MAMVSSE E'- UP-BIBLUM GOD ~. o qob NANEESWEbo N KKONE TESTAMENT KAH WONK bo 1 WUI SKIU TESTAMENT. T b Ne quofhkinnumuk naihpe Wuttinneumoh CHRIST b noh ofoowefit bw JOHN ELIOT. C M B R ID G E: ~66 Printeuoop nafhpe Samuel Green kah Marmaduke 7fohnfon. 90 Ole I 6 6 3. bow T H E < 7q: HOLY BIBLE: - CONTAINING THE b, S OL D TESTAMENT AEN AND THE, NE W. SI Tranflated into the INDIAN LANG UIAGE, I ND ~6 Ordered to be Printed by the Commi/ioners of the Vnited Colonies b in 2EW-ENGL AND, At the Ch-arge, and with the Confent of the I — 5 CORPORATION IN ENGLAND OK For the TPropagation of the Fofpelamongfi the Indians:y in New-England. CA MB R ID G E:. M Q Printed by Samuel green and,X.armaduke 7ohnJon. r*1 ~ MDCLXIII. bo.PPPF~.p~p~~ -cccc Ccc~Vd dPappe c y P4~ yyT4XW BQ B 498 QQ yO O43 99O O 8 Q O 8 Q8 O l y QO LIST OF EDITIONS OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES AND PARTS THEREOF, PRINTED IN AMERICA PREVIOUS TO 1860: WITH INTRODUCTION AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES. BY E. B. O'CALLAGHAN. A LBANY: MUNSELL & ROWLAND. 1861. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1861, BY E. B. O0CALLAGHAN, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Northern District of New York. TO JAMES LENOX, ESQ., NEW YORK, THIS WORK Is RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED. INTRODUCTION. PREVIOUS to the American Revolution this country was supplied with Bibles in the English language, chiefly from Great Britain. Publishers in the Plantations are represented as having been under the impression, that if they reprinted the work, they would be guilty of an infringement of the exclusive right possessed by certain parties in England, and expose themselves to prosecution. If we add to this, the abundant supply from abroad; the low price of English copies,' and, above all, the fashion which then gave, as it now gives, a preference to issues from the English press, we shall find the causes that prevented the publication of the Bible in the Old Colonies, as they are at present a bar to its publication in the remaining British Possessions on this Continent. We might, therefore, have come down to the era of American Independence without meeting an American Bible, had not an humble Indian Missionary, as devoted as he was disinterested, translated the sacred volume for his little flock. Thus, the first edition of the Bible " that was ever printed In a trial in England, between John Baskett, plaintiff, and Henry Pearson, defendant, the price of the Common English Nonpareil Bible, was stated to have been in 1690, 2s. 6d., and in 1720, 21d. It fell subsequently to a shilling. No American publisher could compete against such prices. Vi INTR O DU CTION. in all America since the very foundations of the world,"' came forth most appropriately in a purely American language, a monument of the patience, piety, and zeal of the venerable ELIOT. In 1678, A Harmony of the Gospels, by the same author, followed; in 1707 a portion, and in 1708 the whole, of The Gospel of St. John, was published at Boston, in Indian and English, and these are all that had been accomplished in this country in the field of Biblical literature, at the commencement of the eighteenth century, if we except some metrical versions of the Psalms and detached pieces of Scripture. COTTON MATHER was undoubtedly the first who projected the publication in America of an edition of the Bible in English. He commenced the preparation of what he called the Biblia Americana, about the year 1695, and having spent fifteen years in collecting and compiling notes, comments and expositions, announced, in 1710, the completion of his work, in an Advertisement at the end of one of his Tracts,2 hoping "that the Glorious head of the Church will stir up some generous minds to forward an undertaking so confessedly worthy to be prosecuted." But this hope was not realized. No printer could be found in the Colonies to hazard such an enterprise. Disappointed at home, Dr. Mather determined to make an appeal abroad, and in 1713 issued another Prospectus, addressed mainly to London publishers. As the matter of the Advertisement of 1710 is included in the Prospectus of' Mather's Magaclia, Book III, 197. 2 Bonifacius. An Essay upon the Good, that is to be Devised and Designed, by those Who Desire to Answer the Great End of Life, and to Do Good while they Live. BOSTON in N. England: Printed by B. Green, for Samuel Gerrish at his Shop in Corn Hill, 1710. 16mo. This rare tract is in the Library of the Massachusetts Historical Society. INTRODUCTION. vii 1713, we shall content ourselves with reproducing the latter only. It is entitled A I NEW OFFER I TO THE LOVERS OF I RELIGION AND LEARNING. | It is Agreed by all true Christians, and most Certain to them, That we are highly Favoured of Heaven, with a Divine Storehouse of Truth in our SACRED SCRIPTURES. The World has nothing in it comparable to this BOOK OF GOD, and of Life. A Book, which all the Learning under Heaven may be well employ'd, for the Illustration of; and is never so well employ'd, as when so employ'd. The Illustration of it, is indeed the most Serviceable and the most Entertaining Thing, that can be offered unto them that have any Value, and Relish or Concern for that Knowledge, which is of all the most valuable, and that would be Wise unto the best of Purposes. It is a passage of the Celebrated BOYL;'When I Consider, how much' more to the Advantage of the Sacred Writings, and of Christian Theology'in general, diverse Texts have been Explained, and Discoursed of, by the' Excellent Grotius, Masiits, Mede, and Sir Francis Bacon, and some other'late great Witts (to name now no Living ones,) in their several Kinds, than'the same Places have been handled by Vulgar Expositors, and other'Divines; And when I consider, that none of these Worthies, was at once'a great Philosopher and a great Critick; I cannot but hope, that when it'shall please God, to stir up Persons of a Philosophical Genius, well fur-' nished with Critical Learning, and the Principles of true Philosophy, and'shall give them an hearty Concern for the Advance of His Truths, these.'Men will make Explications and Discoveries that shall be Admirable. You'shall no more measure the Wisdom of God couched in the Bible by the'Glosses and Systems of common Expositors,l than aestimate the Wisdom'He has express'd in the Contrivance of the World, by Magirus's or Eusta-' chius's Physicks. This Wise Man was a Prophet, when he, wrote those Lines. An Age of Light comes on; Explications and Discoveries are continually growing; which all that will but shew themselves Men cannot but imbibe with Satisfaction. The Path of the Just One, in His gracious Approaches towards us, causes the Light which opens His Oracles unto us, to shine more and more towards the, perfect Day. Doubtless the Pagan Longinus pleased his Jewish Empress the brave Zenobia, when she read him admiring the High Style of Moses in that stately Stroke of the Creation; God said, Let there be Light; And there was Light! But how admirable is that great Work of the most High God, which has given effectual Order for His Church in our Day; Let there and Preachers. Advertisement of 1710. viii INTRODUCTION. be Light in it, and let my Oracles be Illustrated! And, Lo, there is Light, and the Illustrations of the Sacred Scriptures are carried on to Wonderment! The Instruments by whom this Light is brought down unto us, have of late been greatly Multiplied: God has given His Word for it, and Great has been the Army of those that have published it. Anon, We have the Admirable WITSIUS Comforting of us, with his Report,' of this Importance. Neq; profecto Officio hic suo defuerunt Illustres Animwe.' There have not been wanting those Illustrious Men, [And' Thou, my dear Witsius, not the least of them!] who have observed all the'Solid Discoveries in Philosophy, all the Curious Researches of Antiquity, or'that has occurred in Physick, or in Law, relating to the Sacred Scriptures,'and have applied it all with a signal Dexterity to the Illustration thereof:'And so'tis come to pass, that Theology, which had vast riches of its own'before, is now also enriched with foreign Spoils, and appears with those'Ornaments, which extort, even from them that are most of all disaffected'unto it, a Confession of its most Charming Majesty. The noble Service to Mankind, thus proposed, having been so far pursued, it is easy to imagine, that a Person of but common Abilities, [for He who now Writes may pretend unto no more;] applying himself unto it, may accomplish a very Rich Collection of Illustrations upon the Sacred Scriptures. An ADVERTISEMENT now comes forth, to Inform the Friends of Learning and Religion, that it is in some degree accomplished. An, Opus Ecclesine, is ready when it shall be call'd for. No little Part of what has been Written on the great Intention of Illustrating the Divine Oracles has been perused. Some Hundreds of the Latest as well as of the Oldest Writers that have had any thing looking that way, have been Consulted: If not for Number enough to have built an Egyptian Pyramid, yet so many, as to render the Extract alone which is now made from them, a sort of Library. Where small Pamphlets, as well as large Volumns, have made any valuable Offerings to the Service of the Sanctuary, they have not been wholly neglected. The Names of them, whose grateful Stores have been brought into this Common Hive, whether they be Dead or Living, are with all decent Ingenuity acknowledged and eternized. Not only the Rare Thoughts of the more Illustrious Literators, who are known for Stars of the first Magnitude in the Catalogue of them that have handled the Pen of the Writer, but also the Hints occurring in Books that have made no Profession of serving this Cause, and many of them very unsuspected ones, have been seized for it. Many Thousands of those Fine Thoughts, whereof sometimes One or Two, or a very Few, have enabled a Writer to find some Acceptance in setting up for Authorism, are here together set upon the Table, in order to a Feast of Fat Things full of Marrow, of Wines in the Lees well refined. It cannot be presumed that the INTRODUCTION. ix Eye of the poor Industry, which has laboured on this Design, has yet seen every precious Thing, yet in the more than three Lustres of years which have run since it began the Undertaking, it has often visited the Place of Sapphires, and found the Dust of Gold, which is here to be exposed unto the more Sensible and Ingenuous part of Mankind, when it shall be thought a time for it. And it may be easily supposed, that one of no more than a Common Reach, Conversing so much with such Things, may now and then also make a feeble Flight towards an Illustration of his own, that may deserve Attention. There is an American Plant, which alone, as Hernandez will with some Demonstration tell us, Quicquid vitae esse potest Necessarium, facile prestare potest; it will answer all the Necessities of Humane Life, yea, and supply the Delicacies of it also. It is possible, this American Work, may with as Universal an Accommodation, afford what may be Necessary, yea, and what may be likewise Delectable to them, who in acquainting themselves with the Best of Books, and Things, would have their Studies well accommodated. The Collection makes Two FOLIO'S of some considerable. Dimensions, which now lye ready for Publication: Hoping that Vossius's Complaint of another Country, will not always be true of Ours, That one can hardly get any thing Printed, but either Quarrels or Trifes; Eristica et Nugalia, quibus nihil vendibilius, ut ipsi non dissimulant Typographi. It has been studied, that this Work might not interfere with the large English Annotations, begun by the Excellent POOL, and finished by some of' his Brethren. Those Polan Annotations have been left almost wholly unconsulted, in the Composing of this Work, that their Value and Vending may not suffer the least measure of Depreciation from it. Nor will the inestimable Performances of such as Mr. Matthew lTHenry lose the least Grain of their Esteem with the Faithful, by having this Work to wait, (if the Public pleaseto have it so) as an Appendix upon them. These Composures will be singularly useful to one another. The Work is attempted by a Person so strictly adhering to the Principles of the Christian Religion, professed in the Reformed Churches, that the Reader is perfectly released and secured from all Fear of his finding here,. any dangerous Innovations in, or Deviations from, the Faith once delivered' unto the Saints. Instead of that, he will very frequently find, that the most important Articles of our most Holy Faith, are here defended with a New Force, by setting in a Clear Light such Texts, as have not been observed heretofore to carry such Assertions in them, or have been encumbred with the Glosses which Men of Corrupt Minds have put upon them. Nevertheless, the Attempt is carried on, with such a Catholick Spirit, that it may be hoped no Good Man, will have any Matter of just offence given unto him. It is not a Work animated with the Spirit of a Party; and it may be hoped, that B x INTRODUCTION. nothing but that ungenerous and comtemptible Spirit, will cast the disdainful Eye of the Scorner upon it. Accordingly it is already come to pass, that very Eminent Persons, Divines of great Note, in the Church by Law Established, having been apprised of the Work, have generously offered their best Encouragements unto it. Numbers of the best Men among the Dissenters have expressed their Wishes, not without some Impatience for it. Scotland also invites it, expects it, requires it. In America,'tis asked for, and waited for. And there may be some hope, That all-Impartial Christians, of whatever Denomination or Subdivision in Christianity, will reckon it, An useful Work. For indeed Common Sense will say, it must needs be so, if the Books, from which the Best Things are fetch'd, and laid here together, were so. And yet, there is more than this, to argue for it. Briefly, Men of every Religion, yea, and some of no Religion at all, have had Spoils taken from them, for the Enriching of this Work; And, why should not all good Men, who embrace the True Religion, tho' of different Perswasions in some lesser Points of it, Unite in the Enjoyment of the Riches? To bestow the Censure of Pride and Vanity, on the proposing of such a Work for Publication, would be therewith to Censure and Reproach all Attempts in such a way to serve the Public. Most certainly'tis no Trespass against the Rules of Modesty, to give the Public a Report and a Tender, of what has been thus prepared for it; but it would look like one against the Rules of Equity, to call it so. Most certainly, it is a Jilodest Thing, a Sober, a Proper, and a very Lawfitl One, for an Honest Mlan to desire, that so much of a short Life, as has been spent in such a Preparation, should not be spent in Vain. The Pen, which all along this Work, pays all due Acknowledgments unto those, whom the Sovereign GoD furnished and honoured with the Treasures, which are thro' their Hands come into it, seeks not its own Honour; And if even the small Reputation of a little Diligence and C(ontrivance be denied unto it, in this also it will Propound all imaginable Satisfaction. It would, if that had been possible, have kept the Authors Name under such a Reservation, that it must have been only a Retainer to Placcius's Treatise, De Scriptoribus Anonymis. It is content, that the Writer be Clouded with all possible Obscurity; and that it be left wholly unconsidered, whether he has ever given any Testimony of a tolerable Capacity for such a Work as this, by any other Performances; or, whether any considerable Societies in the World, have ever thought him worthy of being Theirs. It has nothing to object against as many Diminutions and Annihilations, as the superiour Part of Mankind may think agreeable for him. He only desires, that the Oblations which he brings from those that may be accounted Better than himself, (and which he might, if he had pleased, have made in the most common Methods, INTRODUCTION. xi to pass for, His own), may find Acceptance with the Church, to which we all owe our All: And that AMERICA may at length, with a Benign and Smiling Aspect of her Lady-Mother upon her, come in to do something, for an Interest that must have these uttermost Parts of the Earth for its Possession. Sometimes very mean Things, have on the score of their being Far-fetcht, had a value set upon them, and not been look'd upon as too Dear-bought, when a great Price has been given for them. If a Work, which is a Tree, that grew on the Western side of the Atlantic, may on that score hope to be valued by good Men, in the other Hemisphere, there will be an accession of this peculiar Circumstance, that, Gentlemen, the Fruits upon it, or at least, the Seeds that produced them, were most of them, Originally Your own: And it cannot but be a Pleasure, if not a Surprize unto you, to find that so many of your Best Things, have passed over the great and wide Sea unto the American Strand. Nor will it be New or Strange, if some Things happen to be Meliorated, and made more Sweet and Fine, by passing over this mighty Ocean. Or, to address you under another Figure; The Writers whom you made much of, while you had them at Home with you in a more separate Condition, certainly, will not lose your Favour, for having Travelled Abroad, and now Returned Home in Company; tho' with their Habit and Language having something of an American Change upon it. But, what brings this Promiser, that may be worthy of so much Expectation? THIS is the TITLE of it. These Promises may be made in the Title-Page of it. Behold here, a Communi Fax, unto it. [Here follows the Title, reprinted at page 19, post.] ~ The usual Method for the Publication of such a Work, has been, first of all to Publish PROPOSALS for SUBSCRIPTIONS: For who can Dream, that such Bulky & Costly Things, can unassisted, make their own way into the World? But in the present Case, the Distance of the Author from Europe, & the Abode of the Work in America till it may be sent over with some hopeful Encouragement, and the uncertainty of what may be the precise Number of Sheets which will be needful on the Occasion, will oblige to something a little Unusual in the way of Proceeding. Understanding that the Work will make Two Volumns in FOLIO, it is proposed, That it shall be afforded unto Subscribers, at the same Rate, that such Books, of the same Quantity, and in the same Character, have usually been afforded at: Which is a Rate so generally Agreed (and very seldom or little Varied,) that the venture of a more Indefinite Subscribing for it, need not be much scrupled at. xii INTRODUCTION. N, It shall also be insisted on, with the Booksellers, that whoever shall procure and send in Subscriptions for Nine Sets of this Work, shall have a Tenth Gratis. It is therefore PROPOSED, that the Persons who are Well-wishers to a Work of this Intention and Usefulness, would send in their Names, affixed unto the following Declaration. When it shall please GoD, that the Work Entituled, BIBLIA AMERICANA, whereof the Public has been Advertised, in the New Offer to the Lovers of Religion and Learning; shall be Published, (and if it be done without unnecessary Delays) the Subscriber will take off a Sett, (namely, The Two Volumns) at the Price assign'd by the Booksellers, with the Advice of Three unexceptionable Ministers of the City of London, within the general Rate which for a Work so Circumstanced has been formerly declared Reasonable.' This Appeal met with no better success than the first. A third attempt to obtain a publisher was made in 1728, but it likewise was unsuccessful; and the Manuscript, as it came one hundred and fifty years ago from the hands of the literary Giant of New England, now sleeps forgotten and almost unknown, amid the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, a reproof to the wealth and a reproach to the enterprise of the present generation. Nearly half a century passed without a line of Scripture having been printed in this country, except, perhaps, in Psalters or Prayer Books. At length, what others with greater pretensions failed to accomplish, was effected by an humble, painstaking Immigrant, to whom the honor belongs of having given to America the first edition of the Bible in a European language. CHRISTOPHER SAUR was born in Germany in 1693; immigrated to this country in 1724, and settled permanently in Germantown, Pa., in 1731. Being of a religious temperament and of a reflecting turn of mind, his attention was di-' From the Tract in the Library of the American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass. INTRODUCTION. xiii rected to the destitute condition of his countrymen in respect to books, especially the Scriptures. He procured a printing press and types, and commenced the business of a publisher in 1738. In 1740 he began printing an edition of the Bible in German, and in 1743 completed the volume, which will be found fully described under that year. Mr. Saur died in 1758, before another edition of the Bible was called for. His son reprinted an edition of the work in 1763 consisting of two thousand copies, and another of three thousand copies in 1776;1 but most of the latter were seized in the war of the Revolution and used as cartridge paper or as litter for horses. Mr. Saur's daughter succeeded, however, in rescuing the sheets of ten complete copies which she caused to be bound.2 Meanwhile, KNEELAND & GREEN of Boston (it is alleged), printed principally for Daniel Henchman, an edition of the Bible in the English language, in small quarto. It was carried through the press as privately as possible, and had the London imprint of the copy from which it was reprinted, viz:' London: Printed by Mark Baskett, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty," in order to prevent a prosecution from those, in England and Scotland, who published the Bible by a patent from the Crown; or Curm privilegio, as did the English Universities at Oxford and Cambridge. "When I was an apprentice (continues Mr. Thomas), I often heard those who had assisted at the case and press in printing this Bible, make mention of the fact. The late Gov. Hancock was related to Henchman, and knew the particulars of the transaction. He possessed a copy of this impression. As it had a London imprint, at this day it can be 1Simpson's Eminent Jien of Philadelphia. 2 The Rev Dr. Holmes says in his American Annals, II, 486 (note), that Saur's edition of 1776 " was the first quarto Bible, that ever issued from an American press." He apparently was ignorant of the editions of 1743 and 1763, and had forgotten Eliot's Indian Bibles. xiv INTRODUCTION. distinguished from an English edition of the same date, only by those who are acquainted with the niceties of typography. This Bible issued from the press about the time that the partnership of Kneeland & Green expired.l The edition was not large; I have been informed that it did not exceed seven or eight hundred copies. " Not long after the time that this impression of the Bible came from the press, an edition of the New Testament, in duodecimo, was printed by Rogers and Fowle, for those at whose expense the Bible issued. Both the Bible and the Testament were well executed.... The credit of this edition of the Testament was, for the reason I have mentioned, transferred to the King's printer, in London, by the insertion of his imprint."2 And, farther on, Mr. Thomas adds: " During the partnership of Rogers and Fowle they printed an edition of about two thousand copies of the New Testament, 12mo., for D. Henchman, and two or three other principal booksellers, as has been already observed. "' This impression of the Testament, the first in the English language printed in this country, was, as I have been informed, completed at the press before Kneeland and Green began the edition of the Bible which has been mentioned. " Zechariah Fowle, with whom I served my apprenticeship, as well as several others, repeatedly mentioned to me this edition of the Testament. He was at the time, a journeyman with Rogers and Fowle, and worked at the press. He informed me, that on account of the weakness of his constitution, he greatly injured his health by the performance. Privacy in the business was necessary; and as few hands were intrusted with the secret, the press work was, as he thought, very laborious. I mention these minute circumstances in proof that an edition of the Testament did issue 11752. 2 Thomas, History of Printing, I, 305, 306. INTRODUCTION. xv from the office of Rogers and Fowle, because I have heard that the fact has been disputed."' We have here given at length, in justice to Mr. Thomas, all he has stated on the subject of these editions, the printing of which has been not only disputed anew, but denied by Mr. Bancroft, who asserts that the Bible "was never printed here in English until the land became free," and then adds in a note: Thomas... repeats only what he heard. Himself a collector, he does not profess ever to have seen a copy of the alleged American edition of the English Bible. Search has repeatedly been made for a copy, and always. without success. Six or eight hundred Bibles in quarto could hardly have. been printed, bound and sold in Boston, then a small town, undiscovered. Nor would they all have disappeared. The most complete catalogues of English Bibles enumerate no one with the imprint, which was said to have been copied. Till a copy of the pretended American edition is produced, no credit can be given to the second-hand story, which is moreover at variance with the statement of Dr. Chauncey, the minister of the first Church of Boston, at the time of the pretended publication.2 The reader has here before him what has been said, on both sides, regarding the alleged Kneeland & Green (or Mark Baskett) Bible of 1752. Bibles near that year have been found with the following imprints: London: Printed by Thomas Baskett, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, and by the Assigns of Robert Barker. 1751. Folio. The Same. 1752. 12mo. Oxford: Printed by Thomas Baskett, Printer to the University. 1752. 4to. The Same. 1753, 1754, 1761. 4to. 1History of Printing, I, 324, 325. 2 Bancroft, History of the United States, v, 266, 11th edition. On page xxi, post, will be found a letter from Dr. Chauncey on the lack of facilities for printing an edition of the Bible in Boston in 1782, but as Mr. Bancroft has omitted to indicate the source whence he derived the statement he attributes to that clergyman, we are unable to say whether the letter now published be that source. xvi INTRODUCTION. London: Printed by Mark Baskett, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, and by the Assigns of Robert Barker. 1761. 4to. The Same. 1763. 4to. But as yet all efforts to discover a copy corresponding with that mentioned by Mr. Thomas, have, as far as we are aware, been unsuccessful: the titles of both Bible and Testament are, therefore, omitted in the present List. Before taking leave of the subject it may not, perhaps, be out of place to notice a discrepancy in Mr. Thomas's account, in regard to the time that the New Testament was printed; that event having occurred, according to his statement in one place, c" Not long after the time that the impression of the Bible came from the press," whilst in another place he says, 1" This impression of the Testament.... was, as I have been informed, completed at the press before Kneeland and Green began the edition of the Bible which has been mentioned."l Whilst engaged in examining the several points connected with this matter, we were curious to know whether the Patent to Baskett did actually extend to, and include the Colonies. We accordingly endeavored to procure a copy of that to John Baskett under which we supposed that Mark Baskett held. The subjoined letters will show the result. AGENCY FOR AMERICAN LIBRARIES,) - WRIGHT, Esq. 12 Tavistock Row, Covent Garden, Clarendon Press, Oxford: LONDON, Dec. 20th, 1858. SIR: Can you inform me how to obtain a copy of the " Patent issued to John Baskett as King's Printer" 2 Geo. II. (Dec. 1728), if so, I shall feel greatly obliged. It is wanted for a simply literary purpose. I am, Sir, Your Obed. Serv't, Ask Mr. Griffiths. EDW. ALLEN, Can Dr. Rowden enable J. Wright to give a satisfactory reply to the inquirer? 1 Compare History of Printing, I, 305, 324. INTRODUCTION. Xvii UNIVERSITY PRESS, SIR: OXFORD, Dec. 21, 1858. Having applied to the Registrar of the University, and also to the Keeper of the Archives, for the purpose of obtaining the desired information, I regret to say that I have done so without success, neither of the gentlemen being able to throw any light upon the mode of appointment. Could the present printers to the Queen render you any service in the enquiry? Your Obed't Servant, JAMES WRIGHT. AGENCY FOR AMERICAN LIBRARIES, ) 12 Tavistock Row, Covent Garden, DEAR SIR: LONDON, Jan. 14th, 1859. I have now to inform you that I cannot succeed in obtaining the Patent sought for in your enquiry of Aug. 2,'58. Enquiries had previously been made in London fruitlessly, when the enclosed note was penned to the Clarendon Press, Oxford, reply on the half sheet remaining. The Queen's Printers could not supply it, but referred to the Six Clerks' Office, they could not, but referred to the Rolls Court, where a second application was made, and a dilligent search, but to no avail, the Chief Clerk's opinion being that the Patent had been taken out, but not registered. I am, &c., Dr. E. B. O'CALLAGHAN, Your Ob't Serv't, New York. EDW. ALLEN.1 In the remaining period of Colonial dependency, we meet with only one instance of an attempt towards printing a Bible in English in this country. That attempt was made by Jon FLEMING, a Scotch printer of Boston, who issued a Prospectus in 1770, of which the following is a copy: The FIRST BIBLE ever printed in AMERICA. Proposals i for Printing by subscription, I In a most BEAUTIFUL and ELEGANT Manner IN TWO large VOLUMES FOLIO. | The HOLY BIBLE, containing I THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS: or a FAMILY BIBLE, l with Annotations and Parallel Scriptures. I Containing, I I. An INTERPRETA-' The patent to Christopher Barker and that to Reeves, Eyre and Strahan, King's printers, will be found at length in Hansard's Typographia, 175, 183. The latter recites the patent granted to John Baskett, 15 December, 1728. C Xviii INTRODUCTION. TION of all the difficult PHRASES, and WORDS. II. PARALLEL SCRIPTURES both as to MATTER and WORDS, with an ANNALYSIS, thereby shew ing the Frame and Contexture of the Whole. I To which is annexed, I The Reduction of Jewish Weights, Coins, and Measures, to our English Standards; I and I A TABLE of the SCRIPTURE PROMISES. I By the late Rev. SAMUEL CLARK, M. A. * * This Work is recommended in the strongest Manner to every serious Christian, as best calculated for I Universal Edification, of any Book of this kind ever yet published, I By the late Worthy and Rev. GEORGE WHITEFIELD, A. M. I Subscriptions are taken in by JOHN FLEMING, at his PRINTING-OFFICE in I Newbury-street, nearly opposite the White-Horse Tavern, Boston. CONDITIONS. I. The Text of this Bible will be cimen (sewed in a Cover) be ready printed on a ver/y file new TYPE, to be delivered to Subscribers every which, by good Judges, has been pro- Fortnight, at the Price of ONE nounced preferable, both as to SIZE SHILLING Sterling each Number. and ELEGANCE, to that on which Mr. The superfine Imperial Paper, double Baskervill's celebrated Bible is print- Price. ed. (Baskervill's Bible without An- IV. From the splendid Manner in notations cost the Subscribers four which it is intended to execute this Guineas.) The Notes will be printed Work, it is computed it will extend on a Type somewhat smaller than the to THREE HUNDRED and FIFTY Text, though considerably larger SHEETS, or SEVENTY NUMBERS:than the NOTES to any BIBLE ever Should it exceed, the Overpluss will yet Published. Of both these Types be DELIVERED gratis to the SUBthe annexed two Pages are Speci- SCRIBERS.-If it be comprised in mens. fewer Numbers, our Author's mzch II. The Paper, (which is to be the admired HARMONY of the GOSPEL, Manufacture of this Country,) shall will be added to this Work. be the same with that on which these V. In order to encourage BookProposals are printed. sellers, Country Traders and all others N. B. A few Copies will be print- to promote Subscriptions for this ed on superfine Imperial Paper, if grand and useful Work, the PublishSubscribed for. er will give Two COPIES gratis, to III. In order to render the above such as shall collect ONE DOZEN of work easy to the Buyer, it is pro- Subscribers, and receiving the Money posed, that a NUMBER containing from them.-Booksellers, Country FIVE Sheets, or TWENTY Pages, of Traders, &c., may be supplied with the same size with the annexed Spe- Proposals, by applying to JOHN INTRODUCTION. xix FLEhING, at his PRINTING-OFFICE, such Encouragement as will enable in Newbury-Street, nearly opposite him to render this Work, as correct, the White-Horse Tavern, Boston; elegant, and perfect, as the Importwhere Subscriptions are taken in. ance of it demands.-Should his VI. The Subscribers names will Expectations in this respect be anbe printed. swered, no care, pains, nor expence N. B. The great expence with shall be spared. And he flatters which this Work will necessarily be himself, he shall, at the Close of the attended, renders it imprudent for Publication, have the Honour to prethe publisher to venture on it without sent to this Country, as correct and the Assistance of a Subscription. — beautiful an EDITION of the Sacred He hopes, that as it is the first Un- Writings, with ANNOTATIONS, as has dertaking of the kind EVER attempt- hitherto appeared in ANY PART of ed in AMERICA, he will meet with the WORLD. *,* This Work will be put to the Press as soon as THREE HUNDRED are subscribed for, and a Number containing FIVE Sheets, will be regularly published every Fortnight,'till the whole is completed. [Here follows a letter from "' The late Revd. and Pious Mr. Whitefield recommendatory of Dr. Clark's edition of the Bible.]' This project however, failed through want of encouragement; at so low an ebb, says Dr. Miller, was the book trade in our country;2 for books printed in London, however executed, sold better than those which were printed in America.3 The breaking out of the Revolution having, soon after, cut off the supply of " books printed in London," the scarcity of Bibles also came soon to be felt. Dr. PATRICK ALLISON, one of the Chaplains of Congress, and other gentlemen brought the subject before that body in a Memorial in which they urged the Printing of an edition of the Scriptures. On the 11th September, 1777, the Committee to whom that Memorial was referred, reported; From the Broad Sheet in possession of George Livermore, Esq., of Boston. 2 Brief Retrospect, I, 362. 3 History of Printing, I, 362, 363. xx INTRODUCTION. The Committee to whom the Memorial of Doctor Allison and others was referred, report, " that they have conferred fully with the printers, &c., in this city, and are of opinion that the proper types for printing the bible are not to be had in this country, and that the paper cannot be procured, but with such difficulties and subject to such casualities as to render any dependance on it altogether improper: that to import types for the purpose of setting up an entire edition of the bible, and to strike of 30,000 copies, with paper, binding, &c., will cost 10.2721. 10s. Od., which must be advanced by Congress to be reimbursed by the sale of the books: that in the opinion of the Committee considerable difficulties will attend the procuring the types and paper, that afterwards the risque of importing them will considerably enhance the cost, and that the calculations are subject to such uncertainty in the present state of affairs, that Congress cannot much rely on them: that the use of the bible is so universal, and its importance so great, that your Committee refer the above to the consideration of Congress, and if Congress shall not think it expedient to order the importation of types and paper, the Committee recommend that Congress will order the Committee of Congress to import 20,000 bibles from Holland, Scotland, or elsewhere, into the different ports of the States of the Union." Whereupon it was resolved accordingly to direct said Committee to import 20,000 copies of the bible. On this motion, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Georgia, voted in the affirmative; New York, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina in the negative.' The demand could not fail to stimulate American Publishers to increased exertion. Accordingly, ROBERT AITKEN, a native of Scotland, who, a few years previous, had become a printer in Philadelphia, issued in 1777 an edition of the New Testament, the first printed in English in this country, with an American imprint. Other editions followed in each of the years immediately succeeding, and on the 21st January, 1781, Mr. Aitken announced, in a petition to Congress, that he had undertaken to print an edition of the Bible entire. In the following year, the Rev. Dr. LYMAN, of Hatfield, Mass., addressed a letter to the Association of Congregational 1 Journal of Congress for 1777-78, p. 387. INTRODUCTION. Xxi Ministers in Boston, urging the necessity of publishing an edition of the Holy Scriptures. This Association did not feel warranted to move in the matter, as appears by the following answer: BOSTON, April 2, 1782. REV. SIR: I have communicated your letter to the Associated Ministers in this town, and they are unanimously of the opinion that the measure your Association have proposed for an impression of the Bible, will not answer, and for these reasons: All the printers in town put together have not types sufficient for such an impression; and if they had, proper paper, in quantity, is not to be procured but by sending for it to Europe. Besides, if there was a sufficiency both of type and paper, the Bibles could not possibly be sold so cheap as those that are imported from abroad. Moreover, an impression could not be completed within two years, as it must be a very large one, and would not be for the advantage either of the printers or buyers of the books, if the number was less than twenty or thirty thousand. Furthermore, there is not the least reasonable prospect the General Court would be at the expense of such an impression of the Bible, as they are so greatly in debt. I would yet add, I have spoken with some of our printers and booksellers, who concur with the Ministers in town in their opinions upon your proposed measure; and say further, that Bibles are now imported from Holland, and more may daily be expected. I should have written before now, but that I knew of no opportunity of sending to you, and I know of none at present, but think it proper to have a letter in readiness to be sent, whenever I can hear of a way to send it. I am in the name of our Association here, Your humble Servant, Rev. WM. JOSEPH LYMAN. CHARLES CHAUNCEY.' Meanwhile Mr. Aitken's petition to Congress was referred to a Committee consisting of Messrs. Duane, McKean and Witherspoon, who reported on the 21st September, 1782, That Mr. Aitken has at a great expense now finished an American edition of the Holy Scriptures in English; that the Committee have, from time to time, attended to his progress in the Work; that they also recommended it to the Two Chaplains of Congress to examine and give their opinion of the 1 Communicated by George Livermore, Esq. xxii INTRODUCTION. execution, who have accordingly reported thereon, the recommendation and report being as follows: PHILADELPHIA, September 1st, 1782. REVEREND GENTLEMEN: Our knowledge of your piety and public spirit leads us without apology to recommend to your particular attention the edition of the Holy Scriptures publishing by Mr. Aitken. He undertook this expensive work at a time when from the circumstances of the War, an English edition of the Bible could not be imported, nor any opinion formed how long -the obstruction might continue. On this account particularly he deserves applause and encouragement. We therefore wish you, reverend gentlemen, to examine the execution of the work, and if approved to give it the sanction of your judgment and the weight of your recommendation. We are, with very great respect, your most obedient humble servants, (Signed.) JAMES DITANE, Chairman, in behalf of a Committee of Congress, on Mr. Aitken's Memorial. Reverend Doctor WHITE and Reverend Mr. DUFFIELD, Chaplains of the United States in Congress Assembled. Report. GENTLEMEN: Agreeably to your desire, we have paid attention to Mr. Robert Aitken's impression of the Holy Scriptures, of the old and new testament. Having selected and examined a variety of passages throughout the work, we are of opinion that it is executed with great accuracy as to the sense, and with as few gramatical and typographical errors as could be expected in an undertaking of such magnitude. Being ourselves witnesses of the demand for this invaluable book, we rejoice in the present prospect of a supply, hoping that it will prove as advantageous as it is honorable to the gentleman, who has exerted himself to furnish it at the evident risk of his private fortune. We are, gentlemen, your very respectful and humble servants, (Signed.) WILLIAM WHITE, GEORGE DUFFIELD. Honorable JAMES DUANE, Esquire, Chairman, and the other honorable gentlemen of the Committee of Congress on Mr. Aitken's Memorial. Philadelphia, September 10, 1782. Whereupon, Resolved, That the United States in Congress assembled, highly approve the pious and laudable undertaking of Mr. Aitken, as subservient to the INTRODUCTION. XXiii interest of religion as well as an instance of the progress of arts in this country, and being satisfied from the above report, of his care and accuracy in the execution of the work, they recommend this edition of the bible to the inhabitants of the United States, and hereby authorize him to publish this recommendation in the manner he shall think proper.l This was the first Bible printed in this country in the English language having an American imprint. It was a small duodecimo, in two volumes, on a brevier type. The report of the Committee and of the resolution of Congress (sometimes called, in consequence, The Bible Congress2) are reprinted on a leaf immediately following the title page. The recommendation, however, bore no fruit. Immediately after the publication of the work, peace was proclaimed, when it was found that Bibles could be imported from Great Britain cheaper than it was possible to print them here. Mr, Aitken, therefore, not obtaining a ready sale for his edition, which had been carried on with great difficulty, was nearly ruined by the undertaking.3 It was in view of this event that the Philadelphia Synod, on the 24th May, 1783, Resolved, As Mr. Aitken, from laudable motives, and with great expense, hath undertaken and executed an elegant impression of the Holy Scriptures, which on account of the importation of Bibles from Europe, will be very injurious to his temporal circumstances, the Synod agree that the Committee to purchase Bibles for distribution among the Poor, purchase Aitken's Bibles and no other, and earnestly recommend it to all to purchase such in preference to any other.4 The habit of depending either directly or indirectly on Government or Government Agents, for a supply of the Scriptures, had hitherto served only to cripple the American 1 Journal of Congress, New York: Patterson, 1787, vII, 468, 469.. 2 Strickland's History of The American Bible Society. 3 Brief Retrospect, ii, 387, note. 4Records of the Presbyterian Church, 1758-1788, Philadelphia, 1841, 500. xxiv INTRODUCTION. press. The Germans, as we have seen, unaided by any such patronage or recommendations, had already published several editions of the Bible; William Woodhouse of Philadelphia, equally unaided, got out, in 1790, the Christian's Complete Family Bible; and in the same year the Catholics, succeeded in putting forth a Quarto edition of the Doway Bible. MATHEW CAREY, a native of Ireland, who, from political causes, was led to immigrate to this country, and who at this time was, we presume, the only Catholic in the Union extensively engaged in publishing, issued Proposals on the 26th January, 1789, for printing The Doway Bible by subscription, on the following CONDITIONS: 1. This Edition will follow verbatim the Translation executed at Doway. 2. It will be printed in large Quarto, on the same kind of Type, as fine Paper, and with the same number of Pages as in the Oxford Edition of the Bible. 3. The price to Subscribers will be Six Spanish Milled Dollars; one half to be paid at the time of Subscribing; the other on delivery of the Book neatly bound. 4. As soon as 400 copies are Subscribed for, it will be put to press and completed without delay. 5. The Subscribers' names will be prefixed as Patrons of the Work. Subscriptions received by the Rt. Rev. Dr. John Carroll, &c., &c. These conditions were modified from time to time. As several gentlemen, unacquainted with the nature of the printing business, objected to the price of the Volume, which they conceived ought to be only four dollars, the rate at which Mr. Collins proposed to publish a Church of England Bible of the same size and on the same kind of paper and types, Mr. Carey observed, that Mr. Collins stipulated for 3000 subscribers; independent of which number, the sale of his work would ever continue extensive; as it suited every denomination of Christians but one, who alone will be purchasers of the Doway translation. To those who know that the comparative ex INTRODUCTION. xxv pense of an edition is reduced in a ratio with the increase of number, more need not be said; those who do not, were referred to any candid printer to determine whether a Church of England Bible with a vast subscription and an almost unlimited sale, may not be published as advantageously (to say no more) at four dollars, as a Roman Catholic edition, with a very small subscription, and a very confined sale, at six dollars. But to obviate this objection, if eight hundred copies were subscribed for, at any time before the publication of the volume, the charge to subscribers was to be only five dollars, and only four, if twelve hundred. The following Clergymen were, in addition to the different booksellers, authorized to receive subscriptions for the work: The Right Rev. Dr. John Carroll and the Rev. Charles Sewall, in Baltimore; the Rev. John Ashton, Whitemarsh, and Revw Thos. Diggs, Mellwood, Prince George's county, Maryland; Rev. Robert Molyneux, Bohemia, Cecil county; Rev. L. Neale and Rev. Doyle, Port Tobacco; Rev. Ignatius Matthews, Rev. Augustus Jenkins, and Rev. John Boarman, Newtown,, Charles county; Rev. Henry Pile, Newport in said county;, Rev. James Walton, St. Inigo, St. Mary's county; Rev. Francis Beeston, Rev. Lawrence Graessel, and Rev. Thos. Keating, Philadelphia; Rev. James Pellentz, York county, Penna., and Rev. Mr. O'Brien, New York.' The Work was announced in press in October, and on Saturday the 12th of December, 1789, the following Advertisement appeared in the Pennsylvania Packet, notifying the Public of the issue of the first number. 1The above particulars are from various advertisements on the Covers of Carey's American Mutseum in possession of John McAllister, Esq., of Philadelphia, who most politely permitted copies and extracts to be made and transmitted to us through Edward Armstrong, Esq., of that city, to whom we acknowledge our indebtedness for much valuable assistance and information. D Xxvi INTRODUCTION. This Day is Published by I M. Carey I In Front street, a few doors above Market street I Number I, of The I HOLY BIBLE. I Translated from the Latin Vulgat: Diligently compared with the Hebrew, Greek and other Editions in Divers Languages; and first published by the English College at Doway, Anno. 1609: Newly Revised and Corrected according to the Clementin Edition of the Scriptures; with Annotations for elucidating the principal Difficulties of Holy Writ. Haurietis aquas in gaudio de fontibus Salvatoris.-IsAIAE xii, 3. CONDITIONS. I. This Work, which will contain 984 pages, will be comprised in 48 numbers, one of which will be published weekly (price one eighth of a dollar) until the whole is completed. II. The subscribers are to be furnished with the numbers every Saturday morning at the publishers store, and are to pay for each on delivery. III. The subscribers names will be printed. The price of the Bible to non-subscribers will be seven dollars. *** As this mode of publication renders the purchase of the work easy to all classes of people, as this is the first American edition of the Doway Bible, and as Catholics equally with other religionists ought to be able "To SATISFY EVERY ONE THAT ASKETH a Reason of That Hope WHICH IS IN THEM" (1 Pet., iii, 15.) the printer flatters himself, that every Catholic family not already possessed of a Bible will favor this Work with their support. Those gentlemen to whose laudable exertions the printer is indebted for the encouragement he has already been honored with are respectfully requested once more to employ their zeal and industry to promote the further success of an attempt which they have sanctioned with their approbation and patronage. t t t The subscription still remains open on the original plan, viz: to pay three dollars at the time of subscribing and the same sum on the delivery of the volume.' 4ss. In the beginning of 1790, the name of the firm was changed to Carey, Stewart & Co. The issue in numbers was abandoned about that time, after (as we are disposed to think) I Pennsylvania Packet, Dec. 19, 1789. Published once previously, viz: on Saturday, Dec. 12. E. A. INTRODUCTION. Xxvii between 80 and 90 pages had been printed, when it was determined to publish the work in two volumes.' In September of that year the printers issued the following Addresses: To THE SUBSCRIBERS FOR THE DOWAY TRANSLATION OF THE VULGATE BIBLE. Ladies and Gentlemen: With unfeigned gratitude we return you our sincere thanks for the encouragement you have honored us with, in the prosecution of this important undertaking. The Delays though greater than were at first expected have not been greater than the extent of the work, and the tardiness of patronage at the first publication of the proposals and for a very long time afterwards, rendered inevitable. It at length draws to a conclusion, and will positively be published on the 12th day of November. Names of Subscribers will be received until the last day of October at which time the subscription list will be closed and put to press. These ladies and gentlemen therefore who are desirous to add their names to our respectable list as patrons of religion, are requested to favor us with them on or before that day. We hope and trust that every Roman Catholic family throughout the Union, who can afford the expense, will by their encouragement of this publication, at once evince their determination to shew their reverence for the Holy Scriptures-and to prove the futility of the charge, that they are forbidden the use of the Sacred Volume. TO THE PROTESTANTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Ladies and Gentlemen: We venture with some degree of confidence to solicit your patronage as well as that of the Roman Catholics for the first edition of the Doway translation of the Vulgate bible. Many of the most learned protestant divines have produced weighty objections to particular passages in the Common Church of England translation of the Scriptures. That there are various important errors in it, is too well known to admit of controversy. The frequent demands for a new translation, bear the strongest testimony to the truth of this observation: it is therefore worthy the attention of every candid Protestant to consider whether a comparison of the present translation with his own would not enable him to 1This conclusion is arrived at from the fact that "Vol. I" does not appear on any of the signatures preceding page 89; signature Aa. The previous pages would embrace a little more than three numbers. XXViii IN TRODUCTION. detect most, if not all of them-and thus to remove from his mind those doubts and difficulties which are fatal to true religion. Liberal minded Protestants who glory in the influence of the benign sun of toleration will probably be happy in an opportunity of uniting their names with those of the Roman Catholics who have supported this work-and thus evincing that they are superior to that wretched, that contemptible prejudice which confines its benevolence within the narrow pale of one religious denomination, as is the case with bigots of every persuasion. From persons of the latter class we expect no patronage. To encourage "a Popish Bible" would in their eyes be a heinous offense. But we fondly hope, that there are few of this description here-that persons of the former character abound-and that our subscription list, by uniting together the names of members of various and hitherto hostile denominations of Christians, will afford one proof-among many that might be produced-of the rapid advances that America has made in the divine principle of toleration. We are the public's devoted servants, Phil., Sept. 24, 1790. CAREY, STEWART & CO.1 This Work which is supposed to have been the first Quarto Bible published in English in the United States,2 finally appeared complete on the 1st of December, 1790, on type cast expressly for it by Messrs. Baine & Co.,3 but John Baine, the elder member of the firm, did not live to witness its final publication. He died in the preceding August.4 Meanwhile printers in other places were directing their attention to this department of literature. ISAAC COLLINS, a Member of the Society of Friends, originally from Delaware, but afterwards printer to the State of New Jersey and a resident of Trenton, published a New Testament in demiOctavo, as early as 1788. In 1789, appeared the following 1 Pennsylvania Packet, 3636, Sept. 25, 1790. E. A. 2 It is stated in Anderson's Annals of the English Bible, London, 1845, and in Rev. Mr. Prime's Abridgment of that Work, New York, 1849, that Thomas' was the first Quarto Bible printed in the United States. This is altogether a mistake. 3 Advertisement on Cover of American JMuseum, December, 1789. E. A. 4 History of Printing, I, 214. INTRODUCTION. xxix Proposals forpublishing by Subscription, I By ISAAC COLLINS, in Trenton I The HOLY BIBLE, I Containing the Old and New Testaments; with the Apocrypha and Marginal Notes. CONDITIONS. I. This Work, to be contained in one large volume, quarto, of nine hundred and eighty-four pages, will be reprinted, page for page, with the Oxford edition, on a beautiful new type and good paper. An Index and a Concordance will be added; and also the Scripture measures, weights and coins. II. The price to Subscribers for the Volume, well bound, Four Spanish Dollars; One Dollar to be paid at the time of subscribing, the remainder on the delivery of the book. III. The Work to be put to press as soon as three thousand copies shall be subscribed for and to be finished without delay. To all whom it may concern: Mr. Isaac Collins has, for many years last past, been and still is, Printer to the State of New Jersey: Having by this means had the more frequent opportunities to see his Work, I have had abundant proof of the accuracy and correctness of his publications, as well as of his remarkable attention to business. WIL. LIVINGSTON. Trenton, 11th Sept., 1788. In consequence of subscriptions received, although far short of the number proposed, and the encouragement contained in the following extracts, the Editor has ventured to begin the Work, under a hope that many more citizens of America will patronize it, especially when they are informed Downame's Concordance, which is annexed to Eyre and Strahan's London quarto edition of 1772, will be added, without further expense to the Subscribers;-and he has determined to risk such a number of copies as he apprehends will be sufficient to cover all the subscriptions that may be obtained. Finding a variety of sentiments respecting the Apocrypha and Notes on the Text, the Editor informs the public, that he is desirous to comply with the wishes of every Subscriber, as well as with the directions of the Committees of different denominations on this head, Subscribers, therefore, upon timely notice, shall be supplied with books containing their Apocrypha, or Ostervald's Notes. or both, or neither-as they choose. In this situation the Editor is under the absolute necessity of throwing Ostervald's Notes at the end of the book, subject to such additional expense as shall be agreed upon by the Committee hereafter mentioned. xxx INTRODUCTION. Meeting for Sufferings, Philad., 19th Third Month, 1789. Proposals for printing, by subscription, an approved correct edition of the Old and New Testaments, with the Apocrypha and Marginal Notes in a neat Quarto Volume, being now submitted to the consideration of this meeting by the Printer Isaac Collins of Trenton: This undertaking being a matter of very interesting concernment, and such an edition as therein proposed appearing likely to be useful and much wanted; on a deliberate and weighty attention to these considerations, it is the united sense of the meeting, that it be recommended to the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings of Friends to encourage the Work, by appointing Committees to procure Subscriptions agreeably to the tenor of said proposals, and forwarding to this meeting lists of the Subscriptions obtained as early as may be, in order that a suitable appointment may be made for the assistance of the printer in attending to the correctness of the Work. The Clerk is directed to furnish the Printer with a copy of this minute, to be printed and distributed with the proposals. Extract from the Minutes, JOHN DRINKER, Clerk. Extract from the Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, Philad., May 25, 1789. The General Assembly considering the importance of preserving faithful and correct impressions of the Holy Scriptures; and as Mr. Collins, Printer to the State of New Jersey, proposes to make an impression of the Old and New Testaments, and wishes the countenance and support of all denominations of Christians, On motion, Resolved, That the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, in order to give effectual encouragement to this undertaking, do hereby appoint the Rev. Mir. Joshua Hart, Mr. Judd, Dr. Alexander Mc Whorter, Mr. James F. Armstrong, Dr. George Duffield,1 Mr. Thomas Reid, Dr. Matthew Wilson, Dr. Patrick Allison, Mr. Robert Cooper, Mr. James Finley, Mr. Moses Hoge, Mr. John Blair Smith, Mr. James McKee, Mr. Hezekiah Balch, Mr. Thomas McCaulle and Mr. David Rice, to lay Mr. Collins's proposals before their respective Presbyteries; and to recommend to them, bly order of the General Assembly, that a person or persons be appointed in every congregation, vacant or supplied, to procure subscriptions; and that the Presbyteries transmit by their Commissioners to the next General Assembly the number of Subscribers. This clergyman died in Philadelphia, on 2d February, 1790. He was Minister of the 3d Presbyterian Church in that city. He did not live to witness the publication of this work. INTRODUCTION. Xxxi The General Assembly also confirm the appointment made by the Synod of New York and New Jersey, that Dr. John Witherspoon, Dr. Samuel S. Smith, and Mr. James F. Armstrong be a Committee to confer with any such Committee as may be appointed, whether from any other denomination, or from any other Synod of our denomination, to revise and correct the proofsheets, and, if necessary, to fix upon the most correct edition of the Scriptures to be recommended to the printer from which to make his impression, and that the said Committee be ordered to agree with the printer, that Ostervald's Notes, if not inconsistent with the views of other denominations of Christians engaged in this undertaking, be printed with it, in such a manner as may best promote the publication. The General Assembly, desirous to spread the knowledge of eternal life contained in the Holy Scriptures, earnestly recommend to all the congregations. under their care to encourage this undertaking. JAMES F. ARMSTRONG, Clerk of the General Assembly. Extract from the Journal of the Convention of the Protestant Episcopat Church, held in Philadelphia, August 8, 1789. Proposals for an edition of the Holy Bible, by Ir. Isaac Collins, of Trenton, were laid before this Convention, and satisfactory information was given them as to the proposer's abilities for the execution of the work: Whereupon, Resolved on motion of Mr. Jones, That the members of this Convention will assist Mr. Collins in the procuring of subscriptions. Extract from the Minutes of the Baptist Association, held at Philadelphia, October 6, 1789. This Association taking under consideration the proposals of Mr. Isaac Collins, of Trenton, in New Jersey, to print an edition of the Holy Bible irn quarto after the Oxford edition; and his request to this Association to patronize the work-Being desirous to encourage so laudable a design, do appoint our brethren the Rev. Oliver Hart, Dr. Samuel Jones, Rev. Benjamin Foster. and Rev. Burgiss Allison, to concur with any Committee appointed by any other denomination to revise and correct the proof-sheets, and, if necessary, to fix upon the most correct edition of the Scriptures to be recommended to the Printer, from which to make his impression. And that the same Committee. be ordered to use their influence to prevent the Apocrypha, or any Notes of an~y kind, being printed and included in said edition, as having a dangerous tendency to corrupt the simplicity and truth of the sacred Scriptures, by being thus intimately associated with them; and, particularly, as being incompatible Xxxii INTRODUCTION. with the union of people of different religious sentiments in promoting the work. And, moreover, the Association recommend to all the churches and congregations in their bounds to encourage the undertaking. WILLIAM VAN HORNE, Clerk. The consideration, that no part of the money will be sent out of the country, it is hoped will be an additional inducement to subscribe, and of course promote the more frequent reading of this most valuable book in private families. The Editor therefore wishes to attract the attention, and obtain the countenance of people of ALL denominations in this arduous undertaking; not doubting but that, in the execution of the work, he will be able to give satisfaction, both as to its accuracy and neatness. The CONCORDANCE will be much more correct than the London Copy, the Editor having taken the pains to examine most of the references. *** A specimen of the type and paper may be seen by applying to Joseph Cruikshank, Printer and Bookseller, in Market-street, Philadelphia. Trenton, Twelfth Month, (Dec.) 19, 1789.1 At the meeting of the General Assembly, 22d May, 1790, the subject of aiding Mr. Collins's project was resumed, and every person of the Assembly was recommended to promote and encourage the business of subscription in the Presbytery to which he belonged; and on 24th May, 1791, Presbyteries and members were requested to return all subscriptions, "as the impression is nearly finished."2 Collins's Bible, which the Rev. Dr. Miller incorrectly calls the first Quarto edition printed in the United States,3 was published at Trenton soon after the passage of the above last mentioned resolution. In 1793, Mr. Collins issued at the same place an Octavo Bible, which Mr. Thomas pronounces to have been " a handsome and very correct edition," though he erroneously calls it the first printed at Trenton,4 and seems to have forgotten the edition in Quarto. Pennsylvania Gazette, Jan. 27, 1790. 2 Minutes of General Assembly. 3 Brief Retrospect, II, 388. 4 History of Printing, ii, 124, 553. INTRODUCTION. XXXmi MASSACHUSETTS was the next to commence arrangements for the publication of an edition of the Bible, and ISAIAH THOMAS of Worcester in that State, announced one in Folio (being, as far as we are aware, the first in that form in this country) and another in Royal Quarto. The following is a copy of the Prospectus of the latter edition: LARGE FAMILY BIBLE. I SEARCH the SCRIPTURES, for therein are contained the Words I of Eternal Life! —They have GOD for their Author!-Sal- I vation for their End!-And Truth, unmixed with Error, for I their Matter! I Proposal of Isaiah Thomas, J of Worcester, Massachusetts, I For PRINTING and PUBLISHING by SUBSCRIPTION, I An American Edition, in Large: Royal QUARTO, I (Ornamented with an Elegant COPPERPLATE FRONTISPIECE) I of the I HOLY BIBLE. I containing the I Old and New TESTAMENTS, I with the j Apocrypha, an Index, Marginal Notes and References. I Qronbitions. I. It shall be printed with elegant new Types, already made and completed, particularly for the purpose-types large, beautiful, and suited for the accommodation of the eyes of all, especially those of the aged and infirmX See the Specimen annexed. II. The Paper shall be fully equal in goodness, if not of a superiour quality, to the (English) Cambridge, Oxford, or London, Royal Quarto, Edition. III. The Price to Subscribers, handsomely bound, shall be only Seven, Dollars, although the English Editions of the same size, and of an inferiour quality, are sold for eight and nine Dollars. IV. To make payment easy to those who wish to be encouragers of this. laudable undertaking, and to be in possession of so valuable property as a. Royal Quarto Bible, and who are not able to pay for one all in Cash-from. such the Publisher will receive one half of the sum, or twenty one shillings,. in the following articles, viz. Wheat, Rye, Indian Corn, Butter, or Pork, if delivered at his store in Worcester, or at the store of himself and Company in Boston, by the 20th day of December, 1790, the remaining sum of twenty, one shillings, to be paid in Cash, as soon as the books are ready for delivery. This proposal is made, to accommodate all, notwithstanding the sum of twenty one shillings will by no means be the proportion of Cash that each Bible bound, will cost the Publisher. V. The work will be committed to the Press as soon as a sufficient numE XXXiv INTRODUCTION. ber of Bibles are subscribed for,.barely to defray half the expense of the undertaking. Notice will be given in the Newspapers, when the Bible will be put to the Press, on or before the first day of June next, and the time when it will be completed will then be mentioned. - THE BOOKSELLERS in the United States, who subscribe for twelve or more copies in sheets, shall have them on full as generous terms as the Booksellers in England are supplied with English Editions. ea te utreenab Clerg. THE assistance of the Reverend Clergy, of all persuasions, in this and the neighbouring States, is earnestly requested, to forward and complete so large, important and expensive an undertaking —The weight now rests entirely on the publisher of this proposal, who has already expended a very large sum for types, and other matters preparatory for the business; but he doubts not, should he be speedily favoured by having a generous number of Bibles subscribed for, to complete the work to the satisfaction of the Publick. In order in some measure to recompense the Reverend Clergy, and all others, whose piety, goodness of heart, and regard for the manufactures of their country, may induce them to help forward so great and useful an undertaking as the one now proposed, all who subscribe for twelve copies, or procure twelve copies to be subscribed for, and will be answerable, and make payment for them, agreeably to this proposal, shall be entitled to, and receive a thirteenth copy, handsomely bound, for their trouble. To CHRISTIANS of every Denomination. AT a time when all descriptions of men are united to promote the political welfare of our country, by the encouragement of Agriculture and all the Arts and Sciences, printing the Bible, that sacred Book which has a nobler object-the supreme and ultimate happiness of man-cannot be thought unimportant, or uninteresting, especially as it tends to promote that Morality without which Industry, Arts and Sciences are vain. The Proposal, therefore, to publish a large quarto Bible, must be pleasing to all, more especially to the christian citizen, to whom nothing need be said as a stimulus for him to promote the good work by subscribing for one or more copies, but his being assured that due care shall be taken to have it correct and well executed-that this shall be the case, no labour or cost, within the subscriber's reach, will be wanting; for it is his ambition, should he proceed with the work, to have it completed in such a manner as shall disgrace neither himself nor his country. It cannot be presumed that any thing need be said to recommend the BIBLE, that ground work of our holy Religion, to any class of citizens whatever — INTRODUCTION. xxxv if there should, nothing new can be given on the subject-we must republish the ideas of those who have gone before us.-Books are addressed to the Judgment or the Imagination-intended to touch the Passions, or please the Fancy.-The HOLY BIBLE addresses the Soul, directs to the paths of peace and happiness here, and brings to view a beautiful prospect of an hereafterin its pages may be viewed, with awful surprise, the great and glorious works of Creation-and with pleasing admiration may be seen the Rise and Fall of Empires-the Revolutions of Kingdoms and States-the various Vicissitudes of Life in all stations-the Depravity of Human Nature, when Man is forsaken by his God-the easy transitions from Innocence to Guilt, from Virtue to Vice —the Policy of Courts, and Simplicity of Cottages-the Rage of Lust-Folly of Pride-Fate of Tyranny, and Madness of Ambition. —Here may be found Patterns for all who wish to practice the Christian and Moral Duties. St. Gregory says, " From the Patriarchs we may take the model of all virtues-Abel teaches us Innocence-Enoch, Purity of Heart-Noah, a firm Perseverance in Righteousness-Abraham, the Perfection of Piety and Faithfulness-Joseph, Chastity-Jacob, Constancy in Labour-Moses, Meekness-and Job, invincible Patience.-Salvation, the most glorious prize that man can obtain, may be perused (sic) with pleasure, and it may with ease be acquired, if Piety is the guide, and Faith the intercessor-the mercy of God is greater than our delinquency, and happiness eternal within our reach, if we suppress the gratification of our passions to seek it: Read, therefore, and be informed-look for, and find." To the PUBLICK at large. AS it is presumed that every denomination of Christians will be pleased with the intention of the proposer, so he rests assured that all will cheerfully contribute in aiding him to carry on and complete this first American Edition of a Royal Quarto Bible. He begs permission to subscribe himself, With the greatest respect, &c., Worcester, November, 1789. ISAIAH THOMAS. "_ ALL who may have SUBSCRIPTION PAPERS, are requested to return them by the first day of May next, to the Publisher in Worcester, or to the Bookstore of himself and Company in Boston.l Both the editions of Mr. Thomas were finished in December, 1791, or in little more than twelve months from the time 1 From the original printed Prospectus in the possession of George Brinley, Esq., of Hartford, Conn. XXXVi INTRODUCTION. the prospectus was issued.l An 8vo. edition was published by the same house in 1793 and a 12mo. in 1797. This was known as Thomas's Standing 12mo. edition; there are some peculiarities about it noted in this Catalogue, of interest to the Bibliographer. No copy of the Scriptures was printed in NEW YORK previous to 1790. A gentleman of literature, taste and merit, a resident of that city and well known in the political world, was engaged in 1788 in translating the sublime book of Isaiah and the other Prophets into English.2 In 1790 HUGH GAINE published a New Testament, and ROBERT HODGE, THOMAS ALLEN and SAMUEL CAMPBELL, printers in that city, issued the following notice: NEW-YORK, May 4th, 1790. Brown's self-instructing Folio Family BIBLE. Embellished with a variety of elegant Copper Plates, being a genuine American Edition. The largest and cheapest ever proposed to be printed in the United States. PROPOSALS, for Printing by Subscription, by Hodge and Campbell of New York; and will be put to Press on the 1st day of June next, THE HOLY BIBLE, containing the Old and New Testaments with the book of the Apocrypha. Illustrated with Notes and Annotations comprehending a most valuable Treasury of Divine Knowledge, With Practical References at the end of each Chapter, calculated to improve the understanding, purify the heart, promote the cause of virtue, and guide the reader to the Mansions of Eternal Bliss. By JOHN BROWN, D. D., Late Minister of the Gospel at Haddington. Conditions of Putblication. I. The whole of this extensive and valuable work, will be printed in large folio on fine paper, American manufacture, and on an excellent, large and new type, cast on purpose for this work. II. It will be completed in forty numbers, one of which will be printed Advertisement to Thomas's Folio and Quarto Bibles. 2 New York American Magazine, October, 1788, p. 775. INTRODUCTION. xxxvii and delivered regularly every two weeks-price one Quarter of a Dollar or Twenty-five Cents. III. Every other number will be embellished with a beautiful and elegant engraving, executed by an ingenious American Artist illustrating some remarkable transaction or incident recorded in the Holy Scriptures. IV. That every reader may be enabled to form a proper judgment of the superiority of this work over any other Bible, the first number may be had for perusal; and if it should not meet with the approbation of the Reader, the money shall be immediately returned. V. A correct list of the Subscribers names shall be printed and given in the last number. VI. Gentlemen who will interest themselves in procuring Subscribers, shall receive one copy gratis, for every twelve they may obtain, and Booksellers and Printers the usual allowance. A& The Public may be assured, that the Editors will spare neither expence or attention in having the work carefully and correctly printed. The proof sheets shall not only be diligently revised and compared with various editions of the Holy Scriptures, but also read and corrected by clergymen of different denominations. - Subscriptions received by the Publishers in New-York, and by the Printers and Booksellers on the Continent. 5-t. f.l A beautiful edition of the Holy Bible, in Quarto, printed on large type and fine paper, adorned with twenty elegant copper plates, was announced at the same time by this firm; and, being desirous, like Aitken, of having the sanction of the civil authority, they petitioned the State Legislature to recommend their edition of Brown's work. The petition was presented in the New York Senate on the 18th of March, 1790, and referred to Messrs. Duane, L'hommedieu and Van Ness, who, on the 6th of April, recommended the passage of the following concurrent resolution: Resolved (if the House of Assembly concurr herein), That the Legislature highly approve the laudable exertions of Messrs. Hodge, Allen and Campbell, booksellers in New York, to promote the Industry and Manufactures of America by printing a correct and neat Edition of Doctor John 1New York Journal & Patriotic Register, August 3d, 1790. Xxxviii INTRODUCTION. Brown's Folio Family Bible; illustrated with short Notes and Annotations, so cautiously expressed as not to give offence to any denomination of Christians; and hope they may meet sufficient encouragement to complete their undertaking agreeably to their Memorial to the Legislature, whereby the people may be supplied with this edition much cheaper than can be imported. The House of Assembly concurred on the same day.' It is curious to remark the caution with which this resolution is drawn up. Justly doubtful of its constitutional power in the premises, the Legislature does not recommend the work, neither does it approve the project, in the words of the Old Congress, as "'a pious and laudable undertaking," but as a praiseworthy effort c" to promote the Industry and Manufactures of America." A singular sort of approbation, to say the least of it, when the character of the work is considered. The publication received the commendation of the Associate Reformed Synod, and a writer of the day, under the pseudonym of Philobiblicus,'" felicitates our Country on the undertaking of three printers of this city, who will not only have the applause of every true friend of Religion in America, but the very warm recommendation of those who know something more than common fame of the Venerable Old Man, Mr. John Brown, Minister of the Gospel of Haddington."2 Mr. Allen retired from the firm shortly after the passage of the above resolution, and his name is, in consequence, omitted in the imprint to the work, as it had already been dropped from the Prospectus. The issue of the above editions was completed in the spring of 1792. They are the first Bibles that were printed in New York. In August of the same year, Hugh Gaine issued a duodecimo Bible, but the types from which it was printed 1 Journals of the New York Senate and Assembly. 2 Swords' New York Magazine, I, 278. INTRODUCTION. xxxix were imported, it is said, from Scotland, already set up in pages; they were sold eventually in 1803 to Mathew Carey of Philadelphia for Seven thousand dollars. These were all the States in which editions of the Bible were published previous to 1809. A School Testament had been issued in New Haven in 1790, but as far as our enquiries have gone, no copy of the Bible was issued in Connecticut before that published by Hudson & Goodwin of Hartford, in the first mentioned year. The advertisements of these various editions, by irresponsible persons, for as yet they appear to have been mere printers' speculations, alarmed Theologians, who at length became aware of the necessity of some steps to ensure the purity and uniformity of the text. Accordingly the subject was brought before the Congregational Ministers of Massachusetts at their Annual Convention in Boston, who on the 27th May, 1790, voted That the Rev'd Doer. Willard, Doer. Howard, Mr. Morse, Mr. Payson and Mr. Thatcher, be a Committee, in the name and behalf of the Congregational Ministers of this Commonwealth, in convention assembled, to prepare, sign and transmit to the Congress of the United States a petition requesting the attention of that Hon'ble Body, to the subject of the several impressions of the Bible now making; representing the importance of accuracy in these impressions; and earnestly praying that they would take such measures, as. the Constitution may permit, that no Edition of the Bible, or its translation be published in America without its being carefully inspected and certified to be free from error. That the same persons be a Committee to apply to the representative Bodies of the other Denominations of Christians in America, and to request, their assistance and support, in accomplishing so important and desirable an, Object. The petition was presented in the Senate of the United States, on the 10th June following, when it was ordered to lie for consideration.l Agreeably to the second of the above votes, the Committee addressed a letter on the 24th June to Bishop Parker of 1 Senate Journal, 107. xl INTRODUCTION. Boston, setting forth, that it was "unquestionably of the highest importance that this acknowledged fountain of truth [the Bible] be preserved pure and uncorrupted, which will not probably be the case if the matter is left wholly to printers. We, therefore as friends and Brethren, united in promoting the same general Cause, and as jointly concerned in preserving the purity of the Holy Scriptures, do, in behalf of the Convention earnestly request the concurrence of the Episcopal clergy throughout the United States, or of their representative Body, in petitioning Congress that they would so far interpose their authority as to prevent inaccurate and spurious Editions of the Bible. It was the wish of the Convention to have written in the first instance to your Rev'd Body and the other representative Bodies of Christians in the several States, requesting that Committees might be appointed by each to confer and unite with us in one petition and thus to concentre the whole Christian Interest in America; But to accomplish this desirable object would have taken a long time, and it was thought, the Business was of immediate importance as proposals for several editions of the Bible are now in circulation. We take this opportunity to express our sincere desire to cultivate a friendly and christian intercourse with the ministers of your denomination, as we are firmly persuaded that such an intercourse between Christians of different Denominations and sentiments would have a happy tendency to harmonize them-to remove unreasonable prejudices-to promote a spirit of love and candour-and thus essentially serve the interest of our holy Religion. It might also have a beneficial influence on the civil affairs of our Country. We wish you, Sir, to communicate the foregoing to the largest representative Body of the Episcopal Church in America as soon as you have an Opportunity. Wishing prosperity to the peaceful Kingdom of our common Lord and Saviour, We are Rev'd Sir, your Brethren in Christ, JOSEPH WILLARD, PHILLIP PAYSON, SIMEON HOWARD, Committee.' Rev'd Dr. Parker, PETER THACHER, Boston. JED'H MORSE.'Letter presented by Joseph Willard, Esq., to the Massachusetts Historical Society, for copy of which we are indebted to George Livermore, Esq. INTRODUCTION. xli We do not find any response to this invitation in the Journal of the Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church. In January, 1791, the Baptist Associations of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and Vermont renewed the application to Congress "to adopt measures to prevent the publication of any inaccurate editions of the Holy Bible.' An amendment had however been made to the Constitution in 1789, which enacted that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press;" and all these petitions were according ordered to lie on the table, as a compliance with their prayer would have undoubtedly been a violation of the above Article. The movement seems, however to have alarmed Mr. Thomas, who addressed a letter to the Congregational Convention at its next Annual Meeting, the tenor of which may be inferred from the following answer. BOSTON, May 26, 1791. SIR: Your letter addressed to the Rev'd Clergy of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in Convention assembled, was yesterday communicated, and I am directed to return the following answer: That the Convention highly approve of the care which you have exercisedr and of the anxious desires which you express, to have the editions which you are now printing of the Holy Bible perfectly correct. That the Convention are strongly impressed with the importance of having all the neweditions of the Bible which may be made in this country critically examined by persons duly qualified for that work; and accordingly at their last meeting they appointed a Committee to address the Honorable the Legislature of the United States on that interesting subject, and requested, that in their wisdom they would order such measures to be taken as should prevent any accidental or designed errors from being published together with the Oracles of God. Inasmuch as the Convention have requested the Legislature of the Union to interpose their wisdom and their authority for the purposes men1 Journal of House of Representatives, 29, 39. F xlii INTRODUCTION. tioned above, they conceive there would be an impropriety in their appointing a Committee of their own Body to supervise the editions of the Bible which you are now making. They most heartily wish you success in your laudable undertaking; but every kind of approbation of a work of this kind, from this body, must depend upon the accuracy and fidelity with which the work when completed shall appear to have been executed. In the name of the Convention, I am, Sir, Your most obed't, Mr. Isaiah Thomas. JOHN LATHROP.' Meanwhile Mathew Carey of Philadelphia, who had already issued the first quarto Doway Bible in this country, turned his attention to getting up a Quarto edition of King James's version. Having, himself, left us the particulars of the rise and progress of that enterprise: of the difficulties he encountered and overcame, and of the success he at length achieved with his celebrated "Standing" editions, nothing remains for us but to copy his interesting Narrative: In 1801, I published a quarto edition of the Bible (of three thousand copies,) with various additional references, for which I paid a clergyman one thousand dollars. Price ten dollars. I had eighteen various editions to collate in the reading of the proof sheets-four London, three Cambridge, three Oxford, six Edinburg, and two American,-those of Isaac Collins and Isaiah Thomas-and found a most extraordinary number of discrepancies, some of which are incredible. In one Edinburg edition, published by Mark and Charles Kerr, 1795, among the prohibitions of incestuous marriages, one was —" A man may not marry his wife's mother's brother." Feeling deeply solicitous for the success of this undertaking, the failure of which would have almost ruined me, and fearful lest some captious hypercritic should discover any errors, which might have escaped me, notwithstanding all the care I had taken in reading the proof sheets, I prefixed to the volume a deprecatory advertisement of which I annex some extracts. 1 From a copy politely communicated by S. F. Haven, Esq., of Worcester, Mass. INTRODUCTION. xliii "I present this edition of the BIBLE to the public, with a degree of solicitude proportioned to the magnitude of the undertaking. Having embarked therein a large property, and devoted my utmost care and attention to it, from its commencement to its completion, I find it impossible to assume that degree of stoicism necessary to regard with indifference its reception by my fellow-citizens. " That a rigorous and severe spirit of criticism may discover grounds of censure with respect to the paper, printing, engraving, &c., &c., is, I think, highly probable. It is a very easy matter to find fault. A poor sciolist, whose circle of sciences extends no farther than the Grammatical Institute, may discern that there is a want of uniformity in the paper-that the printing is far inferior to Baskerville's —that the engravings are not equal to those by Bartolozzi, or Heath-that there are typographical errors in the workand to show his taste and sagacity, may make various other objections. And when I consider the malignant pleasure many feel, in depreciating the labors, and counteracting the well founded hopes of others, I freely confess, I am disposed to approach the bar of the public with some awe and apprehension. " But from men of this obliquity of heart, I most cheerfully avert my eye. I turn to those of liberal minds-who find more pleasure in bestowing praise, than in dealing forth censure-who are as eager to discover merit, as the envious and malicious are to decry it-who are fully conscious of, and willing to make allowance for, human imperfection-who, knowing the infant state of the arts among us, do not expect that degree of elegance and beauty, for which older and more opulent nations afford such encouragement. When I look forward to a jury of such men, sitting in judgment on this volume, I feel my spirits revive.'" That this work is wholly free from inaccuracy, I cannot pretend. In fact, I will venture to say that no work, equally voluminous, ever was so. But that there are no material errors in it, and that it is as correct as those Bibles which are brought into this country from London, Cambridge, Oxford, and Edinburgh, I fondly believe. To remove any incredulity on this subject, and to induce the reader to forgive the few trivial errors which have escaped the vigilance of the correctors of the press, I annex a small number of errata, out of hundreds which I might have selected from different British editions. ERRATA. CORRECT READING. " His substance also was seven "His substance also was seven thousand sheep, and five hundred thousand sheep, and five hundred yoke of oxen, and five hundred she yoke of oxen, and five hundred she ashes." Job, I, 3.1 asses." 1 Edinburgh Quarto, 1734. xliv INTRODUCTION. " And magnified with own accord " And magnified with one accord thine hand that fought for them." thine hand which fought for them." Wisdom x, 20.1 "Were beneath and above. Ba- "Were beneath and not above." ruch II, 5.2 " These are the statutes between " These are the statutes between the father and his daughter, being the father and his daughter, being yet in her father's house." Numb. yet in her youth, in her father's xxx, 16.3 house." " Do not interpretations belong to " Do not interpretations belong to God? tell me them, I pray for you." God? tell me them, I pray you." Gen. xL, 8.4 " He with him whom it is found, " He with whom it is found, shall shall be my servant; and ye shallbe be my servant; and ye shall be blameless." Gen. XLIV, 10.5 blameless." " Behold, waters rise up out of the " Behold, waters rise up out of the north, and shall be an everfiowing north, and shall be an overflowing flood, and shall overflow the land." flood, and shall overflow the land." Jer. XLVII, 2." " Thou shalt not build me an house " Thou shalt not build me an house to well in. 1 Chron. xvII, 4.7 to dwell in." " The whole land of Havilah, "The whole land of Havilah,:whore there is gold." Gen. II, 11.8 where there is gold." " So shall the Jews at Jerusalem " So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man that oweth this girdle." bind the man that owneth this Acts xxI, 11.9 girdle." "' As the proof sheets were compared with different editions, a discovery was early made, that numerous and very important variations existed between them. 1" It was found that in many instances, the Oxford and Cambridge editions agreed; that they differed from the Edinburgh and London; in others, that the London and Cambridge agreed, and differed from the Oxford and Edinburgh; in others, again, that the Edinburgh varied from all the rest. This occasioned considerable difficulty. In every case, recourse was had to as many copies as could be procured, and that reading was uniformly preferred, 1 London Folio, 1696. 6 London Folio, 1696. 2 Oxford Quarto, 1784. London Quarto, 1708. 3 Edinburgh Common Quarto, 1728. 8 London Quarto, 1782. 4 Oxford Quarto, 1784. 9 London Folio, 1696. 5 Cambridge Quarto, 1769 and 1770. INTRODUCTION. xlv which was sanctioned by the most numerous and best authorities, or which appeared most congruous with the context. " One or two examples will suffice to illustrate the plan pursued, which has been the result of the most mature deliberation, and which, I hope will meet the approbation of the public. " In all the Oxford, Cambridge, London, Trenton, and Worcester editions, Luke xxIII, 32, reads thus: — "And there were also two other malefactors led with him to be put to death." But five respectable Edinburgh copies read, — " And there were also two others, malefactors, led with him to be put to death." " This reading was readily preferred. It was impossible that the Apostle, in speaking of his beloved Master, should have styled him a malefactor, which is the only construction whereof the first reading is susceptible. Had one of Pilate's soldiers been writing on the subject, he would have expressed himself thus. The Greek xac srspo; &Bo, xaxipyol;, with a comma after 66o, admits the Edinburgh construction as perfectly correct. " It is to be further observed, that the Latin translation of Junius and Tremellius favors this reading:-" Ducebantur autem etiam alii duo, iipque facinorosi, cum eo, interimendi." Edit. in-fol. Hanovie, 1623. " As I have touched on the subject of variations, I beg the reader's attention, while I treat on it a little more at length. "' The variations are of five kinds. 1st. Of Punctuation; 2d. Of Orthography; 3d. Where words are in one edition in Italic, as suppletory, and in Roman in another, as if they were in the original; 4th. Where the difference is merely verbal, without affecting the sense; and 5th. Where there is a variation not only in the words but in the sense. " I. Variations in Punctuation. "The variations of this class are innumerable; generally however, they are unimportant. As far as I have been able to observe, there is no edition whatever of the Bible that has an uniform system of punctuation. The same sentence, occurring in different places, in the same Bible, is by no means always punctuated in the same manner. "' I shall mention but one example of variation of this class. Gen. xxvI, 8, has eight commas in the Edinburgh, six in the Oxford, and only three in the Cambridge and London editions. "II. Oirthographical Variations. "These are not so numerous as the former; but they are by no means inconsiderable. Among those that attracted most attention, in the progress of the work, were-besides, beside; towards, toward; among, amongst; xlvi INTRODUCTION. vallies, valleys; champian, champaign; subtil, subtile; divers, diverse; aught, ought; born, borne; &c., &c. " Diverse and divers are miserably confounded together. They appear to be regarded as synonymous, which is an egregious error. Divers signifies many; diverse, different. "III. Variations with respect to Suppletory Verbs. "Those who have ever paid attention to the perusal of the Bible, know that there are numberless instances wherein words, which are well understood, but not expressed, in the original, are introduced in the English translation; all such words are generally, in the correct editions, in the Italic character, by which the reader is given to understand that they are suppletory; in most instances, the sense is complete without them. Thus: " And they wrote letters by them after this manner." Acts xv, 23.1 Is in the original Greek, " And they wrote by them after this manner." Which conveys the same idea as the former line. "IV. Verbal variations, which do not affect the sense. " The variations of this class are incredibly numerous: and it is to be observed, that even the editions printed at any of the before-mentioned places, do not agree with each other. I subjoin some examples for the reader's inspection:" And Moses put of the blood "And Moses put of the blood upon the tip of their right ear." upon the tip of their right ears." Lev. VIII, 24.2 "' And all that have not fins and "' And all that have not fins nor scales in the sea." Lev. xi, 10.3 scales in the sea." "And ye shall not walk in the "And ye shall not walk in the manners of the nations which I cast manners of the nation which I cast out before you." Lev. xx, 23.' out before you." "V. Variations of meaning as well as words. " These variations are by no means numerous. Some of them, doubtless, have arisen from the carelessness of the printers, who published the early editions, and have been servilely copied by successive editors; but others'Edinburgh Quarto, 1695. 8 Oxford Quarto, 1784. 2 Edinburgh, 1728 and 1790. 4 Edinburgh, 1789, 1793 and 1795. INTRODUCTION. xlvii have most probably been the result of the liberty taken by editors, of innovating upon the original translation, executed in the time of King James. " To illustrate this idea, I shall select two examples. In many editions of the Bible, Lev. i, 6, reads"'And he shall fay the burnt offering.' "In other editions it isI"' And he shall flay the burnt offering.' " It is obvious that the similarity between jf and Jf may have led one editor into error; and that in subsequent editions the error may have been repeated. " But we cannot in the same way account for the.following variation: — " In the Oxford Quarto editions of 1784 and 1795, and the Cambridge of 1769 and 1770, Psalm cvii, 16, reads"' For he hath broken the gates of brass, and cut the gates of iron asunder.' " Whereas in nearly all the other editions it stands-' For he hath broken the gates of brass, and cut the bars of iron in sunder.' " In the Cambridge Quartos of 1769 and 1770, the Octavo of 1767, and, the London Quarto of 1772, Leviticus vii, 13, stands"'Besides the cakes, he shall offer for his offering unleavened bread"' " Whereas in fourteen other editions which have been consulted, it is"' Besides the cakes, he shall offer for his offering leavened bread.' " It is highly probable that leavened bread is the correct reading; as the, marginal reference from this verse is to Amos iv, 5, which I here submit to, the reader: "' And offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving with leaven, and proclaim and publish the free offerings: for this liketh you, O children of Israel.'" Soon after the publication of this edition, the success of which fullyequaled my most sanguine expectations, I ventured on the publication of a standing edition of the Quarto Bible, a great undertaking for a man not long, in business, of whose means a large portion was absorbed in dead stock. It was the first standing edition of the English Quarto Bible ever published.. The Scotch, who had a most extensive sale for their Bibles, were wont, as r have been credibly informed, to set up about twenty or thirty sheets, and, print off twenty thousand copies-then distribute the types, and set up as; many more. Until lately, I believed that mine was the first standing Biblein Christendom. But I have recently learned that of Luther's Bible, in the: German, a Quarto, and perhaps a Folio edition, had been standing in some part of Germany for probably a century. About the time when I had the Quarto Bible set up, I purchased of Hugh xlviii IN TRODUCTION. Gaine of New-York, the School Bible, for, as far as I can recollect, seven thousand dollars.L In reviewing the rise and progress of Bible printing in this country, it is not our intention to trace each edition to its extinction, or to repeat here those which followed the first in rapid succession. Our design is merely to notice in this Introduction what may be called the "pioneer" editions, referring the reader to the text for fuller and more minute information on the progress of this branch of Bibliography. The Greek Testament was printed for the first time in these States in the year 1800. We have collected the titles of sixteen editions in the ancient and three in modern Greek, which have appeared from the American press. An effort was made in 1810 in New Haven to publish an edition of the Bible in Hebrew, but it failed, though the Psalms had already been published at Cambridge, Mass., in that language, in the course of the previous year. The first American edition of the Hebrew Bible did not appear until 1813-14. In 1810 the Scriptures began to be published among us in French; the first edition consisted of a Testament, with the approbation of Bishop Cheverus, of Boston. Editions in Spanish followed in 1819. In a Catalogue of books printed in America, it would not be fair to limit our researches to the United States. We accordingly endeavored to ascertain what progress has been made in the other parts of this Continent, in the department of Biblical literature. As there are not at present any Ministers at Washington, from the Republics of Chile and Peru, our enquiries, as regards these countries, have been necessarily restricted. Ludovicus de Vera, a native of Lima,'New England Magazize, vI, 230. INTRODUCTION. xlix wrote a Commentary on the Books of Kings, which was printed in that city in Folio, in 1635, and Ferdinand de Valverde, also a native of the same place, and of the Order of St. Augustine, wrote a Life of Christ, which was published in Lima, in Quarto, in 1657. Benedict Fernandez, a Spanish Dominican, and Vicar of Mixteca, in New Spain, translated the Epistles and Gospels into the dialect of that province. Didacus de Sta. Maria, another Dominican, and Vicar of the province of Mexico (who died in 1579), was the author of a translation of the Epistles and Gospels into the Mexican tongue, or general language of the country. The Proverbs of Solomon, and other fragments of the Scriptures were translated into the same language by a Franciscan named Louis Rodriguez, and the Epistles and Gospels appointed to be read for the whole year, were rendered into the idiom of the Western Indians by Arnold Bassaccio,, also a Franciscan; but the dates of these versions have not been ascertained.' The entire Bible is said to have been translated into the Brazilian language by an English minister, who accompanied the Dutch to the Reciff, when they acquired it from the Portuguese. This version has never been printed.2 A Quarto edition of Scios's Spanish Bible,, printed in Mexico in 1831-1835, will be found in this List. In 1835 or 1836, Mr. William L. Mackenzie purchased from the Bible Society at New York a sett of stereotype plates, and got new title pages cast for the Old and New Testaments, substituting Toronto and his own name for the Bible Society's imprint. But he did not print an edition from these plates; they passed eventually into the hands of a Mr. Eastwood, who published a Bible from them at Toronto, 1 Bibl;io. Scrip. His. 2 Townley's Illustrations of Bible Literature, III, 46, 355, note. E 1 IN TRODUCTION. in 1839 or 1840, on paper manufactured at his mill on the river Don, immediately east of that city. There was but one edition of this Eastwood Bible, after which the plates were resold in New York; it was the only Bible ever printed in Canada in the English language.' The issues in Canada East are limited to an edition of the New Testament in French, with Pere du Carriere's Notes.'As we have been unable, notwithstanding all our efforts, to find a copy of this Bible, and as its existence is already almost forgotten, we subjoin extracts from letters received on the subject. TORONTO, Dec. 15, 1858. Dr. E. B. O'CALLAGHAN: DEAR SIR-I bought in 1837 and brought to Canada the plates of a complete edition of the Bible, Old and New Testament. Of these I printed specimens-say dozen of pages-and sent them around.... I think Eastwood bought the plates. I think he printed an edition... Yours, &c., W. L. MACKENZIE. I thought I had a copy of the Bible printed by my father, but cannot find one. The edition was printed about 1839 or'40. There never was but one edition printed, after which the plates were sold in New York. W. L. McKenzie, Esq. D. EASTWOOD. The Eastwood Bible was printed in Toronto. Paper made at the Don. SOUTHAMPTON, April 8, 1859. W. L. MACKENZIE, Esq.: SIR —A small edition of the Bible was printed by my late father, but where you can procure a copy, I really cannot say. Yours, truly, JOHN EASTWOOD. TORONTO, Nov. 29, 1860. Dr. E. B. O'CALLAGIAN, Albany: DEAR SIR —.... I bought the plates from the Bible Society, at New York in 1835 or 1836, I think. I got a new title page for the Old and also for the New Testament, substituting my name and Toronto, for that of the Bible Society and New York. W. L. MACKENZIE. INTRODUCTION. li In the Gulf Provinces, a Catholic Testament has, it is said, been published in Halifax, N. S., but it has not been seen. The Catholic Bibles published in the United States, are, with the exceptions of Archbishop Kenrick's revised edition, and the Bible and Testament edited by the Rev. Mr. McMahon, reprints of those issued in England or Ireland. They all profess, on their title pages, to be translated from the Latin Vulgate, and, with one exception, to be copied from the Doway and Rheims Testaments. At the commencement of the Christian era, the Latin was gradually supplanting the Greek, as a general language, and, as a consequence, soon became that of the Western church, which at the first introduction of Christianity, possessed a very great number of versions of the Scriptures. One of these, known as the Old Italic, acquired a more extensive circulation on account of its clearness and fidelity. In progress of time, however, many alterations came to be made in the text by transcribers. St. Jerome, therefore, was requested by Pope Damasus, to revise it, and accordingly, towards the end of the fourth century first corrected the New Testament by the original Greek, and next translated into Latin, the books of Kings, Job, the Great and Minor Prophets, the Psalms, the books of Solomon, Esdras, Genesis, Josue, Judges, Ruth, Paralipomenon, and Esther from the Hebrew, and the books of Tobias and Judith from the Chaldaic. He did not translate the books of Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus, Maccabees I and II, Baruch, the Epistle of Jeremias, the Deuterocanonical portions of Esther and David. These were adopted from and remain precisely as in the old, or anti-Hieronymian Vulgate. Neither are the Psalms in the present Vulgate, St. Jerome's translation, but his second iin INTR ODUCTION. correction of the old version from the xoLvV of Lucian the martyr.' Thus formed, the Latin Vulgate was declared authentic in the year 1546, by the Council of Trent, which ordered a standard edition to be published. One so intended was issued in 1590, by authority of Sixtus V, and was corrected under Clement VIII, in 1592. Another edition was issued with some slight changes in 1593, and this is the only recognized standard in the Catholic Church,2 which never has made, and most probably never will make a vernacular standard. A translation of the New Testament into English was published at Rheims in 1582, and a translation of the Old Testament into the same language, at Doway, in 1609. The English version of the Latin Vulgate is hence called the Doway Bible. It is not, however, a strict translation of the Latin, as the King James's version is of the Hebrew and Greek, but resorts occasionally to the originals. In the course of the following century, the Doway translation was revised by Bishop Challoner of England, who issued one complete Bible and two Testaments, all differing from each other. These have been revised in turn by others, until now, in the words of Cardinal WISEMAN, C' To call it any longer the Doway or Rheinish version, is an abuse of terms. It has been altered and modified till scarce any verse remains as it was originally published; and so far as 1 St. Jerome made a translation of the Psalms from the Hebrew, but it was not adopted as the common version. He twice corrected the Psalters of the old Vulgate. The first edition is called the Roman Psaltery, the second the Gallican Psaltery. The latter is that printed in the Vulgate, and adopted by the church at Rome. A Genlrcl lttroduction to the Sacred Scriptures. By Rev. Joseph Dixon, D. D. Dublin, 1852. I, 159, 173, 174. 2 Dixon's Introduction, I, 156 et seq. INTRODUCTION. liii simplicity and energy of style are concerned, the changes are in general for the worse. New and often important modifications have been made in every edition, which has followed, till at length many may appear rather new versions than revisions of the old."' The annexed Table will show some of the systematic variations from the Vulgate, now-a-days. We have not room to enumerate all the texts wherein these modern editions vary, not only from the Vulgate, but from each other; the text of the New Testament of Dr. Troy's Bible of 1791, differing from that of Dr. Challoner, it is said, in at least seven or eight hundred places. These discrepancies, as well as the gross typographical errors which constantly recur, have justly excited attention, and there is, we are happy to see, every prospect that better editions will soon supersede those now issued. Dr. KENRICK, Archbishop of Baltimore, has already published an entirely new edition of the Doway Bible, and the Very Rev. Dr. NEWMAN, Superior of the Oratorians in England, has been selected, with the approbation of the Holy See, and at the request of many of the most distinguished among the Hierarchy of England and Ireland, to prepare a new English version of the Latin Vulgate. A work which has engaged whatever leisure we have had during the last three years, is now closed. It only remains for us to acknowledge the valuable assistance we have received, both in its preparation, and whilst it was passing through the press, from JAMES LENOX and JOHN G. SHEA, Esqrs., of New York; GEORGE LIVERMORE, Esq., of Boston; GEORGE BRINLEY, Esq., of Hartford; S. F. HAVEN, Esq., of Worcester, and many other kind friends. The volumes in the collections of these gentlemen are Dublin Review, II, 476, 477. liv INTROD U CTION. severally indicated in the List by the initials of their names, L. denoting those of the first named; J. G. S. of the second; G. L. the third; B. the-fourth, &c. We have appended to the whole a full and carefully digested Index, containing the names of authors and of their works; of the place where the volume was published, and that of the first publisher mentioned in the imprint, so that whoever is desirous to find a particular edition of a Bible, Testament, or other work, can easily turn to it, if in this List, if he but know the name of the publisher, or the date or place of publication. L I S T OF SOME OF THE ERRORS AND VARIATIONS FOUND IN MODERN DOUAY BIBLES. List of some of the Errors and Variations found in Modern Doua~y Bibles, on comparing the Text of the latter with that of the Latin Vugae VULGATE. CAREY'S. CUMMISKEY QUARTO.* DOYLE'S OCTAVO.t SADLIER'S QUARTO. DUNIGAN'S HAYDOCK 1790. 1825. 1836. 1851. QUARTO. 1852. Gen. 4:14 Behold thou dost cast me out this day from the face words in Italic omitted. words in Italic omitted. correct. words in Italic omitted. - words in Italic omitted.I of the earth: andfrom thyface Ishall be hidden and I shall be a vagabond and a fugitive on the earth: every one therefore that findeth me shall kill me. 7: 2 Of all clean beasts take seven and seven, the male ends incorrectly at the word incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. - incorrect.: and the female: but of the beasts which are un- "female," which precedes clean two and two; the male and the female. "but" 3 Of the fowls of the air also seven and seven, the male begins incorrectly at but of incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. - incorrect.t and female; that seed may be saved upon the V. 2. face of the whole earth. 7 21.. and all men, correct.... and all men... and all men.... and all men.... and all men. 9: 23 But Sem correct. correct. But Shem correct. correct. 10: 4... Tharsis, Cetthim correct. correct. correct. correct.... Tharsis, Chetthim 13 Nephthuim, correct... Nephtuim,... Nepthuim,... Nephtuim, Nephtuim. 15... Hethite, correct.... Hethite.... Hethite....Hethite... Hethite. 16... Gergesite, correct. correct.. Gergesite. correct... Gergesite 18... Amathite: 5Iamathite: Hamathite. JMes. incorrect. [Mess. Hamathite:... Ham 23... Hul, and Gether, and Mes. correct.... Hull, and Gether; and... Hull, and Gether and... Hull, and Gether; and Mes. same as Sadier's. 12: 19 that I might take her to me to wife?. that I might take her incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. to my wife? 13: 4 To the place of the altar which he had before erected In the place... which he incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. had made before; 19: 3... and they ate. correct,... and they ate:... and they ate:... and they ate:... and they ate: 19... and I die: and I die.... and I die.... and I die,... and I die.... and I die. 23:... intercede for me with Ephron... to Ephron incorrect, incorrect, incorrect incorrect. 17 And the field that before was Ephron's. was And thefield that before was incorrect. incorrect. incorrect incorrect. made sure Ephron's... 18 To Abraham Were made sure to Abraham incorrect. incorrect. incorrect incorrect. 24: 31... why standest thou without? correct. correct. correct.... why standeth thou without? correct. 55 And her brothers And her brother incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. 26: 1, 8, 14... Philistines... Palestines incorrect. incorrect... Palestines incorrect. 30 37... the color was diverse... the colour was divers. incorrect. incorrect....the colour was divers. incorrect. 36: 2... Oolibama the daughter of Ana, the daughter of. Oolibama, the daughter words in Italic omitted. correct. words in Italic omitted. correct. Sebeon of Sebeon, 37:10... upon the earth? correct. upon the earth. correct. upon the earth. correct. 40: 6 And when Joseph was come in to them correct.... into them correct.....nto them incorrect. 43: 32... for Joseph apart, for his brethren apart, for the correct,... a part,... a part,... correct. incorrect. correct. Egyptians... apart a part 44:15... divining? correct.. divining....divining.....divining. 18... after Pharao thou art... after Pharao, thou art correct....after Pharao thou art,... after Pharao thou art. correct. 46:17... Jessui... Jessuri... Jessuri... Jessuri... Jessuri... Jessuri Ex. 8: 22... the land of Gessen where my people is, words in Italic omitted. words in Italic omitted. words in Italic omitted. words in Italic omitted. words in Italic omitted. 13: 9... the Lord brought thee out of Egypt....gyptout of the land of...gyptout of the land of incorrect. incorrect, incorrect. Egypt. Egypt. 14:10... lifting up their eyes, correct. correct. correct.... lifted up their eyes correct. 16: 6... to all the children... to the children incorrect. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. 18: 9... out of the hand of the Egylptians,...out of the hands... out of the hands incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. 10 And he said Blessed is the Lord who hath delivered words in Italic omitted. words in Italic omitted. And he said, Blessed is the words in Italic omitted. words in Italic omitted. you out oW the hand of the Egyptians, and out of the Lord who bath delivered hand of J'harao: who hath delivered his people you out of the hand of out of the hand of Egypt. Pharso, and out of the hand of the Egyptians, Cummiskey's Octavo, 1839, repeats the errors noted in the Quarto edition, except those in Gen. 40: 6; 1 Kgs. 4: 19; 22: 19; Lament 1: 1 and Mat. 5:1. t It is stated in the Approbation that this edition was most carefully collated by the Very Rev. John Power,'V. G., with the Vulgate, the Douay and other approved English versions. $In the edition of 185d, the texts preceded by a - are corrected; but Lev. 1: 3; 4: 4 are incorrect. List of some of the Errors, etc.-Continued. VUIGATE. CAREY'S. CUMMI,~SKEY QUAR~TO. DOYL]E'S OCTAVO. SADLIER'S QUARTO. DUNIGAN'S IIAYDOCK 1790. 1825. 1836. 1851. QUA1TO. 1825. 4 Kgs. 13: 6... from the sins qf the house of Jeroboam words in Italic omitted. words in Italic omitted. words in Italic omitted. words in Italic omitted. words in Italic omitted. 19 23.. gone up the heights of the mountains....... gone up to the height incorrect. Carmel. incorrect.... Carmel. incorrect. Carmel. incorrect... Carmel.' armel... Carmel 24 I have cut down. And I have cut down, and incorrect, incorrect, incorrect. I have cut down. and 1 Par. 11: 2.. when Saul was yet King word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Itajic omitted. 16: 13.. Israel his servant,... Israel his servants, incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. 2 Par. 32: 22... and gave them rest on every side. correct.... and gave them trea- incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. sures on every side. 2 Esdr. 9:10... upon all the people of his land: word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. Tobias 4:14.. or in thy word:... r in thy words: incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. Job 12: 3... as well as you, neither ur Iiaferior to you: words in Italic omitted. words in Italic omitted. words in Italic omitted. words in Italic emitted. words in Italic omitted. 18: 7 The steps The step incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. 20: 9 The eye The eyes incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. 22:8... didst hold it...holdest it. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. 36: 13... provoke the wrath of God, correct.... prove the wrath of God,...prove the wrath of God,... prove the wrath of God: incorrect. Ps. 97: 7... them who dwell therein... th.ose who dwell therein.... they that dwell therein,.'. they that... they that dwell therein.... they that 129: 3... who shall stand?... stand it?... stand it? incorrect. incorrect. i I I stand it? Ecc'us.]: 6... into the hands of others....into the hand of others. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. 31:10.. transgressed; could do evil things,... transgressed and could.. transgresedd: and could... and could c do have done do Is. 2:4... sickles:...sicles correct. correct. correct. correct. 3:. 3... the wise architect word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic emitted. 15: 2... on all its heads... on all their heads incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. 3 In its streets... on the tops of its houses, and in its In their streets.... their incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. streets all howl houses, and in their streets, all shall howl 19: 14... in all its work,... in all its works, incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. 25: 7... which he wove over all nations.... which he began over incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. all rtations. 28:4 And the fading flower of the glory of his joy, And the fading flower the incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. which is glory of his joy, who is 33: 3... at the lifting up of thyself... at the lifting up Ihyself'incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. 37: 5 And the servants of King Ezechias word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic oiitted. 45: 12... my hands... ant hand incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. 14... there is no God besides thee... beside thee. correct. correct. correct. correct. 46: 3 Hearken unto me, ( house of Jacob, and all word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. 47: 14... from the power of the flame:... the power of the flames: incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. 57: 10... in the multitude of thy way: in the multitude of thy incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. ways: 11... nor thought in thy heart?.. nor thought on me in incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. thy heart? 17... wandering in the way of his heart.... wandering in the way.. wandering in his own... wandering in his own... wandering in his own heart.... his own heart. of his own heart. heart. heart. 59: 10 We have groped for the wall like the blind, and we We have gropedfifr the wall: incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. have groped as if we had no eyes: and like the blind we have groped, as if we had no eyes: 18... and the like to his enemies:... and a reward to his incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. enemies: Jer. 2: 28 Where are thy gods, Where are the gods, incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. 6: 19... the fruit... the fruits incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. 24.. as pains a woman in labor. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic emitted. 10: 22.. and a -reat commotion word in Italic omitted. word in Italic oinitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. 13 14.. but destroy them. correct.... but to destroy them. incorrect. incorr ect. incorrect. 36: 1... from the Lord,... by the Lord, incorrect. incorrect, incorrect. incorrect. 44: 10... before you and before your fathers. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. VO11... the Lord blessed the Sabbath day,...the seventh day, incorrect, incorrect. incorrect, incorrect. 21: 18... but keep his bed:...but keepeth his bed incorrect. incorrect, incorrect. incorrect. 22:25... thou shalt not be hard upon him..nor op-...upon them, nor incorrect, incorrect, incorrect, incorrect. press him opeste 27 20... oil of olives...oil of tho olives incorrect. incorrect, incorrect, incorrect. 29:24 And thou shalt put correct. correct. correct. And thou shall put correct 35:23 And if any man had violet, and purple, and scarlet I words in Italic omitted, words in Italic omitted, correct, words in Italic omitted. words in Iai mte twice dyed, f/ine linen and goats' hair rams' skins' dyed red, 36:34... he ov'erlaid with gold, casting for them sockets words in Italic omitted, words in Italic omitted correct, words in Italics omitted, words in Iai mte qf silver,* And Lev. 1: 3.. at the door qf the tabernacle of the testimony, words in Italic omitted, words in Italic omitted, incorrect, words in Italic omitted. (Thesepaearwntg 4... his expiation, correct.... its expiation. incorrect, incorrect. i h 4: 4... to the door of the tabernacle of the testimony, words in Italic omitted, words in Italic omitted, incorrect, words in Italic omitted, copc xmnd 22: 10... of the priest, and... of the priests, or incorrect, incorrect. incorrect, incorrect. Num. 1I 47... in the tribe correct.... in the tribes... in the tribes... in the tribes correct. 2: 25...Ahiezer correct.... Ahiezar... Alaiezar... Ahiezar... AhiM a 3:47..shekies..sidles... sicles..sidles..sicdes... Sides 50... shekels..sidles... sidles...sidles...sidles... sides 4: 4... Caath: Into the tabernacle of the covenant and Caath:.. Caath:.. Caath:.. Caath:... Caath the Holy of holies 5 Aaron and his sons shall enter when the camp is to When the camp is to set for- same as Carey. same as Carey. same as Carey. same as Caey set forward, and shall take down, &c. ward, Aaron and his sons shall go into the tabernacle of the covenant and the holy of holies, and shall take down &c. 14 And shall put with it all the vessels, And shall put it, with all the And shall put it with all the And shall put it with all the And shall put it with all the yes- And shale u twt l vessels, -vessels vessels sels vessels 15... These are the burdens of the sons of Caatli in.. These arc the burdens.. These arc the burdens same as Cammiskey's.... These are the burdens of the... Thesarthbudn the tabernacle of the covenant: of the sons of Caath, in of the sons cf Caath: in sons of Csath: In the taber. of thesosfCat:i the tabernacle of the co- the tabernacle of the co- nacle of the covenant: the tabenceolh o venant: venant: venant: 18:24..oblation of tithes,,. oblation or tithes, incorrect. incorrect, incorrect, incorrect. Dent. 27:7 And than shalt wvord in Italic omitted: word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Itlcoitd 30: 9 And the Lord thy God will make thee abound...words in Italic omitted, words in Italic omitted, correct words in Italic omitted. words inItlcoied Jos. 7:17.. the family of Zare, Bringing t/hat also by the words in Italic omitted, words in Italic omaitted, correct, words in Italic oniitted. words inItlcoied houses, he found it to be Zabdi. Judg. 5:4.. and the heavens and the clonds words in Italic omitted, words in Italic omitted, words in Italic omitted. words in Italic omitted. words inItlcoied 7: 18... camp, and shout together: To the Lord and to. words in Italic omitted. words in Italic omnitted, words in Italic omitted. words in Italic omitted. correct. Gideon.I 11:18... and he would not enter the bounds of Moab: words in Italic omitted. words in Italic omitted, words in Italic omitted, words in Italic omitted. words inItlcoied 1 g.1:1.for Arnon as the border of the land of Mobab. h 1 g.I 1...Suph, an Ephratite.... uph, an Ephraimite: incorrect, incorrect. incorrect, incorrect. 11.if thou wilt look down n the affliction of thy words in Italic omitted, words in Italic omitted, correct, words in Italic omitted. words inItlcoied servant, 4:19... her pains had come...her pains came... her pains come..her pains came...her pains come... her piscm 17: 49... struck the Philistine in the forehead: and the, words in Italic omitted, words in Italic omitted, correct, words in Italic omitted. words inItlcoied stone was/fixed in his forehead, 55... the Philistine..the Philistines incorrect. incorrect. incorrect, incorrect. 22: 19 And Nobe the city of the priests correct. And Nobe the city of the correct. incorrect, correct priest 23:17... and my father Saul knoweth this. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Itlcoitd 29 I... which was in Jezrahel.,..which ia4 in Jezrahel. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. incorrect. 2 Kgs. 7: 23... the nation and its god.... the iiation and their incorrect.... the nations and their.. the nations and their gods... the nto n hi gods. godo gods. 9:7..and I will restore to thee all the lands Words in Italic omitted, words in Italic omitted. words in Italic omitted. words in Italics omitted, words inItlcoied 14:19... By the health of thy soul, my Lord the King, - my lord 0 King,... lord my King, - lord my King,... lord my King, mylod0Kig 19:26 -..My Lord the King,. 1.y lord 0 Iiing, -. Lord my King. -. Lord my King,... Lord my King, I. ylrd ig 20: 19.- Why dust thou throw down (The sentence is... Why wilt thou throw:incorrect. incori ect. incorrect. liacorrect. also ungrammatical.) down 3 Kgs. 2: 2 I am going the way of all the earth:... (if all dlesh: incorrect, incorrect, incorrect. incorrect. 3:- 9 Thou wilt give therefore to thy servant... who are Give therefore... which is incorrect, at end a. incorrect, incorrect... which is so nume- incorrect. Iso numerous? so numerous? rons. The Hebrew text, Protestant version and Douay translation of 1609, have not this clause which occurs in Y. 36. Kenrielk. Lam. 1 1...the princess of provinces..the princes of provinces incorrect, incorrect. incorrect, correct. 54 16 the ancients...the ancient, incorrect, incorrect, incorrect, incorrect. 512 The princes were hanged up hy the hand;..the The princes were hanged up incorrect, incorrect, incorrect, incorrect. ancients, hy their hand.....the ancient. Ezek. 2: 6...fear thesm not. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted, word in Italic omitted, word in Italic omitted. word in Italcoitd 3: 11..Thus saith the Lord God: word in Italic omitted, word in Italic omitted, word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italcoitd 7:9 And my eye correct. And my eyes correct. incorrect, correct. 8:18... my eye shall not eyes shall not spare... my eyes correct. incorrect, incorrect. 10: 1I the head of the cheruhim,...the heads of the chern- incorrect. incorrect, incorrect, incorrect. him. 7... stretched out his hand.. stretched out his arm incorrect, incorrect, incorrect, incorrect. 12: 7... as the Lord had commanded me:..being. as he had commanded incorrect. incorrect, incorrect, incorrect. carried me I. I was carried 24... vision..visions incorrect, incorrect. incorrect, incorrect. 14:21 For thus saith the Lord God: w;o'rd in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted, word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted, word in Italcoitd 16:29... thy fornication... thy fosruications incorrect. incorrect,.noret incorrect. 17:23 On the high mountain On the high mountains incorrect, incorrect, incorrect, incorrect. 29: 6... a sta-ff of reed... a staff of a reed incorrect, incorrect. incorrect, incorrect. 33: 19... judgment... judgments incorrect, incorrect, incorrect, incorrect. 35:9 Unto everisoting desolations will I deliver thee... I will make thee everlasting incorrect, incorrect, incorrect, incorrect. and ye shall know desolations;,.and thou 37:24..they all shall have wordt initlomited word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italomitd 39:17..thus ssith the Lord God, word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. incorrect, word in Italomitd 25...thus saith the Locd God: correct. words in Italic omitted. correct. words in Italic omitted. correct. Dan. 9: ouc Kivgjs,, to our princes words in Italic omitted. words in Italic omitted. words in Italic omitted. words in Italic omitted. words in Italcoitd Osee 13: 2... ye men who adore calves.... Men, ye, who adore... men, ye that adore.. men, ye that... men, ye that... men,yeta calves calves. Amos. 7:4..the l~ord God called forth judgment word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted. word in Italomitd 9:1) I the hinge,.,..the hinges incorrect, incorrect, incorrect, incorrect. 1 Mac 10:42...shekels of silver..sidles of -silver,... sickles incorrect,... sick les of silver,,. sickles,; 2 Maec 10:18... fled into two very strong towers wVor'd in Italic omitted. word in Italic omitted, incorrect, word in Italic omitted. word in Italomitd Slat. 5 I And Jesus seeing word in Italic omitted. correct. word in Italic omitted. correct, correct. l~ute 1:65... and all these words correct. correct.... and all these things correct. correct. 1 Cor. 14: 4... the church of God. wvords in Italic omitted. words in Italic omitted. words in Italic omitted, words in Italic omitted. words in Itai mitd NOTE. In judging of the correctness or incorrectness of the shove texts, for the memorandum of most of which we are indehted to our friend Mr. SHEA, it is proper to remark, that we have notgoehin te Latin Vullgate, that heing the standard for the other editions psentioned in this Tahle. ERRATA. Page 8, line 10 from bottom, after omissions, insert and. 6620, " 14 from bottom, for New Haven, read Worcester. 33, 2 from top, for que, read qui. 88, " 18, from top of, for Famijy, read Pamily. 113, erase title No. 4 on this page. 148, "16, for Wurehouse, read Warehouse. "155, "21, from bottom, for Burtus, read Biirtis. it164, " 3, from top, for 6, read 8. "203, " 5, for 1, read 2. 219, 7, for Bloomfield's, read Greenfield's. "309, "10, for Minestro, read Mfinistro. "11, for Soncto, read Sancto. "13, for 836, read 886. "338, 7, for Achille, read Achilli. 368, "24, for 15, read 13. 385, " 1, for PsIams, read Psalms. .~K THE NEW T E S T A M E N Tb.Sa OF OUR b, LORD AND SAVIOURU R ESUS C HRIST. Tranflated into the INDIAN LANGUAGE, Es Ordered to be Printed by the Gommiffoners of the Vnited Colonies | Ib6 in N E W-E N G L N D, At the Charge, and with the Confent of the I~ 6 ~CORPORATION IN ENGL,4ND 90,'LaCl For the Propagation of the Gofpel amongfJ the Indians in New-JEngland.,~i6 I CAMBR ID G: -~QC1 Printed by Samuel Green and Martnaduke yohnfon. MDCLXI. 1 -Qg46 ~~ ~ ~ bso log WUSKU q WV UTTESTAMENTI M IN NUL-LORDUMUN b_ oJESUS CHRIST Nuppoquohwuffuaeneumun.'3^ ~. ~ 106. __t _ bo Printed by Samuel green and,X5armaduke 7ohnfon. | 4' MDCLXI. b OK s f v View ww~~~~~9 AMERICAN BIBLES. 1661. 1. THE NEW I TESTAMENT I of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ. I Translated into the I Indian Language, and Ordered to be Printed by the Commissioners of the Vnited Colonies I in New-England, I At the Charge, and with the Consent of the I Corporation in England I For the Propagation of the Gospel amongst the Indians I in NewEngland. I (A black line across the page.) 1 Cambridg: I Printed by Samuel Green and Narmaduke Johnson. I MDCLXI. I (L.; G. L.) sn.4 1 Blank leaf; English Title, within a border (see Fac simile), 1 p. verso, blank; on the upper part of the next page 2 black lines, or rules, 4~ inches in length, extend across the page nearly to the right border or edge of the paper; below these, is a head piece composed of 32 printer's flowers similar to those on the title page; then a single rule line followed by another ornamental line, as above, but with the flowers inverted, making in all five lines; then The Epistle Dedicatory: To I The high and Mighty I Prince, I CHARLES the SECOND, I &C. the first page of which is marked A3; the Dedication ends on verso of A4; at the end of the Epistle, 2 black lines one inch and a half apart, extend across the page; Indian Title, within a border (see Fac simile): Wusku I Wuttestamentum I nul-lordumun I Jesus Christ I Nuppoquohwussuaeneumun. I a black line across the page; then an ornament composed of 32 printer's flowers, arranged in the shape of a Star; next, another black line across the page; Cambridge: I Printed by Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnson. I MDCLXI. I 1 p. verso, blank; Text: Matthew to the end of Luke, sigs. A2 to verso of L4; John to Rev. Aa to verso of Xx3, all in 4s; at the end of the text, c" Finis," between 2 black lines; a blank leaf should complete the last sig. The size of the printed page is 65 inches by 41 inches, including headings, catchwords and marginal references; of the leaf, 7- by 5] inches. This work, which consists of 4 prelim. ff. and 126 leaves of text, was printed with 1 2 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I66Inew type, full faced bourgeois on a brevier body. The text is in double columns, with marginal references at the sides, and headings in Indian at the top of the pages, but there is no summary at the beginning of the chapters. Mathew, John and the Acts commence, each,with an ornamental initial letter, but the initial N of the last mentioned Book is inverted, thus, I. In the first three of the Gospels the name of the Evangelist is at the top of the verso, and the chap. and its number, of the recto page of the text; but in John the name of the Evangelist and number, of the chapter are at the head of each page. Each verse forms a distinct paragraph until we come to Luke XV. (verso of K3); between that and the end of the Gospel, more than one, sometimes six verses are crowded occasionally into a paragraph, in order apparently to close that gospel and sig. L at the same time. The same crowding occurs again at the close of John. The 4th and 14th numbers to the chapters throughout this volume are generally, though printed IIII, not invariably, XIIII. On comparing this Translation with the edition of 1680, we find a number of omissions in the text. These, with other errors, are noted in the following table of ERRATA. Matthew 4: 25, "and from Judea," given, of him shall 8: 5, "Jesus" much be required:" 10: 19, "For it shall be given you Luke 13:15, "and said," in that same hour what 15: 12, "Father " not repeated. ye shall speak." 20:46, "and the highest seats in 14: 34, "I into the land of" the synagogues," 35, "of that place" 21: 7, "and, What sign will 15: headed CHHP. there be when these 18:35,'"every one his brother" things shall come to 23: 16, " Whosoever shall swear pass?" by the temple, it is no- The number of the chapthing; but" ter at the head of the 24. 26, "Behold, he is in the page, is misprinted, 10. desert; go not forth:" 24: 46, "from the dead" 26: 26, "Take, eat;" The number of the chapMark 2:16, "and drinketh" ter at the head of the 4: numbered 6, at the head page, is misprinted, 15. of the page. John 4:42, "the Christ," 9: 25, " and enter no more into 6: 69, verse numbered 59. him." 10: 3, "his own " 12:33, " offerings and" Chapter headed, CHAp. Luke 1: 37, numbered 47. 13: 36, verse numbered 39. 3: 19, reads: " and for all the 38, numbered 48. other evils " 18:28, reads: "Then led they 5:36, "unto them:" Jesus from Caiphas into 6:12, "to pray, and"...." all the hall of Pilate." night" Acts 2. 20, "and notable " 8:24, "Master" not repeated. 6: 5, "a proselyte" 12:48, reads: "For unto whom- 5: numbered v, vi, at the soever much is given, to 6: head of the page. him shall much be 9: 10, "Behold," -i66I.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 3 Acts 10:14, "or unclean." Rom. 12: 20, verse marked 2 K. 28, " or unclean." 14:10, "of Christ." 36, "Christ" 1 Cor. 6: 9, "nor adulterers," 12: 11, " of the people " 10: 16, "which we bless," 17, "out of the prison." The 14: 35, "for women " subsequent part of the 2 Cor. 12: 1, "of the Lord." verse reads: "Go shew Ephes. 2: 3, "we all" these things to Jewes," 5: headed CAAP. instead of, " James." Phillip. 1:28, verse numbered 18. 15:35, "teaching and preaching 29 Both these verses are run the word of the Lord," 30 into one and numbered 16: 5, "and increased in num- 29, thus making the ber daily." chapter 29, instead of 17:11, "daily" 30, verses. 18: 25, "in the spirit," 1 Thess. 1: 9, " and true " 19: 18, "and showed " Heb. 2: 16, "he took on him" 35, "of the Ephesians" 10:12, "sins," 23:14, "that we will" (eat) 11:16, "for he hath prepared " nothing" for them" 24: 1, "the governor" Rev. 4:10, "and ever," 27: headed " The Acts." at 16: headed, CAAP. the top of the page, 21: 12, " of the children" instead of, " Chap. 27." A writer in 1 Mass. Hist. Coll. VIII. 34, states that 1 Cor. 15:31, as here translated, countenances swearing by a creature. On comparing the text with Hosea 4:2, and, Mat. 5:34, 36, it is observed that the word "protest" in that passage, is rendered into Indian by the same verb as " swear," in the last mentioned texts. In the running titles of the Books, Mark is printed " Marke" on the verso of E2, E3 and E4; John is printed " Iohn" above chapters 3, 19 and 20; the recto of L13 is II Corinthians, instead of Chap. 1; and on the 3d page of Rev. the word is "Revelations." Mr. ELIOT, pastor of Roxbury, Mass., commenced at the age of forty-two, the study of the Natick Indian dialect, in which this work is printed. In 1649, having made some proficiency, he expressed a desire to translate a portion of the Scriptures into that language* for the use of the Indians to whom he acted as a Missionary, and with the aid of an Indian, completed the translation of the entire Bible, including the Old and New Testament, in 1658, after a labor of eight years. This fact having been communicated to the Corporation established in London for the propagation of the Gospel among the Indians of New England,t that body expressed themselves, in a letter dated 7th May, 1659, on the subject of printing the work, in the following terms: "As to the printing of the Bible in the Indian language; mensioned in Mr. Endicott's * 3 Mass. Hist. Coll., IV., 121. t See Gov. Endicott's letter to the Corporation, dated Boston 28 Dec., 1658, in a very rare Tract, entitled: "A further Accompt of the Progresse of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England, and of the means used effectually to advance the same. Set forth In certaine Letters sent from thence declaring a purpose of Printing the Scriptures in the Indian Tongue into which they are already Translated, &c. &c. London: Printed by M. Simmons for the Corporation of England. 1659." sm. 4to. It is in the collection of JAmES LENOX, Esq., New York. 4 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I66Iletter; which wee vnderstand is alreddy translated into the Indian tounge; wee conceuie will not onely be acceptable vnto god; but uery proffitable to the poor heathen and will much tend to the promotion of the sperituall part of this worke amongst them; and therfor wee offer it not onely as our owne but as the judgment of others that the New Testament bee first printed in the Indian language."* The printing of that part was accordingly commenced by Samuel Green, of Cambridge, the same year, when a printed sheet was sent to England as a specimen of the work. Writing in April, 1660, the Corporation add: "We haue out of our desire to further a worke of soe great consernment hauing hopes that somthinge wilbee collected in particulare with Relation to the printing of the ould Testament, agreed with an able Printer for three years."t Marmaduke Johnson accordingly arrived in this country to superintend the printing, and possibly his arrival subsequent to the commencement of the work by Green, may account for the Gospel of John beginning with Aa; for the crowding observed in the latter part of Luke, and for the arrangement of the running title of John being different from that of the preceding part of the work. Be this as it may, this translation of the New Testament was, in the words of Gookin, " finished, printed and set forth" on the 5th September, 1661. t The edition was, at first, to consist of 1000, but the Corporation recommended that it should be 1500 copies. Twenty of these were ordered to be sent to England; whereof one was to be presented " well bound vp," to the King; one to the Earl of Clarendon, then lord Chancellor, and one to each of the Vice Chancellors of the Universities, " whoe have greatly Incurraged the worke; "~ and " it is our desires," add the Commissioners, "' that you will take care for the printing of the preface before the New Testament with the title according to the coppies, as alsoe to send to Mr. ashurst and Mr. huchenson about twenty coppies of the New Testament to bee disposed of according to our directions and order. II The expence of " printing the title sheet to the New Testament" was ~1.00.00; ~ the "preface" consisted of an "Epistle Dedicatory" to his Majesty, and was in these words: To The High and Mighty PRINCE, CHARLES the SECOND, by the Grace of God King of En.gland, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. i'he Commii oners of the Knited Colonies in New-England, wi/h increafe of all Happinefs, &c. Mofi Dread Soveraign, F our weak apprehenfions have not mifled us, this Work will be no unacceptable Prefent to Your Majefty, as having a greater Intereft therein, then we believe is generally underftood: which (upon this Occafion) we conceive it our Duty to declare. The People of thefe four Colonies (Confederate for Mutual Defence, in the time of the late Difirafions of our dear Native Country) Your Majeflies * Hazard's State Papers, II, 403. tIbid, 425. t1 Mass. Hist. Coell, I, 176; Hazard, II., 439. Hazard, II., 441. II Letter to Mr. Usher, dated Plymouth, the 13th Sept., 1661, Hazard's State Papers, II., 446. Mr. Thomas seems to infer from it, that the Dedication accompanied only the few copies of the Testament sent to England, Hist. of Printing, I., 472. At page 255 same vol., he states that the Psalms in Indian Metre, accompanied the New Testament; but there is no evidence in support of that statement, in the Minutes of the Commissioners; and there is no allusion to the Psalms in the order to Mr. Usher, directing the transmission of copies of the Testament to England. ~ Hazard, 1I., 459. -i66i.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 5 natural born Subjefcs, by the Favour and Grant of Your Royal Father and Grandfather of Famous Memory, put themfelves upon this great and hazardous Undertaking, of Planting themfelves at their own Charge in thefe remote ends of the Earth, that without offence or provocation to our dear Brethren and Countrymen, we might enjoy that liberty to Worfhip God, which our own Confcience informed us, was not onely our Right, but Duty: As alfo that we might (if it fo pleafed God) be inftrumental to fpread the light of the Gofpel, the knowledg of the Son of God our Saviour, to the poor barbarous. Heathen, which by His late Majefty, in Come of our Patents, is declared to be His principal aim. Thefe honeft and pious Intentions, have, through the grace and goodnefs of God and our Kings, been feconded with proportionable fuccefs: for, omitting the Immunities indulged us by Your Highnefs Royal Predeceffors, we have been greatly incouraged by Your Majefties gracious expreffions of Favour and Approbation fignified, unto the Addr/s made by the principal of our Colonies, to which the reft do moff cordially Subfcribe, though wanting the like feafonable opportunity, they have been (till now) deprived of the means to Congratulate Your Majefties happy Reftitution, after Your long fuffering, which we implore may yet be gracioufly accepted, that we may be equal partakers of Your Royal Favour and Moderation; which hath been Co Illuftrious that (to admiration) the Animofities and different Perfwafions of men have been fo foon Compofed, and fo much caufe of hope, that (unlefs the fins of the Nation prevent) a bleffed Calm will fucceed the late horrid Confufions of Church and State. And ihall not we (Dread Soveraign) your Subjets of thefe Colonies, of the fame Faith and Belief in all Points of Doctrine with our Countrymen, and the other Reformed Churches, (though perhaps not alike perfwaded in fome matters of Order, which in outward refpe&s hath been unhappy for us) promife and affure our felves of all juft favour and indulgence from a Prince fo happily and gracioufly endowed? The other part of our Errand hither, hath been attended with Endevours and Bleffing; many of the wilde Indians being taught, and underftanding the Doctrine of the Chriflian Religion, and with much affetion attending fuch Preachers as are fent to teach them, many of their Children are inftruked to Write and Reade, and fome of them have proceeded further, to attain the knowledge of the Latine and Greek Tongues, and are brought up with our Engliih youth in Univerfity-learning: There are divers of them that can and do reade forne parts of the Scripture, and fome Catechifms, which formerly have been Tranflated into their own Language, which hath occafioned the undertaking of a greater Work, viz: The Printing of the whole Bible, which (being Tranflated by a painful Labourer amongft them, who was defirous to fee the Work accomplifhed in his dayes) hath already proceeded to the finifhing of -the New Teftament, which we here humbly prefent to Your Majefty, as the firft fruits and accompliffiment of the Pious Defign of your Royal Anceftors. The Old Teftament is now under the Prefs, wanting and craving your Royal Favour and Afsiftance for the perfefting thereof. We may not conceal, that though this Work hath been begun and profecuted by fuch Inflrunments as God hath raifed up here, yet the chief Charge and Coft, which hath fupported and carried it thus far, hath been from the Charity and Piety of divers of our well-affedted Countrymen in England; who being fenfible of our inability in that refpe&t, and ftudious to promote fo good a Work, contributed large Sums of Money, which were to be improved according to the. Direrion and Order of the then-prevailing Powers, which hath been faithfully and religioufly attended both there and here, according to the pious intentions of the Benefatfors. And we do moft humbly befeech your Majefty, that a matter of fo much Devotion and Piety, tending fo much to the Honour of God, may fuffer no difappointment through any Legal Defe&t (without the fault of the Donors, or the poor Indians, who onely receive the benefit) but that your Majefty be gracioufly pleafed to Eftablifh and Confirm the fame, being contrived and done (as we 6 AMERICAN BIBLES. [i66Iconceive) in the firft year of your Majefties Reign, as this Book was begun and now finifhed in the firfn year of your Eftabliihment; which doth not onely prefage the happy fuccefs of your Highnefs Government, but will be a perpetual Monument, that by your Majefties Favour the Gofpel of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrif, was firit made known to the Indians: An Honour whereof (we are affured) your Majefty will not a little eteem. S I R, The/hines of Tour Royal Favour upon thefe Vndertakings, will make thefe tender Plants toflour?/h, notwithflanding any malevolent AfpeS from thofe that bear evil will to this Sion, and render Tour Majefly more Illuftrious and Glorious to after Generations. The God of Heaven long preferve and blefis our Majefly with many happy dayes, to his Glory, the good and comfort of his Churcb and People. Amen. 1663. 1. MAMVSSE j WUNNEETUPANATAMWE | Up-Biblum God naneeswe Nukkone Testament kah wonk I Wusku Testament. I A black line extends across the page. Ne quoshkinnumuk nashpe Wuttinneunoh CHRIST I noh asoowesit JOHN ELIOT. I Another black line across the page. Cambridge: 1 Printeuoop nashpe Samuel Green kah Marmaduke Johnson. 1 1663. * sin. 4. Title, within an ornamental border, 1 f.; verso, blank; followed by a leaf, the recto of which is blank; at the top of the verso, a head piece composed of 35 printer's flowers; then Booke Wesuongash, &c., with the Names (in English) of the Books composing the Old Testament, and number of chapters in each; then a line consisting of 18 printer's flowers; Wuskue Testamente Bookash. Names (in English) of the Books of the N. Test., and number of chapters in each; Text: Gen. to Mal., sigs. A. to verso of M m m m m 2, in 4s; at the end of the text, Wohkukquohsinwog Quoshodtuemwaenuog. followed by two black lines across the page; Title to New Testament: Wusku I Wuttestamentum I Nul-lordumun I Jesus Christ I Nuppoquohwussuaeneumun. I a black line across the page; then an ornament composed of 32 printer's flowers arranged in the shape of a diamond or Star; another black line across the page. Cambridge: I Printed by Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnson. I MDCLXI. i 1 p. verso, blank; Text: Matthevv to the end of Luke, sigs. A2 to verso of L4; John to Rev., Aa to verso of Xx3, in 4s; at the end of the text, " Finis," between 2 black lines; a blank leaf completes sig. Xx; Psalms in Indian metre (no title page), VVame j Ketoohomae uketoohomaongash I David. I Text: 50 leaves, sigs. A to verso of N2; at the end of the Psalms the catch word Noowomoo, between two black lines; then one leaf containing a short Catechism in Indian; the first page is headed by an ornamental line composed of 17 printer's flowers; the second page closes by the word "Finis;" a blank leaf should complete the sig. all in 4s. This volume is in the same style of type as the New Testament of 1661, and is printed in double columns with marginal references at the sides. There are headings to * Literal Translation: The entire I Holy I Bible of God I containing I the Old Testament I and I the New Testament. I Translated by the Servant of Christ I called I John Eliot. I Cambridge: I Printed by Samuel Green and Mlarmaduke Johnson. I 1663. -1663.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 7 the columns in Indian, in Italic letter, with the names of the Books and number of the Chapters at the top of the pages, in Roman, and in the centre of the verso and recto of each leaf, the marginal notes being also in Roman; there are no abstracts or summaries to the chapters. Genesis, Matthew, John, Acts and the Psalms in metre commence each with an ornamental initial letter. The printed page is 65 inches by 48 inches full. It is the first edition of the Bible published in this country. The very sight of it caused the quaint Cotton Mather enthusiastically to exclaim: " Behold, ye Americans, the greatest honour that ever you were partakers of! This.... is the only Bible that ever was printed in all America, from the very foundation of the World." I have compared three Books of the Old Testament, in this edition, with the same Books of the edition of 1685, and found the following ERRATA. Genesis 1: 2, "' of God " omitted. Genesis 32:31 Both these verses are 15, "of the heaven" not 32 ) run into one, making translated. the chapter 31, instead 2:23 }Both these verses are of 32 verses. 24 i run into one, and num- 33:13, "men" not translated. bered 23. 41: 38, "of God" omitted. 25, numbered 24; the chap- 43:28, "is in good health " not ter in consequence falls translated. short one verse in the 44: 2, " the silver cup," not enumeration. translated. 7: 3, The syllable " oh" is 3, & " is superfluous. repeated incorrectly in 4, "kah" in the second the last line. line, superfluous. 17:10, "among you" not 45:12, "the eyes of" not translated. translated. 13, " with thy" not trans- 16, the word for " pleased lated. is repeated before " his 21: is headed CHAp. servants." 23: 17, " in all the borders 49: 28, "blessed them; every round about" not one" not translated. translated. Numb. 1:32, "after their families' 24:27, v. numbered incorrect- not translated. ly 28; " Abraham " 8:21, "to cleanse them " not omitted. translated. 30, " and when he heard 10: 8, "the trumpets" not the words of Rebekah translated. his sister," not trans- 19, "of the tribe" not lated. translated. 26:14, "possession"" is not re- 14: 1, reads, according to the peated before " of translation: "And all herds." the people lifted up 27: 23, " his brother" not their voices, and wept translated. that night." 31: is headed CHAp. 27, "evil" not translated. 8 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I663" I have heard the Numb. 29: 6, "his meat-offering, murmurings of the and" not repeated children of Israel, after " burnt-offering." which they murmured 31:48, " and captains of hunagainst me." also omit- dreds " not translated. ted. 32: 14, " fierce " not translated. Numb. 30, "Doubtless shall not " 36: is numbered 26, at the seem not to be trans- head of the page. lated. The text reads, Hosea 2: 9, "in the time thereof, "' They come into the and my wine" not land " &c. translated. 15:39, " your own heart and" 15, "out of the land" not not translated. translated. 16: 47, "Moses " omitted. 3: 4, "many days" not 17: headed CAAP. translated. 18: 4, " and a stranger shall 4: 9, The words for "people" not come nigh unto and" priest " are transyou." not translated. posed, so that the last 9, "every meat-offering of is first in Indian. theirs," not translated. 9:13, " his children" not 13, " every one that is clean translated. in thy house shall eat 12:13, "Lord" not transof it." not translated. lated, or omitted. 19: 9, " without the camp" 13: 14, " the power " not transnot translated. lated. In addition to the above, the headings to Exodus V. and VIII. are misprinted CAAP.; Deuteronomy XXIII. is numbered 6, and XXVIII, 14, at the head of the pages, and the name of the book, is sometimes printed " Deuteronomie," and in one place (verso of Aa) " Deuterenomie;" Job XXVIII. is marked GHAP.; XXXIX, is numbered XXIX at the head of the Chap. and XXXVIII, XXXIX, are marked 28, 29 at top of the page; the 14th Psalm is headed HSAL.; Isaiah XXXIX, is numbered 49 in the running title, and Zechariah XIV. is headed CHVP. The New Testament accompanying this volume, is the same as that already described under 1661, less the English title page, and Epistle dedicatory; the omissions errors remaining uncorrected. The Volume consists of, Old Test., 2 prel. ff., and 414 ff.; New Test. Title p., 126 ff., and one blank leaf; Psalms 50 ff., and Catechism 1 f.; in all 594 ff. 2. THE I HOLY BIBLE: [ containing the I Old Testament [ and the New. i (A black line across the page.) Translated into the Indian Language, and j Ordered to be Printed by the Commissioners of the Vnited Colonies in New-England, I At the Charge, and with the Consent of the I Corporation in England i For the Propagation of the Gospel amongst the -i663.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 9 Indians i in New-England. I (A black line across the page.) Cambridge: I Printed by Samuel Green and JMarmaduke Johnson. i MDCLXIII. f sm. 4. 1 blank leaf; then Title (within an ornamental border, See Facsimile) 1 p; verso, blank; Dedication 4 pp.; at the top of the first, two black lines extend across the page, then a head piece composed of printer's flowers and rules, as follows: the first line has 17 flowers; the second is a black rule; the third has 42 small flowers; the fourth is a black line, and the fifth has the same flowers as the first, but inverted; then follows: To I the high and mighty I Prince, I CHARLES the SECOND, I &C.; this page is marked A3; the " Epistle Dedicatory " terminating on verso of A4. Two black lines, one inch and a half apart, extend across the page below the close of this Epistle. This Dedication, with Title and peliminary blank leaf, forms one sig. in 4s. The recto of the next page is blank; at the top of the verso is an ornamental line composed of 35 printer's flowers, then Booke Wesuongash &c. or, a List of the Books in the Old Testament with the number of chapters in each, the names of the Books being in English; next, a line composed of 18 printer's flowers; then, Wrusku Testan, ente Bookash, or, a List of the Books of the New Testament and the number of chapters in each. This leaf is inserted in the manner of maps. Text: Gen. to Mal. (as in No. 1.); Title to New Testament: Wusku I Wuttestamentum I Nullordumun I Jesus Christ I Nuppoquohwussuaeneumun. I Two black lines across the page, 15 inch apart. Cambridge: I Printed by Samuel Green and lMarmaduTke Johnson. I MDCLXI. [ 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: (same as described under 1661), followed by Psalms in Indian Metie and Catechism, as in No. 1, of 1663, a blank leaf completing sig. N. With the exceptions of the first title page and Dedication, and the absence of the " Star " on the title to the New Testament, this volume is the same as No. 1 of this year. The errors already noted in the Old and New Testaments, are continued, but those in the running titles to Luke XXI and XXIV, having been discovered whilst the work was passing through the press, are here corrected. In working off the form, however, after making these corrections, the last letter of the catchword, "' waabeh," at Luke XXI, was shoved out into the margin and the word is printed'" waabe h "' on recto of L2 in this copy. Hence the curious bibliographer will understand that, irrespective of the difference in the title pages, there are two varieties of Eliot's Indian Testament of 1661: One, with the running titles to Luke XXI and XXIV incorrect, and the catchword on L2 correct; the other, vice versa. In the copies before us, the former variety has the " Star" on the title page. In connection with this subject, it is proper to bear in mind that there are copies of this Bible which vary from our present description in some particulars. In the volumes before us, the New Testament with the " Star " on the title page, accompanies the Old Testament with the Indian Title only, and no Dedication (supra No. 1, 1663); whilst there is no " Star " on the title page to the New Testament of the copy having the first title in English, and the Dedication, or (as it may be designated,) the " Royal " copy of the Eliot Bible. On the other hand, in the " Royal" copy belonging to JOHN ALLAN, Esq., of New York, the Bible with an English Title and Dedication, is accompanied by the New Testament with the " Star " title page. Again, the copy in the Library of the Brown University, R. I., differs from all these. It has the general title in English, (No. 2, 1663.) then the Dedication, and following that, the Indian title page (No. 1, 1663). What other varieties the binder has manufactured we know not. 2 10 AMERICAN BIBLES. [i663It has been already stated that Mr. ELIOT completed the immense labor of translating this Bible in 1658, but the printing of the Old Testament was not commenced until 1660. In September of that year, a sheet of Genesis was transmitted to England. " The printers doubt not but to print a sheet every weeke, and compute the whole to amount to a hundred and fifty sheets."* In September, 1661, the five books of Moses were printed;t in September, 1662, the work was about half done,$ and completed in September, 1663.~ Three years were thus occupied in the publication of the Old Testament. The Corporation had already ordered in April, 1663, "that the Psalmes of David, in meter, shalbee printed in the Indian language." On the 18th, Sept., following, twenty copies of the Bible were ordered to be sent to England, "and as many of the Psalmes, if printed of before the shippes departure from hence." The edition, including the Psalm books, consisted of upwards of 1000 copies.ll Three hundred and sixty-eight reams of paper were used in printing the Bible; the expence ranged from sixty to seventy shillings sterling a sheet. The cost of printing the Psalms was forty shillings a sheet, or ~26, in the whole; of printing the " Epistle dedicatory' to the Bible, ~1, and of c" binding and clasping," two shillings and sixpence per Copy.1 JOHN RATLIFE, the book-binder, objected to this low price, and avowed in a petition to the Commissioners, " that under 3s. 4d. or 3s. 6d. per book," he could not bind them and live comfortably, "' one Bible being as much as he could compleat in one day "' and find the materials.** When completed, twenty copies were ordered to be sent to the Corporation in England, with the following " Epistle Dedicatory:" To the High and Mighty PRINCE, CHARLES the SECOND, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. The Commifioners of the United Colonies in New-England, WiJh all Happinefs. Mofl Dread Soveraign, S our former Prefentation of the New-Teftament was Gracioufly Accepted by Your Majefty; fo with all Humble Thankfulnefs for that Royal Favour, and with the like hope, We are bold now to Prefent the WA H O L E B I B L E, Tranflated into the Language of the Natives of this Country, by A Painful Labourer in that Work, and now Printed and Finijhed, by means of the Pious Beneficence of Your Majefties SubjeCts in England: which alfo by Your Special Favour hath been Continued and Confirmed to the intended Ufe and Advancement of fo Great and Good a Work, as is the Propagation of the Gofpel to thefe poor Barbarians in this (Ere-while) Unknown World. Tranflations of Holy Scripture, The Word of the King of Kings, have ever been deemed not unworthy of the moft Princely Dedications: Examples whereof are extant in divers Languages. But lour Majefty is the Firft that hath Received one in this Language, or from this American 1World, or from any Parts fo Remote from Europe as thefe are, for ought that ever we heard of. Publications alfo of thefe Sacred Writings to the Sons of Men (who here, and here onely, have the Myfteries of their Eternal Salvation revealed to them by the God of Heaven) is a Work that * Hazard's State Papers, II., 428. t Ibid, 441. t Ibid, 456. 1 Ibid, 474. 1 Ibid, 494. ~ Ibid, 489, 495. ** See his Petition in full, in N. Y. Hist. Mag., III., 248. — 1663.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 11 the Greatelf Princes have Honoured themfelves by. But to Publifh' and Communicate the fame to a Loft People, as remote from Knowledge and Civility, much more from Chriftianity, as they were from all Knowing, Civil and Chriftian Nations; a People without Law, without Letters, without Riches, or Means to procure any fuch thing; a People thatfate as deep in Darknefs, and in theJhadow of Death, as (we think) any fince the Creation: This puts a Luifre upon it that is Superlative; and to have given Royal Patronage and Countenance to fuch a Publication, or to the Means thereof, will fland among the Marks of Lafting Honour in the eyes of all that' are Confiderate, even unto After-Generations. And though there be in this Weftern World many Colonies of other Europaean Nations, yet we humbly conceive, no Prince hath had a Return of fuch a Work as this; which may be fome Token of the Succefs of Your Majefties Plantation of NVewz-England, Undertaken and Setled under the Encouragement and Security of Grants from Your Royal Father and Grandfather, of Famous Memory, and Cherifhed with late Gracious Afpects from Your Majefty. Though indeed, the prefent Poverty of thefe Plantations could not have Accomplifhed this Work, had not the forementioned Bounty of England lent Relief; Nor could that have Continued to ftand us in ftead, without the Influence of Your Royal Favour and Authority, whereby the Corporation there, For Propagating the Gofpel among there Natives, hath been Eftablifhed and Encouraged (whofe Labour of Love, Care, and Faithfulnefs in that Truft, muft ever be remembred with Honour.) Yea, when private perfons, for their private Ends, have of late fought Advantages to deprive the faid Corporation of Half the Poffeffions that had been, by Liberal Contributions, obtained for fo Religious Ends; We undertand,'That by an Honourable and Righteous Decifion in Your Majefties Court of Chancery, their Hopes have been defeated, and the Thing Settled where it was and is. For which great Favour, and Illuitrious Fruit of Your Majefties Government, we cannot but return our moft Humble Thanks in this Publick Manner: And, as the Refult of the joynt Endeavours of Your Majefties Subje&s there and here, a~fing under Your Royal Influence, We Prefent rou with this Work, which upon fundry accounts is to be called Tours. The Southern Colonies of the Spani/h Nation have fent home from this American Continent, much Gold and Silver, as the Fruit and End of their Difcoveries and Tranfplantations: That (we confers) is a fcarce Commodity in this Colder Climate. But (futable to the Ends of our Undertaking) we Prefent this, and other Concomitant Fruits of our poor Endeavours to Plant and Propagate the Gofpel here; which, upon a true account, is as much better than Gold, as the Souls of men are more worth then the whole World. This is a Nobler Fruit (and indeed in the Counfels of All-difpofing Providence, was an higher intended End) of Columbus his Adventure. And though by his Brother's being hindred from a feafonable Application, your Famous Predeceffour and Anceftor, King Henry the Seventh, miffed of being fole Owner of that firft Difcovery, and of the Riches thereof; yet, if the Honour of firft Difcovering the True and Saving Knowledge of the Gofpel unto the poor Americans, and of Erefting the Kingdome of 7 E S V S C HR IS T among them, be Referved for, and do' Redound unto your Majefty, and the Englifh Nation, After-ages will not reckon this Inferiour to the other. Religion is the End and Glory of Mankinde: and as it was the Profeffed End of this Plantation; fo we defire ever to keep it in our Eye as our main Defign (both as to our felves, and the Natives about us) and that our Produ&ts may be anfwerable thereunto. Give us therefore leave (Dread Sooveraign) yet again humbly to Beg the Continuance of your Royal Favour, and of the Influences thereof, upon this poor Plantation, The Vnited Colonies of N E W-E N G L A N D, for the Securing and Eftablifhment of our Civil Priviledges, and Religious Liberties hitherto Enjoyed; and, upon this Good Work of Propagating Religion to thefe Natives, that the Supports and Encouragements 12 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I663thereof from England may be ftill Countenanced and Confirmed. May this Nurfling fill fuck the Breaft of Kings, and be foftered by your Majefty, as it hath been by your Royal Predeceffors, unto the Prefervation of its main Concernments; It ihall thrive and profper to the Glory of God, and the Honour of your Majefty: Neither will it be any lofs or grief unto our Lord the King, to have the Bleffing of the Poor to come upon Him, and that from there Ends of the Earth. The God by whom Kings Reign, and Princes Decree Juflice, Blefs Your Majef/y, and EflabliJh Your Throne in Righteoufnefs, in Mercy, and in Truth, to the Glory of His Name, the Good of His People, and to rour own Comfort and Rejoycing, not in this onely, but in another World. According to Lists published in N. Y. Historical Magazine, II. 277; III. 87, 124, Copies of the first edition of the Eliot Bible are owned in this country, by HARVARD UNIVERSITY, AMERICAN PHILOSOPH. SOCIETY, Phila., AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY, JAMES LENOX, N. Y., BOSTON ATHEN-EUM, JOHN ALLAN, N. Y., MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY, HENRY C. MURPHY, Brooklyn, N. Y., BROWN UNIVERSITY, JOHN G. GARDNER, Gardner's Island, N.Y. LIBRARY OF TIIE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCEI, EDWARD EVERETT, Boston, Newport, R. I., GEORGE LIVERMORE, Cambridge, LOGANIAN LIBRARY, Phila., JOHN CARTER BROWN, Providence, R. I. 1678. 1. The Harmony of the Gospels, 1 IN THE HOLY I HISTORY 1 of the iHumiliation and Surferings of I Jesus Christ, 1 from his | INCARNATION j to his I DEATH and BURIAL. I Published by JOHN ELIOT, Teacher I of the Church in Roxbury. I Act 3, 18. But these things which God before had shewed by the mouth I of all his Prophets, that Christ should suffer, he hath so fulfilled. I BOSTON; I Printed by John Foster, in the Year 1678. (Mass. list. Soc. Lib.) sm 4. Title, lf.; verso, Imprimatur; Contents 2pp.; Text pp. 131. The printed portion of the page measures 65 in. by 4 in.; the entire page 7' by 5A inches. The following is the Imprimatur: We having perused this Pious Discourse concerning The I Sufferings of Christ, and observed the Dilligence and I Prudence of the gracious and worthy Author in compiling I it; It having in the reading of it both affected and edified us, We are I perswaded through the Blessing of him that hath put it into the heart I of the Reverend Author to lay out himself this way, it will serve to I promote the Honour of Jesus Christ, and the good of Souls, and j therefore do affix our IMPRIMATVR. THOM/AS THACHER. VRIAN OAKES. JAIMES AdLLEN. INCREASE MATHER. -i685.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 13 1680. 1. VVYSKV WUTTESTAMENTUM I Nul-lordumun I Iesus Christ | Nuppoquohwussuaeneumun. I (Two black lines across the page, seven-eighths of an inch apart.) Cambridge, I Printed for the Right Honourable I CORPORATION in London, for the I propogation of the Gospel among the In- I dians in New-England 1680. I sm. 4. With Bible of 1685, q. v. The literal Translation of the Indian words in the title is: The New I Testament I our Lord I Jesus Christ I delivered. 1685. 1. MAMVSSE I WUNNEETUPANATAMWE - Up-Biblum God i Ianeeswe ( Nukkone Testament l kah wonk 1 Wusku Testament. j (A black line across the page.) Ne quoshkinnumuk nashpe Wuttinneumoh Christ 1 noh asoowesit I JOHN ELIOT. i NahohtOeu ontchetoe Printeuoomuk. I (A black line across the page.) Cambridge. I Printeuoop nashpe Samuel Green. MDCLXXXV. ] sm. 4. Title within a border of printer's flowers, 1 f.; verso blank; Text: Gen. to Mal. sigs. A to verso of Pppppl in 4s; below the end of the Text, Wuhkukquosinnog Quoshodtumwatnuog (meaning, The End of the Prophets), under which two black lines, one inch and a half apart, extend across the page; then one leaf, the recto whereof is blank, on the top of the verso, a head-piece consisting of two ornamental lines, one of 36, and the other of 44, printer's flowers; then Booke Wesuongash, &c. (Names of the Books and numbers of Chapter in each Book of the 0. Test.), the names of the Books being in English; two ornamental lines (as above) across the page, Indian heading: Wuskut Testamente Bookash. (Books of the New Testament), with names of the Books in English; at bottom of page, James 1: 16, in Indian; Title to New Testament within a border of printer's flowers: VVusku i Wuttestamentum I Nul-lordumun I Iesus Christ I Nuppoquohwussuaeneumun. I (Two black lines across the page, seven-eighths of an inch apart.) Cambridge, I Printedfor the Right Honourable I CORPORATION in London, for the I propogation of the Gospel among the In- I dians in NewEngland 1680. I 1 p.; verso, blank; Text, Mat. to Rev. sigs. A2 to recto of Kk2 in 4s; at foot of the text, "Finis" between 2 black lines which extend across the page; verso of Kk2, blank; then follow Psalms in Indian metre, without a title page but with a heading in these words: Wame I Ketoohamae uketoohomaongash I David. I surmounted by an ornamental head-piece composed of 38 printer's flowers and a broken line beneath; sigs. Kk3 to verso of Yy4 which closes with an additional metrical 14 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I685version of the 150th Psalm and the word " Finis.;" then Catechism in Indian, 2pp. the first having an ornamental line of 17 printer's flowers at top; the second, " Finis," at the end.* The size of the printed page (including running title, catchword and marginal references) is 65 in. by 45 inches full. The volume consists of 607 leaves; viz: Old Test. 424 iff.; List of Books 1 f.; New Testament 129 ff.;'Psalms 50 ff.; Catechism 1 f. and titles 2 ff. Genesis, Matthew and the Psalms commence each with an ornamental initial letter; that to Mat. is the same as in the first editions; but Genesis and Psalms have a small Roman capital in what the French call an ornamented passe partoaut. There are Italic headings to the chapters (except a few of Proverbs and some others mentioned below), and to the columns of text; the former being in English and the latter in Indian. The marginal references are in English and also ill Italic; the names of the Books and numbers of the Chapters are in Roman on the verso and recto of each leaf. The omissions in the text, and the other errors noted in the first edition of the New Testament, and of the Bible, are rectified in this edition, to the revision of which the Rev. John Cotton of Plymouth greatly contributed. But the press was, notwithstanding, corrected in a somewhat careless manner, as is demonstrated by the following List of Errata in the brief summaries to the Chapters, and in the running titles of this Edition. Genesis c. 5: geneology. Lev. 9: marked, at top of the page, 14: battel.... rescured.... ttihes. Cpap. 9. 15: no summary to this Chap. 16: fin-offering, for sin-offering. 24: sneh..... scape gaot. 35: w$ e 20: wizads. 26: marked, at top of the page, 23: verso of P4 is headed Chap. 16. 23. instead of, Leviticus. 28: flone, for, stone. Numb. 33: v. 41 is numbered 42. 32: headed CHAF. 35: marked, at top of the page 41: v. 47 is marked 48, and v. 25. 48, marked 49. Deut. 2: flory, for, story. 49: hzurial, for burial. 8: running title,Deuterenomy. 50: suneral, for, funeral. 10: Deuterinomy. Exod. 1: Isracl mnltiply. 28: erinomy. 10: Gf darkness.. hart hardned. 13: stonded to death. 25: Candlefleck 21: diisnherited 27: ole 22: Cf humanity 30: verso of L1 is headed Chap. Josh. 7: Ifra ites.... confefston 30, instead of, Exodus. 11: headed KHAP. 39: breast pleate. 12: wutch, for, which 40: santified. 17: driveh Lev. 2: firstfrnits. Judg. 5: no headings to this Chap. * A writer in 1 Mass. Hist. boll., VIII., 12, 33, states, that "Eliot's Indian Grammar is printed in some editions of the Indian Bibles." Such instances must be considered exceptional. -i-685.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 15 Ruth. 3: instrustion Jer. 23: reflouration, for, restaura1. Sam. 11: reporchful: tion. 13: destress 44: marked 45, at top of page. 28: reuine Ezek. 12: " 13, " 2. Sam. 3: killeth 21: " 22, " 14: feitch 25: vengence 1. Kgs. 13: obstinace Dan. 11: marked 10, at top of page. 19: marked, at top of page, 29. Hos. 11: ingratiude 20: " -" " 21. Joel 1: running title, Joel, instead 22: verso of yy2, headed Chap. of Chap. 1. 22. instead of, I. Kings. Zeph. 2: Philiflians 2. Kgs. 1: miarked at top of the page, Zach. 3: Vnter, for vnder. II. Kings, instead of Mat. 7: running title, Matthaw. Chap. 1. Wise huilter, for, Wise 2: Jardon builder., 1. Chron. 6: prist s 10: headed, BHAP. 10: kingness 14: headed, CHPA XIIII. 2. Chron. 2: buillding 21: Driveth the buyeres 24: marked, at top of page, 14. 28: headed, CHPA Neh. 5: morgage.... reflitution: Mark 9: v. 23 numbered 33. 7: of them them which 16: three woman. Esth. 4: l no summaries to these Luke 1: v. 64 numbered 74. 5: I chapters. 11: cafleth Out a dumb devil. Job 16: l marked at top of the page, 14: Teaeheth 17: 1 16, I7. 15: peices of Silvar. Ps. 81: dudy 16: porable.... Pharifees. 85: codinuance 22: headed CAHP. 99: of forefathers, for, of their John 1: Humvnity forefathers,... holy bill, for, 6: heareers holy hill. 7: tabernables. 126: selebrating 9: headed CAHP. Prov. 7: an enxample 16: trihulation 22: marked CAAP. Acts 2: appearene of the eloven Eccl. 10: Obsarvations tongues. 12: antodote 10: headed CAHP. v. 37, numIs. 10: tyrans bered 38; v. 42, numbered 14: triumhant.... Chap. print- 32; v. 44, numbered 34. ed, CAAP. 11: The Gospel peached 23: There, for, Their 13: Gentiles beleve. The Jews 26: cofilen e hlaspheme. 49: number of Chap. omitted at 14: creeple, Chap. numbered 15, top of the page. at top of the page. 56: invigheth 16: v. 27 numbered 37. - 59: marked, CAAP. 20: praeheth 61: forwaodness. 21: Jeriusdlem, 65: stat of the new Jernsalem 25: numbered 15, at top of the Jer. 21: marked 20 at top of thepage. page. 16 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I685Acts 26: v. 19, numbered 18. Jam. 4: coveteousness....judgmet Rom. Wutopistleum, p r i n t e d 5: odversity,-Chapter headed WutepistIeum. BHAP. 4: ritghteousness 2 Pet. 1: knowing 10: rtghteeusness.... beliver 1 John 5:headed CAAP.-no sum11: Isral. mary to Chap. 13: drnnkenness, for, drunken- 21 16: ns John no summaries. ness 3 16: sandeth Jude 1: profossion of the faih.... 1. Cor. WutepistIeum. teabbers... borrible, for hor1: fvlutation rible.... assistanc. 2: praching Rev. 1: comming 7: marriage, 2: headed, CHAPt..... agels, 10: diviles. os....foundwant ig 15: prvveth 4: Tbe.... Elder, for,Elders.. 16: numbered 26, at top of the 6. Ths, for The.... easts page. 5: worthy.... redetmed 2. Cor. 9: bouutif'ull 6: propheecy Ephes. 1: adoptiou..... onr 7: Servents.... othor....washtd 6: no summary to Chapter. rhe throne 1. Thes. 2: running title, Theffalo- 8: iucense.... sainrs 3: ) nians. 9: srst.... a'gsls. 4: resnrrecttion......udgdment. 10: headed, CAAP. 2. Thes. 3: idleneness 12: travileth... delvired....wild1. Tim. 3: things ernese...pcrsecuteth 6: Servents 17: hend, fitteth.... punushment 2. Tim. 3: )no summaries to these 19: headed, CHAPt... bleud 4: ) Chapters..... marrage Titus 3: headed, BHAB. Psalm 44: headed, ISAL. Heb. 2: onght.... npon in 103: headed, dSAL. 4: headed CAAP. Metre. 104: headed, PSHL. 9: sacrsices 13: clarits, NOTE. This edition contains 2 versions N. B. The ~ at the close of each of of the 100th, 130th, 131st, 133d, 134th, the preceding Epistles, is omitted in this and 150th Psalms. The 1st Psalm only Volume. is headed in full " Psalm "-all the rest Jam. 1: tnder " Psal." The running titles are very 3: peaceable, incorrect. The proposition to print this second edition was submitted by Mr. ELIOT to the Commissioners of the New England Colonies on the 20th March, 1678-9; but after some debate, it was judged most expedient to refer the determination of the matter to the next meeting.* The printing was commenced, we presume, the following year, and, as in the instance of the first edition, with the New Testament; for we find Mr. Eliot informing Mr. Boyle, Nov. 4, 1680, that they were on the 19th chap. of the Acts, and he intended, when they had " impressed the New Testament," to proceed with * Hazard's State Papers, II, 539, 540. -I685] AMERICAN BIBLES. 17 the " preparing and impressing the Old." * The progress of the work seems, however, to have been slow. Writing in March 1681 Mr. Eliot says: We have but one man (viz. the Indian printer) that is able to compose the sheets, and correct the press, with understanding. One tenth part or near of the Bible work is done. We are in Leviticus. On the 22d April, 1684, he again writes: We have but few hands, one Englishman and a boy and one Indian. t The work was completed in October of the following year. The edition was 2000. Prince's copy of this Bible, in the New England Library, has on the second leaf the following Dedication, to which public attention has already been directed by GEo. LIVERMORE, Esq., of Boston, who has had it printed in facsimile. TO THE HONOURABLE Robert Boyle Efq: G 0 V E R N O U R, And to the COMPANY, for the Propagation of The Gofpel to the Indians in New-England, and Parts adjacent in Amverica. Honourable Srs. T Here are more than thirty years paffed fince the Charitable and Pious Colletions were made throughout the Kingdom of England, for the Propagation of the Gofpel to the Indians, Natives of His MAJESTIES Territories in America; and near the fame time: Since by His late MAJESTIES favour of ever bleJed Memory, the Affair was ereced into an Honourable Corporation by Charter under the Broad Seal of England; in all which time our jelves and thofe that were before us, that have been rour Stewards, and managed Tour Trufl here, are witneffes of rour earnef/ and Jincere endeavours, that that good Work might profper and Jfouri/h, not only by the good management of the Eflate committed to rou, but by rour own Charitable and Honourable Additions thereto; whereof this fecond Edition of the HOL BIBLE in their own Language, much correced and amended, we hope will be an everlafting witnefs; for wherefoever this Gofpel /hall be Preached, this alfo that you hamve done, /hall be jpoken of for a Memorial of you; and as it hath, lo it Jhall be our fludious dejire and endeavour, that the fuccefs amongst the Indians here, in reducing them into a civil and holy life, may in Some meafure an/wer the greatand necefoary Expences thereabouts: And our humble Prayer to Almighty God, that rou may have the glorious Reward of your Serzvice, both in this and in a better World. We are Your Honours moit Humble and Faithful Servants, Boflon Oftrob. 23. William Stoughton. I68 5. Jofeph Dudley. Peter Bulkley. Thomas Hinckley. Though the purpose for which this Translation was originally undertaken has failed, and the immediate expectations of its patrons have been disappointed, the labors of the pious Missionary have answered an important end which he, perhaps, never anticipated. In connection with his Grammar, this rare volume affords invaluable aid in the study of Indian philology; and furnishes the means of acquiring an insight into the structure and character of the Algonquin language, which otherwise would have been forever lost to the learned. It is, says Duponceau, "a rich and * 1 Mass. Hist. Coill., III, 180. t 1 Mass. Hist. Coill., III, 181, 186. t Francis's Life of Eliot, 238. 3 18 AMERICAN BIBLES. [1707valuable mine; a complete grammar and dictionary might, with labor and perseverance, be extracted from it; for there is hardly a mode or figure of speech, which is not to be found somewhere in the sacred writings. Every copy of it, that is yet extant, ought to be preserved with the greatest care, as it is hardly to be hoped that it will ever be entirely reprinted." * According to Lists in N. Y. Historical Magazine, II, 277; III, 157, Copies of this edition are owned in this country, by NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY, PHILADELPHIA LIBRARY, HISTORICAL SOCIETY, New York, AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, PhilaHARVARD UNIVERSITY, delphia, AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY, YALE COLLEGE, NEW ENGLAND LIBRARY, Boston, JAMES LENOX, New York, BOSTON ATHENiUM, -GEORGE W. PRATT, New York, MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY, EDWARD EVERETT, Boston, ANDOVER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, GEORGE LIVERMORE, Cambridge, TOWN OF NATICK, JOHN CARTER BROWN, Providence, BOWDOIN COLLEGE, Maine, GEORGE BRINLEY, Hartford. Copies, the dates of which are not ascertained, are owned by CONGREGATIONAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Boston, REV. DR. ALLEN, Northampton, Mass. 1707. 1. ST. JOHN. Chapter I, v. 1-28. (In Indian and English on opposite pages.) Boston: N. E. Re-printed by B. Green, 1707. (L.) 12. This portion of Scripture forms 4 pp. (2 in Indian and 2 in English) at the end of a Tract (also printed in Indian and English) entitled, A Discourse Concerning the Institution and Observation of the Lord's Day, delivered in Boston, 4 d. 1 m. 1703. By Rev. Cotton Mather. The Indian translation is by Rev. Experience Mayhew. 1709. 1. THE I GOSPEL | According to JOHN, I In Columns of Indian and -English. I Search the Scriptures, &c. I Boston, N. E. ] Printed by B. Green, and J. Printer, for the i Honourable COMPANY for the Propa- [ gation of the Gospel in NewEngland, &c. 1 1709. 1 (B.; G. L.; L.) 12. This Gospel forms 101 pp. of The Massachuset Psalter, by the Rev. Experience Mayhew of Martha's Vineyard, who was employed by the Commissioners of the society for the propagation of the gospel among the N. E. Indians, to make a new version of the Psalms and the Gospel of John: he executed the work in collateral columns, English and Indian, with great accuracy. 2 Mass. Hist. Coll., III, 68. * 2 Mass. Hist. Coill., IX, ix. -I7I3-] AMERICAN BIBLES. 19 1710, 1713. 1. BIBLIA AMERICANA. The SACRED SCRIPTURES of the OLD and NEW Testament.; Exhibited, in the Order of Time, wherein the several and successive Occurrences, may direct the Placing and Reading of them: Which Exhibition alone, will do the service of a Valuable Commentary. With, I. A proper Notice taken of those Instances, wherein the most Polite and Pious Masters in Philology, have expressed their wishes to see the Common Translation Amended and Refined. II. A Rich Collection of ANTIQUITIES, which the studious Researches of Inquisitive and Judicious Men in the later Ages, have recovered; for a sweet Reflection of Light from thence upon the Heavenly Oracles; Especially those wherein the Idolatry, the Oeconomicks, the Politicks, the.fgriculture, the drchitecture, the Art of War, the Music, the Habits, and the Diets in the former Ages, may be referr'd unto. III. The Laws of the Israelitish Nation in these Pandects of Heaven, interpreted; and the Original and Intention thereof, rescued from the Mis-interpretations, that some famous writers have put upon them. With a particular History of the City JERUSALEM, under its wondrous Vicissitudes, from the days of Melchizedeck, down to Ours; and a Relation of the present & wretched Condition, in which it waits, the Time tofavour the set Time to come on. IV. The TYPEs of the Bible, accommodated with their.ntitypes: And this Glorious Book of God, now appearing a Field, that yields a marvellous Mixture of Holy Profit and Pleasure, in those Paragraphs of it, which have sometimes appeared the least Fruitful with Instruction. V. Golden Treasures, and more to be desired than such, fetch'd out of those very unpromising Heaps, the TALMUDS, and other Jewish Writings; not only to illustrate the Oracles once committed unto the distinguished Nation; but also to demonstrate the Truths of Christianity. VI. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY call'd in to serve Scriptural Religion. The fairest Hypotheses of those Grand Revolutions, the Making, the Drowning, and the Burning of the WORLD, offered. The Astronomical Affairs, the Meteors, the Minerals, the Vegetables, the Animals, the Diseases, the Anatomical Curiosities, and what relates to the Invisible World of Good or Evil Spirits, mention'd in these immortal Pages, represented with the Best Thoughts of our Times upon them. To all which there is added, The Christian Virtuoso, with a Commentary of the more Modern and Certain Philosophy on, His Work which men behold; Embellished with the Discoveries which our Days at Length have made of Things wherein the Glorious GOD of Nature calls for our Wonders & our Praises. VII. The CHRONOLOGY of this admirable Book, every where cleared, from all its Difficulties; and the Clock of Time set right, in its whole motion, from the Beginning which He that Inhabits Eternity gave unto it. Besides the most Accurate Harmony of the Gospel, that has yet been offered among them that Tknow the Joyful Sound. VIII. The G.EOGRAPHY of it Survey'd; The Scituation especially of Paradise, & of Palestine laid out: With an Account how the whole Earth has been Peopled: And many Notable and Enlightning Things contributed unto this Work, by Travellers of unspotted Veracity, by whose Running to and fro Knowledge has been increased. IX. A Sort of Twenty ninth Chapter of the ACTS; Or, An elaborate 20 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I7I3 — and entertaining History, of what has befallen the Israelitish Nation, in every Place, from the Birth of our great REDEEMER to this very Day: And the present Condition of that Nation, the Reliques of the Ten, as well as of the Two Tribes (and of their Anoient Sects,) yet existing in the several parts of the World, where they are now dispersed, at this Time, when their approaching Recovery from their sad and long Dispersion is hoped for. X. The HISTORIES of all Ages, brought in, to show how the Prophecies of this Invaluable Book, have had their most punctual Accomplishment, and strongly established Conjectures, (yet made with all due Modesty,) on such as yet remain to be accomplished: In the prosecution whereof, the Reader finds an entire Body of Church-History, brought into his Possession. XI. The true Doctrine of the CHILIAD, which more opens & breaks in upon the more considerate Enquirers, as the Day approaches, brought in as a Key to very much of the Wealth, which the Church of GOD enjoys in this Book of the Kingdom. Whereto are added, the most unexceptionable Thoughts bf the ablest Writers on the.pocalypse. defecated from the more Arbitrary and less Defensible Conceits, of overdoing Students in the Prophecies. XII. Some Essays to Illustrate the Scriptures from EXPERIMENTAL PIETY, or the Observations of Christian Experience. With many of the Excellent Things, observed in and extracted from the Holy Scriptures that make Wise unto Salvation, especially by the North-British Expositors, who with a penetrating and peculiar Search after Hints for Christian Practice, have been found worthy to Open many Books of the Bible. And many Thousands of curious Notes, found scattered and shining, in the Writings both of the Ancients and the Moderns, laid here together, in a grateful Amassment of them. All done with a most Religious & Inviolate and Perpetual Regard unto the Principles of Religion, which are the Life of the Reformed Churches. By the Blessing of CHRIST on the Labours of an dAmerican. In Two VOLUMES. In 1710, the Rev. Cotton Mather, author of the above Work, issued Proposals for its publication. These proposals are to be found, Mr. LIVERMORE informs me, at the end of one of Mr. Mather's Tracts, entitled, Bonifacius, or, Essays to do Good. Boston, 1710. Not meeting, then, with the desired encouragement, the author turned his attention again to the subject in 1713, as appears by his Diary, from which S. F. HAVEN, Esq. of New Haven, politely furnishes the following extract: "December. It seems now high time for me to come into action & do what my hand finds to do that ye Biblia Americana may be brought forth into the World. Let me therefore publish a sheet entitled.J New Offer to ye LTovers of Religion 4 Learning, therein giving an account of the work, & so an opportunity for subscriptions towards ye encouragement of it; and not only spread Copies of that Offer through this country but also send them to Europe." Proposals were issued a third time, after Mr. Mather's death, in 1728, but no printer could be found to hazard the undertaking; and the manuscript, as it came from the author's pen, is now in the Library of the Massachusetts Historical Society, in Six Volumes Folio. The title page above printed is borrowed from,./ New Offer to the Lovers of Religion and Learning, a copy of which is in the Library of the American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass. — I78.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 21 1715. 1. GENESIS. Chapters I, II, III, in Mohawk. Printed by William Bradford in New York, 1715. (L.) sm.4. This portion of the Scriptures is contained in a volume entitled: The Morning and Evening Prayer, &c. Translated into the Mahaque Indian Language by Lawrence Claesse, Interpreter to William d.ndrews, Missionary to the Indians, &c. 1. THE GOSPEL of St. MATTHEW, Chapter I, v. 18-23; Chapters II and V, with various detached sentences from the New Testament. In the Mohawk language, in the above mentioned Book of Common Prayer. 1718. 1. EXODUS. Chapter XV, v. 1-18; Chapter XX, v. 2-17; Chapter XXIV, v. 6, 7; DEUTERONOMY, Chapter XXXII, v. 3-43; 1 SAMUEL, Chapter 11, v. 1-10; ECCLESIASTES, Chapters XI, v. 9, 10, and XII, v. 1-14; CANTICLES, Chapters I, II, VIII (several verses); ISAIAH, Chapter XII, v. 1-6; Chapter XXVI, v. 1-21; Chapter LVI, v. 1-7; LVIII, v. 13, 14, in blank lyric verse. (In Psalterium Americanum.) Boston: N. E. Printed by S. Kneeland, for B. Eliot, S. Gerrish, D. Henchman, and J. Edwards, and Sold at their Shops. 1718. (N. Y. State Library; L.; B.; G.L.) 16. 1. ST. MATTHEW. Chapter VI, 9-13; Chapter V, 3-13; Chapter XI, 4, 5; LUKE, II, 10, 11, 14, 24-32; Chapter XII, 33, 34; ROMANS, Chapter V, 6-11; Chapter VIII, 30-32; 1 CORINTHIANS, XI, 23-26; EPHESIANS, Chapter I, 3, 4; Chapter II, 4-6; Chapter V, 21, 23-25, 28, 33; HEBREWS, Chapter XII, 5-7, 10, 11, and sundry other texts of the New Testament, in blank lyric verse. (In Psalterium Americanum, as above.) Boston: S. Kneeland. 16. 22 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I7421742. 1. THE SONG OF SONGS, which is SOLOMON'S: First Turn'd, then Paraphras'd in English Verse. 15th Edition. Boston: Printed by Tho. Fleet, for D. Henchman in Cornhill. 1742. (B.) 24. In a volume entitled SPIRITUAL SONGS, and attributed to Rev. John Mason, A. M. Cotton's Editions of the Bible, 8vo, 1852, p. 76. 1743. 1. BIBLIA, I Zao ift I /ie I 4eiiffie dtift I MOtep unb nteue I zeftamentt, I I a4)terIeutfd)en Ueberfetung I.lartin utIter, I Sit jet'e (apitelW fureen ~ummacrien, aund) I egefiiten tielen un0 ria)tifen'Parllelen; I 9ebft einem wn)ang I SeO ritten unb Wierten 3utd Cifrt unlb be I britten ft3ud) b'er Taccabcter. (An ornamental line across the page.) 0ermantoWn: ( 1ebrudt be~ Otriftopt) autr, 1743. i (L.; G..L.) 4. Title, 1 p.; verso, blank; Vorrede, 1 p. having an ornamental head piece at the top consisting of four lines, the first composed of 36 printer's flowers, then two rows of stars, and the fourth line the same as the first, but the flowers inverted; Verzeichnisz aller BUcher I Des Alten und Neuen Testaments. I 1 p. This list is accompanied by an Index indicating the number of the page at which each Book commences. Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 1-805; Apocrypha (in similar type), pp. 806 to the Prayer of Manas. ses, which ends on the upper part of p. 949; the 3d and 4th Books of Ezra, and 4th Book of Maccabees (in smaller type), pp. 949-995, filling one-third of that p. " Ende des dritten Buchs der Maccabaer, und des Anhangs des alten Testaments." Beneath, a Seraph's head and wings; the remainder of p. 995 and its verso are blank. Sigs. A to Kkkkkk2 in 4s. an 9tleue I Zectanlent I llnfer I Qj rrt lIlmb )et)fa1nbeb 3| fu (1rifti, I 9Berteutfcd)t Boon Ir. r arti Qittfer. I Vit I 3ebe0 Cnpite[6 fIruten I uemam. riel, I ud) betlgefiigteu tielIen ric)tigen I TaratUeile. I (An ornamental line across the page.) Oermantotvn: I 1ebrtuctt umb aut finben bel) C5Iriftopf eattr, 1743. 1 p. verso, Verzeuchnisz der Biicher des Neuen Testaments; Text: Mat. to Rev. pp. 3-277; at the end of Rev.: Der Ofrenbarung S. Johannis, und des Neuen Testaments Ende, beneath which, another Seraph's head and wings. Register der Episteln und Evangelium, 3 pp., not numbered; "Ende," on last p.; Kurtzer Begriff. Von den Heiligen Schrifften und deren I Uebersetzungen. Mit etlichen Anmer- [ ckungen. 1 4 pp. in double columns. Sigs. A2 to Mm, all in 4s except the last, which is in 68.. This is the first Bible printed in this country in a European language. The 1st, 4th, 6th, 8th, 11th and 14th lines of the first or general title, are printed in red, the others in black; the title to the New Testament is in black ink; an ornamental head piece, 1s inches wide, extends across the page at the beginning of- Genesis, and there is another ornamental head piece at the commencement of Matthew; the other pp. have each two black lines at the top, between which are printed the name of the Book, the -1743.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 23 number of the Chapters on the page and brief summary of the contents. The text is reprinted from the 34th Halle edition of Luther's Bible, more than 100 errors in which were corrected. It is in double columns, and the parallel references are at the end of their respective verses. The signature letters to the Old Testament are in German, to the New Testament in Roman, characters. The covers of the Volume are wood boards, each three-eighths of an inch thick, covered with calf; each board being further protected by five brass rivets and two clasps. The edition consisted of about 1000 copies, and the price of the Book was two dollars and a half. The types with which this Volume was printed, were imported from Germany. Twelve copies of the Volume were in return sent to Europe. Mr. Lenox saw, in 1856, what may have been one of those copies, in the City Library of Frankfort on the Main. It was as fresh and in as good order as if it had just left the hands of the binder, and was supposed to have been a present from Saur to Hainrich E-hrenfried Luther, from whom he had received or purchased the type. Mr. Luther presented it to the above library, as appears from an inscription pasted on the inside of the cover, and which is in these words: Sanctum Hunc Codicem in India Occidentali nullo plane Exemplo et Nec Anglico, nec Batavo, nec alio quovis idiomate antehac Nuper vero Germanico Primum Et quidem Typis Officinve sure favente numine Excusum Splendide Hujus Civitatis Bibliothecme Dono Dat H. E. Luther J. N. D et C. W. A. Francofurti quod ad Manum est Kalendis Junii. MDCCXLIV. 2. THE SONG OF SONGS, which is SOLOMON'S: First Turn'd, then Paraphras'd in English Verse. 16th Edition. Boston: Printed by Green, Bushell and Allen, for D. Henchman in Cornhil. 1743. (G. L.; B.) 24. In a volume entitled Spiritual Songs. See 1742. 24 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I745_ 1745. 1. 4a1 %Reue I zeftament I infer~ I.(/rrn iinb $elanbeI I 3(fiu $/~rifti, I Berteufd)t I tson I D. lartin vutIer I Vit I $ebeG apitel Siiruten I Ziimarien. I'ud) beqgefiigten i/eien ridti'gen I 3paraffelen, Iermcntown I 5etriifdt /inb ii finten by Qriftopt oaur, 1745. 1 8. Title (printed in red and black lines), 1 p.; verso, blank; Vorrede, signed C. S. 1 p.; Verzefichniss der Bicher &c. 1 p.; Text: Mat. to Rev. pp, 1-592; Register der Episteln Uind Evangelien, &c., 3 pp.; Episteln uind Evangelien der Apostel-Tage, &c., 1 p.; sigs. W to verso of Sp32 in 8 s. Text in double columns; references in Roman. This is the first edition of the New Testament, printed in German, in this country, by the son of the Christopher Saiir, who published the 4to Bible, Germantown, 1743, and retired from business in 1744. 1752. 1. THE SONGS of MOSES, Exodus, Chap. XV; Deuteronomy, Chap. XXXII; The SONG of DEBORAH, Judges, Chap. V; PROVERBS, Chap. VIII (abridged); and parts of ISAIAH, Chap. II, IX, XLV, LIII, LV, paraphrased in verse. By John Barnard, Pastor of a Church in Marblehead. Boston: N. E. Printed by J. Draper, for T. Leverett, in Cornhill. 1752. (N. Y. State Library.) 12. In Barnard's New Version Qf the Psalms of David. 2. THE SONG of MARY; The SONG of ZACHARIAS; The ANGEL'S MESSAGE and SONG; The SONG of SIMEON, Luke, Chap. I, II; and The SONG Of JOHN the Divine, Rev. I, v. 5, 6, paraphrased in verse. 8. Also in the last mentioned work. 1755. 1. t)at teue I teftawent i &c., as in No. 1, 1745. 5ermanten I (geCrudt unb au inben bet Plriftvp4 Saur, 1755. 8. Title (in red and black lines) 1 f.; verso, blank; Vorrede, signed C. S. 1 p.; Verzeuchniss, 1 p.; Text: Mat. to Rev. pp. 1-562; Registers, 4 pp. sigs. 9W to verso of 91n3 in 8s. Text in double columns; references in Roman. This is represented as the second edition of Saur's Testament. -1764.]1 AMERICAN BIBLES. 25 1760. 1. Tab ]etue,eftament, &c., as in No. 1, 1745. @ermanton I 5bebrudt unb At finben bep fft)riftop) Eaur, 1760. 1 12. 1763. 1. BIBLIA, I tIz ifft I Ze I ieifte c riift I UIte uI nb 9leuC I Teftament6, I &c., as in No. 1, of 1743. ermantomnl I (ebruCdt bet trriftop4 Daur, 1763. 1 (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Vorrede, 1 p. (This is different from that of 1743, and is signed " Chr. Saur," and dated Germantown, den 8ten December 1763.) Verzeichnisz aller BUcher, &c., 1 p.; Text: Gen. to Mal. pp. 1-805; Apocrypha to Manasses' prayer (in smaller type), pp. 806-949; 3d and 4th books of Ezra and 3d book of Maccabees pp. 849-992; sigs. A to Iiiiii4 in 4s; Title to the New Test. same as that to the ed.. of 1743, 1 p.; Verzeichnisz, &c., 1 p.; Text: Mat. to Rev. pp. 3-277; Register 3 unnumbered pp.; sigs. A to Mm4, in 4 s. The type of the general title is set closer than that of the 1st edition; some of the letters in the title of the New Test. differ in size from those used on the corresponding title of the ed. of 1743; the type of pp. 987-992, containing a part of the last chapter of 4th Ezra and the whole of 3d Mac., is smaller than the other part of the Apocrypha. The sigs. to the Old Test. are in Black letter; those to the New Test. in Roman. This volume is entirely reprinted. The titles are printed entirely in black. 1. Da c Leue I Zeftament I Unfer I ]t(rrn unb Spe'lane~ I 3vf[ u &grifti, I 3erteutfdt I Oon I D. Martin vutter. I "it I $e-e capiteI fWurent I Zummarien. I ud bevgefiigten dieten ri'tigen I araudeen. I termantomnn, I qebrntdt un Ut fanben be~) (f)riftopt (Sur, 1763. 1 (L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Vorrede, 1 p. signed, C. S.; Verzeichnisz, 1 p.; Text: Mat. to Rev. pp. 1-679; Register der Episteln, &c., 4 pp., not numbered; sigs. W to af6 in 12s. This is the fourth edition of Saur's Testament. Printed in double columns. 1764. 1. THE PROVERBS Of SOLOMON. (In The New-England Psalter.) Boston: i Printed by D. and J. IKneeland, opposite I the Probate-Office, in Queen-Street, for I Wharton and Bowes. 1764. 1 (Conn. Hist. Soc.) sm. 8. 4 26 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I7651. ST. MATTHEW. Chapters V, VI, VII, or, Christ's Sermon on the Mount. (In The New-England Psalter.) Boston: Printed by D. and J. IKneeland, opposite the ProbateOffice, in Queen-Street, for Wharton and Bowes. 1764. (Conn. Hist. Soc.) sinm. 8. 1765. 1. VERBUM j SEMPITERNUM. [ The Third Edition I With Amendments. i Boston: Printed I for, and sold byI N. Proctor,; near Scarlet's Wharffe. I n. d. (G. L.) 142. The 1st title is without any date; but on that of the New Testament, " Salvator Mundi." 1765. This is an exact reprint of the Third London edition of The Thumb Bible of 1693. ~1766. 1. ST. MATTHEW. Chapter VI, 9-13. (In, An Essay on the Lord's Prayer. By Samuel Mather, A. M., Pastor of a Church in Boston, New-England.) Boston: Printed by Kneeland and Adams, in Milk-Street, for Wharton and Bowes, in Corn-hill. MDCCLXVI. (Mass. Hist. Soc.) 8. The following is the Author's version of the Prayer: " Our Father, who art in the Heavens; sanctified be thy Name; Thy Kingdom come; Thy Will be done, as in Heaven, so upon the Earth; Give us to Day that our Bread, the supersubstantial And forgive us our Debts, as we forgive them who are our Debtors: And introduce us not into afflictive Trial; but deliver us from the wicked One: Because thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Gloryfor the ages: Amen!" The Italics are the Author's. 1768. 1. THE PROVERBS of SOLOMON. (In The New-England Psalter.) Boston: [ Printed by Edes and Gill, in Queen-Street, I M,DCC,LXVIII. [ (B.) sm. 8. 1. ST. MATTHEW. Chapters V, VI and VII. (In The NewEngland Psalter.) Boston: Edes and Gill. 1768. (B.) sm. 8. 1769. 1. GENESIS. Chapters I, II, III. In a volume entitled: The Order for Morning and Evening Prayer, &c., collected and translated into the Mohawk Language under the direction -I77I1] AMERICAN BIBLES. 27 of the late Rev. Mr. William Andrews, the late Rev. Dr. Henry Barclay, and the Rev. Mr. John Oglivie: formerly the Mohawk Indians. Printed in the year M,DCC,LXIX. (N. Y. Hist. Soc.) 8. 1. Za3 Seue I;eftitment I &c., as in No. 1, 1763. Ed)fte Wuftage. I (germantotn I ebmtrudt unb abt Fnben bet rifrt/ opI Eaur, 1769. 1 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Vorrede, signed C. S. 1 p.; Verzeichniss, 1 p.; Text: Mat. to Rev. pp. 5-529; Registers, 3 pp.; sigs. ~3 to verso of 32; references in German characters. This is the sixth edition of Saur's Testament. 2. THE GOSPEL of ST. MATTHEW. Chapter I, v. 18-23; Chapters II and V, with various detached sentences from the New Testament. Printed in the year M,DCC,LXIX. 8. In Mohawk Book of Common Prayer, supra, No. 1, 1769. 1770. 1. GENESIS. Chapter I, v. 1-26; Printed by John Fleeming at his Printing Office in Newbury-Street, nearly opposite the White-Horse Tavern, Boston. n. d. (G. L.) fol. This portion of the Scriptures accompanied Proposals issued by the above printer for republishing the Rev. Samuel Clarke's edition of the Bible. It was announced as " the first Undertaking of the kind EVER attempted in America." The project fell through for want of encouragement. 2. THE PROVERBS of SOLOMON. (In The New-England Psalter.) Boston: i Printed by D. Kneeland, in Queen-Street, I for Thomas Leverett in Cornhill. 1770. (L.) 12. 1. ST. MATTHEW. Chapters V, VI and VII. (In The NewEngland Psalter.) Boston: D. IKneeland, for Thomas Leverett. 1770. (L.) 12. 1771. 1. THE PROVERBS Of SOLOMON. (In The New-England Psalter.) Boston: I Printed and Sold by William j McAlpine in Marlborough- J Street. MDCCLXXI. j (B.) 12. 28 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I7751. ST. MATTHEW. Chapters V, VI and VII. (In the New-EnglandPsalter.) Boston: William McAlpine. 1771. (B.) 12. 1775. 1. BIBLIA, I Zat ift: I Zie gctne I iefeiie cbrtift I lIten unb Yeuen tefiament~, I W1ac) ber teufcd)en Ueberfet3ung I D. M9artin ~uttlerW, I 9it Iorgefe3tem furten I 3nt)alt eineo jeben (apitelB, I wie aulct mit ricttigen I zummarien untb ielen d)riftftelfrn I auf a adferforgfaltigrte erfel)en, I 9ad) benen betroalrteften unb neuften Wufgaben I mit grolerm Iteijfe au[gefertiget, I eammt einer /ori rebe I [on I gCrrn D. 3Sotann 5ottlieb aber, [I gervogl. 3Surtemb. ~berbof rebiger, (onfittoriald I ~cattI, Ieneratlup erintenbenten unb wtbten I [be RIuotert W1etberg. lAt+ilaelptia, I [ u finen bep Yrnft Vubaig -aifct, I in ber atewten Ztra~e naIe bep ber Neeb ~traft e. 1775. (B.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Vorrede, dated Stuttgart, 20 Nov. 1773, and signed by D. Johann Gottlieb Faber, 14 ff.; Die Bucher des alten Testaments, 1 p.; Bucher Apocrypha und des Neuen Test., 1 p.; making, with title, 16 ff.; sigs. )( to )(8 in 8s; Text: Gen. to Mal. pp. 1-768; Apocrypha, pp. 769-909, verso of 909 blank; sigs. W to recto of lt17; Tie I ~eilige Sd)rift, I %euen ij eftamentO, I ltlfeOr I,rrn Mf[it (l)rifti, I ~9aC ber teutOjen l1eberetMung I D. Zartin Bultt)er, I Vit fturem I $nl)aft eineb jebe.n a4pite[l, I Unb I betgeffiiten tielen rid)tigen unb mit gleif[ aei) gefefienen I cwf)riftCteffen, I Ca-mt aoler eomniunb &eftxQage I eDangeeien unb Qpifteln, I l/uf baO atlerforgfiiltigfte eitgericd)tet unb I aufgefertiget. I elutttingen, I eO Sof)an Oeorg Rfeiff)alauer, 1773. l1 p. verso, Verzeichniss der Bicher; Text: Mat. to Rev. pp. 3-265; Anweizung, 3 pp.; Episteln, 1 p. "Ende." Sigs. [t2 to recto of [17 ] followed by one blank leaf; sigs. all in 8s. This Bible was imported probably in sAeets from Germany, where the first title page is considered also to have been printed on a slip, for a portion of the edition sent to this country. It will be observed that the Imprint announces cautiously, that the book is "to be found," &c. 1. ta$ Ieue I eiftament I Unfert I itSR9! 39 (U b~rifti, I aC ber t eutcl)en U1eberfegung I D. Martin Vutterd, f mit flutr3em I 3nt)att einee ieben tapitel, I unb eIloftanbiger I (nveifung gfei4er t d)rift ~tetfen. I 5ie aut) I aller ~onni unb ie5fttagigen I C(/angelien unb (p/ifteln. I [ed)fte lWufage. I Oermtntomn, I gebtrud)t. unb au finmen bep triftopt4 aur, 1775. 1 (G. L.) 8. Title, 1 p.; verso, blank; Vorrede, signed C. S., 1 p.; Verzeichniss, 1 p.; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 5-529; Registers, 3 pp,; sigs. R3 to verso of 2[2 in 88. This is represented, incorrectly, as the sixth edition of Saur's Testament. It is actually the seventh. See next Title. -I776.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 29 2. a 1 R uele I efetament I Uner~ I g(prrn tunb gtlanube I 3efu fftrifti I 9a) >er >eiitfd)en Ueberfetiiung I D. Vartin tut1t)er, I mit turoem I 3nt0at eine6 ielen GapitetG, i Uinb volftan/iger I tnwei ffing glei)er triftZtellen. I ie aud I aller onntuntb iefst tagigen I,cangielien unb Spiftetn, I eicbente /WuFLage. I Oermanm town, I ~e6 ruft itnb ii finben be. lriftopt) naur, 1775. 1 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Vorrede, signed C. S. 1 p.; Verzeuchniss, 1 p.; Text: Mat. to Rev. pp. 5-529; Registers, 3 pp.; sigs A to L12 in 8s; text in double columns; references in German characters. This is the seventh edition of Saur's New Test. In some copies the preface reads as of the 6th edition, but this was corrected on being discovered. It will be observed that the title page differs from those of the previous editions. 1776. 1i. BIBLIA, I IaO ift: I ie 5anUe 50ttlicde I *eiTige cbitft I WIten untb euen I Zeftament6 I nad) ber Zeuttd)cn Ueberfetung I Z.+ Martin ut1ter~; I Vtt jeleg YapiteW furgern Oummarien, aud I bqegeffigten tieTen unb ricitigen sparacfelen: I 9ebft einem ntctng I ZeO britten unb kierten 3tu~d d br., unt tbe I britten ft3ud~ Vaccabcer I (A single line drawn across.) Zritte tuftlage I (Double lines across.) ~ermantotn: I 5ebrtdut unb gu finten be[ tvErifto~pt ~aur, 1776. 1 (L.; G. L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso blank; Vorrede, signed Chr. Saur, but no date, 1 p. It is almost word for word the same as that in 2d ed.-the 2d ed. being referred to in that, and the 3d in this; Verzeichnisz aller Bicher 1 p.; Text: pp. 1-805; Apocrypha, p. 806 to Prayer of Manasseh' of page 949; Anhang, being 3d and 4th books Ezra and 3d book Maccabees, in smaller type, rest of 949-992; type again reduced on pages 986-992; sigs. ~% to Siiiij4 in 4s; S)ag teue I Zeftament I untiero I Arrn unb ~et)Lanbeo I Nfu (.$rifti I natc ber Teutcjen Uleberfetung I Tr. Wiartin Qlutfert. I Vit fitrem I gutuaft eineg jeben Eapitelo I unb toUfltandiger I Wntweijung gteicd)er Cfd)riftr-telen. I Die alud I alTer Zontluitub Refttdigigen I Quaungetien inb Qpiftefn. I (A single line across.) Tritte.tuflage. I (Double lines across.) (ermantowun. I (Oebrucft inb 31t finben bet3) frijtopl) (aur, 1776. 1 1 p. verso, Pie 3iid)er I beO I %euen leftamentu. I 1 p.; Text: Mat. to Rev. pp. 3-277; Register, 3 pp., not numbered; sigs. A2 to Mm4 in 4s.' This edition consisted of 3,000 copies. The revolutionary war broke out about the time it was issued, and after the battle of Germantown, Saur, to preserve the residue of his property, and in the supposition that American Independence could not be maintained, went into Philadelphia and resided there whilst the British held possession of that city. His estate was subsequently confiscated in consequence, and his books sold. The principal part of this third edition of the Germantown Bible in sheets was thus destroyed, having been used for cartridge paper. Thomas' Hist. Printing, II, 83, 84. 30 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I7771777. 1. THE NEW TESTAMENT I Of our Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ: I Newly Translated out of the I Original Greek; I And with the former [ Translations I Diligently compared and revised. i Appointed to be read in Churches. I Philadelphia: I Printed and Sold by I R. Aitken, I Printer and Bookseller, I Front Street. 11777. j Spectamur+agendo. I (L.) 12. The Imprint is an ornamental wood cut of an irregular form, having for a crest: A Bird with an olive branch in its bill. The letters are in white on a black ground. Supporters: Two children. Motto on a dark scroll: Spectamur + agendo. The whole title is surrounded by 2 lines. On verso of title, The Order of the Books of the New Testament, with their Names, and the Numbers of their Chapters; Text: Mat. to Rev. pp. 3-353; sigs. A2 to Gg3 in 6s. On verso of p. 353, Books Printed and Sold at R. Aitken's Printing-Office, opposite the London Coffee-House, Front-street. No headings. The following Errors occur in this Edition: "For whosoever shall be ashamed of me, and of my works," sLuke, 9:26; "For there is no man that dost any thing in secret," John, 7:4; " I have heard their groning,".cts, 7:34; " Take heed unto thyself, and unto thy doctrine;" 1 Tim., 4:16. The Chap. is numbered XI, instead of X, on p. 99, and the number is omitted at the head of p. 273. 2. lEangelia unIb 4iftein I Wuf a4te ~onntage, I 33ie aud), auf tie tote gefte, anbere 5eereunb I WpofttclZage bur d)ganae 3atr. I (In the 3$olftanbige 1arburger ~efangbud).) Oermantotwn: I 5ebrucdt unb tu finen be~p (riftopt haur, 1777. 1 (B.) 8. 1778. 1. NEW TESTAMENT, Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by R. Aitken, Printer and Bookseller. 1778. 12. Not seen; advertised in Penn. Packet, 10 Nov., 1778. 1779. 1. NEW TESTAMENT. Philadelphia: R. Aitken. 1779. 12. A School edition. 1780. 1. NEW TESTAMENT. Philadelphia: Francis Bailey, Market Street. 1780. Not seen; Penn. Gazette, 2595, March 8, 1780. -1782.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 31 2. NEW TESTAMENT. Philadelphia: Hall & Sellers. 1780. Not seen; Penn. Gazette, 2608, June 7, 1780. 1781. 1. THE NEW TESTAMENT I Of our Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ: I Newly Translated out of the i Original Greek; I And with the former i Translations j Diligently compared and revised. I (Vignette engraved onwood.) Philadelphia: I Printed and Sold by R. Aitken, Bookseller, I opposite the Coffee-House, Front-Street. I M.I)DCC.LXXXI. i 12. With Bible of 1782; for collation, see that Vol. 1782. 1. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I Containing the Old and New I Testaments: I Newly translated out of the i Original Tongues; [ And with the former I Translations I Diligently compared and revised. I (Arms of the State of Pennsylvania: Escutcheon-a Ship, a Plough and 3 Sheaves of Wheat; Crest-an Eagle; Supporters-Horses rampant, and behind each, a stalk of Indian Corn; Motto —Virtue, Liberty and Independence: I Philadelphia: I Printed and Sold by R. Aitken, at Pope's I Head, Three Doors above the Coffee House, in Market street. i M.DCC.LXXXII. I (L.) 12. Title (within double lines), 1 f.; verso, blank; Proceedings in Congress, 1 pp.; Names and Order of all the Books of the 0. & N. Test. I p.; Text: Gen. to Mal. (not paged), sigs. A2 to verso of Aaa5 in 12s; The New I Testament I Of our Lord and Saviour i Jesus Christ: I Newly Translated out of the I Original Greek; I And with the former I Translations I Diligently compared and revised. I (Vignette: A hat, flute, &c.) Philadelphia: I Printed and Sold by R. Aitken, Bookseller, I opposite the CoffeeHouse, Front-Street. I M.DCC.LXXXI. I 1 p.; verso, Names and Order of the Books of the N. T.; below, Initials, R. A. in large scrip letter; Text: Mat. to. Rev. (not paged); sigs. A2 to recto of Dd6 in 6s. This is the first Bible printed in English in this country, with an American imprint. Hosea VI, is numbered, Chap. VII, and 1 Tim. 4:16, is incorrect. The size of the printed page is 55 in. long by 3S in. wide; of the page, 6 in. by 3l. 2. THE I HOLY BIBLE I Abridged: I or, the I History of the | Old and New Testament I illustrated { with Notes, and adorned with Cuts, t For the Use of Children. I Suffer 32 AMERICAN BIBLES. [1783little Children, &c. I Boston: I Printed by Robert Hodge, for Nathaniel I Coverly, in Newbury-Street. I n.d. (B.; G.L.) sm. 18. Pp. 107; sigs. A to C18 in 18s. A number of coarse wood cuts are printed in with the text. 1783. 1. Za0 %etue I $effament I unfer I S(Errn unb, getanbe~ I 3(fu 0Lrifti, I nad ber Zeutfd)en Ueberfeung I D. Partin Vuterl. I ~tit I giurem 3nltalt eineO jieten apitelC, I unb I oaUftainfiger Wnm weei/ung gleid)er d)riftftefen. I 3ie aud) I aller Zonn unb geft% taigigen I 0angelien unb {pifteln. I Mt)ilaelpltia: I (ebtrucdt beo 1Peld)ior Eteiner, in ber' ~Ree I fira1e, na)e beq ber Zrittenmftraffe. 1783.:1 (L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank (no Verzeichnisz); Text: pp. 1-537; Anweizung, 1 p. not numbered; sig. W to Q[6 in 8s. Two leaves to complete Ll wanting; text in double columns. 1784. 1. THE PROVERBS of SOLOMON. (With The Psalter.) Boston: | Printed and Sold by Benjamin Edes & Sons, I In Cornhill. MDCC CLXXXIV. (G. L.) 8. 1. Christ's Sermon on the Mount, contained in the Vth, VIth and VIIth Chapters of St. Matthew's Gospel. (With The Psalter.) Boston: I Printed and Sold by Benjamin Edes & Sons, I In Cornhill. I MDCCLXXXIV. [ (G. L.) 8. 1786. 1. THE i NEW TESTAMENT I of Our I Lord and Saviour } Jesus Christ: I Translated out of the I Original Greek; And with the I former Translations t diligently compared and revised. I (An ornament in printer's flowers.) Philadelphia: I Printed for J. Cruikshank, F. Bailey, Young, I Stewart, and McCullock, and J. Dobson. M.DCC.LXXXVI.! (L.) 12. Title (within a neat line border), I f.; verso, Order of the books; Text: Mat. to Rev. sigs. A2 to verso of 012, in 12s. 1 Tim. 4: 16, incorrect. -1788.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 33 1787. 1. SELECT [I e Veteri I Testamento J Historioe. I Ad usum Eorum que Latinme Linguge Ru- f dimentis imbuuntur. I Nova Editio, i Prioribus multo emendatior. I Philadelphia: I Excuderunt Prichard et Hall, vico vulgariter dicto Market I Street, et J. James, vico Chesnut-Street. I M.DCC.LXXXVII. I (N. Y. State Library.) 12. This work was originally composed by a former professor of the University of Paris, at the suggestion of M. Rollin. It contains extracts of some of the Historical parts of the Old Testament, and the Histories of Joseph and Tobias, entire. Preface. 2. THE PROVERBS of SOLOMON. (With The Psalter.) Boston: Printed and Sold by John Norman in Marshal's- I Lane, near the Boston-Stone. I MDCCLXXXVII. I (B.) 8. 1. Christ's Sermon on the Mount, Contained in the Vth, VIth, and VIIth Chapters of St. Mathew's Gospel. (With The Psalter.) Boston: Printed and Sold by John Norman, (as above.) MDCCLXXXVII. (B.) 8. 1788. 1. A Curious I HIEROGLYPIICK BIBLE; 0 or, I Select Passages in the I Old and New Testaments, I represented with Emblematical figures, I for the I Amusement of Youth: Designed chiefly I To familiarize tender Age, in a pleasing and diverting j Manner, with early Ideas of the Holy Scriptures. I To which are subjoined, I A short Account of the Lives of the Evangelists, and [ other Pieces. I Illustrated with nearly Five Hundred Cuts. I The First Worcester Edition. I Printed at Worcester, Massachusetts, I By Isaiah Thomas, I And sold, Wholesale and Retail, at his bookstore. I MDCCLXXXVIII. I (G. L.) 24. 1. THE NEW I TESTAMENT I of our I Lord and Saviour | Jesus Christ: I Translated out of the Original Greek; And with the j former Translations f Diligently Com5 34 AMERICAN BIBLES. [1789pared and Revised. I Appointed to be read in Churches. I Trenton: Printed and Sold By Isaac Collins. I M.DCC.LXXXVIII. (L.; G. L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, Names and Order, &c. Text: Mat. to Rev. (not paged), sigs. A3 (misprint for A2 ) to recto of Kkk4 in 4s. I Tim. 4: 16, incorrect. 2. THE NEW I TESTAMENT I Of our Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I Newly translated out of the I Original Greek; I And with the former I Translations I Diligently Compared and Revised. I (A line across.) Appointed to be Read in Churches. I (Another line across; then an Ornament in printer's flowers, followed by a third line across.) Elizabeth-town: I Printed and Sold by Shepard 1Kollock. I M,DCC,LXXXVIII. I (G. L.) 12. Title (within ornamental line), 1 f.; verso, the Order of the Books; Text: Mat. to Rev. (not paged) sig. A (which includes title), to verso of Ii6 on which there are six lines of text, the remainder of the page being occupied by a Table of Kindred; sigs. in 6s; no heading. Mat. 7:6, reads "least they trample them;" 20:1, "For the kingdem of heaven" 1789. 1. GENESIS. Chapter III, and part of IV. Worcester: Isaiah Thomas. November, 1789. (Mass. Hist. Soc.; B.) fol. This is a specimen accompanying a sheet of Proposals issued by Mr. Thomas for publishing by subscription, his 4to edition of the Bible. 1790. 1. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I translated from the I Latin Vulgate: I Diligently compared with the I Hebrew, Greek, and other editions, I in divers languages; I And first published by the English College at Doway, Anno 1609. Newly revised, and corrected, according to I the Clementine edition of the Scriptures. I With Annotations for elucidating J the principal difficulties of Holy Writ. I Haurietis aquas in gaudio de fontibus Salvatoris. Isaiae xii. 3. Philadelphia: I Printed and Sold by Carey, Stewart, and Co. I M.DCC.XC. I (L.; J. G. S.; G. L.) 4. Two Volumes bound in one. Title, 1 f.; verso, Order of the Books of the O. and N. Test.; Approbations, 2 pp.; Subscribers' names, pp. v-viii, p. v having at foot, " Vol. I," and (sig.) b; Text: Gen. to Prov. pp. 1-487; sigs. B to Aa; [Here the number — 790] AMERICAN BIBLES. 35 of the Vol. begins to be also printed on the sigs. of the text;] Bb to 6H2, on recto of which is, End of the First Volume; verso of 487, blank, followed by two blank leaves. Vol. II. (no title) Ecclesiastes to Mac. pp. 1-280, then *[281, 282]*, *[283, 284]*, sigs. A. to 3E, Ff, 3G to 3L, 6M, 3N, 30, 6P, 3Q, to 4A, [4B]*; at foot of p. 284]*, " N. B. The third and fourth book of Machabees-as also the third and fourth book of Esdras (which some call the first and second of Esdras), and the prayer of Manasses-are here omitted; because they have never been received by the church." New Testament (no title) Text: Mat. to Apocalypse, pp. 281-484; sigs. 4B to 4V, then X, Y, Z, 5A to 5Y, Z, 6A to 6F2, on verso of which the text ends; Table of Refersnces, pp. 485, 486; Chronological Table, pp. 486-488; Order and Distribution of the Psalms, pp. 488, 489; a Table of the Epistles and Gospels p. 490; sigs. 6G and 6H1, followed by a blank leaf; sigs. all in 2s. The heading on p. 245, of Vol. I. is "Chap. XXIII." instead of XXII.; on p. 356 of Vol. II., " St. Luke,"' instead of St. John; on p. 472, " Of St. John," instead of, The Apocalypse. This is the first American edition of the Douay and Rheims versions of the Scriptures, and is supposed to be the first quarto Bible, published in English in the United States. It was originally advertised to be issued in 48 weekly numbers, the first of which appeared Dec. 19, 1789. About twenty sheets were issued in that form, when the plan -seems to have been abandoned and the work was finally published on the 1st of December, 1790. The types for the work.were cast in the foundry of John Baine, Philadelphia. The text is reprinted from Challoner's 2d edition of the Bible, 1763-4, 5 Vols. 12. The annotations are at the foot of the pages. 2. THE CHRISTIAN'S NEW AND COMPLETE FAMILY BIBLE. Philadelphia: Published by William Woodhouse. 1790. This edition has not been seen. It was published in numbers, and the above title is extracted from the advertisements in the Penn. Packet, Nov. 15, 1788, and Jan. 3, 1789, when Nos. 1 and 10 appeared (E..A.), and Penn. Gaz., May 26, 1790, which last is as follows: " This day is published, and to be sold by all the booksellers, The Christian's New and Complete Family Bible, No. 77. The Old and New Testaments being now entirely printed off, subscribers are requested to send for their numbers as quick as possible. The Apocrypha will soon be ready for delivery. Agreeable to the proposals the work was to be comprised in 75 numbers; however, it will considerably exceed that quantity; but all above No. 75 shall be delivered gratis to subscribers, the number of whom is nearly 1000." (Copied by Mr. McAllister.) Paul Wright, D. D., Vicar of Oakley, was the editor of a work bearing a somewhat similar title to this. 3. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: I Printed by W. Young, Bookseller and Stationer, I the corner of Second and ChesnutStreets. I M.DCC.XC. I (L.) 12. Text: Gen. to Mal. (not paged), sigs. A to Cc12; verso, Tables of Kindred and Time; Title to New Test. within a border; 1 p. verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev. sigs. Dd2 to L19. all in 12s. This edition was advertised in the Penn. Packet, Jan. 27, 1789, as a School Bible, about to be published. (E. a.) It appeared in the course of the following year, price five eighths of a dollar. The copy examined wants the first Title, 36 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I790and is in other respects imperfect. The imprint described is that on the title to the New Testament. 1 Tim. 4: 16, is incorrect. 4. THE HOLY BIBLE | Abridged: 1 or, the I History I of the I Old and New Testament. I Illustrated with Notes, and adorned with j Cuts. I For the Use of Children. I To which is added, I A Compleat Abstract I of the I Old and New Testament, I With the Apocrypha, I In Easy Verse. I Suffer little children, &c. I New York: I Printed by Hodge, Allen and Campbell, I And Sold at their respective Bookstores. I M,DCC,XC. I (L.; B.; G. L.) 24. Frontispiece, Adam and Eve 1 f.; Title I f.; Contents 5 pp.; Advertisement of Books, 3 pp., among them the folio and 4to Bibles printed by H. & C.; Text pp. 13, 180; sigs. B to p6 in 6s. The wood cuts are coarse; " Adam and Eve," was by Maverick in his ninth year, who was afterwards an engraver of merit, and honorably mentioned by Trumbull for his plate of " The Holy Family" in Collins's Bible of 1807. 1. THE NEW I TESTAMENT I of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I Newly translated out of the I Original Greek: And with the j former Translations I Diligently Compared and Revised. i (A line across the page.) Appointed to be Read in Churches. J H. G. I (within an ornamental circle and two lines.) New-York: I Printed and sold by Hugh Gaine, at his Book-Store and I Printing-Office, at the Bible, in Hanover-Square. I M,DCC,XC. I (G. L.; B.) 12. Title, within double lines, 1 f.; verso, The Order of the Books; Text: Mat. to Rev. not paged) sigs. A2 to recto of 012; at foot of the text, " Finis," under which a line composed of 9 printer's flowers, a *, and 8 printer's flowers; on verso of 012, A Table of Kindred; sigs. in 12s; short headings to columns and chapters. Errors: The catchword at foot of recto of C 3, is " 3" instead of " 7"; and at foot of C 5, is "say," instead of " I say "; in Acts 8:9, " sorcercy " is printed for " sorcery "; the catchword at foot of K2 is omitted; and in Philippians 4: 15, the word is printed, " begginning." 2. THE NEW | TESTAMENT I of our I Lord and Savior I Jesus Christ, I translated out of the j Original Greek: I and with the 1 former Translations I diligently compared and revised, I By his Majesty's Special Command. j Appointed to be read in Churches. I New-Haven: 1 Printed by A. Morse, I M.DCC.XC. 1 12. Title, I f.; verso, The Order of all the Books of the New Testament, with their proper Names and Number of Chapters; Text: Mat. to Rev. sigs. A2 to recto of Mm2 which -I790.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 37 is followed by a blank leaf to complete the half sig.; the text ending on recto of Mm2; sigs. in 6s. The title page is within a single heavy line; pages are not numbered; and the columns are of irregular length, some being longer than others. The Errors in this volume are innumerable. Some of them are designated in the following List of ERRATA. Mat. 5: 30, fot it is profitable; Luke 24: 28, they drew nigh unto the 8:24, but he was a-asleep; village whether they 9: 14, we and the Prarisees; went: 14: 3, his bother Philip's wife John 1:25, Why baptized thou then 18:15, If thy brocher shall tres- 2: 6, there were set there fix pass against the, water-pots Mark 1:20, and they left their fa-Ze- 10, and when men have well bedee (the catch word dunk, "ther" is not carried 3:33, He that hath receiveth over.) his testimony 3: 17, Boanerges, which is, The 5:17, My Father worketh hirSons of thuder. therto, 5:13, the herd ran voilently 31, my winess is not true. 14: 2, not on the feast-day, least 32, another that beareth wst30, thou shalt deny me ness thirce. 7: 4, For there no man that 64, ye. heave hared the blas- doeth any thing in sephemy; cret, Luke 1: 8, defore God, 51 nither did his brethren 9, his lot was to burnt in- 7, but me it, hateth, cense, 9, he abode flill 17, and the disobedient to 14, and tought. the wisdmo of the just: 45, Then came the ossicers 2:; 9, the Angle of the Lord 8:42, if God were your Father 48, have sought the sorrow- he would love me: ing. 49, ye dishouor me 5:30, their scribes and Phari- 10: 7, Then faid Jesus sees murmred 12: 28, and will glrify it again. 16:29, let them here them. 14: 17, neither knownth him: 17: 4, trun again to thee, say- 21:18, When thou wast young, ing, I repent' thou girdestd thyself, 18: 24, how heardly Acts 5: 27, and the high priest skaed 19: 4, fycamore-tree them, 23:17, for of neceffity 7:43, the tabernaclesof Molech, 32, And there were also, two 8: 9, which before time in the other, malefactor, same city used sorcercy, 38, a superscription also was 16: 30, the word "said" is omitwritted over him ted in the text, though 24:14, which had hapopened. it forms the catchword 21, But we trusteth of the previous page. 38 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I79 — Acts 22: 5, As also doth the high prisoner, salute you, priest bear we witness, and Marcus, sister's son 22, they gave him audierce to Banabas, Rom. 16:23, Gaius mine host.... sa- 1 Tim. 4:16, Take heed unto thyself, luteteh you. and unto thy doctrine; 1 Cor. 2:10, the Spirit scarcheth all Philem. 1: 8, that which is conventhings, inent, 2 Cor. 11: 29, who is offended and I Rev. 11:11, and great fear feel upon burnt not? them Gal. 4:27, For it is witten, Rejoice, 12: 6, that they should seed thou barran her there Ephes. 4:32, And be ye king one to 20: 4, And I saw thrones, and another, they set upon them.... Philip. 2: 8, And being sound in which had not worshipfashion ped the best, Coloss. 4: 10, Aristarchus, my fellow 1791. I1. THE I ot01 Bible, I containing the Old and New I Testaments: I With the j Apocrypha. [ Translated QInt of the O(riginal Tongues,! and J with the former Translations diligently Compared and Revised, I By the Special Command of King James I, of England. I With an I Index. I Appointed to be read in Churches. I Vol. I. f Uniteb Otates of.merica. Printed at the Press in Worcester, Massachusetts, I By Isaiah Thomas. I Sold by him in!lJorcester; and by him and Company, at Faust's Statue, No. 45, Newbury Street, Boston. I M.DCC.XCI. ] (L.; Am. Antiq. Soc.; G. L.) fol. Vol. I. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Directions to Binder and list of Plates, 1 f; verso, blank; The printer's Address, To Christians of every Denomination, dated Worcester, Massachusetts, December, 1791, pp. 1, 2; To the Publick, including the Address of the Translators to King James (in Italic) p. 3, and part of p. 4; on remainder of which is, Names and Order of Books. These 4 pp. form sig. A (not marked); Text: Gen. to end of Prov. pp. 5-460; B to 2 Z. in 2s, making 48'forms; then 49 A to 115 T; Vol. II. Title (as above) 1 f. verso blank; Text: Ecclesiastes to Malachi, pp. 461-635; at foot of p. 635, (under a festoon) The End of the Prophets. I Printed at Worcester, Massachusetts, by Isaiah I Thomas. MDCCXCI. I verso of 635, blank; sigs. 116 U to 159 P, in 2s; Apocrypha, pp. 637-786; at foot of p. 786 (within an ornamental cut). This Folio Edition of the Bible, and one in Royal I Quarto, were printed by Isaiah Thomas, at I Worcester, Massachusetts, in the year MDCCXCI. I sigs. 160Q to 197 E1 in 2s. The New I Testament I of I Our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I Translated I Out of tte Origitnal treett, I and I with the former Translations I791.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 39 diligently compared and revised, I By the Special Command of King James I, of England. I Together with an I Index I to the I Holy Bible. I.appointed to be read in Churches. I (Imprint as above.) 1 p. verso, blank (being counted as pp. 787, 788 and as sig. 197 E2.) Text: Mat. to Rev. pp. 789-991; sigs. 198 F to 248 H in 2s; verso of 991, blank; Index, pp. 993-1008; sigs. 249 Ito 252 M in 2s; Table of Weights, Measures, Coins, &c. pp. 1009, 1010; Tables of Time, Offices and Conditions, p. 1011; Table of Kindred, p. 1012; sig. 253 N; at the bottom of p. 1012, is the catchword " An," indicating that " An Alphabetical Table of Proper Names," ought to follow (as in the 4to ed. post); but it is wanting in those copies we have seen. The following is a list of the Engravings in this Bible, with the Engravers' names: 1. Frontispiece to Old Test., illustrating the Triumph of the Gospel throughout the world........................................Engraved by Sam'l Hill. 2. The Creation........................................J. H. Seymour. 3. Adam and Eve in a state of Innocence.............................. J Norman. 4. Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise....................... Jos. Seymour. 5. Noah and his family entering the Ark. 6. Abraham's Faith............................. Jos. Seymour. 7. Moses in the Bulrushes................................... J. Seymour. 8. Pharaoh and his Host drowned. 9. The Amalekites defeated by Joshua.................................. Seymour. 10. The Ark of the Covenant............................. J. Seymour. 11. Falling of the walls of Jericho................................... J. Seymour. 12. The Battle of Ai..............................................Jos. Seymour. 13. Gideon's sacrifice consumed..................................... J. Seymour. 14. The fugitive Sechemites burnt and suffocated.................... S. Hill. 15. Samson slaying the Philistines............ Sam'l Hill. 16. Samson carrying off the gates of Gaza. 17. The Philistines cutting off the heads of Saul and of his sons.......... Sam'l Hill. 18. Abner assassinated........................................ Hill. 19. Solomon's Temple. 20. Solomon receiving the Queen of Sheba.............................J. Seymour. 21. Elijah raising the Widow's son........J. Seymour. 22. Elijah carried up to Heaven................................. J. Seymour. 23. Benhadad stifled.............................................. J. Seymour. 24. Destruction of the Temple of Baal................................. J. Norman. 25. Zachariah stoned to death..................... H. Seymour. 26. Manasseh in chains............................................. J. Seymour. 27. Plan of Jerusalem.................................................J. Norman. 28. Daniel in the Lions' den...................................... J. Seymour. 29. Emblematical representation of the Old and New Dispensations (Frontispiece to Apocrypha). 30. Queen Esther fainting......................................J. Norman. 31. Susanna surprised by the Elders............................... Jos. H. Seymour. 32. Judas Maccabeus defeats the Samaritan army...................... H. Seymour. 33. The first and second Adam...........os.......... Jos. H. Seymour. 34. Christ baptised..................................................Seymour. 35. John the Baptist's head brought to Herodias........................J. Seymour. 36. A Woman healed of a bloody issue. 40 AMERICAN BIBLES. [179 — 37. Christ restoring Bartimeus to sight..................J. Seymour. 38. Mary Magdalene........................................... J. H. Seymour. 39. The Woman of Samaria.......................................... J. Seymour. 40. Christ curing the Impotent Man at the pool of Bethesda.............. J. Seymour. 41. Martha......................................J.................. Seymour. 42. The Crucifixion (after Rubens)....................................J. Seymour. 43. Joseph of Arimathea taking our Saviour's body from the cross.... Jos. H. Seymour. 44. The Ascension.............................................Sam'l Hill, Boston. 45. St. Paul................................................... J. Seymour. 46. Paul before Felix....................................... J. Norman. 47. Paul shaking the Viper from his hand..................... Doolittle, N. Haven. 48. Hominum Salvator.............................................J. Seymour. 49. St. John the Evangelist......J...................J............. J. Seymour. 50. Michael and the Devil..........J. H. Seymour. On the top of each of the plates in the body ofthe work is inscribed-" Engraved for Thomas's Edition of the Bible." On the frontispiece to the O. Test. the words are-" Engraved for Thomas's Folio Edition of the Holy Bible;" at the foot-" Published by Isaiah Thomas, at Worcester, 1791;" and on that to the N. Testament" Worcester, Engraved for Thomas's Folio Edition of the Bible, November, 1791;" on a scroll at the foot-" The Wages of Sin is Death, but the Gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord.-Rom. vi, 23." In addition to the plates above enumerated, there is a wood cut at the head of each division of the vol. That before Genesis represents Eve giving Adam the apple; that to the Apocrypha, Judith giving the head of Holofernes to her maid; and that to the New Testament, the Crucifixion. Previous to printing this edition of the Scriptures, Mr. Thomas, the editor, furnished himself with nearly thirty copies of the Bible, printed at different times and places; from these he selected the most correct, by which to revise the whole of this work. Every sheet of the text, before its commitment to the press, was carefully examined by the clergymen of Worcester [the Rev. Aaron Bancroft, D. D., and the Rev. Samuel Austin, D. D.], and by other capable persons, and compared with not less than eight different copies. Each book commences with an ornamental Initial letter, and each of the chapters is preceded by a brief abstract of its contents. Other copies of the work have been issued in one volume, and with two title pages only, one to the Old and the other to the New Testament, and without any directions to the binder or list of plates. 42. THE I HOLY BIBLE, t containing the i Old and New Testaments: [ together with the [ Apocrypha: [ Translated out of theI Original Tongues, | and i with the former Translations diligently compared and revised, I By the Special Command of King James I, of England. [ With [ Marginal Notes and References. I To which are added, an I Index, i and an [ Alphabetical Table I of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations. I United — I79I.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 41 States of America. I Printed at the Press in Worcester, Massachusetts, I By Isaiah Thomas. I Sold by him in Worcester; and by him and Company, at Faust's Statue, No. 45, Newbury Street, Boston. I MDCCXCI. [ (L.; Am. Antiq. Soc.; G. L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; The printer's Address, To Christians of every Denomination, pp. 3, 4; To the Publick, including Address of Translators to King James (in Ital.), pp. 5 and part of 6; on remainder of p. 6, Names and Order of all the Books; The I Old Testament, I translated I out of the I Original Hebrew, I and I with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. I Together with the I Apocrypha. I Done by the i Special Command of his Majesty King James I, of England. I (A line in Hebrew.) Utniteb State of minerica. I Printed at the Press in Worcester, Massachusetts, I By Isaiah Thomas. I Sold by him in Worcester. Sold also by said Thomas, and Andrews, I at Faust's Statue, No. 45, Newbury Street, Boston, l MDCCXCI. I 1I p. (within parallel rules.) verso, The Property of (within an ornamental circle.) These 4 ff. make one sig. Text: Gen. to Mal. pp. 9-824; at foot of p. 824, End of the Prophets; sigs. A to Z, then 25-A to 103-K in 4s; Apocrypha, pp. 825-1014; at foot of 1014, End of the Apocrypha, in a circular wreath; Printed at Worcester, by Isaiah Thomas, I MDCCXCI. [ beneath a festoon and within an ornamental wreath; sigs. 104-L to 127K3 followed by one blank leaf to complete sig. The [ New Testament J of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ. I Translated I out of the | Original Greek: I and with the former Translations diligently I compared and revised, I by the Special Command of his Majesty King James I, of England. I (A Greek Text, 2 lines.) United States of America. I Printed at the Press in Worcester, Massachusetts, I By Isaiah Thomas. I Sold by him in Worcester. Sold also by said Thomas, and Andrews, I at Faust's Statue, No. 45, Newbury Street, Boston. I MDCCXCI. i (within parallel rules.) Marked at foot 128 L; Text: Mat. to Rev. pp, 1020-1276; at foot of 1276, The End, and, on an ornamental slab: This Royal Quarto Edition of the Bible, I and likewise one in Folio, With Fifty Copper I plates, were printed by Isaiah Thomas, I at Worcester, Massachusetts, MDCCXCI. I Sig. 128-L2 to 160-U2; Index pp. 1277-1297; at foot of 1297, End of Index; Tables of Scripture measures, &c., pp. 1298-1300; at foot of 1300, Table of Time; Table of Offices, p. 1301; Table of Kindred, p. 1302; sigs. 160U3 to 163-Z3; Alphabetical Table of Proper Names, pp. 1303-1310; at foot of 1310, The End. Sigs. 163-Z4 to 164-A3, all in 4s. This edition was issued also in two volumes, and differs materially in its typographical composition from that in folio, by the same publisher. Parallel rules divide the columns of the text, which are embraced on the outer side by single lines. It has, also, marginal notes and references, " all examined and compared with the Text by the Minister of Holden,"-the Rev. Joseph Avery-and running head-lines of contents at the head of the columns. None of these are in the folio edition. On the other hand, this Quarto wants the woodcuts at the head of each of the divisions of the Volume, and has ornamental Initial letters at the beginning of these divisions only, instead of each book. According to Isaiah Thomas's Catalogue of Books for Sale at the Worcester Bookstore, 1801, in the possession of Mr. BRINLEY, this Bible was issued in three different styles, viz: with 48 copper plates and Concordance; without plates or Concordance; and with Concordance. The copy before us has no Concordance, and 6 42 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I79Ionly two engravings; these are printed from the plates of the folio edition, on quarto paper, or reduced to that size. The following is a copy of the title page to the Concordance mentioned in the 1st and 3d of the above varieties: A I Brief Concordance [ to the j Holy Scriptures I of the I Old and New Testaments: I By which All or Most of the Principal Texts of Scripture I may be easily found out. I Revised and Corrected I By John Brown I Late Minister of the Gospel at Haddington in Scotland. I Printed at Worcester, Massachusetts, I By Isaiah Thomas. I Sold at his Bookstore in Worcester, and by him and [ Company in Boston. I MDCCXCI. I 4to. 13. TIHE HOLY BIBLE, I containing the I Old and New I Testaments: i translated out of the I Original Tongues: I And with the former I Translations I Diligently compared and revised. I Trenton: I Printed and sold by Isaac Collins. I M.DCC.XCI. I (L.) 4. Title, within heavy double black lines, 1 f.; verso, blank; " To the Reader" 2 pp.; Account of dates and times, &c., 1 p.; verso, blank; Names and Order of Books of O. and N. Test., 1 p.; verso, blank; making sig. A. Text: (not paged) Gen. to Mal. sigs. B to 4 R2; verso, blank. Apocrypha: A to U, followed by two blank leaves to complete sig. The New I Testament I of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I translated out of the I Original Greek: I And with the former I Translations I Diligently compared and revised. I Trenton: I Printed and Sold by Isaac Collins. I M.DCC.XCI. I 1 p.; verso, blank. Text: Mat. to Rev. tA2 to verso of tDd3; Index, Table of Time, Tables of Measure, Table of Offices, Table of Kindred, tDd4 to $Hh2. A Brief ] Concordance j or [ Table J to the ] Bible I of the I Last Translation: I Serving for the more easy finding out of the most useful Places i therein contained. I Carefully Perused and Enlarged by John Downame, B. A. I Psalm cxix, 105, Thy,Word is a Lamp, &c. 1 Trenton: I Printed and Sold by Tsaac Collins. I Title, 1 p.; verso, To the Reader; A to I4; sigs. all in 49. This is the first Bible printed in New Jersey. Proposals for its publication were Issued as early as 1788. The Dedication to King James is omitted, and in its place is printed an Address " To the Reader," by Rev. John Witherspoon, D. D. Some copies have Ostervald's Practical Comments on the Books of the Old and New Testaments, with separate Title page: Trenton: Isaac Collins, 1791. But the Baptist Association having objected to these and to the Apocrypha, they are left out in some copies. The work is sometimes met in two volumes. 4. THE I HOLY BIBLE j containing the I Old and New I Testamnents: Translated out of the I Original Tongues; I and with the t former Translations diligently compared and revised. [ Philadelphia: I Printed by W. Young, No. 52 Second, I The Corner of Chesnut-Street. M,DCC,XCI. } (L.) 18. Vol. I. Title (within a wood-cut border), 1 f.; verso, blank; To the Reader, beginning, " The Providence of God," &c., l pp,; Names and Order of the Books, ~ p. Text: (pp. not numbered,) Gen. to Prov. 21:14: sigs. A2 to Mml2, in 12s and — I792.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 43 6s alternately; Vol. II, Title (as above) 1 f.; verso, blank; Text: Prov. 21:15 to Mal.; sigs. Nn to verso of Ddd2, in 12s and 6s alternately. The New I Testament I of our l Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I translated out of the I Original Greek I and with the I former Translations I diligently compared and revised. I Philadelphia: I Printed by W. Young, No. 52, Second, I The Corner of Chesnut-Street. I M.DCC.XCII. I marked at foot, Ddd2, 1 f.; verso, blank; Mat. to Rev. Ddd3 to verso of Ttt8, in 129 and 6s; Tables of Kindred and Time, Days of the Week, Watches, 1 p.; Tables of Weights, &c., 1 p.; The Scotch version of the Psalms in metre, no title page nor pagination; sigs. A to recto of E5 in 12 and 6s; Table to find any Psalm, 2 pp.; verso of E5 and recto of E6; on verso of E6, Philadelphia: | Printed by William Young, No. 52, Second I Street, the Corner of Chesnut-Street. j M,DCC,XCIII. I 1. NEW TESTAMENT. Philadelphia: Published by John McCullock. circ. 1791. 12. A School edition. (Mr. McA.) 2. THE NEW I TESTAMENT 1 of our ] Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I newly Translated out of the I Original Greek;i and with the former, Translations l diligently compared and revised. I (An ornament composed of printer's flowers.) Newbury-port: I Printed and Sold by John Mycall. n. d. (B.; G. L.) 12. Title (within ornamental lines), 1 f.; verso, The Order of the Books; Text: Mat. to Rev. (not paged), sigs A2 to recto of Cc5; "To benefit the English Scholar, here follows an alphabetic etymological Explanation of many names of PERSONS, PLACES, 4c., which are mentioned in the NEw TESTAMENT," verso of Cc5 to verso of Cc6. Sigs. in 6 s. The running title on the verso of 15, is " Chap. XXI," instead of " S. Luke;:' and on the recto of I6, " S. Luke," instead of "Chap. XXII." 1 Tim. 4: 16, " Take heed unto thyself, and unto thy doctrine." Mycall carried on the printing business in Newburyport, from about 1777 to 1797. See, Thomas's Hist. of Printing, I, 399. 1792. 1. THE I SELF-INTERPRETING BIBLE: Containing, 1 The Sacred Text f of the I Old and New I Testaments. I Translated from the Original Tongues, and with the former Translations 1 Diligently Compared and Revised. I To which are annexed, ] Marginal References and Illustrations, I An exact Summary of the several Books, I A Paraphrase on the most obscure or important Parts, I An Analysis of the Contents of each Chapter, I Explanatory Notes, j and Evangelical Reflections. 1 (An ornamental line across part 44 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I792of the page.) By the late I Reverend John Brown, I Minister of the Gospel at Haddington. I (Four Texts of Scripture: John 5: 39, Acts 10: 43, Heb. 9:- 16, Rev. 13: 8, follow between two lines which extend across the page.) I New-York: j Printed by Iodge and Campbell, j And Sold at their respective Book Stores. I M.DCC.XCII. I (L.) fol. Title (within an ornamental border), 1 f.; verso, blank. The Author's Address, 1 p.; To the Reader, beginning, " The Providence of God," 1 p.; An I Introduction I to l the Right Understanding of the Oracles of God. l 18 ff.; sigs. a to verso of i2; Appendix of Weights, Measures and Times mentioned in Scripture, Table of Offices, Names and Order of Books; Tables of Kindred, 2 ff.; sig. k; in 28. Text: Gen. to Mal. (not paged), sigs. A to verso of 8 A2; Apocrypha (in smaller type and without notes or explanations), sigs. A to verso of TI followed by a blank leaf which completes the sig. The I New I Testament, I of I Our Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ: I To which are annexed, I Marginal References and Illustrations, I An exact Summary of the several Books, I A Paraphrase on the most Obscure or Important Parts, I An Analysis of the Contents of each Chapter, I Explanatory Notes, I and Evangelical Reflections. (An ornamental line partly across the page.) By the late I Reverend John Brown, Minister of the Gospel at Haddington. 1 (3 Texts of Scripture, between two lines.) New-York: I Printed by Heodge and Campbell, I and Sold at their respective BookStores. I M.DCC.XCII. I (within an ornamented border), 1 p.; verso, blank. Text: Mat. to Rev., sigs. A2 to verso of 3 X2; Alphabetical Table of Proper Names, 2 if.; sig. *, "The End;" List of Subscribers (headed by GEORGE WASHINGTON, Esq., President of the United States of America), 4 ff.; sigs. [1] and [2]; on last leaf, an acknowledgment of thanks for the support and encouragement received, dated New York, 1st April, 1792, and signed by the Publishers. All the sigs. are in 2s. In some copies, the List of Subscribers is in the fore part of the Vol., inserted between " To the Reader," and " The Introduction." The following is a list of the Engravings, and names of the Engravers: Frontispiece: America, with the " Constitution " in her hand, receiving the Bible; The Goddess of Liberty on one side; behind America a Pedestal with the Names of Washington, Montgomery, Greene, Franklin, Warren, Adams, Mercer, Putnam, Jay, Clinton, Gates, Morris and Fayette inscribed thereon. The whole surmounted by the arms of the State of New York.... Dunlap, delint. 1. Adam giving Names....................................../.. Godwin. 1790. 2. Moses before the burning bush............................ C. Tiebout. 1790. 3. Sampson Killing the Lion.................................... Tiebout. 1790. 4. Ruth................................M.................... Maverick. 5. David and Bathsheba..................................... Doolittle. 6. Elijah and Elisha........................................ Tiebout. 7. Solomon's Temple................................................. Rollinson. 8. Queen Esther fainting. 9. David playing on the harp........................................... Doolittle. 10. Vision of the Cherubims........................... Rollinson. N. York, 1791. 11. Daniel in the Lion's den........................ Doolittle. -1I792.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 45 12. Jonah under the gourd........................................ RoUinson. Front. to N. T.: An accurate Map of the Holy Land............ Rollinson. 1790. 13. The flight into Egypt................................... Doolittle. N. H. 14. Christ restoring Bartimeus to Sight..................... Doolittle. N. H. 15. The Angel appearing to Mary...................................... Doolittle. 16. The Impotent man healed...................... Rollinson. N. York,'92. 17. Paul shaking off the viper.................... Rollinson. N. York,'92. 18. The Angel presenting the Book..................... Rollinson N. York, 1792. All are marked, "Engraved for the American Edition of Brown's Family Bible.': These plates are arranged in a different order in some copies. This is the earliest edition of the Bible composed and printed in the State of New York. It was published in forty numbers, the first of which appeared in the Spring of 1790. It was two years passing through the press. -N'2. THE I HOLY BIBLE I containing the Old and New Testaments: I Newly translated out of the I Original Tongues, I and with the former I Translations I diligently compared and revised. I Search the Scriptures, &c. I To Him give all the Prophets, &c. I Where a testament is, &c. I The Lamb slain, &c. I New York: I Printed by Hodge and Campbell, iand Sold at their respective Bookstores. I M.DCC.XCII. 1 (Am. Bible Soc.) 4. Title (within ornamental lines), 1 f.; verso, blank; To the Reader;* verso, Names and Order of Books, 1 f.; Text: Gen. to Mal. (not paged); sigs. A to 4R4 in 4s. The whole of Mal. is contained in the last page and half, and is in smaller type than the other portion of the O. T.; Apocrypha (in type like that of Malachi); sigs. A to verso of Q4 in 4s. The I New I Testament I of I Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I Newly Translated out of the i Original Greek, I and with the j former Translations I diligently compared and revised. I New York: I Printed by Hodge and Campbell, I and Sold at their respective Bookstores. I M.DCC.XCII. I 1 p.; verso, btank; Text: Mat. to Rev. sigs. A2 to verso of Ff 2, in 4s; Index of the Holy Bible, sigs. a to:-d of the recto of g; Tables of Measures, Weights, Coins, Kindred, Time, Offices, the rest of recto of g to recto of h; Alphab. Table of Proper Names, verso of h to i2, all in 2s; Psalms of David in Metre (Scotch version) pp. 1-49; sigs. tA to recto of t N1, in 2 s. In an advertisement of Books by Hodge and Campbell affixed to The Holy Bible Abridged (supra p. 36), this edition is announced with 20 elegant copper plates. But there are no plates in this copy. 13. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing J The Old and New | Testaments: I Translated out of the I Original Tongues; I And with the former I Translations j diligently compared and revised. I H. G. I (With a double line above and * The upper portion of the page is torn off in the copy examined. 46 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I793below.) New-York: I Printed and sold by Hugh Gaine, at his Book-Store and I Printing-Office, at the Bible, in Hanover-Square. I M,DCC,XCII. I (L.) 12. Title (within a double line), 1 f.; verso, blank; The Names and Order of all the Books of the 0. and N. Test. 1 p; Account of the Dates or Time of writing the Books of the New Testament, 1 p.; Text: Gen. to Mal. A3 to CC12; verso of Cc12, Tables of Kindred and of Time, 1 p.; The New Testament, &c. (same imprint), 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev. Dd2 to Ll12; verso, A Table of Offices and Conditions of Men. This Bible is printed in Ruby type, and is said to have been imported by Gaine, already set up in pages. 4. HOLY BIBLE. Philadelphia: Printed by William Young, Bookseller and Stationer, No. 52 Second, the corner of Chesnut Street. 1792. 18. Carey's.American Muscum for February, 1792. See supra, No. 4, 1791. 1. NEw TESTAMENT. Philadelphia: Published by Win. Young, No. 52 Second, the corner of Chesnut Streets. 1792. 18. 1793. 1. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing the I Old and New Testaments: j Together with the Apocrypha: Translated out of the I (riginal Tongucs, and with the Former Translations diligently I Compared and Revised, I by the Special Command of King James I, of England. I Uniteb Gtates of 2merira. I Printed in Worcester, Massachusetts, i By Isaiah Thomas. I Sold by him in Worcester. Sold also by said Thomas, and I Andrews, at Faust's Statue, No. 45, Newbury Street, Boston; I and by said Thomas, and Co. in Walpole, Newhampshire. I MDCCXCIII. 1 8. Title (within ornamental rules), 1 f.; verso, blank; Advertisement to the Folio and Quarto Editions, To Christians of every Denomination. "N. B. This Octavo Edition was carefully copiedfirom the Folio and Quarto Editions above mentioned. ISAIAH THOMAS having made preparation therefor, is now putting to Press two other Editions of the Bible, viz: one in Demy Quarto, the other in Duodecimo, or the Common School Bible, which will be completed with all speed... Both Editions will be printed on beautiful New Types, cast particularly for the purpose." To the Publick and Ad. dress of the Translators to King James; Names and order of all the Books, 2 pp.; sig. *2; The I lb &estamnent, I Translated I out of the I Original Hebrew, j and j with the Former Translations diligently I Compared and Revised, I together with the [ Apocrypha. I Done by the I Special Command of his Majesty King James I, of England. -'794-1 AMERICAN BIBLES. 47 (Gen. ii, 17, in Hebrew, within an ornamental cut.) Printed at Worcester, Massachusetts, I by Isaiah Thomas. I Sold by him in Worcester. Sold also by said Thomas, and Andrews, I at Faust's Statue, No. 45, Newbury Street, Boston; and by said Thomas, I and Co. in Walpole, Newhampshire. I MDCCXCIII. I (within double rules), 1 p.; verso, The Property of, within a circular wreath; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 7-735; at foot of 735, The End of the Prophets. I then a double line across the page; Printed at Worcester, Massachusetts, by Isaiah Thomas, MDCCXClII. Another double line across the page; on verso of 735, Tables of Scripture Measures, Weights and Money, and of Time; sigs. *4 to 45ZS, in 8; Apocrypha (not paged), sig. A to verso of y4, in 4s; The JI'ehl estarment I of our j Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ. I Translated I out of the I Original Greek. I And with the Former Translations diligently I Compared and Revised, I by the Special Command of his Majesty King James I, of England. [ (2 lines of Greek within an ornamental cut.) Printed at Worcester, Massachusetts, I by Isaiah Thomas. I Sold by him in Worcester. Sold also by said Thomas, and Andrews, I at Faust's Statue, No. 45, Newbury Street, Boston; and by said Thomas, I and Co. in Walpole, Newhampshire. I MDCCXCIII. I 1 p. (within parallel rules), marked at foot, 46A; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev. pp. 739-959; Table of Offices and Conditions of Men, p. 960; sigs. 46A2 to 590 in 8s. An Edition of this Bible has also been published without Apocrypha. (L.) 2. THE I HOLY BIBLE I containing the Old and New | Testaments: I Translated out of the I Original Tongues; And with the former I Translations i diligently compared and revised. I Trenton: I Printed and Sold by Isaac Collins. i M.DCC.XCIII. I (L.; G. L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Names and Order of Books, (A2 ); Account of the dates and times of writing the Books of the N. T., 2 pp.; To the Reader, beginning, " As the Dedication of the English Translation," &c., 2 pp.; Text: (not paged) Gen. to Mal. A4 to verso of 5P4 in 4s; The New I Testament I of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I Translated out of the I Original Greek J and with the I former Translations I diligently compared and revised. I Trenton: I Printed and Sold by Isaac Collins. I M.DCC.XCIV. I 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev. 5Q2 to verso of 7B2 in 4s; Tables of Measures, Weights and Kindred, Time, Days, Hours, Watches, 1 p.; Tables of Offices and Conditions, 1 p. sig. 7B3, followed by a blank leaf to complete the sig. The title pages are within double lines. The address to the Reader is by the Rev. Dr. Witherspoon. 1794. 1. A New HIEROGLYPHICAL BIBLE I For the Amusement & Instruction of Children; f Being I A Selection I of the most useful Lessons; I and most interesting Narratives; I (Scripturally Arranged) From Genesis to Revelations. Embellished with I Familiar Figures & Striking Emblems Neatly Engraved I To the whole is Added a Sketch of the 48 AMERICAN BIBLES. [1794life of I Our Blessed Saviour, I The Holy Apostles &c. i Recommended by the Revd. Rowland Hill M. A. I Boston: I Printed for W. Norman, Book & Chartseller. I n. d. (L.; B.; G.L.) 12. Pp. 144. A Mr. Thompson, was the author of this volume; the recommendation is dated May 12, 1794. 2. ISAIAH. I A i New Translation; I By the late Robert Lowth, D. D. I Bishop of London. I To which is added, I A plain, concise and particular Explanation I of each Chapter.! Extracted chiefly from "A Treatise on the Prophets," I By John Smith, D. D. I Minister of the Gospel at Campbleton, Scotland. I In the Summary Explanation, I perfixed to each Chapter, the I Time and Occasion when the Prophecy was written; the peculiar Style of ISAIAH; the Beauty and Sublimity of I particular Passages; the Allusions to ancient Customs and I Manners; the Connexion and Scope of the several Parts I of the Prophecy, and the Events in which the Predictions I seem to have had their Accomplishment, are occasionally I ascertained and illustrated: The whole forming an agree- I able and instructive Exposition of this Seraphic Prophet, I equally removed from dull and tedious Criticisms, and I from general and foreign Observations. t Albany: & Printed by Charles R. and George Webster, I No. 2, Pearl-Street. I M.DCC.XCIV. I (N. Y. State Lib.; G. L.; Conn. Hist. Soc.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; pp. 231; sigs. A, including title, to recto of Dd4, in 4. 3. DANIEL. REVELATIONS. Remarks I on the | Book of Daniel, l and on the I Revelations. [ = - Whereby it appears, I That Daniel had visions of eight great tem- I poral monarchies: That the three last of I Daniel being future when John wrote, he only l has visions of the three last great temporal I powers. [ That the prophetic periods of Daniel and John, ] all terminate in 2520 years from the first of l Cyrus, and 1890 from the birth of Christ, f so far as temporal powers are concerned. t That the end of temporal powers, designates an I end of mankind in the flesh; the com -I794.1 AMERICAN BIBLES. 49 mence- I ment of the millenium; the resurrection of I the Just, and the restitution of all things. I = I Revelations III. I " Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I will I also keep thee from the hour of temptation, that cometh I upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the I earth: Behold I come quickly: Hold fast that which thou I hast, that no man take thy crown." I I NewYork, printed at Greenleaf's Press, I April 19, A. D. 1794. 1 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; The Book of Daniel, pp. 1-28; Revelations begin at p. 272, but the text is not printed like that of Daniel, but with remarks intercalated; the volume ends on p. 503; Errata, 2 pp.; the signatures run from A to S3. (J. G. S.) 1. THIE NEW | TESTAMENT I of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, j translated out of the I Original Greek: I And with the former Translations I diligently Compared and Revised. J Appointeb to be reab in QlTurtdes. I (Vignette, American Eagle.) Printed at Boston, I by Alexander Young and Thomas Minns, I for J. Boyle, B. Larkin, J. White, Thomas and Andrews, I D. West, E. Larkin, W. P. Blake, and J. West. I Sold by them at their respective Book Stores. I MDCCXCIV. [ (Am. Antiq. Soc.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Order of Books; Text: Mat. to Rev. (not paged); sigs. A2 to Z5; Table of Kindred Z6; verso, blank; sigs. in 6s. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: Trenton: Printed and Sold by Isaac Collins. M.DCC.XCIV. 8. With Bible, supra No. 2, 1793. 3. EXPOSITORY NOTES, I with I Practical Observations I upon the I New Testament I of I Our Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ. I Wherein the whole of the I Sacred Text is recited, the Sense explained, I and the I instructive Example of the blessed Jesus, and his Apostles, i to our Imitation recommended. J By William Burkitt, M. A. i Late vicar and lecturer of Dedham, in Essex. I New-Haven: I Printed by Abel Morse, for the Rev. David Austin of Elizabeth-town. I M,DCC,XCIV. I (Conn. Hist. Soc.) 4. Pp. 1168. 7 50 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I795 4. APOCALYPSE. An I Attempt i to translate the prophetic part i of the I Apocalypse of St. John I into familiar language, I by divesting it of the Metaphors in which it is involved. I By James Winthrop, Esq. I And he turned, /&c., Luke x, 23, 24. t I Jesus have sent, &c., Rev. xxii, 16. I Printed in BOSTON, for the Author, I By Belknap and Hall, I Sold at their Office, No. 8, Dock Square. MDCCXCIV. t (Harvard Coll.; B.) 8. Pp. 79. The author was for some years chief justice of the court of common pleas in Massachusetts. He died in 1821. 1795. 1. JOB. A I Paraphrase 1 on I Some Parts I of I the Book[ of ( Job. [ Printed by Samuel Hall, No. 53, Cornhill, Boston. 1 1795. 1 (B.) 8. Pp. 39. RICHARD DEVENS, the author of this Metrical Paraphrase, was a native of Charlestown (Mass.), and educated at Princeton College, where he subsequently filled the chair of Mathematics. His reason forsook him at the early age of twenty-four years. Preface. 2. ISAIAH. A j Paraphrase I on 1 Eight Chapters I of the Prophet Isaiah: I Wherein it is attempted to express the Sense of the I Prophet, in proper English Style. I Whoso readeth, let him understand. t Printed at Worcester, Massachusetts, I by Isaiah Thomas, j and Sold at the Worcester Bookstore. t 1795. 1 (L.; Am. Antiq. Soc.) 8. Mock Title: Paraphrase I on I Eight Chapters I' of I Isaiah. I 1 f.; verso, blank; Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Explanation of the Terms and Phrases used by the Prophet, pp. 5-10; Text: pp. 11-41; sigs., including both Titles, A to F1. The chapters paraphrased are 41-48. 1. Sal %eu~e I Seftament I unferW I S)rrn unb g0 e tanWe~ I 3$fu $iriti, I nactd) ber Zeutfen lUeberfetung I D. Martin utt)er&. I Sit Surbem I Sntalt eine ielben apitel~, [ unb I uolftainiger /ntmeifung gleiCer Cdriftfteten. 1 I3ie aude I etter ~onniunul {eft~ taigigen I &angelien unb Gpiftedn. i 3ttete Iufage. i e erman,taun: I (ebrudt bep idpel)ad 3imeper, 1795. I (L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Verzeichnitz der Bacher, &c., 1 p. sig. A2; verso, blank; Text: pp. 5-537; Anweisung, &c., 5 pp. not numbered; sigs. %T3 to verso of iQ7, in 88; text in double columns. -1796.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 51 1796. 41. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I Containing the 1 Old and New Testaments, 1 Translated out of the 1Original Tongues I and With the Former Translations I Diligently Compared and Revised. Andthe I Apocrypha: I With I Marginal References. I Philadelphia: I Printed for Berriman & Co. by Jacob R. Berriman. I M.DCC.XCVI. I (L.) fol. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Names and Order of Books, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Gen. to Mal., sigs. B to recto of 6E1; verso, blank; Apocrypha, sigs. 6E2 to recto of 712; verso, blank; The I New Testament I of our Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I translated out of the I Original Greek: I And i With the former Translations diligently Compared and Revised: I With I Marginal References. I Philadelphia: Printed for Berriman & Co. By Jacob R. Berriman. I MDCCXCVI. I 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev. 7K2 to recto of 8Z2; verso, blank; Index, 11 pp.; Tables of Time, Measure, Coins, &c., 2 pp.; Tables of Offices and Kindred, ] p.; List of Subscribers, 2 pp., making 8 if.; sigs. 9A to verso of 9D2; all in 2s The following is a List of Engravings: 1. Front., Adam and Eve in Paradise; 2. Map of the Garden of Eden; 3. Parting of Lot and Abraham; 4. Hagar in the Wilderness; 5. The Egyptian Midwives drowning the Male Children of the Hebrews t 6. Map of The Holy Land, 7. Gideon's Sacrifice;' 8. Sampson slaying the Philistines; 9. Delilah cutting off Sampson's hair'; 10. The Triumph of David, 11. David presenting Uriah with the letter to Joab'; 12. Nathan rebuking David; 13. Elias carried up to Heaven, 14. The Temple of Solomon; 15. Daniel in the Lions' Den'; 16. Judas Maccabeus defeats the Samarian Army, 17. He betrayed him with a Kiss;' 18. Paul presiding at Athens.' No. 1, was engraved by F. Shallus, and has on it.: Philadelphia Published by Berriman & Co. 1796. Nos. 2, 6, 14, were engraved by A. Anderson; 4, 5, 7, 9, 15, by C. Tiebout, N. Y.; 8, 17 and 18, by Rollinson, N. Y.; 10 and 16, by A. Doolittle, New Haven. The designs of 7, 8, 13, 14 and 16, are copied exactly from those of Thomas's edition of the Bible, but the Ornaments are very different; that of 15 also, but in counter proof, the Ornaments being likewise entirely different. 2. HOLY BIBLE: and the Apocrypha, with Marginal References. Philadelphia: Printed for Berriman and Co., by Jacob R. Berriman. n. d. (L.) fol. The Collation of this volume agrees with that preceding, but there are no plates. The titles of both copies are essentially different. In the first, the words " Holy Bible," are in ornamented capitals; in the second, in plain caps.; " Old and New Testaments" in Roman in the first; in the second, in Black letter; the title to the New Testament has been also reprinted. The type used in it is smaller and very different, and the words: " With the Former Translations I Diligently Compared and Revised." I are now in two lines, the first only being in Italics. The Imprint as on the 0. T. title. 52 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I7963. THE I HOLY BIBLE I Abridged: or, the I History I of the Old and New Testament. Illustrated with Notes, and adorned I with Cuts, i For the Use of Childrens. I Suffer little children to come unto me, and ] forbid them not. LUKE, xviii, 16. j The Second WORCESTER Edition. I Worcester, (Massachusetts) ] From the Press of Thomas, Son & Thomas, I and sold at their Bookstore. I MDCCXCVI. i (B.) 32. Pp. 171, in 8; BooKs for the Instruction and d.muserenlt of Children, which will make them wise and happy, printed and Sold by THOMAS, SON and THOMAS, Worcester. 3 pp. Frontispiece: Adam and Eve tempted, engraved on wood; with a number of other woodcuts printed with the text. 1. THE FOUR GOSPELS, translated from the Greek, with preliminary Dissertations, and Notes Critical and Explanatory. By George Campbell, D. D., F. R. S. Philadelphia: Thomas Dobson. 1796. (Rev. Dr. Jenks, Boston.) 4. 2. First American Edition. I ExPOSITORY NOTES, I with I Practical Observations I on the I New Testament I of our I Lord and Savior j Jesus-Christ I where-in I The Sacred Text is at Large Recited, the Sense Explained and the Instructive Example I of the Blessed Jesus, and his Itoly Apostles, to our Imitation Recommended. I The whole Designed to Encourage the Reading of the Scriptures in Private Families, I and to Render the Daily Perusal of them Profitable and Delightful. (A double rule across the page.) By William Burkitt, M. A. I Late vicar and lecturer of Dedham, in Essex. I (Another double rule across the page.) From the Twentieth European edition carefully corrected. I (A black line across the page.) I New-York: I Printed by T. Dunning and W. W. Hyer, No. 21, Gold Street. = 1 1796. 1 (Mrs. Ferris, Miami.) fol. 3. EXPOSITORY NOTES, with Practical Observations on the New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ &c. By William Burkitt M. A. 1st American from the 20th European Edition. Philadelphia: Printed by William W. — I797.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 53 Woodward, Chesnut Street, No. 16. Franklin's Head. 1796. (Seminary of St. Sulpice, Bait.; L.) fol. This copy of Burkitt's Notes agrees entirely with the preceding, except in the Imprint on the Title page. It consists of 2 ff. and 631 pp. 1797. /1. THE HOLY BIBLE, j containing the I Old and New Testaments: I Translated out of the Original Tongues, and with the former Translations I diligently Compared and Revised, [ by the I Special Command of King James I, of England. I.A text of Hebrew, Gen. ii: 7. 1 tniteb states of golumbia. I Printed at Worcester, Massachusetts, I By Isaiah Thomas. I Sold by him in Worcester, by Wholesale, Bound or in Sheets. I Sold also by said Thomas and Andrews in Boston, and by the I Booksellers in the United States of Columbia. 1 1797. J (Am. Antiq. Soc.; G. L.) 12. Title (within rules), 1 f.; verso, blank; Advertisement, To Christians of every denomination; To the Publick, 2 pp.; Names and Order of Books, at foot of 2d p.; Text: Gen. to Mal. (not paged), sigs. A3 to Cc3; verso of Cc3, Tables of Measures, Weights, Money and Time; The I New Testament I of our i Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ. I Translated out of the Original Greek, I And with the former Translations, I diligently Compared and Revised, by the Special Com- I mand of his Majesty King James I, of England. I Two lines of Greek text; Imprint and date as above; 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., Cc5 to Kk12, in 12S. When Thomas published his 8vo Bible in 1793, he announced two other editions, viz: " One in Demy Quarto, the other in Duodecimo, or the Common School Bible, to be printed on the beautiful New Types cast particularly for the purpose." The latter was not issued until this year. It is called " Thomas' Standing 12mo Edition," as the types were kept undistributed, or " standing," ready for the press. It contains an error in Acts, 6: 3, where the text reads: " whom ye may appoint over this business. " 1. THE I NEw TESTAMENT I of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I Newly translated out of the Original Greek: I And with the former I Translations I Diligently Compared and Revised. i Lancaster, I Printed by J. Bailey and W. & R. Dickson in Kingstreet, 1797. 1 (E. A.) 12. Title (within double lines), 1 f.; verso, The Order of the Books; Text: Mat. to Rev., sigs. A2 to verso of N6, in 128. 2. NEw TESTAMENT: New Haven: Published by Edward O'Brien; also Sold wholesale and retail by John Turner, Philadelphia. 1797. (Mr. McA.) 12. 54 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I7983. ST. MATTHEW. Chapters V, 1-20; VI, 19-34; VII, 1-12; St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Chapter XII; To the Colossians, Chapter III; St. James's Epistle, Chapter I. (N. Y. Hist. Soc.) 8. These portions of the New Testament are contained in a Volume entitled, " Catholic Liturgy, or Forms of Prayer," printed in Boston, by Isaiah Thomas, 1797. 1798. 1. THE | HOLY BIBLE, I containing I tle Q(b and New Testament.: I Together with the I Apocrypha; I Translated out of the I Original Tongues: I And with the Former Translations, i EDiligetttln ~ompareb anb flevieb. I Vignette: Holy Bible open, surrounded by rays of Light, encircled with 15 stars and supported by the American Eagle. flbilabelpbia: I Printed for John Thompson & Abraham Small, I [from the Hot-press of John Thompson.] I M.DCC.XCVIII. (L.; G. L.) fol. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; The Names and Order of the Books, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Gen. to the end of Psalms (not paged), sigs. B. to verso of 7 N1, in 2s; Title and Imprint (as above) repeated with the addition of " Volume II," beneath the Vignette; 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Prov. to Mal. sigs. 7 N2 to recto of 10 F1; verso, blank; in 2s; Apocrypha, sigs. A to recto of L12; verso, blank; then 2 blank if.;:re Ae tbW gestament I of our [ Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I Translated out of ] The Original Greek: [ and with the I former Translations, JI wITlgenrtIN comliareb anb Rebiseb. I (Vignette as in first title.) DitlatelpiDa, I Printed for John Thompson & Abraham Small, I [from the Hot-press of John Thompson.] I M.DCC.XCVIII. I 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev. sigs. A to verso of 3 Q2; Index, 9 pp.; Table of Scripture Measures, Weights, Coins; Tables of Offices; of Time; of Kindred, 3 pp. sigs. 3 R to verso of 3 T2; sigs. in 2s This is the first hot-pressed edition of the Bible printed in America; it was issued originally in 40 numbers, commencing June, 1796, at half a dollar a number. Hence the division into volumes is altogether arbitrary. The text is from the Cambridge ed. published by John Baskerville, and is without notes of any kind. There are brief headings to each chapter. The work is accompanied by a Frontispiece, engraved by Lawson, at foot of which are the words, Published by J. Thompson and Abn. Smallfor the Hot-pressed Bible. Philadelphia, Novw 1798. The Apocrypha is entirely in Italics. Some copies have 2 pp. of Subscribers' Names at the end. 2. HOLY BIBLE: Unftteb 0tates of (Qolnmbia. Printed at Worcester, Massachusetts, By Isaiah Thomas. Sold by him in Worcester, by Wholesale, Bound, or in Sheets. Sold also by said Thomas and Andrews in Boston, and by the _I799.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 55 Booksellers in the United States of Columbia. 1798. (Am. Antiq. Soc.; L.; B.; G. L.) 12. This is Thomas's " standing " Edition of 1797, (q. v.) with new date to title pages only. The error in Acts 6:3 is continued. 1. NEW TESTAMENT I of our I Lord and Saviour, I Jesus Christ: j Translated from the Greek. j Appointed to be read by Children. I Hartford: I Printed by John Babcock. 1 1798. 1 (Conn. Hist. Soc.) 24. Pp. 69. This is an ill-written paraphrase or narrative, adhering not much to Biblical phraseology. It is illustrated by coarse wood-cuts, and has a few Hymns and an advertisement of the printer at the end. 2. BURKITT's EXPOSITORY NOTES on the New Testament. New Haven: Tiebout and O'Brien. circ. 1798. 4. Not seen. 1799. 1. HOLY BIBLE. Uniteb States of Collmbia. Printed at Worcester, Massachusetts, By Isaiah Thomas. Sold by him in Worcester, by Wholesale, Bound, or in Sheets. Sold also by said Thomas and Andrews in Boston, and by the Booksellers in the United States of Columbia. 1799. (L.; Am. Antiq. Soc.) 12.. Thomas's " standing " Edition of 1797 (q. v.), with a new title page. The error in Acts 6:3, is continued. 1. NEW TESTAMENT; Philadelphia: Printed by Charles Cist, No. 104, North Second Street, near Race Street. M.DCC.XCIX. I (L.) 12. Not paged; sigs. A to U6 in 6s; 1 Tim. 4: 16, " thy doctrine." 2. THE I FOUR GOSPELS, | Translated from the Greek. I With I Preliminary Dissertations, I and Notes Critical and Explanatory. I By George Campbell, D. D., F. R. S. Edinburgh; I Principal of Marischal College, Aberdeen. MONH OTTEON TH AAHOEIA. I Philadelphia: I'Printed by A. Bartram. 1 1799. 1 (N. Y. State Lib.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Ded. pp. (iii not marked) iv; Contents, pp. v-viii; these 4 if. are without any sig. mark; Pref., pp. i-xvi; sigs. A, B in 4s; Pre 56 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I799limirary Dissertations, pp. 1-260; sigs. C to Mm2; Pref. to Matthew's Gospel, pp. 261-276; then 275, 276, 277; verso of 277, blank; Contents, pp. 279-282; sigs. Nn to Pp, all in 4s; Gosp. of Mat., pp. 285-333; verso of 333, blank; (p. 295 is numbered 195) sigs. Qq to 3 C, then 4 D to recto of 4 E1, all in 2s except the last sig.; Pref. to Mark's Gospel, pp. 335-340; sig. 4E2 to 4E4; Contents, pp. 341, 342; Gosp. of Mark, pp. 343, 373; verso of 373, blank; sigs. 4 F. to 4 01 in 2s; Pref. to Luke's Gosp., pp. 375-383; 384 blank; Contents, 385-388; sigs. 4 02 to 4 P in 4s; Gosp. of Luke, pp. 389-440; sigs. 4 Q to 5 E in 2s; Pref. to John's Gosp., pp. 441-446; Contents, pp. 447-450; Gospel of John, pp. 451-488; sigs. 5 F to 5 L, then M to Q, 5 R, all in 28; Notes Critical and Explanatory (mock title), 1 p.; verso, Advertisement; Notes, pp. 3-196; sigs. A to E in 4s, F to Xx in 2s; Index of Texts, Index of Greek words and Phrases (not paged), Yy to 3 B in 2s. Thomas Dobson of Philadelphia, printed an edition of Campbell's Gospels (supra, p. 52). The Title page of this volume is inserted. 2. if I [5efd)iid)te I on ber ar?rterWod, tuferftebung I unb l timhf melfatrt I unferW I Cerrn unb einlanbet I 3e$u (S4rifti. I Ueberfet in bie Kru cadifpe Zprade, I unb ertlarenb umfcrieben. I ~lpitabelptia: i (ebrudt be} darl Qift, 1799. 1 (B.) 8. 1 leaf; recto, blank; verso, Title, as above; Indian Title: Wadaijahun I Wuussada-goanti I Wappussida-goanti I baddia I JEsus CHRITUS I Amonaigaddunnua, heikann, akkarraddi gid- I dunnia baddia, waijalukkuiduwa, ussondagan, I laggiinnegunnua hitti ulluggu waria ku, wu- I wussa-wa, laggujunnua baddia aijuimuniru uk- I kunna muntu adiabti, duhu garda: bibiti gunnu I Evangelistinu, nari hiddia muttu MATTHMUS, I MARCUS, LUCAS, JOHANNES, mutti aibussia I guba Wamun abbullidin, 1 naddikin ullukkudi I ren, Jesus umattinni hinna guba je. I Philadelphia mdn 1799. 1 Assabbadahigan duhu garda hiddia muttu wijua uk- I kunna: Ein Tausend, Sieben Hundert, und Neun I und Neunzig wvjua tabbugoawa, Wadaijahain I Wappussida goanti Jesus Christus elontin apuddi gid- i din benna guba dannuhu hidda. I 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: pp. 1-213; sigs. A to recto of Dd3 in 4s; a blank leaf completes the last sig. This is a History of the Passion, Resurrection and Ascension of the Savior, translated into the language of the Arawaks (a tribe of Indians in Guiana), by the Rev. Johannes Jacob Gottlob Fischer, a Missionary to those parts. 1800. 1. H KAINH I AIAOHKH. j Novum [ Testamentum. I Juxta Exemplar Joannis Millii ac- curatissime impressum. [ (A figure in printer's flowers.) Editio prima Americana. i Wigornise, Massachusettensi: [ Excudebat Isaias Thomas, Jun. I Singulatim et Numerose eo vendita Officinte sume. April-1800. [ (L.;B.; G. L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; A Chronological Table of the Books of the New Testament (in English), signed, Caleb Alexander, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: pp. 5-478, followed -1801.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 57 by a list of Books printed and sold by Isaiah Thomas, Jun., 1 p.; verso, Advertisement of said Thomas, dated Worcester, December 25, 1802. Sigs. A to Rr6 in 68 This is the first edition of the New Testament printed in Greek in this country. 1801. 1. THE I HOLY BIBLE containing I lI)e 01b anb New 1estaments, I with the Apocrypha: I Translated out of the Original Tongues, i and with the former Translations diligently Compared and Revised. I Correctly copied from Collins's Quarto Edition. I (Wood-cut of Adam and Eve in Paradise.) New-York: I Printed for William Durell, Bookseller, No. 106, Maiden Lane. I By George F. Hopkins, at Washington's-Head. 1 1801. I (L.; B.) fol. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; To the Reader (Dr. Witherspoon's Preface), 1 p.; Names and Order of the Books; Account of Dates of writing the Books of the N. Test., 1 p.; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. [5-[319, then 318,] [319, 320]-[701; sigs. A3 to 4 Q4 in 4s; Apocrypha, pp. [703-868]: sigs. 4 R to 5 N3 in 49; The New I Testament j of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I Translated out of the I Original Greek: [ And with the I Former Translations I Diligently Compared and Revised. I Correctly copied from Collins's Quarto Bible. I New York: I Printed for William Durell, Bookseller,.No. 106, Maiden Lane. 1801. J 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. [3-118]; sigs. A to Ff in 2s; then pp. [119, 120], sig. Gg, 1 f.; pp. [121-136], sigs. Aa, Bb, in 4s; pp. [137,138], [139, 140], sigs. Cc and Cc2; pp. [141-212], sigs. Dd to Mm, in 4s. (Sigs. Gg and Cc are in much smaller type than the other parts of the text.) The following are the plates in this volume, and the Engravers' names: 1. Adam and Eve, Scoles, sc.; 2. Moses on Mount Sinai, J. J., sc.; 3. Aaron the High Priest; 4. Balek and the Princes of Moab; 5. David and Goliah; 6. Naaman the Syrian; all by Scoles; 7. Job in deep distress (no Engraver's name); 8. David at his early devotion, Scoles; 9. Jonah sitting under his gourd,.Ainderson; 10. The Kingdom of Christ, Is. 2: 1-9, Scoles; 11. The Wise Men worshipping the Infant; 12. Christ rebuking the Pharisees; 13. Stephen before the Council, Gilbert Fox; 14. St. John in the island of Patmos, J. J.; 15. The Church in distress, Scoles. The plates are all copied from Heptinstall's Imperial 4to edition, 1794, 1795. The Old Testament and Apocrypha were published in 14 parts; the New Testament probably in 4: but there is no indication of any division. A misprint occurs in.cts, 10: 26: " Saying stand up," for, " saying, Stand up:" 2. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Printed for Mathew Carey, No. 118 Market Street. October 20, 1801. 4. Title (wanting); Preface, 2 if.; Subscribers' Names, 2 if.; Text: Gen. to Mal. not paged, sigs. B to recto of 4F4; on verso, This Bible is the Property of (within an ornamental border, surmounted by two vases); Apocrypha (in smaller type), not paged, sigs. A, B, then [C] to verso of [R]3; The j New Testament I of our 8 58 AMERICAN BIBLES. [i8oILord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I Translated out of the I Original Greek; I And with the I former Translations I diligently compared and revised. I By the Special Command of King James I, of England. I} 3ilatlelpia: I Printed for Mathew Carey, No. 118, Market Street. I October 20, 1801. 1 1 p.; verso, blank; Family Record, 2 if.; Mat. to Rev., sigs. 4G to recto of 5G2; at the end of the text of the New Testament, A wood cut representing a stunted tree, and in the background, a castellated building on the margin of a river; verso, blank; Index, sigs. [aaa], [bbb]4; remainder of the volume wanting. All the sigs. are in 4s except 5G. The following is a list of the Engravings in this volume and of the Engravers' names: 1. Abel offering Sacrifice....................... Engraved by C. Tiebout. 2. Judgment of Solomon...........................................Tanner. 3. David playing on the Harp........................................ C. Tiebout. 4. Shepherds worshipping the Infant......................... C. Tiebout. 1800. 5. The Master of the Vineyard chiding the dissatisfied Laborer............. Tanner. 6. The Resurrection........................C. Tiebout. 7. The Good Samaritan, (Etched by James Akin)............... C. Tiebout. 8. The Woman of Samaria......................................B. Tanner. 9. He that is without Sin among you, let him first cast a Stone at her........Tanner. Each of the plates has at foot; "Phila (or Philadelphia), Published by M. Carey, No. 118, Market St.," except Nos. 2, 5 and 9, which have simply, " Published by M. Carey," and 7 and 8, which have no imprint. The following errors occur in this volume: Exodus 12:22, and on the two for and the two 23, and the two and on the two 37, Ramses Rameses Deut. 9: 2, of Anakims of the Anakims 34: at top, Chap. XXXIV Deuteronomy. 2 Sam. 21: at top, pnt to death put to death 1 Kings 126, Jehoida Jehoiada 8: 59, cause of cause of 2 Kings (note) 3:24, it even in in it even 1 Chron. 1:21, Ual Uzal 6: 54, of the of the 2 Chron. 3: 2, year of year of 4: 6, offering offering (note) 5:11, found found (note) 22: 10, Kngs Kings Job 12:18, gir deth thei girdeth theit (note) 37:22, Cold Gold Psalm (note) 7:11, righteons righteous (note) 84: 10, thresbold threshold Isaiah 50: 2, for thirst for thirst 64: at top, CHRST CHRIST Jerem. 2: 12, horrb ly horribly 1 Esdras 2:16, Beltethmus Beeltethmus Judith 2:19, forth forth -I80o.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 59 Baruch 4: 1, fore ver for ever Susan (note) 54, lentish tree lentisk tree 1 Mac. top at 2: instructetb instructeth The first title to this volume is wanting in the copy examined, but is supposed to correspond with the following: 3. THE 1 HOLY BIBLE, J containing the I Old and New Testaments: 1 together with the 1 Apocrypha: ] Translateb out of thie Original Tongues, ] and I with the former Translations diligently compared and revised, I By the Special Command of King James I, of England. I With J marginal notes and references. 1 To which are added, I An Index; I An Alphabetical Table I of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations; 1 and I Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures, and Coins. I Embellished with a 1 Map of Palestine, and nine Historical Engravings. I Philadelphia: I Printed for Mathew Carey, No. 118 Market Street, I By Joseph Charless. 1 October 20, 1801. 1 (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, Names and Order of all the Books; Subscribers' Names, 2 ff.; Preface, 2 ff.; These 4 ff. are marked A. The subsequent matter then corresponds with that of the volume immediately preceding, until we reach the End of the New Testament. Here the wood cut is removed, and its place supplied by a table of " ERRATA," enumerating the several errors found in the preceding copy, except those at the top of Deut. XXXIV and of 2 Sam. XXI, but with an additional one in John 6:31, " isw ritten " for, " is written;" A Family Record, 1 p. occupies the blank in the preceding edition, on verso of 5G2; Index, sigs. [aaa] to [dddrl, 12 ff.; Tables of Offices; of Scripture Measures, [ddd]l to verso of [ddd]2, 2 ff.; Alphabetical Table, [ddd]3 to verso of [eee]2, 4 if.; on foot of the verso, Table of Time; Chronological Catalogue of the Apostles, 3 pp. [eeelp to recto of [eee]4; on verso of [eee]4, Chronological Index of Years and Times, 2 ff.; Cowper's Portrait of an Apostolic Preacher; Table of Kindred; Clergyman's Address to Married Persons; The Old and New Testament dissected; Judea, Palestine & the Holy land, sags. [ff ] to [fff J2, 2 if.; two blank leaves complete the sig.; all in 4. The Engravings are the same as those last enumerated, with the addition of " Map of Palestine." 4. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing I the Old and New Testaments: I Translated out of the Original Tongues; l and with the former Translations I diligently compared and revised. I New York: I Printed by M. L. & W. A. Davis, For Gaine & Ten Eyck, S. Campbell, John Reid, John Broome & Son, E. Duyckinck, I T. & J. Swords, T. S. Arden, P. A. Mesier, S. Stevens, and T. B. Jansen & Co. I 1801. I (G. L.) 4. 60 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I80ITitle, 1 f.; verso, blank; Names and Order of the Books of the Old and New Testaments, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Gen. to Mal. not paged, sigs. A3 to verso of 4H2; Apocrypha, 4113 to verso of 5C1; The I New Testament I of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I translated out of the I Original Greek; I and with I the former Translations I diligently compared and revised. I Net Voit: I Printed by M. L. & W. A. Davis, I For Gaine & Ten Eyck, S. Campbell, John Reid, John Broome & Son, E. Duyckinck, T. & J. Swords, I T. S. Arden, P. A. Mesier, S. Stephens, and T. B. Jansen & Co. I 1801. 1 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., 5C3 to verso of 6D2; Index, 6D3 to verso of 6F3, one blank leaf completing the sig., all which are in 4s This copy contains the Apocrypha, though not mentioned in the Title page. 5. HOLY BIBLE: Printed at Boston, Massachusetts, I By I. Thomas and E. T. Andrews. I Sold by them wholesale and retail: Also by I. Thomas in Worcester; I Thomas, Andrews & Penniman, Albany; Thomas, I Andrews & Butler, Baltimore; and by all the I principal Booksellers in the United States. 1 1801. 1 (Am. Antiq. Soc.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Names and Order of Books, 1 p.; Account of Dates, 1 p. The text is the same as that of the edition, No. 1 of 1797; the types of that " standing " edition having been removed from Worcester to Boston. The error in Acts 6: 3, is continued. 1. THE I New (estament I of I our Lord and Saviour 1 Jesus Christ, i Translated out of 1 Tbe Original (reek I and with I the Former Translations I diligently Compared and Revised. I Correctly copied from Collins's Quarto Edition. New York: I Printed for William Durell, Bookseller, No. 106, Maiden Lane. 1 1801. 1 (L.) fol. This is the New Test. accompanying Durell's Folio Bible of this year; the title only is reprinted; and this copy has two plates. The misprint in Acts 10: 26; " Saying stand up," for, " saying, Stand up," is continued. 2. THE NEW TESTAMENT I of our Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I Newly translated out of the I Original Greek: I And with the 1 former Translations I Diligently Compared and Revised. I Appointed to be Read in Churches. B. G. I New-York: I Printed and Sold by Benjamin Gomez, I Book-seller and Stationer, I No. 97, Maiden Lane. 1 1801. 1 (L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Order of the Books, &c.; Text: Mat. to Rev., sigs. A2 to recto of 012; verso, Table of Kindred. The title is within heavy rules; pages not numbered; Headings to Chapters and Columns. Gomez was a Jew, and supplied the trade with this edition. (Mr. Bradford.) It agrees with that published by Hugh Gaine in 1790, errors included. -i8oi.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 61 3. THE NEW TESTAMENT I of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I newly translated out of the i Original Greek; I and with the former I Translations I diligently compared and revised. I Newbury-port: I Printed and Sold by Parker and Robinson. I n. d. (B.) 12. The body of this volume agrees with that printed by Mycall; (No. 2, supra, 1791.) 4. NEW TESTAMENT: Philadelphia: Published by Thomas Dobson. 1801. 12. Not seen; mentioned in Portfolio, 4to I, 51. 5. NEW TESTAMENT: Printed at Worcester, Massachusetts, by Isaiah Thomas. Sold by him in Worcester. Sold also by said Thomas and Andrews, at Faust's Statue, No. 45, Newbury Street, Boston; and by said Thomas and Thomas in Walpole, New-Hampshire. 1801. 8. With Bible of 1802; q. v. 6. THE I NEW AND COMPLETE I LIFE | of our I blessed Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, &c. I With the Lives, Acts, and Sufferings 1 of his I Holy Apostles, Evangelists, Disciples, &c. l and of other eminent and primitive Christians. I By Paul Wright, D. D. I Vicar of Oakley, &c. I Embellished with Engravings. I New York: I Printed by Lazarus Beach: I Published and sold by William Durell, Bookseller, No. 106 Maiden Lane. I n. d. (L.) fol. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Preface, 1 f.; Text: pp. 5-380; sigs. B to 4Y, in 2s. The Engravings are as follow: 1. Frontispiece from Is. 6: 1-9..............................Engraved by Scoles. 2. Christ baptized......................................Doolittle, New Haven. 3. Woman of Samaria, (marked No. xxxix).......................... J. Seymour. 4. Woman healed of a bloody issue, (marked No. xxxvi). 5. Martha, (marked xli, engraved for Durell's edition of the Bible).... J. Seymour. 6. Lazarus and The Rich Man. 7. Tribute money. 8. Judas casting down the money in the Temple........................... Scoles. 9. Christ sent back to Pilate. 10. Christ crowned with thorns............................................ Scoles. 11. The Crucifixion, (after Rubens; marked xlii.)......................J. Seymour. 12. The Ascension, (marked No. 44; engraved for Durell's edition of the Bible)................................................ Sam'l Hill, Boston. 62 AMERICAN BIBLES. [1802This volume was originally published in 16 parts, and Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 11 and 12 of the engravings are from Thomas's Bible of 1791, though the references to it on the coppers are entirely obliterated, except from Nos. 5 and 12, where Thomas's name only is erased and Durell's inserted. No. 1 is from Durell's Bible, and No. 2 seems to have been reiingraved. Dr. Wright styles himself in the Preface, Author of the New and Complete Christian's Family Bible, with Notes. 1802. 1. THE I HOLY BIBLE: I containing the 1 Old and New Testaments: I Together with the I Apocrypha: I Translated out of the Original Tongues, and I with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. I By the Special Command of King James I. of England. I With I Marginal Notes and References. ITo which are added, An Index; [ An Alphabetical Table I of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations; I Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures and Coins; I John Brown's Concordance, &c. &c. &c. I Embellished with I Six Maps, and Twenty four Historical Engravings. I Philadelphia: I Printed for Mathew Carey, No. 118, Market-Street. I October 27th, 1802. 1 (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Second Title: The I Old Testament, I Translated [ out of I the Original Hebrew, J and I With the Former Translations diligently compared and revised. I Together with the j Apocrypha. I Done by the I Special Command of his Majesty, King James I. of England. I Philadelphia: I Printed for Mathew Carey, No. 118, Market-Street. I October 27th, 1802. 1 1 p.; verso, Names and Order of all the Books, 1 p., making one sig. in 2s; Subscribers' Names, 5 ff.; sigs. a to cl, in 2s; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 1-591; sigs. B to recto of 4F4, in 4s; at foot of p. 591, is: Joseph Charless, I Printer, I Philadelphia. I 1 p. 592, Family Record; Apocrypha (in smaller type), pp. 593-726, sigs. [A] to verso of [R]3, in 4s; Family Record, 2 if., the last of which is marked, [s]; The I New Testament I of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I translated ] out of the Original Greek; I and I with the former Translations I diligently compared and revised, I By the Special Command of King James I. of England. I Philadelphia: I Printed for Mathew Carey, No. 118, Market-Street. I October 27, 1802. 1 1 p.; verso, blank, completing 4F4; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 727-913; sigs. 4 G to 5 G2; at bottom of p. 913, This Book was purchased.dnno Domini I By I; p. 914, Family Record; Table of Passages, &c., 1 f., 5 H; Index, 12 ff., [aaa] to [ccc]; Tables of Offices and of Scripture Weights, &c., 2 ff.; Alphabetical Table of Names; Chronological Catalogue; Index of years, from Adam to Christ, 6 if. [ddd] to [eee]; Portrait of an Apostolic Preacher, from Cowper; Table of Kindred; Clergyman's address to Married persons; The Old and New Test. dissected, 1 f.; Judea, Palestine or the Holy Land, 1 f.; Concise View of the Evidences of the Christian Religion, by J. Fletcher, 2 if.; sig. [fff], all in 4s; A I Brief I Concordance I to I The Holy Scriptures I of the I Old and New Testa -I802.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 63 ments, I by which I All, or Most, I of I The Principal Texts of Scripture I may be easily found out. I Revised and Corrected. I By John Brown, ] Late Minister of the Gospel at Haddington in Scotland. I Search the Scriptures, &c. I Philadelphia: I Published by Mathew Carey, No. 118, Market Street. I Thomas S. Manning, Printer. l 1802. 1 1 p.; verso, To the Reader; Text, pp. 3-118; sigs. A2 to P3; List of the Engravings, 1 p., P4. The following is a list of the Plates which accompany this edition: No. 1. The Finding of Moses. No. 17. Broad is the way that leadeth to 2 A. Journeyings of the Children of destruction. Israel. 18. Christ appeasing the storm. 2 B. Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel. 19. casting out devils. 3. Map of Canaan. 20. curing the lunatic. 4. Hagar and Ismael in the desert. 21. presenting the child to his 5. Abraham going to offer up Isaac. disciples. 6. Isaac blessing Jacob. 22. laying his hand on the 7. The Plague of Hail. children. 8. The fall of Manna. 23. healing the man sick of 9. Map of Palestine. the palsy. 10. Map of the Assyrian and other 24. teaching the doctors in the Empires. temple. 11. Sampson destroying the Philis- 25. restoring the blind man to tines, with the jaw-bone of an sight. Ass. 26. betrayed by Judas. 12. Minor Prophets. 27. exhibited to the Jews. by 13. Land of Moriah. Pilate. 14. Adoration of the Infant by the 28. his body embalmed. Magi. 29. (see 2 B, above). 15. Flight into Egypt. 30. Map of the travels of the Apos16. Massacre of the Innocents. tles. The error in 2 Kings, 3: 24 (note), of the edition of 1801, is continued in this volume. 2. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing the I Old and New Testaments: [ Together with the j Apocrypha: I Translated out of the riginal Zongues, [ and I with the Former Translations diligently j compared and revised, I by the i special Command of King James I. of England. I Second Worcester Edition. I niteb ~itatrg of Ameica. I Printed in Worcester, Massachusetts, i for Isaiah Thomas, j Sold by him in Worcester. Sold also by said Thomas & Andrews, I at Faust's Statue, No. 45, Newbury Street, Boston; by Thomas and I Thomas, in Walpole, Newhampshire; by Thomas, Andrews and 1 Butler, in Baltimore, and by Thomas, Andrews & Penni- I man, in Albany, i MDCCCII. I (Am. Antiq. Soc.) 8. 64 AMERICAN BIBLES. [1802This edition is not an exact reprint of the Thomas 8vo Bible of 1793, though there is considerable correspondence in the Old Testaments of both. The words, " Together with the Apocrypha," follow " The Old Testament" on the title page to the latter, and there is no Imprint at the "End of the Prophets." The New Testament seems to have been originally a separate book, and many variations or modifications are observable in the typographical composition. The Imprint on the title of that division is: Printed at Worcester, Massachusetts, by Isaiah Thomas, Jun. I for Isaiah Thomas. I Sold by him in Worcester. Sold also by said Thomas and Andrews, at Faust's I Statue, No. 45, Newbury Street, Boston; and by said Thomas and Thomas in I Walpole, Newhampshire. l 1801. 1 The following Errors are found in this edition: The last line of 2 Sam. 6: 22 is printed: "spok en of, of them shall I behad in honour." 1 Cor. 15: 42 reads, "So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in corruption." (S. F. H.) 3. HOLY BIBLE: WtJitelall: Printed for Wm. Young, Bank Street, the first house at the right hand from Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. 1802. (L.) 8. With the Scotch Psalms in Metre-Philadelphia: Mathew Carey, No. 122 Chesnut Street, 1805. Whitehall is a hamlet in the neighborhood of Philadelphia. 4. HOLY BIBLE: Worcester: Isaiah Thomas. 1802. (L.) 12. This is another copy of Thomas's "standing" 12mo of 1797, with a new title page. 5. ISAIAH. A Paraphrase on Four Chapters of the Prophet Isaiah: In which it is attempted to express the Sense of the Prophet in proper English style. By the Author of the Paraphrase on the Eight Chapters of Isaiah. Northampton: Printed by William Butler. 1802. (Am. Antiq. Soc.) 8. The Chapters paraphrased are 49-52. 1. THE NEW l TESTAMENT I of our I Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, l translated out of the I Original Greek: I And with the I former Translations I diligently compared and revised. [Philadelphia: Printed for [ Benjamin Johnson No. 31 High Street, and I Jacob Johnson No. 147 HighStreet. 1 1802. 1 (G. L.) 8. Title (within parallel rules), 1 f.; verso, Order of the Books; Text: Mat. to Rev., not paged, sigs. A2 to Yy, in 4s; short headings to chapters and columns; the name of the Books, or Evangelist, is printed at the head of the verso pages, and number of the chapter on the rectos, throughout the gospels; this order is inverted from the beginning of Acts to 1 Cor., vii, viii; in this last instance, the chapter and its number are at the top of both verso and recto pp.; after which, the usual order, observed when printing the running titles in the gospels, is again resumed and continued to the close. -I803.]1 AMERICAN BIBLES. 65 2. NEW TESTAMENT: %ippointeb to be reab in QltlJtcrbe. j Printed at Worcester, I by Isaiah Thomas, Jun. I Sold Wholesale and Retail, at his Printing Office, and by I the various Booksellers in the United States: I September 1802. (Am. Antiq. Soc.) 12. Title (within ornamental rules), 1 f.; verso, Order of Books; Text (not paged), A to Cc; verso of Cc6, Table of Kindred; sigs. in 6s. 3. THE I NEW TESTAMENT I of our Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, j Translated out of the i Original Greek; j And with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. I Appointed to be read in Churches. I Wilmington: (Del.) I Printed and Sold by Peter Brynberg. ] 1802. 1 (L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Order of Books; Text, pp. 3-279; sig. A to recto of Z2 in 6s; verso of Z2, Books printed and sold wholesale and retail by Peter Brynberg, Wilmington, (Del.) 1803. 1. THE I HOLY BIBLE: containing the j Old and New Testaments: I Together with the I Apocrypha: I Translated out of the Original Tongues, I and I with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. I By the Special Command of King James I. of England. I With marginal Notes and References. I To which are added, I An Index; I An Alphabetical Table I of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations; j Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures, and Coins; I John Brown's Concordance, &c. &c. &c. I Embellished with Ten Maps, and Twenty Historical Engravings. I Philadelphia: i Printed by John Adams and William Hancock, for Mathew Carey, No. 122, Market-Street. I November 7th, 1803. 1 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; second title: The I Old Testament, j Translated I out of I the Original Hebrew, I and I with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. I Together with the I Apocrypha. I Done by the I Special Command of his Majesty King James I. of England. I Philadelphia: I Printed for Mathew Carey, No. 122, Market-Street. I November 7th, 1803. [ 1 p.; Names and Order of all the Books; Index of Articles annexed to this edition; List of Maps and Engravings, 1 p.; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 1-674 (p. 61 being printed 65); sigs. A to verso of UU1, and in fig. 9 66 AMERICAN BIBLES. [1803(1) to 43 (27, the fig. to DD, is omitted): Table of Offices, p. [675]; on verso of [675], THIS BIBLE is the Property of, within a square border; Family Rec., pp. [677]-]680], sigs. UU2 to UU4; all in 8s except the last; Apocrypha (in smaller type), pp. 681-831 (p. 682 being printed 632); A Chronological Index of years and times; Analysis of the 0. & N. T., p. 832; sigs. 2 X to verso of 3 Qi, and in fig. 43 (bis, or error for 45), then 46 to 63 in 4s; The I New Testament I of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I translated i out of the Original Greek; and I with the former Translations I diligently compared and revised, I By the Special Command of King James I. of England. i Third Philadelphia Edition. I Philadelphia: I Printed for Mathew Carey, No. 118, Market-Street. I July 25, 1803. l In the left corner at bottom, 64, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 835-840; then 839, 842, 843, 842, 843, 846, 847, 846, 849, 850-1046; sig. 3R (which incl. title) to verso of 4U3, and in fig. 64 to 903; in 4s; Judea, Palestine or the Holy Land, p. [1047], 1048, 4U4; Index, pp. 1049-1066; at foot of 1066, Table of Time; Alphabetical Table of Names, pp. 10671073; at foot of 1073, Table of Kindred; Fletcher's Concise View, pp. 1074-1076; Table of Scripture Measures, Weights and Coins, from foot of p. 1076-1078; Table of Passages, pp. 1079, 1080; sigs. 4 X to verso of 5 A4, and in figures 91-94; at foot of 1080, The End. I T. S. Manning, Printer, No. 143, N. Third Street, Philadelphia. I A Brief Concordance, &c. By John Brown, Late Minister, &c. Philadelphia: Published by Mathew Carey, No. 118, Market-Street. I T. Kirk, Printer. l 1803. [ 1 p.; verso, blank; To the Reader, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text, pp. 5-72, sigs. A3 to verso of I4, in 4s; near the foot of p. 72, End of the Concordance. Below is pasted a slip of printed paper with the following words: " The Reader is requested with his pen to correct the following ERRATA: Page. Chap. Verse. 102 26 16 Note For upon him read upon you 268 3 28 Note of them of him 286 19 6 Note bolst bolster 466 137 7 Note made bare make bare 467 140 11 Note man, violence man of violence 540 3 19 Note soon after from after 576 47 3 And the At the 594 11 19 them heart them an heart 758 17 16 fleshy fleshly 996 1 21 For me For to me 1052 Col. 1 last line swor amount,d sword, amount" List of Engravings and names of the Engravers: 1. Journeyings of the Children of Israel...................Engraved by Weston. 2. Noah building the ark..................................... Henry W. Weston. 3. Map of Canaan.......................... F. Shallus. 4. Map of Poupard. 5. Map of Places in Books of Moses................................. F. Shallus. 6. Dresses of the High Priest & Levites.............................. W. H Jr. 7. Map of Canaan from the time of Joshua. 8. Map of Purveyorships.......................................... F. Shallus. 9. Samuel anointing David. 10. Map of Solomon's Dominions................ F. Shallus. 11. Map of the Assyrian & other Empires................................Shallus. -1803.1 AMERICAN BIBLES. - 67 12. Job receiving intelligence of his misfortunes. 13. Job in his prosperity, (Etch'd by G. Fox).................... W. Harrison, Jun. 14. Map of Moriah..................................................... Draper. 15. The Hypocrite taking the mote out of his neighbor's eye. 16. Christ curing the Leper. 17. John the Baptist sending his disciples to Jesus Christ...................Tiebout. 18. The Labourers receiving their Hire.......................... W. Harrison, Jzunr. 19. The Jews presenting tle Coin to Christ. 20. The Last Supper................................................... Tiebout. 21. The Good Samaritan. 22. The Shepherd carrying the lost sheep...................... W. Harrison, Junr. 23. The Prodigal Son received by his father.......................... W. Harrison. 24. The Miracle at the pool of Bethesda................................ Tiebout. 25. The Woman caught in Adultery. 26. The Jews demanding of Jesus if he were the Messiah................... Tiebout. 27. The Resurrection of Lazarus......................................... Tiebout. 28. The Crucifixion.......................................... W. Harrison, Junr. 29. Map of the Travels of the Apostles........................ W. Harrison, Junr. 30. The Conversion of Cornelius the Centurion.......................... Tanner. The engravings are not inserted in the volume in the above order, which is copied from the printed list. Some copies of this edition are without plates. 2. THE I HOLY BIBLE: I containing the 1 Old and New Testaments: Together with the Apocrypha: J Translated out of the Original Tongues, I and ] with the former Translations diligently compared and revised, J by the Special Command of King James I. of England. { With I Marginal Notes and References. I To which are added, | An Index; j an Alphabetical Table j of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations; I Tables of Scripture weights, Measures and Coins. j Philadelphia: [ Printed by John Adams, I for Mathew Carey, No. 122, Market-Street. I Nov. 9th, 1803. 1 j' 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; second title: The I Old Testament, I translated I out of I the Original Hebrew, [ and I With the former Translations diligently compared and revised. I Done by the I Special Command of his Majesty King James I. of England. I Fourth Philadelphia Edition. [ Philadelphia: I Printed by John Adams, I for Mathew Carey, No. 122, Market-Street. I Nov. 9th, 1803. 1 1 p.; verso, blank: Text: Gen. to Leviticus 4: 23, pp. 1-80; sigs. A. to E, inc., in 8s; Lev. 4: 23 to 16: 1, pp. 81-88, *89, *90, *91, *92, sig. F in 6s; Lev. 16: 1 to II Samuel, 9: 10, pp. 81 (bis)-216, sigs. M to 2;E in 4s; II Samuel, 9: 11 to 18: 33, pp. 217-224, and 2 pp. not numbered; sig. 2 F in 5s; II Samuel, 19: 1 to end of Mal., pp. 225-591; sigs. 2 G to recto of 4 F, in 4s; verso of p. 591 and the following leaf, Fam. Rec.; Apocrypha, in smaller type, pp. 593-726, sigs. [A] to verso of [R]3; New Testament, title (as in the preceding edition); Fourth Philadelphia Edition. I Printed from the last Oxford edition. I Phila 68 AMERICAN BIBLES. [ 803delphia: I Printed by William Hancock, I for Mathew Carey, No. 122, MarketStreet. j M.DCCC.IV. I 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 727-913; sigs. 4 G to recto of 5 G2, in 4s; at the end of the text on p. 913, Egis 3Book Wuas uttr ctase, I.Snno Domini I By within an oblong ornamented border; verso of p 913, Family Record; Index to Bible (not paged), sigs. [aaaj to recto of leee]2, in 2s; Alphabetical Table of Names, verso of [eee]2 to verso of [ggg]l, in 2s; at foot of [ggg]l, Table of Time; Catalogue of the Apostles and their successors, recto of [ggg]2 to top of [hhh]l, followed by Chronol. Index of Years; on verso. of [hhh]l, Cowper's Portrait of an Apostolical Preacher; Table of Kindred; A Clergyman's Address to Married persons; Old and New Test. dissected; Account of Judea, [hhh]2 to top of [iii]l, followed by Fletcher's Concise View, which is continued to Ids of recto of [iii]2; at foot, Table of Scripture Weights, Measures and Coins, continued on verso, and concluded on recto of [kkk]l; verso of [kkk]l, Table of Offices, and Table of Passages in O. T. quoted by Christ in the New Test., continued on recto, and concluded on verso of the sig., at bottom of which is, End of the Appendix; Psalms of David in metre (Scotch version), without a title, pp. 1-36; then 33-36 (bis), sigs. A to I; then I (bis) all in 2s. This Bible is evidently made up of odd signatures that remained over from other editions, and now connected by reprinting other portions of the text. The first 80 pp. are from the edition of November 7th, 1803; the page is 9- by 6 1 inches, including the catchword but exclusive of the head lines and marginal references, and the columns are divided by double or parallel rules; the next sig., pp. 81-*92, is recomposed; the page is 9 in. in length by 64 in width, and the matter which is contained in a little more than 114 pp. of the ed. of Nov. 7, is made to cover 12 pp., the spacing at the heads of the chapters being in this, wider than in the part preceding it. From p. 81 (bis) to 176, agrees exactly with the Carey ed. of 1802; the page is 93 X 678 in.; the columns are separated by single rules, and the numerals marking the pages and verses, which are in small pica type in the previous part, are in this changed to type the face of which is long primer on a small pica body. From p. 177-216, the numerals are again small pica, though the size of the page and the single rule between the columns are continued. From p. 217 to the end of sig. 2F, the text is recomposed; the double or parallel rule is reintroduced; the length of the page varies from 9 to 7~ in.; its width is 61 in., and the heads of the chapters are " blanked out," so that the matter, which in the ed. of the 7th Nov., fills eight pages, is here spread over ten. The small pica numerals continue from p. 217 as far as p. 297, inc.; from p. 297-308, the smaller numerals are again used, but from 309 to the end of Malachi, they are in small pica. From p. 225 to the end of Mal., the p. is 94 by 65 in., and the columns are divided by the single rule. 3. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing I the Old and New Testaments:I Translated out of the J Original Tongues; I andl with the former Translations I diligently Compared and Revised. iNew York: Printed by Sage and Clough, i For S. Campbell, E. Duyckinck, T. & J. Swords, P. A. Mesier, T. S. Arden, and I McDermot & Thompson. i 1803. 1 (L.) 4. -1803.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 69 Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Names and Order of the Books, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Gen. to Mal. (not paged), sigs. A3 to verso of 4 H2; Apocrypha (in smaller type), sigs. A to verso of Q2; The I New Testament I of our [ Lord and Saviour [ Jesus Christ, I translated I out of the Original Greek, J and I with the former Translations [ diligently Compared and Revised. l New York: [ Printed by Sage and Clough, I For S. Campbell, E. Duyckinck, T. & J. Swords, P. A. Mesier, T. S. Arden and I Sage & Thompson. 1 1803. l 1 p.; verso, blank; Mat. to Rev., 4 I1 and 2 (2 ff.), then 4 K to verso of 5 K2; Index, A to B. All the signatures are in 4s. 4. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing thet Old and New Testaments: I Together with the t Apocrypha: I ~tantlateb Out of tlje Original Tongue, i and I with the former Translations diligently Compared and Revised, ] By the Special Command of King James I. of England. I With I Marginal Notes and References. I To which are added, I An Index; I An Alphabetical Table i of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations; I and I Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures, and Coins. Also, I Brown's Concordance. J Embellished with aI Map of Palestine, and Nine Historical Engravings. I (lIarltetowrn, (Massachusetts,) I Printed by and for Samuel Etheridge; I and for J. White & Co. Thomas & Andrews; West & Greenleaf; I E. Larkin; and J. West, Boston. [ 1803. 1 (G. L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, The Names and Order of all the Books of the 0. & N. T.; Etheridge's Preface, dated September 15th, 1803, and Summary History of the Bible, 2 pp., making with 1 blank leaf and frontispiece, sig. A; Text: Gen. to Mal. (not paged), sigs. B to recto of 4F4; on verso of 4F4, This I Bible I is the Property of I within a ruled square and a circular wreath; Apocrypha, in smaller type, sigs. A to verso of R3; below the text, The End of I the I Apocrypha. I within a ruled square and circular wreath, as above; The I New Testament I of our j Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I translated out of the I Original Greek: I And with | the former Translations diligently compared I and revised. I By the Special Command of King James I. of England I S. E. |I (Cadestotun: (Massachusetts.) I Printed and Sold by Samuel Etheridge. | 1803. | 1 p.; verso, blank; Text, Mat. to Rev., 4 G to recto of 5 G2; at the end of the text is printed (within a circular wreath), This Edition of the I Bible I was Published in Charlestown, I by I %. Etterfibge. 1803. 1 5 G is completed by 5 pp. of Family Record. An Index, sigs. [aaal to the top of recto of [ddd]l; Tables of Offices; of Scripture measures, &c.; An Alphabetical Table of Names; Table of Time; Catalogue of the Apostles and their Successors; Index of years from Adam to Christ: Cowper's Portrait of An Apostolic Preacher; Table of Kindred; A Clergyman's Address to Married persons; The Old and New Testament dissected; Judea, Palestine or the Holy land; sigs. [ddd] to verso of [fff ]2, all in 4s. A I Brief Concordance [ to 70 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I803the I Holy Scriptures I of the I Old and New Testaments: I By which All, or Most, of the principal Texts of Scripture I may be easily found out. I Revised and Corrected. I By John Brown, I Late Minister of the Gospel at Haddington, in Scotland. I Search the Scriptures, &c. I The Bereans were more noble, &c. I CTaavlestolwn: (Massachusetts.) I Printed and Sold by Samuel Etheridge. 1 1803. 1 1 p.; verso, To the Reader; Text: sigs. A to Z, in 2s. Beneath the word, Finis: Printing I in its various branches, executed with I neatness and dispatch. I By Samuel Etheridge, I Carlestotbn. I in an ornamental square and circle, as already described. The following are the Engravings, with the names of the Engravers: 1. Cain and Abel offering sacrifice................................... James Hill. 2. Judgment of Solomon........................................... James Hill. 3. David playing on the Harp.......................................ames Hill. 4. Shepherds adoring the Infant................................ E. G. Gridley. 5. The Master of the Vineyard chiding the dissatisfied Laborer............ Doolittle. 6. The Resurrection................................................ames Hill. 7. The Good Samaritan............................ James Hill. 8. The Woman of Samaria.......................... James Hill. 9. The Adultress dismissed by the Savior................J......... James Hill. 10. Map of Palestine. Each of these Engravings has at foot: Charlestown: (Massachusetts.) Published by S. Etheridge, except No. 5, which has only the words, Published by S. Etheridge. The Subjects are the same as those of Carey's 4to of 1801, from which this volume seems to have been set up; but the errors in the Carey are corrected except the note to Job, 37: 22, which is still misprinted, "Cold." 5. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing The Old and New I Testaments: i Translated out of the Original Tongues; I and with the former I Translations l diligently compared and revised. I Seventh Philadelphia Edition. I Philadelphia: I Printed for Mathew Carey, I No. 118, High-Street. I Robert Cochran, printer. 1 1803. I (L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Names and Order of the Books, 1 p.; Account of the Dates or Time of writing the Books of the New Testament, 1 p.; Text: Gen. to Mal. (not paged), sigs. A3 to CC12; verso of Cc12, Tables of Kindred and of Time; Title to New Test.: Printed for Mathew Carey, I No. 118, High-Street, I Philadelphia. ] 1802. 11 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., sigs. Dd2 to recto of L112; verso, Table of Offices. The titles are within ornamental lines. Mr. Carey purchased the standing types of the Hugh Gaine Bible of 1792, which this edition mainly resembles. 6. HOLY BIBLE: Eighth Philadelphia Edition. Philadelphia: Printed for Mathew Carey, No. 118 High Street. Robert Cochrane, Printer. 1803. (L.) 12. Agrees with the preceding, No. 5. _-1803.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 71 7. HoLY BIBLE: Printed at Boston, Massachusetts, I By I. Thomas and E. T. Andrews. Sold by them wholesale and retail: I Also by I. Thomas inl Worcester; Thomas, Andrews & Butler, Baltimore; and by all I the principal Book-Sellers in the United States. 1 1803. 1 (L.) 12. This is Thomas's " Standing " Edition of 1797, with new titles; but each book has a blank head line not in that copy. The error in Acts, 6: 3 is continued. 8. THE I SONG OF SONGS which is by I Solomon. j A new Translation I with I a Commentary and Notes i by T. Williams. I Philadelphia: I Printed by Wim. W. Woodward, I No. 52, South Second, corner of Chesnut Street. I 1803. (L.; G. L.) 8. 9. ISAIAH. A Paraphrase on Nine Chapters of the Prophet Isaiah. By the Author of the Paraphrase on the Eight Chapters of Isaiah. Northampton: Printed and Sold by William Butler, 1803. (Am. Antiq. Soc.) 8. The chapters here paraphrased are 52-60. 10. ISAIAH. A I Paraphrase I on I the six last Chapters I of the i Prophet Isaiah: j In which it is attempted to express the Sense of the I Prophet, in proper English Style. i By the Author of the I Paraphrase, on Eight Chapters of Isaiah, L (lately published.) i Whoso Readeth, let him Understand. l Northampton: I Printed & Sold by William Butler. 1803. 1 (Am. Antiq. Soc.) 8. 1. ta4 %eue I Zeftament I unferW I trrn untb eitCanbe I 3Qitfu itrifti, I nad) ber Zeutfd[en Uterfetung I ID. Martin Vut!er&+ I Wit furaem I 3nualt eineW ieben tapitdel, I unb ovUftcinbiger Kn; weifung Ageid)er ~driftftedfen, I Wie aud I daoer 0onnUiuntb efta, gtgen I Lbangelien unb Cpifteln. I Zritte /uftlage. I oermantaun, I 5etrudt be) SMiOMac Vilmeqer, 1803. J 12. Title, 1 f; verso, blank; Verseichnisz, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev.. pp. 5-537; Anweisung, 5 pp., not numbered; sigs. 5?(3 to T17, followed by a blank page; sigs. in 8s. Text in double columns, with references under the respective verses. See 2d edition; Supra, p. 50. 2. NEW TESTAMENT. Charlestown: Printed and Sold by Samuel Etheridge. 1803. (G. L.) 12. 72 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8041804. 1. THE I HOLY BIBLE: I containing the I Old and New Testaments: I Together with the I Apocrypha: I Translated out of the Original Tongues, I and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. i By the Special Command of King James I. of England. I With I Marginal Notes and references. I To which are added, I An Index; I An Alphabetical Table I of all the Names in the Old and Nrew Testaments, with their Significations; I Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures, and Coins, I John Brown's Concordance, &c. &c. &c. Fourth Philadelphia edition. I Printed from the last Oxford edition, and page for page with that of Isaac Collins. I Embellished with I Ten Maps and Twenty Historical Engravings. I Philadelphia: Printed by John Adams, I For Mathew Carey, No. 122, Market-Street. I July 25th, 1804. 1 (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; The I Old Testament, I translated I out of I the Original Hebrew, I and I with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. I Done by the I Special Command of his Majesty King James I. of England. I Fourth Philadelphia edition. I Philadelphia: I Printed by John Adams, I for Mathew Carey, No. 122, Market-Street. I July 25th, 1804. I 1 p.; verso, Names and Order of all the Books; Index to the various Articles annexed to this edition; List of Maps and Plates; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 1-674; sigs. A to UU1, and in numbers, 1 to 43, in 8s; Table of Offices, p. 675; Chronological Index, Analysis of O. & N. Test., p. 676; sig. UU2; Family Record, pp. 677-680; sig. [VV] in 2s; Apocrypha, pp. 681-834; then [829] [830] [831] [832] [833] [834]; sigs. 2 X to 3 R; in numbers, 43 (bis) to 64, in 4; The I New Testament I of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I translated I out of the Original Greek; I and I with the former Translations I diligently compared and revised, I By the Special Command of King James I. of England. I Fourth Philadelphia edition. I Printed from the last Oxford edition. I Philadelphia: j Printed by William Hancock, I for Mathew Carey, No. 122, Market-Street i M.DCCCIV. I marked on the left side, " 64;" 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 835-1046; sigs. (including title page)3 R bis (not marked) to 4U3; in numbers, 64 (bis) to 903; Judea, Palestine, &c., pp. 1047, 1048; Index, pp. 1049-1066; at foot of p. 1066, A Table of Time; An Alphabetical Table, pp. 1067-1073; at foot of p. 1073, A Table of Kindred; Fletcher's Concise View, pp. 1074-1076; Tables of Scripture Measures, pp. 1076-1078; Table of Passages, pp. 1079, 1080; sigs. 4 U4 to 5 A4; in numbers, 904 to 94; all in 4s; A I Brief I Concordance I to I The Holy Scriptures [ of the I Old and New Testaments, I by which I All, or Most, I of I the principal texts of Scripture I may be easily found out. I By John Brown, I Late Minister of the Gospel, at Haddington, in Scotland. I Search the Scriptures, &c. I Revised and Corrected. I Philadelphia: I Published by Mathew Carey, No. 118, Market-Street. i T. Kirk, Printer. 1 1804. 1 1 p.; -1804.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 73 verso, blank; To the Reader, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text, pp. 5-72; sig. (including title and prelim. f.) A to I, in 49. The Maps in this edition are: 1. Jolrneyings of the Children of Israel; 2. Map of Canaan; 3. Map of Egypt; 4. Map of the Places mentioned in the five books of Moses; 5. Map of Palestine; 6. Map of the Purveyorships; 7. Map of the Assyrian, Median, Persian, and Babylonian Empires; 8. Map of the Dominions of Solomon; 9. The Plan of Jerusalem & Land of Morith; 10. Travels of the Apostles. The Historical Engravings and names of the Engravers are: 1. Joseph discovering himself to his brethren...........................Tiebout. 2. Samuel preaching repentance to the Jews. 3. Obadiah concealing the Prophets..................................... Tiebout. 4. Fourth Vision of Daniel............................................. Tiebout. 5. St. Mathew.....................................................C. Tibout. 6. The Magi offering gifts to the Saviour.....................Tieboust. 7. John the Baptist preaching in the Wilderness. 8. Christ curing the Centurion's servant......... C. Tiebout. 9. Christ calling the Twelve apostles. 10. The disciples shewing the Temple to our Saviour....... C. Tiebout. 11. The punishment of the useless servant................................ Tiebout. 12. Judas treating with the Scribes and Pharisees..........................Tiebout. 13. St. Mark................................................. C. Tiebout. 14. Christ healing the Woman who touched his garment............... C. Tiebout. 15. St. Luke......................................................Tiebout. 16. The Annunciation............................................... C. Tiebost. 17. The cure of the Ten Lepers......................................... Tiebout. 185. St. John....................................................... C. Tiebout. 19. Our Saviour washing the disciples' feet................................Tiebout. 20. The lame man cured by St. Peter.................................. C. Tiebout. All these are marked: Engraved for M. Carey's Family bible; some with the year 1804, also. In 1803, Mr. Carey determined to publish a new editidn of the Bible in 4to, and to keep the types " standing." This is one of those " standing " editions. 2. THE HOLY BIBLE, containing the Old and New Testaments according to the authorized versions; with original Notes, practical Observations and copious marginal References. By Thomas Scott, Rector of Aston Sandford, Bucks. Philadelphia: Printed and published by W. Woodward. 1804. 4 vols. 4. This is the first American edition of Scott's Family Bible. It was published by subscription. Philadelphia Literary Magazine, II1, 319; N. Y..m. Rev., II, 497, 498. 3. THE I HOLY BIBLE: containing j the Old and New Testaments; I Translated out of the Original Tongues, I and with the former Translations, diligently compared and revised. i In Four Volumes. i Vol. I. I Philadelphia: 10 74 AMERICAN BIBLES. [1804Published by Benjamin Johnson, I No. 31, Market Street. And H. Caritat New York. I Robert Carr, Printer. 1804. 1 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Contents, 2 pp.; Text: Gen. to end of Ruth (not paged); sigs. B to recto of 3 N4 in 4s; at the foot of the last page: Printed by Robert Carr, I No. 10, Church Alley. I; Vol. II, Title as above; Philadelphia: I Published by Benjamin Johnson, No. 31, Market-Street, I and Abraham O. Stansbury, New York. Robert Carr, Printer. 1804; 1 f.; verso, blank; Contents, 4 pp.; Text: I Samuel to Psalm CL; sigs. B to verso of 4 A4, at foot of which is: Printed by Robert Carr, I No. 10, Church-Street. i; Vol. III, Title as above; Philadelphia: Published by Benjamin Johnson, I No. 31, Market-Street. Robert Carr, Printer. 1804. l 1 f.; verso, blank; Contents, 3 pp.; Text: Proverbs to Mal.; sigs. A4 to verso of 3 M1, at foot of which is: Printed by Robert Carr, [ No. 10, Church-Street. 1 3 blank if. make up the last sig.; The New Testament, &c. Philadelphia: Printed for I Benjamin Johnson No. 31, High-Street, and I Jacob Johnson No. 147, High-Street. I 1802. J 1 f.; verso, The Order of all the Books of the New Testament; Text: Mat. to Rev.; sigs. A2 to Yy; all in 4s. The text in Vols. I, II, III, is in two columns, " leaded," 42 lines long each; the columns being divided by a double line. The last Vol. is not numbered on the title page, which is included within double lines with ornamental corners, but is marked, "Vol. IV." on the back; The columns are divided by a single rule, and are 49 lines long and not leaded. The Old Testament has no headings, except a brief one in small caps, at the beginning of each chapter. The New Testament has italic headings to each column and chapter. 4. THE J HOLY BIBLE: I containing I The Old and New Testaments; I Translated out of the Original Tongues, I and with the former Translations, I diligently compared and revised. I In Four Volumes. i Vol. I. [ Philadelphia: [ Published by Benjamin Johnson I No. 31 Market Street. I Robert Carr, Printer. 1 1804. 1 (L.; H.; G. L.; E. A.) 8. The titles and imprints of the four volumes agree. The matter of Vols. I, I, III, is as described in the copy immediately preceding. Vol. IV: title and imprint as above, 1 p.; verso, blank; Contents, 4 pp.; Text: Mat. to Rev.; sigs. B to recto of 3 M3; 3 M4, blank; Family Record, 2 if. Each Vol. terminates with the printer's address, as described in No. 3, Church Street being substituted for Church.Jlley in Vols. II, III and IV. Brief headings to chapters. 5. HOLY BIBLE. Boston: I Printed for Thomas & Andrews by J. T. Buckingham. I Sold, wholesale & retail, at their Book Store, No. 45, New- I bury-Street, and by the principal Book I sellers in the United States. 1 1804. 1 (L.; B.) 12. Apparently the same as Thomas's edition of 1803, with new title pages. The error in Acts 6: 3, is continued. -1805.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 75 6. Selectie e Veteri Testamento Historime. Philadelphia. 1804. (Brown Univ.) 12. See No. 1, 1787. 1. NEW TESTAMENT. Wilmington: Printed and Sold by Bonsal and Niles-also Sold at their Book Store, 192 Market Street, Baltimore. 1804. (L.) 12. See New Test., No. 3, 1802. 1805. 1. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I translated from the I Latin Vulgat: I Diligently Compared j with the Hebrew, Greek, and other editions I in divers Languages. 1 The`1 Old Testament, I first published by I the English College at Doway, A. D. 1609. 1 And The New Testament, l first published by I the English College at Rhemes, A. D. 1582. I With I Annotations, References, and an Historical and Chronological Index. i First American, from the Fifth Dublin edition. I Newly revised and corrected according to the Clementin edition of the Scriptures. I Philadelphia: I Published by Mathew Carey, I No. 122, Market-Street. I Oct. 15, M.DCCC.V. ] (Rt. Rev. Bishop McCloskey.) 4. Title. 1 f.; verso, blank; Subscribers' Names, 2 pp., forming, with title, one sig. in 2s; Hist. & Chronol. Index to the Old Test. (within rules), sig. a*, b*, 4 ftf in 2s; on verso of last leaf, The Order of the Books of the 0. T., and List of Plates in this Bible. This List is pasted over " The Directions for placing the Plates " mentioned in the edition on the next page. Text: Gen. to 2 Mac., pp. 1-384; then *385, 386*, *387, 388*, 385568, 573-772; sigs. B to D, then [E] to [3 C], then *[3 D]*, [3 D] to [4 C], all in 4s; then [4 D] in 2', [4 E] to [5 E] in 4s, and 5 F in 2s; The I New Testament I of I our Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I translated from the | Latin Vulgat: I Diligently compared with the Original Greek: I and first published by I The English College at Rhemes, A. D 1582. 1 With I Annotations, References, and an Historical and Chronological Index. ] First American, from the Fifth Dublin Edition, I Newly revised and corrected according to the Clementin edition of the Scriptures. I Philadephia: I (sic) Published by Mathew Carey. I No. 118, Market-Street. { 1805. | 1 p.; verso, blank; Admonition, Letter of Pope Pius the Sixth and A Prayer, 1 p.; Decree of the Council of Trent and Order of the Books of the New Testament, 1 p.; Text: Mat. to Apocal., pp. 1-40, *41-48*, 41-57, verso of 57 marked 70, then 71-214; sigs. B to F, then *G*, G to M, all in 4s, then N in 2s (no 0), P to 2 E3; Hist. & Chronol. Index to New Test., 2 pp., 2 E4; Table of References, Table of Epist. and Gosp., 2 ff., followed by two blank leaves to complete 2 F in 4s. 76 AMERICAN BIBLES. [1805The plates are: 1. Scheme of the Lives of the Patriarchs. 2. Samuel anointing David.................................... Tanner. 3. Judgment of Solomon. 4. The Angel appearing to Elijah. 5. Map of Syria & Asyria. 6. The Shepherds in the Stable with our Saviour (marked, Page 46. Front. to N. T.). 7. Land of Moriah............................................... Bower. 8. Last Supper................................................Tanner. 9. Our Saviour in the Temple..................Te................ Tiebout. 10. Miracle of Bethesda......................................... Tiebout. 11. Travels of the Apostles............................................ Bower. 2. HOLY BIBLE, translated from the Latin Vulgat: &c. (as in the preceding title). Philadelphia: Published by Mathew Carey, No. 122, Market Street. Oct. 15, M,DCCC,V. (Georgetown Coll.; Sem. St. Sulpice, Balt.; L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Subscribers' Names, 2 pp.; Admonition and Prayer, 1 p.; Decree of the Council of Trent, and Order of the Books of the New Test., 1 p., supposed to form, with a blank leaf, sig. A; Text: Gen. to 2 Mac. (as in No. 1); then title to New Testament (also as in No. 1), 1 p.; verso, blank; Approbation, &c., 1 f.; (sig. A in 2s;) Text (as in No. 1); Hist. and Chronol. Index to the Old Test., 4 A, sigs. a*, b* in 2s; on verso of last leaf, Order of the Books of the Old To- I., and Directions for placing the Plates; Index to New Testament, 1 f., 2 E4; T-' v of References, 1 f.; Table of Epistles and Gospels, 1 f.; sig. 2 F in 2s. The following is a list of the plates accompanying this edition: 1. Map of Palestine (Front. to 0. T.). 8. Shepherds visiting the infant Jesus & 2. The Land of Moriah. his Mother. 3. The Evangelist St. Mathew. 9. Jesus cleansing the 10 lepers. 4. St. John in the Wilderness. 10. The Evangelist St. John. 5. Christ healing the Centurion. 11. Jesus washing his disciples' feet. 6. The Evangelist St. Mark. 12. Map of the Travels of the Apostles. 7. St. Luke. 13. St. Peter healing the Cripple. The expression, " First American from the Fifth Dublin edition," meaning only the first American edition of Dr. Troy's Bible (1791), has led many to suppose this the first American Catholic Bible. Bibliog..Account of Catholic Bibles, tic., printed in the United States. By J. G. Shea; p. 11. This, however, is an erroneous supposition. See stupra, p. 34. 3. THE I HOLY BIBLE: I containing the I Old and New Testaments: I Together with the Apocrypha: Translated out of the Original Tongues, and j With the former Translations diligently Compared and Revised, I _By the Special Command of King James I. of England. I With I marginal Notes and References. iTo which are added, J An Index; I An Alphabetical Table I of all the Names in the Old and -I805.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 77 New Testaments with their Significations; I Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures, and Coins, &c. &c. I Embellished with Three Maps and Twenty-seven Historical Engravings. 1 Philadelphia: I Printed and Published I by Mathew Carey, No. 122, Market-Street. I May 8th, 1805. 1 (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; The I Old Testament, I translated [ out of I The Original Hebrew, I ard I With the former Translations diligently compared and revised. I Together with the I Apocrypha. I Done by the I Special Command of his Majesty King James I. of England. I Philadelphia: I Printed and published I By Mathew Carey, No. 122, Market-Street I May 8th, 1805. 1 1 p.; verso, Names and Order of Books; Index to articles annexed to this Edition. List of Maps & Engravings, 2 pp.; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 1-674; sigs. A to UU1, in numbers 1-431, in 88; Table of Offices and Conditions of men, p. [675]; Chronol. Index, and Analysis, p. 676, sig. UU2; Family Record, pp. 677-680; Apocrypha, pp. 681-434; then 1829] 1830] [831] [832] [833] [834] bis.; sigs. 2X to 3 R4, in numbers 45 (no number 44) to 64, in 4s; New Testament: Tenth Philadelphia Edition. Printed from the last Oxford edition. Philadelphia: Printed by Mathew Carey, No. 122, Market-Street. M DCCCVI. (marked in the left corner, 64) 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 835 1046; sigs. (3 R2 bis, not marked), to 4U3, and in numbers 64-90; Judea, Palestine & the Holy Land, p. [1047], 4 U4; Index, pp. 1049-1066; 4 X to 4 Zl; at foot of p. 1066, Table of Time; Alphabetical Table, pp. 1067-1073; 4Z2 to 5 Al; at foot of p. 1073, Table of Kindred; Fletcher's Concise View, pp. 1074-1076; verso of 5 Al to verso of 5 A2; Tables of Scripture measures, weights, &c., pp. 1076-1078; Table of passages, pp. 1079, 1080; 5 A3 and 5 A4; the numbers from the close of Rev. to the end are 904 -94; sigs. all in 4s. The Engravings are: 1. The Journeyings of the Children of Israel. 2. The Finding of Moses........................................... C. Tiebout. 3. The first family. 4. Canaan...........................S............F. Shallus. 5. Hagar in the desert. 6. Abraham offering up Isaac.............................................Jones. 7. Isaac blessing Jacob..............W............... W. Harrison, Junr. 8. The Plague of Hail..................................... W. Harrison, Junr. 9. The fall of the Manna. 10. Sampson destroying the Philistines........................ W. Harrison, Junr. 11. David playing on the Harp....................................... C. Tiebout. 12. The Minor Prophets. 13. Map of Palestine. 14. Land of Moriah. 15. Adoration by the Wise Men. 16. Flight into Egypt. 17. Massacre of the Innocents.....W. Harrison, Junr. 18. The Broad way to destruction................................... C. Tiebout. 19. Christ stilling the Storm..................................... Weston. 78 AMERICAN BIBILES. [I8o0520. Christ curing the men possessed of devils (entitled in the list, incorrectly, Christ healing the Leper). 21. Christ curing the lunatic. 22. Christ presenting the Child to his disciples. 23. Christ laying his hand on the Children. 24. The labourers receiving their hire.................................. Tanner. 25. Christ healing the man sick of the palsy. 26. Christ teaching the doctors. 27. The Good Samaritan........................................C. Tiebout. 28. The Woman of Samaria........................ B. Tanner. 29. Christ giving Sight to the blind man. 30. Christ presented to the Jews crowned with thorns. The above plates had already appeared in some of Carey's 4tos. The text, &c., is from the "standing" types. 4. THE j HOLY BIBLE: I containing the I Old and New Testaments: I together with the { Apocrypha: j Translated out of the Original Tongues, i and I With the former Translations diligently compared and revised. j By the Special Command of King James I. of -England. With Marginal Notes and References. i To which are added, I An Index; An Alphabetical Table I of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations; i Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures, and Coins, &c. &c. i Embellished with i A Map of Palestine, and a Map of the Travels of the Apostles. I Philadelphia: 1 Printed and published I By Mathew Carey, No. 122, Market-Street. I August 19th, 1805. 1 (L.) 4. Title, 1 f. (in the left corner, "No. 6."); verso, blank; title to Old Testament, same as in No. 3, except date, which is August 19th, 1805, 1 p.; verso, Names and Order of books; Index of articles annexed. The pagination signatures, and articles annexed, are the same as the preceding edition, with the following exceptions: Each sig. of the 0. T. and Apocrypha, is marked " 7" in addition to its appropriate number and letter. The New Testament title has: Seventh Philadelphia edition, printed from the last Oxford edition. Philadelphia, &c. (as above), M.DCCCV. And the Volume contains, Brown's Concordance: New-York: I Published by William Durell, Bookseller, No. 106, Maiden-Lane, I T. Kirk, Printer. | 1803., though not announced on the title. The Finding of Moses forms a frontispiece to this Vol., but it is not mentioned on the title; and instead of the Map of the Travels of the Apostles, The Journeyings of the Children of Israel, is given. 5. BIBLIA, I 0aC ift: I zi~e wan~e ottld)e I 4eifige ctrift I Zften un 9leuen I Teftament, I ncd ber Zeutten Ueberfetung I Z. V91artin ~utt)er6: I Wit iee qapitelW furbgn Eummarien, auc) I -1 805.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 79 bepgefiigten t'ielen unb ridtigen Jaratlelen: I ebtft einem (n1)antg I ZeO britten unb tierten 3ucd) frai, I unt be britten 3ud6 b~er Vaccabaier. I (rfte utagef I Reabing, i ebrudt unb u Finen bep 3oottob 3Sungmann, 1 1805. (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; 93orrebe, 14 pp., signed (ottfob ltlgmlan; afl)rrafte nunb gewiffe Sal)r3Qa)t aller 3eiten unb 5aftre I uon!bamn an biW aulf Sefinin &)riftinm, nib bi aluf bSa Salr 1806, &c., 2 pp. and a small portion of the 3d p.; legifter ber filrnet)mnften Ntaubens4unb QebenitIinllcteun t)riftlid)er elI)re, &c., remainder of 3d and 4th pp., and 9 fobllowing ff.; 3eit Regifter, 4 iff.; Regifter bur Qrtiiuternit einiGer Derter itltb 6e brdid)e, &c.. 6 ff.; sigs. B in 2s; C to M1 in ls; M2, N to Q in 2s, R1; Tiefe 3ibie I ift getau.ft iorbelt in Sal)r luifero,errn, I Inlb get)irt I within ornamented lines, 1 p.; $er3eicd)ni3 after 3ucT)er, 1 p., R2; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 1-805; Apocrypha, pp. 806949; and rest of Prayer of Manasseh, l p.; Anrhang (containing 3d and 4th Books of Ezra and 3d Book of Maccabees), rest of 949-1008; sigs. ~ to Q[Il[L4 in 4s; Family Rec., 2 ff.; Ta4 9Seie I leftament I uiner8 I gerrn umb,etflanbe0 I.3fu 1,rifti, I nad) ber bentfd)en lleberfetung I Tr. /iiirtin Qitttero, I mit fturent I Snfla[t eine0 jeben CapiteI, I unb tollftanbiger I Twnteifung gleicfer ~ariftz.teUen.! ie an, I oiler Comtnilinb geFtotagigen I eoangetien niub Ypifteli.. I Yrfte uifftage. I Reabingfl I ebrctt imb 83" finben bet) Ootttob Sullgnman. 1 1805. 1 1 p.; Tie 3iicf)er I bel I elen Zeftanieltt I 1 p.; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-276 and half of 277; 9legifter ber (pifteti, &c., the rest of p. 277 and 3 following pages (not numbered); sigs. %2 to Q14 in 4s; then mnt, W9n in 2s. 6. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing the I Old and NTew Testaments, I together with the I Apocrypha: I Translated I out of the Original Tongues, j and I With the Former Translations diligently compared and revised. I Morris-Town: Printed by Mann and Douglass, F For themselves; for J. Tiebout....S. Stephens....S. Gould' Co.... Ronalds $ Lou- I don.... Sage & Thompson.... D. D. Smith... C. Flanagan....J. Harrison....G. G R. I Waite.... T. Kirk.... C. Brown....D. Longworth..... M' Gill.... G. Sinclair, New- York. Daniel Brewer, Jun., Taunton (Massa.). S. Kollock, Elizabeth-Town. [ J. Oram, Trenton (N. Jersey). 1805. 1 (L.; G. L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Index of the Names and Order of all the Books, &c., 1 p.; verso, The Property of (within an oblong ornament); Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 5-737; verso of 737, Tables of Scripture Measures, &c.; sigs. A (not marked) to Zz, then A3 to verso of U43; Apocrypha, pp. 739-914; sigs. U 44 to verso of S 53; New Testament title: Morris-Town: I Printed and Sold by Mann and Douglass. 1 1805. I 1 p.; verso, blank; sig. S 54; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 917 to the top of 1141; A Table of Offices and Conditions of Men, remainder of p. 1141, and half of 1142; then " Finis," sigs. T 5 to verso of Y 61; three blank leaves complete the sig.; all in 4s. The running title to p. 636 is, Chap. lii, instead of, Jeremiah. 80 AMERICAN BIBLES. [18057. HOLY BIBLE. Boston: I Printed for Thomas & Andrews By J. T. Buckingham. I Sold, wholesale and retail, at their Bookstore, No. 45 New- I bury-Street, and by the principal Book- I sellers in the United States. 1 1805. 1 (L.) 12. The same as the edition of 1804. 8. A I SHORT and PLAIN I EXPOSITION I of the i Old Testament, I with i devotional I and I practical Reflections, I for the I use of Families. ] By the late I Reverend Job Orton, S. T. P. I Published from the Author's manuscripts, I by Robert Gentleman. I First American, from the second London edition. I Vol. I —VI. I Charlestown: I Printed and sold by Samuel Etheridge. 1 1805. (Conn. Hist. Soc.; Sem. St. Sulpice, Balt.) 8. Vol. 6 has, " 1806." 9. THE LIFE of JOSEPH, the Son of Israel. In Eight Books. Briefly designed to allure young minds to a love of the Sacred Scriptures. By John Macgowan. Printed at Greenfield, Massachusetts: By John Denio. 1805. (B.) 12. This work is recommended to the public by William Rogers, D. D., Professor of English, &c., in the college and Academy of Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1791. The following extract from p. 32, will enable the reader to judge of the author's style: "As Phoebus approached the northeast verge of this dusky world, and fair Aurora purpled the sky, the messengers set out by different ways," &c. 1. THE I NEW TESTAMENT I of I our Lord and Saviour, I Jesus Christ, i translated from the L Latin Vulgat: I Diligently compared with the Original Greek: I and first published by I The English College at Rhemes. A. D. 1582. 1 With I Annotations, References, and an Historical and Chronological Index. I First American, from the fifth Dublin edition, I Newly revised and corrected according to the Clementin edition of the Scriptures. I Philadelphia: I Published by Mathew Carey, I No. 118, Market-Street. [ 1805. 1 (G. L.) 4. This is the New Testament described in connection with Carey's Douay Bible of this year (supra, No. 1). It was, however, issued previously to the Bible. -- 8o5.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 81 2. THE J NEW TESTAMENT I of our j Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I newly translated out of the ] Original Greek: And with the j former Translations I Diligently Compared and Revised. Appointed to be Read in Churches. I New York: i Printed and Sold by E. Duyckinck, No. 110 Pearl-Street, I and P. A. Mesier, No. 107 Pearl-Street. 1805. 1 (L.) 12. Title, within double lines, 1 f.; verso, The Order of the Books; Text: Mat. to Rev. (not paged); sigs. A2 to recto of 012; at foot of the text, "Finis," under which is a line composed of 9 printer's flowers, a * and 8 printer's flowers; on verso of 012, A Table of Kindred. Short headings to columns and chapters. Sigs. in 12s. Errors: Mat. 17: 18 reads, "And Jesus rebuked the devil, and.... the child was cured from that very four (or four)." The catchword on recto of C3, is " 3" instead of " 7 "; the heading to recto of D7, reads: How we mints love our enemies; Acts 8: 9, sorcery is printed, " sorcercy "; sig. H2 is marked. 2 H; the catchword to recto of H4, is "James," instead of "Jews"; II Cor., 7: 8, reads: " for I perceive that the same epistle hath made you sorry, though it were but for a reason," instead of "season"; in v. 11 of the same chapter, the words, "yea, what fear," are omitted; Philippians 4: 15 reads: ~" in the begginning," and in the heading to the last column on the same page, the word " bounty " is left out. Besides these errors, a number of catchwords are omitted. On a close examination of the volume, it appears to have been set up from Hugh Gaine's Testament (supra, p. 36; No. 1, 1790), with which it agrees, with the exception of the title page and II Cor., 7: 11, and a few minor errors. 3. NEW TESTAMEN': Brooklyn: Printed by T. Kirk for Campbell and Mitchell, Sage and Thompson, S. Stansbury, D. Smith and B. Dornin, Booksellers, New York. 1805. (L.) 12 Title, 1 f.; verso, Order of the Books; Text, sigs. A2 to recto of Y4; verso of y4, Table of Kindred; sigs. in 6s. 4. THE NEW TESTAMENT I of our Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, [ Translated out of the I Original Greek: And with the former I Translations I Diligently compared and revised. Appointed to be Read in Churches. i[ Wilmington (Del): I Printed and Sold by Peter Brynberg. 1 1805. [ (L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Order of Books; Text: Mat. to Rev.; A2 to A4, B to Z2 in 6s; on verso of Z2, Books Printed by Peter Brynberg, Wilmington, Del. 11 82 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8o61806. 1. SELF-INTERPRETING BIBLE: With the Apocrypha; Marginal References and Illustrations, &c. By the late Reverend John Brown, &c. Second American Edition. New York: Printed by Sage & Clough, for Robt. McDermut, No. 248, and J. & T. Ronalds, No. 188 Pearl Street, April 1806. (L.; G. L.) fol. This volume agrees with the edition of 1792, supra p. 43, Except in the imprints on the title pages; that on the New Testament title is: New York: Printed by Hopkins and Seymour, for Robt. McDermut (as above). The plates are 24 in number, from the coppers of Thomas's ed. No. 1, 1791, supra p. 38, with the references to that edition erased, the numbers, however, generally remaining. These numbers are V, IX, XI, O (Thomas's XII), XVII, XVIII, XXII, O (Thomas's XXIII), XXIV, XXV, XXVI, I (Thomas's frontispiece to 0. T.), XXX, XXXII, XXXV, XXXVIII, XXXVII, XLIX, XL, XLIII, XLV, XLVII, O (XXXIII, or Thomas's frontisp. to Apocrypha and New Test.), L. The subjects of these plates will be ascertained by comparing these numbers with the corresponding ones on pp. 39, 40 (supra). 2. THE I HOLY BIBLE: Containing the I Old and New Testaments: I Together with the Apocrypha: Translated out of the original Tongues, I and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised, i By the Special Command of King James I. of England. I With J Marginal Notes and References. I To which are added, I An Index; I An Alphabetical Table I of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations; i Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures and Coins; j John Brown's Concordance, &c., &c., &c. I Embellished with Ten Maps and Twenty Historical Engravings. I Philadelphia: i Printed and published I by Mathew Carey, No. 122, Market Street. ] 1806. (L.;B.) 4 This volume agrees with Carey's edition of July 25, 1804, except: I. The sig. to Family Record is 1; II. The numeral accompanying sig. 2 X is 45 (not 43), and there is no 44; III. The following is the Title to the New Testament: The I New Testament, of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, [ Translated I out of the Original Greek; and I with the former Translations I diligently comared (sic) and revised, by the Special command of King James I. of England. I Philadelphia: I Printed by Mathew Carey, No. 122, Market-street. I M.DCCC.VI. I No. 64 in left corner; IV. The words "Old and New Testaments," on the title to Brown's Concordance, are in black letter, and the words following the author's name are in Pearl caps; the imprint being-Brooklyn, Printed by Thomas Kirk, 1807. -i806.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 83 The following is a list of the Maps and Plates: 1. Journeyings of the Children of Israel. 2. Noah building the Ark. 3. Map of Canaan. 4. Map of Egypt. 5. Map of places mentioned in the five books of Moses. 6. Dresses of the High Priests and Levites..........................W. Hn, Jr. 7. Map of Canaan from the time of Joshua. 8. Samuel anointing David. 9. Map of the Purveyorships. 10. Map of Solomon's dominions. 11. Map of the Assyrian and other Empires. 12. Job receiving intelligence of his Misfortunes. 13. Job's wife tantalizing him....................... W. Harrison, JTunr. 14. Map of Moriah. 15. The Hypocrite taking the Mote out of his Neighbor's eye. 16. Christ curing the Leper............................ W. Harrison, Jr. 17. John the Baptist sending his disciples to Christ...............Tiebout. 18. The Laborers receiving their hire.......................... W. Harrison, Junr. 19. The Jews presenting the coin to Christ.. 20. The Last Supper.................................................... Tiebout 21. The Good Samaritan. 22. The Shepherd carrying the lost sheep........ W. Harrison, Junr. 23. The Prodigal Son received by his father..........................W. Harrison. 24. The Miracle at the pool of Bethesda.................................. Tiebout. 25. The Woman caught in adultery. 26. The Jews demanding of Jesus if he were the Messiah................... Tiebout. 27. The Resurrection of Lazarus........................................ Tiebout. 28. The Crucifixion.....................................I Harrison, JTuntr. 29. Map of the Travels of the Apostles. 30. Conversion of the Centurion......................................Tanner. It is to be observed that other issues of this, which in some instances is called The Tenth Philadelphia edition, vary in the number of Plates; one has the same Maps and Engravings as the edition of July 25, 1804, supra, p. 72; and another, only the Maps. The New Testament title is sometimes found with the date, 1807. 3. IIoLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Printed by Mathew Carey, No. 122, High Street. 1806. (L.) 12. Title, I f.; verso, This Bible I is the Property of j (within an oblong ornament composed of printer's flowers). The Text agrees with that of Hugh Gaine (No. 3, 1792.), and with Carey's 12mo (No. 5, 1803), except that there are no catchwords. 4. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Printed by and for W. W. Woodward, No. 52, Second, the Corner of Chesnut Street. 1806. (L.; B.) 12. 84 AMERICAN BIBLES. [i806Text not paged; sigs. A to Ss, in 12S; verso of Ss, Table of Offices, followed by a blank leaf-With Scotch Psalms; same printer. The Vol. resembles very much the Scotch editions of the Bible of the same size. 5. HOLY BIBLE: Boston: j Printed for Thomas & Andrews I by J. T. Buckingham.! Sold at their Bookstore No. 45, Newbury Street, and by I the principal Booksellers in the United States. 1 1806. 1 (B.) 12 See supra, No. 6 of 1805. 6. A I PRACTICAL EXPOSITION | on the I CXXXth Psalm. Wherein I the nature of the forgiveness of sin is decla- red, the truth and reality of it asserted, I and J the case of a soul destroyed with the guilt I of sin, and relieved by a discovery of I forgiveness with God, is at large dis- I coursed. I By John Owen, D. D. I John, v. 39, Search the scriptures. I Salem, (N. Y.) I Printed by Dodd & Rumsey, 1806. 1 (J. G. S.) 12. 419 pp; sigs. in 12s. 1. NEW TESTAMENT. Tenth Philadelphia Edition. Philadelphia: Printed for Mathew Carey. 1806. 4. With Bible of 1805. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: Hartford: Printed by Lincoln and Gleason. 1806. (B.) 12. The type on which this Testament was printed, was cast expressly for it, in Philadelphia; set up in Hartford, and distributed as fast as each form was worked off. The edition was 10,000. 3. H KAINH 1 AIAOHKH. I Novum I Testamentum, I cum versione Latin[a I Arise Montani, I in quo tum selecti versiculi 1900, quibus omnes Novi I Testamenti voces continentur, Asteriscis I notantur; i tur omnes & singulkevoces, I semel vel soepius occurrentes, 1 peculiari nota distinguuntur. I Auctore I Johanne Leusden, professore. I Editio prima Americana: I qua plurima Londiniensis Errata, diligentissime animad-I versa, corriguntur: I Cura Johannis Watts. I Philadelphiae: Ex Officina Classica: Impensis S. F. Bradford. 1 1806. I (B.; G. L.) 12. Mock title, 1 f.; verso, blank; title, 1 p.; verso, blank; Leusden's Pref., pp. 5-8; Text, pp. 1-561; sigs. A to recto of 3 B4, in 6s; on p. 561, "Finis," and "Excudebat J. Watts." Text, in Greek and Latin, in parallel columns. -1807.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 85 4. H KAINH l AIA~HKH. I Novum I Testamentum j Graecum. [ In quo turn selecti versiculi 1900, quibus omnes Novi [ Testamenti voces continentur, Astericis I notantur; I turn omnes & singulhe voces, semel vel spepius occurrentes, peculiari nota distinguuntur. I (Wood-cut vignette.) Editio secunda Americana; [ qua plurima Londinensis errata, diligentissime animad-I versa, corriguntur: I Cura Johannis Watts. ] Philadelphike: I Ex Officina Classica: Impensis S. F. Bradford. 1 1806. J (L.) 12. Mock title, 1 p.; verso, blank; title, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text, pp. 1-286; sigs. A to verso of Aa5s, in 6s, followed by a blank leaf; on p. 286, "Finis," and "Excudebat J. Watts." Text in double columns. 1807. 1. THE I HOLY BIBLE, i Containing the I Old and New Testaments: j Together with the I Apocrypha: I Translated out of the Original Tongues, J and I with the former Translations Diligently compared and revised ( By the Special Command of King James I. of England. i With marginal Notes and References. i To which are added, i An Index; I An Alphabetical Table I of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations; I And [ Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures and Coins. Also, Brown's Concordance. I Edinburgh, I Printed for W. Swan et S. Allinson, New York; ] And Sold at Paris, by Truchy, Bookseller, 18 Boulevart des Italiens. 1 1807. (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Names & Order of Books and Summary History of the Bible, 1 f.; Text: Gen. to Mal.; sigs. B to recto of 4 F4, in 4s; verso of 4 F4, blank; Apocrypha, in smaller type, A to R3, in 4s; verso of R3, blank; Title to New Test., R4; The I New Testament I of our I Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ [ Translated out of the I Original Greek: I And with I the former Translations diligently Compared and Revised. I By the Special Command of King James I. of England. I Edinburgh: I Printed for W. Swan & S. Allinson, New York: I And Sold by them, and by the principal Booksellers in the United States. 1 1807. 1 1 p.; Text: Mat. to Rev.; 4 G to recto of 5 G2, in 4s; verso of 5 G2, and the two next leaves of the signature, form a Family Record; Title to Brown's Concordance, same date and imprint as the N. T., verso; To the Reader, 1 f.; Text, A2 to M4, in 4s; Index to Bible, [aaa] to [ccc], in 4s; 12 ff.; Tables of offices, weights, measures, coins, 2 ff.; Alphabet: Table of Proper Names & Table of times, 4 iff.; Chronol: Catalogue of the Apostles & their Successors, Chronol: Index of years, from Adam to Christ, 2 ff.; Portrait of Apostolic 86 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I807Preacher, from Cowper; Table of Kindred; A Clergyman's Address to Married persons, at the Altar; Old & New Test. dissected; Account of Judea; 2 ff.=10 fif.; [ddd] to [fff ]2, in 4s. The general appearance of the volume is that of an English or Scotch Bible; but the title pages have a French or Dutch air. The contents and the wording of the first title, resemble Carey's edition. 2. THE I HOLY BIBLE:I Containing the I Old and New Testaments: I Together with the I Apocrypha: I Translated out of the Original Tongues, I and I with the former Translations diligently compared and revised; j With i Marginal Notes and References, and the Explanatory Notes of Ostervald. I To which are added, I An Index; I An Alphabetical Table I of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations; I Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures, and Coins: i John Brown's Concordance, &c. &c. &c. I Embellished with Maps, and a number of Elegant Historical Engravings. j New-York: Printed and Sold by Collins, Perkins, and Co. 1 1807. 1 (L.; Conn. Hist. Soc.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Adv. to the Second Edition, 1 p.; verso, blank; To the Reader (Dr. Witherspoon's Address), 2 pp.; Account of Dates and Time, and List of Maps and Engr., 1 p.; Names and Order of Books, &c., 1 p., making sig. A; Text: Gen. to Mal. (not paged); sigs. B to recto of 4 R2, in 4s; verso of 4 R2, blank; Family Record, two leaves; at foot of 0. T., " The End of the Prophets; " Apocrypha, sigs. A* to verso of U*4, in 4s; Practical I Observations I on the I Old and New ] Testaments, I Illustrating the Chapters, a very few excepted, in their Order. I With I Arguments to the different Books. I By the Reverend Mr. Ostervald, I Professor of Divinity, I And one of the Ministers of the Church at Neufehatel in Switzerland. I New York: I Printed and Sold by Collins, Perkins & Co. 1 1806. 1 p; verso, blank; Text: sigs. A2 to verso of U2, in 4s; The I New Testament I of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I Translated 1 out of the Original Greek: I And I with the former Translations I diligently Compared and Revised. | Collins's Second Edition. I New York: I Printed and Sold by Collins, Perkins, & Co. 1 1806. | 1 p.; verso blank; Text: Mat. to Rev. $ A2 to t Dd3; Index, t Dd4 to recto of t Gg4. At foot of t Gg4 a Table of Time; verso of $ Gg4, Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures, &c., which ends on t Hh2, on which page is a Table of Offices, &c.; verso, Table of Kindred. Alphabetical Table, $ Ii, all in 4s; A I Brief I Concordance I to [ The Holy Scriptures I of the I ilb antJ NelW estantents, I by which I All, or Most, I of I the Principal Texts of Scripture I may be easily found out. I By John Brown, j late Minister of the Gospel, at Haddington, in Scotland. ] Search the Scriptures, &c. I The Bereans were more noble, &c. I Revised and Corrected. I New York: I Published by Collins, Perkins, and Co., No. 189, Pearl-street. I T. Kirk, Printer, Brooklyn. 1 1806. 1 1p.; verso, blank, To the Reader, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: pp. 5-72; sig. (including Title and To the Reader), A-I; all in 4s. -1807]1 AMERICAN BIBLES. 87 List of Engravings: (all having at the top, "Engraved for Collins's Quarto Bible, Second Edition;': and at foot, "New York: Published by Collins, Perkins & Co., 1807.") 1. Providence (Frontis. after Caracci).................. Engraved by G. Fairman. 2. Finding of Moses........................................W. S. Leney. 3. Moses presenting the Tables.................................Tanner 4. Levey. 4. Map of Canaan.................................................. Scoles. 5. Elijah raising the Widow's Son................................ W. S. Leney. 6. The Holy Family (Front. to N. T. after A. Caracci)............... Peter Mavetick. 7. St. Matthew.................................................. W. S. Leney. 8. St. Mark...................................... Scoles. 9. St. Luke............................................... W. S. Leney. 10. St. John the Evangelist......................................... A. nderson. 11. Map of the Country travelled by the Apostles, &c...................... Tanner. 12. St. Paul........................................................... Tiebout. For the accommodation of purchasers this Bible was issued in eight differel' styles: 1. With Concordance; 2. With Concordance and Plates; 3. With Concordance and Apocrypha; 4. With Concordance, Apocrypha and Plates; 5. With Concordance and Ostervald's Notes; 6. With Concordance, Ostervald's Notes and Plates; 7. With Concordance, Apocrypha and Ostervald's Notes; and 8. With Concordance, Apocrypha, Ostervald's Notes and Plates. 3. THE I HOLY BIBLE I Containing the I Old and New Testamlents: I Translated out of I the Original Tongues, I and'With the former Translations [ Diligently Compared and Revised. I With those copious marginal References, known by the name of I (anne's Notes. I Philadelphia: | Published by Jacob Johnson, No. 147, and Kirmber, Conrad and Co., No. 93 i Market Street. 1 1807. 1 (L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Names and Order of Books, 1 p. (the Apoc. included in this enumeration, but the text not in the volume); Tables of Weights, Moneys, Time, &c., 1 p.; Text: Gen. to Rev.; B to 6E14, in 4s; Table of Offices, &c., 1 p.; Table of Passages in the 0. T. quoted in the New Test., 2' pp.; Table of Kindred, rest of the page, making 4 pp. (6 II & 2); at the bottom: Printed I By Kimber, Conrad & Co. I Canne was a Brownist. His references appeared originally in 1644, and are said to be generally very judicious and apposite. The later editions, which pass under the name of Canne's Bible, are full of errors, and crowded with references which do not belong to the original author. Bohn's Lowndes, I, 187. 4. HOLY BIBLE, &c. Printed by Mathew Carey, No. 122 High Street, Philadelphia, 1807. (L.) 12. See No. 5, 1803. 88 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8071. NEW TESTAMENT. Philadelphia: Printed by Matthew Carey, No. 122 Market Street. 1807. 4. With Bible No. 2 of 1806. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: Printed and Sold by E. Duyckinck, No. 110 Pearl-Street, and P. A. Mesier, No. 107 Pearl-Street. 1807. (L.) 12. This is the edition of Duyckinck's New Test. of 1805, with a new title page. The errors are continued. 3. Zao Re~ue I oetament I nferW I $Sbrrn un1 Seitante I0 3irt Qtbrifti, I nacd) er eutfcden Uletrfevung I D. 0lartin vutber&, I mit furgem I 3n1ait einc6 je cn Gapitc1t, I unb I tolftfntigcr un' wtwifung gleideer cd)frifftellen. I a3ie, aucl I alter Zonnmunt ~cftt&ib gigen I Uringelien unb t iftdn. I 3ierte Wuflage. i 5ermantaun. I ~(erudt beq Mid)aet 3i3lmeWe~r, 1807. 1 (L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Verzeichniss, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: pp. 5-537; Registers, 5 pp., not numbered; sigs. %3 to 17, in Ss, followed by a blank leaf. For 2d and 3d editions of this Testament, see supra, pp. 50 and 71. 4. THIE I FAMLIY EXPOSITOR; I or, i a Paraphrase I and Version of the New Testament; I With I Critical Notes, Iandl a Practical Imlprovemlent of each Section. [ In Six Volumes. i Volume First, containing the Former Part of [ The History of our Lord Jesus Christ, I as recorded by the Four Evangelists, I Disposed in the Order of an Harmony. I,By P. [Doddridge, D. D. I To which is prefixed, I A life of the Author, I ByAndrew Iippis, D. D., F. R. S. and S.A. i Ei 6s r's u'ro 7rsfwv tr 7ota'X m,7v Xoywv, uvro povwv cV arv sv aV s 6XcgSpsv I uIsUuvoU ssm,.-Simplic. in Epictet. Proem. I (gEtcribge's (bition, I from the Eighth London Edition. [ Sold by him at Washington Head Bookstore. Sold also by said I Etheridge and Company, in Boston. S. Etheridge, Printer, Charlestown, Massachusetts. 1 1807. 1 (Am. Antiq. Soc.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Life, pp. iii-cxiv; sigs. 1 to verso of 144, in 4s; Dedication, 4 pp.; Preface, 8 pp.; Tables of Chapters and Sections, 3 pp.; Directions for Reading, 1 p.; sigs. 15, 16 in 4s; Text: pp. 21-492; sigs. C to verso of 3 N4, in 4s; Vol. II: Title as above, except the line: Volume Second, containing the Latter part of, I 1 p.; verso, blank; Pref. pp. iii-vi; Tables of Cliapters and Sections, 3 pp.; sigs., including title, 1, in 4s, and 21; Text: pp. 1-636; Table for finding any verse, 6 pp.; sigs. 22 to verso of 822, in 4s; Vol. III: Title as above, except: Volume -1I807.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 89 Third. I Containing the Acts of the Apostles: I With additional Notes I on the Harmony of the Evangelists; I And I Two Dissertations-First, on Sir Isaac Newton's System of the I Harmony.-Second, on the Inspiration of the J New Testament. I With a Proper Index to the Whole. I By P. Doddridge, D. D.,! a Greek quotation from the Gospel of John, imprint as above, I p.; verso, blank; Preface, pp.iii-xi; Postscript, pp, xii-xvi; sigs. 1, 2, including title, in 4s; Text: pp. 1-403; Appendix No. 1, pp. 404-414; Postscript, p. 415; Appendix No. 2, pp. 416-439; Postscript, pp. 440-443; Advertisement to Appendix 3, pp. 444, 445; Table, pp. 446-465; Additional Note relating to the Time when the Hist. Books of the New Test. were written, pp. 466-468; sigs. 3 to verso of 614, in 4s; Vol. IV: Title as above, except: Volume Fourth. I Containing the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the I Romans, I and I His First and Second Epistles to the I Corinthians. I By P. Doddridge, D. D. a Greek quotation from Origen; imprint as before, except 4th line, which reads: Etheridge and Bliss, in Boston, 1 p.; verso, blank; Preface, pp. iii-v; verso of p. v, blank; Half title: The I Family Expositor; [ or, I a Paraphrase I on I The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to I the I Romans; I with | Critical Notes, and a practical Improvement I on each Section. I 1 p.; verso, blank; 4 ff.; sig. 1; Gen. Introd., pp. 1-6; Text: (Epist. to the Rom.) pp. 7-182; Half title to 1st Epist. to Cor. 1 p.; verso, blank; Introduction, pp. 185-192; Text: pp. 193-372; Half title to 2d Epist. to Cor. 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd, pp. 375-380; Text: pp. 381-484; sigs. 2 to verso of 622 in 4s; N. B. The notice of Kippis's Life is omitted on the Titles of the 3d and 4th Vols.; Vol. V: Title as before, except: Volume Fifth. I Containing the Epistles of Paul the Apostle I To the Galatians, II. Thessalonians, Ephesians, I. Timothy, Philippians, II. Timothy, Colossians, Titus, I. Thessalonians, Philemon. By P. Doddridge, D. D. I To which is prefixed, I A Life of the Author, [ By Andrew Kippis, D. D., F. R. S., and S. A. I Latin quotation. I 3tjeribt:e'x 72bition, I From the Eighth London Edition. I Sold by him at Washington Head Bookstore. Sold also by said l Etheridge and Bliss, in Boston. I S. Etheridge, printer, Charlestown, Massachusetts. l 1808. I 1 p.; verso, blank; Half title to Epist. to Gal., 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 1-9; verso of p. 9, blank; sigs. 1 to verso of 2' in 4s; Text: pp. 11-86; Half title to Ephes., 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 89-97; verso, blank; Text: pp. 99-183; verso of 183, blank; Half title to Philipp., 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 187-192; Text: pp. 193-237; verso of 237, blank; Half title to Coloss., 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 241-244; Text: pp. 245-283; verso, blank; Half title to I Thes., 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 287-292; Text: pp. 293-327; verso, blank; Half title to II. Thess., 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 331-334; Text: pp. 335-352: Half title to 1' Tim., 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 355-366; Text: pp. 367-417; verso, blank; Half title to II Tim., 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 423-425; verso, blank; Text: pp. 427459; verso, blank; Half title to Titus, 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 463-467; verse, blank; Text: pp. 469-487; verso, blank; Half title to Philemon, 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 491-494; Text: pp. 495-502; followed by a leaf containing, Advertisements of Books for Sale by S. Etheridge; sigs. 2 to 634, in 4s; Vol. VI: Title as before, except: Volume Sixth. ] Containing I The Epistles of Paul the Apostle I to the I Hebrews-James-I Peter-II Peter-I John-II John I III John-Jude —Reve12 90 AMERICAN BIBLES. [1807lation. I By P. Doddridge, D. D. I &c., as in Vol. V; Greek quotation from Origen; date, 1808, 1 p.; verso, blank; Advertisement by the Editor, pp. iii-vi; Half title to Heb., 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 3-8; Text: pp. 9-126; Half title to James, 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 129-134; Text: pp. 135-173; verso, blank; Half title to I Peter, 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 177-181; verso, blank; Text: pp. 183-227; verso, blank; Half title to II Peter, 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 231-234; Text: pp. 235-268; Half title to I John, 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 271-273; verso, blank; Text: pp. 275-319; verso, blank; Half title to II John, 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd. to 2d and 3d Epist., pp. 323, 324; Text: pp. 325-329; verso, blank; Half title to III John, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: pp. 333-338; Half title to Jude, 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 341, 342; Text: pp. 343-354: Half title to Rev., 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 357-365; verse, blank; Text; pp. 367-516; sigs. (including title p.) 1 to verso of 661, in 4s; Index to Greek words and phrases, sigs. 662 to verso of 674, in 4s; General Index, sigs. 68 to verso of 794, in 4s; on last p., Finis, Charlestown (Mass.) I Printed and Published by S. Etheridge, I July, 1808. 1 5. THE I FAMILY EXPOSITOR I Abridged: I according to the plan of its Author, l the Rev. P. Doddridge, D. D. I In Two volumes. I By S. Palmer. i To which are prefixed, Memoirs of Doctor Doddridge. I First American edition. I Hartford: I Printed by Lincoln & Gleason. 1 1807. 1 (Conn. Hist. Soc.) 8. 6. THE I GENERAL. HISTORY I of the I Christian Church, I from her Birth i to her I Final triumphant State in Heaven: I chiefly deduced from the Apocalypse of St. John, I the Apostle and Evangelist. i The Fourth edition. i With a few additional Remarks and Elucidations, [ by the Author, I Sig. Pastorini. i Apocal., i: 3. 1 New York: I Printed by Hopkins & Seymour, i for Bernard Dornin, Bookseller,! 136, Pearl-street. [ 1807. 1 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Editor's address, pp. iii-viii; Introd., pp. ix-xxii; Table of Contents, pp. xxiii, xxiv; Text, pp. 1-418; The Apocalypse, pp. 419-456; Subscribers' names, pp. i-viii; verso of viii, Announcement of New Works, dated Dec., 1807. The Apocalypse in this edition is according to Challoner's text, 1749. (J. G. S.) Dr. Charles Walmesly, afterwards Vicar Apostolic of the Western district of England, and Titular Bishop of Rama, was the author of this work. It appeared originally in 1771, and has been published in French, Latin, German and Italian. -I 808.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 91 1808. 1. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Printed and Published by Mathew Carey, No. 122 Market Street. 1808. (L.) 4. Title wanting; imprint borrowed from the next title page; The I Old Testament, I Translated [ out of I the Original Hebrew, I and J With the former Translations diligently compared and revised. 1 Done by the I Special Command of his Majesty King James I. of England. I Philadelphia: IPrinted and Published I by Mathew Carey, No. 122, Market Street. 1 1808. 1 1 p.; verso, names and order of the books of the O. and N. Test., and Index of various Articles; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 1-674; sigs. A to verso of UU1, and in figures 1 to 431, in 8s; Tab!e of Offices, p. [675]; Chronological Index and Analysis, p. 676; Family Record, 2 if.; The I New Testament, I of our [ Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I translated ] out of the Original Greek: I And with the former Translations I diligently compared and revised. I By the special Command of King James I. of England. [ Philadelphia: I Printed by Mathew Carey, No. 122, Market Street. 1 1809. 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 835-1046 (1st leaf of Mat. marked (26.3); sigs. 3 R (not marked) to verso of 4 U3; in numbers 65-903, in 4s; Account of Judea, pp. 1047, 1048; Index, Tables, Fletcher's Concise View, pp. 1049-1080; sigs 4 U4 to 5 A4; in numbers 904 to 944; in 4s. 2. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing I The Old and New Covenant, I commonly called ] the Old and New Testament: I Translated I from the Greek. I By Charles Thomson, Late Secretary to the Congress of the United States. I Philadelphia: Printed by Jane Aitken, No. 71, 1 North Third Street. 1808. 1 4 vols. (N. Y. State Lib.; L.) 8. Vol. I. Gen. Title, 1 f.; verso, Certificate of Copyright; Title to O. T.: The I Old Covenant, I commonly called I The Old Testament: I Translated from I The Septuagint. I By Charles Thomson, I Late Secretary to the Congress of the United States. i Vol. I. (same Imprint as on Gen. T.) 1 f.; verso, blank; Text: Gen. to 31: Samuel, sigs. A to recto of 3 S2; verso, blank. Vol. II. (Same titles and imprint as in I.) Text: II Samuel to 150th Psalm, sigs. A to recto of 3P:; verso, blank. Vol. III. (Titles, &c., as in I.) Text: Proverbs to Malachi, sigs. A to verso of 3 I3. At the end of last page of O. T. a Note; Adv. to Reader and Errata, 3 I4; verso, blank. Vol. IV. with double titles, as in the other volumes; New Test. Text: Mat. to Rev.; A to 3 N2. Sigs. all in 4s. This is the first translation of the Septuagint into English. He (Charles Thomson) told me that he was first induced to study Greek from having bought a part of the Septuagint at an auction in this city (Philadelphia). He had bought it for a mere trifle, and without knowing what it was, save that the crier said it was outlandish letters. When he had mastered it enough to understand it, his anxiety became great to see the whole; but he could find no copy. Strange to tell, in the interval of two years, passing the same store, and chancing to look in, he then saw the remainder actually crying off for a few pence, and he bought it! I used to tell him that the translation which he afterwards made should have had these facts set 92 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I808at the front of the work as a preface; for that great work, the first of the kind in the English language, strangely enough, was ushered into the world without any preface. Watson's ldnnals of Philadelphia, 1850, I, 568. 3. HOLY BIBLE: Boston: I Printed for Thomas & Andrews, I by J. T. Buckingham. Sold, wholesale and retail, at their Bookstore, No. 45 New- I bury-Street, and by the principal Book- I sellers in the United States. 1 1808. j (L.; B.) 12. Same as the edition of 1803. 4. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Printed by Mathew Carey, No. 122 High Street. 1808. (L.; B.; G. L.) 12 The signatures of this edition correspond to those of Carey's 12mo Bible, already recorded. In 1 Tim., 4: 16, however, the text reads, "thy doctrine," in this edition, whereas it is correct in the others. 5. THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS, digested and illustrated by way of Question and Answer, from the Writings of the most eminent Historians and Commentators. First American edition. Baltimore: 1808. (Catal. Am. Bib. Soc.) 8. 1. NEW TESTAMENT: Whitehall, Printed for Wm. Young, Bank Street, The first house at the right hand from Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. 1808. (L.) 12. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: Printed and sold by E. Duyckinck, No. 110 Pearl-Street, and P. A. Mesier, No. 107 Pearl-Street. 1808. (B.) 12. This is the edition No. 2 of 1805 (q. v.), with a new title page. The errors noted there are continued. 3. THE I ACTS of the Days I of I the Son of Man, I from the Passion Week I to I his Ascension. I Philadelphia: I Printed by Conrad Zentler, i North Second Street, near Sassafras Street. 1 1808. 1 (L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Text: pp. 3-72; sigs. A2 to verso of F6, in 6s. This is a Harmony, from the Gospels and 1st Chapter of Acts, of the last days of the Savior's life. -1809.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 93 1809. 1. THEI HOLY BIBLE: I Containing the I Old and New Testaments: I Together with the I Apocrypha: I Translated out of the Original Tongues, j and I With the former Translations diligently compared and revised, I By the Special Command of his Majesty King James I. of England. I With I Marginal Notes and References. i To which are added, j An Index; I An Alphabetical Table I of all the names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations; i Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures and Coins; I John Brown's Concordance, &c., &c., &c. Philadelphia: I Published by Johnson and Warner. ] Printed by M. Carey. 1 1809. 1 (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Second Title: The I Old Testament, I translated I out of [ the Original Hebrew, I and I with theformer Translations diligently compared and revised. [ Together with the I Apocrypha. I Done I by the Special Command of King James 1. of England. I Philadelphia: I Published by Johnson and Warner. 1 1809. 1 1 p.; verso, The names and order of all the books; Index to the various articles annexed; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 1-674; sig. 1 A to 43 UU1 in 8s; Table of Offices, p. [675]; Chron. Index and Analysis, p. 676, UU2; Family Record, sig. 1, pp. [677]-[680]; in 2s; Apocrypha, pp. 681-834, then [829], [830], [831], [832], [833], [834]; sigs. 45 XX to 64, 3R, in 4s; There is no 44; New Testament title: Philadelphia: Printed by Mathew Carey, No. 122 Market-Street. 1809. 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 835-1046; sig. (64, 3R bis, not marked) to 90 4 U3; 1st page of Mat. marked (26. 3); Judea, &c., pp. 1047, 1048, 4U4; Index, pp. 1049-1066; sigs. 91 4X to 93 4zl; at foot of p. 1066, Table of Time; Table of Names, pp. 1067-1073; sigs. 4 Z2 to 94 5 A; at foot of p. 1073, Table of Kindred; Fletcher's Concise View, pp. 1074-1076; Tables of Scripture Measures, &c., from foot of p. 1076-1078; Table of Passages, pp. 1079, 1080; verso of 5 Al to verso of 5 A4; all in 4s. The Concordance has been removed from this Copy. The volume is embellished with a Frontispiece and Nineteen Engravings, taken (except Nos. 3 and 7) from Thomas's folio Bible, with the references to his edition erased. The following is the list of these plates and the names of the Engravers: Plan of Jerusalem, (Frontispiece).................................... Norman. 1. The Creation................................... J. H. Seymour. 2. Adam and Eve in a state of Innocence. 3. Cain slaying his brother............................................ G. Love. 4. Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise................Josh Seymour. 5. Abraham's faith..............................................,Jos. Seymour. 6. Moses in the bulrushes...................................... J. Seymour. 7. Moses and Aaron expostulating with Pharaoh...........N............ Negalle. 8. Pharaoh and his host drowned................................Love. 94 AMERICAN BIBLES. [18099. The Ark...............................................J. Seymour. 10. Gideon's offering consumed. 11. The fugitive Shechemites burnt.................................... G. Love. 12. Samson slaying the Philistines..................................... Saml Hill. 13. Sampson carrying off the gates of Gaza............................... G. Love. 14. Solomon receiving the visit of the Queen of Sheba................. J. Seymour. 15. Elijah raising the Widow's Son................................. J. Seymour. 16. Daniel in the Lions' den....................................... J. Seymour. 17. Susanna surprised by the Elders............................. Josh H. Seymour. 18. Paul before Felix................................................. Norman. 19. Hominum Salvator............................................. J Seymour. 2. THE I HOLY BIBLE I containing the I Old and New Testaments: I Together with the I Apocrypha I Translated out of the Original Tongues I and With the former Translations diligently compared and revised, I By the Special Command of his Majesty King James I. of England. I With I Marginal Notes and References. To which are added, I An Index An Alphabetical Table i of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations. I Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures and Coins, i John Brown's Concordance, &c. &c. &c. I Embellished with Ten Maps. I Philadelphia: I Printed and Published by Mathew Carey I No. 122 Market Street. i 1809. 1 (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; second title, The I Old Testament. I translated I out of I The Original Hebrew, I and i With theformer Translations diligently compared and revised, I Together with the I Apocrypha. I Done by the I By the Special Command of King James I. of England. I Philadelphia: I Printed and Published by Mathew Carey, No. 122, Market Street. I 1809. I The list of Maps is added on the verso of the title to the Old Test.; the imprint of the title to the New Test. corresponds to that on the title page of the Old. The volume agrees in other respects with the preceding edition. Brown's Concordance-Philadelphia: Printed and Published by Mathew Carey, No. 122 Market Street. M.DCCC.X., 1 p.; To the Reader, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text, pp. 5-70; A3 to 13, in 4s. The first page of Mat. is marked at bottom (28-3). The Maps are the same as those in Carey's 4to of July 25th, 1804. 3. THE I HOLY BIBLE: I Containing the I Old and New Testaments: I Together with the i Apocrypha: I Translated out of the Original Tongues, I and i With the former Translations diligently compared and revised, i With Marginal Notes and References. I Philadelphia: I Published by Kimber and Conrad, No. 93, Market-Street, I Printed by M. Carey. 1809. 1 (L.) 4. -I1809.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 95 Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Names and Order of all the Books, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text, &c., as in the two preceding editions. Imprint to the New Test. title, as above. The volume ends with Revelations, on p. 1046. There are no articles annexed. In a printed list of Lincoln & Edmands, Booksellers, Boston, of this year, the following editions of Carey's 4to Bible are offered for sale: 1. Without Apocrypha; 2. With Apocrypha; 3. With Apocrypha and 30 plates; 4. With Concordance and 30 plates; 5. With Apocrypha, Concordance and 2 maps; 6. With Apocrypha, Concordance and 30 plates; 7. With Apocrypha, Concordance and 30 maps and plates. 4. THE I HOLY BIBLE j containing I the Old and New Testaments: I Translated i out of the Original Tongues, I and With the former Translations I diligently compared and revised. I Boston: I Printed by Greenough and Stebbins, for Hastings, Etheridge and Bliss, E. Larkin, Thomas and Andrews, I D. West, Andrews and Cummings, Manning and Loring, I J. West and Co. and 0. C. Greenleaf. 1 1809. 1 (L.; G. L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, a wood-cut border, and within, The Property of; To the Reader (Dr. Witherspoon's Preface), 2 pp.; Account of Times of writing, &c., 1 p.; Names and Order of Books, including Apocrypha, 1 p.; (The Apocrypha, however, is not included in this volume.) Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 7-735; sigs. 14 to recto of 924; Tables of Measures, Weights, Money and Time, 1 p.; Title to N. Test. (imprint as above), 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 739-959; sigs. 932 to recto of' 1204; verso of 1204, Table of Offices, 1 p.; sigs. in 4s. 1 Tim., 4: 16, reads: thy doctrine. 5. HoLY BIBLE: Boston: Printed by Greenough and Stebbins. 1809. (L.; G. L.) 12. Acts, 6: 3, reads: whom ye may appoint. 6. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing the I Old and NewI Testaments: i Translated out of I ile O(riginal tongue. I And with I the former Translations diligently I compared and revised. I H. & G. I (Between double lines.) Hartford, Connecticut. IPrinted and sold by Hudson & Goodwin. [ 1809. 1 (L.; B.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Dedication of the Translators to King James; The Names and Order of the Books of the Old and New Test. 2 pp.; Text: Gen. to Mal., sigs. A (which includes Tit. and 2 prel. pp.) to recto of CC12; verso of CC12, Table of Kindred and Table of Time. The I New Testament I of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I translated out of I the Original Greek; I and with I the former Translations diligently I compared and revised. I Hartford, Connecticut. J Printed and sold by Hudson & Goodwin. 1 1809. 1 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev.; Dd2 to recto of L112; verso of Lll2, Table of Offices; sigs in 12s; pages not numbered. Headings to 96 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I809chapters and columns. 1 Tim., 4: 16, reads: Take heed unto thyself, and unto thy doctrine. "NEW SCHOOL BIBLE. P Hudson and Goodwin have the satisfaction to announce to the public that they have this day completed their first edition of the School BIBLE. The type is entirely new, imported at a heavy expense, and the paper is of so good a quality that it is asserted with confidence to be the best of the kind offered for sale in this country."-Connecticut Courant, 18 October, 1809. This is supposed to be the earliest edition of the Bible printed in Connecticut. " It was set up in Nonpareil, small 12mo, making, I believe, 68 forms (34 sheets), put in chases, corrected, and shipped from the foundry of Wilson and Sons, Glasgow, to Hudson and Goodwin at a cost, as I have understood, of 6000 crowns...... The type was sold for old metal about the year 1837." —P. Canfield, Hartford. In some copies the date on the title to the New Testament is 1810. 7. oinn Io I Liber Psalmorum [ Hebraice [ cum I notis selectis I ex editione I Francisci Hare S. T. P. I Episcopi Cicestrensis: I et cum I selecta lectionum varietate 1 ex ed. vet. Test. Heb. I Benj. Kennicott, S. T. P. I Cantabrigiae Nov-Anglorum i Typis Academicis Excudebant Hilliard et Metcalf. 1 1809. (J. G. S.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso blank; Text, 1-495; verso, blank; sigs. B to I; I2 should be on p. 89, but it has A2; p. 97 is I again; K to recto of Ssl. The Hebrew text is above, with the various readings below; under them the Latin translation, and under that the notes in two columns. 8. SACRED EXTRACTS J from I the Scriptures j of the I Old and New Testaments. [For the more convenient attainment of a knowledge of [ the Inspired Writings, I For the use of Schools and Families. I And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make J thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 1 2 Timothy, iii, 15. [ Boston: [ Printed by Thomas B. Wait and Company, i Court Street. 1 1809. 1 (Mass. Hist. Soc.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Certificate of Copyright; From the Preface to the London Edition, 1 p.; Contents of the English Edition, 2 pp.; Advertisement, 1 p.; Table of Chapters of which the whole or part is contained in this edition, 2 pp.; Sacred Extracts, pp. 1-460. 1. THE I NEW TESTAMENT, in an I Improved Version, I upon the basis of I Archbishop Newcome's New Translation with A Corrected Text, I and I Notes critical and explanatory. Published by a Society for Promoting Christian -1809.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 97 Knowledge and I the Practice of Virtue by the distribution of Books. J No offence can justly be taken for this new labour; nothing prejudicing any other man's i judgement by this doing; nor yet professing this so~ absolute a translation, as that hereafter I might follow no other who might see that which as yet was not understood. J Archbishop Parker's Preface to the Bishops' Bible. I From the London edition. i Boston: i Printed by Thomas B. Wait and Company, Court-Street. I For W. Wells. 1 1809. 1 (N. Y. State Lib.; L.; G.L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Introduction, pp. iii-xxx; Contents, 2 pp.; sigs. A to verso of D4; Text (in paragraphs), pp. 1-612; sigs. 1 to verso of 772, in 4s. This version is avowedly made to support the modern socinian scheme; for though the late learned Archbishop Newcome's name is specified in the title page, as a kind of model, his authority is disregarded whenever it militates against the creed of the anonymous editors.-Horne. The Introduction and most of the Notes were written by the Rev. Thomas Belsham. See Belsham on the Epistle of St. Paul, I, 9. note. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: [Appointed to be read in Churches and Families.] I Philadelphia: I Published and Sold by Solomon Wiatt, i No. 368, North Second Street. I Dickinson, Printer. 1 1809. 1 (L.) 12. Title, 1 p.; verso, Notice and Order of Books; Text, A2 to recto of Z2, in 6s. The notice on the verso of the title page, states that: "This book is not to be sold, but given away." The expense was defrayed by a legacy of $1000, left by JoUN HANCOCK of Burlington, N. J., for the gratuitous distribution of the New Testament and other religious books, among the poor. 3. THE I NEW TESTAMENT I of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, i translated out of the Original Greek, I and with the I former Translations, f diligently I Compared and Revised. I Philadelphia: I Published by Benjamin Johnson, I No. 249 High Street. 1 1809. 1 (L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Order of the Books; Text: pp. 3-347; sigs. A2 to recto of Ff6, in 6s. 4. H KAINH I AIA~HKH. I Novum Testamentum I Grvece I ex recensione I Jo. Jac. Griesbachii, i cum I selecta Lectionum Varietate. I Tomus Primus. i Lipsite, G. J. Goschen. 1805. [ CantabrigiaeNov-Anglorum. 1809. j TypisAcademicis; i Sumptibus W. Wells et W. Hilliard. I (G. L.) 8. 13 98 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8IoTitle, 1 f.; verso, blank; V. V. I Spectassimis I Universitatis Harvardiensis I Praesidi et Sociis I Hanc I THE KAINHZ AIA0HKHII I Editionem l eorum J Hortatu et Auxilio I excusum, I summa cum observatia I D. D. D. I W. W. I W. H., I1 p.; verso, blank; Griesbach's Preface, pp. vii-x; Conspectus potiorum observationum criticarum et regularum, ad quas nostrum discrepantibus lectionibus judicium conformavimus, pp. xi-xxiv; Text: pp. 1-275; Tomus Secundus, title and pp. 277-615. This edition contains the text, together with a selection of the principal various readings, and an extract from the Prolegomena of the second edition.-Horne. 5. AN j ENGLISH HARMONY f I the Four Evangelists,! generally I disposed after the manner of the Greek j of William Newcome, I Archbishop of Armagh: I With a Map of Palestine, divided according to the Twelve Tribes. I Explanatory Notes, and Indexes. I Philadelphia: [ Published by Kimber and Conrad, I No. 93, Market-Street. [ Brown & Merritt, Printers, No. 24, Church-alley. 1 1809. t (N. Y. State Lib.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Pref., iii-v; p. vi blank; Contents, pp. vii-xiii; p. xiv, blank; Text: pp. 1-434; Notes and Illustrations, pp. 435-474; Index, 1 p.; Table, pp. 472 (not marked), 473, 474, 475, 476; sigs. (including Title) A to G, then K to 3 Q in 4; a blank leaf completing the last sig.; 3 E is marked 3 C. 6. An j Appendix I to the I New Testament. I By James Winthrop, Esq. i The judgment was set and the books were opened. I DAN. vii: 10. I Cambridge: Printed by Hilliard and Metcalf. 1 1809. 1 (B.; G. L.; Harv. Coll.) 12. This is a reprint in one volume of the Translation of the Apocalypse and other tracts, already published separately and at different dates by the Author; pp. 211. 1810. 1. HOLY BIBLE: With Apocrypha, Index, Tables, Brown's Concordance, &c. &c. &c. Embellished with Ten Maps and Twenty Historical engravings. Philadelphia: Printed and Published by Mathew Carey, No. 122 Market-Street. 1810. (L.) 4. Printed from the same types as the edition of 1809. The first sig. to Apocrypha, is 45 XX; the first p. of Mat. is marked (29-1), and the Concordance is dated, M.DCCC.X. The maps are the same as in the edition of 1804. The Engravings are: 1. Joseph discovering himself to his brethren........................... Tiebout. 2. Samuel preaching repentance. 3. Obadiah concealing the Prophets. -I8Io] AMERICAN BIBLES. 99 4. Fourth vision of Daniel......................................T.......iebout. 5. St. Mathew..............................................C. Tiebout. 6. Magi offering gifts......................................... Tiebout. 7. John the Baptist in the Wilderness. 8. Christ curing the Centurion's servant............ C. Tiebout. 9. Christ calling the Twelve Apostles. 10. The Disciples shewing the Temple.............................. C. Tiebout. 11. Punishment of the useless servant.................. Tiebout. 12. Judas treating with the Scribes & Pharisees...................Ti.......Tiebout. 13. St. Mark......................................................C. Tiebout. 14. Christ healing the woman who touched his garment. 15. St. Luke..........................................................Tiebout. 16. Annunciation.................................................. C. Tiebout. 17. Cure of the Ten Lepers............................ Tiebout. 18. St. John. 19. Our Savior washing the disciples' feet. 20. The Lame man cured by St. Peter. These engravings already appeared in Carey'.s 4to edition of July 25, 1804. Some are marked, " Engraved for M. Carey's Family Bible;" in other instances the words, "Family Bible," are erased, and "Philada" or "Philadelphia" substituted, with the date 1805, the former date being also erased. Tiebout's name is likewise erased from several of the plates. 2. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing the I Old and New Testaments, I Translated out of the I Original Tongues, I and With the former Translations diligently j Compared and Revised; I With the learned and excellent i Preface of the Rev. Thomas Scott, D. D., I Author of the Commentary on the Bible, &c. I Illustrated with Maps. I New York: I Published by Williams and Whiting, I Theological and Classical Booksellers, No. 118, Pearl Street. I J. Seymour, Printer. J 1810. 1 (L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Preface, pp. iii-xx; Introduction to the 0. T., &c., pp. xxi, xxii; sigs. (including title) A to C3, in 4s; Text: Gen. to Mal.; sigs. C4 to verso of 5 T2, in 48; Fam. Rec., 2 ff.; The j New Testament I of our j Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Translated out of the [ Original Greek, I and f With the former Translations diligently I Compared and Revised; I With the learned and excellent I Preface of the Rev. Thomas Scott, D. D., I Author of the Commentary on the Bible, &c. I Illustrated with Maps. I New York: I Published by Whiting and Watson, [ Theological and Classical Booksellers, No. 96, Broadway. I J. Seymour, Printer. [ 1812. 1 1 p.; verso, Names and Order of all the Books of the N. T.; Introduction to the N. T., 3 pp.; Text: Mat. (on verso of A3 ) to Rev.; sigs. A to about the middle of recto of 2 N4, in 4s; below, Names and Order of the Books of the Old and New Test., the remainder of the page; Tables of Weights and Measures; of Money; of Kindred and affinity, verso of 2 N4. No pagination. This Vol. is without maps, notwithstanding the announcement on the title pages. 100 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8Io — It has an engraved Frontispiece - Mercy and Truth - Angelica Kauffman, R. A. Pinx. P. Maverick, Newark, N. J., sculp. (below) Charlestown, Masstts, Published by S. Etheridge, Junr. It is sometimes found with the addition, at the end, of: A I Brief I Concordance I To the I Holy Scriptures I of I The lb1 anb 1'Ne Testaments, I by which All, or Most, | of the I Principal Text of Scripture I may be easily found out. I By John Brown, I Late Minister of the Gospel at Haddington, in Scotland. I Search the Scriptures, &c. I Revised and Corrected. I New York: I Published by Whiting and Watson, I Theological and Classical Booksellers, No. 96, Broadway. I Thomas Kirk, Printer. I 1812. 1 1 p.; verso, blank; To the Reader, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: pp. 5-92; sigs. A to verso of L4, in 4s. 3. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing the I Old and New Testaments, j with I original Notes, practical Observations, and I copious References. I By Thomas Scott, I Rector of Aston Sandford, Bucks, and Chaplain to the Lock Hospital. I In Six Volumes. I Vol. I. I A new American, from the last London edition, J improved by a more conspicuous insertion and arrangement of the I marginal References, I on an original Plan of the present Publishers. I New-York: I Published by Williams and Whiting, i Theological and Classical Booksellers, No. 118, Pearl Street. I J. Seymour, printer. 1 1810. 1 (Conn. Hist. Soc.) 8. Vol. 2 has in imprint, " Whiting and Watson, No. 96, Broadway. 1811." Otherwise, same title as Vol. 1, exactly. Vol. 3, same as Vol. 2. Vol. 4, " " except date, which is 1812. Vols. 5 and 6, same as Vol. 4. An edition of Scott's Commentary, or Family Bible, had already been published in this country in 1804. See No. 2, p. 73. 4. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: I Printed by and for William W. Woodward, I No. 52 Second, corner of Chesnut Street. 1 1810. 1 (L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; To the Reader; Names and Order of the Books. 2 pp.; Text: Gen. to Mal. (not paged); sigs. A2 to 3 L6, in 6s; then 3 M, 3 N, 3 O in Is, ending on verso of 3 01; New Testament title; imprint: Philadelphia: I Printed by W. W. Woodward, No. 52, corner of Second and [ Chesnut-Streets. I 1811. 1 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev.; sigs. A to verso of S3; Memoranda, 3 ff. to complete the sig.; all in 6s. 5. HOLY BIBLE. Philadelphia: Printed by Mathew Carey, No. 122, Market Street. 1810. (N. Y. State Lib.; L.) 12. This edition agrees in every respect, with No. 3, 1806, supra. -18 I.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 101 6. HOLY BIBLE. Boston: I Printed by Greenough and Stebbins, I and sold by them, at their Office, Suffolk Buildings, Congress Street, and I by the principal Booksellers in the United States. 1 1810. (L.; G. L.) ~ 12. The same as the edition, No. 5, of 1809. 1 Tim. 4: 16, incorrect. 7. HOLY BIBLE. Hartford, Connecticut. Printed by Hudson & Goodwin. 1810. (L.; B.) 12. The same as No. 6, of 1809, supra, p. 95. With: A Dictionary of the Bible, or an Explanation of the proper Narhes and difficult words(with other particulars, &c. First American edition from the second London edition enlarged. Printed at the Press of and for Isaiah Thomas, Junr, &c., Worcester, January 1st, 1798. At the end, an Advertisement or Card and List of Books, dated March 18, 1798. 8. GENESIS. Chapters I and part of II. (In Hebrew.) New Haven: Printed by Mills Day. March 20, 1810. 8. This is a specimen of a'Hebrew Bible, and consists of 2 pp. which accompanied a Prospectus for the work, issued by Mr. Day. It is the opinion of well informed gentlemen, that the book was never issued. 9. WISDOM IN MINIATURE, or the I Young Gentleman and Lady's I Magazine, t being a Collection of Sentences Divine and Moral. J (A Text from Proverbs.) Adorned with Cuts. I From Sidney Press I (J. Cooke & Co.), NewHaven. 1 1810. 1 (L.) 32. A school book, containing extracts chiefly from Proverbs and Ecclesiasticus; pp. 30; advertisement, page 31. 1. THE I NEW TESTAMENT I of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ. I Translated out of I ibe Q(riginal itreek, I and I with the former Translations [ Diligently Compared and Revised. I Baltimore: { Published and sold by John Hagerty, No. 12, Light-Street. I Brook W. Sower, Printer. I 1810. I (B.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Text (not paged) sigs. A2 to Q, in 6s; no heading to columns or chapters; references at foot of the pages; 1 Tim., 4: 16, incorrect. 2. THE I NEW TESTAMENT I of our Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ: I Translated out of the Original Greek J andI with the former Translations Diligently I Compared and Revised. I The first American, from the i Cambridge 102 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8IoStereotype Edition. New York: I Printed for Williams and Whiting, and the l New York Bible Society: I Sold at Their Bible Warehouse, 1 118 Pearl Street. I 1810. 1 (G. L.) 12. Title. 1 f.; verso, Order of Books, and Paul & Thomas, printers; pages not numbered; sigs. 2 to 27*; brief headings to chapters and columns. 3. THE NEW I TESTAMENT j of our Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ j Newly Translated out of the Original Greek, and with the j former Translations J Diligently Compared and Revised. [Appointed to be read in Churches. i Brookfield, Massachusetts, I Printed by E. Merriam & Co., j For the Booksellers. I MDCCCX. I (G. L.) 12. Title (within a plain border of 2 lines), 1 f.; verso, The Order of the Books of the New Testament, &c. &c.; Text, not paged; sigs. A to 06; brief headings to chapters and columns; Acts, 6: 3, reads: whom ye may appoint. 4. LE NOUVEAU! TESTAMENT I de Notre | Seigneur JesusChrist, J en Frangais, I Sur la Vulgate. I Traduction de L. M. de Sacy. I Revue sur les Meilleures editions. I Vol. I (or II). I Boston: I De l' imprimerie de J. T. Buckingham. 11810.1 (L.; J. G. S.; G.L.) 8. Vol. I: Mock Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Avis, 3 pp., the last numbered vii; verso, Priere avant la Lecture de l'Ecriture-Sainte; Text: Mat. to Acts, pp. 9-403, followed by Errata at foot of p. 403; sigs. 2 to recto of 512, in 4s. Vol. II: Mock Title and verso, Title and verso, 2 if.; Text, pp. 5-326, followed by Approbation; then 1 p., Errata; sigs. 2 to 414, in 4s. The following is a copy of the Approbation: J'ai lu attentivement, et compar6 avec la Vulgate cette I nouvelle'edition du Nouveau Testament, imprimee a Boston, I par J. T. Buckingham. Elle est fiddle; le langage en est I pur; et elle ne contient rien qui ne soit entierement conforme I A la foi Catholique, Apostolique et Romaine. +JEAN Ev'que de Boston. Boston, 22 De'cembre, 1810. The Text is in paragraphs, without notes, but with an introduction to each book concluding with a pious aspiration. The version of the New Testament by Le Maistre de Sacy and others, appeared at Mons in 1667, but was condemned as containing the doctrines of the Jansenists. A corrected edition accordingly appeared the same year, and subsequent editions omitting or correcting the censured portions were well received. Le Maistre de Sacy, in 167295, published a version of the whole Bible, which was modified subsequently by Calmet and others. His edition of the New Testament published at Paris in 1759, with approbation, has been taken as a standard and was probably followed in this, -I8II.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 103 although we can not say so positively. Having been compared by Bishop CHEVERUS with the Vulgate and approved by him,'tis to be presumed that it is after the standard edition.-See further, Dictionnaire de Bibliographie Catholique, Ch. XI and XII. 5. A NEW I LITERAL TRANSLATION from the Original Greek I of all the I Apostolical Epistles with I a Commentary and Notes, I Philological, Critical, Explanatory and Practical. To which is added, I A History of the Life of the Apostle Paul. I By James Macknight, D. D., I Author of a Harmony of the Gospels, &c. I In Six volumes. I To which is prefixed, I An Account of the Life of the Author. I Boston: j Published by W. Wells and T. B. Wait & Co. I T. B. Wait & Co., printers. [ 1810. 1 (Am. Antiq. Soc.) 8. 1st Vol. contains: Memoir, Gen. Preface, Preliminary Essays, Romans. 2d Vol. contains: 1st and 2d Corinthians. 3d Vol. contains: Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians. 4th Vol. contains: Thessalonians, 1st and 2d Timothy, 1st and 2d Titus, Philemon. 5th Vol. contains: Hebrews, James, 1st and 2d Peter. 6th Vol. contains: John, 1st, 2d and 3d Jude, Supplement to Essay IV, Essay VIII, Life of Apostle Paul, To which are added Proofs and Illustrations. 1811. 1. THE | HOLY BIBLE: | Containing the j Old and New Testaments: i Translated out of the Original Tongues, [and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised, I by the I Special Command of his Majesty King James I. of England. I With marginal Notes and References. i To which are added, i An Index; An Alphabetical Table i of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations; and Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures and Coins. Philadelphia:i Printed and published by Mathew Carey, I No. 122, Market-Street. [ 1811. 1 (L.; G. L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; second title: The I Old Testament, [ translated I out of I The Original Hebrew, I and I with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. I Done I by the Special Command of King James I. of England. I Philadelphia: I Printed and published by Mathew Carey, No. 122, Market-Street. 1 1811. 1 1 p.; verso, Names and Order of all the Books; Index to the various Articles annexed to this edition; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 1-674; sigs. 1.A to 43.UU1, in 8s; Table of Offices, p. 675; Index of years and times, and Analysis of O. & N. T., p. 676, UU2; Family Record, pp. 677-680 (marked), 86. 4 R; The I New Testament I of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I translated I out of the Original Greek; I and I with the former Translations I diligently compared and revised, I By the Special Command of 104 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8IIKing James I. of England. I Philadelphia: I Printed and published by Mathew Carey, No. 122, Market-Street. I 1811. I1 p. (marked in the left corner, "107 "); Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 835-1046; sig. 5 R (which includes title) to 6 S3, and in numbers 107-133; p. 835 is marked at foot (35-1), and we supply the mark 5 R though the first sig. is not marked by any letter, only by " 107; " the following sig. is marked 108 5 Q; Judea, Palestine, &c., pp. 1047, 1048, 6 S4; Index, pp. 1049-1066, 6 T to 6 X,1, in numbers 134-1361; at foot of p. 1066, Table of Time; Alphabetical Table, pp. 1067-1073, 6 X2 to 6 y1; at foot of p. 1073, Table of Kindred; Fletcher's Concise View, pp. 1074-1076; Tables of Scripture measures, &c., pp. 1076-1078; Table of Passages, pp. 1079, 1080; verso of 6 y2 to verso of 6 Y4, in numbers 1362 to 1374, in 4s. The hiatus from p. 680 to p. 835, is caused by the omission of the Apocrypha. 2. THE I HOLY BIBLE, | containing the I Old and New Testament: I the Text j carefully printed from the most correct copies of the present I authorized Translation. I Including the I marginal Readings and parallel Texts. I With a Commentary and critical Notes, I designed as a help to a better understanding of I the Sacred Writings. I By Adam Clarke, L.L. D. I Volume I-VI. ] For whatever things were written aforetime, were written for our learning; that we, I through patience and comfort of the scriptures, might have hope. Rom. xv. 4. i New-York: I published by Ezra Sargeant, No. 86 Broadway, I opposite Trinity Church. j 1811. 1 (Conn. Hist. Soc.; G. L.) 4. Vol. 2 has, before " New-York," and in a separate line, I "Third Edition." I Also, for second line of imprint, " Published by Daniel Hitt and Abraham Paul, 182 Waterstreet, corner of Burling-Slip. I Abraham Paul, printer. 1 1821." Also, the word "the " is transferred from 3d to 4th line of title; the colon after line 4 is made a period; as is the comma after " notes " in line 10; " the" before " sacred " in line 12 is placed at the end of line 11; after " LL. D." is added, "F. S. A." Vol. 3, same as vol. 2, except that after " F. S. A." is " M. R. I. A.;" the edition is not designated; and the imprint has but three lines, the 2d and 3d being "Printed and published by Abraham Paul, No. 72 Nassau-street. l 1825." Vol. 4, as vol. 3. Vol. 5 has a different title page, viz.: "The I New Testament I of our t Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I The text I carefully printed from the most correct copies of the present I authorized version. I With the marginal readings, I a collection of parallel texts, and copious summaries to each chapter. I With I a commentary and critical notes. I Designed as a help to a better understanding of i the sacred writings. I By Adam Clarke, LL. D., F. S. A. I Volume I. i New-York: I published by Daniel Hitt and Abraham Paul, 1 182 Water-street, corner of Burling-slip. J Abraham Paul, Printer. i 1818. 1 Vol. 6 same as vol. 5, except " Vol. II." instead of "Vol. I." This work was advertised in New York before it appeared in London. The American copyright bears date 11 May, 1810, and in that, and in the prospectus, the Title was set forth as follows: The I Holy Scriptures I of the I Old and New Testaments. I The Text I taken from the most correct copies of the present I Authorized Version: I With -i8ii.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 105 all the Marginal Readings; an ample collection of parallel texts; and copious Summaries to each chapter. I The Date of every Transaction through the whole of the Old and New Testaments, as far as it has been ascer- I tained by the best Chronologers, will be marked in the A. M. or years from the Creation, collated throughout with the [ years of the Julian period; and in the A. a. C. and A. D., or years before and after Christ. I With I a Commentary and Critical notes. [ In this work I the whole of the Text has been collated with the Hebrew and Greek originals, and all the Ancient versions: I The most difficult words analyzed and explained: The most important Readings in the Hebrew collections of Kennicott I and De Rossi, and in the Greek collections of Mill, Wetstein and Griesbach, noticed: The peculiar customs of I the Jews and neighbouring Nations, so frequently alluded to by the Prophets, Evangelists, and lpostles, explained from the I best Asiatic.duthorities: the great doctrines of the Law and Gospel defined, illustrated and defended; and I the Whole applied to the important purposes I of I Practical Christianity and Vital Godliness. I Designed as a help to a better understanding of the Sacred Writings. I By Adam Clarke, LL. D. [ New York: I Printed for Ezra Sargeant, | No. 86 Broadway, opposite Trinity Church. | Prospectus in N. Y. Hist. Soc. Lib. The work was advertised to be issued in parts at one dollar and fifty cents each, but before it was completed, it appears to have passed out of the hands of the original publisher. It is thefirst American edition of Clarke's Commentaries. 3. HOLY BIBLE: With Original and Practical Observations, and Copious Marginal References. By Thomas Scott, DI). D., Rector of Aston Sandford, Bucks, and Chaplain to the Lock Hospital. Woodward's Second American, from the Second London Edition, improved and enlarged. Philadelphia: Printed for and published by William W. Woodward, corner of Second and Chesnut Streets. Sold also by William Barlas, New York; D. Mallory & Co., Boston; and by the Booksellers in different Parts of the United States. Dickinson, Printer. 1811-1813. Five Volumes. (Brown Univ.) 4. 4. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Printed by Mathew Carey, No. 122 Market Street. 1811. (L.) 12. 5. HOLY BIBLE: With Apocrypha. Boston: Thomas & Andrews &c. Greenhough and Stebbins, Printers. 1811. (L.) 12. Contains Dr. Witherspoon's Preface to Collins's ed. of 1807, and an Account of Judea; 1 Tim. 4: 16, is incorrect. 6. THE HOLY BIBLE I 2tbribgeb: I Containing the I History of I The New Testament. For the Use Childrens. ISuffer 14 106 AMERICAN BIBLES. [i8IIlittle Children, &c. Greenfield: Printed by John Denio. [ 1811. 1 (B.) 24. Pp. 36. 7. BIBLE I HISTORY. I New York: Printed and Sold I By S. Wood, I No. 357 Pearl Street. j 1811. 1 (L.) 142. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Pref., pp. 3-11; Text, pp. 12-254; sigs. A to Q, in 8S, including a frontispiece. Wood-cuts are interspersed throughout. 1. NEW TESTAMENT; Translated out of the Latin Vulgate; Philadelphia: Printed by Mathew Carey, No. 122 MarketStreet. 1811. 4. 11 Plates. (J. G. S.) 2. NEW TESTAMENT: Appointed to be read in Churches and Families. I Philadelphia: [ Published and Sold by Benjamin C. Buzby, I No. 2 North Third-Street. F Sweeny & M'Kenzie, Printers. 1 1811. 1 (B.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, order of the Books; Text, not paged; sigs. A2 to verso of Ff 6, in 4s and 8s alternately short headings to columns and chapters. Acts, 6: 3, reads: whom ye may appoint over this business; 1 Tim., 4:16, Take heed unto thyself and unto thy doctrine: 3. NEW TESTAMENT: Philadelphia: Printed by and for William W. Woodward, No. 52, Second, Corner of Chesnut Street. 1811. 12. With Bibles of 1810 and 1813. q. v. 4. NEW TESTAMENT. Baltimore: Published and Sold by John Hagerty, No. 12 Light Street. Brook W. Sower, Printer. 1811. (L.) 18. Same as the edition of 1810. 5. THE I FOUR GOSPELS, Itranslated from the Greek. I With I preliminary Dissertations, [ and j Notes critical and explanatory. I By George Campbell, D. D., F. R. S., Edinburgh. I Principal of the Marischal College, Aberdeen. [ In Four Volumes. I With the Author's last corrections. Movy Oeuvov r aoXYs2c. Boston: i Published by W. Wells, and Thomas B. Wait & Co. ] T. B. Wait & Co., printers. 1811. 1 (Harvard Coll.; Conn. Hist. Soc.) 8 -1812.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 107 1812. 1. THIE I HOLY BIBLE: Containing the Old and New Testaments: I Together with the i Apocrypha. I Translated out of the Original Tongues, I and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised, I by the I Special Command of his Majesty King James I. of England. I With marginal Notes and References. I To which are added, I An Index; I An Alphabetical Table i of all the names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations; j And Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures and Coins; I John Brown's Concordance, &c., &c. I Embellished with Twenty-five Engravings. I Philadelphia: I Printed and published by Mathew Carey, I No. 122 Market-street. 1 1812. 1 (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; title to Old Test., same imprint, 1 p.; verso, Names and Order of Books; Index of various articles annexed; List of Engravings; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 1-674; p. 161 marked 164; sigs. A to verso of 4 Q; and in numbers (1) to (85), in 4s; Table of Offices, p. 675; Index of years, and Analysis of Old and New Test., p. 676; sig. 4 Q2; Family Record, pp. [677]-[680]; sig 4 R numbered 86, in 2s: Apocrypha, pp. 681-834, and then [829] to [834]; sigs. 4 S to recto of 5 0; in numbers (87)-(106) in 4s; Title to New Test., same imprint; numbered on the left corner [107], Mat. to Rev. pp. 835-1046; sigs. 5P to verso of 6 S3, in numbers, [107]-(133); 1st page of Mat. marked at foot (40.4); Account of Judea, pp. 1047, 1048; sig. 6 S4; Index, pp. 1049-1066; at foot of p. 1066, Table of Time; Table of Proper Names, pp. 1067-1073; at foot of p. 1073, Table of Kindred; Fletcher's Concise View, pp. 1074-1076; Table of Scripture Weights, Measures, &c., pp. 1076-1078; Table of Passages, pp. 1079, 1080; sigs. 6 T to recto of 6 Y4 and in numbers (134)-(137); all in 4s; Title to Brown's Concordance: Philadelphia: I Printed and Published by Mathew Carey, I No. 122 Market-Street, i M.DCCC.XI. I 1 p.; verso, blank; To the Reader, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: pp. 5-72; sigs, A3 to I in 4s. List of Engravings in this edition1. Journeyings of the Children of Israel. 2. Scheme of the Lives of the Patriarchs..............................J. Bower. 3. Map of Canaan.................................................. Shallus. 4. The Lord appearing to Isaac. 5. Map of Egypt (name erased). 6. Map of the Places recorded in the books of Moses (name erased). 7. Map of Canaan from Joshua to the Babylonian captivity. 8. Samuel anointing David........................................... Tanner. 9. Solomon's judgment. 10. Map of the Purveyorships.....................................F. Shallus. 11. Map of the Assyrian and other Empires. 108 AMERICAN BIBLES. [18I212. Elijah raising the widow's son. 13. The Angel appearing to Elijah. 14. Map of Solomon's dominions.................................... F. Shallus. 15. David playing on the harp. 16. Map of Moriah and plan of Jerusalem. 17. John baptizing our Saviour. 18. The Adoration of the Wise Men. 19. The Last Supper...........T.................................... Tanner. 20. Our Saviour in the Temple......................................... Tiebout. 21. John the Baptist sending his disciples to our Saviour................... Tiebout. 22. The Miracle at the pool of Bethesda.................................. Tiebout. 23. The Woman caught in Adultery. 24. Jews interrogating our Saviour............................... B. Tanner. 25. Map of the Travels of the Apostles. The design of the Historical Engravings in this volume, is different from those in the standing edition. Nos. 2, 8, 9, 13, 19, 20, 22 and 25 already appeared in Carey's Doway Bible, No. 2, 1805. This Bible was published without the Apocrypha; also, Embellished with A Scheme of the Lives of the Patriarchs, and a Map of the Travels of the Apostles. In such editions, the general title is altered accordingly. The following errors occur, for the first time, in the text: Leviticus, 19: 12, the God: for, thy God: Esther, 1: 8, to the King-for, so the King. 2. THE I HOLY BIBLE: Containing the I Old and New Testaments: Together with the I Apocrypha. I Translated out of the Original Tonguys,j and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised,- I By the I Special Command of his Majesty King James I. of England. ] With Marginal Notes and References. I To which are added, I An Index; I An Alphabetical Table I of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations; I And Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures, and Coins. I Windsor: I Published by Merrifield and Cochran. I Sold Wholesale and Retail by them at the Sign of the Bible. Sold also by I. Thomas, Worcester; J. West & Co., Boston; I I. Thomas & Co., Walpole, N. H., and S. Swift, Middlebury, Vt. I John Cunningham, Printer. I MDCCCXII. j 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; The I Old Testament, I translated I out of I The Original Hebrew, I and I with former Translations diligently compared and revised. I Together with the Apocrypha: I Done I by the Special Command of King James I. of England. I Windsor: I Published by Merrifield and Cochran. I Sold wholesale and retail by them at the sign of the Bible. I Sold also by I. Thomas, Worcester; J. West & Co, Boston; — I8I2.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 109 I. Thomas & Co., Walpole, N. H., and S. Swift, Middlebury, Vt. I MDCCCXII. I 1 p.; verso, Names and order of all the books of the 0. and N. Test. 1 p. making sig A in 28; Text: Gen. to end of Mal. pp. 5-617; sig. B (not marked) to K, then M to recto of Hhhh3 in 4s, except S which is in 6s and T in 2s; verso of 617, blank; Apocrypha, pp. 619-762; sig. Hhhh4 to verso of Bbbbb3; The I New Testament I of our I Lord and Saviour f Jesus Christ, I translated out of the original Greek; I and I with former Translations I diligently compared and revised, I By the Special Command of King James I. of England. I Windsor: I Published by Merrifield and Cochran. I Sold wholesale and retail by them at the sign of the Bible. I Sold also by E. Goodale, Hallowell; J. West & Co. I Boston; I. Thomas & Co., Walpole, N. H. I and S. Swift, Middlebury, Vt. I MDCCCXII. I 1 p.; verso, blank; (Bbbbb4 not marked); Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 765-956; sigs. Ccccc to verso of Cccccc4 in 4s; Family Record, pp. [959], [960]; A Clergyman's address to Married persons; Analysis of the 0. and N. Test., p. 961; a Chronological Index of years, &c., p. 962, sig. Ddddddl; Summary History of the Bible (in smaller type), pp. 963, 964, Dddddd2; An index to the Holy Bible (also in smaller type, not paged), 9 ff.; sigs. A to verso of C2; [The last sig. letter is omitted]; Alphabetical table, C3 to D2; Table of weights and measures occupying the lower half of D2; verso, Table of Kindred and Table of Time. List of Engravings: Elijah raising the Widow's Son....................Isaac Eddy. Weathersfield, Vt. St. Mark................................. Isaac Eddy. Weathersfield, Vt. The Resurrection.................. James Hill. The Holy Family................................ Isaac Eddy. Weathersfield, Vt. St. John the Evangelist...........I............. saac Eddy. Weathersfield, Vt. St. Luke....................................... Isaac Eddy. Weathersfield, Vt. St. Paul......................................... Isaac Eddy. Weathersfield, Vt. These Engravings are exceedingly coarse; each plate, except that of The Resurrection, is surmounted with the words: First Vermont Edition; having at the bottom: Windsor: Published by Merrifield and Cochran, 1812. At the top of The Resurrection are the words: Vermont First Edition. Page 74 is headed Exodus, instead of Leviticus; page 117, Joshua, instead of Judges; page 313, I Chronicles, instead of II Chronicles; page 347, S. Jonn, instead of S. John; page 906, Ephesians instead of Galatians. And the Epistles to the Ephesians and Philippians are entitled: The Epistle of Paul, the Aposle, &c. There are brief headings to columns, and full headings to the chapters. 3. THE j HOLY BIBLE: I Containing j The Old and New Testaments; j together with the I Apocrypha: I Translated I out of the Original Tongues, I and I with the former Translations I diligently compared and revised. I First New York Edition. I New York: I Published by E. Duyckinck, Smith and Forman, Collins and Co., I J. Tiebout, S. A. Burtus, B. Crane. I George Long, Printer. 1 1812. 1 (L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, "The property of," within an oblong of printer's ornaments; To the Reader, 2 p.; (Dr. Witherspoon's Preface, from Collins's Bible of 1807; Account of dates, &c., 1 p.; Names and Order, 1 p.; Text: pp. 7-735, (misprinted 765); 110 AMERICAN BIBLES. [1812Tables of Measures, Weights, Money and Time, I p.; sigs., including title page, &c., 1 to verso of 924 in 4s; Apocrypha not paged; sigs. 1* to verso of 21*4; N. T. title agrees, 1 p.; verso, blank; Mat. to Rev., pp. 739-959; sigs. (incl. title) 73 to recto of 1204 in 4s; verso of 1204 Table of Offices, &c. There are 4 wood cuts, including, front. to 0. and N. Test. 4. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing thei Old and New Testaments: 1 Translated I out of the Original Tongues, I and I With the former Translations I diligently Compared and Revised. I Stereotype Edition. I Stereotyped for the i Bible Society at Philadelphia. I By T. Rutt, Shacklewell, London. I 1812. 1 (L.) 12. Title, 1 p.; verso, blank; Names and Order; Account of dates or Time, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 5-633; verso, Tables of Measures, Weights, and Money and Time; sigs. A3 to verso of Dd5 in 12s; New Test. title, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 1-192; sigs. *B to verso of *112 in 12s. This is the first Bible printed in the United States from Stereotype plates. They were imported from England by the Phil. Bible Society. 5. HOLY BIBLE. First American Diamond Edition. I Baltimore: i Published and Sold by John Hagerty, I No. 12, Light Street. I B. W. Sower & Co., printers. 1812. 1 (B.; L.) 12. With Synopsis of the Holy Bible, 7 pp. In some instances the imprint to the New Test. title has, Brook W. Sower, printer. 1811. 6. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: I Printed by Mathew Carey, I No. 122 Market-Street. 1812. I (L.) 12. 7. THE HOLY BIBLE. I Boston: I Printed for Thomas and Andrews, West and Richardson, I and West and Blake. I W. Greenough, Printer. 1 1812. j (Harvard Coll.) 12. 8. HOLY BIBLE: Hartford, Connecticut: Printed and Sold by Hudson & Goodwin. 1812. (B.; Conn. Hist. Soc.) 12. 1. THE I NEW TESTAMENT j of our I Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I translated out of the I Original Greek; I and with the former Translations I diligently compared and revised: I with the learned and excellent I General Preface, I the I valuable preliminary Remarks to the several -1812.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 111 books, and the i most copious marginal References I of I Dr. Scott's Family Bible, I to which are added, I An Index; J An Alphabetical Table I of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations; Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures, Coins, &c. &c. &c. i Illustrated with Maps. I New York: I Published by Whiting and Watson, I Theological and Classical Booksellers, No. 90, Broadway. I J. Seymour, Printer. 1 1812. 1 4. With Bible of 1813. q. v. 2. NEW TESTAMENT. New York: Published by iWhiting and Watson, Theological and Classical Booksellers. 1812. 8. 3. NEW TESTAMENT. New York:'Whiting and Watson. 1812. 12. 4. NEW TESTAMENT. New York: Whiting and Watson. 1812. 32. The Testaments, Nos. 2, 3, 4, have not been seen. They are from a list of books on the cover of a pamphlet printed by W. & W., New York. 1812. 5. NEw TESTAMENT. Philadelphia: Printed by Mathew Carey, - No. 122 Market Street. 1812. 12. 6. NEW TESTAMENT: Appointed to be Read in Churches. I New York: i Printed and Sold by E. Duyckinck, No. 102, Pearl Street. 1 1812. 1 (G. L.) 12. 3. Pa [ I leue I ~eftament I unfer I rrn unb teitanbe 3$f[u 0grifti, I nad) er Ieutf~den, 1eberfeting I D. 9artin VutIter& I Vit furaem I 3ntaft eineW ieben Sapite'I, I unt I Uolftanbiger inweifung gleicder Z riftfteIlen. I ie aud) I aler eonn-unb 5efttagigen I Eawngelien unb Lpiftedn. I 3ierte Jutage. I tancafter: I Oebrudt be S3iltelm actmilton. 1 1812. 1 (L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Verzeichniss, &c., 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: pp. 5-572; Anweisung, &c., 5 pp., not numbered; sigs. A (not marked) to recto of Bbb5, in 6s. This year Messrs. Delaplaine and Murray, Draper, Fairman & Co., Philadelphia, advertised to print a Splendid hot pressed Edition of Macklin's celebrated Bible, with 200 Engravings, 50 numbers Roy. 4to; 1 No. every 6 weeks, at $3 50 each number.-Analectic Magazine for 1812, p. 184. The project was not executed. 112 AMERICAN BIBLES. [18131813. 1. HOLY BIBLE: With the Apocrypha, Marginal Notes and References, Index, Tables, and Brown's Concordance, &c. Embellished with Twenty-five Maps and Engravings. Philadelphia: Printed and purblished by Mathew Carey, No. 122, Market Street. 1813. (L.) 4. This is a continuation of Carey's 4to edition of 1812 Page 161 is numbered 164, and the errors in Leviticus, 18:12, and Esther, 1: 8, are repeated. The plates are the same as already enumerated in the edition of 1812. The imprint to Brown's Concordance is: Brooklyn: Printed by Thomas Kirk, Main Street. 1 1812. ] Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; To the Reader, 1 f.; verso, blank; Text; pp. 5-62; sigs. A to N, in 2s, then O, in 3s. Another copy of this edition is without the Apocrypha. 2. THE I HOLY BIBLE: I Containing the Old and New Testaments: I Together with the I Apocrypha; I and I Arguments prefixed to the different Books: I With moral and theological I Observations illustrating each Chapter. I Composed by I the Reverend Mr. Ostervald, I professor of Divinity, and one of the Ministers of the Church at Neufchatel in Swisserland. I Translated at the desire of, and recommended by, I The Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge. I To which are added, j An Index; I An Alphabetical Table [ of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations; I Brown's Concordance, &c., &c., &c. I Embellished with Maps, and a Number of Elegant Historical Engravings. I New York: I Published by Evert Duyckinek, John Tiebout, G. & R. Waite, and Websters & Skinners of Albany. a George Long, Printer. 1813. 1 (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Preliminary Discourse, pp. iii-viii; at foot of p. viii Names and Order of Books of the O. & N. T., forming with Title, sig. A; Text: Gen. to Mal. (not paged); sigs. A to verso of 4 U4, Apocrypha, in smaller type, A* to verso of M*2, Family Record, 2 ff.; The New Testament Title: Imprint as above; 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., sigs. (including Title) 4 X to verso of 6 B4; Index, 6 C to 6 D3, 7 if.; Table of Kindred, Table of Time, Table of Offices, 6 D4, 2 pp.; all the sigs. are in 4s except M* of Apocrypha, which is in 2s; Brown's Brief Concordance; New York: i Published by Evert Duyckinck, Smith & Forman, John Tiebout, G. & R. Waite, I and Websters & Skinners of Albany. I George Long, Printer. l 1813. 1 1 p.; verso, blank; To the Reader, 1 f.; verso, blank; Text: pp. 5-72; sig. B to S in 2s. Ostervald's Observations are at the foot of the respective pages. -1813.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 113 The following is a list of the Engravings: Moses on Mount Sinai (Front.)............................................Scoles. Journeyings of the Children of Israel.......................S............. Scoles. Ahab in Naboth's Vineyard...................A.................... d. dAnderson. The Scribe reading the Law to King Josiah............................... nderson. Job in deep distress..................................................... Scoles. David at his early devotions..............................................Scoles. The Wise Men worshiping Christ..................................... Scoles. Jesus in the Cornfield reproving the Pharisees.............................. Scoles. Jesus conversing with his Disciples after Supper......................... nderson. Map of the Country traveled by the Apostles........................Anderson. St. John in the Isle of Patmos............................................Scoles. The designs of these Engravings are the same as in Hepinstall's London 4to. 3. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing i 11re 01b anb Nem Testaments, I translated out of the l Original Tongues, j and with the I former Translations diligently compared and revised. I To which are now first added, the I learned and excellent general Preface, ] the I valuable preliminary Remarks to the several Books; I and the I copious marginal References I of I Dr. Scott's Family Bible. I Together with I An Index; I An Alphabetical Table, i of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations, Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures, and Coins; I and i Brown's Concordance. I Illustrated with Maps. I New pork: J Published by Whiting and Watson, Theological and Classical Booksellers. iJ. Seymour, Printer. 1 1813. (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Pref. 11' pp.; To the Reader, signed T. Scott; Note by the Publishers; Introd. to the 0. Test., &c., 2 pp.; sigs. A, B, in 4s; Text: Gen. to Mal.; sigs. C to 5 H4, in 4s; New Testament title with the imprint: New York: I Published by Whiting and Watson, I Theological and Classical Booksellers, No. 96, Broadway. I J. Seymour, Printer. | 1812. 1; verso, Names and Order of the Books of the New Test., 1 f.; Introd. to New Test., 1 f.; sig. 5 I2; Text: Mat. to Rev.; sigs. 5 13 to recto of 6 X2, in 4s; verso of 6 X2, blank; Index, 13 if.; *A to D1, in 4s; Tables of Measures, Weights, Time, States and Offices; Proper Names; Kindred and Affinity; 5 ff.; #D2 to verso of F2, in 4s. 4. HOLY BIBLE: Charlestown, Mass.: Published by Saml. Etheridge, Junr. 1813. 4. Not seen; its publication inferred from having found A Biblical Map of the Land of Canaan, shewing the situation of the principal places mentioned in the Histories of Joshua & the Judges, with the above imprint on it. 15 114 AMERICAN BIBLES. [18I35. BIBLIA, I Za ift: I ie 5ante {Olttlidoe I ieirioe ecbrift, I Ithen untb euen ieftamentW, I nad) ter beutdI)en leberbetung i Zr. 9artin aut1ter+ I Sit jeteW Gapitetf furqen ~ummarien, aud) bepgeffigqten aieTen I tnb ridtigen'Paratetfen. I ebft 6~icrf id)en 9utanwenbunten I tu ben ffinf O /ilern m9oi6, bem (o0)elie~b MlomoniU unb ben ~ffenbtarung (. 3otcanni&. I Tie erfte Wfuf' lage. I Zomerfet: {elructt auntb u fi nen betp iecride ).rioeb. 1813. (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; 3orrebe, signed by Goeb and dated Somerset (Penn.), the 26th June, 1813, 1 p.; $3erseid)nili3, &c., 1 p.; Text: Gen. to Mal.; pp. 1-527; 528, blank; sigs. in numbers, 1 and 2, each one leaf, 3 to 682, in 4s; Apocrypha, in smaller type, pp. 1-66; sigs. W to verso of 1 1, in 2s; Dab I 91ette eftamenlt I tnjer6 I ~Crrin ib $eilauib~0 I C fit &,rifti, I oerbeitjcit I ton I'Or. 9artin Qutl)er. I Wit Mcf)icr tid)cr QinIeititni itr iffenbarmrng. $ot)antii, ilb o6iliger 1.t{,veiflt3ig glcid)er (d)riftftelet. I Tie rifte MWuflage. I onmeruet: ebrucft nub 3t fillbenl bet)C riebrid)j oeb. [ 1813. 1, 1 p.; B3ereide)ii3, &c., 1 p.; Text: Mat. to Rev.; pp. 1-169; 170, blank;.I1iwveililng, &c., 2 pp., unnumbered; sigs. in numbers, 1 to 20, in 4s; 21 in 6s. F. GOEB, the printer, was a clergyman. He established a small printing office, and published the first ed. of the Bible in Western Pennsylvania. The Preface, the Remarks prefixed to each chapter of the 5 Books of Moses, and the Commentary to the Song of Solomon, are said to have been written by him. There are no comments or remarks on the Revelations, though announced on both title pages. 6. HOLY BIBLE: With Original and Practical Observations and Copious Marginal References. By Thomas Scott, D. D., In Six Vols. New York: Published by Whiting and Watson, Theological and Classical Booksellers. J. Seymour, Printer. 1813. 8. A reissue of the edition of 1810. See Supra, p. 100. 7. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: I Printed by and for William W. Woodward I No. 52 Second, corner of Chesnut-street. I 1813. 1 (L.) 12. The same as Bible No. 4 of 1810, with The I Psalms of David I in metre: I translated and diligently compared I with I the Original Text I and I former translations. I More plain, smooth and agreeable to the Text i than any heretofore I Allowed by the authority of the General Assembly of the Kirk I of Scotland, and appointed to be sung in J Congregations and Families. I Philadelphia: I Printed by W. W. Woodward, No. 52, corner of Second and I Chesnut streets. I 1811. 1 Sigs. A. to F4; sigs. in 6s. Text not paged. There are copies of this edition without the Psalms, in some of which the new Test. is dated, 1815. -18I3.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 115 8. HoLY BIBLE: Boston: I Printed for Thomas and Andrews, West and Richardson, I and West and Blake. I W. Greenough, Printer. 1 1813. I (B.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, The Property of (within an ornamental border); Names and Order, 1 p.; Account of Dates, 1 p. The sigs. of the text (not paged) agree with Thomas's 12mo of 1797. No catch words; Acts, 6: 3, correct. 9. HOLY BIBLE: I Hartford, Connecticut. I Printedby I Hudson & Goodwin. i 1813. 1 (B.) 12. Imprint to New Test. title: Printed and sold by I &c., as above. 10. AN I ABRIDGEMENT I of the I Holy Scriptures. | By the Rev. Mr. Sellon, l late Minister of St. James's, Clerkenwell. I From a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures, I which are able to make thee wise unto Salvation, through I Faith which is in Christ Jesus. I Hartford: j Printed and sold by Hale and Hosmer. 1 1813. 1 (B.) 12. Pp. 215. 11. THE HOLY BIBLE abridged; or the History of the Old and New Testament. For the use of children. Adorned with cuts. Suffer little Children, &c. Barnard, Vt. Published by Joseph Dix, 1813. J. H. Carpenter, printer. (L.) 24. Pp. 124. 1. THE I NEW TESTAMENT I of our 1 Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ I Translated out of the Original Greek, I and with the I former Translations I Diligently compared and revised. I Philadelphia: 1 Published by Benjamin Johnson, [ No. 455 Market Street. I J. Bouvier, Printer. 1 1813. 1 (L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, This book is the property of, and order of books; Text: Mat. to Rev., A2 to Z6 in 6s; Finis on recto of Z6. 2. THE I NEW TESTAMENT I of our J Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I translated out of the Original Greek, I and with the I former Translations diligently compared and revised. I Boston: I published by I E. Larkin, 47 Cornhill, and Lincoln & Edmands, 53 Cornhill. 1 1813. I Lincoln & Edmands, printers. I (Conn. Hist. Soc.) 8. Unpaged. 116 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8I3 — 3. NEW TESTAMENT: Boston: I Printed for Thomas and Andrews, West and Richardson I and West and Blake. I W. Greenough, Printer. 1 1813. 1 (B.) 12. 4. THE I NEW TESTAMENT I of I Our Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ: I Translated out of I the Original Greek; I andI With the former Translations diligently l compared and revised. 1 The second Anierican I Edition, from theI Cambridge Stereotype Edition; I carefully revised and corrected, by the Rev. John McDonald, I of Albany. I Albany: I Printed and sold by H. C. Southwick. I Sold, also, wholesale and retail, by S. Wood, I New York. 1 1813. 1 (N. Y. State Lib.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Order of the Books; Text: Mat. to Rev., sigs. 1 to verso of 285 (including title page) in 68. A blank leaf completes the last sig. The pp. are not numbered. Brief headings: I Tim. 4: 16, incorrect. The type of this Testament was kept standing for several years; it is advertised in Albany Register of July 12, 1816. 5. NEW TESTAMENT: Appointed to be read in Churches. j New York: I Printed for and sold by Evert Duyckinck, j No. 102 Pearl Street. 1 1813. 1 (L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Order of Books; G. Long, Printer; pp. 334; Sigs. agree with those of the Duyckinck's Test. No. 2 of 1805. 6. NEW TESTAMENT. Philadelphia: Jonathan Pounder. 1813. (Seminary St. Sulpice, Balt.) 24. 7. EVANGELICAL HISTORY: I orI a Narrative j of the I Life, Doctrines and Miracles I of I Jesus Christ, j Our Blessed Lord and Saviour, I and of His Holy Apostles: I Containing the I Four Gospels and the Acts: I with a general Introduction, and I Prefatory Remarks to each Book I and I Notes, Didactic, Explanatory and Critical. I Designed chiefly for those who have not leisure to peruse 1 the larger works of Voluminous Commentators. I By Alden Bradford. I And many other Miracles Jesus in fact performed, which are 1 not written in this book. But these are written that ye may I believe that Jesus is the Christ, the SON of GOD; and that be- I lieving ye may have life through his name. - I8 4.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 117 John xx: 20.*! Boston: Published by Bradford & Read. I and for sale by J. Brewer, Providence; I A Sherman, Jr., New I Bedford; J. Avery, Plymouth; J. Dabney, Salem; J. I Babson, Wiscasset; E. Goodale, Hallowell; Var- I ney & Co., Dover; E. Foley, Philadel- I phia; Eastburn, Kirk & Co., New York. J 1813. 1 (G. L.) 12 Pp. 526, sigs. 1 to *44. 1813. Messrs. Delaplaine, Parker, Kimber & Richardson issue proposals for printing an edition of the Bible, 2 Vols. Roy. 8vo, 60 plates; The, subjects to be chosen by Rembrandt Peale and Thomas Sully, and to be engraved by our most eminent artists. Analectic Magazine for 1813, p. 350. Mr. Peale knows nothing about this work, and is of opinion that it has never been published in whole or in parts. 1814. 1. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing I The Old and New Testaments, I Together with the I Apocrypha: I Translated out of the Original Tongues, I and with the j former Translations diligently compared and revised; J With I Marginal Notes and References. I To which are added, I An Index; i An Alphabetical Table I of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations; I Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures and Coins: I John Brown's Concordance, &c. I New York: I Printed and sold by Collins & Co. I Sold also by the Principal Booksellers in the United States. 1 1814. 1 (L.; G. L.) 4. This edition, though recomposed, agrees, in the sigs. of the Old and New Testaments, with that of the 2d edition, 1807, as far as t Dd3; but " The Advertisement" has been rewritten, and in this edition is shorter than in that to the second. The words at the close of Malachi are, "End of the Old Testament." The Apocrypha is in the same type as the rest of the volume; sigs. A* to U* in 48. The Title to the New Testament corresponds with that of 1807, except the words " Collins's Third Edition" on this, and the imprint, which is, New York: I Printed and sold by Collins & Co. 1 1814. j The matter after the New Testament is as follows: Index, Dda to verso of Gg2; at foot of Gg2, Table of Time; Table of Scripture Measures, &c., Gg3,4; Table of Offices and Table of Kindred, Gg4; Alphabetical Index, Hh, in 4s, 4 if.; Brown's Brief Concordance. New York: I Published by Collins & Co., No. 189 Pearl Street. 1 1814. I Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; To the Reader, 1 f.; verso, blank; Text: pp. 5-72, sig. B to S in 2s. * Error, should be verses 30 and 31. 118 AMERICAN BIBLES. [1814Engravings: The Murder of Abel...............................................P. Maverick. The Deluge....................................................... Boyd. Joseph interpreting Pharaoh's Dream...................................... Boyd. Jacob blessing the sons of Joseph............................... Furman. Map of the Journeyings of the Children of Israel. Map of Palestine. Elisha restores the Shunammite's Son to Life.................. P. Maverick, Newark. The Virgin Mary and Child......................................... D. Edwin. Simeon's Benediction...................................... W. Harrison. The Good Samaritan..............................................Kearney. The Prodigal Son.................................................w. Harrison. Map of St. Paul's Travels. This edition has been also issued without Apocrypha. 2. THE IIOLY BIBLE: ontaining the I Old and New Testaments, i together with theI Apocrypha: Translated out of the Original Tongues, I and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, - By the Special Command of his Majesty, King James I. of England. I With Marginal Notes and References. j To which are added, An Index; j An Alphabetical Table of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations; I and Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures, and Coins: I Brown's Concordance, &c., &c., &c. j Embellished with Twenty-five Engravings. I Philadelphia: I Printed and published by M. Carey, l No. 121 Chesnut street. [ 1814. 1 (L.) 4 This copy agrees with Carey's 4to of 1812. The imprint to N. T. same as above, but in 3 lines; the errors in Leviticus 19: 12, and Esther 1: 8 are continued. Page 161 is correct. The plates are as follows: 1. Shepherds adoring our Saviour (Front.). 2. Journeyings of the Children of Israel. 3. Scheme of the lives of the Patriarchs. 4. Map of the Land of Canaan.......................................... Bower. 5. The Lord appearing to Isaac. 6. Map of Egypt. 7. Map of places mentioned in the books of Moses. 8. Map of Canaan. 9. Samuel anointing David. 10. Solomon's judgment. 11. Map of the Assyrian and other empires. 12. Elijah raising the Widow's Son. -1I814.1 AMERICAN BIBLES. 119 13. The Angel appearing to Elijah. 14. Map of Solomon's dominions. 15. Map of Moriah (Front. to N. T.).....................................Bower. 16. Adoration of the Wise Men. 17. Flight into Egypt. 18. Baptism of our Saviour. 19. Last Supper................................................... Tanner. 20. The Annunciation. 21. Our Saviour in the Temple....................................... Tiebout. 22. John the Baptist sending his disciples to our Saviour................... Tiebout. 23. The Miracle at the pool of Bethesda (marked at top, " Frontispiece, Plate 1.")......................................................Tiebout. 24. The Jews interrogating our Saviour............................... B. Tanner. 25. Map of the Travels of the Apostles. The names of the engravers are erased from all the plates except where they are affixed above. This Bible has also been issued without Apocrypha, Concordance and Plates. 3. HOLY BIBLE: With original and practical Observations, &c. By Thomas Scott, D. D., &c. In five Volumes. 4th American edition. New York: Dodge and Sayre. 18141816. [Mr. Hastie.] 4. 4. HOLY BIBLE: With the References, Introductions and general Preface of Dr. Thomas Scott. Philadelphia: Printed for and Published by William W. Woodward, corner of Second and Chesnut Streets. Griggs & Dickinsons, printers. 1814. (L.) 8. 5. HoLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Printed by Mathew Carey, No. 121 Chesnut Street. 1814. (L.) 12. 6. HOLY BIBLE: Hartford: Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. 1814. (B.) 12. The same as the edition of 1809; but the script letters H and G are not on the title page; the imprint to the New Testament title is: Hartford, Connecticut. I Printed and sold by I Hudson & Goodwin. 1 1814. 1 7. HOLY BIBLE: Boston: I Printed for Thomas & Andrews, West and Richardson, I and West and Blake. i W. Greenough, Printer. 1 1814. 1 (B.) 12. This appears to be the same as the edition of 1801 and 1802, except that it has no catch words. 120 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8I48. rnn:i'n,:z -nnin r Biblia Hebraica, I Secundum ultimam Editionem j Jos. Athiae, I a I Johanne Leusden I Denuo recognitam, iRecensita variisque notis Latinis illustrata I ab I Everardo Van Der Hooght, I V. D. M. I Editio Prima Americana, sine punctis I Masorethicis. i Tom. I. I Philadelphe: i Cura et Impensis Thomae Dobqon edita ex tEdibus Lapideis. I Typis Gulielmi Fry. I MDCCCXIV. (L.; J. G. S.) 8 Half title, 1 p.; verso, blank; title 1 p.; verso, blank; 1 blank page; Notice in English, dated February, 1814; Preface by Van der Hooght, 8 pp.; sigs. a to a4; Text: Genesis to Dent., ff. 1-159; sigs. A to recto of 2 R3 in 4s; verso of 2 R3, numerus Versuum, Sectionum, &c. in Pentateucho, 1 p.; half title to Prophetic Anteriores, 1 p.; verso, blank; full title, 1 p.; verso, blank, 2 ff; Text: Joshua to Kings if. 161-296; at end of text on 296, Numerus, &c.; sigs. 2 S to recto of 4 E4 in 4s. Tom. II., Half title 1 p.; verso, blank; title 1 p., agrees with 1st vol. except Tom. II. verso, blank, 2 if; Half title to Prophetre Posteriores (Jesaia to Malachia), 1 p.; verso, blank. Text: ff. 2-142, numerus, &c., foot of 142 and ends on verso of that p.; sigs. including Half title, t A to t 2 N2 verso, in 4s. Half title to Hagiographa, (Psalms, &c.-2 Chron.), 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: ff. 144-312. Sig. t 2 N4 to t 4 14 (verso) in 4s. The Hebrew Bible, or Old Testament, contains twenty-four books, which are divided into three classes: n-n Torah, which contains the five books of Moses. uN121 Neviim, which is again divided into the former prophets, which comprehend the four books called Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings; and the latter prophets, containing likewise four books, namely, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the twelve minor prophets, which are considered as one book.:zln:r Kethuvim, containing eleven books, namely, Psalms, Prov., Job, Cant., Ruth, Lam., Eccl., Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Neh. and Chro. N. B.-Ezra and Neh. are considered as one book. In 1812 Mr. Horwitz had proposed the publication of this edition of the Hebrew Bible. the first proposal of the kind in the United States; early in 1813 he transferred his right and list of subscribers to Mr. Thos. Dobson, who published, soon afterwards, the 1st volume; the title pages and preface were furnished with the 2d vol.; with which they are bound in some instances. 9. A COMPENDIUM I of the I Religious Doctrines, Religious and Moral I Precepts, Historical and Descrip- J tive Beauties I of the Bible; i with I a Separate Moral Selection from the I Apocrypha; I being I a Transcript of the received Text: I Intended for the use of Families, but more par- I ticularly as a Reading Book for Schools. I By Rodolphus Dickinson, Esq., I Author of Law Tracts, Geographical Publica- tions, fc. I Greenfield, Mass. I Published at the Compiler's Office. l Horace Graves, Printer. 1 1814. i (B.) 12. Pp. 250. -181I4.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 121 10. THE I HISTORY I of the HOLY BIBLE, interspersed with Moral and Instructive Reflections, I Chiefly taken from the I Holy Fathers. I From the French. By J. Reeve. I In two Volumes. I Vol. I. i New-York: i Printed by J. Seymour, No. 49 John Street. 1 1814. 1 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Contents, pp. iii, iv; Preface, dated Exeter, 1780, pp. v-viii; Text: pp. 13-220; sigs. B to verso of T2 in 6s; Vol. II., Title (as above, except "Vol. II."), 1 p.; verso, blank; Cont., 1 p.;.verso, blank; Text: pp. 13-159; verso, blank; Subscribers' Names, pp. 161-163; sigs. B to recto of 04 in 6s. THE I HISTORY I of the I NEW TESTAMENT, I interspersed with I Instructive and Moral Reflections, I chiefly taken from the I Holy Fathers. I From the French, by J. Reeve. New-York: I Printed by J. Seymour, No. 49 John Street. 1814. 1 12 Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Cont., 2 pp.; Text: pp. 13-172; Subscribers' Names, pp. 173-175, sigs. B to P4; two blank leaves complete the sig. in 6s. This work is based on L'Histoire du Vieux et du Nouveau Testament, by M. Louis Isaac le Maistre de Sacy, who wrote under the pseudonym of Sieur de Royaumont. But as he had in some of his reflections " studiously flattered his friends of PortRoyal" (the Jansenists) and been partially severe in others on the Dignitaries of the Church, and in many of his passages had given such a turn to the thought and expression of the Fathers, as was more calculated to support an enthusiastic system of Theology than to promote the interest of piety, an alteration was therefore judged expedient. "-Preface. 1. THE I NEW TESTAMENT I of our | Lord and Saviour j Jesus Christ, itranslated I out of the original Greek; and 1[ with the former Translations I diligently compared and revised. I Collins's third Edition. I New York: I Printed and Sold by Collins & Co. 1 1814. 1 4. With Brown's Concordance, 40 pages. 2. THE I NEW TESTAMENT j of i Our Lord and Saviour j Jesus Christ I with an I Introduction I giving an account of i Jewish and other sects; I with Notes t illustrating obscure Passages ] and explaining I obsolete Words and Phrases;' for the use of I Schools, Academies, and Private Families. By J. A. Cummings, I Author of Ancient and Modern Geography. I Boston: j Published and Sold by Cummings and Hilliard, j No. 1, Cornhill. I Andover: Flagg and Gould, printers. 1 1814. 1 (Boston Athenaeum; Harvard Coll. Lib.) 12. 16 122 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8I43. NEW TESTAMENT: Newburyport: l'Printed by William B. Allen & Co. I Sold Wholesale and Retail by H. G. Allen, Haverhill, Mass., and I by the various Booksellers in New England. 1 1814. 1 (Am. Antiq. Soc.; Conn. Hist. Soc.) 12. Sigs. A to 08 in 12s; Text not paged. 4. Zat %eue I eiftament I unfeWr I irrn unJ eitanteO I $3Qut Iriftt, I 91ad ber eutfren 1Ueberfetung I Or. M9artin tutter~. I[ 9it furyem I,3ntatt eineW jieen tapiteld, I unnb IoMtI ftanbiger /nwteifung gleidl)r -d)riftftelen. I Q3ie aucl I aller -onnf unb &efttiigigen I (angelien un0 pifteln. I Oie erfte 9duftage, I ~omerfet: I 5erudot unb au finten betp jrietrid Ooeb. 1 1814. I (B.; L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Verzeichniss, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: pp. 5-537; Register, 3 pp., not numbered; Sigs. T2 to verso of 1llt6 in 6s. 5. H KAINH' AIA@HKH. I Novum Testamentum, I Juxta Exemplar Joannis Millii j accuratissime Impressum. I (The wood cut found in Thomas's larger Bibles, viz: two figures supporting the Bible, in front of drapery and a G-reek text below). Bostonie: I Excudebat Esaias Thomas, Jun. I Typis Watson & Bangs. 1 1814. 1 (L.) 12 Title, 1 p.; verso, blank; Chronol. Table of the Books of the New Test., 1 p.; verso, blank; Text in 2 cols., 5-478; sig. 13 to verso of 40 5 in 6s followed by a blank leaf. 6. A I HARMONY in Greek I of the I Gospels, I with notes, I by WilliamNewcome, D. D. I Dublin, 1778: reprinted from the I text and select various readings j of Griesbach, I by the junior class in the I Theological Seminary' at Andover, i under the superintendance of I Moses Stuart, [ associate professor of Sacred Literature in said I Seminary. I Andover: I Printed by Flagg and Gould. 1 1814. 1 (Conn. Hist. Soc.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, copyright; Advertisement, p. iii; Explanation of the marks prefixed to the various readings, p. iv.; A table for finding any passage of the Gospels, pp. v-viii; Contents, pp. ix-xvi; Preface to the original edition, pp. i-xii; Text, pp. 13-424; Notes, pp. 1-188. Signatures (first four leaves) not marked, 1 to 54, then a to i, then k to u, then w, x, y and zi, the latter being only two leaves; all in 4s. _-I8I5.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 123 1815. 1. THE I HOLY BIBLE: Containing the Old and New Testaments, I together with the Apocrypha: I Translated out of the Original Tongues, 1 and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised, I By the special Command of his Majesty, King James I. of Enyland. I With Marginal Notes and References. I To which are added, An Index; I An Alphabetical Table of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations: I and Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures and Coins. Embellished with Twenty-five Maps and Historical Engravings. I Philadelphia: I Printed and published by M. Carey, I No. 121 Chesnut Street. i 1815. I (L.) 4. This edition agrees with Carey's 4to of 1812, (with 25 engravings) less the Concordance. The 1st page of Mat. is marked at foot (62.4); Index, p. 1050, is marked at foot 1. (62.3); p. 1058, 1. (62.3)*, p. 1066, 2. (62.3); p. 1074, also 2. (62.3). The errors in Leviticus and Esther, already noted, are continued. The following is a list of the engravings: 1. Journeyings of the Children of Israel (reingraved.) 2. Map of the Garden of Eden. 3. Scheme of the Lives of the Patriarchs. 4. Map of the Land of Canaan,.............................. Shallus. 5. Map of the Countries peopled by the descendants of Ham. 6. Map of Egypt. 7. Ark of the Covenant............................................. J. Bower. 8. Moses consecrating Aaron and his Sons...................... J. Y. 9. Joshua's spies in Jericho........................................ J. Bower. 10. Samson betrayed by Delilah. 11. Jerusalem......................................................... Bower. 12. Temple of Solomon.........J..........................T. Bower. 13. Map of the Assyrian and other empires. 14. Map of Solomon's Dominions. 15. The Tomb of Jonathan......................................... J Bower. 16. Map of Moriah. 17. Massacre of the Innocents.............................................. J. Y. 18. Judas casting away the Thirty pieces of Silver. 19. Shepherds in the Stable with our Saviour........................... J. Y. 20. Christ raising the Widow's son........................................ J. Y. 21. Lazarus at the gate of Dives...................................... Doolittle. 22. Miracle at the pool of Bethesda. 23. St. Thomas putting his finger in the side of the Saviour.................. J. Y. 24. Travels of the Apostles............................................... Bower. 25. The Dragon chained.....3..................................... Y. Nos. 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23 and 25 are new engravings. 124 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8I 5 2. HOILY BIBLE: With the Apocrypha. Philadelphia: Printed and Published by M. Carey, No. 121 Chesnut Street. 1815. (L.) 4. The same as the preceding, except, I. The omission on the Title page of the words "Embellished with Twellty-five Maps and Historical Engravings." II. The omission of the List of Engravings on verso of 2d title. III. The date to the New Test. Title is 1816. IV. 1st page of Mat. is marked at foot (65.1); p. 1066 is marked at foot, 2. (65.1); p. 1074, 2 (65.4). V. No plates. 3. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Printed and Published by M. Carey, No. 121 Chesnut Street. 1815. (L.) 4. Same as No. 1, except, I. No Apocrypha. II. 1st page of Mat. marked at foot (61.1); pp. 1050 and 1066 marked at foot, 2 (61.6); p. 1058, 2 (61.3); p. 1074, 2 (61.2). III. Has, A I Brief I Concordance I to the I Holy Scriptures, I of the I Old and New Testaments I &c. By John Brown, &c. Brooklyn: I Printed by Thomas Kirk, Main Street. 1 1812. I 4. HOLY BIBLE: With the Apocrypha. New York: Printed and sold by Collins & Co. Sold also by the Principal Booksellers in the United States. 1815. (L.) 4 This is the fourth edition of Collins's 4to Bible; its contents correspond with that already described, No. 1 of 1814. The titles to the New Test. and Concordance are, however, dated 1814. It is accompanied by the same plates and maps. 5. THE j| HOLY BIBLE: I Containing I the Old and New Testaments: [ Together with I The Apocrypha: I Translated out of the Original Tongues, I and I with the former Translations I diligently compared and revised. I First Brookfield edition. I Brookfield: I Printed by E. Merriam and Co. 1 1815. 1 (B.; G. L.) 8 Title, 1 f.; verso, The property of within an oblong ornament; To the Reader (Dr. Witherspoon's Preface), 1 2 pp.; Account of the dates or time of writing the Books of the New Testament, 1 p.; The names and order of all the Books in the O. and N. Test. and Apocrypha, 1 p.; Text: Gen. to Mal. pp. 7-735; sigs. 14 to recto of 924; verso, Tables of Scripture Measures, Weights, Money and Time; Family Record, 2 ff.; Apocrypha (not paged), sigs. 1* to verso of 21*4; The New Testament, &c. First Brookfield Edition. I Brookfield: [ Printed by E. Merriam & Co. 1 1815. 1 1 p. verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev. pp. 739-959; sigs. 932 to recto of 1204; verso, Table of Offices; sigs. all in 4s. 1 Tim. 4: 16 incorrect. This Bible was printed in the years 1814 and 1815. The edition consisted of 12,000 copies, consuming 1,800 reams of paper. Ebenezer Merriam, the publisher, was born in 1777; served his apprenticeship to Isaiah Thomas and died in West Brookfield, Mass., 1st November, 1858.-Springfield Republican. -i815.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 125 6. HOLY BIBLE: Second New York Edition. I New York: I Published by E. Duyckinck, Collins & Co., T. & J. Swords, Peter A. I Mesier, Samuel A. Burtis, T. A. Ronalds, I and G. & R. Waite. 1 G. Long, Print. 1 1815. 1(Mrs. Peter Ferris, Miamis.) 8. The above imprint is borrowed from the title to the New Test., that of the Old Test. being lost. The first edition is described, supra, p. 109, No. 3. 7. THE I HOLY BIBLE, Icontaining the j Old and New Testaments: i Translated out of j the Original Tongues; I andI with the former Translations diligently compared and revised, I By the Special Command of King James I. of England. I Walpole, (N. H.) I Published by Anson Whipple. 1 1815. 1 (G. L.; Am. Antiq. Soc.; L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, The Property of........ within an oblong ornament; To the Publick, 12 pp.; account of dates, a p.; Names and order of Books, 1 p.; Tables of Scripture Measures, Weights, Money, and Time, 1 p.; Text: Gen. to Mal. pp. 7-735; sigs. A., (which includes title and 2 prel. ff.) to 4 U4 in 4s; verso, blank; Apocrypha, not paged, sigs. A to verso of X4 i4 4s; New Test. title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 739-959; verso, Table of Offices; sigs. 4 Y (not marked) to 5 Z4 in 4s. This edition was printed at Walpole, N. H., by A. Whipple & Co., from a Press owned by I. Thomas.-Ms. note in the vol. belonging to the d.m..ntiq. Soc. About 1810, Cheever Felch, afterwards a chaplain in the U. S. Navy, commenced setting in type and printing at Walpole, N. H., a Bible for Mr. Whipple, Isaiah Thomas's son-in-law. It was of octavo form, on Bourgeois (English or Scotch) type and consisted of an edition of 8,000 copies, on coarse paper. Felch, however, prosecuted the work no farther than to the close of the 26th chapter of Deuteronomy, when it was suspended till about the year 1813. The composition was then recommenced by Charles Kendall, who, in about 18 months completed the work, except the Apocrypha, which was set up by a man named Brown.-Statement furnished by Mr. Kendall, through G. M. Davison, Esq., Saratoga Springs. 8. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing the I Old and New Testaments: J Translated out of l the Original Tongues, land with I the former Translations diligently compared and revised. I New-York: I Stereotyped and Printed by D. & G. Bruce, I No. 27 William-street. 1815. 1 (Seminary St. Sulpice, Balt.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, This first American Stereotype Bible has been copied from the Edinburgh edition i printed under the revision of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, and care- I fully compared with the Cambridge, Oxford, Hartford and New York editions. I D. & G. BRUCE. I New York, June, 1815. I Names and order of the Books of the 0. and N. Test.; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 3-525; sigs. A2 to recto of 126 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8I5y11; verso, Table of Offices and Table of Time; The I New Testament I of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I translated out of I the Original Greek; I and with I the former Translations diligently I compared and revised. I New York: l Stereotyped and printed by D. & G. Bruce, I No. 27 William-street. 1 1815. 1 marked p. 527; sig. y12; verso, Table of Kindred; Text: pp. 529-684; sigs. Z to verso of Ff 6 in 12S. Brief headings to chapters and columns. This is the first Bible printed from stereotype plates cast in the United States. It is in nonpareil type. DAVID BRUCE, to whose perseverance it owes its existence, died in Brooklyn, N. Y., 15th March, 1857, aged 87 years. 9. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing the I Old and New Testament: J Translated I out of the Original Tongues, and with the former Translations I diligently compared and revised. I Newburyport: J Published by Wm. B. Allen & Co. I And for sale wholesale and retail, bound or in sheets, by them at i The Newburyport Bookstore. 1 1815. 1 (L.; B.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Names and Order; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 3-550; sigs. (including title) A to verso of Xx5 in 6s; New Test. title, 1 p; Revelation ends on p. 720, sigs. Yy to verso of Mmm6 in 6s 10. THE I HOLY BIBLE, j containing the Old and New Testaments; I Translated out of the Original Tongues, I and with the former Translations I diligently compared and revised. J Boston: I Published by Munroe, Francis and Parker, No. 4, Cornhill. 1 1815. 1 (L.) 12. Agrees with the preceding edition; Tables of Measures, Weights, Money and of Time (p. 551); verso, Chronol. Index of Years and Times from Adam to Christ; New Test. title, 1 p. verso, Account of Dates and Times, Analysis; Text as in the last mentioned edition. These two Bibles are no doubt from the same types. The imprints only differ. 11. HOLY BIBLE. Hartford: Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. 1815. (L.; B.) 12. In every respect a reprint of the edition of 1809, except the titles and imprint. The letters H & G are omitted from the title of the Old Test. 12. LA SAINTE BIBLE, I Contenant I Le Vieux et le Nouveau Testament: I Imprimee sur l'Sdition st6reotype de Londres, I Et selon l'6dition de Paris, de l'annee 1805: Revue et corrigee avec soin I D'apres les textes Hebreu et Grec. I A New York: Imprim~e aux frais et sous l'inspection de la Societ6 etablie dans cette Ville I sous le — I8IS] AMERICAN BIBLES. 127 titre de I "The New York Bible Society." i Chez J. Seymour, imprimeur, John-street, No. 49. 1 1815. 1 (N. Y. Soc. Lib.) 12. Title, 1 p.; verso, blank; nom de tous les livres, 1 p.; verso, blank; Texte: Gen. a Mal. p. 3-798; sigs. A3 to verso of 3 X3 in 6s; Title, Le j Nouveau Testament I De l Notre Seigneur [ Jesus Christ. I Imprime sur l'6dition de Paris de l'annee 1805. f Same imprint as above, 1 p.; verso, Les Noms, &c.; Texte: Mat. a Rev., pp. 3-246; sigs. including title, 3 X4 to verso of 4 S6 in 63. The Paris edition of 1805, from which this is copied, was reprinted for The British and Foreign Bible Society, London, in 1807. 13. IsaIAH: a new translation: with a preliminary Dissertation and Notes. By Robert Lowth, D. D., Bishop of London. Boston: Printed and published by Joseph T. Buckingham, Winter Street. 1815. (Brown Univ.) 8. 1. NEW TESTAMENT: With Original Notes and Practical Observations. By Thomas Scott, &c. Fifth American edition. Boston: Samuel S. Armstrong. 1815. 2 vols. 8. With Scott's Family Bible of 1816. 2. NEw TESTAMENT. Stereotyped by D. & G. Bruce, No. 27 William Street. 1815. (L.) 8. 3. THE NEW I TESTAMENT I of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I translated out of j 1e QOIriginal (reek; I and with the I former translations I diligently compared and revised. I H & G i Hartford: i Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. 11815. 1 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, The Order of the Books; Text: pp. 1-334; sigs. A2 to verso of 012 in 12s Acts 6: 3 and I Tim. 4: 16 incorrect. 4. NEW TESTAMENT. Philadelphia. Printed byWinm. W. Woodward. 1815. 18. With Bible of 1813. 5. zaln %~ue I Ie~tament i unferW I,Yrrn unb -eilanbe4 I $3fu btrifti, I nad) bevr eutfdZen Ueberfegung I D. sartin?utler&. I mit furgem I $3n0att eine b jeben tapitefI, I unb I oIlIftanbiger ani weifung g1eider ~dZriftftellen. I Ni3e au I alter zonnlunb Hefter 128 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8I6L gigen I Qangelen untb Cifteln. I Ziebente augage. i tilabeli pbia: (I ebrudt bet (. unb ZS. 1illme)er, 1815. i (L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Verzeichniss, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: pp. 5-537; Anweizung, 3 pp. not numbered; sigs. A3 to verso of Z6 in 12; double columns 6. A SYNOPSIS J of I the FOUR EVANGELISTS, or, I a regular History I of the I Conception, Birth, Doctrine, Miracles, Death, Resur- I rection and Ascension I of I Jesus Christ in I the Words of the Evangelists. I By Charles Thomson. I Philadelphia: Published for the Author. i Wm. McCullogh, Printer. 11815. 1 (L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, Certificate of copyright; Pref., 2 pp.; Text: pp. 1-200; sigs. A. to Bb4 in 4s; Notes critical and explanatory and 3l pp. of Appendix, pp. 1-50; sigs. A to GI in 48; Index, 4 pp. 62 & 3 1816. 1. [Collins's Stereotype Edition.] 1 THE I HOLY BIBLE: I Containing I The Old and New Testaments: i Together with the i Apocrypha: I Translated out of the Original Tongues, I and with I the former Translations I diligently compared and revised; t with I Canne's Marginal Notes and References. I To which are added, [ An Index; I An Alphabetical Table I of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations; i Table of Scripture Weights, Measures, and Coins; I John Brown's Concordance, &c. I Embellished with Maps and elegant Historical Engravings. i Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins, New York. New York: I Printed and Sold by Collins and Co. I Sold also by the principal Booksellers in the United States. [ 1816. I (Amer. Bib. Soc.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Adv. to the Stereotype Edition, dated New York, 1816, 1 f.; verso, blank; To the Reader (Dr. Witherspoon's Pref.), 2 pp.; Account of the dates and times, 1 p.; The names and order of all the Books, 1 p.; making, with title, sig. A, not marked; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. (9)-683); sigs. B to recto of 4 R 2; p. 684 blank; Family Record, 2 ff.; Apocrypha, pp. (1)-(160); sigs. A* to U*4. [Collins's Stereotype Edition.] I The I New Testament I of our Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, Translated I out of the Original Greek, I and I With the former Translations I diligently Compared and Revised; I Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins, New York. I New York: I Printed and Sold by Collins & Co. I 1816. I 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. (687)-(898); sigs. tA2 to tDd3; Index, pp. (899)-(916); at foot of p. (916), Table of Time; sigs. tDd4 to verso of Ff 4; Table of Scripture Weights, -18 6.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 129 &c., pp. (917)-(919); at foot of p. (919), Table of Offices; Table of Kindred, Index of Years and Times, p. 920; sigs. Gg. to Gg2; Alphabetical Table, pp. (921)-(927), sigs. Gg3 to Hh2; verso of Hh2 blank; Judea, Palestine or the Holy Land, pp. (929), (930), not marked; Table of passages, pp. (931), (932); sig. Hh3, Hh4; [StereotypeEdition.] A Brief Concordance, &c. By John Brown, late Minister of the Gospel at Haddington, in Scotland. Search the Scriptures, &c. New York: Published by Collins and Co., No. 189 Pearl-Street. 1815. 1 f.; verso, To the Reader; Text: pp. 3-56; sig. A2 to verso of G4; sigs. in 4s except 4 R, which is in 2s. The following are the engravings in this edition: 1. The Murder of Abel. Frontispiece to O. T.....A. Sacchi, pinx.; P. Maverick, sc. 2. The Deluge........Pos.................. Poussin, pinx.; Boyd, sc. 3. Hagar in the Wilderness. (Wood cut.) 4. The Creation. (Wood cut.) 5. Joseph interpreting Pharaoh's dream...... Guercino, pinx.; Boyd. Maverick, sc. 6. Joseph's Brethren offering their presents........................ B. Tanner, sc. 7. Jacob blessing the sons of Joseph.... Rembrandt, pinx.; Fairman Sf Maverick, sc. S. Map of Canaan, Palestine, Judea or the Holy Land......... Hooker sc. 9. Balaam. (Wood cut.) 10. Map of Journeyings of the Children of Israel................. Hooker, se. 11. Sampson slayeth a Lyon. (Wood cut.) 12. Elisha restoreth the Shunamite's son to Life.. West, pinx.; P. Maverick, Newark, sc. 13. The Virgin and Child. Front to N. T....Raphael, pinx.; Edwin. Maverick, sc. 14. The Wise men's offering. Above, Bassano..... Plocher, sc. 15. John the Baptist in the Wilderness................ Raphael, pinx.; Boyd, sc. 16. The Three Maries at the Sepulchre.........Annibal Caracci, pinx.; Boyd, sc. 17. John the Baptist, baptizing...................Poussin, pinx.; Kearney, se. 18. Jerusalem, with the neighboring country. 19. The Good Samaritan................ Rembrandt, pinx.; Kearney & Maverick, se. 20. Jesus with the two Disciples at Emmaus......... Titian, pinx.; W. Harrison, sc. 21. Thomas's Incredulity..............................Rubens, pinx.; Boyd, sc. 22. Map of St. Paul's Travels. (Size of page.) 23. St. Paul. (Engraved for Collins's Quarto Bible, 4th ed.)... Tiebout 4. Maverick, sc. 24. Map of St. Paul's Travels. (Large folding Map.)............. Robinson, sc. Plates Nos. 1, 2, 5, 7, 12, 13, 19, 20 have inscribed above, "Engraved for Collins's Quarto Bible, Fourth Edition, 1816." Nos. 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, "Engraved for Collins's Quarto Bible, Stereotype Edition." This is the first 4to edition of the Bible stereotyped by Collins, and the 5th of his quartos, including the Trenton edition. The Circular announcing the proposed publication of this Bible is dated " New York, First Month, 1815." To stereotype this work the publishers had employed John Watts, who introduced the art into the United States about the year 1813, after having received complete instruction in the business from his brother, Richard Watts, and from Andrew Wilson, of London. It is printed in small pica, and was issued on superfine, and on coarse paper, in the following styles: 1. The Old and New Testaments, alone; 2. The same, with Apocrypha; 3. With Apocrypha and Concordance; 4. With Concordance; 5. With Ostervald's Notes; 6. With Ostervald's Notes and Concordance; 7. With Ostervald's Notes, Apocrypha and Concordance. Any of the superfine copies could be furnished, with 12 maps and plates, for one dollar and fifty cents extra; and those on coarse paper, 17 130 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8I6with 20 maps and plates, at an extra charge of one dollar; the prices ranging from $3.50 to $18.50, according to the paper and binding. See Circular in N. Y. Hist. Soc. Lib. 2. HOLY BIBLE: With Apocrypha, Marginal Notes and References, Index, an Alphabetical list of Names, Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures and Coins, Brown's Concordance, &c., &c. Embellished with Seventy Maps and Historical Engravings. Philadelphia: Printed and published by M. Carey, No. 121 Chesnut street. 1816. (L.) 4 This copy agrees in matter and pagination with the edition of 1812 and intermediate editions, though it has the appearance of being recomposed. The errors in Leviticus and Esther already mentioned are continued. The imprint to the title of the New Test. is as above; in that to the Concordance, Mr. Carey's christian name is in full. The following are the Engravings: 1. Table of births &c. of the Patriarchs (Front.)...................... J. Bower. 2. Map of the Garden of Eden, &c. 3. Noah building the Ark. 4. Countries peopled by the descendants of Ham. 5. Countries peopled by the descendants of Shem. 6. Scheme of the lives of the Patriarchs. 7. Map of Canaan. 8. Abraham and the three Angels. 9. Esau selling his birthright......................................I. L. F., sc. 10. The Lord appearing to Isaac. 11. Map of Egypt. 12. Moses in the bulrushes. 13. Countries mentioned in the books of Moses. 14. Journeyings of the Children of Israel. 15. Golden Altar and Golden Candlestick. 16. The Altar and the Laver..................J...........................J. Y. 17. Dresses of the High Priests. 18. Consecration of Aaron. 19. Naomi and her daughters-in-law. 20. The Marriage of Boaz and Ruth............................j.. Y. 21. Dagon falling before the Ark........................................ J. Y. 22. Samuel anointing David. 23. Judgment of Solomon. 24. Map of the Purveyorships, &c. 25. Jerusalem................................Bow........ J. Bouer. 26. Temple of Solomon...............................................J. Bower. 27. Map of Syria, Assyria, &c. 28. Elijah raising the Widow's Son. 29. Angel appearing to Elijah. 30. Elisha multiplying the Widow's oil. 31. Map of the dominions of Solomon. -i8i6.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 131 32. David playing on the harp. 33. Daniel's second vision. 34. Daniel's fourth vision....." Engraved for M. Carey's Family Bible." Tiebout. 35. Manasseh in chains. 36. The tomb of Jonathan. 37. Land of Moriah. 38. St. Matthew. 39. The Magi offering presents. 40. Flight into Egypt. 41. John Baptist baptizing our Saviour. 42. Decapitation of John Baptist...................................... J. Yeager. 43. The unjust Steward.....................................y......... J. Y. 44. Our Saviour blessing Little Children. 45. The Labourers receiving their hire.................................. Robinson. 46. Our Saviour before Pilate. 47. Crowning with thorns.............................................. J. L..F 48. The Angel and devout women at the Sepulchre. 49. St. Mark......................................................... J. Y. 50. Our Saviour curing a diseased woman.............................. Warnick. 51. St. Luke. 52. The Annunciation. 53. Zacharias writing his son's name. 54. Our Saviour in the manger...w..................... W. 55. Our Saviour in the Temple. 56. John Baptist sending his disciples to Christ. 57. Our Saviour asleep in the storm......................................J. Y. 58. The good Samaritan. 59. St. John. 60. The Miracle at the Pool of Bethesda............................Tiebout. 61. Jews interrogating our Saviour...................................B. Tanner. 62. Incredulity of St. Thomas.............................................J. Y. 63. Map of the Travels of the Apostles. 64. The sick cured by the shadow of Peter. 65. St. Peter's vision of the unclean animals........................W. 66. Conversion of the Centurion. 67. St. Paul striking Barjesus with blindness. 68. John's vision of the four seals. 69. Vision of the beast. 70. Vision of the dragon chained................................. J. L. Frederick. This Bible was published originally at $12.50, $15 and $18. A second hand copy was lately sold at $20. 3. HOLY BIBLE, containing the Old and New Testamenfs. Philadelphia: Printed and Published by M. Carey, No. 121 Chesnut Street. 1816. 4. This edition, without the Apocrypha, was published on " coarse paper, not lettered," at $3.75; on "common paper filleted," at $4.25; on "common paper, lettered and filleted," at $4.50; on fine paper, $6.00. Carey's.Advertisement. 132 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8I64. HOLY BIBLE and Psalms. Philadelphia: M. Carey, No. 121 Chesnut Street. 1816. 4. On coarse paper, not lettered; $4.00. Carey's Advertisement. 5. Holy Bible, and Apocrypha. Philadelphia: M. Carey, No. 121 Chesnut Street. 1816. 4. On coarse paper, not lettered, $4.25; on coarse paper, lettered and filleted, $4.50; on common paper, filleted, $4.75; on common paper, lettered and filleted, $5.00; on fine paper, $6.50; on superf. paper, bound in sheep, $8.00. Carey's Advertisement. 6. Holy Bible, with Apocrypha and Psalms. Philadelphia: M. Carey, No. 121 Chesnut Street. 1816. 4. On coarse paper, not lettered, $4.50; on coarse paper, lettered and filleted, $4.75; on fine paper, $6.75. Carey's Addvertisement. 7. Holy Bible, with Apocrypha and eleven plates. Philadelphia: M. Carey, No. 121 Chesnut Street. 1816. 4. On coarse paper, lettered and filleted, $5.00; on common paper, lettered and filleted, $5.50. Carey's Advertisement. The designs of the plates are the same as Nos. 6, 7, 25, 26, 37, 54, 63, 65, 67 and 68 enumerated in the edition with seventy maps and engravings, No. 2 of this year; but the engravings are inferior. Nos. 54, 65, 67 and 68 are marked J. Y. 8. Holy Bible, with Apocrypha, eleven Plates and Psalms. Philadelphia: M. Carey, No. 121 Chesnut Street. 1816. 4. On coarse paper, lettered and filleted, $5.25; on common paper, 11 plates and Psalms, $5.75. Carey's Advertisement. 9. HOLY BIBLE, with Apocrypha and 25 Plates. Philadelphia: M. Carey, No. 121 Chesnut Street. 1816. 4. On coarse paper, lettered and filleted, $5.50; on common paper, lettered and filleted, $6.25. Carey's Advertisement. 10. HOLY BIBLE, with Apocrypha, 25 plates and Psalms. Philadelphia: M. Carey, No. 121 Chesnut Street. 1816. 4. On commofi paper, lettered and filleted, $6.50. Carey's Advertisement. 11. HOLY BIBLE, with Concordance. Philadelphia: M. Carey, No. 121 Chesnut Street. 1816. 4. On coarse paper, lettered and filleted, $4.75. Carey's Advertisement. -1816.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 133 12. HOLY BIBLE, with Apocrypha and Concordance. Philadelphia: M. Carey, No. 121 Chesnut Street. 1816. 4. On coarse paper, lettered and filleted, $5.25. Carey's Advertisement. 13. Holy Bible, with Apocrypha, Concordance and 2 Maps. Philadelphia: M. Carey, No. 121 Chesnut Street. 1816. 4. On common paper, lettered and filleted, $6; on fine paper, $7.50. Carey's.Adv. 14. HOLY BIBLE, with Apocrypha, Concordance, 2 Maps and Psalms. Philadelphia: M. Carey, No. 121 Chesnut Street. 1816. 4. On fine paper, $7.75. Carey's Advertisement. 15. HOLY BIBLE, with Apocrypha, Concordance and 10 Maps. Philadelphia: M. Carey, No. 121 Chesnut Street. 1816. 4. On common paper, lettered and filleted, $7; on fine paper, $8; on superfine paper, sheep, $9.25. Carey's Advertisement. 16. HOLY BIBLE, with Apocrypha, Concordance, 10 Maps and Psalms. Philadelphia: M. Carey, No. 121 Chesnut Street. 1816. 4. On common paper, lettered and filleted, $7.25; on superfine paper, sheep, $9.50. Carey's Advertisement. 17. HOLY BIBLE, with Apocrypha, Concordance and 25 Maps and Plates. Philadelphia: M. Carey. No. 121 Chesnut Street. 1816. 4. On coarse paper, lettered and filleted, $6.25; on fine paper, $8.50; on superfine paper, sheep, $10; on superfine paper, plain calf, 11.50; in Morocco gilt or calf extra, $13. Carey's Advertisement. 18. HOLY BIBLE, with Apocrypha, Concordance, 25 Plates and Psalms. Philadelphia: M. Carey, No. 121 Chesnut Street. 1816. 4. On fine paper, $8.75; on superfine paper, sheep, $10.25. Carey's.Advertisement. 19. Holy Bible, with Apocrypha, Concordance, 25- Maps and Plates, and Ostervald's Notes. Philadelphia: M. Carey, No. 121 Chesnut Street. 1816. 4. On coarse paper, lettered and filleted, $7: on fine paper, $9.50; on superfine paper, sheep, $11. Carey's Advertisement. 134 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8I620. Holy Bible, with Apocrypha, Concordance and 100 Plates. Philadelphia: M. Carey, No. 121 Chesnut Street. 1816. 4. On superfine paper, sheep, $16; calf, $17; calf extra or Morocco gilt, $18; Morocco gilt and gilt edges, $20. Carey's Advertisement. 21. Exposition of the Old and New Testaments. By Mathew Henry. 6 vols. Philadelphia. Hogan & Towers. 1816. This is said to be the 1st American edition of what is known as Henry's Commentary. 22. HOLY BIBLE: With Original Notes and Practical Observations. By Thomas Scott. In six Volumes. Fifth American Edition. Boston: Published by Samuel T. Armstrong. 1816. (Harvard Coll.) 8. The first four volumes contain the Old Testament; the other two volumes the New Testament, which is dated 1815. This work is known as Armstrong's First edition of Scott's Commentary. 23. THE I HOLY BIBLE: I containing I The Old and New Testaments: Together with the I Apocrypha: I Translated out of the Original Tongues, I and with the I former Translations diligently compared and revised. I Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins, New York. { Albany: J Printed and published by E. F. Backus. 1 1816. 1 (N. Y. State Lib.; L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Address to the Reader (Dr. Witherspoon's Pref. to Collins's Bible); Names and order of all the books, 2 pp.; Text: Gen. to Mal. pp. (5)-(756); sigs. A (which incl. t. and pr. f.) to verso of Bbb2; Apocrypha pp. (1)-(181); sigs. A to M3; verso of 181, blank; then 1 blank leaf, to complete a half sig.; [Stereotype Edition.] The I New Testament J of I our Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ: I translated I out of the original Greek; | and with the I former Translations l diligently I compared and revised. I Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins, New York. ] Albany: I Printed and published by E. F. Backus. l 1816. l 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-234; sigs. A2 to verso of Q1. The sigs. are in 8s, except those otherwise noted above, and sig. P of the New Test., which is a 4. 24. HOLY BIBLE: Boston: Printed for Lincoln and Edmands; Sold at their Bible Warehouse, No. 53, Cornhill. W. Greenough, Printer. 1816. 12. 25. HOLY BIBLE: Hartford: Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. 1816. (B.) 12. A continuation of the edi ion of 1809 with a different imprint. New Testament dated 1815. -I8I6.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 135 26. THE HOLY BIBLE, I containing the I Old and New Testaments: I Translated out of I the original Tongues, I and with the i former Translations diligently compared and revised. I New-York: I Stereotyped byE. & J. White For "The New-York Bible Society," and I "The Auxiliary New York Bible Society." 1816. 1 (L.; G. L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Names and Order; Text: Gen. to Mal. pp. 3-832; sigs., including title, A to verso of 2 M8 in 128; N. T. title: The I New Testament I of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ: I Translated out of I the Original Greek I and with the I former Translations diligently compared and revised. I New York: I Published by the American Bible Society. [ Stereotyped by E.; J. White. 1 1816. 1 Verso, Tables of Measures, Weights and Money, and Time; Text: pp. 3-254; sigs., including title, 2 M9 (not marked) to verso of 2 Z3 in 128. These stereotype plates belonged to the N. Y. Bible Society. The American Bible Society was instituted in 1816, and either purchased or borrowed the plates until they could get others. The imprint of the American Bible Society is met now, for the first time, on the title page of the New Testament of this edition. 27. HOLY BIBLE: New-York Stereotype edition. I New-York: I Stereotyped by E. and J. White, I For the Auxiliary New York Bible and I Common Prayer-Book Society. I Instituted in the year 1816. 1 1816. 12. 28. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing the I Old and New Testaments: I Translated out of I the Original Tongues; and with the former Translations diligently compared I and revised. I New York: I Printed and Published By W. Mercein, I No. 93 Gold-street. 1 1816. (L.) 12. This is the Bruces' Stereotype Bible, No. 8, of 1815, with Mercein's imprint and a new date. The verso of the Title page contains the notice of D. & G. Bruce, dated June, 1815. 29. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Printed by Mathew Carey, I No. 122 Chesnut-street. [ 1816. j (L.) 12. The imprint to the New Testament title is: Whitehall: I Printed for William Young, Bank street, I Thefirst house from the right hand from Chesnut street. ]Philadelphia. 1808. [ verso, a wreath and This Book is the Property of l 30. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Printed by W. W. Woodward, No. 52 South Second, corner of Chesnut Street, 1816. 12. 136 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8I61. NEW TESTAMENT: Translated from the Latin Vulgate. Philadelphia: M. Carey, No. 122 Chesnut Street. 1816. 4. It contains the same number of plates as one of the issues of 1805. Carey's A.dvertisement. 2. THE NEW TESTAMENT I of our Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ: I Translated i Out of 1lze Original reek I and with the former translations I diligently compared and revised. I Stereotyped for the Bible Society at Philadelphia. I By T. Rutt, Shackleville, London. 1 1816. 1 (L.) 8. Title, verso, Names, &c.; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-303; verso, Measures, Weights and Time; sigs. (including title) A to verso of T5 in 8s. 3. NEW TESTAMENT. Philadelphia: AM. Carey, No. 122 Chesnut Street. 1816. 12. A school edition, with Psalms. Carey's Advertisement. 4. THE I NEW TESTAMENT I of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I translated out of the original Greek; and with the I former Translations I diligently compared and revised. I Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins. I Hartford, Conn. I Printed and sold by Sheldon & Goodrich. I 1816. 1 (B.) 12. Title, (headed Stereotype Edition,) 1 f.; verso, The Order of all the Books; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-290; sigs. A to verso of Bbl. Sigs. in 68. Short headings to chapters; none to columns. 5. NEW TESTAMENT: Appointed to be read in Churches. Stereotyped by D. & G. Bruce, New York. Philadelphia: Printed by Thomas Desilver, No. 220 Market Street. 1816. (L.) 12. Title 1 f.; verso, Order of Books; Text: pp. 3-335; sigs. A2 to 012; verso of 012, Table of Kindred. 6. THE I NEW TESTAMENT I of I our Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, i translated I out of the Original Greek; andJ with the former Translations i diligently I compared and revised. I Windsor, Vt. I Printed by Jesse Cochran I And sold wholesale and retail, at his Bookstore, and by the principal I Booksellers in New-England. 1 1816. 1 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, The Order of the Books; Text: not paged; sigs. A. (which includes title page) to Dd. Brief headings to chapters and columns. -1817.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 137 7. NEW TESTAMENT. New Ipswich, N. H.: Printed and published by Simeon Ide. Date unknown. 12. Not seen. Mr. Ide, having purchased a small Ramage press and a font of bourgeois type which had already been pretty well worn on an edition of Shakespeare, placed them in the blacksmith's shop on his father's farm, and undertook to print an edition of the New Testament in duodecimo form. By the assistance of a sister, about twelve years old, in setting type, it was accomplished in about six months. That this, his first publication, might be as free from errors as possible, he engaged the Rev. Dr. Payson, of Rindge, to read the proof sheets. As there was only type enough to set twelve pages at a time, he walked to his house, a distance of four miles, twice a week, to read proofs with him; and to give greater currency to the edition, he prevailed on Dr. Payson to allow him to insert on the title page, " Revised and corrected by Rev. S. Payson, D. D." Some of the Doctor's friends having got the impression that he had been making a new Translation of the Testament, it gave him no little uneasiness. To relieve him of this, Mr. Ide printed the words " First New Ipswich edition," and pasted the slip over the obnoxious line. An edition of 5000 was worked off, and 1000 copies, in full binding, were sold to the New Hampshire Bible Society, for $280, which was less than cost, in order to raise money to purchase paper. The others were retailed at fifty cents a copy. Kidder and Gould's History of New Ipswich. Boston, 1852, p. 237. 1817. 1. HOLY BIBLE: with Canne's Marginal Notes and References; an Index; Tables of Names, Scripture Weights, Measures and Coins; John Brown's Concordance, &c., _Embellished with Maps and Elegant Historical Engravings. Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins, New York. New York: Printed and sold by Collins & Co. Sold also by the principal Booksellers in the United States. 1817. (N. Y. S. Lib.; L.) 4. This is the second edition of Collins's stereotyped 4to, and the 5th of his quartos including the Trenton edition. The collation agrees with No. 1, 1816, except that the Family Record follows the Apocrypha, and the dates of the New Testament and of the Concordance are 1816. The following is a List of the Engravings: 1. The Last Supper, after Leonardi da Vinci. Front. (Engraved for Collins & Co.'s Stereotype Quarto Bible.)............ Tanner, Vallance, Kearney. Co. 2. The Creation. (Woodcut, Engraved for Collins & Co.'s Quarto Bible, Stereotype edition.) 3. The dismissal of Hagar and Ismael. (Engraved for Collins & Co.'s Stereotype Quarto Bible. 1816.).....................................Gimbrede. 4. Hagar in the Wilderness. (Wood cut.) (Above, Mola.) 5. Isaac blessing Jacob. (Wood cut.) (Above, Coning.) 6. Joseph's brethren offering the presents. (Engraved for Collins & Co.'s Quarto Bible, Stereotype edition.).............................. B. Tanner. 7. Map of Canaan. (Engraved for Collins's Bible, Stereotype edition.)...... Hooker. 18 138 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8I78. Balaam. (Wood cut.) (Above, Craig.) 9. Map of the Journeyings of the Children of Israel. (Engraved for Collins's Bible, Stereotype edition.)..................................... Hooker. 10. Nathan reproving David. (Wood cut.) (Above, Raphael, but supposed to be after West.) 11. Elijah's burnt Sacrifice. (Wood cut.) (Above, Lebrun.) 12. David. (Wood cut.) (Above, Domenichino.) 13. Daniel in the Lion's den. (Wood cut.) (Above, Northcote.) 14. Jonah preaching to the Ninevites. (Wood cut ) (Above, B. Picart.) 15. Marine Virginis. (Engraved for Collins & Co.'s Stereotype Quarto Bible, 1816. Hans Holbein, pinx............................. T. Gimbrede, N. Y. 16. John the Baptist in the Wilderness. After Raphael. (Engraved for Collins & Co.'s Quarto Bible, Stereotype edition.)..........................Boyd. 17. Christ walking on the Sea. (Wood cut.) (Above, Craig.) 18. Jerusalem. (Engraved for Collins's Bible, Stereotype edition.) 19. Crowning with Thorns. (Wood cut.) (Above, L. Caracci.) 20. Touch me not. (Wood cut.) (Above, Pietro da Collona.) 21. Thomas's Incredulity. After Rubens. (Engraved for Collins & Co.'s Quarto Bible, Stereotype edition.)........................................ Boyd. 22. Small Map of St. Paul's Travels. 2. HOLY BIBLE. New York: Stereotyped by E. & J. White for the American Bible Society. 1817. (Am. Bib. Soc. Cat.) Long Primer. 8. 3. HOLY BIBLE: New York: Stereotyed by E. & J. White for the American Bible Society. 1817. (Rev. Dr. Brigham.) Brevier. 12. 4. HOLY BIBLE: New York: Stereotyped by D. & G. Bruce for the American Bible Society. 1817. (Rev. Dr. Brigham.) Minion. 12. 5. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotype edition. Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins. New York: Printed and sold by Collins & Co., No. 189 Pearl Street. 1817. 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; To the Reader; Names and Order of Books, 2 pp; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 5-690; New Test. Stereotyped (as above). New York: Published by Collins and Hannay, No. 230 Pearl street. J. & J. Harper, Printers. 1818. Title, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-210. 6. Stereotype edition. I THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing theI Old and New Testaments: i Translated I out of the -I817.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 139 Original Tongues, I and I with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. { Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins, New York. I Albany: I Printed by Websters and Skinners, J at their Jookstore, corner of State I and Pearl Streets. 1 1817. 1 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Names and Order of all the Books; Account of the dates or time, &c., 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 5-C05; p. 606, Table of Scripture Measures; sigs. A. to verso of Cc3, including 2 prel. ff.; New Test. title, imprint: Albany: I Printed by Websters and Skinners, I at their Bookstore, corner of State and Pearl Streets, I 1818. I 1 p., verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 609-792. Sigs. Cc5 to verso of Rkl2, all in 12s. There is another edition of this Bible, dated and paged as above, but with a double set of signatures; one, as above, in 12s, and another set, A to Sss in 6s; the title page to the N. Test. being marked under the date (1818), Ccc2, showing that it was worked in 6s. I Tim. 4: 16, is incorrect in all these editions. 7. HOLY BIBLE. Philadelphia: Printed for M. Carey & Son., No. 121 Chesnut street. 1817. (L.) 12. The imprint to title of the N. T. is: Mathew Carey & Son, No. 126 Chesnut Street, 1817. This copy is accompanied by the Scotch Psalms. Philadelphia: Wm. Young. M.DCC.XC. 8. HOLY BIBLE. Philadelphia: Printed by Mathew Carey, No. 121 Chesnut street. 1817. (L.).12. The imprint on the title to N. T. is: Whitehall, Printed for Winm. Young, Bank Street, The first house on the right hand from Chesnut Street. Philadelphia, 1808. The sigs. run consecutively on. 9. HOLY BIBLE. Hartford: Hudson and Goodwin, 1817. (B.) 12. The edition of 1809 with a different imprint. 10. HOLY BIBLE. Boston: J Printed for Lincoln and Edmands. I Sold at their Bible Warehouse, No. 53 Cornhill. I Sold also by Collins & Co., New York. I W. Greenough, Printer. 1 1817. 1 (L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, The Property of; Names and order, 1 p.; Account of dates, 1 p.; Text: Gen. to Mal., sigs. A3 to recto of Cc3 in 12s; verso, table of Measures, Weights and Time; Title to New Test., 1 p.; verso, blank; Cc4; Mat. to Rev., sigs. Cc5 to verso of Kk12 in 12s. 11. A I SHORT I BIBLICAL CATECHISM, j Containing Questions historical, doctrinal, practical and experimental. ] Designed 140 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8I7to promote an intimate acquaintance with the i Inspired Volume. I By Hervey Wilbur, A. M. I "Search the Scriptures." JESUS ChRIST. I "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom." "F or whatsoever things were J written aforetime were written for our learn- I ing; that we, through patience and comfort of I the Scriptures, might have hope." PAUL. I Ninth Edition, I In which the first sets of references are quoted. I Greenfield, Mass. I Printed by Denio and Phelps. 1 1817. 1 And sold by them at their Bookstore, wholesale I and retail. 1 12. This volume consists of pp. 198 in 6s; the Answers to the several Questions are composed of texts of Scripture quoted literally. On the verso of the title is a certificate of copyright, from which it appears that the fourth Edition was published in 1813. 1. NEW TESTAMENT: With Original Notes and Practical Observations. By Thomas Scott.... Sixth American (Armstrong's Second) Edition. Boston: Samuel T. Armstrong. 1817. 8. Vols. 5 and 6 of Scott's Commentary. Boston, 1818. 2. NEw TESTAMENT. Stereotype edition. NewYork: Stereotyped by E. & J. White for the American Bible Society. 1817. (L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Text: pp. 3-215; It belongs to an edition of the Bible. See Bible No. 6. post, 1818. 3. THE I NEW TESTAMENT I of our Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I translated out of the I Latin Vulgate': I Diligently compared I with the original Greek: I And first puplished (sic) by the I English College of Rhemes, I Anno 1582: With annotations. I Newly revised and corrected according to the Clementin I edition of the Scriptures. I Georgetown, D. C. Printed by W. Duffy, Bookseller and Stationer. ] 1817. I (Georgetown Coll.; Sem. St. Sulpice, Balt.; L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Admonition, 1 p; Letter of Pope Pius VI., p. [4]; Approbations, pp. 5 and [6]; on p. 6, the following: GEORGETOWN, February 20, 1817. Having had this edition of the NEw TESTAMENT I printed in Georgetown, by WMi. DUFFY, examined; it has I been found strictly conformable to the Dublin Edition of I the same work printed in 1811, and also that printed 1814. [ Hence I permit it to be published, I LEONARD, Archbishop of Baltimore. -I8I8.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 141 Text: Mat. to Apocal., pp. 1-507; verso of 507, N. B. In the following Table, the titles of the books and order of the psalms are quoted as they are set down in the Protestant Bible. Table of Controversies, pp. 509-513; Table of Epist. and Gosp., [514]-516. Sigs. including title and 2 prel. pp., A to verso of Vv3 in 6s; List of Subscribers, 7 pp.; verso of 7th p., Catalogue of Books for sale by William Duffy, and the following Notice: W. DUFFY, has now in the Press, a splendid edition of the DOWAY BIBLE, in quarto, illustrated with Plates by thefirst artists in..America, which will be delivered to subscribers at $10, elegantly bound. There are brief headings to the chapters, and notes at foot of the pages. The projected edition of the Bible mentioned above was, we are informed, never published. 4. THE I NEW TESTAMENT I Of 1 Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: I Translated I out of the original Greek. I And with the former Translations I diligently I compared and revised. I Hartford: I Printed by George Goodwin & Sons. i 1817. (B.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, The Order of the Books; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 1-334; sigs. A2 to verso of 012, in 128. 1 Timothy, 4: 16 incorrect. 5. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins. Hartford, Conn. Published by Sheldon and Goodrich. 1817. 12. With Bible of S. G. Goodrich, 1818. 1818. 1. HOLY BIBLE: With Apocrypha, Marginal Notes and References, Index, Alphabetical Table of Names, Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures and Coins, Brown's Concordance, &c., &c., Embellished with one hundred Maps and Historical Engravings. Philadelphia: Printed and published by M. Carey & Son, No. 126 Chesnut Street. 1818. (L.) 4. The matter and pagination agree with Carey's edition of 1812. The imprint to N. Test. is the same as above. In that to the Concordance the christian name of Mr. Carey is in full. The error in Leviticus 19: 12 is continued, but Esther 1: 8 is correct. The engravings already enumerated in Carey's 4to Bible of 1816, except No. 47, are republished in this edition, together with the following: Cain killing Abel. The vocation of St. Matthew. Figure of the Ark. Scribes and Pharisees. Brazen Serpent in the Wilderness. J. L. F. Visiting the sick. Balaam striking his Ass. Woman pouring ointment on our Savior's Death of Moses. head. 142 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8I8 — David assaulted by Saul. Pilate causes Jesus to be scourged. The Molten sea. Visit of the Virgin Mary to Elizabeth. Great famine at the Siege of Samaria. Warnick. Jezabel cast out of the window. Anne prophecying about the Infant Jesus. Idolatry destroyed by Hezekiah. The Virgin Mary presenting the Infant Jesus. Jehoiakim delivered from Captivity. Woman washing our Savior's feet. Jehoiakim casting the Books of Baruch Jesus driving the money changers. into the fire. Jews stoning our Savior. Jeremiah taken out of prison. Ananias struck dead. Daniel's third Vision. The Conversion of St. Paul. Judith putting Holofernes' head into a bag. St. Peter delivered from prison. Peter taking the money of tribute from Apparition of Christ to St. John. the fish's mouth. 2. HOLY BIBLE, with Apocrypha, &c., as in No. 1. Embellished with eleven Maps and Historical Engravings. Philadelphia: Printed and published by M. Carey & Son, No. 126 Chesnut Street. 1818. (L.) 4. The contents and pagination agree with Carey's edition of 1812. The imprint to N. Test. is: Philadelphia: Published by H. C. Carey & I. Lea, No. 126 Chesnut Street. 1822. The imprint to the Concordance is: Philadelphia: Printed and published by Matthew Carey & Son, No. 126 Chesnut Street. 1821. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; To the Reader, 1 p., verso, blank; Text, pp. 5-72; sig. A3 to I. Leviticus 19: 12, is incorrect; Esther 1: 8, correct. The engravings, of which the following is a list, are on wood: 1. Journeyings of the Children of Israel. 6. Land of Moriah. 2. Moses in the bulrushes. 7. Magi offering presents. 3. Pharaoh's sorcerers turning the rods 8. John baptizing Jesus Christ. into serpents. 9. The Annunciation. 4. Daniel interpreting for Belshazzar. 10. Virgin Mary's visit to Elizabeth. 5. Daniel in the Lions' den. 11. Travels of the Apostles. 3. THE HOLY BIBLE, including the Old and New Testaments and the Apocrypha, according to the Authorized Version; with Notes, Explanatory and Practical, taken principally from the most eminent writers of the United Church of England and Ireland; Together with Introductions, Tables and Indexes. Prepared and arranged by the Rev. George D'Oyley, B. D., and the Rev. Richard Mant, D. D., Domestic Chaplains to his Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterburv. Under the direction of the Society for Promoting Christian IKnowlege. For the use of Families. The first American edition, with Additional Notes, selected and arranged by John Henry HIobart, D. D., Bishop of the -I8i8] AMERICAN BIBLES. 143' Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of:New York. Vols. I. II. New York: Printed and Published by T. and J. Swords, No. 160 Pearl street. 1818. (N. Y. Soc. Lib.) 4. This work is in two volumes. Vol. I. contains Gen. to Isaiah; Vol. II. Jeremiah to Revelations. It has the same imprint as I. except the year, which is 1820. The work is not paged and is supposed to have been originally issued in numbers, each of the signatures having also the No. of the Vol. to which it belongs. 4. HoLY BIBLE: With Original Notes and Practical Observations. By Thomas Scott, Rector, &c. I In six Volumes. Sixth American (Armstrong's Second) Edition. I Boston: Published by Samuel T. Armstrong, I Theologoical Printer and Bookseller, No. 50, Cornhill. 1 1818. [ (Harvard Coll.; Am. Antiq. Soc.) 8. Vols. 5 and 6 contain the New Testament and are dated in one copy, 1817, in another 1820. 5. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing I the Old and New I Testaments: I Translated out of the Original Tongues, 1 and with the former I Translations diligently compared and revised. I Philadelphia: Printed by M. Carey & Son, No. 126 Chesnut-Street. 1818. 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, This Bible I is the Property of I within an oblong of ornamental lines; Names and Order of the Books, 1 p.; verso, Account of the Dates or Time; Text: Gen. to Mal., sig. A. (which includes T. and prel. leaf) to Cc12, and in numbers 1 (not marked) to (26); verso of Cc12, Table of Kindred and Table of Time; New Testament title, imprint: Philadelphia: I Printed by Mathew Carey & Son, I No. 126, Chesnut-Street. I 1818. I 1 p., verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., sigs. Dd to L112, and in figures 27 (not marked) to (34); (Ff. Gg, Ii, Kk have no figure marks); verso of L112, Table of Offices and Conditions of Men. Though at first view this edition would seem to be a Carey's 12mo of 1808, with only new Title pages, yet the text has evidently been recomposed. Like the editions of 1812, 1814 and 1817, there are no head lines to the columns. In many places the short s is used where the long f is found in the other edition; and there are no signature figures to the edition of 1808. Again, the verso of the page bearing the signature mark has at foot figures which are wanting in the ed. of 1808; thus, the verso of sigs. B to G is marked at foot 78-6, the last mentioned sig. having in addition G2 on the verso; the verso of H has H2, and 78-6 is on foot of the following p.; the verso of I is marked 78-4; of K, 78-1; of L, 78-3; of M, 78-2; of N, 78-5; of 0, 02, 78-1; of P, p2 (78-2); of Q, 78-5; of R (78-1); of X, 78-2; of Y (87-5); of Z, 78-4; of Aa (78-3); of Bb (78-6); of Cc (78-2); at foot of the 1st p of Mat. is 78-5; on verso of Ee (78-1); of Ff 78-3; of Gg (78-4); of Ilh (78-3); of Ii (78-1); Kk (78-4), and of L1, 78-6. In Exodus 19: 11, " Sinai " is printed " Sinia:" 144 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8I8(an error to be found also in the editions of 1814 and 1817) and in I Kgs. 4: 29, " the sea shore," is printed "thes ea shore." 6. HOLY BIBLE. Stereotype edition. New York: Stereotyped by E. and J. White, for the American Bible Society. 1818. (L.) 8. Third edition. Daniel D. Fanshaw, Printer, No. 20 Sloat Lane. Pp. 3-705 and 3-215. 7. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins. I New York: Published by Collins and Hannay, I No. 230 Pearl Street. I J. & J. Harper, Printers. 1 1818. 1 (L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; To the Reader; Names and Order of the Books, 2 pp.; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 5-690; New Test. t., same impr., 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-210. Some copies of this edition are accompanied by the Psalms of David in metre; Scotch version; same imprint. 8. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins, New York. Albany: Printed by Websters & Skinners, at their Bookstore, corner of State and Pearl Streets. 1818. 12. See No. 6 of 1817. 9. HOLY BIBLE. Stereotype edition. Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins. Boston: Published by R. P. & C. Williams, No. 2, Cornhill Square, opposite the Soutth West corner of the Old State House. 1818. (L.; G. L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; To the Reader, and Names and Order, pp. 3, 4; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 5-690; sigs. A3 to recto of 3 M3; New Test. t., 1 p.; verso, blank; Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-210; sigs. A2 to verso of S3; sigs. in 6s; Has an engraved frontispiece. It will be observed that this edition agrees with No. 5 of 1817 and with No. 7 supra. 10. HOLY BIBLE: Brattleborough, Vt.: Printed by J. Holbrooke. 1818. 12. Stereotype edition. E. A. 11. HOLY BIBLE: Hartford, Connecticut: Printed and sold by Hudson and Goodwin. 1818. (B.) 12. 12. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by B. and J. Collins. Hartford, Connecticut: Published by S. G. Goodrich, 1818. (L.; B.) 12. — 1818.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 145 The same as No. 9, supra, with an engraved frontispiece. The imprint on the N. T. title is: Hartford, Connt. Publish!ed by Sheldon and Goodrich. 1817. Other copies of this issue have the words " St reotype Edition" at the head of the title pages. 13. A NEW I HIEROGLYPHICAL I BIBLE I For i the Amusement and Instruction, of l Children I &c. Embellished with I nearly Two hundred Emblems I &c. With sketch of the Life of our Blessed Saviour and the Holy Apostles &c. Hartford: I Published by Cooke and Hale 1 8 rods north of the State House. f 1818. I Hamlen & Newton Printers. I (L.) 12. 14. A CATECHISM OF THE BIBLE: in which all the most important, events, characters and circumstances recorded in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are noticed and illustrated by way of question and answer. By the Rev. Menzies Rayner, Rector of the Episcopal Churches in Huntington (Conn.). New Haven: Flagg, and Gray, Printers. 1818. 12. 1. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotyped by B. and J. Collins, New York. Boston: Published by WVest and Richardson, No. 75 Cornhill. J. II. A. Frost, Printer. 1818. 12. With Bible of 1820). 2. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins. Boston. Published by R. P. and C. Williams, No. 2 Cornhill Square, opposite the south west corner of the Old State House. 1818. (L.) 12. Has the same engraved frontispiece as the Bible, supra, No. 9. The text is from the same plates. 3. NEW TESTAMENT: Hartford, Connecticut. Sold by Oliver D. Cooke and Sons. 1818. (L.) 24. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Names and Order, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: pp. 3-321; sigs. A3 to recto of Dd5 in 6s. See No. 2 of 1821. 4. NEW TESTAMENT: Hartford, I Printed and Sold by Samuel G. Goodrich. 1 1818.1 (G. L.) 12. Pp. 321. 19 146 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8I95. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotyped by B. and J. Collins, NewYork. Keene, (N. H.): S. A. Morrison & Co. 1818. (Harvard Coill.) 12. 6. Nene I Karighyoston I Tsinihorighhoten ne I Saint John. New-York: I Printed for the American Bible Society. D. Fanshaw, Printer. 1 1818. f (N. Y. State Lib.) 18. I p.; recto, blank; verso, title as above; then, English title: Tile I Gospel I according to j St. John. I (In the Mohawk language.) I Imprint, as above, 1 p.; verso, Text: pp. 2-116; The text is printed in Inllian and English on opposite pages which have the corresponding numbers. On verso of 116 is list of Errata. Sigs. in 6s. 7. NEK j NECHENENAWACHGISSITSCIIIK I BAMBILAK | naga | Geschiechauchsitpanna t Johanessa [ elekhangup. I Gischitak Ellenieebsink, t untschi C. F. Dencke. ] New York: I Printed for the American Bible Society. I D. Fanshaw, Printer. 1 1818. J 12. 1 leaf; recto, blank; verso, Title, as above; then, The I Three Epistles of the I Apostle John. I Translated into the Delaware Indian, I by C. F. Dencke. I Imprint, as above; 1 p. verso, Text in Indian: 1-21; On the opposite page, the Text in English, the pp. of which are marked also 1-31; sigs. A to recto of D in 6s. 1819. 1. BIBLIA, I Za6 ift: I Zie ganpe I.etiffle ed)rift I WIten unt 9elten ZeftamentW. I 59ad) tert eutfd)cen Ueberfeung I ton I Zoctort artin 9utIer, I Vit letrreid)en 3orreben unt tieIen niittid)Wen unb fettenen I Regiftern terfelen. I 9ebft tem britten 3ud) ber Vaccabdaer, unb 3ugabe e t'ritten unb tierten ftudc) Gfra. I Smgticben I (ine fur3 geyfafte Viblifcde (efd)idcte I unb etbenfbefd)reibung Zoctor 9artin Autter. I taft ba~ 3ud) biefeO eCfece nidt)t ton beincm Munbe fomnen &c. 3ofuct Cap. 1. B. 8. 1 ancafter, L[Penn.] I (etrucft unb im verIage b 3ot)ann V3ir. 1 1819. (L.) fol. Title I f.; verso, blank; Vorrede, I f.; Subschreibenten, Verzeichniss, 5 pp.; 1 blank p.; ASrp3gefafte Oejd)id)te I be6 I 9tItei anb 9elitencn eftailete.. I pp. 1-100; sigs. %[ to 3 in 2.; Vaylrlafte etfcD)rCibililg 1 9011 ber O(ebrt, beiu Qcbell nib I ob I Te C-eli!cu 9)artinl Qiit)er I &c. pp. 1-8; Tsorrebe I[ aI ba.o %llte Zcftainiiit I toi,'octor 9iartin Qiitler, I pp. 9-12;?igulnft.gernlmaii Rranlitel, I AlrcEn llitfcrriclt [ tuie nmia ie i g eilige Ccl)rifttu jeiner tualren Crbauuiig Icjfc jolte. 1 2 pp., not numbered;'erseic{iijuij I 9llecr,iud)er I hr [tel iiub 9ieicin eftamltelnt. I1 p.; $3er3eid.ifij I ber tiidcler bet4 ltiten Zeitaniielt. I bis anf bie s3ro4pletci 1 p; sigs.?[ to T in 2,; Text: Gen. to Mal, pp. 1-644; sigs. A to verso of Ffff2 in 4s; Apocrypha in smaller type, pp. 645-738; sigs. — i89.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 147 Ffff 3 to verso of Ssssl in 4s; Anhang (3 and 4 Ezra and 3d Jude) in smaller type, pp. 1-26; sigs in numbers 1 to verso of 71 in 2s; Title to N. T: a~ I 9ele efttanlllnt I unmer~ I Tsrrt ultb Sei[anlbe I 23jftl &6rifti. 1 9erbctitfd)ct I burd) I?octor 9.artitt ittt)er. I Qaucafter, [siunn.]: I (cbruft, nl b i ill TerIage beI Sbolean in 9ir. 1819. 1 1 p., verso, blank; 9orrcbe I ltiu bae 9eiue efCtanielt, owni Ioctor 9Eiartin Qint{er. I p. 3 [1I]1; and part of 4 $3erneid)nijO ber dii)er ber 9ettce leftalmetll, i rest of page 4; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 5-227; oliumleniltb -efttib Oidle Ypiftcit linb eUall(t3etieli, I 1 p. not numbered; sig. [0a3 ] to verso of [Tb]2 in 4s; 9teifter I neber bie 9amnen in ber Seiigete CdSrift, I pp. 1-76; 9egifter I 3ur rtffarinmg einiger buFIllteft i rter unb (bebrafd)e, &c., pp. 77-82; 3erjeicl)nifO I Ter (Srb-itnb tuil)l1of1e ber 3iibijd)enl ol)elnpriefter, I &c., pp. 83-86; 3eit 9Regifter, pp. 87-92. ylnbe. Sigs. W to 3 in 2s. Engraved frontispieces; that to the Old Test., Moses with the Tables of the Law; to the New Test., The Adoration of the Shepherds; both engraved by J. Henry. 2. HOLY BIBLE: With Apocrypha, Marginal Notes and References. To which are added, An Index, An Alphabetical Table of Names, Table of Scripture Weights, Measures and Coins. Embellished with twenty-five Maps and Historical Engravings. Philadelphia: Printed and published by M. Carey & Son, No. 126 Chesnut Street. 1819. (L.) 4. This is another issue of the edition of 1812, with Esther 1: 8, correct; the error in Leviticus being continued. The Maps and Engravings are selections from previous issues, and consist of Nos. 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 22, 25, 26, 27, 31, 37, 40, 52, 55, 56, 60, 63 of the edition of 1816, with 75 plates, and of The Brazen Serpent; Idolatry destroyed; Burning of the Books of Baruch; ~Woman anointing our Savior; Visit of the Virgin to Elizabeth; Mary presenting Jesus; and The Expulsion of the Money Changers, from the ed. of 1818, with 100 plates. Brown's Concordance, though not announced on the title, accompanies this volume, with the imprint as above, but Mathew Carey & Son. 1818. 3. HOLY BIBLE: With Apocrypha, Canne's Marginal Notes, Index, Tables of Names, Weights, Measures and Coins, Brown's Concordance, &c. Embellished with Maps and Elegant Historical Engravings. Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins, New York. New York: Printed and sold by Collins and Co. Sold also by the principal Booksellers in the United States. 1819. (L.) 4. This is another issue of Collins's stereotyped 4to Bible already described. 4. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotype edition. New York: Stereotyped by E. and J. White, For " The American Bible Society." 1819. 8. 148 AMERICAN BIBLES. [18I97th edition. D. Fanshaw, printer, No. 20 Sloat Lane. Text: Gen. to Mal., pp, 3-705; verso, Tables of Weights, &c. Sigs. 1 to verso of 451 inll 8s. Mat. to Rev. pp. 3-315; sigs. 452 to recto of 585 in 8S. 5. HoILY BIBLE: Stereotyped I for the American Bible Society i by D. & G. Bruce. i Printed by D. Fanshaw, NAo. 20, Sloat Lane, I New York. 1819. 1 (L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Names and Order of the Books; Text: Gern. to Mal., pp. 3-637; sigs. 12 to recto of 277; verso, Table of Measures, Weights and Money, and of Time; New Test. title: imprint-Stereotyped for the American Bible Society by D. & G. Bruce, New York. 1819. 1 p., verso, blank; Text, pp. 641-837; sigs. 279 to recto of 3n11 all in 12g.' 17th edition. 6. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing the I Old and New Testaments: j Translated I out of the Original tongues I and I with the former Translations I diligently compared and revised. I Boston: I Printed for Lincoln and Edmands. Sold at their Bible Wurehouse, No. 53 Cornhill I Sold also by Collins & Co., New York. I W. Greenough, Printer. I 1819. I (L.; B; G. L.) 12. The imprint of the New Testament is the same except that " Sold also by Collins & Co., New York" is left out and the date is 1817. See supra, No 10 of that year, for collation. 7. HOLY BIBLE: Hartford, Conn.: Printed and sold by Hudson and Goodwin. 1819. (L.; B.) 12. See 1809. 8. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Printed by and for Win. W. Woodward, No. 52 South Second Street, corner of Chesnut Street. Will. Will. Woodward, Printer. 1819. 12. Same as the edition of 1806. 9. HOLY BIBLE: Printed for the Kentucky Auxiliary Bible Society. Lexington. 1819. 12. 10. CRITICAL and EXPLANATORY I NOTES, I on many passages in the I New Testament, I which to common readers are hard to be understood. i Also, [ an Illustration I of the I Genuine beauty and force of several other passages. I By Ezekiel'J. Chapman, A. M., I Pastor of a Church of Christians in -1I8I9.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 149 Bristol, N. Y. Canandaigua: I Printed by James D. Bemis. 1 1819. 1 (Boston Athenaeum.) 8. Pp. 208. In the Preface to "The Christian Monitor," a Prayer Book published by W. H. Creagh, New York, 1819, the Rev. Wm. Taylor, the Compiler, says: "I beg leave to announce to the Roman Catholics of this country my intention of causing -to be published in this city an edition of the DOwAY translation of the Scriptures, with approved Notes selected and translated from unexceptionable commentators and expositors. A Prospectus in a few days will be circulated to obtain a sufficient number of subscribers." This project was not executed. Shea's Catalogte of Catholic Bibles. 1. NEW TESTAMENT. Stereotyped by D. & G. Bruce, New York. 1819. (Rev. Dr. Brigham.) Bourgeois. 12. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: Published by the American Bible Society. Daniel Fanshaw, Printer, 20 Sloat Lane. Stereotyped by E. i J. White. 1819. 12. 3. NEW TESTAMENT: Hartford: I Printed and Sold by Samuel G. Goodrich. 1 1819. 1 (L.) 12. Engraved Frontispiece. Pp., 321. 4. THE I NEW TESTAMENT I of I our Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ: I Translated out of 1 the Original Greek; I and I with the former Translations diligently I compared and revised. I The second American, I from the I Cambridge Stereotype edition; I Carefully revised and corrected. I Utica: I Printed and published by William Williams, 1 No. 60 Genesee Street. 1 1819. 1 (Judson J. Hopkins; B.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Order of the Books; Text: pp. 3-334, sigs. A2 to Dd5 in 6s. The last sig. is completed by a blank leaf. This resembles the Albany edition revised by the Rev. John McDonald, and printed by 11. C. Southwick, 1813; but the numbers of the pages are inserted, and the sig. marks altered. The paging is very irregular; pp. 5, 6, 10, 27, 31, 38, 52, 53, 62, 87, 89, 115, 116, 137, 158, 198, 200, 206, 213, 250, 257, 311 have no numbers; p. 110 is marked 101; 324 is marked 234, and the signature marks are sometimes on one part, and at other times on a different part of the pages. 150 AMERICAN BIBLES. [18205. EL I NuEvo TESTAMENTO I de neustro Senor Jesu Christo, I traducido I de la Biblia Vulgata Latina I en Espanol I por el Rmo. P. Felipe Scio de S. Miguel, I Obispo electo de Segovia. I Reimpreso I literal y diligentelmente, I conforme a la Segunda edicion hecha en Madrid, Afio de 1797, I Revista y Corregida por su mismo Traductor. I JESUS les dixo: Errais, rno sabiendo las Escrituras. I S. Mat. Cap. xxii. V. 29. 1 Nueva York:'iEdicion esteriotipa, por Elihu White. I A costa de la Sociedad Americana de la Biblia. ] Afio de 1819. 1 (Am. Bib. Soc.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Orden de los Libros, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: pp. 5-376; sigs. 1 (which includes Title and 1 prel. f.) to verso of 166 in 128. 6. aS I %1eu1e eCftamct t J1 unfer1 I frrn unbt eilanePB I 3itu t)rifti, I 9lad) ter Zeutfd)en tleberfecung I D. Martin vutberM. [I it furdem I 3ntatt eine$ ieten 2apitelt, I unb j tol1ftainbtger tnrueifung gleid)r cd)riftftfen. I /ie audc I aler Eonnmunt geftt/gigen I Cfangelien unb Cpifteln. I c.d)te 92uflage. I 5ermantaun: I Oebcruct be. TZ. 3illme1er, 1819. 1 (Am. Bib. Soc.) 12 Title: 1 f.; verso, blank; Verzeichniss, 1 p; verso, blank; Text: Gen. to Rev. pp. 5-537; Anweizung, 3 pp. not numbered. Sigs. A2 to Z6; sigs. in 128. The text is in double columns; the references follow their respective verses. 1820. 1. SELF INTERPRETING BIBLE: New York: Printed and Published by S. Walker, 148 Cherry Street. Aug. 23, 1820. fol. Not seen. See post, No. 1, of 1822. 2. HoLY BIBLE: New York: 1 Published by the American Bible Society. I Stereotyped by E. & J. White. 1 1820. 1 (N. Y. Soc. Lib.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, (29th Edition.); Names and Order; at foot, Fanshaw, Printer, 20 Sloat Lane; Text: Gen. to Mal.; 3-832; N. Test. Title: New York: [ Published by the American Bible Society. I Daniel Fanshaw, Printer, 20 Sloat Lane. j Stereotyped by E. 94 J. White. 1 1819. 1 p; verso, Table of Scripture Measures, &c., and of Time; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-254; sigs. run through from 1 to verso of 463 in 12s. We have seen the 35th edition also of this volume. -820o.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 151 3. HOLY BIBLE: Boston: Printed for Lincoln and Edmands. Sold at their Bible Warehouse. No. 53 Cornhill. Sold also by Collins & Co., New York. W. Greenhouglh, Printer, 1820. 12. See No. 6 of 1819, and No. 10 of 1817. 4. IIOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins, New York. Boston: Printed by John H. A. Frost, Congress Street, for West, Richardson and Lord, No. 75 Cornhill. 1820. (L.) 12. Title to New Test. dated 1818. 5. LA SAINTE BIBLE, | Qui contient I Le Vieux et le Nouveau i Testament: I Imprimee sur l'edition de Paris I de l'annie 1805. I Edition Stereotype. I Revue et Corrigee I avec soin d'apres les textes Hebreu et Grec. I At New York: Imprim6 avec des planches solides, t aux frais de la Societe Biblique Americaine. I Par Daniel Fanshaw. 1 1820. 1 (N. Y. Soc. Lib.) 12. Title, 1 p.; verso, Noml de tous les livres; Texte: Gen. a Mal, pp. 3-789; one p. blank; sigs., including title page, 1 to recto of 3311, in 12; Le I Nouveau Testament i de I Notre Seigneulr ] Jesus Christ. I Imprim6n sur l'6dition de Paris de l'ann.e 1805. i Edition Stere'otype. Revue et corrigoe avec soin d'aprbs le texte Grec. [A New York. I Imprime avec des planches solides par D. Fanshaw. I Aux frais de j La Societ6 Biblique Americaine. 1 1820. j Title, 1 p.; verso, Les Noms, &c., sig. 3312; Texte: Mat. a Rev., pp. 3-207; sigs. 34 to recto of 447, in 12s; at the bottom of p. 207: Fin. I Imprime avec des planches, &c., as in title, but without the date; verso of 447, blank. 1. AI TRANSLATION I OF THE I NEW TESTAMENT: | by I Gilbert Wakefield, B. A. I From the Second London edition. I Cambridge: I Printed at the University Press, I by IHilliard and Metcalf. 1820. (N. Y. State Lib.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Adv. to this first Ameriean edition, 1 p.; verso, Errata; Dedication pp. v, vi; Pref. pp. vii-xii; these 8 pp. are marked sig. b; Text: Mat. to Rev. pp. 1-450; sigs. I to 571 in 4s; one blank leaf; Notes 1 f.; verso, blank; Text: pp. 3-163; sigs. 12 to 21, two blank leaves completing the sig. in 4s. 2. THE NEW TESTAMENT I of ourI Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I translated out of I the Original Greek; t and with I the former Translations I Diligently Compared and Revised. I Leicester: I Printed by Hori Brown. l 1820. ] (G. L.) 12. 152 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I82ITitle, 1 f.; verso, The Order of the Books of the New Testament, with their proper names, and number of their chapters; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-336; sigs. A. to Dd2. Errors: Acts, 6: 3, " ye " instead of I' we" 1 Tim., 4: 16, " thy " instead of " the " 3. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins. I Philadelphia: I Printed for the Booksellers. 1 1820. 1 (L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Order of Books; Text: Mat to Rev., pp. 3-290; sigs. A2 to N1 in 12s; Table of Kindred, N2; verso, blank. 4. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotyped I for "The American Bible Society" I By D. & G. Bruce. I Printed by Daniel Fanshaw, 20 Sloat Lane. I New York: 1820. 1 (N. Y. Soc. Lib.) 12. Pp. 312. 5. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotype edition. I New York: I Printed by Daniel Fanshaw. I Stereotyped by A. Chandler & Co. I For "The American 1Bible Society." 1 1820. 1 (N. Y. Soc. Lib.) 12. 5th edition; pp. 352. 1821. 1. THE j HOLY BIBLE: I Containing the I Old and New Testaments: I Translated out of the Original Tongues, i and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. I With I Cannes's Marginal Notes and References. Together with I The Apocrypha. I To which are added, } An Index: I And an Alphabetical Table of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations. I Also, I Tables of Scripture'Weights, Measures and Coins. I Stereotyped for Collins and Co. by B. & J. Collins. I New York: I Published by Collins and Co., No. 189 Pearl-Street. I Sold also by the principal Booksellers in the United States. I J. J J..iarper, Printers, No. 230 PearlStreet. 11821. 1 (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Adv. to the stereotype ed., dated New-York, 1819, 1 f. verso, blank; To the Reader, 1 p; The Books of the O. and N. Test., Account of the Dates or Time, &c., 1 p. Text, Gen. to Mal., pp. 9-744. sigs. B. to 5 A. Apocrypha (in smaller type), pp. 1-138. Sig. A to S1. New Testament-New-York: I Printed and sold by Collins & Co. I No. 189 Pearl street. J Sold also by the principal Booksellers in the United States. | 1821. 1 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 747 -182I.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 153 974; sigs. (including Title), 5 B to 6 G3; Index, pp. 975-994: at foot of p. 994, Table of Time; Tables of Scripture Weights, &c., pp. 995-997, at foot of p. 997, Table of Offices; Table of Kindred, Chronol. Index, p. 998 and part of p. 999; An Alphabetical Table of Names, pp. 999-1006; Judea, &c., pp. 1007, 1008, at foot of p. lt08, Analysis of 0. and N. Test.; An Account of the Lives, Sufferings and Martyrdom of the Apostles and Evangelists, pp. 1009, 1010; sigs. 6 GI to 6 M1; Brown's Concordance. New-York: Published by Collins and Co., No. 189, Pearl-street. 1819. Title, 1 p; verso, To the Reader; Text: pp. 3-56; sigs. A2 to G; all the sigs in 4s The following are the Engravings: Frontispiece. The Deluge. Engraved for Collins's Quarto Bible, fourth edition, 1816......Boyd. Joseph interpreting Pharaoh's dream. Engraved for Collins's Quarto Bible, fourth edition............................................. Boyd 4 Maverick. Joseph's brethren offering their Present. Engraved for Collins & Co's Quarto Bible, stereotype edition................................ B. Tanner. Map of the Journeyings, &c. Engraved for Collins's Bible, stereotype edition........................................................... Hooker. Map of Palestine. Engraved for Collins's Bible, stereotype edition.......... Hooker. Jerusalem. Engraved for Collins's Bible, stereotype edition. Elijah restores the Shunamite's son to life. Engraved for Collins's Quarto Bible, fourth edition, 1816....................... P. Maverick, Newark. Marine Virginis. Engraved for Collins & Co's stereotype Quarto Bible, 1816................ T. Gimbrede, N. Y. John the} Baptist. Engraved for Collins & Co's Quarto Bible, stereotype edition.......................................................... Kearny. The Three Maries at the Sepulbhre. Engraved for Collins & Co's Quarto Bible, stereotype edition............................................ Boyd. The Good Samaritan. Engraved for Collins's Quarto Bible, fourth edition, 1816................................................... Kearny & Maverick. Map of St. Paul's Travels. Engraved for Collins's Bible, stereotype edition. 2. HOLY BIBLE. Stereotyped by E. and J. White for the American Bible Society. New York. 1821. (Am. Bib. Soc.) 8. 3. HOLY BIBLE. Printed by the New York Auxiliary Bible and Common Prayer Book Society. New York. 1821. 12. 4. IHOLY BIBLE. Stereotyped by D. and G. Bruce. New York, 1821. (L.) 12. Pp. 839; sigs. A to recto of Mmll in 12s. 5. THIE HOLY BIBLE, } containing the I Old and New Testaments: Translated from the Original Tongues, I And with the i former Translations | diligently compared and revised. I Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins. I New York: 20 154 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I82I — Published by Collins and Hannay, i No. 230 Pearl Street. i J. & J. Harper, Printers. j 1821. 1 12. Title (with the words, Stereotype Edition, on top) 1 f; verso, blank; To the Reader, and Names and Order of Books, 2 pp.; Text: pp. 5-690, 210, in 6s. Tlle sig. marks to the O. T. are letters; to the New, figures; date to New Test. title, 1818 (in some copies the date is 1820), with: The I Psalms of David I in metre: I Translated and diligently compared with the I Original Text, I and I former Translations. I More plain, smooth, and agreeable to the I Text, than any heretofore. I Allowed by the Authority of the General Assembly of the I Kirk of Scotland, and appointed to be sung ill I Congregations and Families. Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins, New York. I New York: I Published by Collins & Hannay, I No. 230 Pearl-street. i n. d., 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: 33 ff., not paged. 6. IIoLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by E. & J. UWhite for the American Bible Society. New York. 1821. 12. 7. TIHE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing the I Old and New Testaments; I Translated i out of the Original Tongues, j and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. I Lunenburg, (Mass.) I Printed and sold by W. Greenough. 1 1821. 1 (B.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Names and Order of all the Books, 1 f.; verso, blank; Text: Gen. to Mal, pp. 5-605; As to recto of Cc3; verso, Table of Scripture Measures, Weights and Money, Table of Time; New Testament title, 1 f; verso, Account of the Dates or Time of writing the Books of the New Testament; Mat. to Rev. pp. 609-792. sigs. Cc5 to Kk12. This ed. corresponds with the 12mo of Websters & Skinners, Albany, 1817, q. v. 8. HOLY BIBLE: Hartford: Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. 1821. (B.) 12. The edition of 1809 continued. 9. LESSONS I for Schools I taken from the I Iholy Scriptures, in the words of the text, I without note or comment. In three parts. I Philadelphia: j Published by Kimber & Sharpless, I No. 93 Market Street. 1 1821. 16. Pp. 244. (Gowans.) 1. NEW TESTAMENT: Hartford: Printed by George Goodwin and Sons. 1821. (B.) 12. Text: pp. 1-334 (p. 326 marked 226); sigs. A2 to verso of 012 in 128. Short headings to columns and chapters. I Tim. 4: 16 incorrect. — I82I.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 155 2. NEW TESTAMENT: Fifteenth Edition: I Hartford: I Printed and Sold by Samuel G. Goodrich. 1 1821. J (L.) 18. Pp. 321. Sigs. A to recto of Dd.5 in 6s. See No. 3 of 1818. 3. TIhE NEW TESTAMENT of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Translated out of the Original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins, New York. Providence (R. I.): Printed and published by Miller and Hutchens, No. 1, Market Square (up stairs). 1821. (Mr. Bartlett.) 12. Pp. 312. 4. NEW TESTAMENT: The Second American from the Cambridge Stereotype edition. Utica: Printed and published by William Williams, No. 60, Genesee Street. 1821. 12. Same as the edition of 1819. Supra, p. 149. 5. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: Stereotyped by D. & G. Bruce. 1821. 12. 6. THE j NEW TESTAMENT I of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I translated I out of the Original Greek; I And with the former Translations I diligently compared and revised. I New York: I Published and Sold by James A. Burtus, 19 Peck Slip, i Corner of Water-Street. I Gray & Bunce, Printers, 347 Pearl-Street, Franklin Square. 1 1821. 1 (L.) 12. Title, 1 p.; verso, Order of Books; Text: pp. (3)-(312); sigs. A to verso of N12, in 12s; Brief Headings to chapters. 7. THE HISTORY I of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ: Comprehending all that the Four Evangelists I have recorded concerning Him; All their relations being brought together in one Narration, I so that no Circumstance is omitted, but that inestimable I History is continued in one Series, in the very words of I Scripture. I By the Rev. Samuel Lieberkuhn, M. A. I Translated into the I Delaware Indian Language I by the I Rev. David Zeisberger, I Missionary of the United Brethren. l New York: Printed by Daniel Fanshaw, No. 20 Slote Lane. [ 1821. i (B.) 12. 156 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I822Pp. viii. and 222. Zeisberger's Translation of Lieberkuhn's Harmony of the Gospel, was printed only for the use of the Missionaries and is not to be purchased. Du Ponceau's Pr(face to Zeisberger's Delaware Grammar, p. 93. 1822. 1. THE HOLY BIBLE: I Containing the I Old and New Testaments, i with I References and Illustrations; I An I exact Summary of the several Books; I A ] Paraphrase I on the most obscure or important parts; I an l Analysis of the contents of each chapter; i to which are annexed, I an extensive Introdnuction, explanatory 1Nqotes, evangelical Reflections, &c. I By the late Rev. John Brown, I Minister of the Gospel at Haddington. I Embellished with a series of beautiful engravings. 1 New York: I Printed and Published by T. Kinnersley, 148 Cherry-street; i and sold by appointed agents in all cities and principal towns in the United States. 1 1822. 1 (Conn. HIist. Soc.; Am. and For. Bib. Soc., N. Y.) fol. After two blank if., a copperplate engraving filling the verso of 3d leaf: Moses seated near an altar, his right hand resting on a double tablet, with the words: " Unto Him I ye shall I listen." I Deuteronomy I Chap. 18. Vers. 15. 1 Above is a Sun, Christ holding a Cross, and two Cherubims with crown of thorns and the nails. At foot, " N. York, pub'd by S. Walker, 148 Cherry St. 1821." On recto of next fol, an engraved Title: The I Self Interpreting I Bible, [ with an Evangelical Commentary I by the late RevdJohn Brown, I Minister of the Gospell at I Haddington I containing marginal References and Reflections I Embellished with Elegant Engravings. I New York I Printed and published by S. Walker, 148 Cherry street 1 1820. l With an oval Vignette (Adam naming the Beasts;) Engraved by J. Palmer AlbY from an original painting by B. West Esq.; verso, blank; Printed Title (as above) 1 f; verso, blank; Introduction, pp. i-li, sigs. a to n in 23; Names and Order, p. lii; To the Reader, 1 f.; Calculation of No. of Books, 1 f.; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 3-876; sigs. (including To the Reader) B. to 10 N. in 2s (110 numbers); Apocrypha (mock title), 1 f; verso, blank; Text: pp. 1-158, sigs. B to Ssl (10 numbers); New Test. title, same imprint, 1 f.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 877-1216; sigs. 10 O to 14 F, in 2s (numbers 110 to 152); Collection of Similes, pp. 1217-1721; Table of Scripture Measures, &c., p. 1222; Table of Offices, 1 p.; sigs. 14 G and 14 H. Engravings: Adam and Eve weeping over dead Abel (Front.)............. Chs. T. Harrison. Tower of Babel. Published by T. Kinnersly, Jan. 30, 1818. Isaac & Rebecca..............................................N..... Neagle. Joseph cast into the pit......................................... J. Neagle. Plague of Blood................................................ J. Nleagle. Moses smiting the rock............................................... Neagle. — 822] AMERICAN BIBLES. 157 Moses on Mount Sinai................J.......T. B. Neagle. The Golden Calf.....................................................T. Brown. Levites receiving the Sacred Treasures.............................. A.eagle. Feast of Tabernacles............................................. Neagle, Phil. Death of Sisera. Samson slaying the lion. Philistines sending back the Ark......................... T. Kelly, Boston. David's Victory over Goliah.......................... T. Kelly, Boston. Witch of Endor........................................................ eagle. Solomon's Temple. Ahasuerus & Esther........................................ Kelly, Boston. Triumph of Mordecai.................................... Neagle. Daniel in the Lions' den. Map of Jerusalem. Christ's temptation................................................. J. Palmer. Last Sqpper (Da Vinci).......................................... J. Neagle, Phil. Tiking from the cross................................................. J Palmer. Christ bearing the Cross...........................................B. Neagle. The Ascension...................................................... J. Brown. Christ in the garden (with Mary).................................... J. B. Neagle. Peter and John healing the Lame....................................... Neagle. St. Paul's conversion..................................................Palmer. The above work was printed in 162 numbers; 152 of which were taken up by the Old and New Testaments; and 10 by the Apocrypha, the latter being furnished to subscribers at their option. 2. Daniel D. Smith's Stereotype Edition. I The Holy Bible, t containing the I Old and New Testaments, I Translated out of the Original Tongues I and with I the former Translations diligently compared and revised. I With I Canne's Marginal Notes and References. I To which are added, i An Index; i An Alphabetical Table j of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations; Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures, and Coins, &c. [ Stereotyped by E. White, New-York. I New-York: I Published and Sold by Daniel D. Smith, I at the Franklin Juvenile book and stationary store, No. 190 Greenwich Street, also by the principal booksellers in the United States. 1822. 1 4. 3. THE I HOLY BIBLE, containing the I Old and New Testaments: I Translated out of the Original Tongues, I and with I the former Translations diligently compared and re 158 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I822vised. I With Canne's Marginal Notes and references. To which are added, ] an Index; j an Alphabetical Table of all the Names in the Old and:New Testaments, with their Significations; I Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures and Coins, &c. Cooperstown, (NT. Y.) I Stereotyped, printed and published by H. & E. Phinney, i and sold by them at their Book-Store, and by the Booksellers generally I in the United States. 1 1822. 1 4. Title 1 f.; verso, blank; Names and Order of all the books, 1 p.; verso, blank; To the Reader (W':itherspoon's Pref.), p. 3'; Contents, pp. 4-8; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 9-574; Table of Passages; Index of Years and Times; Table of Time and Offices, p. 575; sigs. B to 3 W4; Family Record, 2 if; Title to New Test., 1 p.; verso, Account of the dates or time; Text: M-it. to Rev. pp. 579-754; sigs. 3 X2 -4 U1; Index, pp. 755-762; 4 U2 to 4 VI, Tables of Measures, Weights, &c, p. 763; Analysis of the 0. and N. Test., Table of Kindred, Judea, or Palestine, p. 764; Alphabetical Table, pp. 765-768, 4 V2 to 4 V4. No Apocrypha. Sigs. in 4s. -I. & E. PHINNEY commenced printing 4to Bibles Aug. 1st, 1822, and published from that time to the winter of 1848, when their establishment was destroyed by fire, 138 editions, or 154,000 copies, averaging about 6,000 per annum. About 100,000 of them contained the Apocrypha, and 14,750 had Brown's Concordance. Only 500 copies were printed in 1822, and 4,475 for the first half of 1848; this will show the ratio of increase from the beginning. The stereotype plates were made by LI. & E. P., at Cooperstown. The proofs were read with the greatest care, the text having been compared with other editions, and a premium offered to the men in the establishment for the discovery of errors, even after the plates were cast.-Letter of E. Phinney, Esq. 4. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by D. & G. Bruce, New York. Albany: Printed and published by E. & E. Hosford. 1822. 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Names and order of the Books; Text: pp. 3-837. Sigs. A to recto of Mm in 12s. 5. HOLY BIBLE: Hartford: Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. 1822. (B.) 12. 6. HOLY BIBLE: Second Stereotype edition. New York: Published by E. Bliss & E. White. 1 1822. 1 24. Title, 1 f.; verso, A. Paul, printer; The Translators to King James, pp. 3, 4; Names and Order of the Books of 0. and N.'est., also on p. 4; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 5-704; sigs. A to recto of Gg'; N. Test. title. 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-216; Sigs. 1-9; all in 12. -1822.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 159 Foot notes on passages in the text are interspersed throughout this Volume. The title page to the New Test. has at foot: " Ch. i. v. i. This title of the book was put to it by the Evangelist himself." This note ought to be at foot of the first page of Matthewv. BERNARD DORNIN, a Catholic publisher, announced this year his intention to publish early in the ensuing winter two editions of the Doway Bible, with superb engravings; one in folio and the other in quarto, in order to accommodate purchasers. He never carried out his plan. Shea's Catalogue of Catholic Bibles, p. 12. 1. NEW TESTAMENT: Philadelphia: Published by H. C. Carey and I. Lea, No. 126, Chesnut Street. 1822. 4. With Carey & Son's Bible of 1818. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: Appointed to be read in Churches. | Philadelphia, I Printed for the Booksellers. 1 1822. 1 (L.) 12. Pp. 335; Sigs. A to recto of 012; verso, Table of Kindred; sigs. in 12s. 3. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotyped f For " The American Bible Society" I By D. & G. Bruce. I New York 1 1822. [ 12. Pp. 201. 4. THE PRONOUNCING TESTAMENT. The I New Testament I of our j Lord and Saviour, &c. To which is applied, in numerous words, the orthoepy of the Critical Pronouncing Dictionary; also, the Classical Pronunciation of the Proper Names as they stand in the Text-scrupulously adopted from "A Key to the Classical Pronunciation of Greek, Latin, and Scripture Proper Names. By John Walker, author of the Critical Pronouncing Dictionary, &c." By which "the Proper Names are accented and divided into syllables exactly as they ought to be pronounced, according to rules drawn froin analogy and the best usage." To which is prefixed, An Explanatory Key. By Israel Alger, Jun., A. M., Teacher of Youth, Author of Elements of Orthography, and the New Practical Book-Keeper. D3o0ton: Printed and published by Lincoln & Edmands, No. 53 Cornhill. 1822. 12. First edition. 160 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8225. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotyped by J. Howe, New York. Printed at Treadwell's power press, Boston. Boston: 1822. (Am. Bib. Soc.) 12. 6. NEW TESTAMENT: Hartford: Printed by George Goodwin and Sons. 1822. (B.) 12. This is the edition of 1821, with a new Title page only. P. 326 is marked 226, and 1 Tim. 4: 16 is incorrect. 7. NEW TESTAMENT: Utica: Printed and published by William Williams, No. 60, Genesee street. 1822. (B.) 12. See supra No. 4 of 1821. 8. H KAINH I AIAeHKII. I The I New Testament, I in I Greek and English; j The Greek according to Griesbach; the English upon the basis of the I Fourth London edition of the Improved Version, with an at- I tempt to further improvement from the translations I of Canmpbell, Wakefield, Scarlett, Mac- I Knight and Thomson. I In Two Volumes. I By Abner Kneeland, t Minister of the First Independent Church of Christ, called Universalist, in Philadelphia. I Philadelphia: I Published by the Editor, No. 9, North Second Street, and sold by him-also I by Abm. Small, No. 165 Chesnut Street; and by the j principal booksellers in the city. I William Fry, Printer. 1 1822. j 8. Pp. 360 and 452. (Gowans.) 9. H KAINH I AlA~HKH I Novum Testamentum I Graece I ex recensione I Jo. Jac. Griesbachii t omissa i Selecta Lectionum varietate ejus I Lipsioe G. J. Goschen. 1805. j Cantabrigiae Nov-Anglorum 1 1809. 1 Philadelphic: Cura et Impensis Abneri Kneeland edita. [ Typis WV. Fry. 1 1822. 1 (B.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Certificate of Copyright; Preface (in English), dated Philadelphia, May 1, 1822. Signed Abner Kneeland, 2 pp; Text: pp. 5-340; sigs. 1 (which includes Text and Pref) to verso of 292; Errata, pp. 341-344; sigs. 293 to verso of 29t in 6,. Having determined to publish the New Testament in Greek and English, the editor was solicited to publish his improved translation by itself, which could be easily done by changing the forms, while the matter was thus in type; and this circumstance suggested the thought of publishing the Greek Testament also in the same manner.Preface. -1823.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 161 10. EL NUEVO TESTAMENTO.... traducido de la Biblia Vulgata Latina en Espafiol, por el Rmo. P. Felip Scio.... conforme a la Segunda edicion hecha en Madrid, Afio de 1797. Nueva-York: Edicion esteriotipa, por Elihu White. A costa de la Sociedad Americana de la Biblia. Afio de 1822. (Am. Bib. Soc.) 12. The text of this edition is from the same plates as that of 1819. 6. at I 9J eue Zeftament I unferW I 6(Errn unob eilanbe~ I 3fftu qrifti, I Rac) bher Oeutfden uleberfelung I D. 5Martin tutter&. I Sit turpem I 3ntalt eineo jeben (apiteI6, I iunt ooltftanbiger Wnveifung gleid)er d)riftftetfen. I ie aud) I ater ~onnmunb &efttaigigen I d(Eangetien untb pifteln. I ld)te Iufgage. I Germcntaun: I qevrucft bet W. 3lmeter, 1822. 1 (Am. Bib. Soc.) 12 1823. 1. THE I HOLY BIBLE I Containing the I Old and New Testaments: I Translated out of the Original Tongues, I And with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. I With Canne's Marginal Notes and References. I Together with J The Apocrypha. I To which are added, An Index: I and an Alphabetical Table of all the Names in the Old and [New Testaments I with their Significations. I Also, I Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures and Coins. i Kimber & Sharpless Stereotype Edition. I Philadelphia: i Published by Kimber and Sharpless, I No. 50 North Fourth-Street. I n. d. (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, Names and Order, Account of dates; Contents, pp. (1)-(6); Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 8-744; sigs. 2 to 931, in 4s; Apocrypha, in smaller type, pp. 1-138; sigs; A. to R1 in 4s; Fam. Rec., 2 ff.; The I New Testament I of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ; I translated out of the Original Greek: I And with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. I Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins, I New York. I Philadelphia: I Published by Kimber & Sharpless, [ No 50 North FourthStreet. I 1 p.; verso blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 747-974; Index, pp. 975-994; Table of Time also on p. 994; Tables of Weights, Measures, &c., Offices, Kindred, pp. 995-998; Chronol. Index, pp. 998-999; Alphabetical Table of Names, pp. 999-1006; Judea, Palestine, &c., pp. 1007 and part of 1008; Analysis, remainder of p. 1008; sigs. 94 to 1264 in 4s; Psalms of David in Metre, no title, pp. 1-18; sigs. A to C1 in 21 162 AMERICAN BIBLES. [18234s; [Kimber and Sharpless Stereotype Edition.] [ A brief I Concordance I to the I Holy Scriptures I of the I Old and New Testaments: [ &c., by John Brown, &c., I Revised and Corrected. I Stereotyped by J. Howe. I Philadelphia: I Published by Kimber and Sharpless, No. 50 North 4th-Street. I 1 p., to the Reader, 1. p.; Text, pp. 3-54; sigs. 98 to 1043 in 4s. The following are the Engravings in this Bible: 1. The Last Supper. Front. to O. T. L. Da Vinci, pinx.: Engraved by J. B. Neagle. 2. Moses receiving the Law (Vignette).............estall. Heath. 3. The murder of Abel................... A. Sacchi, pinx. F. Kearney. 4. The Deluge................................. Poussin. F. Kearney. 5. The Dismissal of Hagar....................... Guercino. Gimbrede. 6. Joseph interpreting Pharaoh's Dream........................ Boyd 4 Maverick. 7. Joseph's brethren offering their presents............................ D. Tanner. 8. Jacob blessing the sons of Joseph.............. Rembrandt. Fairman - Maverick. 9. Elisha raising the Shunamite's son............. est. P. Maverick. Newark. 10. The peaceable kingdom of Christ.............. Westall. Tanner, Vallance. 11. The vision of the Horses.....................estall. Kearney 4. Co., Heath. 12. Journeyings of Israel. ~ 2 Maps. 13. Palestine. 14. Tobit and the Angel......................... Westall. Tanner, Vallance 4 Co. 15. Judith and Holofernes........................ estall. Tanner, Vallance 4. Co. 16. Marine Virginis. Front. to N. T............... Holbein, pinx. J. Neagle. 17. The angels appearing to the shepherds (Vignette) Westall. Heath. 18. The angel appearing to Joseph................ Vestall. Heath. 19. The Annunciation............................ Westall. Tanner. 20. The adoration of the Shepherds............... Westall. Heath. 21. Christ with the Doctors.......................Westall. Heath. 22. Christ raising the widow's son........Westall. Tanner, Vallance, Kcarney 4. Co. 23. The good Samaritan..........................Rembrandt. Kearney 4. Maverick. 24. Christ's agony..............................Westall. Heath. 25. The entombing of Christ................Westall. Heath. 26. Christ instructing Nicodemus.............. Westall. Heath. 27. Christ appearing to Mary Magdalen............Westall. B. Tanner. 28. Thomas's Incredulity.........................Rubens. Haines. 29. St. Paul.........................e....... Ticbout 4. Maverick. 30. Travels of St. Paul (Map)........................................ Haines. Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 23,, 28, 29 have at the top-Kimber and Sharpless' Quarto Bible. Stereotype Edition. The first edition of this Bible was printed in 1823. The stereotype plates of the Old Testament were cast by Elihu White of New York; those of the New, by B. & J. Collins. Kimber and Sharpless continued the publication of large and numerous editions until 1844, when they sold the plates to Jasper Harding of Philadelphia. In some copies the engravings are on wood. 2. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by D. & G. Bruce. I Philadelphia. 1 1823. 1 12. Pp. 837. Imprint to New Test. title: New York. 1821. -I823.]1 AMERICAN BIBLES. 163 3. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotype edition. New York: Stereotyped by E. and J. White, for "' The American Bible Society." 1823. 12. Pp. 706, 215 (Gowans). 4. THE BIBLE CLASS TEXT BOOK; or Bible Catechism, containing Questions....To promote an intimate acquaintance with the Jnspireb bolume. By Hervey Wilbur, A. M. Twelfth Edition. B3oston: Published by Curnmings & Hilliard, No. 1, Cornhill. Stereotyped by T. H. and C. Carter, Boston. 1823. (L.) 12. Engraved Title, 1 f.; Pref. and Recom., i-x; Text: pp. 11-132. 5. SCRIPTURE LESSONS: being a New Selection from the Old and New Testaments, for the use of Schools. In three parts. Boston: Published by W. B. Fowles, No. 45, Cornhill. True and Green, Printers. 1823. (L.) 12. Pp. 242. 1. NEW TESTAMENT: With References and a Key sheet of Questions historical, doctrinal and practical. By Hervey Wilbur. Boston: Published by Cummings, Ililliard & Co. 1823. 12. 2. PRONOUNCING TESTAMENT. Boston: Printed and published by Lincoln and Edmands, No. 53 Cornhill. Stereotyped by T. H. & C. Carter. 1823. 12. See No. 4 of 1822. 3. NEw TESTAMENT; Stereotyped by B. and J. Collins, N. York. Concord, (N. H.): Printed and published by Luther Roby. And sold at his Bookstore wholesale and retail. 1823. (L.) 12. Title (marked at head of page), Roby's Stereotype Edition, 1 f.; verso, Order of of books; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-380; p. 381, Table of kindred; sigs. A2 to recto of Ii5, in 6s. 4. THE NEW TESTAMENT: translated from the original Greek, according to Griesbach; with an attempt to further improvement from the translations of Campbell, Wakefield, 164 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I824Scarlett, Macknight and Thomson. By Abner Kneeland. Philadelphia, 1823. 8. See No. 6 of 1822. 5. NEW TESTAMENT. By A. Paul for the American Bible Society, New York. 1823. (Amer. Bib. Soc.) 12. 6. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotyped by J. Howe, New York.! Ncw'1ork: i Printed and sold by Johnstone and Van Norden. 1 1823. 1 (L.) 12. Pp. 288. 6. THE NEW TESTAMENT I of I our Lord and Saviour | Jesus Christ, I translated I (Pnt of thie Original [ And with the former Translations I diligently Compared and Revised. J Hartford: I Printed and Sold by George Goodwin. 1 1823. 1 (R. G. Tallcott; L.) 16. Frontispiece, Christ instructing Nicodemus, R. Westall, pinx. O. Pelton, sc. Engraved title: Vignette from Luke 2: 9, 1 p.; verso, blank; Printed title, 1 p.; verso, Order of the Books; Text: pp. 3-412; Contents, pp. 413-416; sigs. A (which includes printed title) to Bb8, in 8s. Brief headings to columns and chapters. 1 Tim., 4: 16 reads: Take heed unto thyself and unto thy doctrine. 1824. 1. THE I HOLY BIBLE: I Containing the I Old and New Testaments: I Translated out of the Original Tongues, I and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. I With i Canne's Marginal Notes and References. Together with I The Apocrypha. ITo which are added, l An Index: ] and an Alphabetical Table of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, I with their Significations. l Also, j Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures and Coins. Stereotyped for Collins & Co. by B. & J. Collins. i Boston: Published by C. Ewer & T. Bedlington. I J. H. A. Frost, Printer. 1 1824. 1 (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Advertisement to the (Collins) stereotype edition, dated New York, 1819, 1 p.; verso, blank; To the Reader (Witherspoon's Pref.) 1 p.; verso, The Books of the Old and New Test.; Account of dates, 1 p.; verso, blank; Then follow, Text: Gen. to Mal., and Apocrypha, the same as in Collins & Co.'s 4to, New York, 1821; Family Record, 2 ff.; New Test. Title, imprint as above, 1 -_1824.1 AMERICAN BIBLES. 165 p.; verso, blank; Text, and appended matter in Collins & Co's ster. ed. of 1821, (supra) as far as p. 1010 (6 M1 ); Psalms in metre, pp. 1-39; p. 40, blank; sigs. A to K in 2s; Brief Concordance. Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins. Boston: Published by C. Ewer & T. Bedlington. 1827. Same as in Collins & Co's 4to ed. of 1821. 2 frontispieces engraved on wood, and 16 plates. This ed. is from the same, or duplicate, plates of the Collins Bible of 1821, with the introductory matter differently arranged and the Psalms in metfe added. Other copies correspond with the Collins edition and have not the Psalms. In these the Concordance is dated 1824. 2. HOLY BIBLE: Cooperstown, (N. Y.) Stereotyped, printed and published by H. & E. Phinney, and sold by them at their Bookstore, and by the Booksellers generally in the United States. 1824. 4. 3. THE I IHOLY BIBLE, I translated from I the Latin Vulgate: I Diligently compared I with the Hebrew, Greek, and other editions, I in divers languages. I The I Old Testament,! first published by I The English College at Doway, A. D. 1609. And I gibe New Qestament, I first published by The English College at Rhemes, A. D. 1582. i With i Annotations, References, and an Historical and Chronological Index. j First Stereotype, from the Fifth Dublin Edition. Newly revised and corrected according to the Clementin edition of the Scriptures. I lIbilabelbia: I Published by Eugene Cummiskey. I Stereotyped by J. Howe. 1 1824. 1 (Sem. St. Sulpice, Balt.) 8. Engraved frontispiece (Jesus, Mary and Joseph). Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Admonition, Letter of Pius VI., A Prayer, 1 p.; verso, Decree of the Council of Trent, and Books of the Old Test.; Text; Genr. to Esther, pp. 5-335; verso of 335, blank; sigs. A (which includes title and 2 prel if.) to recto of 2 T4; Job to the end of II Mac., pp. 1-444; sigs. A. to verso of 3 K2; The I New Testament I of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I translated from I Efe l.atin FTulgat: I Diligently compared with the Original Greek: I and first published by I the English College at Rhemes, A. D. 1582. 1 With I Annotations and References and a Historical and Chronological Index, I From the fifth Dublin Edition, I Newly revised and corrected according to the Clementin edition of the Scriptures. |I tilabettia: Published by Eugene Cummiskey. i Stereotyped by J. Howe. 1 1824. 1 1 p.; verso, blank; Admonition, Letter of Pius VI, and Prayer, 1 p.; verso, Approbation of Dr. Troy, and order of Books of New Test.; Text: Mat. to Apocal. pp. 5-189; sigs., including title and prel. pp.; A to recto of 2 A3; Table of Reference, pp. 190, 191; Table of Epist. and Gosp., 1 p. not numbered; verso of 2 A3 and 2 A4; Historical and Chronological Index to New Testament, 2 pp., not marked; Index to Old Testament, paged at top, 1 to 10; p. (3 is marked at bottom PA. Sigs. all in 4s. 166 AMERICAN BIBLES. [18244. HOLY BIBLE: translated from the Latin Vulgate: First American, from the Fifth Dublin Edition. Philadelphia: Eugene Cummiskey. Stereotyped by J. Howe. 1824. (L.) 8. This differs in various respects from the preceding. The engraved frontis. of the O. T. is Moses in the bulrushes, and is dated 1827; That of the N. T. has no date, but the title page is 1831. This copy has approbations of Dr. Troy on the verso of both titles and that of the Bishop of Philadelphia accompanies the N. T. The edition preceding has neither. 5. LA I BIBLIA SAGRADA, i a saber: I El Antiguo y el Nuevo Testamento, I traducidos de la I Vulgata Latina I en Espaniol, I por el Rmo. P. Felipe S. Miguel, I Obispo electo de Segovia. I Nueva Edicion, ia costa de la Sociedad Americana de la Biblia, I conforme a la Segunda, que revista y corregida publico su misme traductor J el Afio de 1797 en Madrid. I Jesus respondio: Escudrifiad las Escrituras. I S. Juan, cap. v. ver. 39. 1 Nueva-York: I Edicion estereotipica por A. Chandler. 1824. 1 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, Orden des libros; Text: Gen to Mal., pp. 3-928; sigs 1 to 58; El Nuevo Testamento, I traducido de la I Vulgata Latina I en Espafiol, I por el Rmo. P. Filipe Scio de S. Miguel, I de las escuelas pias, Obispo electo de Segovia. I Nueva edicion, I a costa de la Sociedad Americana de la Biblia, I quen la lha hecho cotejar con la que revista y corrigeda public6 su traductor I el afio de 1797 en Madrid. i Nueva-York: I Edicion estereotipica por A Chandler. | 1824. | 1 p.; verso, Orden de los libros; Text: pp. 3-251; sigs. 1-16. No notes. Shea's Catalogue of Catholic Bibles, p. 12. 6. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped I for the American Bible Society I By D. & G. Bruce. I Printed by A. Paul, 72 Nassau-Street, New York.! 1824. 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, [64th Editicn.] Names and Order; Text: Gen. to Mal. pp. 3-637; Table of Scripture Measures, Weights and Money; Table of Time, p. 638; sigs. A2 to C which is also marked 3, then the sigs. run 4 to verso of 277 in figures only; New Test. Title, imprint: Stereotyped I for the American Bible Society I By D. & G. Bruce. [ New York, 1 1824. 1 1 p.; verso, blank; (sig. 278 ) Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 641-837; 279 to recto of 3511; all in 128. No headings to columns or chapters. 7. HOLY BIBLE. Stereotyped by A. Chandler, New York, 1824. (Rev. Dr. Brigham.) 24. -18241 AMERICAN BIBLES. 167 8. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by B. and J. Collins, New York. I Albany: J Printed by Websters and Skinners, I at their Bookstore, corner of State I and Pearl Streets. 1 1824. 1 12. This is a continuation of the edition of 1817, with new Titles only. 1 Tim. 4: 16 incorrect. 9. THE HOLY BIBLE, Icontaining the I Old and New Testaments: I Translated out of the I Original Tongues, I and with the former Translations I diligently compared and revised. [ Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins, New-York. l Hartford: i Published by Silas Andrus. I Johnstone & Van Norden, Printers. 1 1824. 1 (B.) 12. Engraved Title (same imprint), 1 f.; Printed Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; To the Reader and Names and Order, 2 pp.; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 5-690; sigs. A3 to recto of Ff9; New Test. Title, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-210; sigs. Ff10 to pp6 in 12S. Front. to Old Test., Moses receiving the Law. Some copies of this edition have, on the engraved title page, the following imprint: Hartford: Published by Silas Andrus and Johnstone and Van Norden, New York; and on the printed title, Hartford: Published by Silas Andrus. 10. HOLY BIBLE: Hartford: Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. 1824. (B.) 12. The edition of 1809 continued. 11. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: I H. C. Cary and I. Lea, Chesnut street. 1 1824. 1 (L.) 12. 12. THE j HOLY BIBLE, | containing I The Old Testament, I and The New; I Translated out ofI TlIe Original Tongues I and with the J former Translations diligently [ Compared and Revised. I Stereotyped by J. Howe.... Philadelphia. I New-York: j Published by Daniel D. Smith, I No. 190, Greenwich-Street. [ 1824. 1 24. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Contents, pp. 3-x; at foot of p. x, The Books of the Old Testament; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 11-743; verso, blank; sigs. A (including title and 4 prel. ff.) to recto of Hhl2; New Test. Title, same imprint, 1 p.; verso, blank; Contents, pp. 3-v; verso, The Books of the New Test; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 7-238; sigs. A (including title and 2 prel. if.) to verso of Kll, followed by 1 blank leaf; sigs in 128. 168 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I82413. ERRATA 1 OF THE PROTESTANT BIBLE: or the I Truth I of the I English Translations I examined: I in a Treatise, showing some of the errors that are to be found in the English i translations of the Sacred Scriptures, used by Protestants against such points I of religious doctrine as are the subject of controversy between them and the I Members of the Catholic Church. I In which also, I from their mistranslating the twenty-third verse of the fourteenth chapter of I the Acts of the Apostles, the consecration of Doctor Matthew Parker, the first i Protestant Archbishop of Canterbury, is occasionally considered. By Thomas Ward, I Author of the celebrated poem, entitled "England's Reformation." I For I testify, &c. Rev. xxii: 18, 19. [ A New Edition, carefully revised and corrected. I London, Printed in the year 1688: 1 and Philadelphia I Re-printed for Eugene Cummisky (sic), No. 182 North Fourth Street. 1 1824. 1 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Life of Mr. Ward, pp. iii, iv; Pref. pp. v-xvi; Text: pp. 1-95. Sigs. 1 to 12, in 4s. 1. THE I NEW TESTAMENT i of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I Translated from I lsje tatin bulgate: I Diligently compared with the Original Greek: I and first published by I The English College at Rhemes, A. D., 1582. 1 with I Annotations, References, and a Historical and Chronological Index. I From the Fifth Dublin Edition. I Newly revised and corrected according to the Clementin edition of the Scriptures. I Jilabelptia: Published by Eugene Cummiskey. I Stereotyped by J. Howe. i 1824. 1 (L.) 8. This is the New Testament to Cummiskey's 8vo Bible, supra, p. published separately. It has Dr. Troy's approbation on verso of the Title; and that of Dr. Conwell, Bishop of Philadelphia, on the verso of 2d leaf. An engraved frontispiece, Jesus, Mary and Joseph, accompanies the Vol. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotype Edition. I New York: Stereotyped by A. Chandler, j For "The American Bible Society." 1824. [ (L.) 8. Pp. 429. On verso of Title-3d Edition. A. Paul, Printer. -I824.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 169 3. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotype edition. Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins, New York. Bridgeport, Con. Printed and published by Josiah B. Baldwin. 1824. 12. Pp. 290; Table of Kindred, 1 p. Sigs. A to Bb2 in 6s. 4. cviseeb Testament. I The 1 New Testament I of I (urt torb anb Saviour J Jesus Christ; I In which I the Text of the Common Version 1 is divided into paragraphs, the Punctuation in many i cases altered, and some words, not in I the Original, expunged. I Stereotyped by T. H. Carter & Co. B3oston. J Published by Cummings, IIlliard & Co. I No 1, Cornhill. 1 1824. 1 (L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Certificate of Copyright; Preface, dated May 15, 1824, 2 pp.; Text: pp. 3-297. This work is copyrighted by John H. Wilkins. 5. THE I NEW TESTAMENT, I of I our Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I Translated from the I Original tongues; I and with theI former Translations I Diligently compared and revised. J Stereotyped by B. and J. Collins. I Hartford: Published by Silas Andrus. 1 1824. (L.) 18. Pp. 210. 6. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotyped for I the Bible Society of Philadelphia. 1 1824. I (L.) 18. 7. THE I NEW TESTAMENT, I by way of I Question and Answer; i with I Illustrations taken from the Holy Fathers I and most approved Interpreters. I By the Rev. John Power, 1 of St. Peter's Church. " Intenti estote ad Scripturas: codices vestri sumus." Apply your minds I seriously to the Scriptures: we are your books.-St. Augustin, Sermon 227. 1 New-York: I Published by James Cunningham, I No. 95 Jlaiden Lane. 1 1824. 1 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Certificate of Copyright, dated 11 Sept. 1824; Preface, pp. iii-xi; verso, blank; Text: pp. 2-364; List of the Sovereign Pontiffs, and Constitution of the Catholic Church, a folding leaf; Subscribers' names, pp. 365-380. The pith of the New Testament is, as it were, brought into a focus, and the difficulties that occur therein especially in the Gospels are solved, I trust, satisfactorily. Preface. 22 170 AMERICAN BIBLES. [18251825. 1. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I translated from I The Latin Vulgate: I Diligently compared with the Hebrew, Greek, and other editions in divers Languages. I The [ Old Testament, I first published by the English College at Douay, A. D. 1609. and i The New Testament, I first published by the English College at Rheims, A. D. 1582. J With Useful Notes, Critical, Historical, Controversial, and Explanatory. I Selected from the most eminent Commentators, and the most able and judicious Critics. I By the Rev. Geo. Leo Haydock, I and other Divines. H{ aurietis aquas, ec. [ Da mihi intellectum, &c. I Embellished with Twenty Superb Engravings. 1 Philadelphia: i Printed and published by Eugene Cummiskey. 1 1825. 1 fol. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Advertisement, Approbations, 1 p.; Admonition, Letter of Pius VI., A Prayer, Decree of the Council of Trent, 1 p.; Decree (concluded), Short Sketch of the principal Epochs, Approbation of Cummiskey's quarto and octavo editions of the Bible, signed t Henry Conwell, Bishop of Philadelphia, dated 13th December, 1824, with a N. B. Approbation of this folio edition, p. vii.; Preface, p. vi. (not marked)-ix; on verso of last p., Names and Order of the Books of the 0. & N. T. These 4 ff. are marked B*, C.; Text: Gen. to Ecclesiastes, pp. 13-812, sigs. D* to Z, then A2, 2 B to 9 U1; (p. 29 is printed 26; 215 is printed 213, and 664 is printed 666; p. 774 is blank; and at p. 365, chap. XXII is marked XXVII. at the top of the column; Solomon's Canticles to 1 Mac., p. 3-409; verso of 409, blank; (p. 319 is marked 419, and at p. 166 the chap. is printed XXXII at the top of the page instead of XXXI; sigs. B to 5 L; each of these sigs. is also marked, Vol. II.; Historical and Chronol. Index, 2 if., not paged; sig. 5 M.; Fam. Rec. 1 f.; The I New Testament I of I our Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ; first published by the English College at Rheims, A. D. 15S2. [ Translated from | te iLatin 7Fulgate. I Diligently compared I with the original Text, and other editions in divers languages; ]With Useful Notes, I Critical, Historical, Controversial, and Explanatory, I selected from the most eminent Commentators, and the most able and judicious Critics. I Enriched with Superb Engravings. Haurictis aquas, &c. I Da mihi intellectum, &c. I All things that are read in the Holy Scriptures, &c. 1 2 lines from S. Aug. tract, 2. 1 ~3ilaeslpDia: I Printed and Published by Eugene Cummiskey, at his Catholic Publication Warehouse, I South-east corner of Walnut and Fourth streets. 1 1825. 1 1 p.; verso, blank; Gen. Pref. to N. Test. pp. iiixii; sigs. (*A, not marked, which includes title) to *C; Text: Mat. to Apocal.,'pp. 1112, then 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, * 119, * 120, x 121, * 122, * 123, * 124, 125367; sigs. * D to *5 C.; on verso of p. 367, Directions to the Binder, Eugene Cummiskey's Catalogue of Catholic Standard Stereotype Publications for the year 1824-5; Historical and Chron. Index to N. Test., 1 f.; Useful Table of References, 2 ff.; Table of Epist. and Gosp.; 1 f.; Sigs. * 5 D. * 5 E.; Theological History in Miniature, 1 fold -1825.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 171 ing page; verso, blank; Subscribers' names, 3 pp. (not numbered). All the signatures are in 2s. List of engravings: 1. Jewish High Priest; front to O. T..... W. M. Craig, del.; engraved by G. B. Ellis. 2. Tower of Babel......... Schenchzer, del.; Neagle, so. 3. Joseph sold to the Ishmaelites............. Marillier, pinx.; T. Kelly, Boston. 4. Moses in the Burning Bush.................................... P. E. Hamm. 5. Plague of Blood.................................N.............. Neagle. 6. Moses smiting the rock............................................... Neagle. 7. Philistines sending back the Ark.............W. M. Craig, del.; T. Kelly, Boston. 8. David and Goliah......................Corbould, del.; T. Kelly, Boston. 9. The Witch of Endor...................... est, pinx.; Neagle. 10. Solomon's Temple. 11. Job's Temptation................................W. Woodruff, Philadelphia. 12. Daniel's Vision................................. W. Woodruff, Philadelphia. 13. Christ giving the Keys to Peter; front to N. T....W. M. Craig, del.; J. B. Neagle. 14. The Wise Men offering..................................... W. Woodruff. 15. Judas taking the price of blood..................... W. WVoodruff, Philadelphia. 16. Little children brought to Christ..... W. Woodruff, Philadelphia. 17. Christ before the Doctors................... Monsiau, del.; J. B. Neagle. 18. The Prodigal Son................................................. eagle. 19. Woman of Samaria............................................... Neagle. 20. View of Jerusalem.....................W. M. Craig, del.; T. Kelly, Boston. Nos. 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 are to be found also in Kinnersley's edition of Brown's SelfInterpreting Bible, folio, 1822. This Cummiskey Bible is a reprint of Haydock's folio, Manchester, 1811-1814, (J. G. S.) It was published originally in 120 weekly numbers of 16 pages each, at twenty-five cents a number. The publication was commenced in 1823, (as I infer from the advertisement accompanying No. 20, which appeared at the close of that year) and was completed in 1825. The date on the back of the volume is: Philadelphia, 1826. The price of the work, bound, was $35, and the edition consisted of One thousand copies. It was not stereotyped. Other copies are without plates, or date on back. Plate No. 20 is found in many Bibles-as to design. 2. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I translated from I ETe tatin bulgat: I Diligently i compared with the Hebrew, Greek, and other Editions, I in divers languages. I The Old Testament, first published by I the English College at Doway, A. D. 1609. 1 And I the New Testament, i first published by I the English College at lRhemes, A. D. 1582. I With i Annotations, References, and a Historical and Chronological Index. I First Stereotype, from the fifth Dublin Edition. Newly revised and corrected according to the Clementin 172 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I825edition of the Scriptures. I IJilabelpbii: I Published by Eugene Cummiskey. I Stereotyped by Hammond Wallis, I New- York. 1 1825. I (Georgetown Coll.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Admonition, Letter of Pius VI., a Prayer, 1 p.; Translation of the Decree of the Council of Trent, Order of the Books of the Old Testament, 1 p.; Text: Gen. to II Mac., pp. 9-789; verso of p. 789, blank; sigs. B to recto of 5 G3, in 4s; sig. K is marked, incorrectly, I; Famn. Rec. 2 if.; The I New Testament I of our I Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I translated from [ be Ratin Yulglat: [ diligently compared with the Original Greek: I And first published I by the English College at Rhemes, A. D. 1582. I With I Annotations, References, and a Historical and Chronological Index. I First Stereotype, from the fifth Dublin Edition. I Newly revised and corrected according to the Clementin edition of the Scriptures. I &lilatel plia * Published by Eugene Cummiskey. I Stereotyped by Hammond Wallis, I New- York. 1825. 1 1 p.; verso, blank; Admonition, Letter of Pius VI., a Prayer, 1 p.; Approbation of Cummiskey's 4to and 8vo editions by Bishop Conwell, dated 13th December, 1824; Approbation of the 0. T. by the University of Doway; Approbation of the N. T. by the University of Rhemes; The Order of the Books of the N. T., 1 p; Text: Mat. to Apocal., pp. 5-222; sigs. A (which includes Title and 1 prel. leaf) to verso of Ee3; Table of Epistles and Gospels, pp. 223, 224; Table of References, pp. 225, 226; Hist. and Chronol. Index to N. T., pp. 227, 228; sigs. Ee4 to'F2 followed by an Historical and Chronol. Index to 0. T., marked at foot *1 (2 not marked) 3-7; verso of 7, blank; These 4 if. ought, properly, to precede Genesis, but are bound in here; Subscribers' names, 1 f. The edition of this Bible consisted of 1200 copies. The vol. is accompanied by ten engravings, viz: Nos. 1, 2, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, of Cummiskey's folio, supra p. 170. 3. HOLY BIBLE: With Apocrypha, Marginal Notes and References, Index, Tables of Names, Weights, Measures and Coins. Embellished with Eleven Maps and Historical Engravings. Philadelphia: II. C. Carey & I. Lea-Chesnut street. 1825. (L.) 4. This is another issue of Carey's 4to Bible of 1812. Leviticus, 19: 12, incorrect; Esther, 1: 8, correct. The maps are on copper, the other illustrations on wood. 4. Daniel D. Smith's Stereotype Edition. I THE HOLY BIBLE, containing I The Old and New Testaments, I together with the- Apocrypha: j Translated out of the Original Tongues, j and with I the former Translations diligently compared and revised. With Canne's Marginal Notes and References: I And a concise Table of Contents of the Books of the Old and I New Testaments. I Stereotyped by -1825.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 173 J. Howe, Philadelphia. I 3erm Vork: I Published and sold by Daniel D. Smith, I at the Franklin Juvenile Book and Stationery Store, No. 190 Greenwich street, J also by the principal Booksellers in the United States. 1 1825. 1 (L.) 8. Engraved title: The I Old Testament I illustrated with Engravings I from the Designs of I Richard Westall Esqr [ R. A. I Vignette, Moses receiving the Law; Exodus, Chap. XXXI, Ver. 18; verso, blank; Printed title, 1 f. as above; verso, Names and Order of the Books, including those of the Apocrypha; then the above printed title repeated (less the words " together with the Apocrypha "), same imprint, 1 p.; verso, Names and Order of the Books of the Old and New Test. (Apocrypha omitted); To the Reader, 2 pp., not numbered; Contents, pp. 5-10; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 11-619; verso, Tables of Scripture Measures, Weights, Money and of Time; sigs. A to verso of 2 06, in 8s, except 2 0; and in figures, 1 to verso of 782 in 4s; (these signatures include the 2d printed Title page, To the Reader and the Table of Contents only; the 1st title p. being inserted); Apocrypha, printed solid, in chapters, without division of verses, though these are numbered, pp. 1-109; verso, blank; sigs. As to recto of G*7 in 8s, and in figures 1* to recto of 14* 3 in 4s; Engraved Title: The New Test.; Vignette: The Angel appearing to the Shepherds, St. Luke, Chap. II, v. 8 and 9; Printed title, imprint as above, 1 p.; verso, Account of the Dates; Text: pp. 623-811; sigs. 2 P (not marked) to recto of 3As in 8s; and in figures, 783 to recto of 1022 in 4s; verso, blank; Psalms in metre (no title p.), pp. 1-39; sigs. A to recto of C4 in 8s; verso, blank; A Brief i Concordance I to the I Holy Scriptures I of the I Old and New Testaments: I By which I All, or Most, of the principal Texts of Scripture I may be easily found out. I By John Brown, I Late Minister of the Gospel at Haddington, in Scotland. I Search the Scriptures, &c. The Bereans, &c. I Revised and corrected. Stereotypetby J. Howe, Philadelphia. I New York: J Published by Daniel D. Smith, No. 191 Greenwich street. 1 1825. 1 1 p.; verso, To the Reader. Text, pp. 3-136; sigs. A to verso of IU in 8s. Engravings: Jacob and Esau. Frontispiece to Old Testament. David and Bathsheba. Jeremiah foretelling the Siege of Jerusalem. Christ and Nicodemus. Frontispiece to New Testament. The Angel appearing to Joseph in a dream. The Annunciation. All engraved by Wm. D. Smith. This Bible has also been published without Apocrypha or Psalms. 5. THE PRONOUNCING BIBLE. I The I Holy Bible, I containing i The Old and New Testaments; I Translated I out of the Original Tongues, I and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. j (Vignette: Moses striking the rock.) Exodus, xvii: 6. j The proper Names of which, and numerous other words, being accurately accented in the Text, and divided into syllables, as they 174 AMERICAN BIBLES. [1825ought to be I pronounced, according to the Orthoepy of John Walker, as I contained in his critical pronouncing Dictionary and I Key to the Classical pronunciation of Greek, j Latin, and Scripture proper Names. I By Israel Alger, Jun. A. M. I Boston: I Printed and published by Lincoln and Edmands, No. 59, WVashington-street, (53, Cornhill.) Stereotyped by T. H. Carter & Co. 1 1825. 1 (L; Conn. Hist. Soc.) 8. Engr. Title, 1 f; Title, 1 f.; verso, Certificate of Copyright, dated 4th April, 1825; Advertisement of the Editor; Explanatory Key, and Books of the 0. and N. Test., pp. iii, iv; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 5-714; sigs. A3 to verso of 0004 in 6q, and 13 to verso of 461 in 8s; Fam. Rec. 1 f.; blank, 1 f.; New Testament, &c. (Vignette: Christ sending forth his disciples.) Luke, ix, 1-7. 1 To the proper Names of which, and other words, accents are applied; I indicating the standard pronunciation. I By Israel Alger, Jun., A. M. I 3oston: Printed and published by Lincoln & Edmands, I No. 59 Washington Street. J Stereotyped by S. Walkcr g- Co., [ 1 p.; verso, Tables of Measures and of Offices; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-218; sigs. As to verso of T*i in 6s, and 1* to verso of 14*5 in 8s; Recommendations, pp. 219, 220. Engraved frontispieces to Old and New Testanments. 6. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by B. and J. Collins, N. York. Lunenburg, Mass. i Published by Edmund Cushing. [ 1825. 1 (L.) 12. This edition corresponds, except in the imprints, with Bible No. 7, supra p. 154, and with Websters and Skinners' editions, No. 6, 1817, and No. 8, 1824. At the top of each of the title pages are the words Stereotype Edition. 1 Tim. 4: 16 is incorrect. 7. THE I OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS I having I a rich and comprehensive assembly of j IIalf a Million Parallel and Illustrative Passages j from those esteemed authors Canne, Browne, Blaney, and Scott, I with those from the I Latin Vulgate, J the French and German Bibles. The whole arranged in Scripture order, and presenting, in a portable pocket volume, I A complete Library of Divinity. Bonus Textuarius est bonus Theologus. I Philadelphia:' Printed for Thomas Wardle. I M.DCCC.XXV. j 12. Mock Title: The English Version I of the [ Polyglott Bible, [ with I the Scripture Harmony, I or I Concordance of Parallel Passages. I &c., &c. I 1 f.; verso, Advertisement; Printed Title (as above), 1 p.; verso, blank; Praefatio i in I Biblia Polyglotta, [ 2 pp.; Pref. to the English version j of the I Polyglot Bible. 1 5 pp.; verso, Order of -1825.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 175 Books, 1 p.; mock Title, repeated, I p.; verso, Genesis, ch. I to ch. II, v. 4. The Text of Moses called Genesis; at foot, figure 1. (Here I would remark that the References are between the columns, and that each fol. is interleaved with References. Each verse is treated thus: (ex. gr.). The last verse in 2d col. on recto of p. 2 is v, 20, ch. III of Genesis which is reflected on the opposite p., thus: v. 20, Eve; Heb. Chavah; That is, Living; ch. 2: 20, 23-5-29-16-11-29, 32.. 35. 18; Ex. 2. 10; 1 Sa. 1: 20; Mat. 1, 21, 23; Ac. 17: 26; Ga. 3: 26, 1 Pe. 3: 6.); Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 1-585; The I New Testament I having I an extensive ] selection of appropriate References;' both I parallel and illustrative, I from Canne, ] Brown, I Blaney and Scott, I and the Latin Vulgate, the French and German Bible. I Philadelphia: I Printed for Thomas Wardle. I M.DCCC.XXV. [ 1 p.; verso, blank; mock title: The English version, &c., ut supra, 1 p.; verso, References as in Old Test. (being interleaved); Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 1 to 188, ending on verso and facing page of references. The pp. of references are similarly paged with the Text. Edw. Armstrong. 8. JoB. Ten Chapters 1 of I I]e U3ook of job, rendered from the I Common Translation, I into Verse. } By Abraham Rowley. I Ye have heard, &c., James, Chap. 5, v. 11. I The pencil of the Holy Ghost hath laboured more in describing the afflictions of Job, than I the felicities of Solomon. Lord Bacon. Boston: I Printed by J. H. A. Frost, I Congress-street. 1825. 1 (B.) 8. Pp. 24: The preface is dated March 20, 1826. 1. NEwTESTAMENT: NewYork: Daniel D. Smith. 1825. (L.) 4. 2. NEW TESTAMENT, &C. From which is selected, I an I Extensive Vocabulary, i comprising the Proper Names and all other important i words, which occur in the I New Testament. I The words are arranged in Columns, and placed over the j chapters respectively from which they are selected: and are divided, defined, and pronounced, I according to the authorities of the [ celebrated John Walker. I The words in the Vocabulary, and their correspondent words in the Text, are marked with characters of reference. To which is prefixed I Walker's Explanatory Key, I governing the Vocabulary. Embellished with several Engravings of Sacred characters. 1 By Jeremiah Goodrich. 1 Albany: I Published and sold wholesale and retail by S. Shaw, I Proprietor of the copy right for the United States. 1 1825. I 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Certificate of Copyright, dated 12 Oct., 1824; Cont., pp. 3-5; on part of p. 5, Analysis of the Old and New Test.; verso of p. 5, Books of the New 176 AMERICAN BIBLES. [i826Test.; a Table of Simple and Dipthongal vowels; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 7-333 (pp. 332, 333 not marked); sigs. A4 to recto of Dd3 in 6s. This is called, The Definition Testament. It has observations at the head of each of the books, borrowed from a Testament published in Edinburgh by the Rev. William Brown, and woodcuts. 1 Tim. 4: 16 is incorrect. 3. Stereotype Edition. I THE I NEW [ TESTAMENT I of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: Translated out of I The Original Greek; I and with the former translations diligently I compared and revised. Stereotyped by T. H. & C. Carter, Boston. I Newbury: I Published by WVhite & Reed. 1 1825. I David Watson, Printer. Woodstock. 12. This is a Vermont edition. 4. NEW TESTAMENT. Stereotype Edition. New York: Stereotyped by A. Chandler and Co., for the American Bible Society. 1825. 12. 42d edition, pp. 352. 5. THE I FOUR GOSPELS I of the I New Testament I In Greek, From the Text of Griesbach: I with I a Lexicon in English I of I all the Words Contained in them. I Designed I for the Use of Schools. I Boston: Cummings, Hilliard, and Company, Washington Street. 1825. (G. L.) 8. 1826. 1. SELF INTERPRETING BIBLE: By the late Rev. John Brown, Minister of the Gospel at Haddington. With Engravings. New York: Printed and published by T. Kinnersley, opposite the Manhattan Bank, Broadway. 1826. fol. A reissue of the edition of 1822, in 162 numbers. 2. HOLY BIBLE, translated from tlje tatint bnlgate: With Annotations, References, Indexes, &c. tll)ilabelplia: Published *by Eugene Cummiskey. Stereotyped by Hammond Wallis, -New York. 1826. (L.) 4. This is Cummiskey's Catholic Bible, No. 2, of 1825, q. v., with the date altered. Sig. K is correctly marked. The Hist. and Chron. Index to the Old Testament, at the -1826.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 177 end of the vol., runs from p. 229-235; verso of 235, blank; no List of Subscribers; The sigs. of New Test., and additional matter, run from A3 to Gg2. The engravings are Nos. 1, 2, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 of the Cummiskey folio, No. 1, 1825. The edition was 1000 copies. 3. THE I COLLATERAL BIBLE I or, J a Key I to the IIoly Scriptures: I In which all the corresponding texts are brought together into one view, and I arranged in a familiar and easy manner. By William McCorkle, ]assisted by the Rev. Ezra Stiles Ely, D. D., and the Rev. Gregory T. Bedell, A. M. 1 (7 texts from Scripture.) Philadelphia: Printed by Samuel F. Bradford, I and by I E. Bliss and E. White, New York. J. Harding, Printer. 1826. 1 (L.) 4. Vol. I. Title 1 f.; verso, Copyright certificate, dated 9 June, 1824. The Hebrew Scriptures-Genesis, &c. The Greek Scriptures —Mat., &c. Mills's Chronology of the New Test., 1 p.; Account of Translations and Tables, 4 pages; Genealogy of Christ, with Observations, 1 p.; Preface, 2 pp.; (excluding title), 4 ff. [iii] to [x]; sig. A*; Text in 3 columns: Gen. to Ruth, pp. 1-809; sigs. A to 4111 in 4s; then 41 in 5; Title to Vol. 11, as in 1st vol. down to " manner," then, By the Rev. Ezra Stiles Ely, D. D., Pastor of the Third Presbyterian Church, I And I the Rev. Gregory T. Bedell, A. M., Rector of St. Andrew's Church. [ Texts of Scripture. I Vol. 11. I Philadelphia: Published by John Laval and Samuel F. Bradford. I J. Harding, Printer. 1 1828. 1 p.; verso, Copyrighlt cert., as before; Text: Ruth to Psalms, inclusive, pp. 1-1013; A to 6M3: in 4~; Title to Vol. III, as in Vol. 2, except that 7th line ends with " arranged.'" Below texts, Vol Ill; imprint and verso the same; Text: Proverbs to Malachi, pp. 3-731; sigs. A2 to 4 Zz in 4s. Tile plan of the work is to print the parallel texts in full at the end of each verse. The work was not continued beyond the Old Testament. The New Testament, on a similar plan, w.ts printed in England, in 1825, in 8vo, under the Title of Scieintia Biblica. Bagster published in 1854, what he calls a Commentary wholly Biblical, on the same plan. 4. THE I HOLY BIBLE I containing the I Old and New Testaments: i Translated out of I the Original Tongues: I And with the former Translations i;.iliigenttl (gompareb ani~ Ueuiec:.! With References and various Readings. I In Two Volumes. Vol. I. I B3oston: I Printed and published by S. Walker, I Washington-street. I Stereotyped at the Boston Type and Stereotype Foundry, I late T. H. Carter & Co. I n. d. 4. Engraved Title, 1 f.; then printed Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Names and Order of the Books, 1 p.; verso, A Guide to a regular perusal of the Holy Scriptures; Text: Gen. to Song of S;.olomon, pp. 1-787; sigs. B to recto of 5 K2 in 4s; verso, blank; Engraved 23 178 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I826Title, 1 f.; Printed Title, as above, except Vol. II. 1 p.; verso, blank; Text, Isaiah to Mal., pp. 3-277; sigs. A2 to recto of 2 M~ i1 4s; verso, blank; Apocrypha, in smaller type, pp. 1-139, sigs. A to recto of S2 in 4,; verso, blank; Farn. 1Rec., 2 if.; New Test. Title, same Imprint, except, Stereotyped by James Conner, New York, I p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 281-600; sigs. 2N to verso of 4F4 in 4s. Bound in with Genesis is a separate folding page, with this title: The Intention of the present Table is to shew, at one view, which of the Patriarchs were contemporary with each othe', and cons';quently how easy it was to hand down from Adam to Isaac (a period of 2158 years) the pa, tirulars of the Creation and Fall of Man. Engravings: Moses pointing to Christ. Unto Him ye shall listen (Front.) W. M. Craig, del; T. Kelly, sc. Finding of Moses...........................Stothard, del.; R. Campbell, sc. David's Victory over Goliali................. Corbould, pinx.; T. Kelly, Boston, sc. The Phlilistines sending back the Ark......... I. Craig, del.; Neagle, sc. Ahasuerus and Esther.................................... T. Kelly, sc. Eeoe Homo. (Front to Vol. II.)..................... J. B. NYeagle, sc. Belsliazzar's Impious Feast..........................J. B. Neagle, Philadelphia, sc. Last Supp:r. (Front to N. Test.).... Da Vinci, pinx.; J. B. Neagle, Philadelphia, sc. Simeon's Benediction................................R. Campbell, sc. Some of these engravings are dated 1826, and appeared previously in an edition of Brown's Self-Interpreting Bible, which Walker owned. The present Bible was issued in 116 nunbers, exclusive of the Apocrypha, which was issued separately. 5. PRONOUNCING BIBLE: J30oton: Lincoln& Edrmands. 1826. 12. The same as No. 5 of 1825, with new title pages. 6. IIoLY BIBLE: Stereoty-ped at tLt Boston Type and Stereotype Foundry, I late T. H. Carter & Co. I Boston: I Published by Hilliard, Gray, Little, and WVilkins, Munroe & Francis, I Richardson & Lord, Lincoln & Edlmands, Crocker & Brewster, T. Bed- lington, R. P. & C. Williams, Charles Ewer, ThomasWells, and Josiah j Loring. I Printed at Treadwell's Power-Press. 1826. 1 (L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, Thle Books of the C. and N. Testaments; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp..3-687; sigs. 12 to recto of 861 in 4<; verso, Tables of Scripture Measures, Weights and Money, and of Tile; Apocrypha (llot mentioned in the title nor in the Table of the Books), p)p. 1-134; sigs. 1 to verso of 173; Contents of the Books of the 0. and N. Test., pp. i-ix. Tletre is no New Testament in the copy before us, which, notwithstanding:.ppears perfect; that portion, it is hence inferred, formed, if published, a distinct volume. — 826.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 179 7. THE I REFERENCE BIBLE, I containing an accurate copy I of the common English Version I of I The Old and New Testaments: I With References and a key sheet of Questions, Geographi- I cal, Ilistorical, Doctrinal, Practical, and Experimental; I Accompanied with valuable chronological Harmonies ofI both Testaments; correct and elegant Maps, and highly j useful Tables of Scripture Names, Scripture Geography, I Scripture Chronology, Scripture References, &c. I The whole designed to facilitate I The acquisition of Scriptural knowledge I In Bible Classes, Sunday schools, Common schools, and Private Families. I By Hervey Wilbur, A. M. I Vol. I. Fourth Edition. I i3oston: i Published by Cummings, Hilliard, & Co. and Crocker I & Brewster; Also by the American Sun- I day school Union, Philadelphia. I Power Press.-J. G. Rogers & Co. 1826. 1 (L.) 12. Engraved Title, 1 f.; Printed title (as above), 1 f.; verso, Certificate of Copyright, dated 18th August, 182.5; Advertisement; Key, 1 p.; verso, Names and Order of thle Books, and Hints; Text: Gen. to Ecclesiastes, pp. 3-736; sigs. A (which includes the Key sheet) to verso of Qqq2 in 6s; Key repeated, 1 folding leaf (inserted); Vol. II. Title (as above), 1 p.; verso, Key (as in Vol. I); Text: Song of Solomon to Mal., pp. 737-1003; sigs. Qqq3 to recto of Ppppl in 6s; Contents of O. T., pp. 1004-1012; verso of Pppp4 to verso of Qqqq2. 8. HOLY BIBLE. Stereotype edition. I Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins, N. York. i Lunenburg, Mass. I Published by Edmund Cushing. 1 1826. 1 (J.. S.) 12. Same as the ed. of 1825, with New Testament of that year. 1 Tim. 4: 16 is incorrect. 9. IoLY BIBLE: Lunenburg, (Mass.) Printed and sold by W. Greenough and Son. 1826, (L.) 12. Same as Bible, No. 7 of 1821. 1 Tim. 4: 16, is incorrect. 10. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped I for the American Bible Society I by D. & G. Bruce. I A. Paul, Printer. I New York, [ 1826. 1 (L.) 12. [87th Edition.]; pp. 837; sigs. in 129. 11. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins, New York. Hartford: Published by Silas Andrus. Johnstone and Van Norden, Printers. 1826. (B.) 12. 180 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I82612. HOLY BIBLE: Hartford: Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. 1826. (B.) 12. Continuation of the Bible of 1809. 1. THE I NEW TESTAMENT I of I our Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ: I With References and a key sheet of Questions, I Geographical, Historical, Doctrinal, I Practical, and Experimental: I Designed to I Fa'cilitate the acquisition of Scriptural knowledge, I in Bible classes, Sunday schools, Common schools I and Private Families. I By Hervey Wilbur, A. M. i Stereotyped by S. Walker & Co., Boston. Boston: I Published by Cummings, Billiard, & Co., and Crocker & Brewster; also by the American Sun- I day School Union, Philadelphia. 1 1826. 1 (Serl. St. Sulpice, Balt.) 12. Title 1 p.; verso, blank; Remarks, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 5-321; at foot of p. 321, A Table of St. Paul's Apostolic Journeys;. sigs. A (including Title and Rem.)'to recto of Dd5; Contents of N. T., pp. 322-324; remainder of sig. Dd; Useful Tables I of I Scripture Names, Scripture Geography, I Scripture Chronology, and Scrip- I ture References. I Including ] Valuable Harmonies of the Scriptures, I by Rev. G. Townsend and S. F. Jarvis, D. D I Prepared to |I Zcompanv the!Reference 3Sible. I By Hervey Wilbur, A. M. I Boston: I Imprint, as above, 1 p.; Note; Walker's Key to the Vowel Accents; An Alpllabetical Table of all the Proper Names, pp. 3-27; Etymological Table, foot of' p. 27 and p. 28; Gen. View of Sacred Geography, by J. E. Worcester, pp. 29 and part of 30; Geographical Vocabulary, remainder of p. 30-50; A Chronological Harmony of the Old Test., pp, 51-76; Harmony of the Four Gospels, pp. 77-83; Chronol. Table; Table of References, 3 pp. not numbered; sigs. 1 to verso of 77; Miscellaneous Table and Key, 1 folding sheet, insertel. In Vol. I. Map of the Journeyings of the Children of Israel; Map of Canaan. In Vol. II. Canaan adapted to the Gospel History; Travels and Voyages of St. Paul. The general Titles in both volumes, and the last leaf of Vol. II. containing " Table of References," are inserted. Other copies of this work have only two maps. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotype edition. Hartford: Published by Silas Andrus. Stereotyped by A. Chandler. 1826. 12. Front. and Engr. title with the following Imprint: Ilartfcrd: Published by Silas Andrus, and Johnstone and Van Norden. New York. 1824. Pp. 251. 3. THE I NEW TESTAMENT I of our Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ; i Translated out of the Original Greek I and with I the former translations diligently corn- I pared and -1827.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 181 revised. I Stereotyped by Hammond Wallis, New York. [ Windsor, (Vt.) I Printed and sold by Simeon Ide. [ 1826. [ (B.) 12. Pp. 372; double lines around the title page. 4. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotype edition. New York: Stereotyped by A. Chandler & Co. For " The American Bible Society.'" 1826. 12. 55th ed., pp. 352. Sigs. in 12s. 5. LE NOUVEAU TESTAMENT I de I Notre Seigneur I Jesus Christ. I Imprime sur l'edition de Paris, de l'annie 1805. Edition Stereotype. i Revue et corrigee avec soin d'apres le Texte Grec. I A New York, I Imprime avec des Planches solides par A. Paul, I aux frais de I La Societe Biblique Americaine. 1 1826. ] (Am. Bib. Soc.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Les Noms des Livres; at foot, 1st Edition; Texte: pp. 3-207; at foot of last p., Imprime6 avec des planches solides par A. Paul, I aux frais de I La Societe Biblique Americaine. I Sigs. 34 to recto of 427 in 12s. 6: THE I NEW TESTAMENT I of our | Lord and Saviour [ Jesus Christ, I translated out of l the original Greek; I and with the I former translations diligently compared and revised. I New-York: I Printed by Samuel Marks. 1 1826. [ (L.) 12.'Text: pp. 3-192, in paragraphs; sigs. 1-16 in 6s. An engraved frontispiece. 7. NEW TE'STAMENT: Elizabethtown, (N. J.) Published and sold by Mervin Hale. 1826. (B.) 12. 1827. 1. BIBLIA, I [Z t ift. I ie I Anec I [~eiIige cbrift I be I wIten unt 9-euen I Zeftament6, I Tad) bem beutfduen Ubervfe3ung I + MRartin 1utber,; I 9Jit einCE j eten flapiteld furen Zummarien, I audt) be.gefiiglten tieten auf: neue berid)tigen JParafeten, I unb 40 uortreffticten bitltd)en 93orfteffungen lerfden. I 3n Ztereot.ten ter~ fertigt)t, ton 3. Volve. I lpitabelptia: I J(ebructt unO ~t Utaben bep Stimber unb d)arple 3 lt:t r Inb er. Iro, 50, in ter Ror>3ievr tcuftraffe, I n. d. (L.) 4. 182 AMERICAN BI]BLES. [I827Title, 1 f.; verso, $erceic)lif nfelcr O3iet)cr, &c.; T3cbcrfic)ft be, )lln[tt onler Oudyer, &c., pp. 3-8; Text: Gen. to IMal., pp. (9)-(614); Apocryplla (in smaller type to prayer of Manasseh), pp. (615)-(722); Anhang, (contailinig 3d and 4th Books of Ezra, and 3d Book AMaccabees, in smaller type), pp. (723)-(754); Farn. Rec., 2 if. (not paged nor included in sig.). Vat [ 9Icete leftanlellt [ Illlterg secrrn ilb n,eianllbc I Sefu (if)rifti, I Uerbeutttd)t I o011 I T.?(artin Qlntf)er. I 3Xn Etcreotlt)pei, tcrfeitigtft toln 3. {loie. I $Tifabetpf)ia: I (ebrueft nnb 3u l)oben belt) Simnber ntlb etl)rplef, c11Cl)fl)n)ler, I 9Wro. 50, iin ber 9iorLb3iertenftraffe. I n. d., 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. (757)-(961); Anweisung, pp. (962)-(964); Sctgiftcr I er vornietlift-en,nptartitel 3ibctieler tel)re, &c., pp. (965)-(975); verso, blaink; vie 3erftirunl3 crijfalteOil, &c., pp. (977)-(992); sigs. B to 6 I4 in 4S. This is the first edition of Kimber & Sharpless's German Bible. It was continued to be issued by them until 1851. 2. HOLY BIBLE: With Canne's Marginal Notes and References, Apocrypha, Index and Tables. Stereotyped for Collins & Co. by B. & J. Collins. Boston: Published by C. Ewer and T. Bedlington. 1827. (L.) 4. For collation, &c., of this edition, see No. 1, of 1824. 3. HOLY BIBLE: Utica, N. Y.: Published by William Williams. 1827. 4. This is Phinney's edition, No. 3 of 1822, supra p. 157, with a different imprint only. 4. SCOTT's FAMILY BIBLE: Stereotype Edition in Five Volumes. New York: Published by J. P. Havens. 1827. 4. Not seen. Mentioned in the Magazine of the Rcef. Dutch Church, I, 31. 5. THE IhOLY BIBLE, I containing the Old and New Testaments, I according to the authorized version; I with I Explanatory Notes, practical Observations, I and I copious Marginal References. I By I Thomas Scott, Rector of Aston Sandford, Bucks. Stereotype Edition, from the Fifth London Edition, with the Author's last corrections and improvements. I Boston: I Samuel T. Armstrong, and Crocker and Brewster. l New York: J. Leavitt. Stereotyped by T. H. Carter $ Co., Boston Type and Stereotype Founrdry. 1827. 1 [In six Volumes.] 8. Vol. I. Title 1 f.; verso, Names and Order of Books of the 0. and N. Test.; Preface, pp. 3-25; Postscript and adv., pp. 25, 26; Introd. to O. T., p. 27; Text: Gen. -1827.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 183 to Judges, pp. 28-756; sigs. in numbers, 1 to verso of 952; Vol. II. title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Text: Ruth to Esther, pp. 3-652; Epitome of the Hist. of the Jews, pp. 653, 654; sigs. 1 to 82, a blank leaf completing the last sig.; Vol. III. title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Text: Job to Sol.'s song, pp. 3-654; sigs. 1 to 82, a blank leaf completilng last sig; Vol. IV. title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Text: Isaiah to Mal., pp. 3-904; sigs. 1 to 113; Vol. V. title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Introduction to N. T., pp. 3-0; Text: Mat. to Acts, pp 7-775; sigs. 1 to 97; Vol. VI, title, 1 f.; verso blank; Text: Rom. to Rev., pp. 3-79i; Retrospective view, pp. 792, 793; Table of Measures, &c., pp. 793, 794; Table of States, Offices, &c., pp. 795, 796; Chron. Table, pp. 797-807; sigs. 1 to 101, all in 4-, the title of each volume being included in sig. 1. A p)ortrait of Dr. Scott, engraved by Hoogland, accompanies this work, having, in addition to the names of the Boston and New York publishers, that of John P. Haven, New York. Eight elitions of Scott's Family Bible, consisting of 25,250 copies, were printed in the United States of America, from 1808 to 1819. Horne. 6. HOLY BIBI,E, translated from the Latin Vulgate: Philadelphia: Printed and published by Eugene Cumimisley. 1827. (L.) 8. A continuation of the edition of 1824. 7. HIIo,Y BIBLE: With Canne's Marginal Notes and Referelnces, &c. Stereotyped by J. Howe, Philadelphia. New Pork: Published and sold by Daniel D. Smith, at the Juvenile Book and Stationery Store, No. 190, Greenwich Street. Also by the principal Booksellers in the United States. 1827. 8. This is a reissue of the Bible No. 4 of 1825, with new Title pages only. 8. HOLY BIBLE. Stereotyped by D. & G. Bruce, New York. New York: Printed and Published by Daniel D. Smzith, No. 190, Greenwich street. 1827. 12. Pp. 837. Sigs. run to recto of Mmli in 12s. 9. IIOLY BIBLE. Stereotyped For the American Bible Society I By D. & G. Bruce. Printed byA. Paul, 72 Nassau Street, I New-York. 1 1827. 1 12. Pp. 837. No headings to columns or chapters. These two Bibles (Nos. 8 and 9) are froml the samle, or duplicate, plates. 184 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I82710. HOLY BIBLE. NTew York: Stereotyped for the American Bible Society by A. Chandler. Printed by A. Paul. 1827. 12. Pp. 824, 251. 11. THE j HOLY BIBLE, containing The Old Testament, and The New; [ Translated out of jI &1e Original ~ongucs; I and with the [ former Translations diligently I compared and revised. I Third stereotype edition. I New York: Published by White, Gallaher & White. 1 1827. 1 (L.) 24. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Address of the Translators to James I, p. 3 and part of 4; Names and Order of the Books, remainder of p. 4; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 3-704; sigs. A3 to verso of Gg4; New Test. title, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-216; sigs. 1 to verso of 912 in 12s. Engraved frontispiece to Old and New Testaments. 12. Holbrook and Fessenden's Stereotype Edition. I THE HOLY BIBLE, I containing the I Old and Nrew Testaments: Translated out of I the Original Tongue; (sic) I And with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. I Brattleborough, Vt. I Printed and published by i Holbrook and Fessenden, 1827. [ (B.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, " Tlhis first American Stereotype Bible has been copied from the Edinburgh edition, printed under the revision of the General Assembly of the Kirk. of Scotland, and carefully compared with the Cambridge, Oxford, Hartford and New York editions. D. & G. BRUCE. New York, June, 1815." and Names and Order of the Books; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 3-525; Tables of Offices and of Time, p. 526; New Testament title (no imprint), 1 p.; verso, Table of Kindred; Mat. to Rev. pp. 529 to 684; sigs. A (which includes Title) to verso of Ff6 in 12s. Short headings to columns and chapters. This Vol. agrees with Bruce's 1st stereotyped Bible (No. 8, of 1815.) In Bruce's ed., however, figures 2-6 accompany the sig. letters on the first half of the form; in this, the letters and numbers are omitted, except on fol. 5 of the sig. In other reslects, they are alike; in both, Chap. XXXVlI of Genesis is marked XXXII, at top of the page. 13. IIOLY BIBLE. Stereotyped by J. Howe, Philadelphia. Hartford: Published by Silas Andrus. Sold also by the Booksellers generally. 1827. 12. Pp. 655; Contents, 656-651; Psalms in metre. 14. HOLY BIBLE: Hartford: Published by Silas Andrus. 1827. 18. -1827.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 185 15. JOB. The Book of Job: An Amended Version; with an Introduction and Notes, by George R. Noyes. Cambridge: Hilliard and Brown. 1827. 8. 1. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotyped by David Hills. Botston: I Printed by F. Ingraham and J. Putnam. 1 1827. I (L.) 8. In paragraphs; the chapter, book and verse to which the first line belongs, are noted at the top of each page. The sections, which are nearly the same with Griesbach, are taken from an edition of the Bible, published by John Reeves, Esq., London, 1802. The heads of those sections are omitted. The punctuation of Knapp's Greek Testament is mostly followed. The Advertisement is signed B. G., and dated, Boston, July 27, 1827. The volume contains pp. 499, and Names and Order of the Books on the verso of last page. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: With an I Introduction I giving An Account of Jewish and other Sects; J with I Notes I illustrating obscure Passages, and explaining obsolete [ Words and, Phrases; I for the use of j Schools, Academies, and private Families. I By J. A. Cummings, I Author of Ancient and Modern Geography. i Second Edition, I revised and improved. I Stereotyped at the Boston Type and Stereotype Foundry. [ Boston: I Hilliard, Gray, Little, and Wilkins. 1827. 1 (L.) 12. Title 1 f; verso, Certificate of copyright, dated 5th January, 1827; Introd., pp. 3-6; Order of Books also on p. 6; Pref. Remarks, 1 p.; Text: pp. 8-305; Table of Offices, p. 306; Table of Measures, Weights and Money, p. 307; and of Time, p. 308; sigs. 1 to verso of 264 in 6s; 3 Maps. 3. NEW TESTAMENT: With References and a Key sheet of Questions, &c. Designed to facilitate the Acquisition of Scriptural Knowledge in Bible Classes, &c. By HIervey Wilbur, A. M. Boston: Hilliard, Gray, Little and Wilkins. 1827. Stereotyped at the Boston Type and Stereotype Foundry. (L.) 12. On verso of Title is Certificate of copyright, dated 13 Nov., 1822; then a page of Recommendations, on verso of which is Order of Books and Hints. Text, &c., same as No. 1 of 1826, to p. 324; Key, a folding leaf; Useful Tables, &c., By Hervey Wilbur. Boston: Hilliard, Gray, Little, and Wilkins. Printed at Treadwell's Power-Press. 1827. 1 p.; verso, Adv. and Walker's Key to Vowel Accents; Tables, pp. 3-18. 24 186 AMERICAN BIBLES. [18274. NEW TESTAMENT. Stereotyped by Baker and Greele, Boston. I New York: I Printed for the American Bible Society, I By Abraham Paul. 1 1827. 1 (L.) 12. 2d Edition, pp. 315. The Am. Antiq. Soc. possesses a copy of the 5th edition of this Testament, printed for the Am. Bib. Soc. by D. Fanshaw; same date. 5. NEW TESTAMENT. New York: Stereotyped by A. Chandler & Co. For the American Bible Society. 1827. (L.) 12.' 78th edition. 6. NEW TESTAMENT. Stereotyped by J. Howe, Philadelphia. New York: Published by E. Bliss. 1827. 12. Front. " Paul's sight restored." Title, with Vignette, The Angel appearing to the Shepherds; both engr. by S. Maverick. Printed title, 1 f.; verso, Order of Books: Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-252; sig. A includes title and is in 8s; B in 4s, C in 12 (No D), E in 8, F in 4s, G in 8, H in 4s, and so on alternately to X, which is in 6s. 7. NEW TESTAMENT: Arranged in paragraphs, such as the Sense requires; the division of the chapters and verses being noted in the margin. By James Nourse, Student in the Theological. Seminary, Princeton, N. J. New York: Published by G. & C. Carvill. 1827. (L.) 12. This work was printed at Princeton, by D. A. Borrenstein. It has Notes, Index and a Harmony at the end. It contains pp. 373 and xxiii. 8. TIrE I NEW TESTAMENT I Of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ: I Translated out of ] the Original Greek; 1 and with the [ former Translations diligently compared I and revised. I Stereotype edition. I Hartford: I Published by Silas Andrus. [ Stereotyped by A. Chandler. I 1827. 1 (B.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Text: Gen. to Rev., pp. 3-251; sigs. A2 to recto of L6. Short headings to chapters and columns. 9. H K(AINH I IAOHKIH. [ Novum I Testanientum I Groecum. i Ad exemplar Roberti Stephani accuratissime editumrn. Cura P. Wilson, LL.D. i Coll. Columb. Neo-Eboracen. — I828.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 187 Prof. Emer. I Stereotypis Hammondi WVallis, Novi Eboraci. i Hartfordire: I Apud Oliverum D. Cooke et Filios. I 1827. (B.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso blank; Text: pp. 3-369; sigs. A2 to recto of Q5 in 12s. 10. NEW TESTAMENT: Exeter, N. H. Published by J. & B. Williams. 1827. 12. Pp. (299); verso of 299, Table of Kindred; sigs. in 6s. 11. NEW TESTAMENT. Lowel, Ms.: Published by Thomas Billings. 1827. (L.) 24. Text, pp. 3-330; An account of the Lives, Sufferings and Martyrdom of the Apostles and Evangelists, pp. 331-335, verso, Table of Kindred. 12. NEW TESTAMENT: Brattleborough, Vt. Published by Holbrook & Fessenden. n. d. (L.) 24. From the same types as the preceding, No. 11. It has a frontispiece, title page, and 4 plates, all engraved on wood. 13. APOCALYPSE of St. John; Being a New Interpretation, by George Croly. New York: 1827. (Am. Antiq. Soc.) 12. 1828. 1. HoLY BIBLE. Boston: Published by C. Ewer and T. Bedlington. 1828. 4. Same as No. 2, of 1827. 2. HOLY BIBLE: With Marginal Notes and References, Apocrypha, Index, Tables of Names, &c. Eunenburg, I1ass. Published and sold by Edmund Cushing. 1828. (L.) 4. This Bible is from the same, or duplicate, plates of Collins's Stereotype edition of 1816, except the last leaf, which is blank in this issue. The title to the New Test. has, added: By B. & J. Collins, New York. The following engravings illustrate this volumle: 1. Adam naming the Creation,.............. F. 4 J. Itndrews, sc., Lancaster, Mass. 2. Noah building an altar. 3. Abraham's servant meeting Rebekah. 4. The Mother of Moses leaving her child in the bulrushes. Drawn by Westall; Engr by Chas. Heath. 188 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8285. Ruth gleaning. By Westall.............................. Engr. by Chas. Heath. 6. In the same hour came forth fingers of a man's hand. 7. Daniel in the Lion's den. By Westall...................Engr. by Chas. Heath. 8. Christ raising the Widow's son. (Front to N. T.) By Westall. Engr. by Chas. Heath. 9. Now Jacob's Well was there. Nos. 2, 3, 6 and 9 are on wood. 3. HOLY BIBLE: With Canne's Marginal References, I An Index, i also i References and a Key sheet of Questions, geographical, historical, doctrinal, practical, and experimental; accompanied with valuable chronologi- I cal Harmonies of both Testaments, and highly useful Tables of Scripture Names, Scripture Geography, I Scripture Chronology, Scripture References, &c. The whole designed to facilitate the acquisition of.Scriptural Knowledge in Bible Classes, Sunday Schools, Common Schools, and private Families. I By Hervey Wilbur, A. M. I The Text corrected according to the Standard i of the I American Bible Society. I Stereotyped by James Conner, New-York. I:NewYork: j Printed and published by Henry C. Sleight, 142 Nassau street. I Sold by —John F. Haven, J. Leavitt, G. & C. Carvill, E. Bliss, White, Gallaher & VWhite, Collins & Hannay, S. Wood & Sons, Collins & Co., G. Long, E. Duyckinck, i and W. B. Gilley, New York —Central Sabbath School Union, Albany-Hastings & Tracy, and W. Williams, Utica-E. Peck & Co., Rochester-American Sunday I School Union, and Towar & Hogan, Philadelphia-Plaskitt & Co., and Cushing & Jewitt, BaltimoreHilliard, Gray & Co., Crocker & Brewster, Lincoln & Ed- munds, (sic) and Benjamin Perkins & Co., Boston —H. Howe, New Haven-Robinson & Co., Hartford-Shirley & Hyde, and James Adams, Jun., Portland-Child I & Co., Portsmouth-Whipple & Lawrence, Salem-W. Bigelow, Brooklyn, (N. Y.) 1 1828. 1 (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, Copyright, dated 18th August, 1825, Massachusetts; List of Books, including Apocrypha, which is not in this copy; below, IHints. Pref. to Reference Bible, 1 p.; To the Reader; Remarks and Key, 1 p.; verso, Guide to a regular perusal of the Holy Scriptures, by Wm. Stones, and Proper Lessons; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 5-527; sigs. 2 to recto of 1322 in 2s, and A3 to recto of 3U4 in 4s; on verso of p. 527, Stones' Guide, &c., repeated; Fam. Rec., 2 ff.; Title to N. Test., -1828.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 189 same imprint, 1 p.; verso, Remarks and Key repeated; Texts: Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-168; sigs. 133 to verso of 1742 in 2s; and 3X to verso of 4S4 in 4s; Index and Tables, pp. 1-10, sigs. 177 to 1791 in 2s, and 4U, 4X1; Title to Useful Tables, Imprint, as above, 1 p.; verso, Walker's Key to Accents; Text: pp. 13-31; p. 32, Key and Remarks, repeated; sigs. 1792 to verso of 1842, and 4X2 to 4Z4; 4 Maps. The Text is not precisely according to the standard set forth on the Title page, for 1 Tim. 4: 16 reads: Take heed unto thyself and unto thy doctrine. This error having been discovered, is avoided in the 12mo. editions of Wilbur's Reference Bible. 4. HOLY BIBLE: With I Canne's Marginal References. I Also I An Index, I A Table of Texts, j and what has never before been added, I An Account of I The Lives and Martyrdom of the Apostles and Evangelists. J With Plates. j The Text corrected according to the Standard I of the American Bible Society. I Stereotyped by James Conner, New York. I 3rattleborougl], Ft. I Printed and published by Holbrook and Fessenden 1 1828. 1 (L.) 4. This volume is accompanied by 9 large Woodcuts. The Text is printed from the same plates as Wilbur's Reference Bible, immediately preceding. Mr. Kendall says that it was the second quarto Bible printed in Vermont. The error in 1 Tim. 4: 16, noticed above, is continued. 5. HOLY BIBLE: With (Canned'6 Marginal Notes anb Refferences, Index, Tables, &c. Cooperstown, (N. Y.) Stereotyped, printed and published by H. & E. Phinney, and sold by them at their Book-store, and by Booksellers generally in the United States. 1828. (L.) 4. 2 Woodcuts; no Apoc. See supra, 1822, for the first edition. 6. HOLY BIBLE: WVith I Marginal Notes and References. To which are added, I An Index; i An Alphabetical Table of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations; I Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures and Coins. I John Brown's Concordance, &c., &c. I Embellished with Maps and Historical Engravings. I Philadelphia: I McCarty & Davis, No. 171 Market-street. I. Ashmead & Co., Printers. 1 1828. 1 (J. G. S.) 4. This is Carey's 4to Bible of 1812, with new Title pages, Fletcher's Concise View being omitted. Leviticus, 19: 12 is incorrect. Esther, 1: 8, correct. The engravings are: 1. Journeyings of the Children of Israel. 2. Dresses of the High Priests. 190 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8283. Marriage of Boaz and Ruth. 4. Judgment of Solomon. 5. Jeremiah taken from the dungeon of Ebedmelech. 6. John baptizing Jesus. 7. Our Savior and his Apostles in the storm. 8. The sick cured by the Shadow of Peter. 9. The Dragon chained. The names of the engravers are erased from the plates, except No. 1, which has J. Bower, and No. 9, which has J. L. Frederick. 7. HOLY BIBLE, translated from the Latin Vulgat: With Annotations, References, &c. Philadelphia: Published by Eugene Cunmiskey. Stereotyped by J. 1owe. 1828. 8. The Bible of 1824, with new Title pages. Edition consisted of 550 copies. 8. HOLY BIBLE: Printed for the Bible Society by the American Sunday School Union. Philadelphia. 1828. (Am. Bib. Soc. Cat.) 12. 9. HoLY BIBLE: Brattleborough, Vt. Printed and Published by Holbrook and Fessenden, 1828. (L.) 12. A reissue of No. 12, of 1827, which see. The error at the top of the page at Gen. Chap. XXXVII, is continued. 10. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotype Edition. New York: Stereotyped by James Conner, for the American Bible Society. 1828. 12. Pp. 486, 162. 11. HOLY BIBLE: New York: Published by the American Bible Society. Stereotyped by E. & J. White. 1828. 12. 41st edition, pp. 832 and 254. 12. HoLY BIBLE: New York: Stereotyped by A. Chandler for the American Bible Society. 1828. Nonpareil 12. 13. HOLY BIBLE: New York Stereotype Edition. NewYork: Stereotyped by E. & J. White, for the Auxiliary New York Bible and Common Prayer Society. Instituted in 1816. 1828. 12. -1828.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 191 14. HOLY BIBLE: Published by the Methodist Book Concern. TNew York: 1828. 12. 15. HOLY BIBLE: Hartford: Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. 1828. (B.) 12. See 1809. 16. THIE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing the j Old and New Testaments: I Translated out of the original tongues, I and with I the former translations I diligently compared and revised.! Hartfordl: I Published by Hudson and Skinner. 1 1828. 1 (B.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Names and Order, 1 f.; verso, blank; no paging; "End of Old Testament." On verso of last leaf, Table of Kindred and Affinity, and Table of Time, &c. Title to N. Testament, same date; " End of the New Testament." On verso of last leaf, "A Table of Offices," &c.; Finis. 17. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by J. Howe... Philadelphia. Hartford: Published by Silas Andrus. Sold also by the Booksellers generally. 1828. (L.) 12. The same as No. 13 of 1827, less the Psalms in metre. 2 engravings: David playing on the Harp, and Moses receiving the Law. C. Pelton, sc. 18. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by B. and J. Collins, New York. Hartford: Published by Silas Andrus. 1828. (L.) 24. With Dr. Witherspoon's Preface to Collins's Bible. Text: pp. 690, 210. Engraved Front. and Title. 1 Tim. 4: 16, "thy doctrine." 19. THE I HOLYBIBLE, I containingI The Old Testament I and The New; I Translated out of I g1e O(riginal Tongues, I and with the I former Translations diligently I compared and revised. I Stereotyped by J. Howe, Philadelphia. } New York: I Published by Daniel D. Smith, I No. 190 Greenwich St. 1 1828. 1 (L.) 24. Title, 1 p.; verso, Names and Order of the Books; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. (3) to (615); 616, blank; New Test. title, same imprint, 1 p.; verso, Books of the N. T.; Text: (3) lo (192); sigs. in 6s. The text of this edition is printed in two columns, but in paragraphs, each paragraph embracing several verses, numbered as usual. There is an engraved Title and Front. to each Test. 192 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I 8281. THE I NEW TESTAMENT I in the I Common Version, I conformed to I Oriesbar'1 6tanbarb Text. I Boston: I Press of the Boston Daily Advertiser. I William L. Lewis, Printer. 1828. 1 (Ilarv. Univ.; N. Y. State Lib.; L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, Certificate of Copyright, dated 7th July, 1828. Advertisement (by the Editor), pp. 3-8; Text: Mat. to end of Acts (not paged), sigs. A to verso of EE3 in 4s; Romans to Rev., sigs. 1 to verso of 213 in 4s; last leaf of sig. blank. JOHN GORHAM PALFREY, afterwards Dexter professor of Sacred Literature in Harvard, is the editor of this volume. He has exactly reprinted the common version, except in places where the Greek text, from which that version was made, is now understood to have been faulty. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: Philadelphia: Towar & Hogan, 255 Market Street. 1828. 8. 3. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotyped by L. Johnson. Philadelphia: American Sunday School Union, No. 146 Chesnut street. 1828. (L.) 12. 4. NEW TESTAMENT: Twelfth Edition. With References and a Key sheet of questions, &c., for Bible Classes, &c. By Hervey Wilbur. Amherst, Mass.: Published by J. S. & C. Adams. 1828. - (L.) 12. 5. NEW TESTAMENT; I Stereotyped by Hammond Wallis, New York. i Windsor, (Vt.) I Printed and sold by Simeon Ide. i 1828. 1 (Harvard Univ.) 12. Same as the ed. No. 3, of 1826; pp. 372. 6. NEw TESTAMENT: Stereotype edition. New York. Stereotyped by James Conner for " The American Bible Society." 1828. 12. D. Fanshaw, printer. 3.1st ed. 7. NEW TESTAMENT::New t ork: Published by Henry C. Sleight, 142 Nassau street. 1828. 12. With Bible of 1829. 8. PRONOUNCING TESTAMENT: Boston: Printed and Published by Lincoln & Edmands, No. 53, Cornhill. Sold also by Cushing & Jewett, Baltimore; Abraham Small, Philadel -1828.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 193 phia; John P. Haven, New-York; and by Booksellers generally in the United States. Stereotyped by T. H. & C. Carter, Boston. 1828. (L.) 12. This is another issue of Alger's Testament, already noticed; see No. 4, 1822. 9. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotyped by Baker & Greele, Boston. Boston: Timothy Bedlington; and William Greenough, Lunenburgh. 1828. (Conn. Hist. Soc. Lib.) 18. Pp. 315. See No. 4, of 1827. 10. NEW TESTAMENT, translated from the Latin Vulgat. Philadelphia: Published by Eugene Cummiskey. 1828. 16. Mr. Cummiskey represents the edition to have been 1250 copies. See post p. 199, No. 4 of 1829. 11. NEW TESTAMENT. H. Adams. Philadelphia. 1828. 32. With Tower and Hogan's Bible of 1829. 12. Zas I uReue Zeftament I unfer I ecrrn unb pciTanbe 1 3eftu CY1rifti. I act) ber 1Ueberfet3ung I Soctor Martin Vutter&. I Wit furaem I Snt3alt eine jieben (apitelI, i unb I onUftainbiger Wntveis fung g1eidc)er d)riftftellen. I 1ie aud) I adfer v onnm unb 5etaa giien (piteln unb (RcngeIien. tilabelptia, I eraufgegeben ton 3eorg Q3. 9ent3, 3ud)atntler, I 9ro. 71, in ber 5Re Etraffe. I 1828. 1 Ztecrotgpirt ton 3. onoe. I (Am. Bib. Soc.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, BerqeiCdnijf; llebereictt be6 $nIt)a[t alter 3ificl)er, pp. iii-vi; Text: pp. 7-500; Zer3eid)nifO, pp. 501-504; sigs. 1 (which includes Title and 2 prel. ff.) to verso of 2112 in 12s. 13. THE SACRED WRITINGS Of the Apostles and Evangelists of Jesus Christ, commonly styled. the New Testament. Translated from the Original Greek, by George Campbell, James MacKnight, and Philip Doddridge,.Doctors of the Church of Scotland. With prefaces to the Historical and Epistolary Books, and an Appendix, containing Critical Notes and various Translations of difficult passages. Second Edition. Bethany, Brooke Co., Va. Printed and published by Alexander Campbell. 1828. (N. Y. State Lib.) 12. 25 194 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I829Title, 1 f.; verso, Copyright, dated 3d February, 1826; Gen. Pref., pp. iii-xiv; Pref. to Gospels, pp. xvi-xxiii; Hints to Readers, pp. xxiv-xxx; Introd. to Acts, pp. xxxi-xxxiv; Pref. to Epist., pp. xxxv-xlvii; Pref. hints, pp. xlvii-lix; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 61-389; Appendix, pp. 390-456. ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, the editor and publisher of this Volume was originally a Presbyterian, but withdrew from that Church in 1812, and became a Baptist. He was finally excluded from the fellowship of the Baptist Churches, on account of his peculiar views on Baptismal Regeneration, and founded a religious sect called "Disciples of Christ "-popularly known as Campbellites. Dr. Doddridge was a Congregationalist, not a Presbyterian. 14. A Practical HARMONY of the FoUR GOSPELS, arranged according to the most approved Harmonies, in the words of the authorised Version, and accompanied with Notes. By Joseph Muenscher. Northampton: 1828. 12. Not seen. Mentioned in Doyle's Catalogue. 15. ST. PAUL'S EPISTLE to the Hebrews. A new Translation with a Commentary, by the Rev. Moses Stuart, M. A. Andover, Mass. 1828. 8. 1829. 1. SELF INTERPRETING BIBLE: By the late Rev. John Brown, Minister of the Gospel at Haddington. With Engravings. New York: Printed and published by T. Kinnersley, at the junction of Broadway and the Bowery. And sold by appointed Agents in all the Cities and principal Towns in the United States. 1829. fol. 2. HOLY BIBLE: With Canne's Marginal Notes and References. Together with the Alocrypha. To which are added, An Index: and Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures and Coins. Stereotyped by James Conner, New York. Hartford (Conn.): Printed and published by Silas Andrus. 1829. fol. Title, 1 f.; verso, Order of the Books and Account of the Dates, &c. To the Reader (Dr. Witherspoon's Preface), 1 p.; Account of the Lives, Sufferings, &c., of the Evangelists and Apostles, 1 p.; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 5-555, sigs. 2-139 in 2s; p. 556 blank; Apocrypha, in smaller type, pp. 1-82, sigs. A to Xl; Family Record, 2 if.; New Testament title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-174; sigs. (including -I 829.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 195 Title), 1-441; Index and Table of Measures, pp. 1-11; sigs. A. to C. all in 2s, except X of Apocrypha and 44 of N. T. It contains a frontispiece to each Testament: Jacob and Rachel, engr. by V. Balch; and The Ascension, by J. G. Kellogg. Mr. Conner manufactured the Stereotype plates of this Bible as a speculation. Mr. Andrus purchased them readily for five thousand dollars, the price first asked. It is said to be the first folio ed. of the Bible stereotyped in the United States. N. Y. Printer. 3. HOLY BIBLE: Lunenburgh, Mass.: Published and'sold by Edmund Cushing. 1829. (Mr. IIastie.) 4. Same as No. 2 of 1828. 4. HOLY BIBLE: Cooperstown, (N. Y.) Stereotyped, printed and published by H. & E. Phinney, and sold by them at their Bookstore, and by the Booksellers generally in the United States. 1829. 4. 5. THE I HOLY BIBLE: I Containing the I Old and New Testaments: I Translated out of the original tongues, I and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. 1 with i Canne's Marginal Notes and References. I Together With i theApochrypha. I To which are added I An Index: And an Alphabetical Table of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, I with their significations, also I Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures and Coins. I Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins, New York. I Philadelphia I Published by Kimber & Sharpless, 1 No. 8, South Fourth Street. 1 1829. (G. L.) 4. See No. 1 of 1823. 6. HENRY'S COMMENTARY. Philadelphia: Towar and Hogan. 1829. 8. Stereotype Edition. 3 vols., published in Jan., 1829. Mag. Ref. D. Ch., III, 317. An Edition of Henry's Commentary, edited by Burder and Hughes, was published in Philadelphia, 6 vols. 8vo., in 1828, with a Preface by Dr. A: Alexander. It is called the first American edition in Cat. Sim. Bib. Soc., p. 86. It is probably a reissue of the edition of 1816. See No. 21, supra p. 134. 7. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotype edition. New York: Published by the Auxiliary New York Bible Society and Common Prayer 196 AMERICAN BIBLES. [1829Book Society (instituted in the year 1816), and to be had at their Depository, Protestant Episcopal Press Buildings, No. 46 Lumber-Street, in the rear of Trinity Church. Printed at the New-York Protestant Episcopal Press, No. 8 Rector Street. 1829. 8. 8. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotype edition. New York: Stereotyped by E. & J. White, for the American Bible Society. 1829. (Am. Antiq. Soc.) 8. 34th edition. D. Fanshaw, printer; pp. 3-705 and 215; sigs. in 8s. 9. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotype Edition. New-York: Stereotyped by A. Chandler, For "The American Bible Society." 1829. (L.; G. L.) 12. 10th Edition. D. Fanshaw, Printer. Pp. 824, 251. 10. HOLYBIBLE: Stereotyped I For the AmericanBible Society I by D. & G. Bruce. I D. Fanshaw, Printer. I New York. I 1829. I (L.) 12. [154th Edition;] pp. 837. 11. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotype edition. New York: Stereotyped by James Conner, for the American Bible Society. 1829. 12. 32d Edition; also 42d Edition; pp. 486, 162. D. Fanshaw, Printer. 12. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotype Edition. New York: Printed by D. Fanshaw, for the American Bible Society. 1829. Min. 12. This is the first of the Bible Society's 12mos, with full contents to chapters. 13. SLEIGHT'S EDITION. Holy Bible: Stereotyped by James Conner. New-York: Printed and published by Henry C. Sleight, No. 3 Marble Buildings, Chatham Square. 1829. (L.; B.) 12. On verso of Title, 1st Edition. Names and Order of all the Books, and Table of Time; Text: pp. 3-486; N. Test. title, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: pp. 3-162. Another copy of this Bible has the following Imprint: New York: Printed by Henry C. Sleight, and Published at the American Tract Society's House, No. 142 Nassaul-street. 1829. With New Test., dated 1828. — I829.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 197 14. HOLY BIBLE: Hartford: Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. 1829. (B.) 12. 15. HOLY BIBLE: Hartford: I Published by Hudson and Skinner. J 1829. 1 (L.; B.) 12. This volume is not paged, and has not the Dedication to King James. On verso of title to O. T., The property of in an oblong; Names and Order on recto of 2d leaf; verso, blank; Tables of Kindred and Time on verso of last leaf of O. T., and Table of Offices on verso of last leaf of N. T. Hudson & Goodwin's editions of 1809 and 1810 have the Dedication, filling the whole of recto and part of verso of the leaf following the title; the rest of the verso has Names and Order; Tables on last pp. of O, and N. T., as in 1829. In other respects they seem to agree. In the present Volume 1 Tim. 4: 16 is incorrect. 16. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by J. Howe, Philadelphia. Hartford: Published by Silas Andrus. Sold also by the Booksellers generally. 1829. 12. Text: pp. 655; Cont. 656-681; verso of 681, blank; followed by 1 blank leaf; Psalms in Metre, pp. 661-720; 2 front. to O. T.; several wood cuts in N. T., 2 on a page. 17. HOLYBIBLE: Stereotype Edition. Boston: Publishedby Charles Ewer, No. 141 Washington street. 1829. (L.) 18. Pp. 824 and 251. 18. HOLY BIBLE, containing the Old Testament and the New. Stereotyped by J. Howe, Philad. Philadelphia: Towar & Hogan, 255 Market-St. 1829. 32. Pp. 852, 259. Engraved Titles to O. and N. T., with Imprint: Philadelphia: Published by Henry Adams. 1828. Imprint to New Test.: H. Adams, Philadelphia. 1828. 19. LA I BIBLIA SAGRADA, I a Saber: I El Antiguo y el Nuevo Testamento, I traducidos de la I Vulgata Latina I en Espafiol, I por el Rmo. P. Felipe Scio de S. Miguel, I Obispo electo de Segovia. I Nurca QEbicion, I a costa de la Sociedad Americana de la Biblia, I Jesus respondio: Escudriniad las Escrituras.-S. Juan, Cap. v. Ver. 39. J Nueva-York: Edicion estereotipica por A. Chandler. 1 1829. 1 (L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, Edicion V. Orden de los Libros; D. Fanshaw, Imprimador; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 3-440, then 463-468, 447, 448, 475-592, 567-580, 663-755, 671-684, 198 AMERICAN BIBLES. [i829773-816, 729-744, 837-874, 783; verso, blank; sigs. A2 to Dd in 8s; then Ee in 5s; Gg in 6S; Hh to Oo in 8s; Pp in 12s; followed by Uu to Zz in 8S; then Aaa, which consists of 7 if.; Bbb (not marked); Ccc, Ddd in 8S; Eee in 8S; Fff in 6s (not marked); Ggg in 8s; Hhh in 6s; El I Nuevo Testamento, I traducido de la I Vulgata Latina, l en Espanol, I por el Rmo. P. Felipe scio de S. Miguel, I de las Escuelas pias, Obispo electo de Segovia. I Xureba EDfcion, I a costa de la Sociedad Americana de la Biblia, I Quien la ha htcho cotejar con la que revista y corregida public6 su traductor I el ano de 1797 en Madrid. I Nueva-York: Edicion Esterotipica por A. Chandler. 1 1826. j 1 p.; verso, Orden de los Libros; Text: Mat. to Apocal., pp. 3-251; sigs A2 to recto of Q6, in 8s. There is a double set of sigs. in figures, but these run very irregularly. The irregularity in the paging and signatures of the Old Testament induces us to conclude that that portion of this Bible is made up of odd signatures of different editions. The type of the inserted leaves is greatly spread, or spaced very open. Though this professes to be a Translation from the Latin Vulgate, and therefore a Catholic Bible, it is only just to state that it does not contain the Ist and 2d Books of Maccabees, which accompany all Catholic Bibles, having been inserted in the List of Sacred Books by the Council of Trent. 1. NEW TESTAMENT: Arranged in paragraphs, such as the Sense requires; the division of the chapters and verses being noted in the margin for Reference. By James Nourse, A. M. Vlbilabelpbia: Published by the Sunday School Union. Stereotyped by J. Howe. 1829. (L.) 8. Though this work appeared in 1827 (see supra, p. 186), the copyright and preface to this second edition are dated April, 1829. Two pp. of recommendations of the Plan of the work, dated, mostly, 1826, precede the title. The Text contains pp. 3-272. I Tim. 4: 16 reads: Take heed unto thyself and unto thy doctrine. 2. THE I NEW TESTAMENT I of our j Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I Translated out of the Latin Vulgate; Dilligently compared with the Original Greek; I and first Published By the I English College of Rheines, Anno, 1582. Newly Revised and Corrected according to the Clementine i Edition of the Scriptures; i with Annotations, i to clear up the Principal difficulties of Holy Writ. I As approved by the Right Reverend John Dubois, I Catholic Bishop of New- York. I The Law of the Lord is unspotted, converting souls: the testimony of the Lord is faithful, giving wisdom to little ones.-Ps. xviii, 8. j Stereotype Edition. Utica: I Printed for the Proprietors, by William Williams, No. 60, Genesee Street. I 1829. I (L.; G. L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Approbation dated 7 Sept. 1828; and notice of copyright, dated 13 Sept. 1828; Table of Controversies, 3 pp.; Table of Epistles and Gospels, 3 pp.; Chro -I829.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 199 nol. Table, 3 pp.: Table of Books, 1 p.; 6 if., making, including title, sig. 1; Text; pp. 13-344; sigs. 1 to verso of 294. This is the first Edition of what is called The Devereux Testament, from the fact that the late Nicholas Devereux, Esq., of Utica, owned the stereotype plates from which the volume was printed. An error occurs in James, 5: 17, where the text reads-Elias was a man possible like unto us. 3. NEW TESTAMENT: Translated from the Latin Vulgate. With Annotations, References, and an Historical and Chronological Index. Philadelphia: Published by Eugene Cummiskey. 1829. 12. Not seen. Mr. Cummiskey informed me that the edition of this Testament consisted of 1250 copies. 4. THE I NEW TESTAMENT I Of our I Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I translated from i the Latin Vulgat: I diligently I compared with the Original Greek: and first published by the ] English College at Rhemes, A. D. 1582. 1 With Annotations, References, I and I A Historical and Chronological Index. I From the fifth Dublin Edition. j Newly revised and corrected according to the I Clemnentin Edition of the Scriptures. I Stereotyped by J. Conner, New-York. I Philadelphia: [ Published by Eugene Cummiskey. 1 1829. 1 (Georgetown Coll.; Mount St. Mary's Coll.; G. L.) 16. On the verso of Title is-Published by Permission, The Order of the Books, and Note. Then, Admonition; Letter of Pope Pinus the Sixth, and A Prayer, pp. 3, 4; Text, pp. 5 to one-third of 406; Table of References, remainder of p. 406-409; Table of Epistles and Gospels, pp. 410-412; Subscribers' Names, 1 p.; Cummiskey's Catalogue of Catholic Publications for 1827, 8, 3 pp. Sigs. 1 (including Title and 1 prel. f.) to verso of 1316 in 16s. The size of this Pocket Testament is 41 by 2f inches. The edition consisted of 1250 copies. Each of the Gospels is headed, The Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ, &c., and each of the Books is preceded by a brief account of its author and his work. No headings to columns; brief summaries to chapters. 5. NEW TESTAMENT: With References and a Key sheet of Questions. By Hervey Wilbur, A. M. Belchertow/n: Published by S. Wilson, And sold by the principal Booksellers in the United States. 1829. 12. Stereotyped edition. See 1823. 200 AMERICAN BIBLES. [18296. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotyped by J. Howe, Philadelphia. Hartford: Published by Silas Andrus. Sold also by the Booksellers generally. 1829. (L.) 12. Pp. 503-655; the pagination shows that it is a part of Bible No. 13, 1827. 7. NEW TESTAMENT. New York: Printed by A. Chandler. 1829. (L.) 12. 8. NEW TESTAMENT. Stereotype edition. New York: Stereotyped by A. Chandler & Co., For "The American Bible Society." 1829. (L.) 18. Pp. 352. D. Fanshaw, Printer. 9. NEW TESTAMENT. Stereotype edition. New York: Stereotyped by James Conner, For "The American Bible Society." 1829. 18. 52d Edition; pp. 237. D. Fanshaw, Printer. 10. NEW TESTAMENT: Elizabethtown, (N. J.) Printed and published by J. Sanderson. 1829. (L.) 18. Pp. 330. Lives, Sufferings and Martyrdom of the Apostles and Evangelists, pp. 331-335; verso, Table of Kindred. 11. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotyped by James Conner, NewYork. Philadelphia: Printed and published by Daniel Neall. 1829. (L.) 18. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Text: pp. 3-226; sigs. in 6s; in the head line on p. 3 the words: The Gospel according, are out. 12. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotyped by James Conner, NewYork. Concord, (N. H.) Printed and published by Horatio Hill & Co. n. d. 18. Same as No. 11, immediately preceding, except the Imprint and verso of title, which has Order of the Books. The head line of p. 3 is perfect. 13. THE I MONOTESSARON: I or I the Gospel History I according to I The Four Evangelists: Harmonized and Chronologically arranged j in a lNew Translation From the Greek Text of Griesbach. I Illustrated by selections from -1829.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 201 the most eminent Commentators, An I cient and Modern, and by a great variety of original Notes I and Dissertations, exhibiting the latest improvements I in Biblical science and criticism. I By the Rev. John S. Thompson of the Universities of Glascow and Edinburgh, Professor of Languages and "Systematical Theology." i The Holy Scriptures are able to make thee wise unto salvation through Faith in Christ Jesus.-2 Tim. ii, 15. 1 How can I understand unless some one guide me?-Acts viii, 31. I The unlearned wrest the Scripture to their own destruction.- 2 Peter iii, 16. 1 Baltimore: I Printed for the Author. 1 1829. 1 (G. L.) 8. Pp. 408. Mr. Thompson was pastor of the Universalist Church in Charlestown, Massachusetts.... His opinions are what are usually called Arian. Magazine of the Reformed Dutch Church, IV. 151, 152. 14. ANNOTATIONS I on the I New Testament: I Compiled from the best critical Authorities, I and designed for popular use. I By J. P. Dabney. I Part I. I The Historical Books. 1 Cambridge: i Hilliard and Brown. 1 1829. 1 (L.) 12. On verso of Title, Certificate of Copyright, dated 10th August, 1829; Preface, pp. iii-viii; Table of Works used in this publication, pp. ix-x; Table of Contractions, 1 p.; Errata, 1 p.; Text: pp. 1-560; sigs. in 6s; p. 13 is marked 12. In the copy before us p. 80 terminates on verso of sig. 76 with the Annotation on v. 43 of Mark xv; the next p. is marked 85 and begins on recto of 81 with the words, Since the world began, Luke 1: 70. Though the sigs. are perfect, 4 pp. seem to be wanting. 15. NE Raorihwadogenti ne Shonwayaner Yesus IKeristus Jenihorihoten ne Royatadogenti Mark &c. New York: Printed by McElrath and Bangs for the New York District Bible Society. 1829. 12. Pp. 239. This is a reprint of Brant's Translation of the Gospel of St. Mark into the Mohawk language, published in 1787, by the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts. 16. NE I Hoiwiyosdosheh Noyohdadogehdih I ne I Saint Luke, i nenonodowohga nigawenohdah. i New-York: I Printed for the American Bible Society. I D. Fanshaw, Printer.! 1829. 1 18. 26 202 AMERICAN BIBLES. [1830Opposite title: The Gospel I according to Saint Luke, I translated I into the Seneca Tongue, I By T. S. Harris. I Imprint as above. The English text in this version is on the right hand page. 17. CHRIST'S SERMON ON THE MOUNT: In the Seneca Tongue. New-York: American Bible Society. 1829. 18. 1830. 1. HOLY BIBLE: Cooperstown, N. Y. Stereotyped, printed and published by H. & E. Phinney, and sold by them at their Bookstore and by the Booksellers generally, in the United States. 1830. 4. Same as edition of 1822. New Test. Title dated 1829. 2. THE I-HOLY BIBLE, I containing The Old and New Testaments; Translated I out of the Original Tongues I And with I The former Translations diligently Compared and Revised. I Stereotyped by L. Johnson, Philadelphia. I Vjilabeltpbia: I Towar & Hogan, No. 255 Market street. i New York-John P. Haven; Boston-Pierce & Williams; Charleston, (S. C.) I Ebenezer Thayer; I Pittsburgh — Robert Patterson and John D. Davis; Cincinnati-N. & G. Guilford. I 1830. 1 (L.; Friends' Assoc., Phil.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, The Names and Orders of all the Books of the 0. and N. T. and the Apoc., &c.; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 3-750; sig. A2 to verso of 5B3 in 4s; 1 f. blank, to complete the sig.; Fam. Rec., 4 if. The I New Testament I of our j Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ I Translated I out of the original Greek: I And with j The former Translations diligently compared and Revised. I Stereotyped by L. Johnson, Philadelphia. I 3otlatleltia: I Published ani sold by Towar & Hogan, I No. 255 Market street. I 1828. I 1 p.; verso, The Names and Order of all the Books; Text: Mat. to Rev., p. 3-238; sigs. A2 to verso of Gg3; 1 f. blank; I A Brief X Concordance I to the Holy Scripture I of the I Old and New Testaments: I By which I All, or Most, of the Principal texts of Scripture may be easily found out. I By John Brown, I late.Minister of the Gospel at Haddington, in Scotland. I Search the Scriptures: for they testify of me.-John, V, 39. The Bereans were more noble-in that they searched the I Scriptures daily.-Acts, XVII, 11. I Revised and Corrected. j Philadelphia: ] Published by Towar and Hogan, No. 255 Market-street. I Stereotyped by L. Johnson. 1830. 1 verso, To the Reader; Text: pp. 3-85 recto; sig. A3 to S2; sigs. in 4s. This edition has also been published without Concordance. -1830.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 203 3. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by L. Johnson, Philadelphia. it!ilabelpplia: Towar, J. & D. M. Hogan; and Hogan & Co. Pittsburgh. C. Sherman & Co., Printers. 1830. (L.; Friends' Assoc., Phil.) 8. From the same plates as No. 1, but the imprint on the title to the N. Test. agrees with the above. This also has been issued less the Concordance. 4. LA BIBLIA SAGRADA, I a saber: I El Antiguo y el Nuevo Testamento, i traducidos de la I Vulgata Latina I en Espahol, i por el Rmo. P. Felipe Scio de S. Miguel, I Obispo electo de Segovia. i NueDa (Qbicion, I a costa de la Sociedad Americana de la Biblia, I Jesus respondio': Escudriniad las Escrituras. I S. Juan, Cap. v, Ver. 39. 1 Nueva-York: Edicion estereotipica por A. Chandler. 1 1830. (L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, Edicion V; Orden de los Libros; D. Fanshaw, Imprimador; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 3-783; Title to New Test., same imprint, 1 p.; verso, Orden de los Libros; Text: Mat. to Apocal., pp. 3-261. The 1st and 2d Books of Maccabees are omitted also in this edition. 5. HOLY BIBLE: New York. Published by the American Bible Society. 1830. Brevier 8. From stereotype plates obtained from the Baltimore Bible Society. Rev. Dr. Brigham. 6. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by Baker and Greele, For The American Bible Society. New York. 1830. (Am. Bib. Soc. Cat.) 8. 7. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotype Edition. New York: Stereotyped by A. Chandler for the American Bible Society. 1830. (L.) Nonpareil 12. 96th and 100th editions. D. Fanshaw, Printer. Pp. 669; short heading to columns and chapters. 8. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Published by George W. Mentz & Son, No. 53 North Third Street. 1830. (L.) 12. This appears to be Carey's 12mo. Bible of 1818, with the imprints only changed. 204 AMERICAN BIBLES. [18309. Zie 8ibel, I ober I ~ie an~e j. feilee (drift I be I WIten unb 9euen I ZeftnamentW. I [ad) Dr. Martin VutIterW Ueberfetdung. I Text of Joshua 1: 8. 1 itila'eItptia, I eraufggeben ton 5eorg 3. 9entj unb t0n, 3uIanctfer, I ro. 53, in ber 1orb.-Zrit; tenftrafTe. 1,1830. 1 EtereotAppirt ton 3, &owe, titabeltia. I (Am. Bib. Soc.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, 3er3eidl),if[; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 3-900; sigs. 12 to verso of 756; tab I 9eue Zeftaineut I tln, I Afererr unb eilanbea I iSefit Ctrifti. I 9ac~ Tr. Vartin Mutf)ers lleberet3ulng, I Vignette of the Savior praying, beneath which the words, Uinfer S3ater ill nimnte. I $1)iabelpl)ia, I ~eraufgegeben bon Beorg B. 9e3ltl umb eof)n, fuc~anbler, I 9ro. 53, in ber %orbt-rittenttraffe. 1 1830. 1 atereottpirt ton S. dome, 3()ilabe1pf)ia. I 1 p.; verso, $er3einij[; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-308; ~nwoei. Sung, pp. 309-311; sigs. 12 to recto of 266; sigs. in 6s. 10. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotype Edition. Stereotyped by B. and J. Collins, New-York. Boston: Richardson, Lord and Holbrook. 1830. (B.; Harvard Univ.) 12. Title, 1 f.; prel. matter (containing Account of dates, &c., and on reverse Names and Order of books, &c.), "Old Testament," p. 5, a. 3, to p. 605, The End of the Prophets; on the reverse of last leaf Table of Measures, &c. New Testament, p. 609 to 792, Finis. No catchwords. 11. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotype edition. Claremont Manufacturing Company's Power Press; Claremont, New Hampshire. n. d. 12. Gen. to Mal., pp. 3-486; sigs. A to X3; N. T., pp. 3-162; sig. X* to 2D12. 12. HOLY BIBLE: Hartford: Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. 1830. (B.) 12. 13. HOLY BIBLE: Hartford: Hudson and Skinner. 1830. (B.) 12. See No. 15 of 1829. 14. HOLY BIBLE: containing the Old Testament and the New; translated out of Zl~e Original Tongues, and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. Stereotyped by J. Howe... Philad. Hartford, Ct. Published by Silas Andrus. 1830. 24. Engraved Frontisp. and 2 plates-Manoah's Sacrifice; engr. by J. G. Kellogg; and Samson betrayed by Delilah (on steel), and the following on wood: Adam and Eve -1830.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 205 driven out of Paradise; Murder of Abel; Noah leaving the Ark; Hagar in the Desert; Joseph cast into a Pit; The Return of the Spies; The fall of Jericho; Samson killing the Lion; Death of Samson, Elijah and the Prophets of Baal; The Man of Sorrows; Jonah thrown ashore,-in the 0. Test. The Flight into Egypt; Simon and Andrew called,-in the New Test. Title. 1 f.; verso, blank; Contents, pp. 3-10; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 11-729; Mat. to Rev., 3-222. 15. HOLY BIBLE: Woodstock, Vt. R. Colton & G. W. Seeley. 1830. (G. L.) 24. 1. NEW TESTAMENT: Philadelphia: McCarty & Davis. 1830. 4. With Bible of 1831. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotyped by H. & H. Wallis, NewYork. I Philadelphia: Printed and published by Wm. F. Geddes. I At the Office of the Philadelphian, 59 Locust street. 1 1830. 1 (L.) 12. Pp. 201; Brief headings to chapters. 3. )a~ I teue;effament I unferW I errn unb teiilanbe I Sefu Girifti. I 1acd) er Ueberfetaung I Zoctor Martin tutI)er, I lit furlem I 3ntatt eine jieben 0(apiteI, I unb I ovtftrinbiger WInweei fung gtei)er Zd)riftfteffen, I Qie aud) I afer ~onn;f unb &e&tax gigen 1 piftefn unb mangetie/n. ] itcabelpIia, I $eraufgegeFen ton (9eorg W~. Venqt, tud)yanuber, I 9ro. 71, in ber 9etEZtraffe. I 1830. 1 ~tereotpirt Don 3. $oOe. I (Am. Bib. Soc.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, %erqei4dniif; UIeberficft beW Snl)a1t after /iicer, pp. iii-vi; Text: pp. 7-500; 3erqeifnif%, pp. 501-504; sigs. 1 (which includes Title and 2 prel. ff.) to verso of 2112 in 128. 4. PRONOUNCING TESTAMENT: Boeton': I Printed and Published by Lincoln & Edmands, No. 53, Cornhill. I Sold also by Cushing & Jewett, Baltimore; Abraham Small, Philadelphia; John P. Haven, I New-York; and by Booksellers generally in the United States. I Stereotyped by T.. C. Carter, Boston. 1 1830. 1 (L.) 12. See No. 4 of 1822, suspr&, p. 159. 5. THE I NEW TESTAMENT I in the I Common Version, j conformed to i (riebacll's tanbarb Oreek &eet. I Third Edition. I Boston: I Gray and Bowen. 1 1830. 1 (L.; G. L.) 12. 206 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I830Title, 1 f.; verso, Certificate of Copyright, dated 7th July, 1828. Preface, pp. iii-viii; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 9-491; sigs. 1 to verso of 416 in 6s. See No. 1 of 1828. Supra, p. 192. 6. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: Stereotyped for the American Bible Society. 1830. Long Primer 12. 7. NEW TESTAMENT: New-York: Stereotyped by James Conner For the American Bible Society. 1830. Nonpareil 18. 8. THE SACRED WRITINGS I of the I Apostles and Evangelists I of I Jesus Christ, I Commonly Styled the I New Testament. j Translated from the I Original Greek, I by Doctors George Campbell, James Macknight, and I Philip Doddridge, &c. I By A. Campbell. j Second Edition. I Bethany, Virginia. 1 1830. 1 12. For the character of this work, see p. 194. 9. THE I GOSPEL OF ST. JOHN, I in Greek and English, I interlined and literally translated;! with a transposition of the words into their due Order I of Construction; I and A Dictionary, I defining and parsing them; principally designed for the use of Schools. i By E. Friederici. I New York: I Published for the Author, by G. F. Bunce, 1 224 Cherry-street. 1 1830. 1 (L.) 12. 10. AMANUAL. I The i ApostolicEpistles; I withAmendments in conformity to j the Dutch Version. New York: I Published by the Translator. I Sold by Booksellers generally. ] 1830. (L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; paged at foot 189 to 296. Signatures in 6s, commence on 3d folio, or page 193, with R, and run to Bb 4 leaves. Without note or comment. Size of page, about 64 by 33 inches over all headings and sigs. This translation is from the pen of the late Judge BENSON, whose principal object was to give the proper translation of the words charity and bishop, in accordance witlh the Dutch Version. This he does by substituting love for charity, and overseer for bishop wherever they occur. The pagination and signatures probably agreed with those of some copy of the Testament in general use, as the Judge did not extend his translation any further. J. Carson Brevoort. -1831.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 207 1831. 1. HOLY BIBLE: Together with the I Apocrypha: I Translated out of the Original Tongues, I and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised, I By the Special Command of His Majesty King James I. of England. I With marginal Notes and References. I To which are added ] An Index; I An Alphabetical Table of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their significations; I Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures, and Coins. j Embellished with Maps and Historical Engravings. I Philadelphia I McCarty & Davis-No. 171 Market Street. j I. Ashmead & Co., Printers 1 1831. I (L.) 4. From the plates of Carey's 4to Bible of 1812, Fletcher's Concise View being omitted; Leviticus 19:12 is incorrect; Esther 1: 8 correct. (See No. 6 of 1828.) The New Test. is dated 1830, and The Psalms in Metre, without a separate Title, are at the end of the vol. Pp. 1-24. Engr. Front. to 0. T. Marriage of Boaz and Ruth; all the other engravings are on wood. 2. HOLY BIBLE: with Canne's Marginal Nofes and References, Apocrypha, Index, Tables of Names, Weights, Measures and Coins. Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins. Boston: Published by Langdon Coffin, 31 Washington Street. 1831. (L.) 4. This volume agrees with Collins & Co.'s 4to edition of 1821, q. v. for collation; and is, we presume, from the same stereotype plates. It contains Brown's Concordance, stereotyped by B. & J. Collins, with Imprint as above, but dated 1830. The printed title to the vol. is preceded by an engraved frontispiece, " The Creation," with a partially cancelled inscription, of which these words only are legible: "Engraved for & Co.'s Edition 1825;" and an engraved (inserted) Title page: The I Holy Bible i containing the I Old and New Testaments I ornamented with engravings. I (above a circular engraving) Our Saviour washing his disciples' feet; John xiii, 8, 10. The two upper corners of the page contains drapery, in festoons; the lower right hand corner, a Censor and the Tables of the Law; the lower left hand corner, a Cross, Cup, Crown of Thorns and two Nails; all the foregoing is included within an engraved square, outside of which at the bottom is the inscription, Our Saviour, &c., and — Boston Edition, Published by Langdon Coffin. Engraved by J. B. Neagle. The volume is further embellished with the following wood cuts: 1, Elijah and the Angel; 2, Nehemiah; 3, In the Same Hour, Dan. 5: 5; 4, Daniel in the Lion's Den (Northcote's design); 5, The Repentance of Judas; 6, Good Samaritan; 7, The Resurrection; 8, Touch me not; and an engraved front. to N. Test.: 208 AMERICAN BIBLES. [183IThe Plague of Blood, in an ornamental frame, with the Tables of the Law, above. This is an old engraving by Neagle (but without his name), and is from the Old Testament. See No. 1 of 1822, supra, p. 156. 1 Tim., 4:16, is incorrect. 3. HOLY BIBLE: with Marginal Notes, Apocrypha, Index, &c. Lunenburg, Mass. Published and Sold by Edmund Cushing. 1831. 4. Engraved front. to Old Test., Abraham's Servant meeting Rebekah; and several illustrations, all on wood. See No. 2, 1828. 4. HOLY BIBLE: Cooperstown (N. Y.), stereotyped, printed and published by H. & E. Phinney, and sold by them at their Bookstore, and by the Booksellers generally in the United States. 1831. 4. 5. HOLY BIBLE, translated from the Latin Vulgat: with Annotations, References, Index, &c. Philadelphia: Published by Eugene Cummiskey. Stereotyped by J. Howe. 1831. 8. This edition consisted of 500 copies. It is from the plates of 1824. 6. HOLY BIBLE: With References. Stereotype edition. I Philadelphia: j Published by I The Bible Association of Friends in America. 1831. (L.) 8. Pp. 1061; verso of 1061, Table of Offices (Bagster's), pp. i-xxxiii; verso, blank; Table of Scripture Measures, Weights, and Greek Money reduced to Federal Money, and Time, 1 p.; verso blank, followed by a blank leaf; Title to Concordance (no imprint), 1 p.; verso, To the Reader; Text, pp. 3-92. 7. HOLY BIBLE (Scott's): From the 5th London edition. 6 vols. Boston: 1830-1831. (Brown Univ.) 8. 8. HOLY BIBLE: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. Boston: Published by Gray and Bowen. 1831. (L.) 8. On verso of Title: Boston Press. Francis Jenks, Proprietor —Stephen Foster, Printer. Then, Contents of Vol. I, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Gen. to Psalms, pp. 1915; sigs. 1 to recto of 1152; 2d Vol., Title and Imprint as above, except, Vol. II, verso, as above; Contents of Vol. II, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Proverbs to Mal., pp 1-400; The New Testament, &c. (Mock Title, no imprint), 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 403-805; sigs. 1* to recto of 101*3; all in 4s. Front. to Vol. I, Garden of Eden (from the original painting by Thomas Cole, engraved by James Smillie; Front. to Vol. II, Mary Magdalen Reading the Scriptures (Corregio), engraved by Geo. W. Hatch. -183I.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 209 9. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotype edition. I Stereotyped by T. Rutt, London. I And printed j for the American Bible Society, ] By D. Fanshaw, Printer, Nrew York. 1831. 1 (L.) 8. 5th edition, pp. 968. The stereotype plates of this edition were cast in London, and bought from the Baltimore Bible Society. It was the first 8vo Bible printed by the Society with headings to columns and full contents to chapters. It also shows the amendments made by collations since 1816. See No. 12, p. 196. 10. IIOLY BIBLE: 37th Edition. New York: Stereotyped by E. & J. White for the American Bible Society. 1831. (L.) 8. Headings to columns; but no contents to chapters. 11. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotype edition. New-York: Printed by D. Fanshaw, for the American Bible Society. 1831. Nonp. 12. 112th edition, pp. 660. Headings to columns and chapters. 12. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotype Edition. New York: Printed by D. Fanshaw, for the American Bible Society. 1831. Min. 12. 18th edition, pp. 852. Brief headings to columns; contents to each chapter. 13. HOLY BIBLE: New York: Published by the Auxiliary New York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society Depository. No. 46, Lumber Street. 1831. 12. 14. THE ENGLISH VERSION of the POLYGLOTT BIBLE: With the Marginal readings: Together with a Copious and Original Selection of References to parallel and illustrative Passages. Exhibited in a manner hitherto unattempted. Stereotyped by L. Johnson. Philadelphia: Published by Key & Meilke, No. 181 Market Street. 1831. (L.) 12. With Preface to the English version signed E. CA. pp. iii-viii; Text: pp. 587, 190; engraved front. and Titles to both Testaments. 15. HOLY BIBLE: jllilabhelpiia: Published by G. W. Mentz & Son, No. 53 North 3d St. Stereotyped by L. Johnson, 1831. (L.) 12. Pp. 599, 1,179. 27 210 AMERICAN BIBLES. [r83I16. HOLY BIBLE, containing the Old Testament and the New. Stereotyped by J. Howe, Philadelphia. Pittsburgh: Published by H. Holdship & Son. J. B. Butler, Print. 1831. 12. Pp. 743, 238; with Psalms in Metre. 17. HOLY BIBLE: (Boston stereotype edition.) Boston: Published by Waitt and Dow, and Sold at their Bookstore in Charlestown, Mass., and by Lincoln & Edmands, 59 Washington Street. MD.CCC.XXXI. (L.) 12. Pp. 426, 162; 2 small woodcuts on 1 p. to the 0. T., and 2 also on 1 p. to N. T. 18. HOLY BIBLE: Boston, Mass. Printed and Published by George Clark. 1831. (L.) 12. Same as the Brattleboro' Bible, No. 12, 1827. See Remarks to that edition. 19. HOLY BIBLE: Hartford: Hudson & Skinner. 1831. (B.) 12. See No. 15 of 1829. 20. HOLY BIBLE: Hartford: Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. 1831. (B.) 12. 21. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by J. Howe, Philadelphia. Hartford: Published by Silas Andrus, Sold also by the Booksellers generally. 1831. (L.) 12. Pp. 655; 2 plates, and 24 woodcuts arranged on 12 leaves. 22. HOLY BIBLE: Concord, N. H. Published by Moses G. Atwood. 1831. (L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso blank; Account of Dates, 1 p.; verso Names of Books; Gen. to Mal.. pp. 5-605; sig. As to recto of CC3; verso, blank; recto of next leaf, blank; verso, Tables of Measures, Weights, Money and Time; no title to New Test.; Mat. to Rev., pp. 509-792; sigs. Cc5 to verso of Kk12. This is a wretchedly printed book. The text is from the same plates as Websters & Skinners' Albany edition of 1817. 1 Tim. 4:16 is incorrect. 1. NEw TESTAMENT: Translated from the Latin Vulgat: Philadelphia; Published by Eugene Cummiskey. 1831. 8. This is the New Testament part of the Cummiskey Bible of 1824, published separately. Edition 500 copies. — 1831.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 211 2. NEW TESTAMENT: Published by the Association of Friends in America. Philadelphia: 1831. 8. 3. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotype edition. Boston, Published by Stimpson and Clapp. 1831. (L.) 8. This is a reissue of the paragraph Testament, No. 1 of 1827, with a new Title page. See supra, p. 185. 4. THE I NEW TESTAMENT i of our i Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I translated from the f Latin Vulgate. I Diligently compared with the Original Greek: I First published by the English College at Rheims, A. D. 1 1582: 1 With Annotations, References, and an Historical I and Chronological Index. I F. L. I in ornamented or fancy letters. Baltimore: I Published by Fielding Lucas, Jr. No. 138, Market Street. n. d. (L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Approbation, signed JAMES, Archbishop of Baltimore. A Prayer; The Books of the New Testament; Text: pp. 13-344; sigs. 2 to verso of 294 in 6s; Table of References, pp. 345-347; Tables of Epistles and Gospels, pp. 348-350; a Chronological Table, pp. 351-353; sigs. 12 to recto of 16, verso, blank. Mr. Cummiskey informs me that he sold the plates of his 12mo Testament (See supra, p. 199), to Mr. Lucas, in 1830 or 1831. I have not been able to find a copy of the Cummiskey 12mo, and am therefore unable to say how far that volume agrees with this; but on comparing it with the Devereux Testament of 1829 (supra, p. 198). the text of both appears to be identical; even the error in James, 5:17, is common to one and the other. The preliminary matter of the Devereux Testament, included on pp. ii-xi, is, in the Lucas edition, transferred to the end of the volume, where the " Table of Controversies " is entitled " Table of References." In consequence of this transfer, pp. iii-xii, are not enumerated in the Lucas Testament before the text, which begins immediately after the Title leaf and abruptly with p. 13. If, as is represented, this volume is printed from the plates of Cummiskey's 12mo Testament, then it and the Devereux Testament are from duplicate plates manufactured by James Conner, N. Y. 5. THE I NEW TESTAMENT I of our I Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; i Translated out of the I Original Greek, and with the former Translations I diligently compared and revised. I To which are added I Explanatory Notes; j embracing A Historical and Geographical Account of the Places mentioned in I the New Testament; and Biographical Notices of Individu- i als; also Definitions of Terms, References, &c. I With an Outline of Jewish History; I and a I Histo 212 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I83Irical and Geographical Sketch of I Palestine. I Prepared for the Instruction of Youth. I (Vignette.) The Last Supper. I Whoso readeth let him understand. I By J. Olney, i Author of a " Practical System of Geography," "National Preceptor," &c. I Hartford: I Published by Silas Andrus. i 1831. 1 (L.) 12. Pp. 378. Map of Palestine; Map of the places mentioned in the New Testament. 6. NEW TESTAMENT: By J. Olney, author &c. Published by I Silas Andrus, Hartford, Conn.-Luke Loomis & Co., Pittsburg, Penn.- I A. B. Roff, Cincinnati, Ohio.- I J. S. Kellogg, Mobile, Ala. 11831. 1 (L.) 12. 2 Maps. In all respects the same as the preceding, except the Imprint. 7. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotype edition. Stereotyped by James Conner, New York. Pittsburgh, Pa. Published by Luke Loomis & Co. Wood street. Sixth Edition. 1831. 12. Verso of Title, Order of the Books; Text: pp. 3-226; Catalogue of Proper Names, 3 pp., the last two of which are marked 53, 54 at top; Contents, 3 pp.; the last two marked 61, 62 at top; short headings to columns and chapters. 8. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: Published by R. Schoyer. Ludwig & Tolefree, Printers. 1831. (J. G. S.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, The Order of all the Books; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-315. Sigs. A to Dd2; verso of p. 315, A Table of Kindred. Sigs in 68. There are no headings either to the columns or chapters throughout this edition, until we come to II Peter, c. 3, when there are short headings to each chapter, as far as Jude inclusive, when they again disappear. 9. POCKET REFERENCE TESTAMENT. I The I New Testament, of our I Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; I With I Original Selections of References to Parallel I and Illustrative Passages;] and I Marginal Readings: Together with other valuable additions; I the whole designed to facilitate the acquisition I of Scripture Knowledge I in Bible classes, Sunday Schools, &c. I Stereotyped by L. Johnson. I Baltimore: I Published by Armstrong & Plaskitt, No. 134 and I Plaskitt & Co., No. 254 Market Street. 1 1831. 1 24. Pp. 281. -I 831.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 213 10. THE I NEW TESTAMENT I of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, i Translateb from tlje;atin bulgat I with I Annotations and References. I Baltimore: I Published by F. Lucas, Jr. I No. 138 Market Street. in. d. (Amer. Bib. Soc.) 32. Title, 1 p., enclosed within double rules; verso, Approbation of the Archbishop of Baltimore, Order of Books and Note; then Admonition and other matter, as in Cummiskey's 32mo (No. 4 on p. 199), with which this agrees except in the signature marks, which are in letters in this edition-A (not marked) to verso of 2 C6 and run in 8s. Mr. Cummiskey has informed me that he sold the plates of his 32mo Testament to Mr. Lucas in 1830 or 1831. 11. POLYGLOTT NEW TESTAMENT: With Marginal Readings, illustrated with numerous Engravings. New York: Published by J. C. Riker, Franklin Building. 1831. 32. 12. NEW TESTAMENT: Exeter, N. H. Published by James Derby. Stereotyped by the Publisher. 1831. (L.) 32. 13. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotyped by Henry Wallis & Luther Roby...Concord, N. H. Claremont, N. H.: Claremont Manufacturing Co. (n. d.) 48. 14. EL I NUEVO TESTAMENTO j traducido I de la Biblia Vulgata Iatina I en Espafiol I por el Rmo. P. Felipe Scio de S. Miguel, I Obispo electo de Segovia. I Reimpreso conforme a la Segunda edicion hecha en Madrid, Aino de 1797, J Nueva York: I Edicion esteriotipa. I A costa de la Sociedad Americana de la Biblia. J Afio de 1831. 1 (Am. Bib. Soc.) 12. 15. NoUVEAU TESTAMENT: Edition stereotype. A Nouveau York: Par la Societe Biblique. 1831. (L.) 12. 16. CRITICAL and Explanatory NOTES on many passages of Scripture, which to common readers are hard to be understood. By Ezekiel I. Chapman. Utica: 1831. (Doyle.) 12. 214 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I83217. Ne Raorihwadogenti ne Shongwayaner Jesus Keristus Jenihorihoten ne Royatadogenhti Matthew, &c. Printed by McElrath and Bangs for the Young Men's Auxiliary Methodist Bible Society. New York, 1831. 12. This is a translation of the Gospel according to St. Matthew into the Mohawk Language. The English text is on the left hand Bib. Soc. Cat., p. 27. 1832. 1. THE I HOLY BIBLE I translated from I the Latin Vulgate: I diligently compared with I the Hebrew, Greek, and other editions, in various languages. I The Old Testament was first published by the English College at Doway, A. D. 1609: 1 and the New Testament, by the English College at Rheimes, A. D. 1582. 1 With I Annotations, by the Rev. Dr. Challoner: Together with References, and an I Historical and Chronological Index. I Revised and corrected according to the Clementine edition of the Scriptures. I Baltimore: I Published by Fielding Lucas, Jr. I No. 138, Market Street. I n. d. (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Approbation of the Old Testament, Approbation of the New Testament, Translation of the Decree of the Council of Trent, 1 p. Letter of Pope Pius VI, Admonition and Prayer, List of the Books of the Old Testament, 1 p.; Text: Gen. to 2 Mac. pp. 9-789; Sigs. B to 5 G3; verso of 5 G3, blank; 5 G4 blank; Fam. Record, 2 ff; Title to New Testament (imprint as above) 1 p. verso, blank; Admonition, Letter of Pius VI. and Prayer, 1 p.; Approbation of New Test.; List of Books of the New Testament and Note, 1 p.; Text: Mat. to Apocal. pp. 5-222; sigs. AS to verso of Ee3; Table of Epistles and Gospels, pp. 223, 224; sig. Ee4; Table of Reference, pp. 225, 226; Hist. and Chron. Index to New Test., pp. 227, 228; to Old Test., pp. 229-235; sigs. Ff to Gg.2 all in 4s. This edition is from the plates of Cummiskey's 4to which Mr. Lucas purchased in 1830 or 1831. It omits the Approbation of the Bishop of Philadelphia, but agrees in other respects. 2. HOLY BIBLE: With Apocrypha, Marginal Notes and References, Index and Tables. Embellished with Maps and Historical Engravings. Philadelphia: McCarty and Davis, No. 171 Market Street. I. Ashmead & Co., printers. 1832. (L.) 4. A reissue of Carey's 4to Bible, same as the editions of 1828 and 1831, less Apocrypha, Concordance and Psalms. Two woodcuts to O. & N. Test.: Leviticus 19:12 is incorrect; Esther 1: 8 correct. -1832.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 215 3. HOLY BIBLE: Cooperstown (N. Y.), Stereotyped, printed and published by H. & E. Phinney, and sold by them at their Bookstore, and by the Booksellers generally in the United States. 1832. 4. 4. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped at the Boston Type and Stereotype Foundry, late J. H. Carter & Co. Boston: Nathan Hale, Sampson and Clapp, Hilliard, Gray, Little and Wilkins, Richardson, Lord and Holbrook, Lincoln and Edmands, Crocker and Brewster, Munroe and Francis, and R. P. and C. Williams. Hale's Steam Press. 1832. (L.) 8. Text of 0. Test., pp. 681, 1; Apocrypha (in smaller type), pp. 1-134; Text of N. Test. pp. 3-212; Contents, pp. i-xii. 5. HOLY BIBLE: Boston: J. A. Ballard. 1832. (Sem. St. Sulpice, Baltimore, Md.) 8. 6. SCOTT'S FAMILY BIBLE: with Brown's Concordance. Stereotyped by J. Pell & Brother, New York. New York: Collins and Hannay. W. E. Dean, Printer. M.DCCC.XXXII. 3 volumes. 8. 7. Daniel D. Smith's Stereotype Edition. HOLY BIBLE: With Canne's Marginal Notes and References and a concise Table of contents of the Books of the Old and New Testaments. Stereotyped by J. Howe, Philadelphia. NeXw Qork: Published and sold by Daniel D. Smith at the Franklin Juvenile Book and Stationery Store, No. 190 Greenwich Street: also by the principal Booksellers in the United States. 1832. (L.) 8. It has an engraved frontispiece by Westall, and Collins's Preface. In other respects seems to be a reprint of the edition of 1825. 8. HOLY BIBLE translated from the Latin Vulgat: With Annotations, References and Indexes. Philadelphia: Published by Eugene Cummiskey. Stereotyped by J. Howe. 1832. 8. Edition 500 copies. 216 AMERICAN BIBLES. [18329. LA I BIBLIA SAGRADA, I a Saber: El Antiguo y el Nuevo Testamento, I traducidos de la ] Vulgata Latina en Espaiol, j por el Rmo. P. Felipe Scio de S. Miguel, i Obispo electo de Segovia. I NXeva!Qirion, I a costa de la Sociedad Americana de la Biblia, I Jesus respondio': Escudriiad las Escrituras.-S. Juan, Cap. v. Ver. 39. I Nueva-York: I Edicion estereotipica por A. Chandler. 1 1832. 1 8. 10. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Published by Jas. B. Smith & Co., No. 610 Chestnut St. n. d. 12. Stereotype edition, pp. 436, 162. 11. ENGLISH VERSION of the POLYGLOTT BIBLE. Stereotyped by L. Johnson. Philadelphia: Key, Meilke and Biddle, 181 Market Street. 1832. 12. Pp. 587, 190. See 1831. 12. ENGLISH VERSION of the POLYGLOTT BIBLE. Stereotyped by L. Johnson. Philadelphia. Published by Edward C. Mielke, No. 381 Market Street. 1832. (Mr. McA.) 12. Same as No. 10; with Psalms in metre-Philadelphia: Key & Mielke, No. 181 Market Street. Stereotyped by L. Johnson. 1831, pp. 64. 13. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by B. &. J. Collins, New York. Concord, N. H. Published by Moses G. Atwood. 1832. (L.) 12. See No. 22 of 1831. 14. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped edition. I Middletown, Con. I Published by William H. Niles. I Stereotyped by A. Chandler. I 1832. 1 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Names and Order of the Books; Text: pp. 3-824 and 251 in 12s, printed in half sheets. 15. HOLY BIBLE: Hartford, Ct.: Silas Andrus. 1832. 12. Pp. 660 with Contents. The title to the New Test. of the copy examined, is on the verso, and Names and Order of the Books on the recto of the leaf, shewing that it is a new title p. inserted. -1832.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 217 16. HOLY BIBLE, containing the Old Testament and the New. Hartford: Ct. Published by Silas Andrus. 1832. 24. Pp. 729, 222; Contents, 223-225; Psalms in metre, pp. 70. 17. HOLY BIBLE: Hartford: Printed by Hudson and Goodwin. 1832. (B.) 12. 18. HOLY BIBLE: Hartford: Hudson & Skinner. 1832. (B.) 12. 19. POCKET REFERENCE BIBLE. | The I English Version I of the I Polyglott Bible, I containing the I Olb anb NewTestaments; j with I Original Selections of References to Parallel I and Illustrative Passages; I and I Marginal Readings: i Together with other valuable additions: The l whole designed to facilitate the acquisition I of Scripture Knowledge I in Bible Classes, Sunday Schools, &c. i Stereotyped by L. Johnson. [Baltimore: Published by Armstrong & Plaskitt, No. 134, and i Plaskitt & Co. No. 254 Market Street. 1 1832. j (L.) 24. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Order of the Books of the O. Test. and Chronol. Order, marked p. ii; verso, blank; Pref. pp. iii-viii; Gen. to Mal. pp. 3-891; Table exhibiting Chronol. of our Saviour's Life, p. 892; Contents of Books of O. T. pp. 893-900; Table of Offices, pp. 901, 902; Scripture Names with their signification, pp. 903-914; Discourses, Parables and Miracles of Jesus in Chronol. Order, pp. 915, 916; Harmony of the Gospels, pp. 917-919; Table of Scripture Measures, Weights, Money and Time, part of p. 919 and p. 920. Title to N. Test. Imprint as above, 1 p.; verso, Order of Books; Mat. to Rev. pp. 3-277; verso, blank; Contents, pp. 279-281; Proper Lessons for Sunday Mornings, p. 282. 20. HOLY BIBLE, containing the Old Testament and the New. Seventh Stereotype edition. New-York: Published by N. and J. White, 108 Pearl-street. 1832. (L.) 24. Engraved front, to Old and New Test.; Address of the Translators; Text: pp. 704, 216. This is a continuation of the Bible published by White, Gallaher & White in 1827. See supra p. 184. 21. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Alexander Towar, also Hogan & Thompson 1391 Market Street. Stereotyped by L. Johnson. 1832. (L.) 32. Pp. 819 and 256. With engraved frontispiece and title page: Imprint, Towar & Hogan: dated in some copies 1829; in others 1834. 28 218 AMERICAN BIBLES. [183222. A HARMONY of the KINGS and PROPHETS, or an Arrangement of the History contained in the Books of Kings and Chronicles, together with the Writings of the Prophets, arranged in Chronological Order as they were delivered, commencing with the Revolt of the Ten Tribes, and closing with the Prophecies of Malachi. By Stephen Merrell. Kittery (Maine). 1832. (Horne.) 8. 1. NEW TESTAMENT: With an Introduction and Notes. By J. A. Cummings. Second Edition revised and improved. Boston: Hilliard, Gray, Little and Wilkins. 1832. 4 maps. (L.) 12. Pp. 305. Copyright dated 5 Jany., 1827. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotype Edition. New York: Printed for the American Bible Society. 1832. 12. 27th edition. 3. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotyped by Hammond Wallis, New York. Windsor (Vt.) Printed and sold by Simeon Ide. 1832. 12. Pp 372. See 1828. 4. NEW TESTAMENT: Elizabethtown, N. J. Published by B. F. Brookfield. Stereotyped by L. Johnson. 1832. 32. Pp. 344. 5. NEW TESTAMENT: Philadelphia: Published by Jos. B. Smith & Co., No. 610 Chestnut Street. n. d. 32. Pp. 344. 6. NEW TESTAMENT: Philadelphia: Alexander Towar. Also, Hogan & Thompson, 1391 Market Street. Stereotyped by L. Johnson. 1832. 32. Pp. 256. Engr. front and title; on the latter: Philadelphia, R. W. Pomeroy, 1832. This is the New Test. of No. 21, p. 217, published separately. 7. NEW TESTAMENT: Cooperstown: H. & E. Phinney. 1832. 32. Pp. 340; Contents, pp. 341-344. -I833.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 219 8. H KAINH AIAGHKH. The New Testament: With short explanatory Notes, and numerous References to illustrative and parallel passages, printed in a centre column. Illustrated with Maps. New York: Published by Jonathan Leavitt, 182 Broadway. Boston: Crocker and Brewster, 47 Washington-street. M.DCCC.XXXII. (L.) 32. This is called the Polymicrian Testament; it is on the plan of Bloomfield's Greek Test. published in London in 1829. The Title is preceded by an engraved page containing the words " New Testament " in 48 different languages. The work is stereotyped by James Conner; D. Fanshaw, Printer. The following is a list of the Maps: Tetrarchies of Palestine; Jerusalem; St. Paul's Travels and Countries referred to in the Acts; Map of Canaan; The World. There are headings to each column. 4 prel. ff. and pp. 546. 9. THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW, the ACTS of the Apostles, &c., with Hymns translated into the Cherokee Language by S. A. Worcester and E. Boudinot. American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. New Echota. 1832. (Cat. Am. Bib. Soc.) 24. 10. A PRACTICAL EXPOSITION of the Gospel of St. LUKE in the form of Lectures; intended to assist the Practice of domestic Instruction and devotion. By John Bird Sumner D. D. Bishop of Chester, Author of a Practical Exposition of St. Matthew and St. Mark. First American edition. New York: Protestant Episcopal Press. M.D. CCC.XXXII. 8. 1833. 1. SELF INTERPRETING BIBLE: By the late Rev. John Brown, minister of the Gospel at Haddington. With a series of beautiful Engravings. New York: Printed and published by T. 1Kinnersley, Thirty-fifth street, Eighth Avenue, and sold by appointed agents in all the cities and principal towns in the United States. 1833. fol. Another issue of the edition of 1822. q. v. The engraved title page is dated 1826. 220 AMERICAN BIBLES. [1I833 — 2. STEREOTYPE EDITION. HOLY BIBLE: Together with the Apocrypha: Canne's Marginal Notes and References. To which are added, an Index; Tables of Names, Scripture Weights, Measures, and Coins. Saratoga Springs: Printed and published, wholesale and retail, I by G. M. Davison. ] 1833. 1 (Mr. Davison.) 4. This edition is identical with that printed in Cooperstown by II. & E. Phinney. It is accompanied by a few wood cuts. Mr. Davison continued the issues of this Bible for two or three years and then sold the plates to S. & W. Ward of New York. 3. HOLY BIBLE: With Canne's Marginal References; together with the Apocrypha and Index. Also, References and a Key sheet of Questions, Geographical, Historical, Doctrinal, Practical and Experimental; accompanied with valuable Chronological Harmonies of both Testaments; correct and elegant Maps and highly useful Tables of Scripture Names, Scripture Geography, Scripture Chronology, Scripture References, &c., &c., &c. By Hervey Wilbur, A. M. The Text corrected according to the standard of the American Bible Society. Stereotyped by James Conner, New York: Published by N. and J. White, No. 108 Pearl street. 1833. (E. A.) 4. This is a reissue of Wilbur's Reference Bible already described supra, p. 188. The Apocrypha contains pp. 1-78. 4. HOLY BIBLE: WVithApocrypha, Canne's Marginal References, Index, &c. The Text corrected according to the standard of the American Bible Society. Stereotyped by James Conner, New York. Brattlebro, Vt. Published by Peck and Wood. 1833. (L.) 4. This is another issue from the plates of Wilbur's Reference Bible, supra p. 188. It has a wood cut front., and 7 plates, but no Apocrypha. I. Tim. 4: 16 is incorrect. 5. THE I HOLY BIBLE, Itranslated from the ] Latin Vulgate: diligently compared with the Hebrew, Greek, and other editions, in divers Languages; I The I Old Testament, I first published by the J English College, at Douay, A. D. 1609; 1 and The I New Testament, j first published by The { English College, at Rheims, A. D. 1582. 1 With I Annota -1833.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 221 tions, References, j and I An Historical and Chronological Index. j From the last London and Dublin editions. I The whole revised and diligently compared with the Latin Vulgate. I Published with the approbation of the Right Rev. John Dubois, Catholic Bishop of N. Y. I New York: Published by John Doyle, No. 12, Liberty street. j Stereotyped by Conner & Cooke. 1 1833. 1 (L.; N. Y. State Lib.) 8. Title, I f.; verso, Approbations, the Names and Order of all the Books of 0. and N. Test., A short sketch of the Principal Epochs, note; Admonition, Letter of Pius the Sixth, A Prayer before reading the Scriptures, Translation of Decree of the Council of Trent, 1 p; Catalogue of the Sacred Books, &c., 1 p.; Text: Gen. to II Maccab., pp. 5-752, sigs. 1 to 94, followed by four pages (interleaved) for Family Record, ruled with black lines, each page embraced within double ruled lines. New Testament (imprint as above) title, 1 f.; verso, The Books of the New Test.; the Sum of the N. T.; the Sum of the Four Gospels, marked 954 (for 754). Text: Mat. to Apoc., pp. 755-959; sigs. 95 to 1204; verso, A Table of all the Epist. and Gosp.; Hist. and Chronol. Index to the Old Test., pp. 961-964; to the New Test., pp. 965, 966; Tables of Weights, &c., and of Time, at foot of p. 966; Table of References, pp. 967, 968; Table of Offices and Conditions of Men, at foot of p. 968. Printed by WM. PEARSON, 60 Cliff St. sigs. 121, all in 4s. Both title pages are included within sigs 1 and 95. The engravings are: 1. Abraham offering Isaac. Drawn by J. Thurston; engraved by W. D. Smith. Frontispiece. 2. Universal Peace, p. 533. Drawn by Westall; engraved by W. D. Smith. 3. Christ Tempted. Front. to N. T. Drawn by H. Corbould; engraved by W. D. Smith. 4. Christ's Agony, p. 795. Drawn by Corbould; engraved by W. D. Smith. This is the first edition of Doyle's Catholic Bible. The Parallel References are printed at the foot, instead of at the side of the Text. It was published at prices ranging from $2.50 to $5. The cheaper copies have a wood cut of the Tower of Babel as a frontispiece; a wood cut of Solomon's Temple, and plates 2 and 4 supra. A transposition of lines occurs on p. 43, the latter part of v. 29 and the entire of v. 30 of chap. xlix being inserted between the first line of v. 17 and the 18th verse. Approbations of the Rt. Rev. Dr. Dubois and of the Rt. Rev. the Bishop of Charleston are printed on the reverse of the title. 6. THE | COTTAGE BIBLE, I and Family Expositor; I containing the Old and New Testaments, ] with I Practical Expositions and Explanatory Notes. I By Thomas Williams, author of " The Age of Infidelity," in answer to Paine; a new Translation of Solomon's Song; an Historic Defence I of Experimental Religion; a Dictionary of all Religions, Religious Denominations, &c., &c. i To which are added, I The References and Marginal Readings I of the 222 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I833Polyglott Bible, I together with Original Notes, and Selections from I Bagster's Comprehensive Bible, and other Standard works, I introductory and concluding Remarks on each Book of the Old and New Testaments, I and I A Valuable Chronological Index. The whole carefully revised, J and adapted to the use of Sunday Schools, Bible Classes, J and Christians generally. I Embellitleb witnl fiMap anib (ngravings. I Edited by Rev. William Patton. Understandest thou what thou readest? &c.-Acts viii, 30, 31. I They read in the book, &c. —Nehemiah viii, 8. I Complete in Two Volumes. Vol. I. I New York: I Conner and Cooke, Franklin Buildings. 1 1833. 1 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, Names and Order of the Books; The Chronological Order with abbreviations used in the References; Tables of Jewish Money, Weights and Measures; Notice of Copyright, 1833; Stereotyped by Conner & Cooke. H. Mason, Print. Preface to the London Edition; Preface to the Amer. Edition, dated New York, 1833; List of Authors consulted; Directions to the Reader, pp. 3, 4; Introduction, pp. 5-10; Text: Gen. to Solomon's Song, pp. 11-736; sigs. 1 to 92 in 4s, including Title and prel. pp. Vol. II. Title as above, with Vol. II instead of Vol. I, 1 f.; verso, blank; Text: Isaiah to Mal., pp. 737-990; sigs 93 to 1243; Historical Connexion, pp. 991-994; on p. 994, Chronological Table; Genealogical Table of the Patriarchs, I p.; verso, blank; Fam. Rec. 2 ff. Cottage Bible. I The I New Testament I of our I Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I according to the I Authorized Version, I with I Practical Expositions, &c., as above, 1 f.; verso, blank; Introd. to N. Test., pp. 1003 to 1004; Text: Mat, to Rev., pp. 1005-1420; sigs. 126 to 1782; Index to the principal Notes, pp. 1421-1431; Chronological Index, pp. 1431-1440; sigs. 1783 to 180, in 4s; References in the centre of the pp. The engravings are the same as in Conner & Cooke's 12mo, 1833, post, No. 9, except the wood cut entitled Massacre of the Innocents, which is omitted. Each vol. is accompanied by three maps. The stereotype plates of the above Bible were sold by Mr. Conner to D. F. Robinson of Hartford, Ct., who published the work for several years. He sold them to Mr. Sumner of Hartford; now they are the property of Case, Lockwood & Co. of that city. W. P. 7. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotype Edition. New York: Stereotyped by A. Chandler, For the American Bible Society. 1833. D. Fanshaw, printer, 117 Nassau street. (L.) Sm. pica 8. First edition, pp. 1214, with references. 8. HOLY BIBLE: With amendments of the language, by Noah Webster, LL. D. New Haven: Published by Durrie and -1833.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 223 Peck. Sold by Hezekiah Howe & Co. and A. H. Maltby, New Haven;; and by N. & J. White, New York. 1833. (L.; N. Y. State Lib.; G. L.) 8. First edition. Preface dated September, 1833. Pp. xvi, 907. The text is mainly from Collins' 4to edition, from which the error in 1 Tim. 4: 16 is copied. The copy in the State Library has at the end of the vol. a slip containing Corrections in this edition. Mistranslations and Misprints corrected, in which it is stated that in " Job, xvii, 13, in the French Copy published by the American Bible Society, thee is used for me." 9. THE HOLY BIBLE; I containing the I Old and New Testaments, I according to the I Authorized Version; I with Introductory and concluding Remarks I to-each Book of the Old and New Testaments; I and I the References and marginal readings of the J Polyglott Bible, with numerous additions from I Bagster's Comprehensive Bible;i and A valuable chronological Index. i!Embelliileb witl1 steel Engravings. I New York: i Conner & Cooke, Franklin Buildings. 1 1833. 1 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Names and Order of all the Books; Notice of copyright, 1833, by James Conner and William R. Cooke. Sleight & Van Norden, Print. Advertisement, 2 pp.; Introduction, pp. 3-11. Tables of Moneys, Weights and Measures; Table of Offices, foot of p. 11 and p. 12; sigs. (including Title) A to B1; Historical connexion, pp. 13-18; Introd. to N. T., pp. 19, 20; Introd. and conclud. Remarks on each Book of the 0. and N. T., pp. 21-70; sigs. B2 to F in 6s. Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 3-716; p. 668 is marked 558; sig. 12 to 601; New Testament &c. First Edition. Imprint as above; 1 p.; verso, blank (sig. 605); Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 719-937; verso, blank; sigs. 606 to 791. Chron. Index, pp. 939-961; sigs. 792 to 811, followed by 3 blank leaves. Sigs. in 68. Engravings: Scripture Genealogy, from Adam to Christ................... Milan del., Dick so. Jacob's Dream...................(................... (woodcut J. A. Adams). Sampson carrying off the Gates of Gaza................... Lucas pinx., Smellie sc. Elisha restoring the Widow's Son................... Painted by West, Longacre sc. Christ blessing the bread; Front. to N. T..........Carlo Dolci pinx., F. Kearny sc. Massacre of the Innocents................................ (woodcut by Adams). Christ blessing little children.........................West pinx., F. Kearny sc. The Crucifixion................................J. Martin pinx., W. Keenan sc. Being desirous that the Polyglott Bible should appear with a few wood engravings, Mr. Conner secured the services of J. A. Adams, Esq., to execute them in the highest and most finished style of the art. All the arrangements completed, he had the satisfaction of publishing a splendid edition of the Bible as an annual New Year's present. N. Y. Printer. This edition is known as The Bible Annual, and the copy before us is endorsed "Annnal! 834." 224 AMERICAN BIBLES. [183310. HOLY BIBLE: Hartford: Published by Gilmnan and McKillip. 1833. 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, The Property of Names and Order, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Gen. to Mal. (not paged); sigs. A to Cc12; verso, Tables of Kindred and Time. New Test., Hartford: published by Hudson & Skinner. 1 f.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev.; sigs. Dd to LI; last p., Table of Offices. 11. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by J. Howe....l. hiladelphia. 1Hartford, ft. Published by Andrus & Judd. 1833. 12. A reprint, seemingly, of Silas Andrus's 12mo of 1828, with new title pages, but without plates. 12. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotype edition. Hartford: Published by Andrus & Judd. 1833. 12 or 24. Stereotyped by A. Chandler, pp. 824, 251 in 6s; 2 steel engr. in front of O. T. 13. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by James Conner. Elizabethtown, N. J.: Printed and published by Edward Sanderson. 1833. 12. 14. 3i~e 23ibeI, [ oer O I Iie I anae I.eitefie 4rifftf I b I WIten unb 1euen I Zeftament,. I 91adt r. Martin VutIer'l Uleberfetqunu. I 3W1ifte.ufgtage I etereottpirt lon 3. &owe, itilabelpfia. I SLila beiptia, I (gebruat fiir bie 9Imerifanifdwe I3ibeI9efellfctaftt, Ibep L5eorg U. 9ent3 unnb tn, -ud)lannbler, I Wro. 53, in ter I9orlv, Zrittenftrafe. 1 1833. 1 (L.) 12. Title, 1 p.; Ber3eid)ni[f, 1 p.; Text: Gen. to Mal. pp. 3-828; sigs. A2 to 3T6 in 6s. Title to N. T., Tab I 9lere efCtainent I tnferb I j)errit limb ieilailtbe I S efl 5)rifti. I 9tad) Tir. 9jlartin Qttf)erw lleberfet3ndii. I -tercottpirt ton S.,)oluie, [)ilnabcfpf)in. I 3I)iiabetpfjia, I as above, 1833. 1 1 p.; verso, ecr3eid)nif tber T3iid)er, &c., 1 p.; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-269. 93er3eicl)nifi ber tpifteln, &c., 270-273; sigs. A2 to X5, in 6s; a blank leaf completes the last sig. 15. HOLY BIBLE, containing the Old Testament and the New. Seventh stereotype edition. New York: Published by N. & J. White, 108 Pearl-street. 1833. 24. Same as No. 11 of 1827, and No. 20 of 1832. — 833.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 225 1. A j NEW AND CORRECTED VERSION of The New Testament; I or, a minute revision, and professed Translation I of the original I Histories, Memoirs, Letters, Prophecies, I and other productions of the i Evangelists and Apostles; [ To which I are subjoined, a few, generally brief, critical, explanatory, and I practical Notes. I By Rodolphus Dickinson, I a Presbyter of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States; and Rector of St. Paul's parish, District of Pendleton, South Carolina. I Boston: Published by Lilly, Wait, Colman, & Holden. 11833. i (L.; G. L.) 8. Mock Title, Dickinson's I Corrected Version [ of the I Christian Scriptures, 1 p.; verso, blank; Portrait, Schaver pinx., Eddy sculp.; below, Rodolphus Dickinson, Pastor of the Episcopal Parish, Montague, Massachusetts. Then, Title, 1 p.; verso, extract of Copyright, dated 1831; Dedication, dated Deerfield, Franklin Co., Massachusetts, January 1, 1833, pp. v, vi; Preface, pp. vii-xviii; References, I p.; verso, blank; Divisions, 1 p.; verso, blank; Subdivisions, pp. xxiii-xl; Text: pp. 41-381; verso of 381, blank; Appendix, pp. 383-499; verso, Names of Subscribers; sigs. 1 to verso of 632 in 4s. Mr. Dickinson has reformed the titles of the several books of the New Testament, substituting for those generally received such as the following: History by Matthew; Luke's History of Apostolic and Ecclesiastical Transactions; John's General Address to Christians; John's Letter to an Eminent Christian Woman; John's Letters, Visions, and Prophecies. Whether there is not a ridiculous affectation in all this, let our readers judge. This work is announced on the title-page as a professed translation. By this we are, it is presumed, to understand, that it is not an actual translation, but a concoction of materials in the vernacular tongue, designed to pass as a new translation. And we are very willing to believe it a professed translation; for a pretty thorough examination has failed to shew us the faintest traces of a critic's hand. Where ill-chosen and ill-arranged phraseology has not made the work utterly unintelligible, the sense is generally the same with that of the received version, with here and there a modification borrowed from Campbell or Macknight...... Apart fromn its literary execution, this professed translation has no distinctive character: and, as the author (in his preface) places his chief reliance on the rhetorical embellishments with which he has adorned the sacred text, we are constrained to award a verdict of unqualified condemnation. The notes which form the Appendix to this volume, are principally selected from English and American writers. They are excerpted indifferently from writers of widely varying creeds...... He has introduced many annotations from works not professedly critical. He has elevated some men to the rank of commentators on Scripture, who surely never anticipated that honour. He gives us on the Logos a note from Jefferson, and several of the largest notes are credited to J. Q. Adams, Chancellor Kent and Wirt. The Free Enquirer, an infidel paper published at New York, furnishes several short remarks. And there are some original notes, tinged with the translator's usual grandiloquence." —Am. Monthly Review for March, 1833, iii, 221, 222, 223. A correspondent, who has examined this volume, declares it to be " one of the most absurd attempts to improve the authorized version that has ever been attempted." 29 226 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I833The following are some of the renderings: Luke 1: 31. And behold, you shall be in a state of gestation. 38. Behold the handmaid of the Lord; may it be to me in conformity to thy disclosure. 41. When Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the embryo was joyfully agitated.... and Elizabeth was pervaded by the Holy Spirit. 42. Blessed are you among women! and blessed is your incipient offspring I 44. When your salutation sounded in my ears, the embryo was enlivened with joy. John 3: 3. Except a man be reproduced, he cannot realize the reign of God. 4. Nicodemus says to him, How can a man be produced when he is mature? Can he again pass into a state of embryo, and be produced? &c. Acts 1:18. And (Judas) falling prostrate, a violent, internal spasm ensued, and all his viscera were emitted. 26: 24. Festus declared with a loud voice: Paul you are insane! Multiplied research drives you to distraction. 1 Tim. 4:16. Attend to yourself, and to your doctrine. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotype edition. Stereotyped by A. Chandler, For the American Bible Society. 1833. (Am. Bib. Soc.) Sm. Pica, 8. Pp. 1214; marginal notes in the centre. This seems to be a part of the Bible, No. 7, supra p. 222. 3. THE I VILLAGE TESTAMENT: I according to I the Authorized Version, I with I Notes, original and selected; j likewise I Introductions and Concluding Remarks to each Book, i Polyglott References and Marginal Readings, I Chronological Table, I Geographical Index, I and Maps, I adapted to I Bible (flasoev anb 0tunbap 0t)ool1. 1 By Rev. William Patton. I Two Volumes in one. I New York: i Published by Conner & Cooke, Franklin Buildings. I 1833. 1 (Am. Bib. Soc. Lib.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Names and Order of the Books, Chronol. Order of the Books, Tables of Money, Time, and Length. Notice of copyright by James Conner and William Cooke, 1833, Stereotyped by Conner: Cooke, New York; Preface signed W. P., dated New York, Sept., 1833, pp. 3, 4; Introd. pp. 5-12; these form sig. 1. Text: Mat. to Rev. pp. 13-710; Geographical Index, pp. 711-717; Chronol. Index foot of p. 717 and p. 718; sig. 2* to 605; a blank leaf completes the last sig.; all in 6s; 3 maps, viz: Map of the Travels of St. Paul; of Canaan adapted to Gospel History; of Canaan, for general purposes. The Text is in paragraphs; the references are on the outer margin; the Notes at the foot of the page. The several pages are within parallel rules. This Commentary contains much that is found in the Notes upon the New Testament of the Cottage Bible.-Preface. — I833.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 227 4. NEW TESTAMENT: New-York: Published by Daniel Cooledge, Bookseller, 322 Pearl-Street. 1833. 12. Rev. ends on p. 321, which contains also, A Table of St. Paul's Apostolic Journeys; Historical Facts in Sacred History; pp. 322-324. There is a wood cut on centre of title page. 5. NEW TESTAMENT: Translated from the Latin Vulgate. Stereotype edition. Utica: Printed by William Williams for the Proprietors. 1833. 12. This is the Devereux Testament, originally published in 1829. See No. 2, supra, p. 198. The error in James, 5: 17, is continued. 6. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotype edition. Boston: Lilly, WTait and Company. 1833. (L.) 12. Pp. 453. Table of Offices, 1 p. 7. THE I ENGLISH VERSION of the I Polyglott NEW TESTAMENT, I with marginal readings and references. I Concord, N. H. I Coffin, Roby, Hoag & Co. 1 1833. 1 (L.) 12. Front. and engr. and printed Title. 8. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotyped by James Conner, NewYork. Concord, N. H.: Printed and Published by Horatio Hill & Co. n. d. 12. Pp. 226, including Title, in 6s. 9. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotyped by Hammond Wallis, New York. Windsor (Vt.), Ide and Goddard's Power Press. n. d. 12. Same as Ide's New Testament of 1832. 10. NEW TESTAMENT: Hartford: Published by R. White. Stereotyped by L. Johnson, Phila. 1833. 12. Pp. 259. 11. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: Stereotyped by James Conner, for the American Bible Society. 1833. 16. 43d edition, pp. 226. 228 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I83312. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotyped by J. Howe, Philadelphia. Trenton, N. J. Bishop Davenport. 1833. (G. L.) 16. Pp. 252. 13. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotyped by Henry Wallis & Luther Roby, Concord, N. H. Published by Coffin, Roby, Hoag & Co. 1833. (L.) 18. 14. NEW TESTAMENT: With the Marginal Readings; and illustrated by Original References, both Parallel and Explanatory, and a Copious Selection, carefully chosen, and newly arranged. With numerous engravings, and the sterling currency reduced to dollars and cents. New York: John C. Riker, 15 Ann-Street. Stereotyped by James Conner. 1833. 32. Engraved title, with Vignette; The Polyglott New Testament, with Marginal Readings, illustrated with numerous engravings. New York: Published by J. C. Riker, Franklin buildings, 1831; Title, 1 f.; verso, Order of the Books; Preface, pp. ii; Text: Mat. to Rev. pp. 3-350; sig. A (which includes T. and Pref.) to I in 8s, K in 28, then G in 6s, and L in 88, M in 16s, O to U in 8s, V in 5s, followed by T in 3s and W in 8s. The marginal readings are in the centre of the page, between the columns of text, with the sterling currency reduced to dollars and cents. The illustrations are: The Holy Family, Front.; Murder of the Innocents; Christ Blessing Little Children; Prodigal Son; Crucifixion. Each of the books is headed by a wood engraving, illustrating some portion of the text. 15. ]KEKITCHEMANITOMENAHN Gahbemahjeinnunk I Jesus Christ, I Oloashke I Wawweendummahgawin. 1 Albany: I Packard and Van Benthuysen, printers. 1 1833. 1 (L.) 12. This is a Translation of the New Testament into the Chippewa language, by Dr. Edwin James, assisted by John Tanner. At the end are the Ten Commandments and a Hymn in the same language. 16. NE RAORIHWADOGENNHTI ne Shongwayaner Yesus IKeristus jiniihorihoten ne Royatadogenhti LUKE. New York: Printed by McElrath, Bangs & Herbert, for the Young Men's Bible Society, Methodist Church. 1833. 12. This is a Translation of the Gospel of St. Luke into the Mohawk language by A. Hill, corrected by J. A. Wilkes, Jr., of Grand River, C. WV. The English and Indian are parallel. — I834.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 229 1834. 1. HoLY BIBLE: Stereotype edition. New York: Stereotyped by A. Chandler and printed by D. Fanshaw; For the American Bible Society. 1834. (Am. Antiq. Soc., Worcester; Friends' Assoc., Phil.) Pica 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, Names and Order of the Books; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 3-793; verso of 793, Table of Measures, Weights, Time; 2 if. blank for Fam. Rec. New Test. Title, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 797-1043. Sigs. in 48. References in centre of the page. 2. HOLY BIBLE: With Canne's Marginal references, ]Key sheet of Questions, &c., &c. By Harvey Wilbur. Text corrected according to the Standard of the American Bible Society. Stereotyped by James Conner, New York. New York: Published by E. & J. White, No. 108 Pearl Street. 1834. (L.) 4. This is another issue of Wilbur's Reference Bible, supra p. 188. The copyright is dated August, 1825, and there are engraved frontispieces to the Old and New Testaments. The imprint to the New Test. is —New York: Published by N. & J. White. E. Sanderson printer, Elizabethtown, N. Jersey, 1837. 3. HOLY BIBLE: Cooperstown, N. Y.: Stereotyped, printed and published by H. & E. Phinney & Co. 1834. (L.) 4. No wood cuts nor Apocrypha; N. Test. title is dated 1835. 4. HOLY BIBLE: With Apocrypha, Canne's Marginal Notes and References, Index, Tables and Concordance. Philadelphia: Stereotyped and published by C. Alexander & Co., Athenian Buildings, Franklin Place, and sold by all the principal booksellers in the United States. 1834. (L.) 4. 25 Maps and Engravings from M. Carey's worn out plates; some of them dated 1805. 5. HOLY BIBLE: New York: Stereotyped by A. Chandler, for the American Bible Society. 1834. Sm. Pica 8. With References. 230 AMERICAN BIBLES. [1I834 — 6. HOLY BIBLE: New York: For the Auxiliary New York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society, Depository 46 Lumber street. 1834. 12. Pp. 1014. 7. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotype edition. New York: Stereotyped by A. Chandler, Printed by D. Fanshaw, For the American Bible Society. 1834. (Am. Antiq. Soc., Worcester; G. L.) 12. Reference Bible; 1st edition, pp. 984; References in 2 columns, in the centre of the pages. 8. HOLY BIBLE. Stereotype Edition. iotton: Published for the Booksellers. 1834. 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Names and Order of all the Books, 1 p.; verso, Account of the Dates; Text: Gen. to Rev. pp. 5-605; verso of 605, Tables of Scripture Measures and of Time; followed by one blank leaf for Fam. Rec.; sigs. A3 to Cc3; (mock Title), Stereotype Edition. The New Testament, &c., no date 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 609-792; sigs. Cc5 to Kk12, all in 12s. This edition agrees in every respect (except the mock title and the leaf for Fam. Rec.) with Websters and Skinners' Albany 12mo. 1 Tim. 4:16 is incorrect. 9. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing I the Old Testament I and the New, I translated out of j &19e Original Zongen: I and I with former Translations I diligently compared and revised. J The Text of the common Translation is arranged in Paragraphs, I such as the sense requires: The divisions of Chapters and I Verses being noted in the margin, for Reference. I By James Nourse. I Boston: j Perkins, Marvin & Co. I Philadelphia: I Henry Perkins. I 1834. I (L). 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Extract of Copyright, dated 1834; Stereotyped by J. Howe, Phil. (This leaf is preceded by an advertisement and followed by) Preface, pp. iiivii; verso of vii, Names and Order: Text: Gen. to Mal. pp. 9-942, followed by a blank leaf; Title to New Test. 1 f.; verso, Names of Books; Text. Mat. to Rev., pp. 3322, followed by Recommendations, 2 pp; sigs. 6s. The following misprint occurs in this edition: Rom. 4: 5-his faith is counted for unrighteousness. 10. HOLY BIBLE: Arranged in Paragraphs and Parallelisms, with philological and explanatory Annotations. By T. W. -I834.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 231 Coit, D. D., Rector of Christ Church, Cambridge. Cambridge: Printed by and for Manson & Grant. Boston: Published by William Pierce, and sold by all the Booksellers throughout the United States. 1834. (Boston Athenaeum; G. L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Notice of Copyright; Preface, dated Nov. 3, 1834, pp. iii-viii; The Translators to the Reader, pp. ix-xix; Table of Jewish Measures, Weights and Coins, pp. xx-xxii; Jewish Modes of Computing Time, pp. xxiii-xxiv; Names and Order of Books, p. xxv; verso of xxv, blank; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 1-963; New Test. title, 1 p.; verso, copyright; Books of the New Test.; Table of Dates, 1 p.; Text: Mat. to Rev, pp. 1-230. This edition is accompanied by brief occasional explanations of verbal difficulties &c., surprisingly condensed, with the Chronology on each page. It has, also, what has never before appeared in any American edition, the original Address of the Translators to the Reader, as it appeared in the first edition of King James' Bible in 1611' Dr. Coit has retained in the inner margin of this edition the number designating the chapters and verses in the common division. —.mer. Baptist Magazine, xv, 99. This work has been reprinted in London in 1838. 11. HOLY BIBLE: Boston: Published by Nathan Hale, Devonshire Street; Cottons and Barnard, Washington Street. 1834. (G. L.) 12 Pp. 510, 162; 8 wood cut maps. 12. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins, New York. 1~artforb, ft. Normand Burr. 1834. 12. The date on the title page is torn off, but the vol. is accompanied by Psalms in Metre, same imprint, with date 1834. 13. HoLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by B. and J. Collins, New York. Pittsburgh (Penn.): Published by Johnston and Stockton. 1834. (L.) 12. 14. THE RIGHT-AIM SCHOOL BIBLE; comprising the Holy Bible of the Old and New Testament, and an Annexment containing the Free-Debt-Rule Petitions, addressed, the first to the Twenty-four States, the Second to the Congress, the Third to the President, of the United States of America, and affixed Memorials; the Fourth Petition to three High 232 AMERICAN BIBLES. [1834Officers of the Government of England. Also the Declaration of Freedebtism. Rufus Davenport. Stereotype Print. 1834. (Harvard Coll.) 12. On the subject of Freedom from debt on the surrender of property; on the principle of the petition in the Lord's Prayer, Forgive us &c. 15. Zie Zibel, I ober I [ie gan3e I *eitie d-rift I beW I aIten unb neun I Zeftamento. I 9ad) Zr. Martin guttler'l Ueberfe0ung. I aroIfte lujag3e. I Ztereot.pirt oun 3, &powe, ptiabelpiia, I [tpitia elpt'ia, I (ebrutft fir tie KImerifanifd)e 3ibdelefelfdaftt, Ibet (5eorg U3. Sent unb o1tn, 3tud)tanIer, I ~9ro. 53, in ber Worb> Zrittenftrafe. 1 1834. 1 (Am. Bib. Soc.) 12. This is a continuation of No. 14, of 1833, with Testament of 1835. 16. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by J. Howe, Philad. Hartford, Ct. Published by Andrus & Judd. 1834. 12. 17. HOLY BIBLE, containing the Old Testament and the New. Hartford, Ct.: Published by Andrus & Judd. 1834. 24. Pp. 729, 225. 18. HOLY BIBLE: Amherst, Ms. J. S. & C. Adams. Stereotyped by L. Johnson. 1834. 24. Pp. 856, 259. There are other copies without date. 19. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Hogan and Thompson, 139 Market Street. 1834. (L.) 32. Pp. 819, 256; at end, Psalms in metre, additional. Other copies (without Psalms) have an engraved title page with imprint as above, and a printed title with imprint: Philadelphia, Alexander Towar, also Hogan & Thompson, 139- Market street. Stereotyped by L. Johnson. 1832. 20. HOLY BIBLE, containing the Old Testament and the New. Stereotyped by Henry Wallis & Luther Roby, Concord, N. H. Concord, N. H.: Published by C. & A. Hoag. 1834. 32. Pp. 852, 258; engraved title: The Everlasting Gospel. Imprint as above. -1834.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 233 21. ISAIAH: A New Translation: With a preliminary Discourse and Notes. By Robert Lowth, D. D., F. R. SS., Lond. and Goet., &c. From the Tenth English Edition. Boston: William Hilliard, 14 Water Street. Cambridge: James Munroe and Company. 1834. 8. Pp. 423. 22. THE I CHILD'S I BIBLE, I with Plates. j Vignette, a King's head. I By a Lady of Cincinnati. I Stereotyped by J. A. James, No. 1 Baker street, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1 Philadelphia: I Henry F. Conners. I n. d. (L.) 142. Wood cut engravings. Copyright dated 1834; The Text is the same as that of No. 7, of 1811. See supra, p. 106. 1. NEW TESTAMENT. Translated from the Latin Vulgat: Philadelphia: Published by Eugene Cummiskey. 1834. Edition 500 copies. 2. NEw TESTAMENT: I arranged in paragraphs and parallelisms, [ with philological and explanatory annotations. I By T. W. Coit, D. D. [ Rector of Christ Church, Cambridge. I Cambridge: I Printed by and for Manson & Grant. I Boston: i Published by William Peirce, ] and sold by all booksellers throughout the United States. 1834. 1 (A. G. J.) 12. This seems to be the New Test. of the Bible No. 1 supra, published separately. 3. THE RIGHT AIM TESTAMENT: comprising the text of the New Testament and an annexment of Free Debt rules. By Rufus Davenport. Boston. 1834. (L.) 12. The Testament of Bible No. 14 supra, published separately. 4. THE I NEW TESTAMENT I of our Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ; I translated out of the I Latin Vulgate, I diligently compared with j the Original Greek, and first published by i the English College of Rheims, j Anno 1582. 1 With the [ OriginalPreface, I Arguments and Tables, I Marginal Notes, I andl I nnotation%. I To which are now added, I An Introductory Essay; I and a I complete Topical and Textual Index. I New York: i Published by Jonathan 30 234 AMERICAN BIBLES. [1834Leavitt, 182 Broadway. I Boston: Crocker and Brewster, 147 Washington street. 1 1834. j (L.; Am. Antiq. Soc. Worcester, Mass.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, Certificate of copyright, dated 1833., John II. Turney's stereotype; Notice, Recommendations and Certificate, pp. iii, iv; Introductory Address to Protestants, pp. 5-8; Preface, pp. 9-23; Books of the New Test.; Introd. Remarks, pp. 24, 25, Sum of the New Test., foot of p. 25; Sum of the Four Gospels, p. 26; Text: Mat. to Apocal. pp. 27-438; Appendix, 1 p.; Explication of certain words, 1 p.; Index, pp. 441-458, in 8s. This edition is accompanied by a certificate in these words: " We have compared this New-York edition of the Romish Testament and Annotations with the first publication of that volume, which was issued at Rheims, in 1582; and, after examination, we do hereby certify, that the present reprint is an exact and faithful copy of the original work, without abridgment or addition, except that the Latin of a few phrases which were translated by the annotators, and some unimportant expletive words were undesignedly omitted. The orthography also has been modernized. " The reader can judge for himself how far this is correct, by comparing the few extracts we give below (those marked (F.) being found also in the edition of the Rhemes Testament published in London, and known as Fulke's Confutation): From the RHEMES edition, 1582. From the NEW YORK edition, 1834. Preface, p. 1. We haue yet through God's Preface, p. 9. We have at length fully goodnes at length fully finished furnished all the New Testafor thee (most Christian reader) ment. all the New Testament. more agreable to God's word and more agreeable to God's word and honour or edification of the honour, or edification for faith, faithful, p. 2. the dispensing of Gods mysteries the dispensing of God's mysteries, and treasures and measures and George the Patriarch and Gregory the Patriarch, (F.) The Slauonians affirme they haue The Sclavonians assume they have the Scriptures the Scriptures. p. 7. such as either contemne p. 12. such as either condemn p. 11. the same church which the holy p. 16.....which the holy Scripture Scripture most certainely and most certainly and evidently euidently sheweth and pointeth showeth and appointeth unto. vnto. p. 13. one English Bible of the yere p. 17. one English Bible of the year 1562, foloweth the errour of 1562, following the error of the the Greeke. Greek. It were infinite to set downe al It were difficult to set down all such places, where the adver- such places, where &c. saries, especially Beza, follow the old vulgar Latin as Mat. 6 to the end of the Pater as Mark 6, to the end of the Paternoster noster. — 1834.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 235 p. 13. and reprehendeth Valla p. 17. and reprehendeth Ulla Marc 6, 11, these wordes, Admen I Matt. 6, 11; these words: Amen say to you &c. it is no derogation to the vulgar it is no derogation to the vulgar Latin disagree from Latin text....not to disagree the Greeke from the Greek. and this the Aduersary himself, and this the adversary himself, their greatest and latest trausla- their greatest and latest translatour of the Greeke, doth auouch tions of the Greek, doth avouch p. 14. Whereunto the latin translations whereunto the Latin translations that faile in any place, must that fail in every place must needes yeld. Li 2 de doct. Christ, need yield. Lib. 2, de doct. c. 15. Christ. 25. If these marginal Greeke copies p. 18. If these original Greek copies If al Erasmus Greeke copies haue If all Erasmus' Greek copies have not that which is in the vulgar not that which is the vulgar Latin Latin. Gagneie the Frenche Kings preach- Gagniez found Greek copies er; and he that might commannde in al the King's libraries, he found Greeke copies p. 18. Was Primasius.... a Papist, for p. 20. Was Primasius.... a Papist, for vsing this text, and al the rest, using this text, and all the rest, that haue done the like? they have done the like? p. 22. Fare wel good Reader, and if we p. 23. Farewell, reader, and if we profit profit the any whit by our poor thee anywhat by our poor pains paines. QArgument of S. Mat. Gospel. Of S. Mat- p. 27. Of Saint Matthew we hear thew we haue Text, p 14. Note to Mat. c. v, 33. as p. 32. as it is most plain in Mark and it is most plaine in S. Marke and Luke, who leave out this expoS. Luke, who leaue out this ex- sition. (F.) ception. p. 24. Note to c. ix, 21. Where it [the p. 38. where it was, as Sozonemus writimage of Christ] was (as Sozo- eth, unto this time. menus writeth) unto his time. p. 45. Note to c. xvi, 17. for the beleefe p. 49. for the belief and public possesand publike profession thereof sion thereof he is counted blesshe [Peter] is counted blessed ed. p. 46, 1. 27. Which doth expressly stop p. 49. Which doth expressly stop them them of al their vaine evasions. of all their evasions. (F.) p. 47, 1. 17. Peter.... upon whom our p. 50. Peter.... upon whom the Lord Lord built built. (F.) p. 61. Note on Mat. xxi, 8. holy church p. 57. holy church maketh a solemn maketh a solemne Procession Procession every year upon this euery yere vpon this day, spe- day, with the B. Sacrament cially in our Countrie when it was Catholike, with the B. Sacrament, 236 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I834We might add other passages wherein the N. Y. edition varies from the original, but these will suffice. Before taking leave of the subject, however, we can not but express a regret, that "the Latin of a few phrases...... were undesignedly omitted;" as the omission renders obscure, if not wholly unintelligible in the reprint, parts of the Preface which, if printed as in the original, would be clear and therefore appreciated by the Biblical scholar. 5. THE VILLAGE TESTAMENT: j according to I the authorized version, I with i Notes, original and selected; I likewise Introductions and concluding Remarks I to each Book, Polyglott References and Marginal Readings, I Geographical Index, I Chronological and other Tables: j adapted to Bible (latsses anb Ounbqa 0itools. I By Rev. William Patton. I Second Edition. I New York: Published by Henry C. Sleight. I Sold by Booksellers generally, throughout the Union. i 1834. i 12. This is the edition of 1833 with a new Title page; 3 Maps. 6. NEw TESTAMENT. Stereotype Edition. New York: Stereotyped by James Conner for the American Bible Society. 1834. 12. 49th edition; pp. 226; headings to columns and chapters. 7. NEW TESTAMENT. New York: Stereotyped by A. Chandler for the American Bible Society. 1834. Pearl, 32. 8. NEW TESTAMENT: Concord, N. H. Charles Hoag. 1834. (L.) 32. With Bible of 1836. q. v. 9. NEW TESTAMENT: Arranged in Paragraphs such as the Sense requires, &c. By James Nourse. Boston: Perkins, Marvin and Co. Philadelphia: Henry Perkins. 1834. (L.) 12. 10. AN EXPOSITION of the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Mark, and of several other detached parts of Holy Scriptures. By Rev. Richard Watson. New York. 1834. (Doyle's Catalogue.) 8. The author had contemplated writing Expository Notes on the entire New Testament; but lived only to complete his Commentary on the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Mark, and on Luke i-xiii, 15, and Romans i-iii, 21.-Horne. — I835.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 237 11. THE j GENERAL HISTORY I of the I Christian Church, I from I her birth I to I her final triumphant state in Heaven: I Chiefly deduced from the APOCALYPSE of St. John, I the Apostle and Evangelist. I By Sig. Pastorini. i Second American edition. I New York: I Published by J. Doyle, No. 12 Liberty Street. Stereotyped by Conner & Cooke. 1834. (L.) 12. Pp. 396; with portrait of the Right Rev. Charles Walmesley, the author. He was Catholic Bishop of the Western district, England. The Apocalypse extends from p. 362 to 394 inclusive. 1835. 1. LA BIBLIA Ibulgata tiatina I Traducida en Espafiol, l y anotada I conforme al Sentido de los Santos padres I y espositores cat6licos, I Por el ilustrisimo Sefior I Don Felipe Scio de San Miguel, I Provincial que fue del 6rden de las escuelas pias de Castilla, I Preceptor del Serenisimo Sefior Principe de I Asturias, y Obispo de Segovia. I Tomo I. I del Antiguo Testamento. i!I1 ienesis Q e xl ffobo. I Primera Edicion Megicana, l Sacada de la tercera y uiltima de Espaiia. I Megico: i En casa de Cornelio C. Sebring. I 1831. 1 (Am. Bib. Soc.) 4. This Work is in Ten Volumes, divided into 20 parts. Vol. I., part i; Engraved Title page-Antiguo I Testamento I (near the top); at foot —Megico: l Edicion de Sebring. I Then Title as given above, 1 p.; Licencia & Decreto; Nota del Revisar, 1 p.; Advertencia & Nota, pp. 5-9; Disertacion preliminar, pp. 10-part of 33; Dissertacion Segunda, rest of p. 33-46; Introduction, pp. 47-part of 56; Advertencia, rest of p. 56; Los Libros de las Sanctas Escrituras, p. 57; Advertencia al Pentateuchas y al Genesis de Moises, pp. 58-60; El Genesis, pp. 61-343; sigs. (beginning with printed title) 1 to recto of 434 in 4s. Text in two columns; Notes below. 2d part contains Exodus, pp. 339-563; Advertencia, pp. 339-340; Text (Latin and Spanish): pp. 341556; Indice, pp. 557-563; verso of pp. 563, Errata, sigs. 44-712. Vol. II. Title as above, except that from the word " conforme " to " cat6licos" is one line; Vol. marked, Tomo II. j and after the word " Testamento," I El Levitico, los Nufmeros y el Deuteronomio. I 1 p.; verso, blank; Advertencia, 2 pp.; Leviticus, pp. 5-135; p. 136, blank; Advertencia, pp. 137-139; p. 140, blank; Numbers, pp. 141-322; Adver., pp. 323, 324; Deuteronomy, pp. 325-478; Indice, pp. 479-484; sigs. 1-612. Vol. III. Title as in Vol. I, except Tomo III. I and after the word " Testamento," Josue, Jueces, Rut y Libro I. II. II[. & IV de los Reyes. I 1 p.; verso, blank; Adv. pp. 3, 4; Josue, pp. 5-112; Adv. pp. 113, 114; Jueces, pp. 115-228; Adv. 229; p. 238 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I835230, blank; Rut, pp. 231-247; p. 248, blank; Adv. pp. 249-251; p. 252, blank; Reyes, pp. 253-148 (sic. for 814); Indice, pp. 815-826; sigs. 1-1035. Vol. IV. Title as of Vol. I, except Tomo IV. I after the word "Testamento," Los dos Libros de los Paralipomenos, los dos de Esdras, el de Tobias, el de Judit y el de Ester. I Imprint, MCgico I En casa de Sebring y West. 1 1832. 11 p.; verso, blank; Adv. pp. 3-5; p. 6 blank; Paral. pp. 7-269: Adv. p. 270; Esdras, pp. 271-372; Adv. pp. 373, 4; Tobias, pp. 317-417; p. 418 blank; Adv. pp. 419-421; p. 422, blank; Judit, pp. 423-475; p. 476 blank; Adv. pp. 477, 478; Ester, pp. 479-530; Indice, pp. 531-539; sigs. pp. 1-682. Vol. V. Title as in I, except Tomo V. I after " Testamento," El Libro de Job con su parafrasis, y el de los Salmos. 1 p.; verso, blank; Adv. pp. 3-6; Job, pp. 7-155; p. 156 blank; Version parafrassica del Libro de Jol,, pp. 157-214; Adv., 215-223; p. 224, blank; Salmos, pp. 225-632; Indice, pp. 633-644; sigs. pp. 1-812. Vol. VI. Title as of I, except Tomo VI. I after " Testamento," Version de S. Ger6nimo de los Salmos, y la Parlfrasis de todos ellos, I los Proverbos, el Eclesiastes, el Cantar de Cantares y la Sabiduria. j 1 p.; verso, blank; Version des Ger6nimo pp. 3-99; p. 100 blank; Parafrasis, pp. 101-265; p. 266 blank; Adv. pp. 267-269; p. 270 blank; Prov. pp. 271-385; p. 386 blank; Adv. pp. 387-388; Eccles. pp. 389430; Adv. pp. 431-434; El Cantar, pp. 435-495; p. 496 blank; Adv. pp. 497, 498; La Sab. pp. 499-568; Indice, pp. 569-574; sigs. 1-722. Vol. VII. Title as of I, except Tomo VII. I after "Testamento," El Libro de Ecclesiastico y la Profecie de Isaias. I Imprint, En casa de Sebring y Compahia. 1 1833. 1 1 p.; verso, blank; Adv. pp. 3, 4; Ecclesiastico, pp. 5-218; Adv. pp. 219-221; p. 222 blank; Isaias, pp. 223-489; p. 490 blank; Indice, pp. 491-499; p. 500 blank; sigs. 1-632. Vol. VIII. Title as in I, except Tomo VIII. I after " Testamento," La Profecia y los Trenos de Jeremias, con la Parafrasis, la Profecia [ de Baruc y lo de Ezequiel. I Inprint, En casa de Sebring y West. [ 1833. [ 1 p.; verso, blank; Adv. pp. 3-5; p. 6 blank; Jerem. pp. 7-262; Adv. pp. 263, 264; Trenos, pp. 265-309; p. 310 blank; Adv. pp. 311, 312; Baruc, pp. 313-345; p. 346, blank; Adv. pp. 347, 348; Ezequiel, pp. 349-589; p. 590 blank; Indice, pp. 591-599; sigs. 1-753. Vol. IX. Title as of I, except Tomo IX. I after Testamento, La Profecia de Daniel, I los doce Profetas menores y los Libros I. y II. de los Macabeos. I Imprint, En casa de Sebring y West. 1 1834. 1 1 p.; verso blank; Adv. pp. 3-5; Daniel, pp. 7-97; Adv. pp. 98, 99; Oseas, pp. 100-142; Adv. p. 143; Joel, pp. 144-157; Adv. p. 158; Amos, pp. 159-187; Adv. p. 188; Abdias, pp. 189-193; Adv. p. 194; Junas, pp. 195-204; Adv. p. 205; Miqu6as, pp. 206-228; Adv. p. 229; Naun, pp. 230-240; Adv. p. 241; Habacuc, pp. 242-255; Adv. p. 256; Sosonias, pp. 257-268; Adv. p. 269; Aggeo, pp. 270-277; Adv. p. 278; Zacarias, pp. 279-326; Adv. p. 327; Malaquias, pp. 328342; Adv. p. 343-346; Macabees, pp. 347-563; p. 564 blank; Indice, pp. 565-575; sigs. 1-724. Vol. X. being Tomo I, I Del Nuevo Testamento. I San Mateo, San Maros, San Lucas, San Juan y los Hechos de los Apostoles. j 1834. Title 1 p.; verso, blank; Adv. pp. 3, 4; San. Mat. pp. 5-165; Adv. 166; Marc, pp, 167-246; Adv. pp. 247, 248; Luc, pp. 249-392; Adv p. 393; Juan, pp. 394-519; Adv. pp. 520, 521; Hechos, pp. 522-665; Indice, pp. 666-678; sigs. 1-853. Vol. XI. Being Tomo II, I Del Nuevo Testalnento. I Las Epistolas de San Pablo, les Epistolas Catolicas, y el Apocolipsis de San Juan. I Imprint, En casa de Cornelio C Se -1835.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 239 bring l 1835. I Title, 1 p.; verso, blank; Adv. pp. 3-6; Epistol. de S. Pablo, pp. 7-339; Adv. pp. 340-342; Ep. a los Heb. pp. 342-395; Adv. p. 396; Santiago, pp. 397-413; Apoc. ends on p. 560; Tab. Cronologicas, pp 561-629; Indice, pp 630-694; sigs. 1 to 94. 2. THE I HOLY BIBLE: I Containing I The Old Testament; I Translated I out of the Original Hebrew, I and with the { former Translations I diligently compared and revised: and I the Greek New Testament; I printed from the I Text and with the various readings of I Knapp: I together with I the commonly received I English Translation. I Designed for the Use of Students. I Stereotype Edition. I New York: j Published by Charles Starr. 11835. i Stereotyped by A. Chandler. I (L.) 4. This is called the Student's Bible. The text is printed in a small column on the margin of a wide sheet of ruled paper. 3. THE I DEVOTIONAL J FAMILY BIBLE: I with I Practical and Experimental Reflections on each Verse j of the I Old and New Testaments, I and I rich marginal References. I By the I Rev. Alexander Fletcher, D. D. I Author of "A Guide to Family Devotion," etc. I Illustrated with numerous Engravings. I London and New York: I Virtue, Emmins and Company. I n. d. (Conn. Hist. Soc.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Address, pp. iii, iv; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 1-1260; sigs. B to 14S; Fam. Rec., 2 ff. The New Test. title, 1 f; verso, blank; Mat. to Rev. pp. 1261-1622; sigs. 14T to 18R; Names and Order of the Books; List of Orders and Sects; Tables of Measures and Weights and of Time, 2 pp.; sigs. in 2s; References in the centre; Reflections at foot of the pp. List of Engravings: Moses with Tables of the Law; Front. to O. T. Death of Abel............................................Engraved by Edwards. Abraham and Three Angels. Departure of Hagar. Hagar and Ishmael. Rebecca receiving Isaac's Presents............................ rmytage. Departure of Rebecca......................................... rmytage. Arrival of Rebeckah.*.**...................................itchell. Jacob's Well at Sychar.................................. E. W. Topham. Jacob's Vision. Jacob in the house of Laban.................................. Edwards. Meeting of Esau and Jacob. 240 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I835Joseph sold by his Brethren. Joseph interpreting Pharaoh's dream.................................. Bannister. Joseph presenting his father to Pharaoh................................ Greatback. Finding of Moses.................................................... rmytage. Moses in the Land of Midian..........................................rmytage. Departure of the Israelites............................... Smillie 94 Hinchelwood. Moses Smiting the Rock............................................ Rogers. Moses meeting his Wife and Sons. The Sun commanded to stand still................................... John Rogers. Jephtha's Return................................... Rolph. The Sacrifice of Jephtha's Daughter. Manoah's Sacrifice. Boaz and Ruth..................................... Walker. Samuel before Eli..................................................... Rogers. David playing to Saul................................................ Rogers. Saul presenting his daughter Mirab to David. Judgment of Solomon................................................. White. Esther before Ahasuerus................................................Rogers. The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the Name of the Lord. Mount Hermon. Jews' place of wailing, Jerusalem. The Handwriting on the Wall. Tombs in the Valley of Jehosaphat.....................B.............. Brandard. Ruins of the City of Samaria...............................Smillie 4 Henshelwood. Bethlehem.......................................................... Brandard. Scene on the River Nile at Philoe........................................ Cousen. Mount of Olives....................................................Brandard. Madonna and Child................ TJ. Brown Christ Stilleth the Storm. The Blind receiving their Sight. Mount of Olives and Jerasalem........................................ rWallis. Garden of Gethsamene...........................X....... Brandard. Vale of Nazareth.................................Cousen. Raising of Jairus' Daughter...........................Perran. Christ Blessing Little Children. Christ taken down from the Cross. Basilica at Bethlem......................................Roberts. Holy Family........................... Brandard. Infant St. John. Well near Emaus................................................Cousen. Jesus and the Samaritan. Lake of Tiberias....................................................... Bentley. Church of the Holy Sepulchre.........................................Challis. Peter and John at the Beautiful Gate. Paul Preaching at Athens. This work was issued in numbers, and is still in the market. It is sometimes found in 2 volumes. -1835.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 241 4. IIoLY BIBLE: with Apocrypha, Canne's References, Index, Table, Lives and Martyrdom of the Apostles and Evangelists. Text corrected according to the standard of the American Bible Society. Stereotyped by James Conner, New York. Hartford: Andrus and Judd, Lee Street. 1835. (L.) 4. This is another issue of Wilbur's Reference Bible. See supra, pp. 188, 189. Engraved frontispiece and Title page (Published by Silas Andrus 1835.) and 12 leaves each containing 6 small wood cuts, arranged in two columns. 5. HOLY BIBLE: Cooperstown, N. Y. Stereotyped and published by H. & E. Phinney. 1835. 4. With New Testament, dated 1836. 6. HOLY BIBLE, translated from the Latin Vulgat: with Annotations, References and Indexes. Philadelphia: Published by Eugene Cummiskey. 1835. 8. Edition 500. 7. HOLY BIBLE: New York: Published by Robinson, Pratt & Co. 1835. (Conn. Hist. Soc.) 8. Pp. 773. 8. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by James Conner. J Elizabethtown, N. J.: I Printed and Published by Edward Sanderson. J Sold in New York by N. & J. White, 63 Wall Street and B. & J. Collins I No. 230 Pearl St. 1 1835. 1 (L.) 8. Wood cut Frontispiece. 9. HOLY BIBLE: With the References and marginal readings of the Polyglott Bible, and numerous additions from Bagster's Comprehensive Bible. Stereotyped by Conner & Cooke. Boston: Published by George Gaylord. 1835. (L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, Names and Order, Chronol. Order, Tables of Weights and Measures, Notice of Copyright, 1833; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 3-581; 582 blank; sigs. 12 to 733 in 4s; Title to N. T., 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 585-762; sigs. 741 to 961 in 4s; References in centre; Wood cut Frontispiece. 31 242 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I83510. THE I HOLY BIBLE: I containing the I Old and New Testaments, I according to the I Authorized Version; I with I the references and marginal readings j of the I Polyglott Bible, I with numerous additions from [ Bagster's Comprehensive Bible. j New York: ] J. P. Peaslee. 1 1835. 1 12. This Bible is printed from a duplicate set of Conner & Cooke's plates already described under No. 9, of 1833, As in all Conner & Cooke's plates of this Bible, p. 658 is marked 558. The New Testament title is marked " First Edition" (as in Conner & Cooke's of 1833), with imprint as above. The back of the cover is marked " 28 Plates." They are wood cuts, two on a page. The Frontispiece to the N. T. is Jesus Christ (Ecce Homo) " engraved by M. Pechonino from a picture by Leslie, after Guido." References in centre of page. In this copy, p. 351 is omitted, p. 251 being reprinted by mistake in its place. 11. THE ENGLISH VERSION of the POLYGLOTT BIBLE: with Marginal Readings: Together with A Copious and Original Selection of references to parallel and illustrative passages. Exhibited in a manner hitherto unattempted. Stereotyped by L. Johnson. Philadelphia: Published by Desilver, Thomas & Co., No. 247 Market street. 1835. 12. This volume agrees with the Polyglott published by Key & Meilke, Philadelphia, 1831, and is seemingly from duplicate plates. Engravings: Destruction of Jerusalem, Front. to 0. T., Ellis; Repose in Egypt, Front. to N. T., Ellis. Engraved titles to 0. and N. T. 12. HOLY BIBLE: The text of the common version arranged in paragraphs, such as the sense requires; the divisions of chapters and verses being noted in the margin, for reference. By James Nourse. Boston: Perkins, Marvin & Company. Philadelphia: Henry Perkins. 1835. 12. A continuation of No. 9, of 1834. 13. HOLY BIBLE: Hartford: Printed by Hudson & Goodwin. 1835. (B.) 12. 14. HOLY BIBLE: Hartford: Published by Hudson & Skinner. 1835. (B.) 12. Same as No. 16 of 1828, supra p. 191, except that the present copy has on the verso of the title-The property of in a border. -I835.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 243 15. IhOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by J. Howe, Philad. Hartford, Ct. Published by Andrus & Judd. 1835. 12. Same as Andrus's 12mo of 1832. 16. I[oLY BIBLE: containing the Old Testament and the New. Stereotyped by J. Howe, Philadelphia. Hartford, Ct.: Published by Andrus & Judd. 1835. 24. 17. NETUM EWH OOMAHZENAHEGUN owh Moses, Genesis aszhenekahdaig. Kahahnekahnootahmoobeung owh kahkewaquonaby, ahneshenahba Makahdawekoonahya. Toronto: Printed for the Toronto Auxiliary Bible Society, at the Christian Guardian Office. 1835. 12. This is a translation of the Book of Genesis into the Chippewa language, by the Rev. Peter Jones, a native clergyman. 1. NEw TESTAMENT: Translated from the Latin Vulgat. Philadelphia: Published by Eugene Cummiskey. 1835. 8. Edition 500. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotype edition. New York: Stereotyped by James Conner, for the American Bible Society. 1835. 12. Pp. 226. 55th edition. Headings to columns and chapters from same plates as edition of 1834. 3. NEW TESTAMENT: Translated from the Latin Vulgat. Utica: Printed by William Williams for the Proprietors. 1835. (L.) 12. The Devereux Testament. See supra, p. 198. 4. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotype edition. Hartford, Conn. Published by Andrus & Judd, Lee Street. n. d. 12. Pp. 257. 5. Za- I tcue Zeftament I unfer I gerrn unb eilanbte I $3efu (tErifti. [I 9acd Zr. MV1artin EutIert' Ueberfetaung. I Zterecotpert ton 3. &orte, ilabelpt)ia. i Re9o gorf, I Jeraufgege onwn ber 244 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I835Imeriffanifden Sibles I |5cfP[fid)tt. 1 1835. 1 (Amer. Bib. Soc.) 12. Title, 1 p.; Ter3eid)nij ber Biicf)er, 1 p.; at top, &rfte %u[fgabe; below, (ebrucft bon S. jalln6alu. I Collation agrees with New Testament of Philadelphia, 1835, in number of pp., but the sigs. are in Nos. from 36 to recto of 475 in 123; verso of 475, blank; then follows in this edition, lleberfictt be6.ltlalt6 allcr /iicdler be6 9llten inb lteeult eftanitett, pp. 275-288; sigs. 476 to verso of 4712 in 128; showing that this Testament forms part of a Bible. 6.'H I KAINtI IAGHKH I IroU I Kup~ou xaI IXrqeog'Slatwv I Ianor Xpl~rou-, I pSErTacppa6IsrO a Ex% Tg caalXatg I g grjv I xaO olLXoovufsvJ v I EXXjvlx7v ca~xe7ov. I Ala Awravn5 n Ce ev I AEspiXn IpOyptli)xS I sralpsag. I NEoa Topx. I Ex And Tu~roypaorpa I aavj X.avia, I EteJ swxy. 1 1835. 1 (Am. Bib. Soc.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Order of the Books of the New Test. (in Greek); Text: pp. 3360; sigs. in 12s. This is the 2d Edition of the New Testament in modern Greek, printed by the American Bible Society. It appears from the Greek date that the 1st edition was published in 1833. 7. LUTHER'S GERMAN VERSION I of the I Gospel of St. John, | with an I Interlinear English Translation, i for the use of Students. I By Charles Follen, I Professor of the German Language and Literature I in Harvard University. I Cambridge: [ James Munroe and Company, I Booksellers to the University. I Boston: 1 134, Washington Street. I 1835. i (Gowans.) 12. Pref., p. 12; Text: pp. 160. 8. NE NE JINIHODIYEREN ne Rodiyatadogenhti, kanijengehaga kaweanondahkon ne tehaweanatennyon ne kenwendeshon nok oni shodigwatagwen ne William Hess and John A. Wilkes, Jr. New-York: Published by the Young Men's Bible Society of New-York, Auxiliary to the Bible Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Howe & Bates, Printers. 1835. 12. On the recto, or opposite page-The Acts of the Apostles in the Mohawk Language, translated by H. A. Hill, with corrections by William Hess and John A. Wilkes, Jr. Imprint as above. With the volume is bound a Translation into the Mohawk language of The EPISTLE of PAUL the Apostle to the RoMANS, by the same gentlemen. -I836.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 245 9. NE YEIIOHYATON ne Royatadogenhti PAUL jinonka ne GALATIANS. New York: Published by Howe & Bates, for the Young Men's Bible Society of New York, auxiliary to the Bible Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 1835. 12. This is the Epistle to the Galatians translated into the Mohawk language by William Hess, with corrections by J. A. Wilkes, Jr. 10. THE EPISTLE of ST. PAUL to the Romans: a new translation (with a commentary) by M. Stuart. Second edition. Andover. 1835. (Archd. Cotton.) 8. 1836. 1. HOLY BIBLE: Cooperstown (N. Y.) Stereotyped, printed and published by H. & E. Phinney, and sold by them at their Bookstore, and by the Booksellers generally in the United States. 1836. 4. 2. HOLY BIBLE, translated from the Latin Vulgat: With Annotations, References and Index. Ililabelplia: Published by Eugene Cummiskey. Stereotyped by J. Howe. 1836. (L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso blank; Admonition, Letter of Pius VI.; Approbation, Signed tHENRY CONWELL, Bishop of Pennsylvania and dated 13th December, 1824, 1 p.; Translation of the Decree of the Council of Trent and the Order of the Books of the Old Test. p. 4.; Text: Gen. to II Mac. pp. 5-681 (p. 589 is marked incorrectly 389), sigs. A. (which includes Title and prel. leaf) to recto of 4 01; Hist. and Chronol. Index to the Old Test. pp. 682-691; verso of 691, blank; sig. verso of 4 01 to recto of 4 06 all the signatures are in 4s except 40, which is in 6s; Fam. Rec. 2ff; New Test. title (as in edition of 1824), adding after the word " Scriptures" I Approved by Dr. Conwell, Bishop of Philadelphia. I and dated 1836. 1 p. verso, blank; Approb. of Dr. Troy, 1 p.; verso, Approbation of Bishop Conwell, Order of the Books of the New Test., Note; Text, and following matter to Hist. and Chronol. Index to New Testament inclusive, as in edition of 1824. The engraved frontispiece is torn out in the copy examined. On comparing this edition with the Cummiskey 8vo of 1824, it will be observed that it differs in having the text of the Old Testament paged continuously from Gen. to Maccabees. In the first edition it was divided into two parts both in the paging and signatures. The edition consisted of 1000 copies. 246 AMERICAN BIBLES. [18363. HOLY BIBLE, translated from the Latin Vulgate: With Annotations, References and Index. Published with the approbation of the Right Rev. John Dubois, Catholic Bishop of New York. New York: Published by John Doyle, No. 294 Pearl Street. Stereotyped by Conner & Cook. 1836. 8. This is a reprint of the edition of 1833, with merely a new Title page, 3 wood cuts and 1 steel engraving of the Crucifixion. Pearson's name at the end is suppressed. The transposition at page 4:3 in the edition of 1833: is corrected in this edition. The New Testament is dated 1833. 4. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotype edition. New York: Stereotyped by A. Chandler. Printed by D. Fanshaw, for the American Bible Society. 1836. 12. With references. 5. HOLY BIBLE: New York: For the Auxiliary New York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society. Depository 46 Lumber Street. 1836. 12. New Testament title dated 1835. Sigs. in 6s. Pp. 1044. 6. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Hogan and Thompson. 1836. 12. Pp. 1098 and 342, in 12s; on foot of verso, Stereotyped by Haswell & Barangton, Philadelphia. 7. HOLY BIBLE: Arranged in Paragraphs, such as the Sense requires. By J. Nourse. Boston: Perkins, Marvin & Company. Philadelphia: Henry Perkins. 1836. 12. See No. 12, supra p. 242. 8. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by J. Howe, Philadelphia. Hartford: Published by Judd, Loomis & Co. 1836. 12. Pp. 655. Contents, 656-681. 9. HOLY BIBLE: Hartford: Printed by Hudson & Goodwin. 1836. (B.) 12. -1836.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 247 10. THE ENGLISH VERSION of the POLYGLOTT BIBLE. Stereotyped by Henry Wallis and L. Roby, Concord, N. H. Concord, N. H.: Published by Roby, Kimball and Merrill. Luther Roby, Printer. 1836. 24. Pp. viii, 587, 190. Engr. front. and titles to O. and N. T. 11. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by Henry Wallis and Luther Roby, Concord, N. H.: Published by Charles Hoag. 1836. 32. With engr. front. and title page. New Test., same imprint, but dated 1834. 12. HoLY BIBLE, containing the Old Testament and the New. Stereotyped by Luther Roby, Concord, N. H. Concord, N. H.: Published by Oliver L. Sanborn. 1836. 32..illison & Foster, Printers. Pp. 852, 259. Front. to O. and N. T. 13. THE ENGLISH VERSION of the POLYGLOTT BIBLE, with Marginal Readings and References. Woodstock, Vt. J. B. & S. L. Chase & Co. 1836. (L.) 16. Title, 1 f.; verso, Order of the Books of the O. T.; at foot, Stereotyped by T. G. Wells & Co., Boston. Preface, signed T. C., 2 pp.; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 1-856; sig. 1-107; cont. of O. T., pp. 857-864; Table of Weights and Money, Table of Time, p. 866 (for 865); Table of Scripture Measures, p. 867 (for 866). The Polyglott New Testament, imprint as above, 1 p.; verso, Order of the Books of the N. T.; at foot, name of stereotyper, as above; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-259; Contents of N. T., pp. 260-262; Discourses, Parables and Miracles of Jesus in Chronol. Order, pp. 263, 264; A Concise Harmony of the Gospels, pp. 265-267; Chronological Table of our Saviour's life, 1 p.; sigs. 12 to 342, all in 4s; References in center of the pages. Engravings: Eve offering Adam the apple; Front. to O. T.; Adam and Eve quitting Paradise; Death of Abel; Abraham about to sacrifice Isaac; The Flood; Daniel in the Lion's Den; Birth of the Saviour; Front. to N. T.; Murder of the Innocents; Baptism of the Saviour; The Saviour Walking on the Waters; The Last Supper; The Crucifixion.. The running lines on pp. 212 and 213 of the New Test. are transposed; the former having Chap. IV, V, instead of I Timothy, which is incorrectly at the head of p. 213. 14. HOLY BIBLE: Northampton: J. H. Butler. Buffalo: T. & M. Butler. 1836. (Conn. Hist. Soc. Lib.) 16. Pp. 856, 259. 248 AMERICAN BIBLES. [183615. HOLY BIBLE: Amherst, Ms. J. S. & C. Adams. Stereotyped by L. Johnson. 1836. 16. Pp. 856, 259. The Text of Nos. 13, 14 and 15, seems to be from the same plates. See No. 18, of 1834. 16. HOLY BIBLE: New York: George Dearborn. 1836. 24. Pp. 726, 221. This is called, on an engraved Title page, " The Diamond Bible." It has a number of etchings. 17. Christology of the Old Testament, and a Commentary on the predictions of the Messiah by the Prophets. By E. W. Hengstenberg, D. D. Professor of Theology in the University of Berlin. Translated from the German by Reuel Keith, D. D. Alexandria, D. C. Vol. I. 1836. 8. This Volume contains General Introduction, Messianic prophecies in the Pentateuch and Psalms, the Godhead of the Messiah in the Old Testament, the proofs of a suffering and atoning Messiah, &c., and the Messianic prophecies in Isaiah. 1. NEW TESTAMENT: By the American and Massachusetts Bible Societies. Boston: Printed at the New England Institution. 4 vols. 1836. (Cat. Br. and For. Bib. Soc.) 4. In raised letters, for the Use of the Blind. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: Cooperstown, N. Y. H. & E. Phinney. 1836. 4. With Bible of 1835. 3. PRONOUNCING TESTAMENT: By Israel Alger. Boston: Crocker and Brewster. 1836. 12. See No. 4, of 1822, supra p. 159. 4. NEW TESTAMENT: Boston: Hilliard, Gray & Co. 1836. (G. L.) 12. 4th edition. 5. NEW TESTAMENT: Arranged in Paragraphs. By James Nourse. Boston: Hilliard, Gray & Co. 1836. (G. L.) 12. See No. 9 of 1834. -I 837.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 249 6. NEw TESTAMENT: Published by the Bible Association of Friends in America. Philadelphia. 1836. 18. 7. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: Printed by D. Fanshaw for the American Bible Society. Stereotyped by A. Chandler. 1836. 24. 33d edition. 8. EVANGELICAL HISTORY; I or the Books of j the NEw TESTAMENT; I with a I General Introduction, I a J Preface to each Book, I and Notes explanatory and critical. I In Two Volumes. I By Alden Bradford. Vol. I. j Containing the Four Gospels. I Boston: Joseph Dowe. 1 1836. I (G. L.) 12. 9.'H I KAINH AIAOHKH jI rou i Kuvpou xac,:Crpos I'tw~v j IGjou XpioroD, I tEtrcppaO8seal ~X sxr HtXaiaxS I ESjTrv I | xao oskou~tqvw I EXXivjxjv AaExrov. I Aia t a vavs erqS ev J AtspiXj IspoypaqixS f ecrapscga. I NEc Topx. I Ex rws Tu-oropas I i avr Av bcava. i 1836. I (Am. Bib. Soc.) 12. This is the third edition of the American Bible Society's New Testament, in modern G(reek. See No. 6 of 1835. 1837. 1. HOLY BIBLE: With Apocrypha, Canne's Marginal References, Index, Tables, Lives of the Apostles, and Concordance. Text corrected according to the Standard of the American Bible Society. Stereotyped by James Conner. New York: Published by T. Mason & G. Lane, for the Methodist Episcopal Church, at the Conference Office, 200 Mulberry street. 1837. (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; Witherspoon's pref., 1 p.; Advertisement, Names and Order, 1 p.; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 5-527; sigs. A to 3U4, in 4s, including Title and 2 prel. pp.; Stones's Guide to Reading the Scriptures, p. 528; Apocrypha (in smaller type), pp. 1-78; 1 blank leaf; sigs. A to K4 in 4s; New Testament, Title, 1 p.; verso, blank; Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-168; sigs. 3X to 4S4 in 4s; Index, pp. 1-9; Tables, &c., p. 10; Text of 0. T. quoted in the New, pp. 12, 13; Lives and Martyrdom, pp. 14, 15; 1 blank leaf; sigs. A to B4 in 4s; Title to Browne's Concordance, Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins, no date, 1 p.; 32 250 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I837To the Reader, 1 p.; Text, 3-56; sigs. A to G in 4s; Psalms in Metre (no title page), pp. 1-19; Engr. front. to O. and N. Test. The Bible is paged at the bottom; the Concordance and Psalms at the top of the pp.; all the sigs. are in 4s, and sigs. A include the Titles. The Engravings are: Jacob meeting Rachael; front to O. T., Balchj The Ascension; front. to N. T., J. G. Kellogg. The Text seems to be printed from the plates of the Wilbur Reference Bible. See supra p. 188. 2. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing the I Old and New Testaments; I together with I the Apocrypha I translated from the original tongues, i and I with the former translations diligently compared and revised; I with I Canne's marginal notes and references. I To which are added, I an Index; an Alphabetical table of all the names in the Old and New Testaments, with their significations; j Table of Scripture weights, measures, and coins, &c.; Concordance, and the Psalms of David in metre. i New York: I Nafis and Cornish. i St. Louis: Nafis, Cornish & Co. n. d. (Lib. Legislative Assembly, Canada.) 4. Title, To the Reader, Names and Order of the Books, Contents of the Books, 4 pp.; Text: Gen. to Rev., pp. 5-829; Apocrypha (paged separately), pp. (i)-(cxlvii); Fam. Rec., 2 if.; after Revelations follow Index, Table of Time, Chron. Index which ends as follows: "Then the whole sum and Number of Years, from the beginning of the world unto this present year of our Lord God 1833 are " &c.; then Tables of Scripture Measures, Weights and Coins; Judea, Palestine and the Holy Land; Analysis of the Old and New Testaments; Table of the several Passages in the Old Test. quoted in the New; Table of Offices and Conditions of Men; Table of Kindred; Alphabetical Table of Proper Names; pp. i-xxi; Title to Brown's Brief Concordance, imprint as above (no date), 1 p.; verso, To the Reader; Text: pp. [1]-[56]; Psalms in Metre, pp. 1-19. All are marked at foot of the pages, except the Psalms, which are paged at top. List of Engravings: 1. Repentance of Judas, painted by E. Bird, R. A.; T. Kelly sc. 2. Pharoah's sorcery. 3. Sampson betrayed. 4. Daniel interpreting for Belshazzar. 5. The Annunciation. 6. Magi offering presents. 7. Judas casting away the pieces of silver. 8. Christ raising the widow's son. 9. Incredulity of Thomas. 10. Vision of the Dragon chained. All except the first, on wood, engraved by Anderson. This Bible appeared originally in 1833. 3. HOLY BIBLE: Cooperstown (N. Y.), Stereotyped, printed and published by H. & E. Phinney, and sold by them at their Bookstore, and by the Booksellers generally in the United States. 1837. 4. -I837.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 251 4. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotype edition. New York: Stereotyped by A. Chandler, for the American Bible Society. 1837. 12. D. Fanshaw, Printer. Pp. 669. Short headings to col. and chap. Seemingly a copy of the Nonpareil 12mo of 1830. The New Test. title is marked Nonpareil 12mo. 5. THE I HOLY BIBLE of the Old and New I Testaments. | Boston: I Published by Otis Clapp, I No. 121 Washington Street. 1837. i (G. L.) 12. Verso of title, blank; "From the Arcana Ccelestia of Emanuel Swedenborg," 1 p. This volume contains the books only which Swedenborg indicates as having an internal sense, viz.: Genesis, I Samuel, Lamentations, Jonah, Exodus, II Samuel, Ezekiel, Micah, Leviticus, I Kings, Daniel, Nahum, Numbers, II Kings, Hosea, Habakkuk, Deuteronomy, Psalms, Joel, Zephaniah, Joshua, Isaiah, Amos, Haggai, Judges, Jeremiah, Obadiah, Zechariah, Malachi. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, The Apocalypse. The Text is that of the common version, and is printed from the plates of a common 12mo Bible, the parts not containing the internal sense being omitted, and the paging is continued as it would be if the whole text were included. 6. THE | HOLY BIBLE, I translated from I the Latin Vulgate: Diligently compared with i the Hebrew, Greek, and other editions, I in various Languages; I With I Annotations by the Rev. Dr. Challoner; I Together with References and an Historical and Chronological Index. I With the Approbation of the Provincial Council. I Baltimore: i Published by Fielding Lucas, Jr. 1 138 Market Street. I n. d. (L.) 12. Title (within rules), 1 f.; verso, Approbation of the Provincial Council, dated 22d April, 1837, and Approbation of the University of Doway; Admonition, Letter of Pius VI, and A Prayer, p. 3; verso, Decree of the Council of Trent, and Order of the Books of the Old Test.; Text: Gen. to Mac., pp. 5-808; sigs. A (which includes title and prel. leaf) to verso of 3y2 in 6s, and 1 to verso of 1014 in 4s; A Table of References, pp. 809, 810; sig. Al (not marked) and in fig. 102; Title to New Test., 1 p; verso, A Prayer, Approbation of the New Test. by the Univ. of Rheims, The Books of the New Test. and Note; sig. A2 and 1022; Text: Mat. to Apocal., pp. 5-214; Tables of all the Epistles and Gospels, 1 p.; verso, blank; sigs. A3 to recto of S6 in 6s; and 1023,4, then 1 (not marked, which is p. 2) to recto of 274 in 4s. In Gen. 4: 14, the words " and from thy face I shall be hid, and I shall be a vagabond and a fugitive on the earth," are omitted. 252 AMERICAN BIBLES. [18377. THE ENGLISH VERSION of the POLYGLOTT BIBLE: Stereotyped by L. Johnson. Philadelphia: Published by Desilver, Thomas & Co., No. 253 Market street. 1837. 12. With engr. T. and front. Philadelphia: Published by Thomas Cowperthwaite & Co., 253 Market street. See No. 11 of 1835. 8. POCKET REFERENCE BIBLE. j The English Version I of the Polyglott Bible, I containing the I 01b anb New iestament0, I with I Original Selections of references to parallel I and illustrative passages; and i Marginal readings. I Together with other valuable additions: the I whole designed to facilitate the acquisition I of Scripture knowledge I in Bible classes, Sunday schools &c. I Stereotyped by L. Johnson. i Baltimore: I Published by Armstrong & Berry, I No. 134 Market Street. 1 1837. 1 24. Engr. titles to O. and N. Testaments, see supra, p. 217. 9. HOLY BIBLE, containing the Old Testament and the New: Stereotyped by J. Howe, Philad. Hartford, Ct.: Published by Judd, Loomis & Co. 1837. (G. L) 24. Contents of the Books of the O. Test, pp. 3-10; Text: pp. 11-729; New Test., pp. 222; Contents, pp. 223-225. Two plates in front of Old Test. An error occurs in this edition in II. Tim. 3:16, the text reading: "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable......for destruction" instead of, instruction. 10. HOLY BIBLE: Authorised version. With notes, practical and explanatory, by the Rev. Henry Stebbing, A. M., Member of the Royal Society of Literature. London: Allan Bell & Co. Warwick Square, T. Tegg & Son; and H. Washburne, J. K. Herrick, New York. 1837. 32. Bound in 2 vols. pp. 1084 and 338, with a number of etchings with inscriptions in English and French. Copies of Stebbing's Diamond Bible had been smuggled for a number of years into the United States. It was finally seized by the revenue officers and its illegal introduction put an end to. 11. A NEW TRANSLATION of the Hebrew Prophets, arranged in Chronological Order. By George R. Noyes. 3 vols. Vol. I, containing Joel, Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, and Micah. Bos -I837.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 253 ton, Charles Bowen. 1833. Vol. II, containing Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk, Obadiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations. Boston: James Munroe and Company. 1837. Vol. III, containing Ezekiel, Daniel, Haggai, Zechariah, Jonah, and Malachi. Boston: James Munroe and Company. 1837. (Harvard Coll.; G. L.) 12. 1. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: Published by N. & J. White. E. Sanderson, Printer, Elizabethtown, N. J. 1837. 4. With Bible No. 2 of 1834. 2. EXPLANATORY I NOTES j upon the I NEW TESTAMENT. I By John Wesley, M. A. | Late Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford. I New York: I Published by T. Mason and G. Lane, I for the Methodist Episcopal Church, at the Conference I Office, 200 Mulberry-Street. I J. Collord, Printer. I 1837. 1 8. Pp. 734. The text, which is that of the Common English Translation, with some of Bengel's readings incorporated, is in paragraphs; the number of the chapters and verses being noted in the margin. Many of the notes are borrowed from Bengel's Gnomon Novi Testamenti, Heylin's Theological Lectures, Guyse and Doddridge. 3. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: American Bible Society. 1837. Pica 8. Psalms appended. 4.'IH KAINH AIA~HKH. I The j Greek Testament, I with English Notes, i Critical, Philological, and Exegetical, I partly I selected and arranged from the best Commentators, ancient and modern, I but chiefly original. I The whole being specially adapted to the Use of I Academical Students, Candidates for the Sacred office, and Ministers: though also intended as a Manual Edition for the Use of Theological Students in general. I By the j Rev. S. T. Bloomfield, D. D., F. S. A. j Vicar of Bisbrooke, Rutland. I First American from the Second London Edition. I In Two Volumes. I Vol I. I Boston: j Published by Perkins and Marvin. I New York: Gould and Newman. I 254 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I837Philadelphia: Henry Perkins. 1 1837. 1 (Norman C. Stoughton, Albany.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, Extract of Copyright dated 1836; below, Stereotyped by Folsom, Wells, and Thurston. Perkins and Marvin, Printers; Preface to the American edition, signed, M. Stuart, Andover Theol. Seminary, October 1st, 1836, pp. iii, iv, v; verso of v., blank; Dr. Bloomfield's Preface, pp. vii-xx; Preface to the Second Edition, pp. xxi-xxxi; verso, Explanation of Characters used in the Work; sigs. a (which includes title p.) to verso of do in 4s; Text: Mat. to the end of Acts, pp. 1-597; sigs. 1 to recto of 753 in 4S, a blank leaf completing the sig. 2d vol., Title as above, except Vol. II., 1 p.; verso, Extract of Copyright, &c., as in vol. I. Text: Romans to Rev. pp. 3-606, sigs. 1 to verso of 763; Index I., pp. 607-616; Index II., pp. 617-631; verso, blank; sigs. 764 to recto of 794 in 4S. The text of this work is formed on the basis of the last edition of Robert Stephens adopted by Mill. In the second edition which is here reprinted, the editor states that he has embodied the results of an attentive study of the reformers, Luther, Calvin and Melancthon. He has also given more regular and copious introductions to all the books of the New Testament. 5. NEW TESTAMENT: Arranged in Historical and Chronological Order; with Copious Notes on the principal Subjects in Theology; the Gospels on the basis of the Harmonies of Lightfoot, Doddridge, Pilkington, Macombe, Michaelis; the account of the Resurrection on the authorities of West, Towson and Cranfield. The Epistles are inserted in their places, and divided according to the Apostle's arguments. By the Rev. George Townsend, M. A., Prebendary of Durham, and Vicar of North Allerton. The whole revised, divided into paragraphs, punctuated according to the best Critical Texts, the Italic words reexamined, Passages and Words of doubtful authority marked, a choice and copious Selection of parallel passages given &c. By the Rev. T. W. Coit, D. D., late President of Transylvania University. Boston: Published by Perkins and Marvin. Philadelphia: Henry Perkins. 1837. (L.; G. L.) 8. 1st American edition. 6. NEw TESTAMENT: Stereotype edition. Philadelphia: Published by A. J. Dickinson and C. Ward, and for sale by the Booksellers generally. 1837. (L.) 12. Text: pp. 3-453; Table of Offices, p. 454; sigs. 1 to 386, all in 6s, except sig. 1, which is in 5s. — 837.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 255 7. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotype Edition. Hartford: Judd, Loomis & Co. 1837. (L.) 12. 8. THE I NEW TESTAMENT I of our I Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I By I William Tyndale, I tile martyr. I The original edition, 1526, j Being the first vernacular translation from the Greek. I With a I Memoir of his life and writings. I To which are annexed, I The essential variations of Coverdale's, Thomas Matthew's, I Cranmer's, the Genevan, and the Bishops' Bibles, as marginal readings. I By J. P. Dabney. I Andover: I Printed and Published by Gould and Newman: I From the London edition of Bagster. I New York: Corner of Fulton and Nassau Streets. I MDCCCXXXVII. I (L.; G. L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Extract from copy right; Preface, pp. iii-viii, dated Andover, Aug. 9, 1837; Mock title, Memoir, &c., 1 f.; verso, Arms and Pedigree of Tyndale; Text of Memoir, pp. 11-82; List of Books ascribed to Tyndale, pp. 83, 84; Historic notices of the Ante-James Versions; Versions of the Scripture subsequent to that of Tyndale, pp. 65-98; Collations, pp. 99-102; List of distinctive expressions of Tyndale,. 103-105; Additions and Corrections, at bottom of 105; verso, blank; Woodcut Title page to N. T., M.D.XXVI; verso, blank; sigs. in numbers, 1 to 9 in 6s, including this. last title; Mat. to Rev., no paging; sigs. A to TT5 in 6s; To the Reader, 2 pp. TT6. Mr. Lee Wilson is very severe on Dabney's remarks respecting the different versions, and particularly on his ignorance of the number of editions of Tyndale's Testament. Mr. Dabney had not the means of informing himself on this subject, and should have been more modest in his strictures on Mr. Offer. 9. THE I POLYGLOTT I NEW TESTAMENT. I With marginal Readings and References. I Woodstock, Vt. I J. B. & S. L. Chase & Co. 1 1837. 1 16, This is the New Testament of No. 12 of 1836, published separately. 10. NEW TESTAMENT: Philadelphia: McCarty & Davis, 175 Market Street. Stereotyped by L. Johnson. 1837. (L.) 24. 11. EL I NUEVO TESTAMENTO, I traducido al Espafiol I por el R. P. Felipe scio de S. Miguel, de las Escuelas Pias, Obispo de Segovia. I Nueva York: I Edicion estereotipica por F. F. Ripley, I A costa de la Sociedad Americana de 256 AMERICAN BIBLES. [1838la Biblia. i Formada en Nueva York, A. D. 1816. 1 Imprinta de D. Fanshaw. 1 1837. 1 32. Text: pp. 1-477; sigs. A to 2G. This is a Catholic Testament, but without notes. 12. THE FOUR GOSPELS, translated from the Original Greek, with preliminary Dissertations and Notes, critical and explanatory. By Rev. George Campbell, Principal of Marischal College and one of the Ministers of Aberdeen. In Two Volumes. Andover: Printed and published by Gould and Newman. New York: corner of Fulton and Nassau St. 1837. 8. See supra pp. 52, 55, 106, for other editions of this work. 13. THE FOUR GOSPELS, with Notes, chiefly explanatory, designed for teachers in Sabbath Schools and Bible Classes, and as an aid to Family Instruction. 2 vols. By Henry I. Ripley. Boston: 1837. 12. Colored Map. 14. KEY to the REVELATION. By Elkan Smith. Boston: Whipple and Damrell. 1837. 12. 1838. 1. HOLY BIBLE: with Canne's Notes and References, Index, Tables, &c. Hartford: Andrus, Judd & Franklin. 1838. (Am. Bib. Soc.) Fol. Same as No. 2 of 1829. 2. HOLY BIBLE: with References and Various Readings. Illustrated with Engravings. In Two Volumes. Vol. I. Baltimore: Lewis & Coleman. John D. Fry, Printer. n. d. 4. Ornamental Title. (Below, Picture of Solomon's Temple.) Published by Joseph N. Lewis, Baltimore; verso, blank; Printed Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Names and Order of all the Books, 1 p.; verso, A Guide to regular perusal of the Holy Scriptures, by William Stones. Also, Proper Lessons for Public Worship and Sunday Mornings -1838.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 257 throughout the Year. Proper Lessons for particular days. Text: Gen. to close of Solomon's Song, pp. 1-787; end of Vol. I; sigs. D (1st p. of Text) to recto of 5K2. Vol. II, Title page, I p.; verso, blank; Text: Isaiah to Mal., pp. 3-277; sigs. A to recto of 2M3; Apocrypha (in smaller type), pp. 1-139; sigs. A to recto of S2; Fam. Rec., 2 ff.; Title to New Test.; Imprint as above, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 281-600; sigs. 2N to verso of 4F4, all in 4s. This Bible was published in Numbers. An inscription on the cover bears date Jan. 1, 1838. The Old Testament contains 4 plates, the New Testament 13 plates. H. ad. Boardman, D. D. 3. HoLY BIBLE: New York: Stereotyped by A. Chandler, and Printed by D. Fanshaw, For the American Bible Society. 1838. (L.) Pica 4. 5th edition. Printed previously to the alterations in the new version. 4. HOLY BIBLE: with Canne's Marginal Notes and References. To which-are added, An Index, An Alphabetical Table of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations, Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures and Coins &c. Cincinnati: Published by U. P. James, No. 26 Pearl Street, and sold by all the principal Booksellers in the United States. 1838. (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; To the Reader, and Advertisement to Alexander's stereotype edition, 1 p.; Names and Order, p. 4; Contents, pp. (5)-(8); Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 9-632; sigs. B to verso of 4K4, in 4s; Apocrypha, in smaller type, pp. (i)-(cxlvii); sigs. A* to recto of Ta.2, in 4s, followed by a blank page; Fam. Rec., 2 ff.; New Testament title, same imprint, 1 p.; versoe, Account of Dates; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 635829; verso, blank; Index, pp. i-xi; Table of Time also on p. xi; Index of Years; Tables of Weights &c., pp. xii, xiii; Account of Judea and Analysis, p. xiv; Table of Texts, Offices, Kindred, pp. xv, xvi; Alphabetical Table, pp. xvii-xxi; sigs. (including title) 4L to recto of 5p2, in 4s, followed by a blank page; Brown's Concordance: Philadelphia: Printed and published by Charles Alexander & Co., Athenian Buildings, Franklin Place, n. d., 1 p.; verso, To the Reader; Text: pp. [3]-[56]; sigs. A to Gi in 4s; 5 large woodcuts. This Bible seems to correspond with that published by Nafis and Cornish, supra p. 250. For Alexander's edition, see No. 4 of 1834. 5. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotype edition. New York: Stereotyped by A. Chandler, for the American Bible Society. 1838. (L.) Sm. pica 8. D. Fanshaw, printer, 117 Nassau street. 33 258 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8386. THE OLD TESTAMENT, arranged in Historical and Chronological order (on the basis of Lightfoot's Chronicles), in such a manner that the Books, Chapters, Psalms, Prophecies, &e. &c., may be read in one connected History, in the words of the authorized Translation. With Notes and Copious Indexes. By the Rev. George Townsend, MI. A., Prebendary of Durham, and Vicar of North Allerton. Revised, punctuated, divided into Paragraphs and Parallelisms, Italic words reexamined, a choice and Copious Selection of references given. By the Rev. T. W. Coit, D. D., late President of Transylvania University. Boston: Published by Perkins and Marvin. Philadelphia: Henry Perkins. 1838. (L.) 8. 1st American Edition, pp. viii, 1188, 24. For the New Testament, see 1837. 7. HOLY BIBLE: according to the commonly received version. London: Imprinted by Robert Barker, 1611. New York: Stereotyped by White & Hagar, for the American and Foreign Bible Society. John Gray, Printer. 1838. (L.) 8. The Oxford reprint, 1833, is so exactly literatim as to retain even the manifest errors of the press.-.-lmer. Bible Soc. Cat., p. 9. This American reprint is said to be also full of errors. 8. HOLY BIBLE: New York: Published by T. Mason and G. Lane, for the Methodist Episcopal Church, at the Conference Office, 200 Mulberry street. J. Collord, Printer. 1838. 12. Pp. 510, 162. On verso of New Testament title, Stereotyped at the Boston Type and Stereotype Foundry. 9. HOLY BIBLE: New York: Stereotyped by A. Chandler for the American Bible Society. 1838. Nonp. 12. 11th edition, pp. 669. See Bible No. 4 of 1837. 10. HOLY BIBLE: Imprinted by Robert Barker, 1611. Reprinted by the American Bible Society, New York. 1838. (Am. Bible Soc.) 18. -1838.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 259 11. HOLY BIBLE, containing the Old Testament and the New. Stereotyped by J. Howe, Phil. Hartford, Ct.: Andrus, Judd and Franklin. 1838. 24. Pp. 729, 222; Contents, 223-225; 16 woodcuts and 4 engravings. 12. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by Henry Wallis and L. Roby, Concord, N. H. Concord, N. H.: Published by Roby, Kimball & Merrell. 1838. 24. 13. THE ENGLISH VERSION of the POLYGLOTT BIBLE. Springfield: Published by G. & C. Merriam. 1838. 24. 14. HOLY BIBLE, containing the Old Testament and the New. New York: Robinson and Franklin, successors to Leavitt, Lord & Co., 180 Broadway. 1838. 32. Pp. 852, 259; Contents, 261-263. 2 front. to Old Testament. 15. HOLY BIBLE: New York: Stereotyped by Smith & Valentine, for American Bible Society. 1838. Diamond 32. 16. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Hogan & Thompson, No. 30, N. Fourth street. 1838. 32. Same as No. 21 of 1832. Imprint to Engraved T.: Philadelphia, Hogan & Thompson, 139 Market street. 1834. 17. JOB. By Geo. R. Noyes. Boston: James Monroe. 1838. (G. L.) 12. 1. NEW TESTAMENT: London, Imprinted by Robert Barker, 1611. New York: Stereotyped by White and Hagar, for American and Foreign Bible Society. John Gray, Printer. 1838. (L.) J1. Pp. 236. A Baptist version. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: J Stereotyped by J. Howe, New-York. I Newark, N. J. IPrinted and published by Benjamin Olds. 1 1838. 1 12. Pp. 3-288. Sigs. A to Z in 6s. There is a vignette on wood on the title page: The Good Samaritan. Brief headings to chapters. 260 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8391839. 1. HOLY BIBLE: With Apocrypha, marginal Notes and References, Index, Tables, &c. Philadelphia: Published by McCarty and Davis, No. 171 Market street. I. Ashmead & Co., Printers. 1839. (L.) 4. This is a continuation of the Carey edition. There is no Apocrypha in this copy. It has a large woodcut frontis., and four wood engravings. Lev. 19: 12 is incorrect: the God for thy God. 2. HOLY BIBLE: With Apocrypha, Canne's Marginal Notes and References, Index, Tables &c. Philadelphia: Published and for sale by Hogan & Thompson, No. 30 North Fourth Street. Printed by Jasper Harding, No. 74 South Second Street. 1839. (L.) 4. The Text of the Old and the New Testaments agrees in sigs. and pagination, with Phinney's Cooperstown 4to (see supra pp. 157, 158); that of the Apocrypha, with Alexander's edition, supra p. 229, but dated 1838. This volume, has, in addition, Brown's Concordance: Alexander's stereotype edition; imprint, Plliladelphia: Printed and Published by Charles Alexander & Co., Athenian Buildings, Franklin place; pp. [3]-[56]; and Psalms in Metre, pp. 19. 3. HOLY BIBLE: Concord, N. H. Roby, Kimball & Merrell. 1839. 4. 4. HOLY BIBLE: Translated from the Latin Vulgat: with Annotations, References, and a Historical and Chronological Index. First Stereotype, from the fifth Dublin edition. Newly revised and corrected according to the Clementin edition of the Scriptures. ]liltabdlplia: Publlislled by Eugene Cummiskey. Stereotyped by J. Howe. 1839. (Rev. Mr. Rooney, Albany.) 8. This edition agrees with that of 1836, supra p. 245. It has, in addition, however, before the printed Title page, Approbations of Archbishop Eccleston of Baltimore; of Bishops Conwell and Kenrick of Philadelphia, and Dr. Hughes, coadjutor Bishop of New York. And an Engraved Title with Vignette, The Finding of Moses. 5. HOLY BIBLE: According to the commonly received version. London: Imprinted by Robert Barker, 1611. New York: Stereotyped by White & Hagar, for the American and Foreign Bible Society. John Gray, Printer. 1839. (L.) 8. -1839.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 261 6. THE OLD TESTAMENT, arranged in Historical and Chronological order (on the basis of Lightfoot's Chronicles), &c., &c. With Notes and Copious Indexes. By the Rev. George Townsend, M. A., Prebendary of Durham, and Vicar of North Allerton. Revised, &c. By the Rev. T. W. Coit, ID. D., late President of Transylvania University. Boston: Published by Perkins and Marvin. Philadelphia: Henry Perkins. 1839. (G. L.) 8. A continuation of No. 6, of 1838, with new title page. For the New Testament, see 1837. 7. THE ENGLISH VERSION of the POLYGLOTT BIBLE: with marginal Readings: together with Copious and Original Selection of references to parallel and illustrative passages, exhibited in a manner hitherto unattempted. Stereotyped by L. Johnson. Philadelphia: Thomas, Cowperthwaite & Co.- 1839. 12. Engraved title; Philadelphia; Published by Thomas, Cowperthwaite & Co., No. 253 Market Street, 1 f.; verso, blank; printed title within double rules, 1 p.; verso, Order of the Books of the 0. and N. T.; Chronol. Order, p. ii; Preface, pp. iii to viii; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 3-587; p. 588, blank; Engr. title to N. Test.; same imprint, 1 f.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-190; sigs. in 6s; Front. to 0. T., Samuel and Eli, J. B. Neagle; to N. T., The Repose in Egypt, Ellis. 8. THE HOLY BIBLE: I With I the References and marginal Readings I of the I Polyglott Bible. I with numerous additions from I Bagster's Comprehensive Bible. Philadelphia: j Published by Robert P. Desilver, No. 255, Market Street. 1 1839. 1 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Names and Order; Copyright dated 1833; C. Sherman & Co, Printers. Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 3-716; sig. 1-604; N. T. title, 1 f.; Text: pp. 719937; sig. 604-791; Psalms in Metre, pp. 939-982; sig. 792-82. Plates: Front. Abraham offering up Isaac,..................................... F. Kearney. Sampson betrayed by Delilah,.......................................... Kearney. Daniel in the Lion's Den,..............................................Kearney. Jonah cast into the Sea,..........Ke.................., Karney. Front. Appearance to the Shepherds,............................ K........ arney. Christ raising the Widow's Son,.........K......................Kearney. Entombing of Christ,...............Ke.......................Kearney. Compare with No. 9 of 1833, with which the Text seems to agree. 262 AMERICAN BIBLES. [18399. HOLY BIBLE: New York, Stereotyped for the American Bible Society, by E. & J. White. D. Fanshaw, Printer. 1839. (L.) 12. 10. HOLY BIBLE: New York, Stereotyped by A. Chandler, for the American Bible Society. D. Fanshaw, Printer. 1839. (L.) 12. 21st ed. Probably from the same plates as No. 9, of 1829, with new Title pages. 11. HOLY BIBLE: New York, Stereotyped by A. Chandler. Printed by D. Fanshaw, for the American Bible Society. 1839. (L.) 12. A Reference Bible. 5th edition. 12. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by J. Howe, Philadelphia. New York: Robinson and Franklin (successors to Leavitt, Lord & Co.). 1839. 12. Text: pp. 655; Contents, pp. 656-660; sigs. in 6s; 2 fronts to O. T., Ruth, and Feast of the Tabernacle, having at foot of each, " Hartford: Andrus & Judd." 13. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by J. Howe, IPhiladelphia. Hartford: Andrus, Judd & Franklin. 1839. 12. Pp. 655; sigs. in 6s; several wood engravings. 14. HOLY BIBLE: Middletown, Conn. E. Hunt & Co. 1839. (B.) 12. 15. HOLY BIBLE: Brattleboro, Vt. 1839. 12. Engraved title: The I Holy Bible. j (Vignette.) I Published by I The I Brattleboro Bible Company. 1 Pp. 1003, 321; Front. to O. T. 16. HOLY BIBLE: Baltimore: Armstrong & Berry. M.DCCCXXXIX. (L.) 12. Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 1003; Cont., pp. 1004-1018. New Test. title, 1 f.; Mat. to Rev., pp. 321; Cont., pp. 322-328. -I839]1 AMERICAN BIBLES. 263 17. HOLY BIBLE: New York: Robinson & Franklin, successors to Leavitt, Lord & Co., 180 Broadway. 1839. 32. Pp. 852, 259. Contents, pp. 261-263. Sigs. in 8s. Engravings: St. Michael................................................... Illman 4. Pilbrow. Christ led to Crucifixion,...................................... Illman 94 Pilbrow. Triumph of Mordecai,........................................Illman & Pilbrow. The Nativity,...............................................Illman r Pilbrow. 18. IIOLY BIBLE: New York: Charles Wells, 56 Gold street. n. d. 32. Pp. 726, 221. Front. and engr. title page. The printer occupied the premises above mentioned, from 1836-1843. N. Y. Directory. 19. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by Henry Wallis and Luther Roby, Concord, N. H. Portland: Published by O. L. Sanborn. 1839. (Harvard Coll.) 32. 20. NE KAGHYADONGIISERA ne Royadadokenghdy ne ISAIAH. New York: Printed for the American Bible Society. D. Fanshaw, Printer. 1839. 18. This is a Mohawk version of the Book of Isaiah. 1. NEW TESTAMENT: Cooperstown, N. Y.: stereotyped, printed and published by H. & E. Phinney, and sold by them at their bookstore, and by the booksellers generally in the United States. 1839. (L.) 4. Frontisp. and four woodcuts. 2. THE FAMILY EXPOSITOR, or a Paraphrase and Version of the New Testament, with Critical notes and a Practical Improvement to each section. By Philip Doddridge, D. D. American Edition, with a life of the author, by N. W. Fiske, and an Introductory Essay, by Moses Stuart. Thirteenth edition. Amherst, Mass.: Published by Charles McFarland. 1839. 8. Portrait and Plates. 3. O Novo TESTAMENTO: traduzido em Portugues, pelo J. Ferreira A. d'Almeida. Nova York: A custa da Socieda de Americana da Biblia. 1839. (Am. Bib. Soc. Lib.) 8. This is a Protestant version. 264 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8394. O | Novo TESTAMENTO I de I Nosso Senhor j Jesu Christo, J traduzido em Portugues I segundo a Vulgata, I polo Padre Antonio Pereira de Figueiredo. j Nova York: I Edi9ao estereotipica por J. S. Redfield, a custa da Socieda de Americana da Biblia, I formada em Nova York, A. D. 1816. 1 Impresa por D. Fanshaw. 1 1839. (L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Indice and Ed. imo; Text: pp. 3-282; sigs. 1 to 129 in 12s, including Title. This is a Catholic Testament. 5. za~ %eue I e/fament / unfer I ierrn unb,eitanbeO I 3eft qvrifti, I nacd) er e1cberfeitung I Zr. Martin vuther. I 9e4bft einer 3ollftantigen anveifung I ber I Bpifteln unib tangelein afer (onnf intb eftage I burd) ganbe 3alr#. I 9litabdpbia, I eraufgegeben ton Stmber unb ZarptIef, 3fiictd)tanler I Nro. 8 ~ut ZritteZtrafe~. 1 1839. 1 Ztereot.pirt ton W. anb 3. N3umer, Wltcntown. (L.) 12. Pp. 420. 6. THE NEW TESTAMENT, j in the I Common Version I with Amendments of language, I By Noah Webster, LL. D. New Haven: I Published by S. Babcock. I Stereotyped by J. S. Redfield, New York. 1 1839. (L.) 12. See 1833. 1 Tim. 4: 16 is incorrect. 7. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: S. Colman, 141 Nassau street. 1839. 12. Pp. 447. 8. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: Stereotyped ed. J. S. Redfield, for the American Bible Society. 1839. (Rev. Dr. Brigham.) Brevier 18. 9. NEW TESTAMENT: Philadelphia: Haswell, Barrington & Haswell, No. 293, Market Street. 1839. 24. Pp. 318. — 1840.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 265 1840. 1. HOLY BIBLE: With Apocrypha, Canne's Marginal Notes and References; Index, Alphabetical Table of Names, Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures and Coins, &c. Cooperstown, N. Y.: Published and sold by H. & E. Phinney. Sold also by J. Tiffany, Utica. 1840. (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, Names and Order; To the Reader, p. 3; Cont., pp. 4-8, making with Title 1 sig.; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 9-594; sig. B to 3W3; Table of Passages, p. 575; Chronolog. Index, Tables of Time and Offices, p. 576 (3W4); Fam. Rec., 2 if.; Apocrypha (in smaller type), pp. 1-99; sig. A to N2; p. 100, blank. New Test. title: Cooperstown (N. Y.), Stereotyped, Printed and published by H. & E. Phinney, and sold by them at their Bookstore, and by the Booksellers generally in the United States. 1839, 1 p.; verso, Account of dates &c.; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 579-754; sig. including Title, 3X to 4U1; Index, Tables, Alphabetical list of proper names, pp. 755768; sig. 4U2 to 4V4 in 4s; Brown's Concordance (no title p.), pp. (1)-(35); sig. A to E2; but sig. letters A and B are omitted. Sigs. all in 4s. Engravings (on wood): Front. and 14 in O. T.; Front. and 4 in N. T. 2. HOLY BIBLE: Translated from the LatinVulgat: With Annotations, References, and a Historical and Chronological Index. First Stereotype from the Fifth Dublin Edition. 1)ilaelpjia: Published by Eugene Cummiskey. Stereotyped by J. Howe. 1840. (L.) 8. Front. to O. T., Finding of Moses; to the N. T., The Virgin and Child. Engraved for the Catholic Expositor. James Harris, Engraver, 58 Nassau street. The Approbations in this edition are printed on the verso of the Title page. This volume agrees with that already given, 1839. 3. HOLY BIBLE: New York: Stereotype edition, by J. S. Redfield, for the American Bible Society. 1840. (Rev. Dr. Brigham.) Long Pr. 8. 4. HOLY BIBLE: New York: Published by the American Bible Society. D. Fanshaw, Printer. Stereotyped by E. & J. White. 1840. 12. Pp. 832 and 254. 5. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Hogan & Thompson. 1840. 12. Pp. 1096, 342. 34 266 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8406. POLYGLOTT FAMILY BIBLE: With marginal readings, references, and parallel passages. Keene, N. H.: I. & I. W. Prentiss. 1840. (L.) 12. 7. HOLY BIBLE: New York: Stereotyped by Richard C. Valentine, for the American Bible Society. Instituted &c. Printed by D. Fanshaw. 1840. Ref. Pearl 18. 1st edition. 8. THE ENGLISh VERSION of the POLYGLOTT BIBLE: With marginal Readings: Together with a copious and original Selection of References to parallel and Illustrativ3 passages. Exhibited in a manner hitherto unattempted. Springfield: Published by G. & C. Merriam. 1840. 32. The Text corresponds with that of Chase's Woodstock edition of 1836, and the headings of pp. 212, 213, are transposed in this also. The vol. has two engraved titles and a few etchings. 9. AN ABSTRACT of the HISTORY of the OLD and NEW TESTAMENTS, divided into Three parts. Part I. From the Creation to the Birth of Christ. Part II. The Life of our Lord Jesus Christ. Part III. The Acts of the Apostles, and the Establishment of the Church throughout the World. By the Ven. and Right Rev. Richard Challoner, D. D., Bishop of Tebra, and V. A. Third American Edition. Revised by the Very Rev. John Power, V. G. with the Approbation of the most rev. Archbishop Ecclison, of Baltimore, and the Rt. Rev. J. Dubois, B-p N. Y. New York: Published by John McSweeny. Stereotyped by Smith & Wright, 216 William St., N. Y. 1840. (Rev. Mr. Rooney, Albany.) 12. 3 plates. A considerable part of the New Testament History consists of portions of the Sacred Text, printed, however, in paragraphs. The dedication is dated 15 February 1834. 1. THE J NEW TESTAMENT I of our I Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I translated from the I Latin Vulgate: I Diligently compared with the Original Greek: l and first published by I The English College at Rheims, A. D. 1582. I With -1840.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 267 Annotations, References, and an Historical and I Chronological Index. ] From the last London and Dublin edition. I Published with the approbation of the Right Rev. Francis Patrick IKenrick, I and the Right Rev. J. Hughes. I Philadelphia: I Eugene Cummriskey, 130 South Sixth St. I Stereotyped by L. Johnson. I 1840. I (L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Approbations, dated 1st October, 1839, Books of the New Test.; Text: Gen. to Apocal., pp. 3-421; sigs. in figures and letters; 1 to 3 in 6s, 4 to 51 in 4s, 52 in 12:. This sig. is completed with a blank leaf. At p. 25 commence the sig. letters with C, and run to 2N1 in 6s; Table of Epist. and Gosp., pp. 422, 423; Table of References, pp. 424-426; Index, pp. 427-429; at foot of p. 429, Table of Time; verso of 2N1 to 2N5, a blank leaf completing the sig. The notes and references are at foot of the pp. The edition consisted of 2750 copies. Some have, at the end, 3 pp. of Eugene Cummiskey's advertisement of Catholic Publications. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: Philadelphia: Win. S. Young, 173 Race Street. 1840. (L.) 12. 3. NEW TESTAMENT: Translated from the Latin Vulgate: With annotations to clear up the principal difficulties of Holy Writ, as approved by the Right Reverend John Dubois, Catholic Bishop of New York. Stereotype edition. Utica: Printed by Thomas Davis, for the Proprietors. 1840. (L.) 12. This is the Devereux Testament, with a new Title page merely, the certificate of copyright being omitted. The typographical error in James 5: 17, already noted, is continued. See 1829. 4. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotype edition. Newburyport: Published by John G. Tilton. 1840. (L.) 12. Pp. 450. 5. POLYGLOTT FAMILY TESTAMENT. I The I New Testament j of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: I With the Marginal Readings, I compendious Annotations, iand I Copious References to Parallel and I Illustrative Passages. ] Keene, N. H. I J. & J. W. Prentiss. 1 1840. I (L.; G. L.) 12. On reverse of Title, Extract of Copyright, dated 1833, obtained by James Conner & W. R. Cooke, New York. Stereotyped by Conner and Cooke, New York; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp 3-422; sigs. in 12s. 268 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I84I6. NEW TESTAMENT: With amendments of the Language. By Noah Webster, LL. D. New Haven: Published by S. Babcock. Stereotyped by J. S. Redfield, New York. 1840. (L.) 12. 7. POLYGLOTT REFERENCE TESTAMENT: New York: G. Wells. 1840. (G. L.) 32. 1841. 1. HOLY BIBLE. (In raised letters for the Blind.) 8 vols. New York. 1841. (L.) 4. 2. HOLY BIBLE: Boston: Munroe & Francis; Hilliard, Gray & Co.; Crocker & Brewster. New Test. Boston: Mathew Hale, Congress Street, and Alex. Price, 2281 Washington street. 1841. (L.) 8. 3. HOLY BIBLE: With the References and marginal Readings of the Polyglott Bible, and numerous additions from Bagster's Comprehensive Bible. Philadelphia: Thomas, Cowperthwaite & Co. 1841. (L.) 8. With Psalms in metre. 4. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotype edition. Cooperstown, N. Y.: Published by H. & E. Phinney. 1841. (L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso. Names and Order of all the Books; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 3486; sigs. 1 to 313 in 8s; A to X3 in 12s, and A to 2R3 in 6s (A to F of these last are not marked); Farn. Rec., 2 if.; Title to N. Test., 1 f.; verso, Tables of Scripture Measures, Weights and Money, and of Time; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-162; sigs. 315 to 414 in 8S; X5 to 2D (misprinted L) in 12S; 2R to 3F in GS. 1 front. and 4 engrav. in O. T.; I front. and 2 engrav. in N. T., all on wood. The total number printed of this Bible was 2000; the stereotype plates have been long since destroyed. E. P. 5. HoLY BIBLE: New York: Stereotyped by Richard C. Valentine, for the American Bible Society. Instituted in the year 1816. Printed by D. I'anshaw. 1841. 12. -1841.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 269 6. HoLY BIBLE: Hartford: William Andrus. 1841. 12. Stereotyped by A. Chandler; pp. 824, 251, with Psalms in Metre, p. 70. Front. and Titles engraved by W. D. Smith. 7. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by D. G (. Bruce, New York. Hartford: William Andrus. 1841. 12. 2 engr. front., pp. 837 in 12s. This seems to be the same as Daniel D. Smith's New York 12mo ed. of 1827, with new Titles. 8. THE ENGLISH VERSION of the POLYGLOTT BIBLE: Stereotyped by L. Johnson, Philadelphia: Thomas, Cowperthwaite & Co. 1841. 12. Pp. 587, 190. Engr. Front. and Title to 0. and N. Test. 9. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Thomas, Cowperthwaite & Co. 253 Market St. 1841. 32. Engr. titles and front. 10. HOLY BIBLE: in the common version, with amendments of Language by Noah Webster, LL. D. New Haven: Published by N. Webster. M.DCCCXLI. 32. 11. HOLY BIBLE, containing the Old Testament and the New. Stereotyped by Henry Wallis and L. Roby, Concord, N. H. Portland: Sanborn, Sherburne & Co. 1841. 32. Pp. 852, 259. 1. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins, New York. Boston: Benjamin Adams. 1841. (L.; G. L.) 12. Pp. 290. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: Translated from the Latin Vulgate. Philadelphia: Published by Eugene Cummiskey. 1841. 8. Edition 2000. 3. NEW TESTAMENT: Concord, N. H. Roby, Kimball & Merrell. 1841. 12. Pp. 3-807. 270 AMERICAN BIBLES. [18424. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotype edition. Philadelphia: Published by Crolius & Gladding, No. 341 Market Street, above Ninth, North side. Printed by Kbing Baird, No. 9 George Street. 1841. (L.) 12. Pp. 453, in 6s. 5. Zat I Iette e teament I unferW I Jerrn unb Jeialttne I 3efiu Cffrifti, I 3Wact Zr. 2[Martin Vutber'6 tcberfetqung. I Ztereot)pert ten 3. Somte, TDi[abelptia. ] d liabeMplia, I gleraufgegcben ton ~eorg u30. eni3 ufb Zt)n, fucd)b l nt er I 1ro. 53 fit ber 1orb Zritten ZtraTe. i 1841. 1 (L.). 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, 9er3eidnif[ ber 3iicider; Text: pp. 3-269; T;er3eicdlifj ber Ypiftern, &c., pp. 670-673 (?), followed by a blank leaf; sigs. *A to *Xs in 6s. 6. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: Stereotyped by Smith and Valentine, for the American Bible Society instituted in New York in 1816. Printed by D. Fanshaw. 1841. (L.) 32. 1842. 1. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by James Conner, New York. Hartford: Printed and published by Silas Andrus. 1842. fol. 2. THE HOLY BIBLE: I being the English Version I of the[ Old and New Testament, I made by order of King James I. I carefully revised and amended, I by I several Biblical scholars. I Second Edition. Philadelphia. Published for David Bernard. I By J. B. Lippincott, corner of Fourth and Race streets. I Stereotyped by L. Johnson. 1 1842. 1 (L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, Names and Order, Notice of Copyright, 1842; Kay & Brother, printers; Pref., pp. iii, iv, dated Feb. 1, 1842 Text: Gen. to Mal., 1-629; Passages collated from O. T., 630-631; Table of Script. Measures, &c. of Time, 632, 3C4; Fam. Rec., 2 if.; sig. A to 3G in 6s, and 1 to 79 in 4s. N. Test., same imp., 1 p.; verso, Names and Order; Pref. signed A. C. Kendrick, p. iii; Text: 1-190; Gen. Index, 191, 192; A to Q in 6s, 80 to 103 in 48. — 1842.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 271 3. HoLY BIBLE: New York: Printed by D. Fanshaw for the Amer. Bible Society. 1842. 33d edition. (L.) Nonp. 12. 4. HOLY BIBLE: New York, Printed by D. Fanshaw "For the American Bible Society." 1842. Min. 12. 41st edition, pp. 852; Family Record; sigs. in 12s; 1 to 36, A to 2N; the last sig. is in 6s. 5. HOLY BIBLE: Hartford: Published by William Andrus. 1842. (B.) 12. Pp 824, 251. 6. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by J. Howe, Phil. Hartford: Published by William Andrus. 1842. 12. Pp. 655. Contents, 656-681; 12 plates (wood cuts), 2 on a page; Map of Canaan. Page 536 is headed Chap. II. instead of S. Luke. 7. HOLY BIBLE: Greenfield, Mass.: Published by W. & H. Merriam. 1842. (L.) 18 Four etchings, 2 in each Test., with engr. front. and titles to 0. and N. T. " Diamond Bible;" " Diamond New Testament." Greenfield, Mass., Published by W. & H. Merriam. n. d. 8. HOLY BIBLE, containing the Old Testament and the New &c. Stereotyped by J. Howe, Philad. Philadelphia: R. W. Pomeroy, No. 3 Minor Street. 1842. 32, Pp. 819, 256, with Psalms in metre, pp. 83. Front. and engr. title: Hogan & Thompson, 139 Market St. 1834. 9. HOLY BIBLE, containing the Old Testament and the New. Philadelphia: John Locken, 311, Market St. 1842. 32, Engraved front. and title, " The Everlasting Gospel." See post No. 11, of 1843. 10. HOLY BIBLE, containing the Old Testament and the New, Stereotyped by J. Howe, Phil. Hartford: Published by William Andrus. 1842. 24 (or 32). The Text is in double columns, but in paragraphs, several verses being included in one paragraph. Engr. front. and woodcuts. Pp. 615,. 192. 272 AMERICAN BIBLES. [184211. HoLY BIBLE, containing the Old Testament and the New. Portland: Sanborn and Carter. 1842. 32. Engraved Title: " The Everlasting Gospel;" same imprint. Pp. 852, 259. 12. ISAIAH. A Comment on the 23d chapter of the Prophet Isaiah. Springfield: Printed by Wood and Rupp. 1842. (Am. Antiq. Soc., Worcester, Mass.) 8. 1. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins,' New York. Philadelphia: Published by Kimber & Sharpless, No. 50 North Fourth Street. n. d. 4. Pp. 265. 13 plates, 1 map, and an engraved title. Psalms of David, pp. 18. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: Translated out of the Latin Vulgate: With Annotations to clear up the principal difficulties of Holy Writ. As approved by the Right Reverend John Dubois, Catholic Bishop of New-York. The law of the Lord is unspotted, converting souls; the testimony of the Lord is faithful, giving wisdom to little ones. Ps. xviii. 8. Stereotype edition. Neuw-pork: D. & J. Sadlier, Bookbinders and Catholic Booksellers, No. 19 Carmine, corner of Bleecker Streets. 1842. 12. This is the 1st edition of Sadlier's Testament, from the plates of the "Devereux Testament," supra p. 198, which were purchased by the firm. On the verso of the title page is the original approbation of Bishop Dubois, dated 7th Sept. 1828. The error in James 5:17 is continued. 3. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotype edition. Philadelphia: Published by Griffith & Simon, 188 North Third Street, and 384 North Second Street. 1842. 12. On the verso of Title page: King & Baird, Printers, No. 9, George Street, Philadelphia. 4. 1NEW TESTAMENT: With brief Explanatory Notes. By Jacob & John S. C. Abbott. Boston: Published by Crocker & Brewster, 47 Washington Street. 1842. 8. 1st edition. Stereotyped by the Boston Type and Stereotype Company. Pp. 566. -I8431.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 273 5.'H - KAINH AIA(HKH |I roV I Kupovu xai ZIwrpog I'i|wv I'ogv Xpia'rov, I EtQs appad8ss1dca er6;T Hctag; ig 7r-nv j xO O neuen I Teftament/. I 9ert wJrf, I $eraufgegen Don ber Wmeri% fanifdpen tt1ibef I @efecfcdaft. 1 1847. 1 12. 20te ~ufgabe, pp. 828, 273. The New Testament title bears date 1848. 10. HOLY BIBLE: containing the Old Testament and the New. Philadelphia: G. Eckendorff, 548 West Market Street. 1847. 24. Pp. 852, 259; Contents, pp. 261-263; Psalms in Metre, pp. 81. 11. THE ENGLISH VERSION of the POLYGLOTT BIBLE. New York: Published by the American and Foreign Bible Society. 1847. 32. Engr. title and front. to O. and N. Test. 3 plates in the Old, and 1 in New Test. The Imprint on the engr title is " Springfield, Published by Geo. & Chas. Merriam, Main St. 38 298 AMERICAN BIBLES. [184712. HOLY BIBLE: Troy, N. Y.: Published by Merriam, Moore & Co. 1847. 24. This seems to be Dearborn's " Diamond Bible " of 1836, with new titles and Psalms in Metre, pp. 76. It is accompanied by the same engravings. 13. HOLY BIBLE: Portland: Sanborn & Carter. 1847. 32. Stereotyped by Thurston & Co., Portland, Me.; pp. 817, 259; with Book of Common Prayer-Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co. 1850. 14. The Earlier and Later Prophecies of ISAIAH. By Joseph Addison Alexander. 2 vols. New York. 1847. (Doyle's Cat.) 8. 15. HISTORY OF THE BIBLE. Cooperstown: Printed by H. & E. Phinney. 1847. (L.) 142. Frontispiece, Moses receiving the Law; Text: pp. 11-192; A6 to Ms in 8s. A few woodcuts, and many portraits. It is an exact reprint of the Bible History, 1811. 1. NEW TESTAMENT: Translated out of the Latin Vulgate: With Annotations, to clear up the principal difficulties of Holy Writ. As approved by the Right Reverend John Hughes, Catholic Bishop of New York. Stereotype edition. New York: D. & J. Sadlier, 58 Gold Street. 1847. (L.) 12. From the plates of the Devereux Testament, see 1829, 1835, 1840, 1845. The error in James 5: 17 is continued. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: Auburn: Published by Henry Oliphant. 1847. (B.) 12. See 1846. 3. NEW TESTAMENT: Cooperstown: H. & E. Phinney. 1847. 16. Text: pp. 3-340; Contents, pp. 341-344; Stereotyped by R. C. Valentine, 45 Gold street, New York. A steel engraving of the Crucifixion and several woodcuts accompany the Volume. 4. Exposition of the Epistle to the ROMANS; with Remarks on the Commentaries of Dr. Macknight, Professor Moses Stuart, and Professor Tholuck. By Robert Haldane, Esq. From the fifth Edinburgh Edition. New York: Robert Carter, 58 Canal street; and Pittsburgh, 56 Market street. 1847. 8. -1848.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 299 1848. 1. HOLY BIBLE: With Canne's Marginal Notes and References. To which are added, An Index; An Alphabetical Table of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations, Table of Scripture Weights, Measures, and Coins, &c.; Philadelphia: Published by Miller & Burlock, Sansom Street, above Eleventh. 1848. 4. This Bible was issued for the first time in November, 1846, between which date and November, 1859, 33,800 copies have been printed, some with the Apocrypha, Brown's Concordance, and the Psalms in Metre. Those issued since 1851 are without date. Though represented by the publishers as a " new edition," it is proper to add that it corresponds, in the text and other parts, with the edition of Nafis & Cornish, supra p. 250, and with that of Cincinnati, supra, p. 257. 2. THE IOLY BIBLE: I containing the I Old and New Testaments, I translated from the Original Tongues, i and] with the former Translations I diligently compared and revised, i with I Canne's Marginal Notes and References. I To which are added, I An Index; I an Alphabetical Table I of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations; Table of Scripture Weights, Measures and Coin, &c. I Philadelphia: I Harvey Griffith, No. 384, North Second Street. 1 1848. 1 4. This volume agrees, in pagination and signatures, with the preceding, but there is neither Index nor Tables in the copy examined. The text of the New Test. is followed immediately by a Concordance. 3. HOLY BIBLE: With Canne's Marginal Notes and References. Together with the Apocrypha. To which are added, An Index; An Alphabetical Table of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations; also, Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures and Coins, and Concordance. Hartford: Sumner and Goodman. 1848. (L.) 4. This Bible is identical with that of H. & E. Phinney's Cooperstown edition, supra p. 158, plus The Apocrypha, which is printed in smaller type and contains pp. 96; and Concordance (in 7 columns), pp. 31. The Illustrations are; the Dream of Pharaoh, as a front. to the Old Test., and Jesus and the Samaritan, as front. to the New Test. 300 AMERICAN BIBLES. [1848 — 4. HOLY BIBLE: With J Canne's Marginal Notes and References. I Together with I The Apocrypha. I To which are added j An Index: I An Alphabetical Table of all the Names in the Old and New Testament, I with their Significations; i also, I Table of Scripture Weights, Measures and Coins. I Cooperstown, N. Y. Published by H. & E. Phinney, I Buffalo, F. W. Breed. 1 1848. 1 4. The pagination of this volume corresponds with that of the Cooperstown 4to already described, supra p. 158; but the signatures are in 8S, and run as follows: for the old Test., A (which includes title and 3 prel. ff.), to verso of 2L8; Fam. Rec., 2 ff.; The Apocrypha (in smaller type). pp. 1-99; sigs. A to G2 in 8s; New Test. title, Cooperstown, N. Y. I Published and sold by H. & E. Phinney.... Sold also by I. Tiffany, Utica. 1 1848. 1 sigs. to Text of New Test., 2M to verso of 2X1, and then for the appended matter 2X2 to verso of 2X8; Brown's Concordance (6 columns to a p.), no title; pp. (1)-(35.) Front. to Old and New Test.; 6 plates to the Old, and 2 to the New Test.; all engraved on wood. 5. POLYGLOTT BIBLE: With Apocrypha, Brown's Concordance, Index, Illustrations, &c. Boston: Phillips & Sampson, 110, Washington Street. 1848. (L.) 8. Two titles, one within a border, the other printed; separate title to Concordance; same imprint. Illustrations, 16 large woodcuts, including front. to N. Testament. 6. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing j the Old Testament and the New I according to I the commonly received version. [ New York: I American and Foreign Bible Society. I Stereotyped by C. Davison & Company, 33 Gold Street. I 1848. 1 8. Pp. 510, 161. Imprint to N. T.: New York: I Stereotyped by C. Davison & Co. for the I American and Foreign Bible Society. j 1848. 1 7. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1848. 8. With References used in the recent collation. 8. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1848. Ref: 12. 9. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. Instituted in the year MDCCCXVI. 1848. 18. Pp. 974, 304. -I848.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 301 10. HOLY BIBLE: (Nourse's paragraph edition.) New York: American and Foreign Bible Society. Instituted in the year 1837. 1848. (L.) 12. On verso of title, extract of Copyright 1834; Perkins, Marvin & Co., Mass., below John J. Reid, Printer, 16 Spruce street. Pp. vii, 942, 322, followed by list of quotations in the New Test. pp. 523-524. Romans, 4: 5, correct. 11. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotyped by J. Howe, Philadelphia. Hartford: S. Andrus & Son. 1848. 12. Front. to O. T.; Front. and a number of small woodcuts (3 on a page), in N. T.; at the end, Gen. Contents and Psalms of David in Metre; pp. 820. 12. THE ENGLISH VERSION of the POLYGLOTT BIBLE: Stereotyped by L. Johnson. Philadelphia: Thomas, Cowperthwaite & Co. 1848. 12. Pp. 587, 190. Printed by Smith & Peters, Franklin Buildings, Sixth street below Arch, Philadelphia. Engr. Front. and Titles to O. and N. Test. 13. HOLY BIBLE: Portland: Sanborn & Carter. 1848. (L.) 18. Pp. 1077, 259. With Engraved Title, " The Everlasting Gospel," and engr. front. 14. HOLY BIBLE, containing the Old Testament and the New. Hartford: S. Andrus & Son. 1848. 24. Pp. 852, 259. Contents, pp. 261-263; Psalms in Metre, pp. 81; Engr. front. and title. 15. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1848. 24. Pp. 856, 259. Psalms in Metre, pp. 77. 16. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Published by Jesper Harding,:No. 57 South Third Street. 1848. 32. Pp. 819, 256. Psalms in Metre, pp. 87. 17. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Thomas, Cowperthwaite & Co. 283 Market Street. 1848. 32. Engr. front. and title. 18. THE ENGLISH VERSION of the POLYGLOTT BIBLE. Springfield: Published by Merriam, Chapin & Co. 1848. 32. 302 AMERICAN BIBLES. [18481. THE NEW TESTAMENT I of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, I translated out of the Original Greek; I and with I the former translations diligently compared and revised. I Philadelphia: I Published by Edward W. Miller, I No. 11 Little George Street. I 1848. 1 For Sale by S. Snyder, No. 340 North Second Street, and Booksellers generally. 1 4. With Miller & Burlock's Bible. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: Filadelfia: Publict by A. Korrstock, M. D., No. 100 Mulberry Street. 1848. (L.) 8. Comstock's Phonetic Testament. 3. NEW TESTAMENT: Portland: Jona: Morgan, S. Colesworthy. 1848. (G. L.) 8. The Orthography is somewhat curious. 4. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: American Bible Society. 1848. (L.) 8. 29th edition. Previous to the alteration with Book of Psalms. 5. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: American Bible Society. 1848. (L.) 12. With Bible of 1847, shewing amendments by collation since 1839. 6. NEW TESTAMENT: Hartford, Conn. E. Hunt. 1848. (L.) 12. 7. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: American Bible Society. 1848. (Rev. Dr. Brigham.) Agate 32. 8. THE i NEW TESTAMENT I of I our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I translated into I the Choctaw language. I Pin I Chitokaka pi Okchalinchi Chisvs Klaist I in Testament Himona, I Chahta anumpa Atoshowa hoke. I New York: I American Bible Society, I Instituted in the year MDCCC xvI. | 1848. i 12. This translation is by the Rev. Alfred Wright; pp. 818. -I849.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 303 9. Zae Rente I n eftament I unferW I erra unb $eiktanbe I 3efu twrifti. I [Racl) ecr beutcd)cn Ueberfctung I otn Vr. artin Vutter. I Sit surqem 3nt)alt eine jietcn 5apWitel6,.olftian- I biger antucifung gleidl),er cd)riftftetfen, I /inb alter Zonn untb efiigtid)en I Qltans gekein untb pifteIn. I tlit 3wolIf ~3iten geoiert. I,qarrifburg, ta. I O(ebructt unb tu atben bei ~uftao Z. Jicterd. 1 1848. 1 (L.) 12. Text: pp. 5-511; fntwei~iiiig, pp. 1-5; sigs. 3 to verso 456 in 6s. The cuts are coarse. 10. HAUH TIBOSA NE LUKE KINENA. The Gospel according to St. Luke, translated into the Grebo Tongue by the Rev. John Payne, Missionary of the Protestant Episcopal Church at Cavalla, West Africa. Published by the American Bible Society. 1848. 16. 1849. 1. THE IHOLY BIBLE, j containing the j Old and New Testaments: I Together with The Apocrypha: I Translated out of the Original Tongues, I and with I the former Translations diligently compared and revised. With i Canne's Marginal Notes and References. I To which are added j An Index; i An Alphabetical Table I of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations, [ Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures, and Coins, &c. Buffalo: I Published by Phinney & Co. I New York: Ivison & Phinney. 1849. 1 4. After the destruction of H. & E. Phinney's plates by the fire in 1849, Messrs. Phinney & Co. of Buffalo purchased the plates on which this Bible is printed, from Sumner & Goodman, Hartford, Conn. See No. 3 of 1848. 2. HOLY BIBLE: The text corrected according to the Standard of the American Bible Society. Stereotyped by James Conner, New York. Hartford: S. Andrus & Son. 1849. 4. With Brown's Concordance and Psalms in Metre; 12 fine plates and maps. See No. 4, supra p. 241. 3. HOLY BIBLE: Cincinnati: E. Morgan & Co. 1849. (G. L.) 4. 304 AMERICAN BIBLES. [18494. D-' Rnm 3 imiln I Seu I BIBLIA HEBRAICA i secundum editionesl Jos. Athiae, Joannis Leusden, I Jo. Simonis aliorumque, I inprimis I Everardi Van der Hooght, I D. Henrici Opitii, et Wolfii Heidenheim, I cum additionibus Clavique Masoretica et Rabbinica I Augusti Hahn. I Nune denuo recognita et emendata ab ] Isaaco Leeser, V. D. M. 1 Synagogoe Mikve Israel, Phila. j et Josepho Jaquett, V. D. M. I Presbyter Prot. Epis. Ecclesive, U. S. i Editio Stereotypa. I Novi Eboraci: I Sumptibus Joannis Wiley, 1 161 Broadway; et Londini, 13 Paternoster Row. I Philadelphiae: J. W. Moore. I Typis L. Johnson et Soc. Phila. [ 1849. 1 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Leeser's Preface, dated 7th Sept. 1848; pp. iii, iv; Hahn's Preface, dated Vratislave, 7 Jany. 1839, pp. v, vi; Preface to the 1st edition, dated Leipsic 9 Septr. 1831, pp. vii-xviii; Preface to the 3d edition, dated Leipsic 13th June, 1833, pp. xix, xx; Mock Title, nimn I Quinque libri Mosis. 1 p.; verso, blank; sigs. A2 to B6 in 6s; Text: pp. 1-350; Mock Title, woilv tu I Propheta priores. I &c. 1 p.; Text: pp. 352-660; Mock Title, wr2nn~ orsi I Prophetae posteriores. I &c.. 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: pp. 663-990; Mock Title, 1l'nD I[ Hagiographa I &c., 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: pp. 993-1396; Index and Sectiones Prophetic, pp. 1397-1400; Clavis, pp. 1401-1416; at foot of last p., Typis Laurentii Johnson et Sociorum, I Philadelphiae. I sigs. A to verso of 6C6 in 68, and 1 to 1774 in 4s. This is represented to be the first edition of the Hebrew Bible with points printed in America. 5. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1849. 8. 17th edition. Pp. 968, 303, 1. 6. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. Instituted in the year M.D.CCCXVI. 1849. (Rev. Dr. Campbell.) 12. 9th. edition. Pp. 1282; Contents of N. T., 2 pp. 7. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. Instituted &c. 1849. 12. 17th edition. 0. T. pp. 592; Family Rec., 4 pp.; N. T., pp. 184. 8. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. Instituted in the year MDCCCXVI. 1849. (Gowans.) 18. Pp. 805, 250. 9. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Published by Jesper Harding. No. 57 South Third Street. 1849. 32. -1849.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 305 10. HOLY BIBLE: containing the Old Testament and the New. Philadelphia: Miller and Burlock. n. d. 32. Pp. 852, 259; Contents, pp. 261-263; Psalms in Metre, pp. 81. The first edition of this Bible was published in July, 1849. Twenty editions of it have been issued since that time, amounting, in all, as we learn from the publishers, to 61,000 copies. 1. NEW TESTAMENT: (English and Dutch in parallel columns.) New York: American Bible Society. 1849. (Rev. Dr. Brigham.) Bourg. 12. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: (English and German in parallel columns.) New York: American Bible Society. 1849. (Rev. Dr. Brigham.) Bourg. 12. 3. NEW TESTAMENT: (English and Danish in parallel columns.) New York: American Bible Society. 1849. (Rev. Dr. Brigham.) Bourg. 12. 4. NEw TESTAMENT: New York: American Bible Society. Instituted &c. 1849. 16. Pp. 349; Contents, pp. 350-352. 19th ed. 5. NEW TESTAMENT: Buffalo: Published by Phinney & Co. 32. First Buffalo edition. 6. THE FoUR GOSPELS, I translated from the Latin Vulgate, l and diligently compared with the Original Greek Text, [ being a revision of the Rhemish Translation, J with Notes, Critical and Explanatory. I By I the Right Rev. Francis Patrick Kenrick, I Bishop of Philadelphia. "That thou mayst know the certainty of those words in which thou hast been instructed."i Luke i. 4. 1 New York: I Edward Dunigan & Brother, 151 Fulton Street. 1 1849. J (L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, Notice of Copyright, dated 1849; Dedication, To the Hierarchy of the United States, assembled in the Seventh Provincial Council of Baltimore, dated May 1, 1849, 1 p.; verso, blank; Synopsis of the Gospels (according to the Bible de Vence), pp. 5-14; Explanations, pp. 15, 16; Mock title, The I Four Gospels, I translated from the Latin Vulgate, I diligently compared with the Greek Text; I with I Notes. I By Francis Patrick Kenrick, I Bishop of Philadelphia. I " That thou mayst know the certainty of those words in which thou hast been instructed," 39 306 AMERICAN BIBLES. [i850Luke, i, 4; 1 p.; verso, blank; General Preface, pp. 19-30; Pref. to the Gosp. of St. Matthew, pp. 31, 32; Text of Mat,, pp. 33-211; verso'of p. 211, blank; Pref. to Gosp. of Mark, 1 p.; Text of Mark, pp. 214-299; verso of 299, blank; Pref. to the Gosp. of St. Luke, 1 p.; Text of Luke, pp. 302-450; Pref. to the Gosp. of John, 1 p.: Text of John, pp. 452-572; sigs. 1 to verso of 366 in 8s. Map of Palestine. The translation is carefully executed, and the numerous notes are short, clear and often highly instructive. Although the Bishop adheres to the distinctive interpretation of his church, there is not throughout the entire volume a single uncharitable sentiment, nor a harsh and irritating expression towards those of another communion..Archd. Cotton's Rhemes and Doway. 7. THE GOOD NEWS Of our Lord Jesus, the Anointed, from the critical Greek text of Tillotson. Boston: Published by Joshua V. Himes. 1849. (L.; G. L.) 12. This is said to be the "Millerite New Testament." The preface is signed N. N. Whiting, Williamsburg, Long Island. Many controverted texts are printed within brackets;' baptize " and " baptism," immerse and immersion. In other respects the variations from the common version are few. 1850. 1. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I translated from I the Latin Vulgate: diligently compared with the Hebrew, Greek and other editions I in various languages. I Vignette, Moses giving the Law. Published by I Tallis, Willoughby & Co. I London and New York. i n. d. fol. This is a copy of the engraved title page of an edition of the Douay Bible proposed to be published in thirty parts by the above house, with thirty-one beautiful engravings. In a cross in the centre of the paper cover, the following title was printed: The I Holy Bible I translated from the Latin Vulgate: I diligently compared I With the Hebrew, Greek, I and other editions I in various languages. I With I Annotations, References, and a Historical I and Chronological Index. I The whole revised! by the Rev. George L. Haydock. I The inaccuracies of former Editions are corrected j by the Very Rev. Dr. Hamell, V. G. I Only six numbers of this edition were issued and, the house having dissolved, the plates were bought by D. & J. Sadlier and suppressed. The edition bore the approbations of the Most Rev. the Archbishop of New York, the Bishops of Albany, Philadelphia, and many other Catholic Divines in the United States. 2. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing the I Old and New Testaments: I together with the Apocrypha: Translated out of the Original Tongues, I and with I the former Translations diligently compared and revised. Withi Canne's — 850.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 307 Marginal Notes and References. I To which are addedI An Index; I An Alphabetical Table I of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations; I Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures, and Coins, &c. Rochester, N. Y.: I Published by Wanzer, Foote & Co. I 1850. 1 (L.) 4. This Bible corresponds with H. & E. Phinney's Cooperstown edition, supra pp. 157, 158, having, in addition, the Apocrypha, in brevier type, pp. 1-96; sigs. A to M., and Concordance, pp. 1-31; sigs. A to D.; Front. on wood to 0. & N. T. and 2 wood engravings to N. 1'. The references are on the inner and outer margins. 3. HOLY BIBLE: With Canne's Marginal References; Together with the Apocrypha and Concordance. To which are added An Index and References, and a Key Sheet of Questions, Geographical, Historical, Practical, and Experimental; accompanied with valuable Chronological Harmonies of both Testaments, and highly useful Tables of Scripture Names, Scripture Geography, Scripture Chronology, Scripture References, &c. The text corrected according to the Standard of the American Bible Society. Troy, N. Y.: Published by Merriam, Moore & Co. 1850. 4. This is another issue of the Merriam 4to of 1846. q. v. 4. HOLY BIBLE: With Canne's Marginal References, Index, Tables and Psalms of David in Metre. Philadelphia: Published by John B. Perry, No. 198 Market'Street, and for sale by Wm. Holdredge, 140 Fulton Street, New York. W. A. Leary, 138 North Second Street; New York: Nafis & Cornish. 1850. (L.) 4. The text of this edition corresponds in pagination and signatures with that of Nafis and Cornish, supra p. 250, and of the Cincinnati Bible, supra p. 257. This copy however wants the Apocrypha and Concordance. The imprint on the title to the New Test. has Perry's name only. 5. HOLY BIBLE: With Apocrypha, Canne's Marginal Notes and References, Index, Tables, Brown's Concordance. Concord, N. H.: Published by Luther Roby. 1850. (L.) 4. With engr. front. to 0. & N. Test. and one plate in each Test. Preface to Collins's ed. prefixed. The text is apparently from duplicate plates of Sumner & Goodman's 4to of 1848. 308 AMERICAN BIBLES. [i85o — 6. HOLY BIBLE: With Canne's References, Apocrypha, Index, and Tables. Hartford: Published by A. C. Goodman & Co. 1850. (L.) 4. Engr. front. to 0. & N. Test.; Collins's advertisement of 1819; Brown's Concordance, stereotyped by B. & J. Collins, and Psalms of David. 7. HOLY BIBLE, translated from the Latin Vulgate. Published with the approbation of the Most Rev. John Hughes, D. D., Archbishop of New York, Most Rev. Samuel Eccleston, D. D., Archbishop of Baltimore, and the Right Rev. Bishop of Boston. With parallel references. New York: Edward Dunigan & Brother, 151 Fulton Street. n. d. 8. This is called, The Illustrated Family Edition. It has an illuminated title and 15 plates. It is the edition of 1844, with new titles. 8. HOLY BIBLE, translated from the Latin Vulgat: With Annotations, References, and a Historical and Chronological Index. ]lilabelblia: Published by Eugene Cumrmiskey. Stereotyped by J. Howe. 1850. 8. Edition 500. With Approbations of Archbishop Eccleston of Baltimore, Bishops Conwell and Kenrick of Philadelphia, and Bishop Hughes of New York. See 1839. 9. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Published by Hogan and Thompson. 1850. 12. Pp. 1098, 342. 10. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co., Successors to Grigg, Elliot & Co. 1850. 12. 11. HOLY BIBLE: Stereotype edition. Hartford: S. Andrus & Co. 1850. 12. Pp. 824, 251; with Psalms in Metre, pp. 92. No date to N. T. 12. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. Instituted in the year M.D.CCCXVI. 1850. 12. 57th and 61st editions; pp. 592, 184, with Family Record. 13. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1850. 12. Pp. 1282, 2. -1850.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 309 14. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1850. 12. 12th ed. pp. 984; References in the centre of the pp. New Test. 1848. 15. libelekn I eller I Zen * eIige Cftrif, intDelttenle bet I * 5amle og 9be TeptamenteO I ianonife 3oger. I R9et, Dorft: I Ubglti bet of bet 2lmerifanifte 3ibeI~elffab. 1 1850. 1 (G. L.) 12. This is the 2d edition of the Bible in the Danish language, published by the American Bible Society, pp. 920, 287. 16. A | BIBLIA SAGRADA, I Contendo O Velho e O Novo Testamento, j Traduzida em Portuguez I pelo Padre Joao Ferreira A D'Almeida, Minestro Pregador do Soncto Evangelho em Batavia. Nova York: I Sociedade Americana da Biblia. 1 1850. 1 (G. L.) 12. 3d edition. On reverse of title, Index; Old Testament ends on page 836; New Testament, of the date, 1848, pp. 283. This is a Protestant version. It was originally published at Batavia in 1748-1753. 17. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1850. 18. Pp. 1278. This is called the " Pocket Minion " edition. 18. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1850. 24. Pp. 824 and 251. 19. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Published by Jesper Harding, No. 57 South Third Street. 1850. 32. 20. AN I EXPOSITION I of the I Lamentations of the ProphetI Jeremias. I Translated from the French of I Pere Berthier, S. J. I By the I Most Rev. Wm. Walsh i Archbishop of Halifax. i New York: I E. Dunigan & Brother, 1 151 Fulton Street I n. d. 16. 21. HISTORY OF THE BIBLE. Buffalo: Phinney & Co. 1850. 142. Front. and 23 woodcuts; sigs. in 8s, A to M. See 1847. 1. THE I NEW TESTAMENT: I of our I Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I translated out of I IZle Original creek; J and with I the former Translations diligently compared and revised. I Philadelphia: \ Published by Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co. j 1850. 1 4. 310 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I85 — 2. THE NEW TESTAMENT of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I translated from the I Eatin bulgate:I and diligently compared with the I Otiginal creek. INewly revised and corrected, I with Annotations, I explanatory of the most difficult passages. I Illuminated after Original Drawings. I By WV. H. Hewett, Esq. New York: I Hewett & Spooner, 106 Liberty Street. i John J. Reed, Printer, 16 Spruce-Street. 1 1850. 1 (L.) 8. Presentation plate, 1 p.; verso, blank; Letter of Pius VI, 1 p.; verso, blank; Approbations of one Archbishop and six Bishops, dated 1847, 1848, 1 p.; verso, blank; Family Record, 3 ff.; printed title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Pref. 1 p.; verso, Order of the Books; Text: Mat. to Apocal., pp. 1-389; verso, blank; Table of Epist. & Gosp., pp. 391, 392; Hist. and Chronol. Index, pp. 393, 394 (marked 294), Table of References, pp. 395, 396 (marked 296); no sig. marks or letters. This is called " The Pictorial Catholic New Testament." It was originally published in numbers, the first in 1848. It is embellished with nearly 150 fine woodcuts, to some of which Mr. Hewett's name is appended, who is stated to be " one of the best wood engravers that this country has produced." The engravings are copied from original masterpieces of the best artists. There are, in addition, marginal arabesque ornaments adapted to each page and also several hundred ornamental initial letters, one of which embellishes the head of each chapter. Mr. Shea says, this Testament was edited by the Rev. James McMahon of New York, who revised it by the Vulgate, and not only made it conform to the division of the verses in the Clementine edition, but in translating availed himself of the Greek, and in the Epistles of St. Paul, of the light which Hebrew throws on the Hebraisms of that Apostle. The edition was purchased in 1854 by John Murphy & Co., Baltimore, by whom the work has since been issued, and the copy before us, though retaining the imprint of Hewett & Spooner, has " Baltimore, Murphy & Co.," on the back of the cover. 3. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: American Bible Society. 1850. 8. 4. Zad Reeue Zejtament I unferW I Rernn unb ~eitanbeO I 3efn C~rifti. I R9eto orfr: Wmerifanifctie 3ib 4elIefefaft. I qegruiinbet in 1816. 1 1850. I (L.) 8. 29te Wu2gabe; pp. 472, in 8s. 5. NEW TESTAMENT: (English and Spanish in parallel columns.) New York: American Bible Society. 1850. Bourg. 12. 6. NEW TESTAMENT: Cincinnati: H. S. & J. Applegate. 1850. (G. L.) 16. — 1850.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 311 7. NEW TESTAMENT: Translated from the Latin Vulgate: With annotations &c. New York: Edward Dunigan & Brother. 151 Fulton Street. 1850. 18. A reissue of the N. T. of 1845, with new title page. 8. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: American Bible Society. 1850. (L.) 24. 48th edition. 9. NEW TESTAMENT: Philadelphia: Miller and Burlock. n. d. 32. With Psalms. The publishers state that since June 1850, they have issued seven editions of this Testament, amounting in the aggregate, to 11,000 copies. 10. EWH i OOMENWAHJEMOOWVIN I owh Tawanemenung j Jesus Christ, i kahenahjemoowand egewh newin Manwahjemoojig I owh St. Matthew owh St. Mark owh St. Luke I kuhya owh St. John. j Keahnekuhnootuhbeegahdag J %2nwawanb qtewl Allnetlenajbag Ojibwag aninbjig. i Keenahkoonegewaud kuhya ketebahahmahgawaud I egewh Mahyahmahwejegajig i Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, i ewede London Anduhzhetahwaud. Toronto: I Printed by A. F. Plees, No. 7 King Street. 1850. 8. This is a translation of the Gospels into the Chippeway language, by the Rev. Dr. O'Meara, Missionary of the Church of England, at Manitoualin. Pp. 338; sigs. in 4s. 11. The First Book of Moses, called GENESIS, translated into ~ige Srebo Tongue; i by the Rev. John Payne &c. New York: Published by the American Bible Society. 1850. (N. Y. State Lib.) 18. 12. the book of Psalms j translated out of I the oriGinal tonGues, i & with the I former translations diligently compared I & revised. I New York: american bible society, t instituted in the year 1816. 1 1850. 1 (N. Y. State Lib.) 4. Pp. 872-974. This is a portion of the Bible printed in raised letters for the use of the Blind. 13. THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, translated into ilge arrawark ~ongue; By the Rev. Theodore Shultz, in Eighteen Hun 312 AMERICAN BIBLES. [1851 — dred and Two. New York: Published by the American Bible Society. Instituted in the year MDCCCXVI. 1850. (N. Y. State Lib.) 18. 1851. 1. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing the I Old and New Testaments: I With I tlferunrre anb 3211ntrationm, I an exact Summary of the several Books, a I Paraphrase on the most obscure or important parts: I an I Analysis of the Contents of each Chapter; j To which are annexed, I an Extensive Introduction, I explanatory Notes and Evangelical Reflections, &c. I By the j Reverend John Brown,l Minister of the Gospel at Haddington. I Embellished with a series of beautiful engravings. Baltimore: Published by Joseph Neal. In. d. fol. Frontispiece, 1 f.; Engraved title, 1 f.; Printed title (as above), 1 p.; verso, blank; Then the Introduction, Text and appended matter, as in No. 1 of 1822. Engravings: 1. Christ weeping over Jerusalem...........................,.. Front. Tucker. 2. Hagar and Ishmael...................................... Sartain. 3. Departure of Hagar.....................l...................ey. 4. Rebecca receiving Isaac's presents..................................... Kelley. 5. Finding of Moses.........................................Y. B. Neagle, Phil. 6. Departure of the Israelites from Egypt. Published by Samuel Walker, Boston.Schoff. 7. Moses with the Law. Boston: Published by S. Walker................. Kelley. 8. Belshazzar's feast...................................................elley. 9. Destruction of Jerusalem foretold..............................F. Walker. 10. Christ appearing to Mary Magdalen.............................. John Rogers. 11. Christ blessing little children. 12. Christ and woman of Samaria................................... John Rogers. The illustrations however occasionally vary. Some copies have plates of, Joseph sold by his brethren; Jacob in the house of Laban; Joshua commanding the Sun; The Deluge; Jerusalem; Samuel before Eli; Jeptha's return; The arrival of Rebecca; and duplicate plates of, Joseph interpreting Pharaoh's dream; in addition to Nos. 1, 2 and 11 of the preceeding. This is a reissue in numbers of Brown's Self Interpreting Bible, from the old stereotype plates of Walker or Kinnersley of 1820-22 (see supra pp. 150, 156), with the original recommendations of that edition, written in 1820, now reprinted on the covers. The present edition has changed hands since it was commenced. The Imprint on the cover of Part 1 is-Published by John Wallace, 3 Rechabite Hall, Fayette street, Baltimore, no date; Parts 2 to 40 have, Baltimore: Published by Joseph Neal -I85I.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 313 1847. Over this a slip has been pasted-Baltimore: Published by John Cathers & Co., corner of Holiday and Baltimore Streets. MDCCCLI.; the covers of parts 21 to 40 then again have the imprint-Publication Office I No. 3 Rechabite Hall, Fayette Street, | Baltimore. I From " the Printing Office " Sun Iron Building, Balt. I The type is badly worn. 2. HOLY BIBLE: The text conformable to the Standard edition of the American Bible Society. Philadelphia: Published by Lippincott, Grambo & Co., Successors to Grigg, Elliot & Co., No. 14 North Fourth Street. 1851. (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, Names and Order (Apocrypha not included); To the Reader p. 3; Contents, pp. 4-8; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 9-574; Table, p. 575; Index, Table and Analysis, pp. 576; Apocrypha (in smaller type), pp. 1-88; Family Record, 2 if.; New Testament, title, 1 p.; verso, Account of dates and time of writing the books of N. T.; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 579-754; Index, pp. 755-762; Account of Judea, Table of Kindred, p. 763; Tables of Measures, p. 764; Table of Proper Names, pp. 765-768; Psalms in Metre, pp. 1-22; Concordance, pp. 1-41. Engr. front. and title to Old Test. and 9 large woodcuts. Some copies are without woodcuts. By reference to the year 1822, it will be seen that the pagination of the text of this edition agrees with that of the Cooperstown Bible. 3. HOLY BIBLE: With the Apocrypha, Canne's Marginal Notes and References. To which are added An Index; An Alphabetical Table of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations; Table of Scripture Weights, Measures, and Coins, &c., Concordance and Psalms in Metre. Philadelphia: James A. Bill, No. 253 Market Street. n. d. 4. This is Miller and Burlock's edition (see 1848, No. 1), with the Apocrypha, Brown's Brief Concordance and Psalms. The Imprint to the Concordance is, Philadelphia: Published by Edward W. Miller, Artizan Building, Ransted Place, 1850. 1 p.; verso, To the Reader; Text: pp. [3]-[56]; Psalms in Metre, pp. 1-19. 4. HOLY BIBLE: With References and Various Readings, and Apocrypha. In Two Volumes. Philadelphia: Published by E. H. Butler & Co. 1851. 4. See No. 1, 1847. This copy has only a front. to Old Test., Ruth gleaning; and one to New Test., Going to the Sepulchre (The Three Maries), both on steel. 5. HOLY BIBLE, translated from the Latin Vulgate: With Annotations by the Right Rev. Dr. Challoner; together with References, and an Historical and Chronological Index, revised and corrected according to the Clementine edition of the Scriptures. With the Approbation of the Most Rev. 40 314 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I85IJohn Hughes, D. D., Archbishop of New York. New York: Published by D. & J. Sadlier & Co., 164, William Street. Boston: 128 Federal Street, and 179 Notre Danle Street, Montreal, C. E. 1851. (L.) 4. This a continuation of Sadlier's 4to already described at p. 281. The vignette on the engraved title page is, St. John in the Desert. The front. to the New Test. is The Adoration by the Shepherds. The other engravings are as already enumerated; but plate 6 is now: The Ascent of Elias, 4th Kings; and, " London: George Virtue," is erased from the plates which bore that inscription in the edition of 1845. The Imprint to Ward's Errata is, New York: Published by D. & J. Sadlier & Co., No. 164 William street. Boston: 128 Federal street. n. d. 6. HOLY BIBLE: With Apocrypha, Brown's Concordance, and Psalms in Metre. New York: Published by Leavitt and Allen, 27 Dey Street. n. d. (L.) 4. This Bible was printed from the plates of an edition published previously by Hogan and Thompson of Philadelphia. The text of the Old and New Testaments corresponds exactly with that of No. 2 of 1839, supra p. 260; but the Marginal Notes, References, and the running Contents at the top of the columns of the latter, are omitted in Leavitt and Allen's edition, the text of which is embraced within parallel rules, having only the number of chapters at the top. There is a colored front. to Old Testament. The Apocrypha, pp. 1-96, is in smaller type; it contains also Concordance, pp. 1-36, and Psalms in Metre, pp. 1-28; but the Table of Passages, Chronol. Index, &c., are in front, in place of Witherspoon's Preface and the Table of Contents. 7. HOLY BIBLE: According to the authorized version; with the marginal references and the usual various readings. Also Notes; reflections; questions; improved readings; improved divisions of chapters; the chronological order; metrical portions distinguished; and various other advantages, without disturbing th3 usual order of the Books, verses and chapters. By the Rev. Ingram Cobbin, A. M. Illustrated with numerous descriptive engravings. New York: Samuel Hueston, 139 Nassau Street. 1851. (L.) 4. Ornamented title, " The Illustrated Domestic Bible, by the Rev. Ingram Cobbin, M. A." (no imprint), 1 p.; verso, blank; printed title, 1 p.; verso, blank; Preface, dated Camberwell, Aug. 15, 1847, 2 pp.; Key to this work, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 3-999; Historical connexion of the 0. & N. Test. p. 1000; sigs. B2 to 6L; Fam. Rec., 2 ff; title to New Test. 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 5-375; Supplementary illustrations, selected chapters adapted for reading on particular occasions, p. 376 (not marked), sigs. A3 to 3A, all in 4s; Indexes, pp. i-xii. This volume was published in twenty-five numbers; it has brief Notes and Reflections by the editor, and a Map; woodcut titles precede Pentateuch, Joshua, Job, Isaiah, Gospels and Epistles, and it is profusely embellished with fine woodcut engravings, illustrative of oriental scenery and manners, copied from Cobbin's Pictorial Bible. — I85I.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 315 8. HOLY BIBLE: With Apocrypha, Canne's Marginal Notes and References; Index, Alphabetical Tables of Names, Scripture Weights, Measures and Coins. Auburn: James M. Alden. 1851. 4. From duplicate plates of the Cooperstown Bible of 1822, with Apocrypha and Concordance. 9. HOLY BIBLE: With Apocrypha, Canne's Marginal Notes and References, Index, and Tables. Hartford: Published by A. C. Goodman & Co. 1851. (L.) 4. Engr. front. to O. & N. Test; Advertisement to Collins's stereotyped ed. of 1819; Brown's Concordance; stereotyped by B. & J. Collins; Psalms in Metre. See No. 6 of 1850. 10. HOLY BIBLE: With References and marginal readings of the Polyglott Bible, with numerous additions from Bagster's Comprehensive Bible. New York: Published by Pratt, Woodford & Co. 1851. (L.) 8. Title and prel. matter, pp. 1-40; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 3-581; 1 blank p.; Fanm. Rec., 2 if.; New Test. title, 1 p.; verso, blank; Mat. to Rev., pp. 585-762; Chronol. Index, pp. 763-772; General Table of Psalmody, p. 733. 11. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1851. (G. L.) Pica 8,. Revised edition. 12. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1851. (G. L.) Sm. pica 8. 23d edition. 13. LA I BIBLIA SAGRADA, I Traducida I en Espaniol. Version cotegada cuidadosamente con las I Lenguas Antiguas. f Jesus Respondio: lEscudrinad las -Escrituras. S. Juan, cap. V, ver. 39. 1 Nueva-York. I Edicion Esteriotipica. 1 1851. [ (G. L.) 8. 2d edition; pp. 926, 294; sigs. in 8S. 14. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1851. Nonp. 12. 87th edition. 316 AMERICAN BIBLES. [85I — 15. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1851. (G. L.) Minion 12. 75th edition. 16. Zie Bibed, I ober I tie Ulanae I eeitece 4rift I be I aiten unb neuen I ZeftamentW. I 9ew DJorr, I Iecraufgegen ten ber Smeri fanifd)en V3ibel I efetffd4aft. 1 1851. 1 (G. L.) 12. 27te Wufoabe. 17. THE HOLY BIBLE, I containing I The Old and New Testaments: i Translated I out of the Original Tongues, I and with the former Translations diligently I compared and revised. I Published by Richard & George S. Wood, I New York. In. d. 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, The Names and Order; at foot of the page, an Oval on the border of which is printed, Richard & George S. Wood, I Proprietors. New York l; in the centre, Woodvale I Water-power Press, I Morristown, N. J. I Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 3-486; sigs. A, not marked, to verso of X3; New Testament, Stereotype edition. Imprint as above, 1 p.; verso, Tables of Scripture Measures, Weights, Money and Time; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-162; sigs. X4 to 2D12; sigs. in 12s; Brief headings to columns and chapters. 1 Tim. 4: 16, incorrect. 18. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co., Successors to Grigg, Elliot & Co., No. 14, North Front St. 1851. 12. Pp. 1044. 19. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1851. (G. L.) Minion 18. 10th edition. 20. THE ENGLISH VERSION of the POLYGLOTT BIBLE. Stereotyped by L. Johnson. Philadelphia: Thomas, Cowperthwaite & Co. 1851. 24. For collation, see 1839. 21. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1851. (G. L.) Agate 24. 46th edition. 22. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co., Successors to Grigg, Elliot & Co., No. 14, North Fourth St. 1851. 32. Pp. 726, 221; Psalms in Metre, pp. 81. -185I.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 317 23. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1851. (G. L.) Diamond 32. 38th edition. 24. THE LENTEN MANUAL and Companion for Passion Time and Holy Week. Translated and Compiled from Various Sources. By the Right Rev. Dr. Walsh, Bishop of Halifax. New York: Dunigan and Brother, 151 Fulton St. 1851. 16. From p. 89-262 contains, An Exposition of the Lamentations of the Prophet Jeremias. 25. THE I BOOK OF PSALMS, I translated out of I the Original Hebrew: I and with I the former translations diligently compared I and revised. i New York: I American Bible Society, I Instituted in the Year 1816. I 1851. 1 64. Pp. 100. 1. Family Bible. I THE I NEW TESTAMENT of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: I With i brief Notes and Instructions, i designed I to give the results of Critical investigation, and to assist I common readers to understand the meaning of the I Holy Spirit in the inspired word. I Including i the References and Marginal Readings of the Polyglott Bible. I Published by the I American Tract Society. I New York: 1 150 Nassau Street. i n. d. (L.) 8. Text: pp. 3-425; Map of Palestine in the time of David, and Map of the Countries mentioned in the Bible. The copy before us is accompanied by the Psalms of David marked, pp. 665-766, being a part of the 0. T. (post 1857) bound in. The copyright of this edition is dated 1851. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: or the Book of the Holy Gospel of our Lord and our God, Jesus, the Messiah. A literal translation from the Syriac Peshitu version, by James Murdock, D. D. New York: Stanford & Swords. 1851. (L.) 8. First edition; Portrait. 3. NEw TESTAMENT: New York: American Bible Society. 1851. (Rev. Dr. Brigham; G. L.) Pica 8. Psalms appended. 318 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I85I4. NEW TESTAMENT: (English and Swedish) New York: American Bible Society. 1851. Bourg. 12. 5. The commonly received version of the NEW TESTAMENT &C. with several hundred emendations. Edited by Spencer H. Cone and Winm. H. Wyckoff. I am not ashamed &c. New York: E. H. Tripp, 262 Greenwich Street. 1851. (L.) 12. Baptist version. The words " baptize " and "baptism" are rendered throughout, Immerse and Immersion. 6. NEW TESTAMENT: Translated out of the Latin Vulgate: With Annotations &c. New York: D. & J. Sadlier, 164 William Street. n. d. 12. Same as the edition of 1842. The error in James 5: 17 is continued. 7. NEW TESTAMENT: Translated from the Latin Vulgate; With Annotations, a Chronological Index, Tables of References, etc., etc. Approved by the Most Rev. John Hughes, D. D., Archbishop of New York. New York: Edward Dunigan & Brother, 151 Fulton Street. 1851. (G. L.) 18. The same as the edition of 1845. 8. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: American Bible Society. Instituted &c. 1851. 32. 129th edition. Pp. 349; Contents, pp. 350, 352. 9. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: American Bible Society. 1851. Agate 32. 10. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: American Bible Society. Instituted &c. 1816. 1851. (Rev. Dr. Brigham.) Diam. 64. Psalms appended; pp. 384. 11. THE j EPISTLES AND GOSPELS I for the I Sundays I and Principal Festivals I throughout the year. j Boston: I Patrick Donahoe. j 1851. 1 (L.) 18. These are the Epistles and Gospels read at the Mass, according to their order. -i85i.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 319 12. THE | ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, I the i EPISTLES of St. Paul, I the I CATHOLIC EPISTLES, I and I the APOCALYPSE. I Translated from the Latin Vulgate, and diligently compared with the I Greek text, being a revision of the Rhemish Translation, I with Notes, I critical and explanatory, I By Francis Patrick Kenrick, 1 Bishop of Philadelphia. I " Beloved, be mindful of the words which were spoken before the Apostles of our Lord Jesus I Christ." JUDE v. 17. I New York: I Edward Dunigan and Brother, I Fulton Street, near Broadway. 1 1851. 1 (L.; G. L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, Notice of Copyright; Philadelphia: C. Sherman, Printer. Contents, pp. iii, iv; General Introd., pp. ix-xiii; Brief Notice of Manuscripts, Chief versions and Abbreviations, pp. xiv-xvi; Introd. to the Acts, pp. 17, 18; Chronol. Table, p. 19; verso, blank; Text: Acts of the Apostles, pp. 21-161; verso, blank; Gen. Introd. to Ep. of St. Paul, Chron. Table and Introd. to Ep. to Romans, pp. 163165; Text: pp. 166-239; verso, blank; Introd. to 1 Corinth., pp. 241, 242; Text: pp. 243-308; Introd. to 2 Corinth., p. 309; Text; pp. 310-347; verso, blank; Introd. to Ep. to Galat., pp. 349, 350; Text: pp. 351-374; Introd. to Ephes., pp. 375, 376; Text: pp. 377-398; Introd. to Philip., pp. 399, 400; Text: pp. 401-416; Introd. to Colos., p. 417; Text: pp. 418-430; Introd. to 1 Thess., pp. 431. 432; Text: pp. 433443; verso, blank; Introd. to 2 Thess., p. 445; Text: pp. 446-452; Introd. to 1 Timothy, pp. 453, 454; Text: pp. 455-472; Introd. to 2 Timothy, pp. 473, 474; Text: pp. 475-485; verso, blank; Introd. to Titus, pp. 487, 488; Text: pp. 489496; Introd. to Philemon, p. 497, verso; Text: pp. 498-500; Introd. to Hebrews, pp. 501-503; Text: pp. 504-546; Introd. to James, pp. 547, 548; Text: pp. 549-564; Introd. to 1 Peter, pp. 565-566; Text: pp. 567-582; Introd. to 2 Peter, pp. 583-585; Text: pp. 586-595; verso, blank; Introd. to Ep. of John, pp. 597, 598; Text: pp. 599-616; Introd. to Jude, p. 617; Text: pp. 618-622; Introd. to Apocal., pp. 623-626; Text: pp. 627-680; sigs. 1-43 in 8s, except the first and last which are in 4s. The title page and contents, 2 if., are not included in the signature. Map of the Countries traveled by the Apostles, and a list of Bishop Kenrick's works precede the title. 13. THE ACTS of the APOSTLES, translated into T1je OQrebo Tongue; by the Rev. John Payne &c. New York: Published by the American Bible Society. Instituted &c. 1851. (N. Y. State Lib.) 18. 14. AN ANALYSIS of the 24th Chapter of MATTHEW. By Hiram Carleton. Windsor: Printed at the Chronicle Press. 1851. (B.) 8. 15. A TRANSLATION and Exposition of the First Epistle of the Apostle PETER. By John T. Demarest, Minister of the 320 AMERICAN BIBLES. [1852Reformed Dutch Church at Montague, N. J. New York: John Moffet, 311 Broadway. 1851. 8. 16. THE GENERAL HISTORY of the CHRISTIAN CHURCH...... Chiefly deduced from the APOCALYPSE of St. John. By Sig. Pastorini. Published by D. & J. Sadlier & Co., 164 William Street. 1851. 12. Portrait of Bishop Walmesley. This is No. 11, supra p. 237, with a new imprint. 17. EXPOSITION of the APOCALYPSE. By T. Wickes. New York: 1851. 12. 1852. 1. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I translated from J the Latin Vulgate: I Diligently compared I with the Hebrew, Greek, and other editions in divers languages. I The I Old Testament, I first published by the English College at Douay, A. D. 1609. 1 And i The New Testament, I first published by the English College at Rheimns, A. D. 1582. ] With I Useful Notes, critical, historical, controversial, and explanatory, [ selected from the most eminent Commentators, and the most able and judicious critics. I By the Rev. George Leo Haydock. I Haurietis aquas in gaudio de fontibus Salvatoris. I You shall draw waters with joy from the Saviour's fountains. Isai. xii, 3. I Da mihi intellectum, et discamr mandata tua. I Give me understanding, and I will learn thy commandments. Ps. cxviii, 73. 1 New York: I Edward Dunigan and Brother, 151 Fulton Street, near Broadway. 1 1852. 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, Approbation of the Most Rev. Archbishop Hughes, dated 5th May, 1852; Haydock's Dedication, 1 p.; Names and Order of all the Books of the Old and New Test., Note, 1 p.; Advertisement, Approbations of the 0. and N. Test., Approb. of the Univ. of Douay, Approb. of the University of Rheims, Approb. of Dr. Challoner's ed., p. 5; Admonition, Letter of Pope Pius VI, A prayer before reading the Scriptures, Translation of the Decree of the Council of Trent, p. 6, and part of p. 7; A short sketch of the principal Epochs, remainder of p. 7; Haydock's Preface, pp. 911; A list of the principal Commentators, completing p. 11; verso, blank; making, with the title, sigs. 1 and 22; Text: Gen. to Mac., pp. (13)-(1226.) sigs. 23 to verso of 541. At the end of II Mac. this " N. B. The Third and Fourth Book of Machabees, as also the Third and Fourth Book of Esdras (which some call the First and Second -1852.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 321 Book of Esdras), and the Prayer of Manasses, are here omitted, because they have never been received by the Church. Ch." Historical and Chronol. Index, pp. (1227)(1231), verso, blank; sigs. 1542 to 1544; Family Record, with engr. headings and borders, 3 ff.; The I New Testament I of ] our Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ; I first published by the English College at Rheims, A. D. 1852. [ Translated from I the Latin Vulgate: I Diligently compared I with the Original Text, I and other editions in divers languages. I With Useful Notes, I critical, historical, controversial and explanatory, I selected from the most eminent commentators, and the most able and judicious critics. j Haurietis aquas &c. I Da mihi intellectum &c. I All things that are read in the Holy Scriptures, we must hear with great attention to our instruction and salvation; but those things I especially must be committed to memory, that serve most to confute heretics, whose deceits cease not to circumvent or ensnare all the weaker sort, i and the more negligent persons." —S..dug. tract. 2 in epis. Joan. I New York: I Edward Dunigan and Brother, I 151 Fulton street, near Broadway. I 1854. 1 1 p.; verso, blank; Gen. Preface to the New Testament, pp. (1235)-(1245), verso, blank; sigs. 155 to 1563; Text: Mat. to Apocalypse, pp. (1247)-(1657), verso, blank; sigs. 1564 to recto of 2081; Hist. and Chronol. Index to N. T., pp. (1659)-(1660); Tables of Scripture Weights, &c., and Time, p. (1661); Table of References, pp. (1662)-(1666); Table of Epist. & Gosp., p. (1667); Theological History in Miniature, pp. (1668)-(1671); verso, blank; sigs. 2082 to recto of 2094; sigs. in 4s but printed in 8S. The pages inclosed within double lines. List of Engravings: Moses receiving the Tables of the Law. Frontispiece to O. T. Engr. by J. N. Gimbrede. Abraham about to sacrifice Isaac. Vignette to engr. title to O. T. After Murillo. Agar and Ishmael. After Steinle. The arrival of Rebecca. Painted by Schopin. Jacob in the House of Laban. Steinle pinxt. Joseph sold by his brethren. Overbeck. Aaron. Dyer pinxt. The first fruits of Canaan. Steinle. Moses raises the Brazen Serpent. David and Abisai in King Saul's tent. Steinle. Judgment of Solomon.............................. L. Dick. Daniel in the Lion's den......................................... L. Dick. Jesus Christ. Frontispiece to New Test....................................Parker. Christ carrying the cross. Vignette to engr. title. The Infant St. John................................................ Parker. Little children brought to Christ...................................... Dick. The Three Maries. The Annunciation................................. Gimbrede. The Crucifixion. Copyrighted in 1844.............................. Dick. This is called, A New Edition of Haydock's Catholic Bible, to distinguish it from that published by Mr. Cummiskey in 1824. It was issued in 38 parts. The Rev. J. R. Bayley, now Bishop of Newark, N. J., edited a few sheets; the Rev. J. McMahon, the remainder. The latter gentleman made, says Mr. Shea, many corrections in the text and notes. Many errors in the Old Testament have been overlooked, notwithstanding, and a curious mistake is retained in the original note on Genesis, 1: 16, where light is said to "be nearly 3000 years in coming to us from the remotest star in our stratum;" 41 322 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I852a palpable misprint, for " system " says Archd. Cotton, which Mr. Haydock had himself detected and removed. The directions to the Binder, at the end of this volume, order " The Preface to the American edition to be inserted in the beginning, between pages 8 and 9." But there is no such preface in the copy before us, nor in any other edition of this Bible that we have seen. 2. HOLY BIBLE, translated from the Latin Vulgate: With Annotations by Dr. Challoner, &c. New York: Published by D. & J. Sadlier & Co., 164 William Street. Boston: 128 Federal Street, and 179 Notre Dame Street, Montreal, C. E. n. d. (L.) 4. This is the edition of 1851 with new titles; engr. front., engr. title page (an architectural design and figures of Peter and Paul); with the Approbation of the Rt. Revd. Dr. Hughes, Bishop of New York. Published by D. & J. Sadlier, 58 Gold street, New York. 3 plates to Old Test., an engr. front. and 3 plates to New Test. Ward's Errata does not accompany this copy. 3. Zie I *efiqi e acbrift I be I alten teftamenteO. I Wu bert but gata I mit 3eaug auf ben Osrunbtext neu iiberfegt, I Dn I Dr.,3ofe4t grant Wllioli, I mit I einer Wufvoab, t foiner 92nmerfungen. I gerau~qegeben ton einem sJriefter ber ~3erfammlung be I allerleilig, ften irliffero, Imit I ~utb eiiung unb fpprobation be,od)woU rbigften I Q3ifd)of6 on 9ewQo; orf, Dr. 3oanneW S ugte~. I etW,-orf: I,. & 3. abftier, 90o. 58 tolbZtrape. I 3ofton, 9o. 72 geberalEtrape. I ~tereot.pie un>b vrufd oun,. Vubwig & Gomp., I go. 70 $&feqe:trate. 1852. l 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; $orrebe, p. (3); verso, ~er3eiclpnijb alter 3iicf)er be altoen unb neuen ~eftament6; Text: Gen. to II Mac, pp. 5-891, verso of 891, blank; sigs. 1 (which includes title and 1 prel. leaf) to recto of 566; 2 blank leaves to complete sig. which is in 8s; Farn. Rec., 2 if.; vie I ~eii3e I (cbrift I be nctuein etanieiute$. I WiiO ber 7ttulgata I reit e31ug autf beln (Ortubtet non iiberfcgt, I von I Dr. 3okepf) aran3 tll[ioi, I mit I einer WnttBua)L jfeiner [ntmoerhtngen. I erat v3geogcbc eonlt cinelnl )rieftcr ber 3leraimnntl lung be0 I allerljeiligften (Srl[oere, I mnit I (untlyeif3lng nub opprobation beO,oclluiirbigtten I ifcf)of6 ton Bewli )4orf, Dr. Soanne6 8t[gfg. ) iu Bt aben bei I P. & S. -abSier, 164 S6itl liant-Strafe. I 1852. 1 1 p.; verso, blank; 3orrebe b0e Joerauntebwer, p. (3); &orlvort 3i ben [). Q(angelien, p. (4); Text: Mat. to Offenbarung, pp. 5-268; sigs. 1 (which incl. title and 1 prel. f.), to verso of 176; (~piftel intb uanltgelie auf I1lte Conoln-ulb &eftage I be0 Salre0. 1 2 pp.; 1 blank leaf to complete sig. in 8s; front. to Old Test., abralaim unbt saac. Dr. Allioli the editor of the original edition of this work, is a canon of the Cathedral of Ratisbon. The American edition was published in two forms; one as above; another injumbers with an engraved title page and 16 plates. It was revised, and Dr. Allioli's notes abridged, by the Rev. Gabriel Rumpeler, one of the Redemptorist Fathers, of New York, who published an edition or two of it and then passed the plates to the -1I852.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 323 Messrs. Sadlier who sold about 2000 copies. The plates have since been sold to a house in Germany, whence this market is supplied, as there is no Catholic Bible published at present in German in the United States. The following is a Translation of the Preface prefixed, by Father Rumpeler, to the New Testament: The reading of the Bible has become, among the Catholic population of the United States of America, a general practice, by what authority we shall not stop to inquire. Suffice it, the universal practice hath created a habit which we do not praise, neither will we absolutely condemn. The actual want, universally perceptible, of a German Catholic Bible approved by the Holy See, up to this time a desideratum in this country, hath induced us rather to transplant into American soil this truly literal Translation of the Holy Scriptures by Dr. FRANZ ALLIOLI, which has been received with universal, undivided approbation, is widely dispersed and obtains at present in Germany an almost exclusive circulation, in order thereby to provide against the erroneous understanding of the word of God, often occasioned by the use of Protestant, as well as numerous corrupt Catholic, Bibles, especially that of Van Ess. To facilitate the purchase of this Book, the editor hath thought proper to abridge the often recurring, less necessary, and more abstruse notes in the original work which have been approved by several Bishops; yet so, that the sense thereof has now suffered a change in but very few instances which have been seen and approved by our Most Reverend Bishop Dr. John Hughes. The editor thus hopes to have supplied a pressing want, and to have merited the gratitude, of the public. The Editor, P. G. R. 4. HOLY BIBLE, translated from the Latin Vulgate: With Annotations, References, and Index. From the last London and Dublin Editions. Published with the Approbation of the Most Rev. John Hughes, D. D., Archbishop of New York. New York: Published by Edward Dunigan & Brother, No. 151 Fulton Street. 1852. (L.; Georgetown Coill.) 8. Engraved front.; Engr. Approbation; Colored Title and 2 plates to O. T.; Engr. front.; Colored Title and 4 plates to N. Test. See No. 3 of 1844. 5. HOLY BIBLE, translated from the Latin Vulgate: With Annotations, References and Indexes. Philadelphia: Published by Eugene Cummiskey. Stereotyped by J. Howe. 1852. 8. Edition 500. 6. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I translated from I the Latin Vulgate: I Diligently compared with I the Hebrew, Greek, and other editions, l in divers languages. I The Old Testament, first published by I the English College at Doway, A. D., 324 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8521609. 1 And I the New Testament, j first published by I the English College I at Rheims, A. D. 1582. With Annotations and References, I and a I Historical and Chronological Index. Boston: j Patrick Donahoe, 3 Franklin Street. 1 1852. (L.; G. L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, Approbations of the Archbishop of Baltimore, of the Bishops of Philadelphia and New York, and of the Bishop of Boston, the last dated August 10, 1852; Admonition, Letter of Pius VI, and Bishop Conwell's Approbation of Cummiskey's 4to and 8vo stereotype editions, dated 13th September, 1824, 1 p.; Translation of the Decree of the Council of Trent, p. 4; then the Text and Index as in Cummiskey's 8vo edition of 1834, supra p. 245. The New Testament, &c., with Annotations and References, and a Historical and Chronological Index. Imprint as above, I p.; verso, The Order of the Books, Note, Approbation of the Bishop of Boston, dated August 10, 1852; Dr. Troy's Approbation of the Irish edition of 1791, 1 p.; verso, blank; Then Text, &c, as in Cummiskey's edition, the plates of which had been purchased by Mr. Lucas of Baltimore, who sold them to Mr. Donahoe. The volume before us has a lithograph frontispiece to the Old Test. and another to the New Test., viz: Moses, and the Crucifixion. Some copies have 2 leaves of Fam. Rec. preceding the title. The work is advertised as " The Unrivalled dollar edition of the Douay Bible." The copy in the Boston Athenveum is on large paper, with the titles and pages inclosed within parallel rules. 7. LA j BIBLIA SAGRADA, I Traducida I en Espafiol. I Version cotegada cuidadosamente con las I Lenguas Antiguas. I Jesus Respondio: Escudrinad las Escrituras. S. Juan, cap. V, ver. 39. 1 Nueva-York. I Edicion Esteriotipica.! 1852. I' 8. 8. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1852. (Rev. Dr. Brigham.) Pica 8. 9. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. Instituted in the year M.DCCCXVI. 1852. (G. L.) Nonp. 12. 9th and 95th editions; Pp. 592 and 184. 10. LA I SAINTE BIBLE, I qui contient le Vieux et le Nouveau Testament; i Revue surlesOriginaux, I Par David Martin, ] Ministre du Saint Evangile a Utrecht. I New York: Societe Biblique Americaine, I etablie en MDCCCXVI. 1852. 1 (G. L.) 12. 5th edition, pp. 819, 261. The Rev. Mr. Martin was pastor of the Walloon Church' at Utrecht. His revision of the Genevan Version of the French Bible was first printed at Amsterdam in 1707. See 1846 for the 1st N. Y. edition. -I852.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 325 11. HOLY BIBLE: New York: Published by the New York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society, No. 20 John Street. 1852. 12. 12. IHoLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1852. Pearl 18. 13. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co., Successors to Grigg, Elliot & Co. 1852. 12. 14. HoLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Thomas, Cowperthwaite & Co. No. 253 Market Street. 1852. 32. Engr. front. and title, with Contents and Psalms, pp. 852, 259, 3 and 81. 15. THE j BOOKS I of JOSHUA, JUDGES, and RUTH, I translated into I The Choctaw language. I Choshua, nan apesa Vhleha Holisso, i Michla Lulh Holisso, I aiena kvt toshowvt i Chahta anumpa Toba hoke. I New York: American Bible Society, I Instituted in the year MDCCCXVI. [ 1852. 12. Pp. 151. 16. The i First and Second Books of SAMUEL, I and the first Book of KINGS, I translated into I the Choctaw Language. I Samuel J. Holisso I Vmmona, Atukla Itatuklo, I micha i Miko Vhleha, I isht anumpa Vmmona I aiena kvt Toshowvt I Chahta anumpa Toba hoke. I New-York: I American Bible Society, I Instituted in the year MDCCCXVI. | 1852. 1 12. Pp. 256. The translations 15 and 16 were made with the assistance of the Rev. Cyrus Byington. 1. N.EW TESTAMENT: Translated from the Latin Vulgat: With Annotations and References, and a Historical and Chronological Index. Boston: Patrick Donahoe, 3 Franklin Street. 1852. (L.; G. L.) 8. This is the New Testament portion of the Bible published this year by the same bookseller, bound up separately. 326 AMERICAN BIBLES. [18522. THE NEW TESTAMENT expounded and illustrated according to the usual Marginal References in the very words of the Holy Scriptures, with Notes and a Complete Harmony of the Gospels. By Clement Moody, M. A., Magdalen Hall, Oxford; Perpetual Curate of Seberghain. New York: Published by George Lane and Levi Scott, 200 Mulberry Street. Joseph Longking, Printer. 1852. 8. Pp. 665. 3. Sie I effeigiBe cbfrit I be t I neuen TeftamenteO. I fuO ber buIs Gata I mit ~3equg auf ben fruitntert neu iiberfe~t, I uon I Dr. o3fepl) rane w1ttioli, I mit I einer wuwaLtf feiner wnmerfungen.,eraut3egeben =on einem Priefter ber 23erfammlung bed I aler I eilig ften drlofierd, I mit Otutteipung unb Wpprobation be3 owtii rbigg ften I ~ifdof uton e0,mJorf, Dr. 3oannew!uge. 1 3u IRaben bei I Z. & 3. Eablier, 164 0iaiamEitraPe. 1 1852. 1 8. This is the New Testament of the Bible, supra No. 3, printed separately, with Frontispiece-The Flight into Egypt, engraved by T. Kelley; below, D. & J. Sadlier, 58 Gold street. 4. NEW TESTAMENT: Auburn: Published by J. M. Alden. 1852. 12. 5. AN I EXPOSITION I of ] the New Testament, I or I The New Covenant I of our I Sovereign Saviour. I The Anointed. Acts 8: 30- -Do you understand the book which you are reading? I By Hezekiah Woodruff. I Auburn: I Henry Oliphant, Printer, Genesee Street. 1 1852. 1 16. The object of the author of this edition has been (he says) to present the rising generation with the Holy Scriptures in an idiom with which they are familiar. Accordingly, the Gospel of St. Matthew (the only one contained in the volume) is entitled, " The Good News of Salvation according to Matthew;" The Acts of the Apostles-" The Doings of the Commissioners; " The Epistles-" The Letter of Paul (a Commissioner), to the Romans," or Corinthians &c. The word, Lord, is turned into " Sovereign; " the proper name of the Saviour is " The Anointed," and the Disciples are called, " Pupils." The following are specimens of the text: John the Baptist's "food was small animals and vegitable honey." Mat. 3: 4. Happy are they who hunger and thirst for correctness. Ibid 5: 6. Unless your correctness shall exceed the correctness of the clergy. Ibid 5: 20. Whoever shall say to his brother, Silly fellow.... and whoever shall say to him Abandoned Wretch, will be in danger of eternal burnings. Ibid 5: 22. -1852.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 327 Whoever shall divorce his wife except on account of lustful conduct before marriage, not apparent till after marriage. Ibid 5; 32. The Son-of-man maketh his exit. Ibid 26: 24. Immediately he [Judas] came to the Saviour, and said, Your most obedient, Preceptor, Ibid 26:49. 6. NEW TESTAMENT: Translated from the Latin Vulgate: With Annotations &c. New York: Edward Dunigan & Brother, 151 Fulton Street. 1852. (L.) 18. 7. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: Leavitt & Allen, 27 DeyStreet. 1852. (Gowans.) 18. Pp. 191. 8. A N-EW I HARMONY and Exposition j of I the GOSPELS: j consisting of I A parallel and combined arrangement, ] (n a New Plan, I of the Narratives of the Four Evangelists, l according to the authorized Translation; I and I a continuous Commentary, I with I Brief Notes subjoined. I Bring the first Jeriob of tife oispel fietorD. I With a Supplement, I containing extended Chronological and Topographical Dissertations, I and a Complete Analytical Index. I By James Strong, A. M. Illustrated by Maps and Engravings. i Nem-0- ork: I Published by Carlton & Phillips, 1 200 Mulberry-street. 1 1852. 1 (G. L.) 8. Mock Title, The Gospel History. I A Harmony and Exposition I of the I Christian Scriptures. I Wart fir[st. I The Gospels. I 1 p.; verso, blank; Engraved title, The Gospel History. I First Part. I (Antique Profile of Christ, carved on an Emerald obtained from the Turks in the 15th cent.) Arranged I By James Strong, A. M. I New York: I Carlton & Phillips. I 1 f.; Printed title, 1 f.; verso, Notice of Copyright, dated 1852; Pref. signed by the author, dated Flushing, L. I., April, 1852, pp. v-x; Explanation, pp. xi-xii; Contents, 1 p.; verso, blank; Illustrations, pp. xv-xvii, verso, blank; Maps (list of), 1 p.; verso, blank; Textual Index, pp. xxii-xxx; Mock Title, Harmony and Exposition; sigs. A (not marked) and B in 8s; Text: pp. 1-388; sigs. 1 to 252 in 8s; Mock title, A Supplement Ito the I Harmony and Exposition of the Gospels; I (ontaining 41tree ltppenbices: I I. Tables and Chronological Calculations. I II. On the Topography of Ancient Jerusalem, with Maps. I III. An Analytical and Synoptical Index of the Gospels. I 1 p.; verso, blank; Appendix I, 1 p.; verso, blank; Tables of Measures, Weights, Money, Time and Winds, pp. 5*, 6*; The Time of Christ's Birth, pp. 7*-24*; Comparative Table of different Harmonies, pp. 25*-28*; Mock Title, Appendix II, 1 p.; verso, blank; Topography of Ancient Jerusalem, pp. t3-42t; Mock Title, Appendix III, 1 p.; Analytical and Synoptical Index, pp. 21-791; the last page having instead of the regular number, " Whole num 328 AMERICAN BIBLES. [1853ber of pages I of letter press 1 579; verso, blank; sigs. 253 to recto of 345; Catalogue of Books published by Carlton & Phillips, 3 ff. to complete sig. Illustrations. Ancient Jerusalem: Miss Hartland, del., J. C. Buttree, so.; Key to the View of Ancient Jerusalem: Key to the View of Modern Jerusalem: Modern Jerusalem; Ulric Halbreeter; James Smillie: Modern Jerusalem, from the North, wood engrav., Roberts: Modern Nazareth, wood engrav., Lossing-Barritt: The River Jordan, Colored Lith: Jacob's Well, The Valley of Schechem, 2 wood engrav. (on 1 page), Roberts: Modern Nain, Colored Lith.: The Sea of Galilee, Colored Lith.: Mount Hermon, Colored Lith.: The Pool of Siloam, Colored Lith.: Modern Bethany, wood engrav., Lossing-Barritt: The enclosure of the Harem at Jerusalem, The Jews wailing place at Jerusalem, wood engrav. 2 on a page, Roberts: The Garden of Gethsemane, Colored Lith.: The Mount of Olives, wood engr., Lossing-Barritt- A New Map of Ancient Jerusalem before its destruction by the Romans: Modern Jerusalem according to the late English military survey: Ground Plan of the Temple at Jerusalem: Detailed Plan of the Modern Temple area at Jerusalem. There is another issue of this volume with the imprint: Nes Yorkt: i Published by Lane & Scott, 1 200 Mulberry-street. I Joseph Longking, printer. ] 1852. l 9. The Gospel according to ST. JOHN, translated into ~Ie!pmonpime tanguage; by Missionaries of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, Gaboon, Western Africa. New York: Published by the American Bible Society, instituted in the year MDCCCXVI. 1852. (N. Y. State Lib.) 18. 1853. 1. HOLY BIBLE: With Canne's Notes, Apocrypha, An Index and Tables. Stereotyped by James Conner, New York. Hartford (Conn.): Silas Andrus & Son. n. d. fol. A reprint in all respects of the edition of 1829. q. v. 2. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I Zranslatb from t1e tatin tfulgate: diligently compared with the I Hebrew, Greek, and other editions in divers Languages. I The I Old Testament, I first published by the English College at j Douay, A. D. 1609. 1 And I The New Testament, I first published by the English College at I Rheims, A. D. 1582. 1 With I Useful Notes, Critical, Historical, Controversial, and Explanatory, I selected from the most eminent Commentators, and the most able and judicious Critics, I By the late Rev. Geo. Leo Haydock, and other Divines. I The Text carefully collated with that of the original edition, I and the Anno -I853.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 329 tations abridged, I By the Very Rev. F. C. Husenbeth, D. D. V. G., 1 Canon of the English Chapter. I Haurietis aquas &c.; I Da mihi intellectum &c. I New York: I George Virtue, 26 John Street. i n. d. (L.; Georgetown Coell.) 4. Illuminated title; Engr. Title; Printed Title (as above), 1 f.; verso, blank; Ded. 1 f.; verso, Dr. Husenbeth's Notice, dated Sept. 27th, 1850; Approbation of 3 Amer. Archbishops, and 7 Bishops, 2 pp.; Approb. of the Bishops of the Catholic Church in Eng., 2 pp.; Names and Order of all the Books of 0. and N. Test., note, 1 p. marked 354 at foot; verso, blank; making sig. A of the Eng. plates; exclusive of the leaf of Approb. of the Amer. Hierarchy which was stereotyped in this country; Text: Gen. to Psalms, pp. 1-692; sigs. B to verso of 4T2; Engraved Title " The Holy Bible," with Vignette of the Resurrection: Text: Proverbs to II Mac., pp. 1-381; verso of 381, blank; sigs. B to recto of 3C3; each sig. marked also Vol. II; Index, pp. 383-386; sigs. 3C4 to recto of 3D2; Family Record, 2 ff.; The New Testament, Imprint: London and New York: Virtue, Emmins and Roberts, 1 p; verso, blank; Pref. &c., pp. iii-x; sig. b.; Text: Mat. to Apocalypse, pp. 1-346; sigs. B to verso of 2Y1; Index to N. T., pp. 347, 348; Tab. of Ref., pp. 349-353; verso of 353, blank; Table of Epist. and Gospels, pp. 355, 356; 2Y2 to verso of 2Z2, all in 4s; each page is included within double rules and each sig. of the New Testament is marked also, N. T. There are in the Old Testament: 28 engravings. Joseph presenting his father to Pharaoh, Front. to 0. T.; Death of Abel; Hagar and Ishmael; Rebecca receiving Isaac's presents; Departure of Rebecca; Arrival of Rebec. ca; Jacob in the house of Laban; Joseph sold; Joseph interpreting Pharaoh's dream; Moses in the land of Midian; Moses smiting the rock; Moses meeting his wife and sons; Joshua commands the sun to stand still; Jael and Sisera; Boaz and Ruth; Samuel before Heli; David playing to Saul; Saul presenting his daughter to David; The Judgment of Solomon; Solomon did evil in the sight of the Lord; The Ascent of Elijah; Jezrahel, Mount Gilboa, and Bethsan; The Captives in Babylon; Judith with the head of Holofernes; Death of the Blessed Virgin, Frontispiece; The Resurrection, Vignette to Vol. II.; Susanna and the Elders; Tombs in the Valley of Jehosophat; Ruins in the city of Samaria. In the New Testament: 16. Madonna and Child; The Repose in the way; Christ stilleth the storm; The Mount of Olives and Jerusalem; The Raising of Jairus's Daughter; The Transfiguration; Christ taken down from the Cross; Cavern where the Holy Cross was found; Shrine of the Nativity, Bethlehem; The Holy Family; The Infant St. John; Our Blessed Redeemer; Jesus and the Samaritan; The Good Shepherd; Fields of Bethania; Peter and John at the Beautiful Gate. This work was printed originally at Bungay in Suffolk, Eng., and published in London in 1853, in two volumes, with 51 engravings. The plates were afterwards.imported into this country and the work is issued in New York in 36 numbers. In regard to the Notes, I am inclined to think (says Archd.Cotton) from an inspection of the first two chapters of Genesis only, that the " abridgment " has been made carelessly, and in a manner more calculated to obscure the sense than illustrate it. For instance, in a note on Genesis, 1:19, Haydock spoke of " the remotest star in our stratum " (a misprint for " system") "beyond which are others immensely distant," 42 330 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I853&c. Dr. Husenbeth leaves out the words, " in our stratum," and by doing so contrives to give the sentence rather an ambiguous turn, " the remotest star, beyond which are others " &c. Again, in a note on Genesis, 2: 2, Haydock speaking of the seventh day observed, " This day was commanded, Ex. xx, 8. to be kept holy by the Jews, as it had probably been from the beginning. Philo says, it is the festival of the Universe, and Josephus asserts, there is no town which does not acknowledge the religion of the sabbath. But this point is controverted " &c. Dr. Husenbeth omits the whole of the passage from'" Philo " to " Sabbath "' inclusive yet goes on, " But this point is controverted " &c. Apart from the Notes the text abounds with errors which we have no room to indicate. 3. HOLY BIBLE, translated from the Latin Vulgat: With Useful Notes, critical, historical, controversial, and explanatory, selected from the most eminent commentators, and the most able and judicious critics. By the Rev. Geo. Leo Haydock. (Textsof Scripture.) New York: Edward )Dunigan and Brother, 151 Falton Street. 1853. 4. A revised edition of the Bible of 1852. Not seen. 4. HOLY BIBLE, translated from the Latin Vulgate: With Annotations by Dr. Challoner &c. New York: Published by D. & J. Sadlier & Co., 164 William Street. Boston: 128 Federal Street. Montreal, C. E.: corner of Notre Dame and St. Francis Xavier's Streets. 1853. (L.) 4. Engr. frontisp. and title page (John the Baptist), and 7 plates; Printed title followed by a leaf, containing an engr. Vignette and approb. of 6 Archbishops and Bishops; The text of each page is embraced within a border of two lines. The New Test. has an engr. front., title page, and 12 plates; Imprint as above, with date 1857. Ward's Errata accompanies the volume. The text is probably from the same stereotype plates as the edition of 1851 and 1852. 5. tnim D'o'ix n" I The I Twenty-four Books I of the I Holy Scriptures: I carefully translated I according to the Masoretic Text, on the Basis of the i English Version, I after the beot Juwi4] Auntloritive; I and supplied with I short ExplanatoryNotes. I By I IsaacLeeser. I liN. rn n'M I "For it shall not be forgotten out of the mouth of his seed." Deut. xxxi, 21. Philadelphia: I Published at 371 Walnut Street. 1 5614. I (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, Extract of Copyright, dated 1853; Stereotyped by L. Johnson & Co., Philadelphia; Pref. dated Philadelphia, Sept. 20, 1853, pp. iii, iv; Mock title to the Pentateuch in Heb and Eng.; The Holy Scriptures, Part First, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Gen. to Deut., pp. 3-254; Mock title, as above, Part 2, Division 1st. -I853.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 331 Joshua to 2 Kings, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: pp. 257-458; Title, as above, Part Second, Division II. Isaiah to Malachi., 1 p.; verso, blank; Text. pp. 461-710; Title as above, Part Third, Psalms, Job, Ruth, Eccles., Daniel, Nehemiah, Proverbs, Song of Songs, Lamentations, Esther, Ezra 1st and 2d, Chronicles; Text: pp. 713 to 1011, verso, blank. There is no sig. mark from title to p. 8 incl. 6 if.; then on p. 9 sigs. B to 6B2 in 4s; Fam. Rec., 2 if.; Text: printed in double columns, with notes at the bottom of the page. The Text is in English, printed in double columns. Mr. Leeser the translator " is an Israelite in faith in the full sense of the word." In style he has endeavored to adhere to that of the ordinary English Version, whilst he has taken so much care to avoid its faults, that this may be called a new Version especially as regards the Prophets, Psalms and Job. No individual has been questioned as to the meaning of any word, and Bagster's Bible is the only English book that has been consulted in the progress of the translation, which occupied occasionally more than fifteen years. 6. ANNOTATED PARAGRAPH BIBLE: New York: C. B. Norton. 1853. (G. L.) 8. 7. HIOLY BIBLE: With Apocrypha, Canne's Marginal Notes and References, Index, Titles, Tables, Concordance and Psalms in Metre. Philadelphia: Jesper Harding. 1853. (L.) 4. Engr. front., colored title and 10 large woodcuts to O. T.; Engr. front. and 8 large woodcuts to N. Test. In an early edition of Harding's 4to Bible, a curious mistake, it is said, occurred in 1 Kings, 1: 21, wherein the text —" the king shall t sleep with his fathers," was printed "the king shall dagger sleep with his fathers." The error was soon discovered and corrected. 8. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co., Successors to Grigg, Elliot & Co., No. 14 North Front Street. 1853. (L.) 8. Each page of the Text is included within double lines. 9. THE SELF EXPLANATORY REFERENCE BIBLE: With Marginal Readings and original and selected parallel References, printed at length. New York: R. Carter and Brothers. 1853. 8. The References, &c., are printed in full in two small columns in the centre of the page. 10. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1853. Bourgeois 8. With references. 332 AMERICAN BIBLES. [185311. FAMILY BIBLE: With brief Notes and Instructions. By the Rev. Justin Edwards, D. D., including the References and Marginal readings of the Polyglott Bible. Vol. I. Genesis to Job. New York: 150 Nassau Street. 1853. 8. Pp. 664. 12. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1853. Nonp. ref. 12. 13. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1853. Brevier 12. 14. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. Instituted &c. 1853. 18. Pp. 974, 304. 15. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1853. Agate 24. 16. ENGLISH VERSION of the POLYGLOTT BIBLE: With Marginal Readings &c. Illustrated with Maps and Engravings. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co. 1853. 12. Pp. 824, 256. Psalms in Metre, pp. 77; References in the centre of pp. 17. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Thomas, Cowperthwaite & Co. 1853. (Mr. McAllister.) 12. 18. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Miller & Burlock. 1853. (Mr. McAllister.) 16. 19. HOLY BIBLE: Northampton, Mass.: Hopkins, Bridgman & Co. 1853. 32. Engr. front. and title to O. and N. Test.; Contents and Psalms. On verso of printed title, Printed by Smith and Peters, Franklin Buildings, Sixth street, below Arch, Philadelphia, pp. 852, 259, 3, and 81. Apparently from duplicate plates of Cowperthwaite's edition. 20. HOLY BIBLE: containing the Old Testament and the New. Portland: Sanborn & Carter. 1853. 32. Engr. front. and title with N. Test., dated 1851; Psalms in Metre. -1853.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 333 21. EXPOSITION of the LAMENTATIONS of the Prophet Jeremiah. Translated from the French, By the Most Rev. Wm. Walsh, D. D., Archbishop of Halifax, N. S. New York: Edward Dunigan and Brother. 1853. 16. 22. THE BIBLE MANUAL; comprising Selections of Scripture, arranged for occasions of private and public worship, both special and ordinary. Together with Scripture expressions of Prayer, abridged from Matthew Henry, with an Appendix consisting of a copious classification of Scripture Text, presenting a systematic view of the doctrines and duties of Revelation. By W. W. Everts, pastor of Laight street Church, New York. Third Edition. New York: Lewis Colby & Co. 1853. 12. Copyright dated 1846; Introduction dated April 1846; Stereotyped by Vincent L. Dill, 128 Fulton St., Sun building, N. Y. Pp. xii, 324; 3 maps. 23. THE SCRIPTURE TEXT BOOK. Scripture texts arranged for the Use of Ministers, S. S. Teachers, and Families. Search the Scriptures. Fifth Edition. New York: Lewis Colby & Co. 1853. 12. Pp. 154. 1. NEW TESTAMENT: Translated from the Latin Vulgate: Witlj %nnotations by the Right Rev. R. Challoner, D. D.; Together with References, and an Historical and Chronological Index. Revised and corrected according to the Clementine edition of the Scriptures. New York: Published by D. & J. Sadlier & Co., 164 William Street. Boston: 128 Federal Street. Montreal, C. E.: corner of Notre Dame and St. Francis Streets. 1853. 4. This is the New Testament of the Sadlier 4to Bible, printed separately. It contains the following fine engravings: The Redeemer. Painted by Carlo Dolce. Frontispiece. The Adoration of the Shepherds. Vignette to Engr. title. Painted by Ant Raphael Mengs;..........engraved by..................... L. Dick. The Redeemer of the World. Ary Scheffer....................... S. Hollyer, N. Y. Zebedee's Children. 1............................................... R. Thew, sc. Our Saviour in the Garden. Matt. 26: 39. Carlo Dolci................. G. Parker. 334 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I853Jerusalem. W. H. Bartlett.......................................... L. Dick. Ecce Homo. Vandyke.................S................ SHollyer, N. Y. The Salutation of the Virgin. Murillo................................. Rogers. Jesus in the midst of the Doctors. De Caisne........ S. Hollyer, N. Y. The Prodigal Son The Descent from the Cross. Rubens.................................H. B. Hall. The Good Shepherd. Incredulity of St. Thomas. The Angel releasing the Apostles from prison. Kirk................... J Rogers. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: (English and French.) New York: American Bible Society. 1853. (Rev. Dr. Brigham.) Bourg. 12. 3. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: American Bible Society. Instituted &c. 1853. 32. Pp. 354. 4. EL I NUEVO TESTAMENTO I de I Nuestro Sefior y Salvador I Jesu-Christo, I nuevamente traducido de la Vulgata latina al espafiol, j aclarado el sentido de algunas lugares, con la luz que dan los tex- I tos originales hebreo y griego, e ilustrado con varias notas, sacadas de los santos padres y ex- I positores sagrados, por I el exmo. Sr. Dn. Felix Torres Amat, I obispo de Astorga. I Lleva afiadidas algunas notas tomadas del P. Scio y otros calificados I interpretes, I con la aprobacion del I illmo. fr. Jose S. Alemany, I obispo de Monterey, California. J Primera edicion conforme a la segunda del obispo Amat. Nueva York: I Eduardo Dunigan y hermano, I Calle de Fulton, No. 151. 1 1853. 1 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, Imprimatur. Neo Eboraci die xxx. Mar. 1853. tJoannes, Archiep. Neo Ebor., and copyright; Indice, 1 p.; Introduccion, pp. 5-6; Text: pp. 503; sigs. 1 to 21. 5. MANUAL of the GOSPELS, being an Abridgment of the Author's "Harmony and Exposition of the Gospels;" for the use of Sunday Schools, Bible Classes and Families. By James Strong, A. M. Edited by Daniel P. Kidder. New York: Published by Carlton & Phillips, 200 Mulberry Street. 1853. 12. -1854.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 335 6. THE GOSPEL j according to Saint MATTHEW, I in the Miemac Language. Printed I for the Use of the Micmac Mission I by the British and Foreign I Bible Society. i Charlottetown: I Printed by G. T. Haszard. 1 1853. (Hon. Joseph Howe, Halifax, N. S.) 12. The Phonetic Alphabet is used in this volume, which consists of pp. 118. At the end is Psalm 23, in Indian metre, and a Hymn, " In de Dark Wood, no Indian nigh," also in Miemac. 1854. 1. THE I COMPREHENSIVE BIBLE, I containing the I Old and New Testament, 1 according to I the authorized Version, I with I the various readings and marginal notes usually printed therewith; i a general Introduction I containing Disquisitions on the genuineness, authenticity, and inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, various divisions and I marks of distinction in the sacred writings; ancient versions; coins, weights, and measures; I various sects among the Jews; I Introductory and Concluding Remarks to each Book: The parallel Passages I contained in Canne's Bible; Dr. Adam Clarke's Commentary, 7 vols.; Rev. John Brown's Self-Interpreting Bible, 2 vols.; Dr. Blayney's Bible; I Bishop Wilson's Bible, edited by Crutwell; Rev. T. Scott's Commentary, 6 vols.; and the j English Version of Bagster's Polyglott Bible, systematically arranged:L Philological and explanatory Notes: i A Table of Contents, arranged in Historical Order: I An Analysis and Compendium of the Holy Scriptures: I A Chronological Index, [ interspersed with Synchronisms of the most important Epochs and Events in profane History; I An Index of Subjects contained in the Old and New Testaments I and an Index to the Notes, Introduction, and concluding Remarks. I Multee terricolis lingua, &c. ] Philadelphia: I Lippincott, Grambo & Co. (successors to Grigg, Elliot & Co.), No. 14 North Fourth Street. 11854. 1 (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, Names and Order; Editor's Preface, dated December, 1826; pp. 3, 4; General Contents, pp. 5, 6; Translators to the Readers, pp. 7-16; Contents, 17-21; Second Contents, pp. 22-52; Introd., pp. 53-92; sigs. (title incl.) 1 to 122; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 93-1090; sigs. 123 to 1371; Gen. Outline, pp. 1091-1094; 336 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I854 — sigs. 1372 to 1373; Fam. Record, 2 if.; New Test. title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 1097-1430; sigs. 138 to 1793; Indexes, pp. 1431-1460; sigs. 1794 to 1832; At the end of Index, Multa terricolis lingua, &c., Psalms in Metre, pp. 1-24; sigs. in 4s; Engr. front. and title to O. T. only; Marginal Notes in centre of the pp. This Bible was published originally in London in 1827, and reprinted in 1846; it contains 4000 notes, which by a simple Index are made to illustrate 40,000 passages. They comprise illustrations of Jewish manners, customs, rites, and ceremonies. Bohn's Lowndes. The editor was William Greenfield. Horne. 2. HOLY BIBLE: With Apocrypha, Canne's Marginal Notes and References, Index, Tables, Concordance, and Psalms in Metre. Philadelphia: Jesper Harding. 1854. (L.) 4. Colored front. and 12 large woodcuts to O. Test.; and Colored front. and 8 colored large woodcuts to N. Test. 3. Butler's Edition. HOLY BIBLE: With references and various readings, together with the Apocrypha. Philadelphia: Published by E. H. Butler & Co. 1854. (L.) Pica 4. A stereotype edition on tinted paper. Front. colored title page; printed ditto and 4 engr. plates to O. T.; Front. colored and printed title page and 2 engravings to New Test. Pp. 1213. 4. HIIOLY BIBLE: Syracuse: Mills, Hopkins & Co. 1854. 4. Pp. 1148. Plates. 5. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Printed for the American and Foreign Bible Society, by the Bible Association of Friends in America. 1854. (L.) 8. Stereotyped edition; no Apocrypha; no change in Version; Brown's Concordance. 6. HOLY BIBLE, translated from the Latin Vulgate: With Annotations, References, Index, &c. New York: Published by Edward Dunigan & Bro., No. 151 Fulton Street. 1854. (L.) 8. Same as 1844; woodcut front. to O. T. 7. HOLY BIBLE: New York: Printed by the New York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society. 1854. 8. 8. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. Instituted &c. 1854. (L.) 8. The new version, with alterations. -1854.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 337 9. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. Instituted in the year MDcCCXVI. 1854. (L.) Bourg. 12. 19th edition. Printed previously to the new version. Contents at end. 10. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. Instituted in the year MDCCCXVI. 1854. Nonp. 12. 36th and 37th editions; pp. 767. 11. LA SAINTE BIBLE, I qui contient I le Vieux et le Nouveau Testament; i RevuesurlesOriginaux, I ParDavidMartin, I Ministre du Saint Evangile a Utrecht. I New York: Societe Biblique Americaine, I etablie en MDCCCXvI. 1854. 1 (G. L.) 12. 12. ENGLISH VERSION of the POLYGLOTT BIBLE. Illustrated with Maps and Engravings. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co. 1854. 12. Same as the ed. of 1853. 13. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co. 1854. 32. On verso of title, Printed by C. Sherman. Pp. 725 and 221. Psalms in Metre, pp. 81. 14. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. Diamond edition. 1854. 32. 15. THE J GOSPEL BY MOSES, I in the Book of Genesis; I or the Old Testament Unveiled. I By C. H. Putnam. I "And not as Moses, 2which put a vail over his face, that the children of Israel could not stedfastly look to the end I of that which is abolished: I But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old I testament; which vail is done away in Christ." 2 Cor. iii, 13, 14. 1 New York: I Edward H. Fletcher, Nassau Street. 1 1854. 1 8. Preface, pp. v-xi; Text: pp. 3-480; Errata, 1 p.; Appendix, pp. 483-486; sigs. in 8s. 43 338 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I854 — 1. Butler's Edition. NEW TESTAMENT: With References and various Readings. Philadelphia: Published by E. H. Butler & Co. 1854. Pica 4. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: Philadelphia: Thomas Davis's edition. Stereotyped by John Howe. n. d. 8. 3.'H KAINH AIA~HKH. IL NUOVO TESTAMENTO: Traduzione del Greco par cura Dr. G. Achille. New York: American Bible Union. 1854. 8. Pp. 343, with an Introduction by W. H. Wickoff. 4. NEW TESTAMENT: (English and German in parallel colunrns.) New York: American Bible Society. Instituted in the year MDCCCXVI. 1854. 12. Pp. 670. 5. LE NOUVEAU TESTAMENT de I Notre Seigneur JesusChrist I d'apres la Version revue par I J. F. Ostervald. I New York: I Societe Biblique (sic) Americaine I institu6e en MDCCCXVI. i 1854. 1 (N. Y. State Lib.) 12. 3d edition. French and English in parallel columns. 6. NEW TESTAMENT: Translated from the Latin Vulgate: New York: Edward Dunigan & Brother. 151 Fulton Street. 1854. 18. Same as the edition of 1854, with engr. front. and a title with Vignette of John the Baptist. The printed title within rules has a small vignette also of an angel with the motto, Excelsior. 7. A NEW HARMONY and Exposition of the GOSPELS. By Janies Strong, A. M. Illustrated by Maps and Engravings.- New York: Published by Carlton and Phillips, 200 Mulberry Street. 1854. 8. 8. THE I HISTORY OF CHRIST, I according to Inspiration; | Chronologically arranged in one consecutive I narrative. ]With the References. I Boston: I Heath and Graves, 1 79 Cornhill. 1 1844. I (L.) 12. — 855.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 339 Verso of title, Ex. of Copyright, 1854; Asa Wilbur, Mass I Stereotyped by I Hobart & Robins. I New England Type and Stereotype Foundry. I Boston: I Damrell & Moore, Printers, Boston. I Preface, 2 pp.; Contents, pp. v-xiv; sigs. in 6s, including title page and 4 pp. of Contents, viz: sig. 2 includes from last leaf of Contents to 14 of text; Text: pp. 5-251; sigs. 3 (commencing on page 15) to 225 in 6s. This is a Harmony of the Gospels by Asa Wilbur. 9. The Second Epistle of PETER, the Epistles of John and Jude, and the Revelation, translated from the Greek on the basis of the common English version, with Notes. New York: American Bible Union. 1854. (L.) 4. Title and 10 prel. pp.; Errata, 1 f.; Text: pp. 253. This is a Baptist version. The translation is by Rev. Dr. Lillie. 1855. 1. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing the Old and New Testaments: Translated out of the Original Tongues: I and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. I With marginal Readings, References, and Chronological dates. I Auburn: I William J. Moses, and Miller, Orton & Mulligan. i New York:I Miller, Orton & Mulligan, 25 Park row. 1 1855. 1 4. Engraved title: The I Old Testament I illustrated with Engravings I from the designs of I Richard Westall, Esq., I R. A. I Vignette, Moses receiving the Law, all within an ornamental border; 1 f.; verso, blank; Printed title, 1 f.; verso, blank; A brief account of the authorized version of the Scriptures, extracted from Clark's General Preface, pp. iii, iv; Fletcher's Divine Authority, pp. v-vii; Contents, pp. viii-xii; sigs. A to B2 in 4s; Table of Measures &c., Table of Offices, p. 1; Order of the Books, p. 2; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 3-797; sigs. A (which includes 2 pp. of prel. matter) to 3D7 in 8s, and in sig. 1 to 1003 in 4s; Faim. Rec., 2 ff.; 1 leaf blank; Apocrypha in small type, pp. 1-120; sigs. A to H4 in 8s, and (1) to (15) in 4s; New Test., Engr. title with Vignette; Angel appearing to Shepherds, 1 p.; verso, blank; printed half title, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev, pp. 3-253; sigs A2 to Q6 in 8s, (1) to (323), in 4s; The Discourses, Parables and Miracles of Jesus, p. 254; Contents, pp. 255, 256; remainder of sig. Q; Psalms in Metre, pp. 1-23; verso, blank; Concordance, pp. 1-39; sigs. 1-54 in 4s. Front. Isaac blessing Jacob instead of Esau, W. D. Smith, David and Bathsheba, Smith. 2. HOLY BIBLE: Auburn and Rochester: Alden & Beardsley. 1855. 4. With illustrations. 340 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I855 — 3. COMPREHENSIVE BIBLE: Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Company. 1855. (L.) 4. From the same stereotype plates as the edition of 1854; engraved front. and colored title page to Old. Test., and engr. front. to New Test.; Psalms in Metre at the end, without separate title. 4. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co. 1855. 4. The same as No. 1 of 1844, Chromo. Lith. front. to Old Test.; 1 engraving in Old and 1 in New Test. 5. Standard Imperial Quarto Bible. Printed fiom stereo-copper plates. J THE HOLY BIBLE: containing the j Old and New Testaments: I Translated out of i tile Original Tongueg, I and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. i With I An Index of Subjects, the Harmony of the Four Evangelists, and Tables of Measures, Weights, and Coins. j Philadelphia: Published by H. C. Peck & Theo. Bliss. I 1855. 1 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, Names and Order of Books at foot, Electro-Stereotyped by L. Johnson & Co. Philadelphia: Printed by C. Sherman & Co., Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 3-1130; sigs. A (which includes title) to 6R1; Family Record, 4 if.; New Testament: title, 1 f.; verso, blank: Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-356; sigs. 1 to 452; Index, pp. 357-381; Harmony, pp. 381, 382: at foot of p. 382, Tables of Measures; sigs. 453 to 68, a blank leaf completing this sig.; all in 4s except 6R. 6. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Published by John B. Perry, 198 Market Street; Leary & Getz, No. 138 North Second Street. Baltimore: Walker & Medairy, John Cushing & Co., and Cushing & Baily. 1855. (L.) 4. With Index, Tables, Concordance and Psalms in Metre, but no Apocrypha; woodcut front. to both Test.; that to the New has a cut in the centre and smaller ones around it. The imprint to the New Test. has Perry's name only, and is without date. Text conformable to the standard of American Bible Society before the changes. 7. THE I HOLY BIBLE; I containing the I Old and New Testaments: Translated out of the Original Tongues, I and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. I With i Canne's marginal notes and references. To which are added, I An Index; J An Alphabetical Table of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their significations; Tables of Scripture weights, mea -I855.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 341 sures, and coins, &c. I New York: I Sheldon, Lamport & Blakeman. 1 115 Nassau Street. 1 1855. 1 (L.) 4. Front. and 1 engraving in Old Test.; Front. and 3 engr. in New Test., all on wood. The paging and signatures of this volume agree with Phinney's editions, supra pp. 157, 158, 265, less Index and Tables all which are omitted, except those on p. 576. The references are printed on the inner and outer margins of the text. 8. HOLY BIBLE, translated from the Latin Vulgate: with Useful Notes &c. By the Rev. George Leo Haydock. New York: Edward Dunigan and Brother, 151 Fulton Street, near Broadway. 1855. (L.) 4. The edition of 1852, revised. Before the title is a leaf, on recto of which is a handsomely engraved copy of a letter accompanying a gold medal sent by the Pope to the publishers, dated Rome, July 6, 1853; printed title, 1 p.; verso, blank; Approbation of Archbishop HHughes, 1 p.; verso, Haydock's Dedication; Names and Order of all the Books, 1 p.; verso, Advertisement, Approbations of the Old and New Test., Approb. of the Univ. of Douay, Approb. of the Univ. of Rheims, Approb. of Dr. Challoner's edition; Admonition, Letter of Pius VI; A Prayer, Translation of the Decree of the Council of Trent, pp. 7 and part of 8; A Short Sketch of the principal Epochs, remainder of p. 8; Haydock's Preface, p. 9 to a part of p. 12; List of the principal Commentators, completing p. 12. Tile text, plates, &c., as described under 1852; no directions to the binder. 9. HoLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1855. (Rev. Dr. Brigham.) English type. Imp. 4. WVith references. 10. HOLY BIBLE: Troy: Merriam, Moore & Co. 1855. (L.) 4. 12 large woodcuts including frontis. to Old and New Test. See 1850. 11. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing the I Old and New Testaments, i together with the I Apocrypha; I Translated out of the Original Tongues, I and I with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. ITo which is appended, i A Concordance, the Psalms of David in Metre. I The Text conformable to the Standard of the American Bible Society. I Cincinnati: I More, Wilstach, Keys & Overend. 1 1855. (Gowans.) 4. Pp. 576, 96, 192, 41, 22. 12. A COMPREHENSIVE COMMENTARY on the HOLY BIBLE; containing the Text according to the Authorized Version, 342 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I855with marginal References; Matthew Henry's Commentary; the Practical Observations of the Rev. Thomas Scott; with extensive Explanatory, Critical, and Philological Notes, selected from Scott, Doddridge, Clarke, Gill, Patrick, Lowth, Calmet, Stuart, Bush, &c., &c.; the whole designed to be a Digest of the best Bible Commentaries, &c.; conveniently arranged for Family Reading, Bible Classes, &c. Embellished with numerous Wood Engravings. Edited by the Rev. William Jenks, ID. D. 5 volumes. Including Supplement, containing a Concordance, Biographical Notices, an Index to the Bible, Chronological Tables, &c., and an Index to the Commentary. Philadelphia: 1855. 8. Pp. 5044. This work was published originally at Brattleboro, Vermont, in 18341838. Dr. Jenks was assisted in the preparation of it by the Rev. L. J. Hoadley and J. W. Jenks, M. A. 13. HOLY BIBLE, translated from the Latin Vulgate: With Annotations, References, and Index. Published with the approbation of the Most Reverend John Hughes, D. D., &c. New York: Published by Edward Dunigan & Brother, No. 151 Fulton-Street. 1855. 8. Engr. front. to 0. T.; Moses with the Tables of the Law, Gimbrede; Engr. Approb. dated 27th Jany. 1844 and notice of Copyright, 1844 (Prud'homme), all surmounted by an engraving of St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York; 2 plates to 0. T.; Judgment of Solomon after Rubens, engr. by Dick; Daniel in the Lion's den, Dick; Engr. Family Record, 4 ff.; Front to N. T.; Jesus Christ, engr. by Parker,. The Crucifixion, Dirk; Little Children brought to Christ, Dick; The Annunciation, Gimbrede; The Infant St. John, Parker; Two of these were engr. for the American edition of 1844; each page is within double lines; other copies have only 2 front. anid 2 plates. Text the same as No. 3, supra p. 276. For collation see 1833. 14. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1855. (G. L.) Sm. pica 8. 2d edition revised. A remarkable error occurs in Mark 5: 3, which reads: Who had his dwelling among the lambs instead of, tombs. 15. HOLY BIBLE: Auburn and Rochester, N. Y.: Alden & Beardsley. 1855. (L.) 12. Engr. front. and title to 0. T.; Printed titles to 0. and N. Test. Stereotype edition. -I855.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 343 16. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co. 1855. 12. 17. HOLY BIBLE: From the authorized Oxford Edition. Appointed to be read in Churches. Philadelphia: Wmin. S. & Alfred Martien. 1855. 16. Pp. 1098, 342. No Apocrypha. 18. POLYGLOTT BIBLE: Stereotype edition. New York: Published by John F. Trow, 49 Ann Street. 1855. (L.) 16. 19. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co. 1855. 24. Pp. 824, 251; Psalms in Metre, pp. 77. 20. THE PRONOUNCING BIBLE. By Israel Alger Junr. Philadelphia: W. S. Young. 1855. (Mr. McAllister.) 12. See No. 5, supra p. 173. 21. THE I HISTORY OF I JOB; I A Tale, I illustrative of the dispensations of I the Almighty; I Reconstructed in the English Language I to accord with the long-lost Arabic. I With brief comments and explanations. i Published by Samuel Reeve of Washington City, D. C. I Edited and for sale by L. M. Arnold, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 1 1855. 1 (B.) 8. Pp. 94. The Publisher's Preface says, " The author chooses not to be announced.' 1. NEW TESTAMENT: A literal translation from the Syriac Peschitu Version. By James Murdock, 1). D. New York: Published by Stanford & Swords, 637 Broadway. 1855. (L.) 8:. Portrait; pp. 526. See 1851. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: Translated from the Latin Vulgate: New York: Published by Edw. Dunigan & Brother, 151 Fulton Street. 1855. (L.) 8 With Bible of 1856. 344 AMERICAN BIBLES. [18563. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: Robert R. Collins, No. 254 Pearl Street. 1855. 8. 4. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: American Bible Society. Instituted &c. 1855. 8. 37th edition; pp. 3-447; with Book of Psalms, same imprint; pp. 3-112. 5. NEW TESTAMENT: (English and Welsh) New York: American Bible Society. 1855. (Rev. Dr. Brigham.) Bourg. 12. 6. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: Edward Dunigan & Brother, 151 Fulton Street. 1855. 18. 7. A I Translation | of I THE GOSPELS, j with Notes. J By Andrew Norton. 1 2 vols. I Boston: I Little, Brown & Co. [ 1855. (Gowans; G. L.) 8. This is a Unitarian version. Vol. I, contains the Text, pp. 450; Vol II, the Notes, pp. 571. 8. THE GOSPELS; with Moral Reflections on each Verse. By Pasquier Quesnel. With an Introductory Essay by the Rev. Daniel Wilson, D. D., Bishop of Calcutta. Revised by the Rev. Henry A. Boardman, D. D. Philadelphia: Parry & McMillan. 1855. 2 vols. 8. 1856. 1. HOLY BIBLE, translated from the Latin Vulgate: With TTseful Notes, critical, historical, and explanatory, Selected... by the Rev. George Leo Haydock. New York: Edward Dunigan & Brother, 151 Fulton Street, near Broadway. 1856. 4. Before the Engraved Title is a leaf, on the recto of which is an engraved copy of the Pope's Letter to the Publishers, with a Gold Medal as in the edition of 1855, 1 f.; Engraved Title, 1 f.; Printed Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Approbation of Archbishop Hughes, 1 p.; verso, Haydock's Dedication; Fac-similes of the Approbations of 6 Archbishops and 28 Bishops of the United States and British N. A. Provinces, 4 ff. Some copies have a fac-simile of a Letter from Cardinal Wiseman. The arrange -1856.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 345 ment of these preliminary pages differs, in several copies, according to the pleasure of the binder. Names and order, 1 p.; verso, Advertisement, Approb. of the Univ. of Douay, of the Univ. of Rheims, and of Dr. Challoner's ed., 1 p.; Admonition, Letter of Pius VI, A prayer, Translation of the Decree of the Council of Trent, 1 p. and part of p. 8; A short sketch of the principal events, remainder of p. 8; Preface, pp. 9 to a part of 12; List of the principal commentators, remainder of p. 12; then Text &c., as in the edition of 1852. The date to the title of the New Testament in one of the copies examined, is 1855. The engravings are the same as in the edition of 1852, but there are only two (Mary Magdalen and the Three Maries), in the New Testament of the date of 1855. The following errors are noted in this edition: Exodus 8: 22, The words " wherein my people is " are omitted. 35: 23, The words "fine linen and goats hair, rams' skins dyed " are omitted. 36: 34, The words "casting for them sockets of silver," are omitted. Josue 7: 17, The words, "Zare, Bringing that also by the houses, he found it to be' are omitted. 2. [Cambridge Edition.] HOLY BIBLE: With Canne's marginal Notes andReferences. Together with the Apocrypha. To which are added An Index, and an Alphabetical Table of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their significations. Also, Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures and Coins. New York: A. S. Barnes & Co., 51 John-Street. 1856. 4. The stereotype plates from which the above volume was printed are very badly worn; they seem to have been originally cast for Collins's 4to Bible, see supra 1821, with which this edition agrees in every respect. The Psalms in Metre, pp. 1-22 are, however, an addition. Engravings: The Conimandments, R. Martin, New York; Front. to O. T., Death of Achin, James Bannister; Riches of Ophir, J. C. Buttre; Pool of Siloame, James D. Smillie; Front. to N. T., Mount of Olives, J. D. Smillie; Sea of Tiberias, J. Bannister 3. HOLY BIBLE, translated from the Latin Vulgat: With Annotations, by the Rev. Dr. Challoner; together with References, and an Historical and Chronological Index. Revised and corrected according to the Clementine edition of the Scriptures. With the approbation of the Most Rev. John Hughes, Archbishop of New York. New York: Published by D. & J. Sadlier & Co., 164 William Street. Boston: 128 Federal Street, and 179 Notre Dame Street, Montreal, C. E. 1856. 4. This edition is from the same stereotype plates as Sadlier's 4tos already noted, 1845, 1851, and the subjects of the engravings are the same as enumerated in that of 1845, 44 346 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I856with the addition of "Das Urthiel Salomon, The Judgment of Solomon," in the 0. T. But the plates seem to have been retouched, and different borders and new' inscriptions have been added in'most instances. The names of the artists are omitted except in a few of the plates. 4. TIE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing the i Old and New Testa1ments: I Translated out of I The Original Tongues, I and with I the former Translations diligently compared l and revised. I New York: American Bible Society, I instituted in the year MDCCCXVI. I 1856. (L.; N. Y. State Lib.) Imp. 4. 1st edition. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Names and Order, 1 p.; at foot, 1st edition; verso, blank; Text: Gen to Rev., pp. 1163, sigs. (including title and 1 prel. p.), 1 to recto of 1462 in 4s. The 2d edition of this Bible is called " The Royal copy," because several in rich binding were sent to different royal personages. These Bibles contain the alterations and corrections of the ed. of 1811, adopted by the American Bible Society, which gave rise to the controversy in 1857. 5. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing the I Old and New Testaments, J together with the Apocrypha: I Translated out of the Original Tongues, I and i with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. I To which is appended, I A Concordance, the Psalms of David in Metre, I An Index, Tables and other useful matters. I The Text conformable the the standard of the American Bible Society. i Philadelphia: ] Published by T. K. Collins, Jr. I No. 8, North Sixth Street. 1 1856. (L.) 4. This edition agrees with that of Lippincott, Grambo & Co.'s No. 2 of 1851. The references are arranged in two columns in the centre of the page. The imprint on the title page of the New Testament is, Philadelphia: I J. B. Lippincott & Company. 1 1856. 1 On the verso, Account of Dates and Times; below, Stereotyped by L. Johnson & Co. i Printed by T. K. & P. G. Collins I No. 1 Lodge Alley, Philadelphia. I The appended matter is: Account of Judea and Table of Kindred, p. 763; Tables of Measures &c., pp. 764 and half of 765; Alphabetical Table of proper Names, remainder of pp. 765-768. The Apocrypha, Concordance and Psalms in Metre do not accompany the volume before us. The illustrations are 6 large woodcuts within borders, viz: Frontis. and 1 in the Old, and front. and 3 in the New Test. 6. HOLY BIBLE: With I Canne's marginal Notes and References. I To which are added, I an Index, I an Alphabetical Table I of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, — 856.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 347 with their significations; i Tables of Weights, Measures and Coins, etc. j Philadelphia: I Jesper Harding, No. 57 S. Third St. 1 1856. 1 (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; To the Reader, p. 3; Names and Order, including Apocrypha, p. 4; Contents, pp. (5)-(6); p. 5 is marked, sig. 2; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 5-570; sigs. 22 to verso of 724 in 4s; Family Record, 2 ff.; No Apocrypha; Title to New Testament, I p.; Imprint as above, 1 p.; verso, Account of dates or time, &c.; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 573-748; Index, pp. 749 to part of 760; Table of time and Chronol. Index, remainder of p. 760; Tables of Measures, Weights and Coins, Analysis of Old and New Testament, and Tables of Kindred, pp. 761, 762; Account of Judea, p. 763; Alphabet. Table, pp. 764-768; Table of Passages-quoted by Christ and the Apostles, Table of Offices, pp. 769, 770; sigs. 732 to verso of 974 in 4s; Psalms in Metre, no separate title, pp. 1-22; sigs. 1 to verso of 33 in 4s; Marginal References in the inner and outer margins; columns of text divided by a double rule. 2 woodcuts in the Old Test: The church comforted, Isaiah, 4: 7; Jonah preaching to the Ninevites, Josiah, 3: 4. 2 woodcuts in the New Test.: Judas casting away the pieces of silver, Mat., 27: 5; Christ raiseth Lazareth, John, 11: 43, 44. 7. HoLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Published by John B. Perry, 198, Market Street; Leary & Getz, 138, North Second Street. Baltimore: Walker and Medairy, John Cushing & Co. and Cushing & Bailey. n. d. (L.) 4. With Apocrypha, colored front. and 19 large woodcuts including front. to N. T. Many of the cuts are surrounded by 16 small ones from subjects of the N. T. Text conformable to the standard of the American Bible Society before the changes. See 1855. 8. HoLY BIBLE: With Index, Harmony of the four Evangelists and Tables of Measures &c. Philadelphia: Published by H. C. Peck and Theo. Bliss. n. d. (L.) Imp. 4. This is the Bible No. 4 of 1855, without date. The text and accessories are amended according to the version of the American Bible Society. The frontispiece and 14 plates are from designs by Raphael, Rubens, Vernet and Overbeck. 9. HOLY BIBLE; Philadelphia; Charles Desilver, 251 Market Street. 1856. 4. 2 colored lithographs and numerous engravings. 10. THE HOLY BIBLE, I containing The Old and New Testaments: j Translated out of the Original Tongues: I And with the former Translations diligently compared and re 348 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I856vised. I With I marginal Readings, References, and chronological dates. J Auburn: I William J. Moses. 1 1856.1 4. This Bible was published in two forms; one with Psalms, Concordance and Record, pp. 1130; the other, with Apocrypha added, pp. 1250. The copies are embellished some with six, some with eight and others with ten engravings, and are sold at prices varying from four to twelve dollars. The references are printed in the centre of the page, between the columns of the text. 11. HOLY BIBLE, translated from the Latin Vulgate: With Annotations, References, Index &c. New York: Published by Edward Dunigan & Bro., No. 151 Fulton Street. 1856. (L.) 8. New Test. dated 1855. 12. HOLY BIBLE: New York: Electrotyped by the American Bible Society. 1856. Gt. Pr. 8. Psalms appended. 13. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Printed for the American and Foreign Bible Association. By the Bible Association of Friends in America. 1856. (L.) 8. Baptist version, with Brown's Concordance but no Apocrypha. 14. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Lindsay and Blakiston. 1856. (L.) 8. Pp. 1282. On the top of the title page are the words: Crown octavo Oxford edition. 15. LA I BIBLIA SAGRADA, I traducida j en Espanol. j Version cotijada cuidadosamente con las J Lenguas antiguas. I Jesus respondio: Escudrinad das Escrituras. S. Juan, cap V, Ver 39. 1 Neuva-York. ] Edicion Esteriotipica. ] 1856. 1 (N. Y. State Lib.) 8. 6th edition. This is called Spanish 12mo; but the sigs. are in 8s. 16. LA I SAINTE BIBLE, I qui contient J le Vieux et le Nouveau Testament; I revue sur les Originaux, I par David Martin, Ministre du Saint Evangile A Utrecht I New York: Societe Biblique (sic) Americaine, I etablie en MDCCCXVI. 1856. 1 (N. Y. State Lib.) 12 7th edition. — 856.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 349 17. ENGLISH VERSION of the POLYGLOTT BIBLE. Stereotyped by L. Johnson. Philadelphia: Charles Desilver, No. 253 Market Street. 1856. 12. Pp. 587, 180; Psalms in Metre, same imprint, pp. 64. Compare Mielke's ed. 1832. 18. HOLY BIBLE: (Polyglott.) Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1856. 12. 19. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1856. (L.) 18. With Scotch Psalms in Metre. 20. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1856. Agate 18. 13th edition. 21. HoLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1856. Pearl Ref. 18. 43d edition. 22. THE I BOOK OF JOB; I the I Common English Version, the Hebrew Text, i and the I Revised Version J of the I Amnerican Bible Union, J with i critical and philological Notes. I New York: J American Bible Union. I Louisville: Bible Revision Association. Cincinnati: American Christian Bible Society. I London: Triibner & Co., No. 12 Paternoster row. 1 1856. 1 (L.; G. L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, Notice of Copyright, dated 1856; at foot, Thomas Holman, Printer and Stereotyper, corner Centre and White Sts. N. Y.; Mock title, Book of Job. I Part first. i The Common English Version, the Hebrew Text I and the Revised Version, I with critical and philological Notes. I 1 p.; verso, blank; Introduction, pp. v-xxx; 1 blank leaf; no sig. mark; Mock title, as above, 1 p.; verso, Notice of Copyright, dated 1855; at foot, Millar & Holman, Printers and stereotypers N. Y.; Text: pp. 3165; p. 166 blank; sig. 1 to 213 in 4s, some of the sig. numbers, however, are not marked. This Vol. contains King James's Version, the Hebrew text and the revised version (Baptist), in parallel columns and notes at the foot of each page. 23. THE I BOOK OF JOB. I A translation I from the Original Hebrew I on the basis of I The common and earlier English versions. i For the American Bible Union I by Thomas 350 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I856J. Conant D. D. Professor of Sacred Literature in Rochester Theological Seminary. I New York: I American Bible Union. I Louisville, Ky.: Bible Revision Association. London: Triibner & Co., Paternoster row. 1 1856. 1 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, Notice of Copyright, 1856, Holman, Printer and stereotyper, New York: Text: pp. 3-52. The revised version and marginal readings are reprinted here alone without the notes. 24. THE PROPHETS of the RESTORATION; or Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi. A New Translation, with Notes, by Rev. T. V. Moore, D. D. New York. 1856. 8. Pp. 408. 1. HET I NIEUWE TESTAMENT, j of alle de Boeken des Nieuwen Verbonds I van onzen Heer I Jezus Christus; I op last van de Hoog-Mog. Heeren I staten Oceneraal ber berees nigte ~9eberlanben, I en volgens het besluit van de Synode Nationaal I gehouden te Dordrecht in de jaren MDcxvIII en MDCXIX, I unit de oorspronkelijke (Grieksche) taal I in onze Nederlansche getrouwelijk overgezet. I Gedrukt bij het j Amerikaansche Bijbelgenootschap, Ite NieuwYork. 1856. 1 (N. Y. State Lib.) 12. The New Testament in Dutch and English, on opposite columns. 4th edition. 2. EL I NUEVO TESTAMENTO I de Nuestro Sefior [ Jesu-Christo. | Version cotejada cuidadosamente con las antiguas Traducciones I y revisada con areglo al original Griego I por la i Sociedad Americana de la Biblia. Jesus respondio: Escudrinad las Escrituras. S. Juan, Cap. V, Ver. 39. Edicion Esteriotipica. I Nueva-York. i 1856. 1 (N. Y. State Lib..) 12. Spanish and English in parallel columns. 4th edition. 3. Iu I Otoshki-kikindiuin I au i Tebeniminvng gaie bemajiinvng Jesus Christ: I ima I Ojibue inuemning giizhitong. I The j New Testament J of I our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: I Translated into the language I of the I Ojibwa Indians. New York: I American Bible Society, I instituted in the year MDCCCXVI. J 1856. I (N. Y. State Lib.) 12. -I856.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 351 4. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: Electrotyped by the American Bible Society. 1856. (Rev. Dr. Brigham.) Agate 32. Pp. 306. 5. NEW TESTAMENT: Buffalo: Phinney & Co. 1856. 32. Pp. 340. Cont., pp. 341 to 344. First published by H. & E. Phinney, Cooperstown, in 1832, between which time and 1848, they sold rising 200,000 copies, chiefly for Sunday Schools. E. P. 6. TRANSLATION of the GOSPELS, with Notes. By Andrew Norton. 2 vols. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. 1856. 8. 7. Commentary on the FOUR GOSPELS. By S. H. Tyng, D. D. New York. 1856. 8. Fine Engravings. 8. Notes on the ACTS of the APOSTLES, designed for Sunday Schools &c. By the Rev. Bradford K. Pierce. New York: Carlton and Porter, Sunday School Union, 200 Mulberry Street. 1856. 12. Copyrighted 1848. 9. THE I EPISTLES OF PAUL I to I the THESSALONIANS: jI ranslateb from tlbe Qreek, I on the basis of the common English version, I with Notes, I by I the Translator of II Peter — Revelation. I New York: j American Bible Union. I London: Triibner & Co., No. 12 Paternoster row. 1 1856. (L.; G. L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, Circular, Notice of Copyright, both dated 1856; at foot, Holman, Printer and Stereotyper, New York; Introd., List of Abbreviations and works cited, pp. iii-viii; no sigs.; Text: pp. 3-73; verso, blank; sigs. 1 to 101 in 4s; 1 blank leaf. This Vol. contains King James's version, the Greek text and revised (Baptist) version in parallel columns, followed by the revised version in paragraphs. The translation is by Rev. Dr. Lillie. 10. The I Epistle to the GALATIANS, I in Greek and English. I With an Analysis and Exegetical Commentary. I By Samuel II. Turner, D. D., I Professor, &c. 1 New York: Dana and Company, 381 Broadway. 1 1856. 1 (L.) 8. 352 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8571st edition. Title, 1 f.; Contents, pp. iii-iv; Preface, pp. v to vii; Introduction, pp. ix to xiii; Analysis, pp. 1 to 10; Text arranged as above, pp. 11 to 94; Questions on the preceding Exposition, pp. 95 to 98; List of Works by Dr. Turner, 4 pages. 11. The Last of the EPISTLES: a Commentary upon the Epistle of ST. JUDE, designed for the General reader, as well as for the Exegetical Student. By Frederick Gardinier, M. A. Boston. 1856. 8. Pp. 276. 12. THE DIVINE LIBRARY; or Cyclopedia of Inspiration. The Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, according to St. Matthew. Received version in paragraph form. Baltimore: T. H. Stockton, No. 68 Lexington St. 1856. (Rev. Dr. Campbell.) 12. Stereotyped by L. Johnson & Co., Philadelphia: Printed by T. K. & P. G. Collins. Text: pp. 3-123, p. 124 blank; Index, pp. 125-130, 1 blank leaf; Appendix, 1 p.; verso, Notes; the text conformable to the standard of the American Bible Society, no head lines, The Paragraphs corrected with Bagster's Critical N. T. Literary Apparatus 1 p.; verso, blank; Horne's Introduction to the Gospel of St. Matthew, tenth edition, revised &c., by Samuel Prideaux Tregelles, LL. D. First American edition, unabridged. Philadelphia: T. H. Stockton, 1857; 1 p.; verso, Notes by the Author and Editor; Contents. 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: pp. 3-57; verso, blank; Pictorial Apparatus, 1 p.; verso, Explanation; List of Engravings; Map of Jerusalem; View of Jerusalem, colored; Mount of Olives. 1857. 1. THE I PICTORIAL BIBLE, I being I the Old and New Testaments i according to I the authorized version: I Illustrated with more than I one thousand engravings, I representing the Historical events, I after celebrated pictures; I the Landscapes Scenes, from original drawings, or from authentic engravings; j and the subjects of I Natural History, costume, and antiquities, from the best sources. I New York: I Published by Robert Sears, 181 William Street. 1 1857. 1 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, The Names and Order of the Books; at foot, C. A. Alvord, Printer, I No. 15 Vandewater St., N. Y. I List of Illustrations to O. T.; pp. i-vi; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 3-1102; sigs. 12 to 1383; Ancient Chronology, I comprising I the -I857.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 353 Epochs and years, I with I the Genealogies and History I of I the Holy Bible, I from I the Creation of the World to the end of the seventy weeks of Daniel I Extracted from the I " Chronicum Biblicum," I by Abraham Calovius, I President of the University of Wittemberg. I Translated for the Pictorial Bible. j 1 p. (1103); verso, blank; Notice, p. 1105; Profitable reading of the Scriptures of Truth, p. 1106; Summary of the Whole Scripture, pp. 1107, 1108; Ancient Chronology, pp. 1109, 1110; Chronological Tables, pp. 1111-1119; Books of O. & N. T., pp. 1120; Genealogical Tables, pp. 1121-1124; sigs. 1384 to 1412; Family Register, 4 ff.; Map of Palestine; Title to the New Testament, 1 p.; verso, Table of Scripture Measures &c., Table of Time; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 3-348; sig. 12 to 442; List of Illustrations to N. T., pp. i, ii; sigs. in 4s8. Colored ornamental titles to O. & N. T. The engravings are on wood and printed with the text. 2. HOLY BIBLE, translated from the Latin Vulgate: With Haydock's Notes &c. New York: Published by Edw. Dunigan and Brother, 371 Broadway. 1857. 4. Many corrections were made in the stereotype plates previous to printing this edition. 3. HOLY BIBLE: With Apocrypha. 194e trxt conformable to tile Ztanbarb of tle American Bible 0orietp. Philadelphia: Published by John B. Perry, 534 (formerly 198) Market Street. Baltimore: Medairy & Musselman; and Whiting, Cushing and Comstock. 1857. 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, Names and Order of Books; To the Reader (Witherspoon's Preface), p. 3; Contents, pp. 4-8; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 9-574; Table of Passages, &c., pp. 575, 576; Apocrypha (in smaller type), pp. 1-88; Family Record, 2 ff.; N. Testament title, Imprint: Philadelphia: Published by John B. Perry, 198 Market street; Stereotyped by L. Johnson & Co., n. d.; 1 p.; verso, Account of dates; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 579-754; Index, pp. 755-762; Judea; Table of Kindred; Table of Scripture Measures &c., pp. 763, 764; Table of Names, pp. 765-768; Concordance, pp. 1-41; Psalms in Metre, pp. 1-22; Woodcut front. to Old and New Test. Compare No. 2 of 1851. 4. HOLY BIBLE: With Apocrypha, Concordance, Psalms in Metre, Index, Tables and other useful matters. Text conformable to the Standard of the American Bible Society. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Company. 1857. 4. Same as No. 2 of 1851. Front. to O. & N. T. 5. COMPREHENSIVE BIBLE. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Company. 1857. 4. Engr. front. and title; Plates; Psalms in Metre, see No. 1 of 1854. 45 354 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8576. HOLY BIBLE: With Apocrypha, Concordance, Psalms in Metre, Index, Tables and other useful matters. The Text conformable to the Standard of the American Bible Society. Philadelphia: Whilt & Yost, Family Bible publishers and general Bookbinders, 805 Market Street, above Eighth St. 1857. 4. This edition corresponds with No. 3, supra. Embellishments: Titles to 0. and N. Test. in Colors with Vignettes; Moses with Table of the Law; Joseph sold by his brethren; Tamar receiving Judah's pledge; Caleb and Joshua (Chromo. Lithograph); Christ blessing little children; Prodigal Son; Descent from the Cross; Burial of Christ (Chromo. Lith.). 7. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing the i Old and New Testaments, I translated out of the Original Tongues, I together with the I Apocrypha, Concordance and Psalms, I andI with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. I;4e i;xt conformable to th1e QxIforb Qbition of tle 1ear of our Korb 161(, 1 And the American Bible Society's Original Standard Edition of 1816. 1 "If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: If any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the I holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."-Rev. xxii, 18, 19. j Philadelphia: I Jesper Harding & Son. 1 1857. (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Names and Order, 1 p.; at foot, Stereotyped by Jesper Harding & Son; I verso, blank; To the Reader, (Witherspoon's Pref.), p. 3; Contents, pp. 4-8; these 4 if. are sig. A not marked; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 9-574; sigs. B to verso of 3W3; Tables and Analysis, pp. 575, 576; sig. 3W4 in 4s; and 1 to 367 in 8s; Apocrypha, in smaller type, pp. 1 to 116; sigs. A (not marked) to verso of p2 in 4s; Fam. Rec., 2 if.; The I New Testament I of our I Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I translated out of I tbe 4tilginal trteet; j and with I the former Translations diligently compared and revised. I Philadelphia: I Jesper Harding & Son. 1 1858; 1 1 p.; verso, Account of the dates; at foot, Stereotyped by I Jesper Harding & Son, I No. 57 South Third Street, Philadelphia, I Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 579-754; Index, pp. 755-762; Account of Judea, Tables of Time &c., Alphabetical Table, pp. 763-768; sigs. (including title page), 3X to verso of 4V4 in 4s, and 37 to 488 in 8s; Concordance (no title page), pp. 1-31; sigs. A to recto of Fi in 4s; verso, blank; Psalms in Metre, pp. 1-22; sigs. F2 to verso of H4 in 4s. Woodcut front. to Old and New Testament, and 4 woodcuts in the Old Testament. References in the centre of the columns; none in the Apocrypha. -1857.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 355 This Bible is published in different styles: With and without Apocrypha, Concordance and Psalms, or with any one of these; also with more or less plates; some copies having as many as 20 engravings. The text is that of the American Bible Society, before the alterations. 8. HOLY BIBLE: Together with the Apocrypha, Concordance and Psalms, and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. Tlle;e)t conformable to tile xforb Qbition of tile rear of our iorb 11f10, And the American Bible Society's Original Standard Edition of 1816. Two verses of Rev. Philadelphia: Jesper Harding & Son. 1857. 4. Vol. 1. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Text: Gen. to Song of Solomon, pp. 1-787; sigs. B to recto of 5K2; verso, blank; Vol. II. title repeated with date 1858, 1 p.;. verso, blank; Text: Isaiah to Mal., pp. 3-277; sigs. A (not marked) to recto 2M3; verso, blank; Apocrypha in smaller type, pp. 1-116; sigs. A to verso of p2, Fam., Rec., with engraved headings, 3ff.; New Testament, imprint as above but dated 1858, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 281-600; sigs. 2N to recto of 4F4 in 4s; Concordance (without separate title), pp. 1-41; Psalms in Metre, pp. 1-22; sigs. A (not marked) to verso of H4 in 4s: References at foot of the pages; each pageis embraced within double rules; columns divided by a double rule. This Bible is printed in English type, and was published in 50 numbers: it is issued in divers styles, some without plates, others with illuminated titles and from 8 to 16 steel engravings. It is called Harding's superfine or extra superfine edition. The text. is according to the standard of the American Bible Society, before the alterations. 9. HOLY BIBLE: Together with the Apocrypha, Concordance and Psalms, and with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. Elve Text conformable to tile!)xforib Qbition of the near of our jtorb 1610, And the American Bible Society's Original Standard Edition of 1816. Two verses of Rev. Philadelphia: Jesper Harding & Son. 1857. 4. Title, 1 p.; verso, blank; Names and Order, 1 p.; at foot, Stereotyped by Jesper Harding & Son, No. 57 South Third Street, Philadelphia; verso, blank; To the Readerp. 3; Contents, pp. 4-8; being sig. A not marked; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 9-772; sigs. B to recto of 4V3; Table of passages, p. 772; Chron. Index, Table of Time, Table of Offices, Analysis of the Old and New Test., pp. 774; sigs. 4V4 in 4s; Apocrypha, pp. 1-116; sigs. A (not marked) to verso of p2 in 4s; illuminated Fam. Rec., 2 ff.; Title to the New Testament, imprint as above, 1 p.; verso, Account of dates; at foot, Stereotyped by i Jesper Harding & Son, 1 57 South Third Street, Philadelphia. I Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 777-1017; sigs. 4X to recto of 6C1, verso, blank; Index, pp: 1019-1026; Judea, Table of Kindred, p. 1027; Table of Scripture Weights &c., p. 356 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I8571028 and part of 1029; Alphabetical Table, pp. 1029-1032; sigs. 6C2 to verso of 6DI in 4s, and in figures 1 to verso of 654 in 8S; Concordance (without title page), pp. 141 and Psalms in Metre, pp. 1-22; References in centre of the columns; columns separated by parallel rules. This is called Harding's Royal Quarto; it is printed in small pica type leaded, and is published with 8 or 10 steel engravings. These three Bibles, Nos. 7, 8, 9, are issued annually, with new title pages, and altered date. 10. HOLY BIBLE: With References and various Readings. Philadelphia: Published by E. & H. Butler & Co. 1857. (L.) 4. Front. and engr. titles to Old and New Test.; 4 engr. to O. T. and Apocr. and 6 to N. T.; all colored, printed titles to Old Test.; the Prophets and New Test.; Apocrypha in smaller type. 11. HOLY BIBLE: With Marginal Notes and References, Apocrypha, Concordance, Psalms in Metre, and Paraphrases. Auburn & Buffalo: John E. Beardsley. n. d. 4. Pp. 1250. This edition is advertised with 7 steel plates, 3 maps; steel titles and records; also with 18 steel plates, 3 maps, colored and illuminated frontis. titles and records. 12. HOLY BIBLE: With Canne's Marginal Notes and References, Apocrypha, Index, Alphabetical Table of Names, Table of Weights, Measures and Coins, &c., with Brown's Concordance, and Psalms in Metre. Auburn and Buffalo: John E. Beardsley. n. d. 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Books of O. & N. T., Account of Dates, 1 p.; verso, blank; the paging of the text then corresponds with that of Collins & Co.'s 4to, New York: 1821, but the sigs. of the Old and New Test. of this edition are marked by figures 2-126, in 4s; those of the Apocrypha, by letters sigs. A to S1, also in 4s; at the end, Brown's Concordance, stereotyped by J. Howe; Title, 1 p.; verso, to the Reader; Text: pp. 3-54; Psalms in Metre, pp. 1-18; sig. 982 to 106 [shewing that they belonged to some other book;] Paraphrases of various passages of Scripture, pp. 1-6. Engravings: Murder of Abel, Front. to O. T., F. Kearney; Map of Journeyings; Map of Canaan; Peaceable Kingdom of the Branch, Tanner, Vallance, Kearney & Co.; Vision of the Heroes, Chas. Heath; Tobias and the Angel, Tanner, Vallance, Kearney 4. Co.; Thomas's Incredulity, Front. to N. T., Haines; Last Supper, J. B. Neagle; Adoration of the Shepherds, Chas. Heath; Map of St. Paul's Travels. 13. HOLY BIBLE: Together with The Apocrypha; with Canne's Marginal Notes and References, to which are added An — 1857.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 357 Index: An Alphabetical Table of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations, Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures, and Coins, &c. Buffalo: Published by Phinney & Co. New York: Ivison & Phinney. 1857. (Gowans.) 4. Old Test.; pp. 576; Apocrypha, pp. 96; New Test., pp. 192; Psalms in Metre, pp. 28; Paraphrase in verse, pp. 6. 14. THE I HOLY BIBLE: containing the I Old and New Testaments, I i~ranslateb out of tle QOriginal iongnues: I And with the former Translations diligently compared and revised. With I Canne's Marginal References. I Together with the Apocrypha and Concordance. I To which are added, I An Index, and Reference, i and J A Key Sheet of Questions, geographical, historical, practical, and experimental; i accompanied with valuable I Chronological Harmonies of both Testaments, and highly useful tables of Scripture Names, I Scripture Geography, Scripture Chronology, Scripture References &c. I The Text corrected according to the Standard ] of the I American Bible Society. I Dayton, Ohio: I E. A. & T. T. More. 1 1857. 1 (L.) 4. This is Wilbur's Reference Bible printed, apparently, from the plates of the Merriam edition No. 2 of 1846. q. v. With Psalms in Metre, pp. 1 to 24; sigs. A to C. The References in 0. and N. T. are in the centre of the pp. In the Apocrypha also in the centre, but in some of the pages they do not extend down the entire page, so that a part of these pages are without any references, and here the columns of the text come close together. This volume has been issued with different sets of engravings. In one, an ornamental title colored; the frontispiece to 0. T. is, The sending away of Hagar; Plates: 1. Joseph sold by his brethern, no engr's name; 2. Moses smiting the rock, no engr's. name; 3. Boaz and Ruth, engr. by Bartas P. Newman, at J. M. Butler's establishment, Jayne's Building, Philadelphia; Front. to N. Test., Tile Holy Family, engraved by McGoffin, printed by J. M. Butler; 1. Taking down from the Cross, after Rubens. In the other, same front. to O. T.; plates: 1. Abraham and Hagar, a different design in oval; small front. to N. T.; Holy Family, a different design in oval; Plate 1. John the Baptist after Raphael, in oval; 2. Maries at the Sepulchre, oval; 3. Sea of Tiberias; 4. Athens from the Ilissus. 15. THE I FAMILY BIBLE; I containing I the Old and New Testaments: I with I brief Notes and Instructions, I designed I to give the results of Critical Investigation, and to assist I 358 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I857Common Readers to understand the meaning of the i Holy Spirit in the inspired Word. I Including ] the References and Marginal Readings of the I Polyglott Bible. I Published by the I American Tract Society. I New York: 1 15 Nassau Street. I Boston: 28 Cornhill. I n. d. (L.; G. L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, Notice of Copyright, dated 1857; Names and Order of Books, 1 p.; verso, blank; The Bible God's Gift, pp. 5, 6; signed J[ustin] E[dwards]; Harmony of the Holy Scriptures, signed T. C. [Thomas Coit], pp. 7-12; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 1-1166; sig. 1-745; Fam. Rec., 2 ff.; The I New Testament I of I our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: I With I brief Notes and Instructions: I Containing I the References and Marginal Readings I of the Polyglott Bible. I Imprint as above; 1 f.; verso, blank; Mat. to Rev., pp. 3425; sig. 742 to 1012; Synopsis of Robinson's Harmony of the Gosp., pp. 426-431; Index and Tables, pp. 432-441; sig. 1012 to 1022; Notes at foot of the pp.; sigs. in 8s, worked in 4s; Maps of Palestine, Holy Land, Countries mentioned in the Bible, Jerusalem. 16. COTTAGE BIBLE and Family Expositor: With practical expositions and explanatory Notes. By Thomas Williams. To which are added, the References and marginal Readings of the Polyglott Bible, with Original Notes, Selections and Index. Revised and corrected. Edited by Rev. Wm. Patton. 2 vols. Hartford: Printed and published by Case, Tiffany & Co. 1857. (L.) 8. ist Vol., 8 plates and 2 Maps; 2d Vol., 6 plates and 3 Maps. See p. 221 supra, for description of this work. 17. HOLY BIBLE: Translated from the Latin Vulgate: With Annotations, &c., from the last London and Dublin editions. New York: Edward Dunigan & Brother (James B. Kirker), 371 Broadway. 1857. (L.) 8. No. 3 of 1844, continued; engraved front. 18. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1857. (L.) 8. This edition (the 55th), was issued in 1855, before the alterations, but now with a new title page only. 19. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1857. (L.) 8. With alterations and corrections, as already noted sub anno 1856. q. v. -I857.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 359 20. HoLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. Instituted &c. 1857. Nonp. ref. 12. 18th ed.; pp. 984. 21. A I BIBLIA SAGRADA, I contendo O Velho e o Novo Testamento, I traduzida em Portugues I pelo Padre Joao Ferreira A d' Almeida, I Ministro pregador do Sancto Evangelho em Batavia. I Nova York: I Sociedade Americana da Biblia. 1 1857. 1 (N. Y. State Lib.) 12. 6th edition; pp. 886, 283 (see No. 16 of 1850). On the title to the New Testament after 1" Batavia," follows the line: Reimpresso da Edicao de 1693, revista e emendada. 22. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1857. (Rev. Dr. Brigham.) Diamond 16. Electrotyped edition, with references. 23. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1857. 24. 24. IOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. Instituted, &c. 1857. Diamond 32. 1st edition. 25. THE ENGLISH VERSION of the POLYGLOTT BIBLE: With marginal Readings and References. Illustrated with Maps and Engravings. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1857. 12. Same as No. 16 of 1853. 26. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1857. 32. Pp. 3-726; 3-221; p. 222 blank; Psalms in Metre, pp. 1-81; sigs. in 8s. From the same plates as the edition of 1851. 27. HoLY BIBLE: Auburn and Buffalo: John E. Beardsley. 1857. 24. Stereotype edition; pp. 824, 251. 28. THE I BOOK OF JOB. I A translation I from the Original Hebrew J on the basis of I The Common and earlier English Versions. I With an Introduction and explanatory 360 AMERICAN BIBLES. [1857Notes I for the J English Reader. i For the American Bible Union I by Thomas J. Conant D. D. I Professor of Sacred Literature in Rochester Theological Seminary. New York: I American Bible Union. I Louisville, Ky.: Bible Revision Association. London: Triibner & Co., Paternoster row. 1 1857. 1 (L.; G. L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, Notice of Copyright, dated 1856. At foot, Thomas Holman, Printer and Stereotyper, corner of Centre and White Sts., N. Y. The Book of Job, I with I Explanatory Notes for the English Reader. I 1 p.; verso, Notice of the Plan of the Work; Introduction, pp. v-xix; p. xx; verso, blank; Text: pp. 5-85. This is the revised (Baptist) version reprinted, the numbering of chapters and verses, marginal readings, statements of contents, &c. being separated from the text, with Notes at foot of each page. 29. THE I PSALMS, I BOOKS of WISDOM, I and I CANTICLE of CANTICLES. I Translated from the Latin Vulgate; diligently compared with the Hebrew i and Greek, being a revised and corrected edition of the Douay Version, I with Notes critical and explanatory, i by Francis Patrick iKenrick, I Archbishop of Baltimore. i Sing praises to our God, sing ye: Sing praises to our King, sing ye. I For God is King of all the earth: sing ye wisely.-Ps. xlvi. i Baltimore: I Lucas Brothers, Publishers. I n. d. (L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, Notice of Copyright, dated 1857; Dedication, dated January 1857, 1 p.; verso, blank; Gen. Introd., pp. v-xi; verso of xi, Errata; Abridgments, 1 p.; verso, blank; Index, 1 p.; verso, blank; Mock title, The Psalms, 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 19-24; Text: pp. 25-262; Mock title, The Proverbs, 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 265, 266; Text: pp 267-349; verso, blank; Mock title, Ecclesiastes, 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 353, 354; Text: pp. 355-379; verso, blank; Mock title, The Canticle, 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 383, 384; Text: pp. 385-400; Mock title, Wisdom, 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 403, 404; Text: pp. 405-445; Mock title, Ecclesiasticus, 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 449-450; The Prologue, I p.; Text: pp. 452-584; sigs. 1 (not marked), to verso of 374 in 8s. This is the 3d portion of Archbishop Kenrick's revision of the Douay and Rheims Testaments. See supra pp. 305, 319. 1. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: Published by D. & J. Sadlier & Co., 164 William Street. Boston: 128 Federal Street. Montreal, C. E.: corner of Notre Dame and St. Francis Streets. 1857. 4. With Bible of 1853. -I857.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 361 2. NEW TESTAMENT: The text carefully printed from the most correct copies of the present authorized version, including the marginal readings and parallel texts, with a Commentary and critical Notes. Designed as a help to a better Understanding of the Sacred Writings. By Adam Clarke, LL. D., F. S. A., M. R. I. A. New edition improved. Complete in One Volume. Philadelphia: Charles Desilver, No. 253 Market-Street. 1857. 8. 3. THE FAMILY EXPOSITOR; or, a Paraphrase and Version of the New Testament: with Critical Notes, and a Practical Improvement to each Section. By Philip Doddridge, D. D. New York: Robert Carter & Brothers, No. 530 Broadway. 1857. Royal 8. Copyrighted in March 1833, by J. S & C. Adams and L. Boltwood. Stereotyped at the Boston Type and Stereotype Foundry. 4. NEw TESTAMENT: New York: American Bible Society. 1857. (L.) Gr. Pr. 8 2d edition, divided into 5 parts with Psalms. 5. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: American Bible Society. 1857. Pica 8. 52d edition, with Book of Psalms. 6. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: American Bible Society. 1857. Bourg. 12, Electrotyped edition. 7. NEW TESTAMENT: Revised by Cone and W. H. Wyckoff. New York: E. H. Tripp. 1857. (G. L.) 12. A Baptist edition. See No. 5, p. 318. 8. Ke IKauoha hou n a ko kakou I Haku e ola'i a Iesu Kristo: I ua unuhiia I mai ka olelo Helene; I a i ua Hooponopono hou ia. I Nu Yoka: I Ua paiia no ko Amerika poe Hoolaha, J i hookumuia i ka makahiki MDcccxvI. 1 1857. 1 (N. Y. State Lib.) 12. The New Testament in Hawaiian and English in parallel columns; References in the centre. 46 362 AMERICAN BIBLES. [i8579. H KAINH AIA~HKH I N'ovum Testamentum I Graece I Post I Ioh. Aug. Henr. Tittmannum Olim Prof. Lips. I Ad fidem optimorum Librorum I secundis curis recognovit. Lectionumque varietatem notavit I Augustus Hahn In Acad. Vratisl. Prof. I Editio Americana stereotypa I curante I Edvardo Robinson, S. T. D. New York: I Leavitt & Allen. 1 379 Broadway. 1 1857. 1 12. This is a reissue of Mr. Robinson's edition of Hahn's Greek Testament, supra p. 285. The doxology is printed within [ ] as " verba suspecta," or " words and passages not supported by the best authorities." In Matt. xxiii, the following verses are numbered, 12, 14, 13, with a note, " Transposuerint G. K. S.," viz; Griesbach, Knapp and Scholz. The transposition occurs originally in the Codex Alexandrinus. Some copies of this volume are published without date. 10. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: American Bible Society. Instituted &c. 1857. (L.) Brev. 18. 10th edition, with Book of Psalms. 11. NEw TESTAMENT: Translated from the Latin Vulgate: New York: Edward Dunigan & Bro. (James B. Kirker), 371 Broadway. 1857. 18. 12. NEW TESTAMENT: Printed by authority. T. Nelson & Sons, London, Edinburgh and New York. MDCCCLVII. 48. 2 maps. 13. An Exposition of the 1st Epistle to the CORINTHIANS. By Charles Hodge, D. D., Professor in the Theological Seminary, Princeton. London: James Nisbet and Co., 21 Bemers Street. 1857. (L.) 12. From American plates. 14. THE EPISTLE OF PAUL to the THESSALONIANS: Translated from the Greek, on the basis of the common English version, with Notes by the Translator of the II. Peter to Revelation. New York: American Bible Union. 1857. 4. Baptist version, pp. 78. 15. THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS. |I rantlateb from t1]e Oreek, I on the basis of the common English version. I — I858.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 363 With Notes. I New York: I American Bible Union. Louisville: Bible Revision Association. Cincinnati: American Christian Bible Society. I London: Triibner & Co. No. 12, Paternoster row. 11857. I (L.) 4. Title, 1 p.; verso, Notice of Copyright, dated 1857. At foot, Printed and stereotyped by Thos. Holman, cor. Elm and White Sts., N. Y. Preface and authorities, pp. iii-vi; Text: pp. 1-31; p. 32 blank; The Revised Version of the Epistle to the Ephesians, with Marginal Readings, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text of the revised version (repeated), pp. 35-39; p. 40 blank. This volume contains the King James Version, the Greek text and revised (Baptist) version in parallel columns, followed by the revised version in paragraphs. 16. THE I EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. j Translateb from tle reek, I on the basis of the common English version. WVith Notes. I New York: I American Bible Union. Louisville: Bible Revision Association. Cincinnati: American Christian Bible Society. I London: Triibner & Co., No. 12 Paternoster row. 1 1857. 1 (L.; G. L.) 4. Title, 1 p.; verso, Notice of Copyright, dated 1857. At foot, Miller & Holman, printers and stereotypers, New York. Errata, 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. iii, iv; Authorities noticed, pp. v, vi; Text: pp. 1-77; p. 78 blank; The Revised Version of the Epistle to the Hebrews; with Marginal Readings, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text of Revised Version (repeated), pp. 81-99; no sigs.; 1 blank leaf. This volume contains the Royal Version, the Greek text and Revised (Baptist) version, in parallel columns, followed by the revised version in paragraphs. 1858. 1. THE I HOLY BIBLE: I With a j perpetual Genealogical Family Register I entirely new and original. I New cork and \afuville: I Richard Abbey. 1 1858. 1 Published by R. C. Root, An- Sold by the Southern Meththony & Co., 16 Nassau odist& Publishing House I St., I New York. I Nashville. I (L.) Imp. 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, Extract of Copyright, dated 1858; A presentation leaf, engraved in colors, 1 f.; verso, blank; Prefatory note, signed, The Editor, and dated Nashville, August 1858, 2 pp.; Names and Order (no Apocrypha), 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Gen. to Mal., sigs. A to verso of L3 in 4s; title to New Test., Imprint as above, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., sigs. 60 to verso of 7Z2 in 4s; Explanatory Note, 1 p.; verso, blank; Ornamental title: Genealogical I Family I Register 1 p.; verso, blank; followed by 50 leaves, each page containing blank Certificates of Marriage, Births and Deaths, within a colored ornamental border. 364 AMERICAN BIBLES. [i8582. THE I HOLY BIBLE; I containing I The Old and New Testaments: I Translated out of the Original Tongues: I and with the former translations diligently compared and revised I with I Marginal Readings, References, and Chronological Dates. I Auburn: I William J. Moses. 1858. j 4. See 1856. 3. THE PICTORIAL BIBLE. New York: Published by Robert Sears, 181 William Street. 1858. (L). 4. See No. 1 of 1857. 4. HOLY BIBLE: With the Apocrypha; A Concordance, the Psalms of David in Metre, an Index, Tables, and other useful matters. The Text conformable to the Standard of the American Bible Society. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Company. 1858. 4. Same as No. 2 of 1851. 5. HOLY BIBLE: With Apocrypha. TIe text conformable to tfe 0tanbarb of the American B3ible!orictp Philadelphia: Published by John B. Perry, 534 (formerly 198) Market Street. Baltimore: Medairy & Musselman; and Whiting, Cushing and Comstock. 1858. 4. Same as No. 3 of 1857. 6. HoLY BIBLE: With Apocrypha, Concordance, Psalms in Metre, Index, Tables and other useful Matters. The Text conformable to the Standard of the American Bible Society. Philadelphia: Whilt & Yost, Family Bible publishers and general Bookbinders, 805 Market Street, above Eighth Street. 1858. 4. This edition corresponds with that of Perry, immediately preceding. See also No. 6 of 1857. 7. HOLY BIBLE: With Apocrypha, Concordance and Psalms in Metre &c. tlje text conformable to thle Qxforb ebition of 16111, And to the American Bible Society's edition of 1816. Philadelphia: Jesper Harding. 1858. 4. Same as No. 7 of 1857. -1858.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 365 8. THE I HOLY BIBLE: [ Translated from I the Latin Vulgate: I Witfl Annotations Iby the Rev. Dr. Challoner; I Together with References, and an Historical and Chronological Index. Revised and corrected according to the Clementine edition of the Scriptures. i New York: I Published by D. & J. Sadlier & Co., 164 William Street. I Boston: 128 Federal Street. l Montreal, C. E.: corner of Notre Dame and St. Francis Xavier Streets. 1 1858. 1 4. Engr. title with Vignette (St. John in the wilderness); Printed title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Approbation of 3 Archbishops and 3 Bishops, surmounted by an escutcheon, containing the arms of the Holy See, supported by a shield &c., on each side, that on the right bearing the words Pax vobis, on the left, Sacra Congregatio de propaganda fide, 1 inserted leaf; Engraved title to N. Test. with Vignette (The Adoration by the Shepherds), Printed title with Approb. of the Most Rev. John Hughes, Archbishop of New York; Imprint as above, but date 1857; Ward's Errata at the end of the book. The text and other matter as already described, sub anno 1845. The following are the engravings in this volume. IN OLD TESTAMENT. 3. Redeemer of the World. S. Hollyer. 1. Abraham and Isaac. front. N. Y. 2. Hagar and Ishmael. 4. Zebedee's children. 3. Rebecca giving to drink. 5. Christ in the Garden. 4. Joseph and his brethern. 6. Jerusalem. Dick. 5. Boaz and Ruth. 7. Ecce Homo. S. Hollyer. 6. Judgment of Solomon, with the title 8. The Angelic Salutation. also in German. 9. Jesus in the Temple. S. Hollyer. 7. Ascent of Elias. 10. Prodigal Son. 8. Esther petitioning. 11. Descent from the Cross. H. B. Hall. 12. The Good Shepherd. IN NEW TESTAMENT. 13. Incredulity of St. Thomas. 1. The Redeemer. front. 14. The Angel releasing the Apostles. 2. Adoration of the Shepherds. Vign. The plates with the engravers' names are new. In No. 3 of that in New Testament, a Negro Slave in chains is introduced. 9. HOLY BIBLE, translated from the Latin Vulgate: With Useful Notes, critical, historical, controversial, and explanatory, selected from the most eminent commentators, and the most able and judicious critics. By the Rev. George Leo. Haydock. New York: Edward Dunigan & Brother (James B. Kirker), 371 Broadway. 1858. 4. This is the 3d edition of Dunigan's Haydock. Several errors in the preceding editions are now corrected. In this copy the Approbation page is replaced by an inserted sheet of eight pages of facsimiles of the Approbation of Archbishop Hughes, 366 AMERICAN BIBLES. [i858a letter of Pope Pius IX, and facsimiles of letters of commendation from Cardinal Wiseman, Archbishops Bedini, Purcell, Romilli, Turgeon, Blanc, Alemary, P. R. Kenrick, F. P. Kenrick, Bishops Charbonnel, Martin, O'Connor, Demers, O'Regan, Rappe, Bayley, Blanchet, Lefevere, Whelan, Spalding, Vandevelde, de St. Palais, Odin, Reynolds, Bacon, Baraga, McCloskey, Henni, Fitzpatrick, Portier, de Goesbriand, Carrell, Cretin, Loras, Miles, Loughlin, Timon and Young. Shea's Bib. of Cath Bibles. List of engravings: Letter of Pope Pius IX, engraved title (Abraham's Sacrifice); Moses with the Tables of the Law; Agar and Ishmael; Arrival of Rebecca; Jacob in the House of Laban; Joseph sold to his brethren; Aaron the High Priest; The first fruits of Canaan; Moses raises the Brazen Serpent; David and Abisai in Saul's tent; The Judgment of Solomon; Daniel in the Lion's Den; Jesus Christ the Redeemer; Jesus carrying his Cross; The infant St. John; Mary Magdalen; Christ blessing little children; The Three Marys; The Annunciation; The Crucifixion; Family Record. 10. HOLY BIBLE: Together with The Apocrypha; with Canne's Marginal Notes and References, to which are added An Index: An Alphabetical Table of all the Names in the Old and New Testaments, with their Significations, Tables of Scripture Weights, Measures, and Coins, &c. Buffalo: Published by Phinney & Co. New York: Ivison & Phinney. 1858. 4. 11. HOLY BIBLE, translated from the Latin Vulgate: With Annotations, References and Index. New York: Edward Dunigan & Brother (James B. IKirker), 371 Broadway. 1858. 8. With frontispiece of " Jesus Christ " engraved on steel by Parker. See No. 3 of 1844. 12. HOLY BIBLE, translated from the Latin Vulgate: With Annotations and References, and a Historical and Chronological Index. Boston: Patrick Donahoe, 23 Franklin Street. 1858. 8. The same as the edition of 1852, by the same publisher. In the copy before us pp. 3 and 4 are transposed. 13. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1858. Bourg. 12. 23d edition. 14. HOLY BIBLE: (in Welsh.) New York: American Bible Society. 1858. (L.) Nonp. 12. -1858.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 367 15. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. Insti-'tuted in the year MDCCCXVI. 1858. (G. L.) Brevier 12. 29th edition. Two errors occur in this edition, in Psalms 29: 3, which reads: The Voice of the Lord is upon the Laters [for Waters]; the God of glory thundereth; the Word [Lord] is upon many waters. 16. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1858. Nonp. 12. 22d edition. 17. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1858. Minion 18. 32d edition. 18. tOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. Instituted in the year MDCCcXVI. 1858. Agate 18. 19. HOLY BIBLE: New York: American Bible Society. 1858. Diamond ref. 18. 2d edition. 20. THE ENGLISH VERSION of the POLYGLOTT BIBLE. With Marginal Readings and References. Illustrated with Maps and Engravings. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1858. 12. Pp. 824, 256; Psalms in Metre, pp. 77; Preface signed T. C. 1. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: Collins & Brother, publishers, 82 Warren Street. n. d. 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, Stereotyped by T. B. Smith & Son, 84 Beekman St., N. Y. Printed by C. A. Alvord, 15 Vandewater St. To the Reader, 1 p.; Contents 1 p.; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 1-511; verso, blank; Index, pp. 513-548. In this edition which is styled, a Paragraph New Testament, the divisions into chapters and verses are omitted, but the chapter and verse with which each page commences are given at the head of the page. The text of the authorised English version according to Bagster, Eyre and Spottiswood, is followed, except that quotation points are introduced to mark distinct speeches and conversations. The Index of subjects is from Bagster's edition. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: Translated from the Latin Vulgate: Philadelphia: Published by E. Cummiskey. 1858. 8. Edition 500. 368 AMERICAN BIBLES. [i8583. NEW TESTAMENT: Revised version in Paragraph form, with Horne's Introduction, revised &c. by Samuel Prideaux Tregelles, and Student's Memorandum Book. 4 vols. Philadelphia: T. H. Stockton. 1858. 12' Each book is separately paged. 4. II KAINH AIA~HKH. I Novum I Testamentum, cum versione Latina I Ariae Montani, i in quo tum selecti Versiculi 1900, quibus omnes Novi Testamenti voces I continentur, Astericis notantur; I Turn omnes et singule voces, semel vel spepius occurrentes peculiari not distinguuntur. i Auctore I Johanne Leusden, I professore. I Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1 1858. 1 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Text: pp. 3-755; sigs. A (which includes title) to recto of I25 in 12s; Text in Greek and Latin in parallel columns. The running titles at the top of the pages are in Latin. Verses 13: 14 of Mat. 23, are transposed. This is a stereotype edition and is still in the market with the dates of imprint altered according to the year of publication. 5.'H KAINH AIAOlHKLH. I Novum I Testamentum I Griecum. | Ad exemplar I Roberti Stephani accuratissime editum. Cura P. Wilson, LL. D. IColl. Columb. Neo. Eboracen. Prof. Emer. I Stereotypis Hammondi Wallis, Novi Eboraci. I Philadelphia: I J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1 1858. 1 12. The same as No. 9 of 1828, supra p. 186; but the type is pretty badly worn. In Mat. 23: 15, 14, the order of the verses is inverted. 6. THE I NEW TESTAMENT, I translated from the Original Greek, with Chronological I Arrangement of the Sacred Books and improved I Divisions of Chapters and Verses. I By I Leicester Ambrose Sawyer. I Boston: I John P. Jewett and Company. I Cleveland, Ohio: J Henry P. B. Jewett. London: Sampson Low, Son and Company. 1 1858. I (L.; G.L.) 12. Title 1 f.; verso, Notice of Copyright, lithotyped by Cowles and Company. 1 17 Washington St., Boston. I Press of Allen & Farnham. I Pref., pp. iii-xi; p. xii, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 13-423; sig. 2-362 in 6s. 7. NEW TESTAMENT: Translated from the Latin Vulgate: New York: Edward Dunigan & Bro. (James B. Kirker), 371 Broadway. 1858. 12. — 1858.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 369 7. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: American Bible Society. 1858. 12. 2d edition. 8. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: American Bible Society. 1858. Brevier 18. Electrotyped edition; Psalms appended. 9. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: American Bible Society. 1858. Agate 32. 10. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: American Bible Society. 1858. Diamond 64. 11. NEW TESTAMENT: A literal translation from the Syriac Peschitu Version. By James Murdock, D. D. New York: Robert Carter & Brothers. 1858. (L.) 8. This is the 3d edition of this work. See supra pp. 317, 343. 12. THE I GOSPEL according to MATTHEW I chapters I, II, III. I Translated from the Greek, I on the basis of the common English version. I With Notes. I New York: I American Bible Union. I Louisville: I Bible Revision Association. I London: Triibner & Co., No. 60 Paternoster Row. 1858. 1 (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, Notice of Copyright; To the Reader, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: pp.1-50; The text is printed, first in 3 columns; King James's version, the Greek and the revised version, with the notes below, and then the revised version by itself in paragraphs, pp. 51, 52. It is a Baptist version. 13. THE I GOSPEL according to MARK. I iranslateb from tile Oqreek, on the basis of the common English version. With Notes. j New York: American Bible Union. I Louisville: Bible Revision Association. I London: Triibner & Co., No. 60 Paternoster row. 1 1858. (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, Notice of Copyright, dated 1858. At foot, Thomas Holman, Printer and Stereotyper, New York. Introd., pp. iii, iv; Authorities quoted, pp. v. vi; Text: pp. pp. 1-112. The Revised version of the Gospel according to Mark, with Marginal Readings, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text of revised version (repeated), pp. 115-134; no sigs.; 1 blank leaf. This vol. contains King James's version, the Greek text and revised (Baptist) version in parallel columns, followed by the revised version in paragraphs. 47 370 AMERICAN BIBLES. [i85814. Expository Thoughts on the GOSPELS. For Family and private Use. With the Text complete. By the Rev. J. C. Ryle, B. A., Christ Church, Oxford. Rector of Helmingham, Suffolk. Author of "Living and Dead " &c., &c., &c. St. Matthew and St. Mark. Two Volumes. New York: Robert Carter and Brothers, 530 Broadway. 1858. 12. 15. Poetical Expression I of I THE GOSPELS. I By William J. Knowles, I Boston: I Published by the Author. 1 1858. 1 (L.) 12. A very prosaic epitome in rhyme of the Four Gospels, with woodcuts. 16. ACTS of the APOSTLES. I lranIlateb from toe treck, ] on the basis of the Common English Version. I With Notes. New York: American Bible Union. j Louisville: Bible Revision Association. I London: Triibner & Co., No. 60 Paternoster Row. 1 1858. 1 (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, Notice of Copyright, dated 1858. At foot, Thomas Holman, Printer and Stereotyper, New York. Advertisement, pp. iii, iv; Text: pp. 1-190; 1 blank leaf; Acts of the Apostles. I Revised version I arranged in paragraphs. I 1 p.; verso, blank; Text of revised version (repeated), pp. 193-224; no sigs. Revised English Scriptures etc., published and for sale by the American Bible Union, 1 page. This vol. contains King James's version, the Greek text and revised (Baptist) version in parallel columns, followed by the revised version in paragraphs. 17. An Exposition of the First Epistle to the CORINTHIANS. By Charles Hodge, D. D., Professor in the Theological Seminary, Princeton, N. J. New York: Robert Carter and Brothers, 530 Broadway. 1858. 12. 18. An Exposition of the APOCALPYSE of St. John the Apostle. By a Secular Priest. Boston: Published by Patrick Donahoe, No. 23 Franklin Street. 1858. (L.) 8. The Rev. Edward Putnam of North Whitefield, Maine, is the author of this volume. 19. The GENERAL HISTORY of the CHRISTIAN CHURCH from her birth to her final triumphant State in Heaven, chiefly deduced from the Apocalypse of St. John, the Apostle and Evangelist. By Sig. Pastorini. Fifth American Edition. -- 859.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 371 New York: D. & J. Sadlier & Co., 164 William Street. Boston: 128 Federal Street. Montreal: cor. Notre Dame and Francis Xavier Sts. 1858. 12. This seems to be from the stereotype plates of Doyle's edition of 1834, q. v. It has a portrait of the Right Rev. Dr. Walmesley, the author. 1859. 1. THE I SELF-INTERPRETING BIBLE, j containing The Old and New Testaments I according to The Authorized Version; I with An Introduction: Marginal References and Illustrations; a Summary of the several Books; j an Analysis of each Chapter; a Paraphrase, and Evangelical Reflections upon i the most important Passages; and numerous explanatory notes; I By the I Rev. John. Brown, D. D. I A New edition] in which the text is more fully elucidated by upwards of eight thousand explanatory and critical notes and concluding I observations on each book. I By the Rev. Henry Cooke, D. D., LL. D. I Embellished with numerous highly finished steel engravings I from paintings by the most eminent artists. I New York: Johnson, Fry and Company, 1 27 Beekman Street. I n. d. (L.) fol. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank;'Brown's Preface, p. (iii); Names and Order, &c., Table of Offices, &c., p. (iv); Introduction, p. (v), to half of p. (xvi); Appendix, rest of pp. (xvi) and (xvii); verso, blank; Text: Genesis to Malachi, pp. (1) to (741); verso, blank; Outline of the principal prophetic Kingdoms of the Earth, pp. (743) and (744); sig. 1 to verso of 984 in 4s; Preface to the Apocryphal Books, p. (1); Text: pp. (2) to (122); sig. A to verso of Q1 in 4s. At the bottom of page (122), Billin and Brother, Printers and Stereotypers, XX North William Street, New York; Engraved leaf of Family Records, verso, blank; The I New Test. I of our I Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, I to which are annexed many references and illustrations, I an exact summary of the several Books: I a Paraphrase I on the l most obscure or important Books, and an Analysis of the I Contents of each Chapter, l together with I explanatory Notes and evangelical Reflections. I By the Rev. John Brown, D. D. I A new edition I in which the text is more fully elucidated by several thousand explanatory and critical Notes and including Observations I on each book. I By the Rev. Henry Cooke, D. D., LL. D., I &c., as in Old Test., 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev, pp. (747) to (1030); sigs. 94 (sic.) to verso of 1292 in 4s. With engraved frontispiece to Old Testament; vignette title to Old Testament and 72 plates, making 74 in all, the greater part are marked R. Martin, and Johnson, Fry & Co. A great many of the plates are the same as in Johnson & Co's edition of 372 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I859Rutter's life of Christ. This Bible was published in parts, and is just finished. It forms a thick folio in large type, and includes matter from the Commentaries of Scott, D'Oyly, Mant and others. 2. ILLUMINATED BIBLE. New York: Harper & Brothers. 1859. (L.) 4. This is a mere reprint of the 1st edition. See 1846. The ornamental presentation leaf however, in the copy examined, follows the printed title, and the supplemental matter following the text is paged consecutively, 1-60. 3. IOLY BIBLE: With Canne's marginal Notes and References, Index and Tables. New York: Published by Cornish, Lamport & Co., No. 8 Park Place. n. d. (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; To the Reader, 1 p.; Names and Order of Books, 1 p.; Contents, pp. 5-8; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 9-632; Fam. Rec., 2 ff.; New Test., title, I p.; verso, Account of dates or time of writing New Testament; Mat. to Rev., pp. 635-829; 2 woodcut front. There is no Apocrypha, though it is among the names and order of books; neither is there any index or tables. 4. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing the I Old and New Testaments: Translated out of I the Original Tongues, and with the former Translations I diligently compared and revised. From the authorized Oxford edition. I Together with the Apocrypha. i New York: Published by Leavitt and Allen. In. d. (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Text: Gen. to Mal., pp. 5-1004; sigs. 2 to verso of 1264 in 4s; Apocrypha, in smaller type, pp. 1005-1120; sigs. 127 to verso of 1412 in 4s; Family Record, 3 if.; The I New Testament I of I our Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ, [ translated out of I the Original Greek, I and with the former Translations [ diligently compared and revised. From the authorized Oxford edition. I New York: J Published by Leavitt and Allen. in. d. 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., pp. 11231431; sigs. 1414 to recto of 1802 in 4s (last sig. 180 not marked.) Engr. front.; Moses with the Tables of the Law; Vignette title, Holy Family; 4 plates in the Old and 4 in the New Test., from the same plates as Johnson & Fry's Family Bible. The titles and each page are embraced within a single rule. This edition was, we are informed, stereotyped about 12 years ago for Hogan & Thompson who printed 500 copies, and sold the plates to Brown of Boston. They, without printing any, sold the plates to Leavitt and Allen, who printed the above edition from them in the summer of 1859. 5. HOLY BIBLE; With Apocrypha, Concordance and Psalms in Metre. New York: Published by Leavitt & Allen, 379 Broadway. n. d. 4. Same as the edition No. 6, of 1851. Type badly worn. -1859.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 373 6. COLLATERAL BIBLE: Philadelphia: John Laval and S. F. Bradford. 3 vols. (Mr. McAllister.) 4. See No 3 of 1826, supra p. 177. 7. HOLY BIBLE: With Apocrypha, Concordance and Psalms in Metre. Philadelphia: Jesper Harding and Son. 1859. 4. From the same plates as No. 7 of 1857; Apocrypha, pp. 1-116, in smaller type; Colored titles to Old and New Test.; on verso of the title to New Test., Stereotyped by Jesper Harding & Son, No. 57 South Third street, Philadelphia. The engravings are, Belshazzar's feast, front.; 2. Departure of Hagar; 3. Finding of Moses; 4. The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; 5. Captives of Babylon; 6. Christ blessing little children; 7: Warning to Joseph (Chromo. Lithographs); 8. Christ weeping over Jerusalem. 8. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Company. 1859. 4. The pagination and matter are the same as No. 2 of 1851. The illustrations are, Moses striking the rock and a number of woodcuts. 9. IhOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Jesper Harding & Son. 1859. 12. Pp. 499, 156. 10. HOLY BIBLE: New York: Delisser & Procter, 508 Broadway (Successors to Stanford & Swords). 1859. (L.) 18. Pp. 932, 292. 11. The Pocket Paragraph Bible. THE I HOLY BIBLE: containing the I Old and New Testaments; i according to the I Authentic Version I arranged in Paragraphs and Parallelisms. I With an entirely new selection of References to Parallels, i And illustrative Passages, Prefaces to the Several Books, and Numerous Notes. I New York: I George E. Eyre and William Spottiswood. I M.DCCC.LIX. I 18. Pp. 705. Two Maps. Although this Bible has a New York imprint, still it must have been published in London. Indeed, the New Testament has a London title; besides, everything else, Maps, paper and binding, goes to show that it is an English book. Gowans. 12. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Jesper Harding & Son. 1859. 32. 374 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I85913. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1859. 32. With Psalms. 14. Proverbs of SOLOMON illustrated. With Preface by James Hamilton, D. D. New York: Robert Carter & Brothers, 530 Broadway. 1859. 8. With Plates. 15. THE I BOOK OF JOB, I and the I Prophets. i Translated from the Vulgate, j and diligently compared with the I original text, being a revised edition of the Douay Version, I with Notes, critical and explanatory, I by Francis Patrick Kenrick, I Arckbishop of Baltimore. I Prophecy came not at allny time by the will of man, &c., 2 Peter 1: 21. 1 Baltimore: I Kelley, Hedian & Piet. 1 1859. 1 (L.) 8. Mock title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Title, 1 f.; verso, Notice of Copyright; General Introd., pp. v, vi; Abbreviations, 1 p.; verso, blank; Index, pp. ix, x; Job, 1 p.; verso, blank; Introduction, pp. xiii-xv; verso of xv, blank; Text: pp. 17-106; Gen. Introd. to the Prophets, pp. 107-112; Isaiah, 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 115, 116; Text: pp. 117, 275; verso of 275, blank; Jeremiah, 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 279, 280; Text: pp. 281-425; verso of 425, blank; The Lamentations of Jeremiah, pp. 427-441; verso of 441, blank; Baruch, 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd, pp. 445, 446; Text: pp. 447-464; Ezekiel, 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 467, 468; Text: pp. 469-590; Daniel, 1 p.; verso. blank; Introd, pp. 593-595; verso of 595, blank; Text: pp. 597-647; verso of 647, blank; The I Minor Prophets. I 1 p.; verso, blank; Introd., pp. 651, 652; Text: pp. 653-799; verso of 689, 709, 721, 737, being blank; sigs. 1 to 50 in 8s. This is the fourth part of Archbishop Kenrick's revised edition of the Douay and Rheims Testaments. The work has recently been completed by the publication of the following volumes: 16. THE PENTATEUCH. I Translated from the Vulgate, I and diligently compared with the Original Text, i being a revised edition of the Douay Version. J With Notes, critical and explanatory. I By I Francis Patrick Kenrick, I Archbishop of Baltimore. I "If ye did believe in Moses, ye would believe Me also: for he wrote of Me." JOHN, 5: 46. I Baltimore: I Kelley, Hedian & Piet. 1 1860. 1 8. Pp. 559. -I859.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 375 17. THE | HISTORICAL BOOKS I of the OLD TESTAMENT. j Translated from the Latin Vulgate, I diligently compared with the Original Text, being a revised I edition of the Douay Version. I With Notes, critical and explanatory. I By [ Francis Patrick 1Kenrick, j Archbishop of Baltimore. "Whatever things were written, were written for our instruction, that through patience, I and the consolation of Scriptures, we may have hope." ROM. 15: 4. j Baltimore: I Kelley, Hedian and Piet. 1 1860. J 8. Pp. 897. Archbishop Kenrick's revision of the Douay Version is an immense labor, and one which has as yet been hardly appreciated according to its merits. It is a work on which has been bestowed a vast amount of rare and valuable learning, every text, every word seems to have been the object of diligent study, and of careful comparison with the original text. Few persons, till they compare the two, will suspect its very great superiority over our common Douay Bibles, either in accuracy or elegance. Brownson's Review. 1. CODEX VATICANUS. | H KAINH AIA@HKH. I Novum Testamentum I Graece I ex antiquissimo Codice Vaticano I edidit I Angelus Maius I S. R. E. Card. I Ad fidem Editionis Romanae accuratius impressum. I New York: I D. Appleton and Co,, 346 and 348 Broadway. I MDCCCLIX. I (N. Y. State Lib.; L.) 8. Title, 1 p.; verso, blank; The Publishers' Advertisement, pp. i-iv; these 3 ff. are without any sig. mark; Text: pp. 1-498; sigs. 1 to verso of 321; Antiquae Collationis Codicis Comparatio cam nova, pp. 499-502; Elenchos, 1 p.; sigs. 322 to recto of 324; sigs. in 8s. This volume was published in London by Williams & Norgate and D. Nutt, and an edition imported with the name of the New York firm on the title page. It was printed in whole or in part, in Leipsic. The London edition has a table of Errata, which is not in this copy. 2. THE I GREEK TESTAMENT: I With a critically revised Text: A Digest of I Various Readings: Marginal References to Verbal and j Idiomatic Usage: Prolegomena: i And a Critical and Exegetical Commentary. I For the Use of Theological Students and Ministers. I By Henry Alford, B. D. I Minister of Quebec Chapel, London, and late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. [ In Four Volumes. Vol. I. I Containing I The Four Gospels. I New York: 376 AMERICAN BIBLES. [1859Harper & Brothers, Publishers, i Franklin Square. 1 1859. 1 (N. Y. State Lib.; L.) 8. Mock title, The Greek Testament. I Vol. I. I The Four Gospels. I 1 p.; verso,'va erIrv7 v repi sWv xarXO8g X6ywv qTv r iev abesav. I LUKE, i, 4. 1 Title, 1 p.; verso, blank; Advertisement to the 3d edition, 1 p.; verso, Advertisement to the 2d edition, Contents of the Prolegomena, pp. vii, viii; 4 ff. or half sig. not marked; Prolegomena, pp. 1]-100], marked at foot; sigs. a to verso g2 in 8S; Text: pp. 1-835; sigs. A to recto of GGG2 in 8s. The matter of the Prolegomena, digest of various readings and notes are from Meyer's and Olshausen's Commentaries on the Gospels, Stier's Reden Jesu, Tischendorf's 2d Leipsic edition of the Greek Testament, De Wette's Handbuch and Luthardt's recent work on St. John's Gospel. This is a reprint of the 1st volume only of the third edition of Dr. Alford's Greek Testament. A fourth edition of the original work has since been published in London, in which the digest of various readings has been rewritten and the body of marginal references much revised and enlarged. In common with all the most ancient authorities, it omits the doxology at the end of Mat. 6: 13, " on every ground of sound criticism" (Note, p. 55); and with the Codex Vaticanus, v. 14 of Mat. 23, which it pronounces " interpolated " in Note, p. 211. 3. The COTTAGE POLYGLOTT TESTAMENT, according to the Authorized Version, with Notes, Original and Selected, likewise introductory and concluding Remarks to each Book, Polyglott References, and marginal Readings, Chronological Tables, Geographical Index and Maps. Adapted to Bible Classes, Sunday Schools and Christians generally, by William Patton, D. D. New York: Published by J. S. Gilman, 82 Beekman Street. 1859. Sm. 12. This is the Village Testament of 1833, with new imprint. 4. IH KAINH AIAOHKH. I The Four Gospels and Acts of the Apostles, I in Greek. I With English Notes, critical, philological, and exe- getical; Maps, Indexes, etc. I Together with the Epistles and Apocalypse. I The whole forming the complete Text ofI | X;e Netm i~etament, I For the Use of Schools, Colleges, and Theological Seminaries. I By Rev. J. A. Spencer, A. M. ] Author of j "The Christian instructed," "History of the English Reformation," etc. To xcaXv xaycaov. I New York: Harper & Brother, Publishers, 1 329 & 331 Pearl Street, Franklin Square. [ 1859. 1 12. -1859.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 377 Title, 1 f.; verso, Notice of Copyright, dated 1847; Preface, dated New York, September 1847, pp. iii-viii; Introductory remarks on the Language of the New Testament, pp. ix-xii; sig. 4; Mock title, ro xacra Mraoclorov I EulyyTskLov. 1 p.; verso, Argument to St. Matthew's Gospel; Text: pp. 3-595; verso, blank; sigs. A (which includes Mock title) to recto of BBlO; Index, I. Greek words and Phrases; II. Matters; pp. 597-611; sigs. BB11 to recto of Cc6; Mock titles and arguments precede each Gospel, the Acts and Epistles; sigs. in 12s. The text of this edition is that of Dr. Mill, printed at Oxford in 1707, and finally under the care of Dr. Burton of that University in 1831. The division into verses however, has been followed " at the urgent request of the publishers, though contrary to the preference of the editor." The doxology is retained, but in the note is said "to be rejected by many editors as an interpolation." Verses 13, 14, of Matthew, chap. 23; are transposed. A Map of the Countries mentioned in the New Testament, showing the routes of St. Paul, accompanies the volume. 5. NEW TESTAMENT: Philadelphia: Jesper Harding & Son. 1859. 12. This is the Testament of No. 7, supra, published separately; pp. 156; with Contents, and Psalms of David, pp. 66. 6. NEW TESTAMENT: Philadelphia: Published by James B. Smith & Co., No. 610 Chestnut Street. 1859. 12. 7. NEW TESTAMENT: New York: Delisser & Procter, 508 Broadway (Successors to Stanford & Swords.) 1859. (Gowans.) 18. Pp. 292. 8. NEW TESTAMENT: Philadelphia: Published by James B. Smith & Co., No. 610 Chestnut Street. 1859. 18. 9 NEW TESTAMENT: Philadelphia: Published by James B. Smith & Co., No. 610 Chestnut Street. 1859. 32. Pp. 354. 10. The FOUR GOSPELS, according to the Authorized Version,, with the original and selected Parallel references and Marginal readings, and an original and copious Critical and Explanatory Commentary. By Rev. David Brown, D. D., Professor, Free Church College, Aberdeen. Philadelphia: William & Alfred Martien, No. 606 Chestnut Street. 1859. 8. 48 378 AMERICAN BIBLES. [185911. The I Epistles to the HEBREWS, I in I Greek and English, I With an Analysis and Exegetical Commentary. I By Samuel H. Turner, D. D., I Professor of Biblical Learning, &c., in the General Theological Seminary, &c. I Revised and corrected. I New York: I Anson D. F. Randolph, 683 Broadway. 1 1859. 1 (L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; Introduction, pp. iii-viii, and blank leaf; Analysis, pp. 1-16; Text, Greek and English, in parallel columns, and Commentary below, pp. 17-186; blank leaf; title to Appendix, 1 f.; Note dated Dec., 1853, 1 p.; verso, blank; Appendix, containing Questions in the preceding Exposition, pp. 189-200. Originally published by Stanford and Swords, in 1852, and republished in 1858. 12. The Epistles to the ROMANS, in Greek and English, &c., by Samuel H. Turner, D. D., &c., Revised and corrected. i New York: I Anson D. F. Randolph, 683 Broadway. 1 1859. 1 (L.) 8. Title, 1 f.; Order dated August, 1853, 1 p.; verso, blank; Contents, pp. vii, viii; Introduction, pp. ix-xvi; Analysis, pp. 1-17; 18 blank; Text, pp. 19-234; Appendix title, 2 pp.; Note, 1 p., dated Dec., 1853; Appendix, Questions, &c., pp. 237-252. Published originally in 1853. 13. Expository Thoughts on the GOSPELS, with the Text complete. By the Rev. J. C. Ryle. New York: Robert Carter & Brothers. 4 vols. (L.) 12. Matthew, Mark, 1 vol. each, and Luke, 1st vol., 1859. Luke, 2d vol., 1860, to be continued; printed in England in parts. See No. 14, p. 370. ADD ENDA. 1770-1774. 1. THE J GARDEN OF THE SOUL: I or, a I Manual I of I Spiritual Exercises I and I Instructions i for i Christians, who living in the World I aspire to devotion. I The seventh edition, corrected. I London: Printed. I Philadelphia: reprinted, I By Joseph Crukshank in Market I Street, between Second and Third Streets. I n. d. 18. 36 pp; woodcut Crucifixion facing title, pp. 14-20; Bible texts; p. 104, Benedicite, Dan. iii; p. 105, Ps. xciv; p. 106, Ps. xcix; p. 107, Ps. cii; p. 109, Ps. cxvi, cxxxvii; p. 110, Ps. cxlviii; p. 111, Ps. cl; Benedictus, Luke, p. 124-136, Vespers (Latin and English); pp. 144-150, Complin English; pp. 157-167, Seven Penitential Psalms. This is said to be the first Catholic Prayer printed in this country. J. G. S. 1784. 1. THE I HISTORY I of the I Old and New I Testaments, I interspersed with I moral and instructive I reflections, I chiefly taken from I the Holy Fathers. I From the French. I By J. Reeve. I The third edition. i Philadelphia: I Printed by M. Steiner, in Race Street, I for C. Talbot, late of Dublin, Printer and Bookseller. 1 1784. 1 8. Title and Preface, pp. i-vi; Subscribers names, 2 pp; Text: pp. 1-536 (rectius 436) sigs. a-z, aa-zz, aaa-iii. The I History I of the I New Testament, I interspersed with I instructive and moral I reflections, I chiefly taken from the Holy Fathers. I From the French. I By J. Reeve. i Philadelphia: I Printed for C. Talbot, late of Dublin, Printer and Bookseller. I p 295; verso, blank. J. G. S. 380 ADDENDA TO [17921792. 1. AI Commentary I on the I BOOK OF PSALMS. I In which I Their Literal or Historical Sense, as they relate to King David, and I the People of Israel, is Illustrated, I And their application to Messiah, to the Church, and to Individuals, I as members thereof, is pointed out: I With a view to render the use of the Psalter Pleasing and Profitable I to all Orders and Degrees of Christians. I The First American, from the Fourth British i Edition. I By George, Lord Bishop of Norwich, and President of Magdalen Col lege, Oxford. I All things must be fulfilled, which were written in the Psalms concerning me." Luke xxiv, 44. 1 I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also. 1 Cor. xiv, 15.! They sing the song of Moses, and the song of the Lamb. Rev. xv, 3. I Vol. I. I Philadelphia: Printed by William Young, Bookseller, No. 52. Second-Street. I The Corner of Chesnut-street I M.DCC,XCII. 1 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; then a second title, A I Commentary I &c. as above, except that the line and word " edition," after British, is omitted. Vol. I. omitted, and on the imprint the line ends Second- I street. The Pref. (iii)-xxxiv; Table of Psalms, I p.; verso, blank; A Commentary, 1-268 (in. Ps. 78); sigs. B to Pp complete. The Vol. II. has a title like that of Vol. I., with Vol. II.; verso, blank; pp. 269-554, beginning " made to Abraham;" sigs. Qq to verso of Eeee2. J. G. S. 1797. 1. A | CATHOLIC LITURGY, I or t Forms of Prayer. I Christians of all Denominations may unite in I these Prayers, as they allude to no Doctrines, I but such as are universally professed by all who I call themselves Christians. I Printed by Samuel Hall, No. 53, Cornhill, Boston. 1 1797. 1 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; p. 3-44; sig. B (p. 9) to F (p. 41); facing p. 44 is a page headed " Catholic Lecture, at Concert Hall," signed " Nathan Davies " Boston, March 25, 1797. This volume contains: p. 20, Ps. xxxiv; p. 21, Ps. li; p. 22, Ps. lxvii; p. 23, Ps. ciii; p. 24, Ps. cxvi; p. 25, Ps. cxxxix; p. 26, Mat. v, 1-20; p. 28, Mat. vi, 19-34; p. 29, Mat. vii, 1-12; p. 10, Rom. xii; p. 32, Colos. iii; p. 33-5, James i. J. G. S. -I8I3.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 381 1804. 1. HOLY BIBLE: Boston: I Printed for Thomas & Andrews, I By J. T. Buckingham, I sold wholesale and retail at their Bookstore, No. 45, New- I bury-Street, and by by (sic) the principal Book- I sellers in the United States. I 1804. 1 (Gowans.) 12. See No. 5 of 1804. 1812. 1. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing the I Old and New I Testaments. I Translated out of Qile Original Tongues, I and with J the former translations diligently I compared and revised. i Printed for the New York Bible j Society. I Hartford, Connecticut. I Printed by I Hudson & Goodwin. 1 1812. 1 (L.) 12. The same as No. 5, of 1809, with a variation in the imprint. 1813. 1. A I Commentary I on I The BOOK OF PSALMS. I In whichI their literal or historical sense, i as they relate to I King David, and the people of Israel I is illustrated; I and their application to I Messiah, to the Church, and to individuals, i as members thereof, is pointed out; i with a view to render the I use of the Psalter pleasing and profitable i to all orders and degrees of Christians. I By George, Lord Bishop of Norwich, I and President of Magdalen College, Oxford. I All Luke xxiv, 44. 1 I will.... also. 1 Cor. xiv, 15. I They sing....Lamb. Rev. xv, 3. New York: i Published by Griffin & Rudd, 189 Greenwich-street. j Paul and Thomas, Printers. 1 1813. I (N. Y. Soc. Lib.) 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Pref. (iii)-xxxviii; Table, 1 p.; verso, blank; Comment., (41)-620; sigs. B to 4F2; with portrait lettered " Dr Geo: Horne I Late Bishop of Norwich. I Pubd by Griffin & Rudd. NYork. I Underneath the head, T. Gimbrede, sc. NY. J. G. S. 382 ADDENDA TO [18132. Zati Rene I;efstament I unfert I hermn unb Jeilanbec I Sefu triftit, I nad) ber Zeutpd)en Uberfetaung I D martin Vutl)ert. I 3it furtem I 3ntalt einei jeben (apitelo, I unb 1 ollftainbiger.Wn~ rweifuug gteider 5dvriftfteUlen. I Eie aud i aIUer Conna untb eft; tagigen I angeen n unb QpifteLn. I ptpilabelpia: I ebrutt fiir it)ilipp S, 9idlin, 1 1813. 1 (L.) 12. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; $er3icdfnifo ber B3iider, 1 p.; verso, blank; Text: pp. 5 to 537; 9tItwcifut3g ber pifteftl, 5 pages not numbered; sig. A4 to verso of Z31 in 6S, followed by a blank leaf. 1819. 1. HOLY BIBLE: Boston: Printed by John H. A. Frost, Congress Street, for West, Richardson and Lord, No. 75 Cornhill. 1819. 12. Stereotype edition. Many large editions were printed from these stereotype plates in succeeding years. Melvin Lord. 1820. 1. NEW TESTAMENT. Boston: Published by Richardson & Lord. 1820. 12. Large numbers were continued to be printed from the stereotype plates of this edition. Melvin Lord. 1822. 1. THE I COLUMBIAN FAMILY AND PULPIT BIBLE: I Being a corrected and improved American edition of the I Popular English [ Family Bible; I With concise Notes and Annotations, Theological, Historical, Chronological, Critical, Practical, Moral and Explanatory. I From I Poole, Brown, Doctors A. Clarke, Coke, Scott, Doddridge, &c. IWith numerous Additions, in the present Work, from those distinguished modern Biblical Critics, I Michaelis, Lowth, Newcome, Blaney, Horsley, Campbell, Gerard, Macknight, &c. i Containing also, I sundry important received various Readings, from I the most ancient Hebrew and Greek Manuscripts, I and I the most celebrated Versions of Scripture. { Also, sundry corrections and improvements, of our excellent English Version (generally admitted by learned -I822.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 383 Christians I of every name), with References to Authors, Versions and Manuscripts. I Also, an I 3Jnlhtrative Atrgument I prefixed to each Sacred Book or Epistle, from the first Authorities. [ Together with I A valuable Appendix, or Supplement. I First American Edition, ] embellished with Engravings. j Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.... John v, 39. j These were more noble than those of Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures I daily, whether those things were so.,,. Acts xvii, 11. J Boston: I Published by Joseph Teal, Printed by J. H. A. Frost, opposite U. S. Bank, Congress Street. 11822. (G. L.) fol. Engraved Title, The Complete I Family Bible, {I (ontaining tDte aceb ey:t I of' the I Old and New Testaments, I with the I apocrrrta at large, I illustrated with I Notes and Annotations I Selecile I From the Writings of I Scott, Poole, Henry,, Brown, Clarke, and Wesley. I Embellished with numerous engravings. I Vignette, Adam and Eve in Paradise, Shepperson, del. J. Chorley, sculp. Boston. Published by Joseph Teal. I 1 f.; verso, blank; Printed title, 1 p.; verso, blank; Preface by theAmerican Editor, dated September 21, 1822, 2 pp.; Introduction, 2 pp, and part of' the 3d; verso of 3d page, Names and Order of all the Books (including those of the Apocrypha, which, however, are not in this volume); These 4 prel. ff. compose sig. A in 4s; Text: Gen. to Mal., sigs. A to verso of E102; No title to the New Testament; Text: Mat. to Rev., sigs. F10 to verso of A132; A Chronological Index, 1 p.; A Geographical Index, 1 p.; A Table of Offices and conditions of Men, 1 p.; Tables of' Scripture Measures, &c., 1 p.; sig. B13 1 and 2, all in 2s; there are sig. figures in addition, sigs. A and B are each marked 1; then no figures until S2 and T2, each of which are marked 21, and so on to verso of B132 which is 1394, all in 4s. Engravings: The High Priest. Frontispiece to O. Test........................ J. Chorley, sculp.. Adam and Eve. Gen. C 3, V 6. At top, Engraved for Fowler's Family Bible. The Deluge. Noah's Ark. At foot, Engraved for J. Teal's Edition..................... Kelly. sc.. Noah's Sacrifice. At foot, Engraved for J. Teal's Edition.. K.........e.. elly, sculpt.. Tower of Babel. At foot, Engraved for Teal's Edition................ Chorley, se.. The Angel appearing to Hagar. At the top, OEOZ. Abraham's Faith At top, Engraved for Fowler's Family Bible......... Gregory, sc.. Jacob's Dream. At top, Engraved for Fowler's Family Bible............ Gregory, sce Joseph cast into the Pit. At foot, Engraved for Teal's Edition. Craig, del. I Chorley, sc~ The Finding of Moses. At foot, Engraved for J. Teal's Edition. W. M. Craig, del. Kelley. sc. Pharaoh and his host drowned. At foot, Teal's Edition.......... I. Chorley, so. *Map of the Country from Suez to Mount Sinai. Moses delivering the Law. At foot, Engraved for Teal's Edition. W. M. Craig, del. I. Chorley, sc. 384 AMERICAN BIBLES. [I822Death of Abimelech. At foot, Teal's Edition. Craig, del.............I. Chorley, sc. Jepthah's rash vow...............................................J. V. N. T., sc. Sampson slaying the lion............................... I Chorley, sculp. David before Saul...............................................I. Chorley, sc. Solomon's Temple. The,Shunamite's son restored. The Triumph of Mordecai. At foot, Engraved for J. Teal's Edition. W. M. Craig, del. T. Kelly, sc. The Rock smitten. At foot, Engraved for J. Teal's Edition........... Kelly, sc. Zechariah's Vision. At top, Engraved for Fowler's Family Bible........Gregory, sc. The Annunciation. Virgin Mary and Child. At foot, Teal's Edition. Raphael........ I. Chorley, sc. The Wise Men's offering. At foot, Teal's Edition. The Maries at the Sepulchre. B. West, F. R. A. Pinxt.... O. H. Throop, so. Boston. *Geographical Illustrations of Scripture Histories, particularly Journeys. Raising the Widow's Son. W. M. Craig, del..................... I. Chorley, sculp. Christ's Agony. At foot, Engraved for Teal's Edition. W. M. Craig, del.. I. Chorley, sculp. *Jerusalem and places adjacent. At foot, Chtrlestown, Mass. Published by S Etheridge junr., 1813. Christ and the Woman of Samaria. At foot, Engraved for J. Teal's Edition. Monsiau, delt........................................................... T. Kelly, sc. The Crucifixion. At foot, Engraved for J. Teal's Edition. Vandyke pinxt. T. Kelly, sculp. St. Paul at Melita. At foot, Engraved for J. Teal's Edition............. T. Kelly, sc. Paul reproving Peter................................................ Bowen, sc. Hebrews Ch. 1 v. 6.I......................I. Chorley, sculp. Boston. Death on the pale Horse. At foot, Engraved for Teal's Edition. W. M: Craig, del. I. Chorley, sculp. Brattro. Vt. The Maps marked with a * appeared previously in an edition of Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible, published in Boston by Etheridge, in 4 vols. 4to. The Columbian Family Bible was published in numbers; the subscription amounted to upwards of 3000. It is without Marginal References. MR. TEAL the publisher, came to America about the year 1820, as book agent for an English house, aid afterwards went into business on his own account, when he undertook to republish, by subscription, an English Family Bible, but whose edition is not stated. Calling on the Rev. JONATHAN HOMER, D. D., of Newtown, Mass., that clergyman learned that no person had been engaged to see to the correctness of the work, and thereupon undertook that responsibility. (Melvin Lord.) He accordingly revised the Practical Observations; condensed many of the Notes of the original edition, those especially from the commencement of the Prophets being new; almost wholly rewrote the Arguments prefixed to the Books from the beginning of Isaiah, and corrected the dates of writing those of the New Testament. (Preface.) The work was printed or set up in the establishment of Richardson & Lord, Boston, and on account of the conductor of the Office, J. H. A. Frost. (Mr. Lord.) Dr. Homer was a graduate of Harvard College; possessed a collection of rare Bibles and was quite a critic. He died 11th August, 1843, having been fifty years in the ministry. -1823.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 385 2. A Commentary on THE BOOK OF PSLAMS. By George, Lord Bishop of Norwich, and President of Magdalen College, Oxford. To which is prefixed, A Memoir of the Life of the Author. Philadelphia: 1822. (Mass. Hist. Soc.) 8. 1823. 1. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing I the Old and New Testaments, I and I the Apocrypha. l Translated out of the Original Tongues, I and with I the former Translations diligently compared and revised, i By the Special Command of King James I. of England.! New York: I Printed and Published by T. and J. Swords, J No. 99 Pearl-street. [ 1823. 1 (L.) 4. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Dedication to King James, 1 p.; Names and Order, 1 p.; Text: Gen. to Mal., sig. 1 to recto of 932 in 4s; Apocrypha, in smaller type, verso of 932 to recto 1113 in 48; a blank page; Family Record, 2 leaves; Title to New Testament; The I New Testament l of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ. I Translatedl out of I the Original Greek; [ and with I the former translations diligently compared and revised. I By the special command of King James I of England. I New York: I Printed and published by T. and J. Swords, I No. 99 Pearl Street, 1 1822 I verso, blank; Text: Mat. to Rev., sig. 112 to recto of 1402 in 4s; followed by a blank page; Index, 14 leaves; sig. 1403 & 4 then 141 to verso of 145 in 2s; Table of Measures and Appendix 3 pp.; Table of Offices and Time, 1 p.; Table of Kindred, 1 p.; sig. 1452 to recto. of 1462, followed by a blank page. 2. HOLY BIBLE: with Apocrypha, Marginal Notes and References, Index, Tables, &c. Philadelphia: H. C. Carey & I. Lea, Chesnut Street. 1823. 4. A reissue of Carey's 4to Bible of 1812. See No. 3, supra p. 172 3. Stereotype edition. NEw TESTAMENT: with references and a key sheet of questions -Historical, Doctrinal, and Practical: designed to Facilitate the Acquisition of Scriptural Knowledge, in Bible Classes, Sunday Schools, Common Schools, and private Families. By Hervey Wilbur, A. M. Boston: Published by R. Bannister, and sold by the principal Booksellers in the United States. Stereotyped by T. H. Carter & Co. 1823. (Gowans.) 12. Pp. 321. 49 386 ADDENDA TO [18241824. 1. LE I NOL VEAU TESTAMENT de I notre Seigneur Jesus Christ. j Imprim6 sur la derniere edition de Paris. I Revue et corrigee avec soin ] d'apres le texte Grec. I A Boston: I Chez J. H. A. Frost. 1 1824. 1 (Melvin Lord.) 12. This edition of the New Testament was printed by J. H. A. Frost, especially for and by order of Richardson & Lord, in their office, of which he was Superintendent. 1825. Some thirty-five years ago, say about 1825, there was published at Boston, by the Company of Booksellers, a handsome octavo Bible; and also, by the same, about the same period, an edition of a size a little less than Octavo, on a minion type, and called The Minion Bible. Melvin Lord. 2. NEW TESTAMENT: Boston: Published by Richardson and Lord. 1825. 18. This edition was designed for the use of Schools. It was edited by Renselaer Bentley, and contained a Vocabulary of all the words used in the book, alphabetically arranged, with their division, accentuation, part of speech, and definition; also, a list of all the proper names embraced in it, accented and pronounced. Melvin Lord. 1826. 1. LA I BIBLIA SAGRADA, I a saber: El Antiguo y el Nuevo Testamento, I traducidos de la I Vulgata Latina I en Espaiol, I por el Rmo. P. Felipe Scio de S. Miguel, i Obispo electo de Segovia. I u~rva (~birion, I a costa de la Sociedad Americana de la Biblia, I conforme a la Segunda, que revista y corregida publico su misno traductor I el Afio de 1797 en Madrid. I Jesus respondio: Escudrinad las Escrituras. I S. Juan, cap. v. ver. 39. 1 Nueva-York: Edicion estereotipica por A. Chandler. 1 1826. 1 8. 3d edition, from the same plates as edition of 1824. See No. 5, supra p. 166. — 1832.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 387 1827. 1. NEW TESTAMENT: Boston: Richardson & Lord. 1827. 12. Pp. 312. Melvin Lord. 1828. 1. THE I HOLY BIBLE, I containing the I Old and New Testaments; I together with I the Apocalypse. I Translated out of the Original Tongues, I and with I the former Translations diligently compared I and revised. I (Imprint torn off) 4. Title, 1 p.; verso, blank; Names and Order, I p.; Contents, pp. 4-8; Text with double rule between columns, no marginal references; Gen. to Mal., pp. 9-574; Chronol. Index and Tables of Time and Offices, p. 575; verso, blank; sigs. B to 3W4 in 4s; Apoc. in smaller type, pp. 1 to 96; sigs. A to verso of M4 in 4s; Title, The I New Testament l of our I Lord and Saviour I Jesus Christ. I Translated out of I the Original Greek, | and with | the former translations diligently compared I and revised. I New York: j Elam Bliss, I Broadway. 1828. 1 p; verso, Account of dates, &c. I Text: Mat. to 20 Ch. of Rev., pp. 579-752; 1 leaf wanting; Table of Weights, &c., Analysis of Old and New Testament; Table of Kindred, pp. 755, 756; sigs. including title, 3X to 4U2 or 4V2 in 4s8. 1831. 1. REFERENCE BIBLE: By Harvey Wilbur. Boston: Carter Hendee & Co. 1831. Small 12. Pp. 321. The references not being found very useful, were stricken from the plates, and the volume subsequently published without them. Melvin Lord. 1832. 1. NEW TESTAMENT: Stereotyped by James Conner, New York. Utica: Printed and published by William Williams. 1832. 18. Title, 1 f.; verso, Names and Order of the Books; Text: pp. 3-237; verso, A Table of Time, and Account of Dates; sigs. 1 (including title), to verso of 205; followed by a blank leaf; sigs. in 6s; brief headings to columns and chapters. A school edition, common version. 388 ADDENDA TO [18331833. 1. A Commentary on The BOOK OF PSALMS &c. By George, Lord Bishop of Norwich, and President of Magdalen College, Oxford. To which is prefixed, A Memoir of the Life of the Author. Philadelphia: Alexander Towar, 19 St. James Street; Hogan & Thompson, 139 Market Street. New York: Swords, Standford, & Co. Pittsburg: David M. Hogan. Tuscaloosa, Ala.: D. Woodruff. 1833. 8. Title, 1 f.; verso, blank; Advertisement, 1 p.; verso, blank; Memoir, pp. 5-12; Preface, pp. 13-35; Table of Psalms, p. 36; Text: pp. 37-425; sigs. 1 to recto of 363 in 6s. 1834. 1. HOLY BIBLE: Pittsburg: Cook & Schoyer. 1834. (Mr. McAllister.) 18. 1835. 1. A Commentary I on the I Epistle to the ROMANS, I designed for I Students of the English Bible. I By I Charles Hodge, I Professor of Biblical Literature at the Theological Seminary 1 at Princeton. ] Philadelphia. I Published by Grigg & Elliot, I No. 9 North Fourth Street. 1 1835. I (L.) 8. Pp. 588; 1st edition. 1836. 1. HOLY BIBLE: Philadelphia: Desilver, Thomas & Co. 1836. (Mr. McAllister.) 18. 2. A Commentary on the Epistle to the ROMANS. By Charles Hodge, Professor, &c. Abridged by the author for the use of Sunday Schools and Bible Classes. Philadelphia: Henry Perkins, 134 Chesnut Street. Boston: Perkins & Marvin, 114 Washington Street. 1836. (L.) 12. -I847.] AMERICAN BIBLES. 389 1838. 1. HOLY BIBLE: New York: Published by Robinson, Pratt & Co. 1838. (Mr. McAllister.) 8. See No. 7 of 1835. 1846. 1. HOLY BIBLE: Hartford: S. Andrus & Son. 1846. 24. Pp. 726, 324; 4 plates. 2. The I Earlier Prophecies I of ISAIAH. I By I Rev. Addison Alexander, I Professor in the Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey. I New York and London: I Wiley and Putnam. 1 1846. 1 (L.) 8. Pp. lxxi, and 652; first edition. 3. LE I NOUVEAU TESTAMENT I de I Notre-Seigneur JesusChrist, j Traduit en Francais, I avec le Commentaire Litteral Du Pere de Carrieres dans le texte, Et des notes explicatives, morales et dogmatiques, pour [ en Faciliter l'Intelligence. I Publie avec l'approbation de | monseigneur L'Archeveque de Quebec. I A Quebec: Chez J.-Bte. Frechette, Pere, I Imprimeur-Libraire, No. 13, Rue Lamontagne. I M.DCCC.XLVI. I (L.) 8. Pp. 752. This is the only edition of the Scriptures that has been published in Canada East. 1847. 1. t3ao I Zeue Te~tanent I unferW I errn unb.eilanbeO I 3efu (rrifti. I 91et, Jor: I Wmerifanifcide 3ibeLteleefdaft. I fet grunbet in 1816. 1 1847. 1 (L.) 8. Title within rules, 1 p.; verso, 19te toU~gabe, 9Berfeitni[, &c., 1 p.; Text: pp. 3467; Berjeid)nijf ber etoniutiib 3eftiiglic)en 4piftehn, also on pp. 467-471; Serqeirni[f be0 Ypifteltt &c. ber 940oteItage &c., p. 472; sigs. including title, 1 to verso of 304 in 8s. 390 ADDENDA TO [I849-I853.] 1849. 1. HoLY BIBLE, containing the Old Testament and the New. Portland: Sanborn & Carter. 1849. 18. With engraved title, The Everlasting Gospel. Portland, Me.: Sanborn & Carter. 1847. See No. 13 of 1848, supra p. 301. 1853. 1. )ie 23ibef, I ober I Zi gcrie I.eiUi!e d)rift I b~e I alten unb neun I Zeftament. I 91ad) Dr. /Iartin Vutter'6 Ueberfetunq. I Ztereotppirt won 3. Egore, Tiflatelplfa. I fialerfpia, I ~Oebrudt fur Wie /ur. i/bet(e[fe~fUdaft I bep O5eorg -0. 9ent unb ~o0n, I 3u#d)anbter, 1 Pro, 53, in ber orb-,rittenftraffe. 1 1853. 1 (L.) 12. 12th edition. See No. 15 of 1834, supra p. 232. 2. HENRY'S EXPOSITION of the Old and New Testament. First American Edition. Philadelphia: A. Towar and Hogan & Thompson. 6 vols. (Mr. McAllister.) See No. 22, supra p. 134. 1848. 1. NovuM j TESTAMENTUM I Domini Nostri I Jesu Christi. | Interprete Theodoro Beza. I Philadelphia: I Geo. S. Appleton, 148 [ Chestnut street. I New York: I D. Appleton & Co., 200 Broadway. 1 1848. 12. Pp. 291. This is a stereotyped school edition. AMERICAN BIBLES. 391 MANUSCRIPTS. 1. A Manuscript Translation of the Scriptures into the English Language, made by some former Member of Princeton College, N. J. n. d. fol. This title is taken from the Catalogue of Books contained in the Library of the American Bible Society. New York, 1855, p. At our request the manuscript has been examined by J. G. SHEA, Esq., the well known biblical scholar, who describes it as a set of foolscap sheets numbered from 33 to 306, of what is technically called copy, having the usual marks of the printer and having already passed through the press. It includes from Psalms 22: 20, to the end of that book, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Solomon's Song, Esaias, Jeremias, Jonas, Micha, Nahum, Habbakkuk, Sophonrias, Haggai, Zacharias and Malachi. On comparing it with CHARLES THOMSON'S edition of the Septuagint and with his handwriting, it is found to be undoubtedly a portion of the autograph translation of that work. The ascribed authorship in the Catalogue is therefore erroneous. 2. THE GOSPELS, written in the Negro Patois of English with Arabic characters, by London, a Mandingo Slave in Georgia. This manuscript is in the possession of W. B. Hodgson, Esq., of Savannah, into, whose hands it came some time after London's death. The manuscript has the vowel points correctly used. He apparently got some one to read the Bible for him and he wrote it phonetically, using Arabic letters. Mr. Hodgson in a paper on it read before the Ethnological Society in 1857, gave the following as a specimen: Fas chapta ab jon, Inde beginnen wasde wad; Ande Wad waswid Gad, Ande wad was Gad. J. G. & 392 AMERICAN BIBLES. Titles received too late for classification. 1816. 1. NEW TESTAMENT: Newburyport: Published by Wm. B. Allen & Co. 1816. 32. It is bound up with a copy of a New Testament Dictionary by Elias Smith. Philadelphia, 1812, pp. 384, who probably was the editor, as it seems to have been got up to match with his Dictionary. Rev. Elias Nason. 1830. 1. NEW TESTAMENT: Exeter, N. H. Published by Andrew Poor and James Derby, for the Proprietors. C. Morris, printer. Stereotyped by the Publishers. 1830. 8. Two volumes marked V. VI. of Scott's Commentary, and containing pp. 828 and 872. Rev. Elias Nason. 1833. 1. A I HARMONY I OF I THE FOUR G OSPELS. Founded on the arrangement of the Harmonia I Evangelica, by the Rev. Edward I Greswell. I WVith the Practical Reflections I of Dr. Doddridge. I Designed for the use of Families and Schools, and for I private Education. I By the Rev. E. i Bickerstetlh. j Rector of Walton, Herts. Philadelphia: Pnblished by Kev & Biddle, Minor-Street. [ 1833. j 12. Title, 1 p; verso, R. & G. S. Wood, printers, New York. Preface, dated Walton Rectory, Oct. 1, 1832, pp. iii, iv; Introduction, pp. v-x; Contents, pp. xi-xvi; Mock Title, 1 f.; Text. pp. 3-414; Table of the Sections and Chapters, pp. 415-420; sigs. in 6s. I NDEX. Abbey, Richard, 363. Albany, 48, 116, 134, 139, 144, 158, 167, Abbott, Jacob and John S. C., Notes on 175, 228. the New Testament, 272. Alden, James M., 315, 326. Abridgment of the Bible, Sellon's, 115. & Beardsley, 339, 342. See Bible abridged. Alemany, Jose S., Spanish Testament, Abstract of the History of the Old and 334. New Testaments, Challoner's, 266. Alexander, Joseph Addison, writes a preAccompt, a further, of the progress of face for Henry's Commentary, 195; the Gospel amongst the Indians in New on Isaiah, 298, 389. England, a rare tract, 3. C. & Co., 229. Achilli, G., Italian Testament, 338. Alexandria (D. C.), 248. Acts, Baptist version of the, 370. Alford, Henry, Greek Testament, 375. in Cherokee, 219. Alger, Israel, Pronouncing Testament,. Fox's, 295. 159, 163, 192, 248. in Grebo, 319. Pronouncing Bible, 173, 178, 343. Kenrick's, 319. Allan, John, owns a copy of Eliot's Inin Mohawk, 244. dian Bible, 9, 12. Pierce on the, 351. Allen, Dr., a copy of Eliot's Bible owned1 Pise's edition, 287. by, 18. of the days of the Son of Man, 92. Edward, his correspondence, relaAdams, J. A., 223. tive to the patent to John Baskett,. Adams, Benjamin, 269, 285. xvi, xvii. Henry, 193. James, signs the Imprimatur of J. S. & C., 192, 232, 248. Eliot's Harmony, 12. Addenda, 379. & Co., 122, 126. Address of Carey, Stewart & Co., solicit- Allioli, Joseph Franz, his German Cathoing subscriptions for their Doway lic Bible, 322; Testament, 326. Bible, xxvii; of the translators of Allison, Burgiss, a Baptist clergyman., King James's Bible to the reader, pub- xxxi. lished for the first time in America, Patrick, chaplain to Congress, urges: 231. urges the Americani government to Aitken, Jane, 91. print an edition of the Bible, xix; Robert, publishes an edition of the report to Congress on his memoriTestament, xx, 30; report on his al, xx; authorized to obtain subpetition to Congress, xxi; his scriptions for Collins's Bible, xxx. Bible recommended by Congress, Almeida, J. Fereira A. d', Testament in xxii; is nearly ruined by the Portuguese, 263; Bible, 309, 359. speculation, xxiii; vote of the America, first Bible printed in, vi, 6. Philadelphia Synod in favor of, American Antiquarian Society, copy of ibid; description of his edition, a rare tract in, vii; owns copies of Eli31. ot's Bible, 12, 18. 50 394 INDEX. American Bible Society, 135, 138, 140, Appendix to the New Testament, Win144, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, throp's, 98. 153, 154, 159, 161, 163, 164, 166, Applegate, H. S. & J., 310. 168, 176, 179, 181, 183, 184, 186, Appleton, George S., 390. 190, 192, 196, 197, 200, 201, 202, & Co., 375. 203, 206, 209, 213, 216, 218, 222, Arawak, editions in, 56, 311. 224, 226, 227, 229, 230, 232, 236, Arian edition of the Gospels, 200. 243, 244, 246, 249, 251, 253, 255, Armstrong, James F., clerk of the Gen257, 258, 259, 262, 263, 264, 265, eral Presbyterian Assembly, xxx, 266, 268, 270, 271, 273, 278, 280, xxxi. 281, 283, 284, 285, 286, 290, 292, Samuel T., 127, 134, 143, 182. 294, 296, 297, 300, 302, 303, 304, & Berry, 252, 262. 305, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 315, & Plaskitt, 212, 217. 316, 317, 318, 319, 324, 325, 328, Arnold, L. M., History of Job, 343. 331, 332, 334, 336, 337, 338, 341, Ashton, John, a Catholic clergyman of 342, 344, 346, 348, 349, 350, 351, Maryland, xxv. 358, 359, 361, 362, 366, 367, 369, Ashurst, Mr., copies of Eliot's Indian 389. Testament sent to, 4. quartos, 229, 257, 341, 346; part of Association of Congregational Ministers the MS. of Charles Thomson's in Boston urged to have an edition of translation of the Septuagint, in the Bible printed, xx; their reasons the library of, 391. for declining to comply with that reBible Union, 338, 339, 349, 350, 351, quest, xxi. 360, 362, 363, 369, 370. Atwood, Moses G., 210, 216. and Foreign Bible Society, 258, 259, Auburn (N. Y.), 293, 298, 315, 326, 260, 275, 278, 280, 281, 283, 284, 348, 364. 285, 297, 300, 301. and Buffalo, 356, 359. Philosophical Society, copies of Eli- and Rochester, 339, 342. ot's Bibles in, 12, 18. Austin, David, Burkett's Notes, 49. Sunday School Union, 190, 192. Samuel, revises Thomas's folio Bible, Tract Society, 317, 358. 40. Amherst (Mass.), 192, 232, 248, 263, 293. Auxiliary New York Bible and Common Anderson, A., 51, 57, 87, 113, 250. Prayer Book Society, 190, 195, 209, Andover, 122, 194, 245, 255, 256. 230, 246. Theological Seminary owns a copy Avery, Joseph, revises Thomas's quarto of Eliot's Bible, 18. Bible, 41. Andrews, F. - JT., 187. Andrews, William, a portion of Genesis Babcock, John, 55. translated into Mohawk under the di- S., 264, 268. rection of, 21, 27. Backus, E. F., 134. Andrus, Silas, folio Bible, 194, 270, 273, Bailey, Francis, 30. 281, 328. J. & Dickson, 53. duodecimo Bible, 167, 179, 184, 191, Baisch, Ernst Ludwig, German Bible 197, 210, 216. imported in sheets by, 28. eighteenmo Bible, 184. Balch, -, 250. twenty-fourmo Bible, 191, 204, 217. Balch, Hezekiah, xxx. Testament, 169, 180, 186, 200, 212. Baldwin, Josiah B., 169. S. & Co., 308. Ballard, J. A., 215. William, 269, 271, 274. Baltimore (Md.), 92, 101, 106, 110, 201, & Judd, 224, 232, 241, 243. 211, 212, 213, 214, 217, 251, 252, Judd & Franklin, 256, 259, 262. 256, 262, 281, 312, 352, 360, 374, & Son, 274, 277, 278, 279, 281, 284, 375. 290, 297, 301, 303, 328, 389. Bible Society, imports stereotype Anglo-Saxon Gospels, Thorpe's, 295. plates from London, and sells them Annotated Paragraph Bible, 331. to the American Bible Society, Annotations on the New Testament, J. 209. P. Dabney's, 201. Bancroft, Aaron, revises Thomas's ediAnnual, The Bible, 223. tion of the Bible, 40. Apocalypse, Croly on the, 187. George, his opinion respecting the Putnam on the, 370. edition of the Bible said to have Walmesley on the, 90, 237, 320, 370. been printed in Boston in 1752, Winthrop's translation of the, 50. xv. " See Revelation. Bannister, James, 345. INDEX. 395 Bannister, R., 385. xiii; types or paper for an edition Baptist Associations recommend Isaac of the, not to be had in the United Collins's Bible, xxxi; call on Con- States, xx, nor in Boston, xxi; gress to adopt measures to pre- Congress called on to establish a vent the publication of inaccurate censorship over the printing of the, editions of the Bible, xli. xxxix; the first printed in Ameriversions, 259, 280, 318, 339, 349, ca, 6; in a European language, 22; 351, 359, 360, 362, 363, 369, 370. imported in sheets, 28; the first in Barclay, Henry, superintends translation English, with an American imof a portion of scripture into Mohawk, print, 31; the first quarto in Eng27. lish, 34; the first folio, 38; imBarker, Christopher, where a copy of his ported in type, 46; first printed patent is to be found, xvii. in the United States from stereoRobert, Bible, 258, 260, 278; Testa- type plates, 110; first printed from ment, 259, 275. American stereotype plates, 125; Barnard, John, new version of the Psalms first folio edition stereotyped in of David, 24. the United States, 195; first octavo Barnard (Vt.), 115. printed by the American Bible SoBarnes & Co., 294, 345. ciety with headings and full conBair, Johann, 146. tents, 209. Barritt, ~, 328. Bible abridged, 31, 36, 105, 115. Bartram, A., 55. Alger's Pronouncing, 173, 178, 343. Baskett, John, unsuccessful attempt to Annual, The, 223. procure a copy of the letters pa- Association of Friends. See Friends. tent issued to, xvi; where recited, Barker's, 258, 260, 278. xvii. for the Blind, 268. Mark, Bible said to have been print- Class Book, Wilbur's, 163. ed in Boston with the imprint of, Collateral, 177. xiii; Bibles with the imprint of, and Common Prayer Book Society, xvi. 209, 325, 336 See Auxiliary. Thomas, Bibles with the imprint of, Comprehensive, 335, 340. xv. Congress. See Congress. Bayley, J. R., edits a portion of Hay- Danish, 309. dock's Bible, 321. Douay. See Douay Bible. Beach, Lazarus, 61. Eliot's Indian, 6, 8, 13; errors in, Beardsley, John E., 356, 359. 7; varieties of, 9, 17; some parBedell, Gregory T., assists in editing the ticulars respecting, ibid; names Collateral Bible, 177. of persons and libraries having Bedlington, Timothy, 193. copies of, 12, 18. Beeston, Francis, a Catholic clergyman French. See French Bible. in Philadelphia, xxv. German, Allioli's, 322. Belchertown, 199. American Bible Society's, 297. Belfast (Ire.), a Testament printed from Bir's, 146. plates imported from, 286. Goeb's, 114. Belknap & Hall, 50. imported in sheets, 28. Belsham, Thomas, Introduction and Jungmann's, 78. Notes to a Socinian New Testament, Kimber & Sharpless's, 181. 97. Mentz's, 204, 224, 232, 390. Bemis, James D., 149. Saur's, 22, 25, 29. Benson, Egbert, Apostolic Epistles trans- Hebrew, prospectus issued for printlated by, 206. ing a, xlviii, 101. See Biblia HeBentley, Renselaer, a New Testament, braica; Hebrew. edited by, 386. Hieroglyphic, 33, 47, 145. Bernard, David, 270. History, 106, 309. See Power; Berriman & Co., 51. Reeve. Berthier, Peire, Lamentations, 309. Jewish, 330. Bethany (Va.), 193, 206. Manual, 333. Beza, Theodore, Latin Testament, 390. Mexican, 237. Bible, causes that prevented its publica- Noah Webster's, 222, 269. tion in the colonies, v; price of Paragraph. See Paragraph. the, in England in the last cen- Portuguese. See Portuguese. tury, ibid; said to have been print- Right aim or free debt, 231. ed in English in Boston in 1752, Self-Interpreting. See Brown, John. 396 INDEX. Bible Society, Baltimore, sell a set of 122, 126, 127, 134, 139, 143, 144, London stereotype plates to 145, 148, 151, 159, 160, 163, 164, the American Bible Society, 169, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 209. 180, 182, 185, 187, 192, 193, 197, New York, 126, 135, 381. See 204, 205, 207, 208, 210, 211, 215, American Bible Society. 218, 225, 227, 230, 231, 233, 236, Philadelphia, 110, 136. 241, 242, 246, 248, 251, 252, 253, Spanish. See Spanish. 254, 258, 259, 261, 268, 269, 272, Thomas's prospectus of, xxxiii. See 275, 285, 286, 292, 293, 295, 300, Thomas, Isaiah. 318, 324, 325, 338, 344, 351, 352, Townsend's, 254, 258, 261. 366, 368, 370, 380, 381, 382, 383, Wilbur's Reference. See Wilbur. 385, 386, 387. Bibles, used for cartridge paper and horse Boston Athenaeum, copies of Eliot's Inlitter, xiii, 29; scarcity of in America, dian Bible in, 12, 18. xix; Congress resolves to import 20,- Daily Advertiser, 192. 000, xx; imported from Holland, xxi; Boudinot, E. See Worcester, S. A. wheat, rye, Indian corn, butter, pork, Bowden, 384. taken in part payment for, xxxiii; Bowdoin College, a copy of Eliot's Bible smuggled into the United States, 252. in, 18. Biblia Americana, vi; prospectus of, vii; Bowen, A., 384. title of, 19. Bowen, Charles, 253. Hebraica, 120, 304. Bower, J., 76, 107, 118, 119, 123, 130, Biblical Catechism, Wilbur's, 139; 190. Bill, James A., 313. Boyd, —, 118, 129, 138, 153. Billings, Thomas, 187. ~4 Maverick, 129, 153, 162. Billmeyer, G. & D., 128. Boyle, Robert, John Eliot writes to, 16; Michael, 50, 71, 88, 150, 161. dedication of the second edition of the Blind, Testament for the, 248; Bible Indian Bible to, 17. for the, 268; Psalms for the, 311; Bradford, Alden, Evangelical History, Bliss, Elam, 186, 387. 116, 249. & White, 158. Samuel F., 84, 85, 177. Bloomfield, S. T., Greek Testament, 253, William, 21. 293. & Read, 117. Boardman, Henry A., Quesnel's Gospels, Brant's translation of the Gospel of St. 344. Mark, 201. Boarman, John, a Catholic clergyman of Brattleborough (Vt.), 144, 184, 187, 189, Maryland, xxv. 190, 220, 262, 342. Bolles, William, Complete Evangelist, Bridgeport, 169. 286. Brinley, George, copy of Eliot's Indian & Williams, 287. Bible owned by, 18. Bonifacius, An Essay by Cotton Mather, Brookfield, B. F., 218. title of, vi. Brookfield (Mass.), 102, 124. See Merriam Bonsal & Niles, 75. 4. Co. Book trade in the colonies, previous to Brown, T., 157. the revolutionary war, depressed state Brown, David, Four Gospels, 377. of, xix. Hori, 151. Borrenstein, D. A., 186. John, Self-Interpreting Bible, proBoston, unsuccessful attempt of Cotton posals for printing, xxxvi; variMather to print his Biblia Ameri- ous editions of, 43, 82, 150, 156, cana in, vi; a Bible said to have 176, 194,219,312; Cooke's edition, been printed in 1752 in, xiii; 371. Concordance, when first prospectus to reprint Clark's printed in America, 42. Family Bible issued in, xvii; the John Carter, owns copies of Eliot's association of Congregational Min- Indian Bible, 12, 18. isters of, are of opinion that there University, a copy of Eliot's Indian are not types and paper sufficient Bible in, 12. in that town for an edition of the William, Jeremiah Goodrich borBible, xxi. rows observations from a Testaeditions printed in, 12, 18, 21, 22, ment, published by, 176. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 33, 48, Bruce, D. & G., print the first Bible from 49, 50, 54, 60, 71, 74, 84, 88, 92, American stereotype plates, 126; their 95, 96, 97, 101, 102, 103, 105, editions, 125, 149, 153, 155. See Hol106, 110, 115, 116, 117, 119, 121, brook 4 Fessenden; Mercein. INDEX. 397 Brynberg, Peter, 65, 81. in, 58, 63, 66, 108, 118; one of Buckingham, J. T., 102, 127. the editions made up of odd signaBuffalo (N. Y.), 303, 305, 309, 351, 356, tures, 68; various styles of, 95, 357, 360. 132, 133. Bulkley, Peter, signs dedication of Eliot's Carey, Mathew, Rheims Testament, 80, Indian Bible, 17. 106, 136. Bunce, G. F., 206. quarto Testament (King James), 84, Burder and Hughes, Henry's Commen- 87, 88. tary edited by, 195. duodecimo Bibles, 70, 83, 87, 92, 100, Burkett, William, Expository Notes, 49, 105, 110, 111, 119, 135, 136, 139; 52, 55. error in, 92; duodecimo TestaBurr, Normand, 231. ment, 136. Burtis, James A., 155. & Hart, 292. Butler, E. H., quarto Bibles, 296, 313, & Lea, quarto Testament, 142, 159; 336, 356; Testament, 338. quarto Bible, 172, 385; duodeciJ. B., 210. mo Bible, 167. J. H., 247. & Son, quarto Bible, 141, 142, 147. William, 64, 71. Stewart & Co., their address in favor Butter taken in part payment for Bibles, of the Doway Bible, xxvii; their xxxiii. edition, 34. Buttre, J. C., 328, 345. Carlton & Phillips, 327, 334, 338. Buzby, Benjamin C., 106. & Porter, 351. Byington, Cyrus, translations into Choc- Carleton, Hiram, 319. taw, 325. Carrieres, Peire du, French Testament with notes of, 389. Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible, S. Carroll, John, Bishop of Baltimore, auEtheridge publishes an edition of, 384. thorized to receive subscriptions for Cambridge (Eng.), errors in editions of, Carey's Doway Bible, xxiv, xxv. xliv, xlv, xlvii. Carter, Robert, 298. (Mass.), Psalms in Hebrew, pub- & Brothers, 331, 361, 369, 370, 374, lished at, xlviii; editions printed 378. in, 1, 6, 9, 13, 96, 97, 98, 151, Hendee & Co., 387. 185, 201, 231, 233, 244. Carvill, G. & C., 186. Campbell, Alexander, Testament, 193, Case, Lockwood & Co., purchase the Cot206; particulars of, 194. tage Bible, 222. George, Four Gospels, 52, 55, 106, Tiffany & Co., 358. 256, 287. Catechism of the Bible, Menzies Rayner, Cimpbell, R., 178. 145. Canada, editions in, xlix, 389. short Biblical, Harvey Wilbur, 139. Canandaigua, 149. Catholic Bible. See Carey; Cummiskey; Canfield, P., his information respecting Donahoe; Doway; Doyle; DunniHudson & Goodwin's Bible, 96. gan; IKenrick; Lucas. Canne's References, modern, full of er- Lecture, Nathan Davies, 380. rors, 87. Liturgy, the, 54, 380. Canticles, Noyes, 293. Censorship of the Biblical press, attempt Carey, Mathew, issues proposals for pub- to establish a, xxxix, xl, xli. lishing a Doway Bible, xxiv; ad- Challoner, Dr., Bible reprinted in Amevertisements respecting that edi- rica, 35, 281; History of the Old and tion, xxvi; address to the subscrib- New Testaments, 266. ers and to the Protestants of the Chandler, A., 200. United States in behalf of it, Chapman, Ezekiel, J., Notes on New Tesxxvii; when completed, xxviii; tament, 148; on Scripture, 213. publishes a quarto King James Charles II, dedication of Eliot's Indian Bible, xlii; his account of his Testament to, 4; of Eliot's Indian standing editions, ibid; purchases Bible to, 10. the standing types of the Hugh Charlestown (Mass.), 69, 71, 80, 113. Gaine Bible, xlviii, 70. Charlottetown (P. E. I.), 335. Doway Bible, 34, 75, 76. Chase & Co., 247, 255. quarto Bibles (King James), 57, Chauncey, Charles, his letter to Dr. Ly59, 62, 65, 67, 72, 76, 78, 82, man on the feasibility of printing an 91, 93, 94, 98, 103, 107, 112, 118, edition of the Bible in Boston, xxi. 123, 124, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134 Cherokee, Gospel of St. Matthew and (see McCarty - Davis); errors Acts in, 219. 398 INDEX. Cheverus, Bishop, approves a French Colton & Seely, 205. Testament, published in Boston, xlviii, Columbian and Family Pulpit Bible, 382; 102. edited by Rev. Dr. Homer, 384. Child's Book, 233. Compendium of the Bible, by Rodolphus Chippewa, Genesis in, 243; Testament Dickinson, 120. in, 228,; the Gospels in, 311. Complete Evangelist, the, 286. Choctaw; editions in, 302, 325. Comprehensive Bible, Greenfield's, 335, Chorley,, 383, 384. 340, 353. Christian's, The, New and Complete Fami: Conant, Thomas J., Translation of Job, ly Bible, xxiv, 35; Dr. Wright, author 349, 359. of, 62. Concord (N. H.), 163, 200, 210, 216, 227, Christians of every denomination, Isaiah 228, 232, 236, 247, 259, 260, 269, 278, Thomas's address to, xxxiv. 280, 286, 297, 307. Christology, Hengstenberg's, 248. Cone, Spencer H., and W. H. Wyckoff, Cincinnati, 257, 303, 310, 341. revised Testament, 318, 361. Cist, Charles, 55, 56. Congregational Library Association, own Claesse, Lawrence, translates a portion of a copy of Eliot's Indian Bible, 18. the Scriptures into the Mohawk lan- Ministers, Boston Association of. guage, 21. See Association. Clapp, Otis, 251. Congress, Continental, urged to print an Claremont (N. H.), 204, 213. edition of the Bible, xix; resolve Clarendon, Earl, a copy of Eliot's Indian to import 20,000 Bibles, xx; RoTestament sent to, 4. bert Aitken petitions, respectClark, George, 210. ing his edition of the Bible, ibid; Clarke, Adam, Commentary, 104; on the report thereon, xxi; their resoluNew Testament, 293, 361. tion approving that undertaking, Samuel, proposals issued for re- xxii; called "The Bible of Conprinting his edition of the Bible, gress," xxiii. xvii, 27. (United States) requested to estabClergy, Isaiah Thomas's address to the, lish a censorship over the Biblical xxxiv. press, xxxix; order the petition Cobbin, Ingram, Pictorial Bible, 314. to lie on the table, xli. Cochrane, Jesse, 136. Connecticut votes in favor of importing Codex Alexandrinus, transposition in 20,000 copies of the Bible, xx; first Matthew, c. 23 in the, 362. Testament printed in, 36; first Bible Vaticanus, 375. in, 95. Coffin, Langdon, 207. Conner & Cooke, 222, 223. Roby, Hoag & Co., 227, 228. Conners, Henry F., 233. Coit, T. W., Paragraph Bible, 230; Convention, Congregational (Mass.), peParagraph Testament by, 233; Town- tition Congress to establish a censend's Testament, 254, 258, 261. sorship over the biblical press, Colby & Co., 333. xxxix; invite the cooperation of Collateral Bible, 177, 373. other religious denominations Collins, Isaac, publishes a New Testa- therein, xl; their petition laid on ment, xxviii; his proposals for a the table, xli; decline appointing quarto Bible, xxix; recommend- a committee to revise Isaiah Thoations of his edition, xxx, xxxi; mas's editions, xlii. date of its publication, xxxii; his Protestant Episcopal, recommend quarto Bible, 42 (see Collins, Per- Isaac Collins's Bible, xxxi. kins J Co.); octavo Bible, 47; Cook & Schoyer, 388. Testaments, 33, 49. Cooke, Henry, edits Brown's Self-InterRobert R., 344. preting Bible, 371. T. K., 346. J. & Co., 101. & Brother, 3.67. & Hale, 145. & Co., quarto Bible, 117, 124; quar- & Sons, 145, 187. to Testament, 121; stereotype Cooledge, Daniel, 227. quarto Bible, 128, 137, 147, 152; Cooper, Robert, member of the Presbyvarieties of, 129; duodecimo Bi- terian Assembly of Pennsylvania, ble, 138; other editions printed xxx. from their plates, 164, 207, 345. Cooperstown, 158, 165, 189, 195, 202, & Hannay, 138, 144, 154, 215. 208, 215, 218, 229, 241, 245, 248, 250, Perkins & Co., 86. 263, 265, 268, 273, 275, 283, 293, 298, Colman, S., 264. 300. INDEX. 399 Corinthians, Hodge on, 362, 370. Delaplaine & Murray propose to repubCornish, Lamport & Co., 372. lish Macklin's edition of the Bible, Correspondence respecting the patent 111. issued to John Baskett, xvi, xvii. Parker, Kimber & Richardson issue Cottage Bible, Williams's, 221, 358. proposals for publishing a Bible, Polyglott Testament, 376. See Vil- 117. lage Testament. Delaware, votes against importing BiCotton, John, revises Eliot's Indian Bi- bles, xx. ble, 14. Indian, Epistles of John in, 146; Coverly, Nathaniel, 32. Lieberkuhn's Harmony in, 155. Crocker & Brewster, 248, 272. Delisser & Procter, 373, 377. Crolius & Gladding, 270. Demarest, John T., on Peter, 319. Croly, George, Apocalypse, 187. Dencke, C. F., Epistles of St. John in Crosby & Nichols, 295. Delaware, 146. Cruikshank, Joseph, 32, 379. Denio, John, 80, 106. Cummings, J. A., Testament with notes, & Phelps, 140. 121, 185, 218. Derby, James, 213. & Hilliard, 121. Desilver, Charles, 347, 349, 361. Hilliard & Co., 163, 169, 176, 179, Robert P., 261. 180. Thomas, 136. Cummiskey, Eugene, folio Bible, 170. & Co., 242, 252, 388. quarto Bible, 171, 176. Devens, Richard, metrical paraphrase of octavo Bible, 165, 166, 183, 190, 208, Job, 50. 215, 241, 245, 260, 265, 283, 289, Devereux Testament, 199, 227, 243, 267;: 296, 308, 323. similarity between it and the Lucas Testament, 168, 193, 199, 210, 211, duodecimo, 211; Sadlier's, a continu233, 243, 266, 269, 280, 367. ation of the, 272. Ward's errata, 168. Devotional Family Bible, Fletcher's, sells his stereotype plates to Field- 239. ing Lucas of Baltimore, 211, 213, Diamond Bible, The, 248, 252, 298; Tes214. tament, 271. Cunningham, James, 169. Diary, Cotton Mather's, extract from, Currency, sterling, reduced to dollars and 20. cents, in an edition of the New Testa- Dick, —, 223, 321, 342, 365; A. L., ment, 228. 282, 333, 334. Cushing, Edmund, 174, 179, 187, 195, Dickinson, Rodolphus, compendium of 208. the Bible, 120; New Testament, 225; peculiarities of his translation, 226. Dabney, J. P., Annotations on the New & Ward, 254. Testament, 201; Tyndale's Testament, Dictionary of the Bible, 101. 255. Calmet's, published in Boston, 384. Dana & Co., 351. Diggs, Thomas, a Catholic clergyman of Daniel, remarks on, 48. Maryland, xxv. Danish Bible, 309. Divine Library, 352. Davenport, Bishop, 228. Dix, Joseph, 115. Rufus, Free Debt Bible, 232, and Dobson, J., 32. Testament, 233. Thomas, 52, 56, 61; publishes a HeDavies, Nathan, Catholic Lecture by, brew Bible, 120. 380. Dodd & Rumsey, 84. Davis, M. L. & W. A., 59. Doddrige, Philip, Family Expositor, 88, Thomas, 267, 338. 263, 293, 361; a congregationalDavison, G. M., 125, 220. ist, 194. Day, Mills, issues a prospectus of a He- Family Expositor abridged, 90.. brew Bible, 101. Dodge & Sayre, 119. Dayton (O.), 357. Donahoe, Patrick, 318;: Doway BibTe, Dear, W. E., 276. 324, 366; purchases Cummiskey's Dearborn, George, 248, 298. plates, 324; Testament, 325; PutDebt, a Bible in support of freedom from, nam's Apocalypse, 370. 231, and Testament, 233. Doolittle, A., 40, 44, 45, 51, 61, 70, 123. Dedication to Eliot's Indian Testament, Dornin, Bernard, 90; proposes to pub4; to Eliot's Indian Bible, 10, 17. lish an edition of the Doway Bible, Definition Testament, Goodrich's, 175. 159. 400 INDEX. Doway Bible, proposals for publishing a, Durrie & Peck, 222. xxiv; names of clergymen author- Dutch Testament, 350. ized to receive subscriptions for, Duyckinck, Evert, 81, 88, 92, 111, 112, xxv; advertisement announcing 116, 125; errors in his duodecimo Testhe first number, xxvi; address tament, 81. of the publishers soliciting subscriptions for, xxvii; completed, Ecclesiastes, Noyes on, 293. xxviii. Eckendorff, G., 297. editions of the, 34, 75, 76, 165, Eddy,, 225. 166, 170, 171, 176, 183, 190, 208, Isaac, 109. 215, 220, 241, 245, 246, 251, 260, Edes & Gill, 26. 265, 276, 281, 283, 289, 296, 306, & Sons, 32. 308, 313, 320, 322, 323, 328, 330, Edwards, Justin, Family Bible, 332, 336, 341, 342, 344, 345, 348, 353, 357; Family Testament, 317. 358, 365, 366, 374, 375. Edwin, D., 118. Archbishop Kenrick's revised edition 4- Maverick, 129. of. See Kenrick. Electrotyped engravings introduced in Dowe, Joseph, 249. America, 288; editions, 348, 351, 369. Doyle, —, a Catholic clergyman of Eliot, John, his the first Bible printed in Maryland, xxv. America, v, vi, xiii; particulars John, Doway Bible, 220, 246; Du- respecting his translations of the nigan purchases the plates of, Scriptures, 3, 6, 10, 16, 17. 276; Pastorini, 237; plates of Indian Bible, 6, 8, 13; errors in, 7, Pastorini sold to Sadlier, 371. 14, 15, 16; facsimile of title pages D'Oyley and Mant's Bible with Notes by of, between 8, 9; varieties of, 9, Dr. Hobart, 142. 16; dedications of, 10, 17; who Doxology, the, its correctness ques- own copies of, 12, 18. tioned, 362, 376, 377. Testament, 1, 13; errors in, 2; two Draper, —, 67. varieties of, 9; facsimile of title Drenker, John, xxx. pages of, 1. Duane, James, chairman of the committee Harmony, 12. in Congress to whom Robert Aitken's Elizabethtown, 34, 181, 200, 218, 224, petition was referred, xxi; his letter 241. to the chaplains of Congress thereon, Ellis, G. B., 171, 242, 261. xxii; chairman of the committee in Ely, Ezra Styles, assists in editing the the New York Senate to whom Hodge, Collateral Bible, 177. Allen and Campbell's petition was re- Endicott, Gov., announces the completion ferred, xxxvii. of Eliot's translation of the Bible into Dudley, Joseph, signs dedication of Eli- the Indian language, 3. ot's Indian Bible, 17. Engles, Joseph P., his revised edition of Duffield, George, chaplain of Congress, Greenfield's Greek Testament, 294. recommends Robert Aitken's edition of English editions with American imprints, the Bible, xxii; to obtain subscrip- 85, 239, 252, 329, 362, 373, 375, 378. tions for Collins's Bible, xxx. Engravers' names are printed in this inDuffy, W., 140; proposes to publish a dex in italic, q. v. Doway Bible, 141. Ephesians, Baptist translation of, 362. Dunigan, Edward, publishes Kenrick's Epistles, Apostolic, Judge Benson's revision of the Acts, 319. translation of the, 206. Haydock's quarto, 320, 330, 341, 344, of St. John in Delaware, 146. 353, 365. and Gospels in German, 30. octavo Bible, 276, 308, 323, 336, 342, and Gospels throughout the year, 348, 358, 366; various styles of, 318. 276. Errata in English editions of the Bible, Lamentations, 309, 373. xliii, xliv. Lenten Manual, 317. Ward's, of the Protestant Bible, 168, Rheims Testament, 286, 311, 318, 280. 327, 338, 343, 344, 362, 368. Errors in American editions of the ScripSpanish Testament, 334. tures, 2, 3, 7, 14, 15, 16, 30, 31, 32, 34, Dunning & Hyer, 52. 36, 37, 43, 53, 55, 57, 58, 64, 66, 70, 71, Duponceau, Mr., his opinion of the value 81, 92, 95, 96, 101, 102, 106, 108, 130, of Eliot's Indian Bible, 17. 143, 144, 152, 154, 164, 167, 172, 174, Durell, William, 57, 60, 61; error in his 179, 189, 191, 197, 198, 199, 207, 208, folio Bible, 57. 210, 214, 220, 221, 223, 227, 230, 242, INDEX. 401 251, 252, 260, 272, 293, 298, 318, 321, Fletcher, Alexander, Devotional Family 331, 342, 345, 367. Bible, 239. Errors in Leavitt's reprint of the original Edward H., 337. edition of the Rheims Testament, 234, Follen, Charles, Luther's version of St. 235. John's Gospel, 244. Essay upon the good that is to be devised Foster, Benjamin, a Baptist clergyman, and designed, title of, vi. xxxi. Etheridge, Samuel, 69, 71, 80, 88, 113, John, 12. 384; errors in his edition, 70. Fowles, W. B, 163. Evangelical History, Alden Bradford's, Fox, Gtilbert, 57. 116, 249. Fox, T. B., Acts, 295. Evangelists, Greenleaf's examination of Frankfort on the Main, inscription in a the Testimony of, 295. copy of Saur's edition of the Bible Thomson's Synopsis of the, 128. found in, 23. Everett, Edward, 12, 18. Frechette, J. B., 389. Everts, W. W., Bible Manual, 333. F. I. L., 130, 131, 141; Frederick, J. L., Ewer, Charles, 197. 131, 190. & Bedlington, 164, 182, 187; repub- Freedom from debt, a Bible in support lish Collins & Co.'s Bible, 165. of, 231; Testament, 233. Examination of the Testimony of the four French Bible, 126, 151, 292, 324, 337, Evangelists, Greenleaf's, 295. 348. Exeter (N. H.), 187, 213, 392. Testament, xlviii, 102, 181, 213, 281, Exposition of the Apocalypse, Putnam's, 338, 389. 370. Friederici, E., St. John's Gospel in of the Lamentations, translations of Greek and English, 206. Perie Berthier's, 309, 333. Friends, the, recommend Isaac Collins's of the Old Testament, Orton's, 80. quarto Bible, xxx. of St. Luke, Sumner's, 219. Bible Association of, 208, 211, 249,. of St. Matthew and Mark, Watson's, 276, 336, 348. 236. Frost, J. H. A., 151, 175, 382, 384, 386.. of Peter, Demarest's, 319. Furman,, 118. Expositor, Doddridge's Family, 88, 263, 293, 361; abridged, 90. Gaine, Hugh, Testament, xxxvi, 36; duoExpository Notes, Burkitt's, 49, 52, 55. decimo Bible, xxxviii, 46; Mathew Ca — Thoughts on the Gospels, Ryle's, 370. rey purchases the stereotypes of his. Eyre & Spottiswood, 373. Bible, xxxix, 70; Duyckinck copies. his Testament, 81. Faber, Johan Gotlieb, writes a preface to Galatians, in Mohawk, 245. an edition of Luther's German Bible, Turner on, 351. 28. Garden of the Soul, 379. Fairman, G., 87. Gardinier, Frederick, on St. Jude, 352.. M- Zaverick, 129, 162. Gardner, John G., owns a copy of Eliot's. Family Bible, Scott's, 73, 99, 100. Bible, 12. Edwards's, 332, 357. Gaylord, George, 241. Family Expositor, Doddridge's, 88, 263, & Wells, 287. 293, 361; abridged, 90. Geddes, W. F., 205. Fanshaw, Daniel, 155. General Court of Massachusetts, not dis — Felch, Cheever, chaplain United States posed to print an edition of the Bible,. Navy, sets up part of the Walpole xxi. Bible, 125. I Genesis, a portion of, printed as a speciFigueiredo, Antonia Pereira de, Portu- men, 27, 34, 101. guese Testament, 264. in Chippewa, 243. Finley, James, xxx. in Grebo, 311. Fischer, Joh. Jac. Gottlob, his transla- in Mohawk, 21, 2G.. tion of the Passion, Resurrection, &c., Patrick on, 292. of the Saviour, into Arawak, 56. Gentleman, Robert, edits Orton's ExpoFiske, N. W., Life of Doddridge, 263. sition, 80. Flagg & Gould, 122. George, R. S. H., 276, 278, 279. & Gray, 145. Georgetown (D. C.), 140. Fleet, Thomas, 22. Georgia votes in favor of importing Fleming, John, issues proposals for re- 20,000 Bibles, xx. printing Rev. Samuel Clarke's Bible, the Gospels in patois, by a slave of, xvii, 27. 391. 51 402 INDEX. German, editions in, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, Gould & Newman, 255, 256. 29, 30, 32, 50, 71, 78, 88, 111, 114, Graessel, Lawrence, a Catholic clergy122, 127, 146, 150, 161, 181, 193, man in Philadelphia, xxv. 204, 205, 224, 232, 243, 264, 270, Gray & Bowen, 205, 208. 297, 303, 310, 316, 322, 326, 382, Grebo, Gospel of Luke in, 303; Genesis, 389, 390. 311; Acts, 319. Catholic Bible, Allioli's, 322. Greek, New Testament translated by St. edition with American imprint, 28. Jerome from the, li. Germantown, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, Galatians in English and, 351. 50, 71, 88, 150, 161. Gospels in, 122, 176, 376. Geschichte von der Marterwoche, &c., Testaments, xlviii, 56, 84, 85, 97, unsers herrn....Jesu Christi, in Ara- 122, 160, 186, 253, 285, 293, 294, wak, 56. 362, 368, 375, 376; modern, 244, Gilman, J. S., 376. 249, 273. See Codex Vaticanus. & McKillip, 224. Green, B., 18. Gimbrede, J. N., 321, 342. Samuel, 13. T., 137, 153, 162, 283. Bushell & Allen, 23. Gladding, J., 294. & Johnson, 1, 6, 9. Godwin, A., 44. Greenfield, William, 219; Greek TestaGoeb, Friedrich, publishes the first edi- ment, 219, 294; Comprehensive Bible, tion of the Bible in Western Pennsyl- 335, 340, 353. vania, 114; also, a Testament, 122. Greenfield (Mass.), 80, 106, 120, 140, 271. Gomez, Benjamin, 60. Greenleaf, Simon, examination of the Goodman & Co., 308, 315. Testimony of the Four Evangelists by, Goodrich, Jeremiah, Definition Testa- 295. ment, 175. Greenleaf's press, 49. Samuel G., 144, 145, 149, 155. Greenough, William, 154. Goodwin, George, 164. & Son, 179. & Sons, 141, 154, 160. & Stebbins, 95, 101; error in, 95. Gospel, Mark's, in Mohawk, 201. Gregory,, 383, 384. Matthew's, in Mohawk, 21, 27, 214; Gridley, E. J., 70. portions of, 26, 27, 28; Baptist ver- Griesbach, Jo. Jac., Four Gospels, 176; sion of three chapters of, 369; in Greek Testament, 97, 160; English Micmac, 335; in Putawatomie, 281. Testament conformable to the text of, Luke's, in Seneca, 201; in Mohawk, 192, 205. 228; in Grebo, 303. Griffin & Rudd, 381. John's, Mayhew'stranslation of, 18; Griffith, Harvey, 299. in Greek and English, 206; in Mo- & Simon, 272. hawk, 146; Luther's version, 244. Grigg & Elliot, 388. Gospels, in Anglo-Saxon, 295. Elliott & Co., 297. and Epistles in the Mexican dialect, G[uild], B[enjamin], Paragraph Testaxlix. ment published at the expense of, 185. Bickersteth's Harmony, 392. Brown on the, 377. Hagerstown (Indiana), 275. Campbell's, 52, 55, 106, 256, 287. Hagerty, John, 101, 105, 110; error, 101. in Chippewa, 311. Hahn, Augustus, Greek Testament, 285, in Greek, 176, 376. 362. Greenleaf's examination of the Tes- Haines, —, 162, 356. timony of the, 295. Haldane, Robert, Exposition of Romans, Kenrick's, 305. 298. Knowles's Poetical expression of, Hale, Mervin, 181. 370. Nathan, 215, 231. in Negro patois, 391. & Hosmer, 115. Newcome's Harmony of the, 98, 122. Hall, H. B., 334, 365. Norton's, 344. Hall, Samuel, 50, 380. Quesnel's, 344. & Sellers, 31. Ripley on the, 256. Hamell, Dr., a few numbers of his ediRyle's Expository Thoughts on, 370, tion of Haydock's Doway Bible pub378. lished, 306. Strong's Harmony of the, 327, 338. Hamilton, James, Proverbs of Solomon, Thomson's Synopsis of the, 128. 374. Tyng on the, 351. Wilhelm, 111. Wilbur's Harmony of the, 339. Hamm, P. E., 171. INDEX. 403 Hancock, Governor, said to possess a Hawaiian Testament, 361. copy of the Bible, printed in Bos- Haydock, George Leo, Doway Bible, 170, ton in 1752, xiii. 320, 328, 330, 341, 344, 353, 365; errors John, leaves a legacy for the gratui- in, 321; a few numbers published of tous distribution of the New Tes- Dr. Hamell's edition of, 306. tament, &c., 97. Heath & Graves, 338. Hansard's Typographia contains copies Heath, -, 162; Charles, 187, 188, 356. of the patents issued to Christopher Hebrew, books of the Old Testament Barker and others, as King's printers, translated by St. Jerome, from xvii. the, li. Harding, Jesper, Kimber & Sharpless sell Bible, 120; with points, 304; Leethe plates of their quarto Bible to, ser's translation, 330. 162; quarto Bibles, 331, 336, 346, part of Genesis in, 101. 347, 354, 355, 364; curious error Pentateuch, 291. in, 331; duodecimo Bibles, 296, Psalms in, 96. 373; thirty-twomo Bibles, 301, 304, Hebrews, Stuart on, 194; Baptist revi309; duodecimo Testament, 294. sion of, 363; Turner on, 378. & Son, 373. Henchman, D., alleged edition of the Hare, Francis, Psalms in Hebrew, 96. Bible printed for, xiii; and Testament, Harmony, Bickersteth's, 392. xiv; mentioned, 21, 22, 23. Bradford's, 116, 249. Hengstenberg, E. W., Christology, 248. Eliot's, vi, 12. Henry, J., 147. Fisher's, 56. Henry's Commentary, 134, 195, 390. Lieberkuhn's, 155. Heptinstall's Imperial quarto Bible, the Merrell's, of the Kings and Proph- plates in Durell's folio edition are ets, 218. copied from, 57. Moody's, 326. Hess, William, corrects the Mohawk Muenscher's, 194. translation of the Acts, 244; translates Newcome's, 98; Greek, 122. the Epistle to the Galatians into MoStrong's, 327, 338. hawk, 245. Thomson's, 128. Heuston, Samuel, 314. Wilbur's, 338. Hewett, W. H., Pictorial Catholic New Zentler's, 92. Testament, 310. Harper & Brothers, 288, 372, 376. Hieroglyphick (Hieroglyphical) Bible, Harris, James, 265. 33, 47, 145. Harris, T. S., St. Luke's Gospel in Hill, James, 70. Seneca, 202. Samuel, 39, 61, 94. Harrisburg, 303. Hill, A., Gospel of Luke in Mohawk, Harrison, Charles T., 156. 228. W., 66, 67, 77, 83, 118, 129. H. A., Acts in Mohawk, 244; St. Hart, Joshua, a Presbyterian clergyman, Paul's Epistle to the Romans in appointed to obtain subscriptions Mlohawk, 244. for Collins's Bible, xxx. & Co., 200, 227. Oliver, a Baptist clergyman, xxxi. Hilliard, William, 233. Hartford, 55, 84, 90, 95, 101, 110, 115, & Brown, 185, 201. 119, 126, 127, 134, 136, 139, 141, 144, & Metcalf, 98, 151. 145, 148, 149, 154, 155, 158, 160,164, Gray & Co., 248. 167, 169, 179, 180, 184, 186, 187, 191, Little & Wilkins, 178, 185, 218. 194, 197, 200, 204, 210, 212, 216, 217, Hills, David, 185. 224, 232, 241, 242, 243, 246, 252, 255, Himes, Joshua V., 306. 256, 259, 262, 269, 270, 271, 273, 274, Hinckley, Thomas, signs dedication of 275, 277, 278, 279, 281, 284, 287, 290, Eliot's Indian Bible, 17. 297, 299, 301, 302, 303, 308, 315, 358, Historical Books of the Old and New 381, 388. Testament, Kenrick, 375. Harvard University, copies of Eliot's History of the Latin Vulgate, li. Indian Bibles in, 12, 18. of the Bible, 121, 298, 309, 379. Haswell, Barrington & Haswell, 264. of Christ, Asa Wilbur's, 338. Haszard, G. T., 335. of the Old and New Testament, Hatch, George W., 208. Power's edition of Challoner's, Hatfield (Mass.), Rev. Dr. Lyman of, re- 266. commends the printing of an edition Hitt & Paul, 104. of the Bible, xx. Hoadley, L. J., assists in preparing Jenks' Haven, J. P., 182, 183. Commentary on the Bible, 342. 404 INDEX. Hoag, Charles, 236, 247. Ide, Simeon, 137, 181, 192, 218. C. & A., 232, 236. & Goddard, 227. Hobart, John Henry, edits D'Oyley and Illmnan - Pilbrow, 263. Mant's Bible, 142. Illuminated Bible, Harper's, 288, 372; Hodge, Charles, Exposition of the first expense of publishing, 289. epistle to the Corinthians, 362, 370; Illustrated Domestic Bible, 314. on Romans, 388. Family Doway Bible, 308. Robert, 32. Imprimatur to Eliot's Harmony, 12. & Campbell, 44, 45. Indian corn taken in pay for Bibles, Allen & Campbell, their proposals xxxiii. for publishing Brown's Self-Inter- Indian languages, editions of the Scrippreting Bible, xxxvi; petition the tures in, xlix; 1, 6, 8, 13, 18, 21, 26, 27, New York legislature to recom- 56, 146, 155, 201, 202, 228, 243, 244, mend their edition of Brown's 245, 263, 302, 303, 325, 328, 335, 350, Self-Interpreting Bible, xxxvii; 361. Bible abridged, 36. Ingraham & Putnam, 185. Hodgson, W. B., owns a version of the Inscription on a copy of a Saur Bible at Gospels in Negro patois, 391. Frankfort, 23. Hogan & Thompson, quarto Bibles, 260; Introduction, v. duodecimo, 246, 265, 277, 297, Isaiah, xxxvi, 48, 50, 64, 71, 127, 233, 308; thirty-twomo, 217, 232, 224, 272, 298; in Mohawk, 263. 259, 279. Italian Testament, Achilli, 338. & Towars, 134. Hoge, Moses, xxx. James, Edwin, New Testament in ChipHolbrook & Fessenden, 184, 187, 189, pewa, 228. 190. U. P., 257. Holbrooke, J., 144. Jenkins, Augustus, a Catholic clergyman Holdship & Son, 210. of Maryland, xxv. Holland, Congress recommended to import Jenks, William, Commentary on the BiBibles from, xx; Bibles imported from, ble, 341. xxi. J. W., assists in the preparation of Hollyer, S., 333, 334, 365. the Commentary on the Bible, Holmes, Abiel, his error in regard to the 342. first quarto Bible issued from the Ame- Jerome prepares the Latin Vulgate, li. rican press, xiii. Jesus, Trial of, 295. Homer, Jonathan, edits the Columbian Jewett & Co., 368. Family Bible, 384. Jewish Bible, Leeser's, 330. Hoogland, —, 183. Job, Conant's translation, 349, 359. Hooker, -, 129, 137, 138, 153. Devens' Metrical Paraphrase on, 50. Hopkins, Bridgman & Co., 332. History of, 343. Horne on the Psalms, 380, 381, 385, 388. Kenrick's translation, 374. Horwitz, Mr., proposes to publish a Noyes' version, 185, 259. Hebrew Bible, 120. Rowley's version, 175. Hosford, E. & E., 158. John, Gospel of, in Indian and English, Hot pressed Bible, the first, 54. vi, 18. Howard, Simeon, of the committee to ob- in Greek and English, 206. tain a law establishing a censorship Luther's Version of, 244. over the biblical press, xxxix. in Mohawk, 146. Howe & Bates, 245. in Mpongwe, 328. Huchenson, Mr., copies of Eliot's Testa- Johnson, Benjamin, 64, 74, 97, 115. ment sent to, 4. Jacob, 87. Hudson & Goodwin, 95, 101, 110, 115, Marniaduke, 1, 4, 6, 9. 119, 126, 127, 134, 139, 144, 148, Fry & Co., 287, 371. 154, 158, 167, 180, 191, 197, 204, & Warner, 93. 210, 217, 242, 246, 381; errors Johnston & Stockton, 231. in, 96, 127; particulars respecting Johnstone & Van Norden, 164. their edition, 96. Jones, -, 77. & Skinner, 191, 197, 204, 210, 217, Jones,, a member of the Protestant 224, 242. Episcopal Convention, xxxi. Hunt, E., 302. Peter, Genesis in Chippewa, 243. & Co., 262. Samuel, a Baptist clergyman, xxxi. & Son, 284. Jordon $ Ilalpin, 282. Hyde, Lord & Duren, 297. Joseph, Macgowan's Life of, 80. INDEX. 405 Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel and Kings, Lamentations, 309, 317, 333. in Choctaw, 325. Lancaster, 53, 111, 146. Judd, Mr., xxx. Lane & Scott, 326. Loomis & Co., 246, 252, 255; error Larkin, E., 115. in, 252. Latin Vulgate, History of the, ii. Jude, Gardinier on, 352. Testament, Beza's, 390. Jungman,'Gottlob, 79. Laval & Bradford, 373. Lawson, ~, 54. Kearney, F., 118, 129, 153, 162, 223, 261, Leavitt, Jonathan, 234. 356; f Maverick, 129, 153. & Allen, 314, 327, 362, 372. Keating, Thomas, a Catholic clergyman Leeser, Isaac, The Pentateuch, 291; Heof Philadelphia, xxv. brew Bible, 304; the twenty-four Books Keenan, W., 223. of the Holy Scriptures, in English, Keene (N. H.), 146, 266, 267. 330. Keith, Reuel, Hengstenberg's Christolo- Leicester, 151. gy, 248. Leney, W. S., 87. Kelley, Hedian & Piet, 374, 375. Lenox, James, title of a rare Tract in his Kellogg, J. G., 204, 250. collection, 3; owns copies of the Eliot Kelly, T., 157, 171, 178, 250, 312, 326, Bible, 12, 18. 383, 384. Lenten Manual, 317. Kendall, Charles, finishes the Walpole Lessons from the Scriptures, 154, 163. Bible, 125; his statement respecting Leusden, John, Greek Testament, 84, 85, the second Vermont Bible, 189. 368. Kennicott, Benjamin, Psalms from the Levey, -, 87. Hebrew Bible of, 96. Lewis & Coleman, 256. Kenrick, Francis Patrick, publishes a Lexington (Ky.), 148. new edition of the Doway Bible, liii; Lieberkuhn, Samuel, Harmony in DelaFour Gospels, 305; Acts, 319; Psalms ware, 155. &c., 360; Job, 374; Pentateuch, 374; Life of Christ, by Valverdis, xlix; by Historical Books of the Old Testament, Paul Wright, 61. 375. of Joseph, AMacgowan's, 80. Kentucky Auxiliary Bible Society, 148. Lillie, Dr., second Epistle of Peter, Epis& Meilke, 209, 242. ties of John, Jude, and Revelations, Key & Biddle, 392. 339; Thessalonians, 351, 362. Meilke & Biddle, 216. Lilly, Colman & Holden, 225. Kidder, Daniel P., Abridgment of Strong's Wait & Co., 227. Harmony of the Gospels, 334. Lima, Scriptural Works printed at, Kimber & Conrad, 87, 94, 98. xlix. & Sharpless, 154; quarto Bible, 161, Lincoln & Edmands, 134, 139, 148, 151, 195; sell the plates of their quarto 159, 163, 174, 178, 192, 205. Bible to Jesper Harding, 162; Ger- & Gleason, 84, 90. man Bible, 181; German Testa- Lindsay & Blakiston, 277, 348. ment, 264; English Testament, 272. Lippincott, J. B. & Co., quarto Bible, Kings, a Commentary on the Book of, 275, 353, 364, 373; octavo, 270; published at Lima, xlix. duodecimo, 349, 359, 367; eighKinnersley, T., 156, 176, 194, 219. See teenmo, 349; twenty-fourmo, 274, Neal. 301, 309; thirty-twomo, 359, 374; Kirk, T., 81. Greek Testament, 368. Kittery (Me.), 218. Grambo & Co., quarto Bibles, 313, Kneeland, Abner, New Testament in 335, 340; octavo, 331; duodecimo, Greek and English, 160; Greek 297, 308, 316, 325, 332, 337, 343; Testament, 160; English Testa- twenty-fourmo, 309, 343; thirtyment, 163. twomo, 316, 337. D., 27. Little & Brown, 295. D. & J., 25, 26. Brown & Co., 344, 351. S., 21. Livermore, George, owns copies of Eliot's & Adams, 26. Indian Bible, 12, 18; calls attention to & Green, particulars of an alleged the dedication to the second edition of edition of the Bible, printed by that work, 17. them in 1752, xiii. Livingston, William, governor of New Knowles, William J., Poetical expression Jersey, his opinion of Isaac Collins's of the Gospels, 370. work, xxix. Kollock, Shepard, 34. Locken, John, 271, 274, 279. 406 INDEX. Loganian Library, 12. McSweeney, John, 266. London, a negro slave, the Gospels by, McWhorter, Alexander, xxx. 391. Mai, Cardinal, Codex Vaticanus, 375. London editions, errors in, xliv; with Mann & Douglas, 79. American imprints, 252, 362, 373, 375. Manson & Grant, 231, 233. Longacre, ~, 223. Manual, Judge Benson's, 206; of the Loomis & Co., 212. Gospels, Strong's, 334. Lord's prayer, Samuel Mather's version Manuscripts, 19, 391. of the, 26. Mark, Gospel of, in Mohawk, 201; BapLossing,, 328. tist translation of, 369. Loudon, —, 282. Marks, Samuel, 181. Louisville (Ky.), 281. Martin, David, French Testament, 281; Love, G., 93, 94. French Bible, 292, 324, 337, 348. Lowell (Mass.), 187. Martin, R., 345. Lowth, Bishop, Isaiah, 48, 127, 233. Martien, W. S. & Alfred, 343, 377. Lucas, Fielding, quarto Doway Bible, Maryland votes against importing Bi214; duodecimo Bible, 251; sells bles, xx. the plates to P. Donahoe, 324; Mason, John, Spiritual Songs, 22. duodecimo Testament, 211, 281; & Lane, 249, 253, 258. it corresponds with the Devereux Massachusetts votes in favor of importing Testament, 211; thirty-twomo Tes- 20,000 Bibles, xx; would not be tament, 213. at the expense of printing an ediBrothers, 360. tion of the Bible, xxi. Lucian the Martyr, the Psalms in the Historical Society, copy of a rare Vulgate from the version of, li. tract in, vi; the Biblia Americana Luke, Gospel of, in Seneca, 201; in Mo- in, xii, 20; owns copies of Eliot's hawk, 228; Sumner's Exposition of, Indian Bibles, 12, 18. 219; in Grebo, 303. Mather, Cotton, prepares his Biblia AmeLunenburg (Mass.), 154, 174, 179, 187, ricana, vi, 19; his prospectus, vii; 195, 208. unpublished, xii; his enthusiasm Luther's version of the Gospel of St. at sight of Eliot's Indian Bible, John, 244. 7; extract from his journal, 20. Lykins, Johnston, Gospel of Matthew Increase, 12. in Putawatomie, 281. Samuel, his version of the Lord's Lyman, William Joseph, recommends Prayer, 26. that an edition of the Bible be printed, Matthew, Gospel of, in Cherokee, 219. xx. in Mohawk, 21, 27, 214. portions of, 26, 27, 28, 33, 54. McAlpine, William, 27, 28. in Putawatomie, 281. McCarty & Davis, 189, 205, 207, 214, Analysis of the 24th chapters of, 255, 260. 319. McCaulle, Thomas, xxx. in Micmac, 335. McCorkle, William, Collateral Bible, 177. transposition in the 23d chapter of, McCullock, John, 43. 362. McCullogh, William, 128. Baptist translation of three chapters McDonald, John, New Testament, 116, of, 369. 149. Matthews, Ignatius, a Catholic clergyman McElrath & Bangs, 201, 214. of Maryland, xxv. & Herbert, 228. Maverick, —, 36, 44. McFarland, Charles, 263, 293. Peter, 87, 100, 118, 129, 153, 162. ncGoffln, —, 357. Mayhew, Experience, translates the GosMacgowan, John, Life of Joseph, by, pel of St. John into Indian, 18. 80. Meilke, Edward C., 216. McKean, Mr., one of the committee of Mentz, G. W., 193, 205. Congress to which Robert Aitken's & Son, English Bibles, 203, 209; petition was referred, xxi. German Bible, 204, 224, 232, 390; McKee, James, xxx. German Testaments, 270. Macklin's edition of the Bible, proposed & Rovoudt, 274. to be republished, 111. Mercein, W., 135. Macknight, James, Epistles, 103, 287. Merrell, Stephen, Harmony of the Kings McMahon, James, revises the Rheims and Prophets, 218. Testament, 310; and Haydock's Doway Merriam, Ebenezer, notice of, 124. Bible, 321. & Co., error in their Brookfield Tes INDEX. 407 tament, 102; some particulars re- Munroe, Francis, & Parker, 126. specting their Bible, 124. Murdock, James, Syriac Peshitu TestaMerriam, G. & C., 259, 266, 274, 297. ment, 317, 343, 369. W. & H., 271, 285; their quarto Murphy, Henry C., owns a copy of the Bible, 289. Eliot Bible, 12. Chapin & Co., 301. & Co., purchase the Pictorial CathoMoore & Co., 298, 307, 341. lic Testament, 310. Merrifield & Cochran, 108. Mycall, John, 43. Methodist Book Concern, 191. Mexican Bible, 237. Nafis & Cornish, 250. Mexico, Epistles and Gospels in the In- Names of Institutions and persons owndian dialect of, xlix. ing copies of Eliot's Indian Bible, 12, Micmac, Gospel of St. Matthew in, 335. 18. Middletown (Conn.), 216, 262. Nashville (Ky.), 363. Mill, John, Greek Testament, 56, 122, Nason, William W., 275. 294. Natick, the Bible translated into the lanMiller, Edward, W., 302. guage of the Indians of, 3; town of, Samuel, his statement respecting the owns a copy of that Bible, 18. condition of the book trade previ- Neagle, J. or J. B., 156, 157, 162, 171, ous to the Revolutionary War, xix; 178, 207, 208, 261, 312, 356. his mistake in regard to Isaac Col- Neal, Joseph, 312. lins's Bible, xxxii. Neale, L., a Catholic clergyman of Mary — & Burlock, 299, 305, 311, 313, 332. land, xxv. & Hutchens, 155. Neall, Daniel, 200. Millerite Testament, 306. Negalle, —, 93. Mills, Hopkins & Co., 336. Negro, the Gospels in patois by London, Mixteca (New Sp.), Epistles and Gospels an American, 391. in the dialect of, xlix. Nelson & Sons, 362. Moffet, John, 320. Newark (N. J.), 259. Mohawk, part of Genesis in, 26. Newbury (Vt.), 176. Gospel of St. John in, 146. Newburyport, 43, 61, 122, 126, 267, 275, St. Mark in, 201. 392. St. Matthew in, 214. Newcome's New Testament, Unitarian; St. Luke in, 228. edition of, 96; Harmony, 98, 122. Acts in, 244. New Echota, 219. Romans in, 244. New England, the Bible translated into, Galatians in, 245. the language of the Indians of, 3. Isaiah in, 263. Library, 18. Molyneux, Robert, a Catholic clergyman New Hampshire votes in favor of importof Maryland, xxv. 20,000 Bibles, xx. Monotessaron, John S. Thompson, 200. New Haven, 36, 49, 53, 55, 101, 145, 222,, Monroe, James, 259. 264, 268, 269. Moody, Clement, New Testament, 326. New Ipswich, 137. Moore, J. W., 304. New Jersey votes in favor of importing: T. V., Prophets of the Restoration, 20,000 copies of the Bible, xx; first 350. Testament printed in, 33; first Bible, More, E. & T. T., 357. in, 42. Wilstach, Keys & Overend, 341. New London, 287. Morgan, Jonathan, 302. Newman, Bartas P., 357. & Co., 303. Newman, Dr., engaged on a new Engliskh Morrison & Co., 146. version of the Latin Vulgate, liii. Morristown, 79. Newport (R. I.), a copy of Eliot's Indiam Morse, Abel, 36, 49. Bible in the Library of the CongregaJedediah, one of the committee to tional Church at, 12. obtain a law establishing a cen- New Testament. See Testament. sorship over the press, xxxix. New York, state, votes against CongressMoses, the Gospel by. E. H. Putnam, importing Bibles, xx; resolution 337. of the legislature of, in favor of Moses, William J., 339, 348, 364. Brown's Self-Interpreting Bible,, Mpongwe, Gospel of St. John in, 328. xxxvii. Muenscher, Joseph, Harmony, 194. city, first Bible printed in, xxxvi, Munroe & Co., 244, 253, 292, 293. 44; editions printed in, 21, 36, & Francis, 268. 44, 45, 46, 49, 52, 57, 59, 60, 61, 408 INDEX. 68, 81, 82, 85, 86, 88, 90, 92, 99, O'Brien, Mr., a Catholic clergyman in 100, 102, 104, 106, 109, 111, 112, New York, xxv. 113, 114, 116, 117, 119, 121, 124, Offer, Mr., J. P. Dabney reproved for 125, 126, 128, 135, 137, 138, 140, his strictures on, 255. 143, 144, 147, 148, 150, 151, 152, Oglivie, John, superintends translation 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, of portion of Scripture into Mohawk, 161, 163, 164, 166, 169, 173, 176, 27. 181, 182, 183, 184, 186, 187, 190, Ohio, the first Bible in, 357. 191, 192, 194, 195, 196, 197, 200, Ojibwa, see Chippewa. 201, 202, 203, 206, 209, 212, 213, Olds, Benjamin, 259. 214, 215, 217, 219, 220, 222, 226, Old Testament, Archbishop Kenrick's 227, 228, 229, 230, 233, 236, 237, translation of the Historical Books 239, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, of the, 375. 248, 249, 251, 252, 253, 255, 257, and New Testaments digested, 92. 258, 259, 260, 262, 263, 264, 265, Oliphant, Henry, 293, 294, 298, 326. 266, 268, 270, 271, 272, 273, 275, Olney, J., New Testament, 211, 212. 276, 278, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, O'Meara, Gospels in Ojibway, 311. 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 292, 293, Orton, Job, Exposition of the Old Testa294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 300, 301, ment, 80. 302, 303, 304, 305, 308, 309, 310, Osborne, M., 275. 311, 312, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, Ostervald, J. F., Bibles with Observa319, 320, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, tions of, 112; French Testament, 338. 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, Owen, John, CXXXth Psalm, 84. 336, 337, 338, 339, 341, 342, 343, Oxford Bible, errors in, xliv. 344, 345, 346, 348, 349, 350, 351, 353, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, Packard & Van Benthuysen, 228. 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, Palfrey, J. Gorham, Testament conform371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, able to Griesbach, 192, 205. 378, 381, 385, 386, 389. Palmer, J., 157. New York Bible Society, 127, 135, 381. Palmer, S., Doddridge's Family ExposiSee American Bible Society. tor, abridged, 90. Bible and Common Prayer Book So- Paragraph Bible, Andrus's edition, 271. ciety, 135, 195, 209, 230, 246, 290, Annotated, 331. 325, 336. Coit's, 230. Historical Society, copy of Eliot's Nourse's, 230, 242, 246, 284, 301. Indian Bible in, 18. Pocket, 373. State Library, a copy of Eliot's In- Smith's edition, 191. dian Bible in, 18. Testaments, 169, 18.5, 186, 198, 211, Nicklin, Philip H., 382, 233, 236, 248, 253, 367, 368. Niles, William H., 216. Parker, G., 282, 321, 333, 342, 366. Norman, J., 39, 40, 93, 94. Parker, Samuel, letter of the AlassachuNorman, John, 33. setts Congregational ministers to, William, 48. xl. Northampton, 64, 71, 194, 247, 332. & Robinson, 61. North Carolina votes against importing Parry & McMillan, 344. Bibles, xx. Pastorini's History of the Church, 90, Norton, Andrew, The Gospels with Notes, 237, 320, 370. 344, 351. Patrick, Bishop, Genesis and Psalms, C. B., 331. 292. Norwich, bishop of. See Horne. Patton, William, Cottage Bible, 222, 358; Notes on New Testament, Abbotts', 272; Village Testament, 226, 236; publishChapman's, 148; Wesley's, 253; on ed under the name of the Cottage PolyScripture, 213. glott Testament, 376. Nourse, James, Bible, 230, 242, 246, 284, Payne, John, translation of the Gospel of 301; error in, 230. St. Luke into Grebo, 303; of Genesis, Paragraph Testament, 186, 198, 236, 311; of the Acts, 319. 248. Payson, Phillip, one of the committee to Noyes, George P., Job, 185, 259; Pro- procure the establishment of a phets, 252; Psalms, 292; Proverbs, censorship over the biblical press, Ecclesiastes and Canticles, 293. xxxix. S., superintends the publication of Oakes, Urian, 12. a New Testament, 137. O'Brien, Edward, 53; Tiebout &, 55. Peaslee, J. P., 242. INDEX. 409 Peck & Bliss, 340, 347. Phinney & Co., Buffalo, quarto Bible, & Wood, 220. 303, 357, 366. Pellentz, James, a Catholic clergyman thirty-twomo Testament, 305, 351. in Pennsylvania, xxv. Phonetic Testament, 302. Pelton, C., 191. Pictorial Bible, 273, 352, 364; Testament, Pennsylvania votes in favor of importing 293. 20,000 Bibles, xx. Pictorial Catholic Testament, 310. Western, first Bible in, 114. Pierce, Bradford K., on the Acts, 351. Pentateuch, Kenrick's, 374. Pieters, Gustav S., 303. Leeser's, 291. Pile, Henry, a Catholic clergyman in Perkins, Henry, 388. Maryland, xxv. & Marvin, 253, 254, 258, 261, 293. Pise, Charles Constantine. Acts, 287. Marvin & Co., 230, 236, 242, 246. Pittsburgh (Pa.), 210, 212, 231, 388. & Purves, 294. Plees, A. F., 311. Perry, John B., quarto Bible, 340, 347, Plocher, -, 129. 307, 353, 364. Plymouth (Mass.), John Cotton, minister Peter, Demarest's Exposition of the first at, 14. Epistle of, 319. Polyglott Bible, English version of, 174, Lillie's translation of the second 209, 217, 241, 242, 247, 252, 259, Epistle of, 339. 261, 266, 269, 274, 275, 277, 278, Philadelphia editions, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 284, 290, 297, 301, 316, 332, 337, 34, 35, 42, 43, 46, 51, 52, 54, 55, 343, 349, 359, 367. 56, 57, 59, 61, 62, 64, 65, 67, 70, Testament, 213, 227, 255, 267, 268. 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, Polymicrian English Testament, 219, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 91, 92, 93, 294. 94, 97, 98, 100, 103, 105, 106, 107, Greek Testament, 294. 110, 111, 112, 114, 115, 116, 118, Pomeroy, R. W., 218, 271. 119, 120, 123, 124, 127, 128, 130, Poor & Derby, 392, 131-134, 135, 136, 139, 141, 142, Pork taken in payment for Bibles. 143, 147, 148, 152, 154, 159, 160, xxxiii. 161, 162, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, Portland (Me.), 263, 269, 272, 278, 280, 170, 172, 173, 174, 176, 177, 181, 284, 290, 298, 301, 302, 332, 390. 183, 189, 190, 192, 193, 195, 197, Portuguese Testament, 263, 264. 198, 199, 200, 202, 203, 204, 205, Bible, 309, 359. 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 214, 215, Pounder, Jonathan, 116. 216, 217, 218, 229, 232, 233, 241, Poupard, James, 66. 242, 243, 245, 249, 252, 254, 255, Power, John, History of the Old and 259, 260, 261, 264, 265, 267, 268, New Testament, 266; Testament, 169. 269, 270, 271, 272, 274, 275, 276, Pratt, G. W., owns copy of Eliot's Indian 277, 278, 279, 280, 283, 284, 289, Bible, 18. 290, 291, 292, 294, 296, 297, 299, Woodford & Co., 315. 301, 302, 304, 305, 307, 308, 309, Prentiss, J. & J. W., 266, 267. 311, 313, 316, 323, 325, 330, 331, Presbyterian General Assembly, recom332, 335, 336, 337, 338, 340, 342, mend Isaac Collins's Bible, xxx. 343, 344, 346, 347, 348, 349, 353, Price of Bibles in England in the last. 354, 355, 356, 359, 361, 364, 367, century, v; of Carey's Doway Bible, 368, 372, 373, 374, 377, 379, 380, xxvi; of Isaac Collins's quarto Bible, 382, 385, 388, 390, 392. xxix, 129, 130,; of Carey's quarto BiBible Society, print the Bible for the bles, 131, 134; of Cummiskey's folios, first time from stereotype plates, 171. 110. See Bible Society, Philadel- Prichard & Hall, 33. phia. Prime,, Mr., his error in regard to the, Library owns a copy of Eliot's Bible, first quarto Bible printed in America, 18. xxviii. Names of Catholic clergymen in Prince, Thomas, peculiarity in his copy 1790 in, xxv. of the Eliot Bible, 17. Synod recommend Robert Aitken's Printer, J., an Indian, employed on Bible, xxiii. Eliot's Bible, 17; and on other works, Phillips & Sampson, 300. 18. Phinney, H. & E., 158, 165, 189, 195, 202, Proctor, N., 26. 208, 215, 218, 229, 241, 245, 248, Pronouncing Bible, Alger's, 173, 178, 343; 250, 263, 265, 268, 273, 275, 283, Testament, Alger's, 159, 162, 193, 205,'003'86w'36Z 248. 52 410 INDEX. Prophets of the Restoration, 350. effect, xxiii; of the Quakers, and of the Proposals of John Fleming, for printing Presbyterian General Assembly, in faClark's Familv Bible, xvii; of Carey's vor of Isaac Collins's Bible, xxx; of Doway Bible, xxiv; of Isaac Collins's the Protestant Episcopal Convention, quarto Bible, xxix; for publishing to the same effect, xxxi. Thomas's Bible, xxxiii; for publish- Revelation, Remarks on, 48; Smith's ing Brown's Self-Interpreting Bible, Key to, 256. xxxvi. Rheims, the Catholic Testament transProverbs, 25, 26, 27, 32, 33, 101. lated at, lii. illustrated, Hamilton, 374. Testaments, 80, 106, 136, 140, 168, Noyes, 293. 193, 198, 199, 210, 211, 213, 227, Providence (R. I.), 155. 233, 243, 266, 267, 269, 272, 280, Psalm, 130th, Owen, 84. 281, 285, 286, 298, 310, 311, 318, Psalms, in the Vulgate, whence trans- 325, 327, 333, 338, 343, 362, 367, lated, li. 368. in Indian metre, printed, 10, 14. Testament of 1582, New York edifor the Blind, 311. tion of, 233; discrepancies and erin Hebrew, 96. rors in, 234, 235. Horne on, 380, 381, 385. Rhode Island votes in favor of importing Noyes, 292. 20,000 copies of the Bible, xx. Patrick on, 292. Rice, David, xxx. Wisdom, Canticles, Kenrick's trans- Richardson & Lord, 382, 386, 387; Colation, 360. lumbian Family and Pulpit Bible Psalterium Americanum, portions of set up in their establishment, Scripture in, 21. 384. Putawatomie, the Gospel of Matthew, and Lord & Holbrook, 204. the Acts in, 281. Right Aim Bible, 231; Testament, 233. Putnam, C. H., the Gospel by Moses, Riker, J. C., 213, 228, 283. 337. Ripley, Henry I., Notes on the Gospels, Edward, Exposition of the Apoca- 256. lypse, 370. RTtchie, A. H., 296. Roberts, ~, 328. Robinson, ~, 129, 131. Quakers. See Friends. Robinson, D. F., purchases the Cottage Quebec, 389. Bible, 222. Quesnel, Pasquier, Gospels, 344. Edward, his edition of Tittman's Greek Testament, 285, 362. & Franklin, 259, 262, 263. Randolph, Anson D. F., 378. Pratt & Co., 241, 389. Ratliffe, John, objects to the low price he Roby, Luther, 163, 278, 280, 286, 307. is paid for binding Eliot's Indian Bible, Kimball & Merrell, 247, 259, 260, 10. 269. Rayner, Menzies, Catechism of the Bible, Rochester (N. Y.), 207. 145. Rodriguez, Louis, translates the Proverbs Reading, 79. of Solomon into the Mexican dialect, Redfield, J. S., 273, 293. xlix. Reeve, J., History of the Bible, 121, 379. Rogers, J., 282, 312, 334. Samuel, 343. Rogers, William, recommends MacgowReeves, John, his edition of the Bible an's Life of Joseph, 80. referred to, 185. & Fowle, said to have printed a Eyre & Strahan, King's printers, Testament in Boston about 1752, where a copy of their patent is to xiv. be found, xvii. Rollin, M., suggests the publication of Reference Bible, 179, 188, 217, 220, 229, Selections from the Scriptures, 33. 241, 250, 252, 357, 387. Rollinson, —, 44, 45, 51. Self-explanatory, 331. Romans, in Mohawk, 244; Stuart on, Testament, 180, 185, 192, 199, 212, 245; Haldane's Exposition, 298; Tur268, 385. ner's 378; Hodge on, 388. Reid, Thomas, xxx. Rowand, A. H., 294. Resolution of the Continental Congress, Rowley, Abraham, Ten Chapters of Job, to import 20,000 Bibles, xx; recom- 175. mending Robert Aitken's Bible, xxii; Roxbury, John Eliot minister at, 3, 12. of the Philadelphia Synod to the same Royal copy of the Bible, 346. INDEX. 411 Royaumont, Sieur de, M. de Sacy writes lished from 1800-1819, in the United under the pseudonym of, 121. States, 183. Rumpeler, Gabriel, edits Allioli's Ger- Scripture Lessons, 154, 163. man Bible, 322; his preface, 323. Text Book, 333. Rye taken in part payment for Bibles, Sears, Robert, 352, 364. xxxiii. Sebring, C., 237. Ryle, J. C., Expository Thoughts on the Selectm e Vetere Testamento, 33, 75. Gospels, 370, 378. Self-Interpreting Bible, Brown's, proposals for publishing, xxxvi; editions of, Sacred Extracts, 96. 43, 82, 150, 156, 176, 219, 312; Cooke's Sacy, Louis Isaac Le Maistre de, his edition, 371. Testament republished, 102; wrote Sellon's Abridgement of the Bible, 115. under the pseudonym of Sieur de Roy- Seneca, the Gospel of St. Luke translated aumont, 121. into, 201. See Sermon. Sadlier's quarto Bibles, 281, 313, 322, Septuagint, Thomson's translation of the, 330, 345, 365. 91; part of the MS. of the translation suppress Tallis, Willoughby & Co.'s discovered, 391. edition of the Doway Bible, 306. Sermon on the Mount, 26, 27, 32, 33; in Testament, 272, 285, 298, 318, 333, Seneca, 202. 360. Sewell, Charles, a Catholic clergyman, German Bible, 322; German Testa- xxv. ment, 326. Seymour, J., 121. Pastorini, 320, 371. Seymour, Joseph, 39, 40, 61, 93, 94. Ward's Errata, 280. J. H., 39, 40, 93, 94. Sage & Clough, 68, 82. Shallus, F., 51, 66, 77, 107, 108, 123. Sainte Bible, le. See French. Shaw, S., 175. Salem (N. Y.), 84. Shea, J. G., his report on the manuscript Samuel and Kings, in Choctaw, 325. of Charles Thomson's Septuagint, Sanborn, Oliver L., 247, 263. 391. Sherburne & Co., 269. Sheldon & Goodrich, 136, 141. & Carter, 272, 278, 280, 284, 290, Lamport & Blakeman, 341. 298, 301, 332, 390. Sherburne, R. H., 275. Sta. Maria, Didacus de, translates the Sherman, C., 291. Epistles and Gospels into the Mexican Shultz, Theodore, Acts in Arrawack by, tongue, xlix. 311. Sanderson, Edward, 224, 241, 253. Slave, the Gospels by London, a Negro, J., 200. 391. Saratoga Springs, 220. Sleight, Henry C., 188, 192, 196, 236. Sargeant, Ezra, 104. Smillie, James, 208, 223, 328. Sartain, J., 296, 312. J. D., 345. Saur, Christopher, biographicalnotice of, Smith, Wim. D., 173, 221, 269, 339. xii; commences printing his German Smith, Daniel D., Bible, 157, 167, 173, Bible, xiii; Bible printed by, 22, 25, 183, 191, 215; Testament, 175. 28, 29; inscription in a copy of one Elias, New Testament Dictionary, of his Bibles in Frankfort, 23; Testa- 392. ment, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29; Gospels and Elkan, Key to Revelation, 256. Epistles, 30. James B. & Co., 216, 218, 290, Sawyer, Leicester Ambrose, Testament, 377. 368. John, Treatise on the Prophets, 48. Schoff, —, 312. John Blair, member of the General Schoyer, R., 212. Presbyterian Assembly, xxx. Scientia Biblica, 177. Smuggling Bibles into the United States, Scio de St. Migeul, Felipe, Spanish Bible, 252. 166, 197, 216, 237, 386; books sup- Socinianism, modern, editions in support pressed in, 198, 203; Testament, 150, of, 97, 344. 161, 213, 255. Solomon's Proverbs, in the Mexican Scoles, -, 57, 61, 87, 113. tongue, xlix. Scotland, Congress recommended to im- illustrated, Hamilton, 374. port Bibles from, xx. Solomon's Song, editions of, 22, 23, 71. Scott's Family Bible, 73, 99, 100, 105, Somerset (Pa.), 114, 122. 114, 119, 134, 143, 182, 208, 215, 276; Song of Songs, see Solomon's. number of editions and copies of, pub- Sorin & Ball, 279, 284. 412 INDEX. South Carolina votes against importing Tanner, B., 58, 67, 76, 78, 83, 87, 107, Bibles, xx. 108, 119, 129, 131, 137, 153, 162. Southwick, H. C., 116.' Levey, 87. Spanish Bibles, 166, 197, 203, 216, 237, D., 162. 315, 324, 348, 386; Testaments, 150, Tanner, John, assists in the translation 161, 213, 255, 286, 334, 350. of the New Testament into the ChippeSpencer, J. A., Greek Gospels and Acts, wa language, 228. 376. Tanner, Vallance, Kearney ~ Co., 137, Springfield (Mass.), 259, 266, 272, 274, 162, 356. 301. Taylor, William, proposes to publish a Standing editions of the Bible, Carey's, Doway Bible, 149. 73. Teal, Joseph, 383; some particulars of, Gaine's, 46. 384. Hudson and Goodwin's, 96. Testament, said to have been printed in Luther's, xlvii. English, in Boston in 1752, xiv, Thomas', 53. revised by St. Jerome, li; the first Stanford & Swords, 317, 343. printed in English with an AmeriStarr, Charles, 239. can imprint, xx, 30. Stebbing, Henry, Diamond Bible, 252. Alger's Pronouncing. See PronouncSteiner, Melchior, 32, 379. ing. Stephens, Robert, Greek Testament, 186, Barker's, 259, 275. 368. Bentley's, 386. Stereotype Bible, first in America, 110; Beza's Latin, 390. the first from American plates, 125; for the Blind, 248. first quarto, 128; the art first intro- with Clarke's Notes, 293. duced, 129; first folio, 194. Cottage Polyglott, 376. Stewart, William, 275. Cumming's, 121, 185, 218. Stimpson & Clapp, 211. Dabney's Annotations on the, 201. Stockton, T. H., 352, 368. Dickinson's, 225. Stoughton, William, signs the dedication in English and Danish, 305. of the 2d edition of Eliot's Indian and Dutch, 305, 350. Bible, 17. and French, 334, 338. See Strong, James, Harmony of the Gospels, French. 327, 338; abridged, 334. and German, 305, 338. Stuart, Moses, Bloomfield's Greek Testa- and Haiwaiian, 361. ment, 254. and Spanish, 350. Essay on Doddridge Family Exposi- and Swedish, 318. tor, 263. and Welsh, 344. Newcome's Harmony, 122; St. Paul German, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 32, 50, to the Hebrews, by, 194; to the 71, 88, 111, 122, 127, 150, 161, 193, Romans, 245. 205, 243, 264, 270, 303, 310, 382,'Student's Bible, 239, 283. 389. Sumner, John Bird, Exposition of the Greek. See Greek. Gospel of Luke, 219. Guild's, 185. Mr., purchases the plates of the Cot- Indian, 1, 228, 302, 350. tage Bible, 222. Italian, 338. & Goodman, 299; sell their plates Latin, Beza's, 390. to Phinney & Co., 303. Millerite, 306. Sunday School Union, 198. See Ameri- Nourse's. See Nourse. can Sunday School Union. Ojibway. See Chippewa. Swan & Allinson, 85. Olney's, 211, 212. Swedenborg Bible, 251. J. Gorham Palfrey's, 192, 205. Swords, T. & J., 143, 385. Phonetic, 302. Synopsis of the Gospels, Charles Thom- Polymicrian, 219. son, 128. Portuguese, 263, 264. Syracuse, 336. Power's, 169. Syriac Peshitu Testament, translation of, Revised, 169. 317, 343, 369. Rheims. See Rheims. Spanish. See Spanish. Townsend's, 254. Talbot, C., 379. Tyndale's, 255. Tallis, Willoughby & Co., 306. Unitarian, 96, 344. INDEX. 413 Testament, Village, 226, 236. Townsend, George, New Testament in Wakefield's, 151. Chronological order, 254; Old TestaWebster's, 264, 268. ment, 258, 261. Wesley's, 253. Translators of King James's Bible, their Winthrop's Appendix to the, 98. Address to the Reader, published for Woodruff's, 326. the first time in America, 231. Testaments, Old and New, digested, Tregelles, Samuel Prideaux, Paragraph 92. Testament, with Horne's Introduction, Thacher, Thomas, signs the imprimatur revised, 352, 368. for Eliot's Harmony, 12. Trent, Council of, declares the Latin VulThatcher, Peter, one of the Committee to gate authentic, lii. obtain a Censorship over the Biblical Trenton, 34, 42, 47, 49, 228. Press, xxxix. Trial of Jesus, Greenleaf on the, 295. Thessalonians, Lillie's translation of, 351, Tripp, E. H., 318, 361. - 362. Trow, John F., 343. Thew, R., 333. Troy, Dr., first American edition of his Thomas, Isaiah, his account of a Bible Bible, 76. said to have been printed at Bos- Troy (N. Y.), 285, 289, 298, 307, 341. ton in 1752, xiii; Mr. Bancroft's Trumbull, --, makes honorable mention opinion thereof, xv; mistake of, in of Maverick, the engraver, 36. regard to Collins's octavo Bible, Tucker, —, 312. xxxii; mistake of, in regard to the Turner, Samuel H., Galatians, 351. dedication of Eliot's Indian Tes- on Hebrews; on Romans, 378. tament, 4; various editions, 33, 34, Twenty-four books of Scriptures, Leeser's, 50; folio Bible, 38; quarto, 40; 330. varieties of, 41; octavo, 46, 63; Tyndale, William, Testament, 255. errors in, 64; duodecimo Bibles, Tyng, S. H., on the Gospels, 351. 53, 54, 55, 64; errors in, 53, 55; TeIsaiah, meunior, 56, 65, 10, 122. Unitarianism. See Socinianism. Isaiah, juniorews, 56, 65, 0, 1284, 92, United States of Columbia Bibles, 53, 54, ~ Andrews, 60, 71, 74, 80, 84, 92, 55. 105, 110, 115, 116, 119, 381; error in, 60, 71, 74, 105; error on title Unrivaled Dollar Edition of the Doway pageI~ 381. ~Bible, 324. page, 381. Usher, Mr., 4. Son & Thomas, 52. Utica, 149, 5, 160, 182 198, 213, 227 Cowperthwaite & Co., 261, 268, 269, 2439 267, 387. Cowperthwaite & Co., 261, 268, 269 Utica, 149, 155, 160, 182, 198, 213, 227, 277, 279, 284, 301, 309, 316, 325, 332. Thompson, John S. Monotessaron, 200. Valera, Cipriano de, Spanish Testament, Mr., author of the Hieroglyphical 286. Bible, 48. Valverde, Ferdinand de, Life of Christ, & Small, 54. xlix. Thomson, Charles, translation of the Van der Hooght, Hebrew Bible, 120. Greek Septuagint, 91; part of the MS. Van Ess's Bible, said to be corrupt, 323. of it discovered, 391; Synopsis of the Van Horne, William, clerk of the Baptist Gospels, 128. Association, xxxii. Thorpe, Benjamin, Anglo-Saxon Gospels, Van Ness, Mr., one of the Committee in 295. the N. Y. Senate, to whom the petition Throop, 0. H., 384. in favor of Brown's Self-Interpreting Thumb Bible, 26. Bible was referred, xxxvii. Ticknor, W. D., 286. Vera, Ludovicus de, of Lima, author of a Tiebout, C., 44, 51, 58, 67, 73, 76, 77, 78, Commentary on the Book of Kings, 83, 87, 98, 99, 108, 119, 131. xlviii. X Maverick, 129, 162. Verbum Sempiternum, 26. Tiebout & O'Brien, 55. Vermont, 108, 115, 189. Tilton, John G., 267. Village Testament, 226, 236. Tittman's Greek Testament, 285, 362. Virginia votes against importing Bibles, Toronto (C. W.), 243, 311; English Bible xx. printed in, xlix. Virtue, George, 329. Towar, Alexander, 217, 218, 388, 390. Emmins & Company, 239. & Hogan, 192, 195, 197, 202, 203, Vote in the Continental Congress on the 217. question of importing Bibles, xx. 414 INDEX. Vulgate, Latin, History of the, li; trans- Whitehall, 64, 92. lated into English, lii. Whiting, N. N., Millerite Testament, 306. & Watson, 100, 111, 113, 114. Wait & Co., 96, 97, 103. Wiatt, Solomon, 97. Waitt & Dow, 210. Wickes, T., 320. Wakefield, Gilbert, Testament translated Wilbur, Asa, History of Christ, 338. by, 151. Hervey, Short Biblical Catechism, Walker, F., 312. 139; Bible Class Book, 163. Walker, S., 150, 177. quarto Reference Bible, 188, 220, Walmesley, Charles. See Pastorini. 229, 241, 250, 357. Walpole (N. H.), an account of the Bible duodecimo Reference Bible, 179, printed there, 125. 387. Walsh, William, Exposition of the La- Reference Testament, 163, 180, 185, mentations, 309, 333; Lenten Manual, 192, 199, 385. 317. Wiley, John, 304. Walton, James, a Catholic clergyman in & Putnam, 295, 389. Maryland, xxv. Wilkes, John A., junior, assists in transWanzer, Foote & Co., 307. lating portions of the Scriptures into Ward, Thomas, Errata of the Protestant Mohawk, 228, 244, 245. Bible, 168, 280. Wilkins, J. H., Revised Testament, 169. Wardle, Thomas, 174. Willard, Joseph, one of the committee to Warnick, ~, 131, 142. petition Congress to establish a cenWashington, George, heads the subscrip- sorship over the Biblical press, xxxix. tion list for Brown's Self-Interpreting Williams, J. & B., 187. Bible, 44. R. P. & C., 144, 145. Washington city, 343. T., Solomon's Song, 71. Watson, Richard, Exposition of the Gos- Thomas, Cottage Bible, 221, 358. pels of St. Matthew and St. Mark, William, 149, 155, 160, 387; pub236. lishes an edition of Phinney's BiWatts, John, Leusden's Greek Testament, ble, 182, and the Devereux Testa84, 85. ment, 198, 227, 243, 267. introduces the art of stereotyping & Whiting, 99, 100, 102. into the United States, 129. Wilmington (Del.), 65, 75, 81. Webster, C. R. & G., 48. Wilson, C. P., Greek Testament, 186, Noah, Bible, 222, 269; Testament, 368. 264, 268. Matthew, a Presbyterian clergyman, Websters and Skinners, 139, 144, 167. xxx. Wells, Charles, 263. S., 199. G., 268. Windsor (Vt.), 108, 136, 181, 192, 218, J. Gaylord, 287. 227, 319. W., 103, 106. Winthrop, James, Apocalypse, 50; ap& Hilliard, 97. pendix to New Testament, 98. Welsh Testament, 344; Bible, 366. Wisdom in Miniature, 101. Wesley, John, Notes on the New Testa- Wiseman, Cardinal, his opinion of the ment, 253. modern Doway Bible, lii. West & Richardson, 145. Witherspoon, John, one of the committee Richardson & Lord, 151, 382. of Congress to whom Robert Aitken's Weston, Henry W., 66, 77. petition was referred, xxi; writes an Wharton & Bowes, 25, 26. address for Collins's Bible, 42. Wheat taken in payment for Bibles, Wood, Richard & George S., 316. xxxiii. S., 106. Whilt & Yost, 354, 364. & Rupp, 272. Whipple, Anson, 125. Woodhouse, William, 35. & Damrell, 256. Woodruff, Hezekiah, Testament, 326. White, E. & J., 229. Woodruff, TV., 171. N. & J., 217, 220, 224, 229, 253. Woodstock (Vt.), 205, 247, 255. R., 227. Woodward, W., 73. William, Chaplain of Congress, W. W., 53, 71, 83, 100, 105, 106, recommends Robert Aitken's edi- 114, 119, 127, 135, 148. tion of the Bible, xxii. Worcester, S. A. & E. Boudinot, transGallaher & White, 184, 217. late part of the New Testament & Reed, 176. into Cherokee, 219. INDEX. 415 Worcester (Mass.), 33, 34, 38, 41, 46, Yale College owns copy of Eliot's Bible, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 61, 63, 65. 18. Wright, Alfred, Choctaw Testament, 302. Y. J. or Yeager J., 123, 130, 131. James, his letter in answer to an Young, William, 35, 42, 46, 64, 92, 380. inquiry for the patent issued to William J., 380. John Baskett, xvii. William S., 267, 343. Paul, 35; Life of Christ, 61; author & Minns, 49. of the Christian's Family Bible, 62. Wyckoff, W. H., writes an introduction to Zeisberger, David, his translation of LiebAchilli's Italian Testament, 338. See erkuhn's Harmony, 155. Cone. Zentler, Conrad, 92.