INDEX TO LAWS RELATING TO THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT, COMPILED FROM THE REVISED STATUTES, APPROVED JUNE 22, 1874. WASH INGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICBE. 1876. I:NDEX. A. Section. Section. Account-Continued. Abandoned Property, by cigar manufacturers --—.................. 3390 (see Captured and Abandoned Property.) by collectors of internal revenue, of sales of Abandonment, cigar-stamps --—.. —-......... —.. 3395 of goods in bonded warehouse, what consti- of goods in bond, &c., to be rendered monthtutes; sale, &c., of.......-....-... — 2971 ly........................... 3444 Abatement of Duties, Accounting Oficers, on goods destroyed, &c., by accident 2984 on goods destroyed, &c., by accident.... 2984 opinion of President as to absence of TerriAbatement of Taxes, torial officers, to be filed with....... 1884 power of Commissioner of Internal Revenue proof to be required by, in settlement of acto make. —— 3220.counts for Territorial expenses...... 1886 on spirits destroyed by accident... —. --- 3221 en to allow, &c., expenses of comiswhen to allow, &c., expenses of commisAbortion, sions, &............................ 3681 importation of articles to procure, prohibited. 2491 shall be furnished copy of appointment of Abrasion of Coins,inspector of fue............. 3712 not to exceed one-half of one per centum, &c- 3505 when to allow account for fuel -... 3713 Abraided Coins, judgments against -property of United certain, in Treasury to be recoined........ 3512 States against property 3754 Absconding Debtor, priority of claims of United States against.. 3466 Accounts, Absence, for travelling expenses of Members and Deledeductions for, from pay of Senators, Repre- gates, how certified-..-..... —-..- 47 sentatives, and Delegates.. —....-. 4041 certified balances in public, conclusive on in Army- executive branch, revisable only by pay of Army officers on leave of....... 1265 Congress or courts —-............ — - - 191 forfeiture of pay, when dropped for...... 1266 by or against United States, where to be setleave of, to officers, &c., at Military Acad- tied ---—... —............. -—. 236 emy.-...... 1330 of public expenditures, to be settled within Absence of Proper Stamp, fiscal year.20 on tobacco and snuff, to be notice and evi- reference of, to Court of Claims, by Secretary dence of non-payment of tax......... 3373 of Treasury, on certificate of Auditor on cigars -...... —-- -- -----—. 3398 or Comptroller. — ---................ 1063 Absent Debtor, proceedings on, same as in other cases —-- 1064 priority of claims of United States against.. 3466 judgment on, how paid....-..-. 1065 Abstract, of disbursements for Government, in Terrifrom tobacco or snuff manufacturers' book tories, how settled. —-.. ——........... ——.. 1886 to be furnished, &c., monthly, &c.... 3358 for expenses incurred in relief of refugees from cigar manufacturers' book......-.. 3390 and freedmen, how settled..... 2034 Acapulco, of freedmen's hospital, supervision of ----—. 2038 consul at, salary of. 1690 annual settlement of, by officers disbursing Accident, to Indians —-—. —--—. —-.... —---- 2091 suspension of work at distilleries, caused by copy of, to be laid before Congress —. 2091 unavoidable........................ 3310 delinquents to be reported to Congress -. 2091 stamps for spirits lost or destroyed by-..v.. 3315 of clerks, &c., employed in customs revenue, at brewery -...-............-. —-...... 3350 to be verified.. -.... —........ 2693 "Accompanying Documents," of collectors of internal revenue for pay, exediting of, for distribution by Congress.. 75 penses, &c.........-........ 3145 number of, to be printed:. —- --- 3798 adjustment of, of collectors and assessors of abridgment of, number to be printed... 3798 internal revenue.-...... 3146, 3147 Account, collectors of internal revenue may require by retail dealers in leaf-tobacco........... 3244 production of books of..-... —-..... 3173 by internal-revenue store-keepers at ware- of collectors of internal revenue, to be renhouse. ---—. —. ——.- -. ------ - 3301 dered as often as required -... —--- 3212 by store-keepers, of distillery operations....- 3302 collectors of internal revenue failing to renby distillers..... 3307 der ---—....................-. 3217 by collectors of internal revenue, of stamps making or using false, by persons not in milfor distilled spirits.................. 3314 itary or naval service, civil action for. 3490 by rectifyers and wholesale liquor-dealers.. 3318 of mints and assay offices —......... 3405, 3562 by brewers..-.... —----— 3337,3338 public, shall be rendered monthly -.....-.. 3622 by collectors of internal revenue, of stamps of naval paymasters, on foreign stations, sold and permits delivered for ferment- consular certificates as to prices to aced liquors..-.. —-.. ——.-.... —-- 3341 company.. ——. —........ 3723 by tobacco and snuff manufacturers........ 3358 quarterly, to be rendered to Secretary of by dealers in leaf-tobacco... —... -. —.3359, 3360 Treasury by Congressional Printer.. 3815 by collectors of internal revenue, of sales of of Congressional Printer, for receipts and tobacco and snuff-stamps ---.. —. 3369 disbursements, how to be settled..... 3817 4 INDEX. Section. Section. Account8s-Continued. Adhesive Stamps, of receipts and expenditures of consular cancellation of ——..............-..... 3423,3424 courts.-............. —..... 4120 how supplied........................ 3425 for rent of prisons, &c., in foreign coun- commissions on....-...................... 3425 tries..........-...-.. ——....-.. 4121,4123 to be furnished to certain officers for sale. -.. 3427 making or using false, by any person, to ob- forging, counterfeiting, &c., or fraudulently taid approval, &c., of claim against using or selling, &c.......... 3429 United States -....... —-. —...-... —. 5438 Adjourned Terms, officer or agent of United States, failing to of supreme court of Arizona, when and where render, as provided by law, of public held.. ——,. —-.......-...-...... —-. 1934 moneys received by him............. 5491 order for, how signed and entered........ 1934 Accounts and Revenues, Postal Service, what business may be done at............ 1934 provisions relating to.. —................. 4049 mileage of clerk for attendance at........ 1934 Accoutrements, Adjustment of Accounts, furnished to soldier, not to be sold, bartered, of aessors and collectors of internal reve&c.; seizure of, in hands of person not nue..jutan —— e.n.31a..46, 3147 a soldier....- - 1242,3748 Adjutant-General, punishment for loss, &c:, of. -—.. —..... —- 1342 appointment and duties of, in militia... 1634 of persons enrolled in militia, and exemp- annual return by, in each State to President, tions of, from execution, &c......... 1628 instruction by Secretary of War as to. 1636 returns of actual condition of, by officers in ofrmy, duty as to evdence pension cases 4717 militia ----------------------- 635 Adjutant-General's Department, inspection and returns of, by brigade-in- authorized................. 1094 spector of militia....-........ 1640 organization of, and rank in......... —-..... 1128 lost in military service, to be paid for..3482, 3486, Adjutalts, 3487 number, for artillery regiment............. 1099 of minor, lost in military service, how paid for cavalry regiment.. —.-.......... 1102 for.............................-. 3486 i for infantry regiment. -............. 1106 in Army, pay of........................... 1261 Accrued Pensions, forage allowed to, of regiments............. 1271 (see Pensions.) in regiments of militia, when called into UniAccrued Rights, ted States service, rank of........ 1646 not affected by Revised Statutes........... 5597 Administrators, Acids, Chemical, when to make oath to invoices in customs restrictions on carriage of, by steam-passen- cases. —. —------—.. ——.. —-.... 2846 ger vessels...-....-.. —... —-.-. —-. 4472 when liable for debts due United States.... 3467 how packed and marked for shipment...... 4475 holding national-bank stock not to be indipenalty for shipping contrary to law...... —-. 4476 vidually liable......... —----—.- 5152 Acknowledgment8, Admiral, of transfer, assignment, or power to receive grade of, to cease...-.... —... —......-.... 1362 claim on United States, how made.... 3477 number on active list...................... 1363 authority of notaries public and commis- secretary to.. —-.. —.....-.... —--—..-... 1367 sioners of circuit courts to take...... 1778 pay of. —.... —-....-.... ——......-...... 1556 Acting Midshipman, pay of secretary to.-... —-------—......... 1556 rations or commutation therefor, to........ 1577 Admiralty, Acting Assistant Surgeons, jurisdiction in, of district courts.......... 563 in Navy, appointment of................... 1411 courts of, for what purpose always open.... 574 in Army, when to have pension............ 4693 in Florida.. —--..-.-.... —-.-.-..... 575 rate of total disability pension to........... 4695 in Wisconsin. —-... —......... —....-.. 576 pension to dependent relative of, when to circuit courts, no jurisdiction in causes of, begin. ——.. —... —.... —-.. ——.- 4710 arising under revenue laws.......... 629 Acting Assistant Treasurers, writ of prohibition issued by Supreme Court duties as to public money.................. 3639 to district courts, as courts of.-...... 688 Actions, exclusive jurisdiction of courts of United removal of personal, from State court, brought States. ——. —--------—............... — —.. 711 by alien against non-resident in State 644 power of marshal to stay or release arrest of for recovery of office when right of voting property, in causes of, except seizures denied to any citizen.. —.........-.. 2010 for forfeiture —..: —-....-.-......... 941 for recovery of penalties under Title "In- condemnations in, of property taken as prize dians".. —----—..... —---—... —-...... 2124 on account of use, &c., in aid of rebel in bankruptcy, upon assignee's bond, how lion.-....-.....-............5309,5311 prosecuted. -.-..-....... 5036 Adulteration, limitation of, by and against assignee.. —--- 5057 of distilled spirits.......................... 3252 Acts of Congress, Ad Valorem Duty, passed subsequent to Dec. 1, 1873, effect of-.. 5601 goods subject to, currency to be used in makActs of Territorial Legislatures, ing invoice of....................... 2838 transmission of, to President and eongress.. 1844 oath of purchaser........................ 2843 copy of, to be furnished to Public Printer... 1844 oath of manufacturer to invoices of....... 2845 not to be deemed authority for certain dis- when legal representative may make oath to 2846 bursements.................... 1886 when goods subject to, may be admitted Additional Compensation, without invoice... —-..-.-... — --—. 2847 to collectors of internal revenue.. —... —-. 3145 when bond given to produce invoice. —-. 2848 Additional Mail Service, oath when owner resides abroad -......... 2849 compensation for.-~.........-.....,-.. 3960 what to be collected in additions to entries. 2900 Additional Paymasters, to be levied on true market value at time of (see Paymaste-'s Department of Army.) exportation......................... 2904 INDEX. 5 Section. Section. Ad Valorem Duty-Continued. Affidavits, true market value for, to be price in markets of two persons to be filed by applicant for of country producing.. —.............. 2905 patent to mining claim, of notice hayvappraisal of value of goods at time of expor- ing been posted.......-.............. 2325 tation............................. -2906 to be filed by claimant of mineral land, after merchandise subject to, transported for ex- publication of notice.. ——...... 2325 portation.-. 3034 making or using, by persons not in military equipments of certain vessels liable to pay- or naval service, of false, in claim ment of. —-......... ——.. ——. —---- 3114 against United States; civil liability when to be refunded by Secretary of Treas- for..-.............................. 3490 ury...................... —--.. —-. --- 3115 penalty for procuring, &c., false, in pension Advances of Money, cases -4746 to persons in naval service-.. —-—.-.. —--- 1563 making or using by any'person of false, in to disbursing-officers..-... —... —--------- 3648 claim against United States; criminal to Congressional Printer by Secretary of punishment......................... 5438 Treasury-..-. ——.. ——.-.... —-. 3816 Affirmation, to certain postal agents ——........... —-. —. 4055 included in oath.-......................... 1 Advances of Wages, Affixing Stamps, to seamen, shall be made in presence of ship- for distilled spirits -........................ 3322 ping-commissioner.....-............. 4531 contrary to law......................... 3316 Adverse Claim, on fermented liquors...................... 3342 for mineral land, fee for filing application, for tobacco and snuff...................... 3369 &c....................-............. 2238 instruments for, to be prescribed by Cornwhen to be made.-..... —..-.. —.. —- 2325 missioner and Secretary............ 3445 proceedings on-. —................... 2326 Africa, Adver tising, transportation of colored emigrants to west allowance for, to collectors of internal rev- coast of-............................. 4271 enue -....... —-------------------—. 3145 Agent, postal accounts to show expenditures for.. - 4049 no officer or agent of corporation or firm to Advertising Letters, act as officer or agent for United States, how to be done ——..... —... —--—....-. — 3930 in transactions with same... —........ 1783 to foreigners.. 3931 for entry of goods to give bond for account compensation for —-................ —- —.. —-. 3934 by owner........................... 2787 extra postage charge for...........-....-.- 3925 residing abroad, of firm in trade in United Advertisements, States, vessel owned by, may be regisfor stationery for Congress-. —-................ 65-68 tered..-............................ 4133 of public-land sales..-..-......... 2359 of owner of vessel may obtain certificate of of notice'of sale on distraint for internal- registry, how ——. —---—.. —. 4161 revenue taxes-. —-- ------—. —-- 3190 oath to be taken by -..................... 4161 of real estate -—.- ---. —. —-.. — --- 3197 surrender of old certificate by.-............. 4162 of notice of seizure........................ 3460 penalty for failure......................-. 4162 for proposals, to be made before contract for forfeiture of vessel for false swearing by..-. 4163 supplies, &c........................ 3709 for owner of recorded vessel to countersign for quartermaster's supplies, what to contain certificate of measurement.......... 4181 and where published -..... —.. —-.. 3716 of vessels to furnish collectors copy of confor naval supplies, provisions concerning, sular receipts....................... 4213 3718,3721 (see Special Agents.) to be delivered abroad, where and how Agents for Sale of Postage-Stamps, made........-................. —--- 3723 may buy stamps and envelopes at discount- 3919 for proposals to furnish paper for Govern- Agent and Consul-General, ment Printing Office —-.. —------- 3767 at Alexandria, salary of................... 1675 for new proposals for paper, &c., in case of Agents, Diplomatic, default of contractor —-..-.. —-.. —-. 3775 shall be deemed diplomatic officers......... 1674 for engraving of maps, &c., to illustrate salaries of. —. —--..-.................. 1675 documents ordered by Congress.-. —. 3780 Agents of United States, in papers selected in certain States by Clerk abroad, vessel owned by, may be registered. 4134 of House of Representatives -. —-—.. 3823 Agents, Internal-Revenue, to be published in States enumerated, only (see Special Agents, Treasury Department.) in papers selected.. —-... ——. ——. 3824 Agents, Treasury, in papers of District of Columbia. —--—.- 3826 (see SpecialAgents, Treasury Department.) of what mail-routes to be made in papers of Aggregate Circulation, District of Columbia. —---—.. —-—. 3827 (see National Banks.) for Executive Departments, to be published Agreement, and paid for only on written authority with crew of fishing-vessel for shares of fish, of head of Department -----. —- 3828 &c...-.. —--—..-...... - -..-.. -. 4391 for proposals for carrying mail-............. 3941 penalty for violating, by fishermen....... 4392 by railways, not required. —... —-...-.- 3942 recovery of shares of fish under. —-... 4393 by steamboats, not required-.. —....... —. 3943 vessel liable for, &c —--—. —.. —-........-. 4393 through foreign countries. —-.. —-.. —-.. 4006 discharge of vessel on giving bond for to foreign countries. —-—. —. ——. —-—.- 4007 judgment..-....-__............. 4394 of notice of seizure of vessel, what to spe- Agreements with Seamen, cify................................. 4379 (see Shipping Articles.) of prize sales by United States marshal. -- - 4628 Agricultural College Scrip, for contract for erection of light-house-. —. 4667 (see Lands, Public.) in likeness of national-bank notes prohib- Agricultural Department, ited, penalty...-..-.........-.-... 5188 (see Department of Agriculture.) 6 INDEX. Section. Section. Aides-de-Camp, Alaska-Continued. to General. —-... ——..-...... —- -........ 1096 revenue officers to seize and destroy spirits to Lieutenant-General -.. —-' —:....... 1097 found upon islands.-.... —-. —-..... 1966 to major and brigadier generals. --.... —-. 1098 to make reports of such seizures....-.. 1966 to major and brigadier generals, pay of -.... 1261 penalty and forfeiture for killing seal withnumber of, to each division of militia -.. ——. 1631 out permission -.............-.. 1967 to each brigade-. —- _............. 1631 for molesting lessees................. 1967 when called into United States service. --- 1647 for killing greater number of seal than prein each brigade.. —--—.........-... 1648 scribed by law.....................-.. 1968 Ailantus Trees, revenue tax upon fur-seal skins -..-...... 1969 purchasing, and planting in public grounds, Secretary of Treasury to make regulations 1969 prohibited.-.. —... —-... —......... 1830 may terminate lease, when -............... 1970 Aix-la-Chapelle, certified copies of lease to be furnished consul at, salary of.. —-—.. —-. — - 1690 masters of vessels................... 1971 Alabama, right reserved to alter or repeal laws relatdistrict judge in, appointment and residence ing to lease. --—. —.. —..... — 1972 of -------------- -------------- 552 appointment of agents to manage seal-fishdistrict attorney of northern, to perform eries. ——........................... 1973 duty in middle district............... 767 compensation and expenses of agents -... 1974 marshal of southern district of, to perform agents not to be interested in lease -....... 1975 duty in middle- —.. —-,.... —. 776 power of agents to administer oaths and clearance from ports in, of vessels laden with take testimony -....-....-...-....... 1976 live-oak timber -..-.............-.... 2463 collection-district and port of entry in...-.. 2591 collection district, port of entry and deliv- collector in, residence of..-................ 2592 ery in..-.. —-—. —.... —............ 2564 nationalization of vessels owned by residents officers in... —-—..... —-... —.... —...... 2565 of 4140 restrictions on clearance of vessels laden regulation of coasting trade with -..-. —..-. 4358 with live-oak from ports of.. —-. ——. 4205 power of Secretary of Treasury to remit fines, tolls on Tennessee, Coosa, Cahawba, and penalties, &c., incurred in collectionBlack Warrior Rivers, in -. —-. —..-. 5244 district of. 5294 on canal at Muscle and Colbert's Sh6als, Alaska Commercial Conpany, Tennessee River -..................... 5245 Alaska.) (see Alaska.) Alaska, United States laws extended over......-. —-. 1954 Albany, N. Y. regulation of trade in arms, ammunition, and port of delivery 2535 spirits-.-. —....-.......... —.-.-...1955 surveyor in, to act as collector and reside at- 2536 forfeiture and penalty for violations...... 1955 entry of goods for..`...-......... 2816 bonds for exportation to, of arms, ammuni- warehouse privileges, &c., extended to....-. 2968 tion, and spirits. ——.... —----------- 1955 inspectors of hulls and boilers for.-...... 4414 bonds from consignee in-.. —...... —-. 1955 salaries................................. 4414 killing of fur-bearing animals prohibited.. - 1956 reserve of national banks in.. ——.. —--—.. 5191 penalty for offense......-.. —-... —-. 1956 balances with banks in, may be part of reSecretary of Treasury may authorize killing serve............... 5192 of certain animals ----. --- 1956 redemption agencies-...................... 5195 to prevent killing of fur-seal.....-........ 1956 Albemarle, iV. C. not to'grant special privileges: —..-.. -. 1956 collection-district.................. 2555 offenses committed in, where prosecuted -—.... 1957 collector in, residence of-.. 2556 arrest of persons and seizure of vessels. -.... 1957 Alcohol, jurisdiction and procedure of courts........ 1957 definition of............................... 3248 remission of fines, penalties, and forfeitures- 1958 quantity of, in proof-spirits............... 3249 islands of Saint Paul and Saint George, made may be withdrawn fom bond for scientific a special reservation-..-.-...-.-...... 1959 purposes without tax.-.... —....-... 3297 landing or remaining on islands without Ale, authority prohibited.......-..-........ 1959 (see Fermented Liquors.) removal of persons. so found —.. —... —- 1959 Alexandria, Egypt, Secretary of War to carry provisions into salary of agent and consul-general at......-. 1675 effect --------------.-.., 1959 Alexandria, Va. when fur-seal may be killed......-.-..-.. 1960 collection-district and port of entry.... —-.. 2552 use of fire-arms prohibited —.... ——... 1960 collector and surveyor to reside at ------—. 2553 natives may kill, for food, &c...... —-. 1960 Algiers, regulations, how prescribed -,... —-,.... 1960 consul at, salary of ——... —-............ —. 1690 killing of female seal, &c., prohibited...- - - 1961 Aliens, penalty for violations -..-.... —.. ——. 1961 jurisdiction of district courts of suits by, for limit to number of seal which may be killed 1962 torts in violation of laws of nations or further limit, proportionate reduction of treaty. —-.. —-................-.... 563 rents.- -—.. --—. —--- - 1962 when allowed to prosecute claim in Court of penalty for violations -—..-..-..... —.. 1962 Claims.............................. 1068 lease of islands to take fur-seal...... —... 1963 Alien Seamen, rental to be reserved and secured...- -.. 1963 how, may be admitted United States citizens 2174 bond of lessees... —--...-..-..-.. -..... 1964 Allotment of Wages, American citizens only may lease, &c- -... 1965 (see Seamen.) foreign vessels not to be engaged in taking Allowoances, skins.-...................... 1965 to officers of Army......................... 1269 forfeiture of lease for violation of provis- for fuel, quarters, and forage-............ 1270 ions................................ 1965 to officers of Navy..,................ 1558 covenant of lease against traffic in spirits. - 1966 for travel.............................. 1566 INDEX. 7 Section. Section. Allowances-Continued. Anti-Scorbutics, to surveyors-general for inspection of surveys shall be served on merchant-vessels..... 4569 in the field ----.. ——............ 2223 penalty for neglect to serve.-............. 4570 for clerk-hire.-............... -—. -—.. 2226 Antwerp, for office-rent, fuel, books, stationery, &c - 2227 consul at, salary of -—............-........ 1690 further, to collectors of internal revenue... 3145 Apalachicola, Fla., of deduction to brewers, of 7J per cent. on collection-district..-..............-.... 2562 sales of stamps.. —... ——... —.. —. 3341 President may designate port of entry in. 2562 of commission on sale of internal-revenue collector in, residence of................. 2563 stamps ----- ----------—. 3425 inspectors of hulls and boilers for........ 4414 for stamps spoiled................ 3426 salaries of............ 4414 Allowances and Drawbacks, Apia, internal revenue, appropriation for.. —..... 3689 commercial agent at, salary of.-........-. 1690 Alloy, Apothecaries, for gold and silver coins................... 3514 when special tax imposed upon. —........ 3246 Almanac, Nautical, Apparatus for Resection, supervision and preparation of —............ 436 how, and to whom furnished, &c. —-. 4787-4791 AIna, Me., Appeal, port of delivery......................... 2517 proceedings of district court in prize causes, Alphabetical List4 after........................... 565,4637 of special tax-payers to be kept in office of from decrees of circuit court, in equity or collector of internal revenue......... 3240 admiralty -............. —--------- 692 Altering, final decrees of circuit court, reviewed by (see Forging.) Supreme Court upon.-............ 693 Alton, III. in what cases allowed to Supreme Court.. -- 699 port of delivery in district of New Orleans, when and how taken from judgments of La. —... —...-...-.......-... —. 2568 Court of Claims.................. 707,708 surveyor to reside at, duties of..-.. -—. 2569 no bond required, when appeal taken by Ambassador, United States, or by Department..... 1001 (see Diplomatic Officers.) to Supreme Court, in equity causes, when Amendments to Constitution qf U. S. to be taken............ 1008 when adopted, to be promulgated by Secre- in bankruptcy proceedings, tary of State... —.......... 205 regulations of practice and procedure...... 4990 American Citizens, customs, (see Citizens of United States.) from appraisement of wrecked and damaged American Colonization Society, imports........ —. 2928 vessels of, subject to laws relating to car- from appraisement of imports, notice of, to riage of passengers..-.......... 4271 whom given, proceedings............ 2930 American Ephemeris, from decision of collector as to rate, &c., supervision and preparation of -....-...... 436 of duties on imports and tonnage.... 2931 Amesbury, Mass., asto fees, &c........................... 2932 port of delivery. 2527 from examiner's return of imported drugs, Ammunition, medicines, &c -.................... 2936 in militia, provided by men, exemption of, refund of duties and moneys paid.under from execution-. 1628 protest and appeal....... 3012j returns of actual condition of, by officers.. 1635 refund in case of failure to comply with reinspection and returns of, by brigade in- quirements relating to.-. —. — 3013 Spector........................... 1640 internal-revenue, importation, &c., of, into Alaska........ 1955 to Commissioner before suit in case of alAmoor River, leged illegal taxes........... 3226 commercial agent at, salary of.. —...... 1690 inspection of steam-vessels, Amoy, to supervising inspectors on refusal or susconsul at, salary of....................... 1690 pension, &c., of license........... 4452 Amsterdam, Apples, consul at, salary of. 1690 brandy made from. —.. —....... 3255 Analysis, Applications in Bankruptcy, of imported drugs and medicines reported by (see Bankruptcy.) examiner to be of inferior quality. —- 2936 Appointments, when examiner's return sustained by, duty of commissioner to swear appraisers in cases of- collector......................... 2937 of seizures under United States laws. 570 Annapolis, Md., of appraisers, by judges in vacation..... 940 collection-district and port of entry........ 2548 certain appointees during recess of Senate to customs officers in, residence of.......... 2549 receive no salary until confirmed.... 1761 Annual Reports, penalty f6r accepting, contrary to law.... 1771 time for submitting, to. Congress, general for making, contrary to law............ 1772 rule.-................ 195 made without advice, &c., of Senate. —-. 1774 when to be furnished to Congressional of examiners at New York............. 2939 Printer. —--—.................... 196 original, of persons specially appointed under revenue laws...... —...... —.. 3060 Annual Trial of Coins, ennual eTial of CoinsApportionment of Circulation, (see National Banks.) Annuity, Appraisal, false personation of person entitled to, in customs; of imports, receiving money, &c................. 5435 power of Secretary of Treasury to prescribe endeavoring to obtain, &c., by means of regulations to secure just, &c..-. 25'2,2949 forged power of attorney.-.,...... 5436 collector to appoint merchants to make..... 2609 8 INDEX. Section. Section. Appraisal-Continued. A ppraisers of Customs-Continued. penalty for not assisting at - ---------—. 2610 officers and employ6s in office of....2538, 2539 of goods suspected to be undervalued.-... 2840 for Ohio ----------------.. —------------- 2604 provisions relating to.- ------------- 2899-2953 at Portland, On. —---.. —--—. 2587 no delivery of imported goods without - 2899 at Philadelphia, Pa.- —........... 2544 how made, in additions to entries —. 2900 clerks and eniploy6s in office of. —.. -—. 2545 designation of packages for, number, exam- for Rhode Island. —-. ——..-.... -- -- 2532 ination, forfeiture, remission......... 2901 at San Francisco, Cal.-. —---------------- 2583 mode of; of manufactures of wool, unfin- at Savannah, Ga —---.. 2560 ished. —---------------------- 2902 for Virginia.-...... —-—. 2553 when duties to be levied on market value -- 2904 for Wisconsin —.... 2598 of goods subject to ad valorem duty, and of appointment by President, of four general, parcels not manufactured in country with certain duties --—.. ——.. —- 2608 of exportation -----... —-. 2905 salary of, at New York. 2729 according to value of goods at time of expor- at Providence, Norfolk, Portland, Maine; tation-... ——.. ——. —.. —----. 2906 Buffalo, Chicago, Detroit, Cincinnati, additions to market value to obtain dutiable Saint Louis, Evansville, Milwaukee, value..-...... 2907 Louisville, Cleveland, San Francisco, when value exceeds 10 per cent. of invoice Poruland, On.; Memphis, and Mobile.. 2730 value ------ 2909 at Savannah and Charleston............. —- 2724 of different values invoiced at average price - 2910 of general, at New York.- -....... - —. 2726 of different qualities in same package ----- 2911 of four general; traveling expenses -- 2727 of wool of different qualities in same bale 2912 of local and general, at Boston, Philadelof kid and other gloves. —-- ---- —.. 2913 phia, Baltimore, and New Orleans - 2728 deficiency in package found on............- 2921 merchant, compensation of -—. ——. 2725 when final.......... —----—.. —---------—.. —. 2923 oath of, and of merchant appraisers......' 2614 of goods damaged and taken from wrecks, at New York..............-... 2614 appeals - -......... X- 2928 revision of assistant appraiser's report by, at revision of report of.-..-.................. 2929 New York.-............... 2615 when owner is dissatisfied with............ 2930 additional compensation of, at San Franof drugs, medicines, &c.................... 2933 cisco -.. -.....- 2746 at New York. —-------- ---------- -----—. 2939 duties of, when imported articles omitted in when Secretary of the Treasury may make entry. —-.. ——.. -------—.. 2901 special regulations for..... —. 2939 1 duty of, in estimating value and quantity of officers, &c., employed in department of, at imports, and manufactures of wool unNew York, not to engage in mercantile finished 2902 business --------- -- 2941 when, to adopt best article in package as of damaged merchandise, to be made by as- fixing value ------------------—. 2911 sistant appraiser at New York. —--—. 2943 wool of different qualities in same bale, &c., when increase of importation, extra hours to how appraised by -—.......... 2912 be devoted to at New York. —.. 2... 2944 how to certify deficiency ill package, &c., to at ports where no appraiser. —-. ---—. 2946 collector........-.- 2921 what customs-officers may lease or hire build- to examine upon oath owners, &c., as to ings for purpose of..-.- - -.-. —----- 2953, value, and require production of pagoods for immediate transportation, not sub- pers. ——....- -.. -...............- 2922 ject to, at port of arrival ---—. —--—. 2991 to certify rate of damage —. —------------- 2927 of property seized under customs laws.-. -3074 to revise report of assistants, &c., reappraiseillternal revenlle, prize, &c. ment by, how ordered.- 2929 of property exempt from distraint for inter- at New York not to engage in mercantile nal-revenue taxes. ——. —------- 3187 business..-. 2941 of value of seized distillery, &c., in case of what provisions to apply to -. —-------- 2942 bond for release before judgment-.- - - 3331 to revise, &c., report of assistant appraiser of goods seized.-..-. —- -. —---------— 3459,3460 to inspect damaged goods-......... 2943 in prize cases, where property cannot be sent when, to direct extra labor of officers-..... 2944 into port for adjudication. —-—. —. 4615 when, to attend in other districts. —------ 2947 report of appraisers to be sent into court.. 4615 -what deemed to be certificate of. -... 2950 of property taken for use of United Statss 4624 powers of, to lease or hire buildings, &c -.. 2953 of property delivered on stipulation.-..-....4626 I buildings to be leased for use of -....- -.... 2955 of real estate taken for national cemeteries _ 4871 to appraise goods remaining in public store Appraisers, beyond one year, preparatory to sale - - 2973 appointment of commissioners to swear, in goods entitled to drawback, when to be incases of seizures.............. 570 spected by.- -------------------—. 3034 of vessel, goods, &c., delivered to claimant, duties of, in case of property seized, &c., per in seizures under revenue laws ------ 938 diem compensation of -------------- 3074 may be appointed by judge, in vacation —.- 940 when, to certify deterioration, &c., of artiAppraisers of Customs, cles seized. —--.. ----- 3080 for Alabama.-. —-------- ------------ 2565 Apprentices to Sea-Service, at Baltimore, Md -.. -.. —---------—. 2549 shipping commissioners shall procure. —---- 4509 at Boston, Mass.- -....................... - 2529 indentures of, shall be produced, to commisclerks, &c., in office of.-..-....... 2530 sioners. —-------—.. — - - - 4510 at Charleston, S. C..- -. 2558 shipping-articles of vessels in coasting-trade, for Indiana and Illinois-............ 2602 I not to be signed by....... 4520 for Louisiana 2569 i wages not to depend on freight earnings.-.. 4525 for Maine -.....2518 | not subject to attachment -..-.... 4536 for Michigan. -.............. 2600 disposal of effects of deceased..-.-.... 4538 for New York........ 2536 rules of procedure..... -... _. -. 4539 INDEX. 9 Section. Section. Apprentices to Sea-Service-Continued. Appropriations8-Continued. penalty for neglect 4540 customs.-............................... 3689 duty of consuls, &c... 4541 for debentures and other charges-.-.3048, 3689 payment of wages, &c., on death bf, in United debentures and drawbacks............... 3689 States.-..-..-..-....... 4542 for distributive shares of fines, &c-.. _. 3689 of deceased, delivery of wages, &c., to circuit repayment of excess of deposits.......... 3689 court.... 4543 refunding duties on goods destroyed.-... 3689 distribution of, by court.-.... ——. ——.. 4544 marine hospitals............-......... 3689 disposal of, when unclaimed.............. 4545 refunding duties under act July 14, 1870.. 3689 fees for shipping.............-.....- -. 5592 proceeds of goods seized, &c -.-..- - -. 3689 who shall pay, &c.-.. —-------. —-. 4593 proceeds of unclaimed goods. —---—. 3689 penalty for taking illegal................ 4595 duty on tea and coffee..-............ 3689 offenses and punishment of................ 4596 drawback on building materials for burnt arrest of, for desertion. -.. 4599 district of Chicago..-........ 3689 penalty for drunkenness and neglect of duty- 4602 refunding certain discriminating duties. - 3689 enforcement of forfeitures of................ 4603 for decisions of Supreme Court - -..- - - -. 3689 part of wages to pay for expense of convic- limit as to use of balances of annual.-..... 3690 tion of. - — 4605 disposal of balances after two years........ 3691 form of account of......................... 4612 to pay judgment against certain property of Appropriations, United States ------------- ------- 3754 style and title of acts for.-...- -......-... 11 of moneys received from sales of extra copies for members, officers, and contingent ex- of documents, and of paper-shavings penses of Senate --- - —....... 56 and imperfections.-. —-------------- 3818 statements of, by Secretary of Senate and for postal service shall be out of postal revClerk of House --.... —-. 64 enues --.. 4054 annual, for arms and equipments in militia. 1661 permanent, for salaries of steamboat-inspecfor compensation of ministers and secretaries. tion officers 4461 of legation not applicable if incumbent of fund for sick and disabled and destitute not United States citizen ------------ 1744 seamen............................. 4545 for public buildings and grounds in District authority of Light-House Board to purchase of Columbia....................... 1798 sites for light-houses............... 4660 for Washington aqueduct and public works expense of substituting light-houses on pile in District of Columbia. —..-.....-1802 foundations...................... 4668 for support of government in Territories, how for coast survey, how to be expended-..- -. 4683 disbursed and accounted for......... 1886 expenses of annual examination and destrucfor legislative expenses in Territories, not to tion of plates, dies, &c., of nationalbe exceeded. —-............-...... 1888 bank notes......-................. 5174 for contingent expenses in Territories - - 1935, 1938 expenditure for water-gauges, &c., on Lower for legislative...-......-.... 1939,1940 Mississippi and tributaries.-........ 5252 for Indian service, supervision of expendi- for Departments, when not payable to teleture of, by commissioners............ 2041 graph companies... —-................. -- 5266 for moneys required under Indian treaties — 2094 officer paying to clerk, &c., less than lawful to execute Indian treaties not to be trans-sum, &c., and requiring receipt for ferred..-. —------- ----------------- 2097 amount greater than paid. --------- 5483 for Indian service not to be used to pay dep- contracting to pay on public building, &c., redation claims.-...... —---...... 2098 amount larger than sum appropriated- 5503 restrictions on, for education of Indians.... 2099 not repealed by incorporation in Revised not to apply to certain appropriations.... 2099 Statutes of parts of acts making. —-- 5596 to fulfill treaties, not to be paid to tribes at war — 2100 *Aransas, Tex., war. —----------- ----—. —-------- 2100 2578 to refund payments for land sold erroneously - - -— 2362, 3689 Architect of Capitol, money deposited by settlers for surveys to to direct and supervise improvements and be deemed appropriated for that pur- repairs.............................. 1816 pose............... —. ——.2402, 3689 to control electrical apparatus jointly with for collecting revenue, when incidental ex- Chief of Engineers. -.... 1817 penses of collectors of customs to be power of, and Sergeant-at-Arms to appoint paid out of...... -.-. —-... —-. 2692 ~ police....... —-----. ——....... ----- 1821 accounts of disbursements shall be rendered Architect of Treasury Department, according to.-.... 3623 (see Supervising Architect.) Title XLI, "Appropriations" 3660-3692 Argentine Republic, manner of communicating estimates of..3660, 3672 salary of minister to...................... 1675 to be annexed $t-estimates................. 3670 accounts shall be kept by Register, Comp- Arizona Territory, troller, and Secretary.-........ 3675 adjourned terms of supreme court in........ 1934 shall only be.expended for objects for which number of members of council and house of made. - -. 3678 representatives of.. —---------- —. 1922 expenditure shall not exceed............... 3679 contingent expenses of executive departfor contingent expenses, &c., not to be used ment, appropriation for............. 1935 for compensation of clerks, &c-...... 3682 legislative expenses of, provisions for....... 1939 for public buildings, available immediately. 3684 mileage of members of assembly of. —----- 1942 for light-houses, how long available-...... 3685 appointment of Indian superintendent_for for publishing foreign hydrographic surveys, tribes in..-........... 2046 restrictions on. -...-.... 3686 appointment of surveyor-general for, aupermanent, for payment of public delt.... 3688 thorized 2207 list of permanent..............-...3687-3689 salary of.......-.. -'.-... 2210 2RS 10 INDEX. Section. Section. Arizona Territory-Continued. Army-Continued. 50 pbr cent. addition to fees of registers and laundresses.-.. —. —-....-.. —-..-,-. —- - 1240 receivers in..-...................... —.- 2238 sales of military stores.-................... 1241 (see Territories.) arms and accoutrements in possession of perArkansas, sons not soldiers. —---—.... ——. 1242,3748 clerks of district court for western district of. 556 pay and allowances, provisions concerning, Armed Vessels, (see Pay of Army) -................1261-1308 owners to give bond before clearing, not to Military Academy, provisions concerning, commit hostilities -.. —-... —-... —------- 5289 (see Military Academy)...........1309-1341 Armorers, articles of war. ——. —----- ------ 1342 enlistment of, for Ordnance Department.... 1162 military prison, provisions concerning, (see Armories,. Military Prison)................. 1344-1357 one at each arsenal, officers and workmen in- 1662 persons in, not to hold civil office in Terpay of ordnance officer, master-armorers, in- ritory -............................... 1860 spectors, and clerks at ---—. —-. 1663,1664 employment of, in execution of judicial probond of storekeepers and paymasters at - - - - 1664 cess ---—. —-.. ——.. —--—... —---- 1984 Arms, officers, soldiers, &c., of, entitled to bountysale of, in territory occupied by uncivilized land, when, (see Bounty-Lands)...- 2418-2424 Indians, prohibited. ——... —--—. —- 467 appointments from Engineer Corps of, on not to be bartered away by soldiers, &c -1242, 3748 Light-House Board.................. 4653 persons improperly in possession of. — 1242, 3748 preliminary surveys on lakes for light-house payment of damage to, by persons in Army. 1303 purposes by Engineer Corps of.. - -. 46583 of militia, and exemption of, from ex6cu- details from Engineer Corps of, to superintion, &c. —-—....... —----.......... ——. 1628 tend construction of light-houses.... 4664 returns of condition of, by officers of -.... 1635 plans, drawings, &c., by detailed officers - 4665 inspections and returns of, by brigade- construction to be superintended by deinspector of... —...........-.... —... 1640 tailed officer.-..... —-.-.. 4666 appropriations for-. - 1661 officers of, assigned to light-house districts, importation of, into Alaska. ——.. ——....- 1955 as inspectors, &c -..... ——..-..- 4671 for personal use, not distrainable -. —.... — 3187 employment of officers of, on coast-survey of soldiers not to be sold, &c..............- 3748 service --... —.. —-. —-—. —-—. 4684,4687 Army, of men of. ——.-. —------------------—, 4685 composition of.- - - ---—. ——. —.. 1094 subsistence of such officers and men of -... 4688 officers on retired list, a part of.-........ ——. 1094 persons in, not to draw both pay and penGeneral, title of-. —. —-—. —. —... —-. —-—.1095 sion.......... --—.................... 4724 staff of —.....-. —-... ——. —-—......... 1096 officers, &c., disabled in Mexican war, to Lieutenant-General, aids and secretary... — 1097 have pensions-. —-..-. ——. ——. —-. 4730 aids of major and brigadier generals.- - -. 1098 widows, &c., of soldiers in war of 1812, and artillery regiments and batteries -..-.. 1099-1101 Indian wars, to have pensions -....... 4732 cavalry regiments, &c.-................ 1102,1103 officers, &c., of, in war of 1812, to have peninfantry regiments, &c................ 1106,1107 sions -..-..... ----—... —-.. —---- 4736 bands - - -........ —-....- 1111 officers of, for government of Soldiers' Home. 4816 Indian scouts. —---—.. —-. —-...-.. 1112 insane persons in, how received in Govern, number of enlisted men in -...... —... 1115 ment hospital.-...................... 4843 term of enlistment in -..... —-...-.......-.. 1119 President may employ, in enforcement of premium for bringing recruit, &c -—... —-- 1120 neutrality laws —.. —-.. —-.-. —-—. 5287 corps of adjutants-general, organization...- 1128 to compel departure of foreign vessels, of inspectors-general.-... —--—.. —--—. 1131 when forbidden by laws of nations or Quartermaster's Department, organization, treaty to remain, &c —.... —... —--- 5288 &c., duties of officers, &c —....1132-1137 in aid of collection of duties............ 5316 Subsistence Department-.....-.. 1140-1150 Army Officers, Corps of Engineers —...... —.......1151-1153 when to have pension.................... 4693 battalion of engineers, composition of, du- rate of total-disability pension to -.... 4695 ties, &c-.. —.....- -—.. —-.. —..1154, 1155 pension according to rank at time of disaOrdnance Department, organization, sup- bility, &c. —-...................... —-. —. 4696 plies, depots, &c.. ——... —--—.. 1159-1165 Army Pensions, Medical Department, organization..-.. —-. 1168 (see Pensions.) sick-diet in hospitals. —-- —..-75 Army Subsistence, trusses, to whom furnished, &c.-.. —. 1176,1178 provisions of contracts for..-........ 3715 hospital stewards.-.................... 1179-1181 Aroostook, Me., Paymaster General, rank of —.-.. ——..-.. 1182 collection-district......................... 2517 Pay Department, organization, duties.. 1182-1185 collector in, residence of. —-. —.. —.. — -- 2518 paymasters' clerks --..-..... —.. —-—. 1190 Arrears, bonds of disbursing officers in. ——... —1191, 1192 no money to be paid to person in arrears to signal-service, rank of chief................ 1195 the United States. —... ——... —-...-. 1766 men detailed for, may be mounted........ 1197 Arrears of Pension, Bureau of Military Justice, organization, du- when and how paid; no fees to agents.. —.... 4711 ties, powers-..-.....-..... 1198-1203 Arrest, reporter for courts-martial - - - -.- - - - - - - - 1203 for violation of revenue laws, &c., in Alaska- 1957 certificates of merit in..................... 1216 customs officers, when to board vessels and officers in, accepting, &c., civil office... —-. 1222 make, &c ------------—.-.-. —--- 3059 diplomatic or consular office-..... —-... 1223 when to demand assistance in making; privileges on account of volunteer service -.- 1226 penalty for refusal.-.-. ——. —--...3071 labor detail — - -—.-.... —-.. — 1235 of vessels arriving and departing from port female nurses, how employed. ——..-. —.. 1238 before making report or entry........ 2773 matrons, bow employed-...... —......-.. 1239 of wages of seamen, not legal -. ——.. -. —. 4536 INDEX. 11 Section. Section. Arrival of Vessels, Assay Offices, report by masters after..-............. 2774,2775 (see Mints and Assay Offices.) in district other than that of first arrival- 2781 Assessment, (Internal Revenue,) Arsenals, of penalties to be made by Commissioner in assent of State legislatures to purchase of case of false return or neglect --—. —- 3176 land for-............................. -- 1838 collection of amount assessed.. —. —. —.. 3176 Articles for government of Navy, of taxes, additional, for fifteen months' peprovisions of...-...- ---—... —-----—. 1624 riod................................ 3182 Articles of Association, to be made by Commissioner —......... —. 3182 for national banks, contents of, copy to second, in case of supposed false return... 3220 Comptroller..-... ——. —-.. -. —---- 5133 no suit to be maintained for restraining.. 3224 Articles of War, on spirits removed without deposit in provisions of.. —... —-.. ----------—. —.. 1342 warehouse..-..... —-.. —-.......... 3253 United States armies to be governed by.... 1342 on distillers for deficiency -.-.. —.... —.. 3309 when militia subject to. —-.. —-. ——. ——. 1644 on tobacco, snuff,'cigars, and other arArtificers, tides, sold or removed, not properly for battery of artillery...-... —-....... —-- 1100 stamped... —......................... 3371 enlistment of, for Ordnance Department.-.. 1162 Assets and Liabilities of Banks, detail of working-parties of soldiers as..... 1235 national banks to make, &c., reports of.... 5211 extra pay to such soldiers ----.. —. —--—. 1287 how reported by banks about to consolidate 5223 pensions to relatives of.-.. —---—... —--- 4710 United States to have paramount lien on... 5230 Artificial Limbs, Assets, Bankrupt, pension to those who cannot use. ——. —-. 4698 (see Bankruptcy.) who shall have..-.......................... 4787 Assignee, commutation for.-.............. —-....... 4788 when to make oath to invoices in customs how paid.......-.........-.. ——. —. - 4789 cases -. —-.... —-- -... —-..... —.. 2846 compensation to those who cannot use -.... 4790 when liable for debts due United States- -... 3467 transportation to obtain -.................. —- 4791 of debenture, (see Debenture.) Artillery, Assignee in Bankruptcy, regiments, number of.. —---- ---—. —-. —.- 1094 (see Bankruptcy.) composition of --...-.............. 1099 Assignment, batteries, number of....................... 1099 of pay by persons in Army...-.............. 1291 composition of.-.. —-.................. 1100 in Navy... —..-...-.. ——..-............ 1576 light batteries of -.. —-... —.. —- —.-. —-.. 1101 of Indian contracts, restrictions upon...... 2106 in militia, companies of, ktow formed, armed, internal revenue, of agents-...... —-.. 3152 and provided...................... 1632 of storekeepers. ——.....-..-............ 3154 corps of, in States, not incorporated with, of supervisors-... —_.....-.. 3159 privileges.. -...... ——. —..- --- 1641 of claims against United States.-... —-—.. 3477 organization by President.....-.......... 1646 of disloyal contractors -................... 3480 Asia, of mail contracts prohibited -. —........... 3963 goods transported in bond through United of indentures of apprentices to sea-service — 4510 States from or to ---—.. —-. —----—. 2997 of wages, not to prevent payment to seamen. 4536 Aspinwall, of prize or bounty-money by persons in consul at, salary of. —-.... —----.. —---—. 1690 naval service ----—................ 4643 resident mail-agent at, authorized.......-. 4021 iAssimilated Rank, Assault, to warrant officers of Navy................ 1491 upon officers, punishment of seamen for -... 4596 Assistant Adjutant-General, upon customs officer, &c., in execution of number and rank in militia called into duty........................... 5447 United States service.-............ 1647 Assay Commission, Assistant Appraisers of Customs, appointment, meetings, duties of-. —------- 3547 in Boston, Mass —.. —-. ——.. —.... 2529 test of standard weights, in presence of.... 3549 in Maine.................................. 2518 Assayer, in New York ------.. —.....-..-......-.. 2536 office created -—..... —-. —-.. —-. —-. —. 3496 in Philadelphia, Pa ----—.. ——. —..-... —. 2544 salaries. ——....... —--... —---—... —- --- --- - 3498 at San Francisco, Cal. —..................... 2583 oath of.................................... 3500 oaths of, at New York, Boston, Philadelphia, bond of. ——.. ——. —--------—. —---—. 3501 and San Francisco ---—....-...-.-.. 2615 power to nominate subordinates -.. ——. - -. 3504 ireports of, at New York.-............. 2615 to verify and countersign bullion deposit- salary of, at New York. —-.......-.....-.. 2731 certificates-. ---------------- - ----- 3506 at Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New duties of-........... ——. —-.. —-. —-. —-- 3507 Orleans, Portland, and San Francisco. 2732 to determine fitness of bullion deposits -... 3521 at New York, one to examine drugs, &c.... 2938 to report quality of bullion... —.............- 3523 not to engage in mercantile business -.... 2941 to verify calculations.............. —...... - 3525 one to inspect and appraise damaged duty as to ingots. ——. —-. ——. ——..-. —- 3531 goods, report of —-.......-.. 2943 as to bars for payment of deposits... —.. 3534 labor beyond usual hours -.....-...-..... 2944 as to trial pieces. -..................... 3539 Assistant Attorneys-General, as to testing weights.-................ —----—. 3549 iappointment, duties, and salaries of..,.. —. 348 as to working dies —.... —-------—. —--- 3550 appointment and salary of, for Post Office at New York assay office, appointment. -. 3554 Department.390 duties, &c., of.........................-. 3555 Assistant Cashier, salary of...-...-....-.. —-. —... —.. 3556 in office of Treasurer, salary of-.-......... 235 at certain assay offices, appointment of-. —- 3559 Assistant Clerk, powers and duties of.-.......-..... 3560 of Court of Claims, appointment, removal, oath and bonds of. —-.-... —-...... ——. 3561 and oath of-...-...-.......-....... 1053 at certain assay offices, to have charge..... 3560 salary of...-...................... 1054 12 INDEX. Section. Section. Assistant Collectors of Customs, Assistant Surgeons, at New York.............................. 2536 in Army, allowance to regiments of cavalry. 1102 at Jersey City —---—.... —.............2535,2536 number and rank of.............1168 powers and duties of -.................... 2536 ini militia, when called into United States at Camden, N. J., powers of.... —-..-...... 2544 service. ——... —.................. 1646 at New York, salary and duties of -... —-—. 2694 in Navy number of, on active list........... 1368 at Jersey City, N. J., salary of.............. 2695 relative rank of, on active lit............ 1474 at Camden, N. J-.-.:................... 2696 pay of.................................. 1556 Assistant Commissaries-General of Subsistence, entitled to promotion. —-............... 1556 number and rank of -.. —-.........-....... 1140 Assistant Supervising Architect, Assistant Commissioner oJ Patents, of Department of Treasury, salary of....... 235 appointment of...-........................ 476 Assistant Tellers, salary of.................................. 477 in office of Treasurer, salary of... —-....... 235 Assistant District Attorneys,. Assistant Treasurers, (see District Attorneys.) in Treasury Department-.................. 303 Assistant Door-Keepers, may act as Treasurer, when.. —----- 304 of Senate, salary.-........................ 52 to report."I outstanding liabilities" to Secreof House of Representatives, salary.....-... 53 tary of Treasury, when.............. 310 Assistant Engineer in Treasury Department, how silver coins shall be sent to..-....... 3527 salary of....-.... —--..-......,........ 235 how, may redeem copper, &c., coins........ 3529 Assistant Inspectors of Steam-Vessels, shall exchange United States notes for fracappointment of certain, authorized-........ 4414 tional curreney. ——.. —-............ 3574 salary of, at New York..................... 4414 superintendents of Carson and Denver mints in other districts..- - —.. -—... —........ 4414 to be. —-...-........................... 3594 permanent appropriations for salaries of.... 4461 at what places -........... —....... 3595 Assistant Judge-Advocate-General, rooms, &c., of..-...-.....-................ 3598 rank of.................................. 1198 salaries of ---—.. —-.... —.... —-......... 3596 Assistant-Librarians, shall b6 in full for services.. —..-..-... 3597 in Library of Congress.-.................... 91 shall have charge of rooms, &c............. 3599 Assistant Marshals, shall give bond............................ 3600 compensation of.. —-................... 2198-2200 clerks, &c., in offices of.-... —.........3601-3612 (see Census.) at New York may appoint deputy.......... 3602 Assistant Medical Purveyors of the Army, additional clerks................ 3604 number and rank of. —-..-.. —.......-.... 1168 may appoint deputies in case of sickness.. - - 3613 to give bonds.. —-..-.-.-.. —--........... 1191 duties respecting publjc money............. 3639 Assistant Naval Constructors, bonds may be increased by President-.-. —. 3639 relative rank of, on active list........-..... 1477 shall keep account of Post Office Department pay of..-. —------—.... —......... —... 1556 money separate.. ----..-.........- 3642 Assistant Paymasters-General, to render accounts of receipts and payments 3644 number and rank of...-..-... —-.-........ 1182 shall pay duplicate checks -................. 3646 Assistant Paymasters of Navy, examination of money, &c., in hands of. 3649, 3650 number of, on active list..-... —-..-. —- -.. 1376 naval officer and surveyor shall examine bonds of.:...-......-.... —-....-..-...... 1383 books, &c., of.-.. —.... —........... 3650 clerks to. —..-.. —----—. —-—..... —. —-. 1388 to keep special account of money-order funds 4045 relative rank of, on active list. — —............. 1475 when to pay duplicate pension-checks. —-.- 4770 pay of.... —..... ——..... —-......... 1556 failing safely to keep moneys deposited... 5489 Assistant Photographers in Treasury Department, Associate Justices, salary of..-.............................. 235 i of Supreme Court, number of.............. 673 Assistant Postmaster, salaries of. —.............................. 676 of Senate, salary.......................... 52 Associations, to House of Representatives, salary......... 53 definition of word-.........-... 5 Assistant Postmasters-General, limit to right of religious, &c., in Territories, number, appointment, removal, and salary of 389 to hold real estate-........... 1890 may be employed as special agents ---... —-- 4019 provisions in Title "National Banks" reAssistant Quartermaster, specting, extended to all banking orfor each brigade of militia called into United ganizations under United States laws. 5157 States service.. —-............... —-. 1647 Assorters of Money Orders, Assistant Register of Treasury, in Treasury Department, salary of......... 235 appointment and salary of-................ 314 Astoria, On., duties of......-............-.....-... —-. 315 port of entry —... — -—,......... 2586 Assistant Secretary of Interior, collector to reside at. ——... —...-.....-... 2587 appointment and salary of.-. —..-.. 438 duties of collector at, in cases of vessels duties of....-............................. 439 bound for Portland. —--—.......... 2588 Assistant Secretary, vessels arriving at............. —............ 2590 to President, salary of ---—................... — 155 of legation, salaries of, term for which, pay- sala70en consul at, salary of.-.........-1690 able. -—. —-—. —----------—. —-------- 1740 of State, appointment and salaries of.....-. 200 Attached Property, of Treasury, appointment and salaries of.... 234 claims of United States, in case of, to have general duties of --—. —-—. —----------- 245 priority.-........................... 3466 delegation of, to sign warrants......-..... 246 Attachment, validity of warrants signed by —.. —.-... 247 against marshals failing to pay into TreasAssistant Solicitor of Treasury, ury, fines assessed against militia. —-- 1660 appointment and salary of-..... —-....... 349 against person disobeying summons of colAssistant Surgeon-General, lector of internal revenue..-.... —.. 3175 of Army, rank of........................... 1168 priority of debts due United States in cases of 3466 INDEX. 13 Section. Section. Attachment-Continued. Attorneys-Continued. of property in which United States claim in- fees of, limited, &c.................... 4785 terest; stipulation for release; pro- shall file with Commissioner duplicate arceedings.....-.....- -----. ----- 3753,3754 tides of agreement, &c.. —........... 4786 of wages of seamen, not legal....- -........ 4536 Auction at Mast, pensions not liable to...........-....... 4747 when effects of deceased seamen may be sold at 4538 against national banks..-................. 5242 Auctioneer, (see Contempts.) in prize sales, to be appointed by Secretary Attorney-General, of Navy...-..........-..... 4628 to furnish professional service to Depart- to collect and deposit proceeds............. 4628 ments, when. —-.................... 187 commissions allowed to.................... 4650 to be head of Department of Justice........ 346 Auction, Public, in case of vacancy in office of, or disability, I (see Sales.) by whom duties performed.......... 347 Auditors, to have control of solicitors, &c. —..-...... 350 number, appointment, and salaries of....... 276 to advise President on questions of law-.... 354 duties of........................ 277-300 land for public buildings, &c., not to be pur- method of keeping accounts by, of War and chased without approval of.......... 355 Navy Departments.................. 283 opinion of, may be required by heads of De- to report to Secretaries of War and Navy- - 283 partments. —.. —-..............-. 356 empowered to administer oaths, when.. —. 297 questions in administration of War and Navy reference of certain accounts to Court of Departments to be sent to........- 357 Claims, up n certificate of.-..-... —. 1063 what questions of law submitted to, may be proceedings in case of such accounts -. ——. 1064 referred to subordinates..-............ 358 duties of, as to balances of appropriations.. 3691 argument of cases...-.. —..... —.... —---- 359 Auditor for Post-Office Department, power of, to require general services from (see Sixth Auditor.) solicitors, &c., of Department -....... 360 Augusta, Ga., superintendence by, of district attorneys and port of delivery........................ 2559 marshals........-....- -..-.......-. 362 surveyor to reside at.............-........ 2560 to retain counsel to aid district attorneys... 363 goods for, where entered........-.......... 2817 to provide counsel upon application of head A ustria, of Department or Bureau.-..... 364 salary of minister and secretary to......... 1675 counsel-fees, to other than district attorneys, Aux Cayes, &c -—....365 consul at, salary of. —-.. -....... —....... 1690 commissions to be issued by, to special coun- Auards, sel................................. 366 of foreign consuls, &c., in differences between power to send officers to State, &c., to at- captain and crews, enforcement of... 728 tend to suits, &c..............-. 367 Axes, supervisory power over accounts of marshals, what to be carried by river passengerdistrict attorneys, clerks, &c-. —--—. 368 i steamers........................ —-. 4483 requisitions for payment of moneys to be signed by......-..........-. 369 B. designation of disbursing clerk by -........ 371 Baggage, publication, &c., of opinions by............ 383 allowance in Navy for transporting........- 1566 annual reports to Congress by.... —-—... 384,38a entry of imported -. -...-.. 2799 to prescribe rules for government of Territo- when not by owner, bond required. —-. 2800 rial penitentiaries................... 1893 examination and search of, dutiable articles to fix pay of marshal and deputies.......... 1893 in, permit to land, &c -.... —---- - 2801 with Secretary of Treasury and Commis- concealing dutiable articles in, penalty ---- 2802 sioner of General Land-Office to form in transit to foreign country to be delivered rules for settling suspended entry- to collector.-..... ——.. —-.. ——. 2803' cases, &c 2450 search of.-....-...-.. —- - ---—... —-. —- 3064 to approve adjudication of suspended en- of passengers from contiguous foreign countries, &c., by Commissioner.......-... 2450 tries, inspection of........ —--.. —-. 3100 recommendation of, in case of compromise when customs officer to retain, &c., forof internal-revenue suit or proceeding. 3229 feiture of.-................ —----—. 3101 discontinuance of prosecution for defraud- Bahia, ing United States of tax on spirits - - 3230 consul at, salary of..................... 1690 proceedings of condemnation in cases of prize Bail, and capture of insurrectionary prop- officers of revenue-cutter service, when aderty................................ 5311 mitted to..... —... —...-......... 2765 (see 1)epartment of Justice.) in certain suits for making false claims Attorneys of United States, against United States -.. — -...-! —.. 3492 (see District Attorneys.) of seamen committed on refusal to sail, &c- 4558 Attorneys, Bailiff, not to be employed by heads of Departments 189 of Court.of Claims, appointment and term of. not prohibited from charging clients reason- office of. —. ——. ——. —--------- 1053 able compensation —.,......-..... 823 salary of.-.-............. 1054 fees of, in United States courts.. —... —-. 824 Balances, prosecuting claims before Departments to certified by Comptrollers, &c., subject to retake oath. —-....-.......... 3478, 3479 vision only by Congress or courts.... 191 of pensioner to take oath that he has no in- of appropriations, limit as to use of.-...... 3690 terest, &c-................. 4745 E disposal of. 3691 agreement with, to be sent to pension to foreign countries, Postmaster-General may agent; feesof.. —.....-....... 4768 provide against loss in paying -. —-.. 3912 pension agent to forward fee to....... 4769 postal accounts to show expenditures for. 4049 14 INDEX, Section. Section. Baltimore, Md., Bankruptcy-Continued. collection-district and port of entry... —.... 2548 assignees, customs-officers in, residence of.-... —-..- 2549 bond of, how required. —.................. 5036 transportation in bond extended to-......... 2997 to be approved and filed. —.... —-....... 5036 assistant treasurer at, appointment, &c., to inure to benefit of what creditors...... 5036 of...-........................... 3595-3597 may be prosecuted, how.. —-............ 5036 clerks, &c, of................. 3606 removal of, failing to give bond.......-... 5036 collectors, &c., shall pay public money to. 3615 resignation or removal of, effect of.......... 5040 inspectors of hulls and boilers for. —-.. —.. 4414 limitation of suits between, and adverse salaries of... —.. —-..... —-.. —-----—.. 4414 claimants.. —.... —-. —--—......-.. 5057 reserve of national banks in -....... —-.. — 5191 retention of funds for compensation and exbalances with banks in, may be part of re- penses --...-........... —-... —.. 5099 serve............... 5192 commissions allowed --—. —-..... —...... 5100 redemption-agencies -...-...-.. —- -—..... 5195 when not obliged to proceed-.............. 5100 Banca Tin, priority, plug of, to be inserted in boiler...-...... 4436 what claims and debts entitled to, in order Band, for dividend. —-.....-...-.....-.... 5101 at Military Academy..-.................... 1094 discharge, composition and station of-............... 1111 certain debts not released by.-..... -..... 5117 pay of leader of -.. —-.... —...-.... —... 1278 liability of other persons not released.-. —. 5118 for militia called into United States service. 1647 fees and costs, Bangkok, of register. —----.- -—.. —.. —.. ——..... 5124 consul at, salary of..-...................... 1690 I to have priority of payment..-....... 5124 interpreter at consulate of, salary of, marshal petitioner to deposit security for......... 5124 of, no salary......................... 1693 to pay, when assets insufficient -.. ——. 5124 Bangor, Me., execution against, for.................. 5124 collection-district, port of entry.-........... 2517 traveling and ihcidental expenses of.. —-. 5125 collector and deputy collector in, residence of marshal, as messenger -..- -. —-. ——.. 5126 of.................................. 2518 further allowance by court, when -....... 5126 Bank-Bills, for other services, how prescribed-....... 5127 shipper of, to notify carrier, &c.-........... 4281 justices of Supreme Court may change tariff of 5127 Bank-Check, Bank Tax, tax on.................................... 3418 basis of; how and when paid-............... 5214 Bankers and Brokers, statement to U. S. Treasurer, as basis of... -. 5215 not to use word "national" in title of firm.. 5243 how assessed in default of return..........- 5216 Bank-Examiners, how collected in default of payment........ 5217 appointment, powers, duty, and pay of..... 5240 when and how refunded -................... 5218 Banking Associations, by State authority. —-—... —.. —-..... —- 5219 (see National Banks.) Barcelona, N. Y., Banking Business, port of delivery. —-...... ——. —--... ——. 2535 (see National Banks.) deputy collector at...... —-. -...... 2536 Bank-Notes, Barcelona, Spain, not redeemable in compound-interest notes - 3590 consul at, salary of. —. —--—. ——. 1690 Bank Officers, Barges, Passenger, (see National Banks.) in tow of steamers; provision for security of Bank or Banker, life on... —.. —.-... —--...... ——.. 4492 definition of..-.. ——. —-—. —--—........- 3407 penalty for violating provisions.. —-.... —-. 4492 internal-revenue taxes payable by -.......... 3408 Barmen, exemption as to savings-banks- —.. ——.. 3408 consul at, salary of -. —-....-...-....... 1690 certain borrowed money not included in Barnstable, Mass., "capital employed"................. 3408 collection-district and port of entry........ 2527 when internal-revenue taxes are payable - -.- 3409 collector to reside at. ——. —.-. ——... —--- 2529 tax on circulation and capital of State, Barracks, &c —. —.. —.. —......-......-.. 3410,3411 permanent, for Army, not to be constructed tax payable by, on notes paid out..... 3412, 3413 till estimates submitted, &c -. ——.. 1136 returns by, of internal-revenue taxes........3414 Barrels, penalties and proceedings in case of neglect of fermented liquors, measure of contents - -3339 or refusal to make returns -...... 3415 fractional parts of -....................... 3339 Bankruptcy, marks on -..-...-.... ——.... ——....... 3349 original jurisdiction of district courts in.... 563 Barrington, B. L, jurisdiction of United States courts in.. —-. 711 port of delivery................... 2531. claims of United States in case of, to have Bars, priority............................. 3466 delivery of, to depositors of bullion -........ 3544 general orders, Base Bullion, what may be followed -.. —-. —-........ —. 4990 deposits of, may be refused-...-.......... 3519 justices of Supreme Court may rescind, or Basle, vary, how.. —.. —..-.............-.. 4990 consul at, salary of. —-....................... 1690 may frame, rescind, or vary other, for what Batavia, purposes.-. —...-.. —.-.. ——.... 4990 consul at, salary of.................-...... 1690 commencement of proceedings, Bath, Me., what to be deemed -. —.. —-..... —.... —-. 4991 collection-district and port of entry.....-... 2517 registers in bankruptcy, collector in, to reside at -... —.-2-.......... 2518 appointment of. -................-...... 4993 Battalion of Engineers, bond and oath of-.-........,,....... 4995 in Army, authorized-............... 1094 attendance of, by direction of judge-.... —. 5001 composition of............................. 1154 fees of, by whom paid.......-............. 5008 companies and enlisted men of..-.......... 1155 WnDEX. 15 Section. Section. Battalions, Bidders, in State militia, companies of.............. 1630 for carrying mail, additional cost to be commander of -......... ——...... —.. 1631 charged to defaulting..-............. 3951 companies of grenadiers, light-infantry or for supplies, may be present atopening of bids. 3710 riflemen in.................. 1632 Bids, Batteries,. for supplies to be advertised for............ 3709 of artillery, number to regiment........... 1099 notice of opening, who may be present-.... 3710 composition of..-.. —-. —-.........-.... 1100 record of all, to be kept —.. —-.-. —....... 3710 of light artillery, to a regiment............ 1101 for naval supplies, who to be present at openBay of Islands, ing............................... 3722 consul at, salary of ------... —... —-....... 1690 for contracts for illuminating apparatus, or Bayou Saint John, La., buildings for light-house service....- - - - 4665 port of delivery in district of New Orleans. - 2568 altering, forging, &c.; uttering false, as true, surveyor to reside at, duties of............. 2569 &c. —. —... 5418,5479 vessels bound for, what to do. —.. —---—.. 2570 Biennial Examinations, (Pensions,) to unlade at, after making report, &c-. —-.. - 2571 medical evidence, to receive unclaimed pendeparting from, for foreign ports, how cleared. 2575 sion................................ 4719 Bayport, Fla., of invalid pensioners, certificates of, to acport of delivery-............................ 2562 company vouchers. —-... —-..... —. 4771 surveyor to reside at.-..-.-... —. —-...-. 2563 Commissioner of Pensions may require more merchandise for, where entered-....... 2819 than................................ 4772 Beaufort, N. C., certificate of unappointed surgeons.......-. 4773 collection-district and port of entry; when Biennial Lists, port of entry may be changed -.. —-. 2555 of officers and employes to be filed in Interior collector in, to reside at port of entry....... 2556 Department by heads of Departments- 198 Beaufort, S. C., Biennial Register, collection-district and port of entry.-..... 2557 by whom to be compiled.. —-......-........ 508 collector in ---- —. ---—. —. 2558 contents of. —------—..-... ——....... —-. 510 Beacons, distribution of............................. 511 none to be erected until jurisdiction of site number of, to be printed and bound. —-.-.. 3800 ceded to United States... —-...... —. 4661 Bill in Chancery, when cession deemed sufficient.. —-,.. —... 4662 may be filed to enforce lien of United States preliminary surveys for.-.................. 4663 for tax on real estate -------- ---- 3207 materials for construction or repair of...... 4666 Bill of Fees, Beer, of clerk, marshal, attorney, witnesses, &c - - 983 (see Fermented Liquors'.) Bill of Particulars, Beer-Stamps, in customs cases.-......................... 3012 (see Stamps, Internal Revenue.) Bills, Beet-Sugar, drawn by or on authorized United States machinery for manufacture of, exempt from officers, included in words " obligation customs duties. —-.... —............ 2510 or other security of the United States" 5413 Beirut, Bills, Congressional, consul-general at, salary of.......-..-.... 1690 what number of, to be printed-............ 3791 Belfast, England, motions to print extra copies of...........' 3793 consul at, salary of........................ 1690 Bills of Exchange, Belfast, Me., national banks not limited as to certain.... 5200 collection-district and port of entry-........ 2517 may be liable for, in excess of capital...-. 5202 collector to reside at..-. —-. ——.......... 2518 may take at current discount and interest. 5197 Belgium, Bills of Lading, salary of minister to....................... 1675 when to be produced to collectors of cusBenedict, Md., toms, &c --—.. —-----—.. ——.... —-. 2785 port of delivery-....................... 2548 when entry of goods imperfect for want of.. - 2789 Benicia, Cal., of spirits exported for drawback. —.....-... 3329 inspector of customs to reside at.-........ 2583 Bills of Sale, Bninspector and Bentoles to reside7at............ 8 by marshal, of personal property of delinBenziine and Benzole, quent collector of internal revenue... 3217 not to be carried on steam passenger-vessels. 4472 of ssel to recite certificate of registry at how packed and marked for shipment...... 4475length — ------ ------- 4170 penalty for shipping contrary to law........ 4476 not valid unless recordedg.t.h........ 4192 Berkley, Mass., to be recorded by collectors of customs.. - 4193 port of delivery...-....-................. 2527 certificates discharging, to be recorded. -.. 4193 Bermuda Hundred, Va., what record of, to be kept in books....... 4193 port of entry to extend from Richmond and what to be certified on................... 4193 Manchester, Va., to.................. 2552 fee for recording —--- 4193 surveyor to reside at --.. —...... 2553 not to be recorded unless acknowledged.. 4193 collectors to keep index of records -....... 4194 Berries,..index and record open to inspection...-.. 4194 grown in United States, wines, &c., made collectors to furnish certificate relating to. - 4194 from, exempt from tax. 3328 fee for such certificate..-. —.... —--—. 4194 Berths, fee for furnishing certified copy of record. 4195 for vessels carrying passengers............ 4255 interest of each owner to be named. —-- 4196 penalty for violating regulations....... 4255 fees for reording, &........ 4382 Berwick; Me., Binding, port of delivery -....................... 2522 foreman of, appointment and salary-.. —.. 3761 goods for, may be entered, &c., at Ports- to make estimates of material and file remouth, N. H., or York, Me........... 2524 quisitions, &c......-.-... —.... —.. 3783 136 UIDEX. ScinSection.Section. Binding-Continued. Board of Managers-Continued. what, not to be done at Government Printing- appointment and removal of officers by..... 4829 Office......................... 3785 to procure sites and erect buildings........ 4830 what, to be done.......................... 3786 may receive donations for Home -—.. —.... 4831 what, may be done at Treasury Department. 3787 persons admitted to Home, how. —-.... —. 4832 on whose order done for either House...... 3789 assignment of pensions to Home-........ 4832 form of, for Departments..-................ 3790 out-door relief........................-.... 4833 Birmingham, to make annual report to Congress --—. —-. 4834 consul at, salary of ---...-...... —-..-.... 1690 to audit accounts of treasurer. ——.......... 4834 Births, to visit Home quarterly -—......-........... 4834 happening on vessel, to be recorded in log- Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steam- Vessels, book................................ 4290 how constituted... —-..................... 4405 Blacksmiths, yearly meeting of, at Washington.-. —..... 4405 enlistment of, for Ordnance Department -... 1162 other meetings of, when to be held.-... —.. 4405 Black Warrior River, to establish regulations................ 4405, 4411 in Alabama, tolls.. —..... —.....-... —-.... 5244 regulations to have force of law, when..... 4405 Bladders, to assign supervising inspectors to districts. 4405 of snuff, maximum weight of.............. 3362 to establish regulations for steam-vessels Blank-Agency, Post-Office Department, passing each other ---- -. —... —--- 4412 establishment of, at Washington, D. C.....-. 400 penalty on pilot, engineer, master, &c., not Blank-Books, observing. 4413 allowance for, to collectors of internal rev- for security of life on yachts, ferry, and enue..... —..-....-................ 3145 canal-boats -—... —-............. 4426 Blanks, for carrying petroleum. —-...-.......... 4472 to be kept for sale by collectors, &c., in cer- may require fire-extinguishers -.. —.. ——. - 4479 tain districts, price of.. —..-........ 2643 to prescribe life-boats for river passengerthird-class mail-matter -..................... 3878 steamers -.. —----—..-. —........... 4481 for money-orders, shall be furnished........ 4034 to decide what life-boats, rafts, preservers, Blasting-Oil, &c., shall be used................... 4488 not to be shipped on passenger-vessel or ve- penalty for violating such regulations... 4489 hicle -------—................ 4278 instruments for security of life to be aphow packed and marked for shipment...... 4279 proved by.................. 4491 State regulation of transportation of....... 4280 to prescribe regulations for security of life Blind Children, on passenger-barges, &c.'.. 4492 appropriation for instructing............. —. 3689 Board of Visitors, Blind Persons, at Military Academy, appointment of...... 1327 education of indigent, provision for cost of, compensation of......................... 1329 limited...................... 4869 for Government Hospital for Insane........ 4840 Block Island, duty as to insane persons having insuffiappointment of keepers of life-saving sta- cient property to defray expenses -... 4849 tions on coast of. —-.. —.......-..... 4247 to determine rate of board of patients —... 4853 employment of crews of surf-men on....... 4247 Boats, supervision of life-saving stations on....... 4248 small open, when to be employed by colBlue Hill, Me., lectors of customs-................... 2763 port of delivery.-.......................... 2517 of revenue-cutters, how distinguished...... 2764 Boarding-Officers, not employed in revenue-service, carrying shall report violations of provisions respect- ensign, &c., penalty for-. 2765 ing crew-lists, &c..-......-..-.. 4575 or lighters not masted, or, if masted, not crew-list and crew to be produced to, and decked, employed in harbor.......... 4385 examined, &c., by —-..-..-... —------ 4576 for river passenger-steamers -. —..-.....-.. 4481 Boarding Vessels, for lake, ocean, &c., steamers..-.......... 4488 by unauthorized persons prohibited; penal- penalty for not carrying................... 4489 ty -- -... — -—... - -.. —-- 4606 Boatswains in Navy, Board of Commissioners, number and appointment of.-.............. 1405 for Soldiers' Home, to recommend appoint- assimilated rank to........................ 1491 ment and removal of officers -......... 4816 pay of. —----—..-.................. 1556 to procure sites and buildings, when -.-.. 4817 Boiler-Plates, to repay unclaimed moneys to heirs of de- (see Inspection of Steam-Vessels.) ceased soldiers.......-...... —...... —- 4818 may receive donations for use of Home 4819 Boilers, Distillery, may receive donations for use of Home'-' 4819 forfeited, to be sold at auction............. 3450 Board of Directors, (see Directors,) forfeited, to be sold at auction-3450 Board of Directors, (see Dircctors,) maker of, to give notice before removing national banks to have; powers, &c., of.... 5136 aker of, to give notice before.. 3265 from place of manufacture........... 3265 Board of Examiners, not to be set up without permit of collector to be appointed for examination of clerks... 164 i of internal revenue.................. 3265 Board of Examining Xurgeons, iwhere not to be used for distilling -..-. -. - 3266 certificate of, shall be subject to approval of for generating steam or heating water for Commissioner of Pensions -.. for gene4698ra distillery, where to be located.. —water. 3266 may be organized; duties, fees, &c. —..-.. 4774 ste. Board of Indian Commissioners, oilers of team-essels, (see Indians.) (see Inspection of Steam-Vessels.) Board of Managers, Boise City Assay Office, of National Home for Disabled Volunteers... 4825 legal designation of.-....-............... 3495 corporate powers of..-......-. 4825 business of................................ 3558 managers, number and election of......-... 4826 officers of................................. 3559 members to have no compensation-........ 4828 to be place of deposit of public money. —.. 3592 actual expenses may be paid-.............. 4828 superintendent of, to be assistant treasurer.. 3594 INDEX. 17 Section. I Section. Bolivia, Bonds of United States, salary of minister to...................... 1675 (see United States Bonds.) Bond and Warehouse System, Book, Newspaper, and Pamphlet Postage, provisions concerning -.................2954-3008 accounts to show amounts derived from.... 4049 Bonded Account, Book-Keepers, to be rendered monthly by collector of in- in office of Treasurer, salary of-............. 235 ternal revenue....-.................. 3444 Book-Manuscripts, Bonded Goods, third-class mail-matter —....... ——............ 3878 (see Transportation of Merc)handise.) Book of Estimates, Bonded Warehouse, (Internal Revenue,) information required in............... 3660-3672 medicines, preparations, &c., may be manu- Books, factured in, for exportation, without deductions for, received by members and delstamps -............................. 3433 egates in Congress --—.-. —------—. 42 removal from, to Pacific Coast -. ——. —-—. 3434 power of courts of United States to require (see Warehouse; Distillery Warehouse.) production of, and of writings, in acBonds, tions at law —--...... —......... —--—. 724'duty of Secretary of Treasury to prescribe (see Copies; Transcrijpts.) forms of, required by revenue laws, blank, and stationery, furnished to customs &c -. ——..................- -. 251 officers, expense of................... 2646 form of, taken by Post-Office Department.. 403 of a trade, and school, exempt from distraint delivery upon, to claimant, of vessel, goods, for internal-revenue taxes -.. —. —-.. 3187 &c., seized under customs-revenue to be kept by retail dealer in leaf tobacco-.. 3244 laws, &c.-. —---------------------- 938 warehouse, to be kept by internal-revenue may be ordered by judge, in vacation...- 940 store-keeper.-...... -........ 3301 property released from arrest upon, by mar- store-keeper's record of distillery operations- 3302 shal, in admiralty causes other than to be kept by distiller. -.......-. —.3303, 3304 seizures for forfeiture*.............. 941 of stamps for distilled spirits.....-.......... 3312 to United States, when paid by surety, &c., to be kept by rectifiers and wholesale liquor of insolvent debtor, priority of surety. 3468 dealers.-.. —... ——. —-....-. 3318 custom-house, of brewer.. —-—.....-.. — ----—. ——. —.. 3337 when masters of vessels to give re-exporta- to be kept by tobacco and snuff manufaction; nature of.-................2776,2777 turers 3358 when and by whom to be put in suit -. ——. 2778 of dealer in leaf-tobacco -.....-........ 3360 destroyed or lost, of cigar manufacturer..................... 3390 called, how paid'....-.............. 3702,3703 to be third-class mail-matter-............... 3878 indemnity required......-..............3703,3705 published, &c., by Congress, weight of, in error or appeal, mail.-............................... 3879 none required when writ sued out or appeal Books and Papers, taken by United States or by direction seizure of, in customs cases............ 3091-3093 of Department...- -............. 1001 Booth Bay, Me., navigation, port of delivery...-............... 2517 for registry of vessel...-.................... 4145 Bordeaux, conditions of -.. —-.. —--......... —.. 4146 consul at, salary of..................... —. 1690 cancellation of, on surrender of certificate- 4175 Boston, Mass., for passport for vessel in foreign commerce. - 4306 port of entry.............................. 2527 by alien owner, resident in United States, to customs officers to reside at. ——. ——. —. —. 2529 secure enrollment and license of river, clerks and employes in office of appraiser of &c., steamboat -..:'........ 4317 customs, how appointed, number and by husband or master to secure license for compensation of.... —................ 2530 coasting or fishing vessel -—.-....-.. 4320 transportation in bond extended to......... 2997 for enrollment, or license, or renewal of ves- assistant treasurer at, appointment, &c-3595-3597 sel in another district.............-.. 4328 clerks, &c., in office of assistant treasurer.. - 3601 to secure judgment against steam-vessel car- collectors, &c., in, shall pay public money to rying more than lawful number of pas- assistant treasurer.................. 3615 sengers - -. --. —.. —.....-.......... 4469 inspectors of hulls and boilers for collectionofficial, district of.......................... 4414 suits upon, 15y whom may be brought...... 784 their salaries —.. —--............... 4414 when original to be produced.-........... 886 reserve of national banks in... 5191 by whom to be given in Army.-............ 1191 balances with banks in, may be part of rerenewal of, by disbursing officers of Army.. 1192 serve..-... —......................- 5192 of officers of pay-corps of Navy............. 1383 redemption agencies-...................... 5195 when new bond to be given by-........... 1384 Boston and Charlestown, Mass., new commissions not to affect. —.. —-—.. 1385 collection-district -......................... 2527 of naval store-keepers on foreign stations. - - 1439 officers, residence of -.............. 2529 commencement of pay of officers in Navy who additional inspectors for................... 2605 are required to give...... —...-........ 1560 Botanical Garden, of collectors of customs, and others disburs- supervision over, by Capitol-police-........ 1826 ing public moneys, may be increased superintendents and laborers in............ 1827 by President................... 3639 Bottling, provisions as to, of postmasters..-..... 3834-3838 fermented liquors from unstamped packages, of marshals of consular courts.-............ 4113, or on brewery premises.-............. 3354 suit on, how brought -..-..-.. 4114 Boulogne, original to be produced in suit, when-..... 4115 consul at, salary of................... 1690 forging, altering with fraudulent intent... 5418 Bounty, Bonds of States, detail of clerk by Second Auditor to sign cer(see State Bonds.) tificates relating to.................. 279 3RS 18 INDEX. Section. Section. Bounty-Continued. Branch Post-Offices, allowance in settlements with paymaster, of account of receipts from, to be rendered..... 3843 payments of advance bounty....... — 280 Postmaster-General may establish.......... 3871 upon enlistment in the Navy. —-. —-. —-- 1569 expenses of, how limited. —-... ——. 3874 to marines for re-enlisting... —-...-. 1612 provisions relating to................3865,3874 due colored soldiers and sailors, laws for col- money-order business at. ——.. —..-. —- 4029 lection, &c., of, continued......... 2032 Brands, to soldiers, appropriation to pay.....-... 3689 on new packages of distilled spirits containto be paid for persons on board vessels of ing not less than ten gallons...-.. 3323 enemy destroyed. —............. 4635 to be effaced, &c., at time of emptying casks to be divided in same manner as prize- for distilled spirits —---.................. 3324 money.............................. 4635 changing, &c., on cask of spirits —. —-—. 3326 when number on board cannot be ascer- on packages of fermented liquor —... —. 3349 tained, how to be estimated-........ 4635 on cigar-boxes.-.......................... 3397 sum to be paid in other cases of vessels de- on articles sold under distraint and forfeitstroyed.. -—............. —. 4635 ure, &c. -—......-...... —.. 3458 awarded to vessels, how distributed-...... 4642 Brandy, assignments of naval, void unless attested-. 4643 distillers of, made from apples, peaches, or shall be paid to colored soldiers enrolled as grapes, exemption of....-.......... 3255 slaves....-...- --—.. —.. —--- 4723 Branford, Conn., for negroes taken from slave-ships, by com- port of delivery.....................-..... 2533 missioned vessels, &c. —. -......... 5562 Brashear, La., Bounty-Certificates, port of entry -—.. —----—...-..-.. —- --. 2568 power of Second Comptroller to detail clerk collector to reside at...-............ 2569 to sign...................... 275 Brazil, Bounty-Fund, salary of minister and secretary to.......... 1675 retained; of colored soldiers, custody of..... 2035 Brazilian Mail-Steam`ips, for whose benefit to be holden............ 2035 exempted from port-charges, &c............ 4232 investment of, &c....................... 2036 duration of such exemption.............. 4232 payment of claims from................-. 2036 Brazos de Santiago, Tex., Bounty-Lands, collection-district...............-......... 2578 warrants and patents for, for military ser- deputy collector to reside at, powers of.... 2579 vice.................. —-.. ——. —- 457 transshipment of merchandise from Brazos appointment by Commissioner of Pensions of Harbor to Brownsville.............. 2581 person to sign warrants.............. 473 Breach of Duty, military warrants, fee for locating......... 2238 penalty for, on merchant-vessels..... —-....- 4602 receivable in payment for pre-emption Bread for Navy, rights....................... 2277 how, may be procured. —--................ —- 3727 warrants for, may be located, where..... 2415 Breech-oading System, payment of difference in cash, when....... 2415 what to be used for carbines and muskets claims for, by virtue of certain acts, how for military, service. —..-.... 1672 located..................... 2416,2417 no royalty to be paid to officers or employs for soldiers of certain wars, or their widows, of United States for patent..... —-. 1673 &c...................... —............ 2418 Bremen, forty acres for certain soldiers............. 2419 consulate, salary of......... 1690 for militia and volunteers serving between 1812 and 1852.. -...-..-..... —..... 2420 Brevet, exceptions from foregoing-..-..-....-. —... 2421 not to entitle officers to increased pay......- 1264 time of prisoners of war counted........... 2422 Brewer, warrant and patent for, to issue, when...... 2423 definition of............................... 3244 warrant to issue to widow, when..-........ 2424 special tax of.........................-... 3244 marriage of widow subsequent to applica- when to pay special tax as wholesale dealer- 3244 tion not to impair her right......2424,2429 notice by.... —-- ---------------------—. 3335 instructions to claimants, &c., furnished; no- bond of —- ----------------------------- 3336 tice of issue of warrant............... 4748 to keep books....... —..... —.... —.. —. 3337 limit of fee for prosecuting claim for-....... 4785 to render monthly statement, in duplicate, filing of agreement for prosecuting claim... 4786 from his books ----—.. —---—.. - 3337 fee for prosecuting claim for, when no agree- books of, to be open at all times. —--—.. —. 3337 ment filed.... —-..-... --- —... -- 4786 entries in books of, to be verified by oath. - 3338 warrants, falsely making, altering, &c., ut- fraudulently failing to make entry, &c., or tering false as true.................. 5420 making false entry --........ ——. 3340 Bounty-Land Warrants, evasion of tax by..-..............-.... —. 3340 (see Bounty-Lands,) neglecting to keep books, or refusing to furBowdoinham, Me., nish account..................... 3340 port of delivery........................ 2517 to obtain stamps from collector of district, Box-Rents, and to affix and cancel same --—. —- 3342 quarterly account of, by postmasters....... 3843 neglecting to affix or cancel stamps, or affixneglect to render. -.......-.....-...... 3845 ing false, &c -—.. ——.... —-..... 3342 shall be part of basis for fixing salaries of selling, removing, &c., fermented liquors il postmasters......................... 3855 packages without stamp, &c., or with at post-offices to be accounted for as reve- false, &c..........-...... -—....... 3343 nues...-..... —-..... 4051 drawing fermented liquor from packages Box-Rents and Branch Offices, without stamp, or with false, &c., or accounts to show amounts derived from..... 4049 without defacing, &c.....-.... —. 3344 Branch Banks, when to stamp fermented liquor removed how taxed...............-............ 3408 under permit -...................... 3345 INDEX. 19 Section. I Section. Brewer-Continued. British Vessels, how, may sell and remove sour or damaged may engage in coasting-trade on Saint Lawfermented liquor....-................ 3347 rence and Great Lakes, when.-....... 4347 selling at retail at brewery. ——.. ——..... 3348 suspension of privilege, when..-.......... 4347 monthly statement of sales at brewery - - -. 3348 Bronze Coins, to mark, by branding, packages of fermented how redeemed...-........................- 3529 liquor....-........................... 3349 Brothers, permit to conduct business at another place when to have pensions.................. —-.. 4707 on account of accident, &c......-.... — 3350 when pension of, to begin.................. 4710 Brewer's Books, Brownsville, Tex., to be open at all times to inspection of inter- port of entry............................. 2578 nal-revenue officers-.................. 3337 collector to reside at...........-..... —....... 2579 entries therein.-...... —-—.. —--------—. 3337 transshipment of merchandise to, by Brazos entries in, to be verified by oath. —-....... 3338 Harbor...... —--. ——.. ——.. —-.. 2581 Brewery, Brunswick, Ga., description of the premises of.............. 3335 collection-district and port of entry......-.. 2559 books to be kept at. —--... ——.. —--- 3337 collector to reside t..-.................... 2560 removal of fermented liquors from, without collector at, may grant permits to unload stamp or permit -.. —-...-. —-.- ----- 3343 vessels in Savannah collection-district, under permit -- --—... —......- - - -...... - 3345 and appoint inspectors for such vessels. 2561 brewer selling at retail at................ 3348 Brunswick, Me., bottling on premises of ------------—..-.. —. 3354 port of delivery..-........ —............. 2517 Bribery, Bucksport, Me., of officer of United States, &c., to influence port of delivery —-....... —.... —....... —-----—. 2517 decision or action, &c -..-..... —----—. 5451 Buenos Ayres, acceptance of bribe by United States officer. 5501 consul at, salary of........................ 1690 penalty —-—.. —---—.-. —. —--.. —--- 5502 Buffalo, N. Y., Bridges, port of entry ——..-..... —--------. —--—. 2535 across Iowa River, in Iowa -..............-... —- 5248 collector to reside at... —... —----.. —-—. 2536 across Maquoketa River, in Iowa-..5...... 5250 additional inspectors for district of -—. —-- 2605 Bridgeton, N. J., weighers, gaugers, measurers, and inspectcollection-district and port of entry........ 2541 ors for --—.. —-... —-------—.. —-- 2606 collector in, to reside at.. —. —.. —. —-. —. 2542 transportation in bond extended to-........ 2997 Brigade-Inspector, inspectors of hulls and boilers for district.. 4414 one for each brigade of militia -. —-—. —--- 1631 their salaries -.. —----—.. —-. —-—.-.-.. 4414 duties of, in militia —-.. —..-.. —---—. —.. 1640 Buffalo Creek, N. Y., Brigades, collection-district. ——.. —----—.. —-—. 2535 in State militia, regiments in.. —........ —....- 1630 collector and appraiser in, residence of -.... 2536 officers in ----—.. —.-.. —. —-.. ——. —-- 1631 Builder, when called into United States service, how of vessel to engage in cooly-trade, penalty organized. —---.. —.. —-—.... ——. 1647 upon -—.............................. 2160 Brigadier-Generals, of recorded vessels, oath of, to obtain record - 4180 number of-.....-....... —...... —. ——. 1094 to countersign certificate of measurement.. 4181 aids to. —-... —.- -—. ——. -. —.. —----—. 1098 Buildings, Public, pay of.........-... —-—.. ——. —. ——. 1261 President may obtain assent of State legislaof aid to.-.. ——.... —-.. ——. —-—.-. —- 1261 tures to purchase of sites.... ——.. —- 1838 allowance of forage to. ——.. —-. —. —.. 1271 Bulbs, one for each brigade of militia when called third-class mail-matter.-.. —.. —--......... 3878 into United States service-..... ——. 1647 Bullion, one for each brigade of militia as organized deposits of, to be reported by mint superinby each State...-........ —...-. 1631 tendpnts...-.......... —........ 3503 Brindisi, for assay or coinage to be received, &c., by consul at, salary of-......... —.....-..-. ——. 1690 mint superintendents.-........... —-... 3506 Bristol, Me., how paid for -.. —---.. —--- -—. —---- 3526,3527 port of delivery -.... —-..-.. —- —..... ——. 2517 transfer of, for coinage ingots. ——.-.-.-..-.. —3530 Bristol and Warren, R. L., to be received and conveyed for United collection-district and port of entry.-....... —- 2531 States in vessels belonging to citizens. 4204 collector in, to reside at Bristol.-.......... —-. 2532 to be promptly delivered on arrival........ 4204 British North'America, compensation for conveying -..-.-.....-.... 4204 consular fees for certifying certain invoices shipper of, to notify carrier, &c..-.......... 4281 in........ — -—... —--- ------- --- -.. 1721 Bullion Deposits, imports from, entered, &c., at certain ports, to be received, valued, and accounted for... 3506 to what ports transported for benefit certain, may be refused.. —-.... ——....... 3519 of drawback, &c.. —-------—.. —--- 3053 may be made for coinage..............3519,3520 what imports may be exported from ware- what shall be the true weight.............. 3521 house and transported to, &c.-....... 3054 how received and accounted for............ 3521 what imports may be exported to.......... 3056 certain part of, to be delivered to assayers.. 3522 provisions concerning lading and unlading coinage, charge on. ——. ——. —.. —.. —-.. 3524 of vessels from -.. —-.. —... ——.... 3129 delivery of coin for —....................... 3544 British Provinces, at assay office, N. Y., where coined......... 3553 imported merchandise for, arriving at certain Bullion-Fund, ports, how entered and conveyed- -—. 3005 may be used to purchase silver bullion..... 3526 imports and domestic products, &c., how Secretary of Treasury to provide-...-.. —- 3545 transported over territory of-......... 3006 Bunting, merchandise exported to, not to be landed in purchases of, for Navy, not subject to proUnited States; penalty.-........-.. 3008 visions as to advertising, &c......... 3721 20 INDEX. Section. Section. Bunting-Continued. Buying, of American manufacture, may be contracted public property unlawfully, by persons not for in open market by Secretaries of in military or naval service.......... 3490 War, Navy, and Treasury. —-.. —--- 3729 by any person.. —... —-.. ——.. —-. 5438 Buoys, valuable inclosure stolen or embezzled from materials for construction or repair of, how mail, &c., knowing, &c.... —- ---- 5470 to be procured.-.......... —.......... 4666 By-Laws, on coasts, bays, &c., how to be colored and directors of national banks may prescribe -. 5136 numbered..-....................... — ---. 4678 Burden of Proof, C. when on claimant, in cases of seizure under Cadet Engineers, impost or tonnage laws, &c...-.. —- 909 formation of class at Naval Academy-....... 1522 in case of seizure of distilled spirits.. —-.. 3333 appointment of —...... —-—........ —-.. 1523 Bureau of Currency, pay of.................................... 1556 expenses of, to be paid out of taxes on na- Cadet Midshipmen, tional-bank circulation.............. 5173 students at Naval Academy to be styled.... 1512 Bureau of Military Justice, number allowed...................... 1513 in Army, authorized-.....-...... —-.. —---- 1094 appointed contrary to law, not to be paid... 1518 organization of............................ 1198 academic course of -—....................... 1520 Bureau of Mint, education of, as constructors and engineers.. 1522 establishment of; what embraced in....... 343 pay of....f............................... 1556 director of, appointment, term of office.... 343 (see aval Academy.) clerks in, how appointed.. —-.. —-.......... 345 Cadets, Bureau of Statistics, at Military Academy, part of Army........- 1094 establishment of, superintendent of........ 334 (see Military Academy and Naval for what purposes established.............. 335 Academy.) annual report of commerce and navigation. 336 what to contain as to coastwise trade...... 338........................ 1690 quarterly returns to, by collectors of cus- Cahawba River y toms, of facts relating to commerce 5244 and navigation... -... —-... —.. —-.. 337 monthly reports of exports and imports to of delivery in district of New OrleansCairo, Ill., be published..................... port of delivery in district of New Orleans. 2568 annual statement of vessels. —-—. —-------— 340 surveyor to reside at, duties of... 2569 annual statement of merchandise...... —- 341 Clais,. 2517 statistics of manufactures of United States. 342 port of delivry........... 2517 BurfaUs of Navy Department, deputy collector to reside at..... —. —---- 2518 establishment and names of..-.......... 41.9.. establishment and names of.. —------------- 419 may enter and clear vessels, &c ---------- 2521 to have custody of certain books, &c....... 420 Calcutta, chiefs of, how appointed -. —- -.-.. 421 consul-general at, salary of.............. 1690 for e l i g i 4l1-426 California, who eligible for. 421426 salary of district attorney for.............. 770 estimates for, to be furnished to Secretary fees retainable by clerks of courts in. —--- 840 by chiefs......30...................... 4 jurisdiction of district courts of, over certain title and relative rank of chiefs of - 1471 sdiction of district courts of, over certain offenses in Alaska................... 1957 relative rank of chief of, when line officer appointment of Indian superintendent for blow rank of commodore........... 1472 appointment of Indian superintendent for I below rank of commodore -.-........ 1472 of officers retired from chief of........... 1473 tribes ii.2046 of Ind ian agents-. 2052 pay of chiefs of-.... 1565 of-In-ian-agents.2052 Burlingtpay of chief of. —-. —-,........... 1565 appointment of surveyor-general........... 2207 salary of............................2210, 2211 inspectors of hulls and boilers for district of. 4414 fifty per cent. dditionto certain feesofreg their salaries ----------.-. ——...... —- 4414 iers and receivers —., 2238 isters and receivers in............... 2238 Burlington, Iowa, augmented rates allowed for survey of cerport of delivery in district of New Orleans. 2568 tain public lands in.................. 2405 surveyor to reside at, duties of......... 2569 Geodetic surveys in, may be continued..... 2409 Burlington, N. J., surveying in, paid for by day.............. 2411 collection district and port of entry........ 2541 collection districts, ports of entry and decollector in, residence of...-........2.-.... 2542 livery in............................ 2582 Burlington, Vt., officers in...................... 2583 port of entry —.... ——..................... 2525 remission of fines, penalties, &c., in........ 5293 collector to reside at —. —.........-........ 2526 California Volunteers, Business Cards, appropriation to pay traveling expenses of. - 3689 penalty for printing. &c., in imitation of, Callao,. or upon, national-bank notes.-. ——.. 5188 Consul at, salary of. -................... 1690 ~~~~~~Business Papv~eiCalled Bonds, national bapenks not limited as to certain. - 5200 interest on, to cease in three months..... 3697 when lost or destroyed, how paid. —-..3702,3703 Bushel, Cam boose, what to constitute, in grain imports........ 2919 for vessel carrying other than cabin passenButter for Navy, gers between Europe and United purchases of, not subject to provisions as to States.............................. 4258 advertising, &c -............... 3721 penalty for failure to provide............ 4259 contracts for, may be made for periods longer Cambridge, Mass., than one year.... 3721 port of delivery.-....2................. 2527 may be in such manner and with such re- Cambridge,.Md., strictions as Secretary deems proper, 3726 port of delivery........................... 2548 INDEX. 21 Section. 1 Section. Camden, Me., MCape Vincent, N. Y., port of delivery............. -... 2517 1 collection-district and port of entry..-..... 2535 Camden, N. J., collector in, to reside at................. 2536 port of delivery in Philadelphia collection- Capital, district -..................... e 2543 of banks, &c., internal-revenue tax on-.... 3408 assistait collector to reside at, duties —. 2544 borrowed from day to day, tax on -........ 3408 enrollment and license of vessels by -.-... 4341 invested in United States bonds, exempt Camp Equipage, from tax.-. —----—. —...O ——. 3408 allowance of, in militia, when in United Capital Offense, States service.-.. -—. ——.. ——. 1650 limitation of time for finding indictment of, Canmphene, wilful murder excepted.............. 1043 not to be carried on steam passenger-vessel.. 4472 (see Consular Courts.) how packed and marked for shipment. —--- 4475 Capital Stock, penalty for shipping, contrary to law....... 4476 of national banks, organization-certificate to Canada, Domition of, state amount of and number of shares 5134 consular officers not to collect tonnage-fees minimum amount of.... -........-.. 5138 from vessels touching at ports of.-.. 1722 how divided and transferred, rights of holder 5139 certain fish and fish-oil, produce of fisheries how paid in..... — --...-..-. 5140 of, free of duty.-..................... 2506 proceedings on failure to pay installment-. 5141 merchandise imported from, in steamers on proceedings to increase..................- -. 5142 Lake Champlain, when and in what to decrease ----..-.............. 5143 districts may be landed-...- -----—. 3128 holders to have a vote for each share........ 5144 lading and unlading of vessels from. - 3129 circulation to be in proportion to, &c....... 5171 vessels of, may engage in coasting-trade on proportion of surplus fund to.............. - - 5199 lakes, &c., under treaty of Washing- not to be purchased by bank; loans not to ton, when......-....................-43.17 be made on -..............-....... 5201 suspension of privilege by President.....-. 4347 liabilities of banks not to exceed, except.... 5202 exemption from tonnage-duties of certain not to be created by use of bank's own notes, vessels on inland waters trading with. 4221 &c... —- -....- - - 5203 Canadian Mail, no portion of, to be withdrawn by bank, exwhen, may be carried through United States. 4012 cept....... -5204 Canals, proceedings on failure to pay up, or impairPostmaster-General may contract for carry- ment of 5205 ing mail on.. -—....................... 3967 to pay duty on certain part of. —---------- 5214 Canal-Boats, shall make returns to Treasurer of United licensed, &c., not subject to libel for wages. 4251 States, penalty for default. 5215 steam, exempted from provisions regulating duties on, how assessed in default of return_ 5216 steam-vessels.- -. 4400 how collected, in default of payments..,.-.. 5217 Cancellation, Capitol, contrary to law, penalty for. —------------ 3316 supervision of improvements, repairs, &c., of of stamps for distilled spirits.... 3322 furniture, &c., for, how purchased.... 1816 of stamps for fermented liquors.-....... 3342 Capitol Police, of permits for removal of fermented liquors. 3345 organization and compensation -..1821,1822 of stamps for tobacco and snuff'.-...- —. 3369 how members of, may be suspended..-.. 1823 of adhesive stamps....................... -—. 3423 uniform and arms of -....................... 1824 method of, how prescribed --—. —-- ---—. 3424 at whose expense furnished -----------—. 1825 penalty for failure to mlake. —-- --.- 3423 supervision by, extended to Botanical Garof stamps from private dies -.............. 3423 den; employment of additional force instruments for, how prescribed.............. 3445 in. - -..-...... —. ---------------- 1826 of certificates of registry of vessels where Captains in Army, new issued.. —--- --------—. 4170 for batteries of artillery.................... 1100 of certificates of registry of lost, &c., vessels. 4174 for troops of cavalry. —------............ 1103 of bond for registry of vessel -......... 4175 for companies of infantry.-.-...... —-—. 1107 Cancelled Notes, pay of.. - —... —----- --- ---—.......... 1261 of national banks, burning of, certificate of allowance of forage to.-................... 1271 burning......................... 5184 Captains in NWavy, Candia, number of, on active list................... 1363 consul at, salary of. —......... ——.. ——. 1690 pay of ---—........... —-... —----—.... —-- 1556 Canton, Captains of Vessels, consul at, salary of-. -.. —-.. —.-. 1670 (see Masters.) Capacity of Distillery, Captivity, to be ascertained by survey.-........ 3264 pay of non-commissionedofficers, &c., during. 1288 reduction of...... -... 3311 Captors, Cape Cod, of prizes proper, shares of.................. 4630 appointment of keepers for life-saving sta- how distributed. —-—.. —-----------—. 4631 tions at..-........... 4247 doing any act relating to bringing in, cusemployment of crews of surfmen at. --- ---- 4247 tody, sale, &c., of property captured Cape BHaytien, as prize, or to documents, &c., with consul at, salary of.... —----. ——. 1690 intent to defraud or delay, &c- ------- 5441 Cape of Good Hope, Captures, duties on articles produced east of.......... 2501 as prize, provisions concerning..4613, 4652 ~Cap~e Porpoise, M~e., Jproperty employed in aid of insurrection, when subject of, &c - - -...-... 5308 port of delivery..- - - - -. —-. -.2517 i proceedings in cases of, on account of use, Cape Totwn, &c., in aid of rebellion, where may be consul at, salary of........ 1690 had, and how instituted.....5309, 5311 22 INDEX. Section. I Section. Captures-Continued. Carrying Mail —Continued. doing any act relating to bringing in, cus- seizing letters, &c........................ 3990 tody, sale, &c., of property captured disposition of seized letters, &c... ------—. 3991 as prize, or to documents, &c., with by private hands, &c., when allowed... 3992 intent to defraud, &c, United States when in stamped envelopes, &c............. 993 or any captor -........ —... —.. 5441 separating letters for expedition in....... 3994 Captured and Abandoned Property, pay for, on railways.-............ —--. 3998 jurisdiction of Court of Claims, of claims for on railway-routes, by horse-express......... 3999 proceeds of, as provided by act of 12th on any train required. —--- -—... ——. 4000 March, 1863.....-........ —..... ——.. 1059 on land-grant, &c., railways................ 4001 appropriation to return proceeds........... 3689 on railways, re-adjustment of pay for...... 4002 contracts for collection of. —---- ---...... 3755 refusal of railway company to provide postalprohibition upon trade in, persons to give no- cars for.......... —... - 4003 tice of, to Treasury agent, penalty, &c. 5313 additional pay for postal-car for............ 4004 Carbines, to foreign countries, in steamships.......... 4008 system to be used by Ordnance Department pay for.................................. 4009 in manufacture of................... 1672 contractors for, may be fined -....... 4010 no royalty to be paid to officers and employes of foreign countries through United States. - 4012 of the United States for.............. 1673 rates of postage on, when carried in forCards, eign vessels --—.............. —---------—. 4015 to be third-class mail-matter ----............... 3878 (see Contracts for Carrying Mail.) Cards, Playing, Cars, imported, to be stamped as prescribed in (see Railroad Cars.) schedule A.......................... 3435 Carson Mint, tax on, (see Schedule A.) legal designation of........................ 3495 Cargo, officers of.................................. 3496 of vessels arriving from foreign ports, where salaries of officers.......................... 3498 to be entered and unloaded -------—. 2770 assistants, clerks, &c.................... 3499 penalty for unlading, without permit; ex- to be place of deposit of public money ---—. 3592 ceptions, &c. - -- 2867 superintendent of, to be assistant treasurer.- 3594 of vessels in distress, of perishable nature, Cartage, &c., when and how disposed of....... 2892 I customs, appropriation of..... 3687 when delivery of, does not agree with mas- Carthagena, ter's report, penalty... —-------- 2893 consul at, salary of.-...-............ —- 1690 of vessels seeking port, in distress, not dis- - Carts, posed of, how reladen, charges, &c... 2894 lost in military service to be paid for... —. 3483 of Spanish vessels seeking port in distress, Cashier,' provisions concerning unlading and re- in office of Treasurer, salary of-...... —-- 235 lading of ----—. —-------—. —— 2. 2895 assistant --- --—............................... 235 articles separate from, customs officers what in office of assistant treasurers. 3601-3612 to do, penalty for breaking seals, &c. 3069 Cashiers of National Banks, provisions concerning sales of, prior to ar- when to report "outstanding liabilities" to rival, &c............................ 2104 Secretary of Treasury 310 Carondelet Canal, La., directors to appoint, &e................... 5136 vessels for Bayou Saint John may unlade at, shall certify payment of installments on capafter making report, &c....... 2571 ital stock........................... 5140 departing from, for foreign ports, how cleared 2575 Comptroller shall require oaths of, as to orC Carpenter in Post-Office Department, ganization, &c. —...- ------- ----. 5168 salary of.................................. 393 penalty for embezzlement, &c., by......... 5209 assistant.. ---—.. -----—........... 393 shall cause to be kept, &c., list of shareCarpenters in Navy, holders....... -...................... 5210 number and appointment of............... 1405 reports to be verified by oath of........... —-. ---- 5211 assimilated rank to........................ 1491 reports of dividends to be verified by oath of- 5212 pay of.-.............. 1556 Casks, Carpenter's Certificate, containing imported spirits, when and how as to building, &c., of vessel applying for marked.-... 2885 register............................. 4147 emptied, marks on, to be effaced; penalty.. 2886 Carriage-makers, change from, of imported distilled spirits, enlistment of, for Ordnance Department. 1162 &c., how made -..-............... ——. 3029 Carrying Mail, capacity of, for distilled spirits drawn from on establishedpost-roadsshall be providedfor 3965 receiving-cisterns -.................. 3287 to court-houses shall be provided for....... -.. 3966 to be marked by gauger................... 3287 on navigable canals...................-.. 3967 affixing of stamps to...................... 3287 on plank-roads..... 3968 spirits drawn into other, to be gauged and in steamboats, &c.......................... 3969 branded.-........ 3323 in steamships....-...................... 3970 mark. brand, or stamp on, to be effaced at to officers not on established routes......... 3971 time of emptying..................... 3324 on routes not established by law........... 3975 seizure, &c., of empty, from which marks, on vessels in foreign trade................ 3976 1 &c., not obliterated, &c. 3324 on steamboats not in regular mail-service-.. 3977 railroad or transportation company transon vessels not in mail-service.......-...... 3978 I porting empty, having brand, &c —.- 3324 route-agents, &c., engaged in, to receive cer- buying or selling with inspection-marks, tain letters, &c.........-... 3980 i after use for distilled spirits -....3325 in foreign-bound vessels, &c., illegally-....-.. 3987 fraudulent use of any, having stamp on.. 3326 in arriving vessels; delivery; oath.....-.... 3988 changing, &c., nlarks, stamps, or brands. — 3326 unlawfully; search of vessels.............. 3989 (see Empty Casks ) INDEX. 23 Section. 1 Section. Castine, Me., Census-Continued. collection-district and port of entry...... 2517 no allowance for unauthorized returns, &c - 2199 collector in, to reside at.............'2518 fees for making out and returning copies Catalogues, of original returns............. 2200 of sale of merchandise remaining in public Superintendent of, appointment, duties, and store, &c., how distributed -----—. 2973 compensation of -......... —..... 2204 of prize-property, United States marshal to clerks of; number and classification of... 220. circulate, before sale................ 4628 Certificate, (Commerce and Navigation,) Cattaraugus Creek, N. Y., of cancellation of bills of sale, &c., by whom port of delivery-.-..:................. 2535 and how recorded, &c............... 4193 deputy collector at ---—.. —. --—.. —-- 2536 Certificate, (Coasting Trade,) Cavalry, penalty for forging, altering, &c.-......... 4375 in Army, regiments, number of-.......... 1094 Certificate, (Customs,) composition of............ 1102 masters of vessels failing to obtain from coltroops, number of..................... 1102 lector, when going to other district, composition of.-............... 1103 &c., penalty........................ 2784 troops of, how formed in militia, and how accompanying casks of imported spirits, armed and provided -............ 1632 when to be. cancelled, refusing to deprivileges of, not incorporated with militia. 1641 liver, penalty.. —.. —-... —... —-.. 2886 when and how organized in militia......... 1646 of appraiser of customs, and revenue officer, Cedar Keys, Fla., what deemed to be.-............... 2950 port of entry........................... 2562 of consignee, &c., of exported merchandise, collector to reside at............ 2563 when to discharge export bond...... 3044 Cedar Point, Md., of consul, officer verifying same, confirmaport of delivery........................... 2548 tion of -.. —.. —....-.....-......... 3045 Cellars, of clearance of vessels on northern, &c., (see Warehouse.) frontiers... —.. —..........-.. 3116 Cemeteries, National, form and execution of. ——..........-. 3124 lands for, may be purchased by Secretary of for debenture of goods exported from disWar......................-.. 4870 trict other than that of importation.. 3041 may be taken by him in certain cases with- of exportation, bond to be given for delivery out leave of owner.-............ 4870 of merchandise at a foreign port beappraisement by courts, of lands so taken - 4871 fore receipt of. —-..-......,.... 3043 when fee-simple vests in United States. —. 4872 of landing of exported merchandise, when jurisdiction of United States over.......... 4872 cannot be procured, other proofs, &c- 3047 payment of appraised value............... 4872 forging, altering, &c., certificate of entry, superintendents of, how appointed......... 4873 knowingly using counterfeited, &c-.. 5417 porters' lodges to be erected for.......... 4873 (see Invoices.) salary of.. —.. —..................... 4875 Certificate, (Internal Revenue,) quarters and fuel of. —................-. 4875 of Commissioner that all reports, &c., have to be visited annually by officer detailed by been received from collector......... 3147 Secretary of War.- -.-.....-.. 4876 of purchase of real estate................ 3198 inclosure of, to be of stone or iron —....... 4877 of deposit, payments to Commissioner to be head-stones.............. 4877 made by............... 3210 register of burials....................... 4877 of due diligence of collector by Commissioner who may be buried in.................... 4878 to First Comptroller.. —............ 3218 soldiers, sailors, and marines dying in of collectors, for tobacco-manufacturer...... 3355 United States service............... 4878 to tobacco-peddler. —-.-............ 3383 honorably discharged, dying destitute. —- 4878 of collectors, for cigar-manufacturer, of the production of honorable discharge suffi- number of cigar-makers-........-.. 3387 cient authority for burial —...-...- 4878 of drawback of internal-revenue tax -.3441, 3442 cemetery near City of Mexico, care and pres- Certificate, (Lands,) ervation of......................... 4879 forging, altering, &c., of land-warrant, utto be subject to same rules as military tering false, as true, &c --—....-. 5420 cemeteries in United States.......... 4880 Certificate of Curning, penalty for injuring, defacing, &c., any... 4881 of worn-out, cancelled, &c., national-bank superintendent authorized to arrest and notes, who to make disposition of, &c- 5184 prosecute --....-......... 4881 Certificate of Character, jurisdiction of United States over.......... 4882 of discharged seamen-................... 4553 Census, ertificate of Citizenship, to be under control of Secretary of Interior. 443 shall be furnished to seamen; form of; fee to be taken by marshals...............-.. 2176 for...............-................. 4588 marshals to cause inhabitants to be enumer- list of, to Secretary of State............. 4591 ated.-... —........................ 2176 (see Citizenship.) to collect all other statistical information. 2176 Certificate of Deposit, compensation of; fees................... 2197 for United States notes, may be issued; may minimum compensation allowed........ 2197 be part of reserve fund.-............. 5193 allowance for clerk-hire.-............... 2197 included in words "obligation or other semay perform duties of assistant. —...... 2197 curity of United States".......-. 5413 compensation in such case. —... 2197 for public money due to Secretary, of Treascompensation of assistants; fees......... 2198 ury.. —........... — 3621 how computed and ascertained-....... 2198 of coin and bullion, how regulated..- 254 fees for farms returned................... 2199 imitating or printing, &c., on, to be punforestablishments of productive industry 2199 ished............-.... 3708 for social statistics, &c... —-......... 2199 Certificate of Disability, strict observance of instructions required. 2199 of invalid pensioners...-................. 4771 24 INDEX. Section. Section. Certificate of Disability-Continued. Champlain,'N. Y., of two unappointed surgeons not to be taken, collection-district of ——.. —-...... —--—... 2535 except -—.. —-.. —-..-. —-. —-.- 4773 collector in, residence of -----—....... —--. 2536'Certificate of Discharge, additional inspectors for district of......... 2605 authority of Secretary of War to supply loss Chancellor of Sniithsonian Institution, of.................................. 224 (see Smithsonian Institution.) loss of, by survivors, &c., of war of 1812, Chaplains, other proof for pensions.. —....-.-.. 4740 to Senate, salary.......................- 52 shall be given to seamen -................... 4550 to House of Representatives, salary........ 53 form of....-.. —-..... —----- -....- 4612 of Congress, salaries of, how payable...-.... 55 Certificate of Enrollment, in Army, post and regimental..............- 1094 (see Vessels.) number and appointment of -. —-,.. —-.. 1121 Certificate of Indebtedness, rank, tenure of office, &c.. -....-..- 1122 of United States, business cards imitating, pay of........................... —. —-- 1261 penalty.-............................ 3708 forage allowed to. —-..... ——.. 1271 included by words "obligation or other se- when pension to dependent relative of, to curity of United States"..-....... 5413 begin........................ 4710 Certificate of Inspection, in Navy, number and appointment of, on (see Inspection of Steam- Vessels.) active list-.................. —.. 1395 Certificate of Labor, relative rank of, on active list........-..- 1479 of surveyor-general, to be filed with register pay of............................ 1556 of land-office by applicant for mineral Charges d'Affaires, lands.-.. —-..-.........2325,2326 appointed to foreign country, compensation Certificate of License, of................................. 1676 (see Vessels.) appointment of; not to be paid except-.... 1684 Certificates of Merit, salary of secretary of legation acting as.. - - - 1685 to soldiers for distinguished conduct-...... 1216 salaries of, term for which payable......... 1740 pay of enlisted men, who receive. ——...... — 1285 shall be deemed diplomatic officers.. ——... 1674 Certificate of Ownership, Charges on Bullion, (see Vessels.) to be covered into Treasury —-—....-..-....-. 3552 Certificate of Pensions, Charleston, S. C., shall be forwarded to pension-agent; notice collection district and port of entry -....... 2557 to pensioner, fees-......... —........... 4768 officers of customs in, residence of -.-.... — 2558 Certificate of Record of Vessels, transportation in bond extended to.-....... 2997 (see Vessels.) assistant treasurer at, appointment, &c., Certificate of Registry of Vessels, of..............................3595-3597 (see Vessels.) clerks, &c., in office of...-....-.... —-----—. 3608 Certificate of Salaries and Accounts, collectors, &c., shall pay public money to- 3615 for traveling-expenses of members and dele- inspectors of hulls and boilers for........... 4414 gates, effect of. ——.. ——.... —--—. 48 balances with national banks in, may be Certificates, part of reserve.-5.................. 5192 making or using, by persons not in military redemption agencies..... —----—... —-- 5195 or naval service, of false, to obtain Charlotte, N. C., approval, &c., of claim against United assay-office at, legal designation of-......... 3495 States, action for.................... — 3490 Charterer, delivery, by such persons of less money or of vessel deemed owner, when....... —-.. 4286 property, to be used in military, &c., Charts, service, than described in...-..... 3490,5438 of northwestern lakes, sale of. —-—. —---.. 226 giving unlawfully, by such persons, for pub- Chatham, Mass., lic property, to be used in military, &c., port of delivery. —....... ——.. —-.. —-—. 2527 service.-.......................3490,5438 Chatham, Conn., falsely making, altering, uttering, &c., with port of delivery........................... 2533 fraudulent intent. —-. —-.. —------- 5421 Charwoman, making or using of false, to obtain ap- in Bureau of Statistics, salary of -....-... 235 proval, &c., of claim against United Checks, States.- 5421 stamp-tax on bank -. — ------------ 3418 having in possession false, &c., with intent duplicates of lost, how procured....- -. 3646,3647 to defraud United States..-....... 5422 included by words "obligation or other seCertified Balances, curity of United States"............ 5413 to be conclusive upon executive branch of Ch f N GrovTernment — ~~- — ~ --—.~ —~..-. —-- 191 Cheese for Navy, head of Department may submit evidence to may be purchased without advertising, &c 3721 Comptroller in regard to —~.-.. —-. — 191.contracts for, may be for periods longer than Certified Checks or Drafts, one ear372 shall accompany certain bids for mail-con- may be in such manner and with such restrictions as Secretary deems proper.. 3726 tracts, as guarantee..-.....-..-..... 3953 Certifying Checks, Chelsea, Mass., penalty for, where deposit is not sufficient.. 5208 to be part of port of entry of Boston........ 2527 Ceylon, inspector of customs for................... 2529 consul at, salary of.. —..... —.-... —-. —.. 1690 Chemical Preparations, Chambers, (see Medicines and Medicinal Preparations.) what orders, &c., may be made in, by district Chemnitz, judge, in admiralty and equity causes- 574 consul at, salary of....-... —-.....-..-. —. 1690 Champagne, Cherokees of North Carolina, wines made in imitation thereof............ 3328 payment of interest to.-.............. —.. 3689 INDEX. 25 Section. ISection. Cheroots, Chief Signal-Officer, held to be cigars.. —... —-... —.. —------- 3387 of Army... -......................... 109 inspection of, and tax on.3-3.........3394, 3396 authority of, to sell surplus maps and pubCherrystone, Va., lications of Signal-Office...-......... —. 227 collection-district and port of entry.......-. 2552 Chief Supervisor of Elections, collector to reside at.-..................... 2553 circuit-court commissioner to be appointed Chesapeake City, Md., as.................................. 2025 deputy collector of customs to reside at.... 2549 (see Elections.) enrollment and license of vessels by ---- 4343 Chief Trumpeter, Chester, Pa., for regiment of cavalry. —-................. 1102 port of delivery...-........................ 2543 Children, inspector of customs to reside at, powers of- 2544 of colored soldiers, who deemed to be..-..... 2037 Chicago, Ill., when half-pay allowed to, of officer, private, collection-district and port of entry-........ 2601 &c., in militia, dying in United States collector and appraiser to reside at-....... —- 2602 service, &c --—..... —..-..-..-.. —------- 1656 additional inspectors for district of-......... 2605 when to have pensions, term of. ——.. —-—. 4702 weighers, gaugers, measurers, and inspectors increase of pension on account of..-........ 4703 for.-.... ——. ——. ——.. —-—... —-—. 2606 pension to, when abandoned by mother, &c. 4706 transportation in bond extended to-......... 2997 limitation as to commencement of pension assistant treasurer at, appointment, &e., not to apply to —.....-. —-—. ——.-. 4709 of. —-...-... —---------—.. —-—......3595-3597 when pension of, to begin.. —-.. —--—..4709,4710 clerks. &c., in office of... —.-.-. ——.. — 3611 of persons in late rebellion not to receive appropriation for payment of coin, &c., de- pensions............................ 4716 stroyed at-........................... 3689 when to receive accrued pension-........... 4718 appropriation for drawback on building- of pensioners may revive pension when unmaterial for, burned-................. 3689 claimed-........... — —.... —-. ——. 4719 inspectors of hulls and boilers for.......... 4414 of certain Missouri State militiamen to have their salaries —-...-...-...-. — -—... —-. —. 4414 pensions. —-------..-.-.. —-- ----—. 4722 reserve of national banks in -.. —--—. —-.. 5191 half-pay pensions to, under former acts, conbalances with banks in, may be part of re- tinued..-............................ 4725 serve -—.. —-- -—.......- --—... —. 5192 to continue until sixteen.-.... —........... 4726 redemption agencies..-.................... 5195 not to exceed what rate.-................ 4727 Chief Clerks in Departments, of naval officers, &c., to have pension...... 4729 duties of. —-.. —------—....................173,174 of soldiers, &c., of Mexican war to have (see Clerks.) pension............................ 4731 Chief Constructor, of soldiers, &c., of war of 1812 and indian Chief of Bureau of Construction and Repair, wars to have pension................ 4732 to have title of...................... 1471 on pension-rolls to have pension, &c., under Chief Coiner, pension Title..-................. —. 4733 (see Coiner.) of revolutionary soldiers not to have claim Chief Engineers, Navy, for pension allowed after April 2,1862, number and rank of-....................... 1390 when, &c-........................... 4732 relative rank of, on active list.............. 1476 Chili, pay of.-................................... 1556 salary of minister to...-..-........-...... 1675 Chief-Justice of United States, China, salary of.. —..-............... —---- 676 salary of minister to1675 to constitute one of board of managers of secretary and interpreter of legation to... 1680 National Home for Disabled Volunteer |interpreters at consulates in, salaries, &c., of. 1692 Soldiers-................. -.......... 4825 isubjects of, not to be transported in Amerito nominate and recommend registers in can vessels as Coolies-....... 2158-2161 bankruptcy-.....-. —-.... -. —.. —.. 4993 voluntary emigration of subjects of, not imChief Medical Purveyor, peded, (see Cooly-Trade).............. 2162 of Army, rank of -- - —.....-....... 1168 postal agents authorized in..-.............. —-. 4023 to give bonds............................. 1191 marshal for consular courts in.-.... ——. 4111 Chief Musicians, rent of prisons for American convicts in.... 4121 for regiment of artillery.................. 1099 rent of prison, &c., at Shanghai............ 4122 of cavalry-..-........... —-..-..-...-... 1102 hire of constables at other ports...-......... 4122 of infantry..... —.......-. —-. —..... 1106 wages of keepers and care of offenders in, pay and allowances of-1279 (see Consular Courts)................. 4122 Chief of Engineers, duties of.................................. 1152 duties of-.,.,,,,,,,,,.,,..,-,..,,,-.-. —-1 1152 1 Chincoteague Island, Va., to employ engineers, for surveys and im- deputy collector of customs at...-....... 2553 provements of rivers.... —............ 5253 Chin-Kiang, to furnish offices for Office of Education —... 519 consul at, salary of.-...................... 1690 employes in office of, in charge, &c.-.... —-—. 1799 Chippewa Indians of Michigan, to have charge of aqueduct and public unoccupied lands of, opened to homestead works in District of Columbia...- -.. 1800entry by certd lainds of, ope........ned.. to homeste.. 2313 no compensation for servicesifentry by certain ch e o2313 no compensation for services in charge of time, place, and manner of making entry. 2313 public buildings, &c.. —-.. ——. —. 1807 selection of homesteads for minor children apartments, stationery, &c., for...-........ 1808of how made to have supervision of old Hall of Representatives -.-.....-.. ——..-. —. —- 1814 Chose in Action, to control electrical apparatus jointly with jurisdiction of circuit courts..- - -629 Architect of Capitol................. 1817 Cienfuegos, Chief of Ordnance, consulate at, may be established; salary of (see Ordnance Department.) consul............................... 1694 4RS 26 INDEX. Section. Section. Cigar-Boxes, Cigars-Continued. fraudulently stamped, selling from, or hav- imported, to pay internal-revenue tax, in ading in possession... —-..... —-........... 3376 i dition to import duties.....-........ —--- 3402 number of cigars to be packed in........... 3392 selling imported, not packed and stamped, labels on —-—..........-.... —-.. —---—.. —---- 3393 as required by law. ——.. ——... —-. 3403 stamps on emptied, to be destroyed -....... 3406 after April 1, 1869, all, to be taken to be mandestruction of empty, upon which a cigar- ufactured or imported after July 20, stamp shall be found....-...-.. —. 3406 1868, and stamped..-..-.. —---------- 3403 giving away, accepting, selling, buying, or purchasing, &c., not branded or stamped.-.. 3404 using empty stamped. ——.. ——... —-—. 3406 buying, &c., not stamped or branded, from a Cigarette, manufacturer who has not paid special held to be cigars..-.......... -............ 3387 tax ---—.... —--—... —-. —--------- 3405 inspection of, and tax on..-.....3394, 3396 taxes on, extended to all produced within Cigar-Lights, boundaries of United States.. —........ 3448 imported, to be stamped as prescribed in penalty on manufacturer for violation of law, Schedule A.......................... 3435 where no specific penalty.-........... 3456 tax on, (see Schedule A.) Cincinnati, O., Cigar-Makers, port of delivery in district of New Orleans.. 2568 to be registered with collector... - -...-.-. 3244 surveyor and appraiser, duties of-... —. 2569 manufacturer employing unregistered; pen- weighers, gaugers, measurers, and inspectors alty................................ 3244 for.............................. 2606 collector's certificate of number of, to be em- transportation in bond extended to......... 2997 ployed by manufacturer...-......... 3387 assistant treasurer at, appointment, &c., of. -3595record of, to be kept by collector......-..- 3389 3597 Cigar-Manufacturer's Book, clerks, &c., in office of assistant treasurer at- 3612 form of entries in.......-............... 3390 inspectors of hulls and boilers for collectionCigar Stamps, district~ of..... —--.. —--.. —------ - 4414 their salaries............................ 4414 (see Stam ps for Cigars.)t-. —_- - 4414'(see Staps for Cigars.) reserve of national banks in.. —-. —-.-.-.- - 5191 Cigars, balances with banks in, may be part of repackage of, for importation, storage, and serve.-. 5192 stamping of...-............ 2804 redemption agencies....................... 5195 internal-revenue officer interested in manufacture of, penalty for............... 3168 Circt Court Commissioners penalty for manufacturing without paying (see Commissioners.) special tax.-..-... ——.. ——.... —-... —- 3242 Circuit Courts, manufacturer of, special tax on............ 3244 organization of --—......................... 607-628 definition of manufacturer.... —-. —-.. 3244 terms of, in southern district of New York, makers of, to be registered...-............. 3244 for criminal business; compensation abandoned, condemned, or forfeited, not to of judge of eastern district for holdbe sold for less than tax, but destroyed 3369 ing......-.... —.... ——. —-. —----- 613 sold or removed, not properly stamped, may clerks of, how appointed, general rule..-... 619 be assessed within two years -......- - 3371 number and appointment of, in Kentucky... 620 peddlers of.. -—...... —---—....... — 3381-3384 in western district of North Carolina..... 621 exportation of, without payment of tax -.... 33S5 in western district of Virginia.. —... —---- 622 drawback on, exported -—.. —-—. —..- 3386 in western district of Wisconsin -..... —-. 623 manufacturer's statement, bond, and certifi- deputy clerks of, how appointed....... —-.- 624 cate................................. 3?87 at what places appointed, duties and powcigarettes and cheroots held to be. ——.-. — 3387 ers of, in Indiana. —-.... —. --—.. —-..... 625 manufacturer's sign.. —... ——.. —---—. —- 3388 compensation of.. —-. ——. —-----—. ——. 626 record of manufacturers of, to be kept by commissioners of, how appointed, powers of- 627 collector internal revenue ---—. —.-. 3389 no marshal or deputy marshal to be, or exmanufactories to be numbered by collector. - 3389 ercise duties of. —-—. ——. —-.. —-—. 628 manufacturer's inventory, book, and ab- jurisdiction of. ——.. —-... —-—... —-------- 629 stract. —-.. —.. —---- ---—. 3390 removal from State court into, of personal how to be packed......................... 3392 action by alien against civil officer, sale of, at retail..-......................-.. 3392 &c., non-resident in State..-......-.. 644 label on boxes —.... ——.... ——.. ——.. —.- 3393 what final judgments or decrees of, may be tax on, to be paid by manufacturer........ 3394 reviewed, &c., by Supreme Court on stamps for..-............................. 3395 writ of error or appeal-........691-693,699 inspection of............ —. —.......... 3396 criers of, appointment and compensation -.. 715 buying, &c., on which tax has not been paid- 3397 power of, to enforce awards of foreign conpacking, in a box bearing a false, fraudulent, suls, &c., in differences between capor counterfeit stamp................. 3397 tains and crews of vessels, &c... ——. 728 removal of, without properly boxing, stamp- number of commissioners of, to be increased ing, or branding..................... 3397. for certain purposes.-.. —-.. ——. 1983 removing, &c., stamps from boxes of........ 3397 jurisdiction of, in suits for possession of office- 2010 absence of proper stamp, notice and evidence to be opened on application of citizens prior of non-payment of tax-.......... 3398 1 to elections, when -.. —-.. — 2011 manufactured on shares, commission, &c -... 3399 appointment of supervisors of elections by - -. 2011 selling, &c., without properly boxing and to be kept open until after election-.. —.... 2012 stamping................. 3400 power of judge at chambers —..-.... —.... 2012 falsely representing to have been made and appointment of chief supervisors by-.....2025 tax paid prior to July 20, 1868 -.-. —. 3401 judge of, to certify fees of chief supervisor.. 2031 imported, to be stamped and boxed, same as jurisdiction and condemnation in, of vessels domestic.. —........-..... —. —.. 3402 employed in the cooly-trade-....-.. — 159 INDEX. 27 Section. Section. Circuit Courts-Continued. Citizens of United States-Continued. admission of alien seamen to citizenship by- 2174 alien seamen may become, in what manner. 2174 (see Naturalization.) commanders and officers of vessels of United power of, to appoint, remove, and regulate States must be.................4131 shipping-commissioners. —....... —. 4501 vessels of United States must be owned by. 4131 masters of vessels to be accountable for usually residing abroad, registry of vessels effects of deceased seamen to..-...... 4540 owned by, when.................. 4133 shipping-commissioners shall pay proceeds (see Consular Courts.) of effects, &c., of deceased seamen to- 4543 Citizenship, distribution by, of proceeds of deceased sea- forfeiture of rights of, by deserters. - - -1996,1998 men's effects, &c.................... 4544 for avoiding draft -................. 1998 disposal by, of proceeds of deceased seamen's admission of alien seamen to............... 2174 effects, &c., when unclaimed......... 4545 (see Naturalization.) jurisdiction of, in penalties, &c., under certificates of, to be furnished to seamen by Title MERCHANT SEAMEN........... 4610 collectors, &c......... -. —.......... 4588 may be adjourned to another place in con- lists of, to be furnished by collectors to sequence of contagious or epidemic Secretary of Treasury -... —-... —-- 4591 disease —. —-—.. ---—. —- 4799 certain soldiers and sailors, deserters, relieved may grant injunction in case of national of disabilities from loss of -.......... 4749 banks in hands of receiver; effect of. 5237 City Point, Va., power of, to adjudge forfeiture of franchises, port of entry, to extend ~from Petersburgh &c., of national banks -....-.......- - 5239 to, &c.............................. 2552 jurisdiction in mandamus to Union Pacific Civil Engineers, Railroad Company... —.. —-—. 5262 employment of, in surveying rivers......... 5253 condemnations in, of property seized on ac- in Navy, appointment of, at navy-yards.... 1413 count of use, &c., in aid of rebel- relative rank of......................... 1478 lion...........................5309, 5311 pay of..,........................-.. 1556 Circuit Judges, Civil Office, appointment, powers, salary, and residence officers of Army on active list forbidden to of.-.. —--... —-.....-.. —-... —. 607 hold...................... 1222 duties of, in regard to importation of obscene (see Office.) articles, &c... —-..... —-.......- 2492 Civil Rights, to fix, &c., bonds of shipping-commissioners- 4502 jjurisdiction of district courts of suits for Circuit Justice or Judges, damages by conspiracy against -. —-- 5.63 when, may grant injunction or permit ap- or to redress deprivation of, under color peal in case of distress-warrant against of law, &c -........... —---.... 563 delinquent collector, &c............. 3637 duties of United States officers as to proseCirculars, cutions for crimes committed against. 1982 postage on, at free-delivery offices.. 3872 speedy arrest and examination of offenders- 1983 Circulating Notes of National Banks, United States commissioners, number of, to (see National Banks.) be increased. —--—.. —-...-. —--- 1983 Circulation, powers and duties of..-...........-. 1983 (see National Banks.) may appoint persons to execute process. -1984 Cisterns, (Distillery,) authority of persons so appointed........ 1984 receiving, to be erected by distiller......... 3267 warrants of, where to run and be executed 1984 construction and capacity of -—...-.......- 3267 fees of district attorneys, marshals, and clerks to be in charge and under. lock and seal of under title CIVIL RIGHTS.... —.. ——. 1986 gauger. —-—. —-.. —-........ ——. 3267 of persons appointed to execute process.- 1987 time and manner of drawing spirits from. - 3267 how made up and paid.........-.....- 1987 Cistern-Rooms, (Distillery,) to be recovered from defendant.-......... 1987 opening door of, or gaining access to, in ab- (see Elective Franchise and Crimes.) sence of proper officers, penalty for-.. 3268 Civil Service, Commissioner may require fastenings, &c., regulations for appointment in, and examito be put on....................-..- 3270 ners for.. —-........ —-..-.. —-.. —- 1753 Commissioner may require changes of or ad- persons honorably discharged from military ditions to -—...... ---- —. 3270 or naval service preferred for appointCitizens of United States, ment in..-..-.. ——... —.... —... 1754 final judgments or decrees in suits to redress persons in, may receive pension, &c... —-- 4724 deprivation of rights of, reviewed in Civil Surgeons, Supreme Court.....-..-..-.... 699 when biennial examinations maybe made by. 4773 dying abroad, duty.of consular officers as to may be appointed examining surgeons.. —. 4777 estate of. —.-. —-. —.. ——. —--—.. 1709 Claim-Agents, notice of death to be published, &c...-. 1710 not to have fees for application for arrears of diplomatic officers who are not, not to receive pension... —-.......... —........... 4711 compensation -.-..... —-.. —--—. —- 1744 Claimant, deserters to forfeit rights of............ 1996-1998 delivery to, of vessel, goods, &c., seized under not to build, equip, &c., vessels for transport- customs-revenue laws, &c............ 938 ing coolies —.......-. 2158 may be ordered by judge, in vacation. - 940 forfeiture of vessels belonging to, engaged delivery to, by marshal, in cases of arrest in the cooly-trade.......... — 2159 in admiralty, other than seizures for penalty for building, navigating, &c., vessels forfeiture -. —- ---- 941 of, employed in cooly-trade.-... 2160 of property seized, &c., to pay his own costs penalty of, for receiving on board or trans- before possession given, on recovering porting coolies. —-.............. 2161 judgment, &c.... —..... —.... ----.979 examination and seizure of suspected ves- prosecuting claims before Departments to sels of......................... —. 2163 take oath.......................3478, 3479 28 INDEX. Section. Section. Claims, i Clearing-House Balances, by or against United States, may be paid in certificates of deposit for to be settled and adjusted at Treasury De- United. States notes................. 5193 partment -....... —-...... -—.. 236 Clearing-House Certificates, against United States, may be part of national-bank reserve-fund. 5192 for Indian depredations.... —-—.. —--- 466 Clearances, jurisdiction of district courts of suits to blank, to be kept for sale by certain collecrecover forfeiture or damages for pre- tors of customs -.... —.-.. ——. 2648 senting, &c., false or fraudulent...... 563 Clearance of Vessels, jurisdiction of Court of Claims over.... 1059 from certain ports, laden with live-oak timreference of, to Court of Claims, by heads of ber, conditions of.-.... —.-.-. ——. 2463 Executive Depart uents.-. —.. —...- 1063 ship's papers to be returned upon...-. ——. 2790 by Secretary of Treasury, on certificate of ferry-boats not required to clear........... —-- 2792 Auditor or Comptroller. ——.. —-—. 1063 on northern, &c., frontiers.-.. —.-. ——. 3116 proceedings in cases of, referred, &c. —--- 1064 in foreign and coasting trade, departing for judgments on, how paid --—. —. —---- 1065 ports where no custom-house. —--- 3118 growing out of treaty stipulations, &c., not in foreign trade, not to be granted until withinjurisdiction of Court of Claims- 1066 mails have been received. —-. ——. 3976 commissioner, and commissions to take testi- oath as to letters required before granting-. 3987 mony concerning....-..- 1075 bound to foreign port, how granted. —-—. 4197 demand for information or papers concerning, penalty on master for departing without.... 4197 from Departments.. ——.. —. —-. —- 1076 oath by master to obtain. 4198 forfeited by fraud in proof, statement, estab- form of report and manifest to obtaini...... - 4199 lishment, or allowance of -. —------- 1086 manifests of shippers to obtain -.. —-. —-.-. 4200 new trial, on motion of United States --—. 1088 oath of master, owner, shippers, and conjudgment for, how paid..-.............. 1089 signors, before granting —....... —-. 4200 interest on judgment for -.... —.. ——. 1090 form of. —-.......... —------ 4201 interest on, before judgment. —-. —. ——. 1091 not to be granted until State inspection laws payment ofjudgment for, a full discharge, &c. 1092 complied with............ - 4202 finaljudgment on, againstclaimant,abar,&c. 1093 until mails received on board.. —---- 4203 penalty for presenting or allowing, for salary until bullion, coin, securities, &c., of Uniof civil officer suspended, &c —... 1762 ted States offered by Government remembers of Congress and public officers not ceived on board.-..... ——.. —-. 4204 to receive compensation for services not granted to vessels from certain ports relating to, before any Department or laden with live-oak timber until, &c- 4205 commission; penalty --------- 1782 not to be granted until all fees paid- -.... 4206 due colored soldiers and sailors, laws provid- rates of fees of consular and diplomatic offiing for collection and payment. ——. 2032 cers to be attached to..-.... —..-.. 4207 use of retained bounty-fund for payment of steamboat going from Lake Champlain to of certain-............ 2036 province of Quebec......-........... 4208 for Indian supplies purchased without au- of foreign vessel to be produced on entry.-.. 4209 thority not to be paid -... —-....- 2085 penalty on master failing to produce........ 4209 for property seized under customs laws, what exception as to vessels of certain nations- - 4210 to state, &c............. 3076 production of, to foreign consul to obtain transfer, &c., null and void, unless. —- 3477 papers.....-. —......-.-. —..... 4211 persons prosecutingbeforeDepartments must penalty on foreign consul delivering papers take oath -.... —-—...-........ 3478, 3479 without production of -.............. 4211 of disloyal claimants not to be paid........ 3480 licensed yachts exempt from, when......... 4214 for horses, &c., steamboats, &c., lost in mili- foreign yachts exempt from, when - 4216 tary service, provisions relating to, fees for, (see Fees).-.................- 4381,4382 3482-3487, 3489 not to be granted until master has furnished for collecting, &c., volunteers not to be paid, crew-list..-.. —.. —...-... —--- -. 4573 unless......................-...... 3489 Secretary of Treasury may refuse, to vessels knowingly making false........3490,5438 suspected to be bound for insurrectionmaking or using false receipt, voucher, &c., ary ports; attempting to depart, &c., in obtaining approval of —... —-.3490,5438 without, forfeiture.. —.... —-.. ——. 5320 conspiracy to defraud United States by ob- when bond may be taken upon, that cargo taining approval, &c.,of false -.3490,54381 shall not be used in aid of insurreccarrying away from place where kept any tion. —--.. ——...-. —.. —-- 5321 paper prepared, &c., to be used to pro- falsely making, forging, altering, &c., uttercure payment of.-.............. 5454 ing as true any false, &c............-. 5423 presenting paper so taken, &c., in order to Clerks, (Congress,) procure payment of...... — -—... 5454 of Senate and Senate committees, salaries of- 52 officer of United State,. or person connected in House, salaries of -.......-.... —. 53 with Executive Department, or either Clerkcs of Courts, House of Congress, not to act as agent, supervision of accounts of, by Attorncy-Gen&c., in prosecuting; penalty —... —- 5498 eral. ——.... —-..-... —- -. - 368 for prize share, of district courts, appointment of.......... 555 how to be made........................... 4616 number of, in western district of Arkanfor pension, sas —....- -......................... 556 evidence of injury, &c., when claim not prose- in Kentucky -..... —. —----... —---—. 557 cuted to successful issue within five iof circuit courts, how appointed, general years from time of filing-..... 4717 rule. —.619 of Indians, time for prosecuting extended.. 4721 number and appointment of, in Kentucky- 620 Clearance Fees, in western district of North Carolina........ 621 what vessels not to pay................. 2793 in western district of Virginia. —.......... 622 INDEX. 29 Section. Section. Clerks of Courts-Continued. Clerk of House of Representatives, in western district of Wisconsin --—....-... 623 salary of. —.... —-... —-....... —........, 53 of circuit and district courts, statement by, bond of...-............................... 58 to Solicitor of Treasury.... —--—... -- 797 where deposited.-........................ 59 fees.. —-...-..-.-.....-........-........- 828 to advertise for stationery.................65-68 rule as to per-diem allowance to, for at- may contract for separate parts of stationtendance, &c........................ 831 ery ---- -.- --. - -.. - -.-. - 68 semi-annual return to be made by, to At- fees of, for transcripts from journals........ 71 torney-General of fees, &c. —-...-... 833 duty of, to transmit petitions, &c., for priamount of fees retainable by -..... — -—.. 839 vate claims to Court of Claims -. —-.. 1060 in California, Oregon, and Nevada -—.. 840 printing, binding, &c., for the House done of district court, additional compensation for upon requisition of.. —.......... 37,89 services in prize-causes -. —---—. —.. 842 duty of, to select papers in certain States, in of district and circuit courts, allowance to, which laws, treaties, and advertisefor each year to be made from fees, &c., ments to be published, and to fix rates- 3823 of same year........................ 843 to notify such selection to heads of Departsurplus fees to be paid into Treasury..... 844 ments and judges —-..... —........... 3324 accounts of, examination by Attorney-Gen- Clerkcs in Post-Offices, eral -- — ~ -- -- ------ 845 allowances for...................-3859,3860,3863 to be certified by district judge, subject in railway post-offices, salaries, &c., of..... 4025 to revision, &c -—.. ——.. —..... —-- 846 Clerk's Office, fees of, in cases where United States liable, what orders, &c., may be made in, by district how to be paid -..................... 856 judge, in admiralty and equity causes. 574 in other cases, how to be recovered- -. 857 Cleveland, 0., bill of fees of, how taxed, and when in- collector and appraiser of customs --—.-... 2604 cluded in judgment...-........ 983 weighers, gaugers, measurers, and inspectors bill of costs of, how proven before taxed by for -............... —.....-.. 2606 judge or allowed by accounting-offi- transportation in bond extended to........ 2997 cers -—........ ——. -—.. —...... —. 984 inspectors of hulls and boilers for.......... 4414 fees of, in civil-rights cases.............. 1986 reserve of national banks in............... 5191 of district courts, duties in prize-cases. ——. 4644 balance with banks in, may be part of recompensation of, for such services-...... - 4644 serve....................... 5192 failure of, to deposit with Treasurer, &c., redemption agencies.... —.-... —........... 5195 money belonging to registry; conver- Clifton, sion, &c., by, of moneys belonging, &c - 5504 consul at, salary of........................ 1690 knowingly receiving from, as deposit, loan, Clippings, &c., moneys belonging to registry.... 5505 of bullion, disposal of. —..-....-.... 3540 Clerk of Court of Claims, Clippings and Cuttings, appointment and oath of —....-.,. —...-.. 1053 of tobacco, when may be sold without paysalary of... —............................... 1054 ment of tax......................... 3362 bond of................................... 1055 Clothing, power of, to disburse contingent fund; ac- Army, counts of. -—.... —.. —... —-.-.. 1056 punishment for spoiling or losing. —-...... 1342 annual report by, to Congress, of judgments; of soldiers, not to be sold, bartered, &c. 1242, 3748 decisions transmitted by, to heads of for the Army, to be prescribed by the PresiDepartments........................ 1057 dent --—.... —...... —-......... —-. 1296 Clerk of Supreme Court, not allowed to sergeants of ordnance-....... 1297 how appointed............................ 677 gratuitous issues of, to soldiers who have had Clerks of Territorial Courts, contagious diseases. ——. —-.... —. 1298 of supreme courts, how appointed, &c. ——.. 1870 deductions and allowances for overdrawn of district courts, appointment, &c., of -...... 1871 and undrawn....................... 1302 one only in each district to be entitled to balances accumulating to soldiers' credit... 1308 compensation....................... 1871 prisoner discharged from military prison to fees and costs allowed to -.................. 1883 be furnished with. -—...-.... 1355 of supreme court of Arizona, mileage of, at what, allowed in militia, when in service of adjourned terms............-... 1934 United States. —,-...... —-.-. —.... 1650 Clerks, (Custom-House,) purchases of, for Army not to exceed necessiin office of appraiser of customs at Boston.. 2530 ties of year -.... —.... —.-........ 3732 at New York. —-. --................... 2539 Navy, at Philadelphia ------- -- 2545 for students at Naval Academy............ 1527 employed by customs officers. —.......-.-. 2634 proceeds of sale of condemned, not to be covat New York............................ 2745 ered into Treasury................... 3618 Clerks in Departments, lost in Navy, appropriation for............. 3689 provisions concerning.-........... 163-176 provisions concerning contracts for........ 3718 of State -—.. —-. ——.. ——.....-.... -... 201 purchases, &c., not to exceed necessities of of War. —......-.... —-..-... —.......... 215 year........................... 3732 of Treasury............................... 235 seamen's, of Justice....-............................. 351 vessels shall carry for winter use.......... — 4572 of Post-Office.-...-...-.. —.. —........... 393 to be forfeited for desertion................ 4596 of Navy.-................................. 416 disposal of, when forfeited by desertion -... 4604 of Interior................................ 440 Coal, of Agriculture.-........... 522,523 of steam-vessels, exempt from duty-....... 2798 in General Land-Office, prohibited from being imported, where stored.................... 2958 interested in purchase of public lands- 452 Coal and Salt, in Pension-Office, may be detailed to investi- time for unlading extended to vessels laden gate frauds, &c...................474,4744 with.-..-............................. 2881 30 INDEX, Section. Section. Coal and Wood, Coasting Trade-Continued. for Government use in District of Columbia 3711- registered vessels engaged in, subject to pro3713 visions governing licensed vessels —- 4361 Coal Depots, vessels in putting into port other than destiestablishment of, for Navy..-.-... o.. -. 1552 nation, to report, &c...-.......... 4366 Coal-Heavers, penalty for not reporting, &c.. —-.. —--- 4366 pay of, in Navy, how fixed -.-... —..... —-. 1569 penalty on vessel carrying on, not enrolled additional to seamen, &c., doing duty as —.. 1570 or licensed. ——. —-.....4371.... 4371 Coal-Lands, forfeiture of, and of merchandise... —.-. 4371 who may make entry of -..,. —-. —-- - —. 2347 Coast of United States, limit of amount which individual may enter- 2347 divided into three great districts -...-... 4348 price, how regulated...- -.......... 2 —.. — 2347 Coast Survey, persons who have opened, &c., mines to have preliminarysurveys, under direction of superpreference right of entry ---- --—. —- 2348 intendent -.......... ---..... —. 4663 certain associations may enter 640 acres, President authorizedto cause survey of coasts when --—...................... - 2348 of United States to be made.... --—. 4681 Coal-Oil, to cause banks and shoals beyond twenty not to be carried on steam passenger-vessels- 4472 leagues, &c., to be examined..-....... 4682 how packed and marked for shipment...... 4475 appropriations for Coast Survey, how to be penalty for shipping contrary to law........ 4476. expended..-..-......... 4683 Coasting Districts, officers of Army and Navy employed in; decoast of United States divided into threepartmentsofwork; no extrapay..- 4684 ogreiat -.. —-.. —-- o- 4348 maps, books, apparatus, &c., belonging to Coasting Steanm- Vessels,~ ~United States; employment of astronomers, &c...................... —-—. 4685 to carry what lights-. --- —.......-.-. 4233 use. of public vessels in actual service... 4686 Coasting Trade, officers of Army and Navy to be employed in, enrolled, &c., vessels engaged in, on north- as far as practicable.- —. - - —... 4687 ern, &c., frontiers, not liable to entry- allowance for subsistence to officers and men- 4688 fees, &c. —- -.. —-.. —..... —. —...2793 sala y of superintendent................... 4689 vessels qualified to carry on the, deemed ves- report to Congress —.-.. —-............. 4690 sels of United States. —... —-. — 4131 disposal of maps and charts -.....-.. 4.... 4691 vessels, belonging to citizens, engaged in, ex- Coastwise Vessels, empt from tonnage duties —.-. —-.. 4220 provisions as to shipping-articles not to apply what vessels may engage in-..-... 4311 to.....-..... —.. ---—. 4513 enrolled and licensed vessels on northern, shipping-articles for.-.-, ——....... -—... 4520 &c., frontier may engage in. -.... ——. 4318 penalty for illegally shipping seamen...... 4521 form of enrollment for vessels engaged in 4319 Coaticook, licensed to engage in, how obtained. —...... 4320 consul at, salary of.............. 1690 bond for.-....-..-.-..-..-.-....... —.... 4320 Cobija, form of license..... - -.. —-.. —-—.. ——. 4321 consul at, salary of........................ 1690 enrollment and license of vessels for, at Jer- Cod-Fishery, sey City -.. —..-... -..-..-. 4340 form of license to carry on. —..-. —...-.. 4321 at Camden, N. J. -....-.. —-......... 4341 agreement for shares with fishermen -....-.- 4391 at Wilmington, N. C. -..... —.- 4342 penalty for violation of. - -.....-...-...- 4392 at Chesapeake City, Md.-..-............. 4343 recovery of shares of fish under -—.. —-. 4393 at ports authorized by Secretary of the vessels liable for shares, &c —........... 4393 Treasury. - -----. - --—. 4344 discharge of vessel on bond.....-... —.... 4394 at Cold Spring, Greenport, and Port Jeffer- Cohasset, Mass., son. —..................... 4345 port of delivery............................ 2527 foreign vessels not to engage in.... ——. 4347i Coin, British vessels may engage in, on Saint Law- and bullion, regulations for deposit of, in Unirence River and Great Lakes --- - 4347 ted States Treasury —-.........-. ——. 254 suspension of privilege by President ------- 4347 consular and diplomatic fees shall be colsuspension of, when export duty levied on lected in coin of United States, or its timber cut in Maine and floated to sea value in exchange. ——..... —--—.. 1746 in New Brunswick...-....-.......-. 4347 customs-duties payable in.....3009, 3473 between neighboring districts, manifests and internal-revenue returns stated in, to be repermits for -........-......... 4349 duced to 1 gal tender. -----—... —.. 3178 penalty for departing without manifest, other than standard, when receivable for &c. —........................-.. — 4350 public dues. —-— 3474 delivery of manifest before unlading.... - 4351 limit of abrasion of. —-.-..-. 3505 penalty for non-delivery............... 4352 superintendents of mints to deliver, &c... 3506 between remote districts, manifests and per- denomination,weight, and fineness 3511, 3513-3515 mits for.-.............a............ 4353 certain abraded, in Treasury to be recoined - 3512 penalty for departing without manifest, denomination, &c., of minor —... —..3 ——. 3515 &c -----—.............. —........ 4354 of denominations not authorized, not to be delivery of manifest before unlading.... 4355 issued........-.........-...-..... 3516 penalty for non-delivery.....-..-..... 4356 devices and legends on.................... 3517 between Long Island and Rhode Island, priv- silver exchangeable for gold at par --.-... 3527 ileges of vessels in...-...-....-. 4357 provisions concerning.................... 3527 between Alaska and other districts, how reg- deviations allowed in, from standard. -.3535-3537 ulated.. —,............ 4358 pieces for annual trial..............-..... 3539 masters of certain vessels engaged in, to delivery of, to superintendents. —........ 3539 carry manifests............. 4359 delivery of, to depositors -. 3544 penalty for not exhibiting, &c............ 4360 iforeign, not legal-tender in payment of debts. 3584 INDEX. 31 Section. Section. Coin-Continued. Collection Districts, (Internal Revenue)-Cont'd. of United States to be legal tender. - —.3585-3587 additional, in California.. -—..... —---—. 3141 faith of United States pledged to pay notes may be altered by the President..-....... 3141 and bonds in.........-............ 3693 when two or more are united in one........ 3142 application of, received from duties on im- collector to be appointed for each.......... 3142 ports.......-............ 3694 Collection of Abandoned Property, Secretary of Treasury may sell surplus..... 3699 contracts may be made for................. 3755 may purchase -...................... 3700 Collections, (Internal Revenue,) shipper of, to notify carrier, &c............. 4281 all to be paid daily into the Treasury....... 3210 falsely making, forging, &c., coin current in Secretary may extend time for such payUnited States. --.... —....... —. 5457 ment.. —-...... —. —--—....... 3210 knowingly passing, uttering, &c., falsely- monthly statement of, by colltctor......... 3212 made, forged, &c..................-.. 5457 Collectors of Customs, knowingly selling, bringing into United where to reside.. —-... —-... —. 2518-2604 States, or having in possession falsely- regulations for, in making quarterly returns made, forged, &c.................. 5457 to Bureau of Statistics, as to commerce falsely making, forging, &c., minor coinage and navigation.. —-....... —-.....-. 337 of United States; uttering, selling, to select homestead-lands for certain minor bringing in, &c., or having in posses- children of Ottawa and Chippewa sion such coin.... —.........-...... 5458 Indians............................. 2314 fraudulently defacing, mutilating, diminish- duties of, at certain ports respecting clearing, &c., coin current in United States - 5459 ance of vessels laden with live-oak debasement of, or making of less than lawful timber...-...........-...-..- - 2463,4205 weight or value, by employes, any coin at New York, assistant collector at Jersey struck at United States Mint -..... 5460 City, to act under.. —-............- 2535 embezzlement of, by officers, &c., at any mint to instruct, &c., assistant collector at Jersey or assay office -..-... —-.-. —-...-. 5460 City.......................... 2536 making, without authority, or passing such at Richmond, Va., may clear vessels loaded unauthorized coin...............5461,5462 at Petersburgh, in certain cases -. —. 2554 Coinage, for districts of Savannah and Brunswick, Ga., gold, silver, and minor, to be reported by mint may grant permits to unload vessels, superintendents. —.. —-............. —. 3503 appoint inspectors, &c., in both those charge, memorandum of, to depositors... —-. 3506 districts --... —.......... — ----.. — 2561 report by assayer to form basis of...-... 3523 at New Orleans, La., when to appoint temporates of. —-..-..... —.-. —-. —-. ——.. 3524 rary inspectors, number of, &c -.. —. 2576 money arising from, to be covered into may appoint head gaugers-............... 2577 Treasury.... —--............... —.. 3552 at Astoria, Oregon, duties of, in cases of vesrecoinage of certain foreign coin required-. 3566 sels bound for Portland.............. 2588 regulation and expenses of............... 3568 in cases of vessels for Astoria and Portland - 2590 Coiner, to administer oaths to special examiners of office created...-.......................... 3496 drugs, &c.. -—............-.... —. 2611 salaries. —----—..... —. —. —.... --. 3498 duties of, in districts where no examiners of to give bond.............-............... 3501 drugs provided...................... 2612 to take oath -..-..... -............... 3500 i term of office..-.................... 2613 power to nominate subordinates........... 3504 appraiser at New York to transmit certain duties of....... —-.-..............-..-. 3509 reports to.......-................. 2615 as to ingots..-....................-... 3532 oath of, before whom taken..-........... 2617 as to coins.......................... 3538 of officers of customs taken before........ 2617 as to annual trial..-................. 3539 bonds of-.............. -- 2619 as to clippings.... -............... 3540 by whom approved and where filed..... 2620 as to annual settlement.................. 3541 duties of. —.................. — --- 2621-2625 as to defacing working-dies........-... 3550 duties of, in ports where no naval officer, and at Philadelphia may strike medals -....... 3551 when naval officer is disabled....-.. 2622 Cold Spring, N. Y., where neither naval officer nor surveyor.. 2623 port of delivery.. -....................... 2535 when surveyor may be appointed by.....-. 2624 merchandise for, to be entered and duties in case of death or disability of, who to perpaid at New York.. -- 2540 form duties.................... 2625 enrollment and license of vessels by surveyor liability of estate of.................... 2625 at............................. 4345 to authorize fit persons to perform duties of Collecting Revenue from Customs, surveyor in case of disability or death- 2629 appropriation for......................... 3687 to employ deputy collectors who may act, Collecting Volunteers, &c., responsibility of ----—. —-...... 2630 claims for, not to be audited, unless........ 3489 when to authorize officer or clerk to act in Collection Districts, (Customs,) his place as disbursing agent, bond to of United States; ports and officers. —- 2517-2612 cover, &c............-... —.-.. 2631 in Maine,where no boundaries are prescribed - 2519 number and compensation of clerks of -.. 2634 vessels arriving and departing from port be- to keep posted table of fees, &c., receipts... 2635 fore making report or entry.......... 2773 to keep account of fees, &c., and make anon northern, &c., boundaries, merchandise nual returns to Commissioner.-.-.. 2639 how imported into................ 3096 personal attention, &c., of, duties of, in reentry of merchandise in, &c-............... 3097 spect to accounts. -.2.. -..-...... 2640 Collection Districts, (Internal Revenue,)accounts of, what to include and how rentwo or more States or Territories may be dered.......2639-2941,2643,2645,2647 united in one district -. —........ 3141 to render list of clerks, their duties and comto be divided by the President....-... 3141 pensation, account of stationery, officelimitation of the number of.-............. 3141 rent, &c..-.... —. —... -.-.-... - 2643 32 INDEX. Section. Section. Collectors of Customs-Continued. Collectors of Customs-Continued. of the northern, &c., frontier districts to for- storage of goods landed from vessels in disward list of employes, &c., and make tress under direction of; disposal of certain estimates....................- 2644 perishable cargo.................. 2892 books, blanks, &c., how furnished to... 2646 vessels obstructed by ice................... 2896 to render quarterly accounts of moneys col- tare on imports.. —..-..-........... 2898 lected for fines, penalties, forfeitures, delivery of goods on bond before appraisal.. 2899 rents, storage, &c., excess of $2,000 in opening package without consent of, viocertain cases to be paid into Treasury.2647 lating bond, &c................ 2899 in certain districts to keep for sale blanks.- 2648 appraisal of market value of goods in addifees of....... ——.-...... - --- ------. 2654 tions to entries... —......-...-.. —. 2900 where naval officer at same port........ 2655 to designate number of packages to be drawback fees, how shared, &c., by ----—. 2656 opened, &c., forfeiture, remission.... 2901 fees of, for entry on northern, &c., frontiers. 2658 estimating value and quantity of imports.. 2902 allowances and percentages of.............. 2659 appraisal of market value of merchandise at salaries and commissions of - -...2-647,2660-2685 time of exportation...-.. —.. ——. 2906 at Paso del Norte to pay into Treasury Secretary of Treasury to furnish, with standannual excess of $2,000.....-......... 2671 ard of sugar................. 2914 at certain other places.. —.... —-—. 2675 to examine upon oath owners, &c., as to division of commissions on death or resig- value of merchandise, and require nation of. —... —-------—. —---- 2686 production of papers; evidence to be when entitled topro-rata compensation only. 2687 retained in office of, &c............. 2922 limit to compensation of.. —. ——.... 2688 bond to produce evidence of class and value compensation exclusive of expenses of...... 2689 of merchandise.... —............ 2925 limit to emoluments of, at certain ports.... 2690 to designate bonded warehouse for merchanat other ports............2691 dise of which entry is not complete-. 2926 when fees, &c., insufficient for compensation when to order re-appraisement -.... —-—. 2929 of....................... 2692 persons appointed by, to re-appraise goods, at New York, responsible for assistant, &c.. 2694 disagreements, final decision -..... —. 2930 to direct officers of revenue-cutter service.. 2760 decisions of, as to rate of duties, fees, may employ small open boats, &c.......... 2763 charges, &c., final, unless protest and when to put in suit re-exportation, &c., appeal are made.-........2931,2932 bonds.................. 2778 re-examination of drugs, medicines, &c.... 2936 when to grant to masters of vessels depart- when analysis of imported drugs, medicines, ing for other districts copies of mani- &c., sustains examiner's report...... 2937 fests. certificates, &c........-........ 2780 at New York, how to direct appraisements.. 2939 when to take bond from agents, factors, &c., powers of, to lease or hire stores at certain for account of merchandise by owner. 2787 ports................ 2953 imperfect entry of merchandise............ 2789 when to lease stores in certain ports....... 2955 to certify separate entry of distilled spirits. 2794 use of warehouse hired by................. 2956 excess of sea-stores................... 2796 not to enter into contract for use of wareexamination of baggage, &c....-.. —- --- 2801 house before completion -. —.... —-. 2957 delivery to, of baggage in transit for foreign deposit of imported merchandise in public countries, &c....................... 2803 stores and bond for duties....-.. 2964 to administer oaths....................... 2805 charges and duties on unclaimed merchangoods intended for transportation in bond.. 2826 dise sold..........-... —-...-.. -.. 2965 to certify duplicate manifests of -.-..... 2827 deposit in bonded warehouse of importanot to permit entry of merchandise, when tions in steamers.-............ 2966 duties exceed bond...... —..... —. 2831 to sell merchandise remaining in public to take possession of merchandise when in- store beyond one year, proceedings- - 2973 voices not correct...............- 2840 to pay into Treasury overplus of sales of unwhen to certify invoices -.. —...... —-. 2852 claimed merchandise, papers transwhen to notify consular officer to transmit mitted by, to exonerate master of vescopy of invoice...-.. —......-.. — 2857 sel, &c........ —............. —.. 2974 to administer oath to officers, &c., of vessels, to sell unclaimed perishable merchandise in in case of unlading by accident, &c.. 2867 public warehouse............. 2976 to make estimate of duties, and grant permit permit for exportation, without payment of to land....... —---—.... —-... —-- 2869 duties. —....- —.. —-....... —-.. 2979 to grant license to unload at night, compen- lien for freight on merchandise in waresation for unlading................. 2871 house............................... 2981 penalty for unlawfully unlading, &c.. 2873 quarterly reports of warehoused merchan penalty for unlawfully unlading, &c... —-. 2873 disc, by... —. ——..-....-..-........ 2988 to put inspectors on board of vessels going to permit entry for warehouse and transfrom one district to another.......... 2875 portation........ -........ —---. 2990 inspectors' books to be deposited in office of. 2876 priority in time of examination of certain to take possession of merchandise not re- merchandise, &c —...-..-...-.. 2991 ported by master of vessel; delivery sureties on transportation bond, how to jusby order of......................... 2880 tify before, certificate of, as to sufto extend time for unlading of vessels laden ficiency —...-.. —-------. 2992 with salt or coal.-. ——. --. -. 2881 transfer of merchaadise for immediate transportation -........................... 2995 to compare returns of delivery of merchan- immediate-transportation merchandise, redise.. 2889 maining in warehouse more than ten vessel seeking port in distress; when to ap- days.-..;~:............ 2996 point inspector and grant permit to money paid under protest, &c., for duties, to unlade, &.................... 891be deposited................ 3010 INDEX. 33 Section. Section. Collectors of Customs-Continued. Collectors of Customs-Continued. to retain one per centum on amount of naval officer and surveyor shall examine drawbacks...... -- —. 3017 books, &c., of....................... 3650 ten per centum on amount of certain shall act as disbursing agents.............. 3657 drawbacks ---------.,, —- 3019 shall require oath as to letters before clearfees on gaugeable merchandise...... 3023 ing vessels leaving United States. - - - 3987 on weighable articles -—... —-—.. -—. 3024 shall search vessels for letters illegally conto appoint officer to inspect change from veyed............................... 3989 casks, &c., of distilled spirits and may seize such letters -.............. 3990 sugars -........ —................ — 3029 disposal of letters seized-............. 3991 when to permit merchandise entitled to de- to appoint persons to measure vessels for benture, to be changed into other register tonnage, when.............. 4148 packages.-............... 3030 for other tonnage, when................. 4154 when to appoint inspector to superintend to make and keep in books registry of vestransfer, &c............ 2031 sels.. —..........-. 4155 invoice of merchandise for drawback to be to grant certificates of registry. ——.. ——. 4155 deposited with, and preserved by, &c. 3032 to fill up, sign, and seal certificates of reginspection of merchandise entitled to draw- istry.........................-..... 4158 back, and comparison of invoices, to administer oath to owner............... 4159 &c... —---- ----------—.. —---- 3033 to issue new certificates of registry, when... 4160 to certify copy of cost of merchandise for to issue new certificate of registry to agent drawback from invoice, &c......... 3034 or attorney of owner, when.......... 4161 inspection of merchandise notified for ex- to transmit old certificate to collector who portation, permit for landing -...... 3035 granted it. —....................... 4162 refusal of, to pay debenture, suit, how to issue certificate of register to vessel sold brought.-. -- —...-. —-. —-- ---- 3039 under legal process, when. —. ——. 4164 certificate of exportation from port other to issue new certificate in place of one lost than of importation, and debenture.. 3041 or destroyed, when.-............... 4167 in case of error or fraud to refuse debenture, to issue new register where vessel sold or and represent case to Secretary of changed in form or burden........... 4170 Treasury......... —-----------—... 3042 to transmit old certificate to Register of proofs of landing abroad other than exporta- Treasury for cancellation......-. —- 4170 tion certificates... —-..-..... —- 3047 to indorse changes of masters of vessels on to pay debentures, drawbacks, &c-......... 3048 certificates of registry -. ——.. 4171 penalty for fraud or error in relation to to transmit certificates of registry delivdrawback...........-....-.... 3049,3050 ered on loss, &c., of-vessel to Register not incurred if error is accidental......... 3051 of Treasury..........-. - 4174 duplicate list and appraisement of property to cancel bond for registry on delivery of seized -—..............-.......... 3074 certificates, &c..-....... 4175 to publish notice of seizures............... 3075 to number certificates of registry, how.... 4176 bond of claimant in seizure cases.......... 3076 recording of vessels in office of...... 4180 sale of seized property, deposit of proceeds, oath of builder of vessel to obtain record- 4180 adjournments of sale............... 3077 to be recorded in books-........ - 4180 advertisement and sale of perishable articles to cause survey or measurement of vessels seized, &c........ —----—. —-—. 3080 for record............... 4181 release of seized merchandise on payment of to grant certificates of record....... 4182 appraised value.. —..........-. -. 3081 to record such certificates....... 4182 report of seizures to Solicitor of Treasury... 3083 to transmit copy to Register of Treasury - 4182 report of fines, &c., to district attorney, pen- to indorse on certificates of record change of alty for failure, &c....-. —--—. --—. 3084 master or name of vessel....... 4183 to have custody of goods seized, &c........ 3086 to record such change in record-book'... 4183 when to cause commencement of suits; re- to transmit transcript to collector granting ceipt and distribution of amount re- certificate. 4183 covered -----—..... —... ——. 3087 to transmit duplicate to Register of Treasmay examine papers, &c., seized by warrant urv-. 4183 of district judge....... ——...-. 3093 fees of, for granting certificate of registry. 4184 in northern, &c., frontier districts, manifests for indorsements on certificates..... 4184 to be delivered to..-.......... -. 3098 for taking any bond 4184 when to search certain stores, warehouses, for granting certificate of record.... 4185 &c.......-. —..-. —-. —-.. —-- 3107 for indorsements on certificate.... 4185 excess of sea-stores of vessels on northern, for taking any bond -.. —.. —-.. --... 4185 &c, frontiers.-................ 3112 license, &c., to vessels in foreign and coast- penalty upon, for making, &c., false register ing trade............................ 3115 ing trade. - -. —--------- - 3115 or record, &c-................... 4187 clearances to be indorsed on manifests of for receiving reward, &c., for registering vessels on northern, &c., frontiers... 3116 or reording 4187 to furnish registered vessels with certified bills of sale, hypothecations, mortgages, and manifests.. —-...... —.. 3126 conveyances of vessels to be recorded. 4193 exportation for drawback of distilled spirits. 3329 record of discharges of, to be kept.. —--- 4193 distilled spirits exported without payment to keep what items concerning, in books.. 4193 of tax.-.... —... —. —-. —--- 3330 to certify what items concerning, on bills, internal-revenue tax on imported tobacco &c.. ---..........-.. ——. —-- 4193 and snuff -......... —...-.. —- 3377 to keep an index of such records --... 4194 on imported cigars..-.................. 3402 index and records open to inspection -.-. 4194 public money...-..-.-.....-...-..-. —. 3639 to furnish certificates, relating to..-.-. 4194 President may increase penalty of, bonds of. 3639 fee of, for furnishing certificates.-..-..-. 4194 5 R S 34 INDEX. Section. Section. Collectors of Customs-Continued. Collectors of Customs-Continued. fee of, for furnishing certified copy of for receiving reward or gratuity for, &c... 4373 record.. -............................. 4195 advertisement of seizure of vessel........... 4379 manifests of vessels foreign-bound to be de- to post conspicuously table of fees, &c.. -- -.... 4383 livered to, by master. —-.........-.. 4197 when to act as shipping-commissioners -. -. 4503 clearance of, to be granted by, when..-... 4197 shall not grant clearance to vessels not havform of manifest to be delivered to..-.... 4199 ing shipping-commissioner's certificate manifest to be delivered to, by owners, ship- as to effects, &c., of deceased seamen.- 4539 pers, &c., of cargo................... 4200 when, shall inspect provisions, &c., on yesoath before, concerning -...... —-.-. —-,. 4200 sels.. ——... -—........................ 4565 to observe State inspection laws in granting when complaint of crew reported to be false; clearances.-.. —. —........... —-... 4202 penalty........................ 4566 duties of, in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, crew-list shall be furnished to.-........-.. 4573 and Louisiana in clearing vessels shall examine and certify crew-list, shall preladen with live oak-...... —-—..- 2463,4205 serve copy, &c....................... 4574 not to grant clearances until fees paid...... 4206 shall report to Secretary of Treasury violato annex table of consular fees to clearances tions of provisions respecting crewof registered vessels... —........... 4207 lists, &c....................... 4575 to grant clearance to vessels going from duty of, as to crew-lists of arriving vessels.. - 4576 Lake Champlain to province of Que- shall collect hospital-tax. ——.-........... 4585 bec, how. —...-..-.....-... —-- ---—. 4208 shall not grant enrollment until hospital-tax to transmit to Secretary of Treasury copies is paid.............................. 4587 of receipts by consular officers for fees shall keep register of, and give citizenship paid abroad -....... —-.. —-—.. —-. 4213 certificates to seamen.....-........... 4588 statement of all certified invoices, &c.... 4213 shall inform masters of vessels of the proviswhat statement to specify. —.............. 4213 ions of law relating to certificates of to require sail-vessels to be furnished with citizenship and impressments........ 4590 proper signal-lights -................. 4233 shall send list of certificates of citizenship, to direct inspection and report passenger- &c., to Secretary of State —.....-. —. 4591 vessels arriving from abroad. —. —--- 4264 assignment to, of superintendence of lighteffect of report as evidence when approved houses, beacons, light-ships, buoys,&c.; by... —......... —-—.- 4264 compensation........................ 4672 to make quarterly return to Secretary of two per cent. of prize-money and salvage to State of lists of passengers arriving be paid to, for privateer pension fund. 4759 from abroad...... —-.. —--------—.. 4267 shall deposit the two per cent. in Treasury.. 4760 to examine emigrant vessels on arrival..... 4272 to transmit transcripts from privateers' jourto report to Secretary of Treasury, concern- nals to Secretary of Navy............ 4763 ing.... —. —.... —.... ——. 4272 discharge of vessels in quarantine —.. —.... 4793 to furnish passports to vessels of United to designate warehouse for storage of States, departing for foreign ports. - - 4306 cargo................................ 4793 to furnish unregistered vessels, &c., letter joint custody of goods, &c -.- - -....- -. 4795 with passport....................... 4308 to grant permits for receiving merchandise to issue license for coasting trade or fishery- 4320 in such cases. —...-.-....... 4795 may enroll and license registered vessels.... 4322 to deposit moneys collected for marine-hosmay register enrolled and licensed vessels.. 4322 pital fund........................... 4803 exchange when made in another district -.. 4323 monthly returns of such collections....... 4803 to transmit surrendered enrollments, li- not to clear foreign vessel until hospitalcenses, and registers to Register of dues paid --—.... —-................ 4805 Treasury....-.. —--------—. 4323 detention of vessel built for warlike purposes, to grant new license in place of one lost or &c... —-..-.-. —....-....-.......... 5290 destroyed.-.......................... —-- 4326 in insurrectionary district, removal of custo renew licenses... ——. ——... —-.. —-—. 4326 tom-house-.. —---—.-. —-...-. —--—. 5315 to issue or renew enrollment or license of may require bond before clearing vessels, that vessel from another district........-.. 4328 cargo, &c., shall not be used in aiding to number and record licenses, how. —. —-. 4333 insurrection.. —....-............ —.. 5321 to grant registers to enrolled or licensed ves- Collectors of Internal Revenue, sels going abroad..... —-—. —. —-- 4337 appointment of ---—.. —--—...-........ 3142 where vessel is in another district —. —-. 4338 to give bond -...........-...... 3143 at Wilmington, N. C., may register, enroll, -to act as disbursing agent when so directed. 3144 and license vessels-. —---—. —----—. 4342 salary and commissions of -... —... —........ 3145 to certify manifests of vessels trading be- further allowances in certain cases.......... 3145 tween neighboring districts.....-..... 4349 commissions of,,on articles shipped in bond- 3145 permit for unlading of vessel from neighbor- annual compensation not to exceed $4,500... 3145 ing district..-....-. —.. —. —. —-—. 4351 no salary unless confirmed by Senate. ——.- 3145 to certify manifest and permit vessels to pro- adjustment of accounts of.-.-..-.-.... 3146,3147 ceed........-... —------—... —-. 4353 no payment of salary or commissions without permit for unlading of vessel from remote certificate of Commissioner -..... —-. 3147 district.... ---—.. ——. — ----------- 4355 authorized to appoint deputies, and require to certify manifest and permit vessel to bonds from them -—...-......-.. —-.. 3148 proceed..-........ —-—. —-.. 4355 responsibility for deputies...-............... 3148 of Philadelphia may grant permits for land- case of sickness, &c -—...-..... —.......... 3149 transportation of foreign merchandise. 4362 case of a vacancy in the office of... —...... 3149 of New York may grant, &c -.... —-.. —-. 4362 may designate temporary store-keeper-..... 3155 of Maryland or Virginia.....-... —.. —... 4363 to supervise duties of gaugers -.. —.. —-.... 3156 penalty for illegally enrolling or licensing duties of superintendent of export and drawvessels... —-.... —..-...-..-.. —. 4373 back to devolve upon................ 3161 INDEX. S3 Section. Section. Collectors of Internal Revenue-Continued. Collectors of Internal Revenue-Continued. may have charge of exportation and draw- to account for locks and seals.............. 3310 back.................... 3161 to send notices of distillery suspension and to administer oaths and certify papers rela- resumption to Commissioner........ 3310 tive to export and drawback......... 3162 duties as to suspension and resumption of may be suspended for fraud, &c............ 3163 work at distilleries................... 3310 to report violations of law to district attor- limitation and reduction of producing capaneys..-..-..- -.......-.. 3164 city of distillery.................... 3311 may administer oaths and take evidence —-- 3165 use of stamps for payment of tax on spirits. 3313 not to do duties of other collectors....... —. 3166 accountability for stamps for spirits........ 3314 to cause deputies to canvass districts.-.... 3172 to make monthly return of. —..... —- 3314 may summon persons to be examined rela- to return books of stubs to Commissioner... 3314 tive to returns..................... 3173 commission of one-half of one per cent. on tax may make list or return................... 3176 from spirits ——........... 3314 may allow time for return................. 3176 books of stamps, other than tax-paid, may be may enter brewery, distillery, manufactory, intrusted to gauger by.....-.... 3314 &c., in day-time.................... 3177 to collect amount due for stamps for spirits, to reduce returns to legal-tender currency. 3178 other than tax-paid.-..-....-.. 3314 to collect all taxes imposed by law-........ 3183 to sign stamp for rectified spirits-.-....... 3320 to give receipt for all sums collected....... 3183 to sign wholesale liquor-dealer's stamp..... 3321 to give demand-notice in case of neglect to to furnish stamps for exportation of spirits pay taxes within ten days......... 3184 without payment of tax.-........... 3330 if tax not paid within ten days of service permit for removal and transportation of of demand-notice, to add penalty and spirits for exportation -........... 3330 interest —....... — ---—.-......... 3184 to obliterate, &c., tax-paid stamps on conto distrain in case of non-payment... 3187, 3188 demned spirits sold.................. 3334 to make return of tax on property distrained, to keep two months' supply of stamps for on which no assessment has been made 3191 fermented liquors.-................. 3341 to pay surplus proceeds of sale under dis- to keep account of stamps sold to brewers traint into Treasury................. 3192 and permits delivered................ 3341 may sell property purchased in sales under permits for removal of fermented liquors. -. 3345 distraint -......................... 3192 stamps for malt-liquors removed......... 3345 to render account of charges incurred in such permit to brewer, in case of accident, to carry sales................................ 3192 on business elsewhere. —...........- 3350 may purchase property sold under distraint, to approve tobacco or snuff manufacturers' for United States............ 3192 bonds........-.. 3355 may retain five per cent. commission from to issue certificate to such manufacturer.. 3355 proceeds of sale under distraint..... 3193 to keep record of such manufacturers..... 3357 may seize and sell real estate.............. 3196 to number manufactories of tobacco and may seize and sell lands in any district in snuff.................. 3357 State. —-. —-. —--—.. —....... 3200 to'examine and verify tobacco manufacto keep record of sales of real estate........ 3203 turer's inventory -......-..-....... 3358 to deliver record to successor. —.. —-—. 3203 to make examination in case dealers in leafto make entry in record, of redemption of real tobacco make no statements or false estate............................... 3204 ones. —---....-................. 3359 may transmit list to district of person liable- 3209 stamps for tobacco, snuff, and cigars, sold unduty on receiving list from another district. 3209 der distraint, abandoned, condemned, to make monthly statement of collections to or forfeited, sold by order of court or Commissioner....................... 3212 Government officer.................. 3369 to render accounts as often as required... 3212 to keep supply equal to three months' sales to prosecute for recovery of sums forfeited. -3213 of tobacco and snuff stamps -.... —. 3369 failing to account.. —...................... 3217 to keep account of sales.............. 3369 proceedings against property of delinquent. 3217 to issue certificate to tobacco peddlers..... 3383 what he shall be charged with-...... —-- 3218 to issue permits for removal of tobacco, what credited with...................... 3218 snuff, and cigars for exportation...... 3385 transfer of lists and accounts of uncollected to issue certificate to cigar-manufacturer taxes to successor for collection...... 3219 of number of cigar-makers bonded... 3387 to collect tax on spirits removed without de- record of cigar-manufacturers and makers.. 3389 posit in warehouse, &c............... 3253 to examine and verify cigar-manufacturer's to retain and preserve one registry of stills, inventory.................... 3390 &c., and forward one to Commissioner. 3258 to keep two months' supply of cigar-stamps. 3395 may refuse to approve distiller's bond.-.... 3260 to keep account of sales...........-.-.. 3395 may require new bond.............. 3260 may stamp instruments issued without promay accept bond of distiller in lieu of consent per stamps.-.............. 3422 of owner of site of distillery.......... 3262 to supply deputies and others with adhesive plan of distillery, &c., how to be made... -. 3263 stamps............................ 3427 survey of distillery...... —..........-.... 3264 to render bonded account monthly......... 3444 or gauger to have charge of keys of distil- to seize property, &c., forfeited...-..... 3453 lery................................. 3267 to appraise property perishable, &c., returned to have control of distillery warehouse......- 3271 to owner on bond.................... 3459 to seize and sell merchandise not transferred seizure and sale........................... 3460 from unsafe warehouse, &c........... 3272 Colleges, to sign distillery-warehouse stamps..-..... 3287 articles imported for, free of duty -—.... 2505 delivery of spirits after withdrawal entry, alcohol may be withdrawn from bond by, and payment of tax........-.......... 3294 for scientific purposes, without payto sign tax-paid stamps.................... 3295 ment of tax-........................ 3297 36 INDEX. Section. Section. Colombia, Commercial Intercourse-Continued. salary of minister to..-............,.-. 1675 in parts of State not declared to be in inColonels, surrection........................ 5302 of artillery regiments. —-.....-.. —.... 1099 provisions relating to suspension of, in cases of cavalry regiments -...-....-.. —-. 1102 of insurrection -.. —.. -. 5303 of infantry regiments -...... -—.- -........ 1106 licenses and permits by President, with part pay of- -- -----—. —--- --—. 1261 of State in insurrection....... 5304 maximum pay of —... —. —..-...-.. —-- 1267 Commercial Information, allowance of forage to....-.. —-...-.. —- 1271 Secretary of State to publish, in newspapers. 211 Colonization Societies, consular officeis shall procure, &c -.... —. 1712 vessels of, subject to provisions relating to Commercial Paper, transportation of passengers........ 4271 national banks not limited as to certain -... 5200 Colorado Territory, Commercial Relations, number of members of council and house of consular officers shall furnish information rerepresentatives of -—....-.. —... —. 1922 specting —.......................... 1712 contingent executive expenses of, annual number of copies to be printed..... 3798 appropriation for. —-.. —...........- - 1935 Commerce Iwith Contiguous Countries, legislative expenses of, provision for....... 1939 provisions relating to.-..-.............3095-3129 penitentiary in, care and custody of.-.... 1936 Commissaries of Subsistence, maintenance of prisoners. —............. 1937 jurisdiction of Court of Claims of claim by, mileage of members of assembly-....... —-. 1942 for relief, &c....-......-..-... 1059 appointment of surveyor-general for, author- when loss of funds, &c., without fault, credit ized ---- ---—...-.........-..-..- --. 2207 to be allowed.............-.-. 1062 salary of.. —........- -..... ——. 2210 for regiments of artillery......... —....... 1099 fifty per cent. addition to certain fees of number and rank of ---....-.........-... 1140 registers and receivers in........... 2238 acting assistant, pay of.-....-............. 1261 (see Territories.) articles purchased from, on credit by offiColored Emigrants, cers -... —-—....... —-. ——.. 1299 vessels transporting, to Africa subject to by enlisted men....-.....-.. 1300 provisions as to transportation of pas- for militia called into United States service- 1647 sengers -.. —-.-.. —.. —--—...-. — 4271 Commissary-General of Subsistence, Colored Soldiers and Sailors, rank of. ——.........-...-............ 1140 bounty, prize-money, &c.. -..-. —-—. —.. 2032 President may increase, &c., bonds of -.... 3639 evidence of marriage under pension-laws -. 4705 Commissary Sergeants, Colored Soldiers, selection, duties, and pay of................ 1142 enrolled as slaves to have pension..... 4723 Commissary Stores, retained bounty-fund of...... —-.-. —-. 2035,2036 proceeds of certain sales of, not to be covered wives and children of, who deemed to be -... 2037 into Treasury -- 3618 Colors, disposal of proceeds of, sales of, to officers-. 3692 taken by Navy from enemies, disposition of- 1554 Commission to Take Testimony, regimental, how provided in militia...... 1633 power of Court of Claims to issue. —-.... 1075 Columbia Institution for Deaf and Dumb, for use in courts in foreign countries, pro(see Deaf and Dumb, Columbia Institu- ceedings in — --—. 4071 tion for.) Commissioned Officers, Columbia River, pension according to rank at time of disajurisdiction over offenses committed on -—. 1950 bility.-.... —..-..-..-..-... —-. 4696 Commandant of Cadets, Commissioner of Agriculture, (see Military Academy.) appointment and salary of..-.-. —----—.. 521 Commandant of Military Prison, to appoint chief clerk, and certain scientific (see Military Prison.) persons.. —-- -—. -.. — 523 Commanders, (Navy,) chief clerk to act in absence of-. 523 number of, on active list -—.. ——. —...- 1363 bond of.. —--------... —...... — 524 pay of.-.............. 1556 to have custody of property, records, &c., of Commanders of Vessels, Department....................... 525 to furnish collectors with copy of receipts duties of.-.. —.. —. —-—.,...-.. —-.. 526 for fees paid consuls abroad.......... 4213 what seeds, plants, &c., may be purchased CommandingQ Offcers of Navy, by.................. -....... 527 to sendhome men at expiration of enlistment- 1422 annual reports of............ 528 authorized to exercise consular powers - - 1433 shall direct expenditures for his Departof vessel taking prize, duties of.-.... —-. 4615 ment..................... 3677 to-make claim for share in prize —.. —-. 4616 Commissioner of Customs, share in prize-money of a fleet -....-..... 4631 balances certified by, in public accounts, subnot entitled in certain cases............... 4633 ject to revision only by Congress and of division of fleet ---.4-. —6 —-- 4631 courts.-....-.. —.......... 191 of single vessel -....................... 4631 appointment and salary of.-.. —-—. —. 316 Commerce, duties of. ——.... —..........-.......... 317 laws relating to, extended over Alaska.... 1954 report to Secretary of Treasury. of forms, &c- 318 Commerce and Navigation, reference of accounts to Court of Claims upon statements of condition of, by whom made, certificate of.. —.-. —....... —.-. 1063 and to whom submitted -............ 251 proceedings in such cases —-—.. —--.. — 1064 Commercial Agents, oaths of customs officers to be sent to - - - 2618 (see Consuls-General, Consuls, Conmer- to approve bonds of —.-....- -—.. 2620 cial Agents, and Consular Officers.) to report to Congress abstract of returns of. 2639 Commercial Intercourse, Commissioner of Education, when to cease between States in insurrection, appointment and salary of-.... 517 &c.; forfeitures o ~-.. —-.. 5301 I duties of. —- - —.-a —. —-..-,. a, 518 INDEX. 37 Section. Section. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, Commissioner of Internal Revenue-Continued. how appointed............................ 4395 to repay to officers moneys recovered of them qualifications............................. 4395 for official acts.... —-.. —---—. —-- 3220 salary.. -.................. —.....-.-. 4395 to compromise cases with consent of Secretary 3229 Executive Departments to aid investigations to make regulations for registry of death, of. -.......................... 4397 removal, &c., of persons having paid Commissioner of General Land-Office, special tax-............... —-.. 3241 examination of accounts of, by First Comp- to adopt hydrometers, saccharometers,weightroller.......................-... 269 ing and gauging instruments, &c. —-. 3249 appointment and salary of.-.....-..... 446 may prescribe rules for inspection, weighing, in case of vacancy or absence, how duties of, marking, and gauging spirits........ 3249 to be performed.............. 448 to assess tax on spirits removed without degeneral duties of...-............... 453 posit in warehouse. —-... —...-. 3253 to have custody of seal of office............ 454 to exempt distillers from fruits.....-... —-. 3255 to make plats of land surveyed, and to give may prescribe form of notice to be given of information to President or Congress. 455 intention to carry on business -.. —-. 3259 all returns as to lands to be made to —-. 456 may require new bond of distiller-....... 3260 to audit and settle all accounts relative to to prescribe form of distiller's bond.-.... 3260 lands, and transmit to First Comp- decision final on ppeal by distiller from coltroller.......................... 456 lector's refusal to approve bond...3260 receivers to make returns to 2245 acceptance of bonds of distiller in lieu of to send quarterly accounts-current to.. — 2245 consent of owner of site of distillery. 3262 to fix minimum price for reservations..... 2364 may prescribe manner of appraising value of to approve and order contracts for surveys.. 2398 site of distillery.............. —-- --- 3262 to fix price per mile for surveys -—....... 2400 may order resurvey of distillery.-..-..-. —. 3264 to direct manner of keeping accounts of cost to prescribe manner of constructing receivof surveys, &c., of private land-claims. 2400 ing-cisterns............ -......3267 may allow augmented rates for surveys in to provide locks and seals at expense of Oregon.2...................... 2404Unie ated S s......-.... -. 3267 in California and Washington Territory - 2405 may require any fastenings on still, tub, &c. 3270 to prescribe regulations for geodetic surveys may require changes of distilling apparatus, in Oregon and California. — —.. 2409 &c.......................3270 to make allowance for compensation for sur- to approve distillery warehouse....... —-. 3271 veying in Oregon and California.... 2411 may discontinue warehouse andrequire transComiSner of Indian iA. a8,fer of merchandise.................. 3272 Co(missioner o Indian Afairs, to prescribe manner of marking spirits re(see In~d~ians.) moved into warehouse.........-.. 3287 Commissioner of Internal Revenue, to prescribe rules, &c., for deposit of spirits appointment and salary of...........319 in warehouse....................... 3293 designation by, of chief clerk.............. 320 to prescribe form of book for store-keeper's duties of —..-...... —........ — ---—.. 321 record of distillery operations........ 3302 statement to, by district attorneys, of suits, to prescribe form of distiller's book.. —-—. 3303 &c. —-- --.-.. —.. ——.. —--..... 774 to prescribe rules, &c., in cases of involunreport to, of facts, when attorney decides tary suspension of distillery........ 3310 against prosecution for fine, &c.... 838 to prescribe means to prevent lighting of collector's bond, to prescribe amount of- —.-. 3143 fire, &c., in suspended distillery. ——. 3310 to prescribe further conditions to -...... 3143 to furnish locks and seals to collector -. —- 3310 to c.ertify to receipt of reports of collectors - - 3147 to prescribe precautions to reduce capacity to prescribe notice of appointment of deputy of distillery...................... 3311 collectors........................ 3148 to issue stamps for spirits to collectors.... 3312 to prescribe fees of tobacco and cigar in- to assess amount of stamps used other than spectors. —.. —--—. -........ —. 3151 tax-paid............................ 3314 may employ and assign agents........... 3152 to prescribe rules for restamping spirits from to determine compensation of store-keepers- 3153 which stamps have been lost or deto assign store-keepers to warehouses...... 3154 stroyed -. ——.. ——.. —----------- 3315 may transfer store-keeper..... —........ —. 3154 to prescribe form of rectifiers' and wholesale to prescribe gaugers' fees --—.......... —.. 3157 liquor-dealers' book...... —.......... 3318 may authorize officer to seize.............. 3166 to prescribe regulations for affixing, cancelto prescribe form and regulations for return ling, and covering stamps on spirits.. 3322 of taxes ---------.. —-------—. —-- 3173 to provide stamps for compound liquors, imito prescribe form of notice of taxes due -.- 3185 tation wines, &c., and prescribe manto assess tax on property distrained. —.-. 3191 ner of affixing and cancelling........ 3328 to prescribe regulations for resale of property to procure stamps for special taxes, and to purchased by collectors for United make rules relative thereto.....-..- 3328 States............................. 3192 to prescribe bonds, bills of lading, &c., for to determine fees and charges in distraint exportation of spirits without payment and seizure....-... —- -. —---- 3206 of tax, and marks for such spirits.... 3330 to have charge of real estate -..........-.. 3208 to prepare stamps and permits for fermented may sell at public vendue............. 3208 liquors............................ 3341 may release to debtor -------------—.- 3208 to allow deduction on sales of stamps to to authorize suits before commencement ---- 3214brewers 3341 to establish regulations relative to suits -....- 3215.. -. — shall certify due diligence of. collector to prescribe rules for removal of fermented First Comptroller-.38 —.-.-.... —. 3218 liquors under permit...-.... —. 3345 to remit taxes erroneously assessed and col- to prescribe manner of affixing and cancellected, &c..-............ 3220 ling such permits.-..-............ 3345 38 INDEX. Section. | Section. Commissioner of Internal Revenue-Continued. Commissioner of Patents-Continued. to prescribe rules for purchasing fermented may print copies of claims, laws, decisions, liquors by brewers................... 3349 &c., for public information. —-...... 489 for issuing permits for brewer to conduct may print, and place in State capitals, &c., business elsewhere.. —...-.. —.,. —. 3350 copies of specifications and drawings- 490 for transfer and sale of unfermented worts- 3351 may print copies of specifications, &c., for to prescribe form of tobacco or snuff manu- sale —--—.. —.. —---------—,-. 491 facturer's inventory -.. —-...-..-.... 3358 may fix price of copies of specifications and of books to be kept by such manufacturers- 3358 drawings..-...................... 493 to prescribe regulations for keeping leaf- annual reports of -—.. —-.. —-.....-....-.. 494 tobacco dealer's book... —..-....,... 3360 to have charge of collections of exploring for packing tobacco, snuff, and cigars in expeditions ---------...-...... 495 wood, metal, paper, &c... —-....... —---- 3362 Commissioner of Pensions, for sale of fine-cut shorts, refuse, sweep- appointment and salary of................. 470 ings, &c., of tobacco-.. —-....-..... — 3362 duties of.................................. 471 for using stamps for tobacco, snuff, and by whom to be performed, in case of death, cigars, condemned, forfeited, &c. ——. 3369 resignation, or absence of. -......... 472 to provide revenue stamps for tax on tobacco may appoint person to sign certificates or and snuff, and prescribe mode of affix- warrants for bounty-lands........... 473 ing and cancelling..-..... ——.. —-—.. 3369 to prescribe regulations for proving service to prescribe regulations for destruction of by claimant for bounty-lands.. —-... 2431 worthless tobacco, snuff, and cigars..- -. 3369 may prescribe additional evidence.....2432, 2435 for refunding taxes on tobacco, &c.. ——. 3379 may detail clerks to investigate frauds.. 474, 4744 to prescribe bonds, bills of lading, &c., for certificate of examining surgeons, &c., subexportation of tobacco, &c --—... --- 3385 I ject to approval of. —-—,...-.... 46981 to prescribe regulations for drawback on duty of, as to arrears. —-—' —. —.... — 4711 tobacco, &c.. —--- —. —.. —--—. 3386 may designate persons before whom declaramay prescribe form of bond to be given for tion may be made.. —...... —...-... 4714 return of goods seized -..-..... ——.. —-.. 3459 may suspend payment under special act. —- 4720 of cigar-manufacturer's inventory....... 3390 shall forward certificate to agent, notice to of book to be kept by cigar-manufacturer. 3390 pensioner, fees. —-...-......-....-.. 4768 to prepare stamps for tax on cigars --—.. —- 3395 duplicate certificate of biennial examination to prescribe rules for inspecting cigars, che- to be filed with.-..................... 4771 roots, and cigarettes, and collecting may require more frequent examinations -.. 4772 tax................................. 3396 may organize boards of examining surgeons- 4774 to prescribe form and manner of returns may require boards to make special examfrom banks, &c -. —-. ——... —.. —-- 3414 inations.-.......... ——............ 4775 to approve private dies.................... 3423 medical referee to be under direction of -...- 4776 to describe method of cancelling adhesive shall fix attorneys' fees -—.................... 4785 stamps -. —.. —.......-.-.. —-.... —. 3424 duplicate articles of agreement to be filed authorized to sell adhesive stamps and allow with, &c. ——....-. —.. —........... 4786 commission -...... —............. —- 3425 shall cause commutation for artificial limbs, may supply stamps on credit to manufac- &c., to be paid.................... 4789 turers of matches..-................- 3425 Commissioners, Diplomatic, may regulate allowance for stamps spoiled, shall be deemed diplomatic officers-........ 1674 &c................................. 3426 compensation of-.......................... 1676 may furnish stamps to officers for sale with- term for which payable....-.............. 1740 out prepayment-..................... 3427 Commissioners, District Court, may make regulations for supplying adhesive appointment of, to swear appraisers of vessels stamps.............................. 3428 or goods, seized for breaches of law-.. 570 for exportation of matches-... —-.-.... 3430 Commissioners of Circuit Courts, to assess tax on articles sold not properly how appointed, powers of.................. 627 stamped, and certify same to collector- 3437 no marshal or deputy marshal to be, or exerto prescribe regulations for ascertaining cise duties of........................ 628 drawback........................ — - 3441 may enforce awards of consuls, &c., in differwith Secretary, may change stamps, prescribe ences between captains and crews -... --- 728 instruments, &c., for attaching, pro- accounts of, to be certified by district judge- 846 tecting, and cancelling same; also, fees of.................................... 847 marks and labels.-. —..-............3445, 3446 when United States liable, how paid..... 856 to dispose of forfeited spirits. —-----—. —-- 3450 in other cases, how recovered-..-...... 857 may pay for detecting and punishing viola- taxation of witness fees in criminal case- —. 981 lations -..-...-.. —... —-... —.. ——. 3463 bill of fees of, how proven before taxed or shall estimate for expenses of collecting, &c- 3671 allowed -............................. 984 Commissioner of Patents, may administer oaths and take acknowledgappointment of..............-............ 476 meats -—.....................-..... 1778 nominations by. —...... —-..-....... —.... 476 to institute prosecutions under civil-rights salary of.................................. 477 laws.. —.............................. 1982 bond of-................................... 479 number of, may be increased-............... 1983 general duties of.. —. ——.. —.. —..... —. 481 power of, in civil-rights cases. —-............. 1983 to regulate business of Patent-Office -.... —.. 483 may appoint persons to execute process.. 1984 to have models, &c., classified and arranged- 484 powers of persons so appointed-........... 1984 may return, &c., models on rejected appli- warrants of, where to run... —-........ 1984 cations............... 485 fees of, in civil-rights cases -—..... —... 1986 may exclude patent-agents for misconduct -.. 487 fees of appointees to execute process.-....- 1987 may require papers to be printed at expense chief supervisors of election to be appointed of party filing....................... 488 from................................ 2025 INDEX. 39 Section. Section. Commissioners of Circuit Courts-Continued. Common Carrier-Continued. may summon master of vessel in cases of remedies against masters, owners, &c., for seamen's wages.. —-—... —-.. 4546 embezzlement, negligence, fraud, &c., Commissioners, Prize, reserved. —......................... 4287 (see Prize..) provisions of Title XLVIII not applicable to Commissioners, Railroad, canal-boats, &c., or vessels in river or payment of, by corporations receiving land- inland navigation................... 4289 grants or subsidies. —--—.. —.. —.. - - 5259 Common Law, Commissioners of Territorial Courts, jurisdiction of district courts of suits at, fees of.................................... 1833 brought by United States or any officer. 563 number of, may be increased, for protection remedies of, not excluded by admiralty jurisof civil rights. —----—.. —-.. —. ——. 1983 diction of district courts..-...-. —...... 563 Commissions, jurisdiction of circuit courts of suits at, of marshals of fines on militia.-............ 1660 where United States or officer is plainof registers and receivers.-..-............ 2238 tiff.-....-. —----—.... —---------- - 629 of collectors, and surveyors acting as col- Companies, Incorporated, lectors, of customs -------.2659,2663,2664, (see Incorporated Companies and Corpo2667,2675,2682,2683,2685,2720 rations.) to be accounted for. —....... —.... —-- ---.2644 Compensation, on bonded goods to be divided between for double duties or extra services --—. —-- 1764 collector resigning and his successor of marshals, for care, &c., of territorial peniwho collects them —-..-.. ——.. —---- 2686 tentiaries..-...... ——. 1893,1894 included in maximum compensation. —---- 2688 statement of, by internal-revenue officers, of naval officers of customs -............. 2704 when composed, wholly or in part, of of surveyors of customs --—.-. ——. —--- 2720 fees. ——.... ——....... —-. 3158 of collector of internal revenue.. —-.... —- 3145 estimates for, shall be founded on express to be apportioned, in case of two or more provisions of law.-.................. — 3662 in same year......... —-—... —-—. 3147 not to be paid from contingent, &c., approno payment of, without certificate of Com- priations......................... —. 3682 missioner —. —. ——. ——.. —-—. 3147 appropriation for, of employ6s in customs on distilled spirits 3314 service.....-......... ——...-... 3687 in cases of distraint.........-.............. 3193 of southern claims commission-. —-... — 3689 on adhesive stamps sold....-.............. 3425 of steamboat inspectors -.............. 3689 on stamps from private dies. ——... ——.-. 3425 of persons employed in plate and seal eninternal-revenue officers to make statement graving and printing of money in of, when required................... 3158 Treasury........................... 3689 to brewers on sales of stamps. —-...... —. 3341 of persons employed in insurrectionary amount of sales of stamps to brewers to be States, (internal-revenue) —.... ——.. 3689 included in estimating, of collector.. 3341 of Kansas military organizations......... 3689 allowance of, to marshal in the disposal of for payment of tax on salaries and... —. 3689 prize property..-.................. 4645 of California and Nevada volunteers, for to auctioneer making sale of prize prop- travelling expenses. —.. —.. —-----—. 3689 erty.-.............................- 4650 for allowance for reduction of, under eightof assignee in bankruptcy................. 5100 hour law ----—.. —-—... —.-.. —. —. 3689 (see Fees.) of persons employed in Smithsonian InstiCommissions and Inquiries, tution..-.. —...... —----- -- 3689 expenses of, to be paid only from special ap- of postmasters...-...-...... —..-.. —- 3852-3857 propriations therefor............. 3681 postal accounts to show expenditures for, of Commissions, Official, postmasters. —.. —-....... —----—.- 4049 to revenue officers, where made, &c., how of letter-carriers........................ 4049 sealed and signed. —. —. —-—..-.. — 238 of blank-agents and assistants. ——.. —-. 4049 President to deliver, after adjournment of of clerks.. —.. ——.-.. —... ——. —---—. 4049 Senate, to officers confirmed......... 1773 of marshals of consular courts. —-..-.. —.. 4111 civil, made and recorded by Secretary of for conveyance of mails by vessels to or from State; affixing of seal. —..... —-. 1794 foreign ports-........................ 4203 oCommittees Of Congres/s, of United States securities -.............. 4204 Court of Claims to have use of reports of.. 1076 in prize cases to clerk of district court- 4644 to district attorney and prize commissioner. 4646 Commodores, maximum.............................. 4647 number of, on active list..-.............. —.. 1363 of special counsel -—.... —... ——.. —--- 4648 pay of....................... 1556 of assignee in bankruptcy..-...-.-.......- 5099 Common Carrier, commissions allowed to.-.............. 5100 to carry merchandise entered for immediate (see Salaries, Fees.) transportation in bond; bond of.. —..- 2993 Company, vehicles of, not forfeited in certain cases un- term, includes what.....- 5 der customs laws.. —-.. —-------—. 3063 Complaint, non-liability for gold, bullion, jewelry, &c., for warrant of district judge, in customs on steamers...-... ——. —-—..-. —.. 4281 cases, what to set forth. —-...... —------- 3092 for loss by fire on steamers. ——.... —.... 4282 of offenses against navigation laws, how limit on liability for merchandise lost on made.-... —.................. —-4301 steamers-....... —-. —-.. -. —-- 4283 to be read to accused. —................... 4301 transfer of interest to trustees for benefit of plea or answer to....-.. —.......-. 4301 shippers --—.. ——. ——.. —---—. 4285 Compound-Interest Notes, after such transfer proceedings against legal tender for face except. —............ 3590 owner to cease.. —---—.. —.. —.. —. 4285 Compound Liquors, charterer of vessel deemed owner4...... 2 4286 tax on. —--—... —...-.............-..... 3328 40 INDEX. Section. Section. Compound-Liquor Stamps, Comptroller of Currency-Continued. (see Stamps.) may be enjoined in proceedings against Compromise, banks......................... 5237 in internal-revenue cases.................. 3229 forfeiture of franchises to be at suit of...... 5239 of claims in favor of United States......... 3469 may appoint occasional examiners, pay, &c., Coml oiof...................... 5240 Comptroller of Currency, of. to be chief officer of Currency Bureau -- 324 Comptrollers of Treasury, appointment, term of office, and salary 325 balance certified by, in public accounts, suboath and bond of. o.....3o........ 326 ject to revision only by Congress and employment of clerks by...-..........r191 eploymedings of nation by n -------------- - ej ireference of certain accounts to Court of not to be interested in national banks...... 329 reference of certain accounts to Court of seal of f of,rfice ofi.ev..idence..... 884Conct 330 Claims upon certificate of........... 1063 examination of banks of District of Colum- proceedings in such cases -—.... 1064 bia by, and report on, to-Congressu. e- 332 duty as to fines assessed against militia in of ad t......... 332o United States service........... 1660 annual report by, to Congress... 333 to certify accounts of disbursing-officers failjurisdiction of the circuit courts of all suits ing to account, and pay over balances. 3633 by national banking associations to (see First Comptroller and Second Compenjoin, &c......... —-.............. 629 troller.) proceedings by national bank to enjoin, in Concealed Debtor, what district shall be ha... 736 claims of United States against, to have pripapers sealed, &c., and copies certified, &c., ority in cases of attachment..... 3466 in office of, received in evidence. - 884 Conception, copy of articles of association of banks to articles to prevent, not to be imported.. 2491 be sent to.-...-..-..-.......... 5133 Concurrent Jurisdiction, title assumed by banks subject to approval Oregon and Washington to have,over offenses of............................... 5134 on Columbia River............ 1950 organization certificate to be sent to, &c..e.. 5135 Condemnation, banks not to begin business of banking until jurisdiction of district courts of proceedings authorized by.53 fo.............. 5136 for, in cases of capture as prize under payments of instalments on stock to be cer- Title INSURRECTION... —--.... —-. —- 563 tified to.-........................... 5140 of circuit courts............. 629 increase of stock to be valid only on his ap- proceedings of district court after appeal proval.............................. 5142 from decree of, in prize causes....... 565 decrease of stock to be approved by........ 5143 proceedings after, of vessels, &., seized oaths of directors to be sent to, &c......... 5147 under customs laws..-. —-.... 939 shall determine as to capital, surplus of cer- may be had before judge in vacation.o... 940 tain State banks, &c.; when may com- of property taken as prize, on account of use, pel bank to close.................. 5151 in aid of rebellion................... 5308 shall receipt for bonds deposited by banks.. 5162 proceedings for........... 5309,5311 shall keep a register of bonds transferred by claims of loyal creditors to be provided for. 5322 Treasurer........................... 5163 Condemned Property, shall notify banks of transfers, &c......... 5164 certain proceeds of sale of, to be deposited shall have access to books of Treasurer, &c. 5165 and covered into Treasury.n... 3618 comparison of bonds of banks with books of. 5166 certain, not to be........... 3618 collection of interest on bonds, additional disposal of proceeds of, not deposited and bonds, exchange of bonds, returning covered in. -..................... 3692 bonds on surrender of circulation, &c. 5167 horses, when to be paid for........... 3485 shall satisfy himself of correctness of organ- proceeds of sale of, to be stated in book of ization of banks, &c. ——... —.... —. 5168 estimates.......................... 3672 may permit banks to commence business.. 5169 condemned vessels, extra wages not required issuance of circulation to national banks.. 5171 for seamen discharged from.......... 4583 shall cause notes to be engraved, &c..... 5172 Confederate States, shall have custody of plates, &c...... 5173 collection of moneys, &c., due to..... 3755 annual examination of plates, &......... 5174 Confication equalization of apportionment of circulation. 5180 of property taken as prize, on account of use, removal of banks from one State to another. 5181 in aid of insurrection......... 5308 shall replace worn-out notes............... 5184. - —.. — 3 when shall issue gold-notes to banks....... 5185 poee... 39 to notify banks to make good reserve; when Congress, selection of redemption agencies; when may debates of to be printed.. 78 dtappoint fireteiver. n.o.s'.'.'.'... 5195 ooDelegates to, in Territories................ 1862 shall require banks to make good impaired engravings for documents ordered by, to be capital; proceedings on refusal. 5205 printed. 3779 list of shareholders to be sent to., -,, 5210 printing and binding for, where to be done. 3786 reports to be made to; may call for special whose requisition.... 3789 reports............................. 521135 Cousual n ir"cory, reports.t. of............... 5211 regular number of bills, &c., to be printed. 3791 dividend reports shall be sent to........... 5212 "usual number" of documents ordered by, may levy fine for failure to make reports.. - 5213 to be printed..ocra.- 3792 vote to go into liquidation shall be certified number to be printed of certain documents 3798 to.................. 52'1 of acts, resolutions, and treaties..... 3807 duty of, on failure to redeem notes.... 5226 bribery of officers of........5451 appointment of receivers,............. -..,5234 penalty on member of, for accepting bribe.- 5502 shall give notice of..... 5235 Congressional Directory, dividends to creditors of banks............ 5236 compilation of........................... 77 INDEX. 41 Section. Section. Congressional Printer, Constantinople, Congressional debates to be printed by..... 78 consul-generalat, to be secretary of legation- 1677 qualifications and election of............... 3758 salary of.............. 1690 salary and bond of..................... 3759 Constitution of United States, general duties of........-..-............. 3760 force and effect of, in Territories............ 1891 appointment of foremen of printing and Construction and Repair, binding............................. 3761 relative rank and title of Chief of Bureau - 1471 clerks............................... 3762 of retired Chief of Bureau.............. 1473 employes..-......................... 3763 Consular Agents, printing at night.................-.... 3764 (see Consuls General, Consuls, 4c.) advertisement for proposals for paper.. -—. 3767 Consular Certificate, proceedings in case of default of contractor as to prices of articles purchased for Navy for paper —.........-........ 3775,3777 on foreign stations.... —..... 3723 purchase of paper in open market.......... 3778 Consular Clerks, engravings, &c.,for maps, diagrams, &c-3779,3780 (see Consuls General, Consuls, sc.) lithographing maps for Land-Office report.- 3781 Consular Courts, to preserve samples of paper for engravings, marshals of, number and appointment of... 4111 and enforce compliance with contract, their salary and fees..................... 4111 &c....-.............................. 3782 bond of..............-.. —-........ 4113 to charge himself with and be accountable suits upon....-.... -...-........ 4114 for material...-........... 3783 production of original.... —..... —-... 4115 form and style of printing and binding, &c., fees for judicial services, tariff of........... 4120 for Departments. —..-.... —.... 3790 by and to whom payable-... —-.. —-....- 4120 copies of documents in addition to "usual proceeds, how applied.- —............. 4120 number,".................. 3796 regulation of accounts..... —............ 4120 to keep account with each Department, of prisons, allowance for expenses of —........ 4121 printing, &c., not to exceed appropri- limit to allowance for.................... 4121 ation-...................... —. 3802 number of, authorized.... —........... 4121 printing of acts, resolutions, &c., under direc- ports at which may be hired............. 4121 tion of Secretary of State.. —-. 3805,3806 limit to expenses of, at Bangkok........ 4121 extra copies of documents to private per- allowance for, at Shanghai. --—.. —.- 4122 sons -.......-.........-...... 3809 for hire of constables, &c., at other ports delivery of report of Secretary of Treasury in China. —.. —.. —..-......-. 4122 on national banks................ 3811 for rent of prison, &c., at Kanagawa- - 4123 estimates of, to Register of Treasury. ——. 3814 for constables, &c., at other ports in quarterly account to Secretary of Treasury. 3815 Japan. —--....... —-...-.... - - 4123 advances of money to..................... 3816 for court-house and jail at Jeddo... —.. 4124 settlement of accounts..-..-............-. 3817 words "minister" and "consul" to include deposit of moneys received from sales...... 3818 what officers-.................... 4130 monthly statements to, by foremen....... 3819 Consular Fees, Connecticut, (see Fees, Consular.) collection-districts, ports of entry and deliv- Consuls-General, Consuls, Consular Officers, and ery in....................... 2533 Commercial Agents, officers in............................. 2534 jurisdiction of district courts in suits against 563 Consignee, enforcement of awards of foreign, between in Alaska, bond on landing of arms, &c.... 1955 masters and crews..-....... —-. 728 of imported goods, bond for production of title includes what. —..-.. — —.. —. 1674,4130 invoice -....................... 2848 general provisions respecting ---... 1689-1739 deemed to be owner............... 3058 application of provisions of Title XVIII to-. 1689 Consignees of Vessels, appointment, salaries, and locations of...... 1690 penalty on, of vessel carrying away live-oak consuls-general may be appointed instead of orred-cedar timber fromlands reserved consuls, and consuls instead of comby United States..-............... 2462 mercial agents, and vice versa......... 1690 to cause to be indorsed on certificate of rec- not to hold two consulates... —-..........- 1691 ord change of name or master of ves- interpreters to, in China, salaries, &c., of- - 1692 sel. —.. —.......-............... 4183 at Bangkok, salary, &c., of -.... ——.. 1693 to furnish collectors copy of receipts for fees at Trinidad de Cuba may be discontinued, paid to consuls...-..,............ 4213 and appointed at Cienfuegos. —-.. —.. 1694 when may perform duties of shipping-com- territory of consulate to be defined, appointmissioners...................... 4504 ment of vice-consuls, deputies, &c., Consolidated Land Districts, salaries of....................-...... 1695 additional fees to registers and receivers of. 2239 allowances to vice-consulates, &c...-...... 1696 Consolidation, bonds of............................- 1697,1698 deposits to redeem circulation, by national certain, not to transact business, &c. -- - 1699 banks winding up for purpose of...5223 where salary exceeds $1,000, not to transact business; prohibition may be extended Conspiracy, to any consul, &c. —---—....... —- -. 1700 of revenue officer with others to defraud.... 3169 penalty for illegally transacting business, to defraud United States by false or fraudu- recovery. --—.. ——.. —... —... 1701 lent claims by persons not in military compensation where fees exceed $3,000.... 1702 or naval service, action for......... 3490 compensation of deputies, vice-consuls, &c- 1703 by any person, punishment for.......... 5438 consular clerks, appointment, &c., of....... 1704 Constables, examination and removal of.............. 1705 allowance for hire of, &c., at ports in China expenses of office-rent -.....................- 1706 and Japan —...............4122, 4123 may receive protests or declarations, copies may assist in arresting seamen deserters.. - 4599 of, to be evidence —...... —-..... 1707 6 R S 42 INDEX. Section. Section. Consuls-General, Consuls, Consular Officers, and Consuls-General, Consuls, Consular Officers, and Commercial Agents-Continued. Commercial Agents-Continued. record of seamen, vessels, &c............ —-. 1708 when not to grant certificates to invoices in estates of deceased Americans............-. 1709 customs cases.. —.. —-...... —..... 2861 shall publish, &c., notice of deaths --—. —-- 1710 to exact proof of invoice.................. 2862 shall procure and transmit commercial in- to report fraudulent verification of invoice -.. 2863 formation -.. ——.... —--—. —------.. 1712 certificate of landing of goods abroad, oath shall furnish Treasury Department with of master ------—.. — —............... 3045 prices-current.. —---... —----.. —---- 1713 fees for administering oath and granting shall not certify invoices unless, &c -------- 1715 such certificates; forfeiture for excesfee for certifying invoices, penalty for ex- sive fees. —.....-.-...- -... —-...... 3046 cessive fees -......... —. 17f6 may require mails to be carried in vessels not to grant certificate for goods from coun- bound for the United States.-.. —... 3976 tries adjacent to United States, when may pay postage on letters held in foreign they have passed a consulate after countries. —.......-......-,-,...... 4014 purchase............................ 1717 registry of vessels owned by...-... -.. 4133, 4134 shall be paid legal fees; liability of masters, when merchant-seamen shall be engaged in &c., for; papers may be retained until presence of, &c-.. —-.....-... —-.. 4517 paid. —-.-.. — —.... —-..... 1718 penalty for illegally engaging merchant-seashall not receive fees, &c., from extra wages, men where there are -..... —............ 4518 &c., of seamen -—...-.... —-—.. —. 1719 table of fees to be attached to clearances of fees from vessel making regular trips...... 1720 registered vessels..-.................. 4207 for certifying invoices in British North copy of receipts given for fees, to be furnished American provinces -............... 1721 collector on entry —....-....-........ 4213 in Canada not to collect tonnage-fees.-. 1722, 4222 duties of, in protecting vessels stranded on penalty for exacting excessive fees, recovery. 1723 foreign shores. —-----—.. ——..- 4238 penalty for failure to collect fees, remission- 1724 restriction of authority when master, shall make returns of fees -.. ——......... —. 1725 owner, or consignee present.. —-. --- 4238 shall give receipt for fees....-.............. 1726 to return papers to vessels on production of shall number and record receipts-. —...... —... 1727 clearance............................ 4309 transcript of fee-book with accounts of- ---- 1728 seamen to be engaged in presence of.. —... 4517 not mentioned in Schedules B and C, shall duty of, respecting effects, &c., of deceased account for fees..-................... 1729 seamen......-.............. 4539, 4541 shall have fees for compensation......... 1730 seamen's wages paid by direction of, to be in shall keep fee-list conspicuously posted in gold. —----- 4548 consulate..........................- 1731 shall cause survey of vessels on proper comnot mentioned in Schedules B and C, limit plaint ——....... —.....-... 4559 of fees to -......-............. 1732 approval by, of report of survey -..-.-.-.. 4560 fees in excess of $1,000 a year.............. 1733 may discharge crew with extra wages...... 4561 penalty for embezzlement by..-............ 1734 shall certify charges for survey, &c...-...... 4562 for neglect of duty —................. —. 1735 inspection of provisions, &c., on merchantto seamen-.. —-—...........-..-..-..-. 1736 vessels -—... —-.. —........-........ 4565 performance of diplomatic functions..-..... 1738 complaint found to be false; penalty-. —-.. 4566 pay when performing -—..-........ —.-.. 1739 may demand crew-list and shipping-articles- 4575 salaries of, term for which payable......... 1740 discharge of seamen by, not to forfeit bond of when absent from post, &c.........-... —. 1742 master --—. —-.. —-—. —-- -... —-.. 4576 compensation of, to be in full payment for destitute seamen, to provide for return to services, &c ---—................... 1743 United States of..................... 4577 no compensation to certain consuls-general may require masters to carry-. ——....-.. 4578 if not citizens....................... 1744 at ports where there is no consular officer- 4579 President may regulate fees and salaries.... 1745 may discharge seamen and require extra tariff of fees to be reported to Congress.... 1745 wages 4580 fees to be collected in United States coin or penalty for neglect to require such wages. - - 4581 its value in exchange-.-.... —........ 1746 extra wages on sale of vessel.......-....... 4582 to be accounted for ---...... ——. —------ 1747 when may remit..-.....-.....-... —..... 4583 stationery, &c., to be furnished to.......... 1748 how to dispose of. -. —.-.. ------—.. 4584 dying abroad, allowance to widow, &c...... 1749 shall collect hospital-tax on vessels sold.... 4586 President may make regulations, &c., gov- reclamation of deserters; discharge of deerning --—. —---------------------- 1752 serters with extra wages-....p....... 4600 in China, Japan, &c., to give certificates of voluntary emigration-,,,..,,,,..,,,,. 2162 pension declarations may be made before - 4714 what to state in certificate........... 2162 two per cent. for privateer pension fund to to be personally satisfied by evidence be- be paid to.-.. —-- -----—.. ——. —--- 4759 fore giving.......................... 2162 to be deposited in Treasury --—.. —. —... 4760 certificate on declaration of American artist penalty for falsely certifying papers —.. —-. 5442 abroad —---—...........- -—... —-- 2505 Consular Receipts, oaths to invoices...................... 2843-2845 appropriation to return to heirs proceeds of authentications by foreign.-.............. 2844 estates, &c. —..-.....,.... —... —-- 3689 fees for verification of invoices............- 2851 Consular Regulations, invoices, when to be produced to...-... 2854 President may make, shall beobeyed.. —... 1752 declaration of persons producing, and duty of-.. -. —-------—... ——..- - 2855 Consular Service, invoices of merchandise from countries ad- officers of Army and Navy forbidden to enjacent to United States..... -- 85tr.........................1223,1440 when to transmit to collector of customs Consular Territory, certified copy of invoice............. 2857 may be defined, consular agencies, &c... —-. 1695 INDEX. 43 Section. Section. Consulate, Contracts-Continued. goods having passed in adjacent countries, what advertisements for, to be made in Disafter purchase for shipment, not to be trict of Columbia.................... 3826 certified by consular officer.......1717,2861 for apparatus or buildings, &c., for lightContingent Expenses, house service............. 4665 of Senate, when paid, how moneys appropri- for materials for construction or repair of ated for, disbursed. - --. ——. —--- 56 light-houses, beacons, buoys, &c-...... 4666 of Senate and House, restrictions on use of for erection of light-houses-........ 4667 appropriations for................... 3680 knowingly making, to pay for erection, or reof pension-agents, allowances for-........... 4781 pair of public building, amount larger Contingent Funds, than appropriated -........ —-.-.-.. 5503 of Senate and House, payments from, how for carrying mail, regulated -........................ 76 advertising for bids for. ——... —-......... 3941 of House, expenses of contested elections not with railways............................. 3942 to be paid out of. —...-..........-.. 130 with steamboats, &c —... —-............... 3943 of Departments, annual report of expendi- shall be awarded to lowest bidder; except... — 3949 ture of, to contain what.,..-...-. 193 failure to enter into, proceedings on......... 3951 of Department of State, annual report of ex- certified check as guarantee of proposal-.... 3953 penditures of, to contain what-........ 209 limit of term of.. ——.. —-... —....,...-... 3956 of Mint, transfer of bullion to be paid from. - 3553 omission of route from advertisement for - -- 3957 shall not be used for compensation of clerks, change of, proceedings on................. 3958 &c......................... 3682 payment on.......... —-.................. 3959 of Departments, restriction as to use of, for additional services under. ——... —-....-.. 3960 purchases. -.-............. —......... 3683 allowance for increased expedition under - -. 3961 Continuance, deductions from pay under................ 3962 when granted in suits or criminal proceed- assignments of, void.-...................... 3963 ings under internal-revenue laws.... 3231 through foreign countries may be made, revContraband of War, ocation, indemnity -—.. ——............ 4006 for Navy, purchased without advertising, &c. 3721 to foreign countries may be made..-......... 4007 Contractors, special stipulations in... -................ 4011 for carrying mail, statement of account of, with Indians, certified by Sixth Auditor, received in (see Indian Contracts.) evidence-.-_-..-.......-...... 889 Contract Surgeons, for furnishing goods, &c., to Indians, restric- when to have pension...................... 4693 tion on payment to. —... —-.. —--- 2107 rate of total-disability pension to..-......... 4695 for carrying mail to foreign countries, may be pension to dependent relative of, when to fined, &c.. -. —.......-.. —. 4010 begin.-.............................. 4710 Contracts, Contributions, with Post-Office Department, form of.... 403 not to be required or requested of employes for carrying mail, duplicates of, to be deliv- of yards for political purposes -... —-. 1546 ered to Sixth Auditor................ 404 Convention, no person in Post-Office Department to be attempting to negotiate with Indians, except interested in. ----—. —-—.-. —. —-—. 412 for United States, penalty. ——.. —.. 2116 made by Secretaries of War, Navy, and Inte- Conversion to his own use, rior, to be filed in returns office. ——.. 512 of public moneys, by disbursing officer.....-. 5488 members of Congress and public officers ac- by person charged with safe-keeping-.... 5490 cepting consideration for procuring; what shall constitute......... —..... —...... 5496 penalty.-................. 1781 Conveyances, receiving compensation for services relat- by Indians of lands, titles, or claims to be ing to, before Department or commis- void................................. 2116 sion; penalty.-..-.......... 1782 of vessel not valid unless recorded.......... 4192 for surveys to be approved by Commissioner to be recorded by c, llectors of customs. --- 4193 General Land-Office.. —..-. —-. —. 2398 certificates discharging, to be recorded.... 4193 what instructions to be deemed a part of -... 2399 what record to be kept in books.,-......... 4193 construction of, when payable in pounds what to be certified on.... —-. —. —--—. 4193 sterling —..... —...........- 3565 fee for recording....................4193,4382 construction of, in metric equivalents of Uni- not to be recorded until acknowledged, &c. 4193 ted States weights and measures..... 3570 collectors to keep index of records of..... 4194 limit as to payments on, with United States.- 3648 index and record of, to be open to inspecnot to be made in excess of appropriations.. 3679 tion................................ 4194 for supplies, to be advertised for. ——...-.- 3709 collectors to furnish certificates relating to. 4194 of Navy Department, when reservations on, fee for furnishing such certificate ---—.. 4194 ~ may be relinquished....-............. 3730 fee for furnishing certified copy of record. 4194 not to be in excess of appropriations, except Convicts, in War and Navy Departments -... —. 3732 military prison for, established.. —...... —. 1344 for public buildings and improvements not sentenced under territorial laws, may be reto exceed appropriations - -.-........ 3733 ceived in penitentiaries.-...... —-. 1895 with United States shall not be transferred- 3737 what ones to be deposited in office of First Conviction, Comptroller ----------------------- 3743 of seamen and punishment inflicted to be enfor collection, &c., of abandoned, &c., prop-tered in log-boo....4290 erty..-.......... —..... —.......... 3755 Cooking-Range, for paper for Government Printing-Office...3767- for vessel carrying other than cabin-pas3778 sengers between Europe and United for engraving and lithographing for Govern- States.. —.. —-. —--—.. —. 4258 ment Printing-Office -............3779-3782 penalty for failure to provide............... 4259 44 INDEX. Section. 1 Section. Cooly-Trade, Corporators of Smithsonian Institution, building or equipping vessels for, prohibited. 2158 (see Smithsonian Institution.) forfeiture of vessel, &c., employed in..-. 2159 Corps of Engineers, penalty for building or fitting out, &c...... 2160 (see Engineer Corps.) penalty for receiving or transporting coolies. 2161 Corpus Christi, Tex., voluntary emigration from Oriental coun- collection district and port of entry........ 2578 tries not affected................... 2162 collector in, to reside at.................... 2579 certificate of, to be given by consular officer 2162 Corrected Proof-sheet, examination of vessel suspected........... 2163 third-class mail-matter —--................... ——. 3878 disposal of vessel found engaged in........ 2163 Costa Rica, Coosa River, Ala., minister resident at....................... 1682 tolls on................................... 5244 (see Gautemala.) Coos Bay, Oreg., Cosmetics, port of entry.. -................. 2586 manufacture of, in bonded warehouse for exCopano, Tex., portation without stamps............ —--------- 3433 port of delivery........................... 2578 imported, to be stamped................... 3435 surveyor to reside at...................... 2579 tax on, (see SCHEDULE A)................. 3437 Copartnerships, Costs, to pay but one special tax................. 3234 when United States not subject to, in suits Copies, under internal-revenue laws -----—. 969 of papers in General Land Office, duty of not allowed claimant, in cases of seizure Secretary of Interior to furnish; au- with probable cause............... —------------- 970 thentication of...................... 460 when double costs allowed defendant, in acduty of Commissioner to furnish; fees for. 461 tion against officer, &c., making seizof books, records, papers, in Executive De- ure under impost laws, &c --—. -—. 971 partments, when evidence..-... 882 of prosecution for fine or forfeiture, to be in office of Solicitor of Treasury. 883 paid by defendant when judgment in office of Comptroller of Currency. ——. 884 against him. —--............. --—. 974 of organization certificate of national bank, for other offenses not capital, to be paid at when evidence......... 885 discretion of court............ —---------—. 974 of bonds, contracts, &c., annexed to Treas- when informer is liable for defendant's costs- 975 ury transcripts, when evidence. 886 what, to be allowed on several libels against of any return in returns office of Interior vessel and cargo which might have Department, when evidence......... 888 1 been joined......-.............. 978 of postmaster's return, when evidence ----- 889 on several libels or informations against of papers in office of Sixth Auditor, when cargo, &c., seized as forfeited for same evidence..... —-—...... ——.... —-... —-. 889 cause............................... 978 of statement of postmaster or special agent, claimant of property seized, &c., to pay his that he had mailed letter of demand own costs before possession given, on to delinquent postmaster, when evi- recovering judgment, &c. —.......... ——. 979 dence.-.............. 890 only one bill of, to be paid district attorney Copper Coins, for several suits, prosecutions, &c., how redeemed................... 3529 which should be joined.-.......... 980 Copper-Nickel Coins, bill of, in favor of clerk, marshal, district how redeemed-........... 3529 attorney, or commissioner, how veriCopyright, fied and proven, before being taxed or custody, &c., of records and other things allowed............................. 984 relating to, required by law to be pre- bond for, not given when error or appeal served --. —--- 4948 taken by United States or Departgeneral duty of Librarian of Congress as to- 4948 ments 1001 fees -......-..... —------—. —-- 4958 what, payable from contingent fund of DeCordials, partment -1001 manufacture of, in bonded warehouse for ex- when single or double, may be allowed to portation without stamps.,.. 3433 I respondent in error.- --... —. 1010 Cork, what portions, in certain cases of revenue consul at, salary of. —-. —-... —-—.. 1690 seizures and sales, to be applied to Corporals, payment of.......... 3089 for battery of artillery.- ------. —------—. 1100 of internal-revenue suits, United States not troop of cavalry...........-..-.. 1103 subject to, in certain cases -—.. —. 3214 company of infantry.................... 1107 in suits for making false claims against UniCorporations, ted States ---—. ----................. 3493 included in " persons"..................... 1 in prize cases, security may be required for. 4638 proceedings by United States against debt- to be paid from proceeds of property. 4639 ors of, as garnishees.- -----..935-937 court may order payment, whel.......... 4640 no officer or agent of, to act as officer or agent when to order final payment............. 4640 of United States in transactions with payable by the United States, when.. 4640 same -------—. ----------------- 1783 in bankruptcy proceedings, justices of Sureligious, &c., in Territories, limit to power preme Court to regulate..- -.- -. 4990 of, to hold real estate................ 1890 to have priority in order for dividend.... 5101 when real estate of, forfeited. —........... 1890 to be paid in full.-..-.......................5101 fee to be paid on location of land-grants by. 2238 expenses of register to form part of...... 5125 unlawful re-issue, or uttering, as money, by Cotton, officer, agent, &c., of bills, &c., of ex- loose, not to be carried on steam passengerpired corporation created by United vessels............. 4472 States.. 5437 baled, how to be secured when so carried.-. 4472 (see Incorporated Companies.) penalty for carrying, contrary to law-... 4473 INDEX. 45 Section. Section. Cotton and Cotton Goods, Court-Houses, customs duties on..-....................... — 2504 mail shall be carried to, &c -... —-..-..... —------ 3966 thread, yarn, warps, &c... ——.. ——.. ——.. 2504 at or near Jeddo, in Japan, rent of, &c., anspool-thread-. —----—....... —----------- 2504 thorized....-.. —-..-..-...-.... 4124 cords, gimps, &c., and other manufactures of. 2504 limit to annual cost of................... 4124 of different qualities in same package, how term and renewals of lease. ——......... 4124 appraised...-.... ——...-......... ——. 2911 Court of Claims, Councils, Legislative, when evidence to be furnished to, by Departin Territories, of what numbers to consist.. 1922 ments...-.. —. —-—... —........... 188 Counsel, appeals from judgments of —.......-.... 707,708 special, to aid district attorneys. —-. ——. 363 judges of, appointment, tenure of office, oath, for Departments to be provided by Attor- salary. ——.. —-... —-—... —.. ——. 1049 ney General..-....................... 364 clerks, bailiff, and messenger of, appointment compensation of-. —-. —... ——.. ——. 365 and removal........ —..... ——. 1053 appointment, commission, oath-.-.... — 366 salaries of clerks, bailiff, and messenger.... 1054 names and compensation to be reported bond of chief clerk of..................... 1055 to Congress....-........-. 385 contingent fund of........................ 1056 in prize causes, may be employed by Secre- chief clerk of, to transmit statement of judgtary of Navy. ——.. ——.. —... —-—.. 4620 ments to Congress, and decisions to compensation to be allowed by court - - - 4648 heads of Departments, &c -........... 1057 when no allowance to be made..-....... 4648 general jurisdiction of ——.... —.. —.... —.. 1059 fees of, to be paid out of what fund.... — 4649 when and how private claims before ConCounter-Claim, gress transmitted to --—. —-... —-. 1060 jurisdiction of Court of Claims of on part of judgment of, in favor of United States, on United States -. —.. ——. —-.. —--- 1059 set-off, &c., how enforced against claimenforcement of judgments of Court of Claims ant -................................. 1061 for, in favor of United States. ——.-.. 1061 decree of, finding loss of funds, &c., by payCounterfeiting, master, &c.,to be without fault; credit wine or compound-liquor stamps.. —-..... 3328 - by accounting officer................ 1062 stamp, &c., for fermented liquors.......... 3346 reference to, by Departments, of claims and stamp from private dies......-......... 3423 accounts..-.-.. —.-. —---.. —-. —--- 1063 adhesive stamps........................... 3429 proceedings in such claims or accounts-.. 1064 "' obligation or other security of the United judgments or decrees in, how paid...... ——. 1065 States".. ------—.. —-- 5414 jurisdiction of, not to extend to claims grownote in imitation of national-bank note.-.. 5415 ing out of treaty stipulations........ 1066 certificate of entry required by customs laws- 5417 when suit pending in another court, claim bid, proposal, guarantee, official bond, pub- not to be prosecuted in.-............. 1067 lic record, &c., to defraud United nor in Supreme Court on appeal.. —-. —-- 1067 States. —-... —--—.. ——.. —--.5418,5479 aliens may prosecute claims in-.... —...-.. 1068 military bounty-land warrant, &c-... —-—. 5420 limitation on suits in -—.......-..... —.. -- 1069 deed, power of attorney, order, receipt, &c., may appoint commissioners to take testito obtain money, &c., from United mony, and to issue commissions, &c.. 1075 States.... —-—.-.-.-.-. —-.. —----- 5421 may call upon Departments for information fraudulently having in possession false deed, or papers..-....... ——.. ——. 1076 power of attorney, &c -. —.... —.-. 5422 fees of commissioners appointed by........ 1085 abstract, official copy, or certificate of regis- judgment by, of forfeiture of claim by fraud. 1086 try, or enrollment of, or license to new trial granted by..-... ——.. —. —-. 1088 vessel, passport, sea-letter, clearance, judgment in favor of claimant, how paid... - 1089 permit, debenture, &c...-.. —.-. ——. 5423 interest on —-....... —--......... —. ——. 1090 coin or bars in similitude of coin or bars to operate as a discharge, &c.. ——.......... —-. 1092 coined or stamped at United States against claimant, a bar...-... —..-.. —----- 1093 Mint or assay offices, or of foreign coin when interest before judgment allowed by- - 1091 current in United States ------—. —-. 5457 railroad company may sue in, for freight or coin in similitude of minor coinage of United transportation withheld by Secretary States 5458 of Treasury-......................... —--- 5261 County, Courts of Bankruptcy, includes what. —...... —-.... — -—. —----- 2 justices of Supreme Court to prescribe rules, County Courts; Territorial, &c., for.-.................. —-... 4990 may be held by justices of supreme court-.. 1874 (see Bankruptcy.) what cases may be tried in -....... —.. —-. 1874 Courts-Martial, (Army,) expenses, how payable-.. —.... —-... —. —.. 1874 reporter to.. —---—.. —-.. —-.. — —..-.. —---—. 1203 County Officers, Territorial, Courts-Martial, (Militia,) how appointed or elected........-.-....... 1857 how composed. —-..-....... —-—. ——. 1658 Coupon Bonds, fines against militia in United States service, provisions concerning duplicate for lost, how certified to marshals and Comp&c.. —---.-. —-—. ——.. —-—.3702,3703 troller of Treasury --—.. —-... ——. 1659 registered bonds in exchange for... —..-... 3706 Courts-Martial, (Navy,) belonging to national banks to be exchanged may inflict loss of pay-.............. —. 1624 for registered -....-.-.. --........-.. 5161 Courts of United States, Coupons, when to have exclusive jurisdiction-....... 711 imitating or printing, &c., on, to be punished- 3708 salary of judges after resigning.......... 714 on stamps for payment of tax on spirits —-- 3313 may require production of books, &c., in all unused, to remain attached to stub...... 3313 actions at law; judgment on non-conmno value when detached from stamp and stub. 3313 pliance. ——. —.. —-.-. —-.. ——. 724 included by words "obligation or other se- deposit of moneys paid into, or to officer of- 995 curity of the United States"-......... 5413 how withdrawn from deposit........... 996 46 INDEX. Section Section. Courts of United States-Continued. Crimes and Offenses-Continued. penalty on judge of, for accepting bribe -.. 5502 printing, engraving, &c., in likeness of failure of clerk, &c., of, to deposit moneys; United States obligation.....-. 5430 conversion, &c., of same. ——........ —-. 5504 bringing into United States such plate or knowingly receiving from clerk, &c., of, as engraving, &c..-.........-. 5430 deposit, loan, &c., moneys... —... —- 5505 uttering counterfeited, &c., United States Courts, Territorial, obligations............... 5431 (see Supreme, District, and Probate taking impression from implement for printCourts.) ing United States obligations........ 5432 Credit, having in possession such impression....... 5433 payment for purchases on, by Army officers- 1299 buying, selling, &c., counterfeited United by enlisted men of Army................ 1300 States obligations......-.......... 5434 not allowed to purchasers of public lands.. 2356 national-bank notes. —-.............. 5434 Creditors in Bankruptcy, personation of holder of public stocks or may require bond of assignee to United person entitled to pension, prize-moStates.-..... —-... --—..... —-- 5036 ney, &c....................... 5435 Crei, demanding public stocks, or pension, prizemaltreating of, on American vessel.. —. 5347 money, &c, under forged, &c., power Crew-Lists, of attorney -----—... —....... 5436 to be furnished by master before clearance. 4573 director or officer uttering as money bills of to be examined and certified by collector of of expired corporation.-.. —. ——.. 5437 customs...............-.........-. 4574 presenting claim against United States, rules respecting duplicate.-.......-. 4575 knowing it to be false, &c........... 5438 discharge of seamen deserters by consul, using false voucher, &c, to obtain payment, &c., to be entered on............... 4600 &c., of claim against United States -. 5438 Criers, conspiring to defraud United States by obappointment of, by circuit and district taining payment, &c., of fraudulent courts; compensation of..-.... —. 715 claim..-............... 5438 Crimes and Offenses, delivering less money or property for milijurisdiction over, of district courts...... 563 tary or naval use than described in of circuit courts....................... 629 receipt or voucher for............... 5438 courts of United States to have exclusive giving receipt or voucher, &c., for property cognizance of, against United States- 711 for military or naval use, without committed on high seas, where tried -....... 730 knowing truth thereof, and with inbegun in one district and completed in ano- tent to defraud United States........ 5438 ther, where tried and punished. —-. 731 purchasing, &c., from soldier, officer, sailor, duty'of distict attorneys to prosecute de- &c., not having right to sell, &c., linquents for —-----—..................... 771 arms, equipments, stores, &c..-..... 5438 costs, on conviction for, not capital...-. —. 974 defrauding captor, or claimant of prize, or pardon or remission of one or two punish- United States, relative to such properments. —-.................. —- 5330 ty, or to documents.. —-......... —. 5441 causing death on steamboat, &c., by negli- consul, &c., falsely certifying invoice —. 5442 gence................ 5344 concealing or destroying invoice, &c., of maltreating crew of American vessel....... 5347 goods imported, &c................. 5443 nitro-glycerine, &c., transporting in passen- officer admitting goods on payment of less ger-vessel-.....-..... —... —...... 5353 than lawful duty —-.............. 5444 without proper marks...............-. 5355 effecting entry of goods at less than true causing death by explosion of........... 5354 weight, on false classification, or on plundering vessel in distress, wrecked, &c.- 5358 payment of less than lawful duties.. 5445 forcing officer or mariner on shore, leaving rescuing property detained by revenue him in foreign port, &c............. 5363 officer............. 5446 "obligation or other security of United resisting, &c., officer of customs in making States," what included in, in Title seizures or searches.. —. —.. —--. 5447 CRIMES -..-.... —-.. —. —----—. 5413 staving, throwing overboard, &c., property, counterfeiting, altering, &c., such obliga- &c., to prevent seizure, &c......... 5447 tion or security --.. —. —-.. —-. 5414 falsely assuming to be revenue-officer and national-bank circulation-notes —.. ——. 5415 demanding or receiving money, &c., certificate of entry of goods............ 5417 as such... —.........-... 5448 bid, guarantee, official bond, &c -—.5418,5479 bribing officer of United States, &c...-. 5451 bounty-land warrant, certificate of pur- giving or offering presents to revenue officer chase, location, &c.................. 5420 by importer........-.....5452 deed, power of attorney, certificate, re- secreting, embezzling, carrying away impleceipt, &c...-..-..-.. ——. —. —--—. 5421 ment for printing United States oblihaving in possession counterfeited deed, &c., gations...-........................ 5453 with intent to defraud United States. 5422 material for such printing............... 5453 counterfeiting, altering, &c., certificate of unlawfully taking away or using, &c., paregistry, enrollment, license, passport, pers relating to claims against United sea-letter, clearance, permit, deben- States............. 5454 ture, &c., of vessel -----—. —-. 5423 unlawfully using genuine plates, &c., for counterfeiting, &c., United States coin or printing United States obligations, bars..... 5457 - 5430 nforeign coins current in United States -- - 5457 unlawfully engraving plate, &c., in likeness uttering, &c., such coins,. 5457 of plate designed for printing United having in possession, &c............... 5457 States obligations, &c-......-. ——. 5430 counterfeiting, &c., minor United States having in possession, &c., such plate..... 5430 coins................................ 5458 INDEX. 47 Section. Section. Crimes and Offenses-Continued. Crimes and Offenses-Continued. fraudulently mutilating, &c., United States only reasonable cost of subsisting prisoner, or current foreign coin...........-... 5459 to be paid by Attorney-General ---—. 5545 debasing or diminishing coins by officers of Attorney-General to prescribe regulations for Mint, using false weights, &c...-. —. 5460 marshals, &c., as to prisoners......... 5545 embezzlement of metals, coins, or medals, may designate place for imprisonment, &c., by Mint or assay officers.....-... 5460 transportation, expenses.. —... —- —. 5546 unauthorized making, or uttering of, coins to contract for subsistence, proper employas money. -. —.. —..... —-..-. —. —.. 5461 ment of prisoners. —-.... —..- 5547 of minor United States coins. ——.. —-... 5462 of juvenile offenders...-................ 5550 receiving, &c., valuable inclosure stolen court may order sentence executed in house from mail or post-office..-............- 5470 of correction or reformation.......... 5548 counterfeiting, forging, or uttering, present- juvenile offenders under sixteen years, ing false bond, bid, public record or where to be imprisoned...-..-...-.. 5549 other paper in order to defraud United to give notice to United States courts of States..-........................-..- 5479 places provided.-..... —.-. ——.. —. 5550 extortion by United States officer, under committed on Guano Islands, how cognizable color of office -....................... 5481 and punished.. —---—. —...-.. —-—. 5576 inspector of steamboats receiving illegal prosecution of, committed prior to repeal by fees................................ 5482 Revised Statutes. —-... —--—... —.. 5598 payment by disbursing officer to employe of Crisfield, Md., United States of less than lawful sum, port of entry. —............................. 2548 and requiring receipt for amount larger collector to reside at.. --—.. —-----—.. —-—. 2549 than paid........-................... 5483 Cumberland, Va., receiving money, &c., under threat of in- port of delivery..-,-........-..-.. —...-... 2552 forming, or for not informing, of vio- Currants, lation of internal-revenue law-.. —-. 5484 grown in United States, exemption from tax, pension-agent, &c., taking fee from pen- of wine, liquors, &c., ma-de from...... 3328 sioner............................... —- 5487 Currency Bureau, disbursing officer depositing public money establishment of. —-.-.- --—... —. —.- -...- 324 otherwise than authorized by law.... - 5488 rooms, furniture, &c., for............... 331 loaning public money..-................. 5488 expenses of, to be paid out of taxes on nawithdrawing from depository, or unlaw- tional-bank circulation.....-.... —... —.. 5173 fully applying public money- --—......... 5488 Cushing, Me., United States Treasurer, or depositary, fail- port of delivery.. -...-.. —.....................- 2517 ing to keep safely moneys deposited, Custom-House Dues, &c...-. —... —...-..-. —. ——. —-—. 5489 Brazilian-mail steamships exempt from - - - - 4232 loaning, using, &c., improperly depositing, duration of such exemption.............. 4232 &c., by person charged with safe-keep- Custom-Houses, ing of public moneys -, —-... —..-... 5490 samples of wool and hair to be deposited in. 2916 failure of officer, &c., having public money, when to be shipping-offices. ——........ ——. 4503 &c., to render accounts.......... —-... 5491 removal by Secretary of Treasury or First failure to deposit, &c., public moneys when Comptroller during epidemics.......-. 4797 required by head of proper Depart- by President...-.......................... 4798 ment.....-......................... 5492 by President, in insurrectionary district, application of sections 5488-5492 -........... 5493 residence of collector, &c............. 5315 transcript from Treasury, evidence of bal- Customs, ance due on trial for embezzlement - -. 5494 duty of district attorneys, as to fines, penalrefusal to pay or transfer public money ties, and forfeitures. —.... —-—.-. —- 838 when required prima-facie evidence of report by, to Secretary of Treasury, in case embezzlement, on trial..-............. 5495 of non-prosecution-. —-.. —-. ——.- 838 non-paid receipt or voucher evidence of con- Customs-Appropriations, version, &c., of public money.-,-..-. 5496 permanent....... ——...................... 3689 person not authorized receiving public (see Appropriations.) money on deposit or loan. —---—.. —- 5497 Customs-Duties, using, converting, &c., public money-....... 5497 (see Duties on Imports.) United States officer acting as agent in pros- Customs-Fees, ecuting claim against United States.. 5498 (see Fees.) United States officer accepting bribe. -. - - -. 5501 Customs Laws, penalty..-............................... 5502 (see Revenue Laws.) officer contracting beyond appropriation for Customs-Officers, erection, repair, &c., of public build- to receive no salary until they make oath ing or improvement................. 5503 that they have received no gifts, &c - - 1790 officer of United States court failing to deposit or converting money belonging in Alaika --------— 25 —----------- - 2592 to registry-... —....................-. 5504 in California..-... —....- - ---.. —-. —- - 2583 in Connecticut...............-.... —.-.. —. 2534 receiving from officer of United States court, in Delaware 2547 on loan or deposit, money belonging to in District of Columbia-. - --..-..-...-.. 2550 registry-............ —-.. —-.... —- 5505 in DiFlorida.................... 2563 expenses of transporting, and of execution of in Georgia................................ 2560 sentence upon, prisoners under United for Indiana and Illinois. —..-.-..... —.. 2602 States law, to be paid out of United in Louisiana....... -...... 2569 States Treasury...-..... —.......-.. 5536 in Maine...... —...-..... ——... —-.. ——. 2518 marshal may procure temporary jail..-..- 5537 in Maryland.-............... 2549 or make other temporary provision..-.-. 5538 in Massachusetts..........-.. —----....-.. 2529 48 INDEX. Section. Section. Customs-Offcers —Continued. Customs-Officers-Continued. in Michigan....... —.... —. —------—...... —. 2600 when to seal vessels and cars to avoid inin Minnesota-.. ——.. ——. —-...-.. —-- --- 2596 spection at first port of arrival-...... 3102 in Mississippi..... -......................... 2567 appropriation of fees paid for services of -.... 3687 in New Hampshire -........ -..-..-.. —--—. 2523 shall require oath as to letters before grantin New Jersey. —...-. —.. —-... —.. —..-. 2542 ing clearances -...-....-... —... —-—. —. 3987 in New York............................... 2536 shall search for letters illegally conveyed.. - 3989 in North Carolina.... —............. 2556 may seize, &c., such letters.-............. 3990 in Ohio..- --- -. —-—. —--—.- 2604 disposal of letters, &c., seized by.-. —.. —-. 3991 in Oregon and Washington Territory. —-..- 2587 shall aid in collection of postage, &c., on letin Pennsylvania..-.......................... 2544 ters, &c., carried in foreign vessels.. - 4015 in Rhode Island........................... 2532 to observe State inspection-laws in clearing for San Diego, Cal -....-...-....-...- 2607 vessels -—..... —-. —.. ——.. —---- 4202 in South Carolina. —..-. —-. —-—... ——.- 2558 to pay fees of marshals and witnesses in inin Texas............................... —.... 2579 vestigations by steamboat inspectors- 4451 in Vermont............................... 2526 to enforce provisions of Title REGULATION in Virginia............................ —.... 2553 OF STEAM-VESSELS. —-------------—. 4496 in Wisconsin.............................. 2598 penalty for neglect -................ ——. 4497 term of office of.........-.................. 2613 shall require certificate as to effects of deadditional oath of. —...........-.......... 2616 ceased seamen before granting clearbonds of. —.-.. —-.. — —........ ——. 2619 ance —. —---------------- 4539 by whom approved and where filed-...... 2620 two per cent. for privateer pension-fund to penalty of, may be increased by President.. 3639 be paid to-.. —..... ——.-. —.-. —-- 4759 qualifications, pay, and duties of... —.. 2613-2746 shall deposit same in Treasury... —-........ 4760 penalty for demanding or receiving exces- when appointed to carry into effect licenses, sive fees......... —.. —................. 2636 &c., relating to supplies in parts of for certifying shipment of goods for draw- State in insurrection, how compenback, &c., without inspection....... —. 2637 sated.. —-.. —-... —------.-.-.. —-. 5305 not to own vessels, &c., nor engage in impor- knowingly admitting to entry any goods, tation.................-............. 2638 &c., upon payment of less than lawful books, blanks, &c, how furnished to —...... ——.. 2646 duty 5444 to follow instructions and decisions of Secre- assaulting, resisting, &c., in execution of tary of Treasury ----—.... —...-.. —.. 2652 duty -........... 5447 subordinate offices of, may be abolished..... 2653 rescuing property seized by................- 5447 pro-rata pay for part of year's service. —.-. 2687 discharging weapon at, or using, &c., in reto administer oaths. ——..-... ——.. —...-. 2805 sisting. —---—..... ——. —-—. 5447 demand by, of manifests of vessels.......... 2811 offering present to, by person importing, &c., of vessels arriving in port of discharge... - 2812 or interested in entry of goods, &c —. 5452 neglecting to certify production of manifests, (see Revenue-Officers.) penalty —.. —-----.. —------ 2814 Customs Revenue, report by, for failure to produce manifests.. 2815 appropriation for expenses of collecting.... 3687 to board vessels at New Orleans for Natchez Cuttings of Plants, or Vicksburgh, powers and duties of.. 2832 to be third-class mail-matter..... —........- 3878 expenses of, to be paid by such vessels -.... 2833 Cuyahoga, 0., in appraisal department at New York not to collection-district.-........................ 2603 engage in mercantile business-.. —.. 2941 officers of customs in, residence of -. ——. 2604 not to contract for use of warehouse before additional inspectors for district of...... 2605 completion.. —-......... ——. —--—.- 2957 Cypress, to have charge and supervision of private consul at, salary of. —-... —-... —. —-. —-. 1690 warehouse..-..... ——. —---—. 2960 powers of, for discovery of frauds and seizure D. of merchandise relanded contrary to Dakota Territory, law. ——. —--.. —----------------- 3049 number of members of legislature..... —.... 1922 when to board vessels and make searches and contingent expenses of executive departarrests —----—.............. —---—.. —--—.. —-- -- 3059 ment of, appropriation for... —-. —.. 1935 how to obtain warrant to search dwelling- legislative expenses of, provision for.....-. 1939 house, &c..-..-.-..-.-.-3066 mileage of members of legislature of..-... 1942 whento board vessel, demand manifest, make appointment of surveyor-general for, authorsearches, &c., powers of.............. 3067 ized........................ 2207 master of vessel, obstructing, penalty, &c -... 3068 salary of................................ 2208 what to do, where articles found separate (see Territories.) from cargo.......................... 3069 Damaged Goods, when to make known character; power of, to imported, appraisers to certify rate of percentdemand assistance, &c.; refusal to as-age of; deductions, how made; proof sist, penalty................ —-. 3071 of, where lodged -... —-. —--—....... 2927 when and where to make seizures of vessels, appraisal, &c., at New York............... 2943 &c........................-. —-. 3072 Damages, when sued, &c., may give special matter in for delay, to respondent in error............ 1010 evidence under the general issue -.-. 3073 payment for, to arms, &c., in Army........ 1303 what proportion of fines, penalties, and for- to military supplies...... ——........... 1304 feitures to be distributed to.... — ---- 3090! m i les- powers and duties of, in northern, &c., fron- Damaging essel or Cargo, tier districts...-............. 3097 punishment of seamen for..-.-.-.. —- 4596 when to retain baggage, &c., from contig- Dams, uous foreign countries, and examine; may be constructed across Iowa River, in forfeiture... —-....-.... ——.-.. —-. 3101 Iowa, north of Wapello.-... —... —-. 5248 INDEX. 49 Section. Section. Danvers, Mass., Debates of Congress, port of delivery.. —-................... 2527 how to be printed -.. —................. 78 Darien, Ga., Debentures, port of delivery.. -59................ 2559 (see Drawback of Customs Duties.) deputy collector to reside at.. —... —..... 2560 Debentures and other Charges, Day's Work, appropriation for refunding.-........ 3689 of laborer, &c., to be eight hours.-....... 3738 Debentures and Drawbacks, Dead Letters, customs, appropriation for. —.. —-.... - 3689 action of Post-Office Department as to for- Debenture-Certificates, eign................................ 401 fee for, on northern, &c., frontier. ——...- 4382 containing valuables, disposition of... —. 3938 Debt, accounts to show amount derived from.... 4049 contracted by sale of articles with intent to account to show expenditures for.......... 4049 evade tax, void....-........-.. 3454 unclaimed money in, to be deposited as pos- Debtor, tal revenues.................... 4050 deceased, insufficient estate of, United States Dead-Letter Office, claims to have priority.. —-—..... 3466 valuable letters to be registered in......... 3938 surety, &c., on bond of, to United States, Deaf and Dumb, Columbia Institution for, when to have priority.. —........... 3468 corporation to have perpetual succession. 4859 Debts, Bankrupt, property of, not to be devoted to other pur- what, entitled to priority in order for divipose. —-------- -.. 4861 dend........................ 5101 real estate of, to be sold only by authority of fiduciary, or by defalcation of public officer, Congress -...................... 4861 not released by discharge-........... 5117 admission of pupils from States and Terri- (see Bankruptcy.) tories —.-................... 4865 Debts by or to United States, not to be supported by United States -... 4865 provisions concerning. —.-.-..... 3466-3494 from District of Columbia.-............ 4864 what shall be a legal tender in payment education of blind, provision for........... 4869 of.... —.. —.... —. —.3588-3590 Dealers in Cigars, Debts by United States, who have paid special tax, sales by........ 3392 payable in national-bank notes, when... 3475 Dealers in Leaf-Tobacco, in interest-bearing Treasury notes, when 3476 carrying on business without paying special in United States notes, except for duties tax -................................3242 and interest on public debt —... —-. 3588 special tax of.. —--....-............. 3244 in demand Treasury notes, under acts July definition of...................-......-. 3244 17, 1861, and February 12, 1862.-.... 3589 no exemption from special tax of, except in in Treasury notes, under acts March 3, case of farmer or planter selling, &c- 3244 1863, and June 30,1864, for face value, to sell only to certain classes of persons. —... 3244 excluding interest..................... 3590 to render statement of sales when demanded. 3359 (see Public Debt.) book to be kept by. —-..................... 3360 Debts to United States, Dealers in Liquor, who to superintend recovery of, and direct when liable as rectifiers................... 3244 suits for.-........ —...... —..... — 269 special tax on............................ 3244 to have priority.... —.... —-- -----—..-. 3466 definition of.-....................... 3244 priority of, in assigments, attachments, and purchase by, of more than 20 gallons liquor - 3319 bankruptcy.-...-.. —...... 3466 retail, doing business without paying spe- when executor, &c., liable for. —.... ——. 3467 cial tax......................... 3244 priority of surety on bond to United States, wholesale doing business, without paying who pays... —-. —. —-..-. 3468 special tax......................... 3242 compromise of.-.... —...... —.. —.....-. 3469 spirits delivered on promises of, to be gauged in what payable.................3473, 3588-3590 and stamped........................ 3321 none but standard coin receivable for, exstamp of, form of........-........... - 3321 cept................................ 3474 penalty for violations of law............. 3456 in what sums fractional currency receivable Dealers in Malt Liquors, for —. —-. —-—...., —,, —-, —. —-.. 3574 definition of. —..............,......... 3244 Deceased American Citizens, special tax of -....-,.....,............ 3244 duty of consular officers as to estate of.... 1709 payment by brewer of special tax as whole- Deceased Debtor, sale dealer -,........................ 3244 (see Debtor.) Dealers in Tobacco,Decased Seamen, penalty for carrying on business without (see Seamen.) payment of special tax.............. 3242 Deceased Soldiers, special tax of......................... 3244 (see Soldiers.) definition of-...,,,,,... 3244 Deceased Officers and Soldiers, retail, to keep a book................. 3244 (see Officers of Army and Soldiers.) entries in -..................... 3244 Decimal System, to make inventory of tobacco and snuff on of money, established...-......... 3563 hand July 20, 1868, unstamped, and Decisions of Supreme Court, monthly thereafter. ——.. —.,.. —-.. 3378 appropriation for three hundred copies.... 3689 Death, Deck-Passengers, in case of, of person having paid special tax, on river-steamers, provisions for safety and rights of representatives. —-... 3241 accommodation of......-....... 4484-4485 happening on vessel to be entered in log- penalty for failure. ——. —.. -. ——. 4486 book.................... 4290Declaratory Statement Declaratory Statement, Debasing of Coin, fee for each, filed with register and receiver at United States mints, penalty for........ 5460 of land-office...-......... —- 2238 7 R S 50 INDEX. Section. Section. Decrees, Delinquent Mail-Contractors, from what final, of circuit court, appeal al- may be fined..-.. —-...........-.. 3962 lowed to Supreme Court........... 692 Delivery, on certificate of division of opinion...... 693 of cargoes, inspector to attend to...... ——. 2877 statement of, by clerks of circuit and dis- copies of accounts of, to be returned to coltrict courts to Solicitor of Treasury - 797 lector, &c., and what to comprise.... 2888 of foreign courts as to lands claimed by or of vessel in distress not agreeing with under United States, how authenti- master's report, penalty. —-----—.-. 2893 cated and admitted in evidence.. —-- 907 from custody of customs officers, imported to include fees of officers, witnesses, &c., goods to be inspected and appraised where costs are recoverable by pre- before. —..-. —....... —-....... —. 2899 vailing party.-... —-.............. 983 of merchandise in bulk, from warehouse... 2980 Decree of Distribution, of imports for transportation, time of, penin prize cases to be made by the court -.. 4634 alty for failure. —..-..-.....-... 3001 what it shall recite. —---................. 4634 (see Unlading.) Deductions, Delivery Bond, from salaries of members and delegates in (see Bonds.) Congress.......................... 40-42 Delivery of Letters, from pay of Army officers or soldiers -. 1299-1304 from vessels in foreign trad - -.....-..- 3976 of 7j per cent. on stamps for fermented liquors 3341 from steamboats. —..-........-.... 3977 from bullion to be covered into Treasury -. 3552 Demand Notes, from wages of seamen, enforcement of -... 4603 customs duties may be paid in....3009, 3473 table of..... —.. —.................. 4612 legal tender to what extent............... 3569 Deed, Demand Notice, of real estate sold for internal-revenue for internal-revenue taxes —.. —.-. —.3184, 3185 taxes.. —..-............ 3198,3199 Demerara, given by marshal on sale of real estate of consul, salary of.......................... 1690 delinquent internal-revenue collector- 3217 Denmark, falsely making, altering, forging, &c., with salary of minister to...................... 1675 intent to defraud United States; ut- Denominations, tering false as true, &c.-...... —-. 5421 of coin, depositors of bullion to receive such having false, &c., with intent to defraud as they desire. —... —----. 3544 United States --................. —-. 5422 of United States notes -..-.... — --- --—. 3571 Deer Island, Me., of fractional currency -...... —...... —..- 3573 port of delivery.................. 2517 Denver Mint, Defacing Notes and Drafts, legal designation........ —.............- 3495 of national banks, penalty -—........... 5189 business of..-...........-.... —-.. —.. — 3558 Defalcation, officers of....... ——. —...... — -----—. — 3559 of public officer, discharge in bankruptcy not to be place of deposit of public money.... 3592 to release debt created by....... 5117 Departments, Defaulter's Bid for Naval Supplies, (see Executive Departments.) may be rejected ---—. —- -—........ 3722 Department of Agriculture, Deficiencies, design and duties of....... ——... —--—.. 520 of military supplies, delinquents to be Commissioner of Agriculture, appointment charged for in Army................. 1304 and salary of................. 521 Deficiency, clerks and employes in, salaries, &c., of.... 522 assessment on distillers for................ 3309 chief clerk, appointment, salary, duties in to be a ]ien on distillery, &c.-...,.. 3309 absence of Commissioner............ 523 Definitions, bonds of Commissioner and chief clerk. —. 524 of words as used in Revised Statutes-...... 1-6 custody of property, records, &c., of -. —-. 525 of official designations of diplomatic and con- duties of Commissioner.......... —..... — 526 sular officers -......-.... — - —...- 1674 purchase and distribution of seed, &c., by. 527 of word "ton," as used in Title COLLECTION annual reports of Commissioner.........528,529 OF DUTIES.......................... 2951 expenditure of appropriations for, by whom of words "value" and "valued," as used in directed. ——........ —.......-.. - - 3677 Title COLLECTION OF DUTIES....... 2952 Department of Interior, of "minister" and "consul," in Title FOR- Secretary of Interior to be head of. —--—. 437 EIGN RELATIONS.... —-....-... —. 4130 Assistant Secretary, appointment, salary -.- 438 of "master," "vessel," "owner," in Title duties of......................... 439 MERCHANT SEAMEN. ——.. —-. —-- 4612 clerks and employ6s in.................... 440 of "obligation, or other security of United general duties of Secretary of............. 441 States," in Title CRIMES........... 5413 Secretary of, to exercise powers as to terri-.Delaware, tories, formerly exercised by Secretary collection-district of, ports of entry and de- of State.......................... 442 livery in -.. —.... —-—. —.. 2546 supervisory and appellate powers of Secrecollector in, residence of. — --—... —. 2547 tary of, as to census. —------—. —-. 443 permit for land-transportation of foreign requisitions of, to be signed by Secretary... 444 merchandise across..-.. —- -—. 4362 annual reports of Secretary of-............ 445 Delaware City, Del., provisions respecting General Land-Office 446-461 port of delivery -..-...-................ 2546 Commissioner of Indian Affairs.. —-.. 462-469 Delawares, Commissioner of Pensions............. 470-474 appointment of agent for............ 2052 Patent-Office.. —-. -.- -. 475-496 Delegates in Congress, Superintendent of public documents..497-511 salary of —.................... 35 Returns Office...-... —. —.-.. —-.512-515 right of Territories to send................ 1862 Office of Education ---..... 516-519 not to be interested in contracts.-...3739-3742 permanent appropriations for........ ——... 3689 INDEX. 51 Section. Section. Department of Justice, Department of the Navy-Continued. to furnish counsel and advice to heads of for each bureau of, to be kept separate in Departments... —-.. —----------—. 189 Treasury.................... —... —..- 3676 provisions concerning..... —.. —...-.. —-346-387 permanent appropriations for.-........ —. 3689 Attorney-General to be head of —............ —-- 346 Department, Post-Office, Solicitor-General, appointment, duties, sal- (see Post-Office Department.) ary -—................................. 347 Department of State, Assistant Attorneys-General -. —---—..-.. — 348 Secretary of State to be head of...-.... 199 solicitors, assistant solicitors, examiner of Assistant and Second Assistant Secretaries, claims.. ——... —. ——.. —--—. ——. 349 appointment and salaries of. ----—.. 200 to perform duties under control of Attor- subordinate officers in, salaries of... —..... 201 ney-General. -..-.- -...... 350 duties of Secretary of State. —-. ——.. —,202-211 chief clerk, law clerk, and examiner of ti- passport-clerk in, to administer oath without ties, disbursing clerk, &c., salaries of- 351 fee --—.. —--.. ——.. —--.... —. 212 rooms provided for —. ——. —------..-.. 352 fees for copies of records in. ——.. ——.. —. 213 seal of.. -.. —--—... —--..... — ------—.. —- 353 registration in, of names of persons in sersolicitors and officers of, to perform duties. vice of foreign ministers -.....-.... —- 4065 required by Attorney-General. ——.. —- 360 Secretary to transmit names to marshal of general duty of officers of.-.....-.......... 361 District of Columbia.. —..... —-.. 4065 special counsel to be provided for Depart- Department of the Treasury, ments by. —-..... — -... —-—..363-366,385 provisions concerning...-....-.-...-...-..233-345 officers of, may be sent by Attorney-General Secretary of Treasury to be head of......... 233 to any State or district, to attend to Assistant Secretaries of, appointment and suits, &c. —-... ——.....-... —-. 367 salaries........................ —-.... 234 money requisitions for, by whom signed.... 369 subordinate officers in..... —-—,-.. —----- 235 traveling expenses of officers of........... 370 claims and accounts to be! settled in........ 236 disbursement of moneys drawn for, by whom 371 fiscal year of Treasury..................... 237. suits for money due Post-Office Department, commissions of revenue officers, issued from to be under control of -...-.-....... 381 and recorded in..................... 238 power of, to direct proceedings in equity in internal-revenue accounts kept in.......... 239 cases of debts due Post-Office Depart- contingent expenses of, how allowed..-. —. 240 ment. ——....... -—.. --—.382 expenditures for furniture and repairs, how to be charged with distribution to judges, of allowed -. —......... —---------—. 241 Statutes and Reports of Supreme Court 386 temporary clerks in... —........-...-...... 242 register of distribution of Statutes and Re- officers and clerks of, restricted as to certain +ports to be kept, &c...-. ——... —- 387 okinds of business. —... ——. —.. —— 243, 244 coports Sto be kept, ----------------- 387 provisions relating to Secretary of — —.....245-267 copies of Statutes and Supreme Court Re- provisions relating to Secretary of. — 245-26 7 ports to be furnished to, for distribu- Comtrollers268-75 tion. —----------— 498 Auditors-. —-.. —-------------— 276-300 by. district.att.rnf....... sTreasurer -........ —- -----—....... —----- 301-311 statement to, by district attorneys, of suitsRegister 312-315 for moneys due Post-Office Department 775 Commissioner of Customs —. —---—. 316-318 (see Attorney-General.) of Internal Revenue —.-..-. —- 319-323 Department of the Navy, Comptroller of the Currency.. —-....- 324-333 accounts of, how to be kept. ——.. —-... ——. 283 Bureau of Statistics... ——.. —..-.. — 334-342 questions of law to be sent by, to Attorney- of the Mint -—... —..3.. ——.-. 343-345 General.. ——. —-. —.-. ——.. —---- 357 transcript from books, &c., of, made evidence Secretary of Navy, to be head of........... 415 in suits against delinquents accountclerks and employ6s in, salaries of —......... 416 able for public money -—.. —.... —--- 886 general duties of Secretary.-... —....-...- 417 in trial of indictment for embezzling public custody of books, &c., of. —-—... —... —. 418 money.....-....... ——... —-... —.. 887 bureaus in.-... — ----—. —--—. ——. —---- 419 accounts of disbursements for government of custody of books and records of bureaus -... 420 Territories to be settled at --.. —-. 1886 chiefs of bureaus in, how appointed... —.... 421 permanent appropriations for.......... —-. 3689 who eligible for office of.... —-----—.. 422-426 what binding may be done at.............. 3787 to have use of engraved plates of Wilkes's Department of War, Expedition.... —.. ——. —----------- 427 Secretary of War to be the head of -........ 214 flags captured by Navy to be collected in-.. 428 subordinate officers in. —....-......-...-.. 215 annual reports of Secretary —.. —-... ——. — 429 general duties of Secretary. —-.....-...... 216 estimates of expenses, by whom prepared.. 430 custody of books and property in.......... 217 Hydrographic Office in. ——.-.. —-. —.. —-- 431 captured flags, collection of................. 218 maps prepared at... — —...-... —.432 purchase and transportation of supplies, regumoneys from sale of.. —--—.. ——.... 433 lation of..-....... —..... —..-.. 219 pay of officer in charge of Naval Observatory 434 transportation of troops, &c., control, and meridian of Washington to be used for as- supervision of ——.... —.............. 220 tronomical purposes. ——...... — —.. 435 meteorological observations, storm-signals, meridian of Greenwich for nautical purposes. 435 provision for, by Secretary......... 221 supervision of the Nautical Almanac.......436 reports and signals for benefit of agriculture to defray expenses of revenue cutters when and commerce..-... —-.......... —.. 222 under direction of Secretary —... -— 2757 connection of signal-stations by telegraphestimates for expenditures by, in what de- lines. —-.. —----—.... —----—. —. 223 tails given; expenditures of appropri- authority to furnish duplicates of lost certifiations for, how accounted for in detail- 3666 cate of discharge................... 224 money appropriated for, how drawn..-..-.. 3673 officers detailed in, to administer oaths-..... 225 appropriations for, to be under control of, sale of surplus charts of lakes.. —-..-.... 226 and expended by Secretary........ 3676 sale of surplus maps, &c., of Signal-Office.. 227 52 INDEX. Section. I Section. Department of War-Continued. I Depositaries-Continued. report to Congress of appropriations and un- when national banks to be; security; duties_ 5153 expended balances.-. —---... —. 228 failing safely to keep moneys deposited by annual statement of contracts and contingent officer, or other person having moneys expenses.-.-..... 229 of United States. —------------------- 5489 reports of bids for works.-............... —--.. 230 banker, &c., not being, receiving public reports on river and harbor surveys........ 231 moneys from disbursing officer, &c., abstract of returns of State adjutant-general- 232 on deposit, loan, &c. -.. —-------- 5497 accounts of, how to be kept................ 283 Depositories, questions of law to be sent by, to Attorney- to be designated by Secretary for keeping of General -... —--. ——... —-- ----—. 357 internal-revenue collections -.... -. 3211 money appropriated for, how drawn........ 3673 public money in, subject to draft of United permanent appropriations for. -........ 3689 States Treasurer..................... 3593 Departure of Vessels, Depositions, (see Vessels.) making or using, by civilians, of any false, Dependent Relatives, to obtain claim against United States; when to have pension...................... 4707 civil liability for 3490 when pension of, deemed to accrue.......... 4710 making or using, by any person, of false, to of persons in late rebellion not to receive obtain approval, &c., of claim against pensions.-... —------... ——. 4716 United States; punishment.......... 5438 De Pere, Wis., Depots, port of delivery........................... 2597 for coal and fuel for the Navy. - -............. 1552 deputy collector to reside at.-............. 2598 Depreciated Currency, Deposits, when original cost of imports exhibited in, authority of Secretary of Treasury to receive, who to establish regulations for estiof gold coin, &c.................... -254 mating duties....................... 2903 of outstanding liabilities.-...... —.. 306 Depredations by Indian by settlers for survey of townships -....... 2401 to be paid for only from special appropriaexcess to be returned to settlers.. —. —-. 2402 tions -------------------------- 2098 to be deemed and credited to, appropriation Deplty Assistant Treasure, for surveys.......................... 2402 at New York, appointment, &c., of- 3602, 3603 to go in part payment for lands.......... 2403 De tax on, in banks, &c........................ 3408 Deputy Clerks, in savings and provident institutions.... 3408 of district courts- -------— * — 558 national banks, power of, to receive........ 5136 number of, in Indiana 559 proportion of reserve to...5191 in Iowa............................... 560 may be liable for, in addition to capital. -- 5202 compensation of 561 not to certify checks in excess of......... 5208 of circuit courts, how appointed........... 624 shall pay duty on......-....... 5214 in Indiana, where appointed.......... 625 shall make returns of, to United States compensation ofhow paid and allowed- 626 Treasurer; penalty - -------- 5215 1 of Supreme Court, how appointed.-.-..... 678 duty on, how assessed in default of return 5216 Deputy Collectors of Customs, duty on, how collected in default of pay- ports at which appointed............... 218-2602 ment-.... —. -.. —--.. —-----—. 5217 at Calais, Me., when to enter and clear vesof bullion, reports of, by mint-superintend- sels, &c........................... 2521 ents.-. 3503 when to perform duties of collector........ - 2625 to be received, &c..................-.....3506 collector to appoint, duties of.............. 2630 what may be refused.-................. 3519 when empowered to act as principal, bond of. 2633 for gold coinage -.....................3519, 3520 salaries of, at New York, Boston, Philadelfor surveying public lands, appropriation to phia, Baltimore, New Orleans, Portrepay excess of, by individuals ---- 3689 land, Me., and San Francisco -. 2697 of postal revenues may be made with national at Eureka and Vallejo, Cal.-............ 2698 banks.. —---.. —--------....-. 3847 at Potomac ----- -—. —-... —----- 2699 when, with assistant treasurers, &c....... 3848 at Shreveport 2700 of money-order funds, where mav be made. 4046 at Saint Paul, what to include; duties of. 2701 Depositaries, at Ellensberg, Port Orford, and Gardiner._ 2702 to report "outstanding liabilities" to Secre- at Vallejo, Cal., when to exercise powers tary of Treasury, when.............. 310 of sUrveyor.-282..4....... 2824 receipt to collector of internal revenue, in northern, &c., frontier districts, certain voucher in his accounts.............. 3211 oaths to be administered by.......... 3098 how silver coin shall be sent to..- -------- 3527 when to search certain stores, warehouses, how may redeem copper, &c., coins......... 3529 &c..-...... —--... —.... 3107 shall exchange United States notes for frac- when to act as shipping-commissioners. 4503 tional currency ----------—..... 3574 Deputy Collectors of Internal Revenue, may appoint deputies in case of sickness... 3613 collector authorized to appoint.-...... 3148 duties as to public money... —-- --—. ——. 3639 bonds may be required of.................. 3148 penalty of bonds of, may be increased by duties and powers of...................... 3148 President- - 3639 collector responsible for... 3148 shall keep separate accounts of Post-Office in case of sickness, &c., of collector, duties Department money..............-.... 3642 may devolve upon..........-. 3149 to render accounts of -receipts and payments- 3644 oldest, to act in case of vacancy of office of shall pay duplicate checks-..... 3646 collector-. -...................... 3149 examination of........................ 3649,3650 Secretary may designate who shall act in compensation of.-.-......... 3655 certain cases........... 3149 limit of.-.-.......... 3656 bond of, available to legal representatives when to pay duplicate pension-checks...-. 4770 and sureties of collector.-...... 3149 INDEX. 53 Section. I Section. Deputy Collectors of Internal Revenue-Cont'd. Deputy Land-Surveyors, compensation of, while acting as collector surveyors-general to engage a sufficient during vacancy.. —. — ---.......- 3150 number of skilful surveyors as...... 2223 authorized to administer oaths and take evi- to give bond................... 2230 dence......................... 3165 bond of, to be approved by surveyor-geneto canvass district...............-. 3172 ral. —.. —...-........... —-.. 2230 general duties of, relating to returns....... 3173 Derby, Conn., may make list of taxable property, &c., for port of delivery.................. 2533 persons...................... 3173 Derelict Property, to serve summons.,-... —.............. 3174 collection, &c, of......................... 3755 may enter brewery, manufactory, distillery, Deserters, &c.. —.. —-..-........... --- 3177 from military or naval service prior to duty of, as to taxable property of non-resi- March 3, 1865, loss of citizenship of.. 1996 dent..................... 3180 to be incapable of holding office, &c....... 1996 to give receipts for all sums collected --—. 3183 certain men absent without leave not to be to make returns of sales of real estate to col- held as, &c -—..-......-. —-—.. —. 1997 lector........ -.................... 3203 penalty hereafter incurred by —-. —---—. 1998 to transmit notice of distiller or rectifier to penalty for avoiding draft. —-.. —-—..-.. 1998 collector..-..............-..... 3259 from mercantile marine, penalty for desertDeputy-Commissioner of Pensions, ing-......................... 4601 appointment, duties, and salary of...-.... 472 certain soldiers and sailors not to be deemed; to act in absence of Commissioner......... 472 forfeiture of pension................ 4749 Deputy-Comptroller of Currency, Desertion of Merchant Seamen, appointment, salary, duties, oath, and bond (see Seamen.) of. -...................... 327 Desiccated Vegetables for Navy, not to be interested in national banks -.... 329 how may be procured...................... 3726 Deputy-Commissioners of Internal Revenue, Designated Depositaries, two, to be employed under direction of Sec- (see Depositaries.) retary of Treasury; salary -—. —-. 235 Designated Depositories, one, to be appointed by President; salary.. 322 (see Depositories.) duties of.-.................3......... 323 Des Moines River, Deputy Consuls, United States property, or persons in United title to denote what; shall be deemed in- States service, free of toll on........ 5246 eluded as consular officers -.. —....- 1674 Destitute Seamen, not to be appointed except under regu- (see Seamen.) lations....-.-. —.... —-—......... 1695 Destroyed Checks, prohibition to trade may be extended to... 1700 duplicates of, how procured..... 3646,3647 (see Consuls General, Consuls, tc.) Destruction, Deputy Inspectors of Customs, of stills, &c., in cases of forfeiture..... 3332 fees of....... —.......-....... 2657 of tobacco, snuff, and cigars, abandoned, Deputy Marshals, condemned, or forfeited, which will not to be, or exercise duties of, commissioner not bring price equal to tax ----—... 3369 of circuit court. —.. —-... --.. 628 of empty cigar-boxes having stamps...... 3406 appointment and removal of —-.. —------ 780 Details, per diem for attendance, &c. —-. —.. —. 831 of enlisted men of Army as artificers and proportion of fees, &c., allowed to, by Attor- laborers.... ——........ 1235 ney-General, in accounts of marshal.. 841 extra pay of such men................... 1287 duties and fees of, in civil-rights cases-. 1982,1986 Detention, appointment of special, for election purposes 2021 of enlisted persons in Navy beyond term...-. 1572 duties of.-.....-....-...-........-..... 2021 extra pay to.-..-...-.......... —.. 1572 number of, not to be increased —-... —-.- 2030 Detention of Spirits, compensation of special deputies —-—. ——. 2031 power of internal-revenue officer to make, may seize, &c., letters, &c., illegally carried. 3990 for forty-eight hours, on suspicion... 3298 disposal of such letters. —---.. 3991 Detroit, ich. (see Marshals of United States.), collection-district and port of entry...... 2599 Deputy Naval Officers, officers of customs in, residence of..-. —-.. 2600 salaries of, at New York, Boston, Philadelphi.a Baltimor, New weighers, gaugers, measurers, and inspectors phia, Baltimore, New Orleans, San for 2606 Francisco, and Portland, Me., how Francico, and Portland, Me., how inspectors of hulls and boilers for.......... 4414 payable...-.........-. 2705 salaries of. 4414 additional compensation of, at San Fran- reserve of national banks in. --- 5191 Cisco2. __.__- _.... 746 balances with banks in, may be part of Deputy Paymasters-General,reserve5192 of Army, number and rank of. 1182 redemption agenciesin... 5195 Deputy Provost-Marshals, when to have pension ---- - -.. 4693 Diamonds, rate of total-disability pension to......... 4695 shipper of, to notify carrier, &c.. -.. 4281 pensions to widows, &c., of, when to begin- 4710 Dies, Deputy Shipping-Commissioners, of national character may be executed at appointment, duty, &c., of..-..... 4505 Mint....-............. 3551 Deputy Surveyors of Customs, Dime-piece, salaries of, at San Francisco ---.... —..-.- 2721 weight and fineness of.. —......-.-..3513, 3514 at New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Bal- devices and legends on.-....... —-.. 3517 timore, New Orleans, Portland, Me., deviation in adjusting-.. —-.. —..-.. 3536 how payable.......-....... 2722 Diplomatic Fees, at Savannah....................... 2723 (see Fees, Diplomatic.) 54 INDEX. Section. Section. Diplomatic Functions, Director of the Mint-Continued. when consular officers may perform........ 1738 balance-sheet of annual settlement to be pay to, when performing,-.......... 1739 sent to. —........................... 3543 Diplomatic Officers, duty as to annual settlement-.............. 3543 term defined. —...........-.............. 1674 to prescribe rules for exchange of fine bars salaries of -—......-...... -......... —-. 1675 for imported bullion ---.. —. 3546 salaries of commissioners and charges d'af- shall approve regulations for striking, &c., faires -.-... -—.. -... --.. --.. 1676 m dals -............. 3551 consul-general to be secretary of legation at shall estimate value of foreign coins....... 3564 Constantinople -.-....-......-...... 1677 may prescribe regulations respecting certain interpreter of legation to Turkey, salary of 1678 Spanish and Mexican coins.......- -. 3568 Japan, salary of..-.... ——..-.. —-.... 1679 shall examine books, &c., of treasurers of China, salary of.....................-. 1680 mint..-.. —-...................... 3650 minister to Uruguay accredited also to Para- Directors, guay -...... —-. 1681 national banks to have board of --—........ 5136 but one minister to Guatemala, Costa Rica, of national banks, when may sell shares of &c., residence of............. —....- 1682 delinquent holder..........-........ 5141 to Hayti and Liberia, titles and salaries of - 1683 votes, &c., in selection of.-.-. ——....... 5144 charge d'affaires or secretary of legation, ap- election, &c., of -................ 5145 pointment and compensation of ——.. 1684 qualifications of........................... 5146 secretary of legation, salary of, when acting oath of. ——. —............ -. 5147 as charg6 d'affaires —........ — -. —. 1685 filling vacancies in board of ---—. —--—. 5148 compensation of person filling two offices 1686 proceedings when election is not had on fees collected at legations to be accounted proper day.-.. —. —...-....... —-. 5149 for -..................... —..... 1687 shall elect president-. —.. —........__ 5150 salaries of, term for which payable ---... 1740 of State banks may convert organization salaries when absent from post -. —. —-. —- 1742 into national bank, proceedings, &c - 5154 compensation to be in full for services, &c.- 1743 of national banks, oath of, required as to not to receive compensation when not United facts in relation to organization --—. 5168 States citizen --............. —-. 1744 penalty for embezzlement, &c., by....... 5209 fees, regulation, &c., of.. —-..... —... —. 1745 reports to be signed by —. -...... —--—. 5211 shall be collected in United States coin or shall give notice of vote to go into liquidaits value in exchange. —.. —.. —.. 1746 tion, to Comptroller and public.-. 5221 stationery, &c., for, shall be provided.-.... 1748 penalty for violation, &c., of laws by, perdying abroad, allowance to widow, &c..... 1749 sonal liability of.................... 5239 President may make regulations, &c., gov- payment of, by corporations receiving landerning. ——. --... —-—. —--—.. —.. 1752 grants or subsidies from United States may require mails to be carried in vessels with right reserved to appoint, &c-. 5259 bound to the United States.. —. —. 3976 Direct Taxes, table of fees allowed to, to be attached to appropriation to repay purchasers evicted-. 3689 clearances of certain registered vessels. 4207 to refund purchase-money of redeemed Diplomatic and Consular Oficers, lands -...-.... -- —.. -.. —-. 3689 Title XVIII...-.......... 1674-1752 to refund taxes illegally collected-....... 3689 provisions common to both....... —-. 1740-1752 Disability not providedfor, Diplomatic Service, proportionate rate of pension for -....... 4699 officers of Army accepting appointment in. 1223 Disabled, of Navy.-.-....................... 1440 in militia while in United States service, Director of the Mint, how cared for..-....- —............ 1639 appointment and term of office of.... —-.. 343 Disabled Seamen, salary and expenses of ------. 344 (see Seamen.) power and duties of. —..... —. —. —-. 345 Disabled Volunteers, to estimate, annually, value of foreign coins appropriation for asylum for. —.-. —...... 3689 receivable for public lands —.. —- 2366 National Home for, provisions concerning. 4825, to determine certain salaries —. 3499 4837 to approve bonds of assistants, &c -........ 3501 Disbursements, to approve appointments to act in case of of Patent-Office, by whom to be made.. —-- 496 absence, &c.. —-.. ——. —--.. —.. 3502 duty of engineer superintending construcSecretary of Treasury to designate acting - 3502 tion of public work to disburse moneys superintendent's control to be subject to ap- applicable to same. —-..-...... —. 1153 proval of.-.. ——..-. ——... — —..... 3503 no extra allowance for, by officer having salto prescribe time and form of reports of su- ary, unless appropriated for by Conperintendents -....-..........-...... 3503 gress.-. —-----—....- 1765 reports to be made to ----.. —-........ 3503, 3504 of appropriations for government in Territo' approve all appointments of assistants, tories, regulation of.....-........-. 1886 &c., in mints —-..-..... -.....-..... 3504 in Washington, Idaho, and Montana........ 1940 may engage artists, &c. —.. ——..... —-. 3510 security to be given by territorial officers -. 1951 shall fix price of silver in gold deposits.... 3520 of appropriations for Government Hospital to fix coinage charge on trade-dollars --—. 3524 for Insane, regulation of. —-... -—. 4858 shall propose regulations for sending silver iDisbursing Agent, coins.-............ 3527 designation of, by Secretary of Treasury, to shall approve purchase of metal for minor pay moneys appropriated for construccoinage............................. 3528 tion of public buildings -...-.... 255 discretion as to free delivery of minor coin- of Navy for foreign stations........... 1650 age in cities, &c.. -.................. 3529 internal-revenue collectors to act as - -.. 3144 copy of trial-piece, record to be sent to..... 3539 bonds of. —.... 3144 may prescribe tests of coins.-......... 3539 ispecial, to give bonds..-............ 3614 INDEX. 55 Section. Section. Disbursing Agent-Continued. Discipline, duplicate checks of, how procured -.. —. 3646 in militia, system used in Regular Army to shall not exchange funds --..-........... 3651 be enforced........-.............. 1637 of appropriations for construction of build- reports relating to.- -. —... 1635 ings, collectors of customs shall act as - 3657 returns of brigade-inspector concerning-.. 1640 appointment of, where no collector-........ 3658 Discontinuance, superintendent for Government Hospital for of prosecution of distiller for fraud-..- -. 3230 the Insane to be. —-- -- —.......... 4839 Discount and Exchange, (see Disbursing Officers.) power of national banks to do business in -. 5136 Disbursing Officers, Discriminating Duties, under Secretary of Senate and Clerk of House (see Duties, Discriminating.) of Representatives, statements and re- Disciminatg-onnae Duties, ceipts by, for moneys expended..... 62 Ds iminatsng-onna Diminti in Departments, appointment, bond, duties,see tes, Discriminge and salaries of....... 176 Disease Contracted in Service, to make statement of expenditures to head who to have pension for.-.................. 4693 of Department...................... 193 after July 27,1868, must have been received payment of lost check issued by, in case of in line of duty. —-.......... —---- -- 4694 death of........ ——.....-.....-.. 300 Disloyal Claimants, accounts of, of moneys covered into Treas- payment of claims of. -....-...... —--.. 3480 ury —-----------. ——. --- --—. 309Dismissals Dismissals, to report outstanding liabilities to Secretary for cowardice or fraud, in Army,form and of Treasury, when.-........ 310 ofTreasurwhn —----- - 310publication of sentence.............. 1342 jurisdiction of Court of Claims of claim by, for relief, &c. —... ——.-.......... 1059 Disqualification to Hold Office, when loss of funds, &c., found by Court of of Secretary, and certain Heads of Bureaus Claims to be without fault, credit to be of Treasury, when interested in cerallowed by accounting-officers ---—. 1062 tain business transactions -..... —-. 243 penalty for trading in public funds or prop- of members of Congress and Government erty -..-.. — --—. —---. 1788 officers for receiving,&c., consideration for Indians, annual settlement ofaccounts by 2091 for procuring contract, office, or for delinquents to be reported to Congress -. 2091 voting...........-... 1781 names, date of appointment, and salaries of persons offering such consideration....... 1781 of, to be reported to Congress....... 2091 of members of Congress, heads of Departrestrictions on advances to -....-.. —-. 2091 ments, and officers for receiving, &c., shall deposit public money in Treasury, &c- 3620 compensation for services inclaims, shall render accounts monthly, &c.....-.. 3622 c..-...... —-—...... 1782 proceedings by distress warrant against, of United States disbursing officers trading, when delinquent. —. —-....-.3633,334 &c., in funds, debts, or property of under War and Navy Departments, President United States, or of State...-...... 1788 may increase, &c., bonds of. —--—.. 3639 of deserters from military or naval service duplicate checks of, how procured.....3646, 3647 failing to return, &c., under proclamaadvances may be made to..... ——.... -..-. 3648 tion of 11th of March, 1865.-. ——. 1996 shall not exchange funds. —-- -—.. ——............. 3651 when not to apply-.. ——...-... --—..... 1997 shall account for premiums on drafts, &c- - 3652 for unlawfully unlading imported goods.... 2873 extra expenses for clerks, &c..-......... —- 3653 of revenue officers for unlawfully disclosing estimates on information from, to be distin- operations of manufacturers, &c. ----- 3167 guished...-.. —........-. 3660 of customs officers for making false register, to pay expenses of commissions, &c., only or papers for vessels, taking illegal from special appropriations — ---- 3681 fees, reward, &c., and falsely measurdepositing, converting, &c., loaning, with- ing and describing vessels for registry- 4187 drawing from deposit or applying pub- of customs officers for wilfully neglecting to lic money for illegal purpose -........ 5488 perform duties prescribed by Title failing to render accounts as provided by COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION....-.... 4188 law, &c. —-...-....-.. 5491 of persons making, uttering, &c., false seafailing to deposit public moneys with Treas- letter, Mediterranean passports, and urer, &c., when required by head of certificates of registry, or availing proper Department..-..... —-—. —. 5492 themselves of same -.... —-. —- —. 4191 evidence of balance against, of public mon- of collectors of customs and persons apeys -......... —-. —--—. 5494 pointed by or under them, for knowprima-facie evidence of embezzlement by... 5495 ingly making records, granting papers, what constitutes conversion, &c., by.... 5496 taking illegal fees, &c., contrary to Discharge, provisions of Title VESSELS IN DOMESreceived by militia from United States ser- TIC COMMERCE..-... —...... —-. 4373 vice, pay for travel to residence...... 1652 of surveyors of customs and measurers of Discharge-Certificate, vessels for wilfully delivering to colto be returned to officers and men of Army, lector or naval officer false description on settlement of accounts........... 282 for enrollment and license of vessel-.. 4373 loss of, not to deprive survivors, &c., of war of officers named in Title VESSELS IN DOMESof 1812, of pensions, other proof...... 4740 TIC COMMERCE, for neglect, &c., of duDischarge of Seamen, ties..... —.................. 4374 (see Seamen.) of members of Congress for accepting bribe Discharge in Bankruptcy, for vote, &c...-..-. -. ---—.. 5502 fiduciary debts or debts incurred by fraud of of officers of, and persons acting for United public officer, not released by......... 5117 States, &c., or Congress or committees liability of other persons not released by.... 5118 thereof, for accepting bribe. —-.5501, 5502 56 INDEX. Section. Section. Dissolution and Receivership, Distilled Spirits-Continued. of national banks, provisions concerning.5220- laws imposing taxes on, extended to exterior 5243 boundaries of United States —-- ---- 3448 Distilled Spirits, shipping, under false name or brand........ 3449 regulation of importation, &c., of, in Alaska. 1955 forfeited, to be disposed of by Commissioner customs duties on, to be collected according of Internal Revenue.-..- -—.- 3450 to hydrometer proof. -— 2918 manifest of, when carried by vessels in coastinternal-revenue officer becoming interested ing trade between neighboring disin the production, &c., of... - 3168 tricts -----................... —-4349-4352 destroyed by accidental fire, &c., abatement transported by vessel between remote disor refunding of taxes on...... 3221 tricts, without manifest and permit. 4353forfeiture of;, for certain violations of law... 3242 4356 definition of.............................. 3248 by vessel of less than twenty tons burden..4359, when tax attaches to... —-.... —------—. 3248 4360 what shall be proof. ----------—... 3249 Distilled Spirits or Wines, inspection, &c., of.... 3349 report of vessel arriving with.. — --—. —- 2775 gallons of, as used in sales................. — --. 3250 separate entry of, by importer, &c., how subproof-gallon............................... 3250 scribed and certified, and to whom tax on... -... ---------------. 3251 transmitted.. ——............. —----- - 2794 fractional parts of gallon, how taxed.- -.... 3251 for different districts, how to be inserted in who are liable for tax on................... 3251 manifests of cargoes. 2808 tax, to be a first lien on.................... 3251 imported, not to be removed from wharf bein bonded warehouse August 1, 1872........ 3251 fore proof of, &c.; forfeiture.-... —- - 2882 adding substances to, to create fictitious permit for unlading; penalty for unlading proof............................... 3252 without permit.................... - 2883 assessment of tax on, removed without de- under whose inspection to be landed........ 2884 posit in warehouse, as required by law. 3253 when and how casks, &c., containing imall products of distillation containing, to be ported, to be marked................ 2885 considered and taxed as..............- 3254 imported, where and how stored -. —-------- 2958 evading payment of tax on................. 3256 change from casks of imported, how made, to be drawn from receiving-cisterns and drawback on.... ——. 3029 removed, &c......... —-..... ——... 3267 tax on imitation wines................. —-—. 3328 distillery warehouse for storage of.......... 3271 shipping wines under false name or brand.. 3449 tax on, to be paid before removal from.... 3271 Distiller, receiving, carrying, &c., to or from distillery, definition of. —............ 3247 rectifying establishment, &c., where liability of, to tax on spirits. -- 3251 sign not kept....-.... —-—. 3279 assessment to be made on, for tax on spirits drawing off, gauging, marking of casks, and removed without deposit in warehouse, removal of, to warehouse. —------ —. 3287 &c. -... —..... —-.. --..-. 3253 not to remain on distillery premises after tax of brandy from apples, peaches, or grapes - - 3255 paid; forfeiture.. 3288 penalty and forfeiture for defrauding, &c., entry for deposit of, in distillery warehouse. 3293 United States of tax on spirits -. —--- 3257 for withdrawal from.................... 3294 notice of changes in business.. —....... 3259 tax-paid stamps to be placed on, before re- penalty for not giving notice, or giving moval.............................. 3295 false notice........................ 3259 power of officer to detain packages of, for to give bond ----......... ——. 3260 forty-eight hours, on suspicion......... 3298 notice of intention to do business of —. —-- 3260 unlawfully removed from distillery or ware- may appeal to Commissioner if collector rehouse, forfeited.................... 3299 fuses to approve his bond. —-- ------ 3260 assessment for deficiencies in production of. 3309 may be required to give new bond.......... 3260 production of, when deemed to have com- forfeiture, &c., for refusing to give or renew menced. —....... —--...... ——. ---—. 3310 bond, or giving false bond.......... 3260 preparation, form, and use of stamps for 3312, 3313 bond not to be approved until law, &c., comaccountability of collectors for stamps for... 3314 plied with... —---------------------- 3261 restamping of, in certain cases.I --------- - 3315 when may give bond in lieu of written conpurchases in quantities greater than twenty sent of owner of fee that land may be gallons by rectifier or liquor-dealer... 3319 used ---...... — -- —. —.. 3262 rectified, gauging, and stamping............ 3320 must be owner in fee of land on which disstamp for rectified, form of................ 3320 tillery is situated, or have written gauging and stamping of, on premises of consent, &cc. 3262 wholesale liquor-dealer............. 3321 shall cause to be made plan of distillery, &c. 3263 wholesale liquor-dealer's stamp for......... 3321 to verify plan........................... 3263 affixing and cancellation of stamps for.-.. 3322 not to use any still, boiler,'&c., in certain drawn into new packages, containing ten places. 3266 gallons or more, to be gauged and penalty on, for not keeping pipes properly branded....... 3323 painted --------—. —----—. —------- 3269 to be removed only between sunrise and to provide warehouse... 3271 suuset, in packages of more than ten to furnish to collector keys to gates, &c., of gallons........... 3327 distillery. 3275 may be withdrawn from warehouse, without hindering, &c., officer from entering, &c., dispayment of tax, forexportation in orig- tillery by night or day. —------------ 3276 inal casks 3330 to furnish facilities for examination of discompound, imitation, tax on....... 3328 tillery...... 3277 burden of proof in case of seizure of.... 3333 to put up sign..... 3279 sold by order of court, or under process of not to carry on business until law is comdistraint, subject to tax.......... 3334 plied with.................... 3280 INDEX. 57 Section. 1 Section. Distiller-Continued. Distilling-Apparatus-Continued. not to do business less than 600 feet from plan and description of, to be made by disrectifying premises.................. 3280 tiller.-........ 3263 penalty, &c., for doing business without giv- Commissioner may order changes of -..... 3270 ing bond, or engaging in business with storekeeper to have charge of -. ——. -. 3273 fraudulent intent ------------—. —--- 3281 forfeiture of, for violation of law........... 3281 penalty for refusal, &c., to empty and cleanse release of, before judgment.-.......... 3331 worm-tubs.-........... —-—.... —-—.... 3286 destruction of, in case of seizure and judgto enter spirits for deposit in warehouse on ment.-..~....-........ 3332 first day of each month, &c........... 3293 Distillery- Warehouse, to give bond in duplicate for tax on spirits spirits in, August 1, 1872 3251 so deposited. —--................. —------ 3293 assessment of tax on spirits removed withmay withdraw spirits from warehouse on out deposit in.-..................... 3253 application to collector, &c. —------- 3294 spirits to be directly removed into, after bebooks to be kept by. - — 3303 ing drawn from receiving-cistern...- 3267 entries in.-. —--------- -------------—. 3303 to be provided at expense of distiller-..- - 3271 to be kept at distillery and open to inspec- to be situated on and constitute part of distion, and preserved two years, &c --- 3304 tillery premises...........-.-...... 3271 penalty for false entries in, omitting to use of.-................ 3271 provide books, &c.. 3305 not to be dwelling-house; no doors, &c., alfor doing or omitting certain acts with re- lowed in walls leading into distillery, gard to, &c. 3305 &c.. —. 3271 to render account taken from, in duplicate - 3307 to be approved by Commissioner.-.... 3271 oath of, to monthly return................. 3307 when declared to be United States bonded returns to be made by.-........ 3307, 3308 warehouse...............3271 assessment for deficiencies.-............. 3309 to be under direction, &c., of collector and in notice of suspension of work by ---------—. 3310 charge of storekeeper.-. —------- 3271 of resumption-.-.................. 3310 tax on spirits to be paid before removal from 3271 penalty for doing business, &c., after time may be discontinued by Commissioner when fixed in notice of suspension. -.... 3310 unsafe.............................. 3272 transfer of merchandise therein........... 3272 to give notice to collector of intention to re- seizure, sale of, &c., in case of failure to duce capacity of distillery -. 3311 makseizure, e osuch frasfen c 3272 penalty, &c., for violating law relative to distillery-warehouse stamp, form of............. 3287 business, &c., when no specific penalty entry for deposit in-...r......... 3293 imposed............................. 3456 bond for tax on spirits deposited in........ 3293 Distillery, entry for withdrawal from -. ——...... 3294 tax on spirits to be a first lien on. ——. —-. 3251 withdrawal of alcohol from, for scientific plan and description of, to be made by dis- purposes............................ 3297 tiller.. ——. —----------------- -—. 3263 of spirits for exportation without payalterations in, to be shown on original or ment of tax.-.-................. —-- 3330 supplemental plan, &c. —------------ 3263 spirits removed from, in violation of law.... 3299 survey of................................. 3264 book to be kept by storekeeper............ 3301 true producing capacity of, to be ascertained - 3264 Distillery- Warehouse Stamp, not to be within 600 feet of rectifying estab- how placed on cask on removal to warelishment..... —-. —--- --—.. —----- 3266 house...............-............. 3287 fences and walls around premises of, height of 3275 how to be signed..................... 3287 keys of, to be furnished collector-........ 3275 serial numbers and form of................ 3287 to be accessible to officer, &e., having key- _. 3275 Distillery- Warehouse Book, right of officer to enter and examine, &c., by how to be kept by storekeeper, what to connight or by day -----—. —--—. ——. 3276 tain.-.-....-.....- -. 3301 power of officer to break open, to effect en- Distraint for Internal-Revenue Taxes, trance. ——... —---------------—.. 3276 property exempt from................-... 3187 facilities for examination of, to be furnished subject to-.................. -.. 3187 by distiller -........- 3277 proceedings.......-...... 3188 officer, &c., may break up ground or wall, books relating to property, &c., subject to, &c., to search for hidden pipes, &c. - - - 3278 to be exhibited..-......... —. 3189 sign to be placed on. —----------. —--—. 3279 notice of, in newspaper. — -. —. —--------- 3190 forfeiture of, for violation of law ----------- 3281 sale, adjournment of...................... 3190 no spirits to remain on premises of, after tax disposition of proceeds of -....3191-3193,3195 paid.-..... —-—. —-. —.. 3288 taxes on property sold under, how assessed spirits unlawfully removed from, forfeited - - 3299 and collected -—.. — -.....-. - 3191 record to be kept by storekeeper. - — 3'302 property purchased by collector in sales unassessment of deficiency-tax to be lien on, der, may be sold.-............ 3192 &c...... —.. — ----------—.... ——. 3309 collector to render account of charges suspension of work at.-............... 3310 incurred in sale..-.................. 319' resumption - - -—. 3310 when property sold under, may be purchased reduction of capacity of.-............. 3311 for United States..-......-. —.- 319' how released after seizure and before judg- goods under, to be restored on payment of ment.. —---------- - -—...... —-—.. 3331 tax.-.. ——. —--------------------- 319 judgment against, having capacity of less effect of certificate of sale under -.......... 319z than 150 gallons, or because no bond stocks sold under.............- 319z given...-............ 3332 when property not divisible, the whole Distilling-Apparatus, may be sold. -.-..... 319' set up, to be registered -. -. 3258 fee and charges in cases of, to be prescribed forfeited if not....... 3258 by Commissioner................ 3204 8 s 58 INDEX. Section. I Section. Distraintfor Internal-Revenue Taxes-Cont'd. i District Attorneys-Continued. sale of spirits under process of-.. —..3334, 3458 proceedings for condemnation of property of tobacco, snuff, and cigars under, stamps, seized under customs laws ----------- 3076 &c., for....33 69,3458 collectors of customs to make report to, of Distraint, fines, &c ----......... ——. 3084 exemption from, of arms, &c., of militia- of internal revenue —..3............. 3164 men................................ 1628 proceedings in customs cases; compensaDistress- Warrant, tion --—.......-........... 3085 against delinquent collector, &c., proceed- accepting gift, &c., for settlement of violaings, &c., under.-............... 3625-3635 tion of internal-revenue law......... 3170 Distributing-Offices, report of, in compromise of claim of United Postmaster-General may designate; allow- States --------------- -—. 3469 ances at, for clerical services.. —.... 3859 suits for false claims against United States- 3492 Distribution in Prize-Causes, President may increase penalty of bonds of- 3639 decree of, how far to be made by district United States property under attachment, court after appeal.- -—. —-----—. 65 stipulation, &c.-.............. —-. 3753 method of. —.. — —. —-....... 4631 duties of, in trying offenses against navigaDistribution in Bankruptcy, tion laws... —-....................... 4300 what claims entitled to priority in......... 5101 amendment of complaint by -—. ——. 4302 Distributive Shares of Fines, s-c., compensation of, in prize-causes. —-------- 4646 under customs-revenue laws............... 3090 maximum allowed....................... 4647 appropriation to pay --—..-.. ——.-. 3689 to render account to Attorney-General... 4647 District Attorneys, to pay excess into Treasury-.. 4647 accounts of, for services where United States duties in cases of prize of insurrectionary is interested, how settled............ 299 property............................ 5311 to aid in examining titles to land to be pur- fees of, (see Fees.) chased by United States.. - ----—. 355 District Courts, general direction of, by Attorney-General.. 362 clerks of, how appointed................... 555 counsel to aid, how retained --—. —---—. 363 number of, in western district of Arkasas- 556 supervision of accounts of, by Attorney- in Kentucky. ——.................... ——. 557 General...-. ---—.. ——.... —-—. 368 deputy clerks of... —-—...... —-. 558 to conduct suits respecting national banks number and duties of, in Indiana. —--- 559 in which United States is interested..- 380 in Iowa................................ 560 to obey Department of Justice in suits for compensation of......................... 561 money due Post-Office Department-.- 381 jurisdiction of.-................ 563 where to be appointed. ——. —-—... —. 767 for what purposes always open, as courts of in Alabama, where to perform duty........ 767 admiralty and equity ----—.. —---- 574 in Georgia.-..-.. —---—. ——. 767 in Florida, as court of admiralty. —------ 575 in South Carolina....................... 767 in Wisconsin, as court of admiralty ------ 576 in Iowa. —---- --------—. ——. 768 clerks of, how appointed, and number of, in term of office and oath of. —------—. —---- 769 western district of North Carolina - -- 621 salaries of ------- -7 —---—............... 770 in western district of Virginia -........... 622 general duties of.......................... 771 in western district of Wisconsin........ 623 statement by, to Solicitor of Treasury - -.772, 773 writs of prohibition to, when proceeding as to Commissioner of Internal Revenue.... 774 courts of admiralty, issued by Suto Department of Justice. ——. —-------- 775 preme Court........................ 688 vacancy, how filled temporarily -.... —. 793 criers of, appointment and compensation - - 715 compensation for services in defence of rev- power of, to enforce awards of foreign conenue offices - - 827 sul, &c., in differences between capper diem for attendance ---- -—.. —-—. 831 tains and crews of vessels, &c....... 728 for southern district of New York, sum to jurisdiction of certain, over violations of be paid to, &c - -. 836 revenue laws, &c., in Alaska —-- ---- 1959 additional compensation of, in prize-causes. 836 jurisdiction of, in suits for possession of when to prosecute for fines, penalties, and office. ——.. —--. —--------------- 2010 forfeitures under revenue laws; com- prosecution and condemnation in, of vessels pensation..- -.................. —-- ----- 838 employed in cooly-trade............. 2159 report by, to Secretary of Treasury or Com- admission of alien seamen to citizenship by 2174 missioner of Internal Revenue, when to have jurisdiction of suits against civilians declining to prosecute. —------------ 838 for making false claims against United compensation of, for each year, to be allowed States.-.............. 3491 from fees, &c., of same year......... 843 special term of, held to try offenses accounts to be certified by district judge, against navigation laws, when....... 4300 &c., subject to revision, &c -----—. 846 prize-commissioners to be appointed by.... 4621 to be paid but one bill of costs for several may direct transfer of prize property to suits, prosecutions, &c., which should another district for sale —............. —. 4629 be joined - -980 shall order testimony to be taken for deterto proceed against marshals not paying into mining prize-shares -...-.. ——. 4634 Treasury fines assessed against militia shall make decree of distribution in prizein United States service ------------- 1660 causes............. —--.. ---—. 4634 to proceed by quo warranto against persons what such decree shall recite............ 4634 illegally holding office, &c -1786 to make order for payments from prize-fund- 4640 in Territories, appointment and term of for payment of costs and charges -... 4640 office of. -....-....... 1875 shall order amount decreed for distribution salary of, and how payable' 1880,1882 to be paid into Treasury.-..... 4641 to prosecute for violation of civil-rights shall make distribution of prize-money in laws, &c..-... —.............. 1982 case of vessels not of Navy.-.........4641 IDDEX. 59 Section. Section. District Courts-Continued. District of Columbia-Continued. may appoint commissioner to make distri- annual distribution of arms and equipments bution.............................. 4641 for militia of........................ 1667 shall determine the compensation of district to be seat of Government.................. 1795 attorney and prize-commissioner in what offices to be exercised in.............. 1796 prize-cases --—... —-.......... 4647 public buildings and grounds in, appropriacompensation of special counsel for captors tions for, how expended. ----—...-. 1798 may be allowed by -...... —-- 4648 public works and improvements in, under may be adjourned to another place in case whose charge....................... 1800 of contagious, &c., disease.- - - -. - - 4799 expenditures for, under direction of Secremay enjoin receivers, &c., of national banks, tary of War.-..- -...-. 1802 effect of. —..................- - --- 5237 expense of laying main-pipes, what to be power of, to adjudge forfeiture of franchises, paid by............................. 1805 &c., of national banks. —---—. —--- 5239 board of public works in, provisions concerncondemnations in, of property taken as prize, ing liabilities contracted by -. —--—. 1813 on account of use, &c., in aid of rebel- collection-district in....................... 2550 lion............................5309,5311 collector in, residence of —.............. —-—.. 2551 District Courts of Territories, supreme court of, to have jurisdiction of clerks, designation and appointment of..... 1871 suits against civilians for making false in New Mexico, jurisdiction over citizens of, claims against United States. - 3491 and in revenue cases in, El Paso collectors, &c., in, shall pay public money to County, Texas. ——.............. —.. ---- 1928 United States Treasury............... 3615 to have jurisdiction over certain offenses Dividend, committed in Alaska. ——............... 1957 in bankruptcy, what claims entitled to prinumber of commissioners of, to be increased ority in order for. ——.. -—. —---—. 5101 with reference to civil rights ------—. 1983 upon fiduciary debts, or debts accruing by to have jurisdiction of suits against civilians fraud of public officer, how accounted- 5117 for making false claims against United national banks not to declare, when reserve States.....-....................... 3491 is reduced......-.... 5191 District Judges, nor when losses exceed undivided profits. 5204 appointment and residence of.-......... 551,552 when and how declared.-.-.-. —..- -—. 5199 salaries of.-.......... ----- 554 liabilities for, may be in addition to capiwhat orders may be made by, in chambers or tal.-.................. —........... 5202 clerk's office, in admiralty and equity shall report, to Comptroller............. —----—. 5212 causes-.-...... —. ——... ---------- 574 penalty for failure to make report of.. 5213 designation of, to act in place or aid of to creditors of national banks by Comptrolanother district judge in same circuit. 596. ler, when and how made —............ 5236 duty of, to comply with.-....... 596 Division of Opinion, no additional compensation allowed for_ - 596 final judgments or decrees of circuit court, expenses of, when designated to southern on certificate of, reviewed by Supreme district of New York.- - - -..... 597 Court on writ of error or appeal... 693 to certify fees of persons appointed to exe- Divisions, cute warrants of commissioners...... 1987 in State militia.-.......................... 1630 to certify fees of chief supervisors --------- 2031 officers of. —--—........... —-.. -—.... 1631 duties of, in regard to importation of ob- companies of artillery and cavalry in.... 1632 scene articles........-.... 2492 of militia, when called into United States when to issue warrant for seizure of books, service.............................. 1647 &c., in revenue cases. ——.. —-—...- 3091 Dock-Yards, what papers subject to order of; examina- assent of State legislatures to purchase of tions and retention by -3093 land for............................. 1838 may grant injunction to stay proceedings on Document-Room, distress-warrant against delinquent of Senate, officers and salaries in........... 52 collector, &c.-...-.............. 3636 of House of Representatives, officers and salmay issue summons to witnesses under let- aries in.-... — -—..-.... ——. 53 ters rogatory........................ 4071 Documents, for district of Florida may grant license to official, of customs, substantial compliance vessel for wrecking, &c., when. — 4241 with prescribed forms. ——............ 2769 proceeds, &c., of deceased seamen's effects, number of, to be printed for Congress ax &c., to be sent to, by consuls...... 4541 "usual number"................. 3792 may summon master to show cause why libel additional number of, printed by order of for wages should not issue... 4546 Joint Committee on the Library..... 3796 unseaworthy vessel, complaint of, may be accompanying annual reports of Departmade to ------ ---—............... 4556 ments, number of, to be printed. —--- 3798 shall direct survey of alleged.-.... —.. 4557 number of, to be printed and bound in addimay punish seamen for refusal to sail, &c.. 4558 tion to " usual n,,mber" -. 3798 report of examination of provisions, &c., of printed by order of either House, number of merchant-vessels to be sent to ---—. 4565 additional copies for exchange in forto appoint registers in bankruptcy; in what eign countries....................... 3799 manner..-... 4993 extra copies of, how procured from Governto fix and approve bond of register --—. —- 4995 ment Printing-Office by any person-. 3809 summary inquiry by, in proceedings for re- of vessels, (see Vessels.) mission of fines, penalties, or forfeit- Dollar-piece, ures, in certain cases............... 5292 deviation allowed in adjusting.....-....3535, 3536 District of Columbia, Door-Keeper of House, banks in, to be examined by Comptroller of salary...............................-. 53 Currency - -—........................ 332 duty of, during recess of Congress......... 73 60 INDEX. Section. Section. Door-Keeper of Senate, Drawback-Continued. salary —... —-- -..... —.......-..-.. 52 on merchandise transported to another disduty of, during recess of Congress. ——...- 73 trict for exportation................. 3036 Dorchester, Mass., merchandise entered for, on incomplete entry, port of delivery —-..... —-—... ——.... —. 2527 when extension of time, &c.. —---—. 3037 Double-Eagle, debentures for, in certain cases, at what time ~ weight and fineness of............. 3511,3514 payable.-......... —-. 3038 deviation allowed in adjusting-.....-... 3535 I when payment of, refused by collector, proDouble Pensions, test of; suit, how brought.. —-... —. 3039 no person allowed to receive -......-.- - 4715 how assigned, &c................. 3040 Double Postage, on certificate of exportation of merchanwhen to be charged on letters...-.. —-. 3898 dise from other than port of importaon books, &c........................... 3910 tion........................-.. 3041 Doubler, (Distillery,) error or fraud; duties to be received bespace around and elevation of. —-------—. 3269 fore payment of..................... 3042 to be destroyed and materials sold in certain bond to be given for delivery of merchancases of forfeiture...-.. —... —-. —. 3332 dise at a foreign port before receipt of. 3043 Double Salaries, appropriation for payment of, how expendnot allowed, unless authorized by law.. —. 1763 ed; who to pay; certificates of, where Dover, N. H., receivable for customs.......... 3048,3689 port of delivery.........-.... 2522 on material to rebuild burnt district in Draft, Chicago...-... —..-....-...- --- 3689 forfeiture of citizenship for avoiding... 1998 falsely making, forging, altering, &c., utDrafts, tering false as true, &c...-....... 5423 drawn upon any bank, &c., at sight or on Imerchandise entered for, and relanded, seizdemand, tax on..y.b...-i....-.. 3418 r ure, forfeiture, and penalty.......... 3049 prompt presentation for payment required.. 3645 fale entry of, forfeiture.. 3050 by or upon authorized officers of United when by accident or mistake — 3051 States, included in words " obligation imports from British North America entered, or other security of the United States" 5413 &c., may be transported, &c., for benei fit of,.-.-,, ------ --------—.......... 3053 Draughtsman, on imports exported from Lake Pontcharto verify plan of distillery... —... —-... — 3263 train.. —-... -.......... —.. —- 3055 Drawback, imports entered for, may be exported to of customs-duties, British North America..-. —------. 3056 jurisdiction of district courts of suits on de- Secretary of Treasury to prescribe rules, &c., bentures for, &c............... -.... 563 for. —-—... —--—. ——. —-.-..- -. 3057 of circuit courts.-..... —----------- 629 fee for permit to load goods for export endebentures, 6 per cent. interest allowed on, titled to.-...-. —. —-.. —-... —. 4382 in suits. —. -—. ------—.. ----- - 965 of internal-revenue taxes, not allowed on oil-cake made from imported collector may be designated to have charge seed-..... —. ——.. ——... -. 2504 of —---- --—... —-.. ——..... 3161 duty-paid merchandise may remain in ware- appointment of superintendent of..-,,, —- 3161 house and be entitled to -,,, —------ 2977 papers in bureau of, in respective ports, to be no entry or exportation of goods withdrawn delivered to collectorhavingcharge of- 3161 from custody of officers. -—. — —.. 2978 on distilled spirits... —--..... —---—. —-. 3329 except on certain manufactures and salt Secretary of Treasury to prescribe regulafor curing fish. —-----... --—.. —. 3025 tions in regard to, exported for.... —- 3329 provisions relating to.,...-.......3015-3057 duties of customs-officers relative thereto. 3329 allowance of, on imports exported —... —-. 3015 on tobacco, snuff, and cigars. —---------—. 3386 restrictions on -—.. — -...- --—. —-----,3016 Commissioner to prescribe regulations for no allowance of, unless goods exported within ascertaining................. 3386 three years. —--—.......... —.. ——. 3017 no allowance of, on tobacco less than $50 1 per cent. of retained for United States-.-. 3017 worth.......................... 3388 drugs, medicines, and chemicals -—.... —. 3018 on certain articles exported ----—.... —.. 3441 on articlesmanufactured wholly of imported Commissioner to make regulations concernmaterials, 10 per cent. of; retained for ing................................. 3441 United States....................... 3019 method of payment........................ 3441 on manufactures, in part, of wood grown in limitation of time as to claims -......... 3441 United States -. —-... —. —-.. —- 3020 no allowance of, on less than $10 worth... 3441 on salt for curing fish...... — —. —..-.. --- 3022 certificates of, receivable for internal-revehow ascertained on saltpetre manufactured nue taxes..................... 3442 into gunpowder -..... —--.... 3026 fraudulent claim for...............-.., 3443 10 per cent. retained for United States.. —-. 3026 appropriation for.-... —........-...-.....- 3689 of discriminating duties not allowed... —-. 3027 Drawing off, on articles imported in bulk -.............. 3028 distilled spirits........................... 3267 on spirits and sugars changed from original water for purpose of cleansing worm-tub.. 3286 packages... —-.. --—. —-—.- 3029 Drayage, goods entitled to, when may be changed into customs, appropriation of, receipts from.... 3687 other packages. —-----—.. —----- 3030 Drilling Volunteers, notice of change, to whom given. —---- 3031 claims for, against United States-... —.-... 3489 invoice to be deposited with collecter, &c. 3032 Drop Letters, inspection of, entered for......... 3033 rates of postage on.. —-........ —. 3904 goods intended for, transported, to be accom- Drugs, Medicines, and Chemicals, paniedby copyof cost from invoice, &c. 3034 (see Examiner of Drugs, Ec., and Mediproceedings before lading; oath of exporter. 3035 cines and Medicinal Preparations.) INDEX. 61 Section. Section. Drunkenness, Duties-Continued. penalty for, on merchant-vessels -—.... — 4602 if used for such construction no duties to Dubuque, Iowa, be paid..............-....... 2513 port of delivery in district of New Orleans - 2568 such vessels not to engage in coastwise surveyor to reside at, duties of --------—. 2569 trade more than two months in a year- 2513 Du Luth, Minn., articles for repair of American vessels may collection-district and port of entry... —--- 2595 be withdrawn from bonded warehouse collector to reside at.............. 2596 free of...-..-.. —- ---—..... —-- -. 2514 Duncan City, Mich., peltries and proper goods, &c., of Indians, port of delivery......-..........-...... 2599 when admitted free of..-.........-. 2515 Dundee, on non-enumerated articles, rate of....2499,2516 consul at, salary of ------.. ——... —- 1690 cargoes for Greenport, N. Y., to pay at Sag Dunkirk, T. Y., Harbor.-............. 2537 collection-district and port of entry..-... 2535 for Cold Spring or Port Jefferson, N. Y., to collector in, to reside at. —-....-.... —-. 2536 pay at New York. —............ 2540 additional inspectors for.....-.......... 2605 rates of, to be posted up in office of collecDuplicate Bonds, tors, &c., receipts for, penalty, &c... 2635 of United States, in lieu of destroyed bonds, reixportation, &c., bonds conditioned for 3702-3705 payment of, suit on.................. 2778 Duplicate Checks, on merchandise for districts other than that when and how issued................ 3646, 3647 of arrival, how paid................. 2779 for lost checks of disbursing officers in favor to be paid only on goods landed. —.. ——. 2779 of postmasters. —-........... —-. 4046 when not paid in district of arrival, duty of in pension-cases, when and how issued...... 4770 master of vessel --—..... —..... —.- 2780 Duplicates, bond for, by master of vessel proceeding to books, &c., exchange and disposal of, in another district..................... 2782 library of Congress.................. 86 when to be cancelled..-.. —-.... —. -—. 2783 agents for exchange of....-........... —- 87 on excess of sea-stores ------—. —2796,3112,3113 Duties, coal of steam-vessels exempt from......... 2798 on imports, baggage, on articles contained in.-..-..... 2801 schedules of special rates of..-..-.... 2503-2505 concealing dutiable articles in, penalty- - 2802 suits for, to be brought in name of United in transit to foreign country free from —.... 2803 States...........-.... 919 on merchandise transported to interior ports, when special bail may be required in suits to bond of importer or consignee -.. —-.. 2825 recover............................ 942 to be ascertained by collector, certificate judgment in suit to recover, payable in coin. - 962 of, to surveyor. —...-............. 2826 execution of, to be satisfied in coin, &c. -. 962 when greater than bond, no entry allowed; interest to be allowed in suits on bonds for. 963 surveyor to collect, when ascertained- 2831 dutiable articles not to be imported in pub- invoices of goods subject to ad-valorem, how lie vessels..-...... —-.. —.-..-. —. 1342 and in what currency made out..2838, 2854 on sealskins from St. Paul and St. George merchandise undervalued to be held by colIslands, Alaska............. ——.... 1969 lectors..................-... 2840 collection and payment of.... — —. —-. 1969 proper value of, to be ascertained.. ——. 2840 on non-enumerated articles............ 2499,2516 oaths of owner, consignee, agent, &c., forms "similitude clause"................ 2499 of.................-.......... 2841 to be levied on reimportations.- - - - - --- 2500 bond for production of invoice verified by on goods produced east of Capeof Good Hope- 2501 oath of absent owner of goods subject discriminating duties on importations in for- to ad-valorem.-........-..........- 2842 eign vessels............... 2502 not to be liquidated until triplicate invoice 90 per cent. of regular duties, list of importa- is received...... —-.......... -. 2857 tions admitted at... —........... 2503 collector and naval officer to estimate and 10 per cent. reduction of duties, articles en- secure, before granting permit to untitled to..-... —-..-........ --. 2503 lade............. --—......... 2869 tariff of....-......................... —- 2504 weighing, gauging, &c., to be done before free list.... —-—. —----..-... —--—.. 2505 goods removed from wharf........... 2882 certificate of consul or minister to be in- to be paid before sale of perishable cargo -. 2892 dorsed on American artists' declara- 20 per cent. additional on undervalued goods - 2900 tion to admit works of art free, &c —- 2505 on articles omitted in entry without fraud, certain fish and fish-oil admitted from Can- to be collected...................... 2901 ada, Prince Edward's Island, and New- President to establish regulations for estifoundland, free.............. 2506 mating, in case of depreciated currency 2903 merchandise recovered from vessels sunk and estimated upon value at date of shipment-. 2904 abandoned, free of......... 2507 merchandise subject to ad-valorem, &c., approduce of forests of Maine, upon St. John praised at foreign market value at time River, sawed, &c., in New Brunswick, of exportation.................. 2905,2906 admitted free of.............2. 2508 charges for transportation, packing, &c., to of forests upon St. Croix River...._. 2509 be added..........-............ 2907 machinery for manufacture of beet-sugar to commission at usual rates, but not less than be exempt from. —................... 2510 24 per cent., to be added............. 2907 imported for repair only, to be free of.... 2511 on wines, &c., how graded, &c ---—. ------ 2907 statuary and pictures for exhibition and not charges a part of value for assessment of.. - 2908 for sale, to be free of; bond for pay- 20 per cent. collected on additions for charges ment of, when not reixported........ 2512 exceeding 10 per centum, &c., and on materials for construction, &c., of vessels in wools exceeding 12 cents per pound -. 2908 foreign and Atlantic and Pacific trade where appraisal exceeds 10 per centum of may be imported in bond............ 2513 1 invoice value................. 2909 62 INDEX. Section. Section. Duties-Continued. Duties-Continued. on imports of different values invoiced at or at any place on land, or on a vessel.... 5315 average price. —--. —... --- --—. 2910 when land and naval forces may be employed on wool in same bale, &c., of different quali- to prevent removal of vessel, &c., deties... —..-.. -. ——... —-. —-. ——. 2912 tained for payment of, in times of inon vinegar, according to standard —-... —-. 2917 surrection, &c....-.-..-...- 5316 on distilled spirits, according to hydrometer when port of entry may be closed by proclaproof................-. 2918 mation of President; forfeitures..-.. 5317 on grain. —...-....-......- -. 2919 when President may employ vessels in addiallowance made for deficiency of articles. 2921 tion to revenue-cutters in aid of colwhen bond required of owner, to give infor- lection of. —-...... —--—. —. ——.. 5318 mation to determine rate of ----- -—. 2925 willfully concealing or destroying invoice, decision of collector final, and no suit to be book, or paper relating to merchanmaintained for recovery of, unless pro- dise liable to..-..................... 5443 test and appeal are made -....-...-.. 2931 drawback of, (see Drawback.) additional, not deemed fines, penalties, &c., discriminating, for purpose of distribution, &c. ——. 2948 to be levied on articles imported in certain stored merchandise, when sold for.......... 2963 foreign vessels...-....-... —-......- 2502 imports, how and where stored, upon fon- no part of, allowed to be drawback....... 3027 payment of --—. —----—. —-------- 2964 appropriation to refund certain. —......-. 3689 amount and payment of, on goods withdrawn tonnage or impost, may be suspended or disfrom warehouse for consumption.... 2970 continued by President's proclamaton, on merchandise in public store unpaid, after when. —-..... —....... ——.. ——. 4228 one year, &c., proceedings to obtain.. 2973 when suspension to take effect..-....-... 4228 paid on goods remaining in warehouse, re- duration of suspension.-......-...-. 4228 turnable on exportation within three Prussian vessels exempted from. —... —.- 4229 years, &c.. —... —--—..-..- —. —-- 2977 duration of exemption --................ 4230 goods may be exported without payment of- 2979 Spanish vessels exempted from, when...... 4231 no abatement of, for injury to goods while in duration of exemption.- --—. —- 4231 public warehouse... -... —-....-.. 2983 Iimports and tonnage, refund allowed on goods destroyed, &c., by superintendence of, collection of, by Secreaccident........ —......... 2984 tary of Treasury.-..........-... —. 249 merchandise for immediate transportation tonnage, not subject to liquidation of, at port what vessels not to pay. —-... —-... —, —. 2793 of first arrival.. —-.. —-—..... ——. 2991 decision of collector of customs as to rate of, what, to be collected in case of failure to final, unless, &c.. —-.. —...... — 2931 transport bonded merchandise in given foreign vessels in northern, &c., districts, time... —-------... —------.....-. 3001 when to pay........ —..-....-..3110 goods withdrawn from warehouse for expor- on vessels entering from foreign porttation to Mexico without payment of- 3002 exemption of foreign yachts....... 4216 through port of Lavaca, Tex-............ 3003 on vessels of United States -........... 4219 through port of Indianola, Tex.. —-. —. 3004 built in United States but owned by forgoods arriving at certain ports for British eigners............................. 4219 provinces and Mexico not to pay-. —- 3005 exemption from, of registered, enrolled, and how collected and paid. —-........ —-. 3009 licensed vessels in coasting or fishing unascertained... —------—....... —-—.. — 3010 trade. —-......- --—. — ---—. —-- 4220 paid under protest, to be deposited......... 3010 of vessels making daily trips on inland may be recovered. —-... ——. —......... 3011 waters between United States and suits to recover, not to be maintained unless Canada, except, &c.-............... 4221 bill of particulars is served.-..-..... 3012 from tonnage-fees of vessels touching at improperly collected, how refunded........3012i Canadian ports, when -..-.........-. 4222 refund of unascertained... —..-..-........3012 Ito be paid but once in each year-........ 4223 in case of failure to appeal.......-, —. 3013 exception as to certain foreign vessels.... 4223 judgment for, what to recite, and payable in time of payment of, by vessels paying once coin... —-......-..-..... 3014 a year........-......... 4224 remitted on salt for curing fish............ 3022 "light-money," on vessels not of United on'excess of sea-stores of vessels on northern, States....-.....-.. 4225 &c., frontiers, penalty, &c........... 3112 how payable.......-.. -...... 4225 on saloon stores.. —... —--—... —... --- 3113 unregistered vessels, owned by citizens and not to accrue because registered coasting- carrying sea-letter, exempt --—. ——. 4226 vessel touches at foreign place.-.-. 3127 oath by owner on entry, when..-........... 4226 shall be paid in what................. —-.. 3473 by master, when -.............-. 4226 United States notes not received in payment effect of failure to take.-............... 4226 of......... --—.. —... —-—.. — 3588-3590 rights, &c., of foreign nations under laws appropriation of, to interest on sinking-fund 3688 and treaties regarding, preserved.... 4227 application of coin received from.......... 3694 suspension of, by President's proclamation.. 4228 change of place of collection during preva- on vessel licensed for coasting-trade or lence of epidemic or contagious dis- fisheries.. —-.... —-----—..... ——. 4320 eases............................... 4397 a-eases - -—. —-.- -.-.-. —.. --—. _.. 4397 licensed vessel in coasting-trade or fisheries States not to collect, without consent of Con- subject to, when.................... 4335 States not to collectwithout consent of Congress-2subject to, when............. 4335 not to be deposited in national-bank deposi- States not to collect without consent of Contories. —-. —..-.-..-. —-—. ——. 5153 gress............ 4792 national-bank notes not receivable for. ——. 5182 Brazil, steamships carrying mail between President may cause, to be collected at port United States and, exempted from port of delivery in case of insurrection, &c. 5314 charges, &c..-....-..........,-.. 4232 INDEX. 63 Section. Section. Duties-Continued.' Elections-Continued. duration of exemption-................... 4232 | right to hold office not impaired by denial to discriminating tonnage, citizen of right to vote at -. —-—... — 2010 on certain foreign vessels. —-------------—. 4219 person so deprived of office may bring suit on other vessels -... —... —-----—. —-.. —- 4219 for possession.-. 2010 when discrimination against United States jurisdiction of courts in such cases. —-... 2010 abolished.. —-... —------—... ——. 4219 of Representative to Congress, circuit court rights of nations under laws or treaties not to be opened on application of citiimpaired-...... —...... —-...... —. 4219 zens. ——... ——. —-------—..... —-- 2011 Duxbury, Mass., appointment of supervisors of election-... 2012 port of delivery........................... 2527 of special deputy marshals-............... 2021 Dwelling-House, duties of.. —-...... —-------------—... 2021 customs-officers not to enter, in making designation of circuit court commissioner as searches.. —--—...-... —-... ——... 3065 chief supervisor.. —.................. — 2025 warrant to search, how and by whom ob- duration of office of chief supervisor. ——.- 2025 tained, &c.; forfeitures.......-...~ 3066 duties of.-........................ 2026 limit to appointment of marshals and deputies.. —-.-.. —. —....... ——. —---—.....- 2030 Eagle, fees of chief supervisor.....- - -...-....... 2031 weight and fineness of. —-------------- 3511,3514 compensation of supervisors and special depdeviation allowed in adjusting............. 3535 uty marshals. —--—..... —---- 2031 Eagle Pass, Texas, Elective Franchise, inspector of customs to reside at........... 2580 removal of suits from State to circuit court, Easterr, District, Md., against officer, &c., for acts done uncollection-district.. —-..... —....... —.- -.- ~2548 der provisions of Title XXVI, "THE collector in, residence of —....-...-. —.. 2549 ELECTIVE FRNCHISE.......... 643 East Greenwich, B. L., IJElectrical Apparatus, port of delivery -. 2531 for lighting hall of House, dome, &c., who East Haddam, Conn., i to have charge of.................... 1817 port of delivery........................... 2533 Elizabeth, N. J., East Ha~rt~ford, Conn., port of delivery........................... 2541 port of delivery -....... —....-....... ——. 2533 Ellensberg, Oreg., East River, Va., port of delivery....... 2586 port of delivery ---—..-... —-- - -—.. ——. 2552 deputy collector of customs to reside at —..-. 2587 East Windsor, Conn., Ellsworth, Me., port of delivery..-................... 2533 port of entry-......-....-. —-.... —. 2517 Easton, Md., collector to reside at....-..2............... 2518 port of delivery.................... 2548 Elsinore, Eastport, Me., consul at, salary of......-.............. 1690 port of entry and delivery..... —......... 2517 ElPaso County, Texas, collector to reside at-.-,,, -.-..-,..-. —. 2518 jurisdiction of district court of New Mexico Ecuador, over citizens of — --.-.. 1928 salary of minister to -..-. —.........-..-... 1675 El Paso, Texas, Edenton, N. C., port of entry.............................. 2578 port of entry.............................. 2555 collector to reside at. ——...................... 2579 collector to reside at..-................... 2556 Embassados, Edgartown, Mass., (see Di collection-district and port of entry........ 2527plomatic Offices.) collector to reside at 2529 Embezzlement, Edgecomb, Me., by consular officers, penalty for...-........ 1734 vessels owned at, may unlade there........ 2520 of money-order funds, penalty.. 4046 of postal revenues, what shall be deemed. -. - 4053 Education, Office of, of pension-money by guardians, penalty..... 4783 establishment and purposes of-..........-. 516 discharge in bankruptcy not to release debt Commissioner of, appointment and salary.. 517 created by. 5117 duties of.518 of private or public property by persons in rooms for................................. 519 ~~~~rooms for -.,,,,,-,,,,,519 ~ military or naval service............. 5306 Effects of Dfeceased Seamen, of implement used, &c., in printing any bond, provisions in relation to -—.- --- 4538-4545 bill, note, certificate, coupon, postageEgypt, stamp, revenue-stamp, fractional-cursalary of agent and consul-general to -.. —-. 1675 rency note, &c....................... 5453 judicial authority of United States minister of paper, &c., intended, &c., to be used in and consuls in..-................4111-4120 making bonds, &c-. 5453 (see Consular Courts.) of paper, &c., printed and intended to be used as bond, &c.. —-.......... —. 5453 Eight-Hour Law,, of metals, coins, medals, &c., at United States appropriation for reduction of wages under- 3689 mint or assay-ofic...5460 eight hours to constitute a day's work under- 3738 officerguilty of, who pays clerk, &c., less than Elections, lawful sum and requires receipt for contested, fees of witnesses and officers - -128, 129 sum greater than paid............... 5483 expenses of contestants. ——.-... —... —-. 130 depositing moneys unlawfully, converting, Presidential, mileage of electoral messen- &c., loaning, withdrawing from degers,.-............................. 144 posit, or applying same for unlawful in Territories, of justices of peace and purpose by disbursing-officer-.-.... 5488 militia officers —.-...-.. —..... —... 1856 failure of Treasurer, depositary, &c., safely of township, district, and county officers. 1857 to keep moneys deposited, &c. ——... 5489 64 INDEX. Section. Section. Embezzlement-Continued. Engineer Soldiers, loaning, using, converting, &c., depositing in (see Battalion of Engineers.) banks, exchanging, &c., of moneys, by Engineer in Department of the Treasury, person charged with safe-keeping, &c 5490 salary of........................... 235 failure of officer, &c., receiving moneys, &c., assistant --....................... 235 to render accounts....5491 Engineer in Post-Office Department, failureof person having United States moneys salary of................................ 393 to deposit with Treasurer, &c........ 5492 assistant.. -................-.. —....... 393 application of sections 5488-5492.......... 5493 Engineers in Revenue-Marine Service, evidence of balance, against defendant, on rank and pay of ----...............-. 2750 trial of indictment for.. —---—. —.. 5494 Engineers, Licensed, prima-facie evidence of, against person (see Licensed Officers of Steam- Vessels.) charged with safe-keeping, transfer, Engineers, or disbursement of public moneys.... 5495 in service of Senate, salary -................ 52 receiving from disbursing-officer, &c., on de- of House of Representatives....... ——. 53 posit, loan, &c., or using, converting, chief, of House of Representatives, to have &c., moneys, by banker, &c., not an charge of electrical apparatus, &c... 1817 authorized depositary -—.............5497 civil, payment of, by corporations receiving by president, cashier, teller, director, &c., of land-grants or subsidies, with right bank or banking association......... 5497 reserved to appoint, &c -..-.. —... 5259 Embezzling Cargo, Chief of, (see Chief of Engineers.) punishment of seamen for —..-..-.. -.-.-. 4596 England, Emigration, salaries of minister and secretaries to. ——. 1675 (see Cooly-Trade.) Engraver of Mint, Emoluments, at Philadelphia; how appointed.-......... 3496 of collectors, naval officers, and surveyors at salary of. —......-..................... 3498 certain ports, limit of............- —.... 2690 power of, to nominate subordinates. —-.. 3504 at other ports...................... 2691 duties of..-....... 3510 of surveyors of customs, limitation on..2719, 2720 may execute certain dies................ 3551 Empty Casks,Engraving, of American manufacture exported full and reuired by Commissioner of Patents; adreturned empty, free of duty..-........ 2505 vertisement and contract for......... 492 distilled spirits, marks, &c., must be obliter- on stamped envelopes, prohibited.-.-. 3915 ated. —------ --- --------—. —- - 3324 of United States notes, &c., Secretary of forfeiture of-3324.. 3324Treasury may provide for........3575, 3577 transporting, failing to efface marks, &c. - 3324 Engraving and Printing buying or selling, with inspection-marks provisions relating to....3571-3579 thereon ----------------------------- 3325 provisions relating to -3571-3579 Empthereonx. e..e..e,, 3325 United States notes in Treasury........-.. 3577 mpty to be destroyed3406 expenses ofC- 3578 stamps on, to be destroyedf..... 3406 appropriation for..-.........-.. 3689 giving away, accepting, selling, buying, or using stamped................... 3406 Engravings, destruction of, on which a stamp shall be of maps, diagrams, &c., to illustrate docufound —.-..... — -.......3406. ments ordered by Congress, procured Empty Package, by Congressional Printer......... —. 3779 stamped, of tobacco and snuff, selling or giv-when by advertisement................ 3780 ing, buying or accepting............ 3376 of maps of States, &c., accompanying anputting tobacco or snuff into.............. 3376 nual report of Commissioner of General Land-Office-..........-.......-. 3781 Enacting Clause, samples of paper for, to be preserved by form of.. —. —-—. —. —---------—. —---- 7 Congressional Printer; execution of Enacting Words, contract for-........................ 3782 limitation of use of —.... -............... 9 to be third-class mail-matter.............. 3878 Engineer Corps, Enlisted Men, of Army, of Army, component of Army of United States.. - - 1094 number of privates for batteries of artillery. 1100 composed of what................. --. 1151 for troops of cavalry. —--....-.... 1103 chief of, to determine supplies for battalion. 1152 for companies of infantry.............. 1107 engineer superintending construction of for- number of, allowed.-............ 1115 tification to disburse, &c -............ 1153 term of service of......................... 1119 battalion, composition of................... 1154 of Engineer Corps, allowances and benefits company, composition of.-.... —. —-. —--- 1155 for, &c....................... 1155 superintendent and commandant of cadets to of Ordnance Department, designations of.. 1162 have local rank of colonel and lieuten- pay of.-.. —-................... 1280 ant-colonel of engineers......-..-. —. 1310 increased pay of.......................... 1281 detail of officers from, to superintend con- re-enlistment pay of..............-.. 1282 struction, &c., of light-houses.......... 4664 to be paid according to length of service.. 1283 of Navy, pay of, re-enlisting under honorable disnumber and grades in, on active list —...... 1390 charge......................... 1284 Chief of Bureau of Steam-Engineeringto have allowance of rations to............... 1293 title of Engineer-in-Chief. ——.. ——. 1471 deposits of savings by...-............ 1305 relative rank of, on active list-.. -.-... —. 1476 interest on..-............ 1306 education of midshipmen-engineers at Naval regulations for.......................... 1307 Academy..................... 1522 when payable...-................. 1308 pension..................... 4693 when to have pensions.-......... 4693 rate of total-disability pension.......... 4695 rate of total-disability pension to.-.-..... 4695 INDEX. 65 Section. Section, Enlisted Men —Continued. Entry-Continued. not mustered, when pension to dependent of non-residents, subject to ad-valorem duty, relatives to begin.............-.... 4710 -how made ----- 2843 of navy, Iof non-residents not acquired by purchase, pay of, how fixed.......................... 1569 &c --—......-..-..... —--—. —-..-.. 2845 when to have pensions............- 4693 when merchandise admitted to, without oath rate of total-disability pension to. —--—.. ——.. 4695 to invoice.......................... —.- 2847 non-enlisted men in temporary service, when who to give bond prior to, and in what pension to dependent relative to be- form.. —. —-—.. —-. —-... ——.-. — 2848 gin -.-. —--—. —--—. —-. —-.-.-. 4710 where one of owners resides abroad, on Enlistment, whose oath may be made............ 2849 in Army, term of.......-...-.. —. 1119 how made when change of destination of in Navy, number authorized —--- 1417 merchandise after production of inmen to be sent home at expiration of-.... 142'2 voice, and non-receipt of triplicate at when petty officers, &c., may be detained port of arrival.. —-. ——. ——.. ——. 2857 beyond term of....... -------------------- 1422 when impracticable, from accident, &c., to men detained to be subject to laws and produce invoice at time of, who to auregulations 1423 thorize making of...-. ——. —- -- 2858 limit of detention after arrival in port... 1424 certain provisions concerning, not to apply in Marine Corps, term of. —-—.. —-.. —-- 16l08 to countries where there are no conEnrolled Vessels, sular officers of United States-. -—. 2859 (see Vessels.) when may be made without production of Enrolling-Officers, triplicate invoice, &c.......... —-. 2859 when to have pension 4693 not to be made unless invoice in proper form. 2860 rate of total-disability pension to..-... —.. 4695 by means of false invoice, &c., how punished. 2864 pensions to widows, &c., of, when to begin- 4710 under treaty of Washington, how made-..... 2866 Enrollment in Militia, estimate of customs-duties to be indorsed on - 2869 who subject to.-. —.-. —.. —. —---—....- - 1625 in case of vessel seeking port in distress, to by whom made...- -............ -.. 1629 1 be made before sale of perishable cargo 2892 notice of.................................. 1627 addition to cost or value, how and when Enrollment and License, made............................... —- 2900 (see Vessels.) articles omitted from invoice to be added to, Ensigns, when no fraud &c..-................ 2901 number of, on active list................... 1363 additions made to value of. for charges, how pay of..-...- ------—.. —----—.. —-. —---- 1556 regarded, and what duty collected on; Ensign. or Flag, exceptions as to certain wools....-.... 2908 of revenue-cutter service, who to prescribe- 2764 appraisal before, of imported goods damaged Entry, and taken from wrecks —... —-. —--- 2928 for deposit in distillery warehouse to be made imported into northern, &c., frontier districts, in triplicate -...-....-..-....-.... —- 3293 how made...-.. —.....-........... —. 3097 for withdrawal of distilled spirits from ware- of saloon-stores of vessels on northern, &c., house to be made in duplicate, &c - -. 3294 frontiers, penalty for failure, &c-... 3113 for exportation of distilled spirits entitled to of equipments, penalty for failure, &c - -. -... 3114 drawback, form of................ —--- 3329 taken or delivered at intermediate port, by drawback, vessels in foreign and coasting trade, (see Drawback.) how made, &c-.................... —. —. 3117 of imports, fees for....-............................... 4382 by owners, &c., when to be made and what officer of revenue knowingly admitting to, to include.. -......... —--- 2785 or aiding, upon payment of less than to be verified by oath..-... —-... —... —- 2786 lawful duty-.................. —-. 5444 how made, when particulars of merchandise knowingly effecting, at less than true weight, are unknown.-..... —...... —------- 2788 or by payment of less than lawful when imperfect, collector what to do... —.. 2789 duty-................................ 5445 of distilled spirits or wines separate, certifi- of public lands. cate and transmission of......-....... 2794 (see Lands, Public.) separate, of personal baggage, tools, &c., of vessels, how and by whom made...... —.. —. 2799 where to be made......................... 2770 when not by owner, bond, &c.......... —. 2800 ship's papers to be produced to collector.... 2790 of cigars, number in package, &c. —.... 2804 vessels of war and certain others not required where made for Albany, N. Y................ 2816 to make-......... — -—. ——.. —... —. 2791 for Augusta, Ga. - -.......................... 2817 ferry-boats not required to make. - - - - -. 2792 for Pilatka, Fla....... —----—.. —---- -----—..- 2818 when obstructed by ice, how made.-....... 2896 for. Bayport, Fla.-.....-.....-.......-.- 2819 in foreign trade, mails to be delivered before 3976 for Selma, Ala-.................... —.. —... 2820 shall not be allowed until delivery of letters for Houston, Tex -.......-..-. ----------- 2821 at post-office; oath, penalty... —---. 3988 for ports of delivery on Mississippi River of foreign vessels, production to collectors of and its tributaries................... 2822 register, clearance, &c., by master for ports of delivery in district of New on. —----—.. —. —-—. —-—. —- 4209 Orleans..-.... —-.. —--—. —--- 2823 deposit of papers with foreign consul... -- 4209 for Vallejo, Cal --.. ——.. ——.. —--- 2824 penalty for failing to produce and deand permit for landing.. —- --—... --—.. 2826 posit.. ——................-... 4209 when duty on merchandise exceeds bond... 2831 exceptions as to vessels of certain nafor Petersburgh and Richmond collection- tions. —-.. —. -.. —..-. 4210 districts, how made. —-...-.... —--- 2836 of vessels of United States, oath of master subject to ad-valorem duty, when bond re- as to delivery of mails on.-......... 4212 quired for production of invoice..... 2842 licensed yachts exempt from, when..-...... 4214 9B S 66 INDEX. Section. Section. Entry-Continued. Estimates-Continued. foreign yachts exempt from, when —-—.......... 4216 of material for printing and binding, by of yachts returning from foreign country_- -4218 foremen of printing and binding..... 3783 not to be allowed until hospital-tax is paid. 4585 of expenses of Government Printing-Office until master has made oath as to impress- to Register of Treasury.. —-......... 3814 ment of crew............-..... 4590 of expenses, to be furnished by Light-House fees for,(see Fees.) Board-.............................. 4659 Envelopes, of cost of apparatus and buildings to be (see Postage Stamps and Envelopes.) prepared for Light-House Board by Envelopes and Wrappers, engineer secretary................... 4665 (see Postal Envelopes and Wrappers.) manner of communicating.......-.......... 3660 Envoys Extraordinary, for printing and binding for Departments, &c. 3661 shall be deemed included by words " diplo- for compensation of officers................ 3662 matic officers".-.. —.. — —.. -....-1674 for public works-........................... 3663 salaries of, to Austria-..... ——. —-—. —-. 1675 to contain explanations of new items, &c. -.. 3664 to Brazil -—...-.......-..... —.. —---—. 1675 to state amount of outstanding appropriation 3665 to Chili................................. 1675 for Navy Department...................... 3666 to China -................................ 1675 for Post-Office Department................. 3668 to France............................... 1675 | all annual, to be submitted through Secretary to Germany............................. 1675 of Treasury, and included in book of.. 3669 to Great Britain....-... —.. —... —......- 1675 statement of appropriations of current year to Italy.... —........................... 1675 to be annexed to,,by Secretary of to Japan................................ 1675 Treasury.-3670 to Mexico -.. —-........ —-. ——. —------ 1675 of Commissioner of Internal Revenue.... —. 3671 to Peru..-.-.....-..... —---—.. —..-... 1675 statement of proceeds of old material to be to Russia.. ——. ——. —.... --—.-.. —--- 1675 included in appendix to book of...... 3672 to Spain. ——. ——.. —-... —-... —-.. 1675 for public buildings shall be approved before term for which payable ——... —.-........ 1740 commencement.. —-.. —-...-.-....... 3734 Epidemics, Ethics, removal of offices from seat of Government professor of, at Naval Academy........... 1528 in case of -....... —-. —.... —----- —. 4798 Eureka, Cal., adjournment of Supreme Court in case of. -. 4799 port of delivery........................... 2582 of district and circuit courts -..- - - - - - 4799 deputy collector to reside at -.. —-2-...... 2583 removal of prisoners in case of-............. 4800 i vessels going to or from, how to report..... 2585 "E Pluribus lUnum," Europe, shall be inscribed on coins.. ——... —....- - 3517 goods may be transported in bond through Equipage, United States from and to..-....... 2997 lostin military service to be paid for.3482, 3486, 3487 Evading Payment, of horse condemned in military service, when of tax on distilled spirits --—... —.....-... 3256 to be paid for —.... - -..-........... 3485 on fermented liquors.................... 3340 Equipments, Evansville, Ind., annual appropriation for, in militia.......-. 1661 port of delivery in district of New Orleans. 2568 of vessels, (see Vessels.) surveyor and appraiser at, duties of........ 2569 Equity, weighers, gaugers, measurers, and inspecjurisdiction in, of district courts, to enforce tors for —.. —--.......-........ 2606 liens for internal-revenue taxes, &c... 563 transportation in bond extended to......... 2997 for what purposes district courts, so far as inspectors of hulls and boilers for.......... 4414 courts of, always open -.. —.. —... —- 574 salaries of, —... —...-.....-............ 4414 jurisdiction of circuit courts, where United Evidence, States are petitioners -—..6. ——...- 629 books and writings containing, &c., power appeals in cases of, within what time to be of United States courts to require protaken 1008 duction of, in actions at law....... —.. 724 limitation to suits in, by and against assignee 5057 what admitted, of value of merchandise in Erie, Pa., customs cases -. ——.. —.....,.....- 2852 collection district and port of entry......-. 2543 written, in customs cases where filed, &c -. 2922 collector to reside at. —-...-..-..........-. 2544 possession of goods imported contrary to law additional inspectors for district of......... 2605 deemed sufficient, to authorize conEscheat, viction. —.......................... 3082 to United States when real estate held by how obtained under letters rogatory.. —-..... 4071 religious, &c., associations in Terri- what shall be, of balance due from defendtories shall.-.............-..-....... 1890 ant, upon trial of indictment for emEsopus, N. Y., bezzling public moneys..-....-.. —.. 5494 port of delivery... —... —-.....-...- 2535 what will be prima-facie, of embezzlement Estates, upon trial of indictment for, against of citizens dying abroad, duty of consular person charged with safe-keeping, officers as to --—.. —. —.. —. —.. 1709 &c., public moneys..... —-.......... 5495 liability of, on national-bank stock.-........ 5152 Examination, in bankruptcy, (see Bankruptcy.) of clerks in Departments.. —..-....... 164 Estimates, in Navy, pay of officers delayed in.. —...... 1562 for Post-Office Department, when to be fur- of applicants for admission into civil sernished to Secretary of Treasury...... 414 vice.. —------—..........-......... 1753 for permanent barracks, to be submitted to of emigrant vessels arriving.... — -...... 4272 Congress before construction -..... 1136 report of, to Secretary of Treasury. -.-.. - -.. 4272 for public buildings and grounds in charge customs, of Chief of Engineers, how approved for appraisal, by customs officers, of importand submitted.. —-............... 1798. ers, &c., how conducted.-.......... 2922 INDEX. 67 Section. Section. Examination-Continued. Executions-Continued. refusal of parties to answer, or to produce issued on judgment for customs duties, &c., papers, penalty —.. —------—. —.- 2923 to require marshal to satisfy same in perjury on, forfeitures -.................. 2924 coin, &c -—... —-.. —... ——.. —.. 962 of imported drugs, medicines, &c., how when not to issue against revenue officer, in made.. —-......................... 2933 suit for acts done, &c., or money exreturn upon........................ 2935 acted, &c........................ 989 appeal from, how made..... —..... —.. 2936 exemption from, of arms, &c., of militiaman. 1628 priority in, of goods for immediate trans- on judgment in customs cases, what to set portation.............-....-.. — --- 2991 forth, and how satisfied.-. —......... 3014 of books, &c., seized under customs laws, when United States may purchase on-.. —-. 3470 by warrant of district judge, by whom in bankruptcy, may be issued against pemade. —-.......-......-... — 3093 titioner, for register's fees, when...... 5124 internal revenue, against national banks not to issue from of distillery, &c., by revenue officer....3276-3278 State courts, &c., before, &c —..-..- 5 5242 of rectifying premises, &c -.... —... —- 3278 Executive Clerks, by breaking up grounds, &c., of distillery, salary of.................................. 155 &c., to find concealed pipe, &c. —-.. 3278 Executive Departments, Examiner, provisions applicable to all...... 158-198 of claims for Department of State, appoint- what departments designated as.......... 158 ment and salary of —..... ——. —-.- - 349 when included in word "Department" —... 159 of applicants for appointment in civil ser- salaries of heads of.-.. —. —-... ——.. —-- 160 vice -............-.......... —. —-. - 1753 regulations for, how prescribed............ 161 of national banks, appointment, powers, hours of business in.............-........ 162 duty, and pay of.-... ——.... —-. 5240 clerks in, how classified.................... 163 of customs at New York, number and ap- examinations of.................... -... 164 pointment of -................... 2538 women may be.......................... 165 compensation of..-............... —.- 2745 distribution of........-.. —-—.. 166 how and when appointed, qualifications and employee, salaries of.. -. —...... 167 and oath of..-.-. —-—.......... --. 2940 temporary, salaries of................. 168 not to engage in mercantile business...... 2941 number of, how regulated. —........... 169 of drugs, &c., in collection-district of Boston extra services of, when to be paid for..... 170 and Charlestown, Mass-.. —.....- - 2529 extra, when to be employed.............. 171 at Philadelphia, Pa..-... —-. —-—. —-. 2544 compensation of.-..-... —-.. —-...... - 171 at Baltimore, Md........-....... 2549 subordinate assistants, restriction on employat Charleston, S. C., residence of........ 2558 ment of -—... ——.. —. —.... —. 172 at New Orleans, La.......-...-.... —-.. 2569 chief clerks in, duties of..... 173-174 at San Francisco, Cal............... 2583 to report monthly to their superior officers. 174 oath of, how administered.-..... —-..-. 2611 duty of superior on receipt of report of... 175 salaries of.-..................... 2743 disbursing clerks in, duties, &c., of......... 176 at New York and San Francisco........ 2744 vacancies in offices of heads of...... 177,179-181 assistant appraiser at New York to perform in office of chief of bureau in.. — -....- 178 duties of..-................. 2938 no extra compensation to officer filling vaExaminers-in-chief, cancy in office of head of Department in Patent-Office, appointment of -... — 476 or bureau.................. 182 salary of................................ 477 oaths administered by officers or clerks of, duties of.-............... 482 detailed to investigate frauds —..... 183 Examining Surgeons, witnesses in claims before, how subpoenaed. 184 pension to commence at date of certificate fees of.... —......-.. 185 of, certificate to be approved by Com- how compelled to attend and testify. —.. 186 missioner. _.-...4698j professional assistance, in examining witof pensioners, biennial certificate of, re- nesses or claims, how obtained by.... 187 quired in case eidene to be furnished by, in suitvalid pensioners 4ding boards of, may be organized; duties, fees, in Court of Claims.... -188 &c............. 4774 heads of, not to employ attorneys, &c. —... 189 may be required to make special exami- former employes in, not to prosecute claims nations, fees of, in special cases... 4775 pending when, &c... 190 in Pension-Office, may be appointed, &c.. 4776 balances certified by Comptrollers or Comcivil surgeons may be appointed as; fees 4777 missioner of Customs conclusive upon executive branch of Government-.... 191 Excess of Deposits, may be revised by Congress or courts.... 191 for unascertained duties, appropriation to newspapers in, expenditure for........ 192 repay. —-.. ——.................. 3689 annual report concerning contingent fund Exchange and Discount, for.. ——.......-.................. 193 power of national banks to do business in.. 5136 respecting clerks employed in.......-... 194 Exclusive Jurisdiction, time of making......................... 195 of causes of admiralty.................... 563 when to be furnished to printer...... 196 of courts of United States -.-.- -- - - -.. 711 inventories of property in, by whom kept... 197 biennial list of persons employed in......... 198 Excursions, right of heads of, to require opinion of Atspecial permit to steamers to carry additional torney-General. —-.. —-........... 356 passengers on..-................ 4466 copies of books,records, documents, &c., in, Executions, how made evidence.-...... 882 statement of proceedings upon, by marshals reference by, of claims against, to Court of to Solicitor of Treasury...-... —--- 791 Claims....... 1063 to Sixth Auditor..... —... —-... ——. 792 proceedings in such cases..-.............. 1064 68 INDEX. Section. Section. Executive Departments-Continued. Expiration of Service-Continued. judgment in such cases, how paid....... 1065 shipping-articles of, to contain conditions Court of Claims may call on, for information as to................................ 1425 or papers............................ 1076 Explosive Articles, contracts of, for stationery and supplies, lim- excluded from mails..................... 3878 ited to one year..............-........ 3735 not to be carried on steam passenger-vessels- 4472 printing, binding, &c., for, where to be done. 3786 Exploring Expeditions, upon whose requisition.,.............. 3789 proceeds of materials, &c., sold to, not to be form of, by whom determined... —...... 3790 covered into Treasury -.....-......-. 3618 reports of bureau officers in, how printed.. 3788 Exports, number to be printed of annual reports of, of goods and merchandise under treaty of for use of members of Congress...... 3798 Washington..................... 2866 accounts for printing and binding to be kept superintendent of, how designated -.-. —-- 3161 with, by Congressional Printer, not to stamps for spirits to be furnished by interexceed appropriation................ 3802 nal-revenue collector, &c. —-.. ——.. 3330 advertisements for, on what authority made for tobacco, snuff, and cigars to be furor paid for.........-........ 3828 nished to internal-revenue collectors - 3385 giving or offering to officer of, money, or other when condensed statement of amount of, to thing of value, to influence decision or be furnished to Congressional Printer action.................. 5451 by Secretary of Treasury......... 3812 acceptance of bribe by officer of, with in- Exportation, tent, &c............................ 5501 of fire-arms, ammunition, and spirits to forfeiture of, and disqualification for, office, Alaska, regulation of............... 1955 by accepting bribe, with intent, &c.. 5502 of goo:s in bonded warehouse.............. 2971 Executive Proceedings in Te ritories, of good-, when entitled to return-duties, &c. 2977 copies to be transmitted to President..... 1844 restriction upon entry and, for drawback... 2978 Executors, when permitted without payment of duties. 2979 when to make oath to invoices in customs what imported merchandise may be withcases................. 2846 drawn from warehouse for, to Mexico- 3002 may carry on business without additional through port of Lavaca, Tex-........... 3003 special tax. —.-. —. 3241 through port of Indianola, Tex.......... 3004 when liable for debts due United States... 3467 of drugs, medicines, &c., how made. —-- 3018 holding national-bank stock, not to be indi- of articles imported in bulk, how made, &c. 3028 vidually liable.................... 5152 of merchandise, from district other than thatExemptio!ls, of importation, certificate of.,....... 3041 of certain property from distraint for inter- of bonded imports from warehouse within nal-revenue taxes................ 3187 three years.......-............... 3052 of distiller of brandy from apples, &c., pro- from warehouse, and transportation to Britvision for..-................ 3255 ish provinces.-...-........... 3054 from stamp-tax, of official instruments, &c. - 3420 of duty-paid imports to British provinces.. 3056 of certain medicines, drugs, or chemicals.. 3436 collector of internal revenue may be desigExeter, N. H., nated to have charge of. --........... 3161 port of delivery........................... 2522 superintendent of, appointment of -........ 3161 Expenditures, of distilled spirits for drawback. -...... 3329 of Senate and House, when made up and re- of spirits withdrawn from warehouse, withported. —.............. —-... 63 out payment of tax, in original casks- 3330 estimates of, how communicated to Congress 3660 of fine-cut, shorts, refuse scraps, clippings, of Navy Department, how accounted for, in &c., of tobacco..-.-............... 3362 estimates.-......-................ 3666 of tobacco, snuff, and cigars, without paylimited to objects for which appropriations ment of tax... —................... 3385 are made........................... 3678 of matches.-................- -........ 3430 to amounts of appropriations........ 3679 of medicines, preparations, &c., manufacof postal service, classification, &c., of..... 4049 tured in bonded warehouse.......... 3433 Expenses, Extension of Patents, of march to rendezvous of militia in United issued prior to 2d March, 1861 —...-...4924,4925 States service, how paid............. 1654 Etoron of national loan, appropriation for........ 3689 iter at post-offices, allowances for.............. 3860 by interal-revenue officer................. of postal service, may be deducted from re- by United States officer, under color of office. 5481 of postal service, may be deducted from receipts.............................. 381 by receiving money, &c., under threat of invouchers for, to be audited..-...... 3862 forming, or for not informing, against of prize sale, to be charge upon property... 4629violation of internal-reenue law.... 5484 advanced by marshal, how re-imbursed..... 4629 Extra Compensation, of national currency, to be paid out of taxes, to soldiers detailed for labor............... 1287 &c., on national banks.............. 5173 not allowed where salary is fixed, unless auExpenses of Collecting Revenue from Customs, thorized by law, and stated in approappropriations for......................... 3687 priation.-...............1764,1765 customs fees to be credited to..........2602, 3687 none to officers, &c., employed on public fees for storage, drayage, labor, and cart-building, &c., at seat of government. 1835 age.......................... 3687 none for signing, &c., United States notes.. 3578 sums received from fines, penalties, and limit of, for disbursements on construction forfeitures.-.................. 3687 of public buildings................. 3654 Expiration of Service, Extra Copies, seamen in Navy to be sent home at......... 1422 order for, by Joint Committee on Library.. 3796 subject to laws, if detained after........ 1423 of documents, how procured from Governlimit of detention of, after............... 1424 ment Printing-Office..-.............. 3809 INDEX. 69 Section.!Section. Extra Copies-Continued. False Returns, moneys from sales of, where deposited, and by persons in military or naval service, pento credit of what appropriation...... 3818 alty........................ 5306 Extradition, False Statement, transportation and safe-keeping of person by internal-revenue officer relative to fees, delivered by foreign government to &c. —-......... 3158 United States to be tried for crime; by farmer or planter, relative to leaf-tobacco. 3361 use of land and naval forces, &c..- - -. 2575 by dealer in leaf-tobacco........-....3359, 3391 (see Seamen, Foreign.) False Swearing, Extra Duty, (see False Oath.) punishment by summary court-martial in False Weights, Navy............................... 1624 or measures used in ascertaining distillery Extra Pay, materials 3306 (see Extra Compensation.) Falsely Making or Altering, Extra Postage, (see Forging.) prohibited on mail-matter delivered, &c., by IFarriers, carriers............................. 3873 for troop of cavalry....................... 1103 Extra Serrices, pension to relatives of..................... 4710 no compensation allowed for, unless expressly Farmer or Planter, authorized by law -...............1764,1765 producing leaf-tobacco, special tax......... 3244 Extra Sessions, shall make statement of sales on demand-.. 3361 of legislative assemblies in Washington, Ida- penalty on, for not making, or making false 3361 ho, and Montana Territories.... 1923 Fastenings, Commissioner of Internal Revenue may require, on stills, &c................... 3270 (see ^ Seamen in Merchant Service.) of distillery, breaking, injuring, or tampering with............................ 3311 F. Fathers, Fact, when to have pension...................... 4707 issues of, how tried in district courts....... 566 when pension of, to begin.................. 4710 Factors, Fayal, to give bond for account by owner on entry consul at, salary of................. 1690 of imported goods -.. —-... —........ 2787 Fees, Fairfield, Conn., for transcripts from journals of Congress-.. 71 collection district and port of entry........ 2533 of witnesses and officers in contested eleccollector to reside at...................... 2534 tions. ——.. ——. —-—..-. —-- 128,129 Fairport, 0., of witnesses in claims pending in Departport of delivery........................... 2603 ments-............................... 185 Falkland Islands, passport clerk to administer oaths without.. 212 consul at, salary of........................ 1690 for copies of records of State Department -. 213 Fall River, Mass., for exemplification of papers by General collection-district and port of entry........ 2527 Land-Office... —... —-...-......... 461 collector to reside at...-.................... 2529 attorneys may charge clients compensation, Falmouth, Mass., &c................................ 823 port of delivery-.....-. —-.. —.....-....... 2527 of attorneys, solicitors, and proctors........ 824 False Accounts, to district attorneys on moneys collected or penalty for keeping.- -................ 5306 realized in proceedings under revenue False Brand, laws. —............................... 825 shipping, &c., spirituous or fermented liquors in suits on bonds, &c.................... 826 or wines under...................... 3449 for defense of revenue officers............ 827 False Certificates, of clerks of United States courts....... 828 by internal-revenue officer................. 3169 of marshals............................... 829 False Clazms, for services rendered United States; for jurisdiction of district courts of suits to re- expenses, &c. —....................... 830 cover forfeiture or damages for pre- per diem allowance to district attorneys, senting............................. 563 clerks, and marshals, &c., for attendFalse Entry, ance, &C............................ 831 by internal-revenue officer................. 3169 of marshal of Supreme Court............... 832 in books of distiller....................... 3305 semi-annual return of, and of expenses, by of brewer.............................. 3340 district attorneys, clerks, and marof tobacco-manufacturer................. 3372 shals, to Attorney-General.-....... 833 of cigar-manuficturer............... 3400 to what fees not to apply................ 834 False Lights, district-attorneys, amount to be retained by. 835 holding out, with intent to bring vessels into for southern district of New York, what danger, &c....-....................... 5358 sum, in addition to, shall be paid for False Oath, expenses............................ 836 by owner, to obtain register of vessel...... 4143 additional compensation in prize causes.. 836 by agent or attorney................... 4163 of district-attorneys and marshals in Oregon False Personation, and Nevada, to be double, &c........ 837 of lawful holder of public stocks or debts, or of district-attorney, in proceeding to recover of persons entitled to annuity, pension, fines, penalties, and forfeitures, in revprize-money, wages, &c., in receiving enue cases-...-....~................838 money, &c........................... 5435 amount of, to be retained by clerks of circuit of revenue officer, &c...-........-........ 5448 and district courts.................. 839 False Receipt, in California, Oregon, and Nevada........ 840 (see Receipt.) by marshal.............................. 841 70 INDEX. Section. Section. Fees-Continued. Fees-Continued. of clerks and marshals in prize causes, as ad- of special counsel, how to be paid- -. -....... 4649 ditional compensation.-.-............. -842 of witnesses. —-.. —-....... —-.. 4651 of district attorneys, clerks, and marshals, of examining surgeons of pensioners -... 4774, 4775 allowances from, how made --—.. —.- 843 of pension-agents for preparing vouchers-. - 4782 surplus of, to be paid into Treasury by, 844 of attorneys and agents of pensioners....... 4785 Attorney-General to cause returns of, to in patent-cases. —.-...-...... —--—. — 4934-4936 be examined, &c. —................... 845 for witnesses in contested cases -... —.... 4907 and commissioners of circuit courts, ac- receiving illegal, by inspector of steamcounts of, to be certified by district boats. —.. —-.. —-—... —-.-..... 5482 judge, &c. -------—... —.. ——.....- 846 receiving or demanding, by pension-agent, in cases where United States is liable - 856 &c., from pensioner, for services conof commissioners of circuit courts. —-. —--- 847 nected with payment of pension..... 5487 of witnesses... —............ —..-.-....... - 848 consular, none to be paid to officer of United States for certifying invoices to be in full payment; court for attending as witness before penalty, &c.. —. —-.. —.....-.. —. 1716 court or commissioner where he offi- masters of vessels shall pay; shall be liable ciates. ——.. —... —.. —------—. —---- 849 for; papers may be withheld until expenses to be paid to United States officer paid.-.......... —.. —... ——.. ——. 1718 sent away from place of business as for certifying invoices in Btitish North witness for Government ---- -.- —.850 American provinces, rate of..... —... 1721 to seamen, &c., sent to United States from. none on tonnage of vessels touching at Caforeign port, to testify. ——. —-...... —. 851. nadian ports —.. —... —... —. —-.1722,4222 of jurors.. —... —-.... —..-... ——..-. —-. 852 may be paid in foreign coin in Canada-...... 1722 of printers-.. —-—. ---—...-.. —-.. —.. -- -- 853 penalty for exacting illegal -.....-. —..1716,1723 folio, number of words in, in estimating - -.... 854 for failure to collect, remission-........... 1724 jurors and witnesses, in cases where United returns of, shall be made................... 1725 States is party ------------.... —----- 855 receipt shall be given for.................. 1726 mentioned in chapter XVI of Title JUDICI- to be numbered and registered-.. —-. —-.- 1727 ARY, how to be recovered.. —-... —.. —- 857 transcript of register of, shall be furnished when informer, &c., alone liable for, of with accounts................... —-. 1728 clerks, marshals, and attorneys. —-..... 976 collected by officers not in Schedules B and district attorney to be paid but one bill of, C shall be accounted for-............. 1729 for suits which should be joined..... 980 such officers to have, as compensation.... 1730 taxation of, for witnesses before commis- in excess of $2,500 a year, subject to draft sioner of circuit court, in examination of Secretary of Treasury -... —... —.- 1732 of criminal case.-...... —.-..... —-- 981 tariff of, to. be conspicuously posted in conbill of, of officers, witnesses, &c., where costs sulate.............................. 1731 are recoverable by prevailing party, to received at vice-consulates and consular be taxed, &c., and included in judg- agencies, in excess of $1,000 a year, ment or decree.... -........... 983 when subject to draft of Secretary. -.. 1733 how proven before taxed or allowed. ——. 984 penalty for embezzlement of............... 1734 of commissioners taking testimony for Court President may prescribe rates of tariff of- -... - 1745 of Claims, how paid -..-...-......... 1085 shall be collected in United States coin or judicial, &c., in Territories, how prescribed. 1883 its value in exchange -—. —-—... —-. 1746 of attorneys, marshals, and clerks, in civil- received by officers in Schedules B and C rights cases.. —-...............1986 to be subject to draft of Secretary of of commissioners in such cases..-...... 1986 Treasury............................ 1747 of persons appointed to execute process- 1987 for verification of invoice and certificate —.. 2851 how made up, certified, &c. ——...... 1987 in cases of drawback, forfeiture for excesto be recovered from defendant. —........ 1987 sive -................................ 3046 of chief supervisor of elections. —----—.. 2031 table of consular, &c., to be attached to to be payable at Treasury................ 2031 clearances of registered vessels.,- - -. 4207 accounts for, how made out, certified, &c- 2031 copy of receipts for, given by consuls, &c., of supervisors of elections, appropriation for. 3689 abroad to be furnished collectors on postal employes not to receive..-......-... 3858 entry............................... 4213 for registering letters, amount of, to be ac- collectors to transmit copies of, to Secrecounted for.-...................3927 tary of Treasury —.. —-.......... 4213 for money-orders, schedule of.....-... —-- 4032 customs, of witnesses under letters rogatory, how to table of, to be posted up in office of, officers; be paid -..-... —-...-.-............. 4074 receipts for, penalty, &c -... —-—.. 2635 in consular courts how established -......... 4120 penalty for demanding, &c., excessive.. —-. 2636 proceeds, how to be applied.............. 4120 accounts of, to be kept and transmitted to regulation of accounts of. -...-........ 4120 Commissioner, &c., penalty..........- - -. 2639 of marshals for services to inspectors of steam- collectors of northern, &c., frontier districts vessels-..-... —---—.. —- —...... ---- 4451 to account for....................... 2644 for inspection of steam -vessels -—.....-.... 4458 of collectors, list of..................-..... 2654 of shipping-commissioners, provisions relat- of collector and naval officer at same port, ing to -..... —.....-...-.....-. 4592-4595 how divided and who to account allowances and commissions of marshals in for --—....-.....-.................. 2655 disposal of prize-property............ 4645 drawback fees, how shared, &c-.. —......... 2656 in prize cases of district attorneys and corn- of surveyors, inspectors, and deputy inspecmissioners..................4646 tors, list of.-................ 2657 maximum allowed...-................ 4647 of collectors for entry on northern, &c., fronto be accounted for to Attorney-General.. 4647 tiers.-........................... 2658 excess to be paid into Treasury.-....... 4647 pro ta only for serving portion of year.... 2687 INDEX. 71 Section. Section. Fees-Continued. Fees and Commissions-Continued. of collectors and of surveyors acting as col- removal from office for receiving illegal lectors, limit of...................... 2688 fees....................... 2242 to be credited to appropriation for expenses when to commence -.....-....... 2242 of collecting revenue from customs- -- 2692 not to be charged for administering oaths. 2247 entry and clearance.............. 2793,4381,4382 (see Commissions.) decisions of collectors of customs as to, Fee-simple, final, unless, &c.; no suit to be main- of purchaser of lands and tenements reverttained for recovery of, unless protest ing from Indian reservations......... 2122 and appeal are made................ 2932 Female Inspectors of Customs, sealed cars laden with goods in transit ex- how and by whom employed............... 3064 empt from manifest-fees....... 3007 Female Laborers, on gaugeable merchandise exported and in Post-Office Department, salaries of.. ——. 393 withdrawn from warehouse, &c -—.. 3023 Feminine, on weighable articles, &c —.... —....... 3024 words of masculine gender to include femiappropriation of............... 3687 nine.1........................ 1 of collectors of customs for registering or re- Fences, cording vessels -... ——. —---..... 4185 for distillery, height of....3............ 3275 for indorsements on certificates.... —. —. 4185 Fermented Liquors, for taking bonds. ——.............. 4185 internal-revenue officers interested in proof surveyors for measurement of vessels, &c -4186 duction of.................... 3168 by whom paid........ ——......-..... —. 4186 provisions of section 3282 not to apply to... 3282 limit upon, for measuring and certifying' brewer of, notice by -....-........... 3335 tonnage of vessels.. -. 4186 bond of..-....................... 3336 of collectors for furnishing certificate as to books and statements......... 3337 bills of sale, mortgage, hypothecations, entries of, in brewery books to be verified by and conveyances of vessels...-.... 4194 oath.................... 3338 for furnishing certified copies of, &c... 4195 measure of contents of barrel.............. 3339 due by vessels, to be paid before clearance - 4206 rate of tax on -—........................ 3339 of surveyors, for enrolling and licensing ves- by whom tax is to be paid -............. 3339 sels............................ 4346 fractional parts of barrel, how accounted- - 3339 of coasting vessels navigating by sea-...... 4381 evasion of tax on.-.................... 3340 of vessels navigating on northern, &c., fron- fraudulently failing to make entry of, &c., of, tier, otherwise than by sea........... 4382 or to do anything required, &c -.- —. 3340 table of, to be conspicuously posted by cus- stamps for............................ 3341,3342 toms-officers.. —.......-. ——.. ——. 4383 brewer to obtain, from collector...... 3342 of vessels subject to enrollment or license- 4384 mode of affixing and canceling.......... 3342 exemption of lighters and boats-...... 4385 selling, removing, &c., in packages withdiplomatic, out, or with false.................... 3343 at legations, to be accounted for to Secretary drawing, from packages without, or with of Treasury....................... 1687 false, or without defacing............ 3344 President may prescribe rates -..-.. —.. —. 1745 permits for removal of-...-............... 3345 to be collected in United States coin or its removal or transportation of, under. ——. 3345 value in exchange.. —-. ——... —. 1746 becoming sour, &c., may be removed for internal revenue, manufacturing purposes without-. 3347 of inspectors of tobacco and cigars....-....- 3151 brewers selling, at retail, at brewery...... 3348 of gaugers of internal revenue.... — -. —.. 3157 marking by brand, packages of............. 3349 officers to make statement of, when required- 3158 purchases by one brewer from another with of officers making sales of real estate. —-- 3197 brand of purchaser.................. 3349 in cases of distraint and seizure, to be pre- unfermented worts for enlivening of...... 3351 scribed by Commissioner...-..... —-. 3206 possession of, after sale or removal from of appraisers of goods seized. —--.......... 3460 brewery, &c., not tax-paid -....-. —.. 3352 in bankruptcy, absence of stamps from, to be notice that tax of register, by whom to be paid............ 5008 not paid.................. 3352 to have priority in order for dividend...... 5101 removal or defacement of stamp or permit to be paid in full........................ 5101 by other than owner................. 3353 of register, schedule of...................- 5124 withdrawing for bottling, from unstamped to have priority over all other claims-. 5124 packages or bottling on brewery premsecurity to be deposited for........... 5124 ises................................ 3354 when no assets, petitioner to pay....... 5124 laws imposing taxes on, extended to exterior payment by petitioner, how compelled.... 5124 boundaries of United States....-..... 3448 of messenger, how payable...-.. —--—..... -. 5126 shipping, &c., under false name or brand. 3449 schedule of............................. 5126 Feirmenting Tubs, justices of Supreme Court may reduce..-.. 5127 (see Tubs.) may prescribe tariff of, for other services.. 5127 Fernandina, Fla. Fees and Commissions, collection-district and port of entry........ 2562 of registers and receivers, for services relating collector in2563 to entry and purchase of public land- 2238 in consolidated land-districts for tran- Ferry-Boats, scripts and record information.., —. 2!239 not required to enter and clear'.......... 2792 limit of.............. 2240 what reports required of..... —.... —-.. 2792 for quarter or fractional part of quarter. 2240 to carry what lights................... 4233 excess of, to be paid into Treasury....... 2241 may be employed in United States by foreign no compensation to be paid for past ser- railroad company.................... 4370 vices to those who have received ille- Fiduciary Debts, gal fees.-........................ 2242 i not released by discharge in bankruptcy.... 5117 72 RNDEX. Section. Section. Fifteen Months, Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures-Continued. assessment of internal-revenue taxes within- 3182 deductions from proceeds of, distribution Fifth Auditor, of balance.-..........-.... -.. 3090 examination of accounts of, by First Comp- under customs laws, appropriation of protroller...................-...-. 269 ceeds of....... 3687 immediate settlement by, of particular ac- appropriation to pay distributive shares counts....-......... 2711 of-.............................. 3689 appointntment and salary of-....-...... 276 internal revenue, to be sued for by collector- 3213 duties of- an.-sla..r-yo............. 277 collected without authority, to be abated s or refunded by Commissioner........ 3220 Fifty-Cent Piece, sale of distilled spirits forfeited, to be subweight and fineness of........-....... 3513, 3514 ject to tax......................3334,3458 deviation in adjusting............... 3536 for various offenses....-... 3443-3463 Final Decree, of boiler, stills, machinery, materials, &c., and judgments of circuit court, appeal to to be sold at public auction.-....... 3450 Supreme Court... —-—..... -—. 692 of spirituous liquors, to be disposed of by on certificate of division of opinion, re- Commissioner. —-..... ——.......... 3450 viewed by Supreme Court on appeal. 693 to be enforced by proceedings in rem.... 3453 of State court, review of, by Supreme Court. 709 postal, accounts to show amounts derived Financial Agents, from........................... 4049 national banks may be employed as.-... —. 5153 to be deposited as postal.revenues....... 4050 Fine Bars, how recovered....................... 4059 of gold may be made by mints.-..-........ 3518 on sailing vessels navigated in violation of of silver........... -—.............. 3518 navigation rules, how recovered...... 4234 may be exchanged for imported bullion.... 3546 for offenses against navigation laws, how Fineness of Coins, recovered....-..................430, 4380 assay-commissioners to test -... —. —-- -. 3547 under Title LIII, MERCHANT SEAMEN, how Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures, recovered, application of-..... —.... 4610 jurisdiction of district courts of suits for. 563 relating to live-oak, recovery and distribuin what districts prosecuted for violation of tion of, mitigation of.... ——..- -.. 4751 Title INSURRECTION..... —. —--. 564 of Navy officers, seamen, and marines, to be jurisdiction of circuit courts of suits to re- applied to Navy Hospital..... —.... 4809 cover.......... -....... 629 of soldiers, to Soldiers' Home.............. 4818 United States courts to have exclusive juris- of officers and soldiers, to National Home diction of suits for recovery of, incurred for Disabled Volunteers.............. 4831 under United States laws -..-....... 711 proceedings for remission of, on summary exwhere pecuniary, may be sued for.-..... — 732 amination before district judge, under seizures for, under United States laws, in customs, navigation, &c., laws-...... 5292 what district to be pT osecuted. —. 734 under methods prescribed by Secretary of district attorneys, statement by, of suits for Treasury ---—.... ——.. ——.... — 5293 recovery of, to Solicitor of Treasury.. 772 under laws relating to steam-vessels. ——. 5294 duty of, to prosecute for recovery of, under witnesses interested in, may be examined in revenue laws; compensation -. —-.. 838 proceedings to recover, without deprireport by, to Secretary of Treasury or Com- vation of share...................... 5295 missioner of Internal Revenue of cases distribution of, under laws relating to slavenot prosecuted.. —..-....-....-... 838 trade -......................... 5565 suits for; to be brought in name of United incurred under statutes embraced in Revised States. —....-.................... 919 Statutes, prior to repeal, &c., how special bail in prosecutions to recover pecu- prosecuted, &c -----—.. -—. —--- 5598 niary. —..... —--- 942 (see Cigars, Customs, Distilleries, Towhen United States not subject to costs in bacco, and Vessels.) suit for recovery of, under internal- Fwe.Arms revenue laws.. —...-...-.. —.-.. -- 969 into Alaska, regulation of importation, &c., costs to be paid by defendant in prosecution of...-.......................... 1955 for, when judgment against him. —.-. 974 killing seal by use of, unlawful.....-.... 1960 within what time prosecution for, to be com~menced —...~1047 0 ~Fire-Buckets, menced ----—. ——. —------------—. 1047 re1Bucets, assessed against militia in United States ser- on river passenger-steamers 4483 vice, how certified to marshals, &c.; Fire-Crackers, collection of and imprisonment for... 1659 storage of in public or private warehouse.. 2962 deposit of, in Treasury; marshal's commis- in bonded warehouse, exception of, in sales.. 2975 sion on -------—..-.. —-—. 1660 Fire-Extinguishers, for what offenses, may be remitted by gov- on steam-vessels.................... 4479 ernors of Territories.. —... 1841 Fire-Pumps and Hose, of real estate held by religious, &c., associa- on steam passenger-vessels..-....... 4471 tions in Territories. —--.. ——.. — 1890 Fireman and Blacksmith, incurred in customs collection-district of in Post Office Department, salary of........ 393 Alaska, remission of -.. —- -—.-... 1958 Firemen, limit to emoluments of customs-officers, not salary of, for Senate.....-................ 52 to extend to................... 2690,2691 for House -—..... —....-. —-. —......... 53 lien for freight to be paid from proceeds of in Post Office Department..-............. 393 sale of forfeited imports.. ——..-. — 2981 in Navy, enlistment of.-....... —-—. ——.. 1417 for smuggling..... —..-.......... 3062 pay of, how fixed.. —-.................. 1569 in customs cases, suits, &c., for, when and additional to seamen, &c., doing duty as.. 1570 by whom to be commenced..- -..-.. 3085 First Auditor, who to cause commencement of........ 3087 not to engage in certain business...... 243 IND4X. 73 Section Section. First Auditor-Continued. Fisheries-Continued. examination of accounts of, by First Comp- form of -4321 troller --— 2. — --—. —-—. ----- 269 enrollment and license of vessels for, at Jerimmediate settlement by, of particular ac- sey City...-....... —.-..-.-... —... 4340 counts. —-.. —------—..-..... —--—. 271 at Camden, N. J-.. —-.. ——.. ——.. —-.. 4341 appointment and salary -—....-... —-..... 276 permit for vessel engaged in, to touch at forduties of.................................. 277 eign port.-.. —.. -—........... —-......... — 4364 First Assistant Engineers of Navy, penalty for being within three leagues of number and rank of --—....-...-.. —. —--- 1390, coast, &c., without permission-... —-- 4365 relative rank of, on active list -.............. 1476 penalty on vessel engaged in, without license 4371 Fir stSergeants, agreement with fishermen for voyage, what for battery of artillery-.................... 1100 to specify..................... —-—.. 4391 for troop of cavalry..... -............. 1103 penalty for violating agreement-.. —-—. 4392 for company of infantry.................... 1107 recovery of shares of fish under, &c -..... 4393 First Comptroller, vessel liable for master and fishermen's to approve bond of Secretary of Senate..... 57 share —.. ——... —........ —-------- 4393 of Clerk of House -....-..-... —--------—... —-—. 58 discharge of vessel from process on giving balances certified by, subject to revision only bond -.. —-...-..-............. ——.- 4394 by Congress and courts. —-.............- 191 Commissioner of Fish and, appointment of.. 4395 not to engage in certain business-... -.. —- 243 executive departments to aid in investigaappointment and salary — 268 tions of............................. 4397 duties of -. —. —-.. —- 269 Five-Cent Piece, appeal to, from settlements made by Sixth* weight and material of.-................... 3515 Auditor............................. 270 devices and legends on.................... 3517 power of, to direct immediate settlement of deviation in adjusting.. —-........ —. ——. 3537 accounts by First and Fifth Auditors- 271 Five-Dollar Piece, annual report by, of officers failing to make weight and fineness of....-...... 3511,3514 settlement of accounts ——.. —.... ——.. 272 deviation in adjusting..................... 3535 reference of certain accounts to Court of Five per Cent. Fund to States, Claims on certificate of. ——..-... —- 1063 appropriation of -.. —-........ —-—. —-- 3689 proceedings in such cases -—.. —-—...... —--- 1064 Five-Twenty Bonds, to prescribe sum and form of internal-revenue redemption of -. —.-..... —. ——.-.-.-. —.- 3697 collector's bond as disbursing agent - - 3144 Flags, duty of, in regard to delinquent internal-rev- captured by Army, collection of...........-.. 218 enue collector -—.-.-. —..... —. —--- 3217 by Navy, collection of. —.............. ——. 428 shall institute suit for money due United disposition of.,,.....-........-.... —- 1554 States on settlement..-.-. —-—. —-. 3624 and signs for diplomatic and consular offishall state and certify account of delinquent cers. ——.. —... —--......... —.. 1748 collector, &c., to Solicitor -... —----—. 3625 revenue, form of —-...... —.-. -.... -—. 2764 of delinquent disbursing officers -.... —---- 3633 Fleet, shall keep appropriation accounts, &c ---—. 3675 share of prize-money allowed to captain of.. 4631 shall be furnished copy of appointment of pay of engineer of-......................... 1556 inspector of fuel.-...-... ——....-. 3712 of paymaster of.-...... — --- —... —-. —. 1556 what contracts shall be deposited in office of- 3743 of surgeon of............................ 1556 discretion of, as to pay for carrying destitute Flexible Patterns, seamen. —-—.. ——. -. —-.. —-..... 4579 third-class mail-matter.................... 3878 First-Class Mail Matter, Flogging, what shall constitute —............ —-... —-. 3876 forbidden on merchant-vessels -..... —..... —. 4611 First Officer, Florida, with majority of crew may demand inspec- district court of southern district of, always tion of vessel -....................... 4556 open as court of admiralty. —-...... 575 in foreign port.-.-....-.... —--—.. ——. 4559 what benefits extended to militia and volunFiscal Agents, teers employed in suppressing Indian public officers to perform duty as... —----—. 3639 depredations in.... —-................ 1657 expenses of, for clerks, &c., may be allowed- 3653 surveyor-general fort authorized.. —-.. —.. 2207 Fiscal Year, salary of.-.... —...... —.... —-... ——. 2208 date of commencement of —.. —--...-.-.-... 237 to be paid quarterly; to commence when. 2211 accounts of expenditure of public money to protection of live-oak and red-cedar timber be settled within. ——.... —-------—. 250 in.................................. 2460 outstanding liabilities to be deposited at clearance, from ports in, of vessels laden end of.............................. —-- 306 with.....2463, 4205 to be observed in adjustment of accounts of President may establish ports of delivery, internal-revenue collectors.....-.... —.. 3146 and appoint surveyors in.-........... 2562 Fish and Fisheries, collection-districts, ports of entry and deliv(see Fisheries.) ery in. —--...-.. —. —---....-.....- 2562 Fish and Fish-Oil, officers in............................... 2563 from Canada, Prince Edward's Island, and disposal of property wrecked on coast of... 4239 Newfoundland, free of duty..-........ 2506 forfeiture of vessel conveying such propFisheries, erty to foreign port -.................. 4240 vessels qualified to engage in, deemed ves- Flour, sels of United States.-.... —-.. ——. 4131 manufacture of. permitted at distillery only belonging to citizens engaged in, exempt for distillation of spirits-. —-....-... 3266 from tonnage duties.......... —-..-. 4220I for Navy, how purchased -.....-. 3727 what vessels may engage in......-..... 4311 Fog-Signals, license to engage in, how obtained......... 4320 to be used on steam and sail-vessels, coal and bond to obtain......,,.,...-,........... 4320 canal-boats, &c....-............ 4233 10 R S 74 INDEX. Section. Section. Folding-Room, Foreign Merchandise-Continued. of Senate, officers in, salaries....... 52 penalty for failure to report such merchanof House........ 53 dise on arrival. —-...-.......... 4363 Folio, Foreign Money, number of words in....................... 854 rates at which receivable for consular fees - 1722 Folly Landing, Va., Foreign Money-Orders, port of delivery.. — -.. ——...-........-.. 2552 provision may be made for-.-.... ——.-. 4028 President may appoint surveyor at..... 2553 Foreign Nations, Foo-Chow, settlement of expenses of intercourse with. 291 consul at, salary of.-....-............ 1690 adjoining United States, when mails of, may Forage, be carried through United States-... 4012 for Army, allowance of, in kind............ 1270 testimony may be obtained for use in suitse to whom furnished...................... 1271 in which any, &c., may be a party.... 4071 on what conditions............ 1272 rights of, not impaired by provisions conpurchases not to exceed necessities of year. 3732 cerning tonnage-duties, &c.......... 4227 what allowed to mounted companies of mili- (see Letters Rogatory.) tia when in United States service.... 1653 Fioreign Postage, Forage-Masters, on letters for United States, when may be employment of, by Quartermaster's depart- paid by consuls..................... 4014 ment............ 1137 Foreign Relations, not to deal in public property on private ac- testimony for use in certain suits in foreign count................................ 1137 * countries, how taken....4071,4074 Foreign Affairs, prisons for American convicts in foreign to be managed by Secretary of State under countries................... 4121-4124 direction of President............. 202 judicial authority of United States ministers number to be printed, of papers relating to, and consuls........... - -. -4111-4130 accompanying President's message... 3798 in China, Japan, Siam, Egypt, and MadaForeign and Coasting Trade, gascar......................... 4111-4120 (see Vessels.) meaning of words "minister" and "consul". 4130 Foreign-built Vessels, (see Consular Courts and Letters Rogawrecked and repaired in United States, reg- tory.) istry of-.................... 4136 Foreign Seamen, Foreign Coins, (see Seamen, Foreign.) how estimated in payment of consular fees - 1722 Foreign Stations, may be received in payment for public lands. 2366 supplies for vessels on, purchases of, out of value, basis of, and how fixed............ 3564 United States —-....-.. —-..... 3721 recoinage of, before issue.................. 3566 contracts for, in United States........... 3723 shall not be a legal tender................ 3584 Foreign Trade, counterfeiting of, current in United States.. 5457 (see Vessels.) passing, selling, bringing into United States, Foreign Vessels, or having counterfeit.............. 5457 (see Vessels.) mutilating, current in United States.. ——. 5459 Foreign Vessels of War, making, issuing, or passing coins resem- (see Vessels.) bling, as current money.-.... 5461 Forfeitures, Foreign Consul, (see Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures; deposit with, of register and papers of for- Cigars; Customs; Distilleries; Tobaceign vessel on entry......... 4209 co; and Vessels.) exception as to certain vessels. —----—.. 4210 Forging, to return papers to master on production of obligation or other United States security... 5414 clearance........................... 4211 note in imitation of national-bank notes.... 5415 penalty for unlawful delivery....... 4211 certificate of entry of goods, &c -.. —.. —-- 5417 Foreign Hydrographic Surveys, bid, proposal, guarantee, official bond, public restrictions on appropriations for publishing. 3686 record, &c., to defraud United States 5418, Foreign Letters, 5479 advertising undelivered.................... 3931 military bounty-land warrants, &c......... 5420 carried in vessels leaving United States... 3987 deed, power of attorney, order, receipt, &c., Foreign Mail, to defraud United States, &c... —. 5421 rates of postage on..................... 3912 knowingly, &c., having false, altered, &c., contracts for carrying.-..-............. 4007 deed, power of attorney, &c.......-. 5422 shall be carried in steamships, except...-.. 4008 abstract, official copy, or certificate of regispay for carrying.-...................... 4009 try, or enrollment of, or license to, vesfines on contractors.. -4010 sel, &c., passport, sea-letter, clearance, stipulations in contract.-...-.......... - 4011 permit, debenture, &c. -.... — ----- 5423 may be carried through United States, how. 4012 United States coin or bars, or foreign coin postage on, payment of, by consuls......... 4014 current in United States-......... 5457 rates of, when carried in foreign vessels.. 4015 minor coinage of United States.........5458 Foreign Merchandise, Foremen, in coasting-trade, carried by vessels between of printing and binding, in Govern ment Printneighboring districts...........4349-4352 ing-Office, appointment and salaries of. 3761 between remote districts......... 4353, 4354 to make estimates and file requisitions for by vessels under twenty tons burden.4355, 4356, materials -.........-............... 3783 4359, 4360 what monthly statements to be made by, permits for transportation of, by land, across to Congressional Printer.............. 3819 New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland- 4362 Form, what to specify............ 4362 prescribed for customs documents, substanwhen not necessary..................... 4362 tial compliance with..-...... 2769 INDEX. 75 Section. Section. Form-Continued. Freedmen-Continued. for customs service in northern, &c., frontier Hospital and Asylum in District of Columdistricts... —-..-..... —............ 3124 bia, supervision of................... 2038 Fort Covington, N. Y., restrictions upon expenditure of appropriport of delivery..-................-.. 2535 ation for..-.......................... 2038 Fort Erie, Free of Duty, consul at, salary of..-........... ——......... 1690 list of importations ---—... —............... 2505 Forts, machinery for manufacture of beet sugar... 2510 assent of State legislatures to purchase of railroad iron for repair under bond..-.... — 3021 land for.............................. 1838 Freeport, Me., Fourth Auditor, port of delivery.......................... 2517 accounts of, to be examined by Second Comp- Freetowzn, Mass., troller --—. ——.. —-... ——.. —. —-. 273 port of delivery......................... —.. 2527 appointment and salary of................. 276 Freight, duties of..............'.. 277 lien for, on imports in warehouse, payment duty as to requisitions of Navy Department- 3673 of. —-.....-... —..-..... -—... ——. 2981 Fox River, on forfeited imports, to be paid from pro(see Wisconsin River.) ceeds of sale. —-.... —-..-. —..-. —. 2981 Fractional Currency, Freight-Boats, provisions relating to ------—. —------ 3572-3581 steam-pressure allowed to, on Mississippi issue, &c., by private parties prohibited... - - 3583 River and tributaries --—... —-—. 4420 printing, &c., business cards in imitation of, Frenchman's Bay, Me., or upon ----—. —-—.. —..... —... —- 3708 collection-district..-..................... — 2517 letters from and to postmasters containing, collector in, residence of -—. —-..-..... 2518 to be registered free ---—. —-- ---—. 3932 Friction-Matche8, Fractional Gallons, (see Matches.) of distilled spirits, how taxed -.......3251, 3313 Fuel, Fractional Parts of Barrel, for Congress, by whom provided -... —. 73 of fermented liquors, how accounted....... 3339 to officers of Army in kind...-............ 1270 Fructional Notes, purchased for use in distillery....-....3302,3303 provisions relating to -—.. —-. — 3572-3581 for Government use in District of Columbia, included by words "obligation or other se- purchase, inspection, &c., of..-..3711-3713 curity of the United States" -.......... 5413 for Navy, how purchased -............. —... 3728 France, contracts for, for Army or Navy, not to exceed salary of minister and secretaries to........ 1675 necessities of current year.... —---—. 3732 Frankfort, Me., for seamen, vessels shall provide........... 4572 port of delivery.-......................... 2517 to be furnished superintendents of national collector and deputy collector to reside at..- 2518 cemeteries.-......................... 4875 Frankfort-on-the-Main, Fugitive from Justice, consul-general at, salary of.-.-.... —..-... 1690 limitation of time for indicting, &c., not to Frauds, apply to -............................ 1045 detail of clerks in Pension-Office to investi- Funchal, gate -. —-.... —...-.......- 474,4744 consul at, salary of........................ 1690 jurisdiction of district courts of suits for, Fund, against United States.-.........-...... 563 for relief of sick and disabled seamen, cuspower of Court of Claims to adjudge claims tody and appropriation of. -3689, 3692, 4545, to be forfeited by...- —. —........... 1086 4585-4587,4610,4803 on revenue to be reported by consuls, &c... 2863 for Navy hospitals, deductions from pay to be how punished in certain cases.......-..... 2864 applied to- —.. ——.... —..-. —. 4808,4809 by internal-revenue officer -................. 3168 for support of Soldiers' Home, how derived. - 4818 in returns to collector of internal revenue - - 3179 for support of National Home for Disabled in man ufacture of tobacco and snuff on shares 3370 Volunteers, how derived -........... 4831 in manufacturing cigars on shares —.....- -. 3399 Funeral Expenses, removal or concealment of goods, &c., with allowance for, in Navy -............-.... —. 1587 intent to defraud, forfeiture. —......... 3450 Fur-Bearing Animals, relative to execution or signing of documents in Alaska, killing of-....................... 1956 required by internal-revenue laws.... 3451 (see Alaska.) taxable articles held by person with intent Furlougi, to defraud revenue.................. 3453 in Navy, pay of officers on................. 1557 Fraudulent Claims, of officers retired on..................... 1593 jurisdiction of district courts of suits for transfer from, to retired pay-list. —-—.. —-.. 1594 presenting, &c...................... 563 Furnaces, (Distillery,) for drawback on distilled spirits............ 3330 doors of, how to be constructed- - - -....... 3269 of internal-revenue taxes................ 3443 using, which have been locked............. 3311 Frederica, Ga., Fur-Seal, port of delivery........................... 2559 regulations for taking —...........-.. 1956-1976 Fredericksburgh, Va., (see Alaska.) port of delivery........................... 2552 Fusible Plugs, surveyor to reside at -.-.-.......-.........., 2553 of boilers of steam-vessels, inspection of... 4418 Free Delivery, of mail-matter, where authorized -......... 3865 G. Free-Delivery Offices, Gaboon, postage on drop-letters at..-................ 3904 commercial agent at, salary of-..-.....-.. 1690 Freedmen, Galena, Ill., accounts for expenses incurred for, how set- port of delivery in district of New Orleans.. 2568 tied...........................~.... 2034 surveyor to reside at, duties of............. 2569 76 INDEX. Section. Section. Gallon, General Land-Office, of distilled spirits, definition of, as used in Commissioner of, appointment, salary...... 446 sales.-............................ 3250 recorder of, appointment, salary......... —.. 447 fractional, of distilled spirits, how taxed-3251, 3313 principal clerks of public lands and private Galveston, Tex., land-claims.. —-... ——..... —.. —- - 448 collection-district and port of entry........ 2578 chief clerk of, to perform duties of Commiscollector to reside at —.-.-..... ——. ——... 2579 sioner in his absence.-............... 448 inspectors of hulls and of boilers for-...... 4414 principal clerk of surveys, appointment, saltheir salaries -......... —--- -- 4414 ary................................. 449 Gangways, secretary to sign President's name to landfor river-steamers carrying deck passengers- 4484 patents.-................ -.......... 450 Gardner, Oreg., assistant....-............................ 450 port of delivery..... 2586 clerks, &c., not to be interested in purchases deputy collector of customs to reside at.... 2587 of public lands..................... 452 Garnishees, duties of Commissioner of.. —. —.. —. ——. 453 proceedings by United States, debtors of cor- custody of seal and books of... —-... ——.. 454 porations may be summoned as. —.... 935 to make plats, and furnish information, &c., Gauge-Cocks, to President or either House -......... 455 of boilers of steam-vessels, inspection of -.- 4418 duties and powers as to accounts relating to Gaugers, public lands........................ 456 caugerss,warrants for military lands to be recorded in. 457 for certain ports 2606 2607 patents, how issued and signed............ 458 tor certan ports.~...-.-. —..-....~. —-.2606, 2607 dntipaof rppnrrof 459 ^^make returns, &c., penalty -- - 2637 papers in, authenticated copies to be furd nishedo e.............................. 2 460 salary of head gauger at New Orleans.... 2740 fees hed —-------------------------- 46 atNewYork, limitationon - 271 fees for exemplification, &c., of --- - 461 at Neow York, limitation on --... —-- 2741 General of Army, at Boston............................... 274 General tosi Ag y, authorized................................1094 returns of goods ganged-...-............... 2890 office of, to cease.......................... 1094 internal revenune, apinternl reenue, title of............................ 1095 appoip edit ile r -to ae s a of.................................... 1095 to take oath and give bond... —-............. 3156 o 1561 duties to be under supervision of collector.. 3156 pay of1 compensation of, to be by fees....... 3157 General Postal genc,40 and traveling expenses to be verified by GnPeNY. oath and paid monthly............. 3157 Genesee, N. po..... transfer or suspension by supervisor -...... 3163 collection-district and port of enry — 2535 receiving-cisterns and room containing them collector in, residence ofm — —.... - 2536 to be under lock a. seal of ——. -. - 3267.additional inspectors for..-............... 2605 spirits from, to be drawn off under super- Geesee River, N. 2, vission of ---------------------------- 32)6 7 collector of customs to reside on.. —.. —.. 2536 vision ofsuch deale....... —..-.....-... 332 r to gauge, prove, and mark spirits before Gneva, removal from distillery to warehouse 3287 at, salary of.1690 to place distillery-warehouse stamp on cask 3287 Genoa, to sign..such.stamp. 3287 consul at, salary of...... —.... 1690 to sign such stamp. —... ——...... —... —.... —- 3287 penalties relating to..-................. 3290,3292 Geodetic Surveys, to make daily return -------------------- 3291 may be continued in Oregon and California. 2409 to stamp spirits removed from warehouse-.- 3295 regulations for, how prescribed - - - - 2409 to s ign tax-paid stamps-ed nom tw rehoue 3293 restrictions upon, and upon charges for-..... 2409 to mark cask at time of affixing stamp, and Georgetown, D. C., erase, &c., when cask is empty..-... 3295 collection-district and port of entry........ 2549 to make daily report to collector, of stamps collector at.............................. -2550 other than tax-paid, used.-......... 3314 Georgetown, Me., to return book of stubs to collector........ 3314 port of delivery ---—.... —-... —-. —----- 2517 to gauge and stamp rectified spirits ------ 3320 ofe25 to sign stamp for-.............. i......- 3320 Georgetowno, S. Cp e to gauge and brand spirits drawn into new districtjudgein,appointmentandresidence 552 packages containing ten gallons or district attorney and marshal of southern more -~...........3323 district of, to perform duty in northGauging, ern-767,776 customs, office of marshal in northern district of, imported merchandise not to be removed where to be kept, mileage, &c....... 77 from wharf before, &c., forfeiture 2882 collection-districts, ports of sntry and delivof imports, when at expense of owner, &c. 2920 eryin-2559 officers in............................... 2560 internal revenue, of distilled spirits, Commissioner to prescribe collectors of customs at Savannah and Brunsrules for.- -.... -..-.............. 3249I wick, may grant permits to unload instruments for, to be prescribed by-.... 3249 vessels, appoint inspectors, &c., in before removal from distillery to warehouse. 3287 each other's district.-....2561 of distilled spirits drawn into new packages Germany, of not less than ten gallons-........ 3323 salaries of minister and secretaries to.-.... 1675 General Issue, Gibraltar, special matter under, in customs cases.... 3073 consul at, salary of-....-............ 1690 INDEX. 77 Section. Section. Gifts, Government Printing-Office-Continued. penalty for soliciting or receiving, from em- standards of paper for, how fixed........... 3767 ploy6s in Government service, by supe- advertisements forproposals to furnish paper riors in office. ——........... —---. 1784 for... —---- ---....-..... — -.. — 3767 acceptance of, by inspector,,gauger, weigher, approval of contract..-..-.. —.-. —- -. 3772 or measurer of customs. —-. ---- ---- 2637 contractor for paper, default of, how new by internal-revenue officers for compro- contract made, and temporary supmise, &c., of violation of law.. ——. 3169 plies procured —.................. 3775 by marshals or district attorneys for com- liable for increased cost in procuring. —-.. 3776 promise, &c —.. —-.. —.- —. —-—. 3170 report of, and prosecution of. ——......... 3777 by officers of customs for services under purchases in open market of paper......... 3778 Title XLVIII, COMMERCE AND NAVI- engravings for documents ordered by ConGATION; penalty.................. 4187 gress.-.. —-.... —--—.. ——. 3779 for services under Title L, VESSELS IN when procured by advertisement......... 3780 DOMESTIC COMMERCE; penalty...... 4373 of maps for annual report of Commissioner making or offering by persons engaged in of General Land-Office............... 3781 importation or entry of goods, to.... 5452 payment for engraving, &c -......-........ 3782 Glasgow, foreman of, to make estimates and file requiconsul at, salary of..-. —..-..-.-. 1690 sitions for materials............. 3783 Glass, what printing and binding not to be done at. 3785 excluded from mail..- —.. ——.. —..-. 3878 what printing and binding to be done at.... 3786 Glastenbury, Conn., printing of reports of officers in charge of port of delivery —----. —--... —...-.... 2533 bureaus, &c-........................ 3788 Gloucester, Mass., form and style of printing, &c., for Departcollection-district and port of entry....... 2527 ments, how determined... —-...... 3790 collector and surveyor to reside at.. —--- 2529 accounts for printing, &c., at, kept with DeGlonoin or Glynoin Oil, partments ——....-..-.. —-....-.. 3802 (see Nitro-Glycerine.) extra copies of documents, on what terms Gloves, printed at, for private persons....... 3809 imported kid and other, how appraised-.... 2913 foremen of printing and binding in, to furGoderich, nish monthly statements for Congresconsul at, salary of -----............. —... 1690 sional Printer....................... 3819 Gold, Grain, other than standard coin, when receivable in customs duties on, how estimated -..-...... 2919 payment of dues..-.......... ——.. - 3474 how stored in customs bonded warehouse... 2959 bars, how may be cast by mints............ 3518 quantity of mash to represent one bushel of- 3264 bullion may be deposited for coinage, &c.; may be ground into meal or flour on distilcertain may be refused.-......... 3519 lery premises for purposes of distillacoinage-charge on...................... 3524 tion.-.. —--.. —......... 3266 coinage to be reported by mint superinten- penalty for delivery of, at distillery having dents..-... —-... ——..-.. —--... 3503 no sign -......... ——... —-—.... 3279 silver in deposits of, for coinage, to be paid not to be mashed at distillery between 11 p. tor................................ 3520 m. Saturday and 1 a. m. Monday.... 3283 dollar, devices and legends on...-....... 3517 fifty-six pounds of, to be a bushel in deteringots, deviation allowed in............... 3533 mining quantity used at distillery'... 3309 notes, establishment of associations to issue. 5185 Grand Gulf, Miss., redemption of, issued by gold-banks...-. 5186 port of delivery -.. —-.................. 2566 sales authorized as to surplus...-.... ——. 3699 Grand Haven, Mich., and gold dust, shipper of, to notify carrier, port of entry..... —-....-.. —.... —-. 2599 &c..- - --. ——...........-.... - 4281 collector to reside at........ —.......... 2600 coin, (see Coin.) Grapes, Gold-Banks, brandy made from, exempt from certain proauthorized.-..-..-. —-...-............... 5185 visions of internal-revenue laws - - -. 3255 reserve of, redemption by ——...-......... 5186 grown in United States, exemptions from tax, of San Francisco, not required to redeem of wine, &c., made from............. 3328 notes in New York.-............ —.. 5195 Gratuity, not required to take notes of currency banks to seamen in Navy, receiving medals of at par.................... 5196 honor.-... —..........-......... 1407 Government Aid, (see Gifts.) pay for carrying mail on railways receiving, Great Britain, how fixed......................... 4001 salaries of minister and secretaries to....... 1675 Government Property, gold coins of, receivable for public lands.... 2366 proceeds of sale of old or condemned mate- par of exchange with.................... 3565 rial, &c., shall be covered into Treas- vessels of, may engage in coasting-trade on ury............................ 3618 lakes, &c., under Treaty of WashingGovernment Printing-Office, ton, when. —- -----—........... —- 4347 estimates for printing and binding at, for suspension ofprivilegebyPresident, when- 4347 Departments.. —... ——. -—.. 3661 Great Districts, to be under management of Congressional division of sea-coast of United States into Printer............................. 3758 three...-.................. ——.. 4348 materials, &c., for, by whom to be purchased- 3760 coasting-trade between.............4349-4361 foremen of printing and binding in, appoint- Great Egg Harbor, N. J., ment and salaries of................. 3761 collection-district -.............. —.. 2541 clerks in, appointment and salaries of...... 3762 collector in, residence of...-........... 2542 employes in, appointment and wages of.... 3763 Greece, when printing to be done at night, &c...... 3764 salary of minister to..-............-.. 1675 78 INDEX. Section. H Green Bay, Wi8., Section. port of delivery 2597 Habeas Corpus, deputy collector to reside at.-..... —.. -- 2598 seamen committed for refusal to sail not to Greenport, N. Y.,'be discharged on writ of, for want of port of delivery.. —-----------—. —------- 2535 form, &c —--.. --—. —-—. ——. 4558 surveyor to reside at. —-—. ——. —---- 2536 Haddam, Conn., cargoes for, to be entered and duties paid at port of delivery.-.. 2533 Sag Harbor, N. Y.................... 2537 Hair, enrollment and license of vessels by surveyor (see Wool.) at. ---.......... 4345 Hakodadi, Greenwich, Conn., consul at, salary of -—. —---------------- 1690 port of delivery -----------------—. —--- 2533 Half-Eagle, Groton, Conn., weight and fineness of -..... 3511-3514 port of delivery ---—.... ——. —-------- 2533 deviation in adjusting..-............... 3535 Guano Islands, Half-Dime, when considered as appertaining to United weight and material of.................... 3515 States. —-------------------- - 5570 devices and legends on.................... 3517 notice of discovery and proofs to be furnished deviation in adjusting.-......... 3537 to Department of State. ---------—. 5571 Half-Dollar Piece, proof, how completed, in case of death of dis- weight and fineness of........ 3513-3514 coverer.-.... 5572 deviation in adjusting ----—......... 3536 privilege of discoverer, rate of charges, &c- 5573 Half-Pay Pensions, restrictions on exportation, bond, penalty, (see Pensions.) &c... —.....-.-............ 5574 Halifax, regulation of guano trade.................. 5. 575 consul at, salary of........................ 1690 crimes and offenses committed on.. — --- -. 5576 Hallowell, Me., President to employ land and naval forces port of delivery........................... 2517 for protection of discoverer's rights.- 5577 Hamburg, right of United States to abandon, after consul at, salary of........................ 1690 guano removed -.. ——. —--------- 5578 Hampden, Me., Guarantee of Bid, port of delivery 2517 for naval supplies, sureties, &c.-.3719-3722 Hampton. Va., for carrying mail, shall be by certified check, port of delivery.-. -----—.... 2552 &c., in certain cases................. 3953 Hankow, Guaranteed Stocks, consul at, salary of —--. —---—..... —-. 1690 held by United States, to be protected -—. — 3481 Hardwicke, Ga., Guardians, port of delivery.-.. —... —---—. 2559 -when increased pension to be paid to.-. 4703 surveyor of customs to reside at -. —-------- 2560 when pension to be paid to. ——... —-.4706, 4766 Harness, pension to joint pensioners having different. 4707 lost in military service, to be paid for....- 3483 penalty for embezzling ward's pension...... 4783 Harpswell, Me., holding national-bank stock not to be indi- port of delivery........................... 2517 vidually liable..................... 5152 Hartford, Conn., Guatemala, port of delivery. —.......2.. —. 2533 salary df minister to. 1675 Harwich, Mass., minister to be accredited to Costa Rica, Hon- port of delivery ---------—........ 2527 duras, Salvador, and Nicaragua, also- 1682 Havana, Guayaquil, consul-general at, salary of ---—. —--- 1690 consul at, salary of -----—.. —-... --—.. 1690 resident mail-agent at, authorized.-... —-. 4021 Guaymas, Haverhill, Mass., consul at, salary of.-................ 1690 port of delivery........................... 2527 Guilford, Conn., Havre, port of delivery............................ 2533 consul at, salary of.-...... 1690 Gun-Boats, fHavre-de-Grace, Md., when persons serving on, to have pensions-. 4693 port of delivery.-...... —--- 2548 rate of total disability, pension to... —.. 4695 Hawaiian Islands, when pension to relatives of persons killed, salaryofminister to-. —.. ---- 1675 &c., in, to begin........... 4710 Hay, loose, not to be carried on steam passengerGunpowder, vessels. -.................. 4472 in bonded warehouse, when to be sold.... 2975 Hayti, storage of, in public or private warehouse. 2962 salary of minister, &c., to..-...-. -.... 1675 drawback on foreign saltpeter manufactured minister to, shall be consul-general also... 1683 into, &c. —-. —- --—.......-. 3026 Heads of Departments, for Navy, purchases of.. —--—..... ——. 3721 salaries of....... —... —-.. —--------—... 160 penalty for shipping, without notice....... 4288 to prescribe regulations for Departments -.. 161 license to carry, on steam passenger-vessels- 4422 to appoint board for examination of clerks.. 164 penalty for carrying, contrary to law..-. 4424 to regulate distribution of clerks.. —... 166 not to be carried on steam passenger-vessels to employ clerks and employes..-....... 169 except, &c.....-............ 4472 to employ extra clerks, when..-...... 171 how packed and marked for shipment.-.. 4475 to amend defects reported by chief clerk.... 175 penalty for shipping, contrary to law.. 4476 to appoint disbursing clerks in Departments. 176 Gunners, death, absence, &c., of, how provided for. 177-182 in Navy, number and appointment of. —. 1405 may have witnesses subpeonaed, when -.. 184 pay of.. -....... 1556 may obtain professional assistance, how. 187 assimilated rank to..-..-..... 1491 not to employ attorneys or counsel..-.. 189 INDEX, 79 Section. Section. Heads of Departments-Continued. Hingham, Mass,, duties of, respecting certified balances. —-.. 191 port of delivery. —..-.-.... —....-. —..-.. 2527 to make annual reports of expenditure of Hioga and Osaka, contingent fund..................... 193 consul at, salary of........................ 1690 of clerks employed.. —. —-----—.. ——. 194 Hogshead, time of making annual reports. —............ 195 of fermented liquors, contents of........... 3339 when tc furnish annual reports to printer.. 196 Homestead, to keep inventories of property. —..-. —, - 197 chiefs, &c., of Stockbridge Munsee Indians to file biennial list of clerks and employes in may acquire -—..-...-.-..-..-.... —. 2310 Interior Department..-.............. 198 Ottawa and Chippewa Indians may enter may require opinion of Attorney-General.. - 356 certain lands as..-................. —.. 2313 prohibited to receive compensation for ser- entries, how made. —-—...... —.. ——. ——. 2313 vices in claim, &c., before Department selection' of, for minor childen of ----—... 2314 or commission; penalty.. —.. —..- 1782 on lands reserved as mineral, settlers' rights - 2341 to aid investigations by Commissioner of Fish applicant, commissions to be paid by.. ——. 2238 and Fisheries.-..................... 4397 fee for testimony establishing right of -. - 2238 Health, Public, Home for Disabled Volunteers, United States officers to observe quarantines (see National Home, 4c.) and health laws of the States........ 4792 Honorable Discharge, to aid in execution of such laws; in what certificate of, to be returned by accounting manner..-.. ——............-.... —. 4792 officer to officers and men of Army. 282 States not to collect tonnage or impost duties, pay of men re-enlisting in Army under-... 1284 by reason of health-laws, without con- in Navy —................................ 1573 sent of Congress.-....-. —... —.. —. 4792 Honolulu, discharge of vessel elsewhere than at port of consul at, salary of.. —...-.-...-... —.. -. 1690 entry. —----—...... —...... —-----—... —- 4793 Honduras, warehouses to be erected for deposit of mer- minister-resident at —...... ——. —.-.. —-. 1682 chandise.-.. —-... — --.......... — 4794 (see Guatemala.) cargo to be deposited in such warehouse as Hong-Kong, collector may designate. ——..... —-.. 4795 consul at, salary of. —.-.. —. ——. —... — -. 1690 to be under joint custody of collector and Horses, owner... —........................... 4795 allowance of forage for, in Army-........... 1271 to remain until it may be safely removed. 4795 of militia in United States service -........ 1653 collector to permit owners, &c., to receive punishment of soldier for losing or selling — 1342 merchandise -....-...... —...... —.. 4795 condemned, to be paid for.. —----------—. 3485 rate of storage, how fixed —......-.....-... 4795 lost in military service, provisions concernextension of time for entry of vessels subject ing..-......................3482-3487,3489 to quarantine....................... 4796 appropriation to pay for.-................ 3689 no cargo to be unladen except as allowed by Horse-Express, law. —-—. —-.............-. —.. —- 4796 mail may be carried on railway-routes by. - 3999 in case of contagious or epidemic disease rev- Hospitals, enue officers may remove from port. -. 4797 may be prepared on passenger-vessels. 4254 to perform same duties as at original port. 4797 when used, to be counted as passenger public notice of removal to be given -..-. 4797 space............................... 4254 public offices may be removed from seat of army, government -.........-.......... —.. 4798 allowance of sick-diet in................... 1175 Supreme Court may adjourn to another employment of women as nurses......-.... 1238 place ---—. —-. —------—.. —. 4799 of matrons in.................... —--------.. ——. 1239 marshal to publish notice of such re- pay of matrons and nurses at......-...... —-.. 1277 moval -—.....-.....-............ — 4799 freedmen's, circuit and district judges may adjourn in District of Columbia, supervision, &c., of- 2038 court... —----—.... —.. —--—....... —-- 4799 insane, United States prisoners may be removed-. 4800 to be located in District of Columbia-.. —-. 4838 such removals to be at expense of Uni- superintendent of, how appointed -.......... 4839 ted States.. ——..-.. —.. —..-.. —. — 4800 salary and bond of.............-.-..... 4839 Headstones, qualifications and duties of........ 4839 in national cemeteries, requirements for.... 4877 to be disbursing agent of. -.... 4839 to be ex-officio secretary of board of visiHeirs, tors ——.. ——... — —...... —-----—. 4839 of diplomatic or consular officers dying office of visitor to be honorary and without abroad, allowance to —.. —-----—.... 1749 compensation --------------- —.- 4840 of colored soldiers and sailors, collection and admission of persons in military or naval payment of bounty, &c., due to..-. — 2032service.4843 Hemp, admission of persons having property, but statistics in regard to, to be embraced in not enough to defray all expenses.-.. 4849 census returns....... —-..... —-.. 2184 authority of board of visitors in such cases. 4849 loose, not to be carried on steam passenger- of persons accused of crime......-. 4851 vessel.-.... ——............... 4472 of private patients.. —... —-. —-. —.. 4853 baled, how carried-.................... 4672 disbursement of appropriations for -----—. 4858 penalty for carrying, contrary to law.... 4473 marine for Navy, provisions concerning contracts proceeds of sale of, not to be covered into for.-...............3718-3722 Treasury-o........-...........-.,3618 American growth or manufacture to be disposal of...-........... 3692 preferred..-....... —............... 3725 appropriation for. 3689, 3692, 4545, 4585-4587,4610 High Seas, tax, assessment and collection of....-.... 4585 offenses committed upon, where to be tried - 730 on vessels sold abroad...... —. —.... 4586 80 INDEX. Section. Section. Hospital8-Continued. Houston, Tex., no documents to be granted till paid..... 4587 port of delivery -.... — —...... —... —-...- 2578 to be deducted from seamen's wages..... —-. 4587 surveyor to reside at..-............ —-. 2579 regulations for collection to be prescribed merchandise for, where entered.....-...... 2821 by Secretary of Treasury............ 4587 Hudson, N. Y., President may receive gifts in aid of....... 4801 port of delivery........ —-... ——. —-.... 2535 supervising-surgeoqn of, to be appointed. —-. 4802 Hulls of Steam-Vessels, duties and salary of..................... 4802 (see 1nspection of Steam- Vessels.) to make monthly reports to Secretary of Huron, Mich., Treasury........................ 4802 collection-district......................... 2599 deposits to credit of fund for relief of sick collector in, residence of..-............ —.. —- 2600 and disabled seamen, by collector of inspectors of hulls and boilers for-........- 4414 customs....................-....... 4803 their salaries.....-................. —.. —-- 4414 monthly returns to be made...-.......... 4803 Husband, appropriation and employment of fund -... 4803 of vessel to give bond for registry....-.. —-- 4145 persons employed on canal-boats in coast- Hydrographic Office, ing-trade excluded from benefit of... 4804 to be attached to Bureau of Navigation - - -- 431 sick foreign seamen may be admitted on ap- maps, charts, &c., to be prepared at-........ 432 plication of master of vessel.......-...- 4805 Hydrographic Surveys, charges per diem in such case.. —-.. ——. 4805 restrictions on appropriations for publishing to be paid by master. —.-.. —--. 4805 foreign -. ——.. ——.. -.... —-.. ——. 3686 collector not to grant clearance until Hydrometers, paid.-............................... 4805 Secretary of Treasury to adopt, for proof of officer in charge of hospital to render ac- imported liquors.. —.. —--—. —----- 2918 count of, to collector... —.. ——..-.- 4805 to be adopted and prescribed for use by Comnbuildings, &c., for, may be leased or sold... 4806 missioner of Internal Revenue... —--- 3249 exception of those at Cleveland, 0., and Hydrostatic Pressure, Portland, Me.......- - -.............. 4806 to be used in testing boilers of steam-vessels - 4418 other exceptions...................... 4806 Hypothecation, navy, of vessel not valid, except, &c., unless rededuction from pay of marines for fund.... 1614 corded, &c - - -...... —.............. 4192 Secretary of Navy to superintend...-. ——. 4807 to be recorded by collectors of customs - 4193 deduction of pay from officers and men for certificates discharging, to be recorded -.. 4193 fund of -.. —.. ----------- - 4808 what record of, to be kept in books -..-..- 4193 fines imposed on........................ 4809 what to be certified on-......... 4193 purchase and erection of —-.....- --—.. ——. 4810 fee for recording....-.. ——. —-—.. ——. 4193 asylum for aged and decrepid officers and not to be recorded until acknowledged, &c. 4193 men'to be provided at one of-......... 4810 collectors to keep index of records.-...... 4194 how governed -—... —----—... —..-. —-. 4811 index and records open to inspection..... 4194 pay of clerk to paymaster at-............ 1556 collectors to furnish certificates relating disabled sailors and marines may have to, &c.....-.......................... 4194 half pay in lieu of home in, at Phila- fee for such certificates.... ——.... —-. 4194 delphia......... —.... —.. 4756 for certified copy of record of.-....... 4194 allowance of rations to. —..-...... —--—. 4812 for recording..-.. —.. —...... —-—.. 4382 pensions to be deducted during stay in..... 4813 Hospital-Tax, I. (see Hospitals.) Ice, Hospital-Stewards, vessels prevented from getting to port by... 2896 number authorized..-. —-. ——.. —-.-...- 1094 used in distillery.......................... 3303 enlistment or appointment of, for posts- - - - 1179 Idaho Territory, for permanent attachment to medical number of members of council and house of corps -....... -. —.... ——. 1180 representatives of. —-—.. —-.. ——.. 1922 grading of...-............................ 1181 extra sessions of legislative assembly of, pension to relatives of, when to begin...... 4710 how called —-............. —...... — 1923 Houlton, Me., penitentiary in, care and custody of —. —--- 1936 port of entry..-......-..... —..... -—... 2517 maintenance of prisoners by... —.. —. —.. 1937 collector to reside at.. —..-.-.... —-- - - - - 2518 contingent expenses of executive department Hours of Business, of, annual appropriation for. —-. —. 1935 in Executive Departments........... —. —. 162 legislative expenses of, provision for. ——.-.- 1940 Household-Furniture, salaries of governor, &c., of, not payable to amount of $300, exempt from distraint until duties entered upon...... -—.. 1941 for internal-revenue taxes........... 3187 mileage of members of legislative assembly House Contingent-Fund, HOU8_6 Contingent —Fund, of.................................. 1943 restrictions on use of...-................... -3680 Indian agencies, &c., in, continued -... —--- 1949 disbursing officers in, to give security, in House of Representatives, what manner............. —----.. —-—. 1951 officers and employ6s in, salaries......... 53'appointment of surveyor-general for....... 2207 expenditures of, when made up and reported. 63 salary of -...............................- 2210 furniture and carpets for, how purchased..- 1816 fifty per cent. addition to fees of registers every Territory may send Delegate to...... 1862 and receivers in..-................... 2238 Houses, collection-district, what to comprise........ 2593 on