844.) 4 vols. Turner S& Russell's Reports, 1 vol. Cary's Reports, 1 vol. 12mo. Ventris' Reports, 1 vol. fol. Cae Tveolpore ng. 1 vol f. Vesey junior's Reports, 20 vols. Cases Temore ng, vol. fol Vesey juniors Reports, Supplement to, Cases Tempore Talbot, by Williams, 1 by Itovenden, 2 vols. Vol. Vesey, junior's Reports, American vols. Colkes Reports (13 Parts) Bound in 7 By Charles Sumner & J. C. Perkins, vole.s. 20 vols. Cokeg Reports. (Thomas and Fraser's Vesey, Jinior, and Beames' Reports, 3 Edition.) 6 vole. R oVesey Senior's Reports, 2 vols. Comyn's Reports. 2 vols. Vesey, Senior's Reports, Supplement to, Cooperls Ld. Chancellor s Reports. by Belt. 1 vol. Cooper's Chancery Reports. Webster's Patent Cases, 1 vol. Coopers Reports, 1 vol. West's Reports, 1 vol. Cooper's Select Cases, ol. Willes' eports, 1 vo Cox's Equity Reports, 2 vols. Wilmot's Opinions and Judgmrents, Craig & Phillips' Reports, 1 vol. volE. 4to. Deacon's Bankruptcy Reports, 4 vo ls. eWilsons Reports, vol. 1, Pts., 2 3,:icltens' Chancery Reports, 2 vols. vol 2, Pt. Donnelly's Chancery Cases, 1 vol. Dyer's Reports, 1 sol. fol. l. ol's Rport s Dyer's Reports. ( vaillant's Ed.) vol. Erdens Reports, 2 vols. Beavan's Reports, 8 vols. Equity Cases Abridgedl, 2 vols. Jurist (The) 12 -ols. Finch's Cases in Chancery, 1 vol. fol. Keen's Reports. 2 vols. Fitzgibbonls Reports, 1 vol. fol. aenyon's Reports. 2 vols. Fortesque's Reports. 1 vol. fol. Tamlyn's Reports. 1 v Freeman's Chancery Reports, I vol. Freeman's teports, 1 vol. fol. BeCore the aicet Chances or. Gilberts Cases in Law and Erity 1 Collyer's Reports. 2 volI. vol. ITLare's Ileports, 5 vols. Gilbert's Reports, 1 vol. -fol. Jurist (The). 2 vols. Godlbolt(s Reports, 1 vol. 4to. Madtlockles Reports, 5 vols. Holt-s Reports, 1 vol. Io, Maddoclc & Geldart's Reports, I vol. Jacob's Reports, 1 vol. limQns Reports, 12 vols. Jacob & Walers Reports, 2 vols. irons BStuart's Reports, 2 vols. Jurist (The). 12 vols. ounge & Collyer's Reports, 2 vols. Ielynre's Reports, I vol. fol. KIenyon's Reports, 2 vols. x.rchequter ~rnd Exrh^equoer Chotber. Law Jolrnal Reports. 26 v(ols. Ambler's Beports, 1 vol. Loift's Reports, 1 vol. Ambler's Reports, 2d Ed., by Blunt, 2 Merivale's Reports, 3 vols. vols. Modern Reports, 12 vols. Anstruther's Reports, fromi 1792 to 1795 Moore's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Dublin Ed 2 vols. bound in 1. Moseley s Reports, I vol. Anstruther's Reports. from 1792 to 1797. Mylne &'Craig's Chancery Reports, 4 London Ed. 3 vols. vols. Ar nold s Reports, 2 vols ACCORDING TO SUiBJESCTS, ~75 Bendloe's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Strange's Reports, 2 vols. Blackstone s (Henry) Reports, Exche- Taunton s Reports, Exchequer Chamber, quer Chamber, Z vols. 8 vols. Bosanquet & Puller s Reports, Exche- Tyrwhitt's Reports, 5 vols. quer Chamber, 5 vols. Tyrwhitt ant Granger's Reports, 1 vol. Broderip & Binghamrs Reports, 3 vols. Younge and Collyer's Reports, 4 vols. Bunbury:s Reports, I vol. Ventris' Reports, 1 vol. fol. Carrington & Marshoman's Reports, 1 Webster's Patent Cases, 1 vol. vol. Wightwicels Reports, 1 vol. Carrington and Payne's Reports, 9 vols. Willes' Reports, Exchequer Chamber, 1 Coke's Reports, 13 Parts Bound in 7 vols. vol. Coke's Reports. (Thomas and Frazer's Willmore, Wollaston and Davison's Re. Ed.) 6 vols. ports, 1 vol. Common Law Reports, 06 vols. Willmore, Wollaston and Hodges' ReComyn's Reports, 2 vols.. ports, 2 vol. Crompton and Jervis' Reports, 2 vols. Wilmot's Opinions and Judgments, 1 Crompton and Meeson's Reports, 2 vols. vol 4to Crompton, Meeson and Roscoe's Reports, Year Books, II vols. fol. 2 vols. Younge's Reports in Equity, 1 vol. Daniell's Reports, 1 vol. Youngc's Reports. Davison and Merivale's Reports, 1 vol. Younge and Collyer's Reports in Equity, Dyer's Reports, I vol. fol. 2 vols. Dyer's Reports. (Vaillant's Ed.) 3 vols. Younge and Jervis' Reports, 3 vols. Fitzgibbon's Reports, I vol. fol. Forrest's.Reports, 1 vol. Kimngs Bench. Freeman's Reports, I vol. fol. Adolphus and Ellis' New Reports, 8 vols. Gale and Davison's Reports, 3 vols. Adolphus and Ellis' Reports, 12 vols. Gale's Reports, 2 vols. Aleyn's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Gilbert's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Antdrews' Reports, 1 vol. Godbolt's Reports, 1 vol. 4to. Arnold and Hodges' Reports, Practice Hardres Reports, 1 vol. Cases 1 vol. Hayes' Reports (Ireland), 1 vol. Arnold & Hodges' Reports. (Q. B.) 1 Hobart's Reports, 1 vol. fol. vol. Holt's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Atcheson's Report. (Fisher vs. Ward.) Horn antl Hurlstone's Reports, 1 vol. Atcheson's Report. (Havelock vs. Rook. Hughes' Reports, (King vs. Bebb). wood.) Hurlstone and Walmsley's Reports, I vol. Barnardiston's Reports, 2 vols. fol. Jenklins' Centuries of Reports. 2dt Ed. 1 Barnewell and Adolphus' Reports, 5 vol. fol. vols. Jenkins' Centuries of Reports. 3d Ed. I Barnewell and Alderson's Reports, 5 vol. fol. vols. Jurist (The), 12 vols. Barnewell and Cressweel's Reports 5 Lane's Exchequer Reports. I vol. fo. vols. Law Journal Reports. Bellewe's Cases. Leonard's Reports, I vol. fol. Bendloe"s Reports, 1 vol. fol. Littletons Reports, 2 vols. Benloe and Dallison's Reports. Marshall's Reports, 2 vols. Blackstone's (Sir William), Reports, g MeClelland's Reports, I vol. vols. McClelland ant Younge's Reports, 1 vol. Brooke's New Cases Meeson and Welsbys Reports, and an Bulstrode's Reports, 3 vols. bound in 1. Index to, 16 vols. fol. Modern Reports, 12 vols. Burrow's Reports, 5 vols. Moore's Reports, I vol. fol. Burrow's Settlement Cases, 1 vol. Moore's Reports, 12 vols. Cambridge Toll Case, 2 vol. Moore and Payne's Reports, 4 vols. Carrington and Kirwan's Reports 1 vol. Moore and Scott's Reports, 4 vols. Carrington antd Marshman's Reports, I Murphy and Hurlstone's Reports, I vol. vol. New Repo-ts, See 4th and 5th vols. sBo- Carrington and Payne's Reports, 9 vols sanquet and Puller's Reports."' Carrow, Hamerton and Allen's Reports. Parker's Reports, 1 vol. fol. 2 vols. Perry and Davison's Reports, 4 vols. Carthew's Reports, I vol. fol. Plowden's Reports, 2 vols. Cases Tempore Hardwicke, by Lee,l vol. Pollexfen's Reports, I vol. fol. Chitty's Reports, 2 vols. Price's Reports, 13 vols. Coke s Reports, 13 Parts bound in 7 volse Price's Notes of Points, Part 1. Comberbach's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Raymond's (Sir Thomas) Reports, I rol. Common Law Reports, 56 vols, fol. Comyn's Reports, 2 vols. Salkell's Reports, 3 vols.'Cowper's Ieports, 2 vols. Saville's Reports, I vol. fol. Cl-ilica Juris Ingeniosa. Scott's New Reports, 7 vols. Croke's Reports, 3 vols, Scott's Reports, 8 vcl,. Cunningham's Reports, fol. Siderfinis Reports, 2 vols. fol. Davison and Merivale's Reports, 1 vol. 276 LAW BooIs ARRANGED DBuglas' Reports, 4 vols. Raymond's (Ld.) Reports, 3 vols& Dowling's Practice Reports, 9 vols. Raymond's (Sir Thomas), Reportsg Dowling's (Alfred and Vincent) Prac- (1696.) 1 vol. fol. tice Cases (1841-1843), 2 vols. Ridgeway's Cases Tempore Hardwicke, Dowling and Lowndes' Practice Re- I vol. ports, 4 vols. Rolle's Reports, 2 vols. fol. Dowling and Ryland's Reports, 9 vols. Rowe's Reports, 2 vol. Dowling and Ryland s Reports, Magis- Salkeld's Reports, 4 vols. trates Cases, 4 vols. Saunders' Reports, 3 vols. Durnford and East's Reports, 8 vols. Saunders' Reports, (6th Ed.) 3 vols, Dyer's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Sayer's Reports, foL Dyer's Reports. (Vaillant's EdL.) 3 vols. Session Cases, (1760), 2 vols. East's Reports, 16 vols. Shower's Reports, 2 vols. Fitzgibbon's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Siderlin's Reports, 2 vols. fol. Freeman's Law Reports, I vol. Skinner s Reports, 1 vol. fol. Freeman's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Smith's Reports, 3 vols. Fry's Reports of the Cases of the Cana- Starkie's Reports, 2 vols. dian Prisoners, I vol. Strange s Reports, 2 vols. Gale and Davison's Reports, 3 vols. Styles' Reports, 1 vol. fol. Gilbert's Cases in Law and Equity, 1 Term Reports, see "IDurnford and East' vol. 12mo. Reports." Godbolt's Reports, 1 vol. 4to. Ventris' Reports, 1 vol. fol. Grindall v. Grindall. Webster's Patent Cases, 1 vol. Harrison & Wollaston's Reports, 2 vols. Willmore, Wollaston and Davison's ReHobart's Reports, (Am. Ed.) I vold ports, 1 vol. Hobart's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Willmore, Wollaston and Hodges' ReHolt's Reports, 1 vol. fol. ports, 2 vols. Holt's Judgment, (Ashby v, White.) Willmot's Opinions and Judgments, 1 Jones' (&ir Thomas) Reports, 1 vol. fol. vol. 4to. Jones' (Sir William) Reports, 1 vol. fol. Wilson's Reports, 3 volSo Jurist (Th-e), 12 vols. Year Books, 11 vols. fol. Keble's Reports, 3 vols. fol Yelverton's Reports, I vol. Keilwey's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Kelynge's Reports, I vol. Common Plea'. Kenyon's (Lord), Reports, 2 vols. Anderson's Reports, I vol. fol. Latch's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Arnold's Reports, 2 vols. Latch's Reports, Translated into Eng- Atchesons Reports, (Fisher vso Ward.) lish by Francis-Xavier Martin, 1 vol. Barnes' Notes of Cases, 2 vols. Law Journal, 26 vols. Bendloe's Reports, I vol. folLeach's Crown Cases, 2 vols. Bendloe and Dalison's Reports, I vole Leonard's Reports, I vol. fol. fol. Levinz's Reports, 2 vols, fol. Bingham's New Cases, 6 vols. Levinz's Reports, 3 vols. Bingham's Reports, 10 vols. Ley's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Blackstone's (Henry), Reports, 2 vols. Lofft's Reports, 1 vol. Blackstone's (Sir William), Reports, 2 Lord Kenyon's Reports, see "Kenyon's vols. (Lord) Reports." Bosanquet and Puller's Reports, 5 vols. Lord Raymond's Reports, see "Ray- Brid-man's (Sir John), Reports, I vol. mond's (Ld.) Reports." fol. Lowe vs. Huntingtower, 1 vol. Bridgman's (Sir Orlando), Reports, I Manning ant Ryland's Reports, 5 vols. vol. Manning and Ryland's Reports, Mag-is- Broderip and Bingham's Reports, 3 vols, trates Cases, 2 vols. Brownlow andt Goldsborough's ReMarch's Reports, I vol. ports, I vol. 4to. March's Reports, (2d Ed.) Carrington and Marshman's Reports, 1 March's New Cases. vol. Maule and Selwyn's Reports, 6 vols. Carrington and Payne's Reports, 9 vols. Modern Reports, 12 vols. Carter's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Moore's Reports. 1 vol. fol. Coke's Reports, 13 Parts Bound in 7 vols, Neville and Manning's Reports, 6 vols. Coke's Reports, (Thomas and Fisher's Neville and Manning's Reports, Magis- Ed.) 6 vols. trates Cases, 3 vols. Common Bench Reports, 3 vols. Neville and Perry' Reports, 3 vols. Common Law Reports, 56 vols. Noy's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Comyn's Reports, 2 vols. Owen's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Croke's Reports, 3 vols. Palmer' Reports, 1 vol. fol. Drinkwater's Reports, 1 vol. Peere Williams' Reports, 3 vols. Dyer's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Perry and Davison's Reports, 4 vols. Dyer's Reports, (Vaillant's Ed.) 3 vols, Plowden's Reports, 2 vols. Fitzgibbon's Reports, I vol. fol. Pollexfen's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Fraser's Report, I vol. Popham's Reports, 1 vol. fol. \ Freeman's Law Reports, I vol. ACCOR DING TO SUBJECTS. 277 Freeman's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Manning and Ryland's Reports, 4 vols. Godbolt's Reports, 1 vol. 4to. Nevile and Manning's Reports, 3 vols. Gouldsborough's Reports, 1 vol. Nevile and Perry's Reports, 3 vols. Hetley's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Nolan's Reports, 1 vol. Hobart's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Hodges' Reports, 3 vols..Bail Court. Hutton's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Arnold and Hodge's Practice Cases, 1 vol. Jones' (Sir Thomas) Reports, 1 vol. fol. Chitty's Reports, 2 vols. Jones' (Sir William) Reports, 1 vol. fol. Dowling's Practice Reports, 9 vols. Jurist (The), 12 vols. Dowling's Practice Reports, N.S., 2 Keilwey's Reports, 1 vol. fol. vols. Law Journal Reports, 26 vols. Dowling and Lowndes' Practice Reports, Leonard's Reports, 1 vol. fol. 4 vols. Levinz's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Harrison and Wollaston's Reports, 2 vols. Levinz's Reports, 3 vols. Ley's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Patent Cases. Littleton's Reports, 2 vols. fol. Davies' Patent Cases, 1 vol. Lofft's Reports, 1 vol. Webster's Patent Cases. Lord Raymond's Reports, see " Raymond's (Ld.) Reports." Nisi Prius. Lutwyche's Reports, 2 vols. fol. Manning's Report, 2 vol. Campbell's Reports, 4 vols. Manning and Granger's Reports, 7 ^ ^a1nning and- rangoer's Reports, 7 Carrington andi Kirwan's Reports, I vol. vols. Carrington and Marshman's Reports, 1 March's Reports, I vol. vol. March's Reports (2d Ed.) Carrington and Payne's Reports, 9 vols. Marshall's Reports, 2 vols. Clayton's Reports, I vol. Mbodern Reports, 12 vols. Common Law Reports, 56 vols. Mooresrn Reports, I vol. fol. Day vs. Day. Moore's Reports, 1 vols. Espinasse's Reports, 6 vols. Bound in 5. Moore and Payne's Reports, 5 vols. Farquharson's Report. M'oore and Scott's Reports, 4 vols. Gow's Reports, 1 vol. New Reports, see "C Bosanquet and Pul- Halcomb's Report. ler's Reports," 4th and 5th vo Holt's Reports, 4 volsl. Noy's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Lilly's Report (Assize). Owen's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Moody and Malkin's Reports, 1 vol. Pigott and Rodwells Reports, 1 vol. Moody and Robinson's Nisi Prius RePollexfen's RepoIts, 1 v. fol. Peake's Nisi Prius Reports, 2 vols. Popham's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Ryan and Moody's Reports, 1 vol. Raymond's (L.) Reports, 3 vols. Starlie's Reports, 2 vols. Raymond's (Sir Thomas) Report Webstr's Patent Cases, 1 vol. fol. Salkeld's Reports, 3 vols. Mercantile Cases. Saville's Reports, I vol. fol. Danson an Lloy's Reports, 1 vol. Scott's Reports, 8 vols. Lloydand Welsby's Reports, vo Parts 1,2,3. Scott's New Reports, 8 vols. Select Cases. Railways and Canals. Siderfin's Reports, 2 vs fol. Nicholl, Hare and Carrow's Reports, Starkie's Reports, 2 vols. Cases relating to Railways and CaStrange's Reports, 2 vols. nals, in the Courts of Law and Eqlui Taunton's Reports, 8 vols. ty, 4 vols. Vaughan's Reports, 1 vol. Ventris' Reports, 2 vols. Admiralt Webster's Patent Cases, 1 vol. Willes' Reports, 1 vol. High Court of Appeals. Wilmots Opinions and Judgments, vol. Acton's Reports, 2 vols. See "Parlia4to. mentary Reports." Wtilson's Reports, 3 vols. Winch's Reports, 1 vol. fol. Hih Cosurtof Admiralty. Year Books, 11 vols. fol. Case of the Snipe an A., Arguments of Counsel, I vol. Trials at Bar. Cases of the Snipe and Al., Report of Concanen's Report, Rowe vs, Brenton, 1 Judgment, 1 vol. vol. Dodson's Reports, 2 vols. Edwards' Reports, I vol. Magistrates' Cases. Haggard's Admiralty Reports, 3 vols. Carrow, Hamerton and Allen's Reports, Jurist (The), 12 vols. 2 vols, Marriotl's Admiralty Reports (1776-9), Dowling and Ryland's Reports, 4 vols. 1 vol. Wio' eot s, 1 v l o. Hg or fAmrly 278 LAW BooeKs ARRANGED Robinson's (Chr.) Admiralty Reports, 6 Scotch Reports. vols. Robinson's (William) Admiralty Re- Appeal Cases to the House of Lords. ports, 1 vol. Cragie and Stewarts' Reports, 1 vol. Vice-Admira'ty Court, (Halifax.) Bells Reports, 4 vols. Stewart's Reports, vol. McLean and Robinson's Reports, 1 vol. Stewart's Reports, I vol. Moylan's Case. Ioylan's Case. Barn~krptcyp.~ Robertson's Reports 1 vol. BauD.lerup~~icy Robinson's Reports, 2 vols. Buck's Cases in Bankruptcy, 1 vol. Shaw's Reports, 2 vols. Deacon's Bankruptcy Reports, I vol. Shaw and McLean's Reports, 2 vols. Deacon and Chitty's Reports, 3 vols. Wilson and Shaw's Reports, 7 vols. Glyn and Jameson's Reports, 2 vols. Law Journal, 26 vols. Consistory Cotrt. Montagu's Reports, 1 vol. Montagu an Ayrt vol. Fegusons Reports, 2 vols. Montagn andi Blighns Reports, I vol. Montagu and Blhitty's Reports, 1 vol. Court of- Session. Montagu, Deacon and De Gex's Reports, Bell's Report, I vol. (Case of Legitib 2 vols. macy.) Montagu and Macarthur's Reports, 1 vol. Buchanan's Reports, 1 vol. Rose's Cases in Bankruptcy, 2 vols. Cases in the Court of Session, 16 vols. (Reported by Shaw, Ballantine, DunInsolvent Court. lop, Bell, Napier antd Murray.) Creswell's Insolvency Reports, I vol. Cases in the Court of Session, 10 vols. (Reported as above with Donaldson, Crown Circuit Young, Tennent and Fraser.) Lewin's Crown Circuit Reports, 1 vol. Deas and Anderson's Reports, 5 vols. Decisions in the Court of Session, by Crown Cases Reversed. Kilkerran, fol. Denison's Crown Cases, Part 1. Decisions in the Court of Session, by Jebb's Crown Cases, I vol. (Ireland.) Kaames, fol. Kelyn. e's Reports, I vol. -. Decisions in the Court of Session, 21 Kelynge's Reports, 1 vo. vols. fol. Leach's Cases in Crown Law, 2 vols. ooLeac's Cowasesn Casn La, 2 vols. Decisions in the Court of Session,16 vols. sMooly's Cron C ases, Reserv- Dictionary of Decisions of the Court of Russell anti Ryan's Crown Cases Reserv- ed, I vol. Session, 21 vols. e *t, 1 vol. DDictionary &c. Supplement to, 6 vols. Ecclesiastical, see Title " ECCLES1ASTICAL LAW. Macfarlane's Reports, I vol. Addams' Reports, 2 vols. Elestial Comyn's Reports, 2 vols. ccss Croke's Report, 1 vol. Robertson's Auchterarder Case, 2 vols. Curteis' Report (Martin vs. Escott). Curteis' Reports, 3 vols. Elections Dodson's Special Cases, I vol. Talbot's Case of Forfar. Eagle and Younge's Tithe Cases, 4 vols. Haggard's Consistory Reports, 2 vols. Jury Cases. Haggard's Ecclesiastical Reports, 3 vols. Deas and Anrsons Cases 5 vols Haggard's Report, Dew vs. Clark and tl rk, 1 vol. iMurray's Reports, 5 vols. Clark, 1 vol. Johnson's Report. Macfarlane's Reports, 1 vol. Jurist (The) 12 vols. JT y. Lee's Reports. See " Phillimore's Ec- J ar clesiastical Reports, Tempore Lee." Arkley's Reports, 1 vol. Phillimore's Ecclesiastical Reports, Brown's Reports. 2 vols. Tempore Lee, 2 vols. Buchanan's Reports, 1 vol. Phillimore's Reports. 3 vols. Maclaurin's Criminal Cases, 1 vol. Phillimore's Report of Judgment (Bel- Swinton's Reports, 2 vols. cher vs. Belcher, 1 vol. Symc's Reports, 1 vol. Phillimore's Report, (Dean of Yorl) 1 - vo. Irish Reports. Rayner's Cases, (Tithes) 3 vols. Robertson's Stone Altar Case. Chancery. Williams' King's College Case, 1 vol. Ball and Beatty's Reports, 2 vols. Digest of Reports. See "Maddy's Ec- Beatty's Reports, 1 vol. clesiastical Digest." Connor and Lawson's Reports, 2 vols. Drury and Walsh's Reports, 2 vols. Visitor. Drury and Warren's Reports, 4 vols. Queen's College Case. Gilbert's Reports, 1 vol. Williams' King's College Case. Jones and LaTouche's Reports, 2 volSo ACCORDING TO SUBJECTS. 279 Lloyd and Gould's Reports, (Plunkett) Miscellaneous. 1 vol. Crawford and Dix's Abridged Cases, I Lloyd and Gould's Reports, (Sugden) vol. 1 vol. Crawford and Dix's Circuit Cases, 1 volo Molloy's Chancery Reports, 2 vols. Glascock's Reports, 1 vol. Schoales and Lefroy's Reports, 2 vols. Irish Circuit Reports, 1 vol. Wallis and Lyne's Reports, 1 vol. Irish Equity Reports, 8 vols. Irish Law Reports, 8 vols. Rolls Court- Irish State Trials, (Queen vs. O'Connell) Flanagan and Kelly's Reports, 2 vols. I vol. Hogan's Reports, 2 vls. Lav Recore, 4 vols. ausse an Scullys Reports, vol. Law Recorder (New Series, 6 vols. Queen'.s Bench. Colonial Reports Henry's Report of the Judgment Odq Alcock and Napier's Reports, I vol. win v. Forbes. Armstrong and Trevor's Reports, 1 vol. Select Cases in New Foundland, 1 vol. Batty's Reports, I vol. Stewart's Reports, Nova Scotia, 1 vol. Coole and Alcock's Reports, Part 1. Stuart's Reports Lower Canada. Davies' Reports, I vol. Fox and Smith's Reports, 1 vol. India. Green's Report, I vol. Macnaghtcns' Nizamut Adawlut Reports Green's Report of Trials, 1 ol 4.vols Hudson and Brooke's Reports, 2 vols. Moores' Privy Council Reports (East Jebb and Burke's Reports, 1 vol. India,) 2 vols. Jebb and Syme's Reports, 2 vols. Strange's East India Reports, 2 vols. Ridgway, Lapp and Schoales' Reports, 1 vol. French. Smith and Batty's Reports, 1 vol. Venont andS v Battys Reports, 1 vol. Cassation, Bulletin des Judgments du Vernon and Scriven's Reports 1 vol. Tribunal de. Tribunal tie. Common Pleas-. ~Gazette des Tribunaux. Commnon Pleas. lHatchell's Report, 1 vol. RoADs, see Titles"WATERS;" "WAYS." Smythe's Reports, 1 vol. ROMAN LAW, see Title "C CIVIL LAW.oNisi Prius. Armstrong, Macartney and Ogle's Re- RULE.s ports, 1 vol. Courts of the U. S.:EJxchequger.. -- Bankrupt Rules and Law, 1841. Conroy's Custodiam Reports, 1 vol. Rules of Practice U. S. Courts AdmiGilbert's Reports, fol. ralty. Green's Report, (Writ of Error) 1 vol. U. S. Court Rules Hayes' Reports, 1 vol. Hayes and Jones' Reports, 1 vol. Courtof New York. Hudson and Brooke's Reports, 2 vols. Chancery Rules. Jones' Reports, 2 vols. Chancery Rules Rev. by Chan. WalLongfield and Townsend's Reports, worth, 1829,'34,'37,'39,'44. 1 vol. Rules of Court of Errors, (1818 and Macrory's Report, 1 vol. 1841.) Rules Court Appeals, (1847 & 1849.) Parliamentary. Supreme Court Rules, (1818, 1830, 1831, Heron's Case, 1 vol. 1837, 1845.) Ridgway's Parliamentary Laws, 3 vols. Supreme Court Rules (Equity and Law) 1847 and 1849. Prerogative. Prerogativ7~e. EltEnglish Courts. Milward's Reports, 1 vol. Milward's Report (Guillamore v. O Gra- Beames' Orders Chancery. dy,) 1 vol. Beavan's Gen. Orders Chancery~ IBosanquets Rules. Registry Cases. Carey's Rules. Charnock's Rules. Alcock's Registry Cases, Parts 1, 2, 3. Cooke's New Orders. Welsh's Registry Cases, 1 vol. Darley's Gen. Orders Chancery. Welsh's Registry Case at Sligo, 1 vol. Jervis New Rules. Welsh's Case of James Feighny, 1 vol. Kellett's Amended Orders. Lowry's Gen. Rules and Orders, Court of Error. Mansel's Rules. Hetherington vs. Wogan. Miller's Orders. 280 LAW BOOKS ARRANGED Rules and Orders. (Q. B. & Corn. Pleas, SLANDER, see Title " LIBEL AND SLAN1712.) DER." Sanders' Orders. Smith's Gen. Orders Chan. SPEECHES AND CHARGES. Smith's Gen. Rules and Orders Chan. Wordsworth's Rules of Court. Berryer Legons et Modeles D'Eloquence. Christian's Charges to Grand Juries. Local. Coke's Speech anti Charge. Stannaries. Rules and Orders of Courts Cooper's (C. P.) Speech. of. Curran's Speeches. Douglas Cause. (Speeches Lords. of SesSALES. sion.) Erskine's Speeches. Bell on Sales. Rush's Charges. Blackburn on Sales. Smith's Charges. Brown on Sales. Storr's Speech. Hilliard on Sales. Howard's Duties of Solicitors in Sales by STATE TRIALS. Auction. Long on Sales. Ameriran. Morton on Vendors. Addison (Alexander). Trial of. Ross on Vnendors. Chase (Samuel). Trial of. Story on Salens. Chase's (Samuel) Answer. Sugdentory on Sales. See Sgde on Es- Pennsylvania State Trials. ugtates V Sales. See Sugden on Trials of Burr (Aaron). Trials of Fries. Sugden on Vendors. Trial of Hopkinson. SCOTTISH LAW. Trial of Nicholson. (Jno.) Trial of Peck (Jas.) Acts of Sederunt, (1553-1810.) Trial of Prescott (Jas.) Acts of Sederunt, (810-1831.) Acts of Sederunt, (1810-1831.) Trial of Shippen (E.) Yeates (Jasper) & Barclay's Acts of Sederunt. Smith (Thomas.) Bell's Scottish Law. Trial of Smith (W. S.) and Ogden (S. Bell s Illustrations. G.) Bell's Principles. Wharton's State Trials. Burnoh's Law of Scotland. Burton's Law of Scotland. Zenger's (John Peter) Tryal. Dirleton' Doubts Answered by Stewart. Erskine's Institute. Erskine's Principles. Cobbett's State Trials with Howell's Ferguson's Consistorial Law. Continuation and Index by Jardine. Forbes' Journal of Session. Firth's Remarks on the Recent State Frazer's Judicial Proceedings. Trials. Glassford's Scottish Courts of Law. Green's Trials. (High Treason ScotHalkerston's Holy Rood House. land.) Halkerston's Translations (Erskine's In- Hargrave's State Trials. stitute.) Hastings' (Warren) Trial. Lothain's Consistorial Actions. Hastings' (Warren) Speech. Lyons' Elements Hastings' (Warren) Answer. Macallan's Pocket Lawyer. Hastings' (Warren) Proceedings on McGlashan's Law and Practice of Alil trial of. meat. Irish State Trials (Queen v. O'Connell Stair's Institutions. and others.) Stuart's Letters to Lord Mansfield. Phillips' State Trials. Watson's Stat. Law. Proceedingr v. Queen CarolineSacheverell's Tryal. SET OFF. State Trials (Complete Collection of.) State Trials by Ridgway. Babington on Set Off. Trial of Frost (Jno.) Barbour on Set Off. Trial of Rowan (Arch. Ham.) Montagu on Set Off. Trial of Stockdale (Jno.) Trial of James Thomas, Earl of CardiSEWERS. gan. Trial of Watson (Jas.) Callis on Sewers. Woolrych on Sewers. STATUTES, see Table of "' STATUTE LAw, " and Title ". FORMS." SHERIFF, see Title "' MINISTERIAL LAW." American. Abstract R. S. Stat., (N. Y.) SHIPS AND SHIPPING, see Title " COM- New-England Lawes (Abstract of)o MERCIAL AND MARITIME LAW." Revisers' Reports Laws, N. Y. AC CORDING TO SUBJECTS. 281 sobinson's Penal Laws, (Louisiana.) TAVERNS, see Title C INN'S.:" Smith's Commentaries. (Statute Law.) White's New Recopilacion. TENURES, see Title CREAL PROTERTT..' Foreign. TESTAMENTS, see Title'~ WILLS." Addington's Penal Statutes. Barrington on Statutes. TITHES, see Title A.ECCLESIASTICA Boscawen on Penal Statutes. LA." Dwarris on Statutes. Espinasse on Actions on Penal Statutes. TITLES, see Title C REAL PROPERTY." Fisher on the Act for Amend. Law of Wills. TOLLS. Hayward on Statutes. Hoppii Examen Institutionum Imperi- Gunning's Law of Tolls' alium. Magnitot et Delamarre. Dictionaire. TRIALS, see Title "STATE TRIALSo" Miller on Statutes. See "cMiller's Inqui- Arnott's Criminal Trials. ry'. 3 Bank of Maryland Conspiracy Case. Moser Noveau Droit Public Allemand, Brewster's Criminal Trials. (with Supplement. ) Causes Celebres. (Du Droit desGens.) Staunton's Penal Laws, (China.) Causes Celbres. (Rcueil des.) Voet De Statutis. Causes Criminelles. Watson's Stat. Law. Causes Politiques Clbs Causes Politiques C6lbres. White's New Recopilacion. Chandler's American Criminal Trials. Gazette Des Tribunaux. STUDY OF THE LAW.. Lottery Investigation. Pitcairn's Criminal Trials. Barnham's Law Questions. Proceedings Conspirators Negro Plot Doctor and Student. (New-York, 1740- 41.) Dupin Manuel des Etudians en Droit et St. Edme's Causes Celebres. 1st series. des Jeunes Avocats. St. Edme's Causes Celebres. 2d series. Fulbeck's Law Studies. St. Edme's Causes Celebres. 3d series. Hoffman's Course of Legal Studies. Strang's Trial. Law Student's Guide (The). Strang's Confession. Lewis' Study of the Law. Trial of Barker (Jacob), Vermilyea, North's Study of the Laws. (Thos.), and Davis (M. L.) Petersdorff s Common Place Book. Trial of Barron (Commodore), Gordon, Phillips' Letter. Hook and Hall. Raithby on the Study of the Law. Trial of Boot and Shoemakers. Ritsn's Introduction. Trial of Boston Gas Light Company. Ruggles' Barrister. Trial of Bright, (Gen. Mich.) Student's Manual. Trial of British Soldiers. Study of the Law (The). By a Counsel- Trial of Cobbett, (Wm.) lor, N. Y. Trial of Cushing, (Thos.,C.) Study of the Law (The). By a Member Trial of De Reinhard. of Lincoln's Inn. Trial of Eberle and others. Tompson's Suggestions. Trial of Foster, (Nathan.) Walker's Introduction. Trial of Freeman, (Wmrn.) Warren's Law Studies. Trial of Friends, (Ohio.) Watterston's Course of Stucy. Trial of Goodwin, (Robt. M.) Williams' Study of the Law. Trial of Grant, (Robt.) Wright's Study of the Law. Trial of Humphrey's (Alex.) Claim. Earl of Stirling. SUCCESSION, see Title " Evidence.." Trial of Journeymen Cordwainers. Trial of Journeymen Tailors. Hubbaek on Evidence of Succession. Trial of Kennedy, (Jno.) McCulloch on Succession. Trials of Knapp, (Francis.) Robertson on Personal Succession. Trial of McKay, (Medad.) Sandford's Heritable Succession. Trial of M'Leod, (Alex.) Watson's Succession. Trial of Merritt, (H. W.) Trial.of Murderers of Richard JenSURETY,'see Title "' PRINCIPAL AND nings. SURETY." Trial of Noah, (M. M.) Trial of Onderdonk, (B. T.) SURROGATE. Trial of Operative Cotton Spinners. Trial of Porter, (Commodore.) Bridgen's Surrogate. Trial of Rogers, (Abner.) Dayton's Surrogate. Trial of Selfridge, (T. O.) Kirtland's Surrogate. Trial of Smith, (Richard) and Carson, (Ann.) ISTATE LIBRARY.] 1S 982 LAW BOOKs ARRI A N G D E TC' Trial of Smith v. Ferrers. WATERSO Trial of Van Ness, (W. W.) Trial of Verplanck:(G. C.), Ma.xwell & Angell on Tide Waters. others. Angell on Water Courses. Trial of Weed, (Thurlow.) Woolrych on Waters. Trial of Winthrop, (Lieut. Col.) Trials of Loring, (Capt.) WAYS. Ryan, (Geo.) Fairbanks, (Jas.) Bird's Selections, (Highways and TnurnSelfridge, (T. Q) pike Roads.) Hardy, (W.):Egremont's Highways. Cheethain. Pratt's Highways. Olm-tedv. Rittenhouse. vol. Wellbeloved's Highways. Trials (Celebratedl) of all Countries. Woolrych's Ways. Trials (Celebrated and Remarkable). 6 vols. WILLS. Trials (Select) Old Bailey. Allen on Wills. T'nuSTS AND;TRUSTEES. Bird's Selections. Brady on Wills. URrackenridge on Trusts and Trustees.. Crosley on Wills. Cushing's Trustee Process. Fisher on Amended Law of Wills. Fletcher on Estates of Trustees. Gilbert's Cases Touching Wills. See; Gilbert on Uses-and Trusts. C" Gilbert's Law of Executors." Grant's Advice -to TruStees. Gilbert's Law of Devises. Hampson on Liabilities of Trustees. Godolphin's Orphan's Legacy. Hill on Trustees. Hawkshead on Wills. Lewin's Law of Trusts. Hayes & Jarman's Forms of Wills. Sanders on Uses and Trusts. Hughes' Instructions for, and Drawing: Willis on Trustees. Wills. Tamlyn on Terms and Trusts. Jarman on Wills. Lovelass on Wills. USES, see Title:'T TRUSTS- AND TR.Tus- Modern Probate of Wills. TEES." Nicolas. Testamenta Yetusta. Ram on Devises and. Wills. Cornish on Uses. Richardson on Wills-. Cruise on Uses. Roberts on Wills. Duke's Charitable Uses. Roper on Revocation and Republicatiot Gilbert on Uses and Trusts. of Wills. Highmore on -Mortmain and Charitable Shelford on Wills.. Uses. Sugden on Wills. Sanders on Uses and Trusts. Swan on Testamentary Jurisdietion, Shelford's Law of Mortmain and Charit- Sweet on Wills. able Uses. Swinburne on Wills. Wilson on Springnging ses. Tayler's Precedents of Wills, Wilkinson on Wills. UsUIRY. Worthington's Precedent for Wills.Bly-denburgh on Usury. WINDOW LIGHTS. Byles on Usury- Laws. Comyn on Usury. Woolrych on Window Lights. Hannay's Defence of Usury- Laws. Kelly on Usury. WITNESSES. Ord on Usury. Plowden on Usury. Whitcombe on Witnesses. VENDORS AND PURCHA.SERS, see Titles WRITS, see Title " FORMS.R' " REAL -PROPERTY;" "SALES." Beames' Ne Exeat. VIcTUALLERS. Fitzherbert's Natura Brevium., Impey on Mandamus.. Horry's Laws. on Licensed Victuallers. Registrum Brevium. STATUTE LAW AND STATE PAPERS. ST.ATUTE LJ W. AMERICAN. UNITED STATES. The Laws of the United States of America, from the First to the Fourth Congress, both inclusive. The Treaties made by the United States during that period, and the Constitution of the United States. Printed by Richard Folwell, and certified by Timothy Pickering, Secretary of State, 29th March, 1797. Philadelphia, 1796. 3 vols. Laws of the United States: Arranged and Published under the Authority of an Act of Congress; Bioren & Duane's Edition (5 vols.), Davis & Force's Edition (vols. 6 & 7), and vols. 8, 99 10. Compiled by the Clerks of the House of Representatives: Containing the Acts of Congress from the 1st Session of the 1st Congress, (4th of March, 1789,) to the 2d Session of the 29th Congress, (March 3, 1847.) 10 vols. Public and General Statutes, Judge Story's Edition. (4th and 5th vols., by George Sharswood,) from the 1st Session of 1st Congress, to 2d Session of 29th Congress, (both inclusive.) 5 vols. United States Statutes at Large: The Public and Private Statutes at Large of the United States of America, from the Organization of the Government, in 1789, to March 4, 1845, arranged in Chronological Order: With Copious Notes of the Decisions of the Courts of the United States construing'those Acts, the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Constitution of the United States, &c., Treaties between the United States and the Indian Tribes, Treaties between the United States and Foreign Nations. From the Declaration of the Independence of the United States, to 1845; with Notes. Edited by Richard Peters. Boston, 1845 -1846. 8 vols. LVols. 1 to 5, contain the Public Sta 284 STATUTE LAW. tutes; vol. 6 contains the Private Statutes; vol. 7 contains Indian Treaties; vol. 8 contains Treaties with Foreign Nations.] 2 copies, 16 vols. Burll's (Samuel) General Index to the Laws of the United States of America, from March 4th, 1789, to March 3d, 1827; including all Treaties entered into between those Periods. Arranged to the Edition commenced by Bioren, Duane, and Weightman, in 1815, and subsequently continued by Davis and Force, and William A. Davis. Compiled in Pursuance of an Order of the House of Representatives, of May 15th, 1824. 1 vol. Session Laws: Laws of the United States of America, (from the 1st Session of the 1st Congress to the 2d Session of the 30th Congress, inclusive, March 4, 1789 to March 3, 1849.) Bound in 25 vols. (The early volumes are printed by authority, by Folwell, Duane, Carey, Weightman, &c. After vol. 10, they are thepampllet editions of the Session Laws.) Public Lands: Resolutions of Congress under the Confederation, Treaties, Proclamations, and other Documents, having Operation, and Respect to the Public Lands, Collected, Digested, and Arranged, pursuant to two Acts of Congress, passed April 27, 1810, and Jannary 20th, 1817. 1 vol. Public Lands: Laws, Instructions, and Opinions: General Public Acts of Congress, Respecting the Sale and Disposition of the Public Lands, with Instructions issued, from time to time, by the Secretary of the Treasury and Commissioner of the General Land Office, and Official Opinions of the Attorney General on questions arising under the Land Laws. In two Parts. Part 1., containing the Laws to the Close of the 2d Session of the 25th Congress. Part II., containing the Instructions and Opinions to the 17th of August, 1838. Prepared and printed by order of the Senate. 2 vols. Revolutionary Claims: Resolutions, Laws and Ordinances Relating to the Pay, Half Pay, Commutation of Half Pay, Bounty Lands, and other Promises made by Congress to the Officers and Soldiers of the Revolution: To the Settlement of the Accounts between the United States and the Several States; and to Funding the Revolutionary Debt. 1 vol. Indian Laws: Laws of the Colonial and State Governments, relating to Indians and Indian Affairs; from 1633 to 1831, inclusive, with an Appendix containing the Proceedings of the Congress of the Confederation, and the Laws of Congress from 1800 to 1830, on the same subject. Washington city, 1832. 1 vol. Indian Treaties: Treaties between the United States of America and the several Indian Tribes, from 1778 to 1837; with a Copious Table of Contents. New Edition, carefully corn* See Law Reporter, (Boston). Vol. 9, page 282. STATUTE LAW. 285 pared with the originals in the Department of State. Compiled and printed by the direction and under the supervision of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Washington, 1837. 1 vol. Laws of the District of Columbia: Acts of Congress in relation to the District of Columbia, from July 16th, 1790 to March 4th, 1831 inclusive; and of the Legislatures of Virginia and Maryland, passed especially in regard to that District. With Notes of the proceedings of the Congress under the confederation, and the present constitution, in regard to the permanent seat of the Government of the United States. By Win. A. Davis. Washington city, 1831. 1 vol. Army Regulations: General Regulations for the Army; or Military Institutes. Published by order of the War Department, July, 1821. Philadelphia, 1821. 1 vol. Army Regulations. General Regulations for the Army of the United States, 1847. By authority of the War Department. 12 mo. Washington, 1847. Military Laws of the United States; including those relating to the Marine Corps, to which is prefixed the Constitution of the United States. Compiled by Colonel Truman Cross, United States Army. Second Edition. Washington, 1838. Military Laws of the United States, including those relating to the Army, Marine Corps, Volunteers, Militia, and to Bounty Lands and Pensions; the Rules and Articles of War, and the Constitution of the United States. 3d Edition. This Edition brings the Military Laws through the 1st Session of the 29th Congress, or to 10th of August, 1846, under the supervision of Capt. A. R. Hetzel, U. S. A. Army. ashington city, 1846. 1 vol. Gordon's Digest of the Laws of the United States. See Law Catalogue. Graydon's Digest of the Laws of the United States. See Law Catalogue. ALABAMA. Session Laws: From those passed at the 3d Session (1821) to the Laws passed at the Session held 1845- 46. Cahawba, Tuscaloosa, 1822 - 46. Bound in 18 vols. (The following are wanting: Session Laws 1st, and 2d, and 4th Sessions and the Laws passed in 1827 - 28, 1830 - 31, 1831 - 32, 1832 - 33, 1844 - 45.) Aikin's Digest of Statute Law of Alabama. See Law Catalogue. Clay's Digest of the Statutes of Alabama. See Law Catalogue. ARKANSAS. The Revised Statutes of the State of Arkansas William M'K. Ball and Samuel C. Roane, Revisers, with Notes by Albert K. Pike. 1 vol. Boston, 1838. 286 STATUTE LAW, Session Laws. 1st Session, 1836. A Special Session, 1837- 8. 3d Session, 1840. 4th Session, 1843. 5th Session, 1844 -5. 6th Session, 1846. Little Rock, 1837-46. Bound in 6 vols. English's Digest of the Laws of Arkansas. See Law Catalogue. CONNECTICUT. Connecticut Laws: Acts and Laws of the State of Connecticut in America. New-London, Printed by Timothy Green, 1784. I vol. fol. (This is a Collection of the Laws, Arranged Alphabetically; but without any Dates, or any Preface or Introduction to designate the Time when they were passed.) Statutes of Connecticut, 1796: Acts and Laws of the State of Connecticut in America. Hartford, Printed by Hudson and Goodwin, 1796. 1 vol. (This is a Collection of the Laws, Arranged Alphabetically. Most of the Laws have the Times of their Passage designated.) Statutes of Connecticut, 1821: The Public Statute Laws of the State of Connecticut, as Revised and Enacted by the General Assembly, in May, 1821. To which are Prefixed the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Connecticut. Arranged and Published under the Authority of the General Assembly. Hartford, S. G. Goodrich, and Huntington & Hopkins, 1821. 1 vol. Statutes of Connecticut, 1835: The Public Statute Laws of the State of Connecticut, Compiled in Obedience to a Resolve of the General Assembly, Passed May, 1835. To which is Prefixed the Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States, and Constitution of the State of Connecticut. Published by Authority of the State. Hartford, John B. Eldredge, Printer. 1835. 1 vol. Statutes of Connecticut, 1838: The Public Statute Laws of the State of Connecticut, Compiled in Obedience to a Resolve of the General Assembly, Passed May, 1838. To which is Prefixed the Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States, and State of Connecticut. Hartford, John L. Boswell, Publisher, 1839. 1 vol. Revised Statutes of Connecticut, 1849. To which are Prefixed the Declaration of Independence, &c Published by Authority of the General Assembly. Henry Dutton, Loren P. Waldo and Francis Fellows, Revisers. 8vo. Hartford, 1849. 1 vol. STATUTT; LAW-. 28 ublic Acts. Laws Relating to Elections, Adopted May Session, 1842. 1 vol. Session Laws of Connecticut, from 1798 to 1804. 1 vol. Public Statute Laws of Connecticut, subsecuent to the Revision of 1821, and to, including May Session, 1824. 1 vol. Session Laws of Connecticut. Public Acts fromn May Session, 1822, to- May Session, 1843, inclusive, with sundry deficiencies as below. Bound in 15 vols. (Wanting: Session Laws between 1804 and 1821. Session LaWvs of 1824, 1828, 51832, 1833, 1834, and 1840. The Laws (if any) passed at October Sessions are gen-.erally wanting.)' Resolves and Private Laws of the' State of Connecticut from 1789 to 1836. Published by Authority of the General'Assembly, under the Supervision of a Special Committee. Vol. 1. Hartford, 1837. Resolves and Private Acts of the State of Connecticut, Passed May Sessions of 1837 - 38 - 39 - 40 - 41 -42, and October Special Session, 1842. Bound in 1 vol. Public Acts and Resolutions and Private Acts Passed by the General Assembly of the State of Connecticut. May Sessions, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847 and 1848. Bound in 5 vols. Swifts Digest of the Laws of Connecticut. See Law Catalogue. DELAWARE. Laws of the State of Delaware, from the 14th of October, 1700, to the 18th of August, 1797, in 2 vols. Published by Authority. 2 vols. Newcastle, 1797. Laws of the State of Delaware, from January 2, 1798, to January 25, 1805. Published by Authority. Vol. 3. And from Jauary 7, 1806, to February 3, 1813. Vol. 4. 2 vols. Wilmington, 1816. Laws of the State of Delaware to 1829, inclusive. Revised Edition. Published by Authority of the General Assembly,, by Willard Hall. Wilmington, 1829. Session Laws from 1813 to 1817, inclusive. Bound in 1 vol. Session Laws from 1822 to 1849, inclusive, with deficiencies as below. Bound in 16 vols. (Wanting: The Laws from 1817 to 1821, inclusive; and those passed in 1828, 1834,1836, 1838, 1840, 1842, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1848.) FLORIDA. Acts of the Legislative Council of the Territory of Florida, Passed;at their Third Session (1824), with former Acts now in force, and the Laws of Congress organizing' the Territory, and Acts of the Legislative Council, Passed at the Fourth Session (1825). Bound in I vol. Tallahassee, 1825 -26. Session Laws of the Legislative Council of the Territory of Florida, Passed at the 12th (1834), 13th, 14th, 16th, 17th, 20th, 288 STATUTE LA w 21st, 22d, and 23d (1845) Sessions. Tallahassee, 1834-45. Bound in 9 vols. (Wanting: 1st, 2d, from the 5th to the lith, inclusive; 15th, 18th, and 19t5e Sessions.) Acts and Resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of Florida. 1st Session, June, 1845, with the Constitution of the same. 3d Session, 1847-8. 4th Session, 1848 - 9. Bound in 3 vols. (Wanting: 2d- Sessiono-) Laws Establishinfg a Common School System and to Provide a School Fund in the State of Florida. Passed at the Fourth Session of the General Assembly, 1848-9. Tallahassee, 1849. Thompson's Digest of the Statute Law of Florida, See Law Catalogue. GEORG1A. Laws of Georgia, 1820. Prince's Digest. A Digest of the Laws of the State of Georgia: Containing all Statutes, and the Substance of all Resolutions of a General and Public Nature, and now in Force, which have been passed in this State, previous to the Session of the General Assembly of December, 1820. With Notes and References, and a List of the' Statutes Repealed or Obsolete. And an Appendix, Containing the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Georgia as Amended, the Statute of Frauds and Perjuries, &c., &c. Also, Reference to divers Local Acts. Compiled by Appointment, and under the Authority of the General Assembly, by Oliver H. Prince. Milledgeville, 18'22. 1 vol. Prince's Digest. 2d Ed. 1837. See Law Catalogue. Dawson's (William C.) Compilation of the Laws of the State of Georgia, passed by the General Assembly, since the Year 1819, to the Year 1829, inclusive; Comprising all the Laws Passed within those periods. with Notes of Reference to the Laws or Parts of Laws which are Amended or Repealed, and' such Concurred or Approved Resolutions as are either of General, Local, or Private Nature, with Indexes. By William C. Dawson. Milledgeville, 1831. 1 vol. 4to. Foster (Arthur). A Digest of the Laws of the State of Georgia:; Containing all Statutes, and the Substance of all Resolutions of a General and Public Nature, and now in Force which have been Passed in said State, from the Year 1820 to the Year 1829, inclusive: with a List of the Statutes Repealed or Obsolete; to which is added,. an Appendix, Containing the Constitution of the State of Georgia as Amended; Re STATUTE LA W. 289 ferences to Divers Local Acts, and a Collection of Forms. By Arthur Foster. Philadelphia, 1831. 1 vol. (This Work, although highly recommended, is not an Authorized Publication of the Laws. Like Prince's Digest, or Dawson's Compilation.) Hotchkiss' Statute Law of Georgia and State Papers: A Codification of the Statute Law of Georgia, Including the English Statutes in Force; In Four Parts, To which is prefixed a Collection of State Papers, of English, American, and State Origin; Together with an Appendix, and Index. Compiled, Digested and Arranged by William A. Hotchkiss, by Authority of the Legislature. Savannah and New-York, 1845. 1 vol. Session Laws of Georgia, 1 811 and 1812, bound in 1 vol. Session Laws of Georgia, 1824, 1 vol. Session Laws of Georgia, from 1827 to 1847, inclusive, except those of 1836, 1844, 1845, and 1846, which are wanting, 17 vols. ILLINOIS, Revised Code of the Laws of Illinois, Shawneetown, 1829. 1 vol. Revised Laws of the State of Illinois, Vandalia, 1833. 1 vol. Revised Statutes of Illinois. Adopted 1844 -45. M. Brayman, Reviser. Springfield, 1845. 1 vol. Session Laws of Illinois, 1st General Assembly, 2d Session, 1819; with the Constitution of the State and the Session Laws of the 2d General Assembly, 1st Session 1820 - 21. Bound in I vol. Session Laws, 3d General Assembly, 1st Session, 1822 - 23. 4th General Assembly, 1st Session, 1824- 25, 7th General Assembly, 1830- 31. 9th General Assembly, 1834 - 35. 11th General Assembly, 1838 - 39. 11th Special Session, 1839 - 40. 12th 1840 - 41 13th 1842 -43. 14th 1844 - 45. 15th 1846 - 47. Bound in 10 vols. INDIANA. Revised Laws of Indiana, Corydon, 1824. 1 vol. Revised Laws of Indiana, Indianopolis, 1831. 1 vol. Revised Statutes of the State of Indiana, Indianopolis, 1838. 1 vol. Revised Statutes of the State of Indian a Samuel Bigger and George H, Dunn, Revisers. Indianopolis, 1843. 290 S T.ATUTE LAW. Session Laws of Indiana, 7th Session, 1822- 23, Bound in i vol 11th Session, 1826 - 27. o 12th Session, 1827 - 28. 1 vol. 14th Session, 1829 - 30. 1 vol. 17th Session, 1832 - 33. 1 vol. 19th Session, 1834- 35. I vol. 20th Session, 1835 36. 1 vol. 6 vols. Session Laws, from the 23d Session (1838 - 39) to the 33d Session (1848 -49), inclusive, complete. II vols. Session Laws. Local Laws, 28th Session, 1843 - 44. 29th Session, 1844-45. 33d Session, 1848 -49. 3 vols. Total, 20 volumes. IOWA. Acts and Resolutions passed at the first Session of the General Assembly, convened at'Iowa City, Nov. 30, 1846. Iowa City, 1847. 1 vol. Acts, Resolutions and Memorials passed at the Extra Session of the 1st General Assembly of the State of Iowa. Convened January 3,1848. Iowa City, 1848. 1 vol. KENTUCKY. Morehead and Browin: A Digest of the Statute Laws of Kentucky, of a Public and Permanent Nature, from the Commencement of the Government to the Session of the Legislature, Ending on the 24-th February, 1834. With References to Judicial Decisions. By C. S. Morehead and Mason Brown. Frankfort, Ky., 1834. 2 vols. Session Laws, 19th Legislature, 1st Sesssion, 1810- 11. 20th Legislature, 1st Session, 1811 -12, 29th Legislature, 1st Session, 1820. 30th Legislature, 1st Session, 1821. 30th Legislature, 2nd Session, 1822. 32nd Legislature, 1st Session, 1823 - 4, 33rd Legislature, 1st Session, 1824- 5. 34th Legislature, 1st Session, 1825. 35th Legislature, 1st Session, 1826-27. 36th Legislature, 1st Session, 1827- 28. 37th Legislature, 1st Session, 1828- 29, 38th Legislature, 1st Session, 1829-30. 39th Legislature, 1st Session, 1830- 31. 40th Legislature, 1st Session, 1831. 42nd Legislature, 1st Session, 1833'- 34, 43rd Legislature, 1st Session, 1834- 35. 44th Legislature, 1st Session, 1835 - 36. 17 volumes. ST ATUTE LAW, 291 Acts passed at the December Sessions of 1836, 1837, 1838, and 1839. 4 vols. Acts passed at the December Sessions of 1841 - 42- 43. Bound in 1 vol. Acts passed at the December Sessions of 1844 - 45- 47 - 48. 4 vols. (31st, 41st Sessions, and 1840 and 1846, wanting.) LOUISIANA. Digeste General des Actes de la Legislature, (Passed from 1804 to 1827, inclusive,) par L. Moreau Lislet. Published by Authority. New-Orleans, 1828. 2 vols. Session Laws, (all in French and English.) 5th Legislature, 1st Session, 1821. 6th Legislature, Ist Session, 11823. 6th Legislature, 2nd Session, 1824. 7th Legislature, 2nd Session, 1825 - 26. 8th Legislature, 2nd Session, 1828. 9th Legislature, 1st Session, 1828- 9. 9th Legislature, 2nd Session, 1830. 10th Legislature, 1st Session, 1831. 10th Legislature, 2nd Session, 1832. 11th Legislature, 1st Session, 1833. 11th Legislature, 2nd Session, 1833 - 34, 12th Legislature, 1st Session, 1835. 13th Legislature, Ist Session, 1837. 13 th Legislature, 2nd Session, 1837- 38. 14th Legislature, 1st Session, 1839. 14th Legislature, 2nd Session, 1840. 15th Legislature, 1st Session, 1841. 15th Legislature, 2nd Session, 1841 - 42. 17th Legislature, 1st Session, 1845. 19 volumes. Acts passed at the 1st Session of the 1st Legislature, 1846. Acts passed at the 2nd Session of the 1st Legislature, 1847. Acts passed at the Ist Session of the 2nd Legislature, 1848. Acts passed at an Extra Session of thle 2nd Legislature, held Dec, 4, 1849. 4 vols. Bullard and Curry's Digest of Statute Law of Louisiana. See Law Catalogue. Martin's Digest of the Laws of Louisiana, See Law Catalogue. MAINE. Lawsof Maine. Revised by Authority. Brunswick, 1821. 2 vols. Revised Statutes of Maine. Passed October 2%, 1840. Philip Eastman and EbenezerEverett, Revisers' Augusta, 1841. 1 vol. Session Laws. Public Acts of 3rd Legislature, 1823. 1 vol. 292 STATUTE LAW. Private Acts of 4th Legislature, 1824. 1 vol. Public Acts of 6th Legislature, 1826. 1 vol. Public Acts of 7th, 8th and 9th Legislature, 1827- 1828 -1829: 3 vols. Public Acts, Private Acts and Resolves of 10th Legislature, 1830. (In 1 vol ) Public and Private Acts of 11th Legislature, 1831. (In 1 vol.) Resolves of the 11th Legislature, 1831. 1 vol. Public Acts, Private Acts and Resolves of the 12th, 13th, 14th1 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th Legislatures, (1832 to 1839.) Each year bound together. 8 volumes. Acts and Resolves (Public and Private) of the 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, S5th, 26th, 27th and 28th Legislatures; (1840 to 1848 inclusive.) Bound in 9 volumes. The volume for 1842, contains the Acts and Resolves at the Extra Session in 1842. Total, 26 volumes. MARYLAND. Bacon. Laws of Maryland at Large, with proper Indexes, now first collected into one complete body, and published from the Original Acts and Records remaining in the Secretary's Office of the said Province. To which is prefixed The Charters, with an English Translation. By Thomas Bacon. Annapolis, 1765. 1 vol. fol. Kilty. The Laws of Maryland, with the original Charter, Bill of Rights, and Constitution of the State. Revised under authority, by William Kilty. Annapolis, 1799. 2 vols, 4to. Maxcy. The Laws of Maryland, with the Charter, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution of the State, and its Alterations, the Declaration of Independence. Revised by Virgil Maxcy. [From May, 1692, to November, 1809.1 Baltimore, 1811. 3 vols. Dorsey. The General Public Statutory Law and Public Statutes of the State of Maryland, from 1692 to 1839, inclusive. By Clement Dorsey. Baltimore, 1840, 3 vols. Dorsey. The Statutory Testamentary Law of Maryland, with the Decisions of the Courts thereof. By C. Dorsey. 1838. 1 vol. Index to the Laws of Maryland (from 1832 to 1837). Annapolis, 1838. 1 vol. Laws of Maryland, passed at a Session begun at Annapolis Nov. 5, 1810. 4to. 1 vol. Session Laws, passed by the General Assembly of the State of Maryland, from 1822-23 to 1844 - 45, inclusive, except 182425, 1826 -27 1842 - 43. Total 20 volumes. MASSACHUSETTS. Plymouth Colony Laws. The Compact, with the Charter and STATUTE LAW. 293 Laws of the Colony of New Plymouth, with the Charter of the Council of Plymouth, and an Appendix, containing the Articles of Confederation of the United Colonies of NewEngland. Published by Authority, under the Supervision of William Brigham. 4to. Boston, 1836. 1 vol. The Charter and General Laws of the Colony and Province of Massachussetts Bay, with an Appendix, &c. Edited by Nathan Dane, William Prescott, and Joseph Story. Published by Order of the General Court. Boston, 1814. 1 vol. Acts and Laws passed by the Great and General Court of Assembly of the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay, in New-England, from the 19th of July, 1775, to the 25th of March, 1783. Folio. Boston, (Benjamin Edes and Sons, 1776-1783.) 1 vol. The Perpetual Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, from the Establishment of its Constitution to the 1st Session of the General Court, 1788 (arranged under heads). Worcester. Isaiah Thomas, 1788. 1 vol. Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, from 1780 to the end of 1800 (Revised). Published by Order. Boston, 18017 2 vols. Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, from 1780 to 1807, (Revised) Boston, 1807. 2 vols. (To which, as a continuation,) The Public and General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, from February, 1807, to February, 1816; (by Order) called vol. 4. Boston, 1816. 1 vol. Revised Laws of Massachusetts. [Asahel Stearns and Lemuel Shaw, Commissioners, Theron Metcalf, Editor.] Edition of 1823. 2 vols. Revised Statutes of Massachusetts [Theron Metcalf and I-orace Mann's Edition, 1835-36.] 1 vol. Revised Statutes of Massachusetts, Supplements to, from 1836 to 1844, inclusive. I vol. Public and General Laws of Massachusetts, from May, 1818, to April, 1838. (Marked Vols. 8 to 14 ) 7 vols. Laws of Massachusetts. New Series, Vol. I. Containing the Acts and Resolves passed by the Legislature in the Years 1839, 1840, 1841, and 1842. 1 vol. Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, from 1780 to Mav, 1805. Published by Authority. Boston, 1805. 3 vols. Vol. 4. From February, 1806 to February, 1814. Boston, 1823. Vol. 5. From June, 1814, to February, 1822. Boston, 1823. Vol. 6. From May, 1822, to March, 1830. Boston, 1837. Vol. 7. From May, 1830, to April, 1837. Boston, 1837. Vol. 8. From January, 1838, to May, 1848. Boston, 1848. (This last volume presented by Lemuel Shattuck.) 294 STATUTE LAW. Acts and Resolves of the Legislature of Massachusetts, in 1839 - 1841, (1843 and 1844, bound in one volume,) 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, and 1849. 8 vols. City of Boston. The Charter and Ordinances of the City of Boston, with the Acts of of the Legislature relating to the City. By Thomas Wetmore and Edward G. Prescott. 8vo. Boston, 1834. 1 vol. (Presented by Lemuel Shattuck.) The Ordinances of the City of Boston, passed since 1834, with the Acts of the Legislature, relating to the City, since that period. 8vo. Boston, 1843. 1 vol. (Presented by Lemuel Shattuck.) MICHIGAN. Laws of the Territory of Michigan, with the Ordinances and Acts of Congress relating to it. By Authority. Detroit, 1820. 1 vol. Session Laws of the Territory. First Legislative Council, 1st and 2d Sessions, 1824 and 1825. Bound in 1 vol. Third Legislative Council, 1st Session, 1828. 1 vol. Third Legislative Council, 2nd Session, 1829. 1 vol. Fourth Legislative Council, 1st and 2nd Sessions, 1830 and 1831. Bound in 1 vol. Fifth Legislative Council, 1st Session, 1832. 1 vol. Sixth Legislative Council, 1st Session, 1834. Extra and 2nd Session, 1835. Bound in 1 vol. 6 vols. Militia Laws of the Territory of Michigan. Detroit, 1833. 1 vol. Revised Statutes of the State of Michigan; Passed in 1837 and 1838. (E. B. Harrington and E. J. Roberts, Revisers.) Detroit, 1838. 1 vol. Revised Statutes (The) of the State of Michigan, Passed and Approved May 18, 1846. Published in pursuance of an Act of the Legislature, under the superintendence of Sandford M. Green. Detroit, 1846. 1 vol. Session Laws of the State: First and Extra Sessions, 1835 - 36. In 1 vol. Adjourned Session of 1837, and Regular Session of 1838. In 1 vol. Annual Sessions of 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1847, 1848, and 1849. With Appendix to each; Treasurer's Report, &c. 10 volumes. MISSISSIPPI. Laws of Mississippi, embracing all Acts of a General Nature, from January Session, 1824, to January, 1838. Published by Authority. Jackson, 1838. Alden & Van Hoesen: Digest of the Laws of the State of Mississip STATUTE LAW. 2-5 pi, Including the Session of 1839. By T. J. Fox Alden and J. A. Van Hoesen. By Authority. New-York, 1839. 1 vol. Howard and -Hutchinson. Statutes of the State of Mississippi, of a Public and General Nature: compiled by V. E. Howard and A. Hutchinson, 1840. By Authority. New-Orleans, 1840. I vol. Hutchinson's (A.) Code of Mississippii; being an Analytical Compilation of the Public and General Statutes of the Territory and State, with Tabular references to the Local and Private Acts from 1798 to 1848. Sackson, 1848. 1 vol. (Presented by the State of Mississippi.) Session Laws. Tenth Session, 1827. Biennial Session, 1838. Eleventh Session, 1828. Adjourned Session, 1839. Twelfth Session, 1829. Regular Session, 1840. Thirteenth Session, 1830. Adjourned Session, 1841. Fifteenth Session, 1831. Biennial Session, 1842. Seventeenth Session, 1833. Biennial Session, 1846. Biennial Session, 1836. Regular Session, 1848. Total, 14 vols. MISSOURI. Laws of the State of Missouri, Revised and Digested by Authority. St. Louis, 1825. 2 vols. Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri, By the General Assembly in 1843 - 35. St. Louis, 1835. 1 vol. Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri, By the General Assembly in 1844-45. William Claude Jones, Commissioner. St. Louis, 1845. 1 vol. Session Laws: 1st General Assembly, 1st Session, 1820, and Special Session, 1821, (bound in 1 vol.) 3d General Assembly, 2d Session, 1826. 5th do 1st Session, 1828. 6th do 1st Session, 1830 - 31. 7th do lst Session, 1832-33. 9th do 1st Session, 1836 - 37. 10th do 1st Session, 1838-39. 11th do 1st Session. 1840-41. 12th do 1st Session, 1842 -43. 13th do 1st Session, 1.84 4-45. 14th do 1st Session, 1846-47. 15th do 1848 -49. Total, 12 vols. NEW-HAMPSHIRE. Acts and Laws of the State of New-Hampshire in America, by order of the General Assembly, &c.; with the Declaration of Independence, &c. Folio. Exeter, 1780. (Incomplete, only 180 pages.) 1 vol. 296 STATUTE LAW. LawsofNew-Hampshire. PrintedbyOrder. Portsmouth, 1797. I vol. Laws of New-Hampshire. Printed byAuth. Hopkinton, 1830. 1 vol. Revised Statutes of the State of New-Hampshire. Passed Dec. 23, 1842. (Published by order.) Samuel D. Bell & Charles J. Fox, Revisers. Concord, 1843. 1 vol. Session Laws: Public Laws, passed at the Sessions, commencing June 1811. November, 1812, and June, 1813, bound in one vol. October, 1813, and June, 1814, in one vol. June, 1816, and Nov., 1816, in one vol. June, 1822, and June, 1823, in one vol. June, 1824. November, 1824. June, 1825. June, 1827. November, 1828. June, 1831. June, 1832. November, 1832. June, 1833. June, 1835. June 1836, and June, 1838, in one vol. June 1839. June, 1840, and Nov., 1840, in one vol. June, 1841. June 1842. June, 1843. June, 1844. June, 1845, and June, 1846, in one vol. June, 1846. June, 1847. June, 1848. November, 1848. June, 1849. Total, 28 vols. NEW-JERSEY. Leaming & Spicer's Collections, (Proprietary) containing the Grants and Original Constitutions of New-Jersey, the Acts passed during the Proprietary Governments, and other material Transactions before the surrender to Queen Anne, (1702): together with the instruments of Surrender and Acceptance, Lord Cornbury's Commission as Governor, and Instructions. Philadelphia, 1751 - 52. 1 vol. Folio. (Title page wanting.) Nevill (Provincial). Acts of the General Assembly of the Province of New-Jersey, from the 2d year of Queen Ann, (1703,) to the 25th year of George the 2d, (1752,) collected and published by order of the General Assembly of said Province. (468) STATUTE LAW. 297 By Samuel Nevill, Esq., Second Justice of the Supreme Court of Judicature. Printed by William Bradford, printer to the King, for the Province of New-Jersey, 1752. 1 vol. fol. Allinson (Provincial) Acts of the General Assembly of the Province of New-Jersey, from the Surrender of the Government to Queen Anne, on the 17th April, 1702, to the 14th January, 1776, Regulating and Establishing the Fees of the Court of Chancery, &c. Compiled and Published under the Appointment of the General Assembly, by Samuel Allinson. Burlington, 1776. 1 vol. fol. Wilson (State) Acts of the Council and General Assembly of the State of New-Jersey, from the Establishment of the present Government and Declaration of Independence, to the end of the first sitting of the Eighth Session, on the 24th day of December, 1783; with the Constitution prefixed. Compiled under the Appointment of the Legislature, by Peter Wilson. Trenton, 1784. 1 vol. fol. Paterson. Laws of the State of New-Jersey, Revised and Published under the Authority of the Legislature. By W. Paterson. Newark, (Mathias Day) 1800. 2 vols. folio. Bloomfield. Laws of the State of New-Jersey, Compiled and Published under Authority. By Joseph Bloomfield. (Laws from November 11, 1800, to Feb. 23, 1811.) 8vo. Trenton, 1811. I vol. Laws of the State of New-Jersey, Revised and Published under the Authority of the Legislature. Trenton, 1821. 1 vol. Harrison. A Compilation of the Public Laws of the State of NewJersey: passed since the revision in 1820, by Josiah Harrison. (By Authority.) Camden, 1833. 1 vol. Statutes of the State of New-Jersey. Revised and Published under the Authority of the Legislature. Trenton, 1847. 1 vol. Acts passed by the General Assembly of the State of New-Jersey during1st Assembly Session, begun August 1776. 2d Assembly, 2d Sitting, October, 1777. 3d Assembly, 1st and 2d Sittings, October, 1778. 4th Assembly, 3d and 4th Sittings, October, 1779. 9th Assembly, 1st Sitting, October, 1784 10th Assembly, 1st Sitting, October, 1785. Bound in 1 vol. fol. Acts passed by the General Assembly, &c., 11th Assembly, 2d Sitting, October, 1786. 14th Assembly, 2d Sitting, October, 1789. 15th Assembly, 1st Sitting, October, 1790. 20th Assembly, 2d Sitting, October, 1795. 21st Assembly, 2d Sitting, October, 1796. [STATE LIBRARY.] 19 298 STATUTE LAW. 22d Assembly, 1st Sitting, October, 1797. 23d Assembly, 2d Sitting, Oct., 1798. Bound in I vol, fol. Acts of the General Assembly, passed from the 1st Sitting of the 25th General Assembly to the 1st Sitting of the 31st, inclusive. Paged continuously, from page 1 to 788. Bound in I vol. 8vo. Acts of the General Assembly passed: 32d Assembly, 1st Sitting, October, 1807. 33d 1st Sitting, October, 1808. 35th 1st and 2d Sittings, October, 1810. 36th 2nd Sitting, January, 1812. 37th 1st and 2d Sittings, October, 1812. 38th 2d Sitting, January, 1814. 39th 1st Sitting, October, 1814. 40th 2d Sitting, January, 1816. 41st 1st and 2d Sittings, October, 1816. And from 43d to the 48th General Assembly, (October, 1818, to October, 1823, inclusive.) 8vo. All bound in I vol. Acts passed from the 49th Session of the General Assembly to the 68th Session, inclusive. Octobet, 1824, to 1843 -44, inclusive. (From the 52d to the 68th, inclusive, each Volume contains the Laws passed at both Sittings.) 20 vols. Acts passed by the Legislature of the State of New Jersey, at its 69th Session (being the first under the New Constitution), 1845, to the 73d Session, inclusive, (being the fifth,) 1849. 5 vols. Private and Temporary Acts, passed at the 40th to the 45th General Assembly, inclusive, (1815 to 1820, inclusive.) Bound in 2 vols.* Elmer's Digest of the Laws of Jersey. See Law Catalogue. NEW-YORK, (COLONIAL.) The Duke of York's Laws for the Colony of New-York, 1665, with Amendments, will be found in the New-York Historical Collections. Vol. 1. Bradford. The Laws of Her Majesties Colony of New York, as they were enacted by the Governour, Council and General Assembly, for the time being in divers Sessions, the first of which began April 6, 1691. Printed by William Bradford, Printer to the Queen's M. E. M., for the Colony of New-York, 1713. (This copy contains the Laws to the 21st of July, 1715. 238 pages. Also, " An Ordinance for regulating and establishing fees." By His Excellency Robert Hunter. Also,' A Journal of the Votes of the General Assembly of Her Majesties Colony of New-York, in America, * There are also in the Library, unbound, Private and Temporary Acts, of the 37th G. A. 1st and 2d Sittings; 38th, 2d Sitting; 39th, 1st Sitting; 46th, October, 1821; 47th, October, 1822 (imperfect) 48th, October, 1823. S T AT UTE L A W. T99 from October 20, 1702 to November 27, 1708. And also a Journal of the General Assembly, at the Session begun March 1, 1709, and ended November 12, 1709. But of this last, the first 12 pages are wanting. 1 vol. fol. Bradford. The same imprint as the former, but the Title Page is wanting. The Laws are extended to 280 pages. and at the foot of the last page is the imprint of W. Bradford, 1715. The fee table and first Journal are complete; but -24 pages are wanting from the last Journal. 1 vol. fol. Baskett. Acts of Assembly, passed in the Province of New-Yorkl from 1691 to 1718. London, Printed by John Baskett, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, 1719. 1 vol. fol. cc This was probably copied from Bradford's Edition of 1710, (1713?) and accordding to Trott, was printed by order of the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations." —O. Rich. Livingston and Smith. (1691 to 1762.) Laws of New-York, from 1691 to 1751 inclusive. vol. 1. New-York, James Parker, (Printer,) 1752. Laws of New-York from November 11. 1752, to May 22, 1762. vol. 2. William Weyman, (Printer). Published by Authority. William Livingston and William Smith, Revisers. 2 vols. Bound in one, fol. (This volume also contains the Laws passed trom Dec. 11, 1762, to December 20, 1763. Pages 269 to 352.) Tan Sehaack. (1691 to 1773,) Laws of New-York, fromn 1691 to 1773. 2 vols. Paged continuously. Published by Authority. (Peter Van Schaack; Reviser.) New-York, Hugh Gaine, Printer, 1774. Bound in 1 vol. foL Colonial Laws. Laws passed in 1774 and 1775. William Tryon, Governor, and Caldwallader Colden, Lieut. Governor. This copy is imperfect. It begins at the 13th page, with chap, 13, a Law passed March 9, 1774, and ends with chap. 128, a Law passed April 3, 1775. Printed by Hugh Gaine, Printer to the King's Ml. E. Majesty, 1775. With this, is bound up a copy of the first Session Laws of the State. Printed by Holt,; for which, see next entry. 1 vol. fol.* *We subjoin a list of the Colonial Laws, now in the office of the Secretary of'State. It is doubtful whether a complete series is even now in the two collections, in print. The Laws and Acts of the General Assembly for their Majesties Province of New-York, as they were enacted in Divers Sessions, the first of which began April 9, A. D. 1691, at New-York. Printed and sold by William Bradford, Printer to their Majesties, King William and Queen Mary, 1694. Small folio. 240 pages. (This extends to Laws passed in the 3rd year of Queen Anne, and of course, the last must have been printed after the date of the imprint.) The Laws of Her Majesties Colony of New-York, as they were enacted by the.Governour, Council and General Assembly, for the time being, in Divers Sessions, the first of which began April 9, 1691. To which is added, His Excellency's Speeches and Messages to the General Assembly, and a Journal of the Votes and Addresses of the House, during the Administrations of the Right Hon. The Lord Cornbury, Lord Lovelace, and the Hon. Coil. Richard Ingoldesby, Esq'r., Go-vernors of said Colony, to the 12th of November, 1709. Printed by William r.adford, Printer to the Queen's MIos Excellent Majesty, for the Colony of New 300 S'TA TUT LAW. (State) Laws of the State of New-York, commencing with the First Session of the Senate and Assembly, after the Declaration of Independence, and ihe Organization of the New Government of the State. Anno, 1777. By Order. Poughkeepsie, Printed by John Holt, Printer to the State, 1782. (This volume includes the Laws passed from the First Session, commencing with a Law passed February 6, 1778, to the end of the second meeting of the Sixth Session, March, 1783, I vol. fol. Laws of the State of New-Yorl, Passed at the 1st Meeting, Sixth Session, July, 1782. 2nd Meeting, Sixth Session, February, 1783. Seventh Session, February, 1784. 1st Meeting, Eighth Session, October, 1784. 2nd Meeting,, Eighth Session, February, 1785. Ninth Session, January, 1786. Tenth Session, January, 1787. FoL. Bound in one Volume. (C. L.) Laws of the State of New-York, Passed at the Ist Meeting, Seventh Session, February 1784. 1st Meeting, Eighth Session, October, 1784. 2nd Meeting, Eighth Session, March, 1785. Ninth Session, January, 1786o Fol. Bound in one Volume. Laws of the State of New-York, Passed at the 10th Session, 1787. 11th Session, 1788. (The last imperfect; being only to, Page 220, inclusive.) Folio. Bound in one Vol. Laws of the State of New-York. 13th Session, First and Second Meetings, 1789 - 9. 14th Session, First Meeting, 1791. 16th Session, First Meeting, 1792 - 9~. 17th Session, First Meeting, 1794. 18th Meeting, First Meeting, 1795. (Presented by Pierre Van Cortlandt.) Bound in one vol. fol, All Printed by Francis Childs, Printer to the State. NewYork, 1790- 95. York, 1710. Small folio.. (Laws 114 pages, and the Fee Bill and Journal, 78, and, 40 pages, to Nov. 12, 1709, complete, with various important Ordinances and Instruct ions.) Acts of Assembly, Passed in the Province of New-York, from 1691 to 1725. Examined and Compared with the Originals in the Secretary's Office. Printed! and sold by William Bradford, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty for the Province of New-York, 1726. Small folio. (The above Laws are contained in 320 pages. in the same volume, are bound the Acts passed from 1726 to 1736, with continuous paging to page 454, inclusive. At the end of the volume, is the Charter of the City of Albany. By Governor Dongan. Printed by William Bradford, in New-York, 1736.) Session Laws of the General Assembly of the Colony of New-York, from Oct. 1, 1751 to 1768. Bound in one vol. fol. (The earlier Sessions are printed by James Parker, New-York; the first one in 1751, and the later ones by Hugh GaWei. pew-York; the last.being printed in 1768.),. TATUT E LAW. 01 Jones and Varick. Laws of the State of New-York, Comprising the Constitution and the Acts of the Legislature, since the Revolution, fromr the 1st to the 12th Session, inclusive. (Feb. 4, 1778 to March 3, 1789.) Published by Authority. Samuel Jones and Richard Varick, Revisers. 2 vols. NewYork, Hugh Gaine, 1789. Folio. Bound in one Vol. G:reenleaf's Edition. Laws of the State of New-York, comprising the Constitution, and the Acts of the Legislature since the Revolution, from the 1st to the 20th Session, inclusive (1778 to 1797.) Vols. 1 and 2, 2dEd., 1797. Vol. 3, 1798. Printed by Thomas Greenleaf, New-York. 2 copies, 8vo 6 vols. Kent and Radcliff..(Revision of 1801.) The Laws of the. State of New-York. Published by Authority. James Kent and Jacob Radliff, Revisers. Vol. 1, 2d Ed., 1807. Vol. 2, 1802. 2 vols. Webster and Skinners' Edition. Vols. I and 2 being Kent and Radcliff's Revision of 1801. Vol. 3. All the Laws to the end of the 27th Session, 1804. Vol. 3. Laws Passed in the 28th and 29th Sessions. Vol. 5. Laws Passed in the 30th, and the Public Acts of the 31st and 32d. Vol. 6. Public Acts of the 33d, and all the Acts of the 34th and 35th. 18041812. 6 vols. Van Ness and Woodworth. (Revision of 1813.) Laws of the State of New-York, Revised and Passed at the 36th Session. William P. Van Ness and John Woodworth, Revisers. 2 vols. Albany., 1813. 4 copies, 8 vols. Revised Statutes of the Stae of New-York, Passed 18:27- 28. John Duer, Benjamin F. Butler, and John C. Spencer, Revisers. Albany, 1829. 3 vols. 4 copies, 12 vols. Revised Statutes, &c. including Statutory Provisions, from 1825 to 1835, with Local Acts and the Principal Acts Passed in 1836. 2d Ed. Albany, 1836. 3 vols. 3 copies, 9 vols. Revised Statutes, &c., including Statutory Provisions, from 1825 to 1845, and the Principal Acts Passed in 1846 -47-48. 3d Ed. Albany, 1846- 48. 3 vols. 3 copies, 9 vols. Session Laws. Laws of the State of New-York, from the 21st Session (1798) to the 72d Session (1849), inclusive. 52 vols. (The 33d and 34th Session Laws are bound in one vol.; and also the 51st 2d Meeting and the 52d are bound in one vol. The two Meetings of the 50th Session, and the 1st Meeting of the 51st, each constitute a vol.)* Laws of the State of New-York of a General Nature, Passed from 1828 to 1841, inclusive. I vol. Canal Laws and Regulations. June, 1841. 1 vol. * There are a large number of Daplicates of the Session Laws, but scarcely, domplete Duplicate Set, 308' STATVT.E L-AW. Common School Law and Regulations. June, 1841. i vol. Private Laws Passed at the 31st, 32d and 33d Sessions (1808 - I0-. 3 vols. General Index to the Laws and Documents of the State of New — York. Prepared by Authority. Albany, 1842. I vol. Constitution of the State of New-York. Adopted Nov. 3,.1846. T vol. Election Law of 1842, as Amended in 1847. 1 vol. Militia Law of the State of New-York. An Act to provide for the, enrolment of the Militia, and to encourage the formation of Uniform Companies, excepting the first Military Division of this State, Passed May 18, 1847. As amended by the Act Passed December 15, 1847; to which is appended so much of the former Militia Laws as are not repealedby this Act. Albany, 1848. 1 vol. City of JNewYork. Charter of the City of New-York, granted Jannary 15, 1730, by Governor Montgomerie, with the Laws and Ordinances of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty; James Duane, Mayor. New-York, Printed by Samuel Loudon, 1776. Bound in I vol. fol. Charter of the City of New-York, with the Acts of the Legislature in relation thereto, or which have vested in the Mayor, Aldermen, &c., additional powers. 1805. 2 copies, 2 vols. (One of these copies contains the Act to reduce several Acts relative to the City of New-York into a single one,- passed April 9, 1813.) Laws and' Ordinances of the City of New-York, passed during the Mayoralty of De Witt Clinton, and also the Health Laws of the State of New-York. New-York, 1812. 1 vol. Laws of the State of New-York, relating particularly to the City of New-York. 1833. 1 vol. Kent's Notes. Charter of the City, with a Treatise on the Powers and' Duties of the Mayor, Aldermen and Assistant Aldermen, Prepared by James Kent. And also the Journal of the City Convention, held June 23, 1829. New-York, 1836. 2 copies, 2 vols. By-Laws and Ordinances of the City of New-York, Revised 183839. 1 vol. By-Laws and Ordinances of the City of New-York. Revised 1845. 1 vol. City of Brooklyn. Charter of the City of Brooklyn, and the Laws of the State of NewYork relating to said City, with the Otdinances thereof and STATUTE LAW. 303 an Appendix, containing the Old Charters, Statistical Information, &c. Brooklyn, 1846. 1 vol. city of AJlbany. Charter of the City of Albany, granted by Governor Dongan, July 22, 1686. New-York, Printed by Hugh Gaine, 1771. And the Laws and Ordinances of the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of Albany. Albany, Printed by Alexander and James Robertson, 1773. Bound in 1 vol. 4to. Laws and Ordinances of the Common Council. 1791. 1 vol. 4to. (Presented by RI. V. De Witt.) Laws and Ordinances of the Common Council. Revised and Revived January 2, 1821. 1 vol. Laws and Ordinances of the Common Council. Revised and Revived July, 1829. With the Charter and State Laws. 1 vol. (A presentation copy from the Mayor of Albany to the Mayor of Boston, and purchased at the sale of the books of the latter.) Laws and Ordinances. Revised and Revived, December, 1832. 1 vol. Laws and Ordinances. Revised and Revived, December, 1837. 1 vol. Laws and Ordinances. Revised and Revived, December, 1841. 1 vol. Laws and Ordinances. Revised and Revived, April 14, 1845. 1 vol. NORTH CARCLINA. The Laws of North Carolina, published according to Act of Assembly, by James Iredell, containing the Laws passed from 1715 to 1791. Edenton, 1791. 1 vol. fol. Revised Statutes of the State of North Carolina, passed by the General Assembly at the Session of 1836 - 7. Together with Charters, Deeds of Grant, &c., before the Revolution, the Bill of Rights and Constitution of the State, with the Amendments thereto. The Constitution of the United States, with the Amendments; the Treaty of Peace of 1783; the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, with a Short Narrative thereof. Revised by Frederic Nash, James Iredell, and Wim. H. Battle. Raleigh, 1837. 2 vols. Laws of the State of North Carolina, passed in 1791, 1792, 1793, and 1794. Fo X. Martin, Editor. Newbern, 1795. I vol. 4to. 304 STATUTE LA W Laws of the State of North Carolina, passed in 1801, 1802 1803. 1810, 1811 and 1812. Bound in one vol. fol. Session Laws, 1822. 1833 - 34. 1824. 1834-35. 1825. 1842 - 43. 1827 - 28. 1841-45. 1828-29. 18416 -47. 1829 - 30. 1848- 49. 1830 - 31. 14 vols. 1831 -32. OHIO. Acts of a General Nature, Enacted, Revised, and Ordered to be Reprinted, at the First Session of the 29th General Assembly of the State of Ohio, 1831. Lettered vol. 29. 1 vol: Statutes of the State of Ohio, of a General Nature, in Force December 7th, 1840: Also the Statutes of a General Nature, passed by the General Assembly at their 39th Session, comrnencing December 7, 1840. Collected with References to the Decisions of the Courts, and to Prior Laws, by J. Ro Swan. Printed by Authority of the General Assembly. Columbus, 1841. 1 vol. Session Laws of Ohio. These are numbered in volumes, on the title pages. Vol. 2, 2d Session, (1803.) Vol. 40, Vols. 5, 6, bound in one vol. Vol. 41, Vol. 23, Vol. 42,'Vol. 30, Vol. 43, Vol. 34, Vol. 44, Vol. 35, Vol. 45, Vol. 36, Vol. 46, Vol. 38, Vol. 47, (1848 -49.) Vol. 37, 17 vols. Acts of a General Nature, passed at the 2d Session of the 30th General Assembly of Ohio. (1832.) 1 vol. PENNSYLVANIA. (Prcprietary.) The Charters of the Province of Pensilvania and City of Philadelphia. Folio. Printed by B. Franklin, 1742. (30 pages.) A Collection of all the Laws of the Province of Pennsylvania now inForce. Published by order of Assembly. Folio. Philadelphia. Printed and sold by B. Franklin, 1742. (562 pages.) An Appendix containing a Summary of such Acts of Assembly as have formerly been in force for regulating of descents and STATUT, LAw, 305 transferring the property of Lands, but since expired, altered or repealed. Folio. Printed by B. Franklin, 1742. (The above are bound in one volume, lettered' Charters of Pennsylvania and Philadelphia.) Charters and Acts of the Province of Pennsylvania. (The Laws to 1759 inclusive. In two volumes, bound in one.) Folio. Philadelphia. Printed by Peter Miller & Co., 1762. 1 vol. The Acts of Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania, compared with the Originals, and an Appendix containing such Acts and Parts of Acts relating to Property, as are expired, alb tered, or repealed. With the Royal, Proprietary, City and Borough Charters, and the Original Concessions of the Hon. William Penn to the first settlers of the Province. Published by order of the Assembly. Philadelphia, 1775. 1 vol. fol, (This contains the Laws to 1775 inclusive.) Commonwealthb PMcKean: Acts of the Gen.eral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, from 1776 to 1781, with an Appendix of the Laws now in force, passed between Sept. 30, 1775, and the Revolution. By Authority, Thomas IcKean, Reviser. Philadelphia, 1782. 1 vol. folio.,Acts of the General Assembly, passed at a Session begun Dec. 79 1790. Folio. Philadelphia, 1791. 1 vol..Dallas: Laws of Pennsylvania, rom the 14th October, 1700, to 1st December, 1801. Republished under the Authority of the Legislature, by Alexander James Dallas. Philadelphia, 1797 -1801. In 4 vols, fol 3d volume wanting. 3 vols. Laws of Pennsylvania, from the 141th October, 1700, to 28th March, 1808. Carey & Bioren's Edition. Philadelphia, 1803 -8 8 vols. Laws of Pennsylvania, from the 14th October, 1700. Republished under the Anthority of the Legislature. With Notes and References. 10 vols. 1810-44. (Vol. 9 wanting.) The first seven volumes, published by Bioren, and the 8th and 10th by Kay, contain the laws from 1700 to 1829. 9 vols. Acts of the General Assembly, from Dec. 4, 1804, to March 319 1805. Edited by Thomas McKean Thompson. (Lettered vol. 7.) Octorato, 1806, I vol. Acts of the General Assembly at a Sessionbegun December 3, 1805, December 6, 1808, and December 5, 1809. 3 vols. Dunlap: General Laws of Pennsylvania, from the year 1700, to April 22, 18-16. Chronologically arranged, with Notes and References to Decisions of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Compiled by James Dunlap. Philadelphia, 18-17. 1 vol. 306 STATUTE LAW. Dunlap. General Laws, &c., to April 1849. 2d Ed. Philadelphia, 1849. Acts of the General Assembly, from the Session of 1817 - 8, to that of 1849, inclusive. (The Acts passed in 1847 wanting.) 31 vols. Common School Laws of, with Explanatory Instructions and Forms, Prepared by the Superintendent. Harrisburgh, 1848. 1 vol, (Presented by the State of Pennsylvania.) Parkes & Johnson's Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania. See Law Catalogue. Purdon's Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania. Two Editions. See Law Catalogue. RHODE ISLAND. The proceedings of the 1st General Assembly of " the Incorporation of Providence Plantations," and the Code of Laws adopted by that Assembly, in 1647. With Notes, Historical and Explanatory, by Wm. 1. Staples. Providence, 1847. 1 vol. The Public Laws of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, as Revised by a Committee, and finally Enacted by the Honourable General Assembly, at their Session in January, 1798. To which are prefixed the Charter, Declaration of Independence, and Articles of Confederation, Constitution of the United States, and President Washington's Address of September, 1796. Providence, 1798. 1 vol. The Public Laws of. Revised and Enacted January Session, 1822, Providence, 1822. 1 vol. Public Laws of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. Enacted by the General Assembly at their Session in January, 1844. To which are Prefixed the Charter of Charles II.; Declaration of Independence Resolution of General Assembly to support the Declaration of Independence; Articles of Confederation Constitution of the United States; Proceedings of the Convention on the Adoption of the Constitution of the United States by Rhode Island; President Washington's Address of September, 1796; and Constitution of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. 1844. 1 vol. Session Lawst Acts passed in 1806 - 08-11. 1 vol. " 1819-20 - 21. 1 vol. " 822 - 23 - 25- 25. 1 vol. " 1819-20- 23 - 25 - 26. 1 vol. " 1828. 1 vol. "6 1829-30. 1 vol. " 1832. 1 vol. STATUTE LAW6d 07 Acts passed in 1833 -34 - 35. 1 vol " 1836. 1 vol. "t 1837-38-39. 1 vol. "C 1839-40. 1 vol. "6 1840 -41 -42. 1 vol, " 1843. 1 vol. 4 1844 - 45. 1 vo. " 1846 - 47 - 48. 1 voL, 6 1849. 1 Vol. 16 volumes. SOUTH-CAROLINA. Public Laws of South Carolina, from its iirst Establishment as a British ProVince, down to the year 1790, inclusive, And the Constitutions of the United States, and of the State. By John Faucheratld Grimke. Philadelphia, 1790. 1 vol. 4to. Statutes at Large of South Carolina; Edited under the Authority of the Legislature. Vols 1 to 5, by Thomas Cooper, M. D., and Vols. 6 to 10, by David J. McCord, 10 vols. [Containing Laws from 1682, to December, 1838, inclusive.] Columbia, 1836 -41. 10 vols. Acts of the General Assembly of, passed from 1839 to 1848, inclu sive. (Printed by Order of the Legislature, in conformity with the Statutes at Large, and designed to form a part of the XIth. vol,, commencing with the Acts of 1839. Columbia1 (S. C.,) 1848 (This is imperfect, extending only to page 549. 1 vol.) Session Laws of 1808 - 9 -10. Botd in I vol. 1823. 1 vol. 1827 -28. 1 vol 1829. 1 vol6 1837. 1 vol. 1838. 1 vol. 1839. 1 vol 7 vols. TENNESSEE The Statute Laws of the State of Tennessee, of a Public and General Nature, Revised and Digested by John Haywood and Robert L. Cobbs, by Order of the General Assembly. Vol, II. Knoxville, T., 1831. 1 vol. A Compilation of the Statutes of Tennessee, of a General and Permanent Nature, from the Commencement of the Government, to the Present Time [November, 1836 1. With References to Judicial Decisions, in Notes, by R. L. Caruthers, and A. O, P. Nicholson. Nashville, Ten., 1836, 1 vol. 308 STATUTE LAW. Session Laws: 13th General Assembly, 1st and 2cd Sessions, 1819 -20. In I vol, 14th G. A., 2d Sess., and 15th G. S., 1st Session, 1822-23. In 1 vol, 15th 2d Sess., and 16th Regular S., 1824-25. In I volo 16th Extra Session, 1826. In 1 vol. 18th Regular Session, 1829. 1 vol, 19th 1831. 1 vol. 20th 1833. 1 vol. 21st 1st Session, 1835 - 36. 1 vol. 23d 1st Session, 1839-40. 1 vol, 24th 1st Session, 1841-42. 1 vol. 25th 1st Session, 1843 - 44. 1 vol6 27th 1st Session, 1847-48. 1 vol. 12 vols. TEXAS. Laws of the Republic of Texas. Printed by Order of the Secretary of State. 2 vols. Houston, 1838. (Embracing the Laws of the 1st and 2d Congress. 2 vols. (C, L.) Laws of the Republic of Texas, 1st Session of the 3d Congress, Houston, 1839. Lettered. Vol 3. 1 vol. (C. L.) Laws and Decrees of the State of Coahuila and Texas, in Spanish and English. To which is added the Constitution of said State; also the Colonization Law of the State of Tanmaulipas, and Naturalization Law of the General Congress. By Order of the Secretary of State. Translated by J.P. Kimball, M. D. Houston, 1839. 1 vol. (Presented by the State of Texas.) Laws passed by the First Legislature of the State of Texas. Published by Authority. Austin, 1846. 1 vol. Laws passed at the 2d Legislature of the State of Texas. Houston, 1848. Vol. 2. 1 vol. (Presented by the State of Texas.) VERMONT. Statutes of tle State of Termont,passed in 1787. 1 vol. foL Windsor, 1787. (With this is bound a Law passed at a Session held in October, 1789.) 1 vol. Statutes of the State of Vermont, Revised and Established by Authority, in the year 1787. Including those passed since that period until the Session of the Assembly of said State, holden at Bennington, in January, 1791. Likewise the several Acts respecting Sales by the Surveyor-General. Bennington, Vermornt, 1791. 1 vol. Laws of Vermont: Revised and Passed by the Legislature, 1797. Together with the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, with its Amendments, and the Constitution of the State of Vermont, Rutland, 1798. 1 vol. STATUTE LAW. 309 Laws of Vermont: Laws of the State of Vermont, Digested and Compiled; To and including the year 1807. Published by Order of the Legislature. Randolph, 1808. 2 vols, bound in one. (Marked " 1 and 2.") Laws of Vermont (Marked " 3'), to the Close of the Session of the Legislature, in the year 1816; with an Appendix containing the Titles of Local Acts, and An Index of the Laws in Force. Vol. 3. Rutland, 1817. 1 vol. Laws of Vermont: The Laws of Vermont, of a Public and Permanent Nature. Coming down to, and including the year 1824. To which are Prefixed the Declaration of Independence; The Articles of Confederation; and the Constitutions of the United States, and Vermont. Compiled by Authority of the Legislature, by Win. Slade, Jun. Windsor, 1825. 1 vol. Revised Statutes of Vermont; passed November 19, 1839. To which are added Several Public Acts now in Force: and to which are Prefixed the Constitutions of the United States and of the State of Vermont. Published by Order of the Legislature. Burlington, 1840. 1 vol. Session Laws of the State of Vermont, from 1792 to 1848, inclusive. Of which are wanting those passed in 1793, 1795, 1801, 1812, 1841, 1842 and 1846. 52 vols. VIRGINIA. Abridgment of the Public Laws of Virginia, in Force and Use, June 10, 1720. 2dEd. London, 1728. 1 vol. 12moo (Warden Library.) Abridgment of all the Public Acts of Assembly of Virginia,in Force and Use. By John Mercer, Gent. Williamsburgh. 1737. 1 vol. (Warden Library.) Laws of Virginia: A Collection of all such Public Acts of the General Assembly, and Ordinances of the Conventions of Virginia, Passed since the year 1768, as are now in Force; with a Table of the Principal Matters. Published under Inspection of the Judges of the High Court of Chancery, by a Resolution of General Assembly, the 16th day of June, 1783. Richmond, 1785. 1 vol. fol. Laws of Virginia: A Collection of all such Acts of the General Assernbly of Virginia, of a Public and Permanent Nature, as are now in Force. To which are Prefixed the Declaration of Rights, and Constitution or Form of Government. Published pursuant to an Act of the General Assembly, passed 28th December, 1792. Richmond, 1794. 1 vol. fol. Revised Code: A Collection of all such Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia, of a Public and Permanent Nature, as are now in Force. To which are Prefixed the Declaration of Rights, and Constitution or Form of Government. And, 310 STATUT E LA W. vol. 2, containing a Collection of all such Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia, of a Public and Permanent Nature, as have Passed since the Session of 1801. To which are added Appendices, &c., &e. Richmond, 1803 - 1808. 2 vols. Revised Code of 1819: The Revised Code of the Laws of Virginia: Being a Collection of all such Acts of the General Assembly, of a Public and Permanent Nature, as are now in Force; with a General Index. To which are Prefixed, the Constitution of the United States, the Declaration of Rights, and the Constitution of Virginia. Published pursuant to an Act of the General Assembly, passed March 12th, 1819. Richmond, 181.9. 2 vols. Henning's (William Waller) Statutes at Large.: Being a Collection of all the Statutes of Virginia, from the First Session of the Legislature, in the year 1619. Published pursuant to an Act of the General Assembly of Virginia, Passed on the 5th day of February, 1808. Richmond; Philadelphia, 18091823. 13 vols. (The Last Volume contains the Laws of 1789 to 1792, inclusive.) Statutes at Large of Virginia, from October Session, 1792, to December Session, 1808, inclusive. (New Series.) Being a Continuation of Henning, by Samuel Shepherd. Richmond; 1835 - 36. 3 vols. Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Passed in 1793, 1796, 1797, 1798, and 1799. 5 vols. fol. Session Laws, Passed in 1808 - 9; 1808- 10; 1810- 1; 1811- 12 and 1812- 13 in 1 vol. 1818-19; 1820 - 21. 1822- 23, and 1823 - 24 in 1 vol. From 1825-26 to 1841-42 continuously bound in 17 vols. 1843 -44; 1844 -45; 1847 -48. Total, 26 vols. WISCONSIN. (Territry. ) Statutes of the Territory of Wisconsin, Passed by the Legislative Assembly at a Session commencing November, 1838. Edited by Edward V. Whiton. Albany, 1839. 1 vol. Laws of the Territory, Passed by the Legislative Assembly at the Session thereof, commenced December 6, 1841. Madison, 1842. 1 vol. Laws of the Territory, at a Session commenced March 26, 1843, Madison, 1843. 1 vol STATUTE LAW. 311 Laws of the Territory, at a Session commenced February, 1848. 1 vol. State. Laws of the State of Wisconsin, together with the joint resolutions and memorials passed by the Legislature at the 1st Session, commencing on the 5th day of June, and ending on the 21st day of August, 1848. I vol. (Presented by the State of Wisconsin.) Laws of the State of Wisconsin, Passed at the 2d Session, 1849. I vol. BRITISH. GREAT BRITAIN. Leges Anglo-Saxonice Ecclesiastica et Civiles; accedunt Leges Eduardi Latinae; Gulielmi Conquestoris Gallo-Normanica; et Henrici 1. Latine. H. Spelman, Codex Leguml Veterum Statutorum Gulielmi I. usque ad Henr. 3, &c. Edited by David Wilkins, S. T. D. Folio. London, 1721. 1 vol. Leges Wallicae Ecclesiasticae Civiles Hoeli Boni et aliorum Wallime Principes; Illustravit Gulielmus Wottonus. Folio. London, 1730. 1 vol. Ancient Laws and Institutes of Enlgand. See Record Commission Books. under " State Papers." Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales See Record Commission Books, under " State Papers " Collections of Acts and Ordinances made in the Parliament, begun and held at Westminster, November 3, 1640, and since, until the Adjournment of the Parliament begun September 17, 1656. By Henry Scobell, Clerk of Parliament. (Black Letter.) London, 1658. (C. L.) I vol. An Abstract of all such Acts of Parliament, now in force, as relate to the Admiralty and Navy of England, to the 2nd Year of King George By Edward Whitaker, Gent. London 1715. (Warden Library.) 1 vol. Statutes at Large of England and of Great Britain, from Magna Charta to the Union of the Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland, (1800.) Printed by Andrew Strahan. 20 vols. Statutes at Large, from the Union of the Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland, (1800), to the 56th of George TII. (1816.) (The above consist of Vols. 43, 44, 45, and 46 of Pickering's Edition, and the remainder printed by Butterworth. 14 vols Statutes at Large of the United Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland, from the Union in 1800, (41 George III.,) to 1846 312 STATUTE LAW. 47, (9th and 10th Vict.) With Notes by Thomas E. Tomlins; Continued by Johnl Raithby. 4to. 18 vols. London, 1804 - 1846. Bound in 35 vols. 4to. Chronological Index to the Statutes at Large, to July 23, 1830. By Richard Lowndes. 8vo. London 1831. 1 vol. 4to. Evans. A Collection of Statutes connected with the General Administration of the Laws, Arranged According o o-Subjects. By Sir William D. Evans. Continued to 3rd George IV., 1832, by Anthony I-lammond. 2nd Edit. London, 1823. 8 vols. 8vo, Evans. A Collection of Statutes, by Sir William D. Evans, &c. Continued by A. Hammodand and T. C. Granger, to the 5th and 6th William IV. 3rd Edit. London, 1836. 10 vols. 8vo. Regents' Canal Act, Passed 52 George III., Session 1812. 1 vol. Dowling. Collection of Statutes, comprising all the Public Acts, Civil and Criminal, and Acts relating to the Colonies. By Alfred S. Dowling. London, 1830-31. 2 vols. 12mo. (C. L.) Dowling. Collection of Statutes, comprising all the Public Acts, Civil and Criminal, Irish and Scotch, and the Metropoli an Cemetery Act. By Alfred S. Dowling. London, 1833. 1 vol. 12mo. (C. L.) IRELAND. Darley (W. F.) Collection of Public General Statutes relating to Ireland. 5th and 6th, and 6th and 7th William IV 2nd and 3rd Victoria. 3rd and 4th Victoria. Dublin, 1836-1811. 3 vols. BRITISH COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES. ISLE OF MAN. The Lex Scripta of the Isle of Man, with the Ancient Ordinances and Statute Laws to the present date. Published by Authority. Douglas, 1819. 1 vol. BRITISH AMERICAN PLANTATIONS. An Abridgement of the Laws in Force and Use in Her Majestys Plantations, viz: of Virginia, Jamaica, Barbadoes, Maryland, New-England, New-York, Carolina, &c. Digested under proper Heads in the Method of Mr. Wingate, and Mr. Washington's Abridgments. London, 1704. 1 vol. 16mo. (1033) 'STATUTE LAW. 31 WEST INDIES. Acts of Assembly passed in the Charibbee Leeward Islands, from 1690 to 1730. Vol. 1, printed by order of the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, 1734. Vol. 2, Acts of Assembly, passed in the Island of Antigua, from 1725 to 1760. London, 1764. Acts of Assembly passed in the Island of St. Christophers, from 1711 to 1735, inclusive. London, 173-9. An Abridgment of the Acts of Assembly passed in the Island of St. Christopher, from 1711 to 1740, inclusive. London, 1740. And Acts of Assembly passed in the Charibbee and Leeward Islands, from I 190 to 1730. London, 1740. Bound in 2 vols. folio. (Warden Library.) JAMAICA.'The Revised Statutes of Jamaica, as to Crimes and Misdemeanors Analytically and Alphabetically Arranged, down to the Session 6th of Victoria. Anno 1812 - 3, inclusive. London, 1844. 1 vol1 UPPER CANADA., Statutes of the Province of Upper Canala. Revised and published by H. C. Thomson & James McFailand. Revised by James Nieckalls, Junior. kin ston, 1831, 1 vol. 4to. CANADA. Provincial Statutes of Canada. 8 Vict. 1845; being.the First Session of the Second Provincial Parliament of Canada. Vol. 2. Montreal, 1845. 1 vol. 4to. Provine al Statutes of Canada, 9 Vict. 1816. Being the Second Session of the Second Provincial Parliament of Canada. Vol. 2, Part 2. Moitreal, 18 6. 1 vol. 4to.o (Presented by the Provincial Parliament.) FRENCH. (Presented by t,'ie Minister of Justice of France.) BULLETIN DES LOIs. 169 vols. viz. re Serie. Lois et Actes du Gouvernement. Aoust, 1789 a 18 Prairial, An II. Reprinted, Paris, 183 - 35. 8 vols. Bulletin des Lois de la Republique Francaise. 25 Prairial, An II., i 3 Brumaire, An IV. (No. I to 205, inclusive.) 6 volso {.STATE LIBRARY.J 20 314 ST AT U T E L A W. 2e Serie. Bulletin des Lois de la Republique Francaise 12 Brumaire. An IV., a 27 Nivose, An VIII. (No. 1 to 345 in, clusive.) 9 vols. 3e Serie. Bulletin des Lois de la Republique Francaise. 19 Nivose, An VI-I., a 27 Floreal, An XII. (No. 1 to 362 ilclusive.) There is a Supplement from 357 to 362, but it is bound with Vol. 9. 9 vols. 4e Serie. Bulletin des Lois de L'Empire Francais. 28 Floreal,. Anu XII.:, a 26 Marchl 1814. (No. 1 to 5C6, inclusive.) 20 vols. 5c Serie. Bulletin des Lois du Royaume de France. I Avril, 1814, a 19 Mars, 1815 (No. I to 197, inclusive.) 3 vols. 6e Serie. Bulletin des Lois (LEmnpereur Napoleon). e1 Mars,. 1815, a 28 Juin, 1815. (No. 1 to 42, inclusive.) 1 vol. 7e Serie. Bulletin des Lois du Royaume de France. (Louis XVIII.) 25 Juin,. 1815 a 1.6 Septembre, 1824. No. I to 698 inclusive.) 19 vols. 8e Serie. Bulletin des Lois du Royaume de France. Regne deCharles X. 22 Septembre, 1824, a 28 Juillet, 1830. (No. I to 375, inclusive.) 12 vols. 9e Serie. Bulletin des Lois du Royaume de France. Regne deLouis Phillipe lr'" Roi de Francais. 1Te Partie. 27 Juillet, 1830, a 9 Septembre, 1835. (No. I to 155, inclusive.) 7 vols. 9e Serie. Bulletin, &c. 2de Partie. Ordonnances et IDecisions rendues depuis 25 Juillet, 1830, a 24 Fevrier, 1848. (No. 1 to 1455, inclusive.) 36 vols. 9' Serie. Bulletin, &c. Partie Supplenentaire. 10 Janvier, 1832, a 9 Fevrier, 1848. (No. 1 to 937, inclusive.) 33 vols. B0e Serie Bulletin des Lois de la Republique Francaise. 24 Fevrier, 188, a 7 Juillet, 1849. (No. I to 175, inclusive; but from 102 to 112, inclusive, wanting.) 3 vols. 10) Serie. Bulletin, &c. Partie Supplementaire, contenant les Decrets et Arretes D'Interet. 24 Fevrier, 1848, a 1 Juin, 1849. (No. I to 67, inclusive; but from 36 to 39, inclusive, wanting.) 3 vols Bulletin Des Lois. Index in 7 vols, viz: Table general par ordre alphabetique de Matieres des Lois, Senatus-Consultes, Decrets, &c., publies dans Le Bulletin des Lois, &e., depuis le 5 Mai, 1789, au ler Avril, 1814. 8voo Paris, 1816. 4 vols. Table decennale du Bulletin des Lois, depuis ler Avril, 1814, jusqu' au 31 Decemnbre, 1843. 8vo. Paris, 1827-35-44. 3 vols. Les Constitutions de La France, depuis 1789. (Texte Officiel.) 12mo. Paris, 1840. Code Penal. (Bulletin Des Lois, 9~ Serie. No. 151.) 8vo. Paris', 1833. 1 vol. STATUTE LAW. 315 Code Civil. (Bulletin Des Lois. No. 109. bis.) 8vo. Paris, 1825. 1 vol. Code D:Instruction Criminelle. (Bulletin Ies Lois. 90 Serie. No. 150. 8vo.) Paris, 1833. 1 vol. Code De Procedure Civile. (Bulletin Des Lois. No. 948.) 8vo. Paris, 1842. 1 vol. Code De Commerce. (Bulletin Des Lois. No. 788.) 8vo. Paris, 1841. 1 vol. (A ll the above Codes and Constitutions, prosented by the Minister of Justice of France.) Recueil des Lois de Finances et des Autres Lois d'Interet general. Sessions de 1837-38-39-41-42-43-44-45 -46-47 12mo. Paris, 1837-1847. 10 vols. (Presented by the Secretary, Minister of Finance of France.) Code Rurale Des Campagnes (De France,) ou Tableaux Lois. Pasted on thirteen sheets of Pasteboard. (Presented by the Viscount Cormenin.) FRENCH COLONIES. WEST INDIES. Lois et Constitutions des Colonies Frangaises de L'Amerique somu le vent, &c., par M. Moreau de Saint-M6ry, 1550 to 1779. 5 vols. 4to. Paris. (No date.) (Warden Library.) SPANISH. SPANISH COLONIES. Recopilacion de Leyes de los Reynos de las Indias. Madrid, 1681. 4 vol. fol. ( Warden Library.) Les Leyes de Recopilacion. Madrid, 1775. 3 vols. fol. (Warden Library.) PRUSSIAN. The Frederician Code, or a Body of Laws for the Dominions of the King of Prussia. (Translated from the French.) Edinburgh, 1831. 2 vols. 8vo. (1246.) CATALOGUE OF CONGRESSIONAL LAWS, JOUIRNALS, DOCUMENTS. PUBLISHED SINCE THE FORMATION OF THE GOVERNMENT. (The following Table has been compiled from communications received from M. Vattemare and Mr. Henry Stevens. It may be found useful M to those who are engaged in completing collections of Congressional Documents, and at all events, it will obviate the necessity of frequent t 2 repetitions in the succeeding pages.) 0 UI'- U-a -~aa~-~, -~ -: U > NUMBFMR Time of the Session. | 9 OF THE. __: I 3 __. t' D 6 From, To -.1 DOCUMENTS. ]rracar~a~s~as.. Fromaa, To L ~' O 1 st, March 41789.. ept, 1789,... 1 1.... 1 One volume folio,................1............. 3. 1st Congress..... n. Jan. 4, 19s0,....August 12, 170,...... I1 1 One volume folio,................1............. 1... 3rd. Dec. 6, 1790,... March 3, 1791,....... 1 3 volumes folio,........................ 3... 2nd Congress,..... 1st. Oct. 24 791.... May 8, 1792.........1 1 1 3 volumes folio,............................... 3.. ) 12nd. Nov. 2,792,... March 3, 1793,..... 1 1 | 2 volumes folio, and I volurmfe 8 vo.........''....,. 3 |.. 3rd Congress........ 1st Dec. 2, 1793,.... June 9, 1794,........ I I I I volume folio and two volumes 8 vo........... 3...~. 2nd. Nov. 3, 1794,... March 3, 179,...... I I I I volume folio and 2 volumes 8 vo............... 4th Congress,. 2nd. Nov. 3, 1794,... March 3, 1795,. 1 1 1 1 volume folio and 2 volumes 8 vo.,.3 1 4th Congress....... I 1st. Dec. 7, 1795,.... June, 1796,......... 1 1 1 volume folioand 3volumes 8 vo................. 4 2d. Dec. 5, 1796,... March 3, 1797a,....... I I I volume folio and I volumes 8 vo.,............... CATALOGUE.~ —(CoTIUvmE.) o0 Time of the Session.. 1S NUMBER _______________________ S OF THE I.~ DOCUMENTS. T0 CONGRESS. From To i3 ^ To 1st. May 15, 1797,... July 10, 1797,....... 1 1 I volume folio and I volume 8 vo.................. 2 5th Congress.......^ 2nd. Nov. 13, 1797,.. Ju 1, 16, 1798,....... 1 1 1 2 volumes folio and 2 volumes 8 vo................ 4 1 3rd. Dec. 3, 1798,... March 3, 1799,..... 1 1 1 1 volume folio and 2 volumes 8 vo.,................. 3 1 6th Congress,,.. 1st. Dec. 2, 1799,.... March 14, 1800,...... 1 1 1 2 volumes folio and 3 volumes 8 vo........ 5 ongress,, nd. Nov. 17, 1800,.. March 3, 1890,..... 1 1 1 2 volumes folio and 3 volumes 8 vo.,.......5 7tCongress,... 2nd. Dec. 6, 1802,... March 3, 1803,..... I I volume folio and 2 volumes 8 vo.,.............. 3 1 > Q6h Co. I 1st. Oct. 17,1803,... March 27,1801,..... 1 1 1 2 volumes folio and 3 volumes 8 vo.............. 5 I 8th Congress,.. 2nd. Nov. 5, 1804,... March 3, 1805,...... I 1 1I volume folio and 2 volumes 8 vo.,.............. 3 1 0 th Congress...... Ist. Dec. 2, 1805,.... April 21, 1806,...... 1 1 1 2 volumes folio and 3 volumes 8 vo................. 5 1 ress, 2nd. Dec. 1, 1806,... March 3, 1807,...... 1 1 1 1 volume folio and 2 volumes 8 vo.,.......... 3 11U I 1st. Oct. 26, 1807,... April 25, 1808....... 1 1 2 volumes folio and 3 volumes 8vo.,.............. 5 1 ongressd.Nov. 7, l08,... March, 3, 1809...... 1 1 1 1 volume folio and 2 volumes 8 vo.,..........3 1 1 st. May 22, 1809,... June 28, 1809,...... I1 I 1 volume folio and 2 volumes 8 vo,.............. 3 11th Con-gress,..... 2nd. Nov. 27, 1809... May 1, 1810,......... 1 1 1 2 volumes folio, five House and one Senate 8 vo.,. 8 1 ou 3rd. Dec. 3, 1810,... March 3, 1811,...... 1 1 1 2 volumes folio and 3 volumes 8 vo............... 5 1 o^^2th Congress..., 1nst. Nov. 4, 1811,... July 6,812...... I 2 volumes folio and4 volums 8 vo................. 6 2nd. Nov. 2, 1812,... March 3, 1813,...... 1 1 2 volumes folio and 2 volumes 8 vo.,.............. 4 1 1st. May, 21, 1813... Augprilust 2, ]1813...... I I 1 1 volume folio and I3 volume 8 vo.,................ 13th Congress,.....t 2nd. Dec. 6, 1813,... April 18, 1814,........ 1 1 3 volumes folio and 3 volumes 8 vo.,............. 6 1 3rd. Sept. 19, 1814... March 3, 1815...... 1 1 2 volumes folio and 3 volumes 8 vo.p.......... 5 1 CATALOGUE,-(CoNTINLTmD.) z:) I BocumentsBDocuments. Time of the Session, ~ o CS T^T&T ^-B~R-T"R Timeofthe~~~essio o I - House Doc'mts Senate Doc'mts Reports Committ ecs OF THE ____ CONGRESS.. N.. Lo.of ~ No.of O No. Re- 31 * F'rom ToHos' oFrom To ^6 olusoe c o Senate wIports of [o 0 0 ^ Cocmts.I Z z Do cm-ts. Docmts. 1 % Comit' ees 1st. Dec. 4, 1815,.... April30, 1816,...... 1 i1 4 1 to 90 3 1 to 59...7 1 0 14th Congress............ 2nd. Dec. 1816,...... March 3, 1817,......1 5 to 102 3 ito 1.......... 8 1 15th Congressst. Dec. 1, 1817,.... April 20, 1818,...... 1 1 8 1 to 202 2 1 to 193 1........ I 1 15th Congress,.... 2nd, Nov. 16, 1818,.. March 3, 1819,. 1...... 1 8 1 to 150 2 1 to 102....10 ~~16th Congress.. ~ 1 st. Dec. 6,1819,... May 15,1820,.......1 1 9 1 to123 4 1 to 133 1 I to 98 14 1 o 2nd. Nov, 13, 1820,.. March 3, 1821,...... I i 1 9 112 5 Ito 119 1 to 104 15 1 117th Congressl..... Ist. Dec. 3,1821,.... May 8,1822......... 1 1 9 1 to 134 3 1 to 95 2 1 to 111 14 1 r 17th Congress,... 2nd. Dec. 2, 1822,... March:3, 1823,...... I I 1 10 1 to 111 2 1 to 43 2 1 to 105 13 1 1 1st. Dec. 1, 1823. May26,1824........ 1 1 to 163 3 1 to 8 2 to 133 17 18th Congress........... 2nd. De. 6, 1824,... March 3, 18,...... 1 1 to 110 4 1 to 45 2 1 to 90' 14 1 ^ ^ j Ist. Dec. 5, 1825,.... May 22,826...... 1 1 10 to 1184 5 1 to 102 2 1to 233 17 1 19th Congress........... 2nd. Dec.4,1826,... March3,1827,...... 1 1 10 Ito 146 3 1ito 72 3 1to 102 16 1 2Cth Congress 1.......... Ist. Dec. 3,1827,.......M1 1 1 7 1to288 5 1 to207 4 1to270 16 1 Z 2th ongress...... 2nd. Dec. 1, 1828.. March 3, 1829......I 1 1 6 1 to 146 2 1 to 106 1 1 to 104 9 1 0i 21st Conres,. ~ 1 Ist. Dec.3,1829,....May31, 1830,....... I 1 1 4 1 to 126 2 1to 146 3 1to 416 9 1 2nd. Dec. 6, 1830,... March 3, 1831......1 1 4 1 to 140 2 1 to 76 1 to0119 7 22nd Congress.......... Ist. Dec. 5,1831,.... July 16, 1832........ 1 1 1 8 1 to 08 3 to 182 5 to 513 16 2und ongressd. Dec 3, 1832.... March 3, 1833,...... 1 1 1 3 1 to 148 2 Ito 85 I Ito 1-8 6 23rd Congress,........... i st. Dec. 2. 1833, 834,1 6 to 523 14 I to 514 5 1 to 0560 5 2nd. Dec. 1, 1834,... March 3, 1835,......1 1 5 I to 199 4 I to 154 2 Ito 142 11 1 D~ CATALOGUE —(CONTINUED.) ~ ~ a, ^ ^Documents, ^ ^ TNUime ofB the Session. House Docm'ts Senate's Reports of Commit's. 1nt OF THE __________ - F 0~ @CONGRESS. Ig.; 0, No. No.of ~ No. ofS e- ~No. Re- o. o From TQ - c o l House I o natefo-;o ports of o c) ___ 0 ___ _Docmts.;; cuments. > Com'tts.- - 0 9^rh Cnorp^s. ^ 1st. Dec. 7,1835,...July 4,1836,....... I 1 17 1to298 6 1 to 430 3 1 to 857 16 1 2nd. Dec. 5, 1836,... March 3, 1837,.... 1 1 4 I to 189 3 1 to 3 1 to 327 10 1 1st, Sept. 4, 1837,... October 16.1837,.. I 1 1 i to 54 1 ito 37 0 0 25th Congress,,........ 2nd. Dec. 4, 1837,... July 9, 1838,....... 1 1 12 1 to 467 6 1 to 509 4 1 to1068 22 I 3d. Dec. 3, 1838,.... March 3, 1839,...... 1 1 to - 53 5 1 to 307 2 to 325 13 1 26th Congress. D st. Dec. 2,1839,... July 21, 180,. 1 1 1 7 I to 265 8 1 to 621 4 1to 716 19 1 a2nd. cc. 7, 1840.... 7March 3, 184,..... 1 6 1 to 4 6 1 to 23 to249 12 1 1st. May 31, 1841.... September 13, 1841,, 1 1 1 1 to 63 1 1 to 124 0........ 0 27th Congress,......... 2nd. Dec. 6, 1841,... August 31, 1842..... 1 1 6 1 to 293 5 I to 444 5 1 toI06.. 1 3rd. Dec. 5, 1842,.;. arch 3, 1843,...... 1 1 8 to 220 4 to 247 4 to 296 to 1 9 I 1st. Dec, 4, 1843,. June 17, 1844,. 1 1 6 to 280 7 ito 243 3 to 582 0 2ndngress........ Dec. 2, 1844,... March 3, 1845,...... 1 1, to. 11 to 17 1 to 438,. I 29th Congress............ I 1st. Dec. 1, 1845,.... August 10, 1846,..... 1 1. 8 228 to 490 4 1 to 846 29th Congress,c........... 1846, arch, 1847, I 4 ito. 3 to 224 I I to 90 30th Congress,............. 1st. Dec. 6, 1847,.... August 14, 1848,..... 1 19 1 to 86 8 1 to 73 4 1 to 840 1 1 N. B. With the Senate Documents of the 1st Session of the 30th Congress 8 vols., there is I volume entitled Senate Reports, and one caller1 $enhte Miscellanies:; and with the: Ioqse DQcume.nts 9 yolames, ther. eis onevoiume: entitled House Miscellanie., STATE PAPERS. AMERICAN. UNITED STATES, Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution: Being the Letters of Benjamin Franklin, and others, Concerning the Foreign Relations of the United States during the whole Re, volution: Together with the Letters in Reply from the Secret Committee of Congress, and the Secretary of Foreign Affairs. Also the Entire Correspondence of the French Ministers, Gerard and Luzerne, with Congress. Edited by Jared Sparks, Boston; New-York; Washington; 1829-1830. 12 vols. Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States of America, from the Signing of the Definitive Treaty of Peace, 10th September, 1783, to the Adoption of the Constitution, March 4, 1789. Being the Letters of the President of Congress, the Secretary for Foreign Afihairs, American Ministers at Foreign Courts, Foreign Ministers near Congress, Reports of Committees of Congress, and Reports of the Secretary for Foreign Affairs on Various Letters and Conmmunications. Together with Letters from Individuals on Public Affairs. Washington, 1832-1834. 7 vols, journal of the First Congress of the Amnerican Colonies in Opposition to the Tyrannical Acts of the British Parliament. Held at New-York, October 7, 1765. Re-printed, New —York, 1845. 1 vol. Journals of the Continental Congress, containing the Proceedings from September 5, 1774, to November 3d, 1788. Published by Order of Congress. Philadelphia; New-York, 1777 - 1788. 13 vols. 1Vols. 1 and Z are Rteprinted by Robert Aitken; made by Order of Congress. ]: * With the first volume, is bound up " Extracts from the notes and proceedings of the American Continental Congress, held at Philadelphia, September 5, 1774. Published by order of Congress. 8vo. Philadelphia. William & Thomas Bradford. October 27, 1774, 322 STATE PAPERS. Journal of the Continental Congress, vols. 1, 3, 5 6, 7,8 and 10; and vols. 11, 12 and 13 bound in one vol. (Part from the Warden Library.) 8 vols. Journal of the, Proceedings of the Congress, held at Philadelphia, May 10, 175. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1775. (Lettered vol.2 of the second set of the Journals of the Continental Congress.) (Presented by S. G. Leeth.) Journals of the American Congress: (Continental.) From 1774 to 1788. Also the Journal of the Committee of the States, from the 1st Friday in June, to the 1st Friday in August, 1784. With an Appendix. Washington, 1823. 4 vols. Secret Journals of the Acts and Proceedings of Congress (Continental,) fiom. the First Meeting thereof, (Wednesday, May 10, 1775,) to the Dissolution of the Confederation by the Adoption of the Constitution of the United States. Published under the Direction of the President of the United States, Conformably to Resolution of Congress of Marchl 27, 1818, and April 21, 1820. Boston, 1821. 4 vols. Journal, Acts and Proceedings of the Convention, Assembled at Philadelphia, Monday, May 14, and Lissolved Monday, Septemlber 17, 1787, which Formed the Constitution of the United States. Published under the Direction of tlhe President of the United States, Conformably to a Resolution of Congress, of March 27, 1818. Boston, 1819. 1 vol. Secret Proceedings and Debates of the Convention Assembled at Philadelpha,, in the Year 178'7, for the Purpose of Forming the Constitution of the United States of America. From the Notes taken by Robert Yates, Esq., and Copied by John Lansing, Junior, Esq., Members of that Convention.' Including " The Genuine Informations laid beifre the Legislalture of Maryland, by Luther Martin, Esq, a Member of the same Convention. Also, other Historical Documents Pelative to the Federal Compact of the North American Union. (Edited by Edmund C. Genet.) Albany, 1821. 1 vol. Eli. ot: Debates in the Several States Conventions, on the Adoption of the Federal Constituftion. See Catalogue of Law Library. State Papers and Iublic Documents of the United States, from the.,ccession of George Washington to the Presidency. Exhibiting a Conmplete View of our Foreign IRelations since that Time, Published under the Patronage of Congress. Boston, Printed by T. B. Wait & Son, 1817- 1819. 12 vols. 1Volumes I to 10 inclusive, are of the Second Edition; volumes 11 and 12 of the Third Edition. American State Papers: Documents, Legislative and Executiive, of the Congress of the United States, fromn the First Session of the First, to the First Session of the Twenty-Third. Congress, inclusive; commencing Mlarch 3, 1789, and Ending January, STATE PAPERS, 323 1834. Selected and Edited under the Authority of Congress, by the Secretary of the Senate, and the Clerk of the House of Representatives. Washington, 1832 - 34 23 vols. fol. [These Documents are Arranged in Ten Classes, viz: I 1. Foreign Relations. 4 vols. j To May 8, 1822.1 II. Indian Affairs. 2 vols. [To March 3, 1827.] III. Finances. 3 vols. ITo May 8, 1822. IV. Commerce and Navigation. 2 vols. [To March 3, 1823.1 V. Military AftIirs. 2 vols. I To February 28, 1825.] VI. Naval Affairs. 1 vol. [To Mardh 5, 1825.1 VII. Post Office Department. 1 vol. [To March 2, 1823.] VIII. Public Lands. 5 vols. [To January 21, 1834. IX. Claims. 1 vol. I To March 3, 1823 -1 X. Miscellaneous. 2 vols. To March 3, 1823. ] Each of these Ten Series has its own Number, running from One upwards, and is printed Chronologically. American Archives: A Documentary History of the English North American Colonies, &e. See Miscellaneous Library. Addresses and Recommendations to the States by the United States in Congress Assembled. 2 copies. Philadelphia, 1783; and.Boston, 1783. See Pamphlets, vol. 32 in Miscellaneous Library. A Collection of State Papers Relative to the first Acknowledgment of the Sovereignty of the United States of Aierica, by the States General of the Netherlands. Printed at the Hague, 1782. See Pamphlets, vol. 32, in Miscellaneous Library. Gebhardt: State Papers Relative to the Diplomatic Transactions between the American and Freech Governments, from 1793 to 1800. Collected by A. G. Gebhardt, lfrmerly Secretary of the Saxon Legation in London. London, 1816. 3 vols, 12mo. America: Correspondence Relat:ive to the French Decrees, and the Orders in Council, Subsequent to May 20, 1812. Presented to Parliament, by Comimand of the Prince Regent February, 1813. Folio. Journals of the Senate of the United States: PReprint of Senate Journal. From the First Session of the Senate, Begun and Held at the City of New-York, March 4, 1789, to the Close of tlhe Third Session of the 13th Congress, March 2, 1815. Washington, 1820-1821. 5 vols. Executive Journal: Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States of America. From the Commencenent of the First, to the Terrlination of the Nineteenth Congress, (March 4, 1789, to 93d February, 1829.) Printed by Order of the Senate. Washington 1828. 3 vols6 324 STATE PAPERSo Journals of the Senate of the United States, (original editions) from the 1st Session of the 1st Congress, to the 1st Session of the 30th Congress, inclusive. The first seven volumes are in folio, and the remainder, fifty-e'ght in 8vo. 65 vols. Journal of the Senate, in Cases of Impeachmnents, against William Blount, John Pickering, and Samuel Chase, Washington, 1805. 1 vol. 12mo. Journals of the House of Represintatives' Reprint of the Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, from the 1st Session of the ist Congress (March 4, 1789,) to the Close of the 3d Session of the 13th Cougress (M arch 2, 1815.) Reprinted by Order of the -Ilouse of Representatives. Washington, 1826. 9 vols. Journals of the 1ouse of Representatives of the United States, (original Editions) frnom the 1st Session of the 1st Congress, to the 1st Session of the 30th Congress, inclusive. The Journals of the Ist and 2d Congress, 5 vols., are in folio, and the remainder, (the Journal of the 1st Session of the 1.2th Congress, being, bound in 2 vols.) 61 volumes in octavo. 66 vols. Senate Documents. Lettered at various times "State Papers;" Senate Papers," and " Senate Documents'. 13th Congress, 2d Session. 1 vol. 13th Congress, 3d Session. 1 vol. 14th Congress, 1st Session. 1 vol. fol. 15th Congress, 1st Session. No. I to 193. 2, vols. 15th Congress, 2d Session. No. 1 to 102. 2 vols. 16th Congress, 1st Session, No. to 134. 4 vols. 46 C 2d Session. No. 1 to 118. 4 vols. 1.7th Congress, lst ession. No. 1 to 95. 3 vols. 2d Session. No. 1 to 43. 2 vols. 18th Congress, 1st Session. No. 1 to 80. 3 vols. 2d Session. No. I to 45. 4 vols. 19th Congress, 1st Session. No. 1 to 102. 5 vols. ^4Ch 2d Session, No. I to 72. 3 vols. 20th Congress, 1st Session. No. 1 to 207, 5 vols. 4C 2d Session. No. 1 to 106. 2 vols. 21st Congress, 1st Session. No. 1 to 146. 2 vols, C6 2d Session. No. 1 to 76. 2 vols. 22d Congress, 1st Session. No. 1 to 182. 3 vols. 2 d Session. No. 1 to 85. 2 vols. 23d Congress, 1st Session. No. I to 514. 14 vols. 2d Session. No. 1 to 1 54. 4 vcls. 24th Congress, 1st Sessicni No. 1 to 430. 6 volso STATE PAPERS. 325 Senate Documents. 24th Congress, 2d Session, No. I to 226. 3 vols. 25th Congress, 1st Session. No. 1 to 37. 1 vol.'< 2d Session. No. 1 to 509. 6 vols. cc 3d Session. No. I to 307. 5 vols. 26th CongTess, 1stSession. No, 1 to 621. 8 vols. 2d Session. No. 1 to 238. 5 vols. Vol. 5 in 2 parts Total, 6 vols. 27th Congress, ist Session. No. 1 to 124. 1 vol. 2d Session. No. 1 to 444. 5 vols. 3d Session. No. I to 247. 4 vols. 28th Congress, Ist Session. No. I to 243. 7 vols. 2d Session. No, 1 to 277. 11 vols. Vol. 10 in 2 parts. Total, 12 vols. 29th Congress, Ist Session. No. 1 to 490. 9 vols. 4 29d Session. No. I to 224. 3 vols. 30th Congress, 1st Session. No. 1 to 73. 8 vols. 30th Congress, Ist Session. Senate Reports, No. I to 243. 1 vol. 30th Congress, Ist Session. Miscellaneous Documents of the Senate. No. I to 155; 1 vol. 154 vols. Documents of the House of Representatives. Lettered at various times, " State Papers; " Executive Documents." 12th Congress, 2d Session. 2 vols. fol., and 3 vols. 8vo. (At the end of vol. 3 are a few of the Senate Documents of this Session.) 5 vols. 13th Congress, 2d Session. 2 vols. fol. and 2 vols. 8vo. No. I to 97. 4 vols. 13th Congress, 3d Session. 1 vol. fol. and 2 vols. 8vo. No. I to 73. 3 vols. 14th Ccngress, Ist Session. 2 vols. fol. and 2 vols. 8vo. No. I to 90, 4 vols. 14th Congress, 2d Session. 3 vols. fol. and 1 vol. 8vo. No. 1 to 9.. 4 vols. 15th Congress, 1st Session. No. I to 202. 8 vols. "4 32 Session. No. 1 to 150. 8 vols. 16th Congress, Ist Session. No. I to 122. 8 vols. 2d Session. No. 1 to 112. 9 vols. 17th Congress, Ist Session. No. I to 134. 9 vols. 6 2d Session No. 1 to 111. 10 vols. 18th Congress, 1st Session. No. 1 to 163. 12 vols. 4 2dc Session. No. 1 to 110. 8 vols. Vol. 7 in 2 parts. Total, 9 vols. 19th Congress, Ist Session. No. 1 to 184. 10 vols. 2d Session. No. 1 to 146. 9 vols. Vol. 7 in 3 paxts. Total, 11 vols. 326 STATE PAPERS. Documents of the Iouse of Representatives. 20th Congress, 1st Session. No. 1 to 288. 7 vols. 2d Session. No. 1 to 146. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, (5 wanting). 5 vols. 21st Congress" 1st Session. No. 1 to 126. 4 vols. 4r 2d Session. No. 1 to 140. 4 vols. 22d Congress, 1st Session. No. 1 to 303. 8 vols. 2d Session. No. 1 to 143. 3 vols. 23d Congress, 1st Session. No. 1 to 523. 6 vols. 2d Session. No. 1 to 199. 5 vols. 24th Congress, 1st Session. No. 1 to 298. 7 vols. "c 2d Session. No. 1 to 189. 4 vols. 25th Congress, 1st Session. No. 1 to 54. 1 vol. and an Atlas containing Maps o:f tlhe Kennebec River, I vol. 2 vols. 25th Congress, 2d Session. No. I to 467. 12 vols. 3d Session. No. 1 to 253. 6 vols. 26th Congress, 1st Session. No 1 to 265. 7 vols. 2d Session. No. 1 to 124. 6 vols. 27th Congress, 1st Session. No. I to 63. 1 vol. 2d Session. No. 1 to 293. 6 vols. 3d Session. No. 1 to 220. 8 vols. 28th Congress, 1st Session. No. 1 to 280. 6 vols. 2d Session. No. I to 239. 4 vols. Vol 4 has 2 parts. 5 vols. 29th Congress, 1st Session. No. 1 to 228. 8 vols. 2d Session. No. 1 to 124. 4 vols. 30th Congress, 1st Session. No. 1 to 86. 9 vols. 1st Session. Miscellaneous Documents of 1o of R. No. 1 to 100. 1 vol Index to H-ouse Documents, from 1789 to 1830 - 31. 1 vol. Index to House Documents, from 1831 to 1839. 1 vol. 250 vols. Reports of Committees. 16th Congress, 1st Session. No. 1 to 90. 1 vol. 2d Session. No. 1 to 70. 1 vol. 17th Congress, 1st Session. No. 1 to 111. 2 vols. 2d Session. No. 1 to 105. 2 vols. 18th Congress, 1st Session. No. 1 to 133. 2 vols. 2d Session. No. 1 to 90. 2 vols. 19th Congress, 1st Session. No. I to 232. 2 vols. C4 2d Session. No. I to 102. 3 vols. 20th Congress, 1st Session. No. 1 to 270. 4 vols. c" 2d Session. No. 1 to 104. 1 vol. 21St Congress, 1st Session. No. 1 to 416. 3 vols. 2d Session. No. 1 to 119. 1 vol. 22d Congress, 1st Session. No. I to 513. 5 vols. 2d Session. No. I to 128. 1 vol. STATE PAPERS. 327 Reports of Committees. 23d Congress, 1st Session. No. I to 560. 5 vols. 2d Session. No. 1 to 142. 2 vols. 24th Congress, 1st Session. No. 1 to 857. 3 vols. 2d Session. No. 1 to 327. 3 vols, 25th Congress, 1st Session. (None published'!) 2d Session. No. 1 to 1068. 4 vols. 3d Session. No. 1 to 325. 2 vols. 26th Congress, 1st Session. No. 1 to 716. 4 vols. 2d Session. No. 1 to 249. 1 vol. 27th Congress, 1st Session. (None published?) 2d Session. No. 1 to 1106. 5 vols. 3d Session. No. 1 to 296. 4 vols. 28th Congress. 1st Session. No. 1 to 582. 3 vols, cc 2d Session. No. 1 to 438. 1 vol. 29th Congress, 1st Session. No. 1 to 846. 4 vols. 2d Session. No. 1 to 90. 1 vol. 30th Congress, 1st Session. No. 1 to 840. 4 vols. 76 vols. Treasury Departmenf. Reports on the Finances: Reports of the Secretary of the United States. Prepared in Obedience to the Act of the 10th May, 1800, " Supplementary to the act entitled an act to establish the Treasury Department." To which are prefixed the Reports of Alexander Hamilton on Public Credit, on a National Bank, on Manufactures, and on the Establishment of a Mint. Printed by Order of the Senate of the United States. [The Reports are from 1790 to 1828. Washington, 1828 - 1829. 2 vols. Reports on the Finances: Reports of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, prepared in obedience to the Act of May 10, 1800. Supplementaryto the act entitled'"An act to establish the Treasury Department;" To which are prefixed. the Reports of Alexander Hamilton, on Public Credit, a National Bank, Manufactures, and the establishment of a Mint. Washington, 1837. 3 vols. (Fromi Hamilton to Woodbury, 1790 - 1836, inclusive.) Reports, Labelled " Treasury Letters, &c.", Containing: 1. Letters from the Secretary of the Treasury I Wm. H. Crawford], transmitting an Estimate of the Appropriations Proposed for the year 1820. 2. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting (Pursuant to a Resolution of the House of Representatives) a Statement of the Number of Acres of Land sold at the Several Land Offices from their Institution to 30th September, 1819. 3. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, in Obedience to a 328 STT.A TE PAPERS. Resolution of the House of Representatives of 1st March 1819. Transmitting Statements in Relation to the Condition of the Bank of the United States, and its Officers; Also Statements in Relation to the Situation of the Difierent Chartered Banks, in the Different States, and the District of Columbia &c. Read February 24, 1820. 4. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting Sundry Statements relative to the Internal Duties and Direct Taxes. Read December 17, 1819. 5. Report of Mr. Sanford, from the Committee of Commerce and Manufactures, made December 20, 1819. 6. Duplicate of the Report in Relation to the Bank, above enumerated in No. 3. All Bound in 1 vol. Letter from the Comptroller of the Treasury, Transmitting a List of the Names of such Officers as have not settled their Accounts within the year, for Moneys Advanced prior to the 30th September, 1821; A List of Accounts which have remained unsettled more than Three years prior to 30th September, 1821; And an Abstract of Moneys advanced prior to 3d March, 1809, on the Books of the late Accountant of the War Department, and which remained to be accounted for on the Books of the Third Auditor of the Treasury, on the 30th September, 1821. 1 vol. long 4to. Commercial Regulations: A Digest of the existing Commercial Regulations of Foreign Countries with which the United States have intercourse as far as they can be ascertained. Prepared under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury in compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives of 3d March, 1831. Washington, 1833-1836. 3 vols. 8vo. Commerce and Navigation: Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, with the Annual Statement of the Commerce and Navigation of the United States, For the Year ending September, 30, 1834. For the Year ending September 30, 1839. For the Year ending June 30, 1846. (Presented by J. V. L. Pruyn.) For the Year ending June 30, 1848. (Presented by John A. Dix.) 4 vols. 8vo. Treasurer's Accounts: Transmitted from the 1st Session of 16th Congress, to the 1st Session 19th Congress, inclusive; (1819 -20 to 1825-26.) 7 vols. Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of the United States, for the years 1795, 1810: 1813-14-15, (in one vol.); 181617-18, (in one vol.); 1819-20-21, (in one vol.); 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827, and 1828. 12 vols. fol. (753) STATE PAPERS. 329 Puiblic Accolrnts of the Receipts and Expenditures of the United States, from 1829 to 1846, inclusive. 18 vols. ~8 vo..eequisitions of the United States in Congress Assembled, on the States, August 2, 1786, October 11, 1787, and August 20, 1788. Official. Signed by Charles Thomson. And.Schedule of the Requisitions made on the States from 1781 to 1786, showing the quotas assigned to each, the amount paid thereon, and the balance dlue Iecember 31, 1787. Of ficial. Bated Register's Office, January 1, 1788. Bound in one vol. fol. (Presented. by John Hancock.).Messages, -c. President's Message: Message of the President of the'United States (George Washington,) to Congress, relative to France and Great Britain: Delivered December.5, 1793. With the Papers therein referred to. Philadelphia, 17:95. I vol. Message of the President (Thomas Jefferson,) transmitting a Roll of the Persons holding Office or Employment under the United States. Published by order of the Senate, February 16, 1802. Philadelphia, 1802. 1 vol. President s Messages: Messages of the President -f the United States, from the Commencement of the 2d session of the 15th Congress (November 19, 1818), to the Commencement of the 1st Session of the 16th Congress (December 7, 1819), both inclusive. Washington, 1818 - 1819. 1 vol. President's Message: Message from the President of the United States, on the state of the Union. With the Papers therein referred to. Read January 16, 1833. 1 vol President's Message and Documents, December 3, 1835. 1 vol. President's Message and Documents, December 7, 1842. 1 vol. President's Message and Documents, December 5, 1843. 1 vol. President's Message and Documents, December 3, 1844. 1 vol. President's Message and Documents, December 7, 1847. Presented by J. V.. L. Pruyn. 1 vol. Adams' (John Quincy) Report upon Weights and Measures (1817); and Hassler's (Ferd. Rod.) Comparison of Weights and Measures of Length and Capacity, Reported to the Senate of the United States, by the Treasury Department, in 1832. Washington, 1832. Bound together in I vol. Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Services, with their names and places of residence, as returned by the Marshals of the several Judicial Districts, under the act for taking the Sixth Census. Published by authority of an Act of Congress under the direction of the Secretary of State. Washington, 1841. 1 vol. 4to. Compendium of the Enumeration of the Inhabitants and Statistics SSTATE LIBRARY.] 21 330 STATE PAP ERS'. of the United States, as obtained at the Department of State/ from the returns of the Sixth Census, by Counties and Princiial Towns, exhibiting the population, wealth and resources of the country, &c. To which is added an abstract of each preceding Census. Prepared at the Department of State. Washington, 1841. 1 vol. fol. Statistics of the United States of America, as Collected and returned by the Marshals of the several Judicial Districts, under' the Thirteenth Section of the Act for taking the Sixth Census.. -Corrected at the Department of State, June 1, 1840. Published by authority of an act of Congress under the direction of the Secretary of State. Washington, 1841. I vol. Oblong folio. Congressional Debates and Reports (Lloyd's) Debates of Congress: The Congressional Register, or History of the Proceedings and Debates of the First House of Representatives of the United. States of America. (From 4th March, 1789, to February 23, 1790.) Containing an Impartial Account of the most interesting Speeches and Motions, and accurate copies of remarkable Papers laid before and offered to the House. Taken in short hand by Thomas Lloyd. New-York,, 1789-1790. 3 vols. Joseph Gales, Senior. The Debates and Proceedings in the Con — gress of the United States; with an Appendix, containing Important State Papers and Public Documents, and All the Laws of a Public Nature, with a Copious Index. From March 3, 1789, to March 3, 1791. Compiled from Authentic Materials, by Joseph Gales, Senior. Washington, 1834.o 2 vols. Callender. Political Register (The); or, Proceedings in the Session of Congress, commencing November 3d, 1794, and ending March 3d, 1795. With an Appendix containing a Selection of papers laid before Congress during that Period. By James Thomson Callender, Vol. 1. (Containing the Proceedings. to 13th January, 1795.) Philadelphia, 1795. 1 vol. Carpenter (Thomas). American Senator: Debates in the 2d Session, 4th Congress. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1796- 7. Debates in the Third Session of the Eleventh- Congress. Comprising the most Interesting Debates in both Iouses, in the Session commencing Dec. 1810. Published and Printed at the Office of National Intelligencer, 1811. 1 vol. Isaac Hill. Congressional Reporter (The). Containing a List of' the Members of the Twelfth Congress, the President's Message, the Public Documents, and the Debates on all Interesting Questions agitated during the Session, Commencing on the First Monday of November, 1811.. (By Isaac Hill.} Concord, 1811 -1812.. 2 vols. STATE PAPERS. 331 Gales and Seaton. Register of Debates in Congress, Comprising the Leading Debates and Incidents of the Several Sessions of Congress, from the 2d Session of the 18th Congress (1824 - 25), to the 1st Session of the 25th Congress, both inclusive, (1837). Together with an Appendix, Containing Important State Papers and Public Documents, and the Laws of a Public Nature Enacted during that Period. With a Copious Index to the whole. 14 vols. Bound in 29 parts. Washington, 1825 - 1837. 29 volumes. Minor and Challis. Public Documents, and Proceedings of the Twenty-third Congress, including the Leading Speeches on all Important Questions. New-York, (Published by Minor & Challis,) 1834. 1 vol. Duff Green. Register of Debates (The); Being a Report of the Speeches Delivered in the two Houses of Congress, Reported for the United States Telegraph. 23d Congress, 1st and 2d Sessions (December 20, 1833, to February 13, 1835). Published by Duff Green. Washington, 1834- 1835. 4 vols. Congressional Globe: Containing Sketches of the Debates and Proceedings, from the 1st Session of the 24th Congress, (1835 - 36,) to the 2d Session of the 29th, (1846 -7), inclusive. Vol. 3 to 16, inclusive. (Blair & Rives.) Bound in 16 volumes, 4to. Debates on the Treaty Making Power, 1796. See Law Catalogue. Debate on the Resolution relative to the Election of President and Vice-President, 1804. See Law Catalogue. Debates on the Judiciary. See Law Catalogue. Debate on the Right of Deposit, at New-Orleans. See Law Catalogue. CONNECTICUT, (JOURNALS, &C.) Senate Journals, May Sessions of 1843 -44 -45 - 46. 4 vols. House Journals, May Sessions of 1844-45-46 -49. 4 vols. Fourth Report of the Board of Commissioners of Common Schools' (1842.) 1 vol. Legislative Documents of May Session, 1846. 1 vol. Statistics of Certain Branches of Industry, for year ending October5 1845. 1 vol. II vols. FLORIDA. Senate Journal, 4th Session, 1848 - 49. 1 vol. House Journal, 4th Session, 1848- 49. 1 vol. 2 vols. ILLINOIS. Senate Journal, 1844 -45. 1 vol. House Journal, 1844 -45. 1 vol. Legislative Reports, 1839-40. 2 vols., in one. 332 STATE PAPERS. Legislative Reports, 1840-41. 2 vols., in one. Legislative Reports, 1844-45. 2 vols., in one. Legislative Reports, 1846- 47. 2 vols., in one. 6 vols. IOWA. Senate Journal, 1st General Assembly, Extra Session, 1848. Journal 2d General Assembly, 1848 -49. 2 vols. KENTUCKY. Senate Journals, 1847 and 1848, 1848 - 49. 2 vols. House Journals, 1847 and 1848, 1848 -49. 2 vols. Legislative Reports, 1843-44. 1 vol. 1844 - 45. 1 vol. 1845-46. 1 vol. 1846-47. 1 vol. 1848 - 49. 1 vol. 9 vols. Second Auditor's Reports, for Fiscal Years ending October, 1842 and 1846. Bound in 1 vol. (Presented by John Hancock.) LOUISIANA. Journal of the Convention called to Amend the Constitution, (1844 - 45.) 1 vol. Debates in the Convention called to Amend the Constitution, (1844-45.) 1 vol. 2 vols. MAINE. Report of the Joint Select Committee of the Senate and House of Representatives in Relation to the North Eastern Boundary of that State, made " Jan. 26,1828." Portland, 1828: And, Report of Charles S. Daveis, Esq., Agent, appointed by the Executive of the State of Maine, to inquire into and report upon certain Facts relating to Aggressions upon the Rights of the State, and of Individual Citizens thereof, by Inhabitants of the Province of New-Brunswick. Printed by Order of the Legislature. Portland, 1828. Bound together in One volume. Documents relating to the North Eastern Boundary of Maine. Printed by Order of the Legislature of Massachusetts. Boston, 1828. 1 vol. Report of Select Committee on the North Eastern Boundary, Made March 30, 1841. 1 vol. Documents printed by Order of the Legislature, Session of 1841. 1 vol. Documents printed by Order of the Legislature, Session of 1842. 1 vol. MARYLAND. Proceedings of the Convention of Maryland, 177 4-75 - 76. 1 vol. STATE PAPERS. 333 Senate Journal, 1777. 1 vol., folio. Senate Journal, 1841, 1842, 1843, and 1844. 4 vols. House Journal, 1841, 1842, 1843, and 1844. 4 vols. Governor's Messages, 1843, and 1844. 2 vols. 12 vois. MASSACHUSETTS, Journal of each Provincial Congress, held in 1774 and 1775, and of the Committee of Safety; with An Appendix on the Events of the 19th of April, 1775; Papers relating to Ticonderoga and Crown Point. William Lincoln, Editor. Boston, 1838, 1 vol. Journal of the Convention for Forming the Constitution of Massachusetts, 1779- 80 1 vol. Debates, Resolutions, and Proceedings of the Convention of Massachusetts, on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution, 1788. (See Pamphlets, vol. 30, in Miscellaneous Library.) Journal of Debates and Proceedings in the Convention of Delegates chosen to Revise the Constitution of Massachusetts. Begun and holden at Boston, November 15, 1820, and continued by Adjournment, to January 9, 1821. Boston, 1821. 1 vol. Collection of Documents of the Years 1831, 1832, and 1833. 3 vols. [This Collection does not appear to be Complete; and Documents of the Senate and of the House of Representatives are Contained in each volume. I Legislative Documents, Senate, from 1834 to 1839, inclusive. 6 vols. Legislative Documents, House of Representatives, from 1834 to 1839. 6 vols. Legislative Journals, Senate and House of Representatives, 1835. 1 vol. Journals of the Committees on the Revised Statutes, 1835. 1 vol. Reports of Revisers, of Revised Statutes, Parts 1,2, 3, and 4. 1 vol. Documents relating to the North-Eastern Boundary of the State of Maine. Printed by Order of the Legislature of Massachusetts. Transferred to Maine, which see. Reports of the Worcester Lunatic Asylum (4). Boston, 1837. 1 vol. Reports on Contested Elections, in the House, of Representatives, from 1780 to 1834, inclusive. By Luther S. Cushing. Boston, 1834. 1 vol. Statistics of Certain Branches of Industry in Massachusetts, in the Years ending April 1, 1837, and April 1, 1845. 2 vols. State Papers on'-Nullification and the Proclamation of the President, &c. Published by Order. Boston, 1834. 1 vol. Journal of the House of Representatives, 1808. 1 vol. (Presented by Lemuel Shattuck.) Rules of Order in the House of Representatives, for the Years 1848 and 1849. 121no. Boston, 1848-49. Bound in one vol. Presented by L. Shattuck. 28 volumes. 334 STATE PAPERS. MICHIGAN. Journals of the Territory. Journals of the Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan. Of 1st and 2d Sessions of 2d Council (November, 1826, and January, 1825). 2 vols., in one. 1 vol Of 2d Session of 3d Council (September, 1829). 1 vol.' Of 1st and 2d Sessions of 4th Council (May, 1830, and Januaryn 1831). 1 vol. Of 1st Session of 5th Council (May, 1832). 1 vol. Of 1st Session of 6th Council (January, 1834). 1 vol. Journals of the Slate. Journal of the Senate of the State of Michigan, 1837. 1 vol. Journal of the Senate, 1839. 1 vol. Journal of the Senate, 1841. 1 vol. Journal of the Senate, 1843 and 1844. 2 vols. Executive Journal of the Senate, 1844. 1 vol. Journal of the House of Representatives, 1839. 1 vol. Journals of the House of Representatives, 1842, 1843,1844. 3 vols. Senate Documents, 1839, 1842, 1843. 3 vols. Documents of the House of Representatives, 1839. 1 vol. Joint Documents of both Houses, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844. 4 vols. 23 vols. MissIssippi. Journal of the Senate, Regular Session, 1840. 1 vol. Journal of the Senate, Adjourned Session, 1841. 1 vol. Journal of the House of Representatives, 1840. 1 vol. Legislative Documents, 1844, (Presented by John Hancock.) I vol. 4 vols. NEW-HAMPSHIRE. Senate Journal and Journal of the House of Representatives, June Session, 1843. 1 vol. Senate Journal, 1848. 1 vol. House Journal, 1848. 1 vol. Report of Commissioner of Common Schools, June, 1848. 1 vol, 4 vols. NEW-JERSEY. Extracts from the Journal of Proceedings of the Provincial Congress of New-Jersey, held at Trenton, during May, June and August, 1775. Burlington, 1775. Reprinted by Order, 1835. Journals of the Provincial Congress held at Trenton, in October, 1775. Ordinance for regulating the Militia of New-Jersey, passed at the Provincial Congress. Trenton, October, 1775. Sr ATE PAPER. 335 journal of Proceedings of Provincial Congress and Committee of Safety of New-Jersey, January to March, 1776. (The four last bound in one volume.) 1 vol. New-Jersey Petitions, &c. The Petitions and Memorials of the Proprietors of West and East-Jersey, to the Legislature of New-Jersey. (Presented to the Legislature in January, 1775, and in June, 1783.) 1 vol. Journal and Votes and Proceedings of the Convention of New-Jersey. (Begun at Burlington, the 10th of June, 1776, and thence continued by adjournment, at Trenton and NewBrunswick, to the 21st of August following.) To which are annexed Sundry Ordinances, and the Constitution. Published by order. Burlington, 1776. Reprinted at Trenton, 1831. 1 vol. Eumencs ~ Being a Collection of Papers, to show the Errors and Omissions of the Constitution of New-Jersey, Established July 2, 1776, and the necessity of calling a Convention for Revision and Amendment. 8vo. Trenton, 1792. 1 vol..Journal of the Proceedings of a Convention to form a Constitution of the State of New-Jersey, begun and held at Trenton, May 14, 1844, to June 29, 1844. Trenton, 1844. 1 vol.'General Jssenbly. Votes and Proceedings of the 28th General Assembly. 2d Sitting, Feb,1804, to the 35th G. A. 1st Sitting, October, 1810. Bound in I vol (Wanting, 29th 2nd Sitting, and the 1st incomplete, and 34th.) Votes and Proceedings from 37th 2d Sitting, (1812,) to the 44th 3d Sitting, inclusive, (1819.) Bound in 1 vol. (Wanting 37th 1st Sitting, 38th, 42d 1st Sitting, 43d 2d Sitting, and 44th 1st and;2d Sittings.) Votes and Proceedings from the 46th (1821) to the 49th, inclusive, (1824.) Bound in 1 vol. (The 48th incomplete, and 49th wanting.) Votes and Proceedings of the 50th General Assembly, (1825) to the 71st (1847) inclusive. 22 volso Legislative Council. Journals and Proceedings from the 27th Session to the 35th, inclusive, (1802 to 1811.) Bound in I vol. Journals and Proceedings from the 37th to the 44th 3d Sitting, inclusive, (1812 to 1820.) Bound in I vol. (Wanting, 36th, 38th 41st 1st Sitting, 42d, 2d Sitting.) Journals and Proceedings, from the 47th to the 57th inclusive, (1822 to 1832.) Bound in I vol. (Wanting 45th, 46th, and the 48th is imperfect.) 336 STATE PAPPR: 1072 - 1660. History of the House of Commons, 1742- United States. 44Ti.xbelins History, House of Lors, Documents of the Senate, 13th Cong. 2 Timberlain's History, House of Lords, 16601- 1742. Sess. to 5Oth Cong. lst Sess. Parliamentary Deba.tes, 1668-1742. Documents of the H. R., 12th Conn. ~aO Parliamentary Debates, 1668-1774. Sess. to - th Cong. st ess. Woodfalls Parlia mentary D eba tes, es, 74 Index to Documents 1.789, 1839.'Woodfall's Parliamentary Debates, 1794 -5. Johnson's Parliamentary Debates, Conecticut. 1740 - 4. Legislative Documents 1846. Cobbett & I-ansard's Parliamentary History to 1803 Maine. Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, 1803- Documents relative to N. E. Boundary. 1849. Documents Legislative 1841 - 2. Mirror of Parliament, 18 8- 1841. Mass.ahusstfs. I"reland. Legislative Documents 1831 - 39. Parliamen. ary Rules andt Orders H1. R. 1848 - 9, Caldwell's Debates, 1763 - 4. Parliamentary Register, 1781 - 1797. Michigan, Senate Documents 1839, 1842 - 3r DIGESTS'. Joint Documents 1841 - 4. House Documents 1839. Americ,.. Aikin's Digest. (Alabama.) Mississippi. Alden & Van Hoesen s Digest. (M is- Documents 184 ^^ ~~ )*T i^^ t (s- Legislative Documents 1844. sissippi ) Bullard & Curry's Digest. (Louisiana.) NeJersey Clay s Digest. (Alabama.) Elmer's Digest. (New-Jersey.) New-Jersey Petitions 1775 -3, English's Digest. (Artansas.) Eumenes 12. Foster's Digest. (Georgia.) Gordon's Digest. (United States,) 1827. new-Yirl. Gordon's Digest. (United States,) 1844. Legislative Documents 1830, Graydon s Digest. (United States.) Senate Documents 1831 -48. Lislet's Digest. (Louisiana.) Assembly Documents 1831 - 48o Martin's Digest. (Louisiana.) Assembly B,11s 18:1'-. Morehe.dl & Brown's Digest. (Ken- Legislative Bills 1833-43,. tucky.) Senate Bills 184- - 6. STATUTE LAW AND STATE PAPERS. 369 Assembly Bills 1844 - 6. FINANCES. Convention Documents 1816. List of Convicts Discharged 1843. United States. Balloting Bool 1825. American State Papers3 (Finances) 3 New-York City Documents. vols. to 18'22. Reports on Finances. 1790-1328, OhiN. Reports on Finances. 17Y9 -1846. Legislative Documents 1843 - 4. Treasury Letters. 1819- 0-21. Treasurer's Accounts. 1819 - 26. Pennsg'lrli ci. Receipts and Expenditures. 1795, 1810p Legislative Documents 1833- 42, 1813 - 1846. Virgirinia.~ aia, Legislative Documents 1814 - 44 - 47. Accounts of Pennsylvania, 1776 - 99. Treasurers' Reports, 1825 -. 6, 188 - 9,British. 1831 - 2. Parliamenta y. City of liladclpia. Parliamentary Papers 1797. City of hadelpa. Protests (H. of L,) 1641 - 1738. Accounts of the Corporation, 1816 - 19. House of Commons Papers (1807, 1817) Receipts and Payments, 1833-4. (Girard 3 vols. Fund). House of Commons Papers, 47 vols. Receipts and Paymenls, 1833. Papers presented to Parliament 1813, 1815 - 16. Vermont. Report of the Auditor, 1846. Canada. Sessional Papers 1833 -5. Great Britain. Sessional Papers. Appendix to vols. 1, Annuities, Bank, Public Income, 17823) 4, 5. 9. 1H. of C. Repts, vol. II. Report oil Finance, 1797-8. H1. of Co Freach. Repts. vols. 12 and 13. Chanbher r:f Prers. Documents 1830 - 4g, France,. ('hawmber of Deptties Rapport au Roi, stir I'Administration des Documents 18-15 6. Finances, 1830. Legislative Doculments 1811 - 5, Compte Gn ra.l de 1'Administration des Finances, 1828, 1833 to 48. EDUCATION. Comrptes Rendus, pour les Exercises. 1828, 1833 - 42. UPnited States. Budgets des Depenscs &c. pour l'cxerelse, 1819, 1828, 1833 - 49. School Laws, (Florida). 1840. Administration Des Douanes, 1841-3. School Laws, (New-York. 1811. Tarif Des Douanes, 1814. School Laws, (Pennsylvania). 1848. Report of Coi-rs. of Common Schools, (Conn.) 1812. IMPEACI.MENTS. Report of Comrs. of Common Schools, (N. Hamp.) 1348. Journal of Senate, (U. S.), 1805. Minutes of Legislative Council, (New Great Bri'ain. Jersey), 1330 -7. Educational Returns, (Scotland). 1841. Journal of Senate (Pernsylvania), 1794. lf. of C. Papers. vol. 20. Warren Hastings' Trial. See Law CatEducation in England and Ireland. 1839- alogue. 41. H. of C. Papers. vol 21. State Trials. See Law Catalogue. France. Compte Rendu par le Ministre de L'In- INDICES. struction. 1814. Rapport fait l la Chambre des Deputies, Index to Laws United States, 1789 - 1827. (Thiers.) 1844. (Burch). Projet de Loi, sur l'Instruction prim- Indexto Documents 11. R. United States. aile. 1831. (1789 - 1839). Projet de Loi sur la lib-erti d'Ensigne- Index to Laws of Maryland, (1832 - 37). ment. 1847. Index to Laws of New-Yorl, (1777 - Projet (le Loi sur l'enseignment de la 1842). Medicine et Pharmacie. 1847. Index to Journals of Pcnate and Assembly Projet de IToi sur l'enseignment du New-York, (1777-95). Droit. 18417. Index to British S:atates (to. 18Z. (Lowndcs.) 370 CLASSIFICATION O Index to House of Commons Journals, Michigan. (1509-. 1779). Journal of 2d Council, 1826 - 7. Index to House of Lords Journals, (1547 - Journal of 3d Council, 182. Index to House of Commons Reports, J nal of 5hC ncl8 (ournal of 5th Council, 1834. Index to Bulletin Des Lois, (1789 1843). onal of t183. Journal of Senate, 1837. ~-=~LY Journal of Senate, 1839. JOURNALS. Journal of Senate, 1841. Journal of Senate, 1843 - 4. t United States. Journal of House, 1839. Jsurnal of House, 1842 4. Journal of 1st Colonial Congress, 1765. Journal of Continental Congress, 1774 - Mississippi. 88. Journal of Senate, 1810- L Journal of Continental Congress, 1775- Journal of ouase, 1840. 1787. (Secret). Journal of Convention, 1787. Journal of Senate, 1789 - 1815. Ham re Journal Executive, 1789- 1829. Journal of Senate, 1843. Journal of Senate, 1st sess. 1st Cong. to Journal of Senate, 1848. 1st sess 30th Cong. Journal of House, 1843. Journal of House of Representatives, Journal of House, 18-18. 1789 -1815. Journal of House of Representatives, New Jersey. 1st sess. 1st Cong. - 1st sess. 30th Journal of Provincal Congress,1775 - 6, Cong, Journal of Convention, 1776. b~o"ngt,~ ~Journal of Convention, 1844. Connecticut. Journal of General Assembly,1801 - 1810. Journal of General Assembly,1812 - 1819. Journal of Senate, 1843 - 6. Journal of General Assembly, 1821 - 1847, Journal of House, 1844 — 6. Journal of Legislative Council, 1802 -20. Journal of Legislative Council, 1822 - 44, Florida, Journal of Joint Meetings, 1802 - 29. Journal of Senate, 1848- 9, Journal of Senate, 1845 - 6. Journal of House, 1848 - 9. New ork. New- York. Illinois. Journal of Colonial Assembly, 1691-1776, Journal of Provincial Congress, 1775 - 7, Journal of Senate, 1844-5. Journal of Albany Committee of CorJournal of House, 18-4 - 5 respondence, 1775 - 8. Journal of Proceedings against DisaffeeIowa. ted Persons, 1776. Journal of Senate, 1848 -9 Journal of Senate, 1777 -81. Journal of Senate, 1783 - 1848. Kentuck, Journal of Assembly, 1777- 81. Journal of Assembly, 1785- 1848. Journal of Senate, 1847 -9> Journal, Index, from 1777 - 1795. Journal of House, 1847 - 9, Journal of Convention, 1821. Journal of Convention, 1846.. Louisiana,'Pennsylhania Journal of Convention, 1844 5. Pennsylvania Journal of Provincial Council, 1683 Maryland, 1700, Journal of H. R. 1682- 1707. Journal of Convention, 1774 -5 -6. Journal of H. R. 1726 - 1781. Journal of Senate, 1777 - 1841 4. Journal of Convention, 1789. Journal of House, 1841 - 4. Journal of Convention, 1776 - 1790. Journal of Convention, 1837. Massachusetts. Journal of General Assembly, 1781 -65 Journal of Senate, 1790 - 98 Journal of Provincial Congress, 1774-5. Journalof Senate, 1802 -7. Journal of Convention, 1779- 80. Journal of Senate, 1809 - 15. Journal of Senate and House, 1835. Journal of Senate, 1817 - 34., Journal of Committee on Revised Stat- Journal of Senate, 1838 - 41. utes, 1885. Journal of H. R. 1790 -3. Journal of House, 1808. Journal of H. R. 1798. Journal of H. R. 1802 -5. Journal of H. R. 1808 - 36. Journal of H. R. 1838 ^ 41o STATUTE LAW AND STATE PAPERS. 37 City of Philadelphia. Michiaan. Journal of Councils, 1835 - 40. Militia Laws, 1833. Nsuth Caroina. Xetv-Jersev. ^SnCth (Carolrna. Militia Laws, 1775. Journal of Senate, 1838 - 47b Militia Laws. 1833. Journal of House, 1838 - 47. New- York. Vermont. Militia Laws, 847. Journal of General Assembly, 1793. Virginia. PRISONS. Journal of Convention, 1775 - 6. Journal of Convention, 1778. English. Journal of Convention, 1829 - 30. House of Commons Papers, vols. 34 to Journal of Senate, 1778 - 9. 47 inclusive. Journal of Senate, 1785 - 90. Journal of House, 1776 - 90. French. Journal of House, 1843 - 4. Projet dte Lol sur les Prisons. Regime des Prisons. Wisconsin. Journal of Convention, 1846. Journal of Convention, 1847. RECORD COMMISSION, British. Acta Dominorum (Scotland) 1466 - 94. Journal of House of Lords, 1509 -1844. Acta Dominorum Concillii, (Scotland,) Index, 1519 - 1649. 1478 - 95. Index, 1660-1819. Acts of the Parliament (Scotland) 1124Calender to Journals, 1509 - 1826. 1707. House of Commons, 1547 - 1844. Ancient Calendars, &c, of the Treasury Index, 1547 - 1837. of the Exchequer. D'Ewes Journal (Elizabeth.) Ancient Laws and Institutes of England, fol. Canada. Ancient Laws and Institutes of England* Journal of Assembly, (U. C.) 131 -82. 8vo. Journal of Legislative Council (Pro- Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales. vince) 1841 - 6. fol. Journal of Legislative Assembly (Pro- Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales, vince) 1841 - 6. 8vo. Calendarium Inquisitionum. French. Calendarium Rotularum Chartarum. Journal of Chamber of Peers, 1830 - 1846. Calendarium Rotularum Patentium. Journal of Chamber of Deputies, 1845. Calendars of Proceedings in Chancery. (Elizabeth.) Catalogue of Manuscripts. (Cottonian MESSAGES. Library.) Documents Illustrating the History of United States, Scotland. President's Message, 1793 (Waslington.) Documents Illustrative of English HisPresident's Message, 1802 (Jefferson.) tory. President's Message, 1818 - 19 (Monroe.) Domesday-Book. fol. President's Message, 1833 (Jackson.)- Domesday-Book. Introduction. President's Message, 1835 (Jackson.) Ducatus Lancastriae Calendarium. President's Message, 1842 - 4 (Tyler.) Excerpta Rotulis Finium. President's Message, 1847 (Polk,) Fines sive Pedes Finium. Fcedera (Rymer's.) rnor' land. Harleian Manuscripts. (Catalogue.) Governor's Mressages, 1843- 4. Inquisitionurn in Capellas in Domini Regis. Firginia. Inquisitionum in officio Rotulorum Can. Governor's Messae, 18-17. cellarise Ieiberhii. Inquisitiones Nonarum in Curia Scac-~ carli. MILITARY LAWS. King's Council (Palgrave.) Landsdowne Manuscripts. United States, Magnum Rotulum Scaccarii. Army Regulationq, 1821. Magni Rotuli Pipe. Army Regulations, 1847. Magnus Rotulus Pipa. Military Laws, 1:18: (Cross.) Modus Tenendi Parliamentum, Military Laws, 1316 (Hetzel.) Parliamentary Writs. iPlacita de quo Warranto. 372 CLASSIFICAT ION OFPlacitorum in domo Caputulari. (iy of Xew- York. Privy Councl rof England Report on Police Department, l1-. Record of Caernarvon.ort on ater. Registrum Mlagni Sigilli Regum Scoto- t on W 2 orth Caroina. Rotuli Chartarum. C. Rotuli de Oblatis et Finibuso Report relative to Mecklenburgh Decla Rotuli Hundredorum. ration. Rotuli Curlie Regis. Rotuli Litteiar-ulm Clausarum. Pcnnsil laia. Rotuli Litera.litun Patentiumn. Report of Commissioners on Civil Code. Rotuli Normnani Rotuli de Liberate ac de Missis ct Prae- City of Philadelphia, Rotuulit Soa. Report of Watering Committee, 1834. Rotuli Scotia. Rotuli Selecti..South Carolina. Rotuli Originalium. Rotlulotuni Patentiuln Reports and Resolutions of General Rotulus Cancellarii. Assemblr, 183947. Statutes of the Realm. Taxatio Ecclesiastica Angliae et Wal- liae. IBRITISH. Testa de Nevile sive Liber Foedarumn Valor Ecclesiasticus. Pilzhmentary. Cooper on the Public Records. House of Commons Reports, 1715-1801. Cooper. Proposals for Genl. office. Reports on Roads and Bridges in ScotRecord Commilssson. (Paris, 1831.) land. H. C. Papers. vol. 1. Questions on lhe Public Records. Indian Law. Commissioners' Reports, Commissioners' Reports, vol. 2& 3. 1841. H. C. Papers. vol. 24. Recoril Comnisission, Genl. Report. Report on''obacco, Trade, &c., 1844. Record Commission, Papers antd Doc.i- II. C. Papers. vol. 25. ments Report on the Exchequer, 1831. H. C, Record Commission, Pamphlets. Paperss. vol. 27. Report on the afiairs of the British MuPell Recor.ts. seum, 1835. H. C. Papers. vol. 30. Pell Records. Issue Rolls HIen. 3 to Teno Bo wrings Report on Egypt and Candia 6. 1840. 11. C. Papers. vol. 31. Pell Recorls. Issue Rolls 44 Ed. III Report on Court of Chancery, 1826. Pell Recorcds. Issue Rolls, James l. Keport on Real Property, 1829-33. Report on Courts of Law, 1829-34. Report on Ecclesiastical Courts, 1832. REPORTS. Report on Criminal Law, 1824. Report on Criminal Law, 1834-43. Unlted States. Report on Statute Law, 18:35. Reports of Committees 16tIh to 0(th 1 lRel)pot on Public Business, 1848. Cotng.resg. Report on Civil and Criminal Justice, Adams' Report on Weights and Meas- (West Inies.) ures. nReports on Prisons, (ITome District) uI-I. C. Papers, vols. 34-40. Blinois. Reports on Prisons, (Northern and Easttern District,) vols. 41-42. Legislative Reports, 1339-41, 1844-7. Reports on Prisons, (Southern and Western,) vols. 43 - 45. Kentzucl.k. Reports on Prisons, (Scotland,) volso Legislative Reports, 18-52-9. 46- 47. Biaine. FRENCH. Report on N. E. Boundary, 1828, 1841 o o Peers. *Court of Peers. Massachusetts. French State Trials 1834-460 Report of Revisers, (Revised Statu'cs.) Chamber des leputies. Reports of Worcester Lunatic Asy- Bignon Rapport sir e Projetde Budget, lum. 184 Reports on Contested Elections. Official Reports, 1834-35 36-40 — N~ekw-~ ~~York. ~45. New- Yor,'c. Revisers' Reports on Revise.l Statutes, SLAVERY. 1827. Report of Commissioners of Code, 1848- F enrch 18149o Le Chevalier, Questions Coloniales. STATUTE LAW AND STATE PAI-ERS. 373 Abolition'De L'Csclavage. Compte G'nfral lte l'Ad(ministration do Patronage Des Esclaves. la Justice Civile, &c. Regime des Esclaves. Rapport, Regime de Penetcncier des Jeunes DeLinus. STATUTE LAWS. Mortalite ldans les Bagnes. United States. Laws 1st to 4th Cong. (Folwell.) STATE PAPERS. Laws 1st to 2d Sess. 29lh Cong. (Bioren and Duane s Ed.) United States. Laws 1st to 2d Sess. 29th Cong. (Story State Papers and Documents, (Wait and and Sharswood.) Sons, printers.) Statute; at Large, 1789, 1845. (Peters.) American State Papers, 1789, 1834. Session Laws, 1st Sess. 1st Cong. to 2d Gebhart's American and French State Ses.'iOth Cong. Papers, 1793 - 1800. Indian Laws, 1663 -1831. Public Lands, Laws, &c., 1810, 1838. Massachusetts. Revolutionary Claims, Laws, &c. State Papers on Nullification, 1834. A Alabama. Vermont. Session Laws, 1821 - 7. Vermont State Papers, 1775 - 1785. Session Laws, 1829. Session Laws, 1833 - 43. British. Session Laws, 1845 - 6. British and Foreign State Papers, 1821 - Aransas. 23, 1825- 30. Hardwicke s State Papers, 1300 - 17 6. Revised Statutes, 1838. (Ball& Roane.) bession Laws, 1836 - 46. Swedish. Connecticut. Diplomatorium Suecarium 1829 - 42. Cnne t Diplomatorium Dalecarlicum, 1842- 6. Laws, 1784. Statutes, 1796. Statutes, 18-1. Statutes, 1835. STATISTICS. Statutes, 1838. Revised Statutes, 1849. (Dutton, Wal. United States. do, & Fellows.) Census of Pensioners, 1840. Session Laws, 1798, 1804. Compendtium of Statistics, Inhabitants, Session Laws, 1821-24. &c., 184U. Session Laws, 1825 - 27. Statistics of United States, 1846. Session Laws, 1829 - 31. Session Laws, 1835 - 9. Connecticut. Session Laws, 1841 - 3. Statistics of Industry, 1845. Private Laws, 1789, 1842. Public and Private, 1844 - 8. Massachusetts. Statistics of Industry, 1845. Delaware. Revised Laws, 1829. British. Laws from 1700- 1817. Population of Great Britain, 1831. H. Laws from 1822 - 27. C. Papers, vols 1, 2, 3. Laws fom 1 - 33. Agriculture, 1833. H. C. Papers. Vol. 8. Laws of 18. Etmigration, 1826. H. C. Papers. Vol. 9. aws of 1837. Revenue anti Population, 1820 - 35. H. C Laws of 1839. Laws of 1841. Papers. Vols. 14, 15. Laws of 184. Statistical Reports of the Health of the L of 1843. Navy, 1830 - 36. H. C. Papers. Vol. Laws of 847. 26. Flort ida. Inventories of Estates, (South Sea Cor- F da. pany.) Laws, 1824-5. Session Laws, 1834 - 6. ) French. Session Laws, 1838 - 9. - Territory* Statistique de la France, 1835 -44. Session Laws, 1842-5. Francaises. Session Laws, 18-47- 9.tSae lancaises. Statistiques des Routes Royales de France. erg Compte G n'ral (1e 1'Administration de Laws, 1819-29. (Dawson) la Justice Criminelle. 374 CLASSIFICATION OF Hotchkiss' Statute Laws and State Pa- Laws, 1775 - 1783. pers. Perpetual Laws, to 1783. Session Laws, 1811 - 12. Revised Laws, 1823. (Stearns, Shaw & Session Laws, 1824. Metcalf.) Session Laws, 127 - 35. Revised Statutes, 1835 - 46. (Metcalf, Session Laws, 1837 -43. Mann ) Session Laws, 1847. Session Laws, 1780- 1849. Private ant Special Statutes, 1780 Illinois. 1805. Revised Laws. 1829. Revised Laws, 1833. Michigan. Revised Statutes, 184-1 (Brayman.) Laws, 1820. Session Laws, 1819 - 20. Session Laws, 1824- 5. ) Session Laws, 18.2 - 5. Session Laws, 1828 -'2. -Territory. Session Laws, 1830 - 1. Session Laws, 1834 -3S. ) Session Laws, 1831-5. Session La;.s, 185 -45. te. Session Laws, 188 - 47. Session Laws, 1817 - 9 St Revised Statutes, 1837 - 8. (Harrington Indiana. & Roberts.) Revised Laws, 1824. Revised Statutes, 1816. (Green.) Revised Laws. 1831. Mississippi. Revised Statutes, 1838. Laws, 182-1 - 38. Revised Statutes, 1843. (Bigger & Siatutes, 18-10. (Howard&Hutchinson.) Dunn.) Statutes, 1798-48. (Hutchinson.) Session Laws, 1822 - 3. Session Laws, 1817 - 0. Session Laws, 1x26 - 7. Session Laws, 1833. Session Laws, 1829 - 30. Session Laws, 1836. Session Laws, 1832. Session Laws, 1838- 42. Session Laws, 1834 - 6. Session Laws, 181846 - 48. Session Laws, 1838 - 49. Local Laws, 1843 - 5. Missouri. Local Laws, 1818 - 9. Revised Laws, 1825. Iowa. Revised Statutes, 18.34 - 5. Iowa. Revised Statutes, 1844 - 5. (Jones.) Session Laws, 1846. Session Laws, 18-0. Session Laws, 1848. Session Laws, 1826. Session Laws, 1828. Kentucky. Session Laws, 1830 - 33. Session Laws, 1810 - 12. Session Laws, 1836 -49. Session Laws, 1820 - 31. Session Laws, 1833 - 39. New-Hampshire. Session Laws, 1841 - 45. Laws, 1780. Session Laws, 1847 -8. Laws, 1797. Laws, 1840.. Louisian,. 2Revised Statutes, 1842. (3ell & Fox.) Session Laws, 182141 -2. Session Laws, 181 - 14 Session Laws, q818. Session Laws, 1846 - 9 S Session Laws, 1816. Session Laws, 1822 -5. Maine, Session Laws, 1827 - 8. Revised Laws, 1821. Session Laws, 1831- 3. Revised Statutes, 1840. (Eastman & Session Laws, 18'5 - 6. Everett.) Session Laws, 1838 - 49. Session Laws, 1823 - 4. Session Laws, 1826 - 48. New -Jersey. Proprietary Laws. (Leaming &. Spicer.) Maryland. Provincial Laws, 1703 -52. (Nevill.) Laws, 1765. (Bacon.) Provincial Laws, 1702- 76. (Allinson.) Revised Laws, 1799. (Kitty.) State Laws, to 1783. (Wilson.) Revised Laws, 1811. (Maxcy.) Revised Laws, 1800. (Paterson.) Laws from 1692- 183. (Dorsey) Revised Laws, 1800 - 11. (Bloomfield.) Sessiona 183 Revised Laws, 183 1. Re eLaws,18. Session Laws, 1844 - 5. Revised Laws, 1820 - 33. (Harrison) Session Laws, Index, 1832 - 7. Revised Statutes, 1827, Testamentary Law, (1638). (Dorsey.) Session Laws. 1776 - 79. Session Laws, 1781 - 86. Session Laws, 1789 - 90. Massrachsetts. Session Laws, 1795 - 92. Plymouth Colony Laws.. Session Laws, 1800 - 8. Massachusetts Colony & Province Laws. Session Laws, 1810. STATUTE LAW AND STATE PAPERS. 3 75 Session Laws, 1812. Session Laws, 1828 - 30, Session Law, 1814. Session Laws, 1832-49. Session Lawvs, l16. th C Sta uthes 1836 (Cariuthers&.chol. Session Laws, 1l - 499. Srivate Laws, 178 - 7. ( a Public Laws to 1790. (Grimke.) Statutes at Large, 1682- 1847. Colonial Laws, 1691. (raTennessee. Colonial Laws, 1691. -(radord.) Revised Laws, 1831. (Laywood and Colonial Laws, b191-1 71. (Baskethaa.) Cobbs.) Colonial Laws, 1 i91-171. -(Vanbchaac1 Statutes to 1836. (Caruthers & NicholColonSal Laws, I1 4 - s. State Law., 177 - 83. on8 RStae Laws, u78e - 91. ( u Session Laws, 1819 -20. t spencer.) Laws of the State, 183. R tate Law s, 183 uer. utler ssion La ws tate, 186. ler, & Spencer.) Statutes, 1787. r (ons 6 Vr-Session Laws, 182 9. iick.) Session Laws, 1831. State Laws, 1778 - 97. (Greenlea Session Laws, 18 1. Revised Law ession Laws, 1837. Laws, 1715-1. (Ireell.)t & Revise Statutes, 1839. Revised Laws, 1804-712 (Webster & Session Laws, 183. Sinr)Session Laws, 189 -44.7 Revised Laws, 1813. (Van ess & SeioLaws, -. Wood worth. Texas. Revised Statutes, 1829. (Due, Butler Laws of the Republic. 1836-9. L bpencer.) Laws of the State, 1839. Revised Statutes, 1836. (Duer, Butler Laws of theState, 184-6. Spencer.) Laws of the State 18438. Revise Statutes, 18 46 - 8. (Duer, But- Vermont. ler, & Spencer.) Statutes, 1787. Session Laws, 1798- 1849. Statutes, 1789. Private Laws, 1808 - 1b. Revised Statutes, 1787 - 91.7 ISndex, 1777 - 184. Revisend Laws, 1797. Cons itution adopted 1846. Revised Laws to 1807. North (Carolina. Revised Laws to 1824. (Slade.) Laws, 1715 - 91. (Iredell.) Revised Statutes, 1839. Reviseds Statutes, 1866 - 7. (Nash, Ire- Session Laws, 1792. dell and Battle.) Session Laws, 1794. Laws, 1791 -. (Martin.) Session Laws, 1796 -1800. Laws 18U1 -3. Session Laws, 1812 - 1. Laws 1810t- 12. Session Laws, 1813 - 40. Laws, 18 o2. Session Laws, 1813 - 5. Laws, 1824 -5. Session Laws, 1847 - 9. Laws, 18.7 - 35. Virscinin Laws, 18427- 49. Abridgment of Laws, 1720. Ohio. Abridgment of Laws, 1739. Revised Laws, 1831. Abridgment of Laws, 1768 - 1783. Btatutes, 1840. (Swan.) Abridgment of Laws to 1792. Session Laws, 1803. Revised Code, 1803. Session Laws, 1816. Revised Code, 1819. Session Laws, 1824- 5. Statutes at Large, 1619- 108. (Henning 8ession Laws, 1831-2. & Shepherd.) Session Laws, 1835 -49. Statute Laws, 1793. Penns-vlcania. Statute Laws, 1796 - 99. Proprietary Laws to 1742. Session Laws, 18( -13. ~~~~~~~~~~Session Laws, 18. Albany Ci -y Laws an. Orinances, 21. Provincial Laws to 1759. Session Laws, 181 - 45. Session Laws, 1811. Albany City 5aws and Ordinances, 1829, Provincial Laws to 1775. Session Laws 1847 -8. Revised Laws, 1776 - 17el. (McKean.) WiTsconsin. Revised Laws, 1790. Statutes, 1838. (Whitn.) Revised Laws, 170) - 1801. (Dallas.) Statutes, 1841. Revised Laws, 1700-1808. (Carey & Statutes, 1843. Territory. Bioren.) Statutes, 1818. Revised Laws, 1804- 5. (Thompson.) Statutes, 1848. Stte. Revised Laws, 1700 -1849. (Dunlop.) Statutes, 1819. Rhole Island. Local Lares. Providence Plantation Laws, 1647. Laws of the District of Columbia, 1790Revised Laws, 1798. 1831. Revised Laws, 1822. Albany City Charter and Ordinances, Public Laws, 1S-i4. 1686. Session Laws, 18( 6. Albany City Laws and Ordinances, 1791. Session Laws, 18 8. Albany City Laws and Ordinances, 1821. Session Laws, 1811. Albany City Laws and O)rdinances, 1829. Session Laws, 1819 26. Albany City Laws and Ordinances, 1832, 376 CLASSIFICATION OF Albany City Laws and Ordinances, 1837. 2e Serie. 12 Bruinair, An IV., a 27 Albany City Laws andOrdinances, 1841. Nivose, An VII. Albany City Laws and Ordinances, 18-15. 3e Serie. 19 Nivose, An VIII, a 27 FloBoston City Laws and Ordinances, 1834. real, An XII. Boston City Laws, 1834 and 1843. 4e Serie. 28 Floreal, An XII, a 26 Brooklyn City Charter and Ordinances, March, 1814. 1846. 5e Serie. 1 Avril, 1814, a 19 Mars, 1815. New-York City Charter, 1776. 6e Serie. 1 Mars, 1815, a 28 Juin, 1815. New-York Laws of State relative to city. 7e Serie. 25 Juin, 1815, a t16 Septembre, New-York Laws and Ordanances, 1812. 1824. New York CityCharter andl Kent's Notes. 8e Serie. 22Septembre, 1824, a Juillet, New-York Laws and Ordinances, 1838-9, 1830. 1815. 9e Serie. 27 Juiliet, 1830, a 24 Fevrier, Philadelphia City Charter. 1848. 10e Serie 24 Fev. 1848, a 7 Juillet, 1849. Election Lacws Table general depuis le 5 Mai, 1789, An Connecticut, 1842. 31, Iec., 1843. New-York, 1842. Code Civil. Code D'Instruction Criminelle. School Lnw.v. Code De Procedure Civile. Florida, 1849. Code De Commerce. New-York, 1841. Code Penal. Pennsylvenia, 1848. Code Rurale Des Campagnes. Recueil des Lois, 1837 -9. Recueil des Lois, 1841 -47. British. Great Brifain. French Colonies. Leges Anglo Saxonicam West I,dies. Leges Wallieme. Loix des Colonies Francaises, 1550Scobell's Ordinances. 1779. Statutes at Large, 1224 - 1847. Index to Statutes to 1830. (Lowndes) Spanish. Evans' Collection of Statutes. nis C Bowl ng's Collection of Statutes. Recopilsecion de leyes de los Regnos de Dowlings Collection of Statutes. (Irish las Indias, 1681 and Scotch). Les Leyes de Recopiltcion, 1775. Whitaker's Abstract of Admiralty Law. Regent's Canal Act. - Prusian. ~~Iret~lanld. iFrederician Code. IHreland. Darley's Collection of Statutes. Dutch. Groot Placaet Boeck. British Colonies. Isle of AMan. Swedish. Royal Ordinances. Lex Scripta, 1819. Royal Orinaces. American Pinntati)n,. Wingates Abridgement, 1701. TREATIES. West Indies. Amric Charibbee Leeward Isles, 1690 - 1730. Amerienn. Antigua 1725 - 1760. European Treaties. Vol. 8. Sta. at large. St. Christophers, 1711 - 1735. Indian Treaties. Vol. 7. Stat. at large. St. Christophers, 1711 - 1740. ndian Treaties, 1778 - 1837. Jamaica. Foreign. Revised Statutes, 1844. Treaties from 1788 - 1771. Entre la Grande Bretagne et L'Espagne. Upper Canada. Chalmers' Collection. Statutes by McFarlane, 1831. Jenkinson's Collection.:Hertslet's Collection. Canada. Treaty of Utrecht. H. C. Rep. vol. 1. Provincial Statutes, 1845- 6. Koch. Table dles Traites. Recueil des Traitez dte paix. French. Dumont. Corps Universel Diplomatiq. Bulletin Des Lois Et Actes du Govern- Barbeyrac. Supplement Univ. Diplom. ment. Traitez De Munster. Ire Serie. 1789 a 18Prairial, An II. France. Treaty with United States' 25 Prarial, An II. a 3 Bru- 1831. maire, An IV. CA TA.L OG U E OF- THE IS CEL L ANEOUS. WO R KS iN THE. NEWYORBK STATE LIBRARY, [ STATE LIBRARY.1 24 NoTE.-The Works in the Miscellaneous Department of the Library, when not anonymous, are lettered with the Author's name, and a brief title of the Workl In the subsequent Catalogue they are twice entered: once, Alphabetically, by the name of the author, and again, in a Systematic Classification, according to the nature of the subjects of which they treat. Each work is arranged on the shelves, Alphabetically, under the initial letter of the surname of its author. Anonymous works are lettered agreeably to their subjects, and placed, in like manner, under their initial letters. The octavos and smaller sized volumes are put on one set of shelves; the Quartos and Folios, separately, on other sets of shelves. There are, however, some few exceptions to this order. Periodical Works, such as Magazines, Registers and Reviews, Scientific Journals and Publications of Learned Societies, together with the Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias and Gazetteers, and other similar Works of repeated reference, are withdrawn from the general arrangement and placed by themselves, for more convenient consultation. The Warden Collection, added to the Library in 1846, it was thought advisable to keep, likewise, by itself. The Works of this Collection had been numbered by Mr. Warden, in his published Catalogue, as they followed in his Classification. These numbers have been cancelled, the works new numbered in their order in this Catalogue, and indicated by the capital letters W. C. (with the number.) The Maps, Charts, and Atlases have been treated in a somewhat similar manner, and arranged in the Catalogue among the other Maps and Charts. CATALO GUE. A. Abbot (Rev. Abiel.) D. D., and Abbot (Rev. Ephraim ) A Genealogical Register of the Descendants of George Abbot of Andover, George Abbot of Rowley, Thomas Abbot of Andover, &c. Compiled by. 8vo. Boston, 1847. Abbot (Rev. Abiel). Pamphlets. vol. 43. Abbot (Daniel). Pamphlets. vol. 45. Abbot (Jacob). A Summer in Scotland, by. 12mo. New-York, 1848. Abbot (John) and Smith (J. E.) The Natural History of the Lepidopterous Insects of Georgia, &c. 2 vols. folio. London, 1797. Abbot (John S. C.) Kings and Queens; or Life in the Palace. 12mo. New-York, 1848. Abeel (Rev. David). Life of. See Williamson. Abelard (P.) Ouvrages inedits d', par Victor Cousin. 4to. Paris, 1836. See France. Abell (Elizabeth). Recollections of the Emperor Napoleon, during the first three years of his Captivity on the Island of St. Helena. 2d Ed. 12mo. London, 1845. Abella (Manuel). Noticia y Plan de un Viage para Reconocer Archivos y Formar la Coleccion Diplomatica de Espana. 4to. Madrid, 1795. (Presented.) Abernethy (John). Hunterian Oration, for 1819, delivered before the Royal College of Surgeons in London. Pamphleteer, vol. 14. Abert (Lieut. J. W.) Report and Map of the Examination of NewMexico, made by. (U. S. Senate Document.) 8vo. Washington, 1848. (Presented.) Abert's Examination of New-Mexico. See Emory. Abrantes (Duchess d'.) Memoirs. 2d Ed. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1833 -1835. Abrantes (Duchess d'.) Memoirs of Napoleon, his Court, and Family. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836, 380 MISCELLANEOUS WORK S Academie Royale des Sciences. Histoire et Memoires. (1692 -3 1703, 1705-1733, 1736, 1739, 1742, 1760, 1762, 1768, 1769. 40 vols. 4to. Paris, 1692,. 1772. —-- W. C. 1. Academie Royale des Sciences. Nouvelle Table des Articles contenus dans les Volumes de 1PAcad6mie Rovale des Sciences de Paris,depuis 1666 jusquen, 1770. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 17751776. Academie des Sciences. Rapport sur les Nouveanx Procedes introduits dans Fart du Doreur. Pamphlets. 4to. Vol. 1. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Proceedings of the. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841-47. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Journal of the. 8vols 8vo. Philadelphia, 1837- 39. Acland (Rev. Charles). A popular account of the Manners and Customs of India. 12mo. London, 1847. Acosta (Christoph). Aromatum et Medicamentum in Orientali India nascentium Liber. 8vo. Antwerp, 1593.W-. C. 2. Acosta (Christoph). Histoire des Drogues et Medicamens qni naissent aux Indes. 8vo. Lyons, 1602. —WW. C. 3. Acosta (Christoph). Traicte des Drogues et Medicamens qui naissent aux Indes. 8vo. Lyons, 1602. —W. C. 4. Acosta (Emanuel) Rerum a Societate Jesu in Oriente, ad annumi usque a deipara Virgine, 1568. Commentarius Latinitate donatus. Accessere de Japonicus Rebus, Epistolarum Libri 111l. 12mo. Dilingce, 1571. Acosta (Joseph). De Novi Orbis Natura et Ratione. fol. Frankfort, 1602. See Bry. —-W. C. Acosta (Joseph). De Natura Novi Orbis et de Promulgatione Evangelii apud Barbaros. 8vo. Cologne. 1596.- W. C. 5. Acosta (Joseph). Histoire Naturelle et Morale des Indes, tant Orientalles qu'Occidentalles: trad. en Francois par R. R. Canxois. 8vo. Paris, 15 8. - W. C. 6. Acosta (Joseph). The Same. 8vo. Paris, 1606.- W. C. 7. Acosta (Joseph). Historia Natural y Moral de las Indias, etc. 2 vols. 4to. Madrid, 1792. —-W. C. 8. Acuna (Christophle d'.) Relatione de Ia Riviere des Amazones: trad. de 1'Espagnol, par M. de Gomberville. 4 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1682.-W. C. 9. Acuna (Christophle d'.) The Same. 12rmo.- W. C 10. Adair (James). History of the American Indians, 4to. London, 1'775.. Adair (Sir Robert). Historical Memoir of a Mission to the Court of Vienna, in 1806. 8vo. London, 1844. Adair (Sir Robert). Negotiations for the Peace of the Dardanelles, in 1808 - 09. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1845. Adam (Alexander). Roman Antiquities. 2d Am. Ed. 8vo. NewYork, 1814. MISCELL ANEOUS WORKS. 381 Adam (William.) of Canaan, Litchfield County, Connecticut Genealogy of the Adam Family. 8vo. Albany, 1848. t(Presented.) Adcms (Amos). History of New England. See American Tracts. vol. 3. Adams, (C. B.) First Annual Report on the Geology of Vermont. By C, B. Adams., State Geologist. 8 vo. Burlington, 1845. Second Annual Report on the same. Burlington, 1846. (Bound in one volume.) Adams (George). Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy. 5 vols. 8vo. (Plates, fol.) London, 1794. Adams (Hannal). Dictionary of all Religions. 8vo, New-York. 1817, Adams (Hannah). Summary History of New-England, with a Sketch of the American War 8vo. Dedham, 1799. Adams (Jasper). Elements of Moral Philosophy. 8vo. New-York. 1837. Adams (John), President. Letters, addressed to his Wife: Edited by Charles Francis Adams. 12mo. Boston, 1841. Adans (John), President. Selection of Eulogies pronounced on. Svo. Hartford. 1826.. —-W. C. 11. Adams (John), President. See Novanglus and Massachusettensis. Adams (John). History of Spain, to the Death of Ferdinand the Sage. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1793. Adams (John). Discourses on Davila. A series of Papers on Political History. Written in 1790., &c. By an American Citizen. 8vo. Boston, 1805. Adams (John). Twenty-Six Letters upon interesting subjects respecting the Revolution in America. Written in Holland in 1780. 12mo. New-York, 1789, Adams (John). Essay on Canon and Feudal Law, by. With a collection of State Papers, relative to the first acknowledgment of the Sovereignty of the United States of America. 8vo. London, 1782. Adams (John). Correspondence between the Hon.'and the late William Cunningham, beginning in 1803, and ending in 1812. 8vo. Boston, 1823. Adams (John Q.) Duplicate Letters: the Fisheries and the Mississippi. 8vo. Washington, 1822. —W. C. 12. Adams (John Q.) Lectures on Rletoric and Oratory, delivered at Harvard University. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1810. Adams (John Q.) Oration, in Quincy, Fourth of July, 1831. 8vo. Boston, 1831. Pamphlets, vol. 11. Adams (John Q.) An Eulogy on the Life and Character of James Monroe Fifth President of the United States; delivered at the request of the Corporation of the City of Boston, August 25, 1831. 8vo. Boston, 1831, 382 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Adams (John Q.) Letters on Silesia, written during a Tour through that Country in 1800 and 1801. 8vo. London, 1804. Adams (John Q.) The Jubilee of the Constitution; a discourse before the New-York Historical Society, April 30th, 1839. 8vo. New-York, 1839. Adams (John Q.) See Adams (Mrs.) and Lunt. Adams (John Q.) Letters on the Masonic Institution. 8vo. Boston, 1847. (Presented). Adams (John Q.) Oration on the Life and Character of Gilbert Motier de La Fayette, delivered at the request of both Houses of Congress, at Washington, Dec. 31st, 1834. 8vo. Washington, 1835. Adams (John Q.) Letters from, to his Constituents, in the Twelfth Congressional District of Massachusetts. To which is added, his speech in Congress, Feb. 9, 1837. 12mo. Boston, 1837. Adams (John Q.) Lives of James Madison, La Fayette, and James Monroe; with a sketch of the Author, by the Rev. Charles W. Upham. New-York, 1846. Pamphlets. Vol. 17. Adams (John Q.) Report upon Weights and Measures. Prepared in Obedience to a Resolution of the Senate, of the Third March, 1817. Philadelphia, 1821. 1 vol. Adams (John Q.) Poems on Religion and Society, by; with Notices of his Life and Character. By John Davis and Thomas H. Benton. 18mo. New-York, 1848. Adams (John Q.) Dermot McMorrogh, or the Conquest of Ireland. An Historical Tale, of the Twelfth Century. In four Cantos. 12mo. Boston, 1832. (Presented). Adams (John Q.) Plymouth Oration. Pamphlets. vol. 36. Adams (John Q.) Pamphlets. vol. 44. Adams (John Q ) Life of. See Seward, W. H. Adams (John Q.) Letters to H. G. Otis. Pamphlets. vol. 44. Adams (John Q.) On the Free Navigation of the St. Lawrence. See Canada, Tracts on. Adams and Jefferson. A selection of Eulogies in honor of; by Tyler, Cushing, Cambreling, Samuel Smith' Sheldon Smith, Sargeant, Win. A. Duer, P. Sprague, Shaw, Knapp, D. Webster, J. Sprague, Turner, Grundy, Johnson, Thornton, Wilkins and Wirt. 8vo. Hartford, 1826. Adams (Miss), Daughter of John Adams. Journal and Correspondence of.. Edited byher Daughter. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1841 -42. Adams (Mrs.) Letters: with a Memoir by her Grandson, Charles Francis Adams. 2d Ed. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1840. Adams (Mrs.), The wife of John Adams. Letters of, with a Memoir by her Grandson, Charles F. Adams. 4th Edition; with an Appendix containing the Letters of John Quincy Adams to his Son, on the study of the Bible. 12mo. Boston, 1848. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 383 Adams (Nathaniei) Annals of Portsmouth, comprising a period of two hundred years from the first settlement of the Town, &c. 8vo. Portsmouth, 1825. Adams (Samuel). An Oration delivered at the State House in Philadelphia, August 1, 1776. 8vo. London, 1776. Adams (William B.) English Pleasure Carriages; their Origin, History, Materials, etc. 8vo. London, 1837. Adanson (Michael). Voyage to Senegal, etc. Pinkerton, vol. 16. Addison (Joseph), and Others. Spectator. 10 vols. 12mo. NewYork, 1809-1810. Addison (Joseph). Remarks on several parts of Italy, &c. in the years 1701-2-3. l1mo. London, 1736. Addison (Joseph). The Freeholder; or Political Essays. l2mo. Dublin, 1751. Addison (Judge). Pamphlets, vol. 41. Addison (Lancelot). Account of West Barbary. Pinkerton, vol. 15. Adelung (Joh. Christoph). Historical Sketch of Sanscrit Literature, with numerous Additions and Corrections. 8vo. Oxford, 1832. Adler (G. J.) A Dictionary of the German and English Languages, 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1849. Adolphus (John). The Political State of the British Empire, containing a General View of the Domestic and Foreign Possessions of the Crown; the Laws, Commerce, Revenues, &c. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1818. Adolphus (John). The History of England, from the accession to the decease of George the Third. 7 vols. 8vo. London, 1840 -45. Adshead (Joseph). Prisons and Prisoners, with Illustrations. 8vo. London, 1845. Adventure and Beagle. Narrative of the Surveying Voyages of his Majesty's Ships Adventure and Beagle, between 1826 and 1836; describing their Examination of the Southern Shores of South America, and the Beagle's Circumnavigation of the Globe. vol. 1. Expedition under Capt. E. Parker King. vol. 2. Expedition under Capt. Robert Fitzroy. vol. 3. Appendix to vol.. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. 4Esop. Fables of Esop and others. Translated by S. Croxall. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1844. Affaires de l'Angleterre et de l'Amerique. 13 vols. 8vo. Antwerp, 1776 - 1779. — W. C. 13. African Repository and Colonial Journal; published by the American Colonization Society. 24 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1826 - 48. Agassiz (L.) Monographie des Poissons Fossiles du vieux Gres Rouge ou Systeme Devonien (Old Red Sandstone) des Iles Brittaniques et de Russie, ouvrage redige a la demande de 384 M ISCELLANEOUS W ORK S. L Association Britannique, &c., et presente i sa reunion Manchester, en 1842. 4to. With a folio volume of Plates. 2 vols. Neuchatel et Soleure, 1844. Agassiz (L.) Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles. Text in 5 vols. 4to. Plates 5 vols. folio. Neuchatel, 1843 -44. 10 vols. Agassiz (L.) and Gould (Augustus A.) Principles of Zoology &c., for the use of Schools and Colleges. Part I. Comparative Physiology. 12mo. Boston, 1848. Agassiz (L.) Twelve Lectures on Comparative Embryology, before the Lowell Institute. 8vo. Boston, 1849. Age of Reason. Defence of. Pamphlets. Vol. 29. Agnew (John Holmes). Eclectic Museum: United Series. 3 vols. 8vo. New-York and Philadelphia, 1843. Agricola (G. H.) Experimental Husbandman and Gardener, etc.: trans. from the German, by R. Bradley, 2d Ed. 4to. London, 1726. (Presented.) Agriculture. See Allen. Agriculture. Bibliographie Agronomique, ou Dictionnaire Raisonne des Ouvrages sur l'Economie Rurale et Domestique et sur l'Art Vdterinaire. 8vo. Paris, 1810. (Presented.) Agriculture. British Husbandry: exhibiting the Farming Practice in various parts of the United Kingdom, 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1834. Agriculture. Communicationsto the Board of Agriculture. 2dEd. 7 vols. 4to. London, 1804 - 181:1. Agriculture. Farmer's Magazine. 5th Ed. 4 vols. Svo. Edin-:burgh, 1802 -1803. Agriculture Francaise, par M.;M. Les Inspecteurs de l'Agriculture. Departments Du Nord, Haute Garonne, Hautes Pyrennees, Tarn, Cotes De Nord, Isere. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1843 -45. Agriculture. Quarterly Journal of. Edinburgh, 1829-43. 8vo. 13 vols. Agriculture. Journal of, New Series. 1843 -49. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1845 -49. Agriculture. Memoires d'Agriculture, etc., publies par la Societe d'Agriculture du Department de la Seine. 53 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1801-1845. (Presented.*) Agriculture. Memoirs of the New York Board. 3 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1821 -1824. (Presented.) Agriculture. On the Mildew of Wheat, and Choice of Seed Corn.:Pamphleteer, vol. 8. Agriculture. Transactions of the Agricultural Society of Massachusetts, for 1846 - 47- 48. Collected by Messrs. Palfrey and Calhoun, successive Secretaries of State. Bound in one vol. 8vo. (Presented.) eThe name of this Society was changed, by Royal Ordinance, to La Societe Royale et Centrale D'Agriculture. 16 vols. of the 1st Series and 37 vols. of the ast. MISCEL LANEO US WO RE S 385 Agriculture. Transactions of the New-York State Agricultural Society. 8 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1842-48. (Presented.) Agriculture. Transactions of the New-York Society for the Promotion of Agriculture. 4to. Nerrw-York, 1792. Agricultural Society of England. Journal of the Royal. 9 vols. 8vo. London, 1840 -45. Agricultural Tracts. Vol. 1. 8vo. 1822-1824. Aguero (Jose de la Riva). Exposicion acerca de su Concucta Politica en el Tiempo que Ejerci6ola Presidencia de la Republica del Perui. 8vo. London, 1824.- -W. C. 14. Aide-Memoire to the Military Sciences: Edited by a Committee of the Corps of Royal Engineers, in Dublin. 2 vols 8vo. London, 1845 - 48. Aikin (Arthur). Illustrations of the Arts and Manufactures; being a Selection from a series of Papers read before the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. 12mo. London, 1841. Aikin (John). Annals of the Reign of King George the Third. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1816. Aikin (Lucy). Memoirs of the Court of Charles the First. 2d Ed. 2 vols. London, 1833. Aikin (Lucy). Memoirs of the Court of Elizabeth. 3d Ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1819. Aikin (Lucy). Memoirs of the Court of James the First. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1822. Aime (J. J. Job). Narrative of the Deportation to Cayenne; and Shipwreck on the Coast of Scotland. Written by himself. 8vo. London, 1800. Ainsworth (Robert). Dictionary, English and Latin: abridged by Thomas Morell. 8vo. Boston, 1818. Ainsworth (W. Harrison). Windsor Castle, an Historical Romlance. 8vo. London, 1844. Aitzema (Lieuwe Van). Saken van Staat en Oorlogh, in, ende onmtrent de Vereenigde Nederlanden, 1621- 1669. 6 vols. in 7 fol. Hague, 1669 - 1672. Aitzema (Lieuwe Van). Vervolg van Saken van Staat en Oorlogh, in, ende omtrent de Vereenigde Nederlanden, 1669- 1697 en het sluyten der Ryswykse Vrede. 4 vols. fol. Amsterdam, 1685-1699. Akerly (Samuel). Essays on the Geology of the Hudson River and the adjacent Regions. 12mo. New-York. 1820,-W. C. 15. Akermian (John Y.) Numismatic Manual. 8vo. London, 1840. Albany. Report of a Committee appointed by the Common Council, to submit a Plan and Estimate for supplying the city with Water. Albany, 1846. Pamphlets. Vol. 23. Albany. Census of the City of Albany, 1814. (Manuscript.) Received from the Office of the Secretary of State. 8vo. 386 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Albany. Random Recollections of, from 1800 to 1808. 8vo. Albany, 1849. Albany Annual Register (Munsell's), for 1849. (2 copies.) 12mo. Albany, 1849. Albany Argus, 1813 -20 1826 -39, 1843 -49. 30 vols. folio. Albany City Guide, by Stephen Wilson. 16mo. Albany, 1845. Albany Commercial Directory. See Hunt, William. Albany Directory, by E. B. Child, 1831, 1832, 1838. 3 vols. Albany Directory, by L. G. GHoffian, 1837 - 38, 1839-40, 1845 - 46, 1846-47, 1847 - 48, 1848 - 49. 6 vols. Albany Directory, by G. I. Loomis, 1834- 5. (Presented.) Albany Evening Journal. 1835 - 1838, 1840 - 1843. 10 vols. fol. Albany Freeholder (The). Newspaper. Vols. 1 and 2. (Bound in 1 vol.) folio. Albany, 1845 -47. Albany Gazette, 1784 - 1845. 64 vols. fol. Albany Institute. Transactions of the. Vol. 1. 8vo. Albany, 1830. Albany Pocket Almanack, for the Year 1784, and the Ninth of American Independence. 18mo. (Printed by R. Ballantine, Albany.) Albert (Jacques). Etat de PrlEgypte. 4to. Paris, 1651. See Relations Veritables. W. C. Album Cosmopolite ou Choix des Collections de M. Alexandre Vattermare. Publie sous le Direction de M. P. Henrichs. folio. Paris, 1837. Alcala-Galiano (Dion). Relacion del Viage Hecho por les Goletas Sutil y Mexicana, en 1792, para Reconocer el Estrecho de Fuca.. 4to. (Charts, fol.) Madrid, 1802. —--. C. 16. Alcedo (Antonio de). Diccionario Geografico-Historico de las Indias Occidentales o America. 5 vols. 8vo. Madrid, 1786 - 1789. W. C. 17. Alcedo (Antonio de). Geographical and Historical Dictionary of the West Indies, etc.: trans. by G. A. Thompson. 5 vols. 4to. London, 1812 - 1815.W-. C. 18. Alden (Timothy). Collection of American Epitaphs and Inscriptions. with Occasional Notes. 5 vols. 16mo. New-York, 1814, Alden (Timothy). An Account of sundry Missions among the Senecas and Munsees. 18mo. New-York, 1827. Alden (Rev. Timothy). The Alleghany Magazine or Repository of Useful Knowledge. Vol. 1. 8vo. Meadville, 1816. Alderson (R. C.) Notes on Acre and some of the Coast Defences of Syria. Engineers' Prof. Papers, vol. 6. Alderson (R. C.) On Kyan's Process for the Preservation of Timber from Dry-Rot. Engineers' Prof. Papers, vol. 1. *This book was published by order of the King of Spain. It is the most important work on the Spanish claim to Oregon. See Westminster Review, Vol. 45. MISCELLANEOU S WORKS. 387 Alembert (J. le Rond d'.) Mathematiques. See Encyclopedie, Methodique.-W. C. Alexander (Rev. A.) Biographical Sketches of the Founder, and Principal Alumni of the Log College. 12mo. Princeton. 1845. Alexander (Rev. Archibald.) History of Colonization on the Western Coast of Africa. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1846. Alexander (J. E.) Transatlantic Sketches, comprising Visits to the most interesting Scenes in North and South America, and the West Indies. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1833-W. C. 19. Alexander (Rev. James W.) The American Mechanic and Working Man. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1847. Alexandria Aqueduct. Drawings of the Alexandria Aqueduct, Folio Atlas. Executive Documents, 25th Congress, 183738. Alfieri (Vittorio.) Autobiography: Translated and Edited by C. Edwards Lester. 12ro. New-York, 1845. Ali Bey. [Domingo Badia y Leblich.] Travels in Morocco, etc. 2 vols. 8 vo. (Plates, 4to.) Philadelphia, 1816. Alison (Arch.) History of Elrope, from the commencement of the French Revolution to the Restoration of the Bourbons. 10 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1839- 1842. Alison (Arch.) History of Europe. See Gould's Abridgment. Alison (Arch.) Miscellaneous Essays. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. Alison (Arch.) Principles of Population, and their Connexion with Human Happiness. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1840. Alison (Arch.) England in 1815 and 1845; or a sufficient and contracted Currency. Second Edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1845. Alison (Arch.) Atlas to Alison's History of Europe. Constructed by Alexander R. Johnston. Oblong 4to. Edingburgh, 1848. Alison (Arch.) The Military Life of the Duke of Marlborough, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1848. Alleghany Magazine (The). See Alden. Allen (A. B and R. L ) American Agriculturist; designed to improve the Planter, the Farmer, the Stock-Breeder, and the Horticulturist. 4vols. 8vo. New-York,1843-45. (Presented.) Allen (Ethan.) On the Claims of New-York to Vermont. 8vo. Hartford, 1774. Allen (Ethan.) Life Sparks's American Biography, vol. 1. Allen (Ethan.) Reason the only oracle of Man; or a Compendious system of Natural Religion. 8vo. Bennington, 1784. (In exchange for Duplicates.) Allen (Ethan.) See Vermont Controversy. llen (Col. Ethan.) A Narrative of his Captivity; written by himself; Fourth Edition. 12mo. Burlington, (Vt.) 1846. Mlen (Ethan.) Life of. See Moore. kllen (Ira.) Particulars of the Capture of the ship Olive Branch, with a Cargo of Arms, etc. 8vo. London, 1798.-W. C. 20. 388 M s cE LLANEO US W RK S. Allen (Paul.) History of the American Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. Baltimore, 1822. —W. C. C1. Allen (R. L.) Domestic Animals, History and Description, &Co 12mo. New-York, 1848. Allen (R. L.) M.D. A Historical, Chemical, and Therapeutical Analysis of the Principal Mineral Fountains at Saratoga Springs. Second Edition. 18mo. Saratoga Springs, 1848. Allen (I. L.) The American Farm-Book; or Compend of American Agriculture. 12mo. New-York, 1849. Allen (ThIomas.): amphlets. vol. 45. Allen (William.) American Biographical and Historical Dictionary. 8vo. Cambridge, 1809. Allen (William.) American Biographical and Historical Dictionary; containing an account of the Lives, Characters and Writings of the most eminent Persons in North America, from its first settlement. Second Edition. 8vo. Boston, 1832. Allen (Capt. William,) and Thomson (T. R. H1.) M. D. Surgeon R. N. Narrative of an Expedition sent by His Majesty's Government to the River Niger, in 1841, under the command of Capt. Trotter, R. N, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848. Allen (William.) Life of, with Selections from his Correspondence. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847. Alletz (Edward.) Harmonies de L'Intelligence Humaine. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1845 - 6. (Presented.) Allyn (John). Pamphlets. Vol. 46. Almanach Americain. 12mo. Paris, 1783.-W. C. 22. Almanach Americain, Asiatique, et Africain. See Rochetillac, P, de la.-W. C. Almanack. The MW:-tropolitan Catholic Almanack and Lady's Directory, for 1848 and 1849. 2 vols. 12mo. Baltimore, 1849. Almanacks, fiom 1841 to 1849, inclusive. In one vol. Printed by J. Munsell, Albany, 12mo. (Presented.) Almon (John.) Anecdotes of the Life of the Right Hon. William Pitt, Earl of Chathamn, with his Speeches. 7th Ed. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1810. Almon (John.) The Remembrancer, or Repository of Public Events. 17 vols. 8vo. London, 1775-1784. See American Revolution. Collection of Authentic Papers, etc. Alsop (Richard.) Poem. Sacred to the Memory of George Washington. Pamphlets, vol. 1. Alsop (Richard.) See Pamphlets, vol. 47. Altowan: or Incidents of Life and Adventures in the Rocky Mountains. By an American Traveller. Edited by James Watson Webb. 2 vols. l2mo. New-York, 1846. Amadis of Gaul: trans. from the Spanish by Robert Southey. 4 vols. 16mo. London, 1803. (Volume 1 wanting.) Amand-Malo (M.) Elements de Comptabilite. 12mo. Paris, 1841. (Presented.) MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 389 America. Description de PAmerique, et des parties d'icelle comme la Nouvelle France, Floride, les Antilles, etc. fol. Amsterdam, 1638.-W. C. 23. America. Discoveries and Settlements of the English in. Pinkerton. vol. 12. America: Or an Exact Description of the West Indies: More especially of those Provinces which are under the dominion of the King of Spain. Faithfully represented by N. N. 18mo. London, 1655. America. L'Amerique Decouverte, en Six Livres. 12mo. Autun, 1782. W. C. 24. America. L'Am6rique Dgliveree. Esquisse d'un Poeme sur l'Indcpendance de lAmerique. 2 vols. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1783.W. C. 25. America (North.) An Essay on the Trade of the Northern Colonies of Great Britain in North America. Published at Philadelphia. 8vo. London, 1764. America (North.) Nord-America oder nuestes Gemtelde der Nord Americanisehen Freistaten, von einem Wurtemburger. 16mo. Tubingen, 1818. W. C. 27. America (South.) Precis Historique sur la Revolution des Provinces-Unies de 1PAmerique du Sud, par A. F * *'. 8vo. Paris, 1819. -W. C. 28. America. True Interests of America Impartially Stated, (1776.) Pamphlets, vol. 8. America. Voyage d'Amerique, Dialogue en Vers, entre 1'Auteur et l'Abbl * * *. 12mo. Paris, 1786. —-. C. 26. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Memoirs. 4-vols. 4to. Boston and Cambridge, 1785 - 1818.- WT. C. 29. New Series. 3 vols. 1833 -48. 4to. Boston. Whole number 7. American Agricultural Association. Transactions of the. Part 1. 4to. New-York, 1846. (Presented.) American Almanac. 1830 -1850. 21 vols. 12mo. Boston. American Anecdotes, original and select. By an American. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1830. American Annals of Education and Instruction: a Continuation of the American Journal of Education. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 5 8, 9. 8vo. Boston, 1831 -1839.. American Annual Register, or Historical Memoirs of the United States, for 1796, by J. Callender. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1797. American Annual Register, 1825 -1833. By Joseph Blunt. 8 vols. 8vo. New-York. American Antiquarian Society. See Transactions and Collections, etc. American Apollo (The), containing the proceedings of the Historical Society, Political and Commercial Intelligence:. 8vo. Boston, 1791. 390 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. American Archives: a Documentary History of the English North American Colonies. Published by M. St. Clair Clarke and Peter Force. 4th Series, 1774 - 1776. 6 vols. 1-6. Fifth Series, 1776. 1 vol. fol. Washington, 1837-44. American Art-Union. Transactions of the, for the years 1846 -47 -48. 1846. See Pamphlets,vol. 23. (Presented.) 1847-48. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1848 -49. (Presented.) American Association for the Advancement of Science. Proceedings of tile First Meeting, held at Philadelphia, Sept., 1848. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. (Presented.) American Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb. See Deaf and Dumb. American Baptist Magazine (The) and Missionary Intelligencer. New Series. Vol. 1 to 10, inclusive. Vol. 12. Boston, 1817 - 32. 11 vols. 8vo. (The later vols. were published by the Missionary General Convention.) American Bible Society: Annual Reports, with an Account of its Organization, etc. 1816 - 1849. 3 vols. 8vo. New-York. (Vols. 1 and 2 presented by the Society, and vol. 3 by E. H. Pease & Co.) American Bible Society. History of the. See Strickland, W. P. American and Foreign Bible Society Reports, 1837-48. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York. (Presented.) American Colonies. The importance of the British Colonies in America to this Kingdom, with the State of their Trade. 8vo. London, 1731. American Colonies. State of the British and French Colonies in North America, with respect to the number of People, Forces, Forts, Indians, Trade, &c, In two letters. 8vo. London, 1755. American Colonies. The nat-ure and extent of Parliamentary Power considered, in some remarks upon Mr. Pitt's Speech, previous to the repeal of the Stamp Act. 18mo. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Journal, by John Holt, 1768. American Eclectic, or Selections from the Periodical Literature of all Foreign Countries. 4 vols. 8vo. New-York, 18411842. American Education Society. Annual Reports of the Directors of, from the 11th, (1827) to the 32d (1848) inclusive. In two vols. 8vo. (Presented.) American Gazetteer. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1762. American Historical and Literary Curiosities. See Smith (J. Jay). American Historical Magazine. (The) vol. 1. 6 nos. (Edited by Ebenezer Baldwin). New-Haven, 1836. American Home Missionary Journal, 1829 - 1848. 20 vols. in 10. 8vo. New-York. (Presented). American Home Missionary Society: Reports 1827 -1848. 4 vols. 8vo. New-York. (Presented). MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 391 American Husbandry: containing an Account of the Soil, Climate, etc., of the British Colonies in North America and the West Indies. By an American. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1775. W. C. 30. American Institute. See Transactions. American Journal of Education, 1826 - 1830. 5 vols. 8vo. Boston. American Journal of Agriculture and Science. See Emmons. Bement. Americhn Journal of Insanity. Edited by the Officers of the NewYork State Asylum at Utica. 5 vols. 8vo. Utica, 1844 - 49. American Kalendar, or United States Register, for New-Hampshire and the other States, for the year 1795. 12mo. London, 1795. American Literary Magazine. (The) Monthly, by T. Dwight Sprague. 8vo. 4 vols. 8vo. Albany and Hartford, 18471849. American Lyceum. Proceedings of the Convention held in NewYork, 1831, to Organize the National Department of the Institution. Pamphlets, vol. 9. American Lyceum. Proceedings of 1832. Pamphlets. vol 9. American Magazine. (The) New-York, Printed by Samuel London. December, 1787, to October, 1788. With plates. (In exchange for Duplicates). American Mariners, or the Atlantic Voyage. See Davis, J. American Masonic Record, and Albany Saturday Magazine, printed and published by E. B. Child. Vols. 1, 2, 3,and 5. 4 vols. 4to. Albany, 1827, 1828-31. (Presented.) American Medical and Philosophical Register. See Hosack. American Medical Association. Code of Ethics, of the. Adopted May, 1847. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848. (Presented). American Medical Association. (Transactions of the) Instituted, 1847. vol. 1. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848. American Memoranda, by a Mercantile Man during a Short Tour in 1843. 8vo. Glasgow, 1844.' American Military Biography, containing Lives, &c. of the Officers of the Revolution. Also the Life of G. M. La Fayette. 12mo. Printed for subscribers, 1825. American Monthly Magazine and Critical Review. (The) H. Bigelow & 0. L. Holley, Editors. 4 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1817-18. American Monthly Magazine. (The) First Series. 6 vols. Edited by H. W. Herbert and A. D. Patterson. Second Series. 6 vols. Edited by Charles F. Hoffman and Park Benjamin. The last number being for Oct. 1838. 12 vols. 8vo. NewYork, 1832- 38. (The last volume contains Addresses, by E. Everett, Strange, Van Arsdalen and Kent, which see.) American Museum, or Repository of Ancient and Modern Fugitive Pieces, 1787-1792: Edited by Matthew Carey. 13 vols. 392 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 8vo. Philadelphia. (From the Library of the late Bishop White, with his Autograph). American National Song Book. Compiled by William McCarty. 3 vols. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1842. American Oriental Society. Journal of the. vol 1. 8vo. Boston, 1849. American Ornithology. See Wilson, A. American Philosophical Society,. Transactions of the Iistorical and Literary Committee. vol. 2. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1838. This volume contains a Dissertation on the nature and character of the Chinese System of Writing, in a Letter from P.. SDu.Ponceau, L.L.D. to John Vaughan, Esq.] American Philosophical Society. Proceedings. vols. 2, 3 and 4. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1843 - 1847. American Philosophical Society. See Transactions. American Phrenological Journal and Miscellany. (The) Vol. 9. 0. S. Fowler, Editor. 8vo. New-York, 1847. American Pioneer. (The) A Monthly Periodical, devoted to the objects of the Logan Historical Society, or to the collecting and publishing sketches relative to the early settlement and successive improvement of the Country. (Edited by John S. Williams). Vols. 1 and 2. 8vo. Cincinnati, (Ohio), 1842 -43. American Protestant Association: Address of the Board of Managers. Pamphlets. vol. 8. American Quarterly Register. (The) Published by the American Education Society. Conducted at various times, by Rev. E. Cornelius, Rev. B. B. Edwards, and Rev. William Cogswell. 15 vols. 8vo. Andover and Boston, 1829-43. The title of vols. 1 and 2 was " Quarterly Register and Journal of the American Education Society." American Quarterly Register and Magazine. (The) Conducted by James Stryker. 2 vols 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848 - 49. American Quarterly Review. 22 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 18271837. American Rail Road Journal. Edited by D. K. Minor. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4to. New-York, 1831 - 32 - 33. American Register or General Repository of History, Politics, and Science, 1807 - 1810. See Brown (C. B). American Register, or Summary Review of History, Politics, and Literature. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1817. American Remembrancer: Essays, Speeches, ete., relative to the Treaty (Jay's) with Great Britain. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1795. American Review: a Whig Journal of Politics, Literature, Art, and Science. 6 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1845-47. New Series,'4 vols. 1848-49. Total, 10 vols. American Review of History and Politics, and General Repository (809.) MISCELLANEOUTS W ORKS. 393 of Literature and State Papers. (Edited by Robert Walsh.) 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1811 - 1812. American Revolution. Address and Recommendations to the States, by the United States in Congress assembled. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1783. Pamphlets, vol. 13. American Revolution. Collection of Authentic Papers, relative to the Dispute between Great Britain and America, 1764 - 1775. (Prior Documents.) 8vo. London, 1777. See Almon. American Revolution. Fall of British Tyranny, or American Liberty Triumphant, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1776. Pamphlets, vol. 13. American Revolution. Histoire Impartial de la Dernier6 Guerre dans les Quatre Parties du Monde. 3 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1785. W. C. 31. American Revolution. Impartial History of the War in America, to the end of 1779. 8vo. London, 1780. W. C. 32. American Revolution. Impartial History of the War in America, between Great Britain and the United States. 2d Ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1783. W. C. 33. American Revolution. Journal dcun Officier de l'Armee Navale en Am6rique,en 1781 et 1782. 8vo. Amsterdaml 783. —W.C. 34. American Revolution. Observations on the American Revolution, published according to a Resolution of Congress. 12mo. Providence, 1780. - W. C. 35. Americag Revolution. Recueil d'Estampes (16) representant les different Evenement de la Guerre qui a procure l'Independance aux Etats-Unis de l'Amerique. fol. Paris, 1789. W. C. 36. American Revolution. Historical Anecdotes, civil and military, in a series of Letters written from America in 1777 - 78. 8vo. London, 1779. American Revolution. Essays, Commercial and Political, on the real and relative interests of imperial and dependant States, particularly those of Great Britain and her dependencies; and on the dispute between this country and her American Colonies. With an Appendix, on the means of Emancipating Slaves without loss to their Proprietors. 8vo. Newcastle 1777. American Revolution. De Tumultibus Americanis, deque eorum concitatoribus, meditatio senilis. 8vo. Oxonii, 1776. American Revolution. A detail of some particular services performed in America during 1776 - 79; supposed to be chiefly taken from the journal kept on board the ship Rainbow, commanded by Sir George Collier. Printed for Ithiel Town. 12mo. New-York, 1835. American Revolution. A view of the evidence relative to the con[STATE LIBRARY.] 25 394 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. duct of the American War, under Sir William Howe, Lord Viscount Howe, and General Burgoyne, as given before a committee of the House of Commons, &c. Second Edition, 8vo. London, 1779. (Containing the evidence of Gen. Grey, Sir Guy Carleton, Capt. Money, Joseph Galloway, &c.) American Revolution. See Answer to the Declaration of the American Congress. American Revolution. Pamphlets, vol. 47. American Revolution. Importance of the British Plantations in America. 8vo. London, 1731. American Statistical Association. Collections of. Vol. 1, 8vo. Boston, 1847. American Tract Society. Proceedings of a Public Deliberative Meeting of the Board and Friends of, held in New-York, October, 1842, with the Docurents presented, &c. 12mo. New York, 1843. (Presented.) American Tract Society. 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th Annual Reports of, 1838 -43. Bound in one volume. 19th 20th, 21st, 22d, and 23d Annual Reports, 1844-1848. Bound in one volume. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1838-48. (Presented.) American Tracts. 9 vols. 8vo. (From 1761 to 1776.) [This Collection is said to have belonged to Mrs. Catharine Macauly.] Vol. 1. (1761 to 1769.) 1. A Discourse on the Christian Union, delivered before the Reverend Convention of the Congregational Clergy in the Colony of Rhode Island, assembled at Bristol, April23, 1760. By Ezra Stiles, A. M., Pastor of the Second Congregational Church in Newport. 8vo. Boston, 1761. [The Appendix contains a list of the Congregational Churches and Clergy in New England in 1760.] 2. An account of a late Conference on the occurrences in America, in a letter to a friend. London, 1766. [Written, according to Mr. Rich, by Joshua Steel.] 3. Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. (By John Dickinson.) Philadelphia, 1768. 4. A letter to a friend, containing remarks on certain passages in a Sermon, preached by the Right Rev. John, Lord Bishop of Landaff; before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign parts, in London, Feb. 20, 1767; in which the highest reproach is undeservedly cast upon the American Colonies. By Charles Chauncy, D. D., Pastor of'the First Church of Christ in Boston. London, re-printed, 1768. With a Supplement, containing an answer to the plea of T. B. Chandler, D. D., of New-Jersey, for American Bishops, MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, 395 wherein his reasonings are shown to be fallacious, and his claims indefensible. By a Presbyter in Old England. 1768. 5. The true sentiments of America, contained in a Collection of Letters sent from the House of Representatives of the Province of Massachusetts Bay to several persons of high rank in this kingdom; together with sundry papers relating to a supposed libel on the Governor of that Province, and a Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law. London, 1768. (Said to have been written by Thomas Hollis.) ~6. The Farmer's and Monitor's Letters to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. Williamsburgh, 1769. 7. Observations on several acts of Parliament, passed in the 4th, 6th and 7th years of his present Majesty's reign; and also on the conduct of the Officers of the Customs, since these acts were passed, and the Board of Commissioners appointed to reside in America. Published by the Merchants of Boston. Printed by Edes and Gill, 1769. 8. An address to a Provincial Bashaw. By a Son of Liberty. Printed in (the tyrannic administration of St. Francisco) 1769. Vol. 2. (1769.) i. The Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies reviewed; the several pleas of the Colonies in support of their rights, &c., &c., stated and considered, and the nature of their connection with, and dependence on Great Britain shown, upon the evidence of historical facts and authentic records. London, 1769. (Written by William Knox, Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.) 2, An Appeal to the World, or a Vindication of the town of Boston from many false and malicious aspersions, contained in certain letters and niemorials, written by Governor Bernard, General Gage, Commodore Hood, the Commissioners of the American Board of Customs, and others, and by them respectively transmitted to the British Ministry. Published by order of the town. Boston, 1769.:3. A Sermon preached before his Excellency Sir Francis Bernard, Bart. Governor, his honor Thomas Hutchinson, Lieut. Governor, &e., &c., May 31, 1769, being the anniversary of the election of his Majesty's Council of said Province. By Jason Haven, A. M., Pastor of the First Church in Dedham. Boston, 1769. 4. Letters to the Ministry from Governor Bernard, General Gage, Commodore Hood, and also Memorials to the Lords of the Treasury, from the Commissioners of the Customs, with sundry letters and papers annexed to the said memorials. Boston, 1769. 396 MISCELLANE OUS WORKS. Vol. 3. (1770.) 1. A Critical Commentary on Archbishop Seeker's letter to the Right Hon. Horatio Walpole, concerning Bishops in America. London, 1770. (Two copies in this volume.) 2. Additional observations to a short Narrative of the horrid Massacre in Boston, perpetrated in the evening of the 5th of March, 1770. Printed by order of the town of Boston, 1770. 3. Considerations on the expediency of admitting Representatives from the American Colonies, into the British House of Commons. London, 1770. 4. Observations on several acts of Parliament, passed in the 4th, 6th and 7th years of his Majesty's reign. Published by the merchants of Boston. Boston printed. London re-printed, 1770. 5. A short Narrative of the horrid massacre in Boston, perpetrated in the evening of the 5th of March, 1770, by soldiers of the 29th Regiment; with some observations on the state of things prior to that catastrophe. Printed by order of the town of Boston, 1770. 6. Extract of a letter from the House of Representatives of the Massachusetts Bay, to their Agent, Dennys de Berdt, Esq., with some remarks. London, 1770. 7. A concise Historical View of the difficulties, hardships and Perils which attended the Planting and Progressive Improvements of New-England, &c. By Amos Adams, A. M., pastor of the First Church of Roxbury. London, 1770. 8. An Appeal to the World, or a Vindication of the Town of Boston, from many false and malicious aspersions contained in a certain Letter and Memorial, written by Governor Bernard, General Gage, &c. Published by order of the Town.. London, 1770. 9. Letter to the Earl of Hillsborough, the Archbishops and Bishops, &c., on the late subversion of the political system of the glorious Revolution, &c., by appointing persons holding the Roman Catholic Religion to offices in H. M. Islands of Grenada, and the Grenadines, &c. By Pliny, Junior. London, 1770. Vol. 4. (1771 to 1775.) 1. A letter to the Governors of the College of New-York, respecting the collection that was made in this kingdom in 1762 and 1763, for the Colleges of Philadelphia and New-York, with Explanatory Notes, and letters between Alderman Trecothick and the Author. By Sir James Jay, Knt, M. D. London, 1771. MISCELLA NEO US W 0 R S. 397 2. The votes and proceedings of the Freeholders, and other Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, in Town Meeting, assembled according to Law. (Published by order of the Town.) October, 1772. Boston. S3. The Speeches of His Excellency Governor Hutchinson to the General Assembly of the Massachusetts Bay, at a Session begun on the 6th of January, 1773, with the Answers of His Majesty's Council, and the House of Representatives respectively. Boston, 1773. 4. A speech (by Bishop Shipley,) intended to have been spoken on the Bill for altering the Charter of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. London. 5. An address to Protestant Dissenters of all denominations, on the approaching Election of Members of Parliament, with respect to the state of Public Affairs in general, and of American Aftairs in particular. London, 1774. 6. A sermon preached before the incorporated Society for the propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, at their Anniversary Meeting in the Parish Church of St. Mary-le-Bon, Feb. 19, 1773. By the Rt. Rev. Jonathan Shipley, Lord Bishop of St. Asaph. London, 1774. 7. A friendly address to all reasonable Americans, on the subject of our Political Confusions; in which the necessary consequences of violently opposing the King's Troops, and of a general non-importation, are fairly stated. New-York, printed. London, re-printed, 1774. [Ascribed to Dr. Myles Cooper, President of Columbia College.] 8. Observations on the Act of Parliament, commonly called the Boston Port Bill, with thoughts on Civil Society and Standing Armies. By Josiah Quincy, Junior, Counsellor at Law in Boston. Boston, printed. London, re-printed, 1774. 9. Votes and Proceedings of the American Continental Congress, held at Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 1774. Containing the Bill of Rights, a list of Grievances, &c. Published by order of the Congress. Philadelphia, printed. London, re-printed, 1774. 10. Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress, held at Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 1774, &c., &c. To which is added, (being now first printed by authority) an authentic copy of the Petition to the King. London, 1775. 11. A letter to the Universities of Oxford and Canmbridge, in respect to the collection that was made for the Colleges of New-York and Philadelphia. By Sir James Jay, Knt, M. D.,'being a vindication of the Author, &c. London, 1774. 398 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Vol. 5. (1774.) 1. A new Essay (by the Pennsylvania FarmerF John Dickinson,) on the Constitutional Power of Great Britain over the Colonies in America, with the Resolves of the Committee for the Province of Pennsylvania, and their Instructions to their Representativesin Assembly. Philadelphia. London, reprinted., 1774. 2. American Independence, the Interest and Glory of Great Britain, in a series of Letters to the Legislature. London, 1774. [Said to be written by John Cartwright.] 3. The Patriot, addressed to the Electors of Great Britain. Second Ed. London, 1774. 4. An argument in defence of the exclusive right claimed by the Colonies to tax themselves, with a review of the Laws of England, relative to representation and Taxation. To which is added, an account of the Rise of the Colonies, &c. London, 1774. 5. A summary view of the Rights of British America, set forth in some resolutions intended for the inspection of the present Delegates of the People of Virginia, now in Convention. By a native and Member of the House of Burgesses, (Thomas Jefferson ) 2d Ed. Williamsburgh, printed. London, reprinted, 1774. [Mr. Jefferson, in his Memoirs, says of this pamphlet: It found its way to England, was taken up by the opposition, interpolated a little by Mr. Burke, so as to make it answer opposition purposes, and in that form ran rapidly through several editions."] 6. Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania (John Dickinson) to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. Philadelphia, printed. London, re-printed, 1774. Vol. 6. (1775.) 1. The Declaration by the Representatives of the United Colonies of North America, now in General Congress at Philadelphia, setting forth the causes and necessity of taking up arms; the letter of the twelve United Colonies by their Delegates in Congress to the Inhabitants of Great Britain; their humble petition to his Majesty, and their address to the People of Ireland. Collected together for the use of serious thinking men. By lovers of Peace. London, 1775. 2. The Principles of a real Whig,, contained in a Preface to the famous H-otoman's Franco Gallia. Written by the late Lord Viscount Molesworth, and now reprinted at the request of the London Association. London, 1775. 3. A review of the Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies, including a mode of determining the present dis MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 399 putes, finally and effectually, in a letter to the Author of a Full Vindication of the Measures of Congress, &c. By A. W. Farmer, author of Free Thoughts. New-York, printed. London, re-printed, 1775. 4. A letter to the Rev. John Wesley, occasioned by his calm address to the American Colonies. Bristol, 1775. 5, Tract 5. The respective Pleas and Arguments of the Mother Country, and of the Colonies, distinctly set forth, and the impossibility of a compromise of differences, or a mutual concession of rights, plainly demonstrated; with a Prefatory Epistle to the Plenipotentiaries of the late Congress of Philadelphia. By Josiah Tucker, D. D. Dean of Gloucester. Gloucester, 1775. 6. Considerations on the Measures carrying on with respect to the British Colonies in North America. Second Edition, with Additions, and an Appendix relative to the state of affairs on the Continent. London. [Ascribed to. M. Robinson.] 7. An appeal to the justice and interests of the People of Great Britain, in the present disputes with America. By an Old Member of Parliament. Second Edition. London, 1775. 8. The supremacy of the British Legislature over the Colonies, candidly discussed. London, 1775. 9. The thoughts of a Traveller upon our American Disputes. London, 1774. 10. A Sermon on the present situation of American affairs, preached in Christ Chuxch, June 23, 1775, at the request of the Officers of the Third Battalion of the city of Philadelphia and District of Southwark. By William Smith, D. D. Provost of the College in that city. Philadelphia, printed. London, re-printed, 1775. II.. Taxation no Tyranny; an answer to the resolutions and address of the American Congress. (By Dr. Samuel Johnson.) London, 1775. 12. An address to the Right Hon. L —- d M- sf-din which the measures of the Government respecting America are considered in a new light, with a view to his Lordship's interpoi sition therein. London, 1775. 13. The Law of Liberty. A sermon on American Affairs, preached at the opening of the Provincial Congress of Georgia. Addressed to the Right Hon. the Earl of Dartmouth. With an Appendix, giving a concise account of the struggles of Switzerland to recover their Liberty. By John J. Zubly, D. D. Philadelphia, printed. London, re-printed. 400 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Vol. 7. (1775.) 1. An appeal to the justice and interests of the People of Great Britain, in the present disputes with America. By an old Member of Parliament. Third Edition. London, 1775. 2. A second appeal to the justice and interests of the People, on the measures respecting America. By the author of the first. London, 1775. 3. Remarks on the Patriot, including some hints respecting the Americans, with an address to the Electors of Great Britain. 1775. 4. The speech of Edmund Burke, Esq on moving his resolutions for conciliation with the Colonies, March 22, 1775. 5. A letter to Edmund Burke, M. P. for the city of Bristol, and Agent for the Colony of New-York, in answer to his printed speech, said to be spoken in the House of Commons, on the 22d March, 1775. By Josiah Tucker, D. ID., Dean of Glocester. Glocester, 1775. 6. The present Crisis with respect to America considered. London, 1775. 7. A constitutional answer to the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's calm addresses to the American Colonies. London, 1775. 8. The Congress canvassed, or an examination into the conduct of the Delegates, at their grand Convention held in Philadelphia, September 1, 1774, addressed to the Merchants of New-York. By A. W. Farmer, author of Free Thoughts. New-York, printed. London, re-printed, 1775. 9. A Letter to Rev. John Wesley, occasioned by his Calm Address to the American Colonies. London, 1775. 10. The Evidence delivered on the Petition presented by the West India Planters and Merchants, to the Honorable the House of Commons, as it was introduced at the Bar, and summed up by Mr. Glover. 11. Free Thoughts on the Proceedings of the Continental Congress, held at Philadelphia, September 5, 1774; wherein their errors are exhibited, their reasonings confuted, &c., in a letter to the Farmers, &c., of North America in general, and those of the Province of New-York in Particular. By a Farmer. New-York, printed. London, re-printed, 1775. 12. A declaration of the Representatives of the United Colonies of North America, now met in General Congress at Philadelphia; setting forth the causes and the necessity of their taking up arms. Also, an Address from the twelve United Colonies, by their Delegates in Congress, to the inhabitants of Great Britain. 1775. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 401 13. Strictures on a Pamphlet, entitled " A Friendly Address to all reasonable Americans," on the subject of our Political Confusions, addressed to the People of America. Boston, 1775. 14. A letter to the People of Great Britain, in answer to that published by the American Congress. London, 1775. 15. Three letters to a Member of Parliament, on the subject of the present dispute with the American Colonies. London, 1775. Vol. 8. (1775 - 6.) 1. Observations on the nature of Civil Liberty, the principles of Government, and the justice and policy of the War with America, &c. By Richard Price, D.D. London, 1776. 2. An answer to the printed Speech of Edmund Burke, Esq., spoken in the Iouse of Commons, April 19, 1774, &c. London, 1774. [ Ascribed to Dr. Shebbeare.] Vol. 9. (1776.) 1. The right of Great Britain asserted against the claims of America, by an answer to the Declaration of the General Congress. Fifth Edition. London, 1774. Ascribed by Mr. Rich, on the authority of Sir James Mackintosh, to Sir John Dalrymple. 1 2. Considerations on the measures carrying on with respect to the British Colonies in North America. Third edition, with an Appendix. [Ascribed to Mr. Robinson.] 3. McFingal, a modern Epic Poem, on the Town Meeting. Philadelphia, printed London, re-printed. 1776. [By John Trumbull. 4. A further examination of our present American measures, and of the reasons and the principles on which they are founded. By the author of Considerations, &c. Bath, 1775. 5. Common Sense, addressed to the InhLabitants of America, &c., &c. A new edition. Philadelphia, printed. London, reprinted. 1776. [By Thomas Paine.] 6. Plain Truth, addressed to the Inhabitants of America. Containing remarks on the late Pamphlet, entitled " Common Sense, &c., &c. WNritten by Candidus. Philadelphia, printed. London, re-printed. 1776. 7. Additions to Comm'on Sense, addressed to the Inhabitants of America. Philadelphia, printed. London, re-printed. 1776. 8. The Pamphlet entitled "-Taxation no Tyrany,7 candidly considered, and its arguments and pernicious doctrines exposed and refuted. London. 402 M I SCE LLA N E OTUJ W ORKS. American Universal Magazine. (The) 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1797- 98. Printed by Richard Lee, Samuel H. Smith, &c. Amerique Centrale. Coup d'Oeil sur la Republique de la, et sur les Etats de Nicaragua et Costa Rica. Pamphlets. 4to. Vol. 1. Amerique. Voyages aux Cotes de Guin6e et en Amerique. Par Mr. N.. 12mo. m Amsterdaml 1719. Ames (Fisher). Oration, at the Old South Meeting-House in Boston, ou General George Washington. Pamphletsvol 1. Ames (Fisher). Works, with Notices of his Life and Character. Svo. Boston, 1809. Amussat (J. Z.) Memoires: Anus Artificiel; Tumeurs Fibreuses de l'Uterus; Retroversion de la Matrice. Bound in one vol. Svo. (Presented) Anabaptists. Caveat against the New Sect of Aimbaptists lately sprung up at Exon. (1714.)' Tiacts, vol. 3. Anacharsis. Travels. See BarthdlemyJ. J. Analectic Magazine. 16 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia.. 1813 -1820. Anburey (Thomas). Travels through the Interior Parts of America. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1789.- W. C. 37. Anderson (Adam). 1Historical and Chronological Deduction of the Origin of Commerce. 6 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1790. Anderson (Adam). The same. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1801. W. C. 38. Anderson (Christian). Sketch of the Life of, translated by Mary Howitt. 12mo. Boston, 1847. Anderson (Christopher). Annals of the English Bible. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1845. Anderson (David). Canada, or a View of the Importance of the British American Colonies, &c. 8vo. London,1814.- W. C. 39. Anderson (James). Collections relating to the History of Mary, Queen of Scotland. 4 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1727. Anderson (Robert), M. D. Life of Dr. John Moore. See Moore. Anderson (Rev. Rufus). Observations on the Peloponnesus and Greek Islands, made in 1829. 12mo. Boston, 1830. Andrews (Captain). Journey from Buenos Ayres through the Provinces of Cordova, Tucuman, &c. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1827.- W. C. 40. Andrews (James Petit). See Henry. Andrews (John). History of the War with America, France, Spain, and Holland. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1785.- W. C. 41. Andrews (Rev. Mr.), of Wallingford, Con. A Sermon preached at Litchfield, (Con.,) before a voluntary convention of the Clergy of the Church of England, of several Provinces in America, June 13, 1770. By -, a native of the Province. Small 4to. 1770. Andrews (Rev. William W.) The Correspondence and Miscellanies of the Hon. John Cotton Smith, LL. D., formerly Gov MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 403 ernor of Connecticut, with an Eulogy pronounced before the Connecticut Historical Society at New-Haven, May 27, 18467 by. 12mo. New-York, 1847. Angelo (ML.,) and D. de Carli. Curious and exact account of a Voyage to Congo. Pinkerton, vol. 16. Anghiera. See Martyr (Peter). Anghiera (Peter Martyr d'). De Rebus Oceanicis et Orbe Novo, Decades Tres; ejusdam praeterea legationis Babylonice Libri Tres. fol. Basil, 1533, —-W. C. 42. Angleterre et Anmrique. See Aftlires, &c. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New-York. 4 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1824 - 48. Annales de la Propogation de la Foi; Recueil Periodique, &c., Collection faisant suite aux Lettres Edifiantes. 19 vols. 8vo. Lyons, 1830 - 1847. Annales de la Societe Royale D'Agriculture de Paris, et Journal Special de l'etat et des progres du Jardinage. 2 vols., vols. 38,39. 8vo. Paris 1847-48. Annales des Haras et d'Agriculture. Publiees par une Societe, &c. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1846-48. (Presented.) Annales des Ponts et Chaussees. Memoires et Documents relatives a lart des constructions et an service de L'Ingenieur; Premiere Serie. 31 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1831-40. (Vol. 31 is an Index to the series.) (Presented.) Annales des Pouts et Chaussees. Memoires, &c. Deuxieme Serie. 15 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1841 -45. (Presented.) Annals of Philosophy, or Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture, and the Arts. By Thomas Thomson, M. D., F. R. S. 16 vols. Svo. London, 1813- 1820. Annals of Philosophy (The). New Series. 12 vols. 8vo. London, 1821 -26. Annals of the Propagation of the Faith. (A continuation of the "Lettres Edifiantes.") 6 vols. 8vo. Paris and London, 1840 -45. Annesley's Naval Achitecture. See Sullivan. Annuaire de la Societee Philotechnique. 8 vols, (bound in 4) 12mo. Paris, 1840 -47. (Presented.) Annuaire Meteorologique de la France, pour 1849. Par M. M. J. Haeghens, C. Martins, et A. Berigny; avec des Notices Scientifiques et des Series Meteorologiques, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1848. Annual Biography and Obituary, 1817 - 1837. -21 vols. 8.vo. London. Annual Register (Dodsley's), 1758-1848. 90 vols. 8vo. London. Annual Register. General Index1 1758-1819. 8vo. London Anson (George) Lord. Voyage round the World, by Richard Walter, 1740-1744. 4to. London, 1748.-W. C. 43. 404 MI SCELLA N EOUS WORKS. Anson (George) Lord. Voyage autour du Monde, en 1740 - 1744.' trad. de l'Anglois. 4to. Amsterdam, 1749.- W. C. 44. Anson (George) Lord. The same. 4vols 12mo. Paris, 1750. W. C. 45. Anson (Life of). See Barrow. Anispach (Lewis A.) History of the Island of Newfoundland and the Coast of Labrador 8vo. London, 1819. -.W. C. 46. Ansted (D. T.) The Ancient World; or Picturesque Sketches of Creation. 12mo. London, 18-7. Ansted. See Geological Journal. Ansted (David T.) The Gold Seeker's Manual. 12mo. New-York, 1849. Answer to the Declaration of the American Congress. Fourth Edition. 8vo. London, 1776. Antes (John). Observations on the Manners and Customs of the Egyptians; the Overflowing of the Nile, and the Plague. 4to. London, 1800. Anthon (Charles). Classical Dictionary. 8vo. New-York, 1841. Anthon (Charles). See Smith. Anthon (Charles E.) Pilgrimage to Treves, through the Valley of the Meuse and the Forest of Ardennes, in the year 1844. 12mo. New-York, 1845 Anti-Jacobin, or Weekly Examiner. 5th Ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1803. Anti-Jacobin. See Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin. Antilles. Histoire et Commerce des Antilles Angloises. 12mo. 1758. -W. C. 47. Anti-Masonic Documents, in one volume. 8vo. Containing, 1. The proceedings of the United States Anti-Masonic Convention, held at Philadelphia, September 11, 1830. Philadelphia, 1830. 2. Address of the United States Anti-Masonic Convention to the People of the United States. Reported by Myron Holley. Philadelphia, 1830. 3. Masonry the same all over the world. 4. Report of a Joint Committee of the Legislature of Massachusetts, on Freemasonry, March, 1834, with the Testimony and Documents received in evidence by the Convention. 5. Opinions of the late Chief Justice Marshall concerning FreeMasonry. 6. Vindication of General Washington from the stigma of adherence to Secret Societies. By Joseph Ritner, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; communicated by request of the House of Representatives to that body, on the 8th of March, 1837; with the proceedings which took place on its reception, together with a letter to Daniel Webster, and his reply. Svo. Boston, 1841. (Presented.) MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 405 Antiquarian (The) and General Review. Edited by William Arthur. 2vols. 8vo. Schenectady, 1845-47. Antiquaries (Northern Society of.) See Antiquitates Americanle. Antiquaries. (Northern Society of.) Antiquarisk Tidsskrift udgivet af det kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab. 1843 - 45. Forste Hefte. 8vo. Kjobenhavn, 1844. (Presented.) Antiquaries. (Northern Society of.) Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed udgivne af det kongelige Nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab. 1844-45. 8vo. Kjobenhavn, 1845. (Presented.) Antiquitates Americanae. Sive Scriptores Septentrionales Rerum Ante-Columbianarum in America. Edidit Societas Regia Antiquariorum Septentrionalium. 4to. Copenhagen, 1837. Antiquites Mexicaines. Expeditions du Capitaine Dupaix. Rechercles sur les Antiquites de L'Amerique du Nord et de L'Amerique du Sud, et sur la Population primitive de ces deux Continents. Par. M. Warden. Texte et Planches. 2 vol. fol. — W. C. 993. Anti-Slavery Documents. 8vo. 1837. Antonio (Nicolas). Bibliotheca Hispana. 2 vols. fol. Rome, 1672. - W. C. 48. Anville (J. B. B. d'.) Ancient Geography: from the French. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1814. Apes (William). An Indian and preacher of the gospel. Indian Nullification of the unconstitutional laws of Massachusetts, relative to the Marshpee Tribe, by. 12mo. Boston, 1845. Apes (William). A native of the forest. The experience of; comprising a notice of the Pequot Tribe of Indians. Written by himself. 18mo. New-York, 1829. Appleton's Library Manual. Containing a Catalogue Raisonne of upwards of 12,000 works. 8vo. New-York, 1847. Aquinas. (Thomas) Secunda Secunde Partis Summe Theologicae Sancti Thomas Aquinatis. 12mo. Lugduni, 1624. (Presented.) Arago (M.) Historical Eloge of Jas. Watt. Trans. from the French, by J. P. Muirhead. 8vo. London, 1839. Arago (M.) Tract on Comets, and particularly on the comet of October, 1832. Translated by John Farrar. 12mo. Boston, 1832. Aram (Eugene.) His Remarkable Trial. Pamphleteer, vol. 23. Archllologia, or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity. Published by the Society of Antiquaries of London. 31 vols. 4to. London, 1779 - 1846. Archalologia. Index. Vol. 1-30. 2 vols. 4to. London, 18091844. Archaeologia Americana. See Transactions. Archaeological Album (The.) See Wright. Archdale (John) Late Governor. A description of the fertile and 406 M ISCELLANEOU S WORK:S. pleasant Province of Carolina, &c. London, printed in 1707. 8vo. Charleston, 1822. Archenholtz (J. W. d'.) Histoire des Flibustiers. Trad. de'Allemand. 8vo. Paris, 1804 W. C. 49. Archimedes (Euvres: Traduits avec un Commentaire par F. Peyraud. 2d Ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1808. Architect (The). A Series of Original Designs, for Domestic and Ornamental Cottages and Villas, &c. Adapted to the'United States. By William H. Ranlett,architect. Vol. 1. 4to. NewYork, 1847. Architecture, Rudiments of ancient: with a Dictionary of Terms. 5th Ed. 8vo. London, 1821. Arfwedson (C. D.) United States and Canada, 1832 - 1834. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1834. Argensola (B. L. d'.) Conquista de las Islas Malucas, al Rey Felipe III. fol. Madrid, 1609.- W. C. 50. Argensola (B. L. d'.} Histoire de la Conquete des Isles Moluques par les Espagnols, par les Portugais, et par les Hollandois, trad. de'FEspagnol. 3 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1707. W. C. 51. Argensola (B. L. d'.) History of the Discovery and Conquest of the Moluccas and Philipines. (Books 1 and 2 wanting.) See Lawson. Ariosto. The Orlando of, reduced to 24 books, and translated by John -oole. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1791. (C. L.) Argyll (Duke of). Presbytery Examined; an Essay, Critical and Historical, on the Ecclesiastical History of Scotland, since the Reformation. 12mo. London, 1848. Arispe (M. R. d'.) Natural, Political and Civil State of Cohauila: trans. from the Spanish. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1814.-W. C. 52. Aristides. An examination of the various charges exhibited against Aaron Burr, Vice President of the United States; and a development of the characters and views of his political opponents. By Aristides. 8vo.. Philadelphia. Pamphlets. Vol. 22. Aristoteles. Dissertation upon Rhetoric: trans. by Daniel M. Crimmin. 8vo. London, 1811. Aristoteles. Ethics and Politics, with Notes, and Life of Aristotle, &c., by John Gillies. 3d Ed. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1813. See Gillies. Aristotle's Treatise on Poetry. Translated with Notes, and two Dissertations on Poetical and Musical Imitation. By Thomas Twining. 2d Ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1812. Armitage (John). History of Brazil, from 1808 to 1831, forming a Continuation to Southey's History of that Country, 2 vols, 8vo. London, 1836. — W. C. 53. MIS CE LANEOUS WORKS. Armstrong (Gen. John). A Treatise on Agriculture, with Notes. By J. Buel. 18no. New-York, 1845. Armstrong (Gen. John). Notices of the War of 1812. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1840. Armstrong (John). The History of the Island of Minorca. 8vo. London, 1752. Armstrong (Rev. Lebbeus). The Signs of the Times in Ten Lectures, on the Origin, Nature, Tendency and Alliances of the present popular Efforts for the abolition of Capital Punishment. 12mo. New-York, 1848. Armstrong (R.) Essay on the Boilers of Steam Engines. 8vo. London, 1839. Arnold (Benedict). Life. Spark's American Biography. vol. 3. Arnold (Thomas). Hlistory of Rome. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1840- 1843. Arnold (Thomas). Introductory Lectures on Modern History. 2d Ed. 8vo. London, 1843. Arnold (Thomas). Life and Correspondence, by A. P. Stan'ey. 2d Ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1844. Arnold (Thomas). Miscellaneous Works. 1st American Ed. 8vo. New York, 1845. Arnold (Thomas). History of the later Commonwealth, from the end of the Second Punic War to the Death of Julius Caesar, and of the Reign of Augustus; with a Life of Trajan. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1845. Arnold (Thomas). The same. I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1846. Arnott (Neil). Elements of Physics, or Natural Philosophy, General and Medical, with additions, by Isaac Hays, M.D. 1st American Ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1829. Arnould (M.) De la Balance du Commerce et des Relations Commerciales Exterieures de la France, dans toutes les Parties du Globe. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. Paris, 1791. —-W. C. 54. Arrianus. Opera. 3 vols. in 2. 8vo. Lemgovise, 1792. Arthur Mervyn. 2 vols. See Brown, (C. B.) Artillery Company (Ancient and Honorable). Boston. See Whitman. Artis (Edmund T.) Antediluvian Phytology, illustrated byJ a Collection of the Fossil Remains of Plants, peculiar to the Coal Formations of Great Britain. 4to. London, 1838. Art-Union (The). Monthly Journal of the Fine Arts, and the Arts Decorative and Ornamental. 2 vols. 9 and 10. 4to. London, 1847 - 1848. Arwidsson (Adolf T.) Collection of Swedish National Songs, chiefly of ancient times. 3 vols. 8vo. 1834-42. Stockholm, 1834. (Presented.) Ashburnham (John), a Narrative by, of his attendance on King Chadles the First, from Oxford to the Scotch army, and 408 MISCELLANEOUS. WORKS. from Hampton Court to the Isle of Wight. Never before printed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830. Ashe (Thomas) Travels in America, in 1806. 12mo. London, 1808. Ashmun (J.) Memoir of the Life and Character of the Rev. Samuel Bacon, agent at Liberia. 8vo. Washington, 1822. Asiatick Researches, or Transactions of the Society instituted in Bengal, for inquiring into the History and Antiquities, the Arts, Sciences, and Literature of Asia. 5th Ed. 12 vols. 8vo. London, 1806 -1818. Astle (Thomas). Origin and Progress of Writing, as well Hieroglyphic as Elementary, with some account of the Progress of Printing. 2d Ed. 4to. London, 1803. Astronomie. Observations Astronomiques, par MM de l'Academie Royale des Sciences. fol. Paris. W. C. 55. Atcheson (Nath.) A Compressed View of the Points to be Discussed in Treating with the United States, 1814. Tracts, vol. 7. Athenm Oxonienses. See Wood, Anthony. Athenian Letters, or the Epistolary Correspondence of an Agent of the King of Persia, residing at Athens during the Peloponnesian War. 3 vols. 8vo. Basil, 1800. Atherton (Charles H.) Pamphlets, vol. 45. Atlas (American). Historical, Chronological, and Geographical, according to the plan of Le Sage's Atlas. fol. Philadelphia, 1822. Atwater (Caleb) Remarks made on a Tour to Prairie du Chien, and thence to Washington city, 1829. 12mo. Columbus (O.) 1831. Atwater(Caleb). Thewritingsof. 12mlo. Columbus, 1833. Containing a description of the Antiquities discovered in the western country; and remarks on a tour to Prairie du Chien, and thence to Washington City, in 1829. Atwood (Thomas). History of the Island of Dominica. 8vo. London, 1791. -W. C. 56. Aubespine, (Sieur de'P.) Negociations, Lettres et Pieces Diverses relatives au Regne de Francois II, par Louis Paris. 4to. Paris, 1841. See France. Audiffret (J. B. d'.) Geographie, Ancienne, Moderne, et Historique. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1689-1694 - W. C. 57. Audubon (John James). Birds of America, from Original Drawings. 4 vols. fol. London, 1827 -1830. Audubon (John James). Ornithological Biography. 5 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1831 -1839. Audubon (John James) and Rev. John Bachman. Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America. 3 vols. fol. New-York, 1848. Audubon (John J.) and Bachman, (Rev. John) D.D. The Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America. Vol. 1. 4to New-York, 1846. (1276) MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 409 Augustini (Sancti Aurelii). Milleloquium Veritatis, olim a F. Bartholoin2eo, digestum. Edit. Tertia. Folio. Lutetie Parisiorum. 1649. (Presented.) Auldjo (John.) Sketches of Vesuvius, with short Accounts of its Principal Eruptions, from the Commencement of the Christian Era to the Present time. 8vo. London, 1833. Aulus (Gellius.) The Attic Nights of. Translated into English. By Rev. W. Beloe. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1795. Aurora Borealis. An account of the Aurora Borealis, seen near Cambridge, Oct. 24, 1847, together with those of Sept. 21, 1846, and March 19, 1847. Seen at the Cambridge Observatory. With twelve coloured Engravings. By John H. Morgan and John T. Barber of Cambridge. 8vo. Cambridge. (No year). Austin (J. M.) Voice to Youth: Addressed to Young Men and Young Ladies. Eighth Edition. 18mo. New-York, 1846. Austin (James T.) Life of Elbridge Gerry. 2 vols. Svo. Boston, 1828 - 1829. Austria and the Austrians. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1837. Avaux (C. de M.) Comte cl. Negotiations: trans. from the French. 4 vols. 16mo. London, 1754-1755. Avrigny (C. J. L. d'.) Le D6part de la Perouse, ou les Navigateurs Modernes. Poeme. 8vo. Paris, 1807.- W. C. 58. Azanza (J. de) et G. O'Farrill. Expos6 des Faits qui Justifient leur Conduite Politique depuis Mars, 1808, jusqu'en Avril, 1814: trad. de lFEspagnol, par M. Alexandre Foudras. 8vo. Paris, 1815. ~W. C. 59. Azara (Felix d'.) Essais sur l'Histoire Naturelle des Quadrupeds de la Province du Paraguay: trad. par Moreau Saint-Mery. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1801. W. C. 60. Azara (Felix d'.) Voyages dans PAm6rique Meridionale, avec une Notice par C. A. Walckenaer, et Notes par G. Cuvier. 4 vols. 8vo. (Atlas, fol.) Paris, 1809. —- W. C. 61. B. Babbage (Charles.) See Bridgewater Treatise. Babbage (Charles.) On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1832. Bache (Alexander D.) Superintendent of the Coast Survey. Report of. Showing the Progress of that Work, during the year ending October, 1847. 8vo. U. S. Senate Document. (Presented.) Bache (R.) Notes on Colombia, in 1822- 23, with an Itinerary of the Route from Caraccas to Bogota. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1827. [STATE LIBRARY.] 26 410 MISCELLAN E S WORKS. Bachmanr (John.) Observations on the Changes of Colour in Birds and Quadrupeds. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc., N. S. vol. 6. Back (Captain.) Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition to the mouth of the Great Fish River, &c., in 1833, 1834 and 1835. 8vo. London, 1836, Backus (Isaac.) History ofNew-England, with particular reference to the Denomination of Christians called Baptists. Vol 1. Boston, 1777. A Church History of New-England, vol. 2, from 1690 to 1784. By Isaac Backus. Pastor of a Church in Midrdleborotugoh, Boston, 1784. [At tthe end of vol. 1, are the following Pamphlets, bound with it: Isaac BackusPolicy as well as Honesty forbids the use of Secular Force in Religious Affairs. Boston, 1779. Samuel Stillnan-Election Sermon at Boston, May 26, 1 1779. Boston, 1779. Isaac Backus-Substance o f an Address to an Assembly in Bridgewater, March 10, 1779, previous to an administration of Baptism. Printed at Providence. I 2 vols. 8vo. ac.kus (Rev Isaac.) A Discourse on the Nature Lind Necessity of an Internal Call to preach the Everlasting Gospel, &c. 12mo. Boston, 1751. Bacon (Ezekiel.) Recollections of Fifty Years Since: a Lecture delivered before the Young cMe ns Association, of the City of Utica, Feb. 2,1843. 8vo. Utica, 1843. Bacon (Francis) Lord. De Dignitate et Augmentis Scientiarum. Works, vol 7. Bacon (Francis) Lord. De Sapientia Veterum. Meditationes Sa — crse. Epistole. Works, vol. 10. Bacon (Francis) Lord. Essays, Civil and Moral. Works, vol. 2. Bacon (Francis) Lord. History of the Reign of King H-enry the Seventh. Works, vol. 5. Bacon (Francis) Lord. New Atlantis. Works, vol. 2. Bacon (Francis) Lord. Novum Organurn, sive udicia vera de Interpretatione Naturte. Works, vol. 8. Bacon (Francis) Lord. Sermones Fideles, sive Interiora Rerum. Wiorks, vol. 10. Bacon (Francis) Lord. Works. 10 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. (Volume I wanting.) Bacon (John F.) Six Years in Biscay, 1830-1837. 8vo London, 1838. Bacon (Rev. Leonard.) Thirteen Discourses on the Completion of 200 Years, from the beginning of the First Churclh in NewHaven. Svo. NeTw —Havien 1839. Bacon (Nathaniel.) Life. Sparks's Amnerican Eiography, vol. 13. Bacon (Samuel.) Life of. See Asnhinun. Badeley (John) Narrative of the Extraordinary Cure performed by Prince Hohenlohe on Miss Barbara O'Connor. Pamphleteer, vol. 22. 'MISCELL A NEO US W ORK S. 411 Bailey (saac.) Americaln Naval Biography, compiled by. 12mo. Providence, (R. 1.) 1815. Bailey (J. T.) Historical Sketch of the City of Brooklyn and the surrounding neighborhood, &c. 12mo. Brooklyn, 1840. Bailey (N.) Universal Etymological English Dictionary. 8vo. London, 1773. Bailey. (Nathan.) English and German Dictionary. Edited by A. E. Klausing. 8th Edition. 8vo. Leipsic, 1792. Bailey (Robert.) Life and Adventures of, up to December, 1821; written by himself. 8vo. Richmond, 1822. (Plates wanting.) Bailey (Samuel.) Money and its Vicissitudes in Value, as they affect National Industry and Pecuniary Contracts, &c. 8vo. London, 1837. Bailey (Samuel.) Review of Berkeley's Theory of Vision, designed to show its Unsoundness. 8vo. London, 1842. Baily (A.)'Notice Historique De La Hotel-de-Ville de Paris, (1612 a 1839.) 8vo. Paris, 1840. (Presented.) Baillie (Robert.) Letters and Journals: Edited by David Laing. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1841. Baines (Edward.) History of the Wars of the French Revolution. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1817. Baird (Robert.) Visit to Northern Europe. 2 vols. l2mo. NewYork, 1841. Bajon. Meinoires pour servir a'PHistoire de Cayenne et de la Guiane Francoise. 2 vols. 8vo. Palris, 1777.~W. C. 62. Bajon. Voyage la Guiane et a Cayenne, en 1789. 8vo. Paris, 1797.- W. C. 63. Baker (Sir Richard). Chronicle of the Kings of England, from the Roman Government to the Death of King James. fol. London, 1679. Bakewell (F. C.) Natural Evidence of a Future Life, derived from the Properties and Actions of Animate and Inanimate Matter. 2dEd. 8vo. London, 1840. Bakewell (R.) Travels in the Tarentine: and Grecian and Pennine Alps, in 1820 - 1822. 2 vols. 8vo. London,1 1823. Balance (The) and Columbian Repository. Vol 1 1802. Vol. 2, 1803. Vol. 3,1804. Vol. 4, 1805. Hudson. Published by Sampsonl Chittenden:& CroswelL. (Vols. 2 and 3 presented.') Balance of Power in Europe. Plan for Establishing. Pamphleteer, vol. 4. Balbi (Ad&ien.) Essai Statistique sur le Royaume de Portugal et dc'Algarve, compar6 au.x autres Etats de F'Europe. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1822 —W. C. 64. Baldwin (Ebenezer.) Annals of Yale College from its foundation to the year 1831. 8vo. New-Haven, 1831. (Presented.) Baldwin (Thomas.) Universal Pronouncing Gazetteer. 8vo. Philacelphia, 1845 - 6. 412 MISCE LLANEOUS Wo R K S Baldwin (William) M. D., Surgeon U. S. Navy. Reliquise Baid'winianme: Selections from the Correspondence of the late. Compiled by William IDarlington. M. D. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1 843. Balfour (Francis.) On Sol-Lunar Influence in the Fevers of Ildia.. Asiatick Researches, vol S. Ball (Samuel). An account of the cultivation and manufacture of Tea in China, derived from personal observation, &c. 8vo. London, 1848. Ballantyne (Robert M.:) Hudson's Bay, or every day life in the wilds of North America. 2d Ed. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1848,. Ballantyne and Lockhart. 1. Refutation of the Misstatements and Calumnies contained in Mr. Lockhart's Life of Sir Walter Scott, respecting the Messrs. Ballantyne, by the Trustees and Son of James Ballantyne. 12mo. Boston, 1838. 2. The Ballantyne Humbug Handled, in a Letter to Sir Adam Ferguson, by the Author of the Life of Sir Walter Scott. 12mo.. Edinburgh, 1839. (Bound in one volume.) Baltimore Riot. Pamlphlets. vol. 8. Baltimore. View of. See Varle. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. Narrative of the Proceedinus' of the Engineers of the (Lieut. Col. S. H1. Long, and Captain Wm.. G. McNiell,) fiom its organization to its dissolution. 8vo. Baltimore, 1830. Bancroft (Aaron). An Essay on the Life of George Washington. 8vo. Worcester, 1807. Bancroft (Edward). Essay on the Natural History of Guiana. 8vo. London, 1769. W. C. 65. Bancroft (Edward). Experimental Researches concerning the Philosophy of Permanent Colours, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1814. Bancroft (George) History of the United States. 3d Ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Roston, 1838. Banfield (T. C.) and Weld (C. R.) The Statistical Companion by, 12mo. Londohn, 1848. Banker's Magazine, and State Financial Register, (The.) Devoted to the dissemination of Bank Statistics, State Statistics, Sound Principles of Banking and Currency, &c. 3 vols. 8vo. 1846 -49. Baltimore, 1847-49. Bank of England. Digest of Evidence on the Charter. 8vo. London, 1833. Banking in Ireland and America. See Gilbart, J. W. Bank Note Detector (Autographs.) See Thompson. Banks in Massachusetts. Returns of. See Massachusetts. Banks (Sir Joseph.) Voyage autour du Monde, 1768 -1771: trad. de l'Anglois par M. de Freville. 12mo. Paris' 1773..W. C. 66 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 413 Baraficoirt. Emancipation des Noirs. Lettres sur les dangers de cette mesure. 12mo. Paris, 1845. Barante (M. de). H-istoire des Dues de Bourgogne, de la Maison de Valois, avec des remarque. Parle Baron de Reiffenberg. 6th Ed. 10 vols. 8vo. Brussels, 1836. Barante (M. de.) See Bellaguet, L. See also France. Barbados. A short History of, from its first discovery and settlement to the present time. 8vo. London, 1768. Barbarities of the Enermy exposed, in a report of a committee of the U. S. House of Representatives, and the Documients. 12mo. Worcester, 1.814. Barbaroux (C. 0.) Resume de PHlistoire des Etats-Unis de'Amerique. 2d Ed. 16mo. Paris, 1824. W. C. 67. Barbe-Marbois. Complot d'Arnold et de Sir Henry Clinton contre les Etats-Unis d'Anmerique et contre G6enral le Washington. 8vo. Paris, 1816. — W. C. 68. Barbe-Marbois. Histoire de la Louisiane et de la Cession de cette Colonie par la France, etc. 8vo. Pa.ris, 1829. — W. C. 69. Barbe-Marbois. Journal d'un Deporte, ou IDeportation en Violation des Lois, en 1797. 2 vols. 16mo. Brussels, 1835. Barbe-Marbois. History of Louisiana, with an Essay on the Constitution and Government of the United States: trans. from the French. Svo. Philadelphia, 1830. Barber (John W.) Connecticut Historical Collections. 2d Ed. 8vo, New-Haven, 1837. Barber (John W.) History and Antiquities of New-England, NewYork and New-Jersey.. 8vo. Worcester, 1841. Barber (John W.) Massachusetts Historical Collections. 8vo. Worcester, 1841. Barber (John W.) and H. Howe. New-Jersey Historical Collections. 8vo. New-York, 1844. Barber (John W.) and H. Howe. New-York Historical Collections. 8vo. New-York, 1841. Barber (J. W.) Incidents in American History. 12mo. New-York, 1847. Barber (John W.) Pictorial History of the State of New-York. 8vo. Cooperstown, 1846. Barcia. See Cardenas z Cano, G. D, Barclay (Alex.) Practical View of the Present State of Slavery in the West Indies. 8vo. London, 1826. Barclay (Capt. of Ury) Agricultural Tour in the United States and Canada, with Miscellaneous Notes. l2mo. Edinburgh 1842. Barclay (John.) Sequel to the Diversions of Purley, with Remarks on Mr. Tooke's Work. 8vo. London, 1826. Barclay (J.) Joannes Barelaii, Argenis. 12mo. Parisiis, 1621. (Presented.) Bard (Samuel.) A Compendium of the Theory and Practice of Midwifery. 12mo. New-York, 1812. 414 M I SCE iL ANEO U S WORK, Baretti (Joseph.) Dictionary of the English and Italian Langnages. 2vols. 8vo. London, i839. Barhydt (David Parish.) Industrial Exchanges and Social Remedies, with a consideration on Taxation. In2mo. New-Yorkl 1819. Barker (E. H.) Claims of Sir Philip Francis to the authorship of Junius disproved. Pamphleteer, vol. 27. Barker (George P.) Life of. See Bryan. Barlues (Caspar.) Rerum in Brasilia Gestarum Historia: 12mo. Cleves, 1660. — W. C. 70. Barlow (Joel.) The Vision of Columbus: A Poem in Nine Books. Svo. Hartford, 1787. Barlow (Joel.) Advice to the Privileged Orders. See Pamphlets. Vol. 29. Barlow (Joel.) Dr. Watts' imitation of the Psalms of David, corrected and enlarged, by. To which is added a collection of Hymns. 18mo. Glasgow, 1786. (Presented.) Barlow (Joel.) Political Writings. 12mo. New-Yorl, 1796. (Presented.) Barlow (Joel.) The Columbiad. 4to. Philadelphia, 1807. Barlow (Peter.) Essay on the Strength and Stress of Timber, &c. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1826. Barlow (Peter.) Report on the Construction of the Liverpool and Mlan chester Railway. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1837. Barlow (Peter.) Treatise on the Manufactures and Machinery of Great Britain,, with a View of the Principles of Manufactures. By Charles Babbage. 4to. London, 1836. Barlow (Peter W.) On the Strain to which Lock Gates are subjected. Trans. Inst. Civil Eng. Vol. 1. Barlow (Rev. William.) An address on the duties of GovernmentY in reference chiefly to Public Instruction, with the outlines of a Plan for the application of the Smithsonian Fund to that object. 8vo. New-York, 1847. Barnatd, (D. D.) Discourse on the Character of Stephen Van Rensselaer, with an Historical Sketch of the Colony and Manor of Rensselaerwick. 8vo. Albany, 1839. Barnard (Daniel D.) Discourse on the Life, Character, and Public Services of Ambrose Spencer, late Chief Justice. Delivered by request, before the Bar of the City of Albany, January 5, 1849. 8vo. Albany, 1849. Barnard (Daniel D.) Speeches and reports in the Assembly of NewYork, at the annual Session of 1838. 12mo. Albany, 1838. Barnard (Henry.) Journal of the Rhode Island Institute of Instruction, for 1845-6. Edited by. Vol. 1. 8vo. Providence, 1846. Barnard (Henry.) School Architecture, or contribution to the improvement of School Houses in the United States. 8vo. New-York, 1848. MISCELLAN EOUS WORKS. 415 Barnard (W.) Bishop. Enquiry Concerning the Original of the Scots in Britain. Trans. Royal Irish Acad. Vol. 1. Barnes (George. Rigihts of the Imperial Crown of Ireland asserted and naiaintained against Edward Cooke, Esq. 2d ed. 8vo. Dublin, 1799. Barnes (William.) Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect, with a Dissertation and Glossary. 12mo. London, 1844. Barney (Mary.) Biographical Memoirs of Commodore Joshua Barney. 8vo. Boston, 1832. Baro (Roulox.) Relation du Voyage au Pays des Tapuies dans ]a Terre Ferme du Brazil: trad. de Hollandois. 4to. Paris, 1651. See Relations Veritables WV. C. Baron (John.) The Life of Edward Jenner, M. D. F. R. S., &. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. Baron (S.) Description of Tonqueen. Pinkerton, vol. 9. Baroncourt (Petit de). De la Politique des Normands pendant la conquete des Deux-Siciles. 8vo. Paris, 1846. (Presented.) Barr (Lieut. William ) Journal of a March for Delhi to Peshawur, and from thence to Cabul, including Travels in the Punjab. 12mo. London, 1844. Barrachin et Thilorier. Lampe Hydrostatique. Paris, 1828. Pamphlets. Vol. 18. Barrere (P.) Nouvelle Relation de la France Equinoxiale, contenant la Description des Cotes de la Guyane, &c. 12mo. Paris, 1743. —W-. C. 71. Barrington (Daines.) Miscellanies. 4to. Loidon, 1781. W. C. 72. Barrington (Daines.) On the Possibility of Approaching the North Pole; and Colonel Beaufoy, on a Northwest Passage. 8vo. New-York, 1818. Barrington (Daines.) The Probability of reaching the North Pole, discussed. 4to. London, 1775. Barrington (George.) Voyage Botany-Bay, avee une Description du Pays, des Mceurs, &c.: trad. de 1Anglois. 8vo. Paris, 1798.-~W. C. 73. Barrington (Sir Jonah.) Historic Memoirs of Ireland, comprising Secret Records of the National Convention, the Rebellion, and the Union 2d ed. 2 vols. fol. London, 1833. Barrington (Sir Jonah.) Historic Record and Secret Memoirs of the Legislative Union between Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. London, 1844. Barrow (John.) Collection of Voyages and Discoveries. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1765. - W. C. 74. Barrow (John.) Decouvertes des Europ6ens dans les differentes Parties du Monde: trad. de l'Anglois par M. Targe. 12 vols. 12nmo. Paris. 17C6.-W. C. 75. 416 MISCELLANEOUS WORK s. Barrow (John.) Account of Travels into the Interior of Southern Africa, in 1797 and 1798. 8vo. New-York, 1802. Barrow (John.) Chronological History of Voyages into the Arctic Regions. 8vo. London, 1818. Barrow (John.) Travels in China. 2d Ed. 4to. London, 1806..Barrow (John.) The Life and Correspondence of Admiral Sir William Sydney Smith, by. 2 vols 8vo. London, 1848. Barrow (John, jun.) Visit to Iceland, in 1834. 12mo. London, 1835. Barrow (John, jui.) Tour in Austripp Lombardy, The Northern Tyxol and Bavaria, in 1840. 12mo. London, 1841. Barrow (Sir John.) Life of Richard Earl Howe. 8vo. London, 1838. Barrow (Sir John.) Sketch of the Surveying Voyages of the Adventure and Beagle, 1825 - 1836. Geog. Soc. Journal, vol. 6. Barrow (Sir John.) Voyages of Discovery and Research within the Arctic Regions, from the year 1818 to the present time. 12mo New-York, 1846. Barrow (Sir John.) An Autobiographical Memoir of, including Reflections, Observations and Reminiscences, at home and abroad, from early life to advanced age. 8vo. London, 1847. Barrow (Sir John.) Bart. F. R. S. Life of George Lord Anson, Admiral of the Fleet, Vice Admiral of Great Britain. 8vo. London, 1839. Barruel (PAbbe.) Memoirs, illustrating the History of Jacobinism trans. from the French. 1st Am. Ed. Svo. Elizabethtown, 1799. Barry (Martin.) Researches in Embryology. Trans. Royal Soc., 1838- 1841. Barry, Opie and Fuseli. Lectures on Painting, by the Royal Academicians. Edited by Ralph N. Wornum. 12mo. London, 1848. Barry (William.) A History of Framingham (Massachusetts) including the Plantation, from 1640 to the present time; with a Notice of Sudbury, &c. 8vo. Boston, 1847. Baretti (Guiseppe.) Dictionary of the English and Italian Languages. Ninth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. Barstow (George.) The History of f, ew-Hampshire, from its discovery in 1514, to the passage of the Toleration Act in 1819. 8vo. Concord, (N. H.) 1842. Barthelemy (J. J.) Travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece: trans. from the French. 4th ed. 7 vols. 8vo, (Plates, 4to.) London, 1806. Bartholomew (Rev. Orlo.) Address delivered at Augusta, (Oneida Co.) Sept. 1847, on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Formation of the Congregational Church. 8vo. Hamilton, 1849. (Presented). Bartlett (John Russell.) The Progress of Ethnology. An account MISCELLANEOUS W ORKS. 417 of recent Archeological, Philological and Geographical Researches, &c. 8vo. New-York, 1847. Bartlett (John Russel.) Dictionary of Arnericanisms: A Glossary of words and phrases, usually regarded as peculiar to the United States. 8vo. New-York, 1848. Bartolomei Girolomo. L'America, Poema Eroico. 4to. Rome, 1650. Bartolozzi (Fr.) Ricerche Istorico-Critiche circa alle Scoperte d'Amerigo Vespucci. 12mo. Florence, 1789.- W. C. 76. Barton (Benj. S.) Memoir concerning the Fascinating Faculty ascribed to the Rattle-Snake. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc., vol. 4. Barton (Benj. S.) New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of America. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1797. —-- W. C. 77. Barton (James.) Address on the early Reminiscences of Western New-York, and the Lake Region of country, before the Young Men's Association of Buffalo, Feb. 16, 1848. (Presented). Barton (James L.) Sketch of the Commerce of the Lakes, and an account of the Business of the Erie Canal, done through Buffalo, in 1845 and 1846, &c. 8vo. Buffilo, 1847. (Presented.) Barton (William.) Life of David Rittenhouse. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1813. Bartram (John.) Life of. See Darlington. Bartram (John.) Account of East Florida. 8vo. London, 1769. Bartram (John.) Description of East Florida. 3d ed. 4to. London, 1769.-W. C. 78. Bartram(John.) Travels from Pennsylvania to Canada. 8vo. London, 1751. Bartram (William.) Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, &c. 8vo. London, 1792. W. C. 79. Bartram (William.) The Same. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1794. Bartram (William.) Voyage dans les Parties Sud de I'Amerique Septentrionale: trad. de l'Anglois par P. V. Benoist. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1800. —W. C. 80. Basanier (M.) Histoire Notable de la Floride. See Laudonniere, R. de. Bastiat (Fr.) Sophisms of the Protective Policy, by. Translated by Mrs. D. J. McCord. With an introductory Letter by Fr. Leiber. 12mo. New-York, 1848. Bastide (MAartin de la.) Memoire sur un Nouveau Passage de la Mer du Nord' la Mer du Sud. 8vo. Paris, 1791. W. C. 81. Bates (Ely.) Rural Philosophy, or Reflections on Knowledge, Virtue, and Happiness. 8vo. London, 1803. Bates (Isaac C.) Pamphlets. Vols. 36, 37. Bathurst, (Rev. Henry.) Memoirs of the late Dr. Henry Bathurst, Lord Bishop of Norwich. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1837. 418 MISCELLANEOUS W O RKS. Battel (Andrew.) Strange Adventures. Pinkerton, vol. 16. Bath and West of England Society Letters and Papers, on Agriculi ture, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Bath, 1802. Baverstock (James.) Observations on thie State of the Brewery, and on the Saccharine Quality of Malt. Pamphleteer, vol. 2. Bayard (James A.) Pamphlets. Vol. 46. Bayard (Ferdinand M.) Voyage dans i'interieur des Etats Unis, a Bath, Winchester, dans la Vallee de Shenandoah, &c., 1791. Second Edition. Paris, An VI. Bayard See Beyard. Bayle (Pierre.) Historical and Critical Dictionary: from the Frenchl with the Life of the Author by Des Maizeaux. 2d ed. 5 vols. fol. London, 1734-1738. Baylies (Francis.) Historical AMemoir of the Colony of New Plymouth. 2 vols. Svo. Boston, 1830. Baylis (Edward.) Arithmletic of Annuities and Life Assurance, or Compound Interest Simplified, &c. 8v.o. London, 1844. Beale, (Robert.) A report of the Trial of Coulnodore David Porter, U. S. Navy, before a General Court Martial, held at Washington, July, 1825. To which is added a Review of the Courtss Decision. 8vo. Washington, 1825. Beasley (Rev. Frederick ) D.. A Search after Truth in the Science of the Human Mind. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1822. Beatty (Rev. Charles.) Journal of a two months (Missionary) tour among the frontier inhabitants of Pennsylvania, with remarks on the langnage of some Tribes. 8vo. London, 1768. Beauchamp (A. de.) Histoire du Bresil, 1500-1810. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1815.~W. C. 82. Beauchamp (A. de.) L'Indclpendanee de l'Empire du Bresil, presentee aux Monarclues Europeens. 8vo. Paris, 1824.W. C. 83. Beaufoy (Mark.) Mexican Illustrations, indicative of the Present Condition of Society, Manners, etc., in Mexico, 1825- 1827 8vo. London, 1828. —"W. C. 84. Beaujour (F. de.) Apercu des Etats-Unis, depuis 1800 jusqu'en 1810. Svo. Paris, 1814. W —. C. 85. Beaujour (F. de.) Sketch of the United States, from 1800 to 1810 trans. from the French by W. Walton. vo. OLond.on, 1814. Beaujour (F. de.) View of the Colmmerce of Greece: trans. from the French by T. H. Horne. 8vo. London, 1800. Beaumarchais. Oeuvres de. 8vo. Paris, 1837. (C. L.) Beaumelle (M. V. A. la.) De FEmpire du Bresil, consider6 sous ses Rapports Politiques et Commerciaux. 8vo. Paris 1823. -,W. C. 86. Beaumont and Fletcher. The Works of, with an Introduction by George Darley. 2 vols. Svo. London, (Moxon) 1840. Beaumont (G. de, et A. de Tocqueville). Systedme Penitentaire aux MISC ELLANEOUS WOn KS. 419 Etats-Unis, et de son application en France. 2d Ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1836. Beaumnont (G de, and A. de Tocqueville). Penitentiary System of the United States, and its application in France: trans. from the French, t'th Introduction, &c., by F. Lieber. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1833. See Lieber. Beaurepaire (Q. de.) M6emoire, Statuts et Prospectus, concernant FiAcadamie des Sciences et Beaux-Arts des Etats-Unis de PIAmerique, etablie'a Riihemond. 8vo. Paris, 1788.W. C. 87. Beauzee (N.) Grammaire et Literature. See Encyclopedie Methodique.TW. C. Beawes (Wyndham.) Civil, Commercial, Political, and Literary History of Spain and Portugal. 2 vols. in 1. fol. London, 1793. Beek (John B.) Researches in Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence. 2d Edit. Svo. Albany, 1835. (Presented.) Beck (John 13.) An Historical Sketch of the state of American Medicine before the Revolution, &c. 8vo. Albany, 1842. (Presented.) Beck (John B.) Essays on Infant Therapeutics, with Observations on Ergot. 12mo. New-York, 1849. (Presented.) Beck (Lewis C.) Adulterations of Various Substances used in Medicine and the Arts, with the means of detecting them, &c. 12mo. New-York, 1846. Beck (Lewis C.) Botany of the United States North of Virginia &c. Second Edition. 12mo. New-York, 1848. Beck (Lewis C.) Gazetteer of Illinois and Missouri. 8vo. Albany, 1823. Beck (Lewis C.) Mineralogy of New-York. See Natural History of New-York. Becker (W. A.) Claricles: or Illustrations of the Private Life of the Ancient Greeks. With Notes and Excursus. 12mo. London, 1845. Becker (W. A.) Gallus: or Roman Scenes of the time of Augustus; with Notes aud Excursus illustrative of the Manners and Customs of the Romans l2mo. London, 1844. Beckford (William.) Italy, with Sketches of Spain and Portugal. 3d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1835. Beckford (William.) Italy, Spain and Portugal, with an excursion to the-Monasteries of Alcobaca and Batalha. 12mo. NewYork, 1845. Beckmann (John.) A History of Inventions, Discoveries, and Origins. Translated from the German, by William Johnston. Fourth Edition. Carefully revised and enlarged, by William Francis and J... Griffith. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1846. Beckmann (John.) History of Inventions and Discoveries: Trans. 420 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, from the German, by W. Johnston. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1817. Bede. The Venerable Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England; also the Ango-Saxon Chronicle, with Notes. &c. Edited by J. A. Giles, D. C. L. 12mo. London, 1847. Bedford (John.) Duke of. Correspondence: Selected from the Originals at Woburn Abbey, with an Introduction, by Lord John Russell. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1842 -46. Bee (The.) or Literary Weekly Intelligencer, &c. Edited by James Anderson, LL. D., &c. 15 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1791 - 9}3. Beecher (Rev. Lymanr.) A sermon containing a General History of the Town of East Hampton, (L. I.) from its first settlement. 8vo. Sag Harbor, 1836. Beecher (Rev. Lyman.) A Plea for the West. 2d Edition. 12mo. Cincinnati, 1835. Beechey (Capt. F, W.) A Voyage of Discovery towards the North Pole, performed in his Majesty's Ships Dorothea and Trent, under the command of Capt. David Buchan. 8vo. London, 1843. Beechey's (Capt.) Voyage. The Botany of. See HIooker and Arnott. Beechey (F. W.) Narrative of a Voyage to the Pacific and Beering's Strait, 18.25-1828. 2 vols 8vo. London, 1831. Beechey (W. H.) Memoir of Sir Joshua Reynolds. See Reynolds. Beeckman (Daniel.) Voyage to Borneo. Pinkerton, vol. 11. Begat (M.) Expose des Operations Geodesiques relatives aux travaux Hydrographiques, executes sur les cotes Meridionales de France, sous la direction de fen M. Monnier. Publie par ordre du Roi. 4to. Paris, 184-. (Presented.) Begat (M.) Expose des Operations Geodesiques relatives aux travaux Hydrographiques, executes sur les cotes septentrionales de France. Par les Ingenieurs de la Marine. Publie par ordre du Roi. 4to. Paris, 1839. (Presented.) Behrens (C. F.) Histoire de 1'Expedition de Trois Vaisseaux, Envoyes par le Compagnie des Indies Occidentales des Provinces Unies, aux Terres Australes en 1721. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo. Hague, 1739 W. C. 88. Belcher (Capt. Sir Ediward.) R. N. Narrative of the Voyage of H. M. Ship Samarang, during 1843-46, in surveying the Islands of the Eastern Archipelago; with a Vocabulary of the Principal Languages. Notes on the Natural History, by Arthur Adams. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848. Belcher (Captain Sir Edward.) Narrative of a Voyage around the World, in Her Majesty's Ship Sulphur, including details of the Naval operations in China, 1840 -41. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1843. Belcher (Joseph..) D. D. The Clergy of America,Anecdotes illus MISCELLA NEOUS WORKS. 421 trative of the Character of Ministers of Religion in the United States. 21mo. Philadelphia, 1849. Belgium, and Nassau. (Tourist's Guide.) Svo. London. Belidor (B. F. de.) La Science des Ing6nieurs dans la Conduite des Travaux de Fortification et c'Architecture Civile. 4to. Pa-:is, 1813. Belknap (Jeremy.) American Biography. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1794. Belknap (Jeremy.) History of New I-lampshire. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia and Boston, 1784-1 792.- W. C. 89. Belknap (Jeremy.) The Same. 2d ed. 3 vols. Svo. Boston, 1813. Belknap (Jeremy ) D. D. The History of New-Hampshire, with Notes and additional Facts. By John Farmer. 8vo. Dover, (New-Hampshire,) 1831. Belknap (Jeremy,) D.. Life of, (the Historian of New-Hampshire.) Collected and arranged by his Grand-daughter. 12mo. New-York, 1847. Beliaguet, (L.) Chronique de Religieux de Saint-Denys, contenant le Regne de Charles VI., de 1380 a 1422, preced6e d'une Introduction par M de Barante. 5 vols. 4to. Paris, 1839 - 1844. (See France.) Bell (Sir Clarles.) Papers on Physiology. Trans. Royal Soc. 1832 - 34-35-40. Bell (Sir Charles.) See Bridgewater Treatise. Bell (G. M.) On the Currency Question: an Examination of the Evidence on Banks of Issue, given beifre a Select Committee of the House of Commons, in 1840. 12mo. London, 1841. Bell (Henry N.) Huntingdon Peerage; comprising a detailed Account of the Evidence and Proceedings connected with the recent restoration of the Earldom, &c. 4to. London, 1820. Bell (John) of Antermony. Travels from St. Petersburgh to divers Parts of Asia. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 17C4. Bell (Luther V.) The Practical Method of Ventilating Buildings; being the Annual Address before the Massachusetts Medical Society, May 31, 1848. With an Appendix, on Heating by Steam and -lot Water. 8vo. Boston, 1848. (Presented.) Bell (Robert.) History of Russia. Lardner's Cyclopedia, vols. 5, 6, a.nd 7. Bell (Robert.) Lives of English Dramatists. Lardner's Cyclopedia, vols. I and 2. Bell (Robert.) Life of Rt. Hon. George Canning. 8vo.. London, 1820. Bell (Thomas.) History of British Quadrupeds, including the Cetacea. 8vo. London, 1837. Bell (Thomas.) History of British Reptiles. 8vo. London, 1839. Belle-Forest (Fra.nois de.) Histoire Universell:- du Monde. fol. Paris, 1570. W. C. 90. 422 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Belle-Forest (Fran9ois de) Cosmographie Universelle de tout le Monde. fol. Paris, 1575. Wr. C. 91. Beilin ( IM.) Remarquies sur la Carte de l'Amerique Septentri onle, compris6 entr6 le 28~ et le 72o degre de Latitude. 4to. Paris.1755. Bellin (Nicholas.) Description des Debouquiemens qui sont au Nord de Plsle de Saint-Domingue. 4to. Paris. 1768. — W. C. 92. Bellin (Nicholas.). Bscription Geographique des Isles des Antilles possedees par les Anglois. 4to. Paris, 1758.- W. C. 94. Bellin (Nicholas.) Description Geographique de la Guyane. 4to. Paris, 1763. -— W. C. 93. Bellville (John Hl.) Manual of the Barometer (Mercurial and Aneroid.) 121mo. London, 1849. Beloe (William.) History of Herodotus: from the Greek, with Notes. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1814. Beloe (William.) Sexag enarian; or the Recollections of a Literary Life. Second Edition. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1818. Beloe (Rev. W.) See Aulus Gellius. Beltra.mi (J. C.) La Decouverte des Sources du Mississippi et de la Riviere Sang'lante. 8vo. New-Orleans, 1824. -.W. C..95. Beltrami (J. C.) Pilgrimage in Europe and America, leading to the Discovery of the Sources of the Mississippi and Bloody tRivers. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1828. Bement (C. N.) Amzeric-an Poulterer's Companion, with Illustrations. l12rmo. New-York, 1845. Bement (C. N.) American Journal of Agriculture and Science: a Continuation of rEamons' and Osborn's Journal. Vol. 7. 8vo. Albany, 181-8. Benedict (Rev. David.) A general H1istory of the Baptist Denomination in America and other parts of the World. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1813. Benedict (David.) A general History of the Baptist Denomination in America and other parts of the World. 8vo. New-York, 1848. Beneozet on the Quakers. See Panmphlets. Vol 30. Benjamin (Asher.) Builders Guide, withl Engravings. 4to. Boston, 1839. Benjamin (Rabbi.) Travels thirou'h Europe to China. Pinkerton, vol. 7. Bennett (George.) Wanerings in New South' Wales, Batavia, Pedil Coast, Singapore, and China, 183 -1834. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1834. Bennett (John.) The Artificer's Lexicon, for terms and prices. 8vo. London, 1837. (C. L.) Bennett (Joahn C.) H-istory of the Saints, or an Expose of Joe Smith and Mormonism. 12mo.. Boston, 1842.. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 423 Benoit. [Trouvere Anglo-Norman du XIIe Siecle] Chronique es Dues de Normandi, public par Francisque Michel. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1827 - 1828. See France. Benson (Egbert). Memoir read before the 1Historical Society of the Stat:e of New-York, December, 31, 1816. (Reprinted from a copy with the author's last corrections.) 8vo. New-York, 1848. Benson (Egbert.) Memoir read. before the Historical Society of the State of New-York, Dec. 31, 1816. Second Edition, with Notes. 12i:o. Jamaica, 1825. Benthami (Jeremy.) A Fragnment on Governnlent; or a, Comment on the Commentaries. Works, vol. 1. Bentham (Jeremy.) Book of Fallacies, from Unfinished Papers, by a Friend. 8vo. London, 1824. Bentham (Jeremy.) Constitutional Code. Works, vol. 9. Benthaml (Jeremy.) Delence of Usury. Works, vol. 2. Bentham (Jeremy.) Essay on Language. Works, vol. 8. Bentham (Jeremy.) Essay on Logic, WorkIs. vol. 8. Bentham (Jeremy.) Theory of Legislation: tranls. from the French of E. Dunont, by 1R. 1Hildreth. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1840. Benthaml (Jeremy.) Works: pblished under tlhe superintenldence of his Executor, John Bowring, with an Introduction to the Study of the Works, by J. EI-. Burton. 11 vols. Edinburgh, 1843. Bentley (J.) On the H-indu System of Astronomy. Asiatick Researches, vol. 8. Bentley (Richard.) Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris. Wvorks, vols. 2 and 3. Bentley (Richard.) Eight Boyle Lectures-A Confutation of Atheism. Works, vol. 3. Bentley (Richard.) Works: Edited, with Notes, by Rev. Alex. Byce. 3 vols. 8o. london, 1836. Bentley (Richard.) Miscellany. Vols. 4, 6-10. 6 vols. 8vo. NewYork, 1839 - 1842. Bentz, (L.) et Chlretien, (A. J ) Premiers Elements D'Agriculture. 3d Edition. 12mo. P-aris, 1845. (lPresented.) Benzoni (Hieron.) Amenerica Pars Quarta. Nova Novi Orbis Historia. fol. Frankfrt, 1593 - 1596. See Bry.- W. C. Benzoni (Hieron.) La Hilstoria del Mondo Nuovo. 16mo. Venice, 157'2. Benzoni (-ieron.) Nova Novi Orbis HistoriaT, id est Rerum gestarum ab Hispanis in India Occidentali. 12mo. 1578. —W. C. 96. Berbere Language. Grainmaire et Dictionnaire Abreges de la Langu Berblre. See Geographie. Recueil de Voyages et MAmoires, vol. 7. Bercy (Drouin de ) L'Europe et'Amnrique Comparees. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1818. -W. C. 97. 424 MISCELLAN EOUS WORKS. Beresford (Lord.) Letter to Charles Edward Long on the Correspondence, &c., of General Long. See Napier's HistoryControversy on. Bergeron (Pierre.) Voyages faits Principalement en Asie, dans les XIIe, XIIe, XIVe et XVe Siecles. 2 vols. 4to. Hague, 1735. ~W. C. 98. Berger de Xivrey. Recueil des Lettres Missives de Henri IV. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1843 -48. See France. Bergius (Bengt.) Tal, om Lackerheter. 8vo. Stockholm, 1785. — W. C. 99. Berington (Rev. Joseph). The Literary History of the Middle Ages, &c. 12no. London, 1846. Berkeley (George.) Bishop. Alciphron, or the Minute Philosopher. Ist Am. Ed. 8vo. New-Haven, 1803. Berkeley (George.) Bishop. Inquiries concerning the Virtues of Tar Water. Tracts, vol 1. Berkeley (George.) D. D.. Bishop of Cloyne. The Works of, with an Account of his Life. Edited by the Rev. C. N. Wright. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1843. Berkshire Jubilee (The.) Celebrated at Pittsfield, Aug. 22 and 23, 1844. 8vo. Albany, 18I4. Bernan (Walter.) History and Art of Warming and Ventilating Rooms and Buildings. 2 vols. 12no. London, 1845 Bernard (Auguste.) Proces-Verbeaux des Etats-Generaux de 1593. 4to. Paris, 1842. (See France.) Bernard (Fr.) Analyse de 1'Historie Philosophique et Politique des Etablissmens et du Commerce des Europeens cans les Deux Indes. 12mo. Leyden, 1775.- W. C. 100. Bernard (Sir Fr.) Governor. Letters to thle Ministry from Gov. Bernard, Gen. Gage, and Con. Hood, with Memorials, &c. 8vo. Boston, 1769. (See Massachusetts.) Bernard (Governor), Gen. Gage and the Hon. His Majesty's Council for the Province of Massachusetts Bay. Letters to the Earl of Hillsborough, from. 8vo. London, 1769. Bernard (Governor). Select Letters on the Trade and Government of America Written at Boston, 1763-68, and now first published. 8vo. London, 1774. Bernard (Governor &e.) See American Tracts. Vol. 2. Bernier (A.) Proces-Verbeaux des Seances de Conseil de Regenee du Charles VIII., 1484-85. 4to. Paris, 1836. See France. Bernier (A.) See Masselin, J. Bernier (Francis.) Travels in the Mogul Empire: trans. from the French by Irving Brock. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1826. Berquin Duvallon. Vue de la Colonie Espagnole du Mississippi, on des Provinces de Louisiane et Floride, in 1802. 2d Edition. Paris, 1804. Berrian (William.) D. D. An Historical Sketch of Trinity Church, (1659) MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 425 New-York. By the Rev. William Berrian, D. D., Rector of the same. 8vo. New-York, 1847. (Presented.) Berriat (Saint-Prix.) Memoire sur le Remboursement des Rentes, &e. Paris, 1837. Pamphlets. Vol. 18. Berteaut (S.) Marseille et les Interets Nationaux, qui se rattachent a son port. 8vo. Marseille, 1843. 2 vols. (Presented.) Berthollet (C. L. and A. B.) Elements of the Art of Dyeing, with. a Description of the Art of Bleaching by Oxymuriatic Acid: Translated from the French, with Notes, by Alex. Ure. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. Betagh (Captain.) Account of Peru. Pinkerton, vol. 14. Bethencourt (G. de.) Histoire de la Prenmire Ddeouverte et Conqueste des Canaries. 8vo. Paris, 1630. —W. C. 101. Bethune (Rev. George W.) Lays of Love and Faith, with other fugitive Poems. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848. Bethune (Rev. Dr. George W.) Oration before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard University, July 19, 1849. 8vo. Cambridge, 1849. Bethune (Rev. Dr. George W.) Orations and Occasional Discourses. 12mo. New-York, 1850. Bertrand (Alex.) Revolutions of the Globe: Translated from the French, with Notes, by S. C. Horry. 12mo. London, 1835. Beugnot (le Comte.) Les Olim, o Registres des Arrets rendus par la Cour du Roi sous les Regnes de St. Louis, de Philippe le Hardi, de Philippe le Bel, de Louis le Hutin, et de Philippe le Long. 4 vols. (Vol. 3 in 2 Parts.) 4to Paris, 1839-48. See France. Bevan (Edward.) Natural History, Physiology, and Management of the Honey-Bee. 12mo. London, 1838. Beverley (Robert.) History and Present State of Virginia. 8vo. London, 1705. Beverley (Robert.) The Same. 8vo. London, 1722. Beverley (Robert.) Histoire de la Virginie: trad. de 1'Anglois. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1707.-W. C. 102. Beverley's History of Virginia in French. See Virginia. Beverningk. (H. van, en Anderen.) Verbael gehouden als Gedeputeerden en Extraordinaris Ambassadeurs van de Heeren Staeten Generael der Vereenigde Nederlanden, aen de Republyck van Engelandt. 4to. Hague. 1725. Bewick (T.) General History of Quadrupeds. 2d ed. 8vo. Newcastle, 1791. Beyard (N. and C. Lodowick.) Journal of the late Actions of the French at Canada. 8vo London, 1693. Bible: in Burmese. 2d ed. 4to. Maulmain, 1840. Bible: in English. King James's. 8vo. Oxford, 1841. Bible: in English. King James's. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1.844. [STATE LIBRARY.] 27 426 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Bible: in English. King James's. 8vo. New-York, 1844. Bible: in English. King James's. 6th ed. Svo. New-York, 1844. Bible: in English. King James's. 12mo. New-York, 1844. (The above Bibles, except the Oxford edition, were presented by the American and Foreign Bible Society.) Bible: in English. King James's. 18mo. New-York, 1845. Bible: in German. Martin Luther's. 8vo. New-York, 1838. Bible: in Indian. See Eliot (John.) Bible. See Commentary on, and Concordance, by Cruden. Biblia Sacra. Justa vulgatam Editionem, &c. fol. Parisiis, 1573. (Presented.) Biblia Sacra. Vulgate Editionis. Sexti Quinti P. M. jussu recognita. 12mo. Lugduni, 1663. (Presented.) Biblia Sacra. Vulgate Editionis. Sexti Quintijussu recognita. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1664. (Presented.) Biblia Sacra. Ebraice, Chaldaic6, Grxece, Latine, Germanice, Saxonice. See Hutter, E. Bibliographie de la France, ou Journal General de l'Imprimerie et de la Librarie, et des Cartes Geographiques, Gravures, Lithographies, (Euvres des Musique. 8vo. Paris, 1844. (Presented.) See Catalogue of Books, (French.) vol. 13. Bibliography. Observations on several Authors and Books in the English and Foreign Languages, necessary for the Formation of a Select and Small Library. Pamphleteer, vol. 2. Bibliotheca Americana, (by A. Homer.) 4to. London, 1789.W. C. 103. Bibliotheee Americane Primordia. See Kennett, W. Bibliotheca Britannica. See Watt, R. Bibliotheca. See Catalogue. Bibliotheca Londoniensis. A Classified Index to the Literature of Great Britain, during thirty years. Arranged from, and serving as a Key to, the London Catalogue of Books. 181446. 8vo. London, 1848. Bibliotheca Sacra; or Tracts and Essays on Topics connected with Biblical Literature and Theology. Edited by Edward Robinson, D. D. 8vo. New-York, 1843. Bibliotheca Sacra and Theological Review. Conducted by B. B. Edwards and E. A. Park, Professors at Andover, with the special co-operation of Dr. Robinson and Prof. Stuart. 5 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1844 -48. Biddle (Nicholas.) Address, delivered before the Alumni Association of Nassau Hall, in 1835. Pamphlets, vol. 11. Biddle (Richard.) Memoir of Sebastian Cabot, with a Review of the History of Maritime Discovery 8vo. Philadelphia, 1831. Bidwell (Barnabas.) Pamphlets, vol. 36. Bielfield (J. F.) Baron de. Elements of Universal Erudition: trans. from the German by W. Hooper. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 17700 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 427 Biet (Antoine.) Voyage de la France Equinoxiale en Plsle de Cayenne, en 1652. Paris, 1664. W —. C. 104. Bigelow (Andrew.) Leaves from a Journal, or Sketches of Rambles in some parts of North Britain and Ireland, in 1817. 12mo Boston, 1821. Bigelow (Jacob.) Poem, by. Pamphlets, vol. 36. Bigelow (Jacob.) Elements of Technology. 8vo. Boston, 1829. Biggs (James.) History of Don Francisco de Miranda's attempt to effect a Revolution in South America. 8vo. London, 1809. W. C. 105. Bigland (John.) Letters on the Study and Use of Ancient and Modern History. 8vo. London, 1806. Bignon (M.) Les Cabinets et les Peuples, depuis 1815 jusqu'a la fin de 1822. Pamphleteer, vol. 22. Bingham (Rev. Hiram.) A Residence of twenty-one years in the Sandwich Islands; or the Civil, Religious and Political Hiistory of those Islands. 8vo. Hartford and New-York, 1847. Bingley (Williamo) Useful Knowledge, or a familiar and explanatory Account of the Various Productions of Nature. 3 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1818. Biographia Americana, or a Historical and Critical Account of the Lives, Actions and Writings of the most distinguished Persons in North America. By a Gentleman of Philadelphia. 8vo. 1825. Biographia Britannica. See Kippis. Biographical Dictionary of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Vols. 1 -4; the 4th vol. in one Part. 8vo. London, 1842 -1844. Biographical Dictionary. See Chalmers. Biographie Etrangere, ou Galerie Universelle, Historique, Civile, Militaire, &c., par une Societe de Gens de Lettres. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819 - W. C. 106. Biographie Universelle, Ancienne et Moderne, rtdigee par une Soeiete de Gens de Lettres et de Savants. 52 vols. 8vo Paris, 1811-1828 Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. See Sanderson, J. Biography of Self-Taught Men; with an Introductory Essay. 2 vols. 18mo. Boston, 1846. Bird (Golding.) Elements of Natural Philosophy, being an Experimental Introduction to the Study of the Physical Sciences. 12mo. London, 1839. Bird (John.) Letter to Lord Beauclerc, concerning the Author's Election for the City of Coventry, &c. Tracts, vol. 1. Birkbeck (Morris.) Letters from Illinois. 8vo. London, 1818. W. C. 107. Birkbeck (Morris.) Lettres sur les Nouveau Etablissemens qui se 428 M ISCELLANE OUS WOR KS forment dans les Parties Occidentales des Etats-Unis d'Ame rique: trad. del'Anglois. 8vo. Paris, 1819.- W. C. 108o Bisset (Robert.) History of England. See Hume, D. Bjornstjerna (Count M.) The Theogony of the Hindoos, with their Systems of Philosophy and Cosmogony. An Essay by. 8vo. London, 1844. (C. L.) Black (John.) Life of Torquato Tasso, with an Historical and CriticalAccount of his Writings. vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1810, Blackburne (Archdeacon.) The Confessional; or a Full and Free Enquiry into the Right, Edification, &c., of Systematical Confessions of Faith and IDoctrine in Protestant Churches. Third Edition. 8vo. London, 1770. Black-Hawk. Lite of Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kai-kiak, or Black-Hawk, dictated by himself; with an Account of his War. 12mo. Boston, 1834. Blackwell (Thomas.) Memoirs of the Court of Augustus. 3 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1753. Blackwood's Magazine. Vols. 39-65 (38 and 41 wanting). Reprinted at New-York, 1836 - 1849. 8vo. 27 vols. Blainville (M. H. D.) Memoire sur les Beelemnites, considerees Zoologiquement et Geologiquement. 4to. Paris, 1827. Blair (Hugh.) Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres. 7th Aim Ed. 8vo. New-York, 1817. Blake (Alexander V.) The Bookseller's complete Reference Trade List, and Alphabetical Catalogue of Books published in this Country, with the Publisher's and Author's names. Corcpiled by. To which is added the Law of Copy Right. 4to. Claremont, N. H., 1847. Blake (Francis.) Pamphlets, vols. 37,42. Blake (George.) Pamphlets, vol. 39. Blake (J. L.) General Biographical Dictionary. 2d Ed. 8vo. NewYork, 1839. Elake (William J.) The History of Putnam County, N. Y., with an enumeration of its Towns, Villages, Rivers, Geological Features, &c. 12mo. New-York, 1849. Blanc (Louis.) History of Ten Years, 1830 -1840. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1844. Blanc (M. le.) Manco-Capac: Tragedie. 12mo. Paris, 1782.W. C. 109. Blanchard (J. H.) and - Ramsay. Trial of General Whitelocke, by a General Court Martial, at Chelsea Hospital, in 1808. 8vo. London, 1808. W. C. 110. Blanchard (J.) and N. L. Rice. Debate on Slavery, in Cincinnati. 12mo. Cincinnati, 1846. Blanchard (Laman.) Life and Literary Remains of L. E. L. (Landon.) 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1841. Blanchard (Laman.) Sketches from Life. 8vo. New-York, 1846. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 429 Blanchardiere (Courte de la,) M. 1PAbbe. Nouveau Voyage fait au Perou. 12mo. Paris. 1751.-W. C. 111. Bland Papers (The.) Being a selection from the Manuscripts of Col, Theodorick Bland Jun., of Prince George County, Vir-ginia, &c. Edited by Charles Campbell. Vol. 1, 8vo. Petersburgh, 1840. Bland (Richard), of Virginia. An Inquiry into the Rights of the British Colonies. 8vo. Williamsburgh, printed. London, reprinted, 1769. Bleecker (Ann Eliza.) The Posthumous Works of, in prose and verse To which is added a Collection of Essays, prose and poetical, by Margaretta V. Faugeres. 12mo. New-York, 1793. Blessington (Countess.) Idler in France. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1841. Bligh (William.) Narrative of the Mutiny on board of the Bounty. 4to London, 1790. — W. C. 112. Bligh (William.) Relation de FEnlevement du Navire le Bounty: trad. de IAnglois par iD. Lescallier. 8vo. Paris, 1790. W. C. 113. Blind. Atlas of the United States for the. 4to. Boston, 1837. (Presented.) Blind. Pennsylvania Institution. Thirteenth Annual Report. 1846. Pamphlets. Volume 18. (Presented.) Blind (The.) A Guide to Devotion, for the use of the Blind, by the Presbyterian Board of Publication. fol Printed at the Perkins Institution and Massachusetts Asylum, Boston, 1846. (Presented.) Bliss (Leonard, Jr.) The History of Rehoboth, Bristol County. Massachusetts, &c. 8vo. Boston, 1836. Blodget (Samuel.) Economica, a Statistical Manual for the United States of America, with additions to 1810. 8vo. Washington, 1810. Blois (John T.) Gazetteer of'Michigan, with a History of the State. 12mo. Detroit, 1840. Blome (Richard). Present State of his Majesty's Isles and Territories in America, 8vo. London, 1687. Blome (Richard.) Description de l'Isle de la Jamaique, avec des Observations par le Sieur Thomas Linch. See Recueil de Divers Voyages.-W. C. Blome (Robert.) Description of the Island of Jamaica, with the other Isles and Territories in America, (Virginia, New-York, New-England, &c.,) to which the English are related. Taken from the Notes of Sir Thomas Linch, Governor of Jamaica. 18mo. London, 1672. Bloodgood (S. De Witt.) The Sexagenary, or Reminiscences of the American Revolution. 12mo. Albany, 1833. Bloomingdale Asylum for the Insane. See Earle. 430 MISCELLAN EOUS. WoRK S Blosseville (M. Ernest de.) Histoire des Colonies Penales de L'AngleterredansAustralie. 8vo. Paris 1831. (Presented.) Blount (Henry.) Voyage into the Levant. See Pinkerton, vol. 10. Blue Book, or Register of all Officers and Agents in the Service of the United States. 14 vols. 1817, 1821, 1823, 1825, 1829, 1831, 1833, 1835, 1837, 1839, 1841, 1843, 1845, 1847. 12mo. Washington. (Received from the United States Government, excepting 1817, 1825, 1847.) 12 vols., 1819 and 1827 wanting. I Blue Laws (The) of Connecticut, Quaker Laws of Plymouth, and Massachusetts. Blue Laws of New-York, Maryland, Virginia and South Carolina, &c., &c. Compiled by an Antiquarian. 12mo. Hartford, 1838. Blunt (Edmund M.) Guide de Navigateur dans POcean Atlantique trad. de l'Anglois. 8vo. Paris, 1821 —— W. C. 114. Blunt (Joseph.) Merchant's and Shipmaster's Assistant. 8vo. NewYork, 1822. Blunt (Joseph.) Speeches, Reviews,Reports, &c. 8vo. New-York, 1843. Boardman (S. D.,) a Missionary. Memoir of. See King. Boase (Henry S.) Treatise on Primary Geology, being an Examination of the Older Formations. 8vo. London, 1834. Boccage (Marie-Anne du.) La Columbiade. See Po6mes sur l'Amerique.-W. C. Bceckh (Augustus.) The Public Economy of Athens, in four Books, with a Dissertation on the Silver Mines of Laurion. From the German of. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1828. (C. L.) Bohn's Antiquarian Library. See Bede, Mallet, William of Malmsbury, Six Old English Chronicles, Ellis' Chronicles of the Crusades. Bohn (Henry G.) Catalogue. (Presented.) Bohn (Henry G.) Catalogue of Books. Vol. 1. Containing Natural History, Books of Prints, Science, Language. 8vo. London, 1847. (Presented.) Boigne (Charles de.) Du Cheval en France. 8vo. Paris, 1843. (Presented.) Boileau (Etienne.) Livre des Metiers. 4to. Paris, 1837. Boileau. Oeuvres completes de. See Malherbe. Boisgelin (Louis de.) Travels through Denmark and Sweden, including an Account of the Hanseatic League. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1810. Boleyn (Anne) Love-Letters to, from Henry VIII. Pamphleteer, vols. 21 and 22. Bolingbroke (Henry.) Voyage to the Demarary. 4to. London, 1807. Written by William Taylor. See his Life, 2. 254. Bolingbroke (H. St. John,) Lord. Dissertation upon Parties. Works, vol. 2. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 431 Bolingbroke (H. St. John,) Lord. Idea of a Patriot King. Works, vol. 3. Bolingbroke (H. St. John,) Lord. Letters on the Study and Use of History. Works, vol. 2. Bolingbroke (H. St. John,) Lord. Letters and Essays to Alex. Pope. Works, vols. 3 and 4. Bolingbroke (H. St. John,) Lord. Reflections upon Exile. Works, vol. 1. Bolingbroke (H. St. John,) Lord. Remarks on the History of England. Works, vol. 1. Bolingbroke (H. St. John,) Lord. Works: Published by David Mallet. 5 vols. 8vo Dublin, 1793. Bolingbroke (Ormond, et Strafford.) Articles d'Accusation Contre: trad. de l'Anglois. 8vo. Hague, 1715.-W. C. 115. Bolles (William.) Explanatory and Phonographic Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language, with a Vocabulary of Greek, Latin, Scripture, Christian, and Geographical Names, and their Pronunciation. 8vo. New-London, 1845. Bolton (Robert, Jun.) A History of the County of Westchester, from the first Settlement to the present time. 2 vols. 8vo. NewYork, 1848. Bolton (Robert, Jun.) See New Rochelle. Bompard (J. P.) Abrege sur la Culture de L'Olivier, &c. 4to. Draguinan, 1842. (Presented.) Bonaparte (Charles Lucien.) American Ornithology. 4 vols. fol. Philadelphia, 1825 - 1833. Bonaparte (Napoleon.) Writings. See Pujol. Bonaparte (Napoleon.) AMemoirs of. See Caulincourt. Bonjean (Joseph.) Monographie de la Pomme de Terre, et Histoire Generale de la Maladies des Pomme de Terre, en 1845, with an Appendix. 8vo. Paris, 1846. (Presented.) Bonraterre (M. PAbbe.) Cetologie-lchlthyologie-OphiologieOrnithologie. See Encyclopedie Methodique. W. C. Bonnet (J. E.) Etats-Unis de F1Amerique a la fin du XVIIIe Siecle. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1802. —— W. C. 116. Bonnycastle (R. H.) Account of the Dominions of Spain in the Western Hemisphere. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1819. Bonnycastle (Sir Richard Henry.) Newfoundland in 184-2. A soqual to "the Canadas in 18-11." 2 vols. Svo. London, 1842. Bontekoe. Journaal van de Oost-Indische Reyze, van William Ysebrants Bontekoe, 1618-1625 en't Journaal van Dirck Alberts Raven. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1756. (Presented.) Book of Common Prayer and Ceremonies. A brief discourse on the Troubles begun at Frankfort, in 1554, about the. Re-printed from the Black Letter Edition of 1575. 12mo. London~ 1846. Bookseller's Reference Trade List, (American.) See Blake. Boone (Daniel.) Life of See Sparks' Biography. Vol. 23. 432 MISCELLANE, OUS WORKS. Boone (J. S.) Educational Economy of England. 8vo. London, 1838. Booth (David.) An Analytical Dictionary of the English Language, &c. 4to. London, 1836. Booth (Henry.) A History of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, with a description of it, &c. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1831. (Presented.) Booth (James C.) Memoir of the Geological Survey of the State of Delaware, &c. 8vo. Dover, 1841. Borde (J. B. de la.) Histoire A brg6e de la Mer du Sud: composee pour'Education de M. le Dauphin. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris 1791. —— W. C. 117. Borde (Sieur de la.) Relation de l'Origine, Mceurs, et Coutumes des Caraibes. 4to. Paris, 1674. See Recueil de Divers Voyges.-W. C. Bordeaux. Catalogue of the Library of the City of. See Catalogue. Bordley (R.) Sketches on Rotation of Crops, and other Rural Matters, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1797. Bordley (J. B.) Pamphlets. Vol. 39. Borri (Christ.) Account of Cochin China. Pinkerton. Vol. 9. Borrow (George) The Zincali, or an Account of the Gypsies in Spain. 2 vols. in 1. 12:mo. New-York, 1842. Borrow (George.) The Bible in Spain, &c. Foulrth Edition. 3 vols. 12mo. London. Bory de Saint-Vincent L'IHomm~e: Essai Zoologique sur le Genre Humaine. 2d ed. 2 vols. in 1. 16mo. Paris, 1827. —~W. C. 118. Boscana. Account of Jesuit Missions in California. See Califbrnia Life in. Bosman (William.) Descriptio n of the Coast of Guinea. Pinerton. Vol. 16. Bossange (Hector.) Cataiogue G ne'ia]. 8vo. Paris, 1845. (Presented.) Bossange (Hector.) Extraitl du Catalogue General. 8vo. Paris, 1845. (Presented.) Bossi (Luigi.) Historie de Christophe Colomb: trad. de I ltalienL 8vo. Paris, 1824.- W. C. 119. Bossu (M.) Nouveaux Voyages aux Indes Occidentales. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo. Paris, 1768. —W. C. 120. Bossu (M.) Nouveaux Voyages dans l'Amerique Septentrionale. 8vo. Amsterda m, 1777. — W. C. 121. Bossu (M.) Travels through that part of North America formerly called Louisiana. Trans. fromn the Frenclh 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1771. Bossuet (J. B.) Eveque de Meaux. Universal History, from the Creation of the World to the Time of Charlemagne. Trans. from the French. 8vo. London, 1810. Bossuet (James Benign.) The History of the vaarations of the Pro MISCE L L ANEOUS WOBRKS. 433 testant churches. Translated from the last French edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1829. Boston (City of.) Proceedings relative to International Exchanges. See Vattemare. Boston. Publications on the Introduction of Pure Water into Boston; including Reports of Engineers, Committees, &c.; and publications by Messrs. L. Baldwin, Shattuck, Treadwell, Wilkins, Rogers, Eddy, &c. (33 Pamphlets,) bound in two vols. 8vo. (Presented.) Boston. See Missions. Boston. See Merchant's Library Association. Boston. Fifteenth Annual Report of the Executive Committee of the Benevolent Fraternity of the Churches. 8vo. Boston, 1849. (Presented.) Boston. Annual Reports of the Boston Fire Department, from 1837 to 1847, inclusive. (Presented.) Bostom.. Common Schools of. Annual Reports of, for 1846 and 1847, and Rules and Regulations for 1848. In one vol. 8vo. (Presented.) Boston. Rules and Ordinances of Common Council of the City of: with a list of City Oj icers for 1834 -35 - 36. In one vol, 12mo. (Presented.) Lostcn Almanack (The,) for 184G and 1849. By S. N. Dickinson. 2 vols 18mo. Bosto n. Bcston Annual Beports, (20th to 36th, inclusive,) of the Receipts ard E:> ped Intures of the City of Boston and County of Suffolk, fromr 1833 to 1848. In one vol. 8vo. (Presented.) o istLon Book (Th!e ) boing specimens of M retropolitan Literature Edited by B. Thatcher. 2mo. Boston, 1837. EolstLn Book (T'-,) being speimens of Metropolitan iterature 12Smluo.- -Boston, 1841. oston rJour l of. at:raul Eistor Co nta inLig Papers and Commil nications read to the Tcoston Society of Natural History, 1834- 47. ubls!bed bye ir drection. Vol. 1,1834-1837. Vol 9," 838-39, Vol. 3, 1840 —41. Vol. 4, 1843-44. Vol. 5 1845-47. 5 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1837-47. Bositon Munaiipal Register, containing Rules and Orders of the City Couanc.,l: and a List of tle Officers of the City of Boston, for 1845 - 46 -47 - 48 - 49. In one vol. 12mo. (Presented.) Bcston Railroad, dReport on the Pradctica.)ility a.nd Expediency of a Railroad from Boston to the Hudson TRiver, &c. 8vo. Boston, 1829. Fston Society of Natuvral I-story. Proceedings of the. Vol. 1, 1841 -44. Vol. 2, 1845-48. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 184448. Boston (Town of.) See American Tracts. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4. Boswell (James.) Life of Samuel Johnson; a new Edition, with 434 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Additions and Notes, by John Wilson Croker. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1831. Boswell (James.) Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1810. Bosworth (Rev. Joseph.) D. D. A Compendious Anglo-Saxon and English Dictionary. 8vo. London, 1848. Bosworth (Newton.) History of Montreal. 12mo. Montreal, 1839. Boteler (Thomas.) Narrative of a Voyage of Discovery to Africa and Arabia, 1821 -1826. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1835. Botero (Gio.) Relationi Universali. 4to. Vicenza, 1595. —-- W. C. 122. Botta (Carlo.) History of the War of Independence of the United States of America. Trans. from the Italian by G. A. Otis. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1820. Botta (Carlo.) Italy, during the Consulate and Empire of Napoleon Buonaparte. Trans. from the Italian. Two vols. in 1. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1829. Botticher (Wilhelm.) Geschichte der Carthager nach den Quellen bearbeitet. Svo. Berlin, 1827. Boucher (Jona.) View of the Causes and Consequences of the American Revolution. 8vo. London, 1797. Boucher (M.) Histoire de la Derni6re Guerre, entre la GrandeBretagne et les Etats-Unis d'Am6rique, la France, l'Espagne, et la Hollande. 4to. Paris, 1787. -W. C. 123. Bouchette (Joseph.) British Dominions in North America, including Considerations on Land-Granting and Emigration. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1832. Bouchette (Joseph.) Description of Lower Canada, with Remarks upon Upper Canada. 8vo. London, 1815.- W. C. 124. Boudin (J. C. M.) Traite des Fievres Intermittentes, Remittentes, et Continues. 8vo. Paris, 1845. (Presented.) Boudinot (Elias,) LL. D. A Star in the West, or an Humble Attempt to discern ithe Lost Ten Tribes of Israel. 8vo. Trenton, 1816. Bougainville (L. de.) Voyage autour du Monde, 1766 - 1769. 4to. Paris, 1771.W. C. 125. Bougainville (L. de.) The Same. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1772.W. C. 126. Bouguer (P.) Voyage to Peru. Pinkerton, vol. 14. Bouillet (M. N.) Dictionaire Universel d'Histoire et de Geographie, &c. Third Edition. 8vo. Paris, 1845. Bouley (M. H.) Discours pronounce a la Distribution des Prix a 1FEcole Royale Veterinaire D'Alfort. 8vo. Paris, 1845. (Presented.) Boullenois (M. Frederick de.) Conseils aux Noveaux Educateurs de Vers a Soie. 8vo. Paris, 1842. (Presented.) Bouquet (Henry.) Colonel. Expedition against the Ohio Indians, in 1764. 4to. Philadelphia and London, 1766. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 435 Bouquet (Henry.) Colonel. Relation Historique de 1'Expedition contre les Indiens de 1'Ohio, en 1764: trad. de l'Anglois. 8vo. Amsterdam. 1769. W. C. 127. Bourdaloue. Oeuvres de. 8vo. 3 vols. Paris, 1837. (C. L.) Bourgeois (M.) Christophe Colomb. ou I'Ainerique JDecouverte: Poeme. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1773.- W. C. 128. Bourgeois (M.) Voyages Interessans. See Nougaret, (M.) —W. C. Bourgeois (M.) Tournee a la mode dans les Etats-Unis, &c.: trad. de PAnglois, par. 8vo. Paris, 1829. Bourgoanne. Travels in Spain. Pinkerton, vol. 5. Bourlet D'Amboise. Memoire Consultatif presente an Commerce Franpais, 1835. Pamphlets, vol 18. Bourne (John.) A Catechism of the Steam Engine, by. 18mo. New-York, 1849. Bourne (Vincent.) The Poetical Works of. 12mo. Oxford, 1826. Boussingault (J. B.) Rural Economy, in its Relations with Chemistry, Physics, and Meteorology; or Chemistry applied to Agriculture: Translated from the French, with an Introduction and Notes, by George Law. 12mo. New-York, 1845. Bouterwek (F.) History of Spanish and Portuguese Literature: trans. from the German by Tomasina Ross. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1823. Bouton (Jacques.) Relation de lPEtablissement des Franpais dans l'Isle de la Martinique, depuis l'An 1635. 12mo. Paris, 1640.- W. C. 129. Bouvet de Cresse (A. J. B.) Histoire de la Marine de tous les Peuples. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824.-1-. C. 130. Bovis (M. de.) Essais sur L'Esprit des Lois Coloniales. Pamphlets. Vol. 13. 8vo. Bowden (Rev. John.) D. D. The Apostolic Origin of Episcopacy asserted, in a series of Letters to Rev. Dr. Miller. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1806. Bowditch (Nathaniel.) New American Practical Navigator. 5th Ed. 8vo. New-York, 1821.-TW. C. 131. Bowditch (Nathaniel.) Mecanique Celeste of La Place: translated, with a Commentary. 4 vols. 4to. Boston, 1829- 1839. Bowen (B. B.) A blind Man's OiTering, by. Second Edition. 12mo. Boston, 1847. Bowen (Francis). Life of Benjamin Lincoln. See Sparks' Biography. Vol. 23. Bowen (Henry L.) Memoirs of Tristam Burgess. With Selections from his Speeches and Occasional Writings. 8vo. Providence, 1835. Bowen's Picture of Boston; or, the Citizen's and Stranger's Guide. Third Edition. 18mo. Boston, 1838. Bower (Alex.) History of the University of Edinburgh. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1817. 436 M ISCELLAN E OUS WORKS Bower (Archibald.) History of the Popes, from the Foundation of the See of Rome, to A. D. 1758. With an Introduction and Continuation to the present time. By Rev. Samuel H, Cox. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1844. Bowles (Win. Augustus.) Authentic Memoirs, 12mo. London, 1791. —Wo C. 132. Bowles (Wi. Lisle.) Thoughts on the Increase of Crimes, the Education of the Poor, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 15. Bowman (John E.) An Introduction to Practical Chemistry, ineluding nalysis. 12mno. Philadelphia, 1849. Bowring (John.) Account of the State of the Prisons in Spain and Portugal. Pamphleteer, vol 23. Bowring (John.) and George Villiers. First Report on the Commercial ltelations between France and Great Britain, &e.^ fol. London, 1834. Bowring (John.) and Van Dyk (Harvy S.) Batavian Anthology, or Specimens of the Dutch Poets. 18mo. London, 1824. Boyd (Rev. James R.) Eclectic Moral Philosophy: Prepared for Literary Institutions and General Use. 12mo. New-York' 1846. Boyer (Abel.) French Dictlonary, withl the Abbe T ardy's Pronunciation, &c. 8vo. Boston, 1841. Boyle (Robert.) P hlosophical Works: Edited by Peter Shaw. 3 vols. 4to. Loondn 17215. Boyle (Robert.) Viaggi ed A'vventure, con la 1.clazione del Viaggio trad. dali'Ingl se in Itaan mo. Venice, 1734. — W. C. 133. Boz an (J. (S l Tistr of Mary and, duriing the te hre first Years after its Settlemen t. 8vo. Baltinore,'1811. Bozman (IJ.,.) H1is- tory of Ma-yla.dc, Trom 1633 to 1660. 2 vols, 8vo. Baltimq.ore, 1837. T11 Op oo in the Wes7 Bracklenridge (I- h. - H o) I.'nidets o3f the iisuectio i the Jestern parts of ie'myvana ini 1794.. 8ro. S Ph ilade!phia, 1795. Brackenridge (HI. M.) -iost0ory of tlhe I Late War bettaeen the United States and Grcat BrBtain. lmo Baltimore, 1817.- W. C. 134. Brackenridge (II. M.) Histire de la Guerre entre les Etats-Unis d'Amerique et YAngleterre en 181 2 —1815: trad. par A. de Dalmas. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. Paris, 1820. —-W. C. 135. Brackenridge (Ii Mi.) Letter to President Monroe on the Present State of South America, 1818. Tracts. Vol. 7. Brackenridge (H. M.) Views of Louisiana, with a Journal of a Voyage up the Missouri River, in 1811. 8vo. Pittsburgh, 1814. — W. C. 136. Brackenridge (tI. iM.) Views of Louisiana. 12mo. Baltimore, 1817. --. C. 137. Brackenridge (H. M.) Voyage to South America, in the Frigate MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 437 Congress, in 1817 and 1818, by order of the American Government. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1820. Bradbury (John.) Travels in the Interior of America, 1809-1811^ with a Description of Upper Louisiana. 8vo. Liverpool, 1817. W-. C. 138. Braddock's Affair. Le Peuple Juge: trad. de l'Anglois. 12mo. 1756. —. C 139. Braddon (Lawrence.) Bishop Burnet's History charged with Partiality and Misrepresentation, to make future ages believe that Arthur, Earl of Essex, in 1683, murdered himself. 8vo. London, 1725. Bradford (Alden.) Biographical Notices of distinguished Men in New-England-Statesmen, Patriots, Physicians, Lawyers, Clergymen and Mechanics. 12mo. Boston, 1842. Bradford (Alden.) History of the Federal Government for Fifty Years: from March, 1789, to March, 1839. 8vo. Boston, 1840. Bradford (Alden.) Pamphlets. Vol. 45. Bradford (Alden.) History of Massachusetts, 1764 - 1820. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1822 - 29. Bradford (Alden.) New-England Chronology, from the Discovery of the Country by Cabot, in 1497 to 1820. 8vo. Boston, 1843. Bradford (Alex. W.) American Antiquities and Researches into the Origin and History of the Red Race. 8vo. New-York, 1841. Bradford (Duncan.) Wonders of the Heavens, being a Popular View of Astronomy. fol. Boston, 1837. Bradford (T. G.) Illustrated Atlas, Geographical, Statistical, and Historical, of the United States, and the Adjacent Countries. fol. Boston, 1838. Bradford (T. G.) and S. G. Goodrich. Universal Illustrated Atlas, exhibiting a Geographical, Statistical, and Historical View of the World. fol. Boston, 1842. Bradford (William J. A.) Notes on the North West, or Valley of the Upper Mississippi. 12mo. New-York, 1846. Brady (John.) Clavis Calendaria, or a Comprehensive Analysis of the Calendar. 3d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1815. Brady (William.) Sailing-Master U. S. Navy. The Kedge Anchor, or Young Sailor's Assistant, &c. Illustrated with Engravings. Third Edition. 8vo. New-York, 1848. Braim (Thomas H.) History of New South Wales, from its Settlement to the close of the year 1844. 2 vols. 12mo. 1846. Brainerd (Rev. David.) Life of. See Edwards. Brainerd (David.) Life. Sparks' American Biography. Vol. 8. Brainerd (David.) An Abridgment of his Journal among the Indians, or the rise and progress of a Remarkable Work of Grace among the Indians in the Provinces of New-Jersey and 438 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Pennsylvania; with a Dedication to the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. By P. Doddridge, D. D. 18mo. London, 1748. Bramah (Francis.) Series of Experiments on the Strength of Cast Iron. Trans. Inst. Civil Eng. Vol. 2. Brand (John.) Description of Orkney, Zetland, &c. Pinkerton. Vol. 3. Brand (John.) Observations on the Popular Antiquities of Great Britain. Revised and Enlarged; by Sir Henry Ellis. A new Edition. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1849. Brande (Charles.) Journal of a Voyage to Peru; a Passage across the Cordillera of the Andes, in 1827, &c. 8vo. London, 1828.- W. C. 140. Brande (W. T.) General View of the Progress of Chemical Philosophy. 8vo. Boston. Bound with Stewart, Playfair, &c. Brande (W. T.) Journal of Science and the Arts. 22 vols. 8vo. New-York and London, 1817-1827. Brande (W. T.) Journal of Science, Literature, and Art. (New Series.) 7 vols. 8vo. London, 1827-1830. Brander (G.) Fossilia Hantoniensia, or Hampshire Fossils, collected, and in the British Museum deposited. 4to. London, 1829. Brannan (John.) Official Letters of the Military and Naval Officers of the United States, during the War of 1812. 8vo. Washington, 1823. Bray (William.) Memoirs of John Evelyn. See Evelyn, J. Bray (William.) Tour into Derbyshire and Yorkshire. Pinkerton. Vol. 2. Brazil. Constituikao Politica do Imperio do Brazil, e Carta Constitucional do Reino de Portugal. 8vo. Paris, 1830. W-V. C. 141. Brazil. 0 Patriota Brasileiro: Periodico Mensal. Vol. 1. 8vo. Paris, 1830. W. C. 142. Brazil. Remonstrances des N6gocians du Bresil, contre les Insultes faites au Pavilion Portugais: trad. du Portugais et de l'Anglois. 8vo. Paris, 1814. —— W. C. 143. Breckenridge (R. J.) Memoranda of Foreign Travel. 2 vols. 12mo. Baltimore, 1845. Bremer (Fredrika.) The Neighbours; a Story of Every Day Life. Translated from the Swedish, by Mary Howitt. 12mo. NewYork, 1850. Brees (S. C.) Railway Practice, with a Series of Original Designs for every Description of Railway Works, &c, and an Appendix, containing a Glossary of Technical Terms. 2d Ed. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1838 - 39. Brees (S. C.) The same. Second Series. 4to. London, 1840. Brees (S. C.) Third Series Railway Practice: A Collection of Working Plans and Practical Details of Construction in the MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 439 Public Works of the most celebrated Engineers; comprising Roads, Tram Roads and Railroads, Bridges, Aqueducts, Viaducts, Wharfs, Warehouses, Canals, Locks, Sluices, Harbors, Docks, &c. 4to. London, 1847. Brees (S. C.) Fourth Series of the same. 4to. London, 1847. Breval (J.) Travels through France, the Low Countries, &c. 2 vols fol. London, 1726. Brewster (Sir David.) Edinburgh Encyclopedia. 1st Am. Ed. Corrected and Improved. 20 vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 1832. Brewster (Sir David.) Martyrs of Science, or the Lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler. 12mo. London, 1841. Brewster (Sir David.) Treatise on Optics. Lardner's Cyclopedia, vol. 8. Brewster (Sir David,) and R. Jameson. Edinburgh Philosophical Journal. 14 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1819- 1826. Brewster (Sir David.) See Edinburgh Journal of Science. Brickell (John,) M. D. The Natural History of North Carolina, with an Account of the Trade, Manners and Customs of the Christian and Indian Inhabitants. 8vo. Dublin, 1737. Bridgewater Treatise I. On the Adaptation of External Nature to the Moral and Intellectual Constitution of Man, by the Rev. T. Chalmers. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1833. Bridgewater Treatise II. On the Adaptation of External Nature to the Physical Condition of Man, by John Kidd, M. D. 8vo. London, 1833. Bridgewater Treatise III. On Astronomy and General Physics considered with reference to Natural Theology, by the Rev. Wm. Whewell. 8vo. London, 1833. Bridgewater Treatise IV. The Hand-its Mechanism and Vital Endowments as evincing Design; by Charles Bell. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1837. Bridgewater Treatise V. Animal and Vegetable Physiology considered with reference to Natural Theology, by Peter Mark Roget, M. D. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1840. Bridgewater Treatise VI. Geology and Mineralogy considered with reference to Natural Theology, by the Rev. Wm. Buckland. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1837. Bridgewater Treatise VII. On the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, as manifested in the Creation of Animals, and in their History, Habits, and Instincts, by the Rev. Wm. Kirby. 2d Am. Ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1837. Bridgewater Treatise VIII. Chemistry, Meteorology and the Functions of Digestion, considered with reference to Natural Theology, by William Prout, M. D. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1845. Bridgewater Treatise IX. A Fragment, by Charles Babbage, Esq. 8vo. London, 1837. Brieven. See De Witt, J. Briffault (F. T.) The Prisoner of Ham: Authentic Details of the 440 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Captivity and Escape of Prince Louis Napoleon. 12mo. London, 1846. Brigham (Amariah,) M. D. An Inquiry concerning the Diseases and Functions of the Brain, the Spinal Cord and the Nerves. 12mo. New-York, 1840. (Presented.) Brigham (Amariah.) Remarks on the Influence of Mental Cultivation and Mental Excitement upon Health. Third Edition. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1848. (Presented.) Brigham (Amariah.) The Utica Asylum Souvenir. 18no. Utica. Printed at the Asylum, 1849. (Presented.) Bright (Richard.) Travels from Vienna through Lower Hungary, with Remarks on the State of Vienna during the Congress, in 1814. 4to. Edinburgh, 1818. Brimckerhoff (Hon. Jacob.) of Ohio. Speech of, on the Wilmot Proviso. United States House of Representatives, Feb. 10, 1847. Pamphlets. Vol. 22. (Presented.) Brion (M.) Almanach Interessant, ou Description abregee des Etats-Unis de 1'Am6rique. 16mo. Paris. —-W. C. 144. Brisbane (A.) Social Destiny of Man, or Association and Reorganization of Industry. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1840. Brisson (M. J.) Traite Elementaire, ou Principes de Physique. Third Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, An VIII. (C. L.) Brissot (J. P. de Warville.) Examen Critique des Voyages dans l'Am6rique Septentrionale, de M. le Marquis de Chastellux. 8vo. London, 1786. W. C. 145. Brissot (J. P. de Warville) De la France et des Etats-Unis. See Claviere, E. W. C. Brissot (J. P de Warville.) Nouveau Voyage dans les Etats-Unis de FlAmerique Septentrionale, fait en 1788. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1791. W. C. 146. Brissot (J. P. de Warville.) New Travels in the United States of America, in 1788: trans. from the French. 12mo, NewYork, 1792. Brissot (De Warville,) and E. Clavier. Considerations on the relative situation of France and the United States. 8vo. London, 1788. Bristed (John.) Resources of the United. States of America. 8vo. New-York, 1818. Bristed (John.) The Monthly Register, Magazine and Review of the United States. 3 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1807. Bristed (John.) Hints on the National Bankruptcy of Great Britain, and on her Resources. 8vo. New-York, 1809. British Admirals. See Lardner's Cyclopedia, 123- 127. British Almanac and Companion. 22 vols. 1828 - 1849. 12mo. London, 1828-1849. British Almanac and Companion. Index, from 1828 to 1843. 12mo. London, 1843. (2170) MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 441 British Association for the Advancement of Science. Reports from the 1st to the 17th Meetings, 1831 - 1848. 16 vols. 8vo. London, 1835 - 1849. British Association for the Advancement of Science. Lithographed Signatures of the Members who met at Cambridge in 1833, with a Report of the Proceedings, and a List of Members. 4to. Cambridge, 1833. British Colonies. Account of the First Settlement of the Provinces of Virginia, Maryland, New-York, New-Jersey, and Pennsylvanlia, by the English. See British Colonies. Tracts.W. C. British Colonies. Tracts. 4to. London -W. C. 147. British Colonies. Colonial Policy of Great Britain considered with respect to her North American Provinces and West India Possessions. 8vo. London, 1816.-W. C. 148. British Colonies. History of the British Dominions in North America, 1497-1763. 4to.. 2 vols. in 1. London, 1773. —-- W. C. 149. British Dramatists (Lives of.) By Thomas Campbell, William Gifford, Leigh Hunt, George Darley, &c. 2 vols. in 1. 1'mo. Philadelphia, 1846. British and Foreign Bible Society. See Owen, J. British Treaty (The;) with an Appendix of State Papers, which are now first published. Svo. America, (Printed, unknown where, or by whom sold.) Re-printed, London, 1808. [The Appendix contains Jay's Commercial Treaty, 1794, and Observations on the Treaty between Lords Holland and Aukland and Messrs. Monroe and Pinkney. Also, Observations on the American Treaty, in Eleven Letters, by Decius. London, 1808. Also, T. P. Courtney's Additional Observations on the American Treaty; with an Appendix of State Papers. 8vo. London, 1808.. British Tyranny, or American Liberty Triumphant. Philadelphia, 1776. Pamphlets. Vol. 13. Brockett (L. P.) Geography of the State of New York. See Mather (J. H.) Brocklesby (John.) Elements of Meteorology, with Questions for Examination, &c, 12mo. New-York, 1848. Brocquiere (Bertrandon de la.) The Travels of, to Palestine, and his Return to Jerusalem, over-land to France, 1432-33. Translated by Thomas Johns. 8vo. Haford Press, 1807. C. L. Broderip (W. J.) Zoological Recreaions by. Second Edition. 12moo. London, 1848. Brodhead (John Romeyn.) Agent of the State of New-York to procure and transmit Documents in Europe relative to the Colo-.STATE LIBRARY., 28 442 MISCELLANEOTJ WORK Si. nial HIistory of said State The Final Report of; made to the Governor, February 12, 1845. 8vo. Albany, 1846. Brodhead (J. Romeyn.) Address before the New-York Historical Society, November 20, 1844. 8vo. New-York, 1844. (Presented ) Bromley (Robert A.) Philosophical and Critical History of the Fine Arts, Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1793. Brongniart (Alexander.) Trait6 des ArtsCeramiques et des Poteries. 2 vols. 8vo. and 4to. Atlas. 3 vols Paris, 1814. Brongniart (Adolphe.) Histoire des Vegetaux Fossiles, on Recherches Botaniques et G6ologiques sur les Vegetaux renfermes dans les diverses Couches de Globe. Vol. 1. 4to. Paris, 1828. Brookes (R.) New Universal Gazetteer, with a brief Dictionary of Commerce. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1839. Brookes (Rajah.) Journals. Narrative of Eventsin Borneo and Celebes. See Mundy. Brooks (J. Tyrwhitt,) M. D. Four Months among the Gold Finders in California. 8vo. New-York, 1849. Brosses (Charles de.) Histoire des Navigations aux Terres Australes. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1756. W. C. 150. Brosses (Charles de.) Traite de la Formation Mecanique des, Langues. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1765. Brougham (Henry.) Lord. Discourse of Natural Theology, showing the Nature of the Evidence and the Advantages of the Study. 3d Ed. 12mo. London, 1835. Brougham (Henry.) Lord. Historical Sketches of Statesmen who: flourished in the Reign of George the Third, with Remarks on Party. 8vo. Paris, 1839. Brougham (Henry.) Lord. The Same. 2 vols. Svo. Philadelphia, 1840. Brougham (Henry.) Lord. Inquiry into the Colonial Policy of the European Powers 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh,1803. Brougham (Henry.) Lord. Letters and Speeches on Various Subjects. Vol. 1. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1840. Brougham (Henry.) Lord. Lives of Men of Letters and Science, who flourished in the time of George the Third. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1845 -46. Brougham (Henry.) Lord. Political Philosophy. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1844. Brougham (Henry.) Lord. Refutation of Calumnies against the Lord Chancellor, in the Quarterly Review. 8vo. London, 1833. Brougham (Henry.) Lord. Speech in the House of Commons, on tle Present State of the Law. Svo. Philadelphia, 1828. Brougham (Henry.) Lord. Speeches and Writings,, with a brief Memoir of his Life. 8vo. London, 1832. Brougham (Henry.) Lord. Speeches upon Questions relating to MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 443 Public Rights, Duties, and Interests, with Historical Introductions. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841. Brougham (Henry.) Lord. Letter to the Marquis of Lansdowne, on the late Revolution in France. Fourth Edition. 8vo. London, 1848. Broughton (William Robert.) A Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, in his Majesty's Sloop Providence, in the years 1795- 98. 4to. London, 1804. Brown (C.) Narrative of the Expedition from England to South America, for the Service of the Patriots, in 1817. 8vo. London, 1819.-W. C. 151. Brown (Charles Brockden.) American Register, or General Repository of History, Politics and Science, 1807 - 1810. 7 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. Brown (Charles Brockden.) Literary Magazine and American Register. 1803-4 -8. 8 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. Brown (Charles Brockden.) Monthly Magazine and American Review. 1799. and 1800. 3 vols. 8vo. New-York. Brown (Charles Brockden.) Life. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 1. Brown (Charles Brockden ) The Novels of. Weiland, Arthur Mervyn, Ormond, Edgar Huntley, Jane Talbot and Clara Howard. With a Memoir of the Author. 7 vols. 12mlo. Boston, 1827. Brown (Henry.) History of Illinois. 8vo. New-York, 1844. Brown (Samuel R.) View of the Campaigns of the Northwestern Army, &c. 12mo. Troy, (N. Y.,) 1814. Brown (Dr. Samuel.) On Yellow Fever; Pamphlets. Vol. 39. Brown (Thomas). Account of the People called Shakers. 12mo. Troy, 1812. Brown (Thomas,) Professor. Lectures on the Philosophy of the Human Mind. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1826. Brown (Capt. Thomas,) Illustrations of the Land and Fresh Water Conchology of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. London, 1845. Brown (Rev William,) D. D. Antiquities of the Jews; carefully compiled from Authentic Sources, and their Customs Illustrated from Modern Travels. 2 vols. 8vo. Second Edition., 1826. Brown (William.) Catalogue of Books. 8vo. London, 1840. Brown (William H.) Portrait Gallery of Distinguished American Citizens, with Biographical Sketches, and Fac-Similes of Original Letters. fol. Hartford, 1845. Browne (D. J) The Trees of America, native and foreign, pictorially and botanically delineated and scientifically and popularly described. 8vo. New-York, 1846. Browne (Edward.) Travels through Germany, &c. Harris. Vol. 2. Browne (James.) LL. D. A history of the Highlands and the Highland Clans. 4 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1843. 444 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Browne (J. Ross.) Etchings of a Whaling Cruise, with Notes of a sojourn on the Island of Zanzibar. To which is added, a brief History of the Whale Fishery. New-York, 1846. Browne (Patrick.) The Civil and Natural History of Jamaica, with numerous Plates. fol. London, 1789. Browne (Sir Thomas.) Works, including his Life and Correspondence. Edited by Simon Wilkins, F. L. S. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1836. Browne (Sir Thomas.) Religio Medici. Works. Browne (Sir Thomas.) Works. fol. London, 1686. Browne (W. G.) Travels in Africa, Egypt, and Syria, 1792-1798. 2d ed. 4to. London, 1806. Browning (Charles.) Appeal to the Citizens of Marlyland, from the Legitimate Heirs of the Baltimore Family. 8vo. Baltimore, 1821. Browning (W. S.) History of the Huguenots. A new edition continued to the present time. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. Brownlee (William C.) Dissertation on the Nature and Obligation of a Civil Oath. Pamphlets. Vol. 13. Brownrigg (Wm.) Art of Making Common Salt. 8vo. London, 1748. Brownson (0. A.) Quarterly Review. Vols. 1, 2, 3. 8vo. Boston, 1844-46. New Series. Vols. 1, 2, 3. 1847-49. Boston. Whole number 6. Bruce (Archibald.) American Mineralogical Journal. Vol. 1. 8vo. New-York, 1814. Bruce (James.) Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile. 5 vols. 4to. Edingburgh, 1790. Brulliot (Franqois.) Dictionnaire des Monogrammes, Marques Figurees, Letters Initiales, Noms Abreg6s, &c. 4to. Munich, 1832. Brun (Jean B.) Le Triomphe du Nouveau Monde. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. Paris, 1785. —- W. C. 152. Brunet (Jacques Charles.) Manuel du Libraire et de I'Amateur de Livres. 4th ed. 5 vols. Svo. Paris, 1842-1844. Bry, or De Bry (Theodore.) America sive peregrinationum in Indiam Occidentalem. IX partibus comprehensie. Bound in 4 vols. fol. 1590 -1602. — -(Warden Collection. 153.) vol. 1. Part 1: Admiranda narratio fida tamen, de commodis et incolorum ritibus Virginiae. (Harriot's Account of Virginia.) 22 Plates and a Map of Virginia. Frankfort, 1590. Part 2: Brevis narratio eorum quoe in Florida, Americm Provincise Gallis aciderunt. (Among the descriptions, is the relation of Jacques Le Moyne Des Morgues. 42 Plates and a Map of Florida. Francofurti, 1591. Part 3: Americe Tertia Pars, memorabilem Provincise Braziliae historiam continens. (Voyages of Stadius and Lery.) 45 Plates and a Map of Brazil. Frankfort, 1592. But on the last page, 1605. Vol. 2. Part 4: Americe Pars Quarta. Benzoni's History of the New World. (Besono.) Map and 24 Plates. Frankfort, 1594. Part 5: Americe Pars Quinta. Benzoni's History, continued. Map and 22 Plates. Frankfort, 1595. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 445 Vo. 3. Part 6: Americe Pars Sexta. Benzoni's History, concluded. Map and28 Plates. Frankfort, 1596. Part 7: Americe Pars Septima. Verissima et Jucundissima descriptio precipuanrum quarundam Indiae Regionum ab Ulrico Fabro. (Ulric Schmidel.) 1599. Part 8: Americae Pars Octava. The Voyages to the South Seas of Sir Francis Drake. Cavendish (Candisch) and Raleigh. 18 Plates and Map of Guiana. 1599. Vol. 4. Part 9: Americae nona et postrema pars. Acosta de Natura Novi Orbis. The Voyages of Sebalt De Veer to the Straits of Magellan, in 1598, and of Oliver De Noort. 39 Plates. Frankfort, 1602.. Bryan (George.) Life of George P. Barker, by, and the Funeral Sermon, by Rev. John C. Lord, D. ID. 12mo. Buflalo, 1849. Bryant (Edwin.) What I saw in California. A Journal of a Tour in 1846 and 1847. 12mo. New-York,, 1848. Bryant (William Cullen.) Poems by, with Illustrations by E. Lentze. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847. Bryant (William Cullen.) A Funeral Oration, occasioned by the Death of Thomas Cole. Delivered b:-fore the National Academy of Design, New-York, May, 1848. 8vo. New-York, 1848. Brydges (Sir Egerton.) Autobiography, Times, Opinions, and Contemporaries. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1834. Brydges (Sir Egerton.) What are Riches? Or an Examination of the Definitions of this Subject by Modern Economists. Pamphleteer. Vol. 20. Brydone (F.) Tour through Sicily and Malta. 12mo. New-York, 1813. Buch (Leopold von.) Travels through Norway and Lapland, 18061808:, trans. by John Black, with an Account of the Author by R. Jameson. 4to. London, 1813. Buchanan (Rev. Claudius.) D. D. Sermons. To which are added, Christian Researches in Asia. Fifth Edition. 8vo. London,. 1812. Buchanan (Francis.) Journey from Madras through the Countries of Mysore, Canara, and Malabar. 3 vols. 4to.. London, 1807. Buchanan (Francis.) Comparative Vocabulary of some of the Languages spoken in the Burma Empire. Asiatick Researches. Vol. 5. Buchanan (Francis.) On the Religion and Literature of the Burmas. Asiatick Researches. Vol. 6. Buchanan (James.) See Oregon Question. Buchanan (James.) Sketches of the History, Manners, and Customs of the North American Indians. 8vo. London, 1824.W. C. 154. Buchanan (Robertson.) Practical Essays on Mill Work and other Machinery, with Notes and additional Articles by Thomas Tredgold. 2d ed. 2 vols 8vo. London, 1823. 446 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Buck (George W.) Practical and Theoretical Essay on Oblique Bridges. 4to. London. 1839. Buckinghan (J. S.) America, Historical, Statistic, and Descriptive. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1842. Buckingham (J. S.) Slave States of America. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1842. Buckingham (J. S.) The Eastern and Western States of America, by. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1842. Buckingham (J. S.) Canada, Nova Scotia, New-Brunswick, and the other British Provinces in North America, with a Plan of National Colonization. 8vo. London, 1843. Buckingham (J. S.) France, Piedmont, Italy, Lombardy, The Tyrol, and Bavaria. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1849. Buckland (Wm.) Reliquiae Diluviana, or Observations on the Organic Remains in Caves, &c., attesting the action of an Universal Deluge. 4to. London, 1823. Buckland (Wm.) See Bridgewater Treatise. Buckminster (Rev. Messrs.) Lives. See Lee. Buckminster (Rev. Joseph S.) Pamphlets. Vol. 37. Budge (John.) The Practical Miner's Guide, &c. 8vo. London, 1845. C. L. Buel (David, Jun.) Troy for Fifty Years: Lecture before the Young Men's Association of Troy. 8vo. Troy, 1841. Pamphlets. Vol. 11. (Presented.) Buel (Jesse.) The Farmer's Companion, &c. Sixth Edition. With his Eulogy, by Amos Dean. 12mo. New-York, 1847. Buel (Jesse.) Farmer's Instructor, &c. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1847. Buenos Ayres. Five Years' Residence in Buenos Ayres, 18201825, by an Englishman. 2d Ed. 8vo. London, 1827.W. C. 155. Buenos Ayres. La Republique de Buenoz Ayrez telle qu'elle est Aujourd'hui, par Edmond de G " * S * * *. 8vo. Paris, 1825. W. C. 156. Buenos Ayres. Monarchical Projects; or, a Plan to place a Bourbon King on the Throne of Buenos Ayres, in Opposition to British Interests. 8vo. London, 1820. —— W. C. 157. Buenos Ayres. Registro Official, 1821, 1822. 2 vols. 8vo. Buenos Ayres, 1822.-W. C. 158. Buffon (Nadault de.) Traite de Origin et pratique des Trrigations. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1843-44, with a folio Atlas. 4 vols. (Presented.) Buhoup (Jonathan W.) Narrative of the Central Division of the Army of Chihuahua, commanded by Brigadier Gen. Wool. 12mo. Pittsburgh, 1847. Buist (Robert.) The Rose Manual, containing accurate descriptions of all the finest varieties of Roses, &c. Second Edition. Philadelphia, 1847. MIStE LL.ANDOUS WORKS. 44'7 Bulkley (Jolh.) and Cummins (John.) A Voyage to the South Seas in 1740 - 41; with a Narrative of the Loss of the Wager. 8vo. London, 1743. Bull (Marcus.) Experiments to determine the Comparative Quantities of Heat evolved in the Combustion of the principal Varieties of Wood and Coal, used in the United States for Fuel. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc., N. S., vol. 3. Bullar (Joseph and Henry.) Winter in the Azores, and a Summer at the Baths of the Furnas. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1841. Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France. Deuxieme Serie, 1843 -48. Vols. 1 and 3, complete. (Presented.) Bullock (W.) Six Months' Residence and Travels in Mexico, &c. 8vo. London, 1824. —W. C. 159. Bulwer (Edward Lytton.) England and the English. By the author of Pelham. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1833. Bulwer (H. Lytton.) France: Social, Literary, Political. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1835. Bunbury (Charles J. F.) Journal of a Residence at the:Cape of Good Hope, with Excursions into the Interior, &c. 12mo. London, 1848. Bunbury (Sir Henry.) Correspondence of Sir Thomas Hanmer, with a Memoir of his Life. 8vo. London, 1838. Bunner (E.) History of Louisiana. 12lo. New-York, 1843. Bunning (J. B.) Designs for Tombs and Monumentis, by. folio. London, 1832. Bunyan (John.) Pilgrim's Progress, (Tlhe.). With Notes by Thomas Scott, D. D., and a Life of the Author, by Josiah Conder, Esq. Embellished with twenty-five engravings. 8vo. Philadelphia. (Published by the Presbyterian ]Board.) Bunyan (John.) Holy War (The.) With Explanatory Notes by Rev. George Burder. Embellished with sixty-eight engravings. 8vo. Philadelphia. (Published by the Presbyterian Board) Biurckhardt (John Lewis.) Travels in Nubia. 4to. London, 1819. Burger. See Ulland. Burgess (Hon. Tristam.) Battle of Lake Erie, with Notices of Commodore Elliot's conduct in that Engagement. -2mro. Philadelphia, 1839. Burgess (Hon. Tristam.) Life of. See Bowen. Burgh (J.) Political Disquisitions, or an Inquiry into Public Errors, Defects and Abuses. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1775. Burgh (James.) The Dignity of Iuman Nature. Fourth American Edition. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1816. Burgon (John W.) Life and Times of Sir Thomas Gresha.m. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. Burgoyne (John,) General.. Campaign. See Neilson. 448 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, Burgoyne (John.) General. State of the Expedition from Canadas as laid before the House of Commons. 4to, London, 1780. Burgoyne (Lieut. General J.) The Dramatic and Poetical Works of, with Memoirs of the Author. 2 vols., (bound in one.) 8vo. London, 1808. Burgoyneb(Lieut. General.) A Letter from, to his Constituents, upon his~-ate Resignation, and his Return from America. Sixth Edition. 8vo. London, 1779. Burgoyne (Lieut. General.) A Reply to his Letter to his Constituents. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1779. Burgoyne (Lieut. General.) A Letter to, occasioned by a second edition of his State of the Expedition from Canada. 8vo. London, 1780. Burk (John.) History of Virginia. 2 vols. 8vo. Petersburg, 1804. Burke (Edanus.) Address to the Freemen of South Carolina. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1783. —— W. C. 160. Burke (Edmund.) Abridgment of English History. Works, vol. 5. Burke (Edmund.) Account of the European Settlements in America. 5th Ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1770. Burke (Edmund) Articles of Charges of High Crimes and Misdelneanors against Warren Hastings; and Speeches on his Impeachment. Works, vols. 6 and 7. Burke (Edmund.) Correspondence, 1744-1797: Edited by Earl Fitzwilliam and Sir Richard Bourke. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1844. Burke (Edmund.) Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. Works, vol. 1. Burke (Edmund.) Reflections on the Revolution in France. Works, vol. 3. Burke (Edmund). Vindication of Natural Society, &c. Works, vol. 1. Burke (Edmund.) Works. 7 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1826-1827. Burke (Edmund) Storia degli Stabilimenti Europei in America: trad. in Italiano. 2 vols. 8vo. Venice, 1763.W —W. C. 161. Burke (Edmund.) Letters from, to the Committee of Correspondence for the General Assembly of New-York, respecting the effect of the Quebec Bill upon the Boundary of NewYork, 1848. Burke (Edmund.) Speech on Conciliation with the Colonies. See American Tracts, vol. 7. Burke (Edmund.) A Letter from, to John Farr and John Harris, Sheriffs of the City of Bristol, on the Affairs of America. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1777. Burke (Edmund.) On a Regicide Peace. Pamphlets. Vols. 34, 46. Burke (John.) Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire. 8vo. London, 1841. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 449 Burke (John.) Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland, &c. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1836. Burke (John.) Genealogical and Heraldic lHistory of the Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies of England. 8vo. London, 1838. Burke (John.) General and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerages of England, Ireland, and Scotland; Extinct, Dormant, and in Abeyance. 8vo. London, 1831. Burke (John,) and John Bernard. A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vols. 8vo. With a Supplementary Volume. London, 1848. 3 vols. Burke (William.) Additional Reasons for our Immediately Emancipating Spanish America. London, 1808. Tracts, vol. 6. Burleigh (Joseph B.) The American Manual: a Commentary on the Constitution of the United States, &c. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1848. Burmeister (Hermann.) Manual of Entomology: Translated from the German, with Notes, by W. E. Shukard. 8vo. London, 1836. Burnaby (Andrew.) Travels through the Middle Settlements in North America, in 1759 and 1760. 2d Ed. 8vo. London, 1775. Burne (Peter.) The Teetotaller's Companion, or a Plea for Temperance. 8vo. London, 1847. Burnes (Alex.) Substance of a Geographical Memoir on the Indus. Geog. Soc. Journal, vol. 3. Burnes (Alex.) Travels into Bokhara, 1831-1833. 2d Ed. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1835. Burnes (Jabez.) D. D. Notes of a Tour in the United States and Canada, in 1847. 18mo. London, 1848. Burnes (James.) Visit to the Court of Sinde, with a Sketch of the History of Cutch, &c. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1831. Burnet (Gilbert.) Bishop. History of his Own Time; with the Author's Life, by the Editor. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1818. Burnet (Gilbert.) Bishop. History of the Reformation of the Church of England. 2d Ed. 3 vols. fol. London, 1781. Burnet(Gilbert.) Travels through Swisserland, Italy, Germany, and the Low Countries. Harris, vol. 2. Burnet (Gilbert.) Bishop of Sarum. An Exposition of the Thirtynine Articles of the Church of England, with the Augsburgh Confession, Creed of Pope Pius IV. Edited by Rev. James R. Page. 8vo. New-York, 1842. C. L. Burnet (Jacob.) Notes on the Early Settlement of the Northwestern Territory. 8vo. New-York, 1847. Burney (Charles.) Memoirs, from his Own Manuscripts and Family Papers, with Personal Recollections, by his Daughter, Madame D'Arblay. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1832. 450 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, Burney (James.) Chronological History of the North-Eastern Voyages of Discovery, and of the Early Eastern Navigation of the Russians. 8vo. London, 1819.- W. C. 162. Burney (James.) Chronological History of the Discoveries in the South Sea. 5 vols. 4to. London, 1803-1817. — -W. C. 163. Burney (James.) History of the Buccaneers of America. 4to. London, 1816. Burns (Robert). The Works of, complete in one volume, with his Life, by Allan Cunningham. 8vo. London, 1845. Burr (Aaron.) Private Journal, during his Residence in Europe, with Selections from his Correspondence: Edited by Matthew L. Davis. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1838. Burr (Aaron.) Memoirs. See Davis, M. L. Burr (Aaron.) Life of. See Knapp. Burr (Aaron.) Nine Letters on his Political Defection, by James Cheetham. New-York, 1803. Pamphlets. Vol. 17. Burrall (Thomas D.) Address, delivered before the Ontario Agricultural Society. Agricultural Tracts, vol. 1. Burriel (And. Marc.) Histoire Naturelle et Civile de la Californie: trad. de'Anglois par M. Eidous. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1767.-W-. C. 164. Burrows (John.) On National Prejudices, their good and bad Effects. Pamphleteer. Vol. 9. Burrowes (Robert.) Essay on Style in Writing. Trans. Royal Irish Acad. Vol. 5. Burrowes (Robert) Essay on the Style of Dr. Samuel Johnson. Trans. Royal Irish Acad. Vol. 1. Burton (John Hill.) The Life and Correspondence of David Hume, from the Papers bequeathed by his Nephew to the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and other original sources. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1846. Burton, (John Hill.) Lives of Simon Lord Lovat, and Duncan Forbes, of Culloden. From original sources. 12mo. London, 1847. Burton (Robert.) Anatomy of Melancholy; with the Life of the Author. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1826. Burton (Robert.) English Empire in America. 5th ed. 16mo. London, 1711..W. C. 165. Burton (Thomas.) Diary, 1656 - 1659, from the Original Autograph Manuscript, &c.: Edited by John T. Rutt. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1828. Busching (A. F.) New System of Geography. 6 vols. 4to. London, 1762. Bush (Mrs. Forbes.) Memoirs of the Queens of France. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1847. Bush (Rev. George.) The Life of Mohammed, founder of the Religion of Islam. 18mo. New-York, 1847. MISCELLANEOUS WORXKS. 451 Bushnell (Rev. Horace.) Oration before the Society of Phi-BetaKappa, at Cambridge, August 24, 1848. 2d Ed. 8vo. Cambridge, 1848. Butel-Dumont (G. M.) Histoire et Commerce des Colonies Angloises dans l'Amerique Septentrionale. 12mo. London, 1755. -W. C. 166. Butler (Benjamin F.) Outlines of the Constitutional History of New-York. A Discourse before the Historical Society of New-York, Nov. 10, 1847. 8vo. New-York, 1848. Buttler (Caleb.) History of the Town of Groton, including Pepperell and Shirley, from the first grant of Groton Plantation in 1655. With appendix. 8vo. Boston, 1848. Butler (Charles.) Inaugural Oration, on laying the first Stone of the London Institution for the Diffusion of Science and Literature. Pamphleteer. Vol. 7. Butler (Charles.) On the Legality of Impressing Seamen. Pamphleteer. Vol. 23. Butler (Charles.) Book of the Roman Catholic Church, in a series of Letters addressed to Robert Southey. 8vo. London, 1825. Butler (Charles.) Historical Memoirs of the English, Irish and Scotish Catholics, since the Reformation. 4vols. 8vo. London, 1822. Butler (Charles.) Hore Biblice; being a connected series of Notes on the Text and Literary History of the Bibles, or Sacred Books of the Jews and Christians. Fourth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London. Butler (Charles.) Reminiscences. Fourth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London. Butler (Frederick.) A complete History of the United States, to 1820. 3 vols. 8vo. Hartford, 1821. Butler (James Davie.) Address before the Vermont Historical and Antiquarian Society of Montpelier, Oct. 18, 1846. Pamphlets. Vol. 22. (Presented.) Butler (James Davie.) Address on the Battle of Bennington, before the Legislature of Vermont, Oct. 20, 1848. 8vo. Burlington, 1849. (Presented.) Butler (Joseph.) Bishop. Works; with his Life, Character, and Writings, by Drs. Kippis and Halifax. 2 vols. 12mo. Cambridge, 1827. Butler (Mann.) History of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. 8vo. Louisville, 1834. Butler, (Mrs., late Fanny Kemble.) A year of Consolation. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo New-York, 1847. Butler, (Samuel.) Hudibras, by. With notes by the Rev. Treadway Russel Nash, D. D. Anew edition, illustrated. 2vols. 12mo, London, 1847. Buxton (Thos. Fowell.) Inquiry whether Crime and Misery are 452 MIsCELLANEOUS WORKS. produced, or prevented by our Present System of Prison Discipline: with Joseph John Gurney's Notes on a Visit made to some of the Prisons in Scotland and the North of England. 12mo. London, 1818. Buxton (Sir Thomas Fowell.) Memoirs of, Edited by his Son, Charles Buxton. Second Edition. 8vo. London. 1849. IByfield (Nathaniel.) An account of the Revolution in New England, with the Declaration of gentlemen, merchants, &c., of Boston, April 18, 1689. 4to. London, 1689. Byrd, (XWilliam) of Westover. The Westover Manuscripts, containing the History of the Dividing Line between Virginia and North Carolina, &c. 8vo. Petersburgh, (Virginia,) 1841. Byrdsall (F.) The History of the Loco-Foco or Equal Rights Party; its Movements, Conventions and Proceedings, with short sketches of the prominent men. 12mo., New-York, 1842. Byrne, (J. C.) Twelve years' Wanderings in the British Colonies, fromn 1835 to 1847. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848. Byron (George.) Lord. See Gait's Life of. Byron (George.) Lord. Works, in Verse and Prose, including his Letters, Journals, &c.; with a Sketch of his Life. 8vo. New-York, 1840. Byron (George.) Lord. Letter to, with Animadversions on his Writings, and; Absence fom his-Country. Pamphleteer. Vol. 19. Byron (John.) Narrative of the Great Distresses suffered by Him-, self and his Companions on the Coast of Patagonia. 1,6mo. London, 1782.- W. C. 167. Byron (John.) Viage al Rededor del Mundo: Traducir del Ingles, e Illustrado con Notas por el Dr. C. Ortega. 8vo. Madrid, 1769.-W. C. 168. C. Cabot (Sebastian.) Life. Sparks' American Biography. Vol. 9. Cahoone (Sarah S.) Visit to Grand-pa, or a Week at Newport. (With several Engravings). 12mo. New-York, 1840. Caldcleugh (Alex.) Travels in South America. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1825. —-. C. 169.. Calderon de la Barca, (Madame.) Life in Mexico, during a residence of two years in that country. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1843. Caldwell (Charles.) Life and Campaigns of Major General Nathaniel Greene. 8vo. Phliladelphia, 1819. Caldwell (Charles.) M. D. A discourse on the genius and character of the Rev. Horace Holley, LL. D., late President of Transylvania University. 8vo. Boston, 1828. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 453 Calepinus (Ambr.) Dictionarium Undecitn Linguarum. fol. Basil, 1511. Calhoun (John C.) Correspondence between General Andrew Jackson and John C. Calhoun, President and Vice President of the United States, on the subject of the course of the latter, in the deliberations of the Cabinet of Mr. Monroe, on the occurrences of the Seminole War. 8vo. Washington, 1831. Calhoun (John C.) Life of, presenting a condensed History of Political Events, from 1811 to 1843; with a selection from his Speeches, Reports and other Writings, &c. 8vo. New-York, 1843. Calhoun (John C.) Life of, presenting a condensed History of Political Events, from 1811 to 1843. New-York, 1843. Pamphlets. Vol. 22. Calhoun (John C.) See Oregon Question. California. Tracts. 8vo. 1827. W... 170. California. Life in, by an American. IThe same work contains Boscanals account of the Indian Mission of St. Juan Capestrano, Alta California.] 12mo. New-York, 1846. Callander (John.) Voyages to the Southern Hemisphere. 3 vols. 8vo Edinburgh, 1766-1768. —-W. C. 171. Callender (James.) See American Annual Register. Callender (James Thompson). The History of the United States, for 1796, &c 8vo. Philadelphia, 1797. Callender (John.) An Historical Discourse on the Civil and Religious Affairs of Rhode Island. (Boston, 1739.) Reprinted, with a Memoir, Original Documents, &c. By Romeo Elton. 8vo. Providence, 1838. (From Rhode Island Historical Collections). Callender (John.) Pamphlets. Vol. 46. Calvert (George H.) Scenes and Thoughts in Europe. 12mo. NewYork, 1846. Calvert (Leonard.) Life of. Sparks' American Biography. Vol. 19. Camden and Amboy:Railroad, and Delaware and Raritan Canal Companies. Address of, to the People of New-Jersey. 8vo. Trenton, 1846. (Presented.) Camden (William.) Remaines concerning Britaine. Small' 4to. London, 1637. Camden (William.) Rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum Annales, regnante Elizabetla. 8vo. Leyden, 1639. W. C. 172. Camoens (Luis de.) Os Lusiadas. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo. Avinha6, 1818.- W. C. 173. Camp (George Sidney.) Democracy, by. 18mo. New-York, 1845. Campaigns in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, &c., in 1796, 1797, 1798, and 1799. 2d Ed. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1814. Calmpanius. See Holm. Campbell (Charles,) Introduction to the History of the Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia. 8vo. Richmond, 1847. 454 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Campbell (E. S. N) A Dictionary of Military Science, &c. 12mo. London, 1830. Campbell (E. S. N.) Dictionary of the Military Science; containing an Explanation of the Principal Terms used in Matheaatics, Artillery and Fortification, &c. 12mo. London, 1830. Campbell (H. Y.) Ossiana, or Fingal ascertained and traced in U1ster, &c. Pamphleteer. Vol. 15. Campbell (James.) Foreign Monthly Magazine. Vol. 6. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1843 - 1844. Campbell (John.) Lives of the Admirals and other Eminent British Seamen. 2d Ed. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1750.-W. C. 174. Campbell (John.) The Spanish Empire in America. 8vo. London, 1747. W. C. 175. Campbell (John.) Maritime Discovery and Christian Missions, considered in their Moral Relations. 8vo. London, 1840. Campbell (John.) Political Survey of Great Britain. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1774. Campbell (John.) Lord. Speeches, at the Bar and in the House of Commons, &c. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1842. Campbell (John.) Lord. Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England, from the earliest times till the Reign of George the Fourth. 7 vols. 8vo. London, 1845 -47. Campbell (J. W.) History of Virginia, from its discovery till 1781. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1813. Campbell (Mrs. Maria.) See Hull. Campbell (Thomas.) Frederick the Great, his Court and Times. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1842 Campbell (Thomas.) Life of Petrarch. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841. Campbell (Thomas.) The Poetical Works of. 12mo. London, 1846. Campbell (William W.) Annals of Tryon County, or the Border Warfare of New-York during the Revolution. 8vo. NewYork, 1831. Campbell (William W.) The Border Warfare of New-York; or the Annals of Tryon County. 12mo New-York, 1849. Campbell (William W.)'Life and Writings of De Witt Clinton. 8vo. New-York, 1849. Campbell (W. W ) The Centennial Celebration at Cherry Valley, Otsego Co., N. Y., July 4, 1840. The Addresses of William W. Campbell and Governor William H. Seward, &c. 12mo. New-York, 1840. Campe (J. 1-1.) Bibliotheque Geographique et Instructive des Jeunes Gens. Vols 3-6 in 2. 16mo. Paris, 1804. W —. C. 176. Campe (J. H.) Columbus, oder die Entdeckung von Westindien, &c.: C'est-a-dire Colomb, on la Ddcouverte des Indes Occidentales. 16mo. Paris, 1784 -— W. C. 177. MISCELLANEOUS W ORs. 455 Campe (J. I-I.) Columbus, or the Discovery of America, as related by a Father to his Children. Trans. from the German by Eliz. Helme. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo. London, 1799. —-W. C. 178. Campe (J. 1-1.) Pizarro, or the Conquest of Peru, as related by a Father to his Children. Trans. from the German by Eliz. Helme. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1799.W —. C. 179. Camus (A. G.) Memoire sur la Collection des grands et petits Voyages (De Bry) et sur la Collection des Voyages de Melchesedech Thevenot. 4to. Paris, 1802. Camus (Armand G.) M6moire sur les Collections de Voyages des De Bry et De Thevenot. 4to. Paris, 1802 -~W. C. 180. Canada. Caroline Almanack, and American Freeman's Chronicle, for 1840. Pamphlets. Vol. 12. (Presented.) Canada. Memoires sur le. Publies sur la direction de la Societe Litteraire et lHistorique de Quebec. (Bound in 1 vol. 8vo.) Containing: 1. Memoires du S- de C —, contenant l'I-Tistoire du Canada, durant la Guerre, et sous le Gouvernement Anglais, 1749 a 1760. En trois Parties, avec Cartes. Quebec, 1838. 2. Collection de AMmoires et de Relations sur l'Histoire Ancienne du Canada, d'apres des Manuscrits r6cemment obtenus des Archives et Bureaux publics en France. Quebec, 1840. This contains, 1. A memoir on the Present State of Canada, by M. Talon, 1667. 2. Memoir on Canada, probably written in 1736. 3. Considerations on the Present State of Canada, October, 1758. 4. Histoire du Canada, par M. l'Abb6 de Belmont. 5. Relation du Siege de Quebec en 1759. 6. Jugement Impartial sur les Operations Militaires de la Campaigne en Canada en 1759. 7. Reflections Sommaires sur le Commerce que s'est fait en Canada. 8. Histoire de lPEau de vie en Canada. 3. Voyages de Decouverte au Canada entre les Annees 1534 et 1542. Quebec, 1843 This contains, 1. Les Trois Voiages de Jacques Cartier an Canada en 1534, 1535 et 1540. 2 Le Routier de Jean Alphonse, de Xantoigne, premier pilote du Sieur de Roberval, (translated from H-akluyt.) 3. Voyage du Sieur de Roberval au Canada, 1542, (Ibid.) 4. Peux Letters de Jacques Noel, de St. Malo, sur les Decouvertes des Saults en Canada, 1587, (Ibid.) And an Appendix of Extracts from Old Authors. (Presented.) Canada. Pamphlets. 8vo. Canada Tracts relating to; in 1 vol. 8vo.: 1. Right Rev. Dr. Mountain, Bishop of Quebec, Letter to his Clergy, on the Clergy Reserves. Boston, 1827. 2. Speech of Louis J. Papineau, at the Hustings in Montreal, August 11, 1827. 456 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 3. Rev. Cornelius Griffin to Lords Bathurst, &c., on his Missionary Labours. London, 1828. 4. J. Quincy Adams' Report on the Free Navigation of the St. Lawrence. Washington, 1828. 5. 6. Observations in favor of the Proposed Union of Upper and Lower Canada, by the Agent for that purpose; and Letters of Louis J. Papineau and W. Nielson, against the same. London, 1824. Canada. Petition of the House of Assembly of Lower Canada to the King and the two Houses of Parliament. Pamphlets, vol. 12. (Presented) Canada and the Colonists, by a Four Years' Resident. 12mo. London, 18-4. Canada (Upper.) Annual Report of Normal, Model and Common Schools, in Upper Canada, for 1847 and 1848. By the Chief Superintendent of Schools. Folio. 2 vols. Montreal, 1849. (Bound in one.) (Presented.) Canada (Upper.) A Gazetteer of, and a Description of the Towns and Fortifications of Lower Canada; with a Map, on canvass, of Upper Canada. By David W. Smyth, SurveyorGeneral. 8vo. New-York, 1813. Canada. Statutes relating to Elementary Education, with the Circulars, Nos. 9 and 12, of the Superintendent of Education, for Lower Canada. 8vo. Montreal, 1849. (Presented.) Canadian Freeholder (The.) In Three Dialogues, between an Englishman and Frenchman settled in Canada. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1777-79. [The Second Volume also contains " The Genuine Speechl of Lord Mansfield, in giving the Judgment of the Court of King's Bench, Nov. 28, 1774, in Campbell v. Hall, respecting the King's Letters Patent of July 20, 1764, for raising a Duty of four-and-a-half per cent. on all the Exports from the Island of Grenada." 8vo. Lon don, 1774.1 Canadian Guide Book (The) with a map of the Province. 12mo. Montreal, 1849. Canadian Newspapers. See Newspapers. CANAL:S of New-York. See New-York. CANAL (Great Western.) Considerations on the. See Pamphlets. Vol. 27. CANAL (from Boston to the Hudson.) Report of the Commissioner of the State of Massachusetts, on the Routes of Canals from Boston Harbor to Connecticut and Hudson River, with. Map. 8vo. Boston, 1826. (Presented.) Candler. Summary view of America. 8vo. London, 1824.W. C. 181. Candolle (Aug. P. de.) Vegetable Organography, or an Analytical Description of the Organs of Plants: trans. by B. Kingdon. 2dEd. 2vols. 8vo. London, 1841. (2577) MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 457 Candor to the Public Advertiser, 1764. Political Tracts, vol. 1. Candor to the Public Advertiser: Principles of the late Changes Impartially Examined, 1765. Political Tracts, vol 2. Capefigue (M.) Diplomatists of Europe. From the French. 12mo. London, 1845. Capen. See Massachusetts' State Record. Capital Punishment. Report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on. Pamphleteer, vol. 15. Capital Punishment. Strictures on the Right, Expedience, and Indiscriminate Denunciation of. Pamphleteer, vol. 3. Caracas. See Venezuela. Cardenas z Cano (G. De.) Ensayo Cronologico para la Historia General de la Florida. fol. Madrid, 1723. —W. C. 182. Careri (Gemelli.) Voyage du Tour du Monde: trad. de l'italien. 6 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1719. -W. C. 183. Carey (H. C.) The Past, the Present and the Future. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848. Carey (M.) New Olive Branch. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1820.- W. C. 184. Carey (M.) Vindicim Hibernicae, or Ireland Vindicated. 3d Ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1837. Carey (M.) See American Museum. Carey (Matthew.) Nine Letters to Dr. Adam Seybert, M. C., on the United States Bank. Philadelphia, 1810. Pamphlets, vol. 22. Carey (Matthew.) The Olive Branch, or Faults on both sides. Federal and Democratic. 7th Ed. 12mo. Middlebury, Vermont, 1816. Carey (M.) A short account of the Malignant Fever, lately prevalent in Philadelphia, &c. 2d Ed. Svo. Philadelphia, 1793. (Presented.) Carless (T. G.) Memoir to accompany the Survey of the Delta of the Indus, in 1837. Geog. Soc. Journal, vol. 8. Carleton (Sir Dudley.) Letters from and to, during his Embassy to Holland, 1615-1620. 4to. London, 1757.* Carleton (W.) Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry. Three Series. 6 vols. in 3. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1833 - 1834. Carli (G. R., Conte.) Le Lettere Americane. 2 vols. 12mo. Cremona, 1781. —-- W. C. 185. Carli (G. R., Conte.) Lettres Americaines, avec des Observations et Additions du Traducteur. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1788. - W. C. 186. Carlton (Sir Guy) and Peter Livius. Proceedings between, 1779. Pamphlets. Vol. 13. * In Walpole's George 3d, (vol. 1, p. 395.) these letters are said to have been edited by Lord Hardwicke. The first edition consisted of 20 copies, and the second of 50 copies. This copy is of the first Edition. See also Watt. [STATE LIBRARY.] 29 458 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Carle'on (James Henry) Captain United States Dragoons. The Battle of Buena Vista, with the operations of the Army of Occupation for one month. 12mo. New-York, 1848. Carleton (Robert.) The New Purchase, or seven and a half years in the Far West. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1843. Carlyle (Thomas.) Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1846. Carlyle (Thomas.) French Revolution. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1837. Carlyle (Thomas.) German Romance. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1841. Carlyle (Thomas.) Life of Freiderich Schiller. 8vo. New-York, 1846. Carlyle (Thomas.) On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History. 12mo. New-York, 1841. Carlyle (Thomas.) Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, with elucidations. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1845. Carlyle (Thomas.) Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, including the Supplement to the First Edition, with Elucidations. 2 vols. 12mo. T ew-York, 1848. Carnarvon (Earl of.) Portugal and Galicia, with a View of the Social and Political State of the Basque Provinces. 3d Ed. 12mo. London, 1848. Carnot (M.) Memorial addressed to the King of France, in 1814. Pamphleteer, vol. 5. Carolina. Account of the Province of Carolina in America, with an Abstract of the Patent. 12mo. London, 1682. Caron (Frans.) Account of Japan. Pinkerton, vol. 7. Carpenter (S. C.) Select American Speeches; being a Sequel to Dr. Chapman's Select Speeches. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1815. Carpenter (W.) On the Microscopic Structure of Shells. Reports British Association, 1844. Carpenter (William.) Peerage for the People. 12mo. London, 1841. Carpenter (W. M.) Remarks and Observations on the Formation of Fogs. Silliman's Journal, vol. 44. Carr (Sir John.) Tour through Holland, along the Right and Left Banks of the Rhine, &c., in 1806. 4to. London, 1807. Carrel (Amand.) History of the Counter-Revolution in England, for the Re-Establishment of Popery under Charles 2 and James 2. Fox, (Charles James,) History of the Reign of James 2. In one volume. 12mo. London, 1846. Carroll (B. R.) Historical Collections of South Carolina. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1836. Carroll (Charles, of Carrollton.) Journal during his Visit to Canada, in 1776; with a Memoir and Notes, by Brantz Mayer. 8vo. Baltimore, 1845. Carte Geologique de la France. (In Case.) MISCELLANEOUS WORKs. 459 Carte (Geologique de la France.) Explication de la, par M. M. Dufrenoy et Elie de Beaumont, &c. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1841 - 47. (Presented.) Carter (N. H.) Letters from Europe, 1825-1827. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1827. Carthier (Jacques,) and others. Voyages to New-France. Pinkerton, vol. 12. Cartwright (Edmund.) Life, Writings, and Mechanical Inventions. 8vo. London, 1843. Cartwright (F. D.) Life and Correspondence of Major John Cartwright. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1826. Cartwright (George.) Journal during a Residence of Sixteen Years on the Coast of Labrador. 3 vols. 4to. Newark, 1792.W. C. 187. Cartwright (John.) Major. Legislative Rights of the Commonalty Vindicated. 2d Ed. 8vo. London, 1777. — W. C. 188. Cartwright (John.) See American Tracts, vol. 5. Carus (C. G.) King of Saxony's Journey through England and Scotland, in the year 1844. London, 1846. Carus (Rev. William.) Memoirs of the Life of the Rev. Charles Simeon, M. A. The American Edition edited by the Rt. Rev. Bishop M'Ilvaine. 8vo. New-York, 1847. Carver (Jona.) New Universal Traveller. folio. London, 1779. Carver (Jona.) Travels through the Interior Parts of North America, 1766 - 1768. 8vo. London, 1778. - W. C. 189. Carver (Jona.) The Same. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1796. Carver (Jona.) Voyage dans les Parties Int6rieures de l'Amrique Septentrionale, 1766 -1768. 8vo. Paris, 1784. VW.C. 190. Carver (Jona.) Voyage dans l'Amrique Septentrionale; avec d'un Notice Historique par J. B. J. Breton. 16mo. Paris, 1804. See Campe. —W. C. Gary (Henry.) See Herodotus..Gary (Henry.) Memorials of the Great Civil War in England, from 1646 to 1652. Edited from Original Letters in the Bodleian Library, of Charles the First and Second, Queen Henrietta Prince Rupert, &c., by. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1842. Cary (Rev. Henry Francis.) Translator of Dante. Memoirs of, by his son, Rev. Henry Cary. 2 vols. 12ino. London, 1847. Cary (Henry Francis.) Translator of Dante. See Dante. Cary (Rev. Samuel.) Pamphlets, vol. 42. Casas (Barth. de la;s.) Bishop. Istoria del Occidentali. (In Spanish and Italian.) 4to. Venice, 1630. W. C. 191. Casas (Barth. de las.) Bishop. Decouvertes des Indes Occidentales, par les Espagnols. 12mo. Paris, 1697. ~W. C. 192. Casas (Barth. de las.) Bishop. (Euvres: precedies de sa Vie par J. A. Llorente. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1822. —W. C. 193. 460 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Caspipina's Letters, written by a gentleman who resided some time in Philadelphia, to which is added the Life and Character of William Penn. 2 vols in one. 8vo. Dublin, 1792. (Written by Rev. Jacob Duche.) Cass (Lewis.) France: its King, Court and Government. 8vo. New-York, 1840. Cassani (Joseph.) Historia del Neuvo Reyno de Granada. fol. Madrid, 1741.-W-. C. 194. Cassini (C. F.) Voyage en 1768, pour Eprouver les Montres Marines inventees par M. le Roy. 4to. Paris, 1770- W. C. 195. Cassini (J. D.) Les Elemens de lAstronomie V6rifies par le Rapport de ses Tables aux Observations de M. Richer faites en 1Isle de Cayenne. fol. Paris, 1684. See Astronomie.W. C. Cassini(J. D.) Decouverte de la Lumiere Celeste qui paroist dans le Zodiaque. fol. Paris, 1685. See Astronomie. —— W. C. Cassini (J. D.) Les Hypotheses et les Tables des Satellites de Jupiter, &c. fol. Paris, 1693. See Astronomie —-W. C. Castagneda (F. L. de.) Le Premier Livre de l'Histoire de 1'Fnde r. trad. en Francois par N. de Grouchy. 4to. Paris, 1553. —W. C. 196. Castiglioni, (Luigi.) Viaggio negli Stati Uniti dell'America Settentrionale, fatto negli Anni 1785 - 1787. 2 vols. 8vo. Milan, 1790.-W. C. 197. Castlereagh (Viscount.) Marquis of Londonderry. Memoirs and. Correspondence of. Edited by his Brother, Charles Vane, Marquis of Londonderry. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848. Cat (C. N. le.) Traite de la Couleur de la Peau Humaine en Generale, et celle de Negres en particulier. 8vo. Amsterdamy 1765. — W. C. 198. CATALOGUES OF BOOKS. Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. (By William T. Lowndes.) 8vo. 4 vols. 1834. Bibliographie de la France. 1833. which see. Bibliotheca Americana. (By Homer.) 4to. London, 1789. See Bibliotheca Americana.-W. C. Bibliotheca Americana Primordia. (By W. Kennett). 1484-1714. 4to. London, 1713. Bibliotheca Americana Nova. (By 0. Rich.) 3 vols. 8vo. 1500-1700. 1701-1844. London, 1832 - 46. Bibliotheca Londinehsis. (By T. Hodgson.) 1814 - 46. 8vo. London, 1848. Bibliotheca. See Watt, R. Bibliotheque Americaine. (By H. Ternaux.) 8vo. 1493 - 1700. Paris, 1837. Bohn (H. G.) 8vo. London. Bohn (H. G.) General Catalogue. Vol. 1. London, 1847. Books of Voyages and Travels. See Pinkerton. vol 17. Bossange (H.) 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1845. Bossange (H.) Premier Supplement. 8vo. 1847. (Presented). Brown (W.) Catalogue of English and Foreign Books. 8vo. London, 1840. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 461 Catalogue General des Livres composant les Bibliotheques du Department de la Marine et des.Colonies. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1838-43. (Presented.) Catalogue des Livres composant la Bibliotheque de la ville de Bordeaux. Science and Arts. 2 vols. Belles Lettres with Supplement to 1847. 1 vol. Histoire, I vol. Theologie, 1 vol. Jurisprudence, 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1830 -1848. 6 vols. (Presented.)'Catalogi Librorum Bodleii. Catalogi Librorum Manuscriptorum Anglike et Hibernite in unum collecti cum indice alphabetico. Folio. Oxford, 1697. Harper's Illustrated Catalogue. 8vo. 1847. Lackington, Hughes and Others. 8vo. London, 1821. Longman Brown, Green and Longman. Old Books on Sale. London, 1848. Library of the American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts, 8vo. Worcester, 1837; (Presented.) Library of the American Philosophical Society. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1824. Library of Congress. 1839. 8vo. Washington, 1840. (Presented.) Library of the House of Assembly, Canada. 8vo. Quebec, 1835. (Presented.) Library of the Legislative Assembly of Canada. 8vo. Kingston, 1842. (Presented.) Legislative Assembly Library, Canada, 1846. Library of Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 4 vols. 8vo. 1830-31. First Supplement. 1834. Total, 5 vols. Library of the General Court, Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston, 1846. (Presented.) Library of the House of Commons. Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed. Feb. 27, 1830. folio. Manuel du Libraire. See Brunet. Library of the Society of Brothers in Unity, Yale College. April, 1846. (Presented.) Library of the Calliopean Society, Yale College. Feb. 1846. 8vo. New Haven. (Presented.) Library of the Linonian Society, Yale College. Nov., 1846. 8vo. New Haven, 1836. (Presented.):New-York State Library. 4 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1820- 49. Publishers' Circulars. 1838 - 48. 10 vols. (Bound in five.) 8vo. Publishers' Catalogues, Catalogues of Libraries on sale &c. 32vols. 8vo. and 12mo. Of which, vols. 5, 8, 16, 20, 25 and 31 are American. Vols. 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15. 17, 18, 19, 21, 26, 27 and 32 are English. Vols. 1, 2, 13, 29, are French. Vols. 22 and 30, French and German. Vol. 14, German and English; and vols, 23, 24 and 28, Miscellaneous. Rich (O.) Spanish Manuscripts, chiefly relating to America. 18mo. London. Rich (O.) 8vo. London, 1834. CATALOGUE of Books. See Gowans. Mercantile Library Association. CATALOGUE of American Publications. See Roorback. Catesby (Mark.) Natural Historie of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands, (French and English.) Revised by M. Edwards. 2 vols. fol. London, 1754. —- W.. 199. Catherwood (F.) Views in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. See Stephens, John L. Catholic Almanack. See Almanac. -Catineau-la-Roche. Notice sur la Guyane Francaise. 8vo. Paris, 1822. W. C. 200.'Catlin (George). Letters and Notes on the North American Indians, 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1841.'Catlin (George). North American Indian Portfolio. fol. New-York, 1845. Catlin (George). Notes of eight years' Travels and residence in Europe, with his North American Indian Collection, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1848. Cato (M. P.) De Re Rustica. See Scriptores Rei Rusticrs. CGats (Jacob) Ridder. Raadpensionaris Van Holland, Dichterlijke Werken van. 2 vols. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1828. 462 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Catskill Association, formed for improving the Town of Catskill County of Greene, (N. Y.) Dec. 28, 1836. 12mo. New" York, 1837. Cattle, &c. See Youatt, W. Cauche (Fran9ois.) Voyage a Madagascar, Isles adjacentes, et Coste d'Afrique. 4to. Paris, 1651.-See Relations Veritables.W. C. Cauche (Francis) of Roan. Voyage to Madagascar, the adjacent Islands and the Coast of Africa. See Lawson. Cauchy (E.) Du Duel, considere dans ses Origines et dans 1' etat actuel des Moeurs. 2vol. 8vo. Paris, 1846. (Presented.) Caulincourt (Duke of Vicenza.) Recollections of. 2 vols. l2mo. London, 1838. Caulkins (F. M.) History of Norwich, (Connecticut) from its settlement, in 1660, to January, 1845. 12mo. Norwich, 1845. Cavallo (Tiberius.) An Essay on the Medicinal Properties of Facti — tious Airs. With an Appendix on the Nature of the Blood. 8vo. London, 1798. Cavalry. Regulations for its Instruction, Formation, and Movements. 12mo. London, 1833. Cavendish (Sir Henry.) Debates of the House of Commons during the Thirteenth Parliament: drawn up from the Original Manuscripts by J. Wright. Vol. 1. 8vo. London, 1841. Cavendish (Sir Henry.) Debates in the House of Commons on the Quebec Bill, in 1774; drawn up from the Notes by J. Wright. 8vo. London, 1839. Cavendish (Sir Thomas.) Voyage round the Globe. Harris, vol. 1. Cayenne. Tableau de Cayenne, ou de la Guyane Franaaise. 8vo. Paris, 1798- W. C. 201. Cayenne et Guyane. Brochures concernant la Cayenne et Guyane. 2 vols. 8vo W. C. 202. Caze (M. de.) Compagnie de Colonisatio Generale a la Guyane Francaise. 8vo. Paris, 1826.- W. C. 203. Ceba (Ansaldo.) The Citizen of a Republic: Translated and Edited by C. Edwards Lester. 12mo. New-York, 1845. Cellarius (Christoph.) Geographia Antiqua, cura S. Patrick. 6th Ed. 8vo. London, 1731.-W. C. 204. Cellini (Benvenuto.) Memoirs, written by himself, with Notes, by G. P. Carpani. Translated by T. Roscoe. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1823. Cemeteries (Rural) of America. See Greenwood, Mount Auburno Census-of Albany. See Albany. " of Boston. See Shattuck, L. of New-York. See New-York. " of the United States. See United States. Cerri (Urbano.) Etat Present de l'Eglise Romaine dans toutes les MISCELLA NEOUS W oRKS. 463 Parties du Monde, ecrit pour l'Usage du Pope Innocent XI, 12mo. Amsterdam, 1716. -W. C. 205. Chabert (J.' B. Marquis de.) Extrait des Memoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences sur l'Usage des Horloges Marines, relativement a la Navigation, &c. 4to. Paris, 1785. —W. C. 206. Chabert (J. B. MarquisIde.) Voyage dans PAmerique Septentrionale, 1750, 1751. 4to. Paris, 1753. —W. C. 207. Chalmers (Alex.) General Biographical Dictionary. 32 vols. 8vo. London, 1812 - 1817. Chalmers (Alexander.) A History of the Colleges, Halls and Public Buildings attached to the University of Oxford; including the Lives of the Founders. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1810. Chalmers (George.) Political Annals of the United Colonies. 4to. London, 1780. Chalmers (George.) Comparative Strength of Britain during the Present and Four preceding Reigns: with an Essay on Population by Lord Chief Justice Hale. 4to. London, 1782.W. C. 208. Chalmers (George.) Estimate of the Comparative Strength of Great Britain, and of the Losses of her Trade, &c. Svo. London, 1810..W. C. 209. Chalmers (George.) Introduction to the History of the Revolt of the American Colonies. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1845. Chalmers (George.) State of the United Kingdom, at the Peace of Paris, 1815. Pamphleteer, vol. 6. Chalmers (Lionel.) Account of the Weather and Diseases of South Carolina. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. London, 1776.- W. C. C. 210. Chalmers (Thomas.) Political Economy, in connexion with the Moral Stateand Moral Prospects of Society. 8vo. Glasgow, 1832. Chalmers (Thomas.) See Bridgewater Treatise. Chalmers (Rev. Thomas.) D. D. and LL.D., Miscellanies, including Reviews, Essays and Addresses. 8vo. New-York, 1847. Chalmers (Rev. Thomas.) D. D. LL.D. Posthumous Works of the. Edited by the Rev. William Hanna, LL. D. 7 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1849. Contents: 1. Daily Scripture Readings. 3 vols. 2. Sabbath Scripture Readings. 2 vols. 3. Sermons. 1 vol. 4. Institutes of Theology. 1 vol. Chamberlayne (John.) Present State of Great Britain. 35th Edit. 8vo. London, 1743. (Presented.) Chambers (R.) See Forbes. Chambers (W. and R.) Edinburgh Journal. 12 vols. fol. London, 1832-1843. Chambers (W. and R.) Edinburgh Journal. New Series. 11 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1844 - 1849. 464 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Chambers (W. and R.) Educational Course. 21 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1837-1841. Chambo. Commerce de 1'Am6rique par Marseille. 2 vols. 4to. Avignon, 1764. -W. C. 211. Chamfort (S. R. N.) La Jeune Indienne. Comedie. 8vo. Paris, 1777. See Poemes sur'Am6rique. W. C. Champlain (Le Sieur de.) Voyage de la Nouvelle France Occidentale, dicte Canada; avec un Traite de la Marine, with a Map. 4to. Paris, 1632.- W. C. 212. Champlain (Le Sieur de.) Voyages, ou Journal des Decouvertes de la Nouvelle France. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1830. Champollion-Figeae (M.) Documents Historiques inedits tires des Collections MSS. de Bibliotheque Royale, &c. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1841 -1848. See France. Champollion-Figeac (M.) Lettres de Rois, Reines, &c., des Cours de France et d'Angleterre, depuis Louis VII. jusqu'a Henri IV. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1839-47, See France. Chancellors of England. Lives of all the Lords Chancellors, Lords Keepers, and Lords Commissioners, of the Great Seal of England, from William the Conqueror to the Present Time, &c. 2d Ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1712. LSaid to have been written by Oldmixon.] Chandler (Joseph R.) Pamphlets. Vol. 47. Chandler (Richard.) History of Troy. 4to. London, 1802. Chandler (Richard.) Travels in Asia Minor and Greece. 3d Ed. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1817. Chandler (Thomas B.) Life of Samuel Johnson, DD. 12mo. NewYork, 1805. W-. C. 213. Chandler (Thomas B.) D. D. The Life of Samuel Johnson, D. D., First President of Columbia College. 12mo. New-York, 1805 Chandler (Thomas B.) D. D. The Appeal farther defended, in answer to the farther Misrepresentations of Dr. Chauncy. 12mo. New-York, 1771. Channing (William E.) Two Sermons. Pamphlets, vol. 43. Channing (William E.) D. D. The works of. Sixth complete Edition, with an Introduction. 6 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1846. Channing (William E.) Memoir of, with Extracts from his Correspondence and Manuscripts. (By W. H. Channing.) 3 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1848. Chanvalon (Thibault de.) Voyage a la Martinique, 1751. 4to. Paris, 1763.W —. C. 214. Chapin (William.) Complete Reference Gazeteer of the United States. 8vo. New-York, 1839. Chapman (Isaac A.) Sketch of the History of Wyoming. 12mo. Wilksbarre, 1830. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 465 Chapman (N.) Select Speeches, Forensick and Parliamentary, with Prefatory Remarks. 5 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1808. Chappe d'Auteroche (Jean.) Voyage en Californie, pour lO1bservation du Passage de Venus sur le Disque cu Soleil, 1769. 4to. Paris, 1772. -W. C. 215. Characteristics of Men of Genius: A Series of Biographical, Historical and Critical Essays: Selected chiefly from the North American Review. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston and London, 1847. Ch1ardin (Sir John.) Travels into Persia. Pinkerton, vol. 9. Charles 2d and King James 2d. Secret History of the Reigns of. 1imo. (Printed in 1690.) Charleston Book (The.) A Miscellany in Prose and Verse. 12mo. Charleston, 1845. Charlestown (Mass.) Municipal Register of the City of, with the Rules of the City Council, List of Officers and Charter. 8vo. Charlestown, 1848. (Presented.) Charlesworth (Edward.) The Magazine of Natural History and Journal of Zoology, Botany, Mineralogy. New Series. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1837 -40. (Continuation of Loudon's Magazine of Natural History.) Charlevoix (Father.) The History of Paraguay, &c. From the French of. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1769. Charlevoix (P. De.) Journal of a Voyage to North America, undertaken by order of the French King. Containing a Description of Canada. Translated from the French. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1761. Charlevoix (P. Fr. Xavier de.) Histoire de la Nouvelle France. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1744- W. C. 216. Charlevoix (P. Fr. Xavier de.) Histoire de Paraguay. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1756- W. C. 217. Charlevoix (P. Fr. Xavier de.) Histoire de St. Domingue. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1730- 1731. —W. C. 218. Charlevoix (P. Fr. Xavier de.) Letters to the Dutchess of Lesdiguieres, giving an Account of a Voyage to Canada. 8vo. London, 1763. Charmilly (Col. V.) An answer to Bryan Edwards, Esq., containing a Refutation'of his Historical Survey of the French Colony of St. Domingo. 4to. London, 1797. Charri6re (E.) See Cuvelier. Charri6re (E.) Negocians de la France dans Le Levant, &c., publics pour la premiere Fois, par. Tome 1. 4to. Paris, 1849. See France. Chas (J, et Lebrun.) Histoire de la Revolution de l'Am6rique Septentrionale. 8vo. Paris, 1801. W..C. 219. Chase (Bishop) Reminiscences: An autobiography. 2d Ed., comprising a History of the Principal Events in the Author's 466 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Life, to 1847. With a Portrait, &c., 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1848. Chase (Owen.) Narrative of the Shipwreck of the Whaleship Essex, of Nantucket. 12mo. New-York, 1821.-W-. C. 220. Chastellux (F. J.) M. le Marquis de. Travels in North America, 1780 -1782: trans. from the French. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1787. Chastellux (F. J.) M. le Marquis de. Voyage dans l'Amerique Septentrionale, 1780 - 1782. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1786- W. C. 221. Chastellux (F. J.) M. le Marquis de. Voyage de Newport, a Philadelphia, Albany, &c. 4to. De lmrrprimerie Royale de l'Escadre, (Newport Bay.) W. C. 222. Chateaubriand (F. A. de.) Memoirs of the Congress of Verona. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. Chateaubriand (F. A. de.) On Buonaparte and the Bourbons. Pamphleteer, vol. 3. Chateaubriand (F. A. de.) On the Censorship established by the Act of 1822. Pamphleteer, vol. 24. Chateaubriand (F. A. (de.) Sketches of English Literature, with Considerations on the Spirit of the Times, Men and Revolutions. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836. Chateaubriand (F. A. de.) Travels in Greece, Palestine, &c., 18061807: trans. from the French by F. Shoberi. 8vo. NewYork, 1814. Chateaubriand (M. le Vicomte de.) Oeuvres de la. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1836- 37. C. L. Chatham (Earl of.) Correspondence: published from the Original Manuscripts. Vols. 1 -4. 8vo. London, 1838 - 1840. Chatham (Earl of.) Life, &c. See Almon, J. Chatterton (Thomas.) The Poetical Works of, with Notices of his Life; History of the Rowley Controversy; a selection of his Letters, &c. 2 vols. 12mo. Cambridge, 1842. Chatto (W. A.) Gems of Wood Engravings, from the Illustrated London News, with a History of the Art, Ancient and Modern. Folio. London, 1849. Chaucer (Geoffrey.) Works: (Black Letter.) Folio. London, 1561. Chaucer (Geoffrey.) The Poetical Works of, with an Essay on his Language, and Versification, &c. By Thomas Tyrwhitt. 8vo. London, 1843. Chaudron (S.) Pamphlets. Vol. 39. Chauncy (Charles.) A letter to a Friend, giving a concise, but just, account of the Ohio Defeat, (Braddock's,) &c. To which is added, some general account of the New England Forces. (Signed G. W.) 4to. Boston, Edes & Gill, 1755. Chauncy (Charles) D. D. Pastor of the First Church of Christ in MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 467 Boston. Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New England. 8vo. Boston, 1743. Chauncy (Charles) D. D. See American Tracts. Vol. 1. Cheever (George B.) Wanderings of a Pilgrim in the Shadow of Mont Blanc.. 12mo. New-York, 1845. Cheever (George B.) Lectures on Pilgrim's Progress, and on the Life and Times of John Bunyan. 4th Ed. 8vo. New-York, 1845. Cheever (George B.) The Pilgrim in the Shadow of the Jungfrau Alp. 8vo. New-York, 1846. Cheever (George B.) and Taylor Lewis. Defence of Capital Punishment. 12mo,. New-York, 1846. Cheever (George B.) The American Common Place Book of Prose. A collection from the Writings of American Authors. 12mon Philadelphia, 1839. Cheever (George B.) The American Common Place Book of Poetry, with occasional Notes. 12mo. Philadelphia, 184-3. Cheever (George B.) D. D. The Journal of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, in New England, in 1620. Reprinted from the original volumes, with illustrations, by. 12mo. New-York, 1848. Chelsum (James). D.. emarks on the two last chapters of Mr. Gibbons' History of the Decline and Fall, &c 2d Ed. 12mo. Oxford, 1778. Cherry Valley. See Campbell, W. W Chesterfield (Phillip Dormer Stanhope) Earl of. Letters; including numerous letters now first published from the original manuscript. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1845. Chevalier (Michael.) Society, Manners, and Politics in the United States: from the French. 8vo. Boston, 1839. Chevalier (Thomas.) Remarks on Suicide. Pamphleteer, vol. 23. Chickering (Jesse.) A statistical View of the Population of Massachusetts, from 1765 to 1840. 8vo. Boston, 1846. Child (Sir Josiah.) New Discourse of Trade. 16mo. London, 1693. Child (L. Maria.) Letters from New-York. 9th Ed. 12mo. NewYork, 1848. Child (L. Maria.) Letters from New-York. 2d Series. 12mo. NewYork, 1845. Chili. Journal of a Residence in Chili. By a young American. 12mo. Boston, 1823. —W. C. 223. Chillingworth (W.) The Works of. 12th Ed. With Life, by Birch. 8vo. London, 1836. C. L. Chinese Repository (The.) 16 vols. 8vo. Printed either at Canton, Macao, Victoria, or Hong-klong,1833- 47. [' The numbers to complete the Chinese Repository have this day been received from China. Mr. Williams (Author of the' Middle Kingdom') had great difficulty in making it complete; and you can now say, that the State Library has the only perfect set in the United States. There is no work extant, in any language, which contains so much valuable and recent information on China and the East, as this." BARTLETT & WELFORD, New-York.] 468 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Chipman (Daniel.) The Life of the Hon. Nathaniel Chipman, LL. D., formerly Member of the U. S. Senate, and Chief Justice of the State of Vermont:; with selections from his Miscellaneous Papers. By his Brother. 8vo. Boston, 1846. Chittenden. See Newton. Choisy (Abbe De.) Memoires pour servir a lhistoire de Louis XIV. 2 vols. in one. 12mo. Utrecht, 1725. (Presented.) Cholera. Report of the Special Sanitary Committee of Montreal upon Cholera and Emigration, in 1834. Pamphlets, vol. 12, (Presented.) Cholera in Paris. Report on the, published by the French Government, and translated by authority in New-York. Svo. NewYork, 1849. Christian Palladium (The.) Devoted to the improvement and happiness of Mankind. Published by the Christian General Book Association. Jasper Hazen and John Ross, Editors. Vols. 15, 16, 17. 3 vols. 8vo. Union Mills, (Fulton Co., N. Y.,) 1847, and Albany, 1848-49. (Presented.) Christie (Robert.) Military and Naval Operations in the Canadas, during the Late War with the United States. 12mo. Quebec, 1818. W. C. 224. Christie (Robert.) Brief Review of the Political State of Lower Canada. 8vo. New-York, 1818. Christie (S. Hunter.) Report on the State of our Knowledge respecting the Magnetism of the Earth. Reports British Association, 1833. Christmas (Rev. Henry.) A concise History of the Hampden Controversy, from its commencement in 1832, to the present time, &c. Svo. London, 1848. Chronicles of the Crusades. Being the Chronicles of the contemporary Narratives of the Crusade of Richard Cceur de Lion, by Richard of Devizes and Geoffrey de Vinsauf, and of the Crusade of Saint Louis. By Lord John de Joinville. 12mOro. London, 1848. Chumacero y Carrillo, Juan, y D. Pimentel. Memorial al Papa Urbano VIII, sobre los Excessos que se cometen en Roma contra los Naturales de estos Reynos de Espafia: trad. de Italiano en Castellano. 4to. 1633. — W. C. 225. Church Government Controversy in New England. See Wigglesworth. Church (Albert E.) Elements of the differential and integral Calculus, arranged by. 8vo. New-York, 1842. Church (Thomas.) The History of Philip's War, commonly called the Great Indian War of 1675 and 1676. With numerous Notes, and an Appendix, by Samuel G. Drake. 2d Ed. l2mo, Boston, 1829. Church (Thomas.) The History of the Great Indian War of 1675 and 1676, commonly called Philip's War; also, of the Old MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 469 French and Indian War, from 1G89 to 1704. With Notes, and an Appendix, by Samuel G. Drake. Revised Ed. 12mo. Cooperstown, 1846. Church Review (The) and Ecclesiastical Register. Vol. 1. 1848 - 49. 8vo. New-Haven. (Edited by the Rev. N. S. Richardson, aided by Rev. A. B. Chapin and others.) Churton (E.) Book Collector's Hand-Book. Svo. London, 1845. Cibber (Colley.) An Apology for the Life of, written by himself &c. A New Edition, by Edmund Bellchambers. 8vo. London, 1822. Cicero (M. T.) De Republica. Libri ab Angelo Maio nuper reperti et editi: cura Moseri et Creuzeri. 8vo. Franefort, 1826. Cicero (M. T.) Opera: Studiis Societatis Bipontine. 13 vols. 8vo. Deux Ponts, 1780 - 1787. Ciceronis (M. T.) Opera Omnia, preter Vulgatam D. Lambini editionem, accesserint D. Gothofredi noteo. Folio. 1606. (Presented.) CieGa de Leon (Pedro de.) iParte Primera de la Chronica del Peru. 12mo. Antwerp, 1554. —W. C. 226. Cieqa de Leon (Pedro de.) Delle Historie del Peru. Parte Seconda, 12mo. Venice, 1565. —-W. C. 227. Cieqa (Peter de.) Sixteen Years' Travels through the Mighty Kingdom of Peru. From the Spanish. 4to. London, 1609. See Lawson. Cincinnati. Proceedings of the General Society of, with the Original Institution of the Order; the Act of Incorporation of the State of Pennsylvania, and the Testimonial to the Memory of Gen. Washington. Adopted, May, 1800. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841. (Presented.) Cincinnati. Proceedings of the General Society of, with the Original Institution of the Order, and fac-simile (Lithographs) of the Signatures of the Original Members of the State Society of Pennsylvania. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847. (Presented.) Cincinnati, in 1841. See Cist. Circumnavigation of the Globe, and Progress of Discovery in the Pacific Ocean. Edinburgh Cabinet Library, vol. 21. Cist (Charles.) Cincinnati in 1841: Its Early Annals and Future Prospects. 12mo. Cincinnati, 1841. Cities and Principal Towns of the World (The.) Lardner' s CyclopEedia. Vol. 133. (Presented.) Citri de la Guette. Histoire de la Conqueste de la Florida, par les Espagnols: ecrite en Portugais. 12mo. Paris, 1685. —-— W. C. 228. Civiale (Doct.) Traite Pratique et Historique de la Lithontritie. 8vo. Paris, 1847. (Presented.) Civiale (Doct.) Lettres sur la Lithontritie. Sexieme Lettre. 8vo. Paris, 1848. (Presented.) 470 MISCELLANEOUS WORK:S. Civiale (Doet.) Mlemoire sur I'Anatomie Pathologiclue des Retricissemens de 1'Uretre. 8vo. Paris, 1842. (Presented.) Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal. 11 vols. 4to. London, 1838 -1848. Civil Engineers. See Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Claiborne (Nathaniel Herbert.) Notes on the War in the South, with Biographical Sketches of the Lives of Montgomery, Jackson, Sevier, the late Governor Claiborne and others. 12mo. Richmond, 1819. Clap (Rev. Theodore.) A Report of the Trial of, before the Mississippi Presbytery, in 1832. 8vo. New-Orleans, 1833. (Presented.) Clap (Thomas,) A M., President of Yale College. The Religious Consitutiton of Colleges, especially of Yale College, in NewHaven, in the Colony of Connecticut. 8vo. New-London, 1754. Clapperton (H.) Journal of a Second Expedition into the Interior of Africa; with the Journal of Richard Lander. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1829. Clara Howard. See Brown, (C. B.) Clarendon (Edw. Hyde.) Earl of. History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, begun in 1641. 3 vols. fol. Oxford, 1704. Clarendon (Edw. Hyde.) Earl of. The same; with an Historical View of the Affairs in Ireland, and with all the suppressed Passages, &c. 6 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1827. Clarendon (Edward.) Earl of. State Papers; commencing from the year 1621. Containing the Materials from which his History of the Great Rebellion was composed, and the Authorities on which the Truth of his relation is founded. 3 vols. folio. Oxford, 1767. Clark (Aaron.) Parliamentary Practice. 2d Ed. 12mo. New-York, 826. Clark (Daniel,) of the City of New-Orleans. Proofs of the Corruption of Gen. James Wilkinson, and of his Connexion with Aaron Burr, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1809. Clark (James Freeman.) See Hull. Clark (Rev. Jonas.) Boston Massacre. Sermon 1776. Pamphlets, vol. 37. Clark (Joshua V. H.) Onondaga, or Reminiscenses of Earlier and Later Times; being a Series of Historical Sketches relating to Onondaga, with Notes on the several Towns in the County and Oswego. 2 vols. Svo. Syracuse, 1849. Clark (Thomas.) A New Method for Purifying the Water supplied to London by the existing Water Companies. Third Edition. London, 1844. Pamphlets, vol. 23. Clark (Thomas.) Naval History of the United States, from the MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 471 commencement of the Revolutionary War to the present time. Second Edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1814. Clark (William.) Report on Animal Physiology; comprising a Review of the Progress and Present State of Theory, and of our Information respecting the Blood, and the Powers which circulate it. Reports British Association, 1834. Clarke (Mrs. Cowden.) The Complete Concordance to Shakspere; being a Verbal Index to all the Passages in the Dramatic Works of the Poet. 8vo. London, 1845. Clarke (Edward.) Account of Spain and Portugal. Voyages and Travels, vol. 5. Clarke (Edward Daniel.) Travels in Europe, Asia and Africa. 4th Ed. 11 vols. 8vo. London, 1816 - 1824. Clarke (James Stanier.) Progress of Maritime Discovery. Vol. 1. 4to. London, 1803. Clarke (H.) Practical Perspective. 8vo. London, 1776. Clarke (William,) M. D. Observations on the Late and Present Conduct of the French, with regard to their Encroachments upon the British Colonies in North America. 12mo. London, 1755. Clarkson (Thomas.) 1. Essai sur les Desadvantages Politiques de la Traite desNegres. 2. Le Cri des Africains, contre les Europeens, leurs Oppresseurs: trad. de l'Anglais. 8vo.- W. C. 229. Clarkson (Thomas.) History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the Abolition of the African Slave Trade by the British Parliament. 8vo. London, 1839. Clavel (Robert.) His Majesties Propriety and Dominion on the British Seas Asserted. 12mo. London, 1672. Clavers (Mrs. Mary.) New Home. See Kirkland. Claviere (E.) et J. P. Brissot de Warville. De la France et des Etats-Unis. 8vo. London, 1787.- W. C. 230. Claviere. See Brissot de Warville. Clavigero (Fr. S.) History of Mexico: trans. from the Italian by Charles Cullen. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1787. W. C. 231. Clavigero (Fr. S.) The Same. 3 vols. 8vo. Richmond, 1806. Claxton (Timothy.) Memoirs of a Mechanic; being a Sketch of the Life of, written by himself. 12mo. Boston, 1839. Clay (Cassius Marcellus.) The Writings of, including Speeches and Addresses. Edited, with a Preface and Memoir, by Horace Greeley. 8vo. New-York, 1848. Clay (Henry.) See Colton-Mallory-Prentice. Clay (J. C.) Annals of the Swedes on the Delaware. 16mo. Philadelphia, 1835. Clayton (Sir R.) Treatise on Greyhounds. Pamphleteer, vol. 9. Clayton (Robert.) Bishop. Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai. Pinkerton, vol. 10. 472 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Cleaveland (Parker.) Elementary Treatise on Mineralogy and Geology. 2d Ed. 8vo. Boston, 1822. W. C. 232. Clegg, (Samuel, jun.) Treatise on the Manufacture and Distribution of Gas. 4to. London, 1841. Cleghorn (George.) Ancient and Modern Art, Historical and Critical. Second Edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1848. Cleland (James.) Census of Glasgow and county of Lanark. Second Edition. fol. Glasgow, 1832. Clere (M. Le.) Histoire des Provinces-Unis des Pays Bas, avec les Principales Medailles et leur explication. 2 vols. Folio. Amsterdam, 1723 - 28. Cleveland (Richard J.) A narrative of Voyages and Commercial Enterprisesby. Second Edition. 12mo. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1843. Clinton (De Witt.) Writings of. See Campbell, W. Clinton (De Witt.) Tribute to the Memory of. By a Citizen of A1bany, (Cuyler Staats.) 12mo. Albany, 1828. Clinton (De Witt.) Life of. See Renwick. Clinton (De Witt.) Governor. Introductory Discourse, before the Literary and Philosophical Society of New-York, in 1814. Pamphlets, vol. 5. Clinton (De Witt.) Governor. Letters on the Natural History and Internal Resources of the State of New-York. (Hibernicus.) 12mo. New-York. 1822. XW. C. 233. Clinton (De Witt.) Governor. Memoir on the Antiquities of the Western Parts of the State of New-York. Pamphlets, vol. 4. Clinton (Sir Henry.) Narrative of his Conduct in the Campaign of 1781, in North America. 4th Ed. 8vo. London, 1783. Clinton and Cornwallis. Containing — 1. Narrative of Lieut. General Sir Henry Clinton, K. B. relative to his conduct in the Campaign of 1781. 8vo. London, 1783. 2. A Reply to Sir Henry Clinton's Narrative, and the conduct of Lord Cornwallis fully vindicated, &c. Second Edition. London, 1783. 3. A Reply to that part of the Narrative of Lieut. General Sir Henry Cllnton, which relates to the conduct of Lieut. General Earl Cornwallis, during the Campaign of 1781, by Earl Cornwallis. London, 1783: 4. Observations on some parts of the Answer of Earl Cornwallis to Sir Henry Clinton, K. B. London, 1783. Clinton Monument. (The) 1848. 8vo. New-York, 1848. (Presented.) Clive (Lord.) Life of. See Gleig. Clowes (Rev. J.) The only real Road to Wealth. Troy, 1839. Pamphlets, vol. 18. Clusius (Carolus.) See Acosta, C.-Monardus, N.-Garpias ab Orto. (3090) MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 473 Cluverii (Philippi.) Introductio in Universam Geographiam, tam veterem quam novam, Tabulis Geographicis xlvi, ac Notis olim ornata a Johanne Bunone. 4to. Amsterdam, 1697. Coates (Reynell.) See Godman. Coast Survey. See Pearce. Cobbett (William.) Letters on the late war between the United States and Great Britain. 8vo. New-York, 1815. Cobbett (William.) Pamphlets, vols 40 -46. Cochrane (Charles S.) Journal of a Residence and Travels in Colombia. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1825. —W. C. 234. Cockayne, (. ) Civil History of the Jews, from Joshua to Hadrian; with a preliminary Chapter on the Mosaic History. 12mo. London, 1841. Cockburn (James.) A Review of the general and particular Causes which have produced the late Disorders and Divisions in'the Yearly Meeting of Friends. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1829. (Presented.) Cockburn (John.) Journey from the Gulf of Honduras to the Great South Sea, with five other Englishmen. 8vo. London, 1735. W. C. 235. Cocks (C.) Bordeaux-its Wines and the Claret Country. 12mo. London, 1846. Coffin (Charles.) The Lives and Services of Major General Thomas, Colonel Thomas Knowlton, Colonel Alexander Scammell, and Major General Henry Dearborn. 12mno. New-York, 1845. Coffin (Joshua.) A sketch of the History of Newbury, Newburyport, and West Newbury, from 1635 to 1845. 8vo. Boston, 1845. Coghlan (Mrs.) Memoirs of, with Anecdotes of the late American and present French War. 12mo. New-York, 1795. (Presented.) Cohen (Bernard.) Compendium of Finance; with an Historical Sketch'of the National Debt of the British Empire. 8vo. London, 1822. Cohen (M. M.) An Officer of the Left Wing. Notices of Florida and the Campaigns. 12mo. Charleston, (S. C.) 1836. Coit (Thomas W.) Puritanism; or Churchman's Defence against its Aspersions, by an appeal to its own History. 12mo. NewYork, 1845. Coke (Thomas.) History of the West Indies; with an Account of the Missions instituted in those Islands. 3 vols. 8vo. Liverpool, 1808. Colby (Colonel.) Ordnance Survey of the County of Londonderry. Vol. 1. 4to. Dublin, 1837. Colden (Cadwallader.) History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada. 8vo. London, 1747.- W. C. 236. Colden (Cadwallader.) The Same. 2d Ed. 8vo. London, 1750. [STATE LIBRARY. 30 474 M ISC EL L ANEOU S WO RKS. Colden (Cadwallader D.) Life of Robert Fulton. 8vo. New-York, 1817. Colden (Cadwallader D.) Memoir on the Celebration of the ComDletion of the New-York Canals. 4to. New-York, 1825. Colden (Cadwallader D.) A Vindication by, of the Steamboat Right granted by the State of New-York; in the form of an Answer to the Letter of Mr. IDuer, addressed to Mr. Colden. 8vo. Albany, 1818. (Presented.) Cole (Frederick W.) Poems; with a sketch of his Life, by the Rev. S. W. Fisher. 12mo. Albany, 1845. Colebrooke (H. T.) On Indian Weights and Measures. Asiatick Researches. Vol. 5. Colebrooke (H. T.) On the Indian and Arabian Divisions of the Zodiack. Asiatick Researches. Vol. 9. Colebrooke (H. T.) On the Religious Ceremonies of the Hindus. Asiatick Researches. Vol. 7. Colebrooke (H. T.) On the Sanscrit and Pracrit Languages. Asiatick Researches. Vol. 7. Colebrooke (H. T.) On the Vedas, or Sacred Writings of the Hindus. Asiatick Researches. Vol. 8. Coleman (Charles.) Mythology of the Hindus. 4to. London, 1832. Coleman (Lyman.) Antiquities of the Christian Church: Translated and Compiled from the Works of Augusti and Others. 8vo. Andover, 1841. Coleman (William.) A collection of Facts and Documents relative to the Death of Major General Alexander Hamilton, with Orations, Sermons and Eulogies. 8vo. New-York, 1804. Coleridge (Hartley.) Worthies of Yorkshire and Lancashire. 8vo. London, 1836. Coleridge (Henry Nelson.) Six Months in the West Indies in 1825. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1826. Coleridge (Samuel T.) The Friend: a Series of Essays, to Aid in the Formation of Fixed Principles in Politics, Morals, and Religion. 8vo. Burlington, 1831. Coleridge (Samuel T ) Aids to Reflection. Edited by Henry Nelson Coleridge, with a preliminary Essay by John M'Vickar, D.D. Sixth Edition. 12mo. New-York, 1847. Coleridge (Samuel T.) Biographia Literaria, &c. From the Second London Edition. Prepared in part by Henry Nelson Coleridge for publication, and completed and published by his Widow. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1847. Colet (Madam Louise.) Le Monument de Moliere, precede de l'Histoire du Monument elev6 a Moliere. Par M. Aime Martin. 8vo. Paris, 1843. (Presented.) Coleti (Giandomenico.) Dizionario Storico-Geografico dell'America Meridionale. 2 vols. in 1. 4to. Venice, 1771. - W. C. 237. Colin (A.) See Acosta, C.-Monardus, N.-Gargais ab Orto. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 475 Collet (M.) L'Isle Deserte: Comedie. 8vo. Paris, 1758. See Poemes sur PAmerique. —— W. C. Collier (Jeremy.) Historical Dictionary. See Moreri, L. Collier (Jeremy.) Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage. 12mo. London, 1698. Collingwood (Admiral.) Lord. Public and Private Correspondence; with Memoirs of his Life, by G. L. N. Collingwood. 8vo. New-York, 1829. Collins (David.) Account of the English Colony of New South Wales; with some Particulars of New Zealand; from MSS. of Governor King. 4to. London, 1798. Collins (Lewis.) Historical Sketches of Kentucky, embracing its History, Antiquities, and Natural Curiosities, Geographical, Statistical and Geological Descriptions; with Anecdotes of Pioneer Life. 8vo. Mayville, (Ken.) 1848. Collot (Victor.) Voyage dans l'Amerique Septentrionale, ou Description des Pays arroses par le Mississippi, l'Ohio, le Missouri. 2 vols. 8vo. (Atlas, 4to.) Paris, 1826.-W. C. 238. Colman (Henry.) European Agriculture and Rural Economy, from personal observation. 2 vols. 8vo. London and Boston, 1846 -48. Colman (Henry.) European Life and Manners, in familiar Letters to Friends. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1849. Colman (Henry.) The Agriculture and Rural Economy of France, Belgium, Holland and Switzerland, from personal observation. 8vo. Boston, 1848. Colmenar (Juan Alv. de) Annales d'Espagne et de Portugal. 4 vols. 4to. Amsterdam, 1741. — W. C. 239. Colomb, (Fernand.) La Vie de Cristofle Colombh trad. en Francois par C. Cotolendy. 12mo. Paris, 1681. —W. C. 240. Colombia. Present State, containing an Account of an English Expedition fitted out for its Emancipation. 8vo. London, 1827. — W. C. 241. Colonies. Debats entre les Accusateurs et les Accuses dans PAffaire des Colonies. 9 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1795. —-- W. C. 242. Colonies. Dissertations sur le Droit Public des Colonies Fran9oises, Espagnoles, et Angloises, d'apres les Loix des Trois Nations, compareies entr'elles. 8vo. Geneva, 1778. —W. C. 243. Colonies. The Article " Colony," reprinted from the Supplement of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Pamphlets, vol. 12. (Presented.) Colonies. M6moires des Commissaires. See Ville, et Autres. Colonization Society. See African Repository and Colonial Journal. Colonization Society. American: Report, 2d. Pamphlets, vol. 2. 476 MISCELLANEOUS SWORKS. Colonization Society. American: Reports, 1lth, 12th, 13th and 14th. 8vo. Washington, 1828-1831. Colonization Society. Massachusetts: Reports, 3d. 1844. Pamphlets, vol. 8. Colquhoun (P.) On the Commerce and Police of the Thames. 8vo. London, 1800. (Presented.) Colquhoun (P.) Treatise on the Police of the Metropolis. 8vo. London, 1800. Colquhoun (P.) Treatise on the Wealth, Power, and Resources of the British Empire. 2d Ed. 4to. London, 1815. Colton (Calvin.) Four years in Great Britain. 12mo. New-York, 1836. Colton (Calvin.) Life and Times of Henry Clay. 2 vols. 8vo. NewYork, 1846. Colton (Calvin.) Public Economy for the United States. 8vo. NewYork, 1848. Colton (J. H.) Guide to West Point. 12mo. New-York, 1844. Colton (J. H.) Western Tourist, or Emigrant's Guide. 12mo. NewYork, 1845. Colton (Walter.) Visit to Constantinople and Athens. 12mo. NewYork, 1836. Columbia College (New-York) Catalogue of, with the names of the Trustees, Qfficers, and Graduates, and a list of Academic Hlonors conferred, from 1752 to 1826. Svo. New-York,. 1826. (In Exchange.) Columbian Muse (The.) A selection of American Poetry from various Authors of established reputation. 18mo. New-York, 1794. Columbian Phenix (The) and Boston Review. Edited by Joseph Hawkins and Daniel Tillotson. January to July, 1800. 8vo. (Title page and plates wanting.) [This vol. also contains Gen. Henry Lee's Oration on the Death of Washington, pronounced before both Houses of Congress; JMinot's Eulogy on Washington, before the inhabitants of Boston; Fisher tlmes' Eulogy on Washington, delivered before the Executive Council and Legislature of Massachusetts, at Boston; Louis Fontaine's Funeral Oration, delivered in the Temple of Mars, at Paris, Feb. 8, 1800, the day appointed by Bonaparte for the commemoration of Washington's death, and Luther Richardson's Fourth of July Oration, at Roxbury, Mass., 1800.] Columbus. Select Letters of Christopher Columbus, with other original Documents, relating to his Four Voyages to the New World. Translated and Edited by R. H. Major, of the British Museum. Svo. London, 1847. (Published by the Hakluyt Society.) Columbus. See Colomb. Columbus. See Spotorno. MIscELL ANO US WoRKb. 477 Columbus (Christopher.) De Insulis nuper Inventis Epistola. fol. Basil, 1533. (Presented.)'Columbus (Christopher.) Elogi Storici di Christoforo Colombo e di Andrea d'Oria. See Durazzo, J. Columbus (Christopher.) Personal Narrative of his First Voyage to America: trans. from the Spanish. 8vo. Boston, 1827. Columella (L. J. N.) Be Re Rustica. See Scriptores Rei Rusticee. Combe (George.) The Constitution of Man, considered in relation to external objects. Eleventh American Edition. 12mo. Boston, 1841. Comber (W. T.) An Inquiry into the State of National Subsistence, as connected with the Progress of Wealth and Population. Svo. London, 1808. C.. L. Comeiras (Victor.) Le G6ographe Manuel. 8vo. Paris, 1801. — W. C. 244. Commerce. Considerations on British Commerce with India, America, &c. Pamphleteer. Vol. 11. Commerce. Tableau G6n6ral du Commerce de l'Europe, avec 1'Afrique, les Indes Orientales et l'Amirique, fonde sur les Traites de 1763 et 1783. 8vo. London, 1787. —W. C. 245. Common School Controversy. Consisting of Pamphlets by Horace Mann, Rev. M. Hale Smith, and others. (9 Pamphlets.) 1844- 47. Bound in one vol. 8vo. (Presented.) Common Schools. See Massachusetts. Commentary on the Bible. A Critical Commentary and Paraphrase on the Old and New Testament, and the Apocrypha. By Patrick, South, Arnold, Whitby, and Lowman. With the Text at large. 4 vols. Svo. Philadelphia, 1844. Communications to the Board of Agriculture. 2d Ed. 7 vols. 4to. London, 1804 -1811. See Agriculture. Compagnoni (Giu.) Storia dell'America. 9 vols. 16mo. Milan, 1822 -1823. —. C. 246. Companion to the Newspaper. See Newspaper. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de 1'Academie des Sciences. 27 vols. 4to. Paris, 1835 - 1848.. Comstock (J. L.) M. D. A History of the Precious Metals, from the earliest period to the present time, &c. 12mo. Hartford, 1849. Comyn (Sir Robert.) History of the Western Empire, from its Restoration by Charlemagne to the Accession of Charles V. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1841. Consilii Tridentini. (Sacro-sanct et Oecumenici,) &c. Canones et Decreta. 18mo. Lugduni, 1674. (Presented.) Concordantia Sacrorum Bibliorum. Vulg. Edit. Auctore IHugone Cardinali, &c. 4to. Lugduni, 1649. (Presented.) Condamine (C. M. de la.) Voyage dans l'Interieur de l'Amerique Mdridionale. 8vo. Paris, 1745. — W. C. 247. 478 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Condamine (C. M. de la.) The Same. 8vo. Maestricht, 1778. (Presented.) Condamine (C. M. de la.) Voyage a 1'Equateur, servant d'Introduction Historique a la Measure des Trois Premiers Degr6s du M6ridien. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1751. ~W. C. 248. Conder (Josiah.) Brazil, and Buenos Ayres. 2 vols. 2mo. London, 1831.-W. C. 249. Condorcet (J. A. N. C.) Marquis de. Math6matiques. See Encyclopedie Methodique.- W. C. Confessional. Letter to the Author of the. Tracts. Vol. 4. Confessional (The.) See Blackburne. Congress (American Continental.) Proceedings of. See American Tracts. Vol 4. Congress. History of the last Session of, which commenced December 7, 1801. (Taken from the National Intelligencer.) Also a view of the Proceedings of the last Session of Congress, (from the same.) 8vo. Washington, 1802. Congressional Directory for the first Session of the Twenty-Ninth Congress. Washington, 1846. Pamphlets. Vol. 17. (Presented.) Congreve's Dramatic Works. See Wycherley. Connecticut in 1774. Heads of Inquiry relative to the present state and condition of his Majesty's Colony of Connecticut, signified by his Majesty's Secretary of State, in his letter of the 5th of July, 1773, with the Answers thereto. fol. New-London, 1775. Connecticut. Controversy of, with Pennsylvania. Report of the Commissioners appointed by the General Assembly of the Colony, to treat with the Proprietaries of Pennsylvania, respecting the Boundaries of this Colony and that Province. 4to, Norwich, (Connectict,) 1774. Connecticut. Gore Title, stated a: considered; showing the Rights of the Proprietors of the LaUnds lately purchased by them from the State of Connecticut, lying West of the Delaware River. 8vo. Hartford, 1799. Connecticut. Western Reserve. The Right of the Governor and Company of the Colony to claim and hold Lands, within the limits of their Charter lying West of the Province of NewYork. Stated and considered. 12mo. Hartford, 1773. Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. Memoirs. Vol. 1. 8vo; New-Haven, 1810. —W. C. 250. Connecticut Common School Journal. Vols. 1 -. - 4to. Hartford, 1838- 1842. Connaissance Des Temps (La.) pour L'annee, 1696. 18mo. Paris. (Presented.) Conolly (Arthur.) Journey to the North of India, through Russia, Persia, and Affghaunistaun. 2d Ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. MISCE-LLA-NEOUS WORKS. 479 Conolly (John.) M. D. The Construction and Government of Lunatic Asylums and Hospitals for the Insane. 8vo. London, 1847, Conquerors of the New World (The) and their Bondsmen. Being a Narrative of the Principal Events which led to Negro Slavery in the West Indies and America. Vol. 1. 12mo. London, 1848. Conseil de Salubrite. Rapports Generaux des Travaux du, pendant les Annees 1829 a 1839. Publi6s par ordre de M. Prefect de Police. 4to. Paris, 1840. (Presented.) Constancio (F. S.) Observador Lusitano em Pariz, ou Collecgao Literaria, Politicae Commercial. Vol. 1. 8vo. 1815. — W. C. 251. Constant (Benj. H. de.) On the Liberty of the Press. Pamphleteer. Vol. 5. Constitution of the United States. See Pamphlets. Vol. 19. Convention (Literary, &c.) Journal of the Proceedings of a Convention of Literary and Scientific Gentlemen, held in the Common Council Chamber of the City of New-York, October, 1830. 8vo. New-York, 1831. Conybeare (W. D.) Report on the Progress, Actual State, and Ulterior Prospects of Geological Science. Reports British Association, 1832. Cook (James.) Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, 1776 -1780. (Third Volume by King.) 3 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1784. Cook (James.) The same. 3d Ed. 3 vols. 4to. (Atlas, fol.) London, 1785.-W. C. 252. Cook (James.) Voyage autour du Monde, 1772 - 1775, dans lequel on a insere la Relation du Captaine Furneaux, et celle de M. Forest. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1778. —- W. C. 253. Cook's (Capt.) Last Voyage to the Pacific. See Ledyard. Cooke (Edward.) Thoughts on the Expediency of Removing the Usury Laws. Pamphleteer, vol. 13. Cooke (G. Wingrove.) Life of the First Earl of Shaftesbury. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836. Cooke (G. Wingrove.) Memoirs of Lord Bolingbroke. 2vols. 8vo, London:,1835. Cooley (James Ewing.) The American in Egypt, with Rambles through Arabia Petrcea and the Holy Land, in 1839 and 1840. 8vo. New-York, 1843. (Presented.) Cooley (W. D.) History of Maritime and Inland Discovery. Lardner's Cyclopaedia, vols. 9,10 and 11. Cooper (Bransby B.) Life of Astley Cooper, Bart. &c.: 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1843. Cooper (J. Fenimore.) England-; with Sketches-of Society in the Metropolis. 8vo, Paris, 1837. (With an Appendix-Letter to his Countrymen.) Cooper (J. Fenimore.) A Residencein France,:with an Excursion 480 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. upon the Rhine, and a Second Visit to Switzerland. 8vo. Paris, 1836. Cooper (J. Fenimore.) Recollections of Europe, by. 8vo. Paris, 1837. Cooper (J. Fenimore.) Excursions in Italy. 8vo. Paris, 1838. Cooper (J. Fenimore.) The Works of. The Spy. A Tale of the Neutral Ground. Revised and Corrected, &c. 12mo. NewYork, 1849. Cooper (J. Fenimore.) The Works of. The Pilot. A Tale of the Sea. Revised and Illustrated, with a New Introduction. 12mo. New-York, 1849. Cooper (J. Fenimore.) The Sea-Lions, or the Lost Sealers. 2 vols. (Bound in one.) 12mo. New-York, 1849. Cooper (J. Fenimore.) Mercedes of Castile, or the Voyage to Cathay. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1846. Cooper (J. Fenimore.) Red-Skins; or Indians and Injin: being the conclusion of the Littlepage Manuscripts. 2 vols. in one. 12mo. New-York, 1846. Cooper (J. Fenimore.) The Crater, or Vulcan's Peak. A Tale of the Pacific. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo. New-York, 1847. Cooper (J. Fenimore,) Wyandotte, or the Hutted Knoll. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1843. Cooper (J. Fenimore.) The Pathfinder, or the Inland Sea. 2 vols. in 1. 2imo. Philadelphia, 1843. Cooper (J. Fenimore.) Ned Myers, or Life before the Mast. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1843. Cooper (J. Fenimore.) Sketches in Switzerland. In two Parts. By an American. 4 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1836. Cooper (J. Fenimore.) Jack Tier, or the Florida Reef. 2 vols. 12mo. (Bound in one.) New-York, 1848. Cooper (J. Fenimore.) The Oak Openings, or the Bee Hunter. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo. New-York, 1848. Cooper (J. Fenimore.) The American Democrat, or Hints on the Social and Civic Relations of the United States of America. 12mo. Cooperstown, 1838. Cooper (J. Fenimore.) History of the Navy of the United States of America. 2d Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. Cooper (J. Fenimore.) Review of the Proceedings of the Court Martial in the Case of Capt. A. S. Mackenzie. 8vo. NewYork, 1844. Cooper (J. Fenimore.) Lives of Distinguished American Naval Officers. 2 vols. 12mo. Auburn, 1846. Cooper (J. Fenimore.) A Letter to his Countrymen, by. 8vo. New-York, 1834. Cooper (J. Fenimore.) The Chronicles of Cooperstown. 12mo, Cooperstown, 1838. Cooper (Rev. Mr.) The History of North America, &c., by. With an Appendix. l2mo. Lansingburgh, 1805. MISCELLANEOUS WO RKS. 481 Cooper (Dr. Myles.) See American Tracts. Vol. 4. Cooper (Thomas.) Emporium of Arts and Sciences: New Series. 5 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1812-.14. [Vols. 1 and 2 of this Work were conducted by John Redman Coxe, M. D.; the residue, forming a New Series, by Thomas Cooper, Esq.. Cooper (Thomas.) Information respecting America. Svo. ]Dublin, 1794. Cooper (Thomas.) Renseignemens sur PAmerique: trad. de I'Anglois. 8vo. Paris, 1795. -W. C. 254. Copland (Samuel.) A History of the Island of Madagascar, &c., with a Map. 8vo. London, 1822. (Presented.) Coplestone (Rev. E.) Reply to the Calumnies of the Edinburgh Review, against Oxford; containing an Account of Studies pursued in the University. With Remarks on Article 7, of Number 31 of the Edinburgh Review. 8vo. Oxford, 1810. Coppier (G.) H-istoire et Voyage des Indes Occidentales. 12mo. Lyons, 1645. W. C. 255. Copway (George.) Life, History and Travels of Kahgega-gahBowh, (George Copway,) a young Indian Chief, of the Ojibwa'Nation, &c., written by himself. 8vo. Albany, 1847. Copy-Right Question. Address to the Parliament of Great Britain on the. Pamphleteer, vol. 2. Copy-Right. See Propriete Litteraire. Corbet (Thomas.) Inquiry into the Causes and Modes of the Wealth of Individuals, &c. 12mo. London, 1841. Cordova. See Ultimo Viage. Coreal (Fr.) Voyages aux Indes Occidentales: trad. de l'Espagnol; avec une Relation de Raleigh et le Voyage de Narborough: trad. de'Anglois. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1722. — W. C. 256. Corkran (J. F.) History of the National Constituent Assembly of France, from May, 1848. 12mo. New-York, 1849. (In Exchange.) Cormenin (Viscount de.) The Orators of Fra.nce, by Timon. Translated by a Member of the New-York Bar. With an Essay by J. T. Headley. Edited by G. H. Colton. 12mo. NewYork, 1847. Cornaro (Lewis.) Sure Means of Obtaining a Long and Healthful Life. Pamphleteer, vols. 18 and 19. Corneille (Piere.) Oeuvres completes de. Oeuvres Choises de Thomas Corneille. Tome Premier. 8vo. Paris, 1838. C. L. Corneille (Thomas.) Dictionnaire Universel, Geographique et Historique. 3 vols. fol. Paris, 1708.- W. C. 257. Cornwallis (Earl.) An answer to that part of the Narrative of Lieut. General Sir Henry Clinton, K. B., which relates to the conduct of Lieut. General Earl Cornwallis, during the campaign in North America, in the year 1781. Svo. London, 1783. Cornwallis (Earl.) See Clinton. Corson (John W.) M. D. Loiterings in Europe; or sketches of 482 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Travels in France, Belgium, Great Britain, &c. 12mo. NewYork, 1848. Cortes (Hernan.) Historia de Nueva-Espaia, aumentada por Lorenzana. Folio. Mexico, 1770.- W. C. 258. Cortes (Hernan.) See Folsom, G. —Flavigny, C. F. Cory (Isaac P.) Practical Treatise on Accounts. 2d Ed. 8vo. London, 1839. Cory (Isaac P.) Practical Treatise on Accounts, Private and Official. 8vo. London, 1840. Costello (Louisa Stuart.) Beam and the Pyrenees; a Legendary Tour to the Country of Henri Quatre. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1844. Costello (Louisa Stuart.) Jacques Coeur, the French Argonaut, and his Times. 8vo. London, 1847. Cottle (Joseph.) Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey. 12mo. New-York, 1847. Cotton (J.) The Way of the Churches of Christ in New England, &c. 4to. London, 1645. Cotton (Rev. John.) Pastor of Boston, in New England. A briefe Exposition of the whole book of Ecclesiastes. 2d Impression. 18mo. London, 1657. Cotton (Sir Robert.) Discourse of Foreign War; with an Account of all the Taxations upon England, &c. 16mo. London, 1690. Cottrell (Charles Herbert.) Recollections of Siberia in 1840 and 1841. 8vo. London, 1842. Coulier (Ph. J.) Tables des Principales Positions Geonomiques du Globe. 8vo. Paris, 1828. —-. C. 259. Coulomb. Recherches sur les Moyens d'executer sous l'eau, toutes sortes de Travaux Hydrauliques, &c., with Plates. 8vo. Paris, 1819. (In exchange.) Coulter (John.) M. D. Adventures in the Pacific,with observations on the Manners and Customs of the Natives of the various Islands. 12mo. Dublin, 1845. Coulter (Thomas.) Notes on Upper California. Geog. Soc. Journal, vol. 5. Council of Appointment. Appeal to the People of New-York on the Expediency of its Abolishment. Pamphlets, vol. 2. Council of Trent. See Sarpi, F. P., and Consilii Tridentini. Courier du Bas-Rhin. 6 vols. 4to. Cleves, 1789 - 1794. Courier (P. L.) Oeuvres Completes de. Nouvelle Edition, precedee d'un Essai sur la vie et les ecrits de Pauteur, par Amand Carrel. 8vo. Paris, 1837. Courtenay (T. P.) Memoirs of Sir William Temple. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836. Courtenay (T. P.) See British Treaty. Cousin (Victor.) On the State of Education in Holland: trans. by L. Horer. 12mo. London, 1838. MISCE LLANEOUS WORKS. 483 Cousin (Victor.) See Abelard, P. Cousin (Jouffroy) and Constant. Philosophical Miscellanies. Translated by G. Ripley. 2 vols. lImo. Boston, 1838. Coventry (C. B.) M. D. Professor. Epidemic Cholera: its -listory, Causes, Pathology, and Treatment. 12mo. Buffalo, 1849. Cowper (William.) Life and Works. See Grimshaw. Cox (Ross.) Adventures on the Columbia River, including a Narrative of a Residence of six years on the western side of the Rocky Mountains, among various tribes of Indians, hitherto unknown, &c. 8vo. New-York, 1832. Coxe (Daniel.) Description of the English Province of Carolana, &c. 8vo. London, 1722. Coxe (Daniel.) The Same. 8vo. London, 1741. W. C. 260. Coxe (John R.) On the Recognition of Friends in another World, and a Soul in Brutes, &c. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1845. Coxe (John R.) Description of the Agaricus Atramentarius. Pamphlets, vol. 8. Coxe (Tench.) Statement of the Arts and Manufactures of the United States of America, for 1810. 4to. Philadelphia, 1814. Coxe (Tench.) View of the United States of America. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1794. Coxe (William.) Account of the Russian Discoveries between Asia and America, &c. 4to. London, 1780. Coxe (Willianm.) D6couvertes des Russes, &c.: trad. de l'Anglois. 4to. Paris, 1781.-W. C. 261. Coxe (William.) History of the House of Austria. 2d Ed. 5vols. 8vo. London, 1820. Coxe (William.) Memoirs of the Administration of the Right Hon. Henry Pelham. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1829. Coxe (William.) Memoirs of Horatio Lord Walpole. 3d Ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1820. Coxe (William.) Memoirs of Sir Robert Walpole. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1816. Coxe (William.) Memoirs of the Kings of Spain of the House of Bourbon, from the Accession of Philip V. to the Death of Charles III. 2d Ed. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1815. Coxe (William.) Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark. 3d Ed. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1787. Coxe (William.) Travels in Switzerland. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1789. Coxe (Rev. William.) Memoirs of the Duke of Marlborough, with his original Correspondence. A new Edition, revised by John Wade. Vols. 1,2, 3. 12mo. London, 1847 - 48 Cozzens (Issachar, Jun.) A Geological History of Manhattan, or New-York Island, with a Map, &c. 8vo. New-York, 1843. Crabb (George.) Dictionary of General Knowledge. 3d Ed. 12mo. New-York, 1839. Crabb (George.) English Synonymes. 3d Ed. 8vo. London, 1824. 484 MISCELLANEOU S WORKS. Crabb (.George.) Universal Historical Dictionary. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1825. Crabb (George.) Universal Technological Dictionary. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1823. Crabbe (Rev. George.) The Poetical Works of, with his Letters and Journals, and his Life. By his Son. A new Edition. 8 vols. 12mo. London, 1847. Craddock (J.) Literary and Miscellaneous Memoirs by. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1828. Craft (Zachary.) First Sitting of the Committee on the proposed MIonument to Shakspeare. Pamphleteer. Vol. 22. Craig (Neville B.) Washington's First Campaign, Death of Jumonville, Braddock's Defeat, and Taking of Fort Necessity. The whole arranged by. 8vo. Pittsburgh, 1848. Craig (Neville B.) See Olden Time. Craik (G. L.) English Causes C6elbres. Vol. 1 8vo. London, 1840. Craik (G. L.) and Mac Farlane (Charles.) See Pictoria.l History of England. Craik (G. L.) See Library E. K. Craik (G. L.) The Romance of the Peerage, or Curiosities of Family History. Vol. 1. 12nio. London, 1848. Cranz (David.) Historic Von Gronland. Geschichte der Dortigen Mission der Evangelischen Bruder. 8vo. Barby and Leipsic, 1765. Crantz (David.) History of Greenland, with an Account of the Mission of the United Brethren. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1820. —— W.. 262. Craven. The Dialect of. With a copious Glossary. By a native of Craven. 2 vols. 12mo. Second Edition. London, 1828. Crawford (W.) and W. Russell. Extracts from the Second Report of the Inspectors of Prisons for the Home District. 8vo. London, 1837. Crawfurd (George.) Lives and Characters of the Officers of the Crown, and of the State, in Scotland, from David I. to the Union of the Two Kingdoms. Vol. 1. fol. Edingburgh,.1726. Crawfurd (John.) History of the Indian Archipelago. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1820. Crawfurd (John.) Journal of an Embassy to the Court of Ava; with a Description of Fossil Remains by Professor Buckland and Mr. Clift. 2d Ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1834. Crawfurd (John.) Journal of an Embassy to the Courts of Siam and Cochin China. 2d Ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830. Crespel (Emmanuel.) Voyages dans le Canada, &c. 12l o. Francfort, 1742.~W. C. 263. Creuxius (Francisco.) See Ducreux, F. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 485 Crvecceur (M. Saint-John de.) Letters from an American Farmer. Svo. London, 1782. Cr6vecceur (M. Saint-John de ) Letters d'un Clltivateur Americain. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1784. —-— W. C. 264. CrCvecceur (M. Saint-John de.) Voyage dans la Haute Pensylvanie, et dans'Etat de New-York.. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1801. -W. C. 265. Crichton (And.) History of Arabia. Edinburgh Cabinet Library. Vols. 13 and 14. Crichton (And.) and H. Wheaton. Scandinavia, being a History of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. Edinburgh Cabinet Library. Vols. 23 and 24. Crimmin (Daniel M.) Dissertation upon Rhetoric. Trans. from the Greek of Aristotle. 8vo. London, 1811. Crockett (Col. David.) of West Tennessee. Sketches and Eccentricities of. 12mo. New-York. 1833. Croker (T. Crofton.) Memoirs of Joseph Holt. Edited from his Original Manuscripts in the possession of Sir William Bethaam. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. Crollius (Osw.) Mysteries of Nature. 12mo. London, 1657. Croly (Rev. Geo.) Historical Sketches, Speeches, and Characters. 12mo. London, 1842. Croly (Rev. Geo.) LL.D. The personal history of George the Fourth, with Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons. 2d Ed. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1841. Crombie (Rev. Dr.) Letter to D. Ricardo, containing an Analysis of his Pamphlet on the Depreciation of Bank Notes. Pamphleteer, vol. 10. Cromwell (Oliver.) Original Letters and Papers of State addressed to. See Nickolls, J. Croswell (Harry.) Arguments on the Great Cause of the People, on an Indictment for a Libel on Thomas Jefierson. Pamphlets, vol. 13. Croswell (Harry.) Case of. Pamphlets, vol. 45. Croton Aqueduct. See King (Charles) and Tower (F. B.) Crowe (Eyre Evans.) History of France. Lardner's Cyclopedia. vols. 12, 13 and 14. Crozet (M.) Nouveau Voyage a la Mer du Sud, commence sous les Ordres de M. Marion. 8vo. Paris, 1783. W. C. 266. Cruden (Alex.) Concordance to the Scriptures. 8th Ed. 4to. Berwick, 1817. Crumpe (Samuel.) Essay on the Best Means of providing Employment for the People: (Prize Essay.) 2d Ed. 8vo. London, 1795. Crutwell (C.) New Universal Gazetteer. 4to. Dublin, 1800. W. C. 267. Cudworth (Ralph.) Intellectual System of the Universe, &c., with 486 MISCE LLANEOUS WORKS. an Account of his Life and Writings, by Thomas Birch. 2 vols. 8vo. Andover, 1837. Cullen (Charles.) History of Mexico. See Clavigero, F. S. Cultivator. A monthly publication, designed to improve the Soil and the Mind.. By Jesse Buel. Vols. 1 to 6, in 2. 4to. Al-:bany, 1838-40. Cultivator. A consolidation of Buel's Cultivator and Genesee Farmer. Designed to improve the Soil and the Mind. By Willis Gaylord and Luther Tucker. Vols. 7 to 10, in 2. Folio. Albany, 1840 -43. Cultivator. A monthly Journal, devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture, Floriculture, and to Domestic and Rural Economy. New Series. By Luther Tucker. 6 vols. Folio. Albany, 1844 -49. Cumberland (Richard.) Memoirs, with Anecdotes and Characters of several of the most distinguished Persons of his Time. 4to. London, 1806. Cuming (F.) Tour through Ohio and Kentucky, and down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. 12mo. Pittsburgh, 1810.W. C. 268. Cumming (Hooper.) Sermon on the Divinity of Jesus Christ. Pamphlets, vol. 4. Cunha de Azeredo Coutinho (J. J. da.) Political Essay on the Commerce of Portugal and her Colonies: trans. from the Portuguese. 8vo. London, 1801. W. C. 269. Cunningham (Allan.) Life and Land of Burns, with Coptributions by Thomas Campbell, and an Essay on the Genius and Writings of Burns, by Thomas Carlyle. 12mo. New-York, 1841. Cunningham Correspondence (The.) See Adams and Pickering. Cunningham (J. W.) A Few Observations on Friendly Societies, and their Influence on Public Morals. Pamphleteer, vol. 22. Cunningham (J. W.) Cautions to Continental Travellers. Pamphleteer, vol. 21. Currie (James.) Memoir of his Life, Writings, and Correspondence: Edited by his Son, W. W. Currie. 2, vols. 8vo. London, 1831. Curwen (Samuel.) Journal and Letters, 1775 -1784; with Biographical Notices of American Loyalists, by G. A. Ward, 8vo. New-York, 1842. Curzon (Hon. Robert.) Visits to Monasteries in the Levant. 12mo. New-York, 1849. Cushing (Caleb.) The History and present state of the Town of Newburyport. 12mo. Newburyport, 1826. Cushing (Caleb.) An Oration delivered before the citizens of Newburyport, on the Fifty-sixth Anniversary of American Independence. 8vo. Newburyport, 1832. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 487 Cushing (Caleb.) Reminiscences of Spain. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1833. Cushman (Robert.) The Sign and Danger of Self-Love: A sermon preached at Plymouth, New-England, 1621. " The first sermon preached in New-England, and the oldest extant, of any delivered in America." 12mo. New-York, 1847. Cushman (Robert.) The Sin and Danger of Self-Love described, in a Sermon, preached at Plymouth, New-England, 1621, with a Memoir. 8vo. Boston, 1846. (Presented.) Custine (Marquis de.) Russia: trans. from theFrench. 2dEd. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1844. Cutter (William.) Life of Israel Putnam, Major General in the Army of the American Revolution. 12mo. Third Edition. New-York, 1847. Cutter (William.) The Life of General La Fayette, by. 12mo. New-York, 1849. Cutts (James Madison.) The Conquest of California and New-Mexico, by the Forces of the United States, in 1846 and 1847. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1848. Cuvelier. [Trouvere de XIVe Siecle.] Chronique du Bertrand du Guesclin, publie par E. Charriere. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1839. See France. Cuvier (G.) Baron. Memoirs of. See Lee. Cuvier (G.) Baron. Animal Kingdom: Translated from the French, with Notes and Additions, by H1. M'Murtrie. 4 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1831. Cuvier (G.) Baron. Animal Kingdom, with Additional Descriptions, by Edward Griffith and others: trans. from the French. 16 vols. 8vo. London, 1827-1835. Cuvier (G.) Baron. Essay on the Theory of the Earth: Edited by Professor Jameson; with Observations on the Geology of North America, by Samuel L. Mitchill. 8vo. New-York, 1818. Cuvier (M.) Rapport Historique sur les Progres des Sciences Naturelles depuis 1789, et sur leur Etat Actual, presente a sa Majeste L'Empereur et Roi, 6 Fevrier, 1808. 8vo. Paris, 1810. (Presented.) Cyclopmedia. See Rees. Cyclopaedia (Penny.) See Penny Cyclopmdia. D. Dablon (Claude.) Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus Remarquable aux Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, en Nouvelle France, 1671, 1672. 12mo. Paris, 1673.- W. C. 270. D'Abrantes. Memoirs. See Abrantes. Dacier (Mi.) Rapport Historique sur les Progress de'Hiistoire et 488 MISCELLANE OUS WORKS. de la Literature Ancienne depuis 1789: Presente a sa Majeste L'Empereur et Roi, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1810. (Presented.) Dagget (David.) Pamphlets. Vol. 43. Daggett (John.) Sketch of the History of Attleborough, from its Settlement to the Present Time. 8vo. Dedham, 1834. D'Agincourt (Seroux.) History of Art, by its Monuments, from its Decline in the Fourth Century, to its Restoration in the Fifteenth. From the French of. Vol. I, Architecture; vol. 2, Sculpture; vol. 3, Painting. Bound in one volume. folio. London, 1847. Dahlman (F. E.) HIistory of the English Revolution. From the German. By Ht. Evans Lloyd. 8vo. London, 1844. Dalcho (Frederick.) Historical Account of the Protestant Episcopal Church in South Carolina 8vo. Charleston, 1820.W. C. 271. Dallas (Alex. J.) Exposition of the Causes and Character of the late War. 11th Ed. 8vo. Londono, 1815. W. C. 272. Dallas (R. C.) History of the Maroons, from the Origin, &c., including the Expedition to Cuba, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1803. Dallaway (James.) Discourses upon Architecture in England with an Historical Account of Master and Freemasons. 8vo. London, 1833. Dalmas (M.) Histoire de la Revolution de Saint Domingue. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. Paris, 1814.W-. C. 273. Dalrymple (Alex.) Historical Collection of Voyages and Discoveries in the South Pacific Ocean. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1770. - W. C. 274. Dalrymple (Alex.) Voyages dans la Mer du Sud, par les Espagnols et les Hollandois: trad. de'Anglois par M. de Freville. 8vo. Paris, 1774.- W. C. 275. Dalrymple (Sir John.) Rights of Great Britain asserted against the Claims of America. 8vo. London, 1776. W. C. 276. Dalrymple (Sir John.) See American Tracts. Vol. 9. Damberger (C. F.) Travels in the Interior of Africa, from the Cape of Good Hope to Morocco, 1781 -1'797. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1801. Damer (Hon. Mrs. L. S. Dawson.) Diary of a Tour in Greece, Turkey, Egypt and the Holy Land. Second Edition. 12mo. 2 vols. London, 1842. Dampier (Wim.) New Voyage round the World. 4th Ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1699. W. C. 277. Dampier (Wim) Nouveau Voyage autour du Monde. 3 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1701. -W. C. 278. Dana (E ) Geographical Sketches of the Western Country. 12mo. Cincinnati, 1819. (3514) MISCELLANEOUS W-OR K S. 489 Dana (James D.) Manual of Mineralogy, &c. 12mo. New-Haven, 1848. Dana (James D.) System of Mineralogy, &c., with a Mineralogical Bibliography. 8vo. New-Haven, 1837. Dana (James D.) Zoophytes. See Wilkes, (Charles.) Dana (J. F.) and S. L. Outlines of the Mineralogy and Geology of Boston and its vicinity. 8vo. Boston, 1818 Dana (R. H.) Twoyears before the Mast. l2mo. New-York, 1847. Dana (Samuel.) Pamphlets. Vol. 42. Dana (Samuel L ) Lead Diseases; a Treatise from the French of L. Tanquerel des Planches, with notes and additions, on the use of Lead Pipe, and its substitute. 8vo. Lowell, 1848. Dandini (Jerom.) Voyage to Mount Libanus, &c. Pinkerton, vol. 10. Dane (Nathan.) Pamphlets. Vol 45. Danforth (Dr. Thomas.) Fourth of July Oration. 1804. Boston. Pamphlets. Vols 36, 37. Dangeau (P. de C.) Marquis de. Memoirs of the Court of France, 1684 -1720: trans. from the French. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1825. Daniell (John F.) Elements of Meteorology; being the Third Edition, revised and enlarged, of Meteorological Essays. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1845. Dante (Alighieri.) The Vision of Hell, Purgatory and Paradise of. Translated by the Rev. Henry Francis Cary, A. M. With the Life of Dante. 12m1o. New-York, 1845. Danvers (J. T.) Picture of Jefferson. Pamphlets. Vol. 34. Dapper. Die unbekante Neue welt oder Beschreibung des Weltteils Amerika. Durch Dr. 0. D. Folio. Amsterdam, 1673. D'Arblay (Madame.) Diary and Letters: Edited by her Niece. 7 vols. l2mo. London, 1842- 46. Darby (Win.) Emigrants' Guide to the Western and Southwestern States and Territories. 8vo. New-York, 1818. Darby (Wm.) Geographical Description of Louisiana% Mississippi, and Alabama. 2d Ed. 8vo. New-York, 1817. Darby (Wm.) Geography, and Natural and Civil History of Florida. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1821. —— W. C. 279. Darby (Wm.) Tour from New-York to Detroit. 8vo. New-York, 1819. -W. C. 280. Darby (Wm.) Viewof the United States. 16mo. Philadelphia, 1828. Darby (Wm.) and Tlheo Dwight, jr. New Gazetteer of the United States. 8vo. Hartford, 1833. Darby (Wm.) Mnemonika, or the Tablet of Memory: Being a Register of Events from the earliest period to the year 1829. 12mo. Baltimore, 1829. Darby (Wm.) Lectures on the Discovery of America, and Colonization of North America by the English. 18mo. Baltimore, 1828. I STATE LIBRARY.] 31 490 MISCELLANEOUS WO R K. Darlington (William.) Agricultural Botany, an enumeration of the useful Plants and Weeds, which require the attention of American Agriculturists, 12mo. Philadelphia, 1847. Darlington (William.) M. D. See Baldwin. Darlington (William.) M. D. M.emorials of John Bartram and Humphry Marshall, with notices of their Botanical Contemporaxies. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. Dartmoor Massacre. The Prisoners' Memoirs, or Dartmoor Prison, A History of the Captivity of the Americans in England, &c. 12mo. New-York, 1815. Dartmoor Prison. Journal of a Young Man of Massachusetts, (surgeon of a privateer) and his Captivity at Melville Island, Halifax and Dartmoor. 2d Ed. 12mo. Boston, 1816. Darwin (Charles.) Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries visited during the voyage of H. MI. ShipBeagle round the world. 12mo. London, 1845. Darwin (Charles.) The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, under the command of Captain Fitzroy, during the years 1832 to 1836. Edited byPart 1. Fossil Mammalia, Richard Owen. Part 2. Mammalia, George R. Waterhouse. Part 3. Birds, John Gould. Part 4. Fish, Rev. Leonard Jenyns. Part 5. Reptiles, Thomas Bell. In 3 vols. 4to. London, 1839-1843. Darwin (Erasmus.) The Temple of Nature, or the Origin of Society. A Poem, by. 8vo. New-York, 1804. C. L. Dassie (Sieur.) Description Genierale des Costes de lAmerique. 16mo. Rouen, 1677. W. C. 281. Daubeny (Charles.) A Churchman's Reasons for declining a Connexion with the Bible Society. Pamphleteer. Vol. 5. Daubeny (Charles.) Report on the Present -Sate of our Knowledge respecting Mineral and Thermal Waters. Reports British Association, 1836. Daubeny (Charles.) M. D. F. R. S. A description of active and extinct Volcanos; of Earthquakes and Thermal Springs, &c. Second Edition. London, 1848. D'Aubigne (J. H. Merle.) The Protector; a Vindication by. 12mo. New-York, 1847. D9Aubigne (J. H. Merle.) Germany, England and Scotland; or Recollections of a Swiss Ministerby. l2mo. New-York, 1848. Daunt (William J. O'Neil.) Ireland and her Agitators. 12mo. Dublin, 1845. Davenant (Charles.) Political and Commercial Works: Collected and Revised by Sir Charles Whitworth. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1771. Davenport (Bishop.) Geographical Dictionary of North America and the West Indies. 8vo. New-York 1842. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 491 Davenport (R. A.) Dictionary of Biography; comprising the most eminent Characters of all Ages, Nations and Professions. 8vo. Boston, 1832. Davenport (R. A.) Perilous Adventures, or remarkable instances of Courage, Perseverance and Suffering. 18mo. New-York, 1846. Davidson (Lucretia M.) Life. Sparks' American Biography. Vol. 7. Davidson (Rev. R.) An excursion to the Mammoth Cave, and the barrens of Kentucky; with some Narratives of the early settlement of the State. 12mo. Lexington, 1840. Davidson (Rev. R.) D.D. History of the Presbyterian Church in the State of Kentucky, with a preliminary Sketch of the Churches in the Valley of Virginia. 8vo. New-York, 1847. Davie (William R.) Life of, by Fordyce M. Hubbard. See Sparks' American Biography. Vol. 25. Davies (J.) History of Barbados, St. Christopher, &c. fol. London, 1666. -W. C. 282. Daviess (J. H.) On the Conduct of the President concerning the Conspiracy of 1806. Pamphlets. Vol. 34. Davila (H. C.) Historie of the Civill Warres of France. Trans. from the Italian. fol. London, 1647. Davis (E. H.) See Smithsonian Contributions. Davis (John.) The American Mariners, or the Atlantic Voyage. A Moral Poem; with Naval Annals, &c. l2mo. Salisbury. W. C. 283. Davis (John.) Travels of four years and a half in the United States of America, during 1798 - 1802. Dedicated, by permission, to Thomas Jefferson, President. 8vo. London, 1803. Davis (John.) Travels in Louisiana and the Floridas in 1802. Translated from the French, with Notes, by. 12mo. NewYork, 1806. Davis (John.) The First Settlers of Virginia. An Historical Novel, exhibiting a view of the rise and progress of the Colony of Jamestown. Second Edition. 12mo. New-York, 1806. Davis (N. S.) M. D. A Text-Book on Agriculture. 12mo. NewYork, 1848. Davis (Paris M.) An Authentic History of the Late War between the United States and Great Britain, and the War with Algiers. 12mo. Ithaca, 1829. Davis (Sir John F.) See Library, E. K. Davy (Christopher.) Treatise on the Construction of Artificial Foundations for Buildings, Railways, &c. 2d Ed. 8vo. London, 1839. Davy (John.) Memoirs of the Life of Sir Humphry Davy. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836. Davy (John.) Notes and Observations on the Ionian Islands and Malta, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1842. Davy (Sir H.) Elements of Agricultural Chemistry. 8vo. (American Ed.) 492 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Davy (Sir I.) Works. Edited by his Brother, John Davy, with Memoirs of his Life. 9 vols. 8vo. London, 1839-40. Day (George E.) M. D. A Practical Treatise on the Domestic Management and most Important Diseases of Advanced Life; with an Appendix, &c. Philadelphia, 1849. Day (James.) Treatise on the Construction and Formation of Railways. 2d Ed. 12mo. London, 1839. Day (Sherman.) Pennsylvania Historical Collections. See Pennsylvania. Day (Thomas,) and Murdock, (James.) Brief Memoirs of the Class of 1797, (of Yale College.) 8vo. New-Haven, 1848. Deaf and Dumb. Reports of the American Asylum at Hartford, 1819-1844. 8vo. Hartford. (Presented.) Deaf and Dumb. Reports of the New-York Institution, 1824 -1847. 3 vols. 8vo. New-York. (Presented.) Deaf and Dumb. See Pennsylvania. Dearborn (Henry A S.) Letters on the Internal Improvements and Commerce of the West. 8vo. Boston, 1839. (Presented.) Dearborn (Nathaniel.) Being an authentic and concise account of " That Village" from 1630 to 1847. 18mo. Boston, 1848. De Bry. See Bry. De Bry. See Camus. Derby (P M. H.) De l'Agriculture en Europe et en Amerique, considere et compar6e dan les Interets de la France et de la Monarchie. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. Paris, 1825 —— W. C. 284. Decanver (H. C ) Catalogue of Works in Refutation of Methodism, from its origin in 1729, to the present time, &c. Compiled by. 4to. Philadelphia, 1846. Decatur (Captain.) Life of. See Waldo. Decatur (Commodore,) Stephen. Life of. See Sparks. Vol. 21. Decker (G. A.) Der Friedhof. The Church-Yard Sketches for Monuments. fol. No. 1. Mentz, 1847. Decretales (D.) Gregorii Pape IX. Cum privilegio Gregorii XIII. Pont. Max. fol. Paris, 1585. (Presented.) De Foe (Daniel.) History of the Union between England and Scotland; with a Life of the Author. 4to. London, 1786. De Foe (Daniel.) The Novels and Miscellaneous Works of; with a Memoir, &c. Including all in the Edition attributed to the late Sir Walter Scott, with considerable additions. 20 vols. 12mo. Oxford, 1840-41. De Forest (T. R.) Olden Time in New-York, by those who knew. 12mo. New-York, 1833. De Hay (Timoth6e.) Les Colonies et la M6tropole, le Sucre exotique et le Sucre indigene, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1839. (Presented.) De Hay (M. Timoth6e.) Discourses sur les Travaux Scientifiques de la Societie Franqaise de Statistique Universelle. 1834 -38. Pamphlets. 4to. Vol 1. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 493 De Hay (M. Timoth6e.) Rapport sur le Canal des Pyrenees destine a joindre L'Ocean a la Mediterran6e en Continuant le Canal du Midi de Toulouse a Bayonne, 1834. Pamphlets. Vol. 1. 4to. De Kay (James E.) Sketches of Turkey, 1831, 1832. 8vo. NewYork, 1833. De Kay (James E.) Zoology of New-York See Natural History of New-York. De La Beche (H. T.) -low to Observe Geology. 2d Edition. 8vo. London, 1836. De La Beche (H. T.) Geology of Cornwall, Devonshire, and West Somerset. 8vo. London, 1839. De La Beche (H. T.) Selection of the Geological Memoirs contained in the Annales des Mines, &c. Translated, with Notes. 8vo. London, 1824. Delafield (John) Inquiry into the origin of the Antiquities of America, &c. 4to. New-York, 1839. Delafond (O.) Instruction sur la Pleure-Pneumonie des Betes Bovines de la Vallie De Bray. 8vo. Paris, 1840. (Presented.) Delafond (0.) Traite sur la Maladie de Poitrine du Gros Betail. (Peripneumonie Contagieuse.) 8vo. Paris, 1844. (Presented.) Delambre (M.) Rapport HI-istorique sur les progres des Sciences Mathematiques depuis 1789, sur leur etat actuel, presente a sa Majest6 L'Empereur et Roi, 6 Fevrier, 1808. 8vo. Paris. 1810. (Presented.) Delano (Amasa.) Voyages and Travels in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. 8vo. Boston, 1817. -W. C. 285. Delaplaine (Joseph.) Lives and Portraits of Distinguished Americans. Vol 1, parts 1 and 2. Vol. 2, part 1. 4to. Philadelphia, 1816-1818. - W. C. 286. Del Rio. See Rio Demeunier (J. N.) Economic Politique et Diplomatique. See Encyclopedie Mthlodique. W. C. Democratic Review, and United States Magazine. 25 vols. 8vo. Washington and New-York, 1838 - 1849. De Morgan (Augustus.) Essay on Probabilities, and on their Application to Life Contingencies and Insurance Offices. Lardner's Cyclopsedia, vol. 15. De Morgan (Augustus.) Formal Logic, or the Calculus of Inference, necessary and probable. 8vo. London, 1847. Demosthenes. Orations. See Leland, T. Dempsey (G. Drysdale.) On Railways. Engineers' Prof. Papers, vol. 7. Dendy (Walter C.) The Philosophy of Mystery. 12mo. New-York, 1845. Denham (D.) and H. Clapperton. Travels and Discoveries in Africa, 1822-1824. 8vo. Boston, 1826. 494 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Denison (W.) Notes on the Charges of Military Mines. Engineers' Prof. Papers, vol. 2. Denison (W.) Notes on the Formation of Breaches by Artilleryo Engineers' Prof. Papers, vol. 2. Denison (W.) Series of Experiments on American Timber. TransE Inst. Civil Eng., vol. 2. Dennie (Joseph.) 1. The Lay Preacher. 2. Spirit of the Farmers' Museum. 12mo. Wplpole, 1796. —W. C. 287. Dennie (Joseph.) See Port Folio. Denton (Daniel.) Brief Description of New-York, formerly called New Netherlands, with the places thereunto Adjoining, and a Brief Relation of the Customs of the Indians there. 4to. London, 1670. —-W. C. 288. Denton (Daniel.) The Same, with an Introduction and Notes by Gabriel Furman, 8vo. New-York, 1845. Denton. See Pennsylvania. D'Entrecasteaux (Bruny.) Voyage a la Recherche de La Perouse: redige par M. de Rossel. 2 vols. 4to. (Atlas, fol.) Paris, 1808. W. C. 289. Denys (J.) Description Geographique et Historique des Costes de l'Amerique Septentrionale. 2 vols 16mo. Paris, 16-72.W. C. 290. Depons (V.) Perspective des Rapports Politiques et Commerciaux de la France dans les Deux Indes. 8vo. Paris, 1807.- W. C. 291. Depons (F.) Voyage a la Partie Orientale de la Terre Ferme dans l'Amerique MAridionale, 1801 -1804. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1806 — W. C. 292. Depons (F.) Voyage to the Eastern Part of Terra Firma, in South America, 1801 -1804: trans. from the French. 3 vols. 8vo, New-York, 1806. Depping (G. B.) Reglemens sur les Arts et Metiers de Paris. See Boileau, E. De Quincey (Thomas.) Logic of Political Economy. 8vo. Edcnburgh, 1844. De Quincey, the English Opium Eater. Letters of, to a Young Man, whose Education has been neglected. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1848. Derenzy (Capt.) Enchiridion, or a Hand for the One-Handed: with Cuts. Pamphleteer, vol. 22. De Roos (Hon. Frederick F.) Personal Narrative of Travels in the United States and Canada, in 1826. 8vo. London, 1827. Des-Cartes (Renatus) Geometria. Pars Prima et Secunda, opera et Studio Francisco a Schooten. Amsterdam, 1683. 2 vols. 4to. (Presented.) Descourtilz (M. E.) Voyages d'un Naturaliste, et ses Observations faites sur les Trois Regnes de la Nature, daps plusieurs Ports MIs.CLLANEOUS WORKS. 4-95 de Mer Franaais, en Espagne, au Continent de l'Amerique Septentrionale. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1809.- W. C. 293. De Sille. The History of the first Settlement of the Town of NewUtrecht, L. 1., by the Hon. Nicasius de Sille, Member of the Executive Council of New-Netherland, 1660. Translated from the Dutch, by Tunis G. Bergen, and published in the Brooklyn Eagle, May, 1847. (Presented.) De Solis. See Solis. Destouches (N.) Oeuvres Choisies de. See Regnard. D'Estrades (Monsieur Le.) Lettres, Memoi es et Negotiations de, &c., 9 vols. 12mo. London, 1743. De Ville (M.) Catalogue de Musee Departmental des Antiquites de Rouen. 12mo. Rouen, 1845. (Presented.) Deveze (Jean.) Trait6 de la Fi6vre Jaune. 8vo. Paris, 1820. — W. C. 294. De Wette (W. M. L.) Theodore: or the Skeptic's Conversion, by. Translated by James F. Clarke. 2 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1841. Dewey (Rev. Chester.) Report on the Herbaceous Plants of Massachusetts, 1840. See Massachusetts. Dewey (Orville) D. D. The Works of. 3 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1847. De Witt (John.) Brieven, Geschreven ende gewisselt tusschen den Heer Johan de Witt, ende Gevolmaghtigden van den Staedt der Vereenighde Nederlanden, so in Vranckryck, Engelandt, Sweden, Denemarcken, Poolen, enz., 1652 - 1669. 6 vols. 4to. Hague, 1723 - 1725. De Witt (John ) Secrete Resolutien van de Ed. Groot Mog. Heeren Staten van Hollandt end West-Vriesland, 1653 - 1668. 2 vols. 4to. Utrecht, 1717. De Witt (John.) Resolutien van Consideratie der Ed. Groot Mog. Heeren Staten van HIollandt ende West-Vriesland, 16531698. 2dEd, 4to. Amsterdam, 1719. De Witt (John.) The true Interest and political Maxims of the republic of Holland and West Friesland. Written by John De Witt, and other great men in Holland. Published by the authority of the States. 8vo. London, 1702. De Witt (Simeon.) Elements of Perspective. 8vo. Albany, 1813. Dezoteux (Le Chev) L'Administration de Marquis de Pombal, Ministre du Roi de Portugal, Joseph I. 4 vols, 8vo. Amsterdam, 1788. - W. C. 295. Diary of a Lover of Literature. 4to. Ipswich, 1810. Diez del Castillo (Bernal) Historia Verdadera de la Conquista de la Nueva-Espafia. fol. Madrid, 1632. W. C. 296. Diaz del Castillo (Bernal.) True History of the Conquest of Mexico, Trans. from the Spanish by M. Keatinge. 4to. London, 1800.-W. C. 297. 496 MISCELLANEOUS Wo K S. Diaz del Castillo (Bernal.) The same. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 180S. Diaz del Castillo. The memoirs of the Conquestador Bernal. Written by himself. Translated by John Ingram Lockhart. 2 vols. 8vo. 1844. Dibdin (C.) Observations on a Tour through almost the whole of England, and a considerable part of Scotland. 2 vols. 4to, London, 1801. Dibdin (Thomas F ) Introduction to Rare and Valuable Editions of the Classics, &c. 4th Ed. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1827. Dibdin (Thomas F.) Typographical Antiquities, or the History of Printing in England, &c. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1810. Dibdin (Thomas F.) D. D. Bibliomania, or Book Madness; a Biographical Romance. New Edition. 8vo. London, 1842. Dibdin (Thomas F.) Bibliophobia. Remarks on the Present Languid and Depressed State of Literature and the Book Trade. By Mercurius Rusticus. 8vo London, 1832. Dick (Thomas.) LL. D. The Practical Astronomer. 12mo. NewYork, 1848. Dickinson (John.) An Essay on the Constitutional Power of Great Britain over the Colonies in America,.&c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1774.- W. C. 298, Dickinson (John.) Political Writings. 2 vols. 8vo. Wilmington, 1801. Dickinson (John.) Lettres d'un Fermier de Pennsylvanie, aux Habitans de l'Amerique Septentrionale:: trad. de lFAnglois. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1769.- W. C. 299. Dickinson (John.) An Essay on the Constitutional Power of Great Britain over the Colonies in America, with the Resolves of the Committee for the Province of Pennsylvania, and their Instructions to the Representatives in Assembly. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1774. Dickinson (John.) See American Tracts. Vol, 1. Dickinson (John.) See American Tracts. Vol. 5, Dickinson (S. N.) See Boston Almanack. Dictionaries: Americanisms. Bartlett. Anglo-Saxon and English. Bosworth. Architecture. Stuart. Arts and Sciences. Gregory. Arts, Manufactures and Mines. Ure. Artificers' Lexicon. Bennett. Biographical. (American.) Allen, Davenport, Eliot arnd Rcgerg. Chemistry. Ure. Classical. Anthon, Lempriere. Commercial. McCulloch, Waterston. Dictionary of Painters. Pilkington. Dutch and English. Sewell. English. Bailey, Bolles, Johnson, Johnson and Walker, Richardson, Walker, Webster, Worcester. English Analytical. Booth. English General Knowledge. Crabb. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 497 English Provincialisms. Holloway. English Synonymes. Crabb. Farming. Gardner. French. Boyer, Fleming and Tibbins. French and German. See Dictionary. Gaelic Language. Highland Society. See Dictionaryq Gardening. Johnson. Gardner's Dictionary. Don. Geology and Mineralogy. Humble. German. Kaltschmidt. German and English. Bailey. FlugeL, Greek. Donnegan, Schrevelii. Hebrew. Parkhurst. Historical. C(rabb. History and Geography. Bouillet. Italian. Baretti. Landed Gentry of England. Burke, Latin. Ainsworth. Marine. Falconer. Merchandize. Kauffman. Military. Campbell. Political. Knight. Polyglott Lexicon. Portuguese and English. Vieyra, Scoctish. Jamieson. Spanish. Niezman and Baretti, Technological. Crabb. Teuto-Gothiques. See Meidingero Dictionary. Nouveau Dictionnaire Allemand-Francois et FrancoisAllemand. 2 vols. 8vo. Strasbourg, 1762. (Presented.) Dictionary of the Gaelic Language: Compiled and Published under the Direction of the Highland Society of Scotland. 2 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1828. )ictionnaire de Plndustrie Mannfacturiere, Commerciale et Agricole. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1833 - 1841. Dictionnaire Nouveau d'Histoire Naturelle, appliqude aux Arts, a lPAgriculture, a l'Economie Rurale et Domesticue, a la Medecine, &c., par une Soci6te de Naturalistes et d'Agriculteurs. 36 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1816 - 1819. —— W. C. 300. Dictionnaire Universel de Commerce, Banque, Manufactures, &c,, par une Soci6te de N6gocians, &c. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1805..- W. C. 301. Didron (M.) Iconographie Chretienne. Histoire de Dieu. 4to. Paris, 1843. See France. Diereville. Relation du Voyage d-a Port Royal de IPAcadie. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1710. —-— W. C 302. Digby (Sir Kenelme.) Private Memoirs, written by himself; with an Introductory Memoir. 8vo. London, 1827. Diodorus Siculus. Bibliothecae Historical Libri qui supersunt e Recensione Petri Wesselingii cum Interpretatione Latina Laur. Rhodomani atque Annotationibus variorum integris indicibusque locupletissimis Nova Editio cum Commentationibus III Chr. Gottl. Heynii et cumr Argumentis Disputationibus Jer. Nic. Eyringii. 11 vols. 8vo, Deux Ponts, 1793-1807. 498 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Dionysii Halicarnassei Scripta, quse extant, omnia et historica et rhetorica. Opera et studio Frid. Sylburgii Veterensis. 2 vols. folio. Francofurti, 1586. (Greek and Latin.) Diplomacy of the United States. See Lyman, T. Dirom (Alex.) Narrative of the Campaign in India, which terminated the War with Tippoo Sultan, in 1792. 2d Ed. 4to. London, 1794. (Presented.) Discovery. Retrospect of the Origin and Progress of. Pinkerton, vol. 17. D'Israeli (I) Amenities of Literature. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1841, D'Israeli (I.) Curiosities of Literature. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. D'Israeli (I.) The Same. Second Series. 2d Ed. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. D'Israeli (I.) Miscellanies of Literature. 8vo. London, 1840. D'Israeli (I.) The Same. 3 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1841 District School Journal of the State of New-York. 9 vols. in 8. fol, and 8vo. Geneva and Albany, 1840 -49. The first five volumes edited by Francis Dwight, the remainder by S. S. Randell, William H. Campbell, and Edward Cooper. Vols. 6, 7, 8. (Presented.) Disturnell (J.) Gazetteer of the State of New-York with the Census of 1840, and Tables of Distances. 8vo. Albany, 1842. Disturnell (J.) Guide, through the Middle and Eastern States. Containing a description of the principal places; Canal, Railroad and Steamboat routes. 18mo. New York, 1848. Disturnell (J.) Railroad, Steamboat and Telegraph Book. A Guide through the Middle, Northern and Eastern States, and Canada. 18mo. New-York, July, 1849. (Presented.) Disturnell (J.) The Eastern Tourist, being a Guide through NewEngland, &c. 18mo. New-York, 1848. Disturnell (J.) The Emigrants' Guide to New-Mexico, California and Oregon, &.c., with a map of the same. 18mo. NewYork, 1.849. Dix (Hon. John A.) of New-York. Speech of, on the Three Million Bill, Senate U. S., March 1, 1847. Pamphlets, vol. 22. (Presented.) Dix (John A.) Sketches of the Resources of the City of New-York, with a View of the Municipal Government, Population, &c. 8vo. New-York 1827. Dix (Miss D. L.) Remarks on Prisons and Prison Discipline. Boston, 1845. Pamphlets, vol. 16. (Presented.) Dixon (George.) Voyage round the World, 1785 - 1788 2d Ed. 4to. London, 1789. - W. C. 303. Dixon (George.) Voyage autour du Monde, 1785 - 1788 i trad. de P'Anglois. 4to. Paris, 1789.-W. C. 304. Dixon (Rev. James.) D. D. Personal Narrative of a Tour through a part o the United States and Canada; with Notices of the MISCELLANEOU S WORs. 499 History and Institutions of Methodism in America. 12nmo New-York, 1849. Doane (George W.) Bishop. First Annual Address before the NewJersey Historical Society, 1846 Pamphlets, vol. 13. Doane (George W.) Bishop. The Men to make a State: their making and their marks. An Address at Burlington College, July 4,1849. 8vo. Burlington, 1849. Dobbs (Arthur.) An account of the countries adjoining to Hudson's Bay, &c. 4to. London, 1744. Dobbs (Arthur ) A. Reply to Capt Middleton's Answer to the Remarks in vindication of his conduct. (Voyage to Hudson' s Bay.) 8vo London, 1745. Dobell (Peter.) Travels in Kamschatka and Siberia, with a Narrative of a Residence in China. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830. Dobrizhoffer (Martin.) Account of the Abipones, an Equestrian People of Paraguay: trans. from the Latin. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1822 -. C. 305. Dobson (Edward.) Account of the Railways of Belgium, from 1834 to 1842. 8vo. London, 1843. Dodd (Charles R.) Manual of Dignities, Privilege, and Precedence, including Lists of the Great Public Functionaries, from the Revolution to the Present Time. 16mo. London, 1842. Doddridge (Rev. Pr. Joseph.) Notes on the Indian Wars of the western parts of Virginia and Pennsylvania. See Kercheval. Doddridge (Philip.) D. D. The Correspondence and Diary of. Edited by his great-grandsou, John Doddridge IHumphreys. 5 vols. Svo. London, 1829-31. C. L. Dodington (George Bubb.) Lord Melcombe. Diary, 1749 - 1761 by Henry P. Wyndham. 4th Ed. 8vo. London, 1809. Dodsley (Robert.) See Annual Register. Podwvell (Edward.) Classical and Topographical Tour through Greece, 1801 - 1806. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1819. Doggett (John, Jr.) United States Railroad and Ocean Steam Navigation Guide; illustrated with a Map of the United States, showing the working lines of Railroads, for January, 1848. Oblong small 4to. New-York. Doggett (John, Jr,) See Poor Richard. Doin (Alex.) Memoir sur le Canal Lateral a la Garomne. 2d Edo 4to. Paris, 1835. (Presented.) Doleman (R.) A Conference about the next Succession to the Crown of England. Divided into two parts. Published by R. Doleman. 8vo. Reprinted at N., with license, 1681. (This work is considered to have been written by Father Parsons, the Jesuit, and the present copy contains the Genealogical Table, showing the descent of the Crown of England.) Dolomieu (Peodatus de.) Earthquakes in Calabria Ultra, in 1783. Pinkerton. Vol. 5. Doniphan (Col.) Campaign in New-Mexico. See Edwards. 500 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Don (George.) General History of the Dicllamydeous Plants, with a Glossary of the Terms used: (Gardener's Dictionary.) 4 vols. 4to. London, 1831. Donn (James.) Hortus Cantabrigiensis, or a Catalogue of Indigenous and Exotic Plants, cultivated in the Cambridge Botanic Garden. 13th Ed. By P. M. Donn. 8vo. London, 1845. Donnegan (James.) New Greek and English Lexicon: Revised and Enlarged by R. B. Patton. 1st Am. Ed. 8vo. Boston, 1839. Donovan (M.) Domestic Economy. Lardner's Cyclopsedia. Vol. 17 and 18. Donovan (M.) Treatise on Chemistry. Lardner's CyclopEedia. Vol. 16. Dooms-Day Book. fol. Dora (A.) See Durazzo, I. Dorvo-Soulastre. Voyage par Terre de Santo-Domingo au CapFrancais. 8vo. Paris, 1809 — W. C. 306. Doubleday (Thomas.) A Financial, Monetary and Statistical History of England, from the Revolution of 1688 to the present time. 8vo. London, 1847. Douglass (Wn.) Summary, Historical and Political, of the British Settlements in North America. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1755. Dove (H. W.) On the Law of Storms. Silliman's Journal. Vol. 44. Dover (Lord.) Life of Frederick II. of Prussia. 2 vols. 16mo. New-York, 1839. Dow (Alexander.) History of Hindostan. Trans. from the Persian. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1812. Downing (A. J.) Cottage Residences, or a Series of Designs for Rural Cottages, &c. Part I. 2d Ed. New-York, 1844. Downing (A. J.) Fruit and Fruit Trees of America. 12mo. NewYork, 1845. Downing (A. J.) Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, with Remarks on Rural Architecture. 8vo. New-York, 1841. Downing (A. J.) The Same. 2d Ed. 8vo. New-York, 1844. Downing (A. J.) See Horticulturist. Downing AA. J.) The Fruits and Fruit Trees of America, &c. with 70 engravings. 8vo. New-York, 1847. Downing (J.) Major Downingville Militia. Letters of, to his old Friend, Mr. Dwight, of the New-York Daily Advertiser. 12mo. New-York, 1836. Downing (Major Jack,) of Downingville, away East in the State of Maine. The Life and Writings of. Written by himself. 2d Ed. 12mo. Boston, 1834. Drake (Benjamin.) Life of Tecumseh, and of his Brother, the Prophet, with a Historical Sketch. 12mo. Cincinnati, 1841. Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier. Lives and Voyages, with a View of the History of the Buccaneers. Edinburgh Cabinet Library. Vol. 5. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 501 Drake (Daniel.) View of Cincinnati and the Miami Country, &c. 12mo. Cincinnati, 1815. Drake (Sir Francis.) Voyage: trad. de F'Anglois. 12mo. Paris, 1627. W. C. 307. Drake (Sir Francis.) His Voyage, 1595. By Thomas Maynard; together with the Spanish account of Drake's attack on Puerto Rico. Edited by W. E. Cooley. Hakluyt Society. 8vo. London, 1849. Drake (Nathan.) Shakspeare and his Times, with a Biography of the Poet, and Criticisms on his Genius and Writings. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1817. Drake (Samuel G.) Biography and History of the Indians of North America. 9th Ed. 8vo. Boston, 1845. Drake (Samuel G.) Tragedies of the Wilderness, or true and authentic Narratives of Captives, &c. 12mo. Boston, 1846. Drake (Samuel G.) The Old Indian Chronicle. Being a Collection of Exceedingly Rare Tracts; written and published in the time of King Phillip's War, &c. 18mo. Boston, 1836. Draper (John William.) M. D. Text Book in Chemistry. 12mo. New-York, 1846. Draper (John William.) M. D. A Text Book of Natural Philosophy. 3d Ed. 12mo. New-York, 1848. Draper (John William.) M. D A Treatise on tle Forces which produce the Organization of Plants. 4to. New-York, 1844. Drayton (John.) Memoirs of the American Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. Charleston, 1821. Drayton (John.) Beschreibung von Sud-Carolina. 8vo. Weimar, 1808. W. C. 308. Drewry (Charles S) Memoir on Suspension Bridges, with an Account of Experiments on the Strength of Iron Wires and Bars. 8vo. London, 1832. Drexilius (Hier.) Nicetas, seu Triumphata Incontinentia. 18mo. Cologne, 1631. (Presented.) Drinkwater (John.) History of tie Siege of Gibraltar. 8vo. Dublin, 1791. Drommond (Thomas.) On the Illumination of Light-Houses. Trans. Royal Soc., 1830. Drummond (Sir Wm.) Origines, or Remarks on the Origin of Several Empires, States, and Cities. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. Drury (Dru.) Illustrations of Exotic Entomology: a new Edition, with Additional Matter, by J. O. Westwood. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1837. Dryden (John.) Dramas. Works, vols. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Dryden (John.) Essay of Dramatic Poesy. Works, vol. 15. Dryden (John.) Life of St. Francis Xavier. Works, vol. 16. Dryden (John) Mack-Flecknoe, a Satire Works, vol. 10. Dryden (John.) Observations on Du Fresnoy's Art of Painting. Works, vol. 16. 502 MI SCELLANEOU S WORKS. Dryden (John.) Poems. Works, vol. 9. Dryden (John.) The Hind and the Panther. Works, vol. 10. Dryden (John.) Translations from Juvenal and Persius. Works, vol. 13. Dryden (John.) Translations from Ovid. Works, vol. 12. Dryden (John. (Translations of the Works of Virgil. Works, vols. 13, 14 and 15. Dryden (John.) Works; with Notes, and a Life of the Author, by Sir Walter Scott. 18 vols. 8vo. London, 1808. Dryden (John.) Montezuma ou Fernand Cortes; Tragedie: trad. de 1'Anglois. 8vo. Paris, 1743. See Po6mes sur l'Amerique. W. C. Duane (William.) A Hand Book for Infantry, &c. 5th Ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1813. Duane (William.) Visit to Colombia, in 1822, 1823. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1826. Duane (William J.) Pamphlets, vol. 41. Dublin Review. 26 vols. 8vo. London, Dublin and Edinburgh. 1836 - 49. Dublin University Magazine. Vols. 19-33. 14 vols. 8vo. NewYork, 1842 -49. Dubois (J. A.) Description of the People of India: trans. from the French MS. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1818. Du Bois (William E.) A brief Account of the Collection of Coins belonging to the Mint of the United States; more particularly the Antique Specimens. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1846. (Presented.) Dubroca (J. F.) Eloge de Washington. 12mo. Paris, 1800. W. C. 309. Dubuisson (P. U.) Lettres Critiques et Politiques sur les Colonies et le Commerce des Villes Maritimes de la France, addresses a G. T Raynal. 8vo. Geneva, 1786. W. C. 310. Duche (Jacob) M. A. Rector of Christ Church and St. Peter's in Philadelphia. Discourses on various Subjects. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1779. Duche (Rev. Jacob.) The Duty of Standing Fast in our Spiritual and Temporal Liberties. A Sermon preached in Christ's Church, July 7, 1775, before the First Battalion of the City and Liberties of Philadelphia. 8vo. London, 1775. Duche (Rev. Jacob.) See Caspipina. Ducceurjoly (S. J.) Manuel des Habitans de Saint-Domingue. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1802. W V. C. 311. Ducreux (Francois.) Historie Canadensis, seu Nove-Francie Libri Decem, ad 1656. 4to. Paris, 1664. W. C. 312. Dudley (Earl of.) Letters to the Bishop of Llandaff. 8vo. London, 1840. Duer (John,) and Sedgwick (Robert.) An Examination by, of the Controversy between the Greek Deputies and two Mercantile MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 503 Houses of New-York, together with a Review of the Publications on the subject, by the Arbitrators, &c. 8vo. NewYork, 1826. (Presented.) Duer (John.) A Discourse on the Life, Character and Public Services of James Kent, late Chancellor of the State of NewYork, delivered before the Judiciary and Bar of the City and State of New-York, April 12, 1848, (with a Portrait.) 8vo. New-York, 1848. Duer (William A.) New-York as it was during the latter part of the last Century. An Anniversary Address before the St. Nicholas Society of the City of New-York, Dec. 1, 1848. 8vo. New-York, 1849. Duer (William A.) Letter to C. D. Colden, in Answer to the Strictures contained in his Life of Robert Fulton, &c. 8vo. Albany, 1817. Duer (William A.) LL.D. Life of William Alexander, Earl of Sterling, Major-General U. S. Army. See New-Jersey Historical Collections. Vol. 2. Dufrenoy. See Carte Geologique de la France. Du Fresnoy (C. A.) De Arte Graphica: translated, with Remarks, by John Dryden. rydenyde's Works, vol. 17. Du Fresnoy (M.) Rapport sur L'Emploi de L'Air Chaud dans les Mines de Fer. 8vo. Paris 1834. (Presented.) Dugat. Prisons et Champs D'Asile en Algerie. Paris. Pamphlets. Vol. 16. (Presented.) Duhalde (J. B.) Description of China, and Chinese Tartary, together with the Kingdoms of Korea and Tibet: trans. from the French. 2 vols. Fol. London, 1738-1741. Duigenan (Patrick.) Answer to the Right I-on. Henry Grattan. 5th Ed. 8vo. Dublin, 1800. Dulaney (Mr.) of Maryland. Considerations on the Propriety of Imposing Taxes in the British Colonies, for the purpose of raising a Revenue, &c. 8vo. 2d Ed. London, 1776. Dumarsais (C. C.) Grammaire et Litterature. See Encyclopedie Methodique. W. C. Dumas (M.) Traite de Chimie appliqu6e aux Arts. 8 vols. 8vo. With a Folio Atlas. Paris, 1828 -46. Dumas (Mathieu) Count. Memoirs of his Own Time, including the Revolution, the Empire, and the Restoration. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1839. Dumas on Manures and the Nutrition of Plants. See Stephens' Book of the Farm. Vol. 2. Dummer (J.) Defence of the New-England Charters. 8vo. Boston, 1745. Dumont (Etienne.) Recollections of Mirabeau, and of the Two First Legislative Assemblies of France. 8vo. London, 1832. Dumourier (G6enral.) Correspondance avec Pache, Ministre dela 504 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Guerre, pendant la Campagne de la Belgique, en 1792. 8vo. Paris, 1793. (Presented.) Dumourier (General.) Lettres sur l'Ouvrage, intitule, " La Vie du Gen. Dumnourier." 8vo. London, 1795. (Presented.) Dunbar (James.) Essays on the History of Mankind, in Rude and Cultivated Ages. 8vo. London, 1780.-W. C. 313. Duncan (Rev. Henry.) D. D. The Founder of Savings' Banks. Memoirs of, by his Son, Rev. George C. Duncan. 12mo. New-York, 1849. Duncan (John.) Travels in Western Africa, in 1845-46. Second Edition. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1847. Duncombe (Charles.) Duncombe's Free Banking: An Essay on Banking, Currency, Finance, Exchanges, and Political Economy. 18mo. Cleveland, 1841. Dunglison (Robley.) Public Discourse in Commemoration of Peter S. Du Ponceau, delivered before the American Philosophical Society, in 1844. Pamphlets, vol. 11. (Presented.) Dunham (S. A) Lives of English Dramatists. See Lardner's Cyclopedia, vols. 1, 2. Dunham (S. A.) History of Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Lardner's Cyclopsedia, vols. 19-21. Dunham (S. A.) History of Europe during the Middle Ages. Lardner's Cyclopsedia, vols. 22- 25. Dunham (S A.) History of the Germanic Empire. Lardner's Cyclopedia, vols. 26 - 28. Dunham (S. A.) History of Poland. Lardner's Cyclopsedia, vol. 29. Dunham (S. A.) History of Spain and Portugal. Lardner's Cyclopsedia, vols. 30 - 34. Dunham (S. A.) Lives of the most Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Great Britain. Lardner's Cyclopedia, vol. 35. Dunlap (William.) History of New-York. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1839. Dunlap (William.) The Archers, or Mountaineers of Switzerland: An Historical Play. 8vo. New-York, 1796. (Presented.) Dunlap (William.) Life of Charles Brockden Brown, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1815. Dunlap (William.) A History of New-York, for Schools. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1844. Dunlap (William.) A History of the American Theatre. 8vo. New-York, 1832. Dunlap (William.) History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts of Design, in the United States. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1834. Dunlop (Anthony.) Sketches on Political Economy. Pamphleteer, vol. 11. Dunlop (John.) History of Fiction. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1814. Dunlop (John.) History of Roman Literature. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1827. (4021) MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 505 Dunlop (John.) Memoirs of Spain, during the Reigns of Philip IV. and Charles II., 1621 - 1700. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1834. Dunlop (William.) Statistical Sketches of Upper Canada, for the Use of Emigrants. By a Backwoodsman. 12mo. London, 1832. Dunn (Henry.) Guatimala, or the United Provinces of Central America. 8vo. New-York, 1828.W-. C. 314. Dunn (John.) History of the Oregon Territory and British North American Fur Trade, &c. 8vo. London, 1844. Duns Scotus (Joann.) Scriptum, super quarto Sententiarum, &c. 12mo. 1520. Black-letter. (Presented.) Du Ponceau (P. S.) English Phonology, an Essay towards an Analysis of the Component Sounds of the Language. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc., N. S., vol. 1. Du Ponceau (P. S.) Grammar of the Language ef the Lenni Lenape, or Delaware Indians: from the German of D. Zeisberger. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc., N. S., vol. 3. Du Pont. Du Commerce et de la Compagnie des Indes. 2d Ed. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1769. W. C. 315. Duppa (R.) Life of Michel Angelo, by; Quatremere de Quincy. Life of Raffaello, by. In one volume. 12mo. London, 1846. Durand (H. M.) Passage of the Indus by the Bengal portion of tlle Army. Engineers' Prof. Papers, vol. 4. Durand (James R.) Life and Adventures of; written by himself. 121mo. Rochester, 1820. Durao, Jose (de Santa Rita.) Caramuril, ou la Decouverte de Bahia: Poeme Br6silien. 3 vols. in 1. 12mo. Paris, 1829.W. C. 316. Durazzo (Ippolito.) Elogi Storici di Christoforo Colombo e di Andrea d'Oria. 4to. Parma, 1781. W. C. 317. Durbin (John P.) Observations in Europe, principally in France and Great Britain. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1844. Durbin (John P.) Observations in the East, chiefly in Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Asia Minor. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1845. Durfee (Hon. Job.) Discourse before the Rhode Island Historical Society, January 13, 1847. 8vo. Providence, 1847. (Presented.) Durham (Earl of.) The Report and Despatches of the Earl of Durham, Her Majesty's High Commissioner and Governor-General of British North America. 8vo. London, 1839. Durrett. Voyage de Marseille a Lima. 1.2mo. Paris, 1720.- -W. C 318. Dutch. Voyages of the Dutch to the North of Europe. Pinkerton. vol. 1. Dutch Church (Reformed) in North America. Acts and Proceedings of the General Synod of the, in 1806, 1807, 1813, 1814, 1815, 1816, 1817 and 1818. Lettered' vol. 1."1 vol. (Pre[STATE LIBRARY.] 32 506 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. sented. [Wanting, all prior to 1806, the Minutes of 18097 1812, and October, 1815.] Dutch Church (Reformed) in North America. Acts, &c, in 1819, 1820, 1821, 1822, 18223, 1824, 1825, 1826. Lettered "vol. 2." (Presented.) Dutch Church (Reformed) in North America. Acts, &c., from 1827 -1831. Vol. 3. Acts, &,1831 - 1836. Vol.4. 1837-1841. Vol. 5. 1841 - 1845. Vol. 6. 1846 - 1849. Vol. 7. 5 vols. 8vo. (Presented.) Dutch Church. Index to the Printed Minutes of the General Synod of the Reformed Dutch Church, from June, 1794, to June, 1826, inclusive. Prepared by Rev. Thomas M. Strong, Stated Clerk. 8vo. New-York, 1831. 1 vol. (Presented.) Dutch Church. See Magazine. Dutton (Warren.) Pamphlets. Vol. 36. Duvalloni (B.) Voyage a la Louisiane et sur le Continent de'Am6tiue, 1794-1798. 8vo. Paris, 1802. W. C. 319. Duv-er: ir de H1auranne (M.) Politique Exterieure et Interieure de ia France. 8vo. Paris, 1841. (Presented.) Dwigilt (Francis.) See District School Journal. Dwight (Henry E.) Travels in the North of Germany, 1825 - 26. 8vo. New-York, 1829. Dwight (M. A.) Grecian and Roman Mythology by; with an Introductory Notice, by Professor Taylor Lewis. 12mo. NewYork, 1849. Dwight (Sereno E.) Memoirs of Rev. David Brainerd, Missionary to the Indians on the borders of New-York, New-Jersey and Pennsylvania. 8vo. New-York, 1822. Dwight (Sereno E.) The Life of President Edwards, by. 8vo. New-York, 1830. Dwight (Theodore.) The Character of Thomas Jefferson, as exhibited in his own writings. 12mo. Boston, 1839. Dwight (Theodcre, Jr.) Summer Tours; or Notes of a Traveller through some of the Northern and Middle States. 122mo. New-York, 1847. Dwight (Theodore, Jr) History of Connecticut. 16mo. New-York, 1841. Dwight (Timothy.) Conquest of Canaan. 12mo. Hartford, 1785. - W. C. 320. Dwight (Timothy.) Travels in New England and New-York. 4 vols 8vo. (Maps) New Haven, 1821. Dwight (Timothy.) Life. Sparks' American Biography. Vol. 14. Dwight (Rev. Timothy.) D.D., LL.D. Theology explained and defended, in a series of Sermons; with a Memoir of the Life of the Author. Twelfth Edition. 4 vols. 8vo. New-Yorkl 1846. Dwight (Rev. Timothy.) D. D. Greenfield Hill. A Poem, in seven parts. 12mo. New-York, 1794. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 507 Dyer (G.) Dissertation on the Theory and Practice of Benevolence. Pamphleteer. Vol. 14. Dyer (G.) History of the University and Colleges of Cambridge, &c. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1814. Dyeing and Calico Printing. Practical Treatise on, including the latest Inventions and Improvements. 8vo. New-York, 1846. Dymond (Jonathan.) An Enquiry into the Accordancy of War with the Principles of Christianity. 8vo. Philadelphia. [No date.] (Presented.) Dymond (Jonathan.) Essays on the Principles of Morality. With Preface by Rev. George Bush. 8vo. New-York, 1836. E. Eager (Samuel W.) Al outline History of Orange County, (NewYork,) wit{h an enumeration of its Towns, &c., and local Traditics, &:c. 8vo. Newburgh, 1846 -47. Earle (Augustus. ) Narrative of a Residence in New Zealand, &c. 8vo. London, 1832. Earle (Pliny.) M. D. A Visit to thirteen Asylums for the Insane in Europe, with Notices of similar Institutions in Transatlantic Countries and the United States, and an Essay on Insanity, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841. (Presented.) Earle (Pliny.) M. D. History, Description and Statistics of the Bloomingdale Asylum for the Insane. 8vo. New-York, 1848. (Presented.) Earle (Pliny.)i M. D. Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth, Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh Annual Reports of the Bloomingdale Asylum for the Insane. 8vo. New-York, 1846 - 48. (Bound in one volume.) (Presented.) Eastburn (Rev. James Wallis,) and Robert C. Sands. Yamoyden: A Tale of the Wars of King Philip, in six Cantos. 12mo. NewYork, 1820. Eastburn (Rev. Joseph.) Memoirs of. See Green. Eastlake (Charles Lock.) Materials for a History of Oil Painting. 8vo. London, 1847. Eastlake (Charles Lock ) Contributions to the Literature of the Fine Arts. 8vo. London, 1848. Eastman (F. S.) History of New-York. 12mo. New-York, 1833. Eastman (F. S ) A History of the State of New-York, from the first discovery of the country to the present time. 12mo. NewYork, 1828. Eastman (Mrs. Mary.) Dahcotah, or Life and Legends of the Sioux, around Fort Snelling 12mo. New-York, 1849. Eaton (Amos.) Geological and Agricultural Survey of Rensselaer County, New-York. 8vo. Albany, 1822. Pamphlets. Vol. 2. Eaton (Amos.) Geological and Agricultural Survey of the District adjoining the Erie Canal in the State of New-York. Taken 508 MISCELLA`NEOUS WORKS. under the direction of the Hon. Stephen Van Rensselaer. Part 1. 8vo. Albany, 1824, Eaton (Amos.) Index to the Geology of the Northern States, &co 2d Ed. 12mo. Troy, 1820.-W. C. 321. Eaton (Amos.) A. M. and Wright (John) M. D. North American Botany, comprising the Native and Common Cultivated Plants North of Mexico. Genera, arranged according to the Artificial and Natural Methods. 8th Ed., with the additions of the Properties of Plants, from Lindlay's New Medical Flora. 8vo. Troy, (New-York,) 1840. Eaton (Amos.) Manual of Botany for North America. 6th Ed. 12mo. Albany, 1833. Eaton (John H.) Life of Andrew Jackson; with a History of the War in the South. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1824. —— W. C. 322. Eaton (William.) General. Life. Principally Collected from his Manuscripts. 8vo. Brookfield, 1813. Eaton (William.) General. Life. Sparks' American Biography. Vol. 9. Eceleston (James.) An Introduction to English Antiquities, intended as a Companion to the History of England. 8vo. London, 1847. Echard (Laurence.) Gazetteer's or Newsman's Interpreter. 8vo. London, 1741. —W. C. 323. Echard (Laurence.) Roman History. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 17241726. Echo (The,) with Other Poems. 8vo. New-York, 1807. Eckerman's Conversations with Goethe. Translated by S. M. Fuller. 12mo. Boston, 1839. Eckfeldt (J. R.) and W. E. Dubois. Manual of Gold and Silver Coins of all Nations, struck within the last Century. 4to. Philadelphia, 184.2. Edinburgh Cabinet Library. 38 vols. 12ino. Edinburgh, 18351844. CONTENTS: Vol. 1. Polar Regions. Vol. 21. Circumnavigation-Magellan to 2. Africa. Cook. " 3. Egypt. " 22. Life of Henry the Eighth. 4. Palestine. "c 23. Scandinavia. c 5. Early English Navigators.' 24. S av " 6 25. 7' 7. British India. " 26. British America. " 8. " 27. c 9. Northern Coast of America.' 28. Iceland, Greenland, and the " 10. Baron Humboldt's Travels. Faroe Islands. C 11. Life of Raleigh. " 29. c 12. Nubia and Abyssinia. " 30.'Italy. cc 14. rai 32. Mesopotamia and Assyria. c 15. Persia. " 33. Polynesia. c 16. Zoologists-Aristotle to Lin- " 34. Voyages Round the World. nmus. " 35. "c 17. Barbary States. " 36. -United States. "18. " 37. " 19. China. 38. Travels of Marco Polo. " 20. ) MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 509 Eclectic Magazine (The,) of Foreign Literature. Vols. 1 - 18. 8vo. New-York and Philadelphia, 1844 - 49. (Edited bfrmerly by J. H. Agnew. The last volumes by W. H. Bidwell. Eclectic Museum. See Agnew, J. H. Eden (Sir Frederick Morton.) The State of the Poor, or a History of the Laboring Classes in England. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1797. (Vol. 1 wanting.) C. L. Eddis (William.) Letters from America. 8vo. London, 1792. Eddy (Thomas.) Life of. See Knapp. Edgar Huntly. See Brown, C. B. Edinburgh Annual Register. 21 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 18081823. Edinburgh Encyclopsedia. See Brewster, Sir D. Edinburgh Journal of Science (The,) conducted by David Brewster, LLD., F. R. S. 10 vols. 8vo. Edingburgh, 1824-29. New Series. 6 vols. 8vo. Edingburgh, 1829 - 32. Edinburgh Philosophical Journal. See Brewster and Jameson. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal. See Jameson, R. Edinburgh Review. 89 vols. 8vo. London and Edinburgh, 1802 - 1849. Edinburgh Review. General Index. 2 vols. 1-50. 8vo. NewYork and Edinburgh, 1816 and 1832. Edinburgh Royal Society. See Transactions. Education. District School Journal. See. Education (in Massachusetts.) Eleventh and Twelfth Annual Reports of the Board of Education, and of the Secretary of the Board. (The previous Reports are contained in Mann's C3)nmon School Journal.) 8vo. Boston, 1848 and 1849. (BoLnd in one volume.) Education. Minutes of the Committee of Council, with Appendices. 16 vols. 8vo. (17 Meetings,) 1831 -48. London, 1835 -48. Education. See New-York Conveltion. Education. Papers of the Central Society of Education. 3 vols. 12mo. Qondon4 1837 -1839. Educalion. Quarterly Journal of Education. 10 vols. 8vo. London, 1831 -1835. Education. Strictures on the Education Proper for the Bar. 12mo. Dublin, 1792.. Education. Sur l'Education Nationale dans les Etats-Unis d'Amerique. 2d Ed. 8vo. Paris, 1812 —— W. C, 324. Education. The Educator. Prize Essays on Elevating'the Profession of the Educator in Society. 12mo. London, 1839. Education. Thoughts on the Present System of Education at Cambridge. Pamphleteer. Vol. 20. Education (in Canada ) See Ryerson. Education (in the Province of Canada.) Remarks on the State of. 510 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. A Reprint of the Articles in the British Amer. Med. Journal, by "L." 12mo. Montreal, 1848. (Presented.) Education (in Pennsylvania.) See Pamphlets. Education (in Rhode Island.) See Barnard. Education. See Massachusetts School Returns. Edwards (Bryan.) History of the British West Indies, with a Description of the Bahama Islands by D. M' Kinnen. 4 vols. 8vo. Charleston, 1810. Edwards (Bryan.) History of the British West Indies; with a Continuation. 5th Ed. Vols. 4 and 5. 8vo. London, 1819.W. C. 325. Edwards (Bryan.) Historical Survey of the French Colony in St Domingo. 4to. London, 1797. — W. C. 326. Edwards (Bryan.) Histoire de Fl'sle Saint-Domingue: trad. de l'Anglois, par J. B. J. Breton. 12mo. Paris, 1802.- W. C. 327. Edwards (Bryan.) Thoughts on the Government, respecting the Trade of the West India Islands with the United States of North America. Second Edition, with a Postscript to Lord Sheffield. 8vo. London, 1784. Edwards (Dr.) Report on T. G. Morton's Discovery of Sulphuric Ether as a Pain-subduing Agent. See Ether. Edwards (E.) Napoleon Medals; with Historical and Biographical Notes. fol. London, 1837. Edwards (Frank S.) A Campaign in New-Mexico, with Colonel Doniphan, by. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1848. Edwards (H. Milne.) Outlines of Anatomy and Physiology:trans. from the French, by J. F. W. Lane. 8vo. Boston, 1841. Edwards (Jonathan.) Life. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 8. Edwards (Rev. Jonathan.) Life of. See Dwight. Edwards (Jonathan.) Works; with valuable Additions. 4 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1844. Edwards (Jonathan.) A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God, in the Conversion of Many Hundred Souls in Northampton, &c. Written in 1736. With a Preface by Dr. Watts and Dr. Guyse. 12mo. London, 1737. Edwards (Rev. Jonathan.) An Account of the Life of the Rev. David Brainerd, Missionary, &c. 8vo. Printed by D. Henchman. Boston, 1749. (The Original Edition.) Edwards (Rev. Jonathan, the Younger.) Observations on the Language of the Muhhekaneew Indians. See Pamphlets, vol. 28. Edwards and Park. See Bibliotheca Sacra. Edwards (William H.) A Voyage up the River Amazon, including a Residence at Para. 12mo. New-York, 1847. Egede (Hans.) Description of Greenland; with Life of the Author. 2d Ed. 8vo. London, 1818. Egnatius (J. B.) De Origine Turcarum. fol. Basil, 1533. See Columbus. MiSCELLANEOUS WORKS. 511 Egypt. Trois Relations d'Egypte par C. Lambert, J. Albert, et SSeguezzi. 4to. Paris, 1651. See Relations Veritables. W.C. Egypt. From his Majesty, the King of the French, (by M. Vattemare,) Description Be L'Egypte, ou Recueil des observations et des Recherches qui ont ete ifaites en Egypte, pendant 1P Expedition de L'Armee Francaise, publie par les ordres de sa Majeste L'Empereur Napoleon Le Grand. (The later volumes purport to be published par ordre du Gouvernment.) Contents.-Antiquites, Memoires. 2 vols. folio. Paris, 1809 -18. Antiquites, Descriptions. 2 vols. folio. Paris, 180918. Histoire Naturelle. 2 vols. folio. Paris, 1809- 12. Etat Moderne. 3 vols. folio. Paris, 1809 - 22. The - second vol. in two parts. Planches-(Engravings.)-Preface et Explications des Planches. I vol. Imperial Folio. Antiquites. 5 vols. Imperial folio. Paris, 1809-22. Histoire Naturelle. 3 vols. Imperial Folio. Paris, 1809-17. Etat Moderne. 2 vols. Imperial Folio. Paris, 180917. Carte IHydrographique. I vol. Imperial Folio. Paris. No date. Total, 21 vols. Egypt. Hand-Book for Travellers in, with Murray's I-and-Book Advertiser for 1847. Eisdell (J. S.) Treatise on the Industry of Nations, or the Principles of National Economy and Taxation. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 183.9. Electrical Magazine. See Walker. Electro-Magnetic Telegraph, See Walker. Elgin Marbles. Report on the Elgin Marbles, by the Select Conmmittee. Pamphleteer. Vol. 8. Eliot (John.) Indian Bible. 4to. Cambridge, 1680. Eliot (John.) Biographical Dictionary. 8vo. Salem, 1809. Eliot (John.) Life. Sparks' American Biography. Vol. 5. Eliot (Samuel A.) A sketch of the History of Harvard College, and of its present state. 12mo. Boston, 1848. Eliot (Samuel.) The Liberty of Rome. A History, with an Historical Account of the Liberty of Ancient Nations. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1849. Ellery (William.) Life. Sparks' American Biography. Vol. 6. Ellesmere (Earl of.) The Sieges of Vienna by the Turks. From the German, by Karl A. Schimmer, and others. 12mo. London, 1847. Ellet (Elizabeth F.) The Women of the American Revolution. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1848. 512 MI SCELLANEO S WORKS. Ellicott (Andrew.) Journal, 1796 - 1800. 4to. Philadelphia, 1803. - W. C. 328. Elliot (Ebenezer.) Corn-Law Rhymes. Third Edition. 12mo. London, 1831. Elliot (James.) The Poetical and Miscellaneous Works of, Citizen of Guilfordj Vermont, and late a non-commissioned officer in the Legion of the United States. 12mo. Greenfield, (Mass.) 1798. Elliot (William.) The Washington Guide, containing Capt. John Smith's description of Chesapeake Bay, and an Account of the City of Washington. 18mo. Washington, 1837. Elliott (Rev. David.) Life of the Rev. Elisha Macurdy, &c.. 12mo. Alleghany, 1848. Elliott (Commodore Jesse D.) ABiographical Notice of, &c. By a Citizen of New-York. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1835. Elliott (Stephen.) Sketch of the Botany of South Carolina and Georgia. 2 vols. 8vo Charleston, 1821. Ellis (Charles M.) The History of Roxbury Town, by. 8vo. Boston, 1847. Ellis (George.) Specimens of early English Metrical Romances. A new Edition, revised by J 0.. -alliwell. 12mo. London, 1848. Ellis (George.) Specimens of the Erly English Poets, &c, 4th Ed. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1811. Ellis (George E.) Life of Anne Hutchinson. Sparks' American Biography. Vol. 16. Ellis (George E.) Life of John Mason. Sparks' American Biography. Vol. 13. Ellis (George E.) Life of William Penn. See Sparks' Biography. Vol. 22. Ellis (Henry.) Journal of the Proceedings of the late Embassy to China. 8vo Philadelphia, 1818. Ellis (Henry.) Voyage to Hudson's Bay, 1746, 1747. 8vo. London, 1748.~ W. C. 329. Ellis (Henry.) Voyage de la Baye de Hudson: 1746, 1747: trad. de l'Anglois. 2 vols. 129mo. Paris, 1749. —W C. 330. Ellis (Mr.) New Britain. Narrative of a Journey to a Country so called, in the Vast Plain of the Missouri. 8vo. London, 1820.- W. C. 331. Ellis (Robert.) British Tariff. 1833 -34; 1838 - 39. 2 vols. 12mo. London. Ellis (Sir Henry.) See Library E. K. Ellis (Sir Henry.) Original Letters, illustrative of English History, from Autographs in tfie British Museum, the State Paper Office. Third Series. 4 vols. 12mo. London, 1846. Ellis (W.) Narrative of a Voyage of Captains Cooke and Clerke, 1776-1780. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1782.- W. C. 332. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 513 Ellis (William.) History of Madagascar, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. Ellis (William.) Narrative of a Tour through Hawaii, or Owhyee. 3d Ed. 8vo. London, 1827. -- W. C. 333. Ellis (William.) Polynesian Researches, during a Residence in the South Sea Islands. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1829. Elmes (James.) Letter to Thomas Hope, on Promoting the Fine Arts. Pamphleteer. Vol. 3. Elmes (James.) Survey of the -arbour and Port of London. fol. London, 1838. Ellsworth (Henry William.) Valley of the Upper Wabash, Indiana -Its Agricultural Advantages, &c. With Notices of LaborSaving Machines. 12mo. New-York, 1838. Eloquence of the British Senate. See Hazlitt, W. Eloquence of the United States. See Williston, E. B. Elphinstone (M.) Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, &c. 4to. London, 1815. Elphinstone (M.) Historyof India. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1841. Elton. See Callender. Elwes (John.) Lite. See Tophaam, E. Emerald (The) or Miscellany of Literature. 2 vols. Svo. Boston, 1806 - 7. (From the Library of Isaiah Thomas.) Emerson. See Wigglesworth. Emerson (George B.) A report of the Trees and Shrubs growing naturally in the Forests of Massachusetts. Published agreeably to an order of the Legislature, by the Commissioners on the Zoological and Botanical Survey of the State. 8vo. Boston, 1846. Emerson (George B.) See Potter. Emerson (James.) Letters from the AEgean, by. 8vo. New-York, 1829. Emerson (R. W.) Essays. Second Series. 12mo. London, 18-5. u Emerson (Rev. William.) An Historical Sketch of the First Church in Boston. To which are added two Sermons, on leaving the old and entering the new House of Worship. 8vo. Boston, 1812. Emerson (William.) Pamphlets. Vols. 36, 46. Emigrant's Guide, or Pocket GeographIy of the Western States and Territories. 16mo. Cincinnati, 1818.-W —. C. 334. Emigrant's Guide to the West. See Mississippi. Emmet (Thomas Addis.) Life of. See Haines. Emmons (Eben.) Geology of New-York. See Natural History of New-York. Emmons (Eben.) and A. J. Prime. American Quarterly Journal of Agriculture and Science. 6 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1845- 48. [This Work has been conducted in part by the following gentlemen, as Editors: E. Emmons, A. J. Prime, A. Osborn, 514 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. O. C. Gardner, and C. N. Bement-Mr. Bement's volume (7) closing the series. See Bement. C. N. 1 Emmons (Eben.) M. D. The Empire Spring-its Composition and Medical Uses; with a Notice of the Mineral Waters of Saratoga, &c. 18mo. Albany, 1849. Emmons (Eben.) M.. Report on the Quadrupeds of Massachusetts, 1840. See Massachusetts. Emory (William H.) Notes of a Military Reconnoissance, from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in California, including parts of the Arkansas, Del Norte and Gila Rivers. 8vo New-York, 1848. Emory (Lieut-Col. W. H.) Notes of a Military Reconnoissance, froml Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri; to San Diego, in California, including parts of the Arkansas, Del Norte and Gila Rivers. 8vo. New-York, 1848. CONTENTS: Report of J. W. /bert, of his Examination of New-Mexico, in 1846 -47. Report of Lieut.-Col. P. St. George Cooke, of his march from Santa Fe, Mexico, to San Diego, New-California. Journal of Capt..1. R. Johnston, 1st Dragoons. (In one volume, 614 pages; being Executive Document, No. 41, 30th Congress, 1st Session.) (Presented.) Emporium of Arts and Sciences. See Cooper. Encyclopedia (Edinburgh.) See Brewster. Encyclopedia (Americana,) by Francis Lieber: assisted by E. Wigglesworth and T. G Bradford, with a Supplementary vol., by H. Vethake. 14 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1829 - 1847. Encyclopaedia of Agriculture. See Loudon, J. C. Encyclopmdia of Plants. See Loudon, J. C. Encyclop6die Methodique, par une Societe de Gens de Lettres, de Savans et d'Artistes, &c. 32 vols. 4to. Paris and Liege, 1782-1791.-W. C. 335. EncyclopTedia Metropolitana. 26 vols. 4to. London. Encyclopedia, or Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Miscellaneous Literature. First American Edition. 18 vols., with 3 vols. Supplement. Total. 21 vols. 4to. Philadelphia, printed by Thomas Dobson, 1798 -1803. (In exchange for Duplicates.) Enfield (William.) History of Philosophy: from Brucker's Historia Critica Philosophike. 8vo. London, 1837. Engel (Samuel d'.) Essai sur cette Question, Quand et Comment l'Amerique a-t-elle ete Peuplee d'Hommes et d'Animaux. 4to. Amsterdam, 1767. W. C. 336. Engel (Samuel d'.) Memoires sur la Situation des Pays Septentrionaux de PAsie et de l'Amerique. 4to. Lausanne, 1765. —W. C. 337. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 515 Engineer's and Mechanic's Encyclopcedia. See Hebert, L. Engineers' (Corps of Royal) Papers on Subjects connectel with their Duties. 10 vols. 4to. London, 1838 -1849. England. Memoirs written during the Great Civil War, being the Life of Sir Henry Slingsby; and Memoirs of Capt. Hodgson, &c. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1806. See Slingsby. England. Essay upon Trade in General, but more enlarged on that Branch relating to the Woollen Manufactures, 1741. Tracts, vol. 1. England. Remarks upon Mr. Webber's Scheme and the Draper's Pamphlet. 1741. Tracts, vol. 1. England. The Draper's Reply to some Remarks on the Consequences of Trade, 1741. Tracts, vol. 1. England. The Emperor's Plan for a Peace, with Remarks upon it, 1743. Tracts, vol. 1. England. The Question Stated with regard to our Army in Flanders, 1743. Tracts, vol. 1. England. Operations of the British and Allied Armies, 1743, 1744. Tracts, vol. 2. England. Mlemoires touchant le Gouvernement d'Angleterre, divises en Deux Parties. lr2mo. Amsterdam,7 1764. - W.C. 338. England. Etat de l'Angleterre, en 1822; et de l'Angleterre, au commencement de 1823; trad. de l'Anglois. 8vo. Paris, 1823. W. C. 339. England. L'Angleterre en 1800. 2 vols. 8vo. Cologne, 1801. — W. C. 340. England. State Tracts. See William III. England. See Affiires de l'Angleterre. England and Wales. See Poor Law Commissioners' Reports. English Authors New Catalogue of Living English Authors, with Complete Lists of their Publications, and Biographical and Critical Memoirs. Vol. 1. 8vo. London, 1799. English (Henry.) Quarterly Mining Review. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1830- 1835. English Politics. Essay upon the Causes and Consequences of the Factions in the Nation, 1710. Tracts, vol. 3. English Politics. Opposition no proof of Patriotism, 1735. Tracts, vol. 3. English Politics. Series of Wisdom and Policy manifested in a Review of our Foreign Negotiations for several years past, 1735. Tracts, vol. 3. English Politics. Appeal to the Unprejudiced, concerning the Discontents occasioned by the late Convention with Spain, 1739. Tracts, vol. I. English Politics. Letter from an absented Member, showing his Reasons for retiring into the Country, 1739. Tracts, vol. 1. 516 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. English Politics. The Convention vindicated from the Misrepresentations of the Enemies of our Peace, 1739. Tracts,vol. 1. English Politics. Compleat View of the Present Politics of Great Britain, by a German Nobleman, 1743. Tracts, vol. 1. English Politics. Faction Detected, by the Evidence of Facts, &c., 1743. Tracts, vol. 2, and also in vol. 10. English Politics. Letter to a Friend in the Country, upon occasion of the many scurrilous Libels lately published, 1743. Tracts, vol. 2. English Politics. Popular Prejudice concerning Partiality to the Interests of Hanover, 1743. Tracts, vol. 1. English Politics. Review of the whole Political Conduct of a late Eminent Patriot and his Friends, 1743. Tracts, vol. 2. English Politics. The Desertion Discussed, or the Last and Present Opposition placed in their True Light, 1743. Tracts, vol. 2. English Politics. The Present Measures proved to be the only Means of securing the Balance of Power in Europe, 1743. Tracts, vol. 2. English Politics. Apology for the Conduct of the Present Administration, 1744. Tracts, vol. 2. English Politics. Defence of the People, in a Letter to the Author of Faction Detected, 1744. Tracts, vol. 2. English Politics. Natural Reflexions on the Present Conduct of his Prussian Majesty, 1744. Tracts, vol. 2. English Politics. No Liberty! No Life! Proper Wages, and Down with Oppression! 1768. Tracts, vol. 3. English Politics. Letter concerning Libels, Warrants, the Seizure of Papers, &c., 1771. Tracts, vol. 3. Ens (Gasparis.) Indie Occidentalis Historia. 12mo. Cologne, 1612. W. C. 341. Entick (John.) General History of the Late War in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1763. - W. C. 342. Entick (John.) Present State of the British Empire. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1775. —WW. C. 343. Entomology. See Naturalist's Library. Eothen. 3d Ed. 8vo. London, 1845. Episcopacy. A collection of Essays on the subject of Episcopacy, which originally appeared in the Albany Centinel, and ascribed principally to the Rev. Dr. Linn, Rev. Mr. Beasley, and Thomas Y. How, with Notes and Remarks. 8vo. NewYork, 1806. Epitaphs. See Memoirs of the Dead. Epistola Indicat de prmeclaris, et stupendis rebus, quas divina bonitas in India, et variis insulis, per Societaturi nomine Jesu operari dignata est &c. 2d Ed. 12mo. Louanii, 1566. Epistola Japanicte, de multorum in variis insulis, Gentilium ad Christi fidem conversione. 12mo. Louanii, 1570. MIISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 517 Erasmus (Desiderius.) Adagiorum Chiliades Quatuor. fol. Basil, 1574. Ercilla (Alonso de.) La Araucana. 2 vols. 12mo. Madrid, 1776. W. C. 344. Ercilla (Alonso de.) L'Araucana: trad. pour la Premi6re fois, et abrege du Texte Espagnol, par G. de Merlhiac. 8vo. Paris, 1824. —W. C. 345. Erman (Adolph.) Travels in Siberia, including Excursions to the Polar Circle and the Chinese Frontier. Translated from the German, by W. D. Cooley. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848. Erskine (Tho.) Lord. Speeches when at the Bar. 12mo. Georgetown, 1813. Erskine (Tho.) Lord. Sketch of his Character. Pamphleteer,vol. 23. Erskine (Tho.) On the War with France. Pamphlets, vol. 34. Eschwege (W. C. von.) Journal von Brasilien, &c. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. Weimar, 1818. - W. C. 346. Espy (James P.) Philosophy of Storms. Svo. Boston, 1841. Espy (James P.) First Report on Meteorology; with a Chart, illustrating the weather of 1843. Folio. Washington, 1844 (Presented.) Esquemeling (John.) History of the Bucaniers of America: trans. into English. 4th Ed. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1741.W. C. 347. Esquemeling (John.) History of the Bucaniers of America: trans. into English. 16mo. London, 1810. W. C. 348. Esquemeling (John.) Piratas de la America: trad. del Flamenco en Espa.ol por el Doctor de Buena-Maison. 4to. Madrid, 1793. W. C. 319. Estaing (M. le Conte d'.) Extrait du Journal d'un Officier de la Marine de son Escadre. 8vo. 1782. — W. C. 350. Estancelin (M.) Observations snr les causes de la destruction des Bois de construction Navale en France, 1845. Pamphlets, vol. 23. (Presented.) Estrada (Alv. F.) Examen Imparcial de las Dissensiones de la America con Espaia, &c. 8vo. London, 1811. W. C. 351. Estwick (Samuel,) LL. D. Letters to the Rev. Josiah Tucker, D. D., in answer to his Humble Address and Earnest Appeal, &c. 8vo. London, 1776. Ether (Sulphuric) Report of a Select Committee of the House of Representatives of the U. S., on the Claims of William T. G, Morton, as Discoverer of the Pain-subduing Power of Sulphuric Ether, Feb. 23, 1849. 8vo. (Presented.) Ethnological (American) Society's Transactions. 2 vols. 8vo. NewYork, 1845 - 48. (Second Vol. Presented.) Ethnological Journal (The.) A Monthly Magazine of Ethnography, Phrenology and Archelology. Edited by Luke Burke. London, 1848-49. 8vo. Vol. 1. 518 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Euen (Dr. William.) On the Importance of an Early Correct Education of Children, &c. J2mo. New-York, 1848. Eustace (J. C.) Classical Tour through Italy. 6th Ed. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1821. Eustace (J. S.) Letters on the Crimes of George III. Pamphlets, vol. 33. Evangelical Alliance. Report of the Proceedings of the Conference held at Freemason's Hall, London, from Aug 19th to September 2d, inclusive, 1846. Published by order of the Conference. Svo. London, 1847. Evans (A. B.) Leicestershire Words, Phrases and Proverbs, collected by 18mo. London, 1848. Evans (Lewis.) Analysis of a Map of the Middle British Colonies in America. 4to. Philadelphia, 1755. See British Colonies. Tracts. W. C. Evans (Oliver.) Young Mill-Wright and Miller's Guide. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1795. W. C. 352. Evans (W. J.) M. D. The Sugar Planter's Manual; or the Art of Obtaining Sugar from the Sugar Cane. 8vo. London, 1848. Evelyn (John.) Memoirs of his Life and Writings; with the Private Correspondence between Charles I. and Sir E. Nicholas, &c. 5 vols. Svo. London, 1827. Evelyn (John.) Sylva, or a Discourse of Forest Trees; with Notes by A. Hunter. 4th Ed. 2 vols. 4to. York, 1812. EvelyTn (John of Wootton.) Life of Mrs. Godolphin. 12mo. New York, 1847. Everartus (Egicidius.) De Herba Panacea, quam alii Tabacum, alii Petum, aut Nicotianam vocant, brevis Commentariolus. 16mo. Utrecht, 1644. See Tabacum. W. C. Everest (Rev. Charles W.) The Poets of Connecticut, with Biographical Sketches. Edited by. Fifth Edition. 8vo. NewYork, 1847. Everett (Alex. H.) Critical and Miscellaneous Essays; with a few Poems. 8vo. Boston, 1845. Everett (Alex. H.) Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Second Series. 12mo. Boston, 1846. Everett (Alex. H.) America, or a General Survey of the several Powers of the Western Continent. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1827. Everett (Alex. H.) Europe, or a General Survey of the Principal Powers. 8vo. Boston. 1822. Everett (Alex. H.) Life of Joseph Warren. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 10. Everett (Alex. H.) Life of Patrick Henry. Sparks' American Biography, vol. II. Everett (Alex. H.) New Ideas on Population. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston, 1826. Everett (Alex. H.) Pamphlets. Vol. 42. Everett (David.) Pamphlets. Vol 45. MI SCELLANEOUS WORKS. 519 Everett (Edward.) Life of John Stark. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 1. Everett (Edward.) Orations and Speeches. Svo. Boston, 1836. Everett (Edward.) Speech in Support of the Memorial of Harvard, Williams and Amherst Colleges, before the Committee on Education of the Massachusetts Legislature, Feb. 7, 1840. 8vo. Cambridge, 1849. Everett (Edward.) See Massachusetts. Everett (Edward.) Eulogy on LaFayette, delivered at Boston, September 6, 1834. See American Monthly Magazine, vol. 12. Ewbank (Thomas.) Description and Historical Account of Machines for raising Water. 8vo. New-York, 1842. Examiner (London.) 1810-1816. 1818-1820. 9vols. 4to. Examiner (The.) B. Gardenier, Editor. See Gardenier. Exposition of the Weakness and Inefficiency of the United States Government of North Am-erica. 12lmo. 1845. (Prese-.ted.) Eye Infirmary (New York.) Second Annual Report, 1823. -amphlets, vol. 2. F. Faber (George Stanley.) History and Theology of the Ancient Vallenses and Albigenses. 8vo. London. 1838. C L. Faber (M.) Sketches of the Internal State of France: trans. from the French. 2d Ed. 8vo. London, 1813. Fable for Critics (A.) 12mo. New-York, 1848. Fairfax Correspondence. (The.) See Jolnson. Falconer (Thomas.) 1. On the Discovery of the Mississippi, and on the South-Western, Oregon, and North-Western, Boundary of the United States. 12mo. London, 1844. And, Falconer (Thomas.) 2. On the Oregon Question; or a Statement of the British Claims to the Oregon Territory. 8vo. London. 1845. (Bound in one volume.) Falconer (William.) Universal Marine Dictionary, with a Vocabulary of French Sea-Phrases, by William Burney. 4to. London. 1830. Falkner (Thomas.) A description of Patagonia, and the adjoining parts of South America, &c. and some particulars relating to Falkland's Island.s 4to. Hereford. 1774. Fanning (Edmund.) Voyages round the World, with selected sketches of Voyages to the South Seas, North and South Pacific Oceans, China, &c. Performed under the command of the Author, &c. from- 1792 to 1832. 8vo. New-York, 1833. (Imperfect from p. 267 to 270.) Faraday (Michael.) Bakerian Lecture: on the Manufacture of Glass for Optical purposes. Trans. Royal Soc., 1830. 520 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Faraday (Michael.) Chemical Manipulation; Edited by J. K. Mitchell. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1831. Faraday (Michael.) Experimental Researches in Electricity. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1839-44. Farelle (M. De La.) Coup ID'Oeil sur le regime repressif et penitentiare des principaux etats de I-Ancien et du Nouveau Monde. Paris, 1844. Pamphlets. Vol. 16. (Presented.) Faria y Sousa (Emanuel de.) History of Portugal: trans. from the Portuguese by John Stevens.'8vo. London. 1698. — W. C. 353. Farmer (John) and Moore (Jacob B.) A Gazetteer of the State of New Hampshire. 12mo. Concord. 1823. Farmer (J.,) and J. B. Moore. Collections, Historical and Miscellaneous, and Monthly Literary Journal. 3 vols. 8vo. Concord. 1822-1824. Farmer (John.) Genealogical Register of the First Settlers of New England. 8vo. Lancaster. 1829. Farmer (Richard.) D. D. An Essay on the Learning of Shakspeare. Addressed to Joseph Cradock. Svo. London, 1821. Farmers' Letters. See Crevecceur. Farmers' Magazine (The.) See Agriculture. Farnhtam (Eliza W.) Lifb in Prairie Land. 12mo. New-York, 1846. Farnham, (Mrs.) See Sampson. Farnham (Thomas J.) Travels in the Californias, and Scenes in the Pacific Ocean. 8vo. New-York. 1814. See Oregon. Farnhamn (Thomas J.) Travels in the Great Western Prairies, and in the Oregon Territory, &c. 8vo. New-York. 1843. See Oregon. Farnham (Thomas J.) Mexico, its Geography, its People and its Institutions. New-York, 1846. Pamphlets. Vol. 17. Farquhar's Di.amatic Works. See Wycherley. Fauchet, (Mr.) French Minister to the United States. See Pamphlets. Vol. 19. Faureil (M. C.) Histoire de la Croisade contre les Heretiques Albigeois. 4to. Paris, 1837. See France. Fauvel-Gouraud (Fr.) Phreno-Mnemoteehny, or the Art of Memory. 8vo. New-York, 1745. Faux (W.) Memorable Days in America. 8vo. London, 1823. Fay (H. A.) Captain U. S. Army. Collection of official accounts in detail of all the Battles fought by sea and lanld between the Navy and Army of the United States, and the Navy and Army of Great Britain, during the years 1812, 1, 14. 15. 8vo. New-York, 1817. Fayette (Marquis de la.) emnoires Historiques et Pieces Authentiques, sur M. de la Fayette, pour servir a l'Histoire des Revolutions. 8vo. Paris, 1793.~W. C. 354. (4629) MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 521 Fayette (Marquis de la.) Outlines of the Principal Events in his Life. Pamphleteer. Vol. 26. Fayette (Marquis de la.) See Mack, E. Fearon (Henry B.) Sketches of America, with Remarks on Mr. Birkbeck's "Notes" and "Letters." 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1818. Fearn (John.) Essay on External Perception, and an Essay on Consciousness. Pamphleteer. Vol. 5. Fearn (John.) Letter to Professor Stewart, on the Objects of Gen eral Terms, and on the Axiomatical Laws of Vision, &c. Pamphleteer. Vol. 12. Fearn (John.) Review of the First Principles of Berkeley, Reid, and Stewart, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 3. Featherstonhaugh (G. W.) U. S. Geologist. Report of a Geological Reconnoisance, made in 1835, from the seat of Government, by the way of Green Bay and the Wisconsin Territory to the Coteau de Prairie. (U. S. Senate Document.) 8vo. Washington, 1836. Featherstonhaugh (G. W.) Geological Report of an Examination made in 1834, of the elevated Country between the Missouri and Red Rivers. (Congressional Document.) 8vo. Washington, 1835. (In exchange for Duplicates.) Featherstonhaugh (G. W.) Excursion through the Slave States, Svo. New-York, 1844. Featherstonhaugh (G. W.) A Canoe Voyage to the Mennay Sotor, with an account of the Lead and Copper Mines of Wisconsin, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1847. Federalist, on the New Constitution, written in 1788, by Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Madison, and Mr. Jay. 8vo. Hallowell, 1827. Federalist. Le F6d6raliste: trad. de l'Anglois. 2 vols. Svo. Paris. 1792. W. C. 355. Federalist. See IHamilton's (Alexander) Works. Fellows (Charles.) Discoveries in Lycia. 4to London, 1841. Fellows (John.) The Veil removed; or Reflections on David Humphrey's Essay on the Life of Israel Putnam. Also, Notices of 0. W. B. Peabody's Life of the same. and Swett's Sketch of Bunker Hill Battle. 12mo. New-York, 1843. Felltham (Owen.) Resolves, divine, moral, political, by. 4to. London, 1840. Felt (Joseph B.) History of Ipswich, Essex and Hamilton. 8vo. Cambridge, 1834. Felt (Joseph B.) Annals of Salem. 2 vols. Second Edition. 12mo. Salem, 1845 - 49. Felt (Joseph B.) Historical Account of Massachusetts Currency. 8vo. Boston, 1839. Felton (Cornelius C.) Life of William Eaton. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 9. [STATE LIBRARY.] 33 522 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Fenelon (Archiveque de Chambrai.) Oeuvres de la. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1836 - 37. C. L. Fer (Nicholas de.) Introduction a la Geographie, avec un description Historique sur toutes les Parties de la Terre. 8vo. Paris. 1717. W. C. 356. Ferber (J. J.) On the Oryctography of Derbyshire. Pinkerton. Vol. 2. Fergus (H.) History of the United States. Lardner's Cyclopadia, vols. 53 and 54. Ferguson (Adam.) History of the Roman Republic. 1st Am. ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1805. Ferguson (Adam.) An Essay on the History of Civil Society. I vol. 8vo. Fifth Edition. London, 1782. Fergusson (Adam.) Tour in Canada, and a portion of the United States. 2d. ed. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1834. Fermin (Philippe.) Description de la Colinie de Surinam, &c. 2 vols. in one. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1769. —W. C. 357. Fermin (Philippe.) Dissertation sur la Question s'il est permis d'avoir en sa Possession des Esclaves, et de s'en servir comme tels, dans lea Colonies de FlAmerique. 8vo. Maestricht, 1770 -— W. C. 358. Ferrall (S. A.) A Ramble of six thousand miles through the United States of America. 8vo. London, 1832. Ferris (Benjamin.) A History of the Original Settlements on the Delaware, from its Discovery by Hudson to the Colonization under William Penn; with an account of the Swedish Settlers, and a History of Wilmington, &c. 8vo. Wilmington, (Delaware,) 1846. Fessenden (Thomas G.) The Weekly Inspector. (A Newspaper.) 2 vols. 8vo. Bound in one. From Aug. 30, 1806 to Aug. 22, 1807, 1 vol. New-York. Fessenden (Thomas G.) The Modern P:hilosopher, or Terrible Tractoration, in four Cantos. IBy Christopher Caustick. Second American Edition. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1806. Fessenden (Thomas G.) Democracy Unveiled, or Tyranny Stripped of the garb of Patriotism. Third Edition. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1806. Feuchtwanger (Dr. Lewis.) A Treatise on Gems, in reference to their practical and scientific Value. 8vo. New-York, 1838. Feuerbach, (A. R.) Narratives of Remarkable Criminal Trials. Translated from the German by Lady Duff Gordon. 8vo. London, 1846. Feuill6e, (Louis.) Observations Physicues, Mathematiques, et Botaniques, faites sur les Cotes Orientales de 1' Amerique Meridionale et dans les Indes Occidentales. 2 vols. 4to. Paris. 1714. W. C. 359. Fichte, (Johann Gottlieb.) The Characteristics of the present Age. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 523 Translated from the German, by William Smith. 12mo. London, 1847. Fichte, (Johann G.) The Vocation of the Scholar. From the German, by William Smith. 12mo. London, 1847. Field Book, or Sports and Pastimes of the United Kingdom, by the Author of the " Wild Sports of the West." 8vo. London. 1833. Field, (David D.) A statistical Account of the County of Middlesex in Connecticut. 8vo. Middletown. (Con.) 1819. Field, (George.) Outlines of Analogical Philosophy. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1839. Field, (Rev. J.) Prison Discipline, or the advantages of the seperate system of Imprisonment; with an account of the Discipline now pursued in the County Gaol of Reading. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848. Field of Mars; or Naval and Military Engagements from the Ninth Century to 1801. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1801. ——. C. 360. Field, (Richard S.) The Provincial Courts of New Jersey, with Sketches of the Bench and Bar; a Discourse read before the New Jersey Historical Society. See New Jersey Historical Society Collections. Field, (William.) Memoirs of Dr. Samuel Parr, with Biographical Notices of his Contemporaries. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1828. Fielding, (Henry.) Works of, with an Essay on his Life and Genius, by Arthur Murphy. 10 vols. 8vo. London, 1806. Filature, (De La) ou de L'Art de Tirer la Soie des Cocons. 8vo. (Presented.) Filmer, (Sir Robert.) A Difference between an English and Hebrew Witch. 8vo. London, 1680; Observations concerning the Original of Government. 8vo. London, 1680; Patriarcha, or the Natural Power of Kings. 8vo. London, 1680. (The above bound in one volume.) Filmer, (Sir Robert.) The Freeholder's Grand Inquest, &c. 8vo. London, 1679. Filson, (John.) Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of Kentucky; with Colonel Boon's Narrative. 8vo. London, 1793. Filson, (John.) Histoire de Kentucke: trad. de l'Anglois par M. Parraud. 8vo. Paris, 1785. -W. C. 361. Finch, {J.) Travels in the United States and Canada, with some account of their Scientific Institutions. 8vo. London, 1833. Findley, (William.) History of the Insurrection of the Four Western Counties of Pennsylvania, in the year 1794, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1796, (On the title-page is the Autograph of Robert Southey, 1811.) 524 MISCELLANEOUS WO R K S Finlay, (George.) Greece under the Romans. B. C. 146, to A..D., 717. 8vo. London, 1844. Fischer, (Dr.) See Sertum Petropolitanum. Fisher, (Alex.) Voyage of Discovery to the ArcticRegions, in 1818. 8vo. London. W. C. 362. Fisher, (Alex.) Voyage of Discovery to the Arctic Regions, 1819, 1820. 4th ed. 8vo. London, 1821.-W-. C. 363. isher, (William.) New Travels among the Indians of North America, compiled from Lewis and Clark, and other Authors, and a Dictionary of the Indian Tongue. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1812. Fisk, (Wilbur,) D. D. The Life of. See Holdiclh. Fisk, (Wilbur,) D. D. Travels in Europe. 8vo. Sixth Edition. New-York, 1843. Fiske, (N. W.) Classical Antiquities; from the German of J. J. Eschenburg. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1837. Fitch, (Asa.) M. D. Historical and Topographical Survey of Washington County, N. Y. See Agricultural Transactions of the New-York State Society, vol. 9. Fitch, (Governor.) Reasons why the British Colonies in America should not be charged with internal Taxes, by authority of Parliament; humbly offered for consideration in behalf of' the Colony of Connecticut, by. 8vo. New Haven, 1764.. Fitch, (John.) Life. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 16. Fitch, (Ralph.) Voyage to Ormus and the East Indies. Pinkerton,, vol. 9. Fitzgerald, (James Edward.) An Examination of the Charter and Proceedings of the Hudson Bay Company, with reference to the Grant of Vancouver's Island. 12mo. London, 1849. Flacius Illyricus, (Mat. Francowitz.) Centurine Magdeburgensis Historia Ecclesiastica. 3 vols. fol. Basil, 1624. Flagg, (E.) The Far West, or a Tour beyond the Mountains. 2 vols. 12mo New-York, 1838. Flavigny, (Cesar-Fr. Comte de.) Correspondence de Fernand Corte avec l'Empereur Charles Quint; sur le Conquete du Mexique. 12mo. Paris, 1778. —-- W. C. 364. Flaxman, (J.) Illustrations of Iliad and Odyssey. 2 vols. fol. London, 1831. Flaxman, (J.) Illustrations of the Tragedies of tEschylus. fol. London, 1831. Flaxman, (J.) Illustrations of the Theogony, Works and Days, and the Days, of Hesiod. fol. London, 1831. Flaxman, (J.) Lectures on Sculpture, with Two Addresses on the Deaths of Thomas Banks and Antonio Canova; and an Address on the Death of Flaxman, by Sir R. Westmacott. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1838. Fleet (Simon.) See Long Island Journal. MISCELLANE'OUS WORKS.. 525 Fleetwood (W'm.) Bishop. Chronicon Preciosum; or an Account of English Gold and Silver Money, &c. 8vo. London, 1745. Fleetwood (Wm.) Bishop. Inscriptionum Antiquarum Sylloge. 8vo. London, 1691. Fleming and Tibbins (Professors.) Complete French and English and English and French Dictionary; with Terms in the Natural Sciences, by J. Dobson, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1844. Fleurieu (C. P. C.) Comte de. Dicouvertes des Francois, en 1768 et 1769, dans le Sud-Est de la Nouvelle Guinee. 4to. Paris, 17.90. W. C. 365. Fleurieu (C. P. C.) Comte de. Voyage en 1768 et 1769, pour eprouver en Mer les Horloges Marines de Berthoud. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1773. —-. C. 366. Fleurieu (C. P. C.) Comte de. Discoveries of the French, in 1768 and 1769, to the South-East of New Guinea. Trans. from the French. 4to. London, 1791. Fleury (M. Claude.) Institution au Droit Ecclesiastique. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1688. (Presented.) Flinders (Matthew.) Voyage to Terra Australis, 1801-1803. 2 vols. 4to. (Atlas, fol.) London, 1814. Flint (James.) Letters from America, with Observations on the Climate and Agriculture of the Western States. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1822. Flint (Timothy.) Biographical Memoirs of Daniel Boone, the first settler of Kentucky: interspersed with incidents in the early annals of the Country. 12mo. Cincinnati, 1845. Flint (Timothy.) Geography and History of the Western States. 2 vols. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1828. Flint (Timothy.) Indian Wars of the West; with Biographical Sketches. 12mo. Cincinnati, 1833. Flint (Timothy.) Lectures upon Natural History, Geology, Chemistry, the application of Steam, &c. 12mo. Boston, 1833. Flint (Timothy.) Recollections of the last Ten Years passed in the Valley of the Mississippi. 8vo. Boston, 1826. —- W..C. 367 Flint (Timothy.) The Western Monthly Review. 2 vols. 1827 — 29. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1828-29. Flint (Timothy.) See Pattie. Flint (Timothy.) History and Geography of the Mississippi Valley, &c. 2 vols. in one. 8vo. 2d Ed. Cincinnati, 1832. Flinter (Major.) History of the Revolution of Caracas. 8vo. London, 1819.- W. C. 368. Flood (Warden.) Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of the Right HIon. Henry Flood, M. P. &c 8vo. Dublin, 1838. Flora of North America. See Torrey and Gray. Flores (Joseph.) Specifique Simple, aise et de pen de ddpense, nouvellement ddcouvert dans Guatimala, &c. Trad. de l'Espagnol par F. Grasset. 8vo. Lausanne, 1785.- W. C. 369. 526 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Florida. De Gallorum Expeditione in Floridam, et Clade ab Hispanis non minus iniuste quam immaniter ipsis illata, Anno MDLXV., Brevis Historia. See Benzoni.-. W. C. Flugel's Dictionary of the German and English Languages. Third Edition. Edited by C. A. Feiling and A. Heimann. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1845. F oe(Daniel de.) See De Foe. Follett (Frederick.) History of the Press of Western New-York, and Proceedings of the Printer's Festival, held January 18, 1847. 8vo. Rochester, 1847. (Presented.) Folsom (George.) Despatches of Hernando Cortes. Translated from the Original Spanish, with an Introduction and Notes. 8vo. New-York, 1843. (Presented.) Folsom (George.) Mexico in 1842, with a Sketch of its History. 18mo. New-York, 1842. Folsom (George.) Historical Sketches of Saco and Biddeford, with Notices of Early Settlements and of the Proprietary Governments of New-Somersetshire and Lygonia. 12mo. Saco, 1830. Fonblanque (Albany.) England Under Seven Administrations. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1837. Fontanes (Louis.) Eloge Funebre de Washington, prononce dans le Temple de Mars, le 20 Pluviose, An VIII. 8vo. Paris.W. C. 370. Fontanes (Louis.) The Same. 8vo. Paris, 1835. (Presented.) Foote (Henry Stuart.) Texas and the Texans, or the advance of the Anglo-Americans to the South West, &c. 2vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1841. Foote (Joseph J.) An Historical Discourse, delivered at West-Brookfield, (Mass.) Nov. 27, 1828; with Capt. Thomas Wheeler's Narrative, &c. 12mo. West-Brookfield, 1843. Foote, (Rev. William Henry.) Sketches of North Carolina, Historical and Biographical, illustrative of the Principles of a portion of her early Settlers. 8vo. New-York, 1846. Forbes (James.) Oriental Memoirs: Revised by his Daughter, the Countess de Montalembert. 2d Ed. 2 vols. svo. (Plates, 4to.) London, 1834. Forbes (James D.) On the Transparency of the Atmosphere, &c. Trans. Royal Soc., 1842. Forbes (James D.) Report upon the Recent Progress and Present State of Meteorology. Reports British Association, 1832. Forbes (James D.) Supplementary Report upon Meteorology. Reports British Association, 1840. Forbes (James G.) Sketches of the Floridas. 8vo. New-York, 1821. Forbes (Lieut. Col.) Report of the Trial of Brigadier General William Hull, commanding the Northwestern Army of the United States, by a Court Martial, held at Albany, on the 3d of January, and succeeding days. Taken by Lieut. Col. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 527 Forbes, 42d Regiment U. S. Infantry, and a Supernumerary Member of that Court. 8vo. New-York, 1814. Forbes (Rt. Rev. Robert.) Jacobite Memoirs of the Rebellion of 1745. Edited from the Manuscripts of the late, by Robert Chambers. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1834. Forbes (Sir William.) Life and Writings of James Beattie, with many of his Original Letters. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. Forbisseri (Martini.) Historia Navigationis, A. C. 1577, Jussu Reginae Elizabetha, ex Anglia, in Septemtriones et occidentis tractum suscepte, a J. T. Freigio translata. 4to. Hamburgh, 1675. Force (Peter.) National Calendar, and Annals of the United States, 1820 - 24,1828 - 36. 14 vols. 12mo. Washington, 1820 - 1836. Force (Peter.) Tracts and Other Papers, on the Origin, Settlement, and Progress of the Colonies in North America. Vols. 1 -4. 8vo. Washington, 1836 - 1846. Ford (John.) Dramatic Works. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1827. Ford (Richard.) Hand-Book for Travellers in Spain. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1845. Ford (Richard.) Spaniards and their Country. 12mo. New-York, 1847. Foreign Quarterly Review. 37 vols. 8vo. London, 1827-1846. Forgery of Bank Notes. Report of a Committee of the Society of Arts, (London) relative to Preventing the. 8vo. London, 1819. Forrest (Thomas.) Voyage aux Mouluques et a la Nouvelle Guinee, fait sur la Tartare, 1774-1776. 4to. Paris, 1780 - W. C. 371. Forrest and Macready. A rejoinder to the Replies from England, relative to, and a History of the Occurrences at the Astor Place Opera House. By an American Citizen. 8vo. NewYork, 1849. Forry (Samuel.) Researches on the Distribution of Heat over the Globe, and the Climatic Features of the United States. Silliman's Journal, vol. 47. Forster (George.) Extracts from Travels in Persia. Pinkerton, vol. 9. Forster (George.) Voyage round the World with Captain Cook. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1777. —— W. C. 372. Forster (H. R.) See Stowe Catalogue. Forster (J.) Lives of Eminent Statesmen of the Commonwealth. Lardner's Cyclopaedia, vols. 68 - 74. Forster (John.) The Life and Adventures of Oliver Goldsmith. A Biography in four Books. 8vo. London, 1848. Forster (John Reinhold.) History of the Voyages and Discoveries made in the North: trans. from the German. 4to. London 1786. -W. C. 373. 5 8 MIs MISCELLA NEOUS WORKS. Forster (John Reinhold.) Histoire des Decouvertes et des Voyages faites dans le Nord, mise en Franqaise par M. Broussonet. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1788. W. C. 374. Forster (John Reinhold.) Observations made during a Voyage round the World. 4to. London, 1778. Forster (John Reinhold.) Observations faites pendant le Deuxigme Voyage de Capitaine Cook: trad. de 1'Anglois. 4to. Paris, 1778. -W. C. 375. Forster (Thomas.) Essay on the Application of the Organology of the Brain to Education. Pamphleteer, vol. 5. Forster (Thomas.) Observations on the Brumal Retreat of the Swallow. Pamphleteer, vol. 4. Forster (Thomas.) Observations on the Phenomena of Insanity. Pamphleteer, vol. 15. Forsyth (John.) Memoirs of the Rev. Alexander Proudfit, with Selections from his Diary; and Correspondence and Recollections of his Life, by his Son. 12mo. New-York, 1846. Forsyth (Joseph.) Excursion in Italy, 1802 and 1803. 4th Ed. 12mo. London, 1835. Forsyth (William.) Traite de la Culture des Arbres Fruitiers: trad. de l'Anglois par J. B. Pictet-Millet. 2d Ed. 8vo. Paris, 1805. (Presented.) Portia (M.) Travels in Sweden. Pinkerton, vol. 6. Fortune (Robert.) Three years' Wanderings in the Northern Provinces of China, including a Visit to the Tea, Silk and Cotton Countries. London Edition. 8vo. London, 1847. Fosbroke (T.) Treatise on the Arts, Institutions, &c., of the Greeks and Romans. Lardner's Cylopmedia, vols. 42 and 43. Fosbroke (T. D.) Encyclopedia of Antiquities, and Elements of Archaeology, Classical and Medieval. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1825. Fosbroke (T. D.) Foreign Topography, forming a Sequel to the EncyclopEedia of Antiquities. 4to. London, 1828. Foss (Edward.) The Judges of England, with Sketches of their Lives, and Miscellaneous Notices connected with the Courts of Westminster, from the time of the Conquest. Vol. 1, (1066-1199.) Vol. 2,(1192-1272.) 2vols. 8vo. London, 1 348. Foster (G. G.) The Gold Region of California, and the Geography, &c., of the Country. 8vo. New-York, 1848. Foster (Henry.) Voyage to the Southern Atlantic Ocean, 18281830: from the Private Journal of W. H. B. Webster. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1834. Foster (John.) Essays. 12mo. New-York, 1814. Foster (John.) Life and Correspondence. Edited by J. E. Ryland. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1846. FoSt:r (T. Campbell.) The; Times Commissioner." Letters on the condition of the People of Ireland. 2d Ed. London, 1847. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 529 Foucand (Edward.) Book of Illustrious Mechanics of Europe and America. Edited by John Frost. 8vo. New-York, 1846. Fourier (Baron.) Remarks on the Temperature of the Globe and the Planetary Spaces. Sillimains Journal, vol. 32. Fourier. Life of. See Pellarin. Fournel (Henri.) Etude des Gites Houillers et Metalliferes du Bocage Vend6en, faites en, 1834-35. 4to. Paris, 1835. (Presented.) Fournier (Georges.) Hydrographie contenant la Th6orie et la Pratique de toutes les Parties de la Navigation. 2d Ed. Folio. Paris, 1679.~ W. C. 376. Fownes (George.) Elementary Chemistry, theoretical and practical. Edited by Robert Bridges, M. D. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1847. Fox (Ebenezer) of Roxbury, (Mass.) The Revolutionary Adventures of. 8vo. Boston, 1838. Fox (Right I-Ion. Charles James.) History of James II. See Carrell. Fox (John.) Booke of Martyrs. 3 vols. fol. London, 1684. Fox (Robert Were.) Report on some Observations on Subterranean Heat. Reports British Association, 1840. Foxe (Capt. Luke.) Northwest Fox, or Fox from the Northwest Passage. 4to. London, 1635. (In exchange for Duplicates.) Frampton (Jhon.) Joyfull Newes out of the New Found World, wherein is declared the rare and singular virtues of diverse and sundrie hearbes, trees, oyles, plantes and stones, &c. Englished by Jhon Frampton, Marchaunt. (A translation of the three Books of Monardus.) 12mo. In Black-letter. London, 1577. France. Collection des Documents indcits sur 1'Histoire de France; publies par Ordre du Roi et par les soins du Ministre de l'Instruction Publique. 77 vols. 4to. Paris. (Presented.) 1. Rapports au Ministre, par MM. Thierry, Michel, Beugnot, Genin, Varin, Thenard, Gasparin, et Danton, 4to. 1839. 2. Rapports au Roi et Pieces, par M. Guizot, Ministre de Pinstruction Publique. 4to. 1839. PREMIERE SERIE. HISTORE POLITIQUE. 3. Les Olim ou Registres des Arrets rendus par la Cour du Roi sous les Regnes de Saint Louis, de Philippe le Hardi, de Philippe le Bel, de Louis le Hutin et de Philippe le Long, par le Comte Beugnot. 3 vols. (Vol. 3 in two parts.) 4to. 1839 -1848. 4 vols. 4. Chronique du Religieux de Saint-Denys, contenant le Reegne de Charles VI. de 1380 a 1422, publiee en Latin pour la premi6re fois et traduit par M. L. Bellaguet, precedee d'une Introduction par M. De Barante. 5 vols. 4to. 1839-1844. 530 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 5. Lettres de Rois, Reines et autres Personnrages des Cours de France et d'Angleterre, depuis Louis VII. jusqu'a'Henry IV., tirees des Archives de Londres par Br6quigny, et publiees par M. Champollion-Figeac. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1839 -47. 6. Proces des Templiers, publi6 par M. Michelet. Vol. 1. 4to. 1841. 7. Chronique de Bertrand du Guesclin, par Cuvelier, Trouvrre du XIVe Siecle publie par E. Charriere. 2 vols. 4to. 1839. 8. Journal des Etats Gen6raux de France, tenus a Tours, en 1483, redige en Latin par Jehan Masselin, publie et traduit par A. Bernier. 4to. 1835. 9. Recueil des Lettres Missives de Henri IV., publi6 par M. Berger de Xivrey. 4 vols. 4to. 1843-48. 10. Procds-Verbaux des Seances du Conseil de Regence du Roi Charles VIII., pendant les mois d'Aoult 1484 a Janvier 1485, publies par A. Bernier. 4to. 1836. 11. Proc6s-Verbaux des Eiats Gen6raux de 1593, publids par A. Bernard. 4to. 1842. 12, Relations des Ambassadeurs Venitiens sur les Affaires de France au XVIe SiPcle, recueillies et traduites par M. N, Tommaseo. 2 vols. 4to, 1838. 13, Papiers d'Etat du Cardinal de Granville, publ6s sous la direction de M. Ch. Weiss. 6 vols. 4to. 1841 -1846. 14, Negociations, Lettres et Pieces diverses relatives au RPgne de Francois II., par Louis Paris. 4to. 1841. SeeAubespine. 15. Correspondence de Henri d'Escoubleau de Sourdis, Archevequc de Bordeaux, augmentee des Ordres, Instructions et Lettres de Louis XIII., et du Cardinal de Richelieu, &e., par M. Eugene Sue. 3 vols. 4to. 1839. 16. Negociations relatives a la Succession d'Espagne sous Louis XIV., par M. Mignet. 4 vols. 4to. 1835-1842. 17. M6moires Militaires relatifs a la Succession d'Espagne sous Louis XIV., par le Lieutenant-G6neral Pelet. 7 vols. 4to. 1835 -1848. This work is accompanied with Atlas des Memoires Militaires relatifs, &c.,&c. fol. 1836-1848. The Maps accompanying (6 vols.) are bound in two. 18. Reglemens sur les Arts et Metiers de Paris, rediges au XIIIe Sihcle, et connus sous le nom du Livre des Metiers d'Etienne Boileau, publies par G.-B. Depping. 4to. 1837. 19. Paris sous Philippe le Bel, d'apres des Documents Originaux, et notamment d'apres un Manuscrit contenant le R61e de la Taille imposee sur les Habitants de Paris en 1292, publie pour la premiere fois par H. Geraud. 4to. 1837. 20. Chronique des Dues de Normandie, par Benoit, Trouvire Anglo-Normand du XIIe Siecle, publi6e pour la premiere MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 531 fois d'apres un Manuscrit du Mus6e Britannique, par Francisque Michel. 3 vols. 4to. 1836 - 1843. 21. Archives Administratives de la Ville de Reims, &c. Par Pierre Varin. 3 vols. (Vol. 1 and 2 are each in 2 parts.) 4to. Paris, 1839 - 1848. 5 vols. 22. Archives Legislatives de la Ville de Reims, &c. Par Pierie Varin. Contumes. 1 vol. Statutes. Vol. 1 in 2 parts. Vol. 2. Paris, 1840 -47. 4 vols.'3. Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Saint-Pare de Chartres, public par M. Guerard. 2 vols. 4to. 1840. 24. Histoire de la Croisade contre les Heretiques Albigeois, traduite et publiee par M. C. Fauriel 4to. 1837. 25. Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Saint-Bertin, publie par M. Gu& rard. 4to. 1841. 26. Negocians Diplomatiques entre La France et L'Autriche durant les premieres annees du XVI siecle, publiees par M. Le Glay. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1845. 27. Captivit6 du Roi Francois ler. Par M. Aime Champolion Figeac. 4to. 1847. 28. Negociations de la France dans Le Levant ou Correspondences, Memoires et Actes Diplomatiques des Ambassadeurs de France a Constantinople, &c., &c. Publiees pour la premiere fois, par E. Charriere. Tome 1. 4to. Paris, 1848. DEUXIEME SEfRIE. HISTOIRE DES LETTRES ET DES SCIENCES. 1. Ouvrages inedits d'Abelard, publies par M. Victor Cousin. 4to. 1836. 2. Les Quatres Livres des Rois, traduits en Francais du XII, Siecle, publies par M. Le Roux de Lincy. 4to. 1841. TROISIEME SERIE. ARCHEOLOGIE. 1, Iconographie Chretienne. Histoire de Dieu, rar M. Didron, 4to. 1843. MELANGES HISTORIQUES. 1. Documents Historiques inedits tires des Collections Manuscrites de la Bibliothdque Royale et des Archives ou des Bibliothlques des Departments, publics par M. ChampollionFigeac. 4 vols. 4to. 1841-1847. France. Constitution de la Republique Francaise proposee au Peuple Francais par la Convention Nationale. 8vo. Paris, 1794. (Presented.) France. Documents Authentiques rediges sur le Champ de Bataille d'Isly. 8vo. Marseilles, 1845. Pamphlets. Vol. 10. 532 M ISCELLANEOUS WORKS. France. Specimens Typographique de L'Imprimerie Royale. fol. Paris, 1845. (Presented.) France. Notice sur les Types Etrangers du Specimen de l'imprimerie Royale. fol. (Presented.) France and the French Revolution. The Reign of Terror; a collection of authentic Narratives of the Horrors committed by the Revolutionary Government of France. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1826. France and the French Revolution. A sketch of the History of France during the Revolution, and the Reign of Napoleon. 8vo. London, 1817. (Lettered, vol. 3.) Francheville, (J. du. F. de.) Histoire Gen6raleet Particuliere des Finances. (Compagnie des Indes.) 4to. Paris, 1738.W. C. 377. Francis (Convers.) Life of John Eliot, the Apostle to the Indians. Sparks' American Biography. Vol. 5. Francis (Convers.) Life of Sebastian Rale. Sparks' American Biography. Vol. 17. Francis (G. H.) Orators of the Age, comprising Portraits critical, biographical and descriptive. 18mo. New-York, 1847. Francis (John.) History of the Bank of England: Its times and traditions. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1847. Francis (J. W.) and Others. New-York Medical and Physical Journal. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York. 1822 - 1823. Francis (J. W.) See Hosack, D. Francis (Sir Philip.) Letter on the Policy towards Norway. Pamphleteer. Vol. 3. Frank Forrester. See Herbert. Francklyn (Wm.) Tour from Bengal to Persia, 1786 and 1787, with an Account of the Remains of Persepolis. 2d Ed. 8vo. London, 1790. Franklin (Benj.) The interest. of Great Britain, considered in regard to her Colonies, and the acquisitions of Canada and Guadaloupe. The second Boston Edition. 8vo. Boston, 1760. Franklin (Benj.) See Holley. Franklin (Benj.) Experiments and Observations on Electricity, &c. 4to. London, 1769. W. C. 378. Franklin (Benj ) Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania. 8vo London, 1759.- W. C. 379. Franklin (Benj.) Correspondance In6dite et Secrete. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1817.W —. C. 380. Franklin (Benj.) Interrogatoire devant la Chambre des Communes. See Franklin Brochures.-~W. C. Franklin (Benj.) La Science du Bonhomme Richard. See Franklin Brochures.- W. C. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 533 Franklin (Benj.) Sur la Constitution de la Republique de Pensylvania. See Franklin Brochures. W. C. Franklin (Benj.) Brochures. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1778. —W. C. 381. Franklin (Benj.) Memoirs of his Life and Writings, written by himself to a late Period, and continued by his Grandson, W. T. Franklin. 3d Ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1818. Franklin (Benj.) The Same. 6 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1818. Franklin (Benj.) Works: with Notes, and a Life of the Author, by Jared Sparks. 10 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1836-1840. Franklin (Benj.) Life of. Edited by H. H. Weld, which See. Franklin (Dr.) Examination before the House of Commons. Pam phlets. Vol. 31. Franklin (John.) Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, 1819-1822. 4to. London, 1823. Franklin (John.) The Same. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1824.- W. C. 382. Franklin (John.) Narrative of a Second Expedition to the Shores of the Polar Sea, 1825-1827. 4to. London, 1828. Franklin (John.) The Same. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1828. Franklin Institute Journal, and American Mechanics' Magazine. Edited by Dr. Thomas P. Jones. First Series. 4 vols. New Series, 25 vols. Third Series, 17 vols. Whole number, 46. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1826 -49. Fraser (James B.) History of Persia. Edinburgh Cabinet Library. Vol. 15. Fraser (James B.) Tour through the H-imala Mountains, and to the Sources of the Jumna and Ganges. 4to. London, 1820. Fraser (James B.) History of Mesopotamia and Assyria. Edinburgh Cabinet Library. Vol. 32. Fraser (James B.) Journey into Khorason, with an Account of the Countries to the Northeast of Persia. 4to. London, 1825. Fraser (James B.) Travels in the Persian Provinces on the Southern Banks of the Caspian Sea, &c. 4to. London, 1826. Fraser (James B.) Winter Journey from Constantinople to Tehran, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. Frederick the Great. Life of. See Kugler. Freeman (Nicholas.) Le Glaneur, ou Essais recueilles et publies par M. A. Jay. 8vo. Paris, 1812. — W. C. 383. Freemasonry. A collection of Letters on, in Chronological order. 8vo. Boston, 1849. (Presented.) Fregier (H.) Classes Dangereuses de la Population dansles Grandes Villes, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1840. Fremont (J. C.) Captain. Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, and to the Oregon and North California. 8vo. Washington, 1845. See Oregon, Fremont (J. C.) Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, in 534 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 1842, and to Oregon and North California in 1843- 44. With a Map. 8vo. Washington, 1845. Fremont, (J. C.) Geographical Memoirs upon Upper California, in illustration of his Map of Oregon and California. U. S. Senate Document, 30th Congress, 1st Session. Svo. Washington, 1848. (Presented.) Fremont (Col. J. C.) The Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, Oregon and California To which are added, an account of the Gold Region, &c. 12mo. Buffalo, 1849. French (B. F.) Historical Collections of Louisiana. 8vo. New-York, 1846. French Charter. La Charte-Verite, par un Frangaise Ami de la Charte. Pamphlets. Vol. 10. French Colonies. Recueil de Diff6rentes Pieces pour et contre l'Admission des Etrangers dans les Isles Frangaises de l'Amerique. 8vo. Paris, 1785. W. C. 384. French Colonies. Expose de la Situation Actuelle des Colonies Francaises aux Indes Occidentales. 8vo. Bordeaux, 1822. W. C. 385. French Constitution of 1793. Debates on, in the National Assembly; with Extracts from Rousseau's Social Contract. 8vo. NewYork, 1817. French Politician Found Out, or Considerations of the Pretensions that France claims to England and Ireland, &c. 4to. London, 1680. French War (The.) In America, 1756. See Pieces Justificatives. French War in America. See Military Operations. Frend (William.) A. M. An account of the Proceedings of the University of Cambridge, against, for publishing a Pamphlet entitled " Peace and Union," &c. 8vo. Cambridge, 1793. Freneau (Philip.) Poems written and published during the American Revolutionary War. Third Edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1809. Fresnel (M. A.) Memoire sur un nouveou Systeme DUEclairage des Phares. 4to. Paris, 1822. (Presented.) Freycinet (Captain.) Voyage round the World, 1817-1820, in a Series of Letters to a Friend, by J. Arago. 4to. London, 1823. Freytag (J. D.) General. Memoirs, par M. C. de B. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824. —-W. C. 386. Frezier (A. F.) Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sud aux C6tes du Chily et du Perou, 1712-1714. 4to. Paris, 1716. W. C. 387. Friends (Society of.) Truth Vindicated: An"Appeal to the Light of Christ within, and to the Testimony of H-oly Scripture. 12mo. New-York, 1836. (Presented.) Friends (Society of.) Disputes between the followers of Elias Hicks and those opposed. See Pamphlets, vol. 24. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 535 Friends. See Mission. Frisi (Paul.) Treatise on Rivers and Torrents: trans. by General J. Garstin. 4to. London, 1818. Frobisher. See Forbisseri. Frobisher (Sir Martin.) Voyages for the Discovery of a North-West Passage. Pinkerton. vol. 12. Froger (Francois.) Relation d'un Voyage, 1695-1697, par M. de Gennes. 12mo. Paris. 1699.W-. C. 388. Froissart (Sir Jean.) Les Chroniques de. Avec Notes, &c. J. A. C. Buchon. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1838. C. L. Froissart (Sir John.) Chronicles: trans. from the French by Thomas Johnes: with a Life of the Author. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. Frost (J.) LL.D. The Pictorial Life of George Washington, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847. Frost (John.) The Pictorial Life of Andrew Jackson. 8vo. Hartford, 1847. Frost (John.) LL.D. Life of Major General Zachary Taylor, with Notices of the War in New-Mexico. 12mo. New-York, 1847. Fry (Mrs. Elizabeth.) Memoirs of the Life of, with extracts from her Journals and Letters. Edited by two of her Daughters. 2 Vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847 -48. Fry (J. Reese) and Conrad, (Robert T.) A Life of General Taylor. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1847. Fuller (Thomas.) D. D. The History of the University of Cambridge, and of Waltham Abbey; with the Appeal of injured Innocence. A new Edition, with Notes, by James Nichols. 8vo. London, 1840. Fuller (Thomas.) D. D. The History of the Worthies of England. A new Edition, by P. Austin Nuttall, LL.D. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1840. Fuller (S. M. Miss.) Summer on the Lakes. 12mo. Boston, 1844. Fuller (Robert.) Life of. See Sparks' American Biography. Vol. 10. Funez. (Arenga.) pronunciada par el Doctor Don Grcgorio Funez, sobre la Victoria de Ayacucho-Resumen sucinto de la vida del General Sucre. Buenos Ayres. 1825. See Pamphlets, vol. 14. Furniss (William.) The Old World or Scenes and Cities in Foreign Lands. 12mo. New-York, 1850. Fuseli. See Barry. Fuseli (Henry.) Life and Writings. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1831. Furstenwarther (M. von.) Der Deutsche in Nord America, 12mo. Stuttgard. 1818.-W. C. 389. 536 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. G. Gaelic Dictionary. See Dictionary. Gage (Thomas.) New Survey of the West Indies. fol. London, 1648. Gage (Thomas.) Nouvelle Relation, contenant les Voyages dans la Nouvelle Espagna: trad. de l'Anglois. 2 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1699. W. C. 390. Gage (Thomas.) General. Letters. See Bernard, Sir Fr. Gaimard (P.) Lettre sur le Voyage en Scandinavie, &c. Paris, 1838. Pamphlets, vol. 18. Gaine's Universal Register, or American and British Kalendar, for the year 1776. 18mo. New-York. Printed by I. Gaine. (Presented.) Gaine's Universal Register, or Columbian Kalendar, for the year 1786. 18mo. New-York. Printed by H. Gaine. (Presented.) Galatini (Petri.) Opus de Arcains Catholire Veritatis, adhm J. Reuchlini de Arte cabalistica. folio. Basilioe, 1550. (Presented.) Galbraith, (Wim.) Trigonometrical Surveying, Levelling, and Railway Engineering. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1842. Galerie des Contemporains illustres. Par un homme de Rien. 10 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1842 -44. Contents: Vol. 1. MMI. Soult, Thiers, De Chateaubriand, Laffitte, Guizot, M. De Lamartine, Berryer, De La Mennais, Dupin (ain6,) Beranger, Odilon Barrot, Victor Hugo. 2. Arago, George Sand, De Broglie, De Cormenin, Wellington, Mole, Ingres, Metternich, Alfred De Vigny, Mohammed-Aly, Ibraham-Pacha, Garnier-Pages. 3. M. O'Connell, M. Meyerbeer, M. Mauguin, M. Scribe, M. Mickiewicz, Don Baldomero Espartero, M. Ballanche, M. de Balzac, Bernadotte (Charles 14,) Lord Palmerston, M. Augustin Thierry, M. Rossini. 4. Sir Robert Peel, M. Silvio Pellico, M. Royer-Collard, Le Marechal Moncey (Due de Conegliano,) M. Martinez de la Rosa, Lord John Russell, M. Cassimer Delavigne, L'Amiral Duperre, M. A-W. De Schlegel, M. Horace Vernet, L'Archiduc Charles, M. Villemain. 5. M. De Lafayette, Lord Brougham, Le Baron Larrey, Le Pere Lacordaire, M. Nothomb, Le Marechal Marmont (Due de Raguse,) M. De Humboldt (Alexander,) M. Alexandre Dumas, M. Cousin. 6. M. Casimir P6rier, M. Manzoni, M. Le Marechal Gerard, Le Prince Czartoryski, M. Gay-Lussac, M. de Villdle, M. Lebeau, M. de Toreno, M. Bosio, M. Le Baron Pasquier. (5090) MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 537 Vol. 7. De Talleyrand, M. De Berzelius, Le General Bertrand, Reschid-Pacha, M. Charles Nodier, Sir Thomas Moore, Le Marelhal-Oudinot (Due de Reggio,) M. Paul Delaroche, M, De Sisnondi, M. Auber, M. Colettis. 8. M. Benjamin Constant, M. Maurocordatos, M. David (D'Angers,) Abd-el-Kacler Le Marechal Sebastiani, M. Ludwig Tieck, M. Le Due Decazes, M. De Nesselrode, M. Dupuytren, M. Armand Carrel, M. Fenimore Cooper. 9. M. Georges Cuvier, Le G eneral Jackson, M. Le Marechal Bugeaud, M. Thorwaldsen, M Saente-Beuve, Cherubini, MH De Martignac, M. De. Barante, M. Uhland, Sir Walter Scott. 10. Goethe, M. Spontini, M. De Salvandy, M. De Schelling, M. Ampere, M. Cobden, Saint-Simon et Fourier, Charles Fourier. Gallatin (Albert.) Notes on the Semi-Civilized Nations of Mexico, Yucatanand CentralAmerica. Trans. Am. Ethnol. Soc.,vol.. Gallatin (Albert.) Sketch of the Finances of the United States. 8vo. New-York, 1796. Gallatin (Albert.) Synopsis of the Indian Tribes of North America, Trans. Am. Antq. Soc., vol. 2. Gallatin (Albert.) Peace with Mexico. 8vo. New-York, 1847. (Presented.) Gallatin (Albert.) See Oregon Question. Gallatin (Albert,) Report on Roads and Canals. 1808. Pamphlets, vol. 24. Gallery ofPortraits, with Memoirs. 7 vols. 4to. London, 1833 —1837, Galloway (Joseph.) Historical and Political Reflections on the Rise and Progress of the American Rebellion. 8vo. London, 1780. Galloway (Joseph.) Letters to a Nobleman on the conduct of the War in the Middle Colonies. 8vo. London, 1779. Galloway's Examination before the House of Commons, in Committee on the American Papers. 8vo. London, 1779. Galloway (Thomas.) Treatise on Probability. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1839. Galt (John.) The Canadas, comprehending Topographical' infor mation, &c., for the use of Emigrants and Capitalists. Compiled by. Second Edition. 12mro. London, 1836. Galt (John.) The Life of Lord Byron, by. 12mo. London, 1830. Galt (John.) Life of Benjamin West, prior to his arrival in England. 8vo. London, 1816 - W. C. 391. Galt (John.) The Same. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1816. Galt (John.) Life of Cardinal Wolsey. Third Edition, with additional Illustrations from Cavendish's Life of Wolsey, and other sources. 12mo. London, 1846. STATE LIBRARY.] 34 538 MISCELLANEo U s WORKS. Gama (Vasquez de.) First Voyage to the East Indies. Voyages and Travels, vol. 2. Gammell (William.) A History of American Baptist Missions in Asia, Africa, Europe and N. America, 12mo. Boston, 1849. Gammell (William.) Life of Roger Williams. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 14. Gammell (William.) Address before the Rhode Island Historical Society. Providence, 1844. Pamphlets, vol. 17. (Presented.) Ganilh (Charles.) Political Economy: trans. from the French by D. Boileau. 8vo. New-York, 1812. Garcia (Fr. Gregorio.) Origen de los Indios de el Nuevo Mondo e Indias Occidentales. 2d ed. fol. Madrid, 1729. Garcias ab Orto. Aromatum et Simplicium aliquot Medicamentorum apud Indos nascentium Historia, a C. Clusio. 8vo. Antwerp, 1593.-W. C. 392. Garcilasso de la Vega (el Inca.) Commentarios Reales que tratan del Origin de los Incas. 2 vols. 4to. Lisbon and Cordova. 1609- 1616.- W. C. 393. Garcilasso de la Vega (el Inca.) Commentaries of Peru: trans. into English by Sir P. Ricaut. fol. London, 1688. Garcilasso de la Vega (el Inca.) Histoire des Incas: trad. de l'Espagnol. 4to. Paris, 1633. W. C. 394. Garcilasso de la Vega (el Inca.) The Same. 2vols. 12mo. Amsterdam. 1715. W. C. 395. Garcilasso de la Vega (el Inca) The Same. 2 vols. 4to. Amsterdam, 1737. -W. C. 396. Garcilasso de la Vega (el Inca.) Histoire des Guerres Civiles des Espagnols dans les Indes: trad. de l'Espagnol par Jean Baudoin. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1658.- WV. C. 397. Garcilasso de la Vega (el Inca.) Histoire de la Conquete de la Floride: trad. de 1'Espagnol par P. Richelet. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo. Paris, 1709.- W. C. 398. Garcilasso de la Vega (el Inca.) The Same. 2 vols. 12mo. Leide, 1731. (Presented.) Garden (Alex.) Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War in America. 8vo. Charleston, 1822. W. C. 399. Gardener's Dictionary. See Don, G. Gardener's Magazine. See Loudon, J. C. Gardener's (The) Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, for 1846 - 4748. 3 vols. folio. London, 1846-48. (Nos. 39 & 40 wanting in 1847.) Gardenier (Barent.) The Examiner, containing Political Essays, Public Laws and Official Documents. Edited by. 5 vols. 8vo. New-York, (October 1813, to May 1816.) Gardiner (Capt.) An account of the Expedition to the West Indies against Martinico, with the Reduction of Guadelupe. 1759. Third Edition. 4to. Birmingham, (Baskerville,) 1762. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 539 Gardiner (Henry.) Memoirs, by Himself. 12mo. Liverpool, 1813. —W. C. 400. Gardiner (Rev. J. S. J.) Pamphlets, vols. 43, 46. Gardner (Augustus Kinsley.) M. D. Old Wine in New Bottles; or spare hours of a Student in Paris. 12mo. New-York, 1848. Gardner (D. P.) Farmer's Dictionary. 8vo. New-York, 1846. Gardner (D. P.) M. D., Professor, &c. Medical Chemistry, for the use of Students and the Profession, with its application to Toxicology, Physiology, Therapeutics, Hygeine, &c. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1848. Gardner (George.) Travels in the interior of Brrazil, the Northern Provinces, and the Gold and Diamond Districts. 8vo. London, 1846. Garneau (F. X.) Histoire du Canada depuis sa Decouverte jusqu'a nos jours. 3 vols. 8vo. Quebec, 1845-48. (Presented.) Garnet (Thomas.) Account of the Drosacks. Pinkerton, vol. 3. Garnett (F.) and others. Annals of Philosophy, Natural History, Chemistry, Literature, Agriculture, and the Mechanical and Fine Arts. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1801 -2. Garnier (J. G.) Traite de Meteorologie ou Physique du Globe. 8vo. Brussels, 1837. Gasparin (Le Comte de.) Cours D'Agriculture. Second Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1844-46. (Presented.) Gas (Manufacture of.) See Clegg. Gass (Patrick.) Journal of Voyages and Travels through the Interior Parts of North America. 8vo. London, 1808. Gaston (William.) Address, delivered before the American Whig and,Cliosophic Societies of the College of New-Jersey, in 1835. 8vo. Princeton, 1835. Pamphlets, vol. 11. Gautier (M. A.) Statistique du Department de la Charente-Inferieure. Revisee par une Commission et publi6e sous les auspices de M. D. de Pelet, Prefet. 4to. Rochelle, 1839. (Presented.) Gavet (D., et P. Boucher.) Jakare-Ouassou, ou les Tupinambas, Chronique Bresillienne. 8vo. Paris, 1830.- W. C. 401. Gayarre (Charles.) Histoire de la Louisiane. 2 vols. 8vo. Nouvelle Orleans, 1846 -47. Gayarre (Charles.) Romance of the History of Louisiana. A Series of Lectures. 12mo. New-York, 1848. Gaylord (Willis,) and Tucker (Luther.) American Husbandry; being a Series of Essays on Agriculture. 2 vols. 18mo. NewYork, 1847. Gazetteers: American Gazetteer, 1762. Baldwin's Pronouncing Gazetteer. Blois' Gazetteer of Michigan. Brookes' Universal Gazetteer. 54-0 MISCELLANEOUS W O RIK. Chapin's Reference Gazetteer. Darby and Dwight's Gazetteer of the U. States Davenport's Gazetteer North America. Disturnell's Gazetteer of New-York. Farmer's Gazetteer of Nerw-H ampshire. Gordon's Gazetteer of New-York. Gordon's Gazetteer of Pennsylvania. Haskel and Smith's Gazetteer of the U. S. Hayward's Massachusetts Gazetteer. Hayward's New-England Gazetteer. Jenkins' Ohio Gazetteer. Landmann's Universal Gazetteer. Martin's Gazetteer of Virginia. McCulloch's Universal Gazetteer. Melish's United States. Mitchell's United States. Morse's Universal Gazetteer. Peck's Gazetteer of Illinois. Spafford's Gazetteer of New-York. Worcester's Universal Gazetteer. Wetmore's Gazetteer of Missouri. General Repository and Review (The.) 4 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, (Mass.) 1812-13. Genet (Edmond Charles.) Address, before the Agricultural Society of the County of Rensselaer. Agricultural Tracts, vol. 1. Gentleman's Magazine, 1731 -1833. 154 vols. 8vo. London, 1806 - 1833. Gentleman's Magazine: New Series, 1834 -1849. 31 vols. 8vo. London, 1834-1849. Gentleman's Magazine. General Index, to 1818. Compiled by S. A. Clerk and J. Nichols. 5 vols, 8vo. London, 1818 -1821. Gentleman's Magazine. Selections from. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1809- 1811. Genty (l'Abbe.) L'Influence de la Decouverte de l'Amerique sur le Bonheur du Genre-Humain. 8vo. Paris, 1788. —-. C. 402. Gentz (F. von.) Reflections on the Liberty of the Press in Great Britain. Pamphleteer, vol. 15. Geografia Moderna, Dizionario di, Composto per l'Enciclopedia Metodica: trad. dal Francese, col molto aggiunte. 4 vols. 8vo. Padua, 1797.~W. C. 403. Geographical Society of London (Royal.) Journal, 1831-1847. 17 vols. 8vo. London, 1833 - 1847. Geographical Society, &c. General Index to the first 10 volumes - Compiled by J. R. Jackson. 8vo. London, 1844. Geography. Recueil de Voyages et de Memoires, publi6 par la Societe de Geographie. 7 vols. 4to. Paris, 1824- 18442 (Presented.) MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 541 Geography, published in 1643. See Totius Orbis Descriptio. Geological Map of France. See Carte Geologique de la France. Geological Society. London Quarterly Journal of. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1845 - 48. Edited by Professor Ansted. Geological Society of London. See Transactions. Geological Survey of Canada. See Logan. Geological Survey of Delaware. See Booth, J. C. Geological Survey of Great Britain. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, and of the Museum of Economic Geology in London. 2 vols. 8vo. (Vol. 2 in two parts.) London, 1816-48. Geological Survey of Massachusetts, See Hitchcock, E. Geological Survey of Michigan. See Michigan. Geological Survey of New-Hampshire. See Jackson, C. T. Geological Survey of New-Jersey. See Rogers. Geological Survey of New-Y ork. See Natural History of New-York. Geological Survey of Pennsylvania. See Transactions. Geological and Agricultural Survey of South Carolina. See Tuomey. Geological Survey of Virginia. See Rogers, W. B. Geological and Mineralogical Reports of New-York, 1837-1841, 2 vols. 8vo, (Plates 4to.) Albany, 1840. Geology of Iowa aind Wisconsin. See Land Office. Geology of Michigan. See Houghton. Geology of New-Jersey. See Rogers (Henry D.) Geology of Ohio. See Mather. Geology of Pennsylvania. See Rogers (Henry D.) Geology of Rhode Island. See Jackson. Geology of South Carolina. See Tuomey. Geology of Tennessee. See Troost. Geology of Vermont. See Adams. Geology of Virginia. See Rogers (William B.) Georgia. Brief Account of the Causes that have retarded the Progress of the Colony. 12mo. London, 1743. Georgia. Impartial Enquiry into the State and Utility of the Province. 12mo. London, 1741. Georgia. New Voyage to, by a Young Gentleman. 2d ed. 12mo, London, 1737. Georgia. True and Historical Narrative of the Colony: By Pat. Tailfer, Hugh Anderson, and Da. Douglas. 12mo. London, 1741. Georgia. Letters of Sicilius on the late Sales of Western Lands. 8vo. 1795. -W. C. 404. Georgia. Historical Society Collections. 3 vols. 8vo. Savannah, 1840-1842. Vol. 3, Part 1, contains Hawkins' sketch of the Creek Country, in 1798 and 1799. Georgia. A state of the Province of, attested upon oath in the Court of Savannah, Nov. 10, 1740. 12mo. London, 1742. 542 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Georgia Land Purchase. State of Facts showing the right of certain Companies to the Lands lately purchased by them from the State of Georgia. 8vo. United States, 1795. Georgian Era (The.) Memoirs of the most eminent Persons who have flourished in Great Britain, from the accession of George I. to the demise of George IV. 4 vols. 12mo. London, 1832 - 34. Gera (Le D. F. Conegliano.) De la Fabrication du Fromage, Traduit, par V. Rendu. 8vo. Paris, 1843. (Presented.) Geraud (H.) Paris sous Philippe le Bel, d'apres des Documents Originaux. 4to. Paris, 1837. See France. Germain (Mlle.) Considerations G6nlrales sur 1'Etat des Sciences et des Lettres aux differentes Epoques de leur Culture. Pamphlets, vol. 10. Germaine (Lord G.) et les Generaux Clinton, Cornwallis, &c. Correspondence: trad. de l'Anglois. 8vo. Berne, 1782. W. C. 405. Gerstaecker (Frederick.) The Wanderings and Fortunes of German Emigrants. Translated by David Black. 12mo. New-York, 1848. Gesner (Abraham.) New Brunswick; with hints to Emigrants, comprehending an account of the Province. 8vo. London, 1847. Gesner (Conrad.) Lexicon Graeco-Latinum. fol. Basil, 1545. Gibbon (Edward.) Antiquities of the House of Brunswick. Works, vol. 3. Gibbon (Edward.) Essai sur l'Etude de la Litterature. Works, vol. 3. Gibbon (Edward.) History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 5th Am. Ed. 4 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1839. Gibbon (Edward.) Memoirs of My Life and Writings; and Correspondence. Works, vols. 1 and 2. Gibbon (Edward.) Miscellaneous Works: with Memoirs of his Life and Writings by himself: and Notes, &c., by Lord Shef4,ld. 3 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1796. Gibbon (Edward.) Vindication of some passages in the Fifteenth a.i Sixteenth Chapters of the History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 8vo. Dublin, 1779. Gibraltar. Royal Charter for establishing a Civil Government there. Tracts, vol. 1. Gibraltar. Siege. See Drinkwater, J. Gibbs (George.) Memoirs of the Administration of Washington and John Adams. Edited from the Papers of Oliver Wolcott, late Secretary of the Treasury. 2 vols. 8vo. NewYork, 1846. Gibson (William.) Introductory Lecture to a Course on the Principles and Practice of Surgery in the University of Pennsylvania, 1843. Pamphlets, vol. 8. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 543 Gieseler (J. C. I.) Text-Book of Ecclesiastical History. From the German. By Francis Cunningham. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1836. C. L. Gifford (John.) A History of the Political Life of the Rt. Hon. William Pitt, including the Times in which he lived. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1809. Gifford (John.) Pamphlets, vol. 46. Gifford (William.) Translation of the Satires of Juvenal into English verse. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1803. Gifford (William.) Edition of Ben Jonson. See Jonson. Gilbart (James W.) History of Banking in America, &c. 8vo. London, 1837. Gilbart (James W.) History of Banking in Ireland. 8vo. London, 1836. Gilbert (Davies.) Plain Statement of the Bullion Question. Pamphleteer, vol. 14. Giles (William B.) Political Miscellanies, compiled by. 8vo. Richmond, 1830. Gilfillan (George.) Sketches of Modern Literature and Eminent Literary Men. Vol. 1. 8vo. New-York, 1846. Gilij (F. S.) Saggio diStoriaAmericana. 4 vols. 8vo. Rome, 17801784. —W. C. 406. Gill (C.) Application of the Angular Analysis to the Solution of indeterminate Problems of the second degree. 12mo. NewYork, 1848. Gill (John.) Doctrine of Predestination Stated, in Answer to Mr. Wesley. Tracts, vol. 3. Gill (Thomas.) Technological Repository. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1827-1830. Gilleland (J. C.) History of the late War between the United States and Great Britain. L2mo. Baltimore, 1817. Gillespie (W. M.) A manual of the Principles and Practice of Road Making: comprising the location, construction and improvements of Roads, common, Macadam, paved, plank, &c., and Rail Roads. By W. M. Gillespie, A. M., Professor of Civil Engineering in Union College. 8vo. New-York, 1847. Gilliam (A. M.) Travels in Mexico, in 1843 and'44, including a; Description of California, &c., and the Biographies of Iturbide and Santa Anna. 8vo. New-York, 1846. Gillies (John.) Aristotle's Ethics and Politics: Translated from the Greek, with his Life, Notes, &c. 3d ed. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1813. Gillies (John.) History of Ancient Greece. 1st Am. ed. 4 vols.. 8vo. New-York, 1814. Gillies (John.) History of the World, from Alexander to, Augustus. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1809. Gilliss. Astronomical Observations made at the National. Observa 544 FMIiSCELLANEOUS WORKS. tory, Washington, under orders of the Secretary of Navy. By Lieut. J. M. Gilliss, U. S. Navy. 8vo. Washington, 1846. (Presented.) Gilliss. Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at Washington. 8vo. 1846. (Presented.) Gilpin (Henry D.) Biography of Edward Livingston. See Pennsylvania Memoirs, Hist. Society of, vol. 4. Gilpin (William.) Essay on Prints. 5th ed. 8vo. London, 1802. Gilpin (William.) Essays on Picturesque Beauty, &c. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1808. Gilpin (William.) Forest Scenery, and other Woodland Views. 3d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1808. Gilpin (William.) Highlands of Scotland, &c. 3d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1808. Gilpin (William.) Mountains and Lakes of Cumberland and Westmoreland. 3d ed. 2 vols. 8vo; London, 1808. Gilpin (William.) Observations on Several Parts of Cambridge, Norfolk, &c., and on North Wales. 8vo. London, 1809. Gilpin (William.) Observations on the Coasts of Hampshire, Sussex, and Kent. 8vo. London, 1804. Gilpin (William.) Observations on the River Wye, and Several Parts of South Wales, &c. 5th ed. 8vo. London, 1800. Gilpin (William.) Observations on the Western Parts of England, including the Isle of Wight. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1808. Gilroy (Clinton G.) The art of Weaving, by hand and by power. 2d ed. 8vo, London, 1847. Giorgini (Giov.) I1 Mondo Nuovo: Poema. 4to. Jesi, 1596. W. C. 407. Giovanetti (Jacques.) Du Regime des Eaux, qui servent aux Irrigations. 8vo. 1844. (Presented.) Girard College. First Report of the Building Committee and the Architect of the Girard College for Orphans, to the Select and Common Councils of Philadelphia. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848. (Presented.) Girard (Pere.) Methodical Instruction in the Mother Tongue in Schools and Families. From the French of, and edited by Viscount Ebrington. 12mo. London, 1847. Girard (Stephen.) Will: with a short Biography of his Life. Pamphlets, vol. 8. Girard (Stephen.) Inventory of Personal Estate, &c., with Reports of Auditors. Pamphlets. 4to. Vol. 1. Girardin Lieut. General Compte de.) Sur 1' etat de la Population Chevaline en France, et ses consequences. 8vo. Paris, 1844. (Presented.) Girardin (Lieut. General, et Torcy Marquis de.) Vingt Pages a Lire, ou la question Chevaline Simplifiee. 8vo. Paris. (Presented.) MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 545 Giracud (J. P., Jr.) Birds of Long Island. 8vo. New-York, 1844. Girod-Chantrans. Voyage d'un Suisse dans l'Am6ricue, pendant la Derniere Guerre, 8vo. London, 1786.-~W. C. 408. Giustiniani (Fr.) El Nnevo Atlas Universal abreviado. 6 vols. 8vo. Lyons, 1755. W. C. 409. (5th wanting.) Givry (M.) See Pilote Francais. Glas (George.) History of the Discovery and Conquest of the Canary Islands. Pinkerton, vol 16. Glass (Francis) A. M., of Ohio. A life of General Washington in Latin Prose. Edited by J. N. Reynolds. 3d ed. 12mo. New-York, 1836. Glasgow and County of Lanark. See Cleland, J. Gleig (G. R.) Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and New Orleans. 8vo. London, 1821. —W. C. 410. Gleig (G. R.) Germany, Bohemia, and Hungary visited. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1839. Gleig (G. R.) Life of Sir Thomas Munro; with extracts from his Correspondence, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831. Gleig (G. R.) Lives of Eminent British Military Commanders. Lardner's Cyclopoedia, vols 38 -40. Gleig (G. R.) Memoirs of Warren Hastings: compiled from O riginal Papers. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1841. Gleig (Rev. G. R.) M. A. Story of the Battle of Waterloo. 12mo. New-York, 1847. Gleig (Rev. G- R.) Life of Robert, First Lord Clive. 12mo. London, 1848. Gleig (Rev. G. R.) The Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and New Orleans, in the years 1814-15. 12mo. London, 1847. Glenelg (Lord.) Despatches to Sir F. B. Head, Baronet, during his Administration of the Government of Upper Canada. Abstracted from the Papers laid before Parliament. 8vo. London, 1839. Glentworth (James B.) A Statement of the Frauds on the Elective Franchise in the City of New-York, in the Fall of 1838 and Spring of 1839. (No date.) Glide (Wreck of the.) See Oliver. Gliddon (George R.) Otia Egyptiana. Discourses on Egyptian Archmeology and Hieroglyphical Discoveries. 8vo. London, 1849. Gliddon (George R.) Ancient Egypt. A Series of Chapters on early Egyptian History, Archaeology, &c. 12th Edition. 4to. 1848. Glover (Richard.) Memoirs of a Celebrated Literary and Political Character, &c. 8vo. London, 1813. Goddard (Thomas H.) General History of the most Prominent Banks of Europe and the United States, with Hamilton and 546 M I SCE L L A N E U S W OR K S. M'Duffie's Reports on Currency, &c. 8vo. New-York, 1831. Godefroy (F.) See American Revolution. —W, C. Godley (John R.) Letters from America. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1844. Godman (John D.) M. D. American Natural History. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1826 -28. Godman (John D.) M. D. Rambles of a Naturalist, by. To which are added, Reminiscences of a Voyage to India, by Reynell Coates, M... 12mo. Philadelphia, 1833. Godoy, (Manuel de) Memoirs, written by Himself; with Notes, &c., by Col. D'Esmenard. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836. Godwin (Parke.) The Auto-Biography of Goethe. Truth and Poetry from my Life. Edited by. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1846 -47. Godwin (William.) History of the Commonwealth of England, from its Commencement to the Restoration of Charles II 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. Godwin (William.) Life of Geoffrey Chaucer, &c. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1803. Godwin (W.) Lives of the Necromancers' or Persons who have claimed, or to whom have been imputed the Exercise of Magical Powers. 8vo. London, 1834. Gcede (C. A. G.) A Foreigner's Opinion of England, &c. Trans. from the German by T. Horne. 8vo. Boston, 1822. Goerres (Professor.) Germany and the Revolution: (Translation of a Pamphlet suppressed by the Prussian Government.) Pamphleteer, vol. 15. Goertz (M. le Comte de.) Precis Historique sur la Neutralit6 Arme et son Origin, suivi de Pieces Justificatives. 12mo. Basil, 1801. —-W. C. 411. Goethe. The Autobiography of Goethe. Truth and Poetry, from my own Life. Translated from the German, by John Oxenford. 12mo. London, 1848. Goethe's Auto-Biography. See Godwin. Goethe (W. J. von.) and Fr. Schiller. Correspondence: trans. by G. H. Calvert. 12mo. New-York, 1845. Goethe (W. J.) von. Essays on Art. Translated by S. G. Ward. 12mo. Boston, 1845. Goethe (W. J.) von, and F. Schiller. Select Minor Poems, with Notes. Translated by J. S. Dwight. 12mo. Boston. Goethe. See Eckerman. Goez (Benedict.) Travels from Lahor to China. Pinkerton, vol. 7. Goguet (President de.) The Origin of Laws, Arts and Sciences, and their progress among the most Ancient Nations. From the French of. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1761. Gold (Thomas R.) To the People of the County of Oneida. Small 4to. 1800. MI SCELLANEOUS WORKS. 547 Goldfuss (August.) Petrefacta Germanise Iconibus et Descriptionibus Illustrata. 3 vols. fol. Dusseldorf, 1826 -1844. Goldsbrough (Charles W.) The United States' Naval Chronicle, by. 8vo. Vol. 1. Washington, 1824. (Presented.) Goldsmith (Lcwis.) On the Conduct of France towards America. Pamphlets, vol. 34. Goldsmith (Lewis.) The Secret History of the Cabinet of Bonaparte, &c. Edited and Illustrated by a Gentleman of NewYork. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1810. (Presented.) Goldsmith (Oliver.) The Poetical Works of, with a Biographical Memoir. Edited by Bolton Corney. 12mo. New-York. Goldsmith (Oliver.) History of the Earth and Animated Nature. 5 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1823. Goldsmith (Oliver.) Letters from a Citizen of the World to his Friends in the East. See Works. Goldsmith (Oliver.) Vicar of Wakefield. See Works. Goldsmith (Oliver.) Miscellaneous Works, with his Life: Edited by Washington Irving. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1839. Goldsmith (Oliver.) Life of. See Irving, W. Collected Works. Vol. 11. See Forster. Golownin (Captain.) Memoirs of a Captivity in Japan, &c. 2d Ed. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. Gomara (F. L. de.) Historia'del Mexico, con el Descubrimiento delaNueva Espafia. 12mo. Antwerp, 1554. —--. C. 412, Gomara (F. L. de.) Histoire G&nerale des Indies Occidentales, &c.: trad. en Francois par G. M. Fumee. 8vo. Paris, 1584.. W. C. 413 Gomara (F. L. de.) Histoire Generale des Indes Occidentales: trad. de l'Espagnol. 8vo. Paris, 1587. W. C. 414. Gomara (F. L. de.) Historia di don Ferdinando Cortes, &c.: trad. nella Italiana da A. di Cravaliz. 12mo. Venice, 1560.W. C. 415. Gonzales (Manoel.) Voyage to England and Scotland. Pinkerton, vol. 2. Good (John Mason,) Book of Nature. 8vo. New-York, 1837. Good (John Mason.) Letter, on the Tread-Wheel, to Sir J. C. Hippisley. Pamphleteer, vol. 23. Good (John Mason.) See Lucretius. Goodenow (Sterling.) Topographical and Statistical Manual of the State of New-York. Albany, 1811. Pamphlets, vol. 17. Goodman (William.) Social History of Great Britain, during the Reigns of the Stuarts. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1845. Goodrich (S. G.) Sow-well and Reap-well:or Fire-side Education. 12mo. Albany, 1846. Goodrich (S. G.) A Pictorial History of America embracing both the Northern and Southern portions. 8vo. Hartford, 1850. Goodwin (Francis.) Rural Architecture. 2d ed. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1835. 548 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Gookin (Daniel.) Historical Account of the Doings and Sufierings of the Christian Indians of New-England. Trans. Am. Antiq. Soc., vol 2. Gordon (Sir Cosmo.) Life and Genius of Lord Byron. Pamphleteer, vol. 24. Gordon (James B.) Historical and Geographical Memoir of the North American Continent, &c. 4to. Dublin, 1820.- W. C. 416. Gordon (Pat.) Geography Anatomized, or the Geographical Grammar. 8vo. London, 1708. W. C. 417. Gordon (Thomas.) History of the Greek Revolution, and of tle Wars and Campaigns arising from the struggles of the Greek Patriots, &c., &c. By the late Thomas Gordon, General of a Division of the Greek Army. Second Edition.. 2 vols. Svo. Edinburgh and London, 1844. Gordon (Thomas F.) Gazetteer of the State of New-York. Svo. Philadelphia, 1836. Gordon (Thomas F.) History of America-(Spanish Discoveries prior to 1520.) 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelpnia, 1831. —W. C. 418. Gordon (Thomas F.) The History of New-Jersey, from its discovery by Europeans, to the adoption of the Federal Constitution. 8vo. Trenton, 1834. Gordon (Thomas F.) Gazetteer of the State of Pennsylvania, with a Map of the State. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1832. Gordon (Thomas F.) The History of Pennsylvania from its Discovery to the Declaration of Independence. Svo. Philadelphia, 1829. Gordon (William.) History of the Establishment of the Independence of the United States. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1788. Gore (Christopher.) Masonic Oration, at Boston, 1783. Pamphlets, vol. 32. Gorton (Samuel.) Life. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 15. Gosse (Philip H-enry.) The Birds of Jamaica. By P. H Gosse, assisted by Richard Hill, Esq. of Spanish-Town. 12mo. London, 1847. Gosse (P. H.) Canadian Naturalist. 12mo. London, 1840. Gossin (Lewis.) Les advantages de la Reunion Territoriale, 18mo. Piaris, 1841. (Presented.) Gottfriedt (Johan Ludwig.) Newe Welt and Americanische Historiew. Folio. Franckfurt, 1655. Gould (Augustus A.) Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts, comprising the Mollusca, Crustacea, Annelida and Radiata. Published by the Legislature. 8vo. Cambridge, 1841. Gould (Augustus A.) See Agassiz. Gould (Edward S.) History of Europe, by Archibald Alison Abridged. 4th ed. 4to. New-York, 1845. (Presented.) Gourlay (Robert.) Statistical Account of Upper Canada. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1822. MISCELLANEOUS WoRKS. 549 Goussard (Eugene.) De la Cour des Comptes et du conseil d'etat. Pamphlets, vol. 10. Gouy d'Arsy (Marquis de.) Lettre du Comite Colonial de France, au Comite Colonial de Saint-Domingue, contenant le Journal Historique de toutes les Assemblees, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1788. - W. C. 419. Gowans (William.) Book Catalogues, printed between 1840 & 1850. 8vo. Bound in one vol. Containing many works on American History. (Presented.) Graham (John A.) Deseriptive Sketch of the Present State of Vermont. 8vo. London, 1797.-W —. C. 420. Graham (J. D.,) Major, and Others On the Latitude of the Cambridge Observatory. 4to. (Presented.) Pamphlets, vol.1. 4to. Graham (Maria.) Journal of a Residence in Chile, &c. 4to. London, 1824. W. C. 421. Graham (Maria.) Journal of a Voyage to Brazil, and Residence there, 1821-1823. 4to. London, 1824. W. C. 422. Grahame (James.) History of the United States of North America. 4vols. 8vo. Lohdon, 1827- 1836. Grahame (James.) History of the United States of North America, from the plantation of the British Colonies till their assumption of National Independence. 4 vols. 8vo. Second Edition. Philadelphia, 1845. Grammont's Memoirs, and Boscobel Narrative. 12mo. London, 1846. Grandpr6 (L. de.) Dictionnaire Universel de Geographie Maritime: trad. de l'Anglois de Malham. 2 vols. in 1. 4to. Paris, 1802. - W. C. 423. Granger (Gideon.) A. Vindication of the Measures of the present Administration. By Algernon Sidney. Taken from the National Intelligencer. 4to. Trenton, May, 1803. (Presented.) Granger (Rev. James.) A Biographical History of England, from Egbert the Great to the Revolution. 3 vols. 4to London, 1769. Grant (Asahel.) The Nestorians, or the Lost Tribes, containing Evidence of their Identity. 12mo New-York, 1841. Grant (Mrs., of Laggan.) Memoir and Correspondence. Edited by her Son, J. P. Grant. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1845. Grant (Mrs., of Laggan.) Memoirs of an American Lady, with Sketches of Manners and Scenery in America. 8vo. NewYork, 1846. Granville (A. B.) Journal of Travels to and from St. Petersburgh. 2d Ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1829. Granville (A. B.) Spas of England, and Principal Sea-Bathing Places. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1841. Granville (A. B.) Spas of Germany. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1837. Granville (Cardinal de) Papiers d'Etat, publi6s sous la direction de M. Ch. Weiss. 5 vols. 4to. Paris, 1841-1844. See France. 550 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Gras (Scipion M.) Statistique Mineralogique du Department des Basses Alpes. 8vo. Grenoble, 1840. (Presented.) Grasse (Comte de.) Memoire sur le Combat Naval du 12 Avril, 1782. 4to. —-— W. C. 424. Grasset-Saint-Saveur (J.) Encyclopedie des Voyages. 4to. Paris, 1796. W. C. 425. Grattan (Henry.) Memoir of the Life and Times of the Right Hon. Henry Grattan. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. Grattan (Thomas.) History of the Netherlands. Lardner's Cyclop.edia, vol. 41. Grave (Poncet de la.) Precis Historique de la Marine Royale de France. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1780. —-- W. C. 426. Gray (Asa.) The Genera of the Plants of the United States, illustrated by figures and analyses from Nature. By Isaac Sprague. Superintended, and with descriptions,by Asa Gray, M. D., &c. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1849. Gray (Asa.) A,. D., Professor, &c. A Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States, from New England to Wisconsin, and south to Ohio and Pennsylvania, inclusive. (The Mosses and Liverworts by William S. Sullivant.) Arranged according to the Natural System, &c. 12mo. Boston, 1848. Gray (Edward.) Pamphlets, vol. 45. Gray (Francis C.) Prison Discipline in America. 8vo. Boston, 1847. Gray (Hugh.) Letters from Canada, written during a residence there, in 1806 - 7 - 8.vo. London, 1809. Gray (Thomas.) Observations on English Metre. Works, vol. 2. Gray (Thomas.) Some Account of the Dialogues and of the Epistles of Plato. Works, vol. 2. Gray (Thomas.) Works; with Memoirs of his Life and Writings by W. Mason: Edited by T. J. Mathias. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1814. Graydon (Alexander.) Memoirs of a Life, chiefly passed in Pennsylvania, within the last Sixty Years. 12mo. Harrisburgh. 1811. WT. C. 427. Graydon (Alexander.) Memoirs of his own Times, with Reminiscences of the Men and Events of the Revolution. Edited by John Stockton Littell. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1846. Great Britain. Interest of Great Britain Considered, with Regard to her Colonies, 1741. Tracts, vol. 3. Great Britain. Reponse aux Observations par les Ministres d'Angleterre dans les Cours de l'Europe. 12mlo. Paris, 1756. -W. C. 428. Great Britain. Review of the Public Conduct of the most Eminent Personages in the Parliament of Great Britian. 8vo. London, 1777. —- W. C. 429, MlSCELLANEOUS WORKS. 551 Great Britain. Dates sobre algunas Leyes Inglesas que ban Contribuido al Poder de la Gran Bretania en Perjuicio de las demas Naciones, con Observaciones utiles a los que estudian la Economia Politica. 16mo. Madrid. 1807. —--- W. C. 430. Great Britain. Population Returns, for 1831. 8vo. London, 1832. Great Metropolis, (New York) in 1845. 16mo. Greece. Modern History. 8vo. Boston, 1827. Greek Ecclesiastical Historians (The) of the first six Centuries of the Christian Era. Containing Eusebius, Socrates Scholasticus, Sozomen, Theodoret et Evagrius. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1845-46. C. L. Greeley, (H.) and Raymond, (H. J.) Association discussed; or the Socialism of the Tribune examined. Being a Controversy between the New-York Tribune and the Courier and Enquirer, by. 8vo. New-York, 1847. Green (Rev. Ashbel.) Memoirs of the Rev. Joseph Eastburn, Preacher in the Mariner's Church, Philadelphia. 12mo Philadelphia, 1828. Green (Rev. Ashbel.) D. D. Discourses delivered in the College of New Jersey, to the Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts; with a Historical Sketch of the College (and Biographical Sketches of the Presidents.) 8vo. Philadelphia, 1822. Green (Rev. Dr. Ashbel.) Life of. See Jones. Green (J.) Remarks in support of the New Chart of North and South America, in six sheets. 4to. London, 1753. Green T. J., (General.) Journal of the Texian Expedition against Mier. 8vo. New-York, 1845. Greene (Benjamin.) Pamphlets, vol. 39. Greene (Beriah.) A memorial of Ann Parker Green How. Utica, 1844. Pamphlets, vol. 18. Greene (Nathaniel.) Life of George W. Greene. See Sparks' Library of American Biography, vol. 20. Greene (Samuel S.) Treatise on the Structure of the English Language. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1848. Greener (William.) Science of Gunnery, as applied to the Use and Construction of Fire Arms. 8vo. London, 1841. Greenhow (Robert.) Geography of Oregon and California. 8vo. New-York. 1845. See Oregon. Greenhow (Robert.) Memoir on the Northwest Coast of North America. 8vo. New-York, 1840. Greenhow (Robert.) History of Oregon and California. 8vo. London, 1844. Greenhow (Robert.) The Same: Revised, Corrected, and Enlarged. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston. 1845. Greenhow (Robert.) The History of Oregon and California, and the other Territories on the North-West Coast of North 552 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. America, from their discovery to the present day. Fourth Edition. 8vo. Boston, 1847. Greenleaf (Jonathan.) Sketches of the Ecclesiastical History of Maine, from the earliest settlement. 12mo. Portsmouth, 1821. (In exchange for Duplicates.) Greenleaf (Rev. Jonathan.) A History of the Churches of all D3enominations in the City of New-York, from the first settlement to the year 1846. 8vo. New-York, 1846. Greenleaf (Moses.) A Survey of the State of Maine, in reference to its Geography, Statistics and Political Economy. With Maps, 8vo. Portland, 1829. Greenwood, illustrated in highly finished Engravings. By James Smillie. Letter-Press description, by Cornelia W. Walter. 4to. New-York, 1848. Gregg (Josiah.) Commerce of the Prairies. 2 vols. 12mo. NewYork, 1844. Gregoire (M.) De la Libert8 de Conscience et de Culte a Haiti. 16mo. Paris, 1824.-W. C. 431. Gregory (George.) Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. 1st Am. Ed. 3vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 1815-1816. Gregory (Olinthus.) Mathematics for Practical Men, &c. 2d Ed. 8vo. London, 1833. Gregory (Olinthus.) Oration delivered at the Anniversary of the Philosophical Society of London, 1817. Pamphleteer, vol. 13. Gregory (Olinthus.) Treatise of Mechanics. 4th Ed. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1826. Gregory (William,) M. D. Outlines of Chemistry, for the use of Students. Part 1. Inorganic Chemistry. Second Edition. 12mo. London, 1846. Greisley (Sir Roger.) Life and Pontificate of Gregory VII. 8vo. London, 1832. Grellman (H. M. G.) Histoire des Bohemiens: trad. de 1'Allemand. 8vo. Paris, 1810. (Presented.) Grenville. Homerouilias kai Odysseia: (Collated by Richard Porson: Grenville Edition, with the Prints.) 4 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1800. Grenville (George.) M6moires sur I'Administration des Finances d'Angleterre depuis la Paix: trad. de l'Anglois. 4to. Mayence, 1768.- W. C. 432. Grenville (Right Honorable George.) The Regulations lately made concerning the Colonies, and the Taxes imposed upon them considered. Third Edition. 8vo. London, 1775. Gresham (Sir Thomas.) Life of. See Burgon. Greswell (E.) View of the Early Parisian Greek Press, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1833. (5681) MISCELL A N E OUS WORKS. 553 Grew (N.) Catalogue and Description of the Natural and Artificial Curiosities belonging to the Royal Society. folio. London, 1681. Grey (George.) Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1841. Griffith (Major.) and Mrs. George Darby. A Journey across the Desert, from Ceylon to Marseilles. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1845. Griffith (R. Eglesfield.) M. D. Medical Botany, or Descriptions of the more important Plants used in Medicine, with theirHistory, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847. Griffith (Thomas W.) Annals of Baltimore. 8vo. Baltimore, 1824. Griffith (Thomas W.) Sketches of the Early History of Maryland. 8vo. Baltimore, 1821.- W. C. 433. Griffith (William.) Historical Notes of the American Colonies and Revolution, from 1754 to 1775. Published by his Executors. 8vo. Burlington, 1843. Grillet (J.) et F. Bechamel. Journal du Voyage dans la Goyane en 1674. 12mo. Paris, 1682. See Acufia.W-. C. Grimke (Frederick.) Considerations on the nature and tendency of Free Institutions. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1848. Grimm (Baron de) et Diderot. Correspondence Litteraire, Philosophique et Critique, addressee a un Souverain D'Allemagne, depuis 1753 jusqu' en 1769, par. Premiere Partie. 6 vols. Paris, 1813. Seconde Partie. Second Edition. 5 vols. Paris, 1812. Troisieme Partie. 5 vols. Paris, 1813. 16 vols. 8vo. Grimshaw (Wm.) History of the United States. l2mo. Philadelphia, 1820. —W. C. 434. Grimshawe (Rev. T. S.) The Works of William Cowper, his life and letters, by William Hayley, and his private correspondence. Edited by. 8 vols. 12mo. London, 1847. Grindrod (R. B.) Essay on Intemperance. 1st Am. ed. 12mo. New-York, 1840. Griscom (John.) Address, pronounced at the opening of the NewYork High School. 12mo. New-York, 1825. —-W. C. 435. Griscom (John.) A Year in Europe. A Journal of observations in Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Holland and Italy, in 1818-19. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1823. Griswold (Roger.) Governor of Connecticut. Message of. Pamphlets, vol. 37. Griswold (Rufus Wilmot.) Thlie Female Poets of America. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. Griswold (Rufus Wilmot.) The Prose Writers of America, with a survey of the intellectual History, Condition and Prospects of the Country. With Portraits. Second Edition. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847. [STATE LIBRARY.] 35 554 MISCELLAN EOUS WORKS. Griswold:(R. W.) The Biographical Annulal. Containing Memoirs of eminent.Persons recently deceased. Edited by. 12mo. New-York, 1841. Gros (John Daniel) D. D. A systematic Treatise on Moral Philosophy, &c. 8vo. New-York, 1795. Grote (George.) A History of Greece. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1846. C. L. Grund (Francis J.) The Americans in their Moral, Social, and Political Relations. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo. Boston, 1837. Grynmus (Simon.) Novus Orbis Regionum ac Insularum Veteribus Incognitarum. 4to. Basil, 1555. —-— W. C. 436. Guerard (M.) Cartulaire de 1'Abbaye de Saint-Bertin. 4to. Paris, 1841. See France. Guerard (M.) Cartulaire de I'Abbaye de Saint-Pere de Chartres. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1840. See France. Guatemala (Kalendario y Guia de Forasteros de.) 16mo. Guatemala, 1805. -W. C. 437. Guernsey (Egbert.) History of the United States, designed for Schools. Second Edition. 12mo. New-York, 1848. Guernsey (Egbert.) History of the United States of America, designed for Schools. Fifth Edition. 12mo. New-York, 1848. (Presented.) Guicciardini (Fr.) History of Italy: trans. by A. P. Goddard. 10 vols. 8vo. London, 1753. Guide des Cornices et des Proprietaires. 8vo. (Presented.) Guignes (M. de.) Observations on the Philippine Islands, &c. Pinkerton, vol. 11. Guild (William.) A Chart and Description of the Boston and Worcester and Western Railroad. with illustrations. 12mo. Boston, 1847. Guillermin (Gilbert.) Precis Historique des Derniers Evenemens de la Partie de'Est de Saint-Domingue. 8vo. Paris, 1811. - W. C. 438. Guisan (le Capitaine.) Terres de la Guiane. 4to. Cayenne, 1788. — W. C. 439. Guizot (F.) The History of Civilization, from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution. Translated by William -lazlitt. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1846. Guizot (M.) History of the English Revolution: trans. by L. H. R. Coutier. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1838. Guizot (M.) Lectures on European Civilization: trans. by Priscilla Maria Beckwith. 16mo. London, 1837. Guizot (M.) Memoirs of George Monk, Duke of Albemarle: Translated and Edited, with Notes, &c., by J. S. Wortley. 8vo. London, 1838. Guizot (M.) Democracy in France, by. 12mo. New-York, 1849. Gumilla (Joseph.) Histoire, Naturelle Civile, et G6ographique de MI C E L LANEOUS WORKS. 555 POrenoque: trad. de l'Espagnol par M. Eidous. 3 vols. 12mo. Avignon, 1758.- W. C. 440. Gunn (Alexander.) Memoirs of the Rev. John H. Livingston, D. D. Prepared in compliance with a request of the Reformed Dutch Church in North America. 8vo. New-York. 1829. Gurley (R. R.) Life of Jehudi Ashmun; with a brief Sketch of the Life of the Rev. Lott Cary. 2d ed. 8vo. New-York, 1839. Gurley (R. R.) Life of the Rev. Sylvester Larned. 12mo. NewYork, 1844. Gurney (Joseph John.) Visit to Prisons in Scotland. See Buxton, T. F. Gurney (Joseph John.) Observations on the Religious Peculiarities of the Society of Friends. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1825. (Presented.) Gurney (Thomas.) Brachygraphy, or an Easy System of ShortHand, improved by; Joseph Gurney, &c. Fifteenth Edition. 18mo. London, 1825. C. L. Gustavus First of Sweden. Ordinances of, concerning the Reformation and History of Churches during his Reign. 2 vols. 8vo. 1847. (Presented.) Guthrie (Maria.) Tour through the Taurida, -or Crimea, &c. 4to. London, 1802. Guthrie (William.) New System of Modern Geography. 4th ed. 4to. London, 1788. W. C. 441. Guyane. Memoire sur la Colonie de la Guyane Frangaise. 8vo. Paris, 1803. W. C. 442. Guyon (Marie Claude.) History of the East Indies: from the French. 2 vols. 8vo.'London, 1757. Guyot (Prof. Arnold.) TheEarth and Man; Lectures on Comparative Physical Gogrphyc. Translated by C. C. Felton. 12mo. Boston, 1849. H. Hachette (M.) Traite Elementaire des Machines. 4to. Paris, 1811. Hackett (James.) Relation de la Expedition partie d'Angleterre, en 1817, pour joindre les Patriotes de Venezuela: trad. de 1'Anglois par N. Perrin. 12mo. Paris, 1819.- - W. C. 443. Hahn-Hahn (Ida.) Countess. Letters from the Holy Land. 3 vols. in one. 12mo. London, 1849. Haight (Mrs.) Letters from the Old World, by a Lady from NewYork. 2 vols. 12mo. 2d ed. New-York, 1840. Haines (Charles G.) Considerations on the Great Western Canal. Pamphlets, vol. 7. 556 MISC.ELLANEOUS WORKS. Haines (Charles G.) On Abolishing the Council of Appointment. Pamphlets, vol. 2. Haines (Charles Glidden.) A Memoir of Thomas Addis Emmet, by. With a Biographical Notice of Mr. Haines. 18moo New-York, 1820. Haines (S. B.) Memoir, to accompany a Chart of the South Coast of Arabia. Geog. Soc. Journal, vol. 9. Hakluyt (Richard.) Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation. 3 vols. in 2. fol. London, 1599- 1600. Hakluyt (Richard.) Virginia Richly Valued: trans. from the Portuguese. 4to. London, 1609. W. C. 444. Hakluyt Society. Publications of. See Columbus' Letters. Hakluyt Society. See Hawkins. Hakluyt Society. See Raleigh. Hakluyt Society. See Drake. Hale (David.) Life of. See Thompson. Hale (Horatio.) Ethnography and Philology. See Wilkes (Charles.) Hale (J.) Six Months' Residence and Travels in Central America. 8vo. New-York, 1826. —— W. C. 445. Hale (Salma.) History of the United States to 1837. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1843. Hales (M.) Histoire des Tremblements de Terre arrives a Lima, &c.: trad. de l'Anglois. 12mo. Hague, 1752.- W. C. 446. Half-Hours with the best Authors: Selected and arranged with short Biographical and Critical Notices. By Charles Knight. 12mo. London. Vols. 1,2.. Haliburton (Thomas C.) Historical and Statistical Account of Nova Scotia. 2 vols. 8vo. Halifax, 1829. Halkett (John.) Historical Notes respecting the Indians of North America. 8vo. London, 1825. —W. C. 447. Hall (Basil.) Extracts from a Journal written on the Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico. 4th ed. 2 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1825. — W. C. 449. Hall (Capt. Basil.) Patchwork by. 3 vols. 18mo. Second Edition. London, 1841. Hall (Rev. Baynard R.) A. M. Teaching, a Science. The Teacher an Artist. 12mo. New-York, 1848. Hall (Baynard R.) See Carlton, (Robert.) Hall (Benjamin F.) Address to the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, at Auburn. July 4, 1849. 8vo. Auburn, 1849. (Presented.) Hall (Captain.) History of the Civil War in America. 2d ed. vol. 1. 8vo. London, 1780. -- W. C. 448. Hall (Edwin.) The Puritans and their Principles. 8vo. New-York, 1846. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 557 Ifall (Rev. Edwin.) Tle Ancient Historical Records of Norwalk, (Connecticut,) with a Plan of the Ancient Settlement, and of the Town in 1847. 12mo. Norwalk, 1847. Hall (Francis.) Travels in Canada and the United States. 8vo, London, 1818. —W. C. 450. Hall (James.) Geology of New-York. See Natural History of NewYork. Hall (James.) Letters from the West. 8vo. London, 1828. Hall (James.) Statistics of the West at the close of the year 1836. 12mo. Cincinnati, 1836. Hall (James.) The Wilderness and the War-path. 12mo. NewYork, 1846. Hall (James.) Sketches of History, Life and Manners in the West. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1835. Hall (James.) The West-its Soil, Surface and Productions. 12mo. Cincinnati, 1848. Hall (James.) A Memoir of the Public Services of William Henry Harrison of Ohio. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1836. Hall (James.) Legends of the West, by. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1832. Hall (James.) The West —its Commerce and Navigation. 12mo. Cincinnati, 1848. Hall (John E.) Memoirs of Eminent Persons, with Portraits and Fac-similes. Written and in part selected by the Editor of the Port Folio. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1827. Hall (Joseph.) Pamphlets. Vol. 46. Hall (Marshall.) Papers on Physiology. Trans. Royal Soc., 1832. Hall (Mrs. James.) Phantasia, and other Poems, by. 8vo. NewYork, 1849. Hall (Robert.) Works: with a Memoir of his Life by Dr. Gregory; and Observations on his Character as a Preacher, by John Foster. 2d ed. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1832. Hall (Robert.) Pamphlets, vol. 39. Hallam (Henry.) Constitutional History of England, from the: Accession of Henry VII. to the Death of George II. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1829. Hallam (Henry.) Introduction to the Literature of Europe. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1837. Hallam (Henry.) View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1821. Hallam (Henry.) Supplemental'Notes to the View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages. 8vo. London, 1848. Halleck (Fitz-Greene.) Alnwick Castle, and other Poems. 12mo. New-York, 1845. Halleck (Fitz-Greene.) The Poetical Works of, now first collected. Illustrated with, Steel Engravings. 8vo. 44, 46. Harper's New-York Class Book. See Russell. M1SCELLANEOUS WORKS. 561 Harper's Illustrated Catalogue of valuable Standard Worls, in the several Departments of General Literature. 8vo. New-York, 1847. (Presented.) Harrington (James.) Oceana, and other Works; with his Life, by J. Toland. fol. London, 1700. Harriot (Lieut. John.) Struggles through Life, exemplified in the various Travels and Adventures in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, of. 2 vols 12mo. London, 1807. Harris (George.) The Life of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke, with selections from his Correspondence, Diaries, Speeches and Judgments. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1847. Harris (John.) D. D. The Pre-Adamite Earth: Contributions to Theological Science. 12mo. Boston, 1847. Harris (John.) Complete Collection of Voyages and Travels. 2 vols. tol. London, 1705. Harris (John.) The Same, with Additions. 2 vols. fol. London, 1744. (Presented.) Harris (Thaddeus D.) Biography of James Oglethorpe, Founder of the Colony of Georgia. 8vo. Boston, 1841. Harris (Thaddeus D.) Tour into the Territory Northwest of the Alleghany Mountains. 8vo. Boston, 1805. —W. C. 453. Harris (Thaddeus William.) M. D. A Treatise on some of the In sects of New-England, which are injurious to Vegetation. 8vo. Cambridge, 1842. Harris (Thaddeus William.) Epitaphs from the Old Burying Ground of Cambridge, with Notes. 8vo. Cambridge, (Mass.) 1835. Harris (Thomas.) Life of Commodore William Bainbridge. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1837. Harris (W. Snow.) Inquiries concerning the Elementary Laws ofElectricity. Trans. Royal Soc., 1831-1839. Harris (W. Snow.) Nature of Thunderstorms, and on the Means of Protecting Buildings and Shipping against Lightning. 8vo. London, 1843. Harris (W. Snow.) Report on Professor Whewell's Anemometer, now in operation at Plymouth. Reports British Association, 1840. Harris (W. Snow.) Upon the Working of Professor Whewells Anemometer at Plymouth, during the past year. Reports British Association, 1841. Harris (Sir W. Snow.) Rudimentary Electricity, &c. 12mo. London, 1848. Harrison (General.) Life of. See Hall. Hart (John.) Practical Treatise on the Construction of Oblique Arches. 2d Ed. 4to. London, 1839. Hartley (David.) Letter on the American War. Addressed to the Mayor and Corporation of Hull. 4to. 562 M ISCELLA NEOUS WORKS. Hartsinck (Jan J.) Beschryving van Guiana. 2 vols. 4to. Amsterdam, 1770. - W. C. 454. Hartwell (Blair)' and Chilton. Present State of: Virginia, and of the College. 12mo. London, 1727. —-W. C. 455. Harvard College. A Letter to the President of, by a Member of the Corporation. 8vo. Boston, 1849. Harvard University. History of. See Eliot, Pierce, Quincy. Harvard University. A Catalogue of the Officers and Students of, for the Academical year 1845 - 46. 12mo. Cambridge, 1846. (Presented.) Harvard University. A Catalogue of the Officers and Students of, for the Academical year 1849-50. First Term. 12mo. Cambridge, 1849. (Presented.) Haskel (Daniel.) Chronological View of the World. 12mo. NewYork, 1845. Haskel (Daniel) and J. C. Smith. Gazetteer of the United States. 8vo. New-York, 1843. Hassenfratz (J. H.) La Siderotechnie, ou l'Art de Traiter les Minerals de Fer pour en Obtenir de la Fonte, du Fer, ou de l'Acier. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1812. Hassler (F. E.) Papers on various Subjects connected with the Survey of the Coast of the United States. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc., N. S., vol. 2. Hassler (F. R.) See Weights and Measures. Hastings (Hiram P.) Essay on Constitutional Reform. New-York, 1846. Pamphlets, vol. 18. Hasting's Impeachment. (Letters containing an elucidation of the subject of, which originally appeared in the Oracle.) Svo. London, 1790. Haven (Jason.) Election Sermon at Boston, 1769. See American Tracts, vol. 2. Hawes (J.) Religion of the East, with Impressions of Foreign Travel. l2mo. Hartford, 1845. Hawkesworth (John.) Relation des Voyages dans 1lHemispihere AM6ridional par Byron, Wallis et Cook: trad. de l'Anglois. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1774.- W. C. 456. Hawkins (Alfred.) The Quebec Directory, &c. 1844-5. 12mo. Quebec, 1844- 5. (Presented.) Hawkins (Col. Benjamin.) See Georgia. Hawkins (Bisset.) M. D. Germany —The Spirit of her History, Literature, Social Condition and Natural Economy. 8vo. London, 1838. Hawkins (Rev. Ernest.) B. D. Historical Notices of the Missions of the Church of England, in the North American Colonies, previous to the Independence of the United States. 8vo. London, 1845. Hawkins' Picture of Quebec, with Historical Recollections. 12mo. Quebec, 1834. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 563 Hawkins (Sir Richard) Knt. The observations of, in his voyage into the South Sea, in 1593. Reprinted from the edition of 1622. Edited by C. R. Drinkwater Bethune, Capt. R. N. 8vo. London, 1847. (Published by the Hakluyt Society.) Hawks (Rev. Francis.) See Hamilton. Hawks (Rev. Francis L.) D. D. The Monuments of Egypt, or Egypt a witness for the Bible, &c. 8vo. New-York, 1850. Hawks (Francis L.) D. D. Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of the United States. Vol. 2. Protestant Episcopal Church of Maryland. 8vo. New-York, 1839. Hawkstone. A tale of and for England in 184-. 2 vols. Fourth American edition. New-York, 1848 Hawley (Zerah.) Tour through Connecticut, Massachusetts, NewYork, and the Western Reserve. 12mo. New Haven. 1822:W. C. 457. Hawthorne (Nathaniel.) Journal of an African Cruiser. 12mo. New-York, 1845. Hawthorne (Nathaniel.) Mosses from an old Manse. 12mo. NewYork, 1846. Hay (D. R.) Nomenclature of Colours, Hues, Tints, and Shades, &c. l2mo. Edinburgh, 1845. Hayden (Horace H.) Geological Essays. 8vo. Baltimore, 1820. - W. C. 458. Haygarth (H. W.) Recollections of Bush-Life in Austraiia, during a Residence of eight years in the interior. 12mo. London, 1848. Hayley's Life of Cowper. See Grimshawe. Hayward (Charles, Jr.) Life of Sebastian Cabot. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 9. Hayward, (John.) A Gazetteer of Massachusetts, containing descriptions of all the Counties, Towns, &c., &c. 12mo. Boston, 1847. Hayward (John.) The Massachusetts Directory, being the first part of the New England Directory. 18mo. Boston, 1835. (Presented.) Hayward (John.) The New England Gazetteer, with descriptions of all the States, Counties and Towns in New England. Ninth Edition. 8vo. Concord, 1839. Hayward (Sir John.) Annals of the first four years of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Edited byJohn Bruce. 4to. London. (Printed for the Camden Society.) 1849. Hazard (Ebenezer.) Historical Collections of State.Papers intended as Materials for a History of the United; States.: vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 1792. Hazard (Rowland G.) A Discourse delivered before the Rhode Island Historical Society, January 18, 1848, oni the Character and Writings of Chief Justice Durfee. 8vo.. Providence, 1848. 564 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Hazard (Samuel.) Register of Pennsylvania. 16 Vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 1834 -36. Hazard's United States Commercial and Statistical Register, containing Documents and Facts illustrative of the History and Resources of the American Union, and of each State. Edited by Samuel Hazard. 6 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840 -42. Hazen (Edward.) Practical Grammar of the English Language. 12mo. New-York, 1844. (Presented.) Hazen (Jasper.) See Christian Palladium. Hazlitt (Win.) Characteristics. 2d Ed. 16mo. London, 1837. Hazlitt (Wm.) Eloquence of the British Senate. 2 vols. 8vo. Brooklyn, 1810. Hazlitt (Wm.) Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. (4 vols.) vols. 1 and 2. 8vo. London, 1828. Hazlitt (Wrm.) Political Essays. 8vo. London, 1819. Hazlitt (Wm.) Spirit of the Age, or Contemporary Portraits. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1825. Hazlitt (Wim.) Table Talk. Opinions on Books, Men and Things. 2 vols. New-York, 1846. Hazlitt (Wm.) Lectures on the English Poets and Comic Writers. 12mo. New-York, 1845. Hazlitt (Wmi.) Characters of Shakspeare's Plays. 12mo. NewYork, 1846. Head (Sir F. B.) Narrative. 2d ed. 8vo. London:, 1839. Head (Sir F. B.) Rough Notes of Journeys across the Pampas and among the Andes. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1826.- W. C. 459. Head (Sir F. B.) The Emigrant, by. 12mo. New-York, 1847. Head (Sir F. B.) Bubbles from the Brunnen of Nassau. By an Old Man. 12mo. New-York, 1845. Head (Sir F; B.) Bubbles from the Brunnen of Nassau. By an Old Man. Sixth edition. 18mo. London, 1841. Head (Sir George.) Tour through various Parts of the United Kingdom, (Continuation.) 12mo. London, 1837. Head (Sir George.) Rome, a Tour of many days. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1849. Headley (J. T.) Letters from Italy. 12mo. New-York, 1845. Headley (J. T.) Letters from Italy. New revised edition. l2mo. New-York, 1848. The Alps and the Rhine. New revised edition. 12mo. New-York, 1848. (Bound in one volume.) Headley (J. T.) The Alps and the Rhine. 8vo. New-York, 1846. Headley (J. T.) Napoleon and his Marshals. 2 vols. 12mo. NewYork, 1846. Headley (J. T.) Washington and his Generals. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1847. Headley (J. T.) The Life of Oliver Cromwell, by. 12mo. NewYork, 1848. Headley (J. T.) The Adirondack; or Life in the Woods. 12mo. New-York, 1849. M IS C E LLANEOU-S WOR KS. 565 Hearne (Samuel.) Journey from Prince of Wales' Fort to the Northern Ocean, 1769- 1772. 4to. London, 1795. Hearne (Samuel.) Voyage du Fort du Prince de Galles a FOcean Nord, 1769-1772: trad. de l'Anglois. 4to. Paris, 1799. - W. C. 460. learne (Thomas.) A collection of curious Discourses, written by eminent Antiquaries upon several heads of English Antiquities, with Mr. Thomas Hearne's Preface and Appendix to the former edition: with additional Antiquary Discourses. 8vo. London, 1775. 2 vols. Heath (Robert.) Account of the Islands of Scilly. Pinkerton, vol. 2. Heath (Wm.) General. Memoirs of Military Events during the'Revolutionary War. 8vo. Boston, 1798. Heather (William.) New North American Pilot. 8vo. London, 1801. —W. C. 461. Heber (Reginald.) Bishop. Narrative of a Journey through the Upper Provinces of India, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1828. Hebert (Luke.) Engineer's and Mechanic's Encyclopaedia. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1837. Hebrew Monarchy. A History of the, from the Administration of Samuel to the Babylonish Captivity. 8vo. London, 1847. Heckewelder (John.) Narrative of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Indians. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1820. Heckewelder (John.) Histoire, Mceurs et Coutumes des Nations Indiennes qui habitaient Autrefois la Pensylvanie et les Etats Voisins: trad. de PlAnglois par le Chevalier du Ponceau. 8vo. Paris, 1822. W. C. 462. Heckewelder (John.) Life of, by the Rev. Edward Rondthaler, of Nazareth, (Penn.) Edited by H. Coates, M. D. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1847. Hedge (Frederick H.) Prose Writers of Germany, by. Illustrated with Portraits. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848. Heeren (A. H. L.) Historical Researches into the Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of the Carthaginians, Ethiopians, and Egyptians: trans. from the German. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1832. Heeren (A. H. L.) Historical Researches into the Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of the Principal Nations of Antiquity: trans. from the German. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1833. Heeren, (A. H. L.) Manual of the History of the PoliticalSystem, of Europe and its Colonies: trans. from the German. 2 vols. Svo. Oxford, 1834. Heeren (A. H. L.) Manuel Historique du Systeme Politique des Etats de'Europe et de leurs Colonies: trad. de l'Allemand. 8vo. Paris, 1821. —— W. C. 463. Heeren (A. H. L.) Reflections on the Politics of Ancient Greece: 566 MIMSCcELL A NEOUS WORKS. trans. from the German by George Bancroft. 8vo. Boston, 1824. Heeren (A. H. L.) Sketch of the Political History of Ancient Greece: trans. from the German. 8vo. Oxford, 1829. Eteeren (A. H. L.) Historical Researches into the Political Intercourse and Trade of the Carthaginians, Ethiopians and Egyptians. From the German. Second Edition. With a Life of the Author; Appendices, Index, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1838. Heeren (A. H. L.) Historical Researches into the Political Intercourse and Trade of the Principal Nations of Antiquity. vol. 1. Asiatic Nations, Persians, Phcenicians and Babylonians. vol. 2. Scythians, Indians. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1846. Heeren (A. H. L.) A. Manual of the History of the Political System of Europe, and its Colonies, from the close of the fifteenth Century. From the Fifth German Edition. 8vo. London, 1846. Heeren (A. H. L.) A Manual of Ancient History, particularly with regard to the Constitution, the Commerce and the Colonies of the States of Antiquity. 8vo. London, 1847. Heeren (A. H.. L.) Ancient Greece, Translated from the German of, by George Bancroft, with three Historical Treatises by the same Author-on the Reformation, Political Theories, and Continental Interests of Great Britain. 8vo. London, 1847. Heguerty (d'.) Essai sur les Interets du Commerce Maritime. 12mo. Hague, 1754.- W. C. 464. Iell (Xavier Hommaire de.) Travels in the Steppes of the Caspian Sea, the Crimea, the Caucasus, &c. 8vo. London, 1847. Helms (Anthony Z.) Voyage dans lAmericlue Meridionale: trad. de lAnglois. 8vo. Paris, 1812. —W. C. 465. Helon's Pilgrimage. See Strauss. F. Henderson (Captain.) Account of the British Settlement of Honduras. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1811.- W. C. 466. Henderson (James.) History of Brazil. 4to. London, 1821.W. C. 467. -Henderson (Rev. Matthew H.) The Days of Old; a Centennial Discourse, at Trinity Church, Newark, Feb. 22, 1846. 8vo. New-York, 1846. (Presented.) Henegan (Sir Richard D.) Seven years Campaigning in the Peninsula. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1848. Hennepin (Louis.) Description de la Louisiane. 12mo. Paris, 1683. -W C..468. Hennepin (Louis.) New Discovery of a vast country in America; with a Continuation, embracing De La Salle's Attempts upon the Mines of St.;Barbe, &c. 8vo. London, 1698. Henry VIII. Love-Letters to Anne Boleyn. Pamphleteer, vols. 21 and 22. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 567 Henry (Alex.) Travels and Adventures in Canada, 1760-1776. 8vo. New-York, 1809. Henry (James.) An Address upon Education and Common Schools. New-York, 1846. Pamphlets, vol. 18. (Presented.) Henry (James.) Address upon Education and Common Schools, delivered at Cooperstown, in 1843. 8vo. Albany, 1843. Pamphlets, vol. 11. Henry (John Joseph.) An accurate and interesting account of the Hardships and Sufferings of the Band of Heroes, who traversed the Wilderness, in the Campaign against Quebec in 1775. 12mo. Lancaster, 1812. Henry (Joseph.) Contributions to Electricity and Magnetism. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc., N. S., vols. 5 and 6. Henry (Patrick.) Life. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 11. Henry (Robert.) History of Great Britain; with a Continuation by James P. Andrews. 7 vols. 4to. London, 1771 - 1796. Henry (William Charles.) Report on the State of our Knowledge of the Laws of Contagion. Reports British Association, 1834. H-enry (William Charles.) Report on the Physiology of the Nervous System. Reports British Association, 1833' Henry (W. S.) Captain U. S. Army. Campaign Sketches of the War with Mexico. 12mo. New-York, 1847. Henslow (J. S.) Principles of Descriptive and Physiological Botany. Lardner's Cyclopaedia, vol. 44. Herald (The New-York Weekly.) Vol. 1. 1838 - 39.; Vol. 2. 1840 - 41-42. Vol. 3. 1843-44-45. Vol. 4. 1846-47-48. 4 vols. folio. Herapath (John.) Railway Magazine, and Annals of Science: New Series. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1836 - 1839. Herbert (Edward) Lord of Cherbury. Life, written by Himself; with a Prefatory Memoir. 12mo. London, 1824. Herbert (George.) The Works of, in Prose and Verse. 2 vols. 8vo. London, (Pickering) 1846. Herbert (Henry William.) Frank Forrester's Field Sports of the United States and British Provinces of North America. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1849. Herbert (Henry William.) Frank Forester's Fish and Fishing in the United States and British Provinces of North America. 8vo. New-York, 1850. Herculaneum et Pompeii. Recueil General des Peintures Bronzes; Mosaiques; graves au trait sur Cuivre par M. Roux Aine, et accompagne d7un Texte explicatif par M. L. Barr6. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1840. Heriot (George.) Travels through the Canadas; with a Comparative View of the Manners and Customs of the Indians of North and South America. 4to. London, 1807.-W. C. 469. 568 M ISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Hernandez (Fr.) Nova Plantarum, Animalium, et Mineralium Mexicanorum Historia. fol. Rome, 1651. — W. C. 470. Herodotus. See Beloe. Herodotus. A new and liberal version, from the Text of Baehr, with a Geographical and General Index. By Henry Cary, A. M. 12mo. London, 1848. Herrera (Ant. de.) Description des Indes Occidentales, &c.: trad. de l'Espagnol. fol. Amsterdam, 1622. — W. C. 471. Herrera (Ant. de.) Historia General de los Hecho de los Castellanos en las Tierra Firma del mar Oceano. 4 vols. fol. Madrid, 1730.- W. C. 472. Herrera (Ant. de.) Histoire General des Voyages et Conquetes des Castillans, dans ]es Isles et Terre-Firme des Indes Occidentales: trad. de l'Espagnol par N. de la Coste. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1660. -W. C. 473. Herrera (Ant. de.) Historia General del Mundo- Lib. XV. del Tiempo del S. R. Don Felipe II. 2 vols. 4to. Valadolid, 1606.- W. C. 474. Herrera (Ant. de.) History of America: trans. by Capt. John Stevens. 6 vols. 8 vo. London, 1725. -W. C. 475. Herring (J.) and James B. Longacre. National Portrait Gallery of distinguished Americans. 4 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1834. Herschel (Sir J. F. W.) Observations of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars, made at Slough, with a Twenty-feet Reflector, between the years 1825 and 1833. Trans. Royal Soc., 1833. Herschel (Sir J. F. W.) On Photographic Processes. Trans. Royal Soc., 1842 and 1843. Herschel (Sir J. F. W.) Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy. Lardner's Cyclopsedia, vol. 46. Herschel (Sir J. F. VW.) Treatise on Astronomy. Lardner' s Cyclopedia, vol. 45. Herschel (Sir J. F. W.) Bart. Results of Astronomical Observations, made during the years 1834 - 5 - 6 -7 - 8, at the Cape of Good Hope; being the completion of a Telescopic Survey of the whole surface of the visible Heavens, commenced in 1825. 4to. London, 1847. Herschel (Sir J. F. W.) Outlines of Astronomy. 8vo. London, 1849. Hervey (John.) Lord. Memoirs of' the Reign of George the Second, from his accession to the death of Queen Caroline. Edited by the Right Hon. John Wilson Croker. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848. Heurnius (J.) De Legatione Evangelica ad Indos Capessenda Admonitio. 12mo. Leyden, 1618.-W. C. 476. Heurteloup (Le Baron.) Trois Episodes pour servir a'histoire de la Lithontripsie, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1846. (Presented.) Hewit (Alex.) Historical account of the Rise and Progress of the (6114) MIS.CELLANEOUS WORKS. 569 Colonies of Soathl Carolina and Georgia. 2 vols. 8 vo. LondoA, 1779. Heylyn (Peter.) Cosmographie. 3ded. fol. London, 1665. — W. C. 477. Heylyn (Peter.) The Same. 5th ed. fol. London, 1669. Heyne (Benj.) Tracts, Historical and Statistical, on India, &c. 4to. London 1814. Hibernicus. See Clinton, (De Witt.) Hichborne (Benjamin.) An Oration delivered March 5, 177, at the request of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, to Commemorate the Bloody Tragedy of March 5, 1770. 4to. Boston, 1777. See Hancock. (Presented.) Hicks (Elias.) Journal of Life and Religious Labors. Written by Himself. 5th ed. 8vo. New-York, 1832. (Presented.) Hickson (W. E.) Dutch and German Schools. 8vo. London, 1840. Higgins (Godfrey.) Attempt to correct certain Errors respecting the Sabbath. Pamphleteer, vol. 27. Higgins (W. Mullinger.) The Philosophy of Sound, and History of Music. 8vo. London, 1838. Higginson (F.) New England's Plantation; or a Short and True Description of the Commodities and Discommirodities of that Countrey. 8vo. London, 1630. — W. C. 478. (Reprinted in Young's Chronicles of Massachusetts,) Highland Society of Scotland. Prize Essays and Transactions. New Series. 8 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh and London, 18291843. Highland Society of Scotland. Transactions of the. 1843-45, 1845-47, 1847-49. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh and London, 1845 -49. Hildreth (Richard.) The History of the United States of America, from the Discovery of the Continent. 3 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1849. Hildreth (R.) Theory of Morals. 12mo. Boston, 1844. Hildreth (S. P.) Observations on the Bituminous Coal Deposits of the Valley of the Ohio. Silliman's Journal, vol. 29. Hildreth (S. P.) Pioneer History; being an account of the first examination of the Ohio Valley, and the early Settlement of the North West Territory, chiefly from the original Manuscripts. (Being the 1st volume of the Transactions of the Historical Society of Cincinnati.) 8vo. Cincinnati, 1848. Hill (Frederick.) Present State and Prospects of National Education ) 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1836. Hill (Richard.) Diplomatic Correspondence; with Autographs of many Illustrious Individuals. Edited by the Rev. W. Blackley. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1845. Hill (Rev. Rowland,) Life of. See Sidney. Hill (Lord.) Life of. See Sidney. [STATE LIBRARY.] 36 570 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Hillard (Geo. S.) Life of Captain John Smith. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 2. Hillary (Sir W.) Suggestions for the Improvement and Embellishment of the Metropolis. Pamphleteer, vol 24. Hilliard d'Auberteuil. Considerations sur lFEtat Present de SaintDomingue. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1776 —1777. W. C. 479. Hilliard d'Auberteuil. Essais Historiques et Politiques sur les Anglo-Am6ricains. 2 vols. 4to. Brussels, 1782. —— W. C. 480. Hilliard cdAuberteuil. Hiistoire de l'Administration de Lord North. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. London, 1784. —-W. C. 481. Hinman (R. R.) History of the Part sustained by Connecticut in the War of the Revolution. 8vo. Hartford, 1842. Hinman (R. R.) Letters from English Kings and Queens to the Governors of the Colony of Connecticut, with their Answers. 12mo. Hartford, 1836. Hinman (R. R.) A Catalogue of the Names of the first Puritan Settlers in the Colony of Connecticut. 8vo. Hartford, 1846. IIinton (John H.) History of the United States: New Edition, Edited by Samuel L. Knapp. 2 vols. 4to. Boston, 1834. Hippisley (Colonel.) Histoire de FlExpedition au Rivieres d'Or6noque et d'Apur6: trad. de l'Anglois. 12mo. Paris, 1819. - W. C. 482. Hisinger (W.) Lethaea Suecica seu Petrificata Suecie, Iconibus et Characteribus Illustrata. 4to. HolmiT, 1837. Histoire Universelle: trad. de l'Anglois d'une Societe de Gens de Lettres. 45 vols. 4to. Amsterdam, 1747 - 1792. — W. C. 483. Historical Register (The;) containing an impartial relation of all Transactions, both Civil and Military, Foreign and Domestic, &c., that happened from the last day of July, 1714, to the 1st day of January, 1716; being the first seventeen months of the Reign ot King George. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1774. Historical Register (The;) containing an impartial relation of all Transactions, Foreign and Domestic. Published at the expense of the Sun Fire Office. For the years 1716 - 1738. 23 vols. 8vo. London, 1717. (After vol. 2, each volume contains a Chronological Diary of occurrences during the year.) Hitchcock (Edward.) Elementary Geology. 12mo. Amherst, 1840. Hitchcock (Edward.) Report on Ichnolithology, or Fossil Footmarks. Silliman's Journal, vol. 47. Hitchcock (Edward.) Report on the Geology of Massachusetts. 8vo. (Maps, 4to.) Amherst, 1833, M3 SCEL LA-NEOU S WORKS.'571 Hitchcock (Edward.) Final Report on the Geology of Massachusetts. 2 vols. 4to. Northampton, 1841. HIobart (Rev. John Henry.) An Apology for Apostolic Order and its Advocates; in a series of Letters, addressed to the Rev. John M. Mason, D. D. Second Edition. 12mo. NewYork, 1844. Hobbes (Thomas.)'Behemoth: the History of the Causes of the Civil Wars of England. Works, vol. 6. Hobbes (Thomas.) Elements of Philosophy:: the First Section concerning Body. Works, vol. 1. Hobbes (Thomas.) Leviathan, or the Matter, Form, and Power of a Government. Works, vol. 3. Hobbes (Thomas.) Malmesburiensis'Vita, Authore Seipsd, et R. Blackbourne Opera, vol. 1. Hobbes (Thomas.) Philosophical Rudiments concerning Government and Society. Works, vol. 2. Hobbes (Thomas.) Questions concerning Liberty, Necessity, and Chance, clearly stated. Works, vols. 4 and 5. Hobbes (Thomas.) Whole Art of Rhetoric. Works, vol. 6. Hobbes (Thomas.) English Works: Collected and Edited by Sir Win. Molesworth. 11 vols. 8vo. London. 1839-1845. Hobbes (Thomas.) Opera Philosophica: Collecta Studio et Labore Gulielmi Molesworth. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 18391845. Hobhouse (J. C.) Journey through Albania to Constantinople. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1817. Hodge (Charles) D. D. The Constitutional History of the Presbyterian Church in the'United States. 2 vols. 1705 to 1788. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1839- 40. Hodge (P. R.) Steam Engine —Its Origin and gradual Improvement, &c. 8vo. New-York, 1840. With a folio volume o f Plates. Hodgkin (Dr.) On Inquiries into the Races of Man. Reports British Association, 1841. Hodgkinson (Eaton.) Experimental Researches on the Strength of Pillars of'Cast Iron, and other Materials. Trans. Royal Soc., 1840. Hodgskin (Thomas.) Travels in the North of Germany. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1820. Hodgson (Adam.) Remarks during a Journey through North America, in 1819 and 1821. 8vo. New-York, 1823. Hodgson (Francis.) Translation of the Satires of Juvenal. 4to. London, 1807. Hodgson (John.) Memoirs written by Himself. 8vo, Edinburgh, 1806. See Slingsby's Memoirs. HAodgson (Robert.) Account of the Mosquito Territory. 2d Ed. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1822. ——. C. 484. 572 MISCELILANEOUS iWo Kso Hodgson (Wm. B.) Notes on Northern Africa, &c. 8vo. NewYork, 1844. Hoefer (Ferd.) Histoire de la Chimie deppuis les Temps les plus recules jusqu'a Notre Epoque. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1842. Hofmann (John. Jac.) Lexicon Universale. 4 vols. fol, Leyden, 1698. -W. C. 485. Hoffman's Albany Directory. See Albany Directory. Hoffman (Charles F.) Administration of Jacob Leisler, Sparks' American Biography, vol. 13. Hoffman (Charles F.) See Literary Worlld. Hoffman (Charles F.) A Winter in the West, by a New-Yorker. 2 vols. 12mo. 2d Ed. New-York, 1835. Hoffman (Charles F.) The Pioneers of New-York. An Anniversary Discourse delivered before the St. Nicholas Society of Manhattan, December 6, 1847. 8vo. New-York, 1848. Hoffman (Charles F,) Greyslaer; a Romance of the Mohawk. 4th Ed. 12mo. New-York, 1849. Hoffmeister (Dr. W.) Travels in Ceylon and Continental India, including Nepal and other parts of the Himalays, to the border of Thibet, &c. Translated from the German. 12mo, Edinburgh, 1848. Hogg (John.) London as it is. 12mo. London, 1837. Holbrook (John E.) North American B erpetologyo or a Description of the Reptiles inhabiting the IJ Uited States. 5 vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 1842. Holdich (Joseph.) Life of Wiltbur Fisk, D D.- F irst President of the Wesleyan University. 8vo. New-York, 1842. Holford (George.) Account of- the G-eerdon, 1818. Pausanias. The Description of Greece by. Translated iromi the Greek, with Notes. 3 vols. 8vo. Loonon, 1794 Pauw (Cornelius de.) Recherches Philosophiques sur les Americainso 2 vols. in one. 8vo. Berlin, 1768. —-. C. 713. 690 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Pauw (Cornelius de.) See Pernety, A. J. Paxton's Magazine of Botany and Register of Flowering Plantsa Vols. 7 to 15 inclusive. 8 vols., 8vo. With a General Index to the 15 volumes London, 1840 - 48. Payne (George.) Elements of Mental and Moral Science. 8vo, New-York, 1829. Payne (John Howard.) The Pastime. 8vo. Schenectady, 1807. (A Periodical, edited by P. when at Union College.) Pazo (Vicente.) Letters on the United Provinces of South America. Addressed to the Hon. Henry Clay: trans. from the Spanish, by Platt H. Crosby. 8vo. New-York, 1819. Peabody (Oliver W. B.) Life of John Sullivan. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 13. Peabody (William B. 0.) Life of Alexander Wilson. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 2. Peabody (Willlam B. 0.) Life of Cotton Mather. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 6. Peabody (William B. 0.) Life of David Brainerd. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 8. Peabody (William B. 0.) Life of Israel Putnam. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 7. Peabody (William B. 0.) Life of James Oglethorpe. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 12. Peake (James.) Rudiments of Naval Architecture, &c. 12mo. London, 1849. Peale (Titian R.) See Wilkes, C. Pearce (Hon. J. A.) of Maryland. Speech of. on the Coast Survey of the United States, in the Senate U. S. Feb. 17, 1849. Second Edition. 8vo. Washington, 1849. Pearce (Robert R.) Memoirs and Correspondence of Richard Marquess Wellesley. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1846. Pearson (Eliphalet) on the Death of President Willard. Pamphlets, vol. 36. Pearson (Hugh.) Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of the Rev. Christian F. Swartz; with a sketch of the History of Christianity in India. 3d edition. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1839. Pease (Frederick S.) Genealogy of the Ancestors and Posterity of Isaac Lawrence. 8vo. Albany, 1848. (Presented.) Pease (J. C.,) and J. M. Niles. Gazetteer of the State of Connecticut and Rhode Island. 8vo. Hartford, 1819. —— W. C. 714. Pebrer (Pablo.) Taxation, Revenue, Expenditure, Power, Statistics, and Debt of the Whole British Empire, with a Plan for the Liquidation of the National Debt. 8vo. London, 1833. Peck (John M.) Gazetteer of Illinois. 12mo. Jacksonville, 1834. Peck (John M.) Life of Daniel Boone. See Sparks' Biography, vol. 23. MISCELLANEOUS WOREd. 691 Peck (William Dandridge) on the Slug-Worm. Pamphlets, vol. 36. Pecquet (Auguste.) Plan de Compatibilite pour le Material de la Marine. Pamphlets, vol. 10. Pedro I. et Jean VI. Correspondance durant les Troubles du Brtsil: trado par E. de Montglaveo 8vo. Paris, 1827 —W. C, 715. Peers (Benj. 0.) American Education; with an Introductory Letter by Francis L. Hawks, D. D. 12mio. New-York, 1838. Peers (Richard.) English Atlas. See Pitt, M. Peirce (Benjamin.) A History of Harvard University, from its foundation in 1636, to the period of the American Revolution. By the late Benjamin Pierce, A. M., Librarian. 8vo. Cambridge, 1833. Pelet (le G6enral.) Atlas des Memoires Militaires relatifs a la Succession d'Espagne. fol. Paris, 1836- 1842. Pelet (le General ) See Vault, (le General.) Pellarin (Charles.) The Life of Charles Fourier, by. Second Edition, with an Appendix. Translated by F. G. Shaw. 12mo, New-York, 1848. Pelleprat (Pierre.) Relation des Missions des PP. de la Compagnie de Jesus dans les Isles, et dans le Terre Ferme de l'Am& rique Meridionale. 12mo. Paris, 1655.-W. C. 716. Pellew (Hon. George,) D. D. Dean of Norwich. The Life and Correspondence of the Rt. Hon. Henry Addington, first Viscount Sidmouth. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1847. Penhallow (Samuel.) History of the Wars of New England with the Eastern Indians. 12mo. Boston, 1726. —W. C. 717. Peninsular War. Colonel Napier's Justification of his Third Volume, &c. 8vo. London, 1833. See Napier's Historv-Controversy on. Penitentiary System. See Pennsylvania. Penitentiary System. Thoughts on Prison Labor: By a Student of the Inner Temple. 8vo. London, 1824. Penn (Granville ) Memoirs of the Professional Life and Times of Sir William Penn, Admiral, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1833. Penn (William.) Life of. See Sparks' Biography, vol. 22, Pennant (Thomas.) Le Nord du Globe, au Tableau de la Nature dans les Contr6es Septentrionales: trad. de FAnglois. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1789. —- W. C. 718. Pennant (Thomas.) Tours in Scotland. Pinkerton, vol. 3. Pennsylvania. L'Etat Present de la Pensilvanie, &c. 12mo. 1756. — W. C. 719. Pennsylvania. Report of the Case of the Commonwealth versus John Smith. Pamphlets, vol. 8. Pennsylvania. Memoirs of the Agricultural Society. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1824. 692 MISCELLANEOUS WORXS. Pennsylvalnia. Memoirs of the H-istorical Society. 3 vols. and Part 1 of vol. 4. 8vo. P'iiladelphia, 1826- 1840. Pennsylvania. Historical Collections: by Sherman Day. 8vo. PhiladelpMia, 1813. Pennsylvania. Penitentiary and House of Refuge Reports. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1830 -184-4. Pennsylvania. Penitentiary System. 8vo. Philadelphia, 183318412. (Presented by the Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons.) Pennsylvania. Institution for the Deaf and Dumb: Annual Reports for 1844 - -5. Pamphlets, vols. 11, 18. (Presented.) Pennsylvania. Letter to the Members of the Pennsylvania Legislature, on the subject of the State Debt: By Publius. Pamphlets, vol 8. Pennsylvania. Seventeenth and Eighteenth Annual Reports of the Eastern Penitentiary, 1846-47. Pamphlets, vols. 16, 20. (Presented.) Pennsylvania Hospital. Accounts for year ending April 25, 1846. Pamphlets, vol. 18. (Presented.) Pennsylvania. A brief state of the Province of, in a Letter from a Gentleman who has resided many years In Pennsylvania. 2d ed. 8vo. 1755. Pennsylvania. The Proceedings of the Executive of the United States, respecting the Insurgents. 1794. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1795. Pennsylvania. Bulletin of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Vol. 1. 1845 - 47. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848. (Presented.) [This volume contains besides the Proceedings, paged independently, Denton (Daniel.) Brief description of New-York, 1670: Edited by John Pennington. Senter (Isaac.) Surgeon to Arnold9s Expedition to Quebec, Journal of. Townsend (Joseph.) Account of the Battle of Brandywine, with a Map.] Pennsylvania. See Prison and House of Refuge Reports. Pennsylvania. A true and Impartial State of the Province of. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1759. Penny Cyclopedia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 29 vols. (Including vols. 1 and 2, Supplements.) folo London, 1833 -1S46. Penny Magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 14 vols. fol. [See Knight's Penny agazine, vols. 1 and 2. 129no. The conclusion of this -work.] London and New-York, 182 -1 845. People's Democratic Guide. (Newspaper.) 4to. New-Yodk, 1841 -2. People's Journal. (The) Edited by John Saunders. Vols. 1, 2, 3 4, 8vo. London 1846 - 48. Pepe (General.) Memoirs of, comprising the principal Military and MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 693 Political events of Modern Italy. Written by himself. 3 vols. 12/nmo. London, 1846. Pepys (Samuel. ) Memoirs, comprising his Diary from 1659 to 1669, &c. Edited by Bichard, Lord Braybrooke. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1825. Perceval (Dudley M.) Remarks on the Character ascribed by Colonel Napier to the late Right Hon. Spencer Perceval. See Napiel's History. — Controversy on. Percy ('Thoimas.) R.eliques of Ancient English Poetry. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1839. Perdicaris (G. A.) The Greece of the Greeks. 2 vols. 12mo. NewYor1k, 1845. Pereira (Nuno Marquez.) Compendio Narrativo do Peregrino da America, &c. 8vo. Lisbon, 1760.. —-W. C. 720. Peiere (M. Du.) General History of all voyages and travels throughout the old and the new World. 8vo. London, 1708. Perkins (Rev. Justin.) A residence of eighteen years in Persia among llte Nestorian Christians, with Notices of the Muhamniedans. Svo. Andover, 1843. Perkins (Samuel.) Historical Sketches of the United States, from the Peace of 1815 to 1830. 12mo. New-York, 1830. Perkins (Samuel.) History of the Political and Military Events of the lae War between the United States and Great Britain. 8vo. New-Havenl 1825. Pernety (Antoine'l ) Dissertation sur I'Amerique et les Amlricains, contre les Eecherches, &c., de M. de Pauw. 12mo. Berlin, 1770.~W. C. 721. Pernety (Antoine J.) Examen des Reeberches Philosophiques sur I'Amlrique et les Americans, et de la D6fense de cet Ouvrage. 2 vols. in 1. 16mo. Berlin, 1771. -W.. 722. Pernety (Antoine J.) Voyage failt aux Isles Malonenes, en 17G3 et 1764, et de Deux Voyages au Detroit Magellan. 2 vols. 12mo. Berlin, 1769. -W. C. 723. Pernely (Antoine J.) The Same. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1770.W. C. 724. Pernety (Antoine J.) See Pauw, C. de. Peron (Fr.) Voyage de DBcouvertes aux Terres Australes, sur les Corvettes le G-eographe e, Naturaliste, &c., en 1800, 1804. 2 vols. 4to. (Atlas fol.) Paris, 1807. W. C'725. Pedrouse (J. F. G. de la.) Voyage autour du Monde,en 1785,1788: r6dige par L. A. Milet-Muireau. 4 vols. 4to. (Atla.s fol.) Paris, 1797. W. C. 726. Perouse (J. F. G. de la.) Voyage round the World, in 1785, 1788 o trans. from the French. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1799.~W. C. 727. Perouse (J. F. G. de la.) Voyage round the World, in 1785, 1788: 694 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. abridged from the French. 12mo. Boston, 1801. —W. C. 728. Persia. Description of. Pinkerton, vol. 9. Persia Relation ldun Voyage de Perse faict es 1598 et 1599, par un Gentil-homme de la suite du Seigneur Scierley, Ambassadeur du Roi d'Angleterre. 4to. Paris, 1651. See Relations Veritables.- W. C. Personal and Literary Memorials, by the Author of II Four Years in France." 8vo. London, 1829. Perssoz (J.) Trait6 Theorique et Pratique de L'Impression des Tissues. 4 vols. 8vo. With a 4to Atlas of Plates. Paris, 1846. Perthes (M.) Histoire des Naufrages. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1794. - W. C. 729. Peru. Lettre a Madame * sur l'Emente Populaire excitee au Perou en 1739, contre les Academiciens des Sciences, Envoyes pour la Mesure de la Terre. 12mo. Paris, 1746. _ —W. C. 730. Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk. Second Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1819. Peters (Samuel.) History of the Rev. H-ugh Peters. 8vo. NewYork, 1807. Peters (Rev. Samuel.) A General H-istory of Connecticut, by a Gentleman of the Province. London, 1781. Reprinted, NewHaven, 1829. Peterson (Charles J.) The Military Heroes of the Revolution, with a Narrative of the War of Independence. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848. Petit (M.) Trait6 sur le G-ouvernement des Esclaves. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1777. W. C. 731. Petrie (George.) Inquiry into the origin and uses of the Round Towers of Ireland. See Transactions of the Royal Irish Acaldemy, vol. 20. Petty (Sir W.) Essays in Political Aritlhmetic, with the Author's Life. 4th ed. 8vo. London, 1755. Petty (Sir William.) Treatise on Taxes and Contributions. 4to. London, 1679: Peuchet (J.) Dictionnaire Universel de la Geographie Commercante. 5 vols. 4to. Paris, 1799. W. C. 732. Peuchet (J.) Etat des Colonies et du Commerce des Europeens dans les Deux Indes, depuis 1783 jusquien 1821. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1821. W. C. 733. Petronii (T. Arbitri.) Satyricme Commentariis et notis. Receusente J. P. Lotichio. 4to. Franc-ad-Mcenum, 1629. (Presented.) Pettigrew (Thomas Joseph. ) Memoirs of the Life of Vice Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson, &.e 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1849. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 695 Phenix: A Collection of Old and Rare Fragments. 12mo. NewYork, 1835. Philadelphia. A Statistical Enquiry into the Condition of the People of Colour, in the City and Districts of. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. (Presented.) Philadelphia. See Prison and House of Refuge Reports. Philadelphia Annual Report (Fourth) of the Philadelphia City Tract Society. Pamphlets, vol. 6. Philadelphia, Annual Report of the Committee on Legacies and Trusts, made in Common Council, in 1837 and 1838. Pamphlets, vol. 8. Philadelphia. Annual Report (Twenty-Sixth) of the Controllers of the Public Schools. Pamphlets, vol. 11. Philadelphia. Annual Report of the Watering Committee of the Select and Common Councils, in 1845. Pamphlets, vol. 11. Philadelphia. Annual Reports of the Managers of the Apprentices' Library Company, in 1842 and 1843. Pamphlets, vol. 8. Philadelphia. Des Prisons de Philadelphie, par un Europeen. 4th ed. 8vo. Paris, 1819. W. C. 734. Philadelphia. Memoirs of the Society for Promoting Agriculture. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1815 -1818 -— W. C. 735. Philadelphia. Report of the Committee, appointed by the Board of Guardians of the Poor, to visit Baltimore, New York, &c. Pamphlets, vol. 6. Philadelphia. Eighteenth and Nineteenth Annual Reports of the House of Refuge, 1846-47. Pamphlets, vols. 16, 20. (Presented.) Philadelphia. Annual Reports (Twenty-Seventh and TwentyEighth) of the Controllers of Public Schools, 1845-46. Pamphlets, vols. 18, 21. (Presented.) Philadelphia Book, (The) or Specimens of the. Metropolitan Literature. l2mo. Philadelphia, 1836. Philadelphia Magazine, (The) for 1789. (Edited by Dr. Samuel Stearns.) 8vo. (Title page wanting.) Philadelphia, (Picture of) or a Brief Account of the various Institutions and Public Objects in this Metropolis. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1835. Philip (A. P. W.) Papers on Physiology. Trans. Royal Soc., 1831 - 33 - 34 -36. Phillip (Arthur.) Governor. Voyage to Botany Bay, with an Account of the Colonies of Port Jackson and Norfolk Island. 8vo. London, 1790.- W. C. 736. Phillips (Charles.) Recollections of Curran and some of his Contemporaries. 8vo. New-York, 1818. Phillips (Charles.) Speech, delivered in the Case of Guthrie v. Sterne. Pamphleteer, vol. 7. Phillips (G.) The Potatoe Disease: Its Origin, Nature, and Prevention. 18mo. London, 1845. Pamphlets, vol. 23. 696 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS-. Phillips (J.) General History of Inland Navigation, &c. 4th ed. 8voo. London, 1803. Phillips (John.) Illustrations of the Geology of Yorkshire, or a Description of the Strata and Orgcanic Remains. Part 1. The Yorklshire Coast. 2d ed. 4to. London, 1835. Phillips (John.) Guide to Geology. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1835. Phillips (John.) Treatise on Geology. Lardner's Cyclopedia. vols. 89 and 90. Phillips (John.) Figures and Descriptions of the Palceozoic Fossilsof Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset. 8vo. London, 1841. Phillips (Sir Richard.) A Million of Facts connected with the Studies, Pursuits and Interests of Mankind. 3d ed. l2mo. New-York, 1846. Phillips (Thomas.) Lectures on the History and Principles of Painting. 8vo. London, 1833. Phillips (Willard.) Manual of Political Economy. 8vo. Boston, 1828. Phillips (William.) Elementary Treatise on Mineralogy; with an Introduction to the Science, by Francis. Alger. 5th ed. 8vo. Boston, 1844 Phillimore (Robert.) Memoirs and Correspondence of George Lord Lyttleton from 1734 to 1773. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1845. Phillpotts (Lieut. Col.) Report on the Canal Navigation of the Canadas. Engineers' Prof. Papers, vol. 5. Philosophical Magazine. See Tilloch, A. Philosophical Magazine, or Annals of Chemistry, &c. General Index to vols. 1 to 11. January 1827 to June 1832. (Bound in with Index to London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine, which see.) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. See Transactions. Phipps (C. J.) Voyage towards the North Pole, in 1773. 4to. London, 1774. Phipps (C. J.) Voyage au Pole Boreal: trad. de I'Anglois. 4to. Paris, 1775. TW. C. 737. Phips (Sir William.) Life. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 7. Phrenology. See American Phrenological Journal. Physic and Physicians; a Medical Sketch Book. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 18.39. Picard (M.) Voyage d'Uranibourg, ou Observations Astronomiques aites en Dannemarck. fol. Paris, 1680. See Astronomie. —W-. C. Picard et de la Hire. Observations faites a Brest, Nantes, a Bordeaux, &c. See Astronomie. W. C. Picard (L'Abbe.) L Agriculture Raisonnee, ou Manuel du Cultivateur. 12mo. Niort, 1844. (Presented.) Pichat (M.) Pratique des Semailles a la Volee. 8vo. Paris, 1845. (Presented.) (9811) M ISCE:LA N E OuS W o Ra S7. 697 2ichon (Th.) Lettres et Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire Naturele, Civile et Politique du Cap Breton, jusciu'en 1718. 12mo. Hague, 17G. —— W. G. 738. Pickering (John.) Pamphlets, vol. 45. Pickering (Timothy.) Review of the Correspondence between Joli Adams and William Cunningham. Second edition. 8vo. Salem, 1824. Pickering (Timothy.) Pamphlets, vol. 44-. Pictet (C ) Tableau de la Situation Actuelle des Etats-Unis d'Am6rique. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. Paris, 1795.~W. C. 739. Pictorial History of England, by George L. Craik and Charles Mac Farlane. 4 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1847 - 48. Piddington (Henry.) The Sailor's Horn-Book for the Law of Storms. Being a Practical Exposition of the Theory of the Law of Storms, &c. 8vo. New-York, 1848. Pieces Justificatives. Memoire contenant le Pieces des Faites, avec leur Pieces Justif. Pour servir de Reponse aux observations envoyees par les Ministres DlAngleterre, dans les Cours de PEurope. 4to. Paris, (Royal Press.) 17 56. Pi6ces Officielles. Du Recueil de Pieces Officielles, destinees a detromper les Francois sur les eveneniens qui se sont passes depuis quelqucs annes. 8vo. Paris, 1815. (Presented.) Pierce (John.) D). D. A Discourse delivered in Brookline, at the request of the Inhbabitants, on the 15th March., 1847, the day which completed Half a Century from his Ordination. 8vo. Boston, 1847. Pigafetta (P.) Premier Voyage autour du Monde, in 1519, 1522. 8vo. Paris, 1800. W. C. 740. Pike (Benjamin, Jun.) Optician. Illustrated descriptive Catalogue of Optical, Mathem-atical and Philosophical Instruments, with Engravings. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 18-8. Pike (Z. M.) Account of Expeditions to tile Sources of the Mississippi> and through the Western Parts of Louisiana, &c., in 1805-1807. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1810. Pike (Z. M.) The Same. 4to. Loidon, 1811. —W. C. 741. Pike (Z. M.) Voyage au Nouveal-Mexique. Trad. de l'Anglois par M. Breton. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1812. W. C. 742. Pike (Z. M.) Life. Sparks' American Biography, vol 15. Pilkington (James.) Artist's Guide and Meclhanic's Own Book. 12mo. New-York., 1841. Pilkington (Matthew.) A General Dictionary of Painters; containing Memoirs of their Lives and Works. A new edition, by Allan Cunningham. 8vo. London, 1840. C. L. Pilote (Francais.) Instructions Nautiques. (Parti6 des cotes de France, comprise entre les Casquets et la Pointe de Barfleur, Environs de Cherbourg.) Redigees par M. Givry. 4to. Paris, 1848. (Presented.) Pilleprat. See Pelliprat.,[STATE LIBRARY. j 44 698 M ISCELLANEOUS WoRKS- S. Pinekard (George.) Notes on the West Indies, &c. 3 vos. 8To. London, 1806. Pinckard (George.) The Same. 2d ed. 2 vols. Svo. London,, 1816. W.. C. 743. Pinkerton (John.) An Inquiry into thel History of Seotlandpreceding the Reign of Malcolm Third. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1814. C. L. Pinkerton (John.) A General Collection of the best and most interesting Voyages and Travels, 6 vols. 4to. Philadelphia,.. 181.0 - 12. (In exchange for duplicates.) Pinkerton (John.) General Collection of Voyages and Travels. 17 vols. 4to. London,.1809-1814. Pinkerton (John.) Modern Geography. 2 vols. 8vo. PhiladelphiaY. 1804. Pinkerton (Robert.) Russia; or Miscellaneous Observations on the Past and Present State of that Country. 8vo. London, 1833,. Pinkney (William.) Life. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 6. Pinkney (Lient. Colonel of the North American Native Rangers.) Travels in the South of France and the Interior of the Provinces, in 1807 and 1808. 4to. London, 1809. Piron (Alexis.) Fernando Cortes: Tragddie. 8vo. Paris, 1757. See Poeines sur'Ameique. —-- W. C. Pison (Willem.) De Indite Utriusque re Naturali et Medica. fo!; Amsterdam, 1658. ~W. C. 744. Pitkin (Timothy.) Political and Civil History of the'United States. from 1763 to 1797, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. New-Haven, 1828. Pitkin (Timothy.) Statistical View of the Comnmerce of the United States. 2d ed. 8vo. New-York, 1817. Pitman (John.) A Discourse delivered at Providenee, August 5,. 1836, &c. Being the second Centennial Anniversary of the Settlement of Providence. 8vo. Providence, 1836. Pitt (Moses) W. Nicholson., and R. Peers. English Atlas, containthe Description of Muscovy, Poland, Sweden, Denmark,. Germany, and the Netherlands. 4 vols. fol. Oxf'ord, 16801683. Pitt (William.) Life of. See Gifford. Pittman (Philip.) Present State of the European Settlements on the Mississippi. 4to. London, 1770. — W. C. 745. Pius VII. Narrative of his Journey and Imprisonment. Pamphleteer, vol. 4. Placcii (Vincentii.) Atlantis retecta, sive de Navigatione prima Christop. Columbi in Americanis. Poema. 181no. HIamburgh, 1659. Plain Truth. Containing Remarks on a late Pamphlet, entitled "Common Sense." 8vo. Philadelphia, 1776.W-. C, 746. Planche (J. R.) Descent of the Danube, from Ratisbon to Vienna5: during the Autumn of 1827. 8oo,. London, 1828.. MISC ELLANEO US WORKS. 699 Planche (J. R.) See Library E. K. Plante (Francis ) Mauritiados Libri XII.: Rerum ab Joanne Mauritio Comite Nassauin, &c., in Occidentallis India gestarum Descriptio Poetica. fol. Leyden, 1647. —W. C. 747. Plata (La.) Articulos Reales para el gobierno, &c.; de Milicias en las Provencias de la Plata. 8vo. Madrid, 1801. W. C. 748. Plato. The Works of. A new and literal version, fromr the text of Stalbaum. By Henry Davis. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1849. Plato. Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat. ad ed. IH Stephani. 12 vols. 8vo. Deux-Ponts, 1781 - 1786. Plato. Tenth Book of the Dialogue on the Laws. See Lewis, T. Playfair (John.) General View of the Progress of Mathematical and Physical Science. See Stewart. Playfair (John.) Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory. Works, vol. 1. Playfair (John.),Mathematical and Physical Essays. Works, vols. 3 and 4. Playfair (John) Works; with a Memoir of the Author. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1822. Plinius (C. Secundus.) Letters; with Occasional Remarks, by Wm. Melmoth. 10th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1805. Plough (The) The Loom, and the Anvil. J. S. Skinner and Son, Editors and Publishers. vol. 1. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. Plowden (Francis.) Historical Review of the State of Ireland. 5 vols 8vo. Philadelphia, 1805. Plowden (Francis.) Short History of the British Empire. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1794. Plumbe (John, Jun.) Sketches of Iowa and Wisconsin, taken during a Residence of Three Years, in those Territories. 12 mo. St. Louis, 1839. Plumier (Charles.) Nova Plantarum Americanarum Genera. 4to. Paris, 1703. —-— W. C. 749. Plumierius (Carolus.) Planta Americana. Fasciculi Decimi Continentes Plantas quas olim C, P. detexit, cruitque at que in Insulis Antillis ipse depinxit. Joannes Burniannus, M. D., Edidit, et illustravit. folio. Amsterdam and Levden, 175560. Plutarchus. Lives: Translated from the Greek, with Not-s, and a Life of Plutarch, by John and William Langhorne. 8 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1811. Pluto in Elysium. Pamphleteer, vol. 14. Pocock (Lewis.) Familiar Explanation of the Nature of Assurances upon Lives. 12mo. London, 1842. Pococke (Riclhard.) Travels in the East. Pinkerton, vol. 10. Pococke (Richard ) Travels in Egypt. Pinkerton, vol. 15. Poe (Edgar E.) Tales, by. 12mo. New-York, 1849. Poemes sur 1'Amr6rique. 3 vols 8vo. Paris, 1756.- W. C. 750. Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin. 4th ed. 4to. London, 1801. 700 MISC ELLANEOUS WORK S. Poinsett (Joel R.) Notes on aMexico, made in 1822; with an Historical Sketch of the Revolution. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1824. -W. C. 751. Pointis (J.B. D.) Baron de. Relation de PExpedition de Carthagene, en 1697. 12io. Amsterdam, 1698.- W. C. 752. Poisson (M.) Memoirs on the Temperature of the Globe7 the Atmosphere, and the Regions of Space. Silliman's Journal, vol. 34. Poland. M6emoires pour servir a la Histoire des Revolutions de Pologun, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1795. Police de Roulage. Recherches sur les Principes qui paraissent devoir former la base d' une Nouvelle Legislation. Commission Speciale. 4to. Paris, 1812. (Presented.) Polidori (J. W.) On thle Punishment of Death. Pamphleteer, vol. 8. Political Economy. The Opinions of Mr. Ricardo and Adam Smith, Stated and Compared. Pamphleteer, vols. 23 and 24. Political Mirror, or Review of Jacksonism. 18mo. New-York, 1835. Political Tracts: A Collection, relating to English Polities, from 1764 to 1773. 7 vols. 8vo. London, 1773. Pollard (Benjamin.) Pamphlets, vol. 43. Pollnitz (C. L.) Baron de. Memoirs; or Travels through Poland, Germany, Italy, &c., from the French. 2d ed. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1739. Polyanthos. (The) 12mo. Boston. 1806 - 1812. The first series in 5 vols. and the second in 2 vols. 7 vols. Polyanthos. (The) Enlarged. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston. (Published by J. B. Buckingham.) 1812 - 13. Polybius. See Hiampton. J. Polydori Vergilii, Urbinati De Rerum Inventoribus. Libri Octo. 12mo. Lugduni 1546. (Presented.) Polyglott Lexicon. Being a new Dictionary in four Languages, by a Society of Learned Men Part I. French, Dutch, German and English. Part II. German, Dutch, French and English. (Fuhri.) 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848. Pomponius L.etus. De Origine Maomethis. fol. Basil, 1533. See Columbus. Poncelet (L. de) On Draw-Bridges. Engineers' Prof. Papers, vol. 5. Poncet (C. J.) Journey to Abyssinia. Pinkerton, vol. 15. Pons (M. de.) Observations sur la Situation Politique de SaintDomingue. 12mo. Paris, 1790.~W. C. 753. Pool (William Fred.) An Index to Subjects treated in the Reviews and other Periodicals, to which no Indexes have been published. Prepared fbr the Library of the Brothers in Unity, Yale College. Svo. New-York, 1848. Poor Law. Commissioners' Reports, for England and Wales, 1st to 9th. 9 vols. 8vo. London, 1835- 1843. MI SCELLAN E US WoRKS. 701 -Poor Richard's Almanac for 1850, as written by Benjamin Franklin, for 1783 - 84- 85. The Astronomical Calculations by Prof Benj. Pierce, of Hartford University. 12mo. New-York. John Doggget, Jun. 1849. Poore (Ben Perley.) The Rise and Fall of Louis Phillipe, ex-King of the French. 12mo. Boston, 1848. Pope (Alexander.) Works of, with Illustrations, by Joseph Warton, D. D., and Others. 9 vols. 8vo. London, 1797. Pope (Charles.) Yearly Journal of Trade. 8vo. London, 1842. Popelliniere (L. V. de la.) Les Trois Mondes. 4to. Paris, 1582. - W. C. 754. Porcacchi (T.) L'Isole piu Famose del Mondo. fol. Venice, 1576. — W. C. 755. Porter (Commodore David.) Constantinople and its Environs. By an American, long resident. 2 vols 12mo. New-York, 1835. Porter (Commodore.) Trial of, 1825. See Beale, (Robert.) Porter (David) Captain. Journal of a Cruise made to the Pacific Ocean in the Frigate Essex, in 1812 -1814. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1822. Porter (Rev. Dr. Eliphalet.) Pamphlets, vol. 42. Porter (G. R.) On the Manufacture of Porcelain and Glass. Lardner's Cyclopedia, vol. 91. Porter (G. R.) On the Origin and Present State of the Silk Manufacture. Lardner's Cyclopmdia, vol. 95. Porter (G. R.) Progress of the Nation, from the beginning of the Nineteenth Century to the Present Time. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1836. Porter (Sir James.) Observations on the Turks. 8vo. London, 1771. (Presented.) Porter (Sir R. K.) Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia., Ancient Babylonia, &c., in 1817 - 1820. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1821. Port Folio. Diplomatic Review. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1843. Port Folio. (The) By Oliver Oldschool (Joseph Dennie) and others; consisting of the following series: Port Folio. (The) By Oliver Oldsechool. 5 vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 1801 - 5. (Weekly.) Port Folio (The.) First Series. By Oliver Oldschool. 6 vols.'8vo. Philadelphia, 1806 - 8. (Weekly.) Port Folio. (The) Second Series. A Monthly Magazine, devoted to Useful Science, the Liberal Arts, Legitimate Criticism, and Polite Literature. Conducted by Oliver Oldschool, Esq., assisted by a Confederacy of Men of Letters. 8 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1809 -12. PortFolio (The) The Third Series. 6 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1813 -15. Port Folio. (The) The Fourth Series. Conducted by Oliver Old 702 MISCELLANEOUS W ORS. school. Edited by John E. Hall. With an Index t6 the same at the end of the 20th vol. 20 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia 1816 -25. Total. 5 vols. 4to. 40 vols. 8vo.-45 volumnes Portlock (J. E.) Report of the Geology of the County of Londonderry, and of parts of Tyrone and Fermanah. 8vo. Blblin, 1843. Portlock (N.) Voyage round the World, in 1785 - 1788. 4to. London, 1789. Portlock (N.) Abridgement of a Voyage round the World, in 1785 -1788. 8vo. London, 1789. W. C.-756. Posey (Thomas.) Life of Sparks' American Biography, vol. 9. Post (Henry A. V.) Visit to Greece and Constantinople. Svoo Tew-York, 1830. Postlethwayt (Malachy.) Brittain's Commercial Interests explained and improved, in a series of Dissertations, &c. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1757. Post-Offices in the United States. Table of the, on the first day of October, 1846; arranged in alphabetical order, (with their states and territories,) and names of the Postmasters, &c. 8vo. Washington, 1846. Potherie (B. D. la.) Histoire de dPAmerique Septentrionale. 4 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1722.~W. C. 757. Potter (Alonzo.) D. D. Political Econony, its objects, uses and principles. 18mo. New-York, 1844. Potter (Alonzo.) D.D. I-Tand-Book for Readers and Students. Fourth Edition. 18mo. New-York, 1847. Potter (Alonzo.) D. D. and Emerson, (George B.) The School and School-Master. 12mo. New-York, 1842. Potter (Alonzo.) D. D. See Maury. Potter (Alonzo.) Bishop. Principles of Science applied to the Domestic and Mechanic Arts, and to Manufactures, and Agriculture, &c. 12mo. Boston 1841. Potter (Rt. Rev. A.) A Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Pennsylvania, delivered at the opening of the 65th Convention, May 16,1849. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. (Presented.) Potter (John.) Archbishop. Antiquities of Greece; wvith an Appendix, by G. Dunbar, and additions, &e. by Charles Anthon. Svo. New-York, 1825. Potter (John.) Archbishop. The Same; v-ith a Life of the Author, by R. Anderson, and an Appendix by G. Dunbar. 2 vols. Svo. Edinburgh, 1832. Potts (George.) Address, delivered in i:hiladelphia, July 4, 1826. Pamphlets, vol. 6. Poudcnx (HI., et F. Mayer.) Memoire pour servir a P'Histoire de la Revolution de Caracas. 8vo. I aris, 1815. —W. C. 758. Poullin'e Lunmina (E. J.) Histoire de la Guerre contre les Anglois. 2 v-)s. 8vo. Geneva, 1759- 1. 63. W. C. 759. Poussin (Gaillaumn Tell.) Travaux cdarneliorations interineures TM SC L LAN' oS Wo RaS. 703:Projetes ou executes par le Government General des EtatsUnis d'Amerique, de 1824 a 1831. 4to. Paris, 1834. iPoussin (Guillaume Tell.) De La Puissance Americaine, origine, in-stitutions, esprit politique, resources, &c., des Etats Unis. 2 vols, 8vo. Paris, 1848. Powell (Baden.) History of Natural Philosophy. Laardners Cyclopsedia, vol. 132. -Powell (Baden.) Reports on the Present State of our Knowledge of the Science of Radiant Heat. Reports British Association. 1832, 1840. Powell (Baden.) Researches towards a Theory of the Dispersion of Light. Trans. Royal Soc.-, 1836 - 37 - 38 -40- 43. Powell (Thomas) The Living Authors of England. 12mo. NewYork, 1849. -Power (Tyrone.) Impressions of America, during 1833 -34 - 35. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1836. Power (Tyrone.) Impressions of America, during 1833 -34- 35. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836. Powers (Gershom.) Letter to Edward Livingston, in relation to.the Auburn State Prison. Pampllets., vol. 6. Pownall (T.) Governor. Administration of the Colonies. 4th ed, 8vo. London, 1768. —. C. 760. Pownall (T.) Governor. The Same. 5th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1774. Pownail (T.) Governor. Memorial addressed to the Sovereigns of America. 8vo. London, 1783. Pownall (T.) M. P. Late Governor, &c. A Topographical Description of such parts of North Almerica as are contained in the (annexed) AMap of the Middle British Colonies, &c., in North America. fol. London, 1776. Poyais.. Constitution de la Nation Poyaisienne dans l-Ameriqunecentrale. Pamphlets, vol. 15. Pradt (A. de.) Comparison between England and Russia. Pamphleteer, vols. 24 and 25. Pradt (Mi. de.) Congress of Vienna. Trais. from the French. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1816. IPradt (M. de.) Des Trois derniers Mois de 1 Am6rique Meridionale et du Brisil, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1817. —-W. C. 761. Pradt (M. de.) The Same. 8vo. Paris, 18255. W. C. 762. Pradt (M. de.) Pieces relatives a Saint-Domingue et a PAmeurique. 8vo. Paris, i818. —-W.. C. 73. Pradt (M. de.) L'Europe et'Amerique, depuis le Co gres d'Aixla-Chapelle. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. Paris, 182L1.-TW. C. 764. Pradt (M. de.) Mamoires Historiques:surla Revolution dlEspagne. 8vo. Paris, 1816.-~W. C. 765. Pradt (M. de.) Recit -listorique sur la Restauration de la Royaut6 en France, e 31 MA-rs 1814. 8vo. Paris, 1816. W. C. 766o Pratt (John H.) Mathematical Principles of Mechanical Philoso 704.I-S C E:LL A NW E O U W oRK. phy, and their Application to the Theory of Universal Gravitation. 8vo. Cambridge, 1836, Preble (Commodore.) Lif of. See Sparks' Biography, vol. 22. Prebontaine (M. de.) Maison Rustique a l'Usage des H-abitans de; Cavenne. 8vo. Paris, 1763. W. C. 767. Prentice (George D.) Biography of Heny Clay. 12mo. -Hartbford, 1831. Presbyterian Church. Brief Aecount of the Theological Seminary of the Presbyterian Church of the United States, at PrincetonO 12mo. Philadelphia, 1822. —— W. C. 768 Presbyterian Church. See Minutes. Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. Records ofEmbracing Minutes of Presbytery and Synod of Philadelphia, amd Synod of New-York, and Synod of Philadelphia and York, from 1706 to 1788. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841. Presbyterian Church in the United States. See Hodge. Prescott (William 11.) Biographical] and Critical Miscellanies. 8vo. New-York, 1845. Prescott (William H.) History of the Conquest of Mexico, &c., with the Life of the Conqueror, Fernando Cortes. 3 vols. 8vo New-York, 1843. Prescott (William H.) History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic. 2d ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1838. Prescott (William H.) History of the Conquest of Peru, with a preliminary view of the Civilization of the Incas. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1847 Prescott (Willianm H.)'Life of Charles Brockden Bsovwn. Sparks' American Biograp1hy, vol. 1..President's Messages. Inaugural, Annual and Special, from 1789 to1846. By Edwin Williams. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1846, Prcster-John. Description de 1'Empire dcu Prete-Jean. 4to. See Recueil de Divers Voy ages.- -- W. C. Preston (John.) Statistical Report of the County of Albany. See' Agricultural Tracts, vol. 1. Preston (T. R.) Three Years' Residence in Canada from 1837 to1839, &c. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1840. Preston (William.) Considerations on the Ancient Amatory Writers. Trans. Royal Irish Acad., vol. 9 Preston (William.) Essay on Ridicule, Wit, and I-Iumour. Trans. Royal trish Acad., vol. 2. Prev6t-d'Exiles (A. F.) Histoire Geneirale des Voyages. 19 vols. 4to. Paris 1746 - 17470. — W. C. 769. Price (David.) Memoirs of the Principal Events of Mahommedain History, from the Death of the Arabian Legislator to lthe Accession of the Emperor Akbar, &c. 3 vols. 4to. London 1821. PrBlce (Iichard.) Obiervattions..Additional Observations and the MISCELLANEO JUS WoI RKS 705 General Introduction to Civil Liberty. 6th ed 8vo. London, 1776. Price (Richard ) Observations on Reversionary Payments, and on the National Debt, &c., with an Introduction by William Morgan. 5th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1792. Price (Dr. Richard.) Aanmerkingen over de Gewigtegheid der Staatsomwenteling en Noord-Amerika. Amsterdam, 1785. Pamphlets, vol. 17. (Presented.) Price (Richard.) 1. D. On Civil Liberty and on the Love of our Country. See Pamphlets, vol. 32. Price (Richard.) D. D. Observations on the hmportance of the American Revolution, and the means of making it a Benefit to the World. Pamphlets, vol. 32. Price (Richard.) On Civil Liberty. See American Tracts, vol. 8. Prichard (James C.) On the Etlnography of High Asia. Geog. Soc. Journal, vol. 9. Prichard (James C.) Remarks on the Application of Philological and Physical Researches to the History of the Human Spe, cies. Reports British Association, 1832. Prichard (James C.) Treatise on Insanity and other Disorders affecting the Mind. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1837. Priclard (James C.) On the different forms of Insanity, in relation to Jurisprudence; designed for the use of Persons concerned in Legal Questions regarding unsoundness of Mind. 12mo. London, 1842. Prichard (James C.) Researches into the Physical History of Mankind. Third Edition. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1836 - 44. C. L. Priest (Josiah.) American Antiquities. 3d and 5th Editions. 8vo, Albany, 1833-41. 2 vols. Priest (J.) Slavery, as it relates to the Negro or A.iican Race, examined in the light of Circumstances, History and the Holy Scriptures, &c. 12mo. Albany, 1843. Priest (William.) Travels in the United States, in 1793, 1797 with the Author's Journal of Tvo YVoages across the Atlantic. 8vo. London, 1802. Priestley (Joseph.) History and Present State of Electricity, with Original Experiments. 5th ed. 4to. London, 1794. Priestley (Joseph.) Lectures on History and General Policy, &c. 3ded. 8vo. Dublin, 1791. Priestley (Joseph.) LL. I). F. R. S. The Rudiments of English. Grammar, adapted. to the use of Schools, &c. 12mo. London, 1769. Prime (Nathaniel S.) History of Long Island, with special reference to its Ecclesiastical Concerns. 8vo. New-Yorkl 1845. Prime (Samuel I.) Address at th-e opening of the Hall of the NewYork Library Association, Feb. I!, 1848. 8voo Newark, 1848. (Presented.) 706 M1SCELLAN EOUS Wo Rs. Prince (Thomas.) Chronological HTistory of New England, in the f)rm of Annals. l2mo. Boston, 1736.-W. C.'770. Prince(Thomas.) The Same. 8vo. Boston, 1826. Plinc'e'( ev. Thomas.) A Sermon delivered at the South Church in boston, Aug. 1, 1746; being the day of General Thanksgiving for the great Deliverance of the British Nation, by the glorious and happy Victory of Culloden, &c. 8vo. Boston, 1746). Prince Edward's Island. A short account of. 12mo. London, 1839. (With a Map.) Princess of Wales. Journal of an English Traveller, from 1814 to 816, or Memoirs of her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, and of her Court. Pamphleteer, vol. 10. Princeton Review. (The) and Biblical Repertory for 1849. vol 21. 8vo. Philadelphia. Pringle (Thomas.) Narrative of a Residence in South Africa. 8vo. London, 1840. Printing in the Royal Printing Office, Paris. See France. Prior Documents. See American Remembrancer. Prior (James.) Life of Oliver Goldsmith. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1837. Prior (James.) Memoir of the Life of Edmund Burke. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1825. Prior (Jas.) Voyage in the Indian Seas, in the Nisus Frigate, in 1810 and 1811. 8vo. London. —W. C. 771. Prison Association, New-York. See New-York. Prison Discipline. The Pennsylvania System of Prison Discipline Triumphant in France. 8vo. Philadelphia. Pamphlets, vol. 20. (Presented.) Prison Discipline. Report of a Minority of the Special Committee of the Boston Prison Discipline Society, appointed May 27, 1845. 8vo. Boston, 1846 Pamphlets,vol. 20. (Presented.) Prison Di cipline. An enquiry into the alledged tendency of the Separation of Convicts, one from the other, to produce Disease and Derangement. By a Citizen of Pennsylvania. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. (Presented.) Prison Discipline and Philanthropy. Pennsylvania Journal of. Published under the Direction of the Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons. 3 vols. 8vo Philadelphia, 184t5 -.8. Prison Discipline Society, (Boston.) Annual Reports of. Vol 11st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6t. 1826- 31. Vol. 2 —th, 8th, 9tb, 10th. 1832-35. Vol. 3-11th, 12th, 13thl, 14th l5th. 1836 -40. Vol. 4 —16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th. 184145. 4 vols. 8vo. Prison Discipline in America. See Gray. Prison Discipline Reports. See " Penitentiary System.' Prison and H-ouse of Refuge Reports. MISCELLA NEOUS W RK. 7 07 CONTENTS. 1. Annual Report of the Inspectors of the State Prison of the State of New-York. Made Jan. 9, 18-9. 2 and 3. Nineteenth and Twentieth Annual Reports of the Inspectors of the Eastern State Penitentiary of Pennsylvania, to the Legislature. 1848 and 1849. (Presented.) 4. First Annual Report of the Inspectors of the Philadelphia County Prison. Feb. 1848. (Presented.) 5. 6.7. 8. Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twentieth and Twentyfirst Annual Reports of the House of Refuge of Philadelphia. 1846-49. (Presented.) 9. An Address delivered at the laying of the Corner Stone of the House of Refuge, for Coloured Juvenile Delinquents. July 1, 1848. By James J. Barclay. (Presented.) Pritchard (Andrew.) History of Infusoria, Living and Fossil, arranged according to'Diie Infusions Thierchen" of C. G. Ehrenberg. 8vo. London, 1841. Pritchard (Andrew.) List of all the Patents for Inventions in the Arts, granted in England during the present Century, &c. 12mo. London, 1841. Pritchard (Andrew.) English Patents granted for Inventions in the Arts, Maufactures, Chemistry, Agriculture, &c., in the year 18t2. 12mo. London, 1843. Pritts tJ.) Mirror of Olden Time, Border Life, Discovery of America, Early History of Vi rginia and Pennsylvania, Sketches' of Frontier Men, &c. 8vo. Abingdon (Virginia.) 1849. Proctor (Robert.) Narrative of a Journey across the Cordillera of the Andes, and of a Residece in Lima. Svo. London, 1825. — W. C. 772. Progres Continu: De la doctrine du. Paris, 1834. Pamphlets, vol. 18. Prony (R.) Nouvelle Architecture H-ydraulique. 2. vols. 4to. Paris, 1790 1796. Propriete Litteraire. Commission de la Collection des Proces Verbaux. 4to. Paris, 1836. (Presented.) Protestant Confessions. The Harmony of, &c. From the Latin. A New Edition. By Rev. Peter Hall. 8vo. o ndn, 1842. C. L. Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of NevjYork. Journals of the Conventions, froma 1785 to 18.9. 8vo. NewYo-k, 1844. (Presented.) Protestant Episcopal Church of the United Stat-es of America. Proceedings of thea Board of Missions, from 1836 to 1844, 8vo. New-Yorr. (Presented.) Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of America, viz: Proceedings of thse Bcard of Missions in 1845 and 1846. 8vo. New-York, 1845-46. (Presented.) Protestant Episcopal Church of the United Stales of America. 708 MISCELLANEOUS Wo R s. Journal of the General Conventions of the, from 1785 to 1814, inclusive. With Appendices. 8vo. Phiiadelphia, 1817. (In exchange for duplicates.) Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States. Journal of the General Convention of. Held at Philadelphia in 1844. 8vo. New —York, 1845. Proud (Robert.) History of Pennsylvania, from 1681 to 1742. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1798. Proudfit (Alexander.) See Forsyth, J. Prout (William.) See Bridgewater Treatises. Providence Atheneumn. Thirteenth Annual Report of the Directors of, to the Proprietors, Sept. 25, 1818. 8vo. Providencee 1848. (Presented.) Proyart ( i'Abb;.) History of Loango, &c. Pinkerton, vol. 16. Psalteriurm Davidis, et Libri Sapientales. 32mo. Cologne, 1630. Public Works of Great Britain. See Simms, (F. W.) Public Works of the United States. See Strickland, Gill, and Campbell. Publisher's Circular. (The) See Catalogue of Books. Publisher's Circular. (The) Containing Alphabetical Lists of all New Books published in Great Britain, &c. (Vol. 1I.) 8vo. London, 1848. Puckler Muskau. Egypt under Mehemeo t Ali 2 vols. London, 1845. Pufendorff (Samuel.) Introduction a H11istoire G-neral et Politique de lUnivers; Compl6tee et Continue. jusqu'a 1745, par Bruzen de la Martiniere. 8vo. 1.2mo. Amsterdam- 1743. - W. C. 773. Pujol (A.) Oeuvres Choisies de Napoleon mises en ordre, et precedees d'une etude literaire, par. 8vo. Paris, 1843. Pulaski (Count.) Life. Sparks' American Biog'raphy, vol. 14. Pulteney (Richard.) Sketches of the Pro ress of Botany in Eng anda 2 vols. 8vo. London, 179)0. W. C. 774. Pultney (William,.) Thoughts on the Present State of Alffairs with America, and the Means of Conciliation. Third Edit;ion. 8vo. London, 1778. Purchas (Samuel.) IHis Pilgrmnage. fol London, 1626.-..W. C, 775. Pursh (Frederick) Flora Americane Septentrionalis: Description of the Plants of North America. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1814. Pursuits of Literature. See Mathias. Putnam (George P.) American Facts: Notes and Statistics relative to the Government, Resourees, Engagemzents, Manuaectures, Commerce, PIeligion, Education, Literature, Fine Arts, Manners and Customs of the United States of America. 12mo, London, 1845. Putnam (Israel.) Life. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 7 MISCELLANEOUS WORK S. 709 Putnam (General Israel.) See Cutter, Fellows, Sweit. Putnam (Rev. J..) Minesota, A Descriptior, Natural, Political, &c, of the Couintry. 8vo. Galena, 1849. (Presented.) Puybonnieux (J. B.) Mutisme et Surdite, ou Influence de la Surdite Native sur les Fa.cultcs Physiques Intellectuelles et Morales. 8vo. Paris, 1846. Puysdgur (J. F. de Chastenet,) Marquis de. Detail sur la Navigation aux GCtes de Saint-Domingue et dans ses )Deboulquemens. 4to. Paris, 1'787. W...776. Pyrm (Authrur Gordon,) of Nantucket. Th)e Narrative of, with a detail of a Meeting on board the brig Grampus. 12mo. New-York, 1838. Pyrard de Laval (Francois.) Voyage aux Indes Orientales, aux Moloques, et au Brcsil. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1615.- W. C. 777. Quarantine Laws. Rleport of a Special Committee of the House of Assenmbly of the State of New-York, on the present Quara.ntine Laws, 1846 o. o. Albany, 1846. Quarterly Mining Review. See English, H. Quarterly Review. (The) 84 vols. ( Index.) vo. 1809 - 49. London, 1810 -49. The volumes containing the Index are 20 40, 60. Vol. 80 not yet published. Quebec Papers. An Account of the Proceedings of the British and other Protesta-nt Inhabitants of the Province of Quebec, in North America, in order to obtain a House of Assemnbly in that Province. 8vo. London, 1775. Quebec Paupers. Additional Papers concerning the Province of Quebec; being an Appendix to the Book, entitled "An account of the Proceedings, &c." Svo. London, 1776. Quekett (John.) A particular Treatise on Lthe use of the Miscroscope. 8vo. London, 1848. Quetelet (A) Recherches Statistiques sur le Royaume des PaysBas. 8vo. Brussels, 1829. Quetelet (A.) Sur'Homme etle Developpement de ses Facultes, ou Essai de Physique Sociale. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1833. Quetelet (1M.) Observations des Phenomenes Perio-diques, 1845 and 1846. 4to. From the Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Belgium. (Presented.) Quillennan (fMrs.) Journal of a few Months Residence in Portugal, and Glimpses of the South of Spain.'2 vols. 12mo. London, 1847. Quill (Michael lJ.) Steam Voyage down the Da.nube, with Sketches of Hungary, Turkey, &c. 3d. ed. 2 vols. ln2mo. London, 1836. 710 MIs ELLA N EOUS WORKS. Quin (Michael J.) Trade of Banking in England. 12mo. London, 1833. Quincy (Josiah.) Address, on taking final leave of the Office of Mayor of Boston. Pamphlets, vol. 9. Quincy (Josiaho) History of Harvard University. 2 vols. 8vo. Carnbridge, 1840. Quincy (Josiali.) Memoir of the Life of Josiah Quincy, Jun. 8vo. Boston, 1825. Quincy (Josiah.) The Memory of James Grahame, the Historian of the United States, vindicated from the charges of Mr. Bancroft. Boston, 1846. Pamphlets, vol. 17. (Presented.) Quincy (Josiah.) Pamphlets, vol. 46. Quincy (Josiah, Jun.) On the Boston Port Bill. See American Tracts, vol. 4. Quincy (iMassachusetts.) History of the Town of. See Lunt. Quincy (Quatremere D.) Life of Raffaello. See Duppa. Quintus (J.) De Hollander in Amerika. Leerwijze der Engelsehe Taal. 12mo. Bufialo, 1848. R. Rabelais (Francis.) The Works of. Translated from the French of Sir Thomas Urquhart and MIlatteux, with Notes by others. 2 vols. lgmo. London, 1849. uabutin. Les Lettres de messire Roger de Rabutin, Comte de Bussy. 12mo. Paris, 1720-27. 7 vols. (Presented.) Racine (Jean.) Oeuvres de. Large Svo. Paris, 1837. C. L. Raffles (Mrs.) Memoir of the Life of Sir T. S. Raffles; with details of the Commerce and Resources of the Indian Archipeltago. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1835. Raffles (Sir T. S.) History of Java. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830. Rafinesque (C. S.) New Flora and Botany of North America, or a Supplemental Flora to all Botanical W"orks on North America. In four parts. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1836. Rafinesque (C. S.) Florula Ludoviciana, or Flora of ths State of Louisiana. Translated, revised and improved, from the French of C. C. Robin. 12mo. New-York, 1817. Rafinesque (C. S.) Medical Flora or Manual of the Medical Botany of the United States of North America. 2 vols. 12mho. Philadelphia, 1828 - 30. Rafinesque (C. S.) The Atlantic Journal and Friend of Knowledge. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1832 - 33. Ragueneau (Pere Paul.) La vie de la Mere Catherine de St. Augustin, Religieuse Hospitaliere de la Misericorde de Quebec en Nouvelle France. 8vo. Paris, If71. Ragueneau (P. Paul.) Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Mission M IS EL L ANEOU S Wo R S. 711 dez Perez anx Hurons, et aux pais plus bas de Ia Nouvelle France, 1649-1650. 12mo. Paris, 1651. Ragueneau (P. Paul.) Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable es Missions des Perez en la Nouvelle Frane, es annees, 1650-51. 12mo. Paris, 1652. Raguet (Coudy.) The Principles of Free Trade, illustrated in a series of Essays. Second Edition. 8vo. Phiiadelphia, 1840. Raikes (Thomas.) France, since 1830. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1841. C.L. Rail-Road. Boston to Albany. See Guide. Rail-Roads. Reports: 1. Of the Board of Directors of InternalImprovements of the State of Massachusetts, on a [ail-Poad from Boston to the Hudson, and from Boston to Providence, with the Report of Engineers, and Plans, 1829. 2 Rpeports of the Boston and Lowell, Boston and Providence, and Boston and Worcester Rail-Road Corporations, 1834-. 3. Peports of the Engineers of the Western Rail-Road Corporation to the Directors, in 1836 - 37. Bound in one volume. Svo. (Presented.) Rail-Roads. See Massachusetts.-See American Rail-Road Journal. Rail-Roads and Canals (U. S.) See Tanner. Railway Chronicle. (The) April, 1844 —Dec. 1847. illustrated with Maps, &c. 7 vols. -to. London, 184 - 47. Railway Magazine. See Herapath, J. Rainsford (Marcus.) Historical account of the Black Empire of Hayti; with a Sketch of the Revolution of Saint-Doiningo. 4to. London, 1805. —W. C. 778. Rale (Sebastian.) Life. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 17. Raleigh (Sir Walter.) Historic of the World. fol. London, 1614. Raleigh (Sir Walter.) Abridgement of his Historie of the W orld with his Premonition to Princes; by Philip Raleigh. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1702. W. C. 779. Raleigh (Sir Walter.) Report of a Fight near the Azozes. Pinkerton, vol. 1. Raleigh (Sir Walter.) The Discovery of the large, rich and beautiful Empire of Guiana; with a relation of the great and golden city of Manoa (which the Spaniards call El Dorado,) performed in 1595. Reprinted from tle edition of 1596, with some unpublished documents and notes, by Sir Robert Schomburgh. 8vo. London, (Printed for the Hakluyt Society,) 1848. Ramsay (David.) History of South Carolina, from 1670 to 1808. 2 vols. 8vo. Charleston, 1809.W —. C. 780. Ramsay (David.) History of the American Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. Trenton 181 1. 712 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Ramsay (David.) History of the Revolution of South Carolina. 2 vols. 8vo. Trenton, 1785. Ramsay (David.) Hlistoire de la Revolution d'Amnrique, par Rapporl a la Caroline Mfridionale, trad. de FAnglois. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 179G. — W. C. 781. Ramsay (David.) Universal History Americanised. 12 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1819. Ramusio (G. B.) Raccolte delle Navigationi et Viaggi. 3 vols. fol. Venice, 166CO. W. C. 782. Randall (S. S.) Digest of the Conmmon School System of the State of New-York, &e. 12mo. Albany, 1815. (Presented.) Randall (S. S.) Incentives to the Cultivation of the Science of Geology: Designed for the Use of the Young. 1Smo. NewIYork, 184-6. Randel (John, Jun.) Description of a Direct Route for the Erie Canal, at its Eastern Termination; with estimates of its expense and comparative advantages. 8vo. Albany, 1822. Randolph (Edmund.) See Pamphlets, vol. 19. Randolph (John.) Speech on the Non-Importation Act. Pamphlets, vol. 36. See also, vol. 40. Ranke (Leo.) History of the Popes of Rome, during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: trans. from the German, by Sarah Austin. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1840. Ranke (Leopold.) A History of Servia and the Servian Revolution, from the original MSS. and Documents. Translated from the German of, by Mrs. Alexander Kerr. Svo. London, 1847. Ranke (Leopold.) IMemoirs of the House of Brandenburgh; and History of Prussia, during the 17th and 18th Centuries. Translated by Sir Alexander and Lady Duff Gordon. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1849. Ranke (Leopold.) 1History of the Reformation in Germany. 2d ed. Translated by Sarah Austin. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1845. C. L. Ranken (R1ev. Alexander.) The History of France, from the Conquest by Clovis. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1801. C. L. Rainking (John.) Historical Lesearces on the Conquest of Peru, Mexico, &c., in the Thirteenth- Century, by the Mongols. Svo. London, 1827. Ranlett (William H.) The Architect: A series of Original Designs for D-omestic and Ornamental Cottages. connected with Landscape Gardening. Adapted to the United States. Vol. 1. 4to. New-York, 1847. (Presented.) Ranlett. (WXilliam H.) See Architect. Raper (F. V.) Narrative of a Survey for the purpose of Discovering the Sources of th.e Ganges. Asiatick Researches, vol. 11. Raymond (L.) Journey to the Summit of Mont Perdu. Pinkerton, vol. 4. (10350) MISC2ELLANEOUS WORKS. 713 Rapl n (Paul de Thoyras.) History of England: Done into English, with Notes, by N. Tindal. 15 vols. 8vo.. London, 17281731. Rask (Erasmus.) A Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Tongue, with a Praxis. New edition. Translated from the Danish, by B. Thorpe. 8vo. Copenhagen, 1830. Rask (Dr. E. C.) Danish Grammar. Edited by Thorl. Gudm. Kepp. 2d ed. Copenhagen, 1846. Rathbun (Hon. G.) of New-York. Speech of, on the Wilmot Proviso, U. S. House of Representatives, Feb. 9, 1847. Pamphlets, vol. 22. (Presented.) Raumer (F. von.) America and the American People: trans. from the German, by W. W. Turner. 8vo. New-York, 1846. Haumer (F. von.) England, in 1835: trans. from the German, by Sarah Austin and H. E. Lloyd. 8vo.:lhiladelphia, 1836. Raumer (F. von.) Frederic the Second and his Times. 12mo. London, 1837. Raumer (F. von.) History of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries:: trans. from the German. 2 vols. l2mo. London, 1835. Raumer (F. von.) Italy and the Italians. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1840. Raveneau de Lussan. Journal du Voyage fait'a la Mer du Sud, avec les Flibusties de l'Amerique. 12mo. Paris, 1705. —— W. C 783. Raveneau de Lussan. See Esquemeling, J. —W. C, Ravenscroft (Rt. Rev. John Stark.) The Works of, with a Memoir of his Life. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1830. Rawle (William.) Two Addresses, pronounced to " The Associated Members of the Bar of Philadelphia." Pamphlets, vol. 8. Rawlinson (H. C.) Notes on a March from Zohab to Kimmanshah, in 1836. Geog. Soc. Journal, vol. 9. Ray (John.) Travels through the Low Countries, Germany, Italy, and. France. Harris, vol. 2. Raymond (David.) The Elements of Political Economy, in 2 parts. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Baltimore, 1823. Raynal (The Abbe.) The Revolution of America. 18mo. Dublin, 1781. Raynal (G. T.) FAbbe. Histoire Philosophiique et Politique des Etablissemens et du Commerce des Europdens dans les Deux Indes. 5 vols. 4to. Geneva, 1780.-W. C. 784. Raynal (G. T.) PAbbe. Supplements a l'istoire Philosophique et Politique, &c. 4 vols. 8vo. Hague, 1781. —- W. C. 785. Raynal (G. T.) lFAbbe. Revolution de l'Am6rique. 8vo. London, 1781.-W. C. 786. Read (George C.) Commodore. Narrative of his Voyage around the World. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1840. Reading Railroad Company: their Policy and Prospects. Pamphlets, vol. 8. LSTAT.E LIBRARY. 45 714 MI S E LLA.NE OU S W OR S. Rebellions of 1t715 and 1745, in Scotland. A View ofthe, historical; moral and political. In two parts. 12mo. London, 1747. [ This volume also contains1. Remarks on the Pretender's Son's Second Declarationdated Oet. 10, 1745. 2. A Full Collection of all the Poems upon Charles, Prince of Wales. Published since his arrival in Edinburgl. Sept. 17, 1775. 3 A Full Collection of all the Proclamations and Orders, published by the authority of Charles, Prince of Wales, since his arrival in Edinburgh. In two parts; the last printed at Glasgow, in 1746. 4. Alexis, or the Young Adventurer. A Novel. London, 1746. 5. The Authentic Account of the Conduct of the Young Chevalier, from his arrival in Paris, after the Defeat at Culloden,. to the conclusion of the Peace at Aix-La-Chapellt. London, 1749. Recueil Diplomatique du Commerce et des Colonies d'Europe, dans les Trois autres Parties du Monde, pendant 1'Annde 1784. 6Imo. Paris, 1785. —W. C. 787. 2ecueil de Divers Voyages faits en Afrique et en I'Amerique. 4to. Paris, 1674. —-W. C. 788. Red Book of the Legislature of New York. See Manual. Redding (Cyrus.) History and Description of Modern Wines. 8vo, London, 1833. Redfield (W. C.) Courses of Hurricanes. 8Gvo. New-York, 1838. Redfield (W. C.) Observations of the Storm of December 15, 1839. Pamphlets, vol. 11. Redfield W. C.) On the Drift Ice and Currents of the North Atlantic. Silliman's Journal, vol. 43. Redfield (W. C.) Remarks on the Tornado which visited NewBrunswick, N. J., June 19, 1835. Pamphlets, vol. 11. Redfield (W. C.) Reply to Dr. Hare's Objections to the Whirlwind Theory of Storms. Pamphlets, vol. 11. Reed (Andrew.) D. D., and Matheson, (James) D. D. A Narrative. of their Visit to the American Churches. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1835. Reed (Joseph.) Life and Correspondence of. Military Secretary of Washington at Cambridge, Adjutant General of the Continental Army, Member of Congress, and President of the Executive Council of the State of.1 ennsy]vania. By his Grandson, Williamn B. Reed. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847. Reed (Joseph.) Life of. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 18. Rees (Abraham.) Cyclopaedia. 1st Am. ed. 41 vols. (Plates, 6 vols) 47 vols. 4to. Philadelphia. Reeves (John.) Two Tracts, showing, that Americans, born before the Independence, are, by the Law of England, not AlIens. Tracts, vol. 7. MISCELLANEOUS W ORKS. 715 Regents of the University. Annual Reports. See New-York. Register (American Annual.) See American Annual Register. Register (A nnual.) Dodsley's. See Annual Register. Registrar General (of England.) First, seconld, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth Annual Reports, on Births, Deaths and Marriages in England. Bound in 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1839 - 1849. Registrar General. Appendix to ninth Report. fol. (Among State Papers. Parliamentary Reports.) Regius (Lusus ) Misocapnus, sive de Abusu Tobacci. limo. Utrecht, 1641. See Tabacum.- Varii Auctores. —-W. C. Regnard (J. F.) Oeuvres de, suivies des Oeuvres Cloises de N. Destouches. Svo. Paris, 1837. C. L. Regnard (J. F:) Journey to Laopland, &c. Pinkerton, vol. 1. Reid (David B.) Illustrations of the Theory and Practice of Ventilation; with Remarks on Warming, &c. 8vo. London, 1844. Reid (John.) Philosophy of Dealth, or a General Medical and Statistical Treatise on the Nature and Causes of Human Mortality. 12mo. London, 1841. Reid (John.) Turkey and the Turks, being the Present State of tie Ottoman Empire. 12mo. London, 1840. Reid (Samuel C. Jun.) The Scouting Expeditions of MA Culloch's Rangers; or the Summer and Fall Campaign of the Army of the United States in Mexico, 184(6. 12mo. Philadelphia,. 1847. Reid (Thomas.) Two Voyages to New South Wales and Van Dieman's Land. 8vo. London, 1822. —W. C. 7 89. Reid (Thomas.) D. D. The Works of niow fully collected with Selections fiom his Unpublished Letters. Preface, Notes, and Supplementary Observations, by Sir William Hamilton, Bart. Professor of Logic and Metaphysics in the University of Edinburgh; with1 Dugald Stewart's Account of the Life and Writings of Dr. Reid. 8vo. Edinburghl, 1846. Reid (W.) Attempt to Develope the Law of Storms by means of Facts. 8vo. London, 1838. Reid (W.) Account of the Attack of Fort Loredo, near Santofia. Engineers' Prof. Papers, vol. 1. Reid (W.) On Assaults. Engineers' Prof. Papers, vol. 1. Reid (W.) On Intrenchments as Supports in Battle. Engineers' Prof. Papers, vol. 2. Relation de ce qui slest passe de plus remarquable aux Missions des P. P. de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France, On annees 1657 et 1658. 12mo. Paris, 1659. In vellum. (Exchanged for a duplicate copy of Denton ) Relation de ce qui s'est passe des Missions en la Nouvelle France, esAnnes, 1645-46, 1649-50, 1650-51, 1666-67. See Lalemant, Ragueneau and Le Mercier. Relations Veritables et Curienses de 1'Isle de Madagascar, et du Bresil; Trois Relations d'Egypte; et une du Royaume de Perse, &e. 4to. Paris, 1651. —W. C. 790. 716 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Relation del Viago Goletas Sutil y Mexicana en 1792. See Alcala, Galiano. Relations. See Jesuits. Remembrancer. See Almon, J. American Remembrancer. Reminiscences of the French War. Containing Rogers' Expeditions, with the New-England Rangers under his command, as published in London in 1765, with Notes and Illustrations. To which is added, an Account of the Life and Military Services of Major General John Stark. 12mo, Concord, N. H. 1831. Renaudot (Eusebe.) Travels of Two Mohammedans through India and China, in the Ninth Century. Pinkerton, vol. 7. Rengger et Longchamp. Essai Historique sur la Revolution du Paraguay et le Gouvernement Dictatorial du Docteur Francia. 8vo. Paris, 1827.- W. C. 791. Renneville (Madame de.) Coutumes Gauloises, on Origines Curieuses et pen connues de la plupart de nios Usages. 16mo. Paris, 1823. (Presented.) iennie (Rev. J.) See Library E K. Renwick (James.) Life of Count Rumford. Sparks' A.merican Biography, vol. 15. Renwick (James.) Life of David Rittenhouse. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 7. Renwick (James.) Life of Robert Fulton. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 10. Renwick (James.) Treatise on the Steam Engine. 8vo. New-York, 1830. Renwick (James.) A Discourse on the Character and Public Services of DeWitt Clinton, delivered before the Association of the Alumni of Columbia College, May 8, 1829. 8vo. NewYork, 1829. Renwick (James,) LL.D. Life of De Witt Clinton. 18mo. NewYork, 1845. Renwick (James,) LL.D. Lives of John Jay and Alexander Hamilton. 181mo. New-York, 1845. Repertory of Arts and Manufactures. 16 vols. 8vo. London, 1794- 1802. Repertory of Arts and Manufactures. Second Series. 30 vols. 8vo. London, 1802 - 1817. Repertory of Arts and Manufactures. Analytical Index to the 16 volumes of the First Series; with a General Index to the first 8 volumes of the Second Series. 8vo. London, 1806. Repertory of Patent Inventions, being a Continuation of the Repertory of Arts and Manufactures. (Vols. 9-16.) 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1830 - 1833. Repertory of Patent Inventions. New Series. 18 vols. 8vo. London, 1834 - 1842. Repertory of Patent Inventions, &c., enlarged series. Vol. 1 to 11, inclusive. 11 vols. 8vo. London, 18-3-48. MISCELLANIEOUS WORKS. 717 Retrospective Review. (The) 14 vols. Svo. London, 1820 - 26. Retrospective Review (The) and Histo ical Antiquarian Magazine. Edited by Henry Southern and Nicholas Harris iicolas. Second Series, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1827 -28. Retz (J. F. P. de Gondi.) Cardinal de. Memoirs: trans. from the French. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1817. Revans (John.) Evils of the State of Ireland: their Causes, and their Remedy-A Poor Law. See Panmphlets, vol. 11. (Presented.) Revere (Joseph W.) Lieut. U. S. Navy. A Tour of Duty in California, including a Description of the Gold Region, &c.. Edited by J. N. Balestier. 12mo. New-York, 1849. Revolution. What is a Revolution? Pamphleteer, vol. 14. Revolution of 1688. See Mackintosh, Sir J. Ward, R. P., William. III. Revue de Bibliographie Analytique ou Compt6 Rendu des Ouvrages Scientifiques et de haute Literature, &c. Par M. M. Miller,. et Aubenas. 1840-1845. Paris. 6 vols. 8vo. (Presented.), Revue Horticole, resume de tout ce qui parait d'interessant en Jardinage, Plantes Nouvelles, &c. Par M. M. Poiteau, Vilmorin,Decaisne, Neumann et Pepin. Second serie. Tome 1-5. 12mo. Paris, 1844 -46. 5 vols. Revue Horticole. (Journal of Horticulture, &c.). Par M. M. Poiteau, Vilmorin, Decaisne, Neumann, Pepin, &c. Troiseme serie. 2 vols. l2mo. Paris, 1847-8. Reynolds (J. N.) South Sea Surveying and Exploringp Expedition:its Inception, Progress and Objects. 8vo. New-York, 1841. Reynolds (J. N.) Voyage of the U. S. Frigate Potomac, Commodore Johin Downes, during the Circumnavigation of the Globe in the years 1831 -34. Eighth edition. 8vo. NewYork, 1845. Beynolds (J. N.) See Glass. Reynolds (Sir Soshua.) Art of Painting, fromn Du Fresnoy. Works, vol. 2. Reynolds (Sir Joshua.) Discourses on the Fine Arts. Works, vols. I and 2. Reynolds (Sir Joshua.) Journey to Flanders and Holland, in 1781. Works, vol 2. Reynolds (Sir Joshua.) Literary Works; with a Memoir of the Author, by I. W. Beechey. 2 vols. l2mo. London, 1835. Rhode Island. Collections of the Historical Society. 5 vols, 8vo. Providence, 1827 - 1843. Rhode Island Book. (The) Selections in Prose and Verse, from the Writings of Rhode Island Citizens. By Anne C. Lynch. 12mo. Providence, 1841. Rhode Island Literary Repository. (The) Vol. 1. 1814-15. (All that was published.) 8vo. Providence, 1815. Ribault (John.) Life. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 17. 718 M ISCELLA NEOVS WORKS. Ricardo (David.) M. P. The Works of, with a Notice of the Life. and Writings of the Author. By J. R. M'Culloch. 8vo. London, 1846. Ricaut (Sir Paul.) History of the Turkish Empire, from 1623 to 1677. fi1. London, 1680. Ricaut (Sir Paul.) See Garcilasso de la Vega, (el Inca.) Rich (0.) See Catalogue. Richard (M9) History of Tonquin. Pinkerton, vol. 9. Richard (M. F.) Voyages chez les Peuples Sauvages, ou 1IHiomme de la Nature, &c. 2d ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1808.W. C. 792. Richardson (Charles.) New Dictionary of the English Language, 2 vols. 4to. London, 1838. Richardson (Charles.) The Sane. 2 vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 1846. Richardson (Charles G.) Popular Treatise on the Warming and Ventilation of Buildings, showilng the Advantages of Heated Water Circulation. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1839. Richardson (G. F.) Geology for Beginners. 12mo. London, 1842. Richardson (Jamtes.) Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in the years 1845 and 1846, &c. Including a Description of the Oases, and Cities of Ghat, Ghadames and Mourzuk. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1818, Richardson (John.) Fauna Boreali-Americana, or the Zoology of the Northern Parts of British America. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1829 - 1837. Richardson (Luther.) Pamphlets, vols. 36 - 39. Richardson (Rev. N. S.) See Church Review. Richer (NI.) Observations Astronomiques et Physiques faites en l'Isle de Caienne. fol. Paris, 1679. See Astronomie. — W. C. Richmond (Alex. B.) Narrative of the Condition of the Manufacturing Population; and of the Proceedings which led to the State Trials in Scotland, &c. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1825. Riddell (J. L.) Monograph of the Silver Dollar, good and bad. 8vo. New Orleans, 1845. Ridgely (David.) Annals ot Annapolis, from its first settlement in 1649 to 1812, &c. 12mo. Baltimore, 1841. Pdedesel (Madame de.) Memoirs and Letters relating to the War of American Independence, and the Capture of the German Troops at Saratoga, by. Translated from the German. 12mo. New-York, 1827. Riesbeck (Caspar.) Baron. Travels through Germany. Pinkerton, vol. 6. Riley (James.) An authentic Narrative of the loss of the American Brig Commerce, wrecked on the Coast of Western-Africa, in August, 1815. 12mo. Hartfcrd, 1846. Rigby (Edward.) lHolkham. its Agriculture, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 13. Ringrose (Basil.) See Esquemeling.- -W. C. M IrS E'LLANEOU:S W'OVRKS. 719 Rio (Arrtonio del ) Description of the Ruins of an Ancient City, discovered near Palenque-: Translated from th1 Spanish, with a Critical Research into the History of the Americans, by Dr. Cabrera. 4to. London, 1822. ——. C. 793. Ritchie (Andrew.) Pamphllets, vol. 37. Rittenhouse.(David.) Life. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 7. Ritter (Dr. H-eirich.) The History of Ancient Philosophy. Transla ted by Alexander J. XW. Morrison. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1838.'C. L. IRives (Mrs. W. C.) Tales and Souvenirs of a Residence in Europe, 12mo. Philadelphia, 1842. Roads (The) nand Railroads, Vehicles and Modes of Travelling of Ancient and Modern Countries; with an account of Bridges, Tunnels and Canals. 12mo. London, 1839. Robkerds (J. W.) Memoir of the Life and Writings of William Taylor of Norvwichl; containing his Correspondence with RobertSouthey, and Original Letters from Sir Walter Sco;t. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1843. BRobbins (Archibald.) A Journal containing an account of the loss of the brig Commerce, James Riley, master, upon the western coast of Africa, August 28, 1815, &c. 12mo. Hartford, 1 842. BRobbins (Rev. Thomas.) An Historical View of the First Planters of New-England. 12lmo. Hartford, 1815. ~Robert (T.) Narrative of the Life of the Rev. George Whitefield. 12mo. London. W. C. 794. Rdbert de Vaugondy (G.) Essai sur l'Histoire de la Geographlie. 12mo. Paris, 1755.- VW. C. 795. B'dbert de Vaugondy (G.) Institutions Geograplhiques. Svo.. Paris, 1766. W. C. 796. Rtoberts (Edmund.) Embassy to the Eastern Courts of Cochin-China, Siam, and Muscat. in 1832.- 1834. 8vo. New-York, 1837,.Roberts (Orlando W.) Narrative of Voyages and Excursions on the East Coast and in the Interior of Central America. 12mo, Edinburgh, 1827. Roberts (William.) Account of the First Discovery and Natural History of Florida, &c. 4to. London, 1763. Robertson (David.) Tour through the isle of Man, &c. Pinkerton. vol. 2. Robertson (Ignatius Loyola.) Sketches of Public Characters, drawn from the Living and the Dead,.&c. l2mo. New-York, 1830. (Written by Samuel L. Knapp.) Robertson (William.) History of America. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1777. —-- C 797. Robertson (William.) History of America, with the History of Virginia to 1688, and that of New-England to 1C52. Svo. Basil, 180L — W. C. 798. Robertson (William.) The Same. 2 vols. 8vo. Pniladelphia, 1812. 720 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS', Robertson (William.) tIistory of the Reign of the Emperor Charle, V., &c. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1812. Robertson (William.) History of Scotland, during the Reigns of Queen Mary and King James VI.; with the Life of the Author by Iugald Stewart. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1811., Robertson (William.) Historical Disquisition concerning the Knowledge which the Ancients had of India. 1st Am. ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1812. Robertson (William.) Histoire de lIAmerique - trad. de I'Anglois. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1778.- W. C. 799. Robertson (William.) Histoire de l'Amerique: trad. de 1'Anglois. par MM. Suard et Morellet: Nouvelle Edition, Reevue Corrigee et Augmentee des Livres Neuvieme et Dixi6me. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1818.-W. C. 800. Robertson (Wyndham. Jun. of Virginia.) Oregon, our right and title; containing an account of the condition of Oregon Terriory,, and a Statement of the Claims of Russia, Spain, Great Britain and the United States. 8vo. Washington, 1846. Robertus Monachus. DIe Christianorum. Principum Bello contra Turcas, 1088. fol. Basil, 1533. See Columbus. Robin (1' Abbe.) Nouveau Voyage dans l'Amnriqn e Septentrionale, en 1781; et Campagne de l'Armee de M. le Compte de Rlochambean. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1782. —--. C. 801. Robin (C. C.) Voyages dansl'Interieur de la Louisiane, de la, Floride Occidentale, &c, 1802-1806. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1807. -~W. C 802. Robin (C. C.) See Pafinesque. Robinson (Conway.) An account of Discoveries in the West, until' 1519, and of the voyages to and along the Atlantic coast of North America, from 1520 to 1573. Prepared for the Virginia Historical and Philosophical Society, by. 8vo. Richmond, 1848. Robinson (Edw.) Biblical Researches in Palestine. Mount Sinai, and Arabia Petrea: a Journal of Travels, in 1838, by E. Robinson and E. Smith. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 18411. Robinson (Rev. Edward.) D. D. Bibliotheca Sacra, or Tracts and Essays on Topics connected with Biblical Literature and Theology. Edited by. See Bibliotheca Sacra. Robinson (Fayette.) Mexico and her Military Chieftains, &c. 12mo-. Philadelphia, 1847. Robinson (Fayette.) An Account of the Organization of the Army of the United States, with Biographies of Distinguished Officers. 2 vols. 12nmo. Philadelphia, 1848. Robinson (Fayette.) California and its Gold Regions, &c. with a' Map. 12mo. New-York, 1849. Robinson (J. H.) Journal of an Expedition up the Oronoco, &e. 8vo. London, 1822. —W. C. 803. Robinson (M.) See American Tracts. Vols. 6 and 9 Robinson (P. F.) New Series of Designs for Ornamental Cottages and Villas. 4to. London, 1838. MISCELLANEOUS W CR. 721 Robinson (Wm. D.) Cursory View of Spanish America. 8vo. Georgetown, 1815. — W. C. 804. Robinson (NVin. D.) Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution, including a Narrative of t-he Expedition of General Mina. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1821.-W. C. 805. Robison (John.) Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions ard Governments of Europe. 8vo. Iublin, 1798. Robson (Joseph.) Account of Six Year's Residence in Hudson's Bay. 8vo. London, 1752. Rochefort (Caesar de.) Histoire Naturelle et Morale d&s Antilles de I'Amerique. 2 vols. 12nio. Lyons, 1667. —-— W. C. 806. Rochefort (Cmsar de.) Histoire Naturelle et Morale des Antilles de l'Am6rique, avec un Vocabulaire Caraibe. 2d ed. 4to. Rotterdam, 1725.-W. C. 807. Rochefoucauld-Liancourt (Due de la.) Voyage dans les Etats-Unis d'Amerique, en 1795-1797. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1798. --. C. 808. Rochefoucauld-Liancourt (Due de la.) Travels through the United States of North America, and Upper Canada, in 1795 - 1797: trans. from the French. 4to. London, 1799. —W. C. 809. Rochetillac (Poncelin de la.) Almanac Americain, Asiatique et Africain. 12mo. Paris, 1785. —. C. 810. Rochon (Alex.) Voyage to Madagascar and the East Indies: trans. from the French. 8vo. London, 1792. Rocky Mountains, Oregon, California, New Mexico, Texas and Grand Prairies. Scenes in. By a New-Englander. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1846. Rodd (Thomas.) Catalogue of Books relating to America., Bound with Miller's Description of New-York. See Miiller. Rodgers (John.) Commodore. Message from the President of the United States on the subject of his Marine Railway. Pamphlets, vol. 7. Rodney (C. A.) and J. Graham. Present State of the United Provinces of South America. 8vo. London, 1819. —- W. C 811. Roe (Sir Thomas.) Voyage to India. Pinkerton, vol. 8. Roebuck (J. A.) Existing Difficulties in the Government of the Canadas. Pamphlets, vol. 12. (Presented.) Roebuck (J. A..) Pamphlets for the People. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. London, 1835. (Presented.) Roger (P.) Archives Historiques de L'Albigeois et du Pays Castrais. 8vo. (No date.) (Presented.) Roger of Wendover's Flowers of History. Comprising the 1History of England from the descent of the Saxons to A. D. 1235, Formerly ascribed to Mathew Paris. Translated from the Latin, by J. A. Giles, D C. L. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1849. 722 MISCE LLAN EOS Wo R S, Rogers (Rev. Armmi.) A.' M. Memoirs of, written by himself. Second Edition. in2mo. Schenectady,1828. Rogers (Henry D.) Report on the Geology of North America. Reports British Association, 1834. Rogers (Henry D.) Description of the Geology of the State of NewJersey, being a Final Reptort. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. Rogers (Henry D.) Report on the Geological Survey of the State of New Jersey, by. 8vo. Freehold. (N. J.) 1836. Rogers (Ilenry I.).Report on the Geological Survey of the State of New Jersey, by. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1836. Rogers (HIeny D.) Report on the Geological Survey of the State of New Jersey, by. Second Edition. 8vo. Philadelphia, 183-6. Rogers (Henry D.) First Annual Report (of:the Geological Exploration of t-he State of Pennsylvania,) of the State Geologist, made to the Legislature, 1836. Second do., 1838. Third do., 1839. 8vo. Harrisburgh. (Bound in one voluame.) Rogers (Henry D.) Fifth Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Pennsylvania. 8vo. Harrisburgh, 1841. Rogers (Robert.) Major. Concise Account of North America. 8vo. London, 1765. Rogers (Robert.) Major. Journals, during the late War in North America. 8vo. London, 1765. Rogers (Thomas J.) A new American Biographical Dictionary, or Remembrancer of the departed. Heroes, Sages and Statesmen of America. Third Edition. 8vo. Easton, Penn., 1824. Rogers (William B.) Report of the Geological Survey of Virginia. 8vo. Richmond, 1840. Rogers (William B.) Report of the Geological Reconnoissance of the State of Virginia; made under the appointment of the Board of Public Works, by. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1836. Rogers (William Bo) First Report of the Progress of the Geological Survey of the State of Virginia, for the year 1836. Second Report of do. for the year 1837. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1838. (Bound in one volume ) Rogers (Woodes.) Voyage autour du Monde, 1708- 1711: trad de Anglois; on ]'on a joint quelques Pieces curieuses touchant a Riviare des Amazones et la Guiane. 2 vcis. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1716. —W. C. 812. Rogers (Woodes.) The Same. 3 vols. 12mo. Amsterdcam 1723. W —W- C. 813. Roget (P. M.) See Bridgewater Treatises. Roland (Madame.) Appeal to Impartial Posterity. 1st Am. ed. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1798. Rollin (Charles.) Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthag'nians, Assyrians, &c. from the French. 8 vols. 12mo. NewNork, 1812. Rolt (Richard.) History of South America. 8vo. London, 1756. MI-SCEI LLANEOUS WORKS. 723 Roman Catholic Church. View of its principal Religious and Military Orders. Pamphleteer: vol. 5. Roman Politique. See Saintard. Romailce of the Peerage. See Craik. Rome (History of.) Lardner's Cyclopedia, vols. 50 and 51. Romilly (Sir Samuel.) Memoirs of his Life, written by himself; with a Selection from his Correspondence: Edited by his Sons. 2d ed. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1840. Romily (Sir Samuel.) Speech, in the House of Common3, cn the Slave Trade. Pamphleteer, vol. 4. Ronde (Rev. Lambertus de.) Two Sermons in the Low Dutch, by. " De Ware Gedagtenis, gelovige navolging, &c.;" Being a Funeral Sermon on the Death of Rev. Gualtherus Du Bois. Oct. 13, 1751. 4to. New-York. Gedrukt by Hendricus De Foreest. 1752. The Second Sermon (title page wanting) is entitled " De Gekruiste Christus." Ronde (Rev. L. Du.) A System containing the Principles of the Christian Religion, suitable to the Heidelberg Catechism. 12mo. New-York. (Hugh Gaine.) 1763. Ro:de (Rev. L. Du.) The true spiritual Religion, or delightful service of the Lord. 8vo. New-York. (John Holt.) 1767. (Dedicated to Sir Henry Moore.) Rooke (John.) Geology as a Science, applied to the Reclamation of Land from the Sea, &c. 2d ed. l2mo. London, 18-10. Roorback (0. A.) Bibliotheca Americana. Catalogue of American Publications, including re-prints and original Works, from 1820 to 1848 inclusive. Compiled and arranged by. 8vo. New-York, 1849. Root (Erastus.) Lieut. Governor. Address to the People of NewYork. Pamphllets, vol. 2. Roquefeuil (Camille de.) Voyage autour du Monde, en 1816 -19, 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1823.~W. C. 814. Roscoe (Henry.) Lives of Eminent British Lawyers. Lardner's Cyclopsedia, vol. 92. Roscoe (Thomas.) Memoirs of Scipio de Ricci: Edited from the Original of M. De Potter. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1829. Roscoe (William.) Discourse on the Origin and Vicissitudes of Literature, Science, and Art, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. II. Roscoe (William.) Life of Lorenzo de Mediei, 1st Am. ed, 3 vols 8vo. Philadelphia, 1803. Roscoe (William.) Lifei and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth. 5th ed. Revised by his Son. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1846. Ross (Alexander.) Adventures of the First Settlers on the Oregon or Columbia River; bein~n a Narrative of the Expedition fitted out by John Jacob Astor, to establish the Pacific Fur Company. 12mo. London, 181-9. Ross (Alex.) Les Religions du' Monde: trad. de lAnolois par Thomas,La Grue. 4to. Amsterdam, 166. —— W. C. 815. Ross (Capt. Sir James Clark.) A voyage of Discovery and Research 724 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. in the Southern and Antarctic Regions, during the year~ 1839-43. 2vols. 8vo. London, 1847. Ross (Sir John.) Memoirs and Correspondence of Admiral De Saumerez. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. Ross (Sir John.) Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a NorthWest Passage, in 1829 - 1833. 4to. London, 1835. Ross (Sir John.) Appendix to the Narrative of a Second Voyage, &c. 4to. London, 1835. Ross (Capt. John.) A Voyage of Discovery made in his Majesty's Ships Isabella and Alexander, to explore Baffin's Bay, and enquiring into the probability of a North-West Passage. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1819. Rossi (M. P.) Cours D'Economie Politique. vol. 1. 8vo. Paris, 1840. (vol. 2 wanting.) C. L. Rotteck (Charles von.) General History of the World: Translated from the German and Continued, by Frederic Jones. 1st Am. ed. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. Roubaud (M. l'Abbe) Histoire Generale de l'Asie, de'Afrique, et de l'Amerique. 5 vols. 4to. Paris, 1770 - 1775.~ — W. C. 816. Rouelle (John.) M. D. A complete Treatise on the Mineral Waters of Virginia. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1792. Rough and Ready Annual, or Military Souvenir. 12mo. NewYork, 1848. Roughley (Thoxmas.) Jamaica Planter's Guide, 8vo. London, 1823. - W. C 817. Roure (M. P.) La Conquete du Mexique: Poeme in Dix Chants. 8vo. Paris, 18l1.-W. C. 818. Rousseau (J. J.) Discourse on the Question, whether the Revival of the Arts and Sciences has contributed to render our Manners pure? proving the Negative. Tracts, vol, 4. Rousseau (J. J.) Oeuvres de, Citoyen de Geneva. 20 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1801. (Presented.) Rousseau (J. J.) Oeuvres, Poetiques de. See Malherbe. Roussel (Theop.) De La Pellagre, de sur origine, progres, ca-ises, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1845. (Presented.) Rousset de Missy (J.) Les Int6rets Presens et les Pretentious de Puissances de l'Europe. 3d. ed. 3 vols. 4to, HIague, 1741. -W. C. 819. Roussier ('Abbe.) Observations sur diff6rens Points d'Harmoni.e 8vo. Geneva, 1755. (Presented.) Roux de Rochelle (M.) Etats Unis d'Amerique. 8vo. Paris, 1845. Rovigo (Duke of.) Memoirs written by himself. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1828. Rovigo (Duke of.) Vindication of his Political Conduct. Pamphleteer, vol. 9. Rowland son (Mrs. Mary..) Narrative of the Captivity of, who was taken by the Indians at the destruction of Lancaster, in MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 725 1676. Written by herself. Sixth Edition. 18mio. Lancaster, 1828. -Towlett (John.) Tables of Discount or Interest, showing at sight the interest of each and every dollar,' fiom one to two thousand. &c. The whole completed at six per cent. 4to. Philadelphia, 1831. Roy (P. L. le.) Narrative of Four Russian Sailors cast away in Spitzbergen. Pinkerton, vol. 1. Royal Irish Academy. See Transactions. Royali Kalandar and Court and City Register, for England, Scotland, Ireland, and the Colonies, for the years 1819, 1829, 1833, and 1836. 4 vols. 12mo. London. (Presented.) Royall (Mrs. Anne.) The Black Book, or a continuation of Travels in the United States. In three vols. Vol 3. 12mo. Washington, 1829. (Presented.) Royall (Mrs Anne.) Southern Tour, or second series of the Black Book. Vol. 2. 8vo. Washington, 1831. (Presented.) Royer (M.) Des Institutions de Credit Foncier en Allema.gne et en Belgique. 8vo. Paris, 1845. (Presented.) Royer (C. E.) Notes Econoniques sur l'Administration, des Richesses et la Statistique Agricole de la France. 8vo. Paris, 1843 with a Folio Atlas. (Presented.) Royle (J. Forbes.) M.D..Materia Miedica and Therapeutics, by. Edited by Joseph Carson, M. D., Professor, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847. Rozoy(M. de.) Azor, oules Peruviens: Trag6die. 8vo. Geneva, 1770. See Poemies sur FAmerique. W. C. Rubruquis (G. de.) Voyage Remarquable en Tartarie et a la Chine, 1253. 4to. Paris, 1735. See Bergeron.- W. C. Ruddock (Samuel A.) Statistical and Geographical Atlas of North America; showing the Latitude and Longitude of the Capital Cities, th eir Distances from each other in every Direction, from Quebec to Panama. (Roller forml.) Ruding (Rev. Rogers.) Annals of the Coinage of Great Britain and its Dependencies, from the Earliest Period to the Reign of Victoria. Third Edition. 3 vols 4to. London, 1840. Ruggieri (Cesar.) Narrative of the Crucifixion of Matthew Lovat, executed by his own hands, in Venice, in 1805. Pamphleteer, vol. 3. Rumford (Benjamin, Count of.) Essays, Political, Economical and Philosophical. 3d ed. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1797. Rumford (Count.) Life. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 15. Rusehenberger (W. S. W.) Voyage round the World, including an Embassy to Muscat and Siam, in 1835 -1837. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1838. Rush (Benjamin.) Account of the Life and Character of Christopher Ludwick, Baker-General of the Army during the Revolutionary War, &c. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1831. 726 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Rush (Benjamin.) Medical Inquiries and Observations upon the Diseases of the Mind. 5th ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1835. Rush (Richard.) Memoranda of a Residence at the Court of London. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1833. Rush (Richard.) The Same; including Negotiations on the Oregon Question, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. Rushworth (John.) Historical Collections. 8 vols. fol. London, 1721. Russell (Archibald.) Principles of Statistical Tnquiry, as illustrated in Proposals for Uniting an Examination into the Resources of the United States with the Census to be taken in 1840. 8vo. New-York, 1839. (Presented.) Russell (Archibald) of New-York. Account of the Eleven Thousand Schools in the State of New-York: Being a Letter to Sir William Hamilton, Bart. Svo. Edinburgh, 1847. Russell (John ) On the Nature, Properties and Applications of S:eam, and on Steam Navigation. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1841. Russell (John.) Tour in Germany, and some of the Southern Provinces of the Austrian rEmpire, in 1820 - 1822. 2 volso 16mno. London, 1825. Russell (Lord John.) The Life of Lord William Russel, &c. 3d ed. 2 vols. bound in 1. London, 1847. C. L. Russtll (Lord John.) The Life of Lord William Russell, with someo Account of the Times in which he lived. 2d ed. 2 vols. London, 1820. Russell (Michael.) History of Nubia and Abyssinia. Edinburgh Cabinet Library, vol. 12. Russell (Michael.) History of the Present Condition of the Barbary States. Edinburgh Cabinet Library, vol. 17. Russell (Michael.) Palestine, or the Holy Land, from the Earliest Period to the Present time. Edinburgh Cabinet Library, vol. 4. Russell (Michael.) Polynesia, or an H-istorical Account of the principal Islands in the South Sea. Edinburgh Cabinet Library, vol. 33. Russell (Michael.) View of Ancient and Modern Egypt. Edinburgh Cabinet Library, vol. 3. Russell (William.) History of America. 2 vols. in 1. 4to. London. 1778. Russell (William.) History of Ancient Europe. n vols. 8vo. London, 1793. Russell (William.) History of Modern Europe. 6 vols. Svo. London, 1786. Russell (William.) Harper's New-York Class Book. 12mo. NewYork, 1847. Russell William S.) Guide to Plymouth, and Recollections of the Pilgrims. 12mo. Boston, 1848. Russia. Revelations of Russia; or the Emperor Nicholas and his MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 727 Empire, in 1844: By an English Resident. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lndon, 1845. Rutlierfurd (Samuel.) Survey of the Survey of that Summe of Church Discipline, penned by lMr Thomas Hooker. 4to. London, 1658. Ruxton (George F.) Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains. 12mo. London, 1849. Ruxton (George F.) Life in the Far West. 12mo. New-York, 1849. Rycaut (Sir Paul.) See Ricaut. Ryerson (Rev. Egerton,) D. D. Chief Superintendent of Schools for Upper Canada. Report on a System of Public Elementary Instruction, for Upper Canada. 8vo. Montreal, 1847. (Presented.) Ryland. See Foster. S. Sabine (Edward.) Contributions to Terrestrial Magnetism. Trans. Roy. Soc., 1840-1813. Sabine (Edward.) Report on the Variations of the Magnetic Intensity observed at different Points of the Earth's Surface. Reports British Association, 1837. Sabine (Edward.) Appendix to a Report on the Variations of the Magnetic Intensity. Reports British Associatlon, 1838. Sabine (Lorenzo.) The American Loyalist, or Biographical Sketches of Adherents to the British Crown in the War of the Revolution; Alphabetically arranged. With a Preliminary 1Historical Essay. 8vo. Boston, 1847. Sabine (Lorenzo.) Life of Commodore Edward Preble. See Sparks' Biography, vol. 22. Sack (Albert von, Baron.) Narrative of a Voyage to Surinam, of a Residence there, and of the Author's return to Europe, by way of North America. 4to. London, 1810. -W. C. 820. Sacket (G. H.) Early History of the County of Seneca, New-York. Pamphlets, vol. 22. (Presented.) Sacy (L. de.) L'Honneur Franiais, ou Histoire des Vertus et des Exploits de Notre Nation. 12 vols. 12mo. Paris, 17691784. —W. C. 821. Sacy (M. de.) LSEsclavage des Americaines et des NCgres. Svo. Paris, 1775. See Ponmes sur I'Amerique. — W. C. Sadler (M. T.) The Law of Population, in Disproof of the Superfecundity of Human Beings, and developing the real Principle of their Increase. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830. Sadler (M. T.) Life and Writings. 8vo. London, 1842. Sadler (Sir Ralph.) State Papers and Letters: Edited by Arthur Clifford; with his Life and Notes, by Walter Scott. 3 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1809. 728 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Saintard (M.) Roman Politique sur l'Etat Present des Affaires de l'Amnrique. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1756. —W. C. 822. St. Clair (Arthur.) Major General. Narrative of the manner in which the Campaign against the Indians in 1791, under the command of, was conducted; together with his observations on the statements of the Secretary of War, &c., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1812. Saint-Domingo. Journal de Saint-Domlingue. 3 vols. 12mo. Cap-Franqais, 1765. — W. C. 823. Saint-Domingo. Premier Receuil de Pieces Int6ressantes, remises par les Commissaries de la Colonie Saint -Domingue, a MM. les Notables, le 6 Novembre, 1788. 8vo. Paris, 1788. See Gouy d' Arsy. W. C. Saint-Domingo, Du Seul Parti a Prendre a Regard de Saint-Domingue. 8vo. Paris, 1819. —W. C. 824. Saint-Domingo. De Cri d'un Colon de Saint-IDomingue, par un Colon mis hors la Loi, en 1795. 8vo. Paris. 1820.- W. C. 825. Saint-Domingo. Le Pilote de l'sle de Saint-Domingue. fol. Paris, 1787. (Presented.) Sainte-Croix (F R. de ) Statistique de la Martinique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1822. —WV. C. 826. Sainte-Croix (G. E. J. G. de.) Histoire des Progres de la Puissance Navale de l'Angleterre. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1786. — W. C. 827. Saint-Hlilaire (A. de.) Voyage dans le District de Diamans et sur le Littoral du Bresil. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1833. —W. C. 828. Saint-Hiiaire (A de.) Voyage dans les Provinces de Rio Janeiro et de lMinas Geraes. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1830. —-- W. C. 829. St. John (Boyle.) Adventures in the Lybian Desert and the Oasis of Jupiter Ammron, 122mo. New-York, 1849. St. John (J. A.) Egypt and Nubia, with Illlstrations. 8vo. London, 1845. Saint-John (J. A.) Egypt under Mohammed Ali, or Travels in the Valley of the Nile. 2 vols. 8vo London, 1834. Saint-John (J. Hector.) See Crevecceur. St. John (John R.) True Description of the Lake Superior country; with a minute account of the Copper Mines and Working Companies. 12mo. New-York, 1846. St. John (Percy B.) French Revolution in 1848. The three Days of February, 1818. With sketches of Lamartine, Guizot &c. 12mo. New-York, 1848. St. John (Percy B) Frenclh Revolution in 1843. The three Days of February, 1848, by. Second Edition. 12mo. London, 1818. Saint-Lucia (and St. Vincent.) Relation of the late Intended Settle(10890) MISCELLANEOU s WORKS. 729 ments in Right of the Duke of Montague. 8vo. London, 1725.W-. C. 830. St. Lucia. The Memorials of the English and French Commissioners concerning. 4to. London, 1755. Saint-Marc-Girardin (M.) De L'Instruction intermediare, et de son etat dans le midi de L'Allemlagne. 8vo. Paris, 1835. (Presented.) Saint-Palaye (M. de la Curne de.) Life of Froissart: trans. from the French by Thomas Johnes. 12mo. London, 1801. St. Pierre (James —Henry B.) Studies of Nature. 2 vols. 8vo Dublin, 1798. Saint-Pierre (J. H. Bernardin de.) Oeuvres de. Mises en ordre et precedees de la vie de L'Auteur, par L. Aime-Martin. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1836. C. L. Sale (George.) The Koran: Translated from the Arabic, with Notes, and a Preliminary Discourse. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1801. Sale (Lady Florentine.) Journal of the Disasters in Affghanistan. 1841 - 42. 12mo. London, 1844. Salisbury (J. H.) Prize Essays: 1. History and Chemical Investigation of Ma ize, orrCd i; r Corn. Albany, 1849. 2. On the Composition of the Tomato, Egg-Plant, and Pods of the Ocra. By J. H. S. 3. Examination of the Rumex Crispus, or Yellow Dock. 4. Examination of five varieties of Cabbage. (Bound in one volume.) 8vo. (Presented.) Salle (Robert de la.) Journal Historique du Dernier Voyage dans le Golfe de Mexique, pour trouver l'Embouchure et le Cours de la Rivi6re du Missicipi. 12mo. Paris, 1713. W. C. 831. Salle (Robert de la.) Journal of the last Voyage, to find out the Mouth of the Mississippi River: trans. from the French of M. Joutel. 12mo. London, 1714. Salle (Robert de la.) Life. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 11. Salm (Madame La Princesse Constance de.) Oeuvres completes de. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris; 1842. (Presented.) Salm Pensees de la Princesse Constance de. Nouvelle edition. Augumentee d'une troisieme partie inedite. 8vo. Paris, 1846. (Presented.) Salmon (Thomas.) Modern History. 3d ed. vols 2 and 3. fol. London, 1745.- W. C. 832. Salt (Henry.) Voyage to Abyssinia, and Travels into the Interior of that Country, in 1809 and 1810. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1816. Salt (Henry.) Life of. See Halls. Samarang. Voyage of the. See Belcher. Samoiedia. New Account of. Pinkerton, vol. 1. Sampson (M. B.) Rationale of Crime and its appropriate Treatment: A. Treatise on Criminal Jurisprudence, considered in relation to Cerebral Organization. With Notes and IllusSTATE LIBRARY.] 46 730 MISCELLANE OUS WORKS. trations, by Mrs. E. W. Farnham. 12mo. New-York, 1846. Sampson (William.) Memoirs; with a Sketch of the History of Ireland. 2d ed. 8vo. Leesburg, 1817. Sampson (William) an Irish Exile. Memoirs of, written by himself From the Second American Edition, with an Introduction. 12mo. London, 1832. Sanders (John.) See People's Journal. Sanderson (John.) Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence. 9 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1820 - 1822. Sanderson (John.) The American in Paris. Third Edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1847. Sandor (Farkas.) Utazas Eszak Amerikaban. 8vo. Kolozvartt, 1834. Sands (Robert C.) Writings; with a Memoir of the Author. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1835. Sanford (Ezekiel.) A History of the United States before the Revolution, with some account of the Aborigines. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1819. Sansom (Joseph) Sketches of Lower Canada, historical and descriptive, &c., during a Tour to Quebec, 1817. l2mo. NewYork, 1817. Sanson (Nicholas.) Geographia Sacra, ex Veteri et Novo Testamento desumpta, et in Tabulas Quatuor concinnata. Addita sunt, Descriptio Terra Charnaam: Jesu Christi, et Apostolorum Petri et Pauli, Vite; turn et in omnes eas Tabulas et Descriptiones, Animadversiones et Index Geographicus, &c. fol. Paris, iCC5. WV. C. 833. Sanson (Nicholas.) L'Europe, I'Asie, l'Afrique, et l'Amerique, en plusieurs Cartes, &c. 4to. Paris, 1683. W. C. 834. Santa-Rosa (Count.) On the Piedmontese Revolution. Pamphleteer, vol. 19. Santos (Joano dos.) Hiistory of Eastern Ethiopia. Pinkerton, vol. 16. Saratoga.Springs. See Allen. Emmons, North, Seaman, Steel. Sargent ( ) American Adventure by Land and Sea. 2 vols, 18mo. New-York, 1847. Sargent (Epes.) Life and Services of Henry Clay, by. New edition. 8vo. New-York, 1848. Sargent (George B.) U. S. Deputy Surveyor. Notes on Iowa, with a new Map. 18mo. New-York, 1849. Sarpi (Fra Paolo.) Historic of the Councel of Trent: trans. from the Italian by Nathanael Brent. fol. London, 1620. Sarraut (G. et B. Saint-Edme.) Biographie des Hommes du Jour. 6 vols. fol. Paris, 1835-1841. W. C. 835. Saner (Martin.) Account of a Geographical and Astronomical Expedition to the Northern Parts of Russia, by Commodore Billings, 1785 - 179. 4to. London, 1802. Saner (Martin.) Voyage dans le Nord de la Russe,1785 - 1794, par MISCELLANEOUS Wo RKS. 731 le Commodore Billings: trad. de l'Anglois, avec Notes, par J. Castera. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1802. -. C. 836.!Saussure (H. B. de.) Attempts to attain the Summit of Mont Blanc. Pinkerton, vol. 4. Sauvigny (E. L. B. de.) Hirza: Tragedie. 8vo. Paris, 1767. See Poemes sur l'Amerique. W. C. Sauzeau (M.) Agriculture de Partie du Poitou. 8vo. Niort, 1844. (Presented.)'Savage (James.) Pamphlets, vol. 42.:Savary (Nicholas.) Letters on Greece: trans. from the French. 8vo. London, 1788..Saxe-Weimar (Bernhard.) Duke of. Travels through North America. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1828. Say (Jean Baptiste.) Treatise on Political Economy - trans. from the French, by C. R. Prinsep, with Additional Notes by Clement Co Biddle. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1836..Say (Thomas.) American Entomology; with a Glossary. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1824 - 1828.:Scamozzi (Vincent.) Oeuvres de. Architecture of. 8vo. Paris, 1764. (Presented.) Schaefer (J. C.) Voyage Cosmographique: trad. de lAllemand. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1808.W —. C: 837. Scheffer (Arnold.) Histoire des Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale. 12mo. Paris, 1825. W. C. 838. Scherer (J. B.) Recherches Historiques et Geographiques sur le Nouveau Monde. 8vo. Paris, 1777. -W. C. 839.:Schiller (Frederick.) The Works of. Vol. 1. Historical: History of the Thirty Years' War, and of the Revolt of the Netherlands. Vol. 2. Historical and Dramatic: History of the Revolt of the Netherlands continued, Wallenstein and Wilhelm Tell. Vol. 3. Historical Dramas: Don Carlos, Mary Stuart, The Maid of Orleans, The Bride of Messina. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1846 - 47. Schiller's Minor Poems. See Goethe. Schinkel (Dr. C. F.) Sammlung Architectonische. Entwurfe, von. 2 vols. folio. Berlin, 1845. (Presented.):Schinkel (Dr. C. F.) Werke de Ioheren, Baukunst fur die Ausfuthrin:g erfunden und dargestellt; von. folio. Potsdam, 1840. (Presented.) Schlegel (Augustus William.) A course of Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature. Translated by John Black, and revised, according to the last German Edition, by Rev. A. J. W. Morrison. 12mo. London, 1846. Schlegel (Frederick von.) The Philosophy of History, in a course of Lectures delivered at Vienna, by. Translated from the German with a Memoir of the Author, by James Burton Robertson. Fourth Edition. 12mo. London, 1846. Schlegel (Frederick von.) The Philosophy of Life and Philosophy 732 MISCELLANEO'US WORKS. of Language, in a course of Lectures. Translated by Rev.; A. J. W. Morrison. 12mo. New-York, 1848. Schiegel (Frederick von.) The Aesthetic and Miscellaneous Works of, comprising Letters on Christian Art, Essay on Gothic Architecture, on the Language and Wisdom of the Indians. Translated by E. J. Millington. 12mo. London, 1849. Schlippf (J. A.) Manual Populaire D'Agriculture, Traduit de L'Allemand, par Napoleon Nickles. 8vo. Strasbourg and Paris, 1844. (Presented.) Schlosser (F. C.) Historyof the Eighteenth Century,, and of the Nineteenth till the overthrow of the French Empire; with particular reference to Mental Cultivation and Progress. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1845. Schlosser (F. C.) and Others. History of Rome: from the Ger man. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1837. Sclhmidel (Ulric.) Verissima Prmecipuarum Indie Regionum Descriptio. fol. Francfort, 1599. See Bry.- V. C. Schmidt (Friedrich.) Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-America. 2 vols. 12mo. Stuttgart, 1822 — W. C. 840. Schmidt (H. J.) Professor of German in Columbia College. Education. In two parts. History and Plan of. 18mo. NewYork, 1848. Schmidtmeyer (Peter.) Travels to Chile, over the Andes. 4to. London, 1822.-W. C. 8-1. Schmitz (Dr. Leonard ) A History of Rome, from the Earliest Times to the Death of Commodus, A. D. 192. 12mo. NewYork, 1847. Schnitzler (J. H.) Apercu general De L'empire de Russie, 1844". Pamphlets, vol. 17. (Presented.) Schomann (G. F.) A Dissertation on the Assemblies of the Athenians. Trans. from the Latin of. 8vo. Cambridge,. 1838. C. L. Schoolcraft (H. R.) Narrative of an Expedition to Itasca Lake. 8vo. New-York, 1834. Schooleraft (H. R.) Observations respecting the Grave Creek Mound in Western Virginia. Trans. Am. Ethnol. Soc., vol. 1. Schooleraft (H. R.) Travels in the Central Portions of the Mississippi Valley. 8vo. New-York, 1825. —— W. C. 842: Schoolcraft (H. R.) Travels through the Northwestern Regions of the United States, to the Sources of the Mississippi River. 8vo. Albany, 1821. Schooleraft (H. R.) View of the Lead Mines of Missouri, including Observations on the Mineralogy, Geology, &c. of Missouri and Arkansaw. 8vo. New-York, 1819-. Schoolcraft (H. R.) Address before the New Confederacy of the Iroquois, held at Aurora, 1846; and Hosmer's Poem on the. same occasion. Rochester, 1846. Pamphlets, vol. 17,. (Presented.) I S C'L LA' E o uS W OR K S. 733 SLchoolcraft (H. R.) Notes on the Iroquois; Or Contributions to American History, Antiquities and General Ethnology. 8vo. New-York and Albany, 1846 - 47. Schooleraft (H. R.) Algic Researches, comprising Enquiries repecting the Mental Characteristics of the North American Indians. First Series. Indian Tales and Legends. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1839.:Schoolcraft (Il. R.) The Indian in his Wigwam; or Characteristics of the Red Race of America. From Original Notes and Manuscripts. 8vo. New-York, 1848. Schooleraft (H. R.) The Rise of the West; or a Prospect of the Mississippi Valley. A Poem. 12mo. New-York, 1841.. Schoolcraft (H. R.) Outlines of the Life and Character of Gen. Lewis Cass. 8vo. Albany, 1848. (Presented.) Schoolcraft (H. R.) Oneonta, or the Red Race of America: their History, Traditions, Customs, Poetry, &c. Three numbers' bound'in I vol. 8vo. New-York, 1844. Schoolmaster. (The) Essays on Practical Education, from Ascham, Milton,l Locke, and Butler. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1836. Schools. (Massachusetts and Pennsylvania.) See Pamphlets, vol. 21. Schopf (J. D.) Beytrage zur Mineralogischen Kenntniss des Oestlichen Tieils von Nordamerika und seiner'Geburge. 8vo. Erlangen, 1787. W. -. 8-13.:Sch6pf (J. D.) Materia Medica Americana. 8vo. Erlangen, 1787. -W. C. 844. Sch6pf, (J. D.) Reise durch einige der Mittlern und Suidlichen Vereinigtenn Nordameri anisehen Staaten nach Ost-Florida und den Bahama-Inseln. 2 vols. 8vo. Erlangen, 1788.-W. C. 845. Sechott (Christian H.) The Unaltered Augsburgh Confession, as read befbre the Emperor Charles V. June 25, 1830; with Introduction'and Notes, &c. From the German. 12mo. New-York, 1848.:Schrarmke (T.) Description of the New-York Croton Acqueduct; in English, Gernman and Frencl, with 20 Plates. 4to. NewYork and Boston, 1848. Schrevelius (Cornelius.) Lexicon Manuale Gr Tco-Latinnum et Latino-Grecum. 3d Am. ed. 8vo. New-York, 1818. Schroeder (Friancis.) Shores of the Mediterranean, with Sketches of Travel, 1843- 5. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1846.:Schultz (Christian.) Travels through New-York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. New-York, 1810. lSchuylkill Fishing Company, in the State of Pennsylvania. A Historical Memoir of the, from 1732 to the present time. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1830. (This volume also contains Memoirs of the Gloucester Fox Hunting Club, near Philadelphia..) 734 M ISCRL LA E OUS W O.Re S Science. Objects, Advantages, and Pleasures of. Pampldeteer: vol. 27. Scientific Memoirs. See Taylor. Scoresby (William.) An account of the Arcti Regions, with a History and Description of the Northern Whale Fishery. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1820. Scoresby (William.) Journal of a Voyage to the Northern WhaleFishery, including, Researches and Discoveries on the Eastern Coast of West Greenland, in 1822. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1823. Scoresby (Rev. William.) D D. American Factories and their Female Operatives. 18mo. Boston, 1845. Scott (Major General.) Infantry Tactics or Rules for the exerciser and Manceuvres of the United States Infantry. New Edition. 3 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1846. (Presented.) Scott (Major General.) Life of. See Mansfield. Scott (General) and his Staff; including Memoirs- &c. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1848. Scott (Joseph.) United States Gazetteer. 12mo, Philadelphia 1795.- W. C. 846. Scott (R. E.) Inquiry into the Limits and Objects of Physical and Metaphysical Science. 8vo. London. C.L. Scott (Sih Walter.) Biographical and Critical Notices of "Eminent Novelists. Works, vol. 3. Scott (Sir Walter.) Essay on Chivalry, the Romance, tle Drama. Works, vol. 6. Scott (Sir Walter.) Iistory of Scotland. Lardner's Cyclopsedia, vols. 93 and 94. Scott (Sir Walter.) Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft. Works' vol. 8. Scott (Sir Walter.) Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1827. Scott (Sir Walter.) Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk. Works, vol. 5. Scott (Sir Walter.) Prose Works. 6 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1829. Scott (Sir Walter.) Works: with a Biographyi and his last Additions and. Illustrations. 10' vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. Scott (Sir Walter.) Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border: consisting of Historical and Romantic Ballads, collected in the Southern Counties of Scotland. 8vo. London, 1839. Scott (William.) Harmony of Phrenology with Scripture. Showing: a Refutation of the Philosophical Errors contained in Mr. Combe's Constitution of Man. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1936. Scouler (John.) Observations on the Indigenous Tribes of the: North-West Coast of America. Geog. Soc. Journal, vol. 11. Scriptor Rei Rusticre Veteres Latini, e Recensione J.. Gesnerl. 4 vols. 8vo. Deux-Ponts, 1787 - 1788, Scriptures. Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury on the Expediency of Revising the Authorised Version of Scriptures. By an Essex Rector. Pamphleteer, vol. 13. M SC ELLANEOU S W R K S. 735 Scrivenor (Harry.) History of the Iron Trade, throughout the World. 8vo. London, 18-1. Scrope (G. Poulett.) Life of Lord Sydenham; with a Narrative of his Administration in Canada. 2d ed. 12mo. London 1844. Seabury (Rev. Dr., afterwards Bishop.) Free Thoughts on the Proceedings of the Continental Congress, held at Philadelphia, Sept. 5; 1774 By a Farmer. 12mo. 1774. Seaman (Ezra C.) Essays on the Progress of Nations, in Productive Industry, Civilization, Population and Wealth. 8vo. Detroit, 1846. (Presented.) Seaman (Ezra C.) Supplement to Essays on the Progress of Nations Nos. 1 and 2. 8vo. New-York, 1848. (Presented.) Seaman (Valentine.) M. D. A Dissertation on the Mineral Waters of Saratoga, including an account of the Waters of Ballstohn 12mo. New-York, 1809. Sears (Robert.) Pictorial History of the American Revolution;, with a Sketch of the Early History of the Country and the Constitution of the United States. 8vo. New-York, 1845. Seatsfield's Works. Containing: 1. North and South, or Scenes in Mexico. 2. Life in the New World. Translated by Hebbe and Mackay. 3 The Cabin Book, or Sketches of Life in Texas. 4. Rambleton, or Fashionable Life in New-York. (Bound in one vol.) 8vo. New-York. Seaver (James E.) Deh-he-wa-mis, or a Narrative of the Life of Mary Jemison, otherwise called the White Woman. 3d e&d 16mo. Batavia, 1844. Seaver (William.) A Historical Sketch of the Village of Batavia. 8vo. Batavia, 1819. (Presented.) Seba (Albertus.) Locupletissimi Rerum Naturalium Thesauri, aecurata descripti oet iconibus artificiis expressio. vol. 1. folio. Amsterdam, 1734. Plates incomplete. (Presented.) Seeker (Arehbishop) on American Bishops. See Anlerican Travels. vol. 3. Seeker (Thomas.) Lord Bishop of Oxford. A Letter to thle Right Hoi. Horatio Walpole. Written Jan. 9, 1750 - 1, by. Concerning Bishops in America. 8vo. London, 1769. Sedgwick (Adam.) Discourse on the Studies of the University. 2l ed. 12mo. Cambridge, 1834. Sedgwick (Catharine M.) Letters from Abroad to Kindred- at Home. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1841. Sedgwick. (Catharine M.) Life of Lucretia M1. Davidson. Sparks American Biography, vol. 7. Sedgwick (Catharine M.) Clarence; or a Tale of our o-n Times. 12mo. New-York, 1849. Sedgwick (Robert.) See Duer. Sedgwick (Theodore.) The American Citizen; his true postion:. 736 MIS C ELLAN EOUS WORKS. character and duties. A Discourse delivered at Union College, July, 1847. 8vo. New-York, 1847. Sedgwick (Theodore, Jun.) Memoir of the Life of William Livingston. 8vo. New-York, 1833. Sedillot (Dr.) De la insensibilite produits par choloforme, et par ether, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1848. (Presented.) Seguezzi (Santo ) Estat des Revenus d'Agypte. 4to. Paris, 1651. See Relations Veritables. — W. C. Segur (Count.) Memoirs and Reccollections. 8vo. Boston, 1825, Selby (John P.) Illustrations of British Ornithology. 2 vols. 8vo, Edinburgh, 1833. Selden (John.) Table-Talk. 16mo. Edinburgh, 1819. Select Speeches. See Chapman, N. Selkirk (Lord) and the Hudson's Bay Company. Narrative of Occurrences in the Indian Countries of North America. 8vo. Montreal, 1818. Selkirk (Lord.) Statement relating to his settlement upon the Red River, and its Destruction in 1815 and 1816 and the Massacre of Gov. Semple. 8vo. London, 1817. Selwyn (George.) See Jesse. Seneca Indians in the State of New-York. The Case of, illustrated by Facts. Printed by the Society of Friends, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. (In exchange for duplicates.) Senior (Nassau W.) Introductory Letters on Political Economy, delivered before the University of Oxford, in 1826. Pamphleteer, vol. 29. Senior (Nassau W.) Statement for the Provision for the Poor, and of the Condition of the Laboring Classes, in a considerable portion of Europe and America. 8vo. London, 1835. Senter. See Pennsylvania. Sergeant (John.) Address delivered before the Apprentices' Library Company of Philadelphia, in 1832. Pamphlets, vol. 8. Sergeant (John.) Address, delivered before the Alumni Association, of Nassau Hall, in 1833. Pamphlets, vol. 11. Sergeant (John.) Speeches of John Sergeant, of Pennsylvania. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1832. Sermons, &c. See Pamphlets, vol. 25. Serre (Chevalier de la.) Essais Historiques et Critiques sur la Marine de France, de 1661 a 1785. 8vo. Paris, 1814. —W. C 847. Sertum Petropolitanum, seu Icones et descriptiones Plantarum qnae in Horto Botanico Imperiali Petropolitano Floruerunt. Auctoribus, F. E. L. Fischer et C. A. Meyer. No. 1 -10. Folio, Plates. (Presented.) Sewall (Jona.) See Novanglus and Massachusettensis. Sewall (R. K.) Sketches of St. Augustine, and its advantages as a resort for Invalids. 12mo. New-York, 1848. Seward (Anna.) Life of Dr. Darwin, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1804, MISC ELLANEO U'S WORKS, 77 Seward (William H.) Governor. Introduction to the Natural History of New-York. See Natural History. Seward (William H.) Life and Public Services of John Quincy Adams, with the Eulogy on him before the New-York Legislature. 1l2mo. Auburn, 1849. Seward (William H.) Oration on the Death of John Quincy Adams, delivered before the Legislature of the State of New-Yorks April 6, 1848. 8vo. Albany, 1848. Sewell (Jonathan.) The Origin of the American Contest with Great Britain, &c.; or the Present Political State of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, (Two title pages.) By Massachusettensis. 8vo. New-York, (James Rivington,) 1775. Sewell (William.) Compleat Dictionary, English and Dutch, with a Grammar for both Languages; Augmented and Improved by Egbert Buys. 2 vols. 4to. Amsterdam, 1766. Sewell (William.) History of the Quakers. 2d ed. fol. London, 1725. Sexagenary. See Bloodgood. Seybert (Adam.) Annales Statistiques des Etat-Unis: trad. de l'Anglais. 8vo. Paris 1820. —-W. C. 848. Seybert (Adam.) Statistical Annals of the United States. 4to. Philadelphia, 1818. Seymour (Rev. M. Hobart.) Mornings among the Jesuits at Rome. l2mo. New-York, 1849. Seymour (James.) Report of a Survey of a proposed Railroad Route from the Wyoming and Lackawanna Coal Valleys to Owego. Pamphlets, vol. 8 Seyxas (Francisco de.) Theatro Naval Hidrographico. 4to. Paris, 1704.-W. C. 849. Sganzin (M. 1.) Elementary Course of Civil Engineering: Translated from the French, with Notes and Applications adapted to the United States. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston, 1828. Shaftesbury (A. A.) Cooper, (Earl of.) Characteristics. 6th ed. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1737. (Volume 2 wanting.) Shakers. A sunmmary view of the Millennial Church, or United Society of Believers, commonly called Shakers. Comprising their Rise and Progress, &c. 2d ed. Albany, 1848. Shakspeare's Plays. Concordance to. See Clarke, Mrs. C. Shakspeare (William.) Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies: Publishled according to the True Originall Copies. fol. London, 1623. (A Fac Simile Reprint.) Shakspeare William.) Dramatic Works; with a Life of the Poet, and Notes, Original and Selected. 7 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1844. Shakspeare (William.) Plays, with his Life. Illustrated with many hundred wood cuts: Edited by Gulian C. Verplanck. 3 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1847. Shaler (William.) Sketches of Algiers. 8vo. Boston, 1826. 738 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Shallus (Francis.) Chronological Tables for every day in the year. 2. vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1817. Sharpe (Granville.) A tract on the Law of Nature, and Principles of Action in Man. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1809. C. L. Sharpe (Samuel.) History of Egypt under the Romans. 8vo. London, 1842. Sharpe (Samuel.) The History of Egypt, from the earliest times to the Conquest by the Arabs, A. D. 640. 8vo. London, 1846. Shattuck (Lemuel) Report: on the Census of Boston for the year 1815. Illustrating the History and Condition of the Population, and their Means of Progress and Prosperity. 8vo. Boston, 1846. (Presented.) Shattuck (Lemuel.) A History of the Town of Concord, Middlesex county, Massachusetts, from its earliest settlement to 1832; and of the adjoining Towns, Bedford, Acton, Lincoln and Carlisle. 8vo. Boston, 1835. (Presented.) Shattuck (Lemuel) A complete System of Family Registration, in 2 parts. 4to. Boston, 1841. (Presented.) Shattuck (Lemuel.) Statistical Papers, bound in one vol. 8vo, CONTENTS. 1. Fourth Annual Report of the Legislature of Massachusetts, relating to the Registry and Returns of Births. Marriages and Deaths in that State, for the year ending April 30,1845. 2. Report of the City Council of Boston, concerning the Census and Statistics of the City. (With a Map.) 1846. 3. Memorial of Lemuel Shattuck, for a Revision of the Laws relating to the Registration of Births, Marriages and Deaths. Senate Document, No. 24, of 1848. 4. Report of the Joint Special Committee of the Legislature of Massachusetts, appointed to consider the expediency of Modifying the existing Laws relating to the Registration of Births, Marriages and Deaths.: Presented March 3, 1849. 5. Report concerning a Sanatory Survey of the State. Fresented March 3, 189. 6. Report on the subject of the State Census of 1850, by the Special Committee of the Legislature of Massachusetts. Presented April 7, 1849. 7. Report concerning the State Library, by a Committee, &c. Presented March 7, 1849. (Presented.) Shaw (Charles.) Description of Boston from the first settlement of the Town to the present period. 12mo. Boston, 1817. Shaw (Edward.) Civil Architecture, or a complete Theoretical and Practical System of Building. 4th ed. 4to. Boston, 1836, Shaw (George.) See Naturalisis' Miscellany. M ISCELLANEOUS WO-R K S 739 Shaw (Major Samuel.) The first American Consul at Canton. The Journals of, with a Life of the Author, by Josiah Quineyo 8vo. Boston, 1847. Shaw (S.) Tour into the West of England. Pinkerton, vol. 2. Shaw (Thomas.) Travels, or Observations relating to Several Parts of Barbary and the Levant. fol. Oxford, 1738. Shebbeare (Dr.) Answer to the Speech of Burke. See American Tracts, vol. 8. Sheffield (John, Lord.) Observations on the Commerce of the American States. 8vo. Dublin, 1784. Sheffield (John, Lord.) The Same. 6th ed. 8vo. London, 1784. — W. C. 850. Sheffield (John, Lord.) On the Trade in Wool and Woollens. Pamphleteer, vol. 3. Sheffield (John, Lord.) Observations sur le Commerce des Etats Americaines. 4to. Rouen, 1789. —-— W. C. 851. Sheffield (John, Lord.) Observations on the Commerce of the American States with Europe and the West Indies, and on the tendency of a Bill now depending in Parliament. 8vo. London, 1783. (See John Adams in the Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution. 7. 88.) Shelley (Mrs.) and Others. Lives of the most eminent Literary and Scientific Men of France. Lardner's Cyelopedia, vols. 36 and 37. Shelvoche (Capt. George.) A. Voyage round the World, by the way of the Great South Sea, in 1719- 22, in the Speedwell, &c. 8vo. London, 1726. Shepherd (William.) Life of Poggio Bracciolini. 4to. Liverpool, 1802. Sherburne (Andrew.) Memoirs of, written by himself. A Pensioner of the Navy of the Revolution. 2d ed. 12mno. Providence, (R. I.) 1831. Sherburne (John H.) Life of John Paul Jones. 8vo. Washington, 1825. Sheridan (Rt. Hon. Richard Brinsley.) The Dramatic Works of, with a Memoir of his life. By. G.G. L l2mo. London, 1848. Sheridan. See Watkins. Sherley (Sir Anthony.) See Persia. Sherlock (Martin.) Lettres d'un Voyageur Anglois. vo. 8 Neuchatel, 1781. (Presented.) Sherwood (Adiel.) Gazetteer of the State of Georgia. 16mo. Charleston, 1827. W. C. 852. Shillibeer (J.) Narrative of the Briton's Voyage to Pitcairn's Islando 8vo. Taunton, 1817.-W. C. 853. Shipley (Bishop.) Sermon and Speech. See American Tracts, vol. 4. Shipley (Jona.) Bishop. Speech intended to have been spoken on the ~Bill for Altering the Charters of the Colony of Massa 74!0 M-I s CE LLANEO U S W Oi s. chs-etts Bay. 3d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 17:74. —— W. tC 854. Shirley (General.) The Conduct of Major-General Shirley, late General and Commander-in-Chief of I-lis Majesty's forces il North America, briefly stated. 8vo. London'1758. Shirley (Gen.) See Military Operations. Shirley (William.) Governor of Massachusetts Bay. A Letter from, to the Duke of Newcastle; with a Journal of tlh Siege of Louisbourg, &c. 8vo. London, 1746. Shirreff (Patrick.) Tour through North America; with a View of the Canadas and United States, as adapted for Agricultural Emigration. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1835. Shucklford (Samuel.) D.. The Sacred and Profane History of the World connected. Third Edition. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1743. Sibbald (George.) Observations on the Pine Lands of Georgia. 8vo, Augusta, 1801. — W. C. 855. Siborne (W.) History of the War in France and Belgium, in 1815. 1st Am. ed. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1845. Sidmouth (Lord Viscount.) Life of. See Pellew. Sidney (Rev. Edwad ) The Life of the Rev. Rowland Hill. 12mo, New-York, 18-10. Sidney (Edwin.) Life of Lord Hill. 8vo. London, 1815. Sidney (Hon. Henry) afterwards Earl of Romney. Diary of the Times of Charles the Second, by; including his Correspondence with the Countess of Sutherland. Edited by R. W. Blcncowe. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1843. Sidney (Sir Philip) and Hubert Languet. The Correspondence of, now first collected and translated from the Latin; with Notes, &c., and a Memoir of Sidney, by Stewart A. Pears. 8vo. London, 1845. C.L. Siebold (P. F. von) and Others. Manners and Customs of the Japanese in the Nineteenth Century. 8vo. London, 1841. Sigmond (G. G.) M. D. Tea, its effects, Medicinal and Moral. 12mo. London, 1839. Signs of the Times. Newspaper published in Albany, in 1827 - 8, Folio. (Presented.) Silius Italius. Libri Septendecim Punicorum, illustrati a George A, Ruperti. 2 vols. 8vo Gottingen, 1795. Silk. Manual in relation to the Growth and Manufacture of; being a Letter from the Secretary of the Teasury to the House of Representatives of the United States. 8vo. Washington, 1828. (Presented.) Silliman (Benj.) American Journal of Science and Arts. 49 vols. 8vo. New Haven, 1819 - 1845. Silliman (Benjamin) and Silliman B. Jun. The American Journal of Science and Arts. Conducted by. Vol. 50. General Index to 49 vols. 8vo. New Haven, 1817. Silliman (Benjamin.) Silliman B., Jun., and James D. Dana. Ameri M ISCE LLA N E OU W oRKS 741 can Journal of Science and Arts. Second Series. 8 vols. 8 o. New-Haven, 1846-49; Silliman (Benjamin.) Journal of Travels in England, Holland and Scotland. 3d ed. 3 vols. 12nmo. New Haven, 1820. $illiman (Benj.) Short Tour between Hartford and Quebecin 1819. 12mo. New-Haven, 1829. W. C. 856. Silva (Emmanuel T.) De Rebus gestis Joannis II., Lusitanorum Regis. 4to. Hague, 1712. W. C. 857. Simcoe (J. G.) Governor. Military Journal: a History of the Operations of the Queen's Rangers, during the War of the American Revolution; with a Memoir of the Author. 8vo. New-York, 1844. Simms (F. W.) Public Works of Great Britain. fol. London, 1838. Simms (F. W.) Sectio-Planography. 4to.. London, 1837. Siumms (J. R.) History of Schoharie County, and Border Wars of New-York, with interesting Memoranda of the Mohawk Valley. 8vo. Albany, 1845. Simms (W. G.) Life of Francis Marion. 12mo. New-York, 1844. Simms (William Gilmore.) Views and Reviews in American History, Literature and Fiction. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1845. Simms (William Gilmore.) The Life of Capt John Smith, the Founder of Virginia. Third Edition. 12mo. New-York, 1846. Simond (Louis.) Journal of a Tour and Residence in Great Britain, in 1810 and 1811; with an Appendix on France. 2d ed. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1847. Simond (Louis.) Journal of a Tour and Residence in Switzerland, in 1817-1819. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1823. Simons (James.) Pamphlets, vol. 39. Simpson (Alex.) Life and Travels of Thomas Simpson. 8vo. London, 1845. Simpson (Sir George.) An Overland Journey round the World, during the years 1841 -42 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847. Simpson (Thomas.) Narrative of the Discoveries on the North Coast of America, efected by the Officers of the Hudson's Bay Company, in 1836 - 1839. 8vo. London, 1843. Sinclair (Sir John.) Code of Agriculture. 8vo. Hartford, 1818. Sinclair (Sir John.) The Code of Health and Longevity. Sixth Edition. 8vo. London, 1844. Singleton (Arthur.) Letters from the South and West. 8vo. Boston, 1824. —— W. C. 858. Sismondi (J. C. L. Simonde de.) Etudes sur les Sciences Sociales. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1838. Sismondi (J. C. L. Simonde de.) Historical View of the Literature of the South of Europe. Translated from the Original, with Notes, by Thomas Roscoe. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1823. 742 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Sismondi (J. C. L. Simonde de.) Iistory of the Fall of the Roman Empire, &c. Lardner's Cyclopaedia, vols. 97 and 98. Sismondi (J. C. L. Simonde de.) History of the Italian Republics. Lardner's Cyclopeldia, vol. 96. Sismondi (M. de.) Political Economy and the Philosophy of Government. A series of Essays selected from his Works, with a Notice of his Life, by M. Mignet. 8vo London, 1847. Six Old English Chronicles, of which two are now first Translated from the Monkish Latin originals; Ethelwerd's Chronicle, Asser's Life of Alfred, Gclrey of Monmouth's British History, Gildas, Nennius, and Richard of Cirencester. Edited, with Notes, by J. A. Giles, D. C. L. 12no. London, 1848. Skene (Wm. F.) Highlanders of Scotland; their Origin, History, and Antiquities, &c. o vols. 12mo. London, 1837. Skinner (J. S.) The American Journal of Improvements in the Useful Arts, and Mirror of the Patent Office in the United States. Vol. 1. 8vo. Washington, 1828. Skinner (John S.) The Plough, Loom and Anvil. Vol. 1. 8vo. 1849. Skinner iJohn S.) Farmer's Library and Monthly Journal of Agriculture. 8vo. 3 vols. New-York, 1846 -48. Skinner (Roger S.) See New-York State Register. Skippon (Philip.) Travels through France. Harris, vol. 2. Skrine (Henry.) Tours through Wales. Pinkerton, vol. 2. Slade (Adolphus.) Records of Travels in Turkey, Greece, &c., and of a Cruise in the Black Sea, with the Capitan Pasha, in 182,9-1831. 2ded. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1833. Slade (Adolphus.) Turkey, Greece, and Malta. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1837. Slater (Samuel.) Memoir of. See White. Slave-Trade. Suggestions on. By Homo. Pamphleteer, vol. 4. Slave-Trade. Testimony of the Society of Friends against Slavery and the Slave Trade. Panmphlets, vol. 6. Slave-Trade. See Romilly, Sir S. Slave-Trade. Debate on, in House of Commons. See Pamphlets, vol. 29. Slidell (Alexander.) Year in Spain. 8vo. Boston, 1829. Slidell (Alexander.) See Mackenzie. Slingshy (Sir Henry.) Memoirs, written by himself. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1806. Sloane (Sir Hans.) Natural History of Jamaica. 2 vols. folio. London, 1707-1725. (From the Library of the Empress Josephine. ) —. C. 859. Smeaton (John.) Miscellaneous Papers. Comprising his Communications to the Royal Society. 4to. London, 1814. Smeaton (John.) Reports, made in the Course of his Employment as Civil Engineer. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1812. Smet (Father P. J. de.) Oregon Missions and Travels over the Rocky Mountains, in 1845-46. 12mo. New-York, 1847. Smet (P. J. de.) Letters and Sketches, with a Narrative of a Year's MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 743 Residence among the Indian Tribes of the Rocky Mountains. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1843. Smith (Adam.) LL.D. The Theory of Moral Sentiments, &c., with a Dissertation on the Origin of Languages. Seventh edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1792. Smith (Adam.) Wealth of Nations: with Notes by W. Playfair; and Dr. Smith's Life, by Dugald Stewart. 2 vols. 8vo. Hartford, 1818. Smith (Adam.) Wealth of Nations: with a Life of the Author, an Introductory Discourse, Notes, and Supplemental Dissertations, by J. R. MPCulloch. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1828. Smith (C. Billings.) Philosophy of Reform. 12mo. New-York, 1846. Smith (Charles J.) Historical and Literary Curiosities. 4to. London, 1840. Smith (E. H.) The History of Black Hawk, with a descripticn of the Blck Hawk War, and other sceeles in the West. 18mo. Milwaukie, 1846. (Presented.) Smith (Rev. George.) A narrative of an Exploratory Visit to the Consular cities of China and to the Isiand of Hong-Kong and Chusan, in 1844 - 46. 12mo. New-York, 1847. Smith (George W.) Defence of the System of Solitary Confinement of Prisoners, adopted by the State of Pennsylvania. See Pennsylvania Penitentiary System. Smith (J. Augustine.) Select Discourse on the Functions of the Nervous System, in Opposition to Phrenology, Materialism, and Atheism. 12rno. New-York, 1840. Smith (J. Calvin.) The Illustrated Hand-Book: A new Guide for Travellers through the United States of America, with Engravings and a large Map. 18mo. New-York, 1848. Smith (J. Jay.) Jaunt across the Water, including Visits to England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, &c, 12lno. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1846. Smith (J. Jay) and Watson, John F. American Historical and Literary Cariosities, consisting of Fac-Similes of Original Documents, relating to the Events of the Revolution; with a variety of Reliques, Antiquities and Modern Autographs. Two numbers bound in one volume. 4to. Philadelphia, 1847. Smith (Sir James E.) Sketch of a Tour on the Continent, in 1786 and 1787. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1793. Smith (Sir James E.) Memoir and Correspondence: Edited by Lady Smith. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1832. Smith (Jerome V. C.) Natural History of the Fishes of Massachusetts, embracing a Practical Essay on Angling. 121mo. Boston, 1833. Smith (J. V. C.) The American Medical Almanack, for 1839 and 1840. Edited by. 18mo. Boston, 1839-40. (In one vol.) 741 M I S E L.L ANEO U S WORKS. Smith (John.) Capt. True Travels, Adventures, and Observations in Europe, Asia, Africke, and America 8vo. Richmond, 1819. Vol. 1. Smith (John.) Capt Generall Historie of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles, &c. Vol 2. 8vo. Richmond, 1819. Smith (John.) Capt. Life. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 2. Smith (Captain John.) Life of. See Simms. Smith (Hon. John Cotton.) Correspondence and Miscellanies of. See Andrews. Smith (John Thomas.) Book for a Rainy Day: or Recollections of the Events of the last sixty-six years. 8vo. London, 1845. Smith (J. T.) On Fixed Lights and Light-Houses. Engineers' Prof. Papers, vol. 5. Smith (Joshua Hett.) An authentic Narrative of the Causes which led to the Death of Major A ndre, Adjutant General, &c. 18mo..New-York, 1809. Smith (Joshua Toulmin.) The discovery of America, by the Northmen in the Tenth Century, with translations of original narratives. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1842. Smith (Lieutenant Colonel Charles Hamilton.) The Natural History of the Human Species; its typical forms, primaval distribution, filiations and migrations. 12no. Edinburgh, 1848. Smith (M.) Geographical Views of the British possessions in North America, with a concise History of the War in Canada. 18mo. Baltimore, 1814. (Presented.) Smith (Samvel.) History of the Colony of Nova-Cmsaria, or New Jersey, to 1721. 8vo. Burlington, 1765. Smith (Samuel S.) Oration upon the Death of General Washington, delivered at Trenton. Pamphlets, vol. 1. Smith (Samuel Stanhope.) D. D. An Essay on the causes of the Variety of Complexion and Figure in the Human Species, &c. Second Edition. 8vo. New-Brunswick, (N. J.) 1810. Smith (Rev. Samuel Stanhope.) D. D. Lectures delivered for a series of years, in the College of New Jersey, on Moral and Political Philosophy. 2 vols. Svo. Trenton, 1812. Smith (Seba.) Powhatan: a Metrical Romance, in Seven Cantos. 12mo. New-York, 1841. Smith (Sir Sidney.) Life of. See Barrow. Smith (Sydney.) Works. 2d ed. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1840. Smith (Rev. Sydney.) The Works of. Fourth Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1848. Smith (Thomas P.) On the Revolutions in Chemistry. See Pamphlets, vol. 27. Smith (William.) History of New-York, to 1732. 4to. London, 1757. Smith (William.) The Same. 8vo. London, 1776.W-. C. 860. Smith (William.) The Same, to 1762. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1829. (11.305) Mi SCELLANEOUS W ORKS. 745 Smith (William.) The Same, to 1762; with Notes. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1829. (New-York Historical Society edition.) Smith (William.) The Same; with a Continuation to 1814. 8vo. Albany, 1814. Smith (William.) Histoire de la Nouvelle-ork: trad. de'Anglois par M. * (Eidous.) 12mo. London, 1767.- W. C. 861. Smith (William.) The History of the Province of New-York, from the first discovery to 1732. Second edition. 8vo. Philadelphia, (Matthew Carey,) 1792. Smith (Win.,) Provost. Oration-in Memory of General Montgomery, his Officers and Soldiers. Tracts, vol. 5. Smith (William.) D. D. The Works of. Late Provost of the College and Academy of Philadelphia. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1803. Smith (William.) LL. D. A School Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. Abridged from the larger Dictionary, with corrections and improvements. By Charles Anthon, LL. D. l imo. New-York, 1846. Smith (Rev. William.) D. D. Sermon in 1775. See American Tracts, vol. 6. Smith (Rev. William.) D. D. An Oration in memory of General Montgomery, and of the Officers and Soldiers who fell with him, Dec. 31, 1775, before Quebec. Drawn up and delivered at the desire of the Continental Congress. Second Edition. 8vo. London, 1776. Smith (William.) History of the Peloponnesian War: trans. from the Greek of Thucydides. 4th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1805. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vol. 1. Being Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley; comprising the result of extensive original Surveys and Explorations. By E. G. Squier, A. M. and E. H. Davis, M. D. 4to. Washington, 1848. (Presented.) Smithsonian Institution, Reports, &c from. The Third Annual Report of the Board of Regents, Feb. 1848. 8vo. Washington, 1849. Smollett (Tobias.) History of England. See Hume, D. Smyth (David William.) A Topographical Description of Upper Canada, with a Provincial Gazetteer. 8vo. London, 1799. Smyth (Mrs. Gillespie.) See Keith's Memoirs. Smyth (William.) Lectures on History: Second and concluding Series, on the French Revolution. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1840. Smyth (William.) Lectures on Modern History; from the Irruption of the Northern Barbarians to the Close of the American Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1840. f{STATE LIBRARY. 1 47 746 M CELLAN EOUS WORKS, Smyth (William.) Lectures on Modern History, from the Irruption of the Northern Nations to the Close of the American Revolution. From the second London edition, with a Preface, and a List of Books on American History. By Jared Sparks. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1811. Smyth (William.) Lectures on Modern History, to the Close of the American Revolution. 3d Amer. edit., with additions by Jared Sparks. 8vo. Boston, 1849. Smyth (Capt. William H.) A Cycle of Celestial Objects, for the use of Naval, Military and Private Astronomers; Observed, Reduced and Discussed, by. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1844. C. L. Snow (Caleb H.) M. D. A History of Boston, the Metropolis of Massachusetts, from its origin to the present period; with some account of the Environs. Second edition. 8vo. Bostons 1828. Snowden (Richard.) The American Revolution, written in Scriptural or American Historical style, by. 12mo. Baltimore. To which is added the Columbiad, or a Poem, on the American War, by the same author. (No date.) Snowden (Richard.) History of North and South America, froml the Discovery, to the Death of General Washington. 2 vols. in one. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1817. Sobreviela (M., et N. y Barcelo.) Voyages au P6rou, en 17911794: trad. de l'Anglais par P. F. Henry. 2 vols. 8vo. (Plates. 4to.) Paris, 1809. -W. C. 862. Societe pour le Patronage des jeunes Liberes du Department de la Seine. Assemblee Generale tenue, 1838, 1841 and 1842. Paris. Pamphlets, vol. 16. (Presented.) Society for the Promotion of Useful Arts. See Transactions. Solis (Antonio de.) Historia de la Conquista de Mexico. 2 vols. 4to. Madrid, 1783.- W. C. 863. Solis (Antonio de.) Istoria della Conquista del Messico: trad. in Toscano da un' Accademico della Crusca. 4to. Venice, 1704. W. C. 864. Solis (Antonio de.) Histoire de la Conquete du Mexique: trad. de l'Espagnol. 4to. Paris, 1691.- W. C. 865. Solis (Antonio de.) The Same. 6th ed. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris,1759. - W. C. 866. Solis (Antonio de.) The Same. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1774.W. C. 867. Solis (Antonio de.) History of the Conquest of Mexico: Translated by T. Townsend, and Revised and Corrected by N. Hooke. 3d ed. 2vols. 8vo. London, 1753. Solly (Samuel.) The Human Brain; its Structure, Physiology and Diseases, &c. From the Second London edition. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848. Somers (John, Lord.) Collection of scarce and valuable Tracts MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 747 Revised, Augmented and Arranged, by Walter Scott. 13 vols. 4to. London, 1809- 1815. Somerville (Mary.) Physical Geography, by. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1848. Somerville (Mary.) Connexion of the Physical Sciences. 6th ed. 12mo. London, 1842. Somerville (Mary.) Mechanism of the Heavens. 8vo. London, 1831. Somerville (Thomas.) History of Political Transactions, and of Parties, from the Restoration of King Charles to the Death of King William. 8vo. Dublin, 1793. Sophia Dorothea (Consort of George I.) Memoirs, chiefly from the Secret Archives of Hanover, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1845. Sophocles. The Tragedies of. In English Prose; the Oxford Translation. T.A. Buckley, Editor. 12mno. London, (Bohn,) 1849. Sophocles (E. A.) History of the Greek Alphabet, with remarks on Greek Orthography and Pronunciation. 12mo. Cambridge, 1848. Sopwith (T.) Treatise on Isometrical Drawing, as applicable to Geological and Mining Plans, &c. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1838. Soulavie (J. L.) Historical and Political Memoirs of the Reign of Lewis XVI. Trans. from the French. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1802. Soule (Richard, Jun.) Memorial of the Sprague Family, and a Poem, recited at a Meeting of the Descendants of the Hon. Seth Sprague, &c. 12mo. Boston, 1847. Soules (Francois.) Histoire ces Troubles de l'Amerique Anglaise. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1787. W. C. 868. Sourdis (H. d'Escoubleau de.) Correspondance, augmentee des Ordres, Instructions, et Lettres de Louis XIII., et du Cardinal de Richelieu, par M. Eugene Sue. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1839. See France. South America. See America, South. South Carolina. Geology of. See Tuomey. South Carolina. Minutes of the Commissioners appointed by the General Assembly of South Carolina, in pursuance of an Act passed Oct. 4, 1776, to superintend and direct the Naval Affairs of that State. These Minutes extend from Oct. 9, 1776, to March, 1799. 257 pp. folio MS. (Received from the Office of the Secretary of State.) South Carolina. Description of. 8vo. London, 1761. South Carolina. Historical Collections. See Carroll, B. R. South Carolina. Swiss Gentleman's Letter: Giving an Account of the Soil, Air, Produce, Trade, &c. 12mo. London, 1718. Southern Quarterly Review. 15 vols. 8vo. Charleston, 1842-49. Southern Review. 8 vols. 8vo. Charleston, 1828- 1832. Southey (Robert.) British Admirals, with an Introductory View of 748 M ISC ELLANEOUS WORKS. the Naval History of England. Lardner's Cyclopsedia, vols. 123 - 127. Southey (Robert.) Life of WVesley, and Rise and Progress of Methodism. Edited by Rev. C. C. Southey. 3d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1846. Southey (Robert.) Lives of Uneducated Poets: To which is added, Attempts in Verse, by John Jones, an Old Servant. 12mo. London, 1836. Southey (Robert.) Chronicle of the Cid: from the Spanish. 8vo. Lowell, 1846. Southey (Robert.) History ofBrazil. 3 vols. 4to. London, 18101819. Southey (Robert.) History of the Peninsular War. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1828 - 1837. Southey (Robert.) Sir Thomas More; or Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of Society. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831. Solthey (Robert.) The Doctor. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1844. Southey (The late Robert.) The Doctor, by. Edited by his Son-inlaw, John Wood Warter, B. D. New edition, complete in I vol. 8vo. London, 1848. Southey s Common Place Book. Edited by his Son-in-law, John Wood Warter, B. D. 8vo. New-York, 1849. Southey (Robert.) See Armitage, J. Southey (Robert, and Charles C.) Life of the Rev. Andrew Bell, comprising the History of the Rise and Progress of the System of Mutual Tuition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1844. Southey (Thomas.) Chronological History of the West Indies. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1827.-W. C 869. Southgate (H.) Narrative of a Tour through Armenia, Kurdistan, Persia, and Armenia. 2 vois. 12mo, New-York, 1840. Spafford (H. G.) Gazetteer of the State of New-York. 8vo. Albany, 1813. (Presented.) Spafford (H. G.) The Same. 2d ed. 8vo. Albany, 1824. Spafford (H. G.) A Pocket Guide for the Tourist and Traveller, along the line of the Canals, &c. 18mo. New-York, 1824. Spain. Pieces relatives a la Rupture avec l'Espagne remises devant les Deux Chambres du Parlement, le 29 Janvier, 1762. Trad. de l'Anglois. 8vo. Hague,.1762. W. C. 870. Spain. Reglamento y Aranceles Reales para el Comercio Libre de Espafia a Indias de 12 Octubre de 1778. 4to. Madrid.W. C. 871. Spalding (Win.) Italy and the Italian Islands. Edinburgh Cabinet Library, vols. 29- 31. Spallanzani (Lazzaro.) Travels in the Two Sicilies. Pinkerton, vol. 5. Spanish America. See Pamphlets, vols. 14 and 15. 12mo. Spanish Constitutions of 1812 and 1834: MI:SCELLANEOUS WORKS. 749 1. Constitucion Politica de la Monarquia Espanola, promulgada en Cadiz a 19 de Marzo de 181.2. Cadiz. 2. Estatute real para la convocacion de las Cortes Generales del Reino. Madrid, 1834. 3. Real convocataria para le celebracion de las Cortes Generales delReino. Madrid, 1834. Bound in one volume. folio. (Presented.) Spanish Insurrection in 1808. Manifesto imparcial y exacto de lo mas importante occurrido in Aranjuez. Madrid y Bayona, des de 17 de Marzo Hasta 15- de Mayo de: 1808. Pamphlets, vol. 15. Sparks (Jared.) Library of American Biography. 25 vols. (In two Series.) 12mo, Boston,:1839 -48. CONTENTS. (First Series, 10 vols.) Vol. 1. Life of John Stark. By Edward- Everett. Life: of Charles B. Brown. By Win. H. Prescott. Life of Richard Montgomery. By John Armstrong. Life of Ethan Allen. By Jared Sparks. Vol. 2. Life of Alexander Wilson. By Wm. B. O. Peabody. Life of Capt. John Smith. By Geo. S. Hilliard. Vol. 3. Life of Benedict Arnold. By Jared Sparks. Vol. 4. Life of Anthony Wayne. By John Armstrong. Vol. 5. Life of John Eliot. By Convers Francis. Vol. 6:. Life of William Pinkney. By Henry Wheaton. Life of William T. Ellery. By Edward T. Channing. Life of Cotton Mather. By Oliver W. B. Peabody. Vol. 7. Life of William Phipps. By Francis Bowen. Life of Israel Putnam. By Oliver W. B. Peabody. Life of Lucretia Maria Davidson. By the Author of 4' Redwood." Life of David Rittenhouse. By James Renwick. Vol. 8. Life of Jonathan Edwards. By Samuel Miller. Life of David Brainerd. By Wm. P. 0. Peabody. Vol. 9. Life of Baron Steuben. By- Francis Bowen. Life of Sebastian Cabot. By Charles Hayward, Jr. Life of William Eaton. By Cornelius C. Felton. Vol.10. Life of Robert Fulton. By James- Renwick. Life of Joseph Warren. By Alexander H. Everett. Life of Henry Hudson. By Henry R. Cleveland. Life of Father Marquette. By Jared Sparks. (Second Series. 15 vols.) Vol. 1. (11.) Life of Robert, Cavalier de la Salle. By Jared Sparks. Life of Patrick Henry. By Alexander H. Everett. Vol. 2. (12.) Life of James Otis. By Francis Bowen. Life of James Oglethorpe. By Wim. R. O. Peabody. 750 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Vol. 3. (13.) Life of John Sullivan. By Oliver W. B. Peabody. Administration of Jacob Leisler. By Chas. F. Hoffman. Memoir of Nathaniel Bacon. By William Ware. Life of John Mason. By George E. Ellis. Vol. 4. (14.) Life of Roger Williams. By William Gammell. Life of Timothy Dwight. By William B. Sprague. Life of Count Pulaski. iBy Jared Sparks. Vol. 5. (15.) Life of Count Rumford. By James Renwick. Life of Zebulon M. Pike. By Henry Whiting. Life of Samuel Gorton. By John M. Mackie. Vol. 6. (16.) Life of Ezra Stiles. By James L. Kingsley. Life of John Fitch. By Charles Whittlesey. Life of Anne Hutchinson. By George E. Ellis. Vol. 7. (17.) Life of John Ribault. By Jared Sparks. Life of Sebastian Rale. By Convers Francis. Life of William Palfrey. By John Gorham Palfrey. Vol, 8. (18.) Life of Charles Lee.. By Jared Sparks. Life of Joseph Reed. By Henry Reed. Vol. 9. (19.) Life of Leonard Calvert. By George W. Burnap. Life of Samuel Ward. By Wm. Gammell. Life of Thomas Posey. By James Hall. Vol. 10. (20.) Life of Nathaniel Greene. By George W. Greene. Vol. 11.. (21. Life of Stephen Decatur. By A. Slidell Mackenzie. Vol. 12. (22.) Life of Edward Preble. By Lorenzo Sabine. Life of William Penn. By George E. Ellis. Vol. 13. (23.) Life of Daniel Boone. By John M. Peck. Life of Benjamin Lincoln. By Francis Bowen. Vol. 14. (24.) Life of John Ledyard. By Jared Sparks. Vol. 15. (25.) Life of William R. Davie. By Fordyce M. Hubbard. Life of Sam'l Kirkland. By Sam'l K. Lathrop. Sparks (Jared.) Life of Ethan Allen. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 1. Sparks (Jared.) Life and Treason of Benedict Arnold. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 3. Sparks (Jared.) Life of John Ledyard, with Selections from his Journals and Correspondence. 8vo. Cambridge, 1828. Sparks (Jared.) Life of Father Marquette. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 10. Sparks (Jared.) Life of Gouverneur Morris, with Selections from his Correspondence, &c. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1832. Sparks (Jared.) Life of Count Pulaski. Sparks' American Biogragraphy, vol. 14. Sparks (Jared.) Life of John Ribault. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 17. Sparks (Jared.) Life of Robert Cavalier de la Salle. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 11. Sparks (Jared.) See Franklin, B. Washington's Writings. MISCELLANEOUS W O S. 751 Spectator (by Addison and Others.) See Addison J. Spectator (London,) a Weekly Journal of News, Politics, Literature, and Science. vols. 4, 5 and 6 in 2. fol. London, 1831 - 1833. Speeches in Congress. (1809 - 13.) See Pamphlets, vol. 35. Spencer (Ambrose.) Former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New-York. Memorial of, consisting of Proceedings of Public Bodies and Meetings, and of Sermons and addresses, on occasion of his Death, &c. (Printed for the friends of the deceased.) 8vo. Albany, 1849. (Presented.)' Spencer (Ambrose.) Life of. See Barnard, D. D. Spencer (Edmund,) Sketches of Germany and the Germans, &c. 2ded. 2vols. 8vo. London, 1836. Spencer (Edmund.) Travels in Circassia, Crim Tartary, &c., including a Steam Voyage down the Danube, from Vienna to Constantinople and round the Black Sea. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1837. Spencer (Edmund.) Travels in the Western Caucasus, including a Tour through Imeritia, Mingrelia, Turkey, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. Spencer (Edmund.) The Works of, with a selection of Notes, from various Commentators, and some account of his Life. By Rev. Henry John Todd,M. A. 8vo. London, 1845. Spencer (John C.) Criticism on Mr. Upshur's review of the Constitution of the United States. See MEacgregor's Progress of America. Spencer (John C.) Address delivered at the Annual Exhibition of the New-York State Agricultural'Society, at Bufialo, Sept. 7, 1848. 8vo. Albany, 1849. (Presented.) Spilberg (George.) Histoire Journaliere du Voy age faict par le Passage de Magellan. 4to. Amsterdam, 1621. See Miroir Oost et West-Indical.- W. C. Spilbergen. See Maire, J. Le. Spirit of Humanity and Essence of Morality: extracted from the Productions of the Enlightened and Benevolent of various Ages and Climes. 24mo. Albany, 1835. Spirit (The) of the Public Journals, or beauties of the American Newspapers foi 1805. (Said to be compiled by George Bourne.) 12mo. Baltimore, 1806. Spirit of Missions. (The) Edited for the Board of Missions of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of America. Vol. 1., 1836 to vol. 12, 1847, inclusive. 12 vols. 8vo. ] ew-York, 1836 -47. (Presented.) Spirit of the Pilgrims. (The) For the years, 1828 -29 - 30 - 31 -32. 5 vols. 8vo. Boston 1828 - 32. (Presented.) Spix (J. B. von.) and C. F. P. von Martins. Travels in Brazii in 1817 - 1820. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. Spotorno (Gio. B.) Historical Memoir of Christopher Columbus and 752 MISCELIANEOUS WORKS. his discoveries; with his Letters, Privileges, Notes and other Writings. 8vo. London, 1823. Spots-wood (Archbishop J.) The History of the Church and State of Scotland, from 203, to the end of the reign of James VI. Fourth Edition. folio. London, 1677. Sprague Family. See Soule. Sprague (Capt. John T.) U. S. Army. The origin, progress and conclusion of the Florida War. 8vo. New-York, 1848. Sprague (T. Dwight.) See American Literary Magazine. Sprague (Rev. William B.) D. D. Discourse, delivered March, 25, 1849, at Albany, on the Death of the Hon. Timothy S. Williams, late a Member of the Senate of New-York. 8vo. Albany, 1849. Sprague (William B.) Life of Timothy Dwight. Sparks? American Biography, vol. 14. Sprengel (M. C.) Die Geschichte der Revolution von Nord-America. 24mo. Berlin, 1784 —--. C. 872. Spurzheim (J. C.) M. D. Examination of the Objections made in Britain, against the Doctrines of Gall and Spurzheim: Article of the Foreign Quarterly Review on Phrenology, by Richard Chenevix, with Notes by J. G. S. 12mo. Boston, 1833. Spurzheim (S.) M. D. A view of the Elementary Principlesof Education, founded on the Study of the Nature of Man. Second Edition. Boston, 1833. Squier (E. G.) See Smithsonian Contributions. Squire (Rev. Francis.) An Answer to the Independent Whig, as relates to the Church of England as by law established. 12mo. New-York. Hugh Gaine, 1753. Staats (Cuyler.) See Clinton (De Witt.) Stadt (John de.) Memorabilis Provincim Brasiliam Historia. fol. Franefort, 1592. See Bry.-W. C. Stael —Iolstein (Madame de.) Considerations on the Principal Events of the French Revolution: Edited by the Duke de Broglie and the Baron de Stael: trains. from the French. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1818. Stael Holstein (Baroness.) Germany. Translated from the French. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1814. Stael Holstein (Mad. La Baronne de.) Corinne on L'Italie. Nouvelle Edition. 12mo. Boston, I848. Stafford (J. R.) Observations oa the Production, Manufactures, Transportation and Preservation of Cereal Grains, &c. 8vo. CleaveTand, 1848. (Presented.) Stallo (J. B.) General Principles of the Philosophy of Nature, embracing Oken's System, &c. 12mo. Boston, 1848. Stamp Act. See American. Colonies. Stanford (John Frederick.) Rambles and Researchesin Thuringian Saxony. 8vo. London, 1842. Stanhope (Lady Hester.) Memroirs related by herself, in conversa MISCELLANEOUS WOlRKS. 753 tion with her Physician: comprising her Opinions, and Anecdotes of some of the most remarkable Persons of her Time. 2d ed. 3 vols. 12mo. London. Stanley (Anthony D.) Tables of Logarithms of Numbers and of Logarithmic Sines, Tangents and Secants to Seven places of Numbers. 8vo. New-Haven, 1847. Stanley (A. P.) Life and Correspondence of Dr. Thomas Arnold. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1844. Stansbury (P.) Pedestrian Tour of Two Thousand Three Hundred Miles in North America. 12mo. New-York, 1822. -. W. C. 873. Stanton (Henry B.) Sketches of Reforms and Reformers of Great Britain and Ireland. 12mo. New-York, 1849. Staples (W. R.) Documentary History of the Destruction of the Gaspee. Providence,1845. Pamphlets, vol. 17. (Presented.) Stapleton (A. G.) Political Life of the Right Hon. George Canning. 2ded. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1831. Stark (General John.) Life of. See Reminiscences of the French War. Stark (John.) Life. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 1. Stark (John.) Elements of Natural History, adapted to the present state of the Science. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1828. C. L. State Tracts, being a collection of several Treatises relating to the government privately printed in the Reign of Charles II. London, 1693; and State Tracts, &c., from 1660 to 1689. London, 1692. Bound in one vol. Folio. Statistics of the Population of the United States. See United States. Statistical Society (London.) Transactions. Vol. 1. Pirt 1. 4to. London, 1837. Statistical Society (London.) See Journal. Staunton (Edward.) The Chess-Player's Hand Book, &c. 12mo. London, 1847. Staunton (Sir George.) Authentic Account of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1798. Staveley (T. K.) Notes on Brixen and Verona in 1838. Engineers' Prof. Papers, vol. 4. Staveley (T. K.) Notes on Genoa and Lyons. Engineers' Prof. PaPapers, vol. 5. Stavorinus (J. S.) Voyages to the East Indes: trans. from the Dutch by S. H. Wilcocke. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1798. Steam Carriages. Report on, by a Select Committee of the House of Commons of Great Britain, with the Minutes of the Evidence. Reprinted by order of the U. S. House of Representatives. 8vo Washington, 1832. (Presented.) Steam Engines. See Machines a Vapeur. Stearns (Dr. Samuel.) Tour from London to Paris. 8vo. London, 1790. 754 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Stearns (Dr. Samuel.) See Philadelphia Magazine. Stearns (Hon. Samuel,) LL. D. American Oracle, comprehending an account of recent discoveries in the Arts and Sciences. Svo. London, 1791. Stebbing (Henry.) History of the Christian Church. Lardner's Cyclopaedia, vols. 99 and 100. Stebbing (Henry.) History ot the Reformation. Lardner's Cyclopedia, vols 48 and 49. Stebbing (Henry.) Lives of the Italian Poets. 2d ed. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1832. Stedman (C.) History of the American War. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1794. Stedman (J. G.) Voyage a Surinam et dans 1Interieur de la Guyane: trad. de P'Anglais par P. F. Henry. 3 vols. 8vo. (Plates 4to.) Paris, 1798. —- W. C. 874. Stedmlan (Capt. J. G.) Narrative of a five years Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the wild coast of Guiana, from 1772 to 1777, &c. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1796. (Ias the autograph of De Witt Clinton.) Steel (David.) Naval Chronologist of the War, from 1793 to 1801. 12mo. London, 1803. W. C. 875. Steel (John H.) MI. D. An Analysis of the Mineral Waters of Saratoga and Ballston, with remarks on their Medical properties, &c., 2d ed. 12mo. Saratoga Springs, 1838. Steele (Mrs.) A Summer Journey in the West. 12mo. New-York, 1841. Steele's Western Guide Book and Emigrant's Directory, with a Map of Niagara Falls. 5th ed. 18mo. Buffalo, 1836. Steffens (Henry.) Adventures on the Road to Paris, during the Campaigns of 1813 - 14. Extracted from his Autobiography. Translated from the German. 12mo. London, 1848. Stephen (James.) War in Disguise or the Frauds of the Neutral Flags. 8vo. New-York, 1806.W —. C. 876. Stephen (James.) Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, by. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1843. Stephens (Alex.) Memoirs of John Horne Tooke. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1813. Stephens (Henry.) The Book of the Farm, &c., with Notes by John S. Skinner. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1846-47. Stephens (John L.) Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1841. Stephens (John L.) Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia Petraea, and the Holy Land. 10th ed. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1841. Stephens (John L.) Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1843. Stephens (John L.) Incidents of Travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia, and Poland. 7th ed. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1844. Stephens (John L.) Catherwood s Views of Ancient Monuments in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. 26 Nos., on Cards MISCELLANEOUS W o R ls. 755 with Letter Press Explanations and Map. folio. Contained in Morocco Envelope. (Presented.) Stephens (William.) The Castle Builders, or the History of William Stephens of the Isle of Wight, lately deceased. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1759. Sterling (John.) Essays and Tales by. Collected and Edited, with a Memoir of his Life, by Julius Charles Hare. 2 vols. l2mo. London, 1848. Sterne (Laurence.) Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy. Works. vols. 1 and 2. Sterne (Laurence.) Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. Works, vol. 3. Sterne (Laurence.) Works; with a Life of the Author, written by Himself. 6 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1813. Sterne (Laurence.) The Works of, with a Life of the Author, written by Himself. In 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1847. Steuart (Sir James.) Works, Political, Metaphysical, and Chrono. logical; with Anecdotes of the Author, by Gen. Sir James Steuart. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1805. Steuben (Baron.) Life. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 9. Steuben (Baron De.) Regulations for the order and discipline of the Troops of the United States, with the law organizing the Militia of the State of New-York. 12mo. Albany, 1801..Stevens (Alexander H.,) M. D. The Annual Address before the New-York State Medical Society, and Members of the Legislature, at the Capitol, Feb. 6, 1849. 8vo. Albany, 1849. (Presented.) Stevens (Rev. A.) Memorials of the introduction of Methodism into the Eastern States. 12mo. Boston, 1848. Stevens (Sacheverel.) Travels through France. Voyages and Travels, vol. 5. Stevens (William Bacon,) M. D. A History of Georgia, from its first discovery by Europeans to the adoption of the present Constitution in 1798. In two volumes. Vol. 1. 8vo. New-York, 1847. (Presented.) Stevenson (W.) Historical Sketch of the Progress of Discovery, Navigation, and Commerce. 8vo. London 1824. -W. C. 877. Stevenson (W. B.) Historical and Descriptive Narrative of Twenty Years' Residence in South America. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1825. W. C. 878. Stevenson (W. B.) Voyage en Araucanie, an Chili, au PCrou, et dans la Colombie, &c.: trad. de l'Anglais. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1832. AW. C. 879. Steward (James.) History of the Discovery of America; of the Landing of our Forefathers at Plymouth, and of their - miost remarkable engagements with the Indians in NewEngland, from their first landing in 1620, until the final subjugation in 1669. 8vo. Brooklyn. (Presented.) 756 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Stewart (C. S.) Visit to the South Seas, in the United States ship Vincennes, in 1829 and 1830. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1831.- W. C. 880. Stewart (David.) Colonel. Sketches of the Highlanders of Scotland, with Details of the Military Service of the Highland Regiments. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1822. Stewart (Dugald.) Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind, Works, vols. 1, 2 and 3. Stewart (Dugald.) General View of the Progress of Metaphysical, Ethical, and Political Philosophy. 8vo. Boston. Stewart (Dugald.) Philosophical Essays. Works, vol. 4. Stewart (Dugald.) Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers of Man. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1828. Stewart (Dugald.) Works. 7 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1829. Stewart (J.) View of the Past and Present State of Jamaica, with Remarks on the Abolition of Slavery. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1823. —-W. C. 881. Stiff (Col. Edward.) The Texan Emigrant, with the adventures of the Author in Texas, and a description of the Soil, Climate, &c. 12 mo. Cincinnati, 1840. Stiles (Ezra.) History of Three of the Judges of King Charles I., who fled to America. 12mo. Hartford, 1794. —W. C. 882. Stiles (Ezra.) Life. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 16. Stiles (Rev. Ezra.) See American Tracts, vol. 1. Stillman (Samuel.) See Backus. Stirling (Earl of.) Narrative of the oppressive Law Proceedings and other measures, by the British Government, and numerous private individuals, to overpower the Earl of Stirling, and subvert his lawful Rights. Written by himself. With a Genealogical Account of the Family, &c. By Ephraim Lockhart. 4to. Edinburgh, 1836. Stirling (Lord.) Life of. See Duer. Stirling (Patrick James.) The Philosophy of Trade, or outline of a Theory of Profits and Prices, &c. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1846. Stoddard (Amos.) Major. Sketches of Louisiana. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1812. Stollenwerck (M.) Recherches Historiques sur les principales Nations etablies en Siberie, &c.: trad. de Russe. 8vo. Paris. (Presented.) Stoltz (J. L.) Manuel Elementaire du Cultivateur Alsacien (in German and French.) 12mo. Strasbourg, 1842. (Presented.) Stone (Edwin M.) History of Beverly, civil and ecclesiastical, from its settlement in 1630 to 1842. 8vo. Boston, 1843. Stone (Rev. John S.) Life of the Rev. Dr. Milnor. See Milnor. Stone (Mrs.) Chronicles of Fashion. English Society, from the time of Queen Elizabeth to the present day. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1846. Stone (William L.) Life of Joseph Brant, including the Border MISCEL ANEOUS WORKS. 757 Wars of the American Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1838. Stone-(William L.) Life and Times of Red-Jacket; being the Sequel to the History of the Six Nations. 8vo. New-York, 1841. Stone (William L.) The Poetry and History of Wyoming, including Campbell's Gertrude, and his Life of Washington Irving, and the History of Wyoming, by W. L. S. 12mo. NewYork, 1841. Stone (William L.) Matthias and his Impostures. 12mo. NewYork, 1835. Stone (William L.) Border Wars of the American Revolution. 2 vols. 18mo. New-York, 1846. Storer (D. Humphreys.) M. D. Reports on the Ichthyology and Herpetology of Massachusetts. 1839. See Massachusetts. Stork (William.) Account of East Florida. 12mo. London, 1776. - W. C. 883. Story (Joseph.) LL.D. The Constitutional Class Book; being a brief Exposition of the Constitution of the United States. 12mo. Boston, 1834. Story (Joseph.) LL.D. The Miscellaneous Writings, Literary, Critical, Judicial, and Political, of. Now first collected. 8vo. Boston, 1835. Stoughton (John.) Spiritual Heroes. or Sketches of the Puritans, their Character and Times. 12mo. London, 1848. Stoughton (John.) The same. 12mo. New-York, 1848. Stowe Catalogue. (The) Priced and annotated. By Henry Ruinsey Forster. 4to. London, 1848. Stowell (Rev. William H.) History of the Puritans in England; and Wilson (Daniel,) The Pilgrim Fathers. In one volume. 12mo. New-York, 1849. Strachey (Edward.) On the Early History of Algebra. Asiatick Researches, vol. 12. Strada (Famianus.) History of the Low-Countrey Warres: trans. from the Latin by Sir R. Stapylton. fol. London, 1650. (Presented.) Strafford. See Bolingbroke. —. C. Strange (Robert.) Address before the Societies of Rutger's College. 8vo. New Brunswick, 1840. (See American Monthly Magazine, vol. 12.) Stranger. (The) A Literary Paper. Albany. Published by John Cook. 8vo. 1814. Strangeways (Thomas.) Sketch of the Musquito Shore, including the Territory of Poyais, &c. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1822.W. C. 884. Strangford (Viscount.) Observations on some Passages in Colonel Napier's History of the Peninsular War. 8vo. London, 1828. See Napier's History. Controversy on. Strauss (Frederick.) Helon's Pilgrimage to Jerusalem: trans. from the German. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1824. Street (Alfred B.) Poems. 8vo. New-York, 1846. 758 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Street (Alfred B.) Frontenac: A Poem, by. 12mo. London, 1849. Strickland (Agnes.) Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest, &c. 12 vols. in 6. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847 -48. Strickland (H1. E.) Report on the Recent Progress and Present. State of Ornithology. Reports British Association, 1844. Strickland (W.) E. H. Gill, and H. R. Campbell. Reports, Specifications and Estimates of Public Works in the United States of America; explanatory of the Atlas folio of detailed Engravings elucidating the Engineering Works herein described, London, 1841. Strickland (William.) Reports on Canals, Railways, Roads, &c. Made to the Pennsylvania Society for the Promotion of Internal Improvement, folio. Philadelphia, 1826. Strickland (W. P.) History of the American Bible Society, from its organization to the present time. 8vo. New-York, 1849. Strive (H.) Recueil de Memoires sur Les Salines et leur Exploitation. 12mo. Geneve, An. xi. (1803.) Strong (Frederick.) Greece as a Kingdom, or a Statistical Description of that Country, from 1833 to the present time. 12mo. London, 1842. Strong (Thomas M.) History of Flatbush. 12mo. New-York, 1842. (Presented.) Stroud (George M.) Sketch of the Laws Relating to Slavery in the several States of the United States of America. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1827. Stryker (James.) See. American Quarterly Register. Strype (John.) Annals of the Reformation, &c., in England. 3d ed. 4 vols. fol. 1735 - 1738. Strzelecki (P. E. De.) Physical Description of New South Wales and Van Dieman's Land. 8vo. London, 1845. Stuart (James.) Three Years in North America. 2 vols. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1833. Stuart (Robert.) Dictionary of Architecture. 3 vols. Svo. London. Stuart Papers. (The) Printed from the originals, in the possession of her Majesty the Queen. Correspondence, vol. 1. Letters of Francis Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester, to the Chevalier De St. George, and some of the adherents of the House of Stuart. 8vo. London, 1847. Sturge (Joseph.) Visit to the United States, in 1841. 12mo. Boston, 1842. Sue (Eugene.) See Sourdis, H. d'E. de. Suecica Antiqua et Hodierna. 3 vols. Oblong quarto. Being Plates and Maps of Sweden; its Provinces, Cities, &c. [No date.] (Presented.) Suetonius (Caius Tranquillius.) Opera: Ernestii et Casuaboni cura: edidit F. A. Wolfius. 4 vols. 8vo. Leipsic, 1802. Suetonius (Caius Tranquillius.) Lives of the First Twelve Caesars: Translated from the Latin, with Annotations, &c., by Alex. Thomson. 8vo. London, 1796. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 759 Suffolk (Henrietta.) Countess of. Letters to and from, of her second Husband, the Hon. George Berkeley; from 1712 to 1767. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. Suire (M. le.) Le Nouveau Monde: Poeme. 2 vols. in 1. 16mo. Paris, 1781. —W. C. 885. Sullivan (James.) Pamphlets, vols. 44. 45. Sullivan (James.) History of the District of Maine. 8vo. Boston, 1795. Sullivan (John.) Life. Sparks' American Biography. vol. 13. Sullivan (John L.) A Commentary on the New System of Naval Architecture, by William Annesley, Architect. 8vo. Troy, 1823. Sullivan (John L.) Pamphlets, vol. 42. Sullivan (Hon. William,) LL. D. The Public Men of the Revolution, including Events from the Peace of 1783 to the Peace of 1815. Edited by his Son, John T. S. Sullivan. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847. Sully (M. de Bethune.) Due de. Memoirs: tranis. from the French by Charlotte Lennox. 5 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1817. Summerfield (Rev. John.) See Holland. Sumner (Charles.) White Slavery in the Barbary States. A Lecture before the Boston Mercantile Library Association, Feb. 17, 1847. 8vo. Boston, 1847. Sumner (Charles.) Address before the American Peace Society, at Boston, May, 1849. 8vo. Boston, 1849. Supreme Court United States. Opinion of, in the case of Gibbons and Ogden: delivered by Chief Justice Marshall. 1824. With a Sketch of the Steamboat Controversy. Pamphlets, vol. 13. Surgy (Rousselot de.) Histoire Naturelle et Politique de la Pensylvanie. 12mo. Paris, 1768. W. C. 886. Surinam.'Essai Historique sur la Coloniede Surinam. 8vo. Paramaribo, 1788. —W. C. 887. Surius (Laurentius.) Commentarius brevis Rerum in Orbe gestarum, ab anno Salutis, 1500 usque ad annum 1574. Continuatio adjecta Michelis ab Isselt, ad 1586. 12mo. Cologne, 1602. Surtees (William Edward.) A Sketch of the Lives of Lords Stowell and Eldon; comprising with some additional matter, some corrections of Mr. Twiss's Work on the Chancellor. 8vo. London, 1846. Susquehannah Case. (The) 4to. (No date.) Susquehannal Title. (The) Stated and Examined in a Series of Numbers, first Published in the Western Star, and now republished in this Form, for the Benefit of the Public in General, and all Persons concerned in particular. 12mo. Printed in Catskill, by Mackay Croswell, 1796. Susquehannah Title. (The) examined. See Pamphlets, vol. 29, 31. 760 MISCEL'LA'NEO US WORKS. Sussex (Duke of.) Address before the Anniversary Meeting of the Royal Society, Nov. 30, 1833. By His Royal Highness the President. 4to. London, 1833. Sutcliffe (John.) Treatise on Canals and Reservoirs, &., with important Directions on Public Drains. 8vo. Rochdale, 1816. Sutcliff (Robert.) Travels in some parts of North America, in the years 1804-5 -6. Second Edition. 12mo. New-York, 1815. Swainson (Wim.) Animals in Menageries. Lardner's Cyclopaedia, vol. 101. Swainson (Wm.) Habits and Instincts of Animals. Lardner's Cyclopaedia, vol. 109. Swainson (Wm.) and Shuckard s. History and Natural Arrangement of Insects. Lardner's Cyclopaedia, vol. 122. Swainson (Wm.) Natural History and Classification of Birds. Lardners Cyclopaedia, vols. 102 and 103. Swainson (Win.) Natural History of Fishes, Amphibians and Reptiles. Lardner's Cyclopsedia, vols. 107 and 108. Swainson (Wm.) Natural History and Classification of Quadrupeds. Lardner's Cyclopeedia, vol. 110. Swainson (Wm.) Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural History. Lardner's Cyclopoedia, vol. 106. Swainson (Wm.) Taxidermy, with the Biography of Zoologists. Lardner's Cyclopadla. vol. 104. Swainson (Wim.) Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals. Lardner's Cyclopaedia, vol. 105. Swainson (Wir.) Treatise on Malacology, or the Natural Classification of Shells and Shell Fish. Lardner's Cyclopaedia, vol. 111. Swan (James.) Colonel. Causes qui se sont opposees aux Progres du Commerce entre la France et les Etats-Unis de l'Amerique: trad. de l'Anglais. 8vo. Paris, 1790. —- W. C. 888. Sweden. Annual Reports of the Product and Condition of its Mines, from 1833 to 1839 inclusive. Bound in one volume. 4to. (Presented.) Sweden. Plans of the Fahlun Copper Mines, (engraved.) By J. J. Tjader. fol. 1845. (Presented.) Swedenborg (Emanuel.) Apocalypse Revealed: Trans. from the Latin. 3 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1836 Swedenborg (Emanuel.) Concerning HIeaven and its Wonders, and Concerning Hell; from Things Heard and Seen. Trans. from the Latin. 8vo. Boston, 1837. Swedenborg (Emanuel.) Delights of Wisdom concerning Conjugal Love. Trans. from the Latin. 8vo. Boston, 1840. Swedenborg (Emanuel.) Four Leading Doctrines of the New Church. Trans. from the Latin. 121mo. Boston, 1838. Swedenborg (Emanuel.) Heavenly Arcana, laid Open. Trans. from the Latin. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1837 -1839. (11710) MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 761 Swecdenborg (Eiaanuel.) New Jerusalem Tracts. Trans. from the Latin. 12mo. Boston.'Swedenborg (Emanuel.) Summary Exposition of the Prophetical Books of the Old Testament. Trans. from the Latin. 12mo. Boston, 1833. Swedenborg (Emanuel.) True Christian Religion. Trans. froml the Latin. 8vo. Boston, 1833. Swedenborg (Emanuel.) Wisdom of Angels concerning Divine Love and Divine Wisdom; also, concerning Divine Providence. Trans. from the Latin. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. London, 1810-1816. Swedenborg (Emanuel.) Worship and Love of God. Trans. from the Latin. 12mo. Boston, 1832.'Swedenborg (Emanuel.) Writings, containing The Last Judgment, The Earths in the Universe, The Athanasian Creed, and Divine Love and Wisdom. Trans. from the Latin. 12mo. Boston, 1841. (All the above Works of Mr..Swedenborg were presented by the General Convention of the New Jerusalem Church in the United States.):Swedenborg (Emanuel.) The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem concerning Charity. Boston, 1840. Pamphlets, vol. 18. wvredish Fornskrift Association. Collections by the. 1 vol. 8vo. Stockholm, 1844. (Presented.):Sweet (Samuel N.) Teacher's Institute, or Temporary Normal Schools: their Origin and Progress. 18mo. Utica and Albany, 1848. Swett (S.) An Essay on the Life of the Hon. Major General Israel Putnam; addressed to the State Society of the Cincinnati in Connecticut. By Col. David Humphreys. With Notes and Additions. With an Appendix, containing an Historical and Topographical Sketch of Bunker Hill Battle, by. 121no. Boston, 1818. (Presented.) Swift (Jonathan.) Correspondence. Works, vols. 1 5 - 20. Swift (Jonathan.) Journal to Stella. Works, vols. 21 and 22. Swift (Jonathan.) Law is a Bottomless Pit; o.a History of John Bull. Works, vol. 23. Swift (Jonathan.) Martinus Scriblerus peri Bathos, or the Art of Sinking in Poetry. Works, vol. 23. Swift (Jonathan.) Tale of a Tub. Works, vol. 3. Swift (Jonathan.) Travels into several remote Regions of the World, by Lemuel Gulliver. Works, vol. 9.:Swift (Jonathan.) Works; with Notes by Thomas Sheridan, and Revised by John Nichols. 24 vols. 12mo. New-York, 18121813. (Vols. 10 and 11 wanting.) Swinburne (1-Henry.) Courts of Europe at the Close of the Last Century. Edited by Charles White. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1841. ISTATE LIBRARY. J 48 762'i MISCELLANEOUS WO R-'K S. Swinburne (Henry.) Travels in the Two Sicilies, in 1777- 1780. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1783. Switzerland (History of.) Lardner's Cyclopmedia, vol. 52. Sword's Pocket Almanack for 1845 -46 and'49. Containing Listsof the Clergy in each Diocese, the Constitution and Canons, and Statistical Information of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States. Vols. 30, 31, 33. 18mo. NewYork, 1845 -46 -48. (Vols. 30 and 31 presented.) Sydney (Algernon.) Discourses concerning Government, with his Letters, Trial, Apology, and some Memoirs of his Life. 4to. London, 1763. Sydow (Adolphus.) Scottish Church Question. 8vo. London,. 1845. Sykes (Lieut. Colonel,): and Others. Report on the Vital Statistics: of large Towns in Scotland. Reports British Association, 1842. Sylvester (Charles.) Philosophy of Domestic Economy. 4to. Nottingham, 1819. Symes (Michael.) Embassys to Ava. Pinkerton, vol. 9. Symons (William..) Essay on Weighing Gold. 8vo. London, 1756, T. Tabacunm. Varii Auctores. i6mo. Utrecht, 1644. —W. C. 889. Tacitus (C. C.) De Oratoribus: sive de Causis Cosruptl Eloquentie Dialogus. See Opera, vol. 2. Tacitus (C. C.) Opera, ex recensione J. A. Ernesti, denuo euravit J. J. Oberlinus. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsic, 1801. Tacitus (C. C.) Translation. See Murphy, A. Tacitus. See New-York Canal Policy. Tailfer (Anderson) and Douglas. Narrative of the Colony of Georgia. See Georgia. Talbot (Edward A.) Five Years' Residence in the Canadas, including a Tour through Part of the United States. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. Talbot (H. Fox.) English Etymologies. Svo. London, 1847. Talbot (Silas,) of the State of Rhode Island, lately Commander of the U. S. Frigate Constitution. An Historical Sketch, to the end of the Revolutionary War, of the Life of. 12mo. NewYork, 1803. Talfourd (Thomas N.) An Attempt to Estimate the Poetical Talent of the Present Age, &c.; with a Sketch of the History of Poetry, and Characters of Southey, Crabb, Scott, Moore, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 5. Talfourd (Thomas N.) Vacation Rambles and Thoughts, comprising the Recollections of Three Continental Tours, in 1841, 1842 and 1843. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1845. Talfourd (Thomas N.) Literary Sketches and Letters: Being the MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 763 final Memorials of Charles Lamb, never before published. 12mo. New-York, 1848. Talleyrand (Citizen.) On the Commercial Relations of the United States with England, and on New Colonies. Pamphlets,vol. 34. Talleyrand. 1. Memoire sur les Relations Commerciales des EtatsUnis avec'Angleterre. 2. Essai sur les Avantages a retirer de Colonies Nouvelles dans les Circonstances pr6sentes. 4to. — W. C. 890. Talleyrand. MIemoir concerning the Commercial Relations of the United States with Great Britain: from the French. Pamphleteer, vol. 4. Talleyrand (Prince.) Reminiscences of, with extracts from his Manuscripts, Speeches and Political Writings. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1848. Tallmadge (Hon. James.) Speech in the U. S. House of Representatives, February 15, 1819, on the Missouri Question. 8vo. Boston, 1849. (Presented.) Tams (G.) M. D. Visit to the Portuguese Possessions in Southwestern Africa. Translated from the German, by H. Evans Lloyd. 2 vols. 12mo. 1845. Tanner (H. S.) Description of the Canals and Railroads of the United States, &c. 8vo. New-York, 1840. Tanner (H. S.) The Central Traveller, or Tourist's Guide through Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delawa:e, Maryland, and parts of New-York, &c. Second edition. 18mo. New-York, 1844. Tanner (John.) Narrative of his Captivity and Adventures during Thirty Years' Residence among the Indians in the Interior of North America. Prepared for the Press, by Edwin James, 8vo. New-York,: 1830. Tanquerel. See Dana. Tarleton (B.) Lieut. Col. History of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781,in the Southern Provinces of North America. 4to. London, 1787. Tasistro (Louis F.) Random Shots and Southern Breezes. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1847. Tasman (Abel J.) Voyage of Discovery. Pinkerton, vol. 11. Tasso (Torquato.) The Jerusalem Delivered of. Translated into English Spencerian verse. With a Life of the Author, by J. H. Wiffen. 12mo. New-York, 1846. Tartary (Independent) Accounts of. Pinkerton, vol. 9. Tavernier (B. J. B.) Voyages. Pinkerton, vol. 8-and Harris, vol. 1. Tax List, for 1836- 39. List of Lands to be sold in June, 1843, fbr Arrears of Taxes, for the years 1836 - 37 - 38 - 39. 8vo. Albany, 1843. (Presented.) Also, Tax List, for 18-10-44.. List of Lands to be sold for Arrears of Taxes, for the years 1840 -41- 42 -43 - 44, at the sale to be held at the Capitol, commencing Nov. 20, 1848. 8vo. 2 vols. Albany, 1848. (Presented.) ?764 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Taylor (Fitch W.) Flag Ship, or a Voyage around the World in the United States frigate Columbia. 2 vols. 12mo. NewYork, 1840. Taylor (Rev. Fitch WV.) The Broad Pennant, or a Cruise in the United States Flag Ship of the Gulf Squadron, during the Mexican difficulties. With Sketches of the American War, &c 12lmo. New-York, 1848. Taylor (Henry.) Notes from Life, in Six Essays. 12mo. London, 1847. Taylor (Henry.) Notes from Books, in Four Essays. 12mo. London, 1849. Taylor (Isaac.) Natural History of Enthusiasm. From the Ninth London Edition. 12mo. New-York, 1849. Taylor (Rt. Rev. Jeremy.) Lord Bishop of Down, Connor and Dromore. The whole Works of, with an Essay on his Genius and Writings. 3 vols. Large 8vo. London, 1836 - 37. C.L. Taylor (John,) of Caroline. New Views of the Constitution of the United States. 8vo. Washington, 1823. (In exchange for duplicates.) Taylor (John.) Construction Construed, and Constitutions vindicated. 8vo. Richmond, 1820. Taylor (John,) Arator; being a series of Agricultural Essays, practical and political. Sixth edition. 12mo. Petersburgh, (Vir.) 1818. Taylor (J. Bayard.) Views-a-Foot; or Europe seen with a Knapsack and Staff. 12mo. New-York, 1847. Taylor (J. Bayard.) Views-a-Foot; or Europe seen with Knapsack and Staff. Ninth Edition. With Additions and Portraits. 12mo. New-York, 1848. Taylor (Richard.) Scientific Memoirs: Selected from the Transactions of Foreign Academies of Science and Learned Societies, &c. 4 vols., 1-4. 8vo. London. 1837 - 1846. Taylor (Richard C.) Reports on the Washington Silver Mine in Davidson County, North Carolina, with Assays of the Ores, &c. See Pamphlets, vol. 12. (Presented) Taylor (Richard C.) Report on the Washington Silver Mine in Davidson County, North Carolina. Assays of the Ores, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. (Presented.) Taylor (Richard C.) Statistics of Coal. The Geographical and Geological Distribution of Mineral Combustibles, or Fossil Fuel. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848. Taylor (Thomas.) Dissertation on the Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries. Pamphleteer, vol. 8. Taylor (Thomas.) Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Right Rev. Reginald Heber. 2d ed. 161mo. London, 1835. Taylor (William.) Historic Survey of German Poetry, interspersed with various Translations. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1830. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 765 Taylor (William.) Report on the various Modes of Printing for the Use of the Blind. Reports British Association, 1837. Taylor (W. C.) Natural History of Society in the Barbarous and Civilized State. &c. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1840. Taylor (W. C.) Modern British Plutarch; or Lives of Men distinguished in the recent History of England for their talents, virtues, or achievements. 12mo. New-York, 1846. Taylor (W. B. S.) History of the University of Dublin, &c. 8vo. London, 1845. Taylor (Gen. Zachary.) Lives of, by C. Powell, and by an Officer of the United States Army. Bound in one vol. 8vo. New-York, 1846. Taylor (General.) The Life of, the Hero of Okee-Chobe, Palo-Alto, &c., with illustrative Anecdotes and Embellishments. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1847. Taylor (Gen.) Lives of. See Montgomery, Frost. Taylor (General.) Life of. See Fry, Owen. Taylor (General) and his Staff, including Memoirs, &c. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1848. Taylor's Gold and Silver Coin Examiner. (With wood cuts of Coins.) 8vo. New-York, 1847. Tazewell (Lyttleton W.) Review of the Negotiations between the United States and Great Britain, respecting the Commerce of the Two Countries, and more especially concerning the Trade of the Former with the West Indies. (Printed with the Signature "Senex," in the "Norfolk Herald.") 8vo. London, 1829. Teachers' Advocate. A Weekly Paper, established by the NewYork State Teacher's Association. 3 vols. 4to. Syracuse and New-York, 18-45-48. (Edited at different times, by Edward Cooper, Joseph McKeen and James N. McElligott.) Techo (Nicholao del.) Historia Provinciwe Paraquarime. fol. Liege, 1673. —-W. C. 891. Tecumseh. Life of. See Drake. Teignmouth (Sir John Shore,) Lord. Memoirs of Sir William Jones; with the Life of Lord the Rev. S. C. Wilks. 2 vols. 16mo. London, 1835. Teignmouth (Sir John Shore,) Lord. On the Philosophy of the Asiatics. Asiatick BRasearches, vol. 4. Teixeira (Peter.) Travels of. from India to Italy by Land. See Lauson. Temperance, Anniversary Report of the Pennsylvania Society for Discouraging the Use of Ardent Spirits, 1831. Pamphlets, vol. 8. Temple (Edmond.) Travels in Peru, including a Year's Residence in Potosi. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830. Temple (Sir John.) History of the General Rebellion in Ireland, 1641. 7th ed. With Sir Henry Tichbourne's History of 766 MI sc ELLANEOUS WORKSo the Seige of Drogheda in 1641, and the Trial of Connor, Lord Macquire. 8vo. Cork, 1776. Temple (Sir William.) Essay upon the Original and Nature of Government. Works, vol. 1. Temple (Sir William.) Works; with some Account of the Life and Writings of the Author. 2 vols. fol. London, 1720. Tench (Watkin.) Expedition to Botany Bay; with an account of New South Wales. 8vo. London, 1789. W. C. 892. Tench (Watkin.) Voyage a la Baie Botanique; a laquelle on y a ajout6 le recit de la Decouverte de la Nouvelle Hollande. 8vo. Paris, 1789. W. C. 893. Tennent (J. Emerson.) Belgium, by. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1841. Tennent (Rev. William.) LL. D. Thoughts on the Effects of the British Government on the State of India. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1807. C. L. Tennent (Rev. William,) formerly Pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Freehold, (Nevw-Jersey.) Life of. 18mo. NewYork, 1847. Ternaux(H.) Bibliotheque Americaine, ou Catalogue des Ouvrages relatifs a l'Amerique qui out paru Depuis sa decouverte jusqu a I'an 1700. 8vo. Paris, 1837. Ternite (W.) Wandegemalde aus Pompeji und I-erculanum, nach den Zeichnungen und Nachbildungen, in Farben, von. 1st vol. Elephant Folio. Berlin. (Presented.) Terre-Neuve, le Pilote de. fol. Paris, 1784. (Presented.) Terry (Adrian R.) M. D. Travels in the Equatorial Regions of South America, in 1832. 12mo. Hartford, 1834. Terry (Charles.) New Zealand, its advantages and prospects as a British Colony, 8vo. London, 1842. Testament, New; in Armenian. 8vo. Calcutta, 1839. Testament, New; in Bengalli. 8vo. Calcutta, 1839. Testament, New; in English, 5th ed. 12imo. New-York, 1844. Testament, New; in English, with the Book of Psalms. 8vo., New-York, 1844. Testamlent, New; in German: Martin Luther's. 16mo. Hamburg, 1840. Testament, New; in German: Martin Luthler's 32mo. Hamburg, 1843. Testament, New; in Hindusta'ni'. 8vo. Calcutta, 1839. Testament, New; in Oriya. 8vo. Cuttack, 1840. Testament, New; in Persian. 8vo. Calcutta, 1841. Testament, New; in Sanscrit. 8vo. Calcutta, 1841. (The above Testaments were presented by the American and Foreign Bible Society.) Texas. A History of: or the Emigrant's Guide to the New Republic, by a Resident Emigrant, with a. Introduction, by Rev. A. B. Lawrence, of New-Orleans. 1 2mo. New-York, 1845. Texas. Considerations on the Propriety and'Necessity of Annexing .MI.SC"E L L A N E OU S W OR KS:. 767'Texas to the United States.: By a Revolutionary Officer. 8vo. New-York, 1829.- W.C. 894..'Texas. Le Champ-d'Asile, Tableau Topographique et Historique da Texas, par L. F. Lhit * (de l'Ain.) 8vo. Paris, 1819. -W. C. 895. Texas. Rambles and Scrambles in Texas: -By a Southron. 12mo. New-York, 1845. ^Thacher (James.) History of the Town of Plymouth. 12mo. Boston, 1835. Thacher (James.) -Military Journal during the American Revolutionary War. 8vo. Boston, 1823. Thacher (James.) American Medical Biography, or Memoirs of eminent Physicians who have flourished in America. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. Boston, 1828.'Thacher (Peter.) Pamphlets, vol. 37. Thacher (Rev. Thomas.) Pamphlets, vol. 43. Thackeray, W. M. See Titmarsh, Mr. Michael Angelo. Thackeray (Rev. Francis.) History of th6 Hon. William Pitt, Earl of Chatham: with his Speeches, Correspondence, &c. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1827. Thackeray (Rev. Francis.) Researches into the Ecclesiastical State of Ancient Britain, under the Roman Emperors. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1843. C. L. Thaer (Albert D.) Principles of Agriculture. 8vo. Translated by William Shaw and Cuthbert W. Johnson. New-York, 1845. Thalhimer (B.) Annual Register and Military Roster. 8vo. Albany, 1821. (Presented.) Thatcher (B. B.) Indian Biography, &c. 2 vols.'18mo. NewYork, 1848. Thatcher (B. B.) Tales of the Revolution, being rare and remarkable Passages in the History of the War of 1775. 18mo. New-York, 1846. Thatcher (B. B.) Traits of the Tea Party; being a Memoir of George R. T. Hewes, one of the last of its survivors. Bya Bostonian. 18mo. New-York, 1835. Thatcher (B. B.) See Boston Book, 1837. Thayer(Elisha.) Family Memorial. Part I. Genealogy of Fourteen Families of the Early Settlers of New-England, of the names of Alden, Adams, Arnold, Bass, Billings, Capen, Copeland, French, Hobert, Jackson, Payne, Thayer, Wales and White. Part 2. Genealogy of Ephraim and S:rah Thayer, with their fourteen Children. 8vo. Hingham, 1835. Theatro delMondo. See Ortello. Theller (E. A.) Canada in 1837- 8. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841. Thevenot (M.) Relations de Divers Voyages Curieux. 2 vols. fcl, Paris, 1683.-W. C. 896. Thevet (Andre.) La Cosmographie Universelle. 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1575. —W. C. 897. 768 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Thevet (Andre ) Les Singularitez de la France Antarcticque. 12mo. Antwerp, 1558.- W. C. 898. Thicknesse (Philip.) Memoirs and Anecdotes of P. T. late Lieut. Governor of Land Guard Fort, and unfortunately Father to, George Touchet, Lord Audley. 8vo. Dublin, 1790. Thicknesse (Philip.) A year's Journey through France and part of Spain. Third Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1789. Thierry (Aug.) History of the Conquest of England by the Normans, &c., trans. from the French. 8vo. London, 1841. Thierry (Angustin M.), Historical Essays, published under the Title of Dits and D'Etudes Historiques, and Narratives of the Merovingian Era: or Scenes of the 6th Century. 8vo.Philadelphia, 1845. Thierry (Augustus.) History of the Conquest of England, by the' Normans, &e. Translated from the Seventh Paris Edition, by William Hazlitt. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1847. Thierry (Augustus.) History of the Conquest of England by the Normans. 8vo. London, 1841. C. L. Thiers (M. A.) History of the Consulate and the Empire of France under Napoleon. Translated by D. Forbes Campbell. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1845-47. Thiers (M. A.) History of the French Revolutio: Translated wilth Notes, &c., byF. Shoberl. 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. Thiers (M. A.) The History of the French Revolution, translated with Notes and illustrations, by Frederick Shoberl. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. Thirlwall (Connop.) History of Greece. Lardner's Cyclopedia, vols. 112- 119. Thorn (Alexander.) Inquiry into the Nature and Course of Storms in the Indian Ocean, South of the Equator, with a view of discovering their origin, extent, rotary character, &c. 8vo. London, 1845. Thomas (David.) Address before the Aurora H-orticultural Society. 1845. Agricultural Tracts, vol. 1. Thomas (E. S.) Reminiscences of the last Sixty-Five Years. 2 vols. 8vo. Hartford, 1840. Thomas (Gabriel.) Account of Pensilvania and of West New Jersey, in America. 12mo. London, 1698.- W. C. 901I Thomas (Gabriel.) An Historical and Geographical Account of the Province and Country of Pennsylvania, and of West New Jersey,in America. London, 1698. 12mo. New-York. Lithographed for Henry Austin Brady, Esq., Counsellor at Law. Member of the New-York Historical Society, 1848. Thomas (Isaiah.) History of Printing in America, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Worcester, 1810. Thomas (John J.) The American Fruit Culturist, &c. 12mo. Auburn, 1849 Thomas (Magister.) De Vocibus Atticis, a J. S. Bernardo. 8vo. Leyden, 1757.. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 769 Thomason (Sir Edward.) Memoirs during half a Century. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1845. Thompson (Benjamin.) See Rumford, (Count.) Thompson (Benjamin F.) History of Long Island. 8vo. New-York, 1839. Thompson (Benjamin F.) The same. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. NewYork, 1843. Thompson (Edward.) Sailor's Letters written from Europe, Asia, Africa and America. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo. London, 1766. ~W. C. 902. Thompson (G. A.) Narrative of an Official Visit to Guatemala from Mexico. 12mo. London, 1829. ——. C. 903. Thompson (G. A.) New Theory of the Two Hemispheres. Pamphleteer, vol. 5. Thompson (J.) The Autographical Counterfeit Detector. Companion to the Bank Note Reporter. 8vo. New-York, 1849. Thompson's Coin Chart Manual, &c., with 750 fac-similes of Gold and Silver Coins, in circulation. 8vo. New-York, 1849. Thompson (Joseph P.) Memoirs of David Hale, late editor of the Journal of Commerce; with selections from his Writings. 12mo. New-York, 1850. Thompson (Robert.) Statistical Survey of the County of Meath, &c. 8vo. Dublin, 1802. Thompson (Thomas.) An account of two Missionary Voyages, &c. the one to New Jersey, in North America; the other from America to the Coast of Guiney. 8vo. London, 1758. Thompson (Waddy.) Recollections of Mexico. 8vo. New-York, 1846. Thompson (Zadock.) History of Vermont. 8vo. Burlington, 1842. Thompson (Z.) Guide to Lake George, Lake Champlaiu, Montreal and Quebec. With Maps. 18mo. Burlington, 1845. Thomson (Alex.) Lives of the First Twelve Cmesars: trans. from the Latin of Suetonius; with Annotations. 8vo. London, 1796. Thomson (A. T., Mrs.) Memoirs of Sarah Duchess of Marlborough, and of the Court of Queen Anne. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. Thomson (Charles.) Travels through Turkey in Asia, the Holy Land, Arabia, and Egypt. 8vo. Glasgow, 1810. Thomson (Christopher.) Autobiography of an Artesian. 12mo. London, 1847. Thomson (David Purdie.) M. D. Introduction to Meteorology. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1849. Thomson (John L.) Sketches of the late War between the United States and Great Britain. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1818. — W. C. 904. Thomson (Mrs.) Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1845-46. 7T91 M S C EL L LANEOU S WOR RK S. Thomson (Richard.) Historical Essay on the iMagna Charita of King John; with the Great Charter, in Latin and English. 8vo. London, 1829. Thomson (Robert D.) Experimental Researches on the Food of Animals, and the Fattening of Cattle, &c. 12mo. NewYork, 1846. Thomson (Thomnas.) History of the Royal Society, from its ITstitution to the end of the Eighteenth Century. 4to. London, 1812. Thomson (Thomas,) History of Chemistry. 2 vols. 16mo. London, 1830. Thomson (Thomas.) Outlines of Mineralogy, Geology, and Mineral Analysis. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836. Thomson (Thomas.) System of Chemistry. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1802. Thomson (Thomas.) Travels in Sweden, in 1812. 4to. London, 1813. Thomson (Thomas.) M. D. See Annals of Philosophy. Thorburn (Grant.) Reminiscences of New-York, or Flowers from the Garden of Laurie Todd. 18mo. New-York, 1845. Thoreau (Henry D.) A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers. 12mo. Boston, 184-9. Thoresby (Ralph.) Diary, 1677 - 1724; from the Original Manu-:script, by the Rev. Joseph Hunter. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830. Thoresby (Ralph.) Letters of Eminent Men, addressed to. Now first Published from the Originals. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1832. (3 and 4 of Diary.) Thorius (Raphael.) Hymnus Tabaci. 16mo. Utrecht, 1644. See Tabacum. Varii Auctores.- W. C. Thornton (Henry.) Inquiry into the Nature and Effects of the Paper Credit of Great Britain. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1807. Thornton (J. Quinn.) Oregon and California in 1848, with an Appendix on the Gold Mines of California. 2 vols. 12mo. NewYork, 1849. Thorpe (T. B.) Our Army on the Rio Grande, with Descriptions of the Battles at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, &c. 12mo. New-York, 1846. Thorpe (T. B.) Our Army at Monterey. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1847. Thucydides. See Smith, W. Thucydides. The History of the Peloponnesian War, by. Translated by Rev. Henry Dale. 12mo. London, 1848. Thunberg (C. P.) Account of the Cape of Good Hlope. Pinkerton, vol. 16. Thurloe (John.) Collection of State Papers; with his Life. By Thomas Birch. 7 vols. folio. London, 1742. Th'ysius (Antonius.) Historia Navalis, ab antiquissimis Temporibus M s CELLA NEOUS XWO'R KS 771 usque ad Paceml Hispanicam Batavi, &c. 4to. Leyden, 1657. W. C. 905. Tibet. Description of. Pinkerton, vol. 7. Ticknor (George.) History of Spanish Literature, by. 3 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1849. Tifiany (Osmond.) The Canton Chinese, or the American's Sojourn in the Celestial Empire. 12mo. Boston, 1849. Tilloch (Alex.) Philosophical Magazine. 68 vols. 8vo. London 1798- 1826. Tillotson (Dr. John ) Late Archbishop of Canterbury. The Works of. With a Life of the Author, by Thomas Birch, &c. 10 Vols. 8vo. London, 1820. Timberlalke (Lieut. HTenry.) Who accompanied the Three Cherokee Indians to England, in 1762. Memoirs of, with Map and Plate. 8vo. London, 1765. Timbs (John.) See Year Book. Times. (The) London Newspaper, folio. Parts of theyears 1841 - 46. 4 vols. (Presented.) Times. (The) London Newspaper. A continuous series, commencing Jany 1. 1849. to Oct. 1, 1849. Bound in. 3 vols. folio. Timkowski (George.) Travels of the Russian Mission through Mongolia to China, &c.; with Notes by Julius von Klaproth. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1827. Timperley (Mr.) Account of the Harbour and Docks at Kingstonupon-Hull. Tra-ns. Inst. Civil Eng., vol. 1. Titmarsh (Mr. Michael Aigelo.) Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Cairo. 8vo. New York, 1846. Tivoli (J. Pe.) A Guide to the Falls of Niagara, with a lithographic View,by A. Vaudricourt. 12mo. New-York, 1846. Tobago. Addresse a l'Assemblee Nationale de France, pour les Anglois Crdanciers des IIabitans de Tahago, &c. 4to. Paris. -W. C. 906. Tochman (G.) Poland, Russia, and the Policy of the latter towards the United States. 8vo. Baltimore, 1844. Pamphlets, vol. 17. (Presented.) Tocqueville (Alexis de.) Democracy in America: trans. by Henry Reeve, 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836. Tocqueville (Alexis de.) The Same: trans. by Henry Reeve; with an Original Preface and Notes,by John C. Spencer. 8vo. New-York, 1838. Tocqueville (Alexis de.) The Same: Part:Second: The Social Influence of Democracy: trans. by Hlenry Reeve; with an Original Preface by John C. Spencer. 8vo. New-York, 1840. Toledo (Jcs6 Alv. de.) Objectiones Satisfactorias del Mundo Imparcial al Folleto dado a luz por el Marte-Filosofo. 8vo. Charleston, 1812.- -W. C. 907. Toll (Daniel J.) M, D. A narrative, embracing the History of two or three of the First' Settlers, and:their Families, of Schenectady, &c. 8vo. Schenectady, 1847. (Presented.) 772 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Tomline (George.) Memoirs of the Life of the Right Hon. William Pitt. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1821. Tomlinson (J. C.) The Science of Phrenology consistent with the Doctrine of Christianity. Pamphleteer, vol. 26. Tommaseo (M. N.) Relations des Ambassadeurs Venitiens sur les Affaires de France an XVIe Siecle. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1838. See France. Tooke (John Horne.) Diversions of Purley. 1st Am. ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1806. Tooke (John Horne.) Sequel to the Diversions of Purley. See Barclay, J. Tooke (Thoma;.) History of Prices, and of the State of the Circulation from 1793 to 1837, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. Tooke (Thomas.) History of Prices, and of the State of the Circulation in 1838 and 1839, &c. 8vo. London, 1840. Tooke (William.) Life of Catharine II.: an enlarged Translation from the French. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1798. Tooke's Pantheon of the Heathen Gods and illustrious Heroes. Revised for a Classical Course of Education. 12mo. Baltimore, 1845. Topham (E.) Life of the late J. Elwes. Pamphleteer, vol. 25. Torcy (Le Marquis de.) Des Remontes de L'Arm6e, et de leurs Rapports avec Agriculture. 8vo. Paris, 1842. (Presented.) Torcy. Memoirs of the Marquis of. Secretary of State to Louis XIV. Containing the History of the Negotiations, from the Treaty of Ryswic to the Peace of Utrecht. From the French. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1757. Tornberg (Professor.) Annales Regum Mauritanise, (in Arabic,) &c. Edited by. 2 vols. in 1. 4to. Upsal, 1843. (Presented.) Toronto Observatory. Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at Torolto, in Canada. Published by order of Government, under the Superintendence of Lieut. Col. Edward Sabine. Vol. 1. 1840 - 41 - 42. 4to. London, 18-5. Torquemada (Juan de.) De la Monarquia Indiana. 3 vols. fol. Madrid, 1723.-W. C. 908. Torrens (R.) Essay on the Production of Wealth. 8vo. London, 1821. Torrey (John,) and Asa Gray. Flora of North America. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1838-1810. (Vol... First part.) Torrey (John.) See Natural History of New-York. Torrubia (Joseph.) Dissertacion de las Islas Philipinas. 16mo. Madrid, 1753.- W. C. 909. Totius Orbis Terrarum, regionum, civitatum, fluviorum, Montium, &c. Accurata descriptio. 18mo. Leody, (Liege) 1643. Totten (J. G.) Essays on Hydraulic and Common Mortars, and on MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 773 Lime Burning, &c. Translated frclm the French, -wit observations. 8vo. New-York, 1842. Toulmin. See Kentucky. Tour in Germany, Holland, and England, in 1826- 1828. By a German Prince. Vols. 3 and 4. (1st and 2d wanting.) 12mo. London. 1832. Touron (Antoine.) Histoire G6nerale de l'Amerique 14 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1769.- W. C. 910. Towers (F. B.) Illustrations of the Croton Aqueduct. 4to. NewYork, 1843. Town (Ithiel.) See American Revolution. Townsend. See Pennsylvania. Townsend (Alexander.) Pamphlets, vol. 43. Townsend (C. H.) Facts in Mesmerism, with Reasons for a dispassionate Inquiry into it. 12mo. New-York, 1841. Townsend (W. C.) History of the House of Commons, from 1688 to 1832. Vols 1 and 2. 8vo. London, 1843, 1844. Townsend (W. C.) Recorder of Macclesfield. The Lives of Twelve Eminent Judges, of the Last and of the Present Century, by. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1846. Townshend (I. K.) Sporting Excursions in the Rocky Mountains, including a Journey to the Columbia River, and a Visit to the Sandwich Islands, Chili, &c. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1840. Tracts. 4to. Vol. 1. Tracts, on Banking, 1826 -1841. 8vo. London. Tracts, respecting the Prince of Wales, 1795 -1816. 8vo. London. Tracts, (English.) 7 vols. 8vo. (Contents entered under their respective Authors or Titles.) Tracts, (English.) 7 vols. 8vo. Lettered Vols. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Contents as follows Volume 8. D'Anvers (Caleb. Letters to, on his proper Reply to a late scurrilous Libel, entitled Sedition and Defamation Displayed. By William Pultney, Earl of Bath. D'Anvers (Caleb.) Argument against Excises, 1733. The Loyal: or Revolutionary Tory. Being Reflections on the Principles and Conduct of the Tories, 1733. Letters to the Freeholders of Great Britain, 1733. Letter to the Rev. Dr. Codex, on the Subject of his Instruction to the Crown, 1734. Letters and Messages between the King, Queen, Prince and Princess of Wales, on occasion of the Birth of the young Princess, 1737. New Miscellany, for the years 1837 and 1838. Volume 9. Charge to the Grand Jury of M-x, by Judge P —on, May 22, 1736. 774 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. His Catholic Majesty's Manifesto, justifying his conduct in relation to the late Convention. With his reasons for not paying the ninety-five thousand pounds. 1739. New Miscellany for the year 1739. Conduct of his Grace the Duke of Argyle, for the four last years, Reviewed; together with his Grace's Speech, April 15th, 1740, upon the State of the Nation. Webber (Samuel.) An account of a Scheme for Preventing the Exportation of Wool. 1740. Consequences of Trade as to the Wealth and Strength of any Nation. By a Draper of London. 1740. Remarks on Mr. Webber's Scheme, and the Draper's Pamphlet. An Account of the Expedition to Carthagena, with explanatory. Notes and Observations. 2d ed. 1743. Journal of the Expedition to Carthagena, with Notes. In answer to a late Pamphlet, entitled "An Account of the Expedition to Carthagena, 1744." Members of Parliament who voted for and against taking the Hanover Troops into British pay. December 10, 1742. To which is added, the Lords' Protest on that occasion, &c. Case of the Hanover Forces. 1743. Volume 10. Vindication of a Pamphlet entitled, The Case of the HIanover Troops considered. 1743. Walpole (Horace.) The Interest of Great Britain steadily pursued. Iii answer to a Pamphlet entitled, The Case of the Hanover Forces impartially and freely examined. 1743. A Farther Vindication of the case of the Hanover Troops. 1743. Faction Detected by the Evidence of Facts. 1743. By Lord Percival, afterwards Earl of Egmont. A Defence of the People. Volume 11. Observations on the Conduct of Great Britain, in respect to Foreign Affairs. 1743. Popular Prejudice concerning Partiality to the Interests of Hanover. 1743. An Englishman's Answer to a German Nobleman; containing some Observations upon the Political System of the Present Administration, as it is exposed in the German's Letter. 1743. The Question Stated, with regard to our Army in Flanders: and the Arguments for and against this measure compared. 1743. The Occasional Writer: Containing an Answer to the second Manifesto of the Pretender's Eldest Son. Plan for Establishing and Disciplining a National Militia in Great Britain and Ireland, and in all the British Dominions of America. 1745. M I SC E L L AN EO U S WORKS 775 Fxamination of the Principles and Enquiry into the conduct of the Two Brothers. 1749. (See vol. 4.) Volume 12. Letters on the Spirit of Patriotism: on the Idea of a Patriot King and of the State of Parties at the Accession of King George the First. 1739. Hooke (Andrew.) Essay on the National Debt, and National Capital: or the amount truly stated,, Debtor and Creditor. 1751.. Fielding (Henry.) Proposal for making an Effectual provision for the Poor, for Amending their Morals, and for rendering them Useful Members of Society, &c. 1753. Volume 13. Letters to the People of England on the Present Situation and Conduct of National Affairs. 1756. A Full and Particular Answer to the Fourth of the above Letters. Conduct of the Ministry impartially examined, in a Letter to the Merchants of London. 1756. Volume 14. Considerations on the Present State of Affairs, with some Reflections on the Dutch Observator. 1756. Reasons to Prove that the Letters at the end of the French Memorial is a French Forgery. 1756. Reflections Previous to the Establishment of a Militia.. 1756. Bill for the Better Ordering of the Militia Forces in the several Counties of that part of Great Britain called England. 1756. Scheme for Establishing a Constitutional Militia. With a Postscript relating to the Landed and Moneyed Interest. 1756. Voice of the People: A Collection of Addresses to His Majesty, and Instructions to Members of Parliament, by their Constituents, upon the unsuccessful Management of the Present War, both at Land and Sea; and the Establishment of a National Militia. 1756. Appeal to the People: Containing the Genuine and Entire Letter of Admiral Byng to the Secretary of the Admiralty, &c. 1756. Memorial of his Prussian Majesty, exhibiting the conduct of the Courts of Vienna and Dresden, &c..756. Tracts on American Affairs. 8vo. Contents as follows: 1. Examination of the Rights of Colonies upon principles of Law. 8vo. London, 1766. 2. Considerations on the propriety of imposing Taxes in the British Colonies. 8vo. North America. The Preface is dated Virginia. 3. Second Letter from Phocion to the considerate Citizens of New-York, with Mentor's Reply. 8vo. New-York, 1784. 4. Case of Great Britain and America, addressed to the King and both Houses of Parliament. 8vo. London, 1769. 776 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 5. The Plain Question upon the present Dispute with our American Colonies. 8vo. London, 1776. 6. Thoughts on the Letter of Edmund Burke to the Sheriffs of Bristol on the Affairs of America. By the Earl of Abingdon. 8vo. Oxford, 1777. Tracts, Quarto. Contents as follows: 1. Address of the House of Lords to her Majesty, relative to the Province of Carolina, with her Answer, &c. London, 1705. 2. Reasons offered to the House of Commons for passing Bill for the encouragement of Trade to America. 3. Grievances of Inhabitants of the Island of Minorca, and Case stated of the same to the Crown of England. 4. Case of Lord Baltimore, a minor, respecting his government of Maryland. 5. Address of Governor and Council of Jamaica, respecting Duties on Prize Goods. 1709 - 10. 6. Orders issued by General Maitland, New-York, March 9, 1765, to Capt. Vaughan. (Manuscript.) 7. Treaty with Creek Nation of Indians. 1790. 8. MAlryland Journal and Baltimore Advertiser, May 14, 1790. 9. Proceedings of Commissioners under 5th Art. of Treaty with Great Britain. 179.8-Case of Delany and that of Cunningham & Co. 1798. Tracts for Cities. (In one volume.) 1. The Great Metropolis. 2. The Young Men of Cities. 3.. The Temptations of City Life. 4. The Theatre. 5. Employers and Employed. 12mo. New-York, 1849. Tracts for the People. (In one volume.) 1. 2. 3. Uses and Abuses of Air, and on Ventilation. In three parts. 4. Punishment, not preventive-not reformatory 12mo. NewYork, 1848. Tracy (E. C.) Memoir of the Life of Jeremiah Evarts. 8vo. Boston 1815. Tracy (William.) Notices of Men and Events, connected with the Early History of Oneida County. Two Lectures delivered before the Young Men's Association of the City of Utica. 8vo. Utica, 1838. (Presented.) Train (Joseph,) An Historical and Statistical Account of the Isle of Man, from the earliest times to the present date, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Douglas, Isle of Man, 1845. Transactions of the Albany Institute. Vol. 1. 8vo. Albany, 1830. Transactions and Collections of the American Antiquarian Society. 2 vols, 8vo. Worcester, 1820 -1836. Transactions of the American Ethnological Society. Svo. NewYork, 1845. See Ethnological Society.12129) 1IOIo1 MISCELLANEOUS WOR KS. 7'77 Transactions of the American Institute. Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Annual Reports. 1844-48. 5 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1846 -49. (Presented.) Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. 6 vols. 1789 - 1804. New Series. 9 vols. 1818-46. Whole number, 15 vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 1789- 1846. Transactions of the Geological Society of Pennsylvania. Vol. 1. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1835. Transactions of the Geological Society of London. 5 vols. 4to. London, 1811-1819. Transactions of the Geological Society of London: Second Series. 6 vols. 4to. London, 1822-1835. Transactions of the Historical and Literary Committee of the American Philosophical Society. Vol. 2. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1838. Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London. 7 vols. 4to. London, 1812- 1830. Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London. Second Series. 3 vols. 1831 -1848. 4to. London, 1835 - 1848. (Vol. 3 contains a General Index to all the volumes of the First and Second Series.) Transactions of the Imperial Mineralogical Society of St. Petersburgh. 8vo. (Maps 4to.) St. Petersburgh, 1830. Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Vols. 1 - 3. 4to. London, 1836 -1840. Transactions of the Literary and Philosophical Society of NewYork. Vol. 1. 4to. New-York, 1815-W. C. 911. Transactions of the London Society of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. 55 vols. 8vo. London, 1789 - 1845. Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of New-York, from its organization in 1807, to 1831 inclusive. (Annual Pamphlets.) Bound in 4 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1807-1831. Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of New-York. 7 vols. 8vo. 1832 -49. Albany. (Presented.)' Transactions of the New-York State Agricultural Society. 4to. New York, 1792. See Agriculture. Transactions of the Society for the Promotion of Useful Arts in the State of New-York. 4 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1801-16. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 18 vols. 4to. (vol. 16 not completed.) Edinburgh, 1788 - 1848. Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy. 21 vols. 1787 - 1848. 4to. Dublin. Transactions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 4to. London, from 1665 to 1800. 18 vols. abridged. The Same, from 1801 to 1829. 30 vols. The Same, from 1829 to 1848. 19 vo's. Whole number 67. Transactions. Abstracts of the Papers printed in the Philosophi[STATE LIBRARY. 49 778 MISCELLANEOUS W O KS. cal Transactions of the Royal Society of London, from 1800 to 1830. 2 vols. 8vo. Londo'i, 1832 - 1833. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1835 - 1849. Travenet (M. de.) Preservatif Agromanie Empirique, &c. Premiere Partie. Svo. Paris, 1845. (Presented.) Travenet (M. de.) Physiologie de la Terre, Etudes Geologiques et Agricoles. 8vo. Paris, 1844. (Presented.) Tredgold (Thomas.) Elementary Principles of Carpentry. 1st Am. ed. 4to. Philadelphia, 1837. Tredgold (Thomas.) Practical Essay on the Strength of Cast Iron and other Metals. 2d. ed. 8vo. London, 1824. Tredgold (Thomas.) Practical Treatise on Railroads and Carriages, &c. 8vo. London, 1825. Tredgold (Thomas.) Principles of Warming and Ventilating Public Buildings, Dwelling-Houses, &c. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1824. Tredgold (Thomas.) The Same; with an Appendix, by T. Bramah. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1836. Tredgold (Thomas.) The Steam Engine-Its Invention and Progressive Improvement. A New Edition, extended to the Science of Steam Naval Architecture. Revised and Edited by W. S. B. Woolhouse. 2 vols. in 1. 4to. (Plates fol.) London, 1838 - 40. Tredgold (Thomas.) Tracts on Hydraulics. 8vo. London, 1826, Tredgold (Thomas.) See Buchanan, R. Trego (Charles B.) A Geography of Pennsylvania. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1843. Trinidad, Political Account of Trinidad, from 1797 to the present Time. 8vo. London, 1807.-W. C. 912. Trinity Church Pamphlets, bound in one volume. 8vo. (Presented.) New-York. Contents: 1. Charter of Trinity Church, and other Documents and Laws. Albany, 1846. 2. The Charter Defended-believed to be by Bishop Hobart. New-York. (Reprinted.) 1846. 3. Remarks on Trinity Church Bill, (1813,) before the Council of Revision, by Robert Troup. New-York, 1846. 4. Report of the Commissioners of the Land Office to the House of Assembly, May, 12, 1836. New-York, 1846. 5. Memorial of Inhabitants of the City of New-York, praying for the repeal of the act of 1814. New-York, 1846. 6. Remonstrance of the Corporation of Trinity Church against the Repeal. New-York, 1846. 7. Remonstrance of Members of the same against the Repeal with Names. 8. Remonstrance of other Members of the Episcopal Church in New-Ycrk, against the same. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 779 9. Reply to the Remonstrance of the Corporation of Trinity Church. New-York, 1846. 10. Notice of the above, in the N. Y. Express, by a Vestryman of Trinity Church. 11. Review of the Grounds upon which certain Persons in the City of New-York apply f,)r Legislative interferen e with the Corporation of Trinity Church. Albany, 1846, 12. A Statement and Declaration of Views, (by the Memorialists.) New-York, 1846. 13. Report of Trinity Church to the Senate. 1846. 14. Report of the Senate Committee on the Memorial, April 9, 1846. 15. Report of the Minority of said Committee, (Mr. Clark,) to the Senate, April 9, 1846. 16. A bill reported to repeal said act. 17. Examination of the Minority Report of Mr. Clark. Albany, 1846. 18. Memorial to the Legislature. 1847. 19. Circular of the Committee of Memorialists. 20. Remonstrance of the Corporation of Trinity Church. Albany, 1847. 21. Remonstrance of Campbell P. White and others. 22. Unanimous Report of the Judiciary Committee of the Assembly. March 30, 1847. Troglodytes. De Legatione regis XEthiopike ad Clementem Pontificen VII. fol. Basil, 1533. See Columbus. Troil (Uno von.) Letters on Iceland. Pinkerton, vol. 1. Troost (L.) M. D. Fifth Geological Report to the 23d General Assembly of Tennessee; made November, 1839. 8vo. Nashville, 1840. Trotter (Alexander.) Observations on the Financial Position and Credit of such of the States of the North American Union as have contracted Public Debts. Svo. London, 1839. Troup (Robert.) Letter to the Hon. Brockholst Livingston, on the Lake Canal Policy of New-York. Pamphlets, vol. 7. Troup (Robert.) Vindication of the Claim of Elkanah Watson to the Merit of projecting the Lake Canal Policy of New-York. Pamphlets, vol. 3. Troup (Robert.) See Watson, (Elkanah.) Trumbull (Benjamin.) D. D. A complete History of Connecticut. Civil and Ecclesiastical, from 1630 to 1713. Vol. 1. 8vo. Hartford, 1797. (This volume was the only one published of this Edition, and contains the Engravings of former Governors, and a Map.) Trumbull (Benjamin.) History of Connecticut, 1630 - 1764. 2 vols. 8vo. New Haven, 1818. Trumbull (Benjamin.) History of the United States of America. 8vo. Boston, 1810. 780 MISCELLANEOUS W ORKS. Trumbull (Benjamin.) Plea for the Connecticut Title to Lands in New-York. 8vo. New Haven, 1774. Trumbull (Henry.) History of the Discovery of America, of the Landing of our Forefathers at Plymouth, Indian Wars, &c. 8vo. Boston, 1828. Trmnbull (John.) M'Fingal, a Poem. See American Tracts, vol. 9. Trumbull (John.) McFingal, an Epic Poem, in four Cantos. 12mo. Hartifrd, 1782. (Presented.) Trumbull (John.) McFingal, an Epic Poem, in four Cantos. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1791. Trumbull (John.) LL.I). The Poetical Works of. Containing McFingal, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Hartford, 1820. Trumbull (John.) Autobiography, Reminiscences, and Letters, 1756- 1841. 8vo. New-York, 1841. Trumbull (Samuel.) The Patriot and Scourge of Aristocracy, a Weekly collection of Republican Essays, &c. 8vo. Stonington-Port, (Conn.) 1801. Tschudi (Dr. J. J. von.) Travels in Pera, during the years 1838 - 18-2. Translated from the German by Thomasina Ross. In 2 Parts. 18mo. New-York, 1847. Tucker (George.) The Life of Thomas Jeffirson, third President of the United States. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1837. Tucker (George.) Progress of the United States in Population and Wealth in Fifty Years. 8vo. New-York, 1843. Tucker (Josiah.) Dean. The True Interest of Britain set forth in Regard to the Colonies. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1776. W. C. 913. Tucker (Rev. Josiah.) D. D. See American Tracts, vol. 6. Tucker (Rev. Josiah.) D. D. Letter to Edmund Burke. See American Tracts, vol. 7. Tucker (Josiah.) D. D. Ahumble Address and earnest Appeal, &c., whether a Separation from the Continental Colonies be most for the National Advantage. Third edition. 8vo. London, 1776. Tucker (Josiah.) D. D. A Letter from a Merchant in London to his Nephew in North America. 8vo. London, 1766. Tuckerman (Henry T.) Artist Life, or Sketches of American Painters. 12mo. New-York, 1847. Tuckey (James H.) Maritime Geography and Statistics, &c. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1815.- W.C. 914. Tuckey (Capt. J. K.) Narrative of an Expedition to explore the River Zaire, usually called the Congo, in South Africa, in 1816, under the direction of. Also, the Journal of Professor Smith, and the Natural History of the Congo, &c. 4to. London, 1818. (Has the Autograph of De Witt Clinton.) Tudor (Henry.) Narrative of a Tour in North America, comprising Mexico, the Mines of Real del Monte, the United States, and the British Colonies. 2 vs.. 12mo. London, 1834. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 781 Tudor (William.) Letters on the Eastern States. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston, 1821. Tudor (William.) Life of James Otis. 8vo. Boston, 1823. Tull (Jethro.) Horse-Hoeing Husbandry. ftl. London, 1733. Tuomey (M.) Report on the Geological and Agricultural Survey of the State of South Carolina, 1844 (Presented.) Tuomey (M.) Report on the Geology of South Carolina. 4to. Columbia, (S. C.,) 1848. Tupper (F. B.) Life and Correspondence of General Sir Isaac Brock. 12mo. London, 1845. Tupper (Martin F.) Proverbial Philosophy: A Book of Thoughts and Arguments, originally created. First Series. 8vo. NewYork, 1846. Turnbull (David.) Travels in the West. Cuba; with Notices of Porto-Rico and the Slave Trade. 8vo. London, 1810. Turnbull (Rev. Robert.) The Genius of Italy: Being Sketches of Italian Life, Literature and Religion. 12mo. New-York, 1849. Turnbull (W.) Essay on the Strength of Cast Iron Beams, Girders, and Columns. Engineers' Prof Papers, vol. 6. Turner (Edward.) Elements of Chemistry; with Notes and Emendations, by F. Bache. 5th Am. ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1835. Turner (0.) Pioneer History of the Holland Purchase of Western New-York. Also, a History of the Pioneer Settlement under said Company, Reminiscences of the War, 1812, &c. 8vo. Buffalo, 1849. Turner (Capt. Samuel.) An Account of an Embassy to the Court of the Teshoo Lama, in Tibet; containing a Narrative of a Journey through Bootan and a part of Tibet. 4to. London, 1800. Turner (Sharon.) History of England during the Middle Ages. 2d ed. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1825. Turner (Sharon.) Modern History of England. 2d ed. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1828. Turner (Sharon.) History of the Anglo-Saxons, from the Earliest Period to the Norman Conquest. 5th ed 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1828. Turner (William W.) On the Recent Discoveries of Himyaritic Inscriptions, and the Attempts made to decypher them. Trans. Am. Ethnol. Soc., vol. 1. Tu-rpin (Francois H.) History of Siam. Pinkerton, vol. 9. Turreau (Louis-Marie.) Apercu sur la Situation Politique des Etats-Unis d'Amerique. 8vo. Paris, 1815.-W.C. 915. Tuthill (Mrs. L. C.) History of Architecture, from the Earliest Times; itsPresent Condition in Europe and the: United States, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848. Twiss (Horace-.) Life of Lord Eldon, with Selections fiom hl-s Correspondence. 3 vols. 8vo. Loondon,1844. 782 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Twiss (Richard.) Travels through Portugal and Spain, in 1722 and 1723. 4to. London, 1775. Twiss (Travers.) On the Oregon Question. 8vo. London, 1846. Twiss (Travers.) Professor of Political Economy, Oxford. View of the Progress of Political Economy in Europe, since the 16th Century. 8vo. London, 1847. Tyng (Rev. Samuel H.) D. D. Recollections of England. 12mo. London, 1847. Tyson (J. R.) Address, delivered before the Apprentices' Library Company of Philadelphia, in 1830. Pamphlets, vol. 6.,, Tysen (Raymond M.) A Lecture on the History of Staten Island, before the Tompkinsville Lyceum, April 12, 1842. 8vo. Staten Island, 1842. Tytler (A. F.) Essay on the Principles of Translation. 3d ed. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1813. Tytler (P. F.) Life of Henry Eighth, with Biographical Sketches of Wolsey, More, &c. Edinburgh Cabinet Library, vol. 22. Tytler (P. F.) Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, with Sketches of Bmuleigh, Essex, Cecil, &c. Edinburgh Cabinet Library, vol. II. Tytler (P. F.) and J. Wilson. Progress of Discovery on the more Northern Coasts of America. Edinburgh Cabinet Library, vol. 9. Tytler (P. F.) History of Scotland, by. Third edition. 7 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1845. U. Uhland (Korner) and Burger. German Songs and Ballads. Translated, with Notes, by T. C. Brooks. 12mo. Boston, 1842, Ulloa (Antonio de.) Memoirs sur la D6couvertede l'Amerique: Trad. par L. de Villebrune. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1787.W. C. 916. Ulloa (Antonio de.) Noticias Americanas. 4to. Madrid, 1792.W. C. 917. Ulloa (Antonio de.) Relacion del Viage a la America Meridional. 4 vols. 4to. Madrid, 1748.- W.. C. 918. Ulloa (Antonio de.) Voyage Historique de FAmerique M6ridionale. 2 vols. 4to. Amsterdam, 1752.~ V. C. 919. Ulloa (Antonio de.) Voyage to South America: Translated from the Spanish, with Notes, &c., by John Adams. 5th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1807. Ulloa (Bernardo de.) R6tablissement des Manufactures et du Commerce d'Espagne: Trad. de FEspagnol. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1753. — W. C. 920. Ultimo Viage al Estrecho de Magellanes, en 1785 y 1786. Relacion de, (par Antonio de Cordova.) See Voyages. —W. C. 948. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 783 Umfreville (Edward.) Present State of Hudson's Bay. 8vo. London, 1790. Union College. Address of Students of, to their Parents and Guardians. Schenectady, 1825. Pamphlet, vol. 18. Union College. The first Semi-Centennial Anniversary of Union College. Celebrated July 22, 1845. 8vo. Albany and iSchenectady, 1845. Union College. First Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the Philomathean Society, held at Union College, July 25, 1848. 8vo. Albany, 1849. (Presented.) Unitarians. Examination of Mr. Cobbett's Objections to the Bill for the Relief of the Unitarians. Pamphleteer, vol. 2. United States of America as they are n their Political, Religious, and Social Relations. 8vo. London, 1828. — W. C. 923. United States of America. The Republic of the. Its duties to itself and relations to other Countries. With a view of the Mexican War. 12mo. New-York, 1848. United States, Army List, for 1812. (Official.) (Title Page wanting.) 12mo. United States, Army Register, for 1815- 16- 18 to 25, inclusive, and 1829. (10 years.) United States, Navy Register. Jany 1. 1817. 12mo. (Presented.) United States Army. (Recollections of) Series of thrilling Tales and Sketches, by an American Soldier. Written during a period in the service since 1830. 18mo. Boston, 1845. United States Almanack. Edited by John Downes. 3 vols. 12mo. 1843 -44 -45. Philadelphia. United States, Canals and Railroads. See Tanner, H. S. United States. Census of the United States, 1790 (with the Autograph of President Jefferson..) 12mo. Philadelphia, 1791. Census of the United States. 1810. Oblong 4to. (Presented.) Census of the United States, 1830. With the number of Persons in 1790, 1800, 1810 and 1820. folio. Washington, 1832. Census of the United States, (Sixth) or enumeration of the Inhabitants of the United States, as corrected in the Department of State, in 1840. folio. Washington, 1841. Census. Or Statistical View of the Population of the United States, from 1790 to 1830, inclusive, folio. Washington, 1835. United States in Congress assembled. Address and Recommendation to the States. 1783. Pamphlets, vol. 13. United States Exploring Expedition. See Wilkes. United States Gazette, for the Country, published by E. Bronson, Philadelphia. 3 vols.. 4to. 1812- 14. (In exchange for dutplicates );United States Gazette, for the Country, published at Philadelphia, 3 vols. folio. 1804-6 7. Imperfect files. 784 MISCELLAN EOUS WORS. United States Gazette, &c. 1809 -10 -11, Nearly complete. 1817. Imperfect. (In exchange or duplicates.) United States. General Outline of the Resources and Prospects of the United States, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1825. —— W. C. 921. United States and Great Britain. American Candour, in a Tract lately published at Boston, entitled an Analysis of the late Correspondence between our Administration and Great Britain and France, 1809. Tracts, vol. 6. United States and Great Britain. Brief Statement of the Conduct of the United States towards Great Britain, from the Peace of 1783 to tle Present Time, 1807. Tracts, vol. 6. United States and Great Britain. Concessions to America the Bane of Britain. 1807. Tracts:, vol. 6. lnited States and Great Britain. State Papers, on the Negotiation and Peace with America. 1815. Tracts, vol. 7. United States and Great Britain. The Dispute with America considered, in a Series of Letters from a Cosmopolite to a Clergynan. 1812. Tracts, vol. 6. United States Literary Gazette. 4to. Vol. 1. 1824, 1825. Boston, 1825. (Presented.) United States Military Academy. A Catalogue of the Graduates of the, from its establishment in 1801, to June 1848; with the Regulations for the admission of Cadets, and a synopsis of the Course of Study pursued. 12mo. New-York, 1847. United States Naval Chronicle. See Goldsborough. United States Review and Literary Gazette. (The) From October, 1826 to October 1827. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston and New-York, 1827. United States Review. (Waldie.) No. 1. Philadelphia, 1834. United States Seat of Government. See Varnum. United States. Thrilling Incidents in the Wars of the. With 300 Engravings. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848. -United States. Tournee'a la Mode dans les Etats-Unis: trad. de l'Anglois, avec Notes, par M. Bourgeois. 8vo. Paris, 1829. -W. C. 922. United States. War of 1812. See Barbarities of the Enemy. University College (London.) 1. Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting of the College. Feb. 25, 1846. 2. Faculty of Arts and Laws. Distribution of the Prizes and Certificates of Honor. Session 1845 -46, with the Examination Papers and List of Graduates. 3. Faculty of Medicine. Distribution of the Prizes and Certificates of Honor. Session 184:5 -46, &c. &c. 4. Faculty of Medicine. Circular. Session 1846 -7. 5. Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture 1846. MISCELLANEOUS WOR KS. 785 6. Regulations as to Examination for the Flaherty Scholarships. 1846. 7. Fac-lty of Arts and Laws. Circular. Session 1846 - 47. 8. Regulations for granting the Certificates required by the University of London of Candidates for Degrees. 9. University College School. Session 1846- 47. 10. Birbeck Laboratory of Chemistry. Pamphlets, vol. 23. [The above were presented to the Regents, by Charles G. Atkinson, Secretary of the College.] Updike (Wilkins.) Memoirs of the Rhode Island Bar. 8vo. Boston, 1842. (Presented.) Updike (Wilkins.) History of the Episcopal Church in Narraganset (Rhode Island) with an Appendix, containing a re-print of a Wtork, now extremely rare, entitled America Dissected." By the Rev. J. Marsparran, D. D. 8vo. New-York, 1847. Upham (Charles W.) Life of Sir Henry Vane. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 4. Upham (Edward.) The Mahavansi, Raja-Ratnacari, the Raja-Vali, forming the Sacred and Historical Books of Ceylon. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1833. C. L. Upham (Professor Thomas C.) Outlines of imperfect and disordered Mental Action. 18mo. New-York, 1843. Ure (Andrew.) Cotton Manufacture of Great Britain systematically Investigated. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1836. Ure (Andrew.) Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1840. Ure (Andrew.) Recent Improvements in Arts, Manufactures, and Mines; being a Supplement to his Dictionary. 8vo. NewYork, 1845. Ure (Andrew.) Dictionary of Chemistry. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1824. Uring (Nathaniel.) History of the Voyages andTravelsof. 8vo. London, 1726. [This work contains also, " A relation of the late intended Settlement of the Islands of St. Lucia and St. Vincent, in America, in right of the Duke of Montagu, and under his Grace's direction and orders, in the year 1722. London, 1725." Usury Explained, or Conscience quieted in the Case of putting out Money at Interest Pamphleteer, vol. 11. Uwins (D.) Modern Maladies, and Present State of Medicine. Pamphleteer, vol. 13. V. Vacher. Parliamentary Companion for the Session of 1845. 16mo. Westminster. Vaderlandsche Historie. See Wagenaar, J. 786 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Vail (Alfred.) On the American Electro Magnetic Telegraph, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. Vail (Eugene A.) De la Literature, et des Hommes des Lettres des Etats-Unis d'Amerique. 8vo. Paris, 1841. Vaillant (M. Le.) Travels in the' Interior Parts of Africa, by the way of the Cape of Good Hope, in the years 1780-85. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1796. (This entry should have been under Levaillant, which see.) Vaissette (Joseph.) Geographie, Historique, Eccldsiastique, et Civile. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1755. —— W. C. 924. Vale (G.) Fanaticism: its Sources and Influence; Illustrated in the case of Matthias, &c. A Reply to W. L. Stone. (In two Parts.) 12mo. New-York, 1835. Valentia (George.) Viscount. Voyages and Travels to India, Ceylon, the Red Sea, Abyssinia, and Egypt, in 1802- 1806. 3 vols. 8vo. (Plates 4to.) London, 1811. Valentine (D. T.) Manual of the Corporation of the City of NewYork, for the years 1841 -1849, inclusive. 8 vols. 18mo. (The later volumes contain extracts from the Ancient Records of the Common Council of New-York.) Valette (Laudun.) Journal d'un Voyage h la Louisiane, fait en 1720. 12mo. Paris, 1768.- W. C. 925. Valle (Petro Della.) Extracts from his Travels in Persia. Pinkerton, vol. 9. Valpy (R.) Short Sketch of a Short Trip to Paris, in 1788. Pamphleteer, vol. 3. Van Amringe (William Frederick.) An Investigation of the Theories of the Natural History of Man, of Lawrence, Prichard and others; and an Outline of a New Natural History of Man, &c. 8vo. New-York, 1848. Van Arsdalen (Cornelius C.) Oration before the Alumni of Rutger's College, July 18, 1837. (See American Monthly Magazine, vol. 12.) Van Brugh's Dramatic Works. See Wycherley. Van Buren (Martin.) Life of. See Holland. Vancouver (George.) Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the World, in 1790 -1795. 3 vols. 4to. (Atlas fol.) London, 1798. Vancouver (George.) Voyage de Decouvertes a l'Ocean Pacifique du Nord, et autour du Monde: Trad. de'FAnglais. 3 vols 4to. (Atlas fol) Paris, 1799.- W. C. 926. Vane (Gen. Charles William.) Marquis of Londonderry. Story of the Peninsular War. 12mo. New-York, 1848. Vane (Sir Henry.) Life. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 4. Van Espen (Z. B.) Tractatus Historico-Canonicus, exhibens Scholia in omnes Canones Consiliorum, &c. 4to. Rothamagi, 1710. (Presented.) Van Rensselaer (Solomon) General. Narrative of the Affair of Queenstown, in the War of 1812. 12mo. New-York, 1836. MISCELLANEOUS WoRKS. 787 Van Rensselaer (Stephen.) Geological and Agricultural Survey of Rensselaer County, New-York, &c. Taken under his direction, by Amos Eaton. Pamphlets, vol. 2. Van Rensselaer (Stephen.) Biography of. See Barnard, D. 1). See also, Griswold, R. W. Van Schaack (Henry C.) Life of Peter Van Schaack, with Selections from his Correspondence and other Writings, during the American Revolution and his Exile in England. 8vo. New-York, 1842. Vanuxem (Lardner.) Geology of New-York. See Natural History of New-York. Van Vlierden (Rev. Petrus.) Lyk-reden op Wylen den weleerwardigen zeer Geleerden Heer Johannes Schuneman, Uitgesproken in de Kerk van Catskill, den 25 Mai, 1794, voor zyne verenigde gemeenten van Katskill en Kogzacki. 18mo. Printed by Mackay Croswell & Co., 1794. (Presented.) Varin (Pierre.) Archives Administratives de la Ville de Reims, &c. 5 vols. 4to. Paris, 1839 -1813. See France. Varin (Pierre.) Arrchives Legislatives de la Ville de Reims, &c. 4 Parts. 4to. Paris, 1840-1844. See France. Varin. See France. Varle (Charles.) A Complete View of Baltimore, with a Statistical Sketch of its Institutions, &c. 18mo. Baltimore, 1833. Varnhagen (Von Ense.) Sketches of German Life, and Scenes from the War of Liberation in Gerniany. Selected and translated from his Memoirs, by Sir Alexander Duff Gordon. 12mo. ILondon, 1847. Varnum (Joseph B. Jun.) The Seat of Government of the United States, &c. With a Notice of the Smithsonian Institution. 8vo. New-York, 1848. (Presented.) Varro (M. T.) De Re Rustica. See Scriptores Rei Rustice. Vasconcellos (Antonio.) Anacephaleoses, id est Summa Capita actorum Regum Lusitanie. 4to. Antwerp, 1621.-W-. C. ~927. Vasconcellos (Augustin) M. y. Vida y Acciones del Rey Don Juan II. 4to. Madrid, 1639.-W. C. 928. Vasconcellos (Augustin M. y.) Vie et Actions de Don Juan II.;'Trad. de 1Espagnol. 12mo. Paris, 1641. W. C. 929. Vattemare (Alex.) International Literary Exchanges. Pamphlets, vol. 11. Vattemare (Alex.) See Album Cosmopolite. Vattemare (Alex.) Movement of the International Literary Exchanges, between France and North America, from January, 1845, to May, 1846. With Instructions for Preparing Objects of Natural History; by M. I. Geoffroy St. Hilaire. 8vo. Paris, 1846. (Presented.) Vattemare (Alex.) Catalogue des 1200 Dessins originaux de la Collection de. 12mo. Paris. (Presented.) 788 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Vattemare (Alex.) 1. Report on the subject of International Exchanges, by. 8vo. Washington, 1848. 2. Proceedings of the City of Washington, respecting Mr. Alex. Vattemare's System of International Exchange. 8vo. Washington, 1848. 3. Letter from A, Vattemare on the subject of a System of International Exchange. August 11, 1848. (United States House of Representatives' Document.) (Bound in one vol.) (Presented.) Vattemare (Alex.) Proceedings of a Meeting of the Citizens of the City of Albany, Nov. 27, 1847, for Promoting the System of Literary and Scientific International Exchanges; proposed by. 8vo. Albany, 1849. Vattemare (Alex.) International Exchanges. Proceedings of the City of Boston, as to Donations from and to the City of Paris, 1849. Proceedings of the Legislatures of New Hampshire and Connecticut, 1849. (Bound in one vol.) (Presented.) Vaughan (Robert.) Age of Great Cities: or Modern Civilization viewed in its Relation to Intelligence, Morals, and Religion. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1843. Vaughan (Robert.) Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell, and the State of Europe during the Early Part of the Reign of Louis XIV. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. Vaughan (Robert.) The History of England, under the House of Stuart, including the Commonwealth, (1603 - 1688.) 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1840. (Library of Useful Knowledge.) C. L. Vault (G6neral de.) Memoires Militaires relatifs a la Succession d'Espagne sous Louis XIV., par le Lieut. G6enral Pelet. 7 vols. 4to. Paris, 1835-1842. See France. Vaux (Roberts.) Discourse delivered before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, in 1827. Pamphlets, vol. 8. Vaux (Thomas.) Outlines of a New Plan for Tilling and Fertilizing Land. 8vo. London, 1840. Vega. See Garcilasso de la Vega. Vegetius (F. R.) Artis Veterinariae Libri Quatuor. See Scriptores Rei Rusticse. Vegetable Physiology. A popular Treatise. Published under the auspices of the Society for the Promotion of Popular Instruction. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1842. Venegas (Miguel.) A natural and civil History of California. Translated from the original Spanish of M. Venegas, a Mexican Jesuit. Published at Madrid, 1758. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1759. Venezuela. Acte d'Independance, Manifeste, Constitution de la Republique Federale de Venzuela. 8vo. Paris, 1817.- W. C. 930. Venezuela. Interesting Official Documents relating to. 8vo. London, 1812.-W. C. 931. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 789 Venezuela and Colombia. Recollections of a Service of Three Years during the War in Venezula and Colombia: By an Officer of the Colombian Navy. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1828. W. C. 932. Verardus (Carolus.) Historia Baetica: Expugnatio Regni Granatme a Catholico rege Hispaniarum Ferdinando. fol. Basil, 1533. See Columbus. Vergennes (M. de.) Memoire Historique et Politique sur la Louisiane. 8vo. Paris, 1802.-W. C. 933. Vericour (Raymond de.) Modern French Literature, by. Revised by W. Stoughton Chase, 12mo. Boston, 1848. Vermont. Geology of. See Adams. Vermont. See New-Hampshire Grants. Vermont Controversy. Containing 1, The present state of the controversy between the States of New-York and New-Hampshire on the one part, and the State of Vermont on the other. 8vo. Hartford, 1782. 2. A concise refutation of the claims of New-Hampshire and Massachusetts Bay to the Territory of Vermont, with occasional remarks on the long disputed claim of New-York to the same. Written by Ethan Allen and Jonas Fay, and published by order of the Governor and Council of Vermont, January 1, 1780. 8vo. Vermont. Vermont Register and Almanack. Edited at various times by Swift, Walter and Z. Thompson. 1806 to 1846; inclusive, (1807 - 9- 10- 11 - 14 and 1824 wanting.) 35 vols. 18nio. (Bound in 12 vols.) (In exchange for duplicates.) Verplanck (Gulian C.) Address delivered before the American Academy of Fine Arts. Pamphlets, vol. 5. Verplanck (Gulian C.) Discourse, delivered before the New-York Historical Society, in 1816. Pamphlets, vol. 5. Verplanck (Gulian C.) Discourse, delivered after the Annual Comnencement of Geneva College, in 1833: On the Right Moral Influence of Liberal Studies. 8vo. New-York, 1833. Verplanck (Gulian C.) Discourses and Addresses on subjects of American History, Arts and Literature. 12mo. New-York, 1833. (This volume also contains his Addresses on the influence of Moral Causes on Opinion, Science and Literature. 1834. Verplanck (Gulian C.) See Shakspeare, (William.) Vertoogh Van Nieu Nederland. See Murphy. Vespucci (Amerigo.) Vita e Lettere di Amerigo Vespucci, &c. 12 mo. W. C. 934. Vespucci (Amerigo.) See Lastri, P. M. Vestiges of Creation. 5th ed. 12mo. London, 1846. Vestiges of Creation. Explanations: being a sequel to Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation. 12mo. London, 1815. Vethake (Henry.) Principles of Political Economy. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1838. 790 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Vetusta Monumenta. 5 vols. fol. London, 1747 - 1835. Viaud (Pietro.) Strane Avventure avvennute in un Viaggio Marritimo. 12mo. Biella, 1784. W. C. 935. Vicars (John.) England's Worthies, under whom all the Civill and Bloody Wars, since Anno 1642 to Anno 1647 are related. Prilted, 1647. Reprinted, 12mo. London, 1845. Victoria (Queen) and Louis Phillippe. The private Letters of, on Political and Domestic Subjects. Discovered at the Tuilleries, Feb. 1848. Vide (V. V.) American Tableaux. No. 1. Sketches of Aboriginal Life. 12mo. New-York, 1846. Vidocq (Memoirs of.) as a Convict, Spy and Agent of the French Police. 12mo. London. Vievard (J. A.) V6rite sur l'Angleterre. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. London, 1817. Vieyra (Anthony.) Dictionary of the Portuguese and English Languages. Edited by A. J. Da Cunha. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1840. Vignal (M.) Coup-d'(Eil sur Cayenne, en 1822. 12mo. Paris, 1823. W. C. 936. Vigne (G. T.) Personal Narrative of a Visit to Ghuzni, Kabul, and Afghanistan. 8vo. London, 1840. Vigne (G. T.,) of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister at Law. Six Months in America. 18mo. Philadelphia, 1833. Vigne (J. B.) Traite de la Morte Apparente,&c. 8vo. Paris, 1841. (Presented.) Vignoles (Charles.) Observations on the Floridas. 8vo. New-York, 1823.-W. C. 937. Villarino's Diary. See Sir Woodbine Parish, in Transactions Geological Society of London, vol. 6. New series. Ville (J. I. de la, et Autres.) Memoires des Commissaires du Roi et de ceux de sa Majest6 Britannique, sur les Possessions et les Droits respectifs des Deux Couronnes en Amerique. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1755. —-W. C. 938. Ville (La Marquis.) Histoire des Voyages de Monsieur, en Levant et du Siege de Candie. 18mo. Paris, 1669. Villefosse (M. Heron de.) Des Metaux en France. Rapport au Jury Central D'Exposition des Produits de l'Jndustrie Francaise, de L'Anne 1827. 8vo. Paris, 1841. (Presented.) Villeneuve (M. de.) Traite Complet de la Culture, &c., du Tabac. 8vo. Paris, 1791.- -W. C. 939. Vimont (Barthelemy.) Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Nouvelle France, en 1642. 12mo. 1643. Paris. —W. C. 910. Vincent (William.) Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients in the Indian Ocean, &c. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1807. Virgilius (P. Maro.) Varietate Lectionis et Perpetua Adnotatione illustratus a C. G. Heyne. 3d ed. 4 vols. 8vo. Leipsic, 1803. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 791 Virginia. Case of the Planters of Tobacco; to which is added, a Vindication of the said Representation. 16mo. London, 1733. Virginia. Declaration of the State of the Colony and Affairs of Virginia, with the names of the Adventurers. 8vo. London, 1620. —- W. C. 941. Virginia. Geological Survey. See Rogers, W. B. Virginia Historical Collections. See Howe. Virginia. Reply to the Case of the Planters of Tobacco. 16mo. London, 1733. Virginia. Voyages of the English to. Pinkerton, vol. 12. Virginia Historical and Philosophical Society. See Robinson (Conway.) Virginia (Histoire de la.) Par un Auteur Natif et habitant du Paris, (R. Beverly) Traduit de L'Anglois. 12mo. Paris, 1707. Vivien (M.) Le Prefect de Police. 8vo. Paris, 1845. (Presented.) Volney (C. F.) Tableau du Climat et du Sol des Etats-Unis d'Amerique. 2 vols. in 1. 4to. Paris, 1803. — W. C. 942. Volney (C. F.) Travels through Syria and Egypt, in 1783 - 1785: trans. from the French. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1788. Volney (C. F.) View of the Soil and Climate of the United States of America: trans. from the French. 8vo. London, 1804. Volney (C. F.) The same: Translated from the Frencl, with Occasional Remarks, by C. B. Brown. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1804. Voltaire (F. M. A. de.) Alzire, ou les Amoricains: Tragedie. 8vo. See Poemes sur l'Amerique.W. C. Voltaire. Oeuvres completes de. 70 vols. 8vo. IDe l'imprimerie de la Societe Literaire Typographique. 1785- 9. (Including his Life by Condorcet.) Von Schmidt-Phiseldek (Dr. C. F.) Europe and America, or the Relative State of the Civilized World at a Future Period. Translated by Joseph Owen. 12mo. Copenhagen, 1820. Voyages. Circumnavigation of the Globe, and Progress of Discovery in the Pacific Ocean. Edinburgh Cabinet Library, vol. 21. Voyages. Journal d'un Voyage sur les C6tes d'Afrique et aux Indes d'Espagne. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1730. —-. C. 945. Voyages. Navigation et Voyages de Decouvertes et Conquetes Modernes, et principalement des Francois. 8vo. Paris, 1629. See Bethencourt. -W. C. Voyages. Narrative of a Voyage to the Spanish Main, in the ship " Two Friends;" with a Detail of the Seminole War, &c. 8vo. London, 1819.-~W. C. 949. Voyages. Recneil des Voyages qui out servi a l'Etablissement et aux Progres de la Compagnie des Indes Orientales, &c. 4 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1702. —— W. C. 943. Voyages. Relation du Voyage fait sur les Costes d'Afrique, en 1670 et 1671. 4to. See Recueil de Divers Voyages.-WW. C. 792 MISCEL ANEOUS WORKS. Voyages. Relacion del Ultimo Voyage el Estrecho de Magellanes en 1785 y 1786, &c. 4to. Madrid, 1788.-W. C. 947. Voyages. Relacion d'une Traversee faite, en 1812, d'Angleterre en Amerique, par un Franvais qui en merite le nom. 12mo. Douai, 1818.- W. C. 948. Voyages. Voyage aux Cotes de Guinee et en Amerique, par M. N * * ". 12mo. Amsterdam, 1719. — W. C. 944. Voyages. Voyages a la Mer du Sud fait par quelques Officiers du Vaisseau le Wager, &c. trad. de l'Anglois. 12mo. Lyons, 1756.- W. C. 946. Voyages. Voyages, Discoveries, and Travels: Collection. 7 vols. 8vo. London, 1767. Voyages. Voyages round the World, from the Death of Captain Cook to the Present Time. Edinburgh Cabinet Library, vol. 34. W. Wade (John.) British History, Chronologically arranged. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1841. Wade's Panorama of Hudson River, from New-York to Albany. 18mo. New-York and Philadelphia, 1845. Wadstrom (C. B.) An essay on Colonization, particularly applied to the Western Coast of Africa, &c. 4to. London, 179-1. Wafer (Lionel.) Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America, &c. 12mo. London, 1699. Wafer (Lionel.) Voyage, contenant une Description de l'Isthme de'Amerique, &c.: trad. de PlAnglois par M. de Montirat. 12mo. Paris, 1706. W. C. 950. Wagenaar (Jan.) Amsterdam Beschreeven 3 vols. fol. Amsterdam, 1760- 1767. Wagenaar (Jan.) Vaderlandsche Historic. 21 vols. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1749 - 1759. Wagstaf' (Simon.) A Complete collection of genteel and ingenious Conversation, according to the most polite mode. 8vo. London, 1738. (Presented.) Waldegrave (James.) Earl. Memoirs, from 1754 to 1758, by. 4to. London, 1821. Waldo (S. Putnam.) Memoirs of General Andrew Jackson 5th ed. 12mo. Hartford, 18.20. —-W. C. 951. Waldo (S. Putnam.) The Life and Character of Stephen Decatur, late Commodore and Post Captain U. S. Navy. 2d ed. 12mo. Middletown, (Conn.) 1821. (Presented.) Waldo (S. Putnam.) The Rural Magazine and Farmer's Monthly Museum. Vol. 1. 8vo. Hartford, 1819. W lker (Alex.) Nervous System, Anatomical and Physiological, &c. 8vo. London, 1834. (12752.) MISCEL1 ANEOUS WORKS. 793 Walker (Charles C.) Electrical Magazine. Vol. 1. 8vo. London, 1845. Walker (Sir Hovenden.) Journal, or Full Account of the late Expedition to Canada. 8vo. London, 1720.- W. C. 952. Walker (John.) Critical Pronouncing Dictionary, and Expositor of the English Language. 5th Am. ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1818. Walker (John.) Rhetorical Grammar; with a Complete Analysis of the Voice, and Outlines of Composition. 2d Am. ed. 8vo. Boston, 1822. Walker (Mr.) Columbia: being a Geographical, Statistical, Agricultural, Commercial, and Political Account of that Country. 2 vols. 8vo. London 1822. —-- W. C. 953. Walker (Sears C.) Researches concerning the Periodical Meteors of Augustand November. Trans. Am. hil. Soc., N. S. vol. 8. Walker (Sears C.) Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, on an application of the Galvanic Circuit to an Astronomical Clock and Telegraph Register, in determining local differences of Longitude, &c. 8vo. Washington. (Presented.) Wallace (Cranmore.) A Geography of New-Hampshire &c. 18mo. Boston, 1829. Wallace (Thomas.) Essay on the Variations of English Prose. Trans. Royal Irish Acad., vol. 6. Wallis (S. T.) Glimpses of Spain, or Notes of an unfinished Tour in 1847. 12mo. New-York, 1849. Walpole (H.) Earl of Orford. Anecdotes of Painting. Works, vols. 3 and 4. Walpole (H.) Earl of Orford. Castle of Otranto: a Gothic Story. Works, vol. 2. Walpole (H.) Earl of Orford. Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors of England. Works, vol. 1. Walpole (H.) Earl of Orford. Catalogue of the Classic contents of Strawberry-Hill. Collected by Horace Walpole. 4to. London. 1842. (Presented.) Walpole (H.) Earl of Orford. Description of the Villa of Strawberry-Hill. Works, vol. 2. Walpole (H.) Earl of Orford. Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of Richard the Third. Works, vol. 2. Walpole (H.) Earl of Orford. Letters, including numerous Letters now first published from the Original Manuscripts. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1840. Walpole (H.) Earl of Orford. Letters to Sir Horace Mann: Edited by Lord Dover. 2d ed. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1833. Walpole (H.) Earl of Orford. The Same: Concluding Series. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1843-1844. Walpole (1.) Memoirs of the Reign of George the Second. Edited, with a Preface and Notes, by the late Lord Holland. [STATE LIBRARYA. 50 794 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1846-47. (Vol. 3, purports to bethe Second Edition revised.) Walpole (H.) Earl of Orford, Memoirs of the Reign of King George the Third: Edited, with Notes, by Sir Dennis Le Marchant. Vols. 1-4. 8vo. London, 1845. Walpole (H.) Earl of Orford. Mysterious Mother: a Tragedy. Works, vol. 1. Walpole (H.)* Earl of Orford, Works, 5 vols. 4to. Edited by Miss Berry. London, 1798. Walpole (H.) Letters addressed to the Countess of Ossory, from 1769 to 1797. Edited, with Notes, by the Rt. Hon. R. Vernon Smith. 2 vols. 8vo. Walpole (Sir Robert.) Critical History of his Administration: By a Gentleman of the Middle Temple. 8vo. London, 1743. Walpole (Sir Robert.) Rapport du Comitte Secret nommni par la Chambre Basse du Parlement de le Grande-Bretagne, &co 8vo. Amsterdam, 1715. —W. C. 954. Walpole's Grant on the Ohio. Report of the Lord Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, on the petition of the lion. Thomas Walpole, Benjamin Franklin, John Sargent and Samuel Wharton, Esquires, and their Associates, for a grant of land on the River Ohio in North America, for the purpose of erecting a new Government, &c. 8vo. London, 1772. Walsh (Robert.) Appeal from the Judgments of Great Britain respecting the United States of America. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1820. Walsh (Robert.) Correspondence with Robert G. Harper, respecting: Russia. Pamphlets, vol. 9. Walsh (R.) Notices of Brazil in 1828 and 1829. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1831.~W. C. 955. Walsh (Rev. Robert.) History of the City of Dublin. See Whitelaw. Walter (Thomas.) Flora Caroliniana. 8vo. London, 1788.- W. C. 956. Walton (Isaac.) Complete Angler; and Cotton (Charles) Instructions how to angle for a Trout, &c., with Notes, bibliographical Preface, &c., by the American Editor. 12mo. NewYork, 1847. Walton (Izaak.) The Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert and Dr. Robert Sanderson, by. With some account of the Author and his Writings, by Thomas Zouch, D. D. 12mo. New-York, 1848. Walton (William, Jun.) -Present State of the Spanish Colonies, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1810. *Horace Walpole's name was c Horatio," not Horace, and his early book-plates with arms bear that name. He afterwards altered it, thinking it too poetical — Gentleman's Magazine, New Series, vol. 29, Page 6. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 795 Walton (William, Jun.) On the Dissensions of Spanish America. 8vo. London, 1814. -W. C. 957. Wansey (Henry.) Journal of all Excursion to the United States, in 1794. 8vo. Salisbury, 1796. W. C. 958. War. Letters of Philadelphus to Caleb Strong, on War. Pamphlets, vol. 9. War of 1812. Further Important Documents respecting the American Question. Pamphleteer, vol. 2. War of 1812. Anticipation of Marginal Notes, on the Declaration of the British Government of the 9th of January, 1813, in the American National Intelligencer. Pamphleteer, vol. 1. War in Disguise. Pamphlets, vol. 33. Warburton (Eliot.) The Crescent and the Cross, or the Romance and Realities of Eastern Travel. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1845. Warburton (J.) History of the City of Dublin. See Whitelaw. Warburton's Iochelaga; or England in the New World. Edited by Eliot Warburton. 12mo. New-York, 1846. Warburton (William.) Bishop. Literary Remains. A selection from his Unpublished Papers, by the Rev. F. Kilvert. 8vo. l ondon, 1841. Warburton (William.) Bishop. Tracts by Warburton, and a Warburtonian, not admitted into the Collections of their respective Works. 8vo. London, 1789. Warburton (Rt. Rev. William.) The Divine Legation of Moses demonstrated. With the Life of the Author. By Bishop Hurd. Tenth edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1846. Ward (Andrew H.) History of the Town of Shrewsbury, (Mass.) from its Settlement in 1717 to 1829. 8vo. Boston, 1847. Ward (H. G.) Mexico, in 1825, 1826, and 1827; with an Account of the Mining Companies, &c. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1829. Ward (Nathaniel.) Simple Cobler of Aggawam in America. Edited by David Pulsifer. 12mo. Boston, 1843. Ward (R. Plumer.) Historical Essay on the real Character and Amount of the Precedent of the Revolution of 1688. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1838. Ward (Samuel.) Life of. See Sparks' American Biography, vol. 19. Warden (D. B.) Description of the District of Columbia. 8vo. Paris, 1816.- W. C. 959. Warden (D. B.) On the Origin, Nature, Progress, and Influence of Consular Establishments. 8vo. Paris, 1813. —W. C. 960. Warden (D. B.) De FOrigine, de la Nature, des Progres, et de Pinfluence des Etablissemens Consulaires. Trad. de l'Anglais. 8vo. Paris, 1815.-W-. C. 961. Warden (D. B.) L'Art de Verifier des Dates: Chronologie Historique de l'Amerique. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1826 - 1844. — W. C. 962. 96 M I SC:E, L A N E O US W.O: RK S. Warden (D. B ) Statistical, Political, and Historical Account of the United States of North America.:3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1819. Warden (D. B.) The Same. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1819.W, C. 963. Warden (D. B.) Description Statistique, Historique, et Politique des Etats-Unis de l'Amerique Septentrionale. Trad. de l'Anglais. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1820. W.C. 964. Warden (D. B.) Statistiche, Politische, und Historische Beschreibung der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-America, frei ubersezt und bearbeitet von J. G. F. Cannabich. 8vo. Illenau, 1824. —W. C. 965. Ware (John.) Memoir of Henry Ware, Jun. 8vo. Boston, 1846. Ware (William.) Memoir of Nathaniel Bacon. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 13. Ware (Rev. William.) Aurelian; or Rome in thle Third Century. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1848. Ware (Rev. William.) Julian; or Scenes in Judea. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1841. Ware (Rev. William.) Zenobia; or the Fall of Palmyra. A Historical Romance. Seventh edition. 2 vols. NewYork, 1848. Waring (Edward S.) Tour to Sheeraz, with a History of Persia. 4to. London, 1807. Warre (Capt. H.) Sketches of North America and the Oregon Territory. fol. London. (No year.) Warren (Dr. John C.) On Organic Diseases of the Heart. Pamphlets, vol. 44. Warren (Joseph.) Life. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 10. Warren (Mercy.) Mrs. History of the American Revolution. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1805. —-— W. C966. Warton (Thomas.) History of English Poetry. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. Washington (Captain.) Sketch of the Progress of Geography, in 1837 -. Geog. Soc. Journal, vol. 8.'Washington (Major George.) Journal of. See Pieces Justificatives. Washington (George.) President. Epistles, Domestic, Confidential, and Official, (Forged Letters.) 8vo. London, 1797. Washington (George.) President. Fac Simile of his Public Accounts, kept during the Revolutionary War, &c. 4th ed. fol. Washington, 1844. Washington (George.) President. Fac Similes of Letters to Sir John Sinclair, on Agricultural and other interesting topics. 4to. Washington, 1844. Washington (George.) President. Official Letters to the American Congress, written during the War between the United Colonies and Great Britain.'2 vols. 8vo. London, 1795. Washington (George.) President. Revolutionary Orders, issued during the years 1778,'80,'81 and'82. Selected from the MISCELL NEO U S WOR KS. 797 MSS. of John: Whiting, and Edited by his Son, Henry Whiting. 8vo. New-York, 1844. Washington (George.) President. Writings; with a Life of the Author, Notes, and Illustrations, by Jared Sparks. 12 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1837. (Volume 11 wanting.) Washington (George.) President. The Same. 12 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1839. Washington (George.) President. Funeral Orations, &c. See Ames, Dubroca, Fontanes, Lee, Linn, Mason, Morris, Smith. Washington. Eulogies and Orations on the Life and Death of General George Washington, first President of the United States of America. 8vo. Boston, 1800. Washington. Eree penning van het Genootschap: kunst wordt door arbeid verkreegen te Leyden. Poems addressed to Washington, by Dirk. Erheleus and G. Brender a Brandis. 4to. Leyden. (Presentation copy to General Washington.) (In exchange for duplicates.) Washington. Guide to the City of. See Elliot. Washington, and the Generals of the American Revolution. 2 vols. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1847. Washington's Birth-Day. An Historical Poem. Albany, 1812. Pamphlets, vol. 17. (Presented.) Washington's First Campaign. See Craig. Washington. (City of.) See Varnum. Water (Pure and Wholesome,) in Cities. See Boston. Waterhouse (G. R.) A Natural History of Mammalia. 2 vols. Vol. I. Containing the Order Marsupiata, or Pouched Animals. Vol. 2. Rodentia. 8vo. London, 1848. Waterland (Daniel.) Supplement to the Case of Arian Subscription considered. Tracts, vol. 3. Waterston (William.) Cyclopaedia of Commerce, Mercantile Law, Finance, and Commercial Geography. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1843. Waterton (Charles.) Wanderings in South America, the NorthWest of the United States, and the Antilles, in 1812-1824. 4to. London, 1825.- W. C. 967. Watkins (John.) LL. D. Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of R. B. Sheridan. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1818. Watson (Elkanah,) A Tour in Holland, in 1784. By an American. 8vo. Worcester, 1790:. Watson (Elkanah.) History of the Rise, Progress and Existing Condition of the Western Canals in the State of New-York, from Sept. 1788, to the completion of the Middle Section of the Grand Canal in 1819. Together with the Rise, Progress, and Existing State of Modern Agricultural Societies on the Berkshire System, from 1807 to the establishment of the Board of Agriculture in the State of New-York, Jan. 10, 1820. 8vo. Albany, 1820. [This Volume also contains, "A Vindication of the Claims of Elkanah Watson, Esq., to 798 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. the Merit of Projecting the late Canal Policy as created by the Canal Act of March, 1792; and also, a Vindication of the late Gen. Schuyler to the Merit of drawing that Act, and procuring its passage through the Legislature." By Robert Troup. Geneva, 1821.] (Presented.) Watson (Elkanah.) Memoirs on Agriculture. Pamphlets, vol. 3. Watson (Frederick.) Geographical Dictionary. fol. London, 1773. — W. C. 968. Watson (John F.) Annals of Philadelphia. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1830. Watson (John-F.) Historic Tales of the Olden Time, concerning the Early Settlement and Progress of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1833. Watson (John F.) Historic Tales of the Olden Time, concerning the Early Settlement and Advancement of New-York City and State. 12mo. New-York, 1832. Watson (John F.) Annals and Occurrences of New-York City and State, in the Olden Time; being a Collection of Memoirs, Anecdotes and Incidents concerning the City, County, and Inhabitants, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1846. Watson (Richard.) Life of Richard Watson, Bishop of Landaff. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1818. Watson (Robert.) History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain. 1st Am. ed. 8vo. New-York, 1818. Watson (Robert.) History of the Reign of Philip the Third, King of Spain. 1st Am. ed. 8vo. New-York, 1818. Watson (William.) Account of a Series of Experiments in Inoculation. Tracts, vol. 4. Watt (Robert.) Bibliotheca Britannica, or a General Index to British and Foreign Literature. 4 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1824. Watterston (G.) and N. B. Van Zandt. Tabular Statistical Views of the Population, Commerce, Navigation, &c., of the United States. 4to. Washington, 1829. Wayland (Francis.) D. D. The Elements of Political Economy. 5th ed. 12mo. Boston, 1842. Wayland (Francis.) D. D. The Elements of Moral Science, Twenty-second Thousand. 12mo. Boston, 1843. Waylen (Edward.) Ecclesiastical Reminiscences of the United States. 8vo. New-York, 1846. Wayne (Anthony.) Life. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 4. Weale (John.) Ensamples of Railway Making. 8vo. London, 1843. Webb'tr (Charles W.) Old Hicks the Guide; or Adventures in the Camanche Country in Search of a Gold Mine. 12mo. NewYork, 1848. Webber (Charles W.) The Gold Mines of the Gila: a Sequel to Old Hicks, the Guide. 2 vols. in one. 12mo. New-York, 1849. Weber (H.) and R. Jamieson. Illustrations of Northern Antiquities, from the earlier Teutonic and Scandinavian Romances, MISCELLANE OUS WORKS. 799'being an Abstract of the Book of Heroes. and Nibelungen Lay, &c. 4to. Edinburgh, 1814. Webster (Daniel.) Washington Benevolent Society Oration. Portsmouth, 1812. Webster (Daniel.) The Diplomatic and Official Papers of, while Secretary of State. 8vo. New-York, 1i848. Webster (Daniel.) Speeches and Forensic Arguments, by. 8th ed. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1846. Webster (Daniel.) Vindication of the Treaty of Washington of 1842, in a Speech delivered in the Senate of the United States, April 6 and 7,1816. Pamphlets, vol. 17. (Presented.) Webster (Daniel.) Speech on the New Tariff Bill, Senate U. S., July 25, 1846. Pamphlets, vol. 22. (Presented) Webster (Daniel,) Speech, on the North-Eastern Boundary Question, before the New-York Historical Society. See NorthEastern Boundary Question. Webster (Noah.) An American Dictionary of the English Language, with an Introductory Dissertation, &c. Revised and enlarged by Chauncey A. Goodrich. 4to. Springfield, (Mass.) 1849. (Presented.) Webster (Noah.) American Dictionary of the English Language. First edition in octavo: Containing the whole vocabulary of the Quarto, with corrections and improvements, and several thousand additional words. 2 vols. 8vo. Springfield, 1845. Webster (Noah.) American Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vols. 4to. New-York, 1828. Webster (Noah.) Political Progress of Britain; or an impartial History of Abuses in the Government of the British Empire, &c. Svo. Philadelphia, 1795. Webster (Noah.) Collection of Papers, on Political, Literary and Moral Subjects. Svo. New-York, 1843. Webster (Noah.) A Collection of Essays and Fugitive Writings, on Moral, Historical, Political and Literary Subjects. 8vo. Boston, 1790. Webster (Noah.) Observations on Language, and the Errors of Class Books; and Observations on Commerce. 12mo. New Haven, 1839. (Presented) Webster (Thomas,) and Others. Encyclopedia of Domestic Economy. 8vo. New-York, 1845. Weddell (James.), A Voyage to the South Pole, in 1822 - 24, to the 74th degree of South Latitude, and a Visit to Terre del Fuego. 8vo. London, 1825. Weems (M. L.) Life of Francis Marion. See Horry, P. Weerdt (Sebalt de.) Descriptio Omnium qum acciderunt quinque Navibus, 1598. fl. Francfort, 1602. See Bry. —-W. C. Weights and Measures. Observations on th-Report of the Committee on Weights and Measures, &c. Pamphleteer, vol. 4. Weights and Measures. Comparison of Weights and Measures of length and capacity, reported to the Senate of the United 800 MISCEL LANEOUS WORKS. States, by the Treasury Department, in 1832; and made by Fred. Rod. Hassler, &c. 8vo. Washington, 1832. Weights and Measures. See Adams, John Q. WVeisbach (Julius.) Professor of Mechanics and applied Mathematics, in the Royal Mining Academy of Freiberg. Principles, of the Mechanics of Machinery and Engineering. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1847-8. Weiss (Ch.) See Granville, (Cardinal de.) Welby (Adlard.) Visit to North America, and the English Settlements in Illinois, &c. 8vo. London, 1821. Weld (C. R.) See Banfield. Weld (Charles Richard.) A History of the Royal Society, with Memoirs of the Presidents. Compiled from Authentic Documents. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848. Weld (Rev. H. Hastings.) Franklin; his Autobiography, with a: Narrative of his Life and Services. With Designs by Chapman. 8vo. New-York, 1848. Weld (Isaac, Jun.) Travels through the States of North America, and Canada, in 1795-1797. 3ded. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1800. Weld (Isaac, Jun.) Voyage au Canada, en 1795-1797. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1800.- W. C. 969. Wellesley (Marquis of.) The Despatches and Correspondence of, during his Mission as Ambassador Extraordinary to Spain. Edited by M. Martin. 8vo. London, 1838. Wellesley (Richard.) Marquis. Memoirs and Correspondence of. See Pearce. Wellington (Duke of.) Selections from his Dispatches and General Orders: by Lieut. Col. Gurwood. 8vo. London, 1841. Wells (Edward.) Treatise of Ancient and Present Geography. 8vo. London, 1738.- W. C. 970. Wellsted (J. R.) Travels in Arabia. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. Welsby (W. N.) Lives of eminent English Judges of the 17th and 18th Centuries. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1846. Welsford (Henry.) Origin and Ramifications of the English Language, with an Inquiry into the Early Condition of the principal European Nations. 8vo. London, 1845. Welsh (Col. James.) Military Reminiscenses, extracted from a Journal of forty years' active service in the East Indies. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1830. Welsted (J. K.) Travels to the City of the Caliphs, along the shores of the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1840. Welwood (James.) Memoirs of the most Material Transactions in England, for the last one hundred years, preceding the Revolution in 1688. 8vo. London, 1700. Wesleyan Preachers (Sketches of.) See West. Wesley (John.) Address to the Clergy. Tracts, vol. 4. Wesley (Rev. John.) See American Tracts. Vols. 6 and 7. M I SCELLAN EO U S WOR K S. 801 Western Magazine and Review. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1827. Western Monthly Review. See Flint, (Timothy.) Western Reserve College. Catalogue of Officers and Students, 1845 -6. Hudson, Ohio. Pamphlets, vol. 18. West (Hans.) Beitrage zur Beschreibung von St. Croix. 8vo. Copenhagen, 1794. —-W. C. 971. West (John.) Journal of a Mission to the Indians of New-Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and the Mohawks on the Ouse, or Grand River, Upper Canada. 8vo. London 1827. West (Robert A.) Sketches of Wesleyan Preachers, by. 12mo. New-York, 1848. West India Planters. See American Tracts, vol. 7. West-Indies. Koromantyn Slaves, or West-Indian Sketches. 12mo. London, 1823.- W. C. 972. West Indische Compagnie. Vertoogh over den Toestant der West Indische Compagnie in haer begin, midden ende eynde, met een remedie, tot redres van deselve. Erste Deel, Gedruct tot Rotterdam, 1651. 4to. MS. from the printed copy in the British Museum. (Presented.) Westminster Assembly of Divines. A History of the, with Biographical Notes. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1841. Westminster Review. 50 vols. 8vo. 1- 50. London, 1824 - 49. IAfter vol. 24 of the above Series, the following changes of Title are noted: London and Westminster Review, 4 vols (25- 28)-London Review, 2 vols. (29-30)-London and Westminster Review, 3 vols. (31 - 33) —Westminster Review, 12 vols. (34 - 45.)-and Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Review, as at present, 5 vols. (46 - 50.) [In all 50 vols.] West Point. See U. S. Military Academy. West Point. See Park. West Point Guide. See Cotton, J. H. Westwood (J. 0.) See Library, E. K. Wetmore (Alphonzo.) Gazetteer of the State of Missouri, with a Map of the State, and Frontier Sketches. 8vo. St. Louis, 1837. Wetmore (Prosper M.) Lexington, with other fugitive Poems. 8vo. New-York, 1830. Whately (Richard.) Archbishop. Historic Doubts relative to Napoleon Buonaparte. Pamphleteer, vol 27. Whately (Richard.) Archbishop. Thoughts on Secondary Punishnents. 8vo. London, 1832. (Presented.) Wheat and Flour of New-York. Memoir on. Pamphlets, vol. 2. Wheatly (Rev. Charles.) A rational illustration of the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England. 12mo. London, 1848. Wheaton (H-enry.) Life, Writings, and Speeches of William Pinkney. 8vo. New-York, 1826. Wheaton (Henry.) History of the North Men, or Danes and Nor 802 MISCELLA NEOUS W OR KS. mans, from the Earliest times to the Conquest of England, by William of Normandy. 8vo. London, 1831. Wheaton (Henry.) See Crichton. Wheatstone (Charles.) Contributions to the Physiology of Vision. Trans. Royal Soc., 1838. Wheeler (Henry G.) History of Congress, Biographical and Political: Containing Memoirs of Members of the Congress of the United States. Vols. 1 and 2. 8vo. New-York, 1848. Wheelock (Rev. Eleazar.) A plain and faithful Narrative of the design, rise and progress, and present state of the Indian Charity School at Lebanon in Connecticut. 12mo. Boston, 1763. Whewell (William.) Doctrine of Limits, &c. 8vo. Cambridge, 1838. Whewell (William.) Elements of Morality, including Polity. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1845. Whewell (William.) History of the Inductive Sciences. 3 vols0 8vo. London, 1837. Whewell (William.) Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1840. Whewell (William.) Indications of the Creator, 12mo. London, 1845. Whewell (William.) Mechanics of Engineering. 8vo. Cambridge, 1841. Whewell (William.) Principles of English University Erducation. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1838. Whewell (William.) Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God. See Bridgewater Treatise. Whewell (William.) Researches on the Tides. Trans. Royal Soc., 1835 - 1840. Whewell (William.) Report on the Recent Progress and Present Condition of the Mathematical Theories of Electricity, Magnetism, and Heat. Reports British Association, 1835. Whewell (William.) Education, with particular reference to the leading studies of the University of Cambridge. 8vo. London, 1845. Whewell (William.) D. 1). Of a Liberal Education in General, and with a particular reference to the leading studies of the University of Cambridge. 8vo. London, 1845. Whipple (Edwin P.) Lectures on subjects connected with Literature and Life. 12mo. Boston, 1850. Whipple (Edwin P.) Essays and Reviews by. 2 vols. 1lmo. NewYork, 1848. White (George S.) Memoirs of Samuel Slater, the Fathler of American Manufactures; connected with a History of the Rise and Progress of the Cotton Manufacture in England and America. Second edition. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1836. White (Gilbert.) Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne. 8vo. London, 1833. White (Rev. Henry.) The Early History of New England, illus MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 803 trated by numerous interesting incidents. Ninth edition. 12mo. Concord, (N. H.) 1845. White (John.) Voyage a la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud, a Botany-Bay, au Port Jackson, en 1787 - 1789, Trad. de' Anglais, avec des Notes, par C. Pougens. 8vo. Paris, 1795. -W. C. 973. White (William.) Bishop. Memoirs of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1820.- W. C. 974. White (William.) Bishop. Life of. See Wilson. Whitefield (George.) An account of Money received and disbursed for the Orphan House in Georgia. 8vo. London, 1741. Whitefield (George.) Life of. See Robert, T. —. C. 791. Whitehead (John.) Lives of John Wesley, and Rev. Charles Wesley; with an Introduction, by the Rev. T. H. Stockton. 2d Am. ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. Whitehead (William A.) Biographical Sketch of William Franklin, Governor of New Jersey, from 1763 to 1776. 8vo. (Presented.) Whitehead (William A.) East Jersey, under the Proprietary Government, with Scot's Model of the Government in East Jersey. See New Jersey Historical Collections. Whitelaw (Rev. J.) Walsh (Rev. Robert,) and Warburton (J.) History of the City of Dublin, from the earliest accounts, to the present time. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1818. White!ock (Lieut.) Descriptive Sketch of the Islands and Coast at the Entrance of the Persian Gulf. Geog. Soc. Journal, vol. 8. Whiteside (James.) Italy in the Nineteenth Century, contrasted with its Past Condition. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1848. Whiting (Henry.) Life of Zebulon Montgomery Pike. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 15. Whitley (Nicholas.) Applications of Geology to Agriculture. 8vo. London, 1843. Whitman (Zachariah G.) History of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company. From 1637 to the present time. Second edition. 8vo. Boston, 1842. Whitney (George.) Some account of the early History and present state of the Town of Quincy in Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston. Whitney (Peter.) History of the County of Worcester, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. With a Map. 8vo. Worcester, 1793. (In exchange for duplicates.) Whiton (John M.) Sketches of the History of New-Hampshire, from 1623 to 1833. 12mo. Concord, 1834. Whittier (J. G.) The Supernaturalism of New-England, 12mo. New-York, 1847. Whittlesey (Cha.rles.) Life of John Fitch. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 16. Whittock (Nathaniel.) The Decorative Painter and Glazier's Guide; 804 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. nmmitations of various Woods and Marbles, Art of Staining and Painting on Glass, &c. 4to. London, 1841. Whitwell (Benjamin.) Pamphlets, vol. 44. Whitworth (Sir Charles.) Commerce de la Grande-Bretagne, 1697 -1773: trad. de l'Anglois. fol. Paris, 1777. — W. C. 975. Wickham (Henry L.,) and Cramer, (Rev. J. A..) late students of Christ's Church. A Dissertation on the Passage of Hannibal over the Alps. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1828. Wied-Neuwied, Maximilian, (Prince zu.) Reise nach Brasilien, in den jahren 1815 bis 1817. 4to. (Plates fol.) Frankfort. 1820..W. C. 976. Wieland. See Brown, (C. B.) Wiffen's Translation of Jerusalem Delivered. See Tasso. Wiffen (J. W.) Historical Memoirs of the House of Russel, from the time of the Norman Conquest. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1833. C. L. Wigglesworth (Rev. Dr.) Sober Remarks on a book lately re-printed in Boston, entitled a modest proof of the Order and Government settled by Christ and his Apostles in the Church. Second edition. l2mo. Boston, 1724. This volume also contains2. The Ruling and Ordaining Power of Congregational Bishops, or Presbyters, defended. Being remarks on some part of Mr. P. Barclay's Persuasive, lately distributed in New England. By an impartial hand. 12mo. Boston, 1726 3. A Vindication of the Appendix to the Sober Remarks, &c. 12mo. Boston, 1725. 4. Proposals on some things to be done in our administering Ecclesiastical Government, &c. By William Homes, Pastor of the Church in Chilmark. 12mo. Boston, 1732. 5. Mr. Emerson's Exhortation to his People with respect to variety of Ministers. 12mo. Boston, 1742. Wightwick (George.) Architect. The Palace of Architecture. A Romance of Art and History. 4to. London, 1840. Wightwick (George.) Hints to Young Architects, &c., with Notes and Hints to persons about building in the country. By A. J. Downing. 8vo. London, 1847. Wilberforce (R. J.) and S. Life of William Wilberforce. 5 vols. 12mo. London, 1838. Wilberforce (Samuel.) Lord Bishop of Oxford. A History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America. Second edition. 12mo. London, 1846..Wilberfirce (William.) Correspondence: Edited by R. I. and S. Wilberforce. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1840 Wilbraham (Richard.) Travels in the Trans-Caucasian MISCELLANEOUS WORKs. 805 of Russia, and along the Southern Shore of the Lakes of Van and Urumiah, in 1837. 8vo. London, 1839. Wilford (Francis.) Chronology of the Hindus. Asiatick Researches, vol. 5. Wilford (Francis.) Essay on the Sacred Isles of the West. Asiatick Researches, vols. 8, 9, 10 and 1. Wilford (Francis.) On Mount Caucasus. Asiatick Researches, vol. 6. Wilford (Francis.) Origin and Decline of the Christian Religion in India. Asiatick Researches, vol. 10. Wilkes (Charles.) Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition, during the years 1838 -42. 8 vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 1844 - 48. (Received from the United States Government.) The whole number of vols including two Atlases, 10. CONTENTS: Vols. 1. 5. Narrative (with 4to. Atlas.) Vol. 6. Ethnography and Philology. By Horatio Hale, Philologist of the Expedition. Vol. 7. Zoophytes. By James D. Dana, A. M. Geologist of the Expedition. With a folio Atlas, of Sixty-one Plates. Vol. 8. Mammalia and' Ornithology. By Titian R. Peale, one of the Naturalists of the Expedition. Wilkes (Charles.) Narrative &c. 5 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. Wilkes (Charles.) Western America, including California and Oregon; with Maps of those Regions and of the Sacramento Valley. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. Wilkes (George.) History of California, Geographical and Political. 8vo. New-York, 1845. See Oregon. Wilkes (John.) North Briton. 4 vols. 12mo. London, 1772. Wilkins (Rev. Isaac.) See American Tracts, vol. 7. (Mr. John C. Hamilton, in the Life of his Father, vol. 1, p. 26, relates that Nos. 8 and 11, in this volume, were written by the Rev. Dr. Isaac Wilkins, under the Signature of a Westchester Farmer. No. 3, in vol. 6, must hence be by the same.) Wilkins (Rev. Isaac.) An Alarm to the Legislature of the Province of New-York, occasioned by the present political disturbances, &c. 12mo. New-York. (James Rivington.) 1775. Wilkinson (Henry.) Engines of War, or Historical and Experimental Observations on the Ancient and Modern Warlike Machines and Implements. 8vo. London, 1841. Wilkinson (J.) Notes on a part of the Eastern Desert of Upper Egypt, accompanied by a Map. Geog. Soc. Journal, vol0.2. Wilkinson (James.) General. Memoirs of his Own Times. 3 vols. 8vo. (Plates 4to.) Philadelphia, 1816. Wilkinson (Eliza.) Letters of, during the invasion and possession of Charleston (S. C.) by the British, in the Revolutionary 806 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. War. Arranged by Caroline Gilman. 12mo. New-York, 1838. Wilkinson (Sir Gardener.) Hand Book for Travellers in Egypt. l2mo London, 1847. Wilkinson (Sir J. G.) Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1837. Wilkinson (Sir J. G.) The Same: Second Series. 2 vols. 8vo. (Plates 8vo.) London, 1841. Wilkinson (Sir J. Gardner.) Dalmatia and Montenegro, with a Journey to Mostar in Herzogovina, and remarks on the Sclavonic Nations, the History of Dalmatia and Ragusa, the Uscocs, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848. Wilks (S. C.) Life of Lord Teignmouth, &c. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1835. Willard (Emma.) History of the United States, with its Chronology and Progressive Geography. 8vo. New-York, 1828. Willard (Emma.) Last Leaves of American History, comprising Histories of the Mexican War and California. 12mo. NewYork, 1849. Willard (Emma.) Respiration and its effects, in relation to Asiatico Cholera. 8vo. New-York, 1849. Willett (Colonel Marinus.) A Narrative of the Military Actions of, t;aken chiefly from his own Manuscript. Prepared by his Son, William M. Willett. 8vo. New-York, 1831. William of Malmsbury' s Chronicles of the Kings of England, from the earliest period to the Reign of King Stephen. With Notes &c. By J. A. Giles, D. C. L. 12mo. London, 1847. William III. Collection of State Tracts, published on occasion of the late Revolution in 1688, and during the Reign of King William III. 3 vols. fol. London, 1705 -1707. Williams (Sir Charles Hanbury.) Works; with Notes by Sir Horace Walpole. 3 vols. 12mo. London, 1822. Williams (Charles J. B.) Report of Experiments on the Physiology of the Lungs and Air-tubes. Reports British Association, 1840. Williams (Charles L.) Statistics of the Rutland County (Vermont) Bar, with Biographical Notices, &c. 8vo. Brandon, (Vt.) 1847. (Presented.) Williams College. Sketches of, by D. A. Wells and S. H. Davis. 8vo. Williamstown, (Mass.) 1847. Williams (D. E.) Life and Correspondence of Sir Thomas Lawrence. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831. Williams (Edwin.) New-York Annual Register for 1830 - 37, 1840 1845. 10 vols. 12mo. New-York. (There were no volumes published in 1838 - 39-41 -42 -43 -44.) Williams (Edwin.) The Statesman's Manual-Presidents' Messages, Inaugural, Annual and Special; from 1789 to 1849; with Memoirs of each President, and a History of their Administrations. 4 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1849. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS 807 Williams (Edwin.) See President's Messages. Williams (Edwin.) Statistical Companion for 1846. 12mo. NewYork, 1846. Williams (John.) Narrative of Missionary Enterprises in the South Sea Islands. 1st Am. ed. 8vo. New-York, 1837. Williams (John L.) Sketches of the Topography, and the Civil and Natural History of Florida. 8vo. New-York, 1837. Williams (John Lee.) A view of West Florida, with its Geography, Topography, and a Map. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1827. Williams (Jona.) Colonel. Plan for Fortifying the Narrows, between Long and Staten Islands. Pamphlets, vol. 2. Williams (Mrs.) Lives of General William Barton and Captain Stephen Olney. 12mo. Providence, 1839. Williams (Mrs.) Neutral French, or the Exiles of Nova Scotia. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo. Providence, 1841. Williams (Othniel S.) The early History of Clinton (Oneida County.) A Lecture before the Young Men's Lyceum of Clinton. 1849. (Presented.) Williams (Roger.) Life. Sparks' American Biography, vol. 14. Williams (Samuel.) History of Vermont. 8vo. Walpole, 1794. Williams (Samuel.) The Same. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Burlington, 1809. Williams (S. Wells.) The Middle Kingdom: A survey of the Geography, Government, Education, &c., of the Chinese Empire and its Inhabitants. 2 vols.!2mo. New-York, 1848. Williams (Stephen W.) American Medical Biography, or Memoirs of eminent Physicians. 8vo. New-York, 1845. Williams (Stephen W.) M. D. A Biographical Memoir of the Rev. John Williams, first Minister of Deerfield (Mass.) with the Journal of Rev. Dr. Stephen Williams, during his captivity, and other Papers relating to the early Indian Wars in Deerfield. 12mo. Greenfield, (Mass.) 1837. Williams (Stephen W.) M. D. The Genealogy and History of the Family of Williams, in America; more particularly the Descendants of Robert Williams, of Roxbury. 12mo. Greenfield, 1847. Williams (Timothy S.) Character of. See Sprague, W. B., D. D. Williamson (Capt. Charles.) Description of the settlement of the Genesee Country in the State of New-York, in a series of letters. 8vo. New-York, 1799. (Presented.) Williamson (Rev. G. R.) Memoir of the Rev. David Abeel, D. D. late Missionary to China. By his Nephew. 12mo. NewYork, 1848. Williamson (Hugh.) History of North Carolina. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1812. Williamson (Hugh.) Observations on the Climate of America. 8vo. New-York, 1811. Williamson (William D.) History of the State of Maine, from its discovery to 1602, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. Hallowell, 1832. 808 MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Willich (A. F. M.) Lectures on Diet and Regimen. 1st Am. ed. 8vo. New-York, 1801. Willis (N. Parker.) People I have met, or Pictures of Society and People of Mark. 12mo. New-York, 1850. Willis (N. Parker.) Rural Letters, and other Records of Thought, at Leisure. 12mo. New-York, 1849. Willis (Willianm.) The History of Portland, from its first settlement, &c. Part 2. 1700 -1833. 8vo. Portland, 1833. (Part 1 is in the 1st volume of the Maine Historical Collections.) Williston (E. B.) Eloquence of the United States. 5 vols. 8vo. Middletown, 1827. Willoughby (Francis.) Travels in Spain. Harris- vol. 2. Willoughby (Sir Hugh,) and Others. Voyages to the Northern Parts of Russia and Siberia. Pinkerton, vol. 1. Wilson (Marcius.) American History, comprising Historical Sketches of the Indian Tribes; a description of American Antiquities, History of the United States, Mexico, Texas, &c. 8vo. New-York, 1847. Wilmot (Sir J. E.) Memoirs, with some Original Letters. 4to. London, 1802. Wilmot (John Eardley.) Historical View of the Commission for inquiring into the losses, services and claims of the American Loyalists, at the close of the War. 1783, with an account of the compensation granted to them by Parliament in 1785 - 88. 8vo. London, 1815. Wilmot (Mr.) of Pennsylvania. Speech of, on his amendment, restricting Slavery from Territory hereafter acquired. U. S. House of Representatives, Feb. 8, 1847. Pamphlets, vol. 22. (Presented.) Wilson (Alexander.) Life of. See Ord. Wilson (Alexander.) American Ornithology; or the Natural History of the Birds of the United States. Illustrated with Plates. 9 vols Folio. Phil., 1808. (The 9th vol. published by George Ord.) Wilson (Alexander.) Life. Sparks' American Biograplhy, vol. 2. Wilson (Bird) D.. emoirs of the Life of the Right Rev. William White M. D., Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of Pennsylvania. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1839. Wilson (Daniel.) The Pilgrim Fathers. See Stowell, W. I. Wilson (H. H.) History of British India, from 1805 to 1835. (Continuation of Mills'.) 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1845-48. Wilson (Joseph.) History of Mountains, Geographical and Mineralogical. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1807. Wilson (Thomas.) Biography of the principal American Military and Naval Heroes of the Revolutionary and Late Wars. 2 vols. 12mo. New-York, 1817. Wilson (William Rae.) Records of a Route through France and Italy, with Sketches of Catholicism. 8vo. London, 1835. (13194) MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 809 Wimpffen,F. A. Stanislaus.) Baron de. Voyage a Saint-Domingue en 1788 - 1790. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1797. W. C. 977. Winchester (Elkanah.) An Oration on the Discovery of America, delivered in London, Oct. 12, 1792. 2d ed., with an Appendix, containing a description, and an Engraving of the City of Washington. 8vo. 1792. Wincklemann. See Lodge. Windhus (John.) Journey to Mequinez. Pinkerton, vol. 15. Wing (Charles.) Evils of the Factory System demonstrated by Parliamentary Evidence. 8vo. London, 1837. Winslow (Forbes.) Anatomy of Suicide. 8vo. London, 1840. Winsor (Justice.) History of the Town of Duxbury, (Massachusetts,) with Geneological Registers. 8vo. Boston, 1849. Winterbotham (W.) Historical View of the American United States, and of the European Settlements in America and the West Indies. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1795.- W. C. 978. Winthrop (John.) Governor. History of New England, from 1630 to 1649: from his Original Manuscripts, with Notesby James Savage. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1825. Winthrop (John.) Governor. Journal, of the Transactions and Occurrences in Massachusetts and the other New England Colonies, from 1630 to 1644. 8vo. Hartford, 1790. Winthrop (Hon. Robert C.) Oration pronounced by, on the 4th of July, 1848, on the occasion of laying the Corner Stone of the National Monument, to the Memory of Washington. 8vo. Washington, 1848. (Presented.) Wirgman (Thomas.) Principles of the Kantesian or Transcendental Philosophy. Pamphleteer, vol. 23. Wirt (William.) Letters of the British Spy. 5th ed. 16mo. Bal timore, 1813.-W. C. 979. Wirt (William.) Life of Patrick Henry. 3d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1818. Wirt (William.) Life of. See Kennedy. Wise (Lieut. U. S. Navy.) Los Gringos, or an Inside View of Mexico and California, with Wanderings in Peru, Chili, and California. 12mo. New-York, 1849. Wiseman (Nicholas.) Twelve Lectures on the Connexion between Science and Revealed Religion. 1st Am. ed. 8vo. Andover. 1837. Wishaw (Francis.) Analysis of Railways; with a Copious Glossary. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1838. Wislizenius (A.) M. D. Memoir of a Tour to Northern Mexico, connected with Col. Doniphan's Expedition, in 1846 and 47, with 3 Maps. U. S. Senate Document. 8vo. Washington, 1848. (Presented.) Witherspoon (John.) Considerations on the Legislative Authority of the British Parliament. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1774.-W. C. 980. [STATE LIBRARY. J 51 810 M: S C E L.L A N EO US W.:K-S. Witherspoon (Rev. John.) D.D. LL. I D. The Works of, with an account of his Life. By Rev. John Rodgers, of New-York. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1800- 1801.. Witherspoon (Rev. John.) ID. D. The Miscellaneous Works of. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1803. Wodrow (Robert.) History of the Sufferings of the Church of Scotland. 2 vols. fol. Edinburgh, 1721:-1722. Wolcott (Oliver.) Pamphlets, vol. 39. Wolf (Joseph.) Narrative of a Mission to Bokhara, in 1843- 1845, to ascertain the Fate of Col. Stoddart and Capt. Conolly. 8vo. New-York, 1845. Wolfe (JGmes.) General. Instructions to Young Officers, and a Placart to the Canadians. 12mo. London, 1768.- W. C. 981. Wood (Anthony.) Athens OXonienses: History of Oxford Writers; to which are added, Fasti Oxonienses. 2 vols. fol. London, 1691 -1692. Wood (Geo. B.,) and F. Bache. Dispensatory of the United States of America. 4th ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1839. Wood (John.) Personal Narrative of a Journey to the Sources of the River Oxus, in 1836 -1838. 8vo. London, 1841. Wood (John.) History of the Administration of John Adams, late President of the United States. 8vo. New-York, 1802. Wood (Robert.) Journey to Palmyra, &c. Voyages and Travels, vol. 6. Wood Searles V.) A Monograph of the Crag Mollusca, or Descriptions of Shells, from the Middle and Upper Tertiaries of the East of England. Part 1. Univalves. 4to. London. Palaeontographical Society, 1848. Wood (Silas.) A sketch of the first Settlement of the several Towns on Long Island, with their Political Condition, to the end of the American Revolution. A new edition. 8vo. Brooklyn, 1828. Wood (W.) Index Testaceologicus, or a Catalogue of Shells, British and Foreigh, arranged according to the LinnEean System, &c. Illustrated with 2300 Figures. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1828. Wood (William.) Survey of Trade. 2d ed. 16mo. London, 1722. Wood (WTm. Maxwell, M. D., U. S. Navy.) Wandering Sketches of People and Things in South America, Polynesia, California, and other places visited, &c. 12mo. Philadelplia, 1849. Woodbridge (William C.) See American Annals of Education. Woodman (David, Jun.) Guide to Texas Emigrants. (With a Map.) 12mo. Boston, 1335. Woods (Edward.) Report on Railway Constants. Reports British Association, 1841. Woods (John.) Two Years' Residence in the Settlement on the English Prairie, in Illinois. 8vo. London, 1822. —— W. C. 982. Woolrych (Humphrey W.) Memoirs of the Life of Judge Jeffreys, MISCE LLA NEOUS WOR K S. 811l sometime Lord High Chancellor of England. 8vo. London, 1827. Worcester (J. E.) Universal Gazetteer, Ancient and Modern. 2 vols. 8vo. Andover, 1817. Worcester (J. E.) A Universal and Critical Dictionary of the English Language. 8vo. Boston, 1847. Worcester Magazine. (The) See Lincoln and Baldwin. Wordsworth (Christopher.) Discourses on Public Education. 12mo. London, 1844. Wordsworth (William.) Poetical Works. 4 vols. 12mo. Boston, 1824. Workman (James.) Essays and Letters on various Political Subjects. 2d Am. ed. 12mo. New-York, 1809.~-W. C. 983. Works of the Learned: An Impartial Account of Books lately printed in all parts: of Europe, &c. 12 vols. 4to. London, 1699 -1709. Wrangell (F. von. ) Narrative of an Expedition to the Polar Sea, in 1820 - 1823: Edited by Major Edward Sabine. 8vo. London, 1840. Wraxall (N. W.) The History of France, under the Kings of the race of Valois. 2d edit. 2 vols. London, 1785. Wraxall (Sir N. W.) Historical Memoirs of his Own Time. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1836. Wraxall (Sir N. W.) Memoirs of the Courts of Berlin, Dresden, Warsaw and Vienna, in 1777-1779. 3d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1806. Wraxall (Sir N. W.) Posthumous Memoirs of his own Time. 2d ed. 3 vols. 8vo. London: 1836. Wraxall (Sir N. W.) Tour round the Baltic, and through the Northern Countries of Europe. 4th ed. 8vo. London, 1807. Wright (Edward.) Observations made in Travelling through France, Italy, &c., in 1720-1722. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1730. Wright (Frances.) Voyage aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique, ou Observations sur la Societ6, les Moeurs, &c., en 1818 -1820: trad. de 1'Anglais par J. T. Parisot. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. Paris, 1822. W. C. 984. Wright (Frances.) Views of Society and Manners in America. 8vo. New-York, 1821. Wright (Rev. G. N.) The Life and Reign of William the Fourth. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1837. C. L. Wright (J.) Accomptant. The American Negotiator, or the various Currencies of the British Colonies in America, as well the Islands as the Continent, reduced into English Money, &c.'2d ed. 8vo. London, 17C3. Wright (J) A complete History of the Late War, &e., in Europe, Asia and America. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1765. (Several Plates and Maps wanting.) Wright (Silas.) Life of. See Hammond. Wright (Silas.) See Jenkins. 812 MISCELLANEOUS WO R K S. Wright (Thomas.) England, under the House of Hanover, illustrated by the Caricatures and Satires of the day. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848:. Wright (Thomas.) The Archaeological Album, or Museum of National Antiquities: Edited by, &c. 4to. London, 1845. Wright (Lieut. W. H.) United States Engineer. A brief Practical Treatise on Mortars, with an account of the Processes employed at the Public Works in Boston Harbor. 12mo. Boston, 1845. Wurtz (George C.) Memoire sur le Moyen de reparer les Torts faits au Commerce de la France, par l'Insurrection de SaintDomingue. 8vo. Paris, 1820. W. C. 985. Wurtz (George C.) Second Memoire relatif aux Anciens Colons de Saint-Domingue. 8vo. Paris, 1822. —-- W. C. 986. Wyatt (Matthew D.) A Report of the Eleventh French Exposition of the Products of Industry. fol. London, 1849. Wyatt (Thomas.) Manual of Conchology, according to the System of Lamarck, with the late Improvements, by De Blainville. 8vo. New-York, 1838. Wyatt (Thomas.) Synopsis of Natural History, embracing the Natural History of Animals: from the French of C. Lemonnier, Cuvier, &c. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1839. Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh and Farquhar. The Dramatic Works of. With Biographical and Critical Notices by Leigh Hunt. 8vo. London, (Moxon) 1840. Wyman (Morrill.) A Practical Treatise on Ventilation. 12mo. Boston, 1846. Wynkoop (J. M.) Anecdotes and Incidents, comprising Daring Exploits, Personal and Amusing Adventures of the Officers and Privates of the Army in Mexico. 12mo. Pittsburgh, 1848. Wynne (J. H.) General History of the British Empire in America. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1770. Wyoming. See Minor, Chapman, Stone. Wyse (Francis.) America;; its Realities and Resources. 3 vols, 8vo. London, 1846. X. Xenophon. Affairs of Greece. See Works. Xenophon. Economics, or the Science of Good Husbandry. See Works. Xenophon. Expedition of Cyrus. See Works. Xenophon. Institution of Cyrus. See Works. Xenophon. Memoirs of Socrates. See Works. Xenophon. Works. Translated by Ashley Cooper, Spelman, Smith, Fielding, and Others. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840.. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 813 Y. Yale College. Reminiscences of Scenes and Characters at College. By a Graduate of Yale, of the class of 1821. 12mo. NewHaven, 1847. Yale College. See Baldwin, E. Yale College. Catalogus Collegii Yalensis. 8vo. 1838. Yale College. Catalogus Collegii Yalensis. 8vo. 1844. Yale College. Catalogue of the Officers and Students. 1844-45. Pamphlets, vol. 11. Yamoyden. See Eastburn. Yarrell (William.) History of British Fishes. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836. Yarrell (William.) Supplement to the History of British Fishes. 8vo. London, 1839. Yates (John V. N.) and J. W. Moulton. History of the State of NewYork, including its Aboriginal and Colonial Annals. Vol. 1. Parts 1 and 2. 8vo. New-York, 1824-1826. (Part 2, by Joseph W. Moulton.) —-W. C. 987. Yates (John,) and J. W. Moulton. The Same. Vol. 1. Part 1. 8vo. New-York, 1824. Yates (William Holt.) M. D. The Modern History and Condition of Egypt; its Climate, Diseases, &c. Exhibited in a Personal Narrative of Travels. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1843. Year Book of Facts, in Science and Art; exhibiting the most im. portant Discoveries and Improvements of the past year. By John Timbs. 12mo. London, 1848. Yorke (Charles.) See Athenian Letters. Youatt (William.) Cattle; their Breeds, Management, and Diseases. 8vo. London, 1834. Youatt (William.) The Dog, by. Edited, with additions, by E. J. Lewis, M. D. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847. Youatt (William.) The Pig; A Treatise on the Breeds, Management, Feeding and Medical Treatment of Swine. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1847. Youatt (William.) The Horse; with numerous illustrations: Together with a General History of the Horse, &c., and an Essay on the Ass and the Mule. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. Youatt (William.) Sheep; their breeds, management and diseases, by. With numerous Cuts. To which is added, the Mountain Shepherd's Manual. (Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.) 8vo. London, 1837. Young (Alexander.) Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers of the Colony of Plymouth, from 1602 to 1625. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston, 1844. Young (Alexander.) Chronicles of the First Planters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, from 1623 to 1636. 8vo. Boston, 1846. 814 M SCELLANEOUS W RK S, Young (Andrew.) Introduction to the Science of Government; with a brief Treatise on Political Economy. 10th ed. 12mo. Rochester, 1842. Young (Arthur.) Inquiry into the Rise of Prices in Europe, during the last twenty-five years, compared with that which has taken place in England: with Observations on High and Low Prices. Pamphleteer, vol. 6. Young (Arthur.) Tour in Ireland. Pinkerton, vol. 3. Young (Authur.) Travels in France, 1787- 1789; with the Register of a Tour into Spain. 2 vols. Svo. Dublin, 1793. Young (M.) Force of Testimony in establishing Facts contrary to Analogy. Trans. Royal Acad., vol. 7. Young (M.) Origin and Theory of the Gothic Arch. Trans. Royal Irish Acad., vol. 3. Young (Philip.) M. D. History of Mexico: her Civil Wars, and Colonial and Revolutionary Annals, from 1520, to 1847. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1847. Young (Hon. Samuel.) Suggestions on the best mode of promoting Civilization and Improvement; or the influence of Woman on the Social State. A Lecture, &c. 8vo. Albany, 1837. Young (Thomas.) Narrative of a Residence on the Musquito Shore during 1839 -40 - 41. with an account of Truxillo and the Islands of Bonacca and Roatan. 12mo. London, 1842. Young (Sir William.) West India Common-Place Book, compiled from Parliamentary and Official Documents. 4to. London, 1807. Z. Zahn (Wilhelm.) Les plus beaux Ornamens et les Tableaux les plus remarquables de Pompei, d'Herculaneum, et de Stabie d'apres les desseins originaux executes sur les lieux, par. 2 vols. Elephant Folio. Berlin, 1829 -1842. (Presented.) Zarate (Augustin de.) Histoire de la Decouverte et de la Conquete du Perou; trad. d lEspagnol. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1774. — W. C. 988. Zavala (Lorenzo de.) Ensayo Historico de las Revoluciones de Megico, desde 1808 hasta 1830. Vol. 1. 8vo. Paris, 1831.W. C. 989. Zea (M.) Constitution de la Republique de Colombia. 8vo. Paris, 1822. -W. C. 990. Zimmerman (E. A. W.) Essai de Comparaison entre la France et les Etats-Unis de'Amlrique Septentrionale: trad. de'Allemand. 2 vols. 12mo. Leipsic, 1797.- W. C. 991. Zimmerman (E. A. W.) Political Survey of the Present State of Europe. 8vo. London, 1787. Zimmerman (E. A. W.) Specimen Zoologia Geographica, Quadru MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. 815 pedum Domicilia et Migrationis Sistens. 4to. Leyden, 1777. --— W. C. 992. Zoological Miscellany. (The) Being descriptions of new and interesting Animals. By William Elford Leach, M. D. With coloured plates, drawn by R. P. Nodder. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1814- 15. Zoological Society of London. Proceedings of the Committee of Science and Correspondence, 1830 - 1833. 2 vols. 8vo. London. Zoological Society of London. Proceedings, 1833 - 1848. 16 vols. 8vo. London. Zoological Society of London. See Transactions. Zorgdrager. Groenlandsche Visschery. 4to. Amsterdam, 1720. Zubly (John I.) D.D. Sermon in 1775. See American Tracts, vol. 6. (13353) MIISCELLAN EOU S W 0 -I K. C L AS SIF I C A T IO N. SYNOPSIS AND INDEX. CLA SS I. THEOLOGY. CHRISTIANITY AND OTHER RELIGIONS. Page Page 1. Sacred Books, Natural and 2. Religious History, and ConRevealed Religion, &c.. 821 troversial Divinity,..;.. 822 CLASS II. GOVERNMENT AND POLITICAL ECONOMY. 1. Political Science and Politics, 826 11 2. PoliticalEconomy, Statistics, 831 CL A SS II. SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. SEc. I. SCIENCES. 1. Philosophy. 1, General W 3.orks.. 85 Ethics,.....5......... 836 2. Logic and Metaphysics,... 835 4. Education,............ 836 2. Mathematics. 1. Miathematics,"........... 837 11 2. Practical Mathematics,... 838 3. Physics. 1. General Works,........... 838 11 3. Mechanics, Hydraulics and 2. Chemistry, Meteorology, 1 Hydrostatics.......... 839 Electricity, etc.,....... S38 4. Astronomy,............ 840 4. Natural History. 1, General Works,..,...... 840 3. Botany,............ 843 2. Geologyand Mineralogy,.. 841 4. Zoology,........... 843 5. Medical and Surgical Science, 844, 6. Military Science. 1. Tactics, Regulations,... 846 11 2. Military EIgineeineg,... 846 SYNl OPSIS AND INDEX. CL. ASS I I. (Continuation. ) SEC. II. THE ARTS. 1. The Useful Arts. Page Page I. Agriculture and Horticulture, 847 3. Arts, Manufactures and Do2. Trade and Commerce,... 848 mestic Economy,....... 850 2. Engineering. 1. Construction,.......... -51 11 2. Canals, Railways, &c.,... 851 3. Fine Arts. 1. Architecture,........... 852 11 2. Painting, Sculpture, etc.,.. 853 EncyclopTedias, Journals, Publications of' Learned Societies. Gazettes, Registers, Directories, Almanacs, Guides. C L A S S I -Y V HISTORY. 1. Geography and Topography, 857 6. History of Continental Eu2. Voyages and Travels,..... 860 rope,............... 871 3. Antiquities, Ethnology, Ge- 7. British History......... 874 nealogy, Heraldry, etc.,.. 869 8. Asiatic, African, and other 4. General History and Chro- History,.............. 877 nology............... 870 9. American History,....... 878 5. Ancient Histor,......... 871 10. Biography, etc.,........ 887 C L A S S V. BELLES LETTRES. 1. Lexicography and Philo- 5. Poetry, Fiction, and the logy,.. 8.......... 897 Drama,.............. 901 2. Classics and Translations, 898 6. Literary Histcry,........ 903 3. Rhetoric and Criticism,... 899 7. Bibliography,.......... 904 4. Orations, Addresses, Eulo- 8. Periodical Literature,.. 905 gies, Speeches, Lectures, 899 9. Collective Authors, etc.,.. 906 i LASSIFICATION. CLASS 1o THEOLOGY. CHRISTIANITY AND OTHER RELIGIONS. 1 Sacred Books, Jatural and Revealed Religion, etc. Abelard, P. Ouvrages inedits d'. Butler, C. Hora, Biblicae. Allen, E. Natural Religion. Butler, J. Analogy of Religion. Anderson, C. Annals of the Bible. Annals of the Faith. Chalmers, T. Works. Annales de la Foi. Chalmers, T. Bridgewater Treatise. Aquinas (Thomas.) -Chillingworth, W. Works. Augustinl, MIilleloquium Veritatis. Colebrooke, H. T. Religious CeremoAu-ustini) Milelouiunies of the Hindus. Babbage, C. See Bridgewater Treatise. Colebrooke, H. T. Vedas of the Hindus. Bacon, P. (Ld.) MeditationesSacre. Concordantia Sacrorum Bibliorum, 1649. Bakewell,'. C. evidence of a Future Cotton's Exposition of Ecclesiastes. Life. Cousin, V. See Abelard, P. Bell, C. See Bridgewater Treatise. Cruden, A. Concordance. Bentley, R. Confutation of Atheism. Dwight, T. Theology. Bible, in German. Bible, in Burmese. Eliot, J. Indian Bible. Bible, in English. Biblia Sacra, 1573. Hall, R. Works. Biblia Sacra, 1663. Hamilton, H. Supreme Being demonBiblia Sacra, 1664. strated. Biblia Sacra. Ebraice, Chaldaice, Gra.ce, Hooker, R. Works. Latine, Germanice, Saxonice. Home, T. H. On the Scriptures. Bjornstjerna. Theogony of the Hin- Hughes, T. S. Eternity of the World. doos. Hurd, R. (Bp.) Sermons on the ProphBridgewater Treatise, I. Chalmers, T. ecies. Bridgewater Treatise, II. Kidd, J. Hutter, E. Biblia Sacra. Bridgewater Treatise, IHI. Whewell, W. Jerome (Saint.) Works, 1623. Bridgewater Treatise, IV. Bell, C. Josephus, F. Works. Bridgewater Treatise, V. Roget, P. M. Bridgewater Treatise, VI. Buckland, Kidd, J. Bridgewater Treatise. W. Kirby, W. Bridgewater Treatise. Bridgewater Treatise, VII. Kirby, W. Bridgewater Treatise, VIII. Prout, W. Leicester, F. Universal Salvation. Bridgewater Treatise, IX. Babbage, C. Pamphlets, vol. 28. Brougham, (Ld.) Natural Theology. Leland, J. View of Deistical Writers. Browne, Sir T. Religio Medici. Letter from a Jew to a Christian. Buchanan, F. Religionof the Burmas. Lewis, T. Plato against the Atheists. Buckland, W. Bridgewater Treatise. Locke, J. On the Epistles of St. Paul. urnet, (Bishop.) Exposition. Lockc, J. On Toleration. 822 THEOLOGY. Locke, J. Reasonableness of Christi- Sale, G. The Koran. anity. Scriptures. Letter on Revising. Lyttleton (Ld.) Conversion of St. Paul. Swedenborg, E. Religious Works. Mohawk Language. St. John's Gospel. Taylor, (Bishop.) Works. Testament, New; in Armenian-BenNieuport, G. H. Rituum, &c. ga'li'-English - German - HindusNoah, M. Book of Jasher. ta'ni'-Oriya-Persian-Sanscrit. Tillotson, (Archbishop.) Works. Officium Beathe Mariae. Upham, E. Sacred Books of Ceylon. Paley, W. Evidences of Christianity. Paley, W. Horse Paulinae. Warburton, W. (Bp.) Divine Legation. Paley, W. Natural Theology. Warburton, W. (Bp.) Correspondence Paley, W. Sermons. on the Divine Legation. Patterson, J. D. On the Hindu Religion. Wesley, J. Address to the Clergy. Protestant Confessions. Whewell, W. Bridgewater Treatise. Prout, W. See Bridgewater Treatise. Whewell, W. Indications of the CreaPsalterium Davidis, et Libri Sapien- tor. tales. Wilford, F. Sacred Isles of the West. Wiseman, N. Twelve Lectures. Roget, P. M. See Bridgewater Trea- Witherspoon, J. Works. tise. 2. Religious History, and Controversial Divinity. Acosta, E. Societate Jesu. Bossuet, J. B. Protestant Churches. Acosta, J. De Promulgatione Evang,, Boston. Fraternity of Churches. &c. Boston. See Missions. Adams, H. Dictionary of all Religions. Boudinot, E. Star in the West. Adams, J. Q. See Adams, Mrs. Bourdaloe. Oeuvres. Age of Reason. Bowden, J. Episcopacy. Alden, Rev. T. Indian Missions. Bower, A. History of the Popes. Alletz. Intelligence Humaine. Brainerd, D. Journal. American Baptist Magazine. British Bible Society. See Owen,'J. American Bible Society. History. See Brown, J. Sermon. Stiiclland, W. P. Brown, T. Account of the Shakers. American Bible Society. Reports. Brown, W. Antiquities of the Jews. American and Foreign Bible Society. Browning, W. S. Hugenots. Reports. Brownlee, W. C. On the Civil Oath. American Home Missionary Journal. Buchanan, C. Sermons. American Home Missionary Society. Buchanan, C. Researches. Reports. Bunyan, J. Pilgrim's Progress. American Protestant Association. Ad- Burnet, G. History ofthe Reformation. dress. Butler, C. Roman Catholic Church. American Tract Society. Proceedings. Butler, C. Catholics since the ReformaAmerican Tract Society. Reports. tion. American Tracts. See. Anabaptists. Caveat against. Cary, S. Pamphlets, vol. 42. Andreus, (Rev. Mr.) Sermon. 1770. Cerri, U. Etat Present de l'EgliseRoArgyll, (Duke.) Prebsytery Examined. maine. Chalmers, T. Posthumous Works. Backus, I. Sermons. Chandler, T.' B. Defence. Backus, I. Baptists. Channing, W. E.'Works. Bacon, L. Discourses. Channing, W. E. Pamphlets, vol. 43. Beasley, F. Search after Truth. Chauncy, C. Seasonable Thoughts. Bede. Ecclesiastical History. Cheever, G. B.:Pilgrim's Progress. Beecher, L. Pamphlets, vol. 25. Christian Palladium. Belcher, J. Clergy of America. Church Government. Benedict, D. Baptist Denomination. Churchin Narraganset. SeeUpdike,'W. Benezet. Pamphlets, vol. 30. Church Review. (The.) Bennett, J. C. Mormonism.'Clap, (Rev. Theodore.) Trial of. 1833. Berkley, G. Works. Clap, T. Constitutions of Colleges. Berrian, W. Trinity Church. Cockayne. O. History of the Jews. Bibliotheca Sacra, (Review.) Coit, T. W.'Puritanism. Bingham, H. Sandwich Islands. Coke, T. Missions. Blackburn, (Archdeacon.) Confessional. Coleman, L. Antiquities of the ChrisBlind. Guide to Devotion. tian Church. Book of Common Prayer. Commentary on the Bible. Borrow, G. Bible in Spain. Confessional.' See Blackburne. Boscana. Jesuit Missions. Confessional. Letter to the Author. THEOLOGY. 823 Consilii Tridentini Canines. Haven, J. Sermon. Colton, J. Churches in New England. Hawkins, E. Church of England MisCouncil of Trent. See Sarpi, F. P. sions. Coxe, J. R. Recollection of Friends, &c. Hawks, F. L. Eccles. History. Cumming, H. Divinity of Christ. Hawks' Monuments of Egypt. Cushman, R. Dangers of Self-Love. Hazen, J. See Christian Palladium. Hebrew Monarchy. Dablon, C. Relation, &c. Heckewelder, J. Mission among the Dalcho, F. Episcopal Church in South Indians. Carolina. Heurnius, J. De Legatione EvangeliDaubeny, C. On declining a connection ca ad Indos. with the Bible Society. Hewley, J. Sermon. Pamphlets, vol. 25. Davidson, R. Presbyterian Church. Higgins, G. On keeping the Sabbath. Decanvers, H. C Refutation of Metho- Hobart, J. H. Apostolic Order. dism. Hodge, C. Presbyterian Church. Decretales, D. Gregorii, Papae IX. Holmes. See Wigglesworth. Dewey, O. Works. Hooker, R. Ecclesiastical Polity. DeWette, W. M.L. Skeptic's Conver- Hooker, T. Church Discipline. sion. Hughes, T. S. On keeping the Sabbath. Doddridge, P. Correspondence. Humphrey, D. Propagation of the GosDuche, J. Discourses. pel. Duche, J. Spiritual and Temporal Li- Hyde. Historia Religionis. berties. Duns Scotus, Scriptum. 1520. Index Expurgatorius. Dutch Church. Acts and Proceedings. Dutch Church. See Magazine. James, D. On the Divinity of Christ. Dymond, J. Enquiry, &c. Jansenius, Doctrina Sancti Augustini. Jay, W., and Nott, S. Prize Essays on Edwards, J. Narrative. the Sabbath. Edwards, J. Sermon. Jesuits. Brief Account of the Order. Edwards, J. Works. Jesuits. Marchands, Usuriers, &c. Edwards and Park. See Bibliotheca Sa- Jesuits. Missions and Travels. See era. Voyages, &c. Emerson. See Wigglesworth. Jesuits. Persecution by. Emerson, W. First Church in Boston. Jesuits. Missions. Emmons, N. Pamphlets, vol. 25. Jesuits. See Acosta. Episcopacy. Essays on. Jesuits. Travels. Epistolae Indice. Jesuit Missions. See Murr. Epistole Japonicoe. Jesuit Missions. De l'Amerique. Evangelical Alliance. Jesuit Relations. Jesuits, Relation abregee concernant les. Faber, G. S. Vallenses and Albigenses. Jews. Mission of Inquiry to the. Felltham, O. Resolves. Jews. See Hebrew Monarchy. Fenelon, (Archbishop.) Oeuvres. Jones, W. Christian Church. Flacius Illyricus. Centurie Magdebur- Jowitt, W. Christian Researcies. genses. Junkin, D. X. The Oath a Divine:OrdiFox, J. Book of Martyrs. nance. Friends. See Missions. Junkin, G. Vindication, &c. Friends. Pamphlets, vol. 24. Friends, (Society.) Truth Vindicated. Kean, L. On the Divinity of Christ. Kip, W. I. Holidays in Rome. Galatini De Arcanis Cathol. Veritatis. Kip, W.I. Jesuit Missions. Gammell's American Baptist'Missions. Kip, W. I. Visit to Nashotah. Gieseler, J. C. I. Ecclesiastical History. Gill, J. Predestination Stated. Lalemant, H. Relation, &c. Gillard, D. Future Happiness of In- Lalemant P. J. Missions. fants. Leclerq, P. C. Relation. Greek Ecclesiastical Historians. Le Mercier, P. F. Missions. Greenleaf, J. Ecclesiastical History of Le Roux De Lincy. Maine. Lingard, J. Anglo-Saxon Church. Greenleaf, J. History of the Churches. Loftus, S. Reply to Gibbon. Griffin, E. D. Sermons. Lombard (Peter.) Sententine. Gurney, J. J. Peculiarities of the So- Lord, H. Foreign Sects in the EastInciety of Friends, dies. Gustavus First of Sweden. Ordinances. Loskiel, J. H. Mission. Loys. Oeuvres Spirituelles. Hall, E. The Puritans. Lunt, W. P. Discourses. Hall, R. Pamphlets, vols. 25, 39. Luther, M. See Meurer. Hampden, (Bishop.) Sermons. Harcourt, L. V. Doctrine of the Deluge. Macdonald, J.M. Church in Jamaica, Harris, J. Pre-Adamite Earth. Magazine. Reformed Dutch Church. 824 THEO LO G Y Magistris. See Jesuit Relations. Princeton Review. Marriage and Divorce. Protestant Episcopal Church, NewMarsden, J. Mission. York Journals of the Conventions. Mather, C. Magnalia. Protestant Episcopal Church, U. S. ProMatheson, J. See Reed. ceedings of the Board of Missions. McCoy, J. Baptist Missions. McCrie, T. Reformation in Italy. Ragueneau, P. P. Hospitaliere. McCrie, T. Reformation in Spain. Ragueneau, P. P. Missions. McEwen. Pamphlets, vol. 25. Ranke, L. History of the Popes. Medhurst, W. H. China. Ravenscroft, J. S. Works. Mercier, F. Relation, &c. Reed, A. Visit to the American ChurMercier, F. J. Relation, &c. ches. Methodist Episcopal Church. Minutes Relation. See Lalemant, Ragueneau, of Conference. Mercier. Middleton, C. Free Inquiry. Relation. Missions. Miller, J. Pamphlets, vol. 25. Richardson, N. S. See Church Review. Milman, H. History of Christianity. Robinson, E. Biblical Researches. Milton, J. Prose Works. Robinson, E. See Bibliotheca Sacra. Minutes of the General Assembly of the Roger, P. L'Albigeois. Presbyterian Church. Ronde, L. de. Principles of the ChrisMissions. American Board. Reports. tian Religion. Missions. American, to the Heathen. Ronde, L. de. Sermons in Low Dutch. Missions. Boston City Society. Ronde, L. de. Spiritual Religion. Missions Report on. Ross, A. Les Religions du Monde. Missions Society of Friends. Rutherfurd, S. Survey of Mr. Hooker's Missionary Chronicle. Church Discipline. Missionary Herald. Moehler, J. A. Symbolism. Sarpi, Fra Paolo. Council of Trent. Moffat, R. Missionary Labors. Schott, C. H. Augsburgh Confession. Moravians. Church Missions. Scott, W. Harmony of Phrenology, &c. Morell, J. D. Philosophy of Religion. Secker, T. (Ld. Bp.) Concerning BiMorse's Thanksgiving Sermon. shops in America. Mosheim, J. L. Ecclesiastical His'ory. Secker, T. (Ld. Bp.) See American Muratori, L. A. Missions du Para- Tracts, vol. 3. guay. Sewell, W. History of the Quakers. Murr (C. G. Von.) Missionarien. Seymour, M. H. Jesuits at Rome. Shakers. View of the Millenial Church. Neal, D. History of the Puritans. Shuckford, S. Sacred and Profane HisNeander, A. History of the Christian tory. Religion. Smet, P. J. de. Oregon Missions. Nestorians of Persia. Mission. Smith, C. B. Philosophy of Reform. New England. Pages from History. Smith, W. American Tracts, vol. 6. New England. Company late gone for, Southey, R. Rise of Methodism. to their Brethren of the Church of Spirit of Missions. England. Spirit of the Pilgrims. New- ork Bible Society. Report. Spiritual Heroes. See Stoughton, J. New-York City Bible Society. Pamph- Spotwood's History Church of Scotland. lets, vol. 18. Squire. Answer to Independent Whig. New-York Evangelist. (Newspaper.) Stebbing, H. History of the Christian Noel, B. W. Church and State. Church. Stebbing, H. History of the ReformaOccum, S. Indian Missionary. tion. Owen, J. British and Foreign Bible Stephens, A. Memorials of Methodism. Society. Stoughton, J. Spiritual Heroes. Strickland, W. P. American Bible SoPaluelle. Cas de Conscience. ciety. History. Pamphlets. (Sermons, &c.) See Pam- Strong, N. Sermon. Pamphlets, vol. phlets, vol. 25, 28. 25. Panoplist. Strype, J. Annals of the Reformation. Parker, T. Sermon. Stuart, M. Pamphlets, vol. 25. Pearson, H. Christianity in India. Swedenborg, E. Pamphlets, vol. 25. Pelleprat, P. Relation, &c. Sydow, A. Scottish Church Question. Perkins, J. Nestorian Christians. Philadelphia Tract Society. Report. Tennant, W. Thoughts on India. Presbyterian Church. Seminary at Thackeray, F. Ancient Britain. Princeton. Thompson, T. Missionary Voyages. Presbyterian Church, U. S. Minutes. Trinity Church Pamphlets. Presbyterian Church, U. S. Records. Presbyterian Church, U.S. See Hodge. Unitarians. Objections to bill for their Prince, T. Sermon-Victory of Cullo- Relief. den. Updike, W. Church in Narraganset. T I E L O G Y 825 Van Espen. Tractatus, Historico-Cano- Westminster Assembly of Divines. nicus. White, W. (Bp.) Protestant Episcopal Van Vlierden. Sermon. Church. Vestiges of Creation. Wigglesworth, (Dr.) Sober Remarks. Vimont, B. Relation, &c Whitlock, H. Pamphlets, vol. 25. Von Schmidt-Phiseldek, C. F. Europe Whittier, J. G. Supernaturalism. and America. Wilberforce, S. Episcopal Church. Wilford, F. Christian Religion in InWaterland, D. Arian Subscription con- dia. sidered. Williams, J. Missionary Enterprises. Waylan, E. Ecclesiastical Reminiscen- Witherspoon, J. Miscellaneous Works. ces. Wodrow, R. Church of Scotland. Wesleyan Preachers. See West. West, J. Mission to the Indians. Young, A. First Planters of MassachuWest, R. Sketches of Wesleyan Preach- setts Bay. ers,, CLA~SS I. GOVERNMENT AND POLITICAL ECONOMY. 1. Political Science and Politics. Abella, M. Historia de Espana. Bentlam, J. Theory of Legislation. Adams, J. Canon and Fudal Law. Bernard, (Gov.) Letters to the MinisAdams, J. Correspondence. try. Adams, J. Discourses. Bernard, (Gov.) Trade, &c. Adams, J. Letters. Bignon, M. Les Cabinets et les PeuAdams, J. Sovereignty of the U. S. ples. Adams, J. See Novanglus, &c. Bird. J. Letter to Lord Beauclerc. Adams, J. Q. See Canada Tracts. Blanchard, J. Slavery. Adams, J. Q. Jubilee of the Constitu- Bland, R. British Colonies. tion. Blosseville. Colonies Penales D'AngleAdams, J. Q. Letters. terre. Adams, J. Q. Pamphlets. Vol. 44. Blue Book. United States Official ReAdams, J. Q. Weights and Measures. gister. Addison, J. The Freeholder. Blue Laws of Connecticut. &c. Addison (Judge.) Pamphlets. Vol. 41. Bolingbroke, (Ld.) Works. Adolphus, J. British Empire. Boston. Common Council. Allen, E. See Vermont Controversy. Boston. Fire Department. Allyn, J. Pamphlets, vol. 46. Boston. Municipal Register. American Archives. Bowles, W. L. Increase of Crimes. American Colonies. Bowring, J. Prisons in Spain, &c. American Revolution. Essays. Brackenridge, H. M. On South AmeAmerican Revolution. De Tumultibus, rica. &c. Brackenridge, H. H. Pennsylvania InAmerican Tracts. surrection. Ames, Fisher. Works. Bradford, A. On Government. Answer to Declaration of Congress. Brazil. Constituicao Politica. Anti-Jacobin. Brazil. Negocians du Bresil, &c. Anti-Slavery Documents. Brinckerhoff, J. Wilmot Proviso. Aristides. Burr's Conspiracy. Brisbane, A. On Association. Armstrong on Capital Punishment. Brissot de Warville. France and the Atcheson, N. Points, &c. in Treating United States. with the U. S. British Colonies. Policy of Great Britain. Bacon, F. (Ld.) Essays, (Civil.) British Treaty. Bacon. F. (Ld.) New Atlantis. British Tyranny. Pamphlets, vol. 13. Balance of Power in Europe. Brougham (Lord.) Colonial Policy. Baltimore Riot. Brougham (Lord.) French Revolution. Barancourt, P. de. Politiques des Nor- Brougham (Lord.) Political Philosomans. phy. Barancourt. Emancipation, &c. Brougham (Lord.) Speech on the Law. Barlow, J. Political Writings. Brougham (Lord.) Speeches on Public Barnes, G. Rights of the Imperial Crown Rights. of Ireland. Brownlee, W. C. The Civil Oath. Barruel, (l'Abbb.) Memoirs of Jacobin- Buenos Ayres. Bourbon King, &c. ism. Bulwer, H. L. France-Political, &c. Bastial, F. Protective Policy. Burgh, J. Political Disquisitions. Beaumelle, M. V. A. la. De l'Emplre Burgoyne (Lt. Gen.) LettertoConstitudu Bresil. ents. Beaumont, de, etde Toequeville. Peni- Burgbyne (Lt. Gen.) Letter to. tentiary System. Burgoyne (Lt. Gen.) Reply to Letter. Bell, H. N. Huntingdon Peerage. Burke, E. To the Freemen of South Bentham's Works. Carolina. Bentham, J. Constitutional Code. Burke, E. On American Affairs. Bentham, J. Defence of Usury. Burke, E. On Concilliation. Bentham, J. Fragment on Government. Burke, E. On the Quebec Bill. POLITICAL SCIE.NCE AND POLITICS. 827 Burke, E. Pamphlets, vol. 34. Constitution of the UnitedStates. PamBurke, E. French Revolution. phlets, vol. 19. Burke E. Natural Society. Cook, E. On the Usury Laws. Burke, W. South America. Cooper, J. F. The American Democrat. Burleigh, J. B. American Manual. Cooper, J.F. On the Mackenzie Court Burr, A. Cheetham's Letters. Martial, Butler, B. Constitutional History. Corkran, J. F. Constituent Assembly of Butler, C. On Impressing Seamen. France. Buxton, T. F. On Prison Discipline. Council of Appointment of New^York. Byrd, W. Westover Manuscripts. Courier, P. Oeuvres. Byrdsall, F. Equal Rights Party. Courtney, T. P. See British Treaty. Crawford and Russell. Report on PriCalhoun, J. C. Correspondence. sons. Calhoun, J. C. Political Events. Croswell, H. Trial. Camp, G. S. Democracy. Croswell, H. Pamphlets, vol. 45. Canada. Petition to the King. Cunningham Correspondence. Canadian Freeholder. Candor, to the Public Advertiser. Dallas, A. J. On the War of 1812. Capefigue, M. Diplomatists. Dalrymple. J. Rights of Great Britain. Capital Punishment. Report, House of Dane, M. Massachusetts State Prisons. Commons. Pamphlets, vol. 45. Capital Punishment. Strictures on. Davenant, C. Political Works. Carey, H. C. The Past, Present and Daviess, J. H. Pamphlets, vol. 34. Future. Demeunier, J. N. Economie Politique. Carey, M. Olive Branch. D'Estrades, M. le. Lettres. Carey, M. New Olive Branch. De Witt, J. Political Maxims. Carey, M. Vindicia Hibernica. Dickinson, J. Essays. Carlton, G. Pamphlets, vol. 13. Dickinson, J. Lettres d'un Fermier de Carlyle, T. Cromwell's Letters. Pensylvanie. Carnot, M. Memorial to the King. Dickinson, J. Political Writings. Cartwright, J. Rights of the Commu- Dickinson, J. Power of Great Rritain nity. over the Colonies. Ceba, A. The Citizen of a Republic. Dix, J. A. Pamphlets, vol. 22. Chandler, T. W. Appeal Defended. Dix, Miss D. L Prison Discipline. Charmilly, C. Answer to Edwards. Doleman, R. Crown of England. Chateaubriand. On the Censorship. Duane, W. 3. Pamphlets, vol. 41. Cheever, G. On Capital Punishment. Duigenan, P. Answer to Grattan. Christie, R. Lower Canada. Dulaney. Taxes in America. Chumacero y Cavillo. Dummer, J. Defence of Charters. Clarendon. State Papers. Duncan, Mr. On Executive Power. Clark, A. Parliamentary Practice. Duvergier de Hauranne. Politique de Clark, D. Corruption of Gen. Wilkin- la France. son. Clarke, W. French Encroachments. Edwards, B. Thoughts on Government. Olarkson, T. I. Le Cri des Africains. Ellis, R. British Tariff. 2. Traite des Negres. English Politics. See Tracts. Clavel, R. Dominion on British Seas Erskine, T. Pamphlets, vol. 34. Asserted. Estrada, A. F. Disensiones de la AmerClaviere. See Brissot de Warville. ica con Espana. Clinton anid Cornwallis. Eustace, J. S. Pamphlets, vol. 33. Cobbett, W. Pamphlets, vols. 40, 46. Everett, A. H. America. Cobbett, W. Letter. Everett, A. H. Europe. Colonies. Debats dans l'Affairedes Co- Exposition of the Weakness of the U. lonies. S. Government. Colonies. Droit Public des Colonies, &c. Colonies. Pamphlets, vol. 12. Falconer, T. Boundary of the United Colonization Society. Reports. States. Colquhoun, P. Police of the Metropo- Faleoner, T. The Oregon Question, lis. Farnham, Mrs. See Sampson. Colquhoun, P. Police, &c., of the Fauchet. Pamphlets, vol. 19. Thames. Federalist, by Hamilton, Madison and Colton, C. Public Economy. Jay. Congressional Directory. Pamphlets, Federalist. Le Federalist&. vol. 17. Feltham, O. Resolves. Connecticut, in 1774. Ferguson, A. Civil Society. Connecticut. Controversy. Ferris, B. Delaware Settlement. Connecticut. Gore Title. Field, J. Pris3n Discipline. Connecticut. Western Reserve.. Field, R. Provincial Courts. N. JerConstant, B. IH. de. The Liberty of the sey. Press. Filmer, Sir R. Freeholder's Grand Inquest. 828 Go VERNMENT Filmer, Sir R. Origin of Government. Haines, C. G. Council of Appointment. Filmer, Sir R. Patriarcha. Hamilton, A. Character of John AdFindley, W. Pennsylvania Insurrec- ams. tion. Hamilton, A. Pamphlets, vols. 41, 42. Fitch, (Gov.) Taxation of British Co- Hamilton, A. Reports. lonies. Hammond, J. D. Political History. Fitzgerald, J. E. Hudson's Bay Com- liardie, J. American Remembrancer. pany. Harper, R. G. Correspondence. Forbes, R. Memoirs of the Rebellion. Harrington, J. Oceana, &c. Force, P. Tracts on America. Hartley, D. Letters. France. Constitution de la Republique Hassler. See Weights and Measures. Francaise. Hastings, H. P. Constitutional ReFrancis, Sir P. Policy towards Nor- form. way. Hasting's Impeachment. Franklin, B. Constitution de la Penn- Hazlitt, W. Political Essays. sylvania. Hebrew Monarchy. Franklin, B. On the Constitution of Hobbes, T. Government and Society. Pennsylvania. Hobbes, T. Leviathan. Franklin, B. Interrogatoire devant la Holford, G. Penitentiary at Millbank. Chambre des Communes. Howard, J. Prisons in England and Franklin, B. Interest of Great Britain. Wales. Franklin, B. Pamphlets, vol. 31. Howell, J. Government of Venice. Fregier, H. Classes Dangereuses. Hulseman, J. G. Geschichte der DemoFrench Charter. La Charte Verite. cratie von Nord America. French Constitution of 1793. Debates. Hume, D. Political Discourses. French Politician Found Out. Hurd, D. (Bp.) Political Dialogues. Hurlbut, E. P. Human Rights. Gallatin, A. See Oregon Question. Hurlbut, E. P. Civil Offices and PolitiGalloway, J. Examination. cal Ethics. Galloway. J. Letters. Hutchinson (Gov.) See American Galloway, J. Political Reflections. Tracts. Gammell, W. Pamphlets, vol. 17. Hutchinson (Gov.) and Lt. Gov. Oliver. Gardenier, B. Examiner. See American Tracts. Gardiner, J. S. J. Sermons. Pamphlets, vols. 43, 46. Impressment. Great Britain and AmeriGentz, F. von. Liberty of the Press. ca. Georgia. Letters of Sicilius. Impressment. Essay on the Practice. Georgia. Land Purchase. Indian Bill. Speeches. Georgia. State of the Province. Interest of Great Britain to her Colonies. Gibbs, G. Washington and Adam's Ad- See Franklin, B. ministrations. Izard (Gen.) Official Correspondence. Gibraltar. Royal Charter. Gifford, J. Political Life of William Jardine D. Criminal Trials. See Lib. Pitt. E. K. Gifford, J. Pamphlets, vol. 46. Jay, J. The Federal Constitution. Giles, W. B. Political Miscellanies. Jay, Sir J. Letters. See American Glenelg's Despatches. Tracts. Goerres. Germany and the Revolution. Jay's Treaty. Resolutions. Goguet. Origin of Laws. Jay's Treaty. See Pamphlets. vol. 19. Goldsmith, L. Pamphlets, vol. 34. Jee, T. On the Management of the Good, J. M. On the Tread-Wheel. Poor. Goussard, E. De la Cour Des Comptes, Jefferson, T. French Influence. See &c. also American Tracts. Gouy d'Arry. Lettre du Comite Colo- Jenkins, J. S. Political History. nial de France, &c. Jesse, J. H. The Pretenders. Granger, G. Vindication. Jewett, C. C. Duties on Books. Great Britain. Interest inher Colonies. Johnson, Sir W. Indian Treaties. Great Britain. Reponse aux Ministres Johnson, Sir W. Conferences and Tread'Angleterre. ties. Greenhow, R. Northwest Coast of Am- Johnson, W. R. Report on American erica. Coal. Grenville, G. Taxes of the Colonies. Junius' Letters. Gregoire (M.) De la Liberte de Con- Juvenile Delinquent's Society of Newscience. York. Reports. Griffith, W. American Colonies. Grimke, F. Free Institutions. Kendall, J. Pamphlets, vol. 43. Guizot, M. Democracy in France. King, P. Wilmot Proviso. Gurney, J. J. Visit to Prisons in Scot- Kirk, J. Roman Catholic Principles. land. Knight's Political Dictionary. Guyane. Sur la Guyane Francaise. Knox, V. Spirit of Despotism. POLITICAL SCIENCE AND POLITICS. 829 Knox, W. American Tracts, vol. 2. Montague, B. On the Punishment of Koster, H. Amelioration of Slavery. Death. Monteagudo, B. Peruvian Government. Lampredi. Du Commerce des Neutres. Montgomery, Gen. Et le Prince d'Or Leavitt, J. C. Cheap Postage. ange. Entretiens. Leckie, G. F. Practice of the British More, Sir T. Utopia. Government. Moreau, C. Prisons of Great Britain. Leggett, W. Political Writings. Morisot, C. B. Peruviana. Legion of Liberty and Force of Truth. Morris, R. Letter to Sir T. Ashton. Lettres, touchant l'Amerique Septentri- Musgrave, T. M. On the Balance of onale. Power. Lherbette, A. J. Le Fonctionnaire-Ci- N,. toyen. Neild,.. Prisons in England, &c. Lieber, F. On Education and Crime. Neutrals. Conduite de la France et de Lieber, F. On Penal Law. lPngleterre. Lieber, F. Political Ethics. New Crisis, by an Old Whig. Linn, W. Pamphlets, vol. 47. New England. Services and Sufferings. Livingston, W. (Gov.) Gouvernement New Hampshire Grants. d'Angleterre. New-York. Canal Policy delineated. Locke, J. Treatises of Government. New-York (City.) Manual. See ValLondon. Election of a Lord Mayor. entine. London. Livery Men justified. New-York (City.) Water CommissionLord Mansfield's Speech, on Duties and ers. ~Exports,~ ~New-York (Colony.) Journal of the Exports, Loring, Capt. Pamphlets, vol. 33. Dutch Commissioners. Lotteries. Report on the Evils of. New-York. Democratic Convention for Lovell, J. Pamphlets, vol. 36. 1849. Luckey, J. Prison Secrets. New-York. House of Refuge Reports. Lyman, T. Jun. Diplomacy of the See State Prisons. United States. New-York. Prison Association of, Reports. New-York. Legislative Manual. Mably, G. B. de. Gouvernement des New-York. Report on Common Schools. Etats-Unis. New-York and Massachusetts. Macauley, C. Address to the People of New-York State Prisons. Reports. England. New-York Documentary History. Ses Macentyre, J. Aristocracies. Brodhead. Maclean, C. Quarantine Laws. New-York State Lunatic Asylum. Maclure, W. Opinions, &c. Nichols, J. Recollections. Maconochie, Capt. On Punishment. Noel, S. B. J. Am-rique Espainole. M'Cullagh, W.'1'. History of Free N'- Novanglus and Massachusettensis. tions. M'Culloch, J. K. Taxation, &c. Office Holders. Pamphlets, vol. 18. Madhouses, in England. Report on Onslow (Sergeant.) On the Liberty of Maistre, M. de. Political Constitutions. the Subject. Masonry. Proceedings of Convention Oregon Question. opposed to. Ortiz, T. Mexico Considerado, &c. Massachusetts. Governor's Speeches. O'Sullivan, J. L. Report. Massachusetts Bay. Proceedings. Massachusetts Bay. See New-York. Paine, T. Common Sense. Massachusetts. Births, Marriages, &c. Paine, T. Political Writings. Massachusetts. Insurance Companies. Paine, T. Droits de Homme. Massachusetts. Mechanics Association. Paine, T. Lettre a lAbbe Raynal. Massachusetts. Overseers of the Poor. Paine, T'. Letter. Mayer (M. de) Les Ligues Acheenne, Paine, T. Pamphlets, vos 40, 41. Suisse, et Hollandois, &c. Pakenham, R. See Oregon Question. Mayo, R. Political Sketches. Paley, W. Pamphlets, vol. 43. Medford, M. Pamphlets, vol. 44. Pamphleteer Meredith, E. A. See Oregon Question. P eau, LJ. Speech. Mexico. Constitution Federative. apineau, L. peech. Mexico. Constitution Ftederative. Parish (Dr.) Pamphlets, vol. 42. Mexico. Tracts, &c. Parliament. Session for 1825. Middleton, C. On the Roman Senate. Pastoret (Le Comte.) Histoire de LeMillar, J. Observations on Society. gislation. Millar, J. On the English Govern- Pazos V. Letter on SouthAmerica. ment. Penitentiary System. Prison Discipine Milton, J. Prose Works. Society. Reports. Mirabeau. Sur lOrdre de Cincinnatus. Penitentiary System. Thoughts on Monroe, J. (Pres.) View of the Con- Prison Labor. duct of the Executive. Pennsylvania. Case of John Smith. Monroe's View of the Conduct of the Pennsylvania. Letter on t..e State Executive. Refleetions. Debt. [STATE LIBRARY.] 52 830 GO vER NME NT. Pennsylvania. Penitentiary Reports. Ricardo, D. Works. Pennsylvania. Penitentiary System. Robinson, W. D. View of Spanish AmePennsylvania. Deaf and Dumb. Re- rica. ports. Robinson, J. Proofs of a Conspiracy. Pennsylvania. State of the Province. Roebuck, J. A. Government of the Pennsylvania. See Prison and House of Canadas. Refuge. Reports. Roebuck, J. A. Pamphlets for the Philadelphia. Des Prisons de Philadel- People. phia. Roland (Madame.) Appeal to Posterity. Philadelphia. See Prison and House Romilly, Sir S. Speech, on the Slave of Refuge Reports. Trade Philadelphia. House of Refuge Reports. Root, E. (Lt. Gov.) Address. Pamphlets, vols. 16, 20. Rousset de Missy, J. Les Interets de Pickering, T. Review. Puissances de l'Europe. Pickering, T. Pamphlets, vol. 44. Royer, M. Credit Foncier. Pieces. Justificatives. Rumford (Count.) Political Essays. Pieces. Officielles. Saintard, M. Roman Politique. Plain Truth on sCommon Sense." Saint-Domingue. Du Seul Parti aPrenPoetry of the Anti-Jacobin. dre a l'Egard de. Police de Roulage. Saint-Domingue. Le Cri d'un Colon de. Polidori, J. W. On the Punishment of Sampson, M. B. Rationale of Crime. Death. Seabury (Dr.) Free Thoughts. Political Mirror. Secret Societies of the Middle Ages, Political Tracts. ~See Lib. E. K. Poor Law. Commissioners' Reports. Sergeant, J. Speeches. Porter, E. Pamphlets, vol. 42. Sewall, J. The American Contest. Port-Folio. Diplomatic Review. Sewall, J. See Novanglus, &c. Post-Offices in the United States. Shipley, J. (Bp.) Intended Speech on Powers, G. Letter on the Auburn State Massachusetts Charters. Prison. Simons, J. Pamphlets, vol. 39. Pownall, T. (Gov.) Administration of Slave Trade. Suggestions by Homo. the Colonies. Slave Trade. See Romilly, Sir S. Pownall, T. (Gov.) Memorial on Ame- Slave Trade. Pamphlets, vol. 39. rica. Smith, G. W. Defence of Solitary ConPownall, T. (Late Gov.) Description finement. of certain parts of America. Societe pour le Patronage des jeunes Poyais. Pamphlets, vol. 15. Liberes. Pradt, M. de. Des Trois derniers Mois Spanish Constitutions. du Bresil. Spanish Insurrections. Pradt, M. de. L'Europe et L'Ameri- Spencer, J. C. On Mr. Upshur's Review, que. &c. Pradt, M. de. Congress of Vienna. Stael-Holstein. French Revolution. Pradt, M. de. England and Russia. Stamp Act. See American Colonies. Presidents' Messages. Stephen, J. War in Disguise. Price, R. American Revolution. Story, J. Constitutional Class Book. Price, R. American Tracts. Stroud, G. M. Slavery in the United Price, R. Observations on Civil Liberty. States. Price, R. Pamphlets, vol. 32. Stuart Papers. Correspondence, &c. Priest, J. Negro Slavery. Sullivan, J. L. Pamphlets, vols. 44, 45. Prison Discipline. Enquiry. Susquehannah Case. Prison Discipline, and House of Refuge Susquehannah Case. Title. Reports. Supreme Court, U. S. Gibbons and OgPrison Discipline Journal. den Case. Prison Discipline in France. Pamphlets, Swift, J. Law a Bottomless Pit. vol. 20. Sydney, A. On Government, &c. Pultney, V. American Affairs. Talleyrand (Citizen.) Pamphlets,vol. 34. PutnamC G. R. American Facts. Tallmadge, J. Missouri Question. Tax List. Lands Sold for Taxes. Quarantine Laws. Report. Taylor, J. Constitutions Vindicated. uebec Papers. Proceedings, &c. Taylor, J. of Caroline. New Views. Tazewell, L. W. Review of NegotiaRandolph, E. Pamphlets, vol. 19. tions. Rathbun, G. Wilmot Proviso. Temple, Sir W. Original of GovernRaynal (The Abbe.) Revolution of Ame- ment. rica. Tennant, W. Thoughts on India. Reeves, J. Ante-Nati, not Aliens. Texas. On its Annexation. Registrar General (of England.) Re- Theller, E. A. Canada. ports. Thompson's Autograph Bank Nole De. Remembrancer. American. tector. Revans, J. Evils of Ireland. Thompson's Coin Chart Manual. Revolution. What is a Revolution I Thurloe, Jo State Papers. POLITICAL ECONOMYS STATISTICS, FINANCE. 831 Tobago. Addresse a PAssemblee Na. War of 1812. Anticipation, &c. tionale. War of 1812. Documents. Tochman, G. Poland and Russia. War in Disguise. Pamphlets, vol. 33. Tocqueville, A. de. Democracy in Ame- Ward, R. P. Revolution of 1688. rica. Warden, D. B. Consular EstablishToledo, J. A. de, Objectiones Satisfac- ments. torias, &c. Warden, D. B. Etablissemens ConsulTracts. American. aires. Tracts. English. Water (in Cities.) See Boston. Trinidad. Political account of. Webster, D. Speeches. Trotter, A. Credit of the States. Webster, D. Vindication. Trumbull,R. Connecticut Title to Lands, Webster, D. Diplomatic Papers. Trumbull, S. Patriot. Webster, D. Pamphlets, vol. 22. Tucker, J. Address and Appeal. Webster, D. North-Eastern Boundary Tucker, J. Letters, &c. Question. Tucker, J. True Interest of Britain. Webster, N. Political Progress of BriTurreau, Gen.. Situation des Etats-Unis. tain. Twiss, T. Oregon Question. Weights and Measures. United States. Arnry List; Army Re- West Point. See Park, and Military gister; Military Academy. Academy. United States and Great Britain. Tracts. Whately, R. On Punishments. United States, in Congress Assembled. Wheeler, H. G. History of Congress. Pamphlets, vol. 13. Whelock, E. Indian Charity School. United States Naval Chronicle. See Wilkes, J. North Briton. Goldsborough. Wilkins, I. Alarm, &c. Usury Explained, &c. Wilkins, I. American Tracts, vol. 7. Vacher. Parliamentary Companion. Williams, E. Statesman's Manual. Valentine, D. T. Manual of the New- Williams, E. SeePresidentVs Messages. York Corporation. Williams, S. W. Chinese Government. Varnum, J. Seat of Government. Wilmot, (Mr.) Restriction of Slavery. Venezuela. Acte d'Independence. Pamphlets, vol. 22. Venezuela. Official Documents. Wing, C. Evils of the Factory System. Vermont Controversy. Witherspoon, J. Authority of ParliaVictoria (Queen) and Louis Philippe. ment. Wadstrom, C. B. Colonization. Wolcott, O. Pamphlets, vol. 39. Walpole's Grant on the Ohio. Wood, J. John Adams' Administration. Walpole, H. Letters. Workman, J. Political Essays. Walsh, R. Correspondence. 2. Political Economy, Statistics, Finance, Joney, Banking. Adshead, J. Prisons and Prisoners. Berrial, S-. P. Rentes, &c. Albany. Census. Blind. Pamphlets, vol. 18. Alexander, A. Colonization. Blodget, S. Statistical Manual. Alison, A. Currency in England. Boeckh, A. Public Economy of Athens. Alison, A. Principles of Population. Boston. City Expenditures. American Statistical Association. Boston. Introduction of Water. Anderson, D. Importance of Canada. Boston and Hudson River Railroad. ReAnti-Masonic Documents. port. Armstrong, L. Capital Punishments. Bowring and Villiers. Commercial ReArnould, (M.) De la Balance du Corn- lations. merce. Bristed, J. Resources of the United Bache, A. D. Coast Survey. States. Bailey, S. Money and its Value. British Almanack and Companion. Balbi, A. Essai btatistique. British Colonies. Tracts. Banfield, T. C. Statistical Companion. British Treaty. Banking in America. See Gilbart, J.W. Brougham, (Ld.) Colonial Policy. Banking in Ireland. See Gilbart, J. W. Brun, J. B. Le Triomphe du Nouveau Bankl of England. Evidence on the Monde. Charter. Brydges, Sir E. What are Riches? Bank of England. See Francis, J. Banker's Magazine. Campbell, J. Survey of Great Britain. Banks in Massachusetts. See Massachu- Canals of New-York. Documents. setts. Capen. See Massachusetts-State ReBarhydt, D. P. Industrial Exchanges. cord. Barlow, W. Public Instruction. Caze, (M de.) Colonization de Guyane. Beaujour, F. de. Commerce of Greece. Carey, M. United States Bank. Beaumelle, M. V. A. la. De P'Empire Cayenne et Guyane. Brochures. du Bresil. Census of Albany, 1814. See Albany. Bell. G.M. On the Currency Question. Census of Boston. See Shattuck. 832 Gov ERNMENT. Census of New-York (State.) See New- Felt, J. B. Massachusetts Currency. York. Fleetwood, W. English Money. Census of the United States. Forgery of Bank Notes. Chalmers, G. Strength of Great Britain. Francheville. Histoire des Finances. Chalmers, G. United Kingdom. Francis, J. Bank of England. Chalmers, T. Political Economy. French Colonies. Expose, &c. Chickering, J. Statistics. French Colonies. Recueil, &c. Child, Sir J. Discourse on Trade. Cleland, J. Census of Glasgow and La- Gallatin, A. Finances of the United nark. States. Clinton, De Witt. Resources of New- Ganilh, C. Political Economy. York. Gautier, M. A. Statistiques. Cohen, B. Compendium of Finance. Gilbart, J W. Banking in America. Colby, (Col.) Survey of Londonderry. Gilbart, J. W. Banking in Ireland. Colquhoun,P. Commerceand Policeof Gilbert, D. On the Bullion Question. the Thames. Glasgow and Lanark. See Cleland, J. Colquhoun, P. Wealth of the British Goddard, T. H. Banks. Empire. Goodenow, S. Manual. Colton, C. Public Economy. Gourlay, R. Statistics of Upper Canada. Comber, W. T. National Subsistence. Gras, S. M. Statistique. Commerce. British Commerce with In- Great Britain. Interest in her Colonies. dia, &c. Great Britain. Leyes Inglesas, &c. Commerce. Tableau General de l'Eu- Great Britain. Population Returns. rope, &c. Greenleaf, M. Statistics of Maine. Comstock, J. L. Precious Metals. Grenville,G. Finances de l'Angleterre. Conolly, J. Hospitals. Corbet, T. Wealth of Individuals. Hall, J. Statistics of the West. Cotton, Sir R. Foreign War. Haines, C. G. On the Western Canal. Coxe, T. Arts and Manufactures. Hamilton, R. On the Debt of Great Crombie, (Dr.) Depreciation of Bank Britain. Notes. Hardcastle, D. Banks and Bankers. Crump, S. Employment for the People. Hazard's United States Register. Hogg, G. London as it is. Derby, P. M. H. De PlAgriculture. Holland. La Richesse de la Holland. De Hay, T. Les Colonies et la Metro- Huber, B. Apercu Statistique de Cuba. pole. Humboldt (A. de.) Fluctuations in De Hay, T. See Pamphlets, vol. 1. Gold. Demunier, J. N. Economie Politique, Hunt, F. Merchant's Magazine. &c. Depons, F. Rapports de la France, &c. Indes. Compagnie des. Brochures. De Quincy, T. Logic of Political Eco- Insurance Companies. See Massachunomy. setts. Dix, J. A. Resources of New-York Internal Navigation of the United States. City. Doubleday, T. Financial History of Jacob, W. Precious Metals. England. Jacob, W. View of Germany. Dubois, W. E. Coins of the U. States Jemmett, H. Observations on Mr. RiMint. cardo. Dugat. Pamphlets, vol. 16. Joplin, T. Political Economy' Duncombe, C. Free Banking. Journal of the Statistical Society of Dunlop, A. Political Economy. London. Dunlop, W. Statistics. Joyce, J. Analysis of Adam Smith. Dunn, J. Oregon Territory. Juarros, D. Historia de Guatemala. Dupont. Du Commerce et de la Com- Juarros, D. History of Guatemala. pagnie des Indes. Kane, R. Industrial Resources of IreEckfeldt, J. K. Gold and Silver Coins. land. Eisdell, J. S. Industry of Nations. Kellogg, E. Labor and Capital. Electro Magnetic Telegraph. See Wal- Kelly, P. Universal Cambist. ker. Ellis, R. British Tariff. Lauderdale, (Earl of.) On Public England. Essay upon Trade. Wealth. England. Memoirs, &c. Lauraguais, (le Comte de.) SurlaComEngland. The Draper's Pamphlet, &c. pagnie des Indes. England. The Draper's Reply. Lehigh Coal and Schuylkill Navigation Estancelin, M. Destruction des Bois. Company Reports. Pamphlets, vol. 23. Lescallier, D. Cultre des Terres Basses Everett, A. H. On Population. dans la Guyane. Lescallier, D. Moyens d'Administrer Farrella (M. de la.) Penitentiare. la Guyane. Pamphlets, vol. 16. POLITICAL ECONOMY) STATISTICS, FINANCE. 833 Lherbette, A. J. De la Liberte Cor- New-York. Laws relating to Eric and merciale. Champlain Canals. Lieber, F. Property and Labor. New-York. Prison Association. Locke, J. On Money, Interest, &c. New-York. Public Documents of CaLondon, Journal of the Statistical Soci- nals. ety of. North Carolina. International ExLouisiana. Sur la Louisiane. change. Lowe, J. Present State of England. O'Conner, A. C. Monopoly. Maclaren, C. Railways compared with Office Holders. Duties, &c. Canals. Onslow (Sergeant) Speech, on the Rate Malthus, T. R. On Population. of Interest. Malthus, T. R. Political Economy. Oregon Question. Marquet Vaselot. Ecole des Condam- O'Sullivan, J. L. On the Death Penalty. nes. Ouseley, W. G. Statistics of the United Marshall, J. Statistics of the British States. Empire. Pamphleteer. Marshall, J. Statistics of the Metropo- Parnell, Sir H. On Paper Money, &c. lis. Paris. Recherches Statistiques. Martinique. Sur l'Etat Actuel de la. Pebrer, P. Taxation, &c. of the British Martyn, B. Colony of Georgia. Empire. Massachusetts. Banks. Pecquet, A. Materiel de la Marine. Massachusetts. Births, Deaths, Marria- Petit, M. Sur le Gouvernement des Esges. Reports. claves. Massachusetts. State Records. Petty, Sir W. Political Arithmetic. Massachusetts. Statistical Tables. Petty, Sir W. Treatise on Taxes, &c. Massachusetts. Survey. Philadelphia. Report, on Legacies and McCulloch, J. R. Literature of Politi- Trusts. cal Economy. Philadelphia. Report, of the Watering McCulloch, J. R. Statistics of the Bri- Committee. tish Empire. Philadelphia. Report of the Guardians McCulloch, J. R. See Smith, A. of the Poor, &c. Medford, M. Britis', American and Philadelphia. Statistical Enquiry. West India Interests considered. Phillips, J. Inland Navigation. Mexican Gold and Silver Mines. Phillips, W. Manual of Political EcoMexico. Mining Association Report. nomy. Meyer, J. N. Progres dans Valachie. Pitkin, T. Statistics of American ComMezaque, V. de. Bilan General de 1' merce. Angleterre. Pocock, L. On Life Assurance. Mill, J. Elements of Political Econo- Political Economy. Ricardo and Smith my. compared. Mills, J. S. Political Economy. Pons, (M. de.) Situation de Saint-DoMills, R. Statistics. minmrg.e. McKonochie, (Capt.) Statistics. Pope, C. Yearly Journal of Trade. Moneys, Weights and Coins. Porter, G. R. Progress of the Nation. Montesquieu. Commerce do la Grande Potter, A. Political Economy. Bretagne. Pradt, (M. de.) Saint-Domingue et Montgomery, J. Cotton Manufactures. l'Am'rique. More, C. Records of British Finance. Preston, J. Statistics of Albany CounMoreau, C. Statistical Works. ty. Morellet (l'Abbe) Compagnie des In- Price, R. On Reversionary Payments, des. &c. Morellet (PAbbe) Examen de la Re- Putnam, G. R. American Facts. ponse. Morewood, S. Statistical History of Quetelet, A. Statistiques des Pays-Bas. Inebriating Liquors. Quetelet, A. Sur lHomme. Mortimer, T. Elements of Commerce. Quin, M. J. Banking in England. M'Queen, J. Statistics of the British Empire. Raymond, D. Political Economy. Mun, T. England's Treasure. Reading Railroad Company: their Policy and Prospects. Necker, J. Reponse au Memoire de Recueil Diplomatique du Commerce et PlAbbe Morellet, &c. des Colonies d'Europe, &c. Nelson, R. J. Convict and other Labor. Redding, C. On Modern Wines. New-York. Canal Policy delineated. Registrar General's Report of Births, New-York. Census. deaths and Marriages. England. New-York.. (City) Annual Statement Richmond, A. B. Manufacturing Popuof Funds. lation, &c. New-York. (City) Corporate Funds. Riddle, J. L. Monograph of the DolNew-York. Juvenile Delinquents. lar. 834 Go V ER N ME N T Rossi (M. P.) Economic Politique. ciales des Etats-Unis avec lPAngleRowlet, J. Tables of Interest. terre, &c. Royer, C. E. Notes Economiques. Talleyrand. On the Commercial RelaRuding, R. Coinage of Great Britain. tions of the United States with Russell, A. On Statistical Inquiry. Great Britain. Taylor's Gold and Silver Coin Examiner. Sadler, M. T. Law of Population. Taylor, R. Statistics of Coal. Sainte-Croix, F. R. de. Statistique de Taylor, R.C. Washington SilverMine. la Martinique. Thompson, R. Survey of Meath. Say, J. B. Political Economy. Thornton, H. Paper Credit of Great Scrivenor, H. On the Iron Trade. Britain. Seaman, E. C. Productive Industry. Tooke, T. History of Prices. Seguezzi, S. Estat des Revenus Tooke, T. On the Circulation. d'lAgypte. Torrens, R. Production of Wealth. Senior, N. W. Condition of the Poor in Tracts, (English.) Europe. Tracts on Banking. Senior, N. W. Lecture on Political Eco- Trinidad, Account of. nomy. Troup, R. Canal Policy of New-York. Seybert, A. Statistics of the United Tucker, G. Progress of the United States. States. Seybert, A. Statistiques desEtats-Unis. Tuckey, J. H. Statistics, &c. Seymour, J. Report, on a Railroad from Twiss, T. Political Economy. the Lackawanna Valley to Owego. Shattuck, L. Statistical Papers. Ulloa, B. de. Manufactures d'Espagne. Shattuck, L. Census of Boston. United States, Resources. Sheffield, (Ld.) On American Corn- UnitedStates. Register. See Hazard. merce. United States. Statistical View. Sheffield, (Ld.) On the Trade in Wool, Ure, A. Cotton Manufacture investi&c. gated. Sheffield, (Ld.) Sur le Commerce Ame- Vethake, H. Political Economy. ricain. Vignal, (M.) Coup-d'(El sur Cayenne. Sismondi (M. de.) Political Reform. Virginia. Case of the Planters of ToSmith, A. Wealth of Nations. bacco. Smith, C. B. Philosophy of Reform. Virginia. Reply:to the Case of the South Carolina. Swiss Gentleman's Planters of Tobacco. Letter. Viven, M. Prefect de Police. Spain. Regelaments y Aranceles Reales. Statistical Society of London. Journal. Watterston and Van Zandt. Statistical Statistical Society of London. Trans- View. actions. Wayland, F. Political Economy. Stewart, J. View of Jamaica. Weights, Measures,&c. Observations on. Strong, F. Greece as a Kingdom. Weld, C. R. See Banfieid. Swan, J. Sur le Commerce entre la Williams, E. Statistical Companion. France et les Etats-Unis. Wing, C. Evils of the Factory System. Sykes (Lt. Col.) and others. Vital Sta- Wood, W. Survey of Trade. tistics. Young, A. On the Rise of Prices in EuTalleyrand. Sur les Relations Commer- rope. Young, Sir W. West-India CommonPlace Book. 'LASS SIV SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. SEC. I. SCIENCES. 1. Philosophy. 1. General Works. Baton, F. (Ld.) De Augmentis Scientia- Lucretius, T. O. Nature of Things. rum. Bacon, F. (Ld.) De Sapientia Veterum. Morell, J. D. Speculative Philosophy. Bacon, F. (Ld.) Essays, (Moral.) Bacon, F. (Ld.) Novum Organum. Naigeon, J. A. Philosophic Ancienne Bruckerus, J. See Enfield, WV. et Moderne. Combe, G. On the-Constitution of Man. Payne, G. Mental and Moral Science. Playfair, J. Works. Dendy, W. C. Philosophy of Mystery. Quetelet, A. Sur l'Homme. Enfield, W. History of Philosophy. Ritter, H. Ancient Philosophy. Field, G. Analogical Philosophy. Rousseau, J. J. Discourse, &c. Franklin, B. Works. Sismondi. Etudes sur les Sciences SociaGood, J. M. Book of Nature. les. Stael-Holstein, (Madame de.):Germany. Hobbes, T. Elements of Philosophy. Stewart, D. Philosophical Essays. Hume, D. Treatise of Human Nature. Stewart, D. Progrtess of Philosophy. Stallo. Philosophy of Nature. Johnson,'A. B. Philosophy of Human Knowledge. Taylor, W. C. Natural History of So. ciety. Kames, (Ld.) Sketches. Teignmouth, (Ld.) Philosophy of the Kirwan, R. Remarks on Mr. Hume., Asiatics. Tomlinson, J. C. Science of PhrenoloLocke, J. Works. gy. Townsend, C. HI Facts in Mesmerism. 2. Logic and Metaphysics. Bailey, S. On Berkley's Theory of Vis- Fearn, J. On External Perception. ion. Fearn, J. On the Objects of'General Bentham, J. Book of Fallacies. Terms, &c. BenthamiJ. Essay on Logic. Fearn, J. Review of Berkley, Reid Berkley, G; (Bp.) Minute Philosopher. and Stewart. Brown, T. On Cause and Effect. Brown, T. On the Mind. Hobbes, T. On Liberty and Necessity. Hume, D. Treatise of Human Natture. Cudworth, R. Intellectual System. Lacretelle, (M.) Logique et MtaphysiDe Morgan, A. Formal Logic. que. 836 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. Locke, J. On Human Understanding. Stewart, D. Philosophy of the Human. Mind. Mill, J. S. System of Logic. Wirgman, T. Kantesian Philosophy. Scott, R. E. Physical and Metaphysical Science. Young, M. On Testimoy contrary to" Analogy. 3. Ethics. Adams, J Moral Philosophy. Gray, F. Prison Discipline. Addison. J., and Others. Spectator. Gros, J. D. Moral Philosophy. Alison, A. Principles of Population. Anti-Slavery Documents. Hildreth, R. Theory of Morals. Aristoteles. Ethics and Politics. Hobbes, T. Moraland Political Works. Austin, J. M. Voice to Youth. Hurd, R. Moral Dialogues. Bacon, F. (Ld.) Sermones Fideles. Johnson, S. Rambler. Bakewell, F. C. Natural Evidence of a Jones, Sir W. Hitopadesa. Future Life. Jouffroy. Introduction to Ethics. Barclay, A. Slavery in the West Indies. Bates, E. Rural Philosophy. Martineau, H. Life in the Sick Room. Bolingbroke, (Ld.) Letters to Pope. Millingen, (Dr.) On the Passions. Bolingbroke,(Ld.) Reflections upon Ex- Montaigne, (M. de.) Essays. ile. Moore, G. Power of the Soul over the Boyd, J. R. Eclectic Moral Philoso- Body. phy. Bulwer, H. L. France, Social, &c. New-York Prison Association Report. Burne, P. Teetotaller's Companion. New-York. Report of the Society for Burton, R. Anatomy of Melancholy. the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents. Campbell, J. Maritime Discovery and Nott, (Dr.) Counsels to Young Men. Christian Missions, &c. Cauchy, E. Du Duel. Paley, W. Moral Philosophy. Chalmers, T. Political Economy, &c. Penitentiary System. Prison Discipline Coleridge, S. T. The Friend. Society Reports. Coleridge, S. T. Aids to Reflection. Prison Discipline and Philanthropy Collier, J. Immorality of the English Journal. Stage. Cousin, Jouffroy and Constant. Sampson, M. B. Rationale of Crime. Cudworth, R. Immutable Morality. Sharp, G. On the Law of Nature. Cunningham, J. On Friendly Societies. Smith, A. Theoryof Moral Sentiments. Spectator, (by Addison, and Others.) Dennie, J. Lay Preacher. Spirit of Humanity, &c. Drexilius. Triumphata Incontinentia. Stewart, D. Moral Philosophy. Dyer, G. Dissertation on Benevolence. Dymond, J. Principles of Morality. Temperance. Repcrt of the Pennsylvania Society. Fermin, P. Sur la Possession des Es- Tupper, M. Proverbial Philosophy. claves dans les Colonies de PlAmeri- Tracts for Cities. que. Tracts for the People. Foster, J. Essays. War. Letters of Philadelphus. Wayland, F. Moral Science. Gillies J. Aristotle's Ethics, &c. Whewell, W. Elements of Morality. Good, J. M. Book of Nature. 4. Education. American Annals of Education. Bowles, W. L. Education of the Poor. American Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb. Canada. Elementary Education. American Education Society. Canada, (Upper.) Reports on Schools. American Journal of Education. Chambers, W. and R. Educational American Quarterly Journal. Course. Common Schools. See Massachusetts. Barnard, H. Journal. Common Schools. New-York. See Blind. Atlas for the. District School Journal. Boone, J. S. Educational Economy. Common School System in New-York. Boston. Common Schools. See Randall, S. S. SCIENCES. -M AT HEMATICS. 837 Common School Controversy. Locke, J. Thoughts on Education. Connecticut Common School Journal. Cousin, V. Education in Holland. Mann, H. Common School Journal. Defndcn A m R- Mann, H. See Common School ControDeaf and Dumb. American Asylum Re- versy. ports. Martineau, H. Household Education. Deaf and Dumb. New-York Asylum Massachusetts. Manual Labor School. Reports. Massachusetts. School Returns. De Quincey. Letters. Milton, J. Prose Works. District School Journal, New-York. Myers, T. On a Course of Education. Education in the Province of Canada. Remarks on. New-York. Report on Common Schools. Education in Canada. See Ryerson, E. New-York. Reports of the Regents of Education. Minutes of Council. the University. Education. Papers of Central Society. Education. See Massachusetts School Page, D. P. Theory and Practice of Returns. Teaching. Education. Quarterly Journal. Pamphlets. Education in Pennsylvania. Education. Strictures on, for the Bar. Peers, B. 0. On American Education. Education. Sur l'Education dans les Pennsylvania. Report of the Institution Etats-Unis. for the Deaf and Dumb. Education. Cambridge. Pennsylvania. Report on the Public Education. See Massachusetts School Schools. Returns. Philadelphia. Report on the Public Education, in Massachusetts. Reports. Schools. Education in Rhode Island. Potter, A. School and School-Master. Education. See Ewen. Educator, (The.) Prize Essays. Randall, S. S. Common School System Education, in Pennsylvania. See Pam- of New-York. phlets. Russell, A. Schools in New-York. Fauvel-Gouraud, F. Art of Memory. Ryerson, E. Elementary Instruction. Fichte, J. G. Vocation of the Scholar. Forster, T. Application of the Organo- Sain.-Marc-Girardin, (M.) L'Instruclogy of the Brain to Education. i.. E tion. Schmidt, H. J. Education. Girard, P. Methodical Instruction. Schoolmaster. Essays on Educaticn. Goodrich, S. G. Fire-Side Education. Schools. (Massachusetts an.l PennsylGriscom, J. Address. vania.) Sedgwick, A. Studies of theUniversity. Hall, B. R. Teaching a Scieece. Southey, R. and C. Sytem of Mutual Henry, J. Address. Tuition of the Rev. Andrew Bell. Henry, J. Jun. Address. Spurzheim, S. Principles of Education. Hickson, W. E. Dutch and German Sweet, S. N. Teachers, Institute. Schools. Hill, F. National Education. Taylor, W. Printing for the Blind. Huber, V. A. English Universities. Teacher's Advocate. James, G. P. R. Educational Institu- University College, London. tions. Jardine, G. Philosophical Education. Whewell, W. LiberalEducation. Journal of Education for Upper Canada. Whewell, W. Studies of Cambridge Jullien, M. A. Education de Pestalozzi. University. Whewell, W. English University EduLancastrian System of Education, &c. cation. Lieber, F. Education and Crime. Wordsworth, C. On Public Educationa 2. Mathematics. 1. JMathematics. Alembert, J. le R. d'. Mathemtaiques. Lande, J. J. F. de la. Mathematiques. Lardner, D. Treatise on Arithmetic. Church, A. E. Calculus. Lardner, D. Treatise on Geometry. Chittenden. See Newton. Condorcet. Mathematiques. Playfair, J. Mathematical Essays. Pratt, J. H. Mechanical Philosophy. Delambre, M. Mathematiques. Des Cartes. Geometria. Strachey, E. Early History of Algebra. Hamilton, H. De Sectionibus Conicis. Whewell, W. Doctrine of Limits. 838 S:CIENCES A:ND T HE AR;TS 2. Practical,Mathematics. Baylis, E. Arithmetic of Annuities. Hassler, F. R. On the Survey of the Begae Operations Geoilisiques. Coast of the United States. Bowditch, N. Practical Navigator. Hoppus, E. Tables for Measuring. Brady, W. (U. S. N.) Kedge Anchor. Malham, J. Seaman's Complete Guide. British Almanac and Companion. Marryatt's Signal Numbers.. De Morgan, A. On Probabilities. Navigation. Instruction Nautique. Nicholson, P. On Projection, &c. Galloway, T. Treatise on Probability. Gill, C. Angular Analysis. Pasley, C. W. Practical Geometry. Givry. Pilote Francais. Price, R. On Reversionary Payments. Gregory, O. Mathematics, Stanley, A. D. Logarithms. Symons, W. On Weighing Gold. 3. Physics. 1. General Works. Adams, G. Lectures on Philosophy. Matteuci, C, Physical Phenomena. Arnott, N. Elements of Physics. Archimedes. Oeuvres. Playfair, J. Dissertation. Playfair, J. Physical Essays. Bird, G. Natural Philosophy. Potter, A. (Bp) Principles of Science British Almanac and Companion. applied to the Arts. Brisson, M. J. Physique. Powell, B. History of Natural Philosophy. Crabb, G. Dictionary of General Know- Pratt, J. H. Mechanical Philosophy. ledge. Science. Objects, Advantages. &c., of. Draper's Natural Philosophy. Somerville (Mr..) Connexion of the Physical Sciences. Herschel, Sir J. F.W. Study of Natural Philosophy. Thomson's History of Royal Society. Hamilton, I1. Philosophical Essays. Weld, C. R. History of Royal Society. Jones, Sir W.V Asiatic Nations. Whewell, WV. History of the InductiVe Joyce, Rev. J. Scientific Dialogues. Sciences. Whewell, W. Philosophy of the Induce Lardner, D. Lectures on Science and. tive Sciences. Art. 2. Chemistry, Jeteorology, Electricity,;c. Annuaire Meteorologique. Daubeny, C. Earthquakes. Arago, A. Eloge de James Watt. Davy, Sir H. Agricultural Chemistry. Donovan, M. Treatise on Chemistry. Belville. Manual of the Barometer. Dove, H. W. On the Law of Storms. Boussingault, Jo B. Chemistry applied Draper, J. W. Chemistry. to Agriculture. Drummond, T. On Light-Houses. Bowman, J. E. Chemistry. Dumas, M. Trait6 de Chimie. Brande, W. T. Progress of Chemical Philosophy. Epsy. J. P. Meteorology. Brewster, Sir D. On Optics. Espy, J. P. Philosophy of Storms. Brocklesby, J. Meterology. Faraday, M. Chemical Man i pulation-. Carpenter, W. M. Formation of Fogs. Faraday, M. Researches in Electricity. Christie, S. H. Magnetism of the Earth. Forbes, J. D. Progress of Meteorology/. Comstock, J. Precious Metals. Forbes, J. D. Transparency of the Ata mosphere. Daniell J. F. Meteorology*. Forry, S. Distribution of Heat, &c SCIENCES.- NATURAL HISTORY. 839 Fourier, (Baron.) Temperature of the Meteorological Observations. Globe, &c. Muirhead, J.P. Compositionof Watero Fownes, G. E. Chemistry. Muller, J. Meteorology. Franklin, B. Experiments in Electricity. Noad, H. M. Chemistry. Garnier, J. G. Meteorologie. Parnell, E. A. Chemistry. Gillip. Meteorology. Piddington, E[. Law of Storms. Gregory, W. Outlines of Chemistry. Pike's Catalogue of Instruments. Gregory, W. Chemistry. Poisson, M. Temperature of the Globe, &c. Hare, R. Causes of the Tornado. Powell, B. On the Dispersion of Light. Hare, R. On Dove's Law of Storms. Powell, B. Report on the Science of Hare, R. On Redfield's Theory of Radiant Heat. Storms. Priestly, J. On Electricity. Hare, R. Papers on Chemical Subjects. Harris, W. S. Laws of Electricity. Quetelet (M.) Phenomenes. Harris, W. S. Rudimentary Electricity. Harris, W. S. On Thunder Storms. Rains, G. W. Generation of Statical Harris, W. S. On Whewell's Anemome- Electricity. ter. Redfield, W. C. Courses of Hurricanes. Henry, J. On Electricity and Magnet- Redfield, W. C. Drift Ice of the Atlanism. tic. Higgins, W. M. Philosophy of Sound. Redfield, W. C. Reply to Dr. Hare, &c. Hoefer, F. Histoire de la Chimie. Redfield, W. C. Storm of December 15, Hopkins, T. Atmospheric Changes. 1839. Howard, L. Climate of London. Redfield,: W. C. Tornado of New Bruns. Hunt, R. Researches on Light. wick. Hutchinson, G. Meteorology. Reid, W. On the Law of Storms. Jackson, J. W. Optics. Sabine, E. Magnetic Intensity at the Johnston, J. F. W. Progress of Chemi- Earth's Surface. cal Science. Sabine, E. On Terrestrial Magnetismn: Smith, T. P. Chemistry. Kaemtz, C. F. Meteorology. Kane, R. Elements of Chemistry. Thom on Storms. Kelland, P. Laws of Conduction of Heat. Thomson, D. P. Meteorology. Kirwan, R. De la Temperature. Thomson, T. History of Chemistry. Knapp, F. Chemical Technology. Thomson, T. System of Chemistry. Toronto Observatory. Lardner, D. Manual of Electricity. Turner, E. Elements of Chemistry. Lardner, D. Treatise on Heat. Liebig, J. Organic Chemistry. Ure, A. Dictionary of Chemistry. Liebig, J. Chemistry. Loomis, E. Magnetic Dip in the United Vail, A. Magnetic Telegraph. States. Walker, C. C. Electrical Magazine. Macneven, W. J. Atomic Theory of Walker, S.C. Galvanic Circuit. Chemistry. Walker, S. C. Meteors of August and Mahlmann (Dr.) Instruction den Meteo- November. rologischen. Webster, J. W. See Liebig, J. Makerstoun. Meteorological Observa- Wheatstone, C. Physiology of Vision. tions. Whewell, W. Mathematical Theories of Metcalfe, S. L. Caloric. Electricity, &c. 3. MJechanics, Hydrostatics, and Hydraulics, 8c. Albany. Report of the Committee for Ewbank, T. Hydraulic Machines. Supplying the City with Water. Alexander, J. W. American Working Gregory, 0. Mechanics. Man. Barrachin et Thilorier. Lampe Hydro- Higgins hilosoy of Soud. statique. Jamieson, A. Mechanics. Jamieson, A. Mechanics of Fluids. Clark, T. Purifying of Water. Johnson, W. R. Description of the RoCoulomb. Hydrauliques. toscope. 840 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. Lampes de Surete. Moseley, H. Treatise on Mechanics, &c. Lardner, D. On Hydrostatics, &c. Lardner and Kater. On Mechanics. Prony, R. Architecture Hydraulique. Laplace, P. S. Mecanique Celeste. Leonard, C. E. Mechanical Principia. Tredgold, T. On Hydraulics. Morin, A. Hydrauliques. Whewell, W. Mechanics of EngineerMoseley, H. Illustrations of Mechanics. ing. 4. Astronomy. Arago, M. Tract on Comets. Herschel, Sir J. F. W. Outlines of AsAstronomic. Observations Astronom- tronomy. iques. Humboldt, A. de. Observations. Aurora Borealis. Lambton, W. Measurement of an Arc Bentley, J. Hindu Systems of Astrono- of the Meridian. my. Laplace, P. S. Mecanique Celeste. Bowditch, N. Mecanique Celeste of La Laplace, P. S. See Bowditch, N. Place. Laplace, P. S. Oeuvres de. Bradford, D. Wonders of the Heavens. Le Verrier. Theorie de Mercure. Lemonnier, P. C. Questions d'Astronomie. Cassini, J. D. Astronomie, &c. Lubbock, J. W. On Physical AstronoCassini, J. D. Voyage pour Eprouver les my my. Montrcs Marines. Chabert (M. de.) Sur l'Usage des Horlo- Maupertuis, P. L. M. de. Degree of the ges Marines. Meridian at the Polar Circle. Colebrooke, H. T. Indian and Arabian Oeaons Divisions of the Zodiac. Maury Divisions of them Zodiac9. Mitchel, O. M. Planetary and Stellar Connaissance des Temps, 1696. Worlds. Moon's. Rotation. Davis, S. Astronomical Computations of the Hindus. Newton, Sir I. Principia. Dick, T. Practical Astronomer. Picard. Observations Astronomiques. Gilliss. Observations. rest Graham, J. D., a.nd Others. Latitude ofH. Me chanical Philosophy. the Cambridge Observatory. Pratt, J. H. Mechanical Philosophy. the Cambridge Observatory. Richer, M. Observations Astronomiques. Herschel, Sir J. F. W. Astronomy. Herschel, Sir J. F. W. Observations on Smith, W. H. Cycle, &c. Nebulae of Stars. Somerville, (Mrs.) Mechanism of the Herschel, Sir J. F. W. Observations. Heavens. 4. Natural History. 1. General Works. Agassiz, L. Lectures on Embryology. Charlesworth, E. Magazine. Annals of the New-York Lyceum. Darwin, C. Researches. Descourtilz, M. E. Voyages d'un NaBancroft, E. Natural History of Guiana. turaliste, &c. Bingley, W. Useful Knowledge. Birds. See Library E. K. Godman, J. D. American Natural His. Boston Journal of Natural History. tory. Boston Society of Natural History. Godman, J. D. Rambles of a Naturalist. British Almanac and Companion. Goldsmith, O. History of the Earth. Brown, T. Conchology. Gosse, P. H. Canadian Naturalist. Catesby, M. Natural History of Carolina. Hernandez, F. Plantarum, Animalium, Clinton, De W. On the Natural History et Mineralium Mexicanorum Histoof New-York. ria. Cuvier, M. Sciences Naturelles. Hodgson, R. Mosquito Territory. SCIENCES. -GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. 841 Hughes, G. Natural History of Barba- Peck, M. D. Slug Worm. Pamphlets, dos. vol. 36. Humboldt, A. de. Tableau de la Na- Pison, W. De Indiae utriusque Re Nature, etc. turali et Medica. Humboldts' Aspects of Nature. Saint Pierre, J. H. B. Studies of NaInsects. See L. K ture. Seward, W. H., (Gov.) Introduction to Jones, Sir W. Asiatick Nations. the Natural History of New-York. Sloane. Sir H. Natural History of JaKnapp's Journal of a Naturalist. maica, Stark, J. Natural History. Levaillant, F. Oiseaux D'Afrique. Swainson. W. Study of Natural HistoLoudon, J. C. Magazine of Natural ry. History. Low, D. Domestic Animals. Thevet, A. Les Singularitez de la France Antarctique. Mantell, G. A. Ani, Torrey, J. See Natural History of NewMantell, G. A. Animalcules, York Menageries. See L. E. K York. Menageries,. See L. E. n. Transactions Zoological Society. Monardus, N. Medicamenta. Van Amringe, W. F. Natural History Natural History of New-York. of Man. Naturalist's Library. Vegetable Substances. See L. E. K. Naturalist's Miscellany. Natuurlyke Geschiedenis de Neder- Waterhouse, S. K. Mammalia. landsche 0. B. Wyatt, T. Synopsis of Natural History. Nicolson, (le P.) Sur laHistoire Natu- White, G. Natural History of Selrelle de Saint-Domingue. borne. Paracelsus, A. P. T. Philosophy. Zoological Society. Proceedings of. 2. Geology and Mineralogy. Adams, C. B. Geology of Vermont. Daubeny, C. On Mineral and Thermal Agassiz, L. Des Poissons Fossiles. Waters. Akerly, S. Geology of the Hudson Ri- De La Beche, H. T. Geological Mever. moirs. Allen, R. L. Mineral Waters. Da La Beche, H. T. Geology of CornAnsted. See Geological Journal. wall. Ansted, D. T. Gold Seeker's Manual. De La Beche, H. T. How to Observe Ansted, D. T. Ancient World. Geology. Artis, E. T. Antediluvian Phytology. Dolomieu, D. de. Earthquakes in CalaAuldjo, J. Sketches of Vesuvius. bria. Eaton, A. Geology. Beck, L. C. Mineralogy of New-York. Eaton, A. Geology of Rensselaer CounBertrand, A. Revolutions of the Globe. ty. Blainville, M. H. D. M6moire sur les Eaton, A. Geology of the Northern Belemnites. States. Boase, H. S. Primary Geology. Emmons, E. Geology of New-York. Booth, J. C. Geological Survey of De- Emmons, E. Mineral Waters. laware. Featherstonhaugh, G. W. Geological Brander, G. Hampshire Fossiles. Report. Brongniart, A. Vegetaux Fossiles. Ferber, J. J. Oryctography of DerbyBuckland, W. Reliquiae Deluvianwe. shire. Budge, J. Miner's Guide. Feuchtwanger, L. Treatise on Gems. Fox, R.W. On Subterranean Heat. Carte Geologique de la France. Cleaveland, P. On Mineralogy, &c. Geological Society of London. See Conybeare, W. D. Progress of Geolo- Transactions. gical Science. Geological Society of London. JourCozzens, J. jun. Geology of New-York nal. Island. Geological Survey of Canada. See LoCuvier, G. Theory of the Earth. gan. Geological Survey of Delaware. See Dana, J. D. Mineralogy. Booth, J. C. Dana, J. D. System of Mineralogy. Geological Survey of Great Britain. Dana, J. F., and S. L. Mineralogy and Geological Survey of Massachusetts. See Geology of Boston, &c. Hitchcock, E. 842 SC I EN C ES AND THE ARTS. Geological Survey of Michigan. See Maclaren, C. Glacial Theory of AgasMichigan. siz. Geological Survey of New Hampshire. Maclure, W. Geology of the United See Jackson, C. T. States. Geological Survey of New-Jersey. See Maclure, W. Mineralogical Specimens. Rogers. Manes, M. Geologiques et MetallurGeological Survey of New-York. See giques. Natural History of New-York. Manes, M. Geologique. Geological Survey of Pennsylvania See Mantell, G. Fossils of the South Downs. Transactions. Mantell, G. Geology of Sussex. Geological and Mineralogical Reports of Mantell, G. Medals of Creation. New-York. Martin, W. On Extraneous Fossils. Geological Report of South Carolina. Mather, W. W. Elements of Geology. See Tuomey. Mather, W. W. Geology of New-York. Geological Report of Tenessee. See Mather, W. W. Geological Survey. Troost. M'Clelland, J. Inquiries in Kemaon. Geological Report of Virginia. See Michigan. Reports of State Geologist. Rogers, W. B. Miller, H. Old Red Sandstone. Geology of Iowa and Wisconsin. See Mineralogical Society ofSt. Petersburgh. Land Office. Mitchell, S. L. Earthquakes on the Geology of Michigan. See Houghton. Mississippi. Geology of New Jersey. See Rogers, Moore, N. F. Ancient Mineralogy. H. D. Munster. Petrafacten. Geology of New-York. See Mather, Murchison, R. I. The Silurian System. W. W. Geology of Ohio. See Mather, W. W. Nicol, J. Mineralogy. Geology of Pennsylvania. See Rogers, North, M. L. Mineral Waters. H. D. Geology of Rhode Island. See Jackson. Orton. Miner's Guide. Geology of Vermont. See Adams, C. B. Owen, R. On British Fossil Mammalia. Goldfuss, A. Petrefacta Germaniie. Owen, R. On British Fossil Reptiles. Owen, Da Survey of Iowa, &c. Hales, (M.) Troublements de Terre en Lima. Page, D. Geology. Hall, J. Geology of New-York. Parkinson, J. Mineralized Remains. Hamilton, W. Basaltes of Antrim. Phillips, J. Geology of Yorkshire. Hayden, H. H. Geological Essays. Phillips, J. Guide to Geology. Hildreth, S.P. Bituminous Coal of the Phillips, J. Treatise on Geoiogy. Ohio. Phillips, J. Fossils of Cornwall. Hisinger, W. Lethsea Suecica. Phillips, W. Treatise on Mineralogy. Hitchcock, E. Elementary Geology. Playfair, J. Huttonian Theory. Hitchcock, E. Geology of Massachu- Portlock, J. E. Geology. setts. Pritchard, A. Fossil Infusoria. Hitchcock, E. Ichnolithology, or Fossil Footmarks. Randall, S. S. Geology. Hopkins, W. On Physical Geology. Richardson, G. F. Geology for BeginHoughton, D. Geological Reports. ners. Hovey, S. Geology of St. Croix and Rogers, H. D. Geology of North AmeAntigua. rica. Humble, W. Dictionary of Mineralo- Rogers, H. D. Geological Surveys. gy and Geology. Rogers, W. B. Geological Survey. Rogers, W. B. Geological Survey of J clson, C. T. Copper and Silver of Virginia. Kewenaw Point. Rouelle's Mineral Waters of Virginia. Jackson, C. T. Geology of New Hamp- Rooke, J. Geology as a Science, &c. shire. Jameson, R. Travels in the Hebrides. Schoolcraft, H. R. Lead Mines of MisJohnson, W. R. Report on American souri. Coal. Schopf, J. D. Mineralogischen Kenntniss von Nordamerika. Kirwan, R. States of the Globe. Seaman, V. Mineral Waters of Saratoga. Steel, J. H. Mineral Waters. Land-Office. Reports on Geology. South Carolina. See Tuomey. Lea, I. Contributions to Geology. Lee, C. A. Geology. Taylor, R. S. Silver Mine in North CaLogan, W. E. Geological Survey. rolina. Lyell, C. Geology of the United States. Thomson, T. Mineralogy and Geology. Lyell, C. Principles of Geology. Transactions of the Geological Society of London. MacCulloch, J. Memoirs on aGeologi- Transactions of the Geological Society cal Survey of Scotland. of Pennsylvania. SCIENCES.-NAT URAL HISTORY. 843 Transactions of the Imperial Mineralo- Van Rensselaer, S. Geological Survey gical Society of St. Petersburgh. of Rensselaer County. Troost, L. Geological Report. Vanuxem, L. Geology of New-York. Tuomey, M. Geology of South Caroli- Vermont. Geology. See Adams. na. Tuomey, M. Geological Survey of Wilson, J. History of Mountains. South Carolina. Wood, S. V. Monograph of the Crag IIollusca. 3. Bolany. Acosta, C. Aromata, &c., in India. Lindley, J. Fossil Flora. Acosta, C. Des Drogues, &c., aux In- Lindley, J. Introduction to Botany. des. Lindley, J. Vegetable Kingdom. London, J. C. Arboretum et FruticeBeck, L. C. Botany. tum. Brongniart, A. Vegetaux Fossiles. Loudon, J. C. Encylopoedia of Plants. Browne, D. J. Trees of.America.. Marshall, H. Arbustrum Americanum. Gandolle, A. P. de. Vegetable Organ- Marshall, H. Arbres, &c., des Etatsography. Unis. Coxe, J. R. Description of the Agari- Massachusetts. Reports on the Herbacus Atramentarius. ceous Plants. Michaux, F. A. Flora Boreali-AmeriDon, G. On the Dichlamydeous Plants. cana. Donn, J. Hortus Cantabrigiensis. Michaux, F. A. Histoire des Chines de Downing, A. J. Fruits and Fruit Trees l'Amrrique Septentrionale. of America. Michaux, F. A. North American Sylva. Monardus, N. Histoire des Simples, Eaton, A. North American Botany. &c. Elliott, S. Botany of South Carolina, Muhlenberg, H. Descriptio Uberior &c. Graminum. Evelyn, J. Sylva. Natuurlyke Geschiedenis der NederFischer (Dr.) See Sertum Petropolita- landsche. num. Nuttall, T. North American Plants. Forest Trees of America. See Michaux, Nuttall, T. North American Sylva. Nuttall, Browne. Parsons, S. B. The Rose. Garcias ab Orto. Aromata, &c. Paxton's Magazine of Botany. Gray, A. Botany of the United States. Plumier, C. Plante Americane. Gray, A. Genera of Plants. Pulteney, R. Botany in England. Pursh, F. Flora Americee. Henslow, J. S. Descriptive Botany. Hooker, W. J. Botanical Miscellany. Rafinesque, C. S. New Flora. Hooker, W. J. Flora Boreali-Ameri- Rafinesque, C. S. Florula Ludoviciana. cana. Robin, C.C. See Rafinesque. Hooker, W. J. Journal of Botany. Hooker, W. J. and Arnott, G. A. W. Seba, A. Locupletissimi Rerum. Botany. Sertum Petropolitanum. Humboldt and Bonpland. Monographie des Melastomacees. Torrey and Gray. Flora of North America. Irvine, A. London Flora. Vegetable Physiology. Jacquin, N. J. Stirpium Americanarum, Historia. Walter, T. Flora Carolinianao 4. Zoology. Abbot, J., and Smith, J. E. Lepidop- Azara, F. de. Quadrupeds of Paraguay. terous Insects. Agassiz, L. Principles of Zoology. Bachman, J. Changes of Colour in Allen, R. L. Domestic Animals. Birds and Quadrupeds. Audubon, J. J. Birds of America. Barton, B. S. Fascination of the RattleAudubon, J. J. Ornithological Biogra- snake. phy. Bell, T. History of British QuadruAudubor-and Bachman. Quadrupeds of peds. America. Bell, T. History of British Reptiles. 844 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. Bevan, E. History of the Honey Bee. Leach, W. E. See Zoological MiscelBewick, T. History of Quadrupeds. lany. Blainville, M. H. D. Memoire sur les Levaillant. Birds of Africa. Belemnites. Boigne, C. de. Du Chevalin France. Mammalia. See Naturalist's Library. Bonaparte, C. L. American Ornithology. Martyn, W. F. Natural History. Bonnaterre, (M. l'Abbe.) Cetologie — Massachusetts. Reports on the Fishes, Ichthyologie- Ophiologie -- Orni- Reptiles, and Birds. thologie. Massachusetts. Zoological Survey. Bory de Saint-Vincent. Essai Zoologi- Mitchill, S. L. Fishes of New-York. que sur le Genre Humaine. Mudie, R. Feathered Tribes of the BriBroderip, W. J. Zoological Recrea- tish Islands. tions. Burmeister, H. Manual of Entomology. Nuttall, T. Ornithology of the United States. Carpenter, W. Microscopic Structure aof Shells. MicroOrnithology. See Naturalist's Library. of Shells. Cat, C. N. le. Couleur de la Peau Hu- Pri,.. maine. Pritchard, A. Living Infusoria. maine. Clayton, Sir R. On Greyhounds. Cuvier, G. Animal Kingdom. Richardson, J. Fauna Boreali-Ameri~' cana. Dana, J. D. Zoophytes. See Wilkes, C. Say, T. American Entomology. Darwin, C. Zoology. Selby, J. P. British Ornithology. De Kay, J. E. Zoology of New-York. Shaw, G. See Naturalist's Miscellany. Drury, D. Exotic Entomology. Smith, J. V. C. Fishes of Massachusetts. Entomology. See Naturalist's Library. Storer, D.H. Ichthyology and Herpetology. See Massachusetts. Foster, T. Brumal Retreat of the Swal- Strickland, H. E. Progress of Ornithollow. ogy. Swainson, W. Animals in Menagaries. Giraud, J. P., jr. Birds of Long Island. Swainson, W. Geography of Animals. Gosse, E. H. Birds of Jamaica. Swainson, W. Habits of Animals. Girardin. Population de la Chevaline. Swainson, W. History of Birds. Gould, A. See Agassiz. Swainson, W. History of Fishes, &c. Gould, A. A. Invertebrata of Massa- Swainson, W. History of Insects. chusetts. Swainson, W. History of Quadrupeds. Swainson, W. On Malacology. Harlan, R. Fauna Americana. Swainson, WV. Taxidermy. Harris, T. W. Insects injurious to vegetation. ransactlons of the Zoological Society Herbert, H. W. Fish and Fishing. of London. Holbrook, J. E. North American Herpetology. Walton, J. Complete Angler. Wilson, A. American Ornithology. Ichthyology. See Naturalist's Library. Wood, \. Index Testaceologicus. Wyatt, T. Manual of Conchology. Jenyns, L. British Vertebrate Animals. Yarrell, W. History of British Fishes. Jenyns, L. Progress of Zoology. Youatt, W. Cattle; their Breeds, &c. Youatt, W. Domestic Animals. Kollar, V. Insects injurious to Far Animals. mers. Zimmerman, E. A. W. Specimen Zoologiae. Lamarck, J. B. P. A. de. Conchology. Zoological Society of London, ProceedLamarck, J. B. P. A. de. Des Animaux ings of the. sans Vertebres. Zoological Miscellany. 5. JMedical and Surgical Science, jc. Abernethy's Hunterian Oration. Bard, S. Midwifery. American Journal of Insanity. Barry. Embryology. American Med. Association. Ethics. Beck, J. B. Early American Medicine. American Med. Association. Transac- Beck, J. B. Infant Therapeutics. tions. Beck, J. B. Medical Researches. Amussat. Surgical Memoirs. Beck, L. C. Adulteration of Medicines. Bell, Sir C. Bridgewater Treatise. Balfour. Sol-Lunar Influence. Bell, Sir C. Papers on Physiology. SCIENCES. —NAT URAL HISTORY. 845 Bell, L. V. On Ventilation. Leblond, J. B. Sur la Fievre Jaune. Berkley (Bishop.) Tar Water. Le Roy D'Etiolles. Memoires. Bloomingdale Asylum. See Earle. Le Roy D'Etiolles. Lithontripsy. Brigham, Dr. Asylum Souvenir. Lettsom, J. C Hints. Brigham, Dr. Mental Culture. London. Royal Hospitals of. Brigham, Dr. On the Brain. Lunatic Asylum. See Ohio. Boudin on Fevers. Brown, Dr.S. Pamphlets, vol. 39. Maclean, C. Quarantine Laws. Maclean, Dr. Epidemic Diseases. Carey, M. Yellow Fever. Maclean, Dr. On the Plague. Cavallo. Factitious Airs. Macmichael, W. Opinions on ContaChalmers, L. Diseases of South Caro- gion. lina. Medical Convention. National. Chevalier on Suicide. Medical Convention. Pamphlets, vol. P18 Cholera in Montreal, Report. Medical Ethics. See AIer. Med. Assoc. Cholera in Paris. Report. Medical Repository. Civiale on Lithontrity. Mitchell, J. K. On Fevers. Civiale on Stricture of the Urethra. Moreau, Christophe. Penitoentiare. Clark, W. Animal Physiology. Moreau, de Jonnes, A. Fievre Jaune. Colin. Histoire des Drogues. Morgan, J. On Medical Schools. Combe. Costitution of Man. Conseil de Salubrite. Rapports. Newton, J. F. On Vegetable Regimen. Cornaro. On Long Life. New-York E ye Infirmary. Coventry, C. B. On Epidemic Cholera. New-York Hospital. New-York Medical and Physical JourDana, S. L. Lead Diseases. na. Day. Diseases of Old Age. New-York State Medical Society. TransDelafond, 0. Peripneumonie. Delafond, O. Peripoeumonie. actions. Delafond,,. Pleuro-Pneua nonie. Neison, F. G. P. Vital Statistics. Deveze, J. Traite de la FiFvre Jaune. Nott's Biblical and Physical History of Earle, P. Insane Hospitals of Europe. ia-n. Earle, P. Bloomingdaie Asylum. Ohio Lunati Asylum. Edwards, H. MI. Anatomy and Physi- Olive, D Firs Lines of Physiology. ology. a I ogy~~.. Orfila,M. Trait6 des Poisons. Edwards, Dr. Sulphuric Ether.e Eye Infirmary, New-Yolrk. Report. 2 Pennsylvania Hospitals. Pamphlets, vol 18. Flores, J. Speciiique Simple. Philip, A. P. W. On Physiology. Forster, T. Observations on inaity. Physic and Physicians. Francis. See Hosackl. Pricarnd, C On Prichard, J. C, On Insanity. Francis, J. W. New-York Medical Jour- Pricha, J.C. Phys cai History of nal. Man. Gardner, D. P. Medical Dictionary. Puybonnieux, J. B. MIutisme et Surdite. Gibson, W. Lecture on Surgery. Griffiths, R.E. Medical Botany. Quetelet, A. Sur L'Ilomme. Hall, Marshall. Papers on Physiology. Rafinesque, C. S. Medical Flora. Hamilton, J. Regulating Surgical Prac- Reil, J. Physiology of Death. tice. Roget, P. Bridgewater Treatise. Henry, W. C. On the Laws of Contagion. Roussel on Peliagra. Henry, W. C. Physiology of Nervous Royle, J. F. Materia Medica. System. Ruggieri. Crucifixion of 1i. Lavat, by Heurteloup. Lithontripsy. Himself. Home, E. Comparative Anatomy. Rush, B. On Insanity. Horsford, N. E. Use of Lead Pipes. Hospack, PI. Practical Nosology. Schopf, J. D. Materia Medica AmeriHosack, D. Use of Emetics. cana. Hosack and Francis. Medical Register. Seaman V. Saratoga Waters. Hospitals of London. Sedillot. On Chloroform and Ether. Hughes, W. American Physicians. - Sigmond, G. G. Medical Properties of Tea. Insanity. See N. Y. State Asylum. Sinclair, Sir J. Code of Health. Smith, J. A. Nervous System. Jones, Sir W. Asiatic Nations. Smith,.. C. M. edical Almanac. Jackson, S. Erosion of the Cleek. Soily, S. On the Human Brain. Stevens, A. IH. Annual Address. Kiernan, F. Anatomy of the Liver. Kirkbrile's Report. Pamphlets, vol. IS. Tanqueri. See Dana. Tobacco. Judicia Medicorum. Larrey, D. J. Military Surgery. Townsend, C. H. Facts on Mesmerism. [STATE LI3BRARY. 53 846 ScIENCES AND THE ARTS. Upham, T. C. Disordered Mental Ac- Watson, W. Experiments in Inoculation. tion. Uwins, D. Modern Maladies. Willard, (Mrs.) On Respiration. Williams, C. J. B. Experiments on the Vigne, J. B. Morte Apparente. Lungs. Willick, A. F. M. Lectures on Diet. Warren, J. C. Diseases of the Heart. Wood and Bache. Dispensatory. Pamphlets, vol. 44. 6. Military Science. 1. Tactics, Regulations. Aide-M1moire to the Military Sciences. Plata, La. Articulos Reales para el gobierno de Milicias. Campbell, E. S. N. Dictionary of Military Science. Scott (Gen'l.) Infantry Tactics. Cavalry. Regulations for its Instruction, Steubens Army Regulations. Formation and Movements. Duane's Hand-Book for Infantry. Thalhimer, B. Annual Register, and Military Roster. Greener, W. Science of Gunnery. United States Military Academy. Halleck, H. W. Military Art and Science, Horse-Artillery. Exercise and Move- Welsh, J. Military Reminiscences. ments. Wilkinson, H. Engines of War, Ancient and Modern. Marshall, H. Military Miscellany. Wolfe (Gen.) Instructions to Young Oflicers. O'Connor, J. M. Science of War. 2. Military Engineering. Alderson, R. C. Notes on Acre, &c. Nelson, R. J. On Shot FurnacesBelidor, B. F. de. La Science des In- Pasley, C. W. On Copper Pontoons. genieurs. Denison, (Lt.) Breaches by Artillery. Reid, W. Attack of Fort Loredo. Denison, (Lt.) Charges of Military Reid, W. On Assaults. Muiines. Reid, W. On Intrenchments in Battle. Durand, H. M. Passage of the Indus. Staunton, E. Chess Player's Hand-Book. Harness, (Lt.) On Contoured Plans and Stavely, T. K. Notes on Brixen and Defilade. Verona. Stavely, T. K. Notes on Genoa and Jones, H-. D. Defence of Cadiz. Lyons. Jones, J. T. Lines of Lisbon. Williams, (Col.) Fortifying the NarMilitary Science. Fortifications of W es- rows. tern Germany. THE ARTS.-AGRICULTURE, &C. 847 SEC. II. THE ARTS. 1. Useful Arts. 1. Jfgriculture and Horticulture. Agricola, G. H Husbandman and Gar- Deby, P. M. H. De ]'A riculture en dener. Europe et en Amerique. Agricultural Tracts. Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle, appliAgriculture. Bibliographie Agronom- qule.aux Arts, a l'Agriculture, &c. ique. Don, G. Gardener's Dictionary. Agriculture. Communications to the Downing-, A. J. Fruits and Fruit Trees Board of Agriculture. of America. Agriculture. Farmer's Magazine. Downing, A. J. See Horticulturist. Agriculture. emmoires d'Agriculture. Draper, J. W. Organization of Plants. Agriculture. Memoirs of the New-York Dumas, on Manures. Board. Agriculture. Mildew of Wheat, &c. Eaton, A. Agricultural Survey of RensAgriculture. Quarterly Journal. selaer County. Agriculture. Transactions of the New- Emmons and Prime. Journal of AgriYork Society, &c. culture. Agriculture. British Husbandry. Emerson, G. B. Trees of Massachusetts. Agriculture. Memoires. Everett, E. See Massachusetts. Agriculture. Francaise. Agriculture. Journal. Fo'syth, W. Culture des Arbres FruiAgriculture. Massachusetts Society. tiers. Agriculture. Society of England. Allen, A. B. American Agriculturist. Gardener's Agricultural Chronicle. Alien, R. L. American Farm Book. Gardener's Dictionary. See Don, G. Amand-Malo M. Compatibilite Rurale. Gardener's Magazine. See Loudon, J. American Husbandry: by an American. C. American Association. Gardener, D. P. Farmer's Dictionary. Annales de la Societe, Paris. Gasparin, (Le Comte de.) Cours D'AgriAnnales des Haras, &c. culture. Armstrong, J. Treatise on Agriculture. Gaylord, W. American Husbandry. Genet, E. C. Agricultural Address. Barclay (Capt.) Agricultural Tour. Gera, D. F. Fabrication du Fromage. Bath Society Letters and Papers. Giovanetti, J. Irrigations. Bement, C. N. American Journal. Bement, C. N. Poulterer's Companion. Hallett, J. W. Address before the OnBentz, L. Elements D'Agriculture. tario Agricultural Society. Berkshire Jubilee. Highland Society Prize Essays. Bompard, J. P. Culture de L'Olivier. Horticultural Society, London. Bonjean, J. Pomme de Terre. Horticultural Magazine. See Hovey. Bordley, R. Rotation of Crops. Horticulture. See ";Annales" and "'ReBordley, R. Pamphlets, vol. 39. view." Boullenois, M. F. de. Vers a Soie. Horticulturist. Journal, by Downing. Boussingault, J. B. Rural Economy. Houghton, J. Husbandry and Trade ImBuel, J. Farmer's Companion. proved. Buel, J. Farmer's Instructor. Hovey, C. M. Fruits of America. Buffon, N. J. Irrigations. Hovey, C. M. Gardener's Magazine. Buist, R. Rose Manual. Hughes, G. W. Draining Lands inHolBurrall, T. 1). Address befo e the On- land. tario Agricultural Society. Huzard, J. B. Sucre de Betteraves. Cato, M. P. De Re Rustict'. Jardin d'Hiver. Colman, H. European Agriculture. Johnson, G. W. Dictionary of GardenColumella, L. J. N. De Re Rustica. ing. Communications to the Board of Agri- Julien, S. Culture des Muriers. culture. Cultivator. Kollard, V. Insects injurious to Gardeners. Darlington, WV. Agricultural Botany. Davis, N. S. Text-Book on Agricul- Ladoucette, L. L. N. C. Influence of ture. L ocation. Davy, Sir H. A.ricultural Chemistry. Le Clerc-Chouin, O. Agriculture. 848 SCIENCES AND THEl ARTS:. Le Couteux, E. L'Agriculture. Royer, C. E. Statistique Agricole. Liebig, J. Chemistry applied to Agriculture. Sauzeau, M. Agriculture. Lindley, J. Horticulture. Schlippf, J. A. Manuel D'Agricultureo. Lindley, J. Pomologia Britannica. Scriptores Rei Rustica. Lindley, J. Theory of Horticulture. Sibbald, T. Pine Lands of Georgia. Lorain, J. Hints to Emigrants. Sinclair, Sir J. Code of Agriculture. Loudon, J. C. Encyclopmedia of Agri- Skinner, J. S. Journal of Improveculture. ments. London, J. C. Gardener's Magazine. Skinner, J. S. Journal. Spencer, J. C. Address. Marshall, W. Minutes of Agriculture. Stephens, H. Book of the Farm. Martinelli, J. Manual D'Agriculture. Stafford, J. R. Cereal Grains. Massachusetts. Agricultural Returns. Stoltz, J. L. Manuel du Cultivateur. Massachusetts. See Agriculture. Massachusetts. Horticultural Society. Taylor, J. Agricultural Essays. Meigs, H. Address. Thaer, A. D. Principles of Agriculture. Memoires dIAgriculture. Thiery de Menonville. Culture du NoMemoirs of the New-York Board of pal. Agriculture. Thomas, J. American Fruit CultuMitchell, J. Agricultural Analysis. rist. Moll, L Agriculture de L'Algerie. Torcy (KMarquis.) Remontes de L'ArMorrell, L. A. American Shepherd. m^e Morris, (Miss.) On the Hessian Fly. Transactions of the London Horticultural Society. Neveu-Derotrie, E. J. A. Rurales Transactions of the New-York State AgFrancaises. ricultural Socieiy. New-York Society of Agriculture, See Travanet, M. de. Agromanie EmpiriTransactions. que. Nicholas, J. Address, before the Onta- T'ravanet, M. de. Physiologie de la rio Agricultural Society. Terre. Nicholson, J. Farmer's Assistant. Tucker, L. See Gaylord. Normandie Agricole (La.) Journal. Tull, J. Horse-Hoing Husbandry. Tuomey, M.. Agricultural Survey of Palladius, R. T. ME. See Scriptores, Ec. South Carolina. Parsons, S. B. The Rose. Pennsylvania. Agricultural Society Me- Van Rensselaer, S. Agricultural Survey moirs. of Rensselaer County. Petzholdt, A. Agricultural Chemistry. Varro, M. T. De Re Rustica. Philadelphia. Memoirs of the Society Vaux, T. New Plan for Tilling. of Agriculture. Vegetius, F. R, ArsVeterinaria. Phillips, G. Potato Disease. Villeneuve, (M. de.) Culture du Tabac. Picard (L5AbbS.) L'Agriculture Raisonnee Waldo's Rural Magazine. Pichat, M. Semailles a la Volee. Washington, G. (Pres.) Letters to Sir Prefontaine, (M. de.) Maison lustique John Sinclair. (Fac Similes.) de Cayenne. Watson, E. Memoirs on Agriculture. Webster, J. W. See Liebig, J. Quarterly Journal of Agriculture. Wheat and Flour of New-York, Memoir on the. Revue Horticole. Plantes Nouvelles. Whitley, N. Geology and Agriculture. Revue I-orticole. Journal. Rigby, E. Agriculture of Holkham. Xenophon. Science of Good Husband. Rooke, J. Reclamation of Land from ry. the Sea. Roughley, T. Jamaica Planter's Guide. Youatt, W. Cattle; their Breeds, &c. 2. Trade and Commerce. Anderson, A. Origin of Commerce. Bernard, F. Commerce des Europeens. Antilles. Commerce des Antilles An- dans les Deux hides. gloises. Blunt, J. Merchant's and Shipmaster's Arnould. De la Balance du Commerce, Assistant. &c. Boourlet, D A. Conmerce Francais. Bovis (M. de.) Pamphlets, vol. 13. Barton. J.L. Commerce of the Lakes. Bowrinr and Villiers. Conmmercial ReBeaujour. F. de. Commerce of Geece. lations between Great Britain and Begat, M. Meridionales de France. France. Bellin, M. Carte de L'Amerique. British Almanac and Companion. T HE. AR T s- AD E A N - C M E R CE. 849 Browne. Banking and Mercantile Ta- Maury, M. F. Abstract Log. bles. M'1Culloch, J. R. Dictionary of ComButel-Dumont, G. M. Commerce des merce. Colonies Angloises. Mississippi River.Proceedings of the St. Louis Chamber of Commerce relaChambon. Commerce de I'Anmrlque, tive to the. &c. M'Konochie, (Capt.) Commerce of the Child, J. Discourse of Trade. Principal Shores of the Pacific Colebrooke, H1. T. Indian Weights and Ocean. Measures. Colquhoun, P. Commmerce of the Moll, L. Colonization de L'Algierie. Thames. MIontesquieu. Commerce de la GrandeCommerce. British Comnmerce with In- Bretagne. d a, America, &c. Moreau, C. Commerce de la GrandeCommerce. Tableau G'n'ral du Con- Bretagne. mrc ee (e 1'Europe, &c. Mortimer T. Elements of Commerce. Cory, 1. P. Treatise on Accounts, Private and Official. Navigator. Directions. Cunha de Azeredo Coutinho. Commerce New-York Chamber of Commerce. See of Portugal &c. King, C.:Davenant, C. Commercial Works. Oddy, J. J. European Commerce. Dearborn, H. A. S. Commerce of the \Nest. Palmer's Commerce with Eastern NaDictionnaire de 1'Industrie, Commer- tions. ciale, &c. Parker, J. P. Telegraphs. Dictionnaire Universel de Commerce, Peuchet, J. Commerce dans les Deux &c. Indes. iubuisson,P. U. Commerce des Villes Peuchet. J. Dictionnaire CommerciMaritimes d(e la France. ante. Du Pont. Du Commerce et de la Com- Pilote (Francais.) Instructions Nautipagnie des Indes. ques. Pitkin, T. View of American ComEllis, R. British Tariff. merce. Pocock, L. On Life Assurance. Fresnel, M.A. Systeme D'Esclairage. Pope C. Yearly Journal,f Trade. Postlewayt, M. Britain's Commercial Gregg, J. Commerce of the Prairies. Interest. Putnam, G. R. American Facts. Hazard's United States Register. lILguerty, d'. Inttrgts du Commerce Recueil Diplomatique dil Commerce et Maritime. des Colonies d'Europe, &c. Houglhton, J. Husbandry and Trade Imp roved. Sheffield, (Lord.) On American ComHuet, P. D. Commerce, &c. des An- omeece. ciens. Sheffield, (Lord.) Sur le Commerce Hunt, F. Merchant's Magazine. Amfricain. Hunt, W. Commercial Directory. Stephensoi, W. Progress of Commerce, Stirling, P. J. Philosphy of Trade. Jackson, J. Commerce of the Mediterranean. Tazewell, L, W. Commercial NegotiaJournal of Trade. tions. Kauffman, C. H. Dictionary of Merchandize. Vincent, W. Ancient Commerce in the Kayser, J. C. Commercial Directory. Indian Ocean. Kelly, P. Cambist and Commercial Instructor. Waterston, W. Cyclopoedia of ConKing, C. New-York Chamber of Com- merce. nierce. West Indis Compagnie. Whitworthi, Sir C. Commerce de la Lehigh Coal and Schuylkill Navigation Grande-Bretagne. Company Reports. W.'rtz, G. C. imolir sur le Commerce Lherbetle, A.J. De la Liberte Com- de la France. merciale Wiirtz, G. C. Second Memoir sur le Macpherson, D. Annals of Commerce, Commerce d(e la France. &c. 850 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS, 3.,drts, Manufactures, and Domestic Economy. Adams, W. B. English Pleasure Car- Kobell, von, (Prof.) On Galvanograriages. phy. Aikin, A. Arts and Manufactures. Astle, T. Origin, &c., of Writing. Le Play, M. F. L'Affinage, &c. Bancroft, E. On Colors. Manufactures. History of Silk, etc, Barlow, P. Manufactures and Machi- Mapes, J. J. Repertory of Arts. nery of Great Britain. Mechanic's Magazine. Baverstock, J. State of the Brewery. Miner, T. B. Bee Keeper's Manual. Beckmann, J. History of Inventions. Morfit, C. Perfumery. Bell, L. V. Ventilation of Buildings. Morin, P. A. Castration des Vaches. Bennet, J. Artificer's Lexicon Berthollet. C. L., and A. B. Art of Dye- Nicholson, J. Operative Mechanic. ing, &c. Bigelow, J. Elements of Technology. Owen, K. On the Manufacturing SysBrogniart, A. Arts Ceramiques. tern. Brownrigg, W. Art of Making Salt. Buchanan, R. On Mill Work. Pasley, C. W. On Limes, Cements, Bull, M. Experiments on Fuel. &c. Patents (American.) See Journal of the Clegg, S., Jun. Manuftacture of Gas. Franklin Institute-Patents U. S.Cooper, T. Emporium of Arts and Sci- Reports of Commisssoner of Paences. tents.-Journal of the American InCrabb, G. Dictionary of General Know- stitute. ledge. Patents (English.) See Prichard —ReperCrabb, G. Technological Dictionary. tory of Patent Inventions-Repertory of Arts-London Journal of Dictionnaire de l'Industrie, Manufactu- Arts and Sciences-~Mechanic's Mariere, etc. gazine. Donovan, M. Domestic Economy. Perssoz, J. L. Impression des Tissues. Dyeing and Calico Printing. Pilkintcn, J. Artist's Guide. Plough, Loom and Anvil. Emporium of Arts and Sciences. See Porter, G. R. Porcelain and Glass. C oper. Porter, G. R. Silk Manufacture. Evans, W. J. Sugar Planter's Manual. Printing. Royal Printing Office. See Evans, 0. Mill-Wright and Miller's France. Guide. Pritchard, A. List of Patents. Falconer, W. Marine Dictionary. Quekett, J. The Microscope. Faraday, M. On Glass for Optics. Filature, De la. Tirer la Soie ties Co- Repertory of Arts and Manufactures. cons. Repertory of Patent Inventions. Fournel, H. Etude des Giles Houillers. Fournier, G. Hydtrographie. Scrivenor, H. On the Iron Trade. France. Specimens Typographiques. il. Growth and Manufacture. Steam Carriages. Report to the House Gill, T. Technological Repository. of Cimnons. Gilroy, C. H. Weaving by H-and. St, H Salines. Gregory, G. Dictionary of Arts and Sylveslel C. Domestic Eonomy. Sciences. Hannet, J. Bibliopegia. Thomas, I. History of Printing in Hansard, T. C. On Printing and Type America. Founding. Thompson. Autographical Counterfeit Hassenfratz, J. H. Sid'rotechnie. Detector. Hebert, L. Engineer'sEneyclopd.Iia a Thompson, R. D. Food of Animals. Herschel, Sir J. F. W. Photographic Timbs, J. See Year Book of Facts. Processes. Holland, J. Maufactures in Metals Ure, A. Dictionary of Arts, &c. Ure, A.. Improvements in Arts, &c. Inventions. Illustrated, &c. Webster, and Others. Domestic Econo — Jackson, J. On Wood Engraving. my. Journal of the Franklin Institute. Wyatt. Exposition of French IndusJournal of Design andt Manufactures. try. Wyman, M. On Ventilation. Karsten, C. J.B. Manuel de la Meta'lurgie du Fer. Year Book of Facts. T H ART S. ENG I N G ERI NG. 851 2. Engineering 1. Construction. Alderson, R. C. On Kyanizing Timber. Nelson, R. J. Engineer Details. Nelson, R. J., and Others. ExperiBabbage, C. Economy of Machinery. menlts on Woods. Barlow, P. Strength of Timber. Nichoison, P. On Railway Masonry. Belidor, B. F. de. La Science Les Ingrvlieurs. Pasley, C. W. (On Limes and Cements, Benjamin, A. Builder's Guide. Peake s Naval Architecture. Bernan, W. On Warming and Venti- Poncelet, M. de. On Drawbridges. lating. Prony, R. Architecture Hydranlique. Bourne, J. Steam Engine. Bramah, F. Strength of CastTron. Reid, D. B. On Ventilation, &c. British Almanac and Companion. Richardson, C. G. On Warming, &c. Buck, G. W. On Oblique Bridges. Rodgers. (Com.) Marine Railway. Shaw, E. Civil Architecture. Camden and Amboy Rail Road. Stewart, R. Dictionary of Archite:eCivil Engineer and Architect's Journal. ture. Sylvester, C. Philosophy of Domestic Davy, C. On Artificial Foundations. Economy. Denison, W. On American Timber. Drewry, C. S. On Suspension Bridges. Totten, J. G. Hydrostatic Mortars. Dufresnoy, M. L'Air Chaud. Timperley, (Mr.) Docks at Kingston,uplon -Iull. Hann and Hosking. On Bridges. Tredgold, T. Principles of Carpentry, Hart, J. On Oblique Arches. Tredgold, T. Strength of Cast Iron,, Hodge, P. Rt Steam Engine. &c. Hodgkinson, E. Strength of Cast Iron Tredgold, T. Warming and VentilaPillars. tion. Turnbull, W. Strength of Cast Iron. Inman, W. S. On Ventilation and Warming. Weisbach, J. Machinery of Engineer.. ing. Jebb, J. Construction of Prisons. Wright, W. II. Treatise on Mortars,. Mahan, D. H. Civil Enginieering. 2. Canals, Railways, 4c. American Rail Road Journal. Croton Aqueduct. See King, C. Alexandria Aqueduct. Drawings. Croton Aqueduct. See Tower, F. B. Annales des Ponts et Chaussees. Armstrong, R. Steam Engine Boilers. pay, J. Construction of Railways. We Hay, T. Canal des Pyrenees. Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road. Dempsey, G. D. Railways. Barlow, P. Liverpool and Manchester fiobson, E. Railways of Belgium. Railway. ~oin, A. Canal a la Garonne. Barlow, P. W. Strain on Lock Gates. Drummond, W. On Light-houses. Booth, H. Liverpool Railway. Boston and Hudson River Railroad. Re- Elmes, J. Survey of the Harbour of port on. London. Brees, S. C. Railway Practice. Fngineers' (Corps of Royal.) Papers. Buchanan, R. On Mill WVorkl. English, HI. Quarterly Mining treview. Burgoyne, J. F. On Blasting Rocks. Evans, 0. Mill-%Vright and: Miller's Guide. Canal (Great Western.) Pamphlets, vol. 27. Frisi, P. On Rivers and TorrentsCanal (Boston to the Hudson.) Reports. Galbraith W. Trigonometrical Survey. Canals of New-York. Commissioners in. Reports, &c. Gillespie, W. M. Roadl Making. Civil Engineers. See Transactions. Guild, W. Western IailRoad (Boston.) Clegg, S., Jun. Manufacture of Gas. Cooper,'. Emporium of Arts and Sci- Hachette. Traite Elmentaire des Ma.ences. chines. 852 SCIE NCES AND T HE ARTS. lebert, L. Engine'er's Encyclopedia. Rail Roads. See Massachusetts. Herapath, J. Railway Magazine. Rail Roads. Reports. Hughes, T. On Making Roads. ail Way Chronicle.;andal, J. Jun. Erie Canal. Internai Navigation of the United States. Renwick, J. On the Steam Engine. Connected View of the Whole. Roads and Rail Roads. Ancient Methods. Jebb, J. Slekin gArtesian Wells. Russell, J. Steam and Steam NavigaJournal of the Franklin Institute. tion. King, C. Croton Aqueduct. Sganzin, M.. I. Civil Engineering. Lardner, (Dr.) Pamphlets, vol. 47. Simms, F. W. Public Works of Great Lecount, P. On Rii ways. Britain. Simms, F. W. Sectio-Planography. 1Machines a Vapeur. S.meaton, J. Miscellaneous Papers.;IAdam, J. L. Road Making. Smeaton, J. Reports, as Civil Engineer. aclaren, C. Railways compared with Smith, J.T. Lights in Light-houses. Canals, &c. Sopwith, T. Isometrical Drawing. ahan, D. H-. Civil Engineering. Steam Engines. See Machines a Valiaricault (M. de.) Des Chemins de Fer. peur. Massachusetts. Rail Rtoads. Strickland, W. Reports. Miers, J. 1Manufacturing Ropes and rtrickland, Gill, and Campbell. Public Cable. r Works of the United States../illington, J. Civil Engineering,.tclife, J. Treatise on Canals. Wfavier, (It1.) Policc Du Roulage. TTanner, H. S. Canals and Railroads of Wavier, (M.) On Railways, c. the United Sates. News-York Canals. Tower, F. B. Croton Aqueduct. Nicholson, P. On Projection, &c Transactions of the Institution of Civil En ineers. Pambolur (Comte de.) Loconmotive En- TredgoliT. On Hylraulics. gines, &c. Tredgoltd, T. On the Steam Engine. Pambour, (Comte de) On the Steam Tredgold, T. Railroads and Carriages. Engine. Tredgold, T. See Buchanan, R. Paris. Conseil Municipal. United States Canals, &c. See Tanner, Parks, J. Steam boilers and Steam En- H. S. gines. [ire, A. Dictionary of Arts, &c. Parnell, Sir H. Treatise on Roads. Ure, A. Improvements in Arts, &c. Partington, C. F. On the Steam-Engine. Watson, E. Canal Policy. Phillpots, (Lt. Col.) Canals of the Ca- Weale, J. Ensamples of Railway Maknadas. ing. Phillips, J Inland Navigation. Whewell, W. Mechanics of Engineer" Public Works of Great Britain. ing. Public Works of the United States. Wishaw, F. Analysis of Railways. -Woods, E. On Railway Constants. Rail Road (Boston to Albany.) See See also Donations from France among Guild. the " State Papers" 3. Fine Arts. 1. Jrchitecture. Annesley's Naval Architectu:.e. Elmes, J. On Promoting the Fine Arts, Archaeologia. Architect. Designs for Cottages. Goodwin, F. Rur.l Architecture. Architecture. Rudiments of Ancient. Hoskin, XW. Regulation of Building's. Barnard, I. School Architecture. Hunt, F.. Architettu-a Cam pestre. British Almanack and Companion. Hunt, F. F. Picturesque Domestic Architecture. Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal. Hunt, F.F. Tudor Architecture. D'Agincourt, S. Art by its Monuments. Jal. Archeologie Navale. Dallaway, J. Architecture in England. Downing, A. J. Cottage Residences. Mount Auburn. Downing, A, J. Landscape Gardening. N CYCLOPA D IAS GAZ ETTES. 853 Owen, T. D. Public Architecture. Sullivan, J. Naval Architecture. Ranlelt W. II. The Architect. Tuthill, (Mrs. S. C.) History of Ar~ cW.hitecture. Robinson, P. F. Designs for Cott&ges. Vetusta Monumenta. Schinkel, C. F. Sammlung Architon- Wig-htwclc, G. Hints to Young Ariscbe. tists. Schenel, C. F. Worke de Hoteren Wightwici, G. Palace of Architece 3Banikunst. ture. Scamozzi, V. OCuvres de Architecture. Stewart, R. Dictiouary of Architecture. Young, VW. On the Gothic Arch. 2. P.inting,, k.;. Album Cosmopolite. Gilpin, W. Lakes of Cumberland. American Art Union. Transactions. G-illt n,. iivetL Vye. Art Union. Journal. SOi, W.oui tl Tlour. Gi}lpin, /, vTwo Tours. Barry. Opie's Lectures on Painting. Gilli),. esl. erlglandl Bromley, R. A. History of the ine Greenwood. Ilustrated Arts. Art'fs,~ f~IHay, D.. Nomenclature of Colours. Catlin, G. Indian Portfolio. Jackson, J, On Wood Engraving. Chatto, W. A. Woodl E'ngraving. Jones, Sir V. MIusic of the Hindus. Cleghorn, G. Ancient anld SModern Art. Colet (M:adaml e.) Monument de Mo- Lanzi, A.S. Pa:nting in Italy. liere. Latrobe, B. Hi. Oration, before the Society of Artists of tile United States. De Witt, S. Elements of Perspective. Lester, C. E. Artists of America. Pryden, J. Du Fresnoy' Art of Paint- Lodge s Winkelniann. ting. Du Fresnoy, C. A. De ArteGraphica. Merrifiell (Mrs.) Treatise on Paint Dunlap, W. History of the Arts of De- inDg sign. Modern Painters. Mount Auburn. Illustrated. Eastlake, C. L. Oil Painting.:Muse- Royal. Eastakle, C. L. Literature of Fine Arts Painting. IHand Book for Young ArEdwards, E. Napoleon Medals. tists. Elgin Marbles. Report on the. Phillips, T. Lectures on Painting. Pillington's Dictionary of Painting. Flaxman, J. Illustrations of the Iliad and Odyssey Reynolds, Sir J. Art of Painting. Flaxman, J. Illustrations of /Eschy- Reynolds, Sir J. Discourses, &c. Ils. Roussier, (l'Abbe.) Points dHlarmoFlaxman, J. Illustrations of Iesiod. nie. Flaxman, J. Lectures on Sculpture. Fuseli. See Barry. Vattemare, A. Album Cosmopol;te. Verplanck, G. C. Atldress, before the Gilpin, W. Essays on Picturesque Sub- American Academy of Fine Arts. jects. Gilpin, WV. Essay on Prints. Walpole, Ho Anecdotes of Painting. Gilpin, XW. Forest Scenery. WValpole, H. Villa at Slrawberry-Hill, Gilpin, W. H-ighlands of Scotland. Whitloclk E. Painter's Guide. Encyclopledias, Journals, Publications of Lerned Societies. Academy of Natural Sciences. Jour- African Repository andt Colonial Jour" nal, n l. Academy of Natural Sciences. Pro- Albany Institute. Transactions. ceeding's. Ancmerican Academy of Arts and ScienAcadmi~c Royale des Sciences. His- ces. Menloirs. toire et MeVmoires, &c. American Antiquarian Society. Transactions. 854 SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. American Medical Association. Pro- Journal of the Statistical Society of ceedings. London~ American Institute. See Transactions. Journal of Trade American Journal of Education. American Journal of Insanity. La Doucette. Compte Rendus de la SoAmerican Oriental Society Journal. ciete Philosophique. American Phrenological Journal. Lardner, D. Cabinet Cyclopmdia. American Lyseum. Proceedings. Lincoln, W. Worcester Magazine and American Philosophical Society. Pro- Journal. ceedings. Littere Annue Societatis Jesu. American Philosophical Society. See Litterse Japonicse. Transactions, Littere Societatis Jesu. Reguno SinarAmerican Rail Road Journal. un. Annals of Philosophy. L. Rei Christianae apud Japonicus ComAnnuaire de la Societ' Philotechnique. mentarius. Art Union Journat. Litteras Annuse. Rerum Memorabilum. London, Edinburgh and Dublin Journal Barnard, H. Journal of Education. of Science. Beaurepaire, Q. de. MSimoire concer- London and Edinburgh Journal of Scinant l'Acadlimie a Richemond. ence. Boston Journal of Natural History. London Journal of Arts and Sciences. Boston Society of Natural History. See Newton, W. Brande, W. T. Journal of Science, &c. London. Journal of Statistical Society. Brewster, Sir D. Edinburgh Encyclo- London, Royal Society of. See Transpaedia. actions. Brewster, Sir C. Edinburgh Journal of London. Society of Arts, &c. See Science. Transactions. Brewster, Sir D., and R. Jameson. Ed- Long Island Journal of Philosophy. inburgh Philosophical Journal. British Association. Reports. Manchester Philosophical Society MeBritish.Association. Lithographed Sig- moirs. natures. Iann, H. Common School Journal. Bruce, A. American Mineralogical Mlechanicsl Journal. Journal. Mechanics' Magazine. Chinese Repository. Memoirs de L'Institute de France. See Comptes Rendus de l'Acadlmie des Sci- Academy Royal. ences. Memoires De L'Academie Royale de Connecticut Acad':mie of Arts and Sci- Metz. ences. Memoirs. Memoires de la Societe des Sciences Convention (Literary.) Journal. Neuchatel. Mist's (Weekly) Journal. Edinburgh Encyclopaedia. Edinburgh New Phiosophical Journal. Newton, W. London Journal of Arts. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal. See Jameson. New-York. Transactions of the LiteEdinburgh Journal of Science. rary and Pilsohical Socity Edinburgh Royal Society. See Transact ^ i^^ 0 —n ~~New-York. Transactions of the Society for Agriculture. Encyclopalda, or Dictonary of Arts New-York. Transactions of the SocieEncyclopsedia Americana. ty for Useful Arts. Encyclop d(tie M thodique. Nicholson, W. Journal. English, H. Quarterly Mining Review. Nicholson Bitish Encycloeda Ethnological Society Transactions. Fleet, S. See Long Island Journal. Penny Cyclopaedia. Franllin Institute Journal. Philosophical Magazine, (Or Annals of Chemistry.) Garnet. Annals of Philosophy. Philosophical Magazine. See Tilloch, Geographical Society of London. Jour- A. nal. Providence Athreneun. Gregory, G. Dictionary of Arts and Sciences.. Rafinesque, C. S. Atlantic Journal. Railway Chronicle. Herepath, J. Railway Magazine. Rees, A. Cyclopsedia. Repertory of Arts and Manufactures. Irish Academy. See Transactions. Repertory of Patent Inventions. Jameson, R. Edinburgh New Philo- Silliman, B. Journal of Science. sophical Journal. Smilhsonian Institution. Reports, &(~. Journal of the American Institute. Statistical Society of London. Journal of Design. ENCYCLOP2ED IAS-GAZETTTES. 855 Taylor, R.. Selections from Learned Transactions of the Imperial MineraSocieties. logical Society of St. Petersburgh. Taylor, R. Scientific Memoirs. Transactions of the Institute of Civil Tilloch, A. Philosophical Magazine. Engineering. Timbs. Year Book of Facts. Transactions of the Literary and PhiloThomson. Annals of Philosophy. sophical Society of New-York. Transactions of the Albany Institute. Transactions of the London Society of Transactions of the American Antiqua- Arts. rian Society. Transactions of the New-York Society Transactions of the American Ethno- for the Promotion of Useful Arts. logical Society. Transactions of the New-York State Transactions of the American Institute. Agricultural Society. Transactions of the American Philo- Transactions oftheRoyal Irish Academy. sophical Society. Transactions of the Royal Society of Transactions of the Geological Society Edinburgh. of London. Transactions of the Royal Society of Transactions of the Horticultural Soci- London. ety of London. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London. Newspapers, Gazettes, Registers, Directories, Almanacs, Guides. African Repository and Colonial Jour- Great Metropolis (New-York) in 1845. nal. Guatemala. Kalendario y Guia. Albany Annual Register, by Munsell. Guide des Cornices et des Proprietaries. Albany Argus. Albany City Guide, by S. Wilson. Hawlins, A. Quebec Directory. Albany Commercial Directory. Hayward, J. Massachusetts Directory. Albany Drectory, by Child. Hazard, S. Pennsylvania Register. Albany Directory, by Hoffman. Herald (New-York Weekly,) NewspaAlbany Directory, by Loomis. per. Albany Evening Journal. IHolley, O.L. New-York State Register. Albany Freeholder. Holt's New-York Register. Albany Gazette. Hulett, T. G. Guide to Niagara Falls. Albany Pocket Almanack, 1784. Hunt, WV. Albany Commercial DirectoAlmanacks. (Munsell.) ry Almanack. Metropolitan Catholic. American Almanack. American Annual Register. Independent Reflector. American Kalendtar. American Kalendar. Jones, S. Pittsburgh in 1826. Annual Register. (Dodsley's.) Journ Plittur Journal Politique. Balance, (The) and Columbian Reposit Un itd' Lloyd, S. New Jersey Annual Register. Blue Book.Unitd States Official e- Longworth's New-York City Directory. Bu B Uted States orcial Regist1;er. An)rM ontreal Directory, 1842- 42~ Bowen's Picture of Boston. British Almanack. National Gazette. (Newspaper.) Buenos Ayres. Registro Offlcial. New-England Palladium. (Newspaper.) New -Iampshire Annual Register. Caroline Almanack. See Canada. New Haven Gazette, 1786. Catholic Almanack. See Almanack. Newspaper. Companion to the. Churton, E. Book. Collector's Hand- Newspapers. Albany Argus, Evening Book. Journal, Gazette and Daily AdvertiColton's Guide to West Point. ser, Freeholder, Mechanics' Journal, and Signs of the Times, published Disturnell's Guide. in Albany. Balance and Columbian Doggett's Ocean Guide. Repository, Hudson and Northern Whig, IHudson. Times, London. Egypt. Hand-Book for Travellers. New England Palladium, Bosfon. Elliot, W. Washington Guide. New-York Evangelist, New-York Examiner, (London.) Gazette, New-York Herald (Burnham) and New-York Weekly HerFessenden, T. S. Weekly Inspector. aid (Bennett) Newa-York. NationForce, P. National Calendar. al Gazette and United States GaFranklin B. La Science du Bonhomme zette, Philae'elphia. [nesides the Richard. Foregoing, there are Promiscuous Newspapers in vols. from China, Gaines' Universal Register. NewZealand, Honolulu, Canada, Mex 856 SCIENCES AND T. HI ARTS. ico, lTissouri, Illin7is, Arkansas, and People's Democratic Guide from other Partsof the United States. Philadelphia. Picture of. New-York. In 1798. See Longworth. Poor Richard's Almanac, New-York. As it is in 1837. New-York. During the last Century. Royal Kallendar. See Duer, W. Russell, W.. Guide to Plymouth. New-York. Picture of in 1848. New-York. Business Directory. Signs of the Times. New-York. City Directory. See Dog- Smith, J. C. Illustrated Hand-Book0. get. Spafford s Guide for the Tourist. New-York Gazette. Spectator (London.) New-York Great Bletropolis. Spirit of the Public Journals. New-York'Guide. Steele's Western Guide Book, New-York Herald. Sword's Pocket Almanack. New-York Herald (Weekly.) New-York. Picture of. Tanner, H. S. Central Traveller. New-York State Register. See eHolley. Thompson, L. Guide to Lake George. New-York State Register. (Skinner.) Times. (The) London Newspaper. New-York. Stranger's Guide. Tivoli, J. de. Guide to Niagara. New-York. Directory and Register. 1796, United States Alma-ack. Niles, II. Weekly Register. United States Gazette. Northern Light. Northern Whig. Varle, C. View of Baltimore. 1833. Nouveiles Extraordinaires de Divers Verme ont Register and Aimanack. Endroits. Nouvelles Politiques. Wade's Panorama of the H!udson River. Wilkinson (Sir G.) Hand Book of Orr, J. W-~ Guide to Niagara Falls, Egypt. Williams, E. New-York Register. Palmer, J. T. Register, Woodman, D. Guide to Texaa. tISTORY. 1. Geography and Topography. Acosta, J. De Natura Novi Orbis. Bonnet, J. E. Etats-Unis de l'Am-rAfrican Itepository. ique. Albert, J. Etat (de 1'/Egypte. Bouchette, J. British Dominions in Alcedo, A. Diccionario de America. America. Alcedo, A. Dictionary of the West in- Bouchette, J. Description of Lower dies. Canada. America. Description de 1'Amerique, Bowen's Picture of Boston. &M. Brackenbridge, H. M. Views of LouAmerican Gazetteer. isiana. Anville, J. B. B. td. Ancient Geogra- Bradford, T. G. Illustrated Atlas of phy. the United States, &c. Arispe, M. R. de. State of Cohanila. Bradford and Goodrich. Universal IIAudiffret, J. B. G. ographie. lustrated Atlas. Auldjo, J. Sketches of Vesuvius. Brion, (M.) Description of des EtatsAtlasses. Various. Unis. Bristed, J. Resources of the United Baldwin, T. Universal Gazetteer. States. Baldwin, i. Pronouncing Gazetteer. British A.lanac and Campanion. Barrere, P. Nouvelle Relation de la British Colonies. Tracts. France Equinoxiale. Brooks, R. Universal Gazetteer. Barrington. D. On Approaching the Burnes, A. MIemoir on the Indus. Nort.h Pole. Busching, A. F. Geography. Bartholomew, 0. Augusta. Barton. Western New-York. Campe, J. H. Bibliothlque G-ographBarton. Commerce of the Lakes. ique. Bartram, J. Account of East Florida. Canada and Oreg-on. See L. E. K. Bastide, M. de la. Sur un Passage de Canada (Upper.) Gazetteer, &c. la Mer du Nord a la Mer du Sud. Canadian Guide Biook. 1849. Beaujour, F. de. Aper.u des Etats-Unis. Carless, T. G. Survey of the Indus. Beaujour, F. de. Sketch of the United Cayenne. Tableau de Cayenne. States. Cellarius, C. Geographia Antiqua. Beck, L. C. Gazetteer of Illinois, &c. Chamberlayne, J. State of Great BriBelgium and Nassau. tain. Belle-forest, F. de. Cosmographie Chapin, W. Gazetteer of the United Universelle. States. Belle-forest. F. de. Histoire Univer- Circumnavigation of the Globe. selle. Cluverii, P. Universurn Geographiam. Bellin, N. Dlbouquemens de Saint Do- Colby, Col. Survey of Londonderry. min-,ue. Colton, J. H. Western Tourist. Bellin, N. Description de la Guyane. Columbus, C. De Insulas in Mari Indico Bellin, N. Les Antilles Angloises. Epistola. Bercy, D. de. L'Europeet i'Am^rique. Comeiras, V. Le G6ographe Manuel. Berteaut. Marseilles et ses interets. Cooley, WV. D. History of Maratimne Blois, J. T. Gazetteer of Michigan. and Inland Discovery. Blome, R. English Territories in Cooper, T. Information respecting America. America. Blome, R. Isle de Ia Jamaique. Cooper, T. Renseignemens sur l'AmeBlunt, E. Guide de Navigateur rique. 858 HISTORY. Corneille, T. Dictionnaire Universel, Giustiniani, F. E1 Nuevo Atlas UniverGeographique. sal. Cottre'l, C. H. Recollections of Sibe- Goodenow, S. Manual. ria. Gordon, T. F. Gazetteer of PennsylvaCoulier, P. J. Tables des Principales nia. Positions Gtonomiques du Globe. Gordon, T. F. Gazetteer of New-York. Coulter, T. Noes on Upper California. Gordon, J. B. Geographical Memoir of Coxe, D. Description of Carolina, &c. North America. Coxe, T. View of the United States. Gordon, P. Geographical Gray:mar. Crutwell, C. Universal Gazetteer. Goui-lay, R. Account of Upper Canada. Graham, J. A. Account of Vermont. Dana, E. Sketches of the Western Grandpr6, L. de. Geographie Maritime. Country. Green, J. Chart of N. and S. America. Darby, W. Emigrant's Guide. Greenhow, R. Geography of Oregon, Darby, W. Geography of Florida, &c. &c. Darby, W. Louisiana, Mississippi, &c. Greenleaf, M. Survey of Maine. Darby, W. View of the United States. Grynnus, S. Novus Orbis. Darby and Dwight. Gazetteer of the Guisan, Terres de la Guiane. United States. Guthrie, W. Modern Geography. Dassie, (Sieur.) Description dles Costes Guyot. Earth and Man. de l'Am riq ue. Davenport, B. Geographical Diction- Haines, S. B. On the South Coast of ary. Arabia. Denton, D. Description of New-York. Hamilton, W. North Coast of Antrim. Denys, J. Description G'ographique Hamilton, W. R. Progress of Geogrades Costes de l'Amrrique Septen- phy. trionale. I-artsinck, J. J. Guiana. Disturnell, J. Gazetteer of New-York. H-askel and Smith. Gazetteer of the Disturnell, J. Eastern Tourist. New United States. England and Canada. I-Iassler, F. R. Coast Survey of the Disturnell, (J.) New Mexico. Cali- United States. fornia. Hawkins. Quebec Directory. Dodwell, E. Tour through Greece. Hayward, J. Gazetteer of MassachuDrake, D. View of Cincinnati. setts. Drayton, J. Beschreibung von Sud-Ca- H-ayward, J. New England Gazetteer. rolina. Hazard's Pennsylvania Register. L'ucoirjoly. S. J. ManueldeSt. Domin- Heather, W. North American Pilot. gue. Henderson, Rev. A. Newark. Duhalde, J. B Description of China, Hennepin. L. Louisiane. &c. Heylyn, P. Cosmographie. Hilliardd'A Iuberteuil. Sur St. DominEchard, L. Gazetteer. gue. Egede, H. Description of Greenland. Humboldt, A. de. Sur la Nouvelle EsEgypt. Hand Book for Travellers. pagne. Emigrant's Guide, or Pocket Geography. Humboldt, A. de. On New Spain. Engel, S. d'. Sur les Pays Septentrion- Ilunt and Randel. Guide to'exas. aux de l'Asie et de l'Amrrique. Hutchins, T. Description of Virginia. Evans, L. Middle British Colonies in America. Imlay, G. Western Territory of America. Farmar, J. Gazetteer of New Hamp- JefSerys,T. Spanish West Indies. shire. Jenks, W. Scripture Gazetteer. Farnhanm, T. J. Mexico. Jenkins, W. Ohio Gazetteer. Fer, N. de. Introduction a la G5ogra- Johnston, A. K. Physical Atlas. See phie. Mas. Fermin, P. Description de Surinam. Jones, Sir W. Asiatic Nations. Flint, T. Geography of the Western Jourdain, P. Cosmographie, &c. iStates. iJulian, A. La Perla de la America. Flint, T. Mississipi Valley. Forbes, J. G. Sketches of the Floridas. Kilbourn, J. Ohio Gazetteer. Ford's Hand Book of Spain. King, P. P. Survey of the Coasts of Fremont, J. C. Upper California. Australia. Korthals, P. V. Topographische. Gait, T. Topography of the Canadas. Geografia Moderna, Dizionario di. Lacroix, L. A. N. de. Geographie MoGeographical Society of London, Jour- derne. nal of. Landmann, G. Universal Gazetteer. Geography. Recueil de Voyages et de Lapham, J. A. Description of WisconMnemoir-es. sin. Geography. See Totius Orbis. Leake, W. M. Topography of Athens. Leblond, J. B. La Guyane Francaise. O YA GES A ND TR A VEL S. 859 Leems, K. Account of Danish Lapland.I Pittman, P. Settlements on the MissisLe Rouge. Introduction la 3 Gogra- sippi. phie. Poreacchi, T. L'Isole piu Famose del Linda, L. de. Descriptio Orbis. M'ondo. London. Description of the City, &c. Pownall (-Governor.) Description of Long, G. R. America, &c. North America. Louisiana. Sur la Louisiane. Prester-John. Description de 1'Empire Lozano, P. Del Gran Chaco, &c. du Prtte-Jean. Putnam's Minesota. Maclot, J. C. Sur le Globe Terrestre. PuysT'gur, J. F. de C. 5ur la Navigation Malet, Sir C. W. Caves at Ellora. tie Saint-Domingue. Mallet, A. M. Description de 1'Univers. Sourc o e ae Malte-Brun, (M.) Universal Geogra- Rape,. V. phy. ~Rawlinson, (Major.) March from ZoMartin, J. Gazetteer of Virginia. hab to Kinimanshah. Robert (l e Vaug Pondy, G. Institutions landen. GGeogra phi Saques. Ma J ewY nI^SansonRbrti J Besh u oy, (. EeroeP Gtiograph-frqe Martiniere, A. A. B. (le la. Grand Dic- Roert (e Vaugoy, G. Sur laGographie. tionnaire G,'ographique, &c phie. otionnaire la^ ographique, &., S.A. Geographical Atlas. Mather, J. R. Geography of New- Ruddl, S. A. Georaphcal Atlas. Yoerk. t ussel's Guide to Plymouth. M'Culloch, J. R. Universal Gazetteer. Mease, J. Picture of Philadeiphia. S t-Domingo. L t DoMelish, J. United States, & c. n.ingaue Mewcator, G. Atas. Sanson, N. Geogr aphla Sacra. Miller, J. NewH-York in 1695. Sanson, N. L lEurope, 1'Asie, l'Afrique, Mitchell, S. A. Accompaniments to et l'Atnfrique, en Cartes, &c. Maps. ZSchnitzler, J. H. Empire de Russie. M'Murtrie, II. Sketches of Louisville. Scott, J. UitStaesazeteer. Montpalau, A. Diccionario Geografico. Seyxas. F. de. Theatro Naval HidroMorden, R. Geography of the World. graphico. Moreau (le Saint-Mlry, L. E. Saint- haler, W. e ketches of Agiers. O Qhaler, W. Sketches of Algiers. reDominge e.e eorh f Sherwood, A. Gazetteer of Georga. OrtellOA.heato dlSmith, M. Geographical Views. loreau dle Saint-M(ry, L.:E. St. 3Do- Smith, M. egraphical Views. maingo. Vmyth. D.. Upper Canatla. Morse,. American G aphy. M. Pysical Geography. Morse, J. Universal G- a1hyr. South Carolina. Description of. Spafforu,, H. G. Gazetteer of New-York. Morse, J. and C. UniGtersal Gazetteer. Spafor.a, I. G. ettee of Newa-Yor Morse, S. Eic. Mtodern Geogrnpby. Stodtlard, A. -lketches of Louisiana. Moser, J. J. Nozt America, 73li. Stork, W. Account of East Florida. Murray, H. Encyclopedia of Geogra- Vtangewa, Iosut re phy. phy. Strzelecki, P. E. de. New South Wales. Terre-Neuve. Le Piiote de. Navigation. Instruction Nautique. Texas. Le Champ-dl'Asile. New Rochelle, Guide to. Thevet, A. La Cosmnographie UniverNew-York. Geography oi. See Math- selle. er, J. H. Thomas, G. Pensilvania and New JerNew Zealantiers. See Lib. E... s ey. Nicolay, C. G. Oregon Territory. Tibet. Description of. Nova-Scotia. Histoire Geographique. Trego, C. B. Geography of PennsylvaNovus Orbis. See Grynans, S. nia. Tuckey, J. H. Maritime Geography. Ohio. Description du Sol, &c. O'Reilly, B. Greenland, &zc. Umfreville,. I-Iudson's Bay. O'Reilly II. Siketches of Rochester, &c. Oregon. (reenhow's Geography of. Voissette, J. G(ographie, &c. Ortelio, A. Theatro del Mlondo. Vignoles, C. On the Floridas. Volney, C. F. Etats-Unis. Parish, W. Sources of the River Negro. Volney, C. F. Etats-Uniates. Park, R. Topography of West Point. Pease anti Niles. Gazetteer of Connec- Wallace, C. Geography of New Hampticut anti Rhodte-Island. shire Peck, J. M. Gazetteer of Illinois. Walker, (Mr.) Account of Columbla. Pennant, T. Le Nordl du Globe. W\:alton. W., jun. Spanish Colonies. Persia, Description of. Warden, D. B. District of Columbia. Peuchet, J. Dictionnaire cte la G'ogra- Washington, (Capt.) Progress of Geophie. graphy. Pictet, C. Tableau des Etats-Unis. W\Aatson, F. Geographical Dictionary. Pinkerton, 3. Modern Geogiraphy. Wells, E. Treatise on Geography. Pitt, M., and Otherls. English Atlas. West, H. Beschreibung von St. Croix. West Point Guide. See Colton, J. H. 860 HISTORY. Wetmore, A. Gazetteer cf Missouri. Wilkinson, J. Eastern Dese-t of Upper Whewell, AV. On the Tides. Egypt. Whitelock, (Lt.) Entrance of the Per- Williams, J. L. Topogrpll y of Florida. sian Gulf. Wilson, J. Hiisiory (o MRounltains. Wilford, F. On Mount Caucasus. WinterJothamn, W. United 6l ates, &c. Wilford, F. Sacred isles of ilie \Vest. Woodmnian, D. Guide to'exas. Wilkinson, Sir G. Hand Book of Egypt. Worcester, J. E. Universal Gazetteer 2. Vayages and Travels. Abbot, J. C. Summer in Scotland. Basanier, (M.) See Laudonniere. Acuna, C. dl. Relation de la Rivitre ides Battel, A. Strange Adventures. Aniazones. Bayard, F. ELals-Unis. Adanson, M. Voyage to Senegal, &c. Beaufoy, Mt. Mexican illustrations. Addison, L. West Barbary. Bcclitord, W. lSketches of Italy, Spain, Adventure and Beag'le. Voyages. e c. Alcala-Galiano, D. Relacion (lei Viage Beckford, W. Italy, Spain and PortuHecio, &c. gal. Alexander, J. E TransatlanticSketches. rBeecieey, F. W. Voyage of Discovery. Ali Bey. Travels. 1eechey, F. W. Voyage to tlie Pacific, Allen, W. River Niger. &c. America. Discoveries and Settle;.:-';s, evelkmlan, D. Voyage to Borneo. of the English in. Behr ens, C. F. Histoire de;"Exptdition America. Nord-America, von etii:,ci le Trois Vaisseaux. Wurtemburger. Belcher, Sir E. Voyage around the Amerique. Coies de Guinte. World Anburey, T. Travels in America. Beicher, Sir E. Voyage of the Sama. Andrews, (Capt.) Travels in America. rang. Ang-elo andt Carli. Voyage to Congo. Bell, 3. Travels in Asia. Anson, (Ld.) Voyage round the WorId. Beltramni, J. C. La D couverte des Anson, (Ld.) Voyage autour du Monde. Sources du Missississipji. Anthon, C. E. PIlgriniage. Beltram i,.. C. Pilgriniage in Europe Arfwedson, C. D. United States and anlt America. Canada. Benjimin, (ilabbi.) Travels in China. Ashe, T. Travels in America. Bennett, G. VWanderings in New South Austria and the Austrians. ales. Avrigny, C. J. L. d'. Le Depart ide la Be geron, P. Voyages en Asie. Ptlrouse. Bernier, F. Travels in lhe Mogul EmAzara, F. d'. Voyage dans l'Amlrique pii e. MAridionale. Betagh, (Capt.) Account of Peru. Biet, A. Voyage de la France EquinoxBache, R. Notes on Columbia. iale. Back, (Capt.) Arctic Land Expedition. Bigelow, A. North Britain Bacon, J. F. Six Years in Biscay. Birkbeck, PM. Letters from Illinois. Bairdl,. Visit to Northern Europe. Birkbeck, M. Lettres su- les Parties Bajon. Voyage. la Guiane. Oceidentale; des E ats-Unis. Bakewell, R. Travels in the Tarentine, Blanchardire, C. de la. Voyage au &c. P(rou. Banks, Sir J. Voyageautour du Monde. Blessington. (Countess.) Idler in Baro, R. Voyage au Pays dtes Tapueis. France. Baron, S. Description of Tonqueen. Blo:nt, H1. Voyage into the Levant. Barr, W. Delhi to Peshawur. Boisgelin, L. de. Travels in Denmark, Barrington, D. North Pole. &c. Barrington, G. Voyage a. Botany-Bay. Bolingbrokle, I. Voyage to the DemeBarrow, J. Collection of Voyages, &c. rary. Barrow, J. Travels in China. Bontecoe. Oost Indische. Barrow, J. Travels in South Africa. Borde, J. B. de la. Histoire de la Mer Barrow, J. Voyages into the Arctic (du Suld. Regions. Borde, (Sieur de la.) De l'Origine des Barrow, J. Dccoovertes des Europlens. Caraibes. Barrow, J., jr. Vist to Iceland. Borri, C. Account of Cochin-China. Barrow, Sir J. Surveying Voyages of Borrow, G. Bible in Spain. the Adventure and Beagle. Bosman, W. Description of Guinea. Barrow, Sir J. Voyage of Discovery. Bossu, (M.) Voyages aux Irdes OcciBarrow, J. Tour in Austrian Lom- dentales. hardy. Bossu, (M.) Voyage dans l'Amirique Bartram, J. Travels in Canada, &c. Septentrionale. Bartram,W. Travels in the Carolinas,&c. Bossu, (M.) Travels in Louisiana.. Bartram. W. Voyage dans lAmnirique Boswell, J. Tour to the Hebrides. Septentrionale. Boteler, T. Voyage to Africa, &e. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 861 Bougainville, L. de. Voyage autour du Campe, J.H. Columbus, or the DiscoMonde. very of America. Bouguer, P. Voyage to Peru. Camus, A. G. Sur dte Bry et de TheveBourgeois. Voyages Interessans. not. Bourgeois, M. Voyage, &c. Camus, A. G. Grand et Petit Voyages. Bourgoanne. Travels in Spain. Canada. Memoires sur le. Bouton, J. Voyage a la Martinique. Canada and the Colonists. Boyle, R. Viaggi ed Avventure. Candler. Summary View of America. Braclkenridge, H. M. Views of Loui- Careri, G. Voyage du Tour du Monde. siana. Carnarvon, (Earl.) Portugal and GalliBrackenridge, H. M. Voyage to South cia. America. Caron, F. Account of Japan. Bradbury, J. Travels in America..Carr, (Sir John.) Tour in Holland. Braini, F. H. New ~outh Wales. Carter, N. H. Letters from Europe. Brand, J. Description of Orkney, &c. Carthier, J., and Others. Voyages to Brande, C. Voyage to Peru, &c. New France. Bray, W. Tour into Derbyshire, &c. Cartwright, G. Residence in Labrador. Breckenridge, R. J. Memoranda of Fo- Carus, C. J. King of Saxony's Jourreign Travel. nal. Brevail, J. Travels in France, &c. Carver, J. Travels in North America. Bright, R. Travles in Hungary. Carver, J. Universal Traveller. Brissot, J. P. de Warville. De la France Carver, J. Voyages dans I'Am(rique. et des E ats-Unis. Cassini, J. D. Voyage pour Eprouver Brissot, J. P. de Warville. Examen de les Montres Marines. Chastellux. Castiglioni, L. Viaggio negli Stati Brissot, J. P. de Warville. Voyage dans Uniti. l'Am'rique Septentrionale. Catalogue of Books of Voyages and TraBrissot, J. P. (le Warville. Travels in vels. the United States. Catineau-la-Roche. SurlaGuyane Fran. Brocquiere, B. de la. Travels. caise. Brosses, C. de. Navigations aux Terres Catlin, G. Notes on the North AmeriAustrales. can Indians. Broughton, W. R. North Pacific. Catlin, G. Travels in Europe. Browne, E. Travels in Germany, &c. Cauche, F. Voyage a Madagascar, &c. Browne, VW. C. Travels in Africa. Cauche, F. See Lawson, J. Browne, J.. Whaling Cruise. Cavendish, Sir T. Voyage round the Bruce, J. Travels in Africa. Globe. Bry, T. de. America. Chabert, (M. de.) Voyage dans l'AmSBrydone, F. Tour in Sicily and Malta. rique Septentrionale. Buch, L. von. Travels in Norway, &c. Champlain. Voyages du Canada. Buchanan, F. Journey through Mysore. Chanller, R. Travels in Asia Minor. Buckingham, J. S. America. Chanvalon, T. de. Voyage. la MartiBuckingham, J. S. France, Italy, &c. nique. Buckingham, J. S. Slave States. Chappe d'Auteroche, J. Voyage en CaliBuenos Ayres. Residence in. fornie, &c. Bulkeley, J., and J. Cummins. South Chardin, Sir J. Travels in Persia. Seas. Charlevoix. Voyage to Canada. Bullar, J. and H. Winter in the Azores. Charlevoix. North America. Bullock, W. Travels in Mexico. Chase, 0. Shipwreck of the Whaleship Bulwer, H. L. France, Social, &c. Essex. Bunbury, C J. F. Cape of Good Hope. Chastellux. Voyage dans l'Amerique Burckhardt, J. L. Travels in Nubia. Septentrionale. Burnaby, A. Travels in America. Chastellux. Voyage de Newport, &c. Burnes, A. Travels into Bokhara. Chastellux.'Travels in North America. Burnes, J. Visit to the Court of Sinde. Chateaubriand. Travels in Greece, &c, Burnet, G., (Bp.) Travels in Swisser- Cheever, G. B. Travels. land. Cheever, G. B. Wanderings of a PilBurney, J. Discoveries in the South grim. sea. Chevalier, M. Society, &c., in the Burney, J. North-Eastern Voyages of United States. Discovery. Chili. Journal of a Residence in. Byrne, J. C. Wanderings. Cieza, P. de. Peru. See Lawson, J. Byron, J. HIis Distresses in Patagonia. Circumnavigation of the Globe, &c~ Byron, J. Viage alRededor del Mundo. Clapperton H. Second Expedition into Afr ica. Caldcleugh, A. Travels in South Ame- Clarke, E. Account of Spain, &c. rica. Clarke. E. D. Travels in Europe, Asia, Callander, J. Voyages to the South. &c. Calvert, (. H. Scenes in Europe. Clarke, J. S. Progress of Maritime DisCampe, J. H. Columbus, oder die Ent- covery. dekkung von Westindien, &c. [STATE LIBRARY. 54 862 HISTORY. Claviere, E. La France et les Etats- Davis, J. United States. Unis. Davis, J. Louisiana. Clayton, R. Journal to Mount Sinai. Davy, J. Notes on the Ionian Islands. Cleveland, R. J. Voyages. De Bry. See Camus. Cochrane, C. S. Traveis in Colombia. De Kay, J. E. Sketches of Turkey. Cockburn, J. Journey from Honduras Delano, A. Voyages and Travels. to the South Sea. DenhamandClapperton. Travels in AfCocks, G. Bordeaux and its Wines. rica. Collins, D. New South \Vales. D'Entrecasteaux, B. Voyage a la ReCollet, V. Voyage dans PAmeirique cherche de la Perouse. ep)tentrionale. Depons, F. Voyage a la Terre-Ferme. Colombia. Present State of. Depons, F. Voyage to the Spanish Colton, C. Four years in Great Britain. Main. Colton, W. Constantinople and Athens. De Roos, F. F. United States. Columbus, C. First Voyage to Ameri- Descourtilz, M. E. Voyage d'un Natuca. raliste, &c. Condamine. Voyage dans l'Amtrique Diereville. Voyage de l'Acadie. Aeriidionale. Discovery. Retrospect of the Origin and Condamine. Voyage a l'Equateur, &c. Progress of. Conder, J. Brazil and Buenos Ayres. Dixon, G. Voyage round the World. Conolly, A. Journey to the North of Dixon, G. Voyage autour du Monde. Indlia. Dobbs, A. Hudson's Bay. Cook, (Capt.) Last Voyage. See Led- Dobbs, A. Reply, &c. yardl. Dobell, W. Tavels in Kamschatka. Cook, J. Voyage to the Pacific Ocean. Dodwell. E. Tour through Greece. Cook, J. Voyage autour du Monde. Dorvo-Soulastre. Voyage de Santo-DoCooley, J. E. American in Egypt. mingo au Cap-Francais. Cooper, J. F. Recollections of Europe. Drake, Sir. F. Voyages. Cooper, J. F. Recollections of France. Drake. Cavendish, andADampier. VoyaCooper, J. F. Excursions in Italy. ges. Cooper, J. F. England. Duane, W. Visit to Colombia. Coppier, J. Voyage des Indes Occiden- Dubois, J. A. Description of the Peotales. ple of India. Coreal, F. Voyage aux Indes Occiden- Duncan, J. M. United States and Canatales.. a. Corson, J. W. Loiterings in Eilrope. Duncan, J. Western Africa. Costello, L. S. Bearn and the Pyrenees. Dunn, H. Guatimala. Coulter, J. Adventuies in the Pacific. Dunn, J. Oregon Territory.'urzon, R.'Visits to Monasteries. Durbin, J. P. Observations in Europe. Cushing, C. Spain. Durbin, J. P. Observations in the East. Coxe, \V. Russian Discoveries, &c. Durrett. Voyage de Marseille a Lima. Coxe, W. Travels in Poandl, &c. Dutch. Voyages to the North of EuCoxe, W. Travels in Switzerland. rope. Coxe, W. Dccouvertes des Russes, &c. Duvallon, B. Voyage a la Louisiane, Crawfurd, A. Embassy to Ava. &c. Crawfurdl, A. Embassy to Siam. Dwight, H. E Travels in Germany. Crespel, E. Voyage dans le Canada. Dwight, T. Travels in New England. Creveceur. Voyage dans la Pensylvanie, Dwight, T., jun. Summer Tours. &c. Crozet, M. Voyage Ia Mer du Sud. Earle, A. Residence in New-Zealand. Cuninf, F'. Tour through Ohio, &c. Edwards, W. H. The Amazon. Cunningham, J. W. CauLions to Conti- Egypt. Trois Relations tie l'2Egypte. nental'lravellers. Ellicott, A. Journal, 1796-1800. Custine (Marquis de.) Russia. Ellis, H. Embassy to China. Ellis, H. Voyage to Hudson's Bay. Dablon, C. Relation de ce qui s'est Ellis, H. Voyage de la Baye de Hudpass5 en la Nouvelle France. son. Dalrymple, A. Voyages in the South Ellis (Mr.) Journey to New-Britain. Pacific Ocean. Ellis, W. Voyage of Capts. Cooke ard Dalrymple, A. Voyages dans 1a Mer du Clerke. Sud. Ellis, W. Tour through Owhyee. Damberger, C. F. Travels in Africa. Ellis, V. Polynesian Researches. Darner (Mrs.) Tour in Turkey. Elphinstone, M. Account of Caubul. Dampier, W. Voyage round the World. Emerson, J. Letters from the AEgean. Dampier, W. Voyage autour du Monde. Eothen. Dana, R. H. Two years before the Erman, A. Siberia. Mast. Eschewege. B. C. von. Journal von Dandini, J. Voyage to Mount Libanus. Brasilien. Darby, \. Tour from New-York to Eustace, J. C. Classical Tour in Italy. Detroit. D'Aubigne. Germany, England. Fanning, E. Voyage. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 863 Farnham, T. J. Travels in California. Gardiner, G. Brazil. Farnham, T. J.. Travels in Ore- Gardner, A. K. Old Wine in New Botgon. ties. Faux, W. Memorable Days in America. Garnet, P. Account of the Drosacks. Fearon, H. B. Sketches of America. Gass, P. Travels in America. Featherstonhaugh, G. W. Canoe Voy- Georgia, New Voyage to. age. Gilliam, A. M. Travels in Mexico. Featherstonhaugh, G. W. Slave States. Girod-Chantrans. Voyage dans l'AmerFellows, C. Discoveries in Lycia. ique. Fergusson, A. Tour in Canada. Gleig, G. R. Germany, Bohemia, &c. Ferrall, S. A. United States. Godley, J. R. Letters from America. FeuillCe, L. Journal des Observations. Godman, J. D. Rambles. Finch, J. United States. Goede, C. A. G. A Foreigner's Opinion Fisher, W. Travels among the Indians. of England. Fisher, A. Voyage to the Artic Re- Goez, B. Travels from Lahore to Chigions. na. Fisk, W. Europe. Golownin (Capt.) Captivity in Japan. Fitch, R. Voyage to Ormus. Gonzales, M. Voyage to England, &c. Flagg, E. The Far West. Graham M. Residence in Chijl.. Fleurieu, (Comte de.) Voyage en 1768. Graham, M. Voyageto Brazil. Fleurieu, (Comte de.) Decouvertesdes Granville, A. B. Spas of England. Francois en 1768. Granville, A. B. Spas of Germany. Fleurieu, (Comte de.) Discoveries of Granville, A. B. Travels to and from the French in 1768. St. Petersburgh. Flinders, M. Voyage to Terra Aus- Grasset-Saint-Saveur, J. Encyclopedie tralis. des Voyages. Flint, T. Valley of the Mississippi. Grey, G. Expeditions in Australia. Florida. De Gallorum Expeditione in Griffith (Mr. and Mrs. G, Darby.) TravFloridam. els, Forbes, J. Oriental Memoirs. Grillet et Bechamel. Voyage dans la Ford, R. Spaniards and their Country. Goyane. Ford, R. Hand Book of Spain. Griscom, J. Year in Europe. Forrest, T. Voyage au Mouluques. Grund, F. J. The Americans. Forster, G. Travels in Persia. Guignes (M. de.) Philippine Islands, Forster, G. Voyage round the World. &c. Forster, J. R. History of Voyages, &c. Guthrie, M. Tour in the Taurida. Forster, J. R. Voyage round the world. Hahn Hahn. Holy Land. Forster, J. R. Histoire des Voyages. Haight (Mrs.) Letters from the OldForster, J. R. Observations faites pen- World. dant le Voyage dte Captaine Cook. Hakluyt, R. Collecction of Voyages. Forsyth, J. Excursions in Italy. Hakluyt Society. See Hawkins. RaFortia, M. Travels in Sweden. leigh. Fortune, R. China. Hale, J. Travels in Central America. Foster, H.. Voyage to the South Atlan- Hall B. Journal written on the Coasts tic. of Chili, Peru, &c. Foxe, E. North West. Hall, F. Travels in Canada, &c. Francklyn, W. Tour into Persia. Hall, J. Letters from the West. Franklin, J. Journeys to the Polar Sea. Harnel, H. Travels of some Dutchmen, Fraser, J. B. Journey into Korasan. &c. Fraser, J. B. Journey to Tehran. Iamilton, A. Account of the East InFraser, J. B. Tour in the Himala Moun- dies. tains. Hamilton, F. Account of Nepal. Fraser, J. B. Travels in Persia. Hamilton, J. P. Travels in Columbia. Fremont, J. C. Exploring Expedition. Hamilton, W. Asia Minor. Freycinet. Voyage round the World. Hanway, J., and Others. Account of Frazier, A. F. Voyage de la Mer du Russia. Sud. Harlot, T. Narratio de Virginiae. Frobisher, Sir. M. Voyages. HIarriot, J. Adventures. Froger, F. Voyage par M. dtl Gennes. Harmon, D. W. Travels in North Fuller, S. M. Summer on the Lakes. America. Furnis, W. Scenes in the Old World. Harris, J. Collection of Voyages, &e. Furstenwarther (M. von.) DerDeutsche Harris, T. D. To::r Northwest of the in Nord America. Alleghanies. Hassel, J. Tour of the Isle of Wight. Gage, T. Survey of the West Indies. Hawes, J. Impressions of Foreign Gage, T. Voyage dans la Nouvelle Es- Travel. pagne. Hawkes worth, J. Voyages, &c. Gaimard, P. Scandinavia. Hawkins, Sir. R. South Sea. Gama, V. (de. First Voyage to the East. Hawks' Monuments of Egypt. Gardiner (Capt.) West Indies. Hawley, Z. Tour in several States. 864 HISTOR t. Hawthorne, N. Journal of an African Lockman- Mercier - Muratori Cruiser. Pilleprat- Vimont-Lettres EdifiHead, Sir F. B. Bubbles from the Brun- antes. nen. Johnson, S. Journey to the Western IsHead, Sir George. Rome. lands of Scotland. Head, Sir F. B. Journey across the Johnson, T. J. Gold Regions of CaliPampas. fornia. Head, Sir G. Home Tour, (Continued.) Johnston, R. Travels in Russia, &c. Headley, J. T. Letters from Italy. Jones, G. Cairo. Headley, J. T. The Alps. Josselyn, J. Voyages to New England. Hearne, S. Journey to the Northern Joutel. Dernier Voyage. Ocean. Juan, J. Viage a la America Meridionale. Hearne, S. Voyage a l'Ocean Nord. Juan, J. Viago a la America MeridioHeath, R. Islands of Sicily. nale. Heber, R. Journey in Upper India. Juan, J. Voyages to South America. Hell, X. Steppes of the Caspian Sea. Jukes, J.B, Newfoundland. Helms, A. Z. Voyage dans l'Amerique. Jukes, J. B. Surveying Voyage. Henderson, (Capt.) British Honduras. Henegan, R. D. Peninsular Wa". (alm, P. Reise nach dem Nord America. Hennepin, L. Discovery in America. Kalm, P. Travels in North America. Henry, A. Travels in Cinada. Keate, G. Pelew Islands. Heriot, G. Travels in Canada. Keating, (Col.) Europe. Hobhouse, J. C. Journey through Al- Keating, W. H. Major Long's Expedibania. tion to the St. Peter's River. Hodgskin, T. Travels in Germany. Kendall, E. A. Travels in the United Hodgson, A. America. States. Hoffmeister, W. Ceylon. Kendall, G. W. Santa Fe Expedition. Holland, H. Travels in the Ionian Kentucky. Voyage auKentoukey. Isles. Keppel, G. Journey from India to EngHontan, (Baron de la.) Voyage dans land. l'Amirique Septentrionale. Keppel, H. Borneo. Hontan, (Baron de la.) Voyage to Kergulen, (M. de.) Deux Voyages dans North America. les Mers Australes et les Indes. Horneman. Travels. Keysler, J. G. Travels in Germany, Houston, J. Life and Travels. etc. Howison, J. Sketches of Upper Canada. Kidder, D. P. Travels in Brazil. Howitt, E. Tour in the United States. King, P. P. Survey of the Coast of Hughes, T. S. Travels in Sicily, &c. Australia. Hugo, V. The Rhine. King, R. Journey to the Arctic Ocean. Humboldt, A. de. Personal Narrative. Kinloch. Letters from Geneva and Humboldt, A. de. Travels in Asiatic France. Russia. Kinnear, J. G. Cairo, Petra, etc. Humboldt, A. de Voyage aux Regions Kirkland (Mrs.) Europe from the West. Equinoxiales. Kohl, J. G. Ireland., Scotland and EnHumphrey, H. Great Britain. gland. Hunter, J. D. Indians West of the Kohl, J. G. Austria. Mississippi. Kohl, J. G. Russia. Kolben, P. Voyage to the Cape of Ides, E. Y. Travels to China. Good Hope. Irby, C. L. Travels. Kolff, C. H. Voyages. Irving, W. Astoria. Koster, H. Travels in Brazil. Irving, W. Voyages of Christopher Koster, H. Voyage dans le Bresil. Columbus. Krusenstern, A. J. von. Voyage round Irving, W. Voyages of the Compan- the World. ions of Columbus. Labat, J. B. Voyage aux Isles de l'AmeiJacob, W. View of Germany. rique. Jacobs, T. G. Scenes in the Pacific. Labat, J. B. Voyage du Chevalier des Jacquemont, V. Letters from India. Marchais en Guinee, &c. James, E. Major Long's Expedition to Labillardire, J.J. Recherche delaPethe Rocky Mountains. rouse. James, J. Sketches of Travel. Labillardiere, J. J. Search after Perouse. Jameson, R. Travels in the Hebrides. Lade, R. Voyages de l'Afrique, de Jamestown. The Voyage of. l'Asie, et de l'Amerique Janson, C. W. Stranger in America. Laiiig, S. Residence In Norway. Japan. See Siebold, P. F. von. Laing, S. State of France. Jeffreys, T. Voyages from Asia to Laing, S. Tour in Sweden. America. Lajaille, de. Voyage au Senegal. Jenkinson, G. Travels to Bucharia. Lalemant, H. Relatiopn de ce qui s'est Jesuits. Missions and Travels of the. passe Remarquable en Nouvelle See Dablon - Lalemant -Lej.uie- I Franee, V 0 YAG E S -AND T RAVEL S. 865 La 1artine1, A. de. Holy Land. Mackenzie, A. Voyage to the Pacific Lambert, C. Voyage d'cEgypte. Ocean. Lamber, J. Travels in Canada, &c. Mackenzie, A. Voyage dans lInterieur Lancaster, Sir J. First Voyage to the tie PAmerique. East. Mackenzie, Sir G. S, Travels in IceLangsdorff, G. H. von. Voyages and land. Travels. Mackenzie. A. S. American in EnLanman, C. Summer in the Wilder- gland. ness. Mackenzie, A. B. Spain Revisited. Lanman, C. Lower Canada. Mackinnon (Capt.) Parana. Laon, J. dte. Voyage du Frangais au Mactaggart. Three years in Canada, Cap de Nord en Amnrique. Maire, J. le. Speculum Navigationum. La Place. Circumnavigation. Malcolm, SirJ. Sketches of Persia. Latrobe, C. J. Mexico. Malcom, H. Travels in bouth Eastern: Latrobe, C. J. North America. Asia. Latrobe, C. J. Visit to South Africa. Malkin, B. H. Tour through Wales. Laudonni6re, R. Voyages to Florida. Marchand, E. Voyage autour du Monde. Laudonniere, R. See Bry.-W. C. Marchand. E. Voyage round the Laval, (leP.) Voyage de la Louisiane. World. Lavayesse, J. J. I). Voyage au Trinidad.. Marco Polo. See Paulo Mark. Lavayesse, J. J. D. Description of Marine. HistoireG.knralede la. Trinidad. Marquette et St. Joliet. Voyage de Leake, W. M. Researches in Greece. l'Amerique Septentrionale. Leake, W. M. Topography of Athens. Marryat;s Diary in America. Leake W. M. Travels in the Morea. Martin, M. Islands ofScotland, &e, Ledru. A. P. Voyages aux Ten Mriffe. Martineau, H. Eastern Life. Ledyarl, J. Cook's last Voyage. Marvel, lke. French Gleanings. Legentil. Voyage autour du Monde. Masson, C. Balochislan. Legoboin et Duhalde. Lettres Edifi- Mathison, G. F. Visit to Brazil. antes et Curieusse. Matthews, H. Diary of an Invalid. Lejeune, P. Relation de ce qui s'est Maude, J. Visitto Niagala. passe en la Nouvelle France. Maundrell, H. Journey to Jerisalem. Lemaire, J. Navigation Australes. Maupertuis, (M. de.) Journey to MeaLemoyne de Morgues, J. See Bry.- sure a I egree, &c. W. C. Maurelle, F. A. Voyage to the NorthLempriere, W. Tour in Morocco. West Coast of America. Leonard, P. Africa. Mawe, J. Travels in Brazil. Lery. J. de. Tavigatio in Brasiliam. Maxwell, J. L. Norway. Lery, J. D. See Bry.-W. C. Mayer, B. Mexico as it was, and as itis. Leslie and Others. Discoveries in the McLellan, I. Residence in Scotland. Polar Seas. Meares, J. Voyages to the North-West Lester, C. E. Arericus Vespucius. Coast of America. Lewis, G. Impressions of America. Meares, J. Voyages a l Cute Nort.Lewis and Clark. Expedition to the Ouest d(e l'Amrique. Sources of the Missouri. Meerten, A. B. van. Reis door het KOLinschoien, J. H. van. Histoire de la ningryk dter Nederlanden. Navigation. Melish, J. United States. Linschoten, J. H. van. Le Grand Rou- Menonville, N J. T. de. Travels to GUz tier tie Mer. axaca. Lisiansky. U. Voyage round the Merim'e, P. Ouest de la France.. World. Merimne, P. Auvergne. Lister, M. Journey to Paris in 1698. Merolla da Sorrento, J. Voyage to Con. Lobo, J. Voyage to Ab'ssinia. go. Lockmnan, J. Travels of the Jesuits. Michaux, F. A. Voyage a l'(uest de: Long, J. Voyages in North America. Monts AllCghanys. Long, J. Voyages dans l'Am:rique Michaux. F. A. Travels to the WestSeptentrionale. ward of the Alleghany Mountains. Long, S. 11. Expeditions. See James- Middleton's Reply to Dobbs. Keating. Miers, J. Travels in'Chile, &c. Louis, XVII.I. Pruxelles. Milfort, (Gen.) Voyages dansle Nation Low, 11. Sa-awak. Crek. Lyell, C. Travels in the United itates. Millard, D. Travels. Lyell, C. Second Visit to United Miroir,Oostet West-Tndical. States.' Misson, F. M. Travels in England. Lynch, W. F. Dead Sea. Mitchell, J. Notes from Over Sea. Lyon, G. F. Voyage under Capt. Pa:- Vl'Kenney, T. L. Tour to the Lakes. ry. MLellan, J. France, &c. Lyon, G. F. Repulse Bay. Mofras, D. de. Oregon ties California. Lyon, G. F. Tour in Mexico. Mollien, T. Voyage dans la Colombiao Monroe, V. Ramble in Syria. Mackay's Western World. 866 HISTORY. Montague, E. P. Dead Sea. Parker, S. Rocky Mountains. Montague, M. W. Letters. Parkinson, R. Tour in America. Montemont, A. Voyages. Parkinson, S. Voyage to the South Montlezun, (M.) Voyage a la New- Seas. Yorck, &c. Parkinson, S. Voyage autour du Monde. Moodie, J. W. T. Ten Years in South Parrot, F. Ararat. Africa. Parry, W. E. Third Voyage. Moorcraftand Trebeck. Travels in the Parry, W.E. Voyages to the NorthHimalayan Provinces, &c. West. Moorsom's Nova Scotia. Paulo, M. Travels. Morell, B. Jun. South Sea. Pennant, T. Tours in Scotland. Morisot, C. B. Orbis Maritimi Gene- Pereira, N. M. Narrativo do Peregrino ralis Historia. da America. Moritz, C. P. Travels in England. Perier, (Mons. Du.) History of VoyaMorris, E. J. Tour in Turkey, &c. ges and Travels. Morrison, R. Embassy to China. Perkins, J. Persia. Motraye, A. de la. Travels in Europe, Pernety, A. J. Voyage aux Isles Ma&c. louines. Mott, V. Travels in Europe, &c. Peron, F. Voyage aux Terres AustraMouette, (Sieur.) Fez and Morocco. les. See Lawson, J. Perouse, J. F. G. de. Voyage autour du Muller, G. P. Decouvertes des Russes, Monde. &c. Perouse, J. F. G. de. Voyage round the Mundy, (Capt.) Tour in India. World. Murat, A. United States. Persia. Relation de Perse. Murray, H. Discoveries and Travels in Perthes, Histoire des Naufrages. North America. Phillip, (Gov.) Voyage to Botany Bay. Murray, H. Travels of Marco Polo. Phipps, C. J. Voyage towards the Murray and Others. Discovery in Af- North Pole. rica. Phipps, C. J. Voyage au Pole Boreal. Pigafetta, P. Premier Voyage autonu Navarette, M. F. de. Voyages de Co- du Monde. lomb. Pike, Z. M. Expedition to the West. Navarette, M. F. de. De Los Viages. Pike, Z. M. Voyage au Nouveau-MexNiagara. Journey. ique. Niebuhr, C. Travels in Arabia. Pinckard, G. Notes on the West Indies. Nieuhoff, J. Travels in China. Pinkerton, J. Collection of Voyages, Nieuhoff, J. Voyage, &c. to Brazil. &c. Niger Expedition. See Allen. Pinkerton, R. Russia. Norman, B. M. Rambles in Cuba, &c. Pinkney's South of France. Norman, B. M. Rambles in Yucatan. Pius VII. Journey and Imprisonment. Noort, 0. van. Voyagie. Planche, J. K. The Danube. Noort, 0. van. See Bry.-W. C. Pococke, R. Travels in Egypt. Nougaret, (M.) Voyages Interessans, Pococke, R. Travels in the East. &c. Pointis, (Baron de.) Expedition de. Nuttall, T. Travels in Arkansas. Carthagene. Pollnitz, (Baron de.) Memoirs, or TraOlin, S. Travels in Egypt, &c. vels. Oliver. Wreck of the Glide. Poncet, C. J. Journey to Abyssinia. Oregon. Fremont's Narrative. Porter, (Captain.) Journal of his O'Reilly, B. Greenland, &c. Cruise. Ortego, Don C. d(e. Viage del. Corn. Porter, D. Cnnstantinople Bvron. Porter, Sir J. Observations on the Outhier, R. Voyage to the North. Turks. Over the Ocean. Porter, Sir R. K. Travels in Persias Oxley, J. Interior of New South Wales. &c. Portlock, N. Voyage round the World. Pages, P. M. F. Voyages autour du Portlock, N. Voyage abridged. Monde. Post, H. A. V. Visit to Greece. Pages, P. M. F. Travels round the Power's Impressions of America. World. Preston, T. R. Three Years in Canada. Paget, J. Hungary and Transylvania. PrevOt-d'Exiles, A. F. Histoire GenePalestine. Early Travels. rale ties Voyages. Pallas, P. S. Travels in Russia. Priest, W. Travels in the United Palmer, J. Rocky Mountains. States. Palmer, J. United States. Prior, J. Voyage in the Indian Seas. Pardoe (Miss.) The Rhone. Proctor, R. Journey across the AndesPardoe, (Miss.) City of the Sultan. Puckler Muskau. Egypt under MehePark, M. Travels in Africa. met-Ali. Parker, S. Tour beyond the Rocky Purchas, S. His Pilgrimage. Mountoins. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 867 Pyrard, F. Voyage aux Indes Orien- Russia in 1844. Revelations of. tales. Sack, (Baron von.) Voyage to Surinam. Quillennan, (Mrs.) Portugal. Saint-Hilaire, A. de. Voyage dans le Quin, M. J. Voyage down the Danube. District de Diamans du lrgsil. Saint-Hilaire, A. de. Voyage dans la Raleigh, Sir W. Guiana. Rio Janeiro, &c. Raleigh, Sir W. Fight near the Azores. Saint-John, J. A. Egypt under Mohani Ramond, L. Journey up Mont Perdu. med Ali. Ramusio, G. B. Navigationi et Viaggi. Salle, R. de la. Dernier Voyage, &c. Raumer, F. von. America. Salle, R. de la. Last Voyage, &c. Raumer, F. von. England. Salt, H. Voyage to Abyssinia. Raumer, F. von. Italy and the Italians. Samarang. See Belcher. Raveneau de Lussan. Voyage a la Mer Samoiedia. New Account of. du Sud, &c. Sanderson, J. American in Paris. Ray, J. Travels in Germany, Ilaly, &c. Sargent - Adventures. Read, (Cor.) Voyage round the Sauer, M. Voyage dans le Nord de lan World. Russie. Recueil de Divers Voyages.. Sauer, M. Expedition to Northern RusRegnard, J. F. Journey to Lapland, &c. sia. Reid, J. Turkey and the Turks. Saussure, H. B. de. Attempts to attain, Reid, T. Voyages to New South Wales. the Summit of Mont Blanc. Relations Veritables, &c. Savary, N. Letters on Greece. Renaudot. E. Travels of Two Moham- Saxe-Weimar, (Duke of.) Travels medans. through North America. Reynolds, J. N. Voyage of the Poto- Schaefer, J. C. Voyage Cosmographimac. que. Reynolds, J. N. South Sea Expedition. Schmidel, U. Indim Descriptio. Reynolds, Sir J. Journey to Flanders, Schmidt, F. De Vereenigten Staatem. &c. Schmidtmeyer, P. Travels to Chile. Richard, IT.F. Voyages chez les Peu- Schoolcraft, H.R. Expedition to Itasca pies Sauvages. Lake. Richardson, J. Desert of Sahara. Schooleraft, H. R. Travels in the MisRiesbeck, C. Travels in Germany. sissippi Valley. Riley. J.. Wreck of the Commerce. Schooleraft, H. R. Travels up the MisRives, (Mrs.) Residence in Europe. sissippi. Roberts, E. Embassy to Cochin-China. Schopf, J. D. Reise durch Nordamerika. Roberts, 0. W. Voyages. Schultz, C. Travels inthe UnitedStates. Robertson, D. Tour in the Isle of Man, Scoresby, W. Arctic Regio s. &c. Scoresby, W. Whale Fishery. Robin, (l'Abb5.) Voyage dans l'Ameri- Scott, Sir W. Paul's Letters to his Kinsque Septentrionale. folk. Robin, C. C. Voyage a la Louisiane, Sedgwick, C. M. Letters from Abroad. &c. Shaw, S. Tour into the West of EngRobinson, E. Researches in Palestine. land. Robinson. J. H. Expedition up the Shaw, T. Travels in Barbary, &c. Orinoco. Sherloek, M. Letters d'un Voyageur Robson, J. Residence in Hudson's Bay. Anglois. Rochefoucauld-Liancourt. Voyage dans Sherlocke's Voyage to the South Seas. les Etats-Unis. Shillibeer, J. The Briton's Voyage. Rochefoucauld-Liancourt. Travelsthro' Shirt ff, P. Tour through North Amethe United States. rica. Rochon, N. Voyage to Madagascar, &c. Sieboldl, P. F. von. Japanese Manners. Roe, Sir T. Voyage to India. Silliman, B. Tour to Quebec. Rogers, R. Account of North America. Silliman, B. Travels. Rogers, R. Journals inNorth America. Simond, L. Tour in Great Britain. Rogers, *V. Voyage autour dlr Monde. Simondl. L. Tour in Switzerland. Roquefeuil,C. de. Voyage autour du Simpson, A. Discoveries by the HudMlonde. son's Bay Compalty. Ross, Sir J. C. Voyage of Discovery. Simpson, A. Travels of Thomas SimpRoss, J. Voyage of Discovery. son. Ross, Sir J, Voyagetothe North-West. Simpson, Sir G. Journey. Roy, P L. le. Narrative of Four Rus- Singleton, A. Letters from the South. sian Sailors. Skippon, P. Travels in France. Royall (Mrs.) Southern States. Skrine, Ii. Tours through Wales. Royall, (Mrs.) United States. Slade, A. Travels in Turkey, &c. Rubruquis, G. de. Voyage Remarqua- Slade, A. Travels in Greece, Malta, ble. &c. Ruschen!erger, W. S. W. Voyage Slidell, A. Year in Spain. ro'ind the World. Smedt, P. J. de. Lette.'s, Sketches, &c. Russell, J. Tour in Germany. Smith, Sir J. E. Tour on the Continent.. 868 HISTORY. Smith, J. True Travels, Adventures, Tour in Germany, Holland, &c. &c. Townshendt, J. i. Rocky Mountains, Smith, J. J. Jaunt across the Water. Troglodytes. De Legatione legis ZEthioSobreviela et Barcelo. Voyages au Pe- piae. rou. Troil, U. von. Letters on Iceland. Southgate, H. Tour through Armenia, Tschudi, J. J. von. Peru. &c. Tuckey, J. K. River Zaire. Spallanzani, L. Travels in Sicily. Tudor, H. North America. Spencer, E. Sketches of Germany. Turnbull, D. Travels in the West. Spencer, E. Travels in Circassia. Twiss, R. Travels in Portugal, &c. Spencer, E. Travels in the Caucasus. Tyng, i. H. Recollections of England, Spilberg, G. Voyage par le Passage de Tytler and Wilson. Pr:gress of DisMagellan. covery, &c, 8pilbergen, G. See Maire, J. C. Spix and Martius. Travels in Brazil. Ulloa, A. de. Viage a la America MeStadt, J. de. Brasilim Historia. ridional. Stansbury, P. Pedestrian Tour. Ulloa, A. de. Voyage de l'Amerique Staunton, Sir G. Embassy to China. Meridionale. Stavorinus, J. S. Voyage to the East Ulloa, A. de. Voyage to South AmeIndies rica. Stearns, S. Tour from London to Paris. United States. Tournie dans les EtatsSteffens, H. Road to:Paris. Unis. Stedman, J. G. Voyage a Surinam, &c. United States. Politipal, Religious, and Stephens, J. L. Travels in Central Social Relations of the. America'. Uring, N. Voyages and Travels. Stephens, J. L. Travels in Egypt, &c. Stephens, J. L. Travels in Yucatan. Vaillant, M. (e. Africa. Stephens, J. L. Incidents of Travel. Valentia, (Viscount.) Voyages to India. Stevens, S. Travels through France. Valette, L. Voyage a la Lonisiane. Stevenson, W. Progress of Discovery, Valle, P. D. Travels in Persia. &c.. iYValpy, R. Short Sketch of a Short Trip Stevenson, W. B. Residence in South to Paris, in 1788. America.' Vancouver, G. Voyage to the North Stevenson, A. B. Voya e enAraucanie, Pacific Ocean. &c. Vancouver, G. Voyage a lOcean PaciStewart, C. S. Visit to the South Seas. fique du Nord. Sturge, J. Visit to the United States. Viaud, P. Strane Avventure avvenute Sutcliff, R. North America: in un Viaggio Maritlimo. Swinburne, H. Courts of Europe. Vievard, J. A. Veritesur 1 Angleterre. Swinburne, H. Travels in Sicily. Vigne, G. T. Visit to Ghuzni, &c. ymes, M.' Embassy:to Ava. Ville, (Marquis le.) Voyaes. Vincent, W. Ancient Navigation in the Talbot, E. A. Five Years in the Cana- Indian Oeean.;d(as. Virginia. Voyages of the English to. Talfourd, T. N. Vacation Rambles. Volnev, C. F.'Travels in Syria, &c. Tams, G. South Africa. Voyages. See Voyages. Tasman, A.. Voyage of Discovery. Tartary, Independent. Accounts of. Wafer, L. Voyage to America. Tavernier, B. J. B. Extract fiom his Wafer, L. Voyage de l'Amtrique. Voyages.: Wallis' Glimpses of Spain. Taylor, J. B. Views of Europe. Walsh, R. Notices of Brazil. Taylor, F. W. Broad Pennant. Wansey, H. Excursion to the United Tayloti, F. W. "Voyage around the States. yWorld. W arburton, E. The Crescent and the Teixeira, P. Travels. See Lawson, J. Cross. Temple, E. Travels in Peru. Ward, H. G. Mexico, in 1825-'26-'27. Tench, W. Expedition to Botany Bay. Waring, E. S. Tour to Sheeraz, &c. Tench, W. Voyage ala Baie Botanique. Waterton, C. Wanderings in South Tennari, J.. Belgim.'' America. Terry A. R. Equatorial Regions. Walson, E. Holland. Texas. Rambles an Scramblesan rambles in. Weddell, J. Antarctic Voyage. T'hevcnot, M. Voyages Curieux. Weerdt, S. de. Que acciderunt Navibus. Thickesse, P. France. Welby, A. Visit to North America. Thompson, C. Travels. Weld, T. jr. Travels in North America. Thom son, E. Sailor's Letters. Weld, I. jr. Voyage au Canada. Thomy;son, G. A. Visit to Guatemala. Welsted, J. K. Travels. Thomls)ie, T. Travels in Sweden.,: Welsted, J. R. Travels in Arabia. Thunltcrg, C. P. Cape of Good Hope. West-Indian Sketches. Timkowski, G. Russian Mission to White,.T. Voyage a la Nouvelle-Galles':China.. dlu Sud, &c. Titmaish, M.A. Journey. Whitesides, J. Italy. ANT1QUITIE S E THNOLOGY &C. 869 Wied-Neuwied, (Prince zu.) Reise Eccleston, J. English Antiquities. nach Brasilien. Egypt. Description de L'Egypt. Wilbraham, R. Travels in the Cauca- Wolff, J. Mission to Bokhara. sus. Wood, J. Journey to the Oxus. Wilkes, C. Exploring Expedition. Wood, R. Journey to Palmyra, &c. Wilkes, C. Review of Ross. Woods, J. Residence in Illinois. Wilkinson, Sir J. Dalmatia. Wrangell, F. von. Polar Sea. Willoughby, F. Travels in Spain. Wraxall, Sir N. W. Northern Tour. Willoughby, Sir H. and Others, Voyages Wright, E. Travels through France, to Russia and Siberia. &c. Wilson, W. R. Travels. Wright, (Miss.) Voyage aux Etats Wilson, W. R. Route through France, Unis. &c. W:impffen, (Baron de.) Voyage.Saint- Yates, W. H. Egypt. Domingue. Young's Residence on the Muaquito Windhus, J. Journey to Mequinez. Shore. Wislizenius, M. D. Northern Mexico. Young, A. Tour in Ireland. 3. Jntiquities, Ethnology, Genealogy, Heraldry, &'c, Abbot, A. Genealogical Register. Young, A. Travels in France, Adam, A. Roman Antiquities. Adan, W. Genealogy. Egyptian Antiquities. See Lib. E. K. Akerman, J. Y. Numismatic Manual, Elgin Marbles. See Lib. E. K, American Antiquarian Society Transac- Ethnological Journal. tions. Anthon, C. Classical Dictionary. Farmar, J. Genealogical Register. Antiquarian Review. Fiske, N. W. Classical Antiquities. Antiquaties. Northern Society. Fleetwood, W. Inscriptionum AntiquaAntiquitates Americanie, siye Scripto- rum Sylloge. res. Fosbroke, T. Arts, &c., of the Greeks Antiquitts Mexicaines. and Rhomans. Arciheology. Tracts of the Society of Fosbroke, T. D. EncyclopEedia of AnAntiquaries of London. tiquities. Archoeological Album. See Wright. Fosbroke, T. D. Foreign Topography. Asiatic Researches. Atwater, C. Antiquities of the West. Gallatin, A. Indian Tribes of North America. Barber, J. W. Antiquities, &c., of New Gallatin, A. Nations of Mexico, &c. England. Gliddon, D. R. Otia Egyptiana. Barnard, (Bp.) Originil oftheScotsin Grant, A. The Nestorians, &c. Britain. Bartlett, J. R. Progress of Ethnology. Hale, II. Ethnography. See Wilkes, Bradford, A. W. Ame:ican Antiquities. C. Borde, (Sieur de la.) De l'Origine ties Hearne, F. Discourses on English AnCaraibes. tiquities. British Costume. See Lib. E. K. Herculaneum et Ponpcii. Burke, J. Commoners of Great Britain. Hodgklin, (Dr.) On the Races of Man. Burke, J. Dictionary of the Peerage. Hodgson, W. B. Notes on Northern Burke, J. Extinct laronetcies. Africa. Burke, J. Extin!t Peerages- Holgate. J. B. Genealogical Chart. Burke, J. Landed Gentry of Great Bri- H-Iumboldt, A. lde. Monumens des Peu-. tain. l pies Indigenes de l'Am:nrque. Bunning, J. B. Designs for Tombs. Jennings. G. Jewish Antiquities. Camden, W. Remaines. Jones, Sir W. Discourse on the Chinere. Catherwoodl, F. Central American Jones, Sir W. Gods of Greece and Indiao Views Clinton, De W. Antiquities of Western Kennett, B. Antiauities of Rome. New-York. Kilbourn, P. K. Genealogy. Coleman, C. Mythology of the Hindus. Craik, G. Romance of tlie Peerage. Lans;eel, J. Sabmaten Researches. Ltstborn, A. Swedish Noblemen. Decker, G. A. Der Friedhof. Lempriere, J. Classical Dictio-'ary. Delafield, J. Antiquities i)f America. Lingard, T. Reply to the Edinburgh Dibdin, T. Typographical Antiquities. Review. Didron, (M.) Iconographie Chritienne, Lodge, E. British Peerage. &c. Lode, E. Portraits. Dodd, C. R. Manual of Dignities, &c. Lower, M. A. English Surnames. Lumisden, A. Antiquitits of Rome. 870 HISTORY. Mallet, M. Northern Antiquities. Shattuck, S. Family Registration. Middleton, C. DIe Medicis apud Roma- Skene, W. F. Highlanders of bcotnos. land. Middleton, C. On the Roman Senate. Smith, S. S. Human Species. Mitchill, S. Antiquities of America. Smith, W. Dictionary of Antiquities. Mongez. Antiquitics, Mythologie, &c. Smith, J. T. Discovery of America bt Morton, S. G. Crania Egyptiaca. Northmen. New England Historical and Genealogi- Smithsonian Contributions. cal Society. Stephens, J. L. Catherwood's Views. Nichols, J. Royal Wills. 1780. Nova Acta Acad. Nature Curlsorum. Ternite, WV. Pompejeand Herculanum. Thompson, G. A. New Theory, &c. Pease, F. S. Genealogy. Townley Gallery. See L. E. K. Pluto in Elysium. Transactions of the American AntiquaPolydore Vergil. De Rerum Inven- rian Society. toribus. Transactions of the American EthnoPompeii. See L. E. K. logical Society. Potter, J. Antiquities of Greece. Turner, W. W. Himyaritic InscripPrichard, J. C. Ethnography of High tions. Asia. Prichard, J. C. Application of Philo- Vetusta Monumenta. logical and Physical Researches to the History of the Human Species. Weber and Jameson. Northern AntiPriest, J. American Antiquities. quities. Wilkes. C. Ethnography, by Hale, H. Rio, A. del. Ruins near Palenque. Wilkinson, Sir J. G. Ancient Egyptians. Schoolcraft, H. R. Grave Creek Mound, Williams, S. W. Genealogy. Virginia. Wright, T. Archaeological Album. Scouler, J. OntheIndigenous Tribes of the North West Coast of America. Zahn, W. Tableaux de Pompei. 4. General History and Chronology. American Annual Register. Edinburgh Cabinet Library. Annual Register, (Dodslcy's.) Entick, J. General History of the late Arnold, T. Lectures on Modern Histo- War in Europe, Asia, &c. ry. Field of Mars. Baines, E. Wars of the French Revo- Forbisseri, M. Navigationis. lution. Bayle, P. Historical Dictionary. Gillies, J. History of the World. Belle-forest, F. de. Histoire Univer- GrelmanH. M G. Histoiredes Bohselle. miens. Berrington, J. Middle Ages. Guizot, (M.) OnEuropeanCivilization. Bigland, J. Study of History. Bolingbrole, (Ld.) Study of History. Haskel, D. Chronological View of the Borrow, G. Zincali, or Gypsies in Spain. Wold. Bossuet, J. B. Universal Histo ire Universelle. Botero, G. Relationi Universali. Holgate, B. Chronological Chart. Bouvet de Cress", A. J. B. Histoire de Humboldt, A. de. Cosmos. la Marine de tons les Peuples. A C r Bradford, A. Chronology. CouleursNatonles. Brady, J. Clavis Calendlaria. Johnson, C. History of the Pyrates. British Almanac and Companion. Jones, Sir, W. Asiatic Nations. Keightley, T. Outlines of History. Collier, J. Historical Dictionary, (Mo- reri.) Lambert, C. F. Histoire Gtnfrale. Cooley, W. D. History of Maritime Lenglet du Fresnoy, N. Methode pour and Inland Discovery. 1'Histoire. Corneille, T. Dictionnaire Universel, &c..Miller, G. History Illustrated. Crabb, G. Historical Dictionary. Millot, C. X. General History. Darby, W. Tablet of Memory. Mitchell, A. S. View of the World. Davis, S. Astronomical Computations Moreri, L. Historical Dictionary. of the Hindus. Muller, 0. Doric Races. Drummond. Sir W. Origines. Munsell, J. Every Day Book. Dunbar, J. Early History of Mankind. Munster. Cosmography. GENERAL HISTORY AND CHRONOLOG Y. 871 Nichols, J. System of the World. Shattus, F. Chronological Tables. Nicholas, Sir N. H, Chronology. Smith, C. H. Natural History. Smyth, W. Lectures on History. Parliaments. Chronologically Arranged. Smyth, W. Lectures on Modern HisPopelliniere. L. V. Les Trois Mondes. tory. Priestley, J. Lectures on History, &c. Pufendorff, S. Introduction a lHistoire Totius Orbis Terrarum. Gknerale, &c. Raleigh, Sir W. Ilistorie of the Warden, D. B. L'Art de Verifier les World. Dates. Wheaton, H. Northmen. Raleigh, Sir W. History Abridged. Wheaton, H. Northmen. Rltamsay, D. Universal History. Wilford, F. Chronology of the HinRobertson, W. Knowledge which the dUs. Ancients had of Indlia FWickham and Cramer. Hannibal's PasRotteck, C. von. General History. sage ove the Alps. Salmon, T. Modern History. Zorgdrager. Grcenlandsche Visschery. 5. Jncient History. Anderson. R. Peloponesus. Layard, A. I. Nineveh. Arnold, T. History of Rome. Leland, T. Philip of Macedon. Arnoldl, T. Later Commonwealth. Mitford, W. History of Greece. Barthglemy, J.J. Travels of Anachar- Montesquieu, S. de. Sur les Rosis. mains. Becker, XV. A. Charicles. Murphy, A. Tacitus. Becker, W. A. Gallus. Beloe, W. History of Herodotus. Niebuhr, B. G. History of Rome. Blackwell, T. Court of Augustus. Botticher, W. Geschichte der Cartha- Palestine. Early Travels. ger. Pausanias. Greece. Perdicaris, G. A. The Greeks of the Chandler, R. History of Troy. Greeks. Echard, L. Roman History. Rollin, C. Ancient History. Egypt. Description De L'Egypt. Rome, History of. Eliot, S. Liberty of Ancient Nations. Russell, W. History of Ancient Europe. Ferguson, A. Roman Republic. rope. Finlay, G. Greece under the Romans. Schlosser, and Others. History of Rome. Gibbon, E. Decline and Fall of the Ro- Rome. ~man Emp~ire. Schmitz, L. Rome. ma~tn empire. Schomann, G. F. Athenian Assemblies. Gillies, J. History of Ancient Greece. Schomarn, G F. Athenian Assemblies G',guet. Origin of Laws Sr, S. J th Sharpe, S. Egypt under the Romans. GroteG H y of G. Sismondi. Fall of the Roman Empire. Hampton. J. Polybius. Smith, W. Peloponesian War. Heeren. A. H. L. Nations of Antiqui- St. John, J. A. Egypt and Nubia. ty. Heeren, A. H. L. Politics of Ancient Thirlwall, C. History of Greece. Greece. Thomson, A. First'welve Casars. Hooke, N. Roman History. Thucydides. Peloponesian War. Williams, S. W. Chinese Empire. Jahn, J. Hebrew Commonwealth. Xenoph on. Affairs of Greece. Keightley, T. History of Greece. Xenophon. Expedition of Cyrus. 6. Hisfory of Continental Europe. Abella, M. Noticiadeun Plan Parafor- Adams,.T. History of Spain. mar la Coleccion Diplomatica, y re- Adams, J. Q. Letters on Silesia. coger todos los Monumentos utiles a Addison, J. Remarks on Italy. la Historia (le Espana. Aime, J. J. Deportation. Abrantes, (Duchess d'.) Memoirs. Aitzema, L. van. Saken van Staat en Abrantes, (Duchess d'.) Memoirs of Oorlogh. Napoleon. 872 HISTORY. Aitzema, L. van, Vervolg van Saken Depping, G. Bi See Boileau, E. van Staat en 0orlogh. D'Es'rades, (Count.) Letters, &c. Alison, A. IHistory of Europe. De Witt, J. Brieven. Alison, A. See Gould, E. S. De Witt, J. Resolutien van Considera* Alison, A. Atlas to History of Europe. tie. Armstrong, J. Minorca. De Witt, J. Secrete Resolutien. Aubespine, (S. D. 1.) Negociations de Dezoteux. L'Administration deMarquis Francois fI. de Pombal. Avaux, (Comie d.) Negotiations. Drin-lwater, J. Siege of Gibraltar. Azanza et O'Farrill. Expos5 de leur Dumas, A. Memoirs of his Own Time. Conduite Politique. Dumourier, (Gen.) Correspondence avec Pache. Baily, A. Hotel-de-Ville. Dunham, S. A. Europe in the Middle Baines, E. Wars of the French Revo- Ages. lution. Dunham. S. A. History of Denmark, Barancourt, P. de. Des Normans. &c. Barante, (M. de.) Dues de Burgogne. Dunham, S. A. History oftheGermanic Barante. (M. de.) See Bellaguet, L. Emire. Beawes, W. History of Spain and Por- Dunham. S. A. History of Poland. tugal. Dunham, S; A. History of Spain and Bell, R. History of Russia. Portugal. Bellaguet, L. Chronique du Religieux Dunlop, J. Memoirs of Spain. de Saint Denys. de Saint -Denys. Edinburgh Annual Register. Benoit. Chronique des Dues de Nor- inburghnnual Register. mandi. Edwards, E. Napoleon Medals. Berger de Xivery. Lettres. de. Henri Ellesmere, (Earl.) Sieges of Vienna. V. Everett, A. H. Europe. Bernardl, A. P.rocrs-Verbalix dles EtatsBernauxe 1esEtats- Faber, (M.) Internal State of France. G(nidraux tie 1593. Bernier, A. Procts-Verbaux des 8San- Faria y Sousa, E. de. History of Portuces du Conseil tiu Regence du Charles g"l. See Masselin. France and the Revolution. Bernier, A. See Masselin. PFrance. Coilection ties Documents in6Beugnot, M. le Comte.) Les Olim. tits sr listoire te France. Bevening, H. van, en Aneren. Ver France. Documents sur la Bataille dLbad. ^Isly. Blanc, L. History of Ten Years. Froissart, Sir JT. Chronicles. Boileau, E. Lis vre des M\'tiers. Froissart, Sir J. LesChroniques de. Botta, C. Italy under Napoleon.,.s Phili Brieven. See be Witt, J. Br~ieven. See De Witt, J. - Geraud, H. Paris sous Philippe-le-Bel Briffault, W. F. Napoleon Louis. Gibbon. HoseofBrunswick. Brougham, (Tord.) Letter. Gleig, G. R. Battle of Waterloo. Browning, W. S. EHugenots. Gcerz, (Comte tie.) Precis Historique sur la Neutralit6 Arm'e et son Ori. gin. Campaigns in Germany, Italy, &c. Goldsmith, L. Cabinet of Bonaparte. Carlyle,'. ench RoGorn,. Grence Revolution. Goron, T. Gree evoluton. Champollion-Figeac, (Ml.) Documents Gossin L. Reunion Territoriale. Historiques, &c., de la Bibliotheque Gould, E. S. Alison's Europe abridged. Royale. Granvelle, (Cardinal de.) Papiers dl' Champollion-Figeac, (M.) Lettres tde Eat. Rois de F1rance et dAngIeterre. Grasse, (Comte (de.) Le Combat Naval Chateaubriand. Buonaparte anti the (in 12 Avril 1782. Bourbons. Grattan, T. History of the Netherlands. Chateaubriand. Congress of Verona. Grave, P. de la. Pr'cis Historique de la Choisy. Histoir- tie Louis XIV. Marine Royale de France. Chronicles of the Crusades. Greece Modern Hislory of. Clerc, M. Ic. Des Pays Bas. (Gu'rard, (M.) Cartulaire de lAbbaye de Colman, H. European Life. Saint-Bertin. Colmena!. J. A. tie. Annals d'Espagne Guerard, (M.) CartulaTredel'Abbayede et de Portugal. Saint-Pere de Chartrcs. Comvn, Sir R. W estern Empire. Guiccarldini, F. History of Italy. Courier (lu Pas-Rhin. Guizot, F. History of Civilization. CoxR, W. House of Austria. Coxe, W. Kings of Spain, (Bourbon.) Hallam, H. Europe in the Middle Ages. Crichton and Wheaton. Scandinavia. Hawkins, B. Germany. Crowe, E.E. History of France. Hoeren, A. H.. IHstory of Europe. Heeren, A. H. L. Political System of Pacier, M. Rapporte Historique. Europe. Dangean. (Marquis de.) Court of France Heeren, A. II. L. Systeme Politique de Davila, H. C. Civill Warres of France. Il'Europe. HISTORY OF CONTINENTAL E R o P E. 873 Herrera, A. (le. History (le Felipe If. Osorio, J. History of the Portuguese. Holland and England. See Beverningk. Holland and West-Vriesland. See De Pardoe, (Miss.) Louis XTV. Witt. Pardoe, (Miss.) Francis I. Holy Alliance. Declaration of Eng-land Paris and its Historical Scenes. See L against the. E. K. Howell, J. Signolie of Venice. Paris, L. See Aubespine, (Sieur de 1'.) Hughes, T. M. Revelations of Spain. Pelet, (le Gen.) Atlas des Memoires, &c. Inquisition. Memoirs concerning the Pelet, (le'n.) See Vault. Portuguese. Peninsular War, Napier's Justification Irving, W. Conquest of Granada. of his History of the. Pins VII. Journey and Imprisonment. Jacquemin, E. L'Allemagne. Poland. Memoires pour servir a l'lIisJames, G. P. R. History of Charle- toire des R(.volutions de Pologne. magne. Poore, B. P. Louis Philippe. James, T. Herculan Straits. Pralt, (M. de.) Sur laRevolution dEspagne. Koch, C. Histoire (des Trait~s de Paix. Pradt, (MI. de.) Sur la Restauration de Koch, C. Histoire des Trans de Payx. la Royaut6 en France, 1814. Kohlrakiewisch, F. Germany. Prescott, W. H. Reign of Ferdinand Koubrakiewicz, M. Austr ia. and Isabella. Kugler, F. Germany. Kiesew-etter, R. G. Music in Western Rabutin. Lettres de. Europe. Ranke, L. Prussia. I.anke, L. Servia. Labaume, E. Campaign in Russia. Ranke, L. House of Brandenburgh. Lamartine, A. (de. Girondists. Ranke, L. History of the Popes of Laniartine. French Revolution, 1848. Rome Landt, G. Feroe Islands. Ranlin, A. France. Lesur, C. L. Annuaire Historique. Raumer, F. von. History of the Six. Longworth, J. A. The Circassians. teenth and Seventeenth Centuries..Machievelli, N. Florence. Retz, (Cardinal de.) Memoii s. Machievellr, N. Florence. Ricaut, Sir P. Turkish Empire. Macgregor, J. Germany. Robertson, W. Reign of Chnrles V. Mackenzie, A. S. American in Eng- Robertus Monachus. Bel umn contra land. Turcas. Mahon, (Ld.) War of the Succession in Rovigo, (Duke of.) Memoirs. Spain. Rovigo, (Duke of.) Vindica'ion. Mariana, J. de. Historiadeo Espana. Russell, W. History of Modern Europe. Mairobert, M. F. P. de. L'Espion Anglois. Sacy, L. de. L'Honneur Franrais. Margaret De Valois. Santa-Rosa, (Count.) Piedmontese ReMariotti, L. Italy. volution. Masselin, J. Journal des Etats G'ne- Schlosser, F. C. Eighteenth Century. raux. Scott, Sir W. Life of Napoleon BuonaMenzel, W. Germany. larte Meteren, E. van. Nederlandsche Ges- Serre, (Chevalier de la.) Marine de la chiedenissen. France. Michelet, (M.) Proces dles Templiers. Siborne, W. War in France and BelMichelet, (M.) France. gillm. Michelet, (M.) The People. Silva, E. T. De Rebus Gestis Joannis I. Mignet, A. French Revolution. Sismondi. Italian Republics. Mignet, (M.) Succession (dEspagne. Smyth, W. Lectures on History-the Mills, C. H story of Chivalry. French Revolution. Mirabeau, (Coulnt.) Court of Berlin. Soulavie, J. L. Reign of Louis XVI. Money, J. Campaign of 179r2. Sourdis, H. d'E. de. Correspondence de Monstrelet, E. dle. Chronicles. Louis XIII. Montholon. Napoleon. Southey R. Peninsular War. Moore, J. Campaign of the British Ar- Spalding, W. laly and the Italian my in Spain. Islands. Murphy, J. C. Mahometan Empire in Stael-Holstein. French Revolution. Spain. Stanford, J. F. Thuringian Saxony. St. John, P. B. French Revolution. Napier, W. F. P. History of the War Strada, F. Low-Co intrey Warres. in the Peninsula. Sue, E. See Sourdis, H. d E. de. Napier, W F. P. Various Tracts rela- Suecica Antique et Hodierna. tive to the History of the War in the Sully, (Due de.) Memoirs. Peninsula. Suriius. Brevis Commentarius. Nordberg. Charles XLII Sweden. Plans of Mines. Swedish Fornsklrift Assoeiatioma 874 H ISTORY. Switzerland, History of. Vasconcellos, A. M.y. Vida del Don Juan II. Tams, G. South Africa. Vasconcellos, A. M. y. Vie de Don Thierry, A. M. Historical Essays. Juan It.'Thiers, M. A. French Revolution. Verardus, C. Expugnatio Regni GranThysius, A. Historia Navalis, &c. ate. Tochman, G. Poland, Russia, &c. Tommaseo, M. N. Relations des Am- Wagenaar, J. Amsterdam Beschreeven. bassadeurs Venitiens en XVIe S~icle. Wagenaar, J. Vaderlandlsche Historie. Tornberg. Annales Regum. Watson, R. egh of Philip II. Turnbull R. Italy. Watson, R. Reign of Philip It. T l,. Iy. Weiss, Ch. See Granvelle, (Cardinal de.) Vane, C. W. Peninsular War. Wickham, H L. Hannibal's Passage. Varin, P. Archives de Reims. Wraxall1s History of House of Valois. Varnhagen, Von Ense. German Life. Wraxall, Sir N. W. Historical Memoirs. Vault, (Gln. de.) Succession d'Espag- Wraxall, Sir N. W. Courts of Berlin, ne. Dresden, Warsaw, and Vienna. Vasconcelios, A. Anacephalseoses. Wright. J. War in Europe. 7. British History. Adair, Sir R. Mission to Vienna. British Colonies. Policy of Great BriAdair, Sir R. Negotiations for the tain. Peace of the Dardanelles. British Colonies. Settlement of VirgiAdolphus, J. British Empire. nia, &c. Adolphus, J. History. Brown, J. The Highlands. Affaires de l'Angleterre et de l'Ameri- Bulwer, E. L. England. que. Burgoyne, (Gen.) Letters. Aikin, J. Reign of George 1II. Burgoyne, (Gen.) Expedition from CaAikin, Lucy. Court of Charles 1. nada. Aikin, Lucy. Court of Elizabeth. Burke, E. Abridgment of English HisAikin, Lucy. Court of James I. tory. Alison, A. History of Europe. Burke, E. Charges against Warren Alison, A. Index to History of Eu- Hastings. rope. Burnet, G. (Bp.) History of his own Anderson, J. On Mary Queen of Scots. Time. Annual Register. Burton, R. English Empire in America. Ashburnham, J. Charles I. Burton, T. Diary, 1656-1659. Bacon, F. (Ld.) Reign of Henry VIH. Camden, W. Annales Elizabethre. Baines, E. Wars of the French Revolu- Carleton, Sir D. Letters. tion. Carpenter, WV. Peerage for the People, Baillie's Letters and Journals, Carrel, A. Counter Revolution. Baker, Sir R. Chronicle of the Kings of Cary, H. Great Civil War. England. Cavendish, Sir H. Debates of the ComBarrington, Sir J. Historic Memoirs of mons. Ireland. Cavendish, Sir H. Debates on the QueBarrington, Sir J. Memoirs of the Le- bec Bill. gislative Union. Chalmers, A. University of Oxford. Bede. Ecclesiastical History. Champollion-Figeac, (M.) Lettres de Bedford, (Duke,) Correspondence. Rois d(a France et d'Angleterre. Beresford, (Ld.) Letter to C. E. Long. Charles II. and James II. Secret History. Bisset, R. History of George III. Charmilly, C. Answer to Edwards. Blanchard, J. H., and Ramsay. Trial of Chatham, (Ear] of.) Correspondence. General Whitelocke. Christmas, II. Hampden Controversy. Bligh, W. Mutiny on board of the Clarendon, (Ld.) History of the RebelBounty. lion. Bligh, W. Relation de l'Enlevement Clarke, W. French Encroachments. du Navire le Bounty. Clarkson, T. The Slave Trade. Bolingbroke, (Ld.) History of Eng- Clinton, Sir H. Conduct in America. land. Clinton and Cornwallis. Controversy. Bolingbroke, Ormond, et Stafford. Ar- Cohen, B. Debt of the British Empire. tides d'Accusation contre. Collingwood. (Ld.) Correspondence, Braddock's Affair. Le Peuple Juge. &c. Braddon, L. On Bishop Burnet's His- Commons. History, Proceedings, &c. tory. Cornwallis, (Earl.) See Clinton. Brand, J. Antiquities. Cotton, Sir R. Discourse of Foreign Bristed, J. National Bankruptcy. War, &c. British Colonies, History of the. Coxe, W. Administration of Pelham. BRITISH HISTORY. 875 Coxe, W. Memoirs of Lord Walpole. Guizot, (M.) English Revolution. Coxe, W. lMen.oirs of Sir R. Walpole. Guizot, (M.) Memoirs ofGeorge Monk. Craik and McFarland. See Pictorial History. Hallam, H. Constitutional History. Crolyj G. George the Fourth. Halliday, Sir A. The West Inlies. Cromwell, O. Original Letcers to. Hamilton, (Lady A.) Secret History. Hamilton, W. G. Parliamentary Logic. Dahlman, F. E. Revolution. Hamilton's Peninsular Campaigns. D'Arblay, (Madame.) Diary and Let- Harleian Miscellany. ters. Hasting's Impeachment. D'Aubigne, J. H. M. The Protector. lHayward, Sir J. Queen Elizabeth. De Foe, D. History of the Union. Head, Sir F. B. Narrative, (on CanaDaunt, W. J. O'N. Ireland. da.) Dibdin, C. England and Scotland. Henry, R. History of Great Britain. Dirom, A. Campaign in India. Hervey, J. George the Second. Dodington, (Lord Melcombe.) Diary. Hill, R. Diplomatic Corres ondence. Doleman, R. The Succession. Hillard d'Auberteuil. Administration Doomsday Book. de Lord North. Doubleday, T. Finance, Statistics, &c. Historical Parallels. See L. E. K. Drake and Ward. Parliamentary His- Historical Register. tory of England. Hobbes, T. Behemoth, or History of Drinkwater, J. Siege of Gibraltar. the Civil Wars. Hodgson, J. Memoirs. Eccleston, J. English Antiquities. Holinshed, R. Chronicles. Eden, F. M. Laboring Classes. Holy Aliance. Declaration of England Edinburgh Annual Register. against the. Ellis, H. History. Home, J. Rebellion in 1745. England. Memoirs of Sir Henry Slings- Hooke, (Col.) Secret Negotiations in by. Favor of the Pretender. England. State Tracts. See William Howe, (Lt. Gen. Sir W.) Proceedings, III. &c. England. The Army in Flanders. Hughson, D. London and Westminster. England. The British and Allied Ar- Hume, D. History of England. mies. Hume's History. Letters on. England. The Emperor's Plan for a Peace. India. War in. England. L'Angleterre en 1800. Ingram. J. Memorials of Oxford. England. Etat de l'Angleterre en 1822. Ireland. Annals of. England. Memoires touchant le Gou- Ireland Sixty Years ago. vernment d'Angleterre. English Universities. See Huber, V. A. Jacobite Memoirs. See Forbes. Entick, J. Present' State of the British Jameson, (Mrs.) Court of Charles II. Empire. Jesse, J. H. Court of England. Estwick, S. Letters to Tucker. Johnson, G. W. Fairfax Correspondence. Fairfax Correspondence. See Johnson, G. W. Keith, Sir R. M. Memoirs and CorresFerguson, A. Civil Society, pondence. Fonblanque, A. England under Seven Kirkaldy, Sir W. Memoirs and AdvenAdministrations. tures. Forbes, R. Rebellion. Knight, C. See London. Foss, E. Judges of England. Foster, T. C. People of Ireland. Laing, M. History of Scotland. Fox, C. J. James II. See Carrel. Languet. See Sidney, Sir P. Franklin, B. Interests of Great Britain. Leckie, G. F. Foreign Affairs of Great Fuller, T. University of Cambridge. Britain. Fuller, T. Worthies of England. Lediard, T. Histoire Navale d'Angleterre. Georgian Era. Lelceux's Memorials of Cambridge. Gibraltar. Siege of. See Drinkwater, J. Leland, T. History of Ireland. Gifford, J. Political Life of Pitt. Lingard, J. History of England. G'eig, G. K. First Lord Clive. Lloyd, T. History of England. Glenelg's (Lord) Despatches. Lodge, E. Illustrations of British HisGodwin, W. Commonwealth of Eng- tory. land. London, Pictorially Illustrated. Goodman, W. History of Great Britain. Long, C. E. Lette; s relative to General Great Britain. Conduct of the most Long. Eminent Personages ini the Parliament. Macauley, T. B. History of England. Grenville, G. The Colonies. Mackintosh, Sir J. His'ory of England. Granger, J. Biographical History. Mackintosh, Sir J. Revolution in 1688. 876 II ST ORY Macray, WV. D. British Historians. Spain. Pieces relatives a la Rupture Madden, D. 0. Ireland. avec IlEspagne, &c. Mahon, (Lord.) History of England. Spotswood's History State and Church of Malmesbury, (Earl of.) Diaries, &c. Scotland. Marchmont, (Earls of.) Papers. State Tracts, 1660 to 1689. Marlborough, (Duke of.) Dispatches, Steel, D. Naval Chronologist. &c. Stewart, D. Sketches of the HighlandMartin, M. History of the British Colo- ers. nies. Stirling, (Earl.) Narrative. Miller, T. Anglo-Saxons. Stone, (Mrs.) Chronicles of Fashion. Mooney, T. Ireland. Stowell, Rev. W. H. Puritans of EngMoore, J. Campaign of the British Ar- Strangford, (Viscount.) On Napier's my in Spain. Peninsular War. Moore, T. History of Ireland. Strickland, A. Queens of England. Mortimer, T. History of England. Suffolk, (Countess.) Letters. Napier, W. F. P. History of the War Taylor, W. B. S. University of Dublin. in the Peninsula. Temple, (Sir J.) History of Irish RebelNapier, W. F. P. Various Tracts rela- lion. tive to the History of the War in the Terry, C. New Zealand. Peninsula. Thackeray, F. Earl of Chatham. Nares, E. Administration of Lord Thiers, M. A. France, under Napoleon. Burghley. Thierry, A. The Norman Conquest. Nelson, (Lord.) Dispatches, &c. Thomson, R. Essay on the Magna Nickolls, J. jun. Letters to Cromwell. Charta. North, R. Examen. Timberland, E. History of the House of Lords. O'Connell, D. Ireland. Townsend, W. C. House of Commons. Oldfield, T. H. B. Representative His- Tracts, respecting the Prince of Wales. tory. Tracts (English.) See. Train, J. Isle of Man. Palgrave, F. English Commonwealth. Turner, S. History of England. Parliaments, Chronologically arranged. Turner S. History of the Anglo-Saxons. Paston Letters. Tytler, P. F. Scotland. Pearce, R. R. Marquis Wellesley. Pepys, S. Memoirs, 1659 to 1669. Universities. For Cambridge, see FulPerceval, D. M. On the Character as- ler-Dublin, see Taylor. Oxford, cribed by Col. Napier to the Hon. see Chalmers, and Huber. Spencer Perceval. Petre, G. See Trans. Royal Irish Socie- Vaughan, R. House of Stuart. ty, vol. 20. Vaughan, R. Protectorate of Cromwell. Pinkerton, J. Scotland. \Vicars, J. Englands Worthies. Pitt, W. Life of. See Gifford. Plowden, F. British Empire. Wade, J. British History. Plowden, F. History of Ireland. Walpole, H. Historic Doubts on the Prince Edward's Island. Reign of Richard the Third. Walpole, H. Reign of George III. Rapin, P. de. T. History of England. Walpole, Sir R. History of his AdminRebellions in Scotland. istration. Robertson, W. History of Scotland. Walpole, Sir R. Rapport du Comitte Roger of Wendover. Flowers ol His- Secret, &c. tory. Warburton, J. Dublin. See Whitelaw. Royal Kalanidar, for England, &c. Ward, R. P. Revolution. Rushworth, J. Historical Collections. Wellesley, (Marquis.) Despatches. Wellington, (Duke of.) Despatches, &c. Sadler, Sir R. State Papers and Letters. Welwood, J. Transactions in EngSaint-Croix, G. E. J. G. de. Puissance land. Navale de l'Angleterre. Whitelaw, J. City of Dublin. Scott, Sir W. Historyof Scotland. William III. Tracts during his Reign. Sidney, H. Charles the Second. William of Malmsbury. Chronicles. Six Old English Chronicles. Wilmot, J. E. American Loyalists. Skene, W. F. Highlanders of Scotland. Wilson, D. Pilgrim Fathers. See Slingsby, Sir H. Me-noirs, by Himsetf. Stowell, W. H. Smollett, T. History of England. Wilson, H.H. British India. Smyth, Mrs. G. Life of Keith. See Wraxall, Sir N. W. Historical MeKeith, Sir R. M. moirs, Somers, (Ld.) Collection of Tracts. Wraxall, Sir N. W. Posthumous MeSomerville, T. Political Transactions. moirs. Southey, R. British Admirals, &c. Wright, T. House of Hanover. ASIATIC AND AFRICAN HISTORY. 877 8. Asiatic, Jfricant and Other History. Acland, C. India. Malcolm, Sir J. Memoir of Central InAlderson, R. C. Notes on Acre, &c. dia. Antes, J. Egyptians. Marsden, W. History of Sumatra. Argensola, B. L. de. Conquista de las Marryat, F. S. Borneo. Islas Malucas. Marshall, H. Ceylon. Argensola, B. L. de. Histoire des Isles Martin, M. History of Eastern India. Moluques. Martin, M. Histol y of the British CoArgensola, B. L. See Lawson, J. lonies. Asiatick Researches. Maurice, T. History of Hindostan. Mill, J. History of British India. Ball, S. Manufacture of Tea in China. Mills, C. History of Muhammedanism. Bethencourt, G. de. Decouverte et Con- Murphy, J. C. Iistory of the Mohamqueste des Canaries. etan Empire in Spain. Bingham, H. Sandwich Islands. Murray, and Others. History of British Brookes, R. Borneo. See Mundy. India. Murray, and Others. History of China. China and Chinese. See L. E. K. Mundy, R. Borneo. Copland, S. Madagascar. Crawfurd, J. History of the Indian Ar- Napier, Sir C. War in Syria. chipelago. Nestorians in Persia. Crichton, A. History of Arabia. New South Wales. History of. Dirom, A. Campaign in India. Ockley, S. Conquest of Syria..Dow, A. History of Hindustan. Ockley, S. History of the Saracens. Duhalde, J. B. History of China, &c. Ogilby, J. Africa. Ogilby, J. Asia. Egnatius, J. B. De Origine Turcarum. Orme, R. Mogul Empire, &c. Egypt. Hand Book for Travellers. Orme, R. The British in Hindostan. Ellis, W. History of Madagascar. Osorio, J. History of the Portuguese. Elphinstone, M. History of India. Pomponius Lwetus. De Origine MaomeFraser, J. B. History of Persia. this. Fraser, J. B. History of Mesopotamia, Price, D. Pi incipal Events of Mahom&c. rnedan History. Pringle, T. South Africa. Glas, G. History of the Canary Islands. Proyart, (Abbe.) History of Loango, Guyon, M. C. History of the East In- &c. dlies. Raffles, Sir T. S. History of Java. Haygarth, H. W. Australia. Raynal, (l'Abbh.) Histoire PhilosoHindoos. See L. E. K. phique et Politique, &c. Heeren. A. H. L. Carthaginians, Ethi- Ricaut, Sir P. Turkish Empire. opians. &c. Richard, (M.) History of Tonquin. Heyne, B. Tracts on India. Roohetillac, P. de la. Almanach. Roubaud, (l'Abb6.) Histoire de l'Asie India, British. t-istorical Account of. et de L'Afrique. In.lia, British. Viscount Harainge's Russell, M. History of Nubia. Despatches. Russell, M. History of the Barbary States. Jarves, J. J. Sandwich Islands. Russell, M. History of Palestine. Jones, Sir W. L'Historie de Nader Russell, M. History of Polynesia. Chah. Russell, M. Ancient and Modern Egypt. Kaempfer, E. History of Japan. Kelley, W. K. Syria and the Holy Santos, J. dos. History of Ethiopia. Land. Stollenwerck, (M). Surles Nations en Knolles, R. Historie of the Turks. Siberie. Lane's Modern Egyptians. See L. E. K. Legoboin et Duhalde. Lettres Edifian- Tiffany, O. The Canton Chinese. tes et Curieuses. Torberg. Annales Regum Mauritaniae. Torrubia, J. De las Philipinas. Mackenzie, R. S. Campaign in China. Turner, S. Embassy to Tibet. laffei, G. P. Histoire des Indes Orien- Turpin, F. H. History of Siam. tales. Maffei, G. P. Historiarum Indicarum. Wilson, H. History of British India. Malcolm, Sir J. History of Persia. Wright, J. War in Asia. [STATE LIBRARY.] 55 878 HISTORY 9. Aqmerican History. Abbot, A. Pamphlets, vol. 43. American Revolution. Evidence in Ab)bot, D. Pamphlets, vol. 45. Case of Sir W. Howe and others. Aberts.New Mexico. See Emory. American Revolution. Fall of British Acosta, J. De Natura Novi Orbis. Tyranny. Acosta, J. Historia de las Indias. American Revolution. History. Acosta, J. Histoire des Indes. American Revolution. Impartial HisAdair, J. Iistory of the American In- tory. dians. American Revolution. Histoire ImparAdams, A. See American Tracts, vol. tial. 3. American Revolution. Journal d'ur Adams, H. New-England. Officier. Adams, J. Novanglus. American Revolution. Observations Adams, J. Q. Letters on the Fisheries on, published by Congress. and the Mississippi. American Revolution. Pamphlets, vol. Adams, J. Q. See Canada. Tracts on. 47. Adams, J. Q. Masonic Institution. American Revolution. Particular SerAdams, (Miss.) Journal. vices. Adams, N. Annals of Portsmouth. American Revolution. Recueil d'EsAffaires de l'Angleterre et de l'Ame- tampes. rique. American Tracts. (1761 to 1776.) Aguero, J. te la.R. Exposicion acerca Amerique Centrale. Pamphlets, 4to. de su Residencia del Peru. vol. 1. Albany. Random Recollections. Andrews, J. American War. Allen, E. Claims of New-York to Ver- Andrews, W. W. Correspondence, &c. mont. Anghiera, P. M. De Rebus Oceanicis, Allen, E. Narrative. &c. Allen, 1. Capture of the Olive lranch. Anspach, L. A. History of NewfoundAllen, P. American Revolution. land. Allen, W. Historical Dictionary. Antilles. Histoire et Commerce des Almanach Americain. Isles Angloises. Almanach. See Rochetillac, P. de ]a. Apes, W. Indian Nullification. Almon, J. Remembrancer. Archdale, D. Description of Carolina. Altowan. Rocky Mountains. Archenholtz, J. W. d'. I istoire des America. True Interests Stated. Flibustiers. America. Sur la Revolution de l'Ame- Aristides. Charges against Aaron Burr. rique du Sud. Armitage, J. History of Brazil. America. West Indies. Armstrong, J. War of 1812. American Anecdotes. Artillery Company. See Whitman, American Annual Register. Z. G. American Apollo. Atwater, C. Prairie du Chien. American Archives. Atwater, C. Western Antiquities. American Colonies. Powers of Parlia- Atwood, T. History of Dominica. ment. American Literary Curiosities. See Backus, J. History of New England. Smith J. J. Bacon, L. listorical Discourses. American Masonic Record. Bailey, J. T. Sketch of Brooklyn. American Memoranda. Bajon. Histoire de Cayenne, &c. American National Song Book. Ballantyne, R. M. Hudson's Bay. American Register, or Repository of Bancroft, G. History of the United History. States. American Register, or Review of His- Barbados. History of. tory. Barbarities of the Enemy. American Remembrancer. Barbaroux, C.O. L'Histoire des EtatsAmerican Review of History, &c. Unis. American Revolution. Address of Con- Barbe Marbois. Complot d'Arnold. gress. Barb6 Marbois. Histoire de la LouisiAmerican Revolution. Answer to De- ane. elaration. Barbe Marbois. History of Louisiana. American Revolution. Anecdotes. Barber, J. W. American History. American Revolution. Authentic Pa- Barber, J. W. Connecticut Historical pers. Collections. American Revolution. Collection of Barber, J. W. History, &c., of New Authentic Papers, &c. England. American Revolution. De Tumultibus Barber, J. W. Massachusetts HistoriAmericanis. cal Collections. American Revolution. Essays. Barber, J. W. New-York. AM ERI CAN HISTORY. 879 Barber and Howe. New Jersey Histo- Brackenridge, H. M. War of 1812. rical Collections. Brackenridge, H. M. Guerre AmeriBarber and Howe. New-York Histori- caine. cal Collections. Braddock's Affair. Le Peuple Juge. Barcia. See Cardenas z Cano. Bradford, A. History of Massachusetts. Barlieus, C. Brasilie Historia. Bradford, A. W. History of the Red Barry, W. Framingham. Race. Barstow, G. New Hampshire. Breckenridge. Pennsylvania InsurrecBartolozzi, F. Ricerche Istorico-Criti- tion. che. Brickell, J. North Carolina. Barton, B. S. Origin of the Tribes of Bradford, W. J. A. Northwest. America. Brannan, J. Official Letters of the MiBayard and Lodowick. Actions of the litary and Naval Officers of the UnitFrench at Canada. ed States, dluring the War of 1812. Baylies, F. History of Plymouth. British Colonies, History of the. Beale, R. Trial of Corn. Porter. British Colonies. Policy of Great BriBeatty, C. Journal of a Tour. tain. Beauchamp, A. de. Histoire du Bresil. British Colonies. Settlement of VirgiBeauchamp, A. de. L'Independance du nia. Brtsil. Brodhead, J.R. Address, N. Y. Hist. Beaujour, F. de. Apercu des Etats-Unis. Soc. Beaujour. F. de. Sketch of the United Brodhead, J. R. Final Report. States. Brooks, J. T. California. Beck, (J. B.) Sketch of Anterevolu- Brown, C. Expedition to South Ameritionary Medicine. ca. Beecher, L. Plea for the Wiest. Brown, H. History of Illinois. Beecher, L. East Hampton. Brown, S. R. North Western Army. Belknap, J. History of New Hamp- Browne, P. Jamaica. shire. Browning, C. Appeal. Benedict, D. Baptist Denomination. Bryant, E. California. Benson, E. Memoir. Buchanan, J. American Indians. Benzoni, H. Historia Novi Orbis. Buckingham, J.S. Eastern and Western Benzoni, H. La Historia del Mondo States. Nuovo. Buckingham, J. S. Canada, &c. Bernard, (Gov.) Letters to the Minis- Buckminster, J. S. Pamphlets, vol. 37. try. Buel, D. Jun. Troy for Fifty Years. Bernard, (Gov.) Letters on Trade. Buenos Ayres. La Republique de BueBernard, (Gov.) See American Tracts, noz Ayrez tella qu'elle est. vol. 2. Bunner, E. History of Louisiana. Berrian, W. Trinity Church. Burgoyne, (Gen.) Campaign. See Berquin Duvallon. Louisiana, &c. Neilson, C. Beverley, R. History of Virginia. Burgoyne, (Gen.) Expedition from Beverley, R. Histoire dte la Virginie. Canada. Biggs, J. History of Miranda's Expe- Burr, J. History of Virginia. dition. Burke, E. American Affairs. Blake, W. J. Putnam County. Burke, E. European Settlements in Blanchard, J. Slavery. America. Bland Papers. Selections. Burke, E. Quebec Bill. Bleecker, A. E. Posthumous Works. Burke, E. Stabilimenti. Bliss, L. Jun. Rehoboth. Buhoup, J. W. Army of Chihuahua. Blome, R. Description of Jamaica. Burnes, J. United States. Bloodgood, S. De W. Sexagenary. Burgess, T. Battle of Lake Erie. Blue Laws. Burnet, J. North Western Territory. Bolton, R. Jun. Westchester County. Burney, J. Buccaneers of America. Bonnycastle, Sir R. H. Newfoundland. Burriel, A. M. Histoire de la CaliforBonnycastle, R. H. Spanish America. nie. Boston. See American Tracts, vols. 1- Burton, R. English Empire in Ame4. rica. Bosworth, N. History of Montreal. Butler, B. F. Newv-York. Botta, C. American War. Butler, C. Groton. Boucher, J. American Revolution. Butler, F. United States. Boucher, J. De la Guerre Americane. Butler, M. Kentucky. Bouquet, H. Expedition against the In- Byfield's New England, 1689. dians. Bouquet, H. Expedition contre les In- Cahoon, S. S. Newport. diens. Calderon de la Barca, (Madame.) MexBourgeois, M. Description of Charles- ico. ton, &c. Callender, J. T. United States. Bozman, J. L. History of Maryland. California. Life in. California. Tracts. Campbell, C. Virginia, 830 HISTO R Y Campbell, J. Spanish Empire in Ame- Clavigero, F. S. History of Mexico. rica. Clay, C. M. Writings. Campbell, J. W. Virginia. Clay, J. C. Swedes on the Delaware. Campbell, W. W. Annals of Tryon Clinton, Sir H. Conduct in America. County. Clinton Monument. Campbell, S. W. Border Wars. Coast Survey. See Charts of. Campbell, W. W. Centennial Celebra- Coekburn, J. Yearly Meetings of tion. Friends. Campe, J. I1. Conquest of Peru. Coffin, J. Newbury. Canada, M-;moires sur le. Cohen, Ml. M. Florida. Canada. Tracts respecting. Coke, T. History of the West Indies. Cardenas z Cano, G. de. Historia de la Colden, C. History of the Five Nations. Florida. Coleridge, H. West Indies. Carleton, J. I-I. Battle of Buena Vista. Coleti, G. Dizionario Storico-GeograCarleton, R. The Far West. fico. Carli, G. R. (Comte.) Le Lettere Ame- Colombia. English Expedition for its ricaine. Emancipation. Carii, G. R. (Comte.) Lettres Ameri- Collins, L. Kentucky. caines. Colonies Mtmoires des Commissaires. Carolina. Province of. See Ville et Autres. Carroll, B. R. Historical Collections of Columbus. Select Letters. South Carolina. Ccmpagnoni, G. Storia dell' America. CarrollG C. Visit to Canada, 1776. Congress (Continental) American Tracts, Cartwright, J. American Tracts, vol. 5. vol. 4. Casas, B. delas. Istoriadel Occidentali. Congress. History of the Session of Casas, B. de las. Dccouvertes des Indes 1801. Occidentales. Conquerors of the New World. (Caspipinas Letters. Cooper, J. F. Cooperstown. Cassani, J. Historia de Granada. Cooper, J. F. Letter. Castagneda, F. L. de. Histoired5 1lnde. Cooper, J. F. Navy of the United Catlin's North American Indian Portfo- States. lio. Cooper, MI. American Tracts, vol. 4. Catskill Association. Cooper, Rev. Mr. North America. Caulkins, F.M. Norwich, (Con.) Cortes, H. Iistoria de Nueva-Espana. Cemeteries, (Rural.) See Greenwood, Cox, R. Columbia River. Mount Auburn. Craig, N. B. Washington's First CamChalmers, G. Annals of the United Co- paign. lonies Crantz, D. History of Greenland. Chalmers, G. Introduction to the Re- Crantz, D. Von Gronland. volt of the Colonies. Crevecceur. Letters from an American Chapman, J. Wyomring. Farmer. Charlevoix. Histoire de Paraguay. Crevecceur. Lettres d'un Cultivateur Charlevoix. Histoire de Saint-Domin- Americain. gue. Crockett. (Col. D.) Sketches, &c. Charlevoix. Histoire de la Nouvelle Cullen, C. History of Mexico. Sea France. Clavigero, F. S. Chas et Lebrun. Revolution de l'Am.- Curwen, S. Journal and Letters. rique. Cushing, C. Newburyport. Chauncy, C. American Tracts, vol. 1. Cutts, J. M. California. Chauncy, C. Braddock's Defeat. Cheever, G. B. American Common- Dagget, J. Attleborough. Place Book. Dallas, A. J. On the War of 1812. Cheever, G. B. Plymouth. Dallas, R. C. The Maroons. Christie, R. Military Operations in the Dalmas, (M.) Revolution de Saint-DoCanadas. mingue. Church, T. Great Indian War. Dalrymple, Sir J. American Tracts' Church, T. Philip's War. vol. 9. Cieca de Leon, P. de. La Chronica del Dapper. Die Neue Welt.'Peru. Dartmoor Massacre. Cieca de Leon, P. de. Histoire del Davis, J. Settlers of Virginia. mP'ru. Davis, P. M. History of the War. Cincinnati. Pennsylvania State Society. Davies, J. Iistory of Barbados, &c. Cist, C. Cincinnati (Ohio,) in 1841. Davidson, R. Mammoth Cave. Citri de la Guette. Conqueste de la Flo- Davidson, R. Presbyterian Church. ride. Dearborn, N. Boston. Claiborne, N. IH. War in the South. De Forest. Olden Time in New-York. Clairk, D. General Wilkinson. Denton, D. Description of New-Yorko Clark, J. Boston Massacre. Pamph- Denton, D. See Pennsylvania. lets, vol. 37. De Sille. New Utrecht. Clark, T. Naval History, Diaz, B. Conquista de la Nueva-Espana. Clark, J. V. H. Onondaga County. Diaz, B. Conquest of Mexico. AMER ICAN HISTORY. 881 Dickenson, J. American Tracts, vol. 1, Fitzgerald, J. E. Hudson's Bay Cora5. pany. Dix, J. A. New-York City. Flagg, E. Far West. Dobbs, A. Hudson Bay. Flavigny, C. F. Correspondence de Dobrizhoffer, M. Account of the Abi- Fernand Cortes. pones. Flint, J. Letters from America. Doddridge, A. Indian Wars. Flint, T. History of the Western States. Doniphan, (Col.) Campaign. Flint, T. Indian Wars. Douglass, W. British Settlements in Flint. T. Mississippi Valley. North America. Flinter, (Maj.) Revolution of Caracas. Downing, (Major.) Letters. Follett, F. The Press, in Western NeowDrake, S.G. History of the North Ame- York. rican Indians. Folsom, G. Despatches of Hernando Drake, S. G. Old Indian Chronicle. Cortes. Drake, S. G. The Wilderness. Folsom, G. Mexico. Drayton, J. American Revolution. Folsom, G. Saco and Biddeford. Ducreux, F. Historia Canadensis. Forbes, (Lt. Col.) Trial of Gen. Hull. Duer, W. A. New-York. Forbes, J. G. Sketches of the Floridas. Dulaney, (Mr.) On Taxation. Force, P. Tracts and Other Papers. Dunlap, W. American History. Forrest and Macready. Dunlap, W. New-York. Foster, G. G. California. Dunlop, W. History of New-York. Foote, H. S. Texas. Durham, (Earl.) Canada. Foote, J. J. Historical Discourse. Durfee. Address. Foote, W. H. North Carolina. Dwight, T.jun. History of Connecticut. Fox, E. Revolutionary Adventures. Frampton, J. New Found World. Eager, S. W. Orange County. Frank Forrester. See Herbert. Eastman, F. S. History of New-York. Fremont, J. C. Exploring Expedition. Eddis, W. Letters from America. Fremont, J. C. Geographical Memoirs. Edwards, B. British West Indies. French, B. F. Louisiana. Edwards, B. Survey of St. Domingo. French War, in America. See Military Edwards, B. Histoire dIle of Saint-Do- Operations. mingue. French War. See Pieces Justificatives. Edwards, S. F. New Mexico. Ellet, E. F. Women of the Revolution. Gage, T. (Gen.) Letters. Ellis, E. Roxbury. Gallatin, A. Peace with Mexico. Ellsworth, H. W. Valley of the Wa- Gait, J. The Canadas. bash Garcia, F. G. Origen de los Indios. Emigrant's Guide. See Mississippi. Garcilasso de la Vega. Origin de los Emerson, W. First Church in Boston. Incas. Emory, W. H. Reconnoissance. Garcilasso de la Vega. Conqudte de la Engel, S. d'. Quand et Comment l'Ame- Floride. rique a-t-elle ete Peuplee? Garcilasso de la Vega. Guerres Civilea Ens, G. Indime Occidentalis Historia. des Espagnols dans les Indes. Esquemeling, J. Pirates de la America. Garcilasso de la Vega. Histoire des InEsquemeling, J. Bucaniers of America. cas. Estaing, (le Comte d'.) Journal d'un Garcilasso de la Vega. Commentarieas Officer de son Escadre. of Peru. Everett, A. H. Survey of America. Garden, A. Revolutionary War. Garneau, F. X. Histoire du Canada, Falkner, T. Patagonia. Gayarre, C. Louisiana. Farmer and Moore. Historical Collec- Gayarre, C. Romance of History. tions. Genty. Influence de la Decouverte deFarnham, E. W. Prairie Land. PlAmerique. Farnham, T. J. Mexico. Georgia. Causes that have retarded its Felt, J. B. Annals of Salem. Progress. Felt, J.B. Ipswich. Georgia. Narrative of the Colony. Felt, J. B. Massachusetts Currency. Georgia. State of the Province. Fergus, H. History of the United Georgia. Collections of the Historical States. Society. Fermin, P. Description de Surinam. Germaine,. (Ld.) et Gen. Clinton, &e.. Ferris, B. Settlements on the Dela- Correspondence. ware. Gesner, A. New Brunswick. Field, D. Statistics of Middlesex. Gibbs, G. Washington andAdams'lAd" Field, R. S. See New Jersey His. So- ministration. ciety. Gilij, F. S. Storia Americana. Filson, J. History of Kentucky. Gilleland, J.C. War with Great BriFilson, J. Histoire de Kentoucke. tain. Findlay, W. Pennsylvanialnsurrection. Girard, S. Pamphlets, vol. 1. 4to. Fitch, A. See N. Y. State Ag. Society Gleig, G. R. British Army at WashingTransactions, ton and New Orleans. 882 HISTORY. Glentworth, J. B. Election Frauds. Henry, J. J. Campaign. Goldsbrough, C. W. Naval Chronicle. Henry, W. S. War with Mexico. Gomara, Historia delMexico. Herbert, H. W. Field Sports. Gomara, F. L. de. Historia di Ferdi- Herbert, H. W. Fish and Fishing. nando Cortes. Herrera, A. de. Indias Occidentales. Gomara, F. L. de. Histoire G.6nral des Herrera, A. de. Indes Occidentales. Indes. Herrera, A. lte. History of America. Goodrich's Pictorial History of Ameri- Hewit, A. History of South Carolina, ca. Higginson, F. New England's Planta. Gookin, D. Indians of New England. tion. Gordon, J. B. History of North Ameri- Hildreth, R. History of the Uniteda ca. States. Gordon, T. F. History of America. Hildreth, S. P. Pioneer History. Gordon, W. American Revolution. Hilliard, d'Auberteuil. Essais sur les Gordon, F. F. Pennsylvania. Anglo-A.mricains. Gordon, F. F. New Jersey. Hinman, R. R. Connecticut in the ReGottfriedt, J. L. Americanish Histo- volution. riew. Hinman, R.. R. Puritan Settlers. Grahame, J. History of the United Hinman, R. R. Royal Letters to the States. Governors of Connecticut, &c. Gray, H. Letters from Canada. Hinton, J. H. History of the United. Green, T. J. Texian Expeditionagainst States. Mier. Hippisley. (Col.) Expedition l'POreGreenhow, R. History of Oregon, &c. noque. Griffith, T. W. Annals of Baltimore. Hodgson, A. North America. Griffith, T. W. History of Maryland. Hoffman, C. F. Pioneers of New-York. Grimshaw, W. History of the United Hoffman, C. F. Winter in the West. States. Holgate, J. BR Atlas of American HisGriswold, R. W. Prose Writers, tory. Griswolt, R. W. Female Poets. Holley, O. L. New-York City. Guernsey, E. United States. Hollis, T. See American Tracts, vol. L, Guillermin, G. Saint-Domingue. Holm, T. C. Description of New SweGumilla, J. Histoire de l'Oronoque. den. Holmes, A. American Annals Hackett, J. Expedition a la Venezuela. Hood, (Commodore.) Letters. Hakluyt, R. Virginia Richly Valued. Horni, G. ie Originibus Americanis Hakluyt Society. See Columbus' Let- Horsmanden, D. Negro Plot. ters, Hawkins, Raleigh, Drake. Hotchkin, J. H. Western New-York, Hale, S. United States. Houston, (Mrs.) Texas. Hallett, J. Indians of North America. Howe, (Ld.) American Revolution. Haliburton, T.C. Nova Scotia. Howe, H. Historical Collections of Hall, (Capt.) Civil War in America. Virginia. Hall, E. Records of Norwalk. Howe. Sir William How.e. Hall, J. Legends of the West. Howison, R. R. Virginia, Hall, J. Life in the West; Its Soil, Howitt, M. Our Cousins in Ohio. &c. Hoyt, E. Indian. Wars on the ConnectiHall, J. The West. cut River. Hall, J. The West; Its Commerce, &c. Hubbard, W. History of New England, Hall, J. Wilderness and War-Path. Hubbard, W'. Iudian Wars. Hamilton, A. Papers. Hull, (Gen.) Trial. See Forbes. Hammond, J. D. Political History of. Hull, W. (Gen.) Campaign in 1812. New-York. Humboldt, A. de. Monuments des Peus Hanson, J. W. Danvers. ples Indigines de l'Amrnrique. Hardie, J. New-York City. Humphrey, D. Society, &c. Harmar, J. Court of Enquiry. Hunt, F. The Hudson River. Hartford Convention. See Otis, H. G. Hunt, G. J.'ar with Great Britain. Hartwell, Blair, andChilton. Virginia. Hutchins, T. Virginia. Haven. J. See American Tracts, vol. 2. Hutchhnson, T. (Gov.) History of MasHawkins, B. See Georgia. sachusetts. Hawkins' Picture of Quebec. Hutchinson, T. (Gov.) and A. Oliver, Hazard, E. Historical Collections. (Lt. Gov.) Letters. Hazard, S. Pennsylvania Register. Head, Sir F. B. Narrative, (on Canada.) Illinois, in 1837. Head, Sir F. B. The Emigrant. Indian Treaties. See Johnson, Sir W. Headley, J. T. Adirondack. Ingersoll, C. J. The Jesuit's Letters. Headley, J. T. Washington, &c. Ingersoll, C. J. War of 1812. Heath, W. (Gen.) Memoirs of the Irving, W. Astoria. American War. Irving, W. Book of the Hudson. Heckewelder, J. Indiennes de Pensyl- Irving, W. Scenes in the. West. vanie. Ithaca. View of its Environs. Henderson, J. History of Brazil. Izard, R. Correspondence. AMERICAN HEISTORY. 883.Jackson, W. Indian Natives. Lee, D. Oregon. Jamaica. Histoire de la Jamalque. Lendrum, J. American Revolution. Jamaica. State of the Island. Lepage du Pratz. Histoire de la LouiJames, W. Naval Occurrences. siane. Jameson, (Mrs.) Rambles in Canada. Lepage du Pratz. History of LouisiJay, Sir J. See American Tracts, vol. 4. ana. Jefferson, T. Notes on Virginia. Lescarbot, M. Nouvelle France. Jefferson, T. Sur la Virginie. Ligon, R. Histoire de Barbades. Jefferson, T. See American Tracts, Lincoln, W. History of Worcester, vol. 5. Lossing, B. J. Anglo-Americans. Jefferys, T. French Dominions in America. Macauley, J. History of New-York. Jenkins, J. S. Political History. Macy, 0. Nantucket. Jenkins, J, S. War with Mexico. Mackenzie, R. On Tarleton's History, Johnson, Sir WV. Indian Conferences. &c. Johnson, Sir W. Indian Treaties. Madison, J., (Pres.) Papers. Johnson, S. See American Tracts, vol. Maffei, G. P. Histoire des Indes Occi6. dentales. Jones, A. D. Illinois and the West. Magoon, E. L. Orators of America. Jones, H. Present State of Virginia. Magoon, E. L. Orators of the Revolu. Jones, J.S. On the Revolutionary His- tion. tory of North Carolina. Maine Historical Collections. Journal of the Provincial Congress of Mairobert, M. F. P. de. L'Espion An. New-York. glois. Juarros, D. Historia de Guatemala. Malenfant, (le Colonel.) Des Colonies. Juarros, D. History of Guatemala. Malouet, V. P. Sur les Colonies. Mandrillon, J. Le Spectateur AmeriKeith, Sir W. British Plantations. cain. Kennebec Claims. See Pamphlets, vol. Mansfield, E. D. Mexican War. 32. Mante, T. War in North America, Kentucky. Description. Marrant, J. Journal. Kercheval, S. Valley of Virginia. Marshall, C. Remembrances. Kilbourn, P. K. Genealogy. Marshall, H. History of Kentucky. Kimball, -H. Naval Battles. Marshall, J. Life of Washington. King, A. J. Argentine Republic. Marshall, J. Vie de Washington. King, iH. Ithaca. Marshall, 0. Expedition of Denonville. Kingsley, J. L. Discourse. Martin, F. X. History of North CaroKirkland, (Mrs.) Western Life. lina. Knox, J. Campaigns in North Ameri- Martin, M. History of the British Coca. lonies. Knox, W. American Tracts, vol. 2. Martineau, II. Society in America. Martineau, H. Western Travel. Laet, J. de. Histoire du Nouveau Mon- Martyr, P. West Indies. (le. Mascrier, le. Sur le Louisiane. Laet, J. de. Novus Orbis. Massachusetts. Governor Bernard and Laet, J. de. West Indien. Others' Letters to the Ministry. Laet, J. de. Nota. Massachusetts Bay. Lafitau, J. F. DWcouvertes et ConquW- Massachusetts. Historical Collections. tes ties Porturais. Massachusetts' Insurrection. See Minot, Lafitau, J.. F M urs des Sauvages. G. K. Lallement. Histoire (le la Colombie. Mather, C. Magnalia. Lamb, R. American War. Mauduit, I. New England Colonies. Lambert, E. K. Colony of New Haven. Maury, S. M. Statesmen of America. Lambrechtsen. Nieuw Nederland. Maxwell, (Lt. Col.) United States. Lancaster, D. Gilmanton. Mazzei. Sur les Etats-Unis. Lanman, J. H. History of Michigan. M'Afee, R. B. History of the late War. Lanman, C. Letters from the Allc- M'Call. H History of Georgia. ghany. M'Calla, W. L. Texas. Lapham, J A. Wisconsin. M'Cartney, W. Progress of the United Latour, A. L. War in Louisiana. States. Laujohn, A. P. M. Expedition de Saint- M'Clung, J.A. Western Adventure. Domingle. M'Culloch, J. H. History of America. Lawrence, \V. B. Colonization, &c., of MIKenney, T. L. Tour to the Lakes. New Jersey. M'Sherry, J. Maryland. Lawson, J. History of Carolina. Mexico. Observations on the War. Lawson, J. Carolina, 17()9. Mexico. Pamphlets. vols. 14, 15. Lee, (Charles.) Court Martial, 1778. Militarv Operations in North America. Lee, H. Campaign in the Carolinas. Mill's History of Mexico. Lee, II. Memoirs of the War in the Miller, J. New-York in 1695. South. Miner, W. P. History of Wyoming. Lee, HI. Writings of Jefferson. 884 EHISTORYa. Minot, G. R. History of Massachusetts O'Callaghan, Smith, and Yates and Bay. (Continuation.) Moulton. Minot, G. Massachusett's Insurrec- New-York. Rights of the Colony. tioa New-York. Uncle Philip's History. Minutes of the General Assembly of the New-York. Short Advice. Presbyterian Church. New-York and Massachusetts. Miranda, F. de. South America. New-York and Vermont Controversy. Mississipi Valley. See New-York. Molina, G. 1. Histoire Naturelie du New Utrecht. See De Sill. Chile. Niles, 11. Principles and Acts of the' Molina, G. 1. History of Chili. Revolution. Molina, G. I. Storia Naturale del Chile. Niles, H. Weekly Register. Monette, J. W. Valley of the Missis- Niles, J. M. South America. sippi. North America, impartially considered. Monroe, J. Tour of Observation. North-Eastern Boundary Question: By Montanus, A. de. Nieuwe en onbeken- Albert Gallatin. de Weereld. North-Eastern Boundary Question: By Moore, J. B. Annals of Concord. Daniel Webster. Moore, N. F. Columbia College. Nova Scotia. Memorials, &c. Moreau, P. Derniers Troubles du Br6- Nova Scotia. Pieces Justificatives consil. cernant. Morse, J. American Revolution. Nuix, J. Reflexiones Imparciales. Morse, J. New England. Nunez, J. Noticias Historicas, &c. Morse's Thanksgiving Sermon. Nunez, J. Esquisses Historiques de BuMorse, J. Report on Indian Affairs. enos Ayres. Morton, N. New England's Memorial. Moulton, J. W. New Orange. O'Callaghan, E. B. History of New NeMoultrie, W. War in Carolina and therland. Georgia. Ogilby, J. America. Mulford, I. S. New Jersey. Ohio Historical Society Collections. Munoz, J. B. The New World. Ohio. Historical Transactions. Munoz, J. B. Historia del Nuevo Mun- Oldmixon, J. British Empire in Amedo. rica. Murat, A. Americaandthe Americans. Oliver, A., (Lieut. Gov.) Letters. Murphy, H. C. New Netherland. Onderdonk, H. Jun. Queens County. Murray, N. Elizabethtown. Onderdonk, H. Jun. Revolutionary Murray and Others. History of British Incidents. America. Onondaga County. See Clark, J. V. Ho Murray and Others. History of the Onis, L. de. On the Negotiations beUnited States. tween Spain and the United States. Murray, J. War in America. Oregon Question: By Albert Gallatin. Oregon. Farnham and Willes on. Naval Monument. Otis, H. G. Hartford Convention. Neal, D. New England. Ovaglie, A. d'. Historica Relatione di Neilson, C. Burgoyne's Campaign. Cile. New England, State of, 1689. Ovaglie, A. d'. Historical Relation of New England. Rise and Progress. Chile. New England. Pages from History. Owen, T. Mexican War. New Hampshire Grants. Resolutions. New Hampshire Grants. Defence. Padilla, A. D. Historia de Mexico. New Hampshire Grants. See New-York. Paine, T. American Tracts, vol. 9. New Hampshire. Historical Collec- Paine, T. Letter to the Abb Raynal. tions. Palacio. Revolution de 1'Amurique EsNew Jersey Historical Society. (Col- pagnole. lections and Proceedings.) Palacio. Revolution in Spanish AmeNew Jersey Revolutionary Correspon- rica. dence. Palmer, J. T. Historical Register of New-York, in 1673. See Moulton. the United States. New-York. Documentary History. Park, R. West Point. New.-York. Defence of American Li- Parkman, F. Jun. California, &c. berties. Pattie, J. 0. Pacific Ocean. New-York. Historical Collections. Paulding, J. Affairs of New AmsterNew-York. Journal of the Provincial dam. Congress. Paulding, J. K.. Letters. New-York. Journal of Dutch Commis- Pauw, C. de. Recherches Philosophisioners. ques sur les Amerricains. New-York. Proceedings of the Histo- Peale, T. R. See Wilkes, C. rical Society of New-York. Pedro, I. et Jean VI. Correspondance New-York History. See Barber, Den- durant les Troubles du Bresil. ton, Documentary History, Dunlap, Penhallow, S. Wars of New England. Hammond, Jenkins, Macauley; Pennsylvania. Bulletin, &c. AME RICAN HISTORY. 885 Pennsylvania. Brief State of the Pro- Ridgely, D. Annals of Annapolis. vince. Riedesel, (M. de.) Memoires. Pennsylvania. L'Etat Present de la Roberts, W. Account of Florida. Pensylvanie. Robertson, W. History of America. Pennsylvania. Historical Collections. Robertson, W. Histoirede l'Am6rique. Pennsylvania. Historical Society Me- Robertson, W. Jun. Oregon. moirs. Robbins, T. First Planters of New Pennsylvania. Insurgents. England. Pennsylvania. Province Robinson, (C.) American Voyage from Perkins, S. Events of the Late War. 1520 to 1573. Perkins, S. United States. Robinson, F. Army of the United Pernety, A. J. Sur l'Amirique. States. Pernety, A.J. Sur les IcRecherches," Robinson, F. California. &c. Robinson, M. American Tracts, vols. Peru. Lettre sur l'Ameute en Perou, 6, 9. &c. Robinson, W. D. Mexican Revolution, Peters, S. Connecticut. &c. Peterson, C. J. Heroes of the Revolu- Robinson, F. Mexico. tion. Rocky Mountains, Oregon, &c. Pichon, T. Lettres, &c., pour servir a Rochefort, C. de. Iistoire des Antilles. la Histoire du Cap Breton. Rochetillac, P. de la. Almanach. Pitkin, T. History of the United States. Rodney and.Graham. Reports'n the Plumbe, J. Iowa and Wiskonsin. United Provinces of South America. Poinsett, J. R. Notes on Mexico. Rolt, R. History of South America. Porter (Corn.) Trial. See Beale. Ross, A. First Settlers on the Oregon. Potherie, B. de la. Histoire de l'Ame- Roubaud, (l'Abbe.) Histoire de l'Amirique Septentrionale. rique. Poudenx et Mayer. Revolution de Roux de Rochelle, M. Etats Unis. Caracas. Rush, R. Residence at London. Poullin de Lumina, E. J. Histoire de Russell, W. History of America. la Guerre contre les Anglois. Russell, W. New-York Class Book. Poussin, G. T. Travaux d'Ameliora- Ruxton, G.F. Far West. tions. Ruxton, G. F. Mexico. &c. Poussin, G. T. De la Puissance Americane, &c. Sabine, S. American Loyalists. Presbyterian Church. See Minutcg. Sacket, G. H. Early History of the Prescott, W. H. Conquest of Mexico. County of Seneca, New-York. Prescott, W. H. Conquest of Peru. Saint-Domingue. Pieces Interessantes. Prime, N. S. Long Island. Saint-Lucia arid St. Vincent. Intended Prince, T. Chronological History of Settlement. New England. Sanford, E. United States. Pritts, J. IMlirror of Olden Time. ransom, J. Lower Canada. Proud, R. History of Pennsylvania. Sargent, G. B. Iowa. Pultney, W. Thoughts on America. Scheffer. A. Histoire des Etats-Unis. Scherer, J. B. Recherches Historiques Quincy, J. Jun. American Tracts, vol. sur le Nouveau Monde. 4. Schoolcraft, H. R. Algic Researches. Quincy (Mass.) History. See Lunt. Schoolcraft, H. R. Indian in his WigQuintus, J. De Hollander in Amerika. warn. Schoolcraft, H. R. Iroquois. Rainsford, M. Black Empire of Hayti, Schooleraft, H. R. Oneonta, &c. &c. Schramke, T. Croton Aqueduct. Ramsay, D. American Revolution. Schuylkill Fishing Company. Ramsay, D. Revolution d"AmiWrique. Scoresby, W. American Factories. Ramsay, D. History of South Carolina. Scott, (Gen.) and his Staff. Ramsay, D. Revolution of South Caro- Seabury, (Dr.) Free Thoughts. lina. Sears, R. American Revolution. Ranking, J. On the Conquest of Peru, Seaver, W. Historical Sketch of Bata&c. via. Raynal, (l'Abbe.) Histoire Philosophi- Sedgwick, T. The American Citizen. q',e et Politique, &c. Selkirk and the Hudson Bay (ompany. Raynal, (l'Abbi.) Revolution de l'Ame- Selkirk's Settlement on Red River. rique. Seneca Indians. Raynal, (l'Abbe.) Revolution of Ame- Senter. See Pennsylvania. rica. Sewall, R. R. St. Augustine. Reid, S. C. Jun. M'Culloch's Rangers. Sewell, J. American Contest. Reminiscences of the French War. Shattuck, L. History of Concord. Rengger et Longchamp. Revolution Shaw, C. Description of Boston. du Paraguay. Shebbeare, (Dr.) American Tracts, Revere, J. W. California, &c. vol. 8. Rhode Island. Historical Collections. Shipley, (Bp.) American Tracts, vol. 4. 886 HIsTO R Y. Shirley, (Gen.) See Military Opera- Susquehannah Title. tions. Shirley, W. Letters to the Duke of Tailfer and Others. See Geor:ia. Newcastle. Tarleton, B. Campaigns of 1780-81: Simcoe, J. G., (Gov.) Military Jour- Taylor (Gen.) and his Staff. nal. Techo, N. del. Histo-ia Paraquarime Simrns, J. R. History of Schoharie Texas History County, and the Border Wars of New Texas. LeChamp-d'Asile. York. Thacher, J. History of Plymouth. Smith, J. T. Discovery of America by Thacher,. Military Jourial. Northmen. Thatcher, B. B. Tales of the RevolutSmith, E. I{. Black Hawk. tion. Smith, J. J. Historical and Literary Thatcher, B. B. The Tea Party. Curiosities. Theller, E. A. Canada. Smith, J. Historie of Virginia, &c. Thomas, G. Province of Pennsylvania. Smith, S. History of New Jersey. Thompson, B. F. Iistory of Lon-g Smith, W. History of New-York. Island, Smith, W. Histoire de la Nouvelle- Thompson, G. A New Theory, &e. Yor'k. Thompson, Z. History of Vermont. Snow, C. H. History of Boston. Thompson, W. Recollections of MexSnowden, R. American Revolution. ic Snowden, R. North and South America. Thomson, J. L. War of 1812. Soils, A. de. Conquista de Mexico. Thorburn, G. Reminiscences of NewSolis, A. de. Conquista del M-essico. Yorkl Solis, A. (te. Conquite du Mexique. Thoreau, H. D. Concord and Merni Solis, A. de. Conquest of America. mack Rivers. Soulls, F. Troubles de l'Amerique An- Thornton, J. Q. Oregon and California. glaise. V glase.... Thorpe, T. B. Our Army at Monterey. South Carolina. Historical Collections. Thorpe T.B. OurArmyontheRio Thorpe T. B. Our'Army- on the Rio South Carolina. Naval Affairs. G'a'de. South Carolina. Swiss Gentleman's Let- orqemad J.e De onarqu ter. - Torquemada, J. de. De la M:onarquia ter' Indiana. Southey, R. History of Brazil. Touon,. stoireel'mriq Southey, It. See Armitage, J. Town, 1. See American Revolution. Southey, T. History of the West In- Tracts, on American Afflirs. See. (lies..Tracy, W. Oneida County. Spanish America. Pamphlets, vols. 14, Transactions of the American Ethnological Society. Spencer, J. C. Remarks on Upshur's Troup, R. See Watson, E. Review. SeeMaegregor's Progress Trumbull, B. History of Connecticut. of America.'Trumbull, B. History of the United Sprague, J. T. Florida War. States. Sprengel, M. C. Der Revolution von Trumbull, H. Discovery of America. NordC America. m Trumbull, J. See American Tracts, St. Clair, A. Campaign of 1791. vol. 9. vol. 9. bt. John, J. R. Lake Superior. Tucker, J. See American Tracts, vol. 7. St. Lucia. Memorials, &c. Tuckerman, H. T. American Painters. Staples, W. R. The Gaspee. Pamph Tuor, W. Letters on the Eastern lets, vol. 17. States Steele, (Mrs.) Journey in the West. rner,. ol Purchase. Turner, 0. Holland Purchase. Stedman, C. History of the American Tysen's Staten Island. War. Stephens, WV. B. Georgia. Stephens, WV. Castle Builder. Ulloa, A. de. Noticias Americanas. Steweard, J. America. Ulloa, A. de. Memoires. Stiif E. Texan Emigrant. United States of America. Republic of Stiff, E. Texan Emigrant. Stiles, E. American Tracts, vol. 1. United States Exploring Expedition. Stirling, (Ld.) See Duer, W~. A. See Willes, C. Stoddarl, EA. Sketches of Louisiana. United States. Incidents of the War. Stone, E. M. Beverly. Stone, W. L. Border War. Varnum, J. B., Junr. Seat of GovernStone, W. L. Matthias.: ment, U. S. t Stone,,W. L. Wyoming. Van Rensselaer, (General.) Affair of Stouglton, J. Spiritual Heroes. Queenstown. Strong,'1. M. History of Flatbush. Vaux, R. Discourse before the HistoriStuart, J. North America. cal Society of Pennsylvania. Sullivan, J. History of Maine. Veniegas, M. California. Sullivan, W. Public Men of the Revo- Venezuela ana Colombia. Recollections lution. of Military Service in. Surgy, R. de. Histoire de Pensylvanie. Vergennes, (M. de.) Sur la Louisianeo Surinam, Essai Historique de. Vermont. See New Hampshire Grants. BIOGRAPHY, PERSONAL NARRATIVES, &c 887 Verplanck, G. Address before the New Whitney, P. Worcester. York Historical Society. Whiton, J. M. New Hampshire. Vertoogh Van Nieu. Nederland. See Wilkes, C. Exploring Expedition. Murphy, H1. Willes, C. Western America. Vide, V. V. American Tableaux. Wilkes, G. History of Califoinia. Vigne, G. T. Six Months in America Wilkins, 1. Alarm, &c. ille. et Autres. Memoires sur les Pos- Wilkins, I. American Tracts, vol. 7. sessiones des Deux Couronnes en Wilkinson, E. Invasion of Charleston. Am rique. Wilkinson, J. (Gen.) Memoirs. Virginia. State of the Colony. Willard, E. History of the United Virginie. Histoire de la. States. Willard, E. Last Leaves. Wralker, Sir I. Expedition to Canada. Williams, J.L. West Florida. Walker, (Mr.) Account of Colombia. Williams, 0.. SEarly His'ory of ClinWalsh, R. Appeal. ton, Oneida. Walton, W., jr. Dissensions of Spanish W illiams, S. History of Vermont. America. Willis, W. History of Portland. Warburton's Hochelaga. Williamson, HI. Climate of America. Ward, N. Cobbler of Aggawam. Williamson, C. Genesee Country. Ward, A. 11. Shrewsbury. Williamson, W. D. History of Maine. W'arden, D. B. United States. Williamson, H. History of North CaroWarden, D. B. Les Etats-Unis. lina. Warden, D. B. Der Vereinigten Staaten. Willson, M. American History. Warre, -H. Sketches of North America. Winsor. History of Duxbury. Warre, (Mrs.) American Revolution. Winthrop, (Gov.) History of New EngWashington, G-. First Campaign. land. Washington, G. "Forged Letters." Winthrop, (Gov.) Journal. Washington, G. Journal. Wirt, W. British Spy. Washington, G. Official Letters. Wise, (Lieut.) Los Gringos, &c. Washington, G. Public Accounts. Wood, W. M. South America. Washington, G. Revolutionary Orders. Wood, J. Administration of JohnWatson, J. F. Annals of Philadelphia. Adams. Watson, J. F. Tales of Olden Time- Wood, S. Settlement of Long Island. New-York. Wright, F. Society in America. Watson, J. F. Tales of Olden Time- Wright, J. American Negotiator. Philadelphia. Wright, J. War in America. Watson, J. F. New-York City and Wynkoop, J. M. Mexico. State. Wynne, J. H. British Empire in AmeWatson, E. New-York Canals. rica. Webber, C. W. Camanche Country. Wyse, F. America. Webber, C.. Gold Mines of the Gila. Wesley, J. American Tracts, vols, 6, 7. Yates andt Moulton. History of NewWest India Planters. American Tracts, York. vol. 7. Young, J. Chronicles. West Point. See Park. Young, P.' History of Mexico. White, H. New England. Whitefield, G. Orphan House. Zarate, A. de. Conquete de Peron. Whitman, Z. G. Ancient and Hon. Ar- Zavala, L. de. Revoluciones de Megico. tillery Co. Zubly, J. I. American Tracts, vol. 6. Whitney, G. Quincy, 10. Biography, Personal Jarratives, 8-c. Abell, E. Napoleon. Allen, IW. Biographical Dictionary, Abrantes, (Dutchess (1.) Memoirs. Allen, W. Life and Correspondence. Abrantes, (Dutchess d'.) Memoirs of Almon, J. Life of the Earl of Chatham. Napoleon. Amnerican Military Biography. Adams, C. F. Me-noir of Mrs. Adams. American Naval Biography. See AnaAdams, J. Q. Lives of Madison, &c. lecti Magazine. Adams, J. Q. See Adams (Mrs.) and American Universal Magazine. Lunt. Antlerson, C. Life of, by Mary Howitt. Adam., J. Q. Life, by Seward, W. I. Anderson, R. Life of John Moore. Adams, (MVrs.) Letters. Annual Biography and Obituary. Alden,. American Epitaphs. Anson, (Ld.) Life, by Barrow. Alexan(ler, A. Sketches of the Founders Antonio, N. Bibliotheca Espana. of the Log College, &c. Archenholtz, J. W. d'. Des Flibustiers. Alfieri, V. Autobiography. Aristoteles. Life, by Gillies, J. Alison, A. Life of Marlborough. Arnold, B. Life, by Sparks, J. Allen, E. Life, by Moore, H. Arnold, T. Life, by Stanley, A. P. Allen, E. Life, by Sparks, J. Ashmun, J. Life of Bacon. 888 HISTORY. Ashmun, J. Life, by Gurley, R. R. Brainerd, D. Life, by Peabody, W. Austin, J. T. Life of Elbridge Gerry. B. O. Brandt, J. Life, by Stone, W. L. Bacon, N. Life, by Ware, W. See Bray, W. Memoirs of John Evelyn. Sparks. Brewster, Sir D. Martyrs of Science. Bailey, R. Life and Adventures. British Admirals. Lives, by CampBainbridge, W. Life, by Harris, T. bell, J. Baird, Sir D. Life, by Hook, T. Brock, Sir I. Life, by Tupper, F. B. Baldwin, W. Reliquim Baldwiniana.. Brougham, (Ld.) Lives of Men of LetBancroft, A. Essay on Washington. ters. Barbe Marbois. Journal d'un Deporte. Brougham, (Ld.) Refutation of CalumBarker, G. P. Life, by Bryant, G. J. nies. Barney, M. Memoir of Corn. Barney. Brougham, (Ld.) Sketches of StatesBaron, J. Life of Jenner, E. men. Barrow, Sir J. Life of Lord Anson. Brougham, (Ld.) Life. Barrow, Sir J. Life of Earl Howe. Brown, C. B. Life, by Dunlap, W. Barrow, Sir J. Memoir. Brown, C. B. Life, by Prescott, W. H. Barrow, J. Life of Admiral W. S. See Sparks. Smith. Brown, W. H. Portrait Gallery. Barton, W. Life, by Williams, (Mrs.) Browne, Sir T. Life and CorresponBarton, W. Life of David Rittenhouse. dence. Bartram, John. Life, by Darlington. Brulliot, F. Dictionnaire des MonoBathurst, H. Memoirs of H. Bathurst. grammes. Beattie, J. Life, by Forbes, Sir W. Bryant, G. J. Life of Barker, G. P. Beechey, H. W. Memoir of Sir Joshua Brydges, Sir E. Autobiography. Reynolds. Buckminster, Rev. J. Memoirs, by Lee, Belknap, J. American Biography. E. B. Belknap, J. Life. Bunbury, Sir H. Life of Sir Thomas Bell, R. Life of Canning. Hanmer. Bell, A. Life, by Southey, R. and C. Buonaparte. Life, by Abrantes, HazBell, R. Lives of English Dramatists. litt, Scott. Bell, R. Lives of English Poets. Burghley, (Ld.) Life, by Nares, E. Biddle, R. Memoir of Sebastian Cabot. Burgon. 3. W. Life of Sir T. Gresham, Biography Americana. Burke, E. Life by Prior, J. McCorBiographical Dictionary of the Society mick. for the Diffusion of Useful Know- Burnes, R. Life, by Cunningham, A. ledge. Burney, C. Memoirs, by his Daughter, Biographies of Eminent Men. See Lib. Burr, A. Life, by Knapp. Ent. K. Burr, A. Memoirs, by Davis, N. L. Biographie Etrangere. Burr, A. Private Journal. Biographie Universelle. Burton, J. H. Life of HIIure. Biography and Obituary. See Annual, Burton, J. H. Life of Simon Lord Lo&c. vat. Biography of the Signers of the Decla- Bush, G. Life of Mohammed. ration of Independence. See San- Bush, (Mrs.) Queens of France. derson, J. Buxton, Sir T. F. Memoirs. Biography of Self-Taught Men. Byron, (Ld.) Life, by Gait-GordonBirch, T. Life of Ralph Cudworth. Hunt. See Cudworth, R. Black. J. Life of Torquato Tasso. Cabot, S. Life, by Hayward, C. See Black Hawk. Life of. Sparks, J. Blake, J. L. Biographical Dictionary. Cabot, S. Memoir, by Biddle, R. Blanchard, L. Life of L. E. L. (Lan- Caldwell, C. Character of Holley, H. don.) Caldwell, C. Life of Nathaniel Greene. Boardman, S. D. Memoir. See King. Calhoun, J. C. Life. Bolingbroke, (Ld.) Life by Cooke, Calvert, G. Life, by Kennedy, J. P. G. W. Calvert, L. Life, by Sparks, J. Bolivar, S. Life by Holstein, H. L. Campbell, J.W. Biographical SketchV. D. es. Bonaparte. Memoirs. See Caulincourt. Campbell, J. Lives of British AdmiBoone, D. Life, by Flint, T. rals. Boone, D. Life. Sparks' Biography. Campbell, W. W. Life of De Witt Bossi, D. Histoire dte Christophe Co- Clinton. lumb. Campbell, T. Life of Frederick II. Boswell, J. Life of Samuel Johnson. Campbell, T. Life of Petrarch. Bowen, F. Life of Lincoln, B. See Canning, G. Life, by Bell, R.-StapleSparks' Biography. ton, A. G. Bowen, H. L. Memoir of Burgess, T. Caroline Matilda of Denmark, (Queen.) Bowles, W. A. Memoirs. See Keith, Sir R. M. Bradford, H. Distinguished Men. Carlyle, T. Life of Friedrich Schiller. Brainerd, D. See Edwards, J. Cartwright, E. Memoirs. BlGRAPHAY, PERSONAL NARRATIVES &c. 889 Cartwright, F. D. Life of Major Cart- Cumberland, R. Memoirs by Himself. wright. Cunningham, A. Life of Robert Burns. Carus, AV. Life of Simeon. Curran, J. P. Recollections of, by PhilCary, H. F. Memoirs. lips. Cass, L. France, its King, Court, &c. Currie, WV. Life of James Currie. Castlereagh, (Vis.) Memoirs. Curwen, S. Journal and Letters. Catherine 11. Life, by Toole, W. Cutter, W. Life of Putnam. Caulincourt, (Duke.) Recollections Cutter, W. Life of La Fayette. of. Cuvier. Memoirs. See Lee. Cellini, B. Memoirs by Himself. Chalmers, A. Biographical Dictionary. D'Abrantes. See Abrantes. Chancellors of England. Lives. Dagget, D. Pamphlets, vol. 43. Chandler, T. B. Life of Samuel John- Dante, A. Life, by tary, I-. F. son. Danvers, J. T. Pamphlets, vol. 34. Channing, W. E. Memoirs of. D'Arblay,(Madame.) Diary and Letters. Charlemagne. Life, by James, G. P. R. Darlington's Lives of Bartram and MarCharlemont, (Earl of.) Life, by Har- shall. dy, F. Dartmoor Prison. Journal of a PrisChase, (Bp.) Reminiscences. oner in. Chatham, (Earlof.) Life, by Almon, J. Darwin, E. Life, by Seward, A. Chaucer, G. Life, by Goodwin, W. Davenport, R. A. Adventures. Chipman, D. Life of N. Chipman. Davenport, R. A. Biographical DicCibber, C. Life. tionary. Cicero, Ml. T. Life by Middleton, C. Davidson, L. M. Life, by Sedgwick, Clarendon, (Ld.) Life, by Lister, T. H. C. M. Claiborne, Sketches of the Lives of Davidson, M. M. Life, by lrving, W. Montgomery, &c. Davie, W. R. Life, by Sparks, J. Clay, H. Life, by Cotton-Mallory- Davis, M L. Memoirs of Aaron Burr. Prentice-Sargent. Davy, J, Memoirs of Sir Humphrey Claxton, T. Memoirs. Davy. Clinton, De Witt. Life, by Campbell, Day, T. Yale College Class. W. W. —Hosack, D. —Renwick, J. Decatur, (Capt.) Life, by Sparks, J.Clinton, De Witt. Tribute. Waldo, S. P. Clive, (Ld.) Life, by Malcolm, Sir. J. Delaplaine, J. Lives of Distinguished Coffin, C. Life of Gen. Thomas. Americans. Colden, C. D. Life of Robert Fulton. Diaz del Castillo. Memoirs of Bernal. Coghlan, (Mrs.) Memoirs. Digby, Sir K. Memoirs by Himself. Coleridge, S. T. Biographia Literaria. l)ixon, J. Personal Narrative. Coleridge, H. Worthies of Yorkshire, Doria, A. See Durazzo, I. &c. Dover, (Ld.) Life of Frederick II. Collingwood. G. L. N. Life of Lord lDowning, (Maj.) Life, &c. Collingwood. Drake, N. Biography of Shakespeare. Colomb, F. La Vie de Cristofle Colomb. Drake, S. G. Biography of North iAeColton, C. Life of Clay, H. rican Indians. Columbus, C. Life, by Irving, W. Drake, B. Life of Tecumseh. Columbus, C. See Durazzo —Napione- Drake, Cavendish ant Dampier. Lives. Spotorno. Dryden, J. Life of St. Francis Xavier. Cond(. Life by Mahon, (Lord.) Dryden, J. Life, by Scott, Sir W'. See Coolre, G. W. Life of the Earl of Dryden, J. Shaftesbury. Duer, J. Life of Chancellor Kent. Coolre, G. W. Memoirs of Lord Bo- Duer, W. A. Letter on the Life of Rolingbroke. bert Fulton. Cooper, B. B. Life of Astley Cooper. Duer, V. A. Life of Lord Stirling. Cooper, J, F. American Naval Officers. Dumas, M. Memoirs of his own Time. Copway, G. Life. Dumont, E. Recollections ofMirabeau. Cormenin, (Vis.) Orators of France. Dumourier, (Gen.) Lettres sur " La Costello, L. S. Jacques Coeur. Vie du G-n. Dumourier." Cottle, J. Reminiscences of Colerige, Duncan, H. Memoirs. &c. Dunham, S. A. Literary and Scientific Courtenay, T. P. Memoirs of Sir Wil- Men of Great Britain. liam Temple. Dunham, S. A. Lives of English DraCowper. See Grimshawe. matists. Coxe, W. Duke of Marlborough. Dunlap, W. Life of Brown, C. B. Crawford, G. Lives of the Crown and Duppa, R. Life of Michael Angelo. State Officers in Scotland. Durand, (J. R.) Life of. Croker, T. C. Memoirs of Joseph Holt. Durazzo, I. C. Colomboe A. D'Oria. Croly, G. Sketches and Characters. Dwight, T. Character of Jefferson. Cromwell, O. Life, by Carlyle, T.- Dwight, T. Life, by Sprague, W. B. D'Aubigne, J. M.-Headley, J. T. Dwight, S. E. Memoirs of Brainerd. Cudworth, R. Life by Birch, T. See Cudworth. R. Edwards, J. Life of Brainerd. 890 HI STORY. Eastburn, J. Memoirs. Fry, J. K. Life of Gen. Taylor. Eastman, (Mrs.) Dahcotah, or Legends Fuiton, R. Life, by Colden, C. D. of the Sioux. Fulton, R. Life, by Renwick, J. Eaton, J. H. Life of Andrew Jackson. Fuseli, H. Life, by Knowles, J. Eaton, W. Life. Eaton, W. Life, by Felton, C. C. See Galerie des Contemporains Illustres. Sparks, J. Gallery of Portraits. (Memoirs.) Eddy, T. Life, by Knapp, S. L. Gait, J. Life of Benjamin West. Edwards, J. Life, by Dwight, S. E.- Gait, J. Life of Lord Byron. Miller, S. Gait, J. Life of Cardinal Wolsey. Eldon, (Ld.) Life, by Twiss, H. Gammell, W. Life of Roger Williams. Eliot, J. Biographical Dictionary. Gardener, -I. Memoirs, by Himself. Eliot, J. Life, by Francis, C. Moore, George III. Life, by Holt, E. M. Gerry, E. Life, by Austin, J. T. Eliott, D. Life of Macurdy, Rev. E. Gibbon, E. Memoirs, by Himself. Elliott, (Com.) Biography of. Gilfillan, G. Eminent Literary Men. Ellery, W. Life, by Channing, E.'T. Gillies, J. Life of Aristotle. See Sparks, J. Girard, S. Biography. Ellis, G. E. Life of Anne Hutchinson. Glass, F. Life of Washington. (Latin.) Ellis, G.E. Life of John Mason. Gleig, G. R. British Military ComElwes, J. Life, by Tophamr E. manders. Emmet, T. A. Life, by Haines, C. H. Gleig, G. R. Life ofClive. Epitaphs. See Memoirs of the Dead. Gleig, G. R. Life of Sir Thomas MunErasmus, D. Life, by Jortin, J. ro. Erskine, (Ld.) Sketch of his Character. Gleig, G. R. Life of Warren Hastings. Evarts, J. Life, by Tracy, E. C. Glover, R. Memoirs of a Celebrated Evelyn, J. Life, by Bray, W. Character. Evelyn, J. Life of Mrs. Godolphin. Godolphin, (Mrs.) Life, by Evelyn, J. Everett, A. It. Life of Patrick Henry. Godoy, M. de. Memoirs, by Himself. Everett, A. I-. Life of Joseph Warren. Godwin, W. Life of Geoffrey Chaucer. Everett, E. Life of John Stark. Godwin, P. Autobiography of Goethe. Godwin, W. Lives of the NecromanFayette, (M. de la.) Life, by Mack, E. cers. Fayette, (M. de la.) MAmoiresHistori- Goethe. Autobiography. ques sur M. de la Fayette. Goldsmith, 0. Life, by Forster, J. Fayette, (M. (de la.) Principal Events Prior, J. in his Life. Gordon, Sir C. Life of Lord Byron. Fellows, J. Reflections. &c. Gorton, S. Life, by Mackie, J. M. Felton, C C. Life of William Eaton. Grahame, J. Memoirs, by Quincy, J. Feuerbach, A. R. Narratives. Grammont's Memoirs. Field, W. Memoir of Samuel Parr. Granger, G. Biographical History. Fisk, W. Life, by Hold]sh, J. Grant, (Mrs.) Memoirs. Fitch, J. Life, by Whittlesey, C. Grant, (Mrs.) Memoirs of an AmeriFitzgerald, (Ld. E.) Life, by Moore, can Lady. T. Grattan, H. Memoirs of Henry Grattan. Flint, D. Memoirs of Boone, D. Gray, T. Life, by Mason, W. Flood, W. Life of Flood, H. Graydon, A. Memoirs of a Life chiefly Forbes, Sir W. Life of James Beattie. passed in Pennsylvania. Foreign Statesmen. Lives, by James, Graydon, A. Memoirs of his Own G. P. R. Times. Forster, J. Eminent British Statesmen. Green, (Ashbel.) Life, by Jones. Forster, J. Life of Goldsmith, 0. Greene, A. Memoirs of Eastburn, J. Forsyth, J. Memoirs of Proudfit, A. Greene, N. Life, by Caldwell-JohnFoss, E. Judges of England. son. Foster, J. Life, by Ryland, J. E. Greene, N. Life of George W. Greene. Foucaud, E. Illustrious Mechanics. Greene, B. Memorial of Ann Greene. Fourier. Life, by Pellarin. Greisley, R. Life of Gregory VII. Fox, C. J. Characters, by Parr, S. Gresham, Sir T. Life, by Burgon. Francis, G. H. Orators of the Age. Grimshawe and Hayley's Life of CowFrancis, C. Life of John Eliot. per. Francis, C. Life of Sebastian Rale. Griswold, R. W. Biogriaphical Annual. Franklin, B. Life, by Himself.-Hol- Guizot, (M.) Memoirs of Monk. ley, O. L.-Sparks, J.-Weld, H. H. Gunn, A. Memoir of Livingston, J. H1. Frederick II. Life, by Campbell- Gurley, R. R. Life of Jehudi Ashmun. Dover —Raumer. Gurley, R. R. Life of the Rev. SylvesFreytag, (Gun.) Meimoires, par M. G. ter Larned. de B. Froissart. Life, by Saint-Palaye. Haines, C.G. Memoirs of Emmet, T. Frost, J. Life of Gen. Jaclson-Gen. A. Taylor-Gen. Washiugton. Hale, David. Life of, by Thompson. Fry, (Mrs. E.) Life. Hall, J. Memoir of Gen. Harrison. BIOGRAPHY, PERSONAL NARRATIVES, &C. 891 Hall, J. E. Memoirs of Eminent Per- 1-uish, D. Life of Daniel O'Connell. sons. Hull, (Gen.) Life. Hall, It. Memoirs, by Dr. Gregory. Hume, D. Private Correspondence. Halls, J. J. Life of Salt, H. Hume, D. Life, by Burton. Hamilton, A. Life, by Renwick, J. Humphrey, D. Life of Putnam. Hamilton, J. C. Life of Alexander Ha- Hunt, W. Biographical Panorama. milton. Hunt, L. Life of Lord Byron. Hamilton, (Lady.) Memoirs. Huntington, (Countess.) Life. Hammond, J. D. Life of Silas Wright. Hunter, J. D. Narrative. Hampdlen, J. Memorials, by Nugent, Hutchinson A. Life, by Ellis, G. E. (Ld.) Hutchinson, (Col.) Memoirs. Hanmer, Sir T. Life, by Bunbury,Sir H. Hutton, W. Life. Hardy, F. Memoirs of the Earl of Char- Huzard, J. B. lemont. Hartdwicke, (Ld.) Life, by Harris. Indians. Narratives of Massacres. See Harris, T. Life of Williaml Bainbridge. also, Catlin, Colden, Drake, Hontan, Harris, T. D. Life of James Oglethorpe. M'Kenney, Morse, Schooleraft, Harris, G. Life of Lord Hardwicke. Thatcher. Harrison, (Gen.) Life, by Hall, J. Iri W. Biography of Margaret M. Hastings, W. Life, by Gleig, G. R. Davidson. Hayley s Life of Copvper. See Grim- Irving, W. Life of Christopher Columshawe. bus..Hayward, C. jr. Life of Sebastian Ca- Irving, W. Life of Campbell, T. See bot. Stone, W. Hazard, R. G. Chief Justice Durfee. rvig, W. Life of ahomet. Hazlitt, W. Contemporary Portraits. Iturbie. Memoires Autographes. Hazlitt, W. Life of Napoleon Buona-Iturbie. Political Life, by Himself. part. Jackson, A. Life, by Eaton-FrostHeadley, J. T. Napoleon. Jenkins-Waldo. Headley, J. T. Oliver Cromwell. Jackson Wreath. Biography. Heber, t. Life, by Taylor, T. James, G. P..R. Foreign Statesmen. Heckewelder, J. Life, by Rondthaler, James, G. P. R. Life of Charlemagne. E. James, G. P. R. Henry the Fourth. Henry, P. Life, by Everett —Wirt. Jameson, (Mrs.) Memoirs. Henry VIII. Life, by Tytler, P. S. Jay, John. Life, by Jay-Renwick. Herbert, (Ld.) Life, by Himself. Jay, W. Life of John Jay. Herring andl Longacre. National Por- Jefferson, T. Life of Meriwether Lewis. trait Gallery of Distinguished Ame- Jefferson, T. Memoirs. See Works. ricans. Jefferson, T. Life, by Tucker, G.Hicks, E. Life. Linn, Hill, (Ld.) Life, by Sidney, E. Jeffreys, (Judge.) Life, by Woolryth, Hill, (Rev. R.) Life, by Sidney, E. H. W Hill, G. S. Life of Capt. John Smith. Jemison, M. Life, by Seaver, J. E. Hobbes, T. Vita. Jenkins, J. S. Generals of the last Hodgson, J. Memoirs. See Slingsby. War. Hoffman, C. F. Life of Jacob Leisler. Jenkins, J. S. Life of Jackson, A. Holland, W. M. Life of Martin Van Jenkins, J. S. Life of Silas Wright. Buren. Jenkins, J. S. Patriots and Heroes. Holland, J. Life of Summerfield, J. Jenner, E. Life, by Baron... Holley, H. Life, by Caldwell, C. Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of G. Selwyn. Holley, 0. L. Life of Franklin. Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of the PretenHolliday, J. Earl of Mansfield. ders. Holmes, A. Life of Ezra Stiles. Johnson, G. WV. Memoirs of John SelHolmes, E. Life of Mozart. den. Holstein, HI. I. V. D. Life of Simon Johnson, S. Lives of the Poets. Bolivar. Johnsol, S. Life by Boswell. Holt, E. Life of George III. Johnson, S. Life, by Chandler, T. B. Holt, J. Life, by Croker, T. C. Johnson, W. Life of NathanielGreene. Home, J. Life, by Mackenzie, H. Johnston, C. Narrative. Hook,''. Life of Sir David Baird. Jones, (J. H.) Life of Ashbel Green. Hooker, R. Life, by Walton, I Jones, J. P. Life, by Sherburne, J. H. Honer, F. M moir?. Jones, P. Life, by Mackenzie, A. S. Horry and Weems. Life of Francis Jones, P. Memoirs. Marion. Jones, Sir W. Life, by Wilkes, S. C. Hosack, D. Life of De Witt Clinton. Jones, Sir W. Memoirs by Lord TeignHouston, J. Memoirs. moutli. Howe, H. Eminent Mechanics. Jones, W. A. Memorial. Howe, (Earl.) Life, by Barrow, Sir J. Jorton,J. Life of Erasmus. Hubbard, F.. M. Life of Gen. W. R. Judson, (Mrs.) Life, by Knowles, J. D. Davie. Hudson, H. Life, by Cleveland, H. R. Keates, J. Life, by Milnes, R. M. 892 HISTORY. Kennedy, J. P. Life of Wirt. Lewis, M. Life, by Jefferson, T. Kennedy, J. P. Life of George Calvert. Lieber. Reminiscences. Kent, J. Life, by Iuer, J. Liebnitz, WV. von. Life, by Mackie, Ker, J. Memoirs. J.M. King, A. Memoir of Boardman. Lincoln, B. Life, by Sparks, J. King, (Ld.) Life of John Locke. Linn, W. Life of Jefferson, T. Kingsley, J. L. Life of Ezra Stiles. Lister, T. H. Life of Lord Clarendon. Kip, F. M. Memoir of Miller, C. Livingston, W. Life, by Sedgwick, T. Kippis, A. Vie du Captaine Cook. Livingston, J. I. Memoirs, by Gunn, Kirbv's Remarkable Characters. A. Kirtland, S. Life of Lathrop, S. K. Locke, J. Life, by King, (Lord.) Kit-Kat Club. Memoirs of the Mem- Lockhart, J. G. Life of Sir Walter bers. Scott. Knapp, S. L. Life of Eddy, T. Lockhart, J. G. Diaz del Castillo. Knapp, S. L. Sketches of Eminent Lorenzo de' Medici. Life, by Roscoe, Lawyers. W. Knapp, S. L. American Biography. Losa, F. Vie de Grjgoire Lopez. Knapp, S. L. Life of Burr, A. Lossing', B. J. Sketches. Knapp, S.. L ife of Dexter, T. Lovat, IM. Narrative of, by Rugieri, C. Knowles, J. Life of Henry Fuseli. Louis XVIII. Memoirs, by Himself. K'nowles, J. D. Life of Roger Wil- Louverture, Toussaint. Life. linas. Ludwick, C. Life, by Rush, B. Knov.-les, J. D. Memoir of Ann H. Lunt, W. P. Funeral Obsequies of J. Judson. Q. Adams. Knox, J. Life, by M'Crie, T. Luther, M. Life, by Meurer. Lynch, W. F. Narrative. Labanoff, (Prince, A.) Marie Stuart. Lyttleton, G. L. Ring Henry the SeLa Fayette, Gen. Life, by Cutter, W. cond. Lafarge, (Mad.) Memoirs, Lamartine, A. de Book of Life. Macgillivray, W. Lives of Zoologists. Lamartine, A. de. Memoirs of Patri- Mack, E. Life of La Fayette. ots, &c. Mackenzie, A. S. Life of Corn. DecaLamartine, A. de. Memoires (Person- tur. al.) Mackenzie, A. S. Life of Com. Perry. Lamb, C. Life by Talfourd, T. N. Mackenzie, A. S. Life of Paul Jones. Lamb, R. Memoirs. Mackenzie, H. Life of John Home. Langworthy, E. Life of General C. Mackie, J.M. Llfe of Samuel Gorton. Lee. Mackie, J. M. Life of Liebnitz. Lai-ned, S. Life, by Gurley, R. R. Mackintosh, R. J. Life of Sir James La Salle. Life, by Sparks, J. Mackintosh. Las Casas, (Count de.) Napoleon. M'Clure and Parish. Memoirs of EleaLastri, P. M. L'Ellogio di Amerigo zar Wheelock. Vespucci. Macnevin, T. Life of A. H-. Rowan, Lathrop, S. K. Life of Kirkland, S. &c. Latule, H. HM. de. Life, and Impris- Macray, W. D. British IHistorians. onment. M-Crlie, T. Life of Andrew Melville. Law and Lawyers. M'Crie, T. Life of John Knox. Lawrence, Sir T. Life, by Williams, Macurdy, E. Life, by Elliott. D. E. Madden's United Irishmen. Ledyari, J. Life, by Sparks, J. Maddock, H. Life of Lord Somers. Lee, R. Il. Life of Arthur Lee. Mahon, (Ld.) Life of Cond6. Lee, R. HI. Life of Richard Henry Mahon (Ld) Life of Belisarius. Lee. Malcolm Sir J. Life of Lord Clive. Lee, I-. Life of Napoleon. Mallet,'. Life of Francis Bacon. Lee, C. Life, by Sparks, J. Mallory, D. Life of Henry Clay. Lee, C. Memoirs. Mansfield. E. D. Life of Gen. Wr. Scott. Lee, (Mrs.) Memoirs of Baron Cu- Margaret De Valois- Memorials. vier. Marion, F. Life, by Horry and Weems Lee, E. B. Memoirs of Buckminster, -Simms. Rev. J. Marlborough (Duke.) Memoirs, by Legare, H. S. Life and Writings. Coxe, W. Leisler, J. Life, by Toffman, C. Marlborough, (Dutchess.) Life, by L. E. L. (Landon.) Life, by Bllanchard, Thomson, (Mrs.) L. Marquette, (Father.) Life, by Sparks, Lempriere, J. Universal Biography. J. Leo, X. Life by Roscoe, W. Marshall, H. Life, by Parlington. Lester, C. E. American Artists. Marshall, J. Life of Washington. Lester, C. E. American Vespucius. Marshall, J. Vie de Washington. Lester, C. E. Houston and his Republic. Marshall, J. Royal Naval Biography. Letters from Washington, with Sketch- Mary Queen of Scotts, by Labanoff. es of Public Characters. Mason, J. Life, by Ellis, G. E. BIOGRAPHY PERSONAL NARRATIVES, &X. 893 Mather, C. Life, by Peabody, W. B. O. Normand, (M. A. le.) Memoirsof JoseMartin, Luther. Life, by Meurer —Mi- phine. cheleto North, R. Lives of Francis, Dudley, Maxwell, W. H. Life of Wellington. and John North. McCalla, W. L. Adventures in Texas. Northcote, J. Life of Titian. McCormick's Life of Burke. Nugent, (Lord.) Memorials of John McVickar's Life of Bishop Hobart. Hampden. Meadley, G. W. Two Pairs of Historical Portraits-Octavius Cmesar and Oberlin, J. F. Memoirs. William Pitt —Rienzi and Buona- O'Connell, D. Life, by his Son —by parte. Huish, R. Melbourne, J. Life. Oexmelin, A. 0. Histoire des FlibusMelville, A. Life, by M'Crie, T. tiers. Memoirs of the Dead. See Epitaphs. Oglethorpe, J. Life, by Harris-PeaMeurer, M. Life of Martin Luther. body. Michelet, M. Life of Martin Luther. Olney, S. Life, by Williams, (Mrs.) Middleton, C. Life of Cicero. Ord, G. Life of Alexander Wilson. Miller, S. Life of Jonathan Edwards. Orrery, (Earl.) Remarks on the Life Miller, C. Memoirs, by Kipp, F. M. of Swift. Miller, S. Memoirs of John Rogers. Otis, J. Life, by Bowen-Tudor. Milnes, R. M. Life of John Keates. Milnor, J. Life, by Stone, J. S. Paine, R. T. Life. Mirabeau. Recollections of, by Dumont, Paine, T. Life, See Works. E. Paley, W. Life. See Works. Mitchell, J. Life of Wallenstein. Palfrey, W. Life, by Palfrey, J. G. McKenney, T. L. Memoirs. Parr, S. Characters of Charles James Mohammed. Life. by Bush, G. Fox. Monk, G. Memoirs, by Guizot. Parr, S. Life, by Field, W. Montgomery, J. Literary Men of Italy. Pastoret, J. Notice Historique. Montgomery, R. Life, by Armstrong, Peabody, O. W. B. Life of John SulliJ. See Sparks, J. van. Montgomery, H. Life of Gen. Taylor. Peabody, W. B. 0. Life of David BraiMontrose. Life, by Napier, M. nerd. Moody, C. C. P. Genealogy. Peabody, W. B. O. Life of Cotton MaMoore, H. Memoirs of Col. Ethan Al- ther. len. Peabody, W. B. 0. Life of James OgleMoore, M. Memoirs of John Eliot. thorpe. Moore, J. B. Memoirs of American Peabody, W. B. O. Life of Israel PutGovernors. sam. Moore, J. C. Life of Sir John Moore. Peabody, W. B. O Life of Alexander Moore, T. Life of Lord Edward Fitz- Wilson. gerald. Pearce, R.R. Marquis Wellesley. Moore, T. Memoirs of R. B. Sheridan. Pearson, H. Memoirs of Swartz, C. F. More, C. Life of Sir Thomas More. Peck, J. M. Life of Daniel Boon. Morillo, (Gen.) Memoirs. Pelham, H. Memoirs, by Coxe, W. Morrison, J. H. Life of Jeremiah Smith. Pellavin, C. Life of Charles Fourier. Morris, G. Life, by Sparks, J. Pellew, G. Life of Henry Addirngton. Mozart. Life,, by Holmes, E. Penn, G. Life of Sir William P enn. Muhlenberg, H. A. Life of Gen. P. Penn, W. Life, by Sparks, J. Muhlenberg. n Penn, W. Life. See Caspipina's LetMundy, (Gen.) Life of Lord Rodney. ters. Munro, Sir T. Life, by Gleig, G. R. Pepe, (Gen.) Memoirs. Munsell, J. Every Day Book. Pepys, S. Memoirs. Murray, L. Memoirs, by Himself. Perry, 0. H. Life, by Maclkenzie, A. S. Perry, 0. L., (and others..) Lives, by Napier, M.. Life of Mentrose. Niles, J. M. Napier, M. Memoirs of John Napier. Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk. Napione, G. F.. Della Patra di Cris- Peters, S. Life of Hugh Peters. toforo Colombo. Petrarch. Life, by Campbell, T. Napoleon, (Emperar..) Me moirs, by Pettigrew. Life of Nelson. Las Cassas. Phillimore, R. Memoir sof Lyttleton. WNares,:. Lifa of Lord Burghley. Phillips, C. Recollections of Curran. National Portrait Gallery. Phips, Sir W. Life, by Bowen, F. See Nelson. Pettigrew's Life of. Sparks, J. Ney, (Marshal.) Memoirs. Physic and Physicians. Nicholson, F., (Gov.) Vindication. Pike, Z. M. Life, by Whiting, H. Nicolas, H. Life of William Davison. Pinkney, W. Life, by Wheaton, H. Niemcewiez, J. U. Captivity in Rus- Pitt, W. Life, by Tomline, G. sia. Plutarchus. Lives. Niles, J. M. Life of Corn. Perry. Poggio Bracciolini. Life, by Shepherd, Nlobie, M. Memoirs. W. STATE LIBRARY. 56 894 H I T OR Y Posey. T. Life, by Sparks, J. Sampson, WV. Memoirs. Preble, (Corn.) Life, by Sparks, J. Sanderson, J. Biography of the Sig'ner.a Prentice,. G. D. Life of Henry Clay. of the Declaration of Independence. Prescott, W. H. Biographical Miscel- Sands, R. C. Memoir. lanies. Sargent, E. Life of Henry Clay. Prescott, W. H. Life of Charles Brock- Sarraut et Saint-Edme. Biographie de, den Brown. X Hommes du Jour. Princess of Wales. Memoirs, by an Saumarez, (Admiral de.) Life,by Ross,, English Traveller. Sir J. Prior,. J. Life- of Edmund Burke. Schiller, Fo. Life, by Carlyle, T. Prior, J. Life of Oliver Goldsmiths Schoolcraft, H.R. R Life of Gen. Cass. Proudfit,. A. Memoirs, by Forsyth, J. Scott, Sir W. Eminent Novelists. Pulaski, (Count.) Life, by Sparks, J. Scott, (Gen. W.) Life, by Mansfield, E. Putnam, I. Life, by Peabody, W. B. 0. D. -Cutter, W. Scott, Sir W. Life of ~Napoleon BuonaPutnam, (Gen.) See Fellows-Swett. parte. Pyr, A. G. Narrative. Scott, Sir W. Life of Jonathan Swift. Scott, Sir W. Life, by Lockhart, J. G. Quincy, J. Lifeof Josiah Quiny,.jr. Scrope, G. P. Life of Lord Sydenham. Seaver, J. E. Life of Mary Jemison. Raffles, (Mrs.) Life of Sir T. S. Raffles. Sedgwick, C. M. Life of Lucretia MaRale, S. Life, by Francis,. C. ria Davidson. Raleigh, Sir'W. Life,byTytler, P.F. Sedgwick, T. jr. Life of William LivRaumer, F. von. Life of Frederick II. ingston. Red Jacket. Life, by Stone, W. L. Segur, (Count.) Memoirs. Reed, J.. Life, by his Grandson. Selden, J. Life, by Johnson, G. W. Reed, J. Life, by Sparks, J. Selwyn, G. Memoirs, by Jesse, J. H. Renwick, J. Discourse on De WVitt Seward, A. Life of Dr. Darwin. Clinton'. Seward, WV. -. Life of Adams, J. Q. Renwick, J. Life of De Witt Clinton. Shaftesbury, (Earl of.) Life, by Cooke, Renwick, J. Lives of Jay and Hamil- G. W. ton. Shakspeare, WT. Life, by Drake, N. Renwick. J. Life of Robert Fulton. Shaw, S. Life, by Quincy, J. Renwick, J.. Life of David Rittenhouse. Shelley, (Mrs.) Literary Men of France,. Renwick, J. Life of Count Rumford. Shepherdt, W. Life of Poggio BraccioReynolds, Sir J. Memoirs, by Beechey, lini. WV. H. Sherburne, J. HI. Life of John Paul Ribauwlt, J. Life, by Sparks, J. Jones. Ricci, S. de. Life, by Roscoe, T. Sherburne, A. Memoirs. Rittenhouse, D. Life, byBarton-Ren- Sheridan, R.B. Life, by Moore, T.wick. Watkins, J. Robberds, J. W. Life of William Tay- Sidney, E. Life of Lord Hill. lor. Sidney, E' Life of Rev. R. Hill. Bobbins, A. Journal. Sidney, Sir P. Memoirs, by Pears, So. Robert, T. Life of George Whitefield. A. Robertson, J.L. Public Characters. Sidmouth, (Ld.) Life, by Pellew, J. Rodney, (Ld.) Life, by Mundy, (Gen.) Simeon, Rev. C. Life, by Carus, W. Rogers T. J. Biographical Dictionary. Simms, W.G. Life of Francis Marion. Rogers, A. Memoirs. Simms, W. G. Life of Capt. John Smith. Romnilly, Sir S. Memoirs, by Himself. Simpson, A. Life of Thomas Simpson. Roscoe, H. Eminent British Lawyers. Slater, S. Memoirs, by White, G. S. Roscoe, T. Memoirs of Scipio de Ricci. Slingsby, Sir H. Memoirs. Roscoe, WV. Life of Leo X. Smith, J. C. Eulogy, &c,, by Andrews, Roscoe,. W. Life ofLorenzo de Medici. W. W. Ross, Sir J. Memoirs of Admiral De Smith, Sir S. Life, by Barron, J. Saumarez. Smith, A. Life, by Stewart, D. Rovigo,. (Duke of.) Memoirs. Snmith, J. Life, by Morison, J. HIRovigo, (Duke of.) Tindication. Simms, W. G. Rowlandson (Mrs. M.) Narrative. Smith, Sir J. E. Memoirs. Rumford, (Count.) Life, by Renwick, J. Smith, J. (Capt.) Memoirs, by Hilliard. Rush, B. Life of Christopher Ludwick. Smith, G. Narrative-China. Rush, R. Residence at London. Smith, J. H. Narrative-Maj. Andre. Russel, (Ld.) Life of Lord William Somers, (Ld.) Life, by Maddock, H. Russel. Sophia Dorothea. Memoirs. Ryland, J. E. Life, by Foster, J. Soule, R. jun. Sprague Family. Southey, R. British Admirals. Sabine, L. Life of Com. Preble. Southey, R. Chronicle of the Cid. Sadler, M...Memoirs of his Life. Southey, R. and C. Life of Dr. Andrew Saint-Palaye. Life of Froissart. Bell. Salle, R. de la. Life, by Sparks, J. Southey, RT. Lives of Uneducated Poets.. Salt, H. Life, by Halls, J. J. Southey, R. Life of Wesley. BIOGRAPHIES, PERSONAL NARRATIVES) &c. 895 Sparks, J. Library of American Bio- Taylor, W. Life, by Robberds, J. W. graphy. Tea Party, (Boston.) See Thatcher, B. Sparks, J. Life of Ethan Allen. B. Sparks, J. Life of Benedict Arnold. Tecumseh. Life, by Drake, B. Sparks, J. Life of John Ledyard. Teignmouth, (Ld.) Memoirs of Sir Sparks, J. Life of Father Marquette. William Jones. Sparks, J. Life of Gouverneur Morris. Teignmouth, (Ld.) Life, by Wilks, S. Sparks, J. Life of Count Pulaski. C. Sparks, J. Life of John Ribault. Temple, Sir W. Life, by Courtenay, T. Sparks, J. Life of Robert Cavalier de la P. Salle. Tennent, W. Life. Sparks, J. See Franklin, B. Thatcher, B. B. Indian Biography. Spencer, A. Life, by Barnard, D. D. Thatcher, B. B. Life of Hewes, G. R. Spencer, A. Memorials. T. Spotorno, G. B. Memoir of Columbus. Thatcher, B. B. Traits of the Tea Sprague Family. See Soule. Party. Sprague, W. B. Life of Timothy Thayer, E. Family Memorial. Dwight. Thicknesse, P. Memoirs. St. John, B. Adventures. Thomas (Maj. Gen.) Scammell, Col. A. Staats, C. Memory of Clinton, D. W. Knowlton. Col. and Dearborn, Maj. Stanhope (Lady.) Memoirs. Gen. Lives of. See Coffin,C. Stanley, A. P. Life of Dr. Thomas Ar- Thomas, E. S. Reminiscences. nold. Thomason, Sir E. Memoirs. Stanton's Sketches of Reformers. Thomson, C. Autobiography. Stapleton, A. G. Life of George Cann- Thomson, (Mrs.) Memoirs of the Duching. ess of Marlborough. Stark, J. Life, by Everett, E. Thompson (Mrs.) Memoirs of the JacStark, (Gen.) See Reminiscences of obites. French War. Thompson's Life of David Hale. Stebbing, H. Italian Poets. Thorburn, G. Reminiscences. Stephens, A. Life of John Horne Thoresby, R. Diary. Tooke. Timberlake, I. Memoirs. Stephen, W. The Castle Builders. Titian. Life, by Northcote, J. Sterling, J. Life, by Hare, J. C. toll, D. J. Narrative. Sterne, L. Life, by Himself. Tomline, G. Life of William Pitt. Steuben, (Baron.) Life, by Bowen, F. Tooke, J. H. Life; by Stephens, A. See Sparks, J. Toole, W. Life of Catharine II. Stiles, E. Three Judges of Charles I. Topham, E. Life of J. Elwes. Stiles, E. Life, by Holmes-Kingsley. Torcy, (Marquis.) Memoirs. Stirling (Ld.) Life, by Duer, W. A. Townsend, W. C. Lives of Eminent Stone, W. L. Life of Joseph Brant. Judges. Stone, W. L. Life of Red Jacket. Tracts, respecting the Prince of Wales. Stone, J. S. See Milnor, Rev. Dr. Tracy, E. C. Life of Jeremiah Evarts. Strickland, A. Queens of England. Troup, R. Claim of E. Watson, &c. Sullivan, J. Life, by Peabody, O. W. Trumbull, J. Autobiography. B. Tucker, G. Life of Thomas Jefferson. Summerfield, J. Memoirs, by Holland, Tudor, W. Life of James Otis. J. Tupper, F. B. Life of Sir Isaac Brock. Surtees, W. E. Lords Stowell and El- Twiss, H. Life of Lord Eldon. don. Tytler, P. F. Life of Henry VIII. Swainson, W. Biography of Zoolo- Tytler, P. F. Life of Sir Walter Ragists. leigh. Swartz, C. F. Life, by Pearson, H. Swett, S. Life of Gen. Putnam. United States Army. Recollections of. Swift, J. Journalto Stella. Updike, W. Memoirs of the Rhode-IsSwift, J. Life, by Scott, Sir W. land Bar. Sydenham, (Ld.) Life, by Scrope, G. P. Upham, C. W. Life of Sir Henry Vane. Talbot, S. Sketch of the Life of. Vane, Sir H. Life, by Upham, C. W. Talfourd, T. N. Memorials of Lamb, Van Buren, M. Life, by Holland, W. M. C. Van Rensselaer, S. Life, by Barnard, Talleyrand, (Prince.) Reminiscences. D. D. Tanner, J. Narrative. Van Schaack, H. Life of Peter Van Tasso, T. Life, by Black, J. Schaack. Taylor, T. Life of Reginald Heber. Van Vlierden, P. Funeral Sermon in Taylor, W. C. Lives of Distinguished Dutch. Men. Vespucci, A. Vita, &c. Taylor, (Gen.) Life, by Frost-Fry- Vespucci, A. See Lastri, P. M. Montgomery —Powell-and an Offi- Vicars, J. England's Worthies. cor. Vidocq. Memoirs. 896 HISTORY. Waldegrave, (Earl.) Memoirs. Whitehead, W. A. Lifeof Gov. Franklin. Waldo, S. P. Life of Andrew Jackson. Whiting, H. Life of Zebulon MontgoWal(o, S. P. Life of Corn. Decatur. mery Pike. Wallenstein. Life, by Mitchell, J. Whittlesey, C. Life of John Fitch. Walpole, H. Memoirs of George the Wilberforce, R. IJ and S. Life of WilSecond.' liam Wilberforce. Walpole, H. Memoirs, by Coxe, W. Wilks, S. C. Life of Lord Teignmouth, Walpole, R. Memoirs, by Coxe, W. Wilkinson, (Gen. J.) Memoirs. Walton, I. Life of John Donne, and Willett, (Col.) Narrative, by his Son. others. Williams, D. E. Life of Sir Thomas Walton, I. Life of Richard Hooker. Lawrence. Ward, S. Life, by Sparks, J. Williams, (Mrs.) Lives of General BarWare, W. Memoir of Nathaniel Bacon. ton and Captain Olney. Ware, J. Memoirs of Henry Ware, Jr. Williams, R. Life, by GammellWare, H. Jr. See Oberlin, J. F. Knowles. Warren, J. Life, by Everett, A. H. Williams, S. W. Medical Biography. Washington. Life, by Marshall-Sparks. Williams, S. W. Memoirs of Rev. J. Washington, and the Generals of the Williams. Revolution. Williams, T. S. Memoir, by Sprague, Washington. Life, in Latin Prose, by W. B. Glass, F.' Williams, R. Memoirs, by Knowles, J. Watkins, J. Life of Sheridan, R. B. D. Watson, R. Life of Richard Watson. Williamson, G. R. Memoirs of David Wayne, A. Life, by Armstrong, J. See Abeel. Sparks, J. Wilmot, Sir J. E. Memoirs. Weems, M. L. Life of Francis Marion. Wilson, T. American Military BiograSee Horry and Weems. phy. Welsby, W. N. English Judges. Wilson, A. Life, by Peabody, W. B. Weld, H. H. Life and Services of O.-Ord, G. Franklin, B. Wilson, B. Memoirs of Bishop White. Wellesley, (Marquis.) Memoirs, by Wirt, W. Life of Patrick Henry. Pearce, R. R. Wirt, W. Life, by J. P. Kennedy. Wellington, (Duke.) Life, byMaxwell, Wolsey (Cardinal.) Life, by Gait. W. A. Woolrych, H. W. Life of Judge JefWesley. Life by Southey, R.. freys. Wesley, J. and C. Lives, by White- Wright, S. Life, by Hammond, J. Do head, J. — Jenkins, J. S. West, B. Life, by Gait, J. Wright, G. N. Life of William the Wheaton, H. Life of William Pinkney. Fourth. Wheelock, E. Life, by M'Clure and Pa- Wraxall, Sir N. W. Memoirs. rish. White, (Bp.) Life, byWilson, B. Xavier, St. F. Life, by Dryden, J. White, G. S. Memoirs of Samuel Slater. Xenophon. Memoirs of Socrates. Whitefield, G. Life, by Robert, T. Whitehead, J. Lives of John and Young, A. First Planters of Massach - Charles Wesley. setts. CL AS~ W BELLES LETTRES. 1. Lexicography and Philology. Adler, G. J. German and English Dic- Du Ponceau, P. S. Grammer of the tionary. Lenni Lenape Language. Ainsworth, R. Dictionary. English and Latin. Edwards, J. Muhhekaneew Language. Evans, A. B. Leicester Words, &c. Bailey, N. English and German Dictionary. Fleming and Tibbins. French and EnBailey, N. Etymological Dictionary. glish Dictionary. Barclay, J. Sequel to the Diversions Flugel. German and English Dictionof Purley. ary. Baretti, G. English and] Italian Dictionary. Gaelic Dictionary. Bartlett, J. R. Dictionary of Ameri- Gardner, D. P. Farmer's Dictionary. canisms. Gesner; C. Lexicon Grseco-Latinum. Beauzee, N. Grammaire et Litterature. Greene, S. S. Structure of the English Bennett, J. Artificer's Lexicon. Language. Bentham, J. Essay on Language. Berbere Language. Grammaire et Die- Hale, H. Philology. See Wilkes, C. tionnaire. Halloway, W. English Provincialisms. Bolles, W. English Dictionary. Hazen, E. English Grammar. Booth, D. Analytical Dictionary. Hofmann, J. J. Lexicon Universale. Bosworth, J. Anglo-Saxon and En- Howse, J. Grammar of the Cree Langlish Dictionary. guage. Bouillet, M. N. Dictionnaire d'His- Humble, W. Dictionary of Geology toire. and Mineralogy. Boyer, A. French Dictionary. Brosses, C. de. De la Formation Me- Jamieson, J. Dictionary of the Scotish canique des Langues. Language. Buchanan, F. On Barman Languages. Johnson, G. W. Dictionary of Modern Gardening. Calepinus, A. Dictionarium Undecim Johnson, A. B. Treatise on Language. Linguarum. Johnson, S. English Dictionary. Campbell, E. S. N. Dictionary of Mili- Johnson and Walker. English Dictiontary Science. ary. Chippeway Language. See McKenney, Jones, Sir W. On Asiatic Words; T. L. Jones, Sir W. Persian Grammar;. Clarke, (Mrs. C.) Concordance to Shakespeare. Ker, J. B. Popular phrases, &c: Colebrooke, H. T. Sanscrit Language, Kaltschmidt, J. H. Dictionary of the &c. German and English Languages. Crabb, G. Fnglish Synonyms. Klaproth, J. Asia Polyglotta. Craven. Dialect of. Klaproth, J. See Merian, le Baron de. Kraitsir, C. Significance of the AlphaDictionary. Dictionnaire Allemand- bet. Francois et Franqois-Allemand. Dictionary of the Gaelic Language. Latham, R. S. English Language. Donnegan, J. Greek and English Lexi- Lewis, J. Comparative Etymology. con. Lexicon Graeco Latinum. See Gesner, Dumarsais, C. C. Graynmaire et Lit- C. terature. Leyden, J. Indo-Chinese Languages, Du Ponceau, P. S. English Phonology. &c. 898 BELLES LETTERS. Mason, G. Supplement to Johnson's Rask, E. C. Danish Grammar. Dictionary. Richardson, C. English Dictionary. Meidinger, H. Dictionnaire des Langues Teuto-Gothiques. Schrevelius, C. Lexicon Grmeco-LatiMerian, (le Baron de.) Principes de num. l'Etude Comparative des Langues. Sewell, W. English and Dutch DictionMohawk Language. ary. Morrone, J. M. Cochin Chinese Voca- Sophocles, E. A. Greek Alphabet. bulary. Murray, A. History of the European Talbot, H. F. English Etymologies. Languages. Tooke, J. H. Diversions of Purley. Neuman and Baretti. Dictionary of the Vieyra, A. Portuguese and English Spanish and English Languages. Dictionary. Nuttall, P. A. Classical Dictionary. Walker, J. English Dictionary. Parkhurst, J. Hebrew and English Walker, J. Rhetorical Grammar. Lexicon. Webster, N. English Dictionary. Pilkington, M. Dictionary of Painters. Webster, N. Observations on Languageo Polyglot Lexicon. Welsford, H. On the English LanPriestley, J. English Grammar. guage. Wilkes, C. Philology, by Hale, H. Rask, E. C. Anglo-Saxon Grammar. Worcester, J. E. Critical Dictionary. 2. Classics, and Translations. AEsop. Fables, by Croxall, S. Jones, Sir W. Speeches of Iseus. Aristotle. Treatise on Poetry, by Twining, T. Leland, T. Orations of Demosthenes. Arrianus. Opera. Lewis, T. Plato against the Atheists. Aulus Gellius, by Beloe, W. Livy, (Crevier.) Logan, J. Translation of Cicero's Cato Beloe, W. Herodotus. Major. Lucian of Sanosata. Cicero, M. T. De Republica. Lucretius, T. C. Nature of Things. Cicero, M. T. Opera. Lycosthenes. Loci Communes. Cicero, M. T. Opera Omnia. 1606. Melmoth, W. Letters of Pliny. Demosthenes. -Orations. See Leland, Murphy, A. Works of Tactitus. T. Diodorus Siculus. Bibliothece HIistori- Petroinus Arbiter, 1629. ce. Plato. Opera Omnia. Dionyssii Halicarnassii Scripta. Plato. Translated by Davis. Dryden, J. Translations from Juvenal, Plinius, C. S. Letters. Ovid, Persius, and Virgil. Plutarchus. Lives. Dwight, M. A. Grecian and Roman Antiquities. Scriptores Rei Rusticee. Silius Italicus. Gifford, W. Satires of Juvenal. Smith, W. Thucydides. Gillies, J. Aristotle's Ethics and Poli- Sophocles. Translation of. tics. Suetonius, C. T. Opera. Good, J. M. See Lucretius. Grenville Homer. Tacitus, C. C. De Oratoribus. Tacitus, C. C. Opera. Hampton, J. Polybius. Tasso, by Wiffen, J. H. Herodotus. See Beloe; W. Thomson, A. Livesofthe FirstTwelve Herodotus, by Cary, H.. Cesars. Hodgson, F. Satires of Juvenal. Tooke's Pantheon. Homer. See Grenville. Hoole's Translation of Orlando. See Virgilius, P. M. Opera. Ariosto. Xenophon. Works. iH E TO R ic C RITICISM, OlRATIONS- &;C. $99 3. Rhetoric and Criticism. dcams, J. Q. Lectures at Harvard. Jones, Sir W. Poesie Orientale. Aristoteles. Dissertation upon Rheto- Judson, L. C. The Probe. ric. Kames, (Ld..) Elements of Criticism, Bell, R. Lives of English Dramatists. Bell. R. Lives of English Poets. Lawrence J. On the Drama. Bentham, J. Essay on Language. Bentley, R, On the Epistles"of Phalaris. Maury, (Abbe.) Principles of EloBlair, H. Lectures on Rhetoric. quence. Burke, E. On the Sublime and Beautiful. Montgomery, J. Lectures. Burrowes, R. Style in Writing. Museum Criticum. Burrowes, R. Style of Dr. Johnson. Preston, W. On Ancient Amatory WriCrimmin, D. M. On Rhetoric. ters. Preston, W. On Ridicule, Wit, and HuDunlop, J. History of Fiction. mour. Dryden, J. Essay of Dramatic Poesy. Scott, Sir W-. Essay on Chivalry, &c, Everett, A. H. Critical Essays. -Simms, W. G. Views and Reviews. Sismondi. Literature of the South of Farmer, R. Essay on Shakespeare, Europe. Stael-Holstein, (Madame de.) GermanTy. Gibbon, E. Essai sur PnEtude de la Lit- Stephen, J. -Essays. terature. Stewart, D. Essays. Goethe, W. J. Essays. Swift, J. Art of Sinking in Poetry. Gray, T. Dialogues of Plato. -Gray, T. On English Metre. Tacitus, C. C. De Or-atoribus. _fallam, H. Literature of Europe.. Talfourd, T. N. Poetical Talent of the Hazlitt, W. Shakspeare's Plays. Present Age, &c. Hobbes, T. Whole Art of Rhetoric. Taylor, W, Survey of German Poetry. Hunt, Leigh. Essays, &c. Thomas Magister. De Vocibus Atticis. Hurd, R., (Bp.) Critical Dissertations. Tytler, A. F. On Translation. Hurd, R., (Bp.) On Chivalry and Romance. Warton, T. History of English Poetry. Hurd, R., (Bp.) On Horace's Art of Walker, J. Rhetorical Grammar. Poetry. Wallace, T. Variations of English Prose. Jones, Sir W. Poeseos Asiaticae Corn- Williston, E. B. Eloquence of the Unimentaria. ted States. 4. Orations,.iddresses, Eulogies, Speeches, Lectures. Adams, J. Eulogies on. Biddle, N. Address, at Nassau I-Tall Adams, J. Q. Oration, in Quincy. Bidwell, B. Pamphlets, vol. 36. Adams, J. Q. Discourse-Jubilee, &c. Blake, F. Pamphlets, vols. 37, 42. Adams, J. Q. Eulogy-Munroe. Blake, G. Pamphlets, vol. 39. Adams, J. Q. Oration-Lafayette. Blunt, J. Speeches, Reviews, &c. Adams, J. Q. Oration-Plymouth. Bouley, M. H. Discourse. Adams, S. Oration-Philadelphia. Bowne, E. Lectures. Adams and Jefferson. Eulogies. Bradford, A. Pamphlets, vol. 45. Allen, T. Pamphlets, vol. 45. Brougham, (Ld.) Letters and Speeches. Ames, F. Oration on Washington. Bryant, W. C. Oration. Arago, (M.) Eloge of James Watt. Buel, D. jr. Lecture. Atherton, C. H. Pamphlets, vol. 45. Burke, E. American Tracts, vol. 7. Burke, E. Speeches against Warren Barlow, W. Address. Hastings. Barnard, D. D. Discourse on the Cha- Bushnell, H. Oration. racter of Stephen Van Rensselaer- Butler, C. Inaugural Oration. Ambrose Spencer. Butler, J. D. Address. Barnard, D. D. Speeches. Bates, I. C. Pamphlets, vols. 36, 37. Callender, J. Discourse. Bayard, J. A. Pamphlets, vol. 46. Callender, J. Oration. Bethune, (Rev. Dr. G. W.) Orations Campbell, J., (Ld.) Speeches. and Discourses, Carlyle, T. Essays. 900 BELLES LETTRES. Carpenter, S. C. American Speeehes. Jones, Sir W. Speeches of Isaus. Chalmers, T. Addresses. Chandler, J. R. Address, Kent, G. Oration. See Am. Mon. Mag., Chapman, N. Select Speeches. vol. 12. Chaudron, S. Pamphlets, vol. 39. King, (Ld.) Speeches, &c. Cheever, J. B. Lectures. King, P. Speech-Wilmot Proviso Clinton, De W. Introductory Discourse before the Literary and Philosophi- Latrobe, B. H. Oration, before the Socal Society of New-York. ciety of Artists. Cushing, C. Oration. Lawrence, W. B. Historic Discourse, at New Brunswick. Dana, S. Pamphlets, vol. 42. Lee, H. Funeral Oration on WashingDanforth, T. Pamphlets, vols. 36, 37. ton. Darby, W. Lectures. Lincoln, D. W. Pamphlets, vol. 42. Dix, J. A. Speech. Linn, W. Funeral Eulogy on WashingDoane's Address. ton. Doane, (Bp.) Address. Livermore, E. S. Pamphlets, vol. 42. Dubroca, J. F. Eloge de Washington. Livingston, J. H. Pamphlets, vol. 47. Duer, J. Discourse-Chancellor Kent. Lord Mansfield's Speech. See Canadian Duer, W. A. Address. Freeholder. Dunglison, R. Discourse on Peter S. Lowell, J. Pamphlets, vol. 39. Du Ponceau. Dutten, W..Pamphlets, vol. 36. Madison, (Rev. J.) Pamphlets, vol. 47. Mallory, D. Speeches of Henry Clay. Emerson, R. W. Essays. Martineau, H. Essays, &c. Emerson, R. W. Pamphlets, vols. 36, Mason, J. M. Funeral Oration on Wash46. ington. Erskine, T., (Ld.) Speeches. Mason, J. M. Pamphlets, vol. 45. Everett, E. Orations and Speeches. Mercein, T. R. Remarks, on laying the Everett, E. Speech. Corner-stone of the Mechanic InstiEverett, E. Eulogy. See Am. Mon. tute in New-York. Mag., vol. 12. Miller, S. Discourse. Miller, S. Pamphlets, vol. 47. Flint, T. Lectures. Minot, G. R. Pamphlets, vols. 39, 46. Fontanes, L. Eloge Funlbre de Wash- Mitchill, S. L. Discourse. ington. Mitchill, S. L. Pamphlets, vol 27. Funez. Pamphlets, vol. 19. Morell, J. D. Lecture. Morris, G. Funeral Oration on WashGammell, W. Address. ington. Gaston, WV. Address, at Princeton. Gold, T. R. Address. Napione, G. F. G. Della Patria di CrisGore, C. Pamphlets, vol. 32. toforo Colombo. Gray, E. Pamphlets, vol. 45. Navagero, A. Funeral Oration on Doge Greene, A. Discourses. Leonardo Loredano. Greene, B. Pamphlets, vol. 49. Noah, M. M. Address, before the New Gregory, O. Oration, before the Philo- York Mechanic Institution. sophical Society of London. Nott, (Dr.) Pamphlets, vol. 45. Griscom, J. Address, on the Opening of the New-York High School. Otis, H. G. Pamphlets, vols. 44, 45. Griswold, (Gov.) Pamphlets, vol. 37. Pamphlets. See Munsell, J. Hall, B. F. Address. Pearson, E. Pamphlets, vol. 36. Hall, J. Oration. Phillips, C. Speech, in the Case of GuHancock, J. Oration. thrie v. Sterne. Harper, R. G. Pamphlets, vols. 31, 43, Pickering, J. Pamphlets, vol. 35. 44, 46. Pierce, J. Discourse. Harper, R.G. Speech, on Russian Vic- Pitman, J. Discourse. tories. Pollard, B. Pamphlets, vol. 43. Harris. W. T. Epitaphs. Potter, (Rt. Rev. A.) Charge to the Hazlitt, W. Eloquence of the British Clergy. Senate. Potts, G. Address, in Philadelphia, Hazlitt, W. Lectures. July 4. Hichborn, B. Oration. SeeHancock, J. Prime, S. I. Address. Holmes, A. Pamphlets, vol. 37. Hopkins, (Gen. F. W.) Eulogy. Quincy, J. Address, as Mayor of BosHoughton, G. F. Address. See Butler. ton. Howard, J. C. Pamphlets, vols. 37, 45. Quincy, J. Pamphlets, vol. 46. Humphrey, D. Pamphlets, vol. 45. Huskisson, W. Speeches. Rathbun, G. Speech-Wilmot Proviso. Rawle, W. Addresses, to the "c Bar of Jefferson, T., (Pres.) Eulogies on. Philadelphia." POETRY FICTION, AND THE DRAMA. 901 Renwick, J. Discourse. Tucker. J. Address. Richardson, L. Pamphlets, vols. 36,39, Tyson, J.R. Address, before the ApRichie, A. Pamphlets, vol. 37. prentices' Library Company of Philadelphia. Sargeant, J. Address, before the Apprentices' Library Company of Phi- Union College. Address of Students. ladelphia. Sargeant, J. Address, before the Alum- Van Arsdalen, C.C. Oration. See Am. ni Association of Nassau Hall. Mo. Mag., vol. 12. Savage, J. Pamphlets, vol. 42. Vaux, R. Discourse before the HistoSchoolcraft, H. R. Address. rical Society of Pennsylvania. Sedgwick, T. Discourse. Verplanck, G. C. Discourses and AdSergeant, J. Speeches. dresses. Seward, W. H. Oration-J. Q. Adams, Verplanck, G. C. Address, before the Smith, S. S. Funeral Oration on Wash- American Academy of Fine Arts. ington. Verplanck, G. C. Discourse, at the Smith, S. S. Lectures. Commencement of Geneva College. Smith, W. Lectures. Verplanck, G. C. Discourse, before the Smith, W. Oration on Gen. Montgom- New-York Historical Society. ery. Speeches in Congress. Pamphlets, vol. Washington. Eulogies on. 35. Washington. Funeral Orations. See Spencer, J. C. Address. Ames-Dubroca - Fontanes - LeeSprague, W. B. Discourse. Linn-Mason-Morris-Smith. Stevens, A. H. Address. Webster, D. Oration. Strange, R. Address. See Am. Mon. Webster, D. Speech. Mag., vol. 12. Whipple, E. P. Lectures. Sumner, C. Address. Williston, E. B. Eloquence of the UniT Sumner, C. Lecture, ted States. Sussex, (Duke.) Address. Wilmot, (Mr.) Speech. Winchester, E. Oration. Tallmadge, J. Speech. Winthrop, R.. Oration. Thatcher, P. Pamphlets, vols. 37, 43. Townsend, A. Pamphlets, vol. 43. Young, S. Lecture. 5. Poetry, Fiction, and the Drama. Adams, J. Q. Poems. Bourne, V. Poetical Works. Adams, J. Q. Dermot M'Morrogh. Bremer, (Miss.) The Neighbours. Ainsworth, V. H. Windsor Castle. British Dramatists. Alsop, R. Pamphlets, vol. 47. Brown, C. B. Works. Alsop, R. Poem on Washington. Bryant, W. C. Poems. Amadis of Gaul. Burgoyne, (Lt. Gen.) Dramatic Works. America. L'Amerique Deliveree. Burns, R. Works. America. Voyage d'Am rique. Butler, S. Hudibras. American Mariners. See Davis, J. Byron, (Ld.) Poetic Works. American National Song Book. Anti-Jacobin. See Poetry, &c. Camoens, L. de. Os Lusiadas. Ariosto. (Orlando.) Campbell, T. Poetical Works. Aristotle's Treatise on Poetry. Carleton, W. Traits of the Irish PeaArthur Mervyn. See Brown, C. B. santry. Arwidson, A. T. Swedish Songs. Carlyle, T. German Romance. Cats, Jacob. Poetical Works, Barclaii Argenis. Chamfort, S. R. N. La Jeune Indienne, Barlow, Joel. The Columbiad. Charriere, E. See Cuvelier. Barlow, Joel. Vision of Columbus. Chatterton, T. Poetical Works. Barlow, Joel. Watts' Psalms. Chaucer, G. Poetical Works. Barnes, W. Poems. Chaucer, G, Works. Bartolomei Girolamo. L'America. Clara Howard. See Brown, C. B. Beaumont and Fletcher's Works. Cole, F. WV. Poems; with his Life. Benoit. Chronique des Ducs de Nor- Collet, (M.) L'Isle Deserte. mandi,. Columbian Muse. Bethune, G. W. Love and Faith. Congreve. Dramatic Works, by WyBigelow, J. Poem. Pamphlets, vol. 42. cherley, &c. Blanc, (M. le.) Manco-Capac: Trage- Cooper, J. F. Oak Openings-Mercedie. des of Castile-Wyandotte- Path Boccage, M. A. du. La Columbiade. Finder-Ned Myres-Jack TierBoileau. Oeuvres. See Malherbe. Crater-Red Skins-Sea Lions. Bouring, J. Batavian Anthology. Cooper, J. F. Collected Works. The Bourgeois. Christophe Colomb: Poeme. Spy-The Pilot. 902 BELLES LETTRES. Corneille. Oeuvres. lrving, W. Tales of a Traveller. Cowper's Poems, by Grimshaw. Irving, W. See Works. Crabbe, G. Poetical Works. Cavelier. La Vie de Guesclin. Jane Talbot. See Brown, C. B. Jeremy Levis. Life of. Dante, A. Vision, &c., by Cary, H. F. Johnson, S. Irene: a Tragedy. Darwin, E. Temple of Nature. Johnson, S. Miscellaneous Poems. Davis, J. The American Mariners. Jonson, (Ben.) Works. De Foe, D. Novels. Jones, Sir W. Sacontala. Dryden, J. Dramas. Jones, Sir W. Tales and Fables. Dryden, J. Hind and Panther. Jones, Sir W. The Moallakat. Dryden, J. Mack-Flecknoe. Juvenal's Satires. See Hodgson, F. Dryden, J. Montezuma. Dryden, J. Poems. Kailaz, ou Les Jeunes Sauvages. Dufresnoy, C. A. Art of Painting. Keble, H. Christian Year. Dunlap, W. The Archers. Kettell, S. American Poetry. Durao, J. Caramaru: Poeme. Dwight, T. Conquest of Canaan. La Fontaine, J. de. Fables. Dwight, T. Greenfield Hill. Langeac, (le Chevalier de.) Colomb dans les Fers. Eastburn, J. T. Yamoyden., Lefevre, P. F. A. Zuma: Tragedie. Echo, The; with other Poems. Lemeecier, N. L. L'Atlantiade: Poeme. Edgar Huntley. See Brown, C. B. Liberal: Verse and Prose from the Elliot, E. Corn-Law Rhymes. South. Elliot, J. Poetical Works. Linn, J. B. Valerian. Ellis, G. Early English Poets. Longfellow, H. W. Belfry of Bruges. Ellis, G. English Metrical Romances. Longfellow, H. W. Outre-Mer. Ercilla, A. de. La Araucana. Longfellow, H. WV. Poems. Ercilla, A. de. L'Araucana. Longfellow, H. W. Poets and Poetry Everest, C. W. Poets of Connecticut. of Europe. Longfellow, H. W. Waif and Spanish Fable for Critics. Student. Farquhar's Dramatic Works. See Wy- Lucretius, T.. Nature of Things. cherley. Mandeville. Fable of the Bees. Fauriel, M. C. Croisade contreles Albi- Manley, (Mrs.) Memoirs of Europe. geois. Marmontel, J. F. Les Incas. Fessenden) T. G. DemocracyUnveiled. Martin-Maillefer, P. D. Les Fiances Fessenden, T. G. Modern Philosopher, de Caracas: Po. —me. Fielding, H. Works. Massinger, P. Plays. Ford, J. Dramatic W'orks. Mathias, T. J. Pursuits of Literature, Freneau, P. Poems. Mayer, (M. de.) Asgill. Melville's, Mardi. Gavet et Boucher. Jakare-Ouassou. Melville. Omoo. Giorgini, G. II Mondo Nuovo: Poema. Melville. Redburn. G(ethe, W. J. von. Select Minor Poems. Melville. Typee. Goldsmith, O. Citizen of the World. Mendez de Costa. Goldsmith, 0. Vicar of Wakefield. Mexique Conquis: Poeme. Goldsmitlh,. Poetical Works. Michel, F. See Benoit. Griswold, R. W. Female Poets of Ame- Milton, J. Poetical Works. rica. Mirror of Taste and Dramatic Censor. Mitford, Miss. Our Village. Hall, (Mrs.) Phantasia, &c. Montesquieu. Lettres Per:3anes. Halleck, F.-G. Alnwick Castle., Montgomery, J. Poetical Works. Halleck, F.-G. Poetical Works. Montgomery, (Gen.) et le Prince Hamilton, (Count.) Fairy Tales. d'Orange. Entretiens. Hawkstone. A-Tale. Moore, (Dr. John.) Works. Hawthorne, N. Mosses from an Old Moore, T. Epicurean. Manse. Moore, T. Poetical Wrorks. Hoffman, C. F. Greyslaer. Moris3t, C. B. Peruviana. Holmes, O. W. Poems. Home, J. Dramatic Works. Nation. Ballads and Songs of. Honeywood, St. J. Poems. New-York Book of Poetry. Hosmer, V. H. C. Pioneers. Howard s Conquest of Quebec. Paine, R. T. Pamphlets, vol. 46. Hunt, L. See Wycherley. Paulding, J. K. American Comedies. Paulding, J. K. Old Continental. Ingelo, N. Bentivolio and Urania. Paulding, J. K. The Puritan and his Irving, W. Alhambra. Daughter. Irving, W. Bracebridge Hall. Percy, T. Ancient English Poetry. Irving, W. Knickerbocker's New-York. Piron, A. Fernand Cortes: Tragedie. Irving, W. Sketch Book. Placcii. Atlantis Retecta. LITERARY HISTORY AND BIBLIOGRAYHY. 903 Plante, F. Mauritiados. Tasso, T. Jerusalem Delivered. Poe, E. G. Tales. Thorius, R. Hymnus Tabaci. Poem'es sur l'AmArique. Trumbull, J. American Tracts, vol. 9. Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin. Trumbull, J. Poems. Trumbull, J. M'Fingal. Rabelais. Racine. Oeuvres. Uhland, K. German Songs. Rour, M. P. La Conqulte du Mexique. Rozoy, (M. de.) Azor: Tragedie. Van Brugh's Dramatic Works. Verplanck. G. C. See Shakspeare, WV. Sacy, (M. de.) L'Esclavage des Ameri- Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Alzire: Trage6 cains. die. Sauvigny, E. L. B. de. Hirza: Trage- Voyage d'Amirique. die. Schiller's Minor Poems. See Goethe. Walpole, H. Castle of Otranto. Schlegel's Lectures on Dramatic Art. Walpole, H. Mysterious Mother. Scott, Sir W. Scottish Border. Ware, W. Aurelian. Julian. ZenoScott, Sir W. Works. bia. Seatsfield's Works. Washington. Poems addressed to. Sedgwick (Miss.) Clarence. Washington's Birth-Day. Shakspeare, W. Comedies, Histories, Weber and Jameson. Illustrations of &c. Northern Antiquities, from the TeuShakspeare, W. Plays. (Verplank's tonic Romances, &c. Ed.) Wetmore, P. M. Lexington. Shakspeare, W. Works. Whitwell, B. Poem. Pamphlets, vol. Sheridan, R. B. Dramatic Works. 41. Smith, S. Powhatan; a Metrical Ro- Wieland. See Brown, C. B. mance. Wiffen. See Tasso. Southey, R. Chronicle of the Cid. Willis. People I have met. Sterne, L. Sentimental Journey. Wilson, A. Poetical Works. Sterne, L. Tristram Shandy. Williams, (Mrs.) Neutral French or Strauss, F. Ielon's Pilgrimage. the Exiles of Nova Scotia. Staol-Holstein ( De.) Corinne. Wordsworth, W. Poetical Works. Sterling, J. Tales. Wycherley, Congreve, Van Brugh ana Street, A. B. Poems. Farquhar. Dramatic Works. Street, A. B. Frontenac. Suire (M. le.) Le Nouveau Monde. Yamoyden. See Eastburn. Swift, J. Gulliver's Travels. Swift, J. Law is a Bottonless Pit. Swift, J. Tale of a Tub. 6. Literary History. Antonio, N. Bibliotheca Hispana. Columbi. College Catalogue. Athene Oxonienses. See Wood, A, Convention, Literary. Journal of Proceedings. Ballantyne and Lockhart Controversy. Coplestone, E. Reply to Calumnies. Baldwin, E. Annals of Yale College. Copy-Right Question. Address to ParBarker, E. H. The Claims of Sir Phil- liament. ip Francis to the Authorship of Ju- Copy-Right. See Propriete Litteraire. nius disproved. Cradock, J. Literary Memoirs. Beloe, W. Sexagenarian. Craft, Z. Monument to Shakspeare. Berrington, J. MiddleAges. Boston Book. Diary of a Lover of Literature. Boston Mercantile Library Association. Dibdin, T. F. Bibliomania-BibliophoBoston. International Exchanges. bia. Bouterwek, F. Spanish and Portuguese D'Israeli, I. Amenities of Literature. Literature. D'Israeli, 1. Curiosities of Literature. Bower, A. University of Edinburgh. D'lsraeli, I. Miscellaniesof Literature. Butler, C. Reminiscenses. Drake, N. Shakspeare and his Times. Dunlop, J. History of Fiction. Campbell, H. Y. Fingal ascertained. Dunlop, J. History of Roman LiteraCatalogue of American Publications. ture. See Roorback. Dyer, G. History of Cambridge UniverCharacteristics of Men of Genius. sity. Charleston Book. Chateaubriand. Oeuvres. Eckerman's Conversations with Goethe. Chateaubriand. English Literature. Eliot, S. Harvard College. Chelsum, J. Remarks on Gibbon's English Authors, Living. Catalogue of, Rome. &c. 904 BELLES LETTRES. France. Collection des Documents inc- Nichols, J. Literary Anecdotes. dits. Nichols, J. Literary History. North Carolina. International ExGermain, (Mile.) Sur lEtat des Lettres, change. &c., aux differentes Epoques. Gibbon, E. Vindication. Olden Time. Gilfillan, G. Sketches of Modern Lite- Oxford English Prize Essays. rature, &c. Girard College. Peirce, B. Harvard University. Griswold, R. Prose Writers. Philadelphia Book. Grimm, Baron De. Correspondence. Philadelphia. Reports of the Apprentices' Library Company. Hallam, H. Literature of Europe. Potter, A. Hand-Book for Students. Half-Hours with the best Authors. Powell's Living Authors of England. Harvard College. Letter to the Presi- Prescott, W. H. Critical Miscellanies. dent. Propriete Litteraire. Harvard University. See Peirce. Pursuits of Literature. See Mathias. Harvard College. Catalogues of. Hazlitt, W. Table-Talk. Quincy, J. Harvard University. Hedge, F. H. German Prose Writers, Hoffman, C. F. See Literary World. Rhode Island Book. Howitt, W. V. M. British Poets. Roscoe, W. Discourse, on Literature. International Exchanges. See Vatte- Sismondi. Literature of the South of mare, A. Europe. Jesse, E. Rural Studies. Smith, C. J. Literary Curiosities. Jewett, C. C. Duties on Books. Southey's Common-Place Book. Jones, Sir W. Asiatic Nations. Stranger. Literary Paper. Knight, C. See Half-Hours. Taylor, H. Notes from Books-Notes from Life. La Harpe, J. F. Cours de Litterature. Ticknor's History of Spanish Literature. Lockhart, J. I. See Ballantyne. Ludewig, H. E. Literature of Local Union College. Anniversary of PhiloHistory. mathean Society. Macaulay, T. B. Essays. Vail, E. Literature.. Menzel, W. German Literature. Vattemare, A. International Literary Mexico, Universidad de.' Exchanges. Miller, S. Retrospect of the XVIIIth Vericour, R. de. Modern French LiteCentury. rature. Mohedano y Rodriguez. Historia Literaria de Espana. Whipple, E. P. Essays. Williams College. Sketches. New-Hampshire Book. Willis, N. P. Rural Letters. New-York. Reports of the Regents of Wood, A. Athena Oxonienses, &c. the University. New-York State Library. Yale College. Reminiscences. New-York. See Convention Literary. Yale College. See Baldwin, E. 7. Bibliography. Adelung, J. Sanscrit Literature. Bookseller's Trade List. See BlakeAntonio, N. Bibliotheca Hispana. Bohn. Appleton's Literary Manual. Bossange, H. Catalogue Gineral. Bossange, H. Extrait du Catalogue. Bibliographie de la France. Bouterwek, F. Spanish and Portuguese Bibliography. On the Formation of a Literature. Library. Brown, W. Catalogue. Bibliotheca Americana, (A. Homer.) Brunet, J. C. Manuel du Libraire. Bibliotheca Americane Primordia. See Brulliot, F. Dictionnaire des MonoKennett, W. grammes. Bibliotheca Britannica. See Watt, R. Bibliotheca. See Catalogue-Catalo- Camus, A. G. See De Bry et De Thevegus. not. Bibliotheca-Londoniensis. Catalogue of Books. American-EnBlake, A. Booksellers' Trade Lists. glish-French-German, &c. &c. Bohn, H. G. Catalogue. Catalogue. Hector Bossange. Bohn's Antiquarian Library. Catalogue of Spanish Manuscripts. PERIODICAL LITERATURE. 905 Catalogue of'the Library of the City of Maclure, W. Catalogue. Bordeaux. Macray, W. D. Manual of British Historians. Dana, J. D. Mineralogical Bibliogra- M'Culloch, J. R. Literature of Politiphy. cal Economy. De Ville, M. Catalogue du Musee. Mercantile Library Association, Boston. Dibdin, T. Editions of the Classics. Moss, J. W. Manual. Dibdin, T. Typographical Antiquities. Dunlop, J. History of Roman Litera- Park, R. Pantology. ture. Pocock, L. Life Assurance-Bibliography. English Authors, Living. Catalogue of. Publishers' Circular. Forster, H. K. See Stowe Catalogue. Rich, 0. Bibliotheca Americana Nova. Rich, 0. General Catalogue. Gowans, W. Catalogues. Rooraback, 0. A. Bibliotheca AmeriGreswell, E. Early Parisian Greek cana. Press. Grew, N. Artificial Curiosities. Sismondi. Literature of the South of Europe. Hallam, H. Literature of Europe. Stowe Catalogue. Harper's Illustrated Catalogue. Harvard University. Catalogue. Ternaux,. Bibliotheque Americaine. Harvard University. Pamphlets. vol. 18. Vattemare, A. Catalogue des Dessins. Kennett, W. (Bp.) Bibliotheca Ame- Walpole, H. Catalogue of Strawberry ricana. Hill. Walpole, H. Royal and Noble Authors La Borde, (Le Comte.) Bibliotheque. of England. Lackington and Others. Catalogue. Watt, R. Bibliotheca Britannica. Library of Entertaining Knowledge. Western Reserve College. Pamphlets, Library of Standard Scientific Works. vol. 18. Lowndes, W. T. Bibliographer's Ma- Works of the Learned. nual. 8. Periodical Literature. Agnew, J. H. Eclectic Magazine. Campbell, J. Foreign Monthly MagaAgnew, J. H. Eclectic Museum. zine. Alleghany Magazine, by Alden. Carey, M. See American Museum. American Eclectic. Chambers, W. and R. Edinburgh JourAmerican Historical Magazine. nal. American Literary Magazine. Chinese Repository. American Magazine. Columbian Phenix. American Monthly Magazine. Constancio, F. S. Observador Lusitano American Monthly Magazine. See Hdl- em Pariz. ley, 0. L. American Museum, (by M. Carey.) Democratic Review American Pioneer. I Democratic Review. American Quarterly Register. Dublin Review. American Quarterly Review. Dublin University Magazine. American Register, or General Repository. Eclectic Magazine, by J. H. Agnew. American Register, or Summary Re- Eclectic Museum, by J. H. Agnew. view. Edinburgh Annual Register. American Review: a Whig Journal. Edinburgh Review. American Review of Literature, &c. Emerald, (The.) American Universal Magazine. Analectic Magazine. Flint, T. Western Monthly Review. Foreign Monthly Magazine, by CampBee, (The.) By James Anderson. bell. Bentley, R. Miscellany. Foreign Quarterly Review. Blackwood, W. Magazine. Brazil. 0 Patriota Brasiliero. Gnt n' in Bristed, J. Monthly Register. Gentleans agazine Brown, C. B. American Register. Brown, C. B. Literary Magazine. Howitt, W. & M. Journal. Brown, C. B. Monthly Magazine. Hunt, F. Merchants' Magazipe. 906 BELLES LETT RES. Knickerbocker, or New Monthly Maga- Parthenon. zine. Payne, J. H. The Pastime. Penny Magazine. Literary Magazine and American Regis- Philadelphia Magazine. ter. Polyanthos. Literary and Scientific Repository. Port-Folio. Literary World. Princeton Review. London Literary Gazette. London Magazine. Quarterly Review. London and Westminster Review. Retrospective Review. Magazine of the Reformed!DutchChurch. Retrospective Review and Antiquarian Massachusetts Quarterly Review. Magazine. Metropolitan Magazine. Revue Bibliographie Analytique. Monthly Authology. Rhode Island Literary Repository. Monthly Magazine, and American Review. Saint-Domingue, Journal de. Monthly Review. Southern Review. Museum of Foreign Literature. United States Review. (Waldie.) New England Quarterly Magazine. United States Literary Gazette. New Englander. New-York Review. Western Magazine and Review. Nineteenth Century. Western Monthly Review. See Flint. North American Review. Westminster Review. North British Review. Wesminster and Foreign Quarterly Review. Pamphleteer. Works of the Learned. 9. Collective Authors, JMiscellaneous, 2yc. Abbott, J. S. C. Kings and Queens. Child, L. M. Letters from New-York. Adams, J. Letters to his Wife. Chillingworth, W. Works. Adams, Mrs. Letters. Clowes, J. Pamphlets, vol. 18. Alison, A. Miscellaneous Essays. Colden, C. D. Celebration of the ConAmerica. L'Amerique Decouverte. pletion of the New-York Canals. Ames, Fisher. Works. Colden, C. D. Steam Boat Controversy. Anti-Masonic Documents. Coleman, W. Death of Gen. Hamilton. Aram, E. Remarkable Trial. Cooper, J. F. Works. Arnold, T. Miscellaneous Works. Corneille, P. Oeuvrcs. Athenian Letters. Courier, P. L. Oeuvres. Craik, G. L. English Causes C6elbres. Bacon, F., (Ld.) Works. Crollius, O. Mysteries of Nature. Badeley, J. Cure, by Prince Hohenlohe. Barrington, D. Miscellanies. Davy, Sir H. Works. Bentham, J. Works. Dennie, J. Spirit of the Farmer's MuBentley, R. Works. seum. Bergius, B. Tal, om Lackerheter. Derenzy, (Capt.) A Hand for the OneBerkeley, (Bp.) Works. Handed. Bielfield, (Baron.) Universal Erudi- Destouches, N. Oeuvres. See Regnard. tion. Dewey, 0. Works. Boleyn, Anne. Love-Letters to. Dryden, J. Works. Bowen, B. B. Blind Man's Offering. Dudley, (Earl of.) Letters. Boyle, R. Works. Duer, J. Greek Controversy. Brown, Sir Thomas. Works. Burgh, J. Dignity of Human Nature. Everartus, X. De Herba Panacea, TaBurke, E. Correspondence, baco. Burke, E. Works. Erasmus, D. Adagiorum Chiliades. Burns, R. Works. Burrows, J. On National Prejudices. Fichte, J. G. Characteristics. Butler, F, Year of Consolation. Field Book, or Sports and Pastimes, &c. Butler, J. Works. Filmer, Sir R. English and Hebrew Byron, (Ld.) Letter to. Witch. Byron, (Ld.) Works. Franklin, B. Works. Franklin, B. Brochures. Carlyle, T. On Heroes. Franklin, B. Correspondence Inedite, Casas, B. de las. (Euvres. &c. Channing, W. E. Works. Freeman, N. Le Gianeur. Chateaubriand, M. Oeuvres. Freemasonry. Letters on. Chesterfield, (Earl.) Letters. Frend, W. Proceedings. COLLECTIVE AUTHORS, &c. 907 Gerstmecker, F. German Emigrant. Milton, J. Prose Works. Gibbon, E. Miscellaneous Works. Montague, M.W. W orks. Gifford, W. See Jonson, B. Montesquieu. Lettres Familieres. Goethe and Schiller. Correspondence. \ Montesquieu. CEuvres. Goldsmith, 0. Miscellaneous Works. Montesquieu. Works. Gray, T. Works. Moore, G. Man and his Mctives. Greeley, H. and Raymond,'H. G. Moore, G. Collected Works. Grimm, (Baron de.) Correspondence. Murdock, J. See Day. Grindrod, R. B. Essay on Intemperance. Murphy, A. Works of Tacitus. Guesses at Tiuth. See Hare. Gurney, T. Short-Hand. Neander, J. Tabacologia. Nelson, (lid.) Letters. Hall, B. Patch-Work. Newfoundling Hospital for Wit. Hall, R. Works. Norton, A. See General Repository and Hamilton, H., (Bp.) Works. Review. Hare, J. C. Guesses at Truth. Harper, R. G. Select WTorks. Odiorne, J. C. Speculative Masonry. Hazlitt, W. Characteristics. Oliver, G. Wreck of the Glide. Henry VIII. Love-Letters to Anne O'Mera's Napoleon. Answer to. Boleyn. Ormond. See Brown, C. B. Herbert, G. Works. Hillary, Sir W. Improvement of the Paine, T. Writings. Metropolis. Paley, W. Works. Hobbes, T. English Works. Pamphlets. Hobbes, T. Opera Philosophica. Paracelsus, A. P. T. Books of PhilosoHome, J. Works. phy. Hooker, R. Worka. Park, R. Pantology. Hone, W. Every Day Book. Parr, S. Works. Hopkinson, F. Miscellaneous Works. Personal and Literary Memorials. Howitt, W. German Experiences. Phenix. Old and Rare Fragments. Humphreys, D. Miscellaneous Works. Phillips, Sir R. Million of Facts. Hurd, R. (Bp.) Works. Plato. Opera Omnia. Playfair, J. Works. Irving, W. Works. Pope, A. Works. Irving, W. Jonathan Old Style. Pujol, A. Oeuvres de Napoleon. Jefferson, T. Writings. Rabelais, F. Works. Jeffrey, F. Contributions to the Edin- Racine, J. Oeuvres. burgh Review. Ravenscroft, J. S. Works. Johnson. S. Letters to Mrs. Thrale. Regius, L. Misocapnus, &c. Johnson, S. Works. Regnard, J.F. Oeuvres. Jones, Sir W. Works. Reid, J. Philosophy of Death. Joseph II. Letters. Reid, T. Works. Junius. Posthumous Works. Renneville, (Madame de.) Coutumes Gauloises. Keble, J. The Christian Year. Reynolds, Sir J. Literary Works. Lamb, C. Letters. Ricardo, D. Works. Lamb, C. +Works. Rousseau,. J. Works. Lambert, (Madame) de. Oeuvres. Rough and Ready Annual. Landor, W. S. Imaginary Conversa- Rumford, (Count.) Essays. tions. Lando, W. S. Works. Saint Pierre, (J. H. B. de.) Oeuvres. Lester, C. E. The Artist, Merchant, &c. Slm. Pensees de la Princesse. Lester, C.E. Glory and Shame of Eng- Salm, (Princesse.) Oeuvres. land. Sandor, F. Utazas Eszak Amerikaban. Lieber, F. Great Events. Sands, R. C. Writings. Locke, J. Correspondence. Schiller, F. Works. Locke, J. Worrks. Schlegel, F. von. Miscellaneous Works. Lounger's Common-Place Book. Scott, Si. OnDemonology, &. Lynch, A. C. See Rhode Island Book. ScottSir el. Works. Seatsfield's Works. Macdonnel, D. E. Dictionary of Quota- Sedgwick, R. See Duer, J. tions. Selden, J. Table-Talk. Macintosh, SirJ. Miscellaneous Works. Shaftesbury, (Earl of.) Characteristics. Mackay, C. Popular Delusions. Smith, J. T. Book for a Rainy Day. Malherbe. Oeuvres. Smith, W. Works. Masonry. Vocal Companion, &c. Smith, S. Works. M'Crie, T. Miscellaneous Writings. Southey, R. Colloquies, &c. Matthiasand his Impostures. See Vale. Southey, R. The Doctor. Mercier, B. Fragments. Spencer, E. Works. Middleton, C. Miscellaneous Works. Stearns, S. American Oracle. 908 B ELLES LE TT R E S. Stearns, (Dr. S.) See Philadelphia Ma- Voltaire. Oeuvres. gazine. Sterne, L. Works. VWagstaff, S. Collection, &c. Steuart, Sir J. Works. Walpole, H. Letters. Stewart, D. Works. Walpole, H. Letters to Sir H. Mann. Swift, J. Correspondence. Walpole, H. Works. Swift, J. Works. Warburton, W., (Bp.) Papers. Warburton, W., (Bp.) Tracts, &c. Tabacum..arii Auctores. WTashington, G., (Pres.) Writings. Tasistro, L.. F.Random Shots. nWebster, N. Collection of Papers. Taylor, T. On the Eleusinian Myste- Webster, N. Essays. ries. Whately, R. Historic Doubts relative Taylor, (Bp.) Works. to Napoleon Buonaparte. Taylor, J. Natural History of Enthu- Wilberforce, W. Correspondence. siasm. Williams, Sir C. H. Works. Temple, Sir W. Works. Wirt, WV. Letters of the British Spy. Thatcher, B. B. See Boston Book. Witherspoon, J. Works. Thoresby, R. Letters to. Tillotson, (Dr. J.) Works. Vaugh, R. Ae ofXenophon. Workts. Vaughan, R. Age of Great Cities. WORKS OF ART. 1. GLOES.. GLOB GEOLOGICAL MAPS. 2. ATLASES. 8. PAINTING. 3. MAPS AND CHARTS ON ROLL- 9. ENGRAVINGS. ERS OR FOLDED. A. PORTRAITS. 4. MAPS ON PASTEBOARD. B. PRINTS, LITHOGRAPHS, 5. COLLECTED MAPS BOUND IN &c. VOLUMES. 10. BUsTs. 6. MILITARY PLANS, &C. 11. MEDALS. 1. GLOBES. 1. Celestial Globe, by J. Wilson & Son, Albany. 2. Terrestrial Globe, by J. Wilson & Son, Albany. 2. ATLASES. Atlantic Neptune (The,) published for the use of the Royal Navy of Great Britain, by Joseph F. W. Des Barres, Esq., under the direction of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, vol. 1. large fol., London, 1780. J This volume, although purporting from its title-page, to be the 1st vol. of the above work, is in fact made up of Maps and Charts of both volumes, as enumerated by Mr. Rich. (Bibliotheca Americana Nova, 1700-1800, p. 249.) It contains most of the Plates credited to the Sea Coast of Nova Scotia, including a number of coloured Views of various Harbors, Towns, &c. Of those enumerated by Mr. Rich, as belonging to vol. 2, there are a number of Charts of the River St. Lawrence, of Mirimichi Bay, the Magdalen Islands, and the Bay of Chaleurs, and a view of Quebec. Also, Charts of Boston Harbor, and views [STATE LIBRARY.] 57 910 MAPS, &C. of that City; a Chart of Narraganset Bay, of New-York Harbor, Long Island Sound, Delaware Bay and River, of Charleston, Port Royal, Savannah River, St. Augustine and Pensacola. Also, not enumerated in Mr. Rich's list, a view of the investment of York and Gloucester, of the Battle of Camden and of the sieges of Charleston and Savannah. This volume was purchased at the sale of the late Duke of York's Library, by an American Consul.] Atlas Ameriquain Septentrionale, traduit des cartes lev6es par ordre du Goivernement Britannique. Par La Rouge, Ing. geographe du Roi. Paris, 1788. Fol. (26 maps, and an engraving of WVm. Penn's Treaty with the Indians, after West.)-W. C. American Atlas, on the plan of Le Sage and Lavoisne. See " Atlas, American," in the Miscellaneous Catalogue. American Military Pocket Book, being a collection of correct maps of the British Colonies, especially those which now are, or probably may be the theatre of war; from the surveys of De Brahm & Romans, Jackson & Collet, Major Holland, &c. London, 1776. 8vo. (Contents: 1. North America. 2. West Indies. 3. Northern Colonies. 4. Middle Colonies. 5. Southern Colonies. 6. Lake Champlain.)-W. C. Arrowsmith's Maps of the Coast of Africa. 4to. Bradford (T. G.) Illustrated Atlas, geographical, statistical, and historical of the United States and the' adjacent Countries. By T. G. Bradford. Boston, 1838. Fol. Bradford (T. G.) and Goodrich (S. G.) Universal Illustrated' Atlas, exhibiting a geographical, statistical, and historical view of the world. Boston, 1842. Fol. Burr (David H.) New Universal Atlas, comprising separate maps of all the principal empires, kingdoms and states throughout the world, and forming a distinct Atlas of the United States. New-York. 4to. Burr (David H.) Atlas of the State of New-York, containing a map of the State and of the several Counties. By David H. Burr. New-York, 1829. Fol. Cartes du Monde. A Series of 92 Maps, bound in one volume. 18mo. Executed by P. Duval, Geographe du Roy. (No title page or date. In this collection, North America is divided into Canada, Virginia, Florida and New Mexico.) Cartes Hydrographiques. A Series of Charts executed by order of the French Government, and nearly one thousand in number. They are bound in 11 volumes imperial folio. (Presented by the Minister of the Navy and Colonies of France.) English Atlas, containing the description of Muscovy, Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. By W. Nicolson, M. Pitt, and R. Peers. Oxford, 1680-1683. 4 vols fol. MAPrs &c. 911 Heather. Marine Atlas, or Sailor's Complete Pilot for all the principal places in the known world, comprising a new and elegant collection of charts, accurately chosen and engraved from the most approved surveys, &c. By W. Heather. 3d edition. London, 1802. Fol. 38 charts. —W. C. Instructions nautiques relatives aux.artes et plans du pilote de Terre-Neuve, publi6 aux dcp6t g6n6ral des cartes, plans et journaux de la marine, en 1784, pour lusage des vaisseaux du roi. Instructions pour naviguer sur la cote occidentale de Terre-Neuve. A Paris, de l'Imprimerie royale. 4to. 1784.~-W. C. Johnston's Physical Atlas. See Physical Atlas. Maps by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. London, 1844. Fol. (With plans of the principal cities of the World.) Mercator's Atlas. Historia Mundi, or Mercator's Atlas, containing his cosmographical description of the Fabricke and Figure of the World, &c. Englished by Wye Salstonstall. 2d ed. London, 1637. Fol. Mitchell. Amerique Septentrionale, avec les routes, distances en miles, limites et establissements Francois et Anglois. Par Le Docteur Mitchell. Traduit de PAnglois. Paris, 1756. Fol. 8 sheets. Le Rouge. (Presented by Isaialh Townsend.) Miitchell's New Uniyersal Atlas, containing maps of the various Empires, Kingdoms, States and Republics of the World, with a special map of each of the United States, Plans of Cities, &c., comprehended in seventy sheets, and forming a series of One Hundred and Seventeen Maps, Plans and Sections. By S. Augustus Mitchell. Folio. Philadelphia, 1847. Neptune Americo-Septentrional, ou Recueil de Cartes hydrographiques a Pusage des vaisseaux du Roi, dresse au Depot general des Cartes, plans et journaux de la marine, et publi6 par ordre du Roi. Folio. (26 maps and plans.) -W. C. Oregon. Topographical Map of the road from Missouri to Oregon, commencing at the mouth of the Kansas, in the Missouri river, ending at the month of the Wallah-Wallah, in the Columbia. In 7 sections. Prom the Field Notes and Journal of Capt. J. C. Fremont, and from sketches by Charles Preuss. 1846. (Presented by Charles D. Gould.) Physical Atlas (The.) A Series of Maps and Notes illustrating the Geographical distribution of Natural Phenomena. By Alex. Keith Johnston. Based on the Physakalischen Atlas of Professor G. Berghaus, with the co-operation of Sir David Brewster, Professor Forbes, &c., &c. Divisions: Geology, Hydrography, Meteorology, Natural History. Folio. Edinburgh. 1848. 912 MAi P &c. Pilote Americain Septentrional pour les o6tes du Labrador, Nouvelle-Ecosse, Nouvelle-Angleterre, New-York, Pensylvanie, Maryland, Virginie, les deux Carolines et Florides; par Jeffereys, Lane, Morris, Chev. des Barres, Smith, Blaskowitz, Scull; publie a Londres en 1776; trad. de l'Anglais par le Le Rouge. Paris. folio. 60 charts. 1778. [This contains, amongst others, charts of the harbours of Boston. and Newport, and of Narragansett Bay; of the Entrance of the River Hudson, fromi Sandy Hook to New-York; of Delaware Bay of Chesapeake Bay; of Cape Fear River; of the Coast of the Carolinas; of the Bar and Harbour of Charleston; of Port Royal in South Carolina; of the Coast of Florida; of several of the West IndiapIslands; the Gulf of St. Lawrence, &c.] — W. C. Pilote de l'Isle de Saint-Domingue, par Chastenet-Puysegur, publie par ordre du Roi. Imperial folio. Paris. 1787. (Presented by Isaiah Townsend.) Pilote de Terre-Neulve, d'apres les plans leves par Messrs. Cook & Laze, pr6eced de deux cartes de Terre-Neuve d'apres les observations du Messrs. De Chabert in 1750, 1751; de J. Cook et d'autres officiers Anglais en 1766; de Messrs. De Vadun, du Chevalier De Borda et de Pingre en 1772. Imuperial Folio. Paris, 1784. (Presented by Isaiah Townsend.) Ruddock. Statistical and Geographical Atlas of North America7 showing the latitude and longitude of the capital cities, their distances firom each other in every direction, from Quebec to Panama. By Samuel Ruddock. Scripture Atlas, or a Series of Maps to illustrate the Old and New Testament. London, 1813. 4to. Tanner (H. S.) New Universal Atlas, with a special map of each of the United States. Philadelphia, 1836. Fol. Theatro del Mondo.. See QOrtello," in the Miscellaneous Catalogue. Thomson (John.) New General Atlas, consisting of a series of geographical designs on various proJections, exhibiting the form and component parts of the globe. (Published by John Thomson.) Edinburgh, 1817. Fol. West India Pilot, illustrated with a number (11) of Copperplates, by an officer (Smith Speer,) who has served upwards of twenty years in the West Indies. Fol. London, 1766.W. C. Wilkinson (R.) Atlas Classica, being a collection of maps of the countries mentioned by the ancient authors, both sacred and profane. London, 1830. 4to. MAPS, &c. 913 UNITED STATES COAST SURVEY. (TO BE BOUND IN ONE VOL. FOLIO, WHEN COMPLETED,) New-York Bay and Harbour 6 Sheets. Delaware Bay 3 Sheets. Harbour of New Bedford. Harbour of New Haven. Harbour of Bridgeport. Harbour of Black Rock. Harbour of Edgartown. Harbour of Annapolis. Little Egg Harbour. Harbour of Nantucket. Harbour of Sheffield Island and Cawkins Island. (Presented by A. D. Bache, LL.D, Superintendent of the Survey. UNITED STATES OBSERVATORY. (TO BE COLLECTED IN ONE VOLUME.) Wind and Current Charts. By Lieut. Maury.. Sheets 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 7, 8. Pilot Chart of the Coast of Brazil. By Lieut. Maury, 1849. Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean. By Lieut. Maury, 1849, 2 Sheets.. Chart of the North East Trade Winds. (Maury's.) Wind and Current Chart of North Atlantic, 3rd Edit, 1850. Series A. No 1. Wind and Current charts North Atlantic Ocean, Series B, Total, 14 Sheets. (Presented by Lieut, Maury, through George Manning. MAPS ACCOMPANYING THE DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF NEW-YORK. PRESENTED BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE. (To be bound in one volume Folio, when completed.) Carta particolare della nuoume Belgia e parte della nuoua Anglia. Copied from a Map in the Warden Collection, New-York State Library, and Lithographed by R. H. Pease. Map of the Head Waters of the River Susquehanna, and Delaware River, embracing the early Patents on the South side of the Mohawk River. From the original, drawn about the year 1790, by Simeon De Witt, Esq. Surveyor General, &c. with the date of eah Patent appended, from the Records 914 MAPS, &C. of the Surveyor General's Office, by E. B. O'CallaghanS Lithographed by R. H. Pease. Map of the French and English Grants on Lake Champlain, from the original, in the Department of State. Lithographed by R. H. Pease. Map of Lake Champlain, from the Fort Chambly to Fort St. Frederick, or Crownpoint, with the Seigneuries on each side. Surveyed by Mr. Anger, King's Surveyor, in 1732. Made at Quebec the 10th of October, 1748. Signed De Lery. Copied from the original in the Department of State. Lithographed by R. H, Pease. Map of the Frontiers of the Northern Colonies, with the Boundary Line established' between them and the Indians, at the Treaty held by Sir William Johnson, at Fort Stanwix, in Nov. 1768, Corrected and improved from Evans' Map, by Guy Johnson, Deputy Agent of Indian Affairs. Engraved by Gavitt and Duthie. A Chorographical Map of the Province of New-York, in North America, divided into Counties, Manors. Patents and Townships; exhibiting likewise all the private Grants of Land made and located in the Province. Compiled from actual Surveys deposited in the Patent Office at New-York, by order of his Excellency Major General William Tryon, by Claude Joseph Sauthier. London, engraved and published, by William Faden. The above is the reduced Map by Sauthier, as prepared for O'Callaghan's volume of NewYork Historical Documents, Lithographed by R. H. Pease.. 3. MAPS AND CHARTS, PRINCIPALLY ON ROLLERS. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. With Reference Numbers to the Maps, at the close of each description. Africa, Map of, by Arrowsmith. Philadelphia, 1818. — (No. 4.) Albany, (Map of the City of,) by Evert Van Alen. 1818.- (No. 37.) Albany, (Map of the City of,) from Surveys by John Bradt and George W. Carpenter. Engraved by George W. Merchant. 1843. (Presented by the Corporation of the City of Albany. - (No. 38.) A.merica. Map of the whole Continent of America, divided into North and South, and West Indies; with a Table showing the several possessions of European Princes and States, as settled by the definitive Treaty, concluded at Paris, February 10, 1763-the clauses of which relative thereto are in MAPS, &a. 915 serted. Compiled from M. D'Anville's Maps of that Continent, 1772. Published by Robert Sayer. (No. 71.) Asia, Map of, by A. Arrowsmith. Philadelphia, 1818.-(No. 5.) Asia, Map of, carefully compiled from the latest maps and charts and other geographical publications, by A. Finley. Philadelphia, 1828. (No. 6.) Bartlett, (M. R.) Celestial Planisphere, or Map of the Heavens. Utica, 1825. — (No. 1.) Blunt. New Chart of the Atlantic or Western Ocean, extending from the Equator to Lat. 740 40' N., Long. 31~ 45'E. to Long. 91" W. By Edmund Blunt. New-York, 1826. (No. 55.) Blunt. New Chart of the Soufth Atlantic Ocean, revised and improved according to the latest Spanish and other surveys. By Edmund Blunt. New-York, 1826.-(No. 56.) Blunt. Coast of the United States of North America, from NewYork to St. Augustine, drawn and regulated according to the latest surveys and astronomical observations. NewYork, 1827. (No. 57.) Blunt. Bahama Banks, and Gulf of Florida. By Edmund Blunt. New-York, 1827. (No. 58.) Blunt. North-Eastern Coast of North America from New-York to Cape Canso, including Sable Island. By Edmund Blunt. New-York, 1828. -(No. 59.) Blunt. New Chart of the West Indies, including part of the Gulf of Mexico, compiled from the most recent Spanish and other surveys. By Edmund Blunt. New-York, 1829.- (No. 60.) Brooklyn. Map of the City of Brooklyn, as laid out by Commissioners, and confirmed by acts of the Legislature of the state of New-York, made from actual surveys, &c. By W. Day, City Surveyor, contaiining a map of the Village of Williamsburgh, and part of the City of New-York. Published by J. H. Colton, 1846. (Presented by David A. Bokee, of Brooklyn.)-(No. 61.) Canada. A map (folded) of Canada Compiled by Edward Staveler,. Civil Engineer. Montreal, 1848. Canada. Map of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, with the adjacent parts of the United States of America. By Joseph Bouchette. London, 1815. -(No. 50.) Canada. Topographical Map of the Province of Lower Canaca. By Joseph Bouchette. London, 1815.-(No. 51.) Chart of the Atlantic, or Western Ocean and adjacent seas, including the coasts of Europe and Africa, from 500 north to the, Equator; also the opposite coasts of America, with the determinations of the longitude, as given by the marine clocks; of M. F. Berthoud, in the voyage performed by order of the Government of France in 1768-69, in the ship Isis. By 916 MAPS, &C. M. de Fleurieu, officer in the French Navy. London, 1777.- W. C. —(No. 54.) Connecticut (Map of,) from actual survey, by Moses Warren and George Gillet. Hartford, 1812. —-(No. 25.) England. New Map of England and Wales, Compiled from the latest Surveys. Published for the Proprietor by J. and C. Walker. 9 Castle St. Holborn, London. 1849.- (No. 85.) Europe. Carte physique, routiere et politique de Europe, indiquant les limites des etats d'apres les derniers trait6s de paix. Par A. H. Bru6. Paris, 1824.- (No. 7.) Europe. Map of, carefully compiled from the latest maps and charts and other geographical publications, by A. Finley. Philadelphia, 1827. (No. 8.) Georgia. Map of the State of Georgia, compiled under the direction of his Excellency George W. Crawford, by Win. G. Bonner, Civil Engineer. New-York, 1847. (From the state of Georgia, received through the Governor.) (No. 63.) Illinois. New Sectional Map of the State of Illinois, compiled from United States surveys, by J. M. Peck and J. Messenger. New-York, 1836. (No. 44.) Ireland, from the best authorities, with distances in miles from Dublin, byJ. H. Colton. New-York, 1835.- (No. 9.) Long Island. A Map of Long Island, with the Environs of NewYork and the Southern part of Connecticut. By J. Calvin Smith. New-York, 1847. (Presented by A. G. Thomlpson, M. D., New-York. —— (No. 73.) Louisiana & Mexico. Carte de la Louisiane et du Mexico, dressee par P. Tardieu. Paris, 1820. — (No. 47.) Maine. Map of the District of Maine, by Osgood Carleton. Boston, 1801. (No. 22.) Maine (Map of the State of,) with the Province of New Brunswick, by Moses Greenleaf. Portland, 1819.-(No. 23.) Map of the Country mentioned in the Sacred Scriptures, and by the Greek and Roman Classics. Edited by the Rev. John MeArthur, Professor. St. Clairsville, Ohio, 1845. (No. 82.) Massachusetts (Map of,) by Osgood Carleton. Boston 1801. — (No. 24.) Massachusetts. Topographical Map of Massachusetts. Compiled from astronomical, trigonometrical, and various local surveys, made by order of the Legislature. Sireon Borden, Superintendent. 1844. This embraces a Geological Map of Massachusetts, made by order of the Legislature By Edward Hitchcock. 1844. (From the State of Massachusetts. Received through the Governor.) — (No. 62.) Mexico. Map de Estado unidos de Mexico, 1847. Published by J. Disturnell.- (No. 67.) MAPS, &c. 917 Michigan & Ouisconsin (Map of the Territories of,) by John Farmer. Detroit, 1830.- (No. 45.) Michigan & Ouisconsin (Improved Map of the Territories of,) by John Farmer. Detroit, 1835.- (No. 46.) Mississippi. Course of the River Mississippi, from the Balize to Fort Chartres, taken on an expedition to the Illinois in 1765. By Lieut. Ross, 34th Regiment, improved from the Surveys of that River made by the French. London. Robert Sayer, 1775. (No. 68.) Missouri. Section Map of the State of Missouri. Compiled from the United States Survey, and other sources, by the Publisher. Edward Hutawa. St. Louis, (Mo.) 1844. (From the State of Missouri. Received through the Governor.)(No. 64.) New England. Goldthwait (J. H.) Rail Road Map of New England and Eastern New-York; compiled from the most authentic sources. (Pocket form.) Boston, 1849. New England. Map of New England, being the first that ever has been cut, and done by the best pattern that could be had, &c. (No date.) This map is apparently the one accompanying the original edition of Morton's New England Memorial. (From an unknown donor.) (No. 79.) New England (A map of the most inhabited part of,) containing the Provinces of Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire, with the Colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island, divided into counties and townships. London. Jeffreys, 1774.W. C. (No. 20.) New England States. Map of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut, with the adjacent parts of New-York. By Nathan Hale. Boston, 1826. -W. C.-(No. 21.) New-Jersey (The Province of.) divided into East and West, commonly called the Jerseys. London. Faden, Dec. 1777. [This Map has been drawn from the survey made in 1769, by order of the commissioners appointed to settle the partition line between the Provinces of New-York and New Jersey, by Lieut. Bernard Ratzer, and from another large survey of the Northern parts, in the possession of the Earl of Dunmore, by Gerard Banker. —W. C. —- (No. 39.) New Jersey (Map of the State of,) with part of the adjoining States, by Thomas Gordon. Trenton, 1828. — (No. 40.) New-York (Colony.) Novi Belgii, Novae Anglie, nee non partes Virginia Tabula. Von Nich. Jol. Visscher. Amsterdam, 1659. Re-engraved by S. Converse. New-York, 1833.(No. 26.) New-York (Province de,) par Montr.sor. Paris, 1777 -W. C. (No. 27.) New-York (Province of.) A map, compiled from actual surveys, 918 MAPS &C. by order of Governor Tryon. By Claude Joseph Sauthier. To which is added New Jersey, from the topographical observations of C. J. Sauthier & B. Ratzer. Faden. London, 1776. —W. C. (No. 28.) New-York (Map of the State of,) by Simeon De Witt. Albany, 1802.(No. 29.) New-York (Map of the State of,) with parts of the States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, &c., by Amos Lay, 1817. - (No. 30.) New-York (Reference and Distance Map of the State of;) by J. Pierce. New-Haven, 1831. (No. 31.) New-York (Map of the State of,) with parts of the adjacent country, embracing plans of the cities, &c., by David IH. Burr. New-York, 1834. —— (No. 32.) New-York (State of,) The same, by David H. Burr. New-York, 1838. -(No. 33.) New-York (Plan of the City of,) in North America, surveyed in 1766 and 1767. Dedicated to Sir Henry Moore, Governor, &c. By Lieut. Ratzer. London, 1776. -(No. 34.) NeW-York (City.) Actual Map and comparative plans, showing 88 years growth of the city of New-York (1729 to 1817,) by David Longworth. -- (No. 35.) New-York (City.) Topographical Map of the City and County of New-York and the adjacent country, by J. H. Colton. NewYork, 1836. (No. 36.) New-York. The Empire State of New-York, with its Counties, Towns, Cities, and Villages, Internal Improvements, &c. Published by S. Augustus Mitchell. Philadelphia, 1848. (No. 65.) New-York. Map of the Northern Part of the State of New-York. Compiled from actual survey. By Amos Lay and Arthur J. Stansbury. 1801. — (No. 77.) New-York. A Chorographical Map of the Province of New-York, in North America, divided into Counties, Manors, Patents and Townships, exhibiting likewise all the private grants of land, made and located in that Province, compiled from actual surveys deposited in the Patent Office at New-York. By order of his Excellency, Major General William Tryon. By Claude Joseph Sauthier. London. Wnm. Faden, 1779, Folded. (Presented.) North America. An Accurate Map of North America, describing and distinguishing the British and Spanish Dominions on this great Continent, according to the Definitive Treaty, concluded at Paris, Feb. 10, 1763; also, all the West India Islands belonging to and possessed by the several European Princes and States, &c. By Eman. Bowen, Geographer to his Majesty, and John Gilson, Engraver. London. Printed for Robert Sayer, 1775. — (No. 69.) MAPS, &c. 919 North America (An accurate map of,) describing and distinguishing the British, Spanish and French Dominions on this great continent, exhibiting the present seat of war, and the French encroachments; also all the West India islands, belonging to and possessed by the several European Princes and States. By Eman. Bowen and John Gibson. London. Rob. Sayer. - (No. 10.) North America (A map of the British and French dominions in,) with the roads, distance, limits and extent of the settlements; dedicated to the Earl of Halifax, by John Mitchell. London, 1755.-W. C. (No. 11.) North America (A new and correct map of,) with the West Indies, divided according to the last Treaty of Peace concluded at Paris, Feb. 10, 1763. Corrected from the original materials of Governor Pownall. 1777.-W. C. (No. 12.) North Carolinia (New Map of the State of,) by Robert H. B. Brazier. Fayetteville, 1833. (No. 43.) North-Eastern Boundary. Map of the boundary line between the United States and the adjacent British Provinces, from the mouth of the River St. Croix to the intersection of the parallel of 45 degrees of north latitude with the river St. Lawrence near St. Regis, &c. By Major J. D. Graham. Compiled by Lieut. T. J. Lee & W. M. C. Fairfax, under the direction of Major Graham, 1843. (Presentecd.)- (No. 48.) Nortli-Eastern Boundary. Profile, with the spirit level of the due north line from the monument at the source of the river St. Croix, to the river St. John. By Major J. D. Graham. (Presented.) (No. 49.) Oregon, Texas and California. Map of; by S. Augustus Mitchell. Philadelphia, 1846. (No. 81.) Pennsylvania. Facsimile of Holmes' (Thomas Holmes, Surveyor Geqeral,) Map of the Province of Pennsylvania, with the names of the original purchasers from William Penn, begun in 1681. Reproduced from the original in the Pennsylvania Library, by the Anastatic Process. (200 copies printed.) Philadelphia, 1846. —-(No. 80.) Rocky Mountains. Map of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in 1812, and to Oregon and North California in 1843-44. Dy Capt. Fremont, U. S. Topographical Engineer.- (No. 84.) Ro yalGrant., A Manuscript Map of part of the Land of the Royal Grant, devised by Sir William Johnson to some of his natural Indian Children. Surveyed by Lawrence Vrooman, 1797. 20 chains to an inch. (Received from the offce of the Secretary of State.) (No. 75.) South America (Map of), carefully compiled from the latest maps 920 MAPS, &C. and charts and other geographical publications, by A. Finley. Philadelphia, 1829. (No. 52.) South America. A map of South America, containing Tierra Firma, Guayana, New Grenada, Amazonia, Brazil, Peru, Paraguay, Chaco, Tucuman, Chili and Patagonia, from M. D'Anville, with improvements and the newest Discoveries. Londono Robert Sayer, 1775. —(No. 70.) St. Lawrence. An exact chart of the River St. Lawrence, from Fort Frontenac to the Island of Anticosti; showing the Soundings, Rocks, Shoals, &c., with views of the Lands, and all necessary instructions for navigating that River to Quebec. Published by Thomas Jeflerys. No date.- (No. 72.) United States of North America (A map of), drawn from a number of critical researches, by A. Arrowsmith. London, 1796, with additions to 1819.- W. C. — (No. 13.) United States. New and correct map of the United States, including portions of Missouri Territory, Upper and Lower Canada, Nova Scotia, New-Brunswick, the Floridas, Spanish Provinces, &c., by Samuel Lewis. Philadelphia, 1824. (No. 14.) United States (Map of the), by David H. Vance. Philadelphia, 1825.-(No. 15.) United States (Map of the), by H.S. Tanner. 1834. (No. 16.) United States (R.eference and distance map of the), with a general map of the United States and the contiguous British and Mexican possessions. By S. A. Mitchell. Philadelphia, 1836. — (No. 17.) United States (Ornamental map of the), with plans of the World, British possessions, West Indies and Columbia. By W. Chapin and J. B. Taylor. New-York, 1839.- (No. 18.) United States (Map of the), including Canada, and a large portion of Texas. By J. Calvin Smith. New-York, 1843.(No. 19.) Virginia. A map of the most inhabited part of Virginia, containing the whole Province of Maryland, with part of Pennsylvania, New-Jersey and North-Carolina. Drawn by Joshua Fry & Peter Jefferson in 1775. Published by Thomas Jefferys.-W. C.- (No. 41.) Virginia (Map of the State of), constructed in conformity to law, from the late surveys authorised by the legislature, and other original and authentic documents. By Herman Boye, 1826. (Presented by the State of Virginia.) (No. 42.) Wiltberger (C.) Map of the countries found in sacred, classical and ecclesiastical writers, in their ancient and modern names (with a vocabulary). Philadelphia, 1829.-(No. 53.) World (The), Map of the World on Mercator's projection, exhibiting the researches of the principal modern travellers and navigators. By S. Augustus Mitchell. Philadelphia, 1837. (No. 2.) MAPS, &c. 921 World (The), on a globular projection, exhibiting the geographical' researches of modern travellers and navigators. By David H. Vance. Philadelphia, 1826. — -(No. 3.) World (The), Illustrated and Embellished-Steel Plate Map of the World, upon Mercator's projection. (Representing the recent Arctic and Antarctic explorations and discoveries.) By D. Griffith Johnson. New-York, 1848.- (No. 76.) 4. MAPS ON PASTEBOARD. Gillet (George.) Map of the Northern Part of New-England. Compiled for Dwight's Travels, by George Gillet, 1824. Gillet (George.) Map of the Southern Part of New-England. Compiled for Dwight's Travels, by George Gillet, 1824. New-York (Map of the State of.) Engraved for Dwight's Travels. 1822. 5. COLLECTED MAPS, BOUND IN VOLUMES. DE L'ISLE'S ATLAS, [Although so lettered, several of the maps in this volume are by different authors, and of a later date.] CONTENTS. 1. Mappe Monde. G. Del'Isle, 1700. 2. Hernisphere Meridional. Del'Isle, 1714. 3. Hemisphere Septentrional. Del'Isle, 1714. 4. Hemisphere Occidental. Dezauche, 1782. 5. Hemisphere Oriental. Dezauche, 1782. 6. L'Europe. Del'Isle, 1700. 7. Les Isles Brittanniques. Del'Isle, 1702. 8, 9. Carte des Couronnes du Nord. Del'lsle, 1706. 10. Royaume de Danemarc. Del'Isle, 1710. 11, 12. Moscovie. DelIsle, 1706. 13. La FrEnce. Del'Isle, 1703. 14. Carte de France, en 108 D6partemnens, IDezauche, 1803. 15. La Pr6voste et Vicomte de Paris. DelIsle, 1711. 16. La Ville et Fauxbourgs de Paris. De'Isle, 1716. 17. Diocese de Senlis. Del'Isle, 1709. 18. Diocese de Beauvais. Del'Isle, 1710. 19. Picardie (Meridionale). Del'Isle, 1712. 20. La Champagne et des Pays voisins. Del'Isle, 1713. 21. La Champagne (Meridionale). Del'Isle, 1713. 22. Orleans, &c. Del'Isle, 1718. 23. Anjou, Maine et Perche. Nolin, 1756. 24. Franche Comte. 1788. 25. Berry, Bourbonnois et Nivernois. Crepy, 1767. 922 MAPS, &C. 26. Anjou et Saumarois. Nolin, 1759. 27. Normandie. Del'Islc, 1716. 28, 29. Duch6 de Bourgogne. Del'Isle, 1709. 30. Bourdelois, Perigord. Del'Isle, 1714. 31. Nivernois. De la Fosse, 1760. 32. Duche de Bretagne. N. De Fer. 33. Bean, Bigorre, &c. Del'Isle, 1712. 34. Diocese de Narbonne. Del'Isle, 1704. 35. Diocese de Beziers. DelIsle. 36. Provence. DelIsle, 1715. 37. Pays-bas Catholiques. DelIsle, 1702. 38. Provinces Unies de Pais-Bas. N. De Fer, 1716. 39. Artois. Del'Isle, 1711. 40. Flandre. Del'Isle, 1704. 41. Hainault, Namur, Cambresis. DelIsle, 1706. 42. Bra:bant. Del'Isle, 1705. 43. Provinces Unies des Pays-Bas. DePIsle, 1702. 44. L'Allemagne. Del'Isle, 1701. 45, 46, 47. Le Cours du Rhin. Del'Isle, 1704. 48, 49. Souabe. Del'Isle, 1704. 50. Suisse. Del'Isle. 51. Neuchatel et Vallangin. De Merveilleux. 52. La Pologne. Del'Isle. 53. L'Espagne. Del'Isle, 1701. 54. L'Italie. Del'Isle, 1700. 55, 56. Piemont et Monferrat. Del'Isle 1707. 57. I-Iongrie. Del'Isle, 1703. 58. Hongrie, Transilvanie, Croatie, et Sclavonie. Del'Isle, 1717. 59. Le Grece Moderne. Del'Isle: 1707. 60. L'Asie. Del'Isle, 1700. 61. Turquie, Arabic et Perse. DelPIsle, 1701. 62. Les Indes et la Chine. DelPIsle, 1705. 63. Tartarie. Del'Isle, 1706. 64. L'Afrique. Del'Isle, 1700. 65. Cote occidentale d'Afrique. Lapie, 1802. 66. Egypte. Mentelle, Lan VII. 67. Barbaric, Nigritie et Guinee. Del'Isle, 1707. 68. Egypte, Nubie et Abissinie. IDel'Isle, 1707. 69. Congo, Payes des Cafres. Del'Isle, 1708. 70. Ameriqae Septentrionale. DelPIsle, 1700. 71. Canada ou Nouvelle-Franle. Del'Isle, 1703. 72. Louisiane, Cours du Mississippi. DelIsle, 1718, (including the present United States.) 73. Mexique, Floride. De'Isle, 1703. 74. Etats-Unis d'Amerique Septentrionale. Delamarche, 1785. 75. Antilles Francoises. Del'Isle, 1717. 76. Amirique Meridionale. Del'Isle, 1700. MAPS, &c. 923 77. Terre-Ferme, P6rou, Bresil, et Pays des Amazones. Del'Isle, 1703. 78. Paraguay, Chili, Djtroit de Magellan. Del'Isle, 1703. 79. Orbis veteribus noti tabula nova. Del'Isle, 1714. 80. Theatrum Historicum Imperii Romani, Pars Occidentalis. Del' Isle, 1705. 81. Theatrum Historicum Imperii Romani, Pars orientalis. Del'Isle, 1705. 82. Africse tabula geographica, in notitiam ecclesiasticam. Del'sle, 1700. 83. Grseciae pars septentrionalis. Del'Isle, 1708. 84. Grmciae antiquwe tabula nova. Del'Isle, 1707. 85. Sicilia antiqua. Del'Isle, 1714. 86. Italiaantiqua. DelIsle, 1715. 87. Regionum Italise mediarum tabula geographica. Del'Isle, 1711. 88. Germanie, France, Italie, Espagne, Isles Britanniques. D'Anville, 1771. 89. Civitas Leucorum, sive Pagus Tullensis (Diocese de Toul). DelIsle, 1707. 90. Tabula Delphinatus et vicinaruin regionum (Dauphiny). Del'Isle, 1710. 91. Imperii Orientalis sub Constantino Porphyrogenito, descriptio. Del'Isle. 92. Orbis Romani descriptio seu divisio per themata. Del'Isle. 93. Carte physique et hydrographique de la France. 94. Palestine. DYAnville, 1767. 95. Tables chronologiques et historiques. S. C. Delisle. 4 sheets. ATLAS OF MAPS RELATING TO AMERICA. IN ONE VOL. FOLIO. (Arranged chronologically.) 1. Partie occidentale du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France, ou sont les nations des Ilinois, de Tracy, les Iroquois et plusieurs autres peuples; avec la Louisiane nouvellement decouverte, &c., par Le Pere Coronelli. Paris, 1688.W. C. 2. America septentrionalis, par le sieur Sanson d'Abbevile, geographe du roy. Paris, 1690.-W. C. 3. Partie de la Nouvelle-France, dedie a monseigneur le marquis de Seignelay et Lonze, Baron de Sceaux. Hubert Jaillot, 1700. -W. C. 4. Amerique septentrionale divisee en ses principales parties, qu'ils appartiennent presentement aux Francois, Castil 924 MAPS, &C. lans, Anglois, Su6dois, Danois, Hollandois, par le sieur Sanson. Hubert Jaillot. Paris, 1719. —-W. C. 5. La Californie ou Nouvelle-Caroline. Teatro de los trabajos apost6licos de la compafiia de Jesus enla America septentrional: dressee sur celle que le vice-roi de la NouvelleEspagne envoya, il y a peu d'annees a messieurs de l'Acadeiie des sciences; par N. de Fer, geographe de Sa Majeste catholique. Paris, 1720.- W. C. 6. Carte des Cotes M6ridionales de l'isle de Terre-Neuve, comprenant les Isles Royales et de Sable, avec la partie du grand bane ou se' fait la peche de la morue; dressee par Philippe Buache, et compar6e avec le plan de ces memes cotes et isles de la carte de M. Popple, de l'an 1733. Paris, 1736.V W. C. 7. Le Nouveau-Mexique, appelle aussi Nouvelle-Grenade et Marata, avec partie de Californie; par le P. Coronelli, corrigee et augmentee par le sieur Tillemon. Paris, 1742. - W. C. *8. A duplicate of No. 7, except that the year is put 168-. *9. North America. By the sieur d'Anville, greatly improved by Mr. Bolton. 1752. 10. Carte des pays connues sous le nom de Canada, par le sieur Robert Vaugondy. Paris, 1753. W. C. 11. Plan de la Ville de Quebec; Plan du port et ville de Louisbourgh; Plan of the town of Halifax, certified to be undertaken with the approbation, and at the request of the Lords Commissioners of Plantations. By John Pownall, Secretary. London, 1755. W. C. 12. Carte reduite du Golphe de St. Laurent, &c., pour le service des vaisseaux du Roi. Par Ordre de M. Rouille, 1754. —W. C. 13. Chart of the Banks of Newfoundland. London, 25th March, 1755. —W. C. 14. A large and particular plan of Shegnekto Bay, and the circumjacent country, with the forts and settlements of the French, till dispossessed by the English in June, 1775. — W. C. *15. L'Isthme de L'Acadie; Baye de Beeubassin (en Anglois, Shegnecto); Environs du Beausejour. Paris, Le Rouge, 1755. 16. Carte des possessions angloises et francoises du continent de l'Am6rique septentrionale.-Kaart Van de Engelsche en Fransche Bezittingen in het vaste land van Noord America, 1755. Amsterdam, R. et J. Ottens. —W. C. 17. Partie orientale de la Nouvelle-France on du Canada, par M. Bellin, communiquee au public par les h6ritiers de Homan, 1755.- W. C. 18. Partie occidentale de la Nouvelle-France on du Canada, par (43. MAPS, &c. 925 M. BelIin, communiquee au public par les heritiers de Homan, 1755. —-W. C. 19. Carte de l'Amerique septentrionale, depuis le 28c degr6 de lat. jusql'au 72e par M. 3ellin, 1755.W —. C. 20. A new and accurate map of the English empire in North America, representing their rightful claims as confirmed by charters, and the formal surrender of their Indian friends; likewise, the encroachments of the French, with several forts they have unjustly created therein. By a Society of Anti-Gallicans. London, 1755. —W. C.'21. A new map of Nova Scotia and Cape Britain, with the adjacent parts of NewXEngland and Canada. London. Thomas Jefferys, 1755. W. C.'22. North America. from the French of D'Anville, improved with the back settlements of Virginia and course of Ohio. London. T. Jefferys, 1755. —-- W. C. 22. America septentrionalis, a Domino d'Anville edita; Coloniis in interiorem Virginiam deductis nec non fluvii Ohio cursu aucta notisque geographicis et historicis illustrata. Sumptibus Homannianorum heredm. Noribergae, anno 1756. W. C. ~24. Carte des possessions francoises et angloises dans le Canada, et Partie de la Louisiane. Paris, 1756. —-W. C.'25. Vorstellung einiger Gegenden und Plaetze in Nord-America unter Franzbsischer und Englischer Jurisdiction, gehorig zu finden bey den Homannischen Erben in Niirnberg. Anno 1756. (Plans of Quebec, Louisburg, and Halifax.) W. C. -26 Nouvelle carte particuliere de PlAmerique, ouf sont exactement marques une partie de la baie de Hudson, le pays des Kilistinons, la source de la grande riviere de Mississippi, le pays des Illinois, la Nouvelle-Bretagne, le Canada ou Nouvelle France, Angleterre, York, Pensylvanie, &c. H. Popple, London, 175-6.- W. C. *27. Duplicate of No. 26, except that it purports to be published by Covens & Mortier, Amsterdam.'(NO DATES.) 28. Partie occidentale de l'Amerique septentrionale, ofu sont compris la baie de Baffin, la bale d'Hudson. Carte particuliere de l'Am6rique septentrionale, ouf sont compris le Detroit de Davis. le Detroit d'Hudson, etc. Amsterdam. - W. C. 29. Carte de la partie septentrionale des Etats-Unis, cornprenant le Canada, la Nouvelle-Ecosse, New-Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode-Island, Connecticut, New-York, et [STATE LIBRARY.] 58 926 MAPS, &c. I' tat de Vermont, avec une partie de la Pensylvaile et de New-Jersey. W. C. 30. Carte ge6nrale des Etats-Unis de l'AAmrique septentrionale, renfermant aussi quelcques provinces anglaises adjacentes. -W. C. 31. Nova Anglia, Septentrionalis Americe, iiplantata Anglorumque coloniis florentissima; geographice exhibita a Joh. Baptista Homann. NorimbergTe. — W. C. 32. Dominia Angloruin in America septentrionali specialibus mappis, Londini primum a Mollio edita, nune recusa ab Homannianis hered. W. C. 33. Carte nouvelle de l'Amerique anglaise, contenant la Virginie, Maryland, Caroline, Pennsylvania, Nouvelle-York, Nouvelle-Jersey, Nouvelle-France, et les terres nouvellement decouvertes; par le sieur S. A. Amsterdam. W. C. 34. Partie orientale de la Nouvelle-France ou du Canada, avec'ile de Terre-Neuve et de Nouvelle-Ecosse, Acadie, Nouvelle-Angleterre, avec la fleuve de St. Laurence, representee par Matth. Seutter. — W. C. 35. Carte de la Nouyelle-France, ou se voit le cours des grandes rivieres de Saint-Laurent et de Mississippi, aujourd'hui Saint-Louis, aux environs desquelles se trouvent les etats, pays, nations, peuples, etc., de la Floride, de la Louisiana, de la Virginie, de la Marielande, etc, Amsterdam. W. C. 36. Nouvelle carte particuliere de l'Amerique; ou sont exactement marquees les provinces suivantes, comme la Caroline meridionale, la Floride, la Lousiane, le Mexique, le Yucatan, le Guatimala, le Darien, et une partie de Cuba. H. Popple. Amsterdam. W-. C. 37. Nouvelle carte particuliere de l'Amerique, ou sont exactement marqu6es une partie de la bale d'Hudson, le pays des Kilistinons, la source de la grande riviere de Mississippi, le pays des Illinois. (This map is executed by Henry Popple, and its accuracy certified by Edmund Halley.) - W. C. 38. Nouvelle carte particuliere de l'Amerique, oui sont exactement marqu6s la Nouvelle-Bretagne, le Canada ou Nouvelle-France, la Nouvelle-Ecosse, la Nouvelle-Angleterre, la Pensylvanie, Maryland, la Caroline sept., l'ile de TerreNeuve, le Grand-Bane, &c. — T. C. 39. Le Canada, ou patrie de la Nouvelle-France, contenant la terre de Labrador, la Nouvelle-France, les iles de TerreNeuve, de Notre-Dame, &c. Amsterdam, chex Covefis et Mortier W. C. 40. Grand theatre de la guerre en Amnrique, suivant les plus nouvelles observations des Espagnols, Anglois, Fran9ois et Hollandois. R. et J. Ottens, Amsterdam. —W. C. -MAPS &c. 927 M41. Map of the British and French Dominions in North America, with the roads, distances, limits, and extent of the settlements. By Dr. John Mitchell. Amsterdam, Covens & Mortier. 7 sheets *42. Nova Anglia, Septentrionali Americe, implantata Anglorumque coloniis florentissima; geographice exhibita a J. B. Homann, Norimbergae. 43. Carte particuliere de la Caroline m6ridionale et septentrionale, et de la Virginie. W. C. 44. Carte de la Floride et de la Georgie. —W. C. 45. Carte particuliere de Virginie, Maryland, Pensylvanie, la Nouvelle-Jersey orientale et occidentale. -W.!C. 46. Pensylvania, Nova Jersey et Nova York, cum regionibus ad Flumen Delaware in America sitis. Par M. Seutterum. Aug. Vind.- W. C. 47. Recens edita totius Novi Begii. Matt. Seutter. Aug. Vind. - W. C. 48. Totius Neo-Belgii nova et accuratissima tabula. Ottens, Amsterdam. (With a view of the city of New-York.) W. C. 49. Carta particolare della Nuova Belgia e parte della Nuova Anglia. La longitudine comincia da l'isola di Pico d'Asores. D'America, Carta II. 50. Carta particolare della costa di Florida et di Virginia. D'America, Carta III. 51. Carta particolare della Virginia Vecchia e Nouva. D'America, Carta III. *52. Province de New-York, par ordre du Gouverneur. Paris. Le-Rouge. *53. Carte hydrographique de' Etat de New-York. Erast. Granger delin. Paris. *54. Plan des achats des Compagnies de POhio et du Scioto. *55. MS. map of the country north of the Gulf of Mexico, to Lake Michigan. 56. The Seat of War in America. Supplement au Courier de PEurope.- W. C. 57. Plan von New Ebenezer, overleght van M. Seutter. Augsburg. —- W. C. 58. Amplissimn regionis Mississippi, seu ProvinciTe Ludoviciange a R. P. Ludovico Hennepin, Francisc. miss. in America septentrionali, anno 1687 detectwe. J. Bapt. Iomanno. Norimbergae.- W. C. 59. Mappa geographica regionem Mexicanam et Floridam terrasque adjacentes, ut et anteriores Americae insulas. M. Seutter. Aug. Vind. —-W. C. 60. Tabula Mexicae et Floridae, terrarum anglicarum et anteriorum. Americae insularum; item cursuum et circuituum 928 MAPS) &C. fluminis Mississippi dicti. Amstel. Petrum Schenck. —W. C. 61. Plan de Havre de Boston, tir6 d'une plan Anglois. *62. Les principales forteresses, posts de L'Amerique septentrionale. *63. Imperfect map of North America, in opposition to the English claims. 2 sheets. 64. A Chart of the Bay of Placentia, on the south Coast of Newfoundland; surveyed by order of Commodore Shuldham, governor of Newfoundland and Labrador, &c. By Mich. Lane, 1772. — W. C. 65. A Chart of part of the coast of Newfoundland, from Point Lance to Cape Spear; surveyed by order of Commodore Shuldham, governor of Newfoundland, Labrador, &c. By Michael Lane, 1773. W. C. 66. A Chart of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, composed from a great number of actual surveys and other materials; regulated and connected by astronomical observations. London, 25th March, 1775. W. C. 67. A general chart of the island of Newfoundland, with the rocks and soundings. Draw from surveys taken by James Cook and Michael Lane, surveyors, and others, by T. Jeffreys. London, 1775.- W. C. 68. Course of the river Mississippi. from the Balise to fort Chartres; taken on an expedition to the Illinois, in the latter end of the year 1765. By lieut. Ross, of the 34th regiment. London, 1775.- W C. 69. A map of the island of St. John in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Improved from the late survey of Captain Holland; published April 6th, 1775. W. C. 70. The Bay of Honduras. By Thos. Jeffreys, geographer to His Majesty. London, 1775. —W. C. 71. Chart containing the coasts of California, New Albion, and Russian discoveries to the north, with the Peninsula of Kamschatka in Asia opposite thereto, and islands dispersed over the Pacific Ocean. London, 1775. —W. C. 72. The peninsula and gulf of Florida, or channel of Bahama, with the Bahama islands, by Th. Jeffreys, geographer to His Majesty. London, 1775. —— W. C. 73. An exact chart of the river St. Lawrence from Fort Frontenac to the soundings, rocks, shoals, &c., with views of the lands, &c.; all necessary instructions for navigating the river to Quebec. By Th. Jeffreys. London, 1775. -W. C. 74. A chart of North and South America, including the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, with the nearest coasts of Europe, Africa and Asia.~W. C. MAPS &c. 929 75. Russian Discoveries, from the map published by the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg. London, 1775. —- W C. 76. A new map of the Province of Quebec, according to the royal proclamation of the 7th of October, 1763; from the French surveys, &c. London, 1776. —-W. C. 77. A chart of Delaware bay and river, containing a full and exact description of the shores, creeks, harbours, &c. By Joshua Fisher, with the tide table, from the Capes to Philadelphia. &c. London, 1776. —W. C. *78. Plan of the City of Philadelphia, from an actual survey by Benj. Easburn, Surveyor-General, 1776. London, 1776.'79. Plan of the City of New-York. By Bernard Ratzer, Lieut. 60th Reg. Surveyed in 1.767. London, 1776. 80. A map of the inhabited part of Canada, from the French surveys; with the frontiers of New-York and New-England, from tl:ie large survey by Claude Joseph Sauthier, 1777. (Dedicated to Gen. Burgoyne.) 81. A Topographical Chart of tbe Bay f Narraganset in the Province of New England, with all the isles contained therein, among which Rhode Island and Cannonicut have been particu!arly surveyed; to which have been added the several works and batteries raised by the Americans; taken by order of the principal farmers on Rhode Island. By Charles Blaskowitz. London, July 22d, 1777. — W. C. *82. Plan of the City and Environs of Philadelphia. Surveyed by N. Scull and G. Heap. London, 1777. 83. L'Am6rique divis6e en ses principaux 6tats, assujettie aux observations astronomiques; par le sieurJanvier, geographe. A Paris, 1780. —W. C. 84. A map of America between latitudes 400 and 70~ north, and longitudes 450 and 180~ west, exhibitingMackenzie's track from Montreal to fort Chipewyan, and from thence to the North Sea in 1789, and to the west Pacific Ocean in 1793. London, 1801. — W. C. 85. Carte du Mexique et des pays limitrophes sitnus au nord et a lest, dressee d'apr-s ia grande carte de la Nouvelle-Espagne, de M. de Humboldt, et d'autres materiaux, par J. B Poirson. Paris, 1811.-W. C. 86. Map of Alabama, constructed from the surveys in the general Land-office and other documents, by John Mellish. Philadelphia, 1818. -— W. C, *87. Nouvelle Carte des Etats-Unis, du Haut et Bas Canada, de la Nouvelle-Ecosse, &c. Par A. H. Bru6. Paris, 1832. 88. A Chart of the Entrance of Cape Fear river, surveyed by order of the Secretary of the Navy. Executed by Lieut. James Glynn and his assistants. 4 sheets. 1839. 89. Map of Lake George. 1845. 930 MAPvs &C. 90. Map of Texas and the country adjacent, compiled for the State Department, under the direction of Col Abert, by Lieut. W. Emory. 1844. ATLAS OF MAPS, ENGRAVINGS, &c. (BOUND IN ONE VOL. FOLIO.) CONTENTS 1. Le Golfe de Mexique, et les provinces et isles qui lenvironnent, &c. Par N. De Fer, Geographe de Sa Majeste Catholique. 1717. —-. C. 2. Archipel du Mexique, &c. Par le P. Coronelli, Cosmographe de la Sereniss. Republique de Venise. Corrigee et augmentee par le Sr Tillemon. Paris, 1742. W. C. 3. Sinus Mexicanus. —-— W. C. 4. Le Golfe de Mexique, et les Isles voisines. Amsterdam, Pierre Mortier. W. C. 5. Golfe de Mexique. W. C. 6. The Coast of West Florida and Louisiana. By Thomas Jefferys, Geographer to his Majesty. W. C. 7. Carte d'une partie de l'Amerique, pour la navigation des isles et du golfe du Mexique, avec l'int6rieur des terres depuis la Bermude jusqula Cayenne partie m6ridionaleo Par M. Popple, avec quelques corrections par P. Buache en 1740.-W. C. *8. Carte des Cotes du Golfe du Mexique, compris entre la ponte sud de la presqu ile de la Floride, et la pointe nord de la presquile d'Yucatan, dressee cdapres les observations et les plans des Espagnols, et publiCe par ordre du Ministre de la Marine et des Colonies. L'an IX. (1801.) 9. Grandes Isles Antilles. ~W. C. 10. Carte des Antilles. W. C. *11. Carte r6duite des Isles Antilles, par M. Bellin' 1758. *12. Carte des Isles Antilles, par J. B. Poirson. L'an X. (1802o) *13. Carte generale des lles Antilles, des Iles et Bancs de Bahama, des Etats-Unis, et L'Amerique Centrale, de la Mer du Mexique. Par A.H. Bru6. Paris, 1832. *14. IDelineatio Insularum St. Christopheri, Barbadoes, Jamaica, Antigoa, Bermudes, &c. Curis. Homnann. Hered. *15. Nova Tabula exhibens Insulas Cubam et Hispaniolam, Insulas Lucias seu Bahamanas, ac Peninsulam Floridae. Ottens, Ams:erdam. 16. Carte de L'Ile de Trinidad et du Golfe de Paria, dressee pour le voyage de Dauxion Lavaysse, et d'apres les observ. astronomiques de MM. Churucca et De Humboldt. Par T. B. Poirson W. C. 17. Carte de L'Isle Cuba et des Isles Lucayes. —W. C. MAPS, &c. 931 18. Nouvelle Carte particuliere de L'Am6rique, ou sont exactemeint marquees les lies de Bermude, la Jamaique, Saint Domingue, les Antilles, Le Terre-Firme, &c. W. C, *19. Representation la plus nouvelle et exacte de Pile de la Martinique, la premiere des Lies de l'Am6rique Antilles, nommees Barlovento. MI1 Seutter, Augsbourg. -20. Carte de L'Isle Martinique. Presente a le comte de Maurepas, par P. Buache. Paris, 1732. 121. Carte reduite de L'Isle de la Martinique, dress6e au Depot des Cartes, &c. Par ordre de M. De Moras, Ministre, &c Par M. Bellin. ~22. Carte de L'sle de la Martinique, par T. Jeffreys. Paris, 1762.'23. Carte generale de la Martinique, par M. Monnier, &c. Publiee par ordre du Roi, sous la Ministere de Le Comte de Rigny en 1831. *24. Carte des Postes aux Lettres de L'Isle de Saint-Domingue. *25o Hiet Eyland Antigua, geleegen in West India, ouder de Caribis Eylanden. Amsterdam, Johannes Van Keulen. *26. Carte de L'Isle de St. Lucia, par Jeffreys. L'an X. (1802.) *27. Carte reduite de L:Isle de Saint-Christophe, par le S, Bellin, 1758. *28. Jamaica, America Septentrionalis, ampla insula a Christ. Columbo detecta. Per Nicolatum Visser, Amsterdam. *29. Nova designatio Insulae JamaicT, &c. A Matth. Seuttero. *30. A new map of Jamaica, drawn or corrected from actual surveys made by Mr. Sheffield and others, frnm 1730 to 1749. ByPatrick Brown. 1755. *31. Carte particuliere de L'Isle de la Jamalque, dressee auDep6t des cartes, plans et journaux de la marine, &c. Par M. Bellin, 1758. *32. La partie meridionale de L'Amrique, appelee Terre-Firme &c.; le pays et le cours de la Riviere des Amazons, &c. Par N. De Fer, G6ographe de Sa Majeste Catholique. Paris, 1719. 33. Typus Geographicus Chili, Paraguay, Freti Magellanici, ex PP. Alfonso d'Ovalle et Nicol. Techo, &c., &c. Homann. Heredibus. Norimb. 1733.-W. C. 34. Carte topographique de la baie, ville et faubourg de Carthagene, avec les fortes et batteries nouvellement 6tablis pour sa defense. Par M. Beauvain, Geographe ordin du Roi. Paris, 1741. 35. Pas kaart van't inkomen der Rivier Marawayne, geteekend door Capt. J. Morcomb in't yaar 1754. Te Amnterdam, Joannes Vankeulen. —W. C. ~36. Mappa geographica, complectens, 1. Indim, Occidentalis partem mediam circum isthmulm Panamensem; 2. Ipsum Isthmum; 3. Ichnographiam praecipuarum locorum et 932 MAP S&. portuum ad has terras pertinentium. Tradita a Ioomannianis heredibus. 1732. 37. Amerique Meridionale, divis6e en ses principales parties, suivant qu'ils appartiennent presentement aux Francois, Castillans, Anglois, Suedois, Danois, Hollandois. Par Sanson, Geographe ordinaire du roi. Jaillot. —-W. C. 38. Sinus Omnium Sanctorum. Amsterdam, Covel & Mortier. --. C. 39. Le Pays de Perou et Chili, selon les observations nouvelles dessine par M. Seutter, Geo. de 1'Empereur. Augsbourg. - W. C. 40. Tabula America specialis geographica Regni Peru, Brazilie, Terre Firm, et Reg. Amazonumn. Per Homan. Haeredes. - W. C. 41. Peru. Amstelod. apud Joan. Jansonium.-W. C. *42. Neu end vebesserter plan de stad u Hafens, Havanna et Carthegena. Norimb. a Houann HEered. 1739. *43. Scenographia Portus Belli (Porto Bello), ex prototypo Londinensi, recusa per Hsered. Homann. 1740. *44o A plan and prospect of the harbour, town and castle of Carthagena, presented to Admiral Vernon by Capt. Philip Durrell. London, 1743. 45. Carte reduite des les Isles Malouines, ou Isles Nouvelles, que l'Anglois nomment aujourd'hui Isles De Falkland. Par M. Bellin, Ingenieur 1771. —W. C. 46. Carte des decouvertes faites, dans la Mer Pacifique, sur le vaisseau de Roi, La Resolution, commande par le Captaine Cook, en 1774.~ W. C. 47. Chart containing the greater part of the South Seas to the south of the line, with the islands dispersed through the same; South America, with the adjacent islands in the Southern Ocean and South Sea. London, 1775. —W. C. *48. South America, with the adjacent islands in the Southern Ocean and South Sea. London, 1775. *49. Carte de L'Amerique Meridionale, par A. H. Brui. Paris,. 1820. *50. Carte generale de L'Amerique Meridionale, et des iles qui en dependent. Par A. 1. Bru6e. Paris, 1826. *51. Republique de Buenos-Ayres, ou des Provinces Unies de L'Amerique. Paris. *52. Carte g6nerale de Columbia, dressee par A. H. Brue6. d'apres des observations de M. A. De Humboldt. *53. Columbia, from Humboldt's and other recent observations. London, 1823. 54. Carte du monde primitif a l'6poque de la foundation des, premieres empires connues. —W. C. *55. Carte de Oceanic, ou Australasie et Polynesie. Par Herisson. Paris, 1820. MAPr, &c, 933 *56. Map of the island of Ceylon, by A. Arrowsmith. 1805, *57. iindoostan, by J. Rennel, F. R. S. 1752. *58. Carte de Perse et des contrees limitrophes. Par A. Bru6 et A. Balbi. Paris, 1826. *59. Chart of the Greek Islands, and adjacent coast from Smyrna to Lagos. By A. Arrowsmith (Additions to 1812). In two sheets. *60. Carte topographique du Bosphore de Thrace et des environs de Constantinople, levee par MM. Thomassin et Vincent, &c. Paris, 1828. 661. Chart of the East India Islands, exhibiting the several passages between the Indian and Pacific oceans. By A. Arrowsmith. (Additions to 1812.) In four sheets. 62. Carte des Isles Carolines et des Mariannes, ou des Larons.. W. C. *63 The City of Rome, from the plan of G. Nolli. London, 1799. *64. Map of the plain of Troy and the District of Ida, with the sources of the Simois and Scamander, from an actual survey by Kauffer, Engineer for Count Ludolf. London. Arrowsmith, 1803. *65. L'Asie, divisee en ses principaux etats. Par M. Bonne, Paris, 1780. *66. Plan de belle et magnifique maison de Monsieur a St. Cloud. Par N. De Fer. *67, Plan de St. Cloud, par M. L'Abbe Delagrive, Geog. de la ville de Paris. 1744. *68. Plan de la Foret de Compeigne, et des ses environs, presente a sa majeste en 1772. Leve par Sieur Bussa. ENGRAVINGS. *69. Collection des papier monneyes qui out cut cours depuis 1789 jusqu'a 1796. Paris. *70. Metrochrone Franqais, Style Caroline, par M. L'Abbe Lachiere. *71. The City of Mexico, and the Falls of Niagara. WEST INDIA ATLAS.- W. C. (ONE VOL. FOLIO.) CONTENTS. 1. Les Antilles et la Guayanne, par La Rochette, 1776. Le Rouge. Paris, 1779. 2. Les Bermudes, par Lampriere en 1775. Le Rouge, 1779. 3. Les Isles Turques, d'apres des lev6es de 1753, &c, Le Rouge, 1779. u9r4 MAPS &c. 4. Les Vierges, levees par les Anglais et par les Dannois. Le Rouge, 1779. 5. Isle St. Christophe, leve par Ravell et par Jefferys en 1775. Le Rouge, 1779. 6. Antigue, leve par Baker. Le Rouge, 1779. 7. Sainte Lucie, par Jefferys en 1775. Le Rouge, 1779. 8. La Barbade, par G. Mayo. Le Rouge, 1779. 9. Bequia on Becouya, le plus septentrionale des Granadilles, leve en 1763. 10. Tabago, par Jefferys en 1775. Le Rouge, 1779. 1:1. Curacoa, tire des originaux:l-ollandais par Van Keulen. Le Rouge, 1779. 12. Ruatan on Rattan, leve par Barnsley, augment6 par Jefferys en 1775. Le Rouge, 1779. 13. La Martinique, par Jefferys en 1775. Le Rouge. 1779. 6. MILITARY PLANS, &c. A SERIES OF PLANS RELATIVE TO THE EVENTS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. BOUN)D IN ONE VOLUME FOLIO. 1l. Plan of the town of Boston, with the intrenchment of his Majesty's forces in 1775; from the observations of Lieut. Page, of the Royal Engineers. London. Faden, 1777. 2. Boston, its environs and harbour, with the Rebels' works raised against that town in 1775. By Lieut. Page, with additions from sundry American plans. London. Faden, 1778. W. C. 3. Plan of the action at Bunker's Hiil on the 17th of June, 1775, between his Majesty's troops under Major General Howe, and the rebel forces. By Lieut. Page. The ground plan from an actual survey by Capt. Montresor.- W. C. 4. Plan of the City and Environs of Quebec, with its seige and blockade by the Americans, from the 8th of December, 1775, to the 13th of May, 1776. London. Faden, 1776. W. C. *5. Attack and defeat of the American fleet under Benedict Arnold, by the King's fleet, commanded by Capt. Thomas Pringle, upon Lake Champlain, the 11th of October, 1776. London. Faden, 1776. *6. Plan of the attack of Fort Sullivan, near Charleston in South Carolina, by a squadron of his Majesty's ships, 28th of June, 1776; with the disposition of the King's land forces, and the encampments and entrenchments of the rebels. From drawings made on the spot. London. Faden, 1776. 7. Plan of the operations of General Washington, against the MA PS & C. 935 King's troops in New Jersey, from the 26th of December, 1776, to the 3rd of January, 1777. By W. Faden. London, 1777.-W. C. 8. Plan of the operations of the King's army under the command of General Sir William Howe, in New-York and New-Jersey, against the American forces, commanded by General Washington, from the 12th of October to November, 1776; wherein is particularly distinguished the engagement on the White Plains, the 28th of October. By Claude Joseph Sauthier. London. Faden, 1777. -— W. C. 9. Battle of Brandywine, in which the rebels were defeated, Sept. 11, 1777, by the army under the command of Gen. Sir. W. Howe. From a plan drawn on the spot by S. W. Werner, Lient. of Hessian Artillery. London. Faden, 1778. W-. C. *10. British Camp at Truduffrin, from the 18th to the 21st:of September, 1777; with the attack made by Major Gen. Grey, against the rebels, near White Horse tavern, on the 20th of September. Drawn by an officer on the spot. London. Faden, 1778. 11. Sketch of the surprise of Germantown by the American forces commanded by Gen Washington, Octr. 1777. By Lieut. J. Hills Ass. Engineer. London. Faden, 1784.W. C. 12. Plan of the City and Environs of Philadelphia, with the works and encampments of his Majesty's forces under the command of Lieut. Genl. Sir W. Howe. London. Faden, 1779. W. C. 13. Plan of part of the provinces of Pennsylvania and East and West Jersey, showing the operations of the Royal army under the command of Sir W. Howx-e and Sir Henry Clinton, from the landing at Elk river in 1777 to the embarkation at Navasink in 1778. By Lieut. John Hills. London. Faden, 1784. -W —W. C. *14. Plan of the attacks of the Forts Clinton and Montgomery upon Hudson's River, which were stormed by his Majesty's forces under Sir Henry Clinton, October 6, 1777. Drawn from the surveys of Verplank, Holland and Metcalf, by Lieut. John Hills. London. Faden, 178-1. *15. Plan of the Town of Newport in Rhode Island, surveyed by Charles Blaskowitz. London. Faden, 1777. 16. Course of the Delaware river from Philadelphia to Chester; with the several forts and stockades raised by the Americans, and the attacks made by his Majesty's land and sea forces; with a plan of Fort Mifflin on Mud Island. London. Faden, 1785. —-— W. C. 17. Plan of the surprise of Stoney Point, by a detachment of the American army, commanded by Gen. Wayne, on the 936 MAPs) &Co 15th July, 1779; also of the works erected on Verplanck's point, for the defence of King's ferry, by the British forces, in July, 1779. From the surveys of Lieuts. Simpson, Campbell and Hills. London. Faden, 1784. —— W. C. 18. Plan of the Siege of Savannah, with the joint attack of the French and Americans, on the 9th of Octr. 1779. From a survey by an officer. London. Faden, 1784.-W~W C. *19. Sketch of the position of the British forces at Elizabethtown point, upon their return from Connecticut farm, in the province of East Jersey, under the command of General Knyphausen, on the 8th of June, 1780. London. Faden, 1784. 20. Sketch of the Battle of I-Hobkirk's Iill, near Camden, on the 25th of April, 1781. Drawn by Capt. Vallencey. London. Faden, 1783.-W. C. 21. Sketch of the Skirmish at Petersburg, between the Royal army under Gen. Phillips, and the American army commanded by Gen. Steuben, in which the latter were defeated, April 25, 1781. Ry Lieut. J. Hills. London. Faden, 1784. 22. The Marches of Lord Cornwallis, in the southern Provinces, now States of North America, (comprehending the two Carolinas,) with Virginia and Maryland and the Delaware counties. By W. Faden. London, 1785. —W. C. 23. Plan of Yorktown and Gloucester in the Province of Virginia, showing the works constructed for the defence of those posts by the British army, under the command of Lieut. Gen. Earl Cornwallis. By Lieut. J. Hills. London. Faden, 1784.- XW. C. 2. A SET OF PLANS AND FORTS IN AMERICA, REDUTCED FROM ACTUAL SRU7VEY. 1765. 12mo. London. PUBLISHED BY MARY ANN ROCQUE, TOPOGRAPHER TO HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, THE DUKIE OF GLOUCESTER. (Presented.) CONTENTS: 1. City of New-York, 10. Fort Frederick, (at Albany.) 2. City of Albany, 11. Fort of Ticonderoga. 3. City of Montreal, 12. Fort Stanwix. 4. City of Louisbourg, 13. Fort Edward. 5. City of Quebec, 14. Part of Fort George. 6. Fort Frederick, (St. John's 15. The Narrows near New-York. river.) 16. Fort Ligonier. 7. Town of IHalifax, (Nova Sco- 17. Entrenched work round Iartia.) kemer's house at the Ger8. Town of Schenectady, man Flaats. 9. Fort Niagara, 18. Fort Bedford. MAPS, &c. 937 19. Block House at the east of 25. Fort and Redoubts at Crown Oneda Lake. Point. 20. Fort at Saratoga. 26. Fort William Henry. 21. Fort William Henry with the 27. Stockade Fort at Oswego English Camps. Falls. 22. Royal Block House, with the 28. Fort at Pittsburgh or Du Environs at Fort Edward. Quesne. 23. Fort and Redoubts at New 29. Fort Brewerton, at west end Crown Point. of Oneda Lake. 24. Fort Frontenac. 30. Fort Ontario. 3. WAR WITH MEXICO. A Lithographic Plan of the Battle of Cerro Gordo, April 17 and 18, 1847. From surveys made by Major Turnbull and Capt. McClellan, Topl. Engineers. (Presented.) Lithographic Plan of the Siege of Vera Cruz, by the U. S. Troops under Major Gen. Scott, in March, 1847. From the Surveys made by Major Turnbull, Captains Hughes, McClellan and Johnston, and Lieuts. Derby and Hardastle, Topl. Engineers. (Presented.) Lithographic Plan of the Battles of Contreras, Cherubusco, Molino del Rey andChapultepec. Survey of the line of operations of the U. S. Army, under Major Gen. Scott, on the 19th and 20th August, and the 8th, 12th and 13th of September, 1847, made by Major Turnbull, Capt. McClellan and Lieut. Hardcastle, Topl. Engineers. (Presented.) Army Port Folio. By Capt. D. P. Whiting, U. S. Army. No. 1. Five Plates. 1. Encampment of U. S. Army, at Corpus Christi, Oct., 1845. 2. Monterey, after its capture by the.American Army. 3. Heights of Monterey, with Gen. Worth's division. 4. Valley towards Saltillo. 5. View of Monterey, from Independence Hill. Military Reconnaissance of the Arkansas, Rio del Norte, and Rio Gila, by Lieut. W. H. Emory, made in 1846-7, with the advanced guard of the Army of the West, under Brigadier General Kearny, 1847. Map of the Seat of War in Mexico, being a copy of General Arista's, taken at Reseca de la Palma,. with additions and corrections. New-York, 1847. (Presented by John Disturnell.) 7. GEOLOGICAL MAPS. Carte Geologique de la France. Par M. M. Dufresnoy et Elie Du Beaumont, 1841. (Presented by the Minister of Public Works of France.) 938 EGRAV INGS, -&C. Geological Map of Scotland, 1836. By J. Mlacculloch, M. D. Geological Map of the State of New-York, by Legislative Authority 1842. Agricultural and Geological Map of the State of New-York, by Legislative Authority, 1844. 8. PAINTING. 1. David Bailie Warden, Painted by- Vanderlyn; bequeathed by Mr. Warden to Isaiah Townsend, and by him presented to the Library. 9. ENGRAVING IS. A. PORTRAITS.-(Frarmed.) 1. John Adams. 10. General La Fayette. 2. John Quincy Adams. 11. Gen. La Fayette, (full length.) 3. Thomas H. Benton. 12. Richard M. Johnson. 4. John C. Calhoun. 13. Commodore McDonough. 5. Henry Clay. 14. Commodore Perry. 6. William H. Crawford. 15. Martin Van Buren. 7. William H. Harrison. 16. General Washington. 8. Andrew Jackson. 17. General Washington, (full 9. AndrewJackson,(fulllength.) length.) 18. Peter Stuyvesant. Engraved by Gimbrede, from an original by Vandyke. (Presented by Benjamin R. Winthrop.) 19. Right Rev. Alonzo Potter, (full length,) Mezzotinto, by Sartain, from a painting by Warner. 20. Zadock Pratt, (full length,) Painted by Francis and Engraved by Doney. (Presented by Hon. Z. Pratt.) 21. Robert Sears of New-York, (Presented by S. Wait.) 22. David D. Page, Principal of the State Normal School, Engraved by Welch from a daguerreotype by S. D. Humphrey. 23. Jeremias Van Rensselaer, of Rensselaerwyck, from a painting in the possession of the family. Engraved by Gavit & Duthie. (Presented Dr. O'Callaghan.) 24. Marquis de Pastoret, Chancellor of France. Engraved by Dupont from a painting by Paul de La Roche. (Presented by his son, Marquis de Pastoret, through M. Vattemare.) 25. Head of Columbus, from an authentic painting at Vicenza. Engraved by Bazer. (Presented by M. Jomard, through M. Vattemare.) 26. Head of Titian from his own painting. Engraved by Francois. Proof Print. (Presented by the Minister of the Inrior of France, through M. Vattemare.) E NG RAV INGS &c. 939 27. Head of Michael Angelo, from his own painting. Engraved by Francois. Proof Print. (Presentd by the Minister of the Interior of France, through M. Vattemare.) 28. Heads of American Naval Commanders. (Presented by S. G. Deeth.) B. PRINTS, LITHOGRAPHS, &C. Engravings presented by POPE Pius IX, contained in four large Portfolios. CONTENTS. FIRST CARTELLA OR PORTFOLIO. No. of Engravingso Camiere Vaticano de Raffaele,.................. 14 1. School of Athens. 2. Disputation on the Holy Eucharist. 3. Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple. 4. Attila arrested at the gates of Rome by the miraculous appearance of Peter and Paul. 5. Apollo and the Muses on Mount Parnassus. 6. Conflagration of Borgo arrested by a miracle of Leo IV. 7. Miracle at Bolsena. 8. Deliverance of St. Peter from Prison. 9. Donation of Rome to the Pope by Constantine. 10. Justification of Leo III before Charlemagne. 11. Coronation of Charlemagne. 12. Victory of Leo IV over the Saracens. 13. Baptism of Constantine 14. The Cross appearing to Constantine. Battle of Constantine,................... I Jurisprudence,............................. Four Sybils by Raphael,............................. Descent from the Cross, by Raphael,.................... 1 The Holy Trinity, by Raphael,.......................... 1 The Presentation of the Holy Child,...................... 1 The visit of the Magi,................................. Four Circular Paintings by Raphael, engraved by R. Morghen. Poetry, Justice, Philosophy, Theology,................. 4 The Virtues, by Raphael. Prudence, Faith, Moderation, Peace, Bravery, Hope. Innocence, Meekness, Justice, Religion, The Church, Confidence, Charity, Charity, Eternity,.. 15 40 940 ENGRAVINGS, &C. Engravings of various parts of the Pio-Clementino Museum. 1. The hall. 2. The right side of the hall. 3. The left side of the hall. 4. The cabinet. 5. Geometrical view of the gallery. 6. The gallery of busts. 7. Jupiter quarter of the long gallery. 8. First part of the right side of, do. 9. Second part of the right side of, do. 10. Cleopatra quarter of the long gallery. 11. The first part of the left side of, do. 12. The second part of the left side of, do. 13. Halls of the animals from Tevere. 14. Halls of the annimals from the Nile. 15. The right front of the portico. 16. The left front of the portico. 17. The court of the museum. 18. The circular vestibule. 19. The rotunda. 20. The vestibule of the Greek cross. 21. The stair case to the vestibule of, do. 22. The stair case to the gallery of the candelabra. 23. The gallery ot the candelabra. 24 The saloon of the chariot and horses. 25. View of the interior from the entrance. 26. Central view. Total. 66. SECOND PORTFOLIO. Prosetti de Michel Angelo. 9. Ezekiel. 1. Zorababel. 10. Josias. 2. Osias. 11. Eleazer, Nathan. 3. Roboam. 12 Jacob, Joseph. 4. Salmon. 13. Death of Goliath. 5. Achim, Aminibab. 14. Hanging of Haman. 6. Asa. 15. The brazen serpent. 7. Azor, Naason 16. Death of Holofornes. 16 8. Jesse. Lunette e Fenestra. Prophets and Sybils. 1. Zachariah. 2. Joel. 3. Erythrcea. 4. Ezekiel. 5. Persicha. 6. Jeremias. 7. Jonas. 8. Lybica. 9. Daniel. 10. Cumcean. 11. Isaiah. 12. Delphic................. 12 ENGRAVINGS, &C, 941 Quadrucci. (Engravings from the frescoes of Michael Angelo, in the Sistine Chapel of the Vatican.) 1. Creation of Day and Night. 2. Creation of the Great Lights, &c. 3. Creation of living things in the Waters. 4. Creation of Adam. 5. Creation of Eve. 6. Temptation in and expulsion from Paradise. 7. Commencement of the Deluge. 8. Noah's Altar Sacrifice. 9. Intoxication of Noah,.................... * 9 Outline Etchings of the Ceilings of the Sistine Chapel,..... 2 A View of the Interior of the Sistine Chapel,............... The Last Judgment,.......................... Engravings of various parts of the painting of the Last JudgPitture a mezzo macchia della Capella Sistna.. 1. Sermon on the Mlount. 2. Calling of St. Peter and St. Andrew. 3. Moses killing the Egyptian, &c. 4. Death of Moses. 5. Rebellion of Korah,..................... e o 5 o'5 57 THIRD PORTFOLIO. Vedute de Gemelin. (Engravings by him.) 1. Cascades of Tivoli. 2. The Sepulchre, by N. Poussin. 3. A Storm, by N. Poussin. 4. Flight into Egypt, by Claude Lorraine..:5. The Mill of Claude Lorraine. -. Large and Small Cascades of Tivoli. 7. Falls of Terni. 8. Grotto of Neptune at Tivoli. 9. Acis and Galatea, by Claude Lorraine. 10. Temple of Venus, by Claude Lorraine. 11. Rinaldo and Armida, by Poussin,..................... 11 Opera de Camuccini,..............................oa. 11 1. Death of Virginia, 2. Death of Julius Caesar, 3. Constancy of Regulus, 4. Roman Women bringing their Jewels, 5. The Mother of the Gracchi, B. The Magnanimity of Scipio, ISTATE LIBRARY.] 59 942 ENGRAVINGS, &C7. Horatius opposing the army of Porsenna, 8. Lucretia among her Handmaids, 9. Pompey the Great, 10. Psyche accepting the Nectar-cup from Jove, II. Curius Dentatus, refusing the Gifts of the Samnites. Paintei&, St. Francisco de Paolo,,...o..o.......... Camuccini Conversion of St. Paul,....................... Piety,.,........................ *.... The Presentation in the Temple,........ " I St. Thomas and the Saviour,.................. I Athalia,,...............,,,............ I Four large Engravings by Volpato,............ 4 1. Rites of Lucina,................ o Swanefeldt. 2. Mercury and the Shepherd,.......... Gasper Poussiu. 3. Dido and Jneas,.............. 4. Scene from Ovid,.................. Swanefeldt. Four smaller Engravings by- Volpato,...... 4 I. Temple of Delphos,..... C.......... Claude Lorraine. 2. Flight into Egypt,............... 3. Evening,........................ 4. Grotto of Egeria,.................... Cephalus and Procris,....................... Apollo and Mercury,..................., I The To of Clement XIII........... Sculptor, Canova, I Hercules,.......O... t....X............... Theseus Conquering the Centaur,.............. " I Italy at the Tomb of Alfieri,................... Benevolence,................., O.... " 1 The Wrestlers, Greugas and Damossenus,..'2 Religion).................................. Perseus, ~.. ~~~.~ ~.........P.-.*~a,.*.. 7 Hector, a. a....~o ~~e..o.~a. ~~~. ~~~~~ a.. ~' C Ajax,.................................... Paris,................. 1 George Washington, 0.......... a I, Being an Engraving of the Statue at Raleigh, N. C. 51 FOURTH PORTFOli0. Descent from the Cross,....................... Volteria, I Annunciation,............................. Guido, I Communion of St. Jerome,................... Domenichino, I Crucifixion of St. Sebastian,. s 1 Enthroning of the Madonna,.................. Perugino, Descent from the Cross,.................... Garafalo, I Adoration of the Shepherds,................... I ENGRAVINGS, &C. 943 Painters. Birth of Christ,............................ Pioubo, 1 Beatification of the Virgin..................... Guido, 1 St. Michael and the Dragon,.................. 1 The Assumption,............................ ". 1 Madonna,............. Sassoferato, I Rejoicing of Angels......................... Spagnuolo, The Aurora of................. Guido, 1 The Aurora of.............................. Guercino, 1 Flagellation of St. Andrew,............,...... Domenichino, 1 St. Andrew led to Martyrdom,............ Guido, 1 Apollo and the Muses,.......................Raphael Mengs,l Diana, Hunting,............................ Domenichino, 1 Christ and the Woman at the We1l,............ Garafalo, 1 Holy Family,.............................. e 1 Sacrifice of Noah,.....................*. N. Poussin, 1 Murder of the Innocents,.................... N. Poussin, 1 Peter receiving the Keys..................... N. Poussin, 1 Triumph of David over Saul,................ Domenichino, I Descent from the Cross,.......... Guido, 1 Ecce Homo,................................. Guercino, 1 Mater Dolorosa,......................... Guercino, I Mater Dolorosa,............................. Sassoferato, 1 Death of St. Cecilia,......................... Domenichino, 1 Holy Family,..................... Ricciani, I Madonna,..e......................... Raphael, 1 Gregory IX,..............*.. Raphael, I St. John in the Wilderness, (Morghen, engraver,). Guido, 1 The four Evangelists,........................ Domenichino, 4 The four circular paintings in the church of St. Silvestro di Monte Cavallo............ Domenichin, 4 1. David dancing before the Ark. 2. The Queen of Sheba and Solomon. 3. Judith showing the Head of Holofornes. 4. Esther in a Swoon before Ahasuerus. Holy Family,............................... Garafalo, I St. Sebastian,.......................... Guercino, Madonna..................... Rubens, 1 Ecce Homo,............................... Corregio, 1 The Crucifixion,................. Guido, 1 The Cumeian Sybil,.......................... Domenichino, 1 The Cumana Sybil,.......................... Domenichino, I The Persian Sybil,.......................... Guercino, I Mary Magdalen,...........................Murillo, 1 The Entombment of Jesus,................... Caravaggio, 1 52 Total,.. 226 Engravings. = 944 ENGRAVI-NGS &C. ENGRAVINGS'PRESENTED BY THE AMERICAN ART UNION, NE W-YORK. 1. General Marion in his swamp encampment inviting a British officer to Dinner, 1841. Painted by White, engraved by Sartain. 2. The Artist's Dream 1841. Painted by Comegys. Engraved by Sartain. 3. Caius Marius on the Ruins of Carthage, 1842. Painted by Vanderlyn, and engraved by Schofi. 4. Farmer's Nooning, 1813 Painted by Mount and engraved by Jones. 5. Sparking, 1844. Painted by Edmonds and engraved by Jones 6. The Capture of Major Andre, 1845. Painted by Durand and engraved by Jones. 7. Escape of Capt, Wharton; Etching. 1844. 8. Sir Walter Raleigh, parting with his Wife, Engraved by Burt, from a Painting by Leutze, 1846. 9. The Jolly Flat Boatmen. From a Painting by Bingham. Engraved by Doney. 1847. 10. Rip Van Winkle, Illustrated in six Engravings. Designed and etched by Da.rley. 1848. 11. A Sybil, Painted by Huntington, and Engraved by Cassilear. 1848 12. The Signing of the Death Warrant of Lady Jane Gray. Painted by Huntington, and Engraved by Burt. 1848. 1. Battle of Bunker Hill. Painted by Trumbull, and engraved by Muller. London, 1798. W. C. 2. Death of General Montgomery. Painted by Trumbull, and engraved by Clemens. London, 1798. W. C. 3. Signing of the Declaration of Independence. Painted by Trumbull, and engraved by Durand. 4. Declaration of Independence. 5. Monumental Engraving in honour of De Witt Clinton. 6. Plan of the Naval and Military Operations before Quebec, and the death of Gen. Wolfe in 1759, in a gilt frame. (Presented by Alfred Hawkins ) 7. United States Senate Chamber in 1842, with 96 likenesses of Senators and other distinguished persons. Published by Anthony, Clark, & Co., 1846, with a key to the same. 8. The First Prayer in Congress, from a painting by Matteson Engraved by H. S. Sadd. 9. Washington, delivering his Inaugural Address at the Old City Hall, New-York, from a painting by Matteson. Engraved by Sadd. ENGRAVINGS) &c. 945 10. The first Trial by Jury. Engraved by Sadd, from a painting by Cope. In a rosewood frame. (Presented by Dr. Alex. 14. Stevens. New-York.) 11. View near Fort Miller, Washington County N. Y., from a painting by Wall; engraved by J. Hill. 12. View near Jessup's Landing from a painting by Wall, engraved by J. R. Smith. 13. Engraved View of the Tomb of Columbus at the Havannah. (Presented by the Chevalier Lowensteil, through M. Vattemare.) 14. Portraits of the Imperial Family of Russia. in the costume of the Middle Age. From a painting by Horace Vernet, and Engraved by M. Jazet. Proof Print. Presented by M. Jazet through M. Vattemare. 15. An Engraved View of the Artesian Well at Grenelle, sunk to the depth of 1686 Feet, and exhibiting the strata passed through. This well yields 3,500,000 Gallons of Water. every 24 hours. (Presented by the Minister of the Interior of France through kM. Vattemare.) Three Lithographed Views of the Exterior and Interior of the New-York Post Office, 1815 (in frames.) (Presented by Jno. L. Graham.) Fac Similes of the Signatures of the three first Directors General, the Dutch Clergymen, and other principal men connected with the affairs of New Netherland. (Presented by E. B. 0' Callaghan.) A sheet of the Maritime Flags of all Nations. New-Haven, 1846. (Presented by S. G. Deeth.) A Thermometrical Table on the Scale of Fahrenheit, Centigrade and Reaumur, comprising the most remarkable phenomena, chemical and physiological, connected with Temperature. By Alfred S. Taylor. London, 1845. Engraving of the Presentation of the Writings of Robert Sears of New-York to Queen Victoria, (framed.) Presented by S, Wait.) Engraving of the Seal of the Sultan of Borneo, taken from the cover of Capt Mundy' s Narrative of events in Borneo, and Celebes 1848. (Framed.) Pass of the Ship Parnasso, containing the Autographs of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Found in the garret of an old house in Broadway, New-York, once occupied by Col. Burr. (Presented.) Disturnell's United States National Register 1847 and 1850, on two Broad Sheets, with an Engraving of the Capitol at Washington. (Presented by J. Disturnell.) Diagrams of the New-York Senate and Assembly Chambers, 1847 and 1848. (Presented by J. E. Gavit.) 946- ENGRAV IN GS &Ce A Folio Volume of Engravings, containing views of upwards of 30 cities and towns in Asia, Africa and America, (without Title.) The only town in the United States that is figured is Niew, Amsterdam at New-Yorck. The engraving bears this inscription. Carolus Allard, exe. cum privilegio ord. Holl. et Westf. Its date is probably shortly after the Conquest by the English. Scenographia Americana, or a collection of views in North America and the West Indies. Engraved by Messrs. Sandby, Gregnion, Rooker, Elliot, Canot, &c., from Drawings qn the spot, by officers of the British army and navy. Folio. London, 1768. (Containing 74 engravings,) viz Map of North America 7 of Belleisle; I of Cape Breton 6 of Halifax; 22 of Quebec and its vicinity, including views of the Battie between Wolfe and Montcalm. 2 Montreal and Louisburgh; 2 City of New-York; 2 Boston, Charleston, (South-Carolina); I Hudson River, at the entrance of the Tappan sea; 1 Passaick Falls; 1 Hudson River, Pakepsey and the Catskill Mountains 1 Great Cohoes Falls, sketched by Governor Pownall 1 View of Bethlem, the Moravian Settlement; 1 Beginning and completion of an American Settlement, sketched by Governor Pownall I North View of Pisaiach Falls, (New-Jersey); 1 East View of Niagara Falls; 3 Views of the Cataracts on the Casconchiagon, or Little Senecas River on Lake Ontario; I Pensacola; 10 Havanna; 1 Roseau, (Island of Dominica); 3 Fort Royal, (Island of Guadaloupe) 3 Island of Antigua; 2 Cartagena. 51 PROOF IMPRESSIONS OF THE ENGRAVINGS Accompanying the 1st volume of the Documentary History of the State of Yew-York. (Presented by the Secretary of State.) French Plans of Forts Ontario and Pepperell. or Chouaguen, 1756. From Memoires sur le Canada. Published by the Quebec Historical Society, 1838. Engraved by Gavit & Duthie. English plan of the Forts Ontario and Oswego, with the part of the E N A v NGS &C. 947 River Onondaga and Lake Ontario, 1756. From the Gentlemen's Magazine, 1757. Engraved by do. Fort La Presentation, anno 1749, now Ogdensburgh, St. Lawrence county. From the Memoires sur le Canada, 1838. Engraved by do. Outline of the Mohawk River and Wood Creek, showing the relative positions of Fort Bull, Fort Williams and the German Flats. From a MS. in the Department. Engraved by do. Plan of Oswego, 1727. From the (Brodhead) Paris Documents, vol. 8; purporting to have been executed by Chaussigros DeLevy, at Montreal. Engraved by do. -Southwest View of Oswego, on Lake Ontario. Copied by D. Vaughan from Smith's iistory of New-York. 4to. London, 1757, Engraved by do. Copies (2) of Indian Drawings, from the Brodhead Documents. Engraved by do. 10. BUSTS. 1. William H. Seward. 2. Silas Wright, in plaster, by Tozoni. Presented by Dr. Wendell. 3. Samuel Beardsley. Presented by the artist, Edward A. Clute, of Utica. 11. MEDALS. WARDEN OOLLECTION. 1. Figure of Liberty, with the following circular legend:: Libertas americana 4 Juil. 1776; on the reverse:.JVon sine Diis animosus infans; exergue: 17-19 oct. 1777-1781.-W. C. 2. Portrait of Edward Preble. Legend: Edwardo Preble, duci strenuo. Comitfa americana; reverse: Commerce, vindici commercii americani, ante Tripoli, 1804.- W. C.'3. Portrait of Paul Jones. Legend: Joanni Paulo Jones, classis praefecto,. Comita americana. —W. C. 4. Portrait of Franklin. Legend: Benj. Franklin, natus Boston, 17 jun. 1706; reverse: Eripuit celo fulmen, sceptrumque tyrannis.- W. C. 5. Portrait of Nathaniel Greene. Legend: JVathanieli Green, egregio duci, Comilia Aqmericana.- W. C. ~6. Battle of Cowpens. Legend: Victoria libertatis vindex; exergue: Pugati captis aut ciesis ad Cowpens hostibus, 17 jun. 1781. W. C. 7. Figure of Victory. Legend, Salus regionum australium; exergue: Hostibus ad Eutaw debellatis die viii sept. 1781.W.C. 8. Figure of Liberty. Libertas americana, 1783. On the reverse, a figure representing the American Union, with these words: Communi consensu. -W. C. 948 ENGR A INGS &c. PRESENTED BY THE MINISTERS OF THE INTERIOR AND OF PUBLIC WORKS OF FRANCE. International Jg'ency of.41. Vattemare. 1. Battle of Navarino. Bust of Admiral De Rigny. Reverse, The genius of the French Navy, with a thunderbolt in one hand, and a ship and palm leaf in the other. Inscription, " Battaile de Navarin, 20 October, 1827." Engraver, Domard. 2. The Introduction of Steam. A steamer at full speed. LA la glorie des savans et des Industriels, 1845." Exerge, "La puissance de la vapeur brave les calmes, Ec." Reverse, Railroads, with cars, locomotives, &c. Engraver, Caque. 3. To the Memory of the brave defenders of Mazagram, 1840. The genius of Victory distributing crowns. Reverse: The names of the 126 soldiers who made the defence. Engraver, Caque. 4. Enlargement of the Palace of the Chamber of Peers, 1838. Portrait of the King, Louis Philippe, with an inscription stating the above. Reverse, Portrait of Mary de Medicis. Inscription, " Palais de Mary de Medicis, construit en 1645, sur le Terrain de L'Hotel de Luxembourg, par Jaques Debrosse. Engraver, Bovy. 5. Visit of the Royal Family of France to the Mint. Portraits of the King and Queen. Reverse, Portraits of the Princess Adelaide and all the Royal Family. Engraver, Barre. 6. Laying of the Corner-Stone of the New Stamp Office. Portrait of Louis Philippe.'"Loi du 15 Juillet, 1845." Reverse, Representation of the official stamp issued in public proceedings, with an inscription commemorative of the laying of the corner-stone by the Ministers of Public Works and of Finance. Engraver, Borel. 7. Laying of the Corner-Stone for the New Palace of the Department of Foreign Affairs. Portrait of the King. " Loi du 15 Juillet, 1845." Reverse, View of the Palace. Exerge, " Droit des Gens." Inscription, with the date of the laying of the corner-stone. Engraver, Fournera. 8. Surrender of the Castle of St. Juan d'Ulloa. Portrait of the King. Reverse, the genius of France planting the National Flag on the Castle. " Castello S. Joannis Ulua expugnato D. 27 Nov. 1838." Engraver, Depaulis. 9o Laying of the Corner-Stone of the New Library of St. Genevieve, Paris. Portrait of the King, supported by Science and Lit. erature. Reverse, Interior view of the Library, with the date of the laying of the corner-stone. Engraver, Fournera. (Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, are presented by the Minister of the Interior of France; and Nos;. 4, 6, 7, 9 by the Minister of Public Works-.) ENGRAVI NGS &Co 949 PRESENTED BY THE AMERICAN ART-UNION OF NEW-YORK. 1. Washington Alston, in bronze, by Wright, 1847. 2. Gilbert Stuart, in bronze, by Wright, 1848. PRESENTED TO THE STATE OF NEW-YORK BY HIS HOLINESS PIUS IX. International Jgency of J31. Vattemare. [The following description is principally compiled from a communication obtained through the kind offices of the Right Rev. Bishop Hughes, at whose instance it was prepared, by one of the clergy of his diocese, and also from the official description prepared at Rome, and accompanying the medals.] GOLD. 1. Inscription. Pius IX P.. El. Die xvii. Cor, Die xxi. Jun. anno 1846. Effigy of the Pope, G. Cerbara fecit. Reverse: The Bust of the Holy Apostles with nimbus. Legend: Romse, Parentes, arbitrique gentium. (A medal coined for the festival of these princes of the Apostles to perpetuate the memory of the election, and the coronation of Pope Pius, which last ceremony took place at St. Peters, on the 21 st of June, 1846.) 2. Inscription. Pius IX. Pontifex Maximus. Anno 1. Effigy of the Pope, G. Cerbara, fecit. Reverse: Three figures. Sacros S. Ledis Later. Possess. vi. Idus, Nov'r, 1846. (Sacros Sedes Lateranensis possessio or possessus.) Although St. Peter in Vaticano is the largest and noblest church in Rome, St. John in Laterano is considered as preceding it in dignity. It is more ancient than the Vatican, and was before it the residence of the Pontiff This medal was coined in honor of the ceremony of t aking possession of the cathedral church. " The three figures on the reverse, represent Justice, Peace and Concord, in friendly union. These form an allegory of the amnesty granted by tie Holy Father, to the political offenders, in the edict of July 16, 1846." 3. Inscription. Pius IX. Pont. Max. An. 1847. Effigy of the Pope. G. Cerbara, inc. Reverse: The Interior of the Cottage of Nazareth, with the holy family engaged in labor and domestic duties. In laboribus a juventate mea; and below, Benemerentibus ex Sodalitio S. Jos. Edmensi. This medal was struck by order of the Pope for the Holy Guild of St. Joseph at Edinburgh, on the occasion of the arrival at Rome of two members of the Guild, charged with the honor of paying its respects to the Pope. In laboribus, &c., is the motto of the Brotherhood of St. Joseph, instituted for the religiousmoral and physical improvement of the working classes. 9050 EEN R1GAVISNG5) &Cb SILVER. 4. Inscription. Pius IX. PontifexMaximus. Effigy of thePope. G0 Cerbara, f. Reverse. Basilic. S. Pauli ex incendio 13 Jul., 1823. With a prospective view of the Ostian Basilica, (Church of St. Paul,) dedicated to the Apostle of the Nation, as it was found after the terrible fire which injured it in 1823. "' This medal which was also coined in the Pontificate of Gregory XVI, is now re-coined, to remind posterity of the ruin of so magnificent a monument, on whose rebuilding the Roman Pontiffs are bestowing every care and labour.' BRONZE, 6. Inscription. Pius IX. Pont, Max. Anno, IIb Effigy of the Pope. G. Girometti, f. Reverse. Two Colossal Statues. Basilicae Vaticanwe decus additum, 1847. The Colossal Statues of the Holy Apostles, Peter and Paul, erected by the Pontiff in the Piazza of the Vatican, upon noble pedestals of Marble, at the two extremities of the steps of the Basilica," 6. Inscription. Pius IX. Pont. Max. Anno. II. Effigy of the Pope. G. Girometti, f. Reverse. Legatione perfunctis ad Pius IX. Pont. Max. Electumn nomine, Magni Turci, Domini. An. 1847. "The inscription forms the subject of the Medal, which the Pontiff ordered to be coined expressly for the decoration of those who accompanied his Excellency) Chekib Effendi, in his Mission as Ambassador Extraordinary from the Sublime Porte to the Holy See.' Total,.,. b. e 295 medals. LAW BOOKS6 SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE OF BOOKS ADDED0 To January 1, 1850. I The following works twere received while tle Catalogue was in press6 They are here added in order to complete the enumeration to the date named above,^ All the books mentioned in this Catalogue are of octavo size) unless otherwise mentioned; Aston's (J. J.) Law of Pauper Lunacy and Pauper Lunatic Asylums, with an Appendix of the Criminal Lunatic Acts. London, 1849. 1 vol. 12mo. Ayckbourn's (Hubert;) New Chancery Practice $ comprising all the alterations effected by the recent Orders and Statutes, &c. 3d edi Revised by Thomas W. and Hubert Ayckbourno London, 1849. 1 Vol. 12mo, Backus (Joseph.) The Justice of the Peace j being a General Directory and Forms proper, &c. according to Common and Statute Law, now in force in the State of Connecticut. To which is added the Constable. Hartford, 1816. 1 vol, (Presented by George Brinley, Jun.) Backus (Joseph.) Complete Constable. See " Backus (Joseph,) Justice of the Peace."' Bradley7 s (Edward,) Speech in the Court of Queen's Bench, June 15, 1847, in the case of the Queen v, The Parish of St.Giles-in-the-fields. See;"Ptsey's (E, B,) Marriage with a deceased wife's sister." Bail Court Reports. By Thomas W, Saunders and Henry Thomas Cole. vol. 1 containing the cases determined in Hilary, Easter, Trinity, Michaelmas and Hilary Terms, 9th and 10th Victoria. London, 1847. I.J1. Batten's (Edward,) Practical Treatise on the Law relating to the specific performance of contracts. London, 1849. 1 vol. Bayford (Dr.) Argument of, in behalf of the Rev. J. C. Gorham (Gorhan, Clerk, against the Bishop of Exeter,) in the Arches Court of Canterbury, March, 1849. 2d ed. corrected, Lona on, 1849. 1 Vol. 952 LAW Booxs., Beavan's (Charles,) Reports of Cases in Chancery, argued and determined in the Rolls Court, during the time of Lord Langdale, Master of the Rolls. vol. 9, 1845- 46 9th and 10th Vict. vol. 10, 1846 - 47, 10th and 11th Vict. London, 1848 -9. 2 vols. Bell's (Sydney S.) Cases decided in the House of Lords, on appeal from the Courts of Scotland. 9th and 10th Vict. Session of Parliament 1846. vol. 5. By appointment of the House of Lords. London, 1846. 1 vol. Best's (W. M.) Principles of evidence. See " Law Library," vol. 66. Rlackstone's (William,) Commentaries on the Laws of England. 2d ed. Oxford. Clarendon Press, 1766 -69. 4 vols. 4to. Burke's (Peter,) Celebrated Trials, connected with the aristocracy in the relations of Private Life. London, 1849. 1 vol. Calendar of the Court of Appeals, January Term, 1850. Commencing January 2d (Wednesday) at the Capitol, Albany. Albany, 1850. 2 pamphlet copies. (Presented by the Cl'k of the Court of Appeals.) Cases on Appeals, House of Lords. 1719 - 21; 1722 - 24; 172425; 1726-7; 1727 -29; 1729-30; 1730-31; 1731-32; 1734-35; 1737-40; 1737-43; 1818,&c. (Thelastvolume containing the Queensberry; Lucton Free School and Vanldeleur Cases. 12 vols. Folio. Clark (Charles.) See HIouse of Lords' Cases," vol. 1. Cobb (Thos. R. Ro) See " Georgia Reports," vols. 5 and 6. Cole (Henry Thomas.) See " Bail Court Reports," vol. 1. Common Bench Reports. Cases argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas. From East. Term 1847, to East. Tern 1848. By James Manning, T. C. Granger and John Scott. vols. 4 and 5. London, 181-8 9. 2 vols. Common Law Reports. vol. 57. Manning, Granger and Scott. vol. 5. 1 vol. Cowel's (Dr.) Interpreter. The Interpreter of words and terms, used either in the Common or Statute Laws of the Realm, and in Tenures and Jocular Customs, &c. First published by Dr. Cowel in 1607, and continued by Thomas Manley in 1684. London, 1791. 1 vol. Folio. Cox (Edward W.) Reports of Cases in Criminal Law, argued and determined in all the Courts in England and Ireland. Edited by. Vol. 1, 1843 to 1846. Vol. 2, 1846 to 1848. London, 1846 - 48. 2 vols. Craig (R. D.) See " Mylne and Craig's Reports." Crawfird (George) and Dix's (Edward Spencer) Reports of cases argued and ruled on tle Circuits in Ireland, during 1843 - 44- 45- 46; with notes of cases ruled at the Nisi Prius Sittings in Dublin. vol. 3. Dublin, 1847. 1 vol. Curran's (John Philpot) Speeches. Complete and correct edition, LAW BooKs. 953 Edited with Memoir and Historical Notices, by Thomas Davis. Dublin, 1845. 1 vol. Davis (Thomas.) See' Curran's Speeches." De Gex (John P,) and Smnale's (John) Reports of cases decided in the High Court of Chancery, by the Right Hon. Sir J. L. Knight Bruce, Vice-Chancellor. From Mich. Term, 10th Vie., 1846, to the end of Mich. Vac. 1847: with a few cases in 1848 - 49. (Being in continuation of the Reports of Mr. Collyer.) vol. 1. London, 1848. 1 vol. Dix (Edward Spencer.) See " Crawford and Dix's Reports." Douglass' (Samuel T.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Michigan. vol. 2. From January Term, 1845, to January Term, 1847. Detroit, 1849. 1 vol. (Presented by tie State of Michigan, through Gov. Fish.) Dowling (Alfred) and Lowndes' (John James) Reports of cases argued and determined in the Queen's Bench Practice Court, with the Points of Pleading and Practice decided in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer, from Trin. Term, 1817, to East. Term, 1848. vol. 5. London, 1849. 1 vol. Dunbar (Rev. Sir William) Bart., v. the Right Rev. William Skinner, D. D. Report of the speeches of Counsel, and the opinions of the Judges in the first division of the Court of Session. March 3, 1849. With an account of the previous proceedings. Edinburgh, 1849. 1 vol. Endorsement (The Contract of.) With notes and references; with a practical form for a Notice of Dishonor from Chitty. By Leges. Auburn, 1849. 1 vol. Exchequer Reports (The.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber. From Trin. Term, 10th Vie., 1847, to Hil. Term, 11th Vie., 1848, both inclusive. vol. 1. By W. N. Welsby E. T. Hurlstone, and J Gordon. London, 1849. 1 vol. Farren's (J. W.) observations on the offices of the Masters in Chancery, with extracts from the books and notes of one of the Masters. London, 1848. 1 vol. Finnelly (W.) See " House of Lords' cases," vol. 1. Forsyth's (William) Hortensius; or the Advocate. An Historical Essay. London, 1849. 1 vol. Georgia Reports. Reports of cases in Law and Equity in the Supreme Court of the State of Georgia: Vol. 4. From Savannah Term to Hawkinsville Term. Jas. M. Kelly and Thomas R. R. Cobb, Reporters. Athens, 1848. vol. 5. From Americus Term to Milledgeville Term, 1848, inclusive. James M. Kelly, Reporter, and Thos, R. R. Cobb, Assistant Reporter. 954 LAW BOO-s. vol. 6. From Savannah Term to Milledgeville Term, 1849, inclusive. Thomas R. R. Cobb, Reporter. Athens, 1849. 3 vols. Gordon (J.) See' Exchequer Reports (The,") vol. 1. Gorham (Clerk,) against tne Bishop of Exeter. See " Bayford's Argument." Granger (T. C.) See' Common Bench Reports," vols. 4 & 5, and " Common Law Reports,"' vol. 57. Grattan's (Peachy R.) Reports of cases decided in the Supreme Court of Appeals, and in the General Court of Virginia. From April 1st, 1848, to April 1st, 1849. vol. 5. Richmond, 18490, vo-l. Greene' s (George) v e'.fprts of Cases in Law and Equity, determined in the Su:-m-e n Courrt of the State of Iowa, vol. 1. From January Teri^n 1i847, to July Term, 1848. With an Appendix cont ai:i3-g the case of Telford v. Barney, in the District Court of Lee County, November Term, 1848. Before Olney, Judge. Dubuque, (Iowa,) 1849. 1 vol. Hall (Willis,) Attorney-General. The opinion of the, on the legality of the conduct of Robert H. Morris, Recorder of the city of New-York, in going to the house of one Pierce, in the night time, and seizing certain private papers. Given on the requisition of Gov. Seward. Albany, 1841. 1 vol. (Presented by John Hancock.) Halsted's (George B.) Reports of cases determined in the Court of Chancery, and in the Prerogative Court, and on Appeal in the Court of Errors and Appeals of the State of New Jersey. vol. 1. April Term, 1845, to July Term, 1848. Elizabethtown, 1849. 1 vol. (Presented by the State of New Jersey, through Gov. Fish.) Hare (J. I. C.) See' White and Tudor." Hare's (Thomas) Reports of cases argued in the High Court of Chancery, before the Right HIon. Sir James Wigram, Vice Chancellor. vol. 6. 1846 -49. 10th, 11th, 12th Vie. London, 1849. 1 vol. Hayden's (Chester) Law and Practice of Justices of the Peace, in their miscellaneous duties and jurisdiction, &c. Albany, 1850. 1 vol. Holt's (Sir John) Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench. The Life of. Containing several arguments touching the rights and liberties of the people, by his Lordship, and an abstract of his Will, &c. By a Gentleman of the Inner Temple. London, 1764. 1 vol. Horne (Thomas Hartwell.) See " Polson." House of Lords' Cases on Appeals and Writs of Error, Claims of Peerage and Divorces, during the Sessions 1847 and 1848. By Charles Clark and W. Finnelly. vol. 1. London, 1849. 1 vol. LAW Boo OKS. 955 HToward's (Benjamin C.) Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, January Term, 1849. vol. 7. Boston, 1849. 1 vol. Hurlstone (E. T.) See Exchequer Reports," vol. 1. Irish Equity Reports,,or cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, the Rolls Court, and the Equity Exchequer, during the years 1846 -47 -48. vols. 9 & 10. John E. Walsh, Edward S. Trevor, John F. Waller, Ross S. Moore, Lewis Morgan, John Croker Creighton, and William St. Leger Babington, Reporters. Dublin, 1847-48. 2 vols. Irish Lawi Reports, or cases argued and determined in the Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer of Pleas, during the years 1846-47-48. vols. 9 & 10. John S. Armstrong, Wm. H. Faloon, Michael R.. Westropp, Ross S. Moore, Lewis Morgan and Dominick McCausland, Reporters. Dublin, 1847-48. 2 vols. Jeremy's (Henry) Analytical Digest of the Reports of Cases decided in the Courts of Common Law aad Equity, of Appeal and Nisi Prius, and in the Ecclesiastical Courts, in the years 1847 and 1848. London, 1848- 9. 2 vols. Jones (Thomas) and Latouche's (Edmund Digges) Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Sugden. vol. 3. 18451846. 9 Vict. Dublin, 1849. 1 vol. Kelly (James M.) See " Georgia Reports," vol. 5. Lambard's (William,) Archion, or a Commentary upon the High Courts of Justice in England. London, 1635. 1 vol. 12mo. Langdale (Lord,) See "Beavan's Reports," vols. 9 and 10. Law Library (The,) vol. 64. Sugden's Law of Property. 1 vol. vol. 65. White and Tudor's Leading Cases in Equity, with American Notes by Hare and Wallace. 1 vol. vol. 66. Macqueen on Husband and Wife. Part 2. Lewis' Law of Perpetuity, Supplement to Best on the Principles of Evidence. 1 vol. Law List (The.) January 1st, 1849. By William Powell. London, 1849. 1 vol. 12mo. Law Magazine(The) or Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence. For February, 1849. Vol. 41 Old Series. Vol. 10 New Series. London, 1849. 1 vol. Le Baron (Felix'A.) Le Code des Etrangeres, ou Recueil des lois et de la Jurisprudence Anglais, concernant les Etrangeres dans la Royaurme Uni de la Bretagne et D'Irelande et tous les Autres domaines Bretons. London, 1849. 1 vol. Lees' (James) Law of Shipping and Insurance, with a copious Appendix, containing the existing Statutes, Custom House and Pilot's Regulations, forms of deeds and writs, &c.. &c. 3d 956 LAW BOOKS. ed., greatly improved and enlarged. London, 1848. 1 vol. 12mo. Legal Year Book, Almanack and Diary for 1849 (The,) Comprising a Law Calendar; the Statutes effecting alterations in the law; Standing Orders relating to private bills; Officers of the Houses of Parliament; New Rules &e. By the Editor of " The Legal Observer." London, 1849. 1 vol. Lewis' (William David) Supplement to a Treatise on the Law of Perpetuity, &c. London, 1849. 1 vol. Lewis' (William David) Supplement to a Treatise on the Law of Perpetuity, &c. See "Law Library," vol. 66. Lloyd's (Morgan) Treatise on the Law of Prohibition, and also the Practice relating to the same. London, 1849. 1 vol 12mo. Louisiana Annual Reports. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Louisiana, from the first of January, 1848, to and including December, 1848. vol. 3. By Merritt M. Robinson. New Orleans, 1849. 1 vol. Lutwyche's (Alfred J. P.) Reports of Cases, argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas, on appeal from the decision of Revising Barristers, from Mich. Term 7th. Vict. to Hil. Term, 10th Vict., both inclusive. Vol. 1. London, 1847. 1 vol. Macqueen's (J. F.) Rights and Liberties of Husband and Wife. See "Law Library," vol. 66. Manning (James.) See "' Common Bench Reports," vols. 4 and 5, and C Common Law Reports," vol. 57. Manley (Thomas.) See "Cowel's Interpreter." Manning, Granger, and Scott. See " Common Law Reports," vol. 57. Marriage of a deceased Wife's sister. See " Pusey." See " State Papers." "' Parliamentary Reports on, do." Marriage of a deceased Wife's Sister, Writings on. (Bound in one volume:) CON TENTS, 1. Bennett's (Hugh) Plain Statement of the grounds on which it is contended that marriage within the Prohibited degrees is forbidden in Scripture. London, 1849. 2. Letters in favor of a repeal of the law which prohibits Marriage wi'th the sister of a deceased Wife; by Rev. W. W. Champneys, Rev. T. Dale, Rev. J. H. Gurney, Hon. and Rev. HI-. Montagu Villiers and Rev. Walter Farquhar Hook. London, 1849. 3. Foulkes' (Rev. E. S.) Three Letters, addressed by permission, to the Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of Oxford, on Marriage with the deceased Wife's Sister. Oxford, 1849. 4. Goodhart's (Rev. C. J.) Lawfulness of Marriage with a de(75) LAW BooKs,'957 leased Wife's Sister, examined by scripture. In a letter to a friend, 2d ed. London, 1849. J.:;ale's (Rev. Philip) Marriage with. a deceased Wife's Sister.repugnant to Christian feeling, and contrary to -Christian Practice. London, 1848.,6. A Resolution to the proposed Qumre of marrying the Wife's Sister, by the learned and pious Henry Hammond, D D.; being a reprint from vol. 1 of his Works. By a Member of the University. Oxford, 1849. 7. Hollingworth's (John Banks) Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Huntingdon, at their visitation in 1842. London, 1849. 8. The Report of Her Majesty's Commission on the Laws of Marriage, relative to Marrying with a deceased Wife's Sister, examined in a letter to Sir Robert Harry Inglis, Bart., M. P. By Alex. Beresford Hope, M. P. London, 1849. 9. Keble (Rev. John) Against profane dealing with Holy Matrimony in regard of a man and his Wife's Sister: A Tract for all English Churchmen and:Churchwomen. 3d ed. Oxford, 1849. 10. A Speech delivered in the House of Commons, on Thursday, May 3, 1849, on the motion for the second reading of Mr. Stewart Wortleyfs Bill for altering the Law of Marriage. By Rundell Palmer, Q. C., M. A., M. P. Oxford, 1849. I1. Pusey's (Rev. E. B.) Letter on the proposed change in the Laws prohibiting Marriage between those near of kin. Reprinted from the British Magazine, November, 1840. Oxford, 1842. 12~ The substance of a Speech delivered in the House of Commons on February 22, 1849. By the Right Hon. James Stuart Wortley. London, 1849. 13. A Letter addressed to Sir Robert Harry Tnglis, Bart., on the Bill now pending in Parliament for the alteration of the Marriage Law. By an English woman. London, 1849. 14. The Table of Kindred and Affinity investigated, with reference to the proposed alteration in the Law of Marriage. In a letter to his Tenants. By a Country Gentleman. London, 1849. 15. A few words to the Rev. G Domville Wheeler, on the subject of his letter to the Bishop of Worcester, in reply to the Rev. E. S. Foulkes' Three Letters to the Bishop of Oxford. By the Author of the " Three Letters." Oxford, 1849. 16. Report of the Commissioners appointed "to enquire into the State and Operation of the Law of Marriage,as relatSTATE LIBRARY.] 6G( 958 LAW BOOKS. ting to the prohibited degrees of affinity," &c. London, 1849. 17. Hubert's (George) Short Treatise on the proposed repeal of the law which prohibits Marriage with a deceased Wife's Sister. London, 1849. Marshall (T. A.) See' Smedes & Marshall," vols. 11 and 12. Metcalf's (Theron) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. Vol. 12. October, 1846. September 1847. Boston, 1849. 1 vol. Minot (George.) See "Woodbury & Minot." Vol. 2. Moore's (Edmund F.) Reports of Cases heard and determined by the Judicial Committee, and the Lords of Her Majesty's most Honorable Privy Council, on appeal from the Supreme Court and Sudder Dewanny Courts in the East Indies. Vol. 3. 1841-46. London, (no date.) 1 vol. Mundell's (William Adam) Digest of Criminal Statutes and Cases during the years 1846 - 7 - 8, arranged under appropriate heads for reference, &c. London, 1848. 1 vol. 12mo. Mylne (J. W.) and Craig's (R. D.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Cottenham. vol. 5. 1839-40-41. 3d & 4th Vict. London, 1848. 1 vol. New-York Legal Observer, (The) Edited by Samuel Owen. January 1849. vol. 7. New-York, 1849. 1 vol. Notes of Cases in the Ecclesiastical and Maritime Courts, (by Thomas Thornton.) From East. Term 1841, to Hil. Term, 1849. London, 1843- 49. 6 vols. Noyes (William Curtis.) The argument of, on the question of the Constitutionality of the General Banking Law of the State of New-York, before the Court for the Correction of Errors, (N. Y.) February 23d and 24th, 1840. New-York, 1840. 1 vol. (Presented by John Hancock.) Oke's (George C.) Magisterial Synopsis: comprising summary convictions, the offences, penalties, &c., and the stages of Procedure tabularly arranged; Indictable offences; where each is triable; as to bail; costs, &c., and all other proceedings before Justices out of Sessions, &c. 2d ed., enlarged and improved. London, 1849. 1 vol. Olney (Judge.) See Green's Reports," vol. 1 appendix. Ortolan (M. Theodore.) Regles Internationales, et Diplomatie de la Mer. Paris, 1845. 2 vols. Owen (Samuel.) See " New-York Legal Observer," vol. 7. Partnership " en commandite; " or Partnership with limited liabilities (according to the commercial practice of the continent of Europe, and the United States of America) for the employment of capital, the circulation of Wages, and the revival of our Home and Colonial Trade. London, 1848. 1 vol. LAW BOOKS. 959 Pearce's (Robert R.) Law Relating to Convocations of the Clergy; with Forms of Proceeding in the Provinces of Canterbury and York, &c., &c. London, 1848. 1 vol. 12mo. Perry (Sir Erskine.) See "Savigny." Poison's (Archer.) Principles of the Law of Nations, with practical Notes and Supplementary Essays on the Law of Blockade, and on Contraband of War. To which is added, Diplomacy. By Thomas Hartwell Horne. (From the Encyclopedia Metropolitana, or System of Universal Knowledge.) London, 1848. 1 vol. 12mo. Pulling's (Alexander.) Summary of the Law of Attorneys and Solicitors, describing their legitimate province, regulations as to their admission, &c. London, 1849. 1 vol. 1'2mo Pusey (E. B.) Marriage with a deceased Wife's Sister, prohibited by Holy Scripture, as understood by the Church for fifteen hundred years. Evidence given before the commission appointed to inquire into the State and Operation of the Law of Marriage, as relating to the prohibited degrees of affinity, with a Preface by. To which is appended, a Speech delivered in the Court of Queen's Bench, June 15, 1847, in the case of the Queen v. The Parish of St. Giles-in-the-fields. By Edward Badeley, M. A. Oxford and London, 1849. 1 vol. Robinson (Merrit M.) See "Louisiana Reports," vol. 3. Robinson's (William.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Admiralty, commencing with the Judgments of the Right Hon. Stephen Lushington. Vol. 2. 1843 - 1847. London, 1848. 1 vol. Rogers (Ammi.) See " Trial of Ammi Rogers." Russell's (Francis.) Treatise on the power and duty of an Arbitrator, and the Law of Submissions and Awards; with Forms, &c. London, 1849. 1 vol. Sandford's (Lewis H.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Chancery of the State of New-York, before the Hon. Lewis Sandford, late Vice Chancellor of the First Circuit. Vol. 4. From August, 1846, to June, 1847. NewYork, 1850. 2 copies. 2 vols. Saunders (Edmund.) Les Reports de tres Erudite Chivalier Nadgairs Seigniour, Chief Justice del Bank Le Roy, des divers Pleadings et Cases en le Court del Bank le Roy en le temps del Reign sa tres Excell. Majesty Le Roy Charles le II. London, 1686. 1 vol. fol. (With the Autograph of Peter Van Schaack, November, 1768.) Savigny (Von.) Treatise on Possession, or the Jus Possessionis of the Civil Law. Sixth Edition. Translated from the German by Sir Erskine Perry, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at Bombay. London, 1848. 1 vol. 960 LAW BooKs. Scott (John.) See (Common Bench Reports," vols. 4 and 5; and "' Common Law Reports," vol. 57. Smale (John.) See' I)e Gex and Smale's Reports, vol. 1. Smedes (W. C.) and Marshall's (T. A.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Errors and Appeals for the State of Mississippi. Vol. 11. November Term, 1848. Vol. 12. January Term, 1849. Boston, 1849. 2 vols. (Presented by the State of Mississippi, through Gov. Fish.) Starkie s (Thomas.) Practical Treatise on the Law of Evidence and Digest of Proofs in Civil and Criminal Proceedings. 3d ed. With alterations and additions. London, 1842. 3 vols. Starkie's (Thomas.) Reports of Cases argued and ruled at Nisi Prius, in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas; from the sittings after Hil. Term, 1 Geo. 4, 1820, to the sittings after Mich. Term, 3 Geo. 4, 1823. Vol. 3. Part 1. (All that has been published.) London, (no date.) 1 vol. Storys (William W.) Treatise on the Law of Contracts not under seal. 2d ed. Revised and greatly enlarged. Boston, 1847. I vol. Sugden's (Sir Edward.) Treatise of the Law of Property, as administered by the IHouse of Lords. London, 1849. 1 vol. Sugden's (Sir Edward.) Treatise of the Law of Property, as administered by the House of Lords. With reference to American Cases. See " Law Library," vol. 64. Syracuse Partition Suit. John Townsend and others v. James McBride and others. Court of Chancery. New-York. 1 vol. (Presented by J. V. L. Pruyn.) Tayler's (William James.) Treatise on the differences between the Laws of England and Scotland relating to Contracts; including Marriage considered as a contract affecting property and Marriage Settlements. London, 18-9. 1 vol. Telford v. Barney. See "Greene's Reports," vol. 1. Appendix. Terms and Circuits of the Supreme Court, and Courts of Oyer and Terminer of the State (r New-York; from 1st January, 1850, to 1st January, 1852. Albany, 1850. 2 Pamphlet copies. Thornton (Thomas) See'"Notes of Cases," &c. Trial of Ammi Rogers for inducing Abortion; held at New London, October 5th, 1820. New London, 1820. 1 vol. Wallace (H. B.) See "'White and Tudor." Welsby (W. N.) See' Exchequer Reports," vol. 1. White (F. T.) and Tudor's (0. D.) Selection of Leading Cases in Equity. With additional Annotations, containing references to American Cases. By J. 1. C. Hare, and H. B. Wallace. See " Law Library," vol. 6C 5 LAW BooKs. 961 Wildman's (Richard.) Institutes of International Law. Vol. 1. International Law in time of Peace. London, 1849. 1 vol. Woodbury (Charles L.) and Minot's (George.) Reports of Cases, argued and determined in the Circuit Court of the United States, for the First Circuit; from October Term, 1846, to May Term, 1847. Vol. 2. Boston, 1849. 1 vol. (116.) CLASSIFICATION OF THE PRECEDING LAW BOOKS, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. ARBITRATIONS. DICTIONARIES (LAW,) GRAMMARS (LAW,) &C. Russell's Arbitrator, Cowel's Interpreter. ATTORNEYS AND SOLICITORS. DIGESTS. Forsyth's Hortensius. Pullin's Attorneys and Solicitors. British. Jeremy's Analytical Digest. 2 vols. BANKING. (1847-48.) Mundel's Digest. Noyes' Argumentb Constitutionality of Gen. Banking Law, (N. Y.) ECCLESIASTICAL LAW. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. Pearce's Convocations of the Clergy. Endorsement. Contract of. EVIDENCE. BIOGRAPHY, LEGAL. Best's principles of Evidence. Starkie s Law of Evidence. 3d Ed. Davis' Memoir of Curran. See CCurran's Speeches." INSURANCE. Holt's Life. Lees' Laws of Shipping and Insurance. CIVIL LAW. JURISPRUDENCE. Savigny on,Possession. 6th Ed. JURISPRUD CE. COMMENTARIES. Hall's (Atty. Gen.) opinion on seizure of COMMENTARIES.~ private papers by Recorder of N. Y. city. British. city. ~~~British. ~Le Baron. Code des Etrangeres. Blackstone's Commentaries. 2d Ed. Lamnbard s Archion. JUSTICES COURTS. COMMERCIAL AND MARITIME LAW. Backus' Justice of the Peace. Lees' Law of Shipping and Insurance. Hayden's Justice of the Peace. Okes' Magisterial Synops.s. CONTRACTS. LAW OF NATIONS. Batten's specific performance of contracts. Horne's Diplomacy. See'c Polson." Endorsement. (Contract of.) Ortolan, Regles internationales. Story on Contracts. 2d Ed. Poison s Law of Nations. Taylor's differences of Laws of England Wildman's Institutes. International and Scotland, relating to contracts. Law. 964 LAW BOOKS A RAN G ED LAW PERIODICALS. Reports of the Courts of.Iowec. Gt eene's Reports, vol. 1. American. " New-Yorlk Legal Observer. vol. 7. Reports of the Courts of Louisiana. British. Louisiana Annual Reports, vol. 3. Law Library, vols. 64, 65, 66o Law List, 1849. Ret o fts of the Courts of alassachusetts. Law Magazine, vol. 41. Metcalf's Reports, vol. 12. Legal Y ear Book for 1849. Reports of the Courts of Mfichigan. LUNACY. Douglass' Reports, vol. 2. Aston's Pauper Lunacy ~ Aston's Pauper Lunacy. Reports of the Courts of Mississippi. MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. Smellesand Marshall's Reports, vols. 11, 12. Badelcy's Speech. See "' Pusey." Marriage with a deceased Wife's sister. Reports of the Courts of New Jersey. Writings on. Halsted's Reports, vol. 1. Pusey's Marriage with a deceased Wife's sister. Reporls of the Courts of New- York. Tayler's Marriage considered as a con- Sandfors chancery Reports, vol. 3 tract, &c. See Tayler's differ- Syracuse Partition Suit. ences, &c." MASTER'S OFFICE- Reports of the Courts of Virginia. Grattan's Reports, vol. 5, Farren's Master in Chancery. PARTNERSHIP. British, Parliamentary. Partnership 66en commandite." Cases on Appeals. 12 vols. P T.. ~HIouse of Lords' Cases, vol..o PERPETUITY. Lewis' Supplement to Law of Perpe- Priy Coucil. tuity. Moore's Reports, vol. 3. (East lndiA -" Appeal Cases. PERSONAL PROPERTY. Chancery. SBsgde's Law of Property. Mylne and Craig's Reports, vol. 5. PRACTICEG, British. British. Rol.s Court. Chanlcery. Beavan's Reports, vols. 9, 10, Ayckbourn's New Chancery Practice. BeforetheVice Chancellr. Do Gex and Smale's Reports. vol.. 1. Lloyd's Law and Practice of Prohibi- Hare s Reports, vol. 6. tion. Law, (Queen's Bench ) Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber. Lloyd's Law and Practice of Prohibiion. Dowling and Lowndes Reports v6i 5; Exchequer Reports, vol. 1. REAL PPOPERTY. Queen's Bench. Sugden's Law of Property., Common Law Reports, vol. 57. RnEPORTS. Dowling and Lowndes Reports,'V6ol 5. S aunders' Les Reports, 1 vol. ^Amarican. Starkie's Reports, vol. 3, Part 1. Rrports of the Sup. Court'U S. Conimon Pleas. Howards Reports, vol. 7. Common Bench Reports, vols. 4,. Common Law Reports, vol. 57. Reports of the Circuit Courts U. S. Dowling and Lowndes' Reports, vol. 1 First Circuit- Woodbury and Minot's Lutwyche's Reports, vol.... Reports, vol. 2. Starkie's Reports, vol. 3; Part 1o Reports of the Courts of Georgia. - Bail Court. Georgia Reports, vols. 5 and 6. (Vol. Bail Court Reports,'volo.1.J 5, Kelly and Cobb. Vol. 6, Oobb. ACCORDING TO SUBJECTSO 965 Criminal Courts.' Coinmon Pleat. Cox's Reports, vol. 1. Irish Law Reports, vols. 9, 10. Exchequer. Nisi Prius. Irish Equity Reports, vols. 9, 10. Starkie's Reports, vol. 3; Part 1. Irish Law Reports, vols. 9, 10. High Court of Admiralty. Miscellaneous. Notes of Cases, by Thornton, 6 vols. Circuit. Robinson's Reports, vol. 2. Crawford and Dix's Reports, vol. 3. Ecclesiastical Courts. Nisi Prius. Notes of Cases, by Thornton, 6 vols. Crawford and Dix's Reports, vol. 3. Scotch Reports. India. Moore's Reports, vol. 3. (East Indies Appeal Cases to House of Lords. Appeal Cases.) Bell's Cases, vol. 5. SPEECHES AND CHARGES. Court of Session. Dunbar v. Skinner. Badeley's Speech. Sec ~" Pusey." Bayford's Argument. See " Gorham To Irish Reports. Bishop of Exeter." Chancery. Curran's Speeches. Complete Edition. Irish Equity Reports, vols. 9, 10. TRIALS Jones and La ouche's Reports, vol. 3. Burke's Celebrated Trials. Rolls Court. Trial of Ammi Rogers. Irish Equity Reports, vols, 9, 10. WRITS. Qleen's Bench. Irish Law Reports, vols. 9, 10o Lloyd' 1 Law and Practice of Prohibi. tiono STATUTE LAW AND STATE PAPERS. STATUTE LAW. AMERICAN. United States. Acts passed at the Third Session of the Congress of the United States of America, begun and held at the city of Philadel phia, on Monday, the 6th of December, in the year 1790. Published by authority. Philadelphia: Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine, Printers to the Congress U. S. I vol. Folio. (Presented by George Brinley, jr.) (Arkansas. Acts passed at the Seventh Session Gen. Assembly of the State of Arkansas, begun and held at the Capitol, in Little Rock, tth November, 1848, and ended 10th January, 1849. Little Rock, 1849. 1 vol. (Presented by the State of Arkansas, through Gov. Fish.) Connecticut. Acts and Laws of His Majesty's English Colony of Connecticut, in New England, in America. New London. Printed by Timothy Green, Printer to the Governor and Company of the above said colony, 1750. 1 vol. folio. (This also contains the Charter of Charles Ii.) Acts and Laws of the State of Connecticut, in America, Hartford. Printed by Hudson & Goodwin, 1786. 1 vol. (Titlepage imperfect.) Public and Private Acts and Resolutions passed May Session, 1849. Hartford, 1849. 1 vol. (Presented by the State of Connecticut, through Gov. Fish.) Illinois. Laws of, passed at the 1st Session of tle 16th General Assembly, begun and held at the city of Springfield. January 1, 1849o Springfield, 1849. 1 vol. (Presented by the State of Illinois, through Gov. Fish.) 968 STATUTE LAW British. A collection of Statutes made in the Reigns of Charles the First and Second, with notes of references, and titles of all Acts passed by their said Majesties, until 1G67, &c. By Thomas Manby, of Lincoln's Inn. London, 1667. 1 volo folio. (7.) STATE PAPERS. AMERICAN. UNITED STATES. Reports on the Judiciary. Report of the Attorney General (Edmund Randolph,) on the Judiciary System of the United States, read in the House of Representatives IDecember 31, 1790. Childs (F.) and Swain (Jno.) Printers.) 1 vol. Folio. (Presented by Geo. Brinley, Jun.) Reports on the Finances. The Treasurer of the United States' (Samuel Meredith) Accounts of Payments and Receipts of Public Monies, from 1st October, 1790, to 30th June, 1791. Presented to the House of Representatives 26th October, 1791. (Childs and Swain, Printers.) 1 vol. Folio. (Presented by George Brinley, Jun.) Report of the'Sectary of the Treasury, (Alexander IHamilton,) respecting the redemption of the Public Debt; and the reimbursement of the loan made of the Bank of the United States. Dated November 30, 1792. published by order of the House of Representatives. Printed by Childs and Swain. Folio. (Presented by George Brinley, Jun.) Communications from the Secretary of the Treasury, (Alexander Hamilton5) to the House of Representatives, U. S., on several Foreign Loans, made under the authority of the United States, January 3d, 1793. Philadelphia. Printed by order, by John Fenno. Folio. (Presented by George Brinley, Jun.) Report of the Secretary of the Treasury (Alexander Hamilton) on appropriations of money, made January 6th, 1791, to the House of Representatives of the United States. (Printed by Childs and Swain.) Folio. (Presented by George Brinley, Jun.) Report of the Secretary of the Treasury (Alexander Hamilton) relative to the establishment of a mint. Made to the House of Representatives of the United States. (Printed by Childs and Swain.) Folio. (Presented by George. Brinley, Jun.) (The four last bound in one volume, folio.) 970 STATE PAPERS. An Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of the United States, commencing with the establishment of the Treasury Department, under the present Government, and ending on the 31st of December, 1791. Published by order. Philadelphia. Childs and Swain, 1793. 1 vol. Folio. (Presented by G-eorge Brinley, Jun.) An Account; of' the Receipts and Expenditures of the United States Vfor the year ending 1792. Published by order. Philadelphia. John Fenno. 1794. 1 vol. Folio. (Presented by George Brinley, Jun.) Report on Commerce and JVavigation. Report of tlhe Secretary of Statte, (Thomas Jefferson,) on the subject of the Cod and Whale Fisheries, made conformable to an order of the I-ouse of Representatives of the United States, February 1st, 1791. Philadelphia. John Fenno. 1791. 1 vol. Folio. (Presented by George Brinley, Jun.) Reports of Albert Gallatin, (Secretary of the Treasury,) bound in one vol. Folio. (Presented by the Hon. Washington Hunt, Comptroller.) 1. Annual Report as Secretary of the Treasury, December 10, 1810. 2. Annual Report as Secretary of the Treasury, November 25, 1811. 3. Report, showing the Value of Exports from the United States, from October 1, 1790, to September 30, 1810. Washington, 1812. 4. Report, containing Assays of Foreign Coins at the United States Mint, made Dec. 24, 1810. 5. Letters containing a Statement of the Tonnage of the U. States from 1793 to 1810. Washington, 1812. Connecticut, Journals, 8c. Senate Journal, May Session, 1849. Hartford, 1849. 1 vol. (Presented by the State of Connecticut through Gov. Fish.) Kentucky. Report of the Second Auditor, for the year ending October 10, 1840. Frankfort, 1840. 1 vol. (Presented by John Hancock.) JVew Hampshire. Journal of the Senate. June Session, 1849. Concord, 1849. 1 vol. (Presented by the State of New Hampshire through Gov. Fish.) Journal of the House of Representatives. June Session, 1849. Concord, 1849. 1 vol. (Presented by the State of New Hampshire through Gov. Fish.) STATE PAPERS. 971 BRITISH. Parliamentary Reports. First Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the State and Operation of the Law of Marriage as relating to the prohibited degrees of affinity, and to marriages solemnized abroad, or in the British Colonies: with Minutes of evidence, Appendix, and Index. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. London, 1848. 1 vol. Folio. House of Commons Reports. Reports from Committees of the House of Commons, 1801 - 1826. Vol. 87, Scientific Subjects; containing Reports on the British Museum. (Purchase of Collections.) Royal Library, Presented by the King. Babbage's Calculator and Botanical Collectors. Contagious Fever in London. Doctrine of Contagion in the Plague. Copyright of Printed Books. Dr. Sickler on decyphering the Herculaneum Manuscripts. Vol. 88. Poor: Lunatics and Madhouses, 1807 - 1827; containing Reports, viz: State of Criminal and Pauper Lunatics. July, 1807. Pauper Lunatics and Asylums in the County of Middlesex. June, 1827. Lunatic Poor in Ireland. June and July, 1817. Regulations, &c., of Madhouses. July, 1815. 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, Reports on the same subject. May and June, 1815. Minutes of Evidence on same subject. April, 1816. Report on same subject. May, 1816. State of Public and Private Madhouses in Scotland. June, 1816. Parliamentary Papers. Correspondence relative to the negotiation of the Question of disputed right to the Oregon Territory, on the North West Coast of America, subsequent to the Treaty of Washington, of August 9, 1842. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. 1846. London. 1. vol. Folio. 972 STATE PAPERS. Parliamentary Debates. Hansard. Parliamentary Debates. 3d Series. Vols 104 and 105, 1849 London, 1849. 2 vols. Woodfall's Parliamentary Debates. An Impartial Account of the Debates that occur in the Two -louses of Parliament &c with State Papers. Treaties, &c. viz. Seventeenth Parliament, sixth Session: Commencing Oct. 29, 1795, and ending May 19, 1796. Vols. 1, 3, 4. Lettered 9, 11, 12. Eighteenth Parliament; commencing Sept. 27, 1796. Second Session. vol 2. Eighteenth Parliament: commencing Sept. 27, 1796. Third Session. vol 3. Eighteenth Parliament: commencing Sept. 27, 1796. Fourth Session. vol 2. Second Parliament of the United Kingdom. First Session commencing Nov. 16, 1802. London, 1803. 4 vols. Second Parliament of the United Kingdom. Second Session Nov. 22, 1803. vol 1. London, 1804. 1 vol. Totalll vols. Commercial Tariff and Regulations. Part 23, India, Ceylon and other Oriental Countries, by John McGregor. London, 1848, Folio. Births Deaths and Marriages. Eighth and Ninth Annual Reports (the last with appendix) of the Registrar General on Births, Deaths and Marriages in England. London, 1848-49o (Bound in one volume Folio.) (30.) ENUMERATION. Law Library. No. of Volumes. Law, 5,709; Statute Law, 1,246; State'apers, 2,762,.........................o. 9,717 Law Library. (Supplementary Catalogue.) Law, 116; Statute Law, 7; State Papers, 30,.. 153 Total Law,........... 9,870 Miscellaneous Library, 0........o............ o,, 13,353 Maps, Atlases, &c., bound in volumes,,.......... 51 Maps,.............o........o. o o.......... 97 Engravings,...........a..aela a.............. o. 299 Painting and Busts,........................ 4 ~~~~Medalsn~~~ e e e I I e e oo0 a la e J O e 0 e 9 a a a 0 ae 253 9 Medals,................... ~~.~~..~<.~~..............2. 99 23,699 DONATIONS TO THE NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY, PREVIOUS TO 1844. The Trustees are not aware that any list of Donations was kept prior to the Year 1844. Nor is it probable that they were numerous. The following have been ascertained: From the Commissioners of the Public Records of Great Britain and Ireland. Various Publications under their authority, as enumerated on pages 344- 348 of this Catalogue and amounting to 86 Folios and 25 Octavos. Total II1 Volumes. prom AJbraham Van Vechten. Proceedings against the Conspirators in Negro Plot, 4to. New-York, 1744. From Jacob o,9 Van Huvel. Garcillasso De La Vega. Histoiree la Conquete de la Floride. 2 vols. Leide 1731. Harris' Voyages and Travels. 2 vols. Folio. From T. Romeyn Beck. Hardinge's Letters to Burke, on the abatement of an Impeachment before the House of Lords. DONATIONS FROM JUNE 1, 1844 TO JANUARY 1, 1850. (Many of the States in the Union have been in the practice of exchanging their Session Laws, Journals, Documents and Law Reports with the State of New-York through the Governor, who then transmits them to the Library. The record of these commenced with 1848.) ISTATE LIBRARY.] 6 974 DONA T ON, From Pope Pius IX. Gold Medals (3.) Silver Medal (1.) Bronze Medals (2.) 226 Engravings of Imperial Folio Size. (For descriptions of the Above, See Catalogue Pages, 939, 949.) Prom the King of Prussia. Schinkel, (Dr. C. F.) Werke der Hoheren Baukunsty fur die Ausfuhring, erfunden und dargestelt, von Folio. Postdam, 1840. Schinkel, (Dr. C. F.) Sammlung ArchitectoniseheEntwurfe von. 2 vols. Folio. Berlin. 1845. Zahn, (Wilhelm.) Les plus beaux ornaments et les tableaux le plus remarquables de Pompei, D'Herculanum, et de Stabie, d'apres des desseins originaux, executes sur les lieux, par. 2 vols. Elephant Folio. Berlin, 1829- 1842 Ternite, (W.) Wandegemalde aus Pompeji, und Herculanum, nach den Zeichnungen und Nachbildungen in Farben, von, 1st vol. Elephant Folio. BerlinO (No year.) From the King of the Netherlands. Natuurlyke Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche Overzeesche Bezittingen. Botanie. Folio. Leyden, 1839-42. Natuurlyke Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche Overzeesche Bezittingen. Zoologie. Folio. Leyden, 18391844. (Edited by C. J. Temmninck.) Natuurlyke Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche Overzeesche Bezittingen, door de leden der Natuurkindige Commissie in Indie, en andere schryvers. Uitgegeven op last van den Koning, door, J. C. Temmincko Land en Volkenkunde. Folio. Leyden, 1839-44. From the Government of Sweden, through MA. Vattemare. Suecica Antiqua et hodierna. 3 vols. of engravings of its provinces, cities, buildings, &c., in oblong quarto. Swedish Mines, Annual Reports of their products from 1833, to 1839, inclusive. (Bound in 1 vol. 4to.) Plans of the Fahlun Copper Mines, (engraved,) by J. J. Tjader. Folio, 1845. Lastborn August T. Genealogy of Noblemen in the Provinces of Swea and Gotha, since 1720. 2 vols. 8vo. Upsal, 1842-43. Swedish Fornskrift Association, Collections by the. I vol. 8vo. 1844. DONATIONS. 975 Tornberg (Professor.) Annales Regum Mauritanie, (in Arabic,) &c. Edited by. 2 vols. in one. 4to. Upsal, 1843. Arwidsson (Adolf T.) Collection of Swedish National Songs, chiefly of ancient times. 3 vols. 8vo. 1834 - 42. Gustavus First of Sweden. Ordinances of, concerning the Reformation and History of Churches, during his reign. 2 vols. 8vo. Diplomatorium Suecanium. Collegit et edidit, Jos. Gust. Liljegren. vol. 1 and vol. 2 in parts. vol. 3. Edidit B. Emil. Hildebrand. 4 vols. 4to. 1829-42. Diplomatorium Dalecarlicum. Edited by C. J. Kronengssvard and J. Liden. 3 vols. in one. 4to. Stockholm and Fahlun. 1842 - 46. Collection of Royal Ordinances of Sweden, concerning Commerce, Government, Political Economy, &c., from 1523 to the present times. Edited by Anton. A. Von Stiernman. 6 vols., with an Index. 7 vols. 4to. Stockholm, 1747 - 1771. From the Government of Switzerland, (through Louis P. De Luze, Consul of the Swiss Confederation at JV'w-York. Memoirs de la Societe Helvetique des Sciences Naturelles, (Denkschriften, &c.) vol. 1, bound in two parts. 4to. Zurich, 1829- 33. 2 vols. Memoires (Nouveaux,) de la Societe Helvetique des Sciences Naturelles. (Neue Denkschriften, &c.) 7 vols., 4to. Neuchatel, 1837 - 1845. FRANCE. (International 2]gency of M,. Vattemare.) Prom the King of the French. Egypt. Description De L' Egypte, ou Recueil des Observations et des Recherches qui out etc faites en Egypte, pendant 1' expedition de L' Armee Francoise, publie par les Ordres de sa Majest6 L'Empereur Napoleon Le Grand. 21 vols. Folio and Imperial Folio. Antiquites. Memoires. 2 vols. 1809 - 18. Antiquites. Descriptions. 2 vols. 1809 - 18. Histoire Naturelle. 2 vols. 1809 - 12. Etat Moderne. 3 vols., (the second being in two parts.) Paris, 1809-12. 976 DONATION S. Plates in Imperial Folio, viz: Preface et Explication Des Planches. 1 vol. (No date.) Antiquites. 5 vols. Paris, 1809 - 22. Histoire Naturelle. 3 vols. 1809 - 17. Etat Moderne. 2 vols. 1809-17. Carte Hydrographique. I vol. (No date.) From the Chamber of Peers of France. Journals and Documents of the Chamber, from 1830 to 1846. Total, 121 vols. (For details, see p. 358.) From Ji. Cauchy, asrchiviste of the Court of Peers. A Complete Series of French State Trials, (Cours des Pairs de France.) Bound in 30 vols, 4to., and 7 vols., 8vo. Total, 37 vols. Affaire D'Avril, 1834. 10 vols. Attentat du 28 Juillet, 1835. (Fieschi, Pepin, &c.) 5 vols. Attentat du 25 Juin, 1836. (Alibaud.) I vol. Attentat du 27 Decembre, 1836. (Meunier, &c.) 5 vols. Affaire Laity. 1 vol. Attentat des 12 et 13 Mai, 1839. 6 vols. Attentat du 6 Aout, 1840. (Louis Napoleon.) 1 vol. Attentat du 15 Octobre, 1840. (DarmesDuclos, &c.) I vol. Attentat du 13 Septembre, 1841. (Quenisset.) 5 vols. Attentat du 16 Avril, 1846. (Lecomte.) 1 vol. Attentat du 29 Juillet, 1846. (Henry.) I vol. (For contents, see State Papers, page 359.) Prom the Chamber of Deputies of France. Proces Verbeaux (et annexes) Des Seances de la Chambre Des Depttes. Session 1845, with an Index. 14 vols. 8vo. (Vol. 2 wanting.) Proces Verbeaux (et annexes) Des Seances de la Chambre Des Deputes. Session 1846, with an Index. 11 vols. 8vo. (Vol. 8 wanting.) Levaillant (Francois.) Histoire Naturelle Des Oiseaux D'Afrique. 6 vols. folio. 1799, 1800. Chambre des Deputes. Session 1846. Rapport de M. Bignon sur le projet de Budget pour 1847. (Depenses.) 8vo. Paris, 1846. From the Miinister Secretary of Justice of France. Compte General de l'Administration de la Justice Criminelle en France, pendant Les Annees 1832 a 1846. 15 vols. Compt6 General de 1'Administration de la Justice Civile et Commerciale, pendant Les Annees 1831 a 1846O Bound in 11 vols. DONATIONS. 977 Specimen Typographique de L'Imprimerie Royale. Folio. Paris, 1845. Notes sur les Types Etrangeres du specimen de L'Imprimoerie Royale. Folio. Bulletin des Lois, (from 1789 to 1849.) 169 vols. Bulletin des Lois. Index. 7 vols. Codes, (5.) 1833- 1842. Constitutions of France since 1789. From the JMinister Secretary of the J\avy and the Colonies of France. Le Bas on the Obelisk of Luxor. A large Collection of Hydrographic Maps, (upwards of 1000 in number.) Executed by Government for the Navy of France. Bound in 11 vols. folio. La Place, Campagne de Circumnavigation de la Frigate L'Artemise, pendant les annees 1837 -40. 3 vols. Archeologie Navale. Par A. Jal. Rapport sur les Questions Coloniales. Par M. Jules Le Chevalier. Questions relatives a l'Abolition de l'Esclavage. Expose general des Resultats du Patronage des Esclaves dans les Colonies Francaises. Exposes concernant les Lois des 10 et 19 Juillet, 1845, relatives au Regime des Esclaves, a' introduction'de Cultivateurs Europeens, &c. De l'Emancipation des Noirs. Par M. Petit De Barancourt. Observations sur les Causes et les Effets de la Destruction des Bois de construction Navale en France. Par M. Estancelin. Notices Statisques sur les Colonies Francaises. Catalogue General des Livres Composant les Bibliotheques du Department de la Marine et des Colonies. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1838,'43. Begat. Operations Geodesiques. 2 vols. Givry. Pilote Francais. From the Minister Secretary of Public Instruction of France. Inedited Documents on the History of France, in 77 vols. 4to. For Contents, see p. 529. The Works of La Place. Published by the Government. 7 vols. 4to. Compte Rendu par le Ministre de'Instruction Publique. Session de 1844. Saint Mare Girardin (M.) De'Instruction intermediare et du son etat dans de midi de l'Allemagne. Rapport fait a l'a Chambre des Deputes, au nom de la 978 DONATIONS, commission sur la projet de loi relatif a 1instruction secondaire. Par M. Thiers. July 15, 1844. Projet de Loi, sur 1Instruction primaire. Seance du 12 Avril, 1847. Projet de Loi sur la Libert6 d'enseignment en matiere D'Instruction secondaire. Projet de Loi, sur l'enseignemeht et'exercise de la Medcine et de la Pharmacie. Projet de Loi, sur lFenseignement Du Droit. Biblia Sacra, 1573, 1663 and 1664. St. Jerome's Works. 3 vols. folio. Jansenius. Cloisy's Memoirs of Louis XIV. Decretals of Pope Gregory IX. Loys' Spiritual Works. Augustine's Milleloquium. Galatinus. Cicero. Opera Omnia, 1606. Petronius Arbiter. Lotichius, Commentary. Van Espen. Tractatus Historico-Canonicus. Concordantia Sacrorum Bibliorum, 1649. Thomas Aquinas Peter Lombard. Duns Scotus. Marchioness De Lambert's Works. Rabutin's (Bussy) Letters. Connoissance des Temps, 1696. Barclay's Argenis. Fleury. D)roit Ecclesiastique. Lycosthenes. Paluelle. Cas de Conscience. Polydore Vergilii. De Inventoribus. Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent. Livy. Crevier's Edition. Drexilius. Nicetas. From the Secretary, Jinister of Finance of France. Budget des Depenses et des Recettes, &c., 1819, 1828, and from 1833 to 1849, inclusive. 28 vols. 4to. Compte General de l'Administration des Finances, 1828 and from 1833 to 1847, inclusive. 18 vols. 4to. Comptes Rendus, par les Ministers, &c., 1828; and from 1833 to 1842, inclusive. 24 vols. Recueil des Lois des Finances. 10 vols. 8vo. Fom the Minister, Secretary of the Interior of Prance. Projet de loi sur les Pris:ns, present- a la Chambre del Paris, le 10 Juin, 1814. DONATIONS. 979 Opinions exprimees par les Conseils generaux ces Department, dans leur Session de 1838, sur la reforme du Regime des Prisons. 4to. Rapport A. M. Le Ministre Secretaire concernant les Infanticides, et les Mort-nes, dans leur relation avee la question des Enfans Trouves. Par M. Remacle. Etude sur la Mortalite dans les Bagnes, et dans les Maisons Centrales de Force et de Correction, de 1822 a 1837. Par M. R. Chassinat. Rapport a M. Le Ministre de L'Intereur, au sujet des modifications introduites dans le regime de Penitencier des jeunes detenus de la Seine, pendant les annees, 1830- 1843. Ecole Des Condamnes, conferences sur la moralite des Lois Penales. vol. 1. Societe pour le patronage des jeunes Liber6 du Department de la Seine. Assembles generales tenues, 1838, 1841, 1842. Des Condamnes, des Liberes et des Pauvres. Prisons et Champs D'Asile en Algerie. Par H. M. Dugat. De 1Petat actuel et de la reforme des Prisons de la Grande Bretaane. Extraits traduits par. L. M. MoreauChristophe. Coup D'Oeil sur le regime repressif et penitentiare des principaux Etats de l'ancien et du nouvelu monde Par M. F. de la Farelle. Rapport historique sur les progres De L'Histoire et de la Litterature ancienne, depuis, 1789, presente a sa Majeste L'Empereur et Roi, par M. Dacier. Rapport historique sur les progres des Sciences Naturelles, depuis 1789, et sur leur etat actuel, par M. Cuvier. Rapport historique sur les progres des Sciences Mathematiques depuis 1789, &c., par M. Delambre. Traitl de!a Morte apparente, &c. Par J. B. Vigne. Notes d'nn Voyage dans L'Ouest de la France, par Prosper Merimee. Notes d'un Voyage en Auvergne, par Prosper Merimee. Archives Historiques, de L'Albigeois et du Pays Castrais. 8vo. Statistiqnes du Department de la Charente Inferieure. 1839. Commission de la Propriete Litteraire. Collectioa des Proces Verbaux. 4to. Paris, 1836.. Le Monument de Moliere, poeme par Madame Louise Colet. An Engraving of Titian, by Francois. An Engraving of Michael Angelo, by Francois. An Engraved plan of the Artesia i Well, sunk at renelle. 980 DoNATIONSo. A Medal struck in honor of the Battle of Navarino. A Medal on the introduction of Steam. A Medal struck in honor of the defenders of the fortress of Mazagran, in Algiers. A Medal on the occasion of the visit of all the Royal Family to the Mint. A Medal struck on the surrender of the Castle of St. Juan D'Ulloa. From the MJinister, Secretary of Commerce and agriculture of rtance. Statistique de la France. 7 vols. Folio. Tableau General du Commerce de la France avec ses colonie:., et les Puissance Etrangeres. 1837 to 1845. 9 volso Folio. Tarif General des Douanes de France. Supplement au Tarif officiel des Douanes de France. 4to Paris, 1845. (These two last are bound in one volume.) Documens sur le Commerce Exterieur. Nos. 241 to 264 inclusive. March to May, 1845. (Bound in one volume.) Bonjean, (J.) Monographie De la Pomme De Terre. Boigne (Charles De.) Du Cheval en France. La Doucette, (L. L. N. C.) De L'Influence des diversm Modes de location sur le produit des Terres en France. Moll, (D.) Colonization et Agriculture De L'Algerie. Gasparin (De Compte De.) Cours D'Agriculture. Le Clerc-Chouin (0) LAgriculture de L'Ouest de La France. Le Couteux (Ed.) Traite Elementaire de L'Agriculture des Department de la Seine. Amand-Malo, (M.) Elemens de Comptabilite Rurale. Jacquemin, (Emile.) L'Allemagne, agricole, industrielle et politique. Giovanetti, (Jaques) De Regime des Eaux, que servent aux Irrigations. Picard, (L. Abbe) L'Agriculture Raisonnee, ou Manuel Du Cultivateur. De la Fond, (G.) Traite sur la Maladie de Poitrine du Gros Betail. Schlippf, (J. A.) Manuel Populaire d'Agriculture, traduit de L'Allemand, par N. Nickles. Neveu Derotrie, (E. J. A.) Les Lois Rurales Francaises. Gera, (Le D. F. De Conegliano.) De la Fabrication du Fromage. Bouillenois, (F. De.) Conseils aux Nouveaux Cuitivateur de vers. a soi:. DONATIONS, 981 Martinelli, (Jules.) Manuel D'Agriculture. Sauzeau, (M.) Agriculture de Partie de Poitou. Normandie Agricole, (La.) Journal D'AgriculturePratique, Economic Rurale et Horticulture. 4 vols. Travanet, (M. De) Preservatif D'Agromanie Empirique, &c. Agriculture Francaise, par M. M. Les Inspecteurs de L'Agriculture. Stolz, (J. L.) Manuel Elementaire du Cultivateur Alsacien. Bentz, (L.) et Chretien (A. J.) Premiers Elemens D'Agriculture, 2 parts. Julien (Stanislas) Resume des principaux Traites Chinois, sur la Culture des Muriers et l'education des vers a soie. Royer (M.) Des Institutions de Credit Foncier, en llemagne et en Belgique. Travanet (M. De.) Physiologie de Terre; Etudes Geologiques et Agricoles. Buffon, (Nadault de.) Traite Theoretique et Pratique des Irrigations. 3 vols. 8vo. With a folio Atlas. Annales Des HDaras & D'Agriculture, publiees par une Societ,6 &c. 3 vols. 8vo. Conseils Generaux De L'Agriculture, des Manufactures et du Commerce, 1841- 42, 1845-46. Rover, (C. E.) Notes, l'administration des Richesses et la Statistique Agricole de la France. 8vo. With a folio Atlas. Bompard, (J. P.) Abrege sur la culture de' olivier, &c. Gossin, (Louis.) Les avantages de la Reunion Territoriale. Girardin, (Lieut Genl. Comte de,) Sur PIEtat de la population Chevaline en Fbance. Filature, (De La.) Ou de L'art de tirer la soie des Cocons. Torcy, (Marquis De,) Des Remontes de L' armee, et de leur rapports avec Agriculture. Dela Fond (0.) Instruction sur la Pleuro-Pneumonie des Betes Bovines de la vallee de Bray. Guide Des Comics et Des Proprietaires. 8vo. Bouley, (M. H.) Discours prononc6 a la distribution des Prix a I'ecole Royale Veterinaire D'Alfort. Girardin, (Gen'l De,) et Torcy, (Marq. de,) Vingt pages a lire, ou la question chevaline simplefiee. Morin, (P. A.) Notice sur la Castration Des Vaches. Pichat, (M.) Pratique Des Semailles a la VolBe. 982 DONATIONS. From the Secretary, Minister of Public Works of France. Memoires geologiques et Metallurgiques sur L'Allemagne, par M. Manes. Considerations sur les Principes de la Police du Roulage par J. N. Navier. Des Chemlins De Fer, par M. De Aarivanlt. Statistiques Mineralogiques Du Department des Basses Alpes, par Scipion Gras. Rapport sur l'emploi de 1 air chaud dans les usines de Fer. Recherches sur les Principes qui paraissent devoir former la base d'une nouvelle legislation de Police de Roulage. Memoirs sur le Canal lateral, a la Garonne, par Alex. Douin. Experiences sur les Rones hydrauliques a Aubes Plaines, par A. Morin. Des Metaux en France. PRapport au Jury central D'Exposition des produits de L'Industrie Francaise de L'Annee 1827; par M. Heron De Villefosse. Annales Des Ponts et Chaussees Memoires et Documents relatives a l'art des constructions, et au service de L'Ingenieur. Premiere Serie. 31 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1831-40. Annales Des Ponts et Chaussees. Memoires, &e. Deuxieme Serie. 15 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1840-4 5. Rapports sur les Canaux et autres Ouvrages, &c. 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830. (Bound in one volume.) Situation au Octobre 1833, des Canaux et autres ouvrages, enterpris en vertu des Lois, &c. Statistique des Routes Royales de France, 1824. Direction Generale Des Ponts, et Chaussees et Mines. Recueil des Documents Statistiques. Tome 1, Routes Royales-Routes Departmentales. Do. do. Situation des Travaux au 31 Decembre, 1837. Do. do. Situation des Travaux au 31 Decembre, 1838. Do. do. Instructions sur lorganization et la surveillance des Phares et Fanaux des Cotes de France. Do. do. Expose general des Etudes faites pour le trace des chemins de Fer de Paris en Belgique et en Angleterre, et D'Angleterre en Belgique, &c., presentee par L. L. Vallee. Do. do. Memoire sur le projet d'un Chemin de Fer de Lyon a Marseille, par M. F. Kermaingant. Do. do. Memoire sur la projet d'un Chemin de Fer de Paris a Orleans, par M. Defontaineo DoN TIo0Ns 983 Do. do. Resum6 Des Travaux Statistique de PAdministration des Mines, pendant I'Annee 1834, et pendant l'Annee 1835. (Bound in one vol. 4to.) Do. do. Resume des Travaux Statistiques de l'Admin istration Des Mines, en 1841. Etudes de Gites Mineraux, publiees par les soins de 1'Administration des Mines. Gites Houillers et Metalliferes du Bocage Vendeen, faites en 1834-35, par Henri Fournel. 4to. Fresnel (M. A.) Memoire sur un Nouveau Systeme d' Eclairage des Phares. 4to. Paris, 1822. Instructions pratique sur l'emploi des Lampes de Surete dans les Mines, et sur les Moyens de penetrer sans danger dans les lieux mephitises. Publiee par Le Directeur General des Ponts et Chaussees et Des Mines. Memoire geologique et Statistique sur les Terrains de Gres avec Houille, en les Departments de l'Aveyron et du Tarn. Par Manes. Description de 1'Affinage: par Cristallization, &c. par M. F. Le Play. Machines a Vapeur. Direction General des Pouts et Chaussees et Des Mines. Instructions. 8vo. Rapport a le Directeur General Des Ponts, &c., sur la Police du Roulage, par une Commission. Brisson, Rapporteur. Carte Geologique de la France. Par M. M. Dufresnoy et Elie du Beaumont. 1841. Carte Geologique de la France. Explication de la, par M. MA. ufresnoy et Elie d.u Beaumont. 2 vols. A Medal, struck on the Enlargement of the Palace of the Chamber of Peers, 1838. A Medal, struck on the laying of the Corner Stone of the New Stamp Office of France. A Medal, struck on tie laying of the Corner Stone of the New Palace for the Departiment of Foreign Affairs. A Medal, struck on the laying of the Corner Stone of the New Building of the St. Genevieve Library, Paris. From the City of Paris. Recherches Statistiques sur la Ville de Paris. vols. 1, 5. Conseil de Salubrite. Rapports generaux des Travaux du, 1829 a 1839. Paris. Rapports au Conseil Municipal. From the City of Bordeaux. Catalogue des Libres composant la Bibliotheque de la ville de Bordeaux. 6 vols. 984 D A T I ON From the City of Metz. Societe des Lettres, Sciences et Arts de Metz. 4 vols. Memoires de la Societe des Lettres, Sciences et Arts de Metz. 1 vol. Memoires De L'Academie Royale De Metz, 19 vols. From the City of Marseilles. Marseille, et les Interets Nationaux qui se rattachent a son Port, par S. Berteaut. 2 vols. From the City of NMantes. Geometra, a Renato des Cartes, 1683. 2 vols. 4to, From the Jational Institute of France. Memoires De L'Tnstitute de France, Academie Royale Des Sciences Morales et Politiques. 2d Serie. 4 vols. 4to. Memoires De L'Institute de France, Academic Royale des Sciences. Tome 19. 4to. Memoires presentes par divers savans a P'Academie Royale des Sciences de L'Institute de France. Sciences Mathematiques et Physiques. Tome Neuvieme. 4to. Memoires de la Academie Royale des Sciences, Morales et Politiques de L'Institute de France. Tome 1. Savants Etrangeres. 4to. From the Royal Library of Paris. Moser, (Johann Jacob,) Deutsche Staats Recht, &c. 50 volumes bound in 25. 4to. 1753. Moser, (Johann Jacob,) Nouveau Droit Public Allemand. 28 vols. 4to. 1767-1782. Oeuvres de Jo J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Geneva. 20 vols. From the Geological Society of France. Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France Deuxieme Serie, 1843 - 44. From the Royal and Central Society of agriculture of France. Memoires D'Agriculture, D'Economie Rurale, et domestique; publiees par la Societe Royale et Centrale, &c. 5 vols. From the Philotcchnique Society, (Paris.) Annuaire de la Societe Philotechnique. 8 vols. (Bound in four.) From M. Le Comte Daru. Rapport fait sur le trace du chemin de Fer de Paris a Chalons-sur Saone, par M. Le Comte Darn. Rapport fait sur le trace des embranchements diriges du Chemin de Fer de Paris a Lisle, par M. Le Comte Daru. DONATIONS. 985 From AM. D. Jullien. Expose de la Methode D'Education de Pestatozzi. Pieces Officielles. Paris, 1815. From Edward illetz, (the duthor.) Harmonies de L'Intelligence Humane. 2 vols From M... Bailley. (the author.) Notice historique de L'Hotelde Ville De Paris, 1612 a 1839. From.M. Jal, (the author.) Memoirs sur les Trois Couleurs Nationales. 12mo. From M. Deville. Catalogue du Musee Departmental des Antiquites des Rouen. From JM. Cauchy, (the Author.) Du Duel, considere dans ses Origines et Dans lFetat actuel des Moeurs. 2 vols. Les Precedents de la Cour des Pairs; recueillis et mis en ordre. From AM. Vivien, (the Author.) Le Prefet De Police, par M. Vivien. 8vo. Paris, 1845. From the Mlarquis De Pastoret, (the Son.) Histoire de la Legislation, par M. Le Comte (subsequently Marquis) De Pastoret. 11 vols. Notice historique sur Jean Pastoret, par M. De Vicomte E. De Blosseville. 8vo. Engraving of the late Marquis de Pastoret, from a portrait by Paul De La Roche, engraved by Dupont. From M. Jomard. Head of Columbus from an authentic portrait at Vicenza. Engraved by Bazir. From the Chevalier Lowensten. Engraved View of the Tomb of Columbus at the Havannah. From MJ. Jazet, (the Artist.) Portraits of the present Imperial Family of Russia, in the dress of the Middle Ages, from a painting by Horace Vernet, aud engraved by M. Jazet, (proof print.) From the Viscount Cormenin. Code Rurale des Campagnes, ou Tableaux Lois, (pasted on thirteen sheets of pasteboard.) 986 DONATIONS. From 2M. Le Verrier. Theorie du Mouvement de Mercure. Par. U. J. Le Verrier. From ill. JMilne Edwards, M, D., Professor, cc. Traite pratique et historique de la Lithontritie. Par le Docteur Civiale. Lettres sur la Lithontritie, ou L'Art de Broyer la Pierre. Par le Docteur Civiale. Memoire sur L'Anatomie Pathologique des Retrecissemens de L'Uretre Par Le Dr. Civiale. Traite des Fievres Intermittentes, Remitteltes et Continues. Par J. C. M. Boudin. De La Pellagre, Par Theophile Roussel, M. D. Recueil de Lettres et De Memoires. Par Le Roy D'Etiolles, M.D. Histoire de la Lithontritie. Par Le Roy D'Etiolles. Trois Episodes pour servir a l'histoire de la Lithontripsie, &c Par le Baron Heurteloup. De 1' Insensibilite produits par le Chloroforme, et par L'Ether. Par le Dr. C. Sedillot. Memoire sur la possibilite d'etablir un Anus artificiel dans la region lombaire, sans penetrer dans la Peritone, Par J. Z. Amussat. Memoire sur l'anatomie pathologique des Tumeurs Fibreuses de l'Uterus &c., Par J. Z. Amussat. Memoire sur la Retroversion de la Matrice dans l'etat de Grossesse. Par J. Z. Amussat. From Viscount Santarem. Revue de Bibliographie. Analytique, Par M. M. Miller et Aubenas. 6 vols. From JI. Le Comte De Blosseville. Histoire Des Colonies Penales de l'Angleterre dans L'Australie. Par M. Ernest De Blosseville. From M. Le Comte De La Borde. De L'Organization des Libraires dans Paris. Par M. le Comnte de la Borde. From MoJlns..l. Vattemare. Catalogue des 1200 Dessins originaux de la collection de M. A. Vattemare. 12mo. Paris. Movement of the International Exchanges, between France and North America from Jan. 1845 to May 1846, with instructions for preparing objects in Natural History. By M. J. Geoffroy St. Hilaire. 8vo. Paris, 1846 DONATIONS. 987 Apercu general geographique et statistique de PlEmpire De Russie. (1844.) Par M. J. H. Schnitzler. Oeuvres completes de Mad. La Princesse Constance de Salm. 4 vols. Pensees de la Princesse Constance de Salm. Proceedings of the City of Washington regpecting M. Alex. Vattemare' s System of International Exchange. 8vo. Washington, 1848. Report on the System of International Exchange. By Alex. Vattenare. 8vo. Washington, 1848. A letter fromi A. Vattemare, on the subject of a system of International Exchange. (House of Representatives, Aug. 11, 1848.) De la Politique des Normans, pendant la Conquete Des Deux Siciles. Par M. Petit de Barancourt. Boston City Document, No. 46. Report of the committee on the Library, in relation to the donations received from the city of Paris, &c., and the proceedings of the City Government on the subject of International Exchanges. 8vo. Boston, 1849. From the Government of the United States. Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition by Capt Wilkes. 10 vols. See P. 805. Catalogue of the Library of Congress in the Capitol of the United States. December, 1839. United States Coast Survey. For a list of Charts received, See Page 913. Journal of the Senate of the United States, 1846 -47 - 48. Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, 1846 - 47 - 48. Senate Documents. Executive Documents, Reports of Committees. Laws of the United States of America. Blue Book. 11 vols. From the State of Arkansas. Reports of Cases at Law and in Equity, argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Arkansas. 3 vols. Digest of the Statutes, 1848. Acts of the Legislature, 1836 - 38 - 48. 988 DO NATIONS. From the State of Connecticut. Public and Private Acts of Sessions 1848 and 1849. Revised Statutes, 1849. Journals of Senate and House, 1849. From the State of Delaware. Harrington's Reports, vol. 4. Session Laws, 1849. From the State of Florida. Common School Laws. Florida Reports. 2 vols. Session Laws, 1848 and 1849. From the State of Georgia. Prince's Digest of the Laws of Georgia. Session Laws of 1838, 1840, 1841, 1842. A History of Georgia from its first discovery by Europeans. By Rev. Wm Bacon Stevens, M. D. Vol. 1. Analysis of the Statutes of Georgia in general use By Howell Cobb. 8vo. Statute Law of Georgia and State Papers. Compiled by W. A. Hotchkiss. From the State of Illinois. Gilman's Reports, vol. 4. Session Laws, 1849. From the State of Indiana. Laws ot the State of Indiana, 1848. From the State of Iowa. Session Laws, 1848. Journal of the Senate, 1848 and 1849. Morris' Reports, vol. 1. From the State of Kentucky. Monroe's Reports, vol. 7. Legislative Reports, 1847 - 48. Session Laws, 1847. Journals of Senate and House, 1847 and 1848. From the State of Louisiana. Louisiana Annual Reports, vol. 1. Session Laws, 1845-46 - 47-48. From the State of Maine. Resolves of the Legislature, 1824, 1825. Special Laws, 1824. Public Laws, 1830 Private Laws, 1830. Acts and Resolves, 1847. DONATI N S9 Maine Reports, vol. 26. Session Lawrs, 1848. From the State of Jlaryland. Gill's Reports, vols. 1, 2. From the State of Massachusetts. Laws. Sessions of May and October, 1812. January, 1813. October, 1814. January, 1815. January and Novembers 1816. May, 1817. May, 1820. January, 1822. January, 1823. January, 1829. January, 1832. January, 1834. January and September, 1835. January, 1836. January, 1837. Catalogue of the Library of the General Court, (Massachusetts.) 8vo. Boston, 1846. Laws of the State of Massachusetts, 1848 and 1849. Metcalf's Reports, vol 11. From the State of Michigan. Acts of the Legislative Council of the Territory, for 1830, 1831, 1832, 1834 and 1835. Session Laws, 1835, 1836, 1839, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844. Revised Statutes of Michigan, 1837 - 38: Journal of the Legislative Council of the Territory, for 1826, 1827, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834. Journal of the House of Representatives, for 1839, 1842, 1843, 1844. Journal of the Senate, for 1837, 1839, 1841, 1843, 1844. Documents of the House, for 1839. Documents of the Senate, 1839, 1842. Joint Docunents, 184, 18-42, 1843, 1844. Senate and House Documents, 1843. Executive Journal of the Senate, 1844. Laws of the State of Michigan, 1848, 1849. Michigan Reports, vol. 2. From the State of Mississippi. Laws of, 1848. Code of Mississippi. By A. Hutchinson. 1848. Smedes and Marshall's Reports, vol 9, 11, 12. [STATs LIBRARY.] 62 990 DoNATIONS. From the State of Missouri. Stringfellow's Reports, vols 10, 11. Laws of Missouri, 1848 - 9. From the State of Jew Hampshireo New-Hampshire Reports. vol 13. Session Laws, 1848 - 49. Journals of Senate and House, 1848 and 1849 United States Congress, Documents. 11 vols. From the State of J\ew-Jersey. Laws of New-Jersey, 1848 and 1849. Spencer's Reports, vol 1. From the State of JVorth Carolina. Proceedings as to International Exchanges, 184 9 Iredell's Law Reports, vol 6. Iredell's Equity Reports, vol 3. Session Laws, 1848 - 49. From the State of Ohio. Laws of the State of Ohio, vols. 46, 47. Ohio Reports, vol 16, 17. From the State of Pennsylvania. Laws of the State, 1848 and 1849. Common School Laws. From the State of Rhode Island. Acts of the General Assembly, passed in 1828, 1832, 1836 and 1843. Public Laws of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations as revised and finally enacted Ja'ry 1844. Public Laws of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, since the Session of the General Assembly in January 1846, 1 vol. From the State of South Carolina. Acts of the General Assembly passed 1840, 1842, 1847. Richardson's Equity Reports, vol 2. Richardson's Common Law Reports, vol 3. Strobhart's Reports, vols 1, 2. Senate and House Journals, 1848. Reports presented, 1848. From the State of Tennessee. Session Lawss, 1847 - 8. Humphrey's Reports, vol 6o DONATIONS. 991 From the State of Texas. Laws and decrees of the State of Coahuila and Texas in Spanish and English. Laws passed at the 2d Legislature of the State of Texas. vol 2. Webb and Duval's Reports, vol 1. From the State of Vermont, (through Henry Stevens, Senr.) Statutes of the State of Vermont. 8vo. Windsor, 1787. Statutes of the State of Vermont, Revised in 1787. 8vo. Bennington, 1791. Session Laws of Vermont. 1792, 1791, 1796, 1797, 1798, 1799, 1800, 1802, 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808, 1813, 1814, 1815, 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1827, 1831, 1836, 1839, 1848. Journal of the General Assembly of Vermont. Oct. 1803. (First 10 pages wanting.) Annual Report of the Auditor of Accounts of the State of Vermont. Oct., 1846. Washburn's Reports, vols. 18 and 19. From the State of Virginia. Acts of the General Assembly for 1820-21, 1832, 18345. and 1843- 4. 4 vols. Hening's Statutes at Large, vols. 4, 5, 6. Statutes at Large. New Series, vols. 1, 2, 3. Journal of the Convention of Virginia, 1775 - 76. Journal of the Convention of Virginia, 1783. Journal of the Senate of Virginia, 1778 - 79. Journals of the Senate of Virginia, 1785 to 1790. Journals of the House of Delegates of Virginia, 1776, 1777 to 1780, 1781 to 1786, 1786 to 1790. 4 vols. 4to. Map of Virginia. By H. Boye. Laws of Virginia, 1847 48, 1 vol. Documents of Virginia, 1847, 1 vol. Governor's Message and Annual Reports of Officers of the State. 1847. From the Territory and State of Wisconsin. Laws of Wisconsin Territory, passed by the Legislative Assembly, 1848. Journal of the Convention to form a Constitution for the State of Wisconsin. 1846. Journal of the Convention, to form a Constitution for the State of Wisconsin. 1847. Laws of the State of Wisconsin, &c. 1848, 992 DONATIONS. From the Parliament of Canada. Journals of the Legislative Council of the 1st ProvinciaS Parliament, 1st, 2d and 3d Sessions, and 2d Provincial Parliament, 1st and 2d Sessions. 5 vols folio. Sessional Papers of do. 4 vols folio. Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the 1st and 2d Provincial Parliaments. 5 vols. folio. Sessional Papers of do. 8 vols. folio. Summary of the Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly, during the 2d Session of the 2d Provincial Parliament. Folio. Provincial Statutes of Canada. vol. 2d. 4to. 1845. Report on the Geological Survey of Canada. 1845. Catalogue of Books in the Library of the Legislative Assembly of Canada. 1846. From the Society of Natural Science of JVeuchatel, (through M. AJgassiz. Memoires de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. 3 vols. 4to. From the Ielvetic Society of JNatural Sciences, (Switzerland,) (through.M.,gassiz.) Neue Denkschriften, &c. Nouveaux Memoires de la Societ6 Helvetique des Sciences Naturelles. 7 vol. 4to. From the Jtcademy of \rlatural Sciences, (Philadelphia.) Proceedings, vol. 4. Ten Numbers. From the.American Philosophical Society. Dr. IDunglison's Address on Peter S. Du Ponceau. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. Sundry numbers of vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Transactions of the Historical and Literary Committee of the Amer. Philosoph. Soc. vol. 2, and vol. 3. Part 1. From the American aJcademy of JArts and Sciences, (Boston.) Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, selected fortheir records. Vol. 1. 8vo. From the JVew-York State a/gricultural Society. Transactions, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845. Third Annual Report of the American Institute. From the JVew Jersey Historical Society. Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society, vol. 3, 1848-49. 8vo. New-York, 1849. Selections from the Correspondence of the Executive of New-Jersey, from 1776 to 1786. Published by order of the Legislature. 8vo. Newark, 1848. Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society, vol. 4. Vols. 1 2. D o NAT I ONS. 993 From the Smithsonian institution, Washington. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vol. 1. 4to. Published by the Institution, 1848, containing monuments of the Mississippi Valley, &c. By E. Q. Squier and E. H. Davis. From the Rhode Island Historical Society. Memoirs of the Rhode Island Bar, by Wilkins Updike. Address before the Rhode Island Historical Society. By William Gammell. Documentary History of the Destruction of the Gaspee. By Hon. W. R. Staples. From the Providence Frakilin Society, (Rhode Island.) Proceedings of the Providence Franklin Society. No. 1, April, 1846. No. 2, April, 1847. Catalogue of Plants, collected by the Botanical Department of Providence Franklin Society, principally in Rhode Island in 1844. Arranged by S. T. Olney. From the American Antiquarian Society. Catalogue of Books in the Library of the American Antiquarian Society. From the JNew-York State Institution of Civil Engineers. Transactions, Vol. 1, No. 1. From the JMedical Society of the State of NJew-York. Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of NewYork, vols. 4, 5, 6, 7. From the.American Jirt Union, (JV'ew-York.) The Series of Engravings enumerated on page 914. From the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Bulletin of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, vol. 1, 1845 - 47. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848. From the Committee of the State Society of the Cincinnati (f Pennsylvania. Proceedings of the General Society of the Cincinnati, with the original institution of the order, the act of incorporation by the State of Pennsylvania, and the testimonial to the memory of General Washington, adopted May, 1800. Philadelphia, 1841. Proceedings of the General Society of the Cincinnati, with the original institution of the order, and fac simile (lithcgraphs) of the signatures of the original members of the State Society of Pennsylvania. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847. 994 Do NATIONS. From the.merican Bible Society. Reports of the American Bible Society, from 1816 to 1844. Bound in two vols. From the American Board of Foreign Missions. The 33d and 37th Annual Reports. From the General Convention of the J\New Jerusalem Church in the United States. The Works of Swedenborg, in 15 vols. From the Corporation of the City of JNew-York. By-Laws and Ordinances of the City, 1845. From the Corporation of the City of /lbany. Map of the City of Albany, from the surveys of John Bradt and George W. Carpenter. Engraved and published by G. W. Merchant, 1843. From the Mercantile Library aJssociation, (Boston.) Report of the Board of Directors from the Origin of the Institution, 1820 to 1845. 8vo. Boston, 1845. An Address by Daniel A. Haskell, and a poem by S. A. Dix, delivered before the M. L. A., Jan. 3, 1848. Catalogue of Books of the M. L. A., 1848. Twenty-ninth Annual Report of M. L. A., 1849. From the AJmerican and Foreign Bible Society. 4 Bibles in various types. See page 426. Bible in Burmese and in German. Tesiament, (New.) 2 in English, 2 in German, 1 in Bengali, in Hindustani, in Sanscrit, in Persian, in Oriya, and in Armenian. Reports of the American and Foreign Bible Society from 1837 to 1842. Sixth Report of the City Bible Society, New-York. Reports of the American and Foreign Bible Society from 1843 to 1848. From the Philadelph'a Society for alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons. A volume, containing the following publications: 1. A Defence of the system of solitary confinement of prisoners, adopted by the State of Pennsylvania' By George W. Smith. 1833. 2. Remarks on the relation between education and crime. By Dr. Lieber, with observations, by Dr. Julius. 1335. 3. Letters on the comparative merits of the Pennsylva DONATIONS 995 nia and New-York Systems of Penitentiary Discipline. By a Massachusetts man. 1836. 4. A popular Essay on subjects of Penal law, and on uninterrupted, solitary confinement at labor, as contradistinguished to solitary confinement at night and joint labor by day. By Francis Lieber. 1838o 5. A vindication of the separate system of Prison Discipline from the misrepresentations of the North American Review of July, 1839. 1839. 6. The Auburn and Pennsylvania System compared, from the New-York Review of January, 1840. 1840. 7. Memorandum of a late visit to some of the principal hospitals, prisons, &c., in France, Scotland and England. By Frederick A. Packard. 1840. 8. Memorandum of a late visit to the Auburn Penitentiary. By Frederick A. Packard. 1842. 9. Extracts from the second Report of William Crawford and Whitworth Russel, the Inspectors of Prisons for the Home Department. England, 1838. (This volume is entered in the Catalogue, page 692. Pennsylvania. Penitentiary System.) Miss Dix's Remarks on Prisons and Prison Discipline. From the Protestant Episcopal Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society. Proceedings and Reports of the Board of Missions of the Protestant Episcopal Church, from 1836 to 1844. In 1 vol. 8vo. Proceedings of the Board of Missions in 1845 and 1846. Farom the Diocese of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of JV\ew-York. Journal of the Conventions of the same from 1785 to 1819. In 1 vol. 8vo. 1844. From the AJmerican Home JMissionary Society. American Home Missionary Journal 20 vois. bound in 10. American Home Missionary Society's Reports. 4 vols. From the Board of Missions of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States. The Spirit of Missions, edited by the above Board. Vols. 1, 2,3,4,5, 6, 7)8, 9,10,11,12. 12 vols. 8vo. New-York, 1836-47, 996 DO A TIO O S- From the Presbyterian Board of Publication, through Joseph P. En. gles. Philadelphia. A Guide to Devotion, for the use of the Blind, by the Presbyterian Board of Publication. 4to. Printed at the Perkins Institution and Massachusetts Asylum. Boston, 1846, (142 pages.) FroM the Corporation of Trinity Church, XJew-York. An historical Sketch of Trinity Church, New-York. By the Rev. Win. Berrian, D. D., Rector. 8vo. NewYork, 1847. A bound volume of pamphlets,' relating to the applications to the Legislature of the State in 1846 and 1847, for the repeal or modification of the Act of the 25th January, 1814, entitled' An act to alter the name of the Corporation of Trinity Church in New-York, and for other purposes.' " For contents, see Catalogue, Trinity Church. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, idam (WIm.) Adam's (W.) Genealogy of the Adam Family. lppleton (D. C.) Holcombe's (J. P.) Law of Debtor and Creditor. Jwl (iWm. M.) First ten annual reports of Ohio Lunatic Asylum. Rep. Direct. Lunatic Asylum, (Ohio,) to Gen. Ass., 1835 - 37-38.. Fitch's (Rev. C'.) Sermon at opening Ohio Lunatic Asylo. Nov. 25, 1838. Bache (.. D.) Report on Coast Survey during year ending Oct. 1847. Backus (F F.F.) Report Comm. of State Manual Labor School, (Mass.), Baldwin (T) An Universal Pronouncing Gazetteer, by T. Baldwin. Barclay (J. J.) Arguments Deft's Counsel and Judg't Sup. Court U. S. in case of Vidal et al. v. Exec. Girard and others, 1844 with Girard's Will. Annual Report Watering Comm. 1844, 1845. Annual Rep. Board Direct. Penn. Inst Deaf and Dumb. 184 -49. Reports State Treasurer Penn. for 1825-6^ 1823-9; 1831 - 2. DONATIONS. 997 Journals Select and Corn. Councils, Phil., 1835 - 40. Mease's Picture of Philadelphia, Pamphlets. 5 vols Rep. Comm. to revise Civil Code. Penns. 1835. Accounts of Pennsylvania, (being accounts of Treasurers of Counties.) 1776 to 1790. Rush's life of Ludwick, and an account of the Phil. Charity Schools. Penns. Legislative Documents in 1 vol. Reports of the Phil. House of Refuge, and of the Eastern Penitentiary of Penns., in 1 vol. Reports of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., and of the Schuylkill Navigation Co., in 1 vol. Reports on the administration of Stephen Girard's Will. Reports of the Penns. Hospital for the Insane. 1845 - 9. Annual Reports of Inspectors of Eastern State Penitentiary of Penns. 1846 -49. Annual Reports of House of Refuge of Phil. 1845-49. Annual Reports of Controllers of Public Schools of the city and county of Philadelphia. 18-5 -49. Annual Reports of the Penns. Institution for the Instruction of the Blind, 1846 -49. State of the Accounts of the Penns. Hospital, for the year ending Fourth month 25, 1846. Report of the Minority of the Special Committee of the Boston Prison Discipline Society, appointed at the annual meeting, May 27, 1845. Penns. System of Prison Discipline Triumphant in France, 1847. Account of Receipts and Expenditures of the Girard Fund. 1846. Report of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. 1847 -8 - 9. Report of the Managers of Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven Rail Road Co. 1848. Fourteenth Annual Report of Superintendant Common Schools, of Penls., for the school year ending June 1, 1847, by Miller, Superintendant. Report of Schuylkill Navigation Company, 1847 - 48 - 49. Barclay's (J. J.) Address delivered at the organization of the Normal School, (Phil.,) Jan. 13, 1848. First Annual Report of Inspectors of Phil. County Prison, Feb., 1848. Barclay's (J. J.) Address at laying corner stone of House of Refuge for Colored Juvenile Delinquents. 1848. Report of Stockholders of New Jersey Mining Company. 1848. 998 DONATIONS. Annual Report of Pres. and Managers of Susquehannah and Tide Water Canals. 1848. Statement of New Orleans Gas Light Co. March 1, 1847. Final Report of Building Committee and Architect, of Girard College for orphans. 1848. Statistical Enquiry into condition people of color, Phil. Enquiry as to tendency separation convicts to produce disease. Penns. Journal Prison Discipline and Philanthropy. vols. 3 and 4. Bartlett O Welford. H. Bossange. Catalogue Gen. des Livres Francaises, 1845. Gallatin (Albert.) On the Oregon Question. Cities and principal Towns in the World. (Lardner's Cyclopedia.) Gallatin's (Albert) Peace with Mexico. Wilkes' (Capt.) Letter to Editor of The Union. Aug. 12, 1847. Winthrop's (R. C.) Oration on laying corner stone of Washington's Monument, 1848. Beck (John B.) New-York Medical and Physical Journal. vol. 7. 1828. Charter of So. of N. Y. HIospital, Laws and By-Laws, and those of Bloomingdale Insane Asylum. 1845. Beck's (J. B.) Infant Therapeutics. Beck's (J. B.) Researches in Medicine. 2d Ed. Laws of State of N. Y., relative to city N. Y. 1843. Report Trial of Rev. T. Clapp. 1832. N. Y. city Doc. Rep. Commrs. for supplying city with pure Water. 1835. Sketch of State of Am. Medicine before Revolution. Ann. Address State Med. So. 1842. Report of Sanatory Committee. 1849. Beck (Lewis C.) Locupletissima Rerum Naturalium Thesauri, &c. Seba. Johnson's (W. R.) Rep. to Navy Dep. (U. S.) on American Coal. Owen's (D. D.) Report of Geological Exploration, part Iowa, Wisconsin and Illinois, made in 1839. Address of Directors Camden and Amboy Rail, and Del. and Raritan Canal Cos. 1846. Beck, (T. Romeyn.) Boehmer, Constitutio Criminalis Carolina. Williams' N. Y. Annual Register for 1834. Thahlimer's Annual Register and Military Roster, 1821. Boey's Worden Tolk. 2 vols. DONATIONS. 999 Bell (Luther V.) Method of Ventilating Buildings. 1848. Birdseye (Lucien.) Catalogus Collegii Yalensis, 1844. Blesch Eidlitz. Decker's (0. A.) Der Friedhof. Bogart (W. H.) Catalogues of Books. Thomas' (D.) Address before Aurora Agricul. Society, 9 mo. 1845. Schoolcraft's (H R.) Address before the Was-ah Ho-deo no- sonne. Also, HIosmer's (W. H. C.) Genundiwah, (Poem.) 1845. Quincy's (Josiah,) Memory of the late James Grahame, vindicated from charges made by Bancroft. Barton's (James L.) Reminiscences of Western No Y. and Lake Regions, 1848. Bohn (Henry G.) Bohn's (H. G.) Catalogue, vol. 1. Bokee (David s.) Day's (W.) Map (on rollers) of Brooklyn, 1846. Brigham (J.) Tracy's (Wm.) Men and Events connected with the early history of Oneida County. Brigham's (A.) Diseases and Functions of the Brain Spinal Cord and Nerves. Brigham's (A.) Influences of Mental Cultivation, &c. upon Health. 3d ed. Brigham's (A.) Asylum Souvenir, 1849. Brinley (George, Jun) Acts of Connecticut, 1750. Acts of Congress, 1790. E. Randolph's Report to Congress, 1790. Meredith's Report to Congress, 1791. Hamilton's Reports (4) to Congress, 1791-93. Jefferson's Report to Congress, 1791. U. S. Receipts and Expenditures, 1791- 92. Backus' Justice of the Peace. Swett and, Humphrey on General Putnam. Brigham on Mental Cultivation, Bacon's Historical Discourse. Day's Historical Discourse. McFingal. 1000 D NA T I o so Life of Gevernor Trumbull. Waldo's Rural Magazine. Deposited. A copy of the T Treaty of the Big Tree" Brodhead (J. Romeyn.) Miller's (Jno.) Description of Province and City of N. Y. in 1695. Brodhead's (S. Romeyn.) Address before the N. Y. His" torical Society, 1844. Bryan (Chas.) Tochman's Poland, Russia, &c. Third Report of Prison Association, N. Y. Buel (David, Jun.) Buel's (D. Jr.) Troy for fifty years, 1840. Burnham (Eleazer.) Williamson's Description of Settlement of the Genesee Country, (N. Y.) Watson's (E.) History of Western Canals, from 1788 to 1819; of Modern Agricultural Societies on Berkshire System, &c. Campbell (W. H.) Proceedings Gen. Synod Ref. Dutch Ch. in North America, 1813-14 - 15-16 - 17-18. Cauchey (M.) Du Duel. Les Precedents de la Cour des Pairs A Complete Series of French State Trials, from 1834 to 1.846. Clark (Ezra.) Catalogue of Young Men's Library at Hartford. Clute (Edward C) Bust (plaster) of Samuel Beardsley. Cooley (James Ewing.) The American in Egypt. Cooper (Charles Purton.) Cooper's (C. P.) Cases adjudged in Courts of Lords Chancellor, Rolls, and Vice Chan., 1837 - 8. Cooper's (C. P.) Specimen of Catalogue of Books on Foreign Law. Cooper's (C. P.) Subs. of Speech in Attly Gen. v. Shore. (Lady Hewley.) Gen. Rep. to King, from Commission. Pub. Records. Record Commission. Several Publications on the. DONAT IONS 1001 Cormenin (Viscount.) Code Rurale des Campagnes. Croswell (Edwin.) Mexican, Californian, and Sandwich Islands Newspapers~ Deeth (S. G.) Proceedings of Congress at Philadelphia, May 10, 1775. Extracts from Votes and Proceedings Am. Continental Congress, 1774. United States Literary Gazette, vol. 1. Royal Calendar and City Register for England, 1819. Aanmerkungen over Noord America, door Dr. R. Price. Engra-ed Sheet of the Flags of all Nations. Engraved Sheet of Heads of Am. Naval Commanders. Granger's (Gid.) Vindication of the present Administration, 1803. Barlow's Letter to Gregoire. Thirteenth Report Providence Atheneum, 1848. Hancock's (Jno.) Oration to commemorate the Tragedy of March 5, 1770. Hichborn's (Benj.) Oration of March 5, 1777. Scamozzi (De Vincent.) Oeuvres D'Architecture. John Q. Adams' Dermot McMorrough. Durfee's Historical Discourse, 1847. Knox's (V.) Spirit of Despotism. Geograph View Brit. Poss'ns. in N. Am. with a Hist. of the War in Canada, 1814. De Wilt (R. V.) Norberg. Histoire de Charles XII, Roi de Suede. Laws and ordinances of Albany, 1790. Disturnell, (J.) Map (correct) of seat of War in Mexico. Copy of Arista's Map taken at Resaca. Disturnell's (J.) U. S. National Register, 1847. Dix, (J. A) Gillis' (J. M.) Astronomical Observations. Gillis' (J. M.) Magnetical and Meteoroligical Observations,. Dix's (J. A.) Speech on the 3 millions Bill, March 1, 1847. Rep. See of Treas. on Com. and Navig. of U. S. for the year ending June 30, 1846. Fremont's (J. C.) Geograp. Memoir on Upper California, Wislizenius (A.) Tour to N. Mexico. 1846 -7. Rep. Acting Sec. Treas. communicating Ann. Rep. Conmiss. Gen. Land Office. ]Dee 13, 1847. 1002 DONATIONS. Rep. Sec. of War. with a Rep. and Map of examinat. of New Mexico by Abert. Rep. by Sec. State trans. Reports of Commiss. under the Treaty of Washiugton. Aug 3, 1848. Letter from Sec. Treas. trans. Rep. Commis. Gen. Land Office as to U. S. Lands. April 11, 1848. Messages of Pres. communicating Correspon. of U. S. Minister at Paris, since the recent change in Gov. of France. June 12, 1848. Mess. of Pres. communicating Copy of Treaty with Mexico. July 6, 1848. Rep. Superintend. Coast Survey on applicat. Galvanic Current to an astronomical clock and Telepraph Register in determining local diffierences of longitude. Laws U. S. on Patents. and decisions of Courts, also opinions of C. J. Cranch in appeals from Comm. Patents. Rep. from Acting Sec. Treas. communicating. Ann. Rep. Comm. Gen. Land Office. Dee 13, 1847. Report of the Commerce and Navigat. of U. S. for the year ending Septr. 1848. Drake, (S. G.) Hayward's (Jno.) Massachusetts Directory. Marryatt's Signal numbers. Carey's (M.) Account of the Malignant fever in Philadelphia. 1793. Du Bois, (W. E.) Du Bois (W. E.) Account of Coins of Mint U. S. Duncan, (G.) Duncan's (M.) Speech on assumption of power by Executive. July 24, 18-18. Reports Cases in Sup. Court Errors and appeals, of Tennessee &c. Durrie, (Daniel S.) Putnam's Description of Minesota. Dwight, (L.) 21st, 22d, 23rd, 24th Ann. Repts. of Prison Discipline Soc. 1846 - 49. Earle, (P.) Earle's (P.) History, &c., Bloomingdale Asylum, (Insane.) Earle's (P.) Visit to thirteen Insane Asylums in Europe, &c. Earle's (P.) 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th Ann. Reports of the Bloomingdale Insane Asylum. 1845 - 8. DO N A TIONS. 1003 Edmonds (J. W.) Catalogue Library of New-York Law Institute. Faribault (G. B.) Memoires sur le Canada. Farr (Wm., ) M. D. Nine Reports of the Registrar General of England, on Births, Deaths and Marriages. Appendix to the Ninth Report. Field (David Dudley.) Field's (D. D.) Tracts on Law Reform. 5 in No. Fischer (Dr.) Sertum Petropolitanum. Folsom (George.) Despatches of Cortez. Trans. by Folsom (G.) Ford (Edward W.) Tuomey's (M.) Rep. on the Geological and Agricultural Survey of So. Carolina. 1844. Orfila (M.) Traite des Poisons. Linn's (J. B.) Valerian. A Poem. Hall's (J. E.) Portfolio. Vol. 19. Barton's (J. L.) Commerce of the Lakes, and Erie Canal, in 1845-6. Smith's (E. H.) History of Black Hawk. Hosmer's (W. H. C.) Pioneers of W. N. Y. A Poem. Dunlap's (Wi.) Archers or Mountaineers of Switzerland. Hubbard's (Wm.) Indian Wars in N. Eng. Balance (The) and Columbian Repository. vols. 2 & 3. Gallatin (.a/lbert.) Transactions American Ethnological Society. vol. 2. Gallup (i.) Blue Book for 1833 and 1837. Garneau (F X.) Garneau (F. X.) Histoire du Canada. 3 vols. Gavit (J. E.) Diagrams of Senate and Assembly Chambers. 1847-48. Gowans (William.) Catalogue of Books. Van Vlierden's Funeral Sermon on Rev. Mr. Schuneman. Gosset (Henrs.) Quincy (I. Q.) Letters on Masonic Institution. 1004 DN A T I O N S. Odiorne's (J. C.) Opinions on Speculative Masonry. Anti-Masonic Documents, in 6 Nos. Letters on Free Masonry. Gould (C. D.) Parthenon (The.) 2 vols. Topographical Map of road from Missouri to Oregon. See Fremont's Notes, &c. Webster's Speech, New Tariff Bill. 1846. King's (P.) Bill on Wilmot Proviso. 1817. Rathbun's (G.) Speech on Wilmot Proviso. 1847. Brinkerhoff (Jacob) on Wilmot Proviso. 1847. Gould (E. S.) Alison's (A.) History of Europe, from 1789 to 1815. (Abridged by E. S. Gould.) 4th Ed. Gould (Wmi. 8 JL.) Catalogues of Books. Chancery Court Rules, N. Y. 1844. Graham (J. D.) Profile of the N. Line from Monument at source of St. Croix to St. John's, in 1840- 41. Lee (T. J.) and Fairfax (W. M. C.) Map of boundary lines between U. S. and British Provinces. Bond, (W. C.) Graham, (J. D.) and Bond's (G. B.) determination of Latitude of Camb. Observatory, during Dec., 1844, and Jan., 1845. By Benj. Pierce. Graham (John L.) Three Lithographed Views of N. Y. Post Office. (In Frames.) Guernsey (E.) History of U. S., for Schools. 5th Ed. Hall (B. F.) Hall's (B. F.) Address to the Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, at Auburn. July 4, 1849. Hall (R.) Pass of the Ship Parnasso, (on parchment,) containing the Autographs of Jefferson and Madison. Hall (Willis.) Catalogue Law Department Library of Congress. Rules and Orders Courts of Queen's Bench and Common Pleas. 1712. Do NATIONS. 1005 Hancock (Jno.) Requisitions of United States in Congress assembled on the States. 1786 - 87 - 88. Rev. Dr. H. Potter's Funeral Sermon on General Harrison. Schedule of Requisitions made on the States by the U. S. in Cong. assem., from 1781 to 1786. Report and Resol. of U. S. in Cong. assem., with a requisition on the States, dated Aug. 20, 1788. Noyes (W. C.) Argument. Reports of the Auditor of Kentucky. New Hampshire Register, 1831. U. S. Army Register, 1829. U. S. Naval Register, 1817. Willis Hall's Opinion. Harkness (W. B.) Cambridge Church Case. Hawkins (Jilfred.) Engraved Plan of Nav. and Mil. operation before Quebec and death of Wolfe, in 1759. (in gilt frame.) Hawkins' (A.) Quebec Directory. 1844-5. Hays (Isaac,) JM. D. Pro. of the Nat. Med. Conventions, in N. Y. May, 1846, and in Phil. May, 1847. Code of Ethics of Am. Med. Ass., adopted May, 1847. Hazen (Edward.) Hazen's English Grammar. Hazen (Jasper.) Hazen (Jas.) and Ross (Jno.) Christian Palladium, vol. 15 and vol. 16. 1847 -8. Hazen (Jas.) Christian Palladium, vol. 17. 1848 - 9. Hill (J.) Law Catalogues. HIodgins (J. G.) "'L'sP" Remarks on Education in Canada. Jan. and March, 1848. Hopper (J. T.) Hicks' (E.) Journal of his Life and Religious labors of himself. 5th ed. Truth Vindicated. Gurney's (J. J.) Observations on the Religious peculiarities of the Soc. of Friends. Cockburn's (Jas.) Review of causes which led to the late disorders and divisions in the yearly meeting of Friends, &c. STATE LIBRARY.] 63 1006 DONATION s. Jackson's (H.) Civilization of the Indian Nations. Pamphlets. Hosford (E. JVX.) Hosford's (E. N.) Service Pipes for Water. Boston. Hun (Thos.) Catalogues of French Books. 1837 - 39. Louis XVIII. Relation d'un voyage a Bruxelles, et a Coblentz, 1791. Journaal van Oost Indische Reyze, Van W. J. Bontekoec Van Hoorn, &c. Hunt (Washington.) Gallatin's Ann. Rep. as Sec. Treas. Dec. 1810, and Nov. 1811. Gallatin's Report showing the Value of Exports from U. S., from Oct. 1, 1790, to Sept. 30, 1810. Gallatin's Rep. assays of Foreign Coin at the U.S. Mint. Dec. 24, 1810. Gallatin's letter, statement of the Tonnage of U. S., from 1793 to 1810. N. Y. Journal or Gen. Advertiser. (Pub. by Jno. Holt, Aug. 27, 1767.) N. Y. Gazette and Weekly Mercury. Dec. 30, 1771. Print by Hugh Gaine. N. Y. Packet, Sept. 8,1785, and May 22, 1786, (half the newspaper.) May 23, 1788. Print by S. Loudon. N. Y. Journal and Weekly Register. May 29, 1788, and July 3, 1788, (half the newspaper.) Print by Thos. Greenleaf. Daily Advertiser, April 26, 1790. Print by F. Childs and J. Swain. Johnson (R. G.) District School Journal; N. Y. Vol. 9. Johnson (B. P.) Trans. of N. Y. State Agric. So., 1846-47 - 48. The Northern Whig. Vols. 7, 8, 9; 1816 - 17. American Masonic Record and Albany Sat. Mag. (Published by E. B. Child.) Vol. 1. N. Y. Evangelist. Vols. 1, 2, 3 in 1. March 6, 1830 to Dec. 9, 1832. 4th and 5th Ann. Rep. (Trans.) Am. Inst. (for 1845 -46.) Kilbourn (P. K.) Kilbourn's (P. K.) History and Genealogy of the Kilbourn Family. DONATIONS. 1007 King (H.) King's (H.) Early History of Ithaca. Korthals (P. W.) Korthals' (P. W.) Topographische schets van un gedeelte van Sumatra. Lansing (G. Y.) State Papers, 17th Congress, 2d Session. 6 vols. Rep. of Committees 17th Congress, 2d Session. 2 vols. Jour. of Senate U. S., 18th Congress, 1st Session. 1 vol. Senate Doc. 18th Congress, 1st Session. 3 vols. Jour. House Rep. 18th Congress, 1st Session. I vol. Doc. House Rep. 18th Congress, 1st Session. 1 vol. Rep. of Committees 18th Congress, 1st Session. 2 vols. Laphanm (J. SA.) Third Ann. Rep, School Commissioners Milwaukie, 1849. Lawrence (W. B.) Lawrence's (W. B.) Colonization and Subsequent History New Jersey. Before Y. M. Assoc. N. Y., 1842. Leake (J. Q.) Nouveau Dictionaire Allemand-Francois. See "Dictionary." Learned (W. L.) Catalogue of Library Linonian Society Yale College, 1846. Catalogue of Library Calliopean Society Y. College, 1846. Catalogue of Lib. Soc. of Brothers in Unity Y. Coll. 1846. Leveridge (Jno.) Charter of the City of New-York, with Notes of Chancellor Kent, 1838 - 9. Liddle (W. F.) Liddle's (W. F.) Cat. Law Books in the Libraries, Rochester, 1847. Little (W. C.) Catalogue of French, English and American Books. Transactions of the American Art Union, 1847. Livingston T Wells. A number of Catalogues of French Books. A number of Catalogues of Books on Sale at Paris. Jardin D-'Hiver. Cat. Gen. Des Serres des champs Elysees. Ludewig (H. E.) Ludewig's (H. E.) Literature of Am. Local History. 1008 DONATIONS Ludewig's (H. E.) Literature of Am. Local History. 1st Supplement, from Lit. World, Feb. 12, 1848..Mahlmann (Prof) Instruction fur die beobachten an den Meteorologischen Stationem in Preussichen Staate..Marshall (H.) J. D. Marshall's (H.) Ceylon. Marshall's (H.) Millitary Miscellany. Maury (Lieut.) Maury's (Lieut.) Abstract Log for American Navigators. Maury's (Lieut.) Wind and Current Charts for S. and N. Atlantic. Maury's (Lieut.) Pilot Chart Coast Brazil. Maury's (Lieut.) Pilot Chart North Atlantic. Chart of N. E. Trade Winds, (Maury's Wind and Current Charts North Atlantic.) Series B. Meriam (G. 4 C.) Webster's (N.) Dictionary. Enlarged by Goodrich. Moore (NJ. F.) Moore (N. F.) Sketch Columbia College. Morris (Lewis Lee.) Proceedings of the Court Martial on Gen. Charles Lee, 1778. Munsell (J.) Pamphlets from the press of I. Munsell. 9 vols. Almanacs from 1841 -49 inclusive, printed by J. Munsell. Murphy (IH C.) Vertoogh over den toestant der West Indische Compagnie, &c. Emory's (Lieut. Col.) Notes of a Military Reconnoissance from Fort Leavenworth to San Diego, in 1846-7; (with a Map.) Abert's (Lieut.) Report of his Exam. of New Mexico. Cooke's (Lieut. Col. P. St. George.) Report of his March from Santa Fe to San Diego. Johnston's (Capt.) Journal. (The whole being Ex. Doc. 1841. 30 Cong. IstSess.) Representation of N. Netherland. Translated from the Dutch, by H. C. Murphy. O'Callaghan (E. B.) Catalogue, Library House Assembly, Quebec, 1835. Catalogue, Library Legis. Assembly, Canada, 1832. DONATIONS. 1009 Pamphlets for the People. (Ed. by J. A. Roebuck.) A volume of pamphlets on Canada. Revans' (J.) Evils of the state of Ireland. Fac similes of signatures of three first Directors-General of N. Netherland, &c. De Sille's (N.) History of the first settlement of N. Utrecht. Translated from the Dutch by T. G. Bergen. Engraved Portrait of Jeremias Van Rensselaer. Schooleraft (H. R.) Outlines of life and character of Lewis Cass. Several files of Canada Newspapers, 1848 - 9. London Review, No. 1, 1835. Onderdonk (I., jr.) Onderdonk's (H., jr.) Revolutionary Incidents of Sulfolk and Kings Counties. Palfrey (J. G.) Statistics of certain branches of industry in Massachusetts, for the year ending April 1, 1845. 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th Annual Report of Sec. relative to Registry of Births, Marriages and Deaths in Massachusetts. 1843 - 5. Abstract of return of Agricultural Societies of Mass. 1845. Tables of the bearings, distances, latitudes, longitudes, &c ascertained by the Astronomical and Trigonom. survey of Massachusetts. Palmer (S2. H.) Palmer's (A. HI.) Letter to Mr. Clayton, Sec.. of State. Parmelee (Win.) The Clinton Monument. 1848. Pearce (John.) De Laet (J.) Beschryvinghe van West Indien. Pease (E. H.) & Co. 36th, 38th and 39th Annual Report Am. Board Foreign Missions. 1845-7 -8. 20th, 21st, 23d, 24th, 25th, 27th, 29th, 30th and 32d Annual Report American Bible Society. 9th, 11th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22d and 23d Annual Rep. Am. Tract Society. Proceedings of a Public Deliberative Meeting of the Board and friends of Am. Tract Society, held Oct. 1, 1842. Pease (F. S.) Pease's (F. S.) Genealogy of ancestors and posterity of Isaac Lawrence. 1010 DONATIONS. Peet (H. P.) Reports of N. Y. Inst. Deaf and Dumb, from 4th to 25th Report. (1823-1848.) 3 vols. Reports Conn. Asylum Deaf and Dumb, from 3d to 20th Report. (1819-1844.) 2vols. Potter (Bishop.) Potter's (A.) Charge to the Clergy of Diocese of Penn. at opening of Con. (65th.) May 16, 1849. Pratt (Zadock.) Doney's Engraved Portrait of Z. Pratt. (Elegant frame.) Pruyn (J. V. L.) Wagstaff's (S.) Collection of genteel and ingenious conversation. Forbes' (Capt.) Voyage of the Jamestown. Rep. case, Court of Errors, N. Y. Gouverneur & Kemble, plaintiffs in error, and Le Guen, defendant. Colden's (C. D.) vindication of Steamboat right, granted by N. Y. Chase's (S.) Answer and Plea to Art. Impeachment against him in House Representatives. Duer (John) and Sedgwick's (R.) Exam. of Controversy between Greek Dep. and two Mercantile houses of N.Y. Mess. Pres. U. S. to the two Houses, at commencement Ist Sess. 30th Cong. Wingate's (E.) exact abridg. stat. from beginning Magna Charta. Hopkins' (J. R.) Rep. case Trespass and Assault and Battery. J. Evans, pltff, and E. Yarnel, et al., defts. African Repository and Colonial Journal, vols. 21 & 23. Copland's (S.) History of Madagascar.:Quetelet (Mg.) Observations des Phenomenes Periodiques. Randall (S. S.) Annual Report Superintendent Com. Schools, N. Y. 1845. Randall's (S. S.) Digest of the Common School System. State of New-York, 1845. Ranlett (W. H.) Ranlett's (W. H.) Architect, vol. 1. Ray (Luzerne.) American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb, 2 vols. Rich (o.) Catalogues of French, English and American Books. Marquette (Le P.) et Joliet (Sieur) Voyage et decouverte de quelques pays et nations de L' Amerique Septentrionale, 1845. DONATIONS. 1011 Grellman (H. M. G.) Iistorie des Bohemiens. Lajaille (P.) Voyage an Senegal. Agricola (G. A.) Experimental Husbandman. Rich's (O.) Bibliotheca Americana, Nova, vol. 2. Rosier (M. l'Abbe.) Observations sur differens points DI'Harmonie. Chamberlayne's Present State of Great Britain, 1743. Porter's Observations on the Turks. Money's (J.) History of the Campaign of 1792. Moore's (J.) Campaign of British Army in Spain. Colquhoun's (P.) Commerce and Police of the Thames. Tracts, cont. Researches in Siberia and Hist. Poland, &c. Observations on the Life and Actions of Dumourier, &c. Dirom's (Major.) Campaign in India, &c. Catalogue of Spanish Manuscripts belonging to 0. Rich. Sauthier (C. J.) Chorographical Map of Province N. Y. Humboldt's Recueil Observations Astronomiques. Catalogue of Books relating to America. Catalogue of Horace Walpole's Collection at Strawberry Hill. Russel (Archibald.) Russel's (A.) Principles of Statistical Inquiry, &c. Ryerson (Egerton.) Ryerson's (E.) Rep. on a System of Public Elementary Instruction for Upper Canada. Annual Report of Normal, Model and Common Schools in Upper Canada, for 1847 - 48. Sackett (G. V.) Sackett's (G. V.) Early History of Seneca County, delivered at an Agricultural Meeting at Ovid, Oct. 21, 1841. Salisbury (J. H.) Salisbury's. (J. H.) Prize Essay on Indian Corn. Salisbury's (J. H.) Composition of the Tomato, Eggplant &c. Salisbury's (J. H.) Examination of the Rumex Crispus. Salisbury's (J. H.) Examination of five varieties of Cabbage. Saxton' Miles Allen's American Agriculturist. 4 vols. Seaman (E. C.) Seaman's (E. C.) Essays on the Progress of Nations. Supplements to Essays on the Progress of Nations. Seaver (Wm.) Seaver (Wm.) Historical Sketch of Batavia. 1012 DONATIONS, ShaitUlck (Lem.) Shatl;ucks (L.) Report to Committee of City Council appointed to obtain the Census of Boston for 1845, &c. Palfrey's (J. G.) Fourth Annual Report of Births, Deaths and Marriages in Massachusetts, for the year ending April 30, 1845. Spirit of the Pilgrims (The.) 1828 -29 - 30 - 31 - 32. Shattuck's (L.) History of Concord, Middlesex County, Mass., from its earliest settlement to 1832. Shattuck's (L.) System of Family Registration. Shattuck's (L.) Statistical Papers, in 1 vol. First ten Annual Reports of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Annual Report of the Am. Board of Commiss. for Foreign Missions, from the 3d to the 32d, inclusive. Annual Report of American Board, &c., being the 34th, 35th, 36th, 38th and 39th Reports. Trial of Boston Gas Light Company v. Win. Gault. Journal of the House of Representatives of Mass., 1808. ] Trans. of the Agricul. Soc. of Mass., for 1846 - 47- 48. Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Ann. Rep. of Sec. of State relating to Births, Deaths and Marriages in Mass., for the years ending April, 30, 1846 -47-48. First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Exhibitions of Fairs of the Mass. Charitable Mechanic's Association at Quincy Hall, Boston, including the Annual Ads dreses, in 1837- 39- 41 -44 -48. Missionary Herald for 1848, vol. 44. Rules and Orders of Common Council of Boston, and City Charter, with list of City officers for 1834- 5. Municipal Begisters for 1845 -46 -47 -48 -49. Annual Report of Receipts and Expenditures of Boston, and County of Suffolk, from 1833 to 1848. Wetmore (T.) and Prescott (E. G.) Charters and Ordinances of Boston, &c. Ordinances of Boston passed since 1834, and Acts of the Legislature relating to the City since. Rules and Orders to be observed in House of Represensentatives, Mass., for 1848 -49. Reports and Trans. Mass. Horticul. Society from 1831 to 1848. (1834- 39 - 40 - 41 -47, wanting.) Parker's (J. R.) Semaphoric System of Telegraphs. Parker's (J. R.) New Semaphoric Signal Book in 3 parts. Marryatt's Signal Numbers, adapted to J. R. Parker's Marine Telegraphic Flags. eports of Commissioners of State Manual Labor School, (now State Reform School,) for 1847-49, with E. Washburn's Address. DO NATIONS. 1013 Report of Board of Directors of Internal Improvements Mass. on the practicability of a Railroad from Boston to Hudson River, and from Boston to Providence, with Report of Engineers, and plans. Reports of Boston and Lowell, Boston and Providencee and Boston and Worcester Railroad Corporations. Reports Engineers Western Railroad Corporation to their Directors, in 1836 - 37. Annual Reports Railroad Corporations of Mass. to Legislature, from 1837 to 1848, inclusive. (1842 wanting.) Annual Reports of Trustees of the State Lunatic Asylum at Worcester. 16 Reports, (1833 to 1848, inclusive.) Abstracts of Schedules exhibiting the condition of the Banks in Mass., from 1803 to 1848, inclusive. Abstracts of the Returns of Insurance Companies in Mass. from 1838 to 1848, inclusive. A.bstracts of Mass. School Returns for 1838- 9 1839-40, 1841 -42 and 1844-45. Annual Report of the Boston Fire Department, from 1837 to 1847, inclusive. Abstract of Returns of Overseers of Poor in Mass. from 1841 to 1848, inclusive. Annual Report of the Boston City Missionary Society. from 1841 to 1848, inclusive. Fourth, Eighth and Ninth, and from the 1 th to 32d Annual Reports, inclusive, of Directors Am. Educ. Soc. Mann (H.) Smith's (M. H.) and several Anonymous Writers. Pamphlets by. (9 in No.) on the Con. School Controversy at Boston, 1844. Shattuck, Wilkins, Rogers, Baldwin (L.) Treadwell and Eddy's Pamphlets (33) on introducing pure water in Boston, &c, &c. Dearborn's (H. A. S.) Letter on Int. Improve, and Commerce of the West. Rules and Regulations of Pub. Schools. Boston, 1848. Ann. Rep. Pub. Schools. Boston, 1846-47. Municipal Register of Charlestown, with rules and orders of City Council. List of Officers &c. Rep. of Comm. Mass. on routes of Canals from Boston Harbor to Connecticut and Hudson Rivers. (with a Map.) Catalogue Proprietors Cemetery Mt, Auburn, May 1I 1846, with the regulations &c. Fifteenth Ann. Rep. Exec. Committee Benevolent Fraternity of churches. 1849. Cushman s (Robt.) Sin and dangers of Self love. Sermon deliv. at Plymouth, 1621. 1014 DONATIONS. Lunt's (W. P.) Two Discourses delivered Sept. 29, 18397 on 20th Anniversary of Gathering of 1st Congregational Church, Quincy. Private and Special Stats. Commonwealth Mass. from Jany 1838 to May 1848. vol 8. Sibley, (J. L.) Cat. Library Harvard University, Cambridge. (Mass.) 1st *Supp. Catalogus Universitatis Harvardianae. Cantab, 1845. Cat. Officers and Students of Harvard College, 1845, 1846. Skinver, (E. W.) Baldwin's (E.) Annals of Yale College. N. Y. Business Directory for 1840 -41. Loomis (G. J.) and Wait's (T. G.) Albany Directory for 1834 - 5. Signs of the Times, (Newspaper printed in Albany) 1827 -8. Skinner's (R. S.) N. Y. State Register for 1830. Webster's (N.) Observations on Language and Commerce, &c. Jay (Wm.) and Nott's (Sam.) Essays on the Sabbath. Junkin' s (Geo.) Vindication, containing the history of trial of Rev. A. Barnes &c. Slingerland, (J. J.) Rep. of Select Com. H. Rep. U. S. on claims of Wm T. G. Morton, as discoverer of the pain Subduing property of Sulphuric Ether. Slocum, (Joseph.) Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed, udgivne af det Kongelige, nordiske Oldskrift. Selskab, 1844 - 1845. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift udgivet af det Kongelige. Nordiske Oldskrift. Selskab, 1843 -45. Spencer, (J. C.) Memorial of Ambrose Spencer, on occasion of his death. &c. Stephens, (J. L.) Catherwood's views of Central' America, Chiapas and Yucatan. Stevens (A. H.) Cope's first trial by Jury. (Engraved by Sadd.) Framed. DONATIONS. 1015 Stevens (Henry.) Butler's (J. D.) Address before the Vermont Hist. and Antiq. So., at Montpelier, Oct. 16, 1846, Williams' (C. L.) Statistics Rutland Co. Bar, (Vermt.) Butler (J. D.) and Houghton's (G. F.) Battles of Lexington, and Life and Services of Col. S. Warner, delivered before Legislature Vermont, Oct. 20, 1848. Strong (T. M.) Acts and proceedings of Gen. Synod Ref. Dutch Church, in N. America, from 1819 to 1849. Strong's (T. M.) Index to printed minutes of Gen. Synod of Reform Dutch Church, from June, 1794, to June, 1826. Strong's (T. M.) History of the town of Flatbush. Tallmadge (Jas.) Tallmadge's (Jas.) Speech in U. S. H. Rep. on Slavery. (The Missouri Question.) Feb. 15, 1819. Taylor (R. C.) Taylor's (R. C.) Report on the Washington Silver Mine in Davidson county, (N. Carolina.) Thomas (Wm. R.) Slingerland's (Mr.) Report from Committee on Agriculture, July 19, 1848. Thompson (SJ. G.) Smith's (J. C.) Map of Long Island, with the environs of N. Y. and south part of Conn. Toll (D, J.) Toll's (D. J.) Narrative, embracing the history of two or three of the first settlers and their families, of Schenectady, &c. 1847. Townsend (H.) Struve (H.) Recueil de Memoires sur les Salines et leur Exploitation. Townsend (Isaiah.) Catalogues of French, English and American Books. Christopher Columb. de insulis nuper inventis in Mare Indico,sub Ferdinando Rege Hispaniarum Epistola. Mitchel (Doct.) Amerique Septentrionale, &c. Trad. de 1 Anglais, par le Rouge, Ing. Chastenet (P.) Le Pilote de l'Isle de Saint Domingue. Cook & Laze, Le Pilote de Terre Neuve. 4to vol. of Doe. in French, concerning Mr. Rives' Treaty with France, July 4, 1831. 1016 DONATION S. Fontanes & Dubroca. Eloges Funebres de Washington. Mohedana, Historia Literaria de Espana. Abella. Noticia y plan de un viage para reconocer Archives y former la coleccion diplomatica de Espana. Montague's (Mary Wortley) Letters. Barlow's (Joel) Political Writings. Steward's (Rev. Jas.) Hist. of the Discovery of America. Washington's Birth-day. An Historical Poem, by a Washingtonian. 1812. Constitution Politica de la Monarquia Espanola. Estatuto Real para la convocacion de las Cortes Generales del Reino. Real Convocataria para la celebracion de las Cortes Generales del Reino. Vanderlyn's Portrait of D. B. Warden. Tucker (L.) Follett's (F.) History of the Press of Western N. Y. (Proceed. Printer's Festival, January 18, 1847.) Valentine (D. T.) King's (Chas.) Memoir of Croton Aqueduct, with account of the Civic Celebration, Oct. 14, 1842, on its completion, &c. Manual of Corporation of city of N. Y. for 1812 -3, 18434, 1844-5, 1845-6, 1847-8, and 1848- 9. Tillon's (Aid.) Rep. Doe. N. Y. Corn. Council, Board of Aldermen, Jan. 3, 1844. Ann. Rep. Compt. of City, of receipts and expenditure of Corporation, including transactions of Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, for 1846. New-York city Charter, with Chancellor Kent's Notes. Valentine (W. C.) Manual of the Corporation of City New-York, 1841 -2. Van Benthuysen (C.) Manual for the Legislature N. Y. 1845 - 1847. Transactions N. Y. State Agricul. Society, vol. 4, 1844. Sixth Annual Report American Institute, 1848. Van Cortlandt (P.) Gaine's Universal Register, 1776. Gaine's Universal Register, 1786. Holt's New-York Register, 1806. Laws N. Y. passed at 13th Sess. 1st & 2d meet. 1789 - 90. 14th Sess., 1st meeting, 1791. 16th Sess., 1st meeting, 1792 - 9:3 17th Sess., Ist meeting, 1794. 18th Sess., 1st meeting, 1795, DONATION S. 1017 Accounts, receipts and expenditures U. S. 1810. Census United States, 1840. Journal Senate N.Y. 8th Session. 2d meeting. Journal Ass. N. Y. 13th Sess. 2d meet., and 17th Sess. House Doe., 12th Congress, 1st Session. Reports Commissioner Patents, 1841 -42 - 43. Smith & Murray's Opinions on Courts of Justice in Colony of New-York, 1734. Guide to N. Rochelle and its vicinity. 1842. Varnum (J. B. Jun.) Varnum's (J. B. Jun.) Seat of the Government of the U. S. Also a notice of the Smithsonian Institution. Wait (S.) Engraved Portrait of Robt. Sears, (framed.) Engraving of Presentation of Writings of Mr. Sears to Queen Victoria, (framed.) Warden (D. B.) Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, 1840 -45. L'Art de Verifier des Dates 1'Amerique, vols, 9. 10. Memoires d'Agriculture, &c., publiees par la Societe d' Agriculture du Department de la Seine. 48 vols. Recueil de Voyages et de Memoires, publi6 par la Societ6 de Geographic. 7 vols. 4to. Documents Statistiques de la France, publiees par la Minister du Commerce. Traite de la Culture des Arbres Frutiers, par W. W. Forsyth; traduit par J. P. Pictet. Bibliographie Agronomique. Sundry Maps. Waring (JV. F) Charter of Brooklyn and Laws of N. Y. relating particularly to said city. Webb (T. H.) Jewett's (C. C.) Facts and Considerations relative to duties on Books. Leavitt (J.) On Cheap Postage. Webster (D.) Webster's Vindication of Treaty of Washington, 1842, in a Speech in Senate U. S. 6th and 7th April, 1846. Wendell (P.) Tozoni's Bust of Silas Wright. Wetmore (P. M.) Proceedings of New-York Historical Society for 1843 -4445 -46 -47. 1018 DONATIONS. Congress Directory, 1st Session 29th Congress U. S. Gallatin (A.) On Oregon Question. Report N. Y. Inst. Deaf and Dumb, 1845- 46 - 47. Charter and By-Laws N. Y. Historical Society, 1846. Memoirs of Mrs. Coghlan, 1795. Goldsborough (C. W.) U. S. Naval Chronicle. Transaction of the American Art Union for 1846. Observations on Origin and Conduct of Mexican War. General History of Pyrates from their First Rise and Settlement in Isl. Providence to present time. First and Second Reports Prison Assoc. N. Y., 1845 -46. Charter, and By-laws, with a history of chamber of Commerce of N. Y. (Inst 1768 and Incorp. 1770.) Whitehead, (W. H..) Whitehead' s (W. A.) Biographical Sketch of Wm. Franklin (Gov. N. Jersey.) (from 1763 to 1776.) read before N. Jersey Hist. So. Sept 27, 1848. Prime's (S. J.) Address at opening of the Hall of Newark Library Ass: Feb. 21, 1848. Henderson's (M. H.) Days of Old; a centennial Disc. deliv. in Trin. Church Newark (N. Jersey.) Feb 22, 1846. Whitney, (C. A.) Valentine's (D. T.) Manual of the Corp: city N. Y. for 1844- 5. Wiley and Putnam. Cat. French, Eng. and American Books. Bossange (H.) Extrait du Catalogue Gen. Number of Catalogues Books on Sale. Putnam's (G. P.) American Facts. Bossange (H.) Catalogue des Livres Francaises, Grecs, Latins, &c. Williams, (0. S.) Early History of Clinton (Oneida Co.) A lecture before the Y. M. Lyceum of Clinton, 1849. Wilmot, (D.) Wilmot's (D.) Speech on his amendment restricting Slavery from Territory hereafter acquired, 1847. Wing, (J. A ) Legge's (Thom.) Law of outlawry and Prac. in Civil Actions. Winthrop, (B. R.) Vandyke's Portrait of Gov. Stuyvesant. Engraved by Gimbrede. DONATIONS. 1019 Wood, (B. R.) Map of N. Y. Bay and Harbor and Environs, founded upon a Trigonometrical Survey, under direction of F. R. Hassler. Espy's (J. P.) First Report of Meteorology, made to Surgeon Gen. Army. Blair and Rives' Congressional Globe (New Series) Sketches of Deb. and Proceedings 2d Sess. 29th Cong. Astronomical Observations made 1845 at National Observatory (Wash.) under direction of M. F. Maury, vol 1. 1846. Yates, (S. J.) A set of plan and forts in America, 1765, For Details, See p. 936. M[ANUSCRIPT S RECEIVED FROM THE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE, AND DEPOSITED IN THE STATE LIBBRARY -N P7URSUAN'E OF A.JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE SENATE AND ASSEMBLY, PASSED DEC. 15, 1847. ROYAL CHARTERS AND -COMMISSIONS. Date. 1661. 12th March. Charter or Grant from King Charles the Second, to his Brother James, Duke of York and Albany, of sundry lands in America. (This Ancient Patent is beautifully engrossed, and in quite a good state of preservation, considering that it is nearly 200 years old. The territory it conveyed is described thus: " All that part of the main land of New England, St. Croix, next adjoining to New Scotland in America, and extending from thence along the sea coast to Pemequid, and so up the River thereof to the furthest head of the same as it tendeth northwardly, and extending from thence to the River Kinebequen, and so upwards by the shortest course,of the River of Canada northwardly; and also all that Island or Islands commonly called by the name of Meitowacks, or Long Island, -situate and being towards the west of Cape Cod and the Narrow Highgansetts, abutting upon the mainland, between the two Rivers called or known by the several names of Connecticut, and Hudson's River, and all the land from the West Side of Connecticut River to the East Side of Delaware Bay, and also all those Islands known by the names of Martha's Vineyard or Nantucks, otherwise Nantucket." Further reference is made to this grant in London Doe. xvi. 253, where Lord Cornbury quotes it as authority to subvert ISTATE LIBRARY.] 64 1022 MANUS CRIP T So. many of the Liberties then claimed by the Legislative As sembly, particularly the. control of the public purse. This Charter hangs in a frame at the entrance to the State Library.) 1689. Nov. 14? Commission from William and Mary to Henry Slater, (more generally spelt "' Sloughter,") as Captain General Governoi- in Chief in and over the Province of NewYork. (This commission is illuminated in the style of the day, and oinamented with their Majesties' portraits. It has at-.aclicd to it the public seal, but certain parts of the MS. are, on account of age, difficult to be read.) 1703. March 1G. Commission from Queen Anne to George Clarke, Esq., Somerset, (Eng. ) to be Secretary during pleasure of the Colony of New York. (This commission is also illuminated, but wants the seal.) 1710W. March 17. Commission from King George the first to Robert Hunter, as Captain. General and Governor in Chief of the province of JX3ova Cesaria. or New Jersey. (Thi; ancient MS. is in a high state of preservation, and is a beautiful specimen of penmanship. It has the king's portrait, but no seal.) 1702-3. Commission (in Latin,) from Geo. II. to Gov. Cosby, appointing him Vice Admiral in and over New-York, Connecticut, and both Jersies. (Appears to be incomplete.) 1738. March 8. Commission to George Clarke, Jr., to be Secretary of the Province of New-York. 1753. Aug. 1. Commission from Geo. II. to Sir Danvers Osborn, Bart., as Captain General and Governor in Chief of the Province of New-York. (This commission wants the seal.) 1761. April 10. Commission to Geo. Clarke to be Secretary of the Province of New-York. (A renewal of that of 1738.) PROVINCIAL CHARTERS. 1697. May 6. Charter of Trinity Church, in the City of New-York, under the great seal of the Province. Benjamin Fletcher, Commander-in-Chief. (The folds of this ancient MS. are worn or eaten away at M A N U S C R I P T S 1023 the corners; the instrument is, consequently, somewhat injured.) 1702. Oct. 10. Petition of the inhabitants of Schenectady, complaining of Ryer Schermerhorn and John Wemp, and praying for the privilege of electing five trustees annually. 1765. Oct. 23. Charter incorporating the village of Schenectady into a borough and town corporate, under a mayor and aldermen. (This instrument, filling six skins of parchment, is in excellent order.) ROYAL MANDAMUS. 1702. Aug. 10. Royal Mandamus to admit John Lawrence of the Council of the province. 1711. June 2. Royal Mandamus to admit Thomas Byerley of the Council of New-York. (Both these papers have Queen Anne's Sign Manual.) 1726. April 25. Royal Mandamus to admit Archibald Kennedy of the Council of New-York. Sign Manual of George 1st. OATHS OF OFFICE AND ALLEGIANCE. 1698. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by the members of the Assembly of the Province of New-York, in 1698. 1703. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by Lord Cornbury, Governor of the Province, and others, in 1703. 1726. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by Members of the Assembly, in 1726. 1749 to 1753. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by divers public officers, from 1749 to 1753. 1755. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by Sir Charles Hardy, Governor, Daniel Horsmanden, Samuel Seabury, Cadwallader Colden, et al. 1761 to 1763. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by a number of Naturalized Germans, in the years 1761,'62, and'63. No date. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by - number of Naturalized persons, German and Dutch. 1764. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by Gov. IR Monckton, Samuel Auchmuty, et al., in 1764. 1765. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by Gov. Sir Henry Moore, and other officers. 1024 MANUSCRIPTS. 1768. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by a number of persons, in 1768. 1770. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by Lord Dunmore, Gov. William Tyron, Governeur Morris, Peter W. Yates. et al. 1775 to 1780. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by various officers of Government, and other persons, in the years 1775, 1776, 1777, and 1780, to His Majesty King George III. 1780.-1. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by sundry persons. (Two Rolls.) No date. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by divers persons. (Tempore Geo. III.) 1798. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed to the Constitution of the United States, in 1789. 1794. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed to the same, by Members of the Legislature, in 1794. 1796. Oaths of Allegiance and Abjuration subscribed by several persons, in 1796. 1797. Oath of office, subscribed by Sanders Lansing, as Master in Chancery, June 27, 1797. 1798. Oaths of Allegiance, &c., subscribed by several persons in 1798. Oath of office of Robert McClallan, Treasurer of the State of New-York; March 22d, 1798. 1801 Oath of office subscribed by Jer. Van Rensselaer, as Lieut. Governor of the State of New-York. 1807. Oath of office subscribed by Abrm. Van Ingen, as Master in Chancery, 31st of April, 1807. Oath of office subscribed by Francis Arden, Master in Chancery, and Gerard Steddeford, Commissary of Military Stores, April, 1807. Oath of office subscribed by Louis Hasbrouck and James Wilkin, November, 1807. 1810. Oath of Allegiance, &c., subscribed by Members of the Legislature, in 1810. CERTIFICATES OF ENTRY FOR LAND. 1738. Certificate in favor of Arendt Bratt, for 800 acres of Land lying behind Cannajoharie, on a small branch of the Susquehannah River. 1739. Oct. 18. Certificate in favor of Arehdt Bratt, and others, for 6000 acres of Land, west of Schoharie, on the branches of the Susquehannah river. 1'749. Aug. 8. Certificate in favor of Sarah, Catharine, George, Elizabeth, and Mary, children of Richard Bradley, Attorney-Gene MANUSCRIPTS. 1025 ral of the Province of New-York, for 6000 acres of Land, in the County of Orange. 1750. April 11. Certificate in tavor of David Seaman and others, for 720 acres of Land, in Queens county, west of Hempsteqd and east of Oysterbay. 1752. Aug. 20. Certificate in favor of Richard Durham, for 2000 acres of Land, in the County of Ulster. D)ec. 18. Certificate in favor of Goldsbrow Banyar and others, for 4000 acres of Land, eight miles west of Schoharie. (With a Map.) 1761. Jan. 16. Certificate in favor of Archibald McBride and others, for 4000 acres of Land on the west side of the Walkill, Ulster county. Feb. 7. Certificate in favor of Philip Philipse, Beverly Robinson, and Robert Morris; for 4725 acres of Land in Dutchess county, beginning at Anthony's Nose and running northerly to the Great Fishkill, thence easterly to the Connecticut line, being bounded on the west by the Hudson. May 16. Certificate in favor of Cadwallader and David Colden, for 720 acres of Land, in the county of Ulster. Aug. 31. Certificate in favor of Abraham Lott, jr., and others, for 20,000 acres of Land in the county of Albany, north of the Mohawk river, between Garoge Creek and Caioharon, otherwise called Canada Creek. Sept. 8. Certificate in favor of Alexander Colden and others, for 4,000 acres of Land on the Mohawk river. Sept. 24. Certificate in favor of Philip Livingston and others, for 20,000 acres of Land on the south side of the Mohawk river. 1762. Jan. 29. Certificate in favor of Frederick Young, Corns. Ten Broeck and others, for 20,800 acres of Land on the south side of the Mohawk river. Feb. 2. Certificate in favor of Hendrick Schneyder and others, for 10,000 acres of Land in the county of Albany, on the east bank of the Hudson river, immediately north of the Manor of Rensselaer, and east of Hoosick. 1762. Sept. 28. Certificate in favor of John Anderson, for three small Islands in the East River, near Byram River, known by the name of " The Captain's Islands." (They lie oppsoite the town of Greenwich, Conn., and a map designating their situation very minutely, accompanies the certificate.) 1026 MA NUs CRIPTSo Dec. 17. Certificate in favor of Thomas Moore and Lewis Pintard, for Land in the county of Orange. 1764. Feb. 14. Certificate in favor of William Cockroft and others, for 26,000 acres of Land lying between Fort Edward and Wook Creek Falls, and including part of the carrying place between Fort Edward and Fort Anne. (With a Map and Trust Deed.) 1764. March 13. Certificate in favor of John Tabor Kempe and others for 10,200 acres of land on the Hudson River east of Fort Edward. (With a Map.) Sept. 25. Certificate in favor of Joseph Walton and others, for 24,000 acres of land in Albany county, on the east side of the Hudson River. 1765. May 14. Certificate in favor of Ph. DeLancey and others, for acres of land in Minisink. May 31. Certificate in favor of John Montresor and others, for 3,000 acres of land lying on the west side of Lake Champlain, called Ligonier Point, between the Lake and the Bay of Pezou, including four small Islands, east of Point Ligonier, called Les Isles des quatre Vents. 1766. July 7. Certificate in favor of Josiah Willard and others, for 17,200 acres of land on the Connecticut River, to be erected into the Town of Putney. (With a Map.) Nov. 8. Certificate in favor of Peter Hasenclever, for 1,000 acres of land in Orange county. (With a Map.) 1768. Nov. 14. Certificate in favor of John Kathan and others for 19,360 acres of land on the Connecticut, north of Brattleboro', to be erected into the Town of Fullum. (With a Map.) 1768. Feb. 22. Certificate in favor of John Brackan, of the Mohawk River, for 280 acres of land on the north side of said River, nearly opposite Fort Hendrick, bounded west by the Canada Creek, " called by the natives Dekayuharouwee." Feb. 26. Certificate in favor of Michael Bryne and others, for 18,000 acres of land between the Second Beckabeen Creek and Stony Creek at Schoharie, Albany County. MAN' S C R I PT S 1 027 Nov. 25. Certificate in favor of John McNeile and others, for 5,900 acres of Land on the South side of Mohawk River, East of Caniadaragie Lake. Dec. 24. Certificate in favor of David Pruyn, for 150:acres of Land in Albany Co., on Schoharie Creek. 1769. Jan. 26. Certificate in favor of Peter Hasenclever and others, for 18,000 acres of Land on the Mohawk River, near the Canada Creek. Dec. 21. Certificate in favor of John Butler and others, for 47,000 acres of Land in the neighborhood of the Stsquehan nah River. 1770. June 12. Certificate in favor of John Morin Scott and others, for 35,000 acres of Land in the County of Gloucester, on the West side of the Connecticut River, 19 miles N. W. of Newbury, to be erected into the Township of Kingsborough. 1772. Jan. 31. Certificate in favor of William Shirreff and Samuel Baavard for 1,700 acres of Land, being part of the Minisink Patent. 1774. March 23. Certificate in favor of Wm. Bishop and'others, for 24,000 acres of Land in Tryon Co., to be called the Township of Markham. March 24. Certificate to Sir Jeffery Amherst, Knight of the Bath, for 22,000 acres of Land in the County of Tryon, to be erected into the Township of Riverhend. (This grant was in the present County of Hamilton.) 1774. March 26, Certificate in favor of John Small, for 5,000 acres of land in Charlotte County, on the West side of Lake Champlain. July 28. Certificate in favor of Rev. Jno. Ogilvie and others, for 1,200 acres of Land, being part of the Minisink Patent. Aug. 25. Certificate in favor of Edwd. Jessup and others, for 40,000 acres of Land on the N. E branch of the Huds( ns River, to be erected into the Township of Hyde. Aug. 27. Certificate in favor of Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, James Abel and others, for Indian Lands purchased on the Sachendaga River, part thereof to be erected into the Township of Dartmouth. (Arother for the same, dated 29 Aug. 1774.) Sept. 13. Certificate in favor of Daniel Whipple and others, for 40,000 acres of Land, 15 to 20 miles East of the mouth of Otter Creek, on the East side of Lake Champlain and 1028 MAN US CRI PT S. in the County of Charlotte, to be erected into the Township of Whippleburgh. (Whipple dying, a new certificate was made on the 1st May, 1775, for these lands, in favor of Samuel Avery and his associates, whose names are recorded in the Instrument, as is usual in all these cases. Vermont, however, repudiated all New-York titles to land East of the Lake.) Sep. I7. Certificate in favor of Sacob Walton and others, for 22,000 acres of Land lying on the West side of the Connecticut River. to be erected into the Township of Colden. 1775. Jan. 4. Certificate in favor of Thomas Ord, Lieut. Col. of Artillery, for 5,000 acres of Land in Tryon County. Jan. 23. Certificate in favor of Thomas Moore, for 150 acres of Land in Orange County. Jan. 30, Certificate in favor of John Peters and otheers, for 24,000 acres of Land in Charlotte County, east of Otter Creeky between Conn. River and L. Champlain. 1775. Dec. 6. Certificate in favor of William Rhinelander, Junior, and others, for certain land, called Westford, on the River LaMoelle, in the County of Charlotte, east of Lake Champlain. Dec. 6. Certificate in favor of Frederick Rhinelander and others, for certain Lands, called Underhill, in Charlotte County. 1775. Dec. 20. Certificate in favor of Samuel Holland and others, for 23,040 acres of Land in the County of Glocester, on the west side of the Connecticut River, to be called the Township of Topsham. 1776. Jan. 12. Certificate in favor of James Leadbetter and other, for 3,275 acres of Land, south of the Paltz in Ulster County. San. 22. Certificate in favor of Charles Ward Apthorp and others, for 23,000 acres of Land on the West side of the Connecticut River, and in the County of Gloucester, to be called the Township of Lunenburgh. LAND PATENTS. 1686. Patent to Peter Whinney for 86 acres of land on the Esopus. Kill fronting on the Platte Kill, being within the limits of the Towne of Kingstowne, Ulster Co., at a yearly quit rent of a Bushel of Merchantable Wheat. (This patent has Gov. Dongan's signature on the lower fold of the Parchment. 1708 Patent to Mrs. Ann Brigdes, Roger Mompessom and others' for certain Lands in Westchester county. MA NU SCRIPTS. 1029 1723. June 20. Patent to Lewis Morris and others, for 6,450 acres of Land on the Mohawk River, about 13 miles above Fort Hunter. 1737. July 28. Patent to George Ingoldsby and others, for 10,000 acres of land on the South side of the Mohawk River, between Schoharie and Schenectady. 1740. Patent to John Schuyler, Stephen Bayard, and others, for 12,000 acres of land on the East side of the Hudson's River, above Saraghtoga, near the Great Carrying Place. 1742. July 16. Patent to Edward Collins and others, for 5,000 acres of Land in the County of Albany. 1752. Oct. 13. Patent to Richard Durham for 2,000 acres of Land in Ulster County. 1765. May 23. Patent to Peter de Lancey, Lady Susannah Warren and others, for Land in Minisink. Oct 30. Patent to Lieut. Thomas Etherington, "a reduced Subaltern Officer, having served in North America during the last war, and last belonging to the 47th Reg't of Foot," for 2,000 acres of Land on the West side of the Connecticut River, in the Township of Springfield, Weathier.field, Hertford and Hartford. 1774. Sept. 10. Patent to Edward Jessup and 39 others, for 40,000 acres of Land in Charlotte County, on the West side of the Hudson River, and erecting the same into the township of Hyde. Sept. 13. Patent to Stephen de Lancey, Jr., for Houses and Lots in New-York, in trust for the Devizees of Rachel Smith, deceased. Oct. 4. Patent to Jeremiah Van Rensselaer and others, for 2,964 acres of Land in Charlotte County, on the north side of Sachendago or West Branch of the Hudson's River, and erecting the same into the Township of Dartmouth. Nov. 11. Patent to Rev. John Ogilvie and the heirs of Lancaster Symes, for 1250 acres of Land in Orange County. 1775. Jan. 31. Patent to Lieut. Col. Ord, for 500 acres of Land in Tryon county, being part of the Totten and Crossfield purchase. Dec. 7. Patent to James Stephenson, (in right of his deceased father, late Commissary of Stores,) for 3,000 acres of Land in Charlotte County, on the West side of Lake Champlain, 4 miles N. W. of the landing at the North end of Lake George. 1030 MA-NS C P TS. 1776. Jan. 12. Patent to Frederick Rhinelander and others, for 21,370 acres of Land in Charlotte County, and erecting the same into the Township of Underhill. (This is a confirmation of one of the N. Hampshire grants.) Jan. 12. Patent to Henry Franklin and others, for 21.370 acres of Land in Charlotte County, and erecting,. the same into the Township of Milton. (Has Gov. Tryon's autograph.) Feb. 7. Patent to Alexander Grant, " a reduced Officer, having served in North America during the late war," as Commander of H. M. ships, for 5,000 acres of Land in Charlotte County, West of Lake Champlain, between Crown Point and Ticonderoga. ROLLS OF LAWS PASSED BY THE LEGISLATURE CF THE PliOVINCE OF NEW-YORK. 1. Parliamentary roll endorsed' Anno R. R & R Will. et Maria Anglise Tertio: The first Assembly, first Sessions, begun Anno 1691, the 9thl of Aprill, and continued to the 18th of May following." The Laws contained in this Roll are entituled: An Act for the queting and settling the disorders that lhave lately happened within this province, and for establishing and securing their Majestyes present Government against the like disorders for the future. (3 W & M. Bradford. 1st As 1st sess. 3 W. & M. Livingston & Smith, 1st As. 1st sess. 3 W & M. passed 6 May, 1691, Van Schaick.) An Act for the Settling, Quieting and Confiriming unto the Citys, Towns, Mannors and ffreeholders within this Province their several grants pattents and rights respectively. (3 W & M. Br. 3 W & M. 1st Ass. 1st sess., pass. 1691. L. & S. & V. S.) An Act for the defraying of the Publique and necessary Charge throughout the Province, and maintaineing the Poor and preventing Vagabonds. (3 W & M. Br.; 3 W & M. 1st As. 1st sess., passed 13th May, 1f81. L &S.&VS.) An Act for enabling each respective Towne within the Province to regulate their fences and Highways, and make prudential orders for their peace and orderly Improvements. (3 W & M. Br.; 3 W & M., 1st Ass. 1st sess., passed 6 May, IC91. L &S.VS.) An Act to ease People that are Scrupulous in Swearing. (3 W & M. Br.; 3 W & I. 1st Ass. Ist sess., passed 18th May, 1691. L&S. VS.) An Act for Establisheing Courts of Judicature for the ease and MAN USCRI PTS 1031 benefit of each respective Citty, Towne and County in this province. (3 W & M. Br.; 3 W & M. 1st Ass. 1st sess., passed 6th May, 1691, L&S. VS.) An Act for the Allowance to the Representatives. (3 W & M. Br.; 3 W & M. 1st Ass, 1st sess., passed 13th May, 1691. L&S.VS.) An Act to enable the Citty and County of Albany to defray their necessary Charge. (3 W & Ml. Br.; 3 W & M. 1st Ass. 1st sess., passed 13 May, 1691. L&S.VS.) An Act declareing what are the Rights and Priviledges of their Majesties Subjects inhabiting within this Province of New-York. (3 W & M. Br.; 3 W & M.. 1st Ass. 1st sess., passed 13 May, 1691. L&S.VS) An Act for the Raising and Levying of Two Thousand pounds for paying and defraying the Incidentall Charges according to establishment of one hundred fusileers with their Officers for one whole yeare. (3 W & M. Br.; 3 W & M. 1st Ass. 1st sess., passed 13 May, 1691. L&S. VS.) An Act for Settling the Militia. (3 XW & M. Br.; 3 W & M. 1st Ass, 1st sess., passed 6 May, 1691. L&S. VS.) An Act to enable his Excellency to defray his Extraordinary Expense, and to Endemnify the Collector and Receiver Generall for ye Receipt of severall sums of Money on pretence of Customs and Iuty. (3 W & M. Br.; 3 W & M. 1st Ass. 1st sess., passed 16 May, 1691, L & S. VS. An Act for the Pardoning of such as have been Active in the late disorders. (3 W & M. Br.; 3 W & M. 1st Ass. 1st sess., passed 6 May, 1691. L&S. VS, An Act for the Establishing a Revenue for the Defraying the Public Charge of the Province, (3 W & M. Br.; 3 W & M. Ist Ass. 1st sess., passed 16 May, 1691. L &S. VS. (The above acts were all passed during Gov. Sloughter's administration. He was succeeded in the government of the province by Capt. Richard Ingoldsby, who convened.) FIRST ASSEMBLY -SECOND SESSION. II. Acts of the Assembly made by the Commander-in Chief and Council and Representatives of their Majestye's Province of New-York, convened this Second Sessions, on the Second Tuesday of September, in the third year of the Reign of our 1032 MANUSCRIPTS. Sovereign Lord and Lady, William and Mary, by the Grace of God, of England, ffrance and Ireland, King and Queen Defenders of the faith, &c. Septembris XXIXo Ao Ri Rs & Rse Willni & Mariae, Anglie &c., IITo. An Act for regulating the Damages done in the time of the late disorders, and for the uniting the minds of their Majesty's Subjects that have lately absented themselves from their habitacons and the usuall places of their abode. (3 W & M. Br. passed 30th Sept., 1691, L & S. V S.) (XXXo. VIIbris. Ao R R & R Will. & Marie Anglie, &c., IIIo.) An Act for the Raising and paying One hundred and fifty men, to be forthwith raised for the Defence and Reinforcement of Albany, for six Months. (3 W & M. Br. L & S. V S. In none of the printed editions of the laws that I have seen, is the title of this act correctly given.) (Primo VIIIbris. Ao. R & R Willmi & Marine Angl. IIItio.) An Act to Divide this Province and Dependancyes into Shires and Countyes. (3 W & M. Br. L & S. V S.) (Primo VII1bris Ao. R R' & R Willmi & Mariae Anglie IIItio.) An Act for regulating the Buildings, Streets, Lanes, Wharfs, Docks and Alleys of the Citty of New-Yorke. (3 W & M. Br. L & S. V S.) FIRST ASSEMBLY.-THIRD SESSIONS. Aprilis XXXIX. Anno R R & Roe Wlllni & Marine AngliTe &c., IIItio. An Act for Raising two hundred men, with their proper officers, for the Securing and reinforcing of Albany, in the Fronteers of this Province. (3 W & M. Br. L & S. V S.) An Act for destroying Wolves. (3 W&M. L&S. VS.) FIRST ASSEMBLY.-THE FOURTH SESSIONS. (Xo. VIIbris. Anno IR R & Rae. Willmi & Marike IIIto.) An Act for the Raiseing and paying of two hundred and twenty Men with their Proper Officers, together with the Incidental Charges that shall arise thereon for the reinforcement and Security of the Frontiers of this Province at Albany, for Seven Months. (4 W & M. Br. L & S. V S.) An Act for raiseing of Eighty men in Ulster and Dutchess County, to be employed for Reinforceing and Security of Albany, from the Fifteenth day of December next to the pmo of March then ensuing. (4 W & M. Br. L & S. V S.) MANUSCRIPTS. 1033 An Act for restraining and punishing Privateers and Pirates. (4 W & M. Br. L & S. V S. Bradford incorrectly dates the two last of these acts, Sept., 1693.) NOTE.-Though the above is styled the First Assembly, it was not so in point of fact. A Legislative Assembly had been organised under Gov. Dongan, in 1683 -4, and another by Leisler, in 1689. The Acts of both these Assemblies are on file in the Secretary's office. SECOND ASSEMBLY.-FIRST SESSIONS. XIV. Novbris Anno R & R Will. & Mary 111o. An Act for the Establishing Courts of Judicature for the ease and benefit of each respective City, Town and County within the Province. (4 W & M. Br. passed 11 Nov., 1692 L & S. VS. None of the Printed Editions of the Laws which I have seen, give this Title, entire.) An Act for the Encourageing a Post Office. (4 W & M. " An Act for the Encouragement of a P. O." Br. passed 11 Nov., 1692, L & S. V S.) An Act for the Superuiseing Intestates Estates and Regulateing the Probate of Wills and granting of Letters of Administracon. (4 W & M. Br. 4 W & M. passed 11 Nov., 1692. L & S. V S.) An Act for the setling of ffairs and Marquets in each Respective Citty and County throughout the Province. (4 W & M. Br. 4 W & M. passed 11 Nov., 1692. L & S. V S.) An Act for the satisfying and paying the debts of the government. (Neither Bradford, nor Livingston & Smith mentions this act, passed 11 Nov., 1692. V S.) An Act for establishing a Revenue upon their Majesties for the defraying the publick and necessary charges of the Government. (4 W & M. Br.; 4 W & M. passed 11 Nov., 1692. L & S. V S.) An Act granting to their Majesties the Rate of one penny per pound upon all the Reall and Personal Estates within the P'vince, and to be allowed unto his Excellency, the Governor for his care of the P'vince. (4 W & M. Br.; 4 W & M. passed II Nov., 1692. L & S. V S. Br. omits the six last words in the Title; the others insert the words' New-York" after "Province." SECOND ASSEMBLY.-SECOND SESSIONS. X. April Anno R R & Rae Will & Mariae Anglime V~. An Act for Raiseing Six Thousand Pounds for the Payment of Three hundred Volunteers and their Officers to be employed in the Reinforcement of the ffrontiers of this P'vince At Albany from the pmo. May next to the pmo. day of May then next following in the Year of onr Lord 1694. 1034 MA NUSCRIPTS. (4 W & M. 2d Sess. 2d Ass. Br.; 4 W. & M 1st Sess. 2d Ass., passed 10 April, 1693. L & S. V S.) An Act for establishing certain Rates & Dutys upon such goods Wares and Merchandizes as shall be brought into their Majesties Beam in the Weigh house at New-York. (4 W & M. 2d Sess. 2d Ass. Br. 5 W & M. 1st Sess. 2d Ass., passed 10th of April, 1693. L & S. V S.) An Act for Calling Long Island the Island of Nassaw. (4 W & M. 2d Sess. 2d Ass. Br. 4 W & M. 1st Sess. 2d Ass., passed 10th of April, 1693. L & S. V S.) Anno R R Will & Mariae Anglike Quinto. The third Assembly first Sessions beginning the fourteenth of September, 1693, and ending the 22d of the same month. An Act for settling a Ministry and raising a Maintenance for them in the City of New-Yorke County of Richmond Westchester and Queens County. (5 W & M. Br. 6 W & M., passed 24th of March, 1693, L & S. 5 W. & M. Passed 22d of September, 1693. V S.) An Act confirming and continuing unto their Majestie's the Revenue established by an Act of Generale Assembly made in the 4th year of their Majesties Reign for defraying the Pub-; lick and necessary charges of the Government five years longer than the term therein mentioned. (5 W-. & M. Br.; 6. W. & M. Passed 10th of March, 1693 L & S; 5 W. & M. Passed 22d of September, 1693. V. S.) N. B. There are duplicates of these two Acts. Acts passed in the 1st sess: 4th Assembly begun 1st of March, 6th of Will. and Mary. An Act for settling pylotage for all Vessels that shall come within Sandy Hook. (Bradford, Ed. 1726, mentions this law as passed in the 5th of W & M. Livingston & Smith, Ed. 1752, say 6th W & M., Passed 9 March, 1693; $Van Schaack, Ed. 1773, says, 6th W. & M., passed 26 Mch. 1694.) An Act to enable the City and County of Albany to defray their necessary Charge. (Bradford says 5th W & M.; Livingston & Smith, 6th W & M., passed 26th March, 169-1: Van Schaack, 26 March, 1694.) An Act against unlawful by-laws and unreasonable forfeitures. (Bradford says, 5th W & M.; Livingston & Smith, 6th W & M., passed 24th March, 1693; marked inthe margin " Lost," as if they were unacquainted with its existence. Van Schaack gives title under 6 W & M.. as passed 26th March, 1694, (passed 24th March. Coun. Min.) MANUSCRIPTSo 1035 Anno Regni Gulielmi & Mariae &c. Septo; the 24 March Anno Iorn. 1694- 5. An Act for the raising and paying One Hundred and Seaventy men for the Serueing of the frontyers of this Province in the City and County of Albany. (5 W & M. Br.; 6th W & M., passed 26 March, 1694, L & S. 6 W & M., passed 26th March, 1694, V S.) An Act confirming and continuing an Act of General Asseibly made in the fourth year of their Majesties Reie;, Entituled An Act for the satisfying and paying the debts of the Covernment one year longer than the term therein iet-a oned.. (5 W & M. Br. There is no act under this title in L. & So There is one entitled " An Act for the continuatic. of the additional duty for one year longer to commence frcni the fourteenth Day of November next to the fourteenh D ay of November then next following, passed the 2d Marcl, 1C. 94, which is a substantial description of the purport of the law, but not its title. In V S.s Ed. the title for the contin-.tion is copied from L. & S., 6th W & M.) FIFTH ASSEMBLY-FIRST SESSION, begunn June 20th, 1695. Anno R R. Will. IIItii. Septimo. An Act for Raising Eight hundred pounds for the paying and Maintaining of the Officers and soldiers Imployed for the securing the frontiers of this Province at Albany from the pmo May to the pmo August 1695. (7 W & M. 1st sess. 5th Ass. Br. & VS., 4 sess. 4 ssem.,passed 2d July, 1695. L. & S.) An Act to enable the city of New-York to relieve the Poor and defray their necessary and publick Charge. (7 W & M., 1st sess. 5 Assem. Br. & V S. 4th Assembly; 4 sess. L & S., passed 3d July, 1695.) An Act to Enable the City and County of Albany to defray their necessary Charge. (7 W & M., 1st sess., 5 Assem. Br. & V S. 14th sess, 4 Assem., passed 3d July, 1695, L & S.) An Act for the continueing the act for Encourageing the Post Office Three years Longer after the Expiration of said Act. (7 W & M., 1 sess. 5 Ass. Br. & V S. 4th sess. 4th Assem. L & S. Passed 3 July, 1695.) An Act for the Encourageing of Seamen. (7 W & M. 1st sess. 5 Assemn. Br. & V S. 4th sess. 4th Assem. passed 3d July, 1695, L. & S. Anno RR. Will. IItio. Septimo. The fifth Assembly, Second Sessions. An Act against profanation of the Lord's day called Sunday. (7 W & M. Br.; 7 W. III., 4th Asser. 4th sess., passed 22d October, 1695, L & S. 7 W. III., 5th Assembly 1st sess., passed 22d October, 1695. V S.) 1036 MANUSCRIPTS. An act for raising the sume of Eight hundred and sixty-four pounds and fifteen shillings for the paying and maintaining a Company of fuzileers imployed on the fronteers, and at present under the command of Major Schuyler from the first of August Last till the first of March next following. (7 W & M. Br. who divides the above title into two distinct heads of separate acts, indicating that two Laws were passed instead of one. Bradford's mistake consisted in taking the last clause of the bill for a separate act. 7 W. III. L & S., who give this title: "An Act for raising Eight Hundred and sixty-four Pounds fifteen Shillings, for paying a Company of Fuzileers now on the Frontiers. Passed 22d October, 1695; 4th Assem. 4th sess. V. S. copies the title from L. & S., 7 W. III., 5th Assem. 1st sess.) An Act for the raseing the sum of Seven Hundred pounds to enable His Excellency to keep the men that are now in the Companys appointed by his Matye., and to encourage others to List themselves in the same. (7 W & M. Br. 7 W. III. 4th Assem., 4th Sess. Passed 24th Octob., 1695. L & S. who omit the three last words in the title. V S. copies L & S., and makes it 5th assem., 1st sess. All these give only an imperfect Title of the act.) An Act fbr the Raising One Thousand Pounds to be employed by an Agent for the Representation of the State of the Province. (7 W & M. Br. 7 W. III. 4th ass. 4th sess. Passed 17 Octob. 1695. L. & S. 7 W. III. passed 17 Octob. 1695. 5th ass., 1st sess. V S.) An Act for Conferming and Continuing an Act of Generall Assembly, Entituled an Act for the Establishing Courts of Judicature for the ease and benefit of Each respective City, Town and County within this Province. (7 W & M. Br. who gives only part of the Title. L & S. give the following as the title: " An Act for Continuing an Act entitled an act for Establishing Courts of Judicature two years longer. Passed the 24th Oct. 1695. 7 W. III. 4 ass. 4 sess. V S. Copies title from L & S.; 7 W. III. 5th ass. 1st sess.) An Act for the Regulating the Retaining Attorneys at Law. (Forbidding any one person to retain more than two attornies. 7 W & M. Br. 7 W. III. Passed 16 Oct. 1695. 4 ass. 4 sess. L & S. 7 W. III. Passed 16 Oct. 1695. 5th ass. 1st sess. V S.) Fifth Assembly, third Sessions Begun the 25th day of March in the 8th year of the reigne of William the 3d by the Grace of God, king, &c. Annoq: Dom. 1696. An Act for the' Better Enabling the Executors of Thomas Loyd, Esq., dec'd, for selling o4 Lands for the payment of debts and porcions settled by the said Thomas Lloyd, and Patience M A NU SC RIP TS. 1037 his Wife upon her Children by her former husband, Robert Story, Dec'd. (8 W. III. Br. who dates the session 12 March, 1696, tho' it did not coummence until 25th. 8 W. III. 4th assem. 4th session. Passed 16 April, 1696. L & S. 5 ass. 1st sess. V S.) An Act for the Paying of one hundred twenty Effective men to be Imployed by His Excellency for the reinforcing and strengthening the fronteers of the Province of Albany over and above the present Number of forces posted and imployed there for the safety of this and Neighboring Provinces to continue there for one whole year from the first of May next to the first of May in the year 1697, and for the Raising the sume of two thousand five hundred ninety-three pounds six shillings and eight pence, to be distributed by His Excellency the Captaine Generall amongst the said men and the rest of the Four Companies sent over by his Majesty.'8 W. III. Br. who omits in his Title all the words after Albany; 8 W. III., passed 18th April, 1696. L. & S. and V S., who omit all the words between " over " and C 1697,7 inclusive. 4th asser. 4th sess. L & S. 5th asserm. st sess. V S.) An Act for the Conferming and continuing an act of Generall Assembly, made in Fourth year of his Majestys Reign, Entituled An Act for the satisfying and paying the debts of the Government Eighteen months Longer then the time therein mentioned for the paying the Debts therein Expressed. (8 W. & M. Br. "1 An Act for paying and satisfying the Debts of the Government, passed 18th April, 1696." 8 Will. III. 4 asser. 4 sess. L & S. Same title and date. 5assem. 1st session. V. S.) ACTS MADE THE VTH ASSE.MBIY, IVT.H -SESSIONS. Beginning the XVth day of Octob., and ending the third day of November following, Anno Regni Regis Gueliemum Tertii Anglide Scotire ffrancia Hibernime Octavo. An Act to vacate a -deed of trust executed by John Robinson and Margarett his wife, for the land now in the tenure and occupacon of Cornelius Barnson, and for the confirming of the same unto him, his heirs and assigns for-ever. (All the words after wife are omitted by Br.; all the words -after ": Barnson" in L & S. & V S., the first of whom represented it as passed in 4th Sess. 4th Ass.; the other, in 1st Sess. 5th Assembly. Passed 30th Oct., 1696.) An Act for the Raising one hundred men to be listed in his Majesties three Companies posted at Albany, for the security of the fronteers and for the Raising of Twelve hundred Pounds for the Encouraging such as shall list themselves in the said ISTATE LIBRARY.] 65 1038 MA N U SC R I P T S. Companies, and for the defraying of other Contingent char ges at the Sd fronteers. (8th W. 3. Br. 3rd Sess. 4th Assem. passed 30th Oct., 1696. L & S. 5th Assem. 1st Sess. V S. There are duplicates among these MSS. of the last 2 Acts.) THE FIFTH ASSEMBLY, THE FFIFTH SESSION. Beginning the twenty-fifth day of March, and ending the twentythird day of April folloving, Anno Regni Regis Wilh tertii Anglied & Nono, An Act for the raising the sum of three and twenity hundred pounds to make his, Excellency to secure the fironteers at Albany, and for recruiting his Majesty three company posted there with a sufficient number to Compleat three hundred Effective men to Remaine there from primo May next until the primo May then next ffollowing and to ffree the Inhabitants During the said time from Detachment. (9 W. 3. 5th Sess. 5th Ass. Br. 9 W. 3. 4th Sess. 4th Assem, passed 26th April, 1697, L & S. 9 W. 3. 1st Sess. 5th Ass. V S. These several authorities omit all the above title after the words "6 posted there." They also change several of the other words.) An Act for raising a yearly Rate to pay the respective collectors in each Respective City & County in this Province for their payns in collecting and paying the publick Rates & Taxes. (9 W. 3. 5th Ses. 5th Ass. Br. 9 W. 3, 5th Sess. 4th Ass.7 passed 21st April, 1697. L & S., 9 W. 3. 1st Sess. 5th Ass, V S. The two latter compilers mark this act among those " lost" though it is given at length in Br.) Al Act for the confirming and continuing two acts passed in the ffifth and seventh year of his Majesties reign for the Establishing Courts of Judicature, viz: for one year Longe after the times mentioned in the said acts Expire by their Limitation. (9. W. 3. 5th Sess. 5th Ass. Br. 9 W. 3. 4th Sess. 4th Ass.. passed 21st of April, 1697. L & S. 9 W. 3. 1st Sess. 5th Ass V S. The two last mentioned compilers mark this act 6 lost,7 though the original Roll is extant.) An Act to enable the City and Coulnty of Albanly to. defray their' necessary charge. (9 W. 3. 5th Sess. 5th Ass. Br. 9 W. 3. 4th Sess. 4th Ass., passed 21st of April, 1697. L & S. 9 W. 3. 1st Sess.. 5th Ass. V S.) An Act for the raising of an aditionall Duty for the Defraying the Debts of the Government. (10 W. 3. 1st Sess., 6th Ass., Br. 11 W. 3. 1st Sess. 5 Ass. Passed 5th May, 1699. L & S. 11 W.. 3 1st Sess. 6 Ass.. S.) MANUSCR I PTS. 1039 An Act for granting unto his Maty the sume of Two thousand pound, fifteen hundred whereof to be Alowed to his Excellency Richard, Earle of Bellomont, and five hundred pounds to Capt. John Nanfan, Lieut. Governor. (10 W. 3. 1st Sess. 6 Ass. Br. 11 W. 3. 1st Sess. 5s Ass. Passed 5 May, 1699. L & S. 11. aW. 3. 1st Sess. 6a Ass. V. S. Part of this roll is missing.) An Act for the Committing of Ebenezer Wilson and Samuel Burt, ffarmers off ye Excise of ye Island of Nassau, for their contemptvous refusing to Render an Account of w they ffarmed ye same for to ye respective Counties Towns & Mannors on ye said Islandsfor the last year. (10 W. 3. 1 Sess. 6 Ass. Br. 11 W. 3. 1 Sess. 5 Ass. Passed 20 April, 1699. L& S. 11 W3. 3. Sess. 6Ass. VS.) An Act far ye vacating, Breaking and Annulling severell extravagant Grants of Land made by Coil. Fletcher, the late Govr of this Province under his Matic. (10 W. 3. 1st Sess. 6 Ass. Br. 11 V. 3. 1 Sess. 5 Ass. Passed 12 May, 1699. L. & S. 11 W. 3. 1st Sess. 6 Ass. V S. Part of this roll is missing.) An Act for the Indemnifying off all such persons as were excepted out of the Generall pardon made by Act of Genll Assembly in this Province, in the year of our Lord 1691. (10 W. 3. 1st Sess. 6 Ass. Br. who prints the last named year, incorrectly, " 1696." 11 W. 3. 1 Sess. 5 Ass. Passed 15 April, 1699. L & S. 11 W. 3. 1 Sess. 6 Ass. V. S.) An Act for repealing an act of Assembly, entitled an Act for ye regulateing Dammages done in the Time of ye late disorders, and for ye uniteing the minds of their Mat'ies subjects wthin this Province, and for calling home such of their Maties Subjects that have lately absented themselves from the habitacions and ther usual places of their abode. (10 W. 3. 1 Sess. 6 Ass. Br. 11 W. 3. 1 Sess. 5 Ass. Passed 19 April, 1699. L & S. 11 VW. 3. 1 Sess. 6 Ass. V S.) An Act for preventing vexatious suites, and settling and quieting ye minds of his Mats peaceable subjects wthin this Province. (10 W. 3. 1 Sess. 6 Ass. Br. 11 W. 3. 1 Sess. 5 Ass. Passed 26 April, 1699. L & S. 12 W. 3. 1 Sess. 6 Ass. V S.) An Act for reviveing an act of Assembly expired by its own Lymitacon, entitled An Act for the regulateing ye retaining Attorneys at Law. (Not in Br. 11 W. 3. 1st Sess. 5 Ass. Passed 8 May, 1699. L & S. 11 W. 3. 1st Sess. 6 Ass. V S.) An Act for continuing ye Act for ye Encourageing the Post Office two yeares Longer after ye Experacon of the last act made for Continuance of ye same. (Not in Br. 11 W. 3. 1st Sess. 5 Ass. Passed 10 May, 1699. L & S. 11 W. 3. 1st Sess. 6 Ass. V S.) 1040 MA NU S CR I PTS. An Act for Enabling the City of New-Yorke to pay their Debts, and to erect and repair their publick buildings, and defray their necessary and publick charge. (10 W. 3. 1 Sess. 6 Ass. Br. 11 W. 3. 1 Sess. 5 Ass. Passed 16 May, 1699. L & S. who insert after city the words "and county;" 11 W. 3. 1 Sess. 6 Ass. V S who copies title from L & S. An Act to enable ye Citty & County of Albany to Defray their necessary charge. (10 W. 3. 1st Sess. 6 Ass. Br. who omits the words a and county in the title. 11 W. 3. 1 Sess. 5 Ass. Passed 11 May, 1699 L & S. 11 W. 3. 1 Sess. 6 Ass. V S.) XXVIth Octobris Anno Regni Will. 3tio Angliae XIIm. An Act for punishing officers and Soulciers who Shall mutiny or Desert his Maties Service and to prevent their being harboured and concealed by the Inhabitants of this Province, and to encourage the seizing and securing Such as Shall Desert his Majesties Service for the future. (3d Sess. 6th Assem. Br. 12 W. 3d. 3d Sess. 5th Assern. V S, 3d Sess. Cth Assem. L & S.) An Act for the Encouraging of Seamen. (3d Sess. 6th Assem. Br. 3 Sess. 6th Assem. Passed 29 Oct. 1700. V S. 3d Sess. 5th Assem. L & S.) An Act for the Encouraging the Brewing of Beer and making Malt within this Province. (3d Sess. 6th Assem. Br. V S. passed 29 Oct. 1700. 3d Sess, 5th Assem. L & S.) An Act for declaring the Town of East Chester in the County of West Chester, a distinct parish from the Town of West Chester in the County aforesaid. (3d Sess. 6th Assem. Br. & V S. 3d Sess. 5th Assem. passed 29th Octob. 1700, L & S.) An Act for appointing and Enabling Commissioners to Examine, take and state the public accounts of this Province. (3d Sess. 6th Assem. Br. 2d Sess. 5th Assem. L & S Passed 8th August 1700. 2d Sess. 6th Assein. Same date. V S.) An Act for Repealing an Act of Assembly, Entituled an act for the better securing the five Nations of Indians in their ffidelity to his Matie and for granting unto his Matie the sume of one thousand pounds for building a ffort for the security of the five Nations of Indians. (3d Sess. 6th assem. Br. & V S. 3d Sess. 5th ass. Passed 1st Nov. 1700 L & S.) Queen Jtnne s Reign, 1703. An Act for raising fifteen hundred pounds towards erecting two Batteries at the narrows or passage between staten and long island. MANUSCRIPTS. 1041 (2 Anne. 2d Sess. 1 Ass. Br. 2 Anne. 1 Sess. 6 Ass. passed 19 June 1703. L & S. 1 Sess. 8 Ass. V S.) An Act for the better Establishment of the maintainance for the minister of the city of New-York. (2 Anne. 2 Sess 1 Ass. Br. 2 Anne. 1 Sess. 6 Ass. passed 19 June 1703. L & S. 1 Sess. V S.) An Act for the better and more speedy recovery of the forfeiture of Six pounds, for persons not appearing upon detachments and performing the Service required according to the purport of an act of generall assembly of this Collony made in the first year of her Majties Reign entitled an act for the better settling the Militia of this province, &c. (2 Anne. 2 Sess. 1 Ass. Br. 2 Anne. I Sess. 6 Ass. passed 19 June 1703. L & S. 1 Sess. 8 Ass. V S.) An Act to enable the Minister and Elders for the time being of the French Protestant Church in the city of New-Yorke to build a Large church for the worship of Almighty god in that Congregation to hold them and there successors forever. (2 Anne, 2 Sess. 1st Ass. Br. 2 Anne, 1 Sess. 6 Ass. passed 19 June, 1703. L & S. 1 Sess. 8 Ass. V. S.) An Act to enable the Justices of the Peace for the city and County of Albany to repair or rebuild a Comon Goale, city and County Hall for the said city and county, and to pay the arrears of their public Charge. (2 Anne, 2 Sess. 1st Ass. Br. 2 Anne, I Sess. 6 Ass. passed 19 June, 1703. L & S. 1 Sess. 8 Ass. V S.) An Act for the laying out and Regulating, clereing and preserving public Comon highways Throughout this Colony. (2 Anne, 2 Sess. 1st Ass. Br. 3 Anne, 1 Sess. 6 Ass. passed 19 June, 1703. L & S. 1 Sess. 8 Ass. V S.) An Act for the better explaining and more effectuall putting in execution an act of General Assembly, made in the third year of the Reign of their Late Majties King william and queen mary entitled an Act for defraying of the pubick (publick) and necessary charge throughout this province and for maintaining the poore and preventing Vagabonds. (2 Anne, 2d Sess. 1st Ass. Br. 3 Anne. 1 Sess. 6 Ass. passed 19 June 1703. L & S. 1st Sess. 8th Ass. V S.) Roll incomplete, part of the 3d and whole of the 4th clause missing. An Act for levying and Collecting the sume of Thirteen hundred pounds for maintaining one hundred ffuzileers wth their proper officers and Thirty men with their proper Officers to be Imployed as Scouts for the defence of ye fronteers. (5 Anne, 2d Sess. 2d Ass. 1705, Br. 2d Anne, 1st Sess. 6 Ass. passed 23d Octob. 1703. L & S. 1st Ass. 8 Sess. V S.) An Act to Enable the Justices of the Peace for ye City and County of Albany to raise the sum-of One Hundred Pounds for Re 1042 MANUSCRIPTS. pairing or Rebuil(ding of a) Common Goal and City and County Hall over and above the sum of ffour (hundred) Pounds they were enabled to raise By an Act of the General A(ssembly made) in the second Year of her Matys Reign Entitled an Act to E(nable the Justices) of the Peace for ye City and County of Albany to Repair or to R(ebuild a) Comon Goall City and County Hall for the said Citty and (County) and to Pay the Arrears of their Public Charge. ( Anne. 2d Sess. 2 Ass. Br. 4th Anne, 1st Sess. 7 Ass. passed 4 August 1705. L & S. 4 Anne. 1 Sess. 9 Ass. V. S. The words within ( ) in the above are destroyed by mice in the original roll which is samewhat damaged.) An Act for Laying a Duty on the Tonnage of Vessels and Slaves. (8 Anne. 1 Sess. 4 Ass. Br. 8 Anne. 1 Sess. 8 Ass. passed 24 Sept. 1709. L & S. 1 Sess. 11 Ass. V S.) An Act for the Currency of Bills of Credit for Ten Thousand Ounces of Plate or Fourteen Thousand five Hundred forty six Lyon Dollars. (8 Anne. 1 Sess. 4th Ass. Br. 8 Anne. 8 Ass. 1 Sess. passed 12 Nov. 1709. L & S. 1 Sess. 11 Ass. V S.) 1ST SESSIONS. Acts passed the General Assembly of the province of New-York. Assented to by his Excellency, William Burnett, Esqr., November the Nineteenth, Anno Regni Georgii Regis, Septimo. In Council. (No. 1.) An Act for continuing an Act of General Assembly, Entituled an Act for the better Settling the Melitia of this Province and making it more usefull for the Security and Defence thereof. (7 Geo. I. 7 Sess. 2 Ass. Br. 7 Geo. 1. passed 19 Nov. 1720. L & S. and V S.) (No. 2.) An Act for Reviving an Act of General Assembly, Entituled an Act for the further Laying out regulating and better cleering publick highways thro'out this Colony. (7 Geo. 1. 7 Sess. 2d Ass. Br. 7 Geo. 1. passed 19 Nov. 1720. L & S. and V S.) (3.) An Act appointing the severall persons therein named and appointed to Lett to ffarm the excise of Strong Liquors in the severall Citys and Countys within this Province. (7 Geo. 1. 7th Sess. 2 Ass. Br. 7 Geo. 1. passed 19 November, 1720. L & S. andVS.) (4.) An Act for directing and appointing the vallue that Lyon Dollars shall pass current for within this province. (7 Geo. 1. 7 Sess. 2 Ass. Br. 7 Geo. 1. passed 19 Nov. 1720. L & S. V S.) MA. N UrSC R I P T s. 1043 (5.) An Act to Tmpower the Justices of the peace in the County of Westchester to assigne a place to build a Court house and Gaol for that County. (7 Geo. 1. 7 Sess. 2 Ass. Br1 7 Gee. 1, passed 19 Nov. 1720. L&S. and VS.) (6.) An Act for reviving an Act of General Assembly Entituled an Act for mending and keeping in repair the post Road from New-York to King's Bridge. (7 Geo. 1. 7 Sess. 2 Ass. Br. 7 Geo. 1. passed 19 Nov. 1720, L& S. and VS.) (7.) An Act prohibiting all persons but Robert Lettis Hooper and his assignes to refine Sugar during the Term therein menc6ned. (Not in Br. 7 Geo. 1. passed 19 Nov. 1720. L & S. and V S.) (8.) An Act for the Encouragement of:the Indian Trade and rendering of it more beneficiall to the Inhabitants of this Province, and for prohibitting the Selling of Indian Goods to the ffrench. (7 Geo. 1. 7 Sess. 2 Ass. B 7 Geo. 1, passed 19 Nov. 1720. L& S. and V S.) (9.) An Act for the continuing the currency of Bills of Credit to the value of Six Thousand ounce of Plate for and during the time therein mentioned. (7 Geo. 1. 7 Sess. 2d Ass. Br. 7 Geo. 1, passed 19 Nov. 1720. L & S. and V S ).(10.) An Act to enable Garrit Van Horne and Cornelius Van Hore, Son of said Garrit Van Home to sell and dispose of a certain house and Ground Situate and being in the City of New-York. (Not in Br. 7 Geo. 1. passed 19 Nov. 1720. L & S. and V S.) (11.) An Act to enable Isabella Davis to sell and dispose of four Lotts, pieces or parcells of ground in the City of New-York, (Not in Br. 7 Geo. 1. Passed 19 Nov., 1720. L&S. V. S.),(12.) An Act for a Supply to be Granted to his Majesty for Supporting his Government in the Province of New-York:during the time therein mentioned, and for repealing One Act of the General Assembly of this Province, Entitled an Act for a supply to be granted to his Majesty for supporting his Government in the Province of New-York, from the first day of July, which shall be in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty, until the first day of July, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty One.,(7 Geo. 1. 7 Sess. 2 Ass. Br. 7 Geo. 1. Passed 19 Nov. 1702. & S and V S-) 1044 MANUSCRIPTS. (13.) An Act to Lay a Duty of Two Pounds on every hundredc pounds vallue prime cost of all European Goods Imported into this Colony. (Not in Br. 7 Geo. 1. Passed 19 Nov., 1720. L & S. & V S.) (14.) An Act for continueing an act Entituled an Act for the Encouragement of Whaleing. (7 Geo. 1. 7 Sess. 2 Ass. Br. 7 Geo. 1. Passed 19 Nov. 1720. L& S. &V S.) (15.) An Act for the further continuing An Act for Laying A Duty on Goods sold by Auction, Vendue or Outcry and for rendering the same more Effectuall. (7 Geo. 1. 7 Sess. Br. 2d Ass. 7 Geo. 1. Passed 19 Nov. 1720. L& S. & VS.) Acts passed the General Assembly of the Province of New-Yorks and Assented to by his Excellency William Burnet, Esq.. &c., the Seventh day of July, Anno Octavo Georgii Regis. In Council. (No. 1.) An Act for the more Speedy and Effectual Recovery of' Arrears due and payable for Duties Laid within this Colony. (8 Geo. 1. 9 Sess. 2 Ass. Br. 8 Geo. 1. Passed 7 July, 1720. L & S. 2d Sess. 15 Ass. V S.) (2.) An Act for Continueing the Currency of Bills of Credit to the Value of Three Thousand ounces of Plate, till the first day of July, which will be in the Year One Thousand Seven hundred and Twenty-four. (8 Geo. 1. 9 Sess. 2 Ass. Br. 8 Geo. 1. Passed 7 July, 1722. L. & S. 2d Sess. 15 Ass. V S.) (3.) An Act Continueing a Clause in an Act of General Assembly Entituled an Act for the further Laying out, Regulating and better cleering public highways thro'out this Colony, so far as it relates to the County of Suffolk, in this Province. (Not in Br. 8 Geo. 1. Passed 7 July, 1722. L & S. 2d Sess. 15th Ass. V S.) (4.) An Act for reviving an Act of Generall Assembly, Entituled an Act to prevent Damages by Swine in the County of Westchester, Queens County and the County of Richmond, and for Including Kings County and Orange County in the same manner. (8 Geo. 1. 9 Sess. 2 Ass. Br. 8 Geo. 1. Passed 7 July, 1722. L & S. 2d Sess. 15 Ass. V S.) (5.) An Act for making more Effectuall an Act Entituled an Act for a supply to be granted to his Majesty for Supporting his Government in the Province of New-York during the time therein mentioned, and for Repealing one Act of Generall Assembly of the Province, Entituled An Act for MANU SCRIPTS. 1045 a Supply to be granted to his Majesty for Supporting his Government in the Province of New-York from the first day of July, which shall be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven Hundred and Twenty, to the first day of July, one thousand seven Hundred and Twenty one. (8 Geo. 1. 9 Sess. 2 Ass. Br. 8 Geo. 1. Passed 22d June, 1722. L & S. 2d Sess. 15 Ass. V S.) (6.) An Act for the further and more effectual prohibitting of the selling Indian Goods to the ffrench. (8 Geo. 1. 9 Sess. 2 Ass. Br. 8 Geo. 1. Passed 7th July, 1722. L&S 2dSess. 15Ass. V S.) SECOND SESSIONS. Acts passed the Generall Assembly of the province of New-York and Assented to by his Excelency William Burnett Esq. &c. The Twenty seventh day of July Anno Octavo Georgij. In Council. No. 1. An Act for Settleing the Estate of Albertus Conradus Boesk late of the city of New-York Sword Cutler Deceased. (Not in Br. 7 Geo I. passed 27 July 1721. L & S. and V S.) (2.) An Act for the Enabling such persons as his Excelency the Governour shall appoint to receive and collect the Dutye due and payable in the County of Suffolk by virtue of an Act of Generall Assembly of this Province past in Seventh year of his Majestys Reign Entituled an Act for a Supply to be granted to his Majesty for Supporting his Governmt in the Province of New-York during the time therein mentioned. (7 Geo. I. 8 Sess. 2d Ass. Br. 7 Geo I. passed 27 July 1721. L & S. & V. S.) (3.) An Act for Collecting and paying the Arrears of Taxes for the two Expeditions to Canada (Not in Br. 7 Geo. 1. passed 27 July 1721. L & S. & V S,) (4.) An Act to oblidge the Treasurer to pay for the Stockadoes provided for the ffortifications in Albany and Schenectady. (Not in Br. 7 Geo 1. passed 27 July 1721. L & S. & V S.) (5.) An Act for better clearing and further Laying out Highways. (7 Geo 1. 8th Sess. 2d Ass. Br. 7 Geo 1. passed 27 July 1721. L & S. & V S.) (6.) An Act for the ffurther Continuing the Currency of Bills of Credit to the Value of Six Thousand Ounces of Plate for and during the time therein mentioned. (Not in Br. 7 Geo. 1. passed 27 July 1721. L & S. and V S.) (7.) An Act for the better Repairing the ffortifications of the city of Albany. (Not in Br. 7 Geo. I. passed 27 July 1721. L. S. and V S.) 1046 MANU SCR IPT S. (8.) An Act to Impower the Justices of the peace in Queens County to sell the Court House and Gaol in the Said County and build another. (Not in Br. 7 Geo. 1. passed 27 July 1721. L & S. and V S.) (9.) An Act for Remitting and Exempting Gilbert Livingston from paying the sume of Three hundred pounds due from him for the Excise on Strong Liquors farmed by him. (Not in Br. 7 Geo. 1. passed 27 July 1721. L & S. and V S.) (10.) An Act for raising the sume of ffive Hundred pounds for securing the Indians in his Majestys Interest. (Not in Br. 7 Geo. I. passed 27 July 1721. L & S. and V S.) (11) An act to prevent Vagrant and Idle persons from being a charge and expense to any the Countys, Citys, Towns, Mannors or precincts within this Province. (7 Geo. I. 8 Sess. 2 Ass. Br. 7 Geo. I. passed 27 July 1721. L & S. and V. S.) (12) An Act to prevent Lotterys within the province of NewYork. (7 Geo. I. 8 Sess. 2 Ass. Br. 7 Geo. 1. passed 27 July 1721. L & S. and V. S. (13) An Act for the more equal and impartial assessing the Minister and poores tax to be raised within the City and County of New-York Queens County West Chester County and the County of Richmond. (7 Geo. I. 8 Sess. 2 Ass. Br. 7 Geo. I. passed 27 July 1721. L & S. and V. S.) (14) An Act to continue the Comon Road or the Kings Highway from the fferry Towards the Town of Breuckland on the Island of Nassau in the province of New-York. (7 Geo. 1. 8 Sess. 2d Ass. Br. 7 Geo. I. passed 27 July 1721. L & S. and VS.) (15) An Act for Regulating ffences for the severall Citys and Countys within this Province of New-York. (7 Geo. 1. 8 Sess. 2d Ass. Br. 7 Geo. I. passed 27 July 1721. L & S. and V S. (16) An Act continuing a clause in an Act of Generall assembly entituled an act for the further Laying out Regulating and better clearing publick highways, thro'out the Colony as far as it relates to the county of Suffolk in this Province. (This act is not in either Br. L & S. nor in VS.) (17) An Act to enable Susanna Parmyter to sell and dispose of one house and Lott of Ground in the city of New-York. (Not in Br. 7 Geo. I. passed 27 July 1721. L & S. and V S.) (18) An Act to Empower Gilbert Livingston to sell and dispose of certain Lotts of Land scituate and Lying and being in the city of New-York. (Not in Br. 7 Geo. I. passed 27 July 1721. L & S. and V S.) MANUS CR I PT S. 1047 (19) An Act naturalizing Jolannis Van Soolingen, Johan Remerse, Henrick Schliedorn, Johan Bernard Voediren and Johannes Hausz. (Not in Br. 7 Geo. I. passed 27 July 1721. L & S. and V S.) (20) An Act for settling the Militia of the Province and the making of it usefull ftr the security and Defence thereof and for Repealing all former acts relating to the same. (Not in Br. 7 Geo. I. passed 27 July 1721. L & S. and V S.) FOURTH SESSIONS. Acts passed the General assembly of the Province of New-York and assented to by his Excellency William (Burnet) Esq. &c. The first day of November anno N (ono) Geor. (gij. Regis.) In Council. (An Act appointing Commissioners to let to farm the Excise of Strong Liquors in the cities & Counties in this Colony.) This title is destroyed on the roll, but the act is in good condition; from the text it is concluded that the above is the Title as given by Br. as 8th Geo. I. 10th sess. 2d ass.; by L & S. and V S. as 9 Geo. I. passed 1 November 1722. Neither of them give the Act. (2.) An Act for paying Gerrit Van Horne, Jacobus Kip, David Provoost and Johannes Jansen, Esqs for serving in General assembly. (Not in Br. 9 Geo. I. passed 1. Nov. 1722. L & S. 9 Geo. I. 2d Sess. 15 ass V S.) (3.) An Act for the payment of the Representatives of the city and county of Albany. (9 Geo. 1. 1722 Br. 9 Geo. I. passed 1. Nov. 1722. L & S. 9 Geo. I. 2d Sess. 15 Asser. V. S.) (4.) An Act for Raising the sume of five hundred pounds to encourage and promote a Trade with the Remote Nations of Indians, and for secureing the five Nations in his Majesty's Interest, as ilso the sume of Three Hundred and Twenty Pounds three Shillings and two pence farthing Advanced by the several persons therein named for Repairing the ffortifications on the ffrontiers. (8 Geo. 1. 10 Sess. 2d Asser. Br. 9 Geo. I. passed 1st Nov. 1722. L & S. 2d Sess. 15 Ass. V S.) (5.) An Act to Enable Trustees therein named to take sell and dispose of certain Lotts of Land, the Estate of Gilbert Livingston in the city of New-York, for the payment of a certain Bond given and Debt due to his Majesty on the said Gilbert Livingston his contract for ffarming the excise of this Province. (Not in Br. 9 Geo. I. passed 1 Nov. 1722. L & S. 2d Sess. 15 Ass. V S.) 1048 MANUS cR IPTS. (6.) An Act for raising the quantity of Three Thousand ounces of plate for the Effectual sinking and Cancelling Bills of Credit of that value. (8 Geo. I. 9th Sess. 2d Ass. Br. 9 Geo. I. passed I Nov. 1722. L & S. 2d Sess. 15 Ass. V. S.) (7.) An Act for the better enabling Job Dusochany, Eldest Son and heir of Mark Dusochany late of the County of Richmond Yeoman, deceased and other the children of the said Mark Dusochany to sell sundry pieces and parcells of Land given and devised to them respectively in and by the Last will and Testament of the said Testator, in order to pay off and Discharge the Incumbrance thereupon and other the Debts of their said Testator yet remaining unsatisfied. (Not in Br. 9 Geo. I. passed I Nov. 1722. L & S. 2d Sess. 15 Ass. V S.) (8.) An Act to Encrease the number of Supervisors in the County of West Chester, and that no wages of Supervisors shall be any part of the said Countys Rate for the future. (8 Geo. 1. 10 Sess. 2 Ass. Br. 9 Geo. 1. passed 1 Nov. 1722. L & S. 2d Sess. 15 Ass. V. S.) (9.) An Act for paying Ebenezer Wilson, John van Horne, Abraham Governeur and Sarah his Wife the Widdow and Relic of Johannes Hardenbrock deceased for Serving in General assembly. (Not in Br. 9 Geo. I. passed 1 Nov. 1722. L & S. 2d Sess. 15 Ass. V. S.) FIFTH SESSIONS. Acts passed the General Assembly of the Province of New-York, and assented to by his Excellency, William Burnet, Esq., &c., the Sixth day of July, Anno Nono Georgij Regis. In Council. (No. 1.) An Act to revive an Act Entitled an Act for the Encouraging Navigation. (9 Geo 1. 11 Sess. 2d Ass Br. 9 Geo. I. passed 6th July 1723. L & S. 2nd Sess. 15 Ass. V. S.) (2.) An Act to prevent Desertion from his Majesty's fforces in the province of New-York. (9 Geo. 1. II Sess. 2d Ass. Br. 9 Geo. I. pass'd 6 July 1723. L & S. 2d Sess. 9 Ass. V S.) (3.) An Act for Raising and Levying the quantity of ffive thousand Three Hundred and fifty ounces of plate for the uses therein mentioned and for striking and making Bills of Credit of that value. (9 Geo. I. 11 Sess. 2 Ass. Br. 9 Geo. I. passed 6 July 1723. L & S. 2d Sess. 15 Ass. V S.) MANUSCRIPTS. 1049 (4.) An Act for continuing an Act Entituled an Act appointing Commissioners to Let to ffarm the Excise of Strong Liquors in the Citys and Countys of this Colony. (9 Geo. I. 11 Sess. 2 Ass. Br. 9 Geo. I. passed 6 July 1723. L & S. 2d Sess. 15 Ass. V S.) (5.) An Act for paying the charge and expenses of Two Wooden Houses or Sheds built near the City of Albany for the accommodation of the Indians Trading at Albany, and keeping them in good repaire. (9 Geo. 1. 11 Sess. 2 Ass. Br. 9 Geo. I. passed 6 July 1723. L & S. 2d Sess. 15 Ass. V S.) (6.) An Act to continue an Act of Generall Assembly Entitled an Act for the better clearing and further Laying out Highways. (9 Geo. I. 11 Sess. 2 Ass. Br. 9 Geo. I. passed 6 July 1723. L & S. 2d Sess. 15 Ass. V S.) (7.) An Act for the clearing and further Laying out of the Highways in the City & County of Albany. (9 Geo. I. 11 Sess. 2 Ass. Br. 9 Geo. I. passed 6 July 1723. L & S. 2d Sess. 15 Ass. V. S.) (8.) An Act to revive an Act Entituled An act to authorize Justices of the Peace to build and repair Joales and Court Houses in the severall counties of this province so far as it relates to Queens County. (9 Geo. I. 11 Sess. 2 Ass. Br. 9 Geo. I. passed 6 July 1723. L & S. 2 Sess. 15 Ass. V. S.) (9.) An Act to Determine and take off the Reward allowed by former acts for Killing and Destroying Wild catts and ffoxes. 9 Geo. I. 11 Sess. 2 Ass. Br. 9 Geo. 1. passed 6 July 1723. L & S. 2 Sess. 15 Ass. V. S.) (10.) An Act for Naturalizing Cornelius Van Santvoord, Johanness Martinus Van Harlingen, Peter Stellingwerf, Abraham Roeters, Jacobus Wesselse, Abraham Ysaacks, David Elias, Jacob Hays, ffloris Van Taerling, John Masson, Christopher Lawrence, Perter Malleville, Johanna Sophia Titema, Widdow of Jacobus Dekey, Late of the City of New-York deceased, Isaak Rodrigues, Andries Truve Josaias Valleau, Dina Marthe, Lieven Marthe, Salomon Myers, Bartell Mieler, Yoos Sooy, John Perter Zenger and Henry Michael Cook. (Not in Br. 9 Geo. I. passed 6 July 1723. L & S. and V S. who do not print the Title correctly.) (11.) An Act for Naturalizing Catharine De Peyster Geertruye Coeymans, Sarah Gouverneur & Jan Van Loo. (Not in Br. 9 Geo. I. passed 6 July 1823. L & S. and V S.) (12.) An Act to Enable Thomas Dongan and Walter Dongan two Surviving Kinsmen of Thomas Late Earl of Lymerick to 1050 MA NUSCR I PTS. sell some part of their Estate for payment of their Debts and Discharging some Incumbrances wherewith the same is now charged. (Not in Br. 9 Geo. I. passed 6 July 1723. L & S. and V S.) SIXTH SESSIONS. Acts passed the Generall Assembly of the Province of New-York, assented to in Council by his Excellency William Burnet, Esq., &c., July the Twenty fourth, Anno Regni Georgij Regis Undecimo. (No. 1.) An Act for Raising and Levying the sume of Six Thousand Six Hundred and Thirty pounds for the Supplying the Deficiences of his Majestys Revenue and for the several uses and purposes therein mentioned and for making of Bills of Credit to be Issued for that Value. (10 Geo. I. July 1724, Br. 10 Geo. 1. Passed 24 July, 1724. L & S. and V S.) (2.) An Act for Setling and Regulating the Militia in this Province and making the same usefull for the Security and Defence thereof and for Repealing all other acts relating to the same. (10 Geo. 1. July 1724. Br. 10 Geo. I. Passed 24 July, 1724. L & S. and V S.) (3.) An Act for Continuing the Acts made for prohibiting the selling of Indian goods to the ffrench with some alterations. (10 Geo. 1. July 1724, Br. 10 Geo. I. passed 24 July, 1724 L & S. and V S.) (4.) An Act for makeing Bills of Credit and putting the same into the Treasurers hands for exchanging therewith Such Bills of Credit of this Province as are Torn and Defaced. (10 Geo. I. July 1724, Br. 10 Geo. I. pass'd 24 July, 1724. L & S, and V S.) (5.) An Act to prevent Tenants of all kinds from Committing Wast and Trespasses on Lands in their Tenure or possession and for punishing all such other persons as by Water or Land shall aid & abet therein and for preventing diverse other enormitys exceeding hurtfull to the growing settlements and plantacons in the Countys of Orange and Ulster and for Laying out and Maintaining a High road within the same. (10 Geo. 1, July 1724. Br. 10 Geo. I. passed 24th July 1724. L & S. and V S.) (6.) An Act to prevent Boats and other Vessells and the Goods put on board of them from being interupted or protested whilst their Navigacion is confined to this Colony. (10 Geo. 1. July 1724. Br. 10 Geo. I. passed 24 July 1724. L & S. and V S.) MANUSCRIPTS. 1051 (7.) An Act for the ffortyfying.of the City of Albany. (10 Geo. I. July 1724. 10 Geo. I. passed 24 July 1724. L & S$ & V. S) (8.) An Act to enable the Mayor Aldermen and Comonalty of the City of Albany to Defray the publick and Necessary charge of the said city. (10 Geo. I. July 1724. Br. 10 Geo. I. passed July 24 1724. L & S. &V.S.) (9.) An Act to prevent Damages by Swine in Dutches County and in the Mannor of Livingston and in the precinct of the Mannor of Renselaerwyck called Claverack in the County of Albany. (10 Geo. I. July 1724. Br. 10 Geo. I. passed 24 July 1724. L & S. & V S.) (10.) An Act for Laying out and clearing public Highways in the precinct of Skaiare (Schoharie) in the County of Albany. (10 Geo. I. July 1724. Br. 10 Geo. I. passed 24 July 1724. L & S. &v S.) (11. An Act for paying Gerritt van Horn David provoost Johannes Jansen and Jacobus Kip Esqrs. for serving in Generall Assembly. (Not in Br. 10 Geo. 1. passed 24 July 1724. L & S. & V S.) (12.) An Act to enable the Justices of the peace in Queens County to ifinish and compleat the Goal and Court House al ready Erected in the said County. (10 Geo. 1. July 1724. Br. 10 Geo. 1. passed 24 July 1724. L & S. & v S.) (13.) An Act for the further Laying out Regulating and better clearing public Highways in the County of Suffolk. (10 Geo. 1. July 1724. Br. 10 Geo. 1. pass'd July 24 1724. L & S. & V S.) (14.) An Act to oblige the Collectors and Treasurer of Richmond County effectually to collect and pay the annual Rent Rate of the said county. (10 Geo. 1. July 1724. Br. 10 Geo. 1. passed 24 July 1724. L & S. & V S.) (15.) An Act for Naturalizing ffrans Vanderverg Harmanus Sio monis Johannes Clundorff Peter Spelinck ffrancis Clerembault Jean Claudi & Johan Phillip Lenningbooker. (Not in Br. 10 Geo. 1. passed 24 July 1724. L & S. & V S.) (16.) An Act to prohibit all persons but Susanna Parmyter widdow and her assignees to make Lamp black during the space of Ten years. (Not in Br. 10 Geo. 1. passed 24 July 1724. L & S. & V S.) 1062 MANUSCRIPTS. 7TH SESSIONS. Acts passed the General Assembly of the Province of New-York assented to by his Excellency William Burnet Esqr. &c. the Tenth day of November Anno Regni Georgij Regis Duodecimo. In Council. (1.) An Act appointing Commissioners to Let to ffarm the Excise of Strong Liquors in the Citys and Countys in this Colony. (Not inBr. 12 Geo. 1. passed 10 Nov. 1725. L & S. &VS., who give title only.) (2.) An Act to revive and continue the several acts therein mentioned Relating to the prohibiting of Selling Indian Goods to the ffrench and for promoting the Trade with the remote Nations of Indians during the time therein mentioned, and for the Recovery of such penalties as are directed by the said Acts. (Not in Br. 12 Geo. 1. passed 10 Nov. 1725. L & S. and V S., who give Title only.) (3.) An Act for Continuing Bills of Credit Struck and Issued in the year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty to the value of ffive Thousand ounces of plate, to be current untill the first day of July, which will be in the year One Thousand Seven hundred and Twenty Seven. (Not in Br. 12 Geo. 1. passedl10 Nov. 1725. L & S. & V S., who give only the Titles.) (4) An Act for the Discharging a certain Recognizance entered into by Goosen Van Schaick Late of the City of Albany, Merchant deceased. (Not in Br. 12 Geo. 1. passed 10 Nov. 1725. L & S. and V S., who give only the Title.) An Act for paying five thousand younds for and towards assisting the Colonys of Virginia and Pennsylvania to dispossess the French and Indians who have settled and Erected Forts on his Majesty's Lands on the River Ohio and parts adjacent thereto. (28 Geo. II, 6th Sess. 20th Ass. passed 29 Aug. 1654. L & S. 28th Geo. II. 6th Sess. 25th Ass. V S.) An Act to continue an act for granting to his Majesty the several duties and Impositions on Goods Wares and Merchandizes imported into this Colony therein mentioned. (28 Geo. II. passed 7 Dec. 1754, 6 Sess. 20th Ass. L & S. 28 Geo. II. 6th Sess. 25th Assembly. V S.) An Act to prevent Malicious Informations in the Supreme Court of Judicature for the Colony of New-York. (28 Geo. II. 6 Sess. 20 Ass. passed 7 Dec. 1654. L & S. 28 Geo. 11. 6 Sess. 25th Ass. V S.) An Act to Regulate the collecting the Duty of Excise on Strong Liquors retailed in this Colony. (28 Geo. II. 6th Sess. 20th Ass. passed 6 Dec. 1754. L & S. 28 Geo. II. 6 Sess. 25 Ass. V S.) M A N SCa IPTS. 1053 An Act for continuing the several acts for Supporting the Garrison and Trading House at Oswego with some additions. (28 Geo. II. 6 Sess. 20 Ass. passed 7 Dec. 1754. L & S. 28 Geo. II. 6 Sess. 20 Ass V S.) An Act to Impower Justices of the peace to try Causes from Forty shillings to Five pounds. (28 Geo. II. 6 Sess. 20 Ass. passed 7 iDec. 1754. L & S. 28 Geo. II. 6 Sess. 25th Ass. V S.) An Act to Continue an Act Entituled an Act to regulate the Militia of this Colony with an alteration thereto. (28 Geo. II. 6 Sess. 20 Ass. passed 7 Dec. 1754. L & S. 28 Geo. II. 6 Sess. 25 Ass. V S.) An Act for the Relief of the Poor in Dutchess County to Enable the Inhabitants of the several Precincts therein to Elect Overseers of the Poor and to ascertain the places of their Respective Meeting. (28 Geo. II. 6 Sess. 20 Ass. passed 7 Dec. 1754. L & S. 28 Geo. II. 6 Sess. 20 Ass. V S.) An Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors with Respect to the Imprisonment of their persons in the City amid County of NewYork and County of Westchester. The act not given in the Rolls. The title only. (28 Geo. II. 6 Sess. 20 Ass. passed 7 Dec. 1754. L & S. 28 Geo. II. 6th Sess. 25th Ass. V S.) An Act for raising a sum not exceeding the sum of One hundred pounds on the Freeholders and Inhabitants of that part of Orange County which lies to the Northward of the Mountains for repairing the Court House in Goshen:and making addition thereto. (28 Geo. II. 6 Sess. 20 Ass. passed 7 Dec. 1754. L & S. 28 Geo. II. 6 Sess. 25 Ass. V S.) An Act to enable the Freeholders being Inhabitants of the West division of the County of Richmond to Chuse and Elect yearly at their Town Meeting two Constables for the said Division. (28 Geo. II. 6 Sess. 20 Ass. L & S. 28 Geo. II. 6 Sess. 25 Ass. V S.) An Act for Raising the sum of One thousand One hundred and twenty-five pounds by publick Lottery for a further provision towards founding a College for the advancement of Learning within this Colony. (28 Geo. II. 6. Sess. 20 Assembly. L & S. 28 Geo. II. 6 Sess. 25 Ass. VS.) An Act for submitting the Controversy between the Colonies of New-York and New-Jersey relating to the partition Line between the said Colonies to the final Determination of his Majesty. [STATE LIBRARY.] 66 1054 M'A N USC RI PTS. (28 Geo. 11. 6 Sess. 20 Assembly. L & S.:28 Geo. HI. 6 Sesa. 25 Ass. V S.) MISCELLANEOUS. 1763. Account Book of Clothing &c. purchased for the Provincial Troops Raised in the pay of the Colony of New-York for the Campaign of 1762. (Presented by Hon. F. H. Ruggles, Senator.) 1776-1779. Minutes of the Commissioners appointed by the General Assembly of South Carolina in pursuance of an Act passed Oct. 4, 1776, to superintend and direct the Naval affairs of that State. (These minutes extend from 9th Oct. 1776, to 1st March, 1779, and fill 257 pp. folio.) 1797. Map of Part of the Land in the Royal Grant devised by Sir William Johnson to some of his Natural Indian Children; surveyed by Lawrence Vrooman, 1797. (The names of the children, and the quantities of land devised to each are noted on the Map.) 1814. Census of City of Albany, 1814. (This is a bound 8vo. vol. and will be found among the other Books in the Library.) Seal of Governor William Burnet, 1721. Seal of Governor William Burnet, 1724. Seal of James De Lancey, Lieutenant-Governor, 1758. Seal annexed to the commission of Martin Beekman, as Lieutenant, 1758. Three parchment writs addressed to the sheriffs of Westchester and Rockland, 1791-92. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE STATE LIBRARY. LAWS OF THE STATE. Revised Statutes, Vol. I., Part I., Chap. IX,, Title 8, Sect. 6. It shall be the duty of the Trustees to provide, in their regulations, that any member of the Senate or Assembly, during the session of the Legislature, or during the.sitting of the Court- for the Correction of Errors, or of the Senate only, shall be permitted, under proper restrictions, forfeitures and penalties, to take to his boarding-house, or private room, any book belonging to the Library, except such books as the Trustees shall determine are necessary always to be kept in the Library, as books of reference; but no member of the Legislature shall be permitted to take or detain from the Library, more than two volumes at any one time. Ibid. Sect. 7. Before the President of the Senate, or the Speaker of the Assembly, shall grant to any member a certificate of the time of his attendance, he shall be satisfied that such member has returned all books taken out of the Library by him, and has settled all accounts for fines, for injuring such books, or otherwise. sAct of MIay, 1844, S(ct. 5. The State Library shall be kept open every day in the year, Sundays excepted, during such hours in each day as the Trustees of the said Library may direct. Ibid. Sect. 6. The Librarian shall be constant in his personal at tendance upon the Library during ths hours it shall be directed to be kept open, and shall perform such other duties as may be imposed by law, or by the rules and regulations which may be prescribed by the said Trustees. He may appoint some person of a suitable age, and having proper qualifications for the situation, as his assistant; but such appointment shall be submitted to the Trustees for their approval, and shall not be effectual without such approval 1056 RULES AND REGULATIONS. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THIE TRUSTEES, 1. During the session of the Legislature, or of the Senate only, and during the sitting of the Court of Errors, or of the Court of Chancery, or of the Supreme Court, in the Capitol, the Library shall be open from the hour of nine in the morning until the hour of nine in the evening, and on all other days, (Sundays excepted,) from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. On Christmas, New-Year, and other holidays, the rooms shall be kept open only one hour in the morning, from 9 to 10 A. M. II. It shall be the duty of the Librarian and Assistant Librarian to keep the Library rooms clean, neat, and in good order; carefully to preserve the books, maps, charts, engravings, medals and furniture; and to suffer none of them to be taken out of the Library, unless as expressly authorised by these regulations. The Librarian will be held accountable for the full value of every book that is missing, and for every injury which a book, map or chart may receive while he is in office: except such as may be sustained by ordinary use; and he will be relieved from such accountability, only by showing that some other person is responsible for such book or injury, without any fault of the Librarian. Whenever the Library is open, he shall attend the same, and shall on no account suffer any volume to be taken from the Library room, without first entering in a book to be provided by him, the name of the person taking the same, and the title of the volume. For every instance of a violation of this rule, the Liblarian shall forfeit one dollar, to be deducted from his salary. III. It shall be the duty of the Librarian to preserve order, and to prevent smoking in the Library rooms. He shall also exclude, if neces;ary, any disorderly person. No talking, that the Librarian shall deem incompatible with quiet reading or copying, shall be permitted. Visitors are also requested not to seat themselves near the book shelves. IV. Any member of the Legislature, during its session, or during the sitting of the Court of Errors, or of the Senate only, may take to his boarding-house or private room, any book belonging to the Library, other than those hereinafter particularly specified, under the restrictions, penalties and forfeitures following: 1. No book can be taken out, until its delivery has been entered by the Librarian. 2. Not more than two books can be taken out at a time. 3. No book can be detained more than one week; but the borrower may, after returning it, again take it out, unless some other member of the Legislature has in the mean time made application for it; in which case, such applicant shall have the preference in the use of the said book; and when there are RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1057 several applicants, the preference shall be according to the priority of their applications. 4. A fine of twenty cents shall be imposed for every day's detention beyond the week above specified, and collected by the Librarian. 5. If a book is lost or destroyed, or so much injured that the whole of it cannot be read, the borrower shall be charged the full value of the volume, and one-third of such value in addition; and if it belongs to a set of volumes, he shall be charged the value of the whole set, and one-third of such value in addition. 6. For any injury to a book subsequent to its being taken out, and previous to its return, a fine shall be imposed on the borrower, equal to its injury, to be determined by the Librarian, with the addition of thirty-three per cent. 7. Whenever a fine shall be imposed, or any charge made against the borrower of a book, he shall be immediately notified thereof by the Librarian. An appeal from such fine or charge may be made to the Library Committee. V. No map, chart, print, engraving, or medal, or books of maps, charts, prints, or engravings, can be takan out of the Library room, nor the following books: Lexicons, Dictionaries, or Cyclopedias; Niles' Register, or any files of Newspapers; Wilson's Ornithology; Audubon's Birds of America, or his American Ornithological Biography; the Album Cosmopolite; WXilkes' Exploring Expedition, the 4to edition; Denton's History of New-York, 1670; Elliot's Indian Bible, 1680; Audubon's Quadrupeds, together with such other works as may from time to time be specified, according to a signed list, to be left with the Librarian; except that, during the session of the Legislature, or of the Court for the Correction of Errors, any member thereof may take to any room in the Capitol, any Lexicon, Dictionary, or Cyclopedia, Niles' Register, or any files of Newspapers, to be returned on the same day. VI. The Trustees hereby declare, agreeably to the provisions of the Revised Statutes, that the Law Library, in its most extensive sense, comprehends such books of reference, as should always be kept in it; but during the session of the Legislature, of the Senate, of the Court for the Correction of Errors, and of any Court held in the Capitol, law books may be taken from the Library to any room in the Capitol, to be returned on the same day. The Librarian shall previously charge each person so taking, with the book or books; and a fine of fifty cents shall be imposed for each day's detention beyond the above time. The regulations above ordained, as to loss, injury, or damage of books, shall apply in the present case. VII. No books belonging to the Law Library are to be taken to the Miscellaneous Library, to be read; nor are books, maps, charts, 1058 RULLS AND REG U L-A T IO NS. or prints, belonging to the Miscellaneous Library, to be taken to the Law Library, to be read or examined. VIII. Three days previous to the day fixed for the adjournment of any session of the Legislature, or of any sitting-of the Court for the Correction of Errors, or of the Senate, shall be fixed, the Librarian shall immediately address a note to each member of the Legislature having any book belonging to the Library, requesting the return thereof within twenty-four hours. IX. After the expiration of the said twenty-four hours, the Librarian shall immediately make out a list of the members of each house of the Legislature, who have omitted to return any books belonging to the Library, specifying the volumes retained by each, and a list of those, upon whom any fines have been imposed, remaining unpaid, or against whom any charges for the loss of books exist, stating such fines or charges; which list shall be alphabetically arranged, according to the names of the respective members, and shall be certified to be correct. To the President of the Senate, the Librarian shall forthwith deliver the list relating to that body; and the list containing the names of the members of the Assembly, he shall forthwith deliver to the Speaker; and upon each list shall be written a copy of Sec. 7, Title 8, Chap. 9, Part I. of the Revised Statutes X. Twenty days before the opening of any annual session of the Legislature, the Librarian shall report in writing to the Trustees the title of every book, map, chart, print, or engraving, missing from the Library, since the catalogue of the previous year was made out, or if no s:ch catalogue has been made, since the date of said Librarian's last Annual Report to the Trustees; together with the name or names of the persons who appear, from the entries of the Librarian, to have borrowed or detained the same, to the end that such list may be submitted to the Legislature by the Trustees. XI. These regulations shall be conspicuously posted and hung in frames in the Library. and the other rooms of the Capitol. By order of the Regents of the University, as Trustees of the State Library. PETER WENDELL, Chancellor. NEW-YORK STATE LIBRARY. At a meeting of the Joint Library Committee of the Senate and Assembly, held at the Rooms of the State Library, on the first of February, 1849, it was unanimously Resolved, That for the better preservation of the Illustrated Works, Engravings and Maps, belonging to the State Library, the Regents of the University (ex oficio Trustees of the Library,) be and they are hereby requested to take such order as to the times and manner of their exhibition as they may deem proper. (Signed,) JOHN L. LAWRENCE, JAMES W. BEEKMAN, THOMAS H. BOND, ROBERT H. PRUYN, JOHN FINE, E. W. FISKE, On the part of the Senate. IRA SKEEL, H. GODARD, On the part of the Jssemblyo In pursuance of the above request, the Trustees of the Library have adopted the following regulations: The Illustrated Works and Engravings in the Library will be exhibited only on Wednesday and Saturday of each week, between the hours of eleven and two o'clock, by and under the immediate supervision of the Librarian, or Assistant Librarian, in whose charge they may be. Any member of the Joint Library Committee of the Senate and Assembly, the Speaker of the Assembly, either of the Heads of Department, or of the Trustees of the Library, or the Secretary of the Library Committee, may, by an order in writing, authorize any person to see them at any other time. (Signed,) JOHN V. L. PRUYN, GEORGE W. PATTERSON, DAVID BUEL, JR., JOHN K. PAIGE, ROBERT G. RANKIN, PHILIP S. VAN RENSSELAER, By order, Library Committee T. ROMEYN BECK, Secy. February 13 1849. FINIS.